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File: fb678f54e6e237a⋯.png (253.89 KB, 908x486, 454:243, Forward_Unto_Dawn.png)

656e8c  No.15157038[Last 50 Posts]

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>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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New? Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown


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656e8c  No.15157041

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1. Watch >>14908294 VIDEO INSTRUCTIONS >>>/qrb/104894

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TOR IMAGE: Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

President Donald Trump Launches new Platform https://www.truthsocial.com

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656e8c  No.15157042



>>15156611, >>15156345 Q 34 huge comms

>>15156329, >>15156357, >>15156422, >>15156505, >>15156720, >>15156992 We're Not Gonna Take It!

>>15156694, >>15156891, >>15156898 Emergency crews responding to large Christmas Tree fire at Fox News HQ in New York City

>>15156881, >>15156964 #BREAKING Helicopter crashes with India military chief on board: air force


>>15156333, >>15156640 ICYMI: Lin Wood says he severed ties with Gen Flynn and Joe Flynn.

>>15156340, >>15156381 For who it may concern: Reminder that Grammarfags have issued warrants for Fauci + friends arrest

>>15156368 Fauci & HHS 2019 Conspire To Unleash "Virus" On The People, here's the clip

>>15156369, >>15156782 CALLING ALL PLANEFAGS: GORE39 is E-6B MERCURY 164405 #AE0417

>>15156403, >>15156468, >>15156594, >>15156664 Still a ton of clustered EQ activity W of Portland.

>>15156425 They got money sniffin dogs now? Potentially big bust at airport

>>15156503 Judge grants hearing to reconsider Mayor de Blasio's vaccine mandate for NYC municipal workers

>>15156509 Biden human rights record ‘makes Donald Trump appear like Mother Theresa’: Bush adviser says

>>15156522, >>15156906, >>15156525 RE: Call to dig: Ascension Healthcare System. What do? (follow money)

>>15156537, >>15156622 They are [still] tricking kids into getting the vaccine behind their parents backs

>>15156550, >>15156548 Maxwell trial unstoppable? Q the Ayys!

>>15156556, >>15156586 Sauce On Alex Jones during the storming letting people into the building on J6?

>>15156558 PF: SAM896 JBA to Cape Canaveral Space Force Station.

>>15156577 Anon notices a pattern

>>15156578 Amazon Web Services Deals With Major Outage; Netflix, Venmo, Instacart Among Many Affected Sites

>>15156609 BLAZE CHAOS Suspect arrested after Fox Square Christmas tree set on FIRE in NYC as FDNY rush to douse flames and cops block

>>15156624 Senate Judiciary committee holds hearing on closing of Guantanamo Bay


>>15156704 …*Pot taking intensifies*

>>15156833, >>15156815 MARKY CRACKED CORN VOLUME 2

>>15156716, >>15156755, >>15156726, >>15156771, >>15156776, >>15156784, >>15156780, >>15156791 MUH DIABEETUS

>>15156758 Chris Cuomo’s book canceled by HarperCollins

>>15156783 Colombia's police confirm death of rebel dissident leader in Venezuela

>>15156866 Epstein accuser shares scathing new memoir: ‘My book is my day in court’

>>15156924 Conservative Poland joins countries mandating COVID-19 vaccines

>>15156955 Nick Cannon has sided with le Merchant Tribe in bold display of confidence

>>15156996 "Return YouTube Dislike" extension installed to Brave browser.

>>15156988 Who's missing. I'll start, Adam Schiff

>>15156995 Let's Go Brandon!



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656e8c  No.15157043


>>15155559, >>15155683 The Flu is a man made bioweapon

>>15155666 Mark Meadows Bails On 1/6 Committee, Distances Himself From Epstein-Tied Humpty Dumpty Institute Amid China Revelations

>>15155730 FAKE NEWS Pfizer CEO Worried Omicron Might Open Door For More Mutant Strains

>>15155762 Danchenko's lawyers withdrew yesterday. Curious.

>>15155763, >>15155837 new twitter natzi's bringing in some fuckery?

>>15155775 ARIZONA: ELECTION INTEGRITY RALLY – December 17th at Arizona Attorney General’s Office

>>15155779 It has now been over 74 days since the Arizona audit report was delivered to Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich and we have seen no arrests.

>>15155785 Rand Paul: "Fauci's Advice On Masks Actually Cost Lives"

>>15155790 Pollak: Putin Didn’t Dare Invade Ukraine When ‘Puppet’ Trump Was President

>>15155798 Pope’s partially vaccinated EU representative dies in Belgium after battling COVID

>>15155834 BREAK THE [MSM] - Social media anons analysing and spreading the truth!

>>15155837 New Indian Nazi CEO of twitter bringing in dragon fly (started back up in CA)

>>15155838 Grassley Tweet 33 Attack

>>15155845 Dana Nessel "extremely disappointed" after Oxford district rejects AG's offer to lead probe

>>15155896 House Democrats + RINO Kinzinger Pass Bill That Would Allow Debt Ceiling Hike with Simple Majority in the Senate

>>15155927 #PopeFrancis Compares EU’s Offer to Remove ‘#Christmas’ For Inclusiveness With Fascist Rule

>>15155928 NSW workers lose appeal against mandatory COVID-19 vaccines

>>15155939 Appeals court upholds former Malaysian PM Najib’s 1MDB conviction

>>15155951 Aariel Maynor of Los Angeles is charged with Murder of Philanthropist Jacqueline Avant

>>15155964 Instagram is telling users to take a break from its app

>>15155965, >>15155972, >>15156046, >>15156114, >>15156052, >>15156113, >>15156091, >>15156129 Dan Scavino Instagram 'Runway 34'

>>15156170 Call to dig: Ascension Healthcare System.

>>15156257 #19173


>>15154955, >>15155017, >>15155039, >>15155193 Q proof? Dec 7th

>>15154817 PEDO BUN 7 December 21

>>15154821, >>15154883 New Garrison Cartoon Patton slapping sense into fools..

>>15154825 Richard “Rob” Walker Attempted to Obstruct a Federal Grand Jury Investigation Into a Payment He Accepted from a Nassau County Contractor

>>15154831 Juan de Fuca is shaking it up this evening 5.8

>>15154875 Judge Halts de Blasio’s Tyrannical Vaccine Mandate In Big Apple For City Employees

>>15154880 Sen. Rogers On AG Brnovich Investigating AZ Audit Findings: “We’re Impatient. 'I Want Perp Walks. I Want Arrests & I’m Just Not Having It”

>>15154901 Updated QR Shift Rankings as voted on by Omnishifters (all times EST)

>>15154912 Ghislaine Maxwell's Deep State Sisters

>>15154922 Lt. Mike Byrd Raises $122,000 on GoFundMe After Killing Unarmed US Veteran Ashli Babbitt in Cold Blood

>>15154925 Just saw this- I’m printing and cutting these babies out into envelopes for the bell ringers KEK!

>>15154947 University of Missouri suspends COVID vaccine mandate for faculty, staff and student employees

>>15154998 Rep. Matt Gaetz said he has spoken with Donald Trump about installing the former president as House Speaker if Republicans win control of the chamber in the midterm elections

>>15155036 Chris Cuomo’s book canceled by HarperCollins

>>15155072 Judge halts Biden vaccine mandate for federal contractors nationwide

>>15155098 BIG BUN Navy tweets Golden Dragons F18 Hornet carrier launch. DragonFly

>>15155071 If patriots were not in control, some of us would either be dead or interned by now. Everything breathe I take is proof they aren't in power.

>>15155139, >>15155198, >>15155208, >>15155307, >>15155387, >>15155407 Comey hears his name taken in vain the other night and comes running back to Twitter? Cute. (Cap 0:48)

>>15155185 @LASchools gave students the vaccine without their parent’s permission after they bribed the students (Cap 1:18)

>>15155225 What happened on 12/7? Clock started - 10 days. Q

>>15155272, >>15155395 Judicial Watch: New Fauci Agency COVID Records Reveal Information about NIH Research into the Coronavirus

>>15155362 FAKE NEWS New 'Omicron-like' version of Omicron variant detected in Queensland

>>15155399 8chan was the first board I had ever been on and I will ride the 8kun bus until the wheels fall off

>>15155407, >>15155415, >>15155424 Understanding the Uranium One "Scandal"

>>15155507# 19172

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656e8c  No.15157044


>>15154033 CEO resignations list

>>15154049 Charlottesville's Robert E. Lee statue will be donated to an African American heritage center that plans to melt it down

>>15154055 United States Prevails in Actions to Seize and Forfeit Iranian Terror Group’s Missiles and Petroleum

>>15154057, >>15154122 Smollett testified the Nigerian brothers contacted him and offered to admit there was no hoax, and refuse to testify, if he paid them each $1 Million

>>15154058 Liz Cheney Threatens Mark Meadows with Criminal Contempt Charges

>>15154064 Saule Omarova: Biden’s Nominee to Oversee National Banks, Withdraws

>>15154065 Biden’s Border Crisis Is Killing More Americans Than Ever With Spike In Drug Trafficking

>>15154071 Greene, Gaetz, Gohmert, and Gosar Release “Unusually Cruel” Report on DC Jail and Unusual and Cruel Treatment of J6 Defendants

>>15154076 Judge issues nationwide injunction against Biden's vaccine mandate for federal contractors

>>15154078 Justice Department files lawsuit accusing Texas redistricting plan of violating the Voting Rights Act

>>15154102 "There’s not going to be an endpoint to this vaccination program…," says New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern.

>>15154120 At Least 3 Children Die and 120 Hospitalized in Vietnam After Receiving Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine – 4 Adults Die from Vero Cell Covid Vaccine

>>15154124, >>15154216 Seen from the Skies Above Missouri: “Let’s Go Brandon! Trump 2024”

>>15154173 87 million Americans earning less than $400,000 account information reported under President Biden's proposed IRS spying scheme Oh so … after 400 K you can launder money?

>>15154177, >>15154221, >>15154182, >>15154581 A federal court in Georgia has entered a nationwide injunction ALL of the Biden Administration vaccine mandates have been halted

>>15154201 Maxwell Trial Tracker @TrackerTrial That is not a fair trial when hundreds of global elites are tied to a child sex trafficking ring and you only bring in three witnesses and call the case closed after two weeks. Massive coverup!

>>15154210 1/6 committee subpoenas phone/text records of political opponents AND their families

>>15154293 City of Phoenix will "pause" their Fauci Ouchie mandate for employees

>>15154294 Florida Unveils Tools for Reporting Employers Who Violate Restrictions on Vaccine Mandates

>>15154316 Scott Morrison confirms Australia will join diplomatic boycott of Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games

>>15154325 More States Exit National School Board Association Amid Bipartisan Pushback To Org Calling Parents Domestic Terrorists

>>15154366, >>15154387 MELANIA TRUMP @MELANIATRUMP Today marks the 80th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. Our Nation is eternally grateful to those who sacrificed all to protect our freedom

>>15154391 Biden in Missouri tomorrow. Trump posts 'I love Missouri' today

>>15154216 Clockfag Full sized I Love You, Missouri QClock

>>15154412, >>15154416, >>15154420 Mayor Deblasio’s absolutely unconstitutional vaccine order is stayed


>>15154483 Russia reveals what Putin asked of Biden

>>15154518 Gableman Hearing: Zuckerberg Infiltrates Wisconsin Election In Five Key Cities

>>15154533 Vaxxer and Washington Post editor dies from a sudden heart attack

>>15154537 Japan‘s health ministry confirms that „mRNA vaccines are harmful to health“

>>15154541 ‘Unbiased’ news source? Reuters chairman is top investor and board member of Pfizer

>>15154556, >>15154589, >>15154200 A school in LA gave students the vaccine without their parent’s permission after they bribed the students with pizza and told them not to tell their parents:

>>15154239 George Soros' network of woke DA's he has bankrolled in cities across the US: How the Billionaire Democrat megadonor gave Chicago's Kim Foxx $2M and Philly's DA - where murder has doubled - got $1.7M

>>15154585 Biden @POTUS United States government official Nobody has held prescription drug companies accountable.

>>15154566 Democrat Senator Jon Tester (MT) will join Manchin to support bill overturning Biden's employer vaccine mandate

>>15154617 Florida-Based Hospital System Won’t Require Its 83,000 Employees to Be Vaccinated

>>15154679 One big club Rebel Wilson

>>15154705 Drawing a red-line on the FFs?

>>15154715 #19171

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656e8c  No.15157045



>>15153255, >>15153464, >>15153553, >>15153506, >>15153651 PF Reports T-6 trainer callsign POST91 linking to Q post #91

>>15153279 Rep. Jim Jordan @Jim_Jordan Devin Nunes took on the Swamp and won

>>15153281 Why did Wikipedia remove price per unit from aircraft, helicopters and stuff?

>>15153301 Thinning the herd, life saving medications out of stock and on back order

>>15153323 Large statue of Confederate general along Tennessee interstate removed from its pedestal

>>15153415 McConnell Says Deal Reached With Schumer On Debt Limit

>>15153436 Better.com execs resign from company after CEO’s controversial mass layoffs over Zoom

>>15153474 ‘Hospital death camps’: Attorney says COVID patients are trapped and receiving harmful treatments

>>15153600 Department of the Air Force announces 2021 Presidential Rank Award recipients

>>15153642, >>15153664, >>15153671 Movie Deja Vu, and their viewing machine is called Snow White

>>15153460 Trudeau gov’t imposes vax mandate for all workers in federally regulated industries

>>15153600 Department of the Air Force announces 2021 Presidential Rank Award recipients

>>15153667 Seems Sussman indictment revealing some conflicting information presented by James Baker.

>>15153824 "No Longer Tenable" - Biden's Marxist 'Lenin Award'-Winning Banking Pick Pulls Out

>>15153834 NatSec Advisor Jake Sullivan Says Biden “Looked Putin the Eye” and Warned Him of ‘Strong’ Response if Russia Invades Ukraine

>>15153873 Judge dismisses Rose McGowan lawsuit against Harvey Weinstein

>>15153909 China threatens Biden admin: ‘US will pay, wait and see’

>>15153942 We Need A More Forceful Pushback To A Hostile Media

>>15153837 Statement by Donald J. TrumpUSE THE DEBT CEILING TO WIN, AND MEAN IT THIS TIME!

>>15153833, >>15153897 ICYMI: Missouri Loves Trump I love you, Missouri!

>>15153830 ICYMI: "China only grows bolder under Biden" by Cheryl K. Chumley with the Washington Times

>>15153814 Statement by Donald J. Trump: Vladimir Putin looks at our pathetic surrender in Afghanistan

>>15155020 supplemental scrape

>>15154192 #19170

Previously Collected

>>15153222 #19169

>>15150858 #19166, >>15151617 #19167, >>15152459 #19168

>>15148521 #19163, >>15149313 #19164, >>15150071 #19165

>>15146150 #19160, >>15146944 #19161, >>15148156 #19162

>>15144006 #19157, >>15144589 #19158, >>15145299 #19159

>>15142436 #19154, >>15142495 #19155, >>15142977 #19156

>>15138704 #19151, >>15139697 #19152, >>15140466 #19153

>>15137447 #19148, >>15137209 #19149, >>15137948 #19150

>>15133202 #19145, >>15133980 #19146, >>15134916 #19147

>>15131683 #19142, >>15132437 #19143, >>15133198 #19144

>>15132922 #19139, >>15130132 #19140, >>15130852 #19141

>>15126946 #19136, >>15127727 #19137, >>15128523 #19138

>>15124556 #19133, >>15125411 #19134, >>15126176 #19135

>>15122247 #19130, >>15123037 #19131, >>15123815 #19132

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>15025958 Q Research Notables #10

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656e8c  No.15157047

File: cf2b30db465d26d⋯.jpg (58.16 KB, 600x335, 120:67, AMERICA.jpg)






>>15150924 how to eliminate graphene (PB)

https://operationjointhesuit.com/index.html <- CONTACT YOUR AG

https://www.uncensoredstorm.com/maxwell <- GMAX UPDATES

https://www.bitchute.com/video/uaVV7VGqUcMi/ <- VAX REDPILL

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d87b5c  No.15157061

The "Los Angeles District School District" - as the news (including Fox) refers to it - school thatbribed/tricked a child into getting the vaccinewithout parental consent and urged him "not tell his parents" is theBarack Obama Global Prep Academy.

"Maribel Duarte says her 13-year-old son, a student at the Barack Obama Global Prep Academy in South LA, brought home a vaccine card after having accepted the COVID-19 vaccine at school."

"The lady that gave him the shot and signed the paper told my son, 'Please don't say anything. I don't want to get in trouble.'"

"The LAUSD says student matters are confidential and wouldn't comment specifically, but did say its "safe schools to safe steps incentive program" is meant to ensure several steps are in place for vaccinated students to receive prizes."

A lawyer following the matter said parental consent is necessary in the district and that "kids in California can't consent to vaccination."


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656e8c  No.15157063

File: 08ac3e97883a2ea⋯.gif (1.65 MB, 454x256, 227:128, 08ac3e97883a2eaacaf03f0a2c….gif)

>>15157016 PB


As of today, President Biden’sthree major vaccine mandates have been stopped by federal courts.

I promised I would fight these unconstitutional mandates, I have, and we are winning.

3:40 PM · Dec 7, 2021

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d8880d  No.15157066

File: 26e726c253fffc0⋯.png (253.42 KB, 438x328, 219:164, ClipboardImage.png)

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f378ae  No.15157073


Cant bake just note taking

3 6 9

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656e8c  No.15157078

File: 2c6bde2de57386d⋯.png (881.82 KB, 960x646, 480:323, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f2a3fa811622e71⋯.png (2.15 MB, 1014x1603, 1014:1603, ClipboardImage.png)



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e1b733  No.15157079

File: 24a30d91c5dd211⋯.jpg (109.5 KB, 962x583, 962:583, Earthquake.jpg)

Oregon quakes ramping up again after a semi-quiet night.


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c0a814  No.15157081

File: e89d5c8826778a0⋯.png (44.67 KB, 423x222, 141:74, still.png)


Dr. Lynn Fynn’s Science Enlightenment Channel & Stuff, [08.12.21 00:39]

Do we really need to discuss cause?


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1261ac  No.15157082

File: 4b25fdfb808a1c7⋯.png (614.48 KB, 750x775, 30:31, City_council_to_melt_Lee_s….png)

File: 3b244b8d58e299c⋯.jpg (315.8 KB, 1862x1048, 931:524, Rober_E_Lee_Statue_Removal….jpg)

Charlottesville Robert E. Lee statue to be melted down for public art project


The city council of Charlottesville, Virginia, voted 4-0 Tuesday in favor of donating a controversial statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee to an African American heritage center, which plans to melt down the statue and turn into a piece of public art.

The bronze equestrian statue of Lee, which featured prominently in the 2017 Unite the Right rally, was removed by the city in July, as well as another one depicting Confederate Gen. Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson. The Virginia Supreme Court ruled in April that the city could remove them.

The council members voted to give the statue to the Jefferson School African American Heritage Center, whose "Swords Into Plowshares" proposal received letters of support from people and organizations that included the Descendants of Enslaved Communities at the University of Virginia, as well as descendants of slaves who worked at former President Thomas Jefferson's Monticello estate.

Our hope with ‘Swords into Plowshares’ is to create something that transforms what was once toxic in our public space into something beautiful that can be more reflective of our entire community’s social values," the center's executive director Andrea Douglas said. "We’re giving people opportunities to engage with our own narratives and our own histories. This project offers a road map for other communities to do the same."

The group also raised $590,000 for the project, which will also include a "community engagement process" to inform the public about the art project.

The report comes days after Gov. Ralph Northam, D-Va., announced the imminent removal of the pedestal on which another controversial statue of Lee stood for 131 years in Richmond.

The land that housed both the statue and the plinth will be returned to the city, the state's Democratic governor explained in a press release.


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d6a9cd  No.15157085

File: 04451e810d70019⋯.png (376.06 KB, 1050x554, 525:277, Bilde_2021_12_08_114336.png)


Chkd: Infinity ID and dubs

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1261ac  No.15157086

File: 6d270524d302bd3⋯.jpg (28.53 KB, 680x632, 85:79, FGFBULaWUAM76VL.jpg)


Twitter suspended this viral account reporting the facts of the Ghislaine Maxwell trial. What are they trying to hide?!


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043cdc  No.15157087

File: cc7bba6863062b3⋯.png (1.05 MB, 800x815, 160:163, ClipboardImage.png)

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67a344  No.15157090


Dont tell me about school officials vaccinating the un-consented, tell me about the person with their thumb on the plunger, that's who needs their ass sued into oblivion and license revoked… who's THAT PERSON???

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043cdc  No.15157091

File: 252efd8e6b0e285⋯.png (316.76 KB, 807x372, 269:124, ClipboardImage.png)

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c0a814  No.15157092

File: b90fd332f214be8⋯.png (14.03 KB, 333x156, 111:52, never.png)


Ron Watkins [CodeMonkeyZ], [07.12.21 19:17]

Do not comply.

Do not comply with mandates.

Do not comply with forced boosters.

Do not comply with coerced vaccination of children.

Set the example that you want to see.

Never comply.


Ron Watkins [CodeMonkeyZ], [07.12.21 19:22]

Our physical bodies are a glorious gift from God.

I will never comply with any government mandate to inject poison into my veins.

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494af7  No.15157095

File: 40bd15eb961eeb9⋯.jpg (88.67 KB, 644x960, 161:240, ComplicatedBong.jpg)


>What are they trying to hide?!

The facts of the trial, obviously.


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c0a814  No.15157096

File: 9a6a74da37174f4⋯.png (146.04 KB, 419x429, 419:429, nat_news.png)


Natural Health News Channel, [07.12.21 20:36]

[Forwarded from Dr. Tenpenny]


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c0a814  No.15157098

File: 364ed243bbfbd18⋯.png (107.22 KB, 429x461, 429:461, bannon_fuckery.png)


The Election Wizard, [07.12.21 22:16]

Human rights group BUSTED trying spread phony Steve Bannon posts ‘linking’ him to Patriot Front


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c0a814  No.15157100

File: 46fdfb21ca57639⋯.png (128.72 KB, 424x329, 424:329, ban_the.png)


PearFEED, [07.12.21 21:30]

[Forwarded from The Post Millennial]

Senate passes bill to ban conversion therapy


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c0a814  No.15157105

File: ffc28182a5d0417⋯.png (87.12 KB, 320x667, 320:667, medic.png)


Praying Medic, [07.12.21 21:45]

[ Photo ]

I received an email from a Parler exec this morning who said something big is about to happen on their platform.

Today, a verified account was created under the name Melania Trump.

I sent an email back to the exec asking a number of questions. If I hear anything, I'll let you know.



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67a344  No.15157109


Yay no more sex change operations???

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a2c600  No.15157111

File: 194fc40421269f4⋯.png (178.29 KB, 350x183, 350:183, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15156333 /lb

I believe Lin Wood here..

Wow.. The plot thickens!

Main reason is what I have read about Tucker and his less than noble past.

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c0a814  No.15157117

File: 136ebcfa9e085c0⋯.png (135.88 KB, 428x391, 428:391, home.png)


Chief Nerd, [08.12.21 01:03]

[ Video ]

Protesters against vaccine mandates show up to the home of NYC Mayor Bill DeBlasio in Brooklyn



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2882f0  No.15157119

File: fc610f718cb7cf6⋯.jpeg (501.17 KB, 750x970, 75:97, B8077F62_BA57_4781_954D_4….jpeg)

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2882f0  No.15157122


> Yay no more sex change operations???

No more counseling for people who regret chopping off their pecker

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c0a814  No.15157124

File: f795cad62707ec7⋯.png (173.33 KB, 421x606, 421:606, read.png)


KanekoaTheGreat, [08.12.21 01:35]

[Forwarded from Official Plandemic]


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a2c600  No.15157125


And their phantom erections. kek

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d8a8aa  No.15157126

File: 85eb10838302135⋯.gif (3.42 MB, 600x450, 4:3, IMG_4220.gif)

Morning, Frenz

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67a344  No.15157130


WTF am I supposed to do with that eye???

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c0a814  No.15157131

File: 3c606d3f8bee217⋯.png (190.22 KB, 425x570, 85:114, 120.png)


Teora's Truth to Power!, [08.12.21 00:41]

120 children hospitalized by Covid vaccine? Vaccine suspended. WTF? The chance of kids getting hospitalized by Covid is the same as the regular flu. Has everyone sold their souls to big pharma?

If society and people don't start using their brains humanity will soon go extinct.


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904d63  No.15157132

File: 2e1ae1695094db7⋯.jpg (36.45 KB, 540x343, 540:343, _p80wzkLM0O1rmydeho1_540.jpg)

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2882f0  No.15157133

File: eba81385f1314b9⋯.jpeg (79.75 KB, 750x357, 250:119, F2EBB5A3_808C_4ECD_BB70_6….jpeg)


Once you go faggot you can’t come back

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904d63  No.15157134

File: afe7b535fa0fabb⋯.jpg (31.84 KB, 640x459, 640:459, al.jpg)


Mornin' Sam

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656e8c  No.15157135

File: 6323e920b567477⋯.gif (367.86 KB, 500x375, 4:3, boomboomboomboom.gif)


Morning Sam.

Ghosting Early.

Breads are slow.

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a22fdb  No.15157136

File: 47591c02d2a8bd4⋯.gif (4.07 MB, 600x800, 3:4, D6C57BFE_9890_4F68_B7FE_04….gif)


thanks baker

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656e8c  No.15157137

File: 8c33c5e7b3f43dd⋯.png (354.23 KB, 540x783, 20:29, ClipboardImage.png)


>Once you go faggot you can’t come back

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a2c600  No.15157138

>>15157108 /lb

Is that how you disagree with others.."Nice"!


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4d8393  No.15157139

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Anon heard all it take is some deworming

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398e7e  No.15157140

File: 46fb82827b91d0f⋯.jpeg (9.43 KB, 255x213, 85:71, 46fb82827b91d0ff061d194bc….jpeg)

>>15157123 pb


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656e8c  No.15157141

File: 7326368433058d1⋯.png (936.99 KB, 680x673, 680:673, ClipboardImage.png)

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67a344  No.15157142


You know they dont chop it off right? They debulk it and stuff it up inside. The glans becomes the "cervix"…

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d8a8aa  No.15157143


TY for info, I wont be around long, anyway.

i pop back in when i get to work

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75f1ea  No.15157144

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Note: Of course they have different rules for them and us !!


Nigel Farage reacts to footage of Downing Street staff joking about a Christmas party

64,034 views7 Dec 2021


‘This is the beginning of the end of Boris Johnson. He’s lied his way out of so many things all through his life… the truth doesn't mean anything to Boris Johnson'

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2882f0  No.15157145


A lot of jews in alt media are pushing this.

Jews like convincing the goys to drink poison.

They get a sick twisted sense of satisfaction out of it.

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2882f0  No.15157146

File: 48353306e100efe⋯.png (56.15 KB, 239x211, 239:211, 76DE189E_181F_41B0_A959_E2….png)


> You know they dont chop it off right? They debulk it and stuff it up inside. The glans becomes the "cervix"…

You seem to know a lot about this are you in transition?

Once you get your fake taco holler at cha boy

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75f1ea  No.15157147

File: bc2eea527afddf5⋯.png (1.17 MB, 944x598, 472:299, ClipboardImage.png)


trips bullets chek'ed, fake news, wood has stated many times, no division

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87aa20  No.15157148

File: 4eb86548978bfa4⋯.jpg (14.62 KB, 255x155, 51:31, HapHap.jpg)

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d6b3d9  No.15157149

Morning anons…

Happy one year delta Q…we miss you! We miss the confirmation that we are looking and digging in the right places. But, as you have always indicated we "have it all…".

I have grown TREMENDOUSLY over the course of the last year. Way moar aware. Way more on our origins. Way more on our history.

I cannot even begin to imagine what will happen over the course of this next year, but I do know something with absolute certainty…


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75f1ea  No.15157150

File: 3d4baf60e50dc1c⋯.png (32.63 KB, 397x427, 397:427, ClipboardImage.png)



He not wrong


Lin Wood

My list of Deep State individuals exposed by republishing the maliciously false accusations by Kyle Rittenhouse against me and #FightBack without ever seeing the TRUTH from me or #FightBack:

Tucker Carlson

Sheriff David Clarke

Marjorie Taylor Greene

Jack Posobiec

Sebastian “Fake Accent” Gorka

Dan “Bongo Bongo” Bongino

Charlie Kirk

Ashleigh Bandfield

Sean Hannity

I don’t have access to Twitter or Facebook. So please let me know if I am missing anyone!!!

Thank you.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸




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2882f0  No.15157151

File: ce5aa28040f0259⋯.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1798x1836, 899:918, 7FE5B696_8C11_4C62_8EDC_4….jpeg)


> Morning anons

I stopped reading right there


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f378ae  No.15157152


Aand sadly alot of people

"Govern me harder" male guardian figure

Please.. stop "governing" me so suffocatingly?

See: Governesses

Govern-ment is not my parent

Lol whales

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2882f0  No.15157153

File: d55334313346213⋯.jpeg (469.8 KB, 750x721, 750:721, 22E92C1F_5476_4A48_8934_4….jpeg)

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7e0c59  No.15157154

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656e8c  No.15157155

File: 033fe6389a50c69⋯.gif (265.74 KB, 240x186, 40:31, dog_headphones.gif)



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67a344  No.15157156


No, I'm a nurse, grow up.

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d520c5  No.15157157

Dec 8th = 23 Days left in the year

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8a8fb2  No.15157158

File: 38416b4bbc14018⋯.jpg (73.11 KB, 750x882, 125:147, 38416b4bbc14018336c8fb9963….jpg)

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67a344  No.15157159


Malpractice, gross negligence…

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f378ae  No.15157161


Twisted ?

You mean from brit milah

Poison indeed

Sick F****

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2882f0  No.15157162


> No, I'm a nurse, grow up.

You know the rules..

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126423  No.15157163

File: 5a91dee3d905959⋯.mp4 (15.06 MB, 640x360, 16:9, John_360p.mp4)


UK Funeral Director Sends Chilling Message About Sharp Rise In COVID-19 Vaccine Deaths

A whistleblowing funeral director in the UK is once again raising the alarm about a massive spike in UK deaths involving blood clots, strokes, heart attacks, and brain bleeds.

John O’Looney, a funeral director of Milton Keynes Family Funeral Services, is known for previously speaking out about the rise in death rates he saw immediately after the UK vaccine rollout, saying that funeral directors were being bribed and pressured to conceal the true cause of the deaths.

O’Looney says he has seen more blood clots deaths this year than the whole of his career:

“I used to see a blood clot very rarely. Now I’ve seen more this year than I have in the previous 14.

I’ve written to the Chief Coroner of England, he isn’t concerned. I’ve had no response for weeks and weeks and then I had an email from his secretary saying he’s not interested.

This is they guy who’s supposed to protect us from harm.”

His chilling admission is in stark contrast to the official government narratives and statistics which show the jab to be ‘safe and effective’.

“I hope that people listen because if they don’t, they’re gonna get sick and they’re gonna die. That’s the reality. You will die if you keep taking these jabs.”

O’Looney also says in the video that he is seeing an increasing number of people with destroyed immune systems who are now unable to fight off the most simple sicknesses, suggesting that the new ‘Omicron wave’ was actually people succumbing to illnesses such as the common cold that their “decimated” immune systems can no longer combat.

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75f1ea  No.15157164

File: 8e3788b9d14a8c5⋯.png (43.44 KB, 397x501, 397:501, ClipboardImage.png)




Anon believes Patrick Byrne is deep state asset and too close to Flynn, this is where the problem starts, just cos you have money are a c.i.a asset and journalist with access to resources does not mean he plays on the side of truth, rather division and delay


Several days ago, I graciously extended an invitation to Mike Flynn (which by definition would include his brother Joe), Patrick Byrne, Doug Billings, and Clay Clark to meet publicly with me to discuss and hopefully resolve what some have seen as a division in the conservative Patriots ranks.

The response: Crickets.

I now withdraw my invitation which I believe is not going to be accepted by the invitees.

Patriots who have unanswered questions about The Flynn Family, their comrades, Doug Billings, Patrick Byrne. and Clay Clark should address them directly to or with Mike, Joe, Doug. Patrick, and Clay.

After considerable thought and reflection over the past several days, I am no longer willing to deal with any of them on any level.

I wish Mike, Joe, Doug. Patrick, and Clay the best of luck in their future endeavors.

FIX 2020 OR BUST!!!

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸


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2882f0  No.15157165

File: 4ea792f9edff783⋯.jpeg (312.84 KB, 700x540, 35:27, 9E627083_47BB_445B_96E9_F….jpeg)

If only you knew how bad things really are

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67a344  No.15157166


Somewhere behind that license is another higher license and they should be sued for malpractice and their license should be revoked as well.

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8a8fb2  No.15157167

File: 7ac98cfe6b1e9bd⋯.jpg (297.82 KB, 839x1024, 839:1024, astropolis.jpg)

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d6a9cd  No.15157168


>You know the rules..

Don't assume?

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239172  No.15157169

File: 0587667e81b02e0⋯.png (443.56 KB, 581x436, 581:436, bidan.png)

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f14b69  No.15157170



consider the vaxx a deadly weapon

stick one of mine with it, will not be suing

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75f1ea  No.15157171

File: dc7f26d0c5cb2f4⋯.png (814.76 KB, 762x424, 381:212, ClipboardImage.png)


>John O’Looney,

He not wrong but that name is a gift to the media!!

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2882f0  No.15157172

File: 112bf5a8b13a610⋯.jpeg (343.73 KB, 710x628, 355:314, AC57A510_925E_4E1B_9152_0….jpeg)

File: 927668a9fcd6838⋯.jpeg (369.94 KB, 662x689, 662:689, 13C6CFEE_6F92_4CC3_A43E_E….jpeg)

File: dc35a45e5a92d72⋯.jpeg (479.43 KB, 710x794, 355:397, A1151F6C_F116_4653_8B90_D….jpeg)

File: b871a2e7da4a5ff⋯.jpeg (399.96 KB, 694x692, 347:346, 81944C42_AFB8_4935_B39A_4….jpeg)

File: 3300b43c0e7a5a5⋯.jpeg (622.21 KB, 1169x671, 1169:671, 83C7303D_E71D_4313_B2FF_5….jpeg)

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2882f0  No.15157173

File: 6e5783ce5229e80⋯.jpeg (226.68 KB, 708x526, 354:263, E9F84325_ADF7_4902_A40D_A….jpeg)

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126423  No.15157174


So they convince gays that being gay is caused by some shit inside their body instead of being some fixed trait that you can not change?

That would be new to me.


They aint talking about the paint thinner in there, btw. which is actually poisonous.

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8a8fb2  No.15157176

File: df6e9228990a0d1⋯.jpg (68.4 KB, 712x859, 712:859, fb0b178e3e8f664e.jpg)

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e0ece1  No.15157177

File: 1693483465bf311⋯.jpg (18.7 KB, 294x687, 98:229, 1Salute.jpg)

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f378ae  No.15157178



How to get around that stinging needle?

Super small doses small #

Bad ingredient words

Small # values of the ingredients

Small #s are not bad

seeeeeeeee you cant even seeeeee them

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2882f0  No.15157179


Anon I think all the incel boards are on half chan you’re in the wrong place

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f378ae  No.15157180


Lol everyone has SHIT in their body

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8a8fb2  No.15157181

File: 0fbb4b274f2d35e⋯.png (225.68 KB, 636x406, 318:203, 7d4736094110b69b.png)

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d8a8aa  No.15157182


very cool, Anon

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8a8fb2  No.15157183

File: 4caa063703bc879⋯.jpeg (119.88 KB, 960x900, 16:15, 914bfc3e4dd992ef.jpeg)

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b8cd1c  No.15157184

File: 98e9e71e71461ab⋯.png (705.65 KB, 592x994, 296:497, ClipboardImage.png)

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2882f0  No.15157185

File: e88d4c7615a8907⋯.jpeg (299.55 KB, 713x577, 713:577, 19259B4F_D280_407F_BAA5_6….jpeg)

>chew me nigga

>push a turd back up inside me nigga

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8a8fb2  No.15157186

File: ad880830a7ddbe9⋯.jpeg (223.95 KB, 1163x1409, 1163:1409, 8ba902c61d8d24e2.jpeg)

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126423  No.15157187


Sometimes something is poisonous when the dosage is too high, water can kill you too if you drink too much of it in a short time.


In this case it's about certain parasites making people gay.

And I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.

I think I read some article years ago about mercury poisoning turning BIRDS gay.

So maybe it's (also?) mercury in vaccines that may turn some people gay?

Would be very interesting to research.

Imagine killing parasites inside your body and bam you are normal-sexual again. Just imagine that. Being able to have kids all on your own.

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50037d  No.15157188

File: 9c7875dc0b8ad8c⋯.jpg (332.06 KB, 720x785, 144:157, 20211208_062855.jpg)

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e0ece1  No.15157189

File: 101ec55ea996220⋯.png (884.08 KB, 1912x795, 1912:795, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4221962244bba6e⋯.png (174.39 KB, 1928x841, 1928:841, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5cfb184361212d3⋯.png (405.87 KB, 600x394, 300:197, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15156368 (PB) re: Fauci Clip

Rick Bright is noted as Director of BARDA.

BARDA is the biomedical equivalent of DARPA.

Total USG funds to BARDA for all FYs = $1.1 Billion dollars

Rick Bright in the clip (paraphrasing): But it is not too crazy to think that an outbreak of a novel avian virus could occur in China somewhere. We could get the RNA Sickness from that." Also talks about printing a vaccine patch at home for 'self administration'.

Shirley a coincidence that the 'vaccine' is an mRNA product.


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2882f0  No.15157190

File: 6aaf963f1568b62⋯.jpeg (276.55 KB, 750x997, 750:997, 863455CE_22A3_4C92_8F68_F….jpeg)

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8a8fb2  No.15157191

File: 1b8072c69bc67bd⋯.jpg (169.49 KB, 1079x1349, 1079:1349, eeeb20717cdcff54.jpg)

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78e469  No.15157192

File: 44bcc192b795271⋯.mp4 (1.29 MB, 480x640, 3:4, Lets_go_Brandon.mp4)

I just slept 3 hours.

Can I say hi again?

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b240fc  No.15157193

File: aebf64c0573aef7⋯.gif (2.06 MB, 339x195, 113:65, 5kuz14.gif)


>Morning, Frenz

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47e7b5  No.15157194

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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78e469  No.15157195


Hey tard.

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8a8fb2  No.15157196

File: 26596c42d8c1f60⋯.jpg (138.66 KB, 1080x1057, 1080:1057, 00e8abb097453c80.jpg)

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2882f0  No.15157197

File: 7ada8c150c22916⋯.jpeg (281.28 KB, 750x966, 125:161, E5B64A80_D59C_4ADD_941A_1….jpeg)


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8a8fb2  No.15157198

File: a988d0cac48fcb2⋯.jpeg (158.75 KB, 1163x1409, 1163:1409, a02b278739e4bdf0.jpeg)

File: b05a69161e00ee2⋯.jpeg (140.66 KB, 1284x1268, 321:317, 2a2852c63458bb6e.jpeg)


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78e469  No.15157199

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2882f0  No.15157200

File: 30c7d0f4295eef0⋯.jpeg (415.74 KB, 750x720, 25:24, 43AE1A8B_8940_4ABA_A0DD_4….jpeg)

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f06ffd  No.15157201


We should move to make these artifacts protected historical items. Same way municipalities do all over.

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8a8fb2  No.15157203

File: 4f945210229b9e3⋯.jpeg (185.88 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 6befdad6228a06e8.jpeg)

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126423  No.15157204

File: 73c74de62725ad5⋯.png (86.35 KB, 500x487, 500:487, jtg1mzxwq0b71.png)


"That totally was not REAL COMMUNISM™"

Rinse and repeat

"In real communism™ no one is controlling anyone else, but you are not allowed to own anything, you have to share share share everything and if you do then…… there will be …. consequences….."

"Well I just had to kill him, because he wanted to keep this, and it's not allowed in real communism™."

"So many people got killed during that real communism™? No, that can't have been real communism™, let's try it again…"

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043cdc  No.15157205

File: a4acb1aafab299f⋯.png (564.25 KB, 725x683, 725:683, ClipboardImage.png)

Fox News


Fox Square Christmas tree burned in fire, suspect arrested


Was it Sarah Silverman?

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2882f0  No.15157206


> We should move to make these artifacts protected historical items. Same way municipalities do all over.

I’m sorry I couldn’t help but overhear so I’m going to insert myself into this conversation and over emphasize the fact that I am 1/64th Cherokee Indian and that you are on stolen land buddy.

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494af7  No.15157207

File: 31e29bbf772deba⋯.png (1020.69 KB, 720x714, 120:119, IWantedZombies.png)

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bd1c97  No.15157208


- all signs of resisting the government will be gone.

- all signs that democrats have consistently stirred up trouble will be gone.

- only abe will remain because marx admired him.

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f06ffd  No.15157209

File: f82e2af663ed55b⋯.jpg (53.84 KB, 746x697, 746:697, stand_thefuck_down.JPG)

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2882f0  No.15157210


That’s Rick Grimes

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9e6e51  No.15157211

File: 4c6454dba61bca5⋯.png (1.15 MB, 894x1310, 447:655, 20210114_195223.png)

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043cdc  No.15157212

File: d818e4ac7ed28ad⋯.png (328.74 KB, 552x538, 276:269, ClipboardImage.png)

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8a8fb2  No.15157213

File: 7211b84556c8c23⋯.jpeg (147.43 KB, 663x1152, 221:384, 79666b1dbf08d2f5.jpeg)

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78e469  No.15157214

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7205a9  No.15157215

File: f3237d0c6dec2ac⋯.png (437.94 KB, 590x646, 295:323, Capture.PNG)

File: bcb2c597a39e737⋯.png (476.41 KB, 845x563, 845:563, ClipboardImage.png)

Let’s pause for a moment and appreciate the fact that the most famous novel on propaganda will be rewritten to conform to modern propaganda

>George Orwell's estate approves retelling "1984" from woman's point of view


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32d9ba  No.15157216

File: 04bc5cd41ebb0de⋯.png (390.51 KB, 631x528, 631:528, sawant_recall_election.PNG)

SEATTLE — Voters in Seattle's District 3 are currently approving the recall of Socialist Councilmember Kshama Sawant after initial election results were released Tuesday night.

As of Tuesday night, 53% of ballots were in favor of the recall and 47% were against it.

Ballots for the single-issue election were sent to voters in District 3, which includes areas of Capitol Hill, First Hill, the Central District, Madrona, Montlake and Leschi. More than 76,000 voters live in District 3.


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e4b6ae  No.15157217

File: 79fae57dbd38325⋯.jpg (210.66 KB, 1170x996, 195:166, Awakening.jpg)

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004ad4  No.15157218

Hearing On Reinstatement After Espionage Conviction And Disbarment

A District of Columbia Ad Hoc Hearing Committee is conducting a hearing on a petition for reinstatement.

Petitioner Theresa Squillacote was convicted of an espionage offense and disbarred over two decades ago



In the Supreme Court of the United States




Following a jury trial in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, petitioners Theresa Marie Squillacote and Kurt Alan Stand were convicted on…


Theresa Marie Squillacote a former senior staff lawyer in the office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, her husband Kurt Stand and friend James Clark, a private investigator, were arrested 4 Oct 1997 on charges of spying for East Germany and Russia.

Theresa Squillacote traveled regularly through the Soviet Bloc and even named her children Rosa and Karl (after the German Communist "martyrs" Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht).

During the Clinton administration, after receiving yet another, higher clearance, Squillacote went to work at the Pentagon itself. In 1995, Theresa Squillacote received a "Reinventing Government" award from Vice President Al Gore.

All three co-conspirators in the Stand case were former members of the [Young Workers Liberation League].

Kurt Stand, Theresa Squillacote and Maximillian Stand were all members of the Communist Party USA splinter group, Committees of Correspondence.


Subject of: Young Communist League

Object Number: 2013.68.13.1-.2

Pinback buttons for the [Young Workers Liberation League]


ink on paper with metal and plastic

Collection of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, Gift of T. Rasul Murray


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2882f0  No.15157219

File: 3c817d40c4e813c⋯.jpeg (468.94 KB, 724x911, 724:911, 0702D251_C5A8_46EC_A3B1_F….jpeg)

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e1b733  No.15157220

So there is recent earthquake activity off the shore of Oregon. If a quake was big enough would it trigger a tsunami? Would it affect all those cargo ships sitting off-shore?

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c817d3  No.15157221

File: c1cbe96db7cfbae⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1362x743, 1362:743, 08DEC21_3.PNG)

File: 12909d273ee58a6⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1381x735, 1381:735, 08DEC21_3a.PNG)


TX Banning Books


now they like the first amendment


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2882f0  No.15157222

File: 4808a8f1623a6cf⋯.jpeg (397 KB, 708x675, 236:225, 3EF1F130_8058_4B3B_9A8F_4….jpeg)

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3dfdac  No.15157223

File: ba38bfd63c37994⋯.png (536.41 KB, 586x480, 293:240, ClipboardImage.png)

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78e469  No.15157224

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8a8fb2  No.15157225

File: 90924eea7e7fdc1⋯.jpg (80.83 KB, 960x898, 480:449, 8b1de2df3b7088c1.jpg)

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76dee2  No.15157226

File: c0ea52504d79bb5⋯.jpg (59.22 KB, 549x734, 549:734, 263642503_330925851863250_….jpg)


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75f1ea  No.15157227

File: d07b8a285b4aca4⋯.png (30.51 KB, 235x213, 235:213, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f808b8d5c9704cd⋯.png (1.16 MB, 801x1017, 89:113, ClipboardImage.png)



Second image cap is the shortest meme version after many many attempts to reduce the wall of text to explain how to go your own way - no one wants a wall of text !!


Beautifully written for newbies by an anon !!!


To the newbies and young people here with so many questions. You will face many truths and lies here. Many have died to bring this information to you. For centuries good people have given their lives so that this would be known to you now.

You will go through many emotions and heartache to know this truth. You would not be here were you not a truth seeker, bless you all.

First will be denial. The horrors will rock you to the core. To think that anyone could do these things will seem impossible.

Then will be anger. A fury and rage will rise in you so overwhelming it will threaten your sanity. Do not lash out. Do not become what you hate.

Next you wil ask perhaps if we ask them to stop they will. No they won't they are lost and only they can turn to the light. Some will but the worst will not.

Then it will weigh on your heart, the darkness will attempt to keep you in sadness and despair. Move past this.

Lastly you will know that each must find their own way and that by looking inside yourself, you will find a divine, magnificent, eternal soul who will be the future of humanity.

Do not darken your soul with vengeance, hatred or fear. You are the light you are seeking. You are a beautiful shining beacon that one day will know a world without war.

All paths lead to God. May yours be a joyous and kind one. That is why anons are here now. So that you and your children may live on a peaceful and beautiful earth.


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2882f0  No.15157228

File: 2992c513f23d86e⋯.jpeg (379.97 KB, 710x684, 355:342, 8FC2E44A_6EDD_42AF_8404_B….jpeg)

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f378ae  No.15157229

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7205a9  No.15157230

File: 94d16c578d285ec⋯.png (44.58 KB, 585x467, 585:467, Capture.PNG)

#BREAKING 'In no circumstances' is forced vaccination OK: UN rights chief


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2882f0  No.15157231

File: 6e5783ce5229e80⋯.jpeg (226.68 KB, 708x526, 354:263, CB6D27A8_CE00_4714_9F91_E….jpeg)

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c5e911  No.15157232


But he still seems totally gay

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656e8c  No.15157233

File: 92915e6ce677160⋯.png (522.56 KB, 720x684, 20:19, ClipboardImage.png)







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239172  No.15157234

File: c0687111345e349⋯.png (106.24 KB, 417x270, 139:90, 2021_12_08_06_48_09.png)

>>15156460 lb

Killary was key to their globalists plan, but she lost the election.

Fauci was also key to their plan, but because Killary lost, he had to take on a larger role?

What do we know about Dr Fauci?

What do we really know about Dr Fauci?

Up to his ass in AIDS research in Chicago bathhouses?

History of torturing animals in his work?

Hangs around with globalists like Bill Gates?

Super friendly with ChYna?

Dr Fauci is a psychopath?

Plan not working, so…

Bring in the Potato because he and Hunter are so compromised and ChYna has a lot of blackmail material on them?

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7205a9  No.15157235

File: abaa702bc376a6e⋯.png (478.88 KB, 583x601, 583:601, Capture.PNG)

End of an era: Angela Merkel has left office just over 16 years after becoming Germany's first female chancellor on Nov. 22, 2005.

@AP reports on her tenure and her legacy.


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2882f0  No.15157236


Notable this plz >>15157219

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510091  No.15157237


G'Mornin' Sam… Another Day at the Office.

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78e469  No.15157238

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


How beautiful she was…..

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126423  No.15157239


Well the parasite turned him gay, and he got used to being gay.

Just like a house-wife can make her husband get used to suffering.


Why is that traitor bitch not getting arrested?

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c817d3  No.15157240

File: 412eb209909bdec⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1322x742, 661:371, 08DEC21_4.PNG)

File: 2ffc1baf77b672c⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1359x736, 1359:736, 08DEC21_4a.PNG)

File: fa9fc551e7428f5⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1326x743, 1326:743, 08DEC21_4b.PNG)

File: f05b16f334d63bb⋯.png (820.21 KB, 1336x742, 668:371, 08DEC21_4c.PNG)


"NFL Football Player Dead in Jail After Being Arrested For High Speed Chase"



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f06ffd  No.15157241

File: 37e871ee3d6e5cf⋯.gif (10.74 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Q_world.gif)


I'd notable that shit nigga.

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676f28  No.15157242

File: b7675685df4d6c8⋯.jpeg (178.42 KB, 750x584, 375:292, 9364DC2F_079F_4E14_A0A8_4….jpeg)

🚨 "Carolyn" testified yesterday that she saw photos of Ghislaine Maxwell naked and pregnant.

We know Epstein and Maxwell wanted Virginia Giuffre and Annie Farmer to have "babies" for them.

What happened to Ghislaine's BABY? 😱


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510091  No.15157243


Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the covfefe.

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200a1d  No.15157244

Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6

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7205a9  No.15157245

File: 48e8c8c05a0632d⋯.png (421.4 KB, 585x673, 585:673, Capture.PNG)

File: d0c0052d9089bc3⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain has denied claims that his staff broke Covid rules by holding a Christmas party while the country was in lockdown. That story weakened after a video surfaced of senior staff members joking about just such a gathering.


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676f28  No.15157246

File: bfdf39687e59a55⋯.jpeg (99.58 KB, 750x323, 750:323, E5438E6D_FD99_41F4_8922_3….jpeg)

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7205a9  No.15157247

File: 4c5a1ec7d2bac68⋯.png (480.37 KB, 588x618, 98:103, Capture.PNG)

South Africa’s ruling party scraps plans to change the constitution to make it easier for the state to take land without paying for it


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7cfe12  No.15157248



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3dfdac  No.15157249

File: c2f7b597d3ac14b⋯.png (909.07 KB, 863x480, 863:480, national_treasure.png)


anon trusts Lin moar than any on that list.

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78e469  No.15157250

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f7d15f  No.15157251

>>15156425 They got money sniffin dogs now? Potentially big bust at airport (pb notable)

If the government can arrest you for carrying government mandated fiat money, what can't they arrest you for?

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0a5872  No.15157252

File: c07dc4282b78065⋯.png (348.67 KB, 647x852, 647:852, afdf4da36dd11d068d64303a13….png)

File: 24fa8e237589238⋯.jpg (45.95 KB, 629x435, 629:435, a5.JPG)

File: 3541b0b2dfd73a7⋯.jpg (17.15 KB, 741x465, 247:155, a4.JPG)

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7205a9  No.15157253

File: 582e69f4c16b0c4⋯.png (338.91 KB, 585x590, 117:118, Capture.PNG)


CEO who fired 900 staff on brutal Zoom call now has mass resignation of top executives on his hands


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656e8c  No.15157254

File: 72dc72d6e9a43cf⋯.png (1.16 MB, 680x656, 85:82, ClipboardImage.png)

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447a1a  No.15157255

File: 14ecd48697b418b⋯.png (281.41 KB, 616x594, 28:27, 9876347665127698430.png)

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126423  No.15157256

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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994886  No.15157257

File: e04b93b46072850⋯.png (578.52 KB, 828x466, 414:233, ClipboardImage.png)

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2882f0  No.15157258

File: 4de7647f0901762⋯.jpeg (229.51 KB, 750x560, 75:56, 9494DFB4_B9B3_4D75_986E_F….jpeg)

They condemned Q in congress so does that mean Ron is ineligible to run for congress?


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c817d3  No.15157259


they're human

don't trust any of them

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d8a8aa  No.15157260


buh bye

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f7d15f  No.15157261

Maxwell's prosecution (the government under James Comey's daughter) may rest their case this week.


Nothing fishy here at all folks

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447a1a  No.15157262

File: a515ea0390e6836⋯.png (1.39 MB, 913x607, 913:607, 458907690861264689.png)

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78e469  No.15157263

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2882f0  No.15157264

File: 40f3ee0abb98c07⋯.jpeg (290.31 KB, 669x661, 669:661, 80C6A46C_FCE8_442D_9858_9….jpeg)



let me out nigga

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676f28  No.15157265

File: 64bbf00a29a6752⋯.jpeg (477.17 KB, 750x1010, 75:101, 13D82E36_93D7_44EF_9C60_5….jpeg)


Any quakefags care to share insight about Oregon…? Dutchsinse hasn’t posted videos that I can see…hmmm

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f7d15f  No.15157266


Better link that's not under a pay wall:

Trial of Ghislaine Maxwell: the prosecution can close the case by the end of the week, according to a court


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447a1a  No.15157267

File: 60fdd048b33e104⋯.png (224.92 KB, 755x594, 755:594, 074869812645011.png)

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7205a9  No.15157269

File: fed3e40d3f520f3⋯.png (451.48 KB, 587x587, 1:1, Capture.PNG)


BBC includes trans women among list of 100 'most inspiring and influential' women


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f06ffd  No.15157270

File: 3022caebe9cdefe⋯.png (911.76 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 68f03da208ff0635a666ea376b….png)


Tucker Carlson: Never Trust a guy that wears a Bow Tie

Sheriff David Clarke: Low IQ

Marjorie Taylor Greene: Who the hell knows, so far she hasn't gone full blown Qtard (which is nice). Lets see if she supports Loomer

Jack Posobiec: OMG This Clown Nigger Faggot is the worst on the list.

Sebastian “Fake Accent” Gorka: 2nd Worst on the List, and Jack isn't even Jewish

Dan “Bongo Bongo” Bongino: The argument over Muh Social Media w/ CM was classic

Charlie Kirk: Who dis lol

Ashleigh Bandfield: Who dis lol

Sean Hannity: Wears a fucking Clown Nigger lapel pin, hello.

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656e8c  No.15157271

File: d6306da5b4d60c6⋯.png (1.04 MB, 839x720, 839:720, ClipboardImage.png)













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2882f0  No.15157272


All the weird fucks too weird to live in California live in Oregon.

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78e469  No.15157273


k, you want me be sad all day…..


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2882f0  No.15157274

File: 3c817d40c4e813c⋯.jpeg (468.94 KB, 724x911, 724:911, CEC2B686_3473_48D0_9E77_C….jpeg)


How stunning

How brave

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447a1a  No.15157275

File: d0d5ce9474151c5⋯.png (223.05 KB, 755x594, 755:594, 0347612079634968450.png)

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7205a9  No.15157276

File: 0435e14484cce13⋯.png (18.1 KB, 580x172, 145:43, Capture.PNG)

File: c402b0a185b024b⋯.png (182.2 KB, 505x323, 505:323, ClipboardImage.png)



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d6a9cd  No.15157277


>They got money sniffin dogs now?

FYI: They have been around for a long time

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447a1a  No.15157278

File: 03b36d0cf5e9c78⋯.png (230.43 KB, 755x594, 755:594, 089346129086456893208.png)

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656e8c  No.15157279

File: 8bbbbeaf490ba25⋯.png (512.77 KB, 720x401, 720:401, ClipboardImage.png)




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043cdc  No.15157280

File: 6be74fcd2b4e78a⋯.png (295.36 KB, 960x715, 192:143, ClipboardImage.png)

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447a1a  No.15157281

File: ea13bcd1b872430⋯.png (519.75 KB, 419x551, 419:551, 18975497623457891.png)

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6d2953  No.15157282


Lb/pb anon.

I saw the piece, and yes the annoying part is that the article doesn’t make it sound like the money was related to a particular crime or drugs, or something… other than just the existence of the money alone was enough for the great Hero’s and K9s to go to work nabbing the baddie for having Money.

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3dfdac  No.15157283

File: 924c70094a6b611⋯.png (259.05 KB, 381x480, 127:160, fauci_liar.png)

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a644ef  No.15157284


death has a way of doing that.

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447a1a  No.15157285

File: 2d86dc2645293ad⋯.png (986.15 KB, 908x605, 908:605, 450987127645.png)

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2882f0  No.15157286

File: 780549a34077fcb⋯.jpeg (722.22 KB, 662x985, 662:985, F1A17E92_431A_4B4B_B6C8_0….jpeg)


Only three..?


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904d63  No.15157287


profound encouragement, thank anon


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df34f7  No.15157288

File: dfff638314454ae⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1358x735, 194:105, 08DEC21_5a.PNG)

File: e7559462194bbbd⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1348x752, 337:188, 08DEC21_5c.PNG)

File: cb21b95b5d0085c⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1345x725, 269:145, 08DEC21_5d.PNG)

File: c9f3061d2183522⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1353x743, 1353:743, 08DEC21_5e.PNG)

File: f05b16f334d63bb⋯.png (820.21 KB, 1336x742, 668:371, 08DEC21_4c.PNG)


By The Numbers


6, 13, 15, 28, 31, 68, 140, 158, 274, 326


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6d2953  No.15157289


It’s right in front of you anon, and you still got it wrong? They condemned “QAnon”.

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689240  No.15157290

File: 6735ce8bc4fdd0a⋯.png (426.2 KB, 518x487, 518:487, Hannity_re_Fox_Tree_Arson_….PNG)

Man in Custody After Allegedly Lighting Christmas Tree Outside Fox News Building on Fire


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e4b6ae  No.15157291

File: 30632dbeac4eadf⋯.jpeg (173.68 KB, 671x1024, 671:1024, 1638876798578.jpeg)


Thank You for that. Truly appreciate it.

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7205a9  No.15157292

File: 12fdd67c89046c1⋯.png (661.25 KB, 522x688, 261:344, Capture.PNG)

File: b441890feb98ca8⋯.mp4 (3.11 MB, 720x748, 180:187, happyholidays.mp4)

The Fox News Christmas Tree is on fire in NYC


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239172  No.15157293

File: 2fdd59466ba5b41⋯.png (469.56 KB, 542x529, 542:529, 2021_12_08_07_03_18.png)


>Angela Merkel has left office just over 16 years after becoming Germany's first female chancellor on Nov. 22, 2005.

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447a1a  No.15157294

File: 3d109ed84862ffc⋯.png (603.21 KB, 641x585, 641:585, 07645981296845.png)

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c5e911  No.15157295



Ok faggot. keep your worms

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42e7e9  No.15157296


If a trans women was a women, I would not vomit violently when looking at one.

There should be three genders - male, female and freaks… don't mix the freaks into real men and women.

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940494  No.15157297

My 2 cents…

Instead of Ascension why not dig on Methodist Hospital system, the first hospital to mandate vaccines, The hospital had its start with the Spanish Flu, is global, heavily researching mRNA technology. The CEO's family immigrated from Belgium and wife also an MD works at Texas Children's has been credited on many papers promoting vaccination and the role of social media in disseminating info.

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cf05c4  No.15157298

File: 90ef29a1522b236⋯.png (54.15 KB, 925x665, 185:133, ClipboardImage.png)

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e4b6ae  No.15157299

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bfb980  No.15157300

File: 6a14e39f73f3006⋯.png (577.75 KB, 848x421, 848:421, COMFEFE_COVFEFE.png)


>The Flu is a man made bioweapon.

Yep. They even tell us to our faces.


This jab, same as the old jab. Causing problems they can sell you medicine for to keep the scam going. That was the entire point of COVID psyop; to wake people up.

>Those you trust the most.

>We take this journey together. One step at a time.

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bfb980  No.15157301


Gah… Link is (PB)

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9327ea  No.15157302

File: feed9230ee6acbf⋯.jpg (62.78 KB, 665x460, 133:92, download_3_.jpg)

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f378ae  No.15157303


Hollow cost

Not enough shekels

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7205a9  No.15157304

File: 7193297a51f5d76⋯.png (205.92 KB, 523x430, 523:430, Capture.PNG)

File: 55bb9007dec50e5⋯.png (823.08 KB, 980x551, 980:551, ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. Senate confirms Biden's border chief amid record migrant arrests


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78e469  No.15157305

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


enough sadness, let's laugh a bit.

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df34f7  No.15157306

File: 5b04ba656e797f1⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1388x812, 347:203, 08DEC21_6a.PNG)



Pfizer: Booster Dose Effective Against Omicron



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239172  No.15157307

File: 2426f6637e862a1⋯.png (222.47 KB, 480x300, 8:5, 2021_12_08_07_15_08.png)


>Angela Merkel has left office

Bitches be crazy, and gone…

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d5430b  No.15157308


There was some fuckery in 2005… Schröder was out and then he got some position with Gasprom…

…and this (Translated)

After Putin binge: Schröder celebrates birthday at aristocratic bank Rothschild

Now former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder is allowed to celebrate his birthday at the expense of the aristocratic Rothschild Bank. The private banking group hosts a celebration in the Taunus. Apparently also with Russian representation.

On invitation of the private bank group Rothschild celebrates former Federal Chancellor Gerhard Schröder (SPD) on (today) Monday evening its 70th birthday in the Taunus. The group arranges a private dinner for Schröder, said a speaker. The group did not give any details about the guest list. The "Frankfurter Neue Presse" had reported that Schröder was planning another celebration with Russian friends.

The guest list for the party at the Schlosshotel Kronberg in Taunus also included the name of the Russian ambassador to Germany, Vladimir Grinin, the report said. A confirmation for it was not to be received however first. According to the report, the guests are to be far predominantly representatives of the German economy.

The Rothschild spokesman said Schröder has been a member of the group's international circle of advisors since 2006. Schröder had drawn criticism at the end of April with a birthday party in St. Petersburg and a warm embrace with Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin in the midst of the Ukraine crisis.


>The Rothschild spokesman said Schröder has been a member of the group's international circle of advisors since 2006.

out 2005, Rothschild 2006…

Here some Gasprom shit (POTUS mentioned Schröder at the NATO summit in 18 or 19, who the hell knows the years anymore…)

Schröder faces growing scandal over job with Russian gas giant


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f7faf3  No.15157309

File: b7987a47d9bae95⋯.jpg (64.93 KB, 598x336, 299:168, ice_cold_killer.jpg)

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447a1a  No.15157310

File: db639c80c937b7b⋯.png (597.99 KB, 804x591, 268:197, 890430609127676.png)

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42e7e9  No.15157311


Arresting Pfizer management, Cunty Gates and Fraudci would work even better… and for a booster, arrest the fake news maggots.

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676f28  No.15157312

File: 6d5eaf692a81e6e⋯.jpeg (498.75 KB, 750x1006, 375:503, 3734BE68_5673_46AA_85D5_0….jpeg)

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f7faf3  No.15157313

File: ad378fc89d12ec7⋯.jpg (97.36 KB, 630x512, 315:256, DICTATOR_JACINDA.jpg)

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f378ae  No.15157314


How hard is the E?

Eey ffective

Eh ffective

Hard Gs Js Es..? How high how hard?

Is he selling it? Or covering his a$$

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75f1ea  No.15157315

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


he should definitely have put Bannon in with that lot,

Fcuking waste of space, he was pretty pissed with farage getting a international interview, again making excuses about the Kyle trial and not covering it, then said posobiec had covered it but nothing on the war room, A clear danger to the 2nd amendment, audit all 50 states, (how long will that take) transhumanism ( who cares, deal with the fucking election fraud. (grassed to the unselect committe) trump told me not to co-operate, then tried to milk the situation, highjacked mike lindel's cyber event with wendy richards, cambridge analytica ceo, Richard nix, ties to the mercer family, trump stated they would not back him unless he took on bannon, ties to the chinese, christian zionist.

fuck anon could go on and on.

The series THE LONE GUNMEN sums it up, the war room is basically intel to the enemies of what the progress in the fight back in the open.

Episode 13 captain toby

video embedded. good series if you want to watch it, way ahead of its time on topics, including the 9/11 before it happened !!

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51c783  No.15157316

>>15157018 PB

Re the Adele Oprah gig - did you all see the Saturn tattoo prominantly displayed on the forearm?

Can't help themselves can they!

Waiting for the gastric band to fail and transform her back to Miss Piggy . . . .

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f7faf3  No.15157317

File: e0f063574ad680e⋯.jpg (74.81 KB, 518x388, 259:194, what_morals.jpg)

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d8a8aa  No.15157318


Should read "booster effectively raises Pfizer profits"

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42e7e9  No.15157319


Once you see her snorting lines, you know she/he is a fucktard, treat as such.

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3eeb7b  No.15157320

File: 3ef74687f798992⋯.jpeg (57.28 KB, 480x639, 160:213, 9304D92C_F51E_4C13_AB77_9….jpeg)

Beloved people,

Turn to God in all matters! God is the first and only authority for all your worries, needs and fears.

Come to God with your fears until you are ready to share your happiness with God as well. That is the way! Meditation starts with your worries and leads to love and happiness.

This is the true meditation and this is the true life. For every person has many reasons to be grateful, fulfilled and delighted beyond measure.

This is even more true in this day and age. Right now, you are presented with trials and challenges that will propel you forward and allow you to reach mastery.

You were born not only to participate in this game, but to master this time.

You master it when you can see in every event a welcome challenge and in every situation an exercise for your mastery.

What you can learn and acquire today has the potential for great growth. Some people achieve mastery and they will set the capstone of their earthly journey in this life.

Those who can anchor deep inner peace today, who remain in love now, and who are willing to practice forgiveness on everything and everyone will find completion at the end of their days.

Until then, turn to God with the small and big matters. God knows you and He knows your needs and fears. But God knows your joys and happiness. Increase it by exposing yourself more and more to God’s light until nothing remains of you.

In the end, you dissolve into God and you find yourself again.

This earthly incarnation can be the life of all lives. The days are overflowing with tasks and the solutions bring you closer and closer to God. While a battle rages on the outside, deep inside you are being reborn.

Accept the challenges of life joyfully, for they are the rungs on the ladder to heaven.

I love you infinitely,


**Channel: Jahn Kassl

**Translation by EraofLight.com


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f7faf3  No.15157321

File: 0aea039a5f1e9d1⋯.jpg (123.2 KB, 604x326, 302:163, Ireleand_had_enough.jpg)

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126423  No.15157322

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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447a1a  No.15157323

File: 8c57ba9b3c6aa60⋯.png (866.74 KB, 877x602, 877:602, 073460912980745.png)

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d5430b  No.15157324

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Putin and Greek PM Mitsotakis give press conference in Sochi

Not startet, yet

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78e469  No.15157325


We dind't lowered cute standards….

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f7faf3  No.15157326

File: 22e3eb6741f493a⋯.jpg (112.86 KB, 439x568, 439:568, FUCKING_NAZI.jpg)

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7205a9  No.15157327

File: a7f86a074572fa4⋯.png (266.34 KB, 587x585, 587:585, Capture.PNG)

New CDC report finds increase in autism, with 1 in 44 8-year-olds diagnosed


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447a1a  No.15157328

File: ed1ab3c9ff27735⋯.png (180.06 KB, 596x587, 596:587, 458907123096845.png)

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126423  No.15157329

File: d3955e5422b9f3f⋯.jpg (93.65 KB, 887x500, 887:500, 342yaw.jpg)



for a horse w/ horse teeth

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7205a9  No.15157330

File: 2e61c22f08498af⋯.mp4 (849.09 KB, 828x478, 414:239, dafuqdidijustwatch.mp4)


i saw it so now you have to

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fd5838  No.15157331



The Jew Plan to kill all non-Jewish White has been in place for awhile.

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f7faf3  No.15157332

File: a1e8cac5cc06f13⋯.jpg (87.68 KB, 632x438, 316:219, NOTHING_HAS_CHANGED_IN_40_….jpg)

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c7eeb7  No.15157333

File: 7e82bceeb4b35db⋯.png (53.58 KB, 945x731, 945:731, 08DEC21_schedule.PNG)

WH Schedule For 08DEC21


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f7faf3  No.15157334

File: 45f14b4afd09c6f⋯.jpg (182.74 KB, 864x577, 864:577, causes_heart_attacks.jpg)

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bfb980  No.15157335

>>15156640 (lb)

Good summary, anon. Goes back to what anons (should) already know to do:

-Ignore personalities

-Pay attention to the facts

-Come to your own assessment

-Stop "following" someone else's lead

-Trust yourself

-Do MAGA shit

You never know who's doing what to expose whom, and that goes both ways. Just sit back and wait for all the facts, and go where those lead you.

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447a1a  No.15157336

File: 68ef083ba71e3a2⋯.png (538.86 KB, 706x578, 353:289, 0980562167906733.png)

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7205a9  No.15157337

File: 7e4560df87190cd⋯.png (448.88 KB, 587x590, 587:590, Capture.PNG)

>my b

Finland's PM Sanna Marin sorry for clubbing after close Covid contact


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4d8393  No.15157338

File: a0588a7387dc1db⋯.png (167 KB, 752x600, 94:75, Tahuti.png)


Sure have been seeing the number 144 around a lot lately.

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447a1a  No.15157339

File: 296ae50149ae519⋯.png (1.08 MB, 770x593, 770:593, 93478967681276789430.png)

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f7faf3  No.15157340

File: d3dd7ad00f8670f⋯.jpg (194.14 KB, 1157x568, 1157:568, what_the_fuck.jpg)

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c7eeb7  No.15157341

File: 3908e6b13a9188d⋯.jpg (10.32 KB, 284x177, 284:177, 44.jpg)



like you wouldn't believe

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447a1a  No.15157342

File: a0bd286324671c0⋯.png (158.62 KB, 763x691, 763:691, 17834602310364923.png)

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c1214e  No.15157343

File: f186eba9b7ef9e7⋯.jpeg (324.2 KB, 750x594, 125:99, 575A7B0B_5C4A_4F76_9936_C….jpeg)

File: ebd50c1e844c92e⋯.jpeg (284.66 KB, 750x473, 750:473, DA7598AB_20D6_4DA7_9CC9_A….jpeg)

File: d9cba8cece4d0c6⋯.jpeg (313.78 KB, 750x571, 750:571, 284D1227_54E6_49BC_8A29_D….jpeg)

File: 41f39cd4b77ce6c⋯.jpeg (373.82 KB, 652x630, 326:315, C4026F4A_95C8_427A_A94E_3….jpeg)

File: 2313d08722bff82⋯.jpeg (425.16 KB, 641x819, 641:819, 2B82644C_5560_4075_81FD_B….jpeg)

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447a1a  No.15157344

File: 51f86688b0ba397⋯.png (142.46 KB, 763x691, 763:691, 0498612986439687.png)

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bfb980  No.15157345


She's a more attractive version of Casey Anthony and needs to get her club on. Can you blame her?

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306d1e  No.15157346

File: 55fe7ba990ce9b0⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1204x1164, 301:291, barry_hussein_moran_statue….png)

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7205a9  No.15157347

File: 171fa09598deeda⋯.png (406.55 KB, 587x638, 587:638, Capture.PNG)

Merck’s ivermectin is an effective drug—for river blindness. Now with an actual Covid pill in the works, Merck is forced to confront unproven anti-vaxxer claims that could trim demand for its new treatment


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f7faf3  No.15157348

File: ecca61addb65ee9⋯.jpg (146.79 KB, 948x592, 237:148, seal_first_NZ_second.jpg)


Surprise surprise… another one that likes to go "clubbing"…lol.

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f378ae  No.15157349




"Report finds"

Going great so far .. not

"Increased autism diagnoses"

We know that we have eyes

From what cause?

What population?

Increased from what previous figures?

Oh yeah its prob because of CDC BS to begin with

Gtfo cdc noone likes you

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a597e1  No.15157350

>>15154294 (lb)

>Florida’s Attorney General Ashley Moody unveiled online tools on Dec. 3 that workers can use to easily report violations of a new law requiring employers to accept exemptions to vaccine mandates.

This is great! Could you please do this for the residents of North Carolina @JoshStein?

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c1214e  No.15157351

File: 7a17248559464c0⋯.jpeg (221.61 KB, 684x506, 342:253, 7DF51B02_AC0C_4D17_92E7_2….jpeg)

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447a1a  No.15157352

File: ca407368fa70601⋯.png (1.01 MB, 755x603, 755:603, 0984612963489.png)

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f7faf3  No.15157353

File: 2e590bd2b7b255a⋯.jpg (157.3 KB, 1028x536, 257:134, perverted_freak.jpg)

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b240fc  No.15157354

File: bf06b7a47fd57f3⋯.png (131.32 KB, 396x327, 132:109, ralph3c.png)


>Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the covfefe.

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447a1a  No.15157355

File: 69ad54dfb6122f5⋯.png (723.62 KB, 609x603, 203:201, 438651298743078643512.png)

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d5430b  No.15157356

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jim Jordan Goes After Adam Schiff Over Mueller Probe

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447a1a  No.15157357

File: 5293dcdd217cb2c⋯.png (825.32 KB, 1057x603, 1057:603, 1320864980164300.png)

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7205a9  No.15157358


only for not returning my calls, kek

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447a1a  No.15157359

File: d98f010b3436000⋯.png (279.64 KB, 915x596, 915:596, 54986712689450.png)

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f7faf3  No.15157360

File: 939a1fcbb4e44b7⋯.jpg (73.48 KB, 683x384, 683:384, take_a_breath_and_let_spew.jpg)

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447a1a  No.15157361

File: dd57fc6d113fd76⋯.png (1.18 MB, 681x616, 681:616, 14507978231289.png)

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447a1a  No.15157362

File: 8ce4c1f61083bac⋯.png (520.32 KB, 621x620, 621:620, 56313455699056.png)

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fd5838  No.15157363


Banning people from music and sports venues because they aren't vaxxed, hopefully will bankrupt the corrupt Satanic music and sports industries.

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306d1e  No.15157364

File: aefb602bcc1b44a⋯.jpeg (288.32 KB, 1670x1230, 167:123, kkk_robert_byrd_funeral.jpeg)

File: 273984175bd8174⋯.jpeg (65.05 KB, 680x448, 85:56, biden_with_kkk_wizard_rob….jpeg)

File: c58bf66d4a53ffb⋯.jpeg (108.69 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, robert_byrd_kkk_facts.jpeg)

File: e6d6bd299db43a6⋯.jpeg (192.47 KB, 1024x758, 512:379, hugh_rodham_kkk_member_ce….jpeg)

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f7faf3  No.15157365

File: 09c60abc1b0e6c3⋯.jpg (167.56 KB, 826x476, 59:34, BAD_IDEA.jpg)

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239172  No.15157366

File: 72eb634a34eccdf⋯.png (103.08 KB, 256x267, 256:267, teddy.png)


Killary looks like sheeit.

That's either a Killary doppleganger or it's really her right before an adrenochrome fix.

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447a1a  No.15157367

File: 667844ef75cb859⋯.png (700.57 KB, 567x606, 189:202, 142375692301.png)

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f7faf3  No.15157368

File: cd956291a320a26⋯.jpg (169.4 KB, 962x514, 481:257, treason_Jake.jpg)

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64b3df  No.15157369

duck cat rabbit

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78e469  No.15157370


Tard level very high.

How da fk cross your mind to do this?

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e42abe  No.15157371

File: 198d1b969c005bc⋯.jpg (58.69 KB, 355x622, 355:622, atlas.jpg)

Man Shrugs

Corruption of Man's creations will never make a God of a man.

Corruption being attempts to reverse the natural hierarchy.

In a hierarchy, influence originates from the higher level and is experienced / expressed on the lower level.

Reverse of this could be called decay, destruction, attenuation.

From top to bottom:

There is God.

There is God's Creations.

There is what God's Creations create.

Etc, etc.

A few examples of God's creations:

-Human Beings / Man

-All other creatures


-All celestial structures

A few examples of Man's creations:





Just as Man is not greater than God.

The creations of man are not greater than Man.

Atlas shrugged, so too Man… can shrug off / remove corruption from his creations.

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7c2b59  No.15157372

File: ba7eee5573070fb⋯.png (667.11 KB, 484x661, 484:661, ClipboardImage.png)


IKR? If I was given one DS Satanist of my choice to convert, it'd probably be her.


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f7faf3  No.15157373

File: e1efe8cb6ae7908⋯.jpg (80.86 KB, 603x383, 603:383, VOTE_REPUBLIC.jpg)

File: 7f14cc0844f254c⋯.jpg (27.05 KB, 288x175, 288:175, HILLARY_LIKES_BLOOD.jpg)

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685615  No.15157374


109 THOUSAND! That's what the 109K means.

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043cdc  No.15157375

File: 9f7db50b0cdf87f⋯.png (405.11 KB, 1289x394, 1289:394, ClipboardImage.png)

The most disliked video of all time is YouTube's own "Rewind" video from 2018.

19 million thumbs down. OUCH!



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7b4fd7  No.15157376

File: 0c0cfaab6565183⋯.mp4 (6.33 MB, 854x480, 427:240, 121315709_341378511132013_….mp4)

It had to be done \m/

Heavy Metal Trump

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3dfdac  No.15157377

File: d9f57c3914fe63e⋯.png (253.61 KB, 573x576, 191:192, comrade_fauci_niaid_cash.png)

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043cdc  No.15157378

File: e3f710798b31645⋯.png (17.44 KB, 766x215, 766:215, ClipboardImage.png)

Any anon know a workaround?

I been getting this shit for weeks

I'm using Firefox

Many thanks


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78e469  No.15157379


I don;t think you're from this world, b/c to do that sheet, it will take me 1year……

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f7faf3  No.15157380

File: 1c8bb2504736d72⋯.jpg (158.89 KB, 887x466, 887:466, clotshot_spreads_and_kills.jpg)

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f7faf3  No.15157381

File: 04423e4a95b5587⋯.jpg (220 KB, 1120x558, 560:279, VIRUS_SPREAD_BY_VACCINATED.jpg)

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c7eeb7  No.15157382

File: 870f80e39e1ed68⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1389x743, 1389:743, 08DEC21_7.PNG)



Update On Pfizer


you need 3 doses for Omicron, 2 for regular strain to be fully protected

they are looking for a definition of "fully vaxxinated"

3 doses right now, according to Pfizer.

wonder why

Designing new booster for Omicron, but get boosted now with what we have.

Will be March next year before a new variant vaxx booster is ready.

"We dont know how strong Omicron will be in the Spring." -Dolsten



try a cache/history clear and a browser restart. had same issues over last 24

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7205a9  No.15157383

File: 4d28085923acff9⋯.png (276.03 KB, 587x507, 587:507, Capture.PNG)

File: 515353669694c00⋯.png (296.48 KB, 520x570, 52:57, Capture1.PNG)

File: f65ffa7ea7865ee⋯.png (325.62 KB, 530x584, 265:292, Capture2.PNG)

File: 92f64d2a3b1f980⋯.png (561.15 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15157276 me

Real time narrative shaping: before, and 30 minutes later


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cf05c4  No.15157384

File: a6e9edb5771b25d⋯.png (52.3 KB, 850x400, 17:8, ClipboardImage.png)

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685615  No.15157385

>>15157348 Who cares who it is? Kill them all. That horse-face man Arden is another fuckin freak needs ended.

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239172  No.15157386

File: 9ef1e21acfb2f1f⋯.png (138.12 KB, 326x495, 326:495, 2021_12_08_07_42_05.png)


>IKR? If I was given one DS Satanist of my choice to convert, it'd probably be her.

She does have that "I'm a Slut" aura about her.

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4d8393  No.15157387

File: 7b5cc9857e14a86⋯.jpg (208.07 KB, 676x1024, 169:256, Pythagoras.jpg)


Great post anon. The created never has more power than it's creator. Natural Law on display.

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78e469  No.15157388


AML free registry cleaner, plus "ipconfig/flushdns" in Comand Prompt.

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78e469  No.15157389

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fd5838  No.15157390


All of the Dems. should publicly apologize to all of America for setting up the KKK.

Joe Biden should publicly apologize to all of America for associating with Robert Byrd.

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7b4fd7  No.15157391


check the ip your posting against. i think if u search on qr.ch you will find that anons have researched it and found it has a few ips in a block to use for a better experience.

It worked a bit for me.

use to get that all the time, now just once in a great while

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caadd9  No.15157392

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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239172  No.15157393

File: df0d3f5f084c028⋯.png (251.96 KB, 336x433, 336:433, wtf_copy_3.png)


>That's me clubbing a baby seal

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d3c792  No.15157394

Good morning you inglorious frogs. Snow today has created a mess in northern ky and s.e. ohio and s.w. indiana. Glad i am not going anywhere til much later today. Seems breads have been moving good lately however, notables are getting filled with bs opinions and cross conversations usually of little value. Would have hoped bakers would stop usong the bs to enlarge the notables. Regardless ty Baker for the bread. May God bless all Anons and keep their pathways clear and illuminated.




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6d2953  No.15157395


At this rate, maybe the brilliant evil in government will ban the unvaxxed from paying tax.

It sure seems [they] are that stupid. Please Lord.

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b8cd1c  No.15157397

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Methodist Hospital

"The local doctor who was suspended by Houston Methodist after they said she was spreading dangerous misinformation about COVID-19 treatments has resigned Tuesday."

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70c48e  No.15157398

LB >>15156976

Jake Sullivan

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bfb980  No.15157399


Saw that. Twas an excellent tweet.

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c1214e  No.15157400

File: 8fd01dc128dc9c4⋯.jpeg (42.03 KB, 750x464, 375:232, 4521750A_BF77_4F80_8A88_4….jpeg)

You want groceries?

You want a job?

You want a roof over your head?


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c7eeb7  No.15157401

File: d65cc3851396356⋯.jpg (90.7 KB, 1300x867, 1300:867, seal.jpg)

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32d9ba  No.15157402

File: 2e3b6693e8970df⋯.png (1.22 MB, 895x598, 895:598, beyonce_jayz.PNG)

File: 224513396aca550⋯.png (441.81 KB, 552x298, 276:149, lebron_james_boule_society.PNG)

File: 53cfb8b561246af⋯.png (379.5 KB, 621x350, 621:350, gaga_marina_1.PNG)

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7205a9  No.15157403

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cf05c4  No.15157405

File: 43f3610743df3b7⋯.png (4.24 MB, 3000x2001, 1000:667, ClipboardImage.png)



> looking for a definition of "fully vaxxinated"

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32d9ba  No.15157406

File: 9e7c898ccb12d45⋯.png (895.7 KB, 558x607, 558:607, hillary_robert_byrd.PNG)

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7205a9  No.15157407

File: 0d06fc03f223b72⋯.png (444.79 KB, 585x505, 117:101, Capture.PNG)


>hammered cat shit


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5b202e  No.15157408

File: 08474c527511bcf⋯.jpg (1.39 MB, 2196x1585, 2196:1585, Serpents.jpg)


Maybe the lizards need the adrenochrome to keep their skin suits tight?

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306d1e  No.15157409

File: 71d262723fb696f⋯.png (462.7 KB, 816x500, 204:125, pulp_fiction_marcellas_wal….png)

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126423  No.15157410


Was that photo taken when they got their anal swabs re: the coof done?

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75f1ea  No.15157411

File: 9506475cad13093⋯.png (187.26 KB, 545x404, 545:404, ClipboardImage.png)


ok i give up


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c7eeb7  No.15157412

File: a32d846eb42fd55⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1343x764, 1343:764, 08DEC21_8a.PNG)


Cream Cheese Shortage


you will eat your bagels dry, and like it


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a597e1  No.15157413

File: edc9eeaba6ed0ca⋯.png (283.18 KB, 540x454, 270:227, Screen_Shot_12_08_21_at_07….PNG)

Breaking!!! Peter Navarro & Gen Flynn Explain the Good Guys & the Bad Guys of the Trump White House



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f7faf3  No.15157414

File: 73548bc65b8b248⋯.jpg (44.69 KB, 364x538, 182:269, just_following_orders.jpg)

File: 3b68895cd63ef92⋯.jpg (137.31 KB, 800x600, 4:3, held_down_forced_injection….jpg)

Former NSW Police Sergeant Stephen Kelly


Stephen Kelly is a 28 year police veteran who has spent the majority of his career in the Coronial Law Unit assisting the Coroner with inquests. He has an excellent understanding of medical practice and the law. Given todays front page headlines in Sunday Telegraph “ COVID JABS FOR 5YOs” I am thankful to be able to launch this video in pursuit of a Royal Commission.

If you haven't watched this in Australia… then watch it…. 30 minutes.

I would advise ALL AUSTRALIAN POLICE AND MILITARY to watch it… you don't want to be on the wrong side of history.

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5b202e  No.15157415


Trust the plan ™

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32d9ba  No.15157416

File: 67cc680bbef0f1f⋯.png (236.1 KB, 302x388, 151:194, klaus_schwab_sanna_marin.PNG)


another klaus schwab hitler youth program graduate

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7205a9  No.15157418

File: 0d9bc8b26c2c18a⋯.png (475.43 KB, 583x530, 11:10, Capture.PNG)



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bfb980  No.15157419


Jokes on them. I've been training myself to do this for years. I've actually gotten to the point where I like it. Coffee, Cigarettes, and dry fucking bagels. GET ON MY LVL.

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c1214e  No.15157420


Relax fren was being facetious

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1f1221  No.15157421

File: 53ad6a7ec6145bb⋯.png (284.06 KB, 640x415, 128:83, nalkife.PNG)

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a597e1  No.15157422


Oh Navarro has some words on Mnuchin

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9f4018  No.15157423


The Plan being, destroy the world and the poor fucks in it? All going according to plan, full speed ahead, steady as she goes.

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f378ae  No.15157424


So accustomed to doing what we're told

Lol gardening is sweaty but purposeful

Making things for yourself has been bred out of us for generations

Almost 30 yr old with young kids

Female type willing to learn

End the 6000 yr death cult

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c1214e  No.15157425

File: 035baeb048180b5⋯.jpeg (793 KB, 750x1116, 125:186, 5687CBB7_9540_4C9F_A864_5….jpeg)



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4d8393  No.15157426

File: 88f43206265d1ed⋯.jpg (41.96 KB, 604x604, 1:1, Smug.jpg)



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bce916  No.15157427


hope he's polished up his resume

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c1214e  No.15157428

File: 892c532c9b797ef⋯.jpeg (387.37 KB, 750x949, 750:949, D3A055CF_298C_449B_8561_4….jpeg)

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32d9ba  No.15157429


i absolutely luv bagels, but noticed unavailability of cream cheese, so have switched to rice cakes and hummus, which should drop some excess lbs

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7205a9  No.15157430

File: c8982779f10e5b3⋯.png (370.01 KB, 580x547, 580:547, Capture.PNG)

File: c2e1cfe9c8eae4e⋯.mp4 (2.63 MB, 640x360, 16:9, suresureminions.mp4)

“Three doses against omicron are almost equivalent to the two doses’ effectiveness we had against the original variant.” -Pfizer CEO

@AlbertBourla to @SavannahGuthrie


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78e469  No.15157431



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c1214e  No.15157433

File: 51701fc9559da88⋯.jpeg (419.68 KB, 750x765, 50:51, 66AA3803_3B5A_4510_97F6_0….jpeg)


> i absolutely luv bagels

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75f1ea  No.15157434

File: 474e6915c431845⋯.png (190.58 KB, 335x401, 335:401, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a969abdf3083be0⋯.webm (2.95 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Pinnochio_6CGyASDjE_U.webm)


damn you,

now i have to make a public apology.

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78e469  No.15157435




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5b202e  No.15157436

File: 4fdcc661b6e8018⋯.jpg (83.78 KB, 550x453, 550:453, Big_Name_Arrests.jpg)


Without BIG NAME ARRESTS, public executions and a full restructuring of government, that's all it is.

A psyop and LARP to divide the public.

We've waited five years already, what's another 5-10 for something GOOD to habben?

If you have enough lifespan left to actually see it of course.

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c7eeb7  No.15157437

File: 659ad6f471b62f7⋯.png (18.18 KB, 242x255, 242:255, salty444.png)



eat the grounds dry

don't even need water

ain't got time for all that

>>15157429 so it's real? kek. i don't even know anymore.

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447a1a  No.15157438

File: 770248b8e312aa6⋯.png (600.36 KB, 596x630, 298:315, 58012786346.png)

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51c783  No.15157439


Can someone with skillz put Slick Willy behind her.

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f57a59  No.15157441


Ive been fighting this fight for almost 40 yrs. It is a marathon not a short run.

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78e469  No.15157442




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7205a9  No.15157443

File: 8b0725155c5b532⋯.png (253.19 KB, 585x532, 585:532, Capture.PNG)

File: 62fdd79094a71df⋯.mp4 (1.91 MB, 640x360, 16:9, ohboy.mp4)

KNBC: Parents accuse Los Angeles’ Barack Obama Global Preparation Academy of vaccinating their children without their consent


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32d9ba  No.15157444


în cazul în care vom merge unul vom merge toate

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bce916  No.15157445

File: 9fbfbdf7496cdb9⋯.png (91.23 KB, 793x305, 13:5, Screen_Shot_2021_12_08_at_….png)

File: 9fbfbdf7496cdb9⋯.png (91.23 KB, 793x305, 13:5, Screen_Shot_2021_12_08_at_….png)

File: 9fbfbdf7496cdb9⋯.png (91.23 KB, 793x305, 13:5, Screen_Shot_2021_12_08_at_….png)

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447a1a  No.15157446

File: 86ee3df60034c51⋯.png (1.01 MB, 671x648, 671:648, 9561454322188.png)

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f378ae  No.15157447


Geomagnetic oscillating diectric

Each is GOD


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8fcdfd  No.15157448


What a fucking dweeb. Tells you all you need to know about our Military that this liddle girly boi can make Lt. Col. in our Armed Forces. He's guilty of Treason. But, in these days and times Treason is folklore. A myth. Austin, MIlley and faggots like Vindman defending this nation? We will get fucked. Hard. Not a slam on the rank and file. But decisions will get made that will see US decimated. Where are the real leaders? The Pattons? The McArthurs. No instead we had fucks like Wesley Clark, that fucking subvert McChrystal, Powell. The last leader we had that was feared and could command the military besides our POTUS was Schwarztkopf. (sic)

God help US.

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fd5838  No.15157449



well stated

Awakening is somewhat like the grieving process.

I was recently in a conversation with a relative who literally said to me, "you're crazy, you don't know what you're talking about." I just snickered and shrugged my shoulders. Some people just aren't ready to hear the truth. But I think I might have planted some seeds, and I have faith that this person will someday open his eyes and ditch the Cog Dis

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32d9ba  No.15157450


distrugerea unui cult satanic vechi de 6000 de ani durează ceva timp

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7b4fd7  No.15157451

File: de7fff1187caa1f⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1030x728, 515:364, qresearch.png)



Note taker please drop your notes around 600 posts and tag dough

note taker Confirm?


ty Dbaker

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c7eeb7  No.15157452

File: e14c2b38199aade⋯.jpg (128.91 KB, 900x900, 1:1, DDD.jpg)


tetras chkt

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d1c609  No.15157453

File: 57cf8a345d84753⋯.jpg (107.44 KB, 500x664, 125:166, Fraud.jpg)

File: dc77909e5a22dcb⋯.jpg (105.65 KB, 500x630, 50:63, ccctt.jpg)

File: c0dd49333403a77⋯.jpg (81.01 KB, 500x624, 125:156, lol_Shaman.jpg)

File: 7d35f491ee45964⋯.jpg (90.91 KB, 1080x875, 216:175, 5x34nw_1.jpg)

Anons, Seriously is the GateWayPundit this stupid? Jacob Chansley was never a legit Q Shaman and this fake story is hilarious…


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50037d  No.15157454

File: a440e2ae7c13f5b⋯.jpg (271.85 KB, 720x1001, 720:1001, 20211208_080211.jpg)

Dec. 8th 1976

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78e469  No.15157455



I will not got, the same place that fauci goes.

I didn't killed any puppy.

So ……why should I want to go w/ a criminal, in the same place/1/1/1/1

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447a1a  No.15157456

File: e124610125c399d⋯.png (826.7 KB, 762x728, 381:364, cry_baby_anon.png)

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6a6337  No.15157457

File: 57cf8a345d84753⋯.jpg (107.44 KB, 500x664, 125:166, Fraud.jpg)

File: dc77909e5a22dcb⋯.jpg (105.65 KB, 500x630, 50:63, ccctt.jpg)

File: c0dd49333403a77⋯.jpg (81.01 KB, 500x624, 125:156, lol_Shaman.jpg)

File: 7d35f491ee45964⋯.jpg (90.91 KB, 1080x875, 216:175, 5x34nw_1.jpg)

Anons, Seriously is the GateWayPundit this stupid? Jacob Chansley was never a legit Q Shaman and this fake story is hilarious…


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c1214e  No.15157458

File: f108ba22a29080f⋯.jpeg (560.25 KB, 750x819, 250:273, 5807BF90_4099_4C22_992F_5….jpeg)

File: ed896ccb016df29⋯.jpeg (460.16 KB, 750x816, 125:136, 39C1C608_4408_4BAC_B3C8_A….jpeg)

File: b56f53ccf0c0cd3⋯.jpeg (432.73 KB, 750x1104, 125:184, 1D477C9F_9DC6_4403_B7CC_B….jpeg)


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447a1a  No.15157459

File: 122eddb0d260ac6⋯.png (874.48 KB, 798x775, 798:775, 217046721899.png)

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8fcdfd  No.15157460


I as well anon. But this situation has become so widespread, deep and far that I do not see the way back home. This would take the efforts of many, many virtuous men and I just don't see enough, especially in positions of power, that will do anything to restore this Republic. THe spiral is tightening.

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5b202e  No.15157461

File: 6baefa7b47c65bd⋯.png (726.62 KB, 863x585, 863:585, Goalposts.png)



If the plandemic hoax and forced injections into people's children isn't waking up enough of the public, what will?

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5e03fa  No.15157462

File: 57cf8a345d84753⋯.jpg (107.44 KB, 500x664, 125:166, Fraud.jpg)

File: dc77909e5a22dcb⋯.jpg (105.65 KB, 500x630, 50:63, ccctt.jpg)

File: c0dd49333403a77⋯.jpg (81.01 KB, 500x624, 125:156, lol_Shaman.jpg)

File: 7d35f491ee45964⋯.jpg (90.91 KB, 1080x875, 216:175, 5x34nw_1.jpg)

Anons, Seriously is the GateWayPundit this stupid? Jacob Chansley was never a legit Q Shaman and this fake story is hilarious…


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abc6ec  No.15157463

File: 713e3c7c4178857⋯.gif (2.73 MB, 480x480, 1:1, 6F3C972F_1EB8_4CE6_A02C_91….gif)

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f378ae  No.15157464


Gigs and gigs of antics

Commies, satanists have very different senses of humor (humoral response iirc idk)

To the likes of you fellow anons

rubbing my remaining brain cells together to have some spicy q thoughts

Fighting off people (verbally) aka practice

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c1214e  No.15157465

File: 4808a8f1623a6cf⋯.jpeg (397 KB, 708x675, 236:225, EDCB6F6D_503D_4464_B7EE_E….jpeg)


Is that why Biden and Newsome let the ports get all clogged up and backlogged?

Are they still pulling favors for China?

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447a1a  No.15157466

File: d34a2a4b4b72b60⋯.png (45.76 KB, 813x621, 271:207, 85145006843.png)

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7b4fd7  No.15157467

File: 4dd073a86b749ce⋯.png (387.74 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Screenshot_2021_12_08_US_v….png)

File: a3e7423438d9e33⋯.pdf (628.45 KB, www_uncensoredstorm_com_ma….pdf)


US v. Ghislaine Maxwell - Day 7


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c1214e  No.15157469


This country is a fucking joke

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043cdc  No.15157470


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1f1221  No.15157471

File: 8084e361121f204⋯.png (448.87 KB, 642x563, 642:563, npl5.PNG)

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32d9ba  No.15157472

File: 718be68bc25730c⋯.png (17.61 KB, 437x380, 23:20, q_post_where_we_go_one_we_….PNG)


posted by Q+

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043cdc  No.15157473

>>15157382 >>15157389 >>15157391

Thanks, frens

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e25b3e  No.15157474

File: 2e19e08187e09b2⋯.png (3.98 MB, 2913x1735, 2913:1735, ClipboardImage.png)

QClock December 07, 2021

Empire of Japan

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5b202e  No.15157475


It's your ninth post, it's a bit late for tests.

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043cdc  No.15157476

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043cdc  No.15157478


>It's your ninth post, it's a bit late for tests.

I'm trying to fix a bug, asshat

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c1214e  No.15157479



Is Biden and Newsome (who have been taking Chinese money) allowing China to have a staging area near the ports by letting the ports become backlogged?

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447a1a  No.15157480

File: cf72d2b09cd0e7a⋯.png (302.69 KB, 714x581, 102:83, 8754800871236.png)

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54bd1c  No.15157481


Dad, when I posted test to show you how to post here doesn't mean every post is supposed to be test.

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abc6ec  No.15157482

File: 92d65e7a7004b5f⋯.png (112.14 KB, 525x356, 525:356, 79E49397_7978_4A52_8FDB_AF….png)


this is why conversion therapy is getting attacked right now

we're onto something hyooooge with these cures


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f7faf3  No.15157483

File: b96c3592c094ffa⋯.jpg (122.7 KB, 649x487, 649:487, new_varient_lockdowns.jpg)

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78e469  No.15157484


I know very well what Q said.

Thing is Q left…..

My family is still here.

God is forever in here.

I don't want to be associated w/ criminals, You go w/ them, I wanna go w/ patriots, non-criminals, animal lovers, baby-lovers, and so on.

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c7eeb7  No.15157485

File: 0382238869f8000⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1343x733, 1343:733, 08DEC21_9b.PNG)

File: fb07d92aa5d9686⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1337x739, 1337:739, 08DEC21_9c.PNG)

File: 287a7d51a6027d1⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1416x739, 1416:739, 08DEC21_9d.PNG)

File: 7fc1f9564655197⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1399x811, 1399:811, 08DEC21_10.PNG)


Instagram Dealing Drugs

SOON: "Instagram CEO to Testify On Safety Of Teen Users."



today? wasn't tracking this one


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5e03fa  No.15157486

File: 7b0c72243d51373⋯.jpg (79.51 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 5x388a.jpg)

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93f389  No.15157487


Are Biden and Newsom


IS biden and Newsom

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c7eeb7  No.15157488

File: 161467c8bf39cbd⋯.jpg (11.54 KB, 255x175, 51:35, 5d23524cd21aef37305b4d138a….jpg)

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f7faf3  No.15157489

File: 3ae76e807126fb6⋯.jpg (61.91 KB, 367x359, 367:359, next_version_of_bullshit.jpg)

File: 49b0b8722dcf3c9⋯.jpg (151.08 KB, 982x581, 982:581, they_skipped_the_XI_name_t….jpg)

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32d9ba  No.15157490


i said Q+, not Q

Q+ is President Donald Trump

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9cdbd3  No.15157491


I always get my advice from guys with a twelve string guitar in the background and a gypsy blanket hanging up

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b18390  No.15157492


One can't be winning

If they popping their heart

Heart attacks can be deadly

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78e469  No.15157493


I was the first who said that.

You're teaching the teacher?

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7b4fd7  No.15157494

File: da9cf98f9012e68⋯.mp4 (15.79 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, pGtUgk7BvY0T0Sx4.mp4)



#CourtCaseCast: Maximum Maxwell UN Terramar Blues by Matthew Russell Lee:

Maxwell wants to dox all her accusers

Says Casa Epstein workers should look down like losers

Ghislaine had Terramar, Epstein had IPI

Links to Antonio Guterres would surface if he didn't die

Music Vid related

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9cdbd3  No.15157495


Can anon be like Q and blame typos on being in a rush?

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93f389  No.15157496

How about posting something interesting or a meme etc instead of test? That is just blahhhh. Uninspiring.


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447a1a  No.15157497

File: e2ea72411d72c31⋯.png (1.08 MB, 823x597, 823:597, 663408908991230144.png)

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447a1a  No.15157498

File: 9dd9d30dab877fa⋯.png (633.27 KB, 502x625, 502:625, 10467753217076.png)

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447a1a  No.15157499

File: 110dcd23baef8d2⋯.png (267.73 KB, 736x590, 368:295, 48385085769168.png)

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447a1a  No.15157500

File: e5f033731374a7c⋯.png (228.44 KB, 454x551, 454:551, 934812987634689.png)

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d6a9cd  No.15157501


>I always get my advice from guys with a twelve string guitar in the background and a gypsy blanket hanging up

#Me Too

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93f389  No.15157503


Sorry but no, I am not like Q. I see so many posts every single day, by people who were not taught how to use the verb to be. Basic English.

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fd5838  No.15157504


Parents need to pay attention to what their children are reading. Ask them questions. Be involved in their lives.

This is not what TPTB want. They want to have control over the children. Parents need to take control of their kid's education and stop trusting the government to do their job of parenting for them and running off to work and dumping their kids into a government run facility.

Schools need to be run by the parents, not by the government. The government takes people's money and then says, "look, free & public education for all." It's not free and is really not education, it's brainwashing.

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4d8393  No.15157505


Of course anon. You just have to say "on the move"

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5e03fa  No.15157506

File: b71d5313f28394e⋯.png (616.06 KB, 833x1050, 119:150, Screbvd.png)



She's not getting love so she's eating up everything in sight.

She has really packed on the pounds.

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043cdc  No.15157507


KYS, shitstain. Inspired now?

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447a1a  No.15157508

File: 9b05725ff8f334f⋯.png (483.64 KB, 776x638, 388:319, 5479691236457827.png)

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7205a9  No.15157509

File: 8a3055e368ec872⋯.png (490.97 KB, 575x580, 115:116, Capture.PNG)

13 Dead Including Indian Military Chief In "Horrific" Helicopter Crash


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b8cd1c  No.15157510


>Can anon be like Q and blame typos on being in a rush?

On the move

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009ce0  No.15157511

File: fa36881702e40c3⋯.jpeg (756.17 KB, 1170x2037, 390:679, FD79C96D_ED4F_4D9D_BC92_E….jpeg)

File: aa8b7448f91a64f⋯.jpeg (1018.57 KB, 1170x1662, 195:277, E55F1C05_84A8_4BC9_B502_8….jpeg)


Maxwell was pregnant multiple times. Pregnant enough for nude pregnant photos to be taken… Where are her babies now????



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9cdbd3  No.15157512

File: d9cba8cece4d0c6⋯.jpeg (313.78 KB, 750x571, 750:571, FDD66692_7C51_465D_958B_8….jpeg)

File: 2313d08722bff82⋯.jpeg (425.16 KB, 641x819, 641:819, 3840227E_5AF8_4797_A8DD_6….jpeg)

File: 4808a8f1623a6cf⋯.jpeg (397 KB, 708x675, 236:225, 2198308B_5412_47B3_ACD0_6….jpeg)




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75f1ea  No.15157513

File: 09d3b8dcf545eef⋯.png (234.38 KB, 723x388, 723:388, ClipboardImage.png)

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93f389  No.15157514


Grabs this one.

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5e03fa  No.15157516

File: 46003e7b38b0ca4⋯.jpg (11.44 KB, 300x225, 4:3, downloadfile_1_.jpg)



Worst voice in human history…. Shut the fuck up!

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447a1a  No.15157517

File: adef0196c037f19⋯.png (204.26 KB, 645x609, 215:203, 34789011237.png)

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bce916  No.15157518



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447a1a  No.15157519

File: fe38a23b935847c⋯.png (623.06 KB, 494x600, 247:300, 7845120547664510457.png)

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da985b  No.15157520



>1/64th Cherokee Indian and that you are on stolen land buddy

Half breed.

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043cdc  No.15157521

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Christopher Hitchens - Why Women Still Aren't Funny

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93f389  No.15157522

>>15157511 The sun huh? She is 59 or 60 yrs old. She can't have kids that are young. Where are the pictures if they are out there?






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5e03fa  No.15157523

File: 2909bcec0bdcc92⋯.jpg (56.9 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 5wm5vu.jpg)

File: 80a99cc4ca95b0b⋯.jpg (110.06 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 5wm21t.jpg)

File: a4778dfc8d96fee⋯.png (1.09 MB, 929x1265, 929:1265, Screenshot_20211204_075515….png)

BLM has gone down the tubes.

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b8cd1c  No.15157524


>Where are the pictures if they are out there?

She ate them, most likely.

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f7faf3  No.15157526

File: 53a3ea9b946c71d⋯.jpg (147.29 KB, 982x581, 982:581, they_skipped_the_XI_name_t….jpg)

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c7eeb7  No.15157527

File: 3d3256ee1ca8f40⋯.jpg (70.59 KB, 900x750, 6:5, brianna.jpg)

File: 6aac59b1d5abe74⋯.png (811.85 KB, 1336x738, 668:369, 08DEC21_11a.PNG)

File: aa64361425e5a6c⋯.png (765.28 KB, 1330x736, 665:368, 08DEC21_11.PNG)


Ben Affleck on the "War on Voting"





indeed. old picrel.

haven't had time to do a comparison officially, but i don't know if any of them are the same people anymore


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a644ef  No.15157528


wow you are a busy little faggot this morning.

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abc6ec  No.15157529

Every medical-social construct was designed specifically to spread parasites. And keep the hosts as healthy appearing as possible while they continue to spread. Sounds like a chink tactic tbh. Going on for a hundred years, at least.

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90c32d  No.15157530


Evil has taken a strong foothold in every branch of government. The only way to stop it is to eliminate it completely. That will take millions of good people doing bad things to bad people. This is the dilemma we have, Good people are scared to do bad things as their conscious self will destroy them with guilt later. They are afraid of that guilt.

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a7c408  No.15157531


Also in link tweet by Mike Rothschild with image of letter


Link to full article


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447a1a  No.15157533

File: 3c8529b211d74b8⋯.png (534.28 KB, 603x603, 1:1, 7634112307634.png)

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5e03fa  No.15157534

File: d3c4e467c3f2609⋯.jpg (53.47 KB, 500x550, 10:11, bxrh.jpg)


Women are programmed to only be a life support system for a vagina.

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93f389  No.15157535


YES! much better! Saying something you mean. thanks!

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447a1a  No.15157536

File: 05b7dc0d4f88af5⋯.png (687.19 KB, 640x680, 16:17, 897436128977456.png)

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756d66  No.15157537

File: 0ed3d4ccf7407f1⋯.png (20.14 KB, 474x315, 158:105, ClipboardImage.png)

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f378ae  No.15157538


Its not always chinas fault

Sometimes its

Planned obselencense

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447a1a  No.15157539

File: 98f27c60c5b6b08⋯.png (602.64 KB, 651x588, 31:28, 09845798128768934.png)

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643496  No.15157540


You know men can be nurses too, right?

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f7faf3  No.15157541

File: 86225af3f9f2837⋯.jpg (98.07 KB, 544x524, 136:131, brain_dead_woman.jpg)

File: 787a9298d422fa7⋯.jpg (153.52 KB, 828x674, 414:337, WHY.jpg)

File: 207180a661fe0d0⋯.jpg (126.03 KB, 502x575, 502:575, MAKES_A_KILLING.jpg)

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de3db3  No.15157542

File: d33736cfdd13cd1⋯.jpeg (327.42 KB, 750x567, 250:189, 7F1473DA_6A77_4F00_9ECB_B….jpeg)

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a2c600  No.15157543


You are garbled, please repeat last.

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f378ae  No.15157544


Then people who chooooose abortion

Are choosing a program for themselves that includes murder of a piece of them

Fetus ectomy

Free will

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d0d68a  No.15157545

File: e741d6b598ab6a8⋯.png (2.82 MB, 2642x2296, 1321:1148, discrimiation.png)

I recently arrived in the north east of Brazil and took pics of these two signs. I wonder if I am the only one to see the sheer absurdity of this.

I don't think I need to translate for anons to get the gist.

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78e469  No.15157546

I know that you want to KMS, thing is that I'll never do it.

I love God so much, and He forbids this.

Plus He's Angels that helps me all day, with everything, even my stupid thoughts. So I can not dissapoint Him or them, for a sheet soul!!!

Loving it is not easy, but creates a soul, or grow an existing one.


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e3151d  No.15157547

Ok what’s with the MZ shit memes?

& how TF do post op trannys have period after snipping it off?

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a2c600  No.15157548


What ever it takes.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

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c7eeb7  No.15157549

File: 3134c61da483706⋯.png (1.95 MB, 1363x747, 1363:747, 08DEC21_13.PNG)

File: c8a8b711199189c⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1327x735, 1327:735, 08DEC21_13a.PNG)

File: 0c634cec7f58e48⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1335x735, 89:49, 08DEC21_13b.PNG)

File: cd599ec1f5cfef3⋯.png (2.1 MB, 1347x738, 449:246, 08DEC21_13c.PNG)

File: e98f904e3cfda2c⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1341x734, 1341:734, 08DEC21_13d.PNG)


"The Descent Of Nunes"


lemmings in suicide vests


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c3e1e4  No.15157550


It's dependent on the type Q

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de3db3  No.15157551

File: ca15f911a90e825⋯.jpeg (368.47 KB, 750x791, 750:791, 484F3272_85B3_48E0_974D_A….jpeg)

File: 042c4b01533c57b⋯.jpeg (57.77 KB, 960x530, 96:53, C2766DCC_9058_410A_9A8B_0….jpeg)


> You know men can be nurses too, right?


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d6a9cd  No.15157552


>that includes murder of a piece of them

It is NOT a piece of them

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4d8393  No.15157553

File: 8f9ed12c3113a04⋯.png (1009.69 KB, 1200x851, 1200:851, Post_it.png)

File: fdadba3823b7767⋯.png (72.31 KB, 795x778, 795:778, The_Parasite_pill.PNG)


Click it


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643496  No.15157554

File: e3c2d2dc6bac5d3⋯.png (13.14 KB, 255x166, 255:166, horseplayingchess.png)

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7205a9  No.15157555

File: 98c812b9e138467⋯.png (359.19 KB, 588x600, 49:50, Capture.PNG)

>whew lads

After 8 billion doses, the vaccines' impact is clear. They have slashed hospitalizations and deaths in countries where they’ve been rolled out widely


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78e469  No.15157556

File: 0d923d28a71d4b9⋯.gif (996.07 KB, 500x213, 500:213, nice_to_meet_you.gif)


and this is for 23.

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447a1a  No.15157557

File: 29ecc314cafb553⋯.png (680.33 KB, 701x708, 701:708, 661230746120457.png)

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009ce0  No.15157558

File: 1a72bc9fb584a4f⋯.jpeg (604.34 KB, 1170x1455, 78:97, A12F5355_96B1_4444_B582_9….jpeg)

File: 4e2b197960badd8⋯.jpeg (763.53 KB, 708x2337, 236:779, F664B708_E273_4862_8E7F_9….jpeg)


Will we ever know ANYTHING about what was really going on. I know we have an idea, but I don’t think we do…

He was hanging with scientists and doing experiments on babies too

He is one of many. John of God and baby farms. How is all this not a Hollywood movie yet. We know. But askin for normies to pique their interest


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c3e1e4  No.15157559


they are just not showing the picture of them milking the baby with a dildo, but you know they have tons of those too

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447a1a  No.15157560

File: ead00c0c4ae0edf⋯.png (579.76 KB, 714x591, 238:197, 677531560067.png)

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f378ae  No.15157561


Because nobody wants to be threatened with them

Gtfo or 2A

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447a1a  No.15157562

File: 907b879e315dbb3⋯.png (150.29 KB, 629x595, 37:35, 613420766312840018.png)

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7b2e90  No.15157563

File: 381785feacd4266⋯.png (67.62 KB, 1068x878, 534:439, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 134c75344791432⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1200x898, 600:449, ClipboardImage.png)


U.S. Surgeon General Issues Advisory on Youth Mental Health Crisis Further Exposed by COVID-19 Pandemic

One major False Flag away from the most invasive attempt at removing American gun rights is afoot.

This is just Anon's opinion, but I do remember Biden saying that he could usher in gun control using EOs under the guise of national health crisis emergency.

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a597e1  No.15157564

File: 5c06e44c2619178⋯.png (35.41 KB, 475x457, 475:457, ClipboardImage.png)

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70520c  No.15157565

File: a44de1049f04238⋯.png (820.57 KB, 820x555, 164:111, cdc.png)

File: a370f2cfda8ebe7⋯.png (228.54 KB, 1120x487, 1120:487, whereAutisticAmish.png)

File: e7eddb9fde7e719⋯.png (769.03 KB, 1266x2871, 422:957, Screenshot_2021_12_08_at_0….png)

File: a8e8b6b144d5a9c⋯.jpg (40.01 KB, 400x400, 1:1, amishPepe1.jpg)


> 1 in 44 8-year-olds diagnosed


>"Increased autism diagnoses"

>We know that we have eyes

>From what cause?

>What population?

>Increased from what previous figures?

1 in 44 Amish.

oh wait, sorry

that's 0

CDC are retards


Where are the Autistic Amish?

Dated: July 20, 2014 by Sharyl Attkisson 7 Comments


This is an interesting article written several years ago by UPI investigative journalist Dan Olmsted. It asks "Where are the autistic Amish?"

After the article was published, back when more reporters were covering the scientific links between vaccines and autism, I asked an official from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) about the supposed lack of autism in the unvaccinated Amish. She said that there could be many other reasons besides the community's aversion to vaccines. For example, "They don't use electricity, right?" she told me. In other words, she seemed to put lack of electricity on equal footing with lack of vaccinations when it comes to what could be responsible for the apparent lower than average autism rate in the unvaccinated Amish.


The Age of Autism: The Amish anomaly

By Dan Olmsted


Lancaster, PA, Apr. 18 (UPI) – Part 1 of 2.

Where are the autistic Amish? Here in Lancaster County, heart of Pennsylvania Dutch country, there should be well over 100 with some form of the disorder.

I have come here to find them, but so far my mission has failed, and the very few I have identified raise some very interesting questions about some widely held views on autism.

The mainstream scientific consensus says autism is a complex genetic disorder, one that has been around for millennia at roughly the same prevalence. That prevalence is now considered to be 1 in every 166 children born in the United States.

Applying that model to Lancaster County, there ought to be 130 Amish men, women and children here with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Well over 100, in rough terms.

Typically, half would harbor milder variants such as Asperger's Disorder or the catch-all Pervasive Development Disorder, Not Otherwise Specified – PDD-NOS for short.

So let's drop those from our calculation, even though "mild" is a relative term when it comes to autism.

That means upwards of 50 Amish people of all ages should be living in Lancaster County with full-syndrome autism, the "classic autism" first described in 1943 by child psychiatrist Leo Kanner at Johns Hopkins University. The full-syndrome disorder is hard to miss, characterized by "markedly abnormal or impaired development in social interaction and communication and a markedly restricted repertoire of activities and interests," according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

Why bother looking for them among the Amish? Because they could hold clues to the cause of autism.

The first half-dozen articles in this ongoing series on the roots and rise of autism examined the initial studies and early accounts of the disorder, first identified by Kanner among 11 U.S. children born starting in 1931.

Kanner wrote that his 1938 encounter with a child from Mississippi, identified as Donald T., "made me aware of a behavior pattern not known to me or anyone else theretofore." Kanner literally wrote the book on "Child Psychiatry," published in 1934.

If Kanner was correct if autism was new and increasingly prevalent something must have happened in the 1930s to trigger those first autistic cases. Genetic disorders do not begin suddenly or increase dramatically in prevalence in a short period of time.

That is why it is worth looking for autistic Amish – to test reasoning against reality. Largely cut off for hundreds of years from American culture and scientific progress, the Amish might have had less exposure to some new factor triggering autism in the rest of population.

Surprising, but no one seems to have looked.

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f7faf3  No.15157566

File: bdf2f2cd043f690⋯.jpg (224.9 KB, 780x550, 78:55, AstraZenica_UN_fatalities_….jpg)

File: 163acc5c2a186de⋯.jpg (175.63 KB, 2182x548, 1091:274, DEATHS_AND_INJURIES_FROM_G….jpg)


>the vaccines' impact is clear

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fd5838  No.15157567


That's where God comes into play.

God knows the hearts and minds of all people.

People who are wicked take advantage of the kindheartedness and goodness of Godly people, but God is not fooled.

God is Merciful and Just.

We need to be merciful and just as well.

Being tolerant of the wicked is not being loving.

That is why the wicked push the idea of tolerance, they want their evil deeds to be tolerated.

The Loving thing to do, is to stop tolerating wickedness.

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643496  No.15157568

File: acbc4515e6e96a3⋯.jpg (24.63 KB, 251x255, 251:255, grammarpolice.jpg)


Good info

Meme needs to be fixed.

-words run of the side of the pic. (slioppy)

-"hidden in hidden in" needs correcting.

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5775dd  No.15157570


The trial so far has been a dud. Nothing we didn't already know.

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a2c600  No.15157571


"Time consuming, annoying, trying, when they don't listen."

kek kek

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447a1a  No.15157572

File: 9c690b0d76d2720⋯.png (754.99 KB, 722x640, 361:320, 100642782010944.png)

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a597e1  No.15157573

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Live now! Don't know how much I've missed. Never enough notice ahead of time.

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d1c609  No.15157574

File: 81b835ba07aca1b⋯.jpg (103.09 KB, 500x823, 500:823, 5x3dpu.jpg)

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009ce0  No.15157575

File: 33cddd989a2df8d⋯.jpeg (217.33 KB, 936x532, 234:133, 0B91D883_69A7_4391_B71A_3….jpeg)


Someone say Ivermectin!?

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