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a14103  No.14555938[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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a14103  No.14555947


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[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from https://botsentinel.com and use them to help get your #HASH out.

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a14103  No.14555948

NOTABLES Are Not Endorsements


>>14553681 Yahoo Names Tinder Top Boss as CEO

>>14553693 Judge Blocks Florida’s ‘Anti-Riot’ Law, Says it Violates First Amendment Rights

>>14553698 REVEALED: Biden Cabinet Secretaries, Local Mayors Collude With Chinese Communist Party on Agriculture Policy

>>14553579 lb BREAKING: 1st District Court of Appeals just granted the State of Florida's request to reinstate the stay re: masking kids

>>14553751 FF incoming: Fence going up around US Capitol, as law enforcement braces for Sept. 18 protest

>>14553767 Publius Hulda/Joanna Martin mini bun/dig

>>14553780 Yandex is battling the largest DDoS in Russian Internet history

>>14553782 Video: More Police Brutality NSW Australia – riot squad for a unmask – unconscious man in handcuffs

>>14553826 The Jerusalem Post: Are the Taliban descendants of Israel?

>>14554018 Exclusive: Prince Andrew is served with legal papers at his home in Britain and sued for sexual assault by Jeffrey Epstein accuser Virginia Roberts

>>14554140 About to be arrested in child sex case, Maryland judge Jonathan Newell dies in apparent suicide

>>14554127 Carl Vinson Carrier Strike Group and Air Wing of the Future operate in South China Sea

>>14554185 Hillary Clinton on 9/11 anniversary

>>14554237 PEDO BUN 10 September 21

>>14554337 Today is World Suicide Prevention Day

>>14555395 #18410


>>14552905 Jim Watkins "Images are now working for those who submit proof of vaccination" (FOR KEKS)

>>14552924 Good Morning, I am King Arthur (#Excalibur Sword of D....)

>>14552964 Social media maestro Dan Scavino raises $31,967 for 9/11 fund

>>14552980 Mysterious tower of light hovers like a UFO in the sky

>>14553003 https://canvass50.org/

>>14553104 Music and measure theory. (u + Q = Whole)

>>14553112 Re: Constitutional Convention last night


>>14553129 @POTUS POTATO United States government official We are going to protect the vaccinated workers from unvaccinated coworkers.

>>14553134 ThePatriotVoice.us ATTENTION Patriot Family!

>>14553156 THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot

>>14553161 Have a great day anons. (Text Related)

>>14553169 Potato had several interesting timestamps yesterday

>>14553178, >>14553211 From the pedophile fake POTATO yesterday. At 11:03

>>14553229, >>14553249 CNN compares being unvaccinated to driving drunk

>>14553230 I guess we know the reason Biteass Potato gave the speech. #Donttakethebait

>>14553272 Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Is On Lockdown As They Investigate An Active Shooter Report!

>>14553278 FLASHBACK: Jen Psaki Said Biden Would Not Support Vaccine Passports OR Coercive Mandates

>>14553296 POTATO Biden My message to unvaccinated Americans is this: What more is there to wait for? What more do you need to see?

>>14553326, >>14553421 Missouri teacher quits after complaints about gay pride flag (WE ARE WINNING!!!)

>>14553392, >>14553529 Progressive Insurance fining unvaccinated employees.


>>14553459 Continue to educate the vaxed

>>14553466 80% Of The COVID-19 Deaths In August Were Vaccinated People Confirmed The Public Health Data!

>>14553487 Compulsory vaccine for frontline health workers “ILLOGICAL” - Oxford Professor

>>14553290 George Soros appears to have fixed his eye on a new enemy – a proposed Article V Convention.

>>14553563 Ted Cruz Nails Ron Klain for Accidentally Revealing Intent to Skirt Constitution on Vaccine Mandate

>>14553635 #18409

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a14103  No.14555952


>>14552116 Linda Hildago Digs

>>14552152 BioNTech/Pfizer requests approval for use of its COVID-19 vaccine in children as young as five

>>14552202 Blumenauer praises Biden and blames Trump for starting withdrawal from Afghanistan.

>>14552248 The Great American Walkout

>>14552216 Notable Telegram opine

>>14552269 Just say no to fed posting

>>14552289 POTUS: "You Will Never Be Forgotten" Memorial Video

>>14552438 Florida: $5,000 for Violations of Vaccine Passport Ban

>>14552463 Justice Department Sues Texas Over Abortion Bill

>>14552469 Obvious Psychological Conditioning Is Obvious

>>14552482 Mein Segregation

>>14552560 Save America Launches "You Will Never Be Forgotten" Memorial Video Ahead of 20th Anniversary of 9/11

>>14552568 Donald Trump Jr [ Photo ] Nailed it

>>14552606, >>14552624 Reminder: "If I were the Devil':

>>14552611 WELCOME TO TRUE THE VOTE! Type in your address or zipcode to find information on your local elections

>>14552618 Missouri city police chief 'unexpectedly' resigns along with every single officer

>>14552622 A Sampling of Recent Election Fraud Cases from Across the United States

>>14552625 If you are in California and need legal representation

>>14552629 New cure for covid and other viruses. LYSINE.

>>14552672 California Organ Procurement Companies with Links to Hillary Clinton Admit Guilt in Illegal Body Parts Trafficking

>>14552681 State Dept is preparing for a potential Tony Blinken resignation following his Senate testimony on Tuesday, per DC official, per Jack Posobiec

>>14552710 @DanScavino FREEDOM.jpg

>>14552719 Anons Pins

>>14552775 Planefagging Swarm of Lakotas southern Georgia north of the panhandle. some interdasting callsigns

>>14552766 light in the black (I'll Die before I Quit)

>>14552788 CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [10.09.21 03:26] And just like that, the Resident changed the narrative from "34% of votes in Maricopa county disappeared".

>>14552804, >>14552807, >>14552813, >>14552816 /t.me/McafeeAfterlife

>>14552808 Australia proudly shows off its new COVID internment camps.

>>14552817 Los Angeles Public Schools To Implement Vax Mandate For Hundreds Of Thousands Of Eligible Students

>>14552853 #18408

Previously Collected

>>14552083 #18407

>>14551858 #18404/2, >>14550655 #18405, >>14551227 #18406

>>14548197 #18402, >>14551791 #18403, >>14551860 #18404/1

>>14548152 #18399, >>14547947 #18400, >>14547579 #18401

>>14544174 #18396. >>14544174 #18397, >>14544969 #18398

>>14540711 #18393, >>14541685 #18394, >>14542518 #18395

>>14540524 #18390, >>14538879 #18391, >>14540629 #18392

>>14535630 #18387, >>14538858 #18388, >>14540421 #18389

>>14533269 #18384, >>14534064 #18385, >>14535165 #18386

>>14530963 #18381, >>14531713 #18382, >>14535669 #18383

>>14529792 #18378, >>14529851 #18379, >>14534810 #18380

>>14527102 #18376, >>14527861 #18377, >>14529792 #18378

>>14524725 #18373, >>14525407 #18374, >>14529041 #18375

>>14522343 #18370, >>14523166 #18371, >>14523950 #18372

>>14520435 #18367, >>14520799 #18368, >>14521572 #18369

>>14518377 #18365, >>14519140 #18366/1, >>14519142 #18366/2

>>14516043 #18362, >>14517066 #18363, >>14517593 #18364

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>14137057 Q Research Notables #8

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a14103  No.14555954

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com / thetrumparchive.com

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

* Whats Tweeting https://onemilliontweetmap.com

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* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Updated All Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Module Retired - Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

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* Baker Tools v0.7.5: https://controlc.com/a0409084

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International Q Research Threads

>>14385792 ————————————–——– Australia #18

>>13323637 ————————————–——– Balkan #8

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>>14317266 ————————————–——– Canada #23

>>14262489 ————————————–——– France #5

>>14357399 ————————————–——– Germany #86

>>13226402 ————————————–——– Japan #2

>>13410974 ————————————–——– Mexico #3

>>14475779 ————————————–——– New Zealand #9

>>14493540 ————————————–——– Scotland #5

>>14081815 ————————————–——– South Africa #6

>>14352887 ————————————–——– UK #41


Website ————————————–——– https://www.resignation.info

Sealed Indictments

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Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

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Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New? Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown


Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Complete Apprentice baking instructions https://controlc.com/0cf78628

Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEtukwfLX90

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a14103  No.14555955







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cd160e  No.14555960

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We are now in the Calm Before The Storm

Just Biden' our time until a certain event happens

To unleash the storm

Watch the video and you will see what that event is

As the crescendo of the event builds

The rumble of thunder is heard

Lightning flashes

And the rain begins to pour

Do you remember the words of Q?

Make It Rain!

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a4e7aa  No.14555967

File: b1ce938f87692ec⋯.png (222.64 KB, 449x810, 449:810, the_web_they.PNG)


We The Media, [10.09.21 14:15]

[Forwarded from TheStormHasArrived17 (TheStormHasArrived17)]

[ Video ]

Hillary Clinton went on CBS today and claimed that she is more afraid of an attack from internal threats (Trump supporters) than external threats (terrorists).

“I think you always have to be vigilant, Gayle, and certainly that unfortunately comes with living in the world as we know it today, but actually I am more concerned about internal threats. We always have to be aware of and protect against external threats. But really, what is tearing our country apart and threatening our democracy is what we saw on January 6.”

Nobody believes their narrative anymore and they are desperate & panicking.

She continued on to warn that there is another “gathering at the Capitol that is supposed to take place” next week.


These people are evil demons and are definitely planning something to blame on Patriots.

H/t https://t.me/gatewaypunditofficial

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e0e785  No.14555973

why thank ya baker

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cd160e  No.14555974

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Remember what Q said

In Drop #4953

There was no Drop #4954

This was the end of the Q Drops

Q was telling us that this is how it all ends

Your move, America!

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a4e7aa  No.14555976

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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cdc452  No.14555977

» Bottom


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 09/13/2020 12:32:54 ID: a4f814

Archive Bread/Post Links: 10630464 / 10630891

Direct Link: 10630891

Image Name: 121a087e4d6b149d9c5d2f980788b499.png

Filename: 4b221fc70e4daa7ae7927f72d87cdd54db51d5599f84ce6633f900ce689e2e74.png





SEPT 14-18, 21-25 [track & follow events]

Did Kevin set his alarm?


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cd160e  No.14555981


Do not attend in DC on September 18th.

The IC has violence locked and loaded.


Multiple agency informants have leaked to me that the event will be used to push "domestic terrorism" law forward.

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07c0fb  No.14555984

There is a young woman with very short cropped hair who I was following on Twitter (maybe) until I was banned. She claimed to be a victim of mk ultra and she was learning and remembering things publicly. I was strongly reminded of her when I heard the video of the man with the forehead curl. Same tone of voice. Same pattern of speaking. Any anons know of her or have links to her videos.

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8b82cb  No.14555985

Foreigner ; She's as cold as ice ……Willing to sacrifice ….Anybody seen DiFi lately ? …She's DiFi-nitly been missing

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5a09f3  No.14555987

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Endless Covid Booster Shots for the Slaves


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32328e  No.14555990

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5d207f  No.14555998

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Remember when Fauci said this…


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e1f560  No.14555999

Effect of Early Treatment with Fluvoxamine on Risk of Emergency Care and Hospitalization Among Patients with COVID-19: The TOGETHER Randomized Platform Clinical Trial

Conclusions: Treatment with fluvoxamine (100 mg twice daily for 10 days) among high-risk outpatients with early diagnosed COVID-19, reduced the need for extended emergency room observation or hospitalization.


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bf1cdb  No.14556002

Decertify comin'

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a4e7aa  No.14556004

File: 56b8f876dfcadd7⋯.png (212.94 KB, 816x792, 34:33, red_cross_w.PNG)


SHOCKING NEWS: Red Cross Warns- Vaccinated People Are INELIGIBLE For Plasma Donations! Are Their Blood And Organs Contaminated With Spike Proteins Too???

Photo of Addison Wilson Addison Wilson11 hours ago

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f6db32  No.14556005


Sarah Ruth Ashcraft?

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476d62  No.14556006


It won't matter if 0 patriots are there, tifa in maga gear will play out their script.

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be8641  No.14556007


The Durham Probe

John Durham served as the U.S. Attorney for Connecticut. He was appointed as special counsel by the Department of Justice to conduct an investigation into the origin of the FBI investigation of Russia and its interference in the 2016 presidential election. His investigation includes checking to see if any individuals broke the law and seeing them brought to justice. Mr. Whitaker believes that when the Biden administration took over, they started sweeping it under the rug and are continuing to do so. Durham is no longer serving as the U.S. Attorney in Connecticut and if he is being denied the resources he needs, then he will be unable to do a thorough investigation. The Durham Probe began in May of 2019 and has lasted longer than the tenure of Robert Muller, the special counsel who took over the investigation in 2017. Beyond just examining the involvement of FBI tipsters, Durham is also investigating how the FBI began its investigation with a tip from an Australian diplomat and fueled by accusations from British spy, Christopher Steele who was paid by Trump opponents. The Durham probe involves examining possible criminal charges against several lower-level FBI investigators and the case has led to one prosecution to date. Mr. Durham was required to submit a budgetary report to be reviewed by the Attorney General who would then make a decision on whether or not the probe would be funded to continue. Former Attorney General William Barr who was also skeptical about the FBI investigation, appointed Mr. Durham as special counsel giving him job security into the Biden administration. Although former President Trump voiced frustration that Durham was unable to deliver his results while he was still in office, a lengthy report is expected to come from the probe.

Mr. Whitaker states, “My fear is that it is just going to wither on the vine because … the Biden administration has no interest in really actually getting to the bottom of that and holding people accountable, and I think that is sad for America.” He makes a good point that if the Department of Justice and other officials make illegal decisions, there should be a measure of accountability and the American people should be made aware of it. In the FBI investigation, they knew early on that Trump had not colluded with Russia in any way and so that should have been the end of the investigation. Instead, it was drug out over another two years with lots of money used for it and former President Trump was basically harassed during the entirety of the investigation. In the end, a 400-page report was produced basically saying the president had done nothing wrong. In an Aug. 19 report Fox News reported the latest news on the Durham probe. More than 40 GOP Senators in a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland demanded that the probe be allowed to continue, and the report made public. A statement in the letter said, “The Special Counsel’s ongoing work is important to many Americans who were disturbed that government agents subverted lawful process to conduct inappropriate surveillance for political purposes,” the letter reads. “The truth pursued by this investigation is necessary to ensure transparency in our intelligence agencies and restore faith in our civil liberties. Thus, it is essential that the Special Counsel’s ongoing review should be allowed to continue unimpeded and without undue limitations.”

Whitaker states it comes down to the media and the fact that there is no accountability for Democratic administrations. They were more tough on this investigation than on investigating China and Russia. We are living in a world of false information and lies. Whitaker ends the interview by advising that it will take all of us standing together and demanding accountability from our officials and their administrations.

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0be801  No.14556008


TYB plus trips and dubs 5's chek'ed



https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/084/621/788/original/698fed20a4bf7fc0.png ←Link to twat and q post combined.




1:23 AM · Sep 11, 2021·Twitter for iPhone




Nov 06, 2017 5:07:57 PM EST

Anonymous ID: KKIreCTB No. 148289594

Nothing is random.

Everything has meaning.



3y, 10m, 4d, 3h, 18m ago

4chan pol















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a14103  No.14556009

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump 2020 Tribute Highlights (Eye of The Tiger)

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a4e7aa  No.14556010

File: d30105aab4e0129⋯.png (777.08 KB, 740x865, 148:173, I_O_green.PNG)



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87f8d3  No.14556011

>>14555957 pb

Thats funny you say that, I actually have a tv that i bought in 1989 and it still works. The back diode is falling out but

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535ccd  No.14556012

( . )=( . )


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dc5742  No.14556013

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair."—Charles Dickens

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ffdeed  No.14556014

Todd is pretty mellow for a dead guy

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8aa35b  No.14556015


>The Durham Probe

Doesn't he have a Statue of Limitations deadline to beat?

What is the exact date of it?

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649f1a  No.14556016


>Red Cross Warns- Vaccinated People Are INELIGIBLE For Plasma Donations


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d64cb7  No.14556017

>>14555939 lb

You got me thinking, refreshing my memory. I believe he did say something about knowing these generals but he's not going to say their names right now.

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be8641  No.14556018


Australia Bans Ivermectin

September 10, 2021 | Sundance | 55 Comments

If you suspect the extremely heavy-handed Australia/New Zealand COVID-19 mitigation efforts might be a beta-test for just how far a government can go to control the citizens therein, well, this latest development appears to be an affirmation in that direction.

The ruling authority in Australia has just banned doctors from prescribing Ivermectin. The Advisory Committee for Medicines Scheduling and the Australian National COVID Clinical Evidence Taskforce, have determined that any effort to mitigate COVID-19 with therapeutics will likely diminish the goal of vaccinating the entire population. Therefore Ivermectin, which has saved thousands of lives and is widely in use in multiple countries including India, is now official banned from use by Australian doctors. Quite remarkable….

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86ff6c  No.14556019

Darlington man 1 of 17 arrested in South Carolina online child sex sting

LEXINGTON, S.C. (WBTW) — A Darlington man is one of 17 arrested in an online child sex sting, according to the Lexington County Sheriff’s Office.

The month-long operation involving more than a dozen law enforcement agencies resulted in the arrests of 17 men accused of contacting children online for sexual activity, the sheriff’s office said. An additional man is wanted on charges for exchanging messages with law enforcement officers posing as minors on social media.

“We, along with the Lexington Police Department and the South Carolina Attorney General’s Office, served as the host agencies for this operation,” Lexington County Sheriff Jay Koon said. “Officers pretended to be underage teenagers as the suspects messaged them through apps. Some even had phone conversations with officers. After the suspect asked to meet with ‘the child,’ detectives were staged at a pre-determined meeting spot to arrest them.”

Most of the messages involved sexually explicit images and language, according to officials. No children were used or harmed during the operation.

The FBI, Homeland Security Investigations, the U.S. Secret Service, the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, the U.S. Marshals Service, the Cayce Department of Public Safety, the Mount Pleasant Police Department, the Charleston County Sheriff’s Office, the Orangeburg County Sheriff’s Office, the Marion County Sheriff’s Office, and the Aiken Department of Public Safety also assisted in the operation.

The following people were arrested:

William Banks, 51, of Liberty — attempted criminal sexual conduct with a minor, attempted sexual exploitation of a minor, attempted disseminating obscene material to a person under 18

Steven Bradley, 42, of West Columbia — two counts of attempted criminal sexual conduct with a minor, criminal solicitation of a minor, unlawful carry of a handgun

Darrin Bray, 40, of Greenville, Illinois — attempted disseminating obscene material to a person under 18, attempted sexual exploitation of a minor

Kevin Carpenter, 26, of Evergreen, North Carolina — attempted disseminating obscene material to a person under 18, criminal solicitation of a minor, attempted criminal sexual conduct with a minor

Brian Cates, 54, of North Augusta — criminal solicitation of a minor, attempted disseminating obscene material to a person under 18

Geoffrey Dudding, 36, of Charlotte — conspiracy to commit criminal sexual conduct with a minor, criminal solicitation of a minor, sexual exploitation of a minor, attempted promoted prostitution of a minor

Mark Frick, 54, of Gaston — attempted criminal sexual conduct with a minor, criminal solicitation of a minor

Keair Fuewell, 23, of Gloverville — criminal solicitation of a minor, attempted disseminating obscene material to a person under 19

Landon Gibson, 40, of Simpsonville — three counts of attempted disseminating obscene material to a person under 18, criminal solicitation of a minor

Kane Hicks, 23, of Darlington — attempted sexual exploitation of a minor

Walter Huggins, 45, of Camden — criminal solicitation of a minor, attempted sexual exploitation of a minor, attempted disseminating obscene material to a person under 18

David Jones, 51, of Pelion — attempted criminal sexual conduct with a minor, criminal solicitation of a minor, sexual exploitation of a minor

Willie Manning, 57, of Winnsboro — criminal solicitation of a minor, sexual exploitation of a minor

Joshua Paczowski, 21, of Lexington — attempted criminal sexual conduct with a minor, criminal solicitation of a minor

Misael Quezada, 31, of Blythewood — criminal solicitation of a minor

Eric Setterberg, 54, of Gadsden — attempted criminal sexual exploitation of a minor, attempted criminal sexual conduct with a minor

Charles Templeton, 74, of Gaston — criminal solicitation of a minor, attempted sexual exploitation of a minor, attempted disseminating obscene material to a person under 18

Officials said more arrests are expected as investigators pursue charges against other suspects who were identified during the operation.


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505f79  No.14556020



trippy dubs and trips

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8aa35b  No.14556021


Beat me to it.

She won't ever be having Tom Hanks over for dinner from what anon remembers.

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86ff6c  No.14556022

Southern Or. task force arrests 6 local suspects for 61 felony counts of encouraging child sex abuse

Rogue Valley, Ore. –Six separate suspects were arrested Thursday on 61 Encouraging Child Sex Abuse felony charges.

The Southern Oregon Child Exploitation Team (SOCET) joint inter-agency task force made the arrests, after numerous local agencies served warrants throughout Jackson and Josephine counties. SOCET is a joint inter-agency task force that started in June of 2020, to combat child exploitation and human trafficking.

Police say the cases are not connected, but the investigations uncovered nearly 7,000 images of child exploitation. Among the six people arrested, there are 44 first-degree felony charges, and 17 second-degree charges.

Officials say one-third of the suspects arrested had local child victims.

Police say the investigations led the task force throughout the Rogue Valley, including addresses in Ashland, Central Point, Grants Pass, Medford, Talent, and White City. These locations included where suspects uploaded child exploitation images, as well as their residences and places of employment.

National Center for Missing and Exploited Children tips started each investigation, which led to subpoenas, followed by search warrants at the respective residences. Digital devices were seized and were forensically examined at the Southern Oregon High Tech Crimes Task Force.

33-year-old Anthony Paul Craker of Ashland, was arrested on 15 felony counts of Encouraging Child Sexual Abuse in the First Degree. Police say during the course of the investigation it was discovered Craker was communicating sexually with minors and was found to be in possession of more than 700 child exploitation images. He is now lodged at the Jackson County jail on $250,000 bail.

31-year-old White City resident Jon Paul Bouchard was arrested on two First Degree felony counts of Encouraging Child Sexual Abuse. He is now lodged at the Jackson County jail on $50,000 bail.

19-year-old Omar De Jesus Galvan of White City, was arrested on 10 First Degree felony counts of Encouraging Child Sexual Abuse. Police say De Jesus Galvan was found to be in possession of more than 3,600 images of child exploitation, and is now lodged at the Jackson County jail on $250,000 bail.

Stephen Bernard Habermann, 60, of Grants Pass

60-year-old Stephen Bernard Habermann of Grants Pass, was arrested on 11 First Degree felony counts of Encouraging Child Sexual Abuse. Investigators discovered images of local children downloaded from social media and altered so the victims looked nude, and police say the images were then traded online for child pornography. Habermann was found to be in possession of more than 500 child exploitation images. He is now lodged at the Josephine County jail on $250,000 bail.

Medford resident Christopher Randall Savage, 39, was arrested on two First Degree felony counts of Encouraging Child Sexual Abuse, and 12 Second Degree felony counts of Encouraging Child Sexual Abuse. Police say Savage was found to be in possession of more than 2000 images of child exploitation. He is now lodged at the Jackson County jail on $250,000 bail.

38 year-old Matthew Alan Desmet of Central Point, was arrested on four First Degree felony counts of Encouraging Child Sexual Abuse, and five Second Degree felony counts of Encouraging Child Sexual Abuse. Police say Desmet was found to be in possession of 19 child exploitation images. He is now lodged at the Jackson County jail on $250,000 bail.


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a14103  No.14556023

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Brian May - Back To The Light: The Time Traveller 1992-2021 (Official Video)

Premiered 12 hours ago

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a4e7aa  No.14556024

File: f2bc2eb05237624⋯.png (623.09 KB, 809x637, 809:637, green_tweet.PNG)


Marjorie Taylor Greene Posts Lengthy Twitter Thread Attacking ‘Weak’ Republicans

By Josh FeldmanSep 10th, 2021, 8:34 pm

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10d7ce  No.14556025


All caps looks like what Cabal are planning to say about the unvaxxed, using perverted twisting of the law. Trump keeps supporting the vaxx because the cabal is looking for a national level target to pin their FF on.

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07c0fb  No.14556026


No, but same time of revelations. Very measured tones, soft spoken.

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5c8bc8  No.14556027

>>14555957 pb

Was one of the points Joe M. made in his "The Plan To Save The World" video. The drop Q made citing an FBI agent texting a superior about [187]ing POTUS."They have it all" and yet they refuse to do one damn thing with any of it. Unless you're a Patriot, Trump supporter.

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f6db32  No.14556028

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Biden droned wrong person, not terrorist in Afghanistan: report


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87f8d3  No.14556029

>>14553693 Judge Blocks Florida’s ‘Anti-Riot’ Law, Says it Violates First Amendment Rights

Where was this judge when peaceful protesters were called insurrectionists?

Or does he mean only antifa can riot, without consequence?

Fucking ridiculous how many enemies legal and law enforcement has in power today!

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8aa35b  No.14556030


53% of the US population are ineligible to donate plasma.

WTG Retards.

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ffdeed  No.14556031


Let us pray

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5d207f  No.14556032

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Joe Biden Hall-of-Presidents Robot Malfunction


😂😂😂Abe turning his head at end wondering who this potato is KEK

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2dd965  No.14556033


chk'd. TYB


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ecb499  No.14556034


>Biden droned wrong person

What difference at this point does it make?

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505f79  No.14556035



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cdc452  No.14556036


"Still knitting"

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60a4f4  No.14556037

It's time to do something different. It's positive and it will drive the bad guys crazy and leftist college kids going to their safe spaces:


MAKE it trend everywhere. Make signs, bumper stickers, T shirts, etc.

The left and RINO's WANT us to rise up violently. This defeats them. Yeah, keep up the militias, boat parades, car parades, etc. We ought not stop what we're already doing, but pushing We Want Trump will demoralize them. I personally like the Fuck Biden, but some people are a bit offended by the F bomb. We Want Trump seen everywhere only offends those who support the potato.

What do you think?

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be8641  No.14556038




Hero ass-kicker journalist Ivory Hecker interviews Dr. Joseph Varon…


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8aa35b  No.14556039


>Marjorie Taylor Greene Posts Lengthy Twitter Thread Attacking ‘Weak’ Republicans

Bitch-slap them Marjorie, they are being destructive to our country.

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a14103  No.14556040




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2dd965  No.14556041

Just getting on here for first time today. How you holding up, frens?


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bf1cdb  No.14556042

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b9ed21  No.14556043

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a97189  No.14556044

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

this movie will show you how they fake images


full movie


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c36bfb  No.14556045


He is last in the long list of fails… will die out in a whimper.

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cd160e  No.14556046


Tara Reade & Rose McGowan: Surviving rape culture and the Democratic cult


Having spoken out about Joe Biden’s sexual misconduct, I suffered a media blacklisting. The only person who came to my help was Rose McGowan, a fellow survivor disillusioned in cult-like hypocrisy of the media and the Democrats.

In 1993, I was a young staffer for then ;;;Senator Joe Biden;;;. In 2019, I spoke about Joe Biden sexually harassing and assaulting me when I worked for him. I tried to come forward then but was silenced. There is an inherent danger coming forward about any powerful man but in America it has become especially true when it is a Democrat. Politics has always been a blood sport. I knew as I finally came forward about my history with Joe Biden I walked into the gladiator’s ring and the fight would be to the end. It was intimidating and those lions are big but I kept speaking my truth. When I spoke up in solidarity with the other seven women about Joe Biden’s behavior, I was quickly marginalized and called a Russian agent. In 2020, the U.S. media took aim and used me as target practice all summer with either smears on my character or suppressing my story. With the exceptions of a few brave journalists, like Megyn Kelly, Rich McHugh, Amy Goodman, Ryan Grim and Katie Halper, I was shoved aside. At one point, my story was first told in the sports section of a newspaper, unclear why but I was clearly used as a political football during the election cycle.

Every time a serious story about me came forward, the rumors of me being a Russian agent would feature in the media. The neo McCarthyism is the new default for Democrats to sideline anyone that gets in the way of their agenda. In America, it is dangerous to call someone a traitor and after the media labeled me, I immediately received death threats. One of my most outspoken public defenders was Rose McGowan.

“When I spoke to you, I saw trauma and I saw truth,” said Rose McGowan.

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293e3b  No.14556047

What if China, Russia, and others are coordinating w/ POTUS to eliminate the NWO?

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8d586e  No.14556048


When those that refused the jab are terminated, fired or whatever, they can just give blood for a new living. High demand means high payment.


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ffdeed  No.14556049


Really, it pales next to getting a homosexual ambassador raped to death.

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8aa35b  No.14556050


It was the age of smart phones, it was the age of idiocracy.

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505f79  No.14556051

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Red Cross Warns Vaccines Wipe Out Antibodies And Vaxxed Can't Donate Plasma


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1705b8  No.14556052


This article is a good one to give to family and friends!

It has many links in it.

Go check out what it says about the "UN WOMENS" Organization!

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a97189  No.14556053

File: 6dff8f83298db55⋯.jpg (33.82 KB, 474x342, 79:57, download.jpg)


look at the fake JFK in car pic from movie

and think how the movies and media all work togehther to spin what we think is true

like 9/11 shit

corona mask virus shit


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a23913  No.14556054

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anons put this guy on your radar please.

Matt Castelli ex-CIA Democratic challenger to Elise Stefanik.

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93eec1  No.14556055

What to see some creepy 70's paintings? I am not really disturbed by art work but I would want to be in these homes. I wonder if they could ever clean out the bad vibes. This from some "college art professor"

Painted his home and another hut. Beautiful setting but….


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05b042  No.14556056

Will the libs ever wake up?

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ecb499  No.14556057



I didn't know they made that flavor

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93adf2  No.14556058



Thank youXi.

Good start.

China/CQ cancel.


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d243c1  No.14556059


on the red cross site it looks to me that you just have to wait 2 weeks after the shot

there is a more detailed download available but you must log in with your name address phone etc

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db1494  No.14556060


>>14555758 (LB)


Super good and getting better and better.

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2dd965  No.14556061

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1f4ce5  No.14556062






Soon, everyone will pretend like "they knew all along" but weren't allowed to say anything. 😁🙏


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ecb499  No.14556063

silver is taking a weird dive


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2dd965  No.14556064

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c36bfb  No.14556065


That is mass murder too… if blood donations drop by 50% people will die. When if Fraudci going to be thrown face first into the slammer?

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9f4e40  No.14556066

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

(pb) >>14555884

Oscar De La Hoya was supposed to fight. He got covid and Evander Holyfield stepped in to takes his place. These fighters are past their prime, Why would a President and his son get involved. It makes zero sense. But somewhere to someone it's important and makes sense.

All I really want is some justice.

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a23913  No.14556067


Fuck. Poor choice of words on my part.

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5d207f  No.14556068

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Do they even hear themselves?

Kamala Harris said this on the same day Joe Biden rolled out his mandates.


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72ab75  No.14556069


The Red Cross is following FDA blood donation eligibility guidance for those who receive a COVID-19 vaccination, and deferral times may vary depending on the type of vaccine an individual receives. If you’ve received a COVID-19 vaccine, you’ll need to provide the manufacturer name when you come to donate. Upon vaccination, you should receive a card or printout indicating what COVID-19 vaccine was received, and we encourage you to bring that card with you to your next donation. In most cases, there is no deferral time for individuals who received a COVID-19 vaccine as long as they are symptom free and feeling well at the time of donation. The following eligibility guidelines apply to each COVID-19 vaccine received, including boosters:

There is no deferral time for eligible blood donors who are vaccinated with an inactivated or RNA based COVID-19 vaccine manufactured by AstraZeneca, Janssen/J&J, Moderna, Novavax, or Pfizer. Eligible blood donors who received a live attenuated COVID-19 vaccine or do not know what type of COVID-19 vaccine they received must wait two weeks before giving blood.

Q: Are individuals who received a COVID-19 vaccine eligible to give blood, platelets and plasma?

A: Yes, you can donate blood after getting a COVID-19 vaccine, as long as you are symptom-free and feeling well at the time of the donation. Please come prepared to share the manufacturer name of the vaccine you received. If you do not know the name of the vaccine manufacturer, we request you wait two weeks to donate after vaccination, out of precaution.



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8aa35b  No.14556070


> Vaccines Wipe Out Antibodies

Well, that sure doesn't sound good. Why is Biden ordering all troops to be vaccinated then?

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61845f  No.14556071


abc tv presents the disney dramafication of 9/11 CIA muh attack television SHOW this evening

making up all sorts of lies and bullshit

This did not happen 100 years ago, some of us have working brains and remember the facts.

afghanistan is all 9/11 all them, will be the bad guy worst ever bad guy EVER, a disney production.

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ffdeed  No.14556072

There was a warning not to believe those who are guilty playing victim.

These stories always bring that to mind.



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bf1cdb  No.14556073

Democrats side with Taliban, quash investigation into military equipment abandoned in Afghanistan

Law Enforcement Today Menu

Democrats side with Taliban, quash investigation into military equipment abandoned in Afghanistan

Taliban parading in "disabled" US military equipment-YouTube screenshot

Democrats side with Taliban, quash investigation into military equipment abandoned in Afghanistan

Posted by: Pat Droney|September 9, 2021 |CategoriesEditorial, Featured, Must Reads


The following contains editorial content written by a current staff writer for Law Enforcement Today.

WASHINGTON, DC- One might think our “leadership” class in Washington, D.C. might have at least a passing interest in finding out why the United States allowed the Taliban to acquire in excess of $85 billion in military equipment abandoned in Afghanistan.

However for Democrats in Washington, D.C., they have decided they will follow the “three monkeys” philosophy where this travesty is concerned—see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.

On Tuesday, Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) slammed Democrat members of the House Oversight Committee, who ostensibly killed an investigation into how that military equipment was left intact and available for the Taliban, which now was one of the most powerful militaries in the world, armed with American-made weapons, aircraft, and equipment.

“Every single Democrat on the committee voted against this measure,” Mace told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview.


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5346ac  No.14556074


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a14103  No.14556075



PLA Military 'On Alert' As US Carrier For 1st Time Launches F-35 Stealth Jets In South China Sea

9:20 PM · Sep 10, 2021·Zero Hedge Publisher II




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93c6ab  No.14556076

if this is true, i say the army will do something real soon, if true and the army dont do nothin, gona be extra choppy:)

Q, how's yo pinocolada?


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9f5fda  No.14556077

our president is admittedly trying to trap us into getting a shot, hoping we can't afford to not get it for our job

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2dd965  No.14556078


Yeah, been scratching my head over this one for awhile now. Not sure what it's supposed to look like. Right now it looks like Chyna is asshoe


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c36bfb  No.14556079


Yeah, like this fuckwit can even go for a piss on his own.

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7d2963  No.14556080


the point of the article and very short video is if a person has had covid they have antibodies to it, but if they get the vaccine it wipes out the antibodies so there plasma could not be use as convalescent plasma to treat covid patients.

It needs confirmation.

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505f79  No.14556081

File: 1d4a9f1677de703⋯.jpg (513.77 KB, 2600x2600, 1:1, 1d4a9f1677de7034763d93cd2c….jpg)

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a97189  No.14556082



Why would they put this in the Library of Congress

Not a documentary it is A MOVIE with fake scenes used at LHO trial in movie scenes.



Library of Congress

Search domain loc.govhttps://www.loc.gov/item/jots.200028047

(1977) THE TRIAL OF LEE HARVEY OSWALD. USA. MLA citation style: Gordon Davidson, David Greene, Fred Karlin, and John Fresco. THE TRIAL OF LEE HARVEY OSWALD. USA, 1977. More Films, Videos like this. Film, Video THE SPELL motion picture | Made-for-TV movie. Feature film (over 60 minutes). Inc: Tommy Tedesco, guitar; Emil Richards, percussion. …

About this Item



Contributor Names

Gordon Davidson, David Greene (director)

Fred Karlin, (additional) John Fresco (composer)

John Fresco (music_supervisor)

Created / Published



- Information from: "Jazz on the Screen" by David Meeker. Used with permission. (Source)

- Made-for-TV movie.

- Feature film (over 60 minutes).

- Inc: Emil Richards, percussion. (Soundtrack Personnel)

- Jazz on the Screen is a reference work of filmographic information and does not point to digitized versions of the items described. The Library of Congress may or may not own a copy of a particular film or video. To request additional information Ask a Librarian (https://www.loc.gov/rr/askalib/ask-record.html).


motion picture

Additional Metadata Formats


Part of

Jazz on the Screen Filmography (6)

Performing Arts Encyclopedia (135,234)


Film, Video


Fred Karlin, (Additional) John Fresco

Gordon Davidson, David Greene

John Fresco




United States

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a4e7aa  No.14556083

File: 3512329963a5ef9⋯.png (26.38 KB, 1079x296, 1079:296, bob_bow.PNG)


September 10, 2021 CROSSROADSshare70comments6 Save

Teachers Unions Function Like Cartels With Institutional Corruption: Bob Bowden

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7d2963  No.14556084


there. should be their

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9f4e40  No.14556085

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I've noticed anger coming from people that have been life long DEMS. I say nothing. I wait.

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10d7ce  No.14556086


This is Q telling China, "Thank you" for cancelling Chloroquinw. Or, Thank You for letting us know that Chloroquine (HCQ) cancels coronavirua. Not sure how to read it.

We know HCQ, like Ivermectin works. That's why the cabal doesn't want it used. Vaccines create patients, treatments create survivors.

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db1494  No.14556087

Trust the plan.


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be8641  No.14556088

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




The Plague of Dictatorship America

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Considering that George Carlin was a liberal, his audiences were liberal, and George Carlin was of the world which has given us Dictator Joe Biden, in watching this video which is spot on, I wondered how this entire audience cheering George Carlin over his telling them to stop being pussies and trust their immune systems, have now bent over for the Fauci vax, are hiding behind masks and relishing that the ReVaxNiks are being driven from their jobs and hunted down to forced syringe suicide.

Name one liberal who created this shit hole, who is standing for human rights in this Vax Rape of Americans? There is not one of these Goddamn frauds.

Biden is molesting their children and they fucking smile!

Reagan's Gang, Church People, And American Values - YouTube

Provided to YouTube by The Orchard Enterprises Reagan's Gang, Church People, And American Values · George Carlin What Am I Doing in New …

Nuff Said


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505f79  No.14556089


The cabal wants to wipe out the strong and fighting fit, so there is no one left to fight them.

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5c8bc8  No.14556090


This is not stupidity, incompetence or just a mistake. This is tactical. "Constant change to create confusion". The moar confusion, the moar chaos. The moar chaos, the moar they can exploit it. "Never let a crisis go to waste. You can do things that you would not normally be able to do". Rahm Emanual.

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3a3f69  No.14556091

File: bc74a3d4048e8f1⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1372x774, 686:387, FAIL_.png)


> "college art professor"


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a4e7aa  No.14556092

File: 9e2b0b6b34fa7a2⋯.png (244.96 KB, 451x668, 451:668, d_wire.PNG)


Capitol News, [10.09.21 02:01]

[ Video ]

Media outlet Daily Wire vows to defy Biden’s “unconstitutional and TYRANNICAL” vaccine mandate plan

The co-founder and CEO from Conservative news website the Daily Wire, Jeremy Boreing took to Twitter to say he would not comply with President Biden’s vax mandate for companies with over 100 employees:

“The Daily Wire has well over 100 employees. We will not enforce Joe Biden’s unconstitutional and tyrannical vaccine mandate. We will use every tool at our disposal, including legal action, to resist this overreach.”

Boreing stated he personally supports vaccines against the virus as they ‘seem to do a pretty great job preventing hospitalization and death’ adding: “If I were a dictator, I would probably make you get it. But I’m not a dictator, and neither is Joe Biden.”

🏛 t.me/CapitolNews

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505f79  No.14556093


filtered for attempting to muddy the waters

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61845f  No.14556094


as usual.


it's what we do.

☟♋■♑ ⧫♒♏❍ ✌☹☹ ♌⍓ ⧫♒♏ ■♏♍& ◆■⧫♓● ♎♏♋♎ ♋♐⧫♏❒ ♋ ●♋⬥♐◆● ⧫❒♓♋● ♋■♎ ◻◆♌●♓♍ ♎♏❍♋■♎📬

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a23913  No.14556095


>there. should be their

Roger that. Happens to the best of us.

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b293d8  No.14556096


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e0e785  No.14556097

ohhhohhhohhohohohohohokay…alright…ya'll got jokes…..alright…now go on put my man Trump back in there.

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72ab75  No.14556098



pages 314-315

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a23913  No.14556099


If Q isn't real why can't you shut the fuck up about it? (jpg)

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9adefc  No.14556100



Can you believe it? Do you think that Patton and the great Douglas MacArthur, General Douglas MacArthur, do you think they would do the kind of things that you are seeing? They are saying terrible things about Biden. They're hitting him hard. And it's all coming from a certain group of television generals.

But we have great generals. Look at what I did with ISIS. I mean, those are generals that were phenomenal. I'll give you their names if you'd like them at the right time, but we have some great generals, and they don't play games.

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5c8bc8  No.14556101


kek, fingers get ahead of brain?

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1d9e24  No.14556102

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The HEBREW Gospel of Matthew: SHEEP AMONG WOLVES (10:1-10:21)

For centuries, we have been told that the Gospels, alongside the entire new testament was written exclusively in Greek. However, what seems to be kept back for the last days generation, many Hebrew manuscripts and supporting evidence has surfaced showing that this might not have been the case.


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61845f  No.14556103



💣❒📬 🏱♓♑📪 ♎□ ⍓□◆ ❒♏♍♏♓❖♏✍

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505f79  No.14556104

CNN "health pundit" falsely claims travel within the U.S. is a "privilege" and not a constitutional right, calls for restriction of movement of unvaccinated citizens.

Tobin the wanker


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9f4e40  No.14556105


I think he was murdered. But I think everyone that dies is murdered. That's what makes me good at what I do.

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bf1cdb  No.14556106

I hope Trump's words today settled some of the fear in the hearts of anon's who are facing Bidan's mandate.

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9f5fda  No.14556107

lets play alternate history

what would have happened if America was 100% vaxxed now

could people shut up about it?

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505f79  No.14556108

Gov. Abbott Signs Bill Protecting Political Social Media Posts

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) went after social media companies who have banned users with conservative views. On Thursday, the governor signed a bill to forbid social media companies with more than 50 million monthly users to ban content based on their political stances.

The law has directed social media sites to issue a complaint on any potentially violating or illegal content and give reason for why such content was removed. This would offer individuals and state attorneys the right to file lawsuits if they felt they were wrongfully banned from such platforms.

“Freedom of speech is under attack in Texas. There is a dangerous movement by some social media companies to silence conservative ideas and values,” Abbott asserted. “This is wrong and we will not allow it in Texas. Today, I’m about to sign a law that fights against Big Tech political censorship. ”

Conservative viewpoints will NOT be censored on social media in Texas.

Thank you @BriscoeCain & @SenBryanHughes.

In Texas, we will always fight to defend your freedom of speech.#txlege pic.twitter.com/FYfackYODY

— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) September 10, 2021

Abbott went on to assure Texans, he would always fight for freedom of speech.


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b293d8  No.14556109


i missed it… what words?

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be8641  No.14556110


>Douglas MacArthur, General Douglas MacArthur,

On July 28, 1932 the U.S. government attacked World War I veterans with tanks, bayonets, and tear gas, under the leadership of textbook heroes Douglas MacArthur, George Patton, and Dwight D. Eisenhower.

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4659e7  No.14556111

























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3ebe67  No.14556112


They are being given rope

And they think they can perform some magic

Its a guarantee fail

We are winning huge/kitty with lion reflection.png

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505f79  No.14556113

The Election Wizard

, [10.09.21 21:04]

[ Video ]

WATCH: A New York Times investigation reveals Joe Biden’s last drone strike in Afghanistan may have obliterated 10 innocent people after the Pentagon mistaken a man for a terrorist.


The Election Wizard

, [10.09.21 21:20]

If disgraced General Mark Milley wasn't so busy studying the sacred texts of Wokeism and instead focused on improving US intel, the Pentagon probably could've avoided wiping out an innocent family with a Hellfire missile.


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a6d5ce  No.14556114




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2dd965  No.14556115



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10d7ce  No.14556116


Alanis waits until she's 50 and out of work to complain about the fame and fortune she bought with her willingness to "do anything". No it's popular to call everyone a "pedo" so she hops on that train to try to cash in again. 15/16 doesn't meet pedo definition…but wtf do words even matter at this point.

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db1494  No.14556117


For this anon is sincere with post. >>14556087 … why you want to project?


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bf1cdb  No.14556118



>I believe they will decertify

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93adf2  No.14556119

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e645a2  No.14556120


They never stop. Not to be confused with ever.

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505f79  No.14556121


wrong twice, no surprise and faked outbreak…


nice ascii

trips of truth

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9f4e40  No.14556122


Look into it. Go below the headlines.

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b293d8  No.14556123


cool.. hopeful, yet tempered.

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3ebe67  No.14556124

If they're winning, why are they so angry all the time? 😠 🤬 😡

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e0e785  No.14556125


Fear? pffftt, we laffin

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24c066  No.14556126


Yeah, kind of like Cory Feldman's bullshit. Felt bad for him thinking he got molested when he was like 6-8. Turns out he did a bunch of drugs at like 15-16 and talked into doing shit.

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a4e7aa  No.14556127

File: bb403c2cb99611c⋯.png (190.11 KB, 452x634, 226:317, roger_that_tell.PNG)


@intheMatrixxx, [10.09.21 13:05]

[Forwarded from TheStormHasArrived17 (TheStormHasArrived17)]

[ Video ]

Wendy Rogers provides an update on the on the AZ audit and provides her thoughts on the recent canvassing efforts from Liz Harris & team.

“Well what I think it (the canvass report) speaks to is the increased necessity to call for decertification, because I think it will dovetail nicely with what the audit results are and the two of them together will really complete the story…”

She also states that she expects the audit results to be released “in the next week to a week and a half.”

Buckle up 🇺🇸


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be8641  No.14556128

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>On July 28, 1932 the U.S. government attacked World War I veterans with tanks, bayonets, and tear gas, under the leadership of textbook heroes Douglas MacArthur, George Patton, and Dwight D. Eisenhower.



Why did Douglas MacArthur personally involve himself in the removal of the Bonus Army? Did he defy the order of President Hoover?

Why did he ignore Eisenhower's advice to stay away from the situation?

Join us in the MacArthur Archives for an overview of the Bonus Army and an examination of one of the great controversies of MacArthur's career

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a23913  No.14556129


>could people shut up about it?

I don't know what op is referring to but I entered the interview late and they were talking about the vaccine. POTUS said he believes the vaccine saved millions of lives but freedom first.

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140511  No.14556130

WASHINGTON: "President Joe Biden on Thursday announced sweeping new federal vaccine requirements affecting as many as 100 million Americans in an all-out effort to increase COVID-19 vaccinations and curb the surging delta variant. The mandate could have sweeping implications for the defense industry, which includes most of the largest government contractors. One trade group, the National Defense Industrial Association, immediately hailed the Biden administration’s move. The Aerospace Industries Association said it will work with the administration and federal agencies to understand what Biden’s executive order means for its members employees and operations.

-Leidos said in a statement it already announced internally that all of its employees would need to be vaccinated by Oct. 1 or provide a negative COVID-19 test result to access a Leidos facility.

-Lockheed Martin said in a statement it would continue to comply with government directives aimed at ending the pandemic.

-BAE Systems said the company is “aware of the executive order, and we are working to understand its impact on our business.”

Several lawmakers immediately lashed out against the moves, including New York Republican Rep. Elise Stefanik, a senior member of the House Armed Services Committee, who called it a “forced illegal mandate.”

“Joe Biden’s forced vaccine mandate impacting over 100 million Americans is unconstitutional, unlawful, and an authoritarian power grab that has become a hallmark of his failed Presidency,” Stefanik said in a statement."


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bf1cdb  No.14556131


Some weren't today

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cd160e  No.14556132


Whitaker states it comes down to the media and the fact that there is no accountability for Democratic administrations. They were more tough on this investigation than on investigating China and Russia. We are living in a world of false information and lies. Whitaker ends the interview by advising that it will take all of us standing together and demanding accountability from our officials and their administrations.

Do you understand what Whitaker means here?

He is telling you to go read the following two posts and act accordingly



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9f4e40  No.14556133


Well she doesn't need the money. So next reason?

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db1494  No.14556134



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61845f  No.14556135


anger is just a cover for fear, better known as PANIC

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5346ac  No.14556136


So basically I'm just gonna not take the vaccine

I know….. UGH I know….

I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's just that I'm not gonna take it is all


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a4e7aa  No.14556137

File: 7cbe9173f2955d4⋯.png (882.11 KB, 1179x693, 131:77, set_two.PNG)


BOMBSHELL Exposure! ICU Nurse Says Hospital Set to Deny Care to Unvaccinated!

Stew Peters Show Published September 10, 2021

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001041  No.14556138


>I’m not a dictator, and neither is Joe Biden

Could SOMEONE let the pedophile squatting in the WH know…he is NOT a mfering DICTATOR– thanks.

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5a09f3  No.14556139


Trips confirms. Vax side effect in detox flu period will be blamed on suprise outbreak

Or agro-terrorism, like wikileaks suggests


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10d7ce  No.14556141


Famewhore struggling for relevancy with the latest generation.

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db1494  No.14556142


You must be new.


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bf4d4e  No.14556143

>>14553780 pb

>Yandex is battling the largest DDoS in Russian Internet history

fuggen rushan h4x0rz yo

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93adf2  No.14556144



Congressional Quarterly?




Ham radio mag?


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93eec1  No.14556145



Thank you for that. The work still creeps me out. arts of the homes I love but the home/ hut cabin. His art work spoils the beauty of the homes. for me

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5c8bc8  No.14556146

That skinhead fuck who punched Larry Elder's security guy, who FAIL MISERABLY by the way, had that sonofabitch got up on me like that? I would not have hesitated to crush his fucking larynx. Forceful shot to the throat. Down……………immedaitely. POS. And that kunt who slapped him? I would have knocled her skank ass OUT. Have never raised my hand to a woman but if a woman were to hit me ia situation like that? Wouldn't hesitate. You want to act like a man, you're gonna be treated like a man.

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505f79  No.14556147

Pepe Lives Matter 🐸, [10.09.21 11:33]

[ Photo ]

Teacher who called student a piece of s*** for not wearing a mask correctly resigns after backlash. 👏



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be8641  No.14556148

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



PBS Documentary: The March of the Bonus Army

This is an ugly piece of American history that has been swept under the rug. Very few people know about this shameful event where the US Army, led by some of the most revered heroes of WWII, were turned on the veterans of WWI in the streets of Washington, DC.

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61845f  No.14556149


well he is a tater

maybe even a dick tater

we'll have to discuss further kek

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a23913  No.14556150


Fair enough. I was thinking the clam part was some sort of disparagement. Reading too much into it.. kek

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d243c1  No.14556151


in the beginning the red cross was keeping the plasma from covid survivers and people vaccinated seperate for use in the

convalescent plasma

that was given to people with covid to attempt to give them some immunity

now it is just put in the regular blood supply

two weeks after you get the vaccine you can donate just like you did before

if you could donate in the past you can now- after 2 weeks

(the only 2 week timeframe that has held so far)

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2dd965  No.14556152

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3a3f69  No.14556153

File: 76e78293a29e62f⋯.jpg (51.26 KB, 1140x641, 1140:641, EMNSGTGKLMI6TODGIBWI6S7HAY.jpg)

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60a4f4  No.14556154


Some people still aren't willing to argue that with "friends" or co-workers. We Want Trump just states unhappiness with the leftist bullshit, and even some democrats who voted for the potato regret doing that. Yeah, we know Trump won 2020 but it's a bone of contention for many even still. It would be an easier T shirt to wear, kind of un-political in a way.

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bf4d4e  No.14556155

Lot of emails purporting to be from Trump recently. Smell like more RNC to me.

RNC style.

"Donate now & he'll get your name" shit. This was always RNC MO.

He said "don't use my name", they said "fuck you we're going to anyway". What gives them the legal right to do that? They maybe doing same with Rudy Giuliani also


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3ebe67  No.14556156


I trust Trump

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505f79  No.14556157

Pepe Lives Matter 🐸, [10.09.21 16:46]

[ Video ]

Australian police allegedly arresting people for not wearing masks.

Australia is your red pill America.


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bf074b  No.14556158


Nope that was Corey Haim, offed

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1a8a6f  No.14556159

File: 8d9e56493ea72e0⋯.png (210.71 KB, 634x224, 317:112, Screen_Shot_2021_09_10_at_….png)

File: 9d50b7dfddd8406⋯.png (6.1 MB, 2234x1860, 1117:930, Screen_Shot_2021_09_10_at_….png)

File: 26df4958321ebf6⋯.png (6.9 MB, 2106x1854, 117:103, Screen_Shot_2021_09_10_at_….png)

A Quick 9/11 Red Pill

for normies who doubt everything unless they see it for themselves

Anyone can do this on Google Earth. Use the "Show historical imagery" feature in the toolbar, the timeline will pop up in the upper left of the window.

We were all told the plane crashed in Shanksville, and it created that big scar in the earth. (And of course, no debris, no bodies.)

When you close in on the "crash" site, you can see where the memorial is now, covering up where that crevice was created.

Using the historical timeline, you can go back to the black & white photo from 1994. The scar was already there, it couldn't be more plainly obvious. Show them the pics and tell them they can go do the search themselves if they think it's shopped.

That place was a mine of some sort, as I recall. The idea that the jet went nose-first exactly into that already existing crevice so fucking preposterous, it would at least make some of these brainwashed people THINK.

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505f79  No.14556161

Jim Watkins,[10.09.21 20:30]

I will be on Revolution. Radio at 7 PM Pacific today. The Story Behind the Story with Dr. A. True Ott and Major Burdock.

The revolution begins at 7 PM.


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001041  No.14556162


>So basically I'm just gonna not take the vaccine

found out today niece that is double vaxxed +booster is down with covid … fever, coughing, separated from kids and other fam members– too bad, so sad. play stupid games…win stupid prizes-

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bf1cdb  No.14556163

Am aware of 2 people who took the vax then later got covid and died.

There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to who gets it and who doesn't; who dies and who doesn't.

Seriously, there has to be some common denominator.

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1705b8  No.14556164



WoW! anon… very creapy & they have pics of them doing the Baphomet with horns.


I'd say this property needs to be forensicly investigated.

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bf4d4e  No.14556165



saved ty

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7bbf33  No.14556166


When are people going to grasp that Presidential orders dont amount to shit, outside the Fed Gov. He may have leaned on Department of Labor to pressure companies, but they cannot force companies either. These are just pressure tactics, not legal dictates. Any company with balls would just tell DL to fuck off, but I guess that is the point.

I read this situation as big companies being willingly complicit, and able to blame the govt. for their actions.

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7eef05  No.14556167

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Code of Jewish Law clearly states that a child of a Jewish mother is Jewish, regardless of the father's lineage.

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61845f  No.14556168


no anon, it goes back to when we were official spokesanons for the big ramen campaign of 2018. We even had our pictures on the packages, it was cool.

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a14103  No.14556169



IBM accused of stealing trade secrets from Chinese joint venture



9:40 PM · Sep 10, 2021·True Anthem


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e645a2  No.14556170

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bf074b  No.14556172


Don't go to a hospital. They are designed to kill you.

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a4e7aa  No.14556173

File: b17a3ffc00fc376⋯.png (208.9 KB, 449x480, 449:480, kills_himself.PNG)


Midnight Rider Channel, [10.09.21 14:55]


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3ebe67  No.14556174

Bidan scolds Americans and retreats to enemies.

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bf4d4e  No.14556175


>There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to who gets it and who doesn't; who dies and who doesn't.

It looked a lot like Rhesus negative-type people were disproportionately affected for a while. Red hair and other such markers

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a23913  No.14556176

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>talked into doing shit

Is that how you got here? The wheels are coming off..

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7eef05  No.14556177


A crypto‑Jew is a Jew who converts to another religion and outwardly embraces the new religion, while secretly maintaining Jewish practices.

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3a3f69  No.14556178

File: c7b9fa957f60bad⋯.jpg (86.05 KB, 500x371, 500:371, Klzuc.jpg)

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505f79  No.14556179

Fauci STUMPED by Basic Question

During an appearance on CNN earlier today, Dr. Fauci was stumped by a basic question that all of us have pondered: what’s the point in mandating COVID-19 vaccines for those with natural immunity?

Host Dr. Sanjay Gupta asked “There was a study that came out of Israel about natural immunity, and basically the headline was that natural immunity provides a lot of protection, even better than the vaccine alone. What are people to make of that? People talk about vaccine mandates… I hear from people all the time who say ‘I had COVID, I’m protected, and the study says even more protected than the vaccine alone.’ Should they get the vaccine? How do you make the case to them?”

To which the liberal messiah replied “That’s a really good point…I don’t really have a firm answer for you on that.”

Watch his full response below:


Fauci STUMPED by Basic Question



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bf4d4e  No.14556180


>IBM stealing trade secrets

like a squirrel buries nuts

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bf1cdb  No.14556181


Middle age, then. That's the age I've seen dying.

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61845f  No.14556182


carlin agrees anon too


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d2a84b  No.14556183


Let's go way out on a limb and theorize Bidan had to check off with the Taliban first about who he could drone in retaliation for the bombing and still be sure the Taliban wouldn't retaliate back and make Bidan look like an incompetent asshole again.

IOW, let's theorize Bidan had to ask the Taliban, politely, for a list of who he could drone without fear of repercussions.

Saddest part of all is that it's we're at the point you can make up anything you want about Bidan and not have it dismissed as ludicrous out of hand.

That's how compromised this motherfucker is, IMO. Can't make a move without having to fear his cover will be blown, and dare you, with the power of the US government behind him, to try to do something about it if you can see through, don't like it , and want to do something about it.

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9f5fda  No.14556184


kek I like this video

it's the most passionate

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524dee  No.14556185


Muh, Muh, Muh Jooooooooooooooooos!





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bf4d4e  No.14556186


And it was mostly catholic for many generations

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9a9e59  No.14556187



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9f5fda  No.14556189



fauci makes no sense

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93eec1  No.14556190


>>14556153 I made a mess of that post with my bad typing and lack or proofing. I am getting too tired.

I didn't like the Jesus references and the stained glass with the convoluted human forms. It reminded by of the demons from the dark

ages art work.

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7bbf33  No.14556191



Joo Derangement Syndrome

believe it

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1705b8  No.14556192


I took the pics

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524dee  No.14556193


Fuck off

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bf4d4e  No.14556194


>The Story Behind the Story

wat's the story with no memes?

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61845f  No.14556195


true - he makes dollars

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9f5fda  No.14556197

Is J6 a JQ J

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db1494  No.14556198


Only because you could never prove that the wife hadn't cheated on her husband. Now we can.

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24c066  No.14556199


It was Feldman's story too. Same age range.

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bf1cdb  No.14556200

It has to a genetic trait or DNA marker, blood type? I don't know.

I realize ultimately that it was just their time, but physically, there has to be something that made people who should have been able to fight it off not be able to.

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c45ec0  No.14556201

FB just removed a post from 28 June 2020 -

"Was NBCs Morgan Chesky the Autozone glass breaker that started the MN looting?"

well it must be true then.

So I go back and search and it turns out the 100 same narrative results are-

We ID'd "Umbrella Man" as a white supremacist

We got an email tip & arent releasing a name

This stuff aint going away





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93eec1  No.14556202


Glad it isn't just me. I don't see how they can gather and oh and ahh over that work. Well, I guess I can considering the art work we have also seen recently. They love to promote themselves.

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a6d5ce  No.14556204


I understand. The whole MSM covid psyop has ppl in a funk IMHO. Neighbors & coworkers don't want to destroy old friendships / decent working relationships.

But it has been months and to anyone who has been paying attention it is obvious and pussy-footing around is getting old.

I'd make some signs to support this and post them around if I could figure out how to deal with the printer-tracking problems…

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bf4d4e  No.14556205


>so fucking preposterous

so much of 9/11 like that.

once I fully figured out how obvious everything was (which was 2015 I was a late learner), it scared the hell out of me & I knew there was more coming. Because they really didn't care that people knew. The confidence is very dangerous

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d7806d  No.14556206

File: e0e5720fef25823⋯.png (76.82 KB, 1404x446, 702:223, Screen_Shot_2021_09_10_at_….png)

Former Navy Pilot Sentenced to Life in Prison in CP Case

A former U.S. Navy pilot who admitted to coercing a minor to engage in illicit sexual conduct and to distributing, receiving and possessing child pornography, all while actively serving in the U.S. Navy and following his retirement from active service, was sentenced today to life in federal prison.

Acting United States Attorney Richard B. Myrus announced the sentence Friday.

Lt.Cmdr. Ronald W. Zenga, 45, of Middletown pleaded guilty on Nov. 19, 2020, to coercion of a minor, distribution of child pornography, receipt of child pornography, and possession of child pornography.

He was sentenced today by U.S. District Court Chief Judge John J. McConnell, Jr., to life in federal prison and lifetime federal supervised release, and pay restitution to the victim in the amount of $500,000.

“Cases involving the coercion and sexual exploitation of children are among the most heart-wrenching and disturbing cases that federal prosecutors confront," Myrus said in a prepared statement. "This case is particularly troubling because, as the prosecutor in this case stated in a court filing, ‘(Zenga) abused the most sacred trust a human being can be given, responsibility for the health and well-being of another living soul.'

"Thanks to the work of our dedicated law enforcement partners both here and abroad, this defendant has been held to account for his vile crimes. We hope that today’s result will provide some relief to the victim in knowing that the man who preyed upon her will be safely locked away.”

“Ronald Zenga committed heinous crimes and had the audacity to brag about his exploits online — hubris which ultimately led to his arrest. The abuse and exploitation of children is deeply cruel, violating the trust and safety of victims and generating trauma that may never fully heal. We hope that today’s sentence provides a measure of justice to those he harmed,” said Matthew Millhollin, special agent in charge for the Homeland Security Investigations’ Boston Field Office.

According to court documents and information provided to the court, in September 2018, Homeland Security Investigations agents in Providence received information from the Bedfordshire Police Department in the United Kingdom that an individual, later identified as Zenga, was communicating with a BPD agent through a Russian file sharing website.

The communications graphically described ongoing sexual encounters with a young minor child. Zenga described several years of sexual encounters with a child, dating back to the child’s prepubescent years.

On Oct. 17, 2018, HSI agents and members of the Rhode Island State Police Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force arrested Zenga and executed a court-authorized search of his Middletown residence. Forensic previews of Zenga’s electronic devices resulted in the discovery of emails and files of child pornography shared, received, and possessed by Zenga.

The case was prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorney John P. McAdams.


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93adf2  No.14556207

File: 3e8a675b3248cae⋯.png (883.57 KB, 849x615, 283:205, ClipboardImage.png)

Queen Elizabeth II supports BLM, royals ‘passionately care’ about removing racial barriers, top aide says

10 Sep, 2021

The UK’s Queen Elizabeth II supports the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement and is committed to improving race relations in the UK, a senior Buckingham Palace representative has said.

Lord-Lieutenant of Greater London Ken Olisa, who is the Queen’s liaison in the British capital, told Channel 4 News that the royals “care passionately” about removing racial barriers in society.

According to the news channel’s press release, which was quoted by the UK media, when Olisa was asked if the royal family supported BLM, he said: “The answer is easily yes.”

“I have discussed with the royal household this whole issue of race particularly in the last 12 months since the George Floyd incident,” the lord-lieutenant said. He added that race was a “hot conversation topic.”

The British monarch is known for not sharing her opinion on political matters in public. The full interview with Olisa is scheduled to air Friday evening.

Floyd, an African American man, died during a botched arrest attempt in May 2020 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Former police officer Derek Chauvin was later sentenced to more than 22 years for Floyd’s murder, while three of his colleagues will stand trial next year.

Floyd’s death sparked a wave of large-scale protests against police brutality and for broader racial justice across the US and overseas. Some demonstrations and marches were followed by massive rioting and looting.

After similar incidents in the US, BLM-inspired protesters in the UK vandalised and toppled several monuments to historical figures linked to the slave trade and colonialism.

Heads Together, a mental-health charity run by Prince William and Kate Middleton, issued a statement in support of BLM last year, as did the Queen’s Commonwealth Trust.

The royals’ views on race, however, were called into question after Oprah Winfrey’s explosive interview with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in March. Markle, who is biracial, said she had struggled being accepted into the Royal Family and alleged that an unnamed member had expressed concerns over the skin colour of her and Harry’s future child.

Winfrey later clarified that Harry told her those comments were not made by the Queen, or by the late Prince Philip, Harry’s grandfather.

Harry also accused the Royal Family of failing to speak out against what he said were racist attacks against Markle in the press. The couple relinquished some of their royal duties last year and relocated to the US.

Following that interview, Prince William said that the royals are “very much not a racist family.”


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8aa35b  No.14556208


The vaccine was not made for Covid-19, Covid-19 was made for the vaccine.

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3cb606  No.14556209


Eli stressed the difference between plasma and convalescent plasma. While plasma-only donations are used to help treat bleeding disorders, severe liver disease, clotting factor deficiencies and blood loss following severe trauma or surgeries, convalescent plasma uses blood from people who have recovered from an illness to help others who are actively fighting that illness.

Blood plasma donated by people who have recovered from COVID-19 infection usually has high levels of COVID-19 antibodies. This convalescent plasma can be given to people with COVID-19 to improve their ability to fight the virus ( here , here , here , here ). Convalescent plasma therapy has emergency authorization by the FDA to treat COVID-19 (here).

As some of the social media posts show,the American Red Cross is indeed currently not accepting convalescent plasma donations from those vaccinated against COVID-19 (here). Eli told Reuters, “Convalescent plasma collected by the Red Cross can only come from individuals who have recovered from COVID-19 and have not received a COVID-19 vaccine.”

Eli did add that seeing as the Red Cross is testing all blood donations for COVID-19 antibodies, plasma from routine donations that have a high level of these antibodies may be used as convalescent plasma.

The Red Cross is evaluating the “feasibility” and “timeline” of implementing new February 2021 guidance from the FDA, which says (here) that COVID-19 convalescent plasma should not be collected from people who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 unless they have had COVID-19 in the past six months and received the vaccine after they were diagnosed with COVID-19.

The FDA explains that the reasoning behind their guidance is to “ensure that COVID-19 convalescent plasma collected from donors contains antibodies directly related to their immune responses to SARS-CoV2 infection” rather than antibodies formed following vaccination.

An FDA spokesperson told Reuters via email that there is yet no data on whether the plasma of vaccinated patients might be effective for the treatment of hospitalized COVID-19 patients.

The AmericanRed Cross is avoiding convalescent plasma from those vaccinated against COVID-19 but exceptions are made if the convalescent plasma is high in COVID-19 antibodies.


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7bbf33  No.14556210

Jim Watkins live on Studio B

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2dd965  No.14556211

Interesting article on why Vitamin D is so important in the function of immune system.

Vitamin D deficiency and Covid-19 – its central role in the global pandemic


How much Vitamin D is needed and why the official silence?

The bottom line is that you need to maintain a blood level of 25OHD3, (the reservoir form) at more than 40 ng/ml (that in SI Units is 100 nmol/L). For this, most adults need around 4,000 Units of Vitamin D3 daily (or 100,000 Units once a month), scaled down for children.

It sounds a lot but isn’t, yet official bodies in the UK recommend a mere 400 Units a day. Fauci admits he takes 6,000 Units a day, which is coincidentally just right for a 60 kg laboratory mouse! If you do likewise, your immune system will have a far better chance of fighting off Covid-19 like any other severe cold, or flu. You will use up blood 25OHD3 in the process, so you shoulddouble it in case of infection.And as we discuss in our book, there is no risk of Vitamin D intoxication from even 10 times this dose.

Remember, Big Pharma makes its money from a host of diseases that Vitamin D protects us from:

- cancers

- infections (bacterial and viral)

- asthma, allergies

- inflammatory bowel diseases

- autoimmunity

- degenerative nervous diseases

- hypertension

- cardiovascular diseases

- diabetes 1 & 2

- and many more.

Cost – just £10 a year! And Bill Gates, born again as mega-philanthropist, wallows in the glory of saving the world from pandemics, promising us there will be more to come. Vitamin D is a big loser for both Big Money and Big Glory.




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524dee  No.14556212


Fucking babbling chimp with Tourettes.

Joos! Joos! Joos!

Muh Joos!

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61845f  No.14556213

BOOM PEDO POS - one more down

Maryland Judge Kills Himself Moments Before Arrest for Child Sex Abuse

Judge Jonathan Newell was about to be arrested following accusations he’d planted a hidden camera that captured naked images of young boys in his bathroom.

A Maryland judge killed himself on Friday morning, just as the feds showed up at his Henderson home to arrest him in a child sex abuse case.

Caroline County Circuit Judge Jonathan Newell, 50, had been on a leave of absence since July after becoming ensnared in an investigation over allegations that he had a hidden camera that captured naked images of boys in his bathroom. When FBI agents showed up at his door Friday morning to arrest him on a federal criminal complaint, they found him “suffering from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound,” the Maryland U.S. Attorney’s Office announced Friday. He was pronounced dead at 6:43 a.m.

“Maryland State Police will lead the investigation into the apparent suicide,” prosecutors said in a news release on Friday afternoon.

On Friday, Newell’s neighbor, Kimberly Keith, posted pictures to Facebook that appeared to show FBI agents stationed outside of the judge’s house demanding over a speaker for him to come out. She wrote that she heard sounds that she believed were gunshots, followed not long after by an ambulance.


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7bbf33  No.14556214




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bf4d4e  No.14556215


Hopefully none here are surprised.

The establishment, australia, UK, communism. Goes back to 1776 and not too much has changed.

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5a09f3  No.14556216

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Australia is Finished - Covid Concentration Camps, Food Rationing, Crippling Tyranny


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d243c1  No.14556217



when people tell me "the army will not turn and fire on the us people"

i point out the bonus army

usually not much response

mccarthur did not defy the commie roosevelt

it was just the public outcry was so bad that fdr jumped in to pay the bonus army for the optics

and the fact that the "bonus" paid had the same effect as the recent "stymme checks"

put some money in pockets during the depression

do not forget that 1932 was only 14 years after ww1– this would be like firing on afghanistan vets protesting now

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505f79  No.14556218


He hasn't had time to make up more bullshit…

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54de54  No.14556219

File: 3861f1b2583c3c4⋯.png (66.37 KB, 1700x2200, 17:22, GET_A_JOB_01.png)

File: 9f9304e82cf0202⋯.png (71.65 KB, 1700x2200, 17:22, GET_A_JOB_02.png)

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File: 214c3d6256c89dc⋯.png (53.37 KB, 1700x2200, 17:22, GET_A_JOB_04.png)


Buy a second-hand printer with cash.

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bf1cdb  No.14556220

Aye yi yi

UT-San Antonio Drops ‘Come and Take It’ Football Rallying Cry After Accusation of Racism


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e645a2  No.14556221


Suicide weekend!!

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9f4e40  No.14556222


>Famewhore struggling for relevancy with the latest generation.

NFW. The last thing she wants is anything to do with is your generation. I'd cut off my baby finger like the Yakuza before doing getting involved with you maggots.

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bf4d4e  No.14556223


>Fauci admits he takes 6,000 Units a day

can anyone link that? I've heard that before but not seen some kind of proof he said that

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505f79  No.14556224

Jim Watkins, [10.09.21 20:30]

I will be on Revolution.Radio at 7 PM Pacific today. The Story Behind the Story with Dr. A. True Ott and Major Burdock.

The revolution begins at 7 PM.



Jim Watkins, [10.09.21 22:02]

[In reply to Jim Watkins]

Please let your friends know the show is on! they can listen here. on Itunes, on Tunein, on revolution.radio studio B


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bf074b  No.14556225


If they wiped someone out, it was on purpose. Biden acts like Dementia boy, but he is a nasty crime lord.

Watch the movie the usual suspects. The cripple is faking and is the master scumbag who wiped out everyone so he gets all the cash.

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93eec1  No.14556226


He knew what awaited him in jail. He took the easy way out for sure.

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505f79  No.14556227

GEORGENEWS, [10.09.21 16:32]

[ Album ]

Psaki clearly struggled today, fielding questions (which were more difficult than usual) over Biden’s aggressive in his 'war' against 'the unvaccinated'.

In a nutshell, Psaki claimed the Biden Admin didn't expect so many people to be against taking a jab, and she didn't think Joe Biden accused or was being aggressive (did she watch the same speech?).

Why is vaccination, “a requirement for people at a business with more than 100 people, but it's not a requirement for migrants at the border. Why?"

“… that’s correct — go ahead.”



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93adf2  No.14556228


this anon certainly isn't surprised.

yep. Brit establishment hasn't stopped trying to undermine US since 1776. sore losers

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505f79  No.14556229

GEORGENEWS, [10.09.21 15:04]




"He doesn’t care about you or your freedoms. He just mandated the Covid vaccine for 80 MILLION Americans. The last time I checked, we live in a FREE Country".

"The Left is working overtime to CONTROL you. First, they wanted to mandate MASKS, and now they’re mandating VACCINES - can you believe it?"

"As if it wasn’t obvious, I totally OPPOSE this liberal overreach that requires Americans to be vaccinated…"



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bf4d4e  No.14556230


>Come and Take It

fuck all to do with race of course. giving in just gives them more power. dumb fucks

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505f79  No.14556231

GEORGENEWS, [10.09.21 14:12]


Here's the full response from Biden earlier today in response to the question posed to him at the school by ABC News, on threats to challenge his vaccine measures in court. Apologies for the delay in getting this out:

"Have at it. Look, I am so disappointed that, particularly some of the Republican governors, have been so cavalier with the health of these kids, so cavalier of the health of their communities. This is — we're playing for real here. This isn't a game.

"I don't know of any scientist out there in this field who doesn't think it makes considerable sense to do the six things I've suggested. And you know, it's a — let me conclude with this, one of the lessons I hope our students can unlearn is that politics doesn't have to be this way, politics doesn't have to be this way."

"They're growing up in an environment where they see it's like a war, like a bitter feud. If a Democrat says, 'right,' everybody says, 'left.' If a Democrat says, 'left,' they say 'right.'"

"I mean, it's now how we are as a nation, and it's not how we beat every other crisis in our history. We've got to come together. And I think the vast majority — look at the polling data — the vast majority of the American people know we have to do these things. They're hard, but necessary. We're going to get them done."









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c8ac8f  No.14556232


and that is why i will feel no remorse when an old man is necked for treason.

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e645a2  No.14556233


Everything woke turns to shit

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9e3ff7  No.14556234


the never ending story of variants and boosters say no.

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c45ec0  No.14556235

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


NBC's Morgan Chesky is umbrella man

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1705b8  No.14556236


Look out all the out buildings…

One of them has a small child tied up. And many have people carrying bodies. Some with no heads.

They need to dredge that pond also

And the wood carvings.

Symbolism will be their downfall

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a14103  No.14556237

U.S. Naval Institute


#OTD in 1939, HMS Oxley became the first British submarine lost during WWII. It was reported that the sub sank due to an accidental explosion. It was not until the 1950s that the truth was revealed. HMS Oxley had been misidentified as a German U-boat and sunk by HMS Triton.


2:28 PM · Sep 10, 2021·Twitter Web App




USA_leadership change

SA_leadership change

GER_leadership change?

PAK_leadership change?


(8, 7, 6, 5……).


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e0e785  No.14556238


well antifa are white supremacists so, whatever

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9f5fda  No.14556240


Australia Prison Colony 2

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480d0d  No.14556241


>Fauci STUMPED by Basic Question

fauci is downright scary.

NIH and CDC have issued guidelines and yet in 2 years they have failed to conduct basic test to answer questions they should have answers to by now.

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2dd965  No.14556242


They're also using $$ as carrot on a stick. $14,000 for each "violation", plus they're probably threatening withholding Federal funds to those who receive it

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505f79  No.14556243

Trump: ‘I do believe they are going to decertify the election’

President Donald Trump just dropped bombshell news on the matter of election integrity by predicting that officials will “decertify” the 2020 presidential election.

Discussing consequences for the “rigged” election, Trump told The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft during a Friday afternoon interview, “I do believe they are going to decertify the election.”

“They know it was rigged,” he added after a week of damning reports alleging vast voter irregularities in Maricopa County.

Addressing the Arizona canvassing report published by Liz Harris which claimed that the number of “lost” votes identified in Maricopa County is 173,104, or the equivalent of nearly three Sun Devil stadiums, she said during an interview on Steve Bannon’s “War Room” this week. “2.5 times that stadium is the number of people in Maricopa County whose votes were lost.”

In addition to missing votes, the report also identified 96,389 “ghost” votes which are described as “mail-in votes that likely could not have been physically cast by the voter that the vote was registered to,” because of address changes.

“These voters did not have a secondary mailing address and were either unknown to the residents who lived at their voting address since September 2020 or were known but confirmed to not have lived at the residence since prior to the election, and often had not lived there for many years.”

The combined number of “lost” and “ghost” votes, as well as many more inaccurate votes were discovered by canvassers, brings the total vote discrepancies to 269,493 – and that’s just one county in the state of Arizona.

Trump called Liz Harris a “patriot” for her findings, praising the report that alleges hundreds of thousands of “lost” or “ghost” votes.

On the matter of Arizona, Trump added “I lost at a very close number, but we were way up ahead,” and someone is “going to have to ask Fox,” about their curious early call for Arizona to go to Biden.


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a6d5ce  No.14556244


prior exposure to a related virus?

(lots of coronaviruses around - have been for a long time.)

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8aa35b  No.14556245


Queen Elizabeth II supports BLM

Will she be inviting Patrice Cullors over for tea and crumpets while she prances her fat ass around covered in gold?

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bf1cdb  No.14556246


Had not thought of that. Maybe so.

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d243c1  No.14556248


a family was droned in the mideast

why after all these years of drone strikes does the new york times care now?

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0e1bfd  No.14556249



This term still being used in this manner is tied with MSM for our Country's greatest handicap.

It's not "democrats", "RINOs" and "biased, liberal" media, etc., ETC. we're up against.

The sooner more people (especially those in the public eye) wake the hell up regarding Joseph McCarthy, the sooner more people will wake up to the truth of what we're REALLY fighting. #Venona

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480d0d  No.14556250


>Trump: ‘I do believe they are going to decertify the election’


makes me wonder if this isn't a distraction for what else he has up his sleeve.

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e0e785  No.14556251


Fuck this guy, focus on the victims. He wasn't even a real person. Walking shell of flesh.

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a23913  No.14556252


>Am aware of 2 people who took the vax then later got covid and died.

You're in the middle of a disinformation war.

You are not aware of shit.

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bf4d4e  No.14556253


>sore losers

not sure it's that simple.

revolutionary war just happened to help rothschild red flag "british empire" colonize Canada, as most english moved up there. They wanted to colonize canada before France.

Watch out in history for convenient coincidences.

Also not the banks of the United States, and that whole issue. 1791-1811 war of 1812, and another 20 year charter until Jackson, which failed to renew by one vote.

Looks an awful lot like 1776 had a backroom deal to permit that bank to exist.

Also the framers had to know the issue was George's bankers, not George himself, but the Dec. of Ind. makes no allusion to it; just keeps the simple narrative that it was george himself

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6c7163  No.14556254


Feds will sick ISO on businesses that don’t comply….ISO asswipes march in, demand to see all your paperwork and then shut you down for minor infractions

Obama used ISO to close hundreds of small businesses

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2df97d  No.14556255

File: 8e0fabd6089ae5c⋯.png (26.47 KB, 534x360, 89:60, ClipboardImage.png)

Jim Watkins Telegram


Should be a good show be sure to tune in.

I will be on Revolution.Radio at 7 PM Pacific today. The Story Behind the Story with Dr. A. True Ott and Major Burdock.

The revolution begins at 7 PM.


Please let your friends know the show is on! they can listen here. on Itunes, on Tunein, on revolution.radio studio B

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93adf2  No.14556257

File: 650ead6d14a27e5⋯.png (859.05 KB, 785x580, 157:116, ClipboardImage.png)


Caitlin Johnstone: Australia’s not a free country. State surveillance and autocracy are rife because we have no bill of rights

too long to post, nothing new for anons, but good red pill for normies


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bf1cdb  No.14556258


Real people is NOT disinformation, anon. Real people. FLESH AND BLOOD HUMAN BEINGS. Grieving families. Don't tell me what I know and what I don't know. YOU DONT KNOW.

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e0e785  No.14556259


>can you believe it?"

haha Trump, haha.

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3ebe67  No.14556260



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d3fb14  No.14556261

If we think any of our larger employers are going to allow us to remain unvaccinated, there is no chance in hell they will be paying $14k per infraction. If we want them to stop steam rolling our freedoms, we'll all be eating the same gruel soon. We need massive protests.

There must come a point where we can no longer remain anonymous. Just like the farmers during the revolution. They took on the most powerful military at the time and gave the biggest middle finger to Britian.

Look what other countries are doing, protesting. If we all did this last year, we wouldn't be in this boat right now. Tyranny comes in as "15 days to slow the spread." Look where we're at now…

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d2a84b  No.14556263


Compulsory vaccine for frontline health workers “ILLOGICAL” - Oxford Professor

Oxford University professor Sunetra Gupta claims the UK government plan to impose a full vaccination mandate on frontline health workers has no logic - because it doesn't stop the spread of COVID-19.

Looks like what she and other 'leaky vaccine' adherents are saying is that it isn't logical to force a vaccine on everyone when that vaccine isn't stopping the transmission of what is causing the illness.

Danger is the virus, or whatever, that is transferred will be vaccine resistant.

Could tie in to delta variant infected the vaccinated, not sure.

So, she's saying forget about the pollical or social brouhaha and get back to looking at epidemic prevention basics.

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61845f  No.14556264


so much satisfaction here

KYS used for good finally

Maryland Judge About To Be Arrested Dies In Apparent Suicide

HENDERSON, Md. (WJZ) — Maryland State Police said Caroline County Circuit Court Judge Jonathan Newell was found dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound the same day FBI agents went to his house to arrest him.

Investigators said Newell was wanted on federal charges for child pornography. In July, police responded to a cabin on Hoopers Island after a child found a video camera in the bathroom and called his parents.

In a police report obtained by WJZ, there were six boys staying overnight with Newell in the cabin.

According to court documents, Newell denied placing the camera, but later went to his bedroom andswallowed a memory cardfrom a box with camera equipment.

Investigators took him to the hospital for a CT scan, which showed the memory card in his body.

Police said they searched Newell’s cabin, truck, boat and office and found multiple digital devices and a hard drive that showed videos of boys showering inside his home.

In one video, it even showed him setting up the camera.

Court documents said several boys told police that while at the cabin, he checked their naked bodies for ticks while in the bathroom.

Friday morning, police said they went to Newell’s home to arrest him. He was found dead in his home from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Newell, 50, was appointed to the Caroline County Circuit Court by Gov. Larry Hogan in August 2016.

Before that appointment, he served as the Caroline County State’s Attorney for 13 years.


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a6d5ce  No.14556265

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9f5fda  No.14556266





















>Trust the Science

>Even when it has no idea what it's talking about

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a4e7aa  No.14556268

The canvass release was the equivalent of a boxer's jab.

It disoriented the opponent, forced a response (vax mandate distraction) then built a big opening for a massive knockout blow.

The official Maricopa audit results are yet to be released.

Until then, use the vax mandates to rally the base, but never forget the actual goal.


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2dd965  No.14556269

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a23913  No.14556270



Time will tell.

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700945  No.14556271


About minute 58 he begins a really good discussion of graphene oxide. The doctor he is interviewing is giving the kind of information that makes me think our whole scientific understanding of disease and vaccines is about to be uprooted.

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c45ec0  No.14556273



>so, whatever

hey!, wrong tone

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90cf67  No.14556274

File: becc96046a7e101⋯.jpeg (288.09 KB, 2000x1110, 200:111, 41D0C741_5249_4C16_B2FD_3….jpeg)

File: 5da2fd3142fc2a8⋯.jpeg (115.45 KB, 1144x871, 88:67, 6F615E80_FE40_4453_B5D4_A….jpeg)


This doctor s father in law died from being treated with this protocol. Fauci is a sick psychopath


Dr. Bryan Ardis - Hospital Protocol is what is Murdering Covid / Flu Patients

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7bbf33  No.14556275


direct link:


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7eef05  No.14556276

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a23913  No.14556277

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1705b8  No.14556278


*Look out

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928886  No.14556279


a.) Q suggested that after WWII the powers that be tried to use Communism to pit east against west to destroy each other (he even included a movie video iirc.)

b.) Trump did travel to Asia in November 2017 immediately after Q's debut post in late October 2017.

c.) DJT has said he and Xi are 'friends'.

d.) Putin respects DJT. Putin handed him a soccer ball which symbolized something.

e.) Q has suggested you do not let your enemy know you are coming, then pounce like the fastest animal on the planet, again iirc.

Perhaps DJT enlisted them and it's all a movie.

Therefore true if big.

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bf1cdb  No.14556280


You're saying theyre not dead or that it wasn't covid that killed them?

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8aa35b  No.14556281


>Trump: ‘I do believe they are going to decertify the election’

Anon: "I do believe it wont be until 2023, if that.

Arizona still has not and were nearly 8 months in, other States haven't even begun, another 8 months each, concurrent audits maybe, consecutive audits…2030, minimum.

Being realistic here.

<Fraud Vitiates Everything.jpg>

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2dd965  No.14556282


It's in an email exchange with him. Link is in the article


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1f4ce5  No.14556284


From Gab. https://gab.com/Johnheretohelp/posts/106908405613962453

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54de54  No.14556285







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3535e7  No.14556286

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I made this 19 years ago. Released to the public for the first time this anniversary.

9-11 Tribute Video - Pink Floyd - Dogs of War

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2dd965  No.14556288


oops… this >>14556282 was meant for you.

Fug… I'm tired

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7bbf33  No.14556289


This is not a new theory. Trump is the only one to visit the forbidden palace. Anons remember.

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93eec1  No.14556291


I will look more closely thank you. I did not want to get too close. I did some deep digging during pizzagate in 2016. I hate what the do with kids. Thanks for pointing that out… I think.

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6785f0  No.14556292



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3535e7  No.14556293

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I made this 19 years ago. Released to the public for the first time this anniversary.

9-11 Tribute Video, Black Sabbath - War Pigs Rev1

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93adf2  No.14556294


New thoughts for me. I tend towards a Larouche perspective of American history (not that I know a lot). Ironically, I tend to find from a bunch out of Montreal. e.g.,




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a23913  No.14556295

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'm not saying either of those things and your punctuation is terrible.

Go back to pre-911 school. And don't forget, George Bush Jr. is set to speak in Shanksville in less then 12 hours.

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8aa35b  No.14556297


Australia, look at how far you have fallen…

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0bb5e6  No.14556298


Hello George

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87a056  No.14556299

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Psaki Straight Up Gives Up Halfway Through Press Conference

Sep 10, 2021

Memology 102

186K subscribers

Reporter asks why the administration is mandating businesses to have their employees vaccinated but is not applying the same standards to those people who are entering the border.

How the hell do you answer "That's correct" to a "Why?" question?


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505f79  No.14556300


[Ron Watkins], [10.09.21 22:10]

The canvass release was the equivalent of a boxer's jab.

It disoriented the opponent, forced a response (vax mandate distraction) then built a big opening for a massive knockout blow.

The official Maricopa audit results are yet to be released.

Until then, use the vax mandates to rally the base, but never forget the actual goal.


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db1494  No.14556301


>who dies and who doesn't.

Those who believe they can and those who believe they can't are both correct.

"We discovered the power of thought!"

-Admiral Rogers

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4e2575  No.14556303

Patrick Bouvier Kennedy 63, [10.09.21 21:35]

[Forwarded from il Donaldo Trumpo (il Donaldo Trumpo)]

Don't forget to log off and enjoy this Beautiful Weekend with your Friends and Family, Patriotos. Bullshito can wait.

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c45ec0  No.14556304





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8aa35b  No.14556305


>Should be a good show be sure to tune in.

Would be a lot cooler if we could meme about it.

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700945  No.14556308


Acquaintance got "the virus" from a vaccinated person. (Apparently after the first dose there is a spike in susceptibility if I recall what I read on one of Alex Berenson's posts correctly.) That person, according to anon's acquaintance infected many members of a family.

High rates of vaccination correlate very well it seems with high rates of infection, hospitalizations and deaths.

The vaccine is both pandemic and bioweapon.

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d35f7a  No.14556310

COLLIER TWP — Chartiers Valley High School students staged a walkout Friday, protesting the state’s mask mandate for schools.

“No one here wants to wear a mask, it’s why we’re here, it’s our right not to wear one,” said sophomore Tyler Glover.

The students told Channel 11 that news of the walk out spread among students over social media.


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db1494  No.14556311


Forgot the …


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140511  No.14556312

Local news in Maryland did a poll asking what people think of the vaccine mandate:

-I am vaccinated, and I think it's a good idea: 15%

-I'm vaccinated but don't think the mandate is right: 21%

-I'm unvaccinated, and I still won't get the shot: 63%

-I'm unvaccinated, but I'll get the shot now: 1%


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bf1cdb  No.14556313



And I thought my punctuation was just fine. Correct, please. I'm no Rhodes scholar.

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d2a84b  No.14556314


>why after all these years of drone strikes does the new york times care now?

As fucked up as they are, at least they know a boat anchor on their chosen political leaning's future when they see it.

I was expecting the good guys to bust Bidan one in the chops on 911 to fuck up his end zone dance, but it's his own team. Even more better.

All we need now is, "Fuck Joe Bidan", echoing out of about 1000 football stadiums to dot the i on this puppy.

Good guys must have that, "Don't interrupt your enemy…" , quote hanging on the wall of the meme room.

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6785f0  No.14556315

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




boom boom boom boom

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505f79  No.14556316

THE DAY HAS ARRIVED! — The Gateway Pundit LIVE with PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP — Starting at 4:15 PM Central on TGP and Rumble

We are thrilled to announce The Gateway Pundit will interview President Donald J. Trump today at 4:30 PM Central Time.

Tune in to The Gateway Pundit website or our Gateway Pundit Rumble page to watch our interview with the 45th President of the United States — starting at 4:15 PM Central.

The Gateway Pundit and President Donald J. Trump — What more could you ask for?

This is the interview you have been waiting for.

Thank you to all of our readers for your continued support!


The Gateway Pundit LIVE with President Donald Trump



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001041  No.14556317


>Queen Elizabeth II supports BLM

Does the reptilian ho support"MeToo"?

YOUR SICK POS SON is a pedophile–

Based on the major pedo's friendship w/Jimmy Savile and "soon to be king" Charles… 117 pics of Jimmy Savile and Charles socializing, they are BOTH pedopile POS assholes just like you and your husband– (how many liddle black kids went missing, last seen riding off w/da "Queeen & Prince Phillip")

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a23913  No.14556318



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93adf2  No.14556320





QE II makes an appearance in "Gigi at the White House" in very House of Guelph-Este colors (blue and white, like Epstein temple


Many children have at least one special opportunity to visit their parents at work, and this was true for Gigi McBride whose mother had a very unique job—she worked at the White House. During the George W. Bush administration, Gigi had many adventures visiting her mother Anita McBride, Chief of Staff to First Lady Laura Bush. Now that she is a college student with a love of children's literature, she decided to share her special memories of her visits to the White House from 2005 to 2009 when she was 4 to 8 years old. She hopes that the book will encourage children to learn more about the White House and life as lived there. With illustrations by artist John Hutton, this book features Gigi's favorite stories of the fun she had exploring the White House at the Easter Egg Roll, Fourth of July, Halloween, and Christmas, and the friends that she made, including First Lady Laura Bush, the Secret Service, the White House Pastry Chefs, and the White House florist.

This title is the third in a continuing series of children's books launched by the White House Historical Association in 2020 with A White House Alphabet and Presidents Play!

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e0e785  No.14556321


Also interesting to not is he lived RIGHT near the border to DE, Biden's stomping grounds.

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4e2575  No.14556322


Please let your friends know the show is on! they can listen here. on Itunes, on Tunein, on revolution.radio studio B


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505f79  No.14556323

TeoAnon17, [09.09.21 14:12]

[ Video ]

A pilot accidentally releases the chemtrail while still at the airport.

Greetings to all who still think chemtrails are " condensation trails".


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a6d5ce  No.14556326


An illegitimate President created an illegal rule in violation of our Constitution and thus should not be enforced…

OSHA offices locations…


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a23913  No.14556327


No I fucked up too. Right now we're even.

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3f725d  No.14556328


I never noticed this before…but Jeb B. resembles Bill Gates Sr.

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facb38  No.14556329


America Winning














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bf1cdb  No.14556331


See below Mr. Punctuation



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7eef05  No.14556332

Baruch Levy, Letter to Karl Marx, ‘La Revue de Paris’, p.574, June 1, 1928

“The Jewish people as a whole will become its own Messiah. It will attain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship.

In this New World Order the children of Israel will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is said that when the Messianic time comes, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands.”

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198865  No.14556333















































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f2f1b6  No.14556334


video sauce?

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a23913  No.14556336


Nothing can stop what is coming.

(And it may start as soon as tomorrow morning!)

Sweet dreams.

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bf1cdb  No.14556337


Sounds good

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c45ec0  No.14556338

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>A pilot accidentally releases the chemtrail while still at the airport.

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aecc54  No.14556341


So only 36% of people are vaccinated.

Probably the same across the whole world.

Not 70% like they lie about.

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c8ac8f  No.14556342

did lindel release the info for how to help with the 50 state audits yet. I thought he said it was going to released today but not sure where to look. It was supposed to have links of contacts and stuff for each state to help support those pushing the effort?

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93adf2  No.14556343


so sad.

anon visited frens there ~5 years ago. highway traffic ams/radar not only would nail you for instantaneous speeding, but would do radar-to-radar calculations and you could get busted for too high an average speed, too

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d2a84b  No.14556344


>Local news in Maryland did a poll asking what people think of the vaccine mandate:

>-I am vaccinated, and I think it's a good idea: 15%


>at least they know a boat anchor on their chosen political leaning's future when they see it.

See what I mean?

Fucking Maryland, no less. What's the dem base in MD? 40%?

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e0e785  No.14556345


>and then shut you down

Imagine letting some .guv goons just come in and shut down your fully lawful business in current year

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6785f0  No.14556346


OOB test

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928886  No.14556347


Excellent point!
















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61845f  No.14556348

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e4430c  No.14556349

BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jack Posobiec


Unconfirmed reports that Senator Dianne Fienstein, 88 years old, has passed away.

10:02 PM · Sep 10, 2021·Twitter for iPhone



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505f79  No.14556350

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9f4e40  No.14556351

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Instant karma. These people are sick. And he was a Judge? Presided over my and your guilt or innocence? Imagine his mindful compass. Good, Now he can be judged on his knees before GOD. That's where we all end up. He'll be/is shaking.

Damian Sanchez

7 years ago

This is what God listens to on his way to work

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0be801  No.14556352




Further note:

The image originally had the writing light up in yellow, but in Dan's image the lights are off behind the words?


1:23 AM · Sep 11, 2021·Twitter for iPhone



























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7eef05  No.14556354



1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

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505f79  No.14556355

EWillHelpYou, [10.09.21 19:34]

There are three specific rights being targeted right now by global intelligence agencies:

Free Speech,

Free Movement,

and the Ability to Protest.


The limitations around these three things are specifically important to quelling civil rebellion.

The global power structure is, for some unstated reason, clearly anticipating widespread chaos, and for some time now has been moving the general population into a contained position.


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9f5fda  No.14556356


how do they fit all that in there

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505f79  No.14556358

America’s Frontline Doctors, [10.09.21 18:25]

[ Video ]

Nigeria has announced its citizens will no longer be able to visit Churches or Mosques and will not have access to banking services from the 2nd week in September without proof of vaccination.

This is shocking.


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9f5fda  No.14556359

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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524dee  No.14556360


Muh muh muh muh........


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7eef05  No.14556361


"Kill the Goyim (non-Jews) by any means possible."-Jewish Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

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61845f  No.14556363


some moral compasses always point south

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f2f1b6  No.14556364


You know why they're "Chem-trailing right and how long they have been doing it?

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a23913  No.14556365





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480d0d  No.14556367


he is really trolling the left mercilessly.

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c0bf78  No.14556368


Truth is neither right or left, red or blue, people label themselves as such and moar importantly, label others as such

don't join in on their madness

seek truth


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aecc54  No.14556369


I have to say California skies have been very clear recently compared to previous years.

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c78685  No.14556370


Placebos were given to hide the bad data

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5120e7  No.14556371


Now that is top kek

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5a09f3  No.14556372


Dude, her inner parasite can't die.

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9f4e40  No.14556373



Takes pride in being first to reporting death. Multiple times. He's garbage.

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facb38  No.14556374



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524dee  No.14556377


Looks more like a fuxxed up APU to me.

We only have your word that anything Chem Trail is happening and you appear to have no additional information on that.

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d8655f  No.14556378

Dec 21, 2020-Sept 11, 2021

Exactly nine months. (40 weeks)

Grand Conjunction (Conception)

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757873  No.14556379

Chystein dead for the 322nd time. Evil digits. Right this time?

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0bb5e6  No.14556380

Here's a thing from David Icke, telling a story about some guy who was hearing "thoughts not of his own" towards the injection. It's about 7 minutes in.


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11973a  No.14556381



Thanks for the image.

Sure would be nice if 9/11 would be revealed on the 20th anniversary.

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2dd965  No.14556382

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524dee  No.14556383



Fuxxing Chimp.

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1f90d5  No.14556384


Self fulfilled prophesy.

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3a3f69  No.14556386

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Needs to cleansed with fire!

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928886  No.14556387


Very nice, anon. Never more fitting music to a video. Even had a shot of John The American Taliban in there.

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c78685  No.14556388


Nigeria needs Trump

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a6d5ce  No.14556389


In which case the "vaccinated" are a risk to everyone, but especially the "non-vaccinated"?

So if hospital staff are all vaccinated and an non-vaccinated patient is admitted for something completely different how are they protected?

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505f79  No.14556390


>>14556323, >>14556338 Pilot accidentally releases the chemtrail while still at the airport (0:33)

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e0e785  No.14556391


This is 100% true. This move by the DS was in response to the canvass. They were trying to hold it off for audit release but had to use it early to push back against basically a mini-me audit result.

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505f79  No.14556392

Wendy Rogers, [10.09.21 13:51]

[ Photo ]

I am pleased to announce that I have been appointed to the Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Study Committee by Senate President @FannKfann. I am going to work to help make Arizona crypto-friendly. #BTC #BNB #Crypto



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d2a84b  No.14556394


They have Markle and the pussy whipped guy down for count, most likely, so why not throw a bone out there to keep the MSM from resuscitating them.

Main battle ahead is the Andrew shit. and they have to clean up possible raiding parties first.

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7bbf33  No.14556396


This. So they show up with a clipboard and say, sorry sir, we order you to shut down. Here is a piece of paper.

"Thanks, bye"

They would have to show up with law enforcement and physcially charge me with a crime first.

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3f725d  No.14556397


Thank You…it's been a pleasure.

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61845f  No.14556398


big diff between some foreign cave dweller



who is trying to KILL YOU

Normies need to know and asap

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bf1cdb  No.14556399


How many times is she gonna die?

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a23913  No.14556401








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aedbf5  No.14556402


Shame you can't change the font size.

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505f79  No.14556403

“As Soon as OSHA Issues This Rule We Will Sue, We Will Win” – Charlie Kirk Announces TPUSA Will Sue as Soon as OSHA Issues Biden’s Vaccine Mandates (VIDEO)

Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk joined the War Room on Friday following Joe Biden’s unconstitutional announcement on Thursday forcing American workers in the public and private sector to take the COVID vaccine.

Kirk told Steve Bannon that Turning Point USA will immediately file suit against the Biden Administration as soon as his forced vaccines take effect.

Charlie Kirk: Joe Biden announced his intent to use federal power to go after private businesses. We’ve been very clear about the vaccines from day one saying nobody should be vaccinated against their will… We have over 175 people on staff, full-time people. We will bring Biden to court. As soon as OSHA issues this rule we will sue. We will win.


Charlie Kirk Announces Turning Point USA Will Immediately Sue Biden Admin Over Forced COVID Vaccines



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9adefc  No.14556404




How'd you arrive at that time stamp mine shows differently and no US timezone would equal 123

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7bbf33  No.14556405


Look at it this way, for $289K you are really just getting a nice piece of property with a pond, and a few log cabins that need total rehab. Put all that scrap wood with the ugly artwork on the burn pile when you rebuild.

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a14103  No.14556407


Hi Mike

Mike Rothschild


Mike Flynn's brother rocks as hard as pudding.

Quote Tweet

Will Sommer


· 9h

Michael Flynn's brother really rocking out here with a QAnon band


12:48 PM · Sep 10, 2021·Twitter Web App


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facb38  No.14556408



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e0e785  No.14556409


15% vax nazi, in MD?

That's actually extremely potent hopium right there.

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2dd965  No.14556410


>Too bad no one can see it, anon

Just click on the little thumbnail pic.. it will open it for you

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0be801  No.14556412


follow the link

gmt (Greenwich mean time)


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15f780  No.14556413

I anon do solemnly swear to stand up and defend the rights provided by the Constitution of the Untied States of America to We the people. I will sacrifice everything I have to ensure the freedoms provided to me by the blood of past patriots will not be relinquished without a fight so that these freedoms will be here for all future generations of Americans. I will not bend a knee to the tyranny being committed and will defy any unjust mandates or orders from this illegitimate administration. I do so under the authority of the almighty God under which this country was founded. I anon make this proclamation to encourage others to do the same. Just as the signers of the Declaration of Independence did on August 2nd 1776 knowing their signatures meant death by hanging.. This is the last sentence of that Declaration: “And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor”.

Godspeed anons.

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5ffebc  No.14556414


It's supposed to be about 60% democrat in Maryland, but the station that conducted the poll is in Western Maryland [more republicans], so that probably made a difference.

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1a8a6f  No.14556415


Oh I have definitely noticed that. They never picked up again much after the first shutdown, and I was wondering if it was just too expensive/inefficient to get the poisons into us so they moved on to the injections.

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7bbf33  No.14556416

It is Sept. 11 here in AsiaPac

Starting the false flag watch Anons.

Anyone have a betting pool?


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505f79  No.14556417


HUGE UPDATE: Voter Integrity Groups are Analyzing Video Evidence of Ballot Trafficking on Massive Scale in Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan

Radio host John Fredericks joined Steve Bannon earlier this month to discuss an EXPLOSIVE development in Georgia.

According to John Fredericks, investigators now have video of 240 leftist operatives he called “ballot traffickers” dumping tens of thousands of ballots into drop boxes in the middle of the night in locations across Georgia.

The leftist operatives were identified making numerous drops in the middle of the night. They were filmed emptying their backpacks of ballots into the drop boxes in the middle of the night. Ballot harvesting is not legal in Georgia. This was criminal behavior caught on video!

True the Vote and OPSEC Group have copies of the video and are promising to release it in the near future.

Heather Mullins from Real Americas Voice broke this news earlier this month on the John Fredericks radio show. There is video that captures 240 ballot traffickers in Georgia. Each of the traffickers averaged 23-24 drops where they would empty backpacks into the ballot boxes. This is completely illegal. No harvesting is allowed in Georgia.

This was a massive organized effort by the American left to commit fraud.

Catherine Engelbrecht and True the Vote are behind this investigation and it involves SEVERAL STATES.

Breitbart reported on this investigation in August–

The document says that True The Vote has spent the last several months since late last year collecting more than 27 terabytes of geospatial and temporal data—a total of 10 trillion cell phone pings—between Oct. 1 and Nov. 6 in targeted areas in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Texas. The data includes geofenced points of interest like ballot dropbox locations, as well as UPS stores and select government, commercial, and non-governmental organization (NGO) facilities.

“From this we have thus far developed precise patterns of life for 242 suspected ballot traffickers in Georgia and 202 traffickers in Arizona,” True The Vote’s document says. “According to the data, each trafficker went to an average of 23 ballot dropboxes.”

In other words, what the document says is that True The Vote was able to take cell phone ping data on a mass wide scale and piece together that several people—suspected ballot harvesters—were making multiple trips to multiple drop boxes, raising potential legal questions in a number of these states.

From there, the document continues, True The Vote gathered surveillance video on the drop boxes in Georgia and is attempting to gather similar such surveillance video from other states. The document states that True The Vote has obtained one full petabyte of surveillance footage on drop boxes—two million minutes of video—which it says is broken into 73,000 individual video files. The group is expected to begin releasing some of these videos, which purportedly show the same people going multiple times to the same drop boxes, in the coming weeks.

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928886  No.14556418


















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505f79  No.14556419


We reached out to True the Vote for comment last week.

Here is what Catherine told us:

“It was pointed out to me that John Fredericks broke the story on The War Room. You are correct. That’s our project. We are not giving comments about it right now, but stay tuned!”

** You can donate to True the Vote here.

Now this…

On Wednesday Heather Mullins from Real America’s Voice provides more details on the ballot trafficking investigation.

Heather noted that this investigation covers NUMEROUS swing states including Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. And Heather says the investigation will soon be going public with evidence of illegal activity.

Heather released a photo of one of the late-night ballot traffickers in Georgia.

Via Heather Mullins:

Some of the videos are purported to show individuals stuffing ballot dropboxes with stacks of ballots, individuals depositing ballots in multiple dropboxes, and unauthorized coordination between government workers engaged in the exchange of ballots. In 2019, HB 316 specifically addressed the issue of ballot harvesting, and was passed by the Georgia General Assembly and signed by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp. It changed the law to now require that the voter personally mail their ballot or have it delivered by an immediate family member living in the household.

Individuals cannot come to your door and collect your ballot for you.

So there is no reason anyone should be depositing ballots into more than one drop box. That would be a crime. This soon to be released footage could leave Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger with some explaining to do after he wrote a letter to Congress in January assuring them his office had investigated all claims of fraud, that Georgia’s election was secure, and encouraged them to certify Georgia’s results.


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3a3f69  No.14556420

File: 8b927e68468d547⋯.png (764.78 KB, 1397x789, 1397:789, 444e9690bc3985bf5d3368ae48….png)


Wood heat, no sewer or septic, no pub. water or well, property value only.

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a23913  No.14556421


Trump has been asked several times by different outlets if he's going to run in 2024. He keeps saying "you're going to be very happy".

Love it.

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682a5a  No.14556423


Only 15 days to flatten the curve. Dave.


No jab, no job.

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2dd965  No.14556425



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cd160e  No.14556426

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


In Drop #2064 when he linked us to this music

Q was trying to tell us about Thor:Ragnarok

Because it tells the story of what is happening in the real world

And it even explains why Sebastian Gorka said that Q is Garbage

We were supposed to dig and find out about the Garbage planet

Where Hulk was imprisoned, an ordinary person who can fight like a superhero

When he gets as mad as HELL and won't take it anymore

Where Thor found a Quinjet that helped them both escape

Two years after the battle of Sokovia,[N 1] Thor is imprisoned by the fire demon Surtur, who reveals that Thor's father Odin is no longer on Asgard. He explains that the realm will soon be destroyed during the prophesied Ragnarök, once Surtur unites his crown with the Eternal Flame that burns in Odin's vault. Thor frees himself, defeats Surtur and takes his crown, believing he has prevented Ragnarök.

Thor returns to Asgard to find Heimdall gone and his estranged brother Loki posing as Odin. After exposing Loki, Thor forces him to help find their father, and with directions from Stephen Strange at the Sanctum Sanctorum in New York City, they locate Odin in Norway. Odin explains that he is dying, Ragnarök is imminent despite Thor's efforts to prevent it, and his passing will free his firstborn child, Hela, from a prison she was sealed in long ago. Hela was the leader of Asgard's armies, conquering the Nine Realms with Odin, but Odin imprisoned her and wrote her out of history after fearing that she had become too ambitious and powerful. Odin dies as Thor and Loki look on, and Hela appears, destroying Thor's hammer Mjolnir. She pursues the two as they attempt to flee through the Bifröst Bridge, forcing them out into space. Arriving in Asgard, she defeats its army and kills the Warriors Three. She then resurrects the ancient dead who once fought with her, including her giant wolf Fenris, and appoints the Asgardian Skurge as her executioner. Hela plans to use the Bifröst to expand Asgard's empire, but Heimdall sneaks in, takes the sword that controls the Bridge, and begins hiding other Asgardians.

Thor crash-lands on Sakaar, a garbage planet surrounded by wormholes. A slave trader designated Scrapper 142 subdues him with an obedience disk and sells him as a gladiator to Sakaar's ruler, the Grandmaster, with whom Loki has already ingratiated himself. Thor recognizes 142 as a Valkyrie, one of a legendary force of female warriors who were killed fighting Hela eons ago. Thor is forced to compete in the Grandmaster's Contest of Champions, facing his old friend Hulk. Summoning lightning, Thor gets the upper hand, but the Grandmaster sabotages the fight to ensure Hulk's victory. Still enslaved after the fight, Thor attempts to convince Hulk and 142 to help him save Asgard, but neither is willing. He soon manages to escape the palace and finds the Quinjet that brought the Hulk to Sakaar. Hulk follows Thor to the Quinjet, where a recording of Natasha Romanoff causes him to transform back into Bruce Banner for the first time since Sokovia.

The Grandmaster orders 142 and Loki to find Thor and Hulk, but the pair come to blows and Loki forces her to relive the deaths of her Valkyrie companions at the hands of Hela. Deciding to help Thor, she takes Loki captive. Unwilling to be left behind, Loki provides the group with the means to steal one of the Grandmaster's ships. They then liberate the other gladiators who, incited by two aliens named Korg and Miek, stage a revolution. Loki again attempts to betray his brother, but Thor anticipates this and leaves him behind, where Korg, Miek, and the gladiators soon find him. Thor, Banner, and 142 escape through a wormhole to Asgard, where Hela's forces are attacking Heimdall and the remaining Asgardians in pursuit of the sword that controls the Bifröst. Banner transforms into Hulk again, defeating Fenris, while Thor and 142 fight Hela and her warriors. Loki and the gladiators arrive to rescue the citizens, and a repentant Skurge sacrifices himself to enable their escape. Thor, facing Hela, loses his right eye and then has a vision of Odin that helps him realize only Ragnarök can stop her. He sends Loki to retrieve Surtur's crown and place it in the Eternal Flame. Surtur is reborn and destroys Asgard, killing Hela as the refugees flee.

Aboard the Grandmaster's spaceship, Thor, now king, reconciles with Loki and decides to take his people to Earth. In a mid-credits scene, they are intercepted by a large spacecraft.[N 2]In a post-credits scene, the overthrown Grandmaster is confronted by his former subjects.

You are watching a movie


And now it is YOUR MOVE!!!

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505f79  No.14556428

Jim Watkins, [10.09.21 20:30]

I will be on Revolution.Radio at 7 PM Pacific today. The Story Behind the Story with Dr. A. True Ott and Major Burdock.

The revolution begins at 7 PM.



Jim Watkins, [10.09.21 22:01]

[In reply to Jim Watkins]

Please let your friends know the show is on! they can listen here. on Itunes, on Tunein, on revolution.radio studio B


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c78685  No.14556429


Queen embraces Marxism as way to dodge media coverage of Andrew served with papers accusing him of pedophilia crimes

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61845f  No.14556430


If we can't kill you with the jab

we will kill you for not getting the jab

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7bbf33  No.14556431


Western Maryland is pretty solidly conservative. Their votes get slaughtered every time by the Baltimore metro area.

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6d7970  No.14556432


Many many of the Democrats in MD are black, anon. Black people have good historical reasons not to trust government vaccines.

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f2f1b6  No.14556433


you're fucking smoking crack.. Research NASA Tera-forming started in the 70's through the 80's Research Fort Dietrich and weather modification and biological warfare 1943 Research David Keith Harvard Geo-engineering speeches he gave in the last twelve years also bill gates is a partner in that effort Research John Brennan making public statement addressing the Cia's acceptance and participation in the on going program on and on and on.. You apparently speak before you research and you apparently leave the thinking to other's

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d243c1  No.14556434


"how do they fit all that in there?"

ever seen all the clowns come out of a clown car at the circus?

clowns have planes too

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b37996  No.14556435


Rose McGowan ~ Just posted a video - BUT it's gone!



9:43 PM · Sep 10, 2021·Instagram


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9f4e40  No.14556436


I don't think it matters at this point other than occupying a position that could be served better. She and her husband are at the point money doesn't matter any more. The times of spending that money on fun are gone. What they wake up with now is how they will be remembered. And that's their only saving grace. Wanna make a deal?

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8aa35b  No.14556437



>Only 15 days to flatten the curve. Dave.

That was over 535 days ago, anon. kek

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7eef05  No.14556438

"Israel is our greatest ally" is FAKE NEWS.

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a14103  No.14556439

U.S. Naval Institute


#OTD in 1813, American naval forces under the command of Oliver Hazard Perry defeated and captured an entire Royal Navy squadron of six ships at the Battle of Lake Erie. The battle was a major victory that gave the U.S. control over the strategically important lake.


8:16 PM · Sep 10, 2021·Twitter Web App


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505f79  No.14556440

Liz Harrington

, [10.09.21 16:35]

In case you haven't noticed, this is not about public health



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5a09f3  No.14556442


All the normies are belong to us Mike




































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7bbf33  No.14556443


I'm all about the wood heat, can't deal with low ceilings though. Great for off grid.

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61845f  No.14556445


depends how you define "our"

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1b55b7  No.14556447


Graphene oxide into the atmosphere?

Or glysophate?

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817734  No.14556448


Been sayin it since day one

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505f79  No.14556449

Liz Harrington, [10.09.21 18:45]

[ Video ]

President Trump: "I am very proud of what we did with the vaccine…and therapeutics.

"At the same time people have to have their freedoms.

"You can't take away freedom from people and that's what they're doing. What they're doing now countrywide is not good."


Liz Harrington, [10.09.21 18:49]

[ Video ]

President Trump also points out the hypocrisy of no masks and vaccines at the Border or for Afghan refugees, while they mandate it on American citizens.


Liz Harrington, [10.09.21 18:54]

[ Video ]

President Trump urges freedom for Americans to make their own medical choices, pointing out, "in some cases they have reasons why they can't take it"


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1f90d5  No.14556451


All of the evidence in the world doesn't matter if nothing is done about it.

Except that Republicans will just stop voting.

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7bbf33  No.14556452

Jim Watkins just now:

It is time for us to activate our inner gorilla and think about how we can civilly disobey at every opportunity against everything that is coming out.

Obeying mandates won't change the number of people getting sick one iota, no matter if they've been innoculated.

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6785f0  No.14556453

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0bb5e6  No.14556454


At this point, any FF would be controlled. Especially considering Afghanistan got cleaned up.

Remember all those celebrities and politicians making those weird social media videos last year? Asking for FFs, asking for Trumps death. Not one got answered.

The only thing I've seen that even resembles something FF related was that telephone store explosion in America at the start of the year.

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8aa35b  No.14556455


>It is time for us to activate our inner gorilla and think about how we can civilly disobey at every opportunity against everything that is coming out.

Anon used to do it with memes.

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d35f7a  No.14556456

On Sept. 11, 2001, Murphy was having breakfast with African American clergy at Mount Ararat Baptist Church when he learned the World Trade Center was struck. Murphy said he left the breakfast to return to his office in the City-County Building.

By coincidence, Murphy said, Pittsburgh Public Safety officials were meeting in the office, which became a command center. Murphy said 9-1-1 phone calls from passengers on Flight 93 were being received here, so city officials were aware that the plane had been hijacked and was near Cleveland.

Shorty, thereafter, the plane turned around.

“We get a call from the FBI that this plane is turning and will be coming over Pittsburgh. Now, we did not think it was coming to Pittsburgh. But our concern was that if something happened, we have the largest tallest building between New York and Chicago – the U.S. Steel Building – so we decided we needed to get people out of the buildings,” Murphy said.

Murphy said he was told Flight 93 would be over Pittsburgh in 20 minutes, so he ordered an immediate evacuation of the U.S. Steel Building and other downtown buildings.


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c0bf78  No.14556457


which is completely non biblical btw

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2fdee6  No.14556458

I can’t think of a worse president to have ever existed

Biden Blasts Americans on Eve of 9/11: ‘We Have Witnessed Violence in America Against Muslims – True Followers of a Peaceful Religion’ (VIDEO)


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aba94a  No.14556459

>>14552951 pb

I humbly beg to differ. I think he's just not in on the echo chamber thing and knows more than he is saying. After the "election", I felt that way about him too. Everything he was saying hurt to hear. He was right. Trump wasn't coming back. If he did, we would've been no closer to a precipice of destruction. I get it now though. He knows the plan. I have no doubt, and he seems very very clear to me. I don't miss his vids now because he's on the money. He's been a long time advocate for questioning the vaccines. I may be biased towards him.

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db1494  No.14556460

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a021fb  No.14556461

The new God of War: Ragnarok video game features black, female Viking warriors. (((They))) never stop. (((Their))) subversion is unrelenting. Peak ((())).

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6785f0  No.14556462


Possible engine oil fire, APU

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03c2fa  No.14556463


Well I guess folks are going to die. Maybe one of them could be me. No one will be held accountable. We all know and they know we know, and they know nothing, and I mean nothing as in nada and zippo wil be done about it. Life goes on in clown world. Remember Cuomo and that "thing" cousin It killed people in NY and cousin it got rewarded and Cuomo removed to make way for something more in line with AOC types.

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4e2575  No.14556464

Jim Watkins advocates that the masks are to disguise others, ALIENS among us: https://revolution.radio/ Studio B

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9f4e40  No.14556465


That's nice. Hear the golf claps? Maybe they can originate more than two documents out over 55,000. Stop using the CIA/FBI as your front runner. You think you fooled me? CIA is looking good compared to you.


JFK Assassination Records - 2018 Additional Documents Release

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6785f0  No.14556466


Ahead of you Jim


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61845f  No.14556467


a true challenge fighting the meme war with no ammo. not at all impossible for anons.


Q =

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b37996  No.14556469


Look up Israel Cohen's book

"A Racial-Program for the 20th Century"

"We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negros. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause."



Just be the answer to Q#19:

<Why do D’s want to control the black pop?

<Why do they intentionally keep poor and in need?

<Why do D’s project racism on a daily basis against R’s?

<Why do black elected officials do the crazy talk on behalf of D’s?

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198865  No.14556470


The Nashville bombing, Christmas morning 2020, was not just a phone store but an internet switching station.

The 1/6/2021 antifa/BLM 'riot' at the capitol in Washington D.C. was a FF.

The one [they] are planning in the near future will also be controlled.


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1eabeb  No.14556471


MD is comped big time. A hell of a lot of blacks in Baltimore were pissed after the election. Any county that sits next to DC is runs to the far left in the local gov. We need forensic audits here especially at the local levels. Baltimore’s school are so bad I’m surprised the blacks haven’t burned them down yet—every tax payer in Maryland would cheer them on. The board of education is totally and knowingly corrupt.

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505f79  No.14556472

Dr Palevsky, [10.09.21 19:27]

[ Photo ]

Vaccination Myths and Misconceptions Cleared with Dr Lawrence Palevsky on the Elevated Parenting with Dr Chloe Weber

In a world bombarded by fear, uncertainty, and false information, how do we discern what is true and what is not? And in our current climate, the fight for truth has never been more crucial.

In this episode, we invite Dr. Lawrence Palevsky to debunk the myths and misinformation that surround vaccinations. Chloe and Dr. Palevsky also discuss the lack of critical thinking and unbiased research in the medical field, as well as the ongoing fight against censorship, especially in relation to vaccinations and COVID.

Tune in and find out how you too can continue the fight for truth, accountability, and critical thinking with Chloe and Dr. Palevsky.



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fcf0d8  No.14556473


Woodrow Wilson

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a23913  No.14556474


You're watching a controlled demolition anon. I don't understand it either but trust in the Lord.

We'll get through this together.

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db1494  No.14556475


For the lack of a question-mark… was that a statement? >>14556452


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700945  No.14556476


Vaccinated might be dangerous in the way you describe. Hospital staff susceptible to COVID-19 spread it to patients. However, the problems you describe would be present in many settings. Ordinary workplaces, schools, etc.

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2e2cc5  No.14556477

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7bbf33  No.14556478


what is GG#5 anon?

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e810ab  No.14556479

BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jack Posobiec


Unconfirmed reports that Senator Dianne Fienstein, 88 years old, has passed away.

10:02 PM · Sep 10, 2021·Twitter for iPhone



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682a5a  No.14556480


I know, I just meant yesterday as before now.

Amazing how long this has been going on though.

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c78685  No.14556481


He blow a family up with a drone in Afghanistan

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524dee  No.14556482


But white smoke blowing out of the APU exhaust of what is clearly a commercial JAL Japan airlines passenger jet airliner does not mean shit. DOn't give a fuck what you say.

I can say A300 smoking weed and there's as much evidence for that as what you offer. Don't be such an uncritical rube.

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757873  No.14556483


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5a09f3  No.14556484


viral spreading of virusses is never proven

Not by air, not by touching

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505f79  No.14556485

Donald Trump beats Joe Biden in 2024 election poll

Former US President Donald Trump had a slight lead in a poll on the hypothetical 2024 election matchup with Joe Biden.

Donald Trump is slightly favored over Joe Biden in a hypothetical 2024 presidential matchup, according to a poll Emerson College conducted from August to September 2021.

Some 47% of respondents preferred Trump, while 46% preferred Biden, with a margin of error of +/- 2.7 percentage points.

Biden's overall approval rating was 46% and disapproval was 47%, with 7% undecided. This is a lower approval rating than an Emerson poll from February, in which 49% of respondents approved of Biden's presidency and 39% disapproved, with 12% undecided.

Both politicians are the preferred candidate for their party in the 2024 election. 60% of Democrats said they want President Biden to be the presidential nominee and 39% said they would rather it be someone else. Meanwhile, 67% of Republicans said they would vote for former President Trump in the primary while only 10% said they would prefer another candidate, such as Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. If Trump is not an option, 32% said they would vote for DeSantis and 24% said they would pick former Vice President Mike Pence.

The Emerson report noted that enthusiasm regarding the 2022 midterm elections is low, with only 71% of Democrats and 69% of Republicans saying they are likely to vote.

US President Joe Biden points a finger as he delivers remarks on the administration's continued drawdown efforts in Afghanistan in a speech from the East Room at the White House in Washington US, July 8, 2021. (credit: EVELYN HOCKSTEIN/REUTERS)

US President Joe Biden points a finger as he delivers remarks on the administration's continued drawdown efforts in Afghanistan in a speech from the East Room at the White House in Washington US, July 8, 2021. (credit: EVELYN HOCKSTEIN/REUTERS)

The report also mentioned 68% of respondents said the US lost the war in Afghanistan and 49% thought former President George W. Bush held the most responsibility for the war. Of the respondents, 24% said Biden was most responsible, 18% said Barack Obama was most responsible, and 10% said Donald Trump was most responsible.


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61845f  No.14556486



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505f79  No.14556487

Trump Comments on When He’ll Announce 2024 Decision

Greg Gutfeld aired more clips from his interview with former President Donald Trump on his show last night.

The two discussed a wide range of topics throughout the lengthy interview, and last night the topic of a potential Trump 2024 run came up.

“I love our country,” Trump said. “I think you’ll be very happy. I would say two, three years ago you might not have been that happy but now I think you’d be happy… I’ll make a decision in the not-so-distant future.”

Watch below:

Just days ago Jim Jordan said to Lauren Windsor (while seemingly being secretly recorded), the executive producer of The Undercurrent, “He’s gonna run again.”

“You think so?” someone is heard asking Jordan.

“I know so,” he replied. “I talked to him yesterday. He’s about ready to announce after all this craziness in Afghanistan.”

Watch below:


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ee955c  No.14556489


Just happened to my neighbor.

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c6bea5  No.14556490

I think Q+ (or +++) means "being directed by Q."

I don't think Trump is Q team, but rather an actor for the white hats.

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fcf0d8  No.14556491


What a shame. The Red Cross is a racket. They can't have any of my blood. The gangsters and their curs all deserve to die.

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715c27  No.14556492


Cant wait till after the recall can they. Imagine how much the recall scared her, knowing they’d have to off her before the new gov is sworn in.

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40511a  No.14556493

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7bbf33  No.14556494



You are both missing the underlying psy-op. If this is just flu, then you can pick up flu from anywhere. Who is vaxxed or not then becomes misdirection. Everyone scrambling around trying to figure out a nothingburger, meanwhile flu just runs its course as it does every year.

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700945  No.14556495


Not necessarily virus.

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03c2fa  No.14556498


oh FFS. Suicide weekend is going to be anons…

Dumbmentia Joe makes Carter look brilliant. When the fuck are the fuckkers going to do something about the godamned fucking voter fraud? I am so sick and tired of this shit show. Fuck the movie burn down the theater because this just sucks.

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a23913  No.14556499


Don't underestimate us.

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524dee  No.14556500


Look up gullible.

Then look up psyop.

Then try and work out which one you are.

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505f79  No.14556501

Dan Scavino



Carmel, Putnam County, NY…


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40511a  No.14556503




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3a3f69  No.14556504

File: 6a3178a8b834234⋯.png (177.27 KB, 201x300, 67:100, file.png)

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d2a84b  No.14556505


They're not.

What the Oxford doctor in a post I made above is saying, in my interpretation, is that a vaccinated person may be asymptomatic, but is still capable of transmitting the pathogen.

Bigger problem occurring down the road is that the pathogens the vaccinated are transmitting may be mutated and vaccine resistant.

So, in a no vaccine scenario, a person healthy enough to fight off the pathogen will develop antibodies to the unmutated form and also transmit the unmutetdf orm.

A vaccinated person, vaccinated against the unmutated from, may cause the pathogen to attempt to mutate to survive at infection inducing levels, and that mutated form, vaccine resistant, will be transferred.

This may explain why the reports of the vaccinated creating the delta variant.

My take anyway. Would appreciate feedback if I'm thinking wrong.

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e810ab  No.14556506



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6785f0  No.14556507

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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a5c38c  No.14556508

More empty threats against Biden's vaccine bullshit, that no one will act upon. Kiss America goodbye.

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bc94fd  No.14556509


As in, + is outside of Q.

Less than 10. + is more than 10.

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417114  No.14556510


In her defense, WTF can she really say? Queen supports not burning widows and orphans.

However, she is the ONE person who could stop all of this nonsense if she made a statement about the corrupt DS and how it disturbs ‘Us’ to see it destroy western civilization.

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9f4e40  No.14556511


Just stay away from these people. Have nothing to do with them.

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505f79  No.14556512

DeSantis’ mask mandate ban back in effect after appellate court reinstates stay in case

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WCTV) - Gov. Ron DeSantis’ ban on mask mandates in schools is in effect again after an appellate court reinstated the stay on a judge’s ruling that blocked the executive order.

The First District Court of Appeal issued the stay again on Judge John Cooper’s ruling a little after 12:30 p.m. Friday.

This means the ban is back in effect and will likely remain in effect for the remainder of the school semester since it typically takes months for the appellate court to issue a final ruling.

“The stay should have been left in place pending appellate review. Accordingly, we grant the appellants’ motion, quash the trial court’s order vacating the automatic stay, and reinstate the stay required by Florida Rule of Appellate Procedure 9.310(b),” the order says.

Judge Cooper had initially blocked the governor’s executive order on Aug. 27 after a virtual hearing regarding a lawsuit from a group of parents challenging the executive order. The governor then appealed Cooper’s ruling on Sept. 2, which placed an automatic stay on the ruling and allowed the mask mandate ban to continue.

On Wednesday, Sept. 8, Cooper overturned that automatic stay so his ruling, which said DeSantis’ mask mandate ban was unconstitutional and cannot be enforced, would go back into effect.

The appellate court’s Friday order once again allows DeSantis’ executive order to officially be in place.

You can read the First District Court of Appeal’s order at this link or below.


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f2f1b6  No.14556513


have you seen a fog machine work? First function is to blow a smoking cover.; now you could put anything you wanted that burns/release's at same temp as the Glycol such as Dmt or anything else, so far there has been excessive barium, lithium,aluminum and other heavy metals found in rain water and where rain water collects and dry's so it the dirt samples. So in the early 80s there's actually a Care Bear episode where they stop an evil villain from spraying chem-trails. the same chemical combo can be found in anti-depressants also next time they blanket the sky in that shit check your Phone and internet they will be working Great! Plus we can't see shit above our heads.. it is the perfect fucking shit you gotta give em that a multi function medium that 90% of people scoff at because they do not look up..fucking crazy

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4e2575  No.14556514

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1f90d5  No.14556515


>black, female Viking warriors

isn't that cultural appropriation?

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9f5fda  No.14556517

covid is a weak virus of no apparent danger to anyone under the age of 75

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8aa35b  No.14556518


>a true challenge fighting the meme war with no ammo

Using [S]words now? Anon is comfy with a vocabulary for that too. Anon's come prepared.

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fcf0d8  No.14556519



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24c066  No.14556520


If you believe the official story, Delta originated in India before any vaxxes were available.

Personally I think they have a shitload of variants stored and prepared to deploy strategically anywhere in the world.

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6c7163  No.14556521


Ft. Detrick…where Covid was released from….

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cf8776  No.14556523


Thankee Cogent Anon. Summum Bonum.


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f2f1b6  No.14556524


I'm the guy bud

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6785f0  No.14556525


It uh, actually sounds pretty awesome.

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03c2fa  No.14556526


Yep we got 10s of millions of illegal aliens hiding behind masks.

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ff6ff8  No.14556527


Definitely releasing "the cure"

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478faa  No.14556528


You're a fucking idiot. It has been posted for days, and debunked many times as fake. Even the link is trash. Do your due diligence before hammering your keyboard like a retard.

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417114  No.14556529


That’s not true or very nice.

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7bbf33  No.14556531


retard alert

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40511a  No.14556532


Yeah well.. intergreation can be good

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7eef05  No.14556533


It's bullshit the politicians/roth puppets have been shoving down every Americans throat for years to steal billions of taxpayers hard earned money to support their worldwide terrorism and use our young men to fight wars for them while they come and infest our schools, churchs, hospitals and push degenerate behavior to our fellow countrymens detriment.

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a23913  No.14556534


>covid is a weak virus of no apparent danger to anyone under the age of 75


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505f79  No.14556535

Trump Allies Predict 45 Is ‘Definitely’ Running In 2024, Announcement Coming Soon

Amid the chaotic governance under Joe Biden’s administration, President Donald Trump is “definitely” planning to launch a White House bid in 2024, according to Jason Miller, a former Trump adviser and founder of GETTR.

“I think he is definitely running in 2024,” said Miller in a recent interview with Cheddar’s J.D. Durkin. “He has not said the magical words to me, but if you talk to him for a few minutes it’s pretty clear that he’s running, and I think just what we’ve seen unfold in Afghanistan recently has really just emboldened that.”

Miller, who has remained close with Trump after departing to focus on his social media platform, told Durkin that the likelihood that Trump will run again is “somewhere between 99 and 100 percent.”

Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, a staunch ally of Trump, confirmed in a leaked recording that Trump is “about ready to announce” that he is going to run in 2024, The Hill reported.

Rep. Jim Jordan confirmed his feelings that Donald Trump would run for president in 2024.

“President Trump, he’s going to run again,” said Jordan. “I know so. I talked to him yesterday. He’s about ready to announce after all of this craziness in Afghanistan.

During an exclusive interview this week with Fox News, Trump was asked by Greg Gutfeld about his 2024 presidential ambitions.

“I love our country,” said Trump. “I think you’ll be very happy. I would say two, three years ago you might not have been that happy but now I think you’d be happy.”

“I’ll make a decision in the not-so-distant future,” he confirmed.

Speculation surrounding Trump’s candidacy expanded after his Save America PAC hired two Iowa political consultants in August which could signal that he may announce a presidential bid soon. Trump revealed afterwards that he will hold a rally in Des Moines, Iowa, the first state that caucuses for the presidential primaries.

Trump, who has polled vastly higher than other potential Republican contenders, would likely clinch the 2024 Republican presidential nomination if he runs.


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d243c1  No.14556536



not sure what the nashville bombing was but it was NOT a false flag

cleared out the people and then blew up the switch

it was called -just a rando guy who blew himself up never mind

it was solved faster than declaring the cavemen did 911

but whoever did it tried to make it go away

as quietly as you can make a truck bomb go away

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f2f1b6  No.14556537


Are you saying that it blew a hydraulic line next to a heat source? The APU (Auxiliary Power Unit) is the power unit contained on an aircraft which can provide electrical and pneumatic (air) power. The GPU (Ground Power Unit) is connected by the ground crew when the aircraft arrives at the gate an provides electrical power only. Another version of the GPU is FEP (Fixed Electrical Power).

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3a3f69  No.14556538

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Japan Airlines APU Fire

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b31231  No.14556540



Wife anon cleans for a doctor. Today the Doctor was trying to sell wifey on the vax, saying it is safe and was being worked on way before C-19 arrived.

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61845f  No.14556541




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700945  No.14556542


Not quite. Radiation and poisons seem to be part of the picture making people sick.

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124cb9  No.14556543

▓███▓▓▓█▓▓▓▓███▀ ▄███▄ █▌ ▐█
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7bbf33  No.14556546


More retardation. Trump will fix 2020.

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0be801  No.14556547


gary, settle down you faggot

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524dee  No.14556548


I already told him that but he's just thick enough to hang onto his belief system despite extensive evidence to the contrary.

I was half expecting him to claim APUs are Jewish.

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4e2575  No.14556549


This isn't the GOOD kinda integration…drop your fucking cock and grab your socks…this shit is on

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6c7163  No.14556550


Is this a foreign bot trying to learn English?

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a23913  No.14556551



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142210  No.14556552


"The right of a citizen to travel upon the public highways and to transport his property thereon in the ordinary course of life and business is a common right which he has under his right to enjoy life and liberty, to acquire and possess property, and to pursue happiness and safety. It includes the right in so doing to use the ordinary and usual conveyances of the day; and under the existing modes of travel includes the right to drive a horse-drawn carriage or wagon thereon, or to operate an automobile thereon, for the usual and ordinary purposes of life and business. It is not a mere privilege, like the privilege of moving a house in the street, operating a business stand in the street, or transporting persons or property for hire along the street, which a city may permit or prohibit at will."

[Thompson v. Smith, 155 Va. 367,154 SE 579 (1930)]

"The right to travel is a part of the liberty of which the citizen cannot be deprived without due process of law under the Fifth Amendment."

[Kent v. Dulles, 357 U.S. 116, 125 (1958)]

"The right to travel, to go from place to place as the means of transportation permit, is a natural right subject to the rights of others and to reasonable regulation under law. A restraint imposed by the Government of the United States upon this liberty, therefore, must conform with the provision of the Fifth Amendment that ‘No person shall be * * * deprived of * * * liberty * * * without due process of law’."

[Schactman v. Dulles, 96 App DC 287, 225 F.2d 938, at 941]

In Hertado v. California, 110 US 516, the U.S Supreme Court states very plainly: "The state cannot diminish rights of the people."

And in Bennett v. Boggs, 1 Baldw 60, "Statutes that violate the plain and obvious principles of common right and common reason are null and void."


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9e96f3  No.14556554


Who cares about 2024? Or even 2022? Anyone that votes without 2020 being corrected is part of the damn problem. Stop this dumbass "better luck next time" garbage.

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40511a  No.14556556

File: bae8c9aa038179b⋯.jpeg (333.86 KB, 1024x1276, 256:319, 5BC57FA2_C76C_47C7_8E20_A….jpeg)


Let’s goo then.. We ready cuz it’s now or never

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505f79  No.14556557

File: d7e6674fac8ea45⋯.png (130.11 KB, 700x693, 100:99, ClipboardImage.png)

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524dee  No.14556558


Baker don't notable that shit.

Its about as notable as


















░░░░░░░MUH DICK░░░░░░


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7bbf33  No.14556559


Same point I think. People normally get sick, and always have. They just happen to be blaming it on Covid right now as a mass psy op.

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bd5188  No.14556560


Who cares about 2024? Or even 2022? Anyone that votes without 2020 being corrected is part of the damn problem. Stop this dumbass "better luck next time" garbage.

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61845f  No.14556561



"OUR" does not include the American people

when they invoke the word "God" gotta question "which one"

their words do not include US

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bf1cdb  No.14556562

On the theory that covid and 9/11 are some how related:

Ash and dust travel many miles

Volcanic Ash Can Travel Over 10,000 Miles - Smart Air


Mount St Helen

A volcanic ash cloud spread across the US in 3 days, and encircled the Earth in 15 days.


Something released when WTC buildings went down?

Toxic dust legacy of 9/11 plagues thousands of people

The most common afflictions are respiratory problems including asthma and sinusitis, but muscular and intestinal conditions are reported as well.

Dr John Howard, Director of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, told BBC News it was "plausible" that people would die of exposure to the dust.

He singled out damage to the lungs - interstitial fibrosis - as one of the most serious effects.

Alex Sanchez was called to work near Ground Zero on 12 September 2001 and found "massive dust, green smoke, yellow smoke all over the place".

"What I saw in the dust was glistening particles of dust coming towards me, because I had a flashlight and this was a dark tunnel, so what I was illuminating was all these particles that I was breathing and digesting at the time."

His lawyer, Troy Rosasco, warns that many illnesses, such as Mr Ardovini's memory loss, will only emerge in the coming years.

"This is just the beginning. This is not - 10 years out - the end," Mr Rosasco said.

"We're going to be facing people getting sick with 9/11 related injuries and illnesses for another 20 years at least."


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d2a84b  No.14556563


>Personally I think they have a shitload of variants stored and prepared to deploy strategically anywhere in the world.

My fear as well.

They're going to run the same play until we find a way to stop it.

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f4df12  No.14556564


I'm starting to really hate these people setting their sights on 2024, just begging us to ignore 2020. Fuck all of you pieces of shit. There won't be an election in 2024 at the rate we're going, let alone a fair election.

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a6d5ce  No.14556565


There's lots of evidence of viral transmission but it is usually specific for each virus and it's ability to survive and persist in the environment. In this covid situation this anon refers to both virus shedding and spike protein shedding. Here are a couple of links for more information.



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5120e7  No.14556568



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505f79  No.14556569

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ea3a11  No.14556570


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4e2575  No.14556571


Keep your head on a swivel. it's coming, just not sure from where or really how. Hows that for battle ready!

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40511a  No.14556572


I agree there anon

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4659e7  No.14556573

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>14556139 @1:07

America…. WAKE UP or We're FINISHED!!!!!


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882a7c  No.14556574


Your mother is a cunt.

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505f79  No.14556575


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a23913  No.14556577



The best is yet to come faggots. If you're conflicted figure it out.

As Trump would say:

"Get in pussies. We're making America great again."

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1eabeb  No.14556578


The unpaid leave is so they don’t have to fire them. There are probably too many and they don’t want to have to pay unemployment.

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5a09f3  No.14556579


That is just statistical coincidence because 20 to 30% of people get a emergency detox yearly on average

Some don't get it for 5 years, others get it yearly

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0e1bfd  No.14556580

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


God Bless, Anon.

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03c2fa  No.14556581


Disappointing- the fraud needs to be exposed and Trump needs to take his proper place as president. Fuck that shit.

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24c066  No.14556582


I think they will rely on "variant fatigue" and complacency, as well as sabotaging the immune systems of the vaxxed then will release a real weapon.

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d243c1  No.14556584


aliens today

tomorrow he is going flat earth

stay tuned

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5a09f3  No.14556585












































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4e2575  No.14556586


There is no confliction here, ready and waiting on orders. Sir o7

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6c7163  No.14556587


Well…..mRNA has been around for long time, was believed to be medical dead end, but some woman Dr came up with a way to “program” it

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505f79  No.14556588

Pepe Lives Matter 🐸, [10.09.21 22:59]

[ Photo ]

Updated vax mandate rebellion list.

Now at 27 states.



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07c0fb  No.14556589



Katy / Dylan

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524dee  No.14556590



Gullible Anons are being delusional.

That is a Japan Airlines B757 or A320.

Didn't realize Japan's commercial airfleet was used for chem-trailing. Kinda expected it to be more a K135 with fuck-off big storage tanks.

It would be tough to get a decent dose of chem out the back of that thing if you only had 10 gallon drums in each passenger seat.

What you have is an Alternate Power Unit fire (APU) fire or burning dirty fuel.

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0e1bfd  No.14556591


was meant for anon → >>14556413

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4659e7  No.14556592
























