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2ce97b  No.13860083[Last 50 Posts]

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>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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Owner: https://gab.com/JimWatkins

BO: FastJack#1006 https://discord.gg/DG8XB4YMvz

Mike Lindell - https://LindellTV.com | https://frankspeech.com/

Mike Lindell Voter Fraud https://www.bitchute.com/video/FtRYtna3YYe9/ | https://zb10-7gsop1v78.bitchute.com/IIC6VbV69ioF/WNP5InC3q6Q0.mp4

Sidney Powell - https://defendingtherepublic.org/

Lin Wood - http://www.fightback.law/

All the cases that the Trump campaign filed for the election fraud http://wiseenergy.org/Energy/Election/2020_Election_Cases.htm

Everything Wrong With the Capitol Shooting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9z7VTvyyqMw | https://www.bitchute.com/video/DYlb92zMkj41/

The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election. https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/13073507.html#13074178

Lists: CEOs/BlueAnon: https://controlc.com/84d9a3f3 | Civic Alliance https://archive.ph/6AOmQ

Arizona Audit - Volunteers Needed to Watch Arizona Audit Live Feeds https://t.me/ArizonaAuditLiveFeeds | https://azaudit.org/

Arizona Rangers need donations to help secure AZ Election Audit for next several weeks. Please help if you can https://azrangers.gov/donate/

>>13725977, >>13725979, >>13725983, >>13725989 DNS fuckery - black hats targeting 8kun via the DNS servers

>>13811371, >>13811431, >>13811669 GIGA DROP HAPPENING GET IN HERE - 3,200 pages of Fauci emails. Start digging anons / EYES ON PATRIOTS - FAUCI DOCUMENT RELEASE


>>13802689, >>13802749, >>13802702 Games operators play.. More fallout from the B bullshit

>>13792537, >>13792570, >>13792882, >>13792587, >>13792591, >>13792638, >>13792653, >>13793136, >>13793154, >>13793208 Jim confirms it was 'global volunteer' that made the 'B' post on /projectdcomms/ and not Q.

-TOR posting is disabled BO explains why- >>13793136

TOR posting was never meant to be on all the time on this board, It was activated to help people get onto the site in times when it was unstable.

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2ce97b  No.13860090

NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements


>>13859360 Stocks: $KODK (Kodak) went up almost 30% today

>>13859367 White House infrastructure talks with Sen. Capito collapse

>>13859387 Manchin and Romney just walked into Schumer’s office

>>13859394, >>13859567 Here is Jeff Ellington the President of Runbeck election standing in front of a bunch of those bins full of ballots.

>>13859428 RealPOTUS DJT: Congratulations to the country of Nigeria, who just banned Twitter because they banned their President.

>>13859442, >>13859483 Yep, shit's going on. Bipartisan meeting of senators going on in someone’s basement hideaway, including: Manchin, Romney, Sinema, Collins, Tester & Warner

>>13859462 MUST WATCH: “On 9/11, we saw police and firemen running to their deaths to help others because they saw trouble and they knew that they were needed…That’s got to be us! We’ve got to run to the trouble. The trouble is the Biden administration.”

>>13859470 LIVE WH: Kamala Harris Delivers Remarks and Takes Questions from the Press

>>13859491 AOC blasts Kamala Harris for telling illegal immigrants to ‘not come’

>>13859454, >>13859476, >>13859494, >>13859509 Where did the children go? orphan trains.

>>13859532, >>13859588 5,000 doctors in 25 countries are curing covid with Chlorine Dioxide, higher success rate than Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine

>>13859523, >>13859536, >>13859574, >>13859623 Bomb threats? Attention on Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam. All personnel please take appropriate actions to continue to shelter in place.

>>13859547, >>13859557, >>13859631 PANi[inDC] - PANdemic dig

>>13859639 CM: If the Arizona Audit proves that Maricopa County was full of systematic, SMART & autoMATIC election fraud, then other states will certainly also conduct forensic audits.

>>13859641, >>13859642, >>13859645 CM: FBI, ransomware, bitcoin

>>13859699, >>13859705 An0m device app FBI: The criminals thought the devices were secure.

>>13859813 Hackers Expose 8.4 Billion Passwords Post them Online in Possibly Largest Dump of Passwords Ever

>>13859834 'Pristine' ballots in Georgia election count 'looked Xeroxed' 'We have what is almost surely major absentee-ballot fraud'

>>13859852 Biden’s America: 60 Members of Congress Victims of Latest Ransomware Attack

>>13859877 Kevin McCarthy: Plan to Allow Americans to Sue China for Wrongful Coronavirus Death, Economic Damages Under Consideration

>>13859925, >>13859936, >>13859948, >>13859957 justice.gov/ "plead guilty" bun

>>13859742, >>13859814 PF

>>13860080 #17545

#17544 MIA

#17543 MIA

#17542 MIA

#17541 MIA

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2ce97b  No.13860092


>>13855325 DJT Jr. - Did My Dad Just Drop A HUGE Hint About 2024?

>>13855329 CM posits FBI's role in crypto debacle

>>13855357 COVID related "We have it all" post

>>13855364, >>13855370 Lin Wood via Gen Flynn / Kyle Becker: FBI Violated Constitution To Track "far right" extremists before the "riot"

>>13855394 Gen Flynn endorses Fernando Mateo for Mayor, NYC

>>13855442 AZ: America’s Audit Update: 80% Completed

>>13855550 New, with more to come: DOJ under Biden is keeping up the previous admin's effort to take over Trump's defense against a defamation lawsuit filed by writer E. Jean Carroll

>>13855714 R. Kelly Lawyers Withdraw Ahead of Upcoming August Trial

>>13855731 A massive outage just took large sections of the internet offline

>>13855822, >>13855910 Internet outage for some

>>13855917 Yamiche Alcindor bleeding from her nose, eyes, her… whatever

>>13855924 US House of Reps randsomware

>>13855985 DoD - Fuck your flag

>>13856047 Notes also collected in bread that I didn't notice before I collected the notes above. TY Notetaker!

13856231 #17540


>>13854788 Virus and US Navy lab in Ft Dietrick Recent shooting Connection

>>13854541, BTC colonial pipeline ransom

>>13854552 'There will be reprisals': Police warning after global crime ring smashed

>>13854555 Who Is Third In Command?

>>13854586 >>13854615 Decode confirmed!

>>13854603 A collection of memes and data - we really do have it all

>>13854587, >>13854592, >>13854611, >>13854620, >>13854622 potential busts

>>13854621, >>13854629, >>13855013 Maricopa Camera Report

>>13854831, >>13855009, >>13855145 Follow the Crypto

>>13855081, >>13855084 AZ Ballot announcement on Flag Day

>>13854520, >>13854537, >>13854635, >>13854637, >>13854932, >>13855077 Fauci - Bait or boom

>>13855087, >>13855110 False flags out for flag day?

>>13855083, >>13854934, >>13854890 AN0M / Ironsides / Trojan Shield Operation

>>13855170, >>13855228 X-Files S5E11 "Kill Switch" Gates/Shipping container connection?

>>13856103 #17539


>>13853626, >>13853665, >>13854205 AN0M app crackdown

>>13853639, >>13854203 Trump Won Banner Spotted!

>>13853643 Investigation into Lyme disease: Pentagon experiment

>>13853659 Bill Gates' divorce could expose affairs

>>13853721, >>13853990, >>13854023 Pest invasion


>>13853996 Wall Street body proposes new rules on short positions, stock loans

>>13854159 Canadian Government Seeking Bids For “Biometric Vaccine Passports”

>>13854193 No passports for ‘anti-Semites’ in Germany

>>13854415 Service member vidya for the letter signed by DJT

>>13856103 #17538

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2ce97b  No.13860094


>>13852881 >>13853089 OAN with Mike Lindell, new docu this weekend

>>13852943 Gov. Greg Abbott: Texas businesses will be forbidden from requiring proof of vaccination

>>13852947, >>13853163 Where was HRC July 13, 2019?

>>13853017, >>13853028, >>13853049 The Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier?

>>13853081 Drone refuels Navy fighter jet for the first time

>>13853148, >>13853158 Gen. Mike Flynn Drops Powerful Video (needs sauce)

>>13856104 #17537


>>13852024 US paid China to engineer coronaviruses?

>>13852084 Is RUNBECK simply a ballot printer?

>>13852095 Senator Lisa Murkowski has cost the great people of Alaska billions

>>13852141 The next 3-4 Weeks Will Vindicate Everything

>>13852175 Mom Goes Nuclear On School Board Over CRT, BLM 'Indoctrination'

>>13852194 Small Arms Treaty Vs. US Constitution

>>13852219 Freedom Protesters Pepper-Sprayed

>>13852233 New York Maskholm's syndrome

>>13852299 School board-member-who-said-ditch-trump-resigns-amid-child-porn

>>13852333 ‘Enough Is Enough’: DeSantis Signs Bills to Confront ‘Nefarious’ Chinese Influence

>>13852348 US Feds Seized Most of $4.4 Million Colonial Pipeline Ransom From Bitcoin Wallet

>>13852361 Arizona Audit Update: Hand Recount Results Expected Next Week

>>13856104 #17536


>>13851341, >>13851349, >>13851555, >>13851359, >>13851368 Resignations: including 1 a School Board Member Who Said ‘Ditch Trump!’ Resigns amid Child Porn, Rape Investigation

>>13851346, >>13851909 Baric, Humanized Mice, Artificial Evolution, Gain-of-Function re: (PB) >>13849806, >>13850634

>>13851347, >>13851488 Romanian tycoon hired Hunter Biden, ex-FBI chief to help him avoid jail: emails

>>13851350 UPDATE on Arizona Audit: Georgia Team Is Coming Tomorrow – OAN Reporter Christina Bobb Says More States May Be Coming

>>13851355 CPSO to Ontario Doctors: “Shut Up or Lose Your Licence”

>>13851357 @GovRonDeSantis: Florida just hosted the largest concert since the pandemic began because FLORIDA CHOSE FREEDOM OVER FAUCISM

>>13851365 AMC, other retail stock favorites jump; regulator signals concern

>>13851370 @USNavy: Task Group 75.1/ #ExplosiveOrdnanceDisposal Mobile Unit (EODMU) & Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron #HSC21 participate in an expeditionary mine countermeasures (ExMCM) training evolution in Guam

>>13851381 Kamala says she WON'T visit the border because it would just be a 'grand gesture' at Guatemala press conference 2,142 miles from the Rio Grande and tells migrants 'do not come' to the US

>>13851390, >>13851453, >>13851574 DOJ seizes millions in ransom paid by Colonial Pipeline re: (LB) >>13851048

>>13851448, >>13851466, >>13851469, >>13851484, >>13851486, >>13851501, >>13851504 Pedos in the news/busted

>>13851307, >>13851379, >>13851457, >>13851489, >>13851529 Wuhan/Merieux Digg Continues re: (LB) >>13851081, >>13850960, >>13850978

>>13851495 Pharma’s ‘Record-Breaking’ Vaccines (For All the Wrong Reasons)

>>13851522, >>13851535 Two Hidden Instructions Discovered in Intel CPUs Enable Microcode Modification

>>13851528 CHARLESTON: "In a new court filing, West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice blamed a bankrupt U.K. bank for fraudulently inducing him into personally guaranteeing $700 million in loans that were taken out by his companies

>>13851546, >>13851862 Blinken Says US Building Coalition Hold Countries Harbouring Hackers Responsible/Will Participate Biden's Bilateral Meeting W/ Putin in Geneva

>>13851606 China's Billion Dollar Mega Projects

>>13851639, >>13851684 Mark Zuckerberg (Big Tech) effectively teams up with Dr. Fauci (Big Government) to decide what counts as “misinformation.”

>>13851643, >>13851658 Russia is preparing for possible disconnection from payment systems re: (LB) >>13851230

>>13851653 @CBS_Herridge: Named as “Victim X,” the following affidavit + warrant shows that the FBI seized 63.7 BTC from Darkside in response to the Colonial Pipeline Hack

>>13851683 Feds Spend $3 Billion More on Vaccine Hesitancy Ads as VAERS Death Reports Surpass 5,000

>>13851702 POTUS Trump on Fox re: Fauci in the pocket of China from this morning

>>13851708 Navy spells out new transgender policies

>>13851737, >>13851895 Planefag Reports

>>13851797 Mike Pompeo: Every piece of evidence that we've seen today continues to stack up to suggest that this Wuhan virus came from the virology lab there in Wuhan

>>13851869 @nypost: Maya Wiley wants to defund the NYPD — while her home protected by private security patrol

>>13851911 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

>>13851965 #17535

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2ce97b  No.13860095


>>13850473 Trump calls bitcoin ‘scam’, denounces it for ‘competing against the dollar’

>>13850478, >>13851015, >>13851021 "Don't Be Alarmed At Low-Flying Helicopters": Capitol Police Prepare For Next Riot With Monday "Training Exercise"

>>13850489 President Trump: Fauci Was in the Pocket of China/China’s Coronavirus Is Single Biggest Attack on the World in History

>>13850504 Former Iranian minister of interior, claimed to be among Hezbollah founders, dies from Covid-19

>>13850517 Gun Stocks Get Bump After CA Judge Overturns Assault Weapons Ban; Background Checks Break New Record

>>13850527 NOBEL PRIZE winning Dr Kari Mullis EXPOSES Dr Fauci as being a FRONTMAN. Dr Mullis won the Nobel Peace Prize for his (rt pcr) Test

>>13850559, >>13851062, >>13851071 Harris Holds a Press Conference with President Giammattei

>>13850574 France Fines Google $268M for Unfair Online Ads Treatment

>>13850607 Influential “Atlantic Council” Partnered With Flagged CCP Propaganda Group

>>13850634 Video Shows Fauci Lied to Congress About Funding Virus Weaponization at Wuhan"

>>13850641, >>13850656 Fauci Is Longtime Friends With Epstein-Connected Scientist Who Got Hired By Biden

>>13850654, >>13851040 All deputy Foreign Ministers of Armenia submit resignation applications

>>13850666 Here is Black & White Newspaper Evidence (1989) that Ghislaine Maxwell's father & Bronfman family were business partners, trying to buy up media

>>13850686 Fauci Celebrates Lifting Gain-of-Function Research Ban, Reveals New Guidelines Not Followed By Wuhan Lab

>>13850731 Mo Brooks Says Eric Swalwell’s Team Broke into House to Serve a Lawsuit

>>13850743 Ron DeSantis Signs Bills to Stop Nefarious Foreign Interference: Corporate Media ‘in the Pocket of the Communist Party of China’

>>13850752 Senate Set To Pass Bipartisan China Bill After Week-Long Republican Delay

>>13850758 Trump: it's a “disgrace” that Twitter & Facebook banned & censored conservatives on platforms. He emphasized that the companies “have got to be stopped.”

>>13850820, >>13850836 @USNavyCNO: Interoperability is grounded on trust. It’s our secret sauce and makes us a formidable force. Sail safe, #Shipmates!

>>13850834 Biden, Boris Will Have Private Talks Before UK G7 Summit This Week

>>13850858 Child Sex Predators Arrested Crossing Border into Texas

>>13850876 Registered sex offender sentenced to 29 years in prison for soliciting and producing child pornography from teenage boys on social media

>>13850986, >>13851008, >>13851116, >>13851126, >>13851172, >>13851191 Telephonic Press Brief w/Vice Admiral Gene Black & Rear Admiral James Morley on BALTOPS/Exercise Formidable Shield

>>13850992, >>13851009 EXCLUSIVE Some on Wall Street try options trade to bet against AMC without getting burned

>>13851006 Arizona Congressional candidate Josh Barnett posted this on Monday — the Maricopa County ballots will be counted on June 14th

>>13851034 Secretary Blinken testifies virtually before the House Committee

>>13851038 Remember Donald Trump-touted hydroxychloroquine? Study in India backs it as Covid-19 cure

>>13851048 Department of Justice officials discuss Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack

>>13851107 WATCH: Assange’s Father on US Tour–First Stop Miami

>>13851200 #17534

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2ce97b  No.13860098

Previously Collected Notables

>>13850200 #17531, >>13850093 #17532, >>13850414 #17533

>>13850649 #17531/2, >>13850200 #17531/1, >>13848003 #17530

>>13846798 #17527, >>13846403 #17528, >>13847227 #17529

>>13843437 #17524, >>13844197 #17525, >>13844965 #17526

>>13841058 #17521, >>13841828 #17522, >>13842872 #17523

>>13838783 #17518, >>13839502 #17519, >>13840246 #17520

>>13836421 #17515, >>13841657 #17516, >>13844477 #17517

>>13834013 #17512, >>13834861 #17513, >>13835645 #17514

>>13833637 #17509, >>13832468 #17510, >>13833231 #17511

>>13829388 #17506, >>13830674 #17507, >>13833600 #17508

>>13827879 #17504, >>13828541 #17504, >>13829379 #17505

>>13825425 #17501, >>13826172 #17502, >>13829095 #17503

>>13828461 #17498, >>13828910 #17499, >>13824648 #17500

>>13820614 #17495, >>13821406 #17496, >>13822224 #17497

>>13821092 #17492, >>13819065 #17493, >>13819983 #17494

>>13815947 #17489, >>13816707 #17490, >>13817432 #17491

>>13813644 #17486, >>13814483 #17487, >>13815152 #17488

>>13811321 #17483, >>13813630 #17484, >>13813021 #17485

>>13808834 317480, >>13809599 #17481, >>13811325 #17482

>>13806459 #17477, >>13807280 #17478, >>13808036 #17479

>>13804130 #17474, >>13804906 #17475, >>13805868 #17476

>>13801859 #17471, >>13802641 #17472, >>13803369 #17473

>>13799269 #17468, >>13800906 #17469, >>13801023 #17470

>>13797043 #17465, >>13797820 #17466, >>13798623 #17467

>>13794760 #17462, >>13795511 #17463, >>13796267 #17464

>>13794366 #17459, >>13793451 #17460, >>13794010 #17461

>>13794121 #17456, >>13794186 #17457, >>13794366 #17462,

>>13786848 #17553, >>13788293 #17454, >>13793855 #17455,

>>13785199 #17450\2, >>13786038 #17451, >>13785625 #17452,

>>13784474 #17449\2, >>13784477 #17449\3, >>13785198 #17450\1

>>13783681 #17448\1, >>13783684 #17448\2, >>13784472 #17449\1

>>13781326 #17445, >>13782124 #17446, >>13782126 #17447

>>13778159 #17442, >>13779670 #17443, >>13780533 #17444

>>13774563 #17439, >>13775421 #17440, >>13777909 #17441

>>13772899 #17436, >>13773837 #17437, >>13774589 #17438

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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>>13685931 Q Research Notables #7

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2ce97b  No.13860100

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2ce97b  No.13860107

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* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Updated All Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Module Retired - Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.4: https://controlc.com/aab605eaUPDATED!*Baker Tools v0.7.5: https://controlc.com/a0409084UPDATED!, >>>/qresearch/13764032

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

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* Remove Image Background https://www.remove.bg/

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* Download Webpage as PDF https://webtopdf.com/

* Military Ship Tracker https://www.shiplocation.com/military/tracker

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.gq | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf


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Simple instructions: https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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2ce97b  No.13860111

File: 3dfbec7277e9e77⋯.png (797.62 KB, 640x451, 640:451, 3dfbec7277e9e777da26ed93f7….png)





Kitchen open

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56b852  No.13860114

File: a0826cd245ac226⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1268x8810, 634:4405, Screenshot_2021_06_08_at_1….png)

>>13860111 TYB AND CHKD o7

Can any anons verify if this article is down.

EXCLUSIVE| Obama Admin Talks About How They Beat Romney Before The Election


it was running this morning.

glad i grabbed screen cap.

can anyone post an archive link?

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094fcd  No.13860120

File: a3ca9c2e885ad50⋯.png (4.16 KB, 413x163, 413:163, precalc_unit5_narr_graphik….png)

File: 83f34ea3ca93a7b⋯.jpg (796.58 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20210608_171924….jpg)

File: b24b31f7b5e3718⋯.jpg (388.52 KB, 1523x991, 1523:991, CentralAmerica2014_RTP_MAP….jpg)

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2dd5dc  No.13860123

File: 248c6f5f196e148⋯.gif (45.31 KB, 350x350, 1:1, 2189BEE2_AB17_4E9A_AD9F_C4….gif)

How are you doing anons?

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009f68  No.13860129

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Former Obama AG Eric Holder, Held In Contempt of Congress Charge, Again Ignores Constitution and Says DOJ Should Stop 2020 Election Audit of Maricopa County

A crook who gets away with crimes is more likely to commit more crimes. This is human nature and this is Eric Holder.

Obama’s first US Attorney General was arguably the most corrupt AG in US history. He was the only AG ever held in contempt of Congress charges. This was for refusing to address the concerns of Congress related to the Fast and Furious campaign.

Now the corrupt former AG is urging the Department he once led, the Department of Justice, to interfere in the audit taking place in Maricopa County, Arizona. Unfortunately for Holder, the Constitution of the US and of Arizona allows the Arizona Senate to perform an audit of the county’s 2020 Election results. Interfering with this audit would be against the US and Arizona state constitutions and would therefore be illegal.

The Democrats are trying to label the audit a mess. The polished former AG Holder calls it a ‘fraudit’ but nothing could be further from the truth.

The Washington Examiner reported on Holder’s remarks:

Former Attorney General Eric Holder offered strong words of condemnation on Monday for what he called a “fraudit” after MSNBC host Rachel Maddow brought up recent controversies related to voting rights and the GOP-led Arizona Senate’s audit in the state’s most populous county.

“All the things they are doing now are counterproductive. They are without basis, and they will hurt, they will harm, our hard-won democracy,” Holder said, referring to the Maricopa review and similar efforts sprouting in places across the country as former President Donald Trump pushes claims of fraud in the 2020 presidential contest.

Holder never should have gotten near the DOJ. He has no idea what’s going on in Arizona. He only barks because that’s what Obama tells him to do.

If Holder cared for integrity and the truth he would be encouraging the Arizona audit and audits everywhere, he wouldn’t be trying to stop them.

Holder and the rest of the cabal are scared to death and don’t want to be found out.


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79b4ed  No.13860133

File: 6975fa2277e4989⋯.jpg (62.63 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, hegseth_1024x576_toolOfIsr….jpg)

Addressing the recent escalation in the region, Hegseth said it is critical for viewers to “understand why this war is so important for Israel, and why Hamas must be crushed.”

Comment: Who is the man Pete Hegseth? He is an arch Zionist who has the Crusader Cross tattooed on his right breast a foot tall. Is he a Jew? So far as I he is some sort of upper Midwest Holy Roller sporting the most Catholic of symbols, the cross of the Five Wounds. His animosity toward the native peoples of the levant is disgusting. he belies that God is a real estate agent who renewed Theodore Herzl’s lease on the Holy Land. What a fool! God did not give the Jews someone else’ property. Thy simply took it by force majeur.

The Israelis are extremely good at blowing smoke up the ass of people like Hegseth. They know a victim when they see one.


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ea949f  No.13860137

File: 0a829111ce00da3⋯.png (525.04 KB, 730x487, 730:487, ClipboardImage.png)


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104e33  No.13860138

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8b76ec  No.13860144

File: c5011c122f2d3a6⋯.png (238.59 KB, 152x621, 152:621, Sword.png)



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f9f789  No.13860148

File: 7f7d04cdd11cbc3⋯.jpg (415.36 KB, 1066x1830, 533:915, Polish_20210608_182747453.jpg)

File: df82e419b7e15d9⋯.jpg (46.17 KB, 480x206, 240:103, Polish_20210607_122228802.jpg)

File: 1249cc3ff30bf67⋯.png (3.5 MB, 1500x2022, 250:337, Polish_20210606_225532626.png)

File: 0ed6c12a3fbc5a4⋯.gif (2.67 MB, 304x256, 19:16, 20210607_180516.gif)

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61416b  No.13860149


Life is good. :)

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404d8f  No.13860155

File: 6e0c48f76cf625d⋯.jpg (134.47 KB, 720x900, 4:5, 20210608_180831.jpg)


Try to imagine one of the Trump kids dropping the n-word.

Real quote from Hunter: “n***a you better not be charging me Hennessy rates.” #RacistHunter


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2959ff  No.13860158

File: 203492a2040224b⋯.jpg (248.07 KB, 1080x1610, 108:161, 20210608_192613.jpg)


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9ff47a  No.13860159

Dear Fellow Anons,

Moar tits and ass, please and thank you.

Surfing here has been slow of late.

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2b4581  No.13860160


feeling a vague but deep and rising sense of lingering trepidation

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05ed27  No.13860161

File: 52016d62714f2a3⋯.png (849.94 KB, 888x878, 444:439, ClipboardImage.png)

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92d888  No.13860162

Shill here, reporting in.

Can yall fags just tell me what topics/posts will trigger a successful troll this evening? will save me a lot of time, thanks!

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9c461a  No.13860163

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>daniel still in the closet

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2ce97b  No.13860164

File: 4ccb5dae15c18ee⋯.png (637.3 KB, 652x674, 326:337, Screenshot_2021_06_08_at_2….png)

File: ba0fd4107a5280f⋯.jpg (175.29 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, Ej0qxpOXkAAqRIz.jpg)

File: dc2fb93a28838a5⋯.jpg (95.76 KB, 640x853, 640:853, Ej0qxpNXgAUA3NG.jpg)

File: a956f984da65ce0⋯.png (11.55 KB, 526x99, 526:99, Screenshot_2021_06_08_at_2….png)


"Heracles and Achelous" by François Joseph Bosio (1768-1845). Achelous, the river god, transforms himself into a snake and wrestles Hercules for the hand of Princess Deianeira. Achelous ultimately loses.



We can be heroes

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8b76ec  No.13860166



Plane carrying unidentified children spotted in TN

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2dd5dc  No.13860167

File: 2ceeb722600d75f⋯.jpeg (1.59 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 954D5C23_03CC_4DF1_A7B4_D….jpeg)



Same here.

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28601f  No.13860168

File: 5313cd36e476ffd⋯.png (149.13 KB, 445x524, 445:524, Nicklelodeon.PNG)

File: 08dd4aa47c5e387⋯.mp4 (1.2 MB, 320x446, 160:223, 7_vJYpqcqNoU08hO.mp4)

Nickelodeon are pushing the liberal/satanic agenda.. time to boycott!! Stop letting your kids watch this crap.


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80827d  No.13860169

File: 65f8789d217aeda⋯.gif (4.38 MB, 500x500, 1:1, 65f8789d217aeda2120d13a035….gif)

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380748  No.13860170

File: c2fd4a7a1e562da⋯.png (944.96 KB, 750x819, 250:273, qpp3mkmbpew31.png)


Noice trips & TY Baker!

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094fcd  No.13860171

File: 366550f199d8745⋯.jpg (33.48 KB, 474x474, 1:1, downloadfile_33_.jpg)

File: 5f44e50c9e38037⋯.jpg (44.24 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault_13_.jpg)

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2dd5dc  No.13860172


Yes it is.

The best is yet to come.

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404d8f  No.13860173

File: a03d4b4a1be3400⋯.jpg (115.96 KB, 720x823, 720:823, 20210608_180520.jpg)

File: ad83d8793fbf65e⋯.mp4 (1.12 MB, 720x400, 9:5, dLje1VpdBjFPTupF.mp4)


She’s moments from cracking under pressure.

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459e38  No.13860174

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Rights for Victims of Sex Exploitation

Madyson Marquette & Great British Bird


•May 4, 2021

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ea949f  No.13860175

>>13860162 eat turd

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80827d  No.13860176

File: 9971a7ccc84bc8d⋯.png (375.39 KB, 660x767, 660:767, a4_wa.png)


Anything VATICAN POPE usually works well for this Anon.

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a81a0c  No.13860177

File: c0fb2250b5477f9⋯.png (396.47 KB, 445x637, 445:637, pepetriplenipplepinch.png)


Sweet trips. Tyvm baker.

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2b4581  No.13860178


…but wasn't she in Mexico City?

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8b76ec  No.13860179

File: 6a14e39f73f3006⋯.png (577.75 KB, 848x421, 848:421, COMFEFE_COVFEFE.png)


Keep the positive vibes flowing, anons. Destiny is unwritten. Be the authors of the future.

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2dd5dc  No.13860180


Fear not.

God wins, and did not give us the spirit of fear.

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0c5a7c  No.13860181


That’s probably shopped.

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4ef10e  No.13860182

File: c5029a612911f8f⋯.jpg (88.92 KB, 631x640, 631:640, Moar_tits_and_ass_please_a….jpg)

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ea949f  No.13860183


when she cracks, the stench will be horrendous

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934c43  No.13860184

File: 7fe1312022fb136⋯.png (3.28 MB, 1191x7635, 397:2545, jews_blood_libel.png)



Your blood libel is going to send you to hell. Repent, kikes. Repent and accept Christ as your savior that you might be saved.

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2dd5dc  No.13860185


You already are anon.


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2b4581  No.13860186


>Fear not.

more like having been sat way too long in a waiting room…

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61416b  No.13860188


No worries. Faith > fear.

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80827d  No.13860189

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Once upon a time an Anon could substitute Payseur for Vatican Pope yet the thrill is gone, gone away…


See how easy this shit is?


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c662f3  No.13860191

File: 570e74c3a851e26⋯.png (34.29 KB, 614x465, 614:465, ClipboardImage.png)

>durrrr, i use q drops

that's funny because q talks about the enemy media

trump talks about the enemy media

and jews admit they own the media yet you don't mention that part

q also mentioned infiltration instead of invasion

and here's another blatant admission

>I’ll never forget when I was involved in Israeli advocacy in college and being at one of the many AIPAC conventions. A man literally stood in front of us and told us that their whole goal was to only work with top-50 school graduate students because they would eventually be the people making changes in the government. Here I am, an idealistic little kid that goes to a bottom 50 school (ASU) who wants to do some grassroots advocacy, andthese guys are literally talking about infiltrating the government.Intense.


your "digging" or lack thereof stops when it names the kike because you either are one and are afraid of rightful retribution or you're a shabbos goy whose only aim is to shield them from exposure

in short, fuck your feelings and fuck the longnose tribe.

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d598f6  No.13860192


cancerous pedoCUCK you

allowing biden and his pedo enablers continues this dangerous evil path to hell


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f5c9a5  No.13860193


uh huh.

capped off her trip in Mexico City, but talking about Guatemala like she's in Guatemala…

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b078a4  No.13860194

File: 585e92949ea9d1a⋯.jpg (43.48 KB, 657x527, 657:527, 585e92949ea9d1a6246cc4b95d….jpg)


Milkies make the bread flow

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7e1aed  No.13860195

Well-known Kentucky prosecutor faces wire fraud charges

June 8, 2021 6:57 pm


getting higher on the food chain

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fb0867  No.13860196


kek stfu Anon your shitpost isn't fooling me.

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040fe5  No.13860197

File: c2193ff67e8967c⋯.jpg (421.83 KB, 1080x2314, 540:1157, Screenshot_20210608_193334….jpg)


TYB - got nomination for notable but was late last bread so I'm sharing again since Kodak stonk went way up.

Kodak gets $765M loan from US to produce medicines, reportedly including hydroxychloroquine

Sauce: https://www.cnet.com/news/kodak-gets-765m-loan-from-us-government-to-produce-medicines-reportedly-including-hydroxychloroquine/

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7a6eff  No.13860198

File: d84d7861259d8b3⋯.jpg (37.28 KB, 612x404, 153:101, 59b7nyyuex.jpg)

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05ed27  No.13860199

File: bf608c536327400⋯.png (470.87 KB, 603x682, 603:682, ClipboardImage.png)

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8f1507  No.13860200

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2b9cff  No.13860201

File: 1a9f93adcd24673⋯.png (434.43 KB, 1068x2962, 534:1481, Q111_2_.png)

File: 04762fae510be59⋯.png (169.03 KB, 767x724, 767:724, Day_Numbers_for_2021_2021_….png)

File: 7c1d5860107772f⋯.png (298.29 KB, 436x318, 218:159, ClipboardImage.png)




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3e890b  No.13860202

File: e623240676f44e6⋯.jpeg (25.79 KB, 650x488, 325:244, R706e3ab3ab6422f04676268e….jpeg)


Not good but g o o o o o d

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4ef10e  No.13860203

File: 5b521143f3dbc1c⋯.jpg (129.31 KB, 700x300, 7:3, tripnip.jpg)

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934c43  No.13860204

File: f75f2f5be2c0d86⋯.png (150.82 KB, 385x1106, 55:158, q998.png)


Q would only post in OSS's bread. Q is going to be the reason you hang. Repent, kike.

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6c7ae3  No.13860205

File: 664d2abdf7516fc⋯.jpg (35.33 KB, 445x637, 445:637, adN8ABD_700b.jpg)



>That’s probably shopped.

It's totally shopped. The pepes weren't originally there.

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70f28f  No.13860206

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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a81a0c  No.13860207


And your point cap'n obvious?

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d11199  No.13860209

File: ff72b0f6fe4e961⋯.png (305.57 KB, 904x605, 904:605, Screen_Shot_2018_12_29_at_….png)

File: c60c7a1e0a9c7ba⋯.png (550.38 KB, 631x660, 631:660, Screen_Shot_2018_11_22_at_….png)

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fb0867  No.13860210


>Anon's used to be able to set a trip, but can't anymore. That was 'turned off' for some reason they never bothered to explain.

Moar lies what else is new?

Q being the only whitelisted TC was done ages ago.

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5b369b  No.13860211

File: b632c2b7c086845⋯.jpeg (31.23 KB, 179x180, 179:180, 8ED16A13_306B_4198_86E5_B….jpeg)

File: 0fd1c9089e98a90⋯.jpeg (43.12 KB, 644x644, 1:1, AE01D640_D054_4459_A0DF_8….jpeg)

File: 9b1db86060be762⋯.jpeg (94.47 KB, 906x906, 1:1, 75856688_2C9F_4062_9CBD_C….jpeg)

File: 91582a5a3493c64⋯.jpeg (117.69 KB, 686x685, 686:685, 51765292_9519_406D_97BC_0….jpeg)

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7e1aed  No.13860212

File: 85d3f5c7459e5ae⋯.png (193.82 KB, 474x283, 474:283, 85d3f5c7459e5aed0a1406b810….png)

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a81a0c  No.13860213

File: db9e641742c6afe⋯.gif (3.01 MB, 350x193, 350:193, db9e641742c6afefc274497437….gif)


Top fucking kek!

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ff251a  No.13860214

File: 2031f0882f0d873⋯.png (188.22 KB, 601x473, 601:473, Screen_Shot_2021_05_13_at_….png)

>>13860136 (pb)

The "virus" AND the "vaccine" are both bio-weapons.

>>13860145 (pb)

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b078a4  No.13860215

File: 6fa4b346567422b⋯.jpg (229.81 KB, 1512x1287, 168:143, E3Zn6JVWEAAKquy.jpg)

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d698fa  No.13860216

File: 3de251f0be26d33⋯.png (819.32 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, C9D9572F_A9B4_41EB_8F00_45….png)


Thx Baker…

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2b4581  No.13860218



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1fe6f1  No.13860219

Eighteen dead in India chemical plant fire

Published 21 hours ago

A fire at chemical plant near Pune city in India

image captionThe fire broke out at a chemical plant

At least 18 people have died in a fire that broke out at a chemical plant on the outskirts of the western Indian city of Pune.

Some 37 workers were trapped inside the building when the blaze started around 15:45 local time (10:15 GMT) on Monday.

Fire engines rushed to the spot as smoke billowed from the compound - firemen had to break walls on either side to rescue people.

The cause of the fire has not yet been determined, officials told BBC Marathi.

The factory belonged to SV Aqua Technologies, a company that makes chlorine dioxide products, which is typically used in water treatment.

It was located in what is known as the the Pirangut industrial estate, home to several other factories and plants, some 16km (10 miles) from Pune. Most of the workers live close by.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed his condolences over the death of the workers, and announced 200,000 rupees ($2,800; £1,900) as compensation for their families. He also promised $690 as compensation for the injured.

The government of Maharashtra, where the factory is located, also announced $6,800 as compensation to the victims 'families.


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a4517c  No.13860220

File: c432f09ec390320⋯.png (5.33 MB, 2400x1600, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

Signs popped up in Greenwich protesting critical race theory and masks. Here's what we know.

Signs placed around town that say, “Stand Up Greenwich: Unmask our children, ban critical race theory, protect medical freedom” are drawing the notice of officials and residents alike.

First Selectman Fred Camillo said Monday he has received many calls in recent days about the signs, which also urge residents to attend the June 17 meeting of the Board of Education.

Camillo said he does not know where the signs came from and said there is no order to take them down from public sites.

On a GoGetFunding webpage, a group called Greenwich Patriots appears to take credit for the signs. The group asks on the website for donations to fund “medical freedom-oriented yard signs, anti-CRT marketing materials, flyers and posters for rallies, flags and pocket Constitutions for giveaways at our Flag Day Rally, Greenwich Patriots Newsletter, (and) other projects coming soon.” Two images of the “Stand Up Greenwich” sign are among their pictures on the site…


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449a28  No.13860221

File: 94c7d1831228bac⋯.jpg (42.78 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 14431440.jpg)


Takes ebake


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2b4581  No.13860222


because it previously hadn't been done...

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2dd5dc  No.13860223


I n d e e e e e d

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82c2ab  No.13860224

File: b53293fc1326614⋯.jpg (91.84 KB, 1061x1018, 1061:1018, 1600192668825.jpg)

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7c711e  No.13860225

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is what they are teaching our kids in school now.

Teaching them to fear each other.

For an illness they less of a chance than they do of dying from a lightning strike.

This is child abuse.

Some of these kids are going to have anxiety disorders for the rest of their lives…


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d5943c  No.13860226

Sup niggers so after 4 years of a Bidan presidency and nothing happens, will you vote one of Trumps kids in for four years so they can do nothing? Starting to see the bigger picture now? Trump supports zionist Israeli policies during his four years? Creates his entire base to have the optics of white supremists? Illusion of choice? Illusion of resistance? Trump and Biden always on the same side? This is a very old game (define kayfabe). They have evolved to make the population actually believe there is resistance to the NWO. Nothing ever happens, nothing ever will. History repeats itself.

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8e0a10  No.13860227

File: 8b04bdcd1f0fde2⋯.jpeg (44.94 KB, 497x693, 71:99, 09d4055670c7815fa9dace2dc….jpeg)

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f45d9c  No.13860228

Where is vault 7 ?

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fd9581  No.13860229

File: 4a047bca83ad1bd⋯.png (128.32 KB, 266x190, 7:5, ClipboardImage.png)



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404d8f  No.13860231

File: 68394faef25ec8e⋯.jpg (157.04 KB, 720x986, 360:493, 20210608_183407.jpg)

File: b1d11eca6cc7b67⋯.mp4 (1.46 MB, 888x518, 12:7, bcpHFmgXZQcQ5c2s.mp4)

Yeah um… people who revere flags don’t drag them along the ground or throw them to the floor… this is deeply revelatory


From Jan 6th , looks like security cam footage, we need Moar of this

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380748  No.13860232

File: a153649871c7b57⋯.gif (6.3 MB, 492x277, 492:277, a153649871c7b5763227dc9f14….gif)


B.B. King, frens & Night Shift. What moar could a frog ask for? Nothin'..Nothin' I tell you!

God is gud!

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8f1507  No.13860234

File: cc9ee4f81272a99⋯.jpg (308.66 KB, 650x495, 130:99, cc9ee4f81272a99bb91369b319….jpg)

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28601f  No.13860235


Paradoxical laughter is an exaggerated expression of humour which is unwarranted by external events. It may be uncontrollable laughter which may be recognised as inappropriate by the person involved. It is associated with altered mental states or mental illness, such as mania, hypomania or schizophrenia, and can have other causes.[1][2]

Paradoxical laughter is indicative of an unstable mood, often caused by the pseudobulbar affect, which can quickly change to anger and back again, on minor external cues.

This type of laughter can also occur at times when the fight-or-flight response may otherwise be evoked.


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0c5a7c  No.13860236

File: 8f58912bf333794⋯.png (222.93 KB, 720x561, 240:187, E7BFC91D_FD7C_4F7D_9C71_2A….png)


If this is now the news now I want real 3 breasted women. Fackts matter.

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9a9991  No.13860237

File: efde40789a011bb⋯.mp4 (3.95 MB, 640x360, 16:9, efde40789a011bbd011f415921….mp4)

File: dc2f0e5c10e5e98⋯.jpg (173.49 KB, 1114x692, 557:346, dc2f0e5c10e5e9859c0a96d42e….jpg)

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29686c  No.13860238






WE SHALL END LIBERTY, Gun Control, Right to vote, Thousands of laws on the books


POVERTY OUR WEAPON, 580,466 people homeless in America



MASSES LED BY LIES, Who Controls The Media?


UNIVERSAL WAR, Think POTUS trying to remove troops from Afghanistan





4. The GOYIM are a flock of sheep, and we are their wolves. And you know what happens when the wolves get hold of the flock? …, THEY CALL YOU SHEEP, THEY CALL YOU CATTLE, THEY CALL YOU GOYIM'''

7. For what purpose then have we invented this whole policy and insinuated it into the minds of the GOY without giving them any chance to examine its underlying meaning? For what, indeed, if not in order to obtain in a roundabout way what is for our scattered tribe unattainable by the direct road? It is this which has served as the basis for our organization of SECRET MASONRY WHICH IS NOT KNOWN TO, AND AIMS WHICH ARE NOT EVEN SO MUCH AS SUSPECTED BY, THESE "GOY" CATTLE, ATTRACTED BY US INTO THE "SHOW" ARMY OF MASONIC LODGES IN ORDER TO THROW DUST IN THE EYES OF THEIR FELLOWS.







4. We have done our best, and I hope we have succeeded to obtain that the GOYIM should not arrive at this means of contending with sedition. It was for this reason that through the Press and in speeches, indirectly - in cleverly compiled school-books on history, we have advertised the martyrdom alleged to have been accredited by sedition-mongers for the idea of the commonweal.This advertisement has increased the contingent of liberals and has brought thousands of GOYIM into the ranks of our livestock cattle, THEY CALL YOU SHEEP, THEY CALL YOU CATTLE, THEY CALL YOU GOYIM. GETTING THE POINT OF WHOM Q WAS REFERRING TO YET??'''

Signed by the representative of Zion, of the 33rd Degree THEY ARE ALL THE SAME. MASONS, ELDERS, JEWS.

Now, after reading just these few excerpts can you still say "It's not the Jews?"

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f45d9c  No.13860239

What is vault 7 ?

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6c7ae3  No.13860241

File: 79e12354f67f978⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1500x845, 300:169, 79e12354f67f9789a7b37f5dd3….png)


>How are you doing anons?

Pretty good. How's your night going?

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2b4581  No.13860242


you don't get it. read again, slower

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2dd5dc  No.13860244



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2f1879  No.13860245


Stop promoting black females. Enough already. Push back against their agenda, don't support it.

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03c6da  No.13860246

File: 1324cb8dbc046b5⋯.png (561.65 KB, 810x792, 45:44, good.png)

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8e0a10  No.13860247

File: 60793e75e6cce48⋯.jpeg (4.65 KB, 213x167, 213:167, th.jpeg)


Mordecai ain't gonna like this.

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f45d9c  No.13860248

Who is vault 7 ?

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2dd5dc  No.13860249


Comfy for sure

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f45d9c  No.13860251


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ac9b78  No.13860252

File: dac65172d78a2fc⋯.png (803.94 KB, 779x781, 779:781, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 74e39689499582a⋯.png (108.93 KB, 757x796, 757:796, ClipboardImage.png)

I bet the plan goes back at least 18 years ago and white hats knew then that fauci was going to be point man at this time in the future.

Made sure there was a phone call 18 years earlier accusing him of malfeasance.


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4c7d88  No.13860253


Better than the Americans who were shot up in Vegas

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2ce97b  No.13860254

File: fe202b1766865bc⋯.png (362.48 KB, 652x686, 326:343, Screenshot_2021_06_08_at_2….png)




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f45d9c  No.13860255

Who is voting with vault 7 ?

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8e0a10  No.13860256



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db626c  No.13860257

File: 9782895d2514e8f⋯.png (966.51 KB, 975x426, 325:142, ClipboardImage.png)

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dc9e4a  No.13860258


your legs are open

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eb08b7  No.13860259

File: 49218103c85b99b⋯.png (2.91 MB, 2772x1790, 1386:895, GoodbyeThatNeverEnds.png)

Shills STILL proving every day this site and the world awakening is their greatest fear.

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fe9003  No.13860261



Why remove the "I" from "Important Context"?

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f45d9c  No.13860262


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040fe5  No.13860264

File: 94dbf2490edb86c⋯.jpg (99.82 KB, 1080x550, 108:55, Screenshot_20210608_193840….jpg)

File: 1b1883d3413b96f⋯.jpg (77.9 KB, 1080x435, 72:29, Screenshot_20210608_194049….jpg)


FYI baker (stonks/hcq)

. . .



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70f28f  No.13860265

File: 50a731bbfe90bd6⋯.jpg (134.92 KB, 500x661, 500:661, Terminator_2.jpg)

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fd9581  No.13860266

File: 25c3139210ee943⋯.png (69.98 KB, 228x141, 76:47, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4bd294e9d1c8c1a⋯.png (51.49 KB, 224x225, 224:225, ClipboardImage.png)

Hey Newfag!

You just walked into a board with many Jewish Gatekeeper shills.

Be aware that they are Israel-first. The worst one is AFLB who is not American, and doesn't even live in America.

This poisonous cunt spams the bread with 50+ venomous posts attacking anons all day, every day. and/or long winded Jewish MindFuck gibberish words along with repetitive nonsense images.

Your job is simple.

Figure out which ones are the Jewish Gatekeeper shills trying to control the narrative, and telling you to "Filter" any posts that expose Organized Jewish Cabal Subversion of America.

*Easy to Spot them: Long winded, condescending, culturally tone-deaf, and lots of "Jew'splaining" because they're pushing their Israeli perspective which falls flat on Americans.

They are also the only ones who appeal to "Newfags" because they know that they can't fool the Oldfags.

The Jewish Denial ploy is to falsely conflate Jewish Lies with a few Truths like this:

1. "It's isn't the Jews"

2. "Trump is the greatest President"

The Jewish Shill thinks you Goyim are stupid.

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f45d9c  No.13860267

pratt and whiteny

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fd9581  No.13860268

File: c97f93bfe6c2cb3⋯.png (90.95 KB, 178x283, 178:283, ClipboardImage.png)



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70f28f  No.13860269

File: 67d8a41232e0404⋯.jpg (11.62 KB, 474x352, 237:176, alucard8.jpg)

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8e0a10  No.13860270

File: 00425704d7c5794⋯.jpeg (6.57 KB, 258x173, 258:173, th.jpeg)

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562821  No.13860272

File: bde8ddf4ee5eba6⋯.jpg (54.52 KB, 455x418, 455:418, SmartSelect_20201006_14165….jpg)

File: 478b1552348020e⋯.jpg (266.33 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, 91m6fOTesqL_SL1500_.jpg)

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f45d9c  No.13860273

July 4th Celebration

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8ff227  No.13860274

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sam Cooper: Inside Communist China's Hidden Ties to Canada’s Criminal Underworld | TEASER

Jun 8, 2021

American Thought Leaders - The Epoch Times

349K subscribers


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2ce97b  No.13860275

File: 0f5d0b5ed94d926⋯.png (489.83 KB, 828x636, 69:53, 0f5d0b5ed94d92601664a07114….png)

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9914c4  No.13860277

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31f6e8  No.13860278


That’s from august 2020?

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380748  No.13860279

File: 4f1b2dad9871273⋯.jpg (18.6 KB, 360x358, 180:179, EOCopykUEAAgH8i.jpg)


Cozy AF!

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dc9e4a  No.13860280

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

shills be like…

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126936  No.13860281

>>13860065 pb

>Welcome to Stormfront Anons

Thanks. Very cozy.

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3e890b  No.13860282

File: bfeed6c3d1e81e5⋯.gif (2.55 MB, 496x498, 248:249, tenor.gif)

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70f28f  No.13860283

File: 57ec1d9723cca3e⋯.jpg (105.83 KB, 498x699, 166:233, pink_lightning.jpg)

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8b76ec  No.13860284

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4c7d88  No.13860285


EDDF…..my enemies can GFT

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8e0a10  No.13860287

File: 72053738a426e4a⋯.jpg (10.21 KB, 189x255, 63:85, 1e5e957c4ceeee01332695d2e5….jpg)


Cry more, Moshe.

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dea261  No.13860288


Why don’t we have a vaccine for every infectious disease?

For some diseases, it’s a question of difficulty.

HIV, for instance, can insert itself into the genetic material of your cells and hide there undetected. Other viruses, like dengue, have multiple strains, which makes it very difficult to create a vaccine that covers them all. With other pathogens, the problem is mutation: continual morphing means that the immune system essentially encounters a new threat every single time, making past exposure count for nothing. This is why the common cold is so problematic.


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8b129d  No.13860289

File: 4695d2a31d08da5⋯.png (46.88 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Tranparent_Kraken.png)

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ff251a  No.13860290


I see the discussion here about chlorine dioxide. Isn't this the stuff falsely called "bleach". It is used in water purification all the time.

I believe it also breaks down glyphosate in the body. Stephanie Seneff believes glyphosate can substitute for glycine in proteins leading to connective tissue problems. Apparently chlorine dioxide is effective in helping the body to eliminate glyphosate.

Here is a quick description of one of the possible modes of glyphosate toxicity:


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db626c  No.13860292

File: ab167ede78ea23f⋯.png (1.26 MB, 900x517, 900:517, ClipboardImage.png)


I thought she was stoned at first

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92d888  No.13860293





[P] = poop eating Kike Paysuer Pope.

it is known

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040fe5  No.13860294

File: 27b6fdd163a845d⋯.jpg (320.16 KB, 1600x1436, 400:359, img_2021_01_09_09_59_03.jpg)


Correct it is, and?

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70f28f  No.13860295

File: 95e6e24e0e47dc0⋯.jpg (82.67 KB, 500x508, 125:127, BOOM_2.jpg)

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c662f3  No.13860296

File: 9ac3cf8ead13f64⋯.png (429.05 KB, 995x862, 995:862, ClipboardImage.png)

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c662f3  No.13860297

File: b7883e89dfb85ff⋯.png (233.64 KB, 1037x1459, 1037:1459, b7883e89dfb85ff76753108595….png)

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3743b2  No.13860298


>the ban happy fucktard who can't handle dissent

Welcome to the free speech board.

A lot has changed around here. Complete 180.

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50c57d  No.13860299

Tucker has said qanon three times now in this segment

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2b4581  No.13860301


in what context?

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db626c  No.13860302

File: 8f9086a588d1df9⋯.png (829.07 KB, 474x659, 474:659, ClipboardImage.png)

Baiters gonna bait

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2b9cff  No.13860303


Cuz [they] don't have an "i" of there own and have to M-port ants (us) to forge paperwork.

Harder the decode the better?

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7e1aed  No.13860304

File: a27376e45042ea3⋯.png (542.76 KB, 2000x2270, 200:227, Mandatory_vaccines_at_LSU_….png)

Mandatory vaccines at LSU? Attorney general says not legal

Jeff Landry, LA Attorney General Jun 8, 2021



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a81a0c  No.13860305



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0c5a7c  No.13860306


Masters series..

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80827d  No.13860307

File: 9ffb6e16889692f⋯.png (650.11 KB, 788x764, 197:191, 0000000000000000000000000o….png)


Night Shift and Lily Pads!

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2ce97b  No.13860309

File: 099ccd8843ca7c9⋯.png (149.05 KB, 652x666, 326:333, Screenshot_2021_06_08_at_2….png)


Russia state-affiliated media

#BREAKING | Syrian Air Defenses repel 'Israeli aggression' in sky over Damascus, state media report



Hold the line anons

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50c57d  No.13860310


He is talking about Insurrection Day but of course he is sarcastically adding it using the left words about that day

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77cfe7  No.13860311

File: 0ea7161f4a139ee⋯.png (211.28 KB, 581x469, 83:67, hugh.png)

"Hugh Auchincloss Jr. was born to Hugh Auchincloss Sr. (1938−1998) and Katharine Lawrence Bundy. His mother was the daughter of lawyer Harvey Hollister Bundy and granddaughter of banker William Lowell Putnam. Auchincloss Sr. was a longtime surgeon at Columbia University and The Valley Hospital. His father is the first cousin once-removed of stockbroker Hugh D. Auchincloss."

hugh d. auchincloss would be jackie onassis' stepfather, btw.

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8e0a10  No.13860312

File: 3971e1184fb9c68⋯.jpg (29.45 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Red_Grant_Robert_Shaw_Prof….jpg)


Effective at what, exactly?

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fd9581  No.13860313

File: 05d702505d9be64⋯.png (123.7 KB, 183x275, 183:275, ClipboardImage.png)


>And it is Nazi. Banned words, banned thoughts, only those that agree can post without being banned).


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b078a4  No.13860314

File: be42ed44da1fb8a⋯.mp4 (3.51 MB, 360x360, 1:1, be42ed44da1fb8a153361217a7….mp4)

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80827d  No.13860316

File: 311d6239b52104f⋯.jpeg (16.48 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 311d6239b52104f1b87713d85….jpeg)


Knew it!

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f9f789  No.13860318

File: 7bbc455fa34dbe1⋯.jpg (335.32 KB, 1192x670, 596:335, Polish_20210608_195108408.jpg)

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70f28f  No.13860320

File: ea971805eea9de6⋯.jpg (149.12 KB, 597x475, 597:475, best_actor.jpg)

File: cab4fd036254254⋯.jpg (110.31 KB, 702x455, 54:35, number_6.jpg)

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815ae7  No.13860321


>This is how Soros kills the last MAGA voices.

The ADL says Soros is Jewish and anyone who talks badly about him is a Nazi, so you are a Nazi hatemonger, so congratulations for BTFO'ing yourself.

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f45d9c  No.13860322


y National File Monday, November 30, 2020

In a groundbreaking interview with WVW-TV, retired Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney described a raid in which U.S. Special Operations Forces successfully seized Dominion Voting System servers held in a CIA “server farm” facility in Frankfurt, Germany.

The former General also suggested that the term “Kraken,” widely used by Attorney Sidney Powell, is referring to the 305th Military Intelligence Battalion, which is located on Fort Huachuca, Arizona. McInerney clarified that Powell had been using data provided by the 305th, and others, as fuel for legal battles, including her Georgia lawsuit, which alleges that the Chinese, Russians, and Iranians used Dominion to interfere in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election.

https ://www.newswars.com/the-kraken-retired-general-says-us-military-intel-group-nicknamed-kraken-seized-dominion-servers-in-germany/

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fd9581  No.13860324

File: e47284e4516ff45⋯.png (143.76 KB, 299x168, 299:168, ClipboardImage.png)


>I am satisfied that I am so effective


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3e890b  No.13860325


Nice vibe

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4e4fba  No.13860327

File: fe597c07679513f⋯.jpeg (18.26 KB, 600x600, 1:1, C0A7AEAA_9D14_4AF3_BD8E_1….jpeg)


We are patiently awaiting JUSTICE!

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70f28f  No.13860328

File: ff0776a6cfa0cf7⋯.jpg (67.11 KB, 609x398, 609:398, cat_bake.jpg)

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8e0a10  No.13860329

File: 13f8cf85ce8388e⋯.jpg (272.5 KB, 638x960, 319:480, image.jpg)

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f45d9c  No.13860331


When WVW-TV’s Brannon Howse pushed, “But you are saying that it was a CIA facility, and that was where the server was taken from, by these special forces, was a CIA facility in Germany?” McInerney responded saying, “Yes. That’s correct. Frankfurt, Germany.

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1eda16  No.13860332


Would post some for y’all, but Anon’s have gone MIA of late…

Per chance fellow Anon would like to indulge us with theirs?

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58fe37  No.13860333


bo owns the whitelist

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2dd5dc  No.13860334


o7 anon


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9a9991  No.13860336

File: 76d8402938b93c9⋯.png (8.5 KB, 255x255, 1:1, ac0a0f64dc42f1728b7aaa4e98….png)

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8e0a10  No.13860337

File: 364d4a8d03bbb38⋯.jpeg (32.25 KB, 359x474, 359:474, a6b3634232c5ca5b0dbec7c85….jpeg)


Prove someone has been banned, Chaim.

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4c7d88  No.13860338


an invisible boogyman context

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ae090a  No.13860339


FIRST ON 3: '''Late-night flights carrying migrant children arrive in Chattanooga

Chattanooga’s Wilson Air Center is receiving planes carrying migrant children who are being bused to multiple southeastern cities during overnight hours.'''

Wednesday, May 19th 2021, 2:31 PM EDT

Updated: Thursday, May 20th 2021, 5:14 AM EDT

Correction: A previous version of this story identified a bus company involved as Little Rock Tours. Little Rock Coaches owns the bus seen in the video obtained by Channel 3. Little Rock Tours was not involved with the coordination or transport of migrant children from Wilson Air Center.

Chattanooga’s Wilson Air Center is receiving planes carrying migrant children who are being bused to multiple southeastern cities during overnight hours.

Channel 3 obtained video of one of those planes arriving Friday, May 14 shortly before 1:30 a.m.

A second video, shared with Channel 3, shows more children arriving late Saturday night. According to the source who provided the video, a third plane carrying children arrived Friday afternoon. Flight records confirm that a fourth plane arrived early Wednesday morning, May 19.

The video obtained by Channel 3, shows children who appear to be in their early teens carrying matching bags. The children then boarded buses, which were staged on the runway. Two of the four buses seen in the video are owned by Coast to Coast Tours of East Point, Georgia.

According to a Coast-to-Coast employee, the buses were dispatched to Chattanooga as part of a contract with the United States Department of Defense. The employee says this was the first time the company had been asked to pick up migrant children in Chattanooga. In the past, the company’s drivers have traveled to Mobile, Alabama, and Atlanta to transport children, according to the employee.

“They don’t give us very much information,” the employee told Channel 3.

She confirmed the two buses seen in the video left Chattanooga for Miami, Florida, and Dallas, Texas. She added that the children are not allowed to get off the bus during the trip and three or four chaperones, who are not employed by the bus company are onboard at all times. She says the bus company requires chaperones when transporting “children under the age of 18.”

Channel 3 reached out to Knoxville Tours, Little Rock Coaches, and Malone Bussing Services, all of which Channel 3 confirmed assisted over the weekend, but we have not heard back. Malone Bussing Services is located in Cleveland, Tennessee.

A source with direct knowledge of the operation asked to remain anonymous but tells Channel 3 that approximately 30 to 50 minors are transported at a time, some to reunite with family members and others to go to group homes. He says the operation started in Dallas, Texas, but moved to small airports recently to avoid attention.



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7e1aed  No.13860340

Democrats push bill aimed at family that owns Purdue Pharma

Jun 8, 2021

A congressional committee heard grievances Tuesday against the owners of OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma as it considered longshot legislation that would keep them from using a corporate bankruptcy as a shield for personal liability.

Rep. Carolyn Maloney called two state attorneys general, opioid activists and an author to lay out the case against members of the Sackler family who own the Connecticut-based pharmaceutical giant, which has twice pleaded guilty to criminal charges related to marketing OxyContin.



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2b9cff  No.13860341

File: 608185abe5547e6⋯.png (557.18 KB, 889x500, 889:500, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f83649397bcd031⋯.mp4 (380.73 KB, 888x474, 148:79, scavino_lightning_tweet.mp4)

File: 020ff84c7c55b28⋯.png (45.83 KB, 338x696, 169:348, ClipboardImage.png)


Oh, forgot about this.

What the hell was Iridium again?

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f45d9c  No.13860342


Dominion Voting System servers

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80827d  No.13860343

File: 6116b764944d50b⋯.jpg (7.34 KB, 225x224, 225:224, 0000001.jpg)


Pope = papacy, papal royal bloodlines, papal royal orders Knights of Malta and papal orders such as the Jesuits and yes even the Court Factors and/or Court Jew such as the Rothschild fam and George Soros.

Don't Pigeon hole Anon, Scro!


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fd9581  No.13860344

File: a5ce604a208c3a9⋯.png (93.09 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)


Truth about the Organized Jewish Cabal Conspiracy to Subvert America is TRUTH.

Only a lying Jew would call the Truth about Jewish Criminals "jew hate".

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58fe37  No.13860345

>>13859838 lb

>oss bv

>Glad to be back anons, the more they threaten and try to shut us down, the more I know we are here for a reason. o7


you (plural) are here to a reason all right

just not the same reason patriots are here

u and bo have wrecked the place - even so, anons remain.

u will lost in the end

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ae090a  No.13860346


(cont… page 2)

Chattanooga Airport spokesperson Albert Waterhouse says the airport is not involved with the coordination of the operation.

“Wilson Air Center Chattanooga is a fixed base operator that provides only the necessary operational support, such as fueling and other ground services, to inbound and outbound aircraft,” said Waterhouse.

Channel 3 submitted a request to the Department of Defense about the efforts. A spokesperson directed us to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

“From what I can tell, these were flights facilitated by HHS,” said LTC Chris Mitchell, Department of Defense Spokesperson. “The only support DoD is providing with respect to the unaccompanied minors is land and facilities for HHS to temporarily house them.”

Channel 3 has reached out to HHS for comment but has not yet heard back.

In April, HHS confirmed a group of unaccompanied minors is being housed at a former Tennessee Temple dormitory in Highland Park. It is not clear how many of the children who have arrived in Chattanooga in recent days have been transported to that facility, but multiple sources say at least ten boys from the group were taken to the facility.

Brittany Faith, an immigration attorney at Grant Konvalinka & Harrison, P.C. in Chattanooga and the board chair of La Paz told Channel 3 in April the space would house all-male children, likely teenagers.

That program is being managed by the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) within the Administration for Children and Families (ACF), an operational division of HHS. The building being used in Chattanooga is owned by Redemptions to the Nations Church and was leased to the Baptiste Group, a non-profit that provides unification services for children displaced from their families.

Channel 3 has reached out to elected officials to ask if they are aware of Chattanooga being used as a hub for transporting migrant children.

3rd District Congressman Chuck Fleischmann says he was contacted by a concerned citizen who “raised concerns based on alleged first-hand knowledge” of the weekend flights. Fleischmann said he is working to verify the details to gain a better understanding.

“There has been no indication that the time of day for the arrival of these migrant children is related to anything more than the processing time at the original point of entry border station, confirmation of available shelter, and the availability of the sufficient transports,” Fleischmann said, adding that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) does not provide members of Congress with notice on the transport of migrants.

Fleischmann added, “As the Ranking Member of the US House of Representatives’ Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee, I continue to seek answers from this Administration on how they plan to deal with the crisis their policies have caused at the border. As part of this effort, I will continue to demand that the Administration provide details on how they plan to account for and provide shelter to these migrant children pouring across our border while also ensuring that local communities do not absorb the financial and health costs associated with the Administration’s policies.”

U.S. Senator Bill Hagerty said he was not aware of the flights into Chattanooga, but said, “It is time for President Biden to be transparent with Tennesseans and the American people regarding where the hundreds of thousands of migrants being resettled in the United States are being sent because they deserve to know.”

U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn shared a statement Wednesday afternoon, saying she was unaware of the operation in Tennessee.

“Our office has received no information from the Biden Administration informing us of a mass transportation of migrants to Tennessee," said Blackburn. "It is absolutely unacceptable if the Biden Administration is facilitating a mass migration without any input or oversight from Tennesseans and the affected communities.”



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cdc063  No.13860347


AZ recount conclusion

Que a Mideast war?

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2dd5dc  No.13860348

File: 5843316af704a8d⋯.png (236.39 KB, 500x250, 2:1, 38B14322_2239_4ED2_BCDA_45….png)


Let’s see what happens

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58fe37  No.13860349

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70f28f  No.13860350

File: 44de05acbf191f0⋯.jpg (126.6 KB, 499x665, 499:665, tryna_SOS.jpg)

File: 50f1e4c6486e096⋯.jpg (184.65 KB, 499x835, 499:835, LORD_MATSYA.jpg)

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8ff227  No.13860351



didn't it have something to do with satelites or missiles?

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466f12  No.13860352

THIS IS "(You)r "DAILY BREAD""!™~ All ["Your"] Fake News and People Are Belong to Us.

Highlights for 8.6.2021 Anons/Bakers Provide Input Within ~ "Q Research Kitchen Meta": >>13699763

New Bakers Go Here... ( >>13699763 , >>13708878, >>13708881 New Baker ~ >>13699763, >>13738593, >>13738605, >>13738608, >>13738623 Apprentice Baker

Q's Private Board

>>>/projectdcomms/ & Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

Previously Collected Notables As of 8.6.2021~ A "Global Review" Of Daily Events. ~ "Tracking Events so You Don't Have To!"

> (So HARD! {KEK!})

Because (You)'re Worth Making Life Easier For.™

Tuesday 8.6.2021

#17541-46 MIA

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>13856231, #17540

>>13856104 #17537, >>13856103, #17538, >>13856103, #17539

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Tuesday 8.6.2021

Monday 7.6.2021

>>13856104 #17536,

>>13850414 #17533, >>13851200 #17534, >>13851965 #17535

>>13850200 #17531/1, >>13850649 #17531/2, >>13850093 #17532 in #17533

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>13846403 #17528, >>13847227 #17529, >>13848003 #17530

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Monday 7.6.2021

Sunday 6.6.2021

>>13844197 #17525, >>13844965 #17526, >>13846798 #17527

>>13841828 #17522, >>13842872 #17523, >>13843437 #17524

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>13841058 #17521

>>13838783 #17518, >>13839502 #17519, >>13840246 #17520

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Sunday 6.6.2021

Saturday 5.6.2021

>>13841657 #17516, >>13844477 #17517

>>13834861 #17513, >>13835645 #17514, >>13836421 #17515

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>13834013 #17512

>>13833637 #17509, >>13832468 #17510, >>13833231 #17511

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Saturday 5.6.2021

Friday 4.6.2021

>>13829388 #17506, >>13830674 #17507, >>13833600 #17508

>>13827879 #17504, >>13828541 #17504, >>13829379 #17505

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>13829095 #17503

>>13824648 #17500, >>13825425 #17501, >>13826172 #17502

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Friday 4.6.2021

Thursday 3.6.2021

>>13822224 #17497, >>13828461 #17498, >>13828910 #17499

>>13819983 #17494, >>13820614 #17495, >>13821406 #17496

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>13817432 #17491, >>13821092 #17492, >>13819065 #17493

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Thursday 3.6.2021

Wednesday 2.6.2021

>>13815152 #17488, >>13815947 #17489, >>13816707 #17490

>>13813021 #17485, >>13813644 #17486, >>13814483 #17487

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>13813630 #17484

>>13809599 #17481, >>13811325 #17482, >>13811321 #17483

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Wednesday 2.6.2021

Tuesday 1.6.2021

>>13808036 #17479, >>13808834 317480

>>13805868 #17476, >>13806459 #17477, >>13807280 #17478

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>13803369 #17473, >>13804130 #17474, >>13804906 #17475

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Tuesday 1.6.2021

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ff251a  No.13860353



This is your problem right here.

Vaccines are not pillar of public health they are a pillar of pharmaceutical control.

The standard of safety and efficacy for a product to be taken while well to protect you from a hypothesized or theoretical risk should be INSANELY high to even be considered. The fact that a Merck Quality Control officer did not vaccinate his own children should tell you all you need to know about those "soft kill" injections affectionately known as "vaccines".

Remember, Hillary wanted to import them from China with NO QUALITY CONTROL what-so-ever.


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466f12  No.13860354

Monday 31.5.2021

>>13801859 #17471, >>13802641 #17472

>>13799269 #17468, >>13800906 #17469, >>13801023 #17470

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>13797820 #17466, >>13798623 #17467

>>13795511 #17463, >>13796267 #17464, >>13797043 #17465

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Monday 31.5.2021

Sunday 30.5.2021

>>13793451 #17460, >>13794010 #17461, >>13794760 #17462

>>13794186 #17457, >>13794502 #17458, >>13794746 #17459

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>13794121 #17456

>>13786848 #17553, >>13788293 #17454, >>13793855 #17455

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Sunday 30.5.2021

Saturday 29.5.2021

>>13785625 #17452

>>13785198 #17450\1, >>13785199 #17450\2, >>13786038 #17451

>>13784472 #17449\1, >>13784474 #17449\2, >>13784477 #17449\3

>>13782126 #17447, >>13783681 #17448\1, >>13783684 #17448\2

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>13782124 #17446

>>13779670 #17443, >>13780533 #17444, >>13781326 #17445

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Saturday 29.5.2021

Friday 28.5.2021

>>13777909 #17441, >>13778159 #17442

>>13774589 #17438, >>13774563 #17439, >>13775421 #17440

>>13774386 #17435, >>13772899 #17436, >>13773837 #17437

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>13774381 #17434

>>13774310 #17431, >>UnCollected #17432, >>13774319 #17433

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Friday 28.5.2021

Thursday 27.5.2021

>>13774297 #17429, >>13774303 #17430

>>13764915 #17426, >>13765710 #17427, >>13766470 #17428

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>13764116 #17425,

>>13761780 #17422, >>13762629 #17423, >>13763872 #17424

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Thursday 27.5.2021

Wednesday 26.5.2021

>>13760240 #17420, >>13761002 #17421

>>13757839 #17417, >>13758897 #17418, >>13759428 #17419

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>13757120 #17416

>>13756302 #17413, >>13755277 #17414, >>13756448 #17415

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Wednesday 26.5.2021

Tuesday 25.5.2021

>>13752185 #17410, >>13753021 #17411, >>13753843 #17412

>>13751241 #17407, >>13751241 17408, >>13751404 #17409

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>13748099 #17405\2, >>13748844 #17406

>>13747405 #17404\1, >>13747407 #17404\2, >>13748098 #17405\1

>>13746519 #17403\1, >>13746524 #17403\2, >>13747405 #17404\1

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Tuesday 25.5.2021

Monday 24.5.2021

>>13745734 #17402

>>13743836 #17400, >>13744598 #17401\1, >>13744820 #17401\2

>>13741745 #17397, >>13742529 #17398, >>13743300 #17399

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>13741718 #17396

>>13738554 #17393, >>13739322 #17394, >>13740088 #17395

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Monday 24.5.2021

All Your Base are Belong To Us.



>Godspeed 07™

Thank You Bakers And Note Takers\Collectors\Memers that make this possible.

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fd9581  No.13860355

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3 Jews With A WUHAN Plan To Kill Americans


Lieber was paid $1.5 Million Dollars, plus $50,000.00 per month.

Lieber Received a prestigious Award from ISRAEL.

*Developed a BioElectric Nanotech that can enter human cells with 2 way communication that can respond to 5G.

President Trump called President Xi to tell him personally that he had Dr. Lieber Arrested. This is moar significant than most people realize. Not the arrest itself, but the fact that POTUS requested to speak to Xi to tell him about it.

April 6, 2020:FBI Arrests Dr. Charles Lieber for Selling Covid-19 to China?https://www.dailyustimes.com/fbi-arrests-charles-lieber-for-selling-the-covid-19-to-china/


He has made $200Billion Dollars so far.. Quantum Dot Luciferase Mark of the Beast.

You can't travel without a Vaccine Certificate.


Wuxi Pharmatech Also Has American Laboratory locations in Texas, Maryland, New Jersey, California, Minnesota… that research and MANUFACTURE "cell & gene therapies", and "antibodies".

*Is this how Coronavirus was sprinkled spread all over the US?

*Soros may be a front for the Rothschilds. I think it will come out that Dr. CHARLES LIEBER created the Wuhan Corona virus, and developed the Bioelectric Nanotech that enters human cells to respond to 5G.  

Both have the Same Symptoms, so 5G deaths can be falsely blamed on the Flu-like Coronavirus.

*That's why POTUS called Xi to personally tell him about (((Dr. Lieber)))s arrest. It's a Big Deal Arrest. (1949 Rothschild Jews $$$Funded Mao, and Sent Jewish Advisors to Mao for the  Marxist Communist Takeover of China)The "Little Red Book" that Mao forced every Chinese citizen to read was KARL MARX translated into Chinese.

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7dcf17  No.13860356

File: b8d22d3f44e9334⋯.png (95.03 KB, 629x670, 629:670, Screenshot_2021_06_08_2059….png)

▶LB >>13860125

I wasn't aware the UN could beat the U.S. military.

All they are good at , as far as I know, is sending pedo into third world countries

Who would they send?

Where would they station?

How would they get supplies and work around U.S. military

Sounds like a wet dream of the Deep State and highly unlikely.

That's why they chose "Pandemic"

Yarp. His main acct on Telegram is here:


Just in the past couple of weeks it seems as if he's gone off the rails. Disinfo is necessary.

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e1418f  No.13860357


If only jr had half the IQ of his dad

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7e1aed  No.13860358

File: 8e252b0fa66c6d0⋯.jpg (371.37 KB, 800x533, 800:533, ns.jpg)

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449a28  No.13860360


Filter anyone who starts their copypastas with attention newfags. Nothing of value will be lost.

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80827d  No.13860361

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


OSS banned Q!


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12dd34  No.13860363

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Watch: Kamala Harris Snaps At NBC Host After Being Caught In Border Lie

Things aren't going so well for Vice President Kamala Harris during her Guatemala trip, where as we observed earlier she went full Trump mode in a speech before Guatemalan press: "…I want to be clear to folks in this region who are thinking about making that dangerous trek to the United States Mexico border: Do not come, do not come," she said.

Simultaneously NBC News published a sit-down interview between Harris and news anchor Lester Holt which took place during the trip. He pressed her on why she hadn't visited the border and that's where things quickly got testy…

Given she was recently "put in charge" of the crisis, Holt had asked simply whether she had any near future plans to visit the US-Mexico border - a line of inquiry which she clearly took offense to.

"We are going to the border, we’ve been to the border. So this whole – this whole thing about the border, we’ve been to the border, we’ve been to the border," Harris said

"You haven’t been to the border," Holt accurately shot back.

A visibly upset Harris then came back with a retort that was awkward at best: "And I haven’t been to Europe, and I don’t understand the point that you’re making," she snapped. "I’m not discounting the importance of the border," she claimed while continuing to lose her cool.

WATCH → Kamala Harris jokes that she hasn’t been to Europe either when even NBC News confronted her about why she still hasn’t visited the border.

This is a crisis we’re talking about—not a vacation. pic.twitter.com/YTMhtP6s1F

— Steve Scalise (@SteveScalise) June 8, 2021

Her irritation appeared to stem from being caught in the lie, given the whole tense exchange had been kicked off with the following:

"The question that has come up and you heard it here and you’ll hear it again I’m sure, is, ‘Why not visit the border? Why not see what Americans are seeing in this crisis?'" Holt wondered aloud.

"Well, we are going to the border," Harris responded. "We have to deal with what’s happening at the border, there’s no question about that. That’s not a debatable point. But we have to understand that there’s a reason people are arriving at our border and ask what is that reason and then identify the problem so we can fix it."

As we noted earlier, Kamala Harris's enormous ego and disturbing lack of self-awareness had quite the weekend.

I thought someone gave Kamala cookies that look like her.

That would've been a cute gift.

Instead, she gave cookies that look like her to other people.

That's a narcissistic AF and a totally weird gift. https://t.co/cyeW2ZvmFK

— Lauren Chen (@TheLaurenChen) June 7, 2021

For one, while en route to Guatemala she walked to the back of Air Force 2 on D-Day and handed out cookies of herself donning a distinctive pearl necklace and frosted face, prompting condemnation and ridicule from Twitter users far and wide.

Then, upon touching down in Guatemala to meet with foreign leaders about what can be done to stem the influx of illegal immigrants into the United States, the Vice President was greeted by protesters bearing signs. "Trump Won" , "Stop Funding Criminals" , and "Kamala Go Home" were among them, according to the Floridian Press.


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0c5a7c  No.13860364


I was.

Ban lapsed. But then reinforced just within the past few days. Not sure why. I suspect douche-bags are behind it.

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1eda16  No.13860365


I wouldn’t - e.coli doesn’t taste too nice…

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a81a0c  No.13860366

File: 8e3de79bfe4abff⋯.png (933.83 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 3ae71bec2f3bc18cf85baa8691….png)

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61eb74  No.13860367


The satellite network, the browser or the metal common in asteroids and pen tips?

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afe5aa  No.13860368

File: fbaf454c0763768⋯.png (335.5 KB, 500x500, 1:1, MrMuhJooShow.png)

File: cc100030818a233⋯.png (388.59 KB, 1400x818, 700:409, MrMuhJooReadQ.png)

File: a33c2df508f58c1⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1800x882, 100:49, MrMuhjooAllJews.png)

File: 1295da9d12df71f⋯.png (167.28 KB, 591x300, 197:100, MrMuhjooYDIA.png)

File: 5a770c680b9e02c⋯.jpg (82.19 KB, 654x500, 327:250, NCStop.jpg)


So, this is A-OK with the Board Commisar.

And this isn't…?

(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST: Saying MUH JOO on a research board)
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630b8a  No.13860369

File: 57666534d589328⋯.png (341.47 KB, 826x217, 118:31, 57666534d5893289115ccaad8a….png)


>Former Obama AG

Former AG

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449a28  No.13860370



Spotted tranime

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dc9e4a  No.13860371

woohoo theDaily Breadis back.

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126936  No.13860372

File: 2aee5a83d45ef03⋯.jpeg (10.75 KB, 189x267, 63:89, download_2.jpeg)

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174124  No.13860373

File: 3b1f66f212d8b04⋯.png (106.82 KB, 300x483, 100:161, 8beaf1747602f509fcc1276e19….png)

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58fe37  No.13860374


nothing wrong with old banner

just another ploy to divide and rule

one Q post interpreted to have certain implications that likely to well beyond anything Q intended

Q seeks unity not division

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2ce97b  No.13860375

File: 230fdb166c23b5a⋯.png (571.48 KB, 652x712, 163:178, Screenshot_2021_06_08_at_2….png)



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9a9991  No.13860376

File: f90f45261a3ca03⋯.jpg (185.56 KB, 1414x1414, 1:1, GettyImages_186451069_58ea….jpg)

File: 6de0e46c537961c⋯.png (519.67 KB, 720x1520, 9:19, Screenshot_20210608_205929.png)

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29686c  No.13860377

File: 8c880ca6ac6eefd⋯.jpg (58.95 KB, 501x506, 501:506, 1616719372986.jpg)

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5a6543  No.13860378

the petulent shill is back? Banned but still posting.

I see all these broken links, indicated somethings been deleted.

and I notice the petulence of the one post shills.

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2b9cff  No.13860379

File: 6d39eedfcf3c82d⋯.png (355.31 KB, 896x983, 896:983, ClipboardImage.png)


Product in the manufacture of Steelers helmets?

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fe9003  No.13860380

File: 99c35d7ab069bd5⋯.png (297.7 KB, 440x865, 88:173, ClipboardImage.png)

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2dd5dc  No.13860381

File: eb4757157543100⋯.jpeg (21.5 KB, 400x255, 80:51, 3508641D_26DC_40D6_B0DF_6….jpeg)



Welcome back to the party.

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ae3515  No.13860382

File: ca191c508bd2861⋯.jpg (66.71 KB, 600x336, 25:14, 20210606_105945.jpg)

File: fe051324c2d27fc⋯.jpg (57.84 KB, 650x378, 325:189, 20210520_053736.jpg)

File: 69cf531d492c21b⋯.jpg (71.65 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 20210606_110309.jpg)

File: 0923eb532a4d00a⋯.jpg (112 KB, 824x548, 206:137, 20210528_074653.jpg)

File: 297ed6f8bd4b755⋯.jpg (150.42 KB, 800x558, 400:279, 20210528_074557.jpg)

Fellow Anons:

I can't stress this enough. BuyAMCstock. You can change your entire life!

AMChas experienced two "Gamma Squeezes"== in price already this year. The massive "Mother of all Short Squeezes"– is still to come.

There are trillions of naked short shares, iou's, failure to deliver, and synthetic shares in theAMCmarket due to the Hedge Fund Managers and corrupt brokerage houses. All of these short shares need to be "reconciled" and repurchased in the market as "cover buys" These fake short shares are hidden purposely to steal money from the average retail investor like us…aka the middle class.

There could be trillions of fake short shares that need to be reconciled. If these corrupt Hedge Funds and brokerage firms go bankrupt, each share is insured up to $500,000K. Once they go bankrupt, we just continue to hold our shares ofAMC.

When these Hedge Funds get "margin called", and they will, if we stick together and hold our shares…we can name our price.

BuyAMCstock now!!! It will change your life and destroy Wall Street Corruption.

May God bless you all!!!

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b078a4  No.13860383


You are safe i think. The shills pull further both narratives, BV can discern.

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b02881  No.13860384

File: 1d915afebbc6a00⋯.png (370.75 KB, 690x348, 115:58, Screen_Shot_2021_06_08_at_….png)

File: c27632027395c66⋯.png (266.89 KB, 662x314, 331:157, Screen_Shot_2021_06_08_at_….png)

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466f12  No.13860385

File: 28c10f2874bcc65⋯.jpeg (155.92 KB, 1125x1122, 375:374, east.jpeg)

>>13860352, >>13860354 Most Recent as of 8.6.21 ~ 24.5.21 - 8.6.21



>06, 501:506, 1616719372986.jpg) (h) (u)



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449a28  No.13860386


Reread drops

Rereread drops

Lurk moar

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9a9991  No.13860387

File: 3a41d4745ac033f⋯.jpg (24.13 KB, 255x238, 15:14, 2f6c5b32c2e01b43f5a6962014….jpg)

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5a6543  No.13860388




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80827d  No.13860389

File: 5a786f050eeb0a9⋯.jpg (100.1 KB, 630x631, 630:631, Q_1384_new_eyes_joining.jpg)

File: 5a85ed1cc3e6373⋯.png (66.58 KB, 908x944, 227:236, Q_1584_new_eyes.png)


You really should read the drops.

Not all copy pasta is shill copy pasta + New eyes.

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2b1695  No.13860390



und dann steckten sie sich einen apfel in den arsch und wanderten nach new jerusalem

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174124  No.13860392

File: de72c7fb6fa321d⋯.jpeg (138.76 KB, 1440x810, 16:9, 1538947549.jpeg)

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449a28  No.13860393


Need to addQTARDSto that checklist kek

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5a6543  No.13860394


if it is doing a turretsplanation, then I filter it.

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8e0a10  No.13860395

File: 662eaa0aeb73626⋯.jpg (11.71 KB, 255x171, 85:57, a236dcdb7a21135f0491a2b6ae….jpg)


You've proved nothing, coin clipper.

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1eda16  No.13860397


Mein Gott in Himmel…

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adcc5e  No.13860398

File: 64f6da7c45bfe92⋯.jpeg (173.63 KB, 705x939, 235:313, 254E44BB_F98C_40BF_B6CC_0….jpeg)

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85ba36  No.13860399

File: 361026b24324625⋯.jpg (40.89 KB, 800x418, 400:209, 49758_Jesus_crucifixion_12….jpg)


Listen, if a White person makes a sweeping generalization about Jews and you instantly get offended, you are the Jew we're talking about. Decent, honest Jews who haven't lived sinful lives won't feel the need to become fragile and feel attacked.

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0c5a7c  No.13860400


What’s up with that fuckers eyes?

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0d5da7  No.13860401



is that it? imagine corney

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12dd34  No.13860402

File: 87e6530dc45007b⋯.png (342.05 KB, 1090x1090, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c83f9605b9d09fe⋯.png (15.66 KB, 753x368, 753:368, ClipboardImage.png)

COVID-19 Vaccine Prices: Comparing the U.S. and EU

Over two billion COVID-19 vaccine doses have been administered around the world.

But the price governments have paid for the vaccine varies, depending on the region or country. Here’s a look at five major vaccine manufacturers, and their price per dose in the U.S. compared to the EU.

COVID-19 Vaccine Prices: Cost Per Dose

Generally speaking, the EU has paid significantly less than America for a range of COVID-19 vaccines. Pfizer has the biggest price gap, with the U.S. paying 32.1% more per dose.

There are a few factors that might explain the price difference. One is early funding—Germany donated millions towards Pfizer’s development.

And while the U.S. did commit to purchasing hundreds of millions of doses of the Pfizer vaccine, the country didn’t provide any funding for the vaccine’s actual development.

Moderna is the only vaccine on the list that is actually cheaper in the U.S., at $15.00 per dose. However, considering that Moderna’s CEO had initially predicted governments would be charged $25-$37 per dose, it looks like both the U.S. and EU managed to negotiate a good deal. Immunity is the Biggest Cost Saver

At the end of the day, the cost of the vaccine itself is pretty insignificant compared to the economic and emotional toll of an ongoing pandemic.

For instance, a study out of Harvard University estimated the total economic cost of COVID-19 in the U.S. to be in the $16.1 trillion range.


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8f1507  No.13860403



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a9dee8  No.13860405

File: 006f621d11d867c⋯.jpg (54.22 KB, 992x661, 992:661, mask.jpg)


Her face (mask) is literally melting.

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7e1aed  No.13860406

Retired Gen. McGuire jumps into Arizona Senate race

PHOENIX (AP) — Retired Maj. Gen. Michael “Mick” McGuire, who led the Arizona National Guard through the state’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, formally began his campaign for U.S. Senate on Tuesday, becoming the second major Republican looking to unseat Democrat Mark Kelly.

McGuire introduced himself with an online video highlighting his military career and presenting himself as a political outsider tired of “weak leaders” and “politicians who sit on the sidelines.”



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0d5da7  No.13860407


they are split mind… many such cases.

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4ef10e  No.13860408

File: ed9cd06bc08300d⋯.mp4 (6.2 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Macron_BFMTV.mp4)

The slap heard around the world

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ac9b78  No.13860409


Memphis - Fedex Hub

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9a9991  No.13860410

File: e72dbd2d6c0657b⋯.png (14.17 KB, 245x255, 49:51, 5a85ed1cc3e6373d93a92e071b….png)

File: 0e76c56c27fc351⋯.mp4 (1.66 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, 0e76c56c27fc3515c08bfb91a1….mp4)

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449a28  No.13860411


I stand by my opinion.

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26230d  No.13860412


Its still there.

Same thing happened when Mitt ran against Mike in Utah for the Senate. >Rigged elections

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58fe37  No.13860413

File: e8ef431ed6520ba⋯.png (37.58 KB, 1165x166, 1165:166, 2021_06_08_18_02_56.png)


a post asking who controls the qr whitelist just turned green

gosh, why would that happen??

banned - along with a bunch of others

fuggen bo/bvs

i guess questions about board policy are now bannable offenses

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8e0a10  No.13860414

File: 9827eb15888365d⋯.jpeg (8.58 KB, 255x179, 255:179, 0cf07246a69cbbb7c225b0097….jpeg)


He's a Jew.

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459e38  No.13860415

File: 7f17553c1f11844⋯.png (543.85 KB, 1299x619, 1299:619, Screenshot_2021_06_08_at_2….png)


Madyson Marquette, whose porn film name was Fayth Deluca, told LifeSiteNews that “after shooting porn, it seemed as if all the girls were depressed, including myself. We would shoot a scene and immediately after we would go do something to where we wouldn’t have to think about what we had just done, whether that was getting so drunk we just blacked out, some type of drug like Xanax, cocaine, or ecstasy.”

This woman has a very real story to tell, apparently has told it to very high ranking judicial institutions ans has been deemed credible. Pay attention.


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0d5da7  No.13860417



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62e863  No.13860418


And no one shat upon the bread !!

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a9dee8  No.13860420


Next time someone asks her about the border i bet she loses her shit.

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58a3c1  No.13860421


Mie goreng zinger burger

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adcc5e  No.13860423


I could use a cup of coffee

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12dd34  No.13860424

File: ad81ce9a871c4ac⋯.png (588.49 KB, 550x834, 275:417, ClipboardImage.png)

The men killed in the attack on the USS Liberty

This information was compiled by USS Liberty survivors Jim Ennes and Joe Meadors at USSLiberty.org.

If you are not yet familiar with the deliberate Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, please read the findings of the Independent Commission of Inquiry, composed of three Admirals and Generals of the US armed forces and one ambassador, including former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Thomas H. Moorer and Medal of Honor recipient General Raymond G. Davis.

Full in link


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58fe37  No.13860425


i'm an oldfag, anon

i done everything on a board that can be done

anons can interpret what Q says in many ways

one of our rights as individuals

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80827d  No.13860426

File: 95ed13e1e9f427a⋯.png (307.49 KB, 728x1925, 104:275, Q_998_CHAIR_SERVES_MASTER_….png)

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2b9cff  No.13860427


one of my blindsppots.

nicely-embossed characters in that image.

think I generally see its role in all dis.

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7e1aed  No.13860428

File: 48f8e1034847569⋯.png (875.99 KB, 995x948, 995:948, dayNnite.png)

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716e46  No.13860429


>i guess questions about board policy are now bannable offenses

I guess jews being disingenuous cunts is what got Hitler elected, and here you are clearly begging for it to happen again.

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b56d8e  No.13860430

File: d5db01a2078ded1⋯.jpg (39.4 KB, 408x608, 51:76, LookAtThis.jpg)




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ac9b78  No.13860431


They been pushing it the entire time.

Since they were invented.

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ca9d69  No.13860432


This board has probably been comp'd since CM left. They just don't give a fuck about hiding it anymore.

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ff251a  No.13860433

File: 6e477fe3b737e36⋯.png (56.47 KB, 725x218, 725:218, Screen_Shot_2021_06_08_at_….png)

File: 3305e6edba9eff0⋯.png (288.86 KB, 568x586, 284:293, Screen_Shot_2021_06_08_at_….png)

This is sick. CEO of Pfizer admits his company's gene therapy injections don't benefit children, but wants them to take them anyway!


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0c5a7c  No.13860434


That’s strange.

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cf89a9  No.13860435

File: c3a90b482e657cf⋯.png (645.57 KB, 873x614, 873:614, dmbwr.PNG)

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5a6543  No.13860436


it may, at times, just be you and no one else.

if they wanted to . . .

they probably have controls to mix the real with the fake.

like a mixing board for each anon.

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417ff3  No.13860437


Top kek

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58fe37  No.13860439


insults lacking substance all you got?

better go back to Shill School, buddy

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8ff227  No.13860440



any of the FOIAs search for a Corney version of Fauci

Anthony Fauci

Anthoriy Fauci

Arithoriy Fauci

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19f58b  No.13860441

File: cfb8b806e692ea9⋯.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1242x2426, 621:1213, 8058A5F0_0177_483A_A23E_C….jpeg)



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7e1aed  No.13860442

File: a26899f142bab6f⋯.jpg (41.96 KB, 552x917, 552:917, a26899f142bab6f0d7ceb8f997….jpg)


kinda weak

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716e46  No.13860443


Lol hoes MAD!

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80827d  No.13860444

File: 199a41367eda9b7⋯.png (2.55 MB, 2628x2280, 219:190, Q_1413wv.png)

File: b53d0089420e0ce⋯.png (1.8 MB, 2032x2072, 254:259, cc1o.png)

File: 114e561efb996ae⋯.png (2.09 MB, 2178x2356, 1089:1178, cc1zd.png)

File: 9637145d79958f9⋯.png (2.48 MB, 2924x2448, 43:36, cc1zg.png)


Nice Q drop!

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8b76ec  No.13860445

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12dd34  No.13860446

File: a8480ae715e2cc9⋯.png (83.42 KB, 798x828, 133:138, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 68cf8b1ad9dd41d⋯.png (97.79 KB, 810x894, 135:149, ClipboardImage.png)

Lawsuit Accuses Digital Recognition Network of Secretly Collecting Billions of License Plates

A recently filed lawsuit accuses Digital Recognition Network of covertly collecting vehicle data on millions of Americans and selling it for a profit.

On May 26, several vehicle owners sued the company Digital Recognition Network (DRN) for using its fleet of unmarked surveillance vehicles to collect data on Americans. The plaintiffs claim that DRN has driven its vehicles around United States and covertly gathered data on unsuspecting Americans while reaping profits.

Courthouse News reports that DRN has “amassed more than 20 billion license plate scans — equal to 70 scans for every vehicle in the nation.” The Class Action Complaint and Demand for Jury Trial was filed by plaintiff Guillermo Mata in response to DRN’s use of automatic license plate reader (ALPRs) systems. ALPRs are used to gather license plate, time, date and location of a vehicle. They can also be used to create a detailed map of where an individual travels and what they are doing with their time. The devices can be attached to light poles or toll booths, as well as on top of or inside vehicles.

The lawsuit alleges, “Defendant DRN created a nationwide surveillance program that tracks vehicle’s movements and, in turn, individuals’ locations.” The plaintiffs also claim that DRN “stores all of the amassed information in a proprietary database and makes it available to anyone willing to pay for access to it.”



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5a6543  No.13860447

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

On the Border

Kammala should be hearing this all day.

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9cb175  No.13860448


I don't follow your logic.

The veracity of the claim is that Flynn was "Chief of joint war plans", so he was involved in the planning of the UN troops.

The deepstate has been seeking an excuse to call in the UN for years. They are determined to use the UN in lieu of US soldiers.

The whole thing makes no sense either way since (no name) passed legislation which allows the Gov_ment to circumvent Posse Comitatus when they have the feels.

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2ce97b  No.13860449

File: fe891e08a41a3d7⋯.png (245.18 KB, 333x419, 333:419, Screenshot_2021_06_08_at_2….png)

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449a28  No.13860450



Board is full of old fags it seems. Anyone is free to use whatever banner they want, and I am free to sayBANNER IS GAY.

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ca9d69  No.13860451


Wow. Disingenuous cunts.

Has someone been teaching you new big words?

Wonder where you learned that one.

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1e8df1  No.13860453

File: 7b0fc27d4c811fb⋯.jpg (230.92 KB, 1170x1170, 1:1, Donna_Dont_Tella.jpg)

If Soros fucked a racoon…

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716e46  No.13860454


Ooooh I hit a NERVE with the loxist supremacists!

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417ff3  No.13860455

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2b4581  No.13860456


well there you go, you just wrote an entire series of articles for mikroth

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ec1add  No.13860457

File: 9162a2b49b21158⋯.png (172.53 KB, 768x456, 32:19, SAM462_USAF_C_32A_departed….PNG)

File: dbd20c7c5cdf7a0⋯.png (541.24 KB, 507x431, 507:431, ClipboardImage.png)

Not AF2 departed Mexico City

SAM462 USAF C-32A ne from Mexico City to JBA

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12dd34  No.13860458


spoiler that shit

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96ed59  No.13860459

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tucker: Media treats Kamala like a demi-God

'Tucker Carlson Tonight' host recaps the Vice President's latest blunders.

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449a28  No.13860460


I notice a pattern with your complaints. I sense much butthurt.

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5a6543  No.13860461


when an image is of a memorial for holy dead, screwing with it and colorizing it into rainbows and bunnies, and using it as a prop to mock and humiliate . . . is seen as a 'kind of' defiling.

but given that the ones who do it are soulless heathens, and have a different set of rules . . . people let it go.

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459e38  No.13860462

File: c37090583b2c684⋯.png (197.29 KB, 1154x829, 1154:829, Screenshot_2021_06_08_at_2….png)



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0d5da7  No.13860463


duly noted. banner is quite homosexual.

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2ce97b  No.13860464

File: ad8e1a0694b0e39⋯.jpg (101.57 KB, 650x600, 13:12, Ev0A3aGXYAEoHX3.jpg)

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2b4581  No.13860465

File: 712f6e7e11d133b⋯.png (2.47 MB, 2048x1366, 1024:683, Sor.png)

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fe9003  No.13860466

File: a6c62b5e49c6dec⋯.png (26.04 KB, 919x152, 919:152, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 17dbefb0fd331eb⋯.png (62.63 KB, 442x554, 221:277, ClipboardImage.png)

Ever notice the the double "Marker [9]" drops, talking about "First indictment" / "arrest"?

The "Marker [1]" drop (3231) image name is "IMG_2727"? 27 27 = 9 9.

On Mar 27 (Marker [9])

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716e46  No.13860467


>regurtitating shit ppl clevrrer yhan you thought of

Sure, rabbi, w/e LOL!

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31f6e8  No.13860468


Take your pump and dump elsewhere faggot

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b6546f  No.13860469


The problem with modern virology is two fold.

First - they are trying to sequence viruses without first isolating them. This is the core problem with HIV research. Simply put, they are chasing a statistical phantom. No virus has ever actually been identified and, further, HIV positive test results do not precioutate AIDS. Viral loading estimates with HIV are, also, a scam. The latest theories are that HIV doesn't actually shed, but instead inserts itself into the cellular lipids.

Why? Because, again, HIV has never been found in a cell and has never been shown to be destroying a cell.

What occurs in HIV positive patients with AIDS is that the immune cells bump into each other and treat each other as an invading cell, destroying each other and pulling more immune cells into the cascade.

This is why immune suppressants were partially effective at alleviating AIDS. They interrupted this cascade and prevented loss of immune cells.

But if you go back in time in HIV research, they would give HIV positive patients a "viral loading" - a supposed count of the amount of virus in their blood per unit volume. Which begs the question of how there can be viral loading measurements when the theory now states that there is almost not viral shedding/budding.

Smarter individuals wonder if the whole system got consumed trying to prove everything is an infectious disease that can be cured, and AIDS is a condition more nuanced.

The second problem modern virology has is that it is assumed it is abnormal for something to leave the body. IE - "asymptomatic viruses" - since the impetus for research is to treat an illness, almost all research has focused on illness and had avoided a more neutral research into the actual function of the human body. One who looks under a microscope knows that cells are always budding weird shit off and most of the things you see are a bit of a mystery - being part of a soup of biology in which the unknown outnunbers the known.

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2c1255  No.13860470

File: 0af8b0e200a5c18⋯.jpg (71.43 KB, 800x540, 40:27, am_thought.jpg)

File: 5d3d036a4a71bc9⋯.jpg (29.8 KB, 299x450, 299:450, e4e395cc3d61ecad757affdc60….jpg)


Sam cooper is the guy that wrote Wilful Blindness.

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f9f789  No.13860471

File: 7227173ec811554⋯.png (490.12 KB, 872x483, 872:483, Polish_20210608_201212561.png)

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9a9991  No.13860472


45 2 noice

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80827d  No.13860473

File: 5b8bed938207069⋯.jpg (354.49 KB, 820x825, 164:165, 5b8bed938207069fc0219108cd….jpg)



Its much more fun that way!

Imagine if everyone suddenly read the drops and simply "knew".


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449a28  No.13860474


You know what part I'm talking about, or at least I hope you do.

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58fe37  No.13860475


>board comp'd

before then - when oss set up his own private baker board with support of bo

board being comp'd confirmed when it was not cleaned after Q's request

Q asks, does not force

up to us in the end

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ca9d69  No.13860476



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12dd34  No.13860478

File: e91400a15e1cdbd⋯.png (24.45 KB, 500x206, 250:103, ClipboardImage.png)

GA Senator Burt Jones Speaks to TGP’s Conradson after AZ Audit Tour: “Very Well Organized, Very Businesslike Operation” – GA Secretary of State Is Trying to Put Obstacles Up

On Tuesday, State legislators from Georgia, Alaska, and Colorado made a pilgrimage to Arizona in order to review the groundbreaking Arizona audit’s procedures and logistics on the spot.

Delegations have been coming to Arizona to examine the process and what it would take to replicate it. Last week a delegation from Pennsylvania traveled to the audit center. Today, Georgia, Alaska and Colorado visited the center. And more delegations are expected at the center EVERY DAY THIS WEEK!

That’s not all! The hand recount is expected to be completed this week, and we will have a result on who won Maricopa County in the coming weeks.

After a delegation consisting of Georgia State Senator Burt Jones and State Senator Brandon Beach toured the facility, TGP’s Jordan Conradson spoke to Sen. Burt Jones for his thoughts on the process.

Conradson: I know you did a walkthrough of the full forensic audit here in Arizona. Can you give me a quick walkthrough of what you and other legislators did today?

State Sen. Burt Jones: we came out here with a team of auditors who are working on the current case in Fulton County, Georgia, and we really just come out here for a fact-finding mission. You know, we heard a lot about what was going on in Arizona, a lot of good, lot of bad so we said we had come out here and to see for ourselves. We did that, what we saw inside the auditorium was a very well organized, very businesslike operation that was going on. Which gave the people working on Fulton County’s case some good ideas, and you know, they learn some things they might want to do, they learn some things you might not want to do. So, it all in all was a good day, and I appreciate the hospitality from the good people out here in Arizona.

Conradson: So, what do you think of the actual process itself was it secure was it transparent?

State Sen. Burt Jones: It looked very secure looked very transparent I mean they had security all in the arena, they had multiple people at each table. You know, 3 counters at each table and then they had protocols and steps in place to verify, and verify again, and verify three or four times over. The tabulation and things of that nature, so it looks very secure and I know that they’ll be ready to get the process done.

Conradson: Is this a process you plan to replicate in Georgia?

State Sen. Burt Jones: I don’t know you know, we’ve got the Fulton County lawsuits going on I’m trying to be as helpful, trying to be as helpful as we can from the state’s side with that lawsuit and we just have to see what the findings are from that and then go from there.

Conradson: Can you tell me what the next step is after the lawsuit?

State Sen. Burt Jones: You don’t know until they finish their process.

Conradson: Is there anyone in Georgia that’s dragging their feet and holding this process behind?

State Sen. Burt Jones: Fulton county’s fighting you know and the Secretary of State has been trying to put up obstacles in front of it as well, but thankfully the judge is being very judicial and it seems it seems they’re being very fair and working through the process, and so we’ll just see what happens there.

This is a very secure and transparent process, as we have been told by everybody but the mainstream media and Democrats

This audit should find its way through courts with no problems as it is Georgia’s right to audit their vote. Secretary of State Ben Raffensperger needs to stand down and yield to GA voters if we are to get a result out of Georgia.



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4a10b0  No.13860479

What do you know about comp'd, c a nine d six nine?

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58fe37  No.13860480


should be baker thread not board

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0d5da7  No.13860481


Willie Brown did nothing wrong! BLM!!!

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4e4fba  No.13860482


Those poor people never had a chance!


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f45d9c  No.13860483

File: fe57f6411ddc470⋯.jpg (69.55 KB, 718x561, 718:561, 5c21c9f6e19e7a93.jpg)

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7dcf17  No.13860484


>I don't follow your logic.

Not my logic. I think AofF is disseminating BS.

You think Flynn is DS?

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28e6b9  No.13860485




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80827d  No.13860486

File: 08a67ca5ee6f6ce⋯.png (628.31 KB, 740x658, 370:329, dsisrael911.png)


Lance from BC!


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2ce97b  No.13860487

File: f7a36e228a16309⋯.png (388.09 KB, 652x679, 652:679, Screenshot_2021_06_08_at_2….png)

'Unprecedented', say environmentalists after lightning kills 27 In one day in India's West Bengal


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f7cb96  No.13860488


>but wasn't she in Mexico City?


>capped off her trip in Mexico City, but talking about Guatemala like she's in Guatemala…


she does what she criticizes.

she is in Mexico, talking Guatemala?

what deal did she cut in Guatemala?

how much money did they give them?

for what?

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449a28  No.13860489


Holy shit anon, don't smoke meth while posting.

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8708f1  No.13860490




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cd28c3  No.13860491

File: e004fa250eb6bba⋯.png (59.46 KB, 772x483, 772:483, ClipboardImage.png)


Coronavirus & The Deep State – UNITAID, Gilead Sciences & WuXi AppTech


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d5943c  No.13860492

File: 5f590c1f5fa4d56⋯.jpg (34.38 KB, 298x443, 298:443, unnamed_5.jpg)

Do you niggerfaggots and jews really believe Q was anything other than a LARP at this point? If Patriots were "in control" they would have actually… done something in four years? Trump just ensured the billions kept flowing into Israel and supporting zionist Israeli policies. No resistance to Israel. Remember that time Q said "we're saving Israel for last"? Yeah, good times. I love fairy tales.

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58fe37  No.13860493


well said, anon. they defiled the image knowingly.

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f45d9c  No.13860494

File: e01b27a26bf526c⋯.png (846.87 KB, 1170x1158, 195:193, f42cbfec5d493856.png)

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466f12  No.13860495

File: f26a2d5fb4379d5⋯.jpeg (48.77 KB, 640x499, 640:499, ac7c67e621b28186c821168a1….jpeg)


1.30 to $7 real quick dayummm


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2ce97b  No.13860496

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ca9d69  No.13860497


Can create a new board on here with new board administration and trips enabled or look for something else. CM and Trump were both talking like something new was coming.

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f45d9c  No.13860498

File: ad7cdf0ee4178e4⋯.jpeg (71.59 KB, 828x455, 828:455, cc51befc1e356519.jpeg)

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630b8a  No.13860499

File: e473da5cbb5ac53⋯.png (703.39 KB, 640x452, 160:113, ClipboardImage.png)

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af66a2  No.13860500


notable #17541

>>13856125, >>13856133 LEAVE MACRON ALONE!!!

>>13856141 "absolute state of this place"

>>13856166 Judge sees evidence of Buk missile being used in downing of MH17 airliner

>>13856193 They want this shit in everything. - wired mag

>>13856195 Anyone disturbed by an American Flag should go to China, they’ll love you there

>>13856204 Raving lunatic bitch thinks she’s funny, a real question of Lester Holt is banned

>>13856219 wapo twat comparison. kamala vs POTUS

>>13856244 Anons should we dig on Portland’s Freedom Fund? Seems like Soros et all is behind it

>>13856259 Erdogan in NY - too many for-in ties

>>13856280 Another nothing burger spearheaded by Democrats, bites the dusthe’s a lawyer assholes he’s not going to violate attorney client privilege you morans

>>13856288 POTUS has some serious cleaning to do when he gets back

>>13856337 Bronx man furloughed from job for refusing COVID-19 vaccine: suit

>>13856380 essential workers were slanging fast food crap for a year.

>>13856409 Federal prosecutors subpoena materials tied to Cuomo’s memoir, report says

>>13856430 Country Music Television urges viewers to ‘wear orange’ for gun control campaign, upsetting core audience - ORANGE IS THE NEW WACK!!!

>>13856437, >>13856783 POTUS - cannot have bad press when one is the greatest ever

>>13856508 71% winning rate when cases merits heard on election fraud

>>13856691 Today will be remembered as the day the internet broke – before swiftly being fixed again. = Fastly outage

>>13856715 Another Ransomware hit.

>>13856767 As of 2019, UNITAID’s total grants stood at $1.3 billion.

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f45d9c  No.13860501

File: 8d41e629cf8ca5e⋯.mp4 (627.5 KB, 144x256, 9:16, b2ab560c9d9c1839.mp4)

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fb0867  No.13860502


I haven't been this comfy watching the Board Jews reeeeeeeeeeeeeee since the last time OSS was here.

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cc46a5  No.13860503



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b02881  No.13860504


Enemies of the people, it just never ends!

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630b8a  No.13860505

File: 82e260bb5534cec⋯.png (5.13 MB, 1908x1146, 318:191, ClipboardImage.png)

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f45d9c  No.13860506

File: 7ab011a7e94965c⋯.jpg (153.19 KB, 733x500, 733:500, 90329d43ecdd3a6e.jpg)

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18edd3  No.13860507


2001 + 20 = 2021

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5a6543  No.13860508


saying they are soulless is perhaps over the top . . .

but sometimes they seem robotic, like process, like they are AI assist bots and not real people.

I think AI if it is a pester is a civil rights abuse.

and all AI training and 'targetted ads' are basically opeational efforts of psyopeators, and ought not be allowed.

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40e42a  No.13860509


To my knowledge they haven't ever used the designators AF-1 or AF-2, have they?

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449a28  No.13860510


Board has been comped since day 1, where have you been? Anyone is free to bake including CIA, FBI, P, Hillary, and so on. It's our job to shift through the bullshit.

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80827d  No.13860511

File: 32464ceb33f2aab⋯.jpg (62.45 KB, 640x480, 4:3, d6.jpg)



Like. Totally!

and one of them shill banners!


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12dd34  No.13860512

File: b05ae30a1db35e4⋯.png (39.98 KB, 620x782, 310:391, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c125b7a686c0003⋯.png (24.27 KB, 613x390, 613:390, ClipboardImage.png)

Open Letter from Retired U.S. Military and Veterans: Support and Defend

As former members of the U.S. military who have proudly served our nation, we write to express our support for Constitutional freedom and liberty and our concern for our country as many powerful forces seek to bring Socialism and Marxism to our land.

When we agreed to serve our country, we pledged to support and defend the U.S. Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. During our active duty service, we did just that.

Today, although no longer active duty warriors, we are still bound to this pledge and believe we are ethically obligated to protect our country. As such, we put our nation’s leadership on notice. We believe the hard left turn toward Socialism and Marxism endangers our citizens and the future of this great nation. Although a difficult step to take, we believe this step is necessary for us to continue to demonstrate the integrity and moral courage our oath requires.

• We are disgusted by the dismantling of the rule of law in our great country. We never thought we would see the return to Vietnam-style disdain for public service. Unfortunately, this disregard and disrespect is corrosive and will lead to dangerous situations for citizens and law enforcement. A revolving door for criminals and a two tiered justice system that offers up different penalties based on the viewpoints of the accused must end.

• It disturbs us to see the erosion of fair and honest elections. Civilians doubt that our electoral system accurately reflects the will of the people. Current service men and women struggle to find clear instructions on how they can execute their own constitutional right to vote and doubt their ballots will be counted. We reject efforts by those who seek to avoid fair and honest elections by deeming commonsense voting measures “racist.” The gold standard in voting, recognized throughout the world, is in person, with identification, yet politicians are seeking to end this in the U.S.

• We oppose the politicization and ideological purging of our military. The focus of our military should be on training, readiness, and defense of our Nation, not leftist cultural “wokeness”.

• We decry the assault on our constitutional rights through censorship of written and verbal expression and we point out the complicit arrangement between private corporations and those in power to present only one point of view. Never did we think we would see the day when our media resembled Pravda.

• Bureaucratic abuses that have led to business and school closures and excessive lockdowns should not be tolerated by the American people. We do not get our rights from the CDC, the FDA or from private corporations. And, as such, we will not tolerate Soviet-style internal passports or anything resembling the Chinese social credit system where citizens are monitored and controlled, whether that system be carried out by the government or by their cooperative partners in the private sector.

• We stand with Israel and call upon all Americans to continue with the Mideast peace initiatives, the “Abraham Accords” and oppose re-engaging in the Iran Nuclear Deal. Iran’s acquisition of nuclear weapons is not in the interest of freedom-loving individuals. We believe it is in the self interest of all Americans to oppose this deal.

• We must continue our efforts for energy independence. We believe it is in our nation’s best interest to reopen the Keystone Pipeline and focus on regaining U.S. jobs and protecting the national security interests provided by energy independence.

The survival of our Nation and its historic values, liberty and freedom are at stake.


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f45d9c  No.13860513

File: db3be855d69b97b⋯.jpg (26.34 KB, 400x300, 4:3, 8c642ff6ffecf28d.jpg)

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8e0a10  No.13860514

File: 249d2e15b4dc309⋯.jpg (196 KB, 1256x1304, 157:163, dd8ebbc9d9109dab4a6a3cb773….jpg)

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5e5501  No.13860515

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


No such thing as HIV.

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ca9d69  No.13860516


Any board Q posts on becomes QResearch.

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fe9003  No.13860517


> What the hell was Iridium again?

First thing I think of is iridium NTP servers (clocks).

Timestamps are important.

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fb0867  No.13860518


It's called MNR QRB.

They're all there waiting for you.

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9cb175  No.13860519


You sometimes see that kind of lightening from spraying Beryllium copper into the atmosphere, then "flashing" it so satellites can image what's underground.

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fd9581  No.13860520


Cover half of face and see each half. Like 2 different people. His right half is really nasty.

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ccdc9e  No.13860521

File: a445cd558fc867a⋯.mp4 (5.78 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Denver_police_arrest_mom_w….mp4)

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b0f3bf  No.13860522


Golly she looks awful and gaunt, like missing blood or something

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5a6543  No.13860523


you can find a bad picture of anyone.

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ca9d69  No.13860524


The bullshit in here is being made deliberately unbearable.

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d965d9  No.13860526

File: c9d839f2c4ccb74⋯.jpg (8.1 KB, 172x293, 172:293, twins.jpg)

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449a28  No.13860527

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ec1add  No.13860528


she has had it-AF2-until the start of this trip on Sunday.

Joe never

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2b4581  No.13860529


it's tiresome, but there pretty much always is noise.

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ca9d69  No.13860530


Nah I'd set it up myself.

Done with clown infiltration.

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7e1aed  No.13860531

File: 6566936ca8bb94a⋯.jpg (81.38 KB, 400x400, 1:1, comfy_couch.jpg)


Stay comfy

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630b8a  No.13860532

File: 8a8cc4da07ff971⋯.png (469.17 KB, 617x654, 617:654, 043ca1ccfa341d95d0ace68e6f….png)

File: 5ffd2e3166cd44c⋯.png (381.93 KB, 567x630, 9:10, 092a6dd5e0642b0a911cc81710….png)

File: 710c6a24ea77a14⋯.jpg (68.5 KB, 720x860, 36:43, 710c6a24ea77a14ab5de6d35fb….jpg)

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821325  No.13860533

File: d9693a57534a98b⋯.jpg (213.59 KB, 1125x915, 75:61, LwD.jpg)

>>13859835 lb

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449a28  No.13860535


1 post eh, IP hope faster rabbi

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7ae6c4  No.13860536


>The bullshit in here is being made deliberately unbearable for idiots from facebook who never belonged on the chans in the first place.


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174124  No.13860538

File: 7ee43dd6f199bcf⋯.jpeg (136.88 KB, 1080x731, 1080:731, 1564947082.jpeg)

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40e42a  No.13860539



We still haven't put up new photos of the brass at the place I work (military unit, though I'm a civilian contractor).

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8f1507  No.13860540

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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80827d  No.13860541

File: 8779017c1313a59⋯.jpg (55.99 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 4ff1e4dd02376_preview_300.jpg)


True Anons never retreat.

Once upon a time, maybe more but definitely at least once, anons dug into the location of the main 8 chan servers and guess what Anons found?

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2b9cff  No.13860542

File: 3a742ca53ea3dd9⋯.png (385.99 KB, 750x500, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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1e8df1  No.13860543


She's sucked so many dicks she's starting to look like a scrotum.

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4a10b0  No.13860544

File: a9e56f7e24f941f⋯.jpeg (3.99 KB, 256x197, 256:197, kamalgar.jpeg)

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f7cb96  No.13860545

File: 443b6064ba73872⋯.png (345 KB, 643x689, 643:689, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b10ef5158d03964⋯.mp4 (727.3 KB, 720x400, 9:5, obama_cnn.mp4)


They have now deployed former president Barack Obama to defend, downplay, and deflect from critical race theory.

We are making incredible progress. Keep pushing forward.



8:09 PM · Jun 7, 2021

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58fe37  No.13860546





anyone is free to create a new board but have to know a little bit to make it work - not to mention getting anons interested. most will stay where Q posts until that changes. hence the interest in cleaning up QR.


nothing wrong with more than one board

u only need about a dozen committed anons to do the work

if a group here wants to work elsewhere and monitor QR for Q posts (or other stuff), why not?

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fd9581  No.13860547


I think MNR is controlling the International Boards.

Saw on the Scotland Q board on the Globals, at the bottom:

Alternative Scotland Board

URL of MidnightRiders. 8kun. top

MNR up to its old tricks of trying to steer Scottish anons to their private Jewish controlled MNR board.

Don't know if they do that on all the Int'l boards. probably.

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126936  No.13860548


>crying because someone weaponized gerbil's bullshit against him

Mmm, delicious irony.

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5a6543  No.13860549

File: 3580c415e8536ec⋯.jpg (679.13 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, ben_rhodes_smiling_image_s….jpg)


and though you can find a bad picture of anyone , it is telling if you can't find a good one.

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2b4581  No.13860550

File: 1ae4c0527c865d9⋯.jpg (52.86 KB, 1024x473, 1024:473, shopping_pepe.jpg)

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ca9d69  No.13860551


Since when did the noise include emotional knee jerk bans of anyone questioning the jew hate shit or the integrity of the board.

I notice there is still no explanation of why trips are turned off.

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d5943c  No.13860552



No shit nigger just figuring that out? 8bit was the only decent BO. The coordinated efforts to undermine the board with the hostile takeover with zero fucking explanation never sat well with me. He was probably blackmailed or threatened by farm clowns. No doubt there's serious fuckeey over that.

The one common thread? Constant reverse psychology jew shilling. Only to make the board look antisemitic and deflect from real jew digs. JIDF or Mossad most likely controls this board since the takeover.

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47cb80  No.13860553

>>13859423 lb

I can't tell if you're being dense on purpose or not, so I'll entertain you.

It's not backwards, anon.

The assertion is that NT "God" and OT "God" aren't the same "God".

OT "God" is Zeus, Yahweh if you're a Hebrew (barring refutations about Aryans and the tribes of Israel) and otherwise his father El/Anu, Saklas/Yaldaboath, Saturn/Kronus and sometimes Abraxas or Baphoment.

NT "God" is Creator, the Harmony of all, everything, everywhere and everyone, The One, the real "God" (best to call it Creator though).

These are not the same beings. Demiurge/Barbelo might be better off if we call it "God", but it's just some role being performed. It is not "God." It's generally devoid of any dichotomy, but between the Hebrews, Gnostics, Abrahamic smoothbrains and the hidden faggots, it's gotten completely fucked up.

Jesus was not in the OT…

This is why it's seeming like you're being retarded on purpose.

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126936  No.13860554


>I just think new BO for this board if he doesn't fire BV jewhater spamfag



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fb0867  No.13860555


Ain't that the truth.

And Q didn't set up shop initially on any of those other platforms.

He chose /pol/ instead.

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790562  No.13860556


Red Scarves for Everyone?

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1e8df1  No.13860557


Good old Dingle Barry spreading it around.

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449a28  No.13860558


>The bullshit in here is being made deliberately unbearable.

It's almost as if a team is doing it…..

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a39d37  No.13860559

TIP: if you take MMS - do not use vitamin C at the time.

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179552  No.13860560

My unimportant opinion about Q and "b".

Anyone who has been here for years. Anyone who really followed Q. Would have known, without a second of doubt that this b was not Q and had nothing to do with Q.

We were told repeatedly, how Q would post. That's it. It is simple.

That is it.

Put it to rest.

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cd28c3  No.13860561

File: de3818da35807e8⋯.png (20.28 KB, 465x232, 465:232, ClipboardImage.png)

File: daa80f619f966f9⋯.png (281.04 KB, 320x489, 320:489, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b8bbeafc0e0c9ef⋯.png (838.46 KB, 753x428, 753:428, ClipboardImage.png)


Six Minutes From World War III (USS Liberty)

Bob Moriarty Jun 8, 2021

In the afternoon of June 8th, 1967 the United States came within six minutes of starting a nuclear war with the Soviet Union during the Six-Day War. At thedirection of President Lyndon Johnson, US Navy aircraft from the USS America armed with nuclear weapons were ready to launch with Cairo their target.The Soviet Union told the US that soon after the first nuke went off in Egypt,another would be dropped on Jerusalem.

The conflict was a war of aggression on the part of Israel to seize more land on the road to Greater Israel. Contrary to the popular narrative espoused by Israel since 1967 that the war was in response to aggression on the part of Egypt actuallythe war had been years in the planning by both Israel and the United States.US Forces would enter the war on behalf of Israel based on afalse flagoperation similar in design to that of Operation Northwoods.

American and Zionist war planners needed a good visual target to be the subject of the false flag attack, which they would blame on Egypt. They settled on the USS Liberty, the most advanced spy ship in the US fleet…

The true tale of what happened that day and the events that led up to it have been public for almost twenty years. An investigative reporter for The Sunday Times of London named Peter Hounam wrote a book titled, Operation Cyanide: How the Bombing of the USS Liberty Nearly Caused World War Three in 2003. He maintained the plot was a joint operation between LBJ and Israel. Planning for the Six Day War had actually taken place years before the actual commencement of battle…

I was a 20-year-old Marine lieutenant attending the Army Basic Intelligence School in Fort Holabird, Maryland in the summer of 1967 when the attack took place. It was inconceivable to anyone in the US military in the 1960s that Israeli could make such a mistake. Even at the time it seemed pretty strange to me that the highly vaunted Israelis could confuse a US ship for an enemy vessel.

moar at http://www.321gold.com/editorials/moriarty/moriarty060821.html

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ca9d69  No.13860562


How the fuck did you reach that conclusion pinhead?

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12dd34  No.13860564

Cleveland Clinic Study: No need to vaccinate those who’ve already had COVID-19

A new study by the Cleveland Clinic has found that individuals who have previously been infected with COVID-19 receive no additional benefits from vaccination.

The study was conducted on 52,238 employees in the Cleveland Clinic. A positive RT-PCR test was considered to define COVID-19 infection. The participants received two doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine at an interval of 28 days. A participant who tested positive for COVID-19 at least 42 days before the vaccination initiation was considered previously infected.

During the course of the study, infection occurred almost exclusively in participants who were not previously infected and were not vaccinated.

No significant difference in COVID-19 incidence was observed between previously infected and currently vaccinated participants.

Not a single incidence of COVID-19 infection was observed in previously infected participants with or without vaccination.

Based on the study findings, COVID-19 vaccination should be prioritized for individuals who have not had prior COVID-19 infection.

A ZOE COVID Symptom Study recently found that individuals with previous COVID-19 infection were 2x more likely to experience adverse reactions post-vaccination. Another recent study also found that individuals with prior COVID-19 infection more frequently reported side effects.


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35ee25  No.13860565



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f5c9a5  No.13860566


Valid question

The 1954 Guatemalan coup d'état, code-named Operation PBSuccess, was a covert operation carried out by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that deposed the democratically elected Guatemalan President Jacobo Árbenz and ended the Guatemalan Revolution of 1944–1954. It installed the military dictatorship of Carlos Castillo Armas, the first in a series …..

All this history. Payback, hush money, migrant trains getting started from there, everybody wants their cut of the foreign aid dole…

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dc9e4a  No.13860567


Maybe because asking about the whitelist is really stupid after the global janny fuckery?

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58fe37  No.13860568


bakers have been supporting int'l boards for some time because many need help with baking

help with baking is not control - it's support

you could do it instead if you want to spend the time to monitor the boards, discuss with anons, and make sure you're there when boards are full

Sound good?

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35304b  No.13860569


>Constant reverse psychology jew shilling. Only to make the board look antisemitic and deflect from real jew digs. JIDF or Mossad most likely controls this board since the takeover.

>the problem isn't Jews, it's Super-Jews

This narrative is only going to get you gassed faster.

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17bff3  No.13860570

File: 97b7b47e231fa6c⋯.png (136.28 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, THE_TIMELINE_clips_of_anti….png)



THE TIMELINE contains anti-Christ messages in two places, here they are in image and video form. 19:55 through 20:10, and 43:03 through 43:19.

I had seen this spammed here for a couple weeks, and decided to watch it.

Heard two anti-Christ messages in it, and decided not to share it with family, even though it otherwise has some good Q information.

Then started sharing, here, that it has anti-Christ and anti-Jesus messages, and got some push-back, asking me for a timestamp. Said I had no plans to watch it again, but that I know what I witnessed.

Yesterday I said I'd do the research, and find them. Watched at 3x today (VLC can change the speed in increments of 0.1x, using the [ and ] keys), and found them both in the first half. Knowing I only saw two, I stopped searching after finding the second.

Clipped them out, and tried using kdenlive to put them together but ran out of steam. Rather than producing nothing for my effort, here are both clips, and two images I made from what I transcribed from them. I'll also copy the transcriptions below.

There's a few extra second at the beginning and the end of the clips I took, which I had intended to "edit out in post." I love this post! kek

Anyway, see that we be not deceived. God bless.

19:55, “You know, you’re gonna hate this, but Jesus Christ, being an actual, an actual y’know Swiss-looking white dude in the holy land 2,000 years ago, ehhh, that didn’t happen. Ah, they’re just lies everywhere.” 20:10

43:03 “Everything is a lie, and I mean everything, is a lie, that was Charlie Freak (?). And then, going into the religious aspect of things, Jesus is, is this, this figure of this Swiss-looking white dude by the name of Jesus Christ is not real.” 43:19

Okay, I don't know video editing enough to figure out this error in a short amount of time so I'm removing the two video clips! "MP4 must be made up of one H264 and one AAC stream only." But you can hear what I heard, from the time markers.

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4a10b0  No.13860571



Also do not use shilajit at the same time.

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449a28  No.13860572


Bruh your delusional af. Get some help, please.

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7a6eff  No.13860573


It was immediately stomped on and defaced, just like antifa does to the flag.

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fb0867  No.13860574


>if a group here wants to work elsewhere and monitor QR for Q posts (or other stuff), why not?

I have no issues with that.

My comment was directed to the folks wanting to set up a new board.

Just saying why bother when there's already a couple Cricket boards to choose from.

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ec1add  No.13860575

File: 423a388be767237⋯.png (272.41 KB, 620x484, 155:121, pepe_interdasting_very.PNG)


really….usually they do some small thing (seen it)

at some places at same time.

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6c7ae3  No.13860576

File: d53b6fb50c6ec2a⋯.png (194.39 KB, 346x332, 173:166, Screen_Shot_2021_06_08_at_….png)

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47cb80  No.13860577

>>13859430 lb

You mean the "anon" that spouts about "satanic gibberish" instead of attempting to learn anything?

Or do you mean the nonsense anon was smacking about before, when he seemed to purposefully misinterpret what I was saying?

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1e8df1  No.13860578

Hunter calling Obama "my nigga" in a Tweet.

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0c5a7c  No.13860579

File: 1546cfb84683dde⋯.jpeg (66.06 KB, 720x860, 36:43, AED88F01_7EFE_4215_AC7B_D….jpeg)


I think gill slits are soo hot!

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17bff3  No.13860580

File: 0ce12a4025d1bb1⋯.png (128.15 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, THE_TIMELINE_clips_of_anti….png)



Weird, it chopped the second image. Here it is.

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ec98ea  No.13860581

File: 19e83877b6d7a00⋯.png (271.7 KB, 861x731, 861:731, 2021_06_08_21_19_34.png)

File: c8023c075f3fc52⋯.png (66.48 KB, 697x420, 697:420, 2021_06_08_21_10_09.png)

File: e2873cc284302e8⋯.png (499.65 KB, 650x1505, 130:301, 2021_06_08_21_15_34.png)

File: f4ad127c96dd531⋯.png (183.94 KB, 658x537, 658:537, 2021_06_08_21_11_36.png)

Study shows WuFlu patients on ventilators who were treated with HCQ and Azithromycin on a weight-adjusted basis had a 200% better survival rate!!!

Greatest Mass Killer of 21st Century: Data Shows Fauci Conspired and Lied – New Study Shows HCQ plus AZT Improved Survival of COVID Patients by Nearly 200%

By Jim Hoft

Published June 8, 2021 at 7:15pm


Journal article:

Observational Study on 255 Mechanically Ventilated Covid Patients at the Beginning of the USA Pandemic


https://archive.md/X5JGd [archived page 1 only]

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ac9b78  No.13860582

File: 41f91c677eeceff⋯.png (23.99 KB, 775x550, 31:22, ClipboardImage.png)


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7d8fa5  No.13860583


The Pratt & Whitney F119, company designation PW5000, is an afterburning turbofan engine developed by Pratt & Whitney for the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor advanced tactical fighter.

Developed into F135

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8bb4ae  No.13860584

File: c8c05cdaa46b168⋯.png (629.39 KB, 691x470, 691:470, hypocrites_and_traffickers.png)

made a thing

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4e4fba  No.13860585

File: d7c56f0d6b68297⋯.jpeg (249.71 KB, 750x441, 250:147, 87E5A15D_7FA7_4498_986C_1….jpeg)

File: 19625a03979d5f8⋯.jpeg (261.55 KB, 669x457, 669:457, A409AFF4_BC8D_411E_891F_4….jpeg)


The pig gets “work” done.

It sickens me to look at but….

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eb8a5f  No.13860587


>typing in ebonics like a nigger to sound alpha

Oh my lord, I can't stop laffin

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58fe37  No.13860588


why is asking about whitelisting stupid?

think it goes back even to 8bit but could be wrong about that

someone could ask him why

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179552  No.13860589

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d598f6  No.13860590


ses crimes cannot go unpunished

sounds like the typical white privileged biden crime mass incarceration pogroms quiet commie policy

racists like biden = you ain't black, you dull! and cross your legs ugly old cow

and and and - do sumting about hunter


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f7cb96  No.13860591


have they even replace trump's pic with bidan's

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5a6543  No.13860592


it's been this way since at least July 1, 2020, anon.

nothing to do but filter.

filter all of the scripted nonsense shills and all of the fowl explanations and constant need to use multi-sylible nomnative cluases that make them sound like they are cruel and unhinged.

when you realize it's all fake, it makes this place a lot more barable.

when the turn the hazing up all the way I remind them that if they are agency people what they are doing is violating rights of others and there is no excuse for it.

it doesn't really stop them, but they will start to leave you alone if you remind them: we are watching you watchin us.

but most of the total nonsense shilling is trolling. it's scripted nonsense, like a play. If you respond to it, operators will be on duty.

sometmes you can make the AI do a mommy-feed me input bit . . .

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91222b  No.13860593

'Sweet Tooth' is a weird fucking show.

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b0f3bf  No.13860594


If this is Greenwich CT, that’s a very wealthy area, maybe the conservatives are working with all. Cool

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f5c9a5  No.13860595


Wasn't there something about Guatemala around that time those 'little birds" were scooting around city streets?

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dc9e4a  No.13860596

File: 844dfb899f5a2fa⋯.png (5.09 KB, 459x125, 459:125, 2021_05_30_11_52_00_Q_Pale….png)


this is why asking about it is stupid. Next question.

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3e890b  No.13860597

File: 015c827272c3198⋯.jpg (65.96 KB, 620x550, 62:55, 1162627676888.jpg)

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47cb80  No.13860598

>>13859697 lb

Ba'al is the same thing, often "lord" or "king".

The thing is, they're trying to summon what they call Molech/Melech/Moloch whatever it is.

Maybe at this point it's just some other "Devil" thoughtform. What do I know?

But, yes, none of the true names are actually known. It does help to reframe meanings of titles though.

Whatever it is, it's looking for a body.

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6c7ae3  No.13860599

File: 19bffa3bb5d8e79⋯.png (354.31 KB, 608x560, 38:35, Screen_Shot_2021_06_08_at_….png)


That slap will last forever on the interwebs.


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2b4581  No.13860600


trips / trips …

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449a28  No.13860601


Honestly i have gotten numb to the jew bullshit. Only time I call it out is when they try to work it into the dough.

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5eb7a0  No.13860602


Q has posted without trip and asked us to notice and not put in the dough.

Anything is possible.

It would appear the "B" is a larp, for now.

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2b9cff  No.13860603

File: 994d2d8372decf1⋯.png (64.13 KB, 736x384, 23:12, _STRANGE_FLESH_IN_THE_BIBL….png)


From "Jewed Q"… not sure it's a direct parallel, but seemed to fit well enough.


Can hope so. Searched the old meme folder for "trips down" and no dice… used what was convenient and available.

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ec1add  No.13860604

File: f35741abc9468d5⋯.png (117.58 KB, 228x346, 114:173, ClipboardImage.png)

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449a28  No.13860605


And left 2-3 months later be cause his trip was compromised by Mods.

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12dd34  No.13860606

File: 1efeb8611e03655⋯.png (67.86 KB, 560x674, 280:337, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 40d734702e7dd5c⋯.png (88.35 KB, 588x400, 147:100, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 830b46432120226⋯.png (70.99 KB, 561x403, 561:403, ClipboardImage.png)

Explosions over Damascus: Syrian air defenses light up sky in response to ‘Israeli aggression’ – state media

Syrian air defenses have been activated against missiles allegedly launched from Lebanese airspace by Israel, state news agency SANA has reported. The attack is said to be targeting Damascus and Homs.

The attack began shortly before midnight local time on Tuesday, according to the agency.

A “very loud” explosion shook Damascus, local residents reportedly posted on Facebook. There have been unconfirmed reports of material damage from the strikes, but no casualties so far.

Israel has frequently launched missiles against what Tel Aviv has described as “Iranian” targets within Syria. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) usually do not acknowledge or comment on the operations. Damascus has condemned the attacks as a violation of its sovereignty, but Western governments have ignored them.

The most recent strike was in early May, in the Latakia province – just before Israel became involved in a shooting war with Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza. The conflict lasted 11 days before an Egyptian-mediated ceasefire went into effect.


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b0a9e2  No.13860607


Goat fucker detected

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40e42a  No.13860608


Not at our place. They just put up new photos when they're available. Harris' has been available

for 2 months now. Trump's only took a few months as I recall, but I'm not sure…

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449a28  No.13860609


Also digits

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58fe37  No.13860610


yes, there are several Q boards to post on.

some anon may want to have their own board for some reason, that's ok

there are over 1000 anons who are here on QR, large numbers alone don't seem to make the board better (smile)

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47cb80  No.13860611

>>13860081 lb

You've no reason to be like this.

We can simply help each other understand more or we can do what we're able to do in order to help normalfags. This is no time to be smug or fragile.

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916291  No.13860612

File: 6f98183ddc1a91a⋯.jpg (2.11 MB, 4420x2720, 13:8, rodney.jpg)

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9a9991  No.13860613

File: cf6128aa5e570d0⋯.png (73.1 KB, 720x1520, 9:19, Screenshot_20210608_212543.png)

File: 1dbe829b2c6ae03⋯.png (115.43 KB, 720x1520, 9:19, Screenshot_20210608_212417.png)

File: 55a1782e2c8f436⋯.png (77.5 KB, 720x1520, 9:19, Screenshot_20210608_212340.png)


Weird. timestamp & id..learn to code.This strange little corner of the interwebs is awesome. Got bored. Didn't dig too far down.

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a9dee8  No.13860614

File: fec5f98b1383762⋯.jpg (58.68 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, before.jpg)


the befores

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49220d  No.13860615

File: ac3264fa11d601d⋯.jpg (1.4 MB, 964x7747, 964:7747, Screenshot_20210608_202425….jpg)

File: f14494073c52166⋯.jpg (665.15 KB, 972x2672, 243:668, Screenshot_20210608_202841….jpg)

"This was an unprecedented operation in terms of its massive scale, innovative strategy and technological and investigative achievement," Randy Grossman, acting U.S. attorney for the Southern District of California, said Tuesday when officials announced the unsealing of federal indictments in San Diego. "Hardened encrypted devices usually provide an impenetrable shield against law enforcement surveillance and detection. The supreme irony here is that the very devices that these criminals were using to hide from law enforcement were actually beacons of law enforcement."



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2b4581  No.13860616


for the best.

had a good run on 8ch, and to a lesser but still functional extent on da kun

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12dd34  No.13860617

Another allegation of sexual assault in one of Trudeau’s COVID jails

The Best Western Premier near the Toronto airport is part hotel/part internment camp. And Sarah Smith of Barrie, Ont., never wants to stay there again.

Sarah recently returned to Toronto from Greece, landing at Pearson International Airport. Par for the course these days, Sarah was transported to a COVID quarantine hotel — in her case, the Best Western. The experience rattled her. Sarah alleges that she was sexually assaulted by a man there, a man who she believed worked at the hotel in some capacity, though it turns out he may not be an employee at all.

The alleged assault occurred in the hotel’s parking garage when Sarah went there to smoke.

The man — who she thought was an employee — offered to accompany her to the parkade.

Afterwards, he started to get handsy. He insisted on massaging Sarah, even though she wasn’t keen on the idea.

Sure enough, it wasn’t long before he began touching her inappropriately.

Sarah says that when she broke off his groping advances, the man exposed his penis and began masturbating.

Sarah then says she beat a hasty retreat back to her room. Front desk staff claimed the man didn’t work at the hotel — which raises the question: how was this person allowed to linger around the lobby and interact with guests/inmates? Or did this man perhaps know someone who works at the hotel?

When Sarah was released, she promptly filed a police report. Toronto Police are now investigating; it should be noted that none of Sarah’s allegations have been proven in a court of law.

Recently, we decided to visit this Best Western property along with Sarah.

Alas, our mission to get some answers only resulted in the front desk employees calling the police. How odd: they seemed nonchalant that one of their guests had allegedly been sexually assaulted, but reacted angrily when asked questions.

Meanwhile, we reached out to the media relations department at Best Western’s head office; our emails were not returned. Likewise, we reached out to the Public Health Agency of Canada, which is responsible for running the COVID quarantine hotel program; again, no comment was forthcoming.

Bottom line: it seems to us that if Sarah’s story is indeed true, this would be another criminal act taking place in one of these COVID jails, courtesy of the Justin Trudeau Liberals.

Oh, how we’d love to directly ask Prime Minister Trudeau about the alleged sexual assault of Sarah Smith. We wonder what our feminist PM would have to say.

Our hunch? He would probably say something along the lines of Sarah “experiencing it differently”…


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2e8329  No.13860618

File: f98b480105f5207⋯.png (567.89 KB, 980x595, 28:17, Admit_1.png)


dats how a frenchie spanks duh macaroni

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96ed59  No.13860619

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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35ee25  No.13860621


Not enough plastic surgery in the world!

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47cb80  No.13860622

>>13859966 lb


I wouldn't get too comfortable in the "everyone that says things I don't understand is a schizo" frame.

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40e42a  No.13860623


No, but Trump's is down.

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80827d  No.13860624

File: 9f5514b68eeb0e6⋯.png (278.12 KB, 1618x1124, 809:562, GF_Q_112_FUCK_POL.png)


ThanQ for the opener!

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fd9581  No.13860625


Most of that sounds good, except when

MNR tries to steer Anons to the ALTERNATIVE SCOTLAND board which is the MNR thread.

Sound good?

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ca9d69  No.13860627


Simple if you want to know, post the question.

Why are trips turned off?

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ddbc74  No.13860628


>there are over 1000 anons who are here on QR

1/3 of that, actually, or less, because IP count is per 72 hours, not 24, and everytime someone's IP switches, it counts as one.

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af66a2  No.13860629

>>13860500 = 17541 notes



notable #17542

>>13856937 ‘Like Giving Whiskey And Car Keys To A Teenager’: Sen. Kennedy Mocks Giving Guatemala Taxpayer Money

>>13856949 So were military administered jabs a placebo?THEY ALL ARE!!!

>>13856957 The somewhat funny thing is they are still finding ways to report on Trump, wonder why that is?

>>13857025 nick tranny rage

>>13857056 Foreign Reporters to Be Tracked, ‘Managed’ by GPS at Tokyo Olympics

>>13857078 Obama: ‘Certain Right-Wing Media’ Monetizing Stoking Fears of White Americans

>>13857099 Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) told Breitbart News he believes aprofound shift seen in the 2020 election in the Hispanic community toward Republicans

>>13857113 President Macron is SLAPPED in the face during walkabout in France: Man shouting 'Down with Macronia' is bundled to the ground and arrested

>>13857335 Judge Orders Chicago Mayor’s Attorneys to Clarify Policy on Denying Interviews to White Reporters

>>13857397 republican-senators-team-bid-keep-critical-race-theory-schools

>>13857499 U.S. Marines teams up with "a dingo ate cha baby" = twat

>>13857513 ginger mound presser

>>13857519 why-a-judge-has-georgia-vote-fraud-on-his-mind-pristine-biden-ballots-that-looked-xeroxed

>>13857597, >>13857675 notes taken @648

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6c7ae3  No.13860630

File: 5e7f3b975a9fd7f⋯.png (120.11 KB, 325x263, 325:263, 5e7f3b975a9fd7f2c6c8b90e32….png)



>Not enough plastic surgery in the world!

How many beers would it take?

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2b4581  No.13860631


ugh, because famefagging, of course

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12dd34  No.13860632

File: 6b4e9e56bd31f39⋯.png (741.05 KB, 634x636, 317:318, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a93d650a5890a95⋯.png (76.74 KB, 663x631, 663:631, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dc9484e8e7049b0⋯.png (72.53 KB, 662x626, 331:313, ClipboardImage.png)

Epstein's hypnotic hold on Victoria's Secret billionaire: How pedophile wormed his way into Les Wexner's life through an insurance mogul pal and left a jealous Trump asking 'how did you get so f***ing rich?'

New report examines Epstein's longstanding relationship with Les Wexner

Sex predator served as financial advisor to the billionaire founder of The Limited

Epstein seemed to have Wexner in his thrall in the odd relationship

Wexner claims that he was conned by Epstein and accused him of stealing funds

Jeffrey Epstein's strange relationship with Leslie Wexner, the billionaire founder of Victoria Secret parent company L Brands, began through contacts that the sex predator carefully cultivated, according to a new report.

Epstein wormed his way into Wexner's inner circle through his close friend Robert Meister, whose firm handled insurance for L Brands, then known as The Limited, Meister revealed in an interview with Vanity Fair.

For decades, Wexner was Epstein's only publicly named client as a financial advisor, and the billionaire appears to be a key source of the $500 million fortune that Epstein left behind when he died in 2019.

A cloud of mystery has surrounded the two men's relationship, and internal investigations commissioned by L Brands resulted in Wexner stepping down as CEO and then resigning from the board, though the findings were not made public.

Wexner long maintained a low profile and was little known outside of central Ohio, where The Limited was headquartered.

Meister recalled a party in Aspen when Donald Trump walked up to Wexner and said, 'Nice to meet you, now how did you get so f***ing rich?'

Wexner has never been criminally accused of involvement in Epstein's sex crimes, and despite rampant speculation, no evidence has emerged that the two men were romantically involved.

In a filmed deposition, featured in the Netflix documentary Filthy Rich, Brad Edwards, a lawyer for some of Epstein's victims, asked Epstein if he had a sexual relationship with Wexner. Epstein denied it.

In 1993, Wexner, then 55, married attorney Abigail S. Koppel, 31, and the couple now has four children. Epstein reportedly attended the ceremony and even arranged the couple's prenuptial agreement.

Wexner insists that he was duped by Epstein and ended their relationship after the predator's first arrest in 2007, on charges of soliciting a minor for prostitution.

'Being taken advantage of by someone who was so sick, so cunning, so depraved is something that I'm embarrassed that I was even close to,' Wexner said during a speech in September 2019.

In a letter to his charitable foundation around the same time, Wexner claimed Epstein had 'misappropriated vast sums of money from me and my family.'


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0d2219  No.13860634

File: 5a6c86bc328d42c⋯.jpg (53.21 KB, 543x202, 543:202, 13784236.jpg)

File: 0ffe4951cc5cba8⋯.jpg (54.03 KB, 534x203, 534:203, 13785340.jpg)

File: b957a95d9ef3b4e⋯.jpg (90.37 KB, 529x340, 529:340, 13785467.jpg)


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b078a4  No.13860635

File: 390ae192e59dfe8⋯.jpg (151.35 KB, 540x600, 9:10, 390ae192e59dfe810b96154a0c….jpg)


The slap heard around the world

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73ba41  No.13860636

File: c3d2b341ffd0c26⋯.png (69.08 KB, 1472x625, 1472:625, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a16fa7662e34644⋯.png (122.85 KB, 1422x811, 1422:811, ClipboardImage.png)

Looks like they have a long way to go to get the world to take the jab. Today was a rough day.


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fd9581  No.13860637


Demonic Possession.

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58fe37  No.13860638


sounds about right. but 8bit and fj seem to have renewed their "friendship" this last year - why?

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91222b  No.13860639

File: 6d4a84eb224d353⋯.jpg (13.79 KB, 240x327, 80:109, 54d8eb642092d_tom_waits_dr….jpg)


Say, that's a nice mirror.

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040fe5  No.13860640

File: beac1fcbde8537b⋯.jpg (503.79 KB, 800x357, 800:357, IMG_20201113_231759.jpg)

File: 347d20162f26122⋯.jpg (84.14 KB, 940x600, 47:30, IMG_20201112_102225.jpg)

File: c3bc77e3807c24f⋯.jpg (100.91 KB, 1122x1144, 51:52, IMG_20201030_234604.jpg)

File: e0988c6687587e6⋯.jpg (115.69 KB, 1091x608, 1091:608, img_2021_01_09_20_23_44.jpg)

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3e890b  No.13860641


Not impressed until I see the true form. Boring.

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ca9d69  No.13860642



You can't throw a brick without hitting 7 namefags and Mr Pig in here

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630b8a  No.13860643

File: e943f8c54548a0e⋯.png (451.23 KB, 813x663, 271:221, 26ed9425e218297a0df98c8447….png)

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f7cb96  No.13860644



trump is down. but no bidan hanging on wall?


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0f5680  No.13860645

We will never lose again win this is finished.

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5b369b  No.13860646

File: c8c24173545241f⋯.jpeg (66.14 KB, 480x960, 1:2, A91A7C53_397F_4FC0_98F6_B….jpeg)

File: bbcf0834e55e0b9⋯.jpeg (74.95 KB, 480x960, 1:2, 4AE8315F_1B8C_432A_AD4A_6….jpeg)

File: 28fb190e25bc3e2⋯.jpeg (68.66 KB, 480x960, 1:2, B2B2E23D_E0E3_4969_8B6F_8….jpeg)

File: 367e4d9d7a9467d⋯.png (96.03 KB, 600x383, 600:383, F0F7E7DD_2677_4BE0_833C_49….png)

File: 0a15c3ba4e88264⋯.jpeg (51.66 KB, 900x579, 300:193, DEC40923_8DE2_4FB1_8A6B_2….jpeg)

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ca9d69  No.13860647


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9cb175  No.13860648


I would like to know if such an action took place and if Flynn was holding that position.

As for Flynn being DS, no F'ing idea. I can be the 10th man and make a strong case Trump is DS but I can't help trust him still.

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284b26  No.13860649

File: 2f7693eec988968⋯.jpg (42.55 KB, 800x450, 16:9, dose.jpg)


>Daily Doses

No thanks doc.

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9975a6  No.13860650


oh, how i loathe him

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0c16d3  No.13860651


"We have the [process] server."

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8bb4ae  No.13860652


Miss Rachel better member she too is white af & if white equals rayciss then her lezzie ass would be considered rayciss despite her gayness, for gayness is not a race.

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f7cb96  No.13860653

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58fe37  No.13860654


yes, hard to estimate, espec if we wanna include lurqers. but however many anons are here, it's lots. but load is carried by a pretty small group of steady ones who dig, meme and pray on a regular basis.

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f9f789  No.13860655

File: efa24eb6e075537⋯.jpg (947.03 KB, 1920x1920, 1:1, Polish_20210608_203420675.jpg)

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5b369b  No.13860656

File: bcf946f1b3e4201⋯.jpeg (749.5 KB, 1082x1084, 541:542, 1A6FC68B_609F_4C63_A3C1_A….jpeg)

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fb0867  No.13860657


He knew all along that half was glowie controlled.

He went to /pol/ because that's where the Anons were that he needed to have in order to get things off the ground.

Not the FB or Redditor Anons that came following along later.

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96ed59  No.13860658

File: d9c4e56c06e02bf⋯.jpg (33.61 KB, 675x518, 675:518, photo_2021_06_08_20_02_05.jpg)


>resident Barack Obama to defend, downplay, and deflect from critical race theory.


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449a28  No.13860659


Deplatforming of 8chan sucked. I was having withdrawals.

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9914c4  No.13860660

Have you ever heard of the United Republics of America?

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019a47  No.13860661


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f9f789  No.13860662

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449a28  No.13860663


At least voat got a huge chunk of the redditors. Gotta have them upvotes!

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b0f3bf  No.13860664


Thx anon

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b078a4  No.13860665

File: 3b1ccb637e239eb⋯.jpg (559.74 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, E3ZpA7_XoAQ_ouQ.jpg)

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ca9d69  No.13860666

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f7cb96  No.13860667


kamala has dried chapped lips

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40e42a  No.13860668


Trump, Pence, and Sec Def (Esper's was the last as I recall) all down, no replacements. I'll have to

check if Sec AF has been replaced. None of the military leadership has changed, of course.

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4be64c  No.13860669

Are the memers meme if Fauci with FOIa emails “impossible to defend” “they won’t be able to walk the streets”?

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ada8d4  No.13860670

File: 9b99bfb5e035886⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 1440x2066, 720:1033, BuckholeBroken.jpg)

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459e38  No.13860671

File: 4493da2a31547db⋯.png (640.55 KB, 1825x928, 1825:928, Screenshot_2021_06_08_at_2….png)

File: 3afc4ab0e1efbd2⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1319x881, 1319:881, Screenshot_2021_06_08_at_2….png)




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47cb80  No.13860672


This is how you trigger the "nu-uh P means Pope" faggots…

If only more people could find out who Pindar is and what PINDAR is.

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80dbde  No.13860673

File: f11840ca3b52c24⋯.jpg (373.17 KB, 507x659, 507:659, tophats.jpg)


>can be

we ARE

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73ba41  No.13860674


I remember the day well.

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174124  No.13860675

File: 4f25878651495b6⋯.gif (886.13 KB, 500x261, 500:261, Inl86xc.gif)

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2b9cff  No.13860676


Was the post close to real-time? I can't find her anywhereon ADS-B.

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b02881  No.13860677

File: f00cb69235801d3⋯.png (610.68 KB, 1180x654, 590:327, Screen_Shot_2021_06_08_at_….png)

Dr. David Martin - How Did We Get Here?

June 7, 2021


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5b369b  No.13860678

File: 429daaf5f6adfbf⋯.png (525.59 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, A5B56428_07D9_48A5_ADC8_CF….png)

File: aafb53e578ac9a4⋯.png (543.96 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, CEEE34C0_B066_40FE_BD1B_04….png)

File: ce5067253900628⋯.png (585.47 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 689E06C9_EC47_41A1_8768_4D….png)

File: 5775e50ec348a7e⋯.png (468.58 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 2747FB4A_826C_4C1C_89DA_18….png)

>> https://www.reddit.com/r/HenryCavill/comments/ngk24t/henry_cavill_sam_heughan_and_cyberbullying/

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f5c9a5  No.13860679


Guatemala moved their embassy to Jerusalem…

1998, Guatemalan President Flores conducted Hillary Clinton on a tour of hurricane devastation.

Migrants gathered on Guatemalan border with Mexico…

This one…

Casa De La Cultura De Guatemala

1930 Wilshire Blvd #300

Los Angeles, CA 90017

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449a28  No.13860680


P means Prostate

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cd28c3  No.13860681

File: 62fd87b1d030adf⋯.png (673.76 KB, 1309x745, 1309:745, ClipboardImage.png)

>>13858491 (lb/pb)

>>13858318 (lb/pb)

>>13858131 (lb/pb)

>>13858198 (lb/pb)

not datefagging. just wondering what Q+ is getting for this birthday. F-14 also a BOOM?

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ca9d69  No.13860682


Hi clown. Way to blend in.

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f7cb96  No.13860683


>Casa De La Cultura De Guatemala

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0f5680  No.13860684

Almost out of time.


Finish this before my last day.

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040fe5  No.13860685

File: 17f66587bbe984a⋯.jpg (65.59 KB, 1075x416, 1075:416, Screenshot_20210608_203816….jpg)

File: cb00e4752963ce6⋯.jpg (143.51 KB, 1076x1086, 538:543, Project_Capture.jpg)

Trips checkt - yikes!


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d5943c  No.13860686


When you cannot attack the message you attack the messenger. You cannot dispute the truth. Israel first.

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ec1add  No.13860687


roger….it 'twas

It'll show up later

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47cb80  No.13860688


>board is full of oldfags

top kek

lurk moar, faggot

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9a9991  No.13860689

File: 090791e6ff115a5⋯.png (490.41 KB, 720x1520, 9:19, Screenshot_20210608_213757.png)

File: f61cc163a0e66f2⋯.jpg (68.33 KB, 600x400, 3:2, The_Nine_Nations_of_North_….jpg)

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80827d  No.13860690

File: a71c5084fc08e25⋯.jpg (52.48 KB, 780x688, 195:172, znormies.jpg)

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174124  No.13860691

File: 3bfe19eea7dd215⋯.png (883.75 KB, 1080x795, 72:53, _093858.png)

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0c5a7c  No.13860692

File: e55a4030a414332⋯.jpeg (48.08 KB, 600x600, 1:1, FCA08F37_BA45_4B0A_ACEE_2….jpeg)


For your files.

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2b4581  No.13860693

and wait wasn't there something with a Guatemalan necklace? or peruvian?

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49220d  No.13860694

File: 2c08b72342c9be7⋯.jpg (398.12 KB, 906x2144, 453:1072, Screenshot_20210608_203921….jpg)



News Unlocks

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449a28  No.13860695


2nd worst day was the say pillow decided to piss his panties, 3rd I'd say was notable wars. I would say bakers wars but that has pretty much become a fixture.

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12dd34  No.13860696

interwebs been laggy af for hours

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7d9b36  No.13860697

File: 35d6304d0a2c779⋯.png (163.31 KB, 543x275, 543:275, Hold_the_line_frens.png)


I'm looking up the translation for what the guy said before he slaps him. The last part means down with Macron but one of the translations for Montjoie Saint-Denis is "Hold the Line". I'm getting all emotional.

Hold the line yellow vest friends.

"Montjoie" has also been proposed as being derived from a Germanic source, mund gawi ("pile of stones"), supposedly used as a battle cry in a sense of "hold the line!". It has alternatively been proposed as deriving from mund galga, from mund "protect" and galga "cross, rood" (as pilgrims would often affix crucifixes to these stones).[5][6] Charles Arnould claimed the word originated in Gaulish mant- "path" and gauda "pile of stones".[7]


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b6546f  No.13860698


The problem isn't so much that there is or isn't a deep state - it is that the state is a means to power for many interests, as is the military industrial complex. Many have a vested interest in not rocking the boat, or at least not inviting what they see as uncertainty.

Generally speaking, all generals are made such because of politics. All flag officers are politicians first and foremost.

So, while Flynn may not be big on the wars in the middle east - he may not necessarily be opposed to the feudalization of America, as it secures the interests of the defense industries.

For example, I could be a hardcore military industrial complex supporter and fascist who finds out flirting around with terrorists in the middle east to be a massive waste of time and resources, as well as sponsoring a decay of our position as world leaders. We should have our tanks running patrol from Mexico to Panama. That doesn't mean I am for the return of the country to the will of the people. Although one would be a fool not to capitalize on the sentiment.

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ca9d69  No.13860699


and suspicions confirmed.

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49220d  No.13860700


Or are you saving me for last?

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2b9cff  No.13860701

File: b8986ab51644f8c⋯.png (513.83 KB, 1239x659, 1239:659, ADS_B_Exchange_tracking_62….png)


I shouulder waited a second longer.

Popped up right afterward.

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2ce97b  No.13860702

>>13860111 Dough

>>13860500 notable #17541

>>13860629 notable #17542








>>13860114 Obama Admin Talks About How They Beat Romney Before The Election

>>13860129 Former Obama AG Eric Holder, Held In Contempt of Congress Charge, Again Ignores Constitution and Says DOJ Should Stop 2020 Election Audit of Maricopa County

>>13860155 DJT jr: Try to imagine one of the Trump kids dropping the n-word. Real quote from Hunter: “n***a you better not be charging me Hennessy rates.” #RacistHunter

>>13860158 , >>13860339, >>13860346 Chattanooga’s Wilson Air Center is receiving planes carrying migrant children who are being bused to multiple southeastern cities during overnight hours.

>>13860309 Syrian Air Defenses repel 'Israeli aggression' in sky over Damascus, state media report

>>13860220 Signs popped up in Greenwich protesting critical race theory and masks. Here's what we know.

>>13860274 Sam Cooper: Inside Communist China's Hidden Ties to Canada’s Criminal Underworld | TEASER


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174124  No.13860703

File: 3befbd8eacdfecf⋯.jpeg (142.37 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 1546701734.jpeg)

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a0a201  No.13860704

Anons whats a good way to see how many women are getting pregnant, to test the theory that vax is for infertility?

Gugle search terms? What else?

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51ba2a  No.13860705


That is a patently false statement.

Wrong place to be making up shit without getting called out on it.

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2b4581  No.13860706


he says à bas la Macronie

which is a wordplay, Down with the Macronarchy basically

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ca9d69  No.13860707


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40e42a  No.13860708


Prove it.

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449a28  No.13860709


Do you remember when the board was fucked and you had to post to update? Lurk Less Edition. That changed everything.

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ada8d4  No.13860710

File: f1d33e8892e351b⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1026x1318, 513:659, 1623198256850.png)

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5b369b  No.13860711

File: 030e9ed6606ba2c⋯.png (2.23 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, CDE8262E_71C1_44D3_B4B6_68….png)

File: a12fa86fc460795⋯.png (2.47 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, FCE7DA9F_A070_46BB_B741_80….png)

File: 2087025b04ed073⋯.png (422.79 KB, 633x434, 633:434, 7389B8FE_73DB_47CD_B0EE_C2….png)

File: efc04d52713db6d⋯.jpeg (499.52 KB, 1960x1226, 980:613, C6D9EFEA_2C4F_4ED0_B2FF_0….jpeg)

File: bc0c9faceb51f4d⋯.jpeg (112.71 KB, 728x561, 728:561, 24C3EE47_3344_4888_8A78_A….jpeg)






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0c5a7c  No.13860712

File: b7c0c02bf9feb57⋯.jpeg (163.99 KB, 638x627, 58:57, 66C6A058_99DE_4F64_BD03_0….jpeg)


Smokes a bowl and askses again.

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73ba41  No.13860713


They still work. You need to fill out your membership application, pay your dues and say the oath. There is a reason we don't use them. All of us that have been through the process will use them when Q tells us to. Most likely in about two weeks.

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4ef10e  No.13860714

File: 8b34b462e891d78⋯.jpg (89.68 KB, 850x400, 17:8, 8b34b462e891d78f9c9a070494….jpg)


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47cb80  No.13860715


Look at you paying attention.

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9a9991  No.13860716


White House empty. Castle Lock?

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ac9b78  No.13860717

File: f96b2f9c53da2c2⋯.png (13.59 KB, 568x233, 568:233, ClipboardImage.png)


Damascus and explosions cannot be mentioned without Isaiah 17:1

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ca9d69  No.13860718












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ec1add  No.13860719

File: bf15cb203ddea57⋯.png (12.07 KB, 225x90, 5:2, kys_1.PNG)

File: 5e576c1723ab603⋯.png (293.98 KB, 796x460, 199:115, AF2_USAF_C_32A_departed_Wa….PNG)


blow it out your ass newfag

May 5th from Rhode Island

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fb0867  No.13860720


Ask Q.

It was his drop (posted above by an astute Anon) that said to turn it off.

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cd28c3  No.13860721

File: 5fd2682b4e3d44d⋯.png (1.97 MB, 819x1247, 819:1247, ClipboardImage.png)

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7d9b36  No.13860722


The slapper yelled, "Montjoie Saint-Denis, à bas la Macronie." Part of the phrase is a 12th century royalist slogan that today has become a rallying cry of the far right. The other part means "down with Macronism."


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c7f09c  No.13860723


That meme ain't funny.

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80827d  No.13860724

File: 90212182d4d5173⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1430x1478, 715:739, a10_y.png)



Please mean something but muh Church!

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b8c42c  No.13860725

File: 7be9ae917a5de50⋯.png (1015.37 KB, 733x914, 733:914, NewStrain.png)


>I would like to know if such an action took place and if Flynn was holding that position.

Dunno. Here's another seemingly whacked site with more background.


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449a28  No.13860726


If you can post this 100 times in one bread it will turn them on. You can also buy 8kun premium.

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55d7ba  No.13860727


>>>13855083, >>13854934, >>13854890 AN0M / Ironsides / Trojan Shield Operation

The ANOM platform - unlike Phantom Secure, EncroChat, and Sky Global - was exploited by the FBI from the very beginning of ANOM’s existence and was not an infiltration of an existing popular encrypted communications company.

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afa96d  No.13860728


Either biblical or they are just making up stuff to cover vax deaths.

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ca9d69  No.13860729


Reference to that Q drop please.

Link to the Anon post you are referring to?

I see neither.

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2b4581  No.13860730


aah thanks, couldn't get the first part.

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174124  No.13860731

File: daaeb63cb02e116⋯.jpg (431.12 KB, 1080x1192, 135:149, 20200611_205434.jpg)

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45e13f  No.13860732

File: 2c1e24c063f060e⋯.png (123.37 KB, 991x440, 991:440, Screenshot_2021_06_07_Q_Re….png)

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e488a7  No.13860733








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0c5a7c  No.13860734

File: b1c698d5f4c8b8a⋯.jpeg (91.77 KB, 750x429, 250:143, 2109CD38_9903_4A8F_8090_4….jpeg)

File: 5522e718b544333⋯.jpeg (28.29 KB, 600x627, 200:209, 709B9739_B731_4CFC_95C5_8….jpeg)


Now you ain’t funny too.

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af66a2  No.13860735


>>13860111 Dough

>>13860500 notable #17541

>>13860629 notable #17542

notable #17543

>>13857745 The Secret IRS Files: Trove of Never-Before-Seen Records Reveal How the Wealthiest Avoid Income Tax

>>13857749 Issue behind mass internet outage 'has been identified' & is currently being fixed, says Fastly

>>13857758 US On Track To Miss Biden's July 4 Vaccination Target As Demand Plunges

ID: 7a9f07 39 posts = good links


>>13857997 Folks, the Delta variant — a highly infectious COVID-19 strain — is spreading rapidly among young people between 12 and 20 years old in the U.K. If you’re young and haven’t gotten your shot yet, it really is time. It’s the best way to protect yourself and those you love.

>>13858237 Biden's War on Guns: Millions Brace for the Largest Gun Confiscation Scheme In American History

>>13858268 Renault charged with 'deceit' in diesel emissions inquiry: company

>>13858395 EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden addressed his white lawyer as 'n*a' multiple times, used phrases like 'true dat n*a' and bantered 'I only love you because you're black,' in shocking texts unearthed days after Joe's emotional Tulsa speech decrying racism

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ca9d69  No.13860736

Still no answer


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b078a4  No.13860737

File: 4d2202550deacd6⋯.mp4 (2.16 MB, 854x464, 427:232, KLggujXjOpngggK7.mp4)

Fresh AOC ramblings


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fb0867  No.13860738


VOAT users were a special kind of annoying that even Redditors couldn't quite achieve.

Some good diggs still went down there tho.

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c7f09c  No.13860739


They way that the DS went after him? They did everything they could think of to destroy him. No way in hell POTUS is DS.

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7302b4  No.13860740

File: 8a4a8b4d6fbcf42⋯.jpg (110.61 KB, 1024x878, 512:439, 1623201377440.jpg)

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58fe37  No.13860741

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47cb80  No.13860742


I have no positive feelings about the Papacy, let alone the rest of the Vatican.

This is not about me wanting it to not be Pope. Hell, I don't see why it can't be more than one thing. What I'm bothered about is the spam.

All I was suggesting is that understanding what both Pindar and PINDAR are can be very beneficial.

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4387ec  No.13860743


Hoooorayyy! 2 weeks guise!

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630b8a  No.13860744

File: e2ab904df6659e6⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1360x768, 85:48, ClipboardImage.png)

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ca9d69  No.13860745


And how does that explain trips being disabled?

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49220d  No.13860747

File: 44be5b6db2f1d75⋯.jpg (2.84 MB, 964x13120, 241:3280, Screenshot_20210608_204920….jpg)

Fine I'll at least archive since I can't get a peer review.

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fbd474  No.13860748

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f7cb96  No.13860749

File: 87c561d14932421⋯.png (356.36 KB, 650x696, 325:348, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c090b6e19e18d84⋯.png (135.75 KB, 275x425, 11:17, ClipboardImage.png)


She is going to be busy. Migrants from 151 different countries have been processed at the Donna Processing Facility alone: Harris' blunt message in Guatemala: 'Do not come' to U.S.

Harris' message in Guatemala: 'Do not come'

The vice president’s warning was in line with what other U.S. officials have tried to convey for months in the face of an influx of people trying to enter the country.


6:08 AM · Jun 8, 2021


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562e80  No.13860750

File: 10700ec5cdb551e⋯.jpg (652.63 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, QRip.jpg)


>I was having withdrawals.

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bbf151  No.13860751

Vaccine transmission - need some help here anons. Looking to hire a nanny and am having trouble finding an unvaxxed option. Clearly I'm not a scientist, but my question is this… is there any potential harm that can come from children being in close contact with a vaccinated person for a prolonged amount of time.

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e488a7  No.13860752


america is the purest evolution of global cuisine

an expression of pure stupidity and perfection at one time

like mixing heavy cream, cheese, milk, butter, cream cheese and calling it a casserole

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34e752  No.13860753


Posted this a few breads back. No, it's not Isaiah 17 yet. Just Iranian targets around Damascus. Surface to surface missiles destroyed.

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040fe5  No.13860754

File: 1b7dbd70711d3a3⋯.jpg (89.54 KB, 1023x630, 341:210, IMG_20200814_225223.jpg)

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9b0b45  No.13860755

Kek, this board is extra fucky today.

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449a28  No.13860756


Ya I checked voat out when it started Q shit. Still had mods and censorship so wasn't for me. Good digs can happen anywhere a lot of people say the want freedom of speech until they get called faggot 100x a day kek.

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fe4d99  No.13860757

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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58fe37  No.13860758


was really hard to do diggs on voat

got buried under next layer almost immediately

tried to continue digs on el paso timing of shooting - like lighting damp wood

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0d5da7  No.13860759

File: 812adf052ee1218⋯.jpg (140.33 KB, 960x951, 320:317, aochehe.jpg)


10 seconds this time… a new record for me.

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ac9b78  No.13860760


The Akagi would have made a great museum.

Too bad our fathers blew it the fuck up.

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ca9d69  No.13860761



































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5b369b  No.13860762

File: 182004e1d9096d6⋯.jpeg (223.91 KB, 1156x1500, 289:375, 624AB3AB_6C97_4705_848E_B….jpeg)

File: 09d4ef93d6a417f⋯.png (448.89 KB, 860x1144, 215:286, F7847575_8CF8_44A8_AEBD_F5….png)

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fb0867  No.13860763

File: bb05a6d41f9ff22⋯.png (18.65 KB, 770x454, 385:227, Q957.png)

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449a28  No.13860764


Banner still gay now, even if it wasn't for 3 years.

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80827d  No.13860765

File: 91ed95c51c63f71⋯.png (125.33 KB, 1054x1112, 527:556, 00000001.png)

File: 73ae8583da1b5e4⋯.png (213.34 KB, 1054x1052, 527:526, 00000005.png)

File: 75c7dc83df7e30e⋯.png (130.74 KB, 1054x636, 527:318, 00000006.png)

File: 080640b8fe2397a⋯.png (140.91 KB, 1060x782, 530:391, 00000007.png)

File: 1fda689164dcd37⋯.png (134.78 KB, 1060x682, 530:341, 00000008.png)



New fucking Eyes!

You must disregard the drops and the future that has proved the past in order to believe that P = PINDER or Payseur.

Agent and/or lost.

Spam = FILTER if you don't like a free speech board!

It was always that way until OSS faker baker clown and/or storm front could no longer take the FUCKING PAIN!

Oh please! FJ help muh!




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e488a7  No.13860766



those who haven't tried it


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80827d  No.13860767

File: 3e4537788cafb81⋯.png (256.96 KB, 760x1145, 152:229, Q_1002_VATICAN_NSAv.png)

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26230d  No.13860768

File: aa999c84624a8f3⋯.png (344.74 KB, 487x326, 487:326, 2551b6ccecc29d1a17d5d511db….png)


I'm blown away by the Lefts Lunacy.

They are contradicting themselves & eating each other for lunch.

>They will bring their whole diseased corrupt temple doown on their own heads.


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58fe37  No.13860769


8bit said blackmail as i recall but not til four mos later (july). initially said fj was a good guy. then the two are back together again later. many unanswered questions.

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9b0b45  No.13860770


Hey, I was wondering if you could tell me… Are Trip codes turned off?

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96ed59  No.13860771

File: 755b3ad7ef6d1ec⋯.jpg (259.09 KB, 800x449, 800:449, how_dare_you_7193a2f885.jpg)


>AOC ramblings

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c7f09c  No.13860772


This child/woman is psychotic. She's undergoing therapy because of what happened on Jan. 6th. Traumatized. She was no where near the Capital that day. Disgusting.

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80827d  No.13860773

File: f5634156d2f2f61⋯.png (16.42 KB, 840x790, 84:79, Q_3565_POPE_BIBLICALv.png)


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ca9d69  No.13860774


Well daFuq

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4af32a  No.13860775

File: 4618a788924e3bc⋯.png (935.11 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 8_KUN_PREMIUM.png)


Trips were turned off because your credit card was declined. Please update your payment method to enjoy creative anon content on 8Kun Premium.

- Admin

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80827d  No.13860776

File: 1a8fa96807de49e⋯.png (164.38 KB, 1144x1444, 286:361, Q_154z.png)

File: 1bfb04e043cb55a⋯.png (49.36 KB, 686x400, 343:200, Q_154aa_Q_306_lords_prayer….png)


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040fe5  No.13860777

File: 5bf913a239eca98⋯.jpg (141.23 KB, 800x1280, 5:8, IMG_20201113_151329.jpg)


You must first have the key.

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0c5a7c  No.13860778


That pic.

Oh my…

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61426e  No.13860779

File: dd3dda31aa5c5a6⋯.jpg (211.49 KB, 609x676, 609:676, hmm.jpg)


>Many have a vested interest in not rocking the boat, or at least not inviting what they see as uncertainty.

Well Flynn has certainly rocked a few boats in the past week with that Myanmar comment.


>That doesn't mean I am for the return of the country to the will of the people.

Now I am the one not following your logic on this one: Isn't that what the Constitution guarantees?

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fb0867  No.13860781


>I think if all the anons got together we could force them off.


Just like Rebel Anons got together and booted Comms out of the Kitchen.

I don't see you of all people having the same success, but give it a shot.

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449a28  No.13860782



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ca9d69  No.13860783

OK <<<You>>> win.

I'm out.

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80827d  No.13860784

File: 2cf9d9a81afd197⋯.png (417.06 KB, 2552x5744, 319:718, Q_1950L_VATICANv.png)





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2e8329  No.13860785

File: 1a323ea49501e8c⋯.png (636.73 KB, 676x732, 169:183, Muh_Chest.png)


Get the tattoo and join the Knights Templar 2021

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4af32a  No.13860786

File: 6a26fb5bf9a6209⋯.jpeg (284.99 KB, 1862x1396, 931:698, Dan_fuks_w_Night_Shift.jpeg)

File: 5054d5d6b8a5f1e⋯.png (216.83 KB, 281x180, 281:180, barron_on_chans.png)

File: e167556133cc481⋯.png (1.33 MB, 810x546, 135:91, Trump_on_chans_go_to_bed.png)

Dan & Barron GET IN HERE!

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2b9cff  No.13860787

File: 3ff7d55d52bc17f⋯.png (363.93 KB, 486x364, 243:182, ClipboardImage.png)

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80827d  No.13860788

File: b6e898fcb185dcc⋯.png (168.31 KB, 2056x1632, 257:204, a28a.png)


Anon has heard that crying moar works well!

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05ed27  No.13860789

File: fe6ead36988a382⋯.png (140.39 KB, 735x779, 735:779, ClipboardImage.png)

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d598f6  No.13860790


Jaypaypal washington rep (those peeps are cray cray) and maddcow were plotting on going at it alone becus the American people voted for biden and hunter and everyone want moar parma and free beer

PANIC - its wuts for pedo luvers

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6c7ae3  No.13860791

File: 69becaa19038388⋯.jpg (190.16 KB, 414x508, 207:254, 96ef26a7b43e3dfd35d4158d0c….jpg)


If ya want somethin' done right, ya gotta do it yourself.

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b0f3bf  No.13860792


There’s a very explanation of them not going to the border, they won’t go to the border because media will film on sheer outrageous chaos they caused and the complaints and protests that they’ll get, opposed to the numerous successful, peaceful and grateful people that Trump met there. Not once was their chaos, although media would have created it. Trump is the best president we’ve had on the southern boarder issue and the most loved by southern states.

That’s why they are afraid to go, the jig will be up. It’s even amazing that Lester Holt asked that question and challenged her.

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fe4d99  No.13860793

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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51ba2a  No.13860795


The burden of proof is on you dumbass.

You CAN prove something happened, IF IT DID.

I can not prove something did not happen.

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fb0867  No.13860796



I thought so.

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094fcd  No.13860797

M Lin dell

L Lin Wood

F LYnn


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80827d  No.13860798

File: b274989916f88a6⋯.jpg (114.96 KB, 860x840, 43:42, b274989916f88a6b412e652f70….jpg)

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5b369b  No.13860799

File: ca79935de8f2dad⋯.jpeg (37.39 KB, 393x958, 393:958, A10EF1C0_01B8_4155_AD08_9….jpeg)

File: 3283c7fcf1b2777⋯.jpeg (57.61 KB, 425x1281, 425:1281, FBA4280A_E94E_467A_B407_3….jpeg)

File: 67ddbf3ea2b4962⋯.jpeg (92.42 KB, 425x600, 17:24, 54B30E71_2AEC_433E_ADC2_0….jpeg)

File: 4e027f8358202b9⋯.jpeg (134.12 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 7B0D50E5_A715_43DC_A3EC_4….jpeg)

File: bb571a079366121⋯.jpeg (407.37 KB, 1280x1920, 2:3, DAC0DF63_1821_4BCE_A9CF_D….jpeg)

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3e890b  No.13860800

File: 111ce8c34c73e60⋯.jpg (50.14 KB, 660x400, 33:20, 174474777664647.jpg)

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910ccd  No.13860801


who dat?

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61426e  No.13860802


National Stats under which Gov. Dept?

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449a28  No.13860803



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0d5da7  No.13860804

File: fc5bf5d12608fcd⋯.jpg (100.4 KB, 1484x1069, 1484:1069, Netanyahu_358_927b.jpg)

It's going to be BIBiLICAL.

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8b129d  No.13860805

File: a074661c7ab786f⋯.jpg (24.39 KB, 333x499, 333:499, NightShift.jpg)

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121303  No.13860806

File: 66b731b597329bb⋯.jpg (18.29 KB, 728x410, 364:205, downshegoes.jpg)

How do you keep it shut down?

How do you get ahead of what is coming?

V2 Varient?

Are they stupid enough to try it again?

when does the first alarm bell ring?


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9a9991  No.13860807

File: ab85f79b01bb80d⋯.png (11.73 KB, 255x248, 255:248, 13039a1fc774bc6d633f6b29ff….png)


Dirty Diana. MJ & dead Kennedys too.

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b8cf08  No.13860808


Makes sure the nanny fucks. All that matters.

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40e42a  No.13860809


What the fuck are you talking about? Anon said it hasn't happened, you called him a liar. Prove it.

Prove AF-1 designation has been used.

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58fe37  No.13860810


anons didn't "all get together" to boot out kitchen. oss got helped of all-powered bo/bv group to boot out bakers. anons had no say, one way or the other.

this site was made so a person could set up a gp and run it the way they want to - someone doesn't like it, leave and create their own board. weren't set up for a gp like QR anons really.

interesting problem.

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d04aa4  No.13860811


>I think if all the anons got together we could force them off. It's our territory not theirs

You frame everything to say your side is legitimate, the other isn't. Many anons vocally disagree with you, but you don't consider them anons. Obviously people are going to fight you, just as some will fight for you. So this will only be more division. However it won't work, because you only have the support of an echo-chamber that has no actual effect on the board or anything else. In addition, your tactics have made many formerly neutral observers, myself among them, hate you on a personal level, so now you have many more enmies here, due, again, solely to your use of sleezeball tactics. Just an fyi.

As a personal aside, if I were Jewish I'd hate you with all of my being for slandering our entire genetic lineage with your way-too-public behavior here. As I'm not, to my knowledge, the son of a female Jew, I simply pity other Jews for having to deal with the huge fucking mess you're creating for them here.

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9a9991  No.13860812


Arnold? Haven't you learned yet.

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80827d  No.13860813

File: 077d3b7797fbeab⋯.jpg (52.87 KB, 480x524, 120:131, 077d3b7797fbeab0345f18aef5….jpg)




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5e5501  No.13860814

File: bc19f3a3342a102⋯.png (296.22 KB, 783x740, 783:740, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0839fd44988e673⋯.png (324.36 KB, 771x755, 771:755, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a59a18d55437077⋯.png (125.25 KB, 783x740, 783:740, ClipboardImage.png)




ty anon

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b56d8e  No.13860815

File: 7391066d16287dc⋯.png (1.21 MB, 720x960, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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a9dee8  No.13860816


nice "book shelf"

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b078a4  No.13860817

File: 928932221ce7fe4⋯.jpg (115.92 KB, 1079x1084, 1079:1084, E3Z7sA7XoAMkEBb.jpg)

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0d5da7  No.13860819

what did GW say about flynn rt?

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05ed27  No.13860820

File: 0a622a43ed8c838⋯.png (231.12 KB, 937x279, 937:279, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8804605284162d3⋯.png (642.97 KB, 1477x355, 1477:355, ClipboardImage.png)

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51ba2a  No.13860821


At best, that proves one flight in May.


I'm a newfag, like you are a brainiac.

Never happened in Jan, Feb, March.

Cry moar Rabbi.

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5b369b  No.13860822

File: 0e6e03169725d7d⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, F0BFD5BA_983F_427B_9E5E_34….png)

File: 1e36f2afa52a845⋯.png (2.46 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, B3EFB28F_DC68_4101_A423_FC….png)



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0c5a7c  No.13860823

File: a5fbf4b58198760⋯.jpeg (173.07 KB, 1024x678, 512:339, 8B197EE0_5043_4100_8F8D_C….jpeg)




Best place ever.

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d598f6  No.13860824


isn't that the cross pattern we see in all the vampire movies and in godfather III (vampire movie)

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a9dee8  No.13860825


curious to know how many came over as she was there.

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6c7ae3  No.13860826

File: 30a31cd9c73f5e7⋯.jpg (127.87 KB, 1500x1125, 4:3, 63e9e18a04e9a5bf4b40978e71….jpg)


> is there any potential harm that can come from children being in close contact with a vaccinated person for a prolonged amount of time.

If they're shedding spike proteins, the answer is probably yes.

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7dc84b  No.13860827


Kek, Dr. Jill was the Biden's nanny when Biden's wife "died".

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fe4d99  No.13860828

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Jews sure treat Blacks as Kings & Queens!

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b37438  No.13860829


muhh trrippps

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174124  No.13860830

File: 73fe6397706e049⋯.jpeg (143.07 KB, 1080x1042, 540:521, 1586196802.jpeg)

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2ce97b  No.13860831

>>13860702 Updated Dough

>>13860735 noted




>>13860114 Obama Admin Talks About How They Beat Romney Before The Election

>>13860129 Former Obama AG Eric Holder, Held In Contempt of Congress Charge, Again Ignores Constitution and Says DOJ Should Stop 2020 Election Audit of Maricopa County

>>13860155 DJT jr: Try to imagine one of the Trump kids dropping the n-word. Real quote from Hunter: “n***a you better not be charging me Hennessy rates.” #RacistHunter

>>13860158 , >>13860339, >>13860346 Chattanooga’s Wilson Air Center is receiving planes carrying migrant children who are being bused to multiple southeastern cities during overnight hours.

>>13860309 Syrian Air Defenses repel 'Israeli aggression' in sky over Damascus, state media report

>>13860220 Signs popped up in Greenwich protesting critical race theory and masks. Here's what we know.

>>13860274 Sam Cooper: Inside Communist China's Hidden Ties to Canada’s Criminal Underworld | TEASER

>>13860457, >>13860701 PF Kamala departed Mexico

>>13860487 'Unprecedented', say environmentalists after lightning kills 27 In one day in India's West Bengal

>>13860512 Open Letter from Retired U.S. Military and Veterans: Support and Defend

>>13860363 Watch: Kamala Harris Snaps At NBC Host After Being Caught In Border Lie


Baking soon

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fae55a  No.13860832

File: 3f1aff148a9e4cf⋯.jpg (261.75 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, QFireWork.jpg)



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c7f09c  No.13860833


Which lips? All 4 probably. Good fucking grief imagine the smell. eeewwww………..

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a91817  No.13860834

File: a000ad5e96c06b8⋯.png (57.33 KB, 704x414, 352:207, 8kunpro.png)

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ce3661  No.13860835

File: 7b59c5ba4460c97⋯.jpg (129.78 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, fraud_vitiates_everything_….jpg)

File: 2103596c2d6c073⋯.jpg (96.72 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, panic_in_arizona.jpg)

File: 089218f0e325ea5⋯.jpg (117.96 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, capt_obvious_legal_votes.jpg)

File: f60ed3364d3f10c⋯.jpg (67.36 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, restore_every_legal_vote.jpg)

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80827d  No.13860836

File: 89b85a2b4787ec7⋯.jpg (112.31 KB, 960x1374, 160:229, 960x0.jpg)



Anons are comfortable with this concept so what are you saying?


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b0f3bf  No.13860837


You might be very right

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121303  No.13860838

File: 57cc166a4ebb620⋯.png (2.29 KB, 151x114, 151:114, e33713d716db53a705938f776e….png)

File: e7561f3d521f5ff⋯.jpg (78.59 KB, 1200x637, 1200:637, e7561f3d521f5ffe4cd0358cfa….jpg)



Bring the thunder.



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51ba2a  No.13860839


The answer is further up IN THIS THREAD.

Learn how to READ.

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b078a4  No.13860840


I would say no. Since the whole virus theory is questionable

Take care of your terain tho by good food and suplements where needed

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ec1add  No.13860841

File: e8409d659fb0cae⋯.png (322.22 KB, 1011x528, 337:176, AF2_USAF_C_32A_departed_Do….PNG)



always with this!

Love it

it proves that was the last flight taken as AF2

all others prior were

>Never happened in Jan, Feb, March.

There's March

Don't waste my time

Nice try though

run along nao

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7edc60  No.13860842

File: b851e0a6355a7c9⋯.png (14.62 KB, 137x172, 137:172, Unnamed.png)

File: 4fd69d4efa9b54b⋯.jpg (11.65 KB, 202x255, 202:255, YouBe.jpg)

File: 8c3860a7c8f246c⋯.png (92.59 KB, 200x255, 40:51, behindthepost.png)

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5eb7a0  No.13860843

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80827d  No.13860844

File: 032ccfb98afcc4f⋯.png (280.2 KB, 704x1038, 352:519, 0000000000tempra1.png)

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449a28  No.13860845

File: 03fc90dc3d3db52⋯.jpg (102.99 KB, 490x490, 1:1, 20210608_210508.jpg)

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4af32a  No.13860846

File: 880384062acdae1⋯.png (1.04 MB, 737x720, 737:720, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d80cb5b0edf94d6⋯.png (833.38 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 442ddce2e5601a3⋯.png (426.44 KB, 750x476, 375:238, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8fd9d65cf040176⋯.png (676.22 KB, 504x504, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Lot of _9:34s

8:34s is Ghislaine Maxwell

'Unmask the children'

Who ARE the children/victims

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ac6dd9  No.13860848


What corporate money is behind AOC?


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a91817  No.13860849


>No way in hell POTUS is DS.

Never said that Anon.

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4af32a  No.13860850


but that was just my knee jerk reaction

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a9dee8  No.13860851


eh, done in 30…June is heating up…

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fb0867  No.13860852



It was a grassroots effort.

OSS was just the catalyst and main driver.

Cry all you want - the history is chronicled on qresear.ch for anyone to review if they so desire.

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d598f6  No.13860853


unfortunately i

can see hunter riding obongo and while he ses - who's muhNigger

and bigMike - nodding

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26230d  No.13860854

File: ca7a6c7ca3de9b4⋯.gif (152.4 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 20210608_200248_1.gif)

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4a10b0  No.13860855


>If they're shedding spike proteins, the answer is probably yes.

Is that possible, anon? or jk

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80827d  No.13860856

File: 9988398fab09e24⋯.png (601.94 KB, 792x1058, 396:529, 0000aflb2.png)


*expert leaf feeder - do not try this at home*

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094fcd  No.13860857

File: f23381a7e018c6d⋯.jpg (620.64 KB, 3369x1453, 3369:1453, MIKELINDELL_309_Edit_e1539….jpg)

File: b73d9ae76a037d7⋯.jpg (87.97 KB, 790x724, 395:362, lin_wood.jpg)

File: e7e1d607e8f5008⋯.png (287.39 KB, 672x372, 56:31, Screen_Shot_2021_01_14_at_….png)

File: 4f6e3bbc3b08446⋯.jpg (25.87 KB, 612x408, 3:2, gettyimages_1165966407_612….jpg)

M Lin dell

L Lin Wood

F LYnn


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040fe5  No.13860858

File: 5934ea57cc419e0⋯.jpg (225.62 KB, 1080x1454, 540:727, Screenshot_20210608_210348….jpg)

WTF is this shit? And see em grabbing the eggs & chocolate at the end, like really??? Fucking how desperate 😅

Sorry anons, phonefaging so can't dl/ul vid.

Sauce on gab: https://gab.com/pleazzer/posts/106378303541244999

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b0f3bf  No.13860859


Yep that was the middle man Trump got rid of, and Biteass invited back in the day or so after the faux inauguration

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630b8a  No.13860860

File: 62ce4618cc23b61⋯.png (868.53 KB, 800x1097, 800:1097, ClipboardImage.png)


>Too bad our fathers blew it the fuck up.

At 04:50 on 5 June, Yamamoto ordered Akagi scuttled, saying to his staff, "I was once the captain of Akagi, and it is with heartfelt regret that I must now order that she be sunk."[98]

Destroyers Arashi, Hagikaze, Maikaze, and Nowaki each fired one torpedo into the carrier and she sank, bow first, at 05:20 at 30°30′N 178°40′WCoordinates: 30°30′N 178°40′W.

Two hundred and sixty-seven men of the ship's crew were lost, the fewest of any of the Japanese fleet carriers lost in the battle.[98][Note 11]

The loss of Akagi and the three other IJN carriers at Midway, comprising two-thirds of Japan's total number of fleet carriers and the experienced core of the First Air Fleet, was a crucial strategic defeat for Japan and contributed significantly to Japan's ultimate defeat in the war.[100]

In an effort to conceal the defeat, Akagi was not immediately removed from the Navy's registry of ships, instead of being listed as "unmanned" before finally being struck from the registry on 25 September 1942.[101]



First Air Fleet commander Vice Admiral Chūichi Nagumo, for whom Akagi served as flagship from Pearl Harbor to Midway

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fb0867  No.13860861

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d598f6  No.13860863


psucki and the journos were tearful eyed about all the reunions with traffickers pimps and organd traders

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17bff3  No.13860864

File: 87fc219f6f5c449⋯.png (391.82 KB, 616x366, 308:183, ClipboardImage.png)


>The polished former AG Holder calls it a ‘fraudit’ but nothing could be further from the truth.

Actually, he's right you know!

It's anaudit, looking forfraud.

The left can't even meme without pointing three fingers back at themselves, kek!!!

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51ba2a  No.13860866






Nancy Pelosi is the Original Poster Child

AOC is attempting to bump her off her throne.

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8ff227  No.13860867

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


10 Years Later: President Obama and Admiral Bill McRaven reflect on the bin Laden Raid


Obama Foundation

214K subscribers

10 years after the operation that brought Osama bin Laden to justice, President Obama and Admiral Bill McRaven, the commander of the special operations forces who executed the raid, sat down to reflect on the thousands of people who made that mission possible, and what that meant to the country.

Learn more about that day at obama.org/updates/obl-ten/

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4ef10e  No.13860869


Ask her to wear a mask

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49220d  No.13860871


They'll be inserted post bake for theFaker Complainerto reflect upon with some unsuspecting, anon as if it was Kek's will shining down upon him.

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a0a201  No.13860873

File: 1bbb42868c802aa⋯.jpg (178.64 KB, 1439x1697, 1439:1697, Screenshot_20210608_190701….jpg)

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ac6dd9  No.13860875

File: 59a04088a254321⋯.png (320.12 KB, 2098x928, 1049:464, Screenshot_from_2021_06_08….png)


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45e13f  No.13860877

File: 207c0bf1f18a01b⋯.png (2.18 KB, 252x70, 18:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0e51a4c446d1622⋯.png (93.4 KB, 1898x857, 1898:857, ClipboardImage.png)



>done in 30

came and went

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ec1add  No.13860879


>grassroots effort

Killin' me breh…..


>the history is chronicled on qresear.ch for anyone to review if they so desire.

Including all of your made-up shit placed in the globals and noteables

thanks again!!

fuggen dumbshit

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630b8a  No.13860880

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Battle of Midway 14: American SBDs Make Final Approach


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c7f09c  No.13860881


Definitely comms.

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449a28  No.13860882

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a9dee8  No.13860883


ok, so we went from zoom calls with white book shelves to blurred backgrounds to the most basic shit ever. Green screens are fun!

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fb0867  No.13860884


Hey dumbass - re_read drop 957.

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828032  No.13860885

File: 1c047e86df045b5⋯.jpg (91.28 KB, 600x335, 120:67, QresearchBanner3.jpg)


Thank you, Baker!

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96ed59  No.13860886

File: 5e16bffc7acc208⋯.mp4 (929.08 KB, 262x480, 131:240, Stop_Blaming_Biden.mp4)


[D]s are losing it

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05ed27  No.13860887

File: 3d2126924d90677⋯.png (3.68 MB, 2048x1338, 1024:669, ClipboardImage.png)

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91222b  No.13860888


2 masks are better.

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4e1ad2  No.13860889


Hey dummy, trips are off except for Q. Don't be such a dummy. Only Q's trip is whitelisted. You are a poop.

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45e13f  No.13860890


mind your own business

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5e5501  No.13860891

File: 1e648acebd92700⋯.png (139.58 KB, 500x290, 50:29, ClipboardImage.png)


>Anons are comfortable with this concept

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0c5a7c  No.13860893


That was a tasteless meme photo. My apologies.

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a9dee8  No.13860894


I'll believe your dubs. Can't wait for this month though/

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121303  No.13860895

File: e45eabc656ee898⋯.jpg (149.36 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, e45eabc656ee89896619552f15….jpg)


Autists are In full effect unscathed UN tethered, and ready for attack


DELTA 3 6/1A

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466f12  No.13860896

File: c78f50b0908356d⋯.png (227.43 KB, 391x293, 391:293, phpt.png)

Meme blank for upcoming events.

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3e890b  No.13860897


They always have this look in their eyes like there is just nothing there behind them.

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fb0867  No.13860898

File: 1dada57aa94b25f⋯.jpg (47.94 KB, 489x493, 489:493, ChadHominem.jpg)


Oooooh the truth burns - put some ointment on it if this is all you have for a rebuttal.

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5b369b  No.13860899

* - Third floor:


Development Room

[002] : I wrote the story! Isn't ERIKA cute? I like MISTY a lot too!

Oh, and SABRINA, I like her!

[003] : I'm the graphic artist! I drew you!

[004] : Me? I'm the programmer!

[005] : Is that right? I'm the game designer! Filling up your POKEDEX

is tough, but don't quit! When you finish, come tell me!

* - Upon doing so:

Wow! Excellent! You completed your POKEDEX! Congratulations! …

* - He provides the following paper.


Player RED

Congrats! This diploma certifies that you have completed your



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2ce97b  No.13860900

File: c7107fd2d6e429b⋯.jpg (166.72 KB, 1191x1200, 397:400, trump23.jpg)



>>13860892 Dough

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b078a4  No.13860901

File: 292d332f94d978b⋯.jpeg (561.88 KB, 1879x1238, 1879:1238, 292d332f94d978bf264372243….jpeg)

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49220d  No.13860902

File: 9996b27f4132151⋯.gif (1.34 MB, 800x533, 800:533, meftV0q.gif)

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80827d  No.13860903

File: 2edb6d18881b629⋯.jpeg (234.36 KB, 828x792, 23:22, 2edb6d18881b629d6ee18d469….jpeg)


OSS and MNR Comms in one fell swoop!



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fae55a  No.13860904

File: 25e3f6aad0d5816⋯.jpg (92.61 KB, 500x715, 100:143, 5clo88.jpg)

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4ef10e  No.13860905

File: 0bf9806536fdccb⋯.jpg (70.96 KB, 872x872, 1:1, 0bf9806536fdccbd4c764a8f8c….jpg)

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26230d  No.13860906


Why get the shot, when we have the cures.




They work like a charm

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ec1add  No.13860907



you never deny it breh

just maor statements

Love IT

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7e1aed  No.13860908

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Lecture of Opportunity | David Hatch: The Cryptology Behind the Battle of Midway

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80827d  No.13860909

File: efdd9d9637ba1aa⋯.png (624.8 KB, 1730x786, 865:393, 000000000000000yh3.png)


Poor FJ :D

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2e8329  No.13860910

File: ea5fc7ac93ae6df⋯.png (506.51 KB, 720x405, 16:9, mad_cow.png)

… then all the people who got the mRNA shot started having spike protein formations in their brains… exhibiting symptoms similar to mad cow disease….

Creutzfeldt-Jakob (KROITS-felt YAH-kobe) disease (CJD) is a degenerative brain disorder that leads to dementia and, ultimately, death. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease symptoms can be similar to those of other dementia-like brain disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease. But Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease usually progresses much more rapidly.

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is a rapidly progressive, invariably fatal neurodegenerative disorder believed to be caused by an abnormal isoform of a cellular glycoprotein known as the prion protein.

CJD captured public attention in the 1990s when some people in the United Kingdom developed a form of the disease — variant CJD (vCJD) — after eating meat from diseased cattle. However, "classic" Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease hasn't been linked to contaminated beef. All types of CJD are serious, but very rare. Worldwide, about one to two cases of CJD are diagnosed per million people each year, most often in older adults.

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449a28  No.13860911

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8b129d  No.13860914

File: 3c33825ad32b7ee⋯.gif (1.26 MB, 332x360, 83:90, FeelGoodManGif.gif)

Just love when things go as planned!



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61426e  No.13860915


Zombies are real…

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8086e5  No.13860917

File: 66aa2ce65bed516⋯.jpg (83.04 KB, 630x376, 315:188, it_s_dead_idiot.jpg)


Grass roots effort….lmao.

… Are the shills actively "burning" one of the above larps, to form another identity (savior larp)

How many times can you recycle shit.

Yeah… the name changes, but it's still a piece of shit…. pick it up off the ground…. press it into pretty shapes…. give it a name….. then allllllll of a sudden it's alllll different.

BUT….. it still stinks of shit.

You have done it so many times over, that it's old and boring.

Glad it keeps you all amused……. mah.

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ec1add  No.13860918

File: ed0e9940cb659db⋯.png (173.15 KB, 337x319, 337:319, pepe_really.PNG)


>80827d (29)

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1464eb  No.13860919


what in the fuck

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7e1aed  No.13860921

File: c73c909ecf68c3b⋯.png (18.37 KB, 533x239, 533:239, failure.png)

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05ed27  No.13860923

File: e5b8e74a4356549⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1080x1314, 60:73, ClipboardImage.png)

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466f12  No.13860926

File: c9805cec76044cd⋯.png (176.5 KB, 389x292, 389:292, phpt_What_A_Time_.png)

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fe4d99  No.13860927

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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094fcd  No.13860928


Just coincidence.


Ln ll




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49220d  No.13860929


We will never forget.

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5b369b  No.13860930




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8fbd87  No.13866409

File: 137b8a053cf67a7⋯.jpg (96.57 KB, 1156x602, 578:301, 63_YOU_HAVE_A_CHOICE_TO_MA….jpg)

File: f158e4657b5e444⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1111x741, 1111:741, 96_president_needs_help.png)

File: 6eb485aa6f88adf⋯.jpg (717.59 KB, 1599x1157, 123:89, 233_QCrumbsFlash.jpg)

File: e9fd12a01c66f09⋯.jpg (239.09 KB, 1376x1009, 1376:1009, 762_watching_4.jpg)

File: 14fc9a24598213e⋯.jpeg (412.25 KB, 1280x768, 5:3, 2652.jpeg)

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2b4581  No.13866410


nice one with the eye, first time i've seen it

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82c2ab  No.13866411

old bread is old

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4cea2b  No.13866412


Her 37 cats are in Hell

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9dccc6  No.13866413


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8fbd87  No.13866414

File: 8744bf5e66c4cc9⋯.jpg (470.14 KB, 1800x1200, 3:2, 2857_Qcrumbs_PepeFlag.jpg)

File: f1be5f6600babdb⋯.jpg (494.52 KB, 1024x680, 128:85, 3038_freedom_thought_ship_….jpg)

File: 8f6eaf35e67327b⋯.png (620.65 KB, 1017x746, 1017:746, 4018_Q_RESEARCH.png)

filling bread >>13866410

yea good clown one lol

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18edd3  No.13866416

File: 17a84e610948d9b⋯.png (591.92 KB, 1499x1497, 1499:1497, GA_runoff_steal_fraud_elec….png)

File: 4eb6f2e0e5d35bb⋯.webm (6.21 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Israel_s_attack_on_the_US….webm)

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49220d  No.13866417

File: 251aea8cadb4cf2⋯.jpg (36.76 KB, 316x444, 79:111, 20210609_173843.jpg)

File: 5afc5b58d4bd440⋯.jpg (98.3 KB, 680x452, 170:113, 20210609_174103.jpg)

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ab6db6  No.13866418

File: 50f2574bb15c498⋯.jpg (83.5 KB, 941x627, 941:627, PBF_Standing.jpg)


Pretty Boy Floyd.

He wanted the dough so he robbed bakery. George is stoopid.

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99ebcc  No.13866419

File: d35967943ea650a⋯.png (970.9 KB, 730x548, 365:274, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1214a96b3a416c2⋯.png (565.22 KB, 599x829, 599:829, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 811aa3cddc02d1a⋯.png (439.59 KB, 578x471, 578:471, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8c87207e179c8c9⋯.png (73.74 KB, 801x495, 89:55, ClipboardImage.png)

Border Insecurity: Huge Cartel Marijuana Farm Bulldozed 300 Miles Inside California

Tuesday morning illegal drug cartel workers in California’s Antelope Valley got a rude awakening complete with bulldozers, helicopters, and paddy wagons courtesy of the largest law enforcement operational raid in Los Angeles County history. FOXLA reports:

The massive law enforcement effort included: Rep. Mike Garcia (R-Calif.); Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva; multiple bureaus of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (LASD); the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA); the California Department of Fish and Wildlife; the Kern County Sheriff’s Office; the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department; the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department; the Ventura County Sheriff’s Department; and other state and local officials.

Nearly 500 law enforcement personnel worked in teams serving search warrants at numerous locations throughout the valley. Warrants yielded the seizure of five firearms and 23 individuals on various felonies and misdemeanor arrests — including one man who claimed to have come into the United States from the Mexican State of Sinaloa just last month.

Why is Sinaloa significant? According to the DEA, Sinaloa is home to the oldest organized drug smuggling and trafficking organization or cartel in Mexico:

The Sinaloa Cartel controls drug trafficking activity along the Pacific Coast of Mexico. Illicit drugs distributed by the Sinaloa Cartel are primarily smuggled into the United States through crossing points located along Mexico’s border with California, Arizona, New Mexico and west Texas.

This notoriously violent drug cartel has infiltrated deep into California’s high desert and other areas of the country. As I wrote last month, no community is safe from border crime. At a press conference Tuesday, Rep. Garcia made clear this infiltration is due to the Biden administration’s lax southern border security:

What we’ve seen the last few months, frankly, are the result of a lack of law enforcement especially at our southern border.

And to our President and our Vice President, this is what happens when you don’t secure the border. This is what happens when you don’t value law enforcement and you push an agenda that actually defunds police.

We end up with disorder and disarray in our local communities.

The Antelope Valley is nearly 300 miles from the southern border and yet, it was home to one of the largest illegal drug operations ever found. The illegal grow site contained over 70 grow houses and cultivated a crop worth an estimated $50 million dollars.

#DEA agents conducting search warrants on multiple illegal marijuana outdoor grows with other partner law enforcement agencies. These illegal grows threaten public safety in the Antelope Valley, destroy the environment & divert tons of water from local residents. pic.twitter.com/7MrYFioI2x

— DEALosAngeles (@DEALOSANGELES) June 8, 2021

That’s just one site. Authorities believe there are currently over 500 illegal grow sites in the high desert backyard of Los Angeles alone.


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1eba67  No.13866421


You're preaching to the Choir. You know where the problem lies. Do something about it.

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99ebcc  No.13866422

File: d023dfb4ca39fde⋯.png (38.61 KB, 554x429, 554:429, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump’s North Carolina Speech Had Over 5.3 Million Viewers, Even Without Fox News

Even without Fox News, over 5 million Americans tuned in to hear the 45th President's second major speech since leaving the White House.

45th President Donald Trump’s speech at the North Carolina Republican Party Convention garnered more than 5.3 million viewers across multiple platforms, even with the former conservative juggernaut Fox News declining to air the speech on its cable network.

Last weekend, President Trump delivered a speech at the North Carolina GOP convention. President Trump’s speech featured the announcement that Rep. Ted Budd is running for U.S. Senate in 2022, complete with President Trump’s live endorsement. President Trump also sharply contrasted his administration’s America First policies to Joe Biden’s, which he framed as America last, and took jabs at Anthony Fauci over his leaked emails, even as he continued to claim the Operation Warp Speed program and the vaccines it created as a major victory of his administration. (READ MORE: TRUMP: Fauci Has Never Been More Wrong Than When Denying COVID Started in Wuhan Lab, China Must Pay)

Now, both Newsmax TV and Right Side Broadcasting have released their total viewership numbers from the event, which reveal a stunning number of Americans watched the 45th President’s speech, even as Fox News, once considered to be a juggernaut of conservative and Republican programming, declined to broadcast President Trump’s speech.

Newsmax reveals that 1.1 million viewers watched the speech on its cable network, while another 700,000 Americans watched the event on “all major [Over The Top] platforms, including Roku, Xumo, Pluto, YouTube, Apple TV, most smart TVs, and Facebook live,” resulting in a total of more than 1.8 million viewers. Newsmax also notes that “Fox News did not air Trump’s speech, leaving Newsmax as the only major cable news channel to air the event live.”

In a statement published to its Twitter, the Right Side Broadcasting Network congratulated Newsmax for its impressive viewership numbered, and revealed that their “version of the President Trump speech at NCGOP has amassed over 3.5 million views across all our platforms, including 2.1 million on YouTube alone.” Right Side Broadcasting Network also offered a tongue-in-cheek thank you to Fox News: “Thanks to @FoxNews for the ratings and all the new viewers!” Combined, over 5.3 million viewers tuned into both Right Side Broadcasting Network and Newsmax TV to see President Trump’s speech.


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daa25b  No.13866423


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