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File: 8b18e3241364490⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1030x728, 515:364, qresearch.png)

a9748a  No.14771945[Last 50 Posts]

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Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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a9748a  No.14771949


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>>14771236 Why do the bodies look so strange lately? Asking for a Mortician

>>14771244 God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever. CHQT o7

>>14771247 Stinchfield - Media's deceptive coverage protects Biden at all costs. (VID)

>>14771277, >>14771258, >>14771490 Lauren Coomer Dig

>>14771282, >>14771296, >>14771304 [fx], >>14771332 CALL FOR DIG - ON PORTS AND PORT CAPACITIES

>>14769794 LB, >>14769864 LB, >>14771291 Dan Scavino posted a man reaching the precipice. Is Dan hinting at something here?

>>14771303 STROPPY’S RANDOM THOUGHTS, Thanks Mate

>>14771329 Gov. Greg Abbot has banned all vaccine mandates in the state of Texas?

>>14771340 @POTUS (#NotMyPresident) I’ve never been more optimistic about this country than I am right now.

>>14771353, >>14771562, >>14771814 Caps/memes/Articles (Archive Offline)

>>14771358 99% Covid Positive is under 60 years old. 63% were vaccinated.


>>14771364 Front Line Doctors Has your Back.

>>14771367, >>14771593 100-200 Congress Officials used Ivermectin for covid treatment.

>>14771370 Pervert art hangs in White House and Hunter still has China $$$ #HunterLaptop

>>14771373 US Cybersecurity no match against chYna? HA HA HA

>>14771376 More than 50% of Americans now believe Joe cheated.

>>14771379, >>14771387 Rasmussen Polls Reporting

>>14771383, >>14771536 PDJT RP: See anything we may have missed

>>14771397 I'm down a rabbit hole and could use some extra shovels Call for DIGGERS

>>14771398 'Crisis level' staffing shortages leave hospitals struggling to hire EMTs #HoldTheLine #DontWalkOff #FightLikeFlynn

>>14771405 Framing Michael Flynn - Tucker Carlson Tonight #FightLikeFlynn (Synched)

>>14771441, >>14771489 United Flight Rerouted (Mechanical) #FinalDestinationGate46

>>14771456 #18683

>>14771493 @mikepompeo I know how important the people who farm and raise livestock are to American

>>14771525 @realLizUSA Another woman charged with forging signatures for mail-in ballots for nursing home residents

>>14771538 Michigan Officials Charge 3 People With Voter Fraud

>>14771551 @realLizUSA Luckily there's a big rally in Michigan TODAY to call for a full audit!

>>14771589 A nurse is escorted out of her job at a hospital for not taking the vaccine #HoldTheLine #TalkToMyAttorney #DontWalkAway

>>14771595 Why are foreign countries outdoing USA on Freedom of Speech? #Freedom

>>14771639, >>14771709, >>14771750 The comments on Pope and Nanshy are hysterical

>>14771644 Those that wonder why Cargo Ships are running circles and sitting high in the water

>>14771615 What happens when people learn the TRUTH? -> ( >>14771648 )


>>14771662 WuFlu Vax side effects, prophylactic and more.

>>14771757 Southwest Airlines Dismisses Weekend Reports of #VaccineMandateWalkoffs

>>14771820 Schumann resonance from NASA just now

>>14771834 #AZaudit - Over 284,000 Ballots Lacked Evidence That It Was the Original Ballot Received

>>14771850 Solar flare is hitting Earth now

>>14771873 #OTD in 2000, 17 sailors were killed and 39 injured when the destroyer USS Cole was attacked by suicide bombers in Yemen's Aden harbor.

>>14771875 Fifteen years in Iowa jail for burning pride flag

>>14771887 Jon Gruden resigns as Raiders coach after reports of derogatory language in emails

>>14771889 https://downdetector.com/

>>14771927 Alison Hayden for CA-15 vs.Eric Swalwell (VID)

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a9748a  No.14771955


>>14770490 John Ratcliffe said a raft 1000 + of documents he provided to special counsel John Durham supports additional charges in his criminal inquiry into the Russia investigation.- washington examiner

>>14770535 Stew Peters Interviews LA Port Worker To Get Ground Report on Cargo Ship Backlog - sundance

>>14770713 Fatal Plane crash in Mesa County, CO - crime watch,

>>14770756, >>14770763 How Venice Rigged The First, and Worst, Global Financial Collapse - anon dig

>>14770761 notable noms - anon collection, mainly image caps without sources

>>14770772 Ex-marine accused of killing family of four in Florida expected to plead insanity defence - independent

>>14770779 Pope Francis Greets Abortionist Nancy Pelosi With Masonic Handshake After Her NWO G20 Summit Speech - sgt report

>>14770853 BREAKING: Over 284,000 Ballots, or 1 Out of Every 10th Maricopa County Ballot, Lacked Evidence It Was the Original Ballot Received - gwp

>>14770891 New California Law Requires Schools to Provide Free Menstrual Products, Including in at Least One Men’s Restroom - epochtimes

>>14770921 Revolt of the masses: The left has overplayed its hand - washinton times

>>14770926 SCORCHED EARTH TIME IS COMING – AZ State Rep Wendy Rogers Wants “Less Letters, More ARRESTS” - gwp

>>14771456 #18683


>>14769729 Philippe Argillier

>>14769737 Military Members & Pilots #HoldTheLine and #DoNotComply With Stalinist Purge & Nazi Propaganda

>>14769739 ‘I Think About That A Lot’: Pelosi Says She Talks To People About Fantasies Where She ‘Ruled The World’

>>14769752 Liz Harrington: “It’s a self evident lie and the American people know it, and that’s why we’re not moving on.

>>14769754, >>14769876 Schiff throws Mueller under the bus

>>14769758 Plane crashes into homes near Santee, California, causing inferno and killing at least 2

>>14769775 Those Q anon’rs are at it again.

>>14769778, >>14769799, >>14769878, >>14769915, >>14770074, >>14770104 Jill Biden really likes Lemon tree dresses?

>>14769794, >>14769864 Dan Scavino posted a man reaching the precipice. Is Dan hinting at something here?

>>14769809 Jovan Pulitzer Explains the 284,000 Maricopa County Ballot Images Missing (1:46)

>>14769838, >>14769988 SCORCHED EARTH TIME IS COMING – AZ State Rep Wendy Rogers Wants “Less Letters, More ARRESTS”

>>14770013 Submarine news during one of America's and the world's most "RED" financial months ever in history

>>14770086 When does a bird sing?

>>14770092 Flynn's message about Seven Rays were symbolic comms

>>14770167 #AuroraBorealis in Steele, ND

>>14770206 Daniel Scavino When they want to silence you — there’s a reason. Don’t let it happen, you’re being effective, and making a difference — don’t stop!

>>14770381 PF Reports GOLD82 GOLD91 GOLD92

>>14770434 #18682

Previously Collected

>>14768846 #18680, >>14769637 #18681,

>>14766487 #18677, >>14767251 #18678, >>14768318 #18679

>>14764148 #18674, >>14764936 #18675, >>14765718 #18676

>>14761832 #18671, >>14763304 #18672, >>14764148 #18673

>>14759574 #18668, >>14760055 #18669, >>14762847 #18670

>>14757021 #18665, >>14757810 #18666, >>14759665 #18667

>>14754713 #18662, >>14755508 #18663, >>14756226 #18664

>>14752378 #18659, >>14753359 #18660, >>14753956 #18661

>>14750035 #18656, >>14750791 #18657, >>14751618 #18658

>>14747550 #18653, >>14750362 #18654, >>14751504 #18655

>>14745131 #18650, >>14746034 #18651, >>14746817 #18652

>>14745474 #18647, >>14745490 #18648, >>14745542 #18649

>>14739897 #18644, >>14740772 #18645, >>14745380 #18646

>>14738114 #18641, >>14740065 #18642, >>14739878 #18643

>>14738419 #18638, >>14737024 #18639, >>14739111 #18640

>>14732650 #18635, >>14733414 #18636, >>14734217 #18637

>>14730318 #18632, >>14731455 #18633, >>14738419 #18634

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>14588182 Q Research Notables #9

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a9748a  No.14771959

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* Updated All Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

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* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

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>>14586201 ————————————–——– Nederland #7

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>>13410974 ————————————–——– Mexico #3

>>14475779 ————————————–——– New Zealand #9

>>14493540 ————————————–——– Scotland #5

>>14081815 ————————————–——– South Africa #6

>>14352887 ————————————–——– UK #41


Website ————————————–——– https://www.resignation.info

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>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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*Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: https://postimg.cc/gallery/t1Fqsg1/7d928321 https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

*Complete Apprentice baking instructions https://controlc.com/0cf78628

*Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

TOR IMAGE: Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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a9748a  No.14771971

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


#18685 https://controlc.com/28a204b0

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79847e  No.14771984

File: e9614130d0ee4fb⋯.jpg (218.04 KB, 900x1350, 2:3, 1629765247.jpg)

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dad1a7  No.14771986

File: 3e9f265741f85ce⋯.jpg (52.32 KB, 502x753, 2:3, 70a79280fca70b3d32312129ad….jpg)


Thank You Baker

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6970d4  No.14772006

File: 714f07298c292f3⋯.png (435.67 KB, 438x548, 219:274, ClipboardImage.png)

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4cbd5c  No.14772009

File: 14d0f14b736b23f⋯.png (182.94 KB, 409x409, 1:1, comfyaf.png)

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76065e  No.14772018

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



House Tweaker Nancy Pelosi holds weekly news briefing


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4cbd5c  No.14772019

File: 5d91d9de9bddad2⋯.png (950.9 KB, 1051x4458, 1051:4458, yesterday_Screenshot_2021_….png)

File: 16e75d10ec806f2⋯.png (922.32 KB, 1051x4479, 1051:4479, today_Screenshot_2021_10_1….png)

File: f63842b7db1c1cb⋯.png (816.78 KB, 1051x5104, 1051:5104, tomorrow_Screenshot_2021_1….png)

File: fd36df118fb6634⋯.png (303.24 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Screenshot_from_2021_10_12….png)

Southwest Airlines Freedom Flu update

from roughly 8:35am

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21568b  No.14772020

File: cc7a81e069c8e8f⋯.jpg (515.9 KB, 720x1361, 720:1361, Oops.jpg)

At some point,

It will be necessary to bare fangs.

Drawing blood is the last resort,

But it may become necessary, too.

If so, it WILL be done.

Self-preservation is a strong instinct.

Are politicians bereft of instincts?

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83a50a  No.14772031

File: b8f6982559ab64c⋯.jpg (202.75 KB, 1284x1418, 642:709, FBePS64UUAABApI.jpg)

You literally cannot make this up

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062e29  No.14772032

File: 9951b7d19b3aaf6⋯.png (98.97 KB, 722x461, 722:461, NCOM.png)

File: e715b868243fdfd⋯.png (86.29 KB, 703x452, 703:452, NCOMII.png)

File: ef989e088a29b1a⋯.png (37.87 KB, 709x455, 709:455, NCOMIII.png)

File: ac3801dadcc4a2b⋯.png (77.36 KB, 709x452, 709:452, NCOMIIII.png)

File: 9363ec2798fe364⋯.png (43.65 KB, 707x452, 707:452, NCOMIIIII.png)

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ba4480  No.14772034

File: 17b1f152af64a3e⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 4_6_lost_forever_46th_pres….png)

File: c5d246304d89407⋯.png (102.56 KB, 518x524, 259:262, 7k586ee8ek8kee8e6e866l.png)

4-6% double meaning

If the 46th President does not wake you up, you are lost forever


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d7461f  No.14772035

File: 0813b776a320e4f⋯.png (717.32 KB, 898x499, 898:499, ClipboardImage.png)

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a9748a  No.14772037

File: f47220846a3b5d8⋯.png (1.16 MB, 828x1128, 69:94, pilot_now.png)

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a9748a  No.14772038

File: f47220846a3b5d8⋯.png (1.16 MB, 828x1128, 69:94, pilot_now.png)

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a9748a  No.14772039



apology server took to long ERR

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4cbd5c  No.14772040

File: a2ac6218325a824⋯.png (904.6 KB, 1266x4025, 1266:4025, Screenshot_2021_10_12_Live….png)

File: 4d969722e2688dd⋯.png (268.4 KB, 1035x608, 1035:608, Screenshot_from_2021_10_12….png)

File: 21395cbd3d31e22⋯.png (267.05 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Screenshot_from_2021_10_12….png)

File: 7c199494ed710c4⋯.gif (1.97 MB, 400x332, 100:83, pepePilot.gif)


>Southwest Airlines Freedom Flu update

>from roughly 8:35am

few minutes ago



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9e915c  No.14772041


you know what happens to child actors.

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746258  No.14772042

File: 376c7f97728336d⋯.png (64.28 KB, 857x475, 857:475, ClipboardImage.png)

“Catastrophic” Property Sales Mean China’s Worst Case Scenario Is Now In Play

No matter how the Evergrande drama plays out – whether it culminates with an uncontrolled, chaotic default and/or distressed asset sale liquidation, a controlled restructuring where bondholders get some compensation, or with Beijing blinking and bailing out the core pillar of China’s housing market – remember that Evergrande is just a symptom of the trends that have whipsawed China’s property market in the past year, which has seen significant contraction as a result of Beijing policies seeking to tighten financial conditions as part of Xi’s new “common prosperity” drive which among other things, seeks to make housing much more affordable to everyone, not just the richest.

As such, any contagion from the ongoing turmoil sweeping China’s heavily indebted property sector will impact not the banks, which are all state-owned entities and whose exposure to insolvent developers can easily be patched up by the state, but the property sector itself, which as Goldman recently calculated is worth $62 trillion making it the world’s largest asset class, contributes a mind-boggling 29% of Chinese GDP (compared to 6.2% in the US) and represents 62% of household wealth.


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c83c58  No.14772043

File: bedf2229680765f⋯.gif (2.85 MB, 385x530, 77:106, bedf2229680765faff10184974….gif)

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c71511  No.14772044

File: 2c233a6d9e2643d⋯.mp4 (8.12 MB, 1918x1080, 959:540, It_Puts_The_Needle_In_Its_….mp4)

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a9748a  No.14772045


its 4-6% lost forever (46 lost)

if 45 dont wake u up, nothing will

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40328e  No.14772046

File: a1e5b3789584c63⋯.jpg (70.02 KB, 840x441, 40:21, 5pdsfs63u.jpg)

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0f44f2  No.14772047


Kamala is an actor too.

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98ca36  No.14772048


4-6% lost to the narrative…the rest die by the narrative

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062e29  No.14772049

File: cc43e97ed107e6e⋯.png (58.3 KB, 500x536, 125:134, KamalahHarrisJewHubby.png)

File: 680e0222088d4e2⋯.png (327.57 KB, 501x753, 167:251, KamalahHarrisJewHubbyII.png)

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f24357  No.14772050

File: 89e7021e7760a18⋯.gif (776.34 KB, 380x282, 190:141, frontier44.gif)

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c7478a  No.14772051

File: 8262e307656aa0b⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1427x747, 1427:747, ClipboardImage.png)

notable lb >>14771644 Those that wonder why Cargo Ships are running circles and sitting high in the water


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276d1f  No.14772052

>>14771397 (pb)

Here is a thought. Ever hear of the war of the roses? Red vs. White?

Wars of the Roses

The Wars of the Roses were a series of civil wars fought over control of the English throne in the mid-to-late fifteenth century, fought between supporters of two rival cadet branches of the royal House of Plantagenet: Lancaster and York. The wars extinguished the male lines of the two dynasties, leading to the Tudor family inheriting the Lancastrian claim. Following the war, the Houses of Tudor and York were united, creating a new royal dynasty, thereby resolving the rival claims.

The conflict had its roots in the wake of the Hundred Years' War and its emergent socio-economic troubles, which weakened the prestige of the English monarchy,[i] unfolding structural problems of bastard feudalism and the powerful duchies created by Edward III,[8] and the mental infirmity and weak rule of Henry VI, which revived interest in the Yorkist claim to the throne by Richard of York. Historians disagree over which of these factors were the main catalyst for the wars.[9]

The wars began in 1455 when Richard of York captured King Henry VI in battle and was appointed Lord Protector by Parliament, leading to an uneasy peace.[10] Fighting resumed four years later. Yorkists, led by Warwick the Kingmaker, recaptured Henry, but Richard was killed in 1460, leading to the claim by his son, Edward. The Yorkists lost custody of Henry the following year but destroyed the Lancastrian army, and Edward was crowned three months later in June 1461.[11][12] Resistance to Edward's rule continued but was defeated in 1464, leading to a period of relative peace.

In 1469, Warwick withdrew his support for Edward due to opposition against the king's foreign policy and choice of bride, and changed to the Lancastrian claim, leading to a renewal in fighting. Edward was briefly deposed and fled to Flanders the following year, and Henry was reinstalled as king. Henry's renewal in reign was short-lived however, as the Lancastrians suffered decisive defeats in battle in which Warwick and Henry's heir were killed, Henry was reimprisoned, and much of the Lancastrian nobility were either killed, executed, or exiled. Shortly afterwards, Edward reassumed the throne, after which Henry either died or was assassinated on Edward's order.[13] Edward ruled unopposed and England enjoyed a period of relative peace until his death twelve years later in 1483.


A fight for control and power.

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c83c58  No.14772053

File: 7474720e39e31f5⋯.jpg (53.99 KB, 900x613, 900:613, 7474720e39e31f539df0facc97….jpg)

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dad1a7  No.14772054

File: e83b2d85e0ec49a⋯.png (392.22 KB, 1080x1508, 270:377, ClipboardImage.png)


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4f0250  No.14772055

File: ed637805ed4ae86⋯.jpg (30.19 KB, 621x323, 621:323, MI_NCSWIC.JPG)

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dad1a7  No.14772057

File: f8b4e0268b64c68⋯.png (296.53 KB, 1302x866, 651:433, ClipboardImage.png)


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94ce6e  No.14772058

File: 0c710776c4d4db4⋯.jpeg (64.76 KB, 720x570, 24:19, C07B921D_4D19_4F85_BC6C_8….jpeg)

>>14772025 lb

Dreams that can come true.

*Berrrt*s to [them]

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f44b95  No.14772059

File: e041ff2d02dce96⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1024x614, 512:307, 1862_Plan_of_Terrace_6thAn….png)

File: 8cf3a1a29ca3277⋯.jpg (28.4 KB, 320x319, 320:319, new_york_owl.jpg)

File: 83b957b1ddfa6e1⋯.jpg (134.41 KB, 539x800, 539:800, Witch.jpg)

File: 41b646cebee082c⋯.jpg (949.76 KB, 1900x1267, 1900:1267, eye.jpg)

File: 3fb1dfd2fc27800⋯.jpg (125.16 KB, 457x640, 457:640, IMG_1679.jpg)


>Flynn's message about Seven Rays were symbolic comms

People outside of Manhattan (and most inside) have no idea that for over almost 200 yrs Luciferians took over the city, piece by piece. Take Bethesda Terrace & Fountain, built during the Civil War, by Jacob Wrey Mould

West 72nd St (72) & Cross Drive. Bethesda translates to the "sheep gate". So you pass through the sheep gate to get to the sheep pool. With the Luciferian's in charge, the idea of healing turns into a baptism into "Enlightenment"

The angel of light (Lucifer) is right there in front of your face, on top of the fountain.

Look at the happenings on West 72nd, John Lennon killed at the Dakota. 2 weeks ago some mutt in a Lamborghini was shot on West 72nd while he was stalking the corner. "Rosemary's Baby" was on the UWS. There's the condo, The ALEXANDRIA (Egyptian light house) telegraphing their M.O.

> "There’s a reason the original Ghostbusters set up shop on Central Park West. For one thing, this area was a veritable hotbed of 19th Century Spiritualism. The legendary Ansonia’s basement played host to myriad seances and psychics; the American Society for Psychical Research was founded (and still stands) on West 73rd Street"


There's a reason why NYC is bleeding out because of "covid". It's planned & it must be drained. One World Tower is an obelisk to Lucifer. A giant antennae to concentrate cosmic power and give it to the rulers on Earth to enslave every man, woman, & child forever. You've been living in Hell the entire time and didn't even know.

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062e29  No.14772060

File: 952305aebd57054⋯.jpg (86.5 KB, 691x580, 691:580, LukImJew.jpg)

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d0093d  No.14772061

File: 62632e5b67ac9f0⋯.jpg (1.41 MB, 1938x1453, 1938:1453, SWA_boardroom.jpg)

>>14771809 (lb)

>Pilots can not be easily replaced.

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f2cf99  No.14772062

File: e2450ecb0c760bc⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1692x938, 846:469, Dan_Banner_2.png)


TyB Have a fresh banner

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4bfa26  No.14772063


Grassley is 88 yrs old. He shouldn't be running again.

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c83c58  No.14772064

File: 83d95f4cef0ccaf⋯.jpeg (76.32 KB, 1216x853, 1216:853, 5b8e9aa011ec5_Copy.jpeg)

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9e915c  No.14772065

File: 7e0a9f317ec5e1f⋯.png (351.99 KB, 811x561, 811:561, Screen_Shot_2021_10_12_at_….png)

Former Pfizer VP: ‘Clear evidence of fraud’ in Pfizer study claiming 95% jab efficacy

'I’m confident that their [Pfizer's] actions comprise deliberate mass murder,' stated Yeadon. 'Their objective appears to be to keep people as fearful as possible and receptive to vaccination.


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48632c  No.14772066

File: eaec40174659472⋯.jpg (132.79 KB, 779x761, 779:761, fauci_creep.jpg)

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50224d  No.14772067


A bunch of those Afghanis can probably fly a plane.

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9e915c  No.14772068


recess is over, junior. back to your desk.

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f44b95  No.14772069

File: 4a9f16ea1a5ef45⋯.jpg (135.79 KB, 736x1311, 32:57, AngelOfLight.jpg)

File: edbe0b3d4a33026⋯.jpg (271.92 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, 9_2013_new_york_22253_vers….jpg)

File: 93e747968b63e90⋯.jpg (541.95 KB, 1010x566, 505:283, 1861_bridge_BCCP1861annual.jpg)

File: 29fbd2cdad87fc6⋯.jpg (55.9 KB, 500x667, 500:667, b1185a27e041381fed8ceed42b….jpg)

File: 3df1eee471ef366⋯.jpg (438.53 KB, 600x800, 3:4, book.jpg)

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030cd6  No.14772070


Nancy looks nervous as hell.

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dad1a7  No.14772071

File: a49a05cd1d62e66⋯.mp4 (1.47 MB, 480x270, 16:9, DeclineBiden.mp4)

File: f0225f8021ea755⋯.png (401.36 KB, 605x502, 605:502, ClipboardImage.png)


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276d1f  No.14772072

Getting a flood detected message when trying to post. Anyone else?

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9e915c  No.14772073


anon, that' not nance, that's Legion.

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276d1f  No.14772074

>>14771397 (pb)

Here is a thought. Ever hear of the war of the roses? Red vs. White?

Wars of the Roses

The Wars of the Roses were a series of civil wars fought over control of the English throne in the mid-to-late fifteenth century, fought between supporters of two rival cadet branches of the royal House of Plantagenet: Lancaster and York. The wars extinguished the male lines of the two dynasties, leading to the Tudor family inheriting the Lancastrian claim. Following the war, the Houses of Tudor and York were united, creating a new royal dynasty, thereby resolving the rival claims.

The conflict had its roots in the wake of the Hundred Years' War and its emergent socio-economic troubles, which weakened the prestige of the English monarchy,[i] unfolding structural problems of bastard feudalism and the powerful duchies created by Edward III,[8] and the mental infirmity and weak rule of Henry VI, which revived interest in the Yorkist claim to the throne by Richard of York. Historians disagree over which of these factors were the main catalyst for the wars.[9]

The wars began in 1455 when Richard of York captured King Henry VI in battle and was appointed Lord Protector by Parliament, leading to an uneasy peace.[10] Fighting resumed four years later. Yorkists, led by Warwick the Kingmaker, recaptured Henry, but Richard was killed in 1460, leading to the claim by his son, Edward. The Yorkists lost custody of Henry the following year but destroyed the Lancastrian army, and Edward was crowned three months later in June 1461.[11][12] Resistance to Edward's rule continued but was defeated in 1464, leading to a period of relative peace.


A fight for control and power.

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062e29  No.14772075

File: 3a35b69b8a9d02d⋯.png (495.24 KB, 364x544, 91:136, ClipboardImage.png)

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98ca36  No.14772076

File: 70203e895d5f6e0⋯.jpg (974.1 KB, 1306x1000, 653:500, trumptold.jpg)

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76065e  No.14772077


She keeps doing that thing with her teeth

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310c0c  No.14772078



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a83c12  No.14772079

File: 9adb5286a8e22aa⋯.gif (2.75 MB, 432x244, 108:61, Right_to_Refuse_Flynn.gif)

File: dac03bc276faf19⋯.jpg (87.5 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Fuck_You_Joe.jpg)

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a9748a  No.14772080

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


LIVE: Michigan Capitol Rally Demanding Forensic Audit in Lansing, MI 10/12/21


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276d1f  No.14772081


Nm, apparently, my original post posted but it acted like it didn't. Must be some bs going on right now.

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0f44f2  No.14772082

File: 106d2d9243cad66⋯.png (21.66 KB, 414x269, 414:269, Screen_Shot_10_12_21_at_11….PNG)

Mike Pence


For information on how you can support this great program offering horse therapy services at no cost to our Veterans and their Families, check out https://braveheartsriding.org

Quote Tweet

Stars and Stripes


Former VP Mike Pence joined members of the nonprofit organization BraveHearts during a Saturday ride aimed at raising awareness about veteran suicide. The group uses the horses in therapy for veterans suffering with depression or other emotional troubles. https://stripes.com/veterans/2021-10-10/former-vp-mike-pence-indiana-horse-ride-veterans-3194107.html

11:48 AM · Oct 12, 2021·Twitter for iPhone


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d3ae33  No.14772083



Screw climate retardatio

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062e29  No.14772084

File: f1447ff3a979491⋯.png (14.94 KB, 399x225, 133:75, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 03781e0e7d03950⋯.png (57.3 KB, 396x356, 99:89, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 64892fdb8d39ae1⋯.png (137.45 KB, 405x620, 81:124, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 42eac05768f718d⋯.png (379.8 KB, 394x713, 394:713, ClipboardImage.png)

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df2945  No.14772085

File: edc086e0e8b2181⋯.png (9.54 KB, 374x194, 187:97, ClipboardImage.png)

When you know the universe is aligned.

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c7478a  No.14772086

File: 7ebf7fdf75d4309⋯.png (1.87 MB, 1401x797, 1401:797, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a2b7870dfdd87f9⋯.png (2.16 MB, 1379x826, 197:118, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 62623bbb5499c52⋯.png (2.15 MB, 1414x793, 1414:793, ClipboardImage.png)


think you're into something, anon.

symbolism. colors. bloodlines. history.

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af14c2  No.14772087


I had that happen yesterday. No (you) attached to post

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8447c4  No.14772088

File: f083ba900b488f6⋯.png (406.91 KB, 600x712, 75:89, Pepe_Gadson_Brandon.png)

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9e915c  No.14772089


Echoing remarks by Zelenko Protocol discoverer Dr. Vladimir Ze’ev Zelenko, Yeadon continued: “Having done this for well over a year, I’m confident that their actions comprise deliberate mass murder. Their objective appears to be to keep people as fearful as possible and receptive to vaccination. All of these claims are supported by plentiful public sources.

“But the scandal of depriving people of effective treatments while coercing them into submission to dangerous vaccination is the worst thing that’s happened in the world for decades, arguably forever.”

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d3ae33  No.14772090


Seriously thought this was a low key ivermectin ad

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c7478a  No.14772091

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504fa7  No.14772092

File: fca4891e55c351a⋯.jpeg (217.79 KB, 1392x788, 348:197, E44460F6_E7ED_47B9_B16C_C….jpeg)

Babylon Bee for the keys:

Heartwarming: Amy Coney Barrett Just Adopted A Local Troubled Youngster Named Hunter

SOUTH BEND, IN—According to sources, Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett has adopted her 8th child, a troubled local youngster named Hunter. In a touching story of love triumphing over all odds, the Barrett family fought for custody of Hunter and welcomed him into their family for the first time this week.

"This family has love to spare," said Judge Barrett. "We just knew we had another child out there somewhere. We were told by the agency that young Hunter had his fair share of issues, but we knew we would be up to the challenge."

According to friends of the family, Hunter is slowly adjusting to his new home and family. He has kicked an old drug habit and is now attending church with the rest of the family. He has also renounced his old ways and paid back a Ukrainian gas company fourfold.

"We love having Hunter with us!" said the leader of the small church group Hunter attends every week. "Whenever we share testimonies, he puts our testimonies to shame with stories of drugs, corruption, and horrific scandal, unlike anything we've heard. Awesome!"

Judge Barrett is still struggling to teach Hunter the value of hard work. He is being paid a few dollars to do chores around the house when he's used to being paid $50,000 per month for nothing.

"We're still working on it," she said.


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4bfa26  No.14772093


The crime of the century keeps changing.

Uranium1>Awan>Obamagate>Wuhan virus>Stolen election.

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276d1f  No.14772094


I think some corrupt people may be a bit skeered these days.

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5934e5  No.14772095

>>14771992 (lb)

What was I just saying earlier in the thread? I'm blessed to be married to a nurse.

>>14771321 (lb)

>Some folks will be on baby aspirin/blood thinner for the rest of their life, and that's only if they are able to get the spike proteins to stop

Daily dose of baby aspirin is going to be a life saver for some.

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b2dbe9  No.14772096

File: a1ff93d10abbcb1⋯.png (94.44 KB, 451x340, 451:340, we_the_people_stand_with_d….PNG)

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7db340  No.14772097


>renounced his old ways and paid back a Ukrainian gas company fourfold


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0f44f2  No.14772098


>When you know the universe is aligned.

We love our 17, don't we folks?

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9e915c  No.14772099

File: 207cebbb6cb6003⋯.png (264.64 KB, 537x378, 179:126, Screen_Shot_2021_10_12_at_….png)


holy comms batman

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7db340  No.14772100

File: d71768edb4ef1a7⋯.png (8.9 KB, 255x242, 255:242, 1878227d4fddfe004ff11657a2….png)


kek BB got me!

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371ba1  No.14772101

Slight of my hand is now a quick pull trigger

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f44b95  No.14772102

File: 30224d758d36e1b⋯.jpg (517.75 KB, 600x800, 3:4, keyhole_house.jpg)

File: 0cc0fd8942abaa5⋯.jpg (83.75 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 72TheAlexandria.jpg)

File: 6373c7f134d45a8⋯.jpg (490.11 KB, 600x800, 3:4, bird_poop.jpg)

File: 56cfc68eb1da82b⋯.jpg (2.18 MB, 3888x2592, 3:2, NYCBethesdaTerrace_5.jpg)


Like the "keyhole" house, anons?

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9e915c  No.14772103

File: 7716d87315117ca⋯.png (154.72 KB, 281x499, 281:499, Screen_Shot_2021_10_12_at_….png)



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af14c2  No.14772104

File: c92cc15b0754ccd⋯.gif (2.7 MB, 325x216, 325:216, c92cc15b0754ccd0320711479e….gif)

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7793e2  No.14772105

File: 96f520dd83b156d⋯.png (1005.88 KB, 992x662, 496:331, Laptop.png)

File: 5a15eec582dd567⋯.jpg (84.45 KB, 800x533, 800:533, HunterWidow.jpg)

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67d461  No.14772106

Anon has been adding 2 tbsp of food grade diatomaceous earth with sprinkle of whole flax seeds to family meals effectively de-worming family on the down low. Also using lots of fresh garlic, ginger, turmeric…

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b7e5de  No.14772107


It’s about competence anon, if he’s of sound mind and still physically able then why the hell not?

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7db340  No.14772108

File: c6cfa8aeeff5939⋯.jpg (98.49 KB, 631x469, 631:469, c6cfa8aeeff59397d6e69488a0….jpg)


She sounds like she can't breathe.

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f24357  No.14772109

File: e8fcce115965a75⋯.png (8.66 KB, 255x156, 85:52, a98642385720dbb7a210d59b26….png)

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7db340  No.14772110

File: ccaf4da60f63c38⋯.png (77.81 KB, 169x177, 169:177, ClipboardImage.png)


Is that her MockingJay pin?

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94ce6e  No.14772111

File: a84a53a1cb6c2fa⋯.jpeg (169.66 KB, 1571x645, 1571:645, D7708BC5_B0CE_4D64_B62E_9….jpeg)


>A bunch of those Afghanis can probably fly a plane.

“There’s that fag talk again”

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4cbd5c  No.14772112



Southwest Delays currently make up 19% of all delays.

next closest is Turkish at 8%

Looks like American creeping up

Cancelled # Cancelled % Delayed # Delayed % Cancelled % of All Delayed % of All

89 2.00% 394 11.00% Southwest 5.79% 19.08%

6 0.00% 168 15.00% Turkish Airlines 0.39% 8.14%

245 11.00% 160 7.00% China Eastern 15.95% 7.75%

16 0.00% 135 5.00% American Airlines 1.04% 6.54%

16 1.00% 93 7.00% IndiGo 1.04% 4.50%

36 12.00% 85 29.00% GoAir 2.34% 4.12%

179 24.00% 84 11.00% Shenzhen Airlines 11.65% 4.07%

6 0.00% 81 3.00% SkyWest 0.39% 3.92%

256 18.00% 74 5.00% Air China 16.67% 3.58%

5 0.00% 56 9.00% XiamenAir 0.33% 2.71%

4 1.00% 54 16.00% Air India 0.26% 2.62%

8 0.00% 49 2.00% United 0.52% 2.37%

6 0.00% 46 1.00% Delta 0.39% 2.23%

4 1.00% 37 10.00% SAS 0.26% 1.79%

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932f50  No.14772113

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98ca36  No.14772114

File: 9983c7162678a09⋯.jpg (14.28 KB, 360x180, 2:1, haitihurts_2.jpg)

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371ba1  No.14772115

File: 1e6e3a4cb93a719⋯.jpeg (61.65 KB, 500x284, 125:71, D4245D78_644C_4695_8F32_4….jpeg)

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276d1f  No.14772116


Ya know, it's kinda funny, back in the day, "keyholes," were used to spy on people. Peeping through keyholes used to be a thing.

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c83c58  No.14772117

Whichever anon made the meme, you're trending. Congrats.


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b2dbe9  No.14772118

File: ddf3b0426493a3b⋯.png (631.2 KB, 690x461, 690:461, lansing_trump_rally.PNG)

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65e1d1  No.14772119


Next BB ACB story - The Coney Barrett family are pregnant!

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5e9dac  No.14772121

>>14771648 LB

Interesting that the police didn't come to his rescue or protect him while he was being chased by those people..

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c962e7  No.14772122

Let's go Brandon.

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7db340  No.14772123

File: 8f83f559c43fe74⋯.png (106.63 KB, 500x325, 20:13, 4679dbad535406d86b9c5468ca….png)




She not at her best today, Anons.

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5934e5  No.14772124

File: 2faa294c99c4a83⋯.png (41.31 KB, 565x405, 113:81, ClipboardImage.png)



Anon needs to re-read drops, is all.

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77bd06  No.14772125

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Im gonna have my USA back, one day!

Getting rid of the NWO, criminal actors, and politicians who are subverting the People of the United States of America.

One person at a time.

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9e915c  No.14772126

File: d7110985cf1e9b5⋯.png (376.98 KB, 706x747, 706:747, Screen_Shot_2021_10_12_at_….png)

File: 057955dd2f7436b⋯.png (447.91 KB, 823x513, 823:513, Screen_Shot_2021_10_12_at_….png)

Religious vaccine exemption stays for state health care workers

[fake news hive is apoplectic]

A lawsuit filed last month said the mandate violated the workers' constitutional rights

Thomas More Society Strikes again!


[bonus] look at the fucking little clip that CNN attached to article, cuz they mad (pic related).

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56e2f4  No.14772127

Do anons notice the body double or clones they throwing out there are getting more and more blatantly onvious but the public doesnt notice?

When will the wake up?

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9e915c  No.14772128


Godspeed, anon

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d0093d  No.14772129

File: 3cb14eb176df36d⋯.jpg (65.27 KB, 673x486, 673:486, maga_kids.jpg)


>You literally cannot make this up

After F. Joe Brandon got trolled by IRL K-5 kids, the suits had to figure out if Heels was dumb enough to have the same thing happen.

They went with the actors.

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d6ccb7  No.14772130





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932f50  No.14772131


>Heartwarming: Amy Coney Barrett Just Adopted A Local Troubled Youngster Named Hunter

Book deal, or it didn't happen.

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5934e5  No.14772132


And Haitian doctors, amirite?

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56e2f4  No.14772133

File: ea90769ee930d83⋯.jpeg (378.43 KB, 1241x1400, 1241:1400, 3B9A1F8A_FF8F_4C37_BE5B_D….jpeg)


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76065e  No.14772134

File: f006bffcab2f75f⋯.png (261.22 KB, 450x299, 450:299, ClipboardImage.png)

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98ca36  No.14772135

File: 0d0ab270a3baa98⋯.jpg (30.07 KB, 464x320, 29:20, hillarycult.jpg)

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13db74  No.14772136

File: 05ae6c10ac39f5d⋯.png (24.2 KB, 602x203, 86:29, Capture.PNG)



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7db340  No.14772137

File: 873b8122c2b534c⋯.jpg (1.73 MB, 2379x3000, 793:1000, 873b8122c2b534c5e98d12bec2….jpg)



"America is Back!" but not actually "back" as in "back".

But "Back" as in we're still ripping you dumbasses off bigly.

Climate way worse than Covid, anons.

Maybe Climate needs a Vaxx??

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4de754  No.14772138


She knows what's coming

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a1a2fe  No.14772139

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9e915c  No.14772140


i. get her mixed up/w that Mollie chick from NYT, what's her name? Haberman.

and why the two mollies? Fucking Hemingway and Haberman.


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c962e7  No.14772141

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fuck you, fvck Q, fvck drops, fvck your mother, fvck aliens, fvck all of you!!!!

How about that???

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56e2f4  No.14772142

File: 9b3e41a5236c1a5⋯.jpeg (482.13 KB, 1241x1649, 73:97, 24021741_C469_4088_B80C_6….jpeg)

Probably one of the only actors that took the bait. Her career is ruined! But they don’t care!


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932f50  No.14772143

File: 2ce431c9d2e0d36⋯.webm (3.86 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Maxine_Waters_explained_h….webm)


"I know who has done this"

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030cd6  No.14772144


Grassley has seen a lot of shit swept under the rug.

He wants to be in office when Trump wins. He wants to be in position of power to make sure those DS actors pay for what they have done.

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b2dbe9  No.14772145

File: 3745c9309694db9⋯.png (148.17 KB, 402x301, 402:301, maxine_waters_mean.PNG)

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7793e2  No.14772146

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Press conference following G20 meeting on trade and investment

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4de754  No.14772147


that's Maggie ''the hag" Haberman

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9e915c  No.14772148

File: 0824bd2b7801a01⋯.png (134.58 KB, 654x755, 654:755, Screen_Shot_2021_10_12_at_….png)




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6fbc32  No.14772149

File: 3c83e6341530ec2⋯.png (1.74 MB, 768x1024, 3:4, archangelmichelc.png)

>>14772011 pb

>>14771940 pb

>>14771987 pb

"HIs Master's Voice" interested me since an object of the Gang controllers was to harness the radio for culture engineering / mind control

So the connection with the RCA logo and the title of the book…

How the Mass electronic Media charm the populace.

And Lem articulated, a bit, the way information can be hidden in static, sorta like the image board here.

>>14772022 pb

Thanks.. I'll look it over. interesting

>>14772030 pb

>>14772024 pb

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56e2f4  No.14772150


She does, she knows things and seemingly always couches it in a joke!

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b2dbe9  No.14772151

File: 50425ca7363be0b⋯.png (18.14 KB, 432x276, 36:23, q_post_maggie.PNG)

File: 88f317b9d0547e4⋯.png (344.54 KB, 546x351, 14:9, haberman_enemy_of_people.PNG)

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4bfa26  No.14772152

File: c9493ae9f58a6f4⋯.jpg (347.34 KB, 3000x1687, 3000:1687, 170403142900_senate_judici….jpg)


I guess.

Just checked the ages on the senate. Feinstein is older than Grassley by two months. Great depression babies. I don't even know what that generation is called.

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9e915c  No.14772153


wtf has DaVinci got to do with it?

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94ce6e  No.14772154

File: 5112865e24b134a⋯.jpeg (66.87 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 20CE256E_19B4_4DA8_A109_A….jpeg)


“Get me some 100MPH tape and some bailing twine, damnit! I needs to get back in the fight!”

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6b9011  No.14772155



I can certify that meme came from this board!

Not mine, but I’ve seen this anons work.


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371ba1  No.14772156


Jab is setting off all kinds of dormant or recessive gene traits.

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7db340  No.14772157

File: 786b7dfa2d83e89⋯.jpg (39.47 KB, 562x531, 562:531, 786b7dfa2d83e8950f27c8c29e….jpg)


"Important decisions to make in then next few days so we can… "Proceed".

Ominous comms.

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98ca36  No.14772158

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9e915c  No.14772159


ah. not quite as weird or perhaps moar so. kek

ty anon

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932f50  No.14772160

File: c3c7ad74c5c533a⋯.png (582.67 KB, 848x458, 424:229, Super_Hot_Giant_Alien.png)






Maybe, if they're hot.


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f9ea51  No.14772162

join the force. fuck joe brandon

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5934e5  No.14772163

File: 3ad2c20d94c6100⋯.png (16.02 KB, 569x206, 569:206, ClipboardImage.png)


>bastard feudalism

>A fight for control and power.

Neo-feudalism is the order of the day, now. Fascism is a subgroup to achieve complete control agenda. Monarchs at the top, communism for everyone else.

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83a50a  No.14772164


Cayenne peppers and honey mixed together are powerful killers. The honey attracts the parasites, luring them in, while the cayenne pepper kills them. Ranked as one of The Top Books Worth Reading, Cayenne Pepper, by Sharon Daniels explains how this versatile spice kills parasites at the same time it regulates your system helping flush out the offenders. “If you master only one herb in your life, master cayenne pepper. It is more powerful than any other,” says Dr. Richard Schulze, Medical Herbalist from herbdoc.com


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9e915c  No.14772165


vax don't make you hawt

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05d344  No.14772166


KEK - lock her up next Q!

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b4f8eb  No.14772167

File: 95912295948fccc⋯.png (139.06 KB, 607x1233, 607:1233, Capture_2021_10_12_11_03_0….png)

From notes:

>>14770092 (pb) Flynn's message about Seven Rays were symbolic comms

>>14768375 (pb) This is the guy coming on the board with his buddies trying to convince us Flynn is a Satanist

These are contradictory. Either Flynn is a Theosophist and Theosophy is fine, or Flynn is a Theosophist (which is referred to as Satanist) and no one should talk about it.

If people believe in occult teachings, that's their business. But people who pretend to be something they are not is a big red flag in a truth movement.

Mark 5: 7 And crying out with a loud voice, he said, “What have you to do with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I adjure you by God, do not torment me.” 8 For he was saying to him, “Come out of the man, you unclean spirit!” 9 And Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” He replied, “My name is Legion, for we are many.”

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9e915c  No.14772169


anon has always thot that anon would hit it

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98ca36  No.14772170

File: c9dfee79bece379⋯.jpg (212.12 KB, 600x403, 600:403, nancy_3.jpg)


is that Nancy? her face is wrong and she's extra breathy today

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56e2f4  No.14772172


Now I agree with that! Did you notice since Ron Johnson is not running again, he’s exposing as much as he can now!

He and Grassley did that groundbreaking report on Hunter that the press completely ignored

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276d1f  No.14772173

Let's take a stroll down memory lane. French Indo-China. What is the golden triangle? WHY is it, "golden?" Poppies? Who took over control from the French? Did the "Bushes," rattle? Afghanistan. What grows really well there? Poppies? Plan B? Why did the Russians back in the day, invade it? Strapped for cash? Who got it next? WHY were we REALLY in Afghanistan? To protect? Who and what?

How much money could be made, if you controlled one, or both of those regions of the world?

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7db340  No.14772174

File: f9f2b2037fd79ac⋯.png (97.27 KB, 524x359, 524:359, e90fb1b9415bde49a7f7613cd7….png)


Anons, she gonna pass out here?

She can barely talk.

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5934e5  No.14772175


Agree. Wanna see aliums before I kick the bucket.

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932f50  No.14772176


What was it you're supposed to tell her if you see her in a restaurant?

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9e915c  No.14772178


>So the connection with the RCA logo and the title of the book…

Philo Farnsworth, anon.

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05d344  No.14772179


The UGLY is spot on.

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48632c  No.14772180

File: 0e39e5fac3c8d02⋯.jpg (63.97 KB, 605x285, 121:57, another_jab.jpg)

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98ca36  No.14772181

File: 7185ea14434684d⋯.jpeg (1.52 MB, 2589x2589, 1:1, alliums.jpeg)

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030cd6  No.14772182


Mollie Hemmingway

Maggie Haberman.

Mollie is the cute smart one.

Maggie is the ugly corrupt liberal one with the New York Times.

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6fbc32  No.14772183

File: a4e67e996574562⋯.jpg (181.28 KB, 1163x807, 1163:807, 1511558385907.jpg)

File: 9b7361389088179⋯.png (1.54 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, a404d1fb43a092c93e9887e409….png)


she denied the election fraud

Claimed DJTrump POTUS was being "euphemistic" That there was a lack of deliberateness in the errors; that it was less than a legal fraud.


She got a good interview with DJT; invited to Mar a Lago - very special; and then slipped that in; like POTUS is delusional or somesuch. Like the theft was less than a legal fact.

Another shit like all the rest.

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058404  No.14772184

File: 9b71cbe891e3068⋯.png (378.53 KB, 720x628, 180:157, FBE662F6_35BC_4C56_8BEC_91….png)

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d93a99  No.14772185


It's interesting reading her own words and seeing that she still doesn't completely understand what's going on. It shows how brainwashed people are by the system. We're lucky we somehow broke free of this Matrix before any of this shit went down, because most still haven't, even after everything we've seen.

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05d344  No.14772186


The controller probably pump them full of drugs before they go on TV so they can finish a sentence - probably side effects. Death imminent.

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161338  No.14772187

File: c400143767a9d4b⋯.gif (743.96 KB, 220x195, 44:39, cat_pirate.gif)




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6fbc32  No.14772189

File: d9a73f02263321d⋯.png (180.92 KB, 720x458, 360:229, Sealed_Indictment_what_is.png)


same batch; different flavor

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b7e5de  No.14772190


Of course term limits need to be implemented like yesterday but yeah age is not relevant unless it’s turning you into a potato like Biden.

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36d5b0  No.14772191

File: 3aef91adee77a3d⋯.png (40.75 KB, 564x590, 282:295, 3aef91adee77a3dd19e9bae056….png)


>One person at a time.

one by one.

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56e2f4  No.14772192


Thats what I’ve thought, even genetic predispositions tgat will show up in later life are accelerated, young are dying from the destruction of their healthy immune systens.

I hope the punishment to evety company leader, scientist, doctor, politician, world leaders that created and went along with this, is all of them in a coliseum being shot over and over with every vaccine until they drop dead. For the world to see

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161338  No.14772193


source it faggot,

fcuking newbies

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b4f8eb  No.14772194


Trauma Brain Gen

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5934e5  No.14772195

File: 375865678c14691⋯.png (581.92 KB, 480x638, 240:319, ClipboardImage.png)


Vaccine acquired autoimmune diseases, like Psoriasis, are likely to be exposed to the public. I have a running theory on the yearly flu vax being the culprit for various autoimmune diseases like lupus, cancers, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. Guarantee she is a victim of what certain combinations/batches of the the "mRNA" vaccines are doing to people that are relatively healthy. Shame. She's a pretty lady.

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83a50a  No.14772196


Looks like skin rash from mask wearing

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7db340  No.14772197


She's lost it.

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4cbd5c  No.14772198

File: eee1b858bd40089⋯.png (500.29 KB, 704x1860, 176:465, stealing_that.png)

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e75193  No.14772199

File: 97a19e4b94b5aff⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1314x3888, 73:216, 1408.png)

File: 10bcff1296c4bd8⋯.jpeg (98.09 KB, 691x820, 691:820, FBcuM4PWYAErPnv.jpeg)

"We are everywhere Anon."

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98ca36  No.14772200

File: 401c56b1aa0ea6a⋯.png (466.5 KB, 600x572, 150:143, suicidef.png)

File: e9331de9f222fb5⋯.jpg (1.18 MB, 2501x2029, 2501:2029, masssui.jpg)

Trump's election certification [Still Your President, fuckers] will trigger a mass suicide event

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030cd6  No.14772201


> Ron Johnson is not running again,

I did not know that.

He has been a big fighter lately.

Maybe he will get a position with the Trump Adm.

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058404  No.14772202


Reaction activation by vaccination.?

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5934e5  No.14772203


Smart ass; lol.

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932f50  No.14772204

File: 557eb9c6adc476f⋯.png (126.91 KB, 922x904, 461:452, Nanshee.png)


>is that Nancy?

She doesn't even know at this stage of her syphilis anymore.

Hides it with alcohol.

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adc122  No.14772205


the IQ jab at work!

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f9ea51  No.14772206



>Cayenne peppers and honey mixed together are powerful killers. The honey attracts the parasites, luring them in, while the cayenne pepper kills them.

"a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"

spoonful of sugar doused in turpentine works too on the same principle

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13db74  No.14772207

File: b75f859f60bda78⋯.png (38.05 KB, 1245x270, 83:18, Capture.PNG)


It's a sinking ship.


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030cd6  No.14772208

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058404  No.14772209


That’s funny!

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f9ea51  No.14772210

File: 3ca7bc10d53d2b2⋯.jpg (17.77 KB, 300x282, 50:47, pure_gum_terp.jpg)


pure gum turpentine

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c73318  No.14772211

File: ccbb13ea01525ff⋯.png (166.45 KB, 360x270, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 303efcd203fbd9b⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dc57c491bbec075⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 25997da90ff6fbc⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5bf9f0afbf2ed2d⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)



>wtf has DaVinci got to do with it?

Wave to the new vatican overlords.

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030cd6  No.14772212


is that Pepe in the cockpit?

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932f50  No.14772213


>"a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"

Anon feels a song coming on…

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83a50a  No.14772214


Yea. If the vax triggers auto immune disease the body has trouble with dealing with all kind of infections

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05d344  No.14772215


Which is why I never listen to Hollyweirdos, fake news jurnos, political experts and trannyfuckers like Bill Gates.

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e79ea7  No.14772216

File: 7bbdc53810fb3b2⋯.jpeg (104.8 KB, 897x1064, 897:1064, 0B99B3D2_8B31_43F9_B43C_1….jpeg)

What would happen if there were a massive surge in purchases of seats on Southwest in praise for Southwest pilots?

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43b3ef  No.14772217


My state senator and state representative (Ohio) are for auditing all 50.

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adc122  No.14772218


The Shills are alive__

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0f44f2  No.14772219

File: c10af6349e48ed4⋯.png (10.84 KB, 414x137, 414:137, itstime.PNG)

Is joe datefgng 11/01 here? We will have to wait and see.

President Biden


United States government official

Folks, it’s time those at the top pay their fair share.

11:01 AM · Oct 12, 2021·The White House


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56e2f4  No.14772220

File: f640c677af437d2⋯.jpeg (229.3 KB, 1241x883, 1241:883, 4FE0292C_B71C_423E_BBEE_F….jpeg)


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9e915c  No.14772221


gots to hold muh ground__

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6fbc32  No.14772222

File: 42dd555d31dff78⋯.jpg (147.63 KB, 1230x708, 205:118, brandonlee.jpg)



Yes they still don't connect the dots to the vax.


This guy was Bruce Lee's son; fake the gunshot death on set of what? the CROW

right. They use real guns on a movie set?

This fake death thing among celebs is just for career change - they can trust them once they get a "new life?"

and for public trauma.

The Shock Doctrine over generations?

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ddb483  No.14772223

File: d26a978d950ec81⋯.png (815.48 KB, 914x1191, 914:1191, DA47C598_1D5E_44B0_ADAB_0A….png)

Red Pill meme.

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98ca36  No.14772224

File: 401c56b1aa0ea6a⋯.png (466.5 KB, 600x572, 150:143, suicidef.png)


like Dmso

– oh my god how did we survive without BigPharma

Turpentine has been used as natural remedy for a variety of health problems for generations! Great-grandmothers used turpentine for a yearly "cleansing" for every member of the family or for her rheumatism and nagging cough. While the thought of using paint brush cleaner sounds harsh and foolish, turpentine could be classified as an herbal remedy.

Herbal remedies are medicines made from plants, and that is just what true turpentine is! Turpentine is made by distilling pine resin from pine trees. Many essential oils are made by distilling plant material into a concentrated natural medicine.

What Heath Conditions Can Be Treated with Turpentine?


Turpentine is a tried and true folk remedy for parasites. Long ago farmers and even school nurses gave turpentine as a matter of course to children twice a year to eliminate parasites like pinworms. The easiest way to do this is to put a few drops of turpentine on a sugar cube. This tastes like pine candy and is simple for children and adults alike to take.

Fungus and Candida

Turpentine is sometimes used in anti-candida protocols. Bill Thompson's protocol can be found here.

Turpentine is an inexpensive remedy for nail fungus. One drop can be massaged into affected nails twice a day. This treatment will take some time, especially with toenails, but all remedies tend to take a while to completely remedy nail fungus.


Turpentine has been part of protocols used for autistic children. Heavy metals and candida are common problems among autistic children, making turpentine a popular remedy. However, it is wise to seek guidance of a qualified health practitioner for a child with autism or other significant health issues before considering turpentine. Turpentine overdose in children may be rare but has occurred.1

Head Lice

Lice has been a problem among school children since the advent of schools! Over the counter remedies and prescriptions for lice can be dangerous, especially if they need to be used repeatedly. Resistance to these over teh counter treatments has increased in recent years as well.. Turpentine can be mixed with coconut oil as a safer and effective alternative. Use no more than 1 part turpentine to 10 parts of coconut oil (or olive oil or mayonnaise.) Carefully massage into the scalp and spread the oil down over the hair. Cover with plastic wrap and then a towel for an hour. Remove towel and wrap. Wash oils out of hair. Repeat this process in one week, using a nit comb to remove any leftover nits in the meanwhile.

Arthritis and Gout

A massage oil can be made with turpentine to massage into pained joints. Because castor oil is also good for arthritis, it is a good medium to be mixed with turpentine. Use 1 part turpentine and 3 parts castor oil, olive oil, or coconut oil. Do not use this oil on sensitive skin, broken skin or mucous membranes.

Cold and Flu Viruses

There are a variety of ways to use turpentine to treat cold and flu viruses.

Sore Throat - Swab the back of the throat with turpentine. Follow with some honey to mask the taste if desired.

Sinuses - Mix together 5 drops turpentine to 1 tablespoon olive oil. Drop several drops into each nostril to deliver turpentine to the nasal passages to relieve congestion and infection.

Cough - Use the same mixture as for sinuses and massage into the back and/or chest to relieve a cough. 1-3 drops of turpentine can be used on a sugar cube and taken internally instead.

Inhalation - Another old-time remedy for cold viruses is simply to inhale the vapors of turpentine. This delivers the turpentine vapors into the lungs, throat and nasal passages.

Urinary Tract Infection

Turpentine is sometimes used to treat bladder infections. 1/4 teaspoon turpentine is added to a spoonful of sugar (or honey) and taken once.


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932f50  No.14772225

File: ce3178a6b11af0d⋯.png (782.15 KB, 720x637, 720:637, Hills_are_alive_with.png)

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9e915c  No.14772226


they want to cripple essential services

in order to nationalize them


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ddca84  No.14772227

File: 61ec3aba921b6b9⋯.png (12.19 KB, 255x199, 255:199, maxine_trig.png)

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103a88  No.14772228

File: 6ac26f635bdc186⋯.jpg (180.43 KB, 1080x1373, 1080:1373, 20211012_102506.jpg)

File: bd4b1e858f510d9⋯.jpg (182.99 KB, 1080x1395, 24:31, 20211012_102522.jpg)

File: 92672651316d331⋯.jpg (174.85 KB, 1080x1388, 270:347, 20211012_102537.jpg)

File: 42dd378519ae3ac⋯.jpg (187.7 KB, 1080x1417, 1080:1417, 20211012_102601.jpg)

File: 599e2c479574856⋯.jpg (339.99 KB, 854x1534, 427:767, Screenshot_20211012_102701….jpg)


I could only take about 25 seconds of that.

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2949f9  No.14772229

File: 43b65de90b23e49⋯.jpeg (475.37 KB, 828x982, 414:491, D988FA62_8B35_4322_8F53_9….jpeg)

File: aaf616cb4406664⋯.jpeg (712.77 KB, 828x1241, 828:1241, 65F1E3EB_8FE8_413E_A32E_8….jpeg)

https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/10/southwest-airlines-comply-biden-vaccine-mandate-texas-ban-flight-cancelations-continue/ Southwest Airlines to Comply with Biden Vaccine ‘Mandate’ Over Texas Ban as Flight Cancelations Continue

By Cristina Laila

Published October 12, 2021 at 11:09am


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9e915c  No.14772230


quadruple duples of twoness

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65e1d1  No.14772231

File: f3b1dc800105a24⋯.png (116.76 KB, 305x302, 305:302, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 885bc4e6fbbee52⋯.png (14.78 KB, 360x317, 360:317, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6bb9168093fbbb5⋯.png (874.73 KB, 921x576, 307:192, ClipboardImage.png)





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76065e  No.14772232

File: 7fd8331e9d5b0f8⋯.png (894.64 KB, 801x459, 89:51, ClipboardImage.png)

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932f50  No.14772233

File: c1b2d095f645a21⋯.jpeg (36.57 KB, 339x768, 113:256, The_Pepe_Heart.jpeg)


>I could only take about 25 seconds of that.

Thanks for taking one for the team, anon.

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058404  No.14772234

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98ca36  No.14772235


this is what I think too- flu "vaccines" have been the main vehicle for sickening and killing the populace. The old die off (cost too much to the system) while the younger get sick and (make money for the system)

Get your flu shot!

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05d344  No.14772236


Retard libtards buy that lie everytime - Bozzo must have a chuckle when hears shit like that.

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56e2f4  No.14772237

File: a5eb15d2b3ac14b⋯.jpeg (492.22 KB, 1241x1898, 17:26, 07D55029_F045_4398_82E5_5….jpeg)


I posted that on the board yesterday

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b67930  No.14772238


Hired ETHNIC child actors. (((They))) want white people to feel like strangers in their own countries. Feel as if the future doesn't belong to them. That was the purpose of this video, and of other videos like it.

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2949f9  No.14772239

File: bbf6b1be54732ba⋯.jpeg (237.94 KB, 828x603, 92:67, 9EB2A214_1D58_494A_92A1_7….jpeg)

File: d9840a5614cc521⋯.jpeg (904.92 KB, 828x956, 207:239, 59E7B483_6988_420B_97CE_2….jpeg)


https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/10/bidens-called-vaccine-mandate-jeopardizes-millions-jobs-doesnt-exist-mirage/ BIDEN’S SO-CALLED VACCINE MANDATE That Jeopardizes Millions of Jobs Doesn’t Exist…”It’s All A Mirage”

By Patty McMurray

Published October 12, 2021 at 11:03am

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2d4f5e  No.14772240

I decided about a year ago that I won't talk politics with my grown Liberal son anymore. Nothing I say gets thru to him. The brainwashing is complete on him.

Then he went out and got the jab when it was first offered.

He didn't even get a free donut. He was not coerced into it for a job. He just did it of his own free will.

Now I feel like his life has been cut short, or his quality of life has been compromised. When he told me that he got the jab. I said that I was disappointed because that is something that can't be undone.

Now when I see him, I am just sad. I feel like he is going to die and there is nothing that I can do about it. I would trade places with him if I could.

This world is such a fucked up place and it is only getting worse.

They want us dead and they are succeeding.

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b5e84d  No.14772241


A lot of these vaccines have human DNA in them from aborted babies. Injecting that DNA, from what I understand, can cause autoimmune disorders.

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65e1d1  No.14772242


The Fabulous Show with Fay and Fluffy is executive produced by Lopii Production’s Rennata and Georgina Lopez, and will be distributed by by Sinking Ship Entertainment. The series also received funding from the Shaw Rocket Fund.


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dfb012  No.14772243


Here is his response: "Yes, I [Albert Einstein] did say this about the Christian Church. It is the only social institution that could stand up to the Nazi regime." -Albert Einstein. When the chips are down, only the Church stands up consistently for the innate worth of human life. Only the Church consistently asks humanity to act with integrity.https://dymphnaswell.blogspot.com/2012/02/einstein-praises-churchs-consistent.html

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9e915c  No.14772244

baker is clearly such a comp'd ghey pedo muhjooshill fhag

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56e2f4  No.14772245


I hope the only two senators that released what they could, mcConnel probably blocked a lot more they would have done

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b5e84d  No.14772246


What'd they do, run out of safe spaces?

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98ca36  No.14772247


I'm sorry, anon. One of mine did the same. I tell myself that surely some people got the placebo.

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9e915c  No.14772248


that's why they infiltrated it before the great reset.

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eb8708  No.14772249

File: dd2b52690b762b2⋯.jpg (55.12 KB, 500x571, 500:571, 5o1173.jpg)


Nasty old woman.

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05d344  No.14772250


There is no autism in the Amish community - they also do zero vaccines.

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6b9011  No.14772251


I cannot stand that CUNT!

Yes I said it!

She speaks of “moral authority” and “security issues” as it relates to “migration” yet has purposely, for the past 30 years infiltrate our country with low level people or workers, uneducated people/workers, flood into our country unabated!

Her actions require a law enforcement agency to prosecute immediately!

She needs the rope, soon!

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95153a  No.14772252


Big Guy wants his 10%

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40328e  No.14772253


>preschool cabaret series

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b5e84d  No.14772254



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0f44f2  No.14772255


Order your bulbs today!

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b67930  No.14772256


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c962e7  No.14772257


You deserve it.

We are conspiracy in here, tards, morans, get the jab!!!

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276d1f  No.14772258

File: 5bf9e7135ade3c9⋯.jpg (62.91 KB, 640x400, 8:5, goddesses.jpg)



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2d4f5e  No.14772259


I am hoping and praying the same.

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ddca84  No.14772260

File: f9727658598a4a6⋯.jpg (29.11 KB, 576x501, 192:167, pierrre_delecto.jpg)

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2949f9  No.14772261

File: 38756f35b01747d⋯.jpeg (227.2 KB, 828x663, 276:221, C72D6BAC_5E68_4C12_B39B_2….jpeg)

https://justthenews.com/government/federal-agencies/lawmakers-seek-federal-grand-jury-investigation-covid-19-statistical Lawmakers seek federal grand jury investigation for COVID-19 statistical manipulation. Updated: October 10, 2021 - 10:48pm

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56e2f4  No.14772262


I agree with your theory, tge vaccine destroys our natural protection, all of those conditions are related

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5e9dac  No.14772263

File: 99e3748219d6491⋯.jpeg (288.46 KB, pepeschumann.jpeg)

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6fbc32  No.14772264

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"Pressure Drop" when a storm is incoming?

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cb2940  No.14772265


>Now when I see him, I am just sad.

Try and not let his choice affect you.

I know it's hard. But it was his choice. All you can do is hope and pray for the best.

Interestingly I have the exact same relationship with my dad. Except he's the brainwashed one who got the jab.

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92dfbf  No.14772266

File: 1e90eb3b836d8bd⋯.png (407.19 KB, 470x543, 470:543, Yuan_Joe.png)

File: a4f7a10ace59e8b⋯.png (64.52 KB, 552x307, 552:307, Another_Airline.png)

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9e915c  No.14772267

File: ea2e4ca1c817023⋯.png (300.91 KB, 953x316, 953:316, this_copy.png)

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92dfbf  No.14772268

File: 1e90eb3b836d8bd⋯.png (407.19 KB, 470x543, 470:543, Yuan_Joe.png)

File: a4f7a10ace59e8b⋯.png (64.52 KB, 552x307, 552:307, Another_Airline.png)

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1deadf  No.14772269


My daughter is a physician, flaming lib and went out and did the same thing. She also dragged her teenage son and daughter out for the jab. I have a niece that refuses to get the jab. I figure she will be my only remaining relative if the jab really does kill you as people have said. It is sad.

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7793e2  No.14772270

File: 407086474bcf0f1⋯.jpg (55.07 KB, 540x335, 108:67, impeachment_crew.jpg)

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c73318  No.14772271

File: 6b94240eaaa3181⋯.png (443.57 KB, 519x386, 519:386, ClipboardImage.png)

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c962e7  No.14772272


I'm evil, just b/c.

Deal w/ it!!!!

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f9ea51  No.14772273

join the force. fuck joe brandon>>14772224

>What Heath Conditions Can Be Treated with Turpentine?


get to it anons. this is just one of MANY open source protocols found on the web. believe you me, I have tried them all (parasite cleanses). Bentonite Clay fucking broke my back with improper use. 2

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13db74  No.14772274

File: db685fda491b700⋯.png (1.02 MB, 567x754, 567:754, Capture.PNG)

File: 92cb48b9994a187⋯.png (48.15 KB, 167x131, 167:131, cash.PNG)

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dad1a7  No.14772275

File: 82987f97b747b64⋯.png (124.1 KB, 676x806, 26:31, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9578e835552762d⋯.png (167.82 KB, 530x838, 265:419, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 79e7e80bbb018e1⋯.png (226.42 KB, 530x1125, 106:225, ClipboardImage.png)


Chemicals found in food containers, shampoo and children's toys may contribute to 100,000 early deaths a year among people aged 55-64 in the US, study claims

A study of 5,000 Americans linked phthalates to 107,000 premature deaths

Findings fuel mounting safety concerns about harmful effects of the chemicals

Lead author said it bolsters case for reducing or eliminating the use of plastics


PUBLISHED: 07:19 EDT, 12 October 2021 | UPDATED: 11:48 EDT, 12 October 2021

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932f50  No.14772276

File: 3e60d187601eb31⋯.mp4 (5.97 MB, 922x576, 461:288, Nuremburg_code.mp4)



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276d1f  No.14772277


She seems to be trying to project a confident and worry free attitude. It ain't workin'.

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b5e84d  No.14772278


She looks drunk.

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4bfa26  No.14772279

File: 835e87698b28722⋯.jpg (14 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)


no refunds

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030cd6  No.14772280



Report: the union representing pilots for American Airlines warned the company could face a staffing shortage ahead of the busy holiday travel season if it implements a stringent COVID-19 VACCINE MANDATE - Washington Examiner


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161338  No.14772281

File: b79974419c70534⋯.png (2.82 MB, 1568x1045, 1568:1045, ClipboardImage.png)



Note: Big giveaway is the cringy music in the back ground, anons know this shit, every fcuking feel good video has that shit playing in the back ground !!


Child actors used for Kamala Harris’ bizarre space video

By Samuel Chamberlain October 12, 2021


A video meant to sell children on the wonders of space exploration featured Vice President Kamala Harris giving a memorably loopy performance alongside a quintet of child actors who auditioned for their roles, it was revealed Monday.

“All five of them are actors,” Carlo Bernardino, whose 13-year-old son Trevor was one of the youngsters taking part, told the Washington Examiner. “He’s a child actor — he’s been trying to do this type of thing for a while. And so he has a manager and an agent in LA and they send him castings.”

Trevor Bernardino told KSBW that he was asked to submit a monologue about a topic he is passionate about, as well as three questions he wanted to ask a world leader.

The next step was a virtual interview with the producer of the video, the first in a YouTube Originals series called “Get Curious with Vice President Harris,” which is produced by Canada-based Sinking Ship Entertainment.

“Then after that, like a week later my agent called me and was like, ‘Hey Trevor, you booked it,'” the teen recalled.

A video meant to sell kids on the wonders of space exploration featured VP Kamala Harris giving a memorably loopy performance alongside a quintet of child actors who auditioned for their roles.


According to the Examiner, the video featuring Harris, Trevor and co-stars Derrick Brooks II, Emily Kim, Zhoriel Tapo, and Sydney Schmooke was shot Aug. 11 through 13 at the US Naval Observatory in Washington, where the VP’s residence is located. During the same time, the Taliban were in the midst of their final offensive in Afghanistan and thousands of illegal immigrants were being apprehended at the US-Mexico border.

The video featured Kamala Harris with five children who auditioned for their roles.


Harris, who was tapped to head up the cabinet-level National Space Council in May, was panned for her exaggerated gestures and facial expressions in the video, as well as her overdramatic intonation.

One Twitter wag stitched together a supercut of Harris’ hammiest moments and captioned it: “Me when I miscalculate a micro dose and start fully tripping midday.”


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103a88  No.14772282

File: ace66ef8e2da554⋯.jpg (109.93 KB, 752x1515, 752:1515, 20211012_102948.jpg)


So, what is nancy, the Grand Brazieer?

What is that pin she wears?

Wasn't Gabbert wearing one of these,? Only hers had no hanging dilly whopper.

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e79ea7  No.14772283


Did the Marines get new uniforms?

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161338  No.14772284

File: ad72e19d1493bb2⋯.png (3 MB, 1568x1045, 1568:1045, ClipboardImage.png)


continued kamala uses child actors

Me when I miscalculate a micro dose and start fully tripping midday http://pic.twitter.com/tiGgfw1r4e

— ben (@ben_awareness) October 9, 2021

The official video, which had been viewed more than 142,000 times as of Monday night, had approximately 2,000 “likes” on YouTube and 5,100 “dislikes.” Comments had been disabled.

Critics suggested that the video was the latest example of Harris having difficulty connecting with interlocutors — whether attempting a jokey response to a question about the southern border from “NBC Nightly News” anchor Lester Holt, or lauding a college student who accused Israel of “ethnic genocide” by saying she was speaking “her truth.”

Kamala Harris, who was tapped to head up the cabinet-level National Space Council in May, was panned for her exaggerated gestures and facial expressions in the video, as well as her overdramatic intonation.


Despite the criticism of the video, Trevor Bernardino called meeting Harris “exciting.”

“There’s nothing that can top that. Like honestly, she just sat us down. She’s super charismatic. She’s everything that I ever thought of her, plus more,” he told the Examiner. “She made me feel like one of her peers, and at the time, I felt super important. I was talking to her face to face.

Some of the child actors in the video.


Trevor added that the polarized response to the video was “eye-opening” and called it “a shame, because I think this is a great thing to draw attention to the space program.”

Still, if father Carlo is to be believed, we may not have seen the last of Harris and her youthful supporting cast.

“It was pitched to my son and us as a pilot,” the elder Bernardino told the Examiner, adding that whether there are other videos will “depend on the reaction and what the producers want to do. Our hope is that it gets picked up.”

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ddca84  No.14772285



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65e1d1  No.14772286

File: a9441a1db203028⋯.png (595.04 KB, 775x611, 775:611, ClipboardImage.png)

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4bfa26  No.14772287


Did her account tweet out any wild shit during the "hack'?

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6fbc32  No.14772288

File: 7ac1e4176ac90f4⋯.jpg (78.54 KB, 688x1200, 43:75, What_goes_aroundc.jpg)


yep and if you get it from a vaxxed person or from having the original "covid" from last year the vaxxed exposure, even without the vax itself, can cause the long covid response

for instance a re-surface of "Epstein Barr' (no pun there)

Got some nicotine chewing gum today.

Waht a sad ride; with the the silver lining on the dark cloud

"Protect us Lord" "Comfort us"

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4cbd5c  No.14772289

File: 70618a0a2cb6a7c⋯.gif (1.36 MB, 283x192, 283:192, 5najt7.gif)

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56e2f4  No.14772290


Wow digits don’t lie, unless 2222 is bad, kek

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98ca36  No.14772291

File: 9e4420bf7b962f0⋯.jpeg (1.27 MB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, penceis.jpeg)

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030cd6  No.14772292


>What would happen if there were a massive surge in purchases of seats on Southwest in praise for Southwest pilots?


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eb8708  No.14772293

File: 866da3ed91a4395⋯.jpeg (191.39 KB, 1080x1219, 1080:1219, hffvu.JPEG)

File: 4476570c5bb0ae3⋯.jpg (41.34 KB, 474x456, 79:76, downloadfile_3_4_.jpg)


Nasty old woman.

Muh negro is checked.

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c962e7  No.14772294


I don't know.

But it looks like you have an amazing life???

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1276e2  No.14772295


people use lysol and shit like that to clean their floors

babies crawl on floors and end up putting their hands in their mouths

those cleaning products cause cancer

they know it does

they knowingly push poisonous products in order to start poisoning the populace as young as a toddler

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4f0250  No.14772296

File: e857e7f11749522⋯.jpg (119.21 KB, 1197x910, 171:130, MP.JPG)

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2cf925  No.14772297


The same thing that happens to everyone who isn't an elite celebrity or politician. They get injected with poison until they are too sick to work or die.

Crimes against children are being committed by pediatricians every day.

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cd2133  No.14772298

File: c24aeea80b1f933⋯.jpg (64.97 KB, 561x563, 561:563, i_smell_a_nut.jpg)

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13db74  No.14772299


Mace of the Republic

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f24357  No.14772300

File: 89695e019b726aa⋯.jpeg (485.23 KB, 1280x823, 1280:823, brandon44.jpeg)

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932f50  No.14772301

File: 2aa7a780a1007cf⋯.mp4 (3.56 MB, 320x180, 16:9, Nancy_Pelosi_TEMPLE_to_dem….mp4)


> hers had no hanging dilly whopper.

Only the High Priestess of the Temple of Democracy gets to sport the hanging dilly whopper.

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e75193  No.14772302



>is that Pepe in the cockpit?

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c83c58  No.14772303

File: cc3635081674f74⋯.jpg (94.25 KB, 471x388, 471:388, cc3635081674f7487d4b6ca1b1….jpg)

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a9748a  No.14772304

File: aeaca63fb78fa79⋯.png (803.47 KB, 1218x917, 174:131, e2450ecb0c760bc51asadfdsaf….png)

Election Integrity Force https://www.electionintegrityforce.com/

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8a6d45  No.14772305


a man from Minsk who seemed to know what would happen before it did and founded RCA/NBC


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c73318  No.14772306

File: e1b74b56775012d⋯.png (41.19 KB, 254x165, 254:165, ClipboardImage.png)

She's white knuckling it.

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030cd6  No.14772307



i think you have said it all.

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2d4f5e  No.14772308


This just makes me want to cry.

What The Actual Fuck?

These people really do need to be tossed into a deep lake with millstones around their necks.

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5e41f4  No.14772309

File: 6904f1f16c1d713⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1200x960, 5:4, fb93af9660d339c3de6e198e69….png)

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b67930  No.14772310

I want "NUREMBERG! NUREMBERG! NUREMBERG!" to echo loudly in the stadiums and on the streets across America.

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2cf925  No.14772311


Don't worry, he won't win. Trumo and everyone he endorses will lose. The cabal has full control of the elections now. All "patriots" identified and controlled or removed.

Learn to speak Chinese

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c962e7  No.14772313


If so……

That's sure a good sign.

For all of us…..

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56e2f4  No.14772314


Dont these companies have $3,000 hour attys that can explain there is no legal mandate? Now they are just being stubborn. If the teachers union can do it, pilots union can. Oh yeah, is their union backing them

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2949f9  No.14772315

File: 274f0181af545a0⋯.jpeg (522.21 KB, 828x1046, 414:523, CCD31DD2_7134_4337_9A87_C….jpeg)

https://mobile.twitter.com/TheInsiderPaper/status/1447964723216109569 JUST IN: Record number of Americans are quitting their jobs, according to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics


Record number of Americans are quitting their jobs: BLS

12:37 PM · Oct 12, 2021·

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f24357  No.14772316

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5e9dac  No.14772317

File: 99e3748219d6491⋯.jpeg (288.46 KB, 931x763, 133:109, pepeschumann.jpeg)

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250921  No.14772318

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Last 50 mode?

Where´s my pleiadian wife?

LIVE Coverage: Trump-endorsed “Big Michigan Rally” At State Capitol In Lansing

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4bfa26  No.14772319


That gets rid of worms too.

Good stuff.

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932f50  No.14772320

File: 86fa04460ff96e3⋯.jpg (95.22 KB, 500x333, 500:333, mine_now.jpg)

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6e1d65  No.14772321

File: 3671d85dc965239⋯.png (724.6 KB, 862x480, 431:240, ClipboardImage.png)

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e79ea7  No.14772322


They already know the pilots will be strong.

They need the pilots.

Make Southwest need the pilots more.

If the cancel the flights, sue them.

If they dont back down on the mandates, cancel flights.

It just needs to be massive.

Patriots risk the cost of one flight. Southwest risks everything.

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e15d04  No.14772323

Is there a press conference today?

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a55629  No.14772324

File: a4917aeb5f6ac1e⋯.jpg (52.47 KB, 500x571, 500:571, 5o0x7t.jpg)

File: 0e20a7bd995d02b⋯.png (388.22 KB, 741x741, 1:1, Screenshot_20210926_172433….png)

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dad1a7  No.14772325

File: 6f949201007b15f⋯.png (875.06 KB, 1236x1280, 309:320, ClipboardImage.png)


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2d4f5e  No.14772326


Well their acting really sucked.

I couldn't even watch the whole vid. due to gag reflex.

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7793e2  No.14772327

File: bc2d40ff823e8e9⋯.gif (150.55 KB, 220x220, 1:1, bc2d40ff823e8e9214a3effad4….gif)


Done this years ago! Welcome!

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5934e5  No.14772328

File: 8676f43098e62f0⋯.png (34.35 KB, 568x422, 284:211, ClipboardImage.png)



It's always been this way. Not all vaccines are bad (tetanus, etc.). The yearly flu vaccine was used to condition people, for decades, that the vaccine doesn't have to work to be called "effective", as it was always a "guess" at which strain would break out. In the meantime, I never got the flu shot, while everyone else around me got sick after taking it every single time. I caught flu once in 22 years with this "gamble", and it was not only worth it for the antibodies, but it saved me countless trips to the doctor's office.

Lots of very difficult truths about these things will eventually be figured out by the public. Wondering how long this drop is going to take to hit mass consciousness? We already know Ivermectin is a potent medical aid in cancer reduction. So is HCQ. All of this information is readily accessible on the NIH.gov website from submissions from good doctors and research scientist all over the globe. Just go to the website and type "ivermectin and cancer" or "Hydroxychloroquine and cancer". It's all right there, ready to be discovered by whomever needs it.

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94ce6e  No.14772329


“Presumptive Positive” was the first mathmagical trick anon heard in March of 2020. Simply amazed the number Drs and Nurses that didn’t holler from day one.

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c6d4ec  No.14772330

From drop 4685

Many choose the path of least resistance.

For many you cannot tell them the truth.

You must show them.

Only at the precipice will people find the will [strength] to change and break the system of control [be free].


I think we're there now. Pushback against these crazy mandates.

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19b492  No.14772331


what is that?

Ideas anyone?

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371ba1  No.14772332

File: 456e2b5320ba3d7⋯.png (2.81 MB, 1138x1080, 569:540, 5E89CBA1_2DD0_44E3_90A9_42….png)

Save a human

Kick a big PHARMA employee in the crotch

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f9ea51  No.14772333


>That gets rid of worms too.

and integrates plant intelligence into your being

>Good stuff

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250921  No.14772334

File: cf7dee0e57c8e0e⋯.png (701.82 KB, 860x535, 172:107, Screenshot_2021_10_12_at_1….png)

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e46826  No.14772335

File: d66efc9ffe36193⋯.png (604.96 KB, 918x936, 51:52, Screen_Shot_2021_10_12_at_….png)

Some on the ground are saying there isn't a truck driver labor shortage, but there's no cranes operating at ports to unload the cargo.


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89ff9c  No.14772336


>Now when I see him, I am just sad. I feel like he is going to die and there is nothing that I can do about it.

Almost my whole family. Now they're talking about jabbing my grand and great grand kids too. Despair.

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56e2f4  No.14772337

File: 0f213dede581bde⋯.jpeg (309.46 KB, 1241x1890, 1241:1890, A3030266_2FB7_45D9_AD15_4….jpeg)

Anons youve got to watch, “I’m standing up for freedom and this is the price you have to pay sometimes”


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932f50  No.14772338

File: 5abbf137e88b82b⋯.jpg (456.84 KB, 1400x788, 350:197, kamala_Blind_item_8.jpg)


>due to gag reflex.

Speaking of gag reflex.

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f24357  No.14772339

File: bdb58d69aec893a⋯.jpg (7.66 KB, 180x180, 1:1, OIPddd.jpg)


One scheduled for 1400ET


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250921  No.14772340

File: cf7dee0e57c8e0e⋯.png (701.82 KB, 860x535, 172:107, Screenshot_2021_10_12_at_1….png)

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1276e2  No.14772341

i really need to take a shit

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9e915c  No.14772342

File: ea2e4ca1c817023⋯.png (300.91 KB, 953x316, 953:316, this_copy.png)

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13db74  No.14772343


The Big Guy was at a wedding collecting his 10%.

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161338  No.14772344

File: b5cb39abeb78038⋯.mp4 (427.04 KB, 188x104, 47:26, wat_the_fcuk_video.mp4)

the classic copy and text has been immortalised. kek

the new virtual video

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c962e7  No.14772345


Stay in the cave, you fvck!!!!!

I'm just tired to take you up.

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239694  No.14772346


"Young children may also ingest them by crawling and touching lots of things and then putting their hands in their mouth."

From the article

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5259bd  No.14772347

File: e02d68e1a34af7a⋯.png (96.99 KB, 256x197, 256:197, ClipboardImage.png)


The parasitic phase of its life cycle usually takes several years. Finally, upon emerging from the host egg in fresh water, the free-living stolon fragments into individual medusoid-like organisms that go on to multiply by means of longitudinal fission.

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2949f9  No.14772348

File: 3fc2e9812033075⋯.jpeg (569.01 KB, 650x1295, 130:259, EEF8B042_4B97_4A09_9AC0_5….jpeg)

https://t.me/TracybeanzOfficial/939 https://uncoverdc.com/2021/10/12/fulton-county-paid-dominion-2m-to-staff-and-run-elections-at-rate-of-2k-person-day/

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cb2940  No.14772349

File: 723f2fd78005543⋯.jpeg (67.37 KB, 654x960, 109:160, goInTheVan.jpeg)


>i really need to take a shit

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8cf4ca  No.14772350

Say goodbye to Boeing. About to press release vaccine mandate for employment by dec. 8th.

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56e2f4  No.14772351

File: ade59ffc56c6747⋯.jpeg (451.15 KB, 1241x1568, 1241:1568, 1244726C_960E_4A67_A755_0….jpeg)

No Antigen, thats important


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276d1f  No.14772352


Ever read the Dune series? Three main political groups who controlled everyone else. The Emperor, the spacing guild, and the Bene Geserits, i.e. "religion."

What is Feudalism? Top elites running everything, and all the rest, nothing but chattel. Sounds familiar. I think the ruling families never quite got over their loss of political control, or many not loss, but significant reduction of their powers.

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c962e7  No.14772353


Just eat a bat, or two……

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256b81  No.14772354


> I don't even know what that generation is called.

Cemetery fodder

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92dfbf  No.14772355


Faraday pouch

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6fbc32  No.14772356

File: 4cd37d0d4e8c153⋯.png (1.04 MB, 820x721, 820:721, releasethekrackecn.png)


What must be reported?

no idea; national security risk?

You have to have someone to report to…

Why not the public?

Release the Docs?


Trump is one smart player.

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56e2f4  No.14772357

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c73318  No.14772358

File: a7c5e80097556eb⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c17039f65c11f27⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 42ff9126df225bc⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7d934866cc87085⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e23e29e129906b0⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1024x683, 1024:683, ClipboardImage.png)

>shall not be questioned.


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c6d4ec  No.14772359


Judge Joe Brown: Kamala Harris fucked her way to the top


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1276e2  No.14772360


people should really be more specific on instructions

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56e2f4  No.14772361


Yikes did you find out what it was in vax?

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250921  No.14772362

File: edd7d21dbefa137⋯.png (449.14 KB, Screenshot_2021_10_12_at_1….png)

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9e915c  No.14772363

File: c08dadbba0d2709⋯.png (1.02 MB, 671x669, 671:669, Screen_Shot_2021_10_12_at_….png)



the hills are alive

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e75193  No.14772364

File: 01587eaef2eb41b⋯.png (178.69 KB, 1314x1346, 657:673, 734.png)

File: 9e0d3d677160142⋯.png (948.33 KB, 1012x854, 506:427, Screen_Shot_2021_10_12_at_….png)



Feb 11, 2018 7:30:54 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 540a54 No. 342895

Feb 11, 2018 7:19:46 PM EST

Anonymous ID: 3de3d6 No. 342747

Feb 11, 2018 7:16:42 PM EST

Anonymous ID: 796b33 No. 342714

Apparently the release the cure memes are working.. it was announced on Midwest radio, a miracle one day cure for the flu will be released by the cd. In 2018. I’m looking. For sauce on it now.



https:// www.wsj.com/articles/experimental-drug-promises-to-kill-the-flu-virus-in-a-day-1518264004


What a coincidence.

This board has more power & influence than anyone comprehends.


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a9748a  No.14772365




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f44b95  No.14772366


>used to

still do thanks to social media, cable providers, phone providers, car electronics, on & on & on

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e69fdc  No.14772367


start an American Patriot Hospital - and when the other ones start to go belly up, buy em.

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494536  No.14772368

File: 9b9158ae94ebeda⋯.jpg (141.47 KB, 962x1008, 481:504, 09d8b0403971.jpg)

Biden abandoned his son

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56e2f4  No.14772369

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a55629  No.14772370

File: 8aa8f1f1298a0d3⋯.jpg (72.58 KB, 500x457, 500:457, Warp_Speed.jpg)

File: e9faad7c9dfc093⋯.jpg (35.82 KB, 500x355, 100:71, Dystonia.jpg)

Trump still loves his Warp Speed vaccine initiative.

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4bfa26  No.14772371


Always talk of "well, the actual definition is…."

Who cares.

Even worse is "this isn't legal"

Who's going to stop them?

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2949f9  No.14772372

File: 6f52df52a082e3e⋯.jpeg (517.27 KB, 708x912, 59:76, A99E3D98_C6BE_4B8D_9897_0….jpeg)

https://t.me/WeTheMedia/36791 Look at all these Patriots that showed up to the State Capitol in Lansing, MI to demand a forensic audit! 🇺🇸

On a random Tuesday afternoon.


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a9748a  No.14772373


i think she is vested???? 0.0

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4cbd5c  No.14772374

File: ecef1a64283672c⋯.png (444.75 KB, 1082x794, 541:397, melissaCaroneChinaDanielle.png)

File: d15f220e8f00240⋯.png (757.25 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, caroneAuditrally.png)

Melissa up at the rally

running for state rep

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239694  No.14772375




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19b492  No.14772376

File: d2714ffa013c926⋯.png (307.04 KB, 461x335, 461:335, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6b68d8cf0b1cdee⋯.png (692.28 KB, 799x515, 799:515, ClipboardImage.png)

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48632c  No.14772377

File: c5e92724aabf61b⋯.jpg (152.41 KB, 1218x487, 1218:487, Nancy_is_fucked.jpg)


Interesting… would love to know what she talked about, with the pope… actually shut her thinking down for a moment and looked down with doom…lol.


She's shattered that the climate bullshit didn't get traction… alllll those bullshit jobs for the future- gone.

It's funny watching her try to convince everyone that "everything is fine"…lol.

Left hand is white knuckle when she holds podium…lol…. just a little stress…lol… as well as the clenched jaw…lol…. just a little stress…lol.

I think she realizes that "tic toc" is getting closer…lmao.

She can't even lie properly anymore…lol.

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058404  No.14772378


2026 space force uniform.

Wait for it…

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c962e7  No.14772379

I would like a virus w/ a nice ass.

Can someone call Wuhan, for a nice ass virus.

I wanna fvck some shit!!!!

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174c64  No.14772380


Realize they control the dictionary

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494536  No.14772381

File: 4fea8523211867a⋯.jpg (57.68 KB, pvtpyle006511.jpg)

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2949f9  No.14772382

File: cfc44ee6aef81af⋯.jpeg (464.38 KB, 828x816, 69:68, 60F1EFB3_8065_4A6F_A169_5….jpeg)

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276d1f  No.14772383


Also, N could stand for nepotism.


Nepotism is a form of favoritism which is granted to relatives and friends in various fields, including business, politics, entertainment, sports, fitness, religion, and other activities.[1][2] The term originated with the assignment of nephews to important positions by Catholic popes and bishops.[3]

Nepotism has been criticized since the ancient times by several philosophers, including Aristotle, Valluvar, and Confucius, condemning it as both evil and unwise.[4]

United States

Palm Beach County, Florida schools reinforced nepotism rules as of 2012 to ensure an "equitable work environment".[110]

In December 2012, a report from the Washington Post indicated various nepotism practices from the District of Columbia and Northern Virginia's Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (MWAA), including one family with five members working for the MWAA. One of the reasons given by the associate general counsel to defend the alleged nepotism was "if [the employees are] qualified and competed for [the positions] on their own, I don’t see a problem with relatives working in the same organization."[111] The inspector general of the U.S. Department of Transportation and the U.S. Congress pressured the MWAA to resolve practices of nepotism. Authority employees are no longer allowed to directly or indirectly influence hiring or promotion of relatives, as documented in their ethics policy.[112]

In 2016, Philadelphia 76ers chairman of basketball operations Jerry Colangelo named his son Bryan Colangelo his general manager without a thorough search for the position.[113]


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a9748a  No.14772384


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a098d0  No.14772385


Praying for your offspring.

The power of prayer, miraculous.

There's hope in even the most daunting dilemas.

Be well, and know ppl are praying for you.

I encourage any one reading this to do the same if you are spiritual.

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83a50a  No.14772386

File: c6b961541cf797e⋯.jpg (19.56 KB, 320x320, 1:1, uhuhhuhi.jpg)

File: 9e6fa78479fab47⋯.png (254.36 KB, 670x881, 670:881, Life_cycle_of_Polypodium_h….png)


Life cycle of Polypodium hydriforme (Polypodiozoa), internal parasite of Acipenserid fishes


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a9748a  No.14772387


yep thats her

ty anon confimed

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932f50  No.14772388

File: 2434dbad3d88a54⋯.png (939.56 KB, 680x476, 10:7, FFEE9761_E850_4D88_BC4E_03….png)





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4bfa26  No.14772389


On this board, Trump's love of the vaccine is really code for "winning," and part of his secret plan to "defeat the deep state."

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250921  No.14772390


Justice is "to give each his due"

ppl like you take the poison jab.

Enjoy your last days.

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f88e6e  No.14772391

No chinese shit merchandise manufactured by slave labor is getting into the ports on the West Coast.

How do you bankrupt the infiltration?

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5934e5  No.14772392

File: 88e9bb0fdcaff8a⋯.png (639.18 KB, 784x418, 392:209, ClipboardImage.png)


I was taken aback when I saw this in the intro (which is absolutely loaded with stuff, btw). There weren't too many anons pushing this as the answer to the "N" question, but someone noticed. Someone was paying a great deal of attention to detail, really. Have to be honest, I did a double-take.

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a9748a  No.14772393


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494536  No.14772394

File: 4fea8523211867a⋯.jpg (57.68 KB, 800x540, 40:27, pvtpyle006511.jpg)

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6fbc32  No.14772395

File: 1c41b1e7171863e⋯.jpg (245.78 KB, 1200x828, 100:69, owldc.jpg)

File: f46c7493a03878c⋯.png (68.6 KB, 302x598, 151:299, owlpopeb.png)

File: 68f5f129988a1e1⋯.png (1.16 MB, 836x2282, 418:1141, guardianofthepopee.png)

File: 64fe5ffe5fb3c1d⋯.png (981.82 KB, 1696x1798, 848:899, owlpopeguardian_.png)

File: 9d752dab9be4617⋯.jpg (217 KB, 1200x672, 25:14, blackcube911mecca.jpg)


now that's interesting

Black Cube at Kooper Union

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6fbc32  No.14772396

File: 1c41b1e7171863e⋯.jpg (245.78 KB, 1200x828, 100:69, owldc.jpg)

File: f46c7493a03878c⋯.png (68.6 KB, 302x598, 151:299, owlpopeb.png)

File: 68f5f129988a1e1⋯.png (1.16 MB, 836x2282, 418:1141, guardianofthepopee.png)

File: 64fe5ffe5fb3c1d⋯.png (981.82 KB, 1696x1798, 848:899, owlpopeguardian_.png)

File: 9d752dab9be4617⋯.jpg (217 KB, 1200x672, 25:14, blackcube911mecca.jpg)


now that's interesting

Black Cube at Kooper Union

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6cd884  No.14772397


I thought the DE only worked when dry, am I wrong about that?

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7db340  No.14772398


Polypodium is a genus of cnidarians that parasitizes in the eggs of sturgeon and similar fishes (Acipenseridae and Polyodontidae).[1] It is one of the few metazoans (animals) that live inside the cells of other animals

Polypodium hydriforme is an endocellular parasite with an unusual life cycle, a peculiar morphology, and high rates of DNA evolution.

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f24357  No.14772399

File: 2d1f641eed3cc76⋯.jpg (32.68 KB, 700x530, 70:53, 444.jpg)


sure about that?

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f2e5a3  No.14772400

File: 11303899a6b9972⋯.jpg (45.34 KB, 536x960, 67:120, 11303899a6b997265c0638e8ad….jpg)

File: 8d28cb010a8fc16⋯.jpg (42.36 KB, 960x711, 320:237, 84824977_10156771979951960….jpg)

File: 6d26ae723b7faa5⋯.jpg (45.38 KB, 552x556, 138:139, 6d26ae723b7faa5888f59bf677….jpg)



She Grew Up In Kanada

Wealthy Jewess Neighborhood



Westmount High School (French: École secondaire Westmount) is a public co-educational anglophone secondary school located in Westmount, Quebec, Canada, located near Alexis Nihon Complex Shopping Mall.


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494536  No.14772401

File: 9bc3fce3f024879⋯.jpg (38.48 KB, 705x452, 705:452, 001012pvtpyle.jpg)

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4f0250  No.14772402

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56e2f4  No.14772403


Yes this will crush the hospitals, the staff shortage is already going to bring them down.

Cleveland Clinic clming out and saying they will not treat unvaccinated tells you there’s a lot of money from Pharma flying around and also reveals medical care was way overrated. When people realize they don’t need them, they will be SOOL!

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494536  No.14772404

I can never just come here and post. It's always some kind of problem.

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b5699a  No.14772405

File: 21ef48a5d11810c⋯.png (312.04 KB, 1246x856, 623:428, ClipboardImage.png)


>Chemicals found in food containers, shampoo and children's toys may contribute to 100,000 early deaths a year among people aged 55-64 in the US, study claims

nice Q proof–

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5934e5  No.14772406

File: 88e9bb0fdcaff8a⋯.png (639.18 KB, 784x418, 392:209, ClipboardImage.png)


I haven't, and meant to watch the movies over the weekend (just been way too busy, lately). I was taken aback when I saw this in the intro (which is absolutely loaded with stuff, btw). There weren't too many anons pushing this as the answer to the "N" question, but someone noticed. Someone was paying a great deal of attention to detail, really. Have to be honest, I did a double-take.

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98ca36  No.14772407


baby bottles, pacifies, and teething rings oh my

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7db340  No.14772408


Sorry, sauce from Wikipedia


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4cbd5c  No.14772409

File: b34532529b36f83⋯.jpeg (143.62 KB, 680x850, 4:5, joe_stealinTHAT.jpeg)

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c38a95  No.14772410

File: 9764ab5cdf0dde6⋯.pdf (245.53 KB, Downs_Testimony_.pdf)

How close are Russia and China in ideals? Siding with China on the Taiwan debate shines some light on where they stand on one issue. But what about others? How snuggly will they get in the future?

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932f50  No.14772411

File: d1693057b115fa8⋯.png (646.26 KB, I_was_your_co_pilot.png)

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71940f  No.14772412

File: a1a067194f5970d⋯.png (62.91 KB, 548x753, 548:753, ClipboardImage.png)

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058404  No.14772413

File: f53e83a186f2fc3⋯.gif (1.27 MB, 480x201, 160:67, 713CA8EF_E6A8_4850_82A2_DE….gif)

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239694  No.14772414


Hey, I just watched Noah the other night, & that picture reminds me the The Watchers prior to being turned to rock

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058404  No.14772415

File: f53e83a186f2fc3⋯.gif (1.27 MB, 480x201, 160:67, 713CA8EF_E6A8_4850_82A2_DE….gif)

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f88e6e  No.14772416

Is Wayfair connected to Evergrande? Mitt Romney is having a bad month.

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9e915c  No.14772417

File: 4341fc848ca13c2⋯.png (490.05 KB, 834x542, 417:271, Screen_Shot_2021_10_12_at_….png)

Australian police officer resigns over COVID laws, says gov’t has ‘escalated the violence’

Acting Police Sergeant Krystie Mitchell has resigned from Victoria Police in opposition to unethical public health orders from the state government.

Tue Oct 12, 2021 - 12:52 pm EDT

MELBOURNE, Australia (LifeSiteNews) — In a bombshell interview Friday, Acting Police Sergeant Krystie Mitchell resigned effective immediately from Victoria Police after 16 years of service. Mitchell revealed that the state government’s policy of violently suppressing Australian citizens was due to the growing influence of Victorian Premier Dan Andrews’ over law enforcement, using it as a tool to maintain authoritarian public health orders on the “most locked down city in the world”.


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494536  No.14772418

File: ae988afbd93799a⋯.jpg (56.67 KB, 800x540, 40:27, pvtpyle0006582.jpg)

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8a6d45  No.14772419

File: db7fa6b94be521e⋯.webm (2.6 MB, 600x600, 1:1, db7fa6b94be521e8da07a62d5….webm)

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4cbd5c  No.14772420

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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494536  No.14772421

File: af4dd7b29b35eb5⋯.gif (612.3 KB, it_s_over.gif)

The server took too long to submit your post. Your post was probably still submitted. If it wasn't, 8kun might be experiencing issues right now – please try your post again later. Error information:

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5934e5  No.14772422


From the article:

"leveraged their work on a blockbuster anti-HIV drug to create the compound, which works differently from existing flu medicines. It blocks the flu virus from hijacking human cellular machinery"

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13db74  No.14772423

File: 66257fc675bda93⋯.png (17.67 KB, 347x630, 347:630, Capture.PNG)

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276d1f  No.14772424

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f24357  No.14772425

File: 9fb9c77eb2f178d⋯.jpg (5.8 KB, 299x168, 299:168, 444.jpg)

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494536  No.14772426

File: af4dd7b29b35eb5⋯.gif (612.3 KB, 320x180, 16:9, it_s_over.gif)

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c6d4ec  No.14772427


It's been doing that for at least the last few days for me. Annoying.

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9e915c  No.14772429


it's all chinee

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5934e5  No.14772430

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a55629  No.14772431

File: 6de54803b05ca3b⋯.jpg (109.25 KB, 596x499, 596:499, 5q1kvz.jpg)








That is a ton of bullshit nobody believes except you… Trump pushed the dangerous unapproved vaccine on all the American people from day one.

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250921  No.14772432

File: 2c78ae416228c16⋯.png (18.6 KB, 598x277, 598:277, Screenshot_2021_10_12_at_1….png)

Folks, it’s time those at the top pay their fair share.




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c73318  No.14772433

File: a7c5e80097556eb⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c17039f65c11f27⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bcdbc9419bd3ccc⋯.png (517.1 KB, 493x520, 493:520, ClipboardImage.png)

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13db74  No.14772434

File: 66257fc675bda93⋯.png (17.67 KB, 347x630, 347:630, Capture.PNG)

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371ba1  No.14772435


Assuie police have signed their death warrants…..public will go after their families first

Don’t be a Nazi if ya got kids….punk

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c962e7  No.14772436

Do I have to take Moderna, If I'll go to Mars?

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494536  No.14772437

File: cf3a3d5a3cdb647⋯.jpg (50.14 KB, 624x585, 16:15, 1540470143.jpg)

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c6d4ec  No.14772438


He didn't push it, moran.

What if we were in lockdown for 5 years until they DID get an "approved" vaccine–which would have then been mandated? Think about that rather than spout off.

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f88e6e  No.14772439



>Child Trafficking financial networks are being crushed.

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48632c  No.14772440

File: dd4523c4c19a9f5⋯.jpg (113.02 KB, 799x449, 799:449, this_fuckhead_will_do_it_a….jpg)

File: 73548bc65b8b248⋯.jpg (44.69 KB, 364x538, 182:269, just_following_orders.jpg)

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98ca36  No.14772441


Trump walked a fine line. He is merely one man. Free Will and Collateral Damage are at play in this Silent War.

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c6d4ec  No.14772442


I agree…but it's not what Biden or his handlers think.

Time for the "elite" to pay up and retire to Gitmo.

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cb2940  No.14772443


She's kinda cute too.

I wouldn't mind her policing me. Kek

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932f50  No.14772444

File: bf3c2ea22017026⋯.jpg (103.33 KB, 642x410, 321:205, All_an_ethics_waiver.JPG)


> in opposition to unethical public health orders

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9e915c  No.14772445

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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118d4a  No.14772446

File: e068de47298d598⋯.jpeg (810.33 KB, 750x1134, 125:189, 7597A1E9_FA8F_4A9D_BF72_1….jpeg)





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371ba1  No.14772447


Time for the bourgeois to give back their ill gotten gains

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4cbd5c  No.14772448

File: 5552e835ee34a7f⋯.png (43.13 KB, 690x774, 115:129, 1616015036620.png)


>nice Q proof–

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a9748a  No.14772449

File: 859f8b7711dda09⋯.jpeg (516.09 KB, 828x816, 69:68, fjb1.jpeg)

>>14772382 Fixed it for ya anons

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a9748a  No.14772450

File: 859f8b7711dda09⋯.jpeg (516.09 KB, 828x816, 69:68, fjb1.jpeg)

>>14772382 Fixed it for ya anons

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8a6d45  No.14772451

File: c7d72bfc1658a24⋯.jpg (90.15 KB, 545x649, 545:649, eb0f34d3ded5bf86fc0b620165….jpg)


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250921  No.14772452

File: 8f2d816b6746fbe⋯.png (36.32 KB, 598x397, 598:397, Screenshot_2021_10_12_at_1….png)


India the most populated country in the world had 5% vaccinated now is covid free.

Israel over 80% ppl vaccinated

Think about that.

Enjoy the show.


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de6b2e  No.14772453

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Citizen Journalist Secretly Films 20 Year Pfizer Contractor on Covid Vax "Skeptical of the Science"

Oct 12, 2021

Project Veritas

1.32M subscribers


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56e2f4  No.14772454


God place anon, its not for sure they are all going tp die, and its possible that theres a cure when this is all over. Don’t worry on the unkonwn spend quality time with him, and if possible get the supplements anons have posted and ask him to take them.

The one we must remember is “they were all coerced with fear, non stop fear”, that was the only way they could turn off the noise.

Prayers up for you anon and your son!

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371ba1  No.14772455


Punk ass government turds better release Jan 6 prisoners or face hangings

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f24357  No.14772456

File: 3a3678db3b94d44⋯.png (29.31 KB, 255x251, 255:251, 221f82e13b212fac92f7a99334….png)


tetras chkt

>>14772450 kek

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f88e6e  No.14772457

What happens to child trafficking when the cash evaporates and the banks / corporations that laundered your cash disappear or go bankrupt?

No bucks no Buck Rogers. Child Traffickers, like Drug Traffickers, have no problem murdering and kidnapping to extort people for payment.

Enjoy the show.

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cb2940  No.14772458


Let's go fuck Joe Biden, Brandon

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c6d4ec  No.14772459


Oh boy…

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dfb012  No.14772460


>>Child Trafficking financial networks are being crushed.

>An estimated 40.3 million victims are trapped in modern-day slavery


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4bfa26  No.14772461

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98ca36  No.14772462


so their "education system" works

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94ce6e  No.14772463


Anon’s friend (soundly opposed to the vax on the coercion dynamic alone)… has found her entire family, up and down, vaxxing it up accept her and her teenage son. The amount of pressure from them to ‘let her son just get the vax so at least he can have a normal life’… is stomach turning. Anon can only do so much to encourage her to remain strong and resolute for her and her son… but the pressure is astonishing. Don’t know how much longer she can hold out… or even stop her son from literally ‘sneaking out’ some afternoon to ‘satisfy’ the rest of his family, friends, school and extracurricular sports activities.

This is hell in earth.

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67efae  No.14772464

File: fdaf647e1fc93ab⋯.jpg (103.64 KB, 1020x649, 1020:649, 1336253.jpg)


Talks between Russian deputy foreign minister and US diplomat Nuland ended

US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs arrived in Moscow on Monday to hold several meetings with Russian officials.


MOSCOW, October 12. /TASS/. The talks between US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland and Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov ended at the Russian foreign ministry. The negotiations lasted more than an hour and a half. Ryabkov left the building at 12:25 p.m. Moscow Time, while Nuland got into her car five minutes later, refraining from giving any comments to reporters. Nuland arrived in Moscow on Monday to hold several meetings with Russian officials. The diplomat’s visit will last until October 13. It was reported that apart from the meeting with Ryabkov, Nuland would hold talks with Aid to the Russian President for Foreign Policy Yuri Ushakov and Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office Dmitry Kozak.

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98ca36  No.14772465


do they put live parasites in the annual flu shots?

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48632c  No.14772466

File: a28acc27472efa3⋯.jpg (301.89 KB, 1127x634, 1127:634, blood_on_hands.jpg)

File: e052780db75500c⋯.jpg (116.47 KB, 1025x477, 1025:477, RESPECT_MY_AUTHORITY_NO.jpg)

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371ba1  No.14772467


Just keep asking politicians “where are the missing children”

Then tell them to fuck off ya POS…..make them know their place

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6fbc32  No.14772468

File: d926023104d2b5b⋯.jpg (210.12 KB, 884x1200, 221:300, blackcubecooperunionastor.jpg)

File: 7783926abee5630⋯.png (576.75 KB, 757x574, 757:574, blackcubemos.png)







The Black Cube at Cooper Union /

where the victorious troops marched up from the water into Manhttan

is called "Astor' after the Astor famil

Astor = flower or star?

does that family connect with Vanderbilts?

I think it does; but have to re-check.


someone on this board tried to press this Ham radio from china ("does everyting a 500 $ radio will do) on anons

After they tracked them to try to show "conspiracy"

Cheap deal went off the marker afterward.

Fascists are gonna Fascist.

>now that's interesting

>Black Cube at Kooper Union


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c6d4ec  No.14772469


What do they have in common? Libtards who couldn't wait to go out an have themselves and their families injected with this poison.

I have relatives that took the jab too and they have TDS big-time. I tried to warn them.

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9e915c  No.14772470

File: 8570651c25f45c7⋯.png (496.39 KB, 827x542, 827:542, Screen_Shot_2021_10_12_at_….png)


Melbourne policemen unwilling to arrest anti-vax protestors: 'We get paid to do this, mate'


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239694  No.14772471

File: 7b133bc142a62bd⋯.png (222.72 KB, 601x632, 601:632, Firefox_Screenshot_2021_10….png)

"This is my house. I have to defend it," Max Mercer teases in the new trailer for "Home Sweet Home Alone" on Disney+.


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48632c  No.14772473

File: 0a34f8876ebd4b9⋯.jpg (118.92 KB, 862x551, 862:551, genocide_or_mass_murder.jpg)

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118d4a  No.14772474

File: 75a8de7dbc91a6a⋯.jpeg (557.81 KB, 750x1165, 150:233, 5A8F72E4_46E8_4C9C_B75C_5….jpeg)






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118d4a  No.14772475

File: 75a8de7dbc91a6a⋯.jpeg (557.81 KB, 750x1165, 150:233, 5A8F72E4_46E8_4C9C_B75C_5….jpeg)






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c73318  No.14772476

File: a7c5e80097556eb⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

The reply box won't empty.


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f88e6e  No.14772477


>Over 40 million children under the age of 12 are in bondage awaiting their fate of rape and murder.

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94ce6e  No.14772478



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a55629  No.14772479

File: 75fd7dce59f8c9c⋯.jpg (54.68 KB, 611x466, 611:466, 5q1fcbb.jpg)


Rico Suarez is that you…

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250921  No.14772480

File: 00e138217a80f16⋯.png (922.76 KB, 00e138217a80f1614d83df1866….png)


A simple question, who is the legitimate POTUS?

So, who writes on that account?

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7db340  No.14772481

File: 5cd0164b43731ee⋯.png (293.58 KB, 493x520, 493:520, 00nancy_pearls.png)

What is Nancy Pelosi wearing around her neck?

South Sea Pearls, of all things.

Do anons want to know more about these "investment-grade" beads?

How South Sea Pearls are Made

Farmers implant a mother of pearl bead into oysters in the hope of producing a perfectly round, high-luster, clean pearl The larger the pearl the oyster produces, the more valuable it is in the trade. Farmers hope that their entire crop turns out with these large South Sea pearls that are perfectly round. However, as the oyster fights this mother of pearl bead implant (which it sees as a foreign body and the oyster's environment is disrupted by unpredictable weather, the likelihood of producing a perfectly round pearl that is beautiful and blemish-free decreases. That is why a perfectly round South Sea pearl is considered to be a paragon Compose a necklace of these perfectly round white South Sea pearls or black South Sea pearls, and you have aninvestment-grade South Sea pearl necklaceThe photograph below shows the varieties of South Sea pearls that are available from white to gold to black to multicolor strands.


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239694  No.14772482

File: af32b4eb3b2277b⋯.jpg (241.68 KB, 2048x1860, 512:465, FBg6O4_UYAUZukx.jpg)

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4d3fa1  No.14772483



he means them right the cabal at the tippy top of the pyramid /_\

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13db74  No.14772484

File: d98a9ec447cb6a1⋯.png (25.99 KB, 602x289, 602:289, Capture.PNG)

Sum of all fears.


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c6d4ec  No.14772485


Sure if I got a deep tan, a haircut, and a sex change operation….kek

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c38a95  No.14772487


Could name it, Common Sense Healthcare.

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932f50  No.14772488

File: 9ebe7ff2bc27132⋯.png (280.25 KB, 677x480, 677:480, american_worker_pepe.png)


>Folks, it’s time those at the top pay their fair share.

Yeah! Anyone who does more than $600 a year in transactions!

You tell 'em Joe… er, I mean Susan Rice!

…Fucking rich middle-class people! Forward Soviet!

Disclaimer: This is sarcasm

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f24357  No.14772489

File: 9c0c3da76bc2d87⋯.png (15.55 KB, 214x255, 214:255, 2794a2b4519b6f34de559ea577….png)



neighbor anon said they looked like anal beads

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56e2f4  No.14772491


Ok that dress really needs to burned and never worn again. Wearing the same clothes for many events is just fucking embarssing for America to see, no wonder countries disrespect us! Besides the idiot youre walking with there.

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118d4a  No.14772492






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48632c  No.14772493

File: 5abd08f364079e7⋯.jpg (167.22 KB, 1020x573, 340:191, Scott_Morrison_knows.jpg)

File: 9d08d6e9c17bcaa⋯.jpg (72.83 KB, 399x399, 1:1, no_protesting_allowed.jpg)

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9e915c  No.14772494



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030cd6  No.14772496

File: b21014279c1e4cc⋯.png (211.39 KB, 589x682, 19:22, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ec3bb8d02d3645⋯.png (779.57 KB, 1170x1059, 390:353, ClipboardImage.png)


Nets GM Sean Marks statement on Brooklyn's decision to sit Kyrie Irving until he fulfills NYC vaccination rules:

10:02 AM · Oct 12, 2021·

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c6d4ec  No.14772497


No worries, anon, I've been putting up with the same crap, so have others.

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4cbd5c  No.14772498

File: d66f37d9cc31dba⋯.png (628.29 KB, 1220x607, 1220:607, Screenshot_from_2021_10_12….png)

File: 5fdac3d010ada1c⋯.png (504.62 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Screenshot_from_2021_10_12….png)

File: 52de2662dafa924⋯.png (664.37 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Screenshot_from_2021_10_12….png)

File: baf62c3e2ccaee1⋯.png (591.48 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Screenshot_from_2021_10_12….png)






Chopper flying over the rally.

Looks like out of Oakland Troy airport.

on the way back after a few circles

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f24357  No.14772499

File: 940ed2758a8c7f8⋯.jpg (10.18 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 3afd10adf681f31bb18f6decf3….jpg)

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7793e2  No.14772500

File: 78ccdb6cd8607f8⋯.jpg (39.38 KB, 474x296, 237:148, OwnGrave.jpg)

File: a154060b3e1e724⋯.jpg (159.73 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, soon.jpg)

File: 82b60a3cf313d92⋯.jpg (179.03 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, obam.jpg)

File: 1baee83578f20d9⋯.jpg (237.49 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Ownit.jpg)


>pay their fair share.

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932f50  No.14772501


>Could name it, Common Sense Healthcare.

Anon likes that.

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2b1393  No.14772502


…and still nothing happens.

It's that feeling you get before you open a bag of chips

"thins time it's going to be full"

and womp womp womp, 90% air.

- everybody knows it, EVERYBODY, everybody complains

– and yet: today's special: "buy 2 get 17 cents off"

- people toss a couple of bags in the shopping cart.

some things never get fixed: seems in particular potato chips, dishonest governments and elections.

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6fbc32  No.14772503

File: 71e43ad75f8eb31⋯.png (441.1 KB, 617x708, 617:708, blackcubed.png)


those who took those radios into D.C. , if any did, were popped.

They announced they were looking into the radios.

sorry no citation at the moment for their announcement

The "black box" is like a Hermetically sealed container, where you can't see what's inside; sorta like the Dominion voting machines

"Our software is proprietary"

or like Microsoft operating system.

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67efae  No.14772505


>Realize they control the dictionary

kinda like when dubya was gov of TX and bragged he had reduced the highschool dropout rate to 0%. no mention that he did this by removing dropouts from the census roles.

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98ca36  No.14772506




Virtue signalling arrogance

- recipe for disaster

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030cd6  No.14772507

File: bd73433904a7806⋯.png (402.41 KB, 635x631, 635:631, ClipboardImage.png)


>Nets GM Sean Marks statement on Brooklyn's decision to sit Kyrie Irving until he fulfills NYC vaccination rules:


Nets BAN Kyrie Irving from games and practices until he's vaccinated https://mol.im/a/10084479 via



Nets SHUT DOWN unvaccinated guard Kyrie Irving

Faced with the prospect of playing home games without unvaccinated guard Kyrie Irving, the Brooklyn Nets have decided to completely sideline him until a solution can be reached.

12:07 PM · Oct 12, 2021·

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c6d4ec  No.14772508


All the way from Oakland County? Probably one of the Detroit area news helicopters.

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103a88  No.14772509

File: 16c950778b59e8b⋯.jpg (57 KB, 492x313, 492:313, 20211012_110622.jpg)

File: 98b2cdf079bca4a⋯.jpg (274.47 KB, 1076x1699, 1076:1699, 20211012_110545.jpg)

The standing of the party with voters, at this time, isn’t in doubt. It’s awful. Biden’s average job approval rating on July 20 was 52.4% in the RealClearPolitics average before tanking precipitously and taking the party’s fortunes with him as the delta variant surged and American troops withdrew from Afghanistan in a deadly and tragic exit. RCP currently has him at 43.3%. His approval in Gallup has dropped 13 points since June, six points in this last month. The latest Quinnipiac University poll had Biden’s approval/disapproval at 38/53, down four points in three weeks. Specific findings on leadership questions were dreadful, with Biden’s numbers falling since April by nine points on the question of whether he cares about average Americans, seven points on whether he is honest, and nine points on whether he has good leadership skills.

The latest Morning Consult/Politico findings from last week showed Biden’s approval underwater across the board, at 45% approval overall, at 40% on the economy, 44% on health care, 40% on national security, 33% on immigration and 36% on foreign policy. The only number not underwater was Biden’s COVID approval of 49%-46%, 30 points lower than it was last spring. Across all polling Biden’s approval on the questions of competence and accomplishment have suffered. And that Morning Consult/Politico survey stated, “The shares of independent and Democratic voters who say Biden has underperformed expectations have doubled over the past three months.”

The decline in COVID deaths, hospitalizations and infections and the disappearance of Afghanistan from the news has done nothing to stabilize the downward trajectory. In order for Democrats to stay competitive in the midterm elections, Biden’s approval would have to get back up to 50%-52%.

Low presidential approval ratings have correlated to significant losses for the president's party in the last four midterm elections of 2018, 2014, 2010 and 2006.

Meanwhile Republicans have narrowed the margin in the congressional generic ballot, and a September Morning Consult/Politico poll found “58% of GOP voters say they’re ‘extremely’ or ‘very’ enthusiastic to vote in the 2022 midterms, up 10 points since July.”

Even if their polling was good, Democrats face fierce headwinds next year: historical trends that favor the party out of power in the midterms in a president’s first term, a fragile four-seat margin in the House and no margin in the Senate, all of which can easily erase their congressional majorities, and redistricting maps that favor the GOP. In addition, the party is facing new liabilities in voter registration — it has lost registered voters in critical states in considerable numbers. The Hill reported registration is down for Democrats since 2019 in Florida by more than 200,000, in North Carolina by more than 135,000, and in Pennsylvania by more than 200,000. Democrats have seen marginal increases in party registration in Arizona and New Hampshire. 

Yet while Democrats are bracing themselves for a wipeout at the ballot box next year, they may not know the true extent of their loss of support among voters. Polling before last year’s election, in which Biden only prevailed by fewer than 43,000 votes in three swing states, was the least accurate in 40 years.


Great article, there's more. biden going down.

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6e1d65  No.14772510

File: 370ce5a52617e51⋯.png (283.12 KB, 555x514, 555:514, benson_michigan_panic.png)

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4bfa26  No.14772511


But like this anon >>14772452 says, this is the way. Trump should've never caved to Big Pharma. He should've gone all in all therapeutics. Trump's operation warp speed has cost people jobs and health, and conversely made Pfizer, Gates, and Fauci very rich. He fucked up. You can still like a guy and accept he fucked up, you know?

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118d4a  No.14772512





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5934e5  No.14772513

File: 19dceb8f4d93603⋯.jpg (20.06 KB, 300x237, 100:79, red_heart.JPG)


This is going to sound bad, but take a minute to realize something. We're all going to pass on at some point. The vaccine isn't necessarily a "death sentence", but many will see some long term health problems as a result. But at any moment, we could get in our car, make a turn at an intersection, and have a life-ending accident. Every moment with our families and friends is precious, and at any moment, our time can be called.

Focus on the time we have now with our loved ones, and cherish it. Be thankful to God for what we do have, and seek to be reminded of it daily. We're all going through this. The least we can do is be here for each other while we can, and keep each in our prayers.

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48632c  No.14772514

File: f0c2481a21e0918⋯.jpg (108.01 KB, 976x432, 61:27, SELLOUT_MAGGOT.jpg)

File: d5480fff1319fb9⋯.jpg (182.52 KB, 900x600, 3:2, FORCING_INJECTIONS.jpg)

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2d4f5e  No.14772515


When rival gang members killed each other in Chicago, all murder charges were dropped because they were mutual combatants.

Maybe these elite mofos will just end up killing each other. That would be nice, and save us the trouble.

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dfb012  No.14772516

File: 295a50a6b259312⋯.png (40.89 KB, 1393x632, 1393:632, external_content_duckduckg….png)


pedophilia will continue unabated until certain countries raise the age of consent (pic related)

number of children under the age of 18 estimated at 10.1 million (25%).

37% victims of trafficking in forced marriage were children.

21% victims of sexual exploitation were children.

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56e2f4  No.14772517


Its not cash too wide

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48632c  No.14772519

File: f0c2481a21e0918⋯.jpg (108.01 KB, 976x432, 61:27, SELLOUT_MAGGOT.jpg)

File: d5480fff1319fb9⋯.jpg (182.52 KB, 900x600, 3:2, FORCING_INJECTIONS.jpg)

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a098d0  No.14772520

File: 6708c6fb380a9f7⋯.jpg (119.66 KB, 551x396, 551:396, Screenshot_20211012_120018….jpg)


I have found eating Viet red chillies and green chilli peppers once and week

and Pho soup w/ spices like:






- coriander



Making a harsh and ultra nutritional environment to be a great methodology to cleansing the gut of there suckers.

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c6d4ec  No.14772521


But were you seeing the reaction from the MSM? These traitors are gatekeepers, they control the information and propaganda people get.

I think it was up to us anons to inform people. Do an end runaround.

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56e2f4  No.14772522


Oh STFU you Traitor

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118d4a  No.14772523


They don’t give a fuck they steal elections now. All the Republicans in Congress won’t say anything about it either. I’m not voting again until they fix the 2020 steal.

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f44b95  No.14772524


Notice the black cube 9/11 "memorial" is sucking water (life) down a drain into the underworld?

You can never explain these things to normies, & especially families of the tragedy because they'll think you're mocking them & call you the psychotic satanist. THEY are clever, aren't they?

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f88e6e  No.14772525


>The Professional Sports 'infighting' is about to EXPLODE.

In locker rooms across America, millionaire athletes are completely AGAINST vaccines. You think the Pilots situation is bad? Wait till the bottom drops out from attempting to silence black athletes with MILLIONS of dollars and NAME BRAND.

Anons. Red October will be GLORIOUS

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6fbc32  No.14772526

File: 212444c67c5b86d⋯.mp4 (1.46 MB, 480x480, 1:1, gallowshumor.mp4)

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3f449d  No.14772528

File: 0b13743d1c6d47a⋯.png (831.37 KB, 800x600, 4:3, download.png)

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4cbd5c  No.14772529

File: 7b02e961219a890⋯.png (226.59 KB, 1187x3098, 1187:3098, Screenshot_2021_10_12_Airc….png)


>All the way from Oakland County? Probably one of the Detroit area news helicopters.

Rally woman said black helicopter but probably a news chopper


Registered Owner Name HELICOPTERS INC

Street 5000 OMEGA DR


County ST CLAIR Zip Code 62206-1469


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4f0250  No.14772531

File: 512320403bfb91a⋯.jpg (53.14 KB, 519x604, 519:604, Steps.JPG)


Jill must have the same stylist Michael had.

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c38a95  No.14772532

File: 25b5801963821b8⋯.png (15.38 KB, 735x110, 147:22, image_2021_10_12_131116.png)

Good read


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7b5fb0  No.14772533


Interesting. If they won't treat the unvaccinated then they will unravel the 'beds are full because of the unvaccinated' story.

You're right, we don't need them. Just nobody break a leg until we get this sorted out!

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4bfa26  No.14772534


The media angle you bring up is true

At the end of the day, I have to admit I wasn't in the room with him, and didn't know all that was on the table. I'm just anti-vax and I want a more anti-vax stnace from him. Sigh… I don't know

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48632c  No.14772535

File: a5d477c2b8847ea⋯.jpg (117.18 KB, 768x492, 64:41, poisoning_is_death_sentenc….jpg)

File: 8cc42e9578e7e9d⋯.jpg (73.44 KB, 552x319, 552:319, genocide.jpg)

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2d4f5e  No.14772536


Is this how they keep the upper middle class from creeping up the ladder into their ivory towers?

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a55629  No.14772537

File: 8a9203779acc78b⋯.png (754.9 KB, 1080x1204, 270:301, Scrturd.png)


Stop disparaging my administration…

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67efae  No.14772538

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118d4a  No.14772539


>Wait till

Why wait? Why don’t we all go on a national workers strike and call off work?


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c6d4ec  No.14772540


Dude, I've been anti-vax since my son was injured by vaccines. Imagine having a teenager with the mentality of a preschooler.

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48632c  No.14772541

File: a5d477c2b8847ea⋯.jpg (117.18 KB, 768x492, 64:41, poisoning_is_death_sentenc….jpg)

File: 8cc42e9578e7e9d⋯.jpg (73.44 KB, 552x319, 552:319, genocide.jpg)

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4cbd5c  No.14772542

File: a124bfc743a6517⋯.png (223.74 KB, 1043x605, 1043:605, Screenshot_from_2021_10_12….png)


spared no expense for their website. errr webpage



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118d4a  No.14772543

File: 48046b31613b0a1⋯.jpeg (198.35 KB, 750x506, 375:253, BE742B04_8591_48A8_814C_F….jpeg)

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56e2f4  No.14772544


Everyone quitting with serious skills should start tgeur iwn businesses

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932f50  No.14772545

File: c3063f7b145be46⋯.jpg (43.96 KB, 407x560, 407:560, Coffee.jpg)


Oh Shit, Oh Shit, Oh Shit

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f44b95  No.14772546


Your shill bot broke, btw

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250921  No.14772547


>has cost people jobs

freed people from slavery

>and health

has freed people from pharmaceutical schemes by giving people Ivermictin in vaccines.

You are a fear monger.

No one else believes in your evil schemes.

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c6d4ec  No.14772548


Looks like something I could toss up on the Internet in 5 minutes.

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1276e2  No.14772550


well to be fair Q did say they were going to bring the whole temple down

sleep joe is actually doing a good job if that's the case

can't go wrong with a little accelerationism

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f88e6e  No.14772551

The Israeli Government, much like in the times of Jesus, is filled with Satan worshippers who were installed because of WWII - Israel is to Jews as Gas is to Water. It's ALL FAKE. Israel is a government controlled by a 6000 year old death cult that came to power on the backs of the WWI and WWII war dead.

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7db340  No.14772552

File: 6b05ca817b367ff⋯.jpg (71.97 KB, 828x826, 414:413, 6b05ca817b367ffa2964bfd81e….jpg)


Wouldn't Have worked.

The ONLY way to stop the DS Reset timeline was to produce a vaccine at warp speed.

We would still be in total lock down like last April if he hadn't done it. Public opinion (i.e. FEAR) of the COVID would be at an all-time high right now instead of an all-time low.

People are responsible for their choices. It's a hard lesson, but a necessary one.


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3f449d  No.14772553

File: 89153cc66d95daa⋯.jpg (124.08 KB, 1250x500, 5:2, 5q5tpk.jpg)

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c6d4ec  No.14772554


Gab has a list of jobs where they don't mandate vaccines.

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98ca36  No.14772555

File: 1af0443d11b7bb2⋯.jpg (317.48 KB, 615x859, 615:859, BeauBiden_DOJ2013_cropped_.jpg)

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48632c  No.14772556

File: 289e6deac28a559⋯.jpg (136.09 KB, 1093x465, 1093:465, freedom_of_speech.jpg)

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2d4f5e  No.14772557



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174c64  No.14772558

File: 316731c9545a6d6⋯.jpg (24.29 KB, 828x547, 828:547, IMG_20211011_130028_563.jpg)


I like this version

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5934e5  No.14772559

File: 5af12d50987b109⋯.png (40.22 KB, 1001x200, 1001:200, ClipboardImage.png)


WTAF. I guess growing up in the US with the various laws regarding AOC from state to state, it doesn't surprise me to see 15's and 16s in other places in the world. but 9? Regardless, AOC should be 18 across the board with Romeo and Juliet laws to protect youth.

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4bfa26  No.14772560

File: 65bffd37829dc5c⋯.png (233.61 KB, 434x550, 217:275, 1611928518541.png)


Sorry to hear that anon.

I'll withdraw the friendly fire.

God bless.

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6970d4  No.14772561

File: 714f07298c292f3⋯.png (435.67 KB, 438x548, 219:274, ClipboardImage.png)


Tobacco. Tobacco is the simplest anti parasitic you can find, and it's relatively safe considering it's hundreds of years of use.

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c6d4ec  No.14772562


Thank you, anon, that's what I was trying to get at.

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acfeb4  No.14772563


>Anon has been adding 2 tbsp of food grade diatomaceous earth with sprinkle of whole flax seeds to family meals effectively de-worming family on the down low. Also using lots of fresh garlic, ginger, turmeric…

Flax seed is one of the richest food sources of phytoestrogen. Your son is going to grow tits.

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4f9999  No.14772565


Bragar Eagel & Squire, P.C. is Investigating Facebook, Inc. on Behalf of Facebook Stockholders and Encourages Investors to Contact the Firm

NEW YORK, October 12, 2021(BUSINESS WIRE)Bragar Eagel & Squire, P.C.

A nationally recognized stockholder rights law firm, is investigating potential claims against Facebook, Inc. ("Facebook" or the "Company") (NASDAQ: FB) on behalf of Joint stockholders. Our investigation concerns whether Facebook has violated the federal securities laws and/or engaged in other unlawful business practices.

Between September 13, 2021 and October 3, 2021, The Wall Street Journal released a series of nine articles alleging that Facebook had been misleading investors regarding its business operations. The allegations were based on internal documents provided by a whistleblower. On October 4, 2021, CBS’s segment 60 Minutes spoke with the whistleblower and published the whistleblower’s SEC whistleblower complaints. On October 5, 2021, the whistleblower testified before Congress concerning Facebook’s misleading statements and omissions of material fact.

Among the numerous allegations, the internal documents show that: (1) Facebook misled investors regarding how its "Cross Check" or "XCheck" system actually functioned, which in reality gave preferential treatment to Facebook’s ‘VIP’ users; (2) despite its outward facing policy of disallowing users under the age of 13, Facebook was internally researching pre-teen users and their engagement with certain Facebook services, and how to turn those users into long-term users; (3) despite Facebook’s stated policy of making its services as safe as possible, Facebook lagged in its response to drug cartels and human traffickers using its services; (4) Facebook misrepresented its negative impact on teens’ mental health, particularly in teen girls; (5) Facebook misled investors and advertisers by inflating its shrinking user base; and (6) Facebook misrepresented its role in fomenting ethnic violence and division.


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f88e6e  No.14772566

If there was no Hitler, would there ever have been an Israel? You've been conned.


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96af54  No.14772568

File: 62d436328181b9d⋯.jpeg (486.36 KB, 800x503, 800:503, F68F2A3B_9D2C_45F9_BE67_C….jpeg)

File: 9632f89568a7566⋯.jpeg (394.12 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 52B6343E_016E_4258_B0F6_E….jpeg)

WHEN I FIRST HEARD PRESIDENT TRUMP SAY GLOBALISM IS DEAD I KNEW THE JIG WAS UP FOR THESE GRIFTERS… NASA, Musk, Jones, Wells, Icke, Ramtha, Sather, Goode, Wilcock, Flynn and Alien Agenda pushers! God Hating heliocentrics pushing their GloBaalist agendas and love their Alien Merry Go Round Spinning Baals [at Ask Siri or Google Speeds] you know Gforces our bodies can’t endure kinda speeds.

Thank You Dan Scavino for real views from 40, 000 ft. Not Spaceballs Cartoons. And Thank You PresidentT for your Big Mouth, That tells the Truth. GloBaalism Is Dead!

Truth Is A Force of Nature!

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c6d4ec  No.14772569


No worries, I totally get what you're saying.

We're in an information warfare. People act on the information they get, whether good or bad.

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118d4a  No.14772570






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67efae  No.14772571


your post is PURE speculation. you have NO WAY of knowing that.


man, do YOU ever need to listen to your own advice.

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932f50  No.14772572

File: 83fd2f62b842572⋯.jpeg (123.54 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, 83fd2f62b842572dc745dc90a….jpeg)


>AOC should be 18 across the board

She acts like it.

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20ba29  No.14772573


>Two Ferraris and a Dump Truck.

Love that meme.

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c73318  No.14772574

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Supreme Court Oral Arguments I LIVE

25 watching now

Started streaming 115 minutes ago

NowThis News

1.69M subscribers

The Supreme Court will convene for oral arguments in two cases, including Cameron v. EMW Women's Surgical Center, a case brought by the Kentucky attorney general seeking to uphold a state law that bans certain abortion procedures during the second trimester of pregnancy.

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a9748a  No.14772575



>>14772080, >>14772334 LIVE: Michigan Capitol Rally Demanding Forensic Audit in Lansing, MI #MIaudit

>>14772019 Southwest Airlines Freedom Flu update

>>14772057 Grassley 88 for 8th term Trips Cheqt

>>14772092, >>14772099 Bable BEE - Amy Coney Barrett Just Adopted A Local Troubled Youngster Named Hunter

>>14772136 M Waters Twitter Account comped?

>>14772146 Press conference following G20 meeting on trade and investment

>>14772219 @POTUS (#NotMyPresident) Folks, it’s time those at the top pay their fair share.

>>14772229 Southwest Airlines to Comply with Biden Vaccine ‘Mandate’ Over Texas Ban as Flight Cancelations Continue

>>14772261 Lawmakers seek federal grand jury investigation for COVID-19 statistical manipulation.

>>14772220 The union representing pilots for American Airlines warned the company could face a staffing shortage ahead of the busy holiday travel season

>>14772304 Election Integrity Force https://www.electionintegrityforce.com/

>>14772315 Record number of Americans are quitting their jobs, according to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics #DontWalkAway #HoldTheLine #CallMyAttorney

>>14772325 PDJT - Open Borders Statement

>>14772347 Basis of Polypodium (Divide and Conquer)

>>14772372 Look at all these Patriots that showed up to the State Capitol in Lansing, MI to demand a forensic audit!

>>14772374, >>14772376, >>14772420 Melissa /ourgirl/ up at the rally running for state rep

>>14772384 #RINOSGOTTAGO

>>14772396, >>14772468 #BlackCube at Kooper Union (#NotMyGod)

>>14772417 Australian police officer resigns over COVID laws, says gov’t has ‘escalated the violence’

>>14772432 @POTUS (#NotMyPresident) Folks, it’s time those at the top pay (I Concur with this part)


>>14772453 Citizen Journalist Secretly Films 20 Year Pfizer Contractor on Covid Vax "Skeptical of the Science"

>>14772484 @HillaryClinton Book out. (Sum of all fears)

>>14772498 Chopper over the rally.

>>14772516, >>14772460 An estimated 40.3 million victims are trapped in modern-day slavery. 21% of victims of sexual exploitation are children. #SaveOurChildren


>>14772565 A nationally recognized stockholder rights law firm, is investigating potential claims against Facebook, Inc.

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8a6d45  No.14772576

File: 52a21cdb093880b⋯.jpeg (323.32 KB, 1400x787, 1400:787, 52a21cdb093880b5deab0f5b0….jpeg)

‘To every man upon this earth

Death cometh soon or late.

And how can man die better

Than facing fearful odds,

For the ashes of his fathers,

And the temples of his Gods

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2bf235  No.14772577


Luv Dragonman


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4cbd5c  No.14772578

File: 67895d74470f323⋯.png (179.08 KB, 1050x552, 175:92, Screenshot_from_2021_10_12….png)

File: 770c053bf36216d⋯.png (576.86 KB, 1187x3026, 1187:3026, Screenshot_2021_10_12_Heli….png)



Kinda odd to remove info about your company. like this. Archive from 2002

Helicopter's Inc was formed in 1978 with the signing of one radio station. Since then the company has grown to

thirty-seven helicopters and three corporate aircraft. During this time the main focus for the company has always been the media industry.

Headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri, Helicopters Inc is now based in eighteen cities nationwide. It is the only company of its type to also have it's own maintenance personnel and facilities in three other key locations besides the Repair Facility in St. Louis

to better facilitate the care and upkeep of it's aircraft in the field. Within the next year it is expected to open two additional facilities and enlarge two of the exisiting sites.

With over 30 nation wide television and radio contracts, Helicopters Inc is the largest supplier of ENG helicopters in the United States. While other operators have commendable credentials, only one was asked to provide all the support for the 1996 Summer Olympic Games in Alanta.

Whether the customer is in our hometown of St. Louis or is located elsewhere in the country is irrelevant. Everyone still receives the same high quality of service and dedication to exellence that has become our tradmark within the industry.


Helicopters Inc. is a FAA Part 145 certified Repair Station. The only difference between us and a Bell Service Center is that we are not licensed to sell Bell parts. We are certified and trained to work on all Bell and Eurocopter helicopters.

All Maintenance is tracked by a computer program that flags all inspections, overhauls, and replacement items that may be coming due.

Helicopters Inc. employs fourteen full time mechanics. In addition to the full time employees Helicopters Inc. contracts with Service Centers in each city to perform the day to day maintenance.

It is our goal to minimize the downtime of the aircraft through the use of our extensive spare parts inventory, large, highly qualified maintenance staff, and computer tracking.

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48632c  No.14772579

File: 0623c041041a051⋯.jpg (108.46 KB, 600x600, 1:1, lockdown_fines.jpg)

File: c721676f85c1aa8⋯.jpg (228.68 KB, 1127x634, 1127:634, responsible_for_deaths.jpg)

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55fc99  No.14772580

Old Left is the Democrat party that younger Trump supported

New Left is the resurrection of Nazi fascist socialism

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4cbd5c  No.14772581

File: 67895d74470f323⋯.png (179.08 KB, 1050x552, 175:92, Screenshot_from_2021_10_12….png)

File: e54eb0bcbfdcf0c⋯.png (126.81 KB, 1051x548, 1051:548, Screenshot_from_2021_10_12….png)

File: 770c053bf36216d⋯.png (576.86 KB, 1187x3026, 1187:3026, Screenshot_2021_10_12_Heli….png)



Kinda odd to remove info about your company. like this. Archive from 2002

Helicopter's Inc was formed in 1978 with the signing of one radio station. Since then the company has grown to

thirty-seven helicopters and three corporate aircraft. During this time the main focus for the company has always been the media industry.

Headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri, Helicopters Inc is now based in eighteen cities nationwide. It is the only company of its type to also have it's own maintenance personnel and facilities in three other key locations besides the Repair Facility in St. Louis

to better facilitate the care and upkeep of it's aircraft in the field. Within the next year it is expected to open two additional facilities and enlarge two of the exisiting sites.

With over 30 nation wide television and radio contracts, Helicopters Inc is the largest supplier of ENG helicopters in the United States. While other operators have commendable credentials, only one was asked to provide all the support for the 1996 Summer Olympic Games in Alanta.

Whether the customer is in our hometown of St. Louis or is located elsewhere in the country is irrelevant. Everyone still receives the same high quality of service and dedication to exellence that has become our tradmark within the industry.


Helicopters Inc. is a FAA Part 145 certified Repair Station. The only difference between us and a Bell Service Center is that we are not licensed to sell Bell parts. We are certified and trained to work on all Bell and Eurocopter helicopters.

All Maintenance is tracked by a computer program that flags all inspections, overhauls, and replacement items that may be coming due.

Helicopters Inc. employs fourteen full time mechanics. In addition to the full time employees Helicopters Inc. contracts with Service Centers in each city to perform the day to day maintenance.

It is our goal to minimize the downtime of the aircraft through the use of our extensive spare parts inventory, large, highly qualified maintenance staff, and computer tracking.

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acfeb4  No.14772582


Does anon think it's time to ruck up?

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2b1393  No.14772583


>>Anon has been adding 2 tbsp of food grade diatomaceous earth with sprinkle of whole flax seeds to family meals effectively de-worming family on the down low. Also using lots of fresh garlic, ginger, turmeric…

>Flax seed is one of the richest food sources of phytoestrogen. Your son is going to grow tits.

with the turmeric gonna be orange tits - won't be needing the high-vis vest on any worksite.

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118d4a  No.14772584


He looks like he had a conscience, hence the reason he probably didn’t survive in that fucked up family.

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7db340  No.14772585

File: 463efdd1e789b43⋯.jpg (26.88 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 463efdd1e789b431eb4b6d1126….jpg)


Hey, you do you, Anon.

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1276e2  No.14772586


are you retarded?

what year was the balfour declaration again?

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06865d  No.14772587


Fuckers. Aluminum so-called "adjuvants" are neurotoxin. Not to mention the other shit in there.

There will be justice for you, all the other vax-injured children, and Andrew Wakefield and Christopher Exley…

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f88e6e  No.14772588


Trump destroyed their genocide device (vaccines) by forcing them to deploy it much earlier than planned. Trump save Billions of People.

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dfb012  No.14772589

File: 6fa2da3776e58d7⋯.jpeg (14.43 KB, 474x266, 237:133, pedohileJARED.jpeg)


>AOC should be 18 across the board

Agreed. It tears my heart in two KNOWING that little children have no escape from pedophilia in certain countries and there's nothing that can be done unless those countries fix the problem.

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48632c  No.14772590

File: 70687478d2f97c3⋯.jpg (163.93 KB, 918x598, 459:299, what_would_Jesus_say.jpg)

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c6d4ec  No.14772591


Beau Biden? He was as dirty as the rest of them.

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6fbc32  No.14772592

File: a63e3ce381b2110⋯.png (1.07 MB, 820x721, 820:721, sarnoffmedia.png)


In 1931, David Sarnoff of RCA offered to buy Farnsworth's patents for US$100,000, with the stipulation that he become an employee of RCA, but Farnsworth refused.[7]"

Sarnoff , that name sounds familiar.

What a coinkydink

isn't there an important media figure who is a younger generation of that same Sarnoff?

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d93a99  No.14772593


Fuck you, Joe. I want my money back. All of it! And I doubt that many millionaires and billionaires are making a lot of $600 transactions at their bank to hide. No, we know what that is for.

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f9ea51  No.14772594


>Tobacco is the simplest anti parasitic you can find, and it's relatively safe considering it's hundreds of years of use.

I chewed cope (gutted it) and smoked for 20+ years. The parasites came when I quit 9 years ago. I figured it out without them but recently took back to smoking. my family is baffled and all I can say to them at this point is:


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acfeb4  No.14772595


Your memes are garbage, you are not being helpful. You make us all look stupid. Please find a different hobby. I hear knitting is hot.

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174c64  No.14772596

Is it truly biblical or only is it they're imitating the bible?

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f88e6e  No.14772597


Hitler is to the Satanic Death Cult what the Reichstag is to the success of NAZI tyranny.

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118d4a  No.14772598

File: 06c0943049a7f51⋯.jpeg (415.33 KB, 750x708, 125:118, B38D4C18_3354_4270_96B7_6….jpeg)

File: e2b5330740c67cb⋯.png (333.85 KB, 490x509, 490:509, FB0D2455_FCA6_4774_91CE_BB….png)


Fuck off glowfag

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1276e2  No.14772599


go watch the greatest story never told and battle for europa the last battle then get back to me

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56e2f4  No.14772600


I guess the guy didn’t want to write “tyranny”

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acfeb4  No.14772601


>Trump destroyed their genocide device (vaccines) by forcing them to deploy it much earlier than planned. Trump save Billions of People.

If they had had time to claim they've properly tested it and queue up legislation ahead of time and prepare logistic materials, they'd have sent a truck to every neighborhood and literally force-vaccinated EVERYONE and shot or arrested anyone that fought back.

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2d4f5e  No.14772602


So many of our leaders are sexual deviants.

When people say: God Bless America.

Sometimes I wonder, why should He?

But then I remember the righteous citizens who are just trying to survive, and trying to do their best what is right in the eyes of the Lord.

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90ac3a  No.14772603


No religion = even more control.

Look around.

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acfeb4  No.14772604


>Fuck off glowfag

Shut the fuck up nigger. I asked the loud motherfucker a question. That doesn't make me a glowfag.

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1276e2  No.14772605

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c6d4ec  No.14772606


He hasn't had any shots since he was 2…because when he was preschool-aged, I did some reading. He'd just been diagnosed as being *just on* the autism spectrum. That's where I found out about the vaccine link.

Before he started kindergarten, he had to have a physical. I told the doctor we're not getting him vaccinated anymore. First thing that doctor said was "Anyone can put anything on the Internet."

I was prepared. I had downloaded a list of vaccine ingredients off the CDC site and I said, "This is why we're not doing it."

Shut him right up. Got no more argument.

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6fbc32  No.14772607

File: 33e7831917eb0bc⋯.png (545.91 KB, 628x1150, 314:575, Pelosi_whatcha.png)


Start with him

Give the ill gotten gains back, Joe.

And pay the price.

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f88e6e  No.14772608


Yep. Take the shot or be summarily executed. That was their plan. Kill off the population slowly and replace them with slaves.

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48632c  No.14772609

File: e1f68eeb29d3edb⋯.jpg (160.87 KB, 810x540, 3:2, WAKE_UP_TO_TYRANNY.jpg)

File: 0464ea374ff67ed⋯.jpg (87.53 KB, 650x365, 130:73, YOUR_JAB_IS_COMING.jpg)

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6fbc32  No.14772610

File: 33e7831917eb0bc⋯.png (545.91 KB, 628x1150, 314:575, Pelosi_whatcha.png)


Start with him

Give the ill gotten gains back, Joe.

And pay the price.


and ur little dog Nancy too.

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118d4a  No.14772611

File: d23d652be2836a9⋯.jpeg (326.75 KB, 750x543, 250:181, 7F5A28A8_309C_4173_B2F8_5….jpeg)



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250921  No.14772612

File: 8b6e6e601e04bcf⋯.png (188.82 KB, Screenshot_2021_10_12_at_1….png)

The Times of Israel


Creator of iconic Chabad menorah posthumously accused of sexually abusing girl



"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

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f88e6e  No.14772613


Faith is replacing religion. Family/Community is replacing congregations. The 'church' is humanity. Dark to Light

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a84c82  No.14772614

Yeah, Abbott correctly says no forced vax, but he sounds like a friggin' retard when he says it is safe and effective. Like a guy who does not read ANYTHING. Like someone I would not want as a leader.

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f44b95  No.14772615

File: 8711695d7688ce6⋯.png (94.3 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Black_Hand_logo.png)


All started with the shot heard around the world, the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand by a Black Hand Anarcho-Communist. Fkn Serbs.

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94ce6e  No.14772616


>trust the plan

So long as ‘the plan’ accounts for the simple fact, not all the people who take the vax or participate in coercion for others to take the vax… are themselves just “stupid”. Without knowing ‘the plan’ it’s hard to know if ‘the plan’ has an eventual antidote to both badvax AND the psychological antidote for those ‘take in’ by the psyop.

Trusting ‘a plan’ that i can’t see and read for myself, is very very difficult watching so many people being destroyed and/or near destroyed for no direct faults of their own.

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062e29  No.14772617

File: 6f2dcd2e94b4d0f⋯.jpg (41.02 KB, 525x475, 21:19, CSStoryIII.jpg)

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062e29  No.14772618

File: 6f2dcd2e94b4d0f⋯.jpg (41.02 KB, 525x475, 21:19, CSStoryIII.jpg)

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6fbc32  No.14772619

File: 093707f0d807b15⋯.jpg (98.7 KB, 1200x864, 25:18, WhatIsASpell.jpg)


Those who don't get the vax get targeted by the zombies and rounded up.

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20ba29  No.14772620

File: 8b7978a2786f252⋯.png (315.33 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, religioussheeple.png)




When was the flu pandemic again?

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371ba1  No.14772621

File: aa79679b6335f73⋯.jpeg (410.67 KB, 3200x1680, 40:21, CB5EF76C_8CC1_460F_B151_5….jpeg)

Jon Gruden called this nig rubber lips….kek

Well he wasn’t lying

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250921  No.14772622


> I want my money back.


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6fbc32  No.14772623


another staged simulation to trigger their war.

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98ca36  No.14772624

File: aec63f18c71a5d2⋯.jpg (140.63 KB, 476x803, 476:803, hitlern.jpg)

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c6d4ec  No.14772625


And the people who voluntarily took it in "this" timeline would no doubt have voluntarily taken it in the "other" timeline.

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acfeb4  No.14772626


>spared no expense for their website

Less is more; a simple site loads quickly and reads easily

But white backgrounds need to become a thing of the past.

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932f50  No.14772627

File: eda4ebf82b5d8ec⋯.png (440.48 KB, 810x749, 810:749, Mebbe_AOC.png)


>You make us all look stupid.

No, just you.

(not my meme, btw) But this one is, Ms. Highest Ranking Anon.

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48632c  No.14772628

File: 5755382437c3b02⋯.jpg (181.6 KB, 1196x594, 598:297, VESTED_INTERESTS.jpg)

File: e88f47237f2badf⋯.jpg (173.54 KB, 1000x546, 500:273, PLAYING_STUPID_is_stupid.jpg)

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a098d0  No.14772629

File: f8d3f8ca8ab0543⋯.jpg (44.34 KB, 257x386, 257:386, Screenshot_20210816_220854….jpg)


Ty for writing this to this person 'it's actually' not negative at all. I have been intending to convey almost exactly what you writen to loved ones in my own life.

The brain dis-services us, pls Don't ever stop speaking from the heart. You also have more ppl in your corner praying for the you realize as well.

Your kind cander and words are uplifting and making a diferance in the lives of those who read.


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05d344  No.14772630


Yes. Bozzo and career politicians should be stripped clean off their theft based profits.

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6e1d65  No.14772631

File: c3a7fb769aa77d4⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1057x480, 1057:480, ClipboardImage.png)

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acfeb4  No.14772632

File: ff430c719c06790⋯.jpg (23.98 KB, 444x558, 74:93, clean_woman.jpg)


I don't hear knitting, faggot.

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d23004  No.14772633

File: bbddf54c12d5447⋯.png (269.04 KB, 636x477, 4:3, 1633762062507.png)


>They want us dead and they are succeeding.

not only to do they want us dead, they think it's funny.

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a84c82  No.14772634


>watching so many people being destroyed and/or near destroyed for no direct faults of their own.

That is true of some, but not the majority.

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c73318  No.14772635

File: 2b7369851aab466⋯.png (366.01 KB, 702x486, 13:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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2fd201  No.14772636


newfags gonna newfag

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2399d3  No.14772637

File: 0f035f4180974fd⋯.gif (497.9 KB, 500x225, 20:9, 1373329806152.gif)


this but actually

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2d4f5e  No.14772638


My sister-in-law says she isn't religious, she's spiritual. Whatever that means.

I think she got that idea from her AA classes, which didn't work, because she drinks excessively every day.

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06865d  No.14772639


Thank you for sharing your story, anon. People need to understand that we are not dealing with incompetence - we are.dealingwith pure Evil.

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76065e  No.14772640

File: 836ffa338199ed3⋯.png (1.33 MB, 748x884, 11:13, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1fd010d4d4ee10e⋯.png (1.33 MB, 748x882, 374:441, ClipboardImage.png)

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acfeb4  No.14772641


>And the people who voluntarily took it in "this" timeline would no doubt have voluntarily taken it in the "other" timeline.

Oh well, they're dead in both timelines so conservation of energy is respected.

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118d4a  No.14772642

File: 299a6c59106e19d⋯.jpeg (265.42 KB, 673x625, 673:625, AE048CA0_B5A5_49FE_9396_B….jpeg)

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c6d4ec  No.14772643


She likes her spirits. kek

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f88e6e  No.14772644


Pastors of churches (lutheran/catholic/baptist/methodist and many more) were fucking us over WAY WORSE than politicians and police.

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06865d  No.14772645


*dealing with pure Evil.

(Sorry, phonefagging)

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13db74  No.14772646

File: af7dae41eff9efc⋯.png (16.15 KB, 586x252, 293:126, Capture.PNG)


Another faux controversy brought to us by the fake news.

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48632c  No.14772647

File: 85fcfe27b3fbf5c⋯.jpg (84.64 KB, 546x379, 546:379, All_religions_know_God.jpg)

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a9748a  No.14772648

File: 41ef4c520958f5b⋯.png (405.21 KB, 520x857, 520:857, screenshot.png)



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276d1f  No.14772649


For FAKE religions that is true. God's message has been corrupted for thousands of years. Nimrod started the bullshit. It's okay though, God wins in the end, so believe whatever you want, He's the one you will have to answer to. I wonder what He will say to YOU when you face Him.

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932f50  No.14772650


That's because you have Anderson Cooper's dick in one ear and Don Lemon's in the other, Karen.

And a communist's dick in your mouth.

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118d4a  No.14772651


>I decided about a year ago that I won't talk politics with my grown Liberal son

I stopped reading right there. You obviously failed as a parent.

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c38a95  No.14772652

File: a2862f232cb2667⋯.jpeg (59.16 KB, fZojDTDFj1qbWuyD59ES_12_9….jpeg)

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a55629  No.14772653

File: 84fd575b710d552⋯.jpg (71.39 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 5q1g2a.jpg)


Millions of 600 dollar plus transactions take place everyday…. It's just a socialist scare tactic.

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a55629  No.14772654

File: 84fd575b710d552⋯.jpg (71.39 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 5q1g2a.jpg)


Millions of 600 dollar plus transactions take place everyday…. It's just a socialist scare tactic.

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2d4f5e  No.14772655



good one.

Like the song.

People say I have a drinking problem, but I have no problem drinking.

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f88e6e  No.14772656


God will say to me "Welcome home my servant".

It's not your past, it's your intention.

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f44b95  No.14772657



Normies need to be aware of their surroundings.

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a55629  No.14772658

File: 84fd575b710d552⋯.jpg (71.39 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 5q1g2a.jpg)


Millions of 600 dollar plus transactions take place everyday…. It's just a socialist scare tactic.

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4e7755  No.14772659


AA is tool of Satan.

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6fbc32  No.14772660

File: 39763e4cc9d15e8⋯.jpg (29.96 KB, Flynn_Sessions_what.jpg)


They are already doing that in L.A. gainst the mentally deficient / handicapped

so I saw the vid; anyway.

Eugenic fags are gonna eugenic..

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acfeb4  No.14772661


>That's because you have Anderson Cooper's dick in one ear and Don Lemon's in the other, Karen.

>And a communist's dick in your mouth.

I'll give you credit, that was more spicy than your typical retorts. Put some of that energy into your memes and maybe tomorrow we won't be having this talk again. Until then, clickety snickety, your wife's boyfriend's son needs new socks.

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6fbc32  No.14772662

File: 39763e4cc9d15e8⋯.jpg (29.96 KB, 358x360, 179:180, Flynn_Sessions_what.jpg)


They are already doing that in L.A. gainst the mentally deficient / handicapped

so I saw the vid; anyway.

Eugenics fags are gonna eugenics.

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df1dcb  No.14772663


Look at a map of DC. The roads form a pentagram, with the White House at the south tip.

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276d1f  No.14772664


Any idea why Hitler called it the THIRD Reich? THIRD kingdom? Kek, learn some history. What were the PREVIOUS TWO kingdoms? Any idea?

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1276e2  No.14772665

File: a71e15745df31ba⋯.mp4 (7.78 MB, 512x288, 16:9, InternationalClique.mp4)

File: c2d0f895b759bd4⋯.png (137.88 KB, 1722x617, 1722:617, ClipboardImage.png)

>In 1972 Moon predicted the decline of communism, based on the teachings of the Divine Principle: "After 7,000 biblical years – 6,000 years of restoration history plus the millennium, the time of completion – communism will fall in its 70th year. Here is the meaning of the year 1978.Communism, begun in 1917,could maintain itself approximately 60 years and reach its peak. So 1978 is the border line and afterward communism will decline; in the 70th year it will be altogether ruined. This is true. Therefore, now is the time for people who are studying communism to abandon it."[99]

>In 2021, Donald Trump praised Moon in an event linked to Unification Church. [161] Previously, such events held by Unification Church named Rally of Hope, gathered speakers from Trump Administration, e.g. former Vice President Mike Pence, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Advisor Paula White. [162]


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98ca36  No.14772666


all organizations are comped

people have to stop relying on them

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f88e6e  No.14772667


AA is the single largest intel/brownstone/blackmail op in the World.

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e20ad9  No.14772668


And then there are the utterly crazed, liberal parents who won't talk to their sane children. Atomic powered blinders over the eyes and impenetrable plugs in the ears. To them, rational words are "trash." An actual quote there.

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250921  No.14772669

File: a1830a7932c970c⋯.png (350.51 KB, 535x630, 107:126, Screenshot_2021_10_12_at_1….png)

The Times of Israel


==Former Mossad chief says Iran no closer to

obtaining nukes==



The left can´t meme, period.

Israel for last.

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2fd201  No.14772670


hello glownigger

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a55629  No.14772671

File: 44d447e40414107⋯.jpg (112.85 KB, 828x1224, 23:34, 44d447e40414107a2c2469e14a….jpg)

Before you get vaccinated make sure all funeral expenses are paid for.

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5ebf2e  No.14772672

File: 28a5b8584c7a54f⋯.png (326.52 KB, 490x347, 490:347, Screen_Shot_2021_10_12_at_….png)

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ec6ec0  No.14772673

File: c432c1d4e360ed4⋯.png (372.28 KB, 2026x1880, 1013:940, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8f68cda4f5fdd2e⋯.png (286.25 KB, 1765x1806, 1765:1806, ClipboardImage.png)


It's all just vomit worthy.

I came across it b/c they fund: https://oudc.org/who-we-are/ (some jewish social justice crap)

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b0ac8b  No.14772674


Funny how broadcasting service has the initials BS.

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acfeb4  No.14772675


I just really hope they haven't figured out something as precise as a way to use the shot for any form of actual mind control; selective release of brain chemicals, whatever. If it just kills you, okay whatever. But I don't want to deal with any kind of actual zombie apocalypse with doped up niggers running at 40mph through brick walls and shit.

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6fbc32  No.14772676


DJT called for that yesterday afternoon

He said he would be there.

Will see what happens this time

Hope everybody has their body cams

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48632c  No.14772677

File: 2e031fbc3be24c5⋯.jpg (248.35 KB, 1482x1134, 247:189, LOSERS.jpg)

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df1dcb  No.14772678


My mother is a "lifelong Democrat" who hates Trump. She once called herself a JFK Democrat and she got pissed when I told her JFK wouldn't have just walked away from today's Democrat party, he would have RUN.

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acfeb4  No.14772679


>hello glownigger

Hello pearl-clutching pussy faggot, make sure you disavow my question because then you'll be safe from the government

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f88e6e  No.14772680


Yep. Studied the Germans and their history for decades. Complex situation but there is no doubt that the future of Europe lies, not in Britain's hands, but in Germany's. The Germany People are a very special people and contrary to popular opinion, VERY close to God.

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c38a95  No.14772681

File: f84cc6f73dd837c⋯.jpg (26.66 KB, 659x370, 659:370, culling666.jpg)

We are at war - if you can see it.


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a9748a  No.14772682

File: 59b1866916e6661⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1161x890, 1161:890, screenshot.png)


“Matt DePerno has my Complete and Total Endorsement. He will never let you down!”

- President Donald J. Trump


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06865d  No.14772683


It's a scare tactic right up to the point where they empty your account to pay your "voluntary" taxes. Kinda like the gene-therapy jabs.

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932f50  No.14772684

File: 2cedb16c22f84d3⋯.png (658.23 KB, 622x621, 622:621, Happiest.png)


>your wife's boyfriend's son needs new socks.

Lol, not married. Gone fishin'. Ciao.

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2fd201  No.14772685


oy vey glownigger? is that better?

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8a6d45  No.14772686


Then stole Farnsworth's patents; they say.

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6fbc32  No.14772687

File: 4286b116aeaa6dc⋯.jpg (144.67 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 4286b116aeaa6dc7b27d8b9d7a….jpg)


they can do it with aerosol

Peeps out an about protesting should get on the Frontline Doc or the Zelensky (sp) protocol before winter sets in i.e. ASAP

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6fbc32  No.14772688

File: 4286b116aeaa6dc⋯.jpg (144.67 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 4286b116aeaa6dc7b27d8b9d7a….jpg)


they can do it with aerosol

Peeps out an about protesting should get on the Frontline Doc or the Zelensky (sp?) protocol before winter sets in i.e. ASAP

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b0ac8b  No.14772689


I think it was in reference to two previous Holy Roman Empires, or something like that.

Saw it in a documentary once, forgot the particulars.

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514dc4  No.14772690

File: 42c77e1a94c35d4⋯.png (646.25 KB, 910x866, 455:433, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c24ebe88408e0a6⋯.png (1.84 MB, 672x978, 112:163, ClipboardImage.png)

Dominion’s Eric Coomer Has a Tattoo on His Arm by Artist Listed Number One by the Church of Satan

Wow. Dominion’s Eric Coomer has a tattoo of artwork praised by the Church of Satan.

Eric Coomer claims to have been a skinhead in the past and became addicted to heroin, cocaine, and opioids.

Coomer also verified in a recent New York Times fluff piece that he had a tattoo of the artwork “Screaming Popes” by Francis Bacon.

From The New York Times:

Coomer, who traveled around the world for competitive endurance bike races, would have blended in on the campus of Google, just one in a crowd of nonconformist tech types. In the more corporate business of elections, he stood out for the full-sleeve tattoos on his arms (one of Francis Bacon’s “Screaming Popes,” some Picasso bulls) and the half-inch holes in his ears where he once wore what are known as plugs.

This ‘artwork’ looks like something straight from hell. The artist mocks and insults the Catholic Popes.

The satanic and certainly disgusting and sacrilegious and disturbing to look at.

Bacon was an extreme-left atheist whose macabre series of paintings depict Catholic Popes screaming in agony. He is the first artist mentioned at the Church of Satan’s site listing modern era artists.

From the website.

Eric Coomer is a top executive who led Domininon’s efforts in the 2020 Election. He has a tattoo of a piece of art from an artist highly regarded by the Church of Satan. This story just took a strange twist.


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a9748a  No.14772691



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acfeb4  No.14772692

File: ce0eda45bb1845e⋯.jpeg (19.86 KB, 251x255, 251:255, skulls.jpeg)


This is what happens when you let your kid sit by himself on the computer looking at furry porn while you watch sportsball or whatever the fuck else you did instead of parenting and raising him. This outcome should have been completely impossible, the only explanation is you neglected to raise your child. Now he is a dead man walking and he'll be a proud democrat drone in the meantime.

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4cbd5c  No.14772693

File: 070dbe6f2e39f0b⋯.png (281.33 KB, 555x514, 555:514, dananesselPanic.png)

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6fbc32  No.14772694

File: 8bc1c1e79a7fcc4⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 1171x2717, 1171:2717, phillipereines.jpg)


sorry about the double post

forgot to refresh.

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06865d  No.14772695


Charlemagne, then the Kaiser, I think.

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276d1f  No.14772696


Prodigal son.

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e20ad9  No.14772697


I don't want to deal with it either, anon. But am preparing my mind and heart to deal with such things, because it is definitely possible. Had a talk with an unvaxxed friend who has a vaxxed son in the house. He knows that in such a scenario he might have to drop him to protect the others. Talk about a mind fuck.

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d23004  No.14772698

File: cdc257d5749a5fd⋯.png (3.52 MB, 2124x3824, 531:956, 1633797026749.png)

important to remember

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8a6d45  No.14772699

File: ff6c8b1f82ae70e⋯.jpg (361.57 KB, 1287x729, 143:81, 2a375dda8f22604dc3d569988b….jpg)

File: cd30aad9b5e31b6⋯.jpg (388.29 KB, 1080x1276, 270:319, cd30aad9b5e31b6070f8b7398d….jpg)

File: dcfa01cc6b9c83a⋯.png (242.36 KB, 527x333, 527:333, dcfa01cc6b9c83a8a775c46b56….png)

File: ffd6903c0faf1b6⋯.jpg (276.24 KB, 1750x985, 350:197, john_stankey_att_warnermed….jpg)

More Sarnoff

Ann Sarnoff is married to the nephew of General David Sarnoff, the spook from Minsk who founded RCA and NBC. Ann Sarnoff, the new CEO of Warner Brothers, is the former CEO of BBC worldwide productions in the US and is described New York Times as a "Hollywood Outsider."


Sarnoff is not a Hollywood outsider. Her history of involvement with cultist programming targeting children is extensive, suggesting that new CEO John Stankey at AT&T has not grasped how serious We the People are about stopping the ongoing subversive social sabotage - the non-stop psyops, IO being run by mockingbird media on a naive civilian population - especially with sex and death media content directly targeting children.

>Sarnoff got her start at Viacom, where she worked from 1993 to 2003. Sarnoff was the head of Nickelodeon consumer products and business development during Geraldine Laybourne's leadership of the company. In 1999, while working at Nickelodeon, Sarnoff was part of a team that created the TV channel Noggin, a joint venture between Nickelodeon and Sesame Workshop. Two shows she promoted were Rugrats and Blue's Clues.


Ann Sarnoff is the protege of Geraldine Laybourne, a satanist bloodline witch and an alleged priestess in the dark mother hierarchy. Laybourne tutored Sarnoff in the tactics of corruption and degradation of young minds; skills both women sharpened, working together in Viacom’s notoriously perverse and degenerate "Nickelodeon" network, run by senior cult pedovore, Geraldine Laybourne previously mentioned.

Ann Sarnoff, having polished her mind poisoning skills creating destructive subversive media content at Viacom (Nickelodeon) and BBC (Jimmy Savile) is now the CEO of Warner Brothers, the largest entertainment company in the world.


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161338  No.14772700

File: 758f798b421089d⋯.mp4 (2.76 MB, 640x360, 16:9, sad_pepe.mp4)

when will this shit ever end, please make it stop.

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3cdc90  No.14772701


odd short squeeze, but interesting

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f88e6e  No.14772702

This winter you and your family WILL NEED

- Ivermectin


- Quercetin

- Vitamin C

Don't DALLY. Have these products ON HAND. The vaccinated are going to be dropping like flies and infecting others with spike proteins.


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2fd201  No.14772703


if the shot were qbsolutely safe.ya.still cant mandate. still not discerning?

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96af54  No.14772704

File: 62d436328181b9d⋯.jpeg (486.36 KB, 800x503, 800:503, F68F2A3B_9D2C_45F9_BE67_C….jpeg)

File: 9632f89568a7566⋯.jpeg (394.12 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 52B6343E_016E_4258_B0F6_E….jpeg)

WHEN I FIRST HEARD PRESIDENT TRUMP SAY GLOBALISM IS DEAD I KNEW THE JIG WAS UP FOR THESE GRIFTERS… NASA, Musk, Jones, Wells, Icke, Ramtha, Sather, Goode, Wilcock, Flynn and Alien Agenda pushers! God Hating heliocentrics pushing their GloBaalist agendas and love their Alien Merry Go Round Spinning Baals [at Ask Siri or Google Speeds] you know Gforces our bodies can’t endure kinda speeds.

Thank You Dan Scavino for real views from 40, 000 ft. Not Spaceballs Cartoons. And Thank You PresidentT for your Big Mouth, That tells the Truth. GloBaalism Is Dead!

Truth Is A Force of Nature!

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932f50  No.14772706

File: 1eecadcdb67b35d⋯.png (240.8 KB, 510x267, 170:89, Bitch_face_intensifies.png)


> Michigan Capitol Rally Demanding Forensic Audit in Lansing,

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250921  No.14772707

File: da709a184a65207⋯.png (378.67 KB, 535x632, 535:632, Screenshot_2021_10_12_at_1….png)

Talks between Russian deputy foreign minister and US diplomat Nuland ended



Hahahahaha, the war started years ago.

Now we are at the peace´s talks stage.

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94ce6e  No.14772708


Loads of people have never had prior experience resisting coercion like this till now… many/most people are simply NOT ABLE to psychologically resist. That doesn’t make it their own fault.

The crafters and operators of the coercion still need to be KILLED/ENDED some way. Anon is not a pacifist in this respect.

Yes, the precipice can ‘help’ many see this, and many still will not… but a Government and Intel Community at a cost of GREAT FORTUNE to PREVENT exactly this sort of thing… is a failure beyond beyond. So long as ‘the plan’ spikes the fucking skull of such a treasonous government ONCE AND FOR ALL… maybe, just maybe this additional cost in lives from the very people who already paid for this not to happen… maybe ‘worth it’.

‘We’ll have to wait and see what happens.’


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6e1d65  No.14772709

File: 3f5fc39c33520ba⋯.png (667.22 KB, 649x480, 649:480, maxine_caught.png)

File: 7230824823a62f5⋯.png (478.79 KB, 640x480, 4:3, maxine_mirror.png)

File: bfa1e6c3d58c3a9⋯.png (684.87 KB, 670x480, 67:48, mad_maxine.png)

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239694  No.14772710

File: e1f5ac9a9ab5b7b⋯.jpg (44.13 KB, 720x720, 1:1, GiveMeThat.jpg)

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276d1f  No.14772711


Not quite. Germany, France and Italy. The Franks. Merovingians, Hapsburgs etc.

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2fd201  No.14772712



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2b1393  No.14772713


forgot the Zinc?

(and vit D if scared of the Sun)

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76065e  No.14772714

File: 97342005e33aef3⋯.png (268.83 KB, 864x442, 432:221, ClipboardImage.png)

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a098d0  No.14772715

File: 47c0e47427ecb76⋯.jpg (33.84 KB, 270x389, 270:389, Screenshot_20210912_090952….jpg)

File: 64b9c21de7037e0⋯.jpg (100.16 KB, 645x772, 645:772, Screenshot_20210916_182540….jpg)

File: 66e984af5ab37c7⋯.jpg (64.84 KB, 669x564, 223:188, Screenshot_20210917_143315….jpg)

File: 906c3d2b09e032d⋯.jpg (38.69 KB, 728x439, 728:439, Screenshot_20210930_152506….jpg)



It has been some time since these doors have been opened, opening they shall be. Just getting ready to apply some oil to those squeaky hinges

Where religion fails, faith in God prevails.

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b0ac8b  No.14772716


That sounds right.

Charles the Hammer.

The Kaiser.

The Third Reich.

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a9748a  No.14772717


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250921  No.14772718

File: 14f061ed7cc6d01⋯.png (384.3 KB, 535x645, 107:129, Screenshot_2021_10_12_at_1….png)



Russia state-affiliated media

US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland, who is on a working visit to Moscow, has arrived at the Russian Foreign Ministry in order to meet with Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov




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f88e6e  No.14772719



-German bloodlines are interspersed in France and Italy as well.

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4d7849  No.14772720

File: 2860ace39daf98d⋯.png (521.02 KB, 1080x775, 216:155, Sss978946.png)

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acfeb4  No.14772721

File: 99dec44e2ff5ac0⋯.png (1.29 MB, 850x1529, 850:1529, waffenwifen.png)


>oy vey glownigger? is that better?

There we go. Tell us how you really feel. Here, have some nazi anime waifus to fap to. That'll be as productive as anything else you do on this board, you cowering faggot. Jews own you, you are inferior to us. Mathematically, provably inferior. Don't you realize that calling people Jewish is admitting that they are your better? Oy vey, imagine being a fat incel WH*TE BOI in 2021. Make sure you don't say anything that might get you in trouble with the scary feds. Stay in your lane and behave while your country burns down around your ears and Raheem fucks all your women into off-brown genetic mud.

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dad1a7  No.14772722

File: 9c8b550ee4408a6⋯.png (845.25 KB, 1234x1278, 617:639, ClipboardImage.png)


Liz Harrington



President Donald J. Trump:

"…this is what happens in Communist Countries, not in America!"

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06865d  No.14772723


Even with outdoor exposure in the winter, extra D3 is important. "Cold and flu season" is really Low Vitamin D season.

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b0ac8b  No.14772724



oops. Charles the Hammer was Martel. Wrong Charles.

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276d1f  No.14772725


Don't forget the Hapsburgs.

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a55629  No.14772726

File: 5f3ecdb1667893e⋯.mp4 (965.22 KB, 320x690, 32:69, 5f3ecdb1667893e326a92cc0a3….mp4)

BLM Monkey: Anons I need the Benny Hill theme song added to this video.


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48632c  No.14772727

File: d2cd03e81096ba8⋯.jpg (97.8 KB, 499x436, 499:436, Sioux_truth.jpg)

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df1dcb  No.14772728


True dat.

I once heard a saying, "brown in summer so you won't be down in winter."

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239694  No.14772729


AA just replaces one addiction with another. A lot of the people who go to them religiously are unbearable to be around. Condescending cunts

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2b1393  No.14772730

File: 4bc2704ff468b61⋯.jpg (28.19 KB, 600x516, 50:43, cmz.jpg)



that feeling of hope just before you tear the bag open

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276d1f  No.14772731


Nope, you are right, the Martels took over.

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217996  No.14772733

File: 8bc0fa020df5748⋯.jpg (32.59 KB, 590x350, 59:35, 2865235.jpg)

Question to any Catholic anons…

>>14771639 (lb)



>The comments on Pope and Nanshy are hysterical

Why does Nasty NOT have her head covered with a Mantilla ? [Absolute law requirement while Vatican/Pope audience].

Even the Queen of England must show submission…..Yet Nasty, does not.

Is Nasty 'superior' to 'il papa'?


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06865d  No.14772734


The question was what the first two "Reichs" were.

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6fbc32  No.14772735

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They create "New Courts" every so often

They did the plagues.

Same playbook.

"1001 club"

"Century Club"

The create the cults and secret societies


It's centuries, not decades.

They are ones you won't know the names of.


They love to mock.

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4d7849  No.14772736

File: f8f7c95afa4a986⋯.jpeg (56.8 KB, 880x880, 1:1, 1537557984.jpeg)

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ffc017  No.14772738


I am a conservative parent of a liberal son. Believe me, as soon as they meet a liberal woman, anything you taught them for his whole life will go completely down the tubes. They are witches.

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a9748a  No.14772739

How did you vote in the November 2020 election?


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6e1d65  No.14772740

File: 3f5fc39c33520ba⋯.png (667.22 KB, 649x480, 649:480, maxine_caught.png)

File: 7230824823a62f5⋯.png (478.79 KB, 640x480, 4:3, maxine_mirror.png)

File: fda67bef849ad58⋯.png (920.41 KB, 719x480, 719:480, ClipboardImage.png)

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239694  No.14772741




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df1dcb  No.14772742


Holy Roman Empire and German Empire

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371ba1  No.14772743


2 of the three “chairs”




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3e0096  No.14772744


Francis Bacon.

Coincidence, right?

Knowing history is important.

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b0ac8b  No.14772745


Idiots should riot more often. Lets nature take out the garbage.

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4d3fa1  No.14772746


check the Q post with something may arrive in the mail don't be scared

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48632c  No.14772747

File: 9ff6a86d4a8d933⋯.jpg (285.48 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, revenge_cat_is_coming.jpg)

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8a6d45  No.14772748

File: e219f226ba87677⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1024x719, 1024:719, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 59a33ac31234cc7⋯.png (368.52 KB, 596x335, 596:335, ClipboardImage.png)

WAIT! Don't do it pedovore

Not until you read this post.

Pedovores, the Almighty having set his canon against suicide, it remains a statistical inevitability that a very high percentage of pedo cultists will chose to act in radical disobedience to God's will and ace themselves, regardless.

For that reason, we would draw the attention of all pedovores to alternatives to the fancy 3D printed "Death Pod" now on show at the Venice Biennial; where the with-it bloodlines shop for this n' that.

Your choices:Die in an untested, newfangled plastic smelling puce colored sneaker, subject to failure in the event of an EMP, DEW weapon attack or being hacked by the DARPA AI .



Choice 2

Heavily tested, proven deadly, the pinnacle of finely machined analog technology: The Kevorkian Auto Croaker. (tm)

Handcrafted analog technology preserves a much purer quantum wave form, is guaranteed proof again any EM interference, mass coronal ejections, blackouts, common uprisings, magnetosphere inversions and rooting by the DARPA AI.

Suicidal pedovores, God wants your repentance, not your eternal suffering and death. If you do choose to spurn His love, the Kervorkian Autocroaker(tm) may possibly be worth considering, as an alternative to being found dead in bubble wrap plastic display case with your veins full of cheap Guyanese zombie juice.'


Point 32a: Unsightly remains including protruding eyeballs are highly visible through the death pod viewing canopy, even minor celebrity clients should evaluate the chance of appearing on the front page the National Enquirer website like Elvis with a furled extruded tongue, lividity, 'slippage' and mottled skin (a result of light filtration by the semi transparent viewing lid of a 3D plastic sneaker)

* There are seven suicides in Scripture from King Saul to Judas, and they’re always depicted negatively. They are never God’s plan for anybody’s life

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118d4a  No.14772749


>I am a conservative parent of a liberal son

I stopped reading right there.

You’re not a parent. You are a failure.

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480352  No.14772750

File: 5ddefba067e0c11⋯.png (26.04 KB, 600x400, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 91a61559219881d⋯.png (5.7 KB, 188x269, 188:269, ClipboardImage.png)

Gruden emailed Allen that Goodell should not have pressured then-St. Louis Rams coach Jeff Fisher to draft "queers," referring to former defensive end Michael Sam, a gay player drafted in 2014, according to The Times. The Times also reported that Gruden used an anti-gay slur in several instances while referring to Goodell and used offensive language to describe some owners, coaches and media members who cover the league.

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fb9b5d  No.14772751


It may be more complicated than that.

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06865d  No.14772753


One of my best friends, one-issue 2nd amendment voter, married one. Totally brainwashed him.. Have had to cut him loose. :(

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94ce6e  No.14772754


To this anon’s understanding… the difference for any person or group to still turn back, or fall off unrecoverably.

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b0ac8b  No.14772755


The song is Yakkity Sax.

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ddca84  No.14772758

File: 0e74f7bed1d4a69⋯.png (63.05 KB, God_Wins_Evil_Loses.png)

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118d4a  No.14772759

I hope there’s no more of these “my liberal transgender son” posts in next bread. Maybe the glowfags should sit the next bread out.

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df1dcb  No.14772761


In all fairness. sometimes under the right (or wrong) circumstances, what a person has been taught goes right out the window. Seen it happen in my own family.

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48632c  No.14772762


Do tell.

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2d4f5e  No.14772763


I homeschooled him but then made the mistake of letting him go to a State college where he was brainwashed.

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4bfa26  No.14772764

File: 7a3bcc753012446⋯.png (322.86 KB, 576x767, 576:767, Screenshots_2021_10_12_10_….png)

‘Hiding the Ball’: Hunter Biden Complicates White House Anti-Corruption Push

Politico published article on the Biden family corruption, trying to blame Trump for the media ignoring it. Outside of spinning a convoluted weak excuse of, "muh orange man bad" is why I was blind, it does a good job of exposing the Biden family. Trouble is brewing between MSM and Biden. Hunter becomes the Hunted.


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8a6d45  No.14772765

File: f18077b1acd78ae⋯.png (289.39 KB, 400x275, 16:11, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3ca4f291de2a5e6⋯.png (111.49 KB, 400x174, 200:87, ClipboardImage.png)

The "Hand of Death," a distributed haptic interface for signaling exposure to virtual enemy fire.

Distributed bodily contact with objects in the environment is a common occurrence in the real world. From such contact arises our sense of corporeal solidity, as well as our impression of the solidity of the objects that we encounter. In addition, such contact often serves as a warning, and the pattern of contact can reveal information about the source even before the attention of other sensory resources is focused on the impinging stimulus.

Unfortunately, it is technologically impossible to construct a suitable interface to accommodate and match the convoluted, expansive, and multi-sensory qualities of the skin. When imagining such a hypothetical interface for use in a VE system, the difficulties are compounded because the VE model ideally would need to know the position in space of each point on the skin surface, leading to a significant tracking problem as well as the stimulus generation problem. By way of contrast, audio/hearing is one of the most straightforward interfaces because to a first approximation the stimulus is a one-dimensional pressure-vs-time function, applied to a localized orifice (the ear canal), where meaningful information can be transmitted even if the position of the orifice in space is ignored.

Despite the foregoing caveat, there are many examples of more modest interfaces (limited to a small area and specific modality, and generally lacking a position tracking function), used for the purposes of prosthetic sensory substitution (White 1970), extension of proprioception to enhance the piloting of aircraft (Rupert 2000) or other vehicles, research on the skin senses (Tan 2000) for maximizing information transfer, etc. Much less work using these simplified interfaces in VE's has been reported, though there are many useful applications in that context.

The work described here arose out of an attempt not only to signal collisions with virtual objects, but also to signify more abstract conditions or events directly related to the goals of infantry training in a VE. The ultimate purpose of the work was to develop a relatively un-encumbering, non- mechanically grounded, wearable, tactile stimulator system that can be used to signify situations that would arise in close-quarters-battle, such as bumping into virtual objects, exposure to enemy fire, or being hit by a bullet [don't worry, a very soft bullet]

Figure 1. Photograph of the Uni Pod. The Polhemus receiver and pager motor vibrator are affixed to the wristband. The wires from the wrist lead to the Polhemus control box and the BASIC Stamp respectively. The driver circuit for the motor uses a single transistor and back-EMF protection diode as shown in Figure 4, the software running on the Stamp is listed in the appendix.


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217996  No.14772766

File: 92096e8813d4e00⋯.png (297.56 KB, 610x506, 305:253, 2_Morgan.png)



Very important

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103a88  No.14772767



Deadma's switch.

Prolly one of bidens bodydouble's.

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6fbc32  No.14772768

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Could be anything.

Takes more study of authentic history.

They make up the story.

they are occultists

Alwyas something with "3"

Third WW was supposed to be the final nail to seal their plans and the fulfillment of their prophesies.

cf. Albert Pike revealed their script

three WW

As far as what "Hitler" it could be anything. He's a fucking liar as they all are

Probably the correct answer refers to what the Germans themselves would believe.

As listed above.


German nation

Nazi conquering for "New Slate" "New Court"

"New Age"

Clockfagging with the Moon


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250921  No.14772770

File: e66576c573acb8c⋯.jpg (14.02 KB, 474x256, 237:128, put2.jpg)

Peace is the Prize

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fb9b5d  No.14772771


Res ipsa loquitur.

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2b9201  No.14772773

File: 51035015958836a⋯.jpg (4.09 MB, 3936x2584, 492:323, downloadfile_3.jpg)

>.BLM Monkey: Anons I need the Benny Hill theme song added to this video.


Whatever happened to all the blazing Portland Antifa clowns….

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118d4a  No.14772774


In all fairness if you’re son grows up to be a faggot liberal you are not a parent you are what’s called a failure.

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514dc4  No.14772775

File: 8edeb46ce506075⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1376x720, 86:45, ClipboardImage.png)


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acfeb4  No.14772777

File: 99dec44e2ff5ac0⋯.png (1.29 MB, 850x1529, 850:1529, waffenwifen.png)


>oy vey glownigger? is that better?

There we go. Tell us how you really feel. Here, have some nazi anime waifus to fap to. That'll be as productive as anything else you do on this board, you cowering faggot. Jews own you, you are inferior to us. Mathematically, provably inferior. Don't you realize that calling people Jewish is admitting that they are your better? Oy vey, imagine being a fat incel WH*TE BOI in 2021. Make sure you don't say anything that might get you in trouble with the scary feds. Stay in your lane and behave while your country burns down around your ears and Raheem fucks all your women into off-brown genetic mud.>>14772763

>I homeschooled him but then made the mistake of letting him go to a State college where he was brainwashed.

That's rough, anon. Should have gotten him to go to electrician school. That's the advice I'm giving LITERALLY everyone these days. They make so much fucking money it's insane. A bit dangerous, but so is life.

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a9748a  No.14772778



>>14772080, >>14772334 LIVE: Michigan Capitol Rally Demanding Forensic Audit in Lansing, MI #MIaudit

>>14772019 Southwest Airlines Freedom Flu update

>>14772057 Grassley 88 for 8th term (Trips Cheqt)

>>14772092, >>14772099 Bable BEE - Amy Coney Barrett Just Adopted A Local Troubled Youngster Named Hunter

>>14772136 M Waters Twitter Account comped?

>>14772146 Press conference following G20 meeting on trade and investment

>>14772219 @POTUS (#NotMyPresident) Folks, it’s time those at the top pay their fair share.

>>14772229 Southwest Airlines to Comply with Biden Vaccine ‘Mandate’ Over Texas Ban as Flight Cancelations Continue

>>14772261 Lawmakers seek federal grand jury investigation for COVID-19 statistical manipulation.

>>14772220 The union representing pilots for American Airlines warned company to face a staffing shortage ahead of the busy holiday travel season

>>14772682 Matt DePerno has my Complete and Total Endorsement. He will never let you down!”- President Donald J. Trump #DepernoForMI

>>14772707 Talks between Russian deputy foreign minister and US diplomat Nuland ended

>>14772722 President Donald J. Trump: "…this is what happens in Communist Countries, not in America!"

>>14772739 How did you vote in the November 2020 election? https://canvass50.org/

FRESH #MIaudit

Q Research General #18686: LIVE: #MIaudit Capitol Rally Demanding Forensic Audit II Edition




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ddca84  No.14772780

File: e36f00a038ee45d⋯.jpg (85.76 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, ArmorOfGod.jpg)

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98ca36  No.14772781


your kids must be perfect assholes too

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1276e2  No.14772782


the paychecks stopped coming through would be my guess

and they're on to new narratives now

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932f50  No.14772783

File: 25eb2608633c876⋯.jpg (52.89 KB, You_Get_There.jpg)


>It may be more complicated than that.

The Free Will to make the choice is even simpler.

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acfeb4  No.14772784


Sorry for double-posting that anime shit with my reply to


The board isn't clearing out the old shit from the queue when I type a new post or something.

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3e0096  No.14772785



Board owner, mods, and other patriots:

Sincere thanks for all that you do.

You are true heroes.

Long overdue - my apologies.

There will be a day (within the next few months) that a SCARY but safe personalized message finds its way to you on multiple platforms recognizing your contributions.

We thank you for your service.



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8d6ccc  No.14772786

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118d4a  No.14772787

File: 8638ff9522fc56c⋯.jpeg (175.53 KB, 1200x864, 25:18, B14D64F7_6041_44D5_9546_9….jpeg)

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48632c  No.14772788


Now tell me exactly how that has anything to do with religion/spirituality.

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4f9999  No.14772789

File: 55d77ad39a2356f⋯.png (763.01 KB, 1020x835, 204:167, MaximeSTFU.png)

File: 6933c22503ca980⋯.png (644.09 KB, 639x842, 639:842, Maxim_Hate.png)

File: 58e5c344dd96b7a⋯.jpg (163.96 KB, 1649x619, 1649:619, maximewaterswalkaway.jpg)

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4d3fa1  No.14772791

File: f8819411e94ab11⋯.png (28.73 KB, 868x305, 868:305, ClipboardImage.png)

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ac9017  No.14772792


Religion is a set of practices performed in order to satisfy a deity

Spirituality is for people too lazy to do religion

Faith is for people who know religion by itself is worthless and spirituality [laziness] is of satan

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2e2aae  No.14772793


I have a son who's not a faggot liberal. But honestly, sometimes you have to let your kids make mistakes and hopefully they learn their lesson. Some people insist on learning things the hard way.

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276d1f  No.14772794


Essentially, all three were, "the holy Roman Empire." Read the bible. There will be a final revival of it, but it won't be a purely political one in the sense of one country rolling in and conquering, it will be an ECONOMIC empire. You know, kinda like the EU today. Hint, hint. There were two legs of the Roman empire, the eastern and western half. The western half fell about 1000 years before the eastern half. I suspect some people are trying to regather all the elements to recreate it again. Think Humpty Dumpty. All the kinds horses and all the kinds men.

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a9748a  No.14772795

File: 7f1a6fc5f0622f7⋯.png (1.13 MB, 800x1304, 100:163, liberty_fuck_biden.png)


FRESH #MIaudit

Q Research General #18686: LIVE: #MIaudit Capitol Rally Demanding Forensic Audit II Edition





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276d1f  No.14772799

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48632c  No.14772800


lol… if you say so….lmao.

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ffc017  No.14772801


Anon remembers when this first happened. KMAO all over again!

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f88e6e  No.14772802

Germany will save Europe. 100%

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4f0250  No.14772806

File: ae5cc9ee11c60e5⋯.jpg (181.63 KB, 470x1150, 47:115, L1.jpg)

File: 98b31f80075f89f⋯.jpg (193 KB, 470x1150, 47:115, L2.jpg)

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2e2aae  No.14772807


Drop 393 from December 2017.

(I go on qposts.online and you can search.)

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bd0722  No.14772808


i am blessed beyond measure that my 28 y/o son is conservative and a patriot

he just finished 6 yrs in MIL in AF and has now gotten out

he wanted to go NG to extend his benefits and retire

but refuses jab, so it's a no go for him

they are losing a wonderful man

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76065e  No.14772809

File: e6f94c580c93915⋯.png (641.96 KB, 852x479, 852:479, ClipboardImage.png)

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250921  No.14772810

File: 15e018ff3128525⋯.jpg (157.14 KB, 1500x1199, 1500:1199, war_is_over_billboard_01.jpg)

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