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1fe7bb  No.13874278[Last 50 Posts]

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>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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1fe7bb  No.13874285


Donald J Trump https://www.donaldjtrump.com/desk - https://www.45office.com | https://www.donaldjtrump.com

Owner: https://gab.com/JimWatkins

BO: FastJack#1006 https://discord.gg/DG8XB4YMvz

Mike Lindell - https://LindellTV.com | https://frankspeech.com/

Mike Lindell Voter Fraud https://www.bitchute.com/video/FtRYtna3YYe9/ | https://zb10-7gsop1v78.bitchute.com/IIC6VbV69ioF/WNP5InC3q6Q0.mp4

Sidney Powell - https://defendingtherepublic.org/

Lin Wood - http://www.fightback.law/

All the cases that the Trump campaign filed for the election fraud http://wiseenergy.org/Energy/Election/2020_Election_Cases.htm

Everything Wrong With the Capitol Shooting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9z7VTvyyqMw | https://www.bitchute.com/video/DYlb92zMkj41/

The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election. https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/13073507.html#13074178

Lists: CEOs/BlueAnon: https://controlc.com/84d9a3f3 | Civic Alliance https://archive.ph/6AOmQ

Arizona Audit - Volunteers Needed to Watch Arizona Audit Live Feeds https://t.me/ArizonaAuditLiveFeeds | https://azaudit.org/

Arizona Rangers need donations to help secure AZ Election Audit for next several weeks. Please help if you can https://azrangers.gov/donate/

>>13811371, >>13811431, >>13811669 GIGA DROP HAPPENING GET IN HERE - 3,200 pages of Fauci emails. Start digging anons / EYES ON PATRIOTS - FAUCI DOCUMENT RELEASE


>>13802689, >>13802749, >>13802702 Games operators play.. More fallout from the B bullshit

>>13792537, >>13792570, >>13792882, >>13792587, >>13792591, >>13792638, >>13792653, >>13793136, >>13793154, >>13793208 Jim confirms it was 'global volunteer' that made the 'B' post on /projectdcomms/ and not Q.

-TOR posting is disabled BO explains why- >>13793136

TOR posting was never meant to be on all the time on this board, It was activated to help people get onto the site in times when it was unstable.

The site is stable and TORposting is being abused by shills and other kikery is going on with it so until further notice it is disabled.

Notables Are Not Endorsements


>>13873923 NV GOP CHAIR: AZ AUDIT Breddy Gud Model

>>13873901 "A Dangerous Precedent" - 3rd FDA Advisor Quits After Controversial Alzheimer's Drug Approval

>>13873899 Another jabbed bites the dust

>>13873881 Texas Governor Abbot Says Next Week He Will Announce Plans to Build More Border Wall

>>13873851 Destroying confidence in vaccines

>>13873832 El Chapo's wife pleads guilty

>>13873827 Vernon Jones Appears To Be Displaying The Official WaterMark On Valid Ballots Which The Left Claims Does Not Exist.

>>13873807, >>13873707 New Trump statement via GAB

>>13873777, >>13874074 Explosion in Puerto Rico causes a blackout | trips checked

>>13873767 New video from ex-CEO from Pfizer,

>>13873556 GA judge orders ‘strangely pristine’ mail-in ballots, that look photocopied, to be guarded | 6-9-21

>>13873992 Former Member of Massachusetts Latin Kings State Leadership Sentenced for Racketeering Conspiracy

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1fe7bb  No.13874286







>>13871485, >>13871502, >>13871619 Kari Lake Digz.

>>13871027 #17560

#17558 Edited

>>13868741 Israel Defense Forces Strike Syria, As Netanyahu Struggles To Remain (Zerohedge)

>>13868748 Dozens of children, mostly girls, abducted by Mozambique fighters (Al Jazeera)

>>13868751, >>13868902 Wuhan Lab 'Experts' Deny Lab Leak, Claim No Workers Sickened With COVID-19 (Zerohedge, Rebel News, You Tube)

>>13868763, >>13868787, >>13868808, >>13869223, >>13869238 Oh wow... City of London Corp. Dissolved? (Images)

>>13868767, >>13868798, >>13868815 DAN THE MAN on Instagram. B-21 in Flight + LB Hat tip (Dan Scavino, Instagram)

>>13868775 Ex-Tennessee governor tied to contract hit on Hoffa pal, federal witness (NY Post)

>>13868783 Florida youth pastor was attempting to have sex with teen in a hotel when an 'angel' maid accidentally stopped him, police say (The Blaze)

>>13868801 Deutsche Bank Issues a Terrifying Warning for America Under Biden (PJ Media)

>>13868810, >>13868813 Professor, Hackers Charged With Hiding Ties to China (NTD)

>>13868841 WHAT?! Fauci Partnered With Moderna On Vaccine | Dr. Maria Ryan | Ep. 144 (Video, Rudy Giuliani, Rudy's Common Sense)

>>13868846 It's an exclusive club, perhaps the most selective in the world. Its current board members are Angela, Boris, Emmanuel, Justin, Mario, Yoshihide, and relative newcomer Joe. They will meet after 4 years of U.S. disruption and a 2-year virus interruption. (AP)

>>13868856, >>13868864, >>13868903 WHCA? NAIIO Who Dis? PBLB Notable

>>13868975 Former commanding general of 1st Marine Division is relieved of his duties nearly a year after nine service members died in an AAV training accident off San Clemente Island (NY Times)

>>13868989 780th cMIB (MIB, Twitter)

>>13869070 Ghosttown D.C. (Various)

>>13869080 Dr Michael Salla - Antarctica, Origin of the Dark Fleet (You Tube)

>>13869093 The Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier This Document Is Prepared For Humanity By Dr. David E. Martin. (Video, The Watchtowers, Breaking News Canada)

>>13869140 China arrests over 1,100 suspects in crackdown on crypto-related money laundering (Reuters)

>>13869141 Germany #81, >>13855387 {Added}

>>13869177 Elected? Rejected. School Board Ruckus! NY Elected Official Screams Obscenities at Parents Over Objections to CRT (Video, Various)

>>13869184 G7 hotel reportedly evacuated after 'suspicious package' found on site (Sputnik)

>>13869290, >>13869291, >>13869301, >>13869306, >>13869341 Proof to be had... Truth Found Codemonkey Splunk Logs? (Codemonkey, Telegram)

>>13869320 Ep. 1538 Another Bombshell Drops About The Corona-Cover Up | Dan Bongino - Bombshell new study shows that Trump was right again. (Bongino, Telegram)

>>13869324 20+ Suspected ANTIFA Rioters Charged in Portland After DA Changes Mind About Enforcement (Bongino)

>>13869373 Q4450: Do Anons understand what is about to be unleashed? 1 Year Delta (qanon.pub)

>>13869423 #17558 Edited

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1fe7bb  No.13874287

#17557 Edited

>>13867959 Teacher confronts Loudoun County school board's apparent progressive agenda in fiery speech: 'This isn't over' (Fox News)

>>13867971 Hi! I'm Heterosexual And PROUD! This dude speaks truth. Hopefully he's one of many. (You Tube)

>>13868000 OTDIH: 249 Years Ago Today, Rhode Island Colonists Burned The British Ship The Gaspee (patch.com)

>>13868006 Medical journal publishes study attacking ‘whiteness’ as a ‘malignant, parasitic-like condition’ (RT)

>>13868022 Sam Cooper Talks Fentanyl, CCP Infiltration, & Communist China's PPE Buyback Scheme (Epoch Times, You Tube)

>>13868023, >>13868079, >>13868089, >>13868109, >>13868142, >>13868152 Baker Error Brought To Attention By Anon and ensuing correction Ty Anons!

>>13868045 Mandaory Vax Fears? Here are your rights? "When the State Comes for Your Kids - Social workers, youth shelters, and the threat to parents’ rights" (city-journal.org)

>>13868052 Chidan's Red sea Biden Budget Forces Navy To Cut Construction of High-Tech Ships, (New Sea Rumors?) Washington Free Beacon)

>>13868076 Jasmine Hartin, 32, is smuggled out of Belize jail under a blanket on $15k bail after she told court 'I struggled and it discharged' when she shot dead top cop as she practiced reloading his gun after downing shots (Daily Mail)

>>13868113 Judge orders reinstatement of teacher who wouldn't use preferred pronouns (NY Post)

>>13868158 What's with all the cyberattacks? Here We Go Again: JBS "Paid" "Russian" "Hackers" $11 Million In Bitcoin To Resolve "Ransomware" Attack (Zerohedge)

>>13868161 Fauci and Jill Biden Greeted With Loud Boos and Chants of ‘Fire Fauci’ in New York (Newspunch)

>>13868233 "let me get you a nurse"

>>13868340 Are You Sure Fauci? Fauci: Attacks on me are attacks on science. (Zerohedge)

>>13868362 Hydroxychloroquine & Azithromycin Boosted Survival Of Ventilated COVID-19 Patients By 200%: New Study Confirms (Zerohedge)

>>13868373 LA Sheriff Attributes Crime Surge To Soros-Backed DA Gascón, Supports Recall (Zerohedge)

>>13868406 Bail Fund Backed By Kamala Harris Is Now Being Used To Support Pipeline Protesters (Daily Caller)

>>13868424 Planefags Are You There? Boatfags For That Matter?

>>13868483 USARMY: U.S. Special Operations Forces have a new aid in the fight against cyber-attacks. (ARMY, Twitter)

>>13868491, >>13868502 12 reportedly killed in air force plane crash in Myanmar (Sputnik)

>>13868507 Construction of first two B-21 Raider stealth bombers is complete, US Air Force says (Sputnik)

>>13868514 Gov. Jared Polis announced on Wednesday that 12 of Colorado’s counties have surpassed Joe Biden’s goal of having at least 70% of the eligible population vaccinated with at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine by July 4. (KDVR)

>>13868523 UK: Queen marks late husband's 100th birthday with new rose (abcnews.go.com)

>>13868590 General Flynn posted this on... (CloutHub, Rumble)

>>13868615, >>13868625, >>13868629, >>13868635 One of the 3 year deltas this month... Think of the Mainstream shares "Muh QAnon" has been getting recently...Think of the recent one year delta... think of the magnitudes of the Deltas as time progressed...Especially coinciding ones... (qanon.pub)

>>13868645 #17557 Edited


>>13867959 Teacher confronts Loudoun County school board's apparent progressive agenda in fiery speech: 'This isn't over' (Fox News)

>>13867971 Hi! I'm Heterosexual And PROUD! This dude speaks truth. Hopefully he's one of many. (You Tube)

>>13868000 OTDIH: 249 Years Ago Today, Rhode Island Colonists Burned The British Ship The Gaspee (patch.com)

>>13868006 Medical journal publishes study attacking ‘whiteness’ as a ‘malignant, parasitic-like condition’ (RT)

>>13868022 Sam Cooper Talks Fentanyl, CCP Infiltration, & Communist China's PPE Buyback Scheme (Epoch Times, You Tube)

>>13868023, >>13868079, >>13868089, >>13868109, >>13868142 Baker Error Brought To Attention By Anon and ensuing correction Ty Anons!

>>13868045 Mandaory Vax Fears? Here are your rights? "When the State Comes for Your Kids - Social workers, youth shelters, and the threat to parents’ rights" (city-journal.org)

>>13868052 Chidan's Red sea Biden Budget Forces Navy To Cut Construction of High-Tech Ships, (New Sea Rumors?) Washington Free Beacon)

>>13868076 Jasmine Hartin, 32, is smuggled out of Belize jail under a blanket on $15k bail after she told court 'I struggled and it discharged' when she shot dead top cop as she practiced reloading his gun after downing shots (Daily Mail)

>>13868113 Judge orders reinstatement of teacher who wouldn't use preferred pronouns (NY Post)

>>13868148 #17556

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1fe7bb  No.13874288


>>13867231, >>13867241, >>13867299, >>13867398, >>13867458 New Study CONFIRMS Trump Was Right – And Fauci, Democrats, Media, Tech Giants, etc. Lied About HCQ and AZM to Damage Trump and MURDERED HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS in Process (The Gateway Pundit,)

>>13867459, >>13867459 This is A Public Service Announcement

>>13867248 LB PB "Brood X cicadas are about to put on one of the wildest shows in nature. And D.C. is the main stage." (Washington Post)

>>13867250 JAMA Editor Resigns, Here Is The Latest Fallout From Podcast Questioning Structural Racism (Various)

>>13867285, >>13867341, >>13867464 JBS, World’s Largest Meat Supplier, Paid $11 Million in Bitcoin to Ransomware Hackers (The Gateway Punditn NY Times)

>>13867287 EXCLUSIVE: DeSantis Answers If He Will Be Trump’s Running … (Daily Caller)

>>13867293, >>13867698

New Dan The Man! (Video)

>>13867348 AOC warns a Democrat could flip or die and erase Senate majority (Yahoo)

>>13867362, >>13867385 Blackrock: HAPPENING: Trillions behind the Covid Hoax Exposed

>>13867407, >>13867427, >>13867468 Justice department 9.6.21 Roundup

>>13867451 Child Sex Trafficking Suspect Arrested on Las Vegas Strip (casino.org)

>>13867463 FBI sound familiar? LB Notable? Virginia Tech LB allegedly killed man upon discovering he was not a woman after sexual encounter

>>13867480 Bangladesh trafficking gang lured girls using TikTok: Police (Al Jazeera)

>>13867502 How the FBI Tricked Criminals into Using its Messaging App (Rolling Stone)

>>13867515 Armie Hammer, rumors of cannialism CALL TO RE-DIG? (Breitbart)

>>13867516 Biden admin to purchase 500M doses of Pfizer COVID vaccine to give to other countries: reports

>>13867523 Uh. Anthony Weiner back on Confide, app he used in underage sexting scandal (Page Six)

>>13867546 Biden’s SecDef Says Trans Soldiers Fought For U.S. In Revolutionary and Civil Wars, Both ‘World Wars’ (National File)

>>13867559, >>13867576 UK's Queen Elizabeth gifted rose named after late husband Philip (Reuters, AP)

>>13867565 Air Force Brig. Gen. Linda S. Hurry to the grade of major general. (Defense.gov)

>>13867592 #17554

>>13867608 JUST IN: White House budget office approves Biden administration plan to retract insulin, epinephrine discounts - Fox Business (Breakin911)

>>13867617, >>13867668 JOEL KOTKIN: America’s Overdue to Unfriend Mark Zuckerberg: The tech boss is finally being recognized as the American villain he is, rather than the folk hero he’s tried to present himself as. (investmentwatchblog.com, Breitbart)


>>13867641 Harris County Dem precinct chair resigns over email condemning members for Nigerian descent (Houston Chronicle)

>>13867672 Louisiana Gambling Board Leader Resigns Before Senate Vote (usnews.com)

>>13867681 Washington Post’s Award-winning ‘Video Timeline’ Supported False Lafayette Square Narrative

>>13867697 Sanders: GOP Has Become ‘Right-Wing Extremist Party’ — They Won’t ‘Do the Right Thing for the American People’ (Breitbart)

>>13867701, >>13867705 Gov. Gavin Newsom said Friday he sees no conflicts of interest in companies donating to his wife’s nonprofit as they lobby his administration on policy. (sacbee.com)

>>13867717, >>13867718 Nothing is Happening? (Various)

>>13867723 Interviews with Michael Yeadon and the mother of the Utah high school student who developed brain blood clots after the "jab". (The Highwire)

>>13867724 Markey: ‘I Say No Deal’ If GOP Won’t Put Climate Provisions in Infrastructure (Breitbart.com)

>>13867750 FLASHBACK: PV Legal turns tables on politically motivated attorneys in a deposition in historic case (You Tube)

>>13867801 Videos named "Storytime" might be a big rabbit hole to check out DIG REQUEST (You Tube)

>>13867897 #17555

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1fe7bb  No.13874289


>>13866439 After Beverly Hills raid, FBI wants to keep fortune in cash, gold, jewels - When FBI agents asked for permission to rip hundreds of safe deposit boxes from the walls of a Beverly Hills business and haul them away, U.S. Magistrate Steve Kim set some strict limits on the raid. (beverlypress.com)

>>13866442 Trump’s North Carolina Speech Had Over 5.3 Million Viewers, Even Without Fox News (RSBN, National File)

>>13866449, >>13866496 Joe Biden Plans to Surrender Protections for American Steel and Aluminum - When President Joe Biden meets with European leaders next week, he will commit to dropping tariffs protecting U.S. steel and aluminum and resolving other trade disputes this summer, according to a report from Bloomberg News. (Breitbart)

>>13866454 Border Insecurity: Huge Cartel Marijuana Farm Bulldozed 300 Miles Inside California (Crime, Cannabis, PJ Media)

>>13866481 Not All Hackers From DarkSide Group Located in Russia, Cybersecurity Firm Says (Sputnik)

>>13866482, >>13867042 Fake Q (Not Real)

>>13866495 Flag Day Numbers for Numerologists - "Some really interesting numbers when seconds matter."

>>13866497, >>13866498 DJT classy thanks. Got some nice detail in there. (Video, donaldjtrump.com)

>>13866501 Clockfag: Today is :20 - First post marker.

>>13866517, >>13866518, >>13866546, >>13866555, >>13866557, >>13866562, >>13866590, >>13866622, >>13866629, >>13866636, >>13866639, >>13866656, >>13866689, >>13866731 Blackrock... Home Acquisition? "Blackrock is buying every single family house they can find, paying 20-50% above asking price and outbidding normal home buyers." (WSJ, NY Post, Various)

>>13866530 "An election official with knowledge of this "Easter egg" could hit a combination of buttons and get this specific model of machine to hypothetically stop counting Republican votes, Democrat votes, etc." (Gab)

>>13866548 Planefagging

>>13866552 Biden’s Military Puts West Point Cadets in Solitary Confinement If They Refuse COVID Vaccine (National File)

>>13866592, >>13866637, >>13866643 Executive Order on Protecting Americans’ Sensitive Data from Foreign Adversaries - JUNE 09, 2021

>>13866635 NOTES from #17553

>>13866692, >>13866706 THE SOUTHERN OCEAN - There’s a new ocean now—can you name all 5? On World Oceans Day, Nat Geo cartographers say the swift current circling Antarctica keeps the waters there distinct and worthy of their own name: the Southern Ocean. Published June 8, 2021 (National Geographic)

>>13866732 CodemonkeyZ What Are Splunk Logs? Why Are They So Important For The Audit? MOAR (Telegram)

>>13866782 Watch the water. (Newsweek)

>>13866868 DOD: "...is proud to announce the establishment of a sixth Defense Department Regional Center, the Ted Stevens Center for Arctic Security Studies." (DOD)

>>13866878 Israeli military lifts veil on mystery jailhouse death (Reuters)

>>13866890 Father speaks out against daughter’s attacker given zero prison time. (fox26houston.com)

>>13866980, >>13867023 Biden swats cicada as boarding Air Force One (fox2now.com)

>>13867008 ...Rep. Gohmert asks whether federal agencies can fix climate change by altering orbit of the Earth and moon (Yhoo)

>>13867097 Anons opinion: Interdasting Musical Note Chart, attached. (Opinion, Images)

>>13867145 NSA/CSS @NSAGov - The Pride Employee Resource Group (ERG) at NSA seeks to improve awareness & inclusiveness of the LGBTQIA+ community at the Agency. We value inclusion and equality across our workforce. #PrideMonth (NSA)

>>13487592 #17554


>>13865842 LOCKDOWN: Active shooter reported at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland

>>13865900 Waterbury Man Sentenced to 33 Months in Prison for Possessing Child Sex Abuse Images

>>13865979,>>13865868 Inspector General CLEARS DJT

>>13865985 New DAN troll: Old Biden tweets accusing DJT of Photo-op at Lafayette Park

>>13866019 Company officially nixes Keystone XL pipeline

>>13866042 War Against Big Tech Begins: Ohio Files Lawsuit To Regulate Google As A Public Utility

>>13866062 Russia tests new air defense system

>>13866066 NBC Ken Dilanian to admit that the decision by Park Police to clear LaFayette Square of BLM protesters on June 1, 2020 was *NOT* so Trump could go to St. John's: "A narrative we thought we knew is not the reality."

>>13866075 Poss. comms from Embassy of Israel

>>13866077 Macron slap vid

>>13866110 Anon's thoughts on Flag posts from Pence, Pompeo

>>13866123 Yale hosts lecture called The Psychopathic Problem of the White Mind'

>>13866152 Sick kids in PA from pool

>>13866155 Legislation mandating the Legislative Auditor review elections heads to the Governors desk

>>13866337, >>13866211, >>13866201, >>13866142, >>13865903 Planefags report

>>13866342 Vernon Jones in Arizona for Election Inspection

>>13866635 #17553

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1fe7bb  No.13874290

Previously Collected Notables

>>13867897 #17555,

>>13865547 #17552, >>13866635 #17553, >>13487592 #17554

>>13863204 #17549, >>13863969 #17550, >>13864794 #17551

>>13860831 #17546, >>13862772 #17547, >>13862838 #17548

>>13860735 #17543, >>13860935 #17544, >>13860080 #17545

>>13856231 #17540, >>13860500 #17541, >>13860629 #17542

>>13856104 #17537, >>13856103 #17538, >>13856103 #17539

>>13851200 #17534, >>13851965 #17535, >>13856104 #17536

>>13850200 #17531, >>13850093 #17532, >>13850414 #17533

>>13850649 #17531/2, >>13850200 #17531/1, >>13848003 #17530

>>13846798 #17527, >>13846403 #17528, >>13847227 #17529

>>13843437 #17524, >>13844197 #17525, >>13844965 #17526

>>13841058 #17521, >>13841828 #17522, >>13842872 #17523

>>13838783 #17518, >>13839502 #17519, >>13840246 #17520

>>13836421 #17515, >>13841657 #17516, >>13844477 #17517

>>13834013 #17512, >>13834861 #17513, >>13835645 #17514

>>13833637 #17509, >>13832468 #17510, >>13833231 #17511

>>13829388 #17506, >>13830674 #17507, >>13833600 #17508

>>13827879 #17504, >>13828541 #17504, >>13829379 #17505

>>13825425 #17501, >>13826172 #17502, >>13829095 #17503

>>13828461 #17498, >>13828910 #17499, >>13824648 #17500

>>13820614 #17495, >>13821406 #17496, >>13822224 #17497

>>13821092 #17492, >>13819065 #17493, >>13819983 #17494

>>13815947 #17489, >>13816707 #17490, >>13817432 #17491

>>13813644 #17486, >>13814483 #17487, >>13815152 #17488

>>13811321 #17483, >>13813630 #17484, >>13813021 #17485

>>13808834 317480, >>13809599 #17481, >>13811325 #17482

>>13806459 #17477, >>13807280 #17478, >>13808036 #17479

>>13804130 #17474, >>13804906 #17475, >>13805868 #17476

>>13801859 #17471, >>13802641 #17472, >>13803369 #17473

>>13799269 #17468, >>13800906 #17469, >>13801023 #17470

>>13797043 #17465, >>13797820 #17466, >>13798623 #17467

>>13794760 #17462, >>13795511 #17463, >>13796267 #17464

>>13794366 #17459, >>13793451 #17460, >>13794010 #17461

>>13794121 #17456, >>13794186 #17457, >>13794366 #17462,

>>13786848 #17553, >>13788293 #17454, >>13793855 #17455,

>>13785199 #17450\2, >>13786038 #17451, >>13785625 #17452,

>>13784474 #17449\2, >>13784477 #17449\3, >>13785198 #17450\1

>>13783681 #17448\1, >>13783684 #17448\2, >>13784472 #17449\1

>>13781326 #17445, >>13782124 #17446, >>13782126 #17447

>>13778159 #17442, >>13779670 #17443, >>13780533 #17444

>>13774563 #17439, >>13775421 #17440, >>13777909 #17441

>>13772899 #17436, >>13773837 #17437, >>13774589 #17438

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

>>13685931 Q Research Notables #7

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1fe7bb  No.13874291

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>13167502 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #12

International Q Research Threads

>>13741316 ————————————–——– Australia #16

>>13323637 ————————————–——– Balkan #8

>>13167439 ————————————–——– Brazil #2

>>13824934 ————————————–——– Canada #20

>>13269960 ————————————–——– France #4

>>13855387 ————————————–——– Germany #81

>>13187313 ————————————–——– Italia #2

>>13226402 ————————————–——– Japan #2

>>13410974 ————————————–——– Mexico #3

>>13105482 ————————————–——– Nederland #6

>>13163282 ————————————–——– New Zealand #8

>>13163911 ————————————–——– Nordic #3

>>13163805 ————————————–——– Russia #2

>>13163650 ————————————–——– Scotland #4

>>13340853 ————————————–——– South Africa #5

>>13828562 ————————————–——– UK #39

>>13741855 ————————————–——– Vatican #5

Q Proofs

>>6156082 ————————————–——– Q Proofs Threads, Proofs of Q's Validity

QProofs.com ————————————–——– Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ————————————–——– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an Event ————————————–——– https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a


Website ————————————–——– https://www.resignation.info

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/Dockets, Links & More: https://bad-boys.us/

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>13699736 ————————————–——– META (for board admin queries)

>>13699763 ————————————–——– Q Research General Dough/Kitchen Meta #3

Letters of Gratitude

>>13699687 ————————————–——– Letters of Gratitude (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

>>13700133 ————————————–——– #001 and scroll down for all continuing in numerical order

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1fe7bb  No.13874292

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!pjpS1aBI!LwepOu-CyC4UlLj2dXqkxiH49D813WetrOF0OCuIg1Y

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xszgdtiow4hups0/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VII.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: q-clock.com/q_raw.txt

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com / thetrumparchive.com

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

* Twitter Video Downloader: https://www.savetweetvid.com/

* Whats Tweeting https://onemilliontweetmap.com

* Check Hash Trends https://www.hashtags.org/

* Download Any Videos https://distillvideo.com/

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1fe7bb  No.13874293

Other Tools

* Complete Listing Tools and Services: https://ghostbin.com/paste/I0F9k

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Updated All Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Module Retired - Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.4: https://controlc.com/aab605eaUPDATED!*Baker Tools v0.7.5: https://controlc.com/a0409084UPDATED!, >>>/qresearch/13764032

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* Compress Video https://video.online-convert.com/convert-to-mp4

* Remove Image Background https://www.remove.bg/

* Download Bitchute Video https://pastedownload.com/bitchute-video-downloader/

* Download Rumble Video https://pastedownload.com/rumble-video-downloader/

* Download Webpage as PDF https://webtopdf.com/

* Military Ship Tracker https://www.shiplocation.com/military/tracker

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.gq | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf


Learn To Bake!

Simple instructions: https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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1fe7bb  No.13874294

File: 5f3bf7026b04eeb⋯.jpg (82.22 KB, 800x576, 25:18, BakerHotKitchen26.jpg)



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c6e08b  No.13874295

File: fd888349d12dec9⋯.png (698.77 KB, 905x768, 905:768, Screenshot_2021_06_10_at_1….png)

I thought quid pro Joe was over seas?? how can he deliver a Press statement from the WH an hour ago??


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a56f6e  No.13874296

File: c1f58cae694fb21⋯.jpg (60.38 KB, 800x448, 25:14, ZomboMeme_09062021225636.jpg)

To shining ass

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e79442  No.13874297

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Forgive me IO

Endurance is Waxing.

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707f92  No.13874298

File: f21473be6e0a872⋯.jpeg (475.72 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, C3FC86CC_1EED_47AD_B969_D….jpeg)

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c7fdc7  No.13874299

So if someone dies for ANY reason after receiving the vaccine, then it's because of the vaccine?

K. Nice "independent thought" kmao. Echo chamber faggots.

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73f0df  No.13874300

File: fa3b918cd5fc6f2⋯.png (898.42 KB, 1076x508, 269:127, Capture.PNG)

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c6e08b  No.13874301


nvm…I see now it was delivered from Cornwall…fuck me

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f6a642  No.13874302

File: 282378aa12017ee⋯.jpg (42 KB, 400x400, 1:1, E3jm6HYX0AAnh9X.jpg)


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28778d  No.13874303

File: 376577172758232⋯.png (440.14 KB, 550x550, 1:1, 376577172758232c2cfb29cacb….png)


Thank you baker.


Thank you note taker.

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c7fdc7  No.13874304


absolute state of this "research" board

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95d6d4  No.13874305


Flat Earth



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c7fdc7  No.13874306


FUCK that bitch is old.

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f67086  No.13874307

File: 1ef1082b82809cc⋯.jpg (79.79 KB, 888x499, 888:499, Cannon.jpg)


TY, baker.

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e67e9b  No.13874308

File: bed21725b9651c5⋯.jpg (108.48 KB, 1506x386, 753:193, Screenshot_20210610_195052….jpg)

Planefags, would this be a good airfield to keep a watch on regularly and maybe list the destinations?

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73f0df  No.13874309

File: 3f3846e84bc1c2b⋯.png (173.8 KB, 574x407, 574:407, CRT.PNG)

File: c98209b008a5f89⋯.mp4 (459.63 KB, 480x270, 16:9, v7vox8H9aw3GXeo0.mp4)

Ban critical race theory.

Love this woman


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87e7c1  No.13874310

File: 90e4efa4cbbaac4⋯.jpg (452.31 KB, 1080x1700, 54:85, 20210610_175124.jpg)





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69d0f8  No.13874311

>>13874269 (pb)

I have a new conspiracy theory! The FDA just approved (knowingly) a crap drug for Alzheimer's to give "scientists" working there a safe way to resign prior to the questions about "EUA" authorizations for "COVID-19 jabs reach critical mass.

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c4824a  No.13874312

THIS is the summer of Love. Not ANTIFA BLM…

Moulin Rouge

Watch dis ladies.


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d9e423  No.13874313

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Kicking ass and taking names

Godspeed baker

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b6c741  No.13874314

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c6e08b  No.13874315


kek oh shut up

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538904  No.13874316


And YOU are not old.

Will you become so?

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707f92  No.13874317

File: 1df0deae05d6e67⋯.jpeg (630.13 KB, 1284x1495, 1284:1495, 4D24D917_49A6_474C_B67E_1….jpeg)


why not?

if someone died during covid

it was covid

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2af603  No.13874318

from the last bread…

you should also keep in mind that all this media driven anti-Q stuff is just like the gayfaggy (kayfabe) that they use in wrestling (Like DJT used to be a part of).

It's all just fake drama to keep everyone entertained and get your adrenaline flowing so you can stay involved. Enjoy the show as Q likes to say. You are an unpaid extra in a worldwide interactive movie, and your boots on the ground are having great influence in the drama!

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a688a1  No.13874319

File: 47aa286716578a9⋯.mp4 (6.16 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Q_The_Voice_of_Q_1982_.mp4)


>QAnon Supporters Say Cicada Landing on Biden's Neck Is Proof Plan Is Working

Newsweak panic is best proof; who needs cicada?

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746d08  No.13874320

File: dfec3ab1a41d509⋯.png (139.13 KB, 750x352, 375:176, ClipboardImage.png)


Kid Rock stands behind his use of anti-gay slur and doubles down

Brian Niemietz 13 mins ago

Bob Ritchie is fine with bigoted language — but he’ll talk to Kid Rock about his word choices.

The rocking, rapping, country crooner responded to criticism over his use of a homophobic slur during one of his shows in a twisted tweet blaming it on his on-stage persona.

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f8d053  No.13874321


WITHIN 30 days of testing positive, you die. They count it as covid, no matter if you get hit by a train.

A Final Warning to Humanity from Former Pfizer Chief Scientist Michael Yeadon


in the first 30 min after the intro of about 6+ minutes

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f6a642  No.13874322

File: 2ec84a7786fe79e⋯.jpg (16.76 KB, 320x320, 1:1, 2ec84a7786fe79ef577f0c7f97….jpg)


Despite her age still do-able

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85206d  No.13874323


Goosebumps. Tell it Momma! NO MORE!

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5b4b0d  No.13874324

File: 43c04d71b03bd3d⋯.jpeg (117.03 KB, 600x465, 40:31, 12769F56_F8E3_4328_AE56_1….jpeg)


TYB we are nearing flood stage

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87e7c1  No.13874325

File: 4f83d9de7c8d053⋯.jpg (632.6 KB, 1284x1494, 214:249, 20210610_175705.jpg)

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707f92  No.13874326

File: feae6732a4538b6⋯.mp4 (1.47 MB, 480x480, 1:1, 649D3EE0_F1B4_4CB8_A2FF_42….MP4)

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95f02e  No.13874327


TY Breadmaker.

Now to be clear, are you also going to be the Notetaker as well and thus a Baker?

I ask because it has been unclear a lot lately.

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0f0247  No.13874328

File: a5dd3b2159b37c2⋯.png (1010.93 KB, 885x670, 177:134, ClipboardImage.png)


Sea to Shining Sea

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538904  No.13874329

File: 406279dd5f1a4e5⋯.jpeg (44.31 KB, 388x512, 97:128, 36046A09_A562_4487_BA2D_9….jpeg)


Can you tongue-cleanse Uranus?

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999729  No.13874330

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f67086  No.13874331

File: 671b83dc1ba3c28⋯.png (44.08 KB, 981x560, 981:560, ClipboardImage.png)

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America


It is now unanimous, and I have been proven right (once again) that the initial World Health Organization Report on the Wuhan Lab was flawed and must be redone, this time by a truly transparent investigation. We were right about the China Virus from the beginning, and now the entire world sees it. This is why the Chinese Communist Party should pay $10 Trillion in global reparations for what they allowed to happen, the worst event in world history. Even here in the United States, the so-called experts like Dr. Fauci were wrong about the Wuhan Lab and China’s role the entire time. Just think how bad things would have gotten if I followed Dr. Fauci’s advice and never closed down travel from China (and other things)? Dr. Fauci likes to say that he is “science,” when in fact he is merely science fiction!


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4c6115  No.13874332

File: 6d1c1f39367501b⋯.png (385.99 KB, 1479x850, 87:50, Screen_Shot_2021_06_10_at_….png)

File: 175475111e79fba⋯.gif (2.55 MB, 1206x694, 603:347, how_dare_you_violate_me.gif)

Buzzing Sword

Mirror Sheild

Amor of Qood


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71bd40  No.13874333

File: e243a8ff06c5917⋯.jpg (130.58 KB, 554x564, 277:282, BAKER_2FER1.jpg)

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28778d  No.13874334

File: d3fd0940c668065⋯.mp4 (2.84 MB, 480x272, 30:17, Knight_Rider.mp4)


Noice Night Rider!

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b6c741  No.13874335

File: c04e9af87c3273e⋯.jpg (71.12 KB, 808x454, 404:227, dots.jpg)


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95f02e  No.13874336


Happens to a lot of people, kid.

But, check out the bod on that old lady.

Very impressive.

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4a7eb3  No.13874337

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4f01af  No.13874338


Muff diving material :)

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80fddc  No.13874339

File: c25241320b12d09⋯.png (323.62 KB, 1039x645, 1039:645, Screen_Shot_2021_06_10_at_….png)


>FUCK that bitch is old.

She's 34, moran.

You some kind of pedo?

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0c404f  No.13874340

repost from last bread

This is hilarious, I haven't stopped laughing since I read it from last bread.

THE REAL PRESIDENT GEOTUS (The God Emperor of the United States)!!!

As President, I had a great and very productive meeting in Helsinki, Finland, with President Putin of Russia. Despite the belated Fake News portrayal of the meeting, the United States won much, including the respect of President Putin and Russia. Because of the phony Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax, made-up and paid for by the Democrats and Crooked Hillary Clinton, the United States was put at a disadvantage—a disadvantage that was nevertheless overcome by me. As to who do I trust, they asked, Russia or our “Intelligence” from the Obama era, meaning people like Comey, McCabe, the two lovers, Brennan, Clapper, and numerous other sleezebags, or Russia, the answer, after all that has been found out and written, should be obvious. Our government has rarely had such lowlifes as these working for it. Good luck to Biden in dealing with President Putin—don’t fall asleep during the meeting, and please give him my warmest regards!


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889484  No.13874341

>>13873796 lb

Yes, it's legit, this anon has fake book. Kek'd big-time when I saw it in my feed

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a424ec  No.13874342

File: 21f6e63d34ea80b⋯.png (1006.93 KB, 783x520, 783:520, ClipboardImage.png)


>FUCK that bitch is

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d9e423  No.13874343

File: f0a80251f7ba469⋯.png (560.77 KB, 598x645, 598:645, Screenshot_2021_06_10_at_1….png)

US prosecutors unveiled criminal charges accusing two #Israeli traders of illegal trading in several #biotechnology and #healthcare companies.


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b934b5  No.13874344

File: 641370c0c4b2c1b⋯.jpg (76.58 KB, 887x500, 887:500, 4xk0unred.jpg)

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71bd40  No.13874345

File: 2cb0950f5eb21f4⋯.jpg (83.88 KB, 607x543, 607:543, THESBIAN.jpg)

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95f02e  No.13874346


Special cigs are the best way to smoke up in public.

Knock some tobacco out of the tip and replace with herbage.

Light it up and by the time people give you a funny look just hold up the cig and say:

What? It's a cig. What are you talking about?

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1fe7bb  No.13874347

File: 0f8ccab0f5bb9e7⋯.png (334.64 KB, 510x510, 1:1, PepeQ_Brave.png)






>>13874327 2AM in my timezone, I'll take a note or 2 and ask for hand-over


>>13874333 somehow your stupid cat memes have trips…

Thanks frens!=

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707f92  No.13874348

File: 6cd6e8c9a653e82⋯.mp4 (650.23 KB, 368x480, 23:30, 0AB910BB_6603_4384_93FD_2F….MP4)

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50aa44  No.13874349

File: d26b84ad2241210⋯.gif (888.48 KB, 480x640, 3:4, 20210610_180217.gif)

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bb8faa  No.13874350

File: 8252f3b867d3abc⋯.png (3.28 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)











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73f0df  No.13874351

File: 51706cf7e4880ee⋯.png (274.37 KB, 525x485, 105:97, COVID.PNG)

File: 85c7f022e094a09⋯.mp4 (7.15 MB, 960x720, 4:3, Wk0f4cDbo5lfptAQ.mp4)

This man just smashed it out the park!

Professor Bhakdi, Professor emeritus of Medical Microbiology and Immunology

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f6a642  No.13874352

File: 28c467b0854d6e4⋯.jpg (228.28 KB, 1080x1633, 1080:1633, E3jwrfWUUAMEoiK.jpg)

File: a60b85e1716bfdd⋯.jpg (170.3 KB, 1079x1404, 83:108, E3jwrzDVgAEu4l6.jpg)

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71bd40  No.13874353

File: 19c43289edaa2b6⋯.jpg (35.69 KB, 320x426, 160:213, o7_WIN.jpg)

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73f0df  No.13874354


forgot link


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5bf445  No.13874355


Why does she wear the mask?

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7f9800  No.13874356


Critical race theory is a major part of (((their))) subversion of the West.

First (((they))) import black/brown people. Then (((they))) teach them to hate white people and Western society, history, values and ideals.

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83e73e  No.13874357

File: 77302d59ae614f4⋯.png (951.48 KB, 488x756, 122:189, 777655317687.png)

File: e51e9ec25acb79f⋯.png (1.86 MB, 954x868, 477:434, 889887514576.png)

File: 77302d59ae614f4⋯.png (951.48 KB, 488x756, 122:189, 777655317687.png)

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88822e  No.13874358


I've posted enough shit here for the masons to at least invite me to a meeting. STILL NOTHING! Somebody come talk to me!

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94adc5  No.13874360

Hey niggers did Q have all the deep state arrested today? Four years and not a damn thing. Muh plan is planning to lose? If patriots were in control they would have done something at the end of trumps term. They would have had the proper timing and optics. Deciding to wait and wait and lose the entire time and do nothing? Well that is terrible planning and clearly they aren't tacticians. Strike when you are strong, not when you are weak.

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73f0df  No.13874361


"They" probably won't let her in without it..

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4ace5f  No.13874362

File: 4937b2ab2a1ace8⋯.png (290.45 KB, 310x396, 155:198, 4937b2ab2a1ace82cd41cc1a60….png)

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85206d  No.13874363

File: ae6bde0a3237700⋯.png (67.12 KB, 630x798, 15:19, ClipboardImage.png)


>Just think how bad things would have gotten if I followed Dr. Fauci’s advice and never closed down travel from China (and other things)?

What (other things) did DJT close against Dr. Fauci's Advice? The Mexico Border?

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c88993  No.13874364

File: 61bc3ef1b6cc0d0⋯.jpg (203.28 KB, 953x1279, 953:1279, 377d.jpg)

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8c4448  No.13874365

vaccines illegal for employees of schools because of their rights

forced vaccinations on our students - because


how come pedoPOPS walks around still sick as a dog

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71bd40  No.13874366

File: bd30f766c4df826⋯.jpg (82.51 KB, 447x367, 447:367, 4_D_WIN.jpg)

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d9e423  No.13874367

File: 0a0b8625784d6a5⋯.png (343.82 KB, 505x240, 101:48, 0a0b8625784d6a57edf3ed3bf6….png)

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402eaf  No.13874368

File: 19ca105ba546979⋯.jpg (867.08 KB, 2579x1051, 2579:1051, SmartSelect_20210610_19302….jpg)

(Reposting from end of bread.)

Checkout this book the White House started selling 2 days ago.


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f6a642  No.13874369

File: 62914686d4a3ec1⋯.jpg (51.08 KB, 750x443, 750:443, E3jvNuzVUAAa2WH.jpg)

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4c6115  No.13874370

File: 200c4f2eb50678f⋯.gif (5.8 MB, 800x450, 16:9, STARSHOT.gif)



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cedfc8  No.13874371

File: 1103f7c12f34bda⋯.png (463.43 KB, 696x588, 58:49, gyfgmi32.PNG)

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f67086  No.13874372

File: 3c95c33d12c2861⋯.png (320.77 KB, 598x640, 299:320, ClipboardImage.png)

Mollie Retweeted

David Quinn


Highest ever number of abortions in England last year. What a terrible loss of life.


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88822e  No.13874373



Somebody give that cat a vaccination!

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71bd40  No.13874374

File: 1c9a327ec735095⋯.jpg (103.18 KB, 524x515, 524:515, PLACE_YOUR_BETS.jpg)

File: c0df83cac0af6bf⋯.jpg (120.32 KB, 652x401, 652:401, WINNING_BET.jpg)

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487da8  No.13874375


Except it is vascular


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c6e08b  No.13874376

According to a 10 year old, Barack Obama is related to ALL former US Presidents, except for one. Watch: https://www.bitchute.com/video/uCcUvbJCt6aF/

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50aa44  No.13874377

File: bc71d5b9bd04ef3⋯.png (467.71 KB, 722x480, 361:240, 20210610_180740.png)

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a688a1  No.13874378

File: 2fd6ea6b5a8421f⋯.png (749.83 KB, 748x884, 11:13, ClipboardImage.png)

Did y'all catch the UK baker's bread

Claims to be from Carbis Bay (or at least "active in the community"), where G7, missiles & aircraft carriers are hanging out

Claims someone decorated the town sign

Claims site chosen as "nod to the Q board", which is not implausible, given the odds of this occurring by chance

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f5e832  No.13874379

File: d951d6a3da97ffb⋯.jpeg (25.82 KB, 300x215, 60:43, well_armed.jpeg)


So grateful for Boebert!


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4a7eb3  No.13874380

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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999729  No.13874381

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

From LB



: Get started with the bypass of the fiction-vaccine-passport.


>>13228585 (OP)

>>13382406 (OP)



Premiered Jun 15, 2020

For the Service of the World-Citizens &: Foreign Postal-Countries:

USA &: Worldwide.


: CLAIM OF THE LIFE. For the Service of the World-Citizens &: Foreign Postal-Countries: Canada &: Worldwide.


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a56f6e  No.13874382

File: 695f4d6c4d88846⋯.jpg (68.19 KB, 720x502, 360:251, ZomboMeme_10062021184548.jpg)

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71bd40  No.13874383

File: a96cb029c6b668e⋯.jpg (80.03 KB, 744x548, 186:137, UR_FUTURE.jpg)

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0c404f  No.13874384

File: 2cc959efc2a16ac⋯.png (397.62 KB, 815x521, 815:521, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e01d7d219470e35⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1862x1048, 931:524, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ec406588b85226e⋯.png (2.66 MB, 1862x1048, 931:524, ClipboardImage.png)


First lady Jill Biden turns around to show the word "love" on the back of her jacket as she speaks with reporters after visiting with Carrie Johnson, wife of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, ahead of the G-7 summit, Thursday, June 10, 2021, in Carbis Bay, England.

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d9e423  No.13874385

File: 0aacbd1a6d5cf5c⋯.png (543.3 KB, 652x636, 163:159, Screenshot_2021_06_10_at_2….png)

The Israeli emissary in Morocco can't find anyone to rent him an office




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5b4b0d  No.13874386

File: f6925b408fbb81d⋯.jpeg (26.82 KB, 640x480, 4:3, BEC05AEA_AC13_42EA_8C2C_D….jpeg)


You dropped your toy.

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a688a1  No.13874387

File: 454ea60728b7221⋯.png (621.47 KB, 722x480, 361:240, ClipboardImage.png)

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999729  No.13874388

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

: Correction of the wrong vid.

: Correct Video of the Claim-of-the-Life. https://youtu.be/OKAG-xTL4gk

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bb8faa  No.13874389




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999729  No.13874390

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f67086  No.13874391

Tucker talkin' about the deaths from COVID Vaccine on VAERS database.


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d9e423  No.13874392

File: ef380dc6cdd4205⋯.png (18.08 KB, 652x153, 652:153, Screenshot_2021_06_10_at_2….png)

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0b794c  No.13874393

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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487a3d  No.13874394

Logan County Man Pleads Guilty to Child Pornography Charge

… – A Logan County man pleaded guilty today to receipt of child pornography. According to the plea agreement and … Akers received two images and a video that he knew were child pornography or images depicting children under the age … Department of Justice to combat the growing epidemic of child sexual exploitation and abuse. Led by the United …


Des Moines Man Sentenced to 18 Years in Prison for Child Pornography Offense

… was sentenced today to 18 years in prison for producing child pornography. According to court documents, Michael … old, Estrada also downloaded other pictures and videos of child pornography from the internet in 2019 and 2020 and distributed videos of child pornography via the internet in March 2020. Acting U.S. …


Former Montgomery County Children’s Swim School Employee Sentenced to Seven Years for Trafficking in Child Pornography

… Petrese B. Tucker for her distribution and possession of child pornography. In May 2019, the defendant pleaded guilty … from an investigation into her trafficking in videos of child pornography on the internet during November 2018, while … She used the online site to communicate with other child sex offenders and to traffic in child pornography. At …


Long Island Gang Member Indicted for Sex Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation of Minors

… a minor, sexual exploitation of a minor, transportation of child pornography and interstate prostitution. Lampley-Reid … a maximum of life in prison. If convicted of producing child pornography, he faces a mandatory minimum sentence of … a minor, sexual exploitation of a minor, transportation of child pornography and interstate prostitution. Project Safe …


Orlando Man Sentenced To 17 Years In Federal Prison For Online Child Sexual Exploitation

… to 17 years in federal prison for enticing an 11-year-old child to produce sexually explicit videos of himself and send … 2019, Planas began chatting online with an 11-year-old child via Instagram messenger. In September 2019, Planas sent the child a pornographic image over the internet that he claimed …


Serial Child Molester Sentenced to 30 Years in Prison for Production of Child Pornography

… sentenced today to 360 months in prison for production of child pornography. On April 26, 2020, Raul Ayala, Jr. pled … about the allegations, and Ayala admitted to touching the child’s penis and putting his mouth on the child’s penis. Ayala said the molestation had been …


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af495c  No.13874395

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28778d  No.13874396

File: b9e879c69f2b6a8⋯.jpeg (89.53 KB, 858x529, 858:529, b9e879c69f2b6a845c4c8c289….jpeg)


That's great from patriots across the pond!

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a05f91  No.13874397

File: a3e413276b7c7d2⋯.jpg (302.46 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, HeathRob_003_2048x_2x.jpg)


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50aa44  No.13874398

File: 0f56dbc8df30abc⋯.jpg (105.22 KB, 968x724, 242:181, 20210610_181232.jpg)

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152495  No.13874399

File: 15dc332bfc7baeb⋯.jpeg (205.28 KB, 828x711, 92:79, 0AE0470E_E17A_4D8C_8324_A….jpeg)

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538904  No.13874400

File: 02accc0c76cc27e⋯.jpeg (73.59 KB, 500x529, 500:529, A707A452_68EC_4442_B2C9_5….jpeg)

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94adc5  No.13874401

Q cannot be legit at this point. Any proof otherwise would be greatly appreciated. Not conjecture though, actual proof. So ashamed I believed in the LARP originally and got sucked in. Believing in Q is a one way ticket to losing all friends and family.

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5b4b0d  No.13874402


Can you type that with larger letters, I can’t hear your anger and rage very well.

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d9e423  No.13874403

File: 341a291514227a7⋯.png (396.03 KB, 535x604, 535:604, Screenshot_2021_06_10_at_1….png)

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487a3d  No.13874404


Former Member of New Bedford Latin Kings Chapter Sentenced for Racketeering Conspiracy and Drug Trafficking Charges

… through the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF), a partnership between federal, state and local law enforcement agencies. The principal mission of the OCDETF program is to identify, disrupt and dismantle the most … nation’s illegal drug supply. More information on the OCDETF program is available here: …


Former Member of Massachusetts Latin Kings State Leadership Sentenced for Racketeering Conspiracy

… through the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF), a partnership between federal, state and local law enforcement agencies. The principal mission of the OCDETF program is to identify, disrupt and dismantle the most … nation’s illegal drug supply. More information on the OCDETF program is available here: …


Fifteen Alleged Gang Members and Associates Charged with Drug Trafficking, Money Laundering and Counterfeiting Offenses

… part of an Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces (OCDETF) operation. OCDETF identifies, disrupts, and dismantles the highest-level … multi-agency approach. Additional information about the OCDETF Program can be found at …


Indictment Charges 8 for Involvement in Drug Trafficking Ring

… through the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces (OCDETF) Program. OCDETF identifies, disrupts and dismantles drug traffickers, … enforcement agencies. Additional information about the OCDETF Program can be found at https://www.justice.gov/OCDETF …


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71bd40  No.13874405

File: f4509780d18a401⋯.jpg (147.5 KB, 745x443, 745:443, THE_NEWS.jpg)

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8c4448  No.13874406

scientist monitoringDEATHof vaccines count:

had no idea we planned this for decades..

gates & frauci

oversight provided by xiCCP

blood and bodies ties to cucks la diner

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f6a642  No.13874407

File: 50bb8a13e55eaa8⋯.mp4 (2.05 MB, 720x406, 360:203, tqGK5v5MY9P3d8oc.mp4)

This is an actual doctor from florida, a urologist who believes in science

Prostate cancer wrongly diagnosed up to 6 weeks after vax.

And then those people get chemo therapy against the wrongly diagnosed cancer…..


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88822e  No.13874408

I'm serious. I really wanna be a mason. I'll even take it in the ass (that's just what I heard, but don't know if it's true).. Just one time though, and you've got to get me really drunk first.

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1fe7bb  No.13874409

>>13874395 ty anon

>>13874294 Dough

Notes at somewhere


>>13874331 Statement by PDJT: It is now unanimous, and I have been proven right (once again)

>>13874340 Statement by PDJT: Good luck to Biden in dealing with President Putin—don’t fall asleep during the meeting, and please give him my warmest regards!

>>13874378 G7 summit wink to Q at Carbis Bay from UK bread

>>13874381 Repost, notabled before: Former Pfizer Chief's warning

>>13874404 justice.gov news

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835a46  No.13874410

File: 41ddda1c85fa6aa⋯.png (697.65 KB, 978x722, 489:361, israel.png)

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cd62d3  No.13874411

File: 78c457811cc89c2⋯.jpg (107.08 KB, 677x611, 677:611, non_essential_AF.jpg)


WP: Only in our anti-truth hellscape could Anthony Fauci become a supervillain

LMFAO! The clowns @ WP are coming unhinged!!!

I haven’t been nearly as excited by the emails, which are mostly full of mundane correspondence. But there’s at least one line in them that stands out.

“I genuflect to no one but science and always, always speak my mind when it comes to public health,” the normally even-tempered scientist wrote in March of last year, to an epidemiologist who had accused a number of public health officials of appeasing the science-challenged President Donald Trump.

At 80, Fauci has served in Republican and Democratic administrations since the Reagan era. And until recently, he has garnered widespread respect. The reason is in that email: He’s really not a political animal, but someone who is all about the science.

For decades, that has served him well. But not anymore.

These days, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases is the right’s latest excuse for outrage-mongering.

Rep. Elise Stefanik of New York wants Fauci fired immediately. Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri expressed shock at the supposed revelations in Fauci’s emails and called for a full congressional investigation.

Tucker Carlson wants a criminal investigation. His Fox News colleague Steve Hilton claimed last weekend that Fauci lied to Congress about ties between a Chinese lab and the Obama administration.

And the fringe Gateway Pundit website published a story blaming Fauci for millions of deaths. It featured a deranged headline that recalled the fake miracle cures for covid-19 that Trump used to tout: “They CONSPIRED to Disqualify Hydroxychloroquine as a COVID treatment.”

Social media, of course, takes all of this to a much darker place, led in part by Donald Trump Jr. who shared a murder meme about Fauci on Instagram last week. Was the former president’s son making an explicit death threat, as some charged? Maybe not, but he intentionally turned up the heat on a situation that was already dangerous.

In October, Fauci told CBS’s “60 Minutes” that he and his family had received death threats and said he required a security detail to do his daily power walks. In November, former Trump adviser Stephen K. Bannon was banned from Twitter after he called for Fauci’s beheading.

But the campaign against Fauci has dramatically intensified recently — especially since BuzzFeed and The Washington Post released his email trove last week.

And in a twisted way, it makes sense.

After all, today’s right-wing politics and media require a villain. With solid approval ratings and an apparently indelible reputation as a moderate, President Biden isn’t turning out to be much of one. Vice President Harris? A little more promising given how much some trolls enjoy race-baiting, but still a less-than-ideal target.

But Fauci is a different story. He established himself as an annoyance to Trump early in the pandemic, when he was forced to publicly correct the president’s many dangerous assertions about the disease.

In a right-wing culture so often opposed to verifiable reality, who better to target than a person who stands for science and facts?

“During the Trump administration, many on the right unfortunately learned the lesson that they could make up almost anything and people would believe it,” said Laura Helmuth, editor in chief of Scientific American (and a former colleague of mine at The Post).

“But science is a challenge to that,” she told me.

Which makes someone like Fauci, who genuflects only to science, a real problem and an ideal target.

At times, he has been left vulnerable by his devotion to the scientific data at hand, which is never perfect or complete.

Fauci was wrong when he advised against routine mask-wearing early in the pandemic. And he may prove to be wrong about his belief that the virus originally spread to humans from a wild animal, rather than because of a Chinese government lab leak. He says he’s keeping an open mind — waiting for more data.

But let’s be clear. There’s very little in the released emails that’s shocking, other than the immense patience with which Fauci politely and helpfully responded to thousands of emails, many from strangers.

No one should claim that Fauci is infallible…

more here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/media/sullivan-fauci-emails/2021/06/09/8b0724a8-c93a-11eb-81b1-34796c7393af_story.html

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a424ec  No.13874412


Thanks for sharing.

Looks like its shepherds pie for everyone.

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c88993  No.13874413

File: e49683af6cafe1f⋯.jpg (90.26 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, download_6_.jpg)

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98438e  No.13874414

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a7ccca  No.13874415

File: b51732cd0aa32fb⋯.jpg (80.03 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, bdb.jpg)


Here is your gals boyfriend cuck.

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487a3d  No.13874416

File: f9ddfb650c3cc8a⋯.pdf (123.17 KB, 6_10_21_sex_trafficking_de….pdf)


U.S. Attorney’s Office

District of Minnesota


Thursday, June 10, 2021

Thirty-Six Defendants Sentenced For Their Roles In International Thai Sex Trafficking Organization

ST. PAUL, Minn. – Thirty-six defendants have been sentenced in federal court for their roles in operating a massive international sex trafficking organization that was responsible for coercing hundreds of Thai women to engage in commercial sex acts across the United States.

Matthew Mintz, 29, of Chicago, Illinois, pleaded guilty on April 23, 2018, to one count of conspiracy to commit harboring and one count of conspiracy to engage in money laundering. Mintz was sentenced yesterday by Senior Judge Donovan Frank to one year and one day in prison, three years of supervised release, $100,000 in restitution, and 100 hours of community service. Sumalee Intarathong, 60, is the final defendant that was charged as part of the sex trafficking conspiracy. On February 17, 2021, Intarathong was extradited to the United States from Belgium on a 10-count superseding indictment alleging conspiracy, human trafficking violations, and visa fraud.

According to court documents and evidence presented at trial, this criminal organization compelled hundreds of women from Bangkok, Thailand, to engage in commercial sex acts in various cities across the United States, including Minneapolis, Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta, Phoenix, Washington, D.C., Las Vegas, Houston, Dallas, Seattle and Austin. The trafficking victims were often from impoverished backgrounds and spoke little or no English. They were coerced to participate in the criminal scheme through misleading promises of a better life in the United States and the ability to provide money to their families in Thailand.

Once in the United States, the victims were sent to houses of prostitution where they were forced to have sex with strangers – every day – for up to 12 hours a day, at times having sex with 10 men a day. The victims were isolated from the outside world. They were not allowed to leave the houses of prostitution unless accompanied by a member of the criminal organization. The victims moved around the United States between houses of prostitution in multiple cities. They and their families in Thailand were threatened.

The organization also engaged in widespread visa fraud to facilitate the international transportation of the victims. Traffickers assisted the victims in obtaining fraudulent visas and travel documents by funding false bank accounts, creating fictitious backgrounds and occupations, and instructing the victims to enter into fraudulent marriages to increase the likelihood that their visa applications would be approved. Traffickers also coached the victims as to what to say during their visa interviews. While working to obtain visa documents, traffickers gathered personal information from the victims, including the location of the victims’ families in Thailand. This information was later used to threaten victims who sought to flee the organization in the United States.

The organization dealt primarily in cash and engaged in rampant and sophisticated money laundering in order to promote and conceal illegal profits. The organization used “funnel accounts” to launder and route cash from cities across the United States to the money launderers in Los Angeles. To date, investigators have been able to recover $1.5 million in cash and $15 million in money judgments secured through plea agreements. During the extensive investigation, law enforcement traced tens of millions of dollars to the organization. Indeed, at trial, there was testimony that more than $40 million was sent to Thailand by one money launderer alone.


This case was the result of an investigation conducted by Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), the Criminal Investigation Division of the IRS (IRS-CI), the Department of Justice’s Criminal Division’s Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Section, the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division’s Human Trafficking Prosecution Unit, the St. Paul Police Department, the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension’s Minnesota Human Trafficking Investigators Task Force, the Anoka County Sheriff’s Office, the Cook County (Illinois) Sheriff’s Office, the State Department Diplomatic Security Service, and the International Organized Crime Intelligence and Operations Center (IOC-2). Acting U.S. Attorney Folk also thanks the Thai Community Development Center for their support and advocacy on behalf of the victims of this sex trafficking organization.


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662049  No.13874417

File: bc9d729f9f31f42⋯.jpg (246.07 KB, 1289x1200, 1289:1200, bc9d729f9f31f42ee5b3f522a9….jpg)

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a7ccca  No.13874418

File: 839daf1ab6de2bd⋯.jpg (7.28 KB, 480x360, 4:3, chang.jpg)

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a688a1  No.13874419

File: 1330a64f21dedcc⋯.png (144.88 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)


maybe they just got real good at reading the tea leaves

coming as it does along with "leaks" that muh tory leadership saying "at least Trump could pay attention"

either way, it's good tealeaf mojo

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c6e08b  No.13874420

File: 08a3bdea294ab20⋯.png (954.03 KB, 1167x800, 1167:800, Screenshot_2021_06_10_at_2….png)


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b6c741  No.13874421

File: ffb63e741560d87⋯.jpg (97.43 KB, 808x454, 404:227, ilalfostbkntbfo.jpg)

File: 7a4503993413e25⋯.jpg (83.15 KB, 808x453, 808:453, geomol.jpg)

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e411ec  No.13874422


>Except it is vascular

Yes this guy like the other pfizer guy spread a lot of lies and are probably shills (cabal puppets). They think we are stupid.

Notice the constant fear inducing (title) speech:

"AFinalWarning to Humanity from Former Pfizer Chief Scientist Michael Yeadon"


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71bd40  No.13874423

File: 789d41d5ac06e2b⋯.jpg (82.06 KB, 608x298, 304:149, 4SHEEP_DOGS.jpg)

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487a3d  No.13874424


U.S. Attorney’s Office

Northern District of Texas


Thursday, June 10, 2021

West Texas Kidnapper Sentenced to More Than 30 Years in Federal Prison for Abducting 9-Year-Old Girl

A west Texas man was sentenced today to 365 months in federal prison for abducting a 9-year-old girl from a birthday party, announced Acting U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Texas Prerak Shah.

Damien Dre Gonzales, 27, of Levelland, Texas pleaded guilty in February to one count of kidnapping. He was sentenced on Thursday by U.S. District Judge James Wesley Hendrix.

According to plea papers, Mr. Gonzales admitted to abducting a 9-year old girl at a birthday party in Levelland, Texas to engage in illicit sexual intercourse.

During the birthday party in August 2020, a woman began choking and most of the attendees went to assist with her sudden health emergency. While the minor’s father was attending to the woman, Mr. Gonzales lured the 9-year-old away by asking for her help carrying alcohol to his vehicle. Mr. Gonzales encouraged the girl to get inside the vehicle and then he drove away.

The girl’s disappearance set off a frantic search by her family and those at the birthday party. They notified law enforcement and replayed home surveillance footage that showed the 9-year-old leaving with Mr. Gonzales.

About that same time, the Levelland Police Department received a report of a vehicle parked in the middle of the street several miles from the location of the birthday party. Mr. Gonzales hit a residential mailbox and stopped in the road. While in the car, Mr. Gonzales sexually assaulted the girl by removing her clothes and touching her.

When law enforcement arrived on the scene to investigate the parked car, they discovered the girl inside. Officers noticed that Mr. Gonzales’ jeans were unzipped, and his belt was unbuckled. Inside Mr. Gonzales’ car was an open box of condoms sitting in the passenger seat and one condom was missing from the box.

The victim was immediately reunited with her parents and provided psychological and medical support.

The FBI Lubbock Resident Agency, Levelland Police Department, and Hockley County Sheriff’s Office conducted the investigation. Assistant U.S. Attorney Callie Woolam prosecuted the case.


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538904  No.13874425

File: 60a0bd5f6480c9f⋯.jpeg (111.01 KB, 978x648, 163:108, 9996C525_73F5_416B_AA47_9….jpeg)

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835a46  No.13874426

File: 3ff12c17a651021⋯.png (752.49 KB, 980x662, 490:331, science1.png)

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fb2542  No.13874427



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c9ad9b  No.13874428

File: 52d17bebcbdc3c6⋯.jpeg (90.74 KB, 1020x572, 255:143, DZ3EHJEVQAATHda.jpeg)

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f6a642  No.13874429

File: d1a686271ae896a⋯.jpg (80.98 KB, 750x879, 250:293, E3jvNuzVcAEkh7A.jpg)

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40c897  No.13874430

Is it just because they are 'somebody' that we are hearing about untimely jab deaths.

How many are dead?

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fb2542  No.13874431

File: 45c622bd29bbbe2⋯.jpg (54.09 KB, 720x399, 240:133, fauci_bats.jpg)

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93eb30  No.13874432

File: 15ff785e3675bf3⋯.png (299.08 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, Lynyrd_S_Car_Q_God.png)


ThanQ Baker !

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e411ec  No.13874433

File: e0f53d9c177dadc⋯.jpg (32.19 KB, 600x444, 50:37, 004b29becf71162735e5e6ea3c….jpg)

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c6e08b  No.13874434


5700+ so far

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246bd8  No.13874435

File: ec5eef5d85b8317⋯.jpg (17.03 KB, 255x254, 255:254, 222ed4d1d0de117c218b25a249….jpg)

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e5af85  No.13874436

Albertas win $1.3 Billion on keystone xl loss.

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538904  No.13874437

File: 1dcc9efc44737ca⋯.jpeg (132.74 KB, 800x717, 800:717, 16B052B9_06EA_47D3_A476_E….jpeg)

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8f7ecf  No.13874438


>he lost all his friends and family over a pro-zionist boomer-pacification larp

Point and laugh at the stupid goy, everyone. Maybe if he prays to the magic sky-G_d jesus he will get his life back. Oh no so sorry too late, turns out muh jeeeehsus doesn't actually answer prayers for real, only for christian larp pretend time. Thanks for playing goy, you are tonights BIG LOSER. Enjoy that big blackrock cock buying up your property.

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d9e423  No.13874439

File: b1c405c491e710a⋯.jpg (585.56 KB, 4096x2048, 2:1, E3ikZQIXoAAwpO_.jpg)


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71bd40  No.13874440

File: 6b16d19716d25b1⋯.jpg (77.42 KB, 537x492, 179:164, PURE_PANIC.jpg)

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50aa44  No.13874441

File: 1de67cc4cc44aaf⋯.gif (12.19 MB, 368x480, 23:30, 20210610_182131.gif)

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491eee  No.13874442

I gotta go, but here are missing notables from #17559 and #17560. Two more to scrap.

Good luck and thank you baker

#17559 Notables


>>13870302, >>13870303 The Department of Defense announced today the death of a soldier who was supporting Operation Inherent Resolve.

>>13870317, >>13870437, >>13870450, >>13870468, >>13870415, >>13870588, >>13870641 Huma is back.

>>13870376, >>13870379, >>13870394, >>13870405 https://www.justice.gov/news

>>13870515 Judicial Watch: Fetal Organ Trafficking update

>>13870388, >>13870454 Statement by PDJT + Observations

>>13870568, 13870666 Virginia mom who survived Maoist China eviscerates school board's critical race theory push + They want you to be obedient and quiet. CLAP ANYWAY.

>>13870605 Fauci interview only weeks before the plandemic was rolled out, couldn't make it up!

>>13870622 Joe keeps forgetting his part

>>13870691 Role of Zinc in Antiviral Immunity

>>13870841 Quotable quote.

>>13870832, >>13870947 How One Man Awoke the Soul of the Nation … and the World

>>13870914 New Pompeo

>>13870945 Biden administration budget chief Shalanda Young refused to say that Joe Biden would stop funding gain of function research at the Wuhan, China research lab

>>13870967 Summation of Voter Fraud Facts

>>13871010 GENERAL MICHAEL FLYNN'S SPEECH (The full version of the speech) at the 【New Federal State of China 1-year Anniversary】

#17560 Notables

>>13871939 BlackRock buying up US properties

>>13872033 Wisconsin Republican Legislative Members’ Actions Show They Believe the 143,000 Biden Ballots Dropped at 3am on Nov 4 Are Fine

>>13872086 Germany introduces new digital Covid-19 immunity certificate

>>13872093 French man jailed for 4 months after slapping President Macron

>>13872105, >>13872155 France's Macron announces termination of counterinsurgency operation in Africa's Sahel Region

>>13872120 New Hampshire Rally for Statewide Forensic Audit – Friday, June 11 at State Capitol Noon to 5 PM

>>13872132 It’s Spreading: “Trump Won” Banner Unfurled at Miami Marlins Baseball Game

>>13872138 DJT Statement regarding climate change and the Joint Chiefs

>>13872173 AMERICA LAST: Biden Dumped Trump’s Cheap Insulin Program On Same Day He Promised 500 MILLION Vaccines For Other Countries

>>13872199 Nearly 800 Reports of Heart Inflammation After COVID-19 Vaccination in US

>>13872246 Nurse swabs ethylene oxide

>>13872257 Haitian Migrants Are Bused to Second West Texas Town for Release amid Overcrowding

>>13872471 Jeffrey Toobin is back at CNN after fapping in a zoom call

>>13872553 Planefag catches HUNTER1 over US Embassy and MI6 HQ in London.

>>13872559 Bibi won't fuck off quietly

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c6e08b  No.13874443



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41ab7a  No.13874444


don't forget 2 masks over your eyes work better

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92909c  No.13874445


Would be cool if FISA came out on Fauci and friends working with the D's and China. We always assumed it would be Spygate, but let's face it, noone would even care about that.

I remember Trump talking about the FISA Vaccine. That could be the FISA we are really looking for.

When does POTUS play the Trump card?

I would say the next card that Trump gets will be a birthday card on monday.

Just thinking out loud.

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1fe7bb  No.13874446

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538904  No.13874447

File: fa3e1016d964b82⋯.jpeg (164.2 KB, 1080x853, 1080:853, C7E5851A_D79F_484D_BD2A_D….jpeg)

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707f92  No.13874448

File: fce907eae71f184⋯.jpeg (59.47 KB, 480x569, 480:569, 8F42E7BB_2AEA_4AC0_AE35_F….jpeg)

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e6ee15  No.13874449

File: 6767a59627e4cbc⋯.jpg (200.55 KB, 720x707, 720:707, Polish_20210605_090928099.jpg)

File: 5dbb786d3692f7d⋯.jpg (299.5 KB, 1132x1200, 283:300, Polish_20210609_171503900.jpg)

File: 51bd37e48026778⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1292x1375, 1292:1375, Polish_20210610_115332735.png)

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e5af85  No.13874450

File: 364fe900ef6a640⋯.jpeg (241.01 KB, 750x921, 250:307, 2C13C767_47B7_4ED0_B84D_0….jpeg)



>Albertas win $1.3 Billion on keystone xl loss.

In Canada when you lose money and jobs, you win.


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0f0247  No.13874451

File: 21e21749bccfe47⋯.png (153.19 KB, 664x381, 664:381, ClipboardImage.png)

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8cc61d  No.13874453

File: 683bcdd3fff5a95⋯.jpeg (79.03 KB, 1242x461, 1242:461, E3jCO9WVoAMI7eT.jpeg)

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fb2542  No.13874454

File: 824a740046a143a⋯.jpg (337.51 KB, 1560x1494, 260:249, V_npc.jpg)

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9daba5  No.13874455


Pig n trips. You're alright, Pig. Haters will hate.

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af495c  No.13874456

File: 4d2fed52e38c9cc⋯.jpg (32.28 KB, 620x310, 2:1, 68604076_117325139613980_3….jpg)


>>13874394 JUSTICE For Crimes Against Minors

>>13874404 Latin Kings Former Members Sentenced for Racketeering Conspiracy

>>13874416 Thai Sex Trafficking, 36 Defendants Sentenced, International Organization

>>13874424 West Texas Kidnapper Sentenced to More Than 30 Years

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8b6091  No.13874457

File: 9a3a73797cfbdb8⋯.png (150.35 KB, 204x364, 51:91, ClipboardImage.png)

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01bae1  No.13874458


I heard the anal is strictly voluntary the first 3 degrees, but most of the noobies go for it just to fit in.

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af320e  No.13874459

File: 2c8d27475926ae7⋯.jpg (94.83 KB, 640x480, 4:3, d.jpg)

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cedfc8  No.13874460

File: c695ab29cdd393d⋯.png (615.41 KB, 726x498, 121:83, gyfgmi34.PNG)

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538904  No.13874461

File: 75b8dedc35734ca⋯.jpeg (57.61 KB, 483x465, 161:155, E56317B4_2131_4FC1_B686_B….jpeg)

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b6c741  No.13874462

File: e34daa31199941a⋯.jpg (126.46 KB, 499x626, 499:626, IQ_666.jpg)

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0a3b80  No.13874463


This PDF has been created with email addresses and names removed

All else remains the same.

The email chain in the PDF is in reference to the link which is an article L found about a statement supposedly made by Netanyahu about using America.

I have chosen to post it to help others understand the big picture.

This is MY understanding and some of it may be wrong.

I don’t pretend to know everything.

I’m an anon, just like every other anon.

Read from bottom up if you want context.

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1fe7bb  No.13874464

>>13874442 Thank you!

Hand off requested

Fresh dough with missing notables included


>>13874294 (old dough)

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835a46  No.13874465

File: f80bf8f2bf97934⋯.png (546.06 KB, 982x572, 491:286, science01.png)

MSM today implied fauci might leave soon

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4a7eb3  No.13874466


I apologize. I didn't publicize this, but my actions caused the vacuum which was exploited. Things will probably get worse before they get better. Just a heads up.

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e411ec  No.13874467

File: 7afe9f5d99d420e⋯.png (184.46 KB, 433x242, 433:242, Fc.png)

File: f9d3fb42e3b04ae⋯.png (247.49 KB, 944x729, 944:729, daszak_on_tape_gain_of_fun….png)

File: 0aba84664fbeee9⋯.jpg (225.23 KB, 720x1198, 360:599, 0aba84664fbeee9712cd360c3b….jpg)

File: d091601fbb7af24⋯.jpeg (420.57 KB, 1125x1343, 1125:1343, 9C8FC611_7060_4677_8DD6_A….jpeg)

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c6e08b  No.13874468



Thanks for the 'sauce'

"Kenney said the province is still consulting with lawyers about suing the U.S. government to recoup the money under legacy rules tied to the old North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA.

NAFTA has been replaced by the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, but investors can still sue under NAFTA until the middle of 2023.

“We have a number of legal options on the table,” said Kenney. “Both TC Energy and the government of Alberta have engaged U.S. counsel since the beginning of the year to advise us on those options.

“We’ll announce that strategy in due course.”


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c9ad9b  No.13874469

File: 1689db2f21e97a6⋯.jpg (326.76 KB, 721x1326, 721:1326, 20210606_090910.jpg)

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0a3b80  No.13874470

File: 94c0a38bdee1c1b⋯.pdf (45.81 KB, Jews_AKA_Illuminati_Freema….pdf)

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f6a642  No.13874472

File: 743355f873c7f3a⋯.jpg (140.11 KB, 828x1055, 828:1055, E3jdWpgWYAAg0xV.jpg)

File: 0492b06ba794615⋯.jpg (121 KB, 828x1068, 69:89, E3jdW9yXEAEybez.jpg)

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413b7f  No.13874473

File: 25f0ab3b25090e0⋯.png (996.23 KB, 800x537, 800:537, ClipboardImage.png)



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487da8  No.13874474

File: f3cb5b6c39e4260⋯.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1170x2226, 195:371, B4CC7EB3_B212_499C_A42B_B….jpeg)


Dreaming of killing puppies on her beach walk

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d9e423  No.13874475

File: 0c5f6d9bec0acd9⋯.jpg (332.32 KB, 1440x1798, 720:899, E1SATanXEAI75ub.jpg)

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3b3101  No.13874476

File: ded2ce8f7935ddf⋯.jpg (494.72 KB, 970x1014, 485:507, cock.jpg)

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80fddc  No.13874477

File: 4f50a6f97036c42⋯.png (459.07 KB, 982x572, 491:286, f80bf8f2bf97934376ad610be1….png)

File: 88cbfb9173f1885⋯.png (137.27 KB, 577x433, 577:433, f8ee6ae094d8e9e1125b683e9b….png)

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da6316  No.13874478


Is it even current?

How do we know?

Sauce it.

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c6e08b  No.13874479

File: 92cd0bdddebd640⋯.png (85.92 KB, 894x786, 149:131, Screenshot_2021_06_10_at_2….png)

File: 127aaacf807c528⋯.png (212.94 KB, 1395x674, 1395:674, Screenshot_2021_06_10_at_2….png)

We need to step it up! Anoint yourself and your home and you city!


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9daba5  No.13874480

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e5af85  No.13874481

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835a46  No.13874482

GOP Senators Demand Fauci Resign or Be Fired


Senators Tom Cotton (R., Ark.), Marco Rubio (R., Fla.), and Marsha Blackburn (R., Tenn.) are calling for Dr. Anthony Fauci’s resignation, claiming that he has “lost the confidence of the American people.”

If Fauci will not resign, the senators are demanding President Biden fire him amid a controversy over the origins of COVID after Fauci and others had dismissed the lab-leak theory as a right-wing conspiracy theory for months.

“Dr. Fauci has lost the confidence of the American people with his repeated evasions, misdirection, and politicized statements,” Cotton said, according to Fox News. “If he won’t resign, Joe Biden should fire him.”

Rubio told Fox News that if President Biden is “committed to science and finding the truth about COVID, he needs to fire Fauci.”

“For 16 months we have seen Dr. Fauci withhold information, dismiss plausible explanations of COVID’s origin, and outright lie to Congress,” Rubio said. “He is supposed to be a fact-based public health official, not a pundit distorting the truth to conform with his personal judgment.”

Meanwhile, Blackburn said this week that Fauci “needs to step down” and that the Biden administration should ask him to “step away from his post.”

Many one-time detractors have now accepted the possibility that COVID-19 leaked from a lab, particularly since Biden last month released a statement saying that the U.S. intelligence community has “coalesced around two likely scenarios” for the origins of COVID-19, “including whether it emerged from human contact with an infected animal or from a laboratory accident.”

Fauci has faced renewed criticism after thousands of his emails were released through a Freedom of Information Act filing last week. The emails show Fauci’s early dismissals of the theory that COVID-19 leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China.

They also show that Fauci brushed off a message warning of Chinese disinformation regarding the coronavirus pandemic.

House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy has also previously called for Fauci to resign or be fired by Biden. Meanwhile, other House Republicans have demanded Fauci testify before Congress on his emails and more.

In response to criticisms, Fauci on Wednesday claimed that the attacks on him “are attacks on science.”

“All of the things that I have spoken about consistently from the very beginning have been fundamentally based on science,” Fauci said during an interview with MSNBC’s Chuck Todd. “Sometimes those things were inconvenient truths for people and there was pushback against me, so if you are trying to, you know, get at me as a public health official and a scientist, you’re really attacking not only Dr. Anthony Fauci, you’re attacking science.”

He continued: “And anybody that looks at what is going on clearly sees that. You have to be asleep not to see that. That is what is going on. Science and the truth are being attacked.”

Meanwhile, the White House is standing by Fauci. President Biden said he is “very confident” in the NIAID director.

Last week following the release of Fauci’s emails, White House press secretary Jen Psaki called Fauci an “undeniable asset in our country’s pandemic response.”

“He’s overseen management of multiple global health crises, and attacks launched on him are certainly something we wouldn’t stand by,” Psaki said during a press briefing.

Asked if she can imagine any circumstance where Biden would ever fire Fauci, Psaki responded, “No.”

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a56f2a  No.13874483


we have a new variance….the science is settled.

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071468  No.13874484

File: f32fd03706f5211⋯.png (158.89 KB, 391x382, 391:382, f32fd03706f5211428d8dd8bea….png)


Kek! But seriously whose toddler was used in the photo op on the beach with her?

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58c6c7  No.13874485

File: 3aa8979a2a69d67⋯.jpg (1.95 MB, 1803x1340, 1803:1340, 1622996759966.jpg)

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95f02e  No.13874486


> ♾

There's that comms to only certain Bakers thing again.

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af320e  No.13874487

File: 20df1bc55fd255f⋯.jpg (18.97 KB, 530x166, 265:83, postimage4450.jpg)

1 year

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28778d  No.13874488

File: 8c18344cf6ecbfa⋯.png (79.51 KB, 477x220, 477:220, ClipboardImage.png)


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0f0247  No.13874489

File: 11eafda27ffea16⋯.png (4.35 MB, 1500x1500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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6285fa  No.13874490

File: 41c96a6ed5291ca⋯.jpg (6.94 KB, 250x245, 50:49, disgusted_pepe.jpg)


and she loved her brother so much that she wanted to feel him inside her all the time so they got married.

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f6a642  No.13874491

File: 9a11049a885f54b⋯.jpg (65.05 KB, 828x601, 828:601, E3juxicUUAArkJF.jpg)

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f67086  No.13874492

File: 84a024d955dc15b⋯.jpg (98.87 KB, 840x480, 7:4, Best_is_yet_to_come.jpg)

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0a3b80  No.13874493


What an ugly dog!

Cute pooch though.

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d9e423  No.13874494

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Huey Lewis and the News - Power of Love (Official Video)

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c88993  No.13874495

File: 15c338223892d89⋯.jpg (115.38 KB, 618x910, 309:455, McChicken.jpg)

File: 773c64779f20393⋯.png (1.08 MB, 767x575, 767:575, download.png)

File: e9054e4f5601ab2⋯.png (199.72 KB, 577x433, 577:433, dfbf9404c1788216edd51bdbf8….png)

File: 70d726826fa2d2c⋯.jpg (25.62 KB, 580x358, 290:179, cheney_mccarthy_1.jpg)

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24f274  No.13874496

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

this is great. Harris is getting angry and flustered

Harris Snaps At Reporter For Asking When She Will Go To The Border, Won’t Say When She Will Visit

Jun 10, 2021

GOP War Room

121K subscribers


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f67086  No.13874497

File: ec0757917265bb1⋯.png (422.21 KB, 598x581, 598:581, ClipboardImage.png)




BREAKING: Passengers on first fully vaccinated North American cruise test positive for COVID - https://breaking911.com/2-passengers-o


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b6c741  No.13874498

File: fd0e88820162b07⋯.jpg (172.55 KB, 842x474, 421:237, shiki_5_final.jpg)

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28778d  No.13874499

File: a0729649a7d84e5⋯.mp4 (1.76 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Q_lightning_Trim.mp4)


5:5 Unleash the pain [23]

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538904  No.13874500

File: a2debb526c8229d⋯.jpeg (101.51 KB, 600x596, 150:149, 66AF5A03_7F69_4C33_BECD_1….jpeg)

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0f0247  No.13874501

File: 364798e6c5a37ee⋯.png (270.21 KB, 678x381, 226:127, ClipboardImage.png)


3 year Delta today

got no mention

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d3748f  No.13874502


We are probably fed our own and blissfully unaware.. if they can find horse meat imagine what else are in our products

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c88993  No.13874503

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c0ef4b  No.13874504

File: 101b05d5332671e⋯.png (281.45 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 26425728_09B3_4299_99BC_CA….png)

“Politico: Senior Trump advisor Jason Miller leaving role as spokesperson, taking over as chief executive of startup that is developing a social media platform being considered by Trump.”


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c9ad9b  No.13874505

File: dfb6892c8d17870⋯.jpeg (72.89 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 1539789872.jpeg)

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69d0f8  No.13874506

File: 474baa338f684c3⋯.png (123.35 KB, 969x489, 323:163, Screen_Shot_2021_06_10_at_….png)


Pfizer = Start?

I am very certain the "spike protein" is the bioweapon. The US government has patents on "stabilized spike proteins". Whomever developed that "spike protein" is one of the worst criminals ever.

Why is Ralph Baric's name on this?


I seriously believe that the "Democratic Socialists" in our government may be loyal to the CCP, instead of the USA.


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71bd40  No.13874507

File: 5d38d3aa34c01a3⋯.jpg (61.39 KB, 417x396, 139:132, RIDING_THE_STORM_OUT.jpg)

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9daba5  No.13874509


Q'y Lewis and the New News

Always loved this song/ movie.

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c88993  No.13874510

File: b27956faf6ea209⋯.jpg (15.62 KB, 255x177, 85:59, 1596002823874.jpg)

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a56f2a  No.13874511


we need a new vaccine !

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b6c741  No.13874512

File: 532aad37e89953b⋯.jpg (73.3 KB, 800x449, 800:449, Biblical_6.jpg)

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24f274  No.13874513


Ruh Roh Fauci

said in Scooby do voice

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e5af85  No.13874514


Keep asking! Say things like “no really” or “but seriously,” that will really piss her off.

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c88993  No.13874515

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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fb2542  No.13874516

File: f280ae5952aa603⋯.jpg (137.58 KB, 593x901, 593:901, trump_NYC.jpg)

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c6e08b  No.13874517


So many sordid stories out there, I would be interested, truly, in what makes this psychopath tick. She didn't wake up one morning and decide "I want to be all that is everything anti-America". She was put here, brought here, trained and groomed obviously…and after we have her executed for crimes against humanity, perhaps we can investigate.

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95f02e  No.13874518


I wonder who they have beta testing it and if any of those people will have loose lips.


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a56f2a  No.13874519


oh i’m pretty sure…

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eac400  No.13874520



someone just drop the fucking nukes already

holy fuck

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f67086  No.13874521

File: b98db5b8c8508f5⋯.png (30.03 KB, 747x426, 249:142, ClipboardImage.png)

The Bias News


Politico: Senior Trump advisor Jason Miller leaving role as spokesperson, taking over as chief executive of startup that is developing a social media platform being considered by Trump.

6:59 PM · Jun 10, 2021·TweetDeck


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5e2c67  No.13874522

File: 3441f25894c1b68⋯.gif (4.16 MB, 480x568, 60:71, 20210610_183707.gif)

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4a7eb3  No.13874523


Those were not near nukes.

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e79442  No.13874524


Difficult Truths

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a56f2a  No.13874525

she”s gotta brother-husband… yeah!

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8c4448  No.13874526


gonna watch the maddcow panic rant comedy 25 breathless rant (practices muff diving) – he either shows up or quits

he's on the phone now with pop's and hunter - begging for hugg time

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b6c741  No.13874527

File: 95e6e24e0e47dc0⋯.jpg (82.67 KB, 500x508, 125:127, BOOM_2.jpg)

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4a7eb3  No.13874528

File: dd504949716d4f0⋯.gif (4.29 MB, 368x368, 1:1, e890d87_1.gif)

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43398d  No.13874529

File: 41eab4d17a1fd06⋯.jpeg (1.24 MB, 1081x1057, 1081:1057, A7D10AE5_8AE5_4E50_B671_0….jpeg)

A bunch of rattled white Dads are about to show the world how powerful the citizenry is…

… a lot of Moms have been crying and getting chirped a public meeting re: their child…

You fucked up. The Dad Storm is here, batten down the hatches.

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0cbe5b  No.13874530




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95f02e  No.13874531


Took the jab and went on a cruise.

That's like a tard twofer.

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c6e08b  No.13874532


zomg indeed. Ima pretty sure the FAKE vaccine injects the SPIKE PROTEIN that apparently causes COVID, so…DUH AND DOUBLE FUCKING DUH, they gonna test positive for COVID…God! Please check me out of this insanity!

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fb2542  No.13874533


They isolated 37 base pairs out of 30,000. Then filled in the rest from gene libraries via a computer model. That became the basis of their testing and vaccine.

It is still less effective than the body's immune system. But its a moot point since those people who tested positive won't die anyway.

What a fucking farce.

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e5af85  No.13874534

File: 2d3a193bd813781⋯.jpeg (36.55 KB, 474x355, 474:355, 687CD49D_C91C_47C8_BEDE_8….jpeg)



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538904  No.13874535

File: 5b63c79a84a3d79⋯.jpeg (56.83 KB, 431x487, 431:487, 40F1115C_86F4_45BF_8390_B….jpeg)

File: d46da750fbdc1d1⋯.jpeg (75.4 KB, 952x500, 238:125, 6400A9FE_42E4_45FA_B601_A….jpeg)

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487a3d  No.13874536


Brothers and sisters, you remember what I told you after the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (abbr. EU-China Agreement) was ended, but maybe you don’t fully understand what a heavy blow the end of this deal was to the CCP. Thank about it. The EU-China Agreement was almost the last hope for the CCP as a counterbalance to the United States. The end of the EU-China Agreement has had a tremendous impact on the CCP!

It is no exaggeration to say that the EU-China Agreement would never have been stopped if it were not for us. There are many stories behind it to be exposed. Many people may say that I am bragging. I’m bragging. I’m boasting. I’m blowing my mouth off, okay? Fellow fighters, remember that the EU-China Agreement is very critical.

Regarding what happened in colleges and universities, do you know the relationship between these events and the EU-China Agreement? In the past 30 years, the CCP sent talented people for training, mostly in the United States and Europe.

The end of the EU-China Agreement means the confrontation between Europe and China. Why is there a confrontation between Europe and China? Because of the CCP’s threats, sanctions, crackdowns on Europe, bribing of their officials, the BGY plot, as well as injecting communism. All this has awakened European people.

Just as I revealed to the German government, I told them that if you sign the EU-China agreement, the CCP will definitely require you to make a currency swap, i.e., to swap EUR with RMB. Renminbi is hell money. Moreover, regarding certain technologies, particularly Huawei’s 5G technology that the Germans are optimistic about, the CCP definitely will not agree to your requirements. Besides, it will require the data center and technology to stay in China. How about that? Finally, they figured out the risks of doing a deal with the CCP, right?

Therefore, the EU-China Agreement must be stopped. The United States must decouple with communist China.

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c88993  No.13874537

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Those were not near nukes.

Who, Kenny Loggins?

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1fe7bb  No.13874538

File: ee0ba696dc72f0f⋯.gif (407.27 KB, 220x220, 1:1, hocuspokusbitches.gif)

Notables, release this baker from his self appointed duty pls


>>13874331 Statement by PDJT: It is now unanimous, and I have been proven right (once again)

>>13874340 Statement by PDJT: Good luck to Biden in dealing with President Putin—don’t fall asleep during the meeting, and please give him my warmest regards!

>>13874378 G7 summit wink to Q at Carbis Bay from UK bread

>>13874381 Repost, notabled before: Former Pfizer Chief's warning

>>13874404, >>13874424 justice.gov news

>>13874468 NAFTA has been replaced by the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, but investors can still sue under NAFTA until the middle of 2023

>>13874497 Passengers on first fully vaccinated North American cruise test positive for COVID

>>13874464 (Dough)

>>13874473 Baker praises woman!









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24f274  No.13874539


attacks on anons are an attack on the news


we are the news now

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0cbe5b  No.13874540


Restaurant that seats 50 people: Closed for covic.

Floating restaurant that seats 5000 people: Business as usual.

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fb2542  No.13874541

File: d4c6312582553ff⋯.jpg (220.19 KB, 937x605, 937:605, nuke_keys.jpg)


It's time

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9daba5  No.13874542


Q lightning with the dub dubs. Let the storm commence.

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993cf8  No.13874543

File: 73402ce882fc30a⋯.mp4 (3.3 MB, 568x320, 71:40, 46e49498f23dd6f2.mp4)

Sheep no more

They will not be able to walk down the street

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413b7f  No.13874544

File: 82ed6a970fd2e79⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1200x1600, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)



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835a46  No.13874545


a papaya had the covid onboard

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95f02e  No.13874546


It's time for him to do the retiring in order to spend more time with family.

No way the Biden Bunch can have him in the spotlight much longer.

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e6ee15  No.13874547

File: a35a9522ea4cb97⋯.jpg (64.36 KB, 393x330, 131:110, Polish_20210609_171913094.jpg)

File: 7f7d04cdd11cbc3⋯.jpg (415.36 KB, 1066x1830, 533:915, Polish_20210608_182747453.jpg)

File: 14135b97b206f6a⋯.jpg (111.34 KB, 491x320, 491:320, Polish_20210601_192326809.jpg)

File: 36a665e651c5a14⋯.jpg (103.71 KB, 491x320, 491:320, Polish_20210526_121539159.jpg)

File: efa24eb6e075537⋯.jpg (947.03 KB, 1920x1920, 1:1, Polish_20210608_203420675.jpg)

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e78f41  No.13874548

File: b12fb5dcbe20681⋯.png (419.12 KB, 546x583, 546:583, ClipboardImage.png)

Feds Obtain Conspiracy Indictment Against Six Men Affiliated with “California Patriots” Over Jan. 6 Riot – ONLY ONE Went Inside Capitol Building

Federal prosecutors have obtained a conspiracy indictment against 6 men who self identify as “Three Percenters” or “California Patriots” over the riot on January 6.

Only one out of the six men is accused of entering the Capitol building (through a broken window) on January 6.

The other five men remained outside on the Capitol’s upper west terrace.

The indictment (8 counts total) was returned by a grand jury in Washington this week and made public on Thursday.

The charges include conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of an official proceeding and aiding and abetting, obstruction of law enforcement during civil disorder and aiding and abetting, entering and remaining in restricted building or grounds.

Two of the men indicted, Alan Hostetter and Russell Taylor, of Orange County were admonished for organizing a Virginia for Trump rally held outside the Supreme Court on Jan.5.

The indictment also suggested Hostetter was dangerous because he founded the American Phoenix Project to oppose government-mandated Covid restrictions.

Politico reported:

Federal prosecutors have obtained a conspiracy indictment against six men allegedly affiliated with a “California Patriots” group for plotting to obstruct the electoral vote count on Jan. 6.

Some or all those indicted identified themselves as “Three Percenters,” who view themselves as the modern-day equivalent of the small fraction of American colonists who actively fought the British during the Revolutionary War era, the indictment claims.

The charges in the case include conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of an official proceeding and unauthorized entry to a Secret Service-restricted area — in some cases, with weapons.

While the two other large conspiracy cases focus on groups known as the Proud Boys and the Oathkeepers that allegedly stormed the Capitol building, only one of those charged in the new case is accused of actually entering the Capitol. Instead, prosecutors allege that the remainder crossed police lines and went onto the Capitol’s upper west terrace.

The four other men charged in the new indictment — Erik Warner, Felipe Martinez, Derek Kinnison and Ronald Mele — traveled to Washington in a rented SUV after organizing in another Telegram chat labeled as the “California Patriots-DC Brigade,” according to prosecutors. Before departing for Washington, the four men posed for a photo flashing a hand sign associated with a Three Percenter group, the indictment alleges.


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999729  No.13874549

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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eac400  No.13874550



either that or the tests will register literally anything as covid like the pawpaw fruit and shit

in other words, this covid excuse will last as long as they want it to

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e78f41  No.13874551

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

'Good chance you are one': Kid Rock fires back at outrage over his use of a gay slur

Rock music artist Kid Rock doubled down and fired back at his critics who were outraged at his use of a homophobic slur on Saturday.

"If Kid Rock using the word f****t offends you, good chance you are one," he wrote in a response in a Facebook post.

"Either way, I know he has a lot of love for his gay friends and I will have a talk with him. Have a nice day," he added, signing with his real name, Robert James Ritchie.

The musician was criticized heavily after he used the insult against an audience member who was using a cellphone to record his appearance at the FishLips Resort & Grill in Smithville, Tennessee.

"F* your phone! Yeah! Post this! You can post this! You can post this s* right now!" he yells on the video.

"You f*ing f**ts with your phones!" he adds before the video cuts out.

One critic said that it was entirely inappropriate for Ritchie to use the gay slur during "Pride Month."

The Facebook post was reportedly taken down after only being online for about two hours, but the tweet with the same message was still available on his account.

Ritchie has been been criticized many times over the years for his brash refusal to follow along with the liberal agenda. In 2019 liberals were outraged when he criticized pop singer Taylor Swift for becoming a Democrat and made a crude joke about her.

"Hey @KidRock — who the f**k asked your sexist & racist ass? Shut your talentless pie-hole and go back to brown-nosing your idiot guru Trump," responded one tolerant liberal.

After the 2020 election he lashed out in a similar fashion at comments from the left that Trump supporters needed to be de-programmed.

Here's the video of Kid Rock's controversial comment:


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c0ef4b  No.13874552

File: 2959b3e4c838835⋯.png (3.25 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 839CCA3B_E88C_44F0_B528_D4….png)

“Mike Pence buys $1.9M Indiana home packed with amenities“


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95f02e  No.13874553


>many such cases

The hypocrisy on their amplifier goes to 11.

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993cf8  No.13874554

File: 77c2d8b1fc5522b⋯.png (189 KB, 793x454, 793:454, fauciBannedHCQ.png)

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b6c741  No.13874555

File: 7eecfdd8705fb0b⋯.jpg (70.33 KB, 771x435, 257:145, Battle_ships.jpg)

File: 613e4c59b1f52a1⋯.jpg (115.72 KB, 787x400, 787:400, last_action_hero.jpg)

File: 2dee64f793f1123⋯.jpg (173.41 KB, 500x700, 5:7, 4EF151.jpg)

File: bda42669067aed0⋯.jpg (155.29 KB, 499x662, 499:662, undiscovered.jpg)

File: acf25431e2bf8c6⋯.jpg (102.88 KB, 800x449, 800:449, darkest_fate.jpg)

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993cf8  No.13874556

File: 2a34a67cd2ed963⋯.png (235.93 KB, 802x453, 802:453, twitterIsMArxistCencorship….png)

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3eda3d  No.13874557

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487a3d  No.13874558

Marine Corps Maj. Gen. David J. Furness for appointment to the rank of lieutenant general, and assignment as deputy commandant for plans, policies, and operations, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, Washington, D.C. Furness is currently serving as assistant deputy commandant for plans, policies, and operations, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, Washington, D.C.

Marine Corps Maj. Gen. Matthew G. Glavy for appointment to the rank of lieutenant general, and assignment as deputy commandant for information, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, Washington, D.C. Glavy is currently serving as commander, Marine Corps Forces Cyberspace Command, Fort George G. Meade, Maryland.


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4a7eb3  No.13874559

File: 4d708996ed11af5⋯.jpeg (10.45 KB, 300x168, 25:14, images_21_.jpeg)


>You fucked up. The Dad Storm is here, batten down the hatches.

Oh… now they show up.

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047074  No.13874560

File: ddde0ff67e7f1bb⋯.jpg (142.65 KB, 986x555, 986:555, E3jq9YoXEAcbHAC.jpg)


>Passengers on first fully vaccinated North American cruise test positive for COVID

2 passengers…kek

Two passengers aboard the first fully-vaccinated cruise ship in North America have tested positive for COVID-19.

Celebrity Millennium issued this statement Thursday:

“Today two guests sharing a stateroom onboard Celebrity Millennium tested positive for COVID-19 while conducting the required end of cruise testing. The individuals are asymptomatic and currently in isolation and being monitored by our medical team. We are conducting contact tracing, expediting testing for all close contacts and closely monitoring the situation.

Celebrity Millennium is sailing with fully vaccinated crew and guests and following comprehensive protocols that align with our destination partners and exceed CDC guidelines to protect the health and safety of our guests. All guests on Celebrity Millennium were required to show proof of vaccination as well as a negative COVID-19 test within 72 hours before sailing from St. Maarten this past Saturday. This situation demonstrates that our rigorous health and safety protocols work to protect our crew, guests and the communities we visit.”


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28778d  No.13874562

File: 066d5183a22a962⋯.mp4 (95.3 KB, 500x260, 25:13, Nothing_stops_what_s_comin….mp4)


trips check'd

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41ab7a  No.13874564


Myanmar ?


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993cf8  No.13874565

File: 81a1eaa3170d022⋯.jpg (186.62 KB, 1284x1589, 1284:1589, trump_azm_and_hcq_march_20….jpg)

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8c4448  No.13874566



- or -

no one is laughing but you and your supporters while people die believing your bullshit.., now go ahead and chew on that, cackler in chief

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d9e423  No.13874567

File: dd710d51dd29694⋯.png (907.85 KB, 530x1116, 265:558, Screenshot_2021_06_10_at_2….png)

File: 44abddab016af93⋯.png (360.53 KB, 551x575, 551:575, Screenshot_2021_06_10_at_2….png)


Hmmm intensifies


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95f02e  No.13874568


Ayo hol up.

Wasn't there a story recently that said he was couch surfing.

Rags to riches indeed if true (yeah yeah big if).

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a688a1  No.13874569


or maybe you judge yourself.

maybe you reanalyze your life find what happened and why, you go easier on yourself

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c6e08b  No.13874571


There is that! It has been reported by the very guy who designed the PCR test that it will not detect COVID, AND that the PCR's were dialed up to way above the threshold of detection so that it would, exactly, detect anything and everything as COVID…

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993cf8  No.13874572

File: 3cc29f343fef2f4⋯.png (294.15 KB, 760x612, 190:153, f853ca6626d026b0.png)

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40a757  No.13874573

File: fb4090723b05e04⋯.png (215.22 KB, 590x600, 59:60, Sword_Woman.png)

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8c4448  No.13874574


but i just heard berenson ses we don't know if it works.., (yeah, wants to act like an anon, its his wee wee)

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b6c741  No.13874575

File: f3c03e9fd0feac5⋯.jpg (92.46 KB, 500x578, 250:289, cat_high.jpg)

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05411f  No.13874576

>>13873476 (lb)


"What. a. scumbag. What a cynical, lying, sociopathic mental head, who's in charge of the National Institute of Health. This is amazing; that now he's saying that criticizing his lies - his contradictory statements and his shady dealings - somehow that is attacking science."

Jimmy Dore tears Fauci a new asshole in this tour de force takedown video.

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cc2cc6  No.13874577


Ain't no one gonna do shit…in regards to "The Plan" or otherwise. It's just a bunch of false hope, idle threats, and bullshit.

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28778d  No.13874578

File: 3a3b0298e4b2282⋯.jpg (36.11 KB, 369x500, 369:500, 3a3b0298e4b2282efa64977591….jpg)

File: 7a37ca16b674a9b⋯.jpg (48.89 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 5e9c509ceb1473024d4e53fb26….jpg)

File: 498d76066a64925⋯.jpg (41.24 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 412dd0395ee9766bc3a26d6554….jpg)

File: 709e32729a6cfed⋯.jpg (47.29 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 709e32729a6cfed13184b5d8e8….jpg)

File: 99df346b4b0e5a1⋯.jpg (177.15 KB, 1600x1068, 400:267, 0835669f24a5167fb5a2003fa7….jpg)

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950ec8  No.13874579

O Canada! Our home and native land!

True patriot love in all thy sons command.

The True North strong and free! O Canada,

we stand on guard for thee.

God keep our land glorious and free!

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

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af495c  No.13874580

File: cda74afd1dc1faf⋯.png (1.25 MB, 960x615, 64:41, ClipboardImage.png)


The day of the rake approaches

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487da8  No.13874581


I really need a book deal

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538904  No.13874582

File: 16beb4f1dddba1e⋯.jpeg (206.77 KB, 839x840, 839:840, B97070A3_CE4C_4A1E_A6B3_4….jpeg)

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05411f  No.13874583

File: e194acc171cf7d0⋯.png (1.96 MB, 847x841, 847:841, ClipboardImage.png)

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a424ec  No.13874584

File: 711a5989bdb7264⋯.png (932.34 KB, 905x591, 905:591, mike_pence_eerie_indiana_5.png)


The Silver Fox living high on the hog

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1fe7bb  No.13874585

File: bf51e626e8c5fe0⋯.jpg (5.07 KB, 255x213, 85:71, F35RBow.jpg)

>>13874294 (Old dough)

>>13874464 (New dough)

>>13874538 (Notables)

Kitchen is open to a new or another seasoned baker

/me is searching his bed

Godspeed anons

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40a757  No.13874586

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>Resonating intensifies

You're never going to guess what my bowling team's name was.

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a688a1  No.13874587


it would have made the experimental vaccinesillegal

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b6c741  No.13874588

File: 8ced3cc1e721880⋯.jpg (230.16 KB, 500x790, 50:79, Lord_CAT.jpg)

File: ed77a01b687eb75⋯.jpg (133.33 KB, 499x772, 499:772, yamaraja.jpg)

File: 546089f3c43c2c5⋯.jpg (185.72 KB, 500x812, 125:203, Goddess_K_l_.jpg)

File: 990511477632e6f⋯.jpg (88.85 KB, 711x399, 237:133, mr_pig_anime.jpg)

File: d131abe5d474407⋯.jpg (173.65 KB, 500x806, 250:403, THE_FINAL_COMMAND.jpg)

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993cf8  No.13874589

File: 80643070c3b89ea⋯.png (258.91 KB, 834x544, 417:272, fauciLawsuits.png)

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da6316  No.13874590



Leading the world at being just North of the United States.


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999729  No.13874591

File: d4a3903552ebb7f⋯.png (459.23 KB, 632x960, 79:120, Leaf_Angel.png)



Get it done anon. >>13228585 (OP)

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993cf8  No.13874592

File: 185bdef141a8d32⋯.png (365.08 KB, 801x448, 801:448, HCQ_Scavino.png)

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c6e08b  No.13874593


You made me look it up and I discovered way more to the song than I was taught!

O Canada! Our home and native land!

True patriot love thou dost in us command.

We see thee rising fair, dear land,

The True North, strong and free;

And stand on guard, O Canada,

We stand on guard for thee.


O Canada! O Canada!

O Canada! We stand on guard for thee,

O Canada! We stand on guard for thee.

O Canada! Where pines and maples grow,

Great prairies spread and lordly rivers flow,

How dear to us thy broad domain,

From East to Western sea!

Thou land of hope for all who toil!

Thou True North, strong and free!


O Canada! Beneath thy shining skies

May stalwart sons and gentle maidens rise,

To keep thee steadfast through the years

From East to Western sea,

Our own beloved native land,

Our True North, strong and free!


Ruler Supreme, Who hearest humble prayer,

Hold our dominion within Thy loving care.

Help us to find, O God, in Thee

A lasting, rich reward,

As waiting for the Better Day,

We ever stand on guard.


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8b6091  No.13874594

File: e9929279f416770⋯.png (121.77 KB, 196x328, 49:82, ClipboardImage.png)


fucking whining sperging faggots

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5bf445  No.13874595


Who Profits?

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707f92  No.13874596

File: 2ee7fa8c11bd23d⋯.jpeg (252.68 KB, 1722x789, 574:263, 9DEE44D6_3383_4840_8DE9_7….jpeg)

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566dab  No.13874597

File: fed6723933ba5e7⋯.gif (1.12 MB, 375x500, 3:4, 20210610_184942.gif)

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95f02e  No.13874598


Dang, I'll do moar write-ups like that if it means Swordy's sister wants to hang out with me.

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24f274  No.13874599


Jason Miller is an Ivanka dress decoder fag? who would have guessed.

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8afa71  No.13874600

File: 82a7c5e204b875d⋯.png (816.52 KB, 634x572, 317:286, Night_shift_newfag.png)


Thank you for treating the newfags as the valuable asset they can be… and including the advice you gave.

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538904  No.13874601

File: 57961b48cb185d9⋯.jpeg (261.44 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 3758102C_C6AF_47D4_811E_2….jpeg)

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a688a1  No.13874602


fauci covid fauci aids

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e6ee15  No.13874603

Canada, Chinese North America

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84134c  No.13874604

File: 3c6533f744df6bf⋯.mp4 (7.93 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 3c6533f744df6bf6008abc9b40….mp4)

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f67086  No.13874605

File: c5fd4e37101067b⋯.jpg (93.95 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Fauci_asset.jpg)

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59f9aa  No.13874606

File: c698df83c9a9de9⋯.jpg (594.5 KB, 1077x1531, 1077:1531, Screenshot_20210610_174928….jpg)

Lance said it was "totally unexpected" and encouraged others to get vaccinated not only to have a chance at winning money, but also to protect the community.


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0cbe5b  No.13874607


Built on a Potter's Field?

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cc2cc6  No.13874608


>“Mike Pence buys $1.9M Indiana home packed with amenities“


Definitely something you'd do if you were actually going to face any punishment of any kind.

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24f274  No.13874609


did you have to sing the english/french version?

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d3748f  No.13874610


Whoa that’s different than what we all recite..

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71bd40  No.13874611

File: da9e516c274700f⋯.jpg (58.59 KB, 414x384, 69:64, ROLL.jpg)

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fb2542  No.13874612



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28778d  No.13874613

File: 4f547d252a5f35f⋯.jpg (37.92 KB, 335x446, 335:446, 4f547d252a5f35f9f72018f0f2….jpg)


There you are.

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a688a1  No.13874614

File: bcbc123f1fcbd8d⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1454x964, 727:482, crows_the_wiz_michael_jack….png)

File: d9d95851a82b5d1⋯.png (442.44 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


they made that movie - oz was richard pryor sounding like obama

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fb2542  No.13874615

File: 4b18586d5a27dc4⋯.jpg (95.25 KB, 750x534, 125:89, fauci_bitchez.jpg)

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c88993  No.13874616

File: dd8e67ffd6469eb⋯.png (724.86 KB, 666x637, 666:637, 71dc4735af80a68984756f107d….png)

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d6fef4  No.13874617

File: 317f613b481713c⋯.mp4 (3.77 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, b_D10lCbjkXTykwe.mp4)


Kamala Harris snaps at reporter for asking when she will go to the border, won’t say when she will visit https://t.co/vysmUvjZfR

She keeps getting the when are you going to the border? Question kek

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d9e423  No.13874618

File: 8bd287fb0b3c6a6⋯.png (2.06 KB, 431x65, 431:65, Screenshot_2021_06_10_at_2….png)


Some autistic skills?

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1aaaa6  No.13874619

File: 01e345bd5dff205⋯.jpg (31.16 KB, 500x423, 500:423, budesonide.jpg)

File: 328edc74623c01e⋯.jpg (377.37 KB, 2150x1434, 1075:717, ciclesonide.jpg)


Anons have discussed the use of ciclesonide (in inhaler-type medicine) for people having breathing difficulty due to SARS-CoV-2. Unfortunately it's a prescription medication but maybe anons can get it from a sympathetic patriot doc.

In those conversations, BUDESONIDE has been mentioned as an alternate, similar type of medication that can be used. Some anons have found budesonide easier to procure than ciclesonide.

It's good to have one or both of these around just in case there's an emergency in your house where one family member is having breathing difficulty and needs to get oxygen into his/her body while figuring out next treatment steps.

pics of these two drugs attached.

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c6e08b  No.13874620



here is where I got it from…strange indeed


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0b794c  No.13874621

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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943fae  No.13874622


>Definitely something you'd do if you were actually going to face any punishment of any kind.

lmao you actually thought there would be arrests and justice

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28778d  No.13874623

File: b8275c77339de65⋯.gif (2.32 MB, 250x266, 125:133, 14vh2VWCibnsuk.gif)


kek she like "did you just" BOING…"never mind, I see"

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f6a642  No.13874624

File: cc75fa09ed8168e⋯.jpg (161.33 KB, 1242x1535, 1242:1535, E3kAUNnXEAEhOXJ.jpg)

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538904  No.13874625

File: 55509c90c9a2b63⋯.png (214.06 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 28A6D2C5_1435_4842_B10D_17….png)

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95f02e  No.13874626



They are a valuable asset - can't grow a righteous movement without them.

I always thought the anti-newfag stuff was always shills at worst and egotistical Anons not thinking things through at best.

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0cbe5b  No.13874627




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a424ec  No.13874628

File: b2f8f1b09fb2af1⋯.png (34.6 KB, 989x207, 43:9, ClipboardImage.png)



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047074  No.13874629

File: b09f4ccbda7b484⋯.jpg (34.88 KB, 960x540, 16:9, Fauci960x0.jpg)


>mplied fauci might

be going to GITMO soon

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e411ec  No.13874631


Babylonian black magic strikes again

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993cf8  No.13874632

File: d02989691eea599⋯.mp4 (3.65 MB, 358x480, 179:240, d02989691eea599adebba841af….mp4)


>it makes the experimental vaccines illegal

EO swab

EO Executive Order take assets

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8b6091  No.13874633

File: 9e103322f4576f6⋯.png (465.21 KB, 580x290, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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d3748f  No.13874634


That would’ve been awesome if they all danced

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ac596f  No.13874635


He's culpable alright. These fucking people are psychopaths and when this all comes out this is going to be deemed a mass murder. From Cuomo, Whitmire to Fauci, Dazsek these people and many others aided and abetted this murderous con on America, the world.

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993cf8  No.13874636


EO Ethelene oxide

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cc2cc6  No.13874637


>lmao you actually thought there would be arrests and justice

For awhile I thought it was possible, but I don't see that being the case any longer.

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9daba5  No.13874638


This whole thing is unbearably fucky.

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95f02e  No.13874639

File: 0ff57a53b060481⋯.png (18.86 KB, 503x110, 503:110, Screenshot_2021_06_10_1954….png)


Oh, and here's proof since some like to bs and LARP around here.

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194724  No.13874640

>move from c_a atty

>into 'rising star' atty

>Kay Griggs videos

Slight concern anons

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33c314  No.13874641

File: d577ef297621b71⋯.jpeg (366.54 KB, 750x748, 375:374, F2DB8311_C8A3_4334_A1BE_D….jpeg)

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993cf8  No.13874642


1 billion from china bought by gov IL prickster

1 billion from china swabs with EO for CA

from your tax dollars

Crt critical race theory from Property taxes

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6b0d6a  No.13874643

File: 647905b49374d2e⋯.png (3.72 MB, 3000x3200, 15:16, 3838PANICnoPPDayv2wTPwmiss….png)

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d11bbe  No.13874644


yoooo dont forget NJ had highest death per capita. PHIL MURPHY BRO. WE SEE YOU

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950ec8  No.13874645



Don't be so fucking retarded. It's called subliminal movie marketing. Disney's Cruella de Vil opened the end of last month and is bombing badly.

I miss the real anons who used to know shit.

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71bd40  No.13874646

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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24f274  No.13874647

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


remember when TV used to sign off? kek

CBC 1987 O Canada Sign-On Sign-Off


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84134c  No.13874648

File: 9534cfa673cc308⋯.jpg (702.24 KB, 1079x918, 1079:918, 9534cfa673cc3084efc6f82abf….jpg)


Come on world, try and keep up with the Q board. Anon's were sayin this last fucking March, for fuck all!!!!

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078d17  No.13874649

File: d6f7d6926c591dc⋯.jpeg (50.06 KB, 474x316, 3:2, Paul_Revere.jpeg)

File: b08b35ee8813875⋯.png (668.68 KB, 496x586, 248:293, Screen_Shot_2021_06_10_at_….png)

File: 4b443234b6861a4⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1044x620, 261:155, Screen_Shot_2021_06_10_at_….png)



the most important video you haven't watched

war is imminent. any day after June 15th. this is a must-watch:

JR Nyquist interview: China planning to launch attack on America "in a matter of months"


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5bf445  No.13874650


Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere are fag enablers. Every show those two have a moment where they play "devil's advocate" and "normalize" fag behavior. What is it with Christians and sodomite acceptance?

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b934b5  No.13874651

File: 199a36450d0a7f4⋯.jpg (366.09 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, WDVM_042121_KATIE_TEASE_VI….jpg)

WASHINGTON COUNTY, MD: "Several Washington County officials worked together to target sex trafficking victims, suspects along with child sex predators, and individuals supporting sex work in general. Officials report 19 suspects were arrested or detained. 12 of the 19 suspects are facing charges ranging from sexual solicitation of a minor to prostitution and even possession of drugs with the intent of distribution. During this operation, a number of sex workers and victims were located and 7 of the 19 people who were detained, for charges of prostitution, sexual exploitation, or even drug-related charges, will not face those charges at this time as they have been placed into the harm reduction programs run by the Washington County Health Department."


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ac596f  No.13874652


ty anon. That rat bastard too.

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33c314  No.13874653

File: 004242df692d395⋯.jpeg (164.85 KB, 750x485, 150:97, CE4DE634_273E_4169_BF44_C….jpeg)

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c6e08b  No.13874654


"It's 11 o'clock. Do you know where your children are?"

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f67086  No.13874655

File: acec23f71a1df9b⋯.png (20.82 KB, 748x320, 187:80, ClipboardImage.png)

Raheem J. Kassam


News is coming. #FireFauci

7:41 PM · Jun 10, 2021·Twitter Web App


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6b0d6a  No.13874656

>>13874487 One Year Delta


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c88993  No.13874657

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f6a642  No.13874658

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How is it possible that a 10-year old document by an influential globalist NGO predicted COVID? Across the world, lockdowns have made governments more authoritarian and have taken away citizens' rights on an unprecedented scale. In Dutch parliament, Forum for Democracy leader Thierry Baudet warns his fellow lawmakers: if we keep heading down this path, we stand to lose our freedom, our prosperity, and our sovereignty!

► Forum for Democracy is a Dutch movement for change. We seek to promote direct democracy, to defend European nation states, and to restore the self-confidence of our civilization. We are the only Dutch party opposed to lockdown tyranny.

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40a757  No.13874659

File: 59dc548ff821c33⋯.png (105.73 KB, 470x258, 235:129, ClipboardImage.png)

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993cf8  No.13874660

File: f321e24d58e58ad⋯.png (236.25 KB, 799x449, 799:449, stormAlert.png)



A storm is coming

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95f02e  No.13874661


>Glenn Beck

He's gay right?

Has all the trademarks if not.

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c4824a  No.13874662





Sorry baker feeling sorry for myself and smoking pot all night.

Because fuck, I'm not hurting or fucking with anyone. Tired of the shit. Need a breather.

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5bf445  No.13874663


Every Blade Of Grass

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538904  No.13874664


I could watch that test pattern for hours.

Loved it.

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33c314  No.13874665

File: cf4b4e894b4ef37⋯.jpeg (114.48 KB, 726x895, 726:895, 1AC1AF8C_4A98_42C4_8211_3….jpeg)

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746d08  No.13874666

File: b0796458698be0a⋯.png (128.94 KB, 306x287, 306:287, wtfdat.png)

File: 4d24cd5179568a6⋯.png (17.1 KB, 113x106, 113:106, wtfdis.png)

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c88993  No.13874667

File: f5533fce272ace3⋯.png (426.95 KB, 563x480, 563:480, 123e1069d852881fbd7f19ca01….png)

File: 6c999401ebcbf9f⋯.png (645.22 KB, 711x938, 711:938, 1234.png)

File: 7fa8a60936c4305⋯.png (1.13 MB, 853x1037, 853:1037, 355fe2bd4a704642684.png)

File: 38160ede30f7f6c⋯.jpg (100.9 KB, 720x734, 360:367, 38160ede30f7f6c8b86dc284e5….jpg)

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3eda3d  No.13874668


Hello fellow stoner

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8afa71  No.13874669


You got that right. A floundering newfag doesn't bother me a bit (been there)… but those who jump them just piss me off.


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56408f  No.13874670


Stolen Thanks

BAKER where's the damn Notables, Thanks for the Bake

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95f02e  No.13874671


Take a breather, Anon, no biggie.

E-Bakes + Notetaker(s) are just as comfy these days.

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a688a1  No.13874672

File: 65f179839e06ca1⋯.png (61.5 KB, 167x158, 167:158, ClipboardImage.png)


long-way brick top row for randy

short-way brick top row for fauci


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cedfc8  No.13874673

File: 35e788275da6772⋯.png (197.25 KB, 503x268, 503:268, gfg4.PNG)

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566dab  No.13874674

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Tlhingan, MOTHERFUCKER. DO tlhih jatlh 'oh?

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078d17  No.13874675


anon posted the interview from last year…. for university-level lecture on what has really been going on for the past 70 years:


this is the link to the interview posted today….



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24f274  No.13874676

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Weird Science

Oingo Boingo - Topic

20.7K subscribers

Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group

Weird Science · Oingo Boingo


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6b0d6a  No.13874677

File: f8486d1f48254d6⋯.png (3.61 MB, 2170x3400, 217:340, stockmarketcommswclockm135….png)


Back to the Future

A must watch movie for Anons.

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d11bbe  No.13874678


wear a raincoat faggot

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28778d  No.13874679

File: d61e8e199d0c52a⋯.png (461.98 KB, 480x479, 480:479, b8d0204a65fdcbb5e155d8d688….png)


nasty evil trips, leave the nice girl alone.

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61b62c  No.13874680

File: a349f5584872805⋯.jpg (45.58 KB, 306x753, 102:251, a349f5584872805e61e8f71963….jpg)

File: d2ab5c67d23180f⋯.jpg (476.5 KB, 809x1280, 809:1280, d2ab5c67d23180f9fd822367bd….jpg)

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784951  No.13874681


Hmm. Dear doc. Doesn't what goes into the lungs make it's way to the blood via corpuscles in the lungs. Like crack.

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24f274  No.13874682

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



not to be outdone by

She Blinded me with Fauci

Thomas Dolby - She Blinded Me With Fauci


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515845  No.13874683


wtf am i looking at satan

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33c314  No.13874684

File: 3da49c8581ae7d4⋯.jpeg (87.36 KB, 745x420, 149:84, 5B2E4136_4B66_453C_A894_E….jpeg)

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9daba5  No.13874685



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538904  No.13874686

File: aa63901e1e32e7d⋯.jpeg (51.59 KB, 480x536, 60:67, 8AD59974_163C_48D9_ACAB_2….jpeg)



Nicely done.

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d9e423  No.13874687

File: e19a2b05ceb4c6d⋯.png (581.33 KB, 598x622, 299:311, Screenshot_2021_06_10_at_2….png)




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fa3017  No.13874688

File: 7041bd067aee7f6⋯.jpeg (2.41 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 735C2E4C_2023_488E_ACC7_A….jpeg)

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93eb30  No.13874689

File: c63505d4dd87979⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1749x2160, 583:720, Blonde_36_Car_Q_Dark.png)

File: 9ea39a649bcf6b6⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, BlackHawk_Night_Q_Night_sh….png)



Enter the Night Shift !

Semper Nocte

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a56f6e  No.13874690

File: 424f4cf107642b5⋯.jpg (47.38 KB, 576x335, 576:335, ZomboMeme_16032020181416.jpg)

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4ace5f  No.13874691


alveoli transfer gas, antibiotics are a bit trickier unless aerosol

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ac596f  No.13874692


He warned the world. NO one listened. Here we are.

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3eda3d  No.13874693


Poor girl. She should probably khs

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84134c  No.13874694


DeZero, we know you are on the board, read this out loud:


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5bf445  No.13874695


Sharp eye, Beelzebub.

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09065b  No.13874696


>WA vaxx "winner"

That should last roughly two years with about enough left over to pay for the mulch-compost funeral expenses.

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c88993  No.13874697

File: 5e058d1987ac3e0⋯.jpg (26.49 KB, 474x253, 474:253, download_2_.jpg)

File: fef93eafe070270⋯.jpg (41.42 KB, 678x381, 226:127, download_8_.jpg)

File: 2a700474dab80e0⋯.jpg (28.25 KB, 474x367, 474:367, download.jpg)


i feel bad for his son

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f67086  No.13874698

File: b0a73eeaec9c8f8⋯.png (347.36 KB, 519x708, 173:236, ClipboardImage.png)

17 percent? I did not hear of this.

Gabriel E. Montalvo


So #BlueAnon thinks that the world approves of Trump at only 17% compared to Biden's 75% matters, but not what the American people think? Someone should direct them to any speech on YT, the ratios are abysmal.


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071468  No.13874699

File: 40970bf7ddaff86⋯.jpg (21 KB, 352x550, 16:25, 40970bf7ddaff8607b552145a8….jpg)

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742d28  No.13874700

File: 984dbaa5e29ab9d⋯.png (617.07 KB, 1920x928, 60:29, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4726c7e4929f29d⋯.png (242.17 KB, 413x864, 413:864, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c0f3ffeb0d4b082⋯.png (8.35 KB, 413x285, 413:285, ClipboardImage.png)

SAMs up 579 & 502

Mapped to Q posts.

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6b0d6a  No.13874701

File: c7bc3118c260c97⋯.png (3.61 MB, 1750x3200, 35:64, 55libertyridewlinesHunterm….png)





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d39082  No.13874702

File: 2c3b543f312db31⋯.jpeg (175.75 KB, 1290x684, 215:114, 1527961584.jpeg)

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61b62c  No.13874703

File: 5b9e462fece6379⋯.jpg (83.24 KB, 992x558, 16:9, 5b9e462fece6379091c1849710….jpg)

File: 2bb5cf283e8220f⋯.png (997.86 KB, 798x753, 266:251, 2bb5cf283e8220fedbfdb33ccc….png)

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a56f6e  No.13874704


You know when this is all over the US is gonna annex y'all, send you to camps, and force you to make Mr. Pig memes in 14 hour shifts.

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40a757  No.13874705

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



You honestly think I was going to keep scrolling and not download/reupload that later when the timing seemed right? I just spent the past 15 minutes balling my eyes out. Holy smokes; this place.

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e79442  No.13874706

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Was told to watch this tonight

Curiosity has me

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ac596f  No.13874707


She Chuck U's daughter, niece?

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047074  No.13874708

File: 7a890ed211d1895⋯.jpg (169.01 KB, 682x1023, 2:3, amy_schumer_doppelganger_6….jpg)


tell me I'm pretty

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f6a642  No.13874709

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The entire world submitted. We have everything. Nothing can stop what is coming. WWG1WGA

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0c404f  No.13874710

adam schiff was under investigation by billa barr….as and his family….and other congressman

breaking news on cnn

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784951  No.13874711


>Senators Tom Cotton (R., Ark.), Marco Rubio (R., Fla.), and Marsha Blackburn (R., Tenn.) are calling for Dr. Anthony Fauci’s resignation, claiming that he has “lost the confidence of the American people.”

Question. What was your position on investigating the Coup election fraud? When Fauci resigns you all should go with him. Hypocrites.

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d39082  No.13874712

File: 9ca57da3693d95a⋯.png (79.88 KB, 750x750, 1:1, 1620822228401.png)

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d6fef4  No.13874713

File: 1b817ff822d9a78⋯.mp4 (1.69 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 3MU9DaaTrfbJ9d0O.mp4)


This is CNN

Toobin seems giddy, he is emboldened. now he will try to whip out his Little tooby on prime time tv and start crankin it

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d11f4c  No.13874714

File: 8098c5f4740b18e⋯.png (151.77 KB, 1192x988, 298:247, look.png)


1. side windows as 9/11 twin towers (Jachin-Boaz)?

2. side windows binary code" / & //

>>13874433 chek't

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71bd40  No.13874715

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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28778d  No.13874716

File: 9a38e309e30d81b⋯.jpg (123.99 KB, 472x1014, 236:507, 9a38e309e30d81b09ef94a009d….jpg)


>Stolen Thanks


>BAKER where's the damn Notables

baker is ebaking & geting good help from pot smoking note taker. I think kitchen was looking for a new baker.



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784951  No.13874717


Lot's of dog comms unleashed today in the media.

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c6e08b  No.13874718


Stunned? More likely jealous AF

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af495c  No.13874719

File: 829c8489c2501ec⋯.png (452.24 KB, 500x499, 500:499, ClipboardImage.png)

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ac596f  No.13874720


Well, I'm calling for his indictment and arrest.

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f8d053  No.13874721



l vote yes, still illegal.

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0c404f  No.13874722

File: b3c215990110af8⋯.png (52.04 KB, 668x531, 668:531, ClipboardImage.png)



Trump repeatedly demanded the DOJ go after his political enemies.

It's clear his demands didn't fall on deaf ears.

This baseless investigation, while now closed, is yet another example of Trump's corrupt weaponization of justice.

And how much he imperiled our democracy.

7:44 PM · Jun 10, 2021·

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9daba5  No.13874723


Gross. There's 2 of them now?

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487da8  No.13874724

File: 4494b5469583fc5⋯.jpeg (502.49 KB, 746x1224, 373:612, 0171C851_1960_4707_873C_D….jpeg)

File: 9787343918aec58⋯.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1170x1805, 234:361, EC05D34D_5FB2_4C43_9BA3_E….jpeg)



I feel sorry for demonic Hollywood kids

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c0ef4b  No.13874725

File: 368b5855a2bf91e⋯.jpeg (87.67 KB, 842x938, 421:469, F7DF073B_8EFA_48D3_8FAA_6….jpeg)


UK (SIS) 3yr Delta tomorrow…

Ultimatum Given?

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fb2542  No.13874726



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24f274  No.13874727

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Metallica: Enter Sandman (Official Music Video)


hush lil anony, don't say a word

never mind the shills you heard

exit light

enter night (shift)

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5bf445  No.13874728


Prison tat?

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33c314  No.13874729

File: 5618cbcb4ea23de⋯.jpeg (210.34 KB, 670x1003, 670:1003, 60D8B5E7_A43E_448C_BEC0_9….jpeg)

What would this look like today?

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b3b8fb  No.13874730

File: 2a90956ae5dd83d⋯.png (524.98 KB, 526x779, 526:779, ClipboardImage.png)

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a424ec  No.13874731


Her clone is on the lam?

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95f02e  No.13874732


What's wrong?

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0c404f  No.13874733

File: 5e4307a12c915cc⋯.png (464.09 KB, 655x646, 655:646, ClipboardImage.png)



BREAKING: Adam Schiff and House Intel Committee aides and the aides' family members, including a minor had their data from Apple subpoenaed by DOJ in 2017 and 2018.

Hunting Leaks, Trump Officials Focused on Democrats in Congress

The Justice Department seized records from Apple for metadata of House Intelligence Committee members, their aides and family members.


7:12 PM · Jun 10, 2021

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40a757  No.13874734

File: 0a768910f1db0c1⋯.jpg (121.95 KB, 860x484, 215:121, 0a768910f1db0c18870ecf5c72….jpg)

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5bf445  No.13874735


The jew screams out in pain as it strikes you.

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c6e08b  No.13874736


All children are born innocent and must be saved.

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0c404f  No.13874737


we caught them

we caught them all

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4a7eb3  No.13874738

File: 251aea8cadb4cf2⋯.jpg (36.76 KB, 316x444, 79:111, 20210609_173843.jpg)

File: 5afc5b58d4bd440⋯.jpg (98.3 KB, 680x452, 170:113, 20210609_174103.jpg)

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0cbe5b  No.13874739

Why did Bongino's 279 Source credit Bill Barr for outing the CCP blackmail hold on Hunter Biden and Eric Swallwell, instead of crediting Q?

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c88993  No.13874740

File: 19cf0439434bfe9⋯.jpg (111.65 KB, 640x490, 64:49, 1579745894464.jpg)

File: c204cb61de29668⋯.png (266.99 KB, 356x353, 356:353, bug_eyed.png)

File: bea540a448601c3⋯.jpg (160.44 KB, 1000x575, 40:23, Schiff.jpg)

File: 8ede86c7bddc439⋯.jpg (46.41 KB, 320x240, 4:3, SchiftySchiff.jpg)

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28778d  No.13874741

File: 662361041a89732⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1365x1190, 39:34, bdeb1c1cb056e9ce815f38e0c2….png)

File: 2dec6a22f8c8d5f⋯.png (88.21 KB, 255x254, 255:254, d8685e889fcc811d12ace34d50….png)

File: 62670a980681a1b⋯.png (433.2 KB, 750x748, 375:374, 039e04a1865b61ae90a142ac80….png)


>Enter the Night Shift !

What was day becomes night.

Semper Nocte

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84134c  No.13874742



Shifty Schiff double dubs.


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538904  No.13874743

File: 480b1beafaff544⋯.jpeg (82.59 KB, 735x484, 735:484, 6D7B212B_E5D4_43D4_A156_E….jpeg)


Need moar Klingon dirges.

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515845  No.13874744


tear tattoo is bc she can't quit overeating

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7608fe  No.13874745


How would Adam Schiff not know this? If he did know, why didn't he blast it all over the media?

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f2f579  No.13874746


How much you wanna bet that "Lance" likes to take it in the ass?

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413b7f  No.13874747

File: 19b7158a3335a0f⋯.jpg (37.06 KB, 612x407, 612:407, PepeGoodPart.jpg)

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487da8  No.13874748

File: 44c92c1d73b1f8c⋯.jpeg (249.01 KB, 598x492, 299:246, 0E72D7AE_C4F3_4000_9AAE_4….jpeg)

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d9e423  No.13874749

File: 54756e56e6c61b9⋯.png (512.16 KB, 537x352, 537:352, Screenshot_2021_06_10_at_2….png)

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0c404f  No.13874750


>Apple subpoenaed by DOJ in 2017 and 2018.

hmmmm…..when did Q first start?

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eac400  No.13874751


enjoying that pay off money


>Disney's Cruella de Vil opened the end of last month and is bombing badly.

they actually flipped the script and turned her from villain to hero

complete 180 from when i was a kid

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8c4448  No.13874752

cnn anchor punking a black man for wanting to be on the Black Caucus even though he supports Donald J Trump???

critical race racists by blonde witches and whores driven and whipped by maddcow – supremacy from whitey privelege .., take a class and spread your legs for pedoPops

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742d28  No.13874753


"The Jew"

Two words that can invalidate 4 volumes.

Are the fukkin mihjoo shills not ded yet?

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c88993  No.13874754

File: 836576a62b6eeaf⋯.jpg (228.61 KB, 725x553, 725:553, 1555728053345.jpg)

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c63c34  No.13874755

File: a8d23ed90f9a3fb⋯.png (546.54 KB, 497x501, 497:501, Screen_Shot_2021_06_10_at_….png)

Won't like. The classic image is a relief.

Here's a little something for anons. What might we be missing this day?

(Seven captchas? WTF is going on today?)

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0c404f  No.13874756


cnn is reporting that APPLE was under GAG ORDER not to tell anybody.

this is the good stuff!!!!

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24f274  No.13874757

File: 59b985cf0d07695⋯.png (62.01 KB, 1220x674, 610:337, 4539.png)

File: 1d701ed5f115ff9⋯.png (896.8 KB, 1220x1970, 122:197, 4883.png)

File: 0e772e39f74b27a⋯.png (299.98 KB, 1220x1096, 305:274, 4141.png)




SCHIFF investigation [hearing] coming?

What is Adam SCHIFF trying to prevent?


May 07, 2020 4:59:20 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6



Keep watching the news.


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61b62c  No.13874758

File: ea29c3de5762e01⋯.jpg (119.03 KB, 331x741, 331:741, ea29c3de5762e019ddadf000f9….jpg)


That's some funny shit right there.

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d3748f  No.13874759


Mossad kek

Well couldn’t be more in our face

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b3b8fb  No.13874760

File: d243f32b6b0dc72⋯.png (1.5 MB, 660x960, 11:16, ClipboardImage.png)

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e79442  No.13874761


O'l Standard Hotel Himself comes out of the Basement

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05411f  No.13874762



Calm yourself down there, tiger.

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566dab  No.13874763

File: 3fb3e7ee51c5268⋯.gif (206.01 KB, 480x536, 60:67, 20210610_191058.gif)

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0fb548  No.13874764

File: 47d32f4ee2605c8⋯.png (4.41 MB, 1800x1350, 4:3, NightShiftBeBest.png)

Night Shift is Best Shift

Be Best!

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9d7b1b  No.13874765

File: 5ea8941789fa775⋯.jpg (187.24 KB, 1359x1098, 151:122, adam_SShhiff_010.jpg)

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c63c34  No.13874766


FISA works both ways. Yet nothing seemed to come of it.

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0c404f  No.13874767


the one minor

boom…you nailed it

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09065b  No.13874768

File: 3874d5ca403de85⋯.png (416.8 KB, 660x708, 55:59, Guatemala_kamala_harris.png)

File: 2e399e19f797bc5⋯.png (151.83 KB, 394x231, 394:231, bribe.PNG)


>that the world approves of Trump at only 17% compared to Biden's 75%

yeah, right. These are just from Guatemala, for instance.

Gabriel E. Montalvo is projecting what's in his own head, not reality. He thinks if he repeats the MSM lines they might have him on their "show"

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3dc8b9  No.13874769


Known for decades


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b3b8fb  No.13874770

File: 064d21862ce54cd⋯.png (714.91 KB, 519x640, 519:640, ClipboardImage.png)

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c63c34  No.13874771


That DJT failed that in his investigation of Schiff is not a good thing.

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b934b5  No.13874772

File: d1fa1764563b696⋯.jpg (47.05 KB, 898x457, 898:457, schiffcriminalconspirator.jpg)

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5bf445  No.13874773


Laboratories feed MSG to lab rats to induce obesity for research purposes.

Most American processed foods are laced with MSG as a flavor enhancer.

True Story.

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c88993  No.13874774

File: 8e7addc1db7acd2⋯.png (104.78 KB, 931x633, 931:633, Buck_drug_den.png)

File: 1491e313ec8aa43⋯.jpg (1.66 MB, 1728x3072, 9:16, 1579762013040.jpg)

File: 83a2a0bea3766f4⋯.jpg (71.11 KB, 634x664, 317:332, 1579762013046.jpg)

File: 468f2f07502fee8⋯.png (737.67 KB, 771x558, 257:186, 1579739983981.png)

File: f25042e6593bdd1⋯.jpg (743.12 KB, 2000x1499, 2000:1499, Ed_Buck_Adam_Schiff.jpg)

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05411f  No.13874775


Log off and purge yourself. Go, and make yourself clean again.

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0c404f  No.13874776


>Keep watching the news.

i think this is a match!!!

ol andy mccabe on CNN acting shocked or relieved that it isn't him.

andy made a deal…i am convinced.

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71bd40  No.13874777

File: 839f5dc33d3302d⋯.jpg (50.87 KB, 440x270, 44:27, ITS_A_COMING.jpg)

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fb2542  No.13874778

File: 50b23d6dfc26a4e⋯.jpg (114.93 KB, 1096x734, 548:367, RC_135_cn.jpg)

RC-135 patrolling along the China coast. That's going to piss off some commies.

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2a992d  No.13874779

File: b3a32672f89d47e⋯.png (336.25 KB, 616x396, 14:9, Screenshot_1810.png)


from 2020

US President Donald Trump had threatened retaliation to India for clamping the export of a Covid-19 drug Hydroxychloroquine. He had earlier called the drug a ‘gift from heavens’ especially after the US became the epicenter of the deadly pandemic.


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c63c34  No.13874780


Anon approved!

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40a757  No.13874781


Absolutely nothing.

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24f274  No.13874782





life is but a dream

sung to the row row row your boat tune

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af495c  No.13874783

File: 28d5a638e59e118⋯.png (200.11 KB, 360x366, 60:61, ClipboardImage.png)

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09065b  No.13874784

File: dff3335f7b78ee0⋯.jpg (96.16 KB, 640x640, 1:1, potato.jpg)

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c88993  No.13874785

File: ea96dfcdd077a3f⋯.jpg (398.35 KB, 1099x801, 1099:801, 1580777574531.jpg)

File: 4b76ad524673e6b⋯.jpg (116.64 KB, 750x750, 1:1, Hillary_Buck.jpg)

File: d1707d21f699450⋯.jpg (21.03 KB, 600x338, 300:169, 1580452175025.jpg)

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e79442  No.13874786


West Taiwan

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0f2554  No.13874787


She married him to get him in the country.

The brother is gay.

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fa3017  No.13874788


Who all was on that committee? Would love to speculate on what all they got caught with!!

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b934b5  No.13874789

File: 2aece36b4089d09⋯.jpg (47.04 KB, 889x486, 889:486, stormiscoming.jpg)

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538904  No.13874790


“He was a meme-gif wizard

There has to be a trick

A meme-gif wizard

Has such a supple wrist..”🎶

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742d28  No.13874791

File: b4d8ffad41ce830⋯.png (221.32 KB, 475x665, 5:7, FauciExpect.png)

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61b62c  No.13874792

File: d5be6c007dd7463⋯.jpg (238.26 KB, 789x1024, 789:1024, d5be6c007dd746372618364486….jpg)


Roger that.

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d3748f  No.13874793


A child’s rhyme stuck in my head ..

telling me life is but a dream.

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c4824a  No.13874794

I have the feeling

some of our elected representatives don't know they are part of the old guard.

They think they are the new guard.


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b3b8fb  No.13874795

File: 09ef049f79c5d74⋯.png (712.3 KB, 720x539, 720:539, ClipboardImage.png)

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b6c741  No.13874796

File: 12b888a1aa02f96⋯.jpg (90.4 KB, 808x453, 808:453, wftdtp.jpg)

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566dab  No.13874797

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e6ee15  No.13874798

7.8 million reasons to panic, huh, liddle Schitt?

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af495c  No.13874799

File: d3ff67a81668033⋯.png (1014.38 KB, 723x723, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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487da8  No.13874801


RIP Jerry Sinclair

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194724  No.13874802

File: 059e9209f2d94f2⋯.jpg (10.02 KB, 236x254, 118:127, 1623230511.jpg)

File: 3f174ea23a41f63⋯.jpg (252.64 KB, 1068x687, 356:229, ed_1068x687.jpg)

File: 88a95aaf7f07d71⋯.jpg (27.52 KB, 550x370, 55:37, Ed_Buck.jpg)

File: a824369a6b7204f⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1450x1350, 29:27, beyond_the_pale.png)

File: 3917ee8f9b41acb⋯.png (538.5 KB, 813x751, 813:751, Ed_Buck_2.png)


Schiff breaks bucks with Ed Buckmelter

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413b7f  No.13874803

File: b1fb08e833c34a7⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

I have an itch

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c63c34  No.13874804


Not if there's no one to hold the fucker accountable.

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5bf445  No.13874805



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ac596f  No.13874806


And did what with the data?

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95f02e  No.13874807


Don't give me that.

Something's wrong or you wouldn't have said anything.

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047074  No.13874808

File: 76854e5a579a6c5⋯.png (368 KB, 639x468, 71:52, p1275.png)


Scihff stain still in PANIC

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d6fef4  No.13874809

File: 893273b8f8e0d05⋯.jpg (351.96 KB, 720x1560, 6:13, Screenshot_20210610_191152….jpg)

File: d62c72292598d06⋯.jpg (139.02 KB, 720x730, 72:73, 20210610_191214.jpg)

File: 34a4659aac8c473⋯.jpg (136.93 KB, 720x845, 144:169, 20210610_191227.jpg)

File: b481f111d7cd44d⋯.jpg (141.05 KB, 720x839, 720:839, 20210610_191237.jpg)

File: 53b69f3a2c5c96c⋯.jpg (142.67 KB, 716x774, 358:387, 20210610_191251.jpg)

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c88993  No.13874810

File: b74bb446306a945⋯.jpg (65.88 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 001.jpg)

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c63c34  No.13874811


Needs moar bling.

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71bd40  No.13874812

File: be64589bfd717a8⋯.jpg (64.13 KB, 528x431, 528:431, NOT_THIS_TIME.jpg)

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c6e08b  No.13874814


They call us 'deplorables' and they are DISGUSTING; how far do you think [they] will go to cover their shit up?!

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24f274  No.13874815


>andy made a deal…i am convinced.

and he is wearing a wirte

the list of people forced removed Q gave us. and FISA goes both ways. …anyway long story short I assume they all flipped, hired by CNN MSNBC while wearing a wire

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09065b  No.13874816

File: 8975a0cb9087832⋯.jpg (41.29 KB, 526x526, 1:1, save.jpg)


Amish OG

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487da8  No.13874817


Don’t be stupid- no one has sex after their married!


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61b62c  No.13874818

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c9ad9b  No.13874819

File: 4f597df06ad3cac⋯.jpeg (89.07 KB, 1020x916, 255:229, 1531012739.jpeg)

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28778d  No.13874820

File: cce7bc523ffe55c⋯.jpg (82.81 KB, 1200x670, 120:67, EkQU9NRWoAAXHPb.jpg)

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538904  No.13874821


Top fuggen Keks!

Admiralty level.

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c63c34  No.13874822


gg is a bit of a stretch there.

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2da6af  No.13874823

File: e19a91995622cfb⋯.png (108.14 KB, 575x354, 575:354, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 77e771c0a1b7683⋯.png (211.54 KB, 473x580, 473:580, ClipboardImage.png)

DUMB AND DUMBER: Biden Administration Tries to Hide the Identity of Guest on a Transcript But Then Inadvertently Report His Name

No matter how hard they try, the Biden Administration will never be smart.

The Administration had a call and slipped the name of one of the participants labeled as a Senior Administration Official. But then they let slip his name according to Mediate.

The White House had quite the slip up on Thursday — accidentally identifying an unnamed “senior administration official” in the transcript of a recent press briefing.

The unknown Senior Administration official whose identity they tried to hide was Jake Sullivan.

Sullivan was in the news previously for bragging about lying with another former Obama gang member:

These guys can’t be taken seriously. They have horrible American hating policies and they are about as sharp as mud.


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24f274  No.13874824




insert Q drop with all those Iphones

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14e63d  No.13874825


Almost sounds like a Fisa warrant.

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962c1c  No.13874826

File: 8f332eaeb56029d⋯.png (468.44 KB, 680x384, 85:48, ClipboardImage.png)


is it a Yorkie?

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b6c741  No.13874827

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e411ec  No.13874828

File: 77941580c949996⋯.jpg (11.05 KB, 474x240, 79:40, palp.jpg)


your projection is weak

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6b0d6a  No.13874829

File: 72609f5a4116501⋯.jpg (130.91 KB, 680x680, 1:1, 44earlyclock.jpg)



Check out the posts at that marker.

Bombs Away.


Carpet Bombs

His lack of self awareness is appalling.

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a688a1  No.13874830


>I feel sorry for demonic Hollywood kids

I feel sorry for the rest of the world for having to deal with them

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2ff16e  No.13874831


>And how much he imperiled our democracy.

Our Democracy = their criminal organization.

I'm pretty sure there's a fictitious business name re: "Our Democracy" out there just so's they can say that without "lying" TECHNICALLY… that is.

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8afa71  No.13874833


Say what you want about the Mustang II, but have you seen what those King Cobras are going for now?

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80d724  No.13874834


Faux Chi

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d11f4c  No.13874835

File: f4d3ee1c06e78da⋯.png (568.26 KB, 1375x815, 275:163, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cac42feb55734b3⋯.png (741.63 KB, 612x615, 204:205, ClipboardImage.png)

>>13874368 muh niggah!

>>13874433 chek't again

Shall we play a game?

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d3748f  No.13874836

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0c404f  No.13874837

File: 9f4bf3af60705d8⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1414x636, 707:318, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3426c72af90138b⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1424x619, 1424:619, ClipboardImage.png)

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09065b  No.13874838

File: 643101a53260b21⋯.jpg (56.81 KB, 537x667, 537:667, deBlasio.jpg)

File: 71801c5fca09084⋯.png (841.99 KB, 842x960, 421:480, Wilhelm_DeBlasio.png)

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61b62c  No.13874839

File: 8ea52af43ba59af⋯.png (641.85 KB, 850x850, 1:1, 8ea52af43ba59afbf5e8326f8f….png)

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047074  No.13874840

File: 5cefd6d0ed5a58c⋯.png (226.11 KB, 631x346, 631:346, p1276.png)


double noice

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746d08  No.13874841

File: c18a40b4789d345⋯.png (111.36 KB, 392x190, 196:95, neespunish.png)

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40a757  No.13874842

File: 17ca68e1d0dfc3b⋯.jpg (106.05 KB, 960x640, 3:2, Unity.jpg)


Convergence can be experiential. Washes things clean.

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05ca28  No.13874843

File: 47fa7a2866eb2ac⋯.png (2.12 MB, 1033x777, 1033:777, ClipboardImage.png)

>>13873902 PB

Time & space as we know it will pass away.

There will be a new creation, like nothing that our puny human brains can even imagine.

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28778d  No.13874844

File: b89d6bd23479eb9⋯.png (34.28 KB, 736x483, 32:21, ClipboardImage.png)

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c63c34  No.13874845

File: 00fac189eec0248⋯.png (489.43 KB, 1125x1161, 125:129, chan.png)


That's a troll to Melania's "I don't care do u."

Please internet, make that not end well for Jill.

"Love Hunter's crack stash."

"Love it when Joe bites my finger."

"Love pretending to be POTUS on AF1."

"Love having to tell Joe to pay attention."

We can do this.

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078d17  No.13874846

File: 7da0255941d30b3⋯.png (2.2 MB, 1466x1076, 733:538, Screen_Shot_2021_06_02_at_….png)


Trust this full-bore, in-your-face Communist plan 'til the nukes start blowing apart U.S. cities, because that is the fucking plan.

You morans are still trusting in the LARP that got us here.


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0a3b80  No.13874847


This is NOT acceptable use of child models for advertising purposes.

It’s blatant exploitation.

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33c314  No.13874848

File: 1d85c3801390811⋯.jpeg (105.42 KB, 696x376, 87:47, C53839A1_270C_4910_8BC8_E….jpeg)

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0c404f  No.13874849

File: 5cdc04f4ca827b9⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1371x672, 457:224, ClipboardImage.png)

andy mccabe is the only one who knew this was going on.

look at him act concerned ,…for them but not himself

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d9e423  No.13874850

File: 4e6bf96efc65d43⋯.png (4.69 KB, 462x109, 462:109, Screenshot_2021_06_10_at_2….png)

File: fc17ca519b9e772⋯.png (414.8 KB, 536x459, 536:459, Screenshot_2021_06_10_at_2….png)

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c63c34  No.13874851

File: b3dd0b8fb91f1da⋯.png (490.5 KB, 1125x1161, 125:129, blank.png)


Fucking hell anons. sorry.

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c4824a  No.13874852

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2da6af  No.13874853

File: 782c26cda9e9b51⋯.png (755.41 KB, 900x506, 450:253, ClipboardImage.png)

Russia Fines Facebook, Telegram Over Banned Content

MOSCOW—Russian authorities on Thursday ordered Facebook and the messaging app Telegram to pay steep fines for failing to remove banned content.

A Moscow court fined Facebook a total of 17 million rubles (roughly $236,000) and Telegram 10 million rubles ($139,000). It wasn’t immediately clear what type of content the platforms failed to take down.

It was the second time both companies have been fined in recent weeks. On May 25, Facebook was ordered to pay 26 million rubles ($362,000) for not taking down content deemed unlawful by the Russian authorities. A month ago, Telegram was also ordered to pay 5 million rubles ($69,000) for not taking down calls to protest.

Earlier this year, Russia’s state communications watchdog Roskomnadzor started slowing down Twitter and threatened it with a ban, also over its alleged failure to take down unlawful content. Officials maintained the platform failed to remove content encouraging suicide among children and containing information about drugs and child pornography.

The crackdown unfolded after Russian authorities criticized social media platforms that have been used to bring tens of thousands of people into the streets across Russia this year to demand the release of jailed Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, President Vladimir Putin’s most well-known critic. The wave of demonstrations has been a major challenge to the Kremlin.

Officials alleged that social media platforms failed to remove calls for children to join the protests. Putin has urged police to act more to monitor social media platforms and to track down those who draw children into “illegal and unsanctioned street actions.”

The Russian government’s efforts to tighten control of the internet and social media date back to 2012, when a law allowing authorities to blacklist and block certain online content was adopted. Since then, a growing number of restrictions targeting messaging apps, websites and social media platforms have been introduced in Russia.

The government has repeatedly aired threats to block Facebook and Twitter, but stopped short of outright bans. Social network LinkedIn, which wasn’t very popular in Russia, has been banned by authorities for its failure to store user data in Russia.

In 2018, Roskomnadzor moved to block Telegram over its refusal to hand over encryption keys used to scramble messages, but failed to fully restrict access to the app, disrupting hundreds of websites in Russia instead. Last year, the watchdog officially withdrew the demands to restrict the app, which continued to be widely used despite the ban, including by government institutions.


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95f02e  No.13874854


See there?

You sound better already.

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61b62c  No.13874855

The board has been working super smooth for a long time now. Thanks.

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24f274  No.13874856


Schiff subpoenaed and leaked Devin Nunes and Jon Solomon's phone records

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a56f2a  No.13874857

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0b794c  No.13874858

File: abc1e3176a53c71⋯.jpg (21.15 KB, 255x255, 1:1, abc1e3176a53c71623982fa153….jpg)

Once I’m inside the bar, gym or movie theater, can I finally take this mask off?

Yes, if you’re vaccinated.

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40a757  No.13874859

File: 847d0ecf6f81045⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1707x960, 569:320, ClipboardImage.png)



You dropped this.

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fb2542  No.13874860

X22 reporting Patrick Byrne claim that there are easter egg commands in the Dominion software. Info coming from a 'white hat hacker' that he and General Flynn both know…..



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078d17  No.13874861

File: 1ac6a9c1bb297c2⋯.jpg (18.72 KB, 474x355, 474:355, rudeboi_rudy.jpg)


Rudy does too

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e6ee15  No.13874862


seize it

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09065b  No.13874863

File: b6436507a4086f1⋯.jpg (499.31 KB, 1024x1589, 1024:1589, pontiac_4_sale.jpg)


Say what you want about the Mustang II, but have you seen what those 1995 Pontiac Grand AM GTs are going for now?

7 fucking hundred dollars!

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2da6af  No.13874864

TikTok May Offer Its Secret Algorithm to Businesses

The China-owned social media app TikTok might finally be sharing its sought-after “secret sauce” algorithm. But one expert says companies might want to hold back their excitement, at least for now.


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742d28  No.13874865

Hey Shills!

What you gonna do when Fauci goes down?

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a688a1  No.13874866

File: 0ee1fd5748bf9e0⋯.jpg (3.26 MB, 2500x1667, 2500:1667, kirstjen_nielson_general_k….jpg)


One on the right is a human being. Clear difference. See light, life, humanity, many good things

Vile putrid demonic hellion on the left

Are people blind?

These 2 look more alike

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0c404f  No.13874867


hmmmm….is it love or lo ve

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25c44c  No.13874868

File: 61f33a177313fdd⋯.jpeg (230.75 KB, 1240x1238, 620:619, A65583D0_889A_4FCA_B85A_0….jpeg)

File: a82c416b89f4f58⋯.jpeg (146.51 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 5E48321E_F589_4A7A_A385_B….jpeg)

File: c2c45ec0d92430e⋯.jpeg (254.12 KB, 1241x944, 1241:944, C1F0ADAC_B639_43E0_B9C0_A….jpeg)

File: f6f69bb4786fc91⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1242x2688, 207:448, 14352D2C_2963_4808_8E0D_9B….png)

File: 5138ec68241e14e⋯.jpeg (363.56 KB, 1241x1866, 1241:1866, D09FBCA7_2116_4C0F_A052_C….jpeg)

>>13873851 Destroying confidence in vaccines

Alex is on fire with irony and cynicism today. Good he should be frustrated, he’s been the only reporting on Covid and the Pharma cartel from the beginning

The comments are great too


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af495c  No.13874869

File: 4517311474d79dc⋯.png (475.11 KB, 500x625, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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d3748f  No.13874870


Easter eggs ehhh ?

Get em CM ;)

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0c404f  No.13874871



notable observations of Dr jill's jacket

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0f2554  No.13874872


Please tell me why the President could not clear this drug for us for those who request it, when ill?

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274c5c  No.13874873


Hunter Biden



Kid Rock



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2da6af  No.13874874

File: 6dbb18b01246272⋯.png (132.18 KB, 832x836, 208:209, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 12afaa982882928⋯.png (68.19 KB, 898x481, 898:481, ClipboardImage.png)

As Trump Banned China Travel, Fauci Funded Wuhan Lab Studies Calling for ‘Collaboration.’

Washington, D.C. – As Donald Trump blocked China travel to the U.S., Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases was funding studies authored by Wuhan Institute of Virology researchers pushing for closer collaboration between the U.S. government and Chinese Communist Party, The National Pulse can exclusively reveal.

Published on February 3rd 2020, the paper entitled Synergistic China–US Ecological Research is Essential for Global Emerging Infectious Disease Preparedness was authored by researchers from the notorious EcoHealth Alliance and several Chinese Communist Party-run scientific institutions, including the Wuhan lab.

EcoHealth Alliance – run by self-declared “killer” virus creator Peter Daszak – and the Wuhan lab have both come under increased scrutiny for their potential role in the creation of COVID-19 as well as the cover-up of its true origins.

The 14-page paper was the culmination of two-year collaborative project between Chinese and U.S. researchers involving two workshops on “Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases” in Shenzhen, China and the University of California Berkeley in 2018.

“The workshop has two objectives,” a summary notes before explaining:

The first objective is to review recent progress in ecology and infectious disease research and identify key gaps in data, information, and knowledge. The second objective is to identify research priority areas and discuss possible mechanisms for joint, international cooperation on research and education activities in ecology and infectious disease research.

The paper – which was published in EcoHealth Alliance’s official journal “EcoHealth” – asserts that collaboration between the U.S. and China is key to stopping future pandemics.


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f6a642  No.13874875

File: 4d5fb13fb3412c6⋯.jpg (81.45 KB, 684x960, 57:80, E3kHqCIWQAgdYxe.jpg)

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61b62c  No.13874876

File: bf50ead26eca902⋯.jpg (55.48 KB, 500x500, 1:1, bf50ead26eca902726320d9433….jpg)

File: 9316590e97e58b4⋯.jpg (247.7 KB, 938x720, 469:360, EKv_lHjWoAEjwKX.jpg)

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93eb30  No.13874877

File: a5762933de90aca⋯.jpg (292.54 KB, 1200x799, 1200:799, Always_WatchingNV_Neon_Q_A….jpg)

File: 03915aeca3facf3⋯.jpg (247.31 KB, 743x730, 743:730, Special.jpg)

>>13874741 Evenin' Fren

>>13874727 Got some good tunes going tonight.

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5bf445  No.13874878

File: 027aac3b1f876a8⋯.jpg (45 KB, 292x430, 146:215, crazyeyes.jpg)

File: 9bcc24ce6a3fae4⋯.jpeg (15.85 KB, 298x291, 298:291, crazy_eye_oprah_harpo.jpeg)

File: 25879b5412fda0c⋯.jpg (9.42 KB, 255x233, 255:233, crazy_eyes_3.jpg)

File: 0c68344a159c1cd⋯.jpeg (30.53 KB, 780x440, 39:22, crazyeyes_huma.jpeg)

File: 0a98b328266c7ed⋯.png (92.63 KB, 339x222, 113:74, crazy_eyes_Bert.png)


>former Obama gang member

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1a9562  No.13874879


Because it is not a dictatorship.

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d11f4c  No.13874880

File: 59ab4909b0a3fde⋯.png (444.33 KB, 959x389, 959:389, ClipboardImage.png)




Confirmed sauce is legit.

Simplified. Dual confirmation of Q576.

>>119769 (pb)

The flood is coming.

Emails, videos, audio, pics, etc.

FBI accidentally deletes texts?

No Such Agency accidentally releases IT ALL>

Shall we play a game?


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c88993  No.13874881

When a person lies they have to keep lying to ensure the lie never comes to light.

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c6e08b  No.13874882

File: af585cc049bf614⋯.png (778.97 KB, 925x829, 925:829, Screenshot_2021_06_10_at_2….png)

Health Ranger going off on a tangent about FAKE science that convicts criminals is the same FAKE science that is convicting COVID positives!


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b81bd9  No.13874883

File: 26b12c3666deb76⋯.png (69.26 KB, 709x798, 709:798, f368cde46157237ceb0936dc6e….png)



Mr.Pig with the GETS

My nigga!

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538904  No.13874884

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a56f2a  No.13874885


it’s a lot of work… kek

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d6fef4  No.13874886

File: c6d9469a8a4dace⋯.png (93.68 KB, 710x610, 71:61, c6d9469a8a4dace1b7e8bc2f79….png)


FFS just when you think you have all the pictures cropped..

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05411f  No.13874887

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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078d17  No.13874888

File: bcf15759e19bdef⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1892x1258, 946:629, Screen_Shot_2021_06_02_at_….png)


no, anon, that's in my pocket.

assigned to full faith in the rapture.

only God can fix this and it is certain He will.

HIS is the only plan worth trusting.

Those who believe are not appointed to His wrath.

Truly His wrath is coming, and nothing can stop it.

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a688a1  No.13874889

File: 2ee75e8430f7db3⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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8afa71  No.13874890


Still not as ugly as the Muskrat, but comes pretty damn close!

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71bd40  No.13874891

File: 0ff8e8f569b8096⋯.jpg (113.85 KB, 684x439, 684:439, FORCED_TO.jpg)



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d39082  No.13874892

File: 338467dd1761b58⋯.jpeg (89.78 KB, 960x639, 320:213, 1593356515.jpeg)

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33c314  No.13874893

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Student fed up with teacher for not giving a shit

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4ace5f  No.13874894

File: 28c7914ec2f3f14⋯.jpg (116.99 KB, 1242x1231, 1242:1231, il_fullxfull_1472836498_ko….jpg)

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95f02e  No.13874895


The top ALL CAPS line is a turn off, Anon.

You/They just lost most of your/their intended audience by having it in there.

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c88993  No.13874896

File: 7bbbb8507342fd7⋯.png (787.65 KB, 1080x1142, 540:571, 6b7403fe1943da8601868c82f9….png)

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d9e423  No.13874897

File: 7040e6c4a751d13⋯.png (299.42 KB, 342x342, 1:1, Screenshot_2020_07_12_trum….png)


Based and checked

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09065b  No.13874898

File: dbbc9b8faba01c3⋯.jpg (126 KB, 1440x812, 360:203, thats_true.jpg)


>Still not as ugly as the Muskrat, but comes pretty damn close!


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194724  No.13874899

File: 32b576e009a7bfd⋯.png (435.24 KB, 638x954, 319:477, file.png)


Creep, traitor

Would hear truth in a SCIF then go on cnn to lie

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a80d83  No.13874900


She might be right about some things, but connecting CRT to Hitler is asinine. Hitler had nothing to do with this shit. It's literally cultural Marxism at work.

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40a757  No.13874901

File: a0da066f4a42488⋯.png (925.32 KB, 755x533, 755:533, ClipboardImage.png)


My cousin had one in maroon. It… it workedfor him. Meanwhile, I was pushing 4 10s in the back of this thing while working in a bar.

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71bd40  No.13874902

File: b54e5c24ab5a97a⋯.jpg (45.86 KB, 504x205, 504:205, AMERICA_ENVY.jpg)

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b0c04a  No.13874903


Where in the Atlantic are you?

I know where mine are.

Have you counted the life boats?

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0f2554  No.13874904


President Trump signed an EO to allow terminal patients to use drugs that are not normally used for treating their illness. It could have been done for this as well.

It doesn't make it a DICTATOSHIP to allow people to use what they want to treat their illness!

A Dictator would say you can only use what I say you can use.

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c9ad9b  No.13874905

File: 0dd3e61466e96ca⋯.png (477.75 KB, 1080x1018, 540:509, Memeto_1623375035298.png)

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9daba5  No.13874906

File: 69c689d8c66cd2f⋯.jpeg (87.49 KB, 706x406, 353:203, EXHVjdeXgAIFesP.jpeg)


Kun trips confirm

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0c404f  No.13874907

schiff in on cnn in a few minutes

sorry, no link…am watching tv

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28778d  No.13874908

File: 527f0c343a92630⋯.mp4 (7.48 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Cordicon_Sail.mp4)

Needed this right now.

Sail anons!

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e868e3  No.13874909

File: 9d926b71204e52a⋯.png (199.32 KB, 442x654, 221:327, ClipboardImage.png)


>Shall we play a game?

Anons going to play the new 'Save the Children from…….' video game when released?

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2ff16e  No.13874910

On Hannity a few min ago, they said first vaccinated only cruise had 2 people test positive for the virus at the end of the cruise… they wouldn't have even known they were "sick" w/o that test, once again proving what ridiculous bull shit ALL OF THIS IS!

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742d28  No.13874911


I thought based meant Jew hating bigot with zero critical thinking skills.

Am I wrong?

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61b62c  No.13874912

File: adff74ce2f0bc6a⋯.jpeg (257.07 KB, 1440x1081, 1440:1081, adff74ce2f0bc6ad836deceb3….jpeg)


>sorry, no link…am watching tv

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c6e08b  No.13874913


huh? Dude, anon, I was admitting to the knowledge of living first hand through a very different time..like when TV stations went offline with certain messages, like for example "It's 11 o'clock, do you know where your children are."…

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a688a1  No.13874914

File: 43bce084e4fb933⋯.png (547.82 KB, 644x476, 23:17, ClipboardImage.png)


>Marxist-Leninist ruling government of Nicaragua

sounds like something the c_a would set up

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09065b  No.13874915

File: 84bf639a264b061⋯.jpg (434.65 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, pepe_riders_on_the_storm.jpg)


Chekt, Mr. Pig

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77e272  No.13874916

File: 4f942312b3f4c47⋯.jpg (77.77 KB, 500x651, 500:651, iManchination.jpg)

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33c314  No.13874917

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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fb2542  No.13874918



Why don't i remember this Q post

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c88993  No.13874919

File: c7007d7a0f3c67c⋯.jpg (56.27 KB, 750x422, 375:211, IMG_2033_1.jpg)

File: 6f812cf7b8338d4⋯.jpg (86.33 KB, 676x403, 52:31, IMG_2033_2.jpg)

File: 466f2ed2fdd9002⋯.png (377.64 KB, 409x373, 409:373, 1f27818f3033581a79b13d7ba3….png)

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274c5c  No.13874920

File: 3876ebdd2e40032⋯.jpeg (497.85 KB, 1028x678, 514:339, stillhere.jpeg)

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40a757  No.13874921

File: 36b99e5b27dce25⋯.png (626.42 KB, 1736x1271, 56:41, Pepe_Points_It_Out.png)

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84134c  No.13874922

File: 4f2cb5848524fb7⋯.png (928.34 KB, 1020x859, 1020:859, 1617041944211.png)


From reddit

Do you know who use to work for Black Rock and probably still is heavily invested with them?

Why none other than the people in charge of the century initiative, you know the folks pushing for rapid immigration to get Canada to 2100 with 100 million people.



He was a Senior Managing Director at BlackRock, Global Head of Active Equities, Chairman of its alternatives business, and Chairman of BlackRock's Global Investment Committee. He also served on BlackRock's Global Executive Committee. Prior to joining BlackRock in 2016, Wiseman was President and CEO of the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CCPIB).

He is also a co-founder and Chair of the Century Initiative, an organization dedicated to growing Canada's population to 100 million by 2100.[6][7]

Yes that's right folks. The guy who is heavily connected and invested in buying homes and turning them into rentals is also the guy who is pushing heavy immigration to Canada because he is personally invested in it.




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194724  No.13874923

File: e0b608224071fc8⋯.png (371.83 KB, 500x524, 125:131, 1455605087913.png)

File: bd52d2b7586e071⋯.jpg (46.25 KB, 890x534, 5:3, 1024_1_.jpg)


Havent seen any updates about it either

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af495c  No.13874924

File: 236163509382a11⋯.png (575.18 KB, 720x566, 360:283, ClipboardImage.png)

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71bd40  No.13874925

File: bb4d7e72a2738bf⋯.jpg (85.12 KB, 469x470, 469:470, NOT_WATCHING.jpg)

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3b3101  No.13874926

File: 44aa05f76e3fe33⋯.jpg (448.62 KB, 612x615, 204:205, gigi.jpg)

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c9ad9b  No.13874928

File: 6a2856ff203d70d⋯.png (619.13 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Memeto_1623375307714.png)

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84134c  No.13874929


>>13874813 /ob


Right now Blackrock is buying every single family house they can get their hands on, paying above asking price and outbidding normal home buyers.

The plan is for all this housing to become government subsidized for the "new Americans" and infinite waves of refugees.

Whites will be starved to death on the streets while foreign invaders live basically for free on government gibs. When whites agitate against this blatant inequality and humiliation, the kikes will use it as causus beli for an actual violent genocide, that whitey DARE not accept his new place, shitskins will gleefully commit to the slaughter and especially rape of white women. the shitskin masses will be the bludgeon to finish the white race off for good.

This is the final and fatal stroke of the Kike against his eternal enemy the Amalek. If you dont believe me remember this post about a year from now, after this summers riots, unfathomable refugee caravan influx, and what happens in the aftermath of these events.


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28778d  No.13874930

File: f75b466bd06efac⋯.jpg (208.98 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, EOHnqb1WsAEtKi_.jpg)

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61b62c  No.13874931

File: 0ffd121834a243b⋯.jpg (239.05 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 0ffd121834a243b3f415f033cf….jpg)

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67b798  No.13874932

File: 3e3cfd14d1bef87⋯.gif (307.12 KB, 456x608, 3:4, 20210610_193541.gif)

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b1990c  No.13874933

File: 11bcfa27466872e⋯.png (533.26 KB, 596x419, 596:419, ClipboardImage.png)

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77e272  No.13874934

File: 713426597ebf4d9⋯.jpg (37.98 KB, 556x415, 556:415, ma_Bundy.JPG)

File: 7e23452070552af⋯.jpg (23.26 KB, 512x369, 512:369, ryan_bundy.jpg)


"'zat u, ma?"

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c6e08b  No.13874935

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b0c04a  No.13874936


He could if he wanted to.

Everybody he surrounded by has already been paid.

Nobody is checking anything he does.

Realistically, he can not wipe his ass until [they] OK it.

They will not allow him to do that because it is not part of [their] plan to help anybody other than themselves.

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0c404f  No.13874937

File: 30ba4ef92a94035⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1253x617, 1253:617, ClipboardImage.png)

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a424ec  No.13874938

File: f31c0f47184fd44⋯.png (737.54 KB, 768x351, 256:117, ClipboardImage.png)

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0f2554  No.13874939


Oh good Lord, He got to her. Jill doesn't look too pleased.

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05ca28  No.13874940


Don't want to know where he kept that money he's handing to her.

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0c404f  No.13874941

per cnn….they used GRAND JURIES to get subpoenas for schiff etal records

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25c44c  No.13874943



All these countries ate gonna cedtrpy FB and Twitter for what they did to our President. The gig is up and they know. They should increase their fines exponentionally.

Trump was loved by true world leaders, not the NWO

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5bf445  No.13874944


Add a zero to each item and see how it compares to today. (housing is in a bubble and overpriced)

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487da8  No.13874945

File: d6df4a508b14746⋯.jpeg (33.41 KB, 201x255, 67:85, B655E3A9_207D_4AA0_94E4_A….jpeg)

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5bdc45  No.13874946


They are reading the script and running cover for him

He should be imprisoned

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71bd40  No.13874947

File: 9a7916f881b45e7⋯.jpg (65.92 KB, 554x536, 277:268, TIC_TAC_WIN.jpg)

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95f02e  No.13874948


Someone has to take one for the team and see what bs he's peddling, tho.

Apparently neither of us are that someone.

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61b62c  No.13874949

File: 78b6207a14513e9⋯.jpeg (31.05 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Et_Mrj2XcAQgsiP.jpeg)

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af495c  No.13874950

File: 8743790a1378499⋯.png (583.39 KB, 709x540, 709:540, ClipboardImage.png)

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852d71  No.13874951

File: ebfa7187cc6e626⋯.png (86.05 KB, 255x129, 85:43, 48CF3126_C650_468D_8631_89….png)


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75cbfe  No.13874952

File: 74d66f7c812ab93⋯.jpeg (643.99 KB, 2290x1443, 2290:1443, 96E52ECA_5B1F_49FC_BFEE_3….jpeg)

File: f4d54228c8ca532⋯.jpeg (21.71 KB, 360x270, 4:3, EA9CAF84_02EF_4B1F_B35A_7….jpeg)

Liars & cheats lie & cheat & always believe they’re clever.

Fuck off kid dolt & get tested.

Fuck you dopey Hope, warned you from the jump.

The end is where arrogance & deceit takes you.

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84134c  No.13874954


Add two zero's if in Canuckistan.

Coming soon to select zip codes.

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ac596f  No.13874955


That picture on the left, was he in Mad Max?

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67b798  No.13874956

File: 65386984b10a49e⋯.gif (74.43 KB, 360x360, 1:1, 20190125_195852.gif)

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0c404f  No.13874957

if adam schiff didn't cut a deal, he wouldn't be on CNN now.

adam sung like a bird.

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71bd40  No.13874958

File: e454f05eb01549d⋯.jpg (59.58 KB, 373x412, 373:412, THE_TIP.jpg)

File: 83279e603291c85⋯.jpg (103.17 KB, 698x351, 698:351, JESUS_SAVES.jpg)

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d11f4c  No.13874960

File: 1f2352cd238dd49⋯.png (449.37 KB, 501x337, 501:337, ClipboardImage.png)





Many children have at least one special opportunity to visit their parents at work, and this was true for Gigi McBride whose mother had a very unique job—she worked at the White House. During the George W. Bush administration, Gigi had many adventures visiting her mother Anita McBride,Chief of Staff to First Lady Laura Bush.Now that she is a college student with a love of children's literature, she decided to share her special memories of her visits to the White House from 2005 to 2009 when she was 4 to 8 years old. She hopes that the book will encourage children to learn more about the White House and life as lived there. With illustrations by artist John Hutton, this book features Gigi's favorite stories of the fun she had exploring the White House at the Easter Egg Roll, Fourth of July, Halloween, andChristmas,and the friends that she made, including First LadyLaura Bush,the Secret Service, the White House PastryChefs,and the White House florist.


Any you fags remember the last White House Advent Calendar XMAS digs? Laura Bush, PEDOVORE??!

gingerbread house → PEDOVORE witch in Hansel & Gretal

spot the pedo swirls? ffs, wake up


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5bdc45  No.13874962


Tough when you can't just cry Trump

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40a757  No.13874963

File: f5c74b3b5dc67af⋯.png (163.42 KB, 342x313, 342:313, Trump_colludes_with_winnin….png)


>When you weren't the only one to notice

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61b62c  No.13874964

File: 14a0331072ba577⋯.jpg (62.01 KB, 606x411, 202:137, 14a0331072ba5778f3460a206b….jpg)

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09065b  No.13874965


>That picture on the left, was he in Mad Max?

Mad Max is situated in 2021, so yeah.

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047074  No.13874966

File: fa0e094ac4aed4b⋯.jpg (165.07 KB, 1600x800, 2:1, landscape_1485960696_getty….jpg)





My uncle told me to come clean

about my pig clone sister I never knew.

So I did…

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a23b12  No.13874967

If you want to see panic turn on cnn right now.


o7 patriots.

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cc2cc6  No.13874968


>if adam schiff didn't cut a deal, he wouldn't be on CNN now.

>adam sung like a bird.

…or, more likely, no one is going to be held accountable for a damn thing.

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c9ad9b  No.13874969

File: d099177449173c5⋯.png (378.57 KB, 1080x672, 45:28, Memeto_1620957659518.png)

>Mr Pig

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25c44c  No.13874970


Too bad they never our POTUS had real power, Fredo looks like he thinks he got caught too. These assholes have no game face. Funny as fuck

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ac596f  No.13874972

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b6cf1f  No.13874974


I don’t want to agree but it sure feels that way

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41ab7a  No.13874975

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0c404f  No.13874977

Schiff just threw ambassador Maria Y under the bus

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67b798  No.13874978

File: a67a0fdf0cb39f1⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1124x1481, 1124:1481, 20201024_174846.png)

File: dbb6b4cbac22669⋯.png (242.32 KB, 1074x1006, 537:503, 20210225_103724.png)

File: bd245f6d50a0287⋯.png (995.28 KB, 1074x642, 179:107, 20210225_143220.png)

File: 4541dbbf80370ca⋯.png (143.38 KB, 1075x920, 215:184, Photo_1603820014021.png)

File: 4c6d5f50d4c050b⋯.png (962.76 KB, 1216x1698, 608:849, Photo_1604796446233.png)

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157095  No.13874979


Millennials have no interest in home ownership

Many states have made it impossible to kick someone out for non payment, they can stay until they decide to leave

Many people don’t buy cars anymore, they lease

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1f006e  No.13874980

Been working….has Joe done anything funny today?

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61b62c  No.13874981

File: bb0d85b2a630097⋯.png (254.7 KB, 800x1040, 10:13, 29feb4945b264d8ea8e68c54d9….png)

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40a757  No.13874982

File: 84eded85f5bf565⋯.png (104.96 KB, 600x900, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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c9ad9b  No.13874983

File: da69fbe88b0431f⋯.jpg (98.58 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, BE56LG7UVNDXVNFL6SNV6A5VRE.jpg)

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e411ec  No.13874984

File: b534f4594efda47⋯.jpg (40.24 KB, 600x668, 150:167, 2dvo1ora.jpg)

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e7bfc5  No.13874985

Wait for it…



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c6e08b  No.13874987


no sauce, filtered

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05ca28  No.13874988


This is how they acquired the land that is now called Israel.

They bought it up using a 3rd party.


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2da6af  No.13874989

File: ef3dc1449d49c96⋯.png (452.69 KB, 569x459, 569:459, ClipboardImage.png)

US Capitol Special Agent David Bailey Who Murdered Ashli Babbitt is a Brazilian Immigrant and Black Lives Matter Militant — HE REPEATEDLY THREATENED TO KILL TRUMP SUPPORTERS ON FACEBOOK FOR MONTHS!


I'll post the full thing next bread

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71bd40  No.13874990

File: d57c63002873ea5⋯.jpg (108.82 KB, 538x490, 269:245, NOT_AT_ALL.jpg)

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af495c  No.13874991

File: 288ebe241b9bbb5⋯.png (667.91 KB, 500x571, 500:571, ClipboardImage.png)

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d3748f  No.13874992


Ahhhh bless you anon

This is amazing to watch msm panic

Remember when scoff was stopped at auto? Probably when he sung like a bird

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b1990c  No.13874993

File: 827abec8ae45233⋯.png (39.43 KB, 608x516, 152:129, ClipboardImage.png)

Does this mean Huma knows where the bodies are buried?

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c19709  No.13874994

File: 3dcaf8bff8002d8⋯.jpeg (351.83 KB, 1200x769, 1200:769, D949503A_F4DF_4DF8_BFD8_F….jpeg)

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7608fe  No.13874995

File: 7055f6f9d0d68ab⋯.png (1.13 MB, 2529x1983, 843:661, ClipboardImage.png)

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5bf445  No.13874997


Yellow fever.

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09065b  No.13874998


>Add two zero's if in Canuckistan.

Thought they had "re-imagined" it into Chinada recently.

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0c404f  No.13874999



aren't you watching schiff on cnn now?

the only other person he names is poor Maria yavanovitch…..says it seemed as though she thought she was under investigatoin.

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5bdc45  No.13875000


our home on native land

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c88993  No.13875001

File: 02c2a4b384f59ca⋯.jpg (37.05 KB, 330x325, 66:65, IMG_2033_3.jpg)

had to be done

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81528d  No.13875002

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25c44c  No.13875003


This asshole went after his political enemy before Trump was in office. All is fair in love and war, he underestimated what a warroir Trump is! Let the revenge begin

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61b62c  No.13875005

File: 5385af64d26c82f⋯.jpg (7.39 KB, 255x166, 255:166, 5385af64d26c82f49a4124755e….jpg)

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0c404f  No.13875006

As just implied the new AG will keep on the info secret.

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fa3017  No.13875007


Kate Spade?

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84134c  No.13875008


The real DUBS of TRUTH right here anons

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0f2554  No.13875009


Why in the world do you generalize like that. I know 5 millennials with barely giving it a thought ,who already own or are looking, planning, one and his wife building one. Give a rest.

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ac596f  No.13875010


He ain't sang shit. Motherfucker walking around scott fucking free. Like the rest.

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6b0d6a  No.13875011

File: 6e5faedf8016728⋯.png (1.01 MB, 2500x1692, 625:423, adamschiff.png)

Adam Shiff

In the news

On the QClock

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c4824a  No.13875012

File: 219452b57c8bdb8⋯.png (189.85 KB, 2102x654, 1051:327, 529ba5f29fd38e35ee80133cc6….png)

File: ca705e45f2f537f⋯.png (448.25 KB, 1035x996, 345:332, 977a607ed5b4873b28378b0de8….png)

File: b1079df27aad4e2⋯.png (221.28 KB, 485x374, 485:374, 7059659c9765b349cc598ce92a….png)

File: a847ae235203b69⋯.png (516.51 KB, 550x545, 110:109, bbse.png)

File: 127392c9e8195cd⋯.png (169.52 KB, 499x263, 499:263, chuckles.png)

The Accidental Spy


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40c897  No.13875013


Got vibrators in his pockets - it seems.

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0c404f  No.13875014

AS saying the circle around him who were investigated was huge….huge….he said 'extremely broad'

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09065b  No.13875015

File: 4b26a3ccbbd98e9⋯.jpg (10.05 KB, 255x227, 255:227, racist.jpg)


Spades ?

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31aa08  No.13875016

File: 138578c86db6271⋯.jpeg (1.4 MB, 1242x2314, 621:1157, 214C98FE_78CD_4B45_9BDF_5….jpeg)

For the Top Keks! Any anon follow Donnie Baker? The dude is an absolute nut. Was browsing the fakebook and seen where he posted this on Michelle Obama’s FB page and I just about spit my bourbon out.

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10bae7  No.13875017

File: be01d05482f2ad7⋯.png (120.92 KB, 462x733, 462:733, ClipboardImage.png)

I feel safe….

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67b798  No.13875018

File: 1a06434c3ecfcdb⋯.gif (6.75 MB, 540x450, 6:5, 20210610_194626.gif)

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c88993  No.13875019

File: c568139b874aa5c⋯.png (865.85 KB, 619x664, 619:664, 00010243.png)

File: e162505c5860d10⋯.jpg (181.29 KB, 602x500, 301:250, wr.jpg)


And they keep covering up for him

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33c314  No.13875020

File: c89749abe320444⋯.jpeg (395.61 KB, 750x572, 375:286, 7AE7AD50_3744_4D9E_ACD4_5….jpeg)

- Dec 1892

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1f006e  No.13875021


Oh hell!

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28778d  No.13875022

File: 2ec3bee6a8bda21⋯.png (128.69 KB, 328x577, 328:577, 3504.PNG)

File: 921e44bfe6499ce⋯.mp4 (2.64 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, Timing.mp4)


The Little Saint James island days where fun.

There was a gif of that too, thought it was on the actual drop but may have been made later by anon.

Can't seem to find it.

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ac596f  No.13875023


Yea, got out of bed.

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61b62c  No.13875024

File: 4dc96efcdbfc6a9⋯.png (11.82 KB, 199x255, 199:255, c8fc85ee14db7b7f6634260526….png)


Replying to shills again Mr. Pig? WTF?

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8afa71  No.13875025


Love me a good daily driver.

You know, if you just start building a race car, even if it's just a couple little performance parts bolted together in your closet…. you can call anything your "daily driver", and make people wonder what you plan to unleash on them.

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f4045e  No.13875026


Crave on ! Hell ain't half full..

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ef278b  No.13875027

File: c46d4a9db3af2b8⋯.png (636.59 KB, 568x722, 284:361, Screen_Shot_2021_06_10_at_….png)


unless they indict, punish and possibly string up the criminally insane, they'll continue abusing the people, they won't stop, because that's what tyrants do.

At some point, as history testifies, the people will end up taking care of the psychopaths that they've allowed to rule over them.

amazing polly did a pretty guud 20 minute pitch on their profile referencing a great book 'Political Ponerology' by Andrew M. Lobaczewski

Here's the pdf fer the book: https://pearl-hifi.com/11_Spirited_Growth/10_Health_Neg/08_Psychopathy_OPs_AFs/03-Political_Ponerology_Full_Text.pdf

Here's the bitchute link to her pitch:


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84134c  No.13875028


That is just the west coast right now. The rest of the country Ehhgers need to be re-edumecated in 'work' camps through the rest of Canuckistan province.

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d6fef4  No.13875029

File: 1684bb0ace8a556⋯.png (66.73 KB, 510x332, 255:166, 1684bb0ace8a556226bda67fd2….png)



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0c404f  No.13875030


he is one of Pelosi's MS-13 lover boys….

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40a757  No.13875031

File: 499c67622821976⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1000x1000, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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33c314  No.13875032

File: 6476d055e3085fb⋯.jpeg (346.14 KB, 675x494, 675:494, 66B62DC4_D134_4381_9608_9….jpeg)

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95f02e  No.13875033


kek no clue who the dude is but just one look at him and I can tell he's a character

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af495c  No.13875034

File: 670843e1fda3e14⋯.jpg (60.9 KB, 911x1090, 911:1090, 191686410_317315900072332_….jpg)

>>13874929 BLACKROCK - Subsidized housing for the "new Americans" and infinite waves of refugees.


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7608fe  No.13875035


This has GOT to be some sun tzu shit going on here - there's no fucking way these career commanders all suddenly started sucking cock in unison.

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a424ec  No.13875036


Is there another farm down there?

Asking for a farm animal.

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33c314  No.13875037

File: 7c5dde3cd1be822⋯.jpeg (61 KB, 632x197, 632:197, 97A082E2_7884_4A94_AA55_4….jpeg)

File: cad12d082284354⋯.jpeg (293.46 KB, 750x638, 375:319, FE30CFA8_B5B4_4027_AECE_A….jpeg)


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1f006e  No.13875038


Interesting! Wonder who will be taking over as new spokesperson?

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b1990c  No.13875039


> Gigi McBride whose mother had a very unique job

Just like many others, she got a book deal keep her mouth shut about it.

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7d0b6d  No.13875040

File: e83b0910a1c3ebe⋯.jpg (162.51 KB, 492x800, 123:200, tumblr_nfuz6cGze91suk0xuo1….jpg)

File: 5fda6e814b65f4b⋯.jpg (43.97 KB, 740x417, 740:417, TrumanShow02.jpg)

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6b0d6a  No.13875041

File: 48dd7162415e1c3⋯.png (1.62 MB, 2500x1692, 625:423, adamschiffknowingly.png)



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538904  No.13875042

File: b932069f44364a8⋯.jpeg (120.61 KB, 625x468, 625:468, C1CC3668_7FC0_4D4E_90B1_6….jpeg)

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500c71  No.13875043

Unknown hackers have the Canadian Board, CIA?

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a688a1  No.13875044

File: 4be740b49e8023c⋯.png (24.54 KB, 220x124, 55:31, ClipboardImage.png)



Correct, under a fair and just legal system. Let me know when we have one

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71bd40  No.13875045

File: f393a320fab5fdd⋯.jpg (114.5 KB, 535x511, 535:511, SURE_AM.jpg)

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33c314  No.13875047

File: efb7084ee3abea7⋯.jpeg (665.67 KB, 750x942, 125:157, 17A3BB3D_8A85_4D71_8D2B_B….jpeg)

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40c897  No.13875048


How do we know this and the regular world does not?

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ac596f  No.13875049


That is not the man who shot and killed Ashli Babbit.

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05ca28  No.13875050


Don't you know that White people are evil and responsible for everything that is wrong in the world? White people will not be allowed to rent or buy anything. The Jim Crow laws that the Dems. used on the Blacks will be used on Whites. If you are White, you will not be able to work, you will not be able to go to school, you will not be allowed in stores or hotels, you will have no place to live except for on the street, where it will not be safe and you will be murdered.

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7f9800  No.13875051


Why is the cabal constantly pushing pride? What IS pride? Pride is a sin. THE sin. The original sin. The sin of Lucifer. The sin that made him rebel against God.

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28778d  No.13875052

File: b9bfc53c67c64e7⋯.gif (34.82 KB, 969x516, 323:172, 3504.gif)


What a way to waste me dubs, kek.


It is on the actual post, kek!

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d3748f  No.13875053



God damn it Hosers…

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157095  No.13875054


Most will never make enough to pay for a home….avg pay will be 35k under Dem/commie rule

2022 will be great Commie takeover

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f8d053  No.13875055



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962c1c  No.13875056

File: 3bf97db921c0314⋯.png (160.24 KB, 512x307, 512:307, ClipboardImage.png)


Has she abandoned her loyalty to [them]?

Will this be a tell-all?

HRC calling for Arkanside?

Has she deserted them?

Will this be Huma's Death Bloom?

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40a757  No.13875057

File: 901a86a05184157⋯.png (864.19 KB, 746x560, 373:280, ClipboardImage.png)


>and make people wonder what you plan to unleash on them.

I want to do this. But my unveil is a Classic VW Beetle that looks something like this:

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d9e423  No.13875058

>>13874294 (Old dough)

>>13874464 (New dough)

>>13874538 (Notables)





>>13874331 Statement by PDJT: It is now unanimous, and I have been proven right (once again)

>>13874340 Statement by PDJT: Good luck to Biden in dealing with President Putin—don’t fall asleep during the meeting, and please give him my warmest regards!

>>13874378 G7 summit wink to Q at Carbis Bay from UK bread

>>13874381 Repost, notabled before: Former Pfizer Chief's warning

>>13874404, >>13874424 justice.gov news

>>13874468 NAFTA has been replaced by the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, but investors can still sue under NAFTA until the middle of 2023

>>13874497 Passengers on first fully vaccinated North American cruise test positive for COVID

>>13874585 Politico: Senior Trump advisor Jason Miller leaving role as spokesperson, taking over as chief executive of startup that is developing a social media platform being considered by Trump.

>>13874710, >>13874722, >>13874733 Adam Schiff and House Intel Committee aides and the aides' family members, including a minor had their data from Apple subpoenaed by DOJ in 2017 and 2018.



wait for the dough

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