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File: d9fc4b85480fe9e⋯.jpg (8.91 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 1aaOld_Banner.jpg)

0af914  No.15648789[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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>>15406810 New here? Welcome | >>15406794 Board Info | >>15406795 Offsite Bunkers | >>15406798 Optics | >>15406807 Suggested Follow

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>>15406808 !!!! LEARN DIGITAL WARFARE !!!!

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>>15600441 =!!! LEARN TO BAKE !!!=

>>15406820 Meme Requests

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0af914  No.15648793


>>15487476 Reporting CP & other illegal content

>>15487554 How get get bans lifted & do bug reports on /tech/

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread

>>15568669 Bakers - how to format notable buns (including two-post buns)

>>15620842 New guidelines for General banners



>>15648755 Google-backed AI taught to control nuclear fusion reactor

>>15648744 Game Over 2 Year Delta

>>15648718 Marginal Sauce: Russian media: Ukraine has “fired mortar shells and grenades at 4 localities in Luhansk People's Republic”

>>15648631, >>15648712 Catturd predicts Canadian Bank run - Royal Bank, BMO Bank of Montreal, CIBC Bank all offline

>>15648636 Sputnik News: Three new viruses discovered in Laos genetically similar to Corona

>>15648423, >>15648483 From 2011 posted on Australia Board - Clapper mtg with Australian Delegation

>>15648452 Iran says nuclear deal ‘closer than ever’

>>15648421, >>15648425, >>15648418, >>15648135, >>15648138, >>15648150 PF Reports

>>15648393, >>15648715, >>15648773 US Embassy raises Black Lives Matter flag on its compound in T&T [Trinidad&Tobago]


>>15648285 US Trending Toward China's Social Credit System, Enabled By Big Tech

>>15648211 South Korea Presidential candidate halts campaign after staffers die inside election bus

>>15648210 Diamond and Silk call out Mike Pence.

>>15648024, >>15648110 Mask Meltdown: School Board Member Goes BERZERK, Screams At Parent During Open Mic

>>15648785 #19786

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0af914  No.15648796


>>15647309 Decision on Iran nuclear deal days away, ball in Tehran's court - France

>>15647310 Ottawalks reports first appearance of Military Police SUVs on Ottawa streets

>>15647356, >>15647409, >>15647517, >>15647529, >>15647545, >>15647599 Shake Up at Ottawa City Council- 2 ejections and 1 resignation

>>15647373 Freedom Feeds

>>15647359 Post Millenial Tweet: WOW. A veteran in Ottawa UNLOADS on CBC: “Get out of here!”

>>15647405 DAF COVID-19 Statistics - Feb. 15, 2022

>>15647412, >>15647509, >>15647486, >>15647473 Russian state-owned-media claims Ukraine fires some things, reaction, Russian Embassy trolling.

>>15647415 Individual Pleads Guilty to Acting Within the United States on Behalf of Russian Government

>>15647463 Who’s REALLY Running the Biden Administration | Glenn TV

>>15647492 You Will Never Guess Who's in Charge of the $60 Million in Black Lives Matter Assets

>>15647534 Canadian Officials Freeze Bank Accounts of Citizens Who Donated to Freedom Convoy

>>15647535, >>15647564 FAA Administrator Steve Dickson resigns

>>15647561 TGP: What Is Happening to Canada’s Banks Right Now?

>>15647585, >>15647617 Russel Brand - Truckers / Their Narrative is Falling Apart

>>15647675 Prime Minister Justin Trudeau convenes the Incident Response Group on the ongoing illegal blockades

>>15647700 The Human Costs of U.S. Immigration Policy at the Southern Border

>>15647720 Prince Andrew's statement within his out-of-court settlement with Virginia Giuffre appears to contradict the answers he gave in his now-infamous Newsnight interview

>>15647771, >>15647863 Bizarre moment police monitoring an anti-vaccine mandate protest in New Zealand have their patrol car TOWED

>>15648001 #19785

Previously Collected

>>15647219 #19784,

>>15644926 #19781, >>15645653 #19782, >>15646416 #19783

>>15642423 #19778, >>15643270 #19779, >>15644372 #19780

>>15640129 #19775, >>15640906 #19776, >>15641648 #19777

>>15637363 #19772, >>15638203 #19773, >>15639162 #19774

>>15635058 #19769, >>15635828 #19770, >>15636474 #19771

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>>15406645 Notables #11: Never Back Down!

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0af914  No.15648798

Dough: https://controlc.com/d98524b3

Bred is Ghost

Next Baker Self Confirm

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76edce  No.15648807

File: d22c1fc28af26c7⋯.jpg (115.76 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 147.jpg)

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19a8e5  No.15648831

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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d3d834  No.15648833

It's time for Mark Elias to be real raw news'ed

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ae0843  No.15648842

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Oh shit..

They released an animation of the Alec Baldwin movie set tragedy

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cc3ccc  No.15648843

File: 55ba73565d43629⋯.png (1.1 MB, 996x2046, 166:341, Screen_Shot_2022_02_17_at_….png)

File: 20be2a868a9b247⋯.png (50.36 KB, 760x458, 380:229, Screen_Shot_2022_02_17_at_….png)

File: 2726b829d57d2c0⋯.png (100.14 KB, 1624x734, 812:367, Screen_Shot_2022_02_17_at_….png)

File: 5dbfd70769ee829⋯.png (429.38 KB, 1316x1022, 94:73, Screen_Shot_2022_02_17_at_….png)


ty bake!

Some interesting "comms"…

"Queen cannot move…"

Lines up nicely with "GAME OVER"


Joe..go out and talk about a DOG for COMMS…

Jeez and he saysTHIS???how endearing…


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cc21ae  No.15648844

File: 669da6dce62420a⋯.png (760.75 KB, 739x552, 739:552, ClipboardImage.png)

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76edce  No.15648850

File: 754c90aa08ca4c2⋯.jpg (251.55 KB, 1019x1307, 1019:1307, d95aaff7a18d01fd2951d095d6….jpg)

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76edce  No.15648854

File: 0c6c2ac26548cd1⋯.png (528.21 KB, 720x837, 80:93, FLvZiIEWUAAW22b.png)

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eef832  No.15648855

File: f024f35ed55faad⋯.mp4 (12.5 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, AlecFuckedItUp.mp4)

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0871f7  No.15648856

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dr Glowie self suck live stream


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3b01a5  No.15648857


Damn nice sniping you did there

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cc3ccc  No.15648858

File: 9a2262a1669c628⋯.png (4.65 MB, 2292x1458, 382:243, Screen_Shot_2022_02_17_at_….png)

Who ever is running We the Media you are doing a good job of reflecting the board…ty!

Now..who did THIS? :-)

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ae0843  No.15648859


They are saying Alex Baldwin just left her there for forty minutes to bleed out


Why isn’t this nigga in jail?

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3eb5f2  No.15648860

File: 81e3bcef36737b1⋯.jpg (41.14 KB, 500x375, 4:3, ghostbread2.jpg)

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ae0843  No.15648861




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6a27d5  No.15648862

File: 3bdb6f3845ea4f5⋯.png (59.88 KB, 680x909, 680:909, ClipboardImage.png)

Game over, baker!?

This is not a game! Learn how to play…!!!

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ae0843  No.15648864

File: 86d4d5c135128fe⋯.jpeg (597.37 KB, 691x932, 691:932, 71DB8F15_0B12_450D_BFB5_9….jpeg)

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0af914  No.15648866

>>15648857 TY. Old timer (and regular snipe getter) once said it was all in the wrist. Thinkin' it's moar like blind squirrel…..

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b5a0d0  No.15648867


Animation, because an entire film crew didn’t capture any actual footage of ‘what happened’.

Gimme a break.

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ae0843  No.15648868

File: 2131d34e091c714⋯.jpeg (272.12 KB, 696x562, 348:281, 7467014F_1C43_4F66_87B1_1….jpeg)

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5bb256  No.15648869

File: 218de56ea623e07⋯.png (177.8 KB, 454x460, 227:230, 1329842c33.png)


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ae0843  No.15648870


They probably couldn’t release that

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6a27d5  No.15648871

File: b6736327a3b11c7⋯.png (519.73 KB, 708x656, 177:164, ClipboardImage.png)


i cuckhold at that…

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e045ab  No.15648872

File: f44ed852b39accf⋯.jpg (1.13 MB, 1680x1050, 8:5, Meditate_5.jpg)


It's fun to watch Fox basically give the normie version of notables from 7pm on.

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9f046b  No.15648873

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Freedom Convoy 2022 live stream

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9e3f54  No.15648874

File: 578466dcfd2697e⋯.jpg (122.8 KB, 545x481, 545:481, capture_542_12062019_13393….jpg)

File: 4ff400de4c76827⋯.jpg (160.1 KB, 723x577, 723:577, capture_300_21052019_07340….jpg)

File: f8b111fa5a41453⋯.jpg (335.44 KB, 1000x524, 250:131, capture_450_27092018_08002….jpg)

File: 4ceda035c82981c⋯.jpg (226.51 KB, 940x491, 940:491, capture_459_09062019_19180….jpg)

File: 7a413d356d29404⋯.jpg (453.7 KB, 1306x685, 1306:685, capture_524_27092018_10504….jpg)

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ae0843  No.15648875

File: 42ab5889a56eb14⋯.jpeg (213.28 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 61EFB94D_372B_4129_A1D5_3….jpeg)


> i cuckhold at that…

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b5a0d0  No.15648876


If it was exculpatory, Baldwin owns exactly that which ‘exonerates’ him. But for that, i can see why it couldn’t be released.

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69b27b  No.15648877



Nov 05, 2017 6:41:11 PM EST

Anonymous ID: L8quGPI9 No. 148143562

Who is the QUEEN of England?

How long in power?

With power comes corruption.

What happened to Diana?

What did she find out?

Why was she running?

Who did she entrust to help her flee?

What was the cover?

Why is this relevant?

Why now?




Bad actor.

London Mayor.



Connection to QUEEN?

British MI6 agents dead.



What was reported?

What really happened?

Why is this relevant?



Secret society.





Why are migrants important?


What are assets?

Define assets?

Why are migrants so important?

What are assets?

Why are migrants so important?

What are assets?

Why are migrants so important?



Who follows?

What political leaders worship Satan?

What does an upside down cross represent?

Who wears openly?


Who is she connected to?

Why is this relevant?

Spirit cooking.

What does Spirit Cooking represent?


What is a cult?

Who is worshipped?

Why is this relevant?

Snow White

Godfather III




May 14, 2020 1:08:47 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 402015 No. 9171041

Worth remembering.

Think Chess.

Do you attack the KING in the beginning or middle-to-end?

QUEEN protects KING?


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76edce  No.15648878

File: aa41516d497f6b7⋯.mp4 (5.42 MB, 460x264, 115:66, aBnnNZZ460svav1.mp4)


Where Chaos is Comfy

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c1d9cf  No.15648879

File: 56a6b6d6f116bbc⋯.png (368.51 KB, 554x515, 554:515, 56a6b6d6f116bbc5fc34a1e697….png)


that kid is too black to be the biological child of either of those white people

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6a27d5  No.15648880

File: ece03372223cb02⋯.png (557.17 KB, 1070x802, 535:401, ClipboardImage.png)

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ae0843  No.15648881

File: bdb1a9ed8348759⋯.jpeg (93.87 KB, 751x710, 751:710, B911B425_EA85_4F71_BDF8_A….jpeg)

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3b01a5  No.15648882


He enjoys dry anal penetration

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f205d3  No.15648883

File: 01b3a1603f968e8⋯.jpg (36.7 KB, 575x804, 575:804, biden_airplane.jpg)

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e045ab  No.15648884


Is this one next?

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ae0843  No.15648885

File: 78bab1dc2bc345a⋯.jpeg (220.7 KB, 675x677, 675:677, 36089B02_7C27_44A8_8210_1….jpeg)

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d6ab4d  No.15648886

File: 7705441dc1d9084⋯.jpg (108.43 KB, 507x549, 169:183, glamdring.jpg)

It is not our part to master all the tides of the world, but to do what is in us for the succour of those years wherein we are set, uprooting the evil in the fields that we know, so that those who live after may have clean earth to till. What weather they shall have is not ours to rule.

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cce8a4  No.15648887

File: 0bbb03ee8c9faec⋯.png (6.7 KB, 444x121, 444:121, 2173872Q.png)


Happy Q Day y'all

LOTs of 17th Q deltas

to be blunt



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e045ab  No.15648888

File: 328fa01609456dc⋯.jpg (162.44 KB, 748x1496, 1:2, Angel_Art.jpg)

God Wins

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ae0843  No.15648889

File: b2ae4635e718dd2⋯.jpeg (355.53 KB, 750x714, 125:119, CA0CF2CB_FBE5_4FE9_993C_0….jpeg)

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6a27d5  No.15648890


Wh(y) not?

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7130a8  No.15648891

File: ea55fcffa83620b⋯.png (130.34 KB, 786x804, 131:134, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6d2ca1ae11ec28e⋯.png (169.94 KB, 1095x769, 1095:769, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fd0eafe879982eb⋯.png (306.23 KB, 942x773, 942:773, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 69a5a326696df1b⋯.png (165.27 KB, 1107x783, 41:29, ClipboardImage.png)




“So let’s get really clear on Dustin Moskovitz. Shall we, Dustin Moskovitz?…You little piece of sh!t! Let’s talk about him for a minute. The Co-Founder of Facebook that you’ve never heard of…also the guy who founded Open Philanthropy, who was the actual check-writer for Event201. You were told that it was the World Economic Forum. You were told it was the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. You were told it was Johns Hopkins University. But the actual check that cleared for the program was signed by none other than Dustin Moskovitz…

“Now, I’m picking on him for a good reason. He’s a felon, he’s a criminal. He is one of the most sociopathic, psychopathic, crazy people walking the planet and he’s paid to keep his name in private.

Something happening with his company, Asana it seems.


Fresh data show that Moskovitz has picked up the pace of his Asana purchases in recent trading days. Over the final three days of last week, a new filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission shows, Moskovitz bought another 1.25 million Asana shares for a combined $79 million.

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b5a0d0  No.15648892


Did you write that, anon?

Very noice, even if you didn’t wordsmith it personally.

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d6ab4d  No.15648893

File: ad803d81c37d58a⋯.png (391.57 KB, 744x417, 248:139, 9cc2feef2512d67b3e84411f04….png)


Infinity quads chek't

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df05da  No.15648894

File: c54f13b2509759b⋯.png (379.04 KB, 1041x489, 347:163, ClipboardImage.png)

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d6ab4d  No.15648895


Kek. I wish.

It's JRR Tolkien

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3ccf3a  No.15648896

File: 99adaae977d79ad⋯.jpg (10.06 KB, 255x216, 85:72, 001adaae977d79adb83bedb785….jpg)

File: 986575d865e7bce⋯.png (487.82 KB, 904x350, 452:175, prison.png)

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9e3f54  No.15648897

File: f36fdf5d1b0ed17⋯.jpg (942.4 KB, 832x900, 208:225, 20190819_DSC_0308.jpg)

File: 20e29a3d0b76e34⋯.jpg (401.5 KB, 800x563, 800:563, 20190819_DSC_0304.jpg)

File: 122cfa08b21ae70⋯.jpg (399.57 KB, 800x602, 400:301, 20190819_DSC_0296.jpg)

File: 4d47d4a31069991⋯.jpg (428.66 KB, 800x559, 800:559, 20190819_DSC_0290.jpg)

File: efa172f2b4c21ac⋯.jpg (558.35 KB, 800x598, 400:299, 20190819_DSC_0285.jpg)

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3b01a5  No.15648898

File: 7d076a1c9930d58⋯.jpg (37.92 KB, 254x240, 127:120, 20220217_080341.jpg)

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d3d834  No.15648899

The transition from night shift is particularly strange this morning…

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b5a0d0  No.15648901


Tolkien, eh?

Amazing how accurate it speaks to us, what 80 or 90 years later?

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498e06  No.15648902

File: 098767fcdbaf5c1⋯.jpg (61.29 KB, 500x672, 125:168, meaningless.jpg)

File: a3d3a15137f3035⋯.jpg (72.45 KB, 507x500, 507:500, the_undead.jpg)

File: fcdd3802142b2d0⋯.jpg (85.07 KB, 500x709, 500:709, pain_v2.jpg)

File: 4569c632d98c638⋯.jpg (64.58 KB, 500x562, 250:281, demons_galore_v2.jpg)

File: e31456d8a82c284⋯.jpg (80.1 KB, 750x500, 3:2, liar.jpg)

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6a27d5  No.15648903

File: 79097248c2ec94a⋯.png (221.38 KB, 794x1137, 794:1137, ClipboardImage.png)

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9e3f54  No.15648904

File: c33a263262e2c40⋯.jpg (670.43 KB, 800x826, 400:413, 20190819_DSC_0279.jpg)

File: 17f39650265f407⋯.jpg (889.22 KB, 781x800, 781:800, 20190819_DSC_0275.jpg)

File: f301950275937a3⋯.png (2.69 MB, 1024x915, 1024:915, TorinoRanch_LasVegasNv.png)

File: c5f6bb42711f77d⋯.jpg (200.64 KB, 800x533, 800:533, gates.jpg)

File: c3afac40ff9d4a1⋯.jpg (431.68 KB, 800x441, 800:441, boy_floating.jpg)

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76edce  No.15648905

File: 0b8c4335adea39a⋯.mp4 (2.1 MB, 460x246, 230:123, aYrrdnx_460svav1.mp4)

Trudeau thinks he can block the bridges.

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b66c84  No.15648907

File: 4a93cd8ed99a32b⋯.png (2.67 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Chuck_Todd_Bad_info_comes_….png)

File: 289f7ad5782d6c8⋯.png (4.09 MB, 1920x2000, 24:25, Chan_Explaination.png)


How Chuck Todd says chans operate vs HOW CHANS ACTUALLY OPERATE


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cce8a4  No.15648908

File: e7182c3ef22b094⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1615x1177, 1615:1177, 615032b489fb8b8a7b25d6c838….png)

File: c486ee416238cff⋯.jpeg (21.7 KB, 286x288, 143:144, c486ee416238cff78c292c15d….jpeg)


always infinitely winning



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6a27d5  No.15648909


> transition

not yet…

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df05da  No.15648910

Any anon has Dan's video with MSM talking about pizzagate? He posted it yesterday or the day before I guess. I missed it and can't find it in notables

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9e3f54  No.15648911

File: 4b8407989c43e7b⋯.jpg (233.77 KB, 800x533, 800:533, arches.jpg)

File: 8938ac9b87bf256⋯.jpg (143.18 KB, 800x533, 800:533, amphitheater2.jpg)

File: 61fa0857e288db6⋯.jpg (131.9 KB, 800x530, 80:53, amphitheater.jpg)

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0d8729  No.15648912


Ok, you count’em up and we’ll see come night shift.

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d661a6  No.15648914


AI posting, getting more and more humany.

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b5a0d0  No.15648915

File: 2b984bcfb1789fc⋯.png (275.01 KB, 526x448, 263:224, 94D07548_17FC_437E_8E25_88….png)


The equinoxs (counter intuitively) bring the greatest voltage differentials.

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df05da  No.15648916

the link

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b66c84  No.15648917

File: 40f08bb63aa519c⋯.png (3.06 MB, 1362x1380, 227:230, ClipboardImage.png)


NIce try fucktard.

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0871f7  No.15648918

File: 2967f994f1460ea⋯.jpg (279.07 KB, 948x944, 237:236, 20220201_121300.jpg)

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2b66cd  No.15648919

It's hard to believe but it has already been a year since Rush LImbaugh passed away. Every weekday when the show theme song starts, I still expect him to start in and when he doesn't, it hurts my soul. Rush was a once in a lifetime phenomenon and he taught me the rock solid foundation that I live my life by. I miss him every, single day.

God Bless you Rush. You are loved and missed.


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b87461  No.15648920

File: 134e97b48ce1f4b⋯.jpg (166.29 KB, 1717x1294, 1717:1294, _20220216_224953.JPG)

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d6ab4d  No.15648921

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I start every day with a little bit of Tolkien. It fortifies me for the fight.

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ae0843  No.15648922

File: 82df6962c2037f6⋯.jpeg (303.55 KB, 704x403, 704:403, 3E1C3327_8B4B_436A_8EC1_E….jpeg)

File: 97fff35b84e6d80⋯.jpeg (135.83 KB, 750x800, 15:16, 1E1E9B8E_F075_4FF5_AB60_3….jpeg)



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b5a0d0  No.15648923


You just know almost that exact kind of driving has already been tried in South America or India.

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ae0843  No.15648924



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7616aa  No.15648925

File: 2421e59c1daf56b⋯.png (82.37 KB, 158x248, 79:124, ClipboardImage.png)


You havent had a hit in an hour!

try and keep up!

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595136  No.15648926

File: b5f319b8074bb9a⋯.png (10.57 KB, 255x144, 85:48, 125f20f1a6c3b8de812e54f367….png)

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e045ab  No.15648927

File: 1a3fc62d2d26a22⋯.gif (10 MB, 470x352, 235:176, Night_Shift_God_Pool_Corne….gif)


What makes you say that?

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ae0843  No.15648928

File: 4cb46a8d74c710a⋯.jpeg (325.45 KB, 750x883, 750:883, 5E28F99D_E629_4758_A724_5….jpeg)




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b66c84  No.15648929

File: 4aff109966a8192⋯.png (4.73 MB, 1362x2004, 227:334, ClipboardImage.png)


I'll add it to the other.

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cce8a4  No.15648931

File: 49385a610bc09b7⋯.png (5.22 KB, 444x91, 444:91, Screenshot_2022_02_17_at_0….png)

Bob Saget: What happened in room 962?

>a fun yet grossly illiterate summary

What happened in room 962 of The Ritz-Carlton in Orlando, the room that was Bob Saget’s residence for a while? That’s where the TV star became big Full House in America’s Funniest Home Videos, found lifeless at 4 o’clock on Sunday afternoon by hotel security personnel. Saget still seemed full of zest for life, was neither sick nor addicted, but eventually turned only 65, leaving his family and colleagues full of confusion. According to sources around the actor and comedian, he would have died in his sleep, nothing more and nothing less.


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e045ab  No.15648932

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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595136  No.15648933

File: c46940002be2144⋯.jpg (7.25 KB, 181x181, 1:1, 444.jpg)

File: 7b8b4fdf11ee8b7⋯.jpg (13.86 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 44D44.jpg)


chkt x2

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3eb5f2  No.15648934

File: a0a3fabfbacd794⋯.jpg (86.14 KB, 635x890, 127:178, RL.JPG)

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ae0843  No.15648935

File: 0e1bb06dd8b1b18⋯.jpeg (560.66 KB, 750x987, 250:329, 91BDC835_240E_48C4_9BBF_9….jpeg)






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595136  No.15648936

File: 401e91f91954f63⋯.jpg (6.57 KB, 324x150, 54:25, DB44.jpg)

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28cc9b  No.15648937


Dayum…sounds to me someone's trying to gin up something….

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b5a0d0  No.15648939

File: 3fbf77aa1a5491b⋯.jpeg (107.6 KB, 780x438, 130:73, 6A3CCC50_F699_4085_85DF_B….jpeg)




Sure sure… it’s just the words that “fortify”.

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b366b9  No.15648940


It’s looks like a heavy lamp base

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ae0843  No.15648941


Probably Joos

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d3d834  No.15648942


You read Guardian

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3b01a5  No.15648944


Hows it smell? Fairly pungent, good thing I live a mile back in the woods.

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28cc9b  No.15648945


I'm honestly tired of the "muh Joo" shills.

The Bible talks about a city on seven hills. Sounds more like ROME, not Tel Aviv….

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d6ab4d  No.15648946

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ae0843  No.15648947

File: a2e610e27279f75⋯.png (276.98 KB, 765x765, 1:1, 33631665_A2E3_4344_95F9_32….png)


> You read Guardian

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3e573b  No.15648948

File: 006d4bc5847504f⋯.png (906.05 KB, 678x821, 678:821, ClipboardImage.png)

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d3d834  No.15648949

Is there a world-wide coffee shortage as of last night?

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3b01a5  No.15648950


Cincinnati Ohio based on its 7 Hills. Named after Cincinatus of Rome

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76edce  No.15648951

File: 9afb4c2873e5391⋯.mp4 (1.94 MB, 460x460, 1:1, amggnW4_460svav1.mp4)

Goat for sale

thinking the people are willing to sell cheap

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b66c84  No.15648952

File: d97c9880bf893e7⋯.png (2.46 MB, 1542x1450, 771:725, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fbf39fbb0551ae5⋯.png (101.02 KB, 310x232, 155:116, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b1d34198822ba43⋯.mp4 (6.25 MB, 640x480, 4:3, bob_saget.mp4)


>was neither sick nor addicted

Cocaine on Full House set

Sweetin, 'I learned it from watching you'


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9985df  No.15648953

Moar lb notables

>>15648419 Handy intro video for newbies

>>15648516 Unsealed lawsuit claims Pfizer/ BioNTech falsified data

>>15648558 Judge Temporarily Blocks Boston’s Vaccine Mandate for Certain First Responders

>>15648516 unsealed lawsuit claims Pfizer/ BioNTech falsified data

>>15648785 #19786

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fdd0f9  No.15648954

File: 35d60e1d8cca6fd⋯.jpg (73.1 KB, 720x546, 120:91, 20220217_061811.jpg)


That's alot of soccer balls

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6a27d5  No.15648955

File: 82e841f7014dd12⋯.png (203.6 KB, 760x513, 40:27, ClipboardImage.png)


> was neither sick nor addicted, but eventually turned only 65, leaving his family and colleagues full of confusion.

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28cc9b  No.15648956



I will point out this though: A lot of today's Jews are in bed with Rome, just like the Pharisees of old were in tight with the Roman government.

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b179e8  No.15648957

File: 7a30f1c1c865f7b⋯.jpeg (432.04 KB, 2111x1315, 2111:1315, 1E50B4FA_286B_4128_98DA_F….jpeg)

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6ed8a5  No.15648958

File: ea73e84d667b918⋯.jpg (110.17 KB, 1350x913, 1350:913, virusguy.JPG)

ISLAMABAD, Feb 17 (APP): President Dr Arif Alvi Thursday conferred Hilal-e-Pakistan on American technologist and philanthropist Bill Gates in recognition of his meritorious services to the people of Pakistan, particularly for the eradication of polio.

The award was given at a special investiture ceremony held at the Aiwan-e-Sadr, attended by Begum Samina Alvi, federal ministers and senior officials.


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ae0843  No.15648959

File: b269eb53eaca2f9⋯.jpeg (339.71 KB, 750x1146, 125:191, 5E7200D5_1E37_4A59_834D_4….jpeg)


>I have Stockholm syndrome and will always defend my oppressors

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6a27d5  No.15648960


Debbie Debunker… kek

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b044f6  No.15648961

File: d59874ca4271706⋯.jpg (15.79 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 4D4D.jpg)


spicy pine with a hint of sweet citrus

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d13d59  No.15648962

File: c53f4a5a7a6bbf3⋯.mp4 (9.98 MB, 640x360, 16:9, c53f4a5a7a6bbf3058c61df418….mp4)

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9e3f54  No.15648963

File: 6501a921476133b⋯.jpg (310.15 KB, 900x668, 225:167, 20191024_DSC_0058.jpg)


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9502d7  No.15648964


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ae0843  No.15648965

File: 7c364ccb187dbd2⋯.jpeg (295.21 KB, 707x597, 707:597, 1ACF9B52_E023_4C18_B620_1….jpeg)

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3e573b  No.15648966


rough night

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3b01a5  No.15648967


Now as then, nothing has changed but the date.

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28cc9b  No.15648968


In the end it comes down to good vs. evil.

Punish the individuals responsible for this mess, not entire groups. Trying to blame all Jews is like blaming all whites for slavery. Don't be a hypocrite.

I think the Catholic cult uses Jews as a front…they have always hated the Jews and this way they can focus people's outrage on the people they hate.

Granted the Talmud is nothing but trash….

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200486  No.15648969

File: d0dbbd86c8ad266⋯.png (78.8 KB, 520x282, 260:141, don_t_be_evil.png)

Need for Symbolisms be downfall

they need 'em to communicate. Sad.

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6a27d5  No.15648970

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> I live a mile back in the woods.

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ae0843  No.15648971

File: 4c1ae5edfb9afc6⋯.png (4.26 MB, 1334x750, 667:375, 3149E110_C02A_4E6A_A2EF_18….png)

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6ed8a5  No.15648972

File: f15b97ef70ba01b⋯.jpg (112.83 KB, 1271x904, 1271:904, moarvirus.JPG)


moar virusguy

Bill Gates is a busy man. When he’s not spending time on his Foundation that provides vaccines to save the lives of millions of kids in Africa and other developing nations, Gates is busy working and investing in global projects to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change


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b044f6  No.15648974

File: 254ef3554abf8df⋯.jpeg (27.96 KB, 474x470, 237:235, OIP_19_.jpeg)

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452e7d  No.15648975


Lamp base


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f83d0c  No.15648976

File: db3f041799996b7⋯.jpeg (523.15 KB, 828x1295, 828:1295, 6E9840C0_31D7_4500_876A_1….jpeg)

“Trump supporters” with “great expectations” here “are going to be deeply disappointed.” - Andy McCarthy


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ae0843  No.15648977


What if you have the understanding that satan has a bloodline and these people claim to be Gods people but are actually imposters.

Does that change the dynamics?

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452e7d  No.15648978




Paul Pelosi Jr.

He was doing something over there with kids and soccer.

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909157  No.15648979

File: 7f54b97cd69c2e3⋯.png (628.84 KB, 1111x739, 1111:739, Screenshot_from_2022_02_17….png)

File: 90d529bb087e93b⋯.png (97.59 KB, 279x191, 279:191, ussMercy.png)


Liberia: Adoption Or Child Trafficking

Relates to:


U.S. State Department

Liberia - Misc. trafficking cases





“Fake Philanthropists” Lure Liberia’s Kids Into The Unknown

Can Gov’t Rise To The Occasion?

The average Liberia family is under extreme socio-economic stress, compelled to fend sometimes without success, for each day’s meals. With no job and no job opportunities for moms, dads, and other extended members of the family for months and years on end, there is no telling how intense the rat race for survival in most homes is.

They want out: fathers, mothers, kids. In their desperation they have been groping for support, reaching out for any hand that seems to offer one, as a drowning man would do.

In order to help ease the situation, some families, in recent years, resorted to giving their kids to affluent families or individuals in the hope that the kids will survive the difficulties and help them in the future.

But it seems they were treading a quicksand and now it is clear that most of the kids taken away in past years on promises of a better tomorrow may never be seen alive.

A recent U.S. State Department report on Liberia says most of the kids who were taken away by child traffickers are currently being used as sex slaves or streets hawkers.

Now the State Department is requesting that the Liberian government to do something about the drain on Liberia’s humanity, human resources, and future, The Analyst Staff Writer reports.

“Liberia is a source, transit, and destination country for children trafficked for forced labor and sexual exploitation; the government must therefore integrate into each of these large objectives strategies for combating trafficking in persons.”

These were the words of a U.S. State Department report released early this month. While the report conceded that the issue of child and human trafficking in Liberia is a special case because it was in political transition during the reporting period, it indicated that Liberia’s trafficking picture has become grave and requires urgent government intervention.

“Most trafficking occurs within the country, though some children are trafficked to Liberia from Sierra Leone, Guinea and Cote d’Ivoire and from Liberia to Cote d’Ivoire, Guinea, The Gambia, and Nigeria,” the report said.

The reports did not also say how and under what conditions these children were taken from their parents and guardians, but noted that they were trafficked for domestic servitude, sexual exploitation, agricultural labor, and street vending.

Those trafficked by individuals from neighboring Cote d’Ivoire, the report said, were used to fight a proxy war in which they were used as guinea pigs at battlefronts to test the safety of the terrains.

“There are reports as well ofsome orphanages obtaining children through abductionor fraudulent means and exploiting those children in the commercial sex trade or for hawking in the street,” the report revealed, adding that the NTGL was unable to deal with the problem because some of its members allied with rebel groups that were involved in trafficking in persons for the Ivorian war.

Some kids as young as five months, according to recent reports, were abducted by white folks who come into the country under the guise of rendering humanitarian services.

“Some womenon the Mercy Ship use their Liberians contacts to take away childrenunder the guise of adoption without the proper involvement of the government. Also involved in this practice are heads of some mushroom churches with contacts in the U.S.,” one resident of New Kru Town told The Analyst recently.

all pb






>She co-founded a non-profit called theShine Foundation that runs an orphanage in Bong County,Liberia

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b044f6  No.15648980

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c51034  No.15648981


>Checks Board Log


Only when WNB the biker asks me to.

We used to get high together every morning so I trust him.

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0aaee0  No.15648982

File: c0591bde1550a0a⋯.jpg (163.79 KB, 585x520, 9:8, skull.jpg)

File: 38a6014907c04de⋯.jpg (348.23 KB, 1201x1000, 1201:1000, skull_1.jpg)


>he would have died in his sleep

I suppose this could be true if he was sleeping when the baseball connected.

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c1d9cf  No.15648983

File: 580fee1ebeef252⋯.png (1.04 MB, 634x633, 634:633, ClipboardImage.png)

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ae0843  No.15648984


> and these people claim to be Gods people but are actually imposters.

Well documented in New Testament

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6ed8a5  No.15648985

File: a097b6e6a810944⋯.jpg (56.33 KB, 680x453, 680:453, FLzTKKqWYAMwLp9.jpg)

File: b0ab639d656259e⋯.jpg (70.98 KB, 621x900, 69:100, FLzTGLgWUBM_UR6.jpg)

File: b9016e4f45d5d1a⋯.jpg (46.89 KB, 680x502, 340:251, gates.jpg)

gates with imran kahn….howzat

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481633  No.15648986

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1209x713, 39:23, bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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b3d2f6  No.15648987


Two groups combined efforts to kill Christ.

The Romans and the Pharisees (Jews).

Both have oppressed, tortured, and murdered the body of Christ.

Both have altered, disparaged, and distorted God's Word.

Both have murdered to keep it out of the hands of the people.

Revelations speaks of both groups, though the Reformers were unanimous in their view that the beast was the office of the papacy.

Futurism was concocted as a Jesuit counter-reformation to hide this from people, and has infected Protestant churches ever since.

"Judeo-Christian" was also constructed to hide the fact that Judaism derived from the Pharisees and was not the religion of the OT.

It's not "one or the other." All who deny Christ are enemies of humanity.

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6a27d5  No.15648988

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498e06  No.15648989

File: c43d513854b741d⋯.jpg (47.33 KB, 524x499, 524:499, experimental.jpg)

File: a4bd894407d8411⋯.jpg (64.43 KB, 618x499, 618:499, fear_n_hate.jpg)

File: 9b00f2c978f1ee0⋯.jpg (127.88 KB, 650x500, 13:10, including_my_OG_sin_agains….jpg)

File: 8008f9a3cf9ffcd⋯.jpg (84.21 KB, 735x500, 147:100, why_oh_why_2.jpg)

File: 4330f502e96c7e9⋯.jpg (61.33 KB, 556x500, 139:125, for_too_long.jpg)

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b30166  No.15648990

File: 679fe004802210a⋯.png (162.48 KB, 407x392, 407:392, ClipboardImage.png)

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b13e6c  No.15648992

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fuck your mcdonalds that put human beings in it.

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c34c83  No.15648994


good one

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ae0843  No.15648995


Do you have a source for that claim? I need a source. A source?

Do you have a degree in that field?

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909157  No.15648996



It is not clear how that was possible, but the State Department report said while the transitional government may have lacked the wherewithal to deal with the situation, it also demonstrated insufficient will to combat the trafficking.

This, according to the report, is despite the fact that in June 2005, the government passed a statute prohibiting all forms of trafficking. “That law, however, provides a weak, one year minimum sentence, gravely insufficient to deter trafficking crimes and reflect their heinous nature,” it noted.

It said after the passage of the bill, the NTGL and the National Transitional Legislative Assembly (NTLA) participated in bi-monthly ad hoc anti-trafficking taskforce meetings chaired by the Ministry of Labor.

According to the report, the NTGL also closed down a number of orphanages allegedly involved in child trafficking, though most of these cases appeared to be fraudulent adoptions rather than trafficking.

It said in addition to the shutting down of orphanages, the NTGL established a Women’s and Children’s Protection Section of police, designated to address trafficking but that these measures did little or nothing to alter the situation as child trafficking continued unabated while government appeared impotent.

The report revealed that the government prosecuted a suspected trafficker in 2005 under a kidnapping law, but acquitted him for lack of evidence.

Up to date according to the report, no one has been convicted for child trafficking even though the practice was prevalent as traffickers become bolder, more cunning, and oftentimes defiant.

The Women’s and Children’s Protection Section of police received training and logistical support from UNICEF,according to the report, but that there was increased training needs for government officials responsible for the prosecution and prevention of child trafficking.

“A prosecutor lacking knowledge of the new trafficking law pursued a trafficker under a ‘crime facilitation’ law,” the report noted in an effort to justify the call for additional training for government officials.

It said now that a new government was inaugurated in January this year, there was no excuse for the practice to continue to flourish as it were during the transitional period.

“As Liberia rebuilds, strengthening its democracy, national security and judicial system, the government should integrate into each of these large objectives strategies for combating trafficking in persons,” the report said.

In particular, it noted, the government should increase its penalties for trafficking, improve efforts to enforce its trafficking law, strengthen efforts to protect victims and better educate government officials and the public about trafficking.

Commenting on the State Department’s report during a press conference in Monrovia yesterday, the country director of a local NGO the A.G. Charities Faith Consortium, William Davies, said his organization conducted a series of workshops against human trafficking in the Bo Waterside Community in Grand Cape Mount County.

The workshops, he disclosed, provided specialized skills for 24 law enforcement officers investigating trafficking issues. He said the training in the area was supplemented by a series of sensitization campaigns in schools in the areas where pupils and instructors were educated on the differences between abduction and human trafficking.

Amongst those who received special training, he revealed, were officers of the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization (BIN), Liberia National Police (LNP), National Security Agency (NSA), the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), and customs, amongst other security entities.

The fact that this evil practice received some attention in the past without success, prompt observers to agree with the State Department that the government of Liberia ought to do something about the drain on Liberia’s humanity, human resources, and future.

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595136  No.15648997

File: 93064a081b03e5a⋯.gif (1.42 MB, 360x195, 24:13, R.gif)

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cc3ccc  No.15648998


what is REALLY WEIRD is when you see your notable on the news…sometimes word for word…

oh well..won't change what we do…

famefags will fame…anons will anon…

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d6ab4d  No.15648999

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


'Morning Swordy

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8fe1e4  No.15649000

File: be4a38ff90f28c7⋯.png (441.82 KB, 641x628, 641:628, Augenthaler.png)

File: 8a5bb26bb9925b6⋯.mp4 (1.09 MB, 696x400, 87:50, Impfpflicht.mp4)

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ae5f1a  No.15649001

What up faggots, just got twat banned for telling Gavin to hold his breath permanently

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b13e6c  No.15649002


Where that clip from NY, when that psycho smashed that woman's head?

Trust in humanity, Q.


This is why you left, is it???????????

I mean you left from Q, but here undercover.


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9502d7  No.15649003


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2fa210  No.15649004

What does the Durham filingREALLY state? Can any lawfag put an end to the argument? Does it clearly state without question that the White House was ILLEGALLY monitored and evidence was "planted" (Nunes claimes)? Or are the left wing interpretations correct that there is no "there" there ?

Wtf is really going on?

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ae0843  No.15649005

File: d6aec0cba33b30c⋯.jpeg (354.74 KB, 750x800, 15:16, 624B14B2_2743_4BFB_AC35_D….jpeg)



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cce8a4  No.15649006

File: 7174557d4d47f84⋯.jpg (63.98 KB, 600x335, 120:67, 7174557d4d47f84df8efcebc4b….jpg)


Morning SwordAnon

God Bless This Glorious Day

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ce4da6  No.15649007

File: 3b0704b0da434d6⋯.jpg (169.54 KB, 855x483, 285:161, frogsofwar.jpg)


o7 swordy!

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cc3ccc  No.15649008

File: 19438994bc0c808⋯.png (4.28 MB, 2134x1206, 1067:603, Screen_Shot_2022_02_16_at_….png)

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b13e6c  No.15649009


Baga-mi-as poola-n inima ta, de tradator.

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59dcdf  No.15649010

File: 08a0b6b502a175e⋯.jpg (95.48 KB, 900x1000, 9:10, 1643571474738.jpg)

Canadians should start a class action human rights case against their government.

Also what if Trudeau is trying to force a bank run and financial collapse, isn't that what the great reset regressives want?

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a653db  No.15649011


As we walk thru time, we have choices to make. Choices that not only affect us, but affect posterity. If we have principles and stand on them, then we can be assured that we are making the right choices. Not just for ourselves, but for those who come after us.

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6bb017  No.15649012


Just tell people that they have short necks.

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3eb5f2  No.15649013

File: 7c04cfc77e40e3f⋯.jpg (2.47 MB, 2473x3200, 2473:3200, EBL_Dedication.jpg)


God Bless you as well, Swordanon.

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909157  No.15649014



> https://www.oklahoman.com/article/3423287/norman-family-honored-for-human-rights-work

Norman family honored for human rights work

Published: Tue, December 8, 2009 12:00 AM Updated: Tue, December 8, 2009 4:35 AM





The Selmons in a 2005 family portrait. Pictured from left are Shannon, Lauren, Kathryn, Dewey, Christiana, Zac and Megan. OKLAHOMAN ARCHIVES

The Selmons in a 2005 family portrait. Pictured from left are Shannon, Lauren, Kathryn, Dewey, Christiana, Zac and Megan. OKLAHOMAN ARCHIVES

NORMAN — The Selmon family of Norman is the recipient of an Oklahoma Human Rights Award this year.

The family will be honored in a ceremony at 11 a.m. Friday at the state Capitol.

Kathryn and Dewey Selmon, along with their children — Megan, Shannon, Lauren, Zac, Adam, Gabrielle and Christiana — are being honored for their human rights efforts.

Kathryn Selmon is founder of Norman’s Food and Shelter for Friends. The Selmons’ children foundedthe Shine Foundation,an organization that provides health care, education, shelter and food to a war-torn area of West Africa.

The Oklahoma Human Rights Commission usually honors individuals rather than families for their human rights efforts.

The Selmon children grew up volunteering at the Norman homeless shelter.

In 2006,Dewey Selmon built the Britt Academy in Liberia, West Africa,which now provides schooling for children in kindergarten through eighth grade.

After the Selmons’ first four children were grown and left home, the couple adopted three children from Liberia.

The Rev. John Reed of Oklahoma City also will be honored Friday with a 2009 Oklahoma Human Rights Award.

Reed is being honored for his role in ending segregation in Stillwater. He also headed up an effort in 1995 toraise $200,000 to aid victims of the Oklahoma City bombing.

He was a major spokesman for the black community when the Legislature threatened to close Langston University and is the founder of two Oklahoma City newspapers.

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e045ab  No.15649015

File: c5011c122f2d3a6⋯.png (238.59 KB, 152x621, 152:621, Sword.png)


Same to you, Swordanon!

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cc3ccc  No.15649016


Quads of truth! #GODWINS

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ae0843  No.15649017

File: bae86162023f881⋯.jpeg (635.28 KB, 1231x750, 1231:750, 57F1CC72_0789_455D_AA84_A….jpeg)

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97d1b0  No.15649018

File: a79d28a8e80f373⋯.png (70.99 KB, 296x307, 296:307, ClipboardImage.png)

Saw this first thing this morning. It's gonna be a good day.

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b13e6c  No.15649019

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8fe1e4  No.15649020

File: 622ad62776a997d⋯.jpg (179.64 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, Saget1.jpg)

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ba1718  No.15649021

File: 7d1deb284e40169⋯.png (202.83 KB, 264x500, 66:125, 7d1deb284e40169c02e2933306….png)


Hiya Swordy may you be blessed too.


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ae0843  No.15649022

File: 73c41c9774c93a7⋯.jpeg (488.54 KB, 1073x750, 1073:750, DC895F54_FEBC_4A41_9459_8….jpeg)

You know the rules..

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d92b6e  No.15649023


Hold the line Canada!! America loves you.


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f87ade  No.15649025

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Olympics Backfired on China - Disastrous Regret14 Feb 2022


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0871f7  No.15649026

File: 34f9b1cdbb46b5a⋯.jpg (354.96 KB, 1031x747, 1031:747, Screenshot_20201029_150454….jpg)


Good morning, sword anon!

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b3d2f6  No.15649027



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d6ab4d  No.15649028

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ae0843  No.15649029

File: abd3c26851b3325⋯.jpeg (315.6 KB, 713x658, 713:658, E4323BE9_F3DA_4BB9_8E8A_1….jpeg)

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a653db  No.15649030


Twitter has community standards about KYS but not about kill your unborn baby.

They think it's fine to call infanticide, "women's health choices"

Twitter is asshoe.

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0d8729  No.15649031


Techno fog on twatter/telegram

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6a27d5  No.15649032


Weird, seeing things from Qview…

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584b21  No.15649033

File: e92170d083234bd⋯.png (483.02 KB, 1325x846, 1325:846, ClipboardImage.png)

Bastards are hiding the truth from the people, and the reason given is that the truth is 'misused'.

Public Health Scotland will stop publishing data on Covid deaths and hospitalizations by vaccination status because there are "significant concerns about the data being misused deliberately by anti-vaccination campaigners."


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b13e6c  No.15649034


Show us that chinkin cheat.

Soooooooogi poooola w/ captcha.

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cce8a4  No.15649035

File: ae86ee2f95fb6e3⋯.jpg (145.23 KB, 675x900, 3:4, ae86ee2f95fb6e3d78a7a66779….jpg)

Democrat Takeover Of BLM Means A New Multimillion-Dollar Hub For Race Hustling

‘Black Lives Matter,’ the organization and slogan that trumps every argument, is now explicitly owned by Democrats.

According to recent filings as reported by The Washington Examiner, Marc Elias, a Democrat lawyer known for funding the bogus Steele dossier while he was general counsel for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign, looks to be representing BLM’s Global Network Foundation through his law firm. Additionally, Minyon Moore, a top Clinton ally, is now on BLM’s board of directors.


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e045ab  No.15649036


Part of the plan!


I'm perfectly happy in my little corner with my little "reassurances" people are paying attention, and truth is spreading. I'd probably have a panic attack if someone with recognition in the mainstream quoted anon directly. No, fuck that. I'm good. I do have a roster of folks I'd like to meet in person and shoot the shit with, some day, but really low key if that's even remotely possible; lol.

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cc3ccc  No.15649037



In the category of "stuff we are not taught…" which is every expanding…

Here is one:

Your "engine" is something called a mitochondria which is a part of every nucleated cell ( in us and in all life BTW…)…

A mitochondria is like a little BACTERIA…it operates independently. It is where a plant photosynthesizes. It is where we b-oxidize.


A mitochondria hasITS OWN DNAthat is separate from the host…

AND that DNA can only be passed MATERNALLY

Think on that one real hard…

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6a27d5  No.15649038

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7ee343  No.15649039

File: 8d84192a131bc06⋯.jpg (297.29 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, 8d84192a131bc0686422288194….jpg)

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b13e6c  No.15649040


captcha this:




make me hard:




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d50a47  No.15649041


>Copypasta Fox news article on QR

>It makes Muh Notables

>Fox talking head reads it later on Fox-n-Frens


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93c889  No.15649042

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ottawa stream



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9c3be7  No.15649043

File: f879987ef424444⋯.png (436.21 KB, 658x773, 658:773, figh5fjrffukraine.png)

The hole in the wall was created on the horizontal plane. For it to have been created by an artillery shell, the barrel would have been in very close proximity and firing at 10º or less. Add to that, the damage appears to be minimal. One wonders how effective a grenade might be against a similarly constructed flag… enough…


SAUCE: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/ushome/index.html

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584b21  No.15649044

File: 12b1ceaf09d52c1⋯.png (196.63 KB, 341x469, 341:469, ClipboardImage.png)

They're trying to blame WHISTLES for why sports athletes are collapsing all over the world.


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9e3f54  No.15649045

File: 8cc6f974b356a6c⋯.png (894.15 KB, 1065x286, 1065:286, capture_001_16042019_02430….png)

File: 0ca2dc6b3175b97⋯.png (810.64 KB, 1058x261, 1058:261, capture_002_16042019_02443….png)

File: defacd105df41e8⋯.png (907.47 KB, 1116x277, 1116:277, capture_003_16042019_02445….png)

File: f15346537dd10c2⋯.png (957.85 KB, 1153x283, 1153:283, capture_004_16042019_02451….png)

File: 3fcc0df948f3c5b⋯.png (957.85 KB, 1153x283, 1153:283, capture_005_16042019_02454….png)

>anons discussing trumps position on the jab…

Re: Bread #7924 (all pb, kek)





Trump twats 2012-14






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d3d834  No.15649046

Just watched a pot boil, so…

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cc21ae  No.15649047

File: c2e4eb838e41cfb⋯.gif (3.85 MB, 480x480, 1:1, sword_knight.gif)


afternoon swordy, stay blessed and keep it spiritual.


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595136  No.15649048


must be a new type of round that reduces soccer ball collateral damage.

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b13e6c  No.15649049


But no starlink.

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ed4d93  No.15649050

File: 572ba1e3c277166⋯.png (382.97 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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8fe1e4  No.15649051

File: 8a32f004b029deb⋯.jpg (678.15 KB, 809x1767, 809:1767, street2.jpg)

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1b8cb5  No.15649052

File: 9595969d8308183⋯.png (82.44 KB, 349x317, 349:317, 9595969d8308183b121f055ee1….png)


mornin Swordy!

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cce8a4  No.15649053

File: 836be7805ef34ee⋯.jpg (11.02 KB, 227x222, 227:222, sause.jpg)

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584b21  No.15649055

File: 03bfaf3466a6abf⋯.png (581.77 KB, 2019x1301, 2019:1301, FuckTheNoise2.png)


Oh no!

Not a circle!

Please don't call anons circles!

Not the circle!



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97d1b0  No.15649056


If this were true, whistles could then be considered a weapon and be made illegal to blow in public no?

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ae0843  No.15649057

File: 4c42676efc347e7⋯.jpeg (382.55 KB, 750x727, 750:727, D397BBFC_B9AF_4A19_8B05_5….jpeg)

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cce8a4  No.15649058

File: 94b67b96e34f867⋯.jpg (9.04 KB, 312x161, 312:161, pent.jpg)

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0d8729  No.15649059



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9502d7  No.15649060


the ultimate "correlation does not equal causation" argument

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69b27b  No.15649061

File: 59173e54f09e563⋯.png (780.17 KB, 885x688, 885:688, ClipboardImage.png)


Don't leave home! Government calls COBRA meeting and Met Office issues rare RED warning to stay indoors as Storm Eunice bears down on Britain threatening to bring 100mph gales, power cuts and blow ROOFS off houses

Met Office places almost all of England and Wales under amber warning from 5am tomorrow ahead of Eunice

More severe red alert for South West from 7am tomorrow resulting in 'flying debris resulting in danger to life'

Forecasters warning of 'damage to buildings and homes', 'power lines brought down' and 'uprooted trees'

It could be the South's most brutal battering since the Burns' Day Storm of 1990 which left 47 people dead

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ae0843  No.15649062


>do you have a degree in that field?

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dcd0cb  No.15649063

File: b0926d43e8e12d1⋯.gif (1.87 MB, 500x373, 500:373, 9a6d4ca87d12c8ff665ff081d3….gif)

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cc3ccc  No.15649064


Rush started the WAKE UP call for me…he is deeply missed…

Anyone remember Dan's bake sale?

Dan calls into the show and says he cannot afford the price of a Rush newsletter. Rush decides to have a bake sale for him to raise the money for a newsletter. That turned into 50k folks descending on Ft.Collins and was a huge wakeup call to all of us that we were WAY MORE ABUNDANT than we thought at the the time…

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909157  No.15649065

File: 65ce27c96962a3e⋯.jpeg (25.43 KB, 474x266, 237:133, escalatedQuicklyPutin.jpeg)

File: 6f37a1c5ba2a131⋯.png (88.29 KB, 1107x346, 1107:346, francoisdecombret.png)

File: 028bff5bbc11b5a⋯.png (182.82 KB, 393x404, 393:404, Screenshot_from_2022_02_17….png)

File: 09a362cd6a1d2c3⋯.png (563.36 KB, 908x722, 454:361, Screenshot_from_2022_02_17….png)


who the fuck is this guy?

François de Combret

The 11,000 meshes - “Academia Catavencu”

Submitted by Lulu on Mon, 2022-02-07 13:44.

July 18, 2001

Dear readers,

What follows is a short story that precedes the visit to Romania of a French Prime Minister and his retinue. The Prime Minister's name is Lionel Jospin and he is coming.'

We don't know the name of her retinue but we don't want to take care of her entirely; we will only speak of a character called François de Combret. The gentleman in question is not, for the moment, part of the suite of the French Prime Minister and it is precisely this story that we want to tell you.

M. de Combret is an old friend of Roumania. But not of this eternal and fascinating Romania presented in expensive albums, but of Romania which, willy-nilly, has been exporting for 11 years children all fit to be adopted by the West.

By manipulating, by the French press, articles and photos presenting the state of misery of the institutionalized children of Romania, even managing to publish photos taken at the beginning of the 90s, but presented as realities of this end of millennium , Mr. de Combret succeeded in acquiring the benevolence of the Romanian authorities and the control, by the associations he directs, of certain placement centers in Romania, an inexhaustible source of prosperity for adoption intermediaries here and everywhere. .

But now this same generous child-loving man is quite embarrassed by the fact thata certain European baroness and a certain Romanian prime minister are going against his business. Because, when you have an annual market of 30 million dollars (at an average price of 13,000 dollars per child delivered with all taxes included, all prepared, multiplied by 1,500 children exported per year), it is not very easy to renounce, solely because of cursed principles, the small pleasures and benefits that one could derive from it.

It is for this reason that, irritated by those who agitate unhealthy principles, namely the cessation of child trafficking, Mr. de Combret seeks to obtain the place of which we spoke above in the suite of the French Prime Minister . And maybe not the place involved, but some high-level talk about unblocking adoptions. For the moment, this place has remained forbidden to M. de Combret, but his friends are not renouncing it. Former adviser to President Giscard d'Estaing, friend of Romanian specialist Pierre Moscovici, member of respectable and elitist right-wing clubs in France, Mr. de Combret still hopes that he will at least have a standing room on the plane French officials. If the French Prime Minister, a serious presidential candidate in France, resists this temptation, we will only see him when he arrives in Romania. Otherwise it is suggested to Mr. Jospin to share with Mr. de Combret, as brothers, the holidays in the Mauritius Islands, the maintenance of the lover and other benefits enjoyed by thepartners of the SERA association under the former government.


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0871f7  No.15649066

Houston Health Department Raided By Feds?


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61b2e3  No.15649067


Totally agree!

Looking closer at what he has done, he has protected his handlers/NWO agents and NOT his citizens, the direct opposite. A tell me on how long these new emergency laws will stay in place….yup, given their track record, we will be living with and talking still about them in 2 or 3 years!

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ba1718  No.15649068



Correlation player collapses with heart problem referee then blows whistle to stop game.


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584b21  No.15649069



Andrew McCarthy isn't very bright is he. His turn to flip now?

If they were only "naifs"…WHY the panic defense by HRC, and WHY the legacy media blackout?

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802284  No.15649071

File: 45344da5106b7e0⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1328x633, 1328:633, inbreedinjew.PNG)

File: ba2abbb135bf70e⋯.jpg (372 KB, 1280x897, 1280:897, 1280px_Nuremberg_laws_Raci….jpg)

Jesus was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because instead of Jesus as God being the creator of humans the (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((dogs))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)


never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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584b21  No.15649072

File: 374586c21fd4dd0⋯.png (162.46 KB, 498x368, 249:184, hesright.png)


Aha! You nailed it.

'Experts' (who don't understand mathematical regression analysis) conflate the correlation between whistles and collapses with whistles causing the collapses!


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9e3f54  No.15649074

File: 0ac0f6c19c980bc⋯.png (963.74 KB, 1156x284, 289:71, capture_006_16042019_02461….png)

File: e437310f2e25a80⋯.png (960.34 KB, 1156x283, 1156:283, capture_007_16042019_02463….png)

File: e357c2aa5bddb20⋯.png (885.35 KB, 1160x260, 58:13, capture_008_16042019_02470….png)

File: 14ff519ed22afec⋯.png (967.96 KB, 1157x285, 1157:285, capture_009_16042019_02472….png)

File: 7b12530f214bec6⋯.png (980.95 KB, 877x381, 877:381, capture_016_16042019_04563….png)


>Trump twats 2012-14






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d6ab4d  No.15649075


Anon 'members Dan's bake sale. Good times.

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cc3ccc  No.15649076


This just gets weirder…

-why no CRIMINAL investigation?

-why does the family have so much say?

-why does the family want the FACTS hidden?

This one REEKS of a pedphile cleanup and hit…just like benningfield, et al…

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f83d0c  No.15649077

Quick question…

Does anyone have the day and date of Durham filings?

It seems like every one occurred on a Friday?

I could be wrong, but that seems to be what I remember.

If so, we should have an anon-inspired name for Fridays.

Anyways, thanks all

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e045ab  No.15649078


That's the thing about thinking people. They often agree with logical arguments and a more sensible (if you will) stance on a majority of issues. Definitely not programmed bots, but following or making logical sense of things on their own; at least a good part of the time. Rush was a magnet for those types. Those types are also often, the very silent majority. I hate that the word "conservative" gets tossed around a lot, so I tend to use "Truth seeker" or "Honest Person". Conservative just rubs anon wrong because people like to use it to brand their ideology which can often overlap with truth seeking, logical types. Anyway…


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76edce  No.15649079

File: 81bc1701bd40243⋯.png (271.84 KB, 430x430, 1:1, 81bc1701bd40243e84137cc57f….png)


>Bred is Ghost


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61b2e3  No.15649080


Where the F are the fact checkers? :)

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9502d7  No.15649081


Good morning, baker.

Thank you for your service.

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f87ade  No.15649082

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pat King - Blow Those Horns, Cops Are Coming

Feb 17 2022


Reporter: What do you think of the GoFundMe situation?

Pat King: I'm not involved with that and don't want to speak about it.

Reporter: Then how are these truckers supporting themselves out here without maintaining their livelihoods?

Pat King: By the acts of God and the kindness of Man.

A legend that speaks with conviction.

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cc3ccc  No.15649083




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5d8cef  No.15649084

File: 971afaf0b0b7676⋯.png (24.28 KB, 1026x225, 114:25, Court_pleading_Start_Litig….PNG)


Read it.

It is a court pleading.

Evidence comes later.

We Have It All.

Always have.

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76edce  No.15649085

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cce8a4  No.15649086

Canadian Banks

anons remember this story from Aug 9 2019?

Chase cancels Canadian customers' credit card debts

The lender is leaving the Canadian market—and giving its customers quite the parting gift.

“Chase made the decision to exit the Canadian credit card market. As part of that exit, all credit card accounts were closed on or before March 2018,” she said in a statement.

The bank did not immediately respond to a request for comment about how many customers were impacted or how much debt it wrote off.


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0871f7  No.15649087

File: 51913d86135a1e1⋯.jpg (765.25 KB, 1360x871, 1360:871, Screenshot_20220217_085154….jpg)

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fdd0f9  No.15649088

File: f344b4d699c4ca9⋯.jpg (181.18 KB, 720x984, 30:41, 20220217_065239.jpg)


Alec Baldwin is 'blaming others' for Halyna Hutchins' death, and in 'complete denial', family attorney says

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d38d31  No.15649089


the google picture today is a dr giving a kid a vaccination

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584b21  No.15649090









Experts say firefighters may be the cause of fires, because there is a correlation between fires and firefighters

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9e3f54  No.15649091

File: 443cd61256991d5⋯.png (901.14 KB, 877x350, 877:350, capture_017_16042019_05013….png)

File: 8aaafbe17823fe7⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1155x391, 1155:391, capture_018_16042019_05042….png)

File: baaba3cb0e2d9ff⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1159x387, 1159:387, capture_019_16042019_05064….png)

File: db767a7b6de2dd1⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1159x390, 1159:390, capture_020_16042019_05084….png)


>Trump twats 2012-14





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7616aa  No.15649092

File: c45d4a26e88fbb1⋯.jpg (2.38 MB, 4032x1960, 72:35, 20220217_053740.jpg)

Spiritual War

Spiritual Weapons

Use them!

demons flee!


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6bb017  No.15649094

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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33fd51  No.15649095

File: f166c0d512a88b9⋯.png (2.26 MB, 1594x1578, 797:789, 17e614a97c28e599e5799e6367….png)


which makes you osshole

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76edce  No.15649096

Apology anons was working on raising my vibration with humorous videos

Funny shit here


posted a couple earlier check ID

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f87ade  No.15649097

>>15649082 (me)

Should have mentioned that a worthwhile interview to watch with Pat King, where I wrote the excerpt from, is at timestamp 1:07:00.

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2d5c01  No.15649098

File: b9082fa7b7d2a9c⋯.png (84.84 KB, 230x301, 230:301, unknown.png)

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f87ade  No.15649099


O-S-S is osshoe.

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cce8a4  No.15649100

File: 9d699c31f86910e⋯.png (296.09 KB, 549x423, 61:47, 9d699c31f86910e3021be6dfe6….png)

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ae0843  No.15649101

File: 2a7292615963acf⋯.jpeg (268.52 KB, 750x745, 150:149, BB4EFBBB_B61B_4C43_BEE1_6….jpeg)

File: 2d519d074e74aec⋯.jpeg (331.9 KB, 668x652, 167:163, C648A37C_5B59_4009_A4F7_2….jpeg)

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cc21ae  No.15649102

File: 0af8c37d6a02fc8⋯.mp4 (5.53 MB, 854x480, 427:240, trump_advert_on_hillary_ar….mp4)



President Trump's New Ad: Bigger than Watergate

Uncensored Storm Published February 16, 2022


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584b21  No.15649103


Lisa: "That's specious reasoning, dad"

Homer: "Thank you honey"


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481633  No.15649104

File: 34ad9c25c93ff25⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1849x1323, 1849:1323, ClipboardImage.png)


very interesting.

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33fd51  No.15649105


I stand corrected

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52bc40  No.15649106

File: 1e56aefb657b8fb⋯.png (112.12 KB, 323x293, 323:293, back_atcha_swordy.png)


Morning swordy

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75a2fe  No.15649107

File: 3ed49c12ee2cf34⋯.png (288.85 KB, 677x765, 677:765, E367BF01_FC18_46B5_9EE9_58….png)

File: 0930e1d238af55d⋯.png (844.31 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, EC6E9920_F7BA_40F6_B12A_B0….png)

Am I too late?

Game Over.

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e35228  No.15649108

File: 354c3d1d2293b84⋯.png (825 KB, 629x696, 629:696, ClipboardImage.png)

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75a2fe  No.15649109

File: 3ed49c12ee2cf34⋯.png (288.85 KB, 677x765, 677:765, E367BF01_FC18_46B5_9EE9_58….png)

File: 0930e1d238af55d⋯.png (844.31 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, EC6E9920_F7BA_40F6_B12A_B0….png)

Am I too late?

Game Over.

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200486  No.15649110

File: 6183514a5166c3f⋯.png (73.01 KB, 583x709, 583:709, Screen_Shot_2022_02_17_at_….png)


every wonder why so much precious time and effort is spent on spoofing the human imagination?

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e48c1b  No.15649111

File: 39700899142cd4f⋯.jpg (83.4 KB, 1200x797, 1200:797, large_marge.jpg)


Funny how all these vocal Anti-Trumpers are getting it square in the ass lately

Almost like a curse or something

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cc3ccc  No.15649112


>I do have a roster of folks I'd like to meet in person and shoot the shit with

ditto anon! checking some off…I will be posting some about my experiences in about 2 weeks…some that we would assume guiding "the plan" do not realize they are! Leads to Q really being part of our collective and each of us having our own very intimate relatioship with Q.

(you)=(all of us) are more important than you can possibly realize to this movement :-)

Even (you) 8200…

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e48c1b  No.15649113

File: 38cff005c63b133⋯.jpg (41.3 KB, 480x360, 4:3, areyou.jpg)

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ba1718  No.15649114

File: ff3daed9fcfc03b⋯.png (12.66 KB, 458x200, 229:100, Screenshot_2022_02_17_at_1….png)

File: e8ff800fd17c162⋯.png (41.93 KB, 805x282, 805:282, Screenshot_2022_02_17_at_1….png)

A little reminder to anons on how far we have come.

Q 3yr delta today. 3 years ago Time magazine listed the top influential people on the internet. Q was on that list along with DJT. Back then they discussed more than 130,000 videos mentioning or related to Q on youtube at the time. Wonder how many more videos there are across all the platforms.

We are now much bigger and more powerful than we were back then.



They knew the 'reach' then.

Think about now.


Time article Q top influencer.

Last October, an anonymous user, known simply as Q, started posting cryptic messages on the controversial message board 4chan—the common theme being that President Trump is a secret genius and his opponents, namely Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, are evil. Q reportedly claimed to be getting this information directly from the government, thanks to top-secret, “Q-type” security clearance. There has been little—if any—hard evidence to support Q’s musings. But over time, thousands of people started to believe them—or at least, to acknowledge they might be real. And they became the foundation of a wide-ranging conspiracy theory, known as QAnon, that has been covered by the New York Times and New York Magazine, among others, and discussed in more than 130,000 videos on YouTube. One of its most prominent followers: Roseanne Barr, who tweeted several references to QAnon before being fired from her hit TV show in May. —Melissa Chan

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d1862b  No.15649115

File: cf7a9824ea58a01⋯.jpg (80.7 KB, 800x500, 8:5, oh_shit.jpg)

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82d79d  No.15649116

File: de654ef778f0083⋯.jpg (50.93 KB, 960x720, 4:3, ENOkeiWX0AE8Mrp.jpg)


Post-Traumatic Whistle Syndrome

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ae0843  No.15649118

File: 5f6bc9f29c30b8e⋯.jpeg (227.05 KB, 702x698, 351:349, EBA62D40_EC11_4604_AC6A_8….jpeg)

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c34c83  No.15649119


ever heard of adoption?

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909157  No.15649120

File: f7cd9fb4c5b83c4⋯.jpeg (46.64 KB, 474x553, 6:7, escalatedQuickly.jpeg)

File: 6ab836304fbf93a⋯.png (225.23 KB, 1063x540, 1063:540, Screenshot_from_2022_02_17….png)

File: b638f681c435dab⋯.jpg (70.28 KB, 540x713, 540:713, wtfisthisWtfisthat.jpg)



>who the fuck is this guy?

>François de Combret

“Romania lifts lid on babies for sale racket,” Kate Connolly, October 31, 2001, The UK Guardian.

A Romanian government commission set up to combat widespread corruption in the international adoption business, and the suspected maltreatment of children and babies, has uncovered a "catalogue of horrors", involvingglobal child trafficking rings,drugged babies and stolen identities. Thousands of Romanian children placed inorphanagesset up by the late communist dictator, Nicolae Ceausescu, are believed to have been trafficked abroad in the past 12 years. Mothers of newborns were defrauded of their babies. The commission found that money offered for the babies, which was supposed to finance children’s homes, was siphoned off by middlemen and officials.Romanian prime minister Adrian Nastase and Lady Nicholson, a member of the European Parliament, are working to develop an in-country solution to the needs of Romanian children.

> https://archive.is/HnXFV

Romania lifts lid on babies for sale racket

Investigation reveals scandal of infants stolen from mothers at birth to line pockets of international traffickers

Kate Connolly in Bucharest

Tue 30 Oct 2001 22.11 EST

A Romanian government commission set up to combat widespread corruption in the international adoption business, and the suspected maltreatment of children and babies, has uncovered a "catalogue of horrors", involving global child trafficking rings, drugged babies and stolen identities.

Thousands of Romanian children placed in orphanages set up by the late communist dictator, Nicolae Ceausescu, are believed to have been trafficked abroad by criminal gangs in the past 12 years. In many cases adoptions had "given oxygen and life blood" to gangs linked to terrorist organisations, according to the commission.

Police are investigating at least 50 cases of handicapped and older children who were taken to South America and have since disappeared. Several arrests have been made in the past few days and others are due to follow.

But it is feared that as many as 500 victims across western Europe and the United States may never be traced and that many children have ended up in prostitution and slave rings, said Lady Nicholson, the European Union reporter for Romania, who is chairing a high-level group to which the commission will report.

The commission was established following fierce criticism of the country's childcare system byLady Nicholson, a Liberal Democrat MEP and former president of Save the Children.

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cce8a4  No.15649121

File: a599b4665f6bd37⋯.jpg (126.28 KB, 921x960, 307:320, a599b4665f6bd379d369ca789e….jpg)

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ae0843  No.15649122

File: fb2166d07fadd9b⋯.jpeg (145.69 KB, 900x935, 180:187, D2AEE66F_567B_42AC_BC0C_9….jpeg)

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777879  No.15649123

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I'm sure you'll find a lot of nice folks down there.

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c38138  No.15649124

File: 35596454d3a05a3⋯.png (463.85 KB, 1598x713, 1598:713, who_is_doing_this_1.PNG)



The[y] hide among the jews.

The[y] hide among the jesuits.

They[y] hide among the masons.

Anything that the[y] were able to infiltrate, corrupt, and use.

Banking and finance.

Churches and charties.

Politics and governments.

Medicine and pharma.

Education and childcare.

Media and news.

Tech and innovation.

Everything they could turn to evil purposes.

Humans are basically good.

and the evil ones will be routed.

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ae0843  No.15649125

File: 6e7d3c0b0a92132⋯.jpeg (353.63 KB, 750x681, 250:227, 473B6F4A_4681_4ECE_AD1C_6….jpeg)

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388907  No.15649126

File: 8d88d12993b98a4⋯.jpeg (1.09 MB, 2774x2580, 1387:1290, 7FBF8EC9_0265_45B6_A13B_6….jpeg)



> Game Over Edition

Thank you baker

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ba1718  No.15649127


>Experts say firefighters may be the cause of fires, because there is a correlation between fires and firefighters

True statement. ^

You might also add that there is a disproportionate number of arsonists who are firefighters. It is sort of a Münchhausen by proxy type thing, they like fighting fires so much that they also set fires so they can be the 'hero' and put them out.

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9e3f54  No.15649128

File: e3ad4c1be965110⋯.jpg (367.83 KB, 800x640, 5:4, palehorse.jpg)

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c34c83  No.15649129

File: 596e7215fc2f109⋯.png (5.89 KB, 255x130, 51:26, This_.png)


God wins!

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cc3ccc  No.15649130


look to twitter for this…

final act of this chapter…

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42c4a7  No.15649131


Did you order the code honk?

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0b82df  No.15649132

File: eca15ffc2a7bcdc⋯.jpg (71.02 KB, 900x900, 1:1, candence.jpg)


PLease stop posting, you'll make impotent and I want to make this girl happy.

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c38138  No.15649133


not 'they'

But arsonists like fire, what other jobs are there that can get you so closed to it?

Again, its not 'firefighters'. It is 'arsonists who become firefighters.'

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ba1718  No.15649134


Quads of infinity and truth.

God Wins.


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0d8729  No.15649135



Certainly does!

God is great!

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0b82df  No.15649136



you already started to derange my brain.

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22ef11  No.15649137

File: 830bea00db23c35⋯.png (47.45 KB, 680x729, 680:729, 17FEB22_schedule1.PNG)

File: 6a91f2b7188127b⋯.png (57.31 KB, 829x608, 829:608, 17FEB22_schedule2.PNG)

White House "Scheduled" Events for Today,


'Tater at 1215 today

1015ET: Principal Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Michael Regan Gaggle Aboard Air Force One En Route Cleveland, Ohio

Air Force One

1215ET: President Biden Delivers Remarks on How the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Delivers for the American People by Rebuilding Roads and Bridges, Upgrading Water Systems, Cleaning Up the Environment, and Creating Good-Paying, Union Jobs.

Lorain, OH


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200486  No.15649138


extremely salient observation in palatable satirical form.

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e045ab  No.15649139


Heh. You might have to get in line.

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b5a0d0  No.15649140

File: 24e45042b0e0705⋯.jpeg (72.62 KB, 670x670, 1:1, F613FDDA_63F1_40A0_B57D_B….jpeg)

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4e139b  No.15649141



Big push day for Canadian Truckers anons. Freezing bank accounts causes money flows to stop to all elements of economies and starts to sway opinions. Even the most liberal recognize economic terrorism when they see it.



Those are the 2 big issues of the day.

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c2ed0c  No.15649142

Early morning Ukraine time buildings were shelled. One was a kindergarten. Lloyd Austin was interview. His words: We've been warning for some time that Russia may do something like this to use as a pretext to invade. Fucking hell.

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0b82df  No.15649143


When she will find out who I am, and from where I came….

There will be no line anymoar.

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ae0843  No.15649144

File: 01e6fef5815eab1⋯.jpeg (152.68 KB, 750x676, 375:338, D5B238EF_DE6B_4BED_8D26_6….jpeg)



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481633  No.15649145

File: 2b0fe6fce5d6c56⋯.png (82.73 KB, 600x315, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)

Dead in Sportsball?

Consider the formulation of "juice"

bio-augmentation prescripts required by even the best natural athletes to stay competitive today.

Juice formulation is more art than science the object being to avoid detection while producing dramatic performance improvements in nearly all cases.

The quickest root to that is to increase the red blood cell count. Push the hemocrit a single corpuscle too high

chest whamos and strokes result

produced by the blood clots juice induced.

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e35228  No.15649146

File: 6b165bd09149b7f⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1239x990, 413:330, ClipboardImage.png)

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0738e3  No.15649147

File: 949845afeb4c775⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1102x594, 551:297, 459801207653863.png)






Bidan says we gotta Nuke 'em!

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2b66cd  No.15649148

File: b167b7b157348d8⋯.jpg (1.48 MB, 2965x2409, 2965:2409, il_fullxfull_146559348_og1….jpg)


Watergate was a burglery. What they wanted or stole is up for debate but there is no way in fucking hell that this Treason doesn't dwarf Watergate by a multitude of 1000's. The weaponization of the FBI, CIA and other intelligence agencies in collusion with a major political party has relegated this country to that of a 3rd World Shithole. Further, parents are now designated as domestic terrorist. The criminal element allowed free reign as law abiding citizens are being prosecuted. Our sourthern border is wide ass open and illegal aliens to the tune of millions, are flooding into our country. You are a racist, bigot, homophobe, xenophobe and anything else they can dream up. Our foreign policy is in shambles and we are looked at by the world as a fucking joke. Xi on the rampage, owns Biden, family and many others in DC and throughout the nation. Putin pulling his fuckery, Iran their's, on and on. President Trump was starightening all of this shit out and they knew that they had to oust him from office at ANY COST. To sum all of this up, this nation is in the most peril that it has ever, ever been in.

I use to like and respect Andy McCarthy but he has commented on a few things recently that caused me to say, WTF? He's a never Trumper. Andy, you either stand and hold the fucking line or get the fuck out of the way. We don't need your damn help. You sit on the sidelines with George Will, Bill Crystal, Jonah Goldberg and the rest of the CINO/RINO do-nothing fucks. We're going to save this Republic whether you fucking help or not. Asshat.

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0a4d2d  No.15649149


In other news, they think everyone is retarded.

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cce8a4  No.15649150

File: 73b202408eaabe9⋯.jpg (95.15 KB, 669x501, 223:167, honker.jpg)


chrome plated

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4e139b  No.15649151


If they'll kill their own family and friends with aids shots they'll shell their own kindergartens. They can't sell Ukraine just like they can no longer sell the shots.

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d6ab4d  No.15649152


Civil air traffic is still active on both sides of the border.

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0b82df  No.15649153


Fuck all US ambassadors.


Not taking sides, Russians are KGB too.

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22ef11  No.15649154

File: ad9c9c8f0b8b6cd⋯.jpg (13.47 KB, 193x255, 193:255, bfebf55068ffcf55771264a374….jpg)

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909157  No.15649157


>Lady Nicholson, a Liberal Democrat MEP and former president of Save the Children.

Emma Harriet Nicholson, Baroness Nicholson of Winterbourne (born 16 October 1941) is a British politician, who has been a life peer since 1997. She was elected as the Conservative Member of Parliament for Torridge and West Devon in 1987, before switching to the Liberal Democrats in 1995. She was also the Liberal Democrat Member of the European Parliament for South East England from 1999 to 2009. In 2016, she announced she was re-joining the Conservative Party "with tremendous pleasure".[2] In 2017, Baroness Nicholson was appointed as Prime Minister's Trade Envoy for Kazakhstan.[3]

She also generated controversy through her strong opposition to international adoptions,which she believed had become a market and subject to corruption. While the EP's Special Rapporteur for Romania's EU accession she and some others in the international[18] community criticised international adoptions. Due partially to her pressure, the Romanian government in 2005 implemented legislation that de facto banned the practice, in line with practices in some of the EU member states. The measure generated controversy, mainly in the US, Israel, France, Spain and Italy, particularly from prospective parents. International and Romanian media also called attention to poor conditions in Romanian orphanages and hospitals where abandoned children remained for prolonged periods, while acknowledging some progress made in reforming child protection. In December 2005 and July 2006, the EP passed measures requesting Romania deal with outstanding pipeline cases, despite Romania having dismissed these formally through legislation after consultation with an Independent Panel of EU Experts on Family Law. Critics claimed that this panel was stacked with opponents of international adoptions. The U.S. Congress also passed repeated measures and held hearings opposing the ban.[citation needed]

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c2ed0c  No.15649158

Russia has expelled Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy Mark Gorman. Tony Blinken headed to the U.N.

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fdd0f9  No.15649159

File: d315426ba253c3c⋯.jpg (103.28 KB, 720x758, 360:379, 20220217_070922.jpg)

File: 072269744c0075a⋯.mp4 (502.26 KB, 720x406, 360:203, _3zOR_jXIw7hBWVS.mp4)

File: b2045fda1c3d333⋯.jpg (56.11 KB, 720x650, 72:65, 20220217_071006.jpg)

This dude looks weird … 🤔


This little fucker looks strange, the green screen is messed up too

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991da4  No.15649160

File: 4f7ed0bfaf65a25⋯.jpeg (65.36 KB, 1080x592, 135:74, 1554209959.jpeg)

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1ef2fe  No.15649161

File: 61cf5282f246e58⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1080x1341, 120:149, Screenshot_20220217_091406….png)

Jr. triggering libs….KEK


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e045ab  No.15649162


House cleaning.

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cce8a4  No.15649163


notable notable notable

Russia expels deputy US ambassador, Washington to respond


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0b82df  No.15649164


He's bringing the bride to that pitbull fucker?

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a653db  No.15649165


Sounds like a Jussie Smollett operation.

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0aaee0  No.15649166


Durham is filing a civil lawsuit?

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4e139b  No.15649168




Christie flipped. Kevin McCarthy finally got smoked out. The last of them, the ones we thought were solid, are getting smoked out. In the end the only ones standing will be the true Patriots.

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9e3f54  No.15649169

File: 0ddc1b8b156be77⋯.jpg (220.18 KB, 837x491, 837:491, capture_075_16022022_20305….jpg)

File: 357eea57cc25b6d⋯.jpg (228.49 KB, 916x485, 916:485, capture_074_16022022_20300….jpg)

File: 69f748839a30322⋯.jpg (347.26 KB, 853x829, 853:829, capture_073_16022022_20294….jpg)


>This little fucker looks strange

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ba8e01  No.15649170

File: 3fe49fbb4db87e5⋯.jpg (102.44 KB, 500x666, 250:333, Asian_hate_76.jpg)

File: 8fc1e8f74973c18⋯.jpg (73.93 KB, 666x480, 111:80, Asian_hate_66.jpg)

File: 853f15a79074e41⋯.jpg (72.31 KB, 772x500, 193:125, Asian_hate_67.jpg)

File: 6c8de65344986b5⋯.jpg (92.54 KB, 770x460, 77:46, Asian_hate_69.jpg)

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69b27b  No.15649171

File: 08b1b6dce9c4165⋯.png (92.74 KB, 717x576, 239:192, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9afaeb1fbd3aaea⋯.png (240.96 KB, 356x566, 178:283, ClipboardImage.png)


not a muh joo shill but if the nose fits

this is woman who wrote vanity fair article

In his second statement the former president asked: 'Why isn't the media asking who gave Crooked Hillary Clinton’s "plumbers" their orders?

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ed4d93  No.15649172


almost looks like an 8kun logo tat

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ae0843  No.15649173


> Durham is filing a civil lawsuit?

Trump to be reinstated as president?

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909157  No.15649174

File: 347c9d2c5c2621b⋯.jpg (104.52 KB, 810x457, 810:457, Tucker_2kek1.jpg)



can confirm

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991da4  No.15649176

File: 192ae4282b2021b⋯.jpeg (259.01 KB, 1440x819, 160:91, 1527695911.jpeg)

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33fd51  No.15649177


that's a lot of libtard tranny 'cunt' you got goin there, might consider therapy first

just sayin

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76edce  No.15649178


orange man bad

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8fe1e4  No.15649179

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sports reporter's shocking reason for leaving NBC

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5ab743  No.15649180

Speaking of funding terrorists ….

omar khadr

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7ee343  No.15649181

File: febd4985f31050a⋯.jpg (61.14 KB, 720x672, 15:14, 14595761_10209618693936972….jpg)

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5d8cef  No.15649182



Sauce needed to be highly notable.

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7ad35d  No.15649183

File: 1d8e3f113f386f0⋯.png (67.32 KB, 720x359, 720:359, 1d8e3f113f386f0ec2f3785e4a….png)

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e045ab  No.15649185


>In the end the only ones standing will be the true Patriots.

It had to be this thorough. That's why it''s taking so long. Trap after trap lined up for all those that would start to work deals again thinking all the "purging" had been completed, only to find themselves getting purged as well.

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a653db  No.15649186


Gee, I wonder if she's Jewish.

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868703  No.15649187


If vaccinated, which I’m sure he was, maybe something was trying to get out of his head. So blunt force trauma from the inside.

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14a9e9  No.15649188

File: a6b08af411bf107⋯.png (103.06 KB, 388x223, 388:223, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15648443 lb

>>15648450 lb

>>15648552 lb

>Nah this guy knows his shit.

Right, because if he's authored more than one book, been on C2CAM, The Discovery Channel AND The History Channel he couldn't possibly be full of shit.

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fdd0f9  No.15649189

File: d315426ba253c3c⋯.jpg (103.28 KB, 720x758, 360:379, 20220217_070922.jpg)

File: 072269744c0075a⋯.mp4 (502.26 KB, 720x406, 360:203, _3zOR_jXIw7hBWVS.mp4)

File: b2045fda1c3d333⋯.jpg (56.11 KB, 720x650, 72:65, 20220217_071006.jpg)

This dude looks weird … 🤔


This little fucker looks strange, the green screen is messed up too

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76edce  No.15649190


video was watched and is highly notable

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4e139b  No.15649191



Remember. Ukraine has no problem killing it's own citizens for benefit.


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70a89c  No.15649192

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Episode 27: The Great Lou Dobbs – Firebrand with Matt Gaetz

Premiere in progress. Started 17 minutes ago

Congressman Matt Gaetz

59.8K subscribers

In today’s episode of FIREBRAND, the legend himself Lou Dobbs joins Congressman Matt Gaetz to discuss new information on the Durham indictments, how Biden’s predictability on Russia and Ukraine makes America weaker, and the path Republicans need to take to save the nation.

Visit https://gaetz.house.gov/firebrand for ALL Firebrand content!


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76edce  No.15649193


bad green screen job too

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6ed8a5  No.15649194

File: cf51bd4f5f1022e⋯.jpg (158 KB, 1018x553, 1018:553, TOMHONKLER.jpg)

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9e3f54  No.15649195

>anontimes.com up…

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cce8a4  No.15649196


>In the end the only ones standing will be the true Patriots.

very few chairs will be left when the music stops

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cc21ae  No.15649197




linked the rumble video source below

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ae0843  No.15649198


Glad he cleared his name

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9502d7  No.15649199


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d661a6  No.15649200

Is the real president trump going to let the fake president Biden go to war?

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76edce  No.15649201



>>15648807 GiveSendGo Hacker Identified


>>15648887, >>15649023 Happy Q Day y'all

>>15648922, >>15648935 Ukraine Claiming Russia is Shelling

>>15648931 Bob Saget: What happened in room 962?

>>15648953 Moar lb notables

>>15648979 Liberia: Adoption Or Child Trafficking

>>15649066 Houston Health Department Raided By Feds?

>>15649086 Chase cancels Canadian customers' credit card debts

>>15649088 Alec Baldwin is 'blaming others' for Halyna Hutchins' death


>>15649137 White House "Scheduled" Events for Today,

>>15649144 Russia has expelled Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy Mark Gorman.

>>15649192 The Great Lou Dobbs – Firebrand with Matt Gaetz

>>15649189 Fauci looking weird

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b5a0d0  No.15649202

File: 4b3a244d022eb8e⋯.jpeg (58.05 KB, 585x418, 585:418, D9B88502_1F69_4B3C_A25D_F….jpeg)

File: aa639906144e556⋯.png (101.01 KB, 320x240, 4:3, C6A9DC26_180C_4B75_BCBF_73….png)

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70a89c  No.15649203


looks like the CNN vid of Joe Rogan, where they messed with the colors to make him look sick kek

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ae0843  No.15649204

File: ee0fd3d3b6c27dc⋯.jpeg (80.11 KB, 576x1024, 9:16, 826A8730_5248_48EE_84C3_0….jpeg)

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b5a0d0  No.15649205

File: 84cddfc33cd94b8⋯.jpeg (99.29 KB, 1200x756, 100:63, 8C45F523_2A29_446B_9706_4….jpeg)

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a653db  No.15649206


The Witch's Cackle.

She actually is a Witch.

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d1862b  No.15649207

File: 9b180b795f2ca63⋯.mp4 (2.01 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, saget.mp4)

Saget vid, a few months before his death. Strange comment/s at the end.


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cce8a4  No.15649208


so it is

interdasting ty anon


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7ee343  No.15649209

File: c119b86508744a8⋯.jpg (140.13 KB, 1028x734, 514:367, c119b86508744a86f6a3bcda77….jpg)

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76edce  No.15649210

File: 6861f5d6f294cd2⋯.jpg (519.27 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, 272970912_5248006961889836….jpg)


Although thought extinct, recent melting in the Arctic have uncovered this extinct Machinery

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0aaee0  No.15649211


>>>15649066 Houston Health Department Raided By Feds?

What sort of fucking notable is this?

Just a fucking tictok link?

Where is the information?

GTFOH with this shit.

Anons are better than this.

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c2ed0c  No.15649212


Watergate was a staged 2-bit break-in by Nixon's internal enemies. there was no motive. 6 months later Nixon won reelection in the largest landslide in U.S. History. Then internal enemies inside his administration advised him wrong. One thing to remember: Media hated Nixon. Media reported Nixon hate 24/7 turning the American people from Nixon. Hell, Nixon knew nothing about the break in at the DNC in the Watergate until Bernstein & what's his name were given the orders to publish their pre written narrative.

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cce8a4  No.15649213

File: f28d27863099403⋯.png (834.36 KB, 816x923, 816:923, _bobsaget_Twitter.png)

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ae0843  No.15649214

File: c61a1b3623f6faf⋯.jpeg (118.87 KB, 664x1024, 83:128, 8DF5C2BA_CE8F_4E40_BF9B_5….jpeg)

File: a677903c7aa0d00⋯.jpeg (248.38 KB, 750x478, 375:239, 55AC963A_B63B_483F_8130_1….jpeg)



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c34c83  No.15649215

File: fe83b4b0660f900⋯.png (456.04 KB, 461x544, 461:544, Grammar.PNG)




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4e139b  No.15649216

Hillary and her Globalist buddies looted Ukraine just like the Bolsheviks looted Russia in 1917. Ukraine is broke and it's citizens are just beginning to become aware of the massive theft that took place over the last 3 decades. Ukraine will try over and over with alarming frequency to start a conflict with anybody that borders them. It's all they have left to conceal their crimes - the fog of war. These are the things that must happen for the great awakening. The world is watching.

BTW - What is Putin doing in Syria? Part of the plan? Look here, at Ukraine, not here at Syria. Was the 'sum of all fears' being built in Syria?

Trust the plan.

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ae0843  No.15649217

File: 6a57fbb69f0c989⋯.jpeg (36.48 KB, 519x160, 519:160, F67AA323_89DE_4386_AE7A_A….jpeg)


I think there will be war for sure because this part would never happen.

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628052  No.15649218

Too many slaves in this world

Die by torture and pain

Too many people do not see

They're killing themselves - going insane

Too many people do not know

Bondage is over the human race

They believe slaves always lose

And this fear keeps them down

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3f321e  No.15649219

File: 7549335e3fccd8a⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1499x1396, 1499:1396, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eb4c4b7e1dbd3b7⋯.png (889.71 KB, 672x960, 7:10, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e41c897a4d79699⋯.png (803.07 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1004899eaf638e8⋯.png (274.85 KB, 700x400, 7:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9ee51c39dff2597⋯.png (97.32 KB, 474x248, 237:124, ClipboardImage.png)


Who knew?

We should pass these whistles of death out to our female and F2M trans soldiers, since they naturally blow so well.

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b5a0d0  No.15649220

File: df4e87cf980b052⋯.jpeg (97.35 KB, 702x600, 117:100, 8720EB33_8E4B_47E5_A836_9….jpeg)

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76edce  No.15649221


>>>15649066 Houston Health Department Raided By Feds?

and thus the (?)

so why dont you go find more souce anon, instead of starting shit.

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70a89c  No.15649222

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"Freedom isn't Free, It costs Leafs like you and Me…and if you don't chip in your Looney 0.5 who will?"

team america-freedom isn't free


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cce8a4  No.15649223




FBI serving search warrant at Houston Health Department

The FBI was at a city building Wednesday serving a search warrant on the Houston Health Department.

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93c889  No.15649224

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e045ab  No.15649225

File: 31510f770046872⋯.png (390.14 KB, 676x778, 338:389, ClipboardImage.png)


I like how Putin keeps head-faking the media.



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6bb017  No.15649226

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Exposing the Media Cartel ft. Kevin Sorbo


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736b30  No.15649227

File: ca312822371f49a⋯.jpg (75.85 KB, 600x335, 120:67, Dutytoact.jpg)

File: 4477a49a5f9e871⋯.jpg (96.58 KB, 600x335, 120:67, Duty2Resist.jpg)

File: 97a1e1f5e3c4044⋯.jpg (96.28 KB, 600x335, 120:67, MadWorld.jpg)

>>15648798 Thank you, Baker!

>>15649079 Thank you, Incoming Baker!

Your work is greatly appreciated.

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b5a0d0  No.15649228


A thing of beauty

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c2ed0c  No.15649229


After Poroshenko got in pensions for old people were cut in half.

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5e4d06  No.15649230

File: 44058a8287f5ef1⋯.png (128.01 KB, 268x294, 134:147, ClipboardImage.png)


right after he says it, his face

"im gonna be found ded in bed"

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9e3f54  No.15649231

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1ef2fe  No.15649232

File: f18b9c5429f462e⋯.jpg (607.3 KB, 970x2459, 970:2459, Screenshot_20220217_092631….jpg)

File: 34a323ef80472b6⋯.png (640.32 KB, 1080x1737, 120:193, Screenshot_20220217_092711….png)

File: db8ad2b95f3c536⋯.png (404.03 KB, 1080x1736, 135:217, Screenshot_20220217_092507….png)

Not sure this was already posted.



Define Evergreen.

When do you call a plumber?

Ongoing investigations require…..

Q [auth478-24zgP]


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52bc40  No.15649233

File: 2cab050610a02d8⋯.png (76.14 KB, 250x225, 10:9, 2020_02_15_00_42_09.png)

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0aaee0  No.15649234


>so why dont you go find more souce anon, instead of starting shit.

Well, how about communicating that you wish anons to find more sauce instead of a fucking question mark?

Anons have become accustomed to shit bakers posting clickbait headlines with no meat and that needs to end!

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99dd2f  No.15649235


>Anons are better than this.

On the Q Chatboard in 2022?

No, not really.

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9e3f54  No.15649236


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33fd51  No.15649237

File: 916b21d18486166⋯.png (375.65 KB, 496x474, 248:237, 00bad3683648cfaefb5eec6cam….png)

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4e139b  No.15649238


No wars. Peace is the prize. MI has told us several times - the elements for WW are no longer present.

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81ec19  No.15649240

File: e81453d46a90d19⋯.png (82.46 KB, 512x512, 1:1, pepe_tits_or_gtfo.png)


Did Russia just tits or gtfo the US Ambassador?

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d6ab4d  No.15649241

I was curious how much the amount would be if the taxpayers were given a refund on the Department of Education budget and found this:

Overall, the President’s fiscal year 2021 Budget includes$66.6billion in new discretionary budget authority

for the Department of Education, a $6.1 billion, or 8.4 percent reduction below the fiscal year 2020



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2187a3  No.15649243

File: 0c088d488614fd2⋯.mp4 (3.98 MB, 720x1264, 45:79, This_has_got_to_be_the_nex….mp4)

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cc21ae  No.15649244

File: 6ff121618c681a5⋯.png (333.21 KB, 871x481, 67:37, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8b8e555f13346b7⋯.png (44.56 KB, 359x585, 359:585, ClipboardImage.png)


Time stamp 23 seconds shows a working clock a 4.29 and a melting clock, post Qpost 429 states track resignations, end quote on post FLOOD COMING

Should we be watching for coming resignations now?



Dec 22, 2017 1:18:03 AM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 5902e7 No. 146328

Dec 22, 2017 1:09:21 AM EST

Anonymous ID: 0b7b67 No. 146206

Resignations from Sept to Dec in chronological order:

Equifax CEO Richard Smith Sep. 26, 2017

Dentsply Sirona Inc CEO Jeffrey T. Slovin Oct. 2, 2017

Greater Naples CEO Paul Thein Oct. 4, 2017

Pepsico CEO D Shivakumar Oct. 9, 2017

Samsung CEO Kwon Oh-hyun Oct. 12, 2017

Oman Air CEO Paul Gregorowitsch Oct. 16, 2017

ASCENDAS Funds Management CEO Chia Nam Toon Oct. 20, 2017

Hudson's Bay CEO Gerald Storch Oct. 20, 2017

Red Cross Texas Gulf Coast Region CEO David Brady Oct. 28, 2017

BuildDirect CEO Jeff Booth Oct. 29, 2017

Podesta Group founder Tony Podesta Oct. 30, 2017

Menninger Clinic CEO Dr. C. Edward Coffey Oct. 31, 2017

Renaissance Technologies CEO Robert Mercer Nov. 2, 2017

Ardent Leisure CEO Simon Kelly Nov. 7, 2017

El Al CEO David Maimon Nov. 8, 2017

Altice CEO Michel Combes Nov. 9, 2017

Public Protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane CEO Themba Dlamini Nov. 14, 2017

James Cancer Hospital CEO Michael Caligiuri Nov. 16, 2017

PR Electric Power Authority CEO Ricardo L. Ramos Nov. 17, 2017

Ellies CEO Wayne Samson Nov. 21, 2017

Hewlett Packard CEO Meg Whitman Nov. 22, 2017

Oi SA CEO Marco Schroeder Nov. 24, 2017

Tumblr CEO David Karp Nov. 27, 2017

London Stock Exchange CEO Xavier Rolet Nov. 28, 2017

Bruce Telecom CEO Bart Cameron Nov. 29, 2017

TravelCenters of America LLC CEO Thomas O'Brien Nov. 30, 2017

Tricentennial Commission CEO Edward Benavides Nov. 30, 2017

City Light CEO Larry Weis Dec. 4, 2017

Steinhoff's R100bn CEO Markus Jooste Dec. 5, 2017

Uchumi Supermarkets CEO Julius Kipng'etich Dec. 6, 2017

Chicago Public Schools CEO Forrest Claypool Dec. 8, 2017

Deutsche Boerse CEO Carsten Kengeter Dec. 8, 2017

Nation Media Group CEO Joe Muganda Dec. 11, 2017

Cheil Worldwide CEO Daiki Lim Dec. 11, 2017

Fenway Health CEO Dr. Stephen L. Boswell Dec. 11, 2017

Diebold/Nixdorf CEO Andy Mattes Dec. 14, 2017

Diebold/Nixdorf CEO Andy Mattes Dec. 14, 2017

AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson Dec. 15, 2017

Vast Resources CEO Roy Pitchford Dec. 18, 2017

Spackman Entertainment Group CEO Charles Spackman Dec. 18, 2017

ESPN President John Skipper Dec. 18, 2017

Innogy CEO Peter Terium Dec. 20, 2017

Papa John CEO John Schnatter Dec. 22, 2017

NYPD Police Chief Carlos Gomez retires Dec. 22, 2017

Alphabet Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt Dec. 22, 2017



Do you believe in coincidences?

Keep list updated.

Flood unstoppable.


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b5a0d0  No.15649245

File: a8991f67959b396⋯.jpeg (288.17 KB, 1920x1028, 480:257, 43B23CAC_81CB_49AF_A374_1….jpeg)


In case anyone missed it in the paper, they made a movie.

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0aaee0  No.15649246


>Houston Health Department Raided By Feds

FBI agents raided the Houston Health Department's administrative offices Wednesday in southwest Houston.

They are investigating a case involving an employee and a health department marketing vendor, according to City of Houston spokesman Scott Packard.

The FBI executed a search warrant at offices in the 8000 block of North Stadium Drive, Packard said. They could be seen carrying several boxes out of the building.

It's not clear if anyone was questioned, but Mayor Sylvester Turner said the city is fully cooperating with the ongoing investigation.


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76edce  No.15649247

>>15649223 unlike u and ur bitching, this anon had our 6 and found more souce


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e045ab  No.15649248


>BTW - What is Putin doing in Syria? Part of the plan? Look here, at Ukraine, not here at Syria. Was the 'sum of all fears' being built in Syria?

You know who knows the answer to that question?


Tulsi Gabbard’s Syria record shows why she can’t be president

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d5f1e3  No.15649249

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70a89c  No.15649250


Syria all over again

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d6ab4d  No.15649251


Kek. It sure looks that way don't it?

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7ee343  No.15649252

File: d6fe04a0616c6f1⋯.jpeg (287.87 KB, 2195x1668, 2195:1668, 8431f126a3dc380d1cadd1dc9….jpeg)

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76edce  No.15649253


reverse those links. ty

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05568d  No.15649254

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Big police action in Ottawa right now.

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d661a6  No.15649255

Stop refreshing the bread baker. Anons are not seeing the information you are deleting.

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e6b471  No.15649256

File: 5a06ab862a8da81⋯.png (4.65 MB, 4096x2252, 1024:563, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2e3bbd2c81a742b⋯.png (2.83 MB, 2945x1772, 2945:1772, ClipboardImage.png)

QClock February 16, 2022

Russia / Declass

QClock February 17, 2022

N Does Not Refer to New

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d5f1e3  No.15649257

>>15648935 STFU you idiot faggot


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70a89c  No.15649258


>Was the 'sum of all fears' being built in Syria?

The Cemex concrete or cement factory

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81ec19  No.15649259

File: effe5151e4eeab0⋯.mp4 (2.72 MB, 1042x442, 521:221, lt_dan_the_storm.mp4)

Watching both Tamara's and Pat's feeds…

One is in a hotel room crying and the other is walking around with one leg in the middle of it all rallying his troops.

I know which one I think is the real leader.

Just saying.

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76edce  No.15649260


that makes no sense on so many levels


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05568d  No.15649261

File: 82a139fe44bb60c⋯.jpg (117.16 KB, 533x345, 533:345, ottawa17feb22.jpg)

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a9229b  No.15649262

File: f6400b2d9bba7c8⋯.png (22.96 KB, 820x202, 410:101, ClipboardImage.png)


Shut up Hillary

The New York Times reported how officials both past and present have expressed alarm that Trump has repeatedly spoken about withdrawing from the alliance. Delaware Senator Chris Coons has tweeted he believes this would play into the hands of Russian President Vladimir Putin.


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f87ade  No.15649263

File: 0950e0ccccc45ac⋯.jpg (32.1 KB, 640x361, 640:361, Female_Comedian_Collapses_….jpg)

Comedian Who Collapsed on Stage After Bragging About Booster Says She Won’t Be Getting 4th Shot

Feb 16 2022

The comedian who collapsed on stage after bragging about getting her third booster shot told Dr. Drew during an interview that she probably won’t be getting a fourth shot.

Well, this is awkward.

As we previously highlighted, Heather McDonald had to be rushed to hospital after taking a tumble at a show in Tempe, Arizona earlier this month.

“I’m vaxxed, double vaxxed, boosted … and flu shot and shingle shot and haven’t gotten COVID and Jesus loves me most,” said McDonald before collapsing to the floor.

Full article and source


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856bb9  No.15649264

File: 292fba7f8333c13⋯.png (23.86 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, f768deaef22da979abcfb73c91….png)

Semper Fidelis!


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9e3f54  No.15649265

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4e139b  No.15649266



Klaus's little bitch. Gabbard is trying to survive the purge. She's so done. I have to give it to Klaus. He fashioned her into one of the best liars I've ever seen.

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6ed8a5  No.15649267

File: 7df5ba0af9fb60e⋯.jpg (63.47 KB, 310x445, 62:89, CANNOBALL.jpg)

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cce8a4  No.15649268

Administrators, coaches at Midland Christian School arrested for failure to report sexual assault

MIDLAND, Texas (KOSA) - According to court documents, five administrators at Midland Christian School were arrested and charged with failing to report an incident with the intent to conceal neglect or abuse.

The arrests included Superintendent Jared Lee, Principal of the Secondary School Dana Ellis, Vice Principal of the Secondary School Matthew Counts, Athletic Director Greg McClendon, and head baseball coach Barry Russell.


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2b66cd  No.15649269

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fdd0f9  No.15649270

File: 7759c88f1a0d1ed⋯.jpg (67.88 KB, 720x415, 144:83, 20220217_073336.jpg)


BREAKING: Per ABC's Cecilia Vega, Pres. Biden just stated he now believes Russia will invade Ukraine in a matter of days.

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d6ab4d  No.15649271

File: 1eb3644dbd9cb0b⋯.jpg (13.46 KB, 255x244, 255:244, 01e4e46fa85add3851c5c92366….jpg)


Seen't it. But yay for infowars clicks huh?

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33fd51  No.15649272

File: bf5c28b446cc242⋯.png (504.66 KB, 693x907, 693:907, 1083bf5fc5bd5749298a7b38bf….png)

File: bbd3e50cbef3885⋯.jpeg (72.98 KB, 1024x913, 1024:913, bbd3e50cbef3885708e4db9a7….jpeg)

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0aaee0  No.15649273


>unlike u and ur bitching, this anon had our 6 and found more souce

And then you thank me with the very next next line?


You bakers are a weird bunch.

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b689b2  No.15649274

File: 11f925ea3ab6c47⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Updated letter from the police in Ottawa

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a9229b  No.15649275


Special powers to Biden?

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81ec19  No.15649276

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7130a8  No.15649277

File: a54ae26a63dcc29⋯.png (385.98 KB, 598x723, 598:723, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b47beeae3a57402⋯.png (488.56 KB, 744x587, 744:587, ClipboardImage.png)


well, with Hillbags' latest twat, (Y reference)

will be something to see.

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76edce  No.15649278


good job anon, better to work with us then against us?

also i dont check ids, each post is its own unique posting imo, less u are spamming, then ID CHECK enabled

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4e139b  No.15649279


Home of the Bushes. Reconcile.

>Those you trusted most.

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9e3f54  No.15649280

File: 891a92d7c2edc3c⋯.jpg (131.35 KB, 514x392, 257:196, capture_136_17022022_06371….jpg)

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d6ab4d  No.15649281

File: 9af4f296135e815⋯.png (532.78 KB, 978x709, 978:709, 9af4f296135e8155c8198cbec0….png)


Dude. You just dog-whistled the /pol/acks. Stahp.

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d5f1e3  No.15649282


The poor thing most likely, has infected, very painful hooves. The owner is ignoring it or hasn't a brain. It also may have paralyzed legs or broken as well but the most likely is infection. I have seen sheep crawling on their knees with infected hooves. They end up being in tremendous pain.

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e48c1b  No.15649283

File: 9db41314296ab19⋯.jpg (62.63 KB, 320x201, 320:201, trojanrabbit.jpg)


>Klaus's little bitch. Gabbard is trying to survive the purge

I call her the Trojan Rabbit

Sweet, fluffy, cute…shakes her tits and says something conservative and idiots fawn all over her

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2187a3  No.15649284

File: 809bc74b3800a01⋯.mp4 (857 KB, 640x360, 16:9, watchout.mp4)

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c619a4  No.15649285

File: c2b2cb1839561eb⋯.gif (8.86 MB, 626x818, 313:409, think_uss_hunter.gif)

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cc21ae  No.15649286

File: 6163537f6e7b04a⋯.png (50.83 KB, 325x689, 25:53, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c3bba41cf5151a0⋯.png (872.27 KB, 970x2459, 970:2459, ClipboardImage.png)



>>15649232 <==Plumbers quote from trump desk



This could be linked to the PLUMBER QUOTE?


Do you believe in coincidences?

Keep list updated.

Flood unstoppable.


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81ec19  No.15649287


at least they added a stamp this time. Still no signature.

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96fcf2  No.15649288

File: 14b91e02a8f3806⋯.jpg (49.82 KB, 583x426, 583:426, saget3.JPG)

File: 0d31347e9449f3f⋯.jpg (58.25 KB, 629x558, 629:558, saget4.JPG)

File: d750bb59a8c9aa0⋯.jpg (100.65 KB, 1240x389, 1240:389, pritz.JPG)


Scleroderma Research Foundation

Money laundering

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f9c752  No.15649289

File: 70e8370210d02f9⋯.png (9.58 KB, 632x227, 632:227, ClipboardImage.png)

Anons, you know what to do…


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14a9e9  No.15649290


At this point, she might as well just get it over with.

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f87ade  No.15649291


Looks the same to me, he's using zoom hence the backscreen looking glitchy. He's at home so he doesn't have professional lighting setup and SFX makeup.

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c34c83  No.15649292

File: 464cd340715d7ea⋯.mp4 (4.57 MB, 720x1088, 45:68, HumpbackWhales.mp4)

Humpback Whales in the Peninsula de Samaná, Dominican Republic.

Tourists loving on them….

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c62ec8  No.15649293


>“Like the Russians, Iranians and the Assad regime, Tulsi sees the Syrian people struggling for dignity as terrorists, despite the facts,” said

Mouaz Moustafa

>executive director of the Syrian Emergency Task Force, who was Gabbard’s guide on that 2015 trip


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99dd2f  No.15649294

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7ee343  No.15649295

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4e139b  No.15649296

File: b97b6a2a5071d92⋯.jpg (213.98 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, pedosmidland.jpg)



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b689b2  No.15649297

File: c41a2696c8bc9fa⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


…a bit blurry

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0aaee0  No.15649299

File: 391e15049cfe784⋯.png (28.64 KB, 676x252, 169:63, than_vs_then.PNG)

File: bdd4a61a3f14895⋯.jpg (353.97 KB, 1024x613, 1024:613, grammar_kitty_thumbs_corre….jpg)


>better to work with us then against us?

And thus I call out shit when it's notabled and always have done.

And it's fucking than, not then.

But you were always a crap speller.

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7130a8  No.15649300

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4e139b  No.15649301

Anons are the calm during the storm. The world is watching.

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c34c83  No.15649302


Imagine that, a kiss. A sensation not all whales have experienced.

Love is the universal language

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a653db  No.15649303

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Inforwars 1/2 truths but still worth the watch imo

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52bc40  No.15649304

File: 193dd303a799351⋯.png (418.42 KB, 472x467, 472:467, 2022_02_17_09_42_25.png)


News about Comey?

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2187a3  No.15649305



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2e25d0  No.15649306

File: d649bdcfff61e0e⋯.jpeg (141.25 KB, 852x852, 1:1, 6CA89694_D7F8_454C_9B8C_D….jpeg)

If Hillary is the first Big arrest then all the waiting will be worth it.

What she did amounts to Treason & must be dealt with.

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76edce  No.15649307

File: 16547bcb52b96d9⋯.png (826.95 KB, 1024x1280, 4:5, a4f37ecceb8d775aec14b6c53a….png)

File: affe12f381a5545⋯.jpg (108.31 KB, 720x748, 180:187, affe12f381a55450712c17d3c7….jpg)

File: c43d296e822da9e⋯.jpg (157.13 KB, 640x742, 320:371, COVID_Crisis_Actors_2.JPG)

File: 9fd5fb3aac08f12⋯.png (269.03 KB, 1440x1467, 160:163, 9fd5fb3aac08f12ad9ce9f5444….png)

File: 7a46f55ab75db7c⋯.png (104.5 KB, 525x434, 75:62, 618095d34abbb68aec088801ac….png)


Maybe Canadaians should start handing out their own fliers

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93c889  No.15649308


I do too. Many keks

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0871f7  No.15649309

Did DoD recognize the Universities' CABAL/Marxist agenda threat and gift [them] a Trojan horse INTERNET for later DISCOVERY?

it was over before it started

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a653db  No.15649310


Killery isn't in this vid. though

Fucking Infowars

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81ec19  No.15649311

The man

The Myth

The Legend

Pat King isLIVE


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b06362  No.15649312


That could also be 430, or if using the reflection could be 730. Regardless what are those post because they might tie in better

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ce9218  No.15649313

File: 05f2f129134938d⋯.png (647.04 KB, 817x471, 817:471, ClipboardImage.png)

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c34c83  No.15649314

File: e5f3f4dd11e6838⋯.jpeg (12.34 KB, 255x244, 255:244, comey.jpeg)

File: fd2b44f88f07a24⋯.jpg (9.52 KB, 255x170, 3:2, comey2.jpg)

File: 819d7adb0be4584⋯.png (290.45 KB, 800x466, 400:233, COMjdhfjsagfjhv.png)

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0aaee0  No.15649315

File: 0d0c86cff1ec54c⋯.png (377.42 KB, 610x310, 61:31, ingrish.png)



If it's the same one that was posted yesterday it contains levels of Ingrish that shouldn't even be possible.

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d6ab4d  No.15649316


Midland is a Big Oil town. You either work for the oil company, or oil field services companies. Lots of palm-tickling Mason faggots running around.

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cce8a4  No.15649317


popcorn moment chk't

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d1862b  No.15649318


Interdasting, I clicked that shit… Had not been to drudge for a long time, kinda looks like old drudge.

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76edce  No.15649319


>crap speller confirmed


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b5a0d0  No.15649320

File: e218c096a80b75b⋯.jpeg (102.12 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 203E1DAD_4962_444B_8431_E….jpeg)

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e045ab  No.15649321

File: dc1197c44432f3a⋯.png (53.16 KB, 815x261, 815:261, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a6f48ca3a558a64⋯.png (905.69 KB, 1869x753, 623:251, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6c3fd6b4bebc9d4⋯.png (83.26 KB, 513x727, 513:727, ClipboardImage.png)





PDJT gets elected.

Gabbard takes a trip to Syria.

A few years later, ISIS = shithammered into oblivion.


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5910ef  No.15649322

File: 749274dc917c7f8⋯.jpg (20.01 KB, 300x455, 60:91, BT.jpg)


Morning Swordy!

God bless you as well and keep you and all anons from harm, this day and forever!



Light, Love, and Patience

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5910ef  No.15649323

















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c34c83  No.15649324


>then ID CHECK enabled

how's that?

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ce9218  No.15649325



what is funnier is people read vanity fair as news

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14a9e9  No.15649326


Treason is the least of her crimes.

It amounts to MUCH more than that.

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1ef2fe  No.15649327

File: 06818a06c0f03a6⋯.png (428.62 KB, 1080x1233, 120:137, Screenshot_20220217_094256….png)

File: 3327e996504f7cb⋯.jpg (719.09 KB, 969x1729, 51:91, Screenshot_20220217_094405….jpg)

File: feb6cb4a86f5f7c⋯.png (377.28 KB, 1080x1302, 180:217, Screenshot_20220217_094521….png)

Justin Trudeau - Canadian PM

Why is theCanadian PMso important?

They never thought they were going to lose.

The calm before the storm.

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0aaee0  No.15649328

File: c602f09acdff34a⋯.jpg (244.64 KB, 564x955, 564:955, ginger.jpg)



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7ad35d  No.15649329

File: 0217bb0fe113446⋯.gif (1.18 MB, 374x246, 187:123, 0217bb0fe113446018327f01a4….gif)


>and Jesus loves me most,” said McDonald before collapsing to the floor

Kek! instant punisment.

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2187a3  No.15649330

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>They're trying to blame WHISTLES for why sports athletes are collapsing all over the world.

DJ Aligator - The Whistle Song

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e48c1b  No.15649331

File: baf422034f0162f⋯.jpeg (10.14 KB, 304x166, 152:83, ricky.jpeg)


Ricky for Canadian PM

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d8b631  No.15649332


>God bless

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ac399f  No.15649333

File: 5f4eb4e8f2cc6e4⋯.jpeg (16.14 KB, 472x348, 118:87, OIP_52_.jpeg)

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cce8a4  No.15649334

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5d8cef  No.15649335

File: 9e2756719ed08d2⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1599x765, 533:255, Trump_Save_Justice_For_HRC….PNG)

File: 5139b2c9e3ce7d3⋯.png (240.78 KB, 790x2314, 395:1157, Q_430_Clowns_access_codes_….png)

File: 675a81729dc643b⋯.png (73.6 KB, 790x900, 79:90, Q_630_Happy_hunting_Anonym….png)


I'm aware.

Proper sauce that it is from POTUS would make it another level of notable.

It may not exist open source, yet.

Timestamp: 23







Contributions for access codes

Plate full.

Have faith.

Set the Truth Free.

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c34c83  No.15649336

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d6ab4d  No.15649337


Morgan Freeman looks angry in that pic.

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05568d  No.15649338


The idea of pushing mRNA HIV vaxxes sounds like a hasty, haphazard retooling of the cabal's original plan. Not that they won't try it, but even normies will be reluctant to take yet another mRNA vax.

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3e573b  No.15649339

File: 69d21bfe157f880⋯.png (802.13 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)

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2187a3  No.15649340

File: 0c088d488614fd2⋯.mp4 (3.98 MB, 720x1264, 45:79, This_has_got_to_be_the_nex….mp4)

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81ec19  No.15649341


points out where all the cops are…

"maybe we should do a convoy down here"


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d6ab4d  No.15649342


File that one in the same folder as the lightning bolt striking the George Floyd mural in the face.

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c34c83  No.15649343

File: d59ad3399572e73⋯.png (14.01 KB, 198x255, 66:85, topkektiger.png)

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81ec19  No.15649344


When has that ever stopped a tyrant?

Oh yeah…

when the people stood up and said no more.

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2187a3  No.15649345

File: 662b45d992cfa30⋯.mp4 (5.88 MB, 480x360, 4:3, MargaretTrudeau.mp4)

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14a9e9  No.15649346

File: 558872564822d49⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, psyops.png)

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76edce  No.15649347


if i see spam hitting the board i will note the id doing such, if spam meets critical threshold, filtered.

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c619a4  No.15649348

File: 5893144f4811ff0⋯.gif (166.7 KB, 326x326, 1:1, hunters_screensaver.gif)

File: 2a13c31ce3a5d57⋯.gif (103.24 KB, 337x337, 1:1, hz_crack.gif)

File: 70c4e3d7ae4ee39⋯.gif (2.14 MB, 415x556, 415:556, hunters_thoughts.gif)

File: 69ba0e58e539419⋯.gif (8.76 MB, 1063x571, 1063:571, uss_hunter.gif)

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cc21ae  No.15649349

File: 8eaa1e5874c0b83⋯.png (137.58 KB, 347x555, 347:555, ClipboardImage.png)


only one image of the watch, time does not match up with video.



Jan 05, 2019 6:19:44 PM EST

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: bc0a99 No. 4615394


Will POTUS be @ CD tomorrow?

[1 year delta]

Matters of NAT SEC?

The clock is ticking.

Follow the WATCH.


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d6ab4d  No.15649350

File: ec56dda02185b79⋯.png (403.46 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ec56dda02185b795d339ab1a41….png)


As an American I could totally get behind that.

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cce8a4  No.15649351

File: 31a1e536c748197⋯.jpeg (131.62 KB, 828x621, 4:3, bestmemeever.jpeg)


a special bottle has been on call for years now

awaiting this most special arrest

can not wait to pop that cork

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81ec19  No.15649352

ZOTs gf has more balls than Tamara rn

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a9fbb2  No.15649353


Hi Alec. Say hello to rawdawg in prison, buddy.

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c62ec8  No.15649354


Hm. That's quite an observation.

Will think on that, anon.

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e045ab  No.15649355

File: 2e59444d4a73961⋯.png (46.26 KB, 602x324, 301:162, ClipboardImage.png)


So basically what's happening is the threat of Russian invasion is causing all the glowies in Ukraine to expose themselves.

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2187a3  No.15649356

File: bf564ca0117c4bb⋯.png (2.56 MB, 1958x1138, 979:569, NashvilleATT.png)

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e48c1b  No.15649357

File: 6fd7a2d928720ba⋯.jpg (71.68 KB, 450x349, 450:349, hillTREAS.jpg)


>Treason is the least of her crimes.

>It amounts to MUCH more than that.

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b06362  No.15649358


430 mentions Iran, and they are in the news today.

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1ef2fe  No.15649361

File: b57e5e80013f24a⋯.jpg (533.55 KB, 971x2619, 971:2619, Screenshot_20220217_095238….jpg)

Catturd made to Beta testing!!

Way to go, Catturd!!

I was invited for the Beta testing of Trump’s Truth social - just made my first post, already verified.

So excited! Let’s Go!


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e045ab  No.15649362



She's definitely on the list of folks I'd like to meet some day. The stories these people have to tell!

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faad82  No.15649363

File: 360b0ab302da5d8⋯.png (66 KB, 1103x274, 1103:274, ClipboardImage.png)



Bob Saget: I’ve heard the Obamas are ‘Full House’ fans

BY JUDY KURTZ - 04/09/14 01:00 PM EDT

In his first book hitting store shelves this week, Dirty Daddy: The Chronicles of a Family Man Turned Filthy Comedian, Saget chronicles his life, and the road he took from working as an R-rated stand-up comic to becoming a classic TV dad.

While he likens his “potty mouth” to “9-year-old speak,” the book isn’t all dirty jokes and raunchy tales.

Saget, 57, writes of visiting Walter Reed Army Medical Center each time he visits Washington. Promotion of his book will soon bring him to the nation’s capital. He’ll be discussing Dirty Daddy at a book signing on Thursday night at Sidecar at P.J. Clarke’s in downtown Washington.

He says he’s working on making a return trip to Capitol Hill sometime later this year to push for funding for scleroderma research. Saget, whose sister died of the autoimmune disease at 47, is a board member of the Scleroderma Research Foundation.

He met with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton once on the issue, calling the ex-first lady “very kind.”

“There are other lawmakers that I would enjoy spending time with,” he says before adding with a chuckle, “I’m sure many people don’t say that.”

But any talk of politics quickly turns to laughs for the first-time author. In a 2008 interview, Saget jested that his friend and fellow “Full House” star John Stamos should be chosen as Barack Obama’s running mate.

When pressed on whether he stands by Stamos stepping in the political ring, a laughing Saget states, “I don’t know if Stamos should jump into anything but a bathtub.”

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b3597f  No.15649364

File: 687a7219eba793b⋯.png (58.06 KB, 448x88, 56:11, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 094d3b81714bc93⋯.png (26.38 KB, 549x232, 549:232, ClipboardImage.png)


Faggot lives in Durham. Kek

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96fcf2  No.15649365

File: e9abf8f2efececd⋯.png (249.58 KB, 637x252, 91:36, ClipboardImage.png)


perhaps this might explain a few things

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99dd2f  No.15649366


With your dsylxeia how do you know it's truly sapm or not?

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5d8cef  No.15649367



>Durham is filing a civil lawsuit?

Not the point of the Pic.

Sorry for the confusion.

Pic meant to help understand what a "pleading" is.

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cce8a4  No.15649368

File: 0c7058b0e19d369⋯.jpg (20.8 KB, 255x255, 1:1, f97b2afc2351a6b99680abc864….jpg)


much more

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a9229b  No.15649369

File: b7f58d574d100d9⋯.png (355.65 KB, 598x687, 598:687, ClipboardImage.png)




Prime Minister @BorisJohnson said that an attack on a kindergarten in Ukraine was a "false flag operation designed to discredit the Ukrainians."


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d5f1e3  No.15649370



It is a proper name and you don't add the "e" to a proper name. Just the s for plural bushs.

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c62ec8  No.15649371


Why is he pointing out where the police are?

I don't have fb, so can't watch the video.

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cc21ae  No.15649372

File: 091bf9c85cd7c1f⋯.png (1.12 MB, 944x528, 59:33, ClipboardImage.png)


could be nothing

anons like to speculate, especially time stamps, clocks and video's.

reliable site where the video was obtained.

it will flood the social media sites although could not find it on his helpdesk site.

lets see what happens, one thing anon has learned is patience

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0871f7  No.15649373

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SecretaryBlinkento Deliver Remarks at the UN Security Council - 10:00EST


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c2ed0c  No.15649374


It's causing all the glowies both inside and outside Ukraine to expose themselves anon.

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96fcf2  No.15649375



that was what got him

he found out


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faad82  No.15649376

File: f44d666cd30de42⋯.jpg (11.51 KB, 255x205, 51:41, hillary_creepy_van_pic.jpg)

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4e139b  No.15649377

Anons are right on top of everything today. Calm and collected with a steady hand on the till.

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6be882  No.15649378

File: 228ab62822d9c5f⋯.png (250.91 KB, 649x384, 649:384, ClipboardImage.png)

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9e3f54  No.15649379

File: a1e01d665b0f2d4⋯.jpg (222.15 KB, 471x970, 471:970, Libya4.jpg)

File: 76db60545e9f7b6⋯.jpg (236.37 KB, 470x1024, 235:512, Libya3.jpg)

File: be90d2123bb7410⋯.jpg (230.35 KB, 480x976, 30:61, Libya2.jpg)

File: bcd7449d7acb965⋯.jpg (254.72 KB, 473x993, 473:993, Libya1.jpg)

File: f740fc38e361984⋯.jpg (110.97 KB, 476x503, 476:503, Libya5.jpg)

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2187a3  No.15649380

File: a5d055b2b529290⋯.mp4 (1.62 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, BaldwinEpstein.mp4)


On the heels of Hutchins' family filing a wrongful death lawsuit against Baldwin and others on Tuesday, the family's attorney, Brian Panish, appeared on "Dan Abrams Live," where he claimed the "30 Rock" star "is continuing to do what he's done throughout this – blaming others."

"He's not accepting any responsibility," Panish said, adding that Baldwin, 63, "refused any gun safety training, number one."

"Number two, he pointed a gun at someone on a set. You don't do that without plexiglass and other precautions. Number three, why were there bullets in the gun to begin with whether they were fake or real? It was only a lineup. There was no intention for him to shoot the weapon. He wasn't supposed to shoot the weapon. Nobody expected him to do that, yet he recklessly fired the weapon while pointing it at three people, killed one and injured another," Panish added.

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606bd7  No.15649381










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5b2dcf  No.15649382

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Game over, man. Game over!


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a653db  No.15649383

File: 5c4207b88cc3a7f⋯.png (155.94 KB, 350x257, 350:257, ClipboardImage.png)


Hillary Can No Longer Sue You if You Call Her a Witch

Hillary Clinton appeared as a guest speaker at a witch’s coven in New York City on April 3, 2018 and was awarded a lifetime membership in the coven, known as “The Wing.” While this might sound like “fake news” details on Hillary’s night out with a room full of occult-practicing feminist witches appeared in several news publications and we checked it out.


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76edce  No.15649384


Vibration intensifies

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e045ab  No.15649385

File: 740c232ede4b275⋯.png (21.58 KB, 471x320, 471:320, ClipboardImage.png)


>If Hillary is the first Big arrest then all the waiting will be worth it.

>What she did amounts to Treason & must be dealt with.


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6f3794  No.15649386



I think this is the first confirmed beta test of Truth Social.

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faad82  No.15649387


>Scleroderma Research Foundation

>Money laundering



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8c704e  No.15649388

File: 7eee8885860fa79⋯.jpeg (541.05 KB, 929x1481, 929:1481, 4C75B228_26EC_4989_AB21_C….jpeg)

“Game Over”


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14a9e9  No.15649389


It troubles me that you haven't been hanged for crimes against humanity decades ago.

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e045ab  No.15649390


>all the glowies both inside and outside Ukraine

True, and thought that right after hitting send. Need more covfefe.

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b5a0d0  No.15649391

File: 098efa4a3344aa1⋯.jpeg (92.41 KB, 1077x550, 1077:550, 78CF0BD7_0F2B_446D_875E_C….jpeg)



Should run together as one candidate.

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cce8a4  No.15649392


>Dirty Daddy: The Chronicles of a Family Man Turned Filthy Comedian

>Saget states, “I don’t know if Stamos should jump into anything but a bathtub.”

Dirty Daddy? in plain site.

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2dccb5  No.15649393

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Discussion in Canadian Parliament becomes all about the Jews.

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6be882  No.15649394

File: 1fbe6493a6f6a59⋯.png (368.76 KB, 707x353, 707:353, HRC_Durham_ncswic.png)

File: 831b666088afc50⋯.jpg (56.81 KB, 450x349, 450:349, HRC_if_you_only_knew.jpg)

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a9229b  No.15649395

File: aae7f471a575bdd⋯.png (852.83 KB, 784x960, 49:60, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5695f112261ed18⋯.png (48.3 KB, 817x620, 817:620, ClipboardImage.png)



Look at those palm trees!

Canary palm tree?


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f87ade  No.15649396

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


DJ Aligator nostalgia kicking in.

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4e139b  No.15649398


The Bushes approve of this message.

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9ad001  No.15649399


Why not?

What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.

Fuck the limits.

Try 6 shoots and drive a plane.

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cc21ae  No.15649400

File: e85f56028cef5fd⋯.png (830.39 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


it is the look of terror - they are coming for me

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96fcf2  No.15649401


yes, a poor reputation clearly implies guilt

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14a9e9  No.15649402



Ides of March inbound.

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d6ab4d  No.15649404

File: 38639c9413c94c5⋯.png (1.14 MB, 799x901, 47:53, 38639c9413c94c52383b2bcede….png)

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c62ec8  No.15649405


True - that would be something!

I'm not so sure she actually would tell them, tho. She doesn't seem to be much of a conversationalist.

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2187a3  No.15649406

File: c742c23466ca359⋯.mp4 (1.22 MB, 320x320, 1:1, The_Obama_Thing_John_Legen….mp4)


>Bob Saget: I’ve heard the Obamas are ‘Full House’ fans

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0871f7  No.15649407


>“Game Over”

Digits check out

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9e3f54  No.15649408

File: 700ba91b5b0f18e⋯.png (1.28 MB, 622x720, 311:360, Australian_delegation_meet….png)

File: 0f2dd8fdb9347c8⋯.jpg (114.88 KB, 622x720, 311:360, Australian_delegation_meet….jpg)

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2187a3  No.15649409

File: 13ce78b95beeb3c⋯.mp4 (5.94 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Karina_Gould_saying_exactl….mp4)


>Discussion in Canadian Parliament becomes all about the Jews.

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5d8cef  No.15649410

File: a70d13cbdfa1fa2⋯.png (161.34 KB, 790x1830, 79:183, Q_730_Snowden_Truth_to_pow….png)


Self correction

Mirror = 7:30

Snowden still a clown?

Truth to Power.


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6a27d5  No.15649411


You can’t handle the sniff!

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cc21ae  No.15649412



anon is signed up

nothing yet.

still anon works here and on gab so does not have a massive following like catturd.

do not want one either.

low profile is good

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ae0843  No.15649413

File: 4dd235a9983b23a⋯.jpeg (417.29 KB, 750x1052, 375:526, 2A49D50C_1030_493F_944F_5….jpeg)

File: 383c227c8080fb2⋯.jpeg (83.48 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, DE41FF29_A062_4FBA_8FC8_8….jpeg)


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cce8a4  No.15649414

File: 1b0019269afa771⋯.jpg (7.18 KB, 243x208, 243:208, proxy_image.jpg)


Cats bring the TRUTH




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940d12  No.15649415


I guess.

If you want to call DJT Jr's post about his dad's first post there fake news.

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d1ac4b  No.15649416

File: cf4531b228bc366⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1446x921, 482:307, 1ddb784e0338c9c8780b8d9b97….png)


the evil one gave those cultist females male pattern baldness.

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a9229b  No.15649417

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Calvin Harris - Feels (Official Video) ft. Pharrell Williams, Katy Perry, Big Sean

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f05223  No.15649418

File: bd6bc24b1808c01⋯.jpeg (443.85 KB, 1003x661, 1003:661, 5FF5636C_63EB_40A4_AC67_F….jpeg)




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b5a0d0  No.15649419

File: d53a712a73f78f4⋯.jpeg (72.6 KB, 640x712, 80:89, CE79B019_6670_4093_88AD_B….jpeg)

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9ad001  No.15649420


The simple thing that call yourself "LEGEND", while cemetery is full of them…..

Kind of big EGO and psycho.

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5910ef  No.15649421

File: cce7a362685417c⋯.jpg (55.29 KB, 593x989, 593:989, BT_114.jpg)


trip trips chkt

One day at a time.



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b66c84  No.15649422


Who is the plastic cunt?

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9e3f54  No.15649423

File: ec02a178a0b409f⋯.jpg (272.27 KB, 558x1020, 93:170, Putin1.jpg)

File: 9eeaa41e2813a73⋯.jpg (260.58 KB, 555x977, 555:977, Putin2.jpg)

File: 0fbd228d2b548c7⋯.jpg (244.49 KB, 558x1005, 186:335, Putin3.jpg)

File: 1e38e8c6fa2a099⋯.jpg (267.83 KB, 550x1020, 55:102, Putin4.jpg)

File: 1bb3eb3931ae417⋯.jpg (276.04 KB, 555x994, 555:994, Putin5.jpg)

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d1ac4b  No.15649424

File: e8a185951cfac0d⋯.jpg (467.2 KB, 2415x1605, 161:107, 941fc5282f7ed8e688bec4ce2e….jpg)

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e045ab  No.15649425

File: 621eee06e47f2cc⋯.png (2.43 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Conversation lubricant!

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9e3f54  No.15649426

File: a1f38abe789134e⋯.jpg (244.93 KB, 550x1022, 275:511, Putin6.jpg)

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2187a3  No.15649427

File: 1d3f08d85e40533⋯.png (932.08 KB, 695x930, 139:186, ClipboardImage.png)


>Canary palm tree?


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193823  No.15649428

File: 6a5a5835d07327c⋯.png (570.98 KB, 720x1520, 9:19, Screenshot_20220217_100057.png)

File: 58a43d37c9bb796⋯.jpeg (637 KB, 1381x2048, 1381:2048, FLzRsHeXoAQGW1K.jpeg)

File: d134793794061eb⋯.jpeg (21.76 KB, 360x203, 360:203, FLzR3XKX0AoTq2F_1_.jpeg)

Hold the line. 17.

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cce8a4  No.15649429

File: a7c055120b08e45⋯.jpeg (6.98 KB, 223x226, 223:226, shill.jpeg)




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14a9e9  No.15649430


That's Bob Saget.

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d6ab4d  No.15649431

File: 7e9ae6f5b1203ef⋯.png (35.35 KB, 173x255, 173:255, 475a15a4f48a67ea92bdb85e58….png)

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a9229b  No.15649432

File: 8dc58471da03996⋯.png (214.46 KB, 371x374, 371:374, ClipboardImage.png)

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2dccb5  No.15649433




The Jewish cunt says about the Truckers (protesters)

"These people, very often misogonystic, racist, women haters, science deniers, the fringe"

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6ff03c  No.15649434

There are 10 provinces and 3 territories in Canada. What if 5:5 represents the new stars discovered which are added to the U.S. flag. Not all but some. Just thinking out loud.

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6be882  No.15649435

File: d08f98f241b685c⋯.jpg (45.89 KB, 640x640, 1:1, HRC_wicked.jpg)

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faad82  No.15649436


So Tiegan admits she and John Legend were with the Obamas when they 'did it' in the best place.

She said they werre WITH Obamas, but not at White House.

Before he was president

Epstein Island?


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1ef2fe  No.15649437


Normies having a hard time with reality, "We've been duped so fuck you & fuck you!"

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6a27d5  No.15649438

File: 80b30d02e8e15d6⋯.png (187.3 KB, 1200x857, 1200:857, ClipboardImage.png)

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9ad001  No.15649439

File: daa821bd75c09b1⋯.jpg (238.5 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, pindar_vineyards.jpg)


so you say…..

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853720  No.15649440

File: 45031c6a98ae30d⋯.jpg (19.73 KB, 243x255, 81:85, gameover44.jpg)

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e045ab  No.15649441

File: 132888aaac60c50⋯.png (5.02 MB, 2752x1952, 86:61, ClipboardImage.png)

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9ad001  No.15649442


Stop making fun of Psaki.

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d6ab4d  No.15649443


>Epstein Island?

Ding Ding Ding

Chek the flight logs

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6be882  No.15649444

File: bb2a536d58d3f16⋯.png (250.21 KB, 581x593, 581:593, psaki.png)

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2dccb5  No.15649445



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2187a3  No.15649446

File: 8b70d107fa4796e⋯.png (285.94 KB, 342x536, 171:268, mandatemeharder.png)


>"We've been duped so fuck you & fuck you!"

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9b2e85  No.15649447

Will Trudeau and the Clintons pay, wait and see… for what feels like forever.

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d1ac4b  No.15649448

File: 5250e0337a40a8f⋯.png (708.2 KB, 600x794, 300:397, 27.png)

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76edce  No.15649449



>>15648807, >>15649364 GiveSendGo Hacker Identified (Lives in Durham)


>>15648887, >>15649023 Happy Q Day y'all

>>15648922, >>15648935 Ukraine Claiming Russia is Shelling

>>15648931 Bob Saget: What happened in room 962?

>>15648953 Moar lb notables

>>15648979 Liberia: Adoption Or Child Trafficking

>>15649066, >>15649223 Houston Health Department Raided By Feds

>>15649086 Chase cancels Canadian customers' credit card debts

>>15649088 Alec Baldwin is 'blaming others' for Halyna Hutchins' death


>>15649137 White House "Scheduled" Events for Today,

>>15649144 Russia has expelled Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy Mark Gorman.

>>15649192 The Great Lou Dobbs – Firebrand with Matt Gaetz

>>15649189 Fauci looking weird

>>15649232 Not sure this was already posted. Anon Maps out - "Plumbers"

>>15649256 ClockFag clocks in on the 16th and 17th

>>15649268 Coaches at Midland Christian School arrested for failure to report sexual assault

>>15649270 Biden just stated he now believes Russia will invade Ukraine in a matter of days (#MustKeepFearAlive)

>>15649307 Anon Suggest to start handing out Red Pill Covid fliers

>>15649361 Catturd made it to [TruthSocial] Beta testing!!

>>15649373 SecretaryBlinkento Deliver Remarks at the UN Security Council

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a653db  No.15649450


So to mention movie titles is some kind of coded messages for them?

And then Q mentions movie titles.

Was Q giving "them" a coded message. As in we know your movie comms so here's some movie comms for you?

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6a27d5  No.15649451

File: 99ed283d6e0e1a1⋯.png (41.23 KB, 400x394, 200:197, ClipboardImage.png)

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9ad001  No.15649452


I'll circle back those trips.

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c619a4  No.15649453

File: 6e71c5c8aa5eea6⋯.png (495.09 KB, 880x668, 220:167, psaki_circle_back_side.png)

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9e3f54  No.15649454

File: 471e09535bba634⋯.jpg (651.37 KB, 578x1773, 578:1773, capture_083_17022022_01035….jpg)

File: 7d60e323d40569e⋯.jpg (645.78 KB, 570x1769, 570:1769, capture_084_17022022_01040….jpg)

File: a85a3066fb753a9⋯.jpg (649.82 KB, 556x1777, 556:1777, capture_085_17022022_01040….jpg)

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d8b631  No.15649455

File: d25554b9a862938⋯.png (332.87 KB, 1110x834, 185:139, ClipboardImage.png)


SHe's TalKing AbOut me!

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b5a0d0  No.15649456

File: aa5b708331948a8⋯.gif (1.94 MB, 320x480, 2:3, F96B04BF_3167_49F6_94B4_C4….gif)

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cce8a4  No.15649457


only anons are found thinking THIS far outside of the box

chosen for a reason

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6f3794  No.15649458



I think this is the first confirmed beta test of Truth Social.>>15649415

Didn't see that post.

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193823  No.15649459

File: ddc5fd8fbf179ab⋯.png (30.88 KB, 766x412, 383:206, 822.png)

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853720  No.15649460

File: c7553ae849edbb7⋯.gif (1.7 MB, 498x208, 249:104, db44.gif)



Patience indeed


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d6ab4d  No.15649461


Patience grasshopper.

Their power is influence, and they are losing it all. A fatally wounded beast can lash out, futile as it may be.

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f87ade  No.15649462

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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909157  No.15649463

File: c6e1afd8ce99950⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, schoolScreenshot_from_2022….png)

File: 58c85d64ba87777⋯.png (308.94 KB, 560x676, 140:169, Screenshot_from_2022_02_17….png)

File: a5b15ea83d430d3⋯.png (116.15 KB, 1294x534, 647:267, Screenshot_from_2022_02_17….png)




The enemy continues to fire on civilians!

At about 10:25 a.m., a school in Vrubivka village, Severodonetsk district, came under fire from the Artillery.

The school had 30 students and 14 staff. 8 children and 2 workers are in the basement, the rest were taken away by their parents.

Data: Andriy Tsaplienko

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6be882  No.15649464

File: 799c500e072d7cd⋯.jpg (210.35 KB, 823x500, 823:500, fauci_dupers_delight.jpg)

Most regions lifting the mandates, when all of a sudden more new viruses are discovered that are expected to turn into a pandemic.

How convenient. The DS doesn't want the mandates to end, so they're back up to their old tricks. There has to be a point when even those sleeping, have to scratch their heads and say "wait a minute."

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853720  No.15649465

File: 06aaaa757c178f1⋯.jpeg (15.43 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 5d5b4860dcddc2218964b628c….jpeg)

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9ad001  No.15649466


Waiter, I will like a gun please.

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01f4c9  No.15649467

File: 41b6e9d11aac865⋯.png (65.08 KB, 710x477, 710:477, ClipboardImage.png)


>>15648718 (PB notable) Marginal Sauce: Russian media: Ukraine has “fired mortar shells and grenades at 4 localities in Luhansk People's Republic”

Reuters and WSJ calling it "allegations" and "accusations".

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14a9e9  No.15649468



HIV in the vaxx.

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52bc40  No.15649469

File: 61d802f3d70ad36⋯.png (86.56 KB, 300x300, 1:1, wtf.png)


>Hillary Can No Longer Sue You if You Call Her a Witch

>…was awarded a lifetime membership in the coven

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c62ec8  No.15649470

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ae0843  No.15649471

File: 48e598930994567⋯.jpeg (1.5 MB, 1600x1114, 800:557, 471F9869_4417_440C_A9B8_C….jpeg)


I don’t think the ruskies will invade from Crimea but will instead use it as a buffer zone.

I think the ruskies will just take half of Ukraine and stop at the river. I don’t think they will try to take Kyiv.

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faad82  No.15649472

who in byedan admn is traveling to Europe today or this week?


somebody else, but i can't remember

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81ec19  No.15649473


Define Projection

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2187a3  No.15649474

File: 62c4837d7fbd86a⋯.png (911.9 KB, 1180x785, 236:157, ClipboardImage.png)


Diane Deans ousted from oversight board in overhaul of Ottawa's police leadership

One day after Ottawa's police chief resigned in the midst of historic civil unrest, city council voted to overhaul the police board and remove chair Diane Deans in a meeting full of high drama and vitriolic accusations.

The surprise move was labelled as a way to "restore public trust" nearly three weeks into protests that have rocked the capital.

But in a council term that has seen years of divisiveness and petty moments, many councillors characterized this move as a "political stunt" and said they were "disgusted" by Mayor Jim Watson, with a few even calling for him to resign.

"You're destabilizing the oversight body for Ottawa Police in the middle of the biggest crisis in this city's history," charged Deans. "That is being ridiculously political."

Following a vote of 15 to nine, Deans will be replaced by one of council's longest serving members and close allies of the mayor, former police board chair Eli El-Chantiry.

The police services board is set to meet Thursday to elect a new chair to replace Deans, a seven-term councillor who plans to run for mayor.

The motion, put forward by councillors Scott Moffatt and Laura Dudas, suggested the board had "not been effective" in its oversight of the police.

An interim board "with more experience with emergency operations" would let Steve Bell, who has been serving as police chief for a day, end the on-going illegal protests.

At the heart of the dispute — one of the ugliest seen during this term of council — was the leaked news that the board had swiftly hired an interim police chief from outside the city without a competition, and without telling council.

"We have an individual, who was a former chief, who's going to come to Ottawa — who obviously doesn't know our city — in the midst of the biggest crisis in our city's history, and he's bringing a bunch of consultants with him," Watson told reporters after the seven-hour council meeting.

"How much is this costing? How did this individual get chosen? Who are these consultants they're bringing? There are a lot of questions. And I think a lot of people thought they had lost confidence in the police board."

But a number of council members charged that the move was not about a loss of confidence in the board. Deans and the mayor have sparred on many occasions. Recently, he criticized her for trying to trim the increase to the 2022 police budget.

"You know what makes me the saddest of all?" asked Deans as the vote approached. "You're unseating a progressive board that was bringing about important and progressive change in policing in Ottawa. And you're going back to the 1950s… and old-school law and order."

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9ad001  No.15649475


We know this for 5 h ago.

We still waiting for that invasion, that cia said it will be today.

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2dccb5  No.15649476


False flag

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193823  No.15649477

File: 7f2a27de997cffa⋯.jpeg (5.04 KB, 225x225, 1:1, download_62_.jpeg)

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9ad001  No.15649478


fq and false flags.

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6b9886  No.15649479


Who cares how his name is spelled?

Fucking faggot

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faad82  No.15649480

File: 2fa850e396aa2c6⋯.png (43.49 KB, 859x223, 859:223, ClipboardImage.png)


>who in byedan admn is traveling to Europe today or this week?



Kamala Harris, U.S. Troops Head to Europe to Face Down Putin on Russia-Ukraine


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cc21ae  No.15649481

File: 1bd658dbd28ce0b⋯.png (95.22 KB, 320x178, 160:89, ClipboardImage.png)

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2187a3  No.15649482

File: aa1e63646cb5669⋯.mp4 (7.18 MB, 640x480, 4:3, faucipanic.mp4)

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14a9e9  No.15649483


>Who cares how his name is spelled?

Because one is his name, the other is NOT.

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6bb017  No.15649484


Because it matters.

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9b2e85  No.15649485

File: d6604703341f751⋯.jpeg (71.6 KB, 670x670, 1:1, 2DBF36D4_7A98_4417_8761_1….jpeg)


>Their power is influence, and they are losing it

Thank you anon.

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2dccb5  No.15649486

Putin ain't stupid, he's not looking to start a war, but Biden and his Jewish allys are.

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5910ef  No.15649487

File: 975070bd3c8c473⋯.jpg (128.43 KB, 1024x1450, 512:725, BT_04.jpg)

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6ff03c  No.15649488


Watch CA. Is it Canada? Multiple meanings. What did looking glass see?

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33bfd2  No.15649489


"The pupils were in another room when the missile hit, but a teacher, laundry worker and security guard were left with concussion, according to reports. The Ukrainian military said 32 shells landed on the city, also injuring a serviceman and disrupting electricity supplies."

No one deded?

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0871f7  No.15649490

Anon opines DS shills out half story, awaits boards response to decide their narrative.

Blinken late cuz [they] can't get story straight


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4e139b  No.15649491

File: 3756060b9afac61⋯.png (25.6 KB, 538x392, 269:196, q3838.png)


Canada is less than 1% Jewish - they just outed themselves. The Synagogue of Satan is being revealed worldwide. Jewish politicians as we know now aren't Jewish. The Satanic forces hide behind religion and use it as a shield to defend themselves against criticism.

Canada has no political representation. Only the illusion of democracy.

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c34c83  No.15649492



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faad82  No.15649493


>Kamala Harris, U.S. Troops Head to Europe to Face Down Putin on Russia-Ukraine

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris is traveling to Munich, Germany, on Thursday to attend an annual gathering of security leaders and present a show of NATO unity amid the threat of an imminent Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Harris is leading the U.S. delegation to the Munich Security Conference "as a resounding signal that engagement with our Allies and partners is an absolutely critical part of our overall diplomacy in our approach to this situation," a senior administration official told reporters on a preview call on Wednesday.

The vice president will be discussing a "full range of issues" throughout the trip, the official said.

Harris' schedule during the trip will be "very intense," the official said, andwill involve a series of "high-stakes, high-level" diplomatic talks.

She will meet with NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg, and also attend a multilateral meeting with the leaders of the three so-called Baltic states—Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

"In both of these meetings, she will discuss the latest developments related to Russia's build-up on Ukraine's border, our work together on deterrence and diplomacy, our force posture and our readiness to further reinforce NATO Allies on the eastern flank," the official said. "And, of course, she will, as she always does,reaffirm our sacred commitment to NATO's Article 5commitment."

She will meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyyon the margins of the conference on Saturday after delivering a speech at the conference.

"That'll be a real opportunity to underscore our commitment to Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and to further coordinate the diplomatic efforts that have been underway to provide economic and defensive security assistance to Ukraine," an official said.

She is also expected to meet with Germany's Chancellor Olaf Scholzand other world leaders on Saturday.

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14a9e9  No.15649494


>Is it Canada?


And Watch the water is live streams.

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01f4c9  No.15649495

File: 98b02c4ce976c2b⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

SAM221 heading over the pond.

98-0002 is an Executive jet used mostly for transport of FLOTUS and the VP.

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ae5f1a  No.15649496

File: ff325992150d6d9⋯.jpeg (119.65 KB, 1170x480, 39:16, 9854BC70_36CA_4A56_B109_4….jpeg)

Got the axe for this, fuck them commies kek

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e48c1b  No.15649497

File: eecf400036ea840⋯.jpg (76 KB, 750x1146, 125:191, karma.jpg)


>Hillary Can No Longer Sue You if You Call Her a Witch

"It's for you"

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be9041  No.15649498

File: 65878a5e6c08c7c⋯.png (919.66 KB, 1397x786, 1397:786, SMOPSBA53_SM7.png)

File: 3b5a305c25b927d⋯.png (938.59 KB, 1397x786, 1397:786, SMOPSBA53_SM8.png)

File: a5401a388e1ec5f⋯.png (944.08 KB, 1397x786, 1397:786, SMOPSBA53_SM9.png)


She fucked around and she found out! I am so happy right now!

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81ec19  No.15649499


she wasn't the only one ousted. they removed 2 and one more resigned in protest. it's in last night's notables

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3ccf3a  No.15649500

File: 9bd9667ce187888⋯.png (580.76 KB, 883x492, 883:492, ClipboardImage.png)

dude is based

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20e474  No.15649501

File: 250f3e689b8d4a2⋯.jpg (973.92 KB, 1812x2004, 151:167, footballliveinsertion.JPG)

File: 305d3c79355810f⋯.jpg (304.59 KB, 1868x698, 934:349, firstsndtenvideoinsertion9….JPG)

File: 519835e5b8378c9⋯.jpg (1.1 MB, 1950x2250, 13:15, chineseolympicfakery.JPG)

>>15648543 pb

>>15648561 pb

>>15648549 pb

>>15648700 pb

>>15648497 pb

>>15648566 pb

foresight of William "pale horse" Cooper to the depopulation plot

>>15648627 pb

>>15648668 pb

>>15648673 pb

>>15648686 pb

>>15648497 pb

>>15648736 pb

>>15648743 pb

>>15648819 pb

>>15648819 pb

One cover-up leads to another.

One uncovering leads to more uncoverings.

Domino effect.


They are all of a piece.

And if qresearch anons feel the work of those who came before should be discarded and left aside as "NOT RELEVANT"

Then we will never crack the case of today

Just sayn'

The only people/ Bakers who ever gave all this one paltry "Notable" were the MuhJew Bakers who are disposed to report on this subject because of Jew Hate.

So much mainstream BS is pushed up to NOTABLE - and the real NOTABLE relevant today 100% is passed over.


MEDIA FAKERY is a massive topic when you're in a death match with the Fake News.

It's them or us.

We're supposed to defeat them

How can we do that when we are timid assholes and easily swayed by voices telling us what is accepted, what is relevant and what is "History / News" which has never been reported properly or widely

"Old News" is News AGAIN when the true story is never told.

One never knows what item of truth will be the trigger to get a normie to see through the veils.

TV FAKERY 9/11 should be pushed.

It was hated against and demeaned for a reason.

The hard work of those who came before shouldn't be swept aside.

>>15648841 pb

Here we are, after the event went down with zero public awareness penetration to the majority.

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5910ef  No.15649502

File: 7cf4c30397eec9e⋯.jpg (249.93 KB, 1920x1115, 384:223, BT_Kneel.jpg)


Patience is hard when love is strong…

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3e573b  No.15649503


>he's not looking to start a war

when else in history did this happen?

Globalists / Jews trying to force a war on a particular country…

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5d8cef  No.15649504

File: 227e7f13e5f6307⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1522x885, 1522:885, Trump_Save_America_Justice….PNG)

File: 5c24bf3428ec83f⋯.png (30.41 KB, 790x366, 395:183, Q_704_E.png)




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2187a3  No.15649505


>Canada is less than 1% Jewish - they just outed themselves.


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ae0843  No.15649506


^^ high iq post

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01f4c9  No.15649507

File: c020832b5ab4063⋯.png (22.05 KB, 778x210, 389:105, ClipboardImage.png)



>known for 5 hours…

>false flag

Yeah, aware. Just got online, catching up. Thought I'd note that two major news agencies calling it allegations, proving FF.

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14a9e9  No.15649508



Russia was always to play the bogeyman.

Read the UN Charter.

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c34c83  No.15649509

File: 78bedee193bdba5⋯.jpg (64.88 KB, 655x848, 655:848, Bars.jpg)


As if things weren't fucked up enough….send in cameltoe!

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9ad001  No.15649510

cia is good at 3 things.

Planting hh in afganistan

traffick kids

kill presidents

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d1ac4b  No.15649511

File: da3bc4df076973b⋯.png (69.69 KB, 600x466, 300:233, ClipboardImage.png)

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2dccb5  No.15649512

File: b1a7593e1f031c4⋯.jpg (96.24 KB, 601x415, 601:415, BoStoryII.jpg)

File: 8e80b2cdc510c0c⋯.jpg (64.44 KB, 500x697, 500:697, BoStoryIII.jpg)

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193823  No.15649513

File: bb655d83902eda6⋯.jpeg (373.56 KB, 2048x1396, 512:349, FLza3vtXEAYVyDG.jpeg)

File: 7b41ada6e1ba930⋯.png (674.57 KB, 720x1520, 9:19, Screenshot_20220217_101228.png)

File: 502b380c10a45f8⋯.gif (238.08 KB, 1000x1703, 1000:1703, 502b380c10a45f8b4136c31f54….gif)

File: f5db6501eba15d9⋯.jpg (254.71 KB, 698x720, 349:360, f5db6501eba15d900a3e97bb9e….jpg)

Big shift. Dayshift. Keep it positive.

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9e3f54  No.15649514

File: 79b5f9f5f548739⋯.jpg (257.95 KB, 491x992, 491:992, Benghazi1.jpg)

File: 7ffcc5cdb545ca7⋯.jpg (251.02 KB, 490x1006, 245:503, Benghazi2.jpg)

File: 8bb63a8d2a0d666⋯.jpg (235.88 KB, 487x1004, 487:1004, Benghazi3.jpg)

File: 1d6d40f336663a1⋯.jpg (242.27 KB, 479x1006, 479:1006, Benghazi4.jpg)

File: d3aaf6a313fa424⋯.jpg (223.56 KB, 478x966, 239:483, Benghazi5.jpg)

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faad82  No.15649515


>Kamala Harris, U.S. Troops Head to Europe to Face Down Putin on Russia-Ukraine

why is Kamala going to Europe?

she carries no influence at all.

She cannot do anything or take any action.

Why are they sending her?

it's not a good look because she is so weak.

But, I suppose Bidan is weaker than she is, so he sends her to make an appearance of seeming interested.

what is she really doing?

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6be882  No.15649516

File: 52020e44894f1e3⋯.png (486.17 KB, 703x524, 703:524, if_only_keks.png)

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909157  No.15649517

File: a1188bbd5db5f42⋯.png (39.25 KB, 841x453, 841:453, Screenshot_from_2022_02_17….png)

File: 27d519c479e0572⋯.png (83.49 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot_from_2022_02_17….png)

File: 79ac01b499b3350⋯.png (861.18 KB, 1298x692, 649:346, Screenshot_from_2022_02_17….png)

File: 5b9b674faf84b41⋯.png (117.79 KB, 550x756, 275:378, Screenshot_from_2022_02_17….png)

File: e097c8942b15ff5⋯.png (43.29 KB, 1195x399, 1195:399, Screenshot_from_2022_02_17….png)




Creating History together

The report from livemap seems to be sourced to some fag that's "Supported by Nato"

Charitable Fund for Competent Army Assistance. ⚡️We keep abreast of the most important security events. 📭office@savelife.in.ua


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e767fd  No.15649518

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tamara Lich - "I Am Not Afraid"

50,022 views Feb 17, 2022

A tearful Tamara Lich shares her thoughts on Wednesday (Feb. 16) night

at min. mark 13:18 she says that she may be going somewhere tomorrow where she will get 3 square meals a day … she is not afraid … she might get sleep…is she getting arrested?


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a9229b  No.15649519

File: d7384605a012996⋯.png (326.22 KB, 598x600, 299:300, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ecd0930f9b47586⋯.png (245.29 KB, 598x685, 598:685, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d479ae807916b73⋯.png (193.37 KB, 598x464, 299:232, ClipboardImage.png)

'You're treating us like Gaza': Furious Ukraine summons Israeli ambassador

Israeli envoy to Ukraine summoned for reprimand by Kyiv

Oy vey…


According to a source, Ukraine is upset by an Israeli report that the director-general of Israel's foreign ministry spoke with Russia's deputy FM about establishing humanitarian corridors for the safe exit of Israelis




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9e3f54  No.15649520

File: cac7f104627ae83⋯.jpg (250.81 KB, 479x1002, 479:1002, Benghazi6.jpg)

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9cbc0f  No.15649521

File: 5147a047790e2ac⋯.png (466.45 KB, 745x729, 745:729, Capture.PNG)

Shine some light on this - https://southfront.org/the-blackwater-is-in-donbass-with-the-azov-battalion/

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6be882  No.15649522

File: faa30a89bc9caa4⋯.png (185.36 KB, 391x360, 391:360, pepe_sweating2.png)


>what is she really doing?

Going to make sure that the dirt on the Bidens has been destroyed.

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584b21  No.15649523

File: 1c145ec1831e61c⋯.png (140.56 KB, 702x1106, 351:553, ClipboardImage.png)

I do believe that Durham's filing on Feb 11, 2022 must have flustered HRC, her handlers and the entire MSDNC fake news complex because it 'forced' them to PUBLICLY DENY they spied, and they 'knew' they had to publicly deny it. That's the thing.

And that's almost certainly why Durham filed what he did in the way he did at the time he did.

The cult couldn't admit they spied. That was out of the question.

So, Q/Durham knew that no matter what they filed, fake news would deny it.

So the real question became "What EXACTLY do we want HRC and fake news to publicly deny at this time?"

That was the trap.

So, Q/Durham disclosed in a small section of a court filing a statement to 'light a fire' and then wait for the conspirators' 'narrative' controllers to flush themselves into the open to deny it.

And deny it they did.

They can't admit they did it, they're 'forced' into denying actual reality more and more and more and more…

As this occurs, the People around the world are at the same time awakening on their own.

The whole dialectic control is 'flipping' the right way up again after centuries of noise.

The cult are THEMSELVES dismantling their own dialectic construct, as if they are being guided by a force transcending all humanity.

It would be too easy to point to 'DECLAS' as the proximate 'cause' for why this is habbening. But then Anon asks, how did it become possible for the world to even have the conditions to make DECLAS possible?

"Tech is entrenching on their controls" - Q

I do not need to question or presume to know Q's intention behind this statement, but to me this statement is perhaps the most historically and philosophically important.

I know by self-reflective logic/analysis that it is logically impossible for me to be able to PREDICT the state of my own future knowledge. I know this is a logical 'constraint' of my being because if I temporarily assumed I could predict my own future knowledge, then I would run into a contradiction, I would be assuming to have such future knowledge in my present current state. But the original thesis was that I could predict my FUTURE state of knowledge.

To me, the concept or phenomena of "knowledge" is another way of expressing the concept or phenomena of "Tech".

The entire foundation of Marxism and threads of philosophy which predated and postdated it are ALL dependent on the crucial assumption that a 'complete' vision of humanity is possible AND at the same time for that 'complete' vision to be 'consistent'.

This is a mathematical impossibility. It is mathematically impossible for any sufficiently complex system capable of outputting meaningful statements to be both complete and consistent.

Any extreme drive towards 'complete' domination over a species of billions who cannot predict their own future state of knowledge necessarily leads to exposure of internal contradictions (inconsistencies).

I see that happening every day in the fake news. What they claimed in the past is more and more opposite to what they are claiming now. And it's getting 'worse' because they are trying to force a 'complete' control over the narrative, over information.

'They' could never have predicted the Digital Revolution which has revealed to the world for the first time logical constraints and 'impossibilities' in EVERY 'formal system', be it daily output of dialectic division code that keeps the originators in ideological 'control', or any other 'formal system' seeking 'complete' dominance over information.

Tech is entrenching on their controls for the same reason unpredictable human outputs will forever make it impossible for there to be a 'complete' informational control over everyone.

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3f2db1  No.15649524


Apparently YOU are the one who is going to be disappointed, Andy. What a MORAN.

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d1ac4b  No.15649526

File: e1e97bb1bb59edb⋯.png (52.68 KB, 900x463, 900:463, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3d1a2ba341a87c1⋯.jpeg (40.7 KB, 640x357, 640:357, 30b1850fa158fc9d19bb79d87….jpeg)

File: 7d9085bdbd19166⋯.jpg (393.62 KB, 2000x1334, 1000:667, 7d9085bdbd191660e083bf4223….jpg)

File: 5eb3cf1cf552f80⋯.png (283.87 KB, 500x773, 500:773, f0005ad4d12ddb1dc306b6912b….png)

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2187a3  No.15649527



Rawlson King resigned at the beginning of the meeting. Then they voted to replace Diane Deans and Carol Ann Megan. Diane was voted out, but Carol Ann wasn't. At the very end of the meeting Carol Ann resigned in solidarity with the other two councillors.

boom boom boom

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9ad001  No.15649528


And My only POTUS, that I had while mature enough, cover up for them.

Fuck you, complicit Trump.

And your jew kids.

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d8b631  No.15649529


Getting Arrested for Peacefully Protesting for Freedom is the Right Hill to fight on

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81ec19  No.15649530


dunno man and the mbasic trick's not working for grabbing the vids. I was able to scrape this one with jdownloader.


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0a4d2d  No.15649531


She's less likely to crap herself than the other guy.

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9e3f54  No.15649532

File: e82eea5e7b5c3c1⋯.jpg (432.24 KB, 413x1000, 413:1000, DSC_0269.jpg)

File: 78ed80c41dc6100⋯.jpg (404.12 KB, 395x1000, 79:200, DSC_0269b.jpg)

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14a9e9  No.15649533


I seem to recall Polly warning us about her and she got shat on for it.

>Follow the money

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d1ac4b  No.15649534

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (front)

>Children's Defense Fund (Front)

>Podesta/Alefatis Pizzagate

>Dan Schneider/Pedowood

>Epstein Sex Island/Blackbook

>Pentagon Child Porn Servers

>Oakland County child murders

>Peter Scully Dark Web Child Torturer Live Streamer

>The Franklin Coverup/BoysTown Ring

>Drasius Kedys Pedo Ring

>Chilean Senator Pedo Ring

>North Fox Island Child Killing Ring

>Madeline McCann Disappearance

>Brooke Shields Child Actor

>Cardinal George Pell Vatican Ring

>Colonel Michael Aquino Pedo Cult

>G4S Security Human Trafficking

>Dyncorp Human Trafficking

>Dolphin Square Ring

>Planned Parenthood Organ Trafficking

>Jersey Island Child Killings

>Elm Guest House Ring

>UK Grooming Gang Police Cover up

>Clinton Hitlist

>Clinton Haiti Child Trafficking

>Joe Biden Child Groper

>McMartin Pre-schoolRing

>Presidio Military Daycare Ring

>Dutroux Affair Coverup

>Israeli Resort in Colombia tied to sex trafficking

>NXIVM Sex Cult

>Pennsylvania 300+ Priests Pedo Ring

>Sandusky Pedo Ring

>Roman Polanski Scandal

>Jared Fogle "Subway" Pedo Ring

>MJ Scandal

>Savile Scandal

>Oprah's School For Girls Abuse

>JonBenet Photographer Child Abuse Arrest

>The Finders Cult

>Tuam Church Child Mass Grave

>Lanarkshire Orphanage Child Mass Grave

>Dozier School for Boys Child Mass Grave

>Nancy Schaefer CPS Assassination

>Andrew Breitbart Podesta Assassination

>Boko Haram Girls Michelle Obama

>FBI Ted Gunderson exposes child trafficking

>Muslim Child Training Camp Cover up

>Portugal Elite Sex Ring

>Brazil Celebrity Spirit Healer Pedo Ring

>Tucson/Cemex Trafficking Camp

>Italy Foster Care Pedo Ring

>Norway Pedo Ring Bust

>Hampstead, UK, cover up

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81ec19  No.15649535


thanks for the explanation.

Now tell me who they were in the context of freedom

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3f2db1  No.15649536


She is very good at putting her face down, but I don't think Vlad is impressed. In fact, betcha he can't stop grinning.

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33ef84  No.15649537

File: 3127ebbd62a2bc0⋯.png (10.44 KB, 500x438, 250:219, hiltroid.png)

Things are headed towards a Monday May 30th HRC takedown. Date fagging, yes, but if pig can be optimistic then so can I.

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d3e301  No.15649538


962 is a big fat 17.

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9e3f54  No.15649539

File: 8456397d641acef⋯.jpg (292.23 KB, 815x975, 163:195, capture_077_27032019_18111….jpg)

File: 83b98049e8fd346⋯.jpg (339.04 KB, 762x953, 762:953, capture_078_27032019_18120….jpg)

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2187a3  No.15649541


no idea, listening to those meetings is such a huge waste of time, it's clear why they can't get anything done

paper pushers

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76edce  No.15649542




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9b9838  No.15649543


Interesting soccer balls

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41a00a  No.15649544

File: acb0e99f012618b⋯.png (113.34 KB, 488x393, 488:393, 00087d35b0_promo.png)


>Bred is Ghost

a cup of dayshift


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01f4c9  No.15649545

File: b1672212ee7f0ce⋯.png (2.08 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 638052c3237836b⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1350x916, 675:458, ClipboardImage.png)

Antonov An-26 troop mover and (BLUE)

"airborne operating room" airborne over Kyiv, Ukraine.01BLUEOperator Ukraine Ministry of Emergency

The Antonov An-26 (NATO reporting name: Curl) is a twin-engined turboprop civilian and military transport aircraft, designed and produced in the Soviet Union from 1969 to 1986.

An-26 Vitauk

(Life) A single mobile operating room, surgery and intensive care unit ('25 Blue', c/n5406), for the Ukrainian Air Force.

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33bfd2  No.15649546


>And you're going back to the 1950s… and old-school law and order.

Trust the plan.

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76edce  No.15649547


dafuck, how, wtf? HS!!!


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6be882  No.15649548

File: d5dd049a9b5b557⋯.png (702.78 KB, 1071x910, 153:130, datefag.png)

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3f2db1  No.15649549


Me too. At "some" point, the bitch will die.

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d6ab4d  No.15649550


Cheks out as a high IQ post.

All these positive vibes this morning.

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2187a3  No.15649551

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Holocaust Drone Footage

The camera moves toward the name of the monument which is inscribed on a large rectangular slab of concrete: National Holocaust Monument. The sun glints behind the sign. The camera rises over the top of the monument; then we see stairs leading up to a terrace. The camera now pans right and we see a mural of a barbed-wire fence of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest of the Nazi killing centres. The camera then moves to the largest mural, which depicts an abandoned rail bed in Treblinka that was used to transport Jews to the killing centre.

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9cbc0f  No.15649552

File: c551e0c39a4904f⋯.jpeg (110.29 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, pJKywOUxFPG1sXhypZFu_17_d….jpeg)

Nice try Trudeau. But it will not work.

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9cbc0f  No.15649553

File: 996966a4ab67a9e⋯.jpeg (48.33 KB, 680x628, 170:157, vJHNMeHXMd9IrliPZkDZ_17_f….jpeg)

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b5a0d0  No.15649554

File: 6b6bd85c2d9b2a5⋯.png (442.91 KB, 504x540, 14:15, 327BF621_B6FE_43C6_9ACC_B9….png)

File: d10951f3e5601f8⋯.png (246.15 KB, 452x416, 113:104, 3D3A7FC7_CEC2_4350_A2C7_59….png)

File: b2a3996c7438c7b⋯.jpeg (97.95 KB, 580x530, 58:53, 27D2DAE2_CF6C_438F_A542_F….jpeg)

File: 0bdbddb175af564⋯.png (566.87 KB, 600x554, 300:277, D8FC00EF_9431_4C55_8476_A3….png)

File: 3c4c5e7f3a74b3d⋯.jpeg (16.69 KB, 314x161, 314:161, 4B21EBAD_4456_4191_98D3_C….jpeg)

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d434ed  No.15649555


The God particle within us all.

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9ad001  No.15649556


You pretend to be friend w/ John JR.


How about this kind of friends?!?!?!

We need anemies anymore?

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b345aa  No.15649557

File: 159f33fc9826c6c⋯.jpg (47.27 KB, 235x267, 235:267, 15509853812.jpg)

File: dec4c065e7665f5⋯.jpg (64.86 KB, 602x520, 301:260, ouch.jpg)

File: 3b111d526f7c11c⋯.mp4 (228.76 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, w57VCqm55d92_uq9.mp4)

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a9229b  No.15649558

File: 0d0da2fc0e52032⋯.jpg (33.74 KB, 720x710, 72:71, FD_L0HbWYAMWm63.jpg)

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6be882  No.15649559

File: caec238387b13f4⋯.png (310.95 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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5d8cef  No.15649560



Whose side is EP on?

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76edce  No.15649561


so what ur basically saying is God is whithin all of us.

i can live with that

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01f4c9  No.15649562

File: ee0ac4d83077245⋯.png (3.07 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


RAF RC-135W Rivet Joint airborne over Ukraine, within 100 miles of Kyiv.

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7ad35d  No.15649563

File: aa47d86ebb614d8⋯.jpg (89.51 KB, 538x599, 538:599, FlZYrXFi2v0.jpg)


>I think the ruskies will just take half of Ukraine

Great thinking. No doubt you must be military, or maybe even driving one of those famous think tanks?

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81ec19  No.15649564





so you knew all that but don't know which ones are libs?

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82d79d  No.15649565

File: 35d2cd476d7b59c⋯.png (299.19 KB, 502x455, 502:455, hilldog.png)

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c1d9cf  No.15649566

File: 0b26e857bb66fc9⋯.png (548.75 KB, 1352x970, 676:485, ClipboardImage.png)

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859658  No.15649567

File: d6b941e9496fdae⋯.png (781.35 KB, 959x537, 959:537, Angel.png)



The Q drops are the map.

We have it all and we are learning how to read the map.


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c1d9cf  No.15649568

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The most popular TV show in the USA anons.

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2187a3  No.15649569



Design team: Lord Cultural Resources (cultural planners), Daniel Libeskind (architect), Edward Burtynsky (artist-photographer), Claude Cormier (landscape architect) and Doris Bergen (Holocaust scholar).




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33fd51  No.15649570

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d6ab4d  No.15649571


Imagine the paperwork.

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d434ed  No.15649573


God is in the rocks, the grass, the "us". We are connected to all things somehow and God is what I'm putting my faith in. Glad we agree anon. God bless.

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69b27b  No.15649574

File: 469f0e115a9f987⋯.png (60.74 KB, 727x374, 727:374, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8bc2a3efcf6b157⋯.png (275.84 KB, 306x540, 17:30, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 138b4018db0f129⋯.png (702.54 KB, 634x484, 317:242, ClipboardImage.png)


Mahfouz Marei Mubarak bin Mahfouz


Bin Mahfouz has been one of the most prolific donors to the prince’s charities and even has a forest named after him, the Mahfouz Wood at the 15th-century Castle of Mey, formerly the Queen Mother’s home and now one of the prince’s Scottish residences.


The castle’s trust had been running at a deficit for three years until 2013, when it received £1,167,321 but only spent £885,239. Last year The Mail on Sunday revealed how the castle was being rented out at £50,000 for a long weekend.

The Queen Mother first visited what was then Barrogill Castle in 1952, while mourning her husband, King George VI. She bought the most northerly castle on the British mainland, restoring it and creating beautiful walled gardens.

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76edce  No.15649575



>>15648807, >>15649364 GiveSendGo Hacker Identified (Lives in Durham)


>>15648887, >>15649023 Happy Q Day y'all

>>15648922, >>15648935 Ukraine Claiming Russia is Shelling

>>15648931 Bob Saget: What happened in room 962?

>>15648953 Moar lb notables

>>15648979 Liberia: Adoption Or Child Trafficking

>>15649066, >>15649223 Houston Health Department Raided By Feds

>>15649086 Chase cancels Canadian customers' credit card debts

>>15649088 Alec Baldwin is 'blaming others' for Halyna Hutchins' death


>>15649137 White House "Scheduled" Events for Today,

>>15649144 Russia has expelled Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy Mark Gorman.

>>15649192 The Great Lou Dobbs – Firebrand with Matt Gaetz

>>15649189 Fauci looking weird

>>15649232 Not sure this was already posted. Anon Maps out - "Plumbers"

>>15649256 ClockFag clocks in on the 16th and 17th

>>15649268 Coaches at Midland Christian School arrested for failure to report sexual assault

>>15649270 Biden just stated he now believes Russia will invade Ukraine in a matter of days (#MustKeepFearAlive)

>>15649307 Anon Suggest to start handing out Red Pill Covid fliers

>>15649361 Catturd made it to [TruthSocial] Beta testing!!

>>15649373 Secretary Blinken to Deliver Remarks at the UN Security Council

>>15649480 Kamala Harris, U.S. Troops Head to Europe to Face Down Putin on Russia-Ukraine

>>15649545 PF - Antonov An-26 troop mover and (BLUE)

>>15649521 Anon calls for - Shine some light on this Blackwater/Azov Battalion


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81ec19  No.15649577

File: 665dc4993433e89⋯.jpg (305.03 KB, 1200x801, 400:267, thank_you_planefags.jpg)

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3f2db1  No.15649578


100% wrong. No invasion, no war, can't believe anyone here goes along with the dark side warmongers. Have you even looked at the data? Are you aware that Zelensky repeatedly says there is no prob and no Russkie buildup, and is openly MOCKING the warmongers?

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6be882  No.15649579

File: aef510173d773ea⋯.png (371.03 KB, 667x374, 667:374, ClipboardImage.png)

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a9229b  No.15649581

File: 5656e130dcf775b⋯.png (294.34 KB, 438x329, 438:329, ClipboardImage.png)

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a653db  No.15649583


One of those Tolerant, Loving people on the Left that we are always hearing about?

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2187a3  No.15649585


I lurk and I know things.

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4de6bf  No.15649586

File: 18a9fcf4be51aa0⋯.jpeg (546.26 KB, 1241x2077, 1241:2077, F122A315_4628_48CA_B45E_F….jpeg)


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ba1718  No.15649587


I know soldiers mark graves by sticking a rifle muzzle first into the ground, never realized they did the same with tanks.

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9e3f54  No.15649589

File: 2a8ce8aaf1085f9⋯.jpg (376.72 KB, 1088x915, 1088:915, In_hoc_signo_vinces2.jpg)

File: e212006712151d7⋯.jpg (614.54 KB, 1659x578, 1659:578, In_hoc_signo_vinces1.jpg)

File: 6dc5682fd96999f⋯.jpg (425.9 KB, 435x1000, 87:200, DSC_0289.jpg)

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3e573b  No.15649591

File: 1a04fa73f3edbf7⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1845x922, 1845:922, ClipboardImage.png)


exactly him and Putin are trolling the world and it's hilarious

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a653db  No.15649592


I wonder if he had these same words for Antifa/BLM.

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584b21  No.15649593



If ANY formal system, be it a radical left narrative, or any other narrative, is to be presented as or thought to be 'complete', it is a mathematical necessity that the system output a set of contradictory 'theorems', or statements, or if thens.

Completeness requires Inconsistency, and Consistency requires Incompleteness.

The Satanic Cult has a choice. Either:

1. Their ideological system is consistent, they are not outputting contradictory statements, AND their system must be an INCOMPLETE description of the human condition; OR

2. Their ideological system is a complete vision that omits nothing, AND their system must be INCONSISTENT description of the human condition.

They can't have both.

To me it looks like they are choosing 2. more and more. They are asserting a 'complete' narrative more and more, and as a result are outputting more and more contradictory/inconsistent narratives.

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d3e301  No.15649594

File: 005e7b2fd748917⋯.png (90.43 KB, 486x274, 243:137, ClipboardImage.png)


Nice Delta

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d434ed  No.15649596

File: e083cfc6628af3c⋯.jpg (14.58 KB, 255x255, 1:1, d4b0bfec201f188c0971b587a6….jpg)


I kekked out loud at your response.

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556dad  No.15649597

File: a06b96209630e7d⋯.jpg (104.35 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, ZomboMeme_15022022115809.jpg)

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859658  No.15649598

File: 1f1d306490ce7ba⋯.jpg (21.44 KB, 255x254, 255:254, HB_armorofgod2.jpg)

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62bea1  No.15649599

Trump Media & Trump Group CEO

Devin Nunes discusses Durham report and TRUTH social.

Buy DWAC while you still can.


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2187a3  No.15649600

File: 39f80b71826cf91⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1280x855, 256:171, ClipboardImage.png)



While much of Libeskind's work has been well-received, it has also been the subject of often severe criticism. Critics often describe Libeskind's work as deconstructivist. Critics charge that it reflects a limited architectural vocabulary of jagged edges, sharp angles and tortured geometries, that can fall into cliche, and that it ignores location and context. In 2008 Los Angeles Times critic Christopher Hawthorne wrote: "Anyone looking for signs that Daniel Libeskind's work might deepen profoundly over time, or shift in some surprising direction, has mostly been doing so in vain." In 2006, in the New York Times Nicolai Ouroussoff stated: "his worst buildings, like a 2002 war museum in England suggesting the shards of a fractured globe, can seem like a caricature of his own aesthetic." In the UK magazine Building Design, Owen Hatherley wrote of Libeskind's students' union for London Metropolitan University: "All of its vaulting, aggressive gestures were designed to 'put London Met on the map', and to give an image of fearless modernity with, however, little of consequence." William JR Curtis in Architectural Review called his Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre "a pile-up of Libeskindian clichés without sense, form or meaning" and wrote that his Hyundai Development Corporation Headquarters delivered "a trite and noisy corporate message".

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76edce  No.15649601



Q Research General #19788: HAPPY Q DAY, PATRIOTS Edition




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b5a0d0  No.15649602

File: e8b4a1d44faf097⋯.jpeg (30.83 KB, 400x400, 1:1, E4D55E63_9114_481B_8D8B_6….jpeg)


> think tanks


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81ec19  No.15649603

File: 40ff89aab16ebaf⋯.mp4 (110.15 KB, 216x324, 2:3, i_doubt_it.mp4)

3 busses left the infinity center empty

Citizen Journalists are walking up to the windows filming with their phones and cops inside are taking pictures of them.

This shit's kinda funny.

Pat king thinks they're showing up there and then waking everyone up has something to do with them calling off whatever they were going to do. I dunno about that. Still have mad respect for this man.

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9bc34d  No.15649604


And as the buffoonish traitors posing in DC announce that by God, if there is no invasion, it was because of the firmly magnificent stance of Great Leader Bidan. The mind reels at the falsity and perversity of the world at this moment. Big change coming.

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33fd51  No.15649605


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9cbc0f  No.15649606

File: b516c25b7f2f883⋯.jpeg (80.35 KB, 473x338, 473:338, z5Av4sTGSyytgFR8skGV_17_a….jpeg)

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9e3f54  No.15649608

File: efdf4eb8a61a872⋯.jpg (153.17 KB, 714x403, 714:403, capture_038_16022022_17060….jpg)

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e48c1b  No.15649609

File: c5eaf84baa702d9⋯.jpg (56.11 KB, 463x353, 463:353, joefridayrock.jpg)

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76edce  No.15649610

File: e4350efef8960fb⋯.jpg (66.12 KB, 896x468, 224:117, e4350efef8960fbebc1a2bdf23….jpg)

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c2ed0c  No.15649611


Really all they have to do is go in and man what media is calling The Front Line separating Donbas from Central and western Ukraine. Remember all those impeachment witnesses with Schiff who said they went to the front lines. Russians do that, they don't have to fire a shot.

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a9229b  No.15649612

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>to be blunt

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b66c84  No.15649614

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

OTTAWA RED CROSS emergency orders 1,000s of military MREs (Meals Ready to Eat)for delivery TODAY Thursday 2/17/2022 (no later than 2 PM)paying over 100% mark up


Protester detention? RCMP Law Enforcement reinforcements?

Ottowa Winter Storm WARNING TODAY

AM 1090 FM 97.2 KTGO Radio



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a653db  No.15649615

File: 8ab5a325cb0b1cb⋯.png (80.37 KB, 600x282, 100:47, ClipboardImage.png)

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9e3f54  No.15649616

File: bb6f0d9aaa2c2b9⋯.jpg (202.22 KB, 710x397, 710:397, capture_035_16022022_17041….jpg)

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6ba2f4  No.15649617

File: d86c90309a456ee⋯.png (21.01 KB, 394x504, 197:252, Q1279.png)



Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 3c7fe2 No.1203338📁

Apr 26 2018 21:01:50 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 1a6ee7 No.1203096📁

Apr 26 2018 20:50:10 (EST)


Q -

Thank you for arriving. Frustration is very high.

Can Marshalls physically remove texts, tapes, etc.???


We have it all.

The right people have the information.

GOOD people are acting on the information.

Think GOOG.

Think ES departure.

Think NK.

Many drafts.

Many shared users [foreign & domestic].

Variable access.


Fake emails.

Game forum comms.

New intel revealed today.

Gmail comms.



Define Evergreen.

When do you call a plumber?

Ongoing investigations require…..

Q [auth478-24zgP]

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0396cb  No.15649619

File: 8c54867700daa4f⋯.gif (979.8 KB, 535x200, 107:40, blunts44.gif)

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01f4c9  No.15649620

File: 60be4972b73a904⋯.png (2.66 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8cbdc831d7da0ca⋯.png (2.92 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)



TUPLOEV Tu-154 executive jet that used to be operated by Russian Space agency airborne over moscow. This registration always points to an Open Skies aircraft, and…Chinese Tu-154MD electronic intelligence aircraft carry a large-size synthetic aperture radar (SAR) under their mainframe.

Meanwhile, RAF Rivet Joint loops back on its own course…

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52bc40  No.15649622

File: 719326dfb4808e6⋯.png (472.53 KB, 765x577, 765:577, schumer.png)


Why is Chuck Schumer, a citizen of Israel, a US Senator?

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6be882  No.15649623

File: aaa93c2e6d60a6c⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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a653db  No.15649624

File: 8ab5a325cb0b1cb⋯.png (80.37 KB, 600x282, 100:47, ClipboardImage.png)

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76edce  No.15649625


>When do you call a plumber?

Leaks everywhere and not a drip to drink


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6be882  No.15649626


Most clowns are.

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2187a3  No.15649627

File: 3eacd949d4eb5be⋯.mp4 (778.35 KB, 640x360, 16:9, BBC_admits_they_use_HIV_to….mp4)

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faac3d  No.15649628


Desperate Harridan

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76edce  No.15649629



Q Research General #19788: HAPPY Q DAY, PATRIOTS Edition





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0396cb  No.15649630


it'll buff out

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9f94f3  No.15649631

What does it mean for the banks that loaned the money for the Education Dept to forgive $415M in student debt? Do they get refunds from the schools or are they left holding the bag?


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3e573b  No.15649633

File: 0d5869891814856⋯.png (562.89 KB, 840x488, 105:61, ClipboardImage.png)

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62bea1  No.15649635

File: 4d583e485dadba8⋯.png (101.81 KB, 453x235, 453:235, 9a9a1d18d07bb4c5.png)

Phills good man

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3e573b  No.15649636

File: 9c9afe318fd6899⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1240x700, 62:35, ClipboardImage.png)

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d3e301  No.15649638

File: 18cba6f78e508ce⋯.png (456.13 KB, 896x482, 448:241, ClipboardImage.png)


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a9229b  No.15649639

File: 984c09b7a0ba3eb⋯.png (436.36 KB, 655x416, 655:416, Screenshot_2020_03_02_phil….png)

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9ad001  No.15649640



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