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8d3e41  No.14370630[Last 50 Posts]

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8d3e41  No.14370637


>>14369456 (MP4) They say there was no proof…


Opening https://www.bitchute.com/video/L6JgO8nwzLnp/

Before During and After! https://www.bitchute.com/video/2QqC5Lu0eDY1/

Col_Waldon_Symposium_infiltrated https://media.8kun.top/file_store/7b7b2319f390af0bdbf99ef5b441439dc65e01615bbf9365cff633558eb00e41.mp4/

Parable of the Murder Case https://www.qnotables.com/post/professor-david-clements-the-vote-trafficking-parable

Cyber Symposium Day 3 https://www.qnotables.com/post/cyber-symposium-day-3

Lindell Details Physical Altercation https://rumble.com/vl2ldt-mike-lindell-details-physical-attack.html

The American Report https://michaeljlindell.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/ANTHOLOGY-OF-HAMMER-AND-SCORECARD-ARTICLES-PUBLISHED-BY-THE-AMERICAN-REPORT.pdf

Kanekoa symposium vids rumble.com/user/kanekoathegreat





Arizona Forensic Audit Update with AZ Senate President Karen Fann https://rumble.com/vkuy34-arizona-forensic-audit-update-with-az-senate-president-karen-fann.html

Dominion Voting Software can connect to the internet - TREASON https://streamable.com/3d9sae

@WendyRogersAZ Decertify https://t.me/wendyrogersaz/ - sign the petition https://action.wendyrogers.org/decertify/


Voter Fraud https://www.bitchute.com/video/FtRYtna3YYe9/ | https://zb10-7gsop1v78.bitchute.com/IIC6VbV69ioF/WNP5InC3q6Q0.mp4

Voter Fruad Videos: https://8kun.top/warroom/res/5700.html

All the cases that the Trump campaign filed for the election fraud: http://wiseenergy.org/Energy/Election/2020_Election_Cases.htm

How to Hack An Election: https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/08/2016-elections-russia-hack-how-to-hack-an-election-in-seven-minutes-214144/


Lt. General Thomas McInerney, White House, 'Special Forces Have Pelosi's Laptop??? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhkQtctCoZI

Capitol Shooting https://www.bitchute.com/video/DYlb92zMkj41/

THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot https://www.bitchute.com/video/dSifDZrorFu8/



Dr Dan Stock explains antibody-mediated viral enhancement so even a congressperson can understand. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auSox6ybZD8


Trumps doctor talks to Israeli politicians and health minister https://www.bitchute.com/video/WsvhxBD4k1uZ/


199 METHODS OF NONVIOLENT ACTION https://controlc.com/f4a18d31

"Q The Plan To Save The World REMASTERED" https://vimeo.com/538743932

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>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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8d3e41  No.14370640

NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements


>>14369901, >>14369908, >>14370367 Taliban Sources are Claiming Sleepy Joe is NOT LEGITIMATE PRESIDENT, Will only negotiate with PDJT

>>14369961, >>14369999 @wendyrogersaz "Once Arizona delivers our prelim report...keep pushing. Don't let big states like Florida, Texas, or Ohio slide."

>>14370005 Fringed Flags out!

>>14370008 @Kayleigh Tweet, "Too little too late after 6 DAYS of deafening silence on this"

>>14370018 "oil pipeline is a go" @4chan

>>14370098 "When does a bird sing?" Rose Kennedy Decode

>>14370136, >>14370247, >>14370301, >>14370345 RE: U.S. military aid to #Haiti.

>>14370210 (SC) report circulating today noting that Russian Ambassador to Afghanistan Dmitry Zhirnov will meet on Tuesday with the Taliban



>>14370245 Kabul 233 / 47, FALL OF KABUL = JUDGEMENT = 99

>>14370346, >>14370347 CNN Pushing the Taliban oppressing women angle haaaard.

>>14370375, >>14370563 Predator Biden speaking

>>14370389, >>14370178, >>14370583, >>14370041 RE: They said there's no PROOFS


>>14370415 AZ: Governor Ducey Signed Executive Order 8/16/2021: State Law Does Not Allow Local Governments To Mandate Vaccinations

>>14370524 Why you stupid fucks insist on giving pedojoe (you)s is bewildering. Just report CP and filter it

>>14370616 #18180


>>14369181, >>14369367, >>14369456 (MP4) They say there was no proof... Watch it bitches

>>14369200 Holy crap they already found a fall guy! "Biden should fire National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan"

>>14369201, >>14369314 All eyes on Maricopa County and Frankspeech!

>>14369278, >>14369306 Anon supplied missing notes from #18176 (the first one)

>>14369353, >>14369356 "The corrupt Presidential Election of 2020 got us here. Never would have happened if I were President!"

>>14369365 Where´s the real POTUS45?

>>14369373 Reminder for Newfags: Taliban hates pedophiles

>>14369423 OAN Reports: Ariz. Auditors To Release Findings On Election Fraud Next Week

>>14369504 Would the usa air force have such a wonky paint job

>>14369221, >>14369598, >>14369782 Baker Declined Handoff

>>14369570 Wendy Rogers, Karen Fann Confirm Maricopa Audit Report Is Being Prepared, Will Be Released In ‘Several Days’

>>14369609 Psaki Takes The Week Off

>>14369734 At least 3 people "reportedly" fall down to their death after holding on to a US Air Force plane

>>14369739 You are watching a Movie

>>14369750, >>14369460 Devolution, Presidential Emergency Action Documents (PEADs) Digs

>>14369806 Facebook and Google building massive network under world's oceans

>>14369825 Anon Bun for #18179

>>14369824 #18179

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8d3e41  No.14370644


>>14368369, >>14368390 Lindell Announcement at 6pm (central)

>>14368405, >>14368445, >>14368654, >>14368665 Aloha Snackbar!

>>14368496, >>14368498, >>14368796, >>14368991 Inb4 Ayy Lmao

>>14368503 Wendy Rogers Announces New ‘Election Integrity Caucus’, Compares Significance to ‘The Continental Congress’

>>14368507 RE: Spotted Lantern Flies Target Paradise Trees, know as the "Tree of Heaven"

>>14368532, >>14368757 Bad Actors Everywhere, Antifa in Afghanistan, The Symposium

>>14368537 Major Audit the Vote Rally Scheduled Next Tuesday, Aug. 17th, in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

>>14368541 Lindell offering to pay for lawyers for the whistleblowers (buy the pillows faggot)

>>14368564, >>14368512 President Biden Orders 7,000 US Troops To Kabul Airport

>>14368690 Pentagon to relocate up to 30,000 Afghan refugees who worked for American government into the US

>>14368582, >>14368657 ‘US SecDef has no plan to resign’: Pentagon finally reacts to ‘troubling’ Kabul airport scenes

>>14368581 Faux hasn't just suppressed all of the election fraud - they're suppressing literally EVERYTHING.

>>14368598, >>14368655 Biden's Boondogle Got Worse: OPEC+ Snubs Plea For More Oil, Says "No Need" To Pump More

>>14368599 “hottest month EVER in the history of the planet”

>>14368603 The Taliban have all the records of those who served from the KKA (AFG Special Forces).

>>14368616, >>14368719 Busy day for PFs

>>14368679 Let's dig on trunews


>>14368726 Is this Josh Merrit?

>>14368728 RE: CDC Misinformation

>>14368729 "Facebook", "Google" building moar undersea internet cables for users in Asia and Africa

>>14368746 Donald Trump: Who Will Joe Biden Surrender to Next?

>>14368765, >>14368778, >>14368790, >>14368801, >>14368813 #VoterID #MadeInChina #QResearch #ExpellRinos #Seniorcide

>>14368774 UK Talking to Taliban, Blames Trump, Not Biden, for Afghanistan Chaos

>>14368839 new technology will rival Elon Musk’s Tesla.

>>14368855, >>14368888, >>14368917 (MP4) Chekt, Kekt

>>14368920 Australia’s Biggest City Toughens Harsh Stay-at-Home Lockdown Orders… Fines Increased To $3,700

>>14368931 Here are the WH Afghanistan talking points Pelosi's office just sent around

>>14368997 Morning Camp David Clock fagging

>>14369032 Israel requests international aid amid largest fire since Carmel blaze

>>14369045 Bonterra Resources Intersects 11.3 g/t Au over 2.2 meters from the Ongoing Expansion Drilling Campaign at "Barry"

>>14369068 #18178


>>14367663, >>14368059 Storm Watch

>>14367636 Midway skipper who pushed choppers off deck in fall of Saigon

>>14367748 Footage of people falling from a US Air Force jet that was leaving #Afghanistan and in en route to Doha.

>>14367642, >>14367804, >>14367866, >>14367909 "Who knows if any news out of Afghanistan is even true"

>>14367650, >>14367830 Biden to address the nation on Taliban takeover in Afghanistan 3:45 ET

>>14367687 “They’re just chanting ‘Death to America,’ but they seem friendly"

>>14367735 This CORONA Vaccine as a national security threat.


>>14367797 Did they free'd Britney?

>>14367805 Yes. With Everything. No Anchovies.

>>14367845 NEW - Australia: No taking your mask off while drinking alcohol outdoors.

>>14367903 Have you seen this man?

>>14367941 (VID) What happens when C_A backed pedovores control a country? This.

>>14368016 Q has only posted twice about Afghanistan.

>>14368038 RE: DNS FUCKERY

>>14368044 Biden wanted to call 44 for advice but advisors convinced him not to, per WH official

>>14368124 @Pompeo Tweet

>>14368165, >>14367901 PF Reports: Last ADSB contact for C-17 02-1109.

>>14367985, >>14368181 Sky Events Are Fun

>>14368212 @Donaldo: Where they at doe? (paraphrasing)

>>14368201, >>14368020 Flag wars

>>14368211, >>14368087, >>14368152 lindelltv.com experiencing technical difficulties https://lindelltv.com/

>>14367994, >>14368013 Prime the Meme Cannons!

>>14368342 #18177

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8d3e41  No.14370654


>>14366852, >>14366899, >>14366922, >>14366970, >>14366998, >>14367058, >>14367110, >>14367128, >>14367159, >>14367167, >>14367203, >>14367258, >>14367387 Damning 4 Biden, Afghanistan

>>14366865, >>14366882, >>14366920 Afghanistan set to lay out penalties for "bacha bazi" sexual slavery & abuse of boys vs US Tackling Major Taboo in ‘The Boy Who Danced on Air’ (2017)

>>14366872 3 stowaways 'fall to their deaths from plane' 5 killed as desperate Afghans climb on MOVING US Air Force jet as they flee from Taliban

>>14366880 The cost of America’s two decades in Afghanistan (AP reporting)

>>14366883, >>14366940 Afghan President Ghani has fled the country with four cars and a helicopter stashed with money, according to the Russian Embassy in #Kabul

>>14366888, >>14366898, >>14366917, >>14367006, >>14367135, >>14367148, >>14367158, >>14367192, >>14367457, >>14367479, >>14367530 Clock ? from Camp David photos gaining momentum

>>14366900, >>14367007, >>14367020, >>14367136, >>14367160, >>14367195, >>14367292, >>14367319, >>14367526 Even the Left wing media are getting on Biden

>>14366904 Australia: GP can't answer ? on lockdowns, a handful who will talk to me off camera, but not on camera for fear of disciplinary action by their regulator: AHPRA

>>14366924 Planefag Reports

>>14366937, >>14366958, >>14366967, >>14366974, >>14367040 Check out Jena Griswold's campaign contributions + Jena Griswold has an email address @bigfoot.com

>>14366966 Walmart stores in Plan City, Lake Wales reopen following COVID-19 protocol cleaning

>>14366970, >>14367056, >>14367089 Dan: @MikePompeo in room, DJT warned Taliban SR negotiator, Mullah Baradar 1 American hurt/threatened entire wrath American power rain down on them

>>14367039, >>14367046, >>14367097, >>14367146 China Seeks ‘Bigger Role’ in Afghanistan as Taliban Gains Ground

>>14367067, >>14367459 President DJT: Can anyone even imagine taking out Military b4 evacuating civilians & others who have been good to our Country & allowed to seek refuge?

>>14367068 Pentagon press secretary John Kirby tells CNN that DOD will potentially relocate up to 30,000 Afghan SIV applicants into the US, per @brikeilarcnn @CNNValentine

>>14367104 U.S. troops fatally shot at least two armed men who approached Americans at #Kabul airport's security perimeter (WSJ)

>>14367153, >>14367182, >>14367191, >>14367230, >>14367246, >>14367266, >>14367271 Pfizer dig

>>14367168 Merkel says Germany may need to rescue 10,000 people from Afghanistan

>>14367235, >>14367254, >>14367497 The vax is messing up so many people they aren't even updating the data anymore. The last update was July 30,2021

>>14367307, >>14367402 The Taliban joking around, hanging out in Afghan parliment

>>14367330, >>14367395 Fall of the Cabal 11.3 (?)

>>14367376 B-movie actor, 33, appeared in flop remake of British TV show is arrested for taking part in Capitol riots after he looked in camera and said: 'Hey Nancy, go f*** yourself'

>>14367396, >>14367400, >>14367419, >>14367432, >>14367468, >>14367472 Anyone have a video of the 2nd day of the symposium, CM was reviewing the files from Mesa County Colorado?

>>14367408 New CodeMonkeyZ: at 10:33: Afghanistan is planned distraction so they can ignore the Maricopa County Audit results

>>14367438 How do we know that Taliban, & extremist groups aren't using this route get operatives into country?, Nigel Farage gives his take on rising #'s migrants crossing the Channel

>>14367462 Stefanik: Pelosi Blocked GOP Members From Asking U.S. Officials About Military Situation In Afghanistan

>>14367518 Breaking News at 11am CT @ Frankspeech.com. Mike Lindell reveals massive video & audio evidence of coordinated attack on the cyber symposium

>>14369278 #18176 Posted in #18179

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8d3e41  No.14370670


>>14366082 Cumulative data on COVID-19 in New York City

>>14366083 Dr. Zev Zelenko SLAYS Globalists, Exposes "Global Genocidal Event"

>>14366099 This is the best they can do to show Biden “leading!” What a joke!!!

>>14366112, >>14366107 There is an URGENT need for volunteers to help canvass Maricopa County

>>14366134 Lawyers of American jailed in Russia to request his transfer to US

>>14366137 CNN Praises Taliban For Wearing Masks During Attack for keks

>>14366192 Mayor Of Ukrainian City Found Shot Dead

>>14366228 Setback for Assange in UK Trial Over US Effort to Extradite Wikileaks Founder

>>14366248, >>14366250 Canadian PM Trudeau calls snap election for Sept. 20

>>14366309 Army National Guard Recruits For ‘Internment’ And ‘Resettlement’ ‘Civilian Internees’

>>14366034 Malaysia’s political crisis: PM Muhyiddin Yassin finally quits, question mark on successor

>>14366356 David Clements - Cyber Symposium Redpill for Normies

>>14366356 Your Wake Up Call - Frank Speech Redpill for Normies

>>14366385 They all got caught (Cap 2:46)

>>14366156 Magnitude 4.4 earthquake strikes near Pul-e Khumrī, Puli Khumri, Baghlan, Afghanistan

>>14366024, >>14366153, >>14365977, >>14366105, >>14366098, >>14366067, >>14366216, >>14366270 Afghan news

>>14366799 #18175


>>14365200, >>14365226,

>>14365259, >>14365286, >>14365288, >>14365306 Snowden Hard to believe the lowball figures DOD is reporting: Matter of weight

>>14365246 MTG files Articles of Impeachment for Joe Biden

>>14365279, >>14365427, >>14365302, >>14365524 There is an URGENT need for volunteers to help canvas Maricopa County.

>>14365282 Peoria Unified School District Mother Exposes Superintendent's Coverup

>>14365289, >>14365355 Almost 18,000 police, 1,800 ADF members patrolling Sydney streets to enforce lockdown

>>14365291 Cutting Through NBC’s Misleading Coverage of DHS’s “Terrorism Threat” Advisory

>>14365316 Goldman Sachs hiring ex-MI6 chief highlights dark alliance between business and intelligence that’s bordering on criminal

>>14365377 It’s unconventional warfare. They didn’t invade us with tanks and missiles….they bought us out, they bought our politicians (Video)

>>14365381 Exactly what other “purpose” did you want me to be forcefully injected with an experimental substance, that doesn’t prevent the virus

>>14365403 Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak ignored all of them Despite the facts parents have been screaming to end these mask mandates and vaccine requirements

>>14365450 MGT Over $1 trillion in spending, over 2,000 Americans lives lost, and over 20,000 injured and maimed over the last 18 years for absolutely nothing

>>14365477, >>14365625, >>14365571, >>14365508 Dan Scavino WTF is this RINO even saying?

>>14365481 Lin Wood When We The People return to our founding principle that America is a nation under God, we will know that we are on the victory side.

>>14365491 White House Twitter account apparently ‘OUTS’ intelligence officials and locations with post showing Afghan security briefing

>>14365493 Sen. Graham Faces Grassroots Censure After Infrastructure Vote

>>14365500 Obama’s Former Ambassador to Afghanistan: I Question Biden’s ‘Ability to Lead Our Nation’

>>14365515 This analysis and statement below from a friend to remind us of our constitutional and moral rights as free citizens

>>14365526 Israeli PM stirs online outrage after saying elderly are in ‘MORTAL DANGER’ if they don’t get THIRD Covid-19 vaccine shot

>>14365540 Strategic Marker, America Will Be Unified Again, How Do You Set The Stage (1:01:24)

>>14365579 Stephen Miller: Biden & his radical deputies will use their catastrophic debacle in Afghanistan as a pretext for doing to America what Angela Merkel did to Germany & Europe

>>14365620 Americans are taking a stand at the precipice (2:40)

>>14365645 A game of chicken between health care employees and health care employers

>>14365701 Qdrop 4692 and 4694 Antifa

>>14365706, >>14365717, >>14365868 Trump would DESTROY the Taliban just like he did ISIS. Very quickly and decisively. What is with these left-wing wimps who don't stand up to evil?

>>14365781 “The stupid will believe it and ask to be treated” Pandemic to DePopulate 1981

>>14365882 Unverified video shared on social media purports to show dead bodies at the Kabul airport

>>14365901 Statement by Donald J. Trump: What Joe Biden has done with Afghanistan is legendary

>>14365901 Statement by Donald J. Trump: It is time for Joe Biden to resign in disgrace for what he has allowed to happen to Afghanistan

>>14365908 #18174

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8d3e41  No.14370673


>>14364400, >>14364482 Fear PRON: Happening in France now: you need to prepare for what's coming

>>14364441, >>14364446, >>14365076 [Blinken] affirming that Afghans and international citizens who wish to depart must be allowed to do so, CIA ASSETS ARE TRAPPED

>>14364444 Jen taking a week off means nothing, except panic for keks (Cap 0:54)

>>14364451 Pompeo says Biden Admin has failed

>>14364457, >>14364463 Afghans are taken out of their homes and killed (Cap 2:11)

>>14364480, >>14364711, >>14364723 Pentagon Sending Another 1,000 Troops to Kabul, Bringing Figure to 6,000

>>14364485 Gen Flynn: We The People are the plan. Stop with all the nonsense. Stop complaining and get involved in your local community.

>>14364486 Rep. Jeff Van Drew Calls on Biden, Harris and Pelosi to Resign Over Afghanistan

>>14364490 Checking civilian vehicles on the streets of Kabul early morning (Cap 0:40)

>>14364520, >>14364575 US Navy CNO Adm. Mike Gilday and Navy MCPON Russell Smith Large-Scale Exercise

>>14364527 CM: Afghanistan has sent a clear message

>>14364528 Melbourne's curfew returns as COVID lockdown is extended again by two weeks

>>14364560 Fully Vaccinated Southwest Airlines Flight Attendant Dies From Covid-19

>>14364592 We asked Biden Press Secretary Jen Psaki for a statement on Afghanistan

>>14364663 OPINE Are we witnessing a mother of all FF's by our side? One in which there are no casualties except the quick deaths of two incompetent corrupt governments?

>>14364666 City of San Antonio Disregarding Texas Supreme Court Ruling On Requiring Masks In Schools

>>14364739 WTF is this RINO even saying? Settle down Kinzinger, real Americans won’t forget how much of a phony you were…

>>14364746 Watch the Water Amigo

>>14364759 DIVOC - Digital Infrastructure for Vaccination Open Credentialing Brief

>>14364838, >>14364871, >>14364876 If Biden can't secure Afghanistan with the greatest military in the history world, I don't think we have to worry about Biden harassing us about vaccines or masks. Just blow him off. He is weak.

>>14364877 Jen Psaki TAKING NEXT WEEK OFF Amid Afghanistan Fiasco

>>14364904, >>14364919, >>14364985 Hi, @WhiteHouse can you please explain why the clocks above the television: This isn't a pre-March picture that's Photoshopped, is it?

>>14364788, >>14364893, >>14364913, >>14364924 Funny - registered to US Department of State

>>14364981 Maricopa Co is in need of canvassers starting immediately and lasting probably 1-2 weeks.

>>14364987 Ex-Mossad chief Yossi Cohen under investigation for possible quid pro quo

>>14364969 18 Arrested In 2-Day Human Sex Trafficking Operation In Mesa, Arizona -

>>14364906 OPINE These men who wanted to be left alone, fight with unholy vengeance against those that murdered their former lives

>>14365103 #18173

Previously Collected Notables

>>14363255 #18170, >>14363590 #18171, >>14364360 #18172

>>14360500 #18167, >>14361253 #18168, >>14362070 #18169

>>14358152 #18164, >>14358942 #18165, >>14360326 #18166

>>14355813 #18161, >>14356573 #18162, >>14357396 #18163

>>14353536 #18158, >>14354294 #18159, >>14355063 #18160

>>14351188 #18155, >>14351866 #18156, >>14352739 #18157

>>14348771 #18152, >>14349600 #18153, >>14350423 #18154

>>14346198 #18149, >>14347068 #18150, >>14347959 #18151

>>14343423 #18146, >>14345494 #18147, >>14345210 #18148

>>14341299 #18143, >>14342144 #18144, >>14342957 #18145

>>14338929 #18140, >>14339636 #18141, >>14340470 #18142

>>14336467 #18137, >>14337259 #18138, >>14338082 #18139

>>14334145 #18134, >>14334906 #18135, >>14335716 #18136

>>14331835 #18131, >>14332624 #18132, >>14333336 #18133

>>14329506 #18728, >>14330248 #18129, >>14331016 #18130

>>14327087 #18125, >>14327940 #18126, >>14328748 #18127

>>14324800 #18122, >>14325532 #18123, >>14326428 #18124

Notables Aggregators: https://qnotables.com

>>14137057 Q Research Notables #8

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8d3e41  No.14370674

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>14121360 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #13

>>14110921 ————————————–——– Jew Research General #1

International Q Research Threads

>>14019901 ————————————–——– Australia #17

>>13323637 ————————————–——– Balkan #8

>>13167439 ————————————–——– Brazil #2

>>14317266 ————————————–——– Canada #23

>>14262489 ————————————–——– France #5

>>14357399 ————————————–——– Germany #86

>>13187313 ————————————–——– Italia #2

>>13226402 ————————————–——– Japan #2

>>13410974 ————————————–——– Mexico #3

>>13105482 ————————————–——– Nederland #6

>>13163282 ————————————–——– New Zealand #8

>>13163911 ————————————–——– Nordic #3

>>13163805 ————————————–——– Russia #2

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8d3e41  No.14370675

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8d3e41  No.14370676

File: 8f71b52266944e9⋯.jpg (97.84 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, WWG1WGA.jpg)



Baker Requesting Handoff

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df9541  No.14370677

File: 7d3325d844436b0⋯.png (590.51 KB, 762x421, 762:421, ClipboardImage.png)


is not happy with Biden.

Tapper is going off on Pedo Joe

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76fc01  No.14370678


watch the tells.

Hands down most of the speech until one part when he "pushes hair back behind his ear"

It's like Obama wiping imaginary tears away using his middle finger…

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0505e3  No.14370679

File: a36e98b689e0bfe⋯.png (338.43 KB, 780x620, 39:31, 104dd0b094b600645f6494c603….png)

>>14370665 (pb)

Or ice cream time? Can be pudding time as well.

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b755bc  No.14370680


muh taliban sources

fkn fake notes X3


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a30b6b  No.14370681

File: d57aacf86df59cc⋯.png (626.46 KB, 1029x583, 1029:583, bidet.png)

Wasn't biden's mouth weird ? Blurry

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a481bb  No.14370682

He said Trump did the deal.

Now he is taking credit for it.

Trump was right.

Only problem is Biden fuked up the exit.

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fb165a  No.14370683

File: 088292a91d75b56⋯.jpg (60.84 KB, 750x1134, 125:189, E8mPKPeVcAUup5o.jpg)


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607740  No.14370684

Fuck Joe Hiden


Blmes trump

Takes no responsibility

Says it's his plan all along

But guys we got Osama bin laden.

The only fucker that didn't want him take. Out!!!!


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123cc2  No.14370685

File: c53c449b308d2a6⋯.png (17.61 KB, 524x207, 524:207, Grenell_re_Biden_not_brief….PNG)

File: 1ff7497e8e5d354⋯.png (15.62 KB, 522x189, 58:21, Grenell_re_Biden_no_questi….PNG)

Richard Grenell

Biden is giving a speech that totally ignores the situation unfolding.

He’s not briefed up.



He can’t handle crises. He’s running out of the room.


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40f084  No.14370686



That’s how they play the “Bias” card.

Fuck them.

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8d3e41  No.14370687

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b07c19  No.14370688

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Every single positive covid case was someone vaccinated.

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bc6b01  No.14370690

File: c1b8094967c551b⋯.jpg (28.35 KB, 397x241, 397:241, Screenshot_20210813_095356….jpg)

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a6c862  No.14370691


We know Biden is being 'managed'. Who is Biden being managed by? How do you break the Koolaid Cult? Do you 'sour the milk'?

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68e589  No.14370692

That's just sleepy joe

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1b5dc6  No.14370693

File: 1a5304dbd1477ff⋯.png (274.53 KB, 716x483, 716:483, Opera_Snapshot_2021_08_16_….png)

File: c189ffcc141c05a⋯.png (502.05 KB, 717x387, 239:129, Opera_Snapshot_2021_08_16_….png)

File: 95c6ef492649dc7⋯.png (259.69 KB, 729x328, 729:328, Opera_Snapshot_2021_08_16_….png)

File: 37a461149e1d2ea⋯.png (414.24 KB, 723x448, 723:448, Opera_Snapshot_2021_08_16_….png)

>>14370516 (lb)

>>14369504 (pb)

The area on the starboard undercarriage pod that appears to be missing paint is the APU (auxilliary power unit) bay.

The lack of paint is common to all C-17s.

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2d244d  No.14370694

File: 4247a6e00c2ad1a⋯.png (216.17 KB, 500x568, 125:142, pepe_oh_my.png)

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08b078  No.14370695

File: d0f21f2e5d62fe2⋯.png (260.66 KB, 400x378, 200:189, ClipboardImage.png)

Yup Teleprompter Speech ✅

No Questions ✅

Annnnnnnnd it's ALL Trump's Fault! ✅

Back to the Basement, see ya in two weeks Woo Hoo! ✅

He almost WHISPERED :)

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8f68e8  No.14370696



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e79a11  No.14370697

File: 69d8f408033637a⋯.png (654.76 KB, 828x1006, 414:503, Screen_Shot_2021_08_16_at_….png)

File: f877d523e4791eb⋯.png (616.23 KB, 586x1052, 293:526, Screen_Shot_2021_08_16_at_….png)

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a8b9d9  No.14370698

File: 50ff1fe132837d4⋯.jpeg (17.42 KB, 255x146, 255:146, 34672753fb3c71a8b787efa74….jpeg)

File: e8cccfefc8d16e0⋯.jpg (75.2 KB, 1000x780, 50:39, f4179a57ac52d56cce3b90dfdc….jpg)





>This circus needs to end.

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bc6b01  No.14370699

File: 51639a502b025fb⋯.jpg (42.01 KB, 380x340, 19:17, Screenshot_20210812_142824….jpg)

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40f084  No.14370700

No offense to the US military but, just my opinion,

We probably should have stick with State Militias.

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e5c1ac  No.14370701

File: bb7288cf964dd44⋯.png (434.53 KB, 1183x855, 1183:855, Screen_Shot_08_16_21_at_09….PNG)

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41f31b  No.14370702

File: c7097f87eda638c⋯.jpg (100.71 KB, 631x944, 631:944, John_Collier_1850_1934_Ven….jpg)


> Fresh and tasty

ty, baker

We will win.

We will win.

Fuck [them] all.

We will win.

We are winning.

We are winning.

Fuck [them] all.

We are winning.

We have won.

We have won.

[They] are fucked.

We have won.

ty, anons frens.

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84fe7e  No.14370703

File: 3d4227ac63cb211⋯.png (442.9 KB, 1180x946, 590:473, tor_access.png)









>TOR ACCESS http://8kun.top.qulatc2tl34vwefcc2pbsxi7vennhbew57jbl2d3pbhvjhozkoizdoqd.onion/qresearch/catalog.html

u need tor [P]ortal for access ^^^

tor connection v2 deprecated.

welcome to tor connection 3.

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3139d7  No.14370705

>>14368666 (pb)

>Is it Bidan or Biden ?

Maybe "by Dan" is referencing he's from the "tribe of Dan"?

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fc11a5  No.14370707

File: 544240443b0da57⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1081x676, 1081:676, lol.PNG)

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6660a3  No.14370708

File: d7bb921083db5c4⋯.jpg (9.19 KB, 255x255, 1:1, d7bb921083db5c41ffb0132c7c….jpg)



nap time with pillow

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0505e3  No.14370709

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Gonna leave this here

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bc6b01  No.14370710

File: 8a7966529b7575c⋯.jpg (20.33 KB, 270x159, 90:53, Screenshot_20210814_082916….jpg)

File: 464e92b893e79d6⋯.jpg (19.29 KB, 280x266, 20:19, Screenshot_20210814_082919….jpg)

File: df1178ac222476f⋯.jpg (11.69 KB, 200x266, 100:133, Screenshot_20210814_082921….jpg)

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80af06  No.14370711

File: 7c8f583e1c130fe⋯.png (541.81 KB, 622x626, 311:313, 56FB47FF_945A_40C1_B7EA_09….png)

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76fc01  No.14370712





Come on Declass…..

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9549d7  No.14370714

File: 315b2d074a8adfa⋯.png (397.82 KB, 1014x654, 169:109, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cb526ba06ec0d6a⋯.png (417.06 KB, 564x327, 188:109, ClipboardImage.png)





Unless i have to do it again?

WATCH LIVE | Biden addresses nation on Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

98,357 watching now


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bc6b01  No.14370715

File: 2e222900756472c⋯.jpg (37.22 KB, 352x330, 16:15, Screenshot_20210815_065421….jpg)

File: b3719d9392d56f6⋯.jpg (19.85 KB, 368x232, 46:29, Screenshot_20210815_065737….jpg)

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3b2800  No.14370716


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8d3e41  No.14370717


>u need tor [P]ortal for access ^^^

>tor connection v2 deprecated.

>welcome to tor connection 3.

Sorry, TOR posting* is disabled still,

is it not?

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a073f0  No.14370718

I can’t explain how sick/angry/sad I am over the Afghan collapse.

-I spent 2 years there in Kandahar and Kabul supporting ISAF and RS. I spent another two years studying Afghan culture, learning Pashto (which is an unforgiving language to learn), and studying central Asian security policy for which I defended my Masters Thesis.

-If I have one more asshat tell me I am ignorant and don’t understand what I am talking about – I’m going to lose my shit. PS assshats – the people of Afghanistan are “Afghans”, the local currency is “Afghani”.

-Do not fall into the trap of blaming the Afghans … they are a small country fighting a superpower (China). If you cannot figure out that Pakistan is a China band waggoner I can’t help you. You could meme for a hundred years with Chinese gladhanding with the Taliban leaders who are about to unleash murder and rape on a horrific scale before they suck every ounce of valuable mineral resource.

-Do not conflate an ordered withdrawal with the Biden clusterfuck. The “we had no other choice” is bullshit… “we had to leave by May or we would hurt the Taliban’s feelings” is also bullshit. All that needed to happen to avoid this would have been to let the Kabul HQ shift to title 22, and have a limited presence at the major airfields: HKIA, KAF, MEZ, Bagram, and Heart… would not have taken much.

-Realize that Bidan was also sent to Iraq to “negotiate” before Isis broke out… there also all we needed to do was to hang onto Balad which would have avoided a regional disaster.

-Please encourage our rep/congress critter to draft a resolution requesting that POTUS demand the resignation of the top 20% of all Flag and General Officers, and any SES involved in this CF. We will lose some wheat with the chaff, but not much. There has to be a memorable event for the careerist officers and government civillians (almost all of them), there has to be accountability.

-Because of this failure, thousands of men, women, and children will be raped tortured, and murdered, and those that survive will be subjected to merciless despotism.

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a2874d  No.14370719

File: ec97f28627d1165⋯.png (37.81 KB, 600x382, 300:191, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 72800140172b349⋯.png (13.34 KB, 574x151, 574:151, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d9c6c9f6d3f0dc7⋯.png (337.09 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Saagar Enjeti


The best speech of Joe Biden's career and one of the most important speeches a President has given in my lifetime

We have been waiting 20 years for someone to say "enough"

4:21 PM · Aug 16, 2021·Twitter Web App



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8f68e8  No.14370721

File: 58e44a2814a1a6c⋯.png (423.73 KB, 500x435, 100:87, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 31455808d6d2f25⋯.png (423.38 KB, 840x858, 140:143, ClipboardImage.png)

China Mocks "Embarrassed, Arrogant" US Forces While Praising "Friendly" Relations With Taliban

Chinese, Iranian, and to some degree Russian media are reacting with glee over humiliating scenes of America's exit plans in chaos coming out of Kabul Sunday into Monday.

Perhaps as expected, Chinese state-run Global Times featured it's most prominent headline Monday with the words "Taliban's rapid victory embarrasses US, smashes image, arrogance." Alternately Beijing is claiming to "respect" Afghans' choice - as the same article reads. And then there's outright mocking - as is seen by the Global Times' editor…

It's been no secret that in recent weeks as rapid Taliban gains became obvious, China's government has been preparing to officially recognize the rule of the Islamists now in control of the presidential palace and all government ministries. China and Afghanistan share a short border of up to 47 miles.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Hua Chunying declared at a Monday briefing: "China has noticed that the Afghan Taliban said yesterday the war was over, and they vowed to establish through negotiations an open and inclusive Islamic government, and to take responsible actions to ensure the safety of Afghan people and foreign diplomatic personnel."

His word choice of an "inclusive" Islamic government is interesting and laughable indeed, though perhaps there was some subtle trolling of the West going on as well.

Beijing also declared Monday that it's ready for "friendly and cooperative" relations with the Taliban, though has reportedly pressed for "commitments" of respect for human rights. Beijing has through the summer maintained 'unofficial' relations with the Taliban, which included a late July visit of Taliban commanders to China to meet with the foreign minister.


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ecd3de  No.14370722


Interesting pic! The guy at the top is thinking, “ok chap, done. let’s get lunch!”

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f33a8b  No.14370723


>I can’t explain how sick/angry/sad I am over the Afghan collapse.

>Proceeds to explain in detail


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a11dc4  No.14370724

Biden: "Sup bishes! I aint dunn Shihh! Reeses Peaces! Zinga!"

Except; you know geriatric dumbass style.

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7f5aed  No.14370725

File: c554101ea7e50bc⋯.jpg (64.21 KB, 612x408, 3:2, Pudding_Thursdays.jpg)


Nah he gets pudding on Thursdays.

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90923c  No.14370726

File: 775227d435bba2b⋯.png (343.53 KB, 598x637, 46:49, Screenshot_2021_08_16_at_1….png)

File: 8dc8180544badfa⋯.jpg (136.85 KB, 1800x900, 2:1, E860vsYXoAIie_F.jpg)

File: 823f9768cc3ebd6⋯.png (48.15 KB, 192x166, 96:83, Screenshot_2021_08_16_at_1….png)

Protect the nation from sea to shining sea (and beyond) with a career in the #USCG. Chat with a recruiter today about joining: http://gocoastguard.com/chat-now #SemperParatus #GoCoastGuard


from sea to shining sea (and beyond)

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7768db  No.14370728

File: c6e6d9ac360edc7⋯.jpg (247.96 KB, 1280x631, 1280:631, amatch2.jpg)


where is monkeywerx

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84fe7e  No.14370729


8Kun Owner: https://gab.com/JimWatkins

Board Owner: FastJack#1006 https://discord.gg/DG8XB4YMvz

Tor Access: http://8kun.top.qulatc2tl34vwefcc2pbsxi7vennhbew57jbl2d3pbhvjhozkoizdoqd.onion/qresearch/catalog.html


END: https://endchan.net/qanonresearch/catalog.html

POL: https://boards.4channel.org/pol/catalog Look for the PTG thread

BANT: https://boards.4channel.org/bant/catalog

SWIM (try the deep end.) https://webchat.freenode.net/#qanonresearch

>>14267381 >>14267466 >>14267474 >>14267503 >>14267542 >>14267551,NEW LARP Attack, shills trying to pretend retard JonDoodle is an insider.

>>14089443 ,MJ12/Babyfist/Ingersol Larpwood Exposure Thread

>>14137055 ,MJ12 team $1000 larping conjob subscriptions. No wonder they want to take this board so bad.

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40f084  No.14370730

The fun is over.

Back to watching the chess board.

More time is spent analyzing then spent moving the pieces.

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3b2800  No.14370731


if Earth is flat, why does it spin?

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6660a3  No.14370732



I've got tor

I put it in

It got blocked by one browser

It was unsecure in another

fuck it…

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3e03f1  No.14370733

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Taliban Spokesperson Claims Reports Of Executions, Forced Marriages 'Totally Baseless'

2,277 viewsAug 16, 2021


4.46M subscribers

Taliban spokesman Suhail Shaheen denies reports of targeted killings and forced marriages in Afghanistan after the group took power, saying that if those atrocities are occurring they are "not Taliban."


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8d9d89  No.14370734

File: e5f1880b7693ed0⋯.jpg (26.89 KB, 255x255, 1:1, confused_pepe.jpg)


Anon watched in full. Moar confused than ever.

Biden delivered and exceptional speech there.

The goals Biden outlined have been goals set here for the last 3.5 years! End the endless wars.

So the confusion remains. 45 is up Biden's ass, but Biden is doing what anons have talked about for a long long time. Plus, Biden was absolutely on point. (No doubt the adrenochrome helps.)

WTF anons. What the absolute fuck.

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27d5b6  No.14370735


and now the spin that Biden is a hero. Not sure of why this tactic is being used perhaps like others say to distract from AZ.

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40f084  No.14370736


Who said it spins. ?

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81edc1  No.14370737

File: 02681b3c14bb1e8⋯.png (261.16 KB, 345x349, 345:349, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 422427181a613ec⋯.png (15.02 KB, 680x161, 680:161, ClipboardImage.png)

His tie is crooked

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ca1ead  No.14370738


many red lines displayed

no stars

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6b31a7  No.14370739

File: 7a0006792d179be⋯.png (693.25 KB, 667x500, 667:500, 5a892f8b5ddf9e32a1549107e2….png)

Afghans are not exposed to television, and don't believe in, or require fake ideologies. If you need 40 dollars a month you fight. Not because you believe CIA lies.

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900439  No.14370740

File: 71618c5c41a61fc⋯.png (404.95 KB, 610x387, 610:387, ngsughuhg89h3298hgduighw89….png)

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8d3e41  No.14370741


Re-enable Tor Posting, FatJack

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7757b4  No.14370742


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7a6ee6  No.14370743

File: 1ea3423e53d4787⋯.png (90.38 KB, 500x355, 100:71, Screen_Shot_2021_08_16_at_….png)

File: 0bbb2ca16af3b89⋯.png (412.7 KB, 437x758, 437:758, Screen_Shot_2021_08_16_at_….png)

File: 5f9e90f81b292d7⋯.jpg (170.36 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 5f9e90f81b292d79aa56da9842….jpg)

File: 124f7d4270384eb⋯.png (1.16 MB, 900x601, 900:601, 124f7d4270384ebf83dd8dd75a….png)


with YOUR money… in YOUR name

still proud to be a flag-wavin' 'muriKan?

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f33a8b  No.14370744

File: 040219f513ea71f⋯.png (607.28 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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94d3ad  No.14370745

File: f743ae7e8172576⋯.jpg (59.92 KB, 640x640, 1:1, fhgN7j1.jpg)

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ecd3de  No.14370747

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1fd537  No.14370748


>he is training to pronounce Uffgahanyztahn correctly

Fake Taliban do exist

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6c9410  No.14370749


got knocked off the caboose by poolosi

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0505e3  No.14370750

I think everyday is pudding time for him. Right before his nap. Kek

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a6c862  No.14370751




Fog of War

They're trying to force White Hats into mistakes and instead White Hats capitalize on their mistakes. We're not backing down and we're not playing to nurse a lead. We're throwing the bomb over and over. We aren't concerned about running up the score.

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8f68e8  No.14370752

File: 848e35056bc009d⋯.png (65.76 KB, 706x749, 706:749, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cdd3a585b2ab651⋯.png (26.5 KB, 679x399, 97:57, ClipboardImage.png)

Northern Nevada Man Sentenced To 15 Years In Prison For Distribution Of Child Pornography


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f791e9  No.14370753

File: 6719591bd84476a⋯.jpg (89.62 KB, 480x640, 3:4, 6719591bd84476a177103f428a….jpg)

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533468  No.14370754

File: aae065a55bb03ad⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1200x700, 12:7, ClipboardImage.png)


>Saagar Enjeti

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5d41b7  No.14370755


nice try jdif



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bc6b01  No.14370756

File: ef2e21a84ecadf6⋯.jpg (25.58 KB, 402x214, 201:107, Screenshot_20210806_133859….jpg)

File: 10aaa2440366c73⋯.jpg (38.03 KB, 312x404, 78:101, Screenshot_20210806_133919….jpg)

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ca1ead  No.14370757

File: 047c05a03f5e1c4⋯.png (232.53 KB, 679x435, 679:435, 6a1bc8fbb544c1c4.png)


Nancy pelosi gave him the talkign points ?

China Feinstein/Pelosi → Biden

in case of fumble ?

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43777b  No.14370759

File: 8dd163c8eec379c⋯.png (736.48 KB, 457x615, 457:615, 8dd163c8eec379c5a1b147c31f….png)

File: b61e0f37c4c30a1⋯.png (402.19 KB, 595x389, 595:389, b61e0f37c4c30a1aa50cfdf284….png)

File: 9eca18daf7e465d⋯.jpeg (85.2 KB, 617x612, 617:612, 9eca18daf7e465d3b50603a13….jpeg)


Tyb. The spirit of '76 lives.

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40f084  No.14370760


Maybe so. But the fact that he is giving speeches as President is proof that America has been the one napping.

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8d3e41  No.14370761

So, about this "Code Monkey"

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a8b9d9  No.14370762

Jul 8, 2021

Joe Biden Troop Withdrawal From Afghanistan Speech Briefing Transcript

President Joe Biden: (00:41)

Good afternoon. Earlier today, I was briefed by our senior military and national security leaders on the status of the draw down of US forces and allied forces in Afghanistan. When I announced our draw down in April, I said we would be out by September and we’re on track to meet that target. Our military mission in Afghanistan will conclude on August 31st. The draw down is proceeding in a secure and orderly way, prioritizing the safety of our troops as they depart. Our military commanders advised me that once I made the decision to end the war, we needed to move swiftly to conduct the main elements of the draw down. And in this context, speed is safety, and thanks to the way in which we have managed our withdrawal, no one, no one US forces or any forces have been lost. Conducting our draw down differently would have certainly come with a increased risk of safety to our personnel.

President Joe Biden: (01:44)

To me, those risks were unacceptable and there was never any doubt that our military performed this task efficiently and with the highest level of professionalism. That’s what they do. And the same is true of our NATO allies and partners who have supported … we are supporting and supporting us as well as they conclude their retro grade.

President Joe Biden: (02:08)

I want to be clear. The US military mission in Afghanistan continues through the end of August. We retain personnel and capacities in the country, and we maintain the same authority under which we’ve been operating for some time. As I said in April, the United States did what we went to do in Afghanistan, to get the terrorists who attacked us on 911, and deliver justice to Osama bin Laden, and to degrade the terrorist threat to keep Afghanistan from becoming a base from which attacks could be continued against the United States. We achieved those objectives. That’s why we went.

President Joe Biden: (02:50)

We did not go to Afghanistan to nation build, and it’s the right and the responsibility of the Afghan people alone to decide their future and how they want to run their country. Together with our NATO allies and partners, we have trained and equipped nearly 300,000 current serving members of the military, the Afghan National Security Force, and many beyond that who are no longer serving.

President Joe Biden: (03:18)

Add to that, hundreds of thousands more Afghan national defense and security forces trained over the last two decades. We provided our Afghan partners with all the tools. Let me emphasize, all the tools, training equipment of any modern military. We provided advanced weaponry, and we’re going to continue to provide funding and equipment, and we’ll ensure they have the capacity to maintain their air force.

President Joe Biden: (03:44)

But most critically, as I stressed in my meeting just two weeks ago with President Ghani and Chairman Abdullah, Afghan leaders have to come together and drive toward a future that the Afghan people want and they deserve. In our meeting, I also assured Ghani that US support for the people of Afghanistan will endure. We will continue to provide civilian and humanitarian assistance, including speaking out for the rights of women and girls.

President Joe Biden: (04:15)

I intend to maintain our diplomatic presence in Afghanistan, and we are coordinating closely with our international partners in order to continue to secure the international airport. And we’re going to engage in a determined diplomacy to pursue peace and a peace agreement that will end this senseless violence. I’ve asked Secretary of State Blinken and our Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation to work vigorously with the parties in Afghanistan, as well as the regional and international stakeholders to support a negotiated solution.

President Joe Biden: (04:48)

To be clear, to be clear countries in the region have an essential role to play in supporting a peaceful settlement, we’ll work with them and they should help step up their efforts as well. We’re going to continue to work for the release of detained Americans, including Mark Frerichs, I want to pronounce the name correctly. I misspoke. So that he can return to his family safely.

President Joe Biden: (05:17)

We’re also going to continue to make sure that we take on the Afghan nationals who work side by side with US forces, including interpreters and translators, since we’re no longer going to have military there after this. We’re not going to need them, and they have no jobs. They’ve been very vital to our efforts, and so their families are not exposed to danger as well.


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1fd537  No.14370764


>biden's blurry mouth?

this happens when he pronounces Uffgahanyztahn

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3b2800  No.14370765




Day and night?

Moon circle?

Your lack of intelligence?

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84fe7e  No.14370766


8Kun Owner: https://gab.com/JimWatkins

Board Owner: FastJack#1006 https://discord.gg/DG8XB4YMvz

Tor READ ONLY Access: http://8kun.top.qulatc2tl34vwefcc2pbsxi7vennhbew57jbl2d3pbhvjhozkoizdoqd.onion/qresearch/catalog.html


END: https://endchan.net/qanonresearch/catalog.html

POL: https://boards.4channel.org/pol/catalog >President Trump General

BANT: https://boards.4channel.org/bant/catalog >POTUS Research

SWIM (try the deep end.) https://webchat.freenode.net/#qanonresearch

>>14267381 >>14267466 >>14267474 >>14267503 >>14267542 >>14267551,NEW LARP Attack, shills trying to pretend retard JonDoodle is an insider.

>>14089443 MJ12/Babyfist/Ingersol Larpwood Exposure Thread


- Donald J Trump: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ | https://www.45office.com/

- Melania Trump: https://twitter.com/melaniatrump/

- Donald Trump Jr: https://twitter.com/DonaldJTrumpJr/

- Dan Scavino: https://twitter.com/DanScavino/

- Mike Pompeo: https://twitter.com/mikepompeo/

- Rudolph Giuliani: https://twitter.com/RudyGiuliani/

- General Flynn: https://parler.com/profile/GenFlynn/

- Sidney Powell: https://defendingtherepublic.org/

- Mike Pompeo: https://twitter.com/mikepompeo/

- Lin Wood: https://fightback.law/

- Mike Lindell: https://frankspeech.com/ | https://LindellTV.com/

- Steve Bannon: https://pandemic.warroom.org/

- Tom Fitton: https://twitter.com/TomFitton/

- Dan Bongino: https://bongino.com/

- Jeanine Pirro: https://twitter.com/JudgeJeanine

- Sean Hannity: https://twitter.com/seanhannity

- Code Monkey https://t.me/codemonkeyzchat

- Mcafee Afterlife https://t.me/McafeeAfterlife/

- Kanekoa https://gab.com/KanekoaTheGreat https://rumble.com/user/kanekoathegreat

- George News: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHuJRxaJssaumjcv9aLZ21Q

- Media: @RSBNetwork | @OANN | @Newsmax

//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'/// PINNED //'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'////


>>14369456 Cyber Symposium: (MP4) They say there was no proof…



The American Report https://michaeljlindell.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/ANTHOLOGY-OF-HAMMER-AND-SCORECARD-ARTICLES-PUBLISHED-BY-THE-AMERICAN-REPORT.pdf



David Clements - Cyber Symposium https://www.bitchute.com/video/RwKApRgXr9kB/

Opening https://www.bitchute.com/video/L6JgO8nwzLnp/

Before During and After! https://www.bitchute.com/video/2QqC5Lu0eDY1/

Col_Waldon_Symposium_infiltrated https://media.8kun.top/file_store/7b7b2319f390af0bdbf99ef5b441439dc65e01615bbf9365cff633558eb00e41.mp4/

Parable of the Murder Case https://www.qnotables.com/post/professor-david-clements-the-vote-trafficking-parable

Cyber Symposium Day 3 https://www.qnotables.com/post/cyber-symposium-day-3

Lindell Details Physical Altercation https://rumble.com/vl2ldt-mike-lindell-details-physical-attack.html

Kanekoa symposium vids rumble.com/user/kanekoathegreat





Arizona Forensic Audit Update with AZ Senate President Karen Fann https://rumble.com/vkuy34-arizona-forensic-audit-update-with-az-senate-president-karen-fann.html

Dominion Voting Software can connect to the internet - TREASON https://streamable.com/3d9sae

@WendyRogersAZ Decertify https://t.me/wendyrogersaz/ - sign the petition https://action.wendyrogers.org/decertify/


THE DEEP RIG https://thedeeprig.movie/ViewMovie/b6ad85f4-e833-480b-8fa6-85c0bc5ac299

Voter Fraud https://www.bitchute.com/video/FtRYtna3YYe9/ | https://zb10-7gsop1v78.bitchute.com/IIC6VbV69ioF/WNP5InC3q6Q0.mp4

Voter Fruad Videos: https://8kun.top/warroom/res/5700.html

All the cases that the Trump campaign filed for the election fraud: http://wiseenergy.org/Energy/Election/2020_Election_Cases.htm

How to Hack An Election: https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/08/2016-elections-russia-hack-how-to-hack-an-election-in-seven-minutes-214144/


Lt. General Thomas McInerney, White House, 'Special Forces Have Pelosi's Laptop??? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhkQtctCoZI

Capitol Shooting https://www.bitchute.com/video/DYlb92zMkj41/

THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot https://www.bitchute.com/video/dSifDZrorFu8/


Dr Dan Stock explains antibody-mediated viral enhancement so even a congressperson can understand. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auSox6ybZD8


Trumps doctor talks to Israeli politicians and health minister https://www.bitchute.com/video/WsvhxBD4k1uZ/

199 METHODS OF NONVIOLENT ACTION https://controlc.com/f4a18d313932

"Q The Plan To Save The World REMASTERED" https://vimeo.com/53874S

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bc6b01  No.14370767

File: 0f6a74dc84bd871⋯.jpg (26.86 KB, 378x373, 378:373, Screenshot_20210813_095234….jpg)

File: 5da38f4049b0b80⋯.jpg (23.21 KB, 189x302, 189:302, Screenshot_20210813_095255….jpg)

File: 8b497e5aee6e437⋯.jpg (34.05 KB, 373x231, 373:231, Screenshot_20210813_203705….jpg)

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3e03f1  No.14370768


I missed it, you mean the Taliban rep?

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84fe7e  No.14370769


0.0 that all fit…

>thats what she sd

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7768db  No.14370770

File: 9f2843263005758⋯.png (196.48 KB, 500x280, 25:14, refugees.png)

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ca1ead  No.14370771


Where is Jen on vacation with Camela ?

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81edc1  No.14370772

File: 649771f03c3fb29⋯.png (335.87 KB, 515x517, 515:517, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9049a3edda6f1c1⋯.png (1.12 MB, 843x828, 281:276, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b8518c691a1e48b⋯.png (377.14 KB, 1000x1097, 1000:1097, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0c90cc1a3d1d347⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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a6c862  No.14370773

They might intercept one or two but they'll never overcome the 49 points we harness around their necks. Full offense and score every time.

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40f084  No.14370775


Gravity? Is a theory.

Day and night is the sun “rises” and “sets” meaning it does the moving.

Moon circle is the moon moving.

Intelligence doesn’t come from TV.

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a8b9d9  No.14370776



Jul 8, 2021

Joe Biden Troop Withdrawal From Afghanistan Speech Briefing Transcript

President Joe Biden: (05:40)

We’ve already dramatically accelerated the procedure time for special immigrant visas to bring them to the United States. Since I was inaugurated in January 20th, we’ve already approved 2,500 special immigrant visas to come to the United States. Up to now, fewer than half have exercised the right to do that. Half have gotten on aircraft and commercial flights and come, another half believe they want to stay, at least thus far.

President Joe Biden: (06:09)

Working closely with Congress to change the authorization legislation so that we can streamline the process of approving those visas. And those who have stood up for the operation to physically relocate thousands of Afghans in their families before the US military mission concludes so that if they choose, they can wait safely outside of Afghanistan while their US visas are being processed.

President Joe Biden: (06:33)

The operation has identified US facilities outside the continental United States, as well as in third countries to host our Afghan allies, if they so choose. And starting this month, we’re going to begin relocation flights for Afghanistan SIV applicants, and their families who choose to leave. We have a point person in the White House and at the State Department led task force coordinating all these efforts. But our message to those women and men is clear. There is a home for you in the United States, if you so choose, and we will stand with you just as you stood with us.

President Joe Biden: (07:18)

When I made the decision to end the US military involvement in Afghanistan, I judged that it was not in the national interest of the United States of America to continue fighting this war indefinitely. I made the decision with clear eyes, and I’m briefed daily on the battlefield updates. But for those who have argued that we should stay to six more months or just one more year, I ask them to consider the lessons of recent history. In 2011 our NATO allies and partners agreed that we would end our combat mission in 2014. In 2014, some argued one more year. So we kept fighting and I kept taking casualties. In 2015, the same. And on and on. Nearly 20 years of experience has shown us that the current security situation only confirms that just one more year fighting Afghanistan is not a solution, but a recipe for being there indefinitely. It’s up to the Afghans to make the decision about the future of their country.

President Joe Biden: (08:22)

Others are more direct. Their argument is that we should stay in Afghanistan indefinitely. In doing so, they point to the fact that we have not taken losses in this last year. So they claim that the cost of just maintaining the status quo is minimal, but that ignores the reality and the facts that already presented on the ground in Afghanistan when I took office. The Taliban is at its strongest militarily since 2001. The number of US forces in Afghanistan had been reduced to a bare minimum. And the United States in the last administration made an agreement with the Taliban to remove all our forces by May 1st of this year. That’s what I inherited.

President Joe Biden: (09:11)

That agreement was the reason the Taliban had ceased major attacks against US forces. If in April, I had instead announced that the United States was going back on that agreement made by the last administration, the United States and allied forces to remain in Afghanistan for the foreseeable future, the Taliban would have again begun to target our forces. The status quo was not an option. Staying would have meant US troops taking casualties, American men and women back in the middle of a civil war. And we would run the risk of having to send more troops back into Afghanistan to defend our remaining troops. Once that agreement with the Taliban had been made, staying with a bare minimum force was no longer possible. So let me ask those who want us to stay, how many more, how many thousands more Americans, daughters, and sons are you willing to risk? How long would you have them stay?


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b755bc  No.14370777

File: c2e06e4f2c4a621⋯.jpg (41.64 KB, 600x382, 300:191, joe_twat.jpg)

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7757b4  No.14370778

File: 3ddc23559623c54⋯.jpeg (374.44 KB, 798x960, 133:160, 91840731_0182_4570_BFD3_F….jpeg)

Poll: Majority of Americans disapprove of Biden's handling of Afghanistan

A majority of Americans disapprove of President Biden’s handling of U.S. military operations in Afghanistan, according to a new poll.

The survey, conducted by The Trafalgar Group, found that 69 percent of polled Americans disapprove of Biden’s handling of the U.S.’s military presence in the war-torn country, with only 23 percent approving.


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6f6fbb  No.14370779

File: a06e8358140e4b0⋯.png (18.08 KB, 404x210, 202:105, ADBACE71_B1C9_4A6E_A2C8_7B….png)

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90923c  No.14370780

File: d1f35bcaede54ee⋯.png (20.03 KB, 689x532, 689:532, Screenshot_2021_08_16_at_1….png)













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d8bf6c  No.14370781

File: 6468dd8467b71c7⋯.gif (17.75 KB, 112x103, 112:103, funny_lips_silly.gif)


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4fbdc8  No.14370783

File: 7b67be0d6ffafe7⋯.jpg (60.5 KB, 750x490, 75:49, powellbiblical.jpg)

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a8b9d9  No.14370784



Jul 8, 2021

Joe Biden Troop Withdrawal From Afghanistan Speech Briefing Transcript

President Joe Biden: (10:12)

Already, we have members of our military whose parents fought in Afghanistan 20 years ago. Would you send their children and their grandchildren as well? Would you send your own son or daughter? After 20 years, $1 trillion spent training and equipping hundreds of thousands of Afghan National Security and Defense Forces, 2,448 Americans killed, 20,722 more wounded and untold thousands coming home with unseen trauma to their mental health. I will not send another generation of Americans to war in Afghanistan with no reasonable expectation of achieving a different outcome.

President Joe Biden: (11:00)

The United States cannot afford to remain tethered to policies, creating a response to a world as it was 20 years ago. We need to meet the threats where they are today. Today, the terrorist threat has metastasized beyond Afghanistan. So we are positioning our resources and adapting our counter-terrorism posture to meet the threats where they are now, significantly higher in South Asia, the Middle East and Africa.

President Joe Biden: (11:31)

But make no mistake, our military and intelligence leaders are confident they have the capabilities to protect the Homeland and our interests from any resurgent terrorist challenge emerging or emanating from Afghanistan. We’re developing a counter terrorism over the horizon capability that will allow us to our eyes firmly fixed on any direct threats to the United States in the region and act quickly and decisively if needed.

President Joe Biden: (12:01)

We also need to focus on shoring up America’s core strengths to meet the strategic competition with China and other nations that is really going to determine our future. We have to defeat COVID-19 at home and around the world. Make sure we’re better prepared for the next pandemic or biological threat. We need to establish international norms for cyberspace and the use of emerging technologies. We need to take concerted action to fight existential threats of climate change, and we will be more formidable to our adversaries and competitors over the long run if we fight the battles of the next 20 years, not the last 20 years.


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6b31a7  No.14370785

File: 5ddfa7940915b9b⋯.jpg (104.39 KB, 1196x673, 1196:673, 24_19_br.jpg)

File: e3de426fd309fb5⋯.jpg (18.4 KB, 550x366, 275:183, 2366_Imagen_17546_1_17_201….jpg)

File: 2d620cb1dba7d3e⋯.jpg (14.54 KB, 378x283, 378:283, bacha_1_1_.jpg)

File: d859743bd5974c9⋯.jpg (15.22 KB, 349x302, 349:302, bacha_bazi_1_.jpg)

File: ccbc593295616e0⋯.jpg (33.54 KB, 800x443, 800:443, bacha_bazi_included_in_the….jpg)


Bacha Bazi is popular with former Afghan gov officials "rebels" and Taliban commanders.

It's the endemic to the locale.

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6f6fbb  No.14370786

File: c804251f2452333⋯.png (236.64 KB, 503x732, 503:732, E33F2D4D_8722_4CE1_BBA4_C2….png)

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607740  No.14370787

Worst POTUS speech ever.

Written by a retard.

Do they really believe this shit?

Do they think we are fucking dumb?

Just buy into it folks.

This is the POTUS?!

Blame everyone but himself.

He's a fucking globalist!

This is all expected have a nice day, back to masks and vaxxxines

Fucking feckless cunt.

He's had knowledge for well over a month.

300,000 well equipped army vs 75,000 Taliban


Hang this motherfucker high!!!!

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bc6b01  No.14370789

File: 9e2b56687b4ef43⋯.jpg (24.01 KB, 241x263, 241:263, Screenshot_20210816_121504….jpg)

File: a70495898bead95⋯.jpg (28.12 KB, 354x356, 177:178, Screenshot_20210816_121617….jpg)

File: bfa5e4f837d1bf8⋯.jpg (66.59 KB, 624x444, 52:37, Screenshot_20210816_134110….jpg)

We know how this ends.


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0505e3  No.14370790


There are so many things going on behind the curtens. We can't be sure all Americans are napping.

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123cc2  No.14370791

File: b7d80beb11b55d0⋯.png (24.26 KB, 525x225, 7:3, Housley_re_We_Suck_Afghana….PNG)

While everyone is pointing fingers…there a few immediate facts. We left Americans. We left translators and locals. We left billions in military equipment that works. We suck. Period.


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2e56d9  No.14370792



that podcast must be extremely boring if he praises joe biden 'career' for anything

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2d244d  No.14370793

File: a39e418fac432ea⋯.png (871.68 KB, 800x597, 800:597, ClipboardImage.png)

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1b5dc6  No.14370794

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>62nd & 446th AW based at McChord AFB


>where is monkeywerx

Dunno mia

Have some Blancolirio C-17 Kabul 7mins>

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a8b9d9  No.14370795



Jul 8, 2021

Joe Biden Troop Withdrawal From Afghanistan Speech Briefing Transcript

President Joe Biden: (12:46)

Finally, I want to recognize the incredible sacrifice and dedication at the US military and civilian personnel, serving alongside our allies and partners, have made over the last two decades in Afghanistan. I want to honor the significance of what they’ve accomplished and the great personal risk they encountered at incredible cost to their families, pursuing the terrorist threat in some of the most unforgiving terrain on the planet, I’ve been almost throughout that entire country, ensuring there hasn’t been another attack on the Homeland from Afghanistan for the last 20 years, taking out Bin Laden.

President Joe Biden: (13:30)

I want to thank you all for your service and the dedication to the mission so many of you had given, and to the sacrifices that you and your families have made over the long course of this war. We’ll never forget those who gave the last full measure of devotion for their country in Afghanistan, nor are those whose lives have been immeasurably altered by wounds sustained in the service of their country. We’re ending America’s longest war, but we’ll always, always honor the bravery of the American Patriots who served in it. God bless you all. And may God protect our troops. Thank you.

Speaker 3: (14:15)

[crosstalk 00:14:15] Do you trust the Taliban, Mr. President? [crosstalk 00:14:21]

Speaker 4: (14:20)

Sorry, sorry. Is a Taliban takeover of Afghanistan now inevitable?

President Joe Biden: (14:24)

No, it is not.

Speaker 4: (14:26)


President Joe Biden: (14:27)

Because you have the Afghan troops have 300,000 well-equipped, as well-equipped as any army in the world, and an air force against something like 75,000 Taliban. It is not inevitable.

Speaker 5: (14:46)

[crosstalk 00:14:46] Do you trust the Taliban, Mr. President? Do you trust the Taliban, sir?

President Joe Biden: (14:51)

Is that a serious question?

Speaker 5: (14:53)

It’s absolutely a serious question. Do you trust the Taliban?

President Joe Biden: (14:55)

No, I do not.

Speaker 5: (14:56)

Do you trust handing over the country to the Taliban?

President Joe Biden: (14:57)

No, I do not trust the Taliban. [crosstalk 00:14:59]

Speaker 6: (14:59)

The intelligence community has assessed that the government will likely fall.

Speaker 5: (14:59)

Mr. President, will you amplify that question, please? Will you amplify your answer, please? Why you don’t trust the Taliban?

President Joe Biden: (15:12)

It’s a silly question. Do I trust the Taliban? No, but I trust the capacity of the Afghan military who was better trained, better equipped, and more competent in terms of conducting war. Yes, ma’am?

Speaker 7: (15:27)

Thank you, Mr. President. Given the amount of money that has been spent and the number of lives that have been lost, in your view with making this decision, where the last 20 years worth it?

President Joe Biden: (15:41)

You know my record. I can tell by the way you asked the question. I opposed permanently having American forces in Afghanistan, I argued from the beginning, as you may recall, it came to light after the administration was over, lasted in our administration, no nation has ever unified Afghanistan. No nation. Empires have gone there and not done it. The focus we had, and I strongly support it. And you may remember, I physically went to Afghanistan. I was up in that pass where Osama bin Laden was allegedly escaped, or out of harm’s way.

President Joe Biden: (16:33)

We went for two reasons. One, to bring Osama bin Ladin to the gates of hell, as I said at the time. The second reason was to eliminate Al-Qaeda’s capacity to deal with more attacks on the United States from that territory. We accomplished both of those objectives, period. That’s what I believe from the beginning, why we should be and why we should have gone to Afghanistan. That job had been over for some time. And that’s why I believe that this is the right decision, and quite frankly, overdue.


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6f6fbb  No.14370796

File: 4a319c89b6c771a⋯.png (775.93 KB, 1307x715, 1307:715, 45A7461E_CE1E_42C0_A5ED_D6….png)

Joe’s DONE.

This one has my Anon senses tingling….

Marines Insta on July 17: “Calm before the storm.”

July 17 - August 16: 30 Days…

Joe addressing the nation on Afghanistan today.

30 days between July 17 and August 16.

“Done in 30.”

Is Joe DONE after this Afghan fiasco??

Final stage?

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1b77f5  No.14370797

File: 5de3bef2135b4c6⋯.jpg (70.33 KB, 805x317, 805:317, FullTalibanAudit.jpg)

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05ea4e  No.14370799

File: 4b367381b0886d9⋯.jpg (36.79 KB, 509x500, 509:500, 59qyer.jpg)


>Please encourage our rep/congress critter to draft a resolution


These motherfuckers ARE the problem.

They won't do SHIT.

They haven't done SHIT.

The will never do SHIT.

Except to continue depriving the American people of their unalienable rights.

That's a FACT.

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8f68e8  No.14370800

File: 4e042e1665b9359⋯.png (137.38 KB, 731x576, 731:576, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f82527f6001645e⋯.png (36.16 KB, 713x666, 713:666, ClipboardImage.png)

NSW Premier reveals some COVID-19 restrictions to remain after vaccination hits 80 per cent

New South Wales residents will continue to live under COVID-19 restrictions long after the majority of the state is fully vaccinated, Premier Gladys Berejiklian says.

Key points:

5 million vaccinations have now been administered in NSW

Gladys Berejiklian says some restrictions will remain after 80 per cent the state is vaccinated

One epidemiologist says vaccination will help case numbers drop by aiding contact tracing

It's the first time the Premier has laid out the reality of life in NSW once 80 per cent of eligible people receive both doses of the jab.

"You can live life more freely than what you are today, but the extent of your freedom depends on case numbers," she said.

"If case numbers are where they are now and we get to 80 per cent double doses, we won't be able to do everything that we want to do.

"We will need to live with restrictions so long as Delta is around."

Catch up on the main COVID-19 news from August 16 with a look back at our blog

Ms Berejiklian said while the "deadly COVID" was still affecting the world, "you would still have to respect some rules that exist around vaccinations, around social distancing, around mask wearing" — even after the 80 per cent vaccination target was met.

The Premier has been on a major push to reach 6 million doses administered by the end of August — the state hit the 5 million mark over the weekend — as the Delta outbreak spreads across Sydney and parts of regional NSW.

Ms Berejiklian yesterday said once double-dose vaccination rates hit 70-80 per cent, she would take advice from the state's Chief Health Officer Kerry Chant as to what level of freedom was appropriate for NSW.

"Will life be different when you have 80 per cent double dose of your community vaccinated? It will be different," she said.

"But the extent to which it will be different depends on the case numbers. If you have 500 cases a day at 80 per cent, that is still dangerous just to say let it rip. You can't let it rip."

Earlier this month, the federal government released modelling by the Doherty Institute which shows Australia will have the capacity to vaccinate 80 per cent of the eligible population by November 22.

The modelling suggests while there will no longer be a need for tough lockdowns, some restrictions will be necessary to avoid huge case numbers and thousands of deaths.


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bc6b01  No.14370801

File: 10dd4582f2bc633⋯.jpg (65.15 KB, 473x698, 473:698, Screenshot_20210804_110040….jpg)

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b07c19  No.14370802




A Carnival cruise ship that departed from Texas is now dealing with a COVID-19 outbreak, with more than two dozen people, most of them staff members, testing positive

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a8b9d9  No.14370804



Jul 8, 2021

Joe Biden Troop Withdrawal From Afghanistan Speech Briefing Transcript

Speaker 6: (17:22)

[crosstalk 00:17:22] Mr. President, thank you. Mr. President, thank you very much. Your own intelligence community has assessed that the Afghan government will likely collapse-

President Joe Biden: (17:37)

That is not true.

Speaker 6: (17:39)

Can you please clarify what they have told you about whether that will happen or not?

President Joe Biden: (17:43)

That is not true. They did not reach that conclusion.

Speaker 6: (17:47)

So what is the of confidence that they have that it will not collapse?

President Joe Biden: (17:53)

The Afghan government and leadership has to come together. They clearly have the capacity to sustain the government in place. The question is, will they generate the kind of cohesion to do it? It’s not a question of whether they have the capacity. They have the capacity, they have the forces, they have the equipment. The question is, will they do it? I want to make clear, what I made clear to Ghani, that we are not going to walk away and not sustain their ability to maintain that force. We are. We’re going to also work to make sure we help them in terms of everything from food necessities and other things in the region.

President Joe Biden: (18:37)

But there is not a conclusion that in fact, they cannot defeat the Taliban. I believe the only way there’s going to be … This is now Joe Biden, not the intelligence community. The only way there’s only going to be peace and security in Afghanistan is that they work out a modus operandi with the Taliban and they make a judgment as to how they can make peace. And the likelihood there’s going to be one unified government in Afghanistan controlling the whole country is highly unlikely.

Speaker 6: (19:07)

Mr. President, thank you. But we have talked to your own top general in Afghanistan, General Scott Miller. He told ABC News, the conditions are so concerning at this point that it could result in a civil war. So if Kabul falls to the Taliban, what will the United States do about it?

President Joe Biden: (19:25)

Look, you’ve said two things. One, that if it could result in a civil war, that’s different than the Taliban succeeding. Number one. Number two, the question of what will be done is going to implicate the entire region as well. There’s a number of countries who have a grave concern about what’s going to happen in Afghanistan relative to their security. The question is, how much of a threat to the United States of America and to our allies is whatever results in terms of a government or an agreement? That’s when that judgment will be made.


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11524e  No.14370805

>>14370355 LB

>>14370355 LB

got a downvote along with a report for violating my free speech.

#makegitmogreatagain #MGGA

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a6c862  No.14370806

The only thing they're [Cabal] going to remember from this beating we're about to administer is that they never want to experience it again, which is exactly the point we'd like them to take away from this.

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790990  No.14370807

File: 1fe87c5a868b73f⋯.jpg (15.29 KB, 300x237, 100:79, red_heart.JPG)


God bless Grenell.

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ca1ead  No.14370809

White Supremacy is the biggest threat — joe Bidan

Homeland security - people believe in election fraud is the biggest threat to the country

Alqadea is the biggest threat to usa Joe Biden

millie studying white rage and pentagon wearing shield on face

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8d3e41  No.14370810



Very cool, newsbot

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a8b9d9  No.14370811



Jul 8, 2021

Joe Biden Troop Withdrawal From Afghanistan Speech Briefing Transcript

Speaker 8: (20:09)

Mr. President, some Vietnamese veterans see echoes of their experience in this withdrawal in Afghanistan. Do you see any parallels between this withdrawal and what happened in Vietnam with some people feeling [crosstalk 00:20:22]-

President Joe Biden: (20:22)

None whatsoever. Zero. What you had is you had entire brigades breaking through the gates of our embassy. Six, if I’m not mistaken. The Taliban is not the North Vietnamese army. They’re not remotely comparable in terms of capability. There’s going to be no circumstance where you see people being lifted off the roof of a embassy of the United States from Afghanistan. It is not at all comparable. [crosstalk 00:20:51] Then I’ll go to the other side. Hang on a second.

Speaker 9: (20:54)

Mr. President, how serious was the corruption among the Afghanistan government to this mission failing there?

President Joe Biden: (21:02)

Well, first of all, the mission hasn’t failed yet. There is in Afghanistan, and all parties, there’s been corruption. The question is, can there be an agreement on unity of purpose? What is the objective? For example, it started off, there were going to be negotiations between the Taliban and the Afghan National Security Forces and the Afghan government that didn’t come to fruition. So the question now is, where do they go from here? That, the jury is still out, but the likelihood there’s going to be the Taliban, overrunning everything and owning the whole country is highly unlikely. Yes, ma’am.

Speaker 10: (21:53)

Mr. President, will the United states be responsible for the loss of Afghan civilian lives that could happen after the military exit?

President Joe Biden: (22:00)

No. No, no, no. It’s up to the people of Afghanistan to decide on what government they want, not us to impose the government on them. No country has ever been able to do that. Keep in mind as a student of history, as I’m sure you are, never as Afghanistan been a United country. Not in all of its history. Not in all of its history. [crosstalk 00:22:27]

Speaker 11: (22:27)

Mr. President, if this isn’t a mission accomplished moment, what is it in your view? [crosstalk 00:22:34]

President Joe Biden: (22:33)

The mission was accomplished in that we got Osama bin Laden and terrorism is not emanating from that part of the world. [crosstalk 00:22:43]


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8d9d89  No.14370812


Where'd those questions come from? He ran off the platform.

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ff879f  No.14370813

File: 5fd983b7cfa5b39⋯.png (8.72 KB, 826x112, 59:8, reht786qy38t7yag794thuthjq….PNG)

File: 8c5e6f4c5cca158⋯.png (762.48 KB, 751x405, 751:405, ghre79auty957wtyueirgj9as8….PNG)

File: dde537757011fdf⋯.png (730.06 KB, 751x415, 751:415, rhae78ty46t7ya7g84hui3h978….PNG)


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a8b9d9  No.14370815



Jul 8, 2021

Joe Biden Troop Withdrawal From Afghanistan Speech Briefing Transcript

Speaker 11: (22:43)

Mr. President, if speed is safety, as you just said in your remarks, are you satisfied with the timeline of relocating Afghan nationals? Is it happening quickly enough to your satisfaction, if it may not happen until next month at the end?

President Joe Biden: (22:54)

Much of it’s already happened. There’s already been people, about 1,000 people who have gotten on aircraft and come to the United States already on commercial aircraft. So as I said, there’s over 2,500 people that, as from January to now have gotten those visas and only half decided that they wanted to leave. The point is that I think the whole process has to be speeded up period, in terms of being able to get these visas. [crosstalk 00:23:23]

Speaker 12: (23:23)

Why can’t the US evacuate these Afghan translators to the United States to await their visa processing as some immigrants at the Southern border have been allowed to do?

President Joe Biden: (23:32)

Because the law doesn’t allow that to happen. And that’s why we’re asking the Congress to consider changing the law. But in the meantime, we can guarantee their safety if they wish to leave by taking them to third countries, and/or while the wait is taking place, to come to … and hopefully while they’re waiting there to be able to bring them back to the United States, if that’s what they choose to do. [crosstalk 00:23:57]

Speaker 13: (24:00)

[crosstalk 00:24:00] Afghan [inaudible 00:24:03] woman. Any message, good message for Afghan women in future? Because they have achievement, they are really concerned their achievement.

President Joe Biden: (24:09)

They are very concerned with good reason.

Speaker 14: (24:11)


President Joe Biden: (24:11)

When I was in Afghanistan, I’ve been there a number of times. I remember being in a school outside, and by the way, the schools in Afghanistan are not fundamentally unlike schools in the west coast where they have an area in the middle that is, sort of looks like a playground and single story buildings connected around it. And I remember speaking to a group of young women, I guess they’re roughly, don’t hold me to this, they look like they’d be 14, 15 years old, and they’re in school and there’s a tiered classroom with single light bulbs hanging from the ceiling. As I know you know. And I said, “The United States came here to make sure that we got this terrorist, Osama bin Laden, and that terrorist didn’t amass again to go after our country. And then we’re going to have to leave.”

President Joe Biden: (25:11)

And a young woman said, “You can’t leave. You can’t leave.” It was heartbreaking. “You can’t leave,” she said, “I want to be a doctor. I want to be a doctor. I want to be a doctor. And if you leave, I’ll never be able to be a doctor.” Well, that’s why we spent so much time and money training the Afghan Security Forces, to do the work of defending that. Well, anyway, so yes. I’m aware. Let me take one more question. [crosstalk 00:25:43]

Speaker 15: (25:49)

Mr. President, thank you. I wanted to ask, with the benefit of hindsight, you’ve spoken to the fact that the Taliban are sort of at their militarily strongest point that you’ve seen in 20 years. How do you feel personally about that with the benefit of hindsight and all of the dollars and investments and American troops that were sent there?

President Joe Biden: (26:08)

Relative to the training and capacity of the ANSF and the training of the Federal Police, they’re not even close in terms of their capacity. I was making the point. The point was that here we were … the argument is, well, we could stay because no one was dying. No Americans are being shot. So why leave? Once the agreement was made by the last administration we were going to leave by May 1st, it was very clear that a Taliban that had always been a problem was even a more sophisticated problem than they were before. Not more sophisticated than the ANSF, the government, more than they were. The point being that it would have increased the prospect that they would have been able to take more lives of Americans if they decided we weren’t going to go after them. That was the point I was making. Thank you all so very much.

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6c9410  No.14370816


hey hoser - check yo sel you and poo and schmuck and liddle swallowallows rest stop pedosta raping opium dumas yeah u are liable and fully culpable

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8d9d89  No.14370817


Anon bad. July 8th.

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3b2800  No.14370818


all the planets are round, here, have the flat Earth.

Gravity is a theory, right, if you jump from a block, you can go to the Mars.

Day and night, is a shit thing, if you live in finland, there the sun has an easy job, time circle, like autumn, winter, spring, are just a invented thing……

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ca1ead  No.14370819


Cabal vs Kabaal

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0b0112  No.14370820


Surfer anon goes off.

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8d3e41  No.14370822


>Joe’s DONE.

You mean [P]resident ByeDone?

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f791e9  No.14370823

File: 70e0c1cbd29d442⋯.jpg (417.59 KB, 610x897, 610:897, has_anyone_seen_my_bra_388….jpg)


Gravity is an effect or some natural phenomenon (pic related).

The explanation for it is a theory.

Just saying ….

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a8b9d9  No.14370824


kek seconded

kinda of grammarcat, but kek

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ae4fda  No.14370826


Maybe we really only left behind the CIA black hats who need to die anyway.

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e09b76  No.14370827

File: 91c28a347c43f4f⋯.jpg (59.84 KB, 632x288, 79:36, ZomboMeme_16082021163803.jpg)

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0505e3  No.14370828


A pizza is round to so whats your point?

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41f31b  No.14370829

File: 64b8d1621520667⋯.jpg (360.81 KB, 1322x2000, 661:1000, Herbert_James_Draper_1863_….jpg)


> Cabal will remember

No, fren.

[They] will remember nothing.

For we will grind [them] back into the dust of the earth.

We will obliterate [them], forever and for all time.

Psalm. 78:45

And I shall send a diversity of flies to devour [their] flesh, and an army of frogs to destroy [them].

Normies will consume them.

We will destroy them.

We will win.

Fuck [them] all.

We will win.

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5d41b7  No.14370830


back to your holding cell prick

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123cc2  No.14370831

File: cc9ee32b7dde27e⋯.png (538.2 KB, 608x543, 608:543, Scavino45_re_Biden_Cant_Bl….PNG)

Daniel Scavino Jr.

“No, Biden Can’t Blame Trump For The Afghanistan Withdrawal Disaster — Under Biden’s direct command, the Taliban reportedly seized hundreds of U.S. Humvees, Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles, and several million-dollar U.S. drones”


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9f5522  No.14370832

File: 0f6fb8931f205d3⋯.jpeg (93.27 KB, 860x394, 430:197, BD345A12_70B2_4D6A_8B6D_1….jpeg)

This F&G photo makes me comfy af anons

I’m finally enjoying this movie


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2d244d  No.14370834

File: 36ba066498681eb⋯.jpg (67.65 KB, 792x792, 1:1, boobies.jpg)

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ca1ead  No.14370835

File: 6cf81dda8b10fe4⋯.png (663.5 KB, 536x680, 67:85, 51d9d9b9e52a6220.png)

coming to a town near you

remember omar


call your erpresntatives and say you do not want illegal aliens

Omar coalition

Was Omar from Minnesota a war criminal ?

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dd0c10  No.14370836

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

state dept live

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a6c862  No.14370837

What do Afghanistan and Haiti have to do with each other? Nothing is by coincidence.

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50bb98  No.14370838

Here's the deal folks

Step 1: Catch Antifa Sum

Step 2: Umask Antifa Douchbag

Step 3: Take pictures of Antifa Fag Face and Tatoos

Step 4: Release Antifa Cunt, and Upload the Photo to The Net.

God Bless & Thank you for your time and consideration into this matter.

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400855  No.14370839


the perpetual crisis.

if this doesn't wake the still sleeping among us up, nothing short of forced physical detainment will.

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40f084  No.14370840



Poorly written.

How do you know the planets are round? You are using CGI photos created by the people telling you it’s round.

Either way no one really knows.

The round earth was only based on the idea that the moon was round.

Yet even then the sun was considered the God because the Sun moves

If the earth was a ball then all aspects of time must be changed because they are based on a moving Sun and a stationary earth.

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a8b9d9  No.14370841

compare to today speech

Jul 8, 2021

Joe Biden Troop Withdrawal From Afghanistan Speech Briefing Transcript









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81edc1  No.14370843

File: e779daf090869e1⋯.png (459.89 KB, 589x494, 31:26, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 00c481ef6056d0f⋯.png (83 KB, 591x537, 197:179, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6e5d0289fd74987⋯.png (75.94 KB, 676x509, 676:509, ClipboardImage.png)

Elizabeth Holmes, Judge May Go Unmasked at Her Criminal Trial


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b3d76a  No.14370845

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Aircraft video -blancoliro- includes Dixie Fire, fire in Turkey, loss of 2 fire fighting tankers that went down. The Cali tanker pilot survived, very fortunate.

The video also has scenes from the evac of Kabul and somebody FALLING FROM THE SKY from the C-17. Calling that one Passenger 801. See at 7:04- scenes of the pandemonium surrounding the departing C-17 and at 10:15 shows the person falling out of the sky.

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5d41b7  No.14370846



there not going to where u think fool. there going to prison.

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1a50c0  No.14370847


There’s like 4 females on this plane

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723fa1  No.14370849


filtered flatfag

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5a9cb7  No.14370850


Not deepfaked like the Biden one.

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b755bc  No.14370851


imagine the smell

(what is Afghan for "Howdy?")

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2d244d  No.14370852

File: b6c494c862fcdb3⋯.jpg (75.58 KB, 1020x680, 3:2, Antifa_fags.jpg)

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a8b9d9  No.14370855


>Speaker 3: (14:15)

>[crosstalk 00:14:15] Do you trust the Taliban, Mr. President? [crosstalk 00:14:21]

>Speaker 4: (14:20)

Sorry, sorry. Is a Taliban takeover of Afghanistan now inevitable?

>President Joe Biden: (14:24)

>No, it is not.

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790990  No.14370857

File: 11542e2e9f22f04⋯.png (1.12 MB, 989x682, 989:682, ClipboardImage.png)

That bitch was in a fucking hurry to get out of that room.

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c9d726  No.14370858


And now the Taliban are all armed uo, courtesy of the US Taxpayer, and can invade Iran and force them to accept a Rothschilds backed Central Bank.

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7757b4  No.14370859

File: 784bddbaf97d462⋯.jpeg (500.84 KB, 1757x1953, 251:279, 6C45DC41_FE2B_4983_B944_4….jpeg)

Jake Tapper: “This was a foreign policy disaster.”

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2d2543  No.14370862

File: 9633b1ba9c7f140⋯.jpeg (172.13 KB, 750x944, 375:472, 712ED14D_7CE6_4FA5_A63F_D….jpeg)

File: 8d216d770c3d477⋯.jpeg (90.86 KB, 750x814, 375:407, 1F1AD42F_6DE8_439B_9DCA_7….jpeg)

File: 2388e01b72ed4b5⋯.jpeg (99.26 KB, 750x815, 150:163, 77A265BA_D20D_45CC_8CCC_9….jpeg)

>>14369901 (LB) >>14369908 (LB) >>14370367 (LB) Taliban Sources are Claiming Sleepy Joe is NOT LEGITIMATE PRESIDENT, Will only negotiate with PDJT

KEK’ing my fucking ass off!!!

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20cff1  No.14370863

File: 1225a96e19bcd52⋯.png (46.54 KB, 798x534, 133:89, Screenshot_2021_08_16_at_1….png)



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1b5dc6  No.14370864


Does a certain kitty around these parts know you are posting pics of his mom?

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2d244d  No.14370865

File: b1312a724797315⋯.png (377.21 KB, 833x470, 833:470, Biden_Im_Going.png)

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5d41b7  No.14370866


jidf is retarded

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3b2800  No.14370869


So why bother to make a pizza a planet, when you have so many planets in the solar system?

Just to have a job?

If your parents give you a land, to build a house, you will let it away and build another land, with the dirth that exist?

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24f622  No.14370870




Pretty sure most of us can agree that everything we have known to be true has been called into question including the shape of the earth. I don’t see how you can conclude without a doubt, that our earth is flat. I am open to the idea and I am comfortable in the realization I may never know 100% while living in my skin suit. I enjoy this topic but you destroy your own credibility by spouting shit as fact when there is no way for you to prove said shit. If you’re trying to start a discussion and are seeking feedback you may want to rethink your approach. Most will scroll past your post and drop your ass in the shill category as I almost did. Figure I would give you the opportunity for correction in hopes it leads to an adult convo.

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90923c  No.14370871

File: 781f19825099189⋯.png (360.48 KB, 478x641, 478:641, Screenshot_2021_08_16_at_1….png)



>Nothing is by coincidence.

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2e56d9  No.14370873


'turning his back on America'

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a6c862  No.14370876

How many pride parties are being held tonight to toast the Taliban? United not divided. Sometimes some need more evidence of their impending demise. A lot of LGBT went pro Trump today, 100%

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790990  No.14370877

File: 80446502e880a58⋯.png (30.37 KB, 455x810, 91:162, ClipboardImage.png)


Reread drops, fren.


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0505e3  No.14370878

File: fe234dfc0a188ad⋯.gif (1.47 MB, 300x200, 3:2, 200.gif)

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e09b76  No.14370880

File: 0b330375971ae0c⋯.jpg (66.66 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ZomboMeme_28022020233100.jpg)

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81edc1  No.14370881

File: 4da3b4c06505fea⋯.png (323.42 KB, 512x341, 512:341, ClipboardImage.png)

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ca1ead  No.14370882

File: 58d5fa18e60a5bc⋯.jpg (4.52 KB, 110x160, 11:16, omarInfiltrationPretendRef….jpg)




GOP Tenn marsha blackburn importing refugees

GOP and Dems work for China

open borders and refugees

Call your representative and say you do not want Corona virus illegal aliens brought into our country

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790990  No.14370883

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5d41b7  No.14370884


your a moran

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84fe7e  No.14370885





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b755bc  No.14370887

File: 87ade63b04d0d0e⋯.jpg (632.92 KB, 720x590, 72:59, chinee_grammar_kitty.jpg)


>If your parents give you a land, to build a house, you will let it away and build another land, with the dirth that exist?

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f33a8b  No.14370888

File: 366d35287b7c064⋯.jpg (93.65 KB, 625x487, 625:487, RealPictureOfEarth.jpg)


←- Actual picture of Earth from Space

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a6c862  No.14370889


Yes, but I'm your moran. You're stuck with me.

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464834  No.14370890

this is like listening to college radio news

state dpt my ass

oh wow… Questions will be had!

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94d3ad  No.14370891

File: 137335663f2a74c⋯.jpg (394.85 KB, 999x944, 999:944, 20200925_184934.jpg)

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040124  No.14370892

Taliban hate pedos?

are you daft

They literally worship a pedo…

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ca1ead  No.14370893

File: 0f11310234d3032⋯.jpg (5.57 KB, 240x160, 3:2, omar3.jpg)


Infiltration of war criminals

illegal aliens should not be allowed into this country

GOP and dems cya becuse the election fraud they worked with CCP China

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5d41b7  No.14370894


whatever floats your boat

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2d244d  No.14370896

File: 972289522daf0af⋯.png (973.25 KB, 750x731, 750:731, Biden_confused.png)

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5a9cb7  No.14370897


Hmmm. Twisting the plot in act 2. Good to know where in the movie we are.

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8d9d89  No.14370898

Something's off. Feels wrong. Hope it settles soon.

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99baaf  No.14370899

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


She always did look good in white

Paratus Comitatus


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ca1ead  No.14370900

File: b75d8a8a16806ba⋯.jpg (5.38 KB, 240x160, 3:2, omar1.jpg)


Who will be the new omar from Afghanistan ?


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0505e3  No.14370901


What difference does it make the earth is round or flat? Would it change your life if you know? I don't care if i know it is round or flat. My life will be the same. And go to reddit with your spaces.

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ca1ead  No.14370903


is she a war criminal from Somalia ?

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533468  No.14370904

File: 0403c642a80b991⋯.png (686.67 KB, 757x480, 757:480, arizona_audit_clint.png)

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a11dc4  No.14370905


and long high one from Downtown Kekishtan!

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0b0112  No.14370906

File: 2c27bc022a48db7⋯.png (790.09 KB, 616x760, 77:95, 00pride.PNG)



Trump negotiates withdrawal from Afghanistan

Biden fucks it up, AND SENDS MOAR TROOPS

But now Biden is the one who said "enough" and stopped the wars???


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2d244d  No.14370908

File: 230593298590dca⋯.png (394.93 KB, 1035x485, 207:97, Biden_Im_Cartman.png)

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ca1ead  No.14370909

File: 2090e905242b25d⋯.jpg (11.7 KB, 255x179, 255:179, 61c1295c5bd1d6fbb443854129….jpg)

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717bd6  No.14370911


Release the results.

Until then yawn.

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90923c  No.14370912

File: dd570757027651b⋯.png (388.93 KB, 535x660, 107:132, Screenshot_2021_08_16_at_1….png)

"I think the program is really important because it's really helped us see the big picture …" Firefighters from the Latvian National Armed Forces joined their #SPP partners, @MINationalGuard, to participate in the Northern Strike 21-2.


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533468  No.14370913

File: 42068da0e01cf30⋯.png (474.24 KB, 675x384, 225:128, biden_thats_all_folks.png)

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b755bc  No.14370914

File: 2f6bb2f45180ca0⋯.jpg (19.14 KB, 147x315, 7:15, infinity_aware.jpg)


but CNN said…

Muslims Taliban subjugate women

and she wore a hijab and burka today to say it.

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ecd3de  No.14370915


Well, according to this one guy.

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a6c862  No.14370916

Hollywood is watching this thinking 'I don't even know which side to jump in on.'

Proof the plan is working

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fb165a  No.14370917

File: c2439e56172a720⋯.jpg (119.31 KB, 820x1024, 205:256, E88KacOXMAUqq8f.jpg)

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a073f0  No.14370918


Yeah… well the POTUS isn't going to fix it, and the GOFOs are not going to voluntarily accept responsibility…

There are reps out there that will at least bring it to the floor…

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ca1ead  No.14370919

File: 1d01241f21b815e⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1392x788, 348:197, e776fce4c2bbc16a.png)


back to vacation

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3b2800  No.14370920


The Earth is round, spin and is alive!!!!!

End of discussion.

Consider me wtv shill you want, this is truth!!!!!

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20cff1  No.14370923

File: 67680d496ed2526⋯.png (730.89 KB, 829x726, 829:726, Screenshot_2021_08_16_at_1….png)

File: b5db10a6fed261c⋯.png (43.64 KB, 881x780, 881:780, Screenshot_2021_08_16_at_1….png)

File: a045d2abefb23da⋯.png (38.7 KB, 919x603, 919:603, Screenshot_2021_08_16_at_1….png)

Does CNN think what’s happening in Afghanistan is just another “peaceful protest”?

It certainly seems like it.

You’re not going to believe this until you see it.

But a CNN reporter on air just claimed that the Taliban “seems friendly.”

his is not a parody or “comedy.”

This is the so-called “news” that they show to their viewers.


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790990  No.14370924

File: c92cc15b0754ccd⋯.gif (2.7 MB, 325x216, 325:216, Trump_CHeers_Raise_Glass.gif)


Who's in control, again?

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c9d726  No.14370925


The controled oppo in here is hilarious. Aiesha was 7 when Mohammed married her.

Marriage is sexual slavery.

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10e07f  No.14370926

File: 6b8223a228deb11⋯.jpeg (175.28 KB, 750x1032, 125:172, 7CC961E4_18F3_41A9_AD42_D….jpeg)


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6549e8  No.14370927

File: bab96766979823a⋯.jpg (331.15 KB, 1333x1200, 1333:1200, ComfyPepe.jpg)

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8d9d89  No.14370928


Anon is so confused.

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723fa1  No.14370929


filtered flatfaggot

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533468  No.14370931

File: c0879e24e3ac6c4⋯.png (727.12 KB, 739x480, 739:480, ClipboardImage.png)

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84fe7e  No.14370932

File: 1cd1e02fb2e0800⋯.png (599.09 KB, 960x640, 3:2, waters.png)









-waters pretty sure







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a8b9d9  No.14370933

File: 3f5813fd1bd2468⋯.jpg (854.69 KB, 2500x1663, 2500:1663, taliban_fighter_machine_gu….jpg)



Jul 8, 2021

Joe Biden Troop Withdrawal From Afghanistan Speech Briefing Transcript

>Sorry, sorry.

Is a Taliban takeover of Afghanistan now inevitable?

>>President Joe Biden: (14:24)

No, it is not.










Red Cross Estimates Thousands of Afghans Wounded in Fighting Amid Taliban Takeover

Newsweek| 34 minutes ago

"The world is following events in Afghanistan with a heavy heart and deep disquiet about what lies ahead," UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said.

Thousands of Afghans were wounded in fighting amid the Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan, according to the International Committee of the Red Cross, as the group seized the country's capital of Kabul on Sunday, the Associated Press reported.

The violence comes before U.S. troops were scheduled to withdraw at the end of the month, ending 20 years of involvement. In some Afghan provinces and bases, security forces and politicians handed over control to the Taliban without a fight.

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533468  No.14370934

File: 78df15ab31fee36⋯.png (564.27 KB, 862x480, 431:240, shills_whine_2.png)

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7768db  No.14370935

File: 535027a6565198a⋯.jpg (452.01 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, trustee.jpg)

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ca1ead  No.14370936

Joe Biden is attacking your right to own an AR-15 as he just handed thousands of them over to the Taliban.

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f4394d  No.14370937


She must be looking for romance.

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040124  No.14370939


Is this another 'islam is right about women' type thing?

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123cc2  No.14370940

File: 045e5d350c046f6⋯.png (49.7 KB, 518x463, 518:463, S_Miller_re_Biden_Failure_….PNG)

Stephen Miller

Biden’s speech is one of the most dishonest straw man arguments in history. He debated reasons for exiting Afghanistan. Not many dispute we should end war. This is about the unimaginable, inconceivable incompetence of Biden’s exit plan & the global humiliation it has wrought. 1/2

Stephen Miller

I must also reiterate that Biden abandoned & rejected the Trump peace plan. Under Trump, there was zero chance our flag would not by flying right now over the American Embassy, our staff working safely inside.

Biden cannot escape his own malfeasance, ineptitude & incapacity.2/2


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f3e6b0  No.14370941

File: 9b4d23fefd3a3ad⋯.jpg (70.73 KB, 660x388, 165:97, USAF_1109.jpg)

Afghanistan is finally freed of the last legions of zionist militants from within the US army.

The plan is working out well.

Congrats, good Afghan people.

Clowns posting propaganda footage all over the place.

Be careful who you follow, anons.

Just follow the signs.


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2e56d9  No.14370942


do you think that guy want to get 'de-platformed' by questioning authority?

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8d3e41  No.14370943

NotablesAre Not Endorsements


>>14370709 (VID) "What Happened on January 6th?" GREAT WATCH!

>>14370714 RE: That Guy and his talking points

>>14370780, >>14370796 WHERE WE GO ONE, WE GO ALL!

>>14370832 (IMG) Taliban Just Flew Over My House

>>14370912 Firefighters from the Latvian National AirForce joined their #SPP partners, @MINationalGuard, to participate in the Northern Strike 21-2.

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4709f7  No.14370944

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

pentagon live

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b569fd  No.14370945


Almost looks like it's intentionally choosing mic one over two.

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102d00  No.14370947


The buck stops, hear. There will be no blood sucking of the children.

-The Bidan

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80af06  No.14370948


Globally Reported

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af7c4f  No.14370949

File: d161934f3ea3072⋯.png (1.99 MB, 1272x952, 159:119, Screen_Shot_2021_08_16_at_….png)

File: d211e35f267a234⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1298x1058, 649:529, Screen_Shot_2021_08_16_at_….png)

Trump: The Taliban No Longer Fears or Respects America Thanks to Biden

JACOB BLISS - 14 Aug 2021 2:29


Former President Donald Trump slammed President Joe Biden in a statement Saturday night, saying that “Biden gets it wrong every time on foreign policy,” and because of that, the Taliban no longer fears or respects America.

Trump said in his statement that “everyone knew” that Biden would not have done a good job under pressure, and in addition, Biden has gotten it wrong whenever it comes to making foreign policy decisions.

The former president also mentioned, “Even Obama’s Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, said as much.” He noted that Biden “ran out of Afganistan instead of following the plan our Administration left for him.”

The “plan that protected our people and our property, and ensured the Taliban would never dream of taking our Embassy or providing a base for new attacks against America. The withdrawal would be guided by facts on the ground.”

Trump also criticized Biden by talking about what he did as president to set up deterrents after defeating ISIS. Trump said, “After I took out ISIS, I established a credible deterrent.” He added, “That deterrent is now gone.”

“The Taliban no longer has fear or respect for America or America’s power,” he continued.

Trump finished his statement by mentioning, “What a disgrace it will be when the Taliban raises their flag over America’s Embassy in Kabul,” noting that “this is [a] complete failure through weakness, incompetence, and total strategic incoherence.”

Biden announced on Saturday morning that he decided to send 5,000 American troops to Afghanistan to help ensure the safe evacuation of American personnel.

All of the American officials who were stationed in Afghanistan were told to evacuate the embassy in Kabul in addition to destroying any sensitive information and equipment they have.

Since the American troops left Afganistan, reports show that the Taliban terrorists started to use weapons and tools the Americans supplied the government to protect themselves with, which they used to take over a string of cities in about a 12 hour time span.

“Some of that weaponry is now being brazenly paraded ahead of the US troops’ 9/11 withdrawal deadline by insurgents who have maintained ties with Al Qaeda, the group behind the 2001 terror attacks,” France24 reported.

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a8b9d9  No.14370950











cont: https://www.newsweek.com/red-cross-estimates-thousands-afghans-wounded-fighting-amid-taliban-takeover-1619882

On Monday, at least seven people died, U.S. officials said, as thousands of Afghans arrived at Kabul's main airport, with many hoping to flee the Taliban's rule. When a military jet was taking off, some desperately held onto the plane and fell to their deaths.

"The world is following events in Afghanistan with a heavy heart and deep disquiet about what lies ahead," United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said.

Some Afghans are trying to escape through the country's border crossings, but they're now under Taliban control.

America's longest war ended with its enemy the victor.


The crowds came at Kabul's airport while the Taliban enforced their rule over the capital of 5 million people after a lightning advance across the country that took just over a week to dethrone the country's Western-backed government. There were no major reports of abuses or fighting, but many residents stayed home and remained fearful after the insurgents' advance saw prisons emptied and armories looted.

Security forces and politicians that handed over their provinces and bases without a fight likely believed the two-decade Western experiment to remake Afghanistan would not survive the resurgent Taliban.

As the U.S. military and others continued evacuation flights, Afghans swarmed over the international airport's tarmac. Some climbed into aircraft parked on the taxiway, while others dangled precariously off a jet bridge.

U.S. troops took positions to guard the active runway, but the crowd stormed past them and their armored vehicles. Gunshots rang out. As one U.S. Air Force Boeing C-17 Globemaster III tried to take off, a helicopter did low runs in front of it to try to drive people off the runway.

Videos showed a group of Afghans hanging onto the plane just before takeoff and several falling through the air as the airplane rapidly gained altitude over the city.

Senior American military officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the ongoing operation, told AP that the chaos left seven dead, including several who fell from the flight. Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said U.S. forces killed two people he described as carrying weapons in the melee. He said 1,000 more U.S. troops would be deployed to secure the airfield and back up the 2,500 already there.

All flights at the airport—military and civilian—were halted until Afghan civilians can be cleared from the runway, Kirby added.

Late Monday night, hundreds of people remained trapped between American forces trying to push them out of the airport and Taliban forces trying to keep them in, witnesses said. An AP journalist also saw what appeared to be an airstrike target two vehicles near the airport.

More than 300 people were evacuated aboard a Turkish Airlines flight after Turkish soldiers cleared the runway. Senol Celik, who identified himself as a Turkish Embassy employee, said people "threw themselves in front of the plane."

"There was no room for us to stand," said the 24-year-old. "Children were crying, women were shouting, young and old men were so angry and upset, no one could hear each other. There was no oxygen to breathe."

After a woman fainted and was carried off the plane, Arifi gave up and returned home.


Taliban Searching Houses for People on 'Target List,' Says U.N. Rep

Live Updates: Joe Biden Addresses Taliban's Afghanistan Takeover

Russia Says Afghanistan 'Better' Under Taliban, Says Ghani Fled With Cash

Chinese State Media Says Taiwan Should See How U.S. Abandons Allies

"They wanted to board the plane. They wanted to escape Afghanistan," he said. "We were afraid that the plane would return and that we would enter that chaos. We were sad for those people."

Shafi Arifi, who had a ticket to travel to Uzbekistan on Sunday, was unable to board his plane because it was packed with people who had raced across the tarmac and climbed aboard, with no police or airport staff in sight.

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8d9d89  No.14370953


Ok. This helps.

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81edc1  No.14370954

File: 7a206e62986d7cc⋯.png (1.48 MB, 802x960, 401:480, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 73a666657979a92⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3b442f8ae3a8a44⋯.png (325.99 KB, 409x504, 409:504, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 094cf01ce8e752d⋯.png (619.95 KB, 577x432, 577:432, ClipboardImage.png)

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e969ac  No.14370955

File: ffedc0cce13c580⋯.jpg (93.07 KB, 506x652, 253:326, dafuq.jpg)

da hell is this guy on now? looks like they slapped a suit on a homeless methhead from california

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6b31a7  No.14370956

File: cf7438d3d0bde75⋯.jpg (151.57 KB, 1080x920, 27:23, cf7438d3d0bde75185201c259c….jpg)

File: 1cca20c8ab33cab⋯.jpeg (53.59 KB, 594x589, 594:589, 12_jpg_2786_jpeg_1122.jpeg)

File: 0752aa38a993253⋯.png (2.08 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 3444444442.png)

File: 7b99072d62d7340⋯.jpg (74.41 KB, 814x600, 407:300, Desmond_is_Amazing_1.jpg)

File: 8a115249c6b093c⋯.jpg (13.34 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

Afghanistan is poor and the United States is rich.

Both tolerate the rape and sexual abuse in public of minor children.

One country admits it has a problem. The other country denies it.

Which country is which?

>National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (front)

>Children's Defense Fund (Front)

>Podesta/Alefatis Pizzagate

>Dan Schneider/Pedowood

>Epstein Sex Island/Blackbook

>Pentagon Child Porn Servers

>Oakland County child murders

>Peter Scully Dark Web Child Torturer Live Streamer

>The Franklin Coverup/BoysTown Ring

>Drasius Kedys Pedo Ring

>Chilean Senator Pedo Ring

>North Fox Island Child Killing Ring

>Madeline McCann Disappearance

>Brooke Shields Child Actor

>Cardinal George Pell Vatican Ring

>Colonel Michael Aquino Pedo Cult

>G4S Security Human Trafficking

>Dyncorp Human Trafficking

>Dolphin Square Ring

>Planned Parenthood Organ Trafficking

>Jersey Island Child Killings

>Elm Guest House Ring

>UK Grooming Gang Police Cover up

>Clinton Hitlist

>Clinton Haiti Child Trafficking

>Joe Biden Child Groper

>McMartin Pre-schoolRing

>Presidio Military Daycare Ring

>Dutroux Affair Coverup

>Israeli Resort in Colombia tied to sex trafficking

>NXIVM Sex Cult

>Pennsylvania 300+ Priests Pedo Ring

>Sandusky Pedo Ring

>Roman Polanski Scandal

>Jared Fogle "Subway" Pedo Ring

>MJ Scandal

>Savile Scandal

>Oprah's School For Girls Abuse

>JonBenet Photographer Child Abuse Arrest

>The Finders Cult

>Tuam Church Child Mass Grave

>Lanarkshire Orphanage Child Mass Grave

>Dozier School for Boys Child Mass Grave

>Nancy Schaefer CPS Assassination

>Andrew Breitbart Podesta Assassination

>Boko Haram Girls Michelle Obama

>FBI Ted Gunderson exposes child trafficking

>Muslim Child Training Camp Cover up

>Portugal Elite Sex Ring

>Brazil Celebrity Spirit Healer Pedo Ring

>Tucson/Cemex Trafficking Camp

>Italy Foster Care Pedo Ring

>Norway Pedo Ring Bust

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c727e0  No.14370957

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Federal Update on Lake Mead, Lake Powell

30 watching now | Started streaming 9 minutes ago

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533468  No.14370958

File: 60d5713304a1c32⋯.png (425.02 KB, 369x480, 123:160, ClipboardImage.png)

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5d41b7  No.14370960


the people know, now its an exposure game.

soon it will be GAME OVER

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717bd6  No.14370961


Go for it if you want.

No mo' will be had until AZ releases theirs and shows massive fuckery.

Until that happens the "normies" dgaf.

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c727e0  No.14370962

File: 5e76882a50a98cf⋯.jpg (406.26 KB, 1155x844, 1155:844, CamilleCalimlimTouton.jpg)

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84fe7e  No.14370963

File: 5e075cc052b67e4⋯.png (194.24 KB, 494x461, 494:461, CHINA_DOMINION.png)





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a6c862  No.14370964

I'm going to break discipline and say this one time. Q+ fingerprints all over this withdrawal fiasco. Troller in Chief is creating mind boggling tears in the Cabal reality show. Where does he even come up with these trolls? Flynn?

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fdedbe  No.14370965

File: c59c11d90731e9b⋯.jpeg (11.96 KB, 623x108, 623:108, 259A320F_76E1_4443_A735_0….jpeg)

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7768db  No.14370966

File: ac088a3e3eca9ee⋯.jpg (141.19 KB, 999x561, 333:187, four.jpg)

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ca1ead  No.14370967

File: 3bfd97df5cf642d⋯.png (23.03 KB, 406x237, 406:237, 861b75a31ae1eae1.png)


The Department of Defense just became the Department of Immigration…

and we have Maryland and Utah already roger-ing up to take 'em.

The takedown of the united states in occupied land of China

open border and refugees omar style

Infiltration now became Invasion

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fdedbe  No.14370968

File: ef5d20cf1728590⋯.jpeg (15.65 KB, 621x188, 621:188, EC7789CF_1E5C_455A_9D65_7….jpeg)

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8d9d89  No.14370969

File: fbf655eb8025a6d⋯.png (44.27 KB, 297x274, 297:274, Screen_Shot_2021_08_16_at_….png)


Doesn't fit.

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1af9d9  No.14370970

File: ff39543f5d4b81f⋯.jpg (766.71 KB, 896x1200, 56:75, Kek.jpg)

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fdedbe  No.14370973

File: b04244fe514293e⋯.jpeg (58.58 KB, 622x516, 311:258, 46B6272C_DAB2_4620_B930_5….jpeg)

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5a9cb7  No.14370974

File: 7ff5521363d6376⋯.jpg (241.21 KB, 980x551, 980:551, CircleBackq675.jpg)

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2e56d9  No.14370975


this is what happens when jews tell you that something doesn't matter to enable their sacrifice of humanity by mutilating the genitals of infants

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fdedbe  No.14370976

File: 7a6346af30d0edb⋯.jpeg (50.7 KB, 622x547, 622:547, 03510004_D765_4F27_A987_4….jpeg)

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fdedbe  No.14370977

File: f4ad0fb955362ad⋯.jpeg (30.31 KB, 624x273, 16:7, F80A9A14_0016_4671_B643_2….jpeg)

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0505e3  No.14370978


They can't keep up with the spinning of their narrative.

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b755bc  No.14370981

File: 8537c0686aa4feb⋯.jpg (83.74 KB, 600x450, 4:3, Joe_peace_n_qz.jpg)

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a8b9d9  No.14370982


Jul 8, 2021

Joe Biden Troop Withdrawal From Afghanistan Speech Briefing Transcript

>Sorry, sorry.

Is a Taliban takeover of Afghanistan now inevitable?

>>President Joe Biden: (14:24)

No, it is not.

>Security forces and politicians that handed over their provinces and bases without a fight likely believed the two-decade Western experiment to remake Afghanistan would not survive the resurgent Taliban.

>The violence comes before U.S. troops were scheduled to withdraw at the end of the month, ending 20 years of involvement. In some Afghan provinces and bases, security forces and politicians handed over control to the Taliban without a fight.

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fdedbe  No.14370983

File: 15e9a4001eeaac5⋯.jpeg (14.97 KB, 623x110, 623:110, 6830016C_81A5_4155_80EC_A….jpeg)

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fdedbe  No.14370984

File: 34247b24da7eb09⋯.jpeg (35.75 KB, 620x352, 155:88, C989813B_0A66_4CD5_AACE_8….jpeg)

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79faaf  No.14370985

File: d16470b9db57102⋯.jpg (53.38 KB, 320x302, 160:151, Polish_20210816_113147988.jpg)

File: 5b3ea08b2171cab⋯.jpg (2.18 MB, 1920x1920, 1:1, Polish_20210815_220550523.jpg)

File: c73d2a8e5b36913⋯.jpg (924.71 KB, 1920x1920, 1:1, Polish_20210815_235015619.jpg)

File: d3536be8367b23d⋯.jpg (173.01 KB, 594x401, 594:401, Polish_20210816_150524403.jpg)

File: 506926430ce7673⋯.jpg (819.34 KB, 1857x1881, 619:627, Polish_20210815_195710125.jpg)

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009aaf  No.14370987

Have you anons ever been to /pol/ ?

holy fuck is that place racist!

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f4394d  No.14370988

Afghanistan fallout:

1) Seal Biden's fate as incompetent - remove via 25th Amendment.

2) Distract from election audits/Maricopa

3) Setup Taliban to as scapegoat for FF attack.

4) Demand overwhelming military response when FF occurs, as massive distraction from coming election fraud as well as the unraveling Covid narrative.

Theory: this is an attempt by DS to regroup and reset the playing field. Note I'm just spitballing here.

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24f622  No.14370989




Maybe I should have been more direct with who I was communicating with. I was referring to the flat earther who claimed earth is flat without any evidence proving his stance.

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b569fd  No.14370990


anons know.

Hiden started speaking exactly 17 minutes late.

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7a6ee6  No.14370991

File: c2ebfd19fc762c3⋯.jpg (85.77 KB, 750x934, 375:467, c2ebfd19fc762c3f502f174346….jpg)

File: 14f6886c505dd46⋯.jpeg (47.96 KB, 483x500, 483:500, 14f6886c505dd4685905ce325….jpeg)

>>14369901 pb


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f33a8b  No.14370993

File: d018d96c73577ae⋯.png (3.01 MB, 1200x922, 600:461, ClipboardImage.png)

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ca1ead  No.14370995


Invasion is now replacing Infiltration

Election Fraud

United states is an occupied terrirotory of CCP china all insiutions are owned by China

Mille will help with the takedown of the united states

The biggest terror threat is white supremacy

Millie is studying white rage and replace whites with omars

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bc6b01  No.14370996

File: 3d22b19dc1e82f3⋯.jpg (53.21 KB, 383x371, 383:371, Screenshot_20210816_115946….jpg)

File: 9de0273a1eec3de⋯.jpg (28.92 KB, 439x261, 439:261, Screenshot_20210816_120132….jpg)

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040124  No.14370997


Got in from work, look over the notables, get confused as fuck.

Check, check, check.

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8d3e41  No.14370998

NotablesAre Not Endorsements

>>14370676 @321

>>14370709 (VID) "What Happened on January 6th?" GREAT WATCH!

>>14370714 RE: That Guy and his talking points

>>14370780, >>14370796 WHERE WE GO ONE, WE GO ALL!

>>14370832, >>14370941 (IMG) Patriots boarding flights to see the Maricopa Audit Results

>>14370912 Firefighters from the Latvian National AirForce joined their #SPP partners, @MINationalGuard, to participate in the Northern Strike 21-2.


>>14370950 News Bun

call em out

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fb165a  No.14370999

File: 23e113fe4a59461⋯.jpg (122.7 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, E877CL2VUBMRyi6.jpg)


welcome the new Americans heading to swing states

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b755bc  No.14371001

File: 2ca45eca2324932⋯.jpg (94.04 KB, 888x499, 888:499, PLM.jpg)



that's not George Kirby is it

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f791e9  No.14371002

File: 214f175db1c59fe⋯.png (304.35 KB, 710x577, 710:577, 214f175db1c59fe4fef21b2659….png)




Fake POTUS walks off the stage 'cause he's too senile too take any questions.

Meanwhile they're doing two press conferences in parallel to keep up the sharade.

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f4394d  No.14371004



We've never heard of it.

Please tell us about it, nigger.

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8d9d89  No.14371006



Not bad.

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2d244d  No.14371007

File: c2b04e52984eb82⋯.png (339.14 KB, 597x418, 597:418, ClipboardImage.png)

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a2874d  No.14371008

File: 40daecfa155f458⋯.png (209.52 KB, 336x280, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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e09b76  No.14371009

So it seems like a Mostly Peaceful Conquest by the Taliban.

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123cc2  No.14371010

File: 356f8e01e570a76⋯.png (363.46 KB, 530x565, 106:113, Concha_re_Taliban_Takes_Mo….PNG)

The Taliban spokesperson has taken more questions than the White House press secretary, POTUS and the VP on this to this point.


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bc6b01  No.14371011

File: 5f072fc69c1a13f⋯.jpg (19.76 KB, 433x424, 433:424, 20210806_174638_Copy.jpg)

File: dbb3fd5f6ecf2ab⋯.jpg (37.15 KB, 360x378, 20:21, Screenshot_20210814_231032….jpg)

File: 6db06d3a4ab2bb6⋯.jpg (70.35 KB, 531x659, 531:659, Screenshot_20210815_214632….jpg)

File: c74c9785ab5403e⋯.jpg (36.75 KB, 338x281, 338:281, Screenshot_20210816_074319….jpg)

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ca1ead  No.14371012


Election Fraud Millie style using the military buildup of Trump against the American people ?

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2e56d9  No.14371014


'bidan retracts his statement of disallowing 'blood sucking of the children' to accommodate for the jewish practice of sucking the blood from mutilated infant genitals.'

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464834  No.14371015


>One country admits it has a problem. The other country denies it.

good point

this shit is everywhere - only difference is some places reward the behavior while others eliminate it

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99baaf  No.14371016

File: c9c7bffd7d861fa⋯.jpeg (12.85 KB, 389x266, 389:266, OIP_2_.jpeg)

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8d3e41  No.14371017

File: 6ed01e56796bab9⋯.jpg (32.68 KB, 636x358, 318:179, trips.jpg)



I can't believe they're letting so many based conservatives into the country like this!


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0562ec  No.14371018


So you believe in flat earth? Do you believe in a dome over us?

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23555a  No.14371019

My money is still on the Saudi allies of Trump dressing like Taleban and acting a movie as an act of loyalty to Trump for helping them out in 2017.

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b3d76a  No.14371021

File: 7abf5a888d55457⋯.png (123.8 KB, 590x350, 59:35, ClipboardImage.png)


>C-17 1109 Departing Kabul

Three (3) dead bodies collected, 3 fell from the aircraft in a desperate bid to flee.

"Other videos showed the plane in the sky just after it had taken off, and some objects fell to the ground.

Later, pictures emerged on social media of locals collecting the bodies of three men who had fallen off while clinging to the wheels of the plane. The men fell to their deaths near Khairkahana area of Kabul."

sauce: http://dumanimail.in/desperate-scenes-at-kabul-airport-three-fall-to-deaths-while-clinging-on-to-moving-us-air-force-plane/

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7768db  No.14371023

File: 4b15426fd93f939⋯.png (430.97 KB, 691x822, 691:822, proof.png)

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bc6b01  No.14371024

File: 02f2363e950f66d⋯.jpg (51.18 KB, 379x370, 379:370, Screenshot_20210816_115930….jpg)

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5a9cb7  No.14371025


Anon heard no stutters and he got metastasized right. The right ear showed clipping, making it seem at the least greenscreened, at most deepfaked. He was way too eloquent.

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40f084  No.14371026

They lied about everything.

Except Jesus and the Globe.

Down with the Globalization but keep Muh Globe!

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bc6b01  No.14371028

File: f6f73b1c16f88b1⋯.jpg (49.94 KB, 378x377, 378:377, Screenshot_20210816_115751….jpg)

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ca1ead  No.14371029


notable the takeover of the usa

Election Fraud Military seeding the illegal aliens at the border bused and plane and refugees that are war criminals in afghans tan

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790990  No.14371030

File: 6a14e39f73f3006⋯.png (577.75 KB, 848x421, 848:421, COMFEFE_COVFEFE.png)




When in doubt, think about the "optics". How is the MSM treating their guy, Biden, now? What's the reaction from everyone of all spectrum of thought? Humanitarians are aghast. So are fighters against trafficking. The right being pissed is a given, sure. But think about how many on the left are now thinking Biden's a major fuck up. Only the most staunch (delusional) yellow-dogs (and CCP puppets) are defending that speech, and what's happening. Comparisons to Saigon were on point, so the old hippies and Vietnam vets are fucking losing it. This is something people on each side of the aisle are bitching about. And Milley is up there in the blame with Biden and others.

There was no clean way to do it. So, negotiate some deals (under PDJT) with the people that will end up taking it back. Part of that negotiation might be some "concessions" we make with the soon-to-be "leadership". Let them have it – too costly in the long game. Plan it for when there's a "transition of power" on our end, and let the optics take care of the rest. That's about the best lemonade I can make of it, and it's certainly as plausible as any other theory you're going to hear.

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f35b0d  No.14371032



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a6c862  No.14371033

As the World Turns - 1963 - The 'Brownstone' blackmails netted enough US Government officials to effectively be the main influencer of how our Government operated and what laws were passed.

As the World Turns - A Soap Opera about the US Government directed and produced by the Fake News while the 'Shadow Government seized control of the Federal Employees Unions and upper level Managers.

As The World Turns - A Fake daily soap opera that is shown to you while your real government is being dismantled a piece at a time.

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23555a  No.14371035


I call bullshit. Packages thrown from plane.

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8d9d89  No.14371036


Voice almost sounded like Bill Clinton's at times.

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81edc1  No.14371037

File: 5da9cee7bd39481⋯.png (401.32 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>>Have you anons ever been to /pol/ ? holy fuck is that place racist!

Sauce or it didn't happen


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b569fd  No.14371039


"Approximately 212,672 people were encountered trying to cross the southern border illegally in July, the most seen in more than 21 years and nearly three times as many as in January, when President Joe Biden took office, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said Thursday."

The last time we let this many people through our porous border was the lead up to 9/11.

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8644a5  No.14371040



>illegal aliens should not be allowed into this country

They are not illegal if invited in, you moran

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ca1ead  No.14371042

File: 8d46e79e2d0bc91⋯.png (104.38 KB, 719x431, 719:431, 9590a15745a9b4c2.png)


Macron says send them to usa to help his Chinese Allies

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b755bc  No.14371043

File: d62b4c92ae4d0f8⋯.jpg (104.09 KB, 580x526, 290:263, wikileaks_hillary_2.jpg)


Killary hauled gold

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6b31a7  No.14371044

File: 939aa3ad48ea085⋯.jpeg (165.1 KB, 480x649, 480:649, 323fbbb30801bdb46a7c3dd6f….jpeg)

File: 5eb3cf1cf552f80⋯.png (283.87 KB, 500x773, 500:773, f0005ad4d12ddb1dc306b6912b….png)

ATTN Legacy Media shills

The satanist pedovore mind control era is over.

290 million Americans want the truth; including the truth about the gas lighting of America – MSM media complicity in C_A social subversion operations.

Entertainment company executives who think movies like NORMAL on HBO are the product of creative competition to meet audience demand will be surprised to discover that MI, POTUS and anons of QR all see it as subversive IO, a destructive psyop, one of hundreds run by MSM/legacy media against an unwitting civilian population.

Whether the public is aware, or ever becomes aware, of the harm done by MSM/legacy media content shilling, anons know, POTUS knows and MI knows.

Media companies closely associated with satanic mind control like Disney testify to the destructive nature and subversive power of cult mind warfare tactics.

Media shills and entertainment companies prepared to repent, to admit their role in social and sexual subversion and atone for decades evil must make a 180 reversal; stop destroying, start repairing and rebuilding, and begin undoing the harm they have done to civilization, the US and throughout the world.

A Turkish proverb says “No matter how far down the wrong road you have gone, turn back.”

Repairing damage for legacy media content means initiating a cross platform, all format, surge of error corrected, future positive, neural malware-free news and entertainment content, without subliminal or subsonic embeds, hypnotic induction or “side band” symbolic language technologies targeting our unconscious below the threshold of awareness.

Restoring the integrity of our news and entertainment media means resuming our journey toward the light, as individuals and as a species, and start of the long process undoing the harm done our minds by decades of satanic IO.


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bc6b01  No.14371046

File: 0584d3d080ac518⋯.jpg (13.81 KB, 180x185, 36:37, Screenshot_20210816_134258….jpg)

We've come a long way in the last couple weeks…

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8d3e41  No.14371047


>They lied about everything.


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b755bc  No.14371049


you got a whole folder, do you

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002259  No.14371050

File: 6674430ac1e7001⋯.jpg (66.54 KB, 1232x956, 308:239, c33318280ddd4370e3fb2becd2….jpg)

Its the truth!

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ff0820  No.14371051



Spouse bought me one of Mike's pillows several years ago.

Could not sleep on the damned thing.

Went ahead and bought some more.

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fb165a  No.14371053

File: 318b6973de8eeb3⋯.jpg (74 KB, 860x394, 430:197, E88Mm91WUAsEJV2.jpg)


800 each flight with the c17 cargo plane

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a8b9d9  No.14371054

File: 976cfb8fd8ed80f⋯.jpg (119.3 KB, 755x1024, 755:1024, siosi_66dd74c8e1d6afab146a….jpg)


show us fag


sauce it or shut it

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ae4fda  No.14371055



A takeover of the USA.

Shut up stupid cunt.

Fucking embarrassed for you.

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2e56d9  No.14371056


micron now speaks for 'all countries in the eu'

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8d3e41  No.14371057

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8d9d89  No.14371058

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bc6b01  No.14371059

File: 46e67a9b8edb2f5⋯.jpg (17.61 KB, 351x313, 351:313, Screenshot_20210813_095539….jpg)

File: fa3191ff428ddce⋯.jpg (35.32 KB, 358x371, 358:371, Screenshot_20210813_123522….jpg)

File: f5451e7a169ca7d⋯.jpg (15.42 KB, 367x362, 367:362, Screenshot_20210813_172149….jpg)

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1fd537  No.14371060


you could be right, nigga!

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ca1ead  No.14371061



bidan stole the elction they are now illegal

Bidan and CCP china stole the election

they are illegal

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723fa1  No.14371062


grammar kitty?

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a6c862  No.14371063

If 'Kabal fell' and the President is 'fleeing', where are the shootouts, the bombs, the bullets, the confrontations? What is really going on?

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deefe9  No.14371064

File: 179a9d68dfb69f1⋯.jpeg (168.53 KB, 828x1104, 3:4, BEDE9743_5D37_4919_9C6B_2….jpeg)


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ca1ead  No.14371066

File: 5c106cfdd3d8768⋯.jpeg (138.57 KB, 1250x1311, 1250:1311, a8928539986b2f02.jpeg)


Vows to continue aid…to the TALIBAN?! Wow. I did not see that coming.

10 percent for the big guy from China

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bfd619  No.14371067

File: a3501bbf77b2daf⋯.png (674.87 KB, 715x736, 715:736, IMG_901.png)

File: e65616a236ad46d⋯.jpg (353.01 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, IMG_025.jpg)

File: e6310664fa492d1⋯.png (519.4 KB, 715x736, 715:736, IMG_902.png)

Patriots Banish Belial from Our Movement

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fdedbe  No.14371068

File: c8aecf89abee09a⋯.jpeg (841.08 KB, 1999x632, 1999:632, 4B651BC2_9ACB_464D_A7DE_5….jpeg)

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a8b9d9  No.14371069


you have to open it and take some of the fill out

they give you way too much

make it fit your flatness level

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c3d0f3  No.14371070

File: ac39cf13293442f⋯.jpg (56.24 KB, 564x442, 282:221, 4h98h7.jpg)

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c9d726  No.14371071


Bet you're looking forward to a globaal police force who can enforce your Catholic morality on every other person on the planet. We may have to murder billions, but by by God, we'll stop sex from happening.

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f791e9  No.14371072

File: 723c82e8ec1e23c⋯.jpg (72.72 KB, 573x659, 573:659, 723c82e8ec1e23c1164e78cd0f….jpg)


They don't eat so much, thus are much less obese than other nations' average people.

C-17 can take 77 tons of payload:

800x80 kg = 64 tons. Room for more. Kek!

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a8b9d9  No.14371073


use the taken out fill and make a smaller one with another pillowcase with a zipper

don't just toss the fill

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a6c862  No.14371074

Hint: CIA i mean,,, Iran world just got a lot smaller today.

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b0064d  No.14371075

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


President Biden Delivers Remarks on Afghanistan

August 16, 2020


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deefe9  No.14371076

File: a4df54fb62338e9⋯.jpeg (74.52 KB, 347x354, 347:354, 657FAD9A_2D96_4848_AD61_D….jpeg)

File: ea54ca47bd8f528⋯.jpeg (379.68 KB, 828x989, 36:43, 824EA7F2_2524_43BB_8DFA_3….jpeg)

File: 6236384c4428706⋯.jpeg (199.53 KB, 828x711, 92:79, 177BC6F8_B67E_46B8_B032_3….jpeg)

Time to work

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6b31a7  No.14371078

File: f9aa943661a0ccc⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1080x1145, 216:229, 571b7f43fd99ad1be01b5882c5….png)

File: 21618e0a66b87a1⋯.jpg (163.7 KB, 852x1024, 213:256, 21618e0a66b87a157f36d06733….jpg)

File: 636e97033e461a4⋯.jpg (192.48 KB, 1067x1600, 1067:1600, 1506859853150.jpg)

File: 415aa0c44b37b65⋯.jpg (35.02 KB, 500x261, 500:261, safe_image.jpg)

Media content is not an accidental byproduct of competition for popular attention, it’s an engineered product used in peacetime to shape popular opinion, control purchasing behavior, regulate sexual morality. Currently MSM news and entertainment media are directed to immediate tactical necessities of nonlinear, ‘unrestricted’ or Information War (IW) .

“Information Poisoning” is a form of psychological attack or “psyop” that damages our cognitive capacity over time. The primary purpose of MSM media news and entertainment content is not to amuse and inform but to influence social decision making and shape purchasing behavior.

Advertising /entertainment media content suggests we buy things, adopt a fashion, get a piercing. Hate this, love that or be left out. It has normalized medical atrocities and induced a wide range of paraphilias or sexual fetishes.

Can you think of self-destructive behaviors trends promoted and propagated by MSM media since 1950?

We human beings are extremely suggestible and highly imitative; this fact is known, widely studied and exploited in engineered news and entertainment content.

Popular media content is generated for the purpose of social control, the management of consumer behavior and long term psycho-sexual demoralization of the general population.

MSM media is part of the Mockingbird social control system built by the clowns, aka CIA following the second WW. Engineered news and entertainment content is used by the clowns to guide and constrain human consciousness, to manipulate individual and group purchasing behaviors, to limit what we understand and ‘’’what we are capable of understanding.’’’

MSM media has been deliberately, ‘’’knowingly’’’ used by satanist pedovores to create a distracted, obsessive hyper-sexualized consumer cargo culture.

legacy media is running 24/7 psyops targeting a naïve civilian population.


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717bd6  No.14371079


Biden didn't dare blame you, Trump.

Just an unfinished thought about May 1 that didn't go anywhere.

But, "I disagreed when I was VP" was a nice way to throw Hussein under the bus.

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ca1ead  No.14371080


the 166 black hawks were not enough more aid is needed as americans are taxed and illegal aliens from open border and afghanastan get free everything

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8d3e41  No.14371081

File: 015c68f8d6a6e05⋯.png (845.56 KB, 960x572, 240:143, ClipboardImage.png)

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0562ec  No.14371083


It wasn't stolen from Trump.

You're watching a "scripted Movie".

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ca1ead  No.14371084


The globalists rigged and stole an American election and are forcing our people to inject experimental substances in their bodies while our children walk around psychologically scarred from the mass hysteria, fear, and a year of wearing a mask.

I'm thinking I don't really care what is going on in the middle east, sorry.

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40f084  No.14371085

File: 42095db6c278188⋯.png (608.19 KB, 528x680, 66:85, 7A070253_1B9A_49B1_B934_25….png)

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b755bc  No.14371086


>800x80 kg = 64 tons

can you give the answer

in metric feet?

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790990  No.14371087

File: 1579e49d02c685e⋯.png (661.7 KB, 1200x799, 1200:799, ClipboardImage.png)

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002259  No.14371088

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6549e8  No.14371089


Nice one.

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10e07f  No.14371091


Democrats been filling my city with refugees & illegals for over 2 decades. I don’t know how they can fit anymore here. What variant of Covid are these ones bringing?

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90923c  No.14371092

File: b60ed83d6c2b120⋯.png (341.99 KB, 535x543, 535:543, Screenshot_2021_08_16_at_0….png)

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a8b9d9  No.14371093




>>14370793 i would buy that pillow case

>>14370708 i would buy this one too

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b0064d  No.14371094

File: 5042f892c884d4b⋯.png (1.09 MB, 972x1124, 243:281, Screen_Shot_2020_12_08_at_….png)


and the real trophy winners!

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a60815  No.14371095

File: 380eca8dd07ed67⋯.gif (478.63 KB, 250x162, 125:81, SelfPunch.gif)

File: a49afbf2edd77da⋯.gif (720.21 KB, 400x225, 16:9, RobotTopple.gif)

File: 130d766dfc26f43⋯.gif (1.55 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Troutslap.gif)

File: 7af574e4f02f8d6⋯.gif (486.2 KB, 312x234, 4:3, faceplant5.gif)

File: e6fbe6e6dfb6fcc⋯.gif (3.62 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Nuke.gif)

Biden's 'speech' in gif formats.

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24f622  No.14371096


Your cropped shadow is a bit off fucktard

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123cc2  No.14371097

File: 339f6bfb1b1d4ce⋯.png (312.92 KB, 523x524, 523:524, 1_DoD_Troops_to_Afganastan….PNG)

File: 8b22204ea229ac1⋯.png (305.07 KB, 516x508, 129:127, 2_DoD_Troops_to_Afganastan….PNG)

DOD is tweeting up a storm justifying the new war about to commence

MG Taylor: By the end of the day, we expect nearly 3,000-3,500 total Troops on the ground. As of 1535 local time, the air field was open for operations. Shortly after, the first C-17 landed with US Marines on board. The next C17 is preparing to land as we speak.


MG Taylor: More than 700 SIV applicants have departed Afghanistan in the past 48 hours by a combination of contract and commercial air, bringing the total to nearly 2,000.


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ab39b9  No.14371098

File: e5871dc73158a1a⋯.png (665.24 KB, 767x509, 767:509, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump returning 22 August 2021

GO TO THE 1:15 mark – Trump is getting reinstated August 22nd according to the talking heads on Fox News

Fox News Mentions Trump’s Return… Mainstream openly talking about Trump returning 22 August 2021 - Providing its not some crazy Fox News disinformation, this could be quite significant…


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1b77f5  No.14371100

File: 010ea4f9c3192de⋯.png (428.54 KB, 900x542, 450:271, ClipboardImage.png)

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1fd537  No.14371101



you cannot hold yourself this long outside on a plane and you would have fallen off much earlier.

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adfdb9  No.14371102



>in metric feet?

Seriously dude?

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2e56d9  No.14371103

File: b7a9852b5458810⋯.jpg (41.57 KB, 474x344, 237:172, voyager.jpg)


an alien life form, able to collect a highly complex structure traveling through space, would need to read dots to understand where it came from.

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7768db  No.14371105

File: db60a5c1f6ee942⋯.jpg (250.01 KB, 1059x765, 353:255, male.jpg)

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5a9cb7  No.14371106


Last week couldn't grasp his whereabouts, but today gives a long, fluid, speech. Nobody worth their salt writes movies this way.

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a6c862  No.14371107

Does anybody see any energy on the left for fighting back the #50StateAudit ? Draining the left energy for being crazy and foolishly giving their money to these loons… Sometimes you have to bleed the pressure off slowly before proceeding.

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a8b9d9  No.14371108


if someone took the pic of the fall someone else took the vid of the actual hit to the ground


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24da7e  No.14371109

File: 939d1edd5ec24f0⋯.jpg (90.11 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 20210816_145959.jpg)

File: dc249a6bb6a79f4⋯.mp4 (1.38 MB, 320x640, 1:2, LuTTl0DhpifhydTh.mp4)


First bumper cars, now the horsie ride

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8d9d89  No.14371112

File: 45c9199427c25c8⋯.png (369.9 KB, 500x496, 125:124, digital_fren.png)


Oh wow. It really is 1984.

Peace is War.

Biden is actually escalating a war with these actions? Able to justify harsh response with feigned obstacles?

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bfd619  No.14371113

File: 6a0d140cff4abcf⋯.png (521.77 KB, 715x736, 715:736, IMG_903.png)

File: fbda5e72013d09b⋯.jpg (889.25 KB, 1950x1300, 3:2, IMG_027.jpg)

File: 53bea71c345d0b1⋯.png (560.09 KB, 715x736, 715:736, IMG_904.png)

Patriots Banish Belial from Our Movement.

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2d244d  No.14371114

File: 98064803805a2d7⋯.png (5.07 MB, 1453x1200, 1453:1200, ClipboardImage.png)


TFR - Terminal Flight Restriction

Biden calling a lid early

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81edc1  No.14371115

File: 1ac1d1f2e21d7ba⋯.png (437.38 KB, 895x619, 895:619, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 82ff3541805e705⋯.png (59.07 KB, 640x556, 160:139, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 19377f178b23242⋯.png (714.37 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6fa9deeed1bafd4⋯.png (11.78 KB, 649x98, 649:98, ClipboardImage.png)

First Asian giant hornet (aka murder hornet) sighting of 2021 confirmed in Washington state


The WSDA says it will be setting live traps in the area where this nest was discovered, and try to catch a live hornet in order to tag it and track it back to its nest. Canadian officials will be doing the same, since the sighting was so close to the border. According to the WSDA, half of its confirmed reports and all of the Canadian authorities’ reports came from the public, so good job everyone, at least we’re keeping an eye out for them. However, they haven’t caught any live murder hornets in traps so far this year.

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567dab  No.14371117

keep thinking of The Outlaw Josey Wales movie with Clint Eastwood. There is one part when Josey talks with the Indians and establishes a peace accord. The Indian leader accepts the terms because Josey's words had fire? Not sure how accurate my memory is.

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6b31a7  No.14371118

File: 741eafeae86fe58⋯.jpg (87.37 KB, 800x468, 200:117, 2c87192a1f9d151fed3046f56e….jpg)

File: 79b42bfc8e61565⋯.png (1.18 MB, 767x931, 767:931, 3fcf2364e531dd318e6742f2a9….png)

File: 1fff650d65be9f1⋯.jpg (56.92 KB, 412x432, 103:108, 6f889be3d333888a7b2350e7de….jpg)

File: 802eddbffb67cba⋯.jpg (564.25 KB, 740x1171, 740:1171, 15cb8180b85dc9e3c336a8ba53….jpg)

Information Poisoning is a catch all description for the cognitive impairment resulting from Information Operations. Information Operations (IO)are the methods and tactics employed in advertising, in covert and overt social control systems and “unrestricted,” non-linear or Information War. Tactics employed in wartime against enemy civilian populations are the same employed in peacetime to sell consumer goods.

Information War, Non-Linear War, or as the Chinese call it Unrestricted War, is a perpetual conflict between nations and sovereign actors which employs every available means; economic, political, technological, to defeat an opponent.

PLA Colonels Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui noted in “Unrestricted Warfare,” a study published in China in 1999: “As the arena of war has expanded, encompassing the political, diplomatic cultural and psychological spheres, in addition to the land, sea, air space and electronics spheres the interactions among all factors have made it difficult for the military sphere to serve as the automatic dominant sphere in every war.’

In addition to overt content, news and entertainment media contains implicit values, our unvoiced fears and unspoken hopes for the future. The potency of tactics employed in IO has been amplified by technological evolution which created enormous tightly networked populations and made increasing amounts of personal data available permitting individuals and groups to be precisely targeted with messaging engineered to exploit the target’s belief systems.

As well as the psyops or Information Operations carried out by the nation state militaries and intelligence agencies in undeclared conflicts, the public has had decades of exposure in peacetime to unperceived influence technologies employed by the advertising industry.

When psychology professor Wilson Bryan Key documented the ubiquitous use of subliminal technologies in both advertising and editorial media content back in the 1980s, the industry made a significant and sophisticated effort to deny, distract and confuse the public about the issue.

Advertising Age, the leading trade publication, attacked Key in a frontpage article, labelling him a dirty-minded crank, obsessed with imaginary obscenities in media content and trotting out a legion of paid experts to dispute, discredit and ultimately dismiss the possibility subliminal embeds were ever widely used in advertising or could ever hope to be effective.

Entertainment is not just entertainment, it is adult education, consumer conditioning and social engineering. It is the principal mechanism employed by nation states to reliably influence social behavior.

The content of entertainment exerts significant, predictable effects on human behavior and belief systems and over the course and direction of future scientific, economic and moral evolution. Entertainment directs popular attention, lends support to or selectively subverts social issues, fosters unity or division and incrementally enhances or gradually constricts collective cognitive capacity. “Entertainment” determines who we are, and who we will be.

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125fa9  No.14371119

File: beff0aa13db5d84⋯.jpg (106.5 KB, 535x680, 107:136, EAT_THEM.jpg)

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bdfc2d  No.14371120


Enjoy the show.

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6ff269  No.14371121


whadda you mean "We"

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551f80  No.14371122

File: 226c920232408d8⋯.png (416.12 KB, 736x488, 92:61, Fuck_Off.png)


>Trump returning 22 August 2021

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ca1ead  No.14371123

File: c4cc5f9c661c877⋯.jpeg (199.22 KB, 640x732, 160:183, c4cc5f9c661c8772d89697e6a….jpeg)


America Last

Open Borders and Omar refugees from Afghanistan

illegals from Afghanistan first before us citizens

millie shipping in and busing foreigners under a China Occupied regime in the usa

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90a3b1  No.14371124

“The World is watching”

Clowns are fumbling their words in Press conferences. Only trump knows how to handle the hostile press. The Clown are now being asked legitimate questions.

DC is Panicking. Nothing can stop what is coming! The Plan must go on. Military Precision.

Also Dan is roasting the current administration. Firing at will.

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6fba0b  No.14371125

File: 69fd886567b03ad⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1007x757, 1007:757, ClipboardImage.png)

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a8b9d9  No.14371126


show the plane taking off with the people on the plane tire area as it goes up

not just at the airport

in air going up from the tarmac

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464834  No.14371128

File: c337527eda9f87a⋯.jpg (69.3 KB, 425x328, 425:328, Ass_too_Small.jpg)

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d8bf6c  No.14371129

File: a67384908951906⋯.gif (4.12 MB, 500x280, 25:14, giphy5121.gif)

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e00245  No.14371130


Nice try, Realrawnews

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ca1ead  No.14371131



Band of Anons demand Military Tribunals !!!

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bc6b01  No.14371132

File: eae6f995a41216e⋯.jpg (18.02 KB, 354x216, 59:36, Screenshot_20210810_160416….jpg)

File: f814a5208c285cd⋯.jpg (41.42 KB, 363x362, 363:362, Screenshot_20210810_160417….jpg)

File: 4363d5f951ff5c9⋯.jpg (76.47 KB, 743x353, 743:353, Screenshot_20210810_161538….jpg)

File: 357e38a74f6d0fd⋯.jpg (843.5 KB, 2000x1200, 5:3, Screenshot_20210806_083741….jpg)

File: 6e39c6bb6a714c8⋯.jpg (67.47 KB, 651x326, 651:326, Screenshot_20210806_083906….jpg)

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24da7e  No.14371133

File: bfd4cf9316102a7⋯.jpg (200.89 KB, 1125x1797, 375:599, 20210816_150326.jpg)



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3eafe8  No.14371134

File: f5eb02d986efad1⋯.png (151.17 KB, 1190x720, 119:72, ClipboardImage.png)


Come on anon, put some effort into it.

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9f5522  No.14371135

File: 9003f7b594992d1⋯.mp4 (3.38 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, IMG_0725.MP4)


This anon thinks that Trump’s Intelligence is in charge. Trump just freed Afghanistan from clown control. Media is scrambling and confused, desperate to create an excuse to keep the occupation going.

The media clowns clearly no longer get state dept. clown updates.

Watch how Geraldo reacts to what (I think) to be an honest statement https://t.me/MidnightRiderChannel/33228

Not sure who the man speaking is but Jerry is fucking livid, kek

I could be wrong, just connecting dots

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88046a  No.14371136

File: 6a6319e11bf6c9d⋯.png (993.44 KB, 1163x651, 1163:651, Pentagon_Clown.png)

Pentagon Holds Briefing

Who the fuck is this Clown?

Get this dirtbag a hair brush for fucks sake!


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90923c  No.14371138

File: f4e50f282c98cb9⋯.jpg (80.17 KB, 735x920, 147:184, 344dfb77af3b8074b12046a1c2….jpg)

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54f5ed  No.14371139

File: df70ff2b2292ad5⋯.mp4 (15.48 MB, 562x360, 281:180, Professors_Record_Episode_….mp4)

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bdfc2d  No.14371140

File: 69fff0bf4001be8⋯.mp4 (3.11 MB, 720x720, 1:1, While_the_Taliban_was_plot….mp4)


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adfdb9  No.14371141


Stop the date fagging, it never works!!!

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41f31b  No.14371142

File: 12919e02cc41612⋯.jpg (12.72 MB, 4850x3648, 2425:1824, Charles_Courtney_Curran_18….jpg)


> Biden sitrep

We will destroy [them].

Fuck [them] all

We will win.

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2d244d  No.14371143

File: 8a824d020e2d21e⋯.png (176.57 KB, 776x270, 388:135, ClipboardImage.png)


NOTAMs FDC 1/9074 and FDC 1/9075

NOTAMs have been published that will affect flight in the area during President Biden's planned visit.



Forgot links

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6b31a7  No.14371144

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

As Professor Wilson Bryan Key put it, “In spite of the evidence presented in this book, most Americans will still find it difficult to believe that their trusted, high-credibility information sources long ago betrayed them into the hands of profit hungry marketing executives who have quietly researched, developed and exhaustively applied a subliminal technology of communication that is now driving every larger segments of the population to pathological behaviors. “

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f791e9  No.14371146


>metric feet

40.1 cm would be the largest I could find.


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0f22ab  No.14371149

File: 6fd954dd7a68ef3⋯.png (94.58 KB, 255x241, 255:241, danpipe.png)


>Also Dan is roasting the current administration. Firing at will.

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24f622  No.14371150


Aside from that erupting ring of fire, mighty fine statement

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3df963  No.14371151

We're watching the demise of America. "The Plan" helped it right along. Sit back, trust the plan, and like magic…America will be saved! Just kidding, it's fucked, and QTards are complicit.

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bdfc2d  No.14371152

File: 991f0635b70dc97⋯.png (1.4 MB, 620x929, 620:929, ClipboardImage.png)

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a6c862  No.14371153

Why did RINO's fight so hard to stay in Afghanistan? Why did some Mil Ind Complex fight so hard to stay in Afghanistan? Why did so many former Intel/Nat Sec celebrities come out begging to stay in Afghanistan? If Cabal is in charge of Biden why is Cabal allowing withdrawal from Afghanistan after fighting for four years to stay in Afghanistan? Who then is in charge of Biden Admin?

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fdedbe  No.14371155

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a8b9d9  No.14371156

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






really look


no one fell off

fake shit


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ab39b9  No.14371157


Are you afraid of a knock at your door if he returns?

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102d00  No.14371158


With a rebal yell he cried, mo, mohel!

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464834  No.14371159

File: a727abd37b80098⋯.jpeg (65.37 KB, 960x644, 240:161, a727abd37b80098cb13fbca9a….jpeg)


catholic morality ain't gonna stop that pedo shit kekekekek

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fb165a  No.14371160

File: 973ea8fbd5aa468⋯.jpg (149.7 KB, 913x1024, 913:1024, E88PZjKXsAA9j_X.jpg)

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81edc1  No.14371161

File: c7456ae70dea735⋯.png (469.63 KB, 362x553, 362:553, ClipboardImage.png)

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90923c  No.14371162

File: ac51d153689b27d⋯.png (337.16 KB, 535x631, 535:631, Screenshot_2021_08_16_at_1….png)

Ashraf Ghani should go on trial before Afghan people for fleeing country — Russian envoy



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1d3c7b  No.14371163

File: dff9f4f1d4a8216⋯.jpeg (2.79 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 569B8244_E64C_4D7E_BB2A_A….jpeg)

Well well LH

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ab39b9  No.14371164


Does that look like me on Fox News?

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bfd619  No.14371166

File: 1125c5266a7778a⋯.png (650.15 KB, 715x736, 715:736, IMG_905.png)

File: 6b030e96ed6f2c3⋯.jpg (940.91 KB, 1920x1278, 320:213, IMG_028.jpg)

File: 44482f36c74f94b⋯.png (488.15 KB, 715x736, 715:736, IMG_906.png)

Patriots Banish Belial from Our Movement!

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adfdb9  No.14371168


Sauce it then faggot

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040124  No.14371169



(who are) you?

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ca1ead  No.14371170


Mille Express to combat White Rage

The biggest threat to the usa is white supremacy

millie will send foreigners there to replace those white men in usa

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deefe9  No.14371171

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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13cfe9  No.14371172


Bingo is at 5:30

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8d3e41  No.14371173

NotablesAre Not Endorsements

>>14370676, >>14370998 @500

>>14370709 (VID) "What Happened on January 6th?" GREAT WATCH!

>>14370714, >>14370998 RE: That Guy and his talking points

>>14370780, >>14370796 WHERE WE GO ONE, WE GO ALL!

>>14370832, >>14370941 (IMG) Patriots boarding flights to see the Maricopa Audit Results

>>14370845 Aircraft video(s)

>>14370912 Firefighters from the Latvian National AirForce joined their #SPP partners, @MINationalGuard, to participate in the Northern Strike 21-2.


>>14370950 News Bun

>>14371075 (VID) ByeDone Remarks on Afghanistan


>>14371136 @OAN Pentagon Holds Briefing

Call em out, Dough seems light. Something about to drop?

>>14371128 kek

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bc6b01  No.14371174

File: cbf76545438c1df⋯.jpg (48.01 KB, 605x397, 605:397, Screenshot_20210803_161110….jpg)


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a8b9d9  No.14371176


hit play then

use k on keyboard to freeze

use period to move forward

comma to go backwards

slo mo frame by frame

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7768db  No.14371177

File: 2f5184207b49f7a⋯.jpg (1.03 MB, 999x999, 1:1, q_ache2.jpg)


its a fine line

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1a50c0  No.14371178

File: 1fe324e5c124163⋯.png (1.18 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 758F1BF2_1957_49BA_8329_93….png)


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9549d7  No.14371180

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Lawrence of Kabul

25,672 views16 Aug 2021

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13cfe9  No.14371181


Butt floss

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a6c862  No.14371182

'In the Bunker' would be a kick ass video and song. Shit those lyrics would write themselves.

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8f68e8  No.14371183


Doc is a traitor

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6fba0b  No.14371184

File: 2f135b40435218a⋯.png (158.38 KB, 939x385, 939:385, ClipboardImage.png)


Tragic if true …but

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24da7e  No.14371185

File: 97ee25f02b1ce81⋯.jpg (100.09 KB, 720x704, 45:44, 20210816_150837.jpg)

File: 816dffb5aa28f9e⋯.jpg (202.14 KB, 1468x1064, 367:266, 20210816_150804.jpg)

File: 4d7c8b1bee66383⋯.jpg (371.55 KB, 828x722, 414:361, 20210816_150810.jpg)


Would ya look at that.

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40f084  No.14371186

Apparently Schiff was at Camp Delta in GITMO

And has been killed.

This is news on Rumble.

After all is said and done this coin is divided and filled with immigrates

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5a9cb7  No.14371187

File: 3f364b988254d2c⋯.jpg (38.49 KB, 213x382, 213:382, Hamzel.jpg)


There's always at least one that doesn't follow the directive to look scared. Thank you, this guy!

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8a2dcd  No.14371188

File: 29409844f14e016⋯.jpg (44.64 KB, 625x680, 125:136, Trump_Statement_Afghanista….jpg)

INBOX - Trump: "It's not that we left Afghanistan. It's the grossly incompetent way we left!"


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99baaf  No.14371189

File: 0b3a45f3f7cf302⋯.jpg (14.76 KB, 309x187, 309:187, OIP_1_.jpg)

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3d1883  No.14371190


It's the brainwashed Catholics, and their decendant franchises like the fundamentalist baptists, the protestants, and the mormons who invented purity culture and started worshipping virginity. They didn't know that their Pope was getting his johnson sucked 3 times a day, by the beauty of his choice.

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ca1ead  No.14371191


the miliotary flying in illegal aliens and busing them around the country and importing illegals and refugees from Afghanastan

security my ass

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2e56d9  No.14371192

File: 4f20d8bd975c22e⋯.jpg (55.32 KB, 1130x565, 2:1, blm.jpg)


'the reason why people went to the capitol was not to protest evident voter fraud, the reason why people stormed the capitol building was not because they were lead on by undercover fbi agents or that capitol police removed barriers and opened the doors for them, it was was because of this 'white rage', you see'

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8644a5  No.14371193


You are repeating yourself

An illegal alien is someone entering your country without proper documents. Kinda like breaking into someones house. If someone in the house opens the front door and invites them in, that's another story.

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bdfc2d  No.14371195

File: 89d88f451b5828b⋯.png (617.26 KB, 634x634, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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a60815  No.14371196


It'd be a shame if Afghanistan got the North Korea treatment.

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bdfc2d  No.14371197

File: 442273d767593cf⋯.mp4 (3.78 MB, 960x720, 4:3, Kabul_Airport_runway_today….mp4)

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8d3e41  No.14371198




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8a2dcd  No.14371199


Needs moar sauce, especially when it concerns people of importance.

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f61f12  No.14371200


Fleeing to the most racist country in the world.

Also, imagine the smell

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bdfc2d  No.14371201

File: bf25f15735b76ff⋯.mp4 (1.83 MB, 640x360, 16:9, cnn_and_sullivan_colluding….mp4)

File: 7f6d26c2d4559e1⋯.mp4 (10.33 MB, 640x360, 16:9, jake_sullivan_arrest.mp4)

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002259  No.14371202

File: 52b5c19b81c4053⋯.jpg (408.44 KB, 828x825, 276:275, 81a2a6e819aa6b1d0a5e3393b0….jpg)

Great Meme!

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90923c  No.14371204

File: d5851f9a520fd3d⋯.png (77.05 KB, 297x102, 99:34, Screenshot_2021_08_16_at_1….png)

File: a53e640e7d06ec8⋯.png (483.34 KB, 460x455, 92:91, Screenshot_2021_08_15_at_0….png)

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2d244d  No.14371205


Sounds like some real raw bullshit story.

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125fa9  No.14371206

File: 46da1e8d75f4cc2⋯.jpg (267.2 KB, 681x618, 227:206, GEN_M.jpg)

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fb165a  No.14371207

File: e00a23e016959e7⋯.jpg (57.34 KB, 1024x578, 512:289, E88QjdfWYAAP4AY.jpg)

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897ed8  No.14371208



why aren't the people being blown over by the jet engines?

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bdfc2d  No.14371209

File: 3d1768431172761⋯.png (602.43 KB, 640x640, 1:1, NKskatepark.png)


>It'd be a shame if Afghanistan got the North Korea treatment.

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deefe9  No.14371210

File: 916baf3e4a64485⋯.jpeg (175.84 KB, 828x799, 828:799, EC13F137_15FE_41B7_A900_9….jpeg)

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