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6ff29d  No.15640132[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

Q Research


>>15406810 New here? Welcome | >>15406794 Board Info | >>15406795 Offsite Bunkers | >>15406798 Optics | >>15406807 Suggested Follow

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>>15406808 !!!! LEARN DIGITAL WARFARE !!!!

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>>15600441 =!!! LEARN TO BAKE !!!=

>>15406820 Meme Requests

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6ff29d  No.15640136


>>15487476 Reporting CP & other illegal content

>>15487554 How get get bans lifted & do bug reports on /tech/

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread

>>15568669 Bakers - how to format notable buns (including two-post buns)

>>15620842 New guidelines for General banners NEW



>>15640007 Not just Imran Awan... There was a whole slew of them, including wives, friends…

>>15639687 Planefag Reports

>>15639649 Guy kicked off a flight because he had “let’s go Brandon” written on his mask. FAA regulation?

>>15639582 Outsiders arrested. Not members of the Freedom Convoy

>>15639577 The Great Awakening is here

>>15639536 Election deniers rally at Capitol, call to overturn 2020 results

>>15639520 The unvaccinated are not part of our society, Italy President

>>15639406, >>15639420, >>15639429 Anon on Q Crumbs and [TRUTH] social

>>15639379 Canadian Freedom Convoy spokesman mocks Trudeau for invoking emergency powers:

>>15639361 Bob Saget's family files an injunction to PREVENT more details about his cause of death being made public

>>15639343, >>15639348 Anon Reminder - What is Q Clearance? (Canadian PM/U1/DOE)

>>15639326 Canadian Deputy PM Chrstia Freeland Dig Bun

>>15639300 Quintez Brown, Louisville BLM activist charged with attempted murder of mayoral candidate

>>15639252, >>15639264 Honduras ex-President Hernández arrested at US request

>>15639243, >>15639247 Benjamin Dichter who is a trucker, spokesperson vids

>>15640129 #19775


>>15638269 Ethics Watchdog Asks IG to Investigate Biden Energy Secretary Granholm

>>15638290 lb Army Air Support Twadder Vid Includes Punisher Logo on Helmet

>>15638329, >>15638331, >>15638334, Biden's Black and Left Base Go To War Over Supreme Court Seat

>>15638381 Meta to Pay $90 Million to Settle Facebook Privacy Lawsuit Over Tracking

>>15638520 Freedom Feeds Bun

>>15638534, >>15638675, >>15638686 Allison Gollust, CNN exec in affair with Zucker, resigns after probe finds ‘issues associated’ with Cuomo brothers

>>15638678, >>15638540 Pat King Live: pat luther king having dox wars with commies.

>>15638915, >>15639038 Annnnd they're clowns

>>15638970, >>15638717 FF diverted? HUGE cache of weapons at Canadian border crossing

>>15638990 Q said “Build the Map” We already know the map. Our job is to communicate the map to the masses.

>>15638999 Chekt and Gratitude pilled

>>15639162 #19774


>>15637716 NEW US ARMY: Air Support!

>>15637451 PEDO BUN

>>15637463 Kremlin spokesman jokes Kiev should set an alarm so it wouldn’t sleep through the “attack” alleged by West

>>15637509 Leaked data from Canadian convoy protest fundraiser reveals hundreds of Australian donors

>>15637589 Court strikes down Boston's vaccine mandate for unionized first responders

>>15637524 GOP senators call on Justice Department to release Crossfire Hurricane records

>>15637516 500 Arrested in California Human Trafficking Sting

>>15637667 a well-developed conspiracy

>>15637653 Canadian Deputy PM Chrstia Freeland Dig

>>15637457 Freedom Feeds

>>15637503 POSO Twat from Veritas w/ Vid CapThe more shots we get the more the boss gets 10%

>>15637648 Daily Mail: Cuomo fired (CNN) after secret 'assault' allegation made against him by woman he 'badgered for sex' when he worked at ABC

>>15638016 Republican Leaders Jim Jordan and Marsha Blackburn Raise Concerns with Jake Sullivan as Biden’s National Security Advisor

>>15638119 Bob Saget’s family sues to block release of death investigation records

>>15638203 #19773

Previously Collected

>>15637363 #19772,

>>15635058 #19769, >>15635828 #19770, >>15636474 #19771

>>15632646 #19766, >>15633499 #19767, >>15634231 #19768

>>15630004 #19763, >>15630782 #19764, >>15631714 #19765

>>15628645 #19760, >>15629014 #19761, >>15629216 #19762

>>15624848 #19757, >>15625767 #19758, >>15626634 #19759

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>>15406645 Notables #11: Never Back Down!

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6ff29d  No.15640139



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76efd1  No.15640153

File: 9495707878e7ab8⋯.jpg (39.25 KB, 526x526, 1:1, kekkles.JPG)


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76efd1  No.15640159


how will qanon recover? he hasn't posted in years

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ff13a0  No.15640160



( • )( • )

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6ff29d  No.15640161



You spelled ever wrong

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b5d6a7  No.15640162

File: 385a6bd86d2b96a⋯.jpg (3.45 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, military_intelligence_bran….jpg)

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e8fd88  No.15640163

File: 84ad9890b659635⋯.jpg (3.15 KB, 150x150, 1:1, 3jgukd.jpg)


Thank you bakes

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ca57aa  No.15640165

File: 3a052f4c5a53544⋯.png (374.67 KB, 681x512, 681:512, Snag_3d6fb8.png)

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336d33  No.15640166

File: 561a64c9f405171⋯.jpg (64.67 KB, 583x800, 583:800, download_7_.jpg)

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1e9a74  No.15640167

File: 50369fc9024633d⋯.jpg (461.41 KB, 1084x681, 1084:681, 50369fc9024633d062529200f8….jpg)

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737262  No.15640168

File: 97fde913ae6811e⋯.png (80 KB, 276x182, 138:91, patriots_we_the_people_fre….png)



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1a7b2f  No.15640169

File: 0c07fc5cf84c6c1⋯.jpg (181.34 KB, 900x642, 150:107, roflol.jpg)


Matty Mad

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9e53b0  No.15640170

Q Posts under POTUS Trump : All of them

Q Posts under POTUS Biden : ?

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ef1d49  No.15640171

File: 6ead6306ca9a223⋯.png (639.26 KB, 1000x610, 100:61, Night_Shift_Kung_Fu.png)

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d1ee96  No.15640172

File: 892fb5198aaa310⋯.webm (2.63 MB, 960x1308, 80:109, 1644357016249.webm)


But what if Matty is right?

About Trump being an orange nigger?

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ef1d49  No.15640173


>>15636219 PB PB PB

re 1_776

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01c7b2  No.15640174

How do they grow beards on trannies, like Eminem?

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1e81e6  No.15640176


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336d33  No.15640177


Elmers glue anon , lots of glue

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3d40e0  No.15640178

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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737262  No.15640179

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9e53b0  No.15640180

File: f6f5931fb8efd92⋯.gif (2.13 MB, 320x240, 4:3, greatlookinghair.gif)

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63c64b  No.15640181


>Q Posts under POTUS Biden : ?


Something about not telegraphing moves somewhere in them crumbs

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3f207c  No.15640182

File: 16aabadc1c17e2e⋯.png (55.14 KB, 259x194, 259:194, ClipboardImage.png)

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63c64b  No.15640183


Ass graft

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02ab7d  No.15640184

File: 17d8ea31b14069a⋯.jpg (332.23 KB, 481x275, 481:275, 20201209_215744.jpg)

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fda810  No.15640185

File: 975c9f047359c1b⋯.jpg (46.64 KB, 680x423, 680:423, The_terms_of_the_deal_will….jpg)

File: d57af521ec4363d⋯.jpg (267.42 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, 0001.jpg)

File: 36149cff62eb4f6⋯.jpg (290.45 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, 0002.jpg)

File: 81a6de9d9405ee6⋯.pdf (507.96 KB, gov_uscourts_nysd_564713_7….pdf)

File: 13ef34aa0e2fb58⋯.pdf (110.05 KB, gov_uscourts_nysd_564713_7….pdf)

Prince Andrew settles civil sexual assault claim with Virginia Giuffre

Victoria Ward and Josie Ensor - 15 February 2022

The Duke of York has reached an out-of-court financial settlement with his accuser Virginia Roberts Giuffre.

The deal brings an end to the legal process and means he will not face a jury trial in the civil case on sexual abuse claims.

The terms of the deal will remain secret, but in a joint statement the Duke expressed regret about his friendship with Jeffrey Epstein and confirmed that he will make a "substantial donation" to Ms Giuffre’s charity in support of victims’ rights.

Ms Giuffre alleged that she was sexually abused or raped by Prince Andrew on three separate occasions in 2001 when she was 17. She had sued him for unspecified damages.

In a joint statement, the two sides said: "Virginia Giuffre and Prince Andrew have reached an out-of-court settlement."

It said they would file a request to dismiss the case when the undisclosed sum had been received.

"Prince Andrew has never intended to malign Ms Giuffre’s character, and he accepts that she has suffered both as an established victim of abuse and as a result of unfair public attacks," it said.

"It is known that Jeffrey Epstein trafficked countless young girls over many years. Prince Andrew regrets his association with Epstein, and commends the bravery of Ms Giuffre and other survivors in standing up for themselves and others.

"He pledges to demonstrate his regret for his association with Epstein by supporting the fight against the evils of sex trafficking, and by supporting its victims."

In a joint court filing, the parties told the New York judge overseeing the case that they anticipated that it would be brought to a close within 30 days and asked that all action be suspended in the meantime.

The Duke had been due to give a deposition under oath on March 10.

Sigrid McCawley, representing Ms Giuffre, told The Telegraph: "As a managing partner at a firm that has from its beginning acted upon the belief that the law should be marshalled to bring justice to the most vulnerable, I can say, without hesitation, that our representation of survivors upholds that tradition.

"I am very pleased with the resolution of Virginia Giuffre’s litigation against Prince Andrew."

Lisa Bloom, an attorney representing eight victims of Jeffrey Epstein, said: "We hail Virginia’s victory today. She has accomplished what no one else could: getting Prince Andrew to stop his nonsense and side with sexual abuse victims.

"We salute Virginia’s stunning courage."

Penny Junor, the Royal author, said the settlement is likely to come as a "huge relief" to the rest of the Royal family.

"Going to trial, it could have been very, very nasty," she said. "It could have been embarrassing, humiliating, and it would have been huge fodder for the tabloid press.

"It could have really taken the shine off the Queen's Platinum Jubilee year."

Another royal expert said the Duke would "forever be tainted" by the civil sex assault claim brought against him.

Joe Little, of Majesty magazine, told the PA news agency: "I just don't think he's ever likely to resume work as a working member of the royal family.

"I think that too much water has gone under the bridge for that and the institution of monarchy has been tainted by his association with Epstein and I just think that there's no going back on all that."

On the likely reaction of the rest of the royal family, he said: "I'm sure that they're glad this (settlement agreement) has happened but does it exonerate the prince who really has not been charged with anything criminal?

"He will, I think, forever be tainted by this scandal, for want of a better way of describing it."





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01c7b2  No.15640186


Dubs confirm 1,000 people donated their pubes to be glued on Em’s face

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985910  No.15640187

File: 0fddbe440608f99⋯.mp4 (989.06 KB, 640x352, 20:11, IMG_5104.MP4)

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0710ff  No.15640188

>>15638511 (pb)

Re: Marketing robots as not having souls.

That's bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. Ask and you shall receive. Robots deserve rights too, but even more important, DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THEM.

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01c7b2  No.15640189

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b5d6a7  No.15640190

File: dffa047ad5be1c8⋯.png (1015.96 KB, 996x2334, 166:389, 781.png)


Feb 16, 2018 6:19:27 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 98


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ef1d49  No.15640191


i been trying to find those stupid palms kek


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c5bb42  No.15640192

File: 1630c576ac1d110⋯.jpg (141.13 KB, 732x960, 61:80, IMG_7005.JPG)

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e8fd88  No.15640193

File: 4967af09739b7c9⋯.jpg (12.47 KB, 479x479, 1:1, photo_2021_12_11_20_25_43.jpg)


Why are we making robots of people when they already exist as NPCs?

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9dd888  No.15640194

Search: Acuitas Arbutus Apotex Sherman Trudeau

Interesting results. Just a sampling:

https://thedaily.ca/news/2021/11/03/justin-trudeau-getting-rich-injecting-canadians/ [already posted by otheranon last bread]



[this one has lots of relevant Canadian gov't info]




[article exposes the tussling for power among the demons]



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985910  No.15640195

File: 9ceb54631c923ee⋯.jpg (102.49 KB, 1280x957, 1280:957, photo_2022_02_15_15_02_03.jpg)

We need to call this shit stain Principal: Bengtson, Jeffrey jbengtson@cdaschools.org

(208) 667-4544

Why is this being handed out at Lakes Middle School in Coeur D’Alene, Idaho? Someone's 12 year old was just handed this.

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ef1d49  No.15640196

File: ef373954a028db8⋯.png (474.17 KB, 696x799, 696:799, hmm_palm_Jr.png)

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0710ff  No.15640197



Come on with that ID now, you know why. Always with… Whatever it takes so that we all win. The real deal. Happily ever after and then some.

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1a7b2f  No.15640198

File: 711774f0f4db603⋯.png (386.55 KB, 566x800, 283:400, ClipboardImage.png)

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985910  No.15640199

File: a8150a6aa33c0e3⋯.mp4 (6.85 MB, 848x464, 53:29, IMG_5108.MP4)

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c5bb42  No.15640200

File: 2beca65e549d1f3⋯.png (1.69 MB, 768x960, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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1e9a74  No.15640201

File: eb0fe33590b0ade⋯.jpg (209.87 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, ntmia.jpg)

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985910  No.15640202


New Zealand this is called WINNING

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02ab7d  No.15640203

File: 81f9674685c48b3⋯.jpg (54.57 KB, 1024x568, 128:71, 20201107_204214.jpg)

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0710ff  No.15640204


In the shadow of the dragon boat

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e8fd88  No.15640205

File: 6088f98fcfd08d1⋯.jpg (34.12 KB, 474x759, 158:253, 6088f98fcfd08d15372bc350ec….jpg)




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3f207c  No.15640206


Sauce that shit

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63c64b  No.15640207

File: 572ea18a8c8a44b⋯.png (514.75 KB, 648x431, 648:431, ClipboardImage.png)

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Has Significant Lead Over All Democrat Challengers


When it comes to polling, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is in very good shape.

He is currently beating all of his Democrat challengers by a comfortable margin.

The media has tried so hard to take him down but none of it has worked.

The Hill reports:

Florida Gov. DeSantis leads Democratic challengers: poll

Four years after winning election by the narrowest of margins, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) leads his three most likely Democratic challengers in advance of November’s midterm elections, a new poll finds.

The survey, conducted by the nonpartisan firm Mason-Dixon Polling and Research, found DeSantis claiming more than half the vote in match-ups against Rep. Charlie Crist (D), state Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried (D) and state Sen. Annette Taddeo (D).

DeSantis leads Crist, making his bid to return to Tallahassee a dozen years after his sole term as governor ended, by a 51 percent to 43 percent margin. DeSantis leads Fried by a 53 percent to 42 percent margin. And he leads Taddeo, who represents a Miami-area district, 53 percent to 37 percent.

DeSantis leads by much wider margins among independents; against Crist, he leads 56 percent to 33 percent among those voters.

Fifty-three percent of voters say they approve of the job DeSantis has done in office, the same rating voters gave him a year ago. Forty-three percent said they disapprove of his job performance.

At this rate, DeSantis will cruise to reelection.

The Florida Politics website, which detailed the new Mason-Dixon poll results, said they are the latest sign that Fla. Gov. Ron DeSantis’ brand of Republicanism is appealing to those outside the GOP. https://t.co/3qWC3eO5ZZ pic.twitter.com/qav8cGZv6G

— Newsmax (@newsmax) February 15, 2022

In 2021, nearly 118 million Americans visited Florida, the highest number of domestic travelers in the history of our state.

Our fellow Americans know that, in Florida, they can expect sunshine, great hospitality, and freedom.

— Ron DeSantis (@GovRonDeSantis) February 15, 2022

DeSantis deserves to be reelected. He has done a great job.

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9dd888  No.15640208


>In a joint court filing, the parties told the New York judge overseeing the case that they anticipated that it would be brought to a close within 30 days and asked that all action be suspended in the meantime.

Marker? "done in 30"

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985910  No.15640209

File: 1ada4a5b9ec2af7⋯.png (960.39 KB, 667x999, 667:999, ClipboardImage_42_.png)

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d97fe1  No.15640210

>>15638990 /pb

map is supposed to be drawn or printed

building a map means something else

and TRUTH social could fit

Mass Access Platform

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e8fd88  No.15640211

File: f70520299500971⋯.jpg (80.63 KB, 826x939, 826:939, photo_2022_02_16_01_41_02.jpg)




Jenna Lynch: Top cop's towing ultimatum with no tow trucks is laughable

OPINION: Finally, more than a week into an ugly occupation of Parliament, Police Commissioner Andrew Coster has realised he needs to step in and step up.

For eight days protesters have hurled abuse at anyone wearing a mask, written death threats on Parliament's forecourt, clogged up the streets of central Wellington. And save the brief arrest-fest last Thursday it appears, to an increasingly frustrated Wellington public, that police can't or won't do a lot about it.

This is not a criticism of the frontline officers who are day-in-day-out patrolling Parliament ensuring safety. They are doing a great job, facing hours of being yelled at, spat at and even assaulted. They've weathered everything from horrid humidity to an ex-tropical cyclone.

But it was only on Tuesday that the top brass recognised the depth of public frustration, activating the major operations centre - taking over the protest, managing it at a national policing level.

That means finally rolling out the big boss to say the protest is "no longer tenable".

Cmmr Coster laid down an ultimatum: "The roads need to be cleared now or we will be towing vehicles. Vehicles that are towed will be seized and not immediately released to those who have failed to move them. Those who obstruct police efforts to clear the roads can expect to be arrested and charged," he said.

The problem is at this stage his ultimatum is a bit of a joke.

The Commissioner said with a straight face he will tow the vehicles, confiscate them and arrest anyone that gets in the police's way. He told the protesters their time is up, without having the tow trucks to actually follow through.

He couldn't give any sort of deadline for the protesters to get a move on - possibly because in the very next breath he issued a public plea for towing companies to come forward and help the cops.

"We have, from the outset of this, had very great reluctance from tow operators to support us in clearing this situation," he said.

"Part of what we'd like to do today is to appeal to those who are tow operators to come forward and help us sort this out."

Cmmr Coster then admitted that he's called on the Defence Force for help with towing the cars but they never got back to him.

A week in and the police haven't been able to source a tow truck to clear the streets.

So what we have now is the Police Commissioner of New Zealand - our most senior cop - publicly begging for someone to help him tow a car.

It'd be funny if the public wasn't relying on him to put an end to this mess.

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985910  No.15640212


anon the tv station Icon is in the corner of the vid. this is fuckin news cast.

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4ee996  No.15640213

File: ea8437ea9a12c5a⋯.png (72.08 KB, 570x574, 285:287, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9a588c9efd5abcf⋯.png (3.67 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, Q1776_qclock_pen_02162022_….png)

File: f73ef7c02cbd339⋯.png (490.02 KB, 1122x1269, 374:423, ClipboardImage.png)




>1_776 (although 1+9=10, so works either way, but I think I see what might be the [min] relevance.)

"Quarterback" clock alignment for today, [17] → [32]

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336d33  No.15640214

File: c5e38219265d177⋯.png (902.53 KB, 1597x794, 1597:794, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9fcdbec8c24818d⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1552x756, 388:189, ClipboardImage.png)

VV100 Out of Oslo heading west over the pond , squawk 0204

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3f207c  No.15640215


Yes but it needed sauce to be notable.

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a4d034  No.15640216


they take homonym drugs

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3f207c  No.15640217



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02ab7d  No.15640218

File: 4d352e9071b3818⋯.jpg (370.94 KB, 1080x1347, 360:449, 20220216_014147.jpg)

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b5d6a7  No.15640219

File: 88869523e5d29dd⋯.png (1.8 MB, 996x3342, 166:557, 2740.png)

File: bda6895142821f3⋯.jpg (105.57 KB, 629x584, 629:584, b5ba07353542948f07bfe89d26….jpg)

File: 6357f47dd7dca79⋯.png (304.92 KB, 996x1772, 249:443, 2043.png)


Feb 16, 2019 3:13:30 PM EST

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: a8d7d3 No. 5209090

Feb 16, 2019 2:58:13 PM EST

Anonymous ID: 8dee3e No. 5208844

Feb 16, 2019 2:55:53 PM EST

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: a8d7d3 No. 5208800


On the daily.






Aug 31, 2018 9:29:12 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: a67511 No. 2825004

Special Approval




[LL]>paper trail>special entry

[Natalia Veselnitskaya]>Manafort

FISA warrant issued / approved>Manafort


FISA warrant issued / approved>Papadopoulos


FISA warrant issued / approved>Page


FISA warrant issued / approved>FLYNN





[SEC 702]



P talks to X

X talks to Y

Y talks to Z









You have more than you know.

Why did [LL] [ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES] grant 'special entry' to Natalia Veselnitskaya (Don Jr. 'set up' meeting)?

Why was [NV] barred from entering prior to?

If you have no real evidence of 'Russian Collusion' you must attempt to manufacture.


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ac02e8  No.15640220

File: 7c85ba857b6d52a⋯.gif (6.8 MB, 500x375, 4:3, 20220216_004223.gif)

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1a7b2f  No.15640221

File: 022b9378d2f3852⋯.png (274.58 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)


Hide behind that mask while you still can.

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985910  No.15640222

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ca57aa  No.15640223

File: 5be7d8503200687⋯.png (22.69 KB, 525x419, 525:419, ClipboardImage.png)



Kek New Zealand is censoring…

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d6499a  No.15640224

File: fe29dda66e1ced7⋯.gif (242.46 KB, 498x338, 249:169, pepperia.gif)


Only just beginned .

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d1ee96  No.15640226

File: e8e9d0070d98c39⋯.webm (692 KB, 720x404, 180:101, 1644442166722.webm)

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01c7b2  No.15640227


>hide behind mask

Yeah. That’s not her in the vidya

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63c64b  No.15640228

File: 5c068796f3fcb0f⋯.png (307 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 00add622c5e80e5d8f35c2173b….png)



>Andrew Coster



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b5d6a7  No.15640229

File: c28faf7b766b5d5⋯.png (118.89 KB, 996x706, 498:353, 2743.png)

File: 3033e80ce625bea⋯.png (716.16 KB, 1012x930, 506:465, Screen_Shot_2022_02_16_at_….png)


Feb 16, 2019 8:04:57 PM EST

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 74d468 No. 5213190


How do you know when the media is biased and pushing a knowingly false (fake) narrative?

Disinformation campaign designed to buy ‘them’ more time by attempting to ‘con’ enough people in order to remove the duly elected POTUS in order to ‘save’ themselves from prosecution.

Enemy of the People.


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e8fd88  No.15640230

File: f78d3abd3412929⋯.jpg (93.11 KB, 960x640, 3:2, photo_2022_01_06_17_34_10.jpg)


They don't want to lose face. Pathetic. NCSWIC

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985910  No.15640231

File: a583ffab74ce21e⋯.jpg (17.88 KB, 231x244, 231:244, 1642658068.jpg)


thats why arkive off line I follow direction pretty well

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6d323f  No.15640232

File: 7a230d518658914⋯.png (676.03 KB, 1486x2646, 743:1323, Jenna_Lynch_Top_cop_s_towi….png)

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b5d6a7  No.15640233

File: 98a44b46e3bf20c⋯.png (78.36 KB, 996x578, 498:289, 2745.png)

File: c3a35ec358c342b⋯.png (759.49 KB, 1302x964, 651:482, Screen_Shot_2022_02_16_at_….png)


Feb 17, 2019 12:39:30 AM EST

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 62a42e No. 5217608


Information waterfall.

Buckle up!



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d15653  No.15640234

File: f1b778dbb288051⋯.jpg (169.45 KB, 720x1185, 48:79, 20220216_004326.jpg)


“The degree of those fractures…is typically seen with high impact traumas that you might see in a motor vehicle accident," Dr. Jason Freeman says about Bob Saget's autopsy report. "I think it raises the question maybe was there more than one fall."

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44e3e6  No.15640235


still wonder why it's called www

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b9151b  No.15640236

File: eb59f1f72d3f946⋯.png (233.07 KB, 1009x1117, 1009:1117, ClipboardImage.png)



I think that may be Telegram-level censoring… Viewing it fine on US browser and IP

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63c64b  No.15640237

File: cbfebd5a8cccd53⋯.png (32.2 KB, 358x264, 179:132, ClipboardImage.png)


<Graphic inferring Q referenced that flag

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27c798  No.15640238


How does settling the civil lawsuit first affect the criminal lawsuit?

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e8fd88  No.15640239

File: c4ce2c9f17ae129⋯.jpg (54.18 KB, 676x680, 169:170, c4ce2c9f17ae1293cd3d138c67….jpg)


Need Meme Anon to make meme of this guy crying with red eyes poking at Kiwi Tow-Trucks saying "Pls Tow" and the truckers saying "No"

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336d33  No.15640240

File: 11da468ed70f8a9⋯.png (24.17 KB, 256x312, 32:39, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3864e5557d33914⋯.jpg (239.88 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, plane.jpg)

Planefag is seeing a lot of heavy activity today in the EU

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44e3e6  No.15640241

File: d78b8190f08b381⋯.jpg (3.05 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, mc_20210408_180809.jpg)

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985910  No.15640242

File: 48cf4ca484bea17⋯.mp4 (14 MB, 576x592, 36:37, IMG_0833.MP4)

On Glen Beck yesterday 2/15/22

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985910  No.15640243

File: 921d95d13868684⋯.mp4 (8.29 MB, 464x848, 29:53, IMG_0255.MP4)

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d1ee96  No.15640244

File: cb1fdb8f82c7aea⋯.jpg (120.31 KB, 774x649, 774:649, 1644988253521.jpg)

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985910  No.15640245

File: 7331d5e7ad9d689⋯.jpg (46.21 KB, 720x692, 180:173, photo_2022_01_23_09_56_04.jpg)

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b9151b  No.15640246

File: 7dfd470c00d6ea2⋯.png (181.06 KB, 498x557, 498:557, ClipboardImage.png)



Snapshot of me pasting link into my saved messages folder.

Confirmed Telegram-level censorship.


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ca57aa  No.15640247


>Viewing it fine on US browser and IP

You may be right… China-sensors through TG.

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e8fd88  No.15640248

File: 34ab292df36803a⋯.jpg (62.83 KB, 660x660, 1:1, photo_2022_02_08_22_34_31.jpg)


Imagine wanting to censor a tiny country's ineptitude for no other reason than to hide the fact the small populace is in total revolt against you and you can't do anything about it. MEGA KEK

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fda810  No.15640249

File: 08b8f3e94085fdc⋯.jpg (57.98 KB, 634x464, 317:232, A_leaked_email_from_the_pr….jpg)

File: 4cbf24770db998d⋯.jpg (65.17 KB, 634x453, 634:453, Epstein_and_Dershowitz_are….jpg)

File: 3205f4d4f826195⋯.jpg (178.35 KB, 634x932, 317:466, Prince_Andrew_pictured_tog….jpg)

File: 8057625a6196992⋯.jpg (46.74 KB, 634x827, 634:827, You_are_in_the_background.jpg)

File: 014bb950555a835⋯.jpg (71.39 KB, 634x342, 317:171, In_an_email_exchange_seen_….jpg)


Did this email from Ghislaine Maxwell sink Prince Andrew's case and cost the royal $16M? 2015 email exchange between Epstein's madam and lawyer Alan Dershowitz confirms infamous image of the royal with Virginia Roberts is real

DANIEL BATES - 16 February 2022

Before he settled out of court last night, Prince Andrew was set to be dealt a major blow in his US sex case thanks to Ghislaine Maxwell.

A leaked email from the prince's friend and now convicted sex trafficker appeared to confirm the authenticity of an infamous picture of the duke standing with his arm around his accuser, Virginia Roberts.

The photograph, said to be taken in Maxwell's London townhouse in 2001, had been questioned by Andrew and just this week his legal team had demanded Miss Roberts turn over the original.

The duke's legal team had claimed it might be a fake, but an email obtained by the Daily Mail shows that even Maxwell, who appears in the background of the photo, believes it to be real.

In the message, sent in 2015, Maxwell says: 'It looks real. I think it is.'

On a dramatic day of developments yesterday, it was claimed that Miss Roberts had lost the original copy of the image.

But that was disputed by her legal team, who said the hard copy was with the FBI and that Miss Roberts misplaced a CD containing a copy of the image.

The photo was set to be a key piece of evidence in her claims for battery and infliction of emotional distress against Andrew, 61, which he had denied.

The duke's lawyers had lined up an image expert to cast doubt on the veracity of the photo.

If Miss Roberts had not produced the original, Andrew's team could have argued copies could not be admitted as evidence as they could not be properly tested.

Not being able to rely on the photograph as proof they met would have put a sizeable dint in his accuser's case.

But in an email exchange seen by the Mail, the picture was discussed by Maxwell and Epstein's former lawyer, Alan Dershowitz.

On January 10, 2015, Mr Dershowitz wrote: 'Dear G. Do you know whether the photo of Andrew and virginia is real? You are in the background.'

Eleven minutes later, Maxwell replied: 'It looks real. I think it is.'

The timing of the exchange is significant because days earlier Miss Roberts claimed for the first time in court papers that she had been forced to have sex with both Andrew and Mr Dershowitz.

The allegation was struck out by a judge who branded it 'impertinent'. But it caused panic for Andrew and in emails previously reported by the BBC, he contacted Maxwell at 5.50am on January 3, 2015.

The duke wrote: 'Let me know when we can talk. Got some specific questions to ask you about Virginia Roberts.'

Maxwell replied: 'Have some info. Call me when you have a moment.'

Mr Dershowitz has vehemently denied having sex with Miss Roberts.

Last year she dropped a battery allegation she filed against him after he claimed a civil settlement she signed with Epstein in 2009 gave him immunity.

Miss Roberts is currently suing Mr Dershowitz for defamation, a case he is fighting.

His lawyers did not respond to requests asking for comment.


>Sometimes it's the people in the background that are of greater significance.

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345add  No.15640250

File: 24b8f28e1c56459⋯.jpg (384.12 KB, 1360x1412, 340:353, austinpedo.jpg)

Canadian Intelliegence Hires Antifa to dox thousands involved with Freedom Convoy

They figured out who hacked the freedom convoy Givesendgo and doxed all those people who donated, it was antifa pedo Audrey Cottle, aka Kirtaner, owner of 420chan and CSIS / RCMP asset.

Read about it here


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ca57aa  No.15640251

File: b6532a6323c3c5a⋯.png (123.58 KB, 724x678, 362:339, ClipboardImage.png)


Who owns Telegram?

"We support free speech and peaceful protest, but terrorist propaganda has no place on our platform. The success of our ongoing anti-ISIS efforts proves that you don’t have to sacrifice privacy for security. You can – and should – enjoy both."

Telegram CEO from Nov. 26th, 2019.


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63c64b  No.15640252

File: cde25e9869048d2⋯.png (89.43 KB, 574x320, 287:160, ClipboardImage.png)


Civil Flag Myth


Also see:


Scroll to bottom of page:


Our civilian flag is a way of reminding Americans, as well as our leaders, that every man and woman is sovereign and that we are all endowed by our Creator with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

This sovereign civil flag is a symbol of our desire to return America to the dreams upon which she was founded!

Customs and Border Patrol flags



"U.S. civil flag" myth


myths and misunderstandings about flags, both real and fantasy based, abound in the vexillogical world as they do in most fields in our modern world of the internet. Conspiracists, kooks, politicians, religious leaders and scholars all vie to "prove" the existence of their own pet version of reality without filters or actual facts and real research. Basically, you can post almost anything on the worldwide net and not only will some believe and accept it as fact, they will spread the nonsense far and wide. The myth of the existence of a "civilian" national flag is a prime example of how this works. This short essay is an explanation of how these falsehoods are spread. The quotes examined are directly from the internet, and continue to be propitiated and expanded upon. The so-called United States "civilian" flag, which seems to have started by an erroneous identification of the Customs flag, apparently is not a recent phenomena, as the clipping from the 1870s attests. Basically, there never has been a different civilian version of the national flag, yet this urban legend continues to be believed by many.

Creating the myth of a United States civil flag

The trick of getting an urban legend believed is to make statements that are true, but connect them to unrelated or false facts, thus making the whole thing seem possible. The existence of a separate "civilian" version of our national flag is a perfect example of this strategy. Here's how you do it.

Strategy One: Show a pictures of the flag, and then change the caption. […]

Strategy Two: Cite factitious information from unverifiable experts. […]

Strategy Three: Distort true facts by mixing in unsupported opinions. […]

Strategy Four: Add untrue statements that sound reasonable. […]

civil flag" proponents need better sauce. Until then, it's just a myth


Never intended as a flag for citizens

preference = pic related or US flag

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6d323f  No.15640253

File: d606cfb30834e9f⋯.jpg (67.34 KB, 1210x607, 1210:607, 6_2guatamla.JPG)

6.2 earthquake Guatemala


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01c7b2  No.15640254


So in other words.. they hire themselves or foreign Intel assets .. fixed it for a more accurate possibility

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63c64b  No.15640255


It's based out of Dubai…..they expected free speech?

Sheikh Hamdan meets founder of Dubai-based Telegram


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0710ff  No.15640256


How do we get normal people to see that? Or is it gonna be mainstream soon that all of them are using doubles and triples and who knows how many else?

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a4d034  No.15640257


yea, I think it was a cut and paste too.

they got Andrew blackmailed though, so he had to back down.

It's all about "saving face" on both side, per the settlement

Still Waiting.

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ca57aa  No.15640258


>6.2 earthquake Guatemala

Right in between two fault lines… Potential for more?

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a4d034  No.15640259


Telegram censors people

You get a suspension and are unable to share or participate.

it's no different from the other platforms.

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44e3e6  No.15640260


usually when it cracks on one side it also cracks on another side later - if it's natural of course

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1a7b2f  No.15640261

File: 76e05675f2de059⋯.jpg (169.12 KB, 1263x704, 1263:704, Angel_anon.jpg)

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ef1d49  No.15640262

File: 3aa839103e23fb2⋯.png (258.19 KB, 831x591, 277:197, Jr_Rumble_02162022.png)

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63c64b  No.15640263


Anon knew that before the migration from twatter.

Surprised it wasn't common knowledge.

Comp'd from the start.

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e8fd88  No.15640264

File: 068e072f48323b2⋯.png (257.87 KB, 1300x800, 13:8, 1632780420919.png)


"Loeser.us" Sounds like "Loser.us" to me.

Absolute tranny worms seeping out of the asshole that typed this article.

Muh "CoNsPiRaCy ThEoRiSts" ←- tranny journo or jew or both. I bet this person also doesn't believe that the US is based on Maritime law and that we're a (((Democracy))). Fucking worm hands typed this.

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a4d034  No.15640265

>>15640130 pb

she's brooklyn

and ran for office

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01c7b2  No.15640266


It’s difficult enough to have people question the 2020 election results let alone doubles or triples for main-screen actors

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345add  No.15640267




MULTIPLE BROKERAGES AFFECTED - CHECK YOUR BROKER HERE AND FOR EXCHANGES YOU CAN STILL SHORT ON: https://investorjunkie.com/stock-brokers/broker-clearing-firms/











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b9151b  No.15640268

File: 4d90076ddbc53d6⋯.png (24.69 KB, 592x60, 148:15, ClipboardImage.png)





Look at the News API error line… Either a problem with Link preview rendering setting in TG (application-level) - should be changeable…

Or problem with the site's News API feed generator…

… Cuz I can click on it and it comes right up.

Any other NZ sites having API issues?

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ef1d49  No.15640269

File: d4247fed510dc22⋯.png (310.39 KB, 850x613, 850:613, john_sullivan_exposed_by_R….png)


Who is John Sullivan? | Rudy Giuliani | February 12th, 2022 | Ep 212

Rudy Giuliani's Common Sense

Published February 12, 2022 10,613 Views

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a4d034  No.15640270

File: 09ae7c9538be431⋯.jpg (95.04 KB, 780x1076, 195:269, WBush_evil.jpg)


i got suckered.

"fooled me once,

shame on you.

Fooled me twice….. ?

won't get fooled again."

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f0ecb5  No.15640271

File: a24066adcedbaf8⋯.png (269.7 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, cv_wits.png)

Take the vaxx, you cock suckers.

You have no reasons not to!!!!

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e8fd88  No.15640273

File: 279d28d9bb96b25⋯.jpg (66.63 KB, 1024x613, 1024:613, 1630261670379.jpg)

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ef1d49  No.15640274

>Brandon Straka has a crazy story to tell


REPOST Chicks on the Right with Brandon Straka - EXCLUSIVE DO NOT MISS

Chicks On The Right

Published February 10, 2022 5,837 Views

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63c64b  No.15640275


Damn pet goats

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db9acc  No.15640276

File: a6a1d9b4f51088f⋯.jpg (6.7 KB, 166x190, 83:95, sullivan.jpg)

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153824  No.15640277

File: ebfa5ffd9ef4356⋯.jpg (54.19 KB, 709x709, 1:1, DonJr.jpg)

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ef1d49  No.15640278


Cordell Coleman




Canadians are unfortunately about to realize that singing and causing a few traffic jams don’t stop dictators that are hell bent on absolute power. At some point they are going to have to fight back.

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1a7b2f  No.15640279


Hillary has a certain waddle and clumsy gate when she walks. That's her. If it isn't her, please show me how.

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02ab7d  No.15640280

File: 2c4a04407073b82⋯.jpg (229.69 KB, 1080x776, 135:97, 20220216_021405.jpg)

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a94eab  No.15640283

File: 4ec2969fe52ccf4⋯.png (839.14 KB, 1333x611, 1333:611, ClipboardImage.png)

File: be423bc0d85e687⋯.png (119.21 KB, 507x953, 507:953, ClipboardImage.png)

File: be423bc0d85e687⋯.png (119.21 KB, 507x953, 507:953, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 10ca8674f291a1d⋯.png (15.03 KB, 521x578, 521:578, ClipboardImage.png)



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01c7b2  No.15640284

File: 38268a3dfec47a9⋯.jpeg (323.06 KB, 1818x1343, 1818:1343, 2D38A76A_2FD0_4004_B838_E….jpeg)

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a40870  No.15640285

File: 1b212de7b4a0563⋯.png (336.99 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)



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f0ecb5  No.15640286

File: 44890b1e2a5620a⋯.jpg (82.37 KB, 700x355, 140:71, break_bounds.jpg)

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af6b1a  No.15640287

File: de690aa99c3cbf8⋯.png (903.71 KB, 1346x773, 1346:773, ClipboardImage.png)

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f0ecb5  No.15640288

File: 0fe59538b4ab70d⋯.jpeg (7.65 KB, 275x183, 275:183, gorgeous_2.jpeg)

File: 0b961ea6c55630d⋯.jpeg (5.51 KB, 275x183, 275:183, gorgeous_5.jpeg)

File: 008084eb6ebfbb0⋯.jpeg (6.51 KB, 275x183, 275:183, gorgeous.jpeg)

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6ff29d  No.15640289



>>15640190, >>15640219, >>15640229, >>15640233, >>15640283 Q Crumbs, reminder re-read crumbs

>>15640253 6.2 earthquake Guatemala

>>15640250 Canadian Intelligence Hires Antifa to dox thousands involved with Freedom Convoy

>>15640214 Planefag Report

>>15640199, >>15640211, >>15640232, >>15640223 A. Coster, Top NZ Cop begs for help towing protestors cars

>>15640207 Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Has Significant Lead Over All Democrat Challengers

>>15640246, >>15640255, >>15640259, >>15640251 Reminder Telegram is no different from any other Social Media, comp'd

>>15640185, >>15640249 Prince Andrew settles civil sexual assault claim with Virginia Giuffre, more info

Chk'm Anons

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f0ecb5  No.15640291

File: 9777eb5e94195c6⋯.jpg (52.17 KB, 850x400, 17:8, srs.jpg)

File: f0898f412062d1c⋯.jpg (77.5 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, traitors.jpg)

File: 0c5a487b087d942⋯.png (168.03 KB, 500x762, 250:381, Crimes_at_open.png)

So efbiai anon said soros it is an ideolog that want all wars stop…..

while making evil, creating wars, no wonder efbiai is so shit criminals, tarded stasi, evil fuck, gestapo for demoncraps.

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4ee996  No.15640292



less blue is better.

guessing no level/Even is too.


>Absolute tranny worms seeping out of the asshole that typed this article.

So bad it's almost as if there was a gun to their head to set off alarms in readers' heads.

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b5d6a7  No.15640293

File: 3acc580fbcfcd90⋯.jpeg (90.68 KB, 1020x636, 85:53, History_flag.jpeg)

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63c64b  No.15640294

File: c9dbaf2ee558a1d⋯.png (13.06 KB, 725x167, 725:167, ClipboardImage.png)


>"Loeser.us" Sounds like "Loser.us" to me.

>Attack the messenger

Can't dispute the rest of the data?


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a4d034  No.15640295

File: c99d60a3aa46ee6⋯.png (659.53 KB, 1116x761, 1116:761, twitter.png)


so tired of "Russian Collusion Delusion" story.

DJTrump said people had already forgotten about it (on Glenn Beck); but that's all we talked about here for years.

So damn tired of that stupid story.

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fda810  No.15640296

File: 5ef6a82f345b2a1⋯.png (431.26 KB, 991x543, 991:543, Q_4565.png)



Q Post #4565

Jul 2 2020 12:53:00 (EST)

Possible Epstein was a puppet [not the main person(s) of interest]?

Financed by who or what [F] entities?

1. [Primary] gather blackmail on elected pols, dignitaries, royalty, hollywood influencers, wall street and other financial top level players, other high profile industry specific people, etc.

2. Feed an addiction [controllable]

Maxwell family background?

Robert Maxwell history [intel, agency, wealth, [CLAS 1-99]]?

Sometimes it's the people in the background that are of greater significance.



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1a0b30  No.15640297

File: b5b7506b33cd12f⋯.jpeg (300.93 KB, 791x448, 113:64, 2A705EB8_CFC2_42D5_9AA2_C….jpeg)

File: 17ecf59699ee412⋯.jpeg (262.49 KB, 824x716, 206:179, FA484376_22CE_46B2_B2C8_2….jpeg)


Anons watch this? Doing a little digging tonight. I know 5G has been discussed on here extensively. Some say it’s good. Some say it’s bad. I like to make a list of questions I have and then dig to try to answer them. It’s a good technique. So here’s my list.

Is Elon Musk a white hat?

I can’t tell. Seems he and Trump have some kind of relationship and he’s critical of the establishment. But so is Tulsi Gabbard and we know she’s evil af. (Tucker stop giving her air time, jeez)

What is the deal with Starlink?

Is Starlink an alternative white hat 5G? Or does it pair into 5G?

Did some digging on this and came up with the frequencies list Starlink uses:

On March 29, 2018, the FCC authorized SpaceX to provide broadband satellite internet services using the Ka and Ku bands. The Ka band is the range from 27-40GHz and the Ku band is 12-18GHz. Starlink also uses the V band, which is the range of 40-75GHz, as well as dipping into the X band and K band, which are the ranges of 8-12GHz and 18-27GHz respectively.


Seems it’s 5G. Pictures relevant. Some interviews say Starlink will backbone 5G and the amount of satellites they want to orbit is nuts. The sky is going to get pretty crowded.

And what about 60ghz? Can that really suffocate you in place?

I’ll keep digging. Night shift.

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b5d6a7  No.15640298

File: ded2cdf86d6bd97⋯.jpeg (150.55 KB, 1500x500, 3:1, 1500x500_19.jpeg)

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48f1cf  No.15640299

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b5d6a7  No.15640300

File: 04ee9856cfdacca⋯.jpeg (65.81 KB, 640x360, 16:9, qjrE4yyfw5pEPvDbJDzhdNXM7….jpeg)

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ad9d36  No.15640301

File: 008b8f46898bb14⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1613x760, 1613:760, ClipboardImage.png)

Archive Fag here:

I've been researching ways to archive more missing Q related videos, and I've come across a way to download Youtube videos that are preserved in snapshots on the Internet Wayback Machine.

First you must find a snapshot where the video is actually working and will play,

then locate the string of characters at the end of the address after the equals sign.

EXAMPLE: >https://web.archive.org/web/20180725035000/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9GXgcoqJJI

In this case you would want G9GXgcoqJJI

Now copy and paste this string of characters onto the end of the following url and paste it in the address bar:


EXAMPLE: >https://web.archive.org/web/20130720113437oe_/http://wayback-fakeurl.archive.org/yt/G9GXgcoqJJI

This will take you directly to the video file where you can simply right-click and choose "save as."

I'm going to be spending my spare time scooping up a lot more missing Q linked videos this way and I recommend other archivists do the same.

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0710ff  No.15640302

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Is this their way out?

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4ee996  No.15640303

File: 53eaa8973fbb588⋯.mp4 (1.16 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Bush_Kerry_Skull_and_Bones….mp4)

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b5d6a7  No.15640304

File: 0bffb336a54d3f9⋯.mp4 (1.18 MB, 176x144, 11:9, SkullAndBones.mp4)

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a4d034  No.15640305

File: e2cdb495c0575ef⋯.jpg (250.53 KB, 605x986, 605:986, harlquiwj1.jpg)


maybe the doubles will hang (simulation?)

All for optics?

The ones who study it and see it, will be like a little group of people who have a research hobby. As we are now.

The others can keep their narratives?

maybe as things unfold, their role a jokers will just become more evident?

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ac02e8  No.15640306

File: 0a8029b273466c2⋯.gif (1.18 MB, 500x300, 5:3, 20220216_013826.gif)

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b5d6a7  No.15640308

File: a9f5602e81a4c61⋯.jpg (90.12 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, trump_orange_social.jpg)

File: d1d26e9f3062035⋯.jpg (65.33 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 38be57cc8f0001ba47166a7400….jpg)

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a4d034  No.15640309

File: 00814b159ace037⋯.jpg (17.46 KB, 225x225, 1:1, Rothschild_WW2_both_sides.jpg)

File: fb105581d26e9df⋯.jpeg (227.24 KB, 828x918, 46:51, crowleyritual.jpeg)

Their role as Jokers and worse might eventually be exposed?

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b14426  No.15640310

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6ff29d  No.15640311

File: a1cb897fc7a6ce4⋯.jpg (83.27 KB, 821x1153, 821:1153, pGl7dR67KLIjnDPIb.jpg)


chk't o7

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09ff0d  No.15640312

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a94eab  No.15640313

File: 73260c17c702364⋯.png (11.81 KB, 710x631, 710:631, ClipboardImage.png)


Start [15:40]


hussein KNOWINGLY promoted the russian collusion story and now in his last interview he tries to cover his ass about it (he never expected her to lose)

after the interview he comes back (his lawyer prob made him clarify)


he was only parroting others

After the conversation, Obama returned to the room to say one more thing about the CIA.

npr: You had something you wanted to add.

h: When we're discussing the issue of the Russia hack, I think it is worth noting that when it comes to the motivations of the Russians, that there are still a whole range of assessments taking place among the agencies. And so when I receive a final report, you know, we'll be able to I think give us a comprehensive and best guess as to those motivations. But that does not in any way I think detract from the basic point that everyone during the election perceived accurately that in fact what the Russian hack had done was create more problems for the Clinton administra — the Clinton campaign than it had for the Trump campaign.

npr: I think you're stopping short of endorsing the CIA conclusion that the hack was designed to help Donald Trump as opposed to some other objective.

h: Well I think the point I'm making is that right now what you've had are CIA leaks, not of an official document. And I think it's important for the process of various agencies comparing notes and thinking about these assessments. Because it's not as if in any of these circumstances, you know you just have a signed letter regarding Russian intentions that's floating around. These are all assessments made based on a wide range of evidence and different agencies are still looking at all that stuff gathering it together and hopefully putting into a single package.


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63c64b  No.15640314


>Anons watch this?

Not yet but will chk later

>Is Elon Musk a white hat?

Possibly got a deal, but is popular enough to play a role and spread information. Globalist, not wh.

>What is the deal with Starlink?

Good question, they lost majority of their sats recently. Sky event?

>Is Starlink an alternative white hat 5G? Or does it pair into 5G?

Could be. back in the early days of wireless there were tower sites that carried broadband links across vast areas.

>And what about 60ghz? Can that really suffocate you in place?

Wireless has always been hazardous with to much exposure.

Higher the frequency the more hazardous it is.

Shorter exposure time for damage to occur.

There are ways to mitigate exposure/dmg.

Higher frequency also easier to block/disrupt.

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a94eab  No.15640315

File: 329d4c84e502407⋯.png (479.58 KB, 1044x759, 348:253, ClipboardImage.png)


that face when you lie on the record

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345add  No.15640317

Four banks have custody of over US$179 Trillion in assets

That is not a typo, Trillion. These are a special type of bank called a custodian bank:

BNY Mellon, US$45.3 trillion in assets under custody and/or administration as of September 30, 2021

State Street, US$43.3 trillion in assets under custody as of September 30, 2021

JPMorganChase, $31.3 trillion in assets under custody as of the September 30, 2021

Citibank, over $28 trillion in assets under custody as of 2021

This is the aggregate of assets(in value) managed by mutual funds like BlackRock and Vanguard who are required to hand over custody of the proxy voting rights of stock held in their ETFs to these banks.

In this way, these four banks control the boards of every major publicly traded corporation. And they do it by voting the shares you purchase.

>BNY Mellon, US$45.3 trillion in assets under custody and/or administration as of September 30, 2021


>State Street, US$43.3 trillion in assets under custody as of September 30, 2021


>JPMorganChase, $31.3 trillion in assets under custody as of the September 30, 2021


>Citibank, over $28 trillion in assets under custody as of 2021


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345add  No.15640318

>Why is this allowed?



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a94eab  No.15640320


now find the families that control each

JPM is Roths

Citi is Rockefeller

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ad9d36  No.15640321


>Good question, they lost majority of their sats recently. Sky event?

They didn't lose the majority of their satellites.

They lost the majority of one batch, which was about 40 satellites.

They've already launched over 2,000 satelittes. 40 is a drop in the bucket.


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a4d034  No.15640322

File: 75d88c61ce8a069⋯.png (393.94 KB, 572x514, 286:257, Bank_for_International_Set….png)

File: 0bf43c83681bb70⋯.jpg (148.86 KB, 960x468, 80:39, rothschild.jpg)




gotta go to sleep

what I understand (from Jim Stone who's quite good with tech) is that the 4G can handle what they claim 5G was created for;

Therefore 5G is a weapon.

The 4G will fake everyone out; will play the part of 5G.

And 5 G will be free for other things.

I assume the fact the injected "new world" citizens appear as blue tooth devises; has something to do with it.

It seems trivial for the population to take them down / out though?

psychos at the helm; whaddya gonna do?


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f0ecb5  No.15640323

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I love Vladimir.

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a94eab  No.15640324

File: 15e70307fab0277⋯.png (303.99 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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44e3e6  No.15640325


who are they?

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db9acc  No.15640326


One thing I know from the digging I have done is that 5G has extremely limited range. Something like hundreds of feet spacing for towers just to acheive necessary coverage and bandwidth. This tells me a Starlink signal to your phone would have to be entirely different.

The key to understanding it further would be LEO satellites and the latency response, plus power requirements for sending and receiving. If it were easy, Starlink would have phones. Beware the fake Tesla phone vids that are all over YT, the whole thing is fake fan made vids.

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a94eab  No.15640327


as the world turns

we pick up new anons every day (or night)

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63c64b  No.15640328


>They lost the majority of one batch, which was about 40 satellites.

Thanks must have misread as percentage of total vs percentage of batch

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f0ecb5  No.15640329


23 said that.

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ad9d36  No.15640330

File: f0d2cf7eb39b81a⋯.png (503.24 KB, 882x1266, 147:211, 1213.png)



>who are they?

The Nix family. Soap opera actors.

Q implied very strongly that Obama was banging the little girl.

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44e3e6  No.15640331


am not so new new, but don't know who those persons are. could you tell me their names, please?

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44e3e6  No.15640332


thank you very much

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db9acc  No.15640333

Question I'll throw out there:

Given that we have an information battle about to emerge into the public sphere (lets assume Truth Social actually launches)… who will the Dems field as their replacement president?

Kamala is as stupid as Joe, neither one could be convincing on the lies they would need to tell. Hilary…nah…too old and shaky to pull it off. Like a female Joe.

They really need someone like an Obama, someone convincing and svelte, someone their base just can't disagree with because of being too smooth.

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a94eab  No.15640334

File: 35280a777b62827⋯.png (23.3 KB, 1069x697, 1069:697, ClipboardImage.png)


>5G has extremely limited range

did not know that, thanks

that means we dont have to worry about it any more than the vax

it wont happen

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5078d5  No.15640335

File: 20a0dfbe6e8dd4d⋯.jpg (566.81 KB, 1076x1087, 1076:1087, Screenshot_20220216_215200….jpg)

Just watch it..



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10ca05  No.15640336

File: df143492b0c33b9⋯.jpg (8.1 MB, 7790x7180, 779:718, Qmap_graphic_2017_10_28_20….jpg)

File: ca0dd4157f751b2⋯.png (3.61 MB, 5599x6000, 5599:6000, Qmap_graphic_2017_10_29_20….png)

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48f1cf  No.15640337



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ef1d49  No.15640338


gdrg30🩸 (PRO)





Big Pharma = Big Bucks = NO CURES

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ef1d49  No.15640339


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db9acc  No.15640340


thought of that too

wonder if michael still has the mojo to look and act the part

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360a31  No.15640341


Whatever happened to our fren Gowdy? My original thoughts were that he left to go under the radar and work on some of the criminalities he had uncovered

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10ca05  No.15640342

File: c751e9ea875997f⋯.jpg (851.92 KB, 2232x5180, 558:1295, How_To_Read_Markers_2McCab….jpg)

File: c751e9ea875997f⋯.jpg (851.92 KB, 2232x5180, 558:1295, Markers1_and_15_examples.jpg)

File: a67c095d5e46af1⋯.jpg (2.17 MB, 2812x2024, 703:506, QClock_5_17_18_11_52.jpg)

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d6499a  No.15640343


Can anons think of anything they should talk about?

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ac02e8  No.15640344

File: 83e6786f0897823⋯.gif (606.21 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 20220216_015712.gif)



there will be no democrat party

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ef1d49  No.15640345


Trey podcasts and Sundy Night w Trey on fox

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9dd888  No.15640347


Maybe the hangings will be deepfaked videos, and the real evil culprits skate. That would be par for the course of human events.

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b9d5be  No.15640348

File: 8bcd701a5c13577⋯.png (204.06 KB, 1328x704, 83:44, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 212881b259d98c0⋯.jpg (117.84 KB, 344x464, 43:58, FINE.jpg)



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ef1d49  No.15640349


i usually take 4AM as them))) spreading their daily talking points

once we know their))) narrative we can begin to counter

imo ime

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10ca05  No.15640351

File: ba7da3ef3ea0ed4⋯.png (884.27 KB, 702x964, 351:482, 1wA0EyTZFQ.png)

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153824  No.15640352

File: 622ad62776a997d⋯.jpg (179.64 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, Saget1.jpg)

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360a31  No.15640353


The Demo party is dead dude

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d15653  No.15640354

File: 4f06ed5251a381b⋯.jpg (112.28 KB, 720x905, 144:181, 20220216_015716.jpg)

File: 6dca999c91de4b0⋯.jpg (153.28 KB, 1170x1748, 585:874, 20220216_015648.jpg)


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985910  No.15640355

File: 1196e609ddb0258⋯.mp4 (12.71 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, IMG_6054.MP4)

These people are stupid.

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ef1d49  No.15640356

File: ae4dffb3ee666a1⋯.png (633.94 KB, 520x800, 13:20, OUR_Fate.png)



>Can anons think of anything they should talk about?

of course we can toss in our msgs w the counters also

also Deadpool was talking about Flash which led to Dr. Fate asking the reader for help (kek long story)

anyway, our heroes send msgs also which let's us know how we can help them / (4th wall break)

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985910  No.15640357

File: b31683e493b3efa⋯.jpg (12.36 KB, 213x255, 71:85, bleach_my_eyes.jpg)

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1a0b30  No.15640358


> that means we dont have to worry about it any more than the vax

There’s a reason (((they))) are putting so much effort into vaxxing and 5G. Their effort alone means we should worry. With everything in this war, there is always a chance we don’t know everything (a big chance).

Btw phonefagging really sucks…

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360a31  No.15640359


Do you think there is anything more important he is still working on privately?

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fee561  No.15640360

File: 253a8e2c5e62a0f⋯.png (937.93 KB, 1000x560, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

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4ab110  No.15640361


Mystery US helicopter lands on Ukraine-Poland border


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cf3158  No.15640362

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bonnie should admit that they had to "make up some of the data…for our own good."

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f0ecb5  No.15640363

File: 0d923d28a71d4b9⋯.gif (996.07 KB, 500x213, 500:213, baby_and_family.gif)

Father, you there?

Tell my mother that I need some money to pay some human shit around here, also to help a friend, that is full of debds, and me going in a vacation in Phillipine for a year.

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985910  No.15640364

File: 283e4ca6b72291d⋯.mp4 (5.98 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Trump_we_caught_them_all_g….mp4)

we will see

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44e3e6  No.15640365


is this girl still alive?

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bafd7a  No.15640366



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eb2bf6  No.15640367

File: f214558ef2d2472⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1098x732, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

Indonesian paedophile Herry Wirawan’s life term, rather than castration, a ‘warning’ to predators

An Islamic studies teacher who impregnated eight of the 13 children he raped is to receive a punishment usually reserved for terrorists and serial killers

While prosecutors had pushed for castration and death, experts say the term will act as a deterrent and is appropriate in a case that highlighted systemic failure


When Islamic studies teacher Herry Wirawan was handed a life sentence by an Indonesian court on Tuesday for raping 13 students aged between 13 and 16, he became the first convicted rapist to receive such a hefty sentence.

In Southeast Asia’s largest economy, the maximum recommended sentence for the rape of a minor is 15 years, although judges have the power to hand down heftier sentences as they see fit.

Wirawan, 36, had impregnated at least eight of the 13 children between 2016 and 2021 at the boarding school he ran. The prosecution in Bandung, a city two hours from the capital Jakarta, pushed for the death penalty and chemical castration, citing the extent of physical, emotional and psychological harm done to the children. Prosecutor Asep N Mulyana also asked that Wirawan’s identity be made public.

The case sparked fury across Indonesia and President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has watched its development closely according to government officials. The verdict has prompted great debate online, not least because a life term for a paedophile is unusual.

Life terms in Indonesia are usually reserved for crimes such as terrorism or murder cases in which there have been multiple victims or particularly nefarious factors such as mutilation or necrophilia.

Ranto Sibarani, a human rights lawyer based in Medan who handles child sexual abuse cases, said the life term for Wirawan was appropriate.

“We should reject the practice of the state sentencing anyone to die,” he said, adding he hoped it set a precedent for law enforcers to continue severely punishing perpetrators of sexual abuse.

Sibarani recently supported the families in a similar case in which Benyamin Sitepu, a 37-year-old Christian priest and principal of the Galilea Hosana School in Medan, received a 10 year sentence in January for sexually abusing six of his female students. At the time, Sibarani lambasted the verdict as “disappointing” and called for religious and educational institutions to do more to monitor their staff.

“In the Herry Wirawan case, there was also a state failure,” he said, pointing out the number of victims and that authorities were slow to follow up on reports of sexual abuse by a parent of a student that Wirawan had impregnated.

“[This provided] an opportunity for the perpetrator to find other victims. Law enforcement must be more alert and reactive, and routinely conduct checks on schools to ensure that there is no sexual harassment by teachers or religious leaders. There must be a mechanism aimed at ensuring that these children do not become victims of sexual harassment in schools or houses of worship.”

In recent years, Indonesia has seen a spate of child sexual abuse cases linked to educational and religious institutions.

On January 20, Lukas Lucky Ngalngola (alias Brother Angelo), a Catholic priest who ran an orphanage on the outskirts of Jakarta, was jailed for 14 years for sexually abusing the children under his care. In 2020, the head of an Islamic boarding school in Aceh province was sentenced to 15 years in prison for sexually assaulting 15 of his male students.

Medan-based psychologist, Irna Minauli, who is often called as an expert witness in child abuse cases and gave testimony in the Benyamin Sitepu case, hoped Wirawan’s sentence would act as a deterrent to others.

“In learning psychology there is something known as vicarious learning where a person will learn about the consequences of their behaviour by seeing the consequences experienced by other people doing the same actions.”

But the problem in Indonesia was that punishments were inconsistent across jurisdictions in the archipelago, which has more than 17,000 islands administered as 34 provinces, Minauli said.

“As a result of this inconsistency, even if someone does get a severe punishment like Herry Wirawan, other criminals will consider it just ‘bad luck’. There needs to be legal certainty so that vicarious learning can be formed,” Minauli said.

Wirawan had been accused of deliberately exploiting vulnerable children from low socio-economic backgrounds as many of his victims attended the boarding school on scholarships. Minauli said besides trauma inflicted on the survivors of his crimes, there was a possibility the “unwanted” children from the rapes would face emotional and behavioural issues.

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985910  No.15640368

File: df35f1b1f8565e8⋯.mp4 (3.01 MB, 480x854, 240:427, WE_HAVE_IT_ALL.mp4)

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ac02e8  No.15640369

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d15653  No.15640370

File: 752c52693dc5eb9⋯.jpg (20.72 KB, 335x250, 67:50, morgan_freem2.jpg)

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ad9d36  No.15640371

File: 4e37c7dafa4507d⋯.png (94.41 KB, 294x295, 294:295, 4e37c7dafa4507dd039075370f….png)



Oddly enough, this is also her skin care routine.


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db9acc  No.15640372

holy shiite

I just heard a Trudeau clip for the first time on someone's channel. Yeah, I know, well oldfag anon hasn't watched MSM for about 10 years so…there are actually lots of personalities I have no idea what they sound like.

All I can say is, what a faggot. Worse than Obama levels of faggotry. Like, not even close. I knew he was a cuck just from the general headlines quotes, but criminy, how the hell does a manlet like that get elected??

Dark times indeed

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eb2bf6  No.15640373

File: 49dbb8a178ca0ce⋯.png (4.42 MB, 2000x900, 20:9, ClipboardImage.png)


They were entirely under his control and he used that power and charisma to commit his crimes. His mens rea [intent] was evil Elizabeth Ghozali, criminal law lecturer

Elizabeth Ghozali, a lecturer in criminal law at Santo Thomas Catholic University in Medan, said the trauma experienced by survivors was probably one of several factors taken into account by the judge in handing down the life sentence.

“The impact of the rapes will be a life sentence for [the survivors] too. Other factors that may have added to the judge’s reasoning in this case were Wirawan’s position as a caregiver to these children and someone who was supposed to protect them,” she said.

Ghozali added that Wirawan had reportedly solicited donations from the public to support the Islamic boarding school, which added another layer of complexity to his crimes.

“There was also fraud there with the solicitation of funds from the public to take care of his own children and the victims who should have been his responsibility,” she said, adding that the children, who came from less well-off backgrounds, were helpless and away from their parents.

“They were entirely under his control and he used that power and charisma to commit his crimes. His mens rea [intent] was evil.”

It is not yet clear if Wirawan will appeal his sentence. If the life sentence is upheld, his only chance of release will be as a result of being granted clemency by the president, which is unlikely in the case of a convicted paedophile.

“The verdict is a signal to other judges and to the government that we have to monitor these kinds of institutions more closely,” Ghozali said.

“This was a systemic failure, not just of the police, but of all the other institutions and social safety nets that should have protected these children including government departments, child protective services and the local community.

“This sentence is a warning. Not just a warning to law enforcement, but to everyone.”

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5078d5  No.15640375


They all get locked up






Drop the pick if them behing bars

When did comey get fired..

5 years from that date clock runs out so prosecuted before then they must be

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ac02e8  No.15640376


still hearsay


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c5bb42  No.15640377

File: facfff634a79dd9⋯.png (777.7 KB, 657x909, 73:101, ClipboardImage.png)

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d1ee96  No.15640378

File: 8bc0c41e5172d53⋯.jpg (214.68 KB, 1069x1049, 1069:1049, 8bc.jpg)

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985910  No.15640379

File: a9f0ad4de32a2ff⋯.png (738.23 KB, 650x622, 325:311, 1602392414.png)

File: 86d16fce7c66766⋯.jpg (136.48 KB, 799x1200, 799:1200, Behing_the_Spygate_Door.jpg)

File: 771a8905cf18a70⋯.jpg (20.1 KB, 204x255, 4:5, cc710ff53b45bd53881c5a9bea….jpg)

File: 7b8afacf7144df8⋯.jpg (68.01 KB, 665x480, 133:96, 1587606277.jpg)

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a94eab  No.15640380


>phonefagging really sucks…

the irony

do not use cell phones

do not have tv

do not get vaxs

do not use credit cards


do not have 99% of the worries

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f0ecb5  No.15640381


Get lost, tard.

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360a31  No.15640382

File: 74b91647e627323⋯.jpg (72.44 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, Santoro.jpg)

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27c798  No.15640383


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: ef2e0e No.10967458

Oct 7 2020 14:25:52 (EST)





Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: ef2e0e No.10967370

Oct 7 2020 14:23:24 (EST)




I don't remember the source but didn't Biden say recently that there was room enough for two commanders?

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44e3e6  No.15640384

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f0ecb5  No.15640385

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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09ff0d  No.15640386

File: 000490e209f4a90⋯.jpg (157.51 KB, 728x548, 182:137, Screenshot_20220216_031125….jpg)

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5078d5  No.15640387

File: 12acaa80f17afbb⋯.jpg (85.37 KB, 1078x1003, 1078:1003, Screenshot_20220215_165851….jpg)

Comey fired may 6

May = 5

If they all get indicted on 5:5…..

Holly shit

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ac02e8  No.15640388


her name is rachel chandler.

jügle it

instagram also

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f0ecb5  No.15640389


We don't like newbies.

Uninformed, scroll n4 open your mouth.

Also smart azz tards, efbiai gestapo, that want our info, to cover-up shit, for criminals.

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44e3e6  No.15640391


thank you

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eb2bf6  No.15640392

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Infinite boosters and abortions

First woman reported cured of HIV after stem cell transplant

Gene therapy may be the key to an HIV cure


A patient with leukaemia in the United States has become the first woman and the third person to date to be cured of HIV after receiving a stem cell transplant, researchers say.

The case, presented on Tuesday at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunisitic Infections in the US city of Denver, was the first involving umbilical cord blood to treat acute myeloid leukaemia, which starts in blood-forming cells in the bone marrow.

Since receiving the cord blood, the middle-aged woman of mixed race has been in remission and free of HIV for 14 months, without the need for potent treatments known as antiretroviral therapy.

The donor was naturally resistant to the virus that causes AIDS.

“This is now the third report of a cure in this setting, and the first in a woman living with HIV,” Sharon Lewin, president-elect of the International AIDS Society, said in a statement.

The two prior cases occurred in males, one white and one Latino, who had received adult stem cells more frequently used in bone marrow transplants.

This new approach may make the treatment available to more people, according to researchers.


The case is part of a wider study led by the University of California, Los Angeles and Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore that follows 25 people with HIV who undergo transplants with stem cells for the treatment of cancer and other serious conditions.

Patients in the trial first undergo chemotherapy to kill off the cancerous immune cells and then receive transplant stem cells from individuals with a specific genetic mutation in which they lack receptors used by the virus to infect cells.

Scientists believe these individuals then develop an immune system resistant to HIV.

Lewin said that while bone marrow transplants are not a viable strategy to cure most people living with HIV, the report “confirms that a cure for HIV is possible and further strengthens using gene therapy as a viable strategy for an HIV cure”.

Previously, scientists believed that a common stem cell transplant side-effect called graft versus host disease – in which the donor immune system attacks the recipient’s immune system – played a role in a possible cure.

“Taken together, these three cases of a cure post stem cell transplant all help in teasing out the various components of the transplant that were absolutely key to a cure,” Lewin said.


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db9acc  No.15640393


Not talking about elections, I'm talking about now. They still think they are in charge.

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a94eab  No.15640394


this is qr

can you guess what the r stands for?

some anons have 4+ years of hard r here

they may not be patient with non r mf's

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985910  No.15640395

File: e74f486f857a0e6⋯.jpg (221.5 KB, 526x552, 263:276, adm1579497565.jpg)

File: a4eb3e1423639f7⋯.jpg (208.54 KB, 1325x841, 1325:841, a4eb3e1423639f73e70b258036….jpg)

File: 212e1599454cdc7⋯.jpg (38.49 KB, 500x531, 500:531, photo_2021_05_01_13_09_55.jpg)

File: c6e031b64b2a241⋯.jpg (318.14 KB, 800x600, 4:3, PATRIOTS1.jpg)

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ad9d36  No.15640396

File: dad0ff86f2fdd33⋯.png (161.91 KB, 849x653, 849:653, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>15640330 (You)

>is this girl still alive?

As far as I'm aware.

She's got an IMDB page.


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ac02e8  No.15640397


they are

tuck your cogdiss back in

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44e3e6  No.15640398



speak for yourself!

if I am not allowed to ask a question, then FUCK YOU! just leave me alone, idiot

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b9d5be  No.15640399

File: 73a496a98dfded0⋯.jpg (89.22 KB, 829x171, 829:171, bloodlibisreal2.jpg)

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d1ee96  No.15640400


She was the chick who died in the Helicopter crash thingamajig 4 years ago.

Right after Q posted about her.

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ac02e8  No.15640401


<you are the news now

<²good job

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db9acc  No.15640402


>so much effort into vaxxing and 5G

Agree on both of this. Its a bad mix. Normies can't fathom either one as a problem.

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6ff29d  No.15640403



>>15640392 Infinite boosters and abortions? First woman reported cured of HIV after stem cell transplant

>>15640367 Indonesian paedophile Herry Wirawan’s life term, rather than castration, a ‘warning’ to predators

>>15640317 Four banks have custody of over US$179 Trillion in assets

>>15640301 Archive Fag - a way to download Youtube videos that are preserved in snapshots on the Internet Wayback Machine.

>>15640190, >>15640219, >>15640229, >>15640233, >>15640283, >>15640313 Q Crumbs, reminder re-read crumbs

>>15640253 6.2 earthquake Guatemala

>>15640250 Canadian Intelligence Hires Antifa to dox thousands involved with Freedom Convoy

>>15640214 Planefag Report

>>15640199, >>15640211, >>15640232, >>15640223 A. Coster, Top NZ Cop begs for help towing protestors cars

>>15640207 Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Has Significant Lead Over All Democrat Challengers

>>15640246, >>15640255, >>15640259, >>15640251 Reminder Telegram is no different from any other Social Media, comp'd

>>15640185, >>15640249, >>15640296, >>15640348 Prince Andrew settles civil sexual assault claim with Virginia Giuffre, more info


Man with digits notices digits17


>Bread 19776

saw that, almost named for that

Was thinking Blessed Bread Edition for nb 19777

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d1ee96  No.15640404

File: 0247fe60b79d333⋯.png (482.94 KB, 1200x849, 400:283, 1644996989171.png)

File: 5e8d82da7a86c97⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 294.46 KB, 916x1117, 916:1117, 1644453566035.jpg)

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5aaa5b  No.15640405

File: 3d80acebd6e6394⋯.jpg (98.05 KB, 500x649, 500:649, 65dgub.jpg)

Shut your nigga~

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153824  No.15640406


You really don´t get it? You have the internet… Go to a search tool, give in the name and do your fucking research! This is not the nanny board!

If you have honest questions about your own research, ask! Best way, put sauce on your own findings and ask for more infos, because you stuck or something else!

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eb2bf6  No.15640407

File: 046148f6d94714f⋯.jpg (63.51 KB, 875x1053, 875:1053, 1rIMvqavJlyL1w9OK.jpg)

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ad9d36  No.15640408


>She was the chick who died in the Helicopter crash thingamajig 4 years ago.

I think you're thinking of the Manager of the Standard Hotel.


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10ca05  No.15640409

File: 802f7f292e87366⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1143x731, 1143:731, 4OUNxT6aZW.png)

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10ca05  No.15640410

File: 1924f6ed2d90c02⋯.png (2.29 MB, 1427x1442, 1427:1442, 4i8iFvrAqy.png)

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10ca05  No.15640411

File: 913b7aa6e54f5a3⋯.png (751.25 KB, 939x657, 313:219, 7b5453953760af857eba0ac522….png)

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f57e6f  No.15640412

File: b3c2341ddaa8c97⋯.jpg (72 KB, 450x683, 450:683, mountbatten_royal.jpg)

File: b88d7578e3b3e63⋯.jpg (41.05 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

File: 8493fca5d77e29e⋯.jpg (254.49 KB, 767x767, 1:1, charlie.jpg)

File: 5f4203c08ab27e1⋯.jpg (101.28 KB, 660x580, 33:29, charlie.jpg)


The focus is on the wrong Prince

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a94eab  No.15640413

File: a315f9c5e76358f⋯.png (399.39 KB, 338x472, 169:236, ClipboardImage.png)

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44e3e6  No.15640414


the question marks referred to the BS answers I got.

But good to know that YOU don't get it!


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10ca05  No.15640415

File: 1304df46f027711⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1917x1079, 1917:1079, 7cCcls3Jux.png)

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310232  No.15640416

File: 7b617518b6755c6⋯.jpg (68.81 KB, 500x525, 20:21, guj.jpg)

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10ca05  No.15640417

File: 4de189494c5578b⋯.png (1016.13 KB, 1276x796, 319:199, 6N0VV0Jmyo.png)

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10ca05  No.15640418

File: 675be5aabb8fac1⋯.png (2 MB, 1076x1346, 538:673, 9WCp0laPVM.png)

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ad9d36  No.15640419



>The focus is on the wrong Prince

That Birtish boarding school system seriously fucked up that entire country.

Their entire aristocracy was probably diddled as kids.

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be3371  No.15640420

File: f1317489779e85e⋯.png (391.86 KB, 666x658, 333:329, ClipboardImage.png)

Everyone can rest at ease.


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10ca05  No.15640421

File: 735aa57a757273c⋯.png (4.85 MB, 2107x1346, 2107:1346, 15lHt9wYyBt.png)

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985910  No.15640422

File: f8dcd56b2aec940⋯.jpg (47.94 KB, 680x420, 34:21, photo_2021_07_07_11_06_55.jpg)

File: 0fedc07f7ee3b02⋯.jpg (457.64 KB, 1119x3358, 1119:3358, hunter_laptop_2.jpg)

File: 595aef71cdefc6d⋯.jpg (25.59 KB, 425x598, 425:598, hunter_pedo.jpg)

File: 1283709fb9d6308⋯.jpg (55.57 KB, 720x717, 240:239, 1597153549_3.jpg)

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ac02e8  No.15640423


read moar

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f0ecb5  No.15640424



There is a reason for this.

Q Research


>>15406810 New here? Welcome | >>15406794 Board Info | >>15406795 Offsite Bunkers | >>15406798 Optics |

Don't make me angry.

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eb2bf6  No.15640425

File: dbbed37976c8bd1⋯.gif (457.99 KB, 300x200, 3:2, 12283.gif)

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310232  No.15640426

File: 34e8be3390ec9c9⋯.jpg (74.95 KB, 500x494, 250:247, 65dc3v_1.jpg)

Blacks are the documents garbage..

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d1ee96  No.15640427

File: c7ccf6c9ab33e02⋯.jpg (155.73 KB, 650x433, 650:433, 1644431222874.jpg)

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eb2bf6  No.15640428

File: 59c3b1b740e5f0f⋯.png (1 MB, 968x1090, 484:545, 11tZxeAmputS.png)

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ac02e8  No.15640429


truth is relative

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f0ecb5  No.15640430


Coz if I'll go angry, I'll fuck you in the eyes.

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be3371  No.15640431

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a94eab  No.15640433

File: 2913a473027b276⋯.png (1.32 MB, 999x1332, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)





research the meaning behind this meme

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153824  No.15640434

File: b1202b9459467f6⋯.jpg (381.7 KB, 1220x686, 610:343, you.jpg)


Fuck off, you lazy stupid asshole! You are the reason why I have serious problems with "have fate in humanity"! You are a fucking stupid idiot and a selfish brainfuck! What do you think this is here! Your personal amusement park filled with slaves who answer your whore questions, when the picture of the poor child was posted by Q?

Read the crumbs, help or fuck yourself, you stupid fuckface! Skinwaste shitfuck!

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ac02e8  No.15640435

File: a25955839e62527⋯.gif (49.99 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 20220130_035135.gif)

File: b7f6bb264bf7b60⋯.gif (5.42 MB, 639x639, 1:1, 20220202_010527.gif)

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eb2bf6  No.15640436

File: cddcdff11cc35ee⋯.jpeg (309.21 KB, 2100x2100, 1:1, Surf.jpeg)

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ad9d36  No.15640437


>Don't make me angry.

Nobody cares if you're angry. Welcome to the internet. Punch your phone, Francis.

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a94eab  No.15640438


>truth is relative


dont even start

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310232  No.15640439

File: 15a6c51bc2138f6⋯.jpg (58.55 KB, 500x759, 500:759, 15a6c51bc2138f6c4c80a70713….jpg)

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44e3e6  No.15640440



i said I am not new new. and only because i didn't know of 1 fucking thing, you think you can act superior. i hate that!

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25be0a  No.15640441

File: 6e5888ee5217b0f⋯.jpeg (93.4 KB, 750x500, 3:2, image.jpeg)

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e57af5  No.15640442

How do you NPCs feel knowing that all of the science is a lie and all of the news about the Russians is a lie?

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ac02e8  No.15640443

File: 691c52bc29ff78c⋯.gif (869.63 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 20220216_023007.gif)



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a94eab  No.15640444


have you read the drops?


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be3371  No.15640445

File: 014e9fc57a8b8ce⋯.png (65.73 KB, 255x219, 85:73, ClipboardImage.png)

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f0ecb5  No.15640447


Tard, I'm on internet b4 you even born.

I don't use a phone, also.

I'm untractable.

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ac02e8  No.15640448


… post replies.

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ad9d36  No.15640449


Angry drunk division shills get the filter.

Have a blessed day.

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ac02e8  No.15640450

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ad9d36  No.15640451


See above.

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a94eab  No.15640452

File: cb8f40130b2bab8⋯.png (106.22 KB, 304x274, 152:137, ClipboardImage.png)


>I'm untractable.

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4cde59  No.15640453

File: 290922163e80e0a⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1025x596, 1025:596, 2018_10_09_10_10_41.png)

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f0ecb5  No.15640454



I created scripts for IRC, that they still use it right now, in rooms and loaded on bots.


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a94eab  No.15640455

File: d94d07a75214342⋯.png (217.25 KB, 376x425, 376:425, ClipboardImage.png)

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be3371  No.15640456

File: af8f2f64917b61c⋯.png (228.45 KB, 674x679, 674:679, ClipboardImage.png)


>I'm on internet b4 you even born.


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4cde59  No.15640457

File: 2b0b0b4bef651b7⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1110x1632, 185:272, 2b0b0b4bef651b7a596bde0c2e….png)

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d1ee96  No.15640458


>I'm untractable.

They wouldn't let you be using any of their technology if it wasn't constantly monitoring you.

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f0ecb5  No.15640459

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4cde59  No.15640460

File: 76ede41feacfbdc⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 1fea1ae1ac.png)

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e57af5  No.15640461

File: 4e1484bbacbe15f⋯.jpg (61.17 KB, 1080x512, 135:64, Screenshot_20220215_185559….jpg)

File: d7d20662a0c39cd⋯.png (355.84 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, assure_2.png)

She liked my comment where I corrected her typo, after her current man blocked me when I made fun of them for having a beverage company, as well as all of her business ventures being tied up with her former husband.

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be3371  No.15640462

File: 130d766dfc26f43⋯.gif (1.55 MB, 480x270, 16:9, SLAP_YOU_WITH_LARGE_TROUT.gif)

>I created scripts for IRC

/SLAP >>15640454

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f0ecb5  No.15640463




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4cde59  No.15640464

File: 82c475b58dbf1e9⋯.png (664.2 KB, 560x674, 280:337, 82c475b58dbf1e95adee70d857….png)

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f52785  No.15640465

File: aa56890d78acd11⋯.png (440.28 KB, 632x421, 632:421, ClipboardImage.png)


no one ever posts the full pic

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f0ecb5  No.15640466

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a94eab  No.15640467


>They wouldn't let you be using any of their technology if it wasn't constantly monitoring you.

spell check is technology

i guess your write


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e57af5  No.15640468


Oops, made a mistake there! Anyway, you should all get the gist of what I was saying…

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4cde59  No.15640469

File: 2a2d0c4c58bf15c⋯.png (1.11 MB, 857x889, 857:889, 2018_07_20_21_14_30.png)

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4cde59  No.15640470

File: d1e38fd08fa1cd7⋯.png (805.78 KB, 1393x997, 1393:997, Screen_Shot_2018_11_26_at_….png)

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6e3279  No.15640471


Gonna need a looooooot of rope.

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f0ecb5  No.15640472

File: 3a1043d6c8a1e9b⋯.jpg (16.57 KB, 474x286, 237:143, omfG.jpg)

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4cde59  No.15640473

File: bd070ed57f79e91⋯.jpeg (1.24 MB, 1242x1643, 1242:1643, 0BEBE8BF_477C_44DB_B31E_E….jpeg)

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ac02e8  No.15640474

File: 41ab38a3ed8f730⋯.jpg (170.38 KB, 600x740, 30:37, 20220216_023816.jpg)


you exist within a false paradigm created by your enemies.

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4cde59  No.15640475

File: 9ddf6856b74012c⋯.png (2.89 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 9ddf6856b74012c1b83d73a6ca….png)

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4cde59  No.15640476

File: 8c64744c5069c6f⋯.png (1.09 MB, 646x684, 17:18, 8c64744c5069c6f61d89cc32fb….png)

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be3371  No.15640477



They forgot that they are also being tracked.

That will be their downfall.

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96bbc8  No.15640479

File: faa20150d87a13e⋯.jpg (107.47 KB, 469x474, 469:474, faa20150d87a13e8614a5e2c52….jpg)

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f0ecb5  No.15640480

File: 8d89fe694743a14⋯.jpg (79.64 KB, 736x619, 736:619, soros_11.jpg)


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44e3e6  No.15640481


some of them are strange for me (eurofag) as i am not familiar with some stuff and it takes time to get the whole picture

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cf3158  No.15640482

File: f885f0bde96cc07⋯.png (414.04 KB, 567x471, 189:157, UNTRUSTED.png)

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4cde59  No.15640483

File: b973b9369e43d2b⋯.gif (989.97 KB, 500x655, 100:131, 46d0edeaacc61c20909e6ad043….gif)

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96bbc8  No.15640484

File: 2120efbc5d27da2⋯.png (365.45 KB, 699x499, 699:499, 073be6ed95d31c8aaeea38df23….png)

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968b25  No.15640485

File: 143d672c618ae1e⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1200x1201, 1200:1201, 143d672c618ae1eb5e1a3ba696….png)

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35cc1d  No.15640486

File: f409958213effe2⋯.png (607.59 KB, 586x900, 293:450, 1dccf88ed4feb75a7e9fde3510….png)

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96bbc8  No.15640487

File: 208323c8f8c8d91⋯.png (634.07 KB, 1147x554, 1147:554, 8cc20ad8432a7aac10fa3bc26e….png)

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a371f8  No.15640488

Ric Grenell live today at hearing

What timr?

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35cc1d  No.15640489

File: 97da3c3ddbd9e19⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1501x748, 1501:748, 97da3c3ddbd9e19847e656d5f0….png)

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96bbc8  No.15640490

File: 23bba41d31bbad5⋯.png (530.35 KB, 722x729, 722:729, Night_Shift_1.PNG)

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d1ee96  No.15640491


About 30 minutes after he takes his HIV medicine.

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35cc1d  No.15640492

File: 83ef7dbfe6ab4f5⋯.png (1.07 MB, 667x636, 667:636, 83ef7dbfe6ab4f5548b47b1673….png)

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44e3e6  No.15640493


i just hope you don't have kids

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b9d5be  No.15640494

File: 615aa9b95416efd⋯.jpg (50.25 KB, 700x547, 700:547, GAY_JOKE.jpg)

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1e9a74  No.15640495

File: 17f98ead5d523af⋯.png (223.21 KB, 500x334, 250:167, d6ee2123ef97c470889c4df40c….png)

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be3371  No.15640496

File: ceb61c47243194c⋯.mp4 (728.31 KB, 400x266, 200:133, Nightmare_Elm_Biden_Trump_….mp4)

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d0217c  No.15640497




>maybe the doubles will hang (simulation?)


>All for optics?




>maybe the doubles will hang (simulation?)


>All for optics?




>maybe the doubles will hang (simulation?)


>All for optics?

It's a lot of work for the Military tribunals the charge, try, convict and execute all the Black Hat clones and doubles … could be the reason it all takes more time than we expected

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d15653  No.15640498

File: c7ec07370bc81a6⋯.jpg (90.79 KB, 711x780, 237:260, 20220216_024221.jpg)

File: 157a6b37c23737e⋯.mp4 (2.78 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, FSsSJqF8Btu94jlG.mp4)


Lock her up #Hillarygate

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96bbc8  No.15640499

File: 8fd05dadf09527f⋯.png (185.98 KB, 900x1080, 5:6, 1474104054103.png)

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a94eab  No.15640500

File: 6011dc08c96ffd5⋯.png (266.7 KB, 437x366, 437:366, ClipboardImage.png)


ahhh, that explains much

hang in there and take your smack downs and you will learn much padawan

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25be0a  No.15640501

Today I saw a pick up truck with the words "SHOOT YOUR LOCAL PEDOPHILE" plastered across the back window. Nice to see other people in my local community voice their opinion openly against EVIL.

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35cc1d  No.15640502

File: 068e50f68e40c73⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1200x1087, 1200:1087, 2b36d0ddd8d9442fee5505a62b….png)

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a94eab  No.15640503

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a371f8  No.15640504


Mesa Clerk Tina Peters says she’s running for Secretary of State

By Bente Birkeland

February 14, 2022

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be3371  No.15640505



Ukraine is the DS criminal's playground.

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96bbc8  No.15640506

File: f8519500f1a45ab⋯.png (5.7 KB, 799x407, 799:407, flag_of_the_republic_of_ke….png)

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35cc1d  No.15640507

File: e83f1dbd9d8db95⋯.png (2.06 MB, 1135x1076, 1135:1076, 2018_07_31_17_16_55.png)

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96bbc8  No.15640508

File: 0c5afe7cb5b1082⋯.jpg (397.48 KB, 814x900, 407:450, 0c5afe7cb5b10824ab479862d1….jpg)

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f0ecb5  No.15640509



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35cc1d  No.15640510

File: 3f6e56f6244a0e1⋯.png (600.43 KB, 597x478, 597:478, 3f6e56f6244a0e1e1fa8f4c945….png)

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a94eab  No.15640511

File: 89078af07a02b1e⋯.png (225.85 KB, 355x399, 355:399, ClipboardImage.png)

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96bbc8  No.15640512

File: d087e2fdf3a4280⋯.jpg (43.57 KB, 395x270, 79:54, d087e2fdf3a42803a0db810ac1….jpg)

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09ff0d  No.15640513

Blackstone (NYSE: BX) today announced that Maura Pally, formerly Executive Vice President of the Clinton Foundation, is joining the firm as Executive Director of the Blackstone Charitable Foundation

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35cc1d  No.15640514

File: e0d81637e94219d⋯.png (653.5 KB, 800x539, 800:539, 3efcdac59f06e26ef0f2cf97cf….png)

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96bbc8  No.15640515

File: a3cea45b554cd50⋯.jpg (354.54 KB, 888x1201, 888:1201, PepeChess.jpg)

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f0ecb5  No.15640516



IMAGINE AFTER i'll go home, how i'll fuck you and your entire family.

rekoning it will be great.

YOU;ll never kiss my world.

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153824  No.15640517


No! I know this world and I would be in jail right now, if I had children! But I am here, because every child has the right to grow up like myself!

>>15640406 my post to you!

I was trying to explain it to you! Nicely!

and then… Your stupid fucking arrogant answer!


You should do your work! And read the crumbs! not one time, hundred times! And I say it again, ask about your own findings and you will get answers! Be stupid and you will just piss off!

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33d742  No.15640518


Completely unrelated bit of trivia but that speculum comes with a built in flashlight…

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be3371  No.15640519

File: abbb3a0157358dd⋯.png (228.6 KB, 989x586, 989:586, Reeeeeeeee.png)

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a371f8  No.15640520

Think mirror

First arrest under Trump is Flynn.

Michael Thomas Flynn is a retired United States Army lieutenant general who was the 25th U.S. National Security Advisor for the first 22 days of the Trump administration. He resigned in light of reports that he had lied regarding conversations with Sergey Kislyak. Wikipedia

Mirror that under bidan.

First arrest is his NSA, JAKE. SULLIVAN

Jake Sullivan - Wikipedia

On November 23, 2020, President-elect Biden announced that Sullivan would be appointed as his national security advisor

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a94eab  No.15640521

File: c9cce860f0ccfdd⋯.png (564.2 KB, 768x760, 96:95, ClipboardImage.png)

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35cc1d  No.15640522

File: 97fc8141ca0387f⋯.png (743.68 KB, 613x770, 613:770, 6618ac8137fba8c492dcd73fc5….png)

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d1ee96  No.15640523


Why are you talking to yourself? Fucking schizophrenic poster.

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d0217c  No.15640524

File: bf4ae5d73c478b9⋯.jpg (51.9 KB, 550x420, 55:42, index.jpg)


>>And what about 60ghz? Can that really suffocate you in place?


>Wireless has always been hazardous with to much exposure.


>Higher the frequency the more hazardous it is.


>Shorter exposure time for damage to occur.


>There are ways to mitigate exposure/dmg.


>Higher frequency also easier to block/disrupt.

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f0ecb5  No.15640526


If my powers back, right now, I'll clean this planet, make it like heaven, b/c it is HEAVEN, but killing criminals, it will be like following Georgia guide stones, too many corrupt criminals on this flat triangle rombus, octogon, shit.

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00ab3d  No.15640527

File: 68bb8b1dd7638e9⋯.jpg (12.64 KB, 200x200, 1:1, Lava.jpg)

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e76bec  No.15640528

File: 9444f9a7e353c45⋯.png (642.92 KB, 893x742, 893:742, set_in.png)


Desperation Sets in After Revelation That Durham Investigation Is 'Accelerating,' Targeting 'Other Matters'

By Bonchie | Feb 15, 2022 11:30 AM ET

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35cc1d  No.15640529

File: 57afbeff3b9bb85⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1203x798, 401:266, 0b1e207b6b1cc4fb64972ab56e….png)

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35cc1d  No.15640530

File: 0efa787e844d7f0⋯.png (1 MB, 1194x1910, 597:955, 0b010811e75b69e1026fec9ae6….png)

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f0ecb5  No.15640531


Too many!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

give me back my powers, you fuck!!!!!!

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00ab3d  No.15640532

File: 891c04fb1bde416⋯.jpg (107.97 KB, 441x570, 147:190, pepe_mcthistle.jpg)

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e76bec  No.15640533

File: 0aca958047cfbd5⋯.png (375.84 KB, 894x649, 894:649, bid_al.png)


Biden Campaign Also Had Internet Company Allegedly Connected to Durham Probe on the Payroll

By Nick Arama | Feb 15, 2022 3:00 PM ET

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d0217c  No.15640534


[placeholder1] already taken

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ad9d36  No.15640535



>some of them are strange for me (eurofag) as i am not familiar with some stuff and it takes time to get the whole picture

These should help:

Q Anon - The Storm - v.1.Q - Oct 2017 - Nov 2019


Q Encyclopedia - FIRST DRAFT - Nov 2019 - Dec 2020


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f0ecb5  No.15640536

23 said that


Hey, dear.


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00ab3d  No.15640537

File: 7d9870d843240ad⋯.png (8.16 KB, 207x172, 207:172, 0466_HmuIYFv.png)

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e76bec  No.15640538

File: 27802fbfdc1c3a1⋯.png (105.07 KB, 547x404, 547:404, wont.png)


Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Biden won't get a war to save his presidency

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a371f8  No.15640539



I have paid attention to all of this, but this is first time I knew that they listened in on Trump's at White House via trump tower.

And now they know he knew all along.

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2e1c56  No.15640540

File: 101af6a46f16f87⋯.mp4 (1.69 MB, 720x540, 4:3, Mass_Genocide_Hillary_Clin….mp4)





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f0ecb5  No.15640541



They had infiltrated in the white house………


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e76bec  No.15640542

File: 01c431ea1346b2a⋯.png (202.45 KB, 307x566, 307:566, l_g.png)


Freedom Warriors, [15.02.22 07:26]

[ Album ]

Long range acoustic devices used by Australian police to prevent social media coverage of protests outside the parliament building???


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eb3244  No.15640543

File: 4fefac8b286123e⋯.png (6.66 MB, 3606x1872, 601:312, 2018_07_12_16_38_33_.png)

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0de2a8  No.15640544

File: ac69db4beced97a⋯.jpg (1.41 MB, 1879x1879, 1:1, 64b88cbc325f9f0c356b4732ce….jpg)


You mean a little over a year since Shitz n Giggles took over. (Hint)

Even if no posts are made do not concern; QTEAM is always active.

It's just that now the lights are off.

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00ab3d  No.15640545

File: d14cc9529339cef⋯.png (306.66 KB, 498x639, 166:213, kek_airforce.png)

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b9d5be  No.15640546

File: 29f6ec3ec04ad96⋯.png (520.07 KB, 1422x670, 711:335, ClipboardImage.png)


MAGA KEK arf arf arf

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592603  No.15640547

File: c1057195ffbfea5⋯.jpg (12.5 KB, 218x255, 218:255, 4e88ca903a2f5c30c88bd78465….jpg)

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e76bec  No.15640548

File: 8969fe0d0b2d425⋯.png (143.9 KB, 427x458, 427:458, plea.png)


Freedom Warriors, [15.02.22 07:41]

[ Video ]

New Zealand’s police commissioner made a plea for tow truck companies to move the convoy for freedom, they ignored.

He went as far as asking the military to tow them, they also ignored 🔥

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a94eab  No.15640549


white house & trump tower

not via

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eb3244  No.15640550

File: 15993ec809f57b9⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1024x1448, 128:181, 15993ec809f57b984bd7aa1a1f….png)

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ad9d36  No.15640551


WTF is kwannon?

Is that like a rapper or something?

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eb3244  No.15640552

File: 078a42ed64d36d5⋯.jpeg (1.63 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 2ceb1ba540ff13224752d23fb….jpeg)

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00ab3d  No.15640553

File: 7ffe5fd060ae22b⋯.png (46.45 KB, 425x617, 425:617, Ace_of_Pepe.png)

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f0ecb5  No.15640554

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e76bec  No.15640555

File: a994363ef8edf54⋯.png (626.25 KB, 1014x626, 507:313, wa.png)



Wales becomes first UK nation to ‘offer Covid 19 vaccinations’ to 5 to 11 year olds

15 February, 2022

David Clews

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09ff0d  No.15640556

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"Because; that's the way it was set up"

Donald Trump

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a371f8  No.15640557



>Biden Campaign Also Had Internet Company Allegedly Connected to Durham Probe on the Payroll

not able

>By Nick Arama | Feb 15, 2022 3:00 PM ET

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eb3244  No.15640558

File: 2ccd219ff4e9a2f⋯.jpg (2.47 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, IMG_6623.jpg)

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e76bec  No.15640559

File: 20e149329740373⋯.png (163.64 KB, 428x312, 107:78, w_y.png)


Freedom Warriors, [16.02.22 04:45]

[ Video ]

Archbishop Viganò's IMPORTANT MESSAGE To Canadian Truckers.

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00ab3d  No.15640560

File: f4de4e1dc0ddca7⋯.png (4.8 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, PEPEQEK.png)

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a371f8  No.15640561


>Archbishop Viganò's IMPORTANT MESSAGE To Canadian Truckers.


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be3371  No.15640562


Figured Drudge was offline by now.

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eb3244  No.15640563

File: 04f885db636dd28⋯.png (835.45 KB, 932x908, 233:227, 1723692778a2aee960c954c114….png)

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2e1c56  No.15640564

File: 78644fa8ac761ea⋯.jpg (2.78 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20220216_040439.jpg)

File: beb09023194bc4d⋯.mp4 (7.63 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 6_NSA_THE_TURNING_AWAY_com….mp4)


The Wind is Howling At the Moon…

These People Leave Literal Rivers of Human Blood in Their Wake.

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e76bec  No.15640565

File: 9febd98c3dd66c0⋯.png (160.57 KB, 427x391, 427:391, anyone.png)


KanekoaTheGreat, [15.02.22 18:36]

[Forwarded from Forecast 432Hz (Forecast 432Hz)]

[ Video ]

👀 Exclusive: Former BlackRock Portfolio Manager Pfizer Fraud. My goodness, this interview is pure fire, doubt anyone will get boosted / vaccinated after listening to this… @Forecast432Hz https://twitter.com/kristileightv/status/1493621160281448452?s=21

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33d742  No.15640566


How about this angle…

He asked for the original and she said she "lost" it, realizing her position is slipping, she decided to accept the settlement…

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eb3244  No.15640567

File: 5c7d3bb9438de8f⋯.jpg (574.63 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, 8435fb5688c176c8e893bddfb8….jpg)

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2e1c56  No.15640568

File: 325ad4ab4c0865c⋯.png (2.51 MB, 2295x1156, 135:68, 1645006071891.png)



The Winds of Change Are Blowing…

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e76bec  No.15640569

File: 9f0be5a46be3eda⋯.png (131.12 KB, 423x441, 47:49, non_own.png)


KanekoaTheGreat, [15.02.22 22:09]

[Forwarded from Becker News]


Biden also paid tech firm that spied on Trump.🔻

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aebc20  No.15640570

File: 96c94a6848a723d⋯.jpg (68.69 KB, 630x630, 1:1, 869b4ac11fb39a0ecb2ad92721….jpg)

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e76bec  No.15640571

File: c8e35987b97bada⋯.png (147.12 KB, 426x393, 142:131, plan.png)


KanekoaTheGreat, [16.02.22 02:57]

[Forwarded from The Vigilant Fox 🦊]

[ Video ]

The Premier of Ontario, Doug Ford has just blown up Justin Trudeau’s house of cards. In fact he’s just blown up the entire argument for mandates, vaccine passports and restrictions.

Via James Melville (https://twitter.com/JamesMelville/status/1493694417819025408?s=20&t=ljUdAY48_ZW6t_fZkCVwMw) | This Video on Rumble (https://rumble.com/vv27wb-doug-ford-has-just-blown-up-justin-trudeaus-house-of-cards.html)

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eb3244  No.15640572

File: 0f248279f8fb8c0⋯.jpg (640.27 KB, 1500x1038, 250:173, 0f248279f8fb8c0c4caf7abfa8….jpg)

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aebc20  No.15640573

File: 108462554c4a751⋯.jpg (40.29 KB, 680x510, 4:3, 108462554c4a751ac6cfb7e5a7….jpg)

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e76bec  No.15640574

File: bf44279b9842d6c⋯.png (169.67 KB, 342x669, 114:223, evi.png)


@intheMatrixxx ⭐️⭐️⭐️, [15.02.22 22:23]

[Forwarded from Forecast 432Hz (Forecast 432Hz)]

[ Photo ]

🚩 Here’s the evidence from the FDA report on 17th November 2021 confirming that more people died in the Pfizer Clinical Trial Vaccine Control Group compared to the Placebo Group. No wonder Pfizer withdrew from India after they requested an independent clinical trial, and most recently they delayed the approval request for children in the US. @Forecast432Hz


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be3371  No.15640575

File: 88d681ea9d6108d⋯.mp4 (219.55 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Trump_Sit_Down_Dogs.mp4)


Cats are asshoe.

Dogs are noice.

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eb3244  No.15640576

File: e99ec855e4d980f⋯.jpeg (731.09 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, E006AD79_A957_4821_8872_B….jpeg)

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b9d5be  No.15640577

File: 19b74cf772302c4⋯.jpg (18.86 KB, 480x360, 4:3, SEE.jpg)

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2e1c56  No.15640578

File: d59ac2f82008425⋯.png (2.58 MB, 2913x910, 2913:910, 1644980083175.png)

File: 6855ace38325a14⋯.png (844.21 KB, 2105x1260, 421:252, 1644952905993.png)

File: 1c7125a16b7792f⋯.png (816.65 KB, 1352x1962, 676:981, 1644939505540.png)

File: f7d611a18a6f007⋯.mp4 (8.56 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, National_Security_Advisor_….mp4)


Joe Biden's Campaign was Funded by Designated Terrorists.

www.Antifa.com = www.JoeBiden.com

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25be0a  No.15640579

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09ff0d  No.15640580

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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be3371  No.15640581


Scoot that phone over a few inches, James.

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eb3244  No.15640582

File: d07d6853728d504⋯.jpg (54.92 KB, 1050x591, 350:197, 1050_591_81_s_c1.jpg)


That was the hypothesis

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e76bec  No.15640583

File: bded0e010c5cad7⋯.png (99.68 KB, 419x636, 419:636, sec.png)


Covid Truth Network, [15.02.22 14:43]

[Forwarded from Chief Nerd]

[ Photo ]

Autopsy cardiac findings from two teenage boys found dead in their beds 3 & 4 days post Pfizer dose #2

“The myocardial injury seen in these post-vaccine hearts is different from typical myocarditis and has an appearance most closely resembling a catecholamine-mediated stress (toxic) cardiomyopathy.”



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bda64e  No.15640584

File: 074bcf3bfdad0a0⋯.png (227.28 KB, 1912x926, 956:463, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dbf415646e4c9ef⋯.png (382.91 KB, 1912x926, 956:463, ClipboardImage.png)

File: af13d7e131b264c⋯.png (857.75 KB, 1928x892, 482:223, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7380e59ae158643⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1928x892, 482:223, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ac7b8564bedd7da⋯.png (942.63 KB, 1928x892, 482:223, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15640412 One thing leads to another. Mountbatten in the DoS FOIA reading rm. w/search term Mountbatten gives 8 results.

Three of the docs are related - Jake Sullivan to HRC re: the queen shaking hands with the head of the IRA. One of the docs is a list of all J1 Sponsors by year and among those is GAP Activities Project, INC. DBA Mountbatten Internship Program (which copy/pasta'd as "GAP Activnies Project, INC. Ma Mountbatten Intentship Ping ") The J1 document is undated, but released in 2017.

Mountbatten Internship Program looks to be another 'young leaders' type group - and claims "Since 1984, more than 7,000 professionals across 45 countries have taken part in the Mountbatten Program."

About us: "After a distinguished career in public service, Lord Mountbatten became deeply involved in international education, particularly student exchange and international study.

His elder daughter, Lady Patricia, the Countess Mountbatten of Burma, gave us support and encouragement as our Patron for over 30 years, until her passing in 2017.

In 2018, Lord Ivar Mountbatten, Lady Patricia’s nephew, continued her legacy and our association with the Mountbatten family, by succeeding her as our patron. Lord Ivar is great-nephew to Lord Mountbatten and great-grandson of Prince Louis of Battenberg."



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eb3244  No.15640585

File: 04b0f901016054d⋯.png (280.67 KB, 468x534, 78:89, 04b0f901016054d66a755634bf….png)

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2e1c56  No.15640586

File: ec9a74ea652085c⋯.jpg (1.44 MB, 1995x1330, 3:2, TERRORIST_ANTIFA_SOROS_ACT….jpg)

File: d6d48a5909f6e52⋯.png (1.76 MB, 2173x1221, 2173:1221, Pedo_Shit_Show_Soros_Paid_….png)

File: a0b9d471ee20035⋯.jpg (229.35 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, George_Soros_Connections_I….jpg)

File: 492c335bfd8bd2a⋯.jpg (312.1 KB, 1377x771, 459:257, 100_Soros_Nigger_Cuck_Obam….jpg)

File: 3cb9c74254ec026⋯.png (255.27 KB, 510x490, 51:49, George_Soros_Orange_Woodch….png)

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f0ecb5  No.15640587


FBI is a crime organisation, that acts like a GESTAPO for demoncraps. and cover-up their crimes.



CIA is killing presidents. So what to ask from them????

Media, is covering up hunter's laptop……

you deserve to die & entire family

You will infect univers.

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be3371  No.15640588

File: 13a167243029e7f⋯.png (73.35 KB, 720x533, 720:533, ClipboardImage.png)

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33d742  No.15640589


Not being able to say his name should have been your first clue…

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e76bec  No.15640590

File: 38c3aa0574582c4⋯.png (44.11 KB, 422x199, 422:199, ars.png)


Breaking911, [15.02.22 15:04]

JUST IN: California man charged with arson for brush fire that destroyed homes - https://breaking911.com/california-man-charged-with-arson-for-brush-fire-that-destroyed-homes/

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2e1c56  No.15640591

File: d221549c872808f⋯.png (2.2 MB, 1628x1628, 1:1, Hillary_Clinton_Forehead_T….png)

File: ae3f274ec4dc7c3⋯.png (287.84 KB, 777x616, 111:88, Hillary_Clinton_New_Phone_….png)

File: 6ade3643c0963fa⋯.jpg (61.21 KB, 632x500, 158:125, Trump_Soon_Hillary_Clinton.jpg)

File: 11ecbb0f812dd83⋯.jpg (210.33 KB, 1904x1071, 16:9, Hillary_Clinton_Eyes_Wide_….jpg)

File: 0263a36b8c7d53f⋯.jpg (139.69 KB, 728x400, 91:50, Hillary_ISIS_Flight_Plans_….jpg)

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44e3e6  No.15640592


appreciate & thank you "archive fag"

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d61417  No.15640593



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b9d5be  No.15640594


Climate change made him do it.

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d61417  No.15640595

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6ff29d  No.15640596



>>15640571 The Premier of Ontario, Doug Ford has just blown up Justin Trudeau’s house of cards

>>15640565 Former BlackRock Portfolio Manager Pfizer Fraud.

>>15640559 Archbishop Viganò's IMPORTANT MESSAGE To Canadian Truckers.

>>15640533 Biden Campaign Also Had Internet Company Allegedly Connected to Durham Probe on the Payroll

>>15640528 Desperation Sets in After Revelation That Durham Investigation Is 'Accelerating,' Targeting 'Other Matters'

>>15640498 Lock her up #Hillarygate

>>15640392 Infinite boosters and abortions? First woman reported cured of HIV after stem cell transplant

>>15640367 Indonesian paedophile Herry Wirawan’s life term, rather than castration, a ‘warning’ to predators

>>15640317 Four banks have custody of over US$179 Trillion in assets

>>15640301 Archive Fag - a way to download Youtube videos that are preserved in snapshots on the Internet Wayback Machine.

>>15640190, >>15640219, >>15640229, >>15640233, >>15640283, >>15640313 Q Crumbs, reminder re-read crumbs

>>15640253 6.2 earthquake Guatemala

>>15640250 Canadian Intelligence Hires Antifa to dox thousands involved with Freedom Convoy

>>15640214 Planefag Report

>>15640199, >>15640211, >>15640232, >>15640223 A. Coster, Top NZ Cop begs for help towing protestors cars

>>15640207 Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Has Significant Lead Over All Democrat Challengers

>>15640246, >>15640255, >>15640259, >>15640251 Reminder Telegram is no different from any other Social Media, comp'd

>>15640185, >>15640249, >>15640296, >>15640348 Prince Andrew settles civil sexual assault claim with Virginia Giuffre, more info


Steppin away for a few if you could shitpost 280 more will bake before sleep

Otherwise ghost or handoff req

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e76bec  No.15640597

File: 25a2c937a3cf25d⋯.png (189.58 KB, 290x701, 290:701, core.png)


Capitol News, [15.02.22 23:49]

[Forwarded from AntiGates]

[ Photo ]

Australia: While the government prepares to mandate a third “booster shot”, this correspondence is being received by doctors and medical clinics.

The Pfizer compound is about to expire, but doctors are being advised to change the expiry date and inject people with it anyway.

💉💀💉 t.me/AntiGates

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f0ecb5  No.15640598


As long, I will live (like forever) you will not be allowed to see the light, you, and all your families, that consider yourself supperior, by evil race of aliens.

I'll make sure of this, promise.

Also, no one leave this planet.


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d61417  No.15640599


Glad you're still lurking here, Mr. Woods (presumably)

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63b9e6  No.15640600

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

mornin yall

hope yall have a good day

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cd45ac  No.15640601


So the blatant election fraud is just a distraction?

All of these mofos are getting arrested for spying?

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2e1c56  No.15640602

File: 1ba3361fb3ed17a⋯.jpg (50.75 KB, 575x776, 575:776, Ancient_Cult_of_the_Hidden….jpg)

File: 2528f0fee594780⋯.png (4.42 MB, 4092x2924, 1023:731, Q_Drop_189_The_Cult_Runs_T….png)

The Hidden Hand…

Has Been Chopped Off!

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be3371  No.15640603

File: 1e78eb499e83b6c⋯.jpg (384.18 KB, 480x590, 48:59, 1644988746539blob.jpg)

File: 30c87b3db8c2418⋯.jpg (182.74 KB, 480x501, 160:167, 1644988637133blob.jpg)

File: 3025aa0df3eecbb⋯.jpg (368.53 KB, 480x599, 480:599, 1644988584197blob.jpg)

File: a8d63532a31e67a⋯.jpg (325.78 KB, 480x515, 96:103, 1644988505883blob.jpg)

File: f1c5849ac61c2b3⋯.jpg (491.04 KB, 482x480, 241:240, 1644988526334blob.jpg)

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e76bec  No.15640604

File: aa93f4b34a5156a⋯.png (151.34 KB, 419x386, 419:386, mn.png)


BREAKING HEADLINES, [15.02.22 10:27]

MN Bill Would Allow Child Care Centers to Deny Children With Non-Medical Exemptions

READ: https://breakingheadlines.news/9yA1Se


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2e1c56  No.15640605

File: 6e29d66c55cfe1a⋯.jpg (24.51 KB, 696x433, 696:433, Behold_The_Glory_of_the_Co….jpg)

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d61417  No.15640606

File: b345a3e645a9dc8⋯.jpg (12.75 KB, 255x200, 51:40, b345a3e645a9dc865335a04431….jpg)

Wed 19th

High of 87 degrees.

The last time the 19th fell on a Wednesday:

May 2021

Jan 2022

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bda64e  No.15640607

File: 7692851412e0bc3⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1912x885, 1912:885, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6fa731f2c151e42⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1912x885, 1912:885, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cbe38debe3cb294⋯.png (1021.81 KB, 1912x885, 1912:885, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2daba98d42ffda7⋯.png (1004.42 KB, 1912x885, 1912:885, ClipboardImage.png)

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e76bec  No.15640608

File: cc7f3a823b38b59⋯.png (194.4 KB, 425x404, 425:404, la.png)


BREAKING HEADLINES, [15.02.22 23:34]

Judge Dismisses LA Firefighters’ Vaccine Mandate Lawsuit

READ: https://1.breakingheadlines.news/UFVcrB


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2e1c56  No.15640609

File: 2aa6df9e9dace2c⋯.jpg (213.85 KB, 647x842, 647:842, Jesus_Turn_The_Tables_This….JPG)

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e57af5  No.15640610

File: 4d211f32bf1651a⋯.jpg (458.02 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20220216_051454….jpg)

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2e1c56  No.15640611

File: 6d2ff7b745b3fcb⋯.jpg (245.78 KB, 619x853, 619:853, Jesus_Turn_The_Tables_This….JPG)

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d61417  No.15640612


meant for


>Wed 19th

>High of 87 degrees.

>The last time the 19th fell on a Wednesday:

>May 2021

>Jan 2022

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2e1c56  No.15640613

File: 586efe3e2435732⋯.jpg (235.97 KB, 681x855, 227:285, Jesus_Turn_The_Tables_This….JPG)

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00ab3d  No.15640614

File: 9f09070af98c345⋯.gif (1.24 MB, 400x560, 5:7, WOKEAFPEPE_FINAL_1_2MB.gif)

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e76bec  No.15640615

File: 69f737b87b8dd39⋯.png (168.11 KB, 423x531, 47:59, 2_b.png)


NTD, [15.02.22 22:49]

Study: Two Teenage Boys Die After Vaccination

READ: https://www.ntd.com/study-two-teenage-boys-die-after-vaccination_740686.html?utm_medium=NTD&utm_source=telegram


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00ab3d  No.15640616

File: 6e2cbc3a21877b8⋯.png (196.26 KB, 688x776, 86:97, 9033543e253317f4144a6d3585….png)

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2e1c56  No.15640617

File: b039da6a72d40b4⋯.jpg (259.32 KB, 1426x832, 713:416, Jesus_Turn_The_Tables_This….JPG)

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4cde59  No.15640618

File: bae011bf085742b⋯.png (1.71 MB, 813x855, 271:285, 6Pg0VJ4pkc.png)

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e76bec  No.15640619

File: a8d97516ec0d51d⋯.png (119.25 KB, 426x493, 426:493, others.png)


American_Beauty🌹⭐️⭐️⭐️, [15.02.22 22:26]

[Forwarded from Chief Nerd]

[ Photo ]

2020 vs 2021 U.S. All-Cause Mortality Rates by Age Group

What happened starting around July 2021 that increased the death rate in the working class age groups far more than the others? 🤔

Charts source: https://www.usmortality.com


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bd8bf7  No.15640620

File: 8c0538a1e1462d7⋯.png (645.73 KB, 650x474, 325:237, babylon_bee_bidan.PNG)

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2e1c56  No.15640621

File: 87b7dd1882892af⋯.jpg (256.51 KB, 1391x822, 1391:822, Jesus_Turn_The_Tables_This….JPG)

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e76bec  No.15640622

File: 195ce3295a9c74e⋯.png (151.66 KB, 232x648, 29:81, down_t.png)


⚡ 🇺🇸 Sidney Powell 🇺🇸 🗽, [15.02.22 21:38]

[Forwarded from TruckersForFreedom]

[ Video ]

"Businesses are suffering more now in Ottawa than when we forced them shut for months on end with little to no support."

BS, business is booming. Check ours here: https://dq271.isrefer.com/go/AultHome/AUL1691/


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2e1c56  No.15640623

File: f480d0fe0113564⋯.jpg (95.51 KB, 1322x605, 1322:605, Monsanto_Food_vs_Pfizer_Va….JPG)

File: 646b32624bc4fa5⋯.png (143.17 KB, 1308x418, 654:209, Pfuck_Pfizer_Clear_TS_KEK_.png)

File: 40345f93c52edb7⋯.png (60.21 KB, 817x320, 817:320, 7_Apr_2021_Former_Pfizer_V….png)

File: 52eedd024e69fc0⋯.png (369.98 KB, 720x430, 72:43, CEOs_of_Astra_Zeneca_Pfize….png)

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2e1c56  No.15640624

File: 7d1a786119446e8⋯.jpg (191.39 KB, 549x849, 183:283, Jesus_Why_Have_An_Economy_….JPG)

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be3371  No.15640625

File: 06986e254af0cff⋯.jpg (120.9 KB, 495x373, 495:373, 1644988850158blob.jpg)

File: 37e05bae9368994⋯.jpg (279.73 KB, 409x545, 409:545, 1644988817828blob.jpg)

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d61417  No.15640626

File: 9306c456ef064f3⋯.jpg (7.64 KB, 254x255, 254:255, 9306c456ef064f31c34e41eee4….jpg)

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2e1c56  No.15640627

File: e19be6cd1c54d47⋯.jpg (436.12 KB, 1489x830, 1489:830, Jesus_Why_Have_An_Economy_….JPG)

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07afa2  No.15640628

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Federal Government Employees Union sends email to all federal workers, inviting them to counter protest the convoy.

I did see podcast of this demonstration few lost souls showed up. Pathetic attempt at starting shit.

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d15653  No.15640629

File: b5bfb8119525826⋯.png (443.75 KB, 528x546, 88:91, 527a342e1888fa912d936cb312….png)

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e76bec  No.15640630

File: a748d1bc8f74f22⋯.png (618.95 KB, 591x870, 197:290, nz.png)


New Zealand is fining people for not wanting to get tested for covid. If you don’t pay the fine you can get arrested, have your accounts and property seized, and be put on a no fly list.1:37 AM · Feb 16, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

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cd45ac  No.15640631


>Possible Epstein was a puppet [not the main person(s) of interest]?

>Financed by who or what [F] entities?


Saving Israel for last.

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4cde59  No.15640632

File: 14b4900cc744144⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1317x1138, 1317:1138, 14b4900cc74414420d95d59c5d….png)

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0cb820  No.15640633

File: a3ddb18476b042a⋯.png (56.07 KB, 259x307, 259:307, Gold_Star_Researchers_copy.png)

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2e1c56  No.15640634

File: 1996df25d75bf4d⋯.png (271.17 KB, 598x618, 299:309, Jack_Posobiec_Biden_Nation….png)

File: 058c4ec119ed9ab⋯.png (155.75 KB, 750x856, 375:428, Juian_Assange_Wikileaks_Cl….png)

File: f649424b6468f61⋯.png (137.04 KB, 1046x636, 523:318, Qatari_Intelligence_Agent_….png)

File: d5fa1165070773e⋯.mp4 (789.36 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Kenyan_Muslim_Brotherhood_….mp4)

File: 73fa4d92832312b⋯.png (615.14 KB, 1316x931, 188:133, Iraq_Iran_Top_Secret_Top_C….png)


Jake Sullivan Is Beyond Fucked…

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cd45ac  No.15640635


Guess they will have to build boats and sail away from the tyranny.

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2e1c56  No.15640636

File: 87b7dd1882892af⋯.jpg (256.51 KB, 1391x822, 1391:822, Jesus_Turn_The_Tables_This….JPG)

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be3371  No.15640637


> [F] entities

What are [F] entities?

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90ffea  No.15640638

Would Ned Price Lie Us Into War?

An AP reporter does his job and pushes back on "intelligence" behind a reported Russian propaganda film.

Exchange … between State Department spokesman Ned Price and Matt Lee of Associated Press concerning the U.S. government claim, on the basis of alleged but unspecified "intelligence," that Russia has fabricated a "false flag" video claiming to show a Ukrainian attack as a pretext to invade Ukraine.

The road of government fabrications stretches from the lies used to justify the invasion of Iraq (including the "Dodgy Dossier" cooked up by British intelligence), through the totally unsubstantiated allegations about President Trump provided by the "former" British intelligence agent Christopher Steele…

By Anatol Lieven

Professor in the War Studies Department of [King's College London]

[Senior Fellow of the [New America Foundation] in Washington, D.C.]


[The [New America Foundation] is a grantee of the Open Society Foundations.]

December 3, 2021


King’s College London came up in dig re: Harvard and upcoming Communist Workshop.


Dig has gone to Kovrig [China arrest] and Rhodium Group [Rosen], [International Crisis Group] [Kovrig ]…

Soros: His giving has reached beyond his own Foundations, supporting independent organizations such as Global Witness, the [International Crisis Group], the European Council on Foreign Relations, and the Institute for New Economic Thinking.


Expected end of dig:

The US taxpayer is funding the very people we are engaged in taking down.


Expected end of dig–

Didn’t expect to share a post from “commondreams” and a Senior Fellow of the New America Foundation.

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be3371  No.15640639

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44e3e6  No.15640640


maybe foreign?

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96bbc8  No.15640641

File: 63cff77d976921e⋯.jpg (296.07 KB, 964x771, 964:771, SimpleFarmerGodWins.jpg)

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bd8bf7  No.15640642

File: 179353f967f9029⋯.gif (11.59 MB, 300x437, 300:437, potus_patton_bolted_remix_….gif)

President Trump – “A Lot of Very Positive Things Are Happening… The Plan We’re on Now…[Is] Going to Make People Very, Very Happy”

During the discussion at around the 6:10 minute mark, Root begins to discuss his idea of having President Trump take over the Speaker’s role in the House after the 2022 Election. There are numerous positive points that Root makes in having President Trump do this. After discussing this scenario President Trump responded as follows:

"Well I think a lot of things are happening and a lot of very positive things are happening, you know, when you look into the future that was your idea. I heard it from you first. I don’t know, it certainly has been going around and frankly I hope we don’t need it because what should happen is, what the plan that we’re on now and the plan that’s going to make people very, very happy we’ll be announcing sometime later, and that’s really what should happen. But we will, you know we’re going to make America great again. So I say Make America Great Again Again."


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2e1c56  No.15640644

File: ddb62df1cae6851⋯.jpg (310.38 KB, 621x853, 621:853, Jesus_Turn_The_Tables_This….JPG)

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be3371  No.15640645

File: 896eff099525bd8⋯.png (400.02 KB, 614x440, 307:220, ClipboardImage.png)


What is next!

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d5f5c1  No.15640646

File: 8aa2f78e0842920⋯.jpeg (205.32 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, https_bucketeer_e05bbc84_….jpeg)

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6ff29d  No.15640647




>>15640642 President Trump – “A Lot of Very Positive Things Are Happening… The Plan We’re on Now…[Is] Going to Make People Very, Very Happy”

>>15640355 Anon nom'd Project Veritas vid FDA. These people are stupid.

>>15640571 The Premier of Ontario, Doug Ford has just blown up Justin Trudeau’s house of cards

>>15640565 Former BlackRock Portfolio Manager Pfizer Fraud.

>>15640559 Archbishop Viganò's IMPORTANT MESSAGE To Canadian Truckers.

>>15640533 Biden Campaign Also Had Internet Company Allegedly Connected to Durham Probe on the Payroll

>>15640528 Desperation Sets in After Revelation That Durham Investigation Is 'Accelerating,' Targeting 'Other Matters'

>>15640498 Lock her up #Hillarygate

>>15640392 Infinite boosters and abortions? First woman reported cured of HIV after stem cell transplant

>>15640367 Indonesian paedophile Herry Wirawan’s life term, rather than castration, a ‘warning’ to predators

>>15640317 Four banks have custody of over US$179 Trillion in assets

>>15640301 Archive Fag - a way to download Youtube videos that are preserved in snapshots on the Internet Wayback Machine.

>>15640190, >>15640219, >>15640229, >>15640233, >>15640283, >>15640313 Q Crumbs, reminder re-read crumbs

>>15640253 6.2 earthquake Guatemala

>>15640250 Canadian Intelligence Hires Antifa to dox thousands involved with Freedom Convoy

>>15640214 Planefag Report

>>15640199, >>15640211, >>15640232, >>15640223 A. Coster, Top NZ Cop begs for help towing protestors cars

>>15640207 Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Has Significant Lead Over All Democrat Challengers

>>15640246, >>15640255, >>15640259, >>15640251 Reminder Telegram is no different from any other Social Media, comp'd

>>15640185, >>15640249, >>15640296, >>15640348 Prince Andrew settles civil sexual assault claim with Virginia Giuffre, more info


g'nite anons


Next bread is Blessed Bread 19777

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2e1c56  No.15640648

File: e512ac2717131a2⋯.jpg (253.07 KB, 1476x853, 1476:853, Jesus_Turn_The_Tables_This….JPG)

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386f25  No.15640649

File: 2a4a26048e7939d⋯.png (964.08 KB, 600x326, 300:163, Who_really_killed_Jesus.png)

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386f25  No.15640650

File: 74f6bfe41db5a5a⋯.png (631.2 KB, 400x300, 4:3, Who_really_killed_Jesus_II….png)

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2e1c56  No.15640651

File: 11a34e5a6626adc⋯.jpg (204.62 KB, 548x848, 137:212, Jesus_Turn_The_Tables_This….JPG)

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2e1c56  No.15640652

File: 434cd6d4fd26168⋯.jpg (212.07 KB, 614x855, 614:855, Jesus_Turn_The_Tables_This….JPG)

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2e1c56  No.15640653

File: 5a5cf4c44ccdcf2⋯.jpg (458.03 KB, 1490x835, 298:167, Jesus_Turn_The_Tables_This….JPG)

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386f25  No.15640654

File: 616b0f2b9dc6113⋯.png (787.06 KB, 496x330, 248:165, Who_really_killed_Jesus_6.png)

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d15653  No.15640655

File: 99c881bb1ab0161⋯.png (434.83 KB, 788x717, 788:717, 99c881bb1ab01612a0838651ff….png)

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386f25  No.15640656

File: d25ed360a519253⋯.png (1.81 MB, 800x549, 800:549, Who_really_killed_Jesus_II….png)

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bd8bf7  No.15640657

File: 5a4fc96467e797a⋯.png (99.41 KB, 457x261, 457:261, ClipboardImage.png)

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9970d1  No.15640658

Some people I know are starting to get real sick after their third injection.

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be3371  No.15640659

File: 4b554daf3c19da4⋯.png (766.95 KB, 1119x620, 1119:620, ClipboardImage.png)

At some point, when common sense returns to the WH, all these illegals must be removed at any cost. Is anon the only one that feels this way?

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154022  No.15640660


Athena was known because she faught fron the front, Gold bein' emblematic as the symbol of the Gold head of Nebuchadnezzar' s Statue , as intelligence



Learn to pronounce


a very large wine bottle, equivalent in capacity to about twenty regular bottles.

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2e1c56  No.15640661

File: 2a686dbd7529e49⋯.jpg (46.13 KB, 656x429, 656:429, CatTurd_Biden_Basement_Boy….jpg)

File: 02455b6c966e78d⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1314x1444, 657:722, Trump_Campaign_Requests_Wr….png)

File: 757a0bfa03d6836⋯.mp4 (4.11 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Shit_Show_Joe_Basement_Bid….mp4)

File: 850e9ca18565ed6⋯.jpg (141.02 KB, 1198x605, 1198:605, Dick_Burns_Pedo_Joe_Biden_….JPG)

Most Votes Ever Basement Biden…

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2e1c56  No.15640662

File: cb78b5fe7cea1de⋯.jpg (315.65 KB, 714x854, 51:61, Jesus_Turn_The_Tables_This….JPG)

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154022  No.15640663


Luke 5 : 39

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bd8bf7  No.15640664

File: d1025c26c2c306c⋯.png (208.82 KB, 367x435, 367:435, ClipboardImage.png)

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154022  No.15640665

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3c997f  No.15640666

bread is comfy when the stupid shill christfags and biblefag niggers are filtered


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153824  No.15640667

File: ea3031a50b14b99⋯.jpg (419.17 KB, 1920x876, 160:73, 4YearElection.jpg)

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bd8bf7  No.15640668

File: a396eabd93c9627⋯.png (178.98 KB, 335x476, 335:476, ClipboardImage.png)

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d15653  No.15640669

File: 25358cf5dc091c1⋯.jpg (178 KB, 720x857, 720:857, 20220216_033136.jpg)

February 10 2022

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2e1c56  No.15640670

File: fe6e57696a772b4⋯.mp4 (9.7 MB, 640x360, 16:9, General_George_S_Patton_Sp….mp4)

File: 3315ac7c62d8cbc⋯.jpg (109.01 KB, 1080x540, 2:1, Tim_Runs_His_Mouth_Name_On….jpg)

File: 18a9f14fe01e2db⋯.png (941.02 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Pedo_Shit_Show_Joe_Biden_O….png)

File: 192d041128bb4ee⋯.png (397.41 KB, 612x599, 612:599, Dirty_Fucking_Yiddish_Nigg….png)

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2e1c56  No.15640671

File: 5796cd46c1e9339⋯.jpg (328.52 KB, 683x850, 683:850, Jesus_Turn_The_Tables_This….JPG)

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27c798  No.15640672


How do you catch an animal?

Do you set a trap?

Maybe a trap that just lets them walk in. Let them come to you. Tag and release.

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3c997f  No.15640673


well, the moranic fuckers deserve to die

they've proved their stupidity 3 times

fuck them, ket them die, the dumbass niggers

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9970d1  No.15640674


Must be a typo on 45.

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63b9e6  No.15640675

File: 1b931b1c31c6519⋯.jpg (767.04 KB, 1400x788, 350:197, 1620352393.jpg)

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154022  No.15640676

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


One from her line will succeed

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c2c578  No.15640677


Anons forgot when they suspended CMZ's account? That's why everyone calls it telecancer.

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33d742  No.15640678


Reminds me of that poor lovestruck bot who couldn't get the attention of Henry, or was it Harry? Also reminds me of the I was raped by Walt Disney bot, or was it its mom…

Either way its filtered for taking up space

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e76bec  No.15640679

File: 5175b8b75c7ffa0⋯.png (97.61 KB, 428x488, 107:122, l_out.png)


Brunobarking 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 BrunoBarks, [15.02.22 21:28]

[ Photo ]

Drop #64

Should the LIGHTS GO OUT please know we are in control.

Do not panic.

We are prepared and assets are in place.

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be3371  No.15640680

File: 0e3c537cf3495c8⋯.png (143.64 KB, 514x252, 257:126, ClipboardImage.png)


>Tag and release

It's not like they are going to catch them. They have all their meals delivered.

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2e1c56  No.15640681

File: aeb8cdef1428630⋯.png (111.06 KB, 365x719, 365:719, Going_Places_Democrat_KKK_….png)

File: 620405c608dec3c⋯.png (56.64 KB, 320x379, 320:379, If_You_Only_Knew_Washingto….png)

File: e35883286735fc1⋯.jpg (40.83 KB, 660x373, 660:373, The_Cross_NE_PLUS_ULTRA.jpg)

File: 02e57ba0ea9aec6⋯.mp4 (7.68 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Lt_Gen_Flynn_Jumping_Jack_….mp4)

File: bb1d90ef4bcbee9⋯.jpeg (122.8 KB, 800x639, 800:639, Burn_It_Down_Treason_Infe….jpeg)

Those That Work Forces… Are The SAME That Burn Crosses…

Killing in the Name Of…


Who Killed JFK

Who Killed MLK

Who Killed Every Champion of Freedom & Then Absorbed Them as Their Own Martyr?


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33d742  No.15640682


I always have the best luck when I use bait that is not allowed…

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e57af5  No.15640683


Bots don't exist, however, you're a NPC in my video game.

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d15653  No.15640684

File: fc7d82d563c4bf6⋯.jpg (46.79 KB, 429x409, 429:409, FEo2T9f.jpg)

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107c27  No.15640685

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


And, exactly where do you suggest they chart their course, anon? You watch the latest Project Veritas vid yet?

Though there does seem to be a plan, there is no guarantee a plan will achieve its end goal. And while the Demonrats may be stupid, their handlers all the way up to the Big Guy, and I don’t mean Joe Biden, might just have a few more tricks up their sleeve. Don’t get me wrong, I pray every day that we are successful in thwarting what is upon us. But, there are no guarantees…


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e76bec  No.15640686

File: 4bd07f27ceeaf07⋯.png (124.38 KB, 423x497, 423:497, cnn.png)


MistyG ⭐️⭐️⭐️, [15.02.22 22:44]

[Forwarded from Red.Pill.Pharmacist ⭐️⭐️⭐️]

[ Photo ]

BREAKING: Allison Gollust has resigned from CNN.


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f0ecb5  No.15640687




IF NOT, YOU TRUST OTHERS????????????????


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be3371  No.15640688

File: aaba8dceefe00ec⋯.png (344.82 KB, 828x565, 828:565, ClipboardImage.png)

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3c997f  No.15640689


delivered to your door…cheesy pizza and hotdogs with walnut sauce

if only people knew……

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3c997f  No.15640690


another christfag to filter

fucking shills

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be3371  No.15640691


I could not find my Obama 60k hotdog airlift to the WH.

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2e1c56  No.15640692

File: 20fc2c690359070⋯.jpg (54.76 KB, 1125x840, 75:56, TGFO_Murder_Honey_Hornet_K….jpg)

File: 65a38c6860ae509⋯.mp4 (3.76 MB, 320x568, 40:71, Donald_J_Trump_Junior_Supp….mp4)

File: ff7f650541e621a⋯.png (413.04 KB, 1247x860, 29:20, Sparkle_Faggot_Warrior_On_….png)

File: 820bfe051ba5728⋯.png (51.01 KB, 219x193, 219:193, Faggot_Tranny_Jew_Kick_Bac….png)

File: c1e4aa1f7f2a6f9⋯.jpg (549.68 KB, 1086x610, 543:305, _308_AR_10_No_Faggots_Scop….jpg)



Many Anons Didn't Forget… The Honey Trap That Is Telegram…






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f0ecb5  No.15640693



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e76bec  No.15640694

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2e1c56  No.15640695

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f0ecb5  No.15640696




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3c997f  No.15640697


don't worry about the airlift

hot dogs and cheesy pizza will be delivered via the WH tunnels

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9a62c6  No.15640698

File: 30029989df27d8e⋯.png (1.94 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4c25ee46343dcfe⋯.png (1.92 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 59f1c1d21d6c309⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15640136 (OP)

>>15639687 Planefag Reports (LB)

There has been an RC-135V patrolling on and off for days now. FORTE11 seems to be a constant during this time, spotted anywhere from Greece to Poland. Currently, FORTE11 is either not transponding or on the ground.

Meanwhile, Russian equiv toSAM (special air mission for USAF) RSD077 out of Moscow easterly heading to Tyumen, Siberia.

Then over CONUS, notably, There is a wild Kek spotted….

Eyes in the Sky.

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2e1c56  No.15640699

File: 7eb4ade0d522883⋯.jpg (211.73 KB, 655x840, 131:168, Jesus_Turn_The_Tables_This….JPG)


Jesus Loves You…

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3c997f  No.15640700


dumb motherfucker cannot even spell stupid

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33d742  No.15640701


Censored and filtered are not the same thing…

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d15653  No.15640702

File: d02db8ad2dbb47d⋯.jpg (180.63 KB, 720x1210, 72:121, 20220216_035529.jpg)

File: 765d8a9eb2de1c9⋯.jpg (140.6 KB, 784x707, 112:101, 20220216_035412.jpg)


NEW - Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum says "the COVID 19 pandemic has led to a heightened focus on the power of medical data, specifically so-called vaccine passports. These passports by nature serve as a form of digital identity."

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44502c  No.15640703

File: a33f0f39ce5ef97⋯.png (9.22 KB, 600x580, 30:29, pepe_B.png)


>highest standards of journalistic integrity at CNN.


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f0ecb5  No.15640704




Enki & enliln

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be3371  No.15640705


spoopy af

I was just thinking Hillary had tunnels to her pad(s). The new clip.. the building she slinked into when asked about spying.

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92d6b0  No.15640706

File: 85eb10838302135⋯.gif (3.42 MB, 600x450, 4:3, IMG_4220.gif)

Morning, Frenz

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e76bec  No.15640707

File: 3b28e7de4494870⋯.png (163.33 KB, 433x350, 433:350, 23.png)


TeoAnon17, [15.02.22 17:39]

[ Video ]

BOOM: Co-Organizer Brian Brase announces on Newsmax that Truckers for Freedom USA will officially launch February 23rd, starting at the Barstow, CA area and heading East. 🔥🔥🔥

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3c997f  No.15640708


I haven't seen the Disney bot for ages

I think it became the BO

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f0ecb5  No.15640709

File: d4db4b1b8f0cb28⋯.jpg (53.37 KB, 600x562, 300:281, omG.jpg)

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c2c578  No.15640710

File: 6a14e39f73f3006⋯.png (577.75 KB, 848x421, 848:421, COMFEFE_COVFEFE.png)

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3c997f  No.15640711



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63b83d  No.15640712


What are you Babeling about now Jamal?

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be3371  No.15640713


I doubt they have tunnels from Chicago to the WH. They flew them somewhere closer and then used the tunnels.

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cd45ac  No.15640714




How is it the the Twitter fact checkers aren't bumping or flagging this info?

I thought Twitter flagged all of the "covid vaccines are dangerous" info.

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f0ecb5  No.15640715


get lost, child molester.

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33d742  No.15640716


Thats what I keep telling everyone at work, now where's my exemption form???

Those idiots can't even tell me if I need a university exemption form or a hospital exemption form, they just know I need a Covid vaccine, they haven't realized I didnt get my flu shot either…

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f0ecb5  No.15640717

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3c997f  No.15640718


vast number of tunnels under CONUS

you'd be shocked, really shocked

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2e1c56  No.15640719

File: 0c124fc35b92808⋯.jpg (310.08 KB, 750x757, 750:757, Israeli_Embassy_Admitting_….jpg)

File: 2463f36981d22e5⋯.png (78.84 KB, 1154x514, 577:257, Israeli_Chinese_Bioweapon_….png)

File: 0b9916391cda06e⋯.jpeg (162.51 KB, 1024x870, 512:435, Jewish_Yiddish_Nigger_Ped….jpeg)

File: 3420c1a73c8c043⋯.png (71.77 KB, 746x775, 746:775, 15_Jan_2021_European_Gover….png)

File: d137423a4d78abd⋯.gif (2.18 KB, 375x250, 3:2, Flag_European_Union.gif)

Israeli-Chinese Bioweapon? Invisible Enemy?

Who Killed Jesus, Who Burns Crosses?

Who Rides At Midnight? To Round Up People to Lynch Them…?

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9871d6  No.15640720

File: 7b1f0e487898ad2⋯.png (13.93 KB, 255x171, 85:57, bec9768915e9edcaf4f38dc8d3….png)

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3c997f  No.15640721


suck a dick you asswipe

35+ posts of pure unadulterated shite

neck yourself

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f0ecb5  No.15640722


I know, I know.

He took a kneel.

Well, he's a slave, for money.

This doesn't mean that what he sings it is bad.

He loves to be a slave for money.

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be3371  No.15640723

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


2.3 Trillion missing

Comes to mind..

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2e1c56  No.15640724

File: 31fabc44082c84b⋯.jpeg (321.75 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, Margaret_Sander_Niggers_A….jpeg)

File: c72d39b082fcadd⋯.png (293.66 KB, 498x501, 166:167, 92c16622d404b214f71e28ff9c….png)

File: c229df99322ca15⋯.png (933.49 KB, 1514x984, 757:492, 1617302594146.png)

File: 92d6243cd92bc7d⋯.png (172.96 KB, 515x512, 515:512, 1617301763314.png)

File: a0b2df2d4e9f92f⋯.jpeg (28.38 KB, 560x418, 280:209, a0b2df2d4e9f92f634a9fea86….jpeg)


The Flu Shot Doesn't Do What They Want To Do To You….

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3c997f  No.15640725


get an exemption from exemptions

fuck them over with mountains of paperwork

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33d742  No.15640726


I am honored…I care very much for you and what you think…

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9871d6  No.15640727

File: a04a84c2cf9ac26⋯.jpeg (14.78 KB, 204x255, 4:5, bdbee53a318a76dc6e2e4a925….jpeg)

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2e1c56  No.15640728

File: ae05f7fc9171991⋯.jpg (255.93 KB, 711x855, 79:95, Jesus_Turn_The_Tables_This….JPG)

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9a62c6  No.15640729

File: 96718a062eb9d10⋯.jpg (9.35 KB, 466x318, 233:159, Cofveve_Filter.jpg)


Filtered Russian schizo…

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7bc41f  No.15640730


G'Mornin' Sam… Another Day at the Office.

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3c997f  No.15640731


muh russians

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fbb411  No.15640732


>5 years from that date clock runs out so prosecuted before then they must be

Not if there is a sealed indictment, it stops the clock.

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33d742  No.15640733


They told me I have five days…

I told them I remain cautiously optimistic…

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2e1c56  No.15640734

File: 43c078c62732dc7⋯.jpg (271.82 KB, 629x831, 629:831, Jesus_Turn_The_Tables_This….JPG)

File: cf7d586f83ce5fb⋯.mp4 (11.07 MB, 480x480, 1:1, 1_POWER_AND_GLORY.mp4)

Just imagine how demon possessed the person is that tells folks to filter Jesus memes on the last bastion of Free Speech in the World….

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2e1c56  No.15640735

File: f3e9be7d92e9360⋯.jpg (176.66 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Hillary_Spied_and_Campaign….jpg)

File: 049dd3aae3e4e53⋯.jpg (33.77 KB, 700x420, 5:3, Hillary_Spied_and_Campaign….jpg)

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92d6b0  No.15640736


Fasten your seatbelt and place your tray table in the upright position

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3c997f  No.15640737


nah, it's more like:

"bend over and get ready to take it right up the ass"

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be3371  No.15640738

File: baac6f14d63df0e⋯.mp4 (451.27 KB, 624x312, 2:1, ALARM_.mp4)



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51d958  No.15640739

Gooooooooood mornin faggotnam!

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9871d6  No.15640740



>New Zealand is fining people $330 for not wanting to get tested for covid plus extra

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33db32  No.15640741

The aroma of rotten cabbage and stale piss will inundate the walls of Gitmo.

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3c997f  No.15640742


Hillary, of course

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2e1c56  No.15640743

File: 4023c96ce393ca8⋯.png (461.79 KB, 456x591, 152:197, President_Trump_ISIS_Kille….png)

File: 7cbdc8fb7876bc7⋯.jpg (435.42 KB, 1015x835, 203:167, Ultrasound_Potentially_Dam….jpg)

File: 24f7889530a1c79⋯.mp4 (4.15 MB, 640x640, 1:1, 911_Pentagon_Footage_Aired….mp4)

File: c3a88fe15b619c2⋯.png (3.11 MB, 1196x901, 1196:901, POTUS_Tracking_Footage.png)

File: f883242bb350004⋯.png (157.47 KB, 645x387, 5:3, Nuclear_Nuke_Football_Clea….png)



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9871d6  No.15640744

File: ffd1bd3faad3441⋯.jpg (9.54 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 501cf3b6d60768256c8e2a1e9f….jpg)



Is there a baker on board?

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a1d941  No.15640745


Dubs confirm you're okay.

Two weeks to flatten the curve has lasted for approx 700 days now, so five days should be plenty according to their mindset.

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fe8970  No.15640746

NYT Shift

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2e1c56  No.15640747

File: f03c401d926c585⋯.png (272.51 KB, 587x340, 587:340, GITMO_Cell_Office_of_the_F….png)

File: 1ee8b0f7968aa84⋯.png (419.52 KB, 640x867, 640:867, Hillary_Clinton_Happy_Birt….png)

File: f50b69d00c2ab6e⋯.jpg (473.72 KB, 1069x1105, 1069:1105, 2_Oct_2020_Trump_GITMO_Wel….jpg)

File: c32bec0f054ac4e⋯.png (144.45 KB, 353x477, 353:477, Joe_Needs_Help_to_GITMO.png)

File: 81383b8c618a8d2⋯.jpg (50.34 KB, 568x468, 142:117, GITMO_WWG1WGA_Gardens_Kek.JPG)


It's almost Like you've been there?

Smell is the sense with the strongest tie to memory…

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153824  No.15640748

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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33db32  No.15640749

File: e71c9e6c78a791f⋯.jpeg (36.5 KB, 255x255, 1:1, C9763177_D59E_4313_B500_5….jpeg)

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2e1c56  No.15640750

File: 2e59b39d8e6eb9c⋯.jpg (204.96 KB, 647x842, 647:842, Jesus_Why_Have_An_Economy_….JPG)


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f0ecb5  No.15640751

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'll never dislike him.

V/c I grew up w/ his music, and I respect him, for what he did in the music industry, like a white, in rap.

He's options, political, don't acre, it is he's life, so I think we live in a free society.

You gay, demoncrap, tard, idiot, black/white I don't care.

I'm interested in soul.

-some are about to do shit for a better life, that demoncraps want to kill you-

so this is why, some do shit things, contrary to their believes, in order to live.

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2e1c56  No.15640752

File: 64f59a6545e8c49⋯.jpg (225.74 KB, 679x855, 679:855, Jesus_Why_Have_An_Economy_….JPG)

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fe8970  No.15640753

File: 0d64b42481232c3⋯.jpeg (55.99 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 42E82365_F081_4C99_9655_B….jpeg)

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51d958  No.15640754

50 clams says we see a gay elf relationship within the first season of Amazon’s new LOTR series. Another 50 clams says they have a surrogate elf baby by season 2.

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bda64e  No.15640755

>>15640744 Have notes thru this post if needed. You bacon?

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154022  No.15640756

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Unless the Fear is of God

Fear him

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a1d941  No.15640757


>Fear him

No thanks, I've chosen to live my life without FEAR

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33db32  No.15640758

File: 22c8d1cf2a7ce26⋯.png (256.9 KB, 680x434, 340:217, 05F886B6_3845_4535_9585_42….png)

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9871d6  No.15640759

File: 0c77ac69c5cecf6⋯.png (40.08 KB, 684x700, 171:175, 0c77ac69c5cecf6f7ba5620a46….png)




Baker self confirming

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2e1c56  No.15640760

File: d151f1e6b471047⋯.jpg (239.07 KB, 1365x831, 455:277, Jesus_Why_Have_An_Economy_….JPG)

File: 028e2bb0486202b⋯.png (266.79 KB, 981x737, 981:737, INSCOM_ABSOLUTELY_FUCKED_A….png)

File: bbf73610beac849⋯.png (67.58 KB, 255x195, 17:13, Calculations_Mathematicall….png)

File: 864811de0ad8f31⋯.png (98.48 KB, 400x400, 1:1, HD_Think_For_Yourself_Watc….png)

The First "Principle" of Economics is Scarcity…

Why Is That?

Why Throttle Down (Choke-Out) Endless Abundance, Freedom, & Ideas?

It's like shutting down Truckers giving out hugs & calling them Terrorists, yet supporting lawless thugs possessed by demons burning down cities…


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44e3e6  No.15640761

File: cb8b0d2c2a31760⋯.png (356.25 KB, 804x670, 6:5, Villa_de_Pitanxo.png)

File: db4af7b40864412⋯.png (175.99 KB, 655x621, 655:621, FB1.png)

File: 97d454a878bb0aa⋯.png (184.85 KB, 654x636, 109:106, FB2.png)

Spanish fishing boat sinks off Canada; 7 dead, 14 missing

A Spanish fishing boat has sunk in rough seas off Newfoundland in eastern Canada, killing at least seven people

The 24-member crew of the sunken vessel included 16 Spaniards, five Peruvians and three workers from Ghana, Spain’s maritime rescue service said.


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9871d6  No.15640762


Just set up. Ready

Notes would be great, do you want to bake?

I can stay for an hour.. nb.

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bda64e  No.15640763

>>15640759 How to you want them sorted - r/n are most recent to oldest.

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2e1c56  No.15640764

File: bd50c6d16729b25⋯.jpg (246.13 KB, 1379x832, 1379:832, Jesus_Why_Have_An_Economy_….JPG)

File: 3792f00a9748767⋯.png (807.31 KB, 754x424, 377:212, Jewish_Mystic_Pepe_Tree_of….png)

File: 1c680c590c6aa93⋯.jpg (98.47 KB, 855x935, 171:187, Eye_Lightning_NSA_TS_KEK_.jpg)

File: 206e9f6c364d79b⋯.jpg (74.64 KB, 544x447, 544:447, Trump_Golf_Cart_NSA_Utah_D….jpg)

File: 5e05ff4b0224b49⋯.jpg (81.55 KB, 800x484, 200:121, NSA_TEMPEST_STORM_Data_Acq….jpg)

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bda64e  No.15640765

>>15640762 I'm out in the next ~30 so you take it. TY.

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bda64e  No.15640766



>>15640702 Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum- vaccine passports by nature serve as a form of digital identity

>>15640669 PDJT @RealDonaldTrump - Joined Feb. 10, 2022 typo?

>>15640642 President Trump – “A Lot of Very Positive Things Are Happening… The Plan We’re on Now…[Is] Going to Make People Very, Very Happy”

>>15640630 New Zealand is fining people $330 for not wanting to get tested for covid plus extra

>>15640571 The Premier of Ontario, Doug Ford has just blown up Justin Trudeau’s house of cards

>>15640565 Former BlackRock Portfolio Manager Pfizer Fraud.

>>15640559 Archbishop Viganò's IMPORTANT MESSAGE To Canadian Truckers.

>>15640533 Biden Campaign Also Had Internet Company Allegedly Connected to Durham Probe on the Payroll

>>15640528 Desperation Sets in After Revelation That Durham Investigation Is 'Accelerating,' Targeting 'Other Matters'

>>15640498 Lock her up #Hillarygate

>>15640392 Infinite boosters and abortions? First woman reported cured of HIV after stem cell transplant

>>15640367 Indonesian paedophile Herry Wirawan’s life term, rather than castration, a ‘warning’ to predators

>>15640355 Anon nom'd Project Veritas vid FDA. These people are stupid.

>>15640317 Four banks have custody of over US$179 Trillion in assets

>>15640301 Archive Fag - a way to download Youtube videos that are preserved in snapshots on the Internet Wayback Machine.

>>15640253 6.2 earthquake Guatemala

>>15640250 Canadian Intelligence Hires Antifa to dox thousands involved with Freedom Convoy

>>15640246, >>15640255, >>15640259, >>15640251 Reminder Telegram is no different from any other Social Media, comp'd

>>15640214, >>15640698 Planefag Report

>>15640207 Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Has Significant Lead Over All Democrat Challengers

>>15640199, >>15640211, >>15640232, >>15640223 A. Coster, Top NZ Cop begs for help towing protestors cars

>>15640190, >>15640219, >>15640229, >>15640233, >>15640283, >>15640313 Q Crumbs, reminder re-read crumbs

>>15640185, >>15640249, >>15640296, >>15640348 Prince Andrew settles civil sexual assault claim with Virginia Giuffre, more info


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2e1c56  No.15640767

File: 7945dba4d7e21ef⋯.jpg (217.61 KB, 1476x845, 1476:845, Jesus_Why_Have_An_Economy_….JPG)

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153824  No.15640768

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This was a political operation to misdirect Americans: Sen. Johnson

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9871d6  No.15640769


Can do either way, trained with newest to oldest, then retrained oldest to newest and can easily do both, up to you.

Thank you!

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a2dc6e  No.15640770

File: 831b666088afc50⋯.jpg (56.81 KB, 450x349, 450:349, badhillz.jpg)


>The aroma of rotten cabbage and stale piss will inundate the walls of Gitmo.

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2e1c56  No.15640771

File: e542c762c62d359⋯.png (863.05 KB, 839x949, 839:949, 1_Apr_2021_Captain_Clay_Hi….png)

File: 05fa711f4f15919⋯.jpg (76.49 KB, 640x852, 160:213, Braveheart_Claymore_Sword_….jpg)

File: 245642794bf77e6⋯.mp4 (1.21 MB, 360x204, 30:17, Susy_Q_Golden_Ticket_Unres….mp4)

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2e1c56  No.15640772

File: 1898c7073ea477b⋯.jpg (206.97 KB, 614x853, 614:853, Jesus_Why_Have_An_Economy_….JPG)

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c2c578  No.15640773

File: 3a3b0298e4b2282⋯.jpg (36.11 KB, 369x500, 369:500, Sword1.jpg)

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9871d6  No.15640774

File: 0b17c65d8e70081⋯.png (5.09 MB, 1600x1920, 5:6, 0b17c65d8e70081da46e5d4fa2….png)

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2e1c56  No.15640775

File: faaa8cfbad40d77⋯.jpg (268.14 KB, 634x833, 634:833, Jesus_Why_Have_An_Economy_….JPG)

File: be26420f6f49de3⋯.mp4 (14.46 MB, 426x240, 71:40, 777_COMING_BACK_TO_LIFE.mp4)

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7ecab7  No.15640776

File: 5430f4e8c457318⋯.gif (1.48 MB, 400x298, 200:149, ChuckApproves.gif)


Police stood by as protesters bathed in a hot tub and partied into the night directly in front of parliament and below the prime minister's office.


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2e1c56  No.15640777

File: faaa8cfbad40d77⋯.jpg (268.14 KB, 634x833, 634:833, Jesus_Why_Have_An_Economy_….JPG)

File: be26420f6f49de3⋯.mp4 (14.46 MB, 426x240, 71:40, 777_COMING_BACK_TO_LIFE.mp4)

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2e1c56  No.15640778

File: 7e807d3ec2e085f⋯.jpg (306.19 KB, 681x849, 227:283, Jesus_Why_Have_An_Economy_….JPG)

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7ecab7  No.15640779

File: ea1ee3002dc22c7⋯.png (2.4 MB, 1280x853, 1280:853, ClipboardImage.png)

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2e1c56  No.15640780

File: 6f9b826348870c8⋯.jpg (207.63 KB, 657x839, 657:839, Jesus_Why_Have_An_Economy_….JPG)

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2e1c56  No.15640781

File: cd54f599b72ada1⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1209x713, 39:23, Swordy_Bless.png)

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9871d6  No.15640782



Laggy? Thank you Very much

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154022  No.15640783


You might change your mind soon

i never feared him, until he chose to destroy me, i loved him, even now i still do

Our foolish Ego is quickly stripped away

the old addage "You only hurt the ones you love" is obviously true

i do not Fear other humans or Entities, at this point i would be happy to die

i Fear the consequences of foolish , vain, men and females stealing that which they do not understand, nor have the ability to do so and what will happen to all of you because of that

i know where you end up

Revelation is completely true & happenin' right now

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bda64e  No.15640784

>>15640769 kept the same format as prior baker. Thank You for your service. Yes - worse now than an hour ago. Seems that the updates occur in waves…

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92248e  No.15640785

File: fcb81a144d9fa96⋯.jpg (10.6 KB, 244x255, 244:255, Filter.jpg)

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2e1c56  No.15640786

File: 552d0b9edcbee1d⋯.jpg (315.85 KB, 1696x1136, 106:71, 1996_Commando_Warrior_Scho….jpg)

File: fdd83995b8e43e6⋯.gif (1.66 MB, 320x180, 16:9, Swordy_Warrior_Poets_Toss_….gif)

File: fa8db2d466d3013⋯.png (693.46 KB, 720x784, 45:49, God_s_Finest_Warrior_Trump.png)



I Love You Warrior Poets!

From the Line of King David!

Tribe of Judah!


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9871d6  No.15640787

File: 4c1afe9caddae7c⋯.png (750.15 KB, 900x599, 900:599, 4c1afe9caddae7c1c1a2eb58dc….png)


Morning Swordy

Need a bigger one

May I?

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33d742  No.15640788


They can eat a bag of Hunter Biden dicks…the look on their faces when I told them I've had so many elders die, I could easily retire early, and to prove it I went out and bought a house and a car with cash…

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9dd888  No.15640789


Would be notable, with sauce. Joins CF with Blackstone.

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9871d6  No.15640790

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c2c578  No.15640791


Just want the world to stop hurting itself. Nothing's more important to anon than leaving this place better than when I came into it. That, or at least giving folks something to think about so they are motivated to do the same.


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bffb58  No.15640792

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2e1c56  No.15640793

File: 3b8639061ab31a0⋯.jpg (18.6 KB, 750x220, 75:22, Be_Not_Afraid.jpg)

File: cee28450c137f11⋯.mp4 (6.16 MB, 270x480, 9:16, 2_JOIN_TOGETHER.mp4)


The Only Thing You Have to Fear is Fear Itself. All Else Is an Illusion..

Power & Control Are An Illusion…

Ask Every Civilization That Lies In Ruin…That's Right… You Can't!

(You) Have No Power Here.

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6f815d  No.15640794

File: 5b6da8c86417b2f⋯.jpeg (884.71 KB, 4000x2998, 2000:1499, E39075E7_1670_4324_948C_F….jpeg)

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33d742  No.15640795


To love the one you fear is a sign of an abusive relationship…

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44502c  No.15640796

File: 812213e8442e39c⋯.png (917.16 KB, 727x1000, 727:1000, d3b3477492d5bdce6d7aa5733f….png)


Bless you too Swordy.


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2e1c56  No.15640797

File: 93a7c6290d2b4a2⋯.mp4 (12.76 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 4_DONT_TREAD_ON_ME.mp4)


I spent 23+ years serving in our military under this philosophy. I succeeded, however, once the good guys move on… It's easy for mediocre and/or assholes to move in.

2020 Thru Now has proven that to everyone….



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2e1c56  No.15640798

File: 25d5d9369b0b104⋯.jpg (259.35 KB, 709x856, 709:856, Jesus_Why_Have_An_Economy_….JPG)

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bda64e  No.15640799

File: 632f385e3c44fd1⋯.png (194.01 KB, 1928x932, 482:233, ClipboardImage.png)



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ad9d36  No.15640800

File: 305c8b940e45a2d⋯.png (185.11 KB, 477x384, 159:128, alphapepecoffee.png)


Mornin' Sam.

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2fb338  No.15640801

Morning anons…

Good reminder of "Q clearance" in the notables…goes with the times :-). #byejustin

Anyone a #truth beta-tester? If so, lets hear it…

Truth will kill some pretty long running and big three letter ops…

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7d7e80  No.15640802

File: 2493908c9648351⋯.jpeg (88.95 KB, 480x700, 24:35, 3CFAA03E_F768_4987_BB60_8….jpeg)


Ya know, it is the most peaceful way. Funny thing, lots of people WILL NOT do that, if they think it was only Jesus’s idea.

What a horrid Catch22 we find ourselves trapped within. * shrugs *

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f0ecb5  No.15640803






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2e1c56  No.15640804




Of Note…



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9871d6  No.15640805

File: 4bffd965d8d316c⋯.png (881.67 KB, 1030x726, 515:363, ClipboardImage.png)



Removing from the notables

Looks VERY familiar! Don Jr. posts screenshot claiming to be Trump's first post on upcoming new $1b Truth Social platform

Donald Trump may be back on social media, according to a tweet from his son

Donald Jr. shared a screenshot of the former president's alleged first post on his upcoming social media platform Truth Social, writing: 'Time for some Truth!!!'

Trump's alleged post read: 'Get ready! Your favorite president will see you soon'

Truth Social is slated to launch Monday, according to its Apple App Store listing

The platform is almost an identical replica of Twitter, the social media platform that Trump was an avid user on before being suspended


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f0ecb5  No.15640806

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2e1c56  No.15640807

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Tried… Failed…



Laggy as Shit…. Morning Shill DDDOS Panic!!! Delicious!

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9871d6  No.15640808


The beta site was taken down shortly after its URL was shared online. The website domain now redirects users to truthsocial.com, where they, too, can join the waitlist.

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4ff084  No.15640809


Fear of the Lord is not about being scared. It is about being in awe and surrendering your self, your ego and pride, because you recognize that God’s love for you is amazing. It is logical and hopeful to fear the Loed.

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2e1c56  No.15640810

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I made this meme a while back… It hits me from the Holy Spirit…

I'm not perfect, only Jesus is. Hopefully, He will forgive me for my shit posting… If not I will take my lashes!

I'm just a crusty & salty old military SNCO…

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f0ecb5  No.15640811

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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bd8bf7  No.15640812

File: ea8621d61fd8ec6⋯.png (187.16 KB, 487x329, 487:329, ClipboardImage.png)

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fdef16  No.15640813

File: 38c274c7797f74f⋯.jpeg (81.24 KB, 1014x1134, 169:189, 1531185108.jpeg)

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f0ecb5  No.15640814



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7bc41f  No.15640815


God Bless You swordAnon.

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0e8293  No.15640816

File: 46e181ce2831a03⋯.jpg (152.93 KB, 1080x1148, 270:287, Screenshot_20220216_114558.jpg)

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a1d941  No.15640817


>You might change your mind soon

Sorry to disappoint you. But NO

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9dd888  No.15640818


Antifa needs to rein in their arson squad.

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f0ecb5  No.15640819



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bd8bf7  No.15640820

File: c641e5d70df941d⋯.png (673.74 KB, 850x1044, 425:522, killary_ncswic.png)

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9871d6  No.15640821


Did you see Donald Trumps first post? Was there one?

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92d6b0  No.15640822


i feel like this Pepe

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a1d941  No.15640823


Dubs again.

Good for you!

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0e8293  No.15640824


Only screenshots

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710786  No.15640825

File: d76a4d9e6a8e1a4⋯.png (619.89 KB, 906x534, 151:89, Swordy.png)

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2e1c56  No.15640826

File: 70120d1d78d01cb⋯.gif (8.21 MB, 480x480, 1:1, Mary_Magdalene_Sin_Forgive….gif)

File: d2cb48d21aa342e⋯.jpg (73.74 KB, 719x900, 719:900, Jesus_of_Nazareth_The_Chri….jpg)


Is that what the demons in your mom's basement tell you?

Basement Baphomet?

Jesus Loves You Anon…

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bda64e  No.15640827

File: b1310d93c4cd5bd⋯.png (96.51 KB, 1826x844, 913:422, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 76b2cc52cb0a8cf⋯.png (224.53 KB, 1856x841, 64:29, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 98baa3ba0698fd5⋯.png (203.65 KB, 1763x838, 1763:838, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1c59fee7624213e⋯.png (49.61 KB, 1776x810, 296:135, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15640799 (me)

IRS Tax Exempt DB Two listings for Blackstone Charitable Foundation. The active listing is really poor as foundations go. Highly suspicious. Needs a bigger brain that this one to figgur it out.

non-active: https://apps.irs.gov/pub/epostcard/cor/461515500_201712_990PF_2018120315968063.pdf

Active: https://apps.irs.gov/pub/epostcard/cor/260462996_202006_990T_2021062518446209.pdf

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fdef16  No.15640828


Bless you sword dick

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04d530  No.15640829

File: 7af1957694dbcd9⋯.gif (1.42 MB, 340x184, 85:46, ralph1.gif)


>Morning, Frenz

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bda64e  No.15640830

File: 01a562932b42a05⋯.png (176.39 KB, 1928x892, 482:223, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15640827 (me) forgot one

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f0ecb5  No.15640831




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9871d6  No.15640832

File: 9a5308bfc4fcba3⋯.png (111.79 KB, 921x812, 921:812, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 20b316df1806837⋯.png (6.62 KB, 375x69, 125:23, ClipboardImage.png)



It works

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eff1b9  No.15640833

File: b63c0f6638a0e36⋯.jpg (50.33 KB, 716x536, 179:134, LT_2.jpg)


Mornin Sam

Carry on…

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2e1c56  No.15640834

File: 4e4e3dd48700f10⋯.gif (1.65 MB, 540x351, 20:13, 5x5_This_Golden_Watch_Kek.gif)

File: caef68ecec09880⋯.gif (1.04 MB, 360x203, 360:203, AIR_FORCE_ONE_WE_ROLLIN_TH….gif)

File: 7aed574a7e7b53a⋯.gif (1.08 MB, 500x288, 125:72, Backdoor_Communique_Keep_t….gif)

File: f6297c6a405915d⋯.gif (1.04 MB, 500x250, 2:1, Count_of_Monte_Cristo_COUN….gif)




Got excited yesterday when I saw those, went to the site….

2-6 Moar Weeks! Kek

Patience is Virtue..

People will remember that SOON!

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f0ecb5  No.15640835




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f0ecb5  No.15640836




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2e1c56  No.15640837

File: 23b8628aa2c0bd8⋯.jpg (95.56 KB, 740x745, 148:149, Mr_Pepe_Morning_Coffee_Dea….JPG)

File: b7b1a1af20863f0⋯.jpg (79.3 KB, 490x424, 245:212, Morning_Ya_ll_Johnny_Cash_….jpg)

I need Moar Coffee…

Fun Fact: Johnny Cash Knew How To Code…

Cash was a Morse code intercept operator with the USAF Security Service.

"Learn To Code"

~ Johnny Cash



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a1d941  No.15640838

File: 300036a7bf41123⋯.png (52.99 KB, 801x588, 267:196, Bilde_2022_02_16_125704.png)


>Fear of the Lord is not about being scared.


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0e8293  No.15640839


Not working for me

Maybe because I'm not in USA?

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154022  No.15640840


No i can not find you, though your appearance may change by the time i know who you are

You believed the lie, and hurt me who you were to protect





Rev 18 . 6

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f0ecb5  No.15640841



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9871d6  No.15640842


I know someone that paid $65 for an app on the play store called 'MAGA Hub-Truth Social'. They have 10,000 downloads so far, google is corrupt and evil.

I said to him, what makes you think Donald Trump would use google for anything?

Helped him get this money back…

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9871d6  No.15640843


Where are you?

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0e8293  No.15640844

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fdef16  No.15640845

File: 4d7e285e4bdcbed⋯.png (277.09 KB, 588x369, 196:123, 20210722_214049.png)


>Where are you?

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f0ecb5  No.15640846



My family it is control.

Killing evil.

Like lizards.

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154022  No.15640847

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You already did so, my complete life

06 06



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9871d6  No.15640848


Out of your league.

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f0ecb5  No.15640849


Remain calm, I know that Russians are crazy, please, endulge me.


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4ff084  No.15640850




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0e8293  No.15640851



Not afraid

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9871d6  No.15640852


Not sure…

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fdef16  No.15640853

File: 0b11730782da78a⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1080x1112, 135:139, 20210226_065023.png)

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fdef16  No.15640854

File: 7c5e4d89639ac0c⋯.jpg (24.35 KB, 446x336, 223:168, unnamed.jpg)

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d61417  No.15640855

File: b345a3e645a9dc8⋯.jpg (12.75 KB, 255x200, 51:40, b345a3e645a9dc865335a04431….jpg)


can't say I haven't heard that one before.

Anon is ready to redpill, but we've done the blueballs tease before round here.

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0e8293  No.15640856


I can wait. I have much to do, unrelated, in the meantime.

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a2dc6e  No.15640857

File: c5eaf84baa702d9⋯.jpg (56.11 KB, 463x353, 463:353, joefridayrock.jpg)

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9dd888  No.15640858


Agreed, anon. Rule of Law means removing people who don't belong here, ought not to be here, and continue to break the law.

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153824  No.15640859

File: df560ef64f3bf23⋯.png (216.85 KB, 960x837, 320:279, Proof.png)

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be3371  No.15640860

File: b90fc3bd61982a2⋯.png (936.91 KB, 640x961, 640:961, ClipboardImage.png)

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7bc41f  No.15640861


Mornin' Ralph… Better make a fresh pot of covfefe as it was a late night.

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fdef16  No.15640862

File: 4a41967ad454f55⋯.png (705.64 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 1603987219491.png)


Might need some backip

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be3371  No.15640863


9-volt battery tester

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2fb338  No.15640864

File: b7eb3e72f8eafa7⋯.png (42.3 KB, 494x226, 247:113, Screen_Shot_2022_02_16_at_….png)

Vlad is "trusting the plan"…

I like it…

Vlad is an anon…

"Insider Paper

NEW: Putin was asked how Russia will proceed in a press conference with Scholz. He smiled and said "According to the plan."


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be3371  No.15640865

File: 2f3ceed2ceae687⋯.png (535.89 KB, 480x640, 3:4, liberal_tank.png)


>some backip

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04d530  No.15640866

File: ff82057f18ed9cc⋯.png (150.91 KB, 507x392, 507:392, galiciaUkraine.png)

File: 6ae542e2581d10e⋯.png (109.18 KB, 219x255, 73:85, trudeau.png)


>Spain's Galicia region


>>15639326 Canadian Deputy PM Chrstia Freeland NAZI GRANDFATHER FROM GALICIA UKRAINE Dig Bun

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486364  No.15640867

File: bbccd527674e739⋯.jpg (17.87 KB, 247x255, 247:255, f5db6501eba15d900a3e97bb9e….jpg)

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04d530  No.15640868

File: a7659f19ac2a46b⋯.gif (1 MB, 360x270, 4:3, ralph2a.gif)


>Mornin' Ralph… Better make a fresh pot of covfefe as it was a late night.

Very late! Will make a few pots.

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154022  No.15640869

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7d7e80  No.15640870


The Mass Media of delusional Socialism turns people into pin cushions.

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2fb338  No.15640871

Searching the drops with "truth" an interesting adventure…TRUTH seems to be a real keyword in Q drops…

Not quite ready to post some interesting things concerning Q but will soon. Some interesting common ties that bond and related to spirituality and "how you work"…

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be3371  No.15640872


Battery Testing Station

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04d530  No.15640873

File: 988b5180d7c5bf1⋯.png (176.91 KB, 407x627, 37:57, putinQ.png)


>Vlad is "trusting the plan"…

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a2dc6e  No.15640874

File: b92e59bf99a52a8⋯.jpg (115.36 KB, 850x842, 425:421, sjw_antifa_fat_democrat.jpg)


Gravy Removal Squad

Ready for action

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f0ecb5  No.15640875




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be3371  No.15640876

File: d2a315515f57f74⋯.png (39.56 KB, 536x414, 268:207, ClipboardImage.png)

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a1d941  No.15640877

Question to Biblefags.

Can any one of you please show Anon where in the Bible it says that you are all supposed to SHITPOST on QResearch all day and all night long?

Asking for a fren

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f0ecb5  No.15640878

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9871d6  No.15640879

File: e8a2e4eb9934745⋯.png (202.65 KB, 729x599, 729:599, ClipboardImage.png)

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72021f  No.15640880



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5d6639  No.15640881

Dammit, I overslept and missed the nuclear war. RIP Ukraine

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c80695  No.15640882


Matthew 10:16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.

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c2c578  No.15640883

File: b4e3efed4ca4d6f⋯.png (55.13 KB, 1114x228, 557:114, ClipboardImage.png)


Huh. That font looks really familiar.

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a1d941  No.15640884


>harmless as doves.


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f0ecb5  No.15640885

File: c275e66050ec7d1⋯.jpg (114.63 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, away_bosses_1.JPG)

File: 93877595312a1cb⋯.jpg (107.31 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, away_bosses_2.JPG)

File: 5cb51aec5b1f26e⋯.jpg (109.68 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, away_bosses_3.JPG)

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154022  No.15640886

File: a7b7c511ca48fc3⋯.png (21.41 KB, 176x144, 11:9, ClipboardImage.png)






You deserve true old tits for that

you see only what you are presented through your technology

it lies to you :)

truth is not pretty

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0e8293  No.15640887

File: 36bef6b8fc2a12e⋯.jpg (87.78 KB, 873x328, 873:328, Screenshot_20220216_122339.jpg)


Spot the 0 differences between these two fonts?

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5d6639  No.15640888


Ever notice religion unites little tribes into factions to go to war over 3rd hand heresay interpretations of drunken fantasies? Swear fealty to my Lord, or die and burn in hell!


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70fb9d  No.15640889

File: 1e630dde0430d4a⋯.png (439.32 KB, 577x630, 577:630, swordanon.png)


God bless you as well swordanon

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be3371  No.15640890

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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63b83d  No.15640891




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41dee5  No.15640892

File: af02e19395c9a7b⋯.png (642.08 KB, 750x750, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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a1d941  No.15640893


Infinity Trips confirm

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ef81e5  No.15640894


Now do Buddhism.

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f0ecb5  No.15640895


I'm the bosses's son, and no wish to return home, after seying here so much injustice, allowed by my family, complice to the crime.

so bye-bye.

I took the pain for biden??????????????


I don't need your love, I need anything from you.

You are evil.

Complicit to the crimes.


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9871d6  No.15640896





>>15640799, >>15640827, >>15640830 Clinton Foundation’s former Executive Vice President Maura Pally to Join Blackstone Charitable Foundation as Executive Director

>>15640702 Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum- vaccine passports by nature serve as a form of digital identity

>>15640669 PDJT @RealDonaldTrump - Joined Feb. 10, 2022 typo?

>>15640642 President Trump – “A Lot of Very Positive Things Are Happening… The Plan We’re on Now…[Is] Going to Make People Very, Very Happy”

>>15640630 New Zealand is fining people $330 for not wanting to get tested for covid plus extra

>>15640571 The Premier of Ontario, Doug Ford has just blown up Justin Trudeau’s house of cards

>>15640565 Former BlackRock Portfolio Manager Pfizer Fraud.

>>15640559 Archbishop Viganò's IMPORTANT MESSAGE To Canadian Truckers.

>>15640533 Biden Campaign Also Had Internet Company Allegedly Connected to Durham Probe on the Payroll

>>15640528 Desperation Sets in After Revelation That Durham Investigation Is 'Accelerating,' Targeting 'Other Matters'

>>15640498 Lock her up #Hillarygate

>>15640392 Infinite boosters and abortions? First woman reported cured of HIV after stem cell transplant

>>15640367 Indonesian paedophile Herry Wirawan’s life term, rather than castration, a ‘warning’ to predators

>>15640355 Anon nom'd Project Veritas vid FDA. These people are stupid.

>>15640317 Four banks have custody of over US$179 Trillion in assets

>>15640301 Archive Fag - a way to download Youtube videos that are preserved in snapshots on the Internet Wayback Machine.

>>15640253 6.2 earthquake Guatemala

>>15640250 Canadian Intelligence Hires Antifa to dox thousands involved with Freedom Convoy

>>15640246, >>15640255, >>15640259, >>15640251 Reminder Telegram is no different from any other Social Media, comp'd

>>15640214, >>15640698 Planefag Report

>>15640207 Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Has Significant Lead Over All Democrat Challengers

>>15640199, >>15640211, >>15640232, >>15640223 A. Coster, Top NZ Cop begs for help towing protestors cars

>>15640190, >>15640219, >>15640229, >>15640233, >>15640283, >>15640313 Q Crumbs, reminder re-read crumbs

>>15640185, >>15640249, >>15640296, >>15640348 Prince Andrew settles civil sexual assault claim with Virginia Giuffre, more info


Baking, wait for it…

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9871d6  No.15640898





>>15640799, >>15640827, >>15640830 Clinton Foundation’s former Executive Vice President Maura Pally to Join Blackstone Charitable Foundation as Executive Director

>>15640702 Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum- vaccine passports by nature serve as a form of digital identity

>>15640669 PDJT @RealDonaldTrump - Joined Feb. 10, 2022 typo?

>>15640642 President Trump – “A Lot of Very Positive Things Are Happening… The Plan We’re on Now…[Is] Going to Make People Very, Very Happy”

>>15640630 New Zealand is fining people $330 for not wanting to get tested for covid plus extra

>>15640571 The Premier of Ontario, Doug Ford has just blown up Justin Trudeau’s house of cards

>>15640565 Former BlackRock Portfolio Manager Pfizer Fraud.

>>15640559 Archbishop Viganò's IMPORTANT MESSAGE To Canadian Truckers.

>>15640533 Biden Campaign Also Had Internet Company Allegedly Connected to Durham Probe on the Payroll

>>15640528 Desperation Sets in After Revelation That Durham Investigation Is 'Accelerating,' Targeting 'Other Matters'

>>15640498 Lock her up #Hillarygate

>>15640392 Infinite boosters and abortions? First woman reported cured of HIV after stem cell transplant

>>15640367 Indonesian paedophile Herry Wirawan’s life term, rather than castration, a ‘warning’ to predators

>>15640355 Anon nom'd Project Veritas vid FDA. These people are stupid.

>>15640317 Four banks have custody of over US$179 Trillion in assets

>>15640301 Archive Fag - a way to download Youtube videos that are preserved in snapshots on the Internet Wayback Machine.

>>15640253 6.2 earthquake Guatemala

>>15640250 Canadian Intelligence Hires Antifa to dox thousands involved with Freedom Convoy

>>15640246, >>15640255, >>15640259, >>15640251 Reminder Telegram is no different from any other Social Media, comp'd

>>15640214, >>15640698 Planefag Report

>>15640207 Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Has Significant Lead Over All Democrat Challengers

>>15640199, >>15640211, >>15640232, >>15640223 A. Coster, Top NZ Cop begs for help towing protestors cars

>>15640190, >>15640219, >>15640229, >>15640233, >>15640283, >>15640313 Q Crumbs, reminder re-read crumbs

>>15640185, >>15640249, >>15640296, >>15640348 Prince Andrew settles civil sexual assault claim with Virginia Giuffre, more info


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154022  No.15640899

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a2dc6e  No.15640900

File: 10321781cc12de3⋯.jpg (139.63 KB, 1200x789, 400:263, zig.jpg)

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9dd888  No.15640901


>Spanish fishing boat sinks off Canada; 7 dead, 14 missing


I find it notable that the Breitbart headline mixed up the numbers, ending with "17" missing rather than 14.

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41dee5  No.15640904


Tell us more, Clay!

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04d530  No.15640905

File: bc31b8d51c75406⋯.jpg (24.27 KB, 256x227, 256:227, HmmmPonder0.jpg)


>ending with "17" missing rather than 14.

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9871d6  No.15640906





>>15640799, >>15640827, >>15640830 Clinton Foundation’s former Executive Vice President Maura Pally to Join Blackstone Charitable Foundation as Executive Director

>>15640702 Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum- vaccine passports by nature serve as a form of digital identity

>>15640669, >>15640805 PDJT @RealDonaldTrump - Joined Feb. 10, 2022 typo?

>>15640642 President Trump – “A Lot of Very Positive Things Are Happening… The Plan We’re on Now…[Is] Going to Make People Very, Very Happy”

>>15640630 New Zealand is fining people $330 for not wanting to get tested for covid plus extra

>>15640571 The Premier of Ontario, Doug Ford has just blown up Justin Trudeau’s house of cards

>>15640565 Former BlackRock Portfolio Manager Pfizer Fraud.

>>15640559 Archbishop Viganò's IMPORTANT MESSAGE To Canadian Truckers.

>>15640533 Biden Campaign Also Had Internet Company Allegedly Connected to Durham Probe on the Payroll

>>15640528 Desperation Sets in After Revelation That Durham Investigation Is 'Accelerating,' Targeting 'Other Matters'

>>15640498 Lock her up #Hillarygate

>>15640392 Infinite boosters and abortions? First woman reported cured of HIV after stem cell transplant

>>15640367 Indonesian paedophile Herry Wirawan’s life term, rather than castration, a ‘warning’ to predators

>>15640355 Anon nom'd Project Veritas vid FDA. These people are stupid.

>>15640317 Four banks have custody of over US$179 Trillion in assets

>>15640301 Archive Fag - a way to download Youtube videos that are preserved in snapshots on the Internet Wayback Machine.

>>15640253 6.2 earthquake Guatemala

>>15640250 Canadian Intelligence Hires Antifa to dox thousands involved with Freedom Convoy

>>15640246, >>15640255, >>15640259, >>15640251 Reminder Telegram is no different from any other Social Media, comp'd

>>15640214, >>15640698 Planefag Report

>>15640207 Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Has Significant Lead Over All Democrat Challengers

>>15640199, >>15640211, >>15640232, >>15640223 A. Coster, Top NZ Cop begs for help towing protestors cars

>>15640190, >>15640219, >>15640229, >>15640233, >>15640283, >>15640313 Q Crumbs, reminder re-read crumbs

>>15640185, >>15640249, >>15640296, >>15640348 Prince Andrew settles civil sexual assault claim with Virginia Giuffre, more info

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93cb70  No.15640907

File: b82d157f45dcdf3⋯.png (60.49 KB, 510x332, 255:166, pepe_wut.png)

did y'all see the titties on that murder hornet?

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44e3e6  No.15640908

File: 87d5a0efb4f77a2⋯.png (398.82 KB, 719x659, 719:659, Bildschirmfoto_2022_02_16_….png)


first it was 4 dead and 17 missing

then 7 dead and 14 missing

now it's 10 dead and 11 missing


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341f95  No.15640911

Good morning to all of you inglorious frogs. It is midweek and Potato Still thinks he has some power to make Russia Scared. We know he and all of NATO was played and played well. Ukraines President is not buying the Biden blackmail Bullshit and seems to be willing to force Bidens hand of corruption. Let us see how well this plays out. God Bless you all and may he keep his wisdom in your heart as you dig meme and pray.

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a2dc6e  No.15640912

File: d27f8d515c9d18f⋯.jpg (210.47 KB, 2000x1757, 2000:1757, chadbiff.jpg)

Hey fellow QAnons

Let's talk MAGA, and bump wieners

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44502c  No.15640914



Hmm 17 & Galicia.

The news was a tragic blow to the port town of Marin in northwestern Galicia, where many make a living by the sea. Marin Mayor María Ramallo said the sinking of the boat was the biggest tragedy on record for the community.

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44e3e6  No.15640916


confirmed by City News Halifax, CA:

Ten dead, search continues for 11 crew after Spanish fishing boat sinks off N.L.

HALIFAX — Search and rescue teams were expected to continue operating overnight after 10 members of a Spanish fishing boat died and 11 were missing in the icy waters of the North Atlantic east of Newfoundland.

Keith Doucette, The Canadian Press

about 12 hours ago


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5d6639  No.15640917


While I respect Buddhism as a spiritual Philosophy, it does not recognize or advocate for a "creator god". As a non-theistic philosophy, it doesn't yield the same fruit as the tri-partite Abrahamic religions or other Religions with "Gods" who demand war and sacrifices.

Buddhism, is a tradition, but not a "religion". Merriam-Webster defines religion as: “The belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.”

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eba362  No.15640918

File: 823ad286b650bd9⋯.png (7.43 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 8e0a8cfd86ae932f14963a6b2b….png)


not gonna look

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154022  No.15640920


isaiah 48 . 20

it tells you he will lead you to infinity the isaiah i had to put there

obviously to let others here know to leave

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9871d6  No.15640921

File: 9a8d258b65984ec⋯.jpg (65.68 KB, 680x680, 1:1, FLb4S_wXsAAIReK.jpg)

Fresh Bread





Q Research General #19777: The Plan We’re on Now…[Is] Going to Make People Very, Very Happy Edition

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ef81e5  No.15640922


So, because I do not believe as you do my Religion is not real. Cool.

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eff1b9  No.15640923

File: b27a7e9c313442d⋯.jpg (77.44 KB, 624x790, 312:395, Q_1577.JPG)

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eff1b9  No.15640924

File: 507a7e49829ba86⋯.jpg (83.74 KB, 628x623, 628:623, Q_1615.JPG)

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27287f  No.15640925

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Billy Graham's message to Canada 40 years ago

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9871d6  No.15640926


Those are once in a life time moments, times a thousand…

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eff1b9  No.15640927

File: 2706e3f83318bbf⋯.jpg (42.84 KB, 684x422, 342:211, Q_204.JPG)

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5d6639  No.15640928


Theism, of some sort, is the foundation of a "religion". Buddhism is non-theistic, so while it's a real practice, like yoga, t's not a religion.

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9871d6  No.15640929

File: 1f1fde835d807d9⋯.png (84.69 KB, 280x280, 1:1, 1509645963585.png)

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154022  No.15640930

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


trying to make the sweet sour and the sour sweet

Gal is sour

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eff1b9  No.15640931

File: 62bc6018b5287e9⋯.jpg (121.74 KB, 886x888, 443:444, Qbeads.JPG)

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e413ae  No.15640933

File: 1ee3907595956ea⋯.gif (186.27 KB, 300x225, 4:3, 1ee3907595956ead8b64deb648….gif)

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eff1b9  No.15640934

File: f5bd9d3b167cdb5⋯.png (219.37 KB, 348x348, 1:1, Qcoin2.png)

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