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0331cf  No.15177455[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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0caacd  No.15177460


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'God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.' -SwordAnon

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0caacd  No.15177462



>>15175956, >>15176023, >>15176291, >>15176312, >>15176351 CNN producer who worked with Chris Cuomo arrested for luring mother and 9-year-old daughter to his home to engage in 'unlawful sexual activity'

>>15175997 BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Documents Obtained by Judicial Watch Show Peter Daszak, EcoHealth and US Institutions Worked with China’s Military in Researching Coronaviruses

>>15176013, >>15176235 Daniel Scavino Jr. - Santa's Reindeer Problem / Rumble Video Christmas Music 2017

>>15176033, >>15176074 Biden Megadonor Scores $500 Million Federal Loan for Solar Company

>>15176073 Brazil: Hackers take down Ministry of Health website

>>15176114, >>15176135 Tor network: Russia blocks access to popular anonymous online service

>>15176125, >>15176465, >>15176484 See you in Sunrise, FL President Trump Statement / Tie to Drop 1543?

>>15176131 Seattle Non Profit Narrative Perspective in reporting

>>15176143, >>15176232 Leaked SoCal hospital records reveal huge, automated markups for healthcare

>>15176157 Kyle Rittenhouse permanently banned from all EA games/services

>>15176159 REMINDER: One Possible Reason Why Jussie Smollett Created His Hate Hoax Is Connected to Cory Booker, Kamala Harris and Others

>>15176196 Yahoo News Operation Whistle Pig: Inside the secret CBP unit with no rules that investigates Americans

>>15176419 Today in History

>>15176444 Thirty-six storms ravaged six states Friday night.

>>15176466 What to Know about Tornado Season in the South

>>15176515 Republican Lawmaker Calls Schiff 'The Jussie Smollett of Congress'

>>15176516 Reporter Millie Weaver’s Inside Look at The Sunrise Movement Opinion

>>15176527 Another Detail in the Amtrak Service Cut

>>15176609 Trump: Jussie Smollett a ‘Con Man’ — ‘Wanted to Try and Get Sympathy So He Could Have His Contract Renewed’

>>15176612 and now for the KEKS - “THIS IS BUILD BACK BETTER COUNTRY”

>>15176642 #19199

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0caacd  No.15177464


>>15175222, >>15175252, >>15175387, >>15175458, >>15175496 DEVELOPING TORNADO WATCH 🚨

>>15175126, >>15175157, >>15175179, >>15175229, >>15175444, >>15175488, >>15175669 SEARCH & RESCUE Mayfield KY, several dead

>>15175291, >>15175355, >>15175338 Just follow the 5G towers tornados in the matrix . Density of 5G and tornado attack.

>>15175311, >>15175324, >>15175372, >>15175630 WHAS11 Kentucky; Governor Beshear Speaking Live

>>15175560 At least 4 dead in Tennessee, Arkansas; major collapse at Amazon warehouse

>>15175599, >>15175610, >>15175713, >>15175674 Take the memes to the net!

>>15175807, >>15175823 DELTA GRAPHIC ?? storm news from today?

>>15175034, >>15175167 Q3906 + Q3038 The new ship is about to set sail! Everything is about to change!

>>15175109 is there any way to link these two drops to learn the key to the map?

>>15175100, >>15175429 Anon wants to know where we're at, yo

>>15175102 Still unknown… 298,000 absentee ballots Georgia…

>>15175111, >>15175134 NY quietly passed concentration camp bill in April?

>>15175146, >>15175188 They want to patent our DNA so they can literally own us. But first they must manipulate it

>>15175169 Sus package at Wash. Sea-Tac Airport. mental crisis!

>>15175202 Almost like someone at Pfizer is aware and knowingly adjusting lethality of dose in a linear manner.

>>15175207 Australia fights bushfires in west, floods in east

>>15175365, >>15175366, >>15175368, >>15175371, >>15175373, 5 Experiments and Syndromes to Account for Mass Covid Trance Behavior

>>15175382 Navy commander fired because he refused to get VAXXX'd

>>15175452 UK Advisors want to extend the ‘plan B’ vaccine passport measure TO ANY PUBLIC PLACE amid surging Covid cases.

>>15175465, >>15175569 Hi @DrOz! Why is the DuPont Family of Delaware bankrolling your campaign?

>>15175469 PA Supreme Court rules that schools cannot force state's school children to remain masked

>>15175475 Crows Top-up Player Diagnosed With Heart Condition After COVID Jab

>>15175477 Employers in Germany can now terminate employees "on suspicion" of forged vaccine passports

>>15175481 Unvaxxed In Austria Could Be Imprisoned For A YEAR


>>15175490 The curious contract between Fauci’s NIAID, Moderna, and Dr. Baric. - full investigation

>>15175502 Wisconsin GOP county demands FULL investigation into WEC’s voting system

>>15175556 US Attorney Flaks for Embattled Soros DA Hours After Taking Office



>>15175677, >>15175639, >>15175612 *markers intensify*

>>15175785 Picture of Epstein and Ghislaine at the Queens Cabin.

>>15175862 #19198


>>15174462, >>15174701 WE GOT ACTIVE TORNADOS TN, KY, IL, AR - IDs: 4c0cd4 + TRACKING

>>15174336, >>15174343, >>15174346, >>15174390, >>15174445 TORNADO OUTBREAK! PERSISTENT FUNNEL FUCKERY ACTIVE

>>15174398, >>15174811 Evansville IL Amazon ware house collapsed, 20 dead, 100 or more people trapped inside!

>>15174431, >>15174831 Ontario want to turn citizens into QR codes via Vaxxx passport

>>15174447 Atomic Weather and Dead Sheep (DOENTSAtmospheric.pdf) relevent?

>>15174534 Soldiers, Families to reflect on Gander crash after 36 years

>>15174580 $3.1 million buys a lot of crack cocaine!


>>15174604, >>15174824 Unconstitutional for the state to delegate disease prevention powers to unelected health officials!


>>15174650 Officer who shot Ashli Babbitt during Capitol riot breaks silence: 'I saved countless lives'

>>15174723 We got an FBI training doc on obtaining data from secure messaging apps, and shared it w/ @AndyKroll/@RollingStone #FOIA

>>15174754 Kentucky Governor declares state of emergency, activates National Guard after widespread tornado damage

>>15174802 Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov cancels flight to Israel

>>15174850 TORNADO WARNING STILL ACTIVE: Elkton KY, Trenton KY, Daysville KY until 1:00 AM

>>15174873 CDC is going to be forced to admit the vax is not completely safe.

>>15174852, >>15174858 Woody down?

>>15174919 “They are killing us”: More flight attendants speak out about poisoned job uniforms jab injuries

>>15174963, >>15174972 Anyone here still use these maps?

>>15174989 Bowling Green Kentucky getting hit right now. TORNADO on ground.

>>15174993 Current radar!

>>15175003 #19197

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0caacd  No.15177465


>>15173543 Kentucky police arrest father for selling his juvenile daughter to another man for $8,000 after she got pregnant

>>15173554, >>15173590, >>15173600, >>15174097 Anons discuss: what did it say on that note passed to the Bush family?

>>15173556 Jimmy Page Pedophile

>>15173566, >>15173568, >>15173625 Washington State Gov Jay Inslee “Unvaccinated are domestic terrorists”

>>15173610, >>15173711, >>15173752 The Epstein "temple" looked an awful lot like a Turkish Bathhouse

>>15173656, >>15173917 If anyone needed any proof that FBI is behind/a BIG part of pushing "Defund the Police" bullshit.

>>15173692, >>15173895, >>15173947 Pizza delivery

>>15173725 Pittsburgh Firefighters Union’s Grievance Over City Vaccine Mandate Granted

>>15173729, >>15173734, >>15173738 How the PATRIOT ACT expanded the definition of terrorism to cover "domestic," as well as international terrorism

>>15173732, >>15173736 AstronomyFags: Moon to align with 3 planets on Friday evening

>>15173773, >>15173791, >>15173872 Tornado Outbreak in Central US - LIVE COVERAGE

>>15173803, >>15173824 SAM964 up out of Eglin, headed for JBA/legit planefag lessons

>>15173777 Domestic terrorism definition and some history

>>15173843, >>15173930, >>15173953 2 fatalities, another 5 seriously injured. At least 20 trapped - #Monette manor nursing home direct hit.

>>15173871 F35 MAYDAY from earlier today

>>15173965, >>15173935, >>15174008, >>15174098, >>15174146, >>15174178 Stormwatchers

>>15173969 Biden Signs Bill to Fast Track Debt Limit Increase

>>15173942 Everyone in the media is covering up sex trafficking and human slavery

>>15173850 Malik Obama Tweets "KEK!"

>>15174101 Bar Owner Who Defied COVID Orders Sentenced To 90 Days In Jail

>>15174162, >>15174173 Tornado hits Amazon Warehouse; possibly 100 people trapped inside

>>15174171 Tornado warning for Kentucky as well this evening

>>15174205 #19196


>>15172822 Pennsylvania Supreme Court Overthrows Mask Mandates in State’s Public Schools

>>15172825 Pentagon Actively Discussing Requiring Covid Booster Shots For all Troops

>>15172858 Bidenflation: November Saw Biggest Jump Ever in Restaurant Prices, Fast Food Up Record 7.9%

>>15172873 Deafening Silence: Top Democrats Hush as Left-Wing Kellogg’s Company Set to Replace American Union Workers

>>15172916, >>15173498, >>15173508, >>15173517 PEDO BUN 10 December 21

>>15172926 Jussie Smollett Is The Death Knell In The ‘Racist Trump Supporters’ Myth

>>15172947 Prosecutors Make First Move to Break Up Antifa Cell as 11 Activists Charged With Violence

>>15172954 Amtrak says it could cut service over vaccination mandate

>>15172970 Andrew Cuomo’s top aide and Chris Cuomo planned to discredit Fox News’ Janice Dean over Covid criticism, sources say

>>15172975 24 Indicted in Georgia Case That Feds Call Modern-Day Slavery With Over 100 Migrants Freed

>>15173015 Mexican kidnap-for-ransom ring that operated in Southern California is indicted

>>15173024 Pharmaceutical Industry, Untouchable, Interlaced within the highest classifications

>>15173034 Michigan District Hit With Two Lawsuits Over School Shooting

>>15173116 Canadian COVID Hotel Detainee Fights With Healthcare Workers For Release After Days Of Forced Quarantine

>>15173177 Biden keeping 2,500 troops in Iraq

>>15173212 US Sets 1-Week Deadline To See If Iran Talks Advance As Israel Pushes Military Option: Report

>>15173301 I’d say Trump is going to run again,” Hillary said

>>15173310 Excess Mortality Among Children After Vaccine Rollout

>>15173326 Epstein’s infamous “black book” to be viewed by Maxwell jury

>>15173334 Pence saying that China didn't like Hollywood saying that "the virus" in World War Z came from China.

>>15173351 Biden's personnel chief leaves powerful WH post

>>15173372 Massive explosions rock Palestinian refugee camp

>>15173374 Former Senator David Perdue Sues Fulton County for "Absentee Ballots…Scanned Multiple Times"

>>15173418 UN Chief Accepts Invitation To Beijing Winter Olympics Despite Diplomatic Boycotts

>>15173435 Oklahoma Guard Leader Tells Vaccine Refusers to Prepare for "Career Ending Federal Action"


>>15173634 #19195

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0caacd  No.15177466

Previously Collected

>>15171844 #19193, >>15173581 #19194

>>15169546 #19190, >>15170350 #19191, >>15171096 #19192

>>15167764 #19187, >>15168033 #19188, >>15168786 #19189

>>15164836 #19184, >>15165597 #19185, >>15166370 #19186

>>15163155 #19181, >>15163095 #19182, >>15164047 #19183

>>15162404 #19178, >>15162410 #19179, >>15162504 #19180

>>15158381 #19175, >>15158631 #19176, >>15162034 #19177

>>15155507 #19172, >>15156257 #19173, >>15157033 #19174

>>15153222 #19169, >>15154192 #19170, >>15154715 #19171

>>15150858 #19166, >>15151617 #19167, >>15152459 #19168

>>15148521 #19163, >>15149313 #19164, >>15150071 #19165

>>15146150 #19160, >>15146944 #19161, >>15148156 #19162

>>15144006 #19157, >>15144589 #19158, >>15145299 #19159

>>15142436 #19154, >>15142495 #19155, >>15142977 #19156

>>15138704 #19151, >>15139697 #19152, >>15140466 #19153

>>15137447 #19148, >>15137209 #19149, >>15137948 #19150

>>15133202 #19145, >>15133980 #19146, >>15134916 #19147

>>15131683 #19142, >>15132437 #19143, >>15133198 #19144

>>15132922 #19139, >>15130132 #19140, >>15130852 #19141

>>15126946 #19136, >>15127727 #19137, >>15128523 #19138

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0caacd  No.15177468

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* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

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0caacd  No.15177469

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*Complete Apprentice baking instructions https://controlc.com/0cf78628

*Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

TOR IMAGE: Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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0caacd  No.15177472



https://www.uncensoredstorm.com/maxwell (Daily Transcripts/Pics/Evidence)




https://www.uncensoredstorm.com/maxwell1, https://www.uncensoredstorm.com/maxwell2, https://www.uncensoredstorm.com/maxwell3, https://www.uncensoredstorm.com/maxwell4, https://www.uncensoredstorm.com/maxwell5, https://www.uncensoredstorm.com/maxwell6, https://www.uncensoredstorm.com/maxwell7, https://uncensoredstorm.com/maxwell8






https://twitter.com/KlasfeldReports (LIVE AT COURT)

https://twitter.com/innercitypress (LIVE AT COURT)

https://twitter.com/NiermanJoe (LIVE AT COURT)






https://twitter.com/TrackerTrial (SUSPENDED)








Epstein Stories You Won't Find On the News: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Vc-uysS6Tlw/

Robert Maxwell Control of Scientific Publishing: https://www.bitchute.com/video/NHex-kecZGk/

Epstein and the Mad Scientists: https://www.bitchute.com/video/C5iYJqxRJPY/

Epstein and Other Monsters at Dalton School: https://www.bitchute.com/video/ytca6q0EY2M/

Cruise Through the Epstein Swamp: https://www.bitchute.com/video/zmvzjkfmEPU/

Portland Epstein Harvard connections: https://www.bitchute.com/video/KoVPrFlNGFQ/

Epstein Enemy Emerges? https://www.bitchute.com/video/1vzmrlw7Gjo/

Family Business https://unlimitedhangout.com/2020/07/investigative-series/the-maxwell-family-business-espionage/

Maxwell and Israel https://unlimitedhangout.com/2020/07/investigative-reports/isabel-maxwell-israels-back-door-into-silicon-valley/


How Glob@lists are e-Managing Us: http://www.lookingglassnews.org/viewstory.php?storyid=7135

Library of Congress Report feat. C. Maxwell, 1989: https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED345703.pdf

1994 SysAdmin magazine Unipress / Commtouch ProntoMail: http://mkweb.bcgsc.ca/intranet/sapj/html/v03/i04/products.htm

VIDEO: ChiliAd sales: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIRL5VHSFkk

DNC Hack Crowdstrike: https://dailycaller.com/2017/11/02/dws-perkins-coie-may-have-engaged-crowdstrike-instead-of-fbi-without-consulting-dnc-officers/

CYREN / CommTouch history & updates: https://www.revolvy.com/page/CYREN?cr=1

VIDEO World Economic Forum, Post Human: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpW9JcWxKq0

Social Media tool of C-A, CBS: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/social-media-is-a-tool-of-the-cia-seriously/

Dept of Energy working with Santa Fe Inst, https://www.osti.gov/biblio/41287

Contact Your AG: https://operationjointhesuit.com/index.html

Moar: https://controlc.com/aa41c34e

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2de21e  No.15177474

File: 1e6409fb8b690d4⋯.jpg (427.28 KB, 974x804, 487:402, Screenshot_20211204_185945….jpg)


>Emergency Edition



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0caacd  No.15177475

File: 86c0a1bc1eaf319⋯.png (933.02 KB, 1000x552, 125:69, 2e51d30d56e24071bba9969efe….png)



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cffdb7  No.15177476

File: c8430e63e99f400⋯.png (17.16 KB, 220x157, 220:157, ClipboardImage.png)

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2de21e  No.15177478

File: 1059654248afe43⋯.jpg (21.09 KB, 855x684, 5:4, FB_IMG_1639254144635.jpg)

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1e4966  No.15177480

File: f09c83fc9e973da⋯.png (642.4 KB, 1317x802, 1317:802, ClipboardImage.png)

Can I better myself without becoming a fed faggot?

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ee87bb  No.15177482

File: e00d2bc5c52590c⋯.jpg (332.59 KB, 729x1846, 729:1846, Obviously_Lied.jpg)

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c962a2  No.15177484

File: fcb59ae52a835ed⋯.jpg (65.44 KB, 749x484, 749:484, 3ssznxddn.jpg)

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0cb137  No.15177485

File: 84320828b5c5ece⋯.jpg (26.32 KB, 474x266, 237:133, Spartan.jpg)

Hey from Sparta.

If you need help, we are 300 that can fuck "81 mil".

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79a8e8  No.15177486

File: 3eef81f9c5da256⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1095x615, 73:41, ClipboardImage.png)

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8bfd32  No.15177487


Well done ebaker o7

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aae029  No.15177488

File: 75812b67c90ce91⋯.png (250.81 KB, 750x400, 15:8, ClipboardImage.png)

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ce98b2  No.15177491

File: 1f38ef5fc7ed41b⋯.png (22.84 KB, 400x206, 200:103, dole.png)

Ty b

here's a giant DoleHole

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9802b4  No.15177492

File: 5fecff96160dd42⋯.png (86.99 KB, 425x285, 85:57, thank_you.PNG)

Thank you to all the brave military men and women that have and continue today to fight for our freedoms. God Bless You All!

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1c3731  No.15177493

File: ddb610f9788f38d⋯.png (171.19 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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2f22aa  No.15177494

File: e8729080ef18d50⋯.jpg (47.77 KB, 700x460, 35:23, b3zTdEQ7r9.jpg)

File: 9209e197fba8a47⋯.jpg (52.24 KB, 791x454, 791:454, zAbbUvKX3F.jpg)

File: 513f6cd40c9361b⋯.jpg (56.98 KB, 756x454, 378:227, M41v0RQJFv.jpg)

File: 39867c16b17942a⋯.jpg (38.69 KB, 625x295, 125:59, 91wcZNlW0Z.jpg)

File: 22f503209c75c08⋯.jpg (32.66 KB, 688x418, 344:209, 9Vxteiwz1X.jpg)

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efa28e  No.15177495

File: 025805e658aaf5d⋯.jpg (174.11 KB, 546x900, 91:150, Islam_Pepe.jpg)

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2f22aa  No.15177496

File: 9b67afef707f0e8⋯.jpg (14.64 KB, 456x354, 76:59, EApIG9tf0Y.jpg)

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0cb137  No.15177497

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3983ef  No.15177498

File: 3add070c17ab3fa⋯.png (269.86 KB, 846x473, 846:473, byrne.png)

File: 97d9233ce260295⋯.png (265.5 KB, 820x458, 410:229, Screenshot_from_2021_12_11….png)


Patrick Byrne in this live reawaken tour

sounds like dropping MOABs


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b028eb  No.15177499

File: 80cdd43bdb1b0fe⋯.mp4 (396.74 KB, 640x358, 320:179, O_qF1BSVgDA9zSSp.mp4)

Jack Posobiec Flag of United States


Now we know why Chris Cuomo didn’t want us to read the Wikileaks drops


1:36 PM · Dec 11, 2021·Twitter for iPhone

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ce98b2  No.15177500

File: d3eb02629df26ac⋯.jpg (13.16 KB, 300x198, 50:33, jussiemich2_copy.jpg)


How many times did Jussie make an Obama sandwich

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1c3731  No.15177503

File: 95a4a9c06337413⋯.png (170.9 KB, 1073x1834, 1073:1834, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1550cd145b6d1c1⋯.png (248.91 KB, 1080x1833, 360:611, ClipboardImage.png)

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aae029  No.15177504

File: 5905ef03cb9b128⋯.png (187.16 KB, 535x693, 535:693, Screenshot_2021_12_11_at_1….png)

Edward Snowden


CBP abused intelligence databases to trawl through the private lives of 15-20 American journalists in a manner that the Inspector General reported it to the Justice Department as a criminal conspiracy.

But the government refused to prosecute.


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b028eb  No.15177505

File: ca6ba6ea8668234⋯.jpeg (384.2 KB, 1241x1808, 1241:1808, 4A664C59_4B21_47F6_9CE9_A….jpeg)


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288c07  No.15177506

Thanks for the memes.

You know who you are.

More memes requested.

Fence sitters can be brought around now.

Let the future prove the past.

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88951e  No.15177507

File: 80c1c37293b8eab⋯.jpg (5.03 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20211211_160847.jpg)

Let's go Brandon

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2f22aa  No.15177508

File: 759c90648483316⋯.png (399.89 KB, 500x333, 500:333, ClipboardImage.png)


>How many times did Jussie make an Obama sandwich

Good question

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bb7bba  No.15177509

File: 047d52b9428e89c⋯.png (470.93 KB, 606x644, 303:322, Firefox_Screenshot_2021_12….png)

Maria Shagina

Her name rhymes with vagina. If that's her married name, I can't even imagine the husbands school life

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b028eb  No.15177510

File: 718ca1aa596c0bc⋯.jpeg (283.28 KB, 1241x1771, 1241:1771, 38C1935A_7C37_4E71_96C5_8….jpeg)

File: 813bf00d4c3e838⋯.jpeg (141.99 KB, 1284x1382, 642:691, E9438B2C_816D_4E2E_A1D1_1….jpeg)


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3983ef  No.15177511

File: 0f25a70671d4b93⋯.png (169.49 KB, 664x245, 664:245, Screenshot_from_2021_12_11….png)


caught it in the middle and it was some story.

gonna have to back and re watch

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3d9125  No.15177512

File: 1ce3286782fabaf⋯.png (2.75 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, HOGG_NUTS.png)

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ce98b2  No.15177514

File: ac9205720c94c84⋯.jpg (1.35 MB, 1653x1333, 1653:1333, michelledick.jpg)

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ebd963  No.15177517

Can the BV pin the videos thread?



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c962a2  No.15177519

File: f53648ee7818aba⋯.jpg (22.31 KB, 474x254, 237:127, lkjhgfdrffx.jpg)

PHILADELPHIA: "The 14-year-old son of an employee at Bold Pizza in Spring Garden shot a robber in the face on Thursday night. The incident happened at Bold Pizza near the corner of 15th and Spring Garden streets shortly before 10 p.m. A 33 year-old man entered the pizzeria and reached over the counter to take money from the register, but an employee behind the counter fought back. The suspect began strangling the victim. As the two struggled, the worker's son grabbed a gun from under the counter and shot the robber in the face. The perpetrator fled the store, but officers followed the trail of blood and found him and some cash at the nearby Spring Garden SEPTA station. He was transported to Jefferson Hospital in critical condition. Before the incident, at about 9:45 p.m., the suspect was one of a group of three that tried to rob the CVS at 490 North Broad Street."


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0cb137  No.15177520

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I love you, be ready.

You have to sing to me, when I'll come home.

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405867  No.15177522


BV needs to become Catholic

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ee87bb  No.15177523

File: d5097b9ddbdca93⋯.jpg (899.56 KB, 1010x1904, 505:952, Oscar_reeeeeeee.jpg)

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e12b03  No.15177524

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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830a85  No.15177525

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Gov. Beshear to Hold Briefing on Storm Damage in Bowling Green 12.11.2021


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e12b03  No.15177527

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e12b03  No.15177528

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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830a85  No.15177530

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4:15 PM ET

President Biden Delivers Remarks on Severe Weather Across Central U.S.

Wilmington, DE


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e12b03  No.15177533

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e12b03  No.15177536

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ce98b2  No.15177539

File: 3f136041b7be532⋯.jpg (40.61 KB, 350x272, 175:136, cryaurelius.jpg)

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830a85  No.15177541

File: e36f00a038ee45d⋯.jpg (85.76 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, ArmorOfGod.jpg)

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ce98b2  No.15177543

File: dee665d54bf0ace⋯.jpeg (43.56 KB, 480x494, 240:247, lovem.jpeg)


My God that is beautiful

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473fc0  No.15177544

>>15176771 (PB)


This vid was done back in April but a few of us here, including myself, need some proofs that it's still fucking on. It's still fucking on anons.

Hold the line.


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e12b03  No.15177548

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b3e0b2  No.15177550


no, you're not allowed

it's mandatory for you to hate being white

you have to have a nigger fuck your white daughters

you've got to have a faggot and a wetback on each nut

and you have to let the kike rob you of your labor

all while sitting on your ass as the government labels you a terrorist

that's the new definition of patriot

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9802b4  No.15177551

File: dbf862e215e68d4⋯.png (653.19 KB, 1233x625, 1233:625, Screen_Shot_12_11_21_at_04….PNG)

Great Job Governor Abbott! Governor Cooper of NC….will you be offering any help against the vaccine mandates for those that live in your state?

Texas sets up hotline for employees to report COVID vaccine mandates in the workplace


Cayla Harris


Austin Bureau

Dec. 9, 2021


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1b2ca0  No.15177553



To each his own, I say. I happen to like chubby broads’ thighs, capiche?

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1c3731  No.15177554

File: 46d2147f996eb1f⋯.png (68.78 KB, 1524x290, 762:145, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 60ef7827c448412⋯.png (78.74 KB, 1829x281, 1829:281, ClipboardImage.png)

MK victim advice.

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801005  No.15177557

>>15177404 lb

Doesn't seem so dumb to me to have an employable skill rather than a ton of debt and jobless.

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e12b03  No.15177558

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1b2ca0  No.15177559

File: c424c159c4e9e58⋯.png (76.59 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, ClipboardImage.png)

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0c4737  No.15177560

File: e9c80d3e25e67a6⋯.png (910.95 KB, 1141x878, 1141:878, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f93ce747a0c46e7⋯.png (2.58 MB, 1560x972, 130:81, ClipboardImage.png)

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e12b03  No.15177561

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ce98b2  No.15177562

File: 4f685df2f647a31⋯.jpeg (45.17 KB, 640x528, 40:33, holdthee.jpeg)

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0cb137  No.15177563

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I know a tarded traitor called joe, but ppl call him brandon.

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79a8e8  No.15177564

File: 9c8213442a1184a⋯.webm (3.42 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Pompeo_WikiLeaks_Hostile_….webm)

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1c3731  No.15177565

File: 3cc8d0552fc18de⋯.png (194.7 KB, 1440x810, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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0cb137  No.15177566

File: 44bcc192b795271⋯.mp4 (1.29 MB, 480x640, 3:4, Lets_go_Brandon.mp4)

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95e3b9  No.15177567


The Knack - My Sharona



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1c3731  No.15177568

File: f7bec0ee5173ddd⋯.png (347.72 KB, 1452x752, 363:188, ClipboardImage.png)

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350f7f  No.15177569

File: 7ac9229085296ac⋯.jpeg (19.85 KB, 255x216, 85:72, 72e9f86e3c051285136a4d1e9….jpeg)

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3d9125  No.15177570

File: 35a61dd2e5ac2e5⋯.jpg (151.26 KB, 806x1252, 403:626, 43772_NB_MNB.jpg)

File: f0519dac8f071c5⋯.jpg (271.43 KB, 994x2183, 994:2183, 43772.jpg)

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c962a2  No.15177571

Reporter brings up 'climate change'

Mr. Biden: The specific impact on these specific storms, I can't say at this point. I'm going to be asking the EPA and others to take a look at that.

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6c5f30  No.15177572

File: e0cc011d162d932⋯.jpg (1.25 MB, 2500x3333, 2500:3333, BeBestDec.jpg)

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b44560  No.15177573

File: 5d7d59917529b0a⋯.jpeg (516.65 KB, 1280x1075, 256:215, Harvesting_children.jpeg)


ty butcher, baker and candlestick maker

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04a205  No.15177574

Here’s that anons link on Rumble

Law of war series

His mapping of Qposts to the law of war manual is impressive


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984e03  No.15177575

File: 3cff3c9ead46fa0⋯.png (203.41 KB, 516x390, 86:65, image_2021_12_11_132253.png)

That ass is trying to blame 'climate change' for the tornados, He's speaking right now or better yet he's lying right now.

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1c3731  No.15177576

File: 875efa88efe64ca⋯.png (605.77 KB, 630x420, 3:2, A01D0078_149670461_2422591….png)

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3d9125  No.15177577

File: ea54b7858df063b⋯.png (329.35 KB, 438x256, 219:128, BIDAN_PIPEHITTER.png)

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98509e  No.15177578

File: 80c6545bd80b6cd⋯.png (155.9 KB, 509x745, 509:745, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15177538 lb (me)

How it's done. Some of y'all need to step up your meme game, kek.

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127ea9  No.15177579


Why does BV need to become a Satan worshipper?

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0cb137  No.15177580


After this years, you don't know to emb?

Lurk moar.

No soup for you.

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1c3731  No.15177581

File: 807ea52a9b69734⋯.png (117.36 KB, 1252x560, 313:140, ClipboardImage.png)

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5f2781  No.15177582

Anon doesn’t punch tickets but it’s a sad day when David Dorn seems like he got a gift. God, hope You have him in Your embrace. This realm stinks right now.

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9c9d0a  No.15177583

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>15177297 lb

Interesting read from anon on perspective of Things Going On You Don't Know

Good read on replies too

Any other anon agree

Notable that shit

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98509e  No.15177584


Our spidey senses told us it was engineered.

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350f7f  No.15177585

File: 111c6140e55817b⋯.png (759.96 KB, 1208x1176, 151:147, Screen_Shot_2021_12_11_at_….png)

Manchester United defender Victor Lindelof taken off in match with Norwich after pointing to his chest in worrying scenes.

MORE - Manager Ralf Rangnick said after the game: "He was struggling to breathe and had pains on his chest. They did all the tests and he seems to be OK."


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0cb137  No.15177586


b/c cocksuckers

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76154d  No.15177587

File: 29c40fa39e92927⋯.png (616 KB, 883x582, 883:582, 0476912908645689.png)

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e9e65d  No.15177588

CNN Staffer Charged with Enticing Women and Their Underage Daughters to Engage in Sexual Activity

By Rudy TakalaDec 10th, 2021, 11:29 pm

A CNN employee was charged Friday on three counts that he used a facility of interstate commerce to abuse underage girls.

Officials said a grand jury in Vermont indicted 44-year-old Stamford, Connecticut resident John Griffin of attempting to entice the girls to engage in sexual activity. He appeared in New Haven federal court via Zoom, where Judge Robert Spector said he would file an order requesting his transfer to Connecticut.

“According to the indictment, from April to July of 2020, Griffin utilized the messaging applications Kik and Google Hangouts to communicate with people purporting to be parents of minor daughters, conveying to them, among other ideas, that a ‘woman is a woman regardless of her age,’ and that women should be sexually subservient and inferior to men,” according to a Justice Department statement on the case.

The indictment said he “attempted to entice two other children over the internet to engage in sexual activity.”

“We take the charges against Mr. Griffin incredibly seriously,” a CNN spokesperson said on Friday. “We only learned of his arrest this afternoon and have suspended him pending investigation.”

Griffin’s employment with CNN, which began in 2013, included work as a producer for Chris Cuomo and for senior political analyst John Avlon.


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3d9125  No.15177589

File: e89a3b47a8c01df⋯.png (925.05 KB, 960x945, 64:63, PPPepe_Troudeau.png)

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0cb137  No.15177590


Take the vaxx…..


every hour a booster, so we can rid of idiots, and this flat shit wake the fuck up already.

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350f7f  No.15177591

File: f672014eaac392a⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1206x948, 201:158, Screen_Shot_2021_12_11_at_….png)

Ghislaine Maxwell's mysterious hubby Scott Borgerson, once seduced by her power, now MIA


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5f2781  No.15177592


>spidey senses

Weird memory… anon used to be able to scale our childhood friends fences faster than spidey. We would play hide and seek in the dark in weekends. Could scale a 7’ fence in two seconds. Ballpark.

The stories being perpetrated are the worst ever

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1e4966  No.15177593

File: fcdd540ef30bdee⋯.png (4.95 MB, 2469x1602, 823:534, PFrange.png)


>all while sitting on your ass as the government labels you a terrorist

They should try a little harder to not literally look like feds.

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98509e  No.15177594

File: fefb0f12397ceb0⋯.png (505.2 KB, 738x488, 369:244, ClipboardImage.png)


Kek. Stolen and activated.

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cffdb7  No.15177595


he'd probably like that

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ee87bb  No.15177596

File: a2d7d5729de9d73⋯.jpg (398.67 KB, 1280x854, 640:427, Infiltration.jpg)

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7e682d  No.15177597



Lee Roy Jenkins


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1e4966  No.15177598

File: 0470ee69b9b1d2d⋯.png (397.86 KB, 750x654, 125:109, ClipboardImage.png)

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28cfb7  No.15177599

File: 404bd7963787cd0⋯.png (491.68 KB, 906x577, 906:577, ckt.png)


87 mph



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95e3b9  No.15177600

File: 12a091056ec23be⋯.png (190.18 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



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04d477  No.15177601


confirm z time

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44b6ec  No.15177602

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Ingersoll Lockwood update 12/11/21: Aliens Are Here Binary Code Sync


Dec 11, 2021

Spirit of Admetos

An example of how synchronicity may appear in real time. Part 2 needed for Ingersoll Lockwood website update to synthesize completed message. Contact movie entangled reference with Myk Hyn content, suggesting to take the UFO angle more seriously.

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0cb137  No.15177603



W/ u @, I'll not eat ever.

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e9e65d  No.15177604

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127ea9  No.15177605

Hell is a Pagan notion, adopted by the control freaks of the church to terrorize their flock into compliance with evil rules and rulers.

Sheol is simply the grave, where all humans go, equally.

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1b2ca0  No.15177606

File: 627bc4f228c49b9⋯.png (444.29 KB, 731x843, 731:843, ClipboardImage.png)

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b3e0b2  No.15177607


well even if they are, q said 99% are patriots so guess in the great spin cycle, those must be the 1%

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1723d2  No.15177608

File: fba749cba2cd92c⋯.jpeg (38.58 KB, 763x519, 763:519, 244bvu_1.jpeg)

Any nigga in here that can cutout Jacob Chansley….o7

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d4ea90  No.15177609

File: 474e6915c431845⋯.png (190.58 KB, 335x401, 335:401, ClipboardImage.png)

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5f2781  No.15177610


>planned in pubs

Maybe that’s why they took soicilizing easy with Rona? All connection and interaction? Wouldn’t want normies to find out too much. Beer isn’t good but we wouldn’t be here without it. Would love a decent pub right now. Anon doesn’t “plan” shit but used to spread the word about this place before. It’s too dangerous now. Just okay pool and talk about normie things

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830a85  No.15177611

File: a9042bae3ae8aaa⋯.jpg (182.28 KB, 800x1087, 800:1087, david_rockefeller.jpg)

File: a5372e15822c9a7⋯.jpg (64 KB, 400x315, 80:63, david_rockefeller_chou_en_….jpg)


borgerson reminds me of david rockefller

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98509e  No.15177612

File: b156c6e6463efd4⋯.png (63.53 KB, 517x207, 517:207, ClipboardImage.png)


Anons called it >>15176510 pb.

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e9e65d  No.15177613


HELL YES! Be glad when HAARP goes back to one "A" for an instrument, and exists no more.

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5f2781  No.15177614


Where is Helen Hunt when we need her?

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0cb137  No.15177615


This is emb?

Dude…. you're a fkin genius.

How 'bout a nice sleep w/ the dead?

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4bc4a8  No.15177616

File: a381528fd581bbc⋯.png (291.84 KB, 600x691, 600:691, ClipboardImage.png)

Lot's of comms from last year's Army/Navy game. Here is an Army tweet from today:


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830a85  No.15177617

File: 2437e6e68b9a592⋯.jpg (327.31 KB, 1367x1700, 1367:1700, Rembrandt_Christ_in_the_St….jpg)

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ee87bb  No.15177618

File: 4bb6af3f8c9b923⋯.png (135.46 KB, 606x412, 303:206, fba749cba2cd92c4bf546b4170….png)

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e9e65d  No.15177619


They had kids, we don't know about. But snakes they are,

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1c3731  No.15177620

File: 7b7e1d3d38c078f⋯.png (107.97 KB, 500x375, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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decf53  No.15177621

File: 40e02a667573727⋯.png (252.81 KB, 869x486, 869:486, ClimateChg.png)

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43ac66  No.15177622

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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bf0aa8  No.15177623

File: 024f59ddec7c58e⋯.png (3.88 MB, 2101x4336, 2101:4336, Caged_Bird_2021.png)

File: 5646755c56a4195⋯.png (15.46 KB, 853x140, 853:140, ClipboardImage.png)

Avalanche, Getting Harder to Deny, isn't it.

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80c816  No.15177624

File: 4bb6af3f8c9b923⋯.png (135.46 KB, 606x412, 303:206, fba749cba2cd92c4bf546b4170….png)


Remove Image Background https://www.remove.bg/

(its listed in Other Tools in every bread, anon…)

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efa28e  No.15177625

File: b55d6319bd15156⋯.png (261.51 KB, 763x519, 763:519, Cutout.png)

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1c3731  No.15177626

File: f883465d0264e05⋯.png (90.63 KB, 1174x368, 587:184, ClipboardImage.png)

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5f2781  No.15177627


Comms have accelerated at an unbelievable rate. The posts being made here are weirder than ever also. Was the shilling white hats all along? Anon’s smell test is beeping and don’t know what to make of it

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4d2747  No.15177628



sour dough lego army

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844c90  No.15177629

File: 46a7b4edbc522f5⋯.jpg (97.2 KB, 720x861, 240:287, FGMHsepWQAwA9Q9.jpg)


>Sorry ebaker

shittin' ebread is authorized

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2cb566  No.15177630


Another violation of the constitution to use HAARP on domestic states and citizens. How many more abuses of the citizenry before the fucking military does their job!

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1c3731  No.15177631

File: aad5fe4a8723e09⋯.png (428.77 KB, 831x468, 277:156, ClipboardImage.png)

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1e4966  No.15177632


>q said

>Disinformation is necessary

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ce98b2  No.15177633

File: f1d13ea570df455⋯.png (3.21 MB, 1763x998, 1763:998, haarp.png)

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bb7bba  No.15177634

File: 02ad2142baa0096⋯.png (192.89 KB, 603x616, 603:616, Firefox_Screenshot_2021_12….png)

'Fully weaponised' software bug poses a threat to Minecraft gamers and apps worldwide


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980780  No.15177635



>butcher, baker and candlestick maker

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy probably more appropriate here.

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy

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ce98b2  No.15177636

File: 25f1304e863e28e⋯.jpeg (274.78 KB, 598x535, 598:535, baked.jpeg)

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28cfb7  No.15177637

File: 1bad4dec9e24729⋯.jpg (44.25 KB, 639x634, 639:634, today.jpg)

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98819d  No.15177638

File: e0b85ed45f093ea⋯.pdf (180.35 KB, 18_USC_175.pdf)

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0caacd  No.15177639

early notables

>>15177504 Edward Snowden tweet on CBP abuse of intelligence databases

>>15177505 Pesobiec tweet: FBI shows whatsapp & iMessage deeply vulnerable to LEO searches

>>15177519 PHILADELPHIA: "The 14-year-old son of an employee at Bold Pizza in Spring Garden shot a robber in the face on Thursday night

>>15177525 Gov. Beshear to Hold Briefing on Storm Damage in Bowling Green

>>15177530 President Biden Delivers Remarks on Severe Weather Across Central U.S.

>>15177574 Law of war series, mapping of Qposts to the law of war manual

>>15177585 Another pro Soccer player having problems during game

>>15177591 Ghislaine Maxwell's mysterious hubby Scott Borgerson, once seduced by her power, now MIA

>>15177474, >>15177599 Are they TRYING FOR A TORNADO IN PENNSYLVANIA NOW?

>>15177616 Lot's of comms from last year's Army/Navy game. Here is an Army tweet from today

>>15177623 Avalanche, Getting Harder to Deny, isn't it.

>>15177634 "Fully weaponised' software bug poses a threat to Minecraft gamers and apps worldwide

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95e3b9  No.15177640



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ce98b2  No.15177641

File: 671f942769f1587⋯.jpg (212.62 KB, 851x571, 851:571, joedark.jpg)

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7b928b  No.15177642

Anybody have a live feed of Trump/o'Reilly rally??

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76978a  No.15177643

If you listen to Bidan's press conference, he keeps calling the storms a "hurricane". Kind of weird.

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015ca4  No.15177644

File: f3456b75e5d7547⋯.jpg (81.71 KB, 401x469, 401:469, f3456b75e5d75472ab04c11519….jpg)

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90e81f  No.15177645


i watched this live with my wife and kids

i didnt say anything at the time but knew what it was

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5f2781  No.15177646


>panic in DC

It’s extremely extremely hurtful normies have zero clue what real anons ponder each day. I hope they feel bad later for treating us so poorly. Anon doesn’t take shit from bullies too much. Being told one is crazy and Trump is the devil 24/7 isn’t the easiest “job”.

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78cdd7  No.15177647

Anybody here use Blender? I'm just starting to check it out. Pretty cool shit! Free.

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65fbb6  No.15177648

File: 7eca6dd401ba7d2⋯.png (235.2 KB, 864x686, 432:343, brother.png)


Oh Brother… Joe Biden Blames Q-Anon for Lack of Unity Behind his Historic Failures and Marxist Policy (VIDEO)

By Jim Hoft

Published December 11, 2021 at 2:30pm

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ab5584  No.15177649

Sen. Rubio announces bill to withhold funding from cities that allow noncitizens to vote

2 hours ago

NYC council voted to allow 800,000 legal noncitzens to vote in municipal elections

Sen. Marco Rubio says he's ready to tighten the belt on government funding for cities with voting noncitizens.

Republican Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida announced Friday that he will be introducing legislation to pull funds from any U.S. city that allows noncitizens to vote. The bill is a direct response to a Thursday decision from the New York City Council, who opened voting to their hundreds of thousands of residents without citizenship.

"No city which allows non-U.S. citizens to vote should receive U.S. government funds," Rubio said. "Next week I am going to file a bill to make that the law."

Moar: https://www.foxnews.com/us/sen-rubio-announces-bill-hold-cities-voting-noncitizens

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ce98b2  No.15177650

File: 3f7ec4c8950ec54⋯.jpg (158.9 KB, 658x518, 47:37, hillaryni.jpg)


The cheese is off the macaroni.

I repeat. The cheese is off the macaroni.

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c5723c  No.15177651


God’s work anon

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1723d2  No.15177652

File: 6fbd2c2fddf4474⋯.jpg (44.04 KB, 486x279, 54:31, 5xe8bd.jpg)

File: 92cc65df3d9c109⋯.jpg (54.42 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, downloadfile_4.jpg)






The media's Jill Biden and the real Jill.

Nobody treated Melania that good.

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473fc0  No.15177653

File: 4f140cec54baf3e⋯.png (30.87 KB, 255x136, 15:8, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15176771 (PB)


This vid was done back in April but a few of us here, including myself, need some proofs that it's still fucking on. It's still fucking on anons.

Hold the line.

o7 >>15177562

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ce98b2  No.15177654

File: d378f14f6d4fffc⋯.jpg (30.15 KB, 310x341, 10:11, wethepeople_2.jpg)

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28cfb7  No.15177655

File: 7673cea8861485e⋯.jpeg (89.98 KB, 1080x810, 4:3, 7673cea8861485e482acb209b….jpeg)

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e9e65d  No.15177656


Just a bit more detail-like arrested, suspended, and Chris Cuomo producer. You get the orig announcement STAR!

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33170a  No.15177657

Trump ancestry at 37mn40


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5f2781  No.15177658


Wish anon had the chance to serve the US military. Woulda been an honor. Not to fight in combat… perhaps some kind of chef or something.

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efa28e  No.15177659

File: 84feda816871ca0⋯.jpg (362.7 KB, 1040x666, 520:333, snowy.jpg)


Dubs check'd

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76be23  No.15177660

File: 69a6299007c3a1e⋯.jpg (216.95 KB, 1079x911, 1079:911, Screenshot_20211211_144427….jpg)

Ok so, I just lost one of my best friends today.

They went off the deep end on telling me how I'm not walking with the Lord. And I've joined a research cult. All because they started flipping out about the vaccines. So, I sent them the info on it.

Now I'm working for the world and not God.


Funny, not funny. So many people are deceived.

They are going in for their 3rd vaXXX prolly next week. Before their family Christmas trip.

Didn't the Lord say, "There must be a falling away first."the GREAT DELLUSION is definately NOT sympatico with the GREAT AWAKENING.

Yet it is simultaneous.

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844c90  No.15177661


>Jacob Chansley….o7


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1c3731  No.15177662

File: dba6f08df35c4d2⋯.png (74.84 KB, 610x464, 305:232, ClipboardImage.png)

When Aquinas was a student, the others thought him dull witted because he thought slowly and clearly. The other students used to torment him, and one day a student pointed out the window and said, "Hey Thomas, there's an Ox flying past the window."

St. Thomas looked.

Afterward they asked him why he looked out the window when he knew very well oxen could not fly.

Aquinas said, "Better an Ox should fly than a monk should fly." Which is why St Thomas is sometimes called "The Ox of God."

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08b72c  No.15177663

File: d46a6c45960d568⋯.jpg (33.96 KB, 750x759, 250:253, image0000001_19_.jpg)

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e9e65d  No.15177664


Both REAL Jill & Joe are butt ugly.

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4d2747  No.15177665



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1c3731  No.15177666


>Aquinas said, "Better an Ox should fly than a monk should fly. < LIE

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e9e65d  No.15177667


SUPER KEK! good one!

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e5946a  No.15177668

File: ec26c47661de62d⋯.jpg (419.89 KB, 600x474, 100:79, ec26c47661de62de1e4598dc48….jpg)

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22eb6d  No.15177669

File: a714966a706f9c0⋯.jpg (235.24 KB, 1023x684, 341:228, Min_Qetesh_Resheph.jpg)


It isQ

Who rides the back of the lion

Follow the wives!!!

Open your eyes

And see beyond the matrix

Light is beginning to shine

It will be a blinding light for many

Those who are prepared will see all

But many sheep are still lost

To keep them out of hospital

You need to speak up

To reassure your neighbors

The Best Is Yet To Come

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65fbb6  No.15177670

File: 8f4a1b3bc40c84a⋯.png (437.98 KB, 902x670, 451:335, tens_o.png)


Tens of thousands protest against compulsory Covid jabs in Austria

Crowds in Vienna demonstrate against mandatory vaccines and confinement orders for unvaccinated

Coronavirus – latest updates

See all our coronavirus coverage

People protest against coronavirus restrictions and the vaccine mandate in Vienna

An estimated 44,000 people attended the demonstration in Vienna on Saturday. Photograph: Lisi Niesner/Reuters

Agence France-Presse

Sat 11 Dec 2021 12.47 EST

Last modified on Sat 11 Dec 2021 13.01 EST

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ebd963  No.15177671


Melania doesn't need to be airbrushed to look gorgeous.

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830a85  No.15177672

File: 0c2d0733cf727c5⋯.jpg (107.35 KB, 600x773, 600:773, 535f35c421d037a3f984611a92….jpg)

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28cfb7  No.15177673

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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1723d2  No.15177674

File: 2d45abeeb07092a⋯.jpg (41.95 KB, 500x297, 500:297, ngh.jpg)

File: a5715af31af67d6⋯.jpg (43.28 KB, 500x287, 500:287, vcssy.jpg)

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b3e0b2  No.15177675

File: 0b6709459444d31⋯.png (204.02 KB, 500x372, 125:93, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dbe4379e40b021c⋯.png (25.67 KB, 620x328, 155:82, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7ac398049570b59⋯.png (15.31 KB, 620x179, 620:179, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a97c4c94818b460⋯.png (396.93 KB, 717x546, 239:182, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eaa6ca454e27fd7⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 679x1024, 679:1024, _.jpg)


yep, nice little convenient out to be applied to anything q has ever said in fact

white people are labeled the enemy by every leftist group and org out there and has been massively programmed into normalfaggot minds yet when someone finally stands up and says enough, even the right does the same

cuckold brainwashing on a global scale

thanks, cancel culture

thanks, frankfurt school

thanks, (((internationalists)))

thanks, woke mob

thanks, bankers

profit and money is the only thing that matters

that is now people's god

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7b928b  No.15177676

File: ab5e84a50a34b92⋯.png (1.13 MB, 633x888, 211:296, c15c7e15724037bbcd304a0b39….png)

File: f8c891b17c90a54⋯.png (415.42 KB, 836x621, 836:621, fff5c05667a69cbbaa470aee5e….png)


>Nobody treated Melania that good.

Except for us anon!

We love our REAL FLOTUS!!!

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ab5584  No.15177677

File: 29f9d4b35b2f1ab⋯.jpg (55.28 KB, 709x538, 709:538, Armour_of_God.jpg)

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65fbb6  No.15177678

File: ce540ea2e572acf⋯.png (249.81 KB, 598x600, 299:300, cli.png)


President Biden after deadly tornadoes rip through South, Midwest: "The fact is that we all know everything is more intense when the climate is warming.”


CBS News

4:47 PM · Dec 11, 2021·

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1c3731  No.15177679

File: b06bf0d4f7b529d⋯.png (347.44 KB, 615x428, 615:428, ClipboardImage.png)


is used in almost all surgeries in combination with anesthetics; midazolam is a benzodiazepine, like valium, but with an even more pronounced anti-anxiety effect, especially if administered IV by injection.

For this reason Versed(tm), the common name for midazolam, is administered to to death row inmates before execution - it is not, of itself, a good drug to kill or execute people or pedovore cultists with.

If the cult bought a lot of versed juice they may plan to treat a mass panic they cause, and create a substantial dependency in a portion of the population; a dependency tethering them to the state or institution controlling the supply.

Benzodiazepines are even harder to get off than opiates or alcohol. A detox from benzos can cause seizures unless longer (varies but usually about 40 days) withdrawal is properly managed.

Just as the cult used methadone to hook opiate addicts more deeply, they can use drugs like benzodiazepines (like versed, valium, Halcion, Librium etc.) SSRIs and other psychoactive chemicals/drugs to deepen NPC trances, heighten suggestibility and maintain social control.



If we ask "What are the most commonly prescribed drugs and how are they useful in mass social control programs?"

We can begin to see how the cult exerts control, both illicitly (contraband drugs) and licitly, providing medications to treat addiction, often creating a new, deeper dependence or addiction (methadone) and encouraging the patient to tolerate intolerable social conditions; such as the traffic in children, body parts, human sacrifice, pedophiles running daycares etc.

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b028eb  No.15177680


Yeah I thought jack was blowing that put pf proportion

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1723d2  No.15177681

File: 8f44ff7e8f5c6d4⋯.jpg (37.58 KB, 500x510, 50:51, NS_1_.jpg)




You anons are a faggots work…..

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ce98b2  No.15177682


60 percent of Americans say too many use religious reason to avoid vaccines: poll

BY LEXI LONAS - 12/10/21 06:50 PM EST



Jewish Rabbi Claims Killing Babies in Abortions is a “Religious Right”


Micaiah Bilger

| Feb 10, 2021 | 9:14PM |

Washington, DC


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481abe  No.15177683


The photo is Ursula von der Leyen.

War on the Rocks is drinking Scotch on the Rocks?

Ursula von der Leyen has been confirmed as the European commission’s first female president and the first German in the job for more than 50 years.

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309a0c  No.15177684


M was and is completely beautiful, inside and out!

Can’t say that about many people!

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28cfb7  No.15177685

File: 81cfe204f8ba7c9⋯.jpg (346.14 KB, 1680x2090, 168:209, 81cfe204f8ba7c984f64209b44….jpg)

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1c3731  No.15177686

File: da3bc4df076973b⋯.png (69.69 KB, 600x466, 300:233, ClipboardImage.png)

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98819d  No.15177687

File: 4581e986f6e59dc⋯.png (143.54 KB, 884x727, 884:727, 18_175.png)

Here is their crime 18 us code 175

All of them, pharma, gov, media

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33170a  No.15177688

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


—Trump at 37mn40, ancestry stuff, thanks, forgot to embed:)

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c4aaa8  No.15177689

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1723d2  No.15177690

File: b74254ed500f8fc⋯.jpg (51.69 KB, 500x292, 125:73, 5mmm.jpg)



Melania is drop dead gorgeous and I miss the real first lady…

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ce98b2  No.15177691

File: eb7839334c6de3f⋯.jpg (12.54 KB, 255x253, 255:253, knowingly.jpg)



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1c3731  No.15177692

File: dc244eedf9863b4⋯.png (1.98 MB, 960x960, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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8dc916  No.15177693

File: 40f1464172a5c1e⋯.png (197.74 KB, 534x480, 89:80, yourchoice_.png)

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ce98b2  No.15177694

File: ba0774bee3d98ff⋯.jpg (388.33 KB, 1610x724, 805:362, trumpstar.jpg)

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28cfb7  No.15177695

File: 3b755c7bb718825⋯.jpg (6.42 KB, 225x225, 1:1, aber.jpg)

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77f1ef  No.15177696


doctors and nurses and health care admins and bureaucratic agents be like "I didn't know it was a toxin"

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1c3731  No.15177697

File: ba982685244da7b⋯.png (136.43 KB, 810x583, 810:583, ClipboardImage.png)


Mark Thompson the NY T pedo is now CEO of ancestry dot com. Wonder what he's doing over there for the cult?

hiding some bloodline tracks? IDK

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79a8e8  No.15177698

File: 0a500f2e2f65a7a⋯.webm (958.58 KB, 720x720, 1:1, Pompeo_I_was_the_CIA_dire….webm)

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e5946a  No.15177699


16:56:33 5+6+3+3=17. That's a 16 17.

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cffdb7  No.15177700

File: c06bebb6fbfa51a⋯.png (4.56 MB, 1830x2274, 305:379, 391e93c2dd093ac13d3d1b0dd4….png)

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28cfb7  No.15177701

File: 488bcb61603765e⋯.jpg (25.16 KB, 400x400, 1:1, DJT.jpg)

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1c3731  No.15177702

File: 26d4e59df3e6e4b⋯.png (116.49 KB, 891x1200, 297:400, ClipboardImage.png)

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5f2781  No.15177703


anon can’t believe what the losers did to her. She is the most elegant FLOTIS of all time. 45 was perhaps the best POTUS of all time. Anons go through the same thing. Only shitty part is we don’t have $7 billion dollars in the bank and all their smarts to fight them back.

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397f82  No.15177704


An old favorite! Tis’ that time of the year again. Where is Anon with his Q trees all decorated for Christmas?

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350f7f  No.15177705

File: 4efc73d024c82da⋯.png (202.26 KB, 408x350, 204:175, 805c12b243fa260d49c3cdf0ad….png)

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6360ce  No.15177706

File: 8c52c6d434f5796⋯.jpeg (481.1 KB, 800x1135, 160:227, A13AA473_9E5C_47AB_BE46_4….jpeg)

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481abe  No.15177707


Of all the businesses in the world he had to be in maritime shipping.

CargoMetrics Founder and CEO Scott Borgerson Resigns

October 2, 2020

Scott Borgerson has resigned from his role as CEO of CargoMetrics, the shipping data analytics company he founded in 2010, gCaptain has learned.

Tradewinds News broke the story today that Borgerson stepped down due to intense media interest surrounding his rumored links with Jeffrey Epstein associate Ghislaine Maxwell.

Privately-held CargoMetrics has confirmed that Borgerson did in fact resign as CEO and from company’s board in late July to “ensure his presence would not become a distraction from the work he believes in so deeply,” the company said in a statement to gCaptain.

“At CargoMetrics, we continue to be innovative leaders in tracking and analyzing global seaborne trade, providing valuable, predictive insight to those in the shipping and financial markets,”


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127ea9  No.15177708


The "faith leaders" have had those who don't trust and obey the emporer and his priests, tortured, executed and condemned to hell as heretics for thousands of years. It's not his fault he's been terrorized into compliance. Generational trauma, spiritual abuse, and brainwashing are real, and tjose stuck in religious cults are creating new victims every day.

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1723d2  No.15177709

File: 14e1018c527c7f7⋯.jpg (59.91 KB, 500x626, 250:313, 14e1018c527c7f766f929c9e24….jpg)


The fake Q Shaman got 41 months in prison for trying to steal the spotlight by acting like he was Q's spiritual advisor.

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73a55d  No.15177710



Now “FAT” is beautiful?

Name 3 things you can’t do…

Jumping Jacks

Run a mile

Live past 42

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28cfb7  No.15177711

File: 2321a7f21978366⋯.jpg (36.91 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 2321a7f21978366db0e90e8ac9….jpg)

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0cb137  No.15177712


Not in the posture to do that, even if I was in that posture, I'll not……

I will do it, only if you'll be in pain, to save you for sufferings.

Or a criminal, that destroy things @.

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35fad7  No.15177713

File: 0214392ab374734⋯.jpeg (230.48 KB, 828x1023, 276:341, 59D70EA1_A554_4017_B1DD_D….jpeg)

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e5946a  No.15177714


17:01:29. 9-2=7.Thats another double 17.noice

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670d81  No.15177715


That faggot can go f himself. He’s blasted anons on several occasions.

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6deb08  No.15177716


Melania, hands down, is one of the most beautiful women in the world.

Jill is not.


It is just silly to compare two men or women with a 20 yr age difference. It makes no sense

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0caacd  No.15177717


for bread #19200


>Wet Surface Air Coolers, Chemtrails and NEXRAD

>>15176759 Snortable Vaccine?

>>15176791 Michelle Malkin discusses vax passports, big money and Mitre corp

>>15176801 CNN Staffer Charged With Sexual Abuse Of Young Girls

>>15176808 Project Veritas Gains a Win in Biden Daughter Diary Case as Judge Addresses FBI Actions

>>15176818 More lockdown party scandals about to hit Johnson

>>15176840 Spy chiefs who disclose secrets to media should face sanctions, watchdog says

>>15176839 What would you (Biden) say to the supporters of "QAnon"? They're scared of citizen driven research & journalism.

>>15176854 The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP)

>>15176872 The hypnotic power of newsprint

>>15176881 Former Mexican Cop Sent to U.S. Prison for Child Rape Captured on Video

>>15176891 HUGE COMMS (possibly)

>>15176899 Ky. Supreme Court confirms death of District Judge Brian Crick due to storms

>>15176902 Aussies Fighting Back!

>>15176907 NATO has REJECTED Russia’s demands over Ukraine

>>15176910 Civilians Could Serve on Military Tribunals

>>15176916 Proof: ALL of These Prominent Democrats Had a Hand in Pushing Smollett's Hoax?

>>15176923 RAF Lakenheath: US airman found dead just hours after going missing from Suffolk base

>>15176924 Congress Pushes $4.5 BILLION Aid for Ukraine, European Defense As Politicians Saber-Rattle over Russia

>>15176925 Trump/O'reilly tour 411

>>15176927 Dutch Army now training in Weert-Limburg to be used against its citizens

>>15176952 Update on Massachusetts Trial Court Officer Caught in Citizen Pedophile Sting


Gov. Hochul commits $2M to help Afghan refugees resettle in New York


>>15176966 Jan 6th related articles

>>15176979 Defense Min. Benny Gantz presents Iran attack timeline to US officials

>>15176984 UNODC report uncovers $1.7trn corruption, organised crime in global sports

>>15176987 Dangerous Media Push: 'Hardcore Vaccine Refuseniks' May Need To Be 'Deradicalized' Like 'Terrorists' And 'Punished'

>>15176998 LIGHT WILL OVERCOME darkness

>>15177007 FLOATING PALACE Ghislaine Maxwell’s billionaire ‘ex’ Ted Waitt’s 240ft superyacht with helicopter and gym docks in CA for cleaning

>>15177014 What lies ahead if warmongers aren't stopped

>>15177035 Doctor Warns Stillbirths Are Rampant Among Fully Vaccinated Mothers, Launches Investigation

>>15177044 Angolan Billionaire Isabel Dos Santos Hit With US Sanctions For 'significant Corruption'

>>15177049 Pfizer Finally Admits ‘Large Increase’ in COVID Jab Side Effects

>>15177072 Kentucky Gov. Beshear says overnight tornado death toll is "north of 70.”

>>15177077 Space Systems Command on Hack-a-SAT finals


>>15177097 Deepfake, still looks FAKE, video of Jacinda Ardern smoking crack

>>15177115 The Fonz is liquidating stuff

>>15177138 Pegasus Spyware Hits US State Department Employees; At Least Nine iPhones Hacked

>>15177144 Covid-19 could eventually be seasonal, scientists say because they think we are idiots

>>15177166 Check this out on cloud-seeding

>>15177169 Navy Destroyer #2 Officer Fired Over Refusal To Get Covid-19 Vax Or Tested

>>15177182 Penn Hills man accused in sextortion of teen

>>15177184 If you want to help the folks in Mayfield KY here are the most local entities to do so.

>>15177190 Italian bishop is forced to apologize after telling children 'Santa Claus does not exist'

>>15177197 Paedophile, 26, who posed as a 'sugar daddy' stockbroker to blackmail 2,000 women and children into sending him explicit selfie videos is jailed for 32 years

>>15177213 New York Mask Mandate Meets Resistance, Won’t Be Enforced in Several Counties

>>15177226 The Brazilian city of Itajai has offered Ivermectin as prophylaxis, Covid hospitalization and mortality rates were halved

>>15177239 Mayor Declares State of Emergency in Arizona City Rocked by Illegal Immigration

>>15177244 Citing Gerrymandering Lawsuits, North Carolina Supreme Court Delays Primaries

>>15177258 Nice COVID map

>>15177272 San Francisco Bans Ghost Guns

>>15177286 CNBC Realizes Something Massive Is Happening

>>15177317 Jeff Bezos ripped for celebrating space trip amid warehouse collapse, deservedly so

>>15177337 237,000 Without Power in Kentucky, Tennessee Following Catastrophic Tornadoes

>>15177338 Comet Leonard,the brightest of the year, is fading and acting strange

>>15177343 Biden Megadonor Scores $500 Million Federal Loan for Solar Company

>>15177365 Protesters in Vienna chant for freedom during a massive rally against the government's Covid mandates.

>>15177381 France protests 22 WEEKS STRAIGHT!!

>>15177406 DeSantis Proposes $8 Million in Budget to Relocate Illegal Immigrants to Delaware, Martha’s Vineyard

>>15177411 Massive crowd headed into FLA for Trump Live

>>15177428 Samburg, TN got blasted from this tornado

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46584e  No.15177718

File: 539c6965b9f85aa⋯.png (455.86 KB, 640x512, 5:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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ce98b2  No.15177719

File: 233d27a2c4bb1ad⋯.jpeg (274.93 KB, 640x480, 4:3, qfam.jpeg)

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1723d2  No.15177720

File: 56b7eee8b5e5df1⋯.jpg (61.83 KB, 500x625, 4:5, 56b7eee8b5e5df1aa5d1e6f9be….jpg)

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59e20e  No.15177721


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844c90  No.15177722

File: 5d26207b6b14c65⋯.png (649.57 KB, 750x795, 50:53, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a7c1da869c0518d⋯.png (574.52 KB, 750x714, 125:119, ClipboardImage.png)

Look what people Trump had to deal with.

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decf53  No.15177723

File: cdb122e739abc42⋯.png (499.28 KB, 545x368, 545:368, EBake.png)

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309a0c  No.15177724

File: 288f456729c6923⋯.jpeg (1.37 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 0AB62833_D25F_48B7_A207_5….jpeg)


That’s some BOLD moves!

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1c3731  No.15177725

File: 2d0d83495984d50⋯.png (34.42 KB, 279x279, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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a64efa  No.15177726

File: c8078ebc4a85b4f⋯.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1800x1800, 1:1, A9448665_E212_48F2_B960_2….jpeg)


full house chekt

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77f1ef  No.15177727


where is the sauce any faggots like that are in prison

how about a juicy small lay live web cam from his fucking prison cell

prolly no one who is a DS player every really does any time at all ever how would anyone ever know otherwise

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28cfb7  No.15177728

File: 3ad6840d0f3202c⋯.jpg (269.71 KB, 964x806, 482:403, 3ad6840d0f3202ce0b6e4ecc08….jpg)

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288c07  No.15177729

But what happens after now?


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7b633a  No.15177730

File: 1d3c207e98c72d4⋯.png (1009.13 KB, 750x1185, 50:79, ClipboardImage.png)

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844c90  No.15177731

File: 031f461f3685590⋯.png (291.86 KB, 800x800, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2bfd240895f1166⋯.png (635.33 KB, 1116x860, 279:215, ClipboardImage.png)

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5c1027  No.15177732


Ya gotta problem here


>Wet Surface Air Coolers, Chemtrails and NEXRAD

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1723d2  No.15177733

File: dde85bc69a929ed⋯.jpg (96.47 KB, 500x540, 25:27, The_Olden_Days.jpg)


Liberal pundits are claiming Jill is better looking and a far more superior woman.

Get informed anon.

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8a0a4c  No.15177734

File: b3d9e4d018d4b35⋯.png (983.57 KB, 749x417, 749:417, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8ae331f241098e9⋯.png (397.92 KB, 547x691, 547:691, ClipboardImage.png)

‘No to Vaccine Fascism’ – Tens of Thousands of Protesters March in Vienna to Stop Lockdowns and Covid Vaccine Mandates

Tens of thousands of Austrians protested in Vienna on Saturday to stop the lockdowns and Covid vaccine mandates.

According to police, 44,000 people were out on the streets protesting against Austria’s new Covid vaccine mandate.

Former Austrian Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg recently announced a nationwide lockdown for the unvaccinated.

According to Reuters, only 66% of Austria’s population is fully vaccinated against Covid.

The Austrian government also imposed hefty fines on the unvaccinated of 600 euros – which will increase to 3,600 euros (£3,070) every three months.

Many demonstrators held ‘no to vaccine Fascism’ signs as they gathered at Heldenpltaz to protest Covid tyranny.


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73a55d  No.15177735

There’s not 5_7’s in a deck!

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e4682d  No.15177736

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Assange Facing Extradition!US Gov DEMANDS YouTube Censorship! w/ Guest Glenn Greenwald!


The Jimmy Dore Show

916K subscribers


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7ddb20  No.15177737

File: 65a6756a8e13f1c⋯.png (208.17 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 09845728572395742038457475….png)



Go fuck yourself

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1c3731  No.15177738

File: ddd972f98d25fc4⋯.png (268.23 KB, 1292x744, 323:186, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dfe34cf307c8546⋯.png (413.71 KB, 1487x1048, 1487:1048, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7dce15b28698c17⋯.png (730.06 KB, 1523x1718, 1523:1718, ClipboardImage.png)

All pedovores and their media protectors will be delivered to Justice.

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0cb137  No.15177739

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22eb6d  No.15177740

File: 36771613f0d447b⋯.png (394.31 KB, 831x566, 831:566, Screen_Shot_2021_11_04_at_….png)


Was Hebrew invented?


In this paper, I present a straightforward secular (non-religious, non-theological) theory: the Hebrew in the Torah is an invented language, akin to Klingon or Elvish, that was designed to write the Torah. Under this theory, the letters, words, grammar, and key terms and phrases of the Biblical language were selected, co-determined, and creatively bootstrapped as a sort of language game. The invented language may have been designed, like Esperanto or Basic English, to include elements in common with known natural languages; nevertheless, the details and final form of the language were bespoke and under the control of a creative author. In the invented system, some anagrams were defined to mean related concepts; letters were assigned number values so words and phrases could “add up to” interesting numbers (“Gematria”); and the author planned a text that would include a density of word-games like pangrams (sentences that use all letters of the alphabet), lipograms (sections of the text that are missing one particular letter), and particular numbers of letters and words throughout. However, all signs of seemingly deliberate language games might instead merely be the result of cherry picking of interesting findings. In this paper, I present analysis and new approaches that might help distinguish whether the apparent language games in the Torah imply an intentional invented language or, instead, only result from over-analysis and were not intended by the author to be present in the text.

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76be23  No.15177741


Sad but true, I'm very disappointed in the Christian church right now. But that doesn't affect my personal relationship with our Lord.

Religion is a curse.

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28cfb7  No.15177742

File: de80cac6f3e0ae0⋯.png (418.17 KB, 588x795, 196:265, now.png)

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cffdb7  No.15177743


>Liberal pundits

Are retarded

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ee87bb  No.15177744

File: e7d5ffd9732eda6⋯.jpg (188.77 KB, 628x510, 314:255, Moar_Fries.jpg)

File: 5895bb43ad5b394⋯.png (247.18 KB, 412x350, 206:175, Small_Fries.png)

File: 50ac1239d732571⋯.jpg (194.66 KB, 642x518, 321:259, Fries.jpg)

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1c3731  No.15177745

File: 8f01e3019e5fde7⋯.png (41.93 KB, 626x585, 626:585, ClipboardImage.png)

The dark powers are guided and shaped by cultists’ rituals, nourished by them over millennia by blood sacrifice; the entities which result, while created by men, are “real.” They live in our imagination, that deeply mysterious part of the human mind which the Persians call the Mundus Imaginalis. Every great work of art, every scientific discovery every improvement or innovation is a gift of imagination. The imagination, the Mundus Imaginalis, is a real place, not a weak, literary metaphor, an actual space, capable of formal, mathematical definition, accessible to us, and to the deception from which we struggle to free ourselves.

Moloch, Ba’al and the rest of the Y-head demon brands are represented in 3-dimensional space by families of associated, interconnected symbols, sigils and glyphs. These symbols constitute the satanic “brands” – marketing identities which now surround us; advertising has conditioned us from infancy to view the branding and marketing of consumer goods as “normal.”

Recognizing occult elements and understanding how they insinuate themselves into consciousness to become unconsidered, automatic repetitive, conditioned or ritual behaviors is part of what the "Great Awakening" is about.

Repeated exposure to satanic symbols, sigils, images and glyphs embedded in advertising and entertainment media content activates corresponding influences within us.

Hypersexualized, materialist culture is not an accident; it is not the product of creative competition – it is the product of occult rituals, ceremonies and sacrifices engineered to produce the illusory materialist environment in which we are, many of us, confined.

Pedovore cultists openly promote satanic “art” rituals in media content targeting children on You Tube.

Ritual ceremonies are disguised as children’s activities, "art," theater, comedy or concerts.

25 million animals and more than 1 million human preborn infants are sacrificed every year in the US alone.

Hypno-sexual mind control components ancient runes, demonic sigils, talismans and glyphs perfuse engineered pop culture. News and “entertainment” media content is pumped full of embedded symbols, sounds and subliminal images related to SEX and DEATH. These overt and covert occult influences accumulate and their combined effect over decades has produced and sustained a selfish, shallow and violent materialist consciousness, a culture where satan runs commerce and where trans dimensional entities may more easily manifest the hierarchical, slave society of pedovore criminality they prefer.

The satanic cultists have expended much cleverness to channel and confine human consciousness. Constricted human consciousness, harassed and distracted with unnecessary, socially mandated tasks, economic slavery and engineered social conflict, has no time for the reflection that leads to psychospiritual growth.

We can awaken to the true nature of reality and to the powers of big G God inside us.

Satanic cultists can’t. All cultists can do is what they've always done, use drugs, sex, illusion and NLP mind tricks to create endless cycles of revenge and retribution.


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5f2781  No.15177746


Imagine the smell.

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8a0a4c  No.15177747

File: 50c4d3bd1202a52⋯.png (554.9 KB, 749x391, 749:391, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c96b79647642ae9⋯.png (222.17 KB, 836x268, 209:67, ClipboardImage.png)

Oh Brother… Joe Biden Blames Q-Anon for Lack of Unity Behind his Historic Failures and Marxist Policy

oe Biden joined Democrat activist Jimmy Fallon on Thursday night for a rare media interview.

Joe brought a set of note cards to help him out so he wouldn’t get lost.

During the staged discussion Bide commented on the Trump Republicans. Democrats hate that the majority of Republicans have turned against Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan and crazy Liz Cheney. The GOP was so much more manageable before Trump.

Biden is currently watching over the collapse of the Trump economy with record inflation rates. This follows Joe Biden’s horrific surrender in Afghanistan and arming of the Taliban. Up to 14,000 Americans were left behind and thousands are still stranded in the country with no support coming from the Biden regime.

Joe Biden: The truth is that before COVID hit, the Trump arm of the Republican party that seems to be the Republican party now did not even show up at the Kennedy Center… Bob Dole. We’re friends. We disagreed but we were friends. We used to have an awful lot of that relationship. And it still exists except that Republicans, the Q-Anon and the extreme elements of the Republican Party, what Donald Trump sort of keeps feeding the, uh, you know the Big Lie. It makes it awful hard. There’s an awful lot of Republicans in Congress who would agree with that.


GP showing they know there is no Qanon?

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1c3731  No.15177748

File: a8ccf4a0d97f2de⋯.png (505.67 KB, 726x591, 242:197, ClipboardImage.png)

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0caacd  No.15177749


all fixed

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9efc66  No.15177750

File: 787f8d1c353d515⋯.png (46.01 KB, 451x445, 451:445, first_pepe.png)

>>15177477 (pb/lb)

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5f2781  No.15177751


A, K, Q, J, 10, 9?

Depends which deck.

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ee87bb  No.15177752

File: e27e5145b3cf82b⋯.jpg (738.14 KB, 1012x1730, 506:865, Polish_20211119_004840351.jpg)

File: 5a7b931388df4a9⋯.jpg (140.99 KB, 372x500, 93:125, Integridy.jpg)

File: f171ca5dceff5c9⋯.png (662.07 KB, 713x1121, 713:1121, Psychotic_Bipolar_Socialis….png)

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288c07  No.15177753


Then bring on now.

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747a8b  No.15177754


Well, ANON, I prefaced this with what I thought and KNOW about Melania. So what if libs are saying that? Triggered much? We obviously know the truth. Acting just like a lib does nothing .

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80c816  No.15177755


Reminds me of what *I think* Terence McKenna had said. We are being drawn towards the Singularity, or the Attractor, or the Conscrescence or whatever you want to call it.

And we will see more and more of these "strange" coincidences in our everyday life. Meaningful connections will arise from what might appear to be pure random chance, but how can it be, and why does it keep happening more and more often?

Some people see them already, others are so blinded and stupid or so buried in denial of soemthing bigger than their own egotistical a small self-centered world that even though these "coincidences" happen often, they refuse to see them or acknowledge them consciously.

IDk. I like the idea of 'living in grace' as the best concept through which to understand what I have on occasion been experiencing.

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8429d5  No.15177756


Further proof the left can't meme.

Who the fuck came up with this one?

Sounds like some recent college Brainwashed

Quantico Graduated Faggot

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5e5a86  No.15177757

File: 2293c23d4bceb76⋯.jpg (25.79 KB, 530x313, 530:313, 325.jpg)


is this from yesterday?

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decf53  No.15177758

File: e504237c89354c0⋯.png (730.03 KB, 892x702, 446:351, Castle.png)

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28cfb7  No.15177759

File: ac94bc89118b540⋯.png (237.83 KB, 828x829, 828:829, keep_up.png)

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04d477  No.15177760

Flotus is on and active , let's see (who) will keep using trash language.

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22eb6d  No.15177761

File: d848c56d5ac1088⋯.png (506.34 KB, 684x1316, 171:329, Penadur_Welsh.png)


So, ask yourself this ..

If the PHOENICIANS invented Hebrew

As a constructed language

What language did these Chaldean magicians really speak?



Penadur is the Prince


gives orders to M

who gives orders to Q

who then enables JB aka 10 and 2

to succeed in his mission

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309a0c  No.15177762

File: 13f1283f6e7ed08⋯.jpeg (615.81 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 1C9F658B_5D02_4974_A755_1….jpeg)

File: 713c62b36604994⋯.jpeg (2.08 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 71CCC62F_8880_44F6_9FDB_E….jpeg)

Who’s feeling Lucky tonight?

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5f2781  No.15177763


>Then bring on now.

Definitely need it. Now more than ever. Time for “The Trump Card”. Anon wants to see the family win. Not much time left because of health/life/what we have been through

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59e20e  No.15177764


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90e81f  No.15177765

File: f5c73692c5d055c⋯.jpeg (6.8 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, B3C2B362_E7FA_4B25_AAF0_D….jpeg)

Anon watching the Army/Navy game?

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81a118  No.15177766

File: 92727da1b99c5c3⋯.png (566.31 KB, 678x610, 339:305, brezinski.png)

In the first 4 years POTUS was under a microscope…for his second 4 years he's operating under the radar. I whish we had more info on what he's really doing.

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5c1027  No.15177767

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03f9ad  No.15177768


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7b6cf0  No.15177769

File: 3530f9dde83a834⋯.jpg (73.18 KB, 500x666, 250:333, Devil_Jr.jpg)

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7b633a  No.15177770

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Name of the Worm

How to defeat concentration camps


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77f1ef  No.15177771

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830a85  No.15177772

File: 006747dfb3b943b⋯.gif (1.08 MB, 420x420, 1:1, warp_speed.gif)

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76be23  No.15177773


Let me guess, black on black crime.

Any more info?

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8f3e0c  No.15177774

File: 2a169da01e7971c⋯.png (652.75 KB, 640x622, 320:311, ClipboardImage.png)

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292293  No.15177775

How about an animated overlay of this? >>15175291

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0cb137  No.15177776

File: 59c12889e07dbb5⋯.jpg (161.31 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, _P_.jpg)

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dba54a  No.15177777

File: 0347b0ea63f55ff⋯.jpg (124.63 KB, 800x600, 4:3, STORM.jpg)

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efa28e  No.15177778

File: 5d2a765b806f5e9⋯.jpg (416.81 KB, 724x1007, 724:1007, Meme_Magic.jpg)


▲ ▲

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b3e0b2  No.15177779

File: e907b2d6dfec7a3⋯.png (911.65 KB, 614x718, 307:359, ClipboardImage.png)


smoothbrain who has never spent a single day on /pol/ alert

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5f2781  No.15177780


Data from The Goonies looked like he went on a wicked meth bender

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efa28e  No.15177781

File: bef7dbb82922d6d⋯.jpg (283.56 KB, 856x539, 856:539, AK.jpg)

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1723d2  No.15177782

File: 5a51a10a0cbb1bd⋯.jpg (62.14 KB, 686x456, 343:228, 5x9bp1_1.jpg)


Bastard you shit the hell up you knucklehead.

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78cdd7  No.15177783

File: f9172ccdcc08c20⋯.jpg (129.19 KB, 1024x466, 512:233, TheGreatestAmericanHeroOfA….jpg)

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81217e  No.15177784

File: 99dfb7ea764d84c⋯.jpg (67.6 KB, 610x409, 610:409, 5xeidj.jpg)

File: 46dbc2a9ce8c9f8⋯.jpg (71.12 KB, 622x401, 622:401, 5xefr6.jpg)

File: 43b0bbfafb455c1⋯.jpg (77.29 KB, 500x626, 250:313, 5xed1u.jpg)

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22eb6d  No.15177785

File: 98cfa4e77200510⋯.jpg (88.1 KB, 730x487, 730:487, israel_haram_al_sharif_tem….jpg)

File: 9519f08e5517798⋯.jpg (61.77 KB, 678x326, 339:163, TEMPLE_MOUNT.jpg)


And why is this mosque in Jerusalem so unlike the mosques in Muslim countries? Who really rules over Israel? Could it be the PHOENICIANS?

Who worships the sun god? Ra? Baal? Moloch? Horus? Who covers their temple with a golden dome of the sun?

Drop #133

Hard to swallow.

Important to progress.

Who are the puppet masters?

House of Saud (6+++) - $4 Trillion+

Rothschild (6++) - $2 Trillion+

Soros (6+) - $1 Trillion+

Focus on above (3).

Public wealth disclosures – False.

Many governments of the world feed the ‘Eye’.

Think slush funds (feeder).

Think war (feeder).

Think environmental pacts (feeder).

Triangle has (3) sides.

Eye of Providence.

Follow the bloodlines.

What is the keystone?

Does Satan exist?

Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist?

Who worships Satan?

What is a cult?

Epstein island.

What is a temple?

What occurs in a temple?


Why is the temple on top of a mountain?

How many levels might exist below?

What is the significance of the colors, design and symbol above the dome?

Why is this relevant?

Who are the puppet masters?

Have the puppet masters traveled to this island?

When? How often? Why?

“Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”


Everyone noticed the Epstein temple's similarity

To a bathhouse in Aleppo

At the base of a mountain

With a Temple/Mosque on top


What about the Temple Mount Mosque in Jerusalem

On a mount with room for many levels below

Underground levels known to have been built and now

Archeologists are findin tiles from King Herrod's Temple

Where the waste from construction was dumped

Look at that Golden Dome

And the Sun symbol on top

And the same blue/white design motif

But only the two layers visible here ABOVE.

Will we find that it is so BELOW too?

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830a85  No.15177786

File: b21efe3ca2db69f⋯.jpg (55.58 KB, 249x600, 83:200, pf.jpg)

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0caacd  No.15177787

File: 35b8f8db952ec57⋯.jpg (21.79 KB, 348x499, 348:499, 35b8f8db952ec57a3121e0c283….jpg)


Best President Ever!

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8f3e0c  No.15177788

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28cfb7  No.15177789

File: f406d72b85f692a⋯.jpeg (1.35 MB, 1495x1499, 1495:1499, 2A.jpeg)


>How to defeat concentration camps

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c962a2  No.15177790

File: e7293f39566c9ae⋯.jpg (84.17 KB, 888x486, 148:81, trumplovecountry.jpg)

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6360ce  No.15177791

File: 4143c2dfe720f70⋯.gif (824.32 KB, 448x274, 224:137, 37E15224_F640_4582_9902_56….gif)


Glorious digits 🇺🇸

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8429d5  No.15177792

File: a25c39b30d5c332⋯.png (128 KB, 687x907, 687:907, killq_full.png)


Is this the same POSO that bragged about killing Q?

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5c1027  No.15177793


Rollin' them 7s. chkt.

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7b6cf0  No.15177794

File: 6e1351fe89e80d4⋯.jpg (73.19 KB, 540x387, 60:43, 66_Sir_Terry_Pratchett_SGM.jpg)

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127ea9  No.15177795


Who gives a flying fuck? She's another human, just like the rest of us. Pedastalizing people is a fetish of serfs who wish to beg a king for a loaf of bread, not the behavior of free humans. I'm sure she's nice enough, but idolizing people as "royalty" is kinda disgusting.

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03f9ad  No.15177796


So now I have to jump through hoops with a VPN because some fuckhead BV permabanned my IP for a completely harmless nudist tyb post. Not porn, not CP, just young lasses on a nude beach in their natural state. I'm fucking steaming right now, and if I had that POS BV within hammer-swinging distance, I'd get myself in hot water might quick.

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81217e  No.15177797

File: 427b98683bfc9b7⋯.jpg (75.53 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 5v09jt.jpg)

File: bd7ddcc43773780⋯.jpg (61.69 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 5v06ka.jpg)

File: 5fcd2133c908263⋯.jpg (90.25 KB, 529x472, 529:472, 5v00mi.jpg)

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5f2781  No.15177798


Dan and 45 are probably laughing right now sniping those digits

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b3e0b2  No.15177799

File: 675c9fb299821ca⋯.png (286.91 KB, 1194x289, 1194:289, ClipboardImage.png)

revolutions were so hot back then

now it's hot pockets and convenience stores

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28cfb7  No.15177800

File: 94fd85acb8f5679⋯.jpg (168.71 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 7777777.jpg)

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8a0a4c  No.15177801

File: 6eb4afcac79def3⋯.png (316.04 KB, 500x300, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 621bd9e3f99a147⋯.png (383.44 KB, 850x701, 850:701, ClipboardImage.png)

Kellogg Plans To Permanently Replace 1,400 Striking Workers

Kellogg plans to permanently replace some 1,400 workers who have been striking since October, the company announced this week.

Kellogg and the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers, and Grain Millers International Union failed to reach a new contract agreement, leading to the planned change.

“We have made every effort to reach a fair agreement, including making six offers to the union throughout negotiations, all which have included wage and benefits increases for every employee. It appears the union created unrealistic expectations for our employees,” Chris Hood, president of Kellogg North America, said in a recent statement.

“The prolonged work stoppage has left us no choice but to hire permanent replacement employees in positions vacated by striking workers. These are great jobs and posting for permanent positions helps us find qualified people to fill them. While certainly not the result we had hoped for, we must take the necessary steps to ensure business continuity. We have an obligation to our customers and consumers to continue to provide the cereals that they know and love,” he added.

The strike started because of disputes over pay, benefits, and the prospect of more jobs being moved to Mexico. Workers are striking at factories in four states: Michigan, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee.

The union said workers “overwhelmingly voted to reject the tentative agreement” and that the strike would continue.


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747a8b  No.15177802


KMAO!!! oh my! frightening words! I'm quaking.

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8f3e0c  No.15177803

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6360ce  No.15177804


How’s the IRS holding up these days?

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81217e  No.15177805

File: fa390294f495935⋯.jpg (70.93 KB, 610x409, 610:409, 5xeiro.jpg)

File: badad0ead1c4054⋯.jpg (74.68 KB, 622x401, 622:401, 5xefaw.jpg)

File: 3626066c74c311e⋯.jpg (72.99 KB, 500x626, 250:313, 5xeaz5.jpg)

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8f3e0c  No.15177806

File: ab20d4eecf98952⋯.png (345.94 KB, 576x693, 64:77, Capture.PNG)

File: 78535842dffdf10⋯.png (589.43 KB, 1126x904, 563:452, ClipboardImage.png)

Not really the kinds of records you want to see broken. The Mayfield, KY tornado has lofted debris over 30,000 feet into the air. That's among the most intense ever record.


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76be23  No.15177807


noice trips


Good one

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80c816  No.15177808

File: b3233133cc8b97f⋯.jpg (107.55 KB, 1128x882, 188:147, thefighter.jpg)


look at all those sevens

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81a118  No.15177809


Hey, Full house!

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b3e0b2  No.15177810

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


fuck if i know

inflation and usury seem to be booming though

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980780  No.15177811

File: b3eac524820c6f1⋯.png (331.68 KB, 473x402, 473:402, POTUS_points_.PNG)

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81217e  No.15177812

File: 78c68f4b040ed9b⋯.jpg (75.49 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 5v097f.jpg)

File: 37083664ca930a2⋯.jpg (77.36 KB, 509x499, 509:499, 5uzxah.jpg)

File: 453568fa53c0f81⋯.jpg (89.59 KB, 500x554, 250:277, 5uztk6.jpg)

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0cb137  No.15177813


I member this.

I think it is a video on jewtube about it……

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cffdb7  No.15177814

File: 70dc836bf1326e3⋯.jpeg (425.09 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 70dc836bf1326e3af698e57d1….jpeg)

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1723d2  No.15177815

File: f05292385e20204⋯.jpg (41.5 KB, 666x375, 222:125, 5se2bm.jpg)



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0caacd  No.15177816

File: 05998a4ec40a3b5⋯.jpg (48.55 KB, 800x450, 16:9, fjb_in_the_A_on_Saturday.jpg)

Mid-Bread Notabes

>>>15177504 Edward Snowden tweet on CBP abuse of intelligence databases

>>>15177505 Pesobiec tweet: FBI shows whatsapp & iMessage deeply vulnerable to LEO searches

>>>15177519 PHILADELPHIA: "The 14-year-old son of an employee at Bold Pizza in Spring Garden shot a robber in the face on Thursday night

>>>15177525 Gov. Beshear to Hold Briefing on Storm Damage in Bowling Green

>>>15177530 President Biden Delivers Remarks on Severe Weather Across Central U.S.

>>>15177574 Law of war series, mapping of Qposts to the law of war manual

>>>15177585 Another pro Soccer player having problems during game

>>>15177591 Ghislaine Maxwell's mysterious hubby Scott Borgerson, once seduced by her power, now MIA

>>>15177474, >>15177599 Are they TRYING FOR A TORNADO IN PENNSYLVANIA NOW?

>>>15177616 Lot's of comms from last year's Army/Navy game. Here is an Army tweet from today

>>>15177623 Avalanche, Getting Harder to Deny, isn't it.

>>>15177634 "Fully weaponised' software bug poses a threat to Minecraft gamers and apps worldwide

>>15177638, >>15177687 18 USC 175 Prohibitions with respect to biological weapons

>>15177648 Joe Biden Blames Q-Anon for Lack of Unity Behind his Historic Failures and Marxist Policy, yeah that'll totally work

>>15177649 Sen. Rubio announces bill to withhold funding from cities that allow noncitizens to vote

>>15177657 Trump ancestry at 37mn40

>>15177670 Tens of thousands protest against compulsory Covid jabs in Austria

>>15177678 Bumbling Biden blames Climate Change for their weather manipulation

>>15177722 Look what people Trump had to deal with… seriously look at them!

>>15177736 Assange Facing Extradition, Jimmy Dore

>>15177801 Kellogg Plans To Permanently Replace 1,400 Striking Workers

>>15177806The Mayfield, KY tornado has lofted debris over 30,000 feet into the air, among the most intense ever recorded

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d96de4  No.15177817

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pole shift news …. not good

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0cb137  No.15177818


I'm too fkin old and tired of this shit show to remember the title…….

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abf003  No.15177819

File: b8298a57507ee4d⋯.png (330.48 KB, 530x762, 265:381, ClipboardImage.png)

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7b928b  No.15177820

File: 82827e2b4302d87⋯.jpg (381.42 KB, 1600x1067, 1600:1067, FLOTUSchekm.jpg)



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8a0a4c  No.15177821

File: df13e5d85fe4896⋯.png (120.2 KB, 786x807, 262:269, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ae991457bb4a33⋯.png (831 KB, 779x754, 779:754, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0c1ec267e395479⋯.png (855.26 KB, 785x854, 785:854, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 988a0eb391cc458⋯.png (431.74 KB, 779x622, 779:622, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4b5dbf3fc507a8f⋯.png (749.92 KB, 744x496, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

Millionaires-only R360 club filters out ‘wrong people’ to stay ultra-exclusive

Sometimes, even being rich isn’t enough to buy you what you want.

“Letting in the wrong people is the type of thing that will bring down a community,” said Charles Garcia, co-founder of R360, a new social and investing club for millionaires that makes Soho House look as easy to join as the Boy Scouts.

The year-old private group is aimed at anyone with assets of at least $100 million; the sign-up fee alone costs $180,000 (although that does include three years’ worth of membership). But good luck getting accepted.

While there are plenty of people who qualify on paper — more than 20,000 families in America have wealth of that level — prospective Bond villains need not apply; only those with clean cash and a sense of higher purpose will squeak past the approval committee.

Take the cashed-up applicant who was turned down because his family wasn’t motivated to join him in pivoting away from frittering money on luxuries. Or the one who was 86’d because it was clear he viewed R360 as a chance to network and sell his investment services.

“We filter out those folks pretty aggressively,” Garcia, 60, told The Post. “This is a conflict-free zone.”

Member Pearl Baker Katz said it’s a relief to be among people who understand the peculiarities of being rich.

“I can have a conversation about exactly how much money I have, which you can’t have with most people out in the world. It’s a community,” said the 57-year-old, who winters with her husband, Marcus, on Fisher Island in Miami Beach, and summers in San Diego. Her fortune derives from the student loan business she founded by borrowing a million bucks from her then-boyfriend, which she parlayed into a company worth $144 million when she sold it in 2009. That was enough for her to retire at just 44.

Of course, for members like Baker Katz, R360 does offer advice on how to invest — it would be a waste not to pool that brain trust — but this isn’t some cookie-cutter stock tip service. The club acts as an elite mashup of therapist, concierge and financial adviser. It can even offer unexpected benefits — like a date.

Co-founder Garcia said that wealthy straight women in particular still often struggle with a stigma around being the breadwinner. “We have several situations where [the woman making more money] led to a divorce,” he noted. Then, “when women are divorced and have a lot of wealth, all they’re looking for is a really nice person to share their life with, but they have a lot of trouble as men get very intimidated.”

In fact, it’s such a topic of discussion that Garcia is mulling a “thoughtful program around it” for 2022 as part of R360’s official remit.

Garcia, who is himself married to wife Christina, 50, with whom he has four kids, is a former US intelligence officer who ended up filthy rich after switching careers to wealth management and selling his company, Sterling Financial, in the late 1990s.


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0caacd  No.15177822


literally have no idea where those extra arrows came from!

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1b2ca0  No.15177823

File: 4ef1114fdb6fb6f⋯.png (72.38 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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abf003  No.15177824

File: 049bacd9fa77eb6⋯.png (81.34 KB, 430x417, 430:417, ClipboardImage.png)


Penis of the Dragon, eh?

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d96de4  No.15177825

File: fde383815f510ba⋯.jpeg (92.8 KB, 707x704, 707:704, 7BC5960A_35D7_4217_9901_C….jpeg)

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28cfb7  No.15177826

File: 353cae5285e8638⋯.png (302.47 KB, 475x539, 475:539, OK.png)

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cfafda  No.15177827



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0da305  No.15177828

File: 1cd0b83496dfdcb⋯.jpg (367.06 KB, 964x1316, 241:329, 20211209_134335.jpg)

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f7c94b  No.15177829


I'm feeling the love with digits to boot.

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b3e0b2  No.15177830

File: 6412e972a9472eb⋯.png (204.6 KB, 432x259, 432:259, ClipboardImage.png)


not sure if it was covered in it or not but money masters was a good documentary

basically says how the real reason for the revolution was because of british parliament outlawing the colonies from printing their own fiat and paying interest to nobody

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bdba93  No.15177831

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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aae029  No.15177832

File: 5cb925f8301b176⋯.jpg (68.54 KB, 720x960, 3:4, DdL7Bc_VwAAc507.jpg)

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81217e  No.15177833

File: 956a1491fe433c0⋯.jpg (96.38 KB, 735x500, 147:100, 5uzrwu.jpg)

File: 95a9e5a71fbce74⋯.jpg (78.74 KB, 672x500, 168:125, 5uzobb.jpg)

File: 32f97aa8ba69d97⋯.jpg (94.36 KB, 500x709, 500:709, 5uy6p1.jpg)

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493394  No.15177834


> Q's spiritual advisor.

Was he pretending to be God?

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1723d2  No.15177835

File: 6a6032680e6ff4b⋯.jpg (26.62 KB, 382x517, 382:517, Nadda.jpg)



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53242e  No.15177836


Are Irish children highly adoptable because they are the original stock?

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c49924  No.15177837

File: 8a83c63e51b4a03⋯.png (551.59 KB, 468x568, 117:142, potusthumbsup2.png)

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9efc66  No.15177838

File: 959d21cec2306e0⋯.png (1.17 MB, 916x842, 458:421, rudy_trump_detectives.png)

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8429d5  No.15177839

File: b9ef2f7b531500d⋯.jpg (53.45 KB, 516x495, 172:165, you.JPG)

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d45d78  No.15177840

Is this trump O'Reilly thing televised?

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8a0a4c  No.15177841

File: 6801171ab04837d⋯.png (465.1 KB, 817x429, 817:429, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6fa9b89eac4457b⋯.png (148.12 KB, 600x363, 200:121, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 16d8a5b807b210a⋯.png (339.06 KB, 536x804, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f7a669f30f2c528⋯.png (292.01 KB, 539x749, 77:107, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9c1029dc20f9809⋯.png (307.42 KB, 746x817, 746:817, ClipboardImage.png)

1/6 DC Jail Deputy Warden Deletes Twitter After Vulgar, Anti-Trump Tweets Exposed: 'F**k Everyone Who Supports Trump'

Kathleen Landerkin, the current Correctional Training Facility (CTF) Deputy Warden at the Department of Corrections in the District of Columbia, assists in overseeing day to day operations, inmate transportation, and case management.

Though she holds a position of power of January 6 inmates, Landerkin continued to spout anti-Trump and anti-Republican rhetoric on her Twitter until she deleted her account earlier today.

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene tweeted at Landerkin, “You are responsible for human rights violations in the DC Jail and torture and abuse of pre-trial defendants.”

She included a screenshot of one of Landerkin’s tweets that read “F**k everyone who supports Trump.”

Alex Brusewitz, the CEO of XStrategies, conducted an advanced search of her twitter by typing “Trump” and dozens of anti-Trump tweets came up such as “The Trump family is a crime family and the GOP in [sic] complicit,” and “Trump is doing more damage to this country then [sic] foreign terrorists ever have.”


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980780  No.15177842

File: 46bfec4d5fd242d⋯.png (112.43 KB, 584x565, 584:565, ClipboardImage.png)

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b8007f  No.15177843

File: f2f1162dcb42354⋯.png (2.4 MB, 1084x1374, 542:687, thumbnails_1221.png)


The media's treatment of our supermodel, real first lady led to the creation of FLOTUS.

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0caacd  No.15177844


don't think so, can't find any links

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90e81f  No.15177845


Ask CJ Roberts

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1b2ca0  No.15177846

File: 77279c8325d4319⋯.png (71.08 KB, 850x400, 17:8, ClipboardImage.png)

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bdba93  No.15177847

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0cb137  No.15177848


So you know things.

Nice to meet you.

And now, do what w/ the info we have?!

Like …..we can't wake up, even those awake…..

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5f2781  No.15177849


Was God pretending to be Q?

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f7c94b  No.15177850

File: d68f5a4360026bd⋯.png (370.48 KB, 606x644, 303:322, ClipboardImage.png)

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047659  No.15177851


Deep State: “We’ll give you a full eight year term if you annoy the fuck out of everyone, enough so that they all puke if they see your face or hear you speak”.

Joe Biden: “O.K”.

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0da305  No.15177852

File: 568f31dbde0203c⋯.jpg (392.78 KB, 830x1352, 415:676, 20211209_140926.jpg)

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f7c94b  No.15177853


If only you knew how bad things really are.

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bdba93  No.15177854

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1723d2  No.15177855

File: 3318b909c0ad67d⋯.jpg (59.34 KB, 462x462, 1:1, bvcgt.jpg)

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d45d78  No.15177856



Lame. Was hoping my treason heckle was audible.

Only so many times O'Reilly can ask trump his opinion on Biden before I point out the obvious.

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0da305  No.15177857

File: b4c6e088fbb5c7a⋯.jpg (582.52 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, 20211026_105129.jpg)

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015ca4  No.15177858


Yes, a very good documentary.

Printing money is what sovereign states/countries do, a part of the whole power and control of people.

LIke a quote in the doc along the lines of: I don´t care who makes the laws if I get to print the money/own the central bank. -Rothschild quote, I memory serves.

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bdba93  No.15177859

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

My name is Giovanni Giorgio

<but everybody calls me Giorgio

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127ea9  No.15177860


>Her fortune derives from the student loan business she founded by borrowing a million bucks from her then-boyfriend, which she parlayed into a company worth $144 million when she sold it in 2009.

Usurers and loan-sharks…so legalized mafia bankers.

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28cfb7  No.15177861

File: debcd9130f7f8c5⋯.png (227.59 KB, 479x530, 479:530, d8be8a3c51a67790551fb9ea9d….png)

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53242e  No.15177862


The belly of the dragon will drip water.

The bear will leave its cave forever.

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81217e  No.15177863

File: d00deac67faff52⋯.jpg (67.19 KB, 610x409, 610:409, 5xej2d.jpg)

File: 193b6aa7fa5a305⋯.jpg (64.16 KB, 622x401, 622:401, 5xeer5.jpg)

File: 59d4bbfe03eb62b⋯.jpg (61.51 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 5xeasl.jpg)

The crux for proof is as follows: You must remove a singular thing called a virus from a sick human or animal and place it into a healthy human or animal who then must become sick, and if they become sick, then you must remove a singular thing called a virus and it must exactly match the same singular thing that was removed from the original sick person. There are NO virus papers that describe said proof. Merely killing cells in a petri dish in no way proves a sick person was made sick by a singular thing called a virus.

Electron microscopic photographs of wiggly-squiggly singular things in no way proves they are pathogenic or contagious. The photographs would only be relevant if they were of singular things that were removed from sick humans or animals and solely used to make healthy humans or animals sick – and so far, no experiment has demonstrated that achievement.

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309a0c  No.15177864


And oh the humanity!

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8a5c7c  No.15177865

Re tornadoes

Is the storm here?

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1723d2  No.15177866

File: 18ce188be1b59bd⋯.png (769.64 KB, 1024x819, 1024:819, 0bbb7792cf17fe3b5e2e342387….png)

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28cfb7  No.15177867

File: b2705b959d9368c⋯.jpg (67.73 KB, 780x533, 60:41, b2705b959d9368c0e0f137161c….jpg)

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493394  No.15177868


Does God need to pretend?

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9efc66  No.15177869

File: a0ae9dd393daf90⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, talking_parrot_on_perch_da….png)

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f7c94b  No.15177870

File: ee3d7a86a85d9f9⋯.png (463.42 KB, 859x769, 859:769, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 55e2549f47e91ab⋯.png (84.1 KB, 319x220, 29:20, ClipboardImage.png)



Now do 10 in 1 day man.

Seems like a fake story from the Gubbmint.

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1bb3c8  No.15177871

File: 5c6b183d1f0aa42⋯.png (291.89 KB, 450x405, 10:9, Screenshot_2021_12_11_at_1….png)

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f9a7d6  No.15177872


Keep trying. Nobody is eating the shit you're slinging

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b8007f  No.15177873

File: de983c2a9a7a05a⋯.png (733.37 KB, 1300x1300, 1:1, boom3.png)

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ce98b2  No.15177874

File: dfd357e9c5d6278⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 1030x916, 515:458, trumpns1.jpg)

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7b633a  No.15177875

John has a very long mustache

The eggs are in the carton

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5f2781  No.15177876


He could’ve just wanted to help Humanity not destroy itself. Undercover

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1723d2  No.15177877

File: f7b6da4fec678d0⋯.jpg (54.89 KB, 500x600, 5:6, Winning.jpg)

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29f317  No.15177878

File: 154449d7839a1d8⋯.jpg (72.59 KB, 550x563, 550:563, meme4.jpg)

File: dda5cdd590b1f6d⋯.jpg (43.26 KB, 699x523, 699:523, meme5.jpg)

File: 93c3b2e32fe7d21⋯.jpg (55.65 KB, 720x720, 1:1, meme13.jpg)

File: 0a568bb008dd835⋯.jpg (26.88 KB, 400x400, 1:1, meme14.jpg)

File: 89797002a6b2128⋯.jpg (172.76 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, meme36.jpg)

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80c816  No.15177879

File: abe0e1fefcda36d⋯.gif (832.15 KB, 252x188, 63:47, abe0e1fefcda36db61c564ba6b….gif)

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8a5c7c  No.15177880


Storm you say

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f7f44a  No.15177881

File: 62874ec2a8f91f9⋯.jpg (68.67 KB, 680x639, 680:639, Biden_when_a_5yr_old_draws….jpg)

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28cfb7  No.15177882

File: 1af5c7722b76798⋯.png (40.86 KB, 235x255, 47:51, fe2704d7ca5583303bc183b115….png)

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f7c94b  No.15177883



and a recently separated husband & wife team up to rescue their trapped children.

No one believed him at first. Now he's advising the president.

Isn't that the standard Hollywood script?

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6526c7  No.15177884

File: 7df7e3578e228b5⋯.jpg (25.98 KB, 362x372, 181:186, 7df7e3578e228b50a4d1039a75….jpg)

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015ca4  No.15177885


It´s 3 hours 30 minutes, too long for one sitting, imo

Money Masters


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f1a374  No.15177886


Twas, The Night Before Lockdown

When life turns to shit.

Alone in the darkness

CDC throws a fit

Silent and quiet

All through the house

No creature infected

Not even the louse

The camps are provisioned

with shackles in cells

The guards are all hardened

Armed with tasers from hell

The children in masks

Secured on the face

Streets full of shock troops

To spray us with mace

They dont tell us why

The shelves are all bare

The right to try

The courage to dare

HCQ, Ivermectin

are out of supply

Withholding these meds

many more will die

Shut your pie hole

indignant pawn

They want to control and scare you

executions at dawn

TV all flashing

fear porn on the tube

Mind numbing disinfo

to program your brood

The virus may kill you

The clot shot may too

Why double your risk

With some W.H.O. fake voodoo

When out in the square

There rose such a clatter

The shock troops and Santa

Try to settle the matter

If you want lockdowns to change

It will not by itself

You must resist now

Do not wait for that jolly old elf.

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5c1027  No.15177887

File: bda8e47a2ea075b⋯.png (586.47 KB, 721x481, 721:481, Screenshot_2021_12_11_at_2….png)

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b8007f  No.15177888

File: 9374e58e73b76d2⋯.png (904.78 KB, 1022x592, 511:296, OORAH_.png)

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b4b504  No.15177889

File: 6fd38a83317d711⋯.jpg (351.57 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, guile.jpg)

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0da305  No.15177890

File: de3e716291a38d0⋯.jpg (720.46 KB, 2220x1080, 37:18, 20211004_080246.jpg)

File: f6850cea14d1c0e⋯.jpg (304.93 KB, 978x1740, 163:290, 20211004_081034.jpg)

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f7c94b  No.15177891



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f7c94b  No.15177892


and for whom is he training them?

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8a0a4c  No.15177893

File: c5f54ed8e5f5a1c⋯.png (846.28 KB, 649x903, 649:903, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9936c1da7878077⋯.png (730.06 KB, 685x860, 137:172, ClipboardImage.png)

'Jeffrey Epstein was the monster… but Ghislaine Maxwell spun the spider's web around him': Victim Sarah Ransome tells how she was repeatedly raped on 'Paedo island' and mentally tortured by his 'evil' right-hand woman

Sarah Ransome claimed she was repeatedly raped for 3 days by Jeffrey Epstein

She claimed she tried to escape 'Paedo Island', his private Caribbean hideaway

Sarah said when she tried to escape, she was taken back by Ghislaine Maxwell

Ms Maxwell is now on trial in facing six charges of sex abuse and sex trafficking

Shaking in terror, the sobbing young woman stumbled down the rocky outcrop towards the ocean.

For three days she had been repeatedly raped by billionaire abuser Jeffrey Epstein on 'Paedo Island', his private Caribbean hideaway.

Thousands of miles away from her home in Britain, Sarah Ransome had been abused and starved, effectively a prisoner. Now she was prepared to risk everything to escape.

'I knew there were sharks in the water but I had to get away,' she says. 'At that point the sharks were a welcome alternative to the hell I'd been through. In that moment death felt preferable to one more rape.'

Yet, as she prepared to plunge into the blue waters, the air was filled with the roar of an approaching quad bike. And sitting aboard it was one of the last people that Sarah wished to see: Epstein's close companion Ghislaine Maxwell.

'She placed her hand on my back and said: 'It's OK honey. Come with me.' And I went back with her into the monster's lair.'

Today, in a world exclusive interview, Sarah, now 37, gives a detailed account of her claims that she was lured into Epstein's perverted world by what she calls a 'sophisticated sexual abuse network' which, she alleges, included Epstein's 'right-hand woman' Ms Maxwell.


Daily Mail running defense for GS

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bdba93  No.15177894

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>My name is Giovanni Giorgio


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81217e  No.15177895

File: 6bd3afb9c1ce1aa⋯.jpg (66.26 KB, 622x401, 622:401, 5xeeal.jpg)

File: 3cc03e4aa32a926⋯.jpg (50.7 KB, 640x434, 320:217, 5v1dlo.jpg)

File: e9ef962571adfd2⋯.jpg (77.82 KB, 546x457, 546:457, 5v18sb.jpg)

File: b08f683b08d56f4⋯.jpg (61.41 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 5v17fu.jpg)

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b3e0b2  No.15177896

File: ffe3d64078e52de⋯.webm (11.22 MB, 640x480, 4:3, cs.webm)


i've heard that quote but there's never really been definitive sauce on it and some say it was attributed to mayer amschel as early as 1838, which was around 20 years after his death, and others saying it originated around 1935

it's no secret who lobbies and funds politicians though

and you sure as shit don't see the average mom and pop business owner being hauled off to congressional hearings or getting a seat at the table with any given president

or being invited to davos, bilderberg, etc., etc.

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5c44e2  No.15177897

File: 22e3eb6741f493a⋯.jpg (112.86 KB, 439x568, 439:568, FUCKING_NAZI.jpg)


Well done.

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1723d2  No.15177898

File: f40d434f3f13573⋯.jpg (54.93 KB, 617x500, 617:500, 5x23ij_2.jpg)


Chek't The heavenly digits.

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8a5c7c  No.15177899

File: 63f644c5815cc0e⋯.jpg (537.27 KB, 1071x1297, 1071:1297, Screenshot_20211212_113939….jpg)

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28cfb7  No.15177900

File: 6e4753f93f3516a⋯.mp4 (9.43 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Q_psy.mp4)

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008d92  No.15177901

File: ce1c86d186c6be2⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1911x1080, 637:360, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15177425 (lb)

R360 Club: Owls, Black Cubes, Y, $$$, Gold, Branson's Island, Rich Women, Cyber, Air Ambulances

"Millionaires-only R360 club filters out ‘wrong people’ to stay ultra-exclusive"

Sometimes, even being rich isn’t enough to buy you what you want.

“Letting in the wrong people is the type of thing that will bring down a community,” said Charles Garcia, co-founder of R360, a new social and investing club for millionaires that makes Soho House look as easy to join as theBoy Scouts.[https://www.sohohouse.com/en-us/]

The year-old private group is aimed at anyone with assets of at least $100 million; the sign-up fee alone costs $180,000 (although that does include three years’ worth of membership). But good luck getting accepted. [$18…=6+6+6 →666]

While there are plenty of people who qualify on paper — more than 20,000 families in America have wealth of that level — prospectiveBond villainsneed not apply; only those with clean cash and a sense of higher purpose will squeak past the approval committee.

Member Pearl Baker Katz [name COMMS?] said it’s a relief to be among people who understand the peculiarities of being rich.

“I can have a conversation about exactly how much money I have, which you can’t have with most people out in the world. It’s a community,” said the 57-year-old, who winters with her husband, Marcus, on Fisher Island in Miami Beach, and summers in San Diego. Her fortune derives from the student loan business she founded by borrowing a million bucks from her then-boyfriend, which she parlayed into a company worth $144 million when she sold it in 2009. That was enough for her to retire at just 44.

Co-founder Garcia said that wealthy straight women in particular still often struggle with a stigma around being the breadwinner. “We have several situations where [the woman making more money] led to a divorce,” he noted. Then, “when women are divorced and have a lot of wealth, all they’re looking for is a really nice person to share their life with, but they have a lot of trouble as men get very intimidated.”

In fact, it’s such a topic of discussion that Garcia is mulling a “thoughtful program around it” for 2022 as part of R360’s official remit.

[follow the wives?]

Garcia, who is himself married to wife Christina, 50, with whom he has four kids, is a formerUS intelligence officerwho ended up filthy rich after switching careers to wealth management and selling his company, Sterling Financial, in the late 1990s.

He ginned up the idea for R360 while studying on the venture incubation program atHarvard.

The name R360 is a nod to its higher calling, too — it stands forRaziel, the all-knowing angel from Jewish mysticism.

“He stands at theright hand of God,writing everything in theBook of Secrets,the everyday choices you make that lead you to the light or the darkness,” Garcia said.

Baker Katz is one of those founders. “It’s a safe space I can go to, and get help on anything I need in life, because we’re mentoring each other,” she said, noting that it was R360 connections that have helped her finesse plans for Deerhaven Gardens, thewomen’s rehab treatment facilityshe’s opening in North Carolina in January, having converting one of her luxury homes expressly for the purpose.

“For me, it’s like having my own board of directors for my life,” she said, noting one of the membership bonuses was a trip toRichard Branson’s Necker Island.(“Every year, we do something with [Branson],” Garcia said.)

As a welcome gift, R360 will arrange for a ghostwriter to document a new member’s life in a 200-page hardcover book. There’s cyber insurance overseen by theFBI’s former cyber head:Hit apanic buttonon your phone and you’ll get a response within 15-20 seconds anywhere in the world. [COMMS?]

Break your back scuba diving in Bora Bora and the problem’s too complex for local doctors? Global Guardian, a 24/7 worldwide security firm, has more than 50 air ambulances at members’ disposal. [child trafficking? fly to NZ bunker?]


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f7c94b  No.15177902

File: 5936ee4837a675f⋯.jpg (564.09 KB, 1804x1515, 1804:1515, Trump_Hillary_Kids_soul_Pr….jpg)


ask Hillary

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ce98b2  No.15177903

File: 38d919af68048d2⋯.jpg (61.29 KB, 616x680, 77:85, trumpstorm.jpg)

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5f2781  No.15177904


>rescue their trapped children.

>No one believed him at first. Now he's advising the president.

Dang, anon. Tears. No homo

45 already knows knows but anon would advise every country to “pound sand”. That’s anons first “advice”. Anon knows he already knows so it’s just for show

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81217e  No.15177905

File: 87668ed97c1baf1⋯.jpg (70.26 KB, 610x409, 610:409, 5xejh0.jpg)

File: a77c1623184d12e⋯.jpg (69.53 KB, 622x401, 622:401, 5xedvi.jpg)

File: 896a88e284c4a98⋯.jpg (49.3 KB, 640x434, 320:217, 5v1bxy.jpg)

File: d4a6b17aac731fd⋯.jpg (76.94 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 5v0966.jpg)

File: f757a56755d12a7⋯.jpg (71.65 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 5v07as.jpg)

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eaeff9  No.15177906


Baking is noble profession

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bdba93  No.15177907

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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493394  No.15177908


>He could’ve just wanted to help Humanity

God is not a social worker

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f7c94b  No.15177909


people need a lecture right now do they Joe?

you fucking suck

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7b633a  No.15177910


Learn our comms

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0da305  No.15177911

File: 97aab7a1ddf5dc3⋯.jpg (314.49 KB, 1028x722, 514:361, 20210224_183453.jpg)

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ebfe2e  No.15177912


that fuck i want his family to die. every last fucking one of them that will help with climate change.

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bdba93  No.15177913

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b2e62b  No.15177914

File: 9b596de66331f68⋯.png (18.76 KB, 740x375, 148:75, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1b3a6bd427f6c83⋯.png (65.97 KB, 602x146, 301:73, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e25839db63e76cc⋯.png (5.4 KB, 256x197, 256:197, ClipboardImage.png)

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127ea9  No.15177915


Very few people are ready to accept that religion is a scam and always has been.

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33170a  No.15177916

Julian Assange has a stroke in Belmarsh prison: Fiancée blames extreme stress caused by US extradition battle


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0cdc1a  No.15177917


Haven't been able to find any links for Trump/O'Reilly either

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f9a7d6  No.15177918


How is it everyone has forgotten that digits anon practiced hitting digits for a long time before he mastered it? many many times right out in the open here until he figured it out. He isnt Q and he isnt Dan nor is he POTUS. He used to be willing to say that when people erroneously thought otherwise. Guess the attention got to him. Many such cases

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8a5c7c  No.15177919

File: 682aacd5eb26896⋯.jpg (543.91 KB, 1069x1657, 1069:1657, Screenshot_20211212_114356….jpg)

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f7c94b  No.15177920

File: d4b0c76eb1d1110⋯.png (455.97 KB, 600x466, 300:233, ClipboardImage.png)

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e5946a  No.15177921


Straight forward 17 timestamp.

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ce98b2  No.15177922

File: 2bcfff03016ef88⋯.jpg (264.01 KB, 727x570, 727:570, joetot.jpg)


Americans will pay their 'fair share' for Climate Change and Gasoline!

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bdba93  No.15177923

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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81217e  No.15177924

File: cc3b7cef498ebcf⋯.jpg (80.49 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 5v08ho.jpg)

File: 9908d7bf3cbd66c⋯.jpg (76.21 KB, 509x499, 509:499, 5uzxvw.jpg)

File: ddcf06f3f1a9308⋯.jpg (86.64 KB, 500x627, 500:627, 5uzwla.jpg)

File: c6ec29e74dfc039⋯.jpg (83.06 KB, 500x554, 250:277, 5uzska.jpg)

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dba54a  No.15177925

File: 8b09c4f6b8204b4⋯.jpg (65.93 KB, 780x520, 3:2, 3756.jpg)

Can You Feel It?

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c49924  No.15177926

File: bb8c10cebc982bb⋯.png (279.13 KB, 539x603, 539:603, twatkory3.png)

Researcher Andrew Hill’s conflict: A $40 million Gates Foundation grant vs a half million human lives

In a stunning admission, virologist Dr. Andrew Hill acknowledged in a zoom call that publication of his study could lead to the deaths of at least a half million people.

In defending his reversal on the effectiveness of ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19, he discussed his “difficult situation” and said, “I’ve got this role where I’m supposed to produce this paper and we’re in a very difficult, delicate balance.”

Andrew Hill, MD, is a senior visiting Research Fellow in Pharmacology at Liverpool University. He is also an advisor for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Clinton Foundation. As a researcher for the WHO evaluating ivermectin, Hill wielded enormous influence over international guidance for the drug’s use.

Hill had previously authored a analysis of ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19 that found the drug overwhelmingly effective.

On Jan. 6 of 2020, Hill testified enthusiastically before the NIH COVID-19 Treatment Guidlelines Panel in support of ivermectin’s use. Within a month, however, Hill found himself in what he describes as a “tricky situation.” Under pressure from his funding sponsors, Hill then published an unfavorable study. Ironically, he used the same sources as in the original study. Only the conclusions had changed.



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35fad7  No.15177927

File: ccc623e04b2b7ee⋯.jpeg (282.41 KB, 2160x2700, 4:5, CA093B03_A2A6_4071_B2CF_B….jpeg)


Put me in the cap

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2526b4  No.15177928

File: 4b7387652e7cb4e⋯.png (337.48 KB, 705x542, 705:542, Screenshnn.png)



Storm is chek't

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793171  No.15177929



Ooo…now we know it was not for leaking shit to his brother

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98509e  No.15177930

File: e84084070a6aac3⋯.jpeg (64.84 KB, 258x360, 43:60, ABDC70B1_C0D3_457B_A4F6_9….jpeg)

File: 147e6e40543b7d3⋯.png (574.52 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 72D2EE5A_B97E_4484_881B_60….png)

I think it’s dated tomorrow, don’t have my glasses on but.. they’re chatter about how Earthwill be uninhabitableor something n only the injected can go with them to live in outer space. It was recent.. I thought it was Enzo’s saying it but can’t remember. I just know when I read it, it sounded like the movie wall-e. Anyway, maybe that’s the ultimate sign of panic. I don’t have sause n I DO take the marijuanas, BUT I know I read that. The wall-e thoughts are my evidence to myself. Kek.


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b2e62b  No.15177931

File: 083afa5b96ad0ad⋯.png (86.86 KB, 512x768, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ffc932cacb29032⋯.png (142.36 KB, 600x892, 150:223, ClipboardImage.png)

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015ca4  No.15177932


Bill Still, who made the doc, seem pretty well informed about all of this and the quote, but I dunno.

He also made a similar documentary about the story of Oz, the man behind the curtains and such. Can´t remember the title. Something something Oz, I presume.

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7ca39a  No.15177933


God bless America.

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ce98b2  No.15177934

File: 62692673b97b43a⋯.jpeg (171.31 KB, 474x543, 158:181, jesus.jpeg)

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bdba93  No.15177935

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4d2747  No.15177936



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5f2781  No.15177937


>God is not a social worker

He gave his only son to save “society” of His creation … sounds like “work” to anon. Combine the two words

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79a8e8  No.15177938

File: e482672d3ae0d6d⋯.mp4 (2.6 MB, 960x540, 16:9, dFZfUtERXUhMtw_V.mp4)



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4ffa38  No.15177939

File: 6ca54e13082cf24⋯.png (312.74 KB, 744x495, 248:165, ClipboardImage.png)




Top Pennsylvania court kills required school mask mandate for students

December 11, 2021 12:56pm

Pennsylvania kids may not have to mask up in class anymore, after a top court killed a statewide requirement for students to do so.

The edict, which took effect in September, was declared unconstitutional because acting state Health Secretary Alison Beam didn’t have the authority to require masks without an emergency declaration from Gov. Tom Wolf, courts found.

Individual school districts will still be allowed to set their own COVID-19 policies, but the state can’t force them to mask up. The state Supreme Court has yet to issue its own opinion on the matter, instead upholding a lower court’s ruling. In a statement, Pennsylvania Senate Leader Jake Corman said the decision was about more than just making kids wear masks in schools—it was about restoring the right to make health and safety decisions to parents and local leaders.

“It is about preventing government overreach in general,” said Corman, a Republican. “The law clearly does not give any governor or any state agency the power to create orders out of thin air in the absence of an emergency declaration and outside the regulatory review process.”


DS is angry with PA right now I suppose

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b2e62b  No.15177940

File: 52ca02eecedcee8⋯.png (330.58 KB, 795x480, 53:32, d8561ec87f93ff8a0b17dc38fc….png)


behold 'em.

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bdba93  No.15177941

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b3e0b2  No.15177942

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


found it

the secret of oz

gonna save for later

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0da305  No.15177943

File: 6875f47c864067d⋯.jpg (444.72 KB, 1736x844, 434:211, 20200426_123853.jpg)

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0cb137  No.15177944


So fkin pathetic……

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2526b4  No.15177945

File: 8f657befe7e9916⋯.jpg (70.48 KB, 500x467, 500:467, Winners.jpg)

File: 9e52e36e11c008a⋯.jpg (67.27 KB, 500x623, 500:623, 5bbb_1.jpg)

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5f2781  No.15177946


Furthermore, do you call Him at home? Do you have a dorsal fin? Sauce or stfu

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350f7f  No.15177947

File: 3fa216c47ddb454⋯.jpg (5.96 KB, 255x166, 255:166, c2adb5ca25ee5b81688b6bc0cb….jpg)


Nice work anon!

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81217e  No.15177948

File: ce1aa80d87bda5b⋯.jpg (82.92 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 5v08np.jpg)

File: ea001ee37bb01e0⋯.jpg (70.55 KB, 622x401, 622:401, 5uzzcl.jpg)

File: d6497f63168dc20⋯.jpg (81.84 KB, 509x499, 509:499, 5uzyew.jpg)

File: 672e6544284e737⋯.jpg (89.22 KB, 500x627, 500:627, 5uzw2x.jpg)

File: 38ed28d219ff8ff⋯.jpg (94.34 KB, 735x500, 147:100, 5uzrru.jpg)

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b2e62b  No.15177949

File: d1050ee10bf9fd3⋯.png (232.71 KB, 855x516, 285:172, ClipboardImage.png)

Go back to sleep, the Awakening is over.

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4ffa38  No.15177950

File: 4c0a6c8b6dfcf4f⋯.jpg (75.81 KB, 1068x708, 89:59, thepatriot.jpg)


Those digits.

Respect for DJT

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5c44e2  No.15177951

File: bdf76b377632f7c⋯.jpg (223.65 KB, 945x494, 945:494, SOLIDARITY.jpg)

Was a good march yesterday… well done to all that attended.

Thank you Vic police for leading the march and keeping the peace.

Was a good day considering it wasn't organized much.

I like seeing the will of the people… not organized, fuck it… I'm going anyway…lol.

City dwellers stood up and went for a stroll&helli