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8d5ddd  No.14260135[Last 50 Posts]

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>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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8d5ddd  No.14260140


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>>14089443,MJ12/Babyfist/Ingersol Larpwood Exposure Thread

>>14137055,MJ12 scamming people.


>>14137055,MJ12 team $1000 larping conjob subscriptions. No wonder they want to take this board so bad.

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>>14259410, >>14259414 Pentagon on LOCKDOWN over shooting

>>14259411, >>14259450, >>14259657, >>14259756, >>14259937 Clocks n' Stuff: "For the coming days ahead.", "When does a bird sing?"

>>14259423, >>14259678, >>14259689, >>14259791, >>14259901 Two ships off the coast of the United Arab Emirates, HIJACKED!

>>14259432, >>14259445, >>14259441, >>14259467 RE: SPLUNK LOGS, CM, AZ, PXE, ELITE HAXORS

>>14259433, >>14259521 NYC to Require Citizens to Show Vaccine Papers

>>14259437, >>14259526 CODEMONKEY VIDEO OF DOMINION INSIDER nice edit!

>>14259474 Veterans Beware, They are starting to push the medical propaganda hard.

>>14259559 Everyone in the UK just became Vegan

>>14259578 @USArmy Increasing Soldier #lethality!

>>14259637, >>14259716, >>14259732 @CM, Did AZGOP solicit donations for the Maricopa forensic audit?

>>14259673 Bild apologizes to German children for COVID Fear-Mongering

>>14259679 Dutch MP and anti-globalist party leader promotes CodeMonkey's drop

>>14259681, >>14259876 RE: PXE and stuff


>>14259862 Here is an email from @ChrisCuomo on Feb 28, 2021 to the Andrew Cuomo inner circle

>>14259870, >>14260027 Ever Given: Cargo ship that blocked Suez Canal arrives in Felixstowe

>>14259878 @CM, The Deep Rig is now FREE to watch

>>14259914, >>14259956 @CIA CORONA is America's first successful photographic reconnaissance satellite

>>14259927, >>14260056 Huomo Cuomo killed thousands of old people in nursing homes and his MSM scandal is "sexual harassment"?

>>14259962 Prayers for Australia/NZ DAILY 3pm EDT, CDT 12noon, 19:00 GMT

>>14259999, >>14260000 Obligatory chek

>>14260054 Sky News: “Smart people are being silenced so stupid people won’t be offended.”

>>14260085 Dr. Shiva and the Long Fuse Report, what's up with that?

>>14260121 #18040

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cf30e1  No.14260141

File: 69b24aafce97495⋯.jpeg (208.16 KB, 640x908, 160:227, 8AFE7566_F75F_4643_824A_F….jpeg)

The vaccine is the Mark of the beast

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8d5ddd  No.14260143


STFU nigger

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8d5ddd  No.14260146


>>14258628, >>14258705 CM: The video is only 1 minute and 17 seconds long

>>14258637, >>14258661 One hell of a party Manchin threw

>>14258903 CodeMonkeyZ Whistleblower Video Dominion Whistleblower (Long).mp4

>>14258685 Tyson Foods to mandate vaccine for all frontline workers and corporate employees

>>14258726 New York City will become the first big city in the U.S. to require proof of COVID-19 vaccinations for indoor activities

>>14258728 Former Pfizer employee comes forward

>>14258730 This seems relevant. From DOJ filing dated 7/30/21:

>>14258744, >>14258872 Notable resignation? Blizzard is Soros owned now?

>>14258766 Action Alert Tell Your Elected Officials: No Mandates

>>14258784 Witness elimination Officer's Kyle DeFreytag, Gunther Hashida, Howard Liebengood, Jeffrey Smith

>>14258828 Book Deals, Do you sense a pattern yet?

>>14258844 Buried on page 508 of infrastructure bill, is a pilot program for a national motor vehicle which is basically a long-term plan to make it too expensive to drive a car

>>14258950, >>14258888, >>14258921, >>14258975 Dominion Whistleblower (Long).mp4 (Cap 1:17)

>>14258915 FF Tantrum: Pentagon is on lockdown after multiple gunshots were fired near a platform by the facility’s Metro station.

>>14258955, >>14258995 AG Letitia James says investigation has concluded that NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo sexually harassed multiple women (Cap 0:37)

>>14259013 Vaccine passport's are here in the US

>>14259182 CM Transcript - DOMINION WHISTLEBLOWER

>>14259205 ICYMI: This is at least the 2nd time the IG found a senior FBI official "violated federal regulations"

>>14259210 The Pentagon building has gone into lockdown FF?

>>14259252 Sen. Joe Manchin showed up with a bandage on his forehead Monday

>>14259323 Chuck Schumer thinks Manchin's boat (yacht) is his (Schumers)….is it?

>>14259368 #18039

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8d5ddd  No.14260149


>>14257847 HRC If this don't make you run from the vax, nothing will.

>>14257848, >>14257857, >>14257933, >>14258522 CM - In just a few hours, I will be releasing a short video. Watermark it to avoid censors

>>14257858 Emerald Robinson - how to get out of this mess? My answer is always the same: lawsuits.

>>14257857, >>14258191, >>14258274, >>14258536 CodeMonkeyZ releasing a short video for every citizen of our beautiful country

>>14257863 Mike Lindell - MyPillow has been cancelled by retailers. We are passing the savings on to you!

>>14257870 National Audit Chanel - Does Dominion have a license to sell svcs in AZ?

>>14257912, >>14257929 Project Camelot Bill Wood Above_Beyond Project bun

>>14257928 John Basham - J&J has pulled their application for accelerated Vax approval

>>14257964 Anon nom: 2012 Olympics caps - they love to tell you what they're going to do.

>>14257979 Tom Hanks selling Car Collection

>>14257998, >>14258015, >>14258018, >>14258030, >>14258049, >>14258078 Suggestions for changing CM vid to avoid censors

>>14257908 PDJT posted this message shortly before the 1st report of a 1/6 Capitol Police Officer committing suicide

>>14258063 CM Vid Incoming ~1100 EST - "Good Morning Jack Sellers"

>>14258089 20 arrested in Mahoning County child sex sting; 14 also arrested in Columbiana County

>>14258099 CM video regarding election theft: https://t.me/s/CodeMonkeyZ

>>14258146, >>14258300 Titanic museum visitors hospitalized in Tennessee after iceberg wall collapses

>>14258152 Great Reset: World Economic Forum Declares the ‘Age of Human Robots is Over’

>>14258169 Caitlyn Jenner for Governor Campaign Now Broke

>>14258187 Boris Johnson x lover pulls his tyrannical covers, speaks truth!

>>14258203, >>14258269 A D for NASA, a C for HUD: Senate report warns agencies unprepared for cyberattacks

>>14258213, >>14258250, >>14258257, >>14258261, >>14258318, >>14258350 How do you modify a short video to evade big tech automated censorship?

>>14258276 Packet Captures on Aug 10

>>14258241, >>14258331 Telegram

>>14258249 Dr. Shiva Discovers Existence of the Secretive Long Fuse Report

>>14258314 Ahoy! It got real. Ron is on right now.

>>14258317, >>14258351, >>14258370, >>14258497, >>14258449, >>14258460, >>14258466, >>14258508, >>14258516, >>14258563 US Navy Eyes Airplane departure MQ-4C Triton with multi-intelligence upgrade July 29th

>>14258363, >>14258368 Some of today's deltas

>>14258381 Maricopa Tech Strat plan, they have thin client architecture listed under Justice

>>14258562, >>14258572, >>14258574, >>14258587, >>14258590, >>14258591, >>14258599, >>14258603 Panic from Valerie Jarrett?

>>14258913 #18038

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8d5ddd  No.14260150


>>14257035 Entrust issues the encryption keys for most major governments and companies in the world

>>14257038, >>14257039 Biden Covid Response Coordinator: “It’s Time to Impose Requirements” to Get Vaccinated Against Covid-19 (Cap 6:43)

>>14257074 St. Charles County Health Department has no takers for COVID-19 vaccine

>>14257078, >>14257086 An historian had lunch with the MyPillow Guy, and we are basically doomed - FAKE NEWS Faggotry

>>14257112 Press Briefing by White House COVID 19 Response Team and Public Health Officials


>>14257165 Why are they lying about Florida?

>>14257242, >>14257634, >>14257641, >>14257248 CM: "Big announcement in the AM. Have a good rest tonight"

>>14257248 Biden's 8-Part Plan To Improve His Falling Poll Numbers

>>14257263 UNM announces vaccine requirement for upcoming fall semester.

>>14257332 Richard Grenell Embarrassing. @kylieatwood and notorious Democrat activist posing as a reporter

>>14257341 Left will be jealous of the CCP. More than a million people under new lockdown in China

>>14257347, >>14257464 American Medical Association Calling For Biological Sex To Be Removed From Birth Certificates

>>14257381 Fauci: US won’t return to lockdowns

>>14257382 The US media has got ‘a lot to answer for’

>>14257384 How The Scripted Television Series On Ghislaine Maxwell Will Pressure Prince Andrew And Others In Jeffrey Epstein’s Black Book

>>14257391, >>14257445 Anon summarizes CM's BIOS, lan, PXE and VPN/IPSec tunnels as exposed with no encryptions, broadcasting the hardware's address, before it gains an IP to work off

>>14257455 Cyber Symposium august 10th, 11th and 12th on FrankSpeech.com

>>14257488 Air Force Museum marks 50th anniversary of Apollo 15 mission

>>14257543 Twitter Partners With AP, Reuters to Battle Misinformation on Its Site

>>14257560 Schumann is shining

>>14257595 PF Overnight Reports

>>14257609, >>14256759 pb, >>14257655, Get'em, Ron is 100% right…BIOS will allow the possibility to remote boot

>>14257628 The Media be like, the AZ forensic audits don't matter (Cap 0:15)

>>14257643, >>14257647, >>14257650, >>14257651, >>14257652, >>14257656 Far-right extremists’ use of humor

>>14257699 Gen Flynn wanted to make sure that you saw this article

>>14257726, >>14257738 USAspending.gov. - Entrust, Inc.

>>14257992 #18037

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cf30e1  No.14260152

File: 78424091b9342ee⋯.jpeg (193.09 KB, 640x902, 320:451, BF8BD5B8_5D4A_45A5_977A_2….jpeg)

Xiden wants to #VaxRape the world with his 666 vaccine

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8d5ddd  No.14260153


>>14256249, >>14256339, >>14256544, >>14256554 FOURTH Capitol riot cop, 26, commits suicide

>>14256288 Yes, Sick or Quarantined Senators Could Blow Up the Infrastructure Vote

>>14256331 Netflix Countersues Alan Dershowitz Over Jeffrey Epstein Docuseries

>>14256359 Brave AZ Senators Wendy, Kelly and Borrelli Are Ready to “ACTIVATE” and “RELEASE THE KRAKEN” after Maricopa Officials Defy Subpoena

>>14256364 Sydney supermarkets told to hire security guards to enforce QR code check-ins

>>14256398 British defense and aerospace company Meggitt has agreed to a £6.3 billion (U.S. $8.8 billion) takeover by Parker Hannifin

>>14256400, >>14256475, >>14256519 Connection to Epstein through Nicole Junkermann, Entrust

>>14256406 Side-by-Side HEAT-Maps Election Fraud vs current COVID-19

>>14256408, >>14256293, >>14256304, >>14256361, >>14256384, >>14256278, >>14256473 Coyote Obama Bash bun

>>14256427 Jew mentions 6 million dailymail

>>14256460 CM: We have audio and video from the whistleblower

>>14256542 Covid Vaccine Causes Impotence?

>>14256558 China’s Global Times newspaper says US holds ‘major responsibility’ for Covid pandemic as ‘largest spreader’

>>14256629 Australia Rudd and Gillard gave 400+ million to CF (2020)

>>14256632 It's all about taking away body autonomy and forcing you to use a vaccine passport

>>14256641 Based Minnesota Vikings

>>14256652, >>14256662 PF Reports Flight up with callsign 53455615

>>14256759, >>14256760, >>14256774, >>14256809, >>14256842, >>14256913, >>14256957 CM: Access to the BIOS can configure a machine to ‘boot’ from the network enabling PXE from the BIOS, being a side entrance for the owner/operator

>>14256841, >>14256854 Problem Reaction Solution (Cap 1:38) Final take over, X-files spelling it out

>>14256870 Gen Flynn: Good job young man for demonstrating your freedom of speech

>>14256877 Twitter announces "expansion of the collaboration" to control the narrative

>>14256929 The Real COVID Agenda Nobody Will Expose

>>14256992 #18036


>>14255496, >>14255520, >>14255525, >>14255961 CNN suicide 'LIFELINE' and Q Proof

>>14255499, >>14255572 Wendy Rogers Follow my Telegram to get the latest on the #AZAudit in case my Twitter goes down

>>14255567, >>14255766 U.S. Air Force THOR Drone Killer to Be Joined by “Hammer” Weapon System

>>14255766 Hammer and direct energy

>>14255627, >>14255658 Social Distance Tracker being developed in AUS based on Chinese dogma

>>14255672, >>14255808, >>14255839 'Entrust Company' Awarded Contract For Vaccine Passports In The U.K - Elite Family Quandt

>>14255702, >>14256162 FIRED: Judge Napolitano After News of His Harassing Male Employees Emerges this Morning

>>14255712, >>14255768 Mike Pompeo: Our press... they’re owned, and they are bought, and they are silent (CCP)

>>14255714 Joe Manchin Hosts Weekend Houseboat Gathering, Attendees Include Now-Covid-Positive Lindsey Graham

>>14255757 ‘ARREST THEM’: Wendy Rogers Responds to Maricopa County and Dominion Refusing to Comply with Senate Subpoenas

>>14255797 Summary: What if the vaccine was actually a ‘kill shot’ meant to depopulate two thirds of the planet?

>>14255897 Don't quit, we're almost there (Cap 0:58)

>>14255927, >>14255955, >>14255876 Why do the Aborigines of Australia have such a low COVID infection rate?

>>14255967 FAKE NEWS Ron Johnson suggests FBI had advance knowledge of January 6 riot but did nothing

>>14255974 Attorney Thomas Renz warns of coming tidal wave of vaccine mandate lawsuits

>>14256022, >>14256050, >>14254730 lb, >>14255061 lb, >>14254987 lb 11.3 MARKER? Q POST 113 talks about A Cooper specifically, ​Anderson Cooper lists late moms $1.13M

>>14256137 Catherine Herridge Durham 5 years ago (for those that missed it 3 days ago)

>>14256273 #18035

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8d5ddd  No.14260155


>>14254730, >>14255061, >>14254987 Anderson Cooper lists late mom Gloria Vanderbilt’s NYC home for $1.13M

>>14254742 CULLMAN, Ala. President Donald Trump will headline the Save America Rally

>>14254782 Dominion Response: Muh Laws!

>>14254855, >>14254952 RE: HASHIDA Dig

>>14254894 Exclusive: New York Times quashed COVID origins inquiry

>>14254904 For Treason an Enemy must be defined, easy enough. We… have a rolodex of options

>>14254906 A couple wee gems from New Zealand's beloved Communist Princess

>>14254916, >>14255263 WE ARE CALLING FOR THE ARRESTS

>>14254933, >>14255185 THEY ARE CALLING FOR LOCKDOWNS

>>14254954 Louisiana governor reissues statewide mask mandate

>>14254983 Baker Change

>>14255028, >>14255041, >>14255054, >>14255070 Four law enforcement officers from Jan 6 have now died by suicide

>>14255048, >>14255106, >>14255102, >>14255225, >>14255329 US Navy Flight ops aboard #USSCarterHall, #USNSCityOfBismarck

>>14255115 NOAA officials say: captain and crew help save a 13-year-old whale near Prince of Wales Island in Alaska

>>14255137 Flynn live on https://lindelltv.com/

>>14255160 Biden Covid Response Coordinator: “It’s Time to Impose Requirements” to Get Vaccinated Against Covid-19

>>14255199 Two Supercarriers Docked In San Diego With Their Decks Packed With Aircraft

>>14255222, >>14255239 Trump Amends Big Tech Lawsuit As 65,000 Americans Submit Censorship Stories

>>14255296, >>14255318, >>14255342 Mike Pompeo ~ Our press owned by Chinese Communist Party

>>14255408 #18034


>>14253983 Health ministers decide to offer vaccination for children aged twelve and older in Germany.

>>14254099 RE: Günther HASHIDA

>>14254006, >>14254020 SKY KING IS ON THE CASE, RE: Smartmatic?

>>14254001, >>14253975, >>14253961 Maricopas reply to subpoena

>>14254004 Crypto implications found within the "bipartisan infrastructure" bill

>>14254012 @WendyRogersAZ Should stolen elections be considered treason?

>>14254107, >>14254590 Fact checkers saying only a small percentage of the masks have graphene, bruh.

>>14254112, >>14254126 Wendy's take on Codemonkey's whistleblower posts. Bone-cutter?

>>14254130 "I want my 2 (thousand) Dollars."

>>14254131, >>14254345, >>14254606 MAKE ENERGY FREE AGAIN

>>14254147 A Chinese Communist-Linked Group is Partnering With American Schools To 'Transform Education' With 'Social Justice'.

>>14254179 "Impeach Biden" is still trending 24.3K tweets

>>14254214 Biden health official says "it’s time to impose requirements" (Time To Meme)

>>14254215 New Zealand Prime Minister Ardern takes COVID-19 test after reporting sick

>>14254234 , >>14254228 >>14254227 @CodeMonkeyZ Whistle-Blower transcripts

>>14254235 Chyna still buying up US farm-land

>>14254236 Polly had a real BOOM! Connects Hitlar to ENTRUST through Quandts

>>14254241 It didn't have to be like this

>>14254259 Jack Sellers , Has Close Ties with China – Is This Why He’s Fighting So Hard Against the Senate’s 2020 Election Audit

>>14254263, >>14254349 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

>>14254267, >>14254610 SPLUNK LOGS?

>>14254273, >>14254408 Trump Rally in Cullman, Alabamaon Saturday, August 21, 2021

>>14254329, >>14254421 HYDROGEL NANOTECHNOLOGY

>>14254360 All ur Saharan base

>>14254365 Spirit-Airlines, Flights Canceled

>>14254366 Storm Watch

>>14254375 TikTok and the Chinese Govt have diabolical plans for you

>>14254376, >>14254146 The Q&A @snowden posted

>>14254445 CCP Chairman Jack Sellers Delivers Letter To Senate After Defiance of Subpoenas — Senator Wendy Rogers Calls for Treason Charges

>>14254452, 74% of Covid-19 Cases in “Cape Cod Cluster Outbreak” Were Fully Vaccinated

>>14254462 Israeli research shows Ivermectin Proof

>>14254477 Evictions Start With Nancy Pelosi & The House On A 7-Week Break

>>14254508 Qantas stands down 2,500 staff due to Sydney lockdown

>>14254547 FUCKERY? German court sets trial date for 100-year-old who allegedly worked as a Nazi WHAT DOES HE KNOW?

>>14254630 CDC Director Walensky: Vaccinated Children, Adults Should Wear Masks Inside K-12 Schools

>>14254632 BYEDONE REGIME Calling for a second lockdown in The US, so soon?

>>14254657 This has to be comms, how big was the tunnel, and is gizmo supposed to be gitmo?

>>14254674 #18033

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8d5ddd  No.14260158

Previously Collected Notables

>>14252768 #18030, >>14253109 #18031, >>14253883 #18032

>>14250078 #18027, >>14252928 #18028, >>14252845 #18029

>>14247660 #18024, >>14248426 #18025, >>14249188 #18026

>>14247820 #18021, >>14246937 #18022, >>14246918 #18023

>>14242934 #18018, >>14246329 #18019, >>14246825 #18020

>>14243186 #18015, >>14243171 #18016, >>14242101 #18017

>>14243801 #18012, >>14241253 #18013, >>14239910 #18014

>>14235763 #18009, >>14236974 #18010, >>14243685 #18011

>>14233385 #18006, >>14234226 #18007, >>14234961 #18008

>>14231122 #18003, >>14231905 #18004, >>14233187 #18005

>>14230430 #18000, >>14230805 #18001, >>14230664 #18002

>>14226170 #17997, >>14227082 #17998, >>14227845 #17999

>>14224018 #17994, >>14224788 #17995, >>14225665 #17996

>>14223581 #17991, >>14230137 #17992, >>14223332 #17993

>>14219168 #17988, >>14219948 #17989, >>14223421 #17990

>>14216859 #17985, >>14218240 #17986, >>14218383 #17987

>>14216587 #17982, >>14215331 #17983, >>14216444 #17984

Notables Aggregators: https://qnotables.com

>>14137057 Q Research Notables #8

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8d5ddd  No.14260161

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8d5ddd  No.14260164

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8d5ddd  No.14260166

The Dough


Requesting Handoff

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cf30e1  No.14260171

File: 95f8928ddf2f94e⋯.jpeg (192.81 KB, 640x927, 640:927, B8953375_2C71_440B_8B07_3….jpeg)

Who all here took the Biden 666 vaccine aka the Mark of the beast???

Was it worth your soul?

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2115fd  No.14260173
































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2115fd  No.14260175


I can take this one baker.

>carry on

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f7ad01  No.14260179

File: 8ec4d3e98a3428c⋯.jpg (450.86 KB, 2880x2880, 1:1, 20210617_111259.jpg)

File: be57b99e27aa65e⋯.png (1.09 MB, 923x1179, 923:1179, 71940ae415a618d8ee7982a109….png)

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233fec  No.14260181

File: 742a17832903b2f⋯.jpeg (67.77 KB, 650x496, 325:248, 742a17832903b2f759405cadb….jpeg)

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978104  No.14260183

File: 1b711a1b12bde74⋯.jpeg (578.62 KB, 663x923, 51:71, 5048E053_F797_4B74_B4EE_7….jpeg)

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0ba18a  No.14260184

File: 7c91819f77de633⋯.jpg (15.82 KB, 216x255, 72:85, 7c91819f77de6338c25ec7db4a….jpg)

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cf30e1  No.14260185

File: 0b7ff019e0041ad⋯.jpeg (340.02 KB, 640x670, 64:67, 7C45BE30_F0CB_423E_9BAF_B….jpeg)


>Who all here took the Biden 666 vaccine aka the Mark of the beast???

>Was it worth your soul?

Xiden is going to force everyone to take the 666 vaccine


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e53f1e  No.14260186

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b08831  No.14260189


Isn’t it the Trump “warp speed” jab?

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8d5ddd  No.14260190




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d9f8d3  No.14260191

File: d2daf6d7f86597b⋯.png (29.06 KB, 876x370, 438:185, ClipboardImage.png)

'Experts' Move The Goalposts, Declare Herd Immunity Threshold Now 90% Due To Delta

As a growing number of companies carry out the government's bidding by either demanding staff get vaccinated, demanding that customers mask up (even those who have been vaccinated) or both - Chipotle is the latest to order workers to wear masks and "encourage" customers to wear masks while Microsoft joined the growing number of tech firms requiring employees to get vaccinated - an organization of infectious disease experts are attempting to move the goalposts for herd immunity.

Bloomberg reports that delta's spread has pushed the estimate for herd immunity "well over 80% and potentially approaching 90%" according to the Infectious Diseases Society of America, which announced the change during a briefing on Tuesday.

That's a much higher bar than previous estimates of 60% to 70%. But the key here is Dr. Anthony Fauci and other policymakers will likely automatically treat the 90% number as a threshold for vaccination, not immunity - in other words, in their calculations, they exclude the millions of Americans who have been infected with COVID, but haven't consented to vaccination.

Yet, plenty of academics are already jumping on the bandwagon. Richard Franco, an assistant professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, told BBG that "[i]t is becoming clear that this is a very dangerous, way more dangerous virus than the original one."

Earlier today, NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio leaked plans to require gyms and restaurants to collect proof of vaccination via a vaccine passport app being utilized by the city. Unfortunately, these passports will disregard tests showing the presence of antibodies in the already infected. Some research has shown that antibodies produced by natural infection are at least as effective as certain vaccines.

The problem with the IDSA's new herd immunity target is that some academics say we've already reached the 80%+ immunity, and that COVID will never be able to threaten the American population like it did last spring, when immunity was virtually zero.

Just take a look at the latest chart of cases vs. deaths. The media has relentlessly touted the fact that cases have eclipsed levels from last summer…even as deaths have barely budged.


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263e50  No.14260192

File: 9b476eb5796a7ea⋯.jpg (1.1 MB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20210803_122849….jpg)

Pentagon believes its precognitive AI can predict events 'days in advance'


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636ae0  No.14260194


>>>14257038, >>14257039 Biden Covid Response Coordinator: “It’s Time to Impose Requirements” to Get Vaccinated Against Covid-19 (Cap 6:43)




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305ad2  No.14260195

File: 78e8a6de914be21⋯.png (1.23 MB, 997x1254, 997:1254, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 53f9f1c3aacab87⋯.png (77.49 KB, 997x791, 997:791, ClipboardImage.png)


Same day merchant vessels are cyber attacked / hijacked off the coast of the UAE:

The #USCG released an updated Cyber Strategic Outlook today to address the rising threat of cyber-attacks against critical maritime systems essential to the nation’s economy and security. #CyberSecurity #SemperParatus https://uscg.mil/Cyber/



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636ae0  No.14260196


Office of Precrime do you read im bout to take da pots.

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cf30e1  No.14260197

File: c5d0cae3956b893⋯.jpeg (191.68 KB, 640x937, 640:937, 3BDB6C5E_AFEB_4B9C_BEFA_F….jpeg)

File: 9c18a8dccea3341⋯.jpeg (191.32 KB, 640x916, 160:229, AC5A9C60_489A_46B4_AE43_3….jpeg)

Xiden is going to force everyone to get the 666 vaccine

The vaccine is the Mark of the beast

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305ad2  No.14260198



and scary as all fuck.

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57e3ed  No.14260199


Left eye blind rapper Fetty Wap's 4 year old daughter died. Cause of death not released


Brave, stunning, and classy silver medalist Raven Saunders mother has died


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636ae0  No.14260200


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7e6627  No.14260201

File: 1b2ed6817a0d1d4⋯.png (371.99 KB, 1284x735, 428:245, DOMINION.PNG)

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c26e13  No.14260202

File: 4ef5cef811cfb35⋯.jpg (40.01 KB, 552x485, 552:485, cfvghjkg57.jpg)

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d9f8d3  No.14260203

File: 4ae7adc51b50f1d⋯.png (351.04 KB, 525x509, 525:509, ClipboardImage.png)

File: de2676cf1c55085⋯.png (512.29 KB, 698x794, 349:397, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 08cb3a12e28d6f0⋯.png (287.77 KB, 741x512, 741:512, ClipboardImage.png)

The Gestapo is Back in Berlin: 600 Arrests, 1 Dead, Women and Children Beaten in the Street at Berlin Anti-Lockdown Protest

While a hundred thousand Frenchmen protested against Macron’s vaccine passports on Sunday in Paris, German police violently shut down a protest in Berlin. The United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture is investigating the use of excessive force.

Over 600 protestors were arrested in Berlin on Sunday, one man died of a heart attack after being interrogated by police.

The far-left Berlin government had banned the anti-lockdown protests in Berlin, despite permitting 80,000 largely unmasked people at a gay pride march the week before. Tens of thousands of freedom-loving citizens showed up on Sunday all the same to exercise their constitutional right to protest.

But the 2,250 riot police officers apparently had orders to crack down on people seeking freedom from Covid lockdowns.

A video showed police apparently punching a sitting young boy of about 10 in the face, after dragging his mother away:






Nils Melzer, United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture, wrote: „This has just been brought to my attention. Can anyone provide my office with the specifics / witness statements of this incident and whether an official investigation has been launched? Send to: sr-torture@ohchr.org (please not via Twitter-reply/DM).“


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cf30e1  No.14260204

File: 79525500f48c810⋯.jpeg (228.07 KB, 640x779, 640:779, 54AFCEA3_67F5_449D_AB67_C….jpeg)


>Isn’t it the Trump “warp speed” jab?

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b08831  No.14260205



Delta variant is less impacted by antibody to “alpha” covid spike protein. Question the illogical.

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636ae0  No.14260206

File: 9c02dae76ba9035⋯.png (137.4 KB, 378x379, 378:379, cuofucked.png)

File: 2fc9596f1e25899⋯.png (75.3 KB, 255x235, 51:47, b87f81e2148457a49211f01451….png)



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57e3ed  No.14260207


6uild 6ack 6etter

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b08831  No.14260208


Where’s Yuri?

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edcb95  No.14260209

File: 0f6676ba8367b98⋯.jpg (81.26 KB, 679x614, 679:614, Titanic_8_3.JPG)

File: a54fc6ca0c05254⋯.jpg (94.02 KB, 777x681, 259:227, Q_Titanic_1.JPG)

File: e7ae6dfc62086eb⋯.jpg (59.58 KB, 390x702, 5:9, Q_Titanic_2.JPG)

Titanic news today

Q drops 087, 142, 127

(don't know if anyone put together yet)

Thinking too, Blockade removed, Title wave

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d9f8d3  No.14260210

File: 85bdb6bd4562b79⋯.png (488.59 KB, 980x551, 980:551, ClipboardImage.png)

File: abd494452880615⋯.png (501.47 KB, 563x639, 563:639, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9154062f3dfd7c4⋯.png (67.91 KB, 840x341, 840:341, ClipboardImage.png)

Candace Owens decries ‘predatory cartoons’ pushing kids into ‘gender dysphoria’ after Muppet Babies cross-dressing episode

An episode of US kids’ cartoon ‘Muppet Babies’ has drawn the ire of many on social media, including conservative pundit Candace Owens, after a male character, Gonzo, donned a dress and declared himself to be “Gonzorella”.

In late July, Disney Junior aired its latest episode of ‘Muppet Babies’, a spin-off cartoon featuring toddler versions of the characters in the well-loved ‘Muppet Show’.

However, this episode of the computer-animated series, aimed at children aged three to eight, contained a bit of twist, as eccentric and unpredictable character Gonzo wanted to wear a dress to the royal ball and later called himself “Gonzorella.”

In the episode, loosely based on the Cinderella story, Gonzo is told by Baby Piggy that the boys must go to the ball as knights, so the Fairy RatFather grants him a wish, turning him into a princess with a secret identity.

After the ball, Baby Piggy tells Gonzo that they met an amazing princess, but she ran away. At this point, Gonzo says he was the princess and puts on the dress to prove it.

He tells his fellow muppets that he didn’t want them to be upset with him, so he’d kept his cross-dressing penchant to himself. “Because you all expected me to look a certain way,” he responds when Baby Piggy questions why he’s kept it a secret.

However, cross-dressing in children’s cartoons has been deemed too extreme by some on social media, including outspoken commentator Owens who shared her anger in a tweet on Monday.

Labeling it as “sick and PERVERTED” she claimed, adding she couldn’t believe “they are pushing the trans agenda on children via muppet babies.”

“Everyone should be disturbed by predatory cartoons meant to usher children into gender dysphoria. Bring back manly muppets, anyone?” Owens added.

The conservative pundit was not alone, with many backing her comments on Twitter. “Let kids be kids,” said NFL player Nicholas Williams, warning people to “Be aware of what shows your kids are watching because these networks are trying to indoctrinate and pervert little children’s minds.”

Others were equally wary of the cartoon. “Yep [they] want to get them super young when their brains are in development,” one person tweeted.

Conservative author JD Rucker delivered another warning, telling people to make sure they keep an eye on the trans agenda despite everything else that is going on in the world. “Just because too many parents aren’t paying attention doesn’t mean our kids aren’t,” he wrote.

Several people said cartoons were wonderful when they were young and they didn’t understand why there was such a need to change them.


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3a1cbb  No.14260211

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68b987  No.14260212

File: 356f6b5ee621870⋯.jpg (323.42 KB, 718x977, 718:977, Screenshot_20210803_123200….jpg)

File: ef25726c4c6d20d⋯.jpg (100.21 KB, 720x732, 60:61, 20210803_123220.jpg)

>There have been 185 police officers shot in this country ytd. Ambush style attacks against officers are up 126%.

>Murders in this country are the highest since the mid 90s.

>We as Americans need to decide very quickly if we want law and order in this country or anarchy…


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a34667  No.14260213

File: dc833050a3df58e⋯.png (194.26 KB, 910x937, 910:937, 942d625408b53231288a3fcc0e….png)

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0506fb  No.14260214

File: 4ccc1dfd1ab4193⋯.png (1.08 MB, 838x1207, 838:1207, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 87b0d266d1c1e76⋯.png (32.71 KB, 406x300, 203:150, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f79c6a57fc68b8b⋯.png (9.26 KB, 459x213, 153:71, ClipboardImage.png)

@EricGreitens @Rudygiuliani retweet


is right. It's not enough to just elect 'Republicans.'

We must elect leaders who will stand up to the left and the establishment & fight for the America First agenda.


[:37] of clip

Q 321

Post: 1:34 US Military

POTUS: 1:37 US Military


where's :34?

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edcb95  No.14260215




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f92d1b  No.14260216

File: 36cd3d95c8a3fba⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1244x1300, 311:325, cabal.png)

File: 18f9789877a1bbc⋯.jpg (6.87 KB, 260x257, 260:257, 41cpxUA7TrL_SX258_BO1_204_….jpg)

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d5ceb5  No.14260217

>>14260122 (lb)

TY anon. Humbling.


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636ae0  No.14260218

File: 91367c681d4e288⋯.png (3.47 MB, 1475x1650, 59:66, ClipboardImage.png)


"I just couldn't let her go."

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0160ec  No.14260219


Baker No-Table

right har…thanks

for posting

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d9f8d3  No.14260220

File: 85681a670e60d02⋯.png (397.94 KB, 724x483, 724:483, ClipboardImage.png)

Soros-Funded Colorado Sec. of State Moves to Eliminate Signature Verification, ‘Protect’ Dead Voters and Put Gag Order on Poll Workers — Hearing Today at 1 PM!

Soros-Funded Colorado Sec. of State Moves to Eliminate Signature Verification, ‘Protect’ Dead Voters and Put Gag Order on Poll Workers — Hearing Today at 1 PM!

Soros-funded Colorado Secretary of State, Jena Griswold, is moving quickly to crack down on free, fair and open elections in the state.

Today (Tuesday) at 1:00 PM the Colorado Secretary Of State is holding a virtual hearing which she is required to do by law concerning her permanent rule change.

The hearing today is for voter comment but she is not required to do any follow-up. Jenna is the final authority.


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a45c56  No.14260221

File: 42b8f5ce909bbef⋯.jpg (115.22 KB, 720x1340, 36:67, Screenshot_VAERS_23JUL21.jpg)

>>14260072 (lb)

There is no difference between a Trump Administration and the Biden Adminiatration. Neither will face consequences for the vaccine deaths/injuries which occured as a direct result of their actions.

They are both actors, playing a role, to keep us divided in our system of interdependency.

A few humans may survive this devolution of society, but enough will likely remain slaves to keep our dystopian society operating.

The shot is obviously not safe.

All deaths reported to VAERS by year.


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f87639  No.14260222

File: e9dd53fac9ed96f⋯.png (15.58 KB, 600x608, 75:76, a797225b239967d90197434b39….png)

Why do anons not seem to recognize or acknnowledge the global food supply elimination?

Anons who are aware of daily output of Suspicious0bservers, or the output of IceAgeFarmer must notice that not one of our Q drops nor anyone in the extended Q universe has addressed the global food supply exhaustion.

How do those two worlds coexists without /qresearch/ acknowledging a) that work off the individuals above as legit and real and now b) with all of that being really happening, of what purpose is THIS work?

'winning' doesn't change the solar cycle, earth changes, or magnetospheric changes, so…

please advise

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a34667  No.14260223

File: 144a9ecef85c367⋯.jpg (16.61 KB, 206x255, 206:255, d3934e864cf7a99f86f11d1018….jpg)

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8d5ddd  No.14260224





>>14257662 (other bread)



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e5ff65  No.14260225

Cuomo will get away!

Distraction 101

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da4f5a  No.14260226

File: 80ccf6b33584dda⋯.png (25.23 KB, 742x252, 53:18, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8eb8a6bed87fbdf⋯.png (58.62 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ids_habbening.png)


IDS Habbening

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69d927  No.14260227


He has NO PRAYER of ever accomplishing this. The backlash will not come only from individuals, but municipal governments and law enforcement, and state governments as well.

Red states will not comply.

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b08831  No.14260228


The LEOs need a reminder of who it is they should be serving. A strong and personal reminder from the people.

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0506fb  No.14260229

File: c4072a663d7e85d⋯.png (703.24 KB, 835x947, 835:947, ClipboardImage.png)



is building an advanced high-power microwave weapon system to defend against increasing threats of adversarial drone activity. The Mjolnir prototype will add important advances in capability, reliability, and manufacturing readiness.



Anons remember this being mentioned recently?

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50204f  No.14260231

File: cb3fe758d4b475b⋯.png (667.5 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, Polish_20210624_160051535.png)

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05b16e  No.14260232


mine identifies as Omega - ergo, all variants DONE GONE MAGA


Kayleigh talking storm - arm galoshes

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636ae0  No.14260233




I see what you are doing but this is the response detected.


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68b987  No.14260234


>Why do anons not seem to recognize or acknnowledge the global food supply elimination?

Because it's fearmongering propaganda

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c26e13  No.14260235

File: cc2cfcdad7d27f4⋯.jpg (45.69 KB, 922x496, 461:248, jenagriswoldcrook.jpg)

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7e6627  No.14260236

File: e1aa0c2c898298e⋯.png (279.23 KB, 1040x595, 208:119, DOMINION.PNG)

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d9f8d3  No.14260237

File: ba9e7d60b3dbda2⋯.png (36.58 KB, 574x327, 574:327, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cb34419ed888548⋯.png (566.32 KB, 853x688, 853:688, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6aaa6e6ace5074d⋯.png (425.82 KB, 860x709, 860:709, ClipboardImage.png)

Eruption of ‘terrorist propaganda’ on Gettr thrills Trump haters – except it’s on Twitter & Facebook, too

The nascent pro-Trump social network Gettr has been inundated by material sympathetic to Islamic State, according to a Politico analysis of its content, which eventually admits Twitter and Facebook are dealing with the same issue.

Wallowing in schadenfreude as it describes the purported IS (formerly ISIS) terrorist organization’s sympathizers who’ve supposedly found a home on the pro-Trump social network that recently sprung up following the ex-president’s exile from Twitter, Politico notes that Gettr’s “‘free speech’ policy” will “purportedly… allow users to fully express themselves without the censorship of tech giants.”

Which sounds great until the “MAGA exodus to fringe social networks that champion unfettered speech” catches the “attention of supporters of Islamic State and other jihadist groups,” the outlet continues, citing “extremism experts.”

IS supposedly had their eyes on Gettr from the platform’s July 1 beginnings, “urging their followers” to begin signing up right away – “in part to take the jihadi fight directly to MAGA nation.”

“If this app reaches the expected success, which is mostly probable, it should be adopted by followers and occupied in order to regain the glory of Twitter, may God prevail,” one purported IS account wrote just five days after Gettr’s launch. The references to Twitter and Facebook go unremarked-upon by Politico, which instead appears to take the rather silly notion of Islamist terrorists expressing reverence for American social media platforms at face value.

Jason Miller, the former Trump spokesperson who founded Gettr, told Politico that IS had merely chosen to target his platform because Trump had reduced it to a shadow of its fearsome former self on the battlefield in Syria.

“The only ISIS members still alive are keyboard warriors hiding in caves and eating dirt cookies,” he told the outlet.

Politico seizes the opportunity to note that after “the largest social networks” had similarly vanquished IS – online, rather than in Syria – they began working together with the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT), a controversial entity that serves as a centralized clearing-house to track, catalog, and remove terrorist recruiting material, memes, symbols, and other material that surfaces across platforms, allowing social networks to more quickly offload such content.


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8d5ddd  No.14260238



Assuming Baker has completed handoff >>14260175

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0a8673  No.14260239

File: 0da5b0a027f8c42⋯.png (745.38 KB, 510x576, 85:96, ClipboardImage.png)

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68b987  No.14260240



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05b16e  No.14260241



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7e6627  No.14260242

File: eca9c7af9c9fada⋯.png (309.1 KB, 1111x636, 1111:636, DOMINION.PNG)

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8d5ddd  No.14260243




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636ae0  No.14260244

File: 2015fcac7fb912b⋯.jpg (180.26 KB, 500x728, 125:182, 2015fcac7fb912b89634a8dc27….jpg)

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d9f8d3  No.14260245

New York City to Mandate Proof of Vaccination to Enter Indoor Businesses

New York City is going to mandate proof of vaccination for people to enter certain indoor businesses.

The businesses being targeted will include restaurants, entertainment venues and gyms.

Mayor Bill de Blasio will announce what is essentially a city-wide vaccine passport on Tuesday, according to a report from the New York Post.

The Post reports, “the initiative, to be dubbed the ‘Key to NYC Pass,’ marks a significant escalation of the city’s efforts to curb the recent uptick in COVID-19 cases driven by the Delta variant, and will launch in mid-August and enforcement will begin in September following a public service announcement campaign, administration officials said.”

“The program is modeled after the vaccine passport programs rolled out in France and other European countries, according to de Blasio administration officials,” the report continued.

In order to go out to eat, people in the city will be required to show either the state’ “Excelsior Pass,” the city’s new vaccine pass or Center for Disease Control’s paper vaccine card, officials told The Post.

There will not be an option for people to take a COVID test as a substitute.

The unvaccinated will be allowed to eat outdoors only.

“We’ve got to shake people at this point and say, ‘Come on now.’ We tried voluntary. We could not have been more kind and compassionate. Free testing, everywhere you turn, incentives, friendly, warm embrace. The voluntary phase is over,” de Blasio said on MSNBC last week. “It’s time for mandates, because it’s the only way to protect our people.”


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3b0da1  No.14260246

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9905f5  No.14260247

File: 78bd0c51a1d713f⋯.png (119.03 KB, 718x600, 359:300, ClipboardImage.png)


Dayum shame what they did to 'em.

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69d927  No.14260248

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e5ff65  No.14260249

Stand by

A national gun confiscations by presidential order on it way.

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f7ad01  No.14260250

I wonder if Cuomo's prison roommate will tell him to eat the whole sausage…

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3001f0  No.14260251

File: 6c5b1eb8094757d⋯.png (52.3 KB, 1376x720, 86:45, Book_Deals.png)

Updated book deals list

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3b0da1  No.14260252

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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434dcc  No.14260253

File: adfe91baa551358⋯.png (72.22 KB, 254x194, 127:97, Q.png)


>The Gestapo is Back in Berlin: 600 Arrests, 1 Dead, Women and Children Beaten in the Street at Berlin Anti-Lockdown Protest

>had orders

"because they said so"

By whose orders? Fuck that vague talk.

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d8d5c1  No.14260254


>The vaccine is the Mark of the beast

No it's not, bread shitter. But it's paving the road for it.

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7e6627  No.14260255

File: eca8bb7aae200c4⋯.png (238.6 KB, 942x539, 942:539, DOMINION.PNG)

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0a8673  No.14260256

File: 14e324ec6f1c025⋯.png (841.93 KB, 622x480, 311:240, ClipboardImage.png)

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ad2af2  No.14260257

File: 9a6450867aa76b3⋯.jpg (170.09 KB, 1080x605, 216:121, 20210803_121948.jpg)

'Member the day of the nips? Lots of pics out there. I can't meme, but seems like memes using these pics with 'I'm an innocent man's, 'I'm a very dignified and proper man' would spread like wildfire on Twat.

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05b16e  No.14260258




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68b987  No.14260259


New Yorkers, if you come to Texas, leave your liberal New Yorker ways in New York. Thank you and Welcome to Tejas.

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b08831  No.14260260


You do not know me.

I am nameless.

I am faceless.

I am the soft and killing breeze of a gentle night.


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403d62  No.14260261

Another possible reason for the malfunctioning navigation systems.


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636ae0  No.14260262

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c3cd44  No.14260263


States controlled the routers. Soros funded the dirty sec of states. Super clown soros might get fucked in all of this.

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4f3ac8  No.14260264

File: 03102ae22721350⋯.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1533x1965, 511:655, EA2CC650_4F9E_42EF_B86D_C….jpeg)


Absolute Proof

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373f49  No.14260265


If you believe the vaccine is the mark of the beast you need to read your bible.

>“This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666”

The only man in the bible with the number 666 associated with him is Solomon. He was famous for his wisdom.

>“The weight of the gold that Solomon received yearly was 666 talents, not including the revenues from merchants and traders and from all the Arabian kings and the governors of the territories.”

Solomon was the Son of David and Bathsheba and had the first temple built. He is the one who many believed Jesus was the re-incarnation of.

>“All the crowds were amazed, and were saying, “This man cannot be the Son of David, can he?”

>“Many were sternly telling him to be quiet, but he kept crying out all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!””

>“While Jesus was teaching in the temple courts, he asked, “Why do the teachers of the law say that the Messiah is the son of David? David himself, speaking by the Holy Spirit, declared: “‘The Lord said to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand until I put your enemies under your feet.”’ David himself calls him ‘Lord.’ How then can he be his son?”

Do you know what else Solomon did? He had a throne built for his mother at his right hand.

Catholics, those who falsely claim to be apostles (apostolic succession) and claim to be substitute Christs and claim Christ's AUTHORITY over us teach that Mary is queen of heaven and sits at Jesus right hand.

Let me ask you, can you buy or sell without government authorization? Who's name is on your money? What's an authorization number?

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f1ca96  No.14260266

Hillary Clinton's old campaign law firm uses China excuse to avoid Carter Page lawsuit

Perkins Coie's claim of "stateless" entity wins at federal appeals court level. Is Supreme Court next?

The Perkins Coie law firm that helped Hillary Clinton's campaign fund the now-debunked Steele dossier is using a China excuse to avoid being sued for defamation by former Trump adviser Carter Page. And so far, it is working.

"Three Perkins Coie partners are 'stateless' U.S. citizens domiciled in China," the lawyers representing the firm and the Democratic National Committee argued in an appellate brief earlier this year. "That statelessness is imputed to Perkins Coie and forecloses the existence of complete diversity of citizenship in this case."

In a little noticed ruling in late June, the 7th Circuit of the U.S. Court of Appeals in Chicago accepted the Washington D.C.-based firm's claim that it was a "stateless" entity that can't be sued in federal court.

"In response to our concerns regarding subject matter jurisdiction, Perkins Coie submitted affidavits from three individual partners who are U.S. citizens domiciled in China: Yun (Louise) Lu, Scott Palmer, and James M. Zimmerman," the court noted.

"We adhere to this same reasoning and conclude that Perkins Coie (as a named defendant) takes on the stateless status of its individual partners Lu, Palmer, and Zimmerman," it added. "This attribution of statelessness destroys complete diversity and deprived the district court of the power to hear this case.

The appellate judges acknowledged the legal theory of federal court immunity for "stateless" entities was novel and based on laws created before the rise of multinational corporations and it may be ripe for review by the U.S. Supreme Court.

"We acknowledge that in today's global business environment, where multinational entities exist in every facet of commerce, this result may strike some as impractical," the judges noted. "But keep in mind that when Congress enacted the Judiciary Act of 1789, and in the subsequent decades when the Supreme Court decided many of its significant diversity jurisdiction cases, most of today's business forms did not exist."

"The Supreme Court has not explicitly answered this question. But the Court has held both that a stateless citizen cannot be sued in diversity (see Newman-Green, 490 U.S. at 828–29) and that the citizenship of a partnership is based on the citizenship of each individual partner," the judges added.

Page told Just the News that he would continue to fight in the courts because he believes the Clinton-funded dossier amounted to improper foreign interference in the U.S. election. Steele is a British citizen and former MI6 operative.

"Reminiscent of the rigorous years of work by leaders on Capitol Hill and DOJ's Inspector General who originally uncovered the wrongdoing behind the Steele Dossier, this has remained a long road toward resolving perhaps the worst election interference and intelligence scandals in U.S. history," Page said.

"I greatly appreciate this latest rigorous analysis by one of the most respected federal appellate courts in America, as they cogently highlighted these serious unresolved questions of law," he added. "I will continue doing everything in my power to eventually achieve justice in this important matter."

Marc Elias, a partner for Perkins Coie, did not immediately respond to an email seeking comment.All three of the firm's partners cited in the brief either moved to China or joined the firm in 2018, long after the Steele dossier at the center of the lawsuit had been created and leaked to the media.




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434dcc  No.14260267

File: a89a20a88f82542⋯.png (741.98 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, Fraudiot_Griswald.png)

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33b2a5  No.14260268


It has been reported… many times… its not like we all don't have other "work" we are doing, so

Congrats… you are now "volunteered" to continue researching and reporting it.

Welcome to the Digital Army.

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12a2c8  No.14260269


Well I would say op Looking Glass and this board are proof it is longer than a few days.

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0ba18a  No.14260271


>No it's not, bread shitter. But it's paving the road for it.

So isn't saying it's almost the mark of the beast the same thing as being almost preggers? Because Ithink that's what you are really saying mr one-post.

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da9dcf  No.14260272

DS Dems clipping Fredo's brothers' singular testicle ahead of 2024?

They don't want the negative baggage of Nipple Man? in 2022/2024?

DOJ gave him a full pass on Murder so he gets PervGate instead.

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d9f8d3  No.14260273

Cuomo refuses to resign, denies allegations in explosive AG report

Gov. Andrew Cuomo maintained Tuesday that he “never touched anyone inappropriately,” pushing back on a bombshell official report that concluded he sexually harassed several women in violation of state and federal law.

Speaking on video without reporters to ask questions, the governor was adamant in his denial, as he has been since the scandal erupted.

“I want you to know directly from me that I never touched anyone inappropriately or made inappropriate sexual advances,” he told New Yorkers.

“That is just not who I am,” he continued. “And that’s not who I have ever been.”

“I welcome the opportunity for a full and fair review before a judge and a jury, because this just did not happen,” he further said.

Cuomo went on to directly respond to the some of the allegations laid out in the independent report commissioned by state Attorney General Letitia James, including those of former staffer Charlotte Bennett, who has said that the governor asked probing questions about her sex life that left her convinced he “wanted to sleep with” her.

He said that he only tried to be supportive of Bennett — a sexual assault survivor — because of a relative’s own experience with sexual assault.

Directly addressing Bennett in the video, Cuomo apologized while stopping short of admitting malice.

“Charlotte, I want you to know that I am truly and deeply sorry,” he said. “I brought my personal experience into the workplace, and I shouldn’t have done that. I was trying to help.”


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978104  No.14260274


Anon is well aware of red Kaballa string…

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d9f8d3  No.14260275

Gov. DeSantis fires back after Jen Psaki spreads misinformation about Florida face-mask policy in schools

The office of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) fired back at White House press secretary Jen Psaki late Monday after she outright mischaracterized his guidance for face masks inside Florida schools.

During the daily White House press briefing, Psaki made the bold assertion that DeSantis has been prioritizing politics over public health, referring to his refusal to implement a face-mask mandate for Florida schoolchildren.

Specifically, Psaki falsely claimed that DeSantis is not allowing students to wear face masks.

"I will note, as you touched on there, 20% of the cases we're seeing are in Florida. There are steps and precautions that can be taken, including encouraging people to get vaccinated, encouraging people to wear masks, including allowing schools to mandate masks, and allowing kids to wear masks, which is not the current state of play in Florida," Psaki said.

"So, you know, at a certain point, leaders are going to have to choose whether they're going to follow public health guidelines or they're going to follow politics, and we certainly encourage all governors to follow the public health guidelines," she added.

But what is the truth?

Contrary to Psaki's claim, DeSantis is allowing children to wear face masks in schools. However, unlike in many cities and states being led by Democrats, DeSantis said, from the standpoint his office, that any decision about face masks should rest on parents.

In fact, DeSantis signed an executive order last week to protect "the rights of parents" to make such decisions.

The executive order, in part, directed the Florida Department of Health and Florida Department of Education to ensure that safety protocols in schools neither "violate Floridians' constitutional freedoms" nor "violate parents' right under Florida law to make health care decisions for their minor children."

What was the response?

DeSantis press secretary Christina Pushaw pushed back in a statement, saying that it is Psaki, in fact, who is playing politics by misrepresenting DeSantis' policy.

"By dismissively ignoring Governor DeSantis' efforts to protect vulnerable Floridians, Psaki is the one playing politics with the pandemic," Pushaw said, Fox News reported.

"The White House should be more concerned about the flip-flopping of the CDC, which is inadvertently promoting vaccine hesitancy with their confusing, contradictory public communications," she added. "Stating that vaccinated people should wear masks and socially distance is implying that the vaccines do not change anything, which is the wrong message for our federal government to be promoting."


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3a1cbb  No.14260276


remember epstein ‘s roomie? kek

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636ae0  No.14260277


>Cuomo refuses to resign, denies allegations in explosive AG report



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0a8673  No.14260278

File: 75b8d863659797a⋯.png (364.21 KB, 477x480, 159:160, ClipboardImage.png)

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582ceb  No.14260279

Anons. Spit ballin' here. But when Q said, "Biblical", several times. "It's gonna be Biblical". What if it was a warning and not a declaration of justice as we've assumed? One can't help but see the similarities in the vaccine and the book of revelation. I hate bringing this up with this mark of the beast spammer in the bread. But it does seem like something to think about. What if "Biblical" meant the mark was coming? "That choice, to know, will be yours". Have to be aware. But can't say it in direct terms. Still can't figure out why Trump started warp speed. Really makes me wonder. Not saying he's cabal. Just keeps me hesitant.

Then I'm brought to the 4chan prophecy…"it will happen when the weather cools" and "they're trying to force God's hand". How would you do that? By following the book revelation. August is typically a HOT month.

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d8d5c1  No.14260280


Can't get pregnant without having sex.

At least that's the way it used to work.

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edcb95  No.14260281

File: b6437a917993446⋯.jpg (62.47 KB, 459x572, 459:572, Anon_keks.JPG)



That lined up too perfect not to post

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636ae0  No.14260283



Cmon man…

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e5ff65  No.14260284


Coumo's behavior is normal for democrats!

It's abnormal with republicans

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68b987  No.14260285

File: 8da4447f4ba89d8⋯.jpg (220.94 KB, 716x886, 358:443, Screenshot_20210803_124154….jpg)

File: e7065228c58da17⋯.jpg (218.22 KB, 718x645, 718:645, Screenshot_20210803_124208….jpg)


>Intervening parties in the case request to Judge Preska to speed up the declassification process of the documents that Ghislaine does not want released to the public.

>A small reminder that these docs will include reportedly THOUSANDS of highly recognized names. CEO’s, celebrities, politicians and more.

>The Judge already ordered the unsealing of the documents month ago. Ghislaine has been slow walking it to try and avoid release, All while she is preparing her criminal trial she faces.

>Let’s see how Judge Preska responds in a day or two.

>As I’ve been saying, Ghislaine is also another HUGE bombshell the DS is doing their best to control. This is going to do serious damage to the names involved in these documents when they are unsealed.

>Eyes on

>August is already HOT


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d9f8d3  No.14260286

Biden DOJ Orders States Not To Conduct Arizona-Style Forensic Audits Of 2020 Election, Threatens Prison Time

Those who conduct forensic audits are racist, suggests the Biden DOJ, and may be imprisoned for up to a year.

In a document the Biden regime Department of Justice is calling “guidance“, the agency repeats the often-mocked declaration that “The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history” and chastises supporters of election integrity for demanding “an unusual second round of examinations” in states with reports of widespread voter fraud. The agency then suggests these audits could violate the Civil Rights Act of 1960.

“There are federal or criminal penalties attached,” the Department of Justice asserts. They claim that those who arrange forensic audits of the 2020 election “can face fines of up to $1,000 and imprisonment of up to one year for each violation.” Then, their intimidating document suggests that these audits represent “intimidation”.

“The Attorney General is authorized to file a civil action seeking preventative relief” against those who organize election audits, the “guidance” explains. “Judicial decisions have established that voter intimidation need not involve physical threats,” the “guidance” continues. (READ MORE: Attorney General Merrick Garland Says Antifa Attacks On Courthouses Aren’t Domestic Terrorism Because They Happen At Night)

Arizona Rep. Mark Finchem, who is now running for Arizona Secretary of State to replace radical left wing Katie Hobbs, recently warned Biden administration Attorney General Merrick Garland against sending enforcers to the state of Arizona. “I got news for Merrick Garland, there’s this little thing called the Constitution,” said Finchem. “Article I, section IV, the times places and manner of holding election for senators and representatives… it is the legislature that has responsibility for nominating and naming the electors for President.”

Finchem added, “I would advise Merrick Garland and his team of thugs that now occupy the Department of Justice: Tread very lightly. Our attorney general, I spoke with their representative this morning, I’m not going to put him on the hook for anything, but you’re going to walk into a very surprising reception if you try to do anything in this state that interferes with legislative authority in handling our elections. Hard stop.”

After the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors refused to cooperate with the latest round of subpoenas that would allow the Arizona Audit to finally be completed, Arizona Sen. Wendy Rogers suggested the officials be arrested and held in solitary confinement. “I vote to arrest. Arrest and put them in solitary,” she continued, further wondering if there were enough “solitary confinement cells available in Arizona,” wrote Rogers. “We are going to need the lot.”


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540298  No.14260287

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>oldfag on deck.

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ad2af2  No.14260288

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69d927  No.14260289


The mark already came.

Revelation is written in the language of the prophets. It is symbolic.

Most of it has already passed. MOST, I say.

Stay vigiliant.

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3b0da1  No.14260290

File: eb0b8ca78ae4139⋯.jpeg (13.88 KB, 474x296, 237:148, OIP_26_.jpeg)



The Lord is just. Chances were given to make the right choice. Do not make the wrong one again.

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f7ad01  No.14260291


Didn't he recently "die" also?

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4b9154  No.14260292

File: 5683c686b688667⋯.png (93.71 KB, 615x701, 615:701, ClipboardImage.png)

Some funky DNS issues habbening.


ns1.8kun.top. 60 IN A


8kun.top. 60 IN NS ns2.8kun.top.

8kun.top. 60 IN NS ns1.8kun.top.


ns2.8kun.top. 60 IN A

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da4f5a  No.14260293

File: 7bdf046d6ce04d9⋯.jpg (106.01 KB, 630x630, 1:1, pepe_meme_magic.jpg)

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ad2af2  No.14260294



#RESIST needs to trend

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636ae0  No.14260295


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582ceb  No.14260296



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8d5ddd  No.14260297

File: dedc063fbfc71e9⋯.png (28.52 KB, 394x476, 197:238, call_them_out.png)


If the other anon doesn'tacknowledge/post notables, then it's all yours.

Otherwise I will likely return in time for the great baker duel.

>>14260166, >>14260175, >>14260190, >>14260244

Dough Contested

Activating Ghost Protocols

see you soon

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263e50  No.14260298

File: d88e80e93173174⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20210803_124329….jpg)


Turns out minority report was a documentary. >>14260198


A-10 Warthogs Are About To Operate From A U.S. Highway For The First Time

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0506fb  No.14260299

File: df5e4984be4c5e9⋯.png (1009.86 KB, 668x892, 167:223, ClipboardImage.png)


Our farmers never stopped working during the pandemic. They helped American families keep food on the table. They deserve our full support.

@ :17


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0a8673  No.14260300

File: 6dbbc128c14acca⋯.png (903.12 KB, 952x480, 119:60, ClipboardImage.png)

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d8d5c1  No.14260301

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434dcc  No.14260302

File: 1057ea929e2c3b1⋯.mp4 (1.05 MB, 400x400, 1:1, Ant_Joint_Operations.mp4)


>Office of Precrime do you read im bout to take da pots.

Already pre-spotted ya…

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69d927  No.14260303


Historicism - the interpretation that was universally accepted among all reformers.

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636ae0  No.14260304


fuck it's CBD officer of errdahead

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245cbc  No.14260305

File: 1be1ddd16ab90a5⋯.jpg (74.64 KB, 566x314, 283:157, CALL_IT.jpg)

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582731  No.14260306


Cops suck dick….period

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05b16e  No.14260307

biden preparing to represent huomo cuomo in any impeachment for fake news allegations of groping sexual misconduct abuse of power

biden stands by his hunter

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25ff1b  No.14260308

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Solar Storm, Major Field Variations | S0 News

Aug 3, 2021



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9fb8a9  No.14260309

a big thank you to all the countries that are standing up for freedom around the world

in the country where I live people are to scared to breath and lining up for the jab daily

so we have no chance for freedom and I guess eventually they will get to all of us because of the panic they have created here

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da9dcf  No.14260310

File: 98b1e302a725a3c⋯.png (241.54 KB, 474x245, 474:245, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5fed10673127ddd⋯.png (361.47 KB, 474x316, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)








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d9f8d3  No.14260311

File: 27ae74a1c78be40⋯.png (161.87 KB, 841x833, 841:833, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bd19a127d161d58⋯.png (108.16 KB, 862x679, 862:679, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fc6630e43647a1c⋯.png (52.11 KB, 833x290, 833:290, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1e880443549f395⋯.png (256.13 KB, 856x706, 428:353, ClipboardImage.png)

Scientific Journal Paper Suggests Making It A ‘Federal Hate Crime’ To Criticize Fauci.

A scientific journal article authored by Professor Peter Hotez, a frequent guest on mainstream media networks, called to “extend federal hate-crime protections” for scientists facing criticism from alleged “far-right extremists,” including National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci.

Dr. Hotez, who himself has been funded by Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since 1993, offered the robust defense of scientists including Fauci and EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak in a recent paper: “Mounting Antiscience Aggression In The United States.”

“There is a troubling new expansion of antiscience aggression in the United States. It’s arising from far-right extremism,” the paper, published in the peer-reviewed Public Library of Science (PLOS) Biology journal, begins.

“A band of ultraconservative members of the US Congress and other public officials with far-right leanings are waging organized and seemingly well-coordinated attacks against prominent US biological scientists. In parallel, conservative news outlets repeatedly and purposefully promote disinformation designed to portray key American scientists as enemies,” it reiterates.


Journal Pbio 3001369


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3b0da1  No.14260312

File: 65e39664b34ff9a⋯.jpg (13.46 KB, 255x203, 255:203, d7c982b9d096fecc3b0ad44c9b….jpg)

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f87639  No.14260313

File: 8d04678ead05791⋯.jpg (6.08 KB, 255x234, 85:78, e68cc6f95e7e88826ee1543504….jpg)


so the Ben Davidson, who publishes mucch of his own climate and earth science, and features new science everyday from institutions world wide, shattering previously held standards in earth cycles, solar cycles and catastrophism, and all of the universities and institutions he has featured for years are all lying and wrong?

And ice age farmer who merely aggregates global food supply chain news is providing falsehoods about water, crop yields, trade, shipping, animal processing, fishing, and gain stores?

You sound like a liar or a coward to anyone who is familiar with the output being discussed here.

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da4f5a  No.14260314

File: 69c0a5280d2c71b⋯.png (600.08 KB, 960x651, 320:217, trump_hahahaha.png)

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da0c2b  No.14260315

If today's American population was around in 1775, we would all still be British.

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4ee2b5  No.14260316

Just read Emerald Robinson's twat or telegram, don't recall which it was,

concerning the pattern on book deals. Hmm, first arrest will set the

tone, shock the world. Anons, any chance it could be Kushner? How could the MSM say it's a "dictatorial sham" if PDJT's son-in-law is the first arrest? Almonds tingling a bit, might the Viagra, spouseanons birthday, and I need to be ready.

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434dcc  No.14260317


> is right. It's not enough to just elect 'Republicans.'


>We must elect leaders who will stand up to the left and the establishment & fight for the America First agenda.

That is done at the District Primaries level.

It is how we even know who AOC is.

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d9f8d3  No.14260318

File: 7f814ccda624e4d⋯.png (80.15 KB, 704x552, 88:69, ClipboardImage.png)

Twitter Partners With AP, Reuters to Combat ‘Misinformation’

Twitter announced Monday it will partner with The Associated Press and Reuters news agencies to combat alleged “misinformation,” although it’s not clear how it will be deployed.

The San Francisco-based company, in a blog post, said the partnership with Reuters and AP will expand its “efforts to identify and elevate credible information on Twitter.” That will affect the social media website’s trends section, explore tab, its search function, labels, and more, according to the company.

Twitter’s blog post also said it will “contextualize” emerging conversations and try to anticipate conversations before they even begin.

With the move, Twitter stated that one of its goals is “proactively providing context on topics garnering widespread interest including those that could potentially generate misleading information. Rather than waiting until something goes viral, Twitter will contextualize developing discourse at pace with or in anticipation of the public conversation.”

Twitter’s move to target so-called “misinformation” is sure to draw criticism from some of its users. Conservatives have said that Big Tech and social media firms have unfairly targeted prominent users for posting content that is deemed politically sensitive or highlights a certain candidate or politician in a negative light.

Toward the end of the 2020 election cycle, a bombshell report from the New York Post Hunter Biden’s overseas business dealings and the content of his laptop was blocked by the social media company, although CEO Jack Dorsey later wrote that it was handled incorrectly. The NY Post, meanwhile, was locked out of its account for several days, leading to calls for censorship.


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582731  No.14260319


Dept of Jewness is shitting a huge brick…..soon they will be behind bars

Civil servants need to learn their place……at the bottom

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ed4c15  No.14260320

File: 3d718fc49c5b8e2⋯.png (485.71 KB, 600x608, 75:76, Firefox_Screenshot_2021_08….png)

Boy, five, dies from head injuries a week after 'mirror fell on him' at Fenwick's department store


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b0cd37  No.14260321

File: a61ca9946428229⋯.jpg (54.76 KB, 553x451, 553:451, 5f4kal.jpg)

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569bc1  No.14260322


If they are just announcing this now, that means they've had it for decades. And can probably see years in advance

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5bd401  No.14260323


Yup. Seen it all. Future proves past.

We waaaay down the rabbit hole.

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e5ff65  No.14260324

You are guilty of a precrime and are here by sentenced to twenty years!

You: by i did nothing!

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434dcc  No.14260325

File: a7b2bb9dd04a5bd⋯.png (222.75 KB, 879x501, 293:167, AOC_District.png)


Shit, forgot the meme.

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10550e  No.14260326

File: f99db7fb29d05f0⋯.jpg (132.67 KB, 926x1157, 926:1157, e0bb77ed1dab49b4ee1a31fd49….jpg)

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f3e272  No.14260327

>>14259516 p/b

>The sheep will panic

The sheep just need to see the wolves under grandma's bonnet…

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03ce64  No.14260328

A reminder.

The USA is not the only Country in the World using Dominion / Smartmatic voting machines.

How many other election results are now cast in doubt?

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da9dcf  No.14260329


If these were muslims being beaten by cops in Germany, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, UK - I would be ok with that.

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808af9  No.14260330


Our farmers never stopped working during the pandemic. They helped American families keep food on the table.

17 words

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b373a2  No.14260331

File: 01beffd4570f3cf⋯.png (262.31 KB, 411x315, 137:105, ClipboardImage.png)

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d9f8d3  No.14260332

File: 42147d65f6ba811⋯.png (271.35 KB, 610x809, 610:809, ClipboardImage.png)

TikTok AI Chief Joins Staff Of Taxpayer-Backed California University.

The director of the artificial intelligence lab run by ByteDance – TikTok’s Chinese Communist Party-linked parent company – is joining the University of California Santa Barbara as a professor.

ByteDance’s Li Lei will join the taxpayer-funded university as an assistant professor in the computer science department, tweeting on Saturday that the career change is “very exciting.” Li has worked at ByteDance since 2016 following a two-year stint at another Chinese Communist Party-linked tech giant Baidu.

The hire comes amidst evidence revealing that the TikTok parent company employs former Chinese Communist Party officials, including individuals with military ties, to executive roles and even grants party members preferential treatment in hiring processes.

Its founder has also pledged to use ByteDance to “promote socialist core values” and devotion to the Chinese Communist Party in 2018.

The app’s threat to national security and data privacy prompted the Trump administration to attempt to ban the platform from operating in the U.S. – an effort recently quashed by the Biden White House.


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f87639  No.14260333

File: 07a92512c94b271⋯.jpg (118.3 KB, 800x490, 80:49, frogMorrisseau.jpg)


anon ain't new nigga. but if you search qresear.ch on this topic it is quite sparse, and mostly the prior work of this anon…

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edcb95  No.14260334


Corn has ben harvested.

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4314f9  No.14260335


Did it predict the FF?

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434dcc  No.14260336

File: 320280a5e39d25b⋯.jpg (13.55 KB, 474x316, 3:2, You_know_what_you_did.jpg)

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23108c  No.14260337


He's got HIGH hopes…..

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611a50  No.14260338

File: 355318ed88e4e5c⋯.jpg (179.37 KB, 1000x630, 100:63, E69FEYJVUAgMOni.jpg)

File: 1b3cd35d68737b1⋯.jpg (317.37 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, E66ZW29WUAIp_RU.jpg)

File: 21b40ded1ebf640⋯.jpg (116.41 KB, 853x302, 853:302, toaffpic20a.jpg)


>global food supply elimination

And that´s a bad thing?

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3001f0  No.14260339

File: e6eae987bdae7b3⋯.png (74.92 KB, 698x491, 698:491, today.png)



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d9f8d3  No.14260340

File: 01ff3add4fd7e47⋯.pdf (270.77 KB, THE_LI_BLOODLINE.pdf)



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d8d5c1  No.14260341


Cops in Germany, Polizei, don't need any warrant at all to search someone's house. They can just knock on your door and search your residence for any reason at all. And if you don't answer your door, they can just knock it down, and you get to pay to have it fixed.

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edcb95  No.14260342


Calm down Greta.



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66b03d  No.14260343



why didnt they stop the active shooter this am?


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582731  No.14260344


That should be fun…trillions of rounds pumped into government asswipes

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33b2a5  No.14260345


Well… good job… keep it up.

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f7ad01  No.14260346


One of the Flashpoint issues of the revolution, called Writs of Assistance.

Basically a blank, rubberstamped search warrant.

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0506fb  No.14260347


Twitter Partners With AP, Reuters to Combat ‘Misinformation’ = moar censorship

Likely steps taken to mark free thinkers as domestic terrorists in the near future.


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b9f6a3  No.14260348


He purposely killed people!

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bf9411  No.14260349


>The mark already came

What do you say it was/ is?

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da9dcf  No.14260350

Did CodeSpunky release anything or nah?

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0770b7  No.14260351

File: 283761b2f32b3de⋯.jpg (27.18 KB, 446x750, 223:375, 20210803_115005.jpg)

File: 78b54a7274e0255⋯.jpg (88.64 KB, 1004x406, 502:203, 20210803_115202.jpg)

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f87639  No.14260352

File: 3dcf296a199899c⋯.jpg (25.68 KB, 474x474, 1:1, whiterose.jpg)


there is plenty of goyim, but no more goyim food, thus WHO is about to be 'harvested'?

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540298  No.14260353

File: 096f4f9625e048a⋯.jpg (67.93 KB, 363x276, 121:92, Kek_Hitler.jpg)


>don't need any warrant at all to search someone's house. They can just knock on your door and search your residence for any reason at all. And if you don't answer your door, they can just knock it down, and you get to pay to have it fixed.

The moar things change……

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263e50  No.14260354



Maybe the Pentagon recorded them planning the FF? Wishful thinking….

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d9f8d3  No.14260355

Texas Democrat Border County Judge Signs Disaster Declaration for Migrants, COVID

A Texas Democratic county judge issued a disaster declaration due to the “substantial” number of migrants, including those with COVID-19, who are released into his community by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The same politician previously opposed a related disaster declaration by Texas Governor Greg Abbott, claiming the region was not at crisis levels to justify the move.

This week, Hidalgo County Judge Richard Cortez signed his declaration stating that “U.S. Customs and Border Protection is releasing an alarmingly substantial number of immigrants.” According to the document, the release of the migrants is overwhelming the City of McAllen and local non-governmental organizations which can “no longer adequately feed, house, provide medical attention, or otherwise accommodate” them.

The declaration is set to last seven days, allowing the county government to activate an emergency management plan and thereby access funds allocated for disasters.

According to the declaration, the current COVID-19 pandemic has the region at a hospitalization rate higher than 18, which is considered high. The added strain by the migrant influx places the region at risk and “extraordinary measures must be taken to protect the public health, safety and general well-being” of the community.

Cortez recently invited President Joe Biden to visit the border to see the challenges created by current federal actions. The move comes after the revelation that several COVID-19 positive migrants were released and caused stirs in cities like La Joya and Weslaco–where local officials criticize Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley for their lack of transparency in the episodes.

Cortez opposed a disaster declaration by Governor Abbott in May. Abbott sent hundreds of state troopers to border cities where cartels are focused on human smuggling and trafficking operations.

Cortez says his declaration is different than the governor’s because he addresses asylum-seeking migrants, while Abbott focuses on illegal immigration.


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3680f5  No.14260356

File: 3a72de67e4dcde5⋯.png (368.89 KB, 649x519, 649:519, dsfdgfuogngvcqszgfjloi5xtg….PNG)



Almond growers.


Know Your Brain: Amygdala


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439822  No.14260357


Maybe France in 2012 when the clowns where deep in monitoring that one….

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f87639  No.14260358

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8653b8  No.14260359

File: fb8dbde11ce2973⋯.jpeg (127.95 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, 88B9E1C8_F37D_4AD9_9B72_B….jpeg)

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ad1844  No.14260360

File: 5554157b3d84eee⋯.jpg (65.83 KB, 554x450, 277:225, 5554157b3d84eee32060385622….jpg)


>multiple other ships in the area have "lost control" of their steering under unclear circumstances.

Perhaps they should quit masturbating to pornography.

>keks in evergiven

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3a1cbb  No.14260361


Everyone dies.

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b08831  No.14260362

CNN pushes jab mandates.

They do this with lies.

Delta-variant spreading? What test is there that supports this?

Vaccine less effective for delta-variant is a fact. They will not mention this “science” because it contradicts the agenda.

What is the agenda?

I’m not sure. It seems to me a removal of bodily autonomy. That the state controls you and you have no choice in it.?

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e5ff65  No.14260363

The Capital Police Precrime unit has determined that your baby you are about to give birth to is guilty of murder and has been sentenced to death.

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bf9411  No.14260364

File: 450416b5b248bde⋯.mp4 (2.96 MB, 320x180, 16:9, Code_monkey_dominion_whist….mp4)

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0a8673  No.14260365

File: 9669e0535f2daae⋯.png (942.51 KB, 857x480, 857:480, ClipboardImage.png)

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434dcc  No.14260366


>The director of the artificial intelligence lab run by ByteDance – TikTok’s Chinese Communist Party-linked parent company – is joining the University of California Santa Barbara as a professor.

Officers of the PLA not wearing their uniforms anymore?

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a87a89  No.14260367

File: 9e5b6fb6d06cab6⋯.png (722.11 KB, 1378x736, 689:368, ClipboardImage.png)

Just a "Million Dollars a year" coincidence

Amb McFall brags in DM "I make close to a million dollars a year."

Bobby Piton speculates that "The Theft of the United States" relied on 1 million people taking annual $1 million dollar bribes.

Glenn Greenwald 2:23 PM · Aug 1, 2021


Bobby Piton 9:04 PM · Aug 2, 2021


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d5ceb5  No.14260368

File: 670d20f542210b5⋯.png (6.3 MB, 1728x2160, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)



Yep. Haul her discount Alexandra Daddario ass to prison.

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f7ad01  No.14260369

File: 488e4fbda25adba⋯.jpg (144.23 KB, 917x516, 917:516, ZomboMeme_13042021210639.jpg)

File: 35d12a05f53a097⋯.jpg (43.59 KB, 585x354, 195:118, ZomboMeme_13042021210800.jpg)

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3b0da1  No.14260370

File: b639e61cdad2608⋯.jpeg (18.36 KB, 474x576, 79:96, OIP_7_.jpeg)


Anons theory has always been if you had access to every piece of information on the planet to include real time conversations and could instantaneously process that data into probable outcomes, your outcome would look pretty close to what would be considered "seeing the future".

Apologies, theorizing in written form is not Anons strong suit.

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cd32db  No.14260371

File: 687aac698c70827⋯.png (341.85 KB, 454x256, 227:128, ClipboardImage.png)

All your ships belongs to moi :)

Mine, now

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569bc1  No.14260372


um, no. We're full, thanks

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263e50  No.14260373


Shes so sexy though! Glad shes a whore in movies kek

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e5ff65  No.14260374


Come full circle!

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059043  No.14260375

File: 4a6f6db150bb115⋯.png (583.98 KB, 596x384, 149:96, ClipboardImage.png)

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0770b7  No.14260376

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245cbc  No.14260377

File: a51af54fde7ead1⋯.jpg (97.87 KB, 521x563, 521:563, BINGOLICIOUS.jpg)

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263e50  No.14260378


I would be sad of she ended up being a man though…

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f87639  No.14260380

File: 2480415704b9575⋯.jpeg (12.77 KB, 228x255, 76:85, 3c653e2e93916b77cd9e05301….jpeg)


who is greta? I AM anon.

Don't like the truth, don't respond.

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f7ad01  No.14260381

File: 14373490c5da78e⋯.jpg (55.1 KB, 600x315, 40:21, ZomboMeme_13102020004930.jpg)

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b0c71e  No.14260382


question is, how do they predict it? If it is anything like safety it means they are using fractal math which follows patterns. Small events lead to larger ones because small patterns have potential larger outcomes

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3a1cbb  No.14260383


circle back come full circle.

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808af9  No.14260384


that is project looking glass

analyzing all available data in realtime to project future events


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0770b7  No.14260385

File: f6ffa59f5517c34⋯.gif (223.66 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 20210615_234759.gif)


god like, huh.

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c3cd44  No.14260386


>in movies

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582731  No.14260387



All US government products

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b08831  No.14260388


Circle back on those tannerite home ornaments, copy?

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f87639  No.14260389

File: 6c6d81da694e2de⋯.png (14.65 KB, 199x255, 199:255, e27762e5e5e474cc987b4b92a7….png)


aint nothin to it but to do it


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69d927  No.14260390


The historicist view is that the papacy was/is the beast, which is not a man, but a dynasty. The "mark" came in the form of numerous papal decrees forbidding "heretics" to buy and sell. Therefore, they starved because they would not recant. Many were tortured and killed because they would not "worship" the beast.

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da9dcf  No.14260391


~ Tattered Script ~

There were two suspects

One escaped

One was never found

The motive is unclear at this time but was NOT a terror or hate crime

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edcb95  No.14260392

File: da58ea511bad966⋯.jpg (29 KB, 938x189, 134:27, Evil_Kartrashians.JPG)

File: 5ba3e47e6d80d5d⋯.jpg (83.09 KB, 785x443, 785:443, Q_gold_drop.JPG)

Kartrashian / Jenner tribe


Covered in Gold

(Bruce is out of money news also hit today)

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0506fb  No.14260393

File: 1a4114976ff4c92⋯.png (29.19 KB, 596x547, 596:547, ClipboardImage.png)

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a87a89  No.14260394

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Cuomo Speaks Out

' After New York AG Report Finds He Sexually Harassed ‘Multiple Women’

Aug 3, 2021

Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) speaks out after New York State Attorney General Letitia James on Tuesday announced the findings of a highly-anticipated, five-month investigation into Andrew Cuomo which she said found the Democratic governor guilty of sexually harassing “multiple women,” including employees in his office, in violation of state and federal law.



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0ba18a  No.14260395


kikel is another word for circle.

like jen psaki kikeling back around

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611a50  No.14260396

File: 2df251172c734ea⋯.png (412.63 KB, 636x640, 159:160, c48730d15a1c96e15c097e27bd….png)


No more kosher 4U

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582731  No.14260397


NSA will have their fat nerd fingers all in Colorado election audit

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cd32db  No.14260398

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Baby Bombers

or Blue Angels


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9f7b03  No.14260399


Q 1203

Mack is naming names.

Big names in H-Wood / Gov’t (local/federal).


The ‘Standard’ Hotel.

Helicopter crash.

All related.

Future will prove past.


Feeling ok today?

Why is the MX border / Long Beach Port so important?

Tick TOCK (LLC).


Tick TOCK = CCP's Tik Toc? (LLC)

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33b2a5  No.14260400

File: 8bbcb0ffc3dd80a⋯.jpg (14.53 KB, 255x193, 255:193, WGHBTF.jpg)



For the Country and the World.

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12a2c8  No.14260401


All of them

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edcb95  No.14260402


>I AM anon

Then act like it and stop pushing fear porn

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725a47  No.14260404


I predict I'm going to use the word sonofabitch in my next sentence.

Sonofabitch! It works!

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d5ceb5  No.14260405



>I would be sad of she ended up being a man though…

There's no way that's humanely possible. It's highly like she was abused similar to others, though. That should make anons sad. She's a gorgeous woman, indeed. All this abuse needs to stop.

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d9f8d3  No.14260406

File: 64463b63c025711⋯.png (76.58 KB, 900x817, 900:817, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 65f2f5a330c1b43⋯.png (67.92 KB, 894x763, 894:763, ClipboardImage.png)

Is Anyone Angry About Biden’s Inviting An Invasion Of Our Borders?

Did the American people vote to make this country the babysitter for the rest of the world? Did anyone vote to have $60 million allocated per month as reported by “60 Minutes”, for housing and feeding this foreign mob of people? And, their children?

Those illegal migrants, along with another million legal immigrants annually, migrate to our shores “for a better life.” Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it? They flee suffering, misery, starvation, brutal dictatorships, drug cartels and hopelessness in their own countries in Central and South America. They ride dinghy’s from Cuba over 90 miles of open ocean to touch down on America soil. Once they land on our soil, they get the royal treatment of food, housing, EBT cards, cars, utilities and more from our tax dollars.

According to www.fairus.org, we taxpayers shell out over $113 billion annually across 15 Federal Agencies in “free stuff” for those legal and illegal migrants.

How long can this invasion of our country go on? Answer: not much longer. We’ve got 540,000 certified homeless Americans who are starving, living in the woods and suffering from endless maladies. We’ve got 80,000 drug overdose deaths annually. We’re a mind-numbing $28 trillion in national debt. We’ve got cities overrun with crime such as Chicago, Minneapolis, NYC, Miami, Detroit, Baltimore, St. Louis and LA. We’ve got 330 million people to feed 990 million meals, seven days a week, 365 days a year. How much longer can we maintain our society with that kind of demand? Those migrants go from 5 gallons of water usage per day to 80-100 gallons in our country. They devour our resources at an unprecedented rate of speed.

If we keep this migration onslaught up, we face an added 100 million or even 150 million more people, net gain, in America by 2050.

Here’s the kicker: in 2021, Central America, where all these people are flooding into our country, originate—houses 181 million people. Demographic projections show Central America growing to 223 million within 29 years. That’s 42 million more desperate people that will migrate to America “for a better life” within less than three decades.

Here’s the other kicker: in 2021, South America, where starvation dominates in Venezuela, Columbia and throughout the region, they house 433 million people. By 2050, they expect to overpopulate themselves by jumping to 779 million people. That’s a added 346 million people! (Source: www.cepal.org)

That’s a total of 488 million more people heading to America “for a better life.”

Do you, fellow American, think we can save all of them? Some of them? If you do, how?

Here is what one of my readers said, “I’ve written to you several times in the past, but my feelings concerning immigration laws, should be concerned more for the lives and well-being of Texans/US citizens rather than for illegals and all these children!!

“Someone has given these people the money to travel here AND has helped organize this movement to bring these children here! If you notice, it’s all the media and all our elected officials can talk about! Oh, these poor children!


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434dcc  No.14260407

File: 8488b569f409a06⋯.png (473.64 KB, 711x402, 237:134, and_I_will_circle_back_to_….png)


>circle back come full circle.

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4314f9  No.14260408



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0ae00c  No.14260409

File: 002f75399cf95a8⋯.jpg (395.21 KB, 540x720, 3:4, in_control.jpg)



Can we just take a moment to appreciate just how powerful CM's social influence has become to get them to pull Cuomo and Pentagon fuckery in a single day over a 1:17 video?

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3680f5  No.14260410

Shills quiet.

Must be getting briefed for next moves and skeleton crew left here to monitor chatter.

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05b16e  No.14260412



TREASON - NY head of spear

politicallyy speaking : BIDEN garland APPROVED - stated multiple times on air, live standing by while huomo cuomo had his way - political gain== ask anyone.., common practice at fbi doj

psucki luvs his style - party girl

it ain't denial - its Fascist psychopathic lying from a predatory sexual assaulter with supreme power

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3b0da1  No.14260414

File: 89e8e64157c7150⋯.jpeg (27.49 KB, 300x460, 15:23, R_85_.jpeg)




VFR on Top


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059043  No.14260415

File: aed91d79479ff11⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1221x731, 1221:731, ClipboardImage.png)

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3494f5  No.14260416

File: 0079b3d856f3438⋯.jpeg (34.14 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 3EEFFCE4_422D_47A6_BF50_C….jpeg)

One of the most relaxing and comfy experiences I’ve ever had was a hottsie bath in Japan. I’m already enjoying August. Hot Damn! So comfy, so informed and so so happy and comfy.

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582731  No.14260417


Now maybe Cuomo will get charged with running Covid death camps last year

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bf9411  No.14260418

File: 947dd6071c2a49f⋯.png (210.96 KB, 526x610, 263:305, q_3961_DJT_tweet_sounds_go….png)


[Old Guard]


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9e9f75  No.14260419


They always intended for it to be mandatory. Less objection if you think it is voluntary.

Masks are off now (so to speak.)

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a87a89  No.14260420

File: 32f87ba4a89c264⋯.png (659.72 KB, 704x762, 352:381, ClipboardImage.png)

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3a0465  No.14260421

The supercomputer matrix is called GOD

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cd32db  No.14260422

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


:) some TIMES

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d5ceb5  No.14260423

File: ba3b9c3a0f1bcbe⋯.gif (1.67 MB, 320x179, 320:179, popcorn.gif)

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e5ff65  No.14260424


Maybe their dose of the vax is working

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edcb95  No.14260425


He needs to resign, due to the report, and amid possible further investigations or charges.

People have NO FAITH in his ability to Govern.

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534493  No.14260426

File: 66206ec44153c8b⋯.mp4 (2.4 MB, 540x540, 1:1, disclose_tv_on_gab.mp4)

JUST IN - Gov. Cuomo responds to New York AG, denies any wrongdoing and refuses to resign.

That's a lot of eye blinking during the 'denial' moment. Body language experts please weigh in!

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3001f0  No.14260427

File: 4df48b77c1fff48⋯.jpg (76.97 KB, 720x805, 144:161, Jed_Countin_Ballots.Jpg)

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3a0465  No.14260428

File: b3d62da81b965d3⋯.jpg (208.63 KB, 472x526, 236:263, targets.jpg)

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bf9411  No.14260429


Well find out

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0a8673  No.14260430

File: 524b19ec06fe5a4⋯.png (315.77 KB, 543x384, 181:128, wood_epstein_ghislaine_bla….png)

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68b987  No.14260431


Not gonna get into a huge bible lesson here, but:

Anon, there are only 2 ways to avoid the Mark.

1. Salvation now, and will be "raptured" before it comes

2. Salvation after the "rapture" in which case you will be martyred (possibly by beheading because it is mentioned in Revelation)

All of that said, those who are destined to take the mark, will.

Those who belong to God will not be fooled, or tricked into taking the Mark.

>For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders that would deceive even the elect, if that were possible.

God has His people sealed. All people are God's Creation, but not all people are God's children.

Read the Scripture, folks. Start with the Gospels- Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Pray and ask God to give you wisdom and understanding. He promises He will.

>If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. James 1:5

>When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. John 16:13

>But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. John 14:26

The word "rapture" is not used in the Scripture but the premise comes from here:

>But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sisters, about those who are asleep, so that you will not grieve as indeed the rest of mankind do, who have no hope. 14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose from the dead, so also God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep through Jesus. 15 For we say this to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will not precede those who have fallen asleep. 16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 Then we who are alive, who remain, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord. 18 Therefore, comfort one another with these words.

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da9dcf  No.14260432


Cuomo BEGGING for workers and tourists to return to NYC - dire financial straits.

Nothing like chopping down businesses further than this stupidity.

Bidan will bail them out with tax $ from the 49 other states.

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582731  No.14260433


Jew Joke City will be destroyed

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4314f9  No.14260434


Most Historicists do not hold to Nero having been the Antichrist.

The Jesuits invented Preterism with this in view.

The Revelation has been unfolding throughout history,

and will finally close upon Christ's return.

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da9dcf  No.14260435


Stopped and blocked at :

> Not gonna get into a huge bible lesson here, but:

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e5ff65  No.14260436

When was the last time any Democrat resigned for wrong doing?

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534493  No.14260437


OK, Snowden.

Omit the CIA again, it's fun.

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b0cd37  No.14260438


I never liked NYC anyway.

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0a8673  No.14260439

File: 003d1d807336f5b⋯.png (515.12 KB, 631x480, 631:480, joe_biden_constitution.png)

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059043  No.14260440

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Lookner following the ship hijacking


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f92d1b  No.14260441


Q 2645 excerpt-


Do the actions of those Patriots abroad DESTROY THE FAKE NEWS NARRATIVE re: majority agree w/ the policies of the LIBERAL LEFT?

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f87639  No.14260442

File: 8529a4b0a38c63a⋯.gif (416.58 KB, 444x642, 74:107, juggler.gif)


yes. its what we do here. and AI does it oo (palantir, purdue Sentient World Simulation, dwave,etc) but we are a human powered psionic collective entity doing it. they are machines (who also tap this place no doubt, as we can do what they cannot- be human)

If you are anon, lurker, even shill here, you are a Seer. As you have more data, more puzzle pieces, a higher perspective. The more of the landscape in 'frame' the more larger connections, patterns, trends, seasons, and cycles reveal themselves. We see all, and can be a DEW when targeted on specific purpose, topic, target, or subject. Normal running mode is an augmented collective conscious entity. We are as one mind here. And we see.

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2115fd  No.14260443



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1f629f  No.14260444


Al Franken?

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611a50  No.14260445

File: dc7a04606a57e8c⋯.png (627.31 KB, 598x640, 299:320, Screenshot_2021_08_03_at_1….png)

Several people, including an officer, were injured in gunfire near the entrance of the Pentagon, the local TV Channel WDVM reported


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3494f5  No.14260446

Got here late today. Has anyone mentioned cuomo before Durham?

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2115fd  No.14260447


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89e0b1  No.14260448

File: de33e7ee09e6fab⋯.jpg (69.26 KB, 920x500, 46:25, 5ih9d7.jpg)

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a34667  No.14260449

File: 042a00501313c71⋯.jpg (14.53 KB, 255x166, 255:166, 4f7c9f8892fe1fd9bde36adfe8….jpg)

File: 7163b317ae07d54⋯.jpeg (370.75 KB, 1707x960, 569:320, 7163b317ae07d54d379ab9dc4….jpeg)

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d9f8d3  No.14260450

File: fae7559cf4bca9c⋯.png (571.99 KB, 662x524, 331:262, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e3cb46bcb6f5d37⋯.png (656.09 KB, 704x909, 704:909, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cc09ff4db480af2⋯.png (872.04 KB, 706x826, 353:413, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d6d7b0c35d7c215⋯.png (41.82 KB, 676x584, 169:146, ClipboardImage.png)

Runaway Texas Democrats are bringing in reinforcements to Washington DC for their voting rights pressure campaign as more than 100 state legislators prepares to join the group in the nation's capital

More than 100 state legislators started flying into Washington, D.C. on Monday to join the runaway Texas Democrats in their pressure campaign on the federal government to address voting rights issues across the country.

The 'week of action', they are calling it, attempts to urge senators to forgo their August recess to instead pass the sweeping Democratic voting and election bill shot down by Senate Republicans earlier this year.

'They shouldn't take a recess,' Florida State Democratic Senator Annette Taddeo told CNN the night before her flight from Miami to Washington. 'Democracy comes first. My request is, recess can wait. Democracy can't.'

Taddeo plans to spend three days in D.C. this week to lobby U.S. senators to postpone their recess until the For the People Act is passed. She said the Senate doesn't have time 'to play the long game' when it comes to voting rights.

At least 18 states have enacted 30 new laws related to voter rights, according to a mid-July tally by progressive policy institute Brennan Center for Justice, which has been tracking state activity since January 1, 2021.


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96aa38  No.14260451

File: a5a0fefed4e23b5⋯.png (35.9 KB, 915x494, 915:494, wonder_no_moar_newfag.png)

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0770b7  No.14260452

File: 63e32613fed4b22⋯.jpg (68.21 KB, 606x478, 303:239, 20210803_120358.jpg)

do you know how to beat the prescient?

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582731  No.14260453


Homos get real nasty when they are caught and about to lose all da money

Ask NJ gay Governor Jim McGreevey

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9e9f75  No.14260454

File: 4d8f30c25a767ac⋯.png (434.93 KB, 640x640, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 23d4752656015dd⋯.png (336.89 KB, 375x375, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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da9dcf  No.14260455

File: 30216a91f17a260⋯.png (191.32 KB, 474x346, 237:173, ClipboardImage.png)




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255d48  No.14260456

File: 3979859b79946d4⋯.jpeg (12.47 KB, 318x159, 2:1, chickdinner.jpeg)

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e5ff65  No.14260457


Just Al Franken wasn't worthy of being a Democrat!

Failure as comedian and as leftist

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b0cd37  No.14260458


Sounds like a super spreader event. Aren't all those bitches sick?

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582731  No.14260459


These commies are a embarrassment to government

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d5ceb5  No.14260460

File: e26170bd682009b⋯.png (74.83 KB, 1136x662, 568:331, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 83cb11b0ff1be3a⋯.png (24.11 KB, 750x322, 375:161, ClipboardImage.png)




Poso brought up an interesting point, earlier:



Get used to saying Governor Letitia James

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a34667  No.14260461

File: a8fb53a1fd207ef⋯.mp4 (755.57 KB, 1280x680, 32:17, a8fb53a1fd207efd8a78a22222….mp4)

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cd32db  No.14260462


Actually pretty cool

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d8d5c1  No.14260463


You seem to know more about it than I do.

I only know what I know because I was stationed in Germany in the early 1980s and anyone who lived off post was warned about it.

You don't mess with the German Polizei.

One GI that I was stationed with lived off post, and the Poleizi came to where he and his GI wife were living and searched their whole apartment for drugs.

No warrant was needed.

He said they were shitting bricks.

I don't know what would have happened to them if the Poleizi had found any drugs. Fortunately they didn't.

Lots of GIs in Germany back then smoked hashish.

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b08831  No.14260464

File: 7646140611a52ae⋯.jpeg (68.91 KB, 500x330, 50:33, 73FFE1F7_C3A2_488B_98CD_4….jpeg)

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540298  No.14260465

File: 09870ea25cbc026⋯.gif (1.04 MB, 529x659, 529:659, Wonka.gif)


Top kek, anon made dat gif.

All that other stuff you said.

That's true as well.

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f87639  No.14260466

File: 77a7088e12afed1⋯.jpg (296 KB, 1000x1500, 2:3, inyoface.jpg)


sauce research for 5+ years daily, consistent, and proven right by main stream researchers and freelance diggers daily is fear porn to you only. You have to get scared to view fear as a threat.

Fear is apprehension of the unknown. The facts those researchers and publishers have shared shouls alleviate fears, as they eliminate 'not knowing'.

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1c5448  No.14260467

File: ec4f1b910b121bc⋯.png (1.32 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 314041F0_1B1A_4D4A_9EBB_9C….png)

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4314f9  No.14260468



The whole world is watching….

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3680f5  No.14260469


Let's play a practical joke on it.

Machines won't understand most of your senses of humor.

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1f629f  No.14260470


the officer was killed

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68b987  No.14260471


Thanks; badge of honor, anon

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569bc1  No.14260472


kinda looks cgi to me

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bf72bd  No.14260473

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Caught: CDC Coordinated with Facebook on COVID Messaging and ‘Misinformation’

Aug 3, 2021

Judicial Watch

464K subscribers


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3b0da1  No.14260474

File: 6202ea37ee76561⋯.jpg (11.25 KB, 255x140, 51:28, 84e311976ac5695b2779d21e9b….jpg)


Access to all data in real time.

Processor instantaneously crunches data in real time to spit out a probability of outcome. Choose the highest probability percentage based on your input scenarios. Runs in an infinity loop. Not sure technical term. Quantum?

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10550e  No.14260475

File: dd0896244c25e41⋯.png (6.19 KB, 498x316, 249:158, brave_HfEdIdWQyS.png)

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c0106b  No.14260476

File: 783385b3e9e599e⋯.png (1.01 MB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Trust Kansas

"The precipice" (Point of No Return)

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05b16e  No.14260477

stupid question

weren't we in a lockdown pandemic where you had to wear masks and stay 6 ft from everyone by dictatorial governers like huomo cuomo - was he assaulting during the pandemic?


rises in degree, don't it? attempted murder, no?

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bf72bd  No.14260478


and a Sandinista

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cd32db  No.14260480


Probably not, unfortunately :(

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8653b8  No.14260482

File: aa8b64819c4987d⋯.jpeg (141.82 KB, 1360x816, 5:3, 95701348_2755_43E5_A752_0….jpeg)

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f87639  No.14260484


nice work

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611a50  No.14260485

File: 38bfa56519b5490⋯.png (437.59 KB, 598x657, 598:657, Screenshot_2021_08_03_at_1….png)

Israeli military covered up negligent killing of six Gazans, including a baby and four women. The incident was never reported, nor were any senior officers punished


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bdb5c0  No.14260486

File: ecbdbf252f312e9⋯.png (317.99 KB, 334x400, 167:200, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9b8af3ca573fbb5⋯.png (158.63 KB, 750x225, 10:3, ClipboardImage.png)

You want to know how HOT August will be?

The first law of thermodynamics states that the change in internal energy of a system equals the net heat transfer into the system minus the net work done by the system. In equation form, the first law of thermodynamics is ΔU = Q − W.

Here ΔU is the change in internal energy U of the system. Q is the net heat transferred into the system—that is, Q is the sum of all heat transfer into and out of the system. W is the net work done by the system—that is, W is the sum of all work done on or by the system. We use the following sign conventions: if Q is positive, then there is a net heat transfer into the system; if W is positive, then there is net work done by the system. So positive Q adds energy to the system and positive W takes energy from the system. Thus ΔU = Q − W. Note also that if more heat transfer into the system occurs than work done, the difference is stored as internal energy. Heat engines are a good example of this—heat transfer into them takes place so that they can do work. (See Figure 2.) We will now examine Q, W, and ΔU further.

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68b987  No.14260487

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d9f8d3  No.14260488

National Guard Still Fighting in Middle East Despite Domestic Deployments

A Louisiana National Guard unit is in northeast Syria

Since early 2020, the National Guard has been subject to frequent domestic deployments between the coronavirus pandemic, nationwide protests, and the military occupation of Washington DC in the wake of the January 6th incident at the Capitol building. Despite how busy the reserve force is in the homeland, the National Guard is still being deployed to fight wars in the Middle East.

The Associated Press spoke with members of the Louisiana National Guard who were sent to Syria after being on domestic deployments. The US keeps a small occupation force of about 900 troops in northeast Syria.

On paper, the US military is helping the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) fight ISIS, but in reality, the mission is part of the economic strangulation of Syria. On top of crippling economic sanctions that specifically target reconstruction efforts and the energy sector, the region of Syria where US troops are deployed is where most of the country’s oil fields are, keeping the vital resource out of the hands of Damascus.

The National Guard troops in Syria have been at greater risk of attack since President Biden bombed militia targets in Iraq and Syria. On June 28th, shortly after Biden’s airstrikes, the Louisianna National Guard troops in Syria came under rocket fire. “While under fire, the Soldiers of the Louisiana Tiger Brigade displayed decisive decision making while maintaining their professionalism,” Col. Scott Desormeaux, the commander of Louisianna’s 256th Infantry Brigade, said of the June attack.

Desormeaux told AP that before the deployment to Syria, his soldiers were deployed at the outbreak of the pandemic to set up a 2,000-bed hospital at the Memorial Convention Center in New Orleans. After that, Louisianna was hit with six hurricanes and tropical storms. After hurricane season, the unit was deployed to Syria. “It’s probably the most challenging two-year period you can find,” he said.

The frequency of National Guard deployments shows no sign of slowing down. Earlier this year, Gen. Daniel Hokanson, the chief of the National Guard Bureau, said the reserve force will be used “more, not less” in the coming years. As of June, there were 20,000 National Guard troops deployed across the Middle East, Africa, and Europe.

The Pentagon’s overreliance on the National Guard for overseas wars has sparked a push to rein in the federal government’s power over the reserve troops. The Defend the Guard Act would prevent a state’s National Guard from being deployed to combat zones unless Congress had declared war. The legislation could give the power to states to block the use of their National Guard and has been introduced to multiple state legislatures.


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3494f5  No.14260489


Carry on my wayward son.

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540298  No.14260491

File: a4c67633d11e132⋯.gif (1.5 MB, 777x753, 259:251, Pepe_Pepe.gif)


ty anon

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f14858  No.14260492



noice find anon

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05b16e  No.14260493

fox already has the sympathizers on defending huomo cuomo



-why - cause they're baby killing rapists, too?

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d9f8d3  No.14260494

Biden Administration Escalates Airstrikes in Somalia

The US bombed Somalia on Sunday, the third time in less than two weeks

The Biden administration is escalating airstrikes in Somalia after a long pause in the US drone war against al-Shabaab. The US bombed Somalia on Sunday, the third time in less than two weeks and the third official airstrike in the country of Biden’s presidency.

US Africa Command (AFRICOM) said in a press release that the airstrike was conducted near Qeycad, Somalia, on August 1st. The US-backed Somali government said the airstrike “destroyed a large al-Shabaab firing position” that was engaged with members of Danab, a Somali commando force trained by the US.

The press release said AFRICOM’s “initial” assessment found “no civilians were injured or killed given the remote nature of where this engagement occurred.” AFRICOM almost always claims there are no civilian casualties in its airstrikes in Somalia, but the Pentagon is notorious for undercounting civilian deaths. And whenever journalists make it to the scene of a US airstrike in Somalia, they usually find that civilians were killed.

The first airstrike in Somalia under Biden was carried out on July 20th. Before that, the last time AFRICOM reported a strike in the country was on January 19th, President Trump’s last full day in office. Trump significantly escalated the air war in Somalia and dropped a record number of bombs on the country.

During his final months in office, Trump withdrew nearly all of the 700 troops that were stationed in Somalia. But they were redeployed in East Africa, and most of the US drones that bomb Somalia are based in neighboring Djibouti and Kenya, so the air war can continue. Now the head of AFRICOM is pitching the Biden administration on sending troops back to Somalia.


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cd32db  No.14260495


Def fake

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0a8673  No.14260496

File: cd47b908955b3b8⋯.png (401.66 KB, 480x481, 480:481, potus_hunter.png)

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3680f5  No.14260497

File: f743d33c3e1ec62⋯.jpg (31.63 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 525584364588048000054158.jpg)


Surprised the eyes in the sky haven't pulled out the mysterious Gulf weapons yet.

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c29602  No.14260498

You guys ready to starve and start eating people?

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d5ceb5  No.14260499




Garbage in, garbage out. Depends on who's tweaking the algos, and what data points are more heavily weighted than others. That's the thing about computers. They do EXACTLY what you tell them to.

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8653b8  No.14260500

File: e2f025cfb263873⋯.jpeg (500.74 KB, 828x1123, 828:1123, C2222206_1693_4A90_91F0_9….jpeg)

NEW: New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio on Gov. Cuomo: "He must resign, and if he continues to resist and attack the investigators who did their jobs, he should be impeached immediately.”


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f26818  No.14260501

File: f3599096b7eeeae⋯.jpg (213.64 KB, 619x712, 619:712, pineapple.jpg)

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0770b7  No.14260502

File: 76063bf3661d89b⋯.jpg (144.33 KB, 1080x1336, 135:167, 20210803_120944.jpg)

File: 744e185b2e5a00f⋯.gif (68.49 KB, 405x640, 81:128, 20210803_121055.gif)

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e5ff65  No.14260503

Cuomo is much too important to the machine.

This will not take him down.

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bdb5c0  No.14260504

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Arizona State University

The Worth of Water (17 minutes)

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f7ad01  No.14260505


It is another push for a deterministic worldview, and to remove free will from the equation.

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d9f8d3  No.14260506

File: 576909b33fe71fd⋯.png (329.58 KB, 664x810, 332:405, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 623ec6bf42c68a4⋯.png (733.49 KB, 666x853, 666:853, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6773554f39b1481⋯.png (20.86 KB, 667x322, 29:14, ClipboardImage.png)

Testing troops’ readiness, IDF launches drill along Lebanon border

‘Sunbeam’ exercise comes amid rising tensions after Iran blamed for deadly drone attack on oil tanker; military says training will apply lessons learned in recent Gaza war

The Israel Defense Forces will hold an exercise along the northern border starting Monday night, simulating fighting with the Hezbollah in Lebanon.

The drill, dubbed “Sunbeam,” aims to test the readiness of soldiers during a potential escalation with the Iran-backed terror group that could last a number of days, the military said.

The IDF added that during the exercise, forces will examine ways of applying lessons learned from the recent military conflict in Gaza with Palestinian terrorists.

Israel and Hamas concluded 11 days of fighting in May during which the terror group launched some 4,300 rockets at Israeli cities and towns, and Israel launched hundreds of retaliatory airstrikes in the Gaza Strip.

During May’s fighting, as well as last month, a number of rockets were launched from Lebanon into northern Israel. The military assessed the rockets had been launched by a local Palestinian group, not by Hezbollah.


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d8d5c1  No.14260507

File: 8c574cb7bb63993⋯.png (8.47 KB, 484x215, 484:215, ClipboardImage.png)


So maybe the sexual allegations are the lesser of his crimes but will be used as an excuse to remove him?

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f14858  No.14260508


eating their own now

what a great movie

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540298  No.14260509

File: 9f44ebed145f8d1⋯.jpg (231.71 KB, 652x373, 652:373, Comfy_bath.jpg)


>You guys ready to starve and start eating people?

Just as soon as I have finished my popcorn.

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059043  No.14260510

File: 1732e7c786f640c⋯.png (219.89 KB, 936x762, 156:127, ClipboardImage.png)

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019cba  No.14260511



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f7ad01  No.14260512


He's only important as far as he is useful. Now that his political career is virtually over, he's worthless and will be thrown away.

Live by the sword….

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a9af26  No.14260513

File: cf04ab4ea4f6edf⋯.png (85.27 KB, 266x334, 133:167, Screen_Shot_2020_10_19_at_….png)

File: d20221fb86bf2ec⋯.png (206.01 KB, 292x316, 73:79, Screen_Shot_2020_05_08_at_….png)

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3001f0  No.14260514

File: 22e7a40647c7f6c⋯.jpg (87.5 KB, 826x1169, 118:167, WARNING_NOTICE_001_AUG_202….jpg)


United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations


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0770b7  No.14260515

File: c09008c507d225a⋯.gif (1.53 MB, 640x640, 1:1, 20210730_132337.gif)


the term is cern.

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cd32db  No.14260516


Anon this doesn't make any sense, what is the question ?

I can say i did not form antifa, maybe deviated from the controlled narrative, a little

Self defence at all times

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05b16e  No.14260517

scum shit face ses on fox that they have no case on huomo

but he's on all the time hitting the war drums on orange man bad on any bullshit wind that lifts his hair - pos commie antifa blm black man biden voter witless door knocker

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d67e73  No.14260518

File: 999f476778ae0e0⋯.png (220.03 KB, 1280x707, 1280:707, panicInAz.png)

dafug is up with the image server?

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3a1cbb  No.14260519


i did not know that.

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f87639  No.14260520

File: 732f88aa0ade01a⋯.jpg (87.33 KB, 655x504, 655:504, sws.JPG)

File: ca865cd4bef18fb⋯.jpg (45.12 KB, 741x649, 741:649, wedew.JPG)

File: e7141b74df23d1d⋯.pdf (228.03 KB, AC2_100606.pdf)


> how do they predict it?

Quantum platforms run world simulations in real time. Anything they want. 'Let's see what happens when we X, Y, and Z"

See Sentient World Simulation at Purdue University as one non-classified example.


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d8d5c1  No.14260521


Why is popcorn good for you but high fructose corn syrup bad?

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4f3ac8  No.14260523

File: b5cc41d4c6d328e⋯.jpeg (1.78 MB, 2048x2592, 64:81, A1BBAE99_71AF_49E8_BD58_4….jpeg)

File: ecfe59c7dc7f10e⋯.jpeg (1.56 MB, 2048x2592, 64:81, A8B03519_4EF7_493E_8AE4_D….jpeg)

File: 22e2481bb21ff4d⋯.jpeg (321.97 KB, 1442x835, 1442:835, 05A38755_A1E4_43BB_B838_1….jpeg)


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bf72bd  No.14260524


let me guess, huhwhite supremacist?

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bdb5c0  No.14260525

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3a00fe  No.14260526

File: 68910c1cea37e25⋯.png (131.76 KB, 488x498, 244:249, CodeMonkeyZ_We_got_a_whist….png)

CodeMonkeyZ BOMBSHELL Dominion Whistleblower Speaks Out – Releases Admin Password Proving Remote Access –VIDEO

By Jim Hoft

Published August 3, 2021 at 12:11pm




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b961e7  No.14260527

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Cheers, FRens!

Meme-Unition to Music by The Hu (Song of Women)


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0770b7  No.14260528

File: 58f4ff30cd2d82b⋯.gif (223.7 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 20210803_121434.gif)

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3b0da1  No.14260529


Anon anticipates multiple outcomes to a scenario but usually in short bursts. It's always to protect or defend. Anon assumed it was the years serving. Spidey sense. That is all

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d6c5a7  No.14260530


Totes good with Gov Nipsy for the ‘first arrest’.

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b0c71e  No.14260531


i get that, but I want to know what data points they are tracking

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cd32db  No.14260532


How'd that happen ?

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0506fb  No.14260533

File: d00e5ae88f0b78d⋯.png (315.49 KB, 1602x677, 1602:677, Pentagon_Force_Protection_….png)

@PFPAOfficial (Pentagon Force Protection Agency)

The Pentagon currently is on lock down due to an incident at the Pentagon Transit Center. We are asking the public to please avoid the area. More information will be forthcoming.


The Pentagon has lifted the lock down and has reopened. Corridor 2 and the Metro entrance remains closed. Corridor 3 is open for pedestrian traffic.


1 Hour 12 minute DELTA

Q 112

Important to archive.

Above & next drops have high probability of shutting down /pol/.

It is being safeguarded for these transmissions but not 100% secure.

Who owns /pol/?

Why is this platform being used?

What recent events almost occurred re: /pol/?

Why is this relevant?

Stay alert in main US cities (DC), sporting events, and other conservative gatherings.


Stay alert in main US cities (DC), sporting events, and other conservative gatherings.

More false flags imminent.

Elections (tues) no longer matter at this stage.

Snow White.

Godfather III.

Above will have context as news unfolds.

Summarize and paint the picture.




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cc761d  No.14260534

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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059043  No.14260535



Non piracy hijack?

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019cba  No.14260536

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d9f8d3  No.14260537

File: 5f71badc624418d⋯.png (125.05 KB, 826x492, 413:246, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e7e97076906dde7⋯.png (67.42 KB, 844x740, 211:185, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a9275ccd303fc9f⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1419x923, 1419:923, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a9275ccd303fc9f⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1419x923, 1419:923, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 36be04aaae0e50f⋯.png (75.97 KB, 863x419, 863:419, ClipboardImage.png)

Dr. Shiva Discovers Existence of the Secretive Long Fuse Report — Exposes Twitter-Government Collusion — As Momentous Discovery as Pentagon Papers

Previously we reported on Dr. Shiva Ayyarurai was able to uncover Twitter’s “partner support portal.”

Dr. Shiva discovered that Twitter built a special portal offered to certain governmental entities so that government officials can flag and delete content they dislike for any reason, as part of what they call their “Twitter Partner Status.”

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, the man who invented email, ran for US Senate in Massachusetts as a Republican and made allegations of voter fraud on Twitter. These tweets were then deleted by the far-left tech giant. Later it was discovered that they were deleted at the direction of government employees of the Massachusetts Secretary of State’s office.

Discovering this, Dr. Ayyadurai filed a federal lawsuit by himself, alleging that his federal civil rights were violated when the government silenced his political speech in order to affect an election.

Legal observers noted back in May that the judge is signaling that Twitter’s days of claiming it is a private company so as to avoid it’s clear oppression of conservative speech, banning scores of conservative journalists, and promotion of liberal views, may be coming to a close end:

This case could spell the end of CDA 230.

CDA 230 is the provision of the Communications Decency Act of 1996 that gives internet and social media companies legal immunity from lawsuits due to the content they publish.

This provision in law gives companies like Facebook and Twitter a way to dismiss lawsuits, but it also gives them the ability to act with impunity so that their actions cannot be legally challenged. These companies have, according to their detractors, abused this immunity by suppressing dissident, and specifically conservative, views, viewpoints and journalism.

Because Dr. Ayyadurai did not argue about Twitter’s “Terms of Service,” everything will instead hinge on the degree of interaction between Twitter and the state government of Massachusetts.



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255d48  No.14260538

File: 6ab3eedc92ff4b4⋯.jpg (52.32 KB, 480x360, 4:3, laheyvax.jpg)


>Cuomo is much too important to the machine.

>This will not take him down.

This keeps the nursing home shit on the back burner. That would take down other Govs as well.

Resignation, mea culpa, and a $$$ book deal on the way. Then it's a long vacation.

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69d927  No.14260539


Fructose is always found in a vessel of fiber. The fiber lowers your bodies glycemic response by slowing down the digestion. Fructose without the fiber is absorbed immediately, and facilitates an insulin response (spike). Repeatedly spiking your insulin with high glycemic foods leads to insulin resistance.

Always take fructose in its natural form (and in limited quantities) to mitigate the negative effects.

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bf9411  No.14260540


First I've heard of it.

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0506fb  No.14260541

File: 1f087f0078cdd7e⋯.jpg (434.95 KB, 1478x2082, 739:1041, ARCHIVEOFFLINE.jpg)

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c0106b  No.14260542

File: 2201dfc4c7ef573⋯.png (550.55 KB, 596x860, 149:215, ClipboardImage.png)


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b9f6a3  No.14260543


Everyone doesn't get purposely murdered!

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f7ad01  No.14260544


Exactly why the American Experiment is so critical. We are the first and increasingly only country to specifically place individual rights at the apex, demanding that any government serve the protection of those rights by our consent.

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4c70ef  No.14260545

File: fe9049a2fe75a5c⋯.jpeg (507.83 KB, 2160x2700, 4:5, fe9049a2fe75a5c84a860f2f1….jpeg)


CNN admits there was a nursing home scandal? WOW

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019cba  No.14260546


Popcorn is made at home

HFCS is made in a lab by the same people who made Covid-19

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d6c5a7  No.14260547


Gov Nipsy SongBird can start with how/why the CCP has him by his pierced taint.

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a13abf  No.14260548

File: 11f591e336ff5ba⋯.png (659.61 KB, 420x595, 12:17, _20_15_06.png)

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cd32db  No.14260549


Untikish andterfriendle! Muni. tisristttyn

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540298  No.14260550

File: fe2d20fd0d0ee3d⋯.jpg (114.1 KB, 367x371, 367:371, Sauron_Pepe.jpg)


>Why is popcorn good for you but high fructose corn syrup bad?

Look man, I just do the memes.

I'm not the 'foods' guy.

I'm not here to answer questions.

You're going to need Keith for that.

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c26e13  No.14260551

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

White House Press Conference about to begin

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cc761d  No.14260552



Almost the same lenght of time as the original vid.

This one was slightly speeded up and end pieces (memes) added

Might be good for people who are suspicious of downloads?

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68b987  No.14260553

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3680f5  No.14260554

File: 00803f5a23b15ec⋯.png (14.55 KB, 439x264, 439:264, fdjglmjjgerqaaswqqqwsdsggo….PNG)


This will become Very Big in the near future.




fill in the rest.

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059043  No.14260555

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Raggedy Psaks is up


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f92d1b  No.14260556

File: 180f79548484250⋯.jpg (20.54 KB, 251x270, 251:270, Martin_Luther.jpg)


You are witnessing the destruction of the-Liberal Left (Old Guard) JEWS.

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e5ff65  No.14260557



We are dangerous!

I like it!

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245cbc  No.14260558

File: 9f7e4e7dfe3acc7⋯.jpg (56.63 KB, 445x296, 445:296, TOTAL_RECALL.jpg)

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fd2506  No.14260559

File: 6a7d9e4b82f2109⋯.jpg (300.17 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Pepe_Eyes_Watching.jpg)



(not Keith either)

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3a1cbb  No.14260560


Are you implying Cuomo could bear some responsibility for the needless nursing home deaths?

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b08831  No.14260561

Most Italian Americans I’ve met or cared for are Catholic, mob-connected tax cheats.


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0770b7  No.14260562

File: 8e6cb4f2ac190f6⋯.gif (94.13 KB, 438x640, 219:320, 20210803_121833.gif)


you could just trust Him.

less labor intensive.

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cc761d  No.14260563


But nothing about the Murdered Elderly

and Covid scam


The only reason Leticia could even do this is cause Cuomo's a white male

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540298  No.14260564

File: 3b03254e61f9786⋯.png (269.58 KB, 450x450, 1:1, Shitpost_17th.png)

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1d2b81  No.14260565


<Looks outside at corn field

Well, they could use a little more ammonium phosphate on the field as a few spots are suffering nitrogen starvation, but another field owned by another farmer is doing just fine down the road.

My own garden did okay, given it used to be a burn pile for previous owners and I need to do some more prep work.

The reality is that carbon dioxide is plant food that is desperately needed - plants are currently operating in CO2 starvation mode.

You want to know what killed the dinosaus? The drop in CO2.

Human mining operations have been reclaiming carbon and other nutrient compounds locked in the crust, away from biological cycles, and returning them to that cycle.

So, with respect to the man's work, sometimes one can focus a lot of effort on case studies which, while supporting their theory, are exceptions to the greater trend.

Many of the places we turned into farm land were flooded river deltas and irrigated deserts. The decline in soil quality has more to do with the increased water usage of urban populations and the competition for water sources in arid regions (which includes California) rather than a systemic global problem.

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f42863  No.14260566

File: a376ee03ecadced⋯.jpg (18.53 KB, 255x243, 85:81, Russell_Brand_dog_comms.jpg)

File: 476925e1034c9b7⋯.png (512.23 KB, 555x693, 185:231, Madonna_Dogs.png)

File: e33027f83948247⋯.png (543.5 KB, 497x529, 497:529, HRC_Blue_Dog.png)

File: 117fa76c5c9c57c⋯.png (127.07 KB, 815x507, 815:507, Dog_Shot.png)

File: c047e4fc58f8a4e⋯.jpg (61.77 KB, 632x353, 632:353, Dog_Shot_Trending.jpg)


Petitioning Moloch to keep Trump out.

Post your best dog shots if you agree!

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c29602  No.14260567


Popcorn to eat while watching the movie Brainstorm and White Squall and Iron Eagle.

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bdb5c0  No.14260568


This is what the Cabal used

To plan the Great Reset.

Part of the Q attack was to disable their access to these computers

So that they could not compute how to respond

To Q group actions and keep their plan on track.

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b0c71e  No.14260569


quantum just means the fucking computer runs faster, that's all. Computers are nothing more than a bunch of switches.

I want to know what the algorithm is and the data points. I am almost certain it is not what we would expect. If you look at safety/insurance the variables are not always intuitive.

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f77780  No.14260570

File: 3a3dba531773b84⋯.jpg (77.61 KB, 891x459, 33:17, Dr_UndDW4AA9UmK.jpg)


If they get, then they get it.

If they don't, then they don't.

It is what it is.

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f7ad01  No.14260571

File: dda8e7f92847f0e⋯.jpg (69.04 KB, 1020x612, 5:3, ZomboMeme_01082021214205.jpg)

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3494f5  No.14260572

Psaki leads off with the suicide hotline. August yes is hot

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019cba  No.14260573

File: 1def7343437c9f4⋯.jpg (3.24 KB, 125x120, 25:24, 1626571961305.jpg)


>your meme

Top kek

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6884bc  No.14260574

File: c5d0e1faba8976c⋯.png (58.18 KB, 815x523, 815:523, ClipboardImage.png)


All sources almost always turn off the comments.

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434dcc  No.14260575


Collectivism hates the mere thought of Individual Rights.

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c26e13  No.14260577

Psaki mentioned suicide prevention hotline in context of the two officer 'suicides' yesterday.

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4c70ef  No.14260578

File: 4080588972216d4⋯.jpg (78.73 KB, 1080x703, 1080:703, E74rse3VEAE0Hvw.jpg)

File: 8791f8e83b05c8d⋯.jpg (209.77 KB, 1125x1740, 75:116, E74cBheXMAMLEIr.jpg)

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c0106b  No.14260579

File: 38542e86543274c⋯.png (511.97 KB, 840x1216, 105:152, pepe_scarf.png)

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3680f5  No.14260580

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33b2a5  No.14260581

File: f600d5c95e7b714⋯.jpg (11.21 KB, 255x211, 255:211, sluethpepe.jpg)

What I want to know is why the Judge in the AZ audit case NOT issue a bench warrant for the Maricopa County Officials for not complying with HIS court ordered subpoena of the info and routers.

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a87a89  No.14260582

File: 5d4ec8123dbad0c⋯.mp4 (1.12 MB, 480x600, 4:5, 34sec_Rudy.mp4)




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4c70ef  No.14260583

File: e5da06353cb54f4⋯.jpg (291.65 KB, 1920x1438, 960:719, E74quHNWQAUv9_.jpg)

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b08831  No.14260584


Scarf sales surging 1700%!

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611a50  No.14260585

File: 851aa42541522a5⋯.png (408.91 KB, 598x604, 299:302, Screenshot_2021_08_03_at_1….png)

US Second Attempt To Test The Air Force's First Hypersonic Weapon Fails


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d8d5c1  No.14260586

File: d85224f148f446a⋯.png (7.61 MB, 2500x2500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


So pork & beans is ok with high fructose corn syrup because it has fiber?

But don't drink beverages made with HF corn syrup unless drinking it while eating something with fiber?

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d9f8d3  No.14260587

File: 36cc8565cf767b0⋯.png (49.22 KB, 836x270, 418:135, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 22f620b03c60d93⋯.png (144.88 KB, 827x710, 827:710, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7f692a6d6633453⋯.png (93.23 KB, 854x813, 854:813, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cad52e2a37861a0⋯.png (134.81 KB, 838x685, 838:685, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 03fbde0c74b3cca⋯.png (171.57 KB, 847x825, 77:75, ClipboardImage.png)


3. Starting in October 2017, government officials concluded that though the nature of U.S. elections was decentralized – spread across 10,000 jurisdictions and using different kinds of machines (and diverse methods: paper and electronic) – was the best defense to cyberhacking, they needed to eliminate such decentralization because it was a hindrance to their desire to establish and use a centralized infrastructure with nongovernmental entities to “fill the gap” between domestic government agencies who had no power to curtail speech, and federal intelligence agencies who were forbidden from curtailing domestic speech, in order to censor speech by surveilling, blacklisting, and silencing U.S. citizens, domestically, and thus allow government officials to violate the First Amendment without fear of being sued.

4. The Defendants in this case were architects of this infrastructure. The Defendants and their allies co-authored the foundational documents – The Playbooks – at Harvard’s Belfer Center for Defending Digital Democracy, testified to the US Senate Intelligence Committee to lobby for such an infrastructure, and forged relationships with billionaires, in particular Pierre Omidyar, through his Democracy Fund, as well as the Rockefeller Brothers, the Murdoch Family’s Quadrivium, Mark Zuckerberg, and other nongovernmental entities, to fund, design and deploy this centralized infrastructure for censorship of speech. The network diagram in Exhibit A provides a visual illustration of those relationships and the technology infrastructure they created to censor speech. These relationships provided the Defendants special access to channels to use if when and necessary for personal benefit, to not only blacklist and surveil US citizens, but also to silence their domestic speech, which is what they did to Dr. Shiva starting on September 25, 2020.

5. The existence of this infrastructure was discovered during the course of this lawsuit: On October 30, 2020, testimony elicited by this Court, revealed for the first time the existence of a “Trusted Twitter Partnership” between Government and Twitter; on May 19, 2021, Dr. Shiva discovered the “Playbooks” co-authored by the Defendants, which were presented to this Court during the May 20-21, 2021 hearings, that detail the step-by-step process for identifying Influence Operators (IOs), monitoring them and silencing their speech; and, on June 28, 2021, the staggering discovery of The Long Fuse Report, confirmed that this infrastructure had been monitoring Dr. Shiva starting as early as June of 2020. Discovery of The Long Fuse Report is as momentous in US History as discovery of the Pentagon Papers. This lawsuit provides the context to understand it.

6. Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai (“Dr. Shiva”), MIT PhD, the inventor of email, is a scientist, technologist, political activist (see Exhibit B), and educator – an independent thinker -, a minority, who was born as a low-caste “Untouchable” in India’s deplorable caste system, earned four degrees from MIT, a Fulbright Scholar, Westinghouse Science Talents Honors Award recipient, Lemelson-MIT Awards Finalist, nominee for the Presidential National Medal of Technology and Innovation. His life has been about identifying problems and proposing solutions based on a systems science approach – that is neither partisan nor bi-partisan -, is beyond left and right, and is based on objectively understanding the interconnections of the parts of any system. He developed a systems science curriculum, which he originally taught at MIT, that he now teaches to the broad public to educate them on applying a systems approach to any problem. This approach is what Dr. Shiva employs in his videos and social media posts in analyzing a problem or situation.


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0506fb  No.14260588

File: f0f39c2b2cf3a34⋯.png (29.26 KB, 647x889, 647:889, radio.png)


Yes mr.pig


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540298  No.14260589

File: 514c264e789b586⋯.jpg (194.99 KB, 508x343, 508:343, Kek_.jpg)

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3680f5  No.14260590

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059043  No.14260591

File: b50536285d4f831⋯.png (162.04 KB, 774x411, 258:137, ClipboardImage.png)


Make haste, deep state

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434dcc  No.14260592


>The only reason Leticia could even do this is cause Cuomo's a white male

She wants one of "her people" but she will never say that out loud.

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cd32db  No.14260593


No, me

<<old guard

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d6c5a7  No.14260594


Fear is a powerful de-motivator.

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f14858  No.14260595

File: 6de70abacea0b53⋯.png (38.65 KB, 592x385, 592:385, ClipboardImage.png)

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3a0465  No.14260596

File: d8d1d63c3e299a6⋯.png (1.07 MB, 927x697, 927:697, suicide_2.png)

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12a2c8  No.14260597

File: 0235506d85dd765⋯.png (1.83 MB, 789x1544, 789:1544, waterwatchers.png)


They are dumping the water in CA into the ocean.

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4c70ef  No.14260598

File: 9cdb9e9e7b45c0b⋯.jpg (169.17 KB, 1882x864, 941:432, E74YbtpX0AIi6Gx.jpg)

Didn't see that one comming …oh, wait

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611a50  No.14260599

File: 871afd6349d74ce⋯.jpg (139.15 KB, 950x1280, 95:128, IMG_0415.JPG)

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f7ad01  No.14260600


Most fruit also contains a shitload of antioxidants and polyphenols which help mitigate.

Generally liver glycogen (which fructose fills exclusively) is an emergency energy store that can be called upon for a last ditch push to fuel a hunt.

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434dcc  No.14260601

File: c9e3c9320c50d19⋯.jpg (105.56 KB, 502x560, 251:280, creepy_kid_with_pork_and_b….jpg)


>So pork & beans is ok with high fructose corn syrup because it has fiber?


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019cba  No.14260602

File: 6636186ab2b94ab⋯.jpg (460.4 KB, 1209x756, 403:252, 1627774115289.jpg)

Did somebody say

Archive offline?

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5fe990  No.14260603

File: 9889228eaaf0725⋯.png (27.1 KB, 356x380, 89:95, ClipboardImage.png)



Jun 22, 2020 12:29:57 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: acb60b No. 9707125

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.” ― George Orwell, 1984

Sound familiar?


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bf72bd  No.14260604

File: 7d2a038cd096f28⋯.jpg (135.18 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, downl.jpg)

File: fe4a3e915cfd797⋯.jpg (346.84 KB, 750x500, 3:2, dd.jpg)

File: 82bce6bc4031978⋯.jpg (72.01 KB, 1023x576, 341:192, dowad.jpg)

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ed4c15  No.14260605

File: 37f64741be65c3f⋯.png (278.74 KB, 664x7170, 332:3585, Firefox_Screenshot_2021_08….png)

Huh…I wonder if this is the reason for all the articles about ticks over the last few weeks?

I found this when I was looking up Rainier Capital Management because the Billionaire who owned it died in a plane crash a few days ago

A TIC is a real estate investment that allows multiple people to purchase fractional interests in a property. Syndicators and promoters frequently use TICs to acquire shopping centers, hotels and office buildings. By selling fractional interests, investors can participate in larger projects.


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e5ff65  No.14260606

So a governor who inappropriately touches a few adults is being called to resign, but a president who inappropriately touches little children is given a pass.


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f14858  No.14260607

File: 72d715149cef1d4⋯.png (359.72 KB, 1065x655, 213:131, ClipboardImage.png)


Hive mind


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70f677  No.14260608

finally something ghidra is good for

look for ip addresses in the voting machine bios

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33b2a5  No.14260609


True. That and money.

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c0106b  No.14260610

File: 2d0dc102fad47b2⋯.png (660.25 KB, 1194x500, 597:250, there_is_no_pandemic.png)


<Is this about the virus OR THE ELECTION?

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10550e  No.14260611

File: 83c306c96602bcd⋯.png (9.01 KB, 471x399, 157:133, brave_3BWwUn7wju.png)

File: 2cfe3b4f5653c39⋯.png (10.63 KB, 474x425, 474:425, brave_XbtS8lvahm.png)

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b08831  No.14260612

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1c5448  No.14260613


Admission “their” science cannot stand up to any scrutiny. Because “they “ say it, does not make it true.

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a87a89  No.14260614

File: c85c43273fabaf9⋯.png (656.85 KB, 598x888, 299:444, ClipboardImage.png)



We must elect leaders who will stand up to the left and the establishment & fight for the America First agenda.


That's why I sticking with

Mark McCloskey for Missouri


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4c70ef  No.14260615

File: 05577a30f9982cc⋯.jpg (251.41 KB, 1920x1920, 1:1, E74hzlAVoAMOegu.jpg)

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70f677  No.14260616


or look for stuff in the PXE boot image which gets sent over the wire

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c26e13  No.14260617

Psaki likening the NYC vaccine passport requirement to carrots and sticks; incentives.

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3a0465  No.14260618

File: 18bd4d6a9587593⋯.png (1.15 MB, 960x833, 960:833, watchthewater_2.png)

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f26818  No.14260619

File: 7b7db0d54597207⋯.jpg (670.64 KB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, Tara_Reid_wants_to_access_….jpg)

All women should be believed.

cept this one right joe?

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cbbaa6  No.14260620

President Trump is starting to have regular cabinet meeting in preparation to take the Country back..


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255d48  No.14260621

File: 365e2fe11e12ef6⋯.jpeg (7.31 KB, 294x171, 98:57, chucke.jpeg)


This is my hood, yo

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0770b7  No.14260622

File: 5afd6539a27a1ce⋯.jpg (58.52 KB, 1080x252, 30:7, 20210803_122657.jpg)



freewill is the first lie.

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8653b8  No.14260623


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a13abf  No.14260624

File: a7fe90d508cef74⋯.png (1.38 MB, 626x887, 626:887, 20_19_13.png)

You are witnessing the (re)construction.


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f7ad01  No.14260625

Cuomo should be required to get a Vaseline Passport to enter his cell.

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bdb5c0  No.14260626


This is the Looking Glass

Forget the AI part because that is just a scam to get funding

The important part is the metadata collection

They have a vast trove of identified people with identified opinions

Metadata tells them who each one communicates with, when, how frequently and for how long.

This is enough to run machine learning algorithms

And to compute the PROBABILITY

Of events that they know these people engage in

It could be purchase events

Protest events

Criminal acts


This is not at all the same as Minority Report which actually looked into the future

But they used Psychic mediums

Or astral projection to do that.

That stuff is still top secret and was only leaked

In the 1995 TV series Outer Limits

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f14858  No.14260627


no Fake Book

give us a direct link please

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434dcc  No.14260628

File: 661108b2c6bb3c5⋯.jpg (53.41 KB, 540x640, 27:32, I_AM_SCIENCE_.jpg)

File: 838f34f8bb13bc8⋯.png (84.58 KB, 245x192, 245:192, Adv_KEK.png)


>Scientific Journal Paper Suggests Making It A ‘Federal Hate Crime’ To Criticize Fauci.

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3a0465  No.14260629

File: 0dbf3f4f6b8a9a9⋯.jpeg (22.02 KB, 480x360, 4:3, georgeb.jpeg)

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4c70ef  No.14260630

File: fc267c7cd65d1a5⋯.jpg (233.92 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, E73_ZifWQAA_QsQ.jpg)

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3b0da1  No.14260631

File: 80b9fcc3d79e746⋯.jpeg (15.54 KB, 474x218, 237:109, OIP_66_.jpeg)


Like developing COA's for the commander. That's about where I was at.

Anon thought cern was shutdown

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efa173  No.14260632

File: 08696d4888f1659⋯.png (42.48 KB, 569x483, 569:483, piracy.PNG)


How can the hijacking of an ocean going vessel not be piracy?

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540298  No.14260633

File: 42289ddc423a004⋯.jpg (51.64 KB, 620x465, 4:3, Thauth.jpg)

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c0106b  No.14260634

File: c1abcdd183b0c22⋯.png (200.94 KB, 490x275, 98:55, vaccine_force.png)

MSM is shilling HARD for mandatory vaccines. Even falsely blaming the Delta Variant on the unvaccinated, despite the fact that Fauci and the CDC admitted it was those who were vaccinated who were causing the mutations.

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3a00fe  No.14260635

File: ac9a9b96976033f⋯.png (569.68 KB, 1508x892, 377:223, Pepe_Keks_with_frens.png)


Got a link fren?

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f42863  No.14260636

File: d016f2dfbc5fa26⋯.png (439.37 KB, 849x435, 283:145, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 389a0b3f58a8013⋯.png (161.68 KB, 310x352, 155:176, Trump_threat_SOTU_2018.png)

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c26e13  No.14260637

Psaki: If you aren't going to help, if you aren't going to abide by public health guidance, then get out of the way.

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f7ad01  No.14260638


If that were true then none of us could be punished for anything.

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f87639  No.14260639

File: 64ecf2bcbbcdb6d⋯.png (8.58 MB, 2700x2700, 1:1, FarmerPepe.png)


yes and wilhelm reich used weather tech he called Orgone cloud bursting in tucson, az, israel, and africa to make deserts lush fertile farmable land. fixing anything is possible, but ignoring or denying the 'breaking down' in the first place seems off as a choice for the board. anon will keep on it tho.

"Cloudbusting is the use of an instrument invented by Wilhelm Reich to facilitate changes in weather.

Pore has received various requests on how to build one of these instruments. No specific construction plans schematics have been provided by any orgonomy groups that we know of.

However Wilhelm Reich had several built by Southworth Machine Co. in Portland, Maine in the 1950's.

They did have some drawn up plans but the company has since gone out of business. Most have been custom made by various CB operators.

It is highly advised that you purchase the following information written by Wilhelm Reich which describes many of the varied operations and their effects on the weather during his research into this field of work.

Cloudbusting work can be dangerous to the health of the operator if proper cautions are not adhered to during the operation of the device. In addition improper use of this instrument can result in catastrophic effects including violent weather, loss of life, and environmental damage.

See some description of this contained in the student discussion with Reich's cloudbuster operators Eva Reich and Bill Moise.

More information on the dangers of operations and precautions are also found in the below writings by Wilhelm Reich. A correct understanding and an ability to perceive and/or feel orgone energy changes in the atmosphere is paramount for gentle and predictable results.

The publications "CORE (Cosmic Orgone Engineering) July 1954 Vol. VI Nos. 1-4" and "Contact with Space - 1956" by Wilhelm Reich are a good starting point.

These books are available from the Wilhelm Reich Museum Bookstore at PO Box 687 Rangeley, Maine 04970 or check the archives of a university library. "Contact with Space" has also been published in Germany in 1996

Be cautious with cloudbusting work as several operators of this device have had health problems and injuries related to the use of these instruments.

It is paramount that those doing work in this area share their planned operations so that they don't unintentionally retard or increase an operation someone else may be doing nearby.

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a34667  No.14260640

File: 0106f3063c03e8d⋯.mp4 (61.52 KB, 350x262, 175:131, 0106f3063c03e8de51132ade1c….mp4)

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4c70ef  No.14260641



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d8d5c1  No.14260642


Thanks. I needed a good kek.

qresearch never fails to deliver a kek

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f14858  No.14260643


as in, get on the trains?

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019cba  No.14260644

File: 1d7ae01dfbd3f17⋯.jpg (44.45 KB, 684x684, 1:1, 1627766624478.jpg)


>So pork & beans is ok with high fructose corn syrup because it has fiber?

Nothing is okay with HFCS in it.

It's literally poison.



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a87a89  No.14260645

File: 878d56b92dbb8b0⋯.mp4 (1.75 MB, 320x568, 40:71, OJ_get_your_shot.mp4)




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8653b8  No.14260646

File: 0d8f2191f71c45b⋯.jpeg (715.42 KB, 818x1241, 818:1241, 495BC394_534B_4D21_9B4D_9….jpeg)



Law enforcement officials say an officer has died after being stabbed during a burst of violence at a transit station outside the Pentagon. A shooting there resulted in the Pentagon being locked down for more than an hour.


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cbbaa6  No.14260647


Sorry, It's all I've got.

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b961e7  No.14260648

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yesterday’s effort, to go along with it…

Hang in there, Patriots!


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540298  No.14260649

File: 092e6da0776d17a⋯.jpg (78.08 KB, 452x335, 452:335, Glass_raise.jpg)

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f7ad01  No.14260650


Remember…the Delta Variant mutation emerged in India (why else do you think they fought to eliminate geographical designations) in October 2020.

In a sense, they were unvaccinated since there was no vaccine. However, this is where you attack the latest push.

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f87639  No.14260651

File: d985331878e3861⋯.jpeg (1.2 MB, 892x14977, 892:14977, Web_capture_3_8_2021_1428….jpeg)

File: f6ac2446c332f42⋯.jpg (8.87 KB, 150x208, 75:104, reich05_02a_small.jpg)

File: 5fabe7614591af3⋯.jpg (50.54 KB, 268x369, 268:369, reich05_01.jpg)



by Wilhelm Reich

published by Orgone Institute in "CORE" July 1954 Vol. VI Nos. 1-4; appendix A"

1. Shed all ambition to impress anyone.

2. Never play around with rain making or cloudbusting. The OR envelope which you tackle while "drawing" energy from the atmosphere is an energetic continuum of high power. You may cause twisters. You may stir a forest fire into the wrong direction. You may do other damage without intending to do so. Never do anything unless you must.

3. If experimenting: it is important to observe and know why you are doing what, that you can achieve immediate results. Slowly growing comprehension will secure later results safely.

4. In cloud engineering you do not "create rain," - you do not "destroy clouds," - briefly, you are not playing God. What you do is solely helping nature on its natural course.

5. Have your equipment, truck, etc. especially all metal parts well grounded into water, preferably flowing water. Lack of grounding imperils your organism.

6. Do not let workers draw OR energy any longer if they become blue or purple in their faces or feel dizzy. Exchange the workers; let them rest far enough way, and have their faces and arms always wetted down with fresh water.

7. Do not hold on to pipes or other metal parts while you draw OR. Always use a separate plastic or wooden handle to move equipment while drawing. Have your hands always well insulated with rubber or heavy cotton gloves.

8. Have signs put up in such a manner that no one is hurt by OR charges. Do not let people stand close by. Among them may be men or women who are ill and would run some danger to their health.

9. Never "drill a hole" into the sky right above you unless you aim for a long drawn rain.

10. When you feel a breeze or wind setting in due to your operation, stop drawing if the wind direction becomes too strong or even if it acquire the appearance of a twister.

11. If you wish to remove DOR clouds, draw in direction of run of OR envelope.

12. If you wish to DESTROY clouds or to stop rain, aim at center of heaviest clouds.

13. If you wish to make clouds grow heavier, draw from the vicinity of the smaller clouds, and have the large or heavy clouds undisturbed.

14. If there are no clouds in the sky and clouds should be created, disturb the stillness or evenness of the OR envelope all around you by brief, sweeping draws and draw mainly against the run of the OR envelope. To create clouds you must create differences of OR energy potentials.

15. (by PORE) Under no conditions should you have any electrical wires, electrical instruments of any kind, or any radioactive material near a cloudbuster during any operation. Severe health problems may result."

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3a0465  No.14260652

File: 23168e9c767052f⋯.jpg (27.68 KB, 255x255, 1:1, gf.jpg)

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a371ca  No.14260653


Grow your own food dumb fuck. Sheesh… lazy fucks depending on slave labor to feed them so they can put their kids into commie day care and work their corporate commie jobs to buy slave made goods.

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d8d5c1  No.14260654

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69d927  No.14260655


There is no Delta variant.

They have no test to prove it.

It's nothing but a fear tactic to justify accelerating their plan.

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611a50  No.14260656

File: 73907a91cf856b5⋯.png (204.42 KB, 598x703, 598:703, Screenshot_2021_08_03_at_1….png)

Owl play: Macron’s T-shirt logo inspires conspiracy theories


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f87639  No.14260657


rumor that other than water trump only drinks (a lot) of HFCS diet coke is true or false?

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8c6d74  No.14260658

File: 7c0c55745b8620c⋯.png (105.05 KB, 236x241, 236:241, Disney_sick_mfers.png)


>Candace Owens decries ‘predatory cartoons’ pushing kids into ‘gender dysphoria’ after Muppet Babies cross-dressing episode

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d9f8d3  No.14260659

File: 7fe719320e331ae⋯.png (100.58 KB, 592x387, 592:387, ClipboardImage.png)

Entire NY Democratic congressional delegation now calling for Cuomo's resignation

The entire Democratic congressional delegation of New York has called on Gov. Andrew Cuomo to resign after an independent investigation in the state attorney general's office found he had sexually harassed multiple women.

House Democratic Conference Chair Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) and Reps. Gregory Meeks (D-N.Y.) and Tom Suozzi (D-N.Y.) issued a statement on Tuesday, saying “the time is right” for Cuomo to resign after an investigation found that he sexually harassed multiple women.

“The office of Attorney General Tish James conducted a complete, thorough and professional investigation of the disturbing allegations against Governor Andrew Cuomo,” Jeffries, Meeks and Suozzi said.

“We commend the brave women who came forward and spoke truth to power. The time has come for Governor Andrew Cuomo to do the right thing for the people of New York State and resign,” the congressmen said said.

The statement came shortly after James’ office announced the results of the investigation, which found that Cuomo harassed several women, including people who worked in his office.

The report also found that the governor and his aides retaliated against at least one aide who came forward.

Most of the 19 Congressional Democrats previously called for Cuomo to resign in in March. At the time, Jeffries, Meeks, and Suozzi were the only three New York House Democrats that did not.

Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.) also called for Cuomo to resign at the time.

Rep. Sean Maloney (D) — who called for Cuomo to resign in March— renewed his call on Tuesday.

“@NewYorkStateAG led a thorough & fair investigation. What I said in March stands. Governor Cuomo must resign,” Maloney said.



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e01863  No.14260660

File: 9430b0bd47be27b⋯.png (838.21 KB, 707x1111, 7:11, FULLempty.png)

Evergiven was full when refloated and yet it is half empty when it was docking

did I miss something?

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3b0da1  No.14260661

File: f39eac0fccc0adf⋯.jpeg (12.3 KB, 255x165, 17:11, 4991526bc7db0b2de1c4b7e4f….jpeg)