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File: a3bb2afe45c56f8⋯.jpg (35.61 KB, 500x300, 5:3, a3bb2afe45c56f8aaffdf05f9c….jpg)

0580b6  No.14242944[Last 50 Posts]

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>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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0580b6  No.14242945


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>>14089443,MJ12/Babyfist/Ingersol Larpwood Exposure Thread

>>14137055,MJ12 scamming people.


>>14137055,MJ12 team $1000 larping conjob subscriptions. No wonder they want to take this board so bad.

* TOR posting is disabled and DNS fuckery/VANWA Origin issues on-going

NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements


>>14242220 Homeschooling soars as parents find kids perform well at home

>>14242245, >>14242292 Uncovered Email Shows Milwaukee Elections Executive Woodall-Vogg Laughing About the Election Steal on Election Night

>>14242247 How Immunoglobulin (IVIg) therapy is changing the health care industry

>>14242378 (France #4 bread) Anon nom: The French aren't fucking around anymore. Impressions of the Resistance in France

>>14242477 Oped: Brandon Smith: Why Are Globalists And Governments So Desperate For 100% Vaccination Rates?

>>14242568 Orca comms? A killer whale stranded on rocks in Alaska was saved after a group of people spotted it and kept it wet until the tide rose.

>>14242605 Arizona Border Patrol agent, another driver killed in head-on crash

>>14242748 @Gipper_76: Another great day to fly!

>>14242751, >>14242765 DOJ Seizes Ancient ‘Gilgamesh Dream Tablet’ from Hobby Lobby... But it's coming up again, now. After 2 years?

>>14242756 Gavin Newsom: Democrats will face ‘Profound Consequences Nationwide’ in 2022 if Recall Successful

>>14242811 Leader Kevin McCarthy Vows to ‘Have Real Investigations’ into Democrat ‘Fraud and Abuse’ if GOP Retakes Majority

>>14242843, >>14242851 President Donald J Trump: Our country has just suffered an incredibly corrupt Presidential Election, and it is time for Congress and others to investigate how such corruption was allowed to take place rather than investigating those that are exposing this massive fraud on the American People.

>>14242934 #18018


>>14241479 Former NSW MP Michael Johnsen not charged over alleged rape of Blue Mountains sex worker

>>14241490 Dominion Voting Machines Arrive in Ohio County Costing $6.17 Million Up Front — Machines Include Software to “Evaluate Voter Intent”

>>14241609, >>14241632, >>14241852 USN: future USS Hyman G. Rickover (Virginia-class attack submarine), christened

>>14241634 CNN’s Don Lemon: The Unvaccinated Shouldn’t Be Allowed to Participate in Society

>>14241644 Gov. Cuomo Begs Businesses To Return To NYC After Harsh Shutdowns

>>14241672 It was 5-years ago today that the FBI Opened "Crossfire Hurricane"

>>14241712 Dan Scavino

>>14241938 Evander Kane’s pregnant wife says NHL star tanked games for gambling profit

>>14241939 Apple Yanks Anti-Vax Version of Tinder From the App Store

>>14241945 Ex-NY Bishop Howard J. Hubbard admits diocese ‘temporarily’ moved priests accused of sexual abuse

>>14241987 2 major San Francisco hospitals reported that 233 staff members tested positive for COVID-1

>>14241995 Lieutenant General John Frewen says every Aussie may have access to two vaccine doses by end of 2021

>>14242051 Missed debt ceiling deadline kicks off high-stakes fight

>>14242059 Israel shares intel with US, UK to blame Iran for attack on 'Mercer Street' tanker, report claims

>>14242101 #18017





>>14239523 President Trump is Holding ‘Cabinet Meetings’ at His Golf Club in New Jersey

>>14239454 A Massive Rally at the Wisconsin State Capital is Planned for Next Friday, August 6th, to Demand Republican Leaders Order a Full Forensic Audit Like Was Done in Arizona

>>14239426 PRAY FOR EACH OTHER (Reminder!)

>>14239416 Christian Porter’s corrupt judge Jayne Jagot has illegally suppressed a lot more evidence than the public realise

>>14239392 Sydney anti-lockdown activists vow to return in August after police prevent protest plans

>>14239350 Las Vegas police make 15 arrests in online sex sting operation

>>14239337 George Soros' right-hand man was accused of BDSM crimes in his sex dungeon

>>14239253 Make your own fake jab card anons!

>>14239248 45,000 COVID injection deaths lawsuit caused DS to turn up heat

>>14239228 Hunter Biden Gushes Over His Art – Says His Dad Thinks ‘Everything I Do Should Be In National Gallery’

>>14239208 DC Democratic mayor caught partying without face mask after enacting new mask mandate

>>14239184 The Importance of Teaching Children to Become Resilient

>>14239170 New Mexico House Democrat Resigns Amid Criminal Probe Into Racketeering, Money-Laundering

>>14239141, >>14239200 The German and UK Military have a document from May 2021

>>14239115 2 travelers to Canada gave false COVID vaccination information. They were each fined almost $20K.

>>14239105 Pennsylvania Senator Prepares to Issue Subpoenas After Three Counties Reject Audit Requests

>>14239017, >>14239056 Florida coronavirus cases jump 50 percent in one week?

>>14238979 Why Biden whispers?

>>14238982 California Union Opposes Newsom’s Vaccine Order

>>14238992 GOP Senator says he’s grateful for ashli Babbitt’s killer

>>14239910 #10814


>>14238173 POWERFUL speech 5:55 AM

>>14238181 (VID) Why is the C19 Death rate so low?

>>14238187 Lesbian/ Dog murder mystery

>>14238194 Audio from migrant shelter reveals allegations of sex misconduct with children

>>14238195 Some Background on blackmail?

>>14238197 9/11 memorial from Afghanistan found in NY

>>14238200 Missing 14-year-old boy, murdered

>>14238202 COVID-19 mRNA vaccine patents

>>14238203 Cole Beasley’s statement on the vaccine

>>14238206, >>14238232, NZ Prime Minister desperation

>>14238235, >>14238251 Space, time, matter, energy, information, and consciousness. How do they work?

>>14238236 "Get out there and make known to everyone around you the values you have" Pompeo tells SC Republicans

>>14238253, >>14238196 DEVOLUTION is real Trump is still Commander-In-Chief of the Military. Deal with it.

>>14238255 Grassroots organization pushes for reform by training parents to run for school board

>>14238256, >>14238629 @USACEHQ "Inside the Castle" podcast, RE: Natural Resource Management

>>14238262, >>14238522, >>14238526 >>14238589, >>14238622 RE: NANOTECH, Concerning injectables, aerosols, consumables, etc

>>14238271 CDC paid NFL alumni millions to plug COVID vaccine

>>14238281 Britney Spears warns ‘we ride at dawn’


>>14238295 NEW VIDEO Reveals Jan. 6 Protesters Getting Unruly ONLY AFTER Capitol Police Fired Flash-bang Grenades and Teargassed Crowd

>>14238298 The “tax by privilege” scheme in which individuals are taxed by the amount of white DNA

>>14238310 'Better Call Saul' star Bob Odenkirk RE: clot-shot. "doctors were able to fix the blockage"

>>14238311 MILLIONS Protest Vaccine Passports And Mandatory Vaccinations All Over France… FRENCH REVOLUTION 2?

>>14238314 Mexican President Rejects Jabs For Kids, "Won't Be Held Hostage By [Profiteering] Pharma Companies"

>>14238320 Mask-free Sweden nears zero daily Covid deaths


>>14238333 Australia’s Brisbane set for ‘strictest lockdown’ yet after SIX new cases spotted

>>14238433 Biden Administration Approves $3.4 Billion Helicopter Sale to Israel

>>14238441, >>14238460 Q posted 36 times with “DELTA” Of those, 3 post were ended with: "Q, DELTA"

>>14238465 Millions line up in Pakistan after Govt. decision to block phone SIM for unvaccinated.

>>14238478, >>14238552 Here are the companies requiring proof of vaccination from employees

>>14238626 Outrage as police fly helicopters over western Sydney backyards blasting sirens and warnings to enforce Covid rules

>>14238630 Total of 7 Tornados confirmed from Thursday Storm (PA/NJ)

>>14238635 Vegans May Be Exempt from Compulsory Vaccines, Law Firm Claims

>>14238644, >>14238687 Did you know Joe Biden owned a private island too?

>>14238651, >>14238762 Let's blame the Doge

>>14238719 PF reports: E4B up out of Warner Robbins HULK22

>>14238764 @USNavy #BlueGreenTeam on the move Helicopter

>>14238766 Suggested Reading on how nutrition effects brain function and the processing of emotions

>>14241253 #18013



Previously Collected Notables

>>14235763 #18009, >>14236974 #18010,

>>14233385 #18006, >>14234226 #18007, >>14234961 #18008

>>14231122 #18003, >>14231905 #18004, >>14233187 #18005

>>14230430 #18000, >>14230805 #18001, >>14230664 #18002

>>14226170 #17997, >>14227082 #17998, >>14227845 #17999

>>14224018 #17994, >>14224788 #17995, >>14225665 #17996

>>14223581 #17991, >>14230137 #17992, >>14223332 #17993

>>14219168 #17988, >>14219948 #17989, >>14223421 #17990

>>14216859 #17985, >>14218240 #17986, >>14218383 #17987

>>14216587 #17982, >>14215331 #17983, >>14216444 #17984

Notables Aggregators: https://qnotables.com

>>14137057 Q Research Notables #8

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0580b6  No.14242946

Other Dedicated Research Threads

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>>13269960 ————————————–——– France #4

>>14166186 ————————————–——– Germany #84

>>13187313 ————————————–——– Italia #2

>>13226402 ————————————–——– Japan #2

>>13410974 ————————————–——– Mexico #3

>>13105482 ————————————–——– Nederland #6

>>13163282 ————————————–——– New Zealand #8

>>13163911 ————————————–——– Nordic #3

>>13163805 ————————————–——– Russia #2

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>>13991348 ————————————–——– UK #40

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0580b6  No.14242948

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0580b6  No.14242953



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94c6b3  No.14242959

File: 9d7ed262d2e7fef⋯.jpg (724.83 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, Collage_20210801_084203.jpg)

File: 43200e6b8e69548⋯.jpg (470.43 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, Collage_20210801_075939.jpg)

File: ab51855e187afd6⋯.jpg (1016.67 KB, 1440x1920, 3:4, Collage_20210731_103755.jpg)

Olympics Opening Ceremony 2012 and 2021

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94c6b3  No.14242961

File: 3000590a43743a1⋯.png (8.81 KB, 255x161, 255:161, 5b27c0060f271b8bbff526c4ca….png)

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0580b6  No.14242966


You Have A Bread If You Can Keep It™

Next baker, step on up!

Empty kitchen

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d9c310  No.14242999

File: 94746e0fa8e7329⋯.gif (1.08 MB, 320x180, 16:9, SK4tKW.gif)

File: a94b71f52bf6d83⋯.gif (5.64 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 2jxRAkc.gif)

File: 94746e0fa8e7329⋯.gif (1.08 MB, 320x180, 16:9, SK4tKW.gif)

File: 56168e2dec01653⋯.gif (2.94 MB, 498x280, 249:140, Get_Angry_Get_Mean.gif)

File: 5b8bed938207069⋯.jpg (354.49 KB, 820x825, 164:165, 5b8bed938207069fc0219108cd….jpg)

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470e66  No.14243003

File: 5ee4937248f594a⋯.jpeg (82.89 KB, 854x1024, 427:512, EyKE5iJW8AQdDxN.jpeg)

A reminded that Jesus loves you.

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6c23a1  No.14243004

I so like you when you run w/o filling it up.

Like I like to shit in your world.

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ce15af  No.14243005

>>14242766 lb


Interedasting, i don't trust any of it.

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53c84e  No.14243006

File: bd9f30b26bb08df⋯.jpeg (165.36 KB, 853x598, 853:598, bd9f30b26bb08df86eb4b0936….jpeg)

Whoever made this, well done anon!

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d93e08  No.14243007

File: b6e9a2cd8bb40f5⋯.png (142.2 KB, 601x738, 601:738, 52525.png)

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94c6b3  No.14243008

File: 6ce73e7f0cae6d5⋯.png (580.99 KB, 944x944, 1:1, 65aab84fed18f6d36de2406c64….png)

File: b2e3ff66b6c8156⋯.jpeg (11.69 KB, 275x183, 275:183, images_2021_07_24T171530_….jpeg)

File: 14f1e9683e110fd⋯.jpeg (56.58 KB, 445x689, 445:689, images_2021_07_25T111113_….jpeg)

File: 3b4cf8d19b957f5⋯.jpeg (27.16 KB, 739x415, 739:415, images_2021_07_25T111131_….jpeg)

File: 49d9317c1b4c9e5⋯.jpg (11.85 MB, 7136x4392, 892:549, SouthAfricaSatanists3.jpg)

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d93e08  No.14243009

File: cfdeb209631873f⋯.png (828.26 KB, 828x825, 276:275, 535325.png)

>>14242995 PB

smokers apparently have good immunity against the coof virus

smoking generates Niacin within the body, which helps immunity

quite ironic in a way

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470e66  No.14243011

File: 3220d8348c4a9a3⋯.gif (615.73 KB, 360x202, 180:101, 3220d8348c4a9a3fd5e3929b8d….gif)

Few more hours till dayshift. Anything to show for it?

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6c23a1  No.14243012


So what other things Jesus loves?

b/c it looks like you've had a chat w/ Him. So we wanna know…..

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53c84e  No.14243013


Then just buy Niacin vitamins and, you know, skip the whole LUNG CANCER unnecessary 'side effect'

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86e40d  No.14243014



One thing anon has pondered is because of Jan 6 any future civil unrest can protect all govt and public property with a blatant contradiction display for all to see. Let’s say when the election rigging is exposed and bad guys try and rally their army to burn down the Country (again)… it won’t be so easy this time. Just a thought and difficult to put into words

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53c84e  No.14243015


You think that lowly of yourself?

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d93e08  No.14243016

File: 97bc5d7fb1d4298⋯.png (472.29 KB, 747x430, 747:430, 42425.png)

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470e66  No.14243017

File: 91ecfdd6b1feee2⋯.jpg (46.94 KB, 503x496, 503:496, 4h08mh.jpg)


Lotsa stuff, you name it.

Even the people who don't like Him.

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53c84e  No.14243018


Anakin looks the same in both pictures, one just has a face cover.

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94c6b3  No.14243019

File: b6c9619315ff723⋯.jpg (441.51 KB, 1394x1897, 1394:1897, IMG_20210728_174458.jpg)

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53c84e  No.14243020


No 'conversation' the way you define it is needed to know.

Some truths are unprovable.

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6394ee  No.14243021


I think there must be some behind the scenes pressure on these governors.

Linked site uses cookies and "tracking technology"

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7a5b25  No.14243022



speakin' of witch

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6394ee  No.14243023


Maybe that's the point. No mask.

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94c6b3  No.14243024


Olympics 2021 symbolism

The pyramid

Grey or AI on tip of the pyramid


Other weird bacteriphage types.

What's up with this symbolism? Is that the program for up to 2031? Or 2033.

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6c23a1  No.14243025


I imagine Him loving people that don't like Him….

Remember that He said "that whore of Israel", much love there……

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470e66  No.14243026

File: eabf681918b6aaf⋯.gif (37.15 KB, 600x502, 300:251, eabf681918b6aaf19fa483f905….gif)

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6394ee  No.14243028


Fine, but maybe they lied to us about cigarettes and it was some virus in the polio vaccine that actually causes lung cancer. Remember SV-40? Or perhaps asbestos, etc.

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53c84e  No.14243029


>Linked site uses cookies and "tracking technology"

But you didn't post a link to Facebook

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d93e08  No.14243030


>buy Niacin vitamins


support big pharma

no !

better to not smoke and eat good nutritious food

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94c6b3  No.14243032


Abramovich and Manojlovic

Both Serbian?

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53c84e  No.14243033


Thanks for the 'consulting', tobacco industry.

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0580b6  No.14243034


You'll get over it

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0580b6  No.14243035

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53c84e  No.14243036


Niacin is like 300 years past its patent lifespan, it's not a 'big pharma' product.

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470e66  No.14243037

File: 2d8f896e16d279a⋯.jpg (52.06 KB, 816x1024, 51:64, 1626661169219.jpg)


I know. Feels like it'll take a while though.

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6c23a1  No.14243040





Your lack of understanding, don't defy unproevebale.



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d93e08  No.14243042

File: 53c458a0e2c56f6⋯.png (296.96 KB, 500x720, 25:36, 24245.png)



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c58d6f  No.14243043

night, Frens. Sun is coming up soon - I gotta bounce. To Patriots in France and everywhere, Bon Chance!

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53c84e  No.14243044



Read Godel, young padawan.

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ce15af  No.14243045



Another protégé?

How many fires she handle?

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6c23a1  No.14243046


I have to read nothing.

I am.

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470e66  No.14243047

File: 854308d5a95d9e6⋯.png (652.24 KB, 1328x978, 664:489, ebaba1ac55860fd057eb0665c5….png)


When did Jesus say that? I don't remember anyone writing down those words when he was walking on this Earth, seen by thousands and catalogued by his disciples.

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53c84e  No.14243048

File: 9a0ae3b4986355a⋯.png (205.12 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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3e693c  No.14243049

lb was #R0R


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df98e5  No.14243050

How soon is now

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6394ee  No.14243051


I just think it would be ironic if the only thing we publicly acknowledge and regulate over "carcinogenicity" is actually not a carcinogen.

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c75c29  No.14243052

File: 73b0646a18db619⋯.jpg (104.18 KB, 600x750, 4:5, desantis.jpg)

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11b8c0  No.14243053

File: 52b26017f02735b⋯.png (2.02 MB, 734x1024, 367:512, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c49aa8e79452155⋯.png (1.03 MB, 700x563, 700:563, ClipboardImage.png)


Smoking organically grown tobacco

That is not sprayed with pesticides

And rolling the tobacco in tobacco leaves

Instead of chemical paper

Also avoids the lung cancer problem

There are places like Myanmar

And Cuba

Where the Cabal doesn't bother with the whole lung cancer operation

No money to be made from it there…

Americans started smoking within years of the first Europeans landing

But lung cancer did not start to be a problem

Until 1927

Check the stats for yourself

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470e66  No.14243054

File: 86645d303eba3e7⋯.png (344.81 KB, 487x394, 487:394, 7bbcc83d41690e32d98cc7e9da….png)


Nighty night, anon! Sweet dreams.

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6c23a1  No.14243055


B/c you're blind.

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ad482f  No.14243057

File: c5edb6b4d5a4416⋯.jpeg (194.42 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, E12D1D5E_05F6_448B_B519_8….jpeg)


And even if you could “they” will just ban you for it on social media…

(Including even Ihub)

Example this post deleted from Ihub, Tornado Alley as misinformation:

The Fabian society crest is literally a WOLF in sheep’s clothing.

“The Fabian strategy is a military strategy where pitched battles and frontal assaults are avoided in favor of wearing down an opponent through a war of attrition and indirection. While avoiding decisive battles, the side employing this strategy harasses its enemy through skirmishes to cause attrition, disrupt supply and affect morale. Employment of this strategy implies that the side adopting this strategy believes time is on its side, but it may also be adopted when no feasible alternative strategy can be devised.”


“Within the next generation I believe that the world's rulers will discover that infant conditioning and narco-hypnosis are more efficient, as instruments of government, than clubs and prisons, and that the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging and kicking them into obedience.”

~Aldous Huxley.

“…Suddenly, there was an opportunity to test the mRNA vaccines that had been in the works for nearly twenty years.  They could be authorized as an emergency measure but were still highly experimental.  These jabs are not really vaccines at all, but a form of gene therapy.  There are potential disastrous consequences down the road.  Government experiments on the public are nothing new…”

“…this explains the left's hysterical impulse to force these untested shots on those of us who have made the decision to go without it.  If they've decided that it is the thing to do, then all of us must submit to their whims.  If we decide otherwise, it gives them the righteous right to smear all of us whom they already deplore.

As C.J. Hopkins has written, the left means to criminalize dissent…”

“Tal Zaks, Moderna's chief medical officer, said these new vaccines are "hacking the software of life."  Vaccine-promoters claim he never said this, but he did.  Bill Gates called the vaccines "an operating system" to the horror of those promoting it, a Kinsley gaffe.  Whether it is or isn't hardly matters at this point, but these statements by those behind the vaccines are a clue to what they have in mind.”

“There will be in the next generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them but will rather enjoy it.

This is exactly what the left is working so hard to effect: a pharmacologically compromised population happy to be taken care of by a massive state machine…”


“In Huxley’s seemingly dystopic World State, the elite amuse the masses into submission with a mind-numbing drug called Soma and an endless buffet of casual sex. Orwell’s Oceania, on the other hand, keeps the masses in check with fear thanks to an endless war and a hyper-competent surveillance state. At first blush, they might seem like they are diametrically opposed but, in fact, an Orwellian world and a Huxleyan one are simply two different modes of oppression.”


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6394ee  No.14243058


Imagine if restaurants allowed smoking again. No "COVID-19" transmission!

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53c84e  No.14243059


Who here said you 'have' to read?

I said read Godel.

I am.

I am someone who just told you to read.

You lack understanding of the truth about truths and proofs.

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470e66  No.14243060


Will you help me see?

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3e693c  No.14243061

File: ccf1b08aac95be8⋯.png (80.37 KB, 374x295, 374:295, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)

File: 8db925e7df3b20e⋯.png (779.22 KB, 1132x343, 1132:343, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)

Still confused about NANCY M



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53c84e  No.14243062


Imagine more lung cancer and deaths from tobacco smoke.

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53c84e  No.14243063


Lambda is greek letter for 'in place of' meaning?

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bb1b81  No.14243064

File: 17afe0ba38ea32f⋯.jpg (167.83 KB, 800x800, 1:1, MAGA_2_0_Unstoppable.jpg)

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11b8c0  No.14243065


It's pesticides used on tobacco

Look in the early 20th century use of pesticides

That caused lung cancer to grow by 1927

Also, since tobacco is not food

They could spray it until the harvest

Now think that one through logically!

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22fd0c  No.14243066

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


That is the question

Now or 50 years from now

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0580b6  No.14243067


The nicotine isn't what kills you. that is as toxic as caffeine.

What kills you is the additives and the floor sweepings (no joke) that go in the tube.

That's what ends up in the tar that goes into your lungs.. because those chems sprayed on the tobacco don't burn. Just the tobacco does.

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53c84e  No.14243068



"big" lambda?

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df98e5  No.14243069


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3e693c  No.14243070


Matthew for one!

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c6489d  No.14243072

File: 88d411beb7d5a55⋯.jpeg (21.84 KB, 512x362, 256:181, 88d411beb7d5a555e316e7bcd….jpeg)

>>14242841 (LB)

>You know how we got to the moon?

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e19e41  No.14243073

File: db8a98df9f4375d⋯.jpg (98.51 KB, 725x504, 725:504, monsanto.jpg)

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6394ee  No.14243074


Nope not gonna do it. Cancer was negligible before vaccination was started.

Did cave men get "lung cancer" from sitting around the fire? Did indigenous Americans get "lung cancer" from peace pipes.

C'mon man.

Perhaps "lung cancer" is from the previous rollout of something in a jab or else from inhaling industrial pollutants. Not tobacco leaves.

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df98e5  No.14243075


Just anything at this point

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53c84e  No.14243076


The tobacco companies add carcinogenic chemicals to make cigarettes more addictive.

Cigarettes are just a delivery device for nicotine, plus deadly additives.

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d24058  No.14243077

File: 6c994d155ea9831⋯.png (784.08 KB, 1020x1149, 340:383, ClipboardImage.png)

‘We have already caught staff with minors inappropriately’: Recordings indicate sexual misconduct at migrant shelter

Morgan Keith - 01/08/2021 7:05AM


> NBC News obtained audio from inside Fort Bliss suggesting sexual misconduct with minors.

> The facility held about 3,000 unaccompanied migrant children at the time the audio was recorded.

> The Government Accountability Project filed two complaints in July about the abuses at Fort Bliss.

Some of the facilities holding children are run by contractors already facing lawsuits claiming that children were physically and sexually abused in their shelters, while others are new companies with little or no experience working with migrant children, according to the Associated Press.

Pictured is an entrance to Fort Bliss.


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6394ee  No.14243078


>What kills you is the additives and the floor sweepings (no joke) that go in the tube.


Roll your own. You'll be fine.

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368528  No.14243079

I'mma collect from 18016 if someone wants to do 18017.

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6394ee  No.14243080


>It's pesticides used on tobacco

Good thought.

No pesticides, no cancer?

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52a70e  No.14243081

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

My work here is done.

Yours has just begun.

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53c84e  No.14243082


>Cancer was negligible before vaccination was started.

No, cancer was and is much more problematic than covid.

Covid positive tests are predominantly the flu.

That's why flu numbers have become 'negligible' since covid testing.


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ad482f  No.14243083

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They paved paradise and put up a parking lot…


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d24058  No.14243084


Can't right now but want to thank you.

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53c84e  No.14243085


That bought 'rolling' tobacco is also carcinogenic.

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b32d6d  No.14243086


Recently discovered that cancer cells thrive on sugar

Cigarettes used poor tasting cheap burl tobacco

and passed it thru sugar water to git rid of the taste.

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368528  No.14243087


I meant 18015 not 18017*

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6394ee  No.14243088


I don't know where the reference is, but I've read that a high percentage of the carbon in a child's body is from corn.

Children of the GMO corn.

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4762b4  No.14243089

File: 8d65ff1045e8775⋯.png (75 KB, 948x760, 237:190, ClipboardImage.png)

Washington Examiner…

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6394ee  No.14243090


Okay, okay. Grow your own organic tobacco and roll it yourself?!

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470e66  No.14243091

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53c84e  No.14243092


>Recently discovered that cancer cells thrive on sugar

Bingo, learned that also in recent part of life too.

Ideal diet, imo, is 80% fatty acids, 15% protein, 5% veggies.

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bb1b81  No.14243093

File: abc895debfe4888⋯.jpg (216.25 KB, 900x600, 3:2, Maricopa_audit_finds_bulls….jpg)

File: daa7493c29b2692⋯.jpg (232.02 KB, 839x491, 839:491, no_joke_it_s_sad_and_fucki….jpg)

File: 84a79eaaf168057⋯.jpg (95.52 KB, 665x662, 665:662, Light_it.jpg)

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3e693c  No.14243094

File: eb0e4508199fab8⋯.png (35.58 KB, 511x278, 511:278, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)




V mirror 𝝠

Lamba = 𝝠 and 𝝺

𝝺 mirror y

55 = 𝝺 𝝺

55= 𝝠𝝠

McAfee uses VV for W


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53c84e  No.14243096


Among all smokers how many GROW their own?

Let's keep eye on the ball.

Tobacco is a death industry.

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86e40d  No.14243097


Many things in your post “hit home”. Anon would have done things way differently had anon been aware of the silent war being waged. Will forever be sad

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ce15af  No.14243098


More weird shit, never ends

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4762b4  No.14243100


of course

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d93e08  No.14243101

File: fb6814bd4d04736⋯.jpg (309.19 KB, 700x520, 35:26, 24242.jpg)


the picture you paint of the future is rather bleak, but perhaps inevitable

so many are unable to be awakened, perhaps they already took a dose of Huxley's Soma

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53c84e  No.14243102


We can keep adding strings.

Symbolism won't be my downfall though, I don't rely on them to divide myself or others.

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94c6b3  No.14243103

File: 705fceeaf3975a4⋯.jpg (205.76 KB, 1080x1196, 270:299, Screenshot_20210801_105701.jpg)

Guess we now know which side Elon is on.

Lines being drawn

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470e66  No.14243104


Probably the reason. It's despicable what they're doing.

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f69bff  No.14243105


Imagine being someone who consults the QResearch board but is still bamboozled by the medical cabal; thinking tobacco smoke causes cancer. Egad.

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11b8c0  No.14243106

File: 5437994434170e0⋯.png (1.72 MB, 900x900, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e87303e875d0302⋯.png (41.08 KB, 600x400, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


I have grown my own tobacco from seed

And aside from starting the tiny seeds indoors

To be transplanted later

It was pretty easy

If the teeny tiny seeds intimidate you

Try starting everbearing strawberry seed this February

Indoors of course

With that experience under your belt

You will be able to cope with the even smaller tobacco seeds.

Use this kind of mini greenhouse

And get some very fine sand, and mix it with fine peat moss

You sprinkle the seeds on the soil in the planters

Trying to leave them spaced apart because clumps of several seeds are problematic

Then sprinkle a thin layer of the fine peat and fine sand over top

When the inside of the cover is coated with water droplets

Open it and make sure the soil surface has not dried out too much

Discard the droplets and use the mister to keep the soil damp.

Everybody should experience growing plants from seed

And then spray water on it with a plant mister

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94c6b3  No.14243107

V is reptilian

Co V iD

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3d622b  No.14243108

File: 47beed95ebbbb9a⋯.jpg (313.51 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, WIN_20210801_18_59_09_Pro.jpg)


Nancy M Weston

55 vv

W = V V

Covenant of David

Na = Never







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a0edb6  No.14243110

File: 959b88e94f1761f⋯.png (1.6 MB, 923x1179, 923:1179, ClipboardImage.png)



never let a good template go to waste.

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3e693c  No.14243111

File: 62a1a4ca7317032⋯.png (32.55 KB, 530x195, 106:39, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)


In PYTHON it means function that has….


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53c84e  No.14243112


what's his stance on china's %?

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bb1b81  No.14243114

File: 369ab0287f1bfe6⋯.png (113.28 KB, 1196x500, 299:125, KIDS_FALL_THROUGH_MADE_CRA….png)

File: 070cf8721686857⋯.jpg (162.3 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, SLAVE_TRADERS.jpg)

File: ca29cb7cda4f6dc⋯.jpg (68.37 KB, 410x489, 410:489, no_wall_for_America_.jpg)

File: 7ae5b0ea755811d⋯.jpg (160.03 KB, 957x538, 957:538, Dems_are_responsible.jpg)

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d24058  No.14243115


My bad I just saw it in the prev notables (18013). I tried looking, I swear, but figured the last four didn't have it so I decided to post.

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4d743f  No.14243116

File: 328fa01609456dc⋯.jpg (162.44 KB, 748x1496, 1:2, Angel_art.jpg)

File: eeedc4415c2720e⋯.jpg (43.72 KB, 391x750, 391:750, redhead_castle.jpg)

File: 20862ee78e99e60⋯.jpg (94.61 KB, 470x900, 47:90, King_Jesus.jpg)

File: f730010f03663da⋯.jpg (140.31 KB, 740x1280, 37:64, Patron_Saint_of_Farewells.jpg)


I'm never coming back here again. =)

Thank you to all who made that possible.

I thank the small few who really cared.

Forever grateful.

This is my red line.

Too many crossed it.

I'm out. Guilt trips about oaths won't work.

On a scale of 1 - freedom, I am at 1.

Peace out my dudes.


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e5a6ca  No.14243117


Wake up, faggot

Second hand smoke is more bullshit.



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ad482f  No.14243118

File: be2817b426f120e⋯.gif (5.28 MB, 533x640, 533:640, 63BEFEEC_4F03_43D7_9728_6E….gif)


We were all immersed in the matrix anon, the fight has just begun!

Truth and momentum is all we need…

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86e40d  No.14243119


Past breads anons were discussing tainted seed supply. Pretty much assumed they got to tobacco too. Old farmers didn’t know about chemicals and would spray, on overkill, for the tobacco beetle. Everything is tainted. Think logically… they put humans in our food and we trust them with a tobacco plant? Or corn? Or soybeans? Or even cucumbers?

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6c23a1  No.14243120



read the books.

I don't want implement my vision, my kind of thinking.

Do it by yourself.

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53c84e  No.14243121


yes that means it'd just a functional program, can be added to objects

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df98e5  No.14243122

Went out looking for a black widow and couldn't find shit

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470e66  No.14243123

File: 58016df1bc13444⋯.jpg (134.67 KB, 1046x915, 1046:915, 58016df1bc1344402d0c218ce3….jpg)


Sorry to hear it, anon. Hope things get better for you. God bless.

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3d622b  No.14243124

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The nameless one

Although obviously I have a name, i just told you :)

and again, listen anon

Yhwh (you) U

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76f471  No.14243125




Much of the problem is not the tobacco itself but the additives used in its processing, just like the problem with junk heavily processed food.


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53c84e  No.14243126


>second hand smoke

yes, that's an addition to fact that the carcinogenic chemicals are air borne.

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e5a6ca  No.14243127

File: fa2eb4c95ae7cbd⋯.jpeg (72.96 KB, 474x474, 1:1, Capt_Crunch_weed.jpeg)

File: 5a7702fb59539c3⋯.png (586.63 KB, 584x660, 146:165, Pepe_weed.png)


Jimmy Carter had the Mexicans spray paraquat on the marihuana. It was supposed to kill users. In a rolled cigarette, the temperature was too high and destroyed the poison.

Tasted like shit, though. Make you feel like you wasted $20 on a lid.

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ad482f  No.14243128

File: c8fa688f73d5b3d⋯.png (1.15 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, 85A4368D_AED8_48F5_8EAE_7C….png)


Hidden in plain sight…

(And banned from discussions)

Leave it to the liberal progressives to turn genocide into a for profit business opportunity, funded by the US taxpayer.

“We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. And we do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”

~Margaret Sanger

“…We must make this country into a garden of children instead of a disorderly back lot overrun with human weeds.”

~Margaret Sanger


Hillary Clinton lamented that "Margaret Sanger's work here in the United States and certainly across our globe is not done."


“We have delved before into the question of birth-control pioneer Margaret Sanger, eugenics and her attitude about African-Americans…”



See CMP’s citizen journalism work on Planned Parenthood Orange & San Bernardino Counties and DaVinci Biologics here: http://www.centerformedicalprogress.org/2016/03/planned-parenthood-orange-county-changes-abortions-to-harvest-intact-fetuses-for-local-companys-fetal-products-sales/


Planned Parenthood kept aborted babies alive to harvest organs, ex-technician says

August 19, 2015

In an undercover video released Wednesday, a former technician for a tissue-harvesting company details how an aborted baby was kept alive so that its heart could be harvested at a California Planned Parenthood facility, raising more legal questions about the group’s practices.

Holly O’Donnell, a former blood and tissue procurement technician for the biotech startup StemExpress, also said she was asked to harvest an intact brain from the late-term, male fetus whose heart was still beating after the abortion.

A StemExpress supervisor “gave me the scissors and told me that I had to cut down the middle of the face. And I can’t even describe what that feels like,” said Ms. O’Donnell, who has been featured in earlier videos by the Center for Medical Progress, a pro-life group that previously had released six undercover clips involving Planned Parenthood personnel and practices.


Salaries of CEOs at Planned Parenthood affiliates have skyrocketed to an average of $237,999, and hit $389,514 in the group's headquarters, according to a new review from the American Life League, a critic.

In the report on CEO pay, the group found that all 56 CEOs in the system make over 100,000 a year, one-tenth of Planned Parenthood's boss Cecile Richards, who made $957,952, said the report.


“We feel there’s been over a 20-to-1 return,” yielding $200 billion over those 20 or so years, Gates told CNBC’s Becky Quick on “Squawk Box” from the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland…”


An exclusive investigation separating rumor from fact in the origin of Covid-19.

***Numerous scientific insiders are signing onto the “lab origin” theory for Covid-19 and a link to controversial research funded by your tax dollars.

***High profile health figures who have attempted to “debunk” the lab origin theory are linked to funding and vaccine research partnerships with China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology.

***The U.S.- Chinese research genetically engineered bat coronavirus so that it infected human airway cells in mice, in order to invent vaccines and other therapeutics.

***U.S. taxpayer money supported the controversial vaccine research with Chinese scientists through the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). Some support came from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), led by Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Go to SharylAttkisson.com for more…


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11b8c0  No.14243129

File: aaaf8b1b357a83f⋯.png (475.15 KB, 756x567, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a825dab62faab7d⋯.png (667.38 KB, 1000x758, 500:379, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f83279d181ae364⋯.png (166.12 KB, 756x567, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 70f9bb9b2bedfca⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1500x1065, 100:71, ClipboardImage.png)

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310d98  No.14243130


Point missed? Pain killers don't stop pain, they just make you not care about it or anything else!

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a0edb6  No.14243131

File: 5f5df96810a6396⋯.png (474.56 KB, 450x750, 3:5, ClipboardImage.png)


SOmething just occurred to me.

Whether consciously known or not, is there some [mocking] connection here?

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3d622b  No.14243132


Because i'm not shit

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d93e08  No.14243133

File: b360e46043a5a67⋯.jpg (97.25 KB, 663x484, 663:484, 2424255.jpg)



trips checked

he burns in Hell from ignited zuni rockets

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df98e5  No.14243134


You're THE shit. The #1. The fucking dream. My dream

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6c23a1  No.14243135


A sill will scream: "I;m a shill, hurt me, I'm a shill".

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53c84e  No.14243137


Smoke from tobacco only is still itself harmful

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a0edb6  No.14243138

File: 7f97c3b4437eda6⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1000x1253, 1000:1253, ClipboardImage.png)


Feels like it's all coming together.

Things starting to make moar sense.

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e6f162  No.14243139

File: 5154474fc493296⋯.png (207.71 KB, 867x738, 289:246, el_night_2.PNG)

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Uncovered Email Shows Milwaukee Elections Executive Woodall-Vogg Laughing About the Election Steal on Election Night

By Joe Hoft

Published July 31, 2021 at 10:00pm


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df98e5  No.14243140

I just honestly thought there would be more time. It's going to be so…tight

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e6f162  No.14243141

File: 32e9ddecd143527⋯.png (147.86 KB, 862x707, 862:707, up_front.PNG)


Dominion Voting Machines Arrive in Ohio County Costing $6.17 Million Up Front — Machines Include Software to “Evaluate Voter Intent”

By Jim Hoft

Published July 31, 2021 at 8:51pm

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470e66  No.14243142

File: 0b9ecc34e5a7d49⋯.png (26.61 KB, 107x255, 107:255, 5ab779b25b52855b32c03d563c….png)


I mean, you could just link scripture.

The only mention of the Whore of Israel is allusions in Revelation with the Whore of Babylon and Hosea 4:15. I still don't understand what point you were originally trying to make about Jesus?

It's alright if you don't want to talk about it, though.

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11b8c0  No.14243143

File: 48f84543c859d8c⋯.png (357.43 KB, 958x653, 958:653, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)

File: 7404392b06ca063⋯.pdf (8.19 MB, Blooms_Taxonomy_Creatively….pdf)

Most Homeschooling can be achieved without any teaching at all

Just provide kids with learning materials

And the opportunity to learn by doing projects

But there are some things that a teacher can help with

Such as the making sure each child works through all these elements of thinking

the PDF has 74 pages of diagrams and charts to use

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6c23a1  No.14243144


fvcking w/o condoms it harmfull for the planet.

You are the proof.

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e5a6ca  No.14243145

File: 2c0750234e09a82⋯.gif (90.61 KB, 400x284, 100:71, Mencia_Dee_Dee_Dee.gif)

File: f640ed3b209a2f6⋯.jpeg (387.05 KB, 1012x1800, 253:450, Anon_deeo_state_over.jpeg)

File: b4d80ad340029e6⋯.jpg (336.64 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Anon_like_you.jpg)




Okay, I get it, you're not anon. Tell your frens comrade, your time is over.

Sorry for responding to the troll, guise.

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aaa6b8  No.14243146


>I said read Godel.

What Godel have you read?

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df98e5  No.14243147


Fucking without a condom is the only way it should be

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569120  No.14243148

File: 083c2d6cce655c8⋯.jpg (157.81 KB, 960x640, 3:2, An_antibody_cocktail_given….jpg)

File: 671f83bbedc097f⋯.jpg (125.39 KB, 960x540, 16:9, The_National_COVID_19_Clin….jpg)

File: 538153f1c0bc5b6⋯.jpg (64.61 KB, 960x540, 16:9, The_potent_cocktail_of_ant….jpg)

Covid cocktail given to Trump now recommended for Aussies

Australian Associated Press - 1 August 2021

An antibody cocktail given to Donald Trump when he contracted Covid-19 and now widely used in the United States has been conditionally recommended in Australia.

The National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce has made a series of recommendations about the use of casirivimab plus imdevimab, or REGEN-COV, made by US company Regeneron.

The body, which compiles the latest information from peak health authorities managing treatment of the virus in Australia, has put forward REGEN-COV for patients hospitalised with moderate to critical COVID-19 who have no detectable virus antibodies.

Such patients have multiple health risk factors including comprised immune systems.

In these people, the taskforce advises, the risk of death is "probably reduced".

REGEN-COV, given by injection, is made of two monoclonal antibodies mixed together - hence the term "cocktail". They mimic natural antibodies and stop the virus doing as much damage.

It is not currently approved by national drug regulator the Therapeutic Goods Administration. However pharmaceutical company Roche Australia is trying to have the antibody cocktail made available.

"Roche is exploring opportunities to make the investigational antibody cocktail available in Australia and will work with the government on a potential supply agreement if approved for use in Australia," a spokesperson told AAP.

AAP understands Roche is waiting for approval and that this could come through within weeks.

The company's efforts come as severe cases in NSW rise. On Saturday, NSW Health reported 53 people in intensive care, including 27 ventilated. There have been 14 deaths in the state's current outbreak.

The federal health department confirmed on July 29 there had not yet been an application to the TGA for the drug's approval in Australia.

The department said it was aware of the recommendations made by the National Covid-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce.

"We are actively monitoring COVID-19 therapeutic development that is occurring both in Australia and around the world and are meeting with pharmaceutical companies to discuss progress and the application process," a spokesperson told AAP.

"We are also part of a network of international regulators that meet regularly to discuss the development of COVID-19 therapies."

The research body advises against the use of REGEN-COV for COVID-19 infected people who have antibodies to the virus.

In mild or asymptomatic COVID-19 cases, it recommends the drug's use in research settings only and notes there is no available evidence on the use of the antibody cocktail in children, adolescents, pregnant and breastfeeding women or frail, older people.

The US drug regulator approved the Regeneron therapy for emergency use in COVID-19 patients in late 2020 in an attempt to prevent hospitalisations and worsening disease in patients with mild to moderate symptoms.

The Food and Drug Administration authorised the therapy in adults and children 12 and above and who are at high risk of severe illness because of age or medical conditions.

It is unclear whether the Regeneron drug was what helped former US President Trump recover from the virus.


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e6f162  No.14243149

File: 6b42a4af4388e4f⋯.png (607.93 KB, 903x711, 301:237, two_weeks_she_said.PNG)


CDC Director Rochelle Walensky Says We Just Need Two Weeks to Stop the Delta Variant

By Stacey Lennox Jul 31, 2021 4:04 PM ET

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53c84e  No.14243150


>Evaluate voter intent

Meaning if a vote was for Trump then there is a process available to allow someone with access to 'evaluate' that the voter 'really meant' Bidan?

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86e40d  No.14243151


Understood but temporary remedies are sometimes needed. Wish anon knew exactly what you stated before. There is a reason those St Bernards carried whiskey around their neck

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3d622b  No.14243152


They commonly call those nightmares anon

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6c23a1  No.14243153


Yeah, but not when you drunk, and after 9 months start idiots to come to live.

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d93e08  No.14243154


> they put humans in our food

this is the un-welcome epiphany that would put most people into an insane aylum

Q post 142

"The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital "

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53c84e  No.14243155


What about the vote audit and uncovering of fraud that your story is meant to distract from, 'Walensky'?

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df98e5  No.14243156


Some of my best sex dreams have been nightmares


I don't drink, and I don't fuck with condoms

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e6f162  No.14243157

File: bdca8c7a6fec475⋯.png (74.12 KB, 680x539, 680:539, in_wake_o.PNG)


US Marines made rare move to deploy elite security teams to protect two American embassies in two months - including Haiti in the wake of President Jovenel Moïse's assassination


PUBLISHED: 02:16 EDT, 1 August 2021 | UPDATED: 03:03 EDT, 1 August 2021

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3d622b  No.14243158


We eat each other

Look into why the messiah needed to be crushed, he's been tryin' to wake humans up about what 'life' is for quite a while

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310d98  No.14243159


How about we just play 'Whack a Mole' with anybody who says anything like this…..bet that wouldflattenthe curve!

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53c84e  No.14243160


You being triggered over a basic factual statement that pure tobacco smoke is harmful, makes me kek.

Don't you realize your behavior only strengthens the truth of what you're attacking a messenger for sending that message?


You are projecting

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53c84e  No.14243161


Why do you 'interpret' factual statements as 'against' you?

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bb1b81  No.14243162

File: b8849236a254f4f⋯.jpg (315.76 KB, 1568x994, 112:71, CHINESE_SLAVE_LABOUR.jpg)

File: c7f3a878fdaa836⋯.jpg (264.85 KB, 1362x768, 227:128, Complete_bullshit.jpg)

File: a9c205ba80d91cf⋯.jpg (156.67 KB, 891x510, 297:170, Chinese_free_speech.jpg)

File: f542e8fa09f7fd7⋯.jpg (293.37 KB, 1200x608, 75:38, RAPE_AND_PILLAGE.jpg)

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aaa6b8  No.14243163


think logically

MSM says tobacco is bad for you …

MSM aways lies.

-> tobacco is good for you.


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e6f162  No.14243164

File: cc0671223bf093e⋯.png (52.48 KB, 628x401, 628:401, three_h.PNG)


August 1, 2021

The Three Horsemen of the Bidenapocalypse

By Clarice Feldman

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6c23a1  No.14243165


>I don't drink, and I don't fuck with condoms

<but if I drink, and fuck your wife, you would like me to wear a condtomm oh you'll embrece our kid?

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53c84e  No.14243166



What food items, by name and producer?

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53c84e  No.14243167


MSM doesn't blare that tobacco is bad for us.

They're predominantly silent about it.

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df98e5  No.14243169


No pills. No condoms. FULL AHEAD

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3d622b  No.14243170


Then you'd never find me anon

"Rejoice Jerusalem, no unclean men will enter your walls again"

He's makin' me into a nun :/

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368528  No.14243171

Collection from 18016:


>>14240669 Prayer is quantum; 20min video on space, time, matter, energy.

>>14240692 Head of Roman Catholic Diocese reveals long-term sexual abuse coverups.

>>14240782 Judge Jeanine: Fentanyl and other life-shattering drugs reaching your kids through social media.

>>14240785 Sen. Ron Johnson: Americans losing trust in the CDC.

>>14240789 Youtube bans Sky News Australia amidst militarized COVID mandates.

>>14240813 Anon digs on Soros family; George has a brother.

>>14240858 Fox news goes full derp.

>>14240872, >>14240898, >>14240971 Reminder of dangers by Glyphosate, high-fructose corn syrup, wheat for human health.

>>14240967 Democrat Governor Pritzker's residence in Illinois robbed by two black males: Scanner

>>14241044 Dumbing down of America.

Someone in 18016 collected 18015 already, up to baker if you want to use it.



>>14239853 Board of Supervisors Meeting Rasta guy eloquently calls out CoVid-19 lies in San Diego County

>>14240176 QClock July 31, 2021 Vive La LIBERTÉ!!! [D]Day

>>14239913 Retired priest - and brother of late Genovese crime family boss Vincent 'Chin' Gigante - is accused of sexually assaulting boy, 9, during bible study sessions in the 1970s

>>14240205 Jim Watkins chimes in on board of the 4th Reich (suspect telegram account - this anon aggregator unsure; included just in case)

>>14240339 Dr. Bryan Adris (CEO of ArdisLabs.com) The infertility is going to happen next generation b/c the vaxx's are toxic to developing eggs in the female fetus

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3e693c  No.14243172



I don't want to RUN FAR AWAY

I feel the beam of light coming down on me. I can feel it. I just need more and MOAR.

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22fd0c  No.14243173

File: 928ecddb8f058eb⋯.jpeg (16.56 KB, 472x315, 472:315, OIP_45_.jpeg)

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86e40d  No.14243174


Agreed. Think of what is discussed here and anons still are alive and kicking. Sad at the moment for other reasons and it doesn’t bother anon like it did when we first realized it at all. Was pretty tough eating anything when anon first found out. There is a Bible verse that speaks of sending wine to those broken hearted. Forget the actual quote but anon could only drink liquid bread during that time. If people realized all the aborted babies were in their Heinz ketchup people would probably off themselves. Anon knows it’s way worse than that. But just a simple example

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6c23a1  No.14243175



you are full anti abortion.

God lover.

God bless you.

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a7dcea  No.14243176

File: 887598ae1a2b880⋯.jpg (114.12 KB, 750x424, 375:212, 2019_02_04_Peolosi_message….jpg)

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53c84e  No.14243177


You're assuming you're fertile enough to impregnate any and all women, and that you would ever be in such a situation in the first place.

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11b8c0  No.14243178


There is no evidence of this.

That is the kind of thing that BigPharma would never allow to be studied

They want people to smoke their poisoned product

Not a clean organically grown one.

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a7dcea  No.14243181

File: 4086278ae46fca1⋯.mp4 (2.11 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Sitzung_63_Im_Auge_Des_Stu….mp4)

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d93e08  No.14243182

File: f3da8c09257fa39⋯.gif (1.94 MB, 500x500, 1:1, 35636.gif)


I gave up smoking when I was 14

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a7dcea  No.14243183

File: 5fe7d534d5198a7⋯.png (467.88 KB, 634x441, 634:441, clownshowoverdrive.png)

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df98e5  No.14243184


I refuse to believe the excitement today was bullshit


Yes. I want to have more kids

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a7dcea  No.14243185

File: 2f09e8a68559906⋯.mp4 (3.63 MB, 576x576, 1:1, snlpresident.mp4)

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e6a271  No.14243186

>>14239751 (pb)

#18015 notes

>>14239802 Passengers on fast track deportation flights to Central America removed for WuFlu. Biden has expedited removal flights and no one is losing their minds.

>>14239782, >>14239765, >>14239811, >>14239831, >>14240265 High fructose corn syrup prevents body from using Vitamin D to strengthen immune system

>>14239795 Companies and agencies requiring experimental gene therapy for employees, >>14240494 Their China connections

>>14239876 FYI 2021 Hurricane Season has a Hurricane Julian coming up….. Just saying…

>>14239910 #18014 Notables

>>14239911 #18010 Notables

>>14239913 Retired priest - and brother of late Genovese crime family boss Vincent 'Chin' Gigante - is accused of sexually assaulting boy, 9, during bible study sessions in the 1970s

>>14239921 CIA twats deputy director Cohen

>>14239948 PA Gov Wolf wants to extend opioid emergency declaration

>>14239957, >>14239965, >>14239972, >>14239978, >>14239982 Dalai Lama digs. Light on sauce.

>>14240176 QClock July 31, 2021 Vive La LIBERTE!!! [D]Day

>>14240189 $1000 fines if Sydney residents don't comply with electronic tracking

>>14240205 Jim says take your sandy vagina to /qrb/

>>14240219 CBD prevents severe lung damage from Wuhan Flu

>>14240218, >>14240243, >>14240363 Babylon Bee keks

>>14240303 CM A Chinese-language patent application for a covid-19 recombinant vaccine that uses GRAPHENE OXIDE as a carrier.

>>14240474 Don Jr. Twat Libs with a hilarious self-own trending #VaxToVote.

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df98e5  No.14243187

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59e99e  No.14243188

File: 536b7b968ed5856⋯.mp4 (4.14 MB, 464x848, 29:53, VID_20210801_112346_900.mp4)


Guys, look at this…


…i just can't 😱🤣🤣🤣

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a7dcea  No.14243189

File: 715d78c0979eebf⋯.mp4 (3.74 MB, 960x720, 4:3, regeneron.mp4)

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6c23a1  No.14243190


I make world with my mind, making kids w/ my dick is such old stuff…..

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3d622b  No.14243191


Now i am, had 3 abortions, have been educated by him about that

I was his wife, am not now

am in destruction mode

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470e66  No.14243193

File: 4da4064308d5b2e⋯.png (255.6 KB, 553x410, 553:410, fb3b8d208b04b0f533052f0a76….png)


Why the fuck would you purposefully put anything except oxygen into your lungs. Except that sweet, sweet sticky icky, of course.

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aaa6b8  No.14243194


Heinz Ketchup is kosher certified … the coloring additive is blood of Christian children.

Just joking.

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3d622b  No.14243195


oh dear

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53c84e  No.14243196


>There is no evidence of this.

Yes, there is. Your choice to ignore the evidence does not imply it does not exist, nor would my choosing not to post it would imply it does not exist.

>That is the kind of thing that BigPharma would never allow to be studied.

Big Pharma isn't the final arbiter of all studies.

>They want people to smoke their poisoned product

You just used the word 'poison' yet in the same post you (falsely) said there is no evidence it is poison.

>Not a clean organically grown one.

What you are calling 'clean organically grown' IS STILL HARMFUL to smoke.

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d93e08  No.14243197

File: d550b54b40bad03⋯.jpg (89.69 KB, 626x486, 313:243, 5336.jpg)


top kek

dubs checked

he even walks like a robot

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df98e5  No.14243198


What made you go destructo?

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53c84e  No.14243199


The world isn't made by only your mind.

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aaa6b8  No.14243200




>The world isn't made by only your mind.


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470e66  No.14243201

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bb1b81  No.14243202

File: 82bd6b9f31e60a4⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, COMPLETE_BULLSHIT.png)

File: fb787bd07e581d9⋯.jpg (100.69 KB, 640x360, 16:9, STOLEN.jpg)

File: 6c590dfc829d748⋯.jpg (96.58 KB, 615x299, 615:299, Uyghurs_forced.jpg)

File: e247f2945c9d1fa⋯.jpg (144.95 KB, 960x668, 240:167, slimey_backstabber.jpg)

File: 02d65ef3c32cca6⋯.jpg (79.11 KB, 696x392, 87:49, XIDEN_DOESN_T_CARE.jpg)

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424a45  No.14243204

File: 9ed808a59cda40b⋯.jpg (54.74 KB, 640x286, 320:143, gamestop_bank.jpg)


Lies aren't always binary true/false statements. The best lies are completely true statements intended to be misunderstood.

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86e40d  No.14243205


Was just jokingly giving an example too because anon has no proof but is probably spot on. We all know fetal cells are used in stuff. That probably means baby purée

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d93e08  No.14243206


what does he say??

sounds like "my butt's been waxed"

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a7dcea  No.14243207

File: 1c6ea3b31bbac2d⋯.png (420.24 KB, 841x572, 841:572, ClipboardImage.png)

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0d1dfe  No.14243208


.. “In fact, it is just the opposite,” Mr. Trump said in a statement. “The documents were meant to uphold the integrity and honesty of elections and the sanctity of our vote.”

Democrats on the House Oversight Committee on Friday released handwritten notes by Justice Department officials from late last year. Notes of a phone call last Dec. 27 indicate that Mr. Trump was pressuring then-Acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen to take action on the presidential election.

Mr. Rosen told Mr. Trump that the Justice Department “can’t + won’t snap its fingers + change the outcome of the election, doesn’t work that way,” according to notes taken by Richard Donoghue, who was Mr. Rosen’s deputy and was also on the call.

Mr. Trump replied, “Don’t expect you to do that, just say the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the R. Congressmen,” according to Mr. Donoghue’s notes.

Committee Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney, New York Democrat, said the handwritten notes “show that President Trump directly instructed our nation’s top law enforcement agency to take steps to overturn a free and fair election in the final days of his presidency.”

Mr. Trump rejected her characterization.

“The corrupt and highly partisan House Democrats who run the House Oversight Committee yesterday released documents—including court filings dealing with the rigged election of 2020—that they dishonestly described as attempting to overturn the election,” he said. “The American people want, and demand, that the president of the United States, its chief law enforcement officer in the country, stand with them to fight for election integrity and to investigate attempts to undermine our nation.” ..

.. He said the nation “has just suffered an incredibly corrupt presidential election, and it is time for Congress and others to investigate how such corruption was allowed to take place rather than investigating those that are exposing this massive fraud on the American people.” ..

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59e99e  No.14243209


I thinknits "my butt s been white"

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53c84e  No.14243210



You're asking for a source of reality outside your mind.

You just wrote fully consistent with the truth that the world isn't made by only your mind.

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6c23a1  No.14243211


sorry darling.

I was just kidding.

So fvcking sorry,

Please forgive me If I triggered you.

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a7dcea  No.14243212


"I must be white"

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22fd0c  No.14243213

File: 67ed742cfd52e96⋯.jpeg (131.19 KB, 736x1099, 736:1099, R_53_.jpeg)

Are you here

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11b8c0  No.14243214

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

In August 1966 this film was released in the UK

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df98e5  No.14243215


Yes. More than ready

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414bdc  No.14243216

File: 5b0289233555084⋯.jpg (340.21 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 5b0289233555084f0dfb31d8d7….jpg)




Collecting these, if no takers


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e6f162  No.14243217

File: a1ccd58ca93eabc⋯.png (316.81 KB, 581x517, 581:517, vader_1.PNG)

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a7dcea  No.14243218

File: 8fc8ab9b25b6dc9⋯.mp4 (7.18 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, cortezstarwars.mp4)

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414bdc  No.14243219

File: 1f7db7953f174b2⋯.jpg (95.42 KB, 1500x500, 3:1, yes_he_did.jpg)

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470e66  No.14243220

File: 17804ea590b2467⋯.jpg (154.16 KB, 750x598, 375:299, 1626638920227.jpg)


Look up Solipsism. Broaden your philosophy, godhead.

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22fd0c  No.14243221


Need guidance

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df98e5  No.14243222


Ask and you shall receive

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470e66  No.14243223

File: 29d1f660beec39b⋯.png (263.25 KB, 567x1200, 189:400, 4a313e7dc9319c7d75ea63c16a….png)



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a7dcea  No.14243224

File: 7361d42c03006bb⋯.png (325.08 KB, 602x760, 301:380, ClipboardImage.png)

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22fd0c  No.14243225


Who am I

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c43fb9  No.14243227

File: 4aee3895f28b462⋯.jpg (5.08 KB, 300x168, 25:14, download.jpg)

File: 0cca3baccd67371⋯.jpg (47 KB, 523x640, 523:640, 230720473_1022469941100910….jpg)

Its Science!

"Gently rubbing your eyes helps trigger the secretion of tears, helping lubricate eyes that are dry or itchy. Rubbing your eyes doesn't just help produce tears to provide relief. Surprisingly, it can help relieve stress too."

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df98e5  No.14243228


Let's find out together

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11b8c0  No.14243229

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


In September of 1966 this TV pilot was released in the USA

Notice an eerie similarity of the spaceships?

Were these Americans and Brits working as part of the same project?

Was this the beginning of the WhiteHats execution ofThePlan?

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bf422c  No.14243231

File: 6019c164f408b1d⋯.png (1.9 KB, 390x65, 6:1, Screen_Shot_08_01_21_at_05….PNG)

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e6f162  No.14243233

File: ac5cdd053d28843⋯.png (17.56 KB, 842x161, 842:161, colla_b.PNG)



Republican senators reveal previously-redacted Fauci letter info – including surprise collaboration

July 31, 2021 | Ashley Hill

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424a45  No.14243234


Trust yourself.

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df98e5  No.14243235

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0d1dfe  No.14243236

File: 9eac2cc55b23546⋯.png (2.77 MB, 1280x1280, 1:1, Freedom.png)


we are all here watching and waiting ha

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2aa149  No.14243237


John Kerry probably fapps to watching skid steers dump babies and adults

into a giant blender

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a7dcea  No.14243238

File: 73beac614ee089b⋯.png (188.76 KB, 1072x227, 1072:227, ClipboardImage.png)


>Need guidance


>Ask and you shall receive


The Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) is a guidance kit that converts unguided bombs, or "dumb bombs", into all-weather precision-guided munitions.

The JDAM is not a stand-alone weapon; rather it is a "bolt-on" guidance package that converts unguided gravity bombs into precision-guided munitions (PGMs). The key components of the system consist of a tail section with aerodynamic control surfaces, a (body) strake kit, and a combined inertial guidance system and GPS guidance control unit.

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a7dcea  No.14243239

File: d88dfd76d8926b4⋯.mp4 (4.61 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, DISGRACEFUL.mp4)

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11b8c0  No.14243240

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Or were they opposing teams?

After all the British seriesDoctor Who

Seemed to be glorifying the UN's WHO

Which was an organization that flitted around the world

Seeming to fight evil disease wherever it went

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22fd0c  No.14243241



How did we meet.

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df98e5  No.14243242

Stop running

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2aa149  No.14243243


Horrible actor. Fake and ghey testimony.

“ that nigga was CLEARLY lying” - Dave Chappells

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df98e5  No.14243244


What a coincidence, that's what I wanted to ask you. Which you? So many to choose from

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6c23a1  No.14243245

my level of jokes are only understand by reptilians, andneneafrom up stairs.

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39d483  No.14243246


why is he wearing a medal?

looks like something you would see on a third world country gov employee to 'signify importance'

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bb1b81  No.14243247

File: bc2b8be4e4bc5d9⋯.jpg (244.4 KB, 1116x743, 1116:743, hand_in_hand_CCP.jpg)

File: be00c120f3f3f84⋯.jpg (108.71 KB, 726x506, 33:23, weaponized_or_harmless.jpg)

File: 67e4f1e58b768b9⋯.jpg (114 KB, 648x382, 324:191, money_buys_opinion.jpg)

File: 1471b701fde147d⋯.jpg (165.2 KB, 928x616, 116:77, swamp_leech.jpg)

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a7dcea  No.14243248

File: 584908ddbe35a79⋯.png (472.47 KB, 436x480, 109:120, ClipboardImage.png)


>a guidance kit that converts unguided bombs, or "dumb bombs", into all-weather precision-guided munitions.

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19e033  No.14243249

Can no longer believe anything you see or hear

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e6f162  No.14243250

File: 2ebebc7ea66445d⋯.png (27.17 KB, 850x209, 850:209, child_list.PNG)


Government calls for national list of homeschooled children

UK lawmakers demand 'getting a grip on the number of young people not being taught in school'

Bob Unruh By Bob Unruh

Published July 31, 2021 at 5:20pm

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19e033  No.14243251

If you had the power to create everything

Why do you need the bible?

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a7dcea  No.14243252


Can someone ID the thing?

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df98e5  No.14243253


How's ol' nenea doin?

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424a45  No.14243254


In the world before this one.

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470e66  No.14243255

File: 98906ff1fbc4796⋯.jpeg (56.68 KB, 512x427, 512:427, 98906ff1fbc47963e7a0ece7f….jpeg)


Lay 'em on us, smoothskin.

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19e033  No.14243256

What if earth is the Ark

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21a9f4  No.14243257


Sure is a curious world. ain't it gentlemen.

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2aa149  No.14243258


Probably talking to ourselves on other timelines. Just like Doc warns in Back to the Future… don’t let yourself see yourself

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11b8c0  No.14243259

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Well, look at that!

A British band has a song

With the same name!!!

The End of the Beginning

I hope that…

… the message is finally Black and White…

For you!!!

Would you believe that Black Sabbath is a project of the Whitehats

For Liberty and Freedom?

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470e66  No.14243260


What would be the flood?

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a7dcea  No.14243261

File: 416e25e263bd3f0⋯.mp4 (4.59 MB, 640x480, 4:3, ScotFree.mp4)

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b5db7f  No.14243262

File: 89cd8c5b07e2a63⋯.png (157.54 KB, 1225x882, 25:18, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8e44bcadcc9ca06⋯.png (111.92 KB, 879x666, 293:222, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 33b43d2161a55d8⋯.png (10.01 KB, 857x82, 857:82, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9efe020ffc03c99⋯.png (759.8 KB, 462x768, 77:128, ClipboardImage.png)



What did this 'SoD' do to dignify himself with a ridiculous 'I did more important things than the men and women in uniform' medal that looks like what Mao or a tinpot dictator would 'reward' themselves with?

What pomposity.

Henceforth, he could be known as Darth…Pompous Medal Sneeze Guard.

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d93e08  No.14243263

File: 96e46bed445cff1⋯.jpg (31.93 KB, 474x266, 237:133, 42325.jpg)


>and nenea

I never liked that Narnia movie

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19e033  No.14243264

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424a45  No.14243265


>don’t let yourself see yourself

That's destroyed the world in every simulation I've attempted it in so far.

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470e66  No.14243266

File: badc76ee9d37a8d⋯.gif (221.61 KB, 250x250, 1:1, badc76ee9d37a8d182bad14b93….gif)



i dont get it

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a7dcea  No.14243267

File: de68dc8ff958ca0⋯.png (1.18 MB, 2666x5416, 1333:2708, ClipboardImage.png)


>Government calls for national list of homeschooled children


MPs call for national register of home-educated children

A committee of MPs is calling for a national register of home-educated children in England, saying there is an "unacceptable level of opaqueness" surrounding the issue.

The Commons Education Committee says it is important to "get a grip" on the number in home education.

It says more data must be collected to ensure all children out of school get a suitable education.

Home educators say this will increase families' lack of trust in the system.

The MPs' report - Strengthening Home Education - says the government does not collect national figures for how many children are electively home-educated and parents do not have to register the fact with councils.

Committee chair, Conservative MP Robert Halfon, said it was "frankly astonishing" that the government was only able to make a "best guess" over the standard of education children schooled at home were receiving.

According to research by the BBC, published earlier this month, the number of children registering for home education in the UK rose by 75% in the first eight months of the current school year.

It found more than 40,000 pupils were formally taken out of school in the UK between September 2020 and April 2021, compared with an average of 23,000 over the previous two years.

The figures are based on Freedom of Information responses from 153 of the 205 county councils and unitary authorities in Great Britain, and all of Northern Ireland.

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11b8c0  No.14243268

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Let's begin to learn about illusion

Because by now you know that the Matrix is real

And in escaping it you risk falling into another illusion

So let's fortify ourselves with knowledge and logic

Thinking about alternate timelines

And the Mandela effect?

First you need to learn about…


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42bef3  No.14243269


I could move 11/12/13 or 14

KLM or N

N= war, i didnt want to do that

L = Time, i knew division of time prophecy

K = was already taken and i'd already lived there before i went to 10

M meant Jerusalem, at that point i had all three cups, mine & my sisters, I thought it best for me to be destroyed, am not well and I wanted to save my sisters

'tis not pleasant

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b5db7f  No.14243270


I didn't see your post before I posted this. Hivemind.


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19e033  No.14243271



Of information

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bf422c  No.14243272


>they put humans in our food


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a7dcea  No.14243273


The education select committee's report notes that it is likely the coronavirus pandemic has increased the number of families choosing to pursue home education.

The MPs say some families in England face being forced into home schooling - partly due to a lack of support for children with special educational needs and disabilities.

They say there must be assessment of progress in numeracy and literacy to ensure that those who are home-schooled are getting the same opportunities as their school-educated peers.

The report also says the government should meet entry costs of exams for home-educated children to help them "gain the qualifications needed for future education, training and employment, that will allow them to play active roles in society".

'Missing out'

Committee chair Mr Halfon said: "It is frankly astonishing that we are only able to make a best guess at the number of children being educated at home, particularly when the Department for Education itself concedes that there is considerable evidence that many young people are missing out on the teaching and support that they are entitled to.

"Some parents are providing their children with a high-quality educational experience, but those against greater oversight must realise that it does not follow that all home-educated children are in the same boat.

"Getting a grip on the number of young people not being taught in school with a national register for children outside of school must just be the first step in shaking up the status quo."

Mr Halfon added that local authorities must "keep a much closer eye" on how home-educated children were progressing, and that financial and practical support should be given to ensure home-educated children could take exams.

Home-educated child numbers soar by 75%

Covid fears prompt rise in home schooling

But the group Education Otherwise said the select committee's inquiry into home schooling was prejudiced.

Its chair, Wendy Charles-Warner, told the BBC: "Yet again we have policy recommended on the basis of rhetoric and rumour, rather than evidence.

"Parents are deeply aggrieved that the huge majority of their submissions - which make clear that there is no basis, nor benefit, in registration of home-educated children - have been ignored, in what was manifestly a predetermined outcome of a deeply prejudiced inquiry.

"This report will serve to increase home-educating families' lack of trust in public bodies even further."

She added: "The only valid and reasonable recommendation in this report is that home-educated children receive fair access to examinations, a point which should not need making."

'Negative assumption'

Jennifer Skillen, who runs HE Special, an online national support group for parents home-educating children with special educational needs and disabilities, welcomed the call for more support and equal access to exams.

But she said a lack of clarity about the exact numbers of families home-educating did not mean those children were not receiving an education.

"This negative assumption can influence the relationship between local authorities and families and should be avoided if the government wishes to build positive relationships," she said.

Paul Whiteman, general secretary of school leaders' union NAHT, said the government must "find out the reasons behind so many more families choosing home-education recently".

He added: "NAHT has been calling for an official register of home-educated children for some time - the fact that there is no official source of data is a sign of how unsatisfactory the situation is."

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bb1b81  No.14243274

File: 0f5969e4b4d701e⋯.jpg (56.24 KB, 441x440, 441:440, Trump_explaining.jpg)

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39d483  No.14243275

File: b08c95bfde222ab⋯.jpg (123.19 KB, 1204x591, 1204:591, armored.jpg)

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a7dcea  No.14243276

File: 6a667d2af4b5860⋯.mp4 (4.73 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, HollywoodJustFoundOut_a_lo….mp4)

File: 9a154f8c2c0d170⋯.mp4 (901.71 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, HollywoodJustFound_out_we_….mp4)

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a7dcea  No.14243277

File: 47433bf5720d988⋯.png (578.41 KB, 976x549, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Covid: Pulse oxygen monitors work less well on darker skin, experts say

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19e033  No.14243278


Think matrix

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42bef3  No.14243279


which excitement woud that be anon ?

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22fd0c  No.14243280

I don't have the memories

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11b8c0  No.14243281

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Remember, our goal

Is knowledge fortified by logic

This will allow us to focus our intention

And our will

To make the future in our own image

We're a team, United not divided

So our will and our intentions

Are aligned to the same ends

Watch The Water

Hacking Reality

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b5db7f  No.14243282


Gold for the 'worker representatives' party.


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d93e08  No.14243283


humans are 2d quasi crystals ?

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e6f162  No.14243284

File: d855a4c56efa4d1⋯.png (241.63 KB, 504x437, 504:437, fash_it.PNG)

File: c649f46095c6825⋯.png (451.37 KB, 556x449, 556:449, fash_it_1.PNG)

File: 6ead3a1bc300541⋯.png (689.15 KB, 568x599, 568:599, major_ass_hole.PNG)

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e5a6ca  No.14243285

File: cf070bd71ec5989⋯.png (18.9 KB, 650x471, 650:471, solopist_convention.png)

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bf422c  No.14243286


>Can no longer believe anything you see or hear

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a7dcea  No.14243287

File: df75a29c3d6d6bb⋯.png (512.27 KB, 853x480, 853:480, ClipboardImage.png)


>Darth Pompous

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21a9f4  No.14243288


Jesus. These mother fuckers.

The only thing that makes sense to me about the Trump skit is Looking Glass. Both sides knew. And it was truly up to us, the people, to make the choice for the future.

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39d483  No.14243289


achievement unlocked 'pants medal worthy'

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11b8c0  No.14243290

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Let's learn the geometric first-principles unification of

space, time,

matter, energy,

information, and consciousness.

Understand this and you will understand why

Human intention and will

Can change the universe

Prayer is another name for this activity

And when people areUnited NOT Divided

We can co-create a world of ABUNDANCE

A post-scarcity world in which

The BEST is yet to come!

Cabal distractions play out everywhere around us

But those are there to help those still dreaming

Through the Great Awakening

If you've taken the Red Pill

Ignore those distractions and get ready

To help the others out!!!

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df98e5  No.14243291


The excitement of feeling alive. Looking forward to something in my immediate future. A miracle. The start of something truly amazing. Passion


I seriously doubt that

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a7dcea  No.14243292

File: 5868d62499e261a⋯.jpg (74.41 KB, 900x508, 225:127, anonsfilter.jpg)


>Both sides knew. And it was truly up to us, the people, to make the choice for the future.

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b772c7  No.14243293


Q was responding to some quotes Nancy had made about having "more arrows in the quiver", i.e. fuckery the Dems could still try.

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86e40d  No.14243295

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a7dcea  No.14243296

File: b05b57e07f6f166⋯.mp4 (546.57 KB, 640x360, 16:9, reboot.mp4)

File: 284710eede6d89a⋯.mp4 (13.92 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, _SpeakerPelosi_Pelosi_tour….mp4)

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a7dcea  No.14243297

File: 75240c4ce653081⋯.jpeg (75.39 KB, 500x500, 1:1, eyes.jpeg)

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b772c7  No.14243298


Prelude to limits and quotas no doubt

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e6f162  No.14243299

File: 6710e5fc410ce12⋯.png (162.19 KB, 452x673, 452:673, w_bank_1.PNG)


bullion, bitcoin & bullsh*t w/ GMONEY, [31.07.21 22:32]

[Forwarded from Covid Red Pills 💊]

[ Photo ]





World Bank Document (https://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/993371585947965984/pdf/World-COVID-19-Strategic-Preparedness-and-Response-Project.pdf) 🔗


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df98e5  No.14243300

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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470e66  No.14243301

File: 3a468b3c3573b09⋯.jpg (154.54 KB, 880x1360, 11:17, 71ejiCxfy0L.jpg)


Stop talking to yourself and get with it.


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21a9f4  No.14243302

File: 56d236a5e1932fb⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1919x1075, 1919:1075, OPM4.png)

Filter me if you want.

Won't change the fact that God won.

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42bef3  No.14243303


anon think of a ball, now think of light hittin' that ball, the ball is one 'colour' however it appears lighter where the light hits it, that is the truth of skin colour

When i say the black widow, i am referencin' my reality, not only am I 1/8th Aboriginal (my skin appears white) but I was married to the 'Black Stranger' which is connected to the Scots/Irish throne,that is why the royals use the stone in the coronation ceremony

Legend has that the stone will flow with magic when the messiah walks the earth again, in my experience this is true

Vrindivan is the city of love and the city of widows




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a7dcea  No.14243304

File: 1fec9570053b1b9⋯.jpg (226.06 KB, 1068x665, 1068:665, Pepleiadians.jpg)

the state of these shills.. yikes

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42bef3  No.14243306


am happy for you anon :)

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21a9f4  No.14243307


Yea. It would go till then. If they had won.

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a7dcea  No.14243308

File: 7db2558b7ecbb20⋯.mp4 (2.3 MB, 852x480, 71:40, Unearthed_video_of_Peter_D….mp4)

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a7dcea  No.14243309

File: fb46a52af519399⋯.mp4 (11.16 MB, 640x360, 16:9, dr_anthony_fauci_senator_p….mp4)

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df98e5  No.14243310


It's a happiness I want to share with another.

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42bef3  No.14243311

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0d1dfe  No.14243312

File: 18a5751b379633a⋯.png (461.51 KB, 743x1100, 743:1100, 470_staff_Sessions_letter_….png)

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470e66  No.14243313

File: 05f9529341d3c52⋯.png (1.25 MB, 713x855, 713:855, 05f9529341d3c5288574ec2487….png)


Ayup. Just as bad as last thread, but different.

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e5a6ca  No.14243314

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Chronic-cles of Narnia!

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cead76  No.14243315

Something must be happening because I just had the best night's sleep in 4 years.

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d93e08  No.14243316

File: 038e0f60bce7f16⋯.png (359.39 KB, 640x457, 640:457, LG.png)


> Looking Glass. Both sides knew

That's my understanding too

Hillary never thought she would lose the election, because "her side" saw it with their Looking Glass technology

She was supposed to win

But it was just their projection onto the Looking Glass and not a real future reality

"watch the water"

Looking Glass, the device, is surrounded by a pool of water and that is where future possible time-lines are displayed

The White Hats already know how this "movie" ends, via LG

We are watching the movie, but the ending is already known

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df98e5  No.14243317


Doesn't she look great in white?

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0d1dfe  No.14243318

File: 9c02c66b03e5d07⋯.png (153 KB, 504x785, 504:785, 50_percent_from_campaign_a….png)

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42bef3  No.14243319



Just do it


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3e693c  No.14243320


Thanks. My confusion is regarding my previous posts and the responses about LAMDA.

I received words and YouTube links I couldn't understand including;

1.Nancy M





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6eca15  No.14243321


I did too until cat wanted to go outside. Cats are still easier than teenagers.

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42bef3  No.14243322



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bb1b81  No.14243323

File: 14557e996679b15⋯.jpg (59.7 KB, 435x386, 435:386, STOP_THIS.jpg)

File: 3cc25e909297a85⋯.jpg (44.26 KB, 506x377, 506:377, NOT_A_POLITICAL_CHOICE.jpg)

File: 52df67477df43f5⋯.jpg (234.81 KB, 1128x474, 188:79, FUCK_JOE_XIDEN.jpg)

File: 6955dc51a5eb15c⋯.jpg (139.07 KB, 800x420, 40:21, bidens_legacy.jpg)

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86e40d  No.14243324


“Children and pineapple”

Sickest fucking shit ever. Unless everything is a “movie” it sounds to anon that he wasn’t fucking lying

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a7dcea  No.14243325

File: 877e0855f8c6afb⋯.jpg (76.14 KB, 888x499, 888:499, earring.jpg)

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42bef3  No.14243326


Cat faced goddess anon, no they are not

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df98e5  No.14243327


I would, if I knew where to find her. If I knew where to find her, I would be able to share that happiness for many many hours

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cead76  No.14243328


>I did too until cat wanted to go outside. Cats are still easier than teenagers.

Wife wanted to have sex and I still didn't wake up.

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a7dcea  No.14243329

File: 292840718a83509⋯.jpg (57.86 KB, 406x800, 203:400, MilesGuo.jpg)

File: e13dab230926803⋯.jpeg (1.06 MB, 2160x2700, 4:5, the_rock.jpeg)

File: e3611d9bb31bc90⋯.png (305.14 KB, 393x390, 131:130, tulsi.png)

File: 673b9702d5ab7f9⋯.jpeg (70.84 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Awan.jpeg)

File: 5d728e880af0045⋯.png (217.07 KB, 360x480, 3:4, raute.png)

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0d1dfe  No.14243330

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Grassley To Fauci: 'Did You Do Any Oversight Of The Taxpayer Money You Sent To Eco Health?'

Tuesday on the Senate floor, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) discussed a letter he sent to HHS calling for "proper oversight" of taxpayer money being sent to China, and asked a question he claims Fauci has not answered: "Did you do any oversight of the taxpayer money you sent to Eco Health, money that you knew was going to the communist Chinese government?"

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a7dcea  No.14243331

File: 270131c5f53fe52⋯.gif (2.29 MB, 360x202, 180:101, 5i6keo.gif)

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a7dcea  No.14243332

File: 772feda6407964b⋯.png (308.44 KB, 789x648, 263:216, trudeau_necktie.png)

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a7dcea  No.14243333

File: 2b69b49015e7ee7⋯.mp4 (109.08 KB, 640x356, 160:89, tinykek.mp4)

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39d483  No.14243334


>Hillary never thought she would lose the election, because "her side" saw it with their Looking Glass technology

hrc and her ilk were looking to the (((msm))) 'looking glass' and trying to fulfill the degenerate narrative

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80ca20  No.14243335


The "Rock", One of the ways Satan tried to finish off Adam and Eve is by dumping a big ole rock on them.

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21a9f4  No.14243336


That image is beautiful.

Really makes me wonder about <that> timeline.

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e6f162  No.14243337

File: a70e7e5a0de4068⋯.png (25.5 KB, 591x232, 591:232, sky_news_d.PNG)


JUST IN - YouTube has reportedly temporarily banned Sky News Australia from posting. The TV network, which usually uploads dozens of videos per day, hasn't uploaded anything for more than 2 days.

1:38 PM · Jul 31, 2021

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470e66  No.14243338

File: 46bde4acae372a0⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1390x1200, 139:120, fb75d4f52654c70e04c1790f7c….png)


From what I understand, the timeline we're in collapsed somewhere around late 2016. What that means is the future's no longer malleable. It's set, and all we can do is sit back and enjoy the show.

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0d1dfe  No.14243339

File: 0283b5bc6a07f90⋯.png (424.46 KB, 1067x800, 1067:800, SW_border_apprehensions_Tr….png)

File: 0b1ec8c9695581f⋯.png (321.69 KB, 611x646, 611:646, 190000_border_crossings_Ju….png)

File: edfe14bcb9fb46a⋯.png (384 KB, 800x445, 160:89, kamala_border.png)

File: 3b62dac38d71969⋯.png (89.82 KB, 255x191, 255:191, biden_selfie_foil_blankets….png)

File: 0daf60b623b293b⋯.png (718.34 KB, 1000x550, 20:11, border_adults_and_minors_u….png)

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86e40d  No.14243340


Cats go all go fuck themselves. They serve no purpose other than a human personifying them and making them like a human “baby”. Disgusting creatures. Elon even tweeted AI studies cat videos because toxoplasmosis takes over the human brain and makes them want more cats, which allegedly is from rats (probably the ccp Kek) … fuck cats. Only purpose they serve is catching rodents but then they just bring them inside with all the disease. Cats can suck it

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0d1dfe  No.14243341

File: e5b365d1ee34eca⋯.mp4 (3.36 MB, 852x418, 426:209, snow_white_snowden_optic_n….mp4)

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a7dcea  No.14243342

File: dc7c4148148eafb⋯.mp4 (4.44 MB, 854x480, 427:240, EcoHealthGrant.mp4)


>Fauci has not answered: "Did you do any oversight of the taxpayer money you sent to Eco Health, money that you knew was going to the communist Chinese government?"

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414bdc  No.14243343

Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL No.147453147📁

Nov 1 2017 01:25:22 (EST)

Would you believe a device was placed somewhere in the WH that could actually cause harm to anyone in the room and would in essence be undetected?

Fantasy right?

When Trump was elected you can’t possibly imagine the steps taken prior to losing power to ensure future safety & control.

When was it reported Trump Jr dropped his SS detail?

Why would he take that huge risk given what we know?

I can hint and point but cannot give too many highly classified data points.

These keywords and questions are framed to reduce sniffer programs that continually absorb and analyze data then pushed to z terminals for eval. Think xkeysc on steroids.


Would you believe a device was placed somewhere in the WH that could actually cause harm to anyone in the room and would in essence be undetected?

Yes. -Cuba NEWS coverage on permanent hearing loss and other neurological symptoms on embassy officials. -implying high tech weaponry/directed weaponry

When was it reported Trump Jr dropped his SS detail?

The NYT and other outlets reported this on 9/18/17 https://mobile.nytimes.com/2017/09/18/us/politics/donald-trump-jr-secret-service.html Reported on Sep. 18 he dropped SS, reinstated on the 25th.

Why would he take that huge risk given what we know?

Because the SS detail was corrupt or compromised in some way -Necessary/throw others off the track (focus on him)/ability to meet with others without SS detail present -Because he feared they were infiltrated, as they were with Kennedy.


A device was placed somewhere in the White House that could actually cause harm to anyone in the room and would in essence be undetected (think Cuba). When was it reported Trump Jr dropped his SS detail, he took that huge risk given what we know.

extra answers

Would you believe a device was placed somewhere in the WH that could actually cause harm to anyone in the room and would in essence be undetected?

Yes. A wall was removed during renovations. The Roosevelt room and Oval office was redone.

When was it reported Trump Jr dropped his SS detail?

Why would he take that huge risk given what we know?


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42bef3  No.14243344


All is connected anon

Nancy Pelosi = Nancy POWER low C, or the deep state

key wee n

Nancy M is more precise, now

Julie is P, an aquarius, the water "Willow"

i am Nancy "The Grace of God", woman put aside, that type of thing

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470e66  No.14243345



2015, not 2016. Or maybe 2016, I forget.

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bb1b81  No.14243346

File: 71bf944fb0e5cab⋯.jpg (80.79 KB, 620x413, 620:413, FAUCI_HAS_VESTED_INTERESTS.jpg)

File: 5f88170bc917825⋯.jpg (86.77 KB, 548x361, 548:361, manmade_or_bats.jpg)

File: 0157e9637338423⋯.jpg (136.3 KB, 810x539, 810:539, FAKED_RESULTS.jpg)

File: 4537585083a1066⋯.jpg (100.56 KB, 616x407, 56:37, Profit_over_lies.jpg)

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e5a6ca  No.14243348

File: 969b7daea259c94⋯.png (45.92 KB, 432x602, 216:301, Screenshot_2021_08_01_at_0….png)

>>14240205 (pb)


The post after!

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0d1dfe  No.14243349

File: 24af0e89ba70405⋯.png (70.4 KB, 801x560, 801:560, eco_health_alliance_follow….png)


whoa, very nice ty

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39d483  No.14243350


develop viruses to infect humans

develop mandatory vaxxines to 'protect' from these viruses

and repeat?

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8e1b2a  No.14243351


This is why I'm not overly excited about Heaven…

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a7dcea  No.14243352

File: 77d34b61782f719⋯.png (236.93 KB, 366x474, 61:79, ClipboardImage.png)

Same guy?



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c6489d  No.14243353

File: 35acaaca412b9a1⋯.jpg (22.01 KB, 924x469, 132:67, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….jpg)

File: d4a5e81293bea36⋯.jpg (27.98 KB, 970x565, 194:113, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….jpg)


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42bef3  No.14243354

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21a9f4  No.14243355


Zuck has been cucked

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e6f162  No.14243356

File: 814949b4be3f6c7⋯.png (21.26 KB, 1009x168, 1009:168, soviet.PNG)


Soviet immigrant says critical race theory uses 'the same concepts and language' as Marxism

by Jeremy Beaman, Breaking News Reporter |

| July 31, 2021 12:57 PM

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a7dcea  No.14243357

File: 68b5f53386e3536⋯.jpeg (68.12 KB, 800x528, 50:33, Shi_Zhengli.jpeg)

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6eca15  No.14243358


Good thing Mr Pig is sleeping.

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df98e5  No.14243359


Come on man

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86e40d  No.14243360

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e6f162  No.14243361

File: ec73e85ce32ba5b⋯.png (28.26 KB, 856x357, 856:357, coming_for_3.PNG)


Wildfires Are Coming For Wine, Weed, And Christmas

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Saturday, Jul 31, 2021 - 11:30 PM

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42bef3  No.14243362


is anon of the non man variety

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cf6015  No.14243363

File: 2f9e28ede35b446⋯.jpg (77.46 KB, 1080x418, 540:209, AddText_07_31_10_30_39.jpg)

File: 2a57d50edbfd107⋯.png (45.59 KB, 516x516, 1:1, 75342e34afff0498e7ab2ebd29….png)

File: 6c8af125522c925⋯.png (105.65 KB, 255x252, 85:84, 52016d62714f2a3419eff29f0e….png)

pRESIDENT {PINO} bidAn day 193

o7 Anons, Autists and non-shillified Bakers



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a46dc9  No.14243364

File: eafca5f4a923206⋯.png (421.29 KB, 329x495, 329:495, ClipboardImage.png)

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e6f162  No.14243365

File: c3598e7ded50110⋯.png (26 KB, 866x331, 866:331, cali_par_1.PNG)


California Parents Are Pulling Children From Public Schools

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Saturday, Jul 31, 2021 - 10:00 PM

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c75c29  No.14243366

File: dad2deba886f3f6⋯.gif (1.8 MB, 342x252, 19:14, thespian.gif)

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6eca15  No.14243367


At least next year we will still have woman and song.

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42bef3  No.14243368


Ed plays chess did you know? He had, has, a queen

That is all

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39d483  No.14243369

File: 17de645969449ac⋯.gif (488.26 KB, 500x227, 500:227, missywuhan.gif)

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e6f162  No.14243370

File: 2c8bca522ade0bf⋯.png (204.23 KB, 859x584, 859:584, insect.PNG)


Cargo Vessel Expelled From US Waters After Discovery Of Chinese Invasive Insects

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Saturday, Jul 31, 2021 - 03:30 PM

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df98e5  No.14243371


Anon is of the I want it and I want it now variety

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5268dd  No.14243372

File: 7101e811346238b⋯.png (352.67 KB, 428x582, 214:291, ClipboardImage.png)

Just checked out the French data on the vax stuff poster prior bread (sorry no PB link image, for reference) and holy moly the numbers are up there, in fact some are a LOT higher at present…

Main index page for each vac


The number of individual cases identified in EudraVigilance for COVID-19 VACCINE JANSSEN (AD26.COV2.S) is 19,915 (up to 31/07/2021)

The number of individual cases identified in EudraVigilance for COVID-19 VACCINE ASTRAZENECA (CHADOX1 NCOV-19) is 346,881 (up to 31/07/2021)

The number of individual cases identified in EudraVigilance for COVID-19 MRNA VACCINE MODERNA (CX-024414) is 84,587 (up to 31/07/2021)

Tozinameran = Pfizer

The number of individual cases identified in EudraVigilance for TOZINAMERAN is 327,665 (up to 31/07/2021)

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86e40d  No.14243373


Probably genetically engineered by Egyptians as bio-weapon delivery systems. Absolutely hate them. Crazy cat ladies are the worst. Will never ever ever ever have a cat again

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d93e08  No.14243374


Scot Free

how does this tie into:

Scott Free Productions which made White Squall ?

I've never been able to make sense of the links

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21a9f4  No.14243375


17. Thousand.

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470e66  No.14243376

File: 8bcfefb4cebbe5d⋯.png (113.55 KB, 333x325, 333:325, 62e2b3d7df076a83a98aa00c02….png)



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e6f162  No.14243377

File: 8d69c35767d6dd6⋯.png (1.05 MB, 989x771, 989:771, use_gas.PNG)


FURY & ANGER Paris cops use tear gas to disperse anti-vaxxers holding signs saying ‘we are not guinea pigs’ in jab passport protest

Adrian Zorzut

15:05 ET, Jul 31 2021Updated: 15:49 ET, Jul 31 2021

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b80a46  No.14243378

Daily reminder that a virus is not what you've been brainwashed to believe in. Viruses are a symptom of cell toxicity and have not been proven to cause illness or spread.

EMF from cell towers that cover nearly everything and is constantly frying our cells, processed artificial food, chemtrails, pharmaceuticals, "vaccines", negative emotional states, stress - these are the main causes of illness. Until cell towers fall, they'll use the virus lie against humanity.

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424a45  No.14243379

File: ac5b419846a28a8⋯.gif (117.22 KB, 1040x445, 208:89, ac5b419846a28a8e360ef7612e….gif)


>Chinese Invasive Insects

PRC troops?

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5268dd  No.14243380


Interestingly, i can't get specific death numbers which is suss af…. my autism antenna is feeling like its a LOT higher than 17,000 frens…

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a7dcea  No.14243381

File: c060e66865c6943⋯.png (377.58 KB, 1280x495, 256:99, ClipboardImage.png)


nice car

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42bef3  No.14243382


so we talk about cats, Stephanie who lives at 17, asked to borrow a roll of toilet paper when i was at number 10, her cat is Scott, she makes use of the connection with the blue and white vrindivan sari, and (Q) e (coffee)

That was when Q went mean, anti christ

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e6f162  No.14243383

File: 49b703ba1cf8e48⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1013x771, 1013:771, tens_of_tho.PNG)


Tens of thousands march against French Covid ‘health pass’ for third straight weekend

Issued on: 31/07/2021 - 15:02Modified: 31/07/2021 - 15:03

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470e66  No.14243384

File: 03d3b6ac6efe079⋯.jpg (83.65 KB, 800x635, 160:127, 1626654477323.jpg)

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d93e08  No.14243385

File: fb74be043c5150d⋯.mp4 (908.8 KB, 576x1024, 9:16, zuck_the_cuck.mp4)


dubdubs checked

>Zuck has been cucked

by the devil

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865e88  No.14243386

File: 4eb86548978bfa4⋯.jpg (14.62 KB, 255x155, 51:31, 1d49e94ac1a983038d61a43d46….jpg)

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42bef3  No.14243387


do your research, that paper is shunned, phone hacking killed a child

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2e9325  No.14243388


Early morning kinda-hangover spitballing, but the way I see it, Q's most famous reference so far has been Red October, where a gambit of running ahead into the torpedo was used to destroy it before it armed itself and exploded. This was most definitely vax-related, forcing the vaccines way faster than they should have went and accelerationing their entire plan to the point it falls apart.

Now I'm thinking re: White Squall, there is a scene there where the captain/teacher is put on trial for endangering the students of his ship, and then they come in to testify to basically exonerate him. We couldn't agree for a long while on Trump seemingly supporting the vax, though we noted it was done token and only when he was totally forced to by circumstance or journalists.

What I am thinking this might signify is, Trump will get the blame for the vax and he'll be put to court, and it will be up to us to defend and exonerate him, that is - Q's students. And we're sure as fuck going to do that, right anons?

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e6f162  No.14243389

File: d5f7a0faad6adde⋯.png (453.04 KB, 596x602, 298:301, back_rent.PNG)


Nearly 2 million households owe $15 billion in back rent as eviction moratorium expires | Just The News


Nearly 2 million households owe $15 billion in back rent as eviction moratorium expires

The Supreme Court ruled that “clear and specific congressional authorization, via new legislation would be necessary” for another extension.

11:15 PM · Jul 31, 2021

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5268dd  No.14243390


Just a few quick sums comparison, since the start of July, the numbers have increased by 251,141 reports. That's an increase of 47%… if we assume the same increase in deaths, thats another 8,226 deaths… a total of 25,728. Frick.

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39d483  No.14243391


jews are known for mass murder (see marxism), and the tech developed to commit the mass murder is driven the same way as they drove Americans and it's allies to attack Germany and anyone else standing in the way of the depopulation agenda.

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5268dd  No.14243392


And to reiterate… this is in 28 days and appears to be increasing rapidly…. your talking 10k+ deaths per month about to kick off.

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df98e5  No.14243393

File: 58dc7de6c7bde27⋯.jpg (29.28 KB, 528x543, 176:181, 58dc7de6c7bde27b7b1eb1776c….jpg)

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d93e08  No.14243394

File: 81271bfd8aa43b0⋯.gif (3.74 MB, 320x426, 160:213, 2425.gif)



bug people

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6eca15  No.14243395


digits confirm I better think hard about this if the scenario plays out. The problem is there are many people I love and respect that bring joy to my life that got the vax. I would have to be one cold hearted individual to protect some politician that was pushing a poison and stupid people I love.

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22fd0c  No.14243396

You chose the name of a weapon of mine

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a7dcea  No.14243397

File: 9449dca6945b29b⋯.mp4 (15.54 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, _katyperry_Katy_did_you_sa….mp4)

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e6f162  No.14243398

File: 61421b6812a97ac⋯.png (30.49 KB, 1287x295, 1287:295, from_unions.PNG)


Biden hits resistance from unions on vaccine requirement

By Karl Evers-Hillstrom - 07/31/21 05:00 PM EDT

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6eca15  No.14243399


I am curious how anyone knows these figures. Are property owners reporting their renters to some government organization?

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df98e5  No.14243400


What weapon? I can remember anything, but I have to be reminded

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a7dcea  No.14243401

File: f14ebc25140f43e⋯.mp4 (4.73 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Leonard_Nimoy_on_global_co….mp4)



an alien who looked like satan himself, complete with pointy ears

also guy speaking looks like noname

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d93e08  No.14243402


dubdubs confirm

I sense that Q's statement that the end won't be for everyone means that corona vaccine deaths will be un-avoidable, though regrettable

we don't win this (silent) war without casualties

thanks for your reply, anon


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42bef3  No.14243403

Saiph ?

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39d483  No.14243404


>who looked like satan himself


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86e40d  No.14243405


Apologize for using the quote from Dave Chappelle again… but…

“This nigga was CLEARLY lying!”

The shame is..too much for normies to understand. Anons brain is having a hard time listening on such little sleep. Anon can process but knows that normies would just “check out” and go back to watching Kardashians

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22fd0c  No.14243406

File: 55c029ff850881d⋯.jpeg (19.17 KB, 357x712, 357:712, OIP_46_.jpeg)

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42bef3  No.14243407

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


false sense of security

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df98e5  No.14243408


What was the name I gave it?

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344d40  No.14243409

File: ca1607b5765242b⋯.jpeg (276.48 KB, 2048x1124, 512:281, E7jxnELWEAgc7Am.jpeg)

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bb1b81  No.14243410

File: a05b20482a4c14f⋯.jpg (49.57 KB, 435x261, 5:3, conscience_will_pay.jpg)

File: 3d765f28aa68950⋯.jpg (180.31 KB, 780x520, 3:2, One_heart_we_share.jpg)

File: 2cd305c49c293ba⋯.jpg (117.93 KB, 749x500, 749:500, Truth_kills_consensus.jpg)

File: 208489798fcf237⋯.jpg (109.09 KB, 972x323, 972:323, LIARS_AND_BULLSHITTERS_ARE….jpg)

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ec0846  No.14243411

File: 85eb10838302135⋯.gif (3.42 MB, 600x450, 4:3, 96C7D310_906F_4681_9C9E_8F….gif)

Morning, Frenz

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a1bd83  No.14243412

File: 1d0e0340c0e7f57⋯.png (43.98 KB, 507x241, 507:241, Jesuits_War.png)

Jesuits - Make War, not Love


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df98e5  No.14243413

I hope you understand I'm not giving up. I'll show that to you everyday. But I really want to know what I named it

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a7dcea  No.14243414

File: 6128a1dd8d8c8ca⋯.jpg (331.4 KB, 572x684, 143:171, djed.jpg)

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1b9854  No.14243415

Morning anons…

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42bef3  No.14243416


Ammonal ?

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3e693c  No.14243417

File: 5d69db97b55c896⋯.jpg (1.69 MB, 2282x1188, 1141:594, IMG_3835.jpg)


Seal team 6 Aaron Vaughan alive

Golden tickets were in the ENVELOPES

The QR code goes to Qagg.news


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22fd0c  No.14243418


The one I'm searching for would know

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a1bd83  No.14243419

File: f01a769c64ea27a⋯.png (73.82 KB, 946x295, 946:295, Fructose_in_SodaPop.png)

Fructose in Soda Pop

From earlier posts

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79d2f6  No.14243420

File: 3cd11a4413fbc11⋯.png (725.52 KB, 874x653, 874:653, 24354292837.png)

Xiden "off script"….

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b2e7b3  No.14243421

File: 3fac13d719e478e⋯.jpeg (167.62 KB, 640x1385, 128:277, B71DF2E1_F9D8_4285_B533_A….jpeg)

File: b5dd761c09df64d⋯.jpeg (115.55 KB, 640x1422, 320:711, DA9DB373_096D_4D18_9410_C….jpeg)


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0551e6  No.14243422

File: 4236091ad3580b1⋯.png (203.93 KB, 367x411, 367:411, cigs.png)

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a7dcea  No.14243423

File: b3805d2e862588c⋯.mp4 (2.65 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Joe_Biden_has_very_bizarre….mp4)

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df98e5  No.14243424


Give me a hint. Give me a moment. A time.

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20c078  No.14243425

File: a62a3613314b958⋯.jpeg (441.91 KB, 1172x1814, 586:907, 3F7C77EB_725F_47BD_A061_C….jpeg)

Another book by another traitor to USA


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e6f162  No.14243426

File: 0e6044892aa4728⋯.png (38.32 KB, 1010x383, 1010:383, moved_out_1.PNG)


Plot thickens in Whitey Bulger murder case with transfer of 2 prisoners

A group of inmates were whisked to solitary confinement after the notorious gangster’s killing. Nearly three years later, all but one have been moved out.

July 31, 2021, 11:00 PM SST

By Rich Schapiro

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42bef3  No.14243427

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Not for the first time, first time i felt my lips bein' sewn shut though :)

I am in Numurkah

White would be nice

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22fd0c  No.14243428

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a7dcea  No.14243429

File: 62f6979017f1150⋯.jpg (104.04 KB, 1200x750, 8:5, thx_1138_george_lucas.jpg)


>A group of inmates were whisked to solitary confinement after the notorious gangster’s killing. Nearly three years later, all but one have been moved out.

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1b9854  No.14243431



If you went to the FDA and attempted to walk fructose up the clinical drug development ladder, YOU WOULD NEVER BE ABLE TO…

It is as UNSAFE as acetaminophen…

(they) want us to not process fats for some reason. Fats is HOW WE WORK. Basically what you can stick on a triglyceride ends up being your master pre-cursors that metabolic generate everything you need to run your body…

A way to get you to NOT fat process is to feed you a shit ton of sugar…If I do that you will hardly ever fat process and you will STORE every fatty acid you come across. Easy peasy to CREATE metabolic syndrome which is diabetes/heart/obesity…ALL I HAVE TO DO IS FEED YOU CORN SYRUP…or other sugars…

BTW..QUININE which comes from cinchona bark and was made into a synthetic called HCQ…FORCES YOU TO FAT PROCESS which is the way you should run…

Perhaps why HCQ is further marginalized…

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b772c7  No.14243432

File: 917354935c54735⋯.jpg (228.59 KB, 849x737, 849:737, Q_indian.jpg)


Well that's cool AF

Need more of this thinking

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20c078  No.14243433

File: 5b3b54e9a04af55⋯.jpeg (523.39 KB, 1241x2016, 1241:2016, 99CECFA1_67FE_4B2D_B529_F….jpeg)

Finally a judge speaks out


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a7dcea  No.14243434

File: eea39dda0410479⋯.mp4 (1.87 MB, 270x480, 9:16, Sidney_Powell_Evidence_Wei….mp4)

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900a22  No.14243435


To be fair; he was doing his best to follow instructions. That single brain cell is melting down!

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df98e5  No.14243436


You're talking about on 4chan then

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20c078  No.14243437

File: 0e4dfce7913f48a⋯.jpeg (255.13 KB, 1241x1254, 1241:1254, 14501572_D5BD_41DB_9C81_B….jpeg)


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b772c7  No.14243438

File: 46ce8be3149dd3b⋯.jpg (98.63 KB, 1120x700, 8:5, txh_1138_2.jpg)

File: 3ab52b40706f054⋯.jpg (64.1 KB, 777x449, 777:449, txh_1138.jpg)

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bb1b81  No.14243439

File: 2b9b2d98907f11a⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1080x1051, 1080:1051, married_to_the_mob.png)

File: 49cb5b35c171cf7⋯.jpg (130.5 KB, 640x426, 320:213, Jet_force_bullshit.jpg)

File: 28704cf5a234979⋯.jpg (98.25 KB, 550x650, 11:13, MSM_Walking_dead.jpg)

File: 2ba2853a5d7514b⋯.jpg (165.02 KB, 1172x446, 586:223, RETARDED_AS.jpg)

File: 95e34ab6fce4166⋯.jpg (108.34 KB, 534x630, 89:105, forgot_what_sex_it_is.jpg)

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3c65dc  No.14243440


G'Mornin' samAnon… Another Day at the Office.

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a1bd83  No.14243441


Sauce on that? Couldn't find the forecasts at those urls.

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b772c7  No.14243442

File: 0de9018b7e36994⋯.jpg (48.57 KB, 1500x747, 500:249, whiteman.jpg)

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1b9854  No.14243443


Today we all need to chant…




Hang in Australia..when the moment comes, and it is coming soon…be ready toRISE UPwe will support you, the world will support you, and you will be the MATCH thatLIGHTS THIS CANDLE

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55b202  No.14243444

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live Berlin Demo

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a7dcea  No.14243445



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e6f162  No.14243446

File: 42aeab5b3be205f⋯.png (658.62 KB, 696x521, 696:521, berlin.PNG)


NOW - Thousands protest in #Berlin against Covid restrictions despite a ban by the authorities. The police try to regain control with punches, batons, and pepper spray.

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b772c7  No.14243447


Saw recently on one of the blogs that Deagle either changed their format or removed some older pages.

Someone got to them looks like.

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22fd0c  No.14243448

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a7dcea  No.14243449

File: 00f5704f69080a2⋯.png (583.67 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, Screenshot_2021_06_15_at_0….png)


>The police try to regain control with punches, batons, and pepper spray.

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9e5b39  No.14243450


>I sense that Q's statement that the end won't be for everyone means that corona vaccine deaths will be un-avoidable,

Anon, this implies that although the end want be for "everyone" that it will be for some. If this is willfully part of "The Plan" then this entire shit show has been for nothing. The sanctity of innocent life is meaningless and if so, depraved and no different than (((Them))). "Unavoidable"? I reckon so if one is going to sit on one's ass and allow it.

This is moar than disurbing. It too, is evil.

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a46dc9  No.14243451

File: a5566b1c1db48fd⋯.png (614.15 KB, 838x480, 419:240, ClipboardImage.png)

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a7dcea  No.14243452

File: fd625dbb57d2850⋯.mp4 (1.41 MB, 1152x720, 8:5, Dr_Rochelle_Walensky_I_m_s….mp4)

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bf422c  No.14243453

Good Morning, Q. I miss you!

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ebaa15  No.14243454


>Saw recently on one of the blogs that Deagle either changed their format or removed some older pages.

Confirmed, earlier this year forecasts removed


>Sauce on that? Couldn't find the forecasts at those urls.


>2025 ?

Thanks for the screen shot, I've been looking for that info.

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a7dcea  No.14243455

File: dfe0a3d81d90f80⋯.png (106.68 KB, 280x280, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 61c85434f464ec5⋯.png (2.46 KB, 36x41, 36:41, ClipboardImage.png)

nice earring

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bdb960  No.14243456

“You're going to be asked to prove your vaccination status. Here's how to do it.”


(This is as likely as anything to spark off the shooting, short of coming at me with the actual syringe)

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df98e5  No.14243457


What was the thread about?

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d1717f  No.14243458

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a7dcea  No.14243459


>Live Berlin Demo

with digits!

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22fd0c  No.14243460

File: 0c4b774a8aeb5ba⋯.gif (2.18 MB, 500x284, 125:71, R_8_.gif)


It was about me never having been to 4chan. I was trained here.

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39d483  No.14243461


isn't it crazy, that the government funds research that is purportedly the co factor in millions of deaths world wide, and YOU are the one being infringed upon, not the government that is to blame for it all.

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20c078  No.14243462

File: 9e3b8d34b43d1fc⋯.jpeg (195.18 KB, 1186x932, 593:466, 6F18B43E_6514_4E93_A50C_9….jpeg)

File: 455f0f992c5535e⋯.jpeg (381.56 KB, 1167x1691, 1167:1691, 723CD07A_A31A_4D27_9638_E….jpeg)


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a7dcea  No.14243463

File: f9d9d4bea8a253b⋯.mp4 (2.66 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Biden_Buy_A_Shotgun.mp4)


>“You're going to be asked to prove your vaccination status. Here's how to do it.”

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4e5833  No.14243464


They are going to bait you all to march on the streets and then blame you for the next outbreak. Stand up in local groups focus on the offices of city councils, state and federal representatives. That way when everyone does stand up no one can blame the people as they did not break "lockdown zones".

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900a22  No.14243465


They're not even trying to hide them now!

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414bdc  No.14243466

YouTube has reportedly temporarily banned Sky News Australia from posting over "Covid misinformation". The TV network, which usually uploads dozens of videos per day, hasn't uploaded anything for more than 2 days.





YouTube’s Sky News Australia suspension ‘disturbing’ assault on freedom of thought The freedom to engage in debate and challenge conventional thinking and wisdoms were not always accepted as human rights.

YouTube’s Sky News Australia suspension ‘disturbing’ assault on freedom of thought

The freedom to engage in debate and challenge conventional thinking and wisdoms were not always accepted as human rights.

Philosophically the notion has existed for millennia with the most modern interpretations gaining their foothold in Greek debating chambers.

It has changed shape frequently and even been snuffed out by leaders of more totalitarian persuasions.

If a society was lucky, it returned. If not, poverty, starvation and horror tended to follow.

Holodomor, Auschwitz and Mao, are just three historical examples.

So important is your right to communicate freely, without interference, that it was declared a human right in 1948.

“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers,” Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights reads.

This human right to be free to share your opinions through “any media”, whether it be criticisms of government policy, or disputing conventional thinking, is nearly absolute.

But it is also fickle.

And – if we allow it – easily snuffed out like many leaders have done before.

Sky News Australia has been temporarily suspended from posting on the Google-owned platform YouTube for publishing opinion content the tech giant disagrees with.

Among the videos deemed unpalatable for societal consumption were debates around whether masks were effective and whether lockdowns were justified when considering their adverse health outcomes.

The stance taken by some commentators at this network was that masks are not effective in containing outbreaks, particularly when mandated outside in the fresh air. Some also took issue with the frequency and mechanisms of locking down Australians.

Other commentators vehemently disagreed, and their views were also published.


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20c078  No.14243467

File: 98737541012d7f6⋯.jpeg (205.5 KB, 1242x1189, 1242:1189, 53F880A9_A861_42F1_A107_8….jpeg)

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414bdc  No.14243468

The science is certainly not clear on either of these two points.

For example, at the beginning of the pandemic the World Health Organisation discouraged the use of lockdowns to treat small outbreaks and instead argued they should be used to ease the burden of hospitalisations on health systems running out of beds.

This is certainly not how Australia is handling the situation.

And on the issue of masks, I wonder when America’s chief COVID-19 advisor Anthony Fauci will be banned from YouTube?

He did, after all, declare in October that masks are not needed outside: “there’s no reason to be walking around with a mask”.

And in since leaked emails dating back to the start of the pandemic he also wrote the following:

"Masks are really for infected people to prevent them from spreading infection to people who are not infected rather than protecting uninfected people from acquiring infection.

"The typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out virus, which is small enough to pass through material. It might, however, provide some slight benefit in keep out gross droplets if someone coughs or sneezes on you.

"I do not recommend that you wear a mask, particularly since you are going to a very low risk location."

I make these points not to suggest Fauci had some nefarious motive in making these comments, only to highlight that in a pandemic the flow of information changes rapidly.

In the case of Sky News Australia’s now removed content, most of it dates back to the same year Fauci made those comments.

But YouTube is looking at the debates and discussions through the lens of contemporary health advice.

Another issue is that YouTube’s approach to policing debate around COVID-19 policies appears arbitrarily focused against conservative voices.

I am yet to be informed of President Joe Biden’s YouTube and Facebook ban after uttering this false sentence: “You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.”

YouTube or Facebook have also not banned commercial media outlets which falsely claim Sky News Australia Presenters, such as Alan Jones have an anti-vaccination stance.

So insulting, erroneous and lazy are these stories that none of these outlets have published the fact that Jones has both encouraged people to get the AstraZeneca vaccines and taken it himself.

The man has seven blood clots on his lungs and still, he took the vaccine and encouraged others to do so.

Sky News Australia commentators have all encouraged vaccines because they know it is a path out of lockdown.

Meanwhile Queensland’s Chief Health Officer Jeanette Young has actively campaigned against people under the age of 40 getting AstraZeneca, completely at odds with World Health Organisation’s advice.

No ban for the Queensland Labor government and no ban for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation which published the comments or Channel 7 which put them on YouTube.

It is hard not to look at some of these tech giant censorship decisions as being based on one factor, the political persuasion of the person making the comments.

There is also a broader issue with the mechanisms of fact-checking COVID-19 discussions.

If YouTube is using the World Health Organisation as the adjudicator of truth, then it must ban the World Health Organisation itself.

In one of the more egregious errors of the pandemic the World Health Organisation insisted that the virus was not airborne.

It took a full year of countries battling the virus for that falsehood to be accepted by the WHO.

Or perhaps this false statement that praised China for its transparency in the early days of the pandemic.

“The Committee emphasized that the declaration of a PHEIC should be seen in the spirit of support and appreciation for China, its people, and the actions China has taken on the front lines of this outbreak, with transparency, and, it is to be hoped, with success. In line with the need for global solidarity, the Committee felt that a global coordinated effort is needed to enhance preparedness in other regions of the world that may need additional support for that.”

And this statement where the WHO told countries not to implement trade restrictions despite the fact it had full knowledge of COVID-19 outbreaks across the globe.


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414bdc  No.14243469

“The Committee does not recommend any travel or trade restriction based on the current information available,” WHO doctors wrote in early 2020.

YouTube’s COVID-19 policies “prohibit content which contradicts local health authorities’ or the World Health Organization’s (WHO) medical information about COVID-19”.

Therefore, what the WHO decides to say publicly becomes the only acceptable line in conversations

If YouTube’s COVID-19 misinformation policy was around in the early days of the pandemic, people would be banned for criticising China’s transparency, saying the virus seems to be airborne or calling for limitations on international travel.

No one body should have that power - let alone an organisation with such a poor track record.

Even more concerning is what this does to the freedom of debate and conversation.

You have a right to debate Australia’s COVID-19 policies. Science, and the government’s response to that science, are two very different things.

If that conversation is stifled our political leaders will be free to act with immunity, without justification and lacking any sufficient scrutiny from the public.

Your freedom to think will be extinguished.


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414bdc  No.14243470

>>14243466, >>14243468, >>14243469 YouTube’s Sky News Australia suspension ‘disturbing’ assault on freedom of thought

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a1bd83  No.14243471

File: 649b3404995c23d⋯.png (39.42 KB, 792x334, 396:167, HFSC_in_Coke.png)



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414bdc  No.14243472

File: 401cee06ecab550⋯.png (414.88 KB, 988x942, 494:471, ClipboardImage.png)

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a7dcea  No.14243473

File: 1786477011444a2⋯.mp4 (3.33 MB, 640x352, 20:11, Mk_7_atomic.mp4)


Thousands of people coming together at the moment ‘is a disaster’

NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller says “enormous pressure” is being felt due to the Delta variant and that another “big protest” could “jeopardise Christmas”.

Commissioner Fuller spoke to Sky News Australia about the recent anti-lockdown protest seen in Sydney, and efforts undertaken by Police to block the latest planned rallies.

“I know that we all really want to protect New South Wales,” Commissioner Fuller said.

“I think people need to understand if you don’t take the health orders seriously, we will stay in lockdown an protracted time”.

“Thousands of people coming together at the moment is a disaster”.

“Big numbers of people coming together at the moment just jeopardises the life of all of us,” he said.

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55b202  No.14243474

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Epoch Times Germany

Berlin Demo

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414bdc  No.14243475

File: 199bc0db60bd533⋯.png (428.94 KB, 1012x962, 506:481, ClipboardImage.png)

YouTube’s Sky News Australia suspension ‘disturbing’ assault on freedom of thought

The freedom to engage in debate and challenge conventional thinking and wisdoms were not always accepted as human rights.

Philosophically the notion has existed for millennia with the most modern interpretations gaining their foothold in Greek debating chambers.

It has changed shape frequently and even been snuffed out by leaders of more totalitarian persuasions.

If a society was lucky, it returned. If not, poverty, starvation and horror tended to follow.

Holodomor, Auschwitz and Mao, are just three historical examples.

So important is your right to communicate freely, without interference, that it was declared a human right in 1948.

“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers,” Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights reads.

This human right to be free to share your opinions through “any media”, whether it be criticisms of government policy, or disputing conventional thinking, is nearly absolute.

But it is also fickle.

And – if we allow it – easily snuffed out like many leaders have done before.

Sky News Australia has been temporarily suspended from posting on the Google-owned platform YouTube for publishing opinion content the tech giant disagrees with.

Among the videos deemed unpalatable for societal consumption were debates around whether masks were effective and whether lockdowns were justified when considering their adverse health outcomes.

The stance taken by some commentators at this network was that masks are not effective in containing outbreaks, particularly when mandated outside in the fresh air. Some also took issue with the frequency and mechanisms of locking down Australians.

Other commentators vehemently disagreed, and their views were also published.

The science is certainly not clear on either of these two points.

For example, at the beginning of the pandemic the World Health Organisation discouraged the use of lockdowns to treat small outbreaks and instead argued they should be used to ease the burden of hospitalisations on health systems running out of beds.

This is certainly not how Australia is handling the situation.

And on the issue of masks, I wonder when America’s chief COVID-19 advisor Anthony Fauci will be banned from YouTube?

He did, after all, declare in October that masks are not needed outside: “there’s no reason to be walking around with a mask”.

And in since leaked emails dating back to the start of the pandemic he also wrote the following:

"Masks are really for infected people to prevent them from spreading infection to people who are not infected rather than protecting uninfected people from acquiring infection.

"The typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out virus, which is small enough to pass through material. It might, however, provide some slight benefit in keep out gross droplets if someone coughs or sneezes on you.

"I do not recommend that you wear a mask, particularly since you are going to a very low risk location."

I make these points not to suggest Fauci had some nefarious motive in making these comments, only to highlight that in a pandemic the flow of information changes rapidly.

In the case of Sky News Australia’s now removed content, most of it dates back to the same year Fauci made those comments.

But YouTube is looking at the debates and discussions through the lens of contemporary health advice.

Another issue is that YouTube’s approach to policing debate around COVID-19 policies appears arbitrarily focused against conservative voices.


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414bdc  No.14243476

I am yet to be informed of President Joe Biden’s YouTube and Facebook ban after uttering this false sentence: “You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.”

YouTube or Facebook have also not banned commercial media outlets which falsely claim Sky News Australia Presenters, such as Alan Jones have an anti-vaccination stance.

So insulting, erroneous and lazy are these stories that none of these outlets have published the fact that Jones has both encouraged people to get the AstraZeneca vaccines and taken it himself.

The man has seven blood clots on his lungs and still, he took the vaccine and encouraged others to do so.

Sky News Australia commentators have all encouraged vaccines because they know it is a path out of lockdown.

Meanwhile Queensland’s Chief Health Officer Jeanette Young has actively campaigned against people under the age of 40 getting AstraZeneca, completely at odds with World Health Organisation’s advice.

No ban for the Queensland Labor government and no ban for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation which published the comments or Channel 7 which put them on YouTube.

It is hard not to look at some of these tech giant censorship decisions as being based on one factor, the political persuasion of the person making the comments.

There is also a broader issue with the mechanisms of fact-checking COVID-19 discussions.

If YouTube is using the World Health Organisation as the adjudicator of truth, then it must ban the World Health Organisation itself.

In one of the more egregious errors of the pandemic the World Health Organisation insisted that the virus was not airborne.

It took a full year of countries battling the virus for that falsehood to be accepted by the WHO.

Or perhaps this false statement that praised China for its transparency in the early days of the pandemic.

“The Committee emphasized that the declaration of a PHEIC should be seen in the spirit of support and appreciation for China, its people, and the actions China has taken on the front lines of this outbreak, with transparency, and, it is to be hoped, with success. In line with the need for global solidarity, the Committee felt that a global coordinated effort is needed to enhance preparedness in other regions of the world that may need additional support for that.”

And this statement where the WHO told countries not to implement trade restrictions despite the fact it had full knowledge of COVID-19 outbreaks across the globe.

“The Committee does not recommend any travel or trade restriction based on the current information available,” WHO doctors wrote in early 2020.

YouTube’s COVID-19 policies “prohibit content which contradicts local health authorities’ or the World Health Organization’s (WHO) medical information about COVID-19”.

Therefore, what the WHO decides to say publicly becomes the only acceptable line in conversations

If YouTube’s COVID-19 misinformation policy was around in the early days of the pandemic, people would be banned for criticising China’s transparency, saying the virus seems to be airborne or calling for limitations on international travel.

No one body should have that power - let alone an organisation with such a poor track record.

Even more concerning is what this does to the freedom of debate and conversation.

You have a right to debate Australia’s COVID-19 policies. Science, and the government’s response to that science, are two very different things.

If that conversation is stifled our political leaders will be free to act with immunity, without justification and lacking any sufficient scrutiny from the public.

Your freedom to think will be extinguished.


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8e1b2a  No.14243477


They just make that shit up, like all of their "numbers"…

But I am going to enjoy the REEEEEEEE from delicate snowflakes when they are put out in late August-early September…maybe that will give them something to think about 24/7…Their credit will be ruined and they will never find another place to live without another government mandate. I can hear AOC now…America needs to step up and pay their back rent…but only if they are vaccinated…

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1b9854  No.14243478

File: e040737b0ad7c8c⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1672x1212, 418:303, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)


If you are on food stamps of disadvantages you would get "commodity" food. You could go get a load based on the size of your family, etc. However, you ALWAYS had to take corn syrup. They would not let you have ANYTHING unless you took the corn syrup…

They gotta tell us BTW…

"As Hunters progresses, the Hunt discovers that the Nazis were brought in by the American government via Operation Paperclip. They uncover a Nazi plot to infect millions with a deadly pathogen hidden in corn syrup, targeting inner cities across America. Although this seems far-fetched, not everything in Hunters is pure fiction."


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20c078  No.14243479

File: 09f5c2ff6da3dd4⋯.mp4 (967.79 KB, 512x256, 2:1, _HMBFT1WpCNgA8h8.mp4)



NEW:Facebook fact checkers are paid by BigPharma Fascists!

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df98e5  No.14243480


Trained to be a fucking asshole?

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cc1069  No.14243481

File: 0121169966c0f36⋯.png (77.98 KB, 662x503, 662:503, over_80.PNG)


'Get Covid and live longer': Dominic Cummings claims Boris Johnson joked about virus only killing the over-80s and said he 'didn't buy' that NHS was overwhelmed as he resisted autumn lockdown - as Tory MPs blast ex-No10 aide for 'being driven by revenge'


PUBLISHED: 05:11 EDT, 20 July 2021 | UPDATED: 08:44 EDT, 20 July 2021

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dcc07d  No.14243483

>>14241609 pb


US Navy Virgin gets Hymen attacked in ceremony.

Kek, my comms now!!! I’m awoke!

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9e5b39  No.14243484


And this is what we witness time and time again anon. Joe Biden acting as though he's incoherent and struggling.

If you are trying to answer a question and in the process appearing to be cognizant and lucid while at the same time someone is in your earpiece feeding you the answer they want you to give then this is what happens. The long, awkward pauses, starring off into oblivion, the mouth is talking, words are coming out but his brain is concentrating on what is being said in the earpiece so that he can parrot back to the person who asked the question. What comes out is disjointed gibberish and nonsense. Add to this his deteriorating mental condition and you have Joe Biden.

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86e40d  No.14243486


You can’t make this shit up

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dcc07d  No.14243487



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a7dcea  No.14243488

File: c62993037232019⋯.png (814.27 KB, 800x533, 800:533, ClipboardImage.png)


>US Navy Virgin gets Hymen attacked in ceremony.

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bb1b81  No.14243489

File: 8155c3e7c5e4eab⋯.jpg (261.63 KB, 1314x776, 657:388, Andrews_Coumo_kiss_of_deat….jpg)

File: 5d68cc7576b6282⋯.jpg (110.08 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, KILL_THEM_LIKE_COUMO.jpg)

File: a037ff4df4cdc6e⋯.jpg (224.38 KB, 1284x710, 642:355, HQC_doctor_patient_ban.jpg)

File: 5255d24b8471d1a⋯.jpg (242.76 KB, 1366x766, 683:383, Never_lost_one.jpg)

File: 38cfb600bee767b⋯.jpg (54.08 KB, 474x320, 237:160, WTF.jpg)

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20c078  No.14243490

File: dd72f70cc0215b3⋯.jpeg (277.12 KB, 1241x1184, 1241:1184, 58DECE4F_B0E1_4C35_B58D_6….jpeg)

Noem’s solution to forced vax, get another jobSean is right


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0d1dfe  No.14243491

File: c0e8c602025ff98⋯.png (424.2 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, too_many_linked_to_the_Int….png)

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cc1069  No.14243492

File: a181b7c00ccaf3e⋯.png (600.12 KB, 870x680, 87:68, all_am.PNG)


RON PAUL: The Democrats’ January 6th Show Trials Threaten All Americans

By Mike LaChance

Published August 1, 2021 at 4:10am

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a7dcea  No.14243493

File: e57a03eb840a88e⋯.png (612.88 KB, 860x573, 860:573, ClipboardImage.png)


Navy Christens future USS Hyman G. Rickover

31 July 2021

From Lt. Seth Koenig, Submarine Readiness Squadron 32

GROTON, Connecticut – The Navy’s newest Virginia-class attack submarine, future USS Hyman G. Rickover (SSN 795), was christened during a ceremony at General Dynamics’ Electric Boat shipyard facility in Groton, Connecticut, July 31.

“This submarine is a fitting tribute to Admiral Rickover, who truly transformed our Navy,” said Adm. James Caldwell, director, Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program, during his remarks at the celebration.

Caldwell credited Rickover – who served for 63 years in the Navy and is credited with spurring the service to adopt nuclear propulsion after World War II – with not only technological advances but cultural ones. He lauded Rickover’s legendary work ethic, frankness, attention to detail and commitment to excellence, which he said has since permeated throughout the Navy.

“It’s really great to see this ship come together, and to see so many people here to celebrate the christening of the Hyman G. Rickover and honor the Hyman G. Rickover legacy,” said Cmdr. Thomas Niebel, commanding officer of the newly christened submarine.

The Honorable James F. Geurts, performing the duties of Under Secretary of the Navy, told those in attendance that the construction of the future USS Hyman G. Rickover is a testament to the dedication of America’s shipbuilders and sailors.

“We did not close a shipyard, public or private, for one day during the pandemic,” Geurts said. “The sustained commitment to excellence displayed by this workforce shows in the construction of this boat and adheres to the culture of excellence promoted by Hyman G. Rickover.

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0d1dfe  No.14243494

File: bbd8383cc7d40ef⋯.png (172.71 KB, 718x1114, 359:557, hcq_increases_survival_rat….png)

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13ff10  No.14243495

File: 4a1f0dc216d4c3a⋯.png (19.8 KB, 595x212, 595:212, rep_massie_3rd_shot.PNG)

Question for folks planning to take the third shot soon:

Do you hope the third shot conveys semi-permanent immunity or

Do you believe you’ll need to get a shot every 6 months or

Do you believe we can eradicate this corona virus?

11:54 AM · Jul 31, 2021·Twitter for iPhone


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a7dcea  No.14243496

File: b25d43795b7a4b9⋯.mp4 (5.69 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Jackson_Lee_arrest_FB_feed….mp4)

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39d483  No.14243497

When they 'blow the lid' on the HIV/AIDS virus being developed as a 'gain of function' bio weapon for a depopulation agenda, given the same 'backstory' as covid-19, claiming it to have 'jumped from animal to human', that will have a lot of people waking up to what the (((msm))) has been hiding.

HIV/AIDS is blood borne, the amount of people infected by a 'single jump from monkey to human' is no possibility, unless it was intentionally injected as 'vaccines'.

There were even claims that there was an HIV/AIDS insert into the covid-19 virus, maybe to try to make HIV air borne.


And faucci is only expected to talk about if you are supposed to wear one mask or two.

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bdb960  No.14243498


Peaceful assembly is a threat to [THEM]…

Think on that a bit.

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20c078  No.14243501

File: 7b94bc11d44f977⋯.jpeg (427.13 KB, 1182x2090, 591:1045, 6F53F5FA_86B1_4B39_B3A0_8….jpeg)



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a7dcea  No.14243502

File: ae3854623d3efbf⋯.mp4 (322.86 KB, 320x568, 40:71, GlobalWorldOrder.mp4)

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a1bd83  No.14243503

File: 45c876e20b3be87⋯.png (37.57 KB, 842x265, 842:265, foodstamps1984.png)


Funny how in 1984, EBT cards (which can track what you buy with food stamps) came out to replace non-tracking paper food stamps.

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368528  No.14243504

File: f7581facad3db9f⋯.webm (2.3 MB, 960x530, 96:53, 1621121841225.webm)


It's mainly to attack masculinity. The more fat you have the more estrogen is produced, it's a snowballing effect. Less testosterone = less dopamine = lower libido = sterilization. Not to mention all of the other side-effects like poor concentration, anxiety, depression, God knows what else.

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3e693c  No.14243505

File: 1363e76ac016651⋯.png (50.69 KB, 777x297, 259:99, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)

File: cc656de1fa16bba⋯.png (6.61 KB, 421x68, 421:68, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)


Best proof yet we are at the PRECIPICE.

Seals may be broken but I heard:

SEALS are wonderful creatures.

Heard they work fast at capturing their prey.


Silence is golden.


Games R FUN!



Where there was once darkness, there is now LIGHT.

Sea to shining sea.



—full mp4 too big to upload here—


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2ceb3e  No.14243506



Killing old people is faf.

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2ceb3e  No.14243507

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cc1069  No.14243509

File: 06632526fef2300⋯.png (166.21 KB, 906x512, 453:256, wyo_ch.PNG)


Wyoming Could Be Challenging

July 31, 2021 | Sundance

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9e5b39  No.14243510


You won't be thinking that way later idiot.

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cc1069  No.14243511

File: 5ecfeef95373f27⋯.png (503.93 KB, 675x610, 135:122, cant_hold.PNG)


McAllen Mayor: Migrant Situation ‘Getting Horrible,’ We Can’t Hold Them ‘In One Place Unless They Want to Be’



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b772c7  No.14243512


Same with the other animal flu's. Avian, Swine.

Same with Polio.

Its about a 100 years of deception near as I can figure.

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962fb4  No.14243513


Boris has a point there, the average age of a 'covid' death was HIGHER than the average age of death from all causes…

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d1717f  No.14243514

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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bb1b81  No.14243515

File: 43a07eefbbba704⋯.jpg (117.12 KB, 816x509, 816:509, Witholding_cures.jpg)

File: 73d591b24b5236f⋯.png (137.2 KB, 324x455, 324:455, Hydroxychloroquine_as_stan….png)

File: 1aa7b0777821ae2⋯.jpg (435.24 KB, 1632x1055, 1632:1055, PROFITS_FROM_SICK.jpg)

File: 53e3dab4758b5d6⋯.jpg (125.24 KB, 496x676, 124:169, Andrews_withholding_kiss.jpg)

File: a8f74f132871c68⋯.jpg (233.15 KB, 1358x762, 679:381, IVERMECTIN.jpg)

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a7dcea  No.14243516

Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV


We found 4 insertions in the spike glycoprotein (S) which are unique to the 2019-nCoV and are not present in other coronaviruses. Importantly, amino acid residues in all the 4 inserts have identity or similarity to those in the HIV-1 gp120 or HIV-1 Gag. Interestingly, despite the inserts being discontinuous on the primary amino acid sequence, 3D-modelling of the 2019-nCoV suggests that they converge to constitute the receptor binding site. The finding of 4 unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV, all of which have identity /similarity to amino acid residues in key structural proteins of HIV-1 is unlikely to be fortuitous in nature.

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cc1069  No.14243517

File: 62de695c0a90008⋯.png (759.49 KB, 850x856, 425:428, stand_up_cheer.PNG)


Must-Watch: British Commentator's Monologue on the Nature of Freedom Will Make You Stand up and Cheer

By Kira Davis | Jul 31, 2021 6:00 PM ET

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86e40d  No.14243519


If true … Good Lord stop this nonsense now

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8e1b2a  No.14243520


That doesn't stop them from selling their EBT balance for 50 cents on the dollar…

Such a racket here in FL…

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b772c7  No.14243521

File: 449917fcad1b975⋯.jpg (136.25 KB, 1200x831, 400:277, spike_brand.jpg)


Uncanny I tell ya.

Almost like the viruses are all connected in some way, and come from the same research labs. Huh.

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3e693c  No.14243522

File: 74467e93df69ca5⋯.mp4 (15.06 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, SEAL_Part_One.MP4)




Part one of the Seal film here …

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13ff10  No.14243523

File: 15d5b226d3a2cbd⋯.png (726.16 KB, 770x597, 770:597, ghislaine_elon_musk.PNG)

File: ab10976db4dd90f⋯.png (43.3 KB, 1159x261, 1159:261, elon_musk_epstein_dinner.PNG)

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a7dcea  No.14243524


>Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV


This paper has been withdrawn by its authors. They intend to revise it in response to comments received from the research community on their technical approach and their interpretation of the results. If you have any questions, please contact the corresponding author.

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841e22  No.14243525

File: 4f32f2fdec8fe9f⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1534x818, 767:409, ClipboardImage.png)

>>>14242245, >>14242292 pb

>Uncovered Email Shows Milwaukee Elections Executive Woodall-Vogg Laughing About the Election Steal on Election Night

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3e693c  No.14243526

File: 2a9fad626e533ca⋯.mp4 (11.06 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, SEAL_Part_TWO.MP4)





Part two of the Seal film here …

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b772c7  No.14243527

File: ee8c49b57cc173b⋯.jpg (798.72 KB, 1440x1800, 4:5, mars.jpg)


Can't get to me on Mars guise

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7bccce  No.14243528


but it's technology so it must be truth

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841e22  No.14243529


>which side

benefits his company ffs by billions of dollars

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86e40d  No.14243530


>peaceful assembly a threat

That’s why they send so many provocateurs and generate “threats”. Fucking pricks. Anon Will he very un-comfy on the couch. Not comfy at all. Quite painful knowing their playbook. Will be on the couch regardless because they have broken my spirit with their ill intent.

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39d483  No.14243531


I still haven't figured out why this is not made public, by 'white hats' leaking documents.

What would there be to lose for the population to have this information?

There would be massive distrust to governments, but the trust that exist now is what is injecting people with 'experimental vaxxines', when cures such as ivermectin or HCQ already exist.

Is the problem that the (((msm))) is always ready to twist it all, unless there is a widely available alternative 'media platform' that allows for free speech?

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a7dcea  No.14243532


At a time when China has unleashed a virus, possibly deliberately, that has wrecked the world we find CPI(M)'s Yechury congratulating China.

There is NO cure for Communism; it can ONLY be defeated through herd immunity.

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841e22  No.14243533

File: 868cb803a799755⋯.png (575.75 KB, 947x2048, 947:2048, BARIC_PATENT_SPIKE_PROTEIN….png)


2018 patent

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bb1b81  No.14243534

File: 8b91abc3d498874⋯.jpg (660.89 KB, 1792x1584, 112:99, COVID_PASSES_THROUGH.jpg)

File: d13df5c8db2e8a3⋯.jpg (416.86 KB, 2276x700, 569:175, not_filtered.jpg)

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2ceb3e  No.14243535

File: f5a50d6901f7f95⋯.jpeg (510.51 KB, 1400x1400, 1:1, 3FC24C2A_9023_4300_ADF1_B….jpeg)


I. Am. Florida. Man.!!

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a517db  No.14243536

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

(You) will own NOTHING…

and Be Happy…

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cc1069  No.14243537

File: 45450e5c12711d9⋯.png (32.08 KB, 571x132, 571:132, jo_flynn_down.PNG)

File: 53f97b447ea9221⋯.png (327.85 KB, 628x519, 628:519, mirror_look.PNG)




anyone get the screen shot?

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39d483  No.14243539



they were threatened

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841e22  No.14243540



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9e5b39  No.14243541


Any anons have information on their areas ER's, ICUs capacity information? Hospitalizations etc……………….Any crediable place on the net to find this information?

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1b9854  No.14243542


hard to get a blood born virus to spread…easy peasy to get a respiratory to spread…they wanted maximum exposure…AIDS was to limiting…Fauci made his bed with the aids epidemic and subsequent fuckery…wait until the LBGTQ crowd gets the REAL truth about what Fauci did the them…

I wondered why they didn't use a bird flu. I think that would have killed to many of us and did not give them a chance to make a bunch of money of off us before we died with vaccines…

Every vaccine makes you WEAKER and more susceptible to almost ANY kind of infection/virus…the weaker your immune the easier you are to kill off…

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2ceb3e  No.14243543


Read more better Doum-Asse. My second post immediately below the first.

Smokey says,

“Fixing your own stupid is up to you.”

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8e1b2a  No.14243544


A veterinarian who is also a physical therapist who also works in a hospital. God dammit stop making me the 8kun fact checker…

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841e22  No.14243545



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a7dcea  No.14243546

File: ec1c20c3d7830a6⋯.png (202.86 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Epidemiologist & health economist. Senior Fellow, @FAScientists

. Former 16 yrs @Harvard

. Environment, health & social justice. COVID updates since Jan 2020.

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cc1069  No.14243547

File: 7596d5c009e2c2a⋯.png (806.6 KB, 803x380, 803:380, tractor_sup.PNG)

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20c078  No.14243548

File: a4c9f6dd38846f2⋯.mp4 (3.79 MB, 720x400, 9:5, oDRVnTXycHGHXTIk.mp4)

This Tucker Carlson dig at a fully-vaccinated, mask &amp; face shield wearing Lloyd Austin is one for the ages. “How long before he's wearing surgical gloves in the shower and zip-tying garbage bags around his feet?The U.S. military is being run by a neurotic cat lady."


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344d40  No.14243549

File: bc2c0b81a6450bb⋯.png (320.56 KB, 1530x970, 153:97, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)




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841e22  No.14243550



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811bf2  No.14243551

File: 66f53b674e47b05⋯.jpg (31.28 KB, 356x459, 356:459, 2b1a7354bc42b4c07dac6af8c4….jpg)

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9e5b39  No.14243552


Low IQ post. Lurk moar padawan. You ain't there yet.

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a7dcea  No.14243553

File: fb2a43efa83d633⋯.png (989.25 KB, 860x645, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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900a22  No.14243554

File: bd4a1b234bb0f7c⋯.png (323.94 KB, 618x532, 309:266, ClipboardImage.png)


Well! WaDoYaNo!

It IS a vet! Not a war vet either!

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841e22  No.14243555

File: c67210e5fa45c6d⋯.png (1.32 MB, 2940x2655, 196:177, Another_trump_DoD_pick_goe….png)

File: 3087e7f243b49be⋯.png (321.63 KB, 481x372, 481:372, marc_short_pence_aide_poss….png)

File: 7168f1ae21d6aed⋯.png (299.89 KB, 513x887, 513:887, john_kelly_chertoff.png)


>The U.S. military is being run by a neurotic cat lady.



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2ceb3e  No.14243556


I will own the internet.

Just like I do every day.

Suk-it, controllers.

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a7dcea  No.14243557

File: 21701c66568ce56⋯.png (687.23 KB, 1500x500, 3:1, ClipboardImage.png)



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ddb833  No.14243558


There are times I think he's using words that aren't his normal vocabulary. To me, it's a combination of him not seeming smart enough to know those words and their proper usage, going historically, added to the feeling that what ever he's trying to explain could be done more effectively using simpler terms.

If so, that would mean he's being fed things he doesn't understand anyway, thus he can't mark time or ad lib convincingly because he doesn't really know what he's talking about.

More telling, since I agree with you that he's being told what to say through some type of device, is that choice, as poor as it sounds and appears, must be the better alternative.

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841e22  No.14243559



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2ceb3e  No.14243560


I am your brightest most shiney star thingy.


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9e5b39  No.14243561


Xi when he was a much younger man.

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f4f323  No.14243562


fuck off already. dont smoke. stfu

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a7dcea  No.14243563

File: 47eb782442bba0f⋯.mp4 (3.19 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 11_reminder_while_vaccine_….mp4)


11) reminder — “while vaccine is good, it is not a bulletproof vest against you (vaxxed) getting infected, carrying the virus and you spreading it to others.” ➡️ though remember the risk of infection if vaxxed is much lower. But it’s non zero.

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a1bd83  No.14243564



TY anon!

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faa01d  No.14243566


No anon that isnt necessary, just dont wear the mask, bus will open up when people refuse to shop with them if they demand the mask

Legally they cant enforce the mask, no one attacks you when you dont wear one, look at you strangley, yes, attack no.

as for the aussi, none of you speak french do you

al so al so al so

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1b9854  No.14243567


Silly 8200…

>It's mainly to attack masculinity

you make both estrogenandtestosterone from cholesterol…which is a fat…

Why else ya got?

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8e1b2a  No.14243568


Join your local or regional emergency management team…they send me updates every week, used to be everyday, but there is a dashboard for stats on bed availability, new hospitalizations that week etc.

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cc1069  No.14243569

File: e544841eca5e999⋯.png (360.7 KB, 825x904, 825:904, j_flyn_twitter.PNG)

File: 2aacfb6183a0023⋯.png (299.91 KB, 480x344, 60:43, twitter_c.PNG)

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4e5833  No.14243570


You have completely failed to see what I have shown.

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841e22  No.14243571



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d71ba9  No.14243572

File: 96ee41fd896c087⋯.png (579.39 KB, 1418x1418, 1:1, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)

File: def7ee8596b186c⋯.png (40.54 KB, 678x154, 339:77, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)

File: f68f57bbe955720⋯.png (412.2 KB, 872x872, 1:1, IMG_9531.png)

File: 9f026cbc6096327⋯.png (59.99 KB, 1174x370, 587:185, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)

File: 81074f568594112⋯.png (68.2 KB, 1364x554, 682:277, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)




This anon suspects the vax might be a placebo.

Think logically:

-Whitehats were able to infiltrate and render COVID-19 relatively harmless compared to what was intended. Overall deaths in 2020 did not increase even though we now know the PCR test cannot distinguish from influenza and COVID.

-Anon did some quick math and divided the number of vaccinated persons (used 1 billion as a round number) by the total number of adverse events retrieved from VAERS, which was 61,895 in my query. Let's say the VAERS site is inaccurate, and the amount of adverse events are 10x what is reported: this still calculates to only 0.6% total adverse events.

-Now look at pic related chart and see for yourself how many adverse events occured in the PLACEBO. A lot more than you would expect! This phenomenon is found in any clinical trial and shows the power of the subconscious mind.

Note: on the chart, "local" refers to the injection site and "systemic" refers to a whole body reaction.

-Knowing what we know about Trump's character, would his administration allow a vaccine to be unleashed on the population that would ultimately kill millions of people, so that his legacy is forever tainted by a frickin genocide on his watch?

That would contradict with the main driver of this mission, to save human lives.

-The worthy Frontline doctors and other scientists crusading against this vaccine are doing so after taking these studies at face value and assuming that what's in them is what we've been told. They are doing good work and helping to wake up the masses to what would have happened if patriots had not intervened.

-We assume that the vaccine-related deaths are the result of what these doctors are reporting: mRNA, prions, toxins

-Anon has no answers for that, fog of war etc., but just putting it out there that these numbers don't even correspond to the adverse events found in regular flu shot trials and to my knowledge, this is the first time the entire planet has been vaccinated at once.

How many times did Trump mention FAKE NEWS…



Check the pic related Q drops and analyze with the placebo hypothesis in mind. Whaddya think, anons?

This would certain explain why, when asked if people should get the vaccine, he basically said, "sure, go ahead." Kek

sauces: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmoa2035389



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faa01d  No.14243573

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


i'm not wicked anon, Sarah Jessica Parker is apparently

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9e5b39  No.14243574


kek, my bad anon.


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1b9854  No.14243575



Are also what protects indictments from public eyes…


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a7dcea  No.14243576

File: fecf98a21028339⋯.png (40.71 KB, 180x140, 9:7, ClipboardImage.png)



Dr. Andrea Feigl-Ding, PhD MPH, is the Founder and CEO of the Health Finance Institute, a former health economist at Harvard Chan School of Public Health, and was a former health economist with the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). She also serves as Scientific Advisor to the Lancet Commission on Non-Communicable Diseases, Injuries, and Poverty. Dr. Feigl currently leads a SDG3 multisector initiative focused on innovative health financing for neglected global health issues.

Her work focuses on health systems financing and governance, universal healthcare, and cost-effectiveness of chronic disease interventions in developing countries. She led the largest worldwide longitudinal analysis of the political, social, and economic determinants of universal healthcare in 196 countries (published in Health Policy). She led the impact evaluation of a nationwide anti-smoking legislation in Chile (published in WHO Bulletin), and led the impact study of the award-winning intervention program for obesity/diabetes prevention in Amman, Jordan (project awarded Global Health Project of the Year from Consortium of Universities for Global Health).

She was notably the primary innovator of the Evidenced Formal Coverage Index for comparative health economics of achieving universal healthcare, and a primary author of the NCD Reframing Initiative, published in Lancet Global Health.

In addition to health systems analysis in Timor-Leste and Bangladesh, she conducted policy research at WHO-PAHO, evaluated projects in Ecuador, Paraguay, and Peru, and worked for the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. She has further authored several high level reports, including Development Aid Flows for Chronic Diseases for the Center for Global Development, a background paper on the political economy of universal healthcare for WHO, and a leading World Economic Forum/Harvard report on the global economic burden of chronic diseases, featured at the UN High Level Summit on NCDs in 2011.

She was a Salzburg Global Fellow, a Harvard Graduate Leadership Initiative Fellow, former President of the Harvard Club of Austria, and an internationally certified teacher in Cecchetti classical ballet from the Imperial Society for Teachers of Dance. A native of Austria, she received her PhD in global health and population from Harvard University, her MPH and BSc (First Class Honors with full scholarship) from Simon Fraser University in Canada, and her IB from Red Cross Nordic United World College in Norway.

(*Earned the legacy Sc.D. Doctor of Science degree, which was phased out by Harvard University beginning in 2016. The outdated Sc.D. in Global Health and Population is no longer conferred at Harvard, and has now been entirely replaced by the Ph.D. degree in the same field at Harvard. Thus, in everyday parlance, it has now become common practice that Harvard scientists holding grandfathered Sc.D. degrees often use 'Ph.D.' in lay/general audience settings).

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cc1069  No.14243578

File: 17a0e9605fbdd56⋯.png (251.97 KB, 951x650, 951:650, cali_teach.PNG)


Teachers Not Required To Follow Newsom’s Vaccine Edict

KALW | By Sunni Khalid

Published July 27, 2021 at 4:10 PM PDT

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841e22  No.14243579





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2ceb3e  No.14243580


Too many werds.

No more than seven.

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cc1069  No.14243581

File: 43e697949e3c01b⋯.png (24.69 KB, 606x238, 303:119, new_tax.PNG)


JUST IN - Pfizer and Moderna ramp up #COVID19 vaccine prices in the European Union as demand increases for expected "booster shots," generating billions of dollars more for the groups (FT)

12:32 AM · Aug 1, 2021

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d71ba9  No.14243582

File: edb52e0df47573b⋯.png (249.32 KB, 1204x626, 602:313, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)

>>14243572 (me) 3rd Q drop related


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1b9854  No.14243583


If you are involved with the R party it is fascinating how Flynn is re-shaping…they are using the Christian Right first and will activate around that core….a worthy plan at least in my State…

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8e1b2a  No.14243584


I know you can read…so read past the part you want to see (veterinarian) all the way to the end…

And then apologize for perpetuating fake news on the only news I get anymore…

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faa01d  No.14243585


there there anon, size doesnt count, i just need a magnifyin' glass

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d1717f  No.14243587


God given rights.

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6394ee  No.14243588


I don't have much to complain about in her statement. She seems to respect EVERYONE's choices. Inferior employers are the ones who turn dictator and try to mandate experimental medical procedures. I avoid companies that do this, both as employee and customer.

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841e22  No.14243589

File: cb57ff1b5dbe2d4⋯.png (6.75 MB, 2809x1897, 2809:1897, ClipboardImage.png)


>This anon suspects the vax might be a placebo.



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20c078  No.14243590

File: 8c4a337bba7a341⋯.jpeg (476.92 KB, 1187x2020, 1187:2020, DAF911B9_AEE8_4042_A9CD_1….jpeg)


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a7dcea  No.14243591

File: 3c3e2f2206a9218⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Public health scientist hopes to take his activism to Congress

Eric Ding gave himself a scant 10 weeks to win the Democratic primary for a seat in the U.S. Congress from central Pennsylvania. It’s the latest challenge for the 35-year-old public health scientist, who’s been in a hurry ever since doctors removed a large tumor from his chest as a teenager.

The successful surgery led him to choose public health as his career, and it didn’t take him long to make an impact. By the age of 23, he had earned doctoral degrees in nutrition and epidemiology from the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health (HSPH) in Boston.

As a sideline to his graduate work, he co-authored a meta-analysis of the harmful effects of Vioxx, a hugely popular painkiller that had recently been withdrawn. The 2006 paper in The Journal of the American Medical Association received national media coverage. Over the past decade, he’s helped build one of the first web-based platforms to raise money for cancer research and promote healthy lifestyles and more recently, he created a site to help communities learn whether their children are at risk from high lead levels in the water.

So in February, when the Pennsylvania Supreme Court threw out a Republican-drawn map of the state’s 18 congressional districts and created a new one that wasn’t based on partisan politics, Ding sensed an opportunity to step up his activism. Declaring his candidacy on 27 February, the first-time candidate seems to relish the challenge of having so little time before the 15 May primary to connect with voters in the 10th congressional district (PA-10), near where he grew up before leaving the area for college 15 years ago.

“Our race is very difficult because we don’t have 6 to 9 months to fundraise and meet everyone at town halls,” he explains during a recent interview at his campaign headquarters here. “So everything is compressed. It’s intense.”

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39d483  No.14243592


I think that the problem [they] have with all the diseases they create is that anyone with a functioning natural immune system quickly builds immunity, and if someone is injected with a vaxx, and rapidly gets sick, there will be massive distrust of the vaxx, unless they are able to censor all forms of communication and push out fear and chaos (as they are trying to do now), so they can't make the vaxxines too poisonous, or at least not something that will have directly noticeable consequences.

If the vaxxed become unable to become pregnant or impregnate someone, or the combined effect of more chemicals in the food supply or new 'viruses' and how they interact with the vaxxes causes problems, it will seem less likely that it was all planned, at least how the 'fact checkers' of the (((msm))) will twist it.

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59da43  No.14243593

File: c7219fde1e94041⋯.png (400.95 KB, 606x370, 303:185, ClipboardImage.png)

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a7dcea  No.14243594


Health care, anyone?

Ding thrives on intense. Knocking on doors in a residential neighborhood here, Ding wastes no time describing how his personal medical crisis motivated his choice of careers. Health care is also the centerpiece of his campaign, and he frames the need for universal health coverage as a matter of expanding personal freedom. He hopes that approach will win over enough Republicans and independents to help him topple the Republican incumbent, Representative Scott Perry, should Ding defeat the three other Democrats running in the primary.

“Do you think health care is an important issue?” he prompts several residents after they fail to answer his question about what they are most worried about. “Well, the doctors at [Milton S.] Hershey Medical Center [in his district] saved my life. And that’s when I decided to become a public health scientist.”

One attentive homeowner gets a full dose of Ding’s major talking points: “I’ve dedicated my career to fighting injustices in the health care system,” he tells her. “I was a whistleblower fighting the big drug companies that were selling a dangerous drug. Then I helped lead the fight against lead poisoning, like in Flint [Michigan]. I’ve never worked for a corporation, and I want to take that fight to Washington [D.C].”

The front porch is a tough place to discuss how to reform the ailing U.S. health care system. One resident, a retired state employee, says he’s in good health and that his top priority is getting motorists to slow down and not run the stop sign at the end of the block—something over which a member of Congress has no input. However, another resident seemed to take up Ding’s invitation by disclosing that his wife has recently been diagnosed with cancer and that she has waited 6 months to begin treatment.

The comment rang Ding’s bell. He explains that the current incentive system in medicine is badly flawed and that doctors should get paid based on their success in treating people rather than on the number of tests they order. Then he pauses, hoping that explanation will strike a chord.

But the homeowner doesn’t see the connection to his wife’s condition. “The doctors are just dragging their feet,” he mutters. After walking away, Ding rejects the suggestion that he might have misunderstood the speaker and moves onto the next house.

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a517db  No.14243595

File: 86b08f2e3e22cd4⋯.jpg (627.93 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20210711_163520….jpg)



Digital Soldiers

Own the Narrative…


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a7dcea  No.14243596


His heartfelt appreciation

A misdiagnosis helps explain why Ding is pounding the pavement here, the state capital and largest city in the mostly rural district he hopes to represent. His parents, who emigrated from Shanghai, China, when he was 5 years old, certainly had no idea their son would someday strive to become an elected official. “They aren’t very political,” he says. “My mom is a very shy professor of education at a local university [in nearby Shippensburg, Pennsylvania].”

On the other hand, education was a priority. His mother’s first academic job after earning her Ph.D. in education instruction from the University of Nebraska in Lincoln required her to teach psychology and statistics. She had never studied either subject, he says, so over the summer she purchased and pored over a 26-volume PBS series on each discipline. “And I watched them with her, twice,” Ding recalls. “I was in third grade. I didn’t have a lot of friends. And it was my first foray into real science.”

In high school, he was chosen for a highly competitive statewide summer program for gifted students, and a chest x-ray as part of a routine physical revealed a tumor the size of a baseball attached to his heart and extending to his lungs and thymus. “Based on where the tumor was, they thought it was a non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma [NHL],” he says. “And NHL is 95% fatal. So it was pretty scary. But weeks later they discovered it was a different type of tumor, and benign.”

As an undergraduate at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, Ding majored in public health and “fell in love with epidemiology.” The next stop was HSPH, where he stood out for wanting to do more than just take the next big step onto the academic ladder.

“He has a strong passion for public health research and policy, which set him apart from others who were primarily interested in publishing papers in their specific area,” says Frank Hu, chair of the nutrition department at HSPH and one of Ding’s advisers. “He wanted to make a difference in people’s lives. And I think running for Congress speaks to that passion and to his dream.”

Ding’s appetite for public health advocacy seems unlimited. While a postdoc at HSPH, he entered medical school at nearby Boston University with the help of a Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans. But after a year he dropped out.

“I thought I wanted to be a physician-scientist,” he recalls. “But I realized that my real passion was to be a changemaker. Life is short, and it’s about what you do, not the number of letters after your name.” He repaid the balance of the scholarship, and retained his ties to the family of billionaire investor and philanthropist George Soros, several of whom have donated to his campaign.

Ding returned to HSPH as an instructor and research scientist. But again, that wasn’t the only thing on his plate. He watched with amazement as his Campaign for Cancer Research grew to some 6 million users as a Facebook app before being absorbed by a new media company. He also began working with Microclinic International, a nonprofit working on global disease prevention and health management.

After others sounded the alarm over lead poisoning in Flint, Ding used his skills in analyzing massive data sets to create ToxinAlert.org. “By the time a child is tested for lead poisoning, it’s already too late,” he explains. “The brain damage has already happened. So the only way to prevent it is to have a public alert system. And that’s why we aggregated data from USGS the U.S. Geological Survey] and EPA [the Environmental Protection Agency]—which is almost impossible to find, by the way—in one place, showing the water quality in that area.”

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4e5833  No.14243597


They are useless without light.

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a7dcea  No.14243598


Fighting for recognition

Ding is married to Andrea Feigl-Ding, a health economist with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. In 2015, after Feigl-Ding completed her Ph.D. from HSPH, Ding began reducing his workload there. By the fall of 2017, Ding had returned to central Pennsylvania to sniff out the possibility of running for Congress.

A friend put him in touch with 314 Action, a Philadelphia, Pennsylvania–based organization that helps scientists and engineers run for office, and Ding says the staff tutored him in what it would take. “They came down and coached me in person, spending days and weekends with me.”

Their advice, he says, supplemented what he already knew from working on other political campaigns in the Boston area, and from friends who also decided to run for Congress in 2018. His network includes Daniel Koh, a young politico seeking an open House of Representatives seat in a heavily Democrat district in eastern Massachusetts, and Brayden Olson, a web entrepreneur who briefly sought the Democratic nomination for an open seat in Seattle, Washington.

The key to victory in PA-10, Ding says, will be gaining sufficient name recognition in a four-way race of political novices. A win would also serve as a springboard for the November general election contest against Perry in a solidly Republican district.

His 30-second ad that is airing on local TV addresses both those objectives. It starts with Ding, who is labeled “public health scientist” and shown in a lab, shaking a pillbox. He explains how he “fought to protect families” against drugs that “caused heart attacks and kidney failure.” Then he ends with a plea to viewers “to fight [U.S. President] Donald Trump.”

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6b62e4  No.14243599


Stop pretending you don’t love it. You know you’re dreaming of job at snopes.

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faa01d  No.14243600


Seals are wonderful creatures

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3e693c  No.14243602

File: 33e90135638afc7⋯.mp4 (15.57 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, SEAL_Part_Three.MP4)






Part three of the Seal film here …

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bf422c  No.14243603


I have so many questions about that drop.

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8e1b2a  No.14243604


Ive always said 99% of what I see here is complete and utter bullshit…

Its the other 1% that scares the shit out of me…

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6394ee  No.14243605


Previous vaccine campaigns have used mixed lots/batches in order to conceal deadly vaccines.

So.. some of the jabs were quite possibly placebos, but I don't think all of them were.

People with minimal or no "side effects" are more likely to sign up for more jabs, meaning more profits for Big Pharma, but that would not mean the ultimate intent is not to weaken or kill a lot of people eventually.

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841e22  No.14243606

File: 26179616fe9944f⋯.png (296.69 KB, 755x708, 755:708, Big_Brain_pepe.png)


the whining continues as they slaughter our rights like cattle

at some point you sharpen metal things and insert the metal things into the necks of your oppressors

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faa01d  No.14243607


Anon, this is the darkest time in Jerusalems life, Numurkah = "Fun in the sun"

Do you REALLY want me to shine ?

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bb1b81  No.14243608

File: fda16659b849f64⋯.jpg (161.06 KB, 790x532, 395:266, AIR_GAPPED_NOT_direct_acce….jpg)

File: e61342d35a8ffb7⋯.jpg (276.96 KB, 1451x592, 1451:592, DATA_FOUND.jpg)

File: 68e4a8f97d2e775⋯.jpg (143.85 KB, 850x570, 85:57, Getting_desperate.jpg)

File: 60ed2908a514bf9⋯.jpg (158.36 KB, 712x720, 89:90, Nothing_Obama_falls.jpg)

File: 2a4c2dc0c495c97⋯.jpg (87.16 KB, 403x510, 403:510, GASPING_FOR_AIR.jpg)

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13ff10  No.14243609

File: 5ca69af0365aba2⋯.png (190.03 KB, 802x610, 401:305, pepe_masked.PNG)


u forgot to wear ur mask

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344d40  No.14243610

File: 7fc70ea192cedc3⋯.png (203.74 KB, 1314x938, 657:469, 4_2.png)

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20c078  No.14243611

File: 1e351fd36bb3e59⋯.jpeg (167.82 KB, 1088x681, 1088:681, AA53E353_2818_4A59_99AC_0….jpeg)

File: 459af534f69c659⋯.jpeg (204.51 KB, 1092x873, 364:291, 0B332913_E41F_48CB_BE39_F….jpeg)

File: f5aea390b5c7365⋯.jpeg (274.54 KB, 1074x1299, 358:433, 8A7EF030_0E0E_4449_8F0E_6….jpeg)


Helen Andrews


“Am I wrong,” asked Aaron Wudrick of the Macdonald-Laurier Institute, “or have more people been arrested in Canada this year for going inside a church to worship than for burning one down?”

Look at the comments on this post, 57 churches in Canada burned or destroyed thus far

We’ve got yo do something for Cabadians!

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a7dcea  No.14243613

File: 8a37dbe132960f8⋯.png (216.6 KB, 470x313, 470:313, ClipboardImage.png)


>Ding is married to Andrea Feigl, a health economist with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.


>Dr. Andrea Feigl, PhD MPH, is the Founder and CEO of the Health Finance Institute, a former health economist at Harvard Chan School of Public Health, and was a former health economist with the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). She also serves as Scientific Advisor to the Lancet Commission on Non-Communicable Diseases, Injuries, and Poverty.


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cc1069  No.14243614

File: f06ac754a717c10⋯.png (749.81 KB, 872x822, 436:411, knock_on_doors.PNG)


Australia will Use Military to Enforce Sydney Covid Lockdown – Troops will Knock on Doors to Make Sure Residents are at Home

By Cristina Laila

Published July 31, 2021 at 9:10pm

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2ceb3e  No.14243615


Or pencils.

Graphite is not officially a metal, but velocity is your friend with softer materials.

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faa01d  No.14243616


Has sharpened (not metal that is my enemy) i am more ready than anyone local

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3e693c  No.14243617

File: e35af6cf6d02358⋯.mp4 (15.01 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, SEAL_Part_four.MP4)






PartFourof the Seal film here …

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d71ba9  No.14243618

File: b8e8313593477a1⋯.png (1.35 MB, 945x786, 315:262, b8e8313593477a1a9c123bd43b….png)


These are big assumptions, got any sauce?

Without sauce it just sounds like confirmation bias and speculation.

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faa01d  No.14243619


No they wont, stop the fake news

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6abf0d  No.14243620

File: b63c0f6638a0e36⋯.jpg (50.33 KB, 716x536, 179:134, LT_2.jpg)


back at ya Sam

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a7dcea  No.14243621



Predicting countries’ likelihood of achieving universal health care

The new findings are part of a comprehensive analysis by first author Andrea Feigl, a doctoral candidate in the HSPH Department of Global Health and Population, and senior author [[Eric Ding]], research scientist in the HSPH Department of Nutrition. As part of their research, Feigl and Ding developed a standardized index for assessing universal health care coverage, and then calculated the likelihood that a particular country will successfully develop and achieve universal health care over time.

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20c078  No.14243622


Thx for checking, i probably should have checked before i posted it, but i thought it was tongue in cheek what Sean said

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1b9854  No.14243623



Why ty! The poster said…

>The more fat you have the more estrogen is produced, it's a snowballing effect. Less testosterone = less dopamine = lower libido = sterilization.

This implies if you eat more fats you will be depleted of testosterone and be a cuck…which is simply not true…estrogen and testosterone come from the same fat called cholesterol fren…

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841e22  No.14243625


>Australia will Use Military to Enforce Sydney Covid Lockdown – Troops will Knock on Doors to Make Sure Residents are at Home

17% vaxed in Sydney very impressive.

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8e1b2a  No.14243626


Please have a talk with


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bc1dc6  No.14243627

File: f9aa943661a0ccc⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1080x1145, 216:229, 571b7f43fd99ad1be01b5882c5….png)

>>14241044 (PB)

Surprised that this is still in the archive

the cult has been erasing history from state and municipal archives.

Partly to cover tracks, partly to prevent knowledge of our past directing attention to the present where the the damage done by cult's multidecade psychospiritual cultural subversion and demoralization campaign is evident.

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faa01d  No.14243628


Dont look at South America then

Yep burn baby burn

I'm not doin' that btw, obviously those higher than me believe they need cleansin'

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841e22  No.14243629


>he more fat you have

have vs. eat learn to read

being overweight is different to consuming healthy fats learn to read

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39d483  No.14243630


The (((msm))) says you need to inject something into you blood, because people who have listened to the (((msm))) have had their immune systems compromised and have died.

That's what it boils down to, that you are being made sick and vulnerable to the diseases they manufacture, (gain of unction research). The 'reported deaths' of others are used to force you to get sicker by injecting the something into your blood, aiming to make you part of new 'take the vaxx' propaganda.

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a7dcea  No.14243631

File: 53a9a1170cbf87f⋯.jpg (777.6 KB, 1500x1391, 1500:1391, JJB.jpg)

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41fff5  No.14243632


>Dr. Andrea Feigl-Ding, PhD MPH


Looks guy-ish.

Another one of those baphomets?

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ddb833  No.14243633


Union pandering by Newsom, IMO.

Teacher's on Newsom's ass in the classroom bully pulpit. Unions are their to provide legal cover for their members, and will have to handle any cases of tearchers being retaliated against for an anti-vax stance

USPS showed the way when they told Bidan to go fuck himself. He' man enough to fuck with regular peeps, but turns tail when the unions get involved. Right-to-work states will get fucked over. Won't end well.

I think the biggest reason teachers, especially, are in unions is for the legal protection. If the unions don't take the teachers' sixes in the vax issue legal they'll lose they're main drawing benefit.

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841e22  No.14243634


> velocity is your friend

if pencils are your friend then thick clothes are the friend of your oppressor

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6394ee  No.14243635


No. Eating fat does not necessarily make you fat. Too many processed carbs is more likely to make you fat.

So.. fat people have more estrogen, but they are not necessarily fat because they eat fat.

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faa01d  No.14243636

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

too 'dark' though

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900a22  No.14243637


Back off KAREN! I can read, I was merely confirming that she WAS a Vet! I can see by your response that you can read so Now try some comprehension too!

By the fact that you have already confirmed that she does visit a hospital and that I never blanked that part out either, I am NOT perpetuating anything!

Her implication in the twatter posting WAS implying that she should be given higher credibility because she's a doctor & Not a Dr of Ed like Dr.Ed Jill!

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a7dcea  No.14243638

File: afdade2d6bb37f0⋯.png (70.55 KB, 180x220, 9:11, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 110b757809cfdf0⋯.png (133.82 KB, 290x290, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

>Dr. Andrea Feigl-Ding

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1b9854  No.14243639


+1..patriots in control…

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841e22  No.14243640


>Too many processed carbs

anything processed. they design the fats & carbs & sugars to be hard for our enzymes to process.

enzymes pass over the fake stuff until they find something easy to process

have to be extremely hungry for your body to process the bad stuff

must get into ketosis. appetite suppressant is required to overcome modern american obesity because it's based on poison

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39d483  No.14243641

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Evidently, eating omega-6 fats is the culprit to getting fat.

Eating stearic acid, a fat found in ruminants, and a lot in kidney fat, would have the effect of increasing your metabolism of fat.

Linoleic Acid (omgea-6) makes your fat cells store fat

As per video:

Linoleic Acid is making you FAT & Stearic Acid might just be the remedy w/ Brad Marshall

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4e5833  No.14243642


You can try and you might learn something.

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20c078  No.14243643


Greedy SOBs, guess they figure more that got the vax will die, but they dont want to lose money over it, so jack up the price.

Wouldnt surprise ne if these vax companies are giving kickbacks to gov insiders to keep the scam going

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2ceb3e  No.14243644




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39d483  No.14243645


eating pork and chicken, especially if they are fed with soy or corn feed, increases your omega-6 intake significantly

ruminants, such as cows and sheep have the ability to convert most of the omega-6 fats to saturated fats

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841e22  No.14243646


clothes cl-oth-es

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8e1b2a  No.14243647


I live almost exclusively on carbs at the moment, Im trying to get back to what was a normal weight prepandemic…its just not working…the harder I try, the less I weigh…

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2ceb3e  No.14243648

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cc1069  No.14243649

File: f766cab078e958d⋯.png (280.71 KB, 605x530, 121:106, over_turky.PNG)

File: 47c5065ce5306e0⋯.png (54.35 KB, 686x186, 343:93, blot_out_the_sun.PNG)


NEW - Meteor illuminated the night sky over #Izmir, Turkey.





12:48 AM · Aug 1, 2021

SOME LIKE IT HOT Selfie-loving tourists hit Turkish beaches despite ‘apocalyptic’ wildfires blotting out the sun

Will StewartAliki Kraterou

12:05 ET, Jul 29 2021Updated: 19:05 ET, Jul 29 2021


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092461  No.14243650


Someone reverse engineered the mRNA sequences of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. https://github.com/NAalytics/Assemblies-of-putative-SARS-CoV2-spike-encoding-mRNA-sequences-for-vaccines-BNT-162b2-and-mRNA-1273/blob/main/Assemblies%20of%20putative%20SARS-CoV2-spike-encoding%20mRNA%20sequences%20for%20vaccines%20BNT-162b2%20and%20mRNA-1273.docx.pdf

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2ceb3e  No.14243651

As a pencil approaches the speed of light it becomes both shorter and more massive.


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ec0747  No.14243652

File: 4574f432f79a034⋯.png (1.82 MB, 950x1280, 95:128, ClipboardImage.png)

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368528  No.14243653


I should have been more specific but didn't think I needed to be. If you're clearly overweight you are consuming the wrong fats (monosaturated from plant based sources) and not enough saturated fat (animal source). Testosterone is produced from HEALTHY cholesterol known as HDL, not the LDL kind.

Most people are fat because of too much steak and hamburgers, it's the soda and dessert that comes during and after a meal. Reverse the food pyramid that the FDA or whatever recommends to people and you'll have a great diet.

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a517db  No.14243654

File: 3162a6c41620db4⋯.jpg (533.34 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20210801_075433….jpg)

Fear = Control

Anons knew…

MTG… = Anon

Continue the Fight Anon

We are Here to Back (you)


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cc1069  No.14243655

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1b9854  No.14243656






Fats seem to be an issue…good to know…

How do (you) store energy and chemical mediators for future use?

On a triglyceride! Which we have done since we were a sponge on the bottom of the ocean…

(they) want you to run on SUGAR as you live a shorter life span and they can sell you drugs when you get sick…

Come on 8200, lets have someTRUTH

Tell the good anons the TRUTH instead of being obtuse…

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13ff10  No.14243657


President Trump's intentions were good regarding warp speed

unfortunately, klaus schwab's, bill gates', anthony fauci's, etc., intentions are not good

keep coming back to Q's post about 99% would need to be hodpitalized, and also, Q's last and infamous post of twisted sister video, clearly telling us not to take the vax

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368528  No.14243658



Most people arenotfat because of too much steak and hamburgers.

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ddb833  No.14243659


Don't need to eat fat wrt to energy.

Body burns only carbohydrates, and any carbohydrates it doesn't immediately require is converted to fat as storage.

Body is of capable of converting fat to carbohydrate when it needs energy, and converting carbohydrates to fat when it's energy needs are met.

Intake of foods other than carbohydrates is necessary for the maintenance of a reservoir of essential elements for the building of a sound body.

Logic dictates that not eating carbohydrates means the body will convert available fat to get what it needs for energy.

In the opposite scenario, say a marathoner, or long distance cyclist, those who have insufficient fat deposits for their immediate needs take carbohydrates to maintain an energy source.

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cc1069  No.14243660

File: b60aeecbdd1cf19⋯.png (381.29 KB, 596x683, 596:683, ban_work.PNG)


The Biden transition team official who brokered an $87 million immigration contract for a nonprofit organization that he was advising was never cleared by federal authorities to work on the deal and has since been banned from any future work with ICE.


Former Biden official who won $87M to house migrants banned from ICE contracts

The Biden transition team official who brokered an $87 million immigration contract for a nonprofit organization that he was simultaneously advising was never cleared by federal authorities to work…

12:54 AM · Aug 1, 2021

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092461  No.14243661


Someone reverse engineered the mRNA sequences of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. Do any anons have protein modelling software they can use to generate the structure of the protein? https://github.com/NAalytics/Assemblies-of-putative-SARS-CoV2-spike-encoding-mRNA-sequences-for-vaccines-BNT-162b2-and-mRNA-1273/blob/main/Assemblies%20of%20putative%20SARS-CoV2-spike-encoding%20mRNA%20sequences%20for%20vaccines%20BNT-162b2%20and%20mRNA-1273.docx.pdf

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a7dcea  No.14243662

File: 4a2ef2b053e81ad⋯.png (994.93 KB, 560x729, 560:729, FingerLakes.png)

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2ceb3e  No.14243663


If overweight you are, too much you are eating.


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a7dcea  No.14243664

File: 1337e562e2934b2⋯.png (239.61 KB, 1497x1015, 1497:1015, ClipboardImage.png)


>Someone reverse engineered the mRNA sequences of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. Do any anons have protein modelling software they can use to generate the structure of the protein?

just run it through ghidra

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811bf2  No.14243665

File: 490bb6e87580798⋯.jpeg (100.97 KB, 1080x541, 1080:541, 1588006093.jpeg)

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414bdc  No.14243666

File: 8a38490ac26fa6d⋯.png (392.79 KB, 463x565, 463:565, ClipboardImage.png)

Thousands protest in #Berlin against Covid restrictions despite a ban by the authorities. The police try to regain control with punches, batons, and pepper spray.


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cc1069  No.14243667

File: 2ea46c031f2b6f4⋯.png (493.19 KB, 872x665, 872:665, y_are.PNG)


Brandon Smith: Why Are Globalists And Governments So Desperate For 100% Vaccination Rates?

Tyler Durden's Photo


SUNDAY, AUG 01, 2021 - 12:00 AM

A mass infertility event?

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414bdc  No.14243668

File: b4129a40bed542d⋯.png (12.18 KB, 435x171, 145:57, ClipboardImage.png)

Pfizer and Moderna ramp up #COVID19 vaccine prices in the European Union as demand increases for expected "booster shots," generating billions of dollars more for the groups (FT)


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6abf0d  No.14243669

File: 955213a4f807f87⋯.jpg (19.81 KB, 358x179, 2:1, PA_ThatsaMan.JPG)

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885fe7  No.14243670


kek there ain't nothing Girda can't do

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d62a26  No.14243671

File: 1668b1a1d2f2bd4⋯.mp4 (3.35 MB, 302x614, 151:307, 1668b1a1d2f2bd401739dcd761….mp4)

File: 7565344868d2551⋯.jpeg (33.66 KB, 535x500, 107:100, d3dc0448a991a9fb7129f7ffc….jpeg)

File: bfb29cf35f87fc2⋯.jpeg (28.75 KB, 418x500, 209:250, ea26dc5c8e30711f8ab469286….jpeg)

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39d483  No.14243672


avoid the linoleic acid (omega-6) fats, because they are making you store fat, and are in the amounts they currently are in human diet only because it is a product of (((profit))).

eat fats, but saturated fats from ruminants, or keep storing more fat at the expense of your health.

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a7dcea  No.14243673

File: 9eda4e92b0ee12c⋯.mp4 (8.41 MB, 614x586, 307:293, canadians.mp4)

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368528  No.14243674


Every overweight person I've met that I confront always says it's genetic but I never see them eat anything besides pop-tarts and pizza-pops and they always have a bottle of coke or pepsi in their hand. They weren't even dumb people either, just not owning up to it and plus not enough information on diet is provided; even doctors have no idea about nutrition.

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8e1b2a  No.14243675


If she is a physical therapist…she is a doctor…

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20c078  No.14243676

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A/CDC - Pfizer struck


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1b9854  No.14243677





jeez…poked the BOT BEAR…

(you) have to eat 2 types of FAT that are ESSENTIAL to your function…Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids…

If you do not eat omega 6 fatty acids you do not build your majorENDOCANNABINOIDSand thereby will suffer with regulatory diseases…

If you do not eat Omega 3's you will not have much of an immune response…

(you) gain weight because ofSUGAR

(your) body wants to run on FATS, but when we constantly eat SUGAR we never FAT PROCESS…if we do not FAT PROCESS we do not BUILD THE CHEMICAL MEDIATORS WE NEED TO RUN US…

I need to do a big post on this and will in the coming days…

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cc1069  No.14243678

File: deb5313a50dbe7e⋯.png (281.98 KB, 601x518, 601:518, willow.PNG)


Military will be knocking on doors to ensure people are isolating Flushed faceExploding head

12:59 AM · Aug 1, 2021

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d062f8  No.14243679

File: f259803aeacafe5⋯.png (256.38 KB, 1919x836, 101:44, ClipboardImage.png)

Sequence of smaller earthquakes running up the San Andreas

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a7dcea  No.14243680

File: f030d13fd623ac3⋯.png (604.14 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, sharp.png)


>The police try to regain control with punches, batons, and pepper spray.

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535631  No.14243681

File: 3038b4f0e4b6907⋯.jpg (85.22 KB, 1240x619, 1240:619, rs_w_1240_h_620_cg_true.jpg)

"They're coming back with a vengence and you either say HELL NO or you live with the consequences"

Attorney Thomas Renz interviewed by Mike Adams

52 minutes

Tidal wave of lawsuits coming against dangerous vaccine mandates - Thomas Renz interviewed by Mike Adams


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a7dcea  No.14243682

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Military will be knocking on doors to ensure people are isolating

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885fe7  No.14243683


kek - I need to steal that greatest hits off the internets

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900a22  No.14243684


Maybe in the USA, But not elsewhere in the world sunshine!

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414bdc  No.14243685

>>14242953 Baker here is #18011


>>14236636 Dough



>>14236644, >>14236639, >>14236263, >>14236683, >>14236696, >>14236818, >>14237277 -Start >Unpredictable>

>>14236671 OOOPS: Unfortunate PolitiFact Job Tweet Says 'Come Join Our Misinformation Team'

>>14236678 Good afternoon gentle anons, and the shills, bots, clowns and others. message

>>14236684, >>14236851 ‘Unprecedented, Unreasonable, Unconstitutional, and Wrong’

>>14236690, >>14236697 Open Letter to US Legislators from Dr. Li-Meng Yan: The purpose of this statement is to provide insight into how the CCP’s influence and ambitions are undermining America

>>14236694 Gov. Greg Abbott claims Biden administration has caused a 'constitutional crisis'

>>14236754 Texas AG: My statement regarding the Biden Administration’s just-filed lawsuit against the State of Texas

>>14236757, >>14236762, >>14236769, >>14236799, >>14236842, >>14236858, >>14236897, >>14236951, >>14237105 MSM stupidity, Unvaccinated people are 'variant factories,' infectious diseases: expert says

>>14236780, >>14236790 More corporations are requiring workers to get vaccinated

>>14236796 Tucker Carlson Tonight 07/30/2021 Q Ref In Monologue

>>14236800 Heavily Vaccinated Countries See Massive Covid Spike

>>14236803, >>14237086 California Orders State Of Emergency To Avert Blackouts

>>14236817, >>14236821 Australia Sends In The Army To Enforce It's "Zero Covid" Lockdown

>>14236849 Fun Fact: Skyking (Foxtrot Msgs)

>>14236878 Gen. Flynn Exclusive: 10 Indisputable Facts on the 2020 Election That Argue for Audits

>>14236955 ‘I Don’t Even Understand…’ WH Spox Karine Jean-Pierre Baffled By Question From Newsmax’s Emerald Robinson About Delta Variant

>>14236963 OpenVAERS Website Is "Currently Offline" After Number of COVID Vaccine Deaths Reaches 11,405 as Listed on the Website

>>14237011, >>14237020, >>14237037 US Army Cadet Summer Training is ongoing at Fort Knox! 10,000

>>14237023 Covid-19 deaths are rising and official data shows 87% of the people who have died were Vaccinated

>>14236897, >>14237066 Anon asks: If they recalled the benchmark test for CoVid testing, what is the benchmark for "Delta Variant" testing….?

>>14237081 Hundreds of thousands are taking to the streets in Paris, Nice, Montpellier, Nantes, Strasbourg, Reims, Toulouse, Marseille, and many more cities across France to protest against vaccine passports and mandatory vaccinations

>>14237069, >>14237119, >>14237159 US Navy Christening ceremony for the future Virginia-class submarine USS Hyman G. Rickover (SSN 795).

>>14237156, >>14237172, >>14237179, >>14237185 I wouldn't call it a firm connection, but 1371 days...

>>14237160 Guise it's catching on, this Fanone character is in deep shit

>>14237198, >>14232734 Guns Are For Controlling The Government

>>14237233 House OK’s hiring illegal migrants on staff, fattens budget 21%

>>14237246, >>14237254, >>14237269, >>14237273, >>14237280, >>14237255, >>14237261, >>14237264, >>14237265, >>14237312, >>14237336 FBI 113 years (Cap 0:13) second time in hours this Q has come up, other was @USMC iirc

>>14237292 Rep. Thomas Massie Taunts Pelosi: ‘Arrest My Entire Staff. We Are Not Wearing Masks’

>>14237364, >>14237374, >>14237388 These people are sick psychopaths (Cap 2:16)

>>14237390, >>14236645 FBIfag threatens Chans


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39d483  No.14243686


the ratio between omega-3 and omega-6 in grass fed cows is 1:1.4 or so, in soy and corn fed animals it can be 1:20 or even higher

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1b9854  No.14243687


>Military will be knocking on doors to ensure people are isolating

Bullshit Sydney…they are coming to force vax you…

Aussie aussie aussie…

Pray for Sydney…Pray for the world…be ready to stand and fight…

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bba501  No.14243688

File: ab31645c59e4453⋯.png (79.67 KB, 1851x695, 1851:695, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c3d6b3ed8cf4108⋯.png (150.14 KB, 1807x833, 1807:833, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b1cb44c4f4a858b⋯.png (258.23 KB, 1928x852, 482:213, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7d6176385ebdefe⋯.png (403.15 KB, 1928x852, 482:213, ClipboardImage.png)

>>14243479 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation - ~$11.1 Billion Total Assets in 2018.

How about this? RWJ Foundation President and CEO (as of 2019) was acting CDC director during the H1N1 'pandemic' whie hussein was Pres. Making close to a million dollars a year.



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52bbc0  No.14243689


copy pasta of the emoticons makes an interesting read

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1b9854  No.14243690


This lady did most of the research on O3/O6…look into her work…

1:20 is killing us…1:1 what we need…


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535631  No.14243691

File: 8d0f5d911926455⋯.jpg (109.2 KB, 600x600, 1:1, top_kek.jpg)

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20c078  No.14243692


This is true! The Government knew they couldnt mandate the vaccine, so they put it on private corps to do this with their EEOC order, thereby transferring liability to corporations. They knew what they were doing and corps swallowed the bait!

EEOC Allows Covid-19 Vaccination Incentives: What to Know


July 23, 2021, 4:00 AM


The EEOC’s updated guidance on employee rights relating to employer policies on the Covid-19 vaccination allows incentives such as days off or cash bonuses, but employers need to understand limitations, say Jones Walker LLP attorneys Jane H. Heidingsfelder and Jacob J. Pritt. Federal anti-discrimination laws come in to play, they explain.

From the beginning of the pandemic, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has paid particular attention to protecting the rights of employees who are at high risk of getting sick or who may have a medical or religious reason to modify an employer’s Covid-19 safety requirements.

On May 28, the EEOC issued new guidance for employers responding to the pandemic addressing requiring vaccinations and providing incentives for employees to receive vaccinations. Obviously, employers are working toward having a more fully vaccinated workforce because it ensures employees can return to in-office work safely, and it eases the precautions that employers must manage in the office.

The EEOC’s guidance considers a wide variety of federal laws, ranging from disability protections and genetic privacy to laws prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, religion, and national origin. An employer may require vaccination while providing accommodations for religion and disability. An employer may also provide incentives and require proof of vaccination by a third party in order for employees to qualify for the incentives.

Accommodating Unvaccinated Employees

According to the EEOC, federal laws prohibiting discrimination in the workplace “do not prevent an employer from requiring all employees physically entering the workplace to be vaccinated for COVID-19.”

In enacting such a policy, however, the employer must be sure to accommodate employees who may have a disability or sincerely held religious belief that would prevent them from being vaccinated. Such accommodations could include requiring unvaccinated employees to wear masks, practice social distancing in the workplace, or have the opportunity to work remotely.

While a company may require employees to be vaccinated, some employers may not feel comfortable instituting this kind of policy for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to morale issues, possible employee resignations, or fear of potential liability if the vaccines have a negative effect…


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bb1b81  No.14243693

File: 4c73dc95facaa97⋯.jpg (71.7 KB, 508x343, 508:343, Fauci_pig_masks.jpg)

File: 6ba8093de2c0a9e⋯.jpg (32.81 KB, 480x360, 4:3, looks_like_flu.jpg)

File: 77d3cb692fcfd04⋯.jpg (238.6 KB, 1248x702, 16:9, masks_are_bullshit.jpg)


Because walking from house to house in a "pandemic"… is really the way to stop the transmission of a disease.

1 cop goes to a "positive" house to check…. then spreads it to ALL the uninfected people.

All I can say is… thank fuck it's never been Ebola.

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a7dcea  No.14243694

File: 14733c85f3bd3f0⋯.mp4 (7.33 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Joe_Biden_hypocrite_talkin….mp4)

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8e1b2a  No.14243695


Referring to me as Sunshine is not the insult you were looking for…

Why do you insist on bring that irrelevant fact into the discussion???

The best lies are truths dressed up to be misunderstood.

Im sick of lies…thats why Im here…but you fuckers just are everywhere…

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1b9854  No.14243696


ty anon for collecting :-)

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473eed  No.14243697

Just thinking.

Post 2793.

Only mention of COUNTERMEASURES.

18.18 Reprisals

The term “countermeasures” is sometimes used to cover that part of the subject of reprisals not associated with armed conflict, with the term “reprisals” or “belligerent reprisals” sometimes reserved for action taken during international armed conflict.

If you see Countermeasures is after Zero Day.

Post 1818


restore friendly relations between

I wonder if the “soon” is in place to

Give opportunity to reconcile before the day after Zero Day??

I don’t know. Just looking around.

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21a9f4  No.14243698


Don't take this shit Sydney. THERE ARE MORE OF YOU.

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900a22  No.14243699


11 post shill misses the point yet again!

She's a doctor because she's a Vet Not because she does massage and manipulation of bedridden people in hospital!

Now do you see why I referred to your lame snowflake ass as "sunshine"

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2ceb3e  No.14243700


Doctor,… of physical therapy.

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39d483  No.14243701


I buy suet (kidney fat) from grass fed (and grass finished as it's marketed in the U.S.) cows.

It has a natural ratio of O3 to O6 (close to 1 to 1), and contains a high amount of stearic acid.

It's very cheap comparatively for the high quality fat, and I add it to bone broths as it tastes really good.

When they subsidize corn and soy, they do this because there is 'money in it', and ofc it is always at the expense of humanity.

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43802e  No.14243702

File: 613d030dff3b036⋯.jpg (61.38 KB, 695x500, 139:100, KEK_Greatest.jpg)


oh fuck

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0ae0e7  No.14243703

File: ea54ca47bd8f528⋯.jpeg (379.68 KB, 828x989, 36:43, 871192FE_5E94_41B0_BD5A_5….jpeg)

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a05db4  No.14243704

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Compilation out of Turkey! Hell breaks loose on this planet! Water, fire, storms… Stay save!

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d9c310  No.14243705

File: 3b9dd7051cb21ae⋯.jpg (23.93 KB, 385x385, 1:1, Squint_Pepe.jpg)

File: eb9e6b9d09badca⋯.gif (998.66 KB, 500x300, 5:3, Missions_Forward.gif)

This shit started when the Liberals began their anti-discipline campaigns against parents.

First You Couldn't Whip Your Kids

Then it Became Report Your Parents

Eliminate the lines of Right from Wrong

You Now Can't Tell Children the Word "No"

Faggot-ization of Cartoons & Toys

Cell Phones, Computers and Devices as soon as they Can Talk

And we wonder why we have an entire generation of reprobate minds burning shit down and destroying property when they don't get what they want or whatever they've been indoctrinated to believe.

They've planned this for a long time. We let it happen. A Vocal Minority overriding a Silent Preoccupied Majority.

We left the guns laying around the house without properly teaching them and securing them.

Remember Chaz and how they couldn't figure out basic Sanitation? Now amplify that out to Civilization. God Forbid the Power Goes Out!!!

Air Conditioning






ect, ect, ect

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841e22  No.14243706

File: 392a568eae146b1⋯.png (39.4 KB, 153x198, 17:22, mass_shootings_guide.png)

>>14239337 pb

>George Soros' right-hand man was accused of BDSM crimes in his sex dungeon

remember when this would have been huge fucking news

don't forget to shank a communist oppressor

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811bf2  No.14243707

File: 2d01fea54874fa0⋯.png (436.32 KB, 1080x721, 1080:721, Memeto_1621645295313.png)

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13ff10  No.14243708

File: 281001f183ecd39⋯.png (976.61 KB, 734x612, 367:306, aussie.PNG)

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f73866  No.14243709

File: 544c9afa0fc822c⋯.jpg (44.9 KB, 508x332, 127:83, 916759761537.jpg)

yes hello when are things going to get better?

america is dying and many of us are not doing very well you know

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75cdfa  No.14243710


(((you))) dont belong anywhere

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cc1069  No.14243711

File: 9173bc2422058ff⋯.png (194.19 KB, 802x715, 802:715, f_wants.PNG)



Fauci Wants to Make Vaccines for Next Pandemic Before It Hits

what will happen if the next pandemic comes from a virus that causes Lassa fever, or from the Sudan strain of Ebola?

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2ceb3e  No.14243712


Is a gas giant.

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1b9854  No.14243713


>It has a natural ratio of O3 to O6

You run off of the things you can stick on a triglyceride..only 2 areESSENTIALwhich are o3 and o6…ideally we need 1:1 to 1:4 o3:o6 and should be roughly 10% of our fat consumption. Good for you anon, you are ahead of the curve.

BTW..supplementing with alpha-linolenic acid, the most important o3 acid, willNO SHITright most disease states…

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841e22  No.14243714


rip off their masks

these are the fucking stormtroopers

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235eb0  No.14243715

File: 51f8a7f207f9ba1⋯.jpg (35.33 KB, 430x432, 215:216, Jeanne_Calment_Worlds_Elde….jpg)


French lady Jeanne Calment lived to the age of 122 years 164 days. Believed she stopped smoking at 105 and thought what the fuck? and started again at 110.

God Bless her for twisting all sanctimonious knickers into a knot.

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21a9f4  No.14243716


You think this shit is bad? People are in the streets friend. By the millions. Pay attention.

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cc1069  No.14243717

File: 604290cc85ffb06⋯.png (188.94 KB, 823x746, 823:746, gets_mill.PNG)




Dr. Fauci Ebola virus research gets millions of dollars of NIH funding

Two new Ebola grants support Ebola research exploring how Ebola spreads in the body with implication for targeted Ebola viral treatments

17 June 2021

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bb1b81  No.14243718

File: 3cf463360b02ba4⋯.jpg (341.76 KB, 784x1018, 392:509, Fauci_crimes_against_human….jpg)


From the brainwashed bullshit, fed to the population….. masks work n all that shit….the answer is….. MILLIONS die.

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8e1b2a  No.14243719


As you like, but that post was intended to deceive. Yes she is a doctor because she is a veterinarian but at the same time, she is also a hospital worker who has experience taking care of Covid patients, AND she is a doctor because she is a physical therapist. That's two doctoral degrees… I don't care hoe they practice medicine outside of this country…

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d9c310  No.14243720


Safety Helmets and Social Crutches Wealing the Gene Pool. You ever see a Retarded Amish? No…Never…

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841e22  No.14243721

republicanuts still whining about elections but nothing has changed.

AZ is not the only issue, far from it

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d9c310  No.14243722



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cc1069  No.14243723

File: ec0f5432a7edb33⋯.png (404.86 KB, 603x567, 67:63, is_prot.PNG)


ISRAEL: Demonstrators take to streets in TelAviv on Saturday night to protest the government’s covid restrictions.


Anonyme Citoyen

1:08 AM · Aug 1, 2021

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374951  No.14243724

File: 5627eda8e6ed794⋯.jpeg (28.99 KB, 255x167, 255:167, 9E5CB1F6_25A7_4217_8683_2….jpeg)

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f73866  No.14243725

File: c23317630a54a89⋯.jpg (27.68 KB, 361x341, 361:341, c23317630a54a891d00a0400f1….jpg)


Not americas problem.

is that what q wants? every one out in the streets? destroying shit? fighting with riot police?

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d9c310  No.14243726


Nothing changes without action. Nothing. Objects at rest will stay at rest unless acted upon by an external influence. Period.

The Fossil in the Ground Remains Hidden until the Archeologist or Paleontologist digs.

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f69bff  No.14243727


Excellent post! And I'll look forward to your big post on fats upcoming.

Says the 67-year old champion weight lifter…

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841e22  No.14243728


>republicanuts still whining about elections but nothing has changed.

I understand some republicnuts in WI are going to whine to the cabal about it today or tomorrow

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21a9f4  No.14243729


Are you retarded.

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c6489d  No.14243730

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>republicanuts still whining about elections but nothing has changed.

:OH of the REALLY?

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841e22  No.14243731


>Nothing changes without action.

exactly. cabal doesn't play by muh law.


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20c078  No.14243732


They already created an ebola vaccine it was never used

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841e22  No.14243733


hey look its more failing sovereign citizen faggotry

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cc1069  No.14243734

File: ba0e9e7ab44f611⋯.png (267.1 KB, 599x614, 599:614, vaxx_cent.PNG)


VAX CENTER TORCHED: For the second weekend in a row, demonstrators on the French Island of Martinique riot against Pres. Macron’s vaccine mandates. Saturday night, protesters set numerous fires, including one at Fort-de-France’s vaccination center.




Anonyme Citoyen

1:27 AM · Aug 1, 2021

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841e22  No.14243735



french know freedom better than america.

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13ff10  No.14243736

File: 12aabd70ac38c01⋯.png (452.27 KB, 592x385, 592:385, french_aristocracy.PNG)

File: 174f4f25da60f2b⋯.png (1.11 MB, 766x498, 383:249, pelosi_marie_antoinette.PNG)

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bc4d8c  No.14243737


that is how you fight back. Fucking hell frenchies good job.

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841e22  No.14243738


destroy selective shit

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20c078  No.14243739


Someone needs to arrest this asshole and try him in a Nuremberg trial and bring the final judgement on him. Why is he even allowed to work or to talk?

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344d40  No.14243740

File: 08138ddcd83cdaf⋯.jpg (210.91 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, gettyimages_102477816.jpg)

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841e22  No.14243741

File: 4baf98dbc7bf5d3⋯.png (70.52 KB, 1332x954, 74:53, red_field_flags_simplified….png)


only problem with that is french revolution was rothschild operation to leave only their royalty standing in europe

follow the red field flags

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97ba7e  No.14243742

File: 4fa32cf3c611007⋯.png (28.67 KB, 748x425, 44:25, ClipboardImage.png)




JUST IN - Pfizer and Moderna ramp up #COVID19 vaccine prices in the European Union as demand increases for expected "booster shots," generating billions of dollars more for the groups (FT)

6:32 AM · Aug 1, 2021·Twitter Web App


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cc1069  No.14243743

File: ef5228c557ae775⋯.png (1.55 MB, 914x896, 457:448, side_by_side_1.PNG)

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900a22  No.14243744

>>14243719Just to clear the last thing up: The post (of her bio from Twatter) that got your dander up was actually intended to ENLIGHTEN those on this image board to the fact that the original twitter poster was correct that she is, in fact, a vet but; also that she REALLY DOES WORK AT THE HOSPITAL>!

We have been in agreement the entire time but I guess it's more fun to attack!

I defend when I'm wrongfully attacked!

As far as I'm concerned this matter has been put to bed. Have at any further correspondence on your own if anything I have said here gets you all hissy again.

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83c15d  No.14243745


wasn't correlated until they started iln drying rather than air drying (the natural sugars don't ferment) and later soaking all the tobacco in a sugar solution.

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83c15d  No.14243746

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f73866  No.14243747

File: 1ae2c34da34ba5b⋯.png (182.43 KB, 366x508, 183:254, 1605630383973.png)


Why can you not answer my question? I just want things to be better because Iook l around in my locality.. and its bad. And it seems to get a bit worse everyday now that people are aware more lockdowns are coming.

I fear if mass violence were to break out… that would be the end. lt would snowball too fast and too strong to stop it in America.


wtf are you talking about.

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bb1b81  No.14243748

File: c7eedd6ac3787c8⋯.jpg (181.97 KB, 577x537, 577:537, EXTORTION.jpg)

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841e22  No.14243749

File: fd456f350dd2b61⋯.jpg (13.26 KB, 232x326, 116:163, david_hogg_2.jpg)

File: bc419c38e80248c⋯.jpg (11.8 KB, 259x256, 259:256, david_hogg_3.jpg)


i laugh at these cucks who trust desatanis

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83c15d  No.14243750


colons need irrigating

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c6489d  No.14243751

File: 01dfc3d92f40c5e⋯.jpg (32.79 KB, 609x515, 609:515, 01dfc3d92f40c5e903318e2a33….jpg)

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841e22  No.14243752

File: 0c9f135799d623d⋯.png (400.74 KB, 1024x1004, 256:251, Marina_Abramovich_pizzagat….png)


eliminate fluoride you're not behaving like human beings

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20c078  No.14243753


What about goats, they eat trash

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841e22  No.14243755


kek its a glownigger operation. seen the evolution from "write a letter to the fed claiming your strawman". seen the dumb fucks go to prison for it

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344d40  No.14243756

File: e89fdddb57c3623⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1720x1160, 43:29, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)


is that GM ?

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900a22  No.14243757


Just to clear the last thing up: The post (of her bio from Twatter) that got your dander up was actually intended to ENLIGHTEN those on this image board to the fact that the original twitter poster was correct that she is, in fact, a vet but; also that she REALLY DOES WORK AT THE HOSPITAL!

We have been in agreement the entire time but I guess it's more fun to attack!

I defend when I'm wrongfully attacked!

As far as I'm concerned this matter has been put to bed. Have at any further correspondence on your own if anything I have said here gets you all hissy again.

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97ba7e  No.14243758

File: 028a8503c990498⋯.png (520.31 KB, 1178x361, 62:19, ClipboardImage.png)


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c6489d  No.14243759

File: f768deaef22da97⋯.png (29.11 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, f768deaef22da979abcfb73c91….png)


Has to be correct and with the authorization to use this Flag.

Dig harder anon.

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2ceb3e  No.14243761

File: df0764dbfd7dd66⋯.jpeg (84.59 KB, 540x478, 270:239, A873056B_D21E_42CC_966D_7….jpeg)

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c6489d  No.14243762

File: 062ac31f93c37ad⋯.png (144.17 KB, 555x557, 555:557, 062ac31f93c37adbce8c1b1d7c….png)


>this Flag

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52e5a5  No.14243763

File: 3763513789f52e9⋯.jpeg (383.04 KB, 640x1024, 5:8, FACC448E_1525_4EB8_9C61_4….jpeg)

File: 8123d60d74a17c1⋯.jpeg (344.4 KB, 640x870, 64:87, C4399763_0887_4F97_9CD0_5….jpeg)

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21a9f4  No.14243764

File: 02c0b8f07017cfe⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1925x1081, 1925:1081, OPM5.png)


We all want things to get better.

What do we do about it? Continue to whine and complain that nothing is going your way? No. You stand the fuck up on your two feet and you say im not going to take this shit anymore. You thin you're alone in that sentiment? Hardly. There are millions of us, fren. They know that. You know that. I know that.

Watch what happens. Be a man. Keep your faith. Chop your wood and carry your water.

We will not, give in. You have to stand tall amidst those who would kneel. Be their beacon. That is why you are here.

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83c15d  No.14243765


why do shills call everyone "anon" like they themselves are excluded?

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535631  No.14243766

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Meanwhile in Germany

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a23ff7  No.14243767


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4d7584  No.14243768


>Watch what happens. Be a man. Keep your faith. Chop your wood and carry your water.


>We will not, give in. You have to stand tall amidst those who would kneel. Be their beacon. That is why you are here.

this is how you learn to trust yourself

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2ceb3e  No.14243769

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841e22  No.14243770

File: 6ace70d14e4fa3f⋯.gif (2.69 MB, 307x292, 307:292, pence_robotic_smile.gif)


>Has to be correct and with the authorization to use this Flag.

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c6489d  No.14243771

File: 9191e236190f8e9⋯.gif (4.25 MB, 310x310, 1:1, 9191e236190f8e9439c91e0d94….gif)

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52e5a5  No.14243772

File: c44c52c7015bf09⋯.png (1.71 MB, 640x1136, 40:71, C721C5E0_F7C3_4C08_96B1_96….png)

File: 4f6e5ddb444659d⋯.jpeg (386.42 KB, 640x1025, 128:205, 8DA5F34A_0423_477A_BEA4_5….jpeg)

File: f03e7c9fa6579e6⋯.jpeg (322.31 KB, 640x756, 160:189, 7DEF741F_78C2_4E30_9CE5_7….jpeg)

File: 229440a02c58085⋯.jpeg (376.77 KB, 640x1008, 40:63, 537B4AAF_107D_444F_8909_F….jpeg)

File: 74c35ba5f625a26⋯.jpeg (90.85 KB, 640x892, 160:223, DE1484C0_4336_4B25_A282_6….jpeg)

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97ba7e  No.14243773

File: 0b79251bc3aed76⋯.png (21.46 KB, 748x368, 187:92, ClipboardImage.png)

The Bias News



7:44 AM · Aug 1, 2021·Twitter Web App


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841e22  No.14243774

File: d76ae8a9137b97c⋯.png (559.32 KB, 873x675, 97:75, retard.png)


yeah secret rules will solve everything we just don't know teh correct codes & rules if only we knew teh correct codes & rules we'd be free like birds

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f73866  No.14243775


go outside.


If violence erupts amongst the citizenry and police it will not be good for America.

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2ceb3e  No.14243776


Well, they are frogs.

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f8ca6d  No.14243777

File: a570100aa5549dd⋯.png (1.56 MB, 921x856, 921:856, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 52a1a80e32541af⋯.png (1.16 MB, 888x571, 888:571, ClipboardImage.png)


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52e5a5  No.14243778

File: 7db4c22d18994b6⋯.jpeg (192.2 KB, 640x879, 640:879, EA05ECA8_0D42_4F5F_A7B6_6….jpeg)

Cardinal announces that Biden is the Antichrist

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83c15d  No.14243779


no, you

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21a9f4  No.14243780


You are afraid.

Were the men of Concord and Lexington afraid?

Absolutely. What did they do?

They fought.

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841e22  No.14243781


>the citizenry and police

pretty soon it will be antifa police in mykneeapolice

how many other cities

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52e5a5  No.14243782

No bread for you!

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c6489d  No.14243783


it's ok anon… not everyone is smart enough to figure it out.

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20c078  No.14243784


more from the EEOC, bullshit

Incentive-Based Programs

If that is the case for your company or your client, incentives for vaccination may be a better option that can still ensure that a large portion of your workforce is vaccinated. While there is a lack of legal guidance on proper incentive-based programs, many companies already have successfully started such programs.

For instance, McDonald’s is providing its employees up to four hours paid time off to get the vaccine, Kroger is offering employees a one-time $100 payment upon showing proof of vaccination, and some companies have offered employees as much as a $500 bonus for receiving the vaccine.

Some companies and states have instituted drawings for larger sums of money to incentivize employees to receive vaccinations. Drawings reduce the potential coercive nature of the incentive. These employers hope to see an increase in the number of employees getting their vaccines.

Before offering these types of incentives for your employees, though, it is important to understand the legal requirements and to only provide incentives that comply with the federal anti-discrimination laws. While the Americans with Disabilities Act generally prohibits employers from conducting medical examinations of their employees, under the new EEOC guidance, an employer can require an employee to provide documentation that they have received the vaccine in order to qualify for an incentive.

While there is no specified limit on the amount of the incentive, the EEOC also has advised that an incentive for vaccination should not be “so substantial as to be coercive” if the vaccine is administered by the employer or an agent of the employer, because this may pressure employees to disclose confidential medical information if they choose not to be vaccinated.

To avoid this issue, any employer that has medical providers and nurses and is providing incentives for vaccinations may want to avoid administering the vaccine themselves and only require that employees voluntarily provide proof of vaccination by a third party, such as the employee’s doctor or pharmacy, in order to receive the incentive.

In addition to offering vaccines to employees, employers may offer vaccines to family members of employees on a voluntary basis. In doing so, employers must be aware of the requirements of the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA), which prohibits employers from asking medical questions about employees’ family members.

The EEOC has stated that an employer may not offer incentives for family members to receive vaccines that are provided by the employer, as it would require the disclosure of a family member’s medical information.

Incentives for vaccination may be a solution for employers who want to increase employee vaccination rates without requiring all employees to receive the vaccine. Incentives can include one-time cash payments, drawings, or paid time off to receive the vaccine (in states that do not mandate time off to receive the vaccine).

This column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc. or its owners.

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83c15d  No.14243785


sounds like you're okay with being ignorant then.

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