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495660  No.13326205[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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Q's Latest Posts

Monday 29.03.2021

>>13326023 ————————————–——– U.S.ARMY Patch

>>13326016 ————————————–——– All will come into Focus. Crew Chief? Geronimo!

>>13325806 ————————————–——– 8 > NonSecureLine. TS/ID verifies. What is most valuable? [ie calling our shot] Understood? Anon interaction coming soon.

>>13325618 ————————————–——– >[DRAGONFLY] What happens if the organization [ANTIFA] (controller & coordinated roll out) itself is aware? (Cap >>13325651)

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New? Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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495660  No.13326207


BO: FastJack#1006 https://discord.gg/DG8XB4YMvz

Support Donald J Trump https://www.donaldjtrump.com

Support Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org/

Support Lin Wood http://www.fightback.law/

"Q The Plan To Save The World REMASTERED" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDlp1JeZVKo

Mike Lindell Voter Fraud https://www.bitchute.com/video/FtRYtna3YYe9/ | https://zb10-7gsop1v78.bitchute.com/IIC6VbV69ioF/WNP5InC3q6Q0.mp4

Everything Wrong With the Capitol Shooting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9z7VTvyyqMw | https://www.bitchute.com/video/DYlb92zMkj41/

The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election. Time magazine article POTUS wanted us to read https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/13073507.html#13074178

* Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

NOTABLES'Are NOT Endorsements


>>13325511 Q is back.

>>13325513 Teachers will be Sent to San Diego Convention Center to Provide In-Person Learning For Migrants While Schools in Same County Remain Closed

>>13325515 Judge Tosses Junk Terrorism Charges against 3 Defendants in Whitmer Plot Where Ring Leader Was FBI Informant

>>13325517 Gov. DeSantis to Take Executive Emergency Action Against Vaccine Passports

>>13325520 President Donald J Trump new website http://45office.com/

>>13325537, >>13325605, >>13325592, >>13325690, http://45office.com/ Plan Z

>>13325541 Taking the Vaccine death rate, is higher than Covid death itself

>>13325524 Minority report is here

>>13325555, >>13325581, >>13325635, >>13325594, >>13325630, >>13325928, "Q AQUITTED"

>>13325561 Comment by sister-in-law of Daniel Birx about his plane crash 20 years after he died…

>>13325563, >>13326064, Q's posts lb

>>13325596 What is an 'overlap?'

>>13325613, >>13325732, High Level Chess?

>>13325618 What happens if the organization [ANTIFA] (controller & coordinated roll out) itself is aware?

>>13325618, >>13325806, >>13326016, >>13326023, >>13325695, New Q

>>13325650 Convicted Juvenile Sex Trafficker from Delaware Sentenced to 35 Years in Prison

>>13325654 Convicted Child Molester Sentenced to 17 Years in Federal Prison for Receiving and Distributing Child Pornography

>>13325669 Convicted Sex Offender In Gastonia, N.C. Is Sentenced To 12 Years For Possession Of Child Pornography

>>13325718, >>13325749, >>13325757, >>13325777, >>13325811, The PAIN is an avalanche, it appears to start slow, yet critical mass was already achieved~ March 23rd, 2021. Full of 'Go orders'.

>>13325673 Juan Antonio “Tony” Gonzalez Becomes Acting U.S. Attorney for Southern District of Florida

>>13325793 Former Illinois State Senator Pleads Guilty to Federal Tax Charge


>>13325814 8KUN PSA: Things we need to admit, anons.'

1) Posts are not under tripcode, because only autists are going to play right now. If that pisses you off, go find a safe place

2) We are being asked to bring our A game. Sauce every statement, even if it's been sauced before. Pretend you are having a second chance at life and run it as high and hot as possible without burning out. Then recharge and come back ready to PLAY THE GAME.

3) Every single thought you have for the next couple of months determines the outcome of this operation. Anon is so easily pissy. Anon will cut it out. HIGHEST AND BEST THOUGHTS ANONS. Highest and best offers to this cause. Set your passwords with intentions. Be kind to everyone. Use positive thoughts and images in your day. Pray/Imagine great success for those who have supported us and brought us this far. Don't use fear or hope. Imagine great success.

4) It might not be the storm. It might be the storm. It matters not at all. We are sworn to our best selves for the next few weeks. If you have to break it off, do it someplace other than this board. From this moment on, every shitty thought is a shill, and not a disgruntled anon. Walk it off if it gets to you

>>13325928 FGD 135 Landed six(6) days ago

>>13325887, >>13324946 (lb), >>13325922, >>13326013, >>13326124, Planefags or militaryfags, what kind of bird is this? looks impressive. (Cap 0:50) B1 Lancer

>>13325991, >>13326049, >>13326127, Joe says; Keep The Faith "We're Going Dancing!"

>>13326143 PF Reports

>>13326168 Donald Trump jr

>>13326197 #16881

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495660  No.13326209


>>13324749 DISEASE > CORRUPTION WHO BENEFITS THE MOST /_\? Nature is unpredictable. The PUBLIC must be prepared for what is about to come.

>>13324810 666 results?

>>13324866 Smoke & Mirrors Look for keywords… Enough must see. Make mad the guilty, and appall the free. FINAL LEVEL.

>>13325178 Stock market DIVE? Ammunition spent? How do you catch a FISH? Do they know? (fewer than you think)

>>13325341 Look HERE []: ??? DO NOT LOOK HERE []: ??? [/_\] Sweet dreams. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

>>13324719 Mask Narrative FAILING - Cabal Puppet Biden: States Should Pause Reopening, Reinstate Mask Mandates

>>13324755 Biden Cabal Forced To Respond to Reports on Development of Vaccine Passports

>>13324779 Sinpho South Naval Shipyard: Drydock Movement Detected - Cabal re-activates in NoKo?

>>13324794 Flashback (from 2018): How Soros' NGO Mounts False Bailouts (*Rescues) to Manipulate Public Opinion (and the Photos That Prove It)

>>13324798 Cabal Working with Corporations to Develop ‘Vaccine Passport’ - Don't leave home without it - just like 1936 Nazi Germany

>>13324811 Biden CBP Will Return Migrants Kept in Mexico Under Trump to West Texas Town of Eagle Pass

>>13324838 Former President Trump responds to recent interviews by Fauci and Birx

>>13324893 From Missiles to Medicine: New US Bill Would Use New ICBM Program Money to Fund China Virus Vaccines

>>13324912 National Advisory Committee on Immunization recommends pause on AstraZeneca vaccinations for people under 55

>>13324931 Kary B. Mullis, 74, Dies; Found a Way to Analyze DNA and Won Nobel

>>13324934 The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine announced preparations for a full-scale offensive in Donbass - War in Syria/Ukraine/Iran/Afghanistan? China / NoKo on the move? ISIS back? All since Jan 21st?

>>13324952 DISINFO: USA Today Quotes a Consultant to the Chinese Communist Party to ‘Debunk’ (cover up) Wuhan BioWeapon Lab

>>13324961 , >>13324973 Fraud Fauci spent money on the Wuhan bioweapon lab in China / Dr. Birx is a proven liar…..and recommends 'pseudo-science' ….per Trump

>>13324969 Government of Norway indicted for crimes against humanity over false China Virus 'Plandemic'

>>13325010 Planefag report

>>13325016 Mike Lindell says social media site will be able to handle 'a billion people'

>>13325019 Share your thoughts with President Trump. https://www.45office.com/info/share-your-thoughts

>>13325023 Trump announces his and Melania’s official website is up 45office.com

>>13325060 Hoillywood Cabal member Sharon Stone reveals child sex abuse, horrific stroke in new memoir

>>13325076 Gas blast rocks 9-storey residential building in Russia's Tatarstan, 6 apartments collapse

>>13325147 Cabal Puppet Kamala Harris’ schedule shows Team Biden’s true border priorities

>>13325161 Loudon county, VA School board members, Liberal Parents & Teachers reportedly targeting parents opposed to critical race theory with private Facebook group

>>13325138 , >>13325170 Digs on Kennedy era CIA

>>13325175 US Navy - Navy photos of the day

>>13325219 CNN getting the Minneapolis planned riots going - timing is everything

>>13325225 US Air Force likely about to test-fire ARRW hypersonic missile for first time - report

>>13325237 I got this article when I searched 'Nature is unpredictable." Discusses nature and power outages.

>>13325244 Indiana Attorney General Defends Trump Administration’s Rule Clarifying Religious Exemptions for Federal Contractors

>>13325420 Chauvin Defense Team: George Floyd Concealed Meth and Fentanyl Pills from Officers in His Mouth

>>13325432 #16880

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495660  No.13326214


>>13323879 2105 Patent Eligible Subject Matter — Living Subject Matter

>>13323888 Germany Reports More Blood Clot Cases Associated With AstraZeneca Vaccine

>>13323892 US-backed Syrian forces raid camp of ISIS families, arrest 9? Obama era ISIS back with Biden Cabal?

>>13323901 Plaintiff Case Thrown Out After Lawyer Refuses to Wear Mask in Court

>>13323916 , >>13324581 #GhislaineMaxwell faces new criminal charges as U.S. expands indictment, adding charges of sex trafficking conspiracy and sex trafficking of a minor

>>13323924 Instagram Is Sharing 79% Of Your Personal Data With 3rd Parties

>>13323950 Stacey Abrams Making Money Off ‘Scam,’ ‘Racket’ Election Bill Disinformation

>>13323960 Dr. Birx CNN Interview Was Patently False

>>13323961 Vaccine Passports the end of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

>>13323963 New York’s China Virus Vaccine Passport Makes No Sense

>>13323998 New Niger President Calls French Operation to Defeat Terrorists in Sahel ‘Relative Failure’

>>13324002 Brazil's Foreign Minister Reportedly Tenders Resignation , under pressure for poor relations with key vaccine producing nations?

>>13324118 High School janitor to spend 20 years in prison for secretly filming in girls’ locker room

>>13324131 Capitol Riot Cancel Culture Revs Into High Gear as News Outlets Target Crowdfunding Sites

>>13324153 Nike Is Now Suing The Company That Made Lil Nas X's Satan Shoes

>>13324174 , >>13324279 Cabal Propaganda on Ukraine

>>13324208 Today is National Vietnam Veterans Day, where we pause to honor our Nation's Vietnam veterans for their service and sacrifice.

>>13324252 NASA's Orion capsule begins new water drop tests

>>13324269 , >>13324297 Next Goalpost: Mike Lindell says “Trump will be back in office in August”.

>>13324298 Mike Lindell discussing his new documentary with Steve Bannon (video cap)

>>13324323 Cabal Propaganda Minister Psaki: Biden, Harris fly private, don't need to follow CDC travel suggestions

>>13324343 New Cuomo distraction to hide the mass murder of elders in Dem controlled states

>>13324471 Anti China Virus Bro Schools the Fearful Normies - "The air we breath is the body's #1 nutrient - With masks our cognitive abilities decline and we can be manipulated"

>>13324495 Bill Gates: You Don't Have a Choice About Vaccination

>>13324509 Evergreen is a CIA Owned Airline – Are They Spraying Us With Poison?

>>13324511 Fraud Fauci Face Mask Lies, Lies, Lies - mask narrative is dying

>>13324526 The Navy has a secret indoor ocean that holds 12 million gallons of water

>>13324530 Pelosi and Dems not through with the 2020 Election Steal yet

>>13324556 A contracted helicopter carrying guides and guests from a lodge on a heli-ski trip in Alaska’s backcountry crashed, killing the pilot and four others, including the Czech Republic’s richest man

>>13324591 , >>13324596 Statement from President Trump on Fraud Fauci and Birdbrain Birx

>>13324624 Liz Cheney taking dark money from open border businesses. Walmart, American Express, Morgan Stanley, T-Mobile and Pfizer — bankrolled Cheney’s accounts last month

>>13324658 Adam Schiff’s shady ties to Ukraine exposed - Oct 2, 2020 (video)

>>13324662 Quick dig on Ernest Brace and he was the Longest held POW during vietnam era. Crossed paths with Songbird Noname

>>13324678 #16879

Previously Collected Notables

>>13322942 #16877, >>13323816 #16878 /2, >>13323813 #16878/1

>>13320419 #16874, >>13322351 #16785, >>13322469 #16876

>>13318207 #16871, >>13318869 #16872, >>13319626 #16873

>>13316566 #16869/2, >>13316565 #16869/1, >>13319466 #16870

>>13315791 #16866, >>13316149 #16867, >>13315816 #16868

>>13311906 #16863, >>13312633 #16864, >>13313443 #16865

>>13310313 #16861/2, >>13311098 #16862/1, >>13311099 #16862/2

>>13308784 #16859, >>13309555 #16860, >>13310312 #16861/1

>>13306432 #16856, >>13307349 #16857, >>13308002 #16858

>>13304879 #16854/1, >>13304879 #16854/2, >>13307219 #16855

>>13303291 #16852, >>13304123 #16853/2, >>13304122 #16853/1

>>13301770 #16850/1, >>13301771 #16850/2, >>13302528 #16851

>>13299423 #16847, >>13300200 #16848, >>13300956 #16849

>>13297101 #16844, >>13297887 #16845, >>13298665 #16846

>>13295791 #16841, >>13295553 #16842, >>13296328 #16843

>>13292442 #16838, >>13293243 #16839, >>13294021 #16840

>>13165545 Q Research Notables #5: Notables

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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495660  No.13326216

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>13167502 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #12

>>>/qrb/13005 ————————————–——– Planefagging 101 Q&A

>>>/qrb/42185 ————————————–——– Boatfagging Q&A

International Q Research Threads

>>13164452 ————————————–——– Australia #14

>>13167165 ————————————–——– Balkan #7

>>13167439 ————————————–——– Brazil #2

>>13257333 ————————————–——– Canada #16

>>13003894 ————————————–——– France #3

>>13233136 ————————————–——– Germany #77

>>13187313 ————————————–——– Italia #2

>>13226402 ————————————–——– Japan #2

>>13175781 ————————————–——– Mejico #2

>>13105482 ————————————–——– Nederland #6

>>13163282 ————————————–——– New Zealand #8

>>13163911 ————————————–——– Nordic #3

>>13187546 ————————————–——– Portugal #2

>>13163805 ————————————–——– Russia #2

>>13163650 ————————————–——– Scotland #4

>>13163524 ————————————–——– South Africa #4

>>13235698 ————————————–——– UK #36

>>13255329 ————————————–——– Vatican #4

Q Proofs

>>6156082 ————————————–——– Q Proofs Threads, Proofs of Q's Validity

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Submit an Event ————————————–——– https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

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Website ————————————–——– https://www.resignation.info

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/Dockets, Links & More: https://bad-boys.us/

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>>11728868 ————————————–——– Q Research General Dough/Kitchen Meta

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 ————————————–——– (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

>>11187218 ————————————–——– #001 and scroll down for all continuing in numerical order

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495660  No.13326217

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* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

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Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

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495660  No.13326220

Dough: https://controlc.com/899380b5

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a20d7a  No.13326244

File: 3185a0e1d5b0cab⋯.jpg (165.18 KB, 1775x999, 1775:999, Biden_Vaccination_is_a_stu….JPG)

File: 0fb42dd720a56a3⋯.jpg (165.18 KB, 1775x999, 1775:999, Biden_resinstate_the_mask_….JPG)

File: a851df5a56bf52f⋯.jpg (158.53 KB, 1772x995, 1772:995, Biden_Incredible_Progress.JPG)

File: 69153cea7827920⋯.jpg (95.42 KB, 1774x994, 887:497, Billtheliar.JPG)

Pinocchio Joe Continues To Lie To The American People

Pinocchio Joe delivered remarks on China virus and the fake vaccines today. The announcement was less than 14 minutes, and Pinocchio Joe couldn’t help but touch his nose (almost) every time he told a lie.

According to bodylanguageproject.com, “When nose touching is not due to itching (Joe was touching, not scratching an itch), then it’s due to a negative or dishonest thought from either lying, being terrified, pretending to be brave or just feeling self doubt. Chemical known as catecholamine triggers nasal tissue to swell, but that it only induces the nose to increase in size below the level of perception. This is the real life Pinocchio effect. Even though most people will not be able to detect it, the increase in blood flow and pressure often causes a tingle in the nose, which in most people, triggers an itch response.”

Faux Joe’s Lies with Timestamps:

(1:38) “Our progress in vaccination is a stunning example (TOUCHING NOSE) that there is nothing this country cannot do…”

(5:18) “I’m reiterating my call for every governor, mayor and local leader to maintain and reinstate the mask mandate (TOUCHING NOSE). Please, this is not politics.”

(8:43) “While we have made incredible progress in starting to vaccinate nearly (TOUCHING NOSE) three quarters of our seniors …”


ANOTHER FAMOUS LIAR: "During the Grand Jury testimony over Monica Lewinsky, Bill Clinton touched his nose 26 times when answering highly emotional questions. When he answered questions he found easy, his hands were nowhere near his face."

https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4454131/user-clip-bill-clinton-touching-nose (1:11)


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f2c7c9  No.13326252

File: 1dfcb836daf1005⋯.png (615.97 KB, 695x1883, 695:1883, KEK_VISION_sys_8kun_top_21….png)

Yeah cause we all know Q likes to post boomer-tier memes.


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ef08b4  No.13326256

Carcinogen Ethylene Oxide Used in Covid PCR and LFT Swab Tests

Molly Kingsley made this Freedom of Information request to Department for Education

Dear Department for Education,

This request is in relation to the use of the Innova lateral flow test (the “LFT”) being used across schools in the UK.

We are in receipt of correspondence from Innova confirming that the swab used in the LFTs is sterilised by ethylene oxide. Given the known toxicity and potential carcinogenicity of ethylene oxide, we are concerned by this.

Under the ‘Freedom of Information Act 2000’, we request disclosure of the following:

information as to what, if any, independent tests have been carried out to check for any residues of ethylene oxide on a random sample of swabs;

information as to what, if any, assessments have been conducted to ensure that the invasive use of these swabs for children is safe?

I understand that, under the Act, I am entitled to a response within 20 working days of your receipt of this request.

Some parts of the request may be easier to answer than others. Should this be the case, I request that you release information as soon as possible as it becomes available. If my request is denied in whole, or in part, I ask that you justify all decisions to deny disclosure by reference to specific exemptions of the Act.

I will expect you to disclose all non-exempt material that is within the scope of this request. I reserve the right to appeal your decision to withhold any information or to charge excessive fees.

I would prefer to receive the information electronically at the email address submitted to you as part of this request.

Yours faithfully

Molly Kingsley,



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b617c9  No.13326265

File: ecacab05e78ac67⋯.jpg (302.84 KB, 652x1038, 326:519, AFLB_GodWins.jpg)

"q's latest posts"

You're witnessing the final phase of taking over this board

The owner and team are the clowns that hate us all, now their 24/7 baker is telling you who Q is and what they say.

"q's latest posts"

You're witnessing the final phase of taking over this board

The owner and team are the clowns that hate us all, now their 24/7 baker is telling you who Q is and what they say.

"q's latest posts"

You're witnessing the final phase of taking over this board

The owner and team are the clowns that hate us all, now their 24/7 baker is telling you who Q is and what they say.

"q's latest posts"

You're witnessing the final phase of taking over this board

The owner and team are the clowns that hate us all, now their 24/7 baker is telling you who Q is and what they say.

"q's latest posts"

You're witnessing the final phase of taking over this board

The owner and team are the clowns that hate us all, now their 24/7 baker is telling you who Q is and what they say.

"q's latest posts"

You're witnessing the final phase of taking over this board

The owner and team are the clowns that hate us all, now their 24/7 baker is telling you who Q is and what they say.

"q's latest posts"

You're witnessing the final phase of taking over this board

The owner and team are the clowns that hate us all, now their 24/7 baker is telling you who Q is and what they say.

"q's latest posts"

You're witnessing the final phase of taking over this board

The owner and team are the clowns that hate us all, now their 24/7 baker is telling you who Q is and what they say.

"q's latest posts"

You're witnessing the final phase of taking over this board

The owner and team are the clowns that hate us all, now their 24/7 baker is telling you who Q is and what they say.

"q's latest posts"

You're witnessing the final phase of taking over this board

The owner and team are the clowns that hate us all, now their 24/7 baker is telling you who Q is and what they say.

"q's latest posts"

You're witnessing the final phase of taking over this board

The owner and team are the clowns that hate us all, now their 24/7 baker is telling you who Q is and what they say.

"q's latest posts"

You're witnessing the final phase of taking over this board

The owner and team are the clowns that hate us all, now their 24/7 baker is telling you who Q is and what they say.

"q's latest posts"

You're witnessing the final phase of taking over this board

The owner and team are the clowns that hate us all, now their 24/7 baker is telling you who Q is and what they say.

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b617c9  No.13326270

File: c4604a75c6687c6⋯.png (254.75 KB, 415x276, 415:276, OverAnd.png)


People like him stick out like a bonfire in that world.

Lets review the his characteristics:

Fact: Can justify the worst with a smile on his face.

Past: He simmers with anger, especially at his father, whom he calls “a complete deadbeat”. He ends: “I am simply asking for compassion from an ignorant society that falsely believes it is unethical to give genetically defective people incentives not to reproduce. I am simply arguing for a world full of healthy, happy children who can play outside with their friends without breaking their legs.

Fact: He has a hatred for his belly button.

Past: "Brennan’s views on eugenics were unarguably appalling, but they should also be seen in the context of his experience. He hated his parents for bringing him into a life of pain, and it led him to this monstrous viewpoint."

Fact: He has a near constant presence on the board.

Past: On his old board there would only be a few posts every day; on 4chan, every 30 seconds there was something new. Brennan spent as much time at the computer as possible. “My dad, he just felt like: well, he’s in a wheelchair, so it doesn’t make sense for him to do anything else but play with the computer,” he tells me.

Fact: The major 'masks' used by him all relate loosely to his name.

Past: "Freddy Benson"

Fact: As a combat tactic, he associates himself with those he can't subdue. "Taking them down with me"

Past: Brennan’s rage festered as he became a teenager. He says that he never identified as a Nazi; his feelings were more masochistic at root. “I literally wanted a new version of Nazi Germany to take over and to kill me and everyone like me."

Fact: Scripting is used to deploy both new threads and the constant flood of hatred.

Character insight: With brittle bones, and so much time on a computer, and a mind to create a forum; We can conclude a signature of attacks someone like Fred deploys, would revolve around their scriptability.

Social media API's, chan posts, etc.

Curious that typography became a liking of his, figuring out so many captchas…

Fact: He calls the program he received from the CIA's Farm, "govern".

Past: “Honestly, sometimes it felt like I was the president of a small nation,” he says. There was “kind of a cult of personality on the board about me”, he says.

(Power high and was thirsty for more)

Fact: The inability to hold a woman by her hips has led Brenny into a sad life, caged inside his own mind.

"we do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only"

He reminds himself, afraid~

Fact: He was given a means to escape that cage, in exchange for his soul. He uses the fabric of our imagination and dreams as a vector of attack.

A "Dream walker".

Fact: The fixation on anal rape that's displayed by his posts is a direct reflection of his unsatisfied desires in his body, and are a means to appease his insecurities (powerless).

Proof: ex.bot

One insecure asset deployed, aside insecure others, who were given big guns to attack our movement.

Lets go further.

Fact: The inability to shake the body means the body lost its main method of discharging trauma.

He collects trauma. It's like a bonfire in the other world, and it ain't moths being attracted.

The picture of the satan face, that's embeded in most of exbots spam..

It's a picture of a head tilted forward, big grin, and a light source from underneath.

The nose is photoshopped to be wider and more "jewish".

It matches a pose he can achieve, and a facial structure that can match.

Fact: That satan face embed was the template for the red eyed lion on the main thread picture for ~3 years, until it was exposed and overlayed to proof.

Is it possible, in his bid for power, and under obligation to the FARM, Fred has been attacking our movement?

That his claim for fame is his capacity to be satans bitch.

Well done sweetie, bravo~

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12b0f6  No.13326272

File: 4f568fbaffe6405⋯.jpg (95.43 KB, 720x390, 24:13, 20210329_211159.jpg)

File: 589dd1df0ec1d70⋯.jpg (225.44 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 20210329_211103.jpg)

Shoved in an oven

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705c1f  No.13326273

File: 53497b31fd1d479⋯.jpg (57.41 KB, 500x503, 500:503, 4r0d3l.jpg)

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37223b  No.13326274




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88decd  No.13326275


Thank you baker!

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6634bd  No.13326276


You're a complete idiot baker. Q only gets in the headpost with a tripcode. fuck you.

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b617c9  No.13326277

File: 259b0663719e415⋯.jpg (905.46 KB, 883x2010, 883:2010, QPasswordRevealTrimmed.jpg)

File: 95fce80ad44725b⋯.jpg (1.56 MB, 1793x900, 1793:900, ThePostThatGotAFLBRemovedB….jpg)


They're doing this now because most of you normies saw and are under the spell of their latest propaganda hit piece, the HollywoodBoyOrder "into the storm".

The PAIN is an avalanche, it appears to start slow, yet critical mass was already achieved~

March 23rd, 2021.

Full of 'Go orders'.

Here's the proof I made, of how Q knew - 3 years ago - the 23rd would be action filled. Know it's not really prophecy when it's your own orders being executed but you can Truth The Plan is Trustable.

That's said very specifically, don't ask.

I was BV at the time, and that's a post of mine Q responded to.

So I'm excited to share this again and again.

Popcorn time lads.


This year, Easter will be observed on Sunday, April 4. (Eastern Orthodox Easter will take place on Sunday, May 2.) This Easter is just one week after March’s full Moon (Sunday, March 28), which is the first full Moon to occur after the spring equinox (March 20, 2021) and is therefore known in the Christian calendar as the “Paschal Full Moon.”

A - Jan

B - Feb

C - March

D - April 4th


Full moon.

"The Pope is going to have a bad May."

Q said, it's going to be biblical~

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a739c0  No.13326278

File: 82c4e5f023451cc⋯.png (344.8 KB, 491x455, 491:455, ClipboardImage.png)

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6ef6da  No.13326279

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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88decd  No.13326280

>>13326223 (lb)

Not supposed to post it as Q presumed w trips IIRC. So not up top.

Someone will let us know if notables are no bueno.

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9395cc  No.13326281

File: ee01946e133da92⋯.png (134.31 KB, 901x695, 901:695, ClipboardImage.png)





you should really rephrase that shit.

very misleading.

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ef08b4  No.13326282

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

After Getting Destroyed by China Last Week, Secretary of State Blinken Is Willing to Let China Get Away with the Deaths, Trauma and Economic Destruction They Caused from the China Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Biden’s weak and inept Secretary of State Tony Blinken was on with CNN this weekend and he basically said he is willing to let China get away with the hundreds of thousands of deaths and trillions in US economic damage caused by the China coronavirus.

China released a terrible virus on the world in 2019 and 2020. The result was millions of lives lost and trillions in economic damages and destruction. The related trauma also is still ongoing.

We don’t know if China released the coronavirus intentionally or not. But they did cause catastrophic damage when they did.

The Trump team wanted to hold China accountable. This was similar to if not, an act of war. So when the Secretary of State was on CNN this weekend it was an important question to ask.

When pressed by the far-left reporter on whether China should be punished for the damage it caused in the US and around the world, Blinken said (at the 2:00 mark):

You know I think the issue for us is to make sure we do everything possible to prevent another pandemic even as we’re working through this one or at the very least to make sure we can mitigate in much more effective ways the damage done if something happens in the future. And, a big part of that is making sure we have a system in place, including with the World Health Organization, that features transparency, that features information sharing, that features access for international experts, at the start of something like this. And that’s where I think China like every other country has real obligations that it needs to make real on. So I think we need to be focused on is making sure we’re protecting ourselves and protecting the world going forward and that’s going to require a lot of reform and it’s going to require China to do things that it hasn’t done in the past.

So there it is. Biden and Blinken are blinking and are indicating that they’re not going to do a damn thing to China after the massive amount of destruction they caused over the past year and a half that is still ongoing. It’s simply a joke to think Blinkin is trying to act tough with weak policies like this. China must know they will be able to get away with anything with this third Obama Administration.

It seems everything Obama/Biden does is wrong for America.


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ea206a  No.13326283

File: 6da293c6635ee23⋯.jpg (50.64 KB, 577x432, 577:432, 530ppojkiv68.jpg)

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40c40f  No.13326284


Please remove non trip code Q from notables.

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70e2b2  No.13326285

File: 09068b76b37eab0⋯.jpg (71.46 KB, 554x283, 554:283, BAKER_CONVOY.jpg)

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ac351e  No.13326286


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475609  No.13326287

File: 26bd0d36348c4e9⋯.jpg (115.58 KB, 501x500, 501:500, be_realistic.jpg)

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702988  No.13326288


>Q is back.

Demi Lovato identifies as pansexual, plus more news

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5df6be  No.13326289

>>13326259 (lb)

playing it now…

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88decd  No.13326290


Go anon. Nice reminder.

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256e18  No.13326291

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Good job baker


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e6dda5  No.13326292

File: 6c46985abc35c06⋯.gif (1.01 MB, 1295x864, 1295:864, 6c46985abc35c068b5cead1d2d….gif)

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fb82d3  No.13326293

File: 458006d8ff03836⋯.png (47.28 KB, 3601x292, 3601:292, iridium_BKuOPIZFtm.png)

>>13326047 (PB)

Done as a baker protocol after Q told a baker not to do it around bread #6885

>>6385109 Do not add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode










Thus. If it is a shill or Q without a tripcode, it doesn't go in notables, period.

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495660  No.13326294

File: bf3bb4d8a36dc08⋯.jpg (18.76 KB, 255x255, 1:1, bf3bb4d8a36dc08b9a0a3458ee….jpg)



Thank you for your personal energy and concentration that your using to turn dark to LIGHT.

And when you find you, Congratulations

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ef08b4  No.13326295

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kamala Harris Musters Fake Accent, Laughs Hysterically When Discussing Struggling Parents Who Aren’t Able to Send Their Kids to School (VIDEO)

Kamala Harris laughed hysterically when discussing struggling parents who aren’t able to send their kids to school.

Harris delivered remarks at the West Haven Child Development Center in West Haven, Connecticut this weekend.

Kamala Harris mustered a fake accent and cackled as she spoke about parents who struggled to educate their own children due to school closures thanks to Democrat policies and toxic teachers unions.

What is wrong with this woman?


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98c6b3  No.13326296

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> Pinocchio Joe Continues To Lie To The American People

>Pinocchio Joe delivered remarks on China virus and the fake vaccines today. The announcement was less than 14 minutes, and Pinocchio Joe couldn’t help but touch his nose (almost) every time he told a lie.

Or was his nose touching a signal?

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eb69b6  No.13326297

File: d92e8c1c0373c58⋯.jpeg (131.17 KB, 1800x1012, 450:253, AF0E5E2F_17D0_4735_B7F1_3….jpeg)

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49d23b  No.13326298

File: 0e5058dcdc83212⋯.png (742.7 KB, 853x567, 853:567, NS_1207_1.png)

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de69c2  No.13326299

File: 77302d59ae614f4⋯.png (951.48 KB, 488x756, 122:189, 78660806.png)

File: e51e9ec25acb79f⋯.png (1.86 MB, 954x868, 477:434, 2189077876.png)

File: 77302d59ae614f4⋯.png (951.48 KB, 488x756, 122:189, 78660806.png)

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ec3479  No.13326300

File: 96626567c11a0dd⋯.png (495.33 KB, 680x672, 85:84, tampoons.png)

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88decd  No.13326301

File: 075a13a1e1c0fb0⋯.png (952.24 KB, 887x1015, 887:1015, barpipes.png)


Don't you dare break anon's heart.

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709c23  No.13326302

File: 87ba22f0a148fd9⋯.jpg (275.85 KB, 1376x936, 172:117, my_pronouns_are.jpg)


affirmative action for abominables

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6b6dbf  No.13326303


compilers of notes should follow the direction of our dear friend Q who said very clearly that if it doesn't have a trip-code it must not be presented as if it were posted by Q.

and this baker didn't follow that rule.

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39f8b6  No.13326304

File: b3e8f7e36746c8b⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1280x853, 1280:853, dennis_rodman_super_worm_m….png)

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37223b  No.13326305







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055d09  No.13326306


Hey asswipe.


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9465bb  No.13326307

File: 305cb794e8d558b⋯.png (82.8 KB, 579x487, 579:487, ClipboardImage.png)


▶Anonymous 03/30/21 (Tue) f71661


What happens if the organization [ANTIFA] (controller & coordinated roll out) itself is aware?

It's going to be a very hot summer.

Use discernment.

Read the playbook [undisclosed methods].

Dark secrets.

Fun for the whole family?


Welcome to the Digital Battlefield.



Game Over.


8 > NonSecureLine.

TS/ID verifies.

What is most valuable?

[ie calling our shot]


Anon interaction coming soon.


All will come into Focus.

Crew Chief?


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b617c9  No.13326308


Cringe high horse when we're all looking at your glowing heart

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cd0380  No.13326309

Q acquitted - when does a bird sing?

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495660  No.13326310


Do not add what?

That says fuck all to me.

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f43855  No.13326311

File: d082857d4fa230a⋯.jpeg (64.61 KB, 828x513, 92:57, 6DB691EA_2136_4FB7_A5B2_B….jpeg)

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256e18  No.13326312

File: 5b24f1e2826c1fd⋯.jpg (703.86 KB, 1250x834, 625:417, Etn8OekXEAEe9Tl.jpg)

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9fd7f8  No.13326313

Q is not back…

No trip, no pass go.

Please fix the dough nb.

This is absurd.

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06affe  No.13326314

Let's assume no one on the q team is on the biden team(or is deep uc) would it be harmful to post under trip until potus gives the greenlight?(chief says green they jump-geronimo!)

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126952  No.13326315

File: 47f4ae60f9c106a⋯.jpg (30.49 KB, 500x333, 500:333, 47f4ae60f9c106a7f130a1e7c6….jpg)

File: cb4bd7d6f8f6bdd⋯.png (73.3 KB, 1293x238, 1293:238, fake_Q.png)

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36ed76  No.13326316

>>13326267 LB Where's Hunters Gun


Q drop 798

The gun found by the USSS was an intercept we provided.

This is not a game.

Protect code went live.

Code signals clean.

We are moving up the timetable. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

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6ef6da  No.13326317

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9395cc  No.13326318



yes, thank you

bakerwould do right by correcting notables to something similar.

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c2e2e5  No.13326319

File: 60a6e0746f7e500⋯.png (336.07 KB, 600x900, 2:3, redhead_111_Car_Q_Fire.png)


ThanQ Baker !

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b75a24  No.13326320


There’s a spirit that causes inappropriate laughter- used to have it. Seriously

She’s got quite a few others in there as well.

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b617c9  No.13326321

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303ed6  No.13326322

File: f001c89a201039a⋯.png (537.37 KB, 720x555, 48:37, ClipboardImage.png)


to be this fukken new

we seen 1000 larp posters since this began

this is no different

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475609  No.13326323

File: 18776242d3c174b⋯.jpg (216.25 KB, 700x900, 7:9, brain_fix_plan.jpg)

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b75a24  No.13326324

File: d4d62546c5eca0f⋯.jpeg (243.38 KB, 1170x776, 585:388, 700DC367_61DC_40B0_85A5_9….jpeg)


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1b0690  No.13326325

File: 0dc20bcdba8d570⋯.jpeg (743.1 KB, 828x645, 276:215, 288A99FB_0DDF_4642_82B1_5….jpeg)

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e7d105  No.13326326

File: f9d26aff5a7edf6⋯.jpg (30.74 KB, 640x480, 4:3, gretchen_25.jpg)

>fake Q in OP

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37223b  No.13326327


Not interesting and not relevant, 3 breads your faggot ass has been pushing it though.

Glad I can now officially add===== to my auto filter list.

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70e2b2  No.13326328

File: 73570b9f6687929⋯.jpg (117.31 KB, 665x480, 133:96, PURE_WINNING.jpg)

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b617c9  No.13326329


You can tell by the stance change of "high horse" better than thou, due to the endorphin rush of being hated.

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705c1f  No.13326330

File: e91348228c46ed9⋯.jpg (95.92 KB, 758x500, 379:250, download_9_.jpg)

File: 35d064eebdfca2f⋯.jpg (75.69 KB, 666x375, 222:125, acf1a187fc540e6ed1c06249c4….jpg)

File: 8848a55d8c28ba1⋯.jpg (75 KB, 750x422, 375:211, 4mpngx.jpg)

File: 5af598b103c9496⋯.jpg (73.04 KB, 950x460, 95:46, 4mptac.jpg)

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37223b  No.13326331

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ec3479  No.13326332


Marie Osmond has really let herself go!!

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702988  No.13326333

File: a420f772acedb5b⋯.jpg (54.04 KB, 850x400, 17:8, camus_36_61_66.jpg)

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f383b4  No.13326334


To everybody talking about whether it's Q or not. Obviously it's not Q without the Q tripcode but…

It's intel and we know Q Team is the largest military intel op in history. Anons be the judge. Remember? Q Research is the only place that insists that you think for yourself. Read the posts and decide for yourselves.

Don't let ANYBODY tell you what to think of the 'posts'. Think for yourself.

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115b78  No.13326335

The only way I can believe Q now,

is if he posts tits

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39f8b6  No.13326336

File: 68d10ab2a39b8a3⋯.png (1.29 MB, 667x1000, 667:1000, pepe_dempanic_pandemic_2.png)


Is this gonna be the for reals quarantine?

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5df6be  No.13326337


TY for posting.

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eb69b6  No.13326338

File: 3d33b179fb00a71⋯.gif (3.36 MB, 600x591, 200:197, F1B5C5FA_E166_4EF4_93A0_EC….gif)


Did say that, but honestly I'da put em in notes had I been in the kitchen. Never liked rules much anyway. The posts were a very notable part of lb for sure. Only saw 2 of them in notes though?

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495660  No.13326340

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9b02c0  No.13326341

File: 8a1fafee306c0f7⋯.png (227.7 KB, 736x631, 736:631, 8a1fafee306c0f7b42bb8b8e4c….png)

File: 0d077a3b9a89f32⋯.jpg (649.83 KB, 2345x1517, 2345:1517, 0d077a3b9a89f329872372771e….jpg)

File: 92101b511181d5a⋯.jpg (615.38 KB, 984x1236, 82:103, 92101b511181d5a30d9f38cb63….jpg)

File: 6e82c4cdb32aa94⋯.jpeg (385.38 KB, 1258x1242, 629:621, 6e82c4cdb32aa94f1df8cda4c….jpeg)

File: dc2407efe4e6fad⋯.png (1015.33 KB, 860x840, 43:42, dc2407efe4e6fad0f904faafe2….png)


Thanks baker.

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126952  No.13326343

File: 35a7a7a02053d7a⋯.gif (4.3 MB, 480x259, 480:259, rules.gif)







This fucking 'baker' added fake Q posts to the OP.

Don't thank this piece of shit.

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303ed6  No.13326344

File: 02c13d295c543dc⋯.png (539.72 KB, 518x370, 7:5, ClipboardImage.png)


ok beiber

first day here?

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7545c6  No.13326345

So.. Like… What is about to come,?

And who is preparing the public?

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ac351e  No.13326347

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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70e2b2  No.13326348

File: a8f0104441393cb⋯.jpg (99.84 KB, 638x357, 638:357, THE_OLE_IN_N_OUT.jpg)

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37223b  No.13326349




>This fucking 'baker' added fake Q posts to the OP.


>Don't thank this piece of shit.


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b352b9  No.13326350

A mexican told us today that he left his retirement in mexico b/c the orphanage was selling kids for parts. It is not bs. People do not know.


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9f7384  No.13326351

File: d4a8d5a659344f3⋯.jpg (30.95 KB, 257x225, 257:225, Cnt.jpg)


>What is wrong with this woman?


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3445e8  No.13326352

>>13326268 (pb)


CEO Bourla didn't want to "cut in line" and get his shot early!

Here's were the shit gets really spoopy. Do you remember Daniel Best? He was a former Pfizer exec. tasked with helping to lower pharmaceutical drug prices who was "suicided".

I figured that just moving to the administration and taking on the issue of drug pricing was enough to put him on a list. However, I found a source (no sauce atm) that said he had uncovered a plot to roll out "vaccine passports" in the US.

Btw, know how Melania's motto is "Be Best"? I think it is a reference to Daniel Best and his apparent decision to take on Big Pharma.

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b617c9  No.13326353

Real thread here: >>13326339

Real thread here: >>13326339

Real thread here: >>13326339

Real thread here: >>13326339

Real thread here: >>13326339

Real thread here: >>13326339

Real thread here: >>13326339

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475609  No.13326354

File: 7fab57d23067e4a⋯.jpg (87.88 KB, 590x462, 295:231, I_was_told.jpg)

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886467  No.13326355

File: 6566936ca8bb94a⋯.jpg (81.38 KB, 400x400, 1:1, comfy_couch.jpg)

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702988  No.13326356

File: 92202a77c85b40e⋯.jpg (217.35 KB, 3067x1800, 3067:1800, smokeyjimmie_dale_gilmore.jpg)

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e10908  No.13326357


End times.

Prepare yourself I guess kek.

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c25357  No.13326358

File: 4dde74808dfb4cc⋯.png (562.71 KB, 1706x1260, 853:630, 0181071d40ba5d4dd96104f66d….png)

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12965a  No.13326359


>I was BV at the time



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0df8e6  No.13326360


Those posts should be archived and asked if they were legit if Q ever shows back up.

Much like we did in the beginning when Q originally posted under Anonymous and confirmed those said posts.

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49d23b  No.13326362


That's Johnny Depp.

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5fff7d  No.13326363

File: f867742bc4c718f⋯.jpeg (24.74 KB, 255x250, 51:50, 48a46d8db4159560bd2f49ce4….jpeg)

File: 3752c589068a468⋯.png (109.17 KB, 255x255, 1:1, e89a880990919c26aa4a649fc4….png)

File: 31c07f3f43b5699⋯.mp4 (10.31 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 31c07f3f43b5699fad88ab5962….mp4)

File: 43163b69e85f353⋯.jpg (11.98 KB, 229x255, 229:255, 7bdb22e41c9741e2b082164860….jpg)

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fb82d3  No.13326364

File: 694269de8013307⋯.png (366.68 KB, 3081x900, 1027:300, volume.png)


Let me turn up the contrast for you then.

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6b6dbf  No.13326365


when things are true then they play out as stated.

when false people keep pointing at it and saying 'think for yourself'

if you really were thinking for yourself you'd not gawk at other people's . . . .efforts at comm . . .

if it's Q then stuff will start habbening.

and no discussion is necessary.

those who say do not know and those who know do not say.

tripcode or your tripping

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41ae01  No.13326366


Sounds like school children

"Thank you Mr. Secretary"

with role play

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70e2b2  No.13326367

File: a96cb029c6b668e⋯.jpg (80.03 KB, 744x548, 186:137, UR_FUTURE.jpg)

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b352b9  No.13326368

Do not let them disappear. Make people aware


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6650c5  No.13326369


cringiest fooking bitch alive

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9fd7f8  No.13326371

File: 46f5bbe1e13750f⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1000x810, 100:81, ClipboardImage.png)

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b617c9  No.13326372

File: fd343481a08a12c⋯.jpg (822.24 KB, 1829x1535, 1829:1535, BO_Lied.jpg)

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c25357  No.13326373

File: c3cf2b4f0e8c5df⋯.png (703.4 KB, 1284x734, 642:367, d874497e862f1a58b1d8f877b7….png)

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115b78  No.13326374


I can honestly say I have never been THAT high.

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7c3322  No.13326375



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41ae01  No.13326376


"The babies/ children of the community"

She calls them babies.

So they belong to the "State"


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88decd  No.13326377

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000  No.13326378

HBO killed Q. Pulled back the curtain, and showing the creepy fucks running the joint, and destroyed ANY credibility.

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9b02c0  No.13326379



Take the fake n ghey Qposts outta the fucking bread.

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12965a  No.13326380


>>13325814 8KUN PSA: Things we need to admit, anons.'

1) Posts are not under tripcode, because only autists are going to play right now. If that pisses you off, go find a safe place

2) We are being asked to bring our A game. Sauce every statement, even if it's been sauced before. Pretend you are having a second chance at life and run it as high and hot as possible without burning out. Then recharge and come back ready to PLAY THE GAME.

3) Every single thought you have for the next couple of months determines the outcome of this operation. Anon is so easily pissy. Anon will cut it out. HIGHEST AND BEST THOUGHTS ANONS. Highest and best offers to this cause. Set your passwords with intentions. Be kind to everyone. Use positive thoughts and images in your day. Pray/Imagine great success for those who have supported us and brought us this far. Don't use fear or hope. Imagine great success.

4) It might not be the storm. It might be the storm. It matters not at all. We are sworn to our best selves for the next few weeks. If you have to break it off, do it someplace other than this board. From this moment on, every shitty thought is a shill, and not a disgruntled anon. Walk it off if it gets to you


self censorship is the most effective

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705c1f  No.13326381

File: c2df4dab056c4da⋯.jpg (207.16 KB, 1200x1504, 75:94, c2df4dab056c4dae822f198875….jpg)

Get ready anons


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40c40f  No.13326382



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49d23b  No.13326383


You might have noticed, we're not exactly rules people.

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1b0690  No.13326384

File: 2037a9dc73337c7⋯.jpeg (1.6 MB, 828x737, 828:737, 590FB5A0_4355_4D49_8088_4….jpeg)

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9395cc  No.13326385


some folks only come for thenotables

some sites scrape just notables

marking those as 'Q' posts is misleading, and inaccurate

the notables struggle has been a forever thing, adding 'Q' posts to notables but not above where real Q posts belong is just not how it's been done, and will only serve to confuse the notables process further

not good

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88decd  No.13326386


Ya sound like a Cuomo, anon.

Go read some drops.

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b617c9  No.13326387



>Please remove your Q "posts" from notables.


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f383b4  No.13326388

The Q team has been posting here without trip codes from the start of the board.

Grow up whiners

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41ae01  No.13326389


the "infrastructure" is going to let them know they are loved.


What about her child.. ?

As far as I remember doesn't appear nurtured.. Maybe she's waiting for the "community" to do it?

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495660  No.13326390



nah, The game changes

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256e18  No.13326391

File: 32f980aa2c80b2f⋯.png (9.91 KB, 1054x153, 62:9, Screenshot_2021_03_29_Q_Re….png)



Anons are playing the game

Q not confirmed yet

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886467  No.13326392

File: 6bb8bad2303409f⋯.png (173.73 KB, 402x297, 134:99, see.png)

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6658ac  No.13326393

>>13326061 (Lb)

The old Switch-a-Roo-Swap. It’s to obvious so it’s obviously not, so obviously it is.

The birds that live

outside my window,

sing after a storm.

When I fish

I use a lure.

Hunger never stops.

I froze in place,

In my pantry,

Reading those first drops.

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88decd  No.13326394



We will be victorious!

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f5fd5d  No.13326395

File: 01625141aec7bbd⋯.png (81.14 KB, 755x560, 151:112, Screenshot_from_2021_03_29….png)

File: b5e75dccc4eff43⋯.png (203.59 KB, 629x609, 629:609, Screenshot_from_2021_03_29….png)

File: 155290eddc2f8de⋯.png (84.96 KB, 680x522, 340:261, Screenshot_from_2021_03_29….png)

File: ed238ddd9492c38⋯.png (327.77 KB, 609x470, 609:470, Screenshot_from_2021_03_29….png)

all pb



>>13325618 21:03 +18

>DJT Jr 21:21 +5

>>13325806 21:26

>>13326016 21:48

>>13326023 21:49


>>13324749 18:59 +13

>DJT Jr 19:12 +6

>>13324866 19:18 +29

>DJT Jr 19:47 +16

>>13325178 20:03 +19

>>13325341 20:22

>>13325500 20:41

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9465bb  No.13326396

File: 69d33c0b17bab94⋯.png (853.78 KB, 606x489, 202:163, ClipboardImage.png)



My brain needed a work out, glad it was the B.O fcuking around, still i would rather use it the lose it like the others who could not or would not have the patience and attention to detail to collect and present.

glad to play the game,



match fit and still ready when needed

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f383b4  No.13326397


I agree - They're not Q posts

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ec3479  No.13326398

File: 0d4995993729917⋯.png (448.18 KB, 720x720, 1:1, SaluteYou.png)


No this is Johnny Depp!

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7c3322  No.13326399





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b617c9  No.13326400


Found Freddy

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f43855  No.13326401

File: d5ef4144692a783⋯.png (634.59 KB, 1486x1486, 1:1, BCDB7032_A355_45B0_9751_FF….png)

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6650c5  No.13326402

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6b6dbf  No.13326403


the shill team has been spoofing real anon since the beginning.

skeptics are the boards friends.

if it has no trip code, then it's not a Q post.

end of discussion.

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af1f38  No.13326404


fucking diseased hyena bitch

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303ed6  No.13326405

File: cf578e50dcd4fbf⋯.png (1.46 MB, 720x960, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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886467  No.13326406

File: 448ee411d59261f⋯.png (302.06 KB, 616x613, 616:613, 2a741e3e421aa671600a06fc9f….png)

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7545c6  No.13326407



End times… As in Bible prophecy?

Jesus snatches the believers out of here?

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add35c  No.13326408

File: 2c70b7c72ac8c26⋯.jpg (147.53 KB, 600x747, 200:249, jesus_knocking_at_the_door.jpg)

>>13326258 (pb)

Why choose to believe that what comes next is worse than now? I remember being young once…and watching friends loose their grandparents. My family was what one would call young starting…married very young…had kids very young…so I didn't lose either grandparent until well past middle aged (long living too)…but I remember the thought that I could NOT bear to lose them…that "god" hold off destroying the world until I'd had a chance to grow up, marry, have kids…build a life/experience a life. (I was raised with this DOOM ideation as a Christian).

"when I was a child I spoke like a child, thought like a child, reasoned like a child…and when I became a man…I put away the things of the child"..1 Corinthians 13:11

Is the "child" a metaphor for being a "spiritual babe" and not understanding "the things and ways of this world?" I think so….the Tao of Steve says it all

Be desireless

Be excellent

Be gone

Desire is the root of ALL unhappiness/misery. Once we set aside desire or want…we become satisfied within ourselves…that what we are at any moment, is enough.

I remember being terrorized by Christian imagery. The movie "Left Behind" was probably the worst horror movie ever made. It left you in a space of continual doubt…that somehow you'd be found wanting, that no matter how GOOD you were, you could never be quite sure you were good enough because of a sin you didn't ask forgiveness for…something…god appeared to be kind of a nit picker…if you ask me.

If "god: is love, then why would it engage in terrorizing, threatening, blackmailing people…I will KILL YOU FOREVER if you don't love me…but I'm merciful, if you just love me enough I'll save you…..honest.

I think that the FEAR that imagery produces is about as far from love as anything could ever get. ALL three Abrahamic religions are 10% fear-based.

Funny that ALL the things I "desired" as a child…don't matter at all anymore. Not a whit. I find that shift in me to be most….useful, as far as developing "that peace that passeth all understanding".

GOD WINS…welp, I guess he can't flood us all to death again (I mean 8 people good enough to save? SRSLY?) he said next time he "won" it would be fire…well then…Ok. But now we got people battling for position on the ship of 144.000. KEK.

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d6ffdb  No.13326409

no trips no q

why do the bakers always have to be such wanks??

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3445e8  No.13326410


This is what we need to watch for. Outbreaks among vaccinated could be the start of the REAL "pandemic". Some have hypothesized that the vaccine turns human bodies into "gain-of-function" labs, churning out mutants which achieve "immune escape" and become pandemic themselves.


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6650c5  No.13326411


But still shouldn't say Q is back just my .02

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e6dda5  No.13326412

File: e619a13b41a48b6⋯.jpg (97.94 KB, 900x600, 3:2, 87F8E64C_EBBB_4FB0_93DB_31….jpg)


>cringiest bitch alive

plus she's as fake as a two dollar bill, …

… but then again, what else is new about any of them politicians?

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eb69b6  No.13326413

File: 987d0d8db63e506⋯.jpeg (258.69 KB, 1800x1392, 75:58, D96B91CA_2252_4457_95AD_D….jpeg)


She's a fucking murderous psycho. That's what.

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303ed6  No.13326414

File: 5ba9380556a7d92⋯.png (332.97 KB, 454x322, 227:161, ClipboardImage.png)

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37223b  No.13326415

File: f6abf73c66a90aa⋯.png (30.18 KB, 2388x275, 2388:275, ClipboardImage.png)


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705c1f  No.13326416

We're gonna bring the whole thing down

It will go fast

But you are ready


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70e2b2  No.13326417

File: 2a4e3a424698fea⋯.jpg (84.26 KB, 587x435, 587:435, WHOS_RULES_BY_DA_WAY.jpg)

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b48db3  No.13326418

Instead of always assuming we know what’s real and true one way or another (in this instance whether non trip code poster is Q), why don’t we sit and observe quietly?

Either something will happen or nothing will happen. Observe and don’t react. Saves space for more important things.

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3a9a5b  No.13326419

File: 864c53a0d711980⋯.jpg (73.43 KB, 720x785, 144:157, IMG_9278.JPG)

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41ae01  No.13326420

File: 13c9f210b386b34⋯.jpg (114.6 KB, 1177x641, 1177:641, covidscam.jpg)


What are you jabbering about?

How does Q team have anything to do with who runs the Board?

You listen to the Propaganda and not aware of what was shown on this board and in the HBO docu?

Ur an idiot.


Be sure you wear your mask

You need a face diaper.

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7c3322  No.13326421


Rapture is fehq and ghay

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12285e  No.13326422

File: b23cef728ec5758⋯.jpg (53.31 KB, 1024x812, 256:203, 1592571827981_kindlephoto_….jpg)

Monday 29.03.2021

>>13326023 ————————————–——– U.S.ARMY Patch

>>13326016 ————————————–——– All will come into Focus. Crew Chief? Geronimo!

>>13325806 ————————————–——– 8 > NonSecureLine. TS/ID verifies. What is most valuable? [ie calling our shot] Understood? Anon interaction coming soon.

>>13325618 ————————————–——– >[DRAGONFLY] What happens if the organization [ANTIFA] (controller & coordinated roll out) itself is aware? (Cap >>13325651)

Why did he do it?

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6ef6da  No.13326423

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d9e180  No.13326424

File: a2520d057423efe⋯.jpg (55.56 KB, 474x474, 1:1, 20210201_200121.jpg)

Anons know.

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2de02c  No.13326425

File: bc1109060386a33⋯.jpg (12.37 KB, 196x255, 196:255, 815c6a6fd596411ce813557fdd….jpg)

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49d23b  No.13326426


Yeah, they don't belong in the Q section. That's messed up.

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af1f38  No.13326427


Shar Pei neck

Bassett face

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6650c5  No.13326428


the viral spike or whatever creates viral proteins, so things you come in contact with can be shed after incubating in the vaccinated host, as per my understanding

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b617c9  No.13326429


Are you ready for your special place~

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ea206a  No.13326430


It's intentional. Yet another attempt to discredit the board by the team of fake bakers and their minions.

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ec3479  No.13326431

File: 0ef64cf9c12e5b7⋯.png (197.22 KB, 500x501, 500:501, deathrider.png)

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b617c9  No.13326432


Faraday cages.


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6b6dbf  No.13326433


when we have imposters running breads and banning people, and then putting up fake posts saying it's Q, no, silence isn't what you get.

obvioulsy the call to 'not overreact' is because you all know that it's not Q.

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f383b4  No.13326434


Just because it's not a Q post doesn't mean it doesn't come from our 'intel' team.

Discern for yourself

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115b78  No.13326435

File: 7aac1ba04cb1968⋯.jpg (91.2 KB, 325x369, 325:369, frog_prince_copy.jpg)

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9b02c0  No.13326436


And I even thanked baker with the Trump/Scavino pic too….like a fucking retard.

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fb82d3  No.13326437


That's ok, we've known you were a shill for over a year now.

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000000  No.13326438


Go fist yourself.

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b617c9  No.13326439


Being locked to your body~

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9fd7f8  No.13326440


Is it just me or does her mask make her look like a reptile

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6b6dbf  No.13326441


the anon know

and you pretending doesn't fool the anon.

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2de02c  No.13326442


RNA creates protein using instructions (usually) from DNA and transferred by messengerRNA (mRNA).

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7c3322  No.13326443


True Anon is true

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ac351e  No.13326444

File: b84cc5c39431452⋯.jpg (31.87 KB, 665x332, 665:332, Peps.jpg)

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256e18  No.13326445

File: 501dc391416ab28⋯.jpg (108.9 KB, 750x936, 125:156, ExQnFdeXIAY4EG_.jpg)

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3fe2f3  No.13326446

File: 634e3434845e45a⋯.png (905.79 KB, 1022x685, 1022:685, V22_Night_Shift_3.png)

File: 928565554c2afbe⋯.png (700.19 KB, 779x586, 779:586, Marine_K9_Night_Shift.png)

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eb69b6  No.13326447


Need full analysis on ts/deltas.

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6650c5  No.13326448


Also True

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41ae01  No.13326449

File: 1afed2acbeadfba⋯.png (288.53 KB, 749x1089, 749:1089, okbombing.png)


no you're the one with the evil disposition and zero morality

Down's syndrome people can't type. Idiot.

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8125ae  No.13326450

File: c6fa48a50b1a020⋯.png (359.77 KB, 480x482, 240:241, EHYE62UWkAEub_9.png)


Look at the damn butterflies & child handprints behind her. Hysterical cackle is guilt.

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12965a  No.13326451

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303ed6  No.13326452

File: ee1bb61bbfac101⋯.png (378.25 KB, 490x327, 490:327, ClipboardImage.png)




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b617c9  No.13326453

All the "Thank you B" posts are being exposed.

Scripted, blindly applied, just to make you think the baker is one of us~

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3a9a5b  No.13326454

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

all that homo

cause stan lee was a better sci fi writer

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5df6be  No.13326455

File: 7cbae4c5d28719c⋯.jpg (119.75 KB, 673x500, 673:500, COmfy.jpg)

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7c3322  No.13326456


Happens to be best of us. This is a high frequency environment.

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88decd  No.13326457



Y'all want a name and address? You sound concerned.

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4f8ee6  No.13326458

https://45office.com/ Why are all their heads cuts off in the banner pics? Seems legit, but didn't anybody preview it before publishing?

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6650c5  No.13326459


Yeah that, and is read by the ribosome that goes does translates it then busts out the apropos amino acid..etc

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b617c9  No.13326460



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3a9a5b  No.13326461


gerbil taunt in french disguise

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ec3479  No.13326462

File: a3a4b62df55d19f⋯.png (324 KB, 400x534, 200:267, comfy.png)

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eb69b6  No.13326464

File: c3817990a855ce3⋯.gif (4.6 MB, 600x1079, 600:1079, 3D72C28E_6E98_45D1_89D8_2D….gif)


Fuck yes anons are ready.

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f5fd5d  No.13326465

File: 2f8667d208f3eaa⋯.jpg (50.52 KB, 531x229, 531:229, nope_meter.jpg)




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495660  No.13326466


Sorry anon, the game changes and we must adapt to all changing circumstances.

Q didn't have trip codes when first starting out, did they?

NO, they didn't and yet we followed from half chan to 8, now Q is travelling in silent mode…

I'm leaving them in, with all due respect. Thank you

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705c1f  No.13326467

Think logically


Who knows the end game?

Who knows the plan?

They read the drops more then you do.


The end is near for [them]

This is only the beginning

Nothing can stop what is coming

A price to pay

Walls caving in

Sleeping well tonight?

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b617c9  No.13326468


Forward gambit~

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d75d6c  No.13326469

File: ad5b529c5725105⋯.png (916.44 KB, 718x1342, 359:671, ClipboardImage.png)

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70e2b2  No.13326470

File: cf66ea39d453da5⋯.jpg (127.37 KB, 624x599, 624:599, THE_CONSTITUTION.jpg)

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d9e180  No.13326471


Silent war, my fren

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702988  No.13326472


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ef08b4  No.13326473

File: 6326230d044f504⋯.png (375.95 KB, 631x451, 631:451, ClipboardImage.png)

Anthony Gonzalez Attacks Mark Meadows in Leaked Boehner Fundraiser Footage

Rep. Anthony Gonzalez (R-OH) attacked former Donald Trump White House chief of staff Mark Meadows during a fundraiser Monday, according to footage obtained by Breitbart News.

Breitbart News obtained footage of a fundraiser to support Gonzalez, who was one of the ten House Republicans to vote to impeach then-President Donald Trump. Former House Speaker John Boehner served as the special guest for the fundraiser.

In Breitbart News’s first report about the fundraiser, Gonzalez said he hopes for the political right to “diminish” and for the “center” to rise in the coming years.

Gonzalez then claimed that Meadows is the one person in the “Trump world” who is supporting his primary opponent, former Trump aide Max Miller. Trump has endorsed Miller and even held a fundraiser for the former Trump White House aide.

Boehner has a vehement hatred for Meadows.

Meadows, a House Freedom Caucus cofounder, helped lead the movement to remove Boehner as Speaker of the House. Meadows’ conservative coalition led to Boehner’s ouster in the fall of 2015.

Boehner called Meadows an “idiot” in 2017.

“He’s an idiot. I can’t tell you what makes him tick,” Boehner told New York Magazine.

“They can’t tell you what they’re for. They can tell you everything they’re against. They’re anarchists. They want total chaos. Tear it all down and start over. That’s where their mindset is,” Boehner said of the House Freedom Caucus.

Boehner also called Jordan “a terrorist as a legislator going back to his days in the Ohio House and Senate … A terrorist. A legislative terrorist.”

In this manner, it would appear that Gonzalez holds similar feelings toward the former Trump White House chief of staff.

“Mark Meadows is the person in the Trump world who is most angry with me and is most aggressively supporting my primary opponent,” Gonzalez said. “So, apparently, the Speaker and I feel the exact same way about Mark Meadows.”


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5fff7d  No.13326474

File: 2aaaa7716aa25e4⋯.png (673.63 KB, 638x900, 319:450, d425080d52a9d1746eeb41a210….png)

File: 865c486c201b2e3⋯.jpg (28.33 KB, 255x239, 255:239, 5a7a821ab50c84700d7e0698b8….jpg)

File: 2c635a77dda3bd0⋯.png (150.49 KB, 394x716, 197:358, fc735884ec787996994a46f481….png)

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9b02c0  No.13326475


You definitely don't know,or understand, how this place, and Q, work do you? Lurk moar hooker.

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e10908  No.13326476




Not so much worried about the whole eternal damnation thing as I've never been a true believer of what I was taught in catholic school. I just sort of wish I never knew about any of this so I could just go on living my life in blissful ignorance. Oh well can't turn back now

Rapture may be fake and gay but solar burps aren't


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303ed6  No.13326477


problem is on your end, all the banners are fine

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12965a  No.13326478


you guys keep up this bullshit and i will put all the q posts into a bayesian text generator and there will be no mercy as the truth outs exponentially

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e6dda5  No.13326479

File: bcf71424a4a7ad9⋯.png (43.3 KB, 905x834, 905:834, bcf71424a4a7ad94009154b0c8….png)


>anons ready

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f7028f  No.13326480

What kind of fag would notables a fake Q return?

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115b78  No.13326481

File: 51cec2a2209d8cd⋯.jpg (78.33 KB, 356x400, 89:100, RM.jpg)

Let's all try to remember that the shills have the power

to momentary turn susceptible anons really gay

we should show them patience and love.

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669844  No.13326482


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41ae01  No.13326483


Can you confirm "q teams" trip is still available?

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70e2b2  No.13326484

File: d023972bbd2bba7⋯.jpg (55.17 KB, 511x297, 511:297, WAR_AT_SEA.jpg)

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1b0690  No.13326485

File: 1379bdbb1fc4dde⋯.jpeg (521.77 KB, 828x790, 414:395, 1F3334BA_5649_4E6A_BFC0_1….jpeg)

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85a2cd  No.13326486

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196198  No.13326487


Nice try, but nope.

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6650c5  No.13326488


no offense but missing the point, leaving them in is not in question, it's calling them Q posts without confirms that is in question, and imho not cool…

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c01afb  No.13326489

File: d4091885623191f⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1508x1666, 754:833, Screen_Shot_2021_03_29_at_….png)

File: 28ad4718f0d6a68⋯.png (433.83 KB, 1392x1572, 116:131, Screen_Shot_2021_03_29_at_….png)



He Was 22… She Was 12…

12/01/2011 11:28 am ET Updated Dec 06, 2017



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3a9a5b  No.13326490

File: fd3ce0de1a258dd⋯.jpg (169.62 KB, 588x941, 588:941, IMG_9029.JPG)

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6b6dbf  No.13326491


if Q were telling us that then fine but Q isn't.

so you thinking you can draw off a crew of believers has to be met with the skepticism that you are encountering.

thats it.

the anon are aware that comms are made.

but we were told very specific instructions so . . .


we aren't your 'asset' to lead on as if we have nose rings.

us telling you 'know' is us being respectful to you and to Q.

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ac351e  No.13326492

File: 751a989612aa7c6⋯.jpg (15.94 KB, 474x474, 1:1, FlysEyes.jpg)

File: 2427c4f9f5166db⋯.jpg (12.71 KB, 199x255, 199:255, KarenZuckerberg.jpg)

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7ebdf3  No.13326493

File: 0b6b265d66db281⋯.jpg (205.27 KB, 1282x854, 641:427, gretch.jpg)

File: 10829fb0ea258e8⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1280x960, 4:3, gretchen_33.png)

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49d23b  No.13326494

File: 7b95630accfc05e⋯.png (2.49 MB, 1426x946, 713:473, BornReady1.png)

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85a2cd  No.13326495

File: 60563d3f6cffcf9⋯.jpg (211.86 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, super_ultra_gay_seal.jpg)

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eb69b6  No.13326496

File: 00bc70732c2295a⋯.jpeg (509.7 KB, 1800x1521, 200:169, 502DBA3F_88DC_4732_BC5F_C….jpeg)

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add35c  No.13326497

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


KEK…I wrote the 23rd too as the faucet beginning to drip….Someone shooped a pic of Trump holding a folder that said "resurection" and Ivthought…kek..that's a meme time to "rise from the dead" for the "god king"…kek after all some kike in Israel sent Trump what amounts to a flat out death threat (which he retweeted) calling Trump the "king of the jews"…and Christians just thought that was amazing….and I'm like…WTF happened to the LAST man the jews called the king of the jews…whew that went RIGHT over everyone's heads.

PERSONALLY I'd love to see Trump's big TADA onApril Fool's day''…that's MUCH more appropriate and truer to his character. And yeah, no matter when ALL YOU ALL are going to be PISSED AF at him…because YOU were fucking retards too…going from fake news fake news to despair because you couldn't SEE that Biden was NOT fucking president. OH POOR YOU. I'm gonna kek my ass off at your impotent rage.

As for the rapture….well OK then…but I wonder if it's what you THINK it is? "disappeared in the twinkling of an eye"..one taken, one left behind….anyone think that perhaps all those indigenous shrooms on Patmos Island sent John into a weird space like they do everyone else?

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88decd  No.13326498


AKA fun.

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da506e  No.13326500

File: 75549e4b04206e1⋯.png (994.87 KB, 1622x1010, 811:505, 68a9bba84ea361ca.png)

Cut THE CCP in Half

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41ae01  No.13326501


You wish.

Fuk off

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495660  No.13326502


Sorry anon, the game changes and we must adapt to all changing circumstances.

Q didn't have trip codes when first starting out, did they?

NO, they didn't and yet we followed from half chan to 8, now Q is travelling in silent mode…

I'm leaving them in, with all due respect. Thank you


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3a9a5b  No.13326503

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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37223b  No.13326504


>Down's syndrome people can't type. Idiot.

Voice to text is a thing, idiot.

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41afd9  No.13326505


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0bcb4b  No.13326506

File: e39d77062e410b9⋯.jpg (8.57 KB, 276x183, 92:61, plan_R.jpg)

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1b0690  No.13326508

File: a7737c6d409692f⋯.jpeg (548.86 KB, 665x971, 665:971, 0614BA20_9EBB_4940_B5F4_A….jpeg)

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5ef703  No.13326509

File: aa54c3c64ead530⋯.png (264.76 KB, 433x462, 433:462, Screen_Shot_2021_03_29_at_….png)

File: 991f9c0da42ea03⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1187x665, 1187:665, Screen_Shot_2021_03_29_at_….png)

File: 5497c222f4ec9d4⋯.png (403.91 KB, 598x543, 598:543, Screen_Shot_2021_03_29_at_….png)



>Q is not back…


Dan Scavino

Flag of United States



Donald J. Trump 45th President


8:42 PM · Mar 29, 2021·Twitter for iPhone




Quote Tweets



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b617c9  No.13326510


Report it to themselves?

You're not very bright are you~

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9b02c0  No.13326511

File: 5aff9ccb16b6619⋯.jpg (57.97 KB, 709x373, 709:373, 5aff9ccb16b661994b0491f745….jpg)

File: 6f7ffb211ff4c8b⋯.jpeg (352.94 KB, 1125x652, 1125:652, 6f7ffb211ff4c8bb426dcc4a8….jpeg)


True. o7

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000000  No.13326512

Jesus you people are stupid. Q posts… Fake Q posts… LARPs within LARPs within LARps… LARPception. Russian Nesting LARPs.

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3a9a5b  No.13326514

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9395cc  No.13326515


>NO, they didn't and yet we followed from half chan to 8, now Q is travelling in silent mode…

if ya actually weren't a shill you'd know that anons requested that Q use a trip so that we could verify

now go fuck yourself, shill cunt.

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41ae01  No.13326516


no that would be for you

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b617c9  No.13326517


AKA nothing in reserves.

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f8e102  No.13326518


Q may never show up again. Nothing Can Stop What's Coming. Q has commented on the board and requested it be cleaned up. We clearly havent fucked it that up. The board is every bit relevant today as it was then, minus Q. The movement has been started. Big tech is trying to dismantle the movement but will fail. We are the news. Our Diggs force the media to have to say something about events.

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d6ffdb  No.13326519


eat dicks faggot. we know youre a deerkin without a soul

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886467  No.13326520

File: 91d24267dbe1b5b⋯.jpg (3.27 MB, 3840x2400, 8:5, 6a744bd6af6f33555276546733….jpg)

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12965a  No.13326521



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c36931  No.13326522


this appears to be a coordinated attack with a fake baker, and fake q. its bullshit. just read this and then read an old q and the person writing this has way lower iq that the previous q trip drops. its fake.

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7c0909  No.13326523

File: febe555b0b84cea⋯.jpg (61.94 KB, 724x752, 181:188, AQ_Pepe.jpg)


Just getting back on.

If this truly Q, then the Newsfags are here and ready.

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6650c5  No.13326524


mebbe put "Is Q back" or something like "possible q posts?" But if no confirms then can't say "Q is Back".. see merits in both arguments, but comes down to the latter I believe…

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f7028f  No.13326525

Our baker is high?

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3a9a5b  No.13326526

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d9e180  No.13326527

File: 8b1c968a0b484dc⋯.jpg (39.14 KB, 460x338, 230:169, 20210324_210149.jpg)



All for a larpy-larp-larp..


Luv this movie

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b617c9  No.13326528


Did I ask you, fred? For your poisoned opinion?

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88decd  No.13326529


Anon is too stupid to bake. You do what you require. We've always been told one way or another.

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b48db3  No.13326530


I understand, I just mean arguing about something none of us can prove at the moment

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d75d6c  No.13326531

File: b6d7c20f8858707⋯.png (722.68 KB, 1108x556, 277:139, ClipboardImage.png)


How can this be, CM said…

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f5fd5d  No.13326532

File: 18a6f5ba709bbbc⋯.jpg (41.22 KB, 476x730, 238:365, step1.jpg)

File: 86ae7a71cba3ee9⋯.jpg (74.5 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, step2.jpg)

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3a9a5b  No.13326533

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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37223b  No.13326534


>If this truly Q, then the Newsfags are here and ready.








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1b0690  No.13326535

File: 988e9c0c9f438b8⋯.jpeg (125.49 KB, 828x637, 828:637, 356BA536_9527_4620_B071_2….jpeg)

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72d5b9  No.13326536

File: 3a0458292b1e438⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1224x1224, 1:1, ReadyForBattle.png)

File: c2313e03012ea82⋯.jpeg (58.93 KB, 500x273, 500:273, Pepe_Army1.jpeg)

File: 23d2c238fb6413c⋯.png (342.65 KB, 500x482, 250:241, EntertainedPepe3.png)

File: 3fdfc7c37164c1f⋯.png (442.38 KB, 540x540, 1:1, Matrix_Pepe.png)

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b778f2  No.13326537


Your browser window is not tall enough. Webpage coding needs to be fixed to allow those images to scale correctly.

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886467  No.13326538




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b617c9  No.13326539


>Luv my garbage


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eb69b6  No.13326540

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Von clauswitz shit?

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fb82d3  No.13326541


It is clearly not.

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af1f38  No.13326542


W/ no respect due, you're an idiot …baker ego, never fails to annoy. Outta here, y'all.

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49d23b  No.13326543

File: 79c73a70b444f6d⋯.png (465.96 KB, 679x470, 679:470, HTL_0221_2.png)

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ac351e  No.13326545

File: b8efbd109b7f723⋯.png (23.03 KB, 255x255, 1:1, LiberalUpdate20_09_2020.png)

File: 8ca6f32039e5953⋯.jpg (16.17 KB, 255x255, 1:1, SheldonSpray.jpg)

File: 958c34a0050e8f2⋯.jpg (16.88 KB, 209x255, 209:255, CovidFamily.jpg)

File: b09740e19105a29⋯.jpg (59.44 KB, 550x697, 550:697, Stashless.jpg)

File: f0132ffa43cad6e⋯.jpg (114.5 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Very_Fake_News_Trump.jpg)

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45d0b8  No.13326546

File: 9a2cee0ff3a0f1b⋯.jpeg (813.61 KB, 2551x1347, 2551:1347, D8B381DC_3656_42E1_91F4_1….jpeg)

File: 991ce547b18df24⋯.jpeg (104.6 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, F6F0BC46_5FBD_490B_AEC7_6….jpeg)



This is how we beat these assholes at their COVID game. We vote with our dollars. We have to just stand up and say no and take our money elsewhere. The market will determine the winners. All the maskholes will be proven losers. F THE VAX F THE MANDATES AND F COMPLIANCE.

Watch and learn Anons




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f43855  No.13326547

File: 41dfba26d4bc736⋯.jpeg (459.58 KB, 1061x701, 1061:701, DFA80505_D417_46D9_9600_6….jpeg)

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6b6dbf  No.13326548


Q said that even if we KNEW it were a Q post that it must not be listed as such in Q posts online or in notables or in the Q posts links at the top of the bread.

A direct order to the anon.

you don't know that order, you aren't an anon.

you argue about it. you are not an anon.

anon know.

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88decd  No.13326549


You are preparing the public with awesome videos about fake news!

Don't worry about us. We'll just do our best and hope it works.

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7c0909  No.13326550


Still discerning Anon. Frosty at all times.

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f383b4  No.13326551


>>13326488 , >>13326491 , >>13326515 >>13326519 , >>13326524

Notables are records. No changing them is my understanding from several bakers chiming in over the last weeks.

This discussion should be in a bun in the notables. Let anons decide for themselves.

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3a9a5b  No.13326552

File: 1bfd6e38d3e490a⋯.jpg (119.45 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, IMG_9372.JPG)

File: 3db497759a90327⋯.jpg (687.95 KB, 2048x1325, 2048:1325, IMG_9373.JPG)

File: c37f2aa7154eac2⋯.jpg (190.99 KB, 2048x1582, 1024:791, IMG_9374.JPG)

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eb69b6  No.13326553


Did not realize they were up top when posting. Not endorsing that actually.

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256e18  No.13326554

File: 77c48dcf892ca95⋯.jpg (32.1 KB, 600x600, 1:1, BuYwMgYCcAAYOMN.jpg)


Who cares? Enjoy the ride!

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3fe2f3  No.13326555


I agree anon. I missed that. Q posts have a tripcode. Maybe take it down a notch, but you are correct. TY

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89077b  No.13326556

File: 50e307212789ffe⋯.png (28.3 KB, 591x403, 591:403, ClipboardImage.png)

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9395cc  No.13326557


…as a fucking kite

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6650c5  No.13326558


plus Baker can add at later date if Q confirms…

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d6ffdb  No.13326559

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8125ae  No.13326560

File: 2dc1c939558e490⋯.jpg (17.66 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 2dc1c939558e4906a51de34269….jpg)


How the hell do you discern an anonymous poster is Q team all by yourself? No glowing trip code, no Q.

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f2c7c9  No.13326561


What do you mean by available?

Nobody can post with Q's trip except for the person who knows the password to the tripcode. Not even the site admins would know, contrary to what the Cullen's HBO doc would tell you.

If you mean available as in whitelisted on /qresearch/, then yeah. Q's hash is whitelisted here.

For those who still haven't noticed, see:


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f89a05  No.13326562

Trips > November Juliet.





This is not a drill.

Do you understand?

The clock is ticking.

A lot more coming [soon].

{11:11} EST

Be here tomorrow.

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72d5b9  No.13326563

File: 124c852e0ecac47⋯.png (447.45 KB, 640x548, 160:137, united_pepes.png)


Hold the line indeed

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f8e102  No.13326564


I agree. Every reasonable contribution should be considered.

Believe me, shit I didnt think was a thing is most definitely a thing today.

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303ed6  No.13326565

File: 1837bb7c64f1e0e⋯.png (475.67 KB, 888x594, 148:99, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8e1ce29af188d02⋯.png (56.3 KB, 255x142, 255:142, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ec0845d5f195575⋯.png (194.25 KB, 1300x425, 52:17, ClipboardImage.png)


Q Research General #16882: We Raise our Hearts and Minds [DRAGONFLY] Edition


out of the whole Q saga this will be the only baker to have called untripped posts a "Q" Post

the actual state of this board and newfags who ruined it

Whats you name cunt? for posterity when the school kids study this in 2050

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ac351e  No.13326566

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3a9a5b  No.13326567

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000  No.13326568

The post were from Anon

Learn to discern.

We have always had help along the way.

Relax anons

Your missing key details in the big show.

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add35c  No.13326569

File: 6bab0d7c30ede6d⋯.jpg (99.64 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, flames.jpg)

File: f304b839b7c9a79⋯.png (174.72 KB, 572x748, 13:17, pepe_mound_red_flames.png)

File: 05e6bd2e83ef022⋯.jpg (352.9 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, fake_inaguration_wp_labled….jpg)

File: 0e2399863891f28⋯.jpg (72.08 KB, 799x533, 799:533, 4chan_autonomous_zone_runn….jpg)


I know all about the Sun…..:) Meh…it's only 1 single breath. I wouldn't waste my life no matter when it will end…worrying over every breath being the last. The only thing that offends me about the "end" is …fuckitol I hope it doesn't hurt. KEK….but even if it DOES hurt….it won't last long I reckon. I'd rather be on the beach watching that tsumani coming in knowing I POOF on out of this meat suit the first wave. :D

Well–you know something is coming…so prepare for the worst and live the best. YOU choose your suffering. Choose not to…:)

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6b6dbf  No.13326570



there is no arguing with the direction of Q from two years ago.

don't care at all what you do with your toy notables.

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c36931  No.13326571


hahaha sooo fake, be here tomorrow……your killing me.

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33c4ff  No.13326572


Wanting to to things that make one look good or make one famous without having to work for it, or that they are basing their reputation on something that in the end is pointless.


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b617c9  No.13326573


Oh, here's where you feign knowledge of what you're doing and swoop in as the good guy!

This movie's villains are sad~

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f2c7c9  No.13326574

File: 28b4a5f36551323⋯.png (12.11 KB, 1184x342, 592:171, KEK_VISION_sys_8kun_top_21….png)



Speak of the devil

IP hash familiar?

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000000  No.13326575


So, wait…you're saying that fisting you is my job?

Hard pass.

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0edc7f  No.13326576






worthy of attention or notice;

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3a9a5b  No.13326577

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b617c9  No.13326578


This guy's disgusting.

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c869a1  No.13326579


Q posted as Anon before, then confirmed with his trip and said to not list his anon posts as his.

So what has changed? only posts signed and tripped should be listed even if we are 100% sure they are from Q.

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da506e  No.13326580

File: b50afa83c9918db⋯.png (540.2 KB, 890x534, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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2de02c  No.13326581


There has to be some kind of "shell program" that the vaccines use to hijack the mRNA along with the actual spike instructions. If so, any "booster" can contain instructions to make anything, like a permanent back door.

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6650c5  No.13326582

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88decd  No.13326583

File: 3fc51476d0b9317⋯.png (14 KB, 181x255, 181:255, shill.png)


Anon has two Qs, and that notable is even better.

(Yes, just tied myself to last bread. Several rodeos later, no one will care.)

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f383b4  No.13326584


They're not 'my' notables. They are 'anon' notables made by 'anons'

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6b6dbf  No.13326585



farmed worthless copy pasted robo posted for days with the agenda of the shills.

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add35c  No.13326586

File: dc0a946a928169e⋯.mp4 (4.04 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, triggered_reeeee.mp4)

File: ff9357021e2c45a⋯.png (319.05 KB, 504x512, 63:64, ultimate_karen.png)


I didn't think I needed your cuntly permission to respond. Sorry Karen.

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eb69b6  No.13326587


Up top though? I would at least move em down to notes and soften the title.

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d75d6c  No.13326588

File: 15dc0dfdf29651d⋯.png (959.78 KB, 805x915, 161:183, ClipboardImage.png)

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3a9a5b  No.13326589

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3f5269  No.13326590

So should we call faux Q, the anti-Q? Trying to fool everyone that he is the real Q? Or is it the real Q. Hmmmmm.

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b6e675  No.13326591

File: c599415a73347f3⋯.png (504.87 KB, 576x515, 576:515, Mar26.png)

File: c3daac5a0788f50⋯.png (238.9 KB, 628x799, 628:799, Mar27.png)

>>13326166 (pb)

I haven't verified pic 1 yet. The post appears to have been deleted. But if this is Ever Given, who are all those people? The crew is 25. There are more than that here. And it looks like a couple of containers are open.

Confirms crew count:

==> https://www.msn.com/en-in/news/other/crew-of-ever-green-container-ship-blocking-suez-canal-is-indian-all-safe/

Meanwhile, that other pic is quite curious. It's a video, actually.

==> https://twitter.com/MTruth04/status/1375822249836564487

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6ef6da  No.13326592

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6650c5  No.13326593

>>13326581 That's why they call it an operating system…

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92d7ae  No.13326594

Gotta say, looking through the bread with those "Q" posts and the replies, despite a similarity to phrasingas anyone could dothere just isn't enough to warrant putting them in the dough as confirmed Q drops like that.

A slippery slope the shills will abuse: there have been plenty of posts over the months and years that seemed like Q, and without an I.P. confirmation from someone in "charge" on here or using the tripcode (should be the only way to include in dough), any other non-Q post intended for the collection will have been pointed out by Q with a tripcode.

Legit, wtf.

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3d9ed8  No.13326595

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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303ed6  No.13326596

File: 6b478c202f8ec9d⋯.png (504.73 KB, 1338x599, 1338:599, ClipboardImage.png)




imma go post this on GAB for you faggot.

make sure you save the cap pic to show your grand kids

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6b6dbf  No.13326597


you can go on with it all night.

The anon remember the instructions that Q gave.

if you can't remember that means you weren't here.

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49d23b  No.13326598




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705c1f  No.13326599

Ask yourself why?

Where is Justice?

Where is Transparency?

Where is Integrity?

All saving up for large scale arrest?

All is known, all is recorded.

We have the tapes.

We have the witnesses.

All for a LARP?

Islands upon Islands.

You don't think we don't know?


The road goes on and on.

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b617c9  No.13326600


Projection at its finest~

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88decd  No.13326601


Rats. Anon has a meeting.

You have fun. Will catch up.

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9b02c0  No.13326602

File: 02a13bcc7a4375a⋯.gif (2.79 MB, 435x250, 87:50, 02a13bcc7a4375a37b393f9cee….gif)

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091707  No.13326604

Q3 reporting. Q4 do you read me? Over

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9dac52  No.13326606

>>13326579 ← this shit… 'memberd t'it myself…

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75a451  No.13326607


Awwww. You blew it. Made a grade-school spelling error I've seen anons make. Bummer! Overplayed your hand. It's THAN. Not then. Sucks to be fake Q

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fb82d3  No.13326608


Is this new baker the same as the previous baker? (would not be surprised)

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88decd  No.13326609

Lots of fake shit rolling out anons. Breathe.

We have what we need.

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6b6dbf  No.13326610


there used to be 'fake Q'

and then there was even 'fake fake Q'

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256e18  No.13326611

File: a21b0b954dace51⋯.png (697.18 KB, 1296x721, 1296:721, 3a826ebe3b8af21612ee4422e0….png)

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9465bb  No.13326612

File: dc553bda2dfa631⋯.png (372.72 KB, 500x793, 500:793, ClipboardImage.png)



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7545c6  No.13326613

All those evergreen containers in the news… I wonder if that was what Q meant by evergreen..

Double meanings and all…

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196198  No.13326614


There's a whole lot in this post that shows it's fake. I am not going to tell all that I see or the fake q's will adjust. Don't fall for it anons.

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e10908  No.13326615


>Well–you know something is coming

Yeah I guess I just wish I knew when it was coming. I can't imagine other highly advanced ET civilizations just deal with it like we do: "buckle up and get ready to die!" Hell no they have an exit strategy in place or an off world cocktail bar with alien hookers to wait out their version of the apocolypse. That is, if theey are working in unison towards the preservation of their species rather than chimping out over skin color and being controlled by fuckers that want us dead anyway. Oh well. Can't argue with that last sentence.

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5044f1  No.13326616

>>13326252 it was good while it lasted but thanks for shining light on amateur fake Q.

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92d7ae  No.13326617


Q confirmed the non-tripcode posts (when this was all beginning, keep in mind) with the drop graphs.

This is not the case now.

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eb69b6  No.13326618

File: 24c11bc29823064⋯.jpeg (505.64 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 8A3F8591_0DDB_41EF_A20D_9….jpeg)

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e682ff  No.13326619


WTF is going on here anon? Someone saying Q is dropping without the tripcode or what? Just got here.


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88decd  No.13326620


It's the most amazing time to be alive.

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70e2b2  No.13326621

File: e79bcec764f0856⋯.jpg (97.69 KB, 399x611, 399:611, DS_DID_THIS_2.jpg)

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9fd7f8  No.13326622


If only there was a person that could verify the ip hash..

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3a9a5b  No.13326623

File: ae9d89871c62561⋯.jpg (59.69 KB, 460x494, 230:247, KSQU2700.jpg)

File: 67df82571370b0d⋯.jpg (698.82 KB, 1252x1252, 1:1, KTEC9831.jpg)

File: 5e129f8b3fcc825⋯.jpg (115.79 KB, 720x720, 1:1, KTQX6831.jpg)

File: 9a709c861327811⋯.jpg (124.18 KB, 798x798, 1:1, LFXC3862.jpg)

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da506e  No.13326624


You posted so much….

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f5fd5d  No.13326625

File: 380140c0a7af292⋯.png (174.55 KB, 893x491, 893:491, Screenshot_from_2021_03_29….png)







baker should remove the references to them as Q posts

but they should definitely be tracked




>>>13325511 Q is back.


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5fff7d  No.13326626

File: 6bf254a0771513f⋯.mp4 (6.35 MB, 832x1110, 416:555, 6bf254a0771513f3e437701261….mp4)

File: 8525cf702612694⋯.mp4 (4.21 MB, 854x480, 427:240, 8525cf702612694e27d6d744f7….mp4)

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b617c9  No.13326627

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

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88decd  No.13326628

File: 812adf052ee1218⋯.jpg (140.33 KB, 960x951, 320:317, aocren.jpg)

Bloviating is also a useful term.

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6b6dbf  No.13326629


no trip code.

if you know the rule then you know

if not, then oh well.

we can tell you and you'll say what you say.

do you know?

there has been no Q post

no trip code

nothing since December.

so that's it.

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4f8ee6  No.13326630


hahaha thanks, I'm a dolt! ctrl+shift+- fixes it

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f43855  No.13326631

File: 65d5b0df713f867⋯.jpeg (379.5 KB, 1200x769, 1200:769, 39F3A8BF_1659_416C_AAD1_C….jpeg)

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b617c9  No.13326632

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

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3a9a5b  No.13326633

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9fd7f8  No.13326634


Nothing is going on.

Some fakefag is being fake.


One of the oldest slides in the book and baker is really showing enemy colors rn.

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9465bb  No.13326635

File: 61925d43a0bfd80⋯.png (423.52 KB, 500x1018, 250:509, ClipboardImage.png)




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b617c9  No.13326636

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

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12965a  No.13326637


>Anon has two Qs

that's not anon, that's namefagging as "Anon has two Qs"

still bullshit, still weak

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add35c  No.13326638


Funny init…when we are children we are blissfully ignorant of the SHIT our parents were going through (if you had good parents)…..and you desperately want to grow up. One of my relations knew….(one of those fey children)…and one day got into such distress pushing on the top of their head crying…NOONOOO NOOO I don't want to grow up.

We are made up entirely of our memories, if you think about it….I enjoy the revelry of remembering those carefree days of running the woods, building forts, fishing in the creek…without a single worry in the world..unaware that just up the hill my parents were wondering how we'd make it through the year on so little.

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50aaf0  No.13326639

<better not get your hopes up, been down this road…

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a3c10a  No.13326640


100% agree with you and am implementing the same.

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5799bd  No.13326641

File: b2457cec41a7fac⋯.png (607.26 KB, 839x708, 839:708, gretchin_witchin.png)


>The Witches Are Coming

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3f5269  No.13326642


When I first started hearing about Q because people were posting Q drops on Twitter, there were fake Q drops on Twitter a lot. I didn't know how to use Twitter back then, I didn't have an account, and I don't remember the Twitter handle that that fake Q used.

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669844  No.13326643

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02fe8d  No.13326644

File: 71aea2d923e98d4⋯.png (520.87 KB, 1062x1627, 1062:1627, 03_29_2021_Helper_Comms.png)



should be than

e>a, maybe

this "anon" has been using then/than incorrectly tonight

(see last post in pic rel)

think for yourselves

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000000  No.13326645




… is the protocol established from the past.

There are other ways to confirm iden.

Anons know

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88decd  No.13326646


Still think she's Rockefeller.

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3a9a5b  No.13326647

File: a3121291053db28⋯.jpg (158.38 KB, 750x750, 1:1, BSXR0962.jpg)

cheer up jotos

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eb69b6  No.13326648

File: e2a0d9c011d430e⋯.gif (5.57 MB, 480x324, 40:27, 84703FCC_625D_4FD7_87C3_1E….gif)


Nice display. Looks familiar.

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70e2b2  No.13326649

File: 321b83335b58e30⋯.jpg (123.87 KB, 668x372, 167:93, AMMO_CASH.jpg)

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f85b8a  No.13326650

File: 6895f9d1c106e5e⋯.mp4 (7.48 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Dangerous_for_our_Democrac….mp4)

Yeah, anon watched that Pamela Cole interview on KIRO 7 where she was on with Monique Ming Laven that morning. Hate crime, hate crime, etc., making you think the guy was white.

KIRO 7 immediately segued it to their Asian Hate Advertising Narrative against Whitey that morning.


Then this:


NewsFraud is all being coordinated at the local news level with the National news desks.

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9b02c0  No.13326651

File: 93addcf09845664⋯.webm (1.16 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 93addcf0984566464e71eada0….webm)


And you're a fucking nigger. Congrats. Do it.

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12c8da  No.13326652


And that jackal dem in RINO clothing won't win either. Public is wide awake you stupid cunts. Helping commies steal an election will get you and your good ole boy party destroyed.

On another note how TF is Boehner even still alive??? He smokes like 5 packs a day and smells like an ashtray.

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7ebdf3  No.13326653

File: e4e1572fae26c8e⋯.jpg (532.49 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, gretchen_82.jpg)


I wanna nibble on her candy house.

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3a9a5b  No.13326654

File: 4c34b24ec765e4f⋯.jpg (166.03 KB, 763x767, 763:767, IMG_9307.JPG)

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303ed6  No.13326655


ammo is a store of value

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9fd7f8  No.13326656


FJ said Q still has a trip even after all the board fuckery. If Q were to post a real drop, it would be under the trip like always.

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495660  No.13326657

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02fe8d  No.13326658

File: b1da99d98bf574a⋯.jpg (52.3 KB, 1122x299, 1122:299, 55.jpg)


hey 66 dubs

what we normally do is put them in notables and label them as "interdesting posts"

but do not label as Q posts, as they are not


^^^^ This anon is correct

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add35c  No.13326659


I don't "automatically accept" that any ET civilization is all that more "advanced". I tend to think that life out there is much like we see in Stargate…or Battlestar Galactica….idealizing other worlds as "better" or more.advanced is the currency of those that Channel….and those that believe them.

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f2f34f  No.13326660

Why is it an issue today? Helpers and Shills have been posting for years. You don’t like it, ignore it. You do, the world moves on.

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b617c9  No.13326661


Wait you say that as if FJ is trusted by us.

I found a freddy.

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02fe8d  No.13326662


meant for:


^^^^ This anon is correct.

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3a9a5b  No.13326663

File: cb5628fc0f3288b⋯.jpg (120.08 KB, 500x768, 125:192, IMG_9230.JPG)

File: d3c9b50cb838efe⋯.jpg (121.15 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, IMG_9235.JPG)

File: bb7f5eaa6e2f62f⋯.jpg (144.97 KB, 960x753, 320:251, IMG_9237.JPG)

File: 328d3e14d016cf2⋯.jpg (86.61 KB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_9238.JPG)

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81cf8e  No.13326664

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9465bb  No.13326665


Yeah, you should do that, and then stay there, fcukwit retard,

this was a excerise to get rid of wanna be anons who are just around for the shit posting and trolling.

i think you are neon revolting, which would make perfect sense, you fcuking useless piece of crap !!!

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12965a  No.13326666



that picture is from the MV Tampa a while back

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055d09  No.13326667

File: d33fc5e1df1f1b5⋯.png (156.03 KB, 280x390, 28:39, ClipboardImage.png)



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6ef6da  No.13326669

File: 5de32250e197280⋯.jpeg (8.4 KB, 189x267, 63:89, images.jpeg)

File: 20f382ce3235f1a⋯.jpg (82.58 KB, 800x618, 400:309, flat_800x800_075_f.jpg)

File: 3c4e9e3169798ea⋯.png (942.58 KB, 600x800, 3:4, dzl183nx999y.png)

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85a2cd  No.13326670


She's a Soros pawn, so it is actually kind of likely since they fall on the same side of the pyramid.

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091707  No.13326671

File: 5e3315edf2d5590⋯.jpg (14 KB, 400x226, 200:113, a88.jpg)

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5fff7d  No.13326672

File: d5a5e9eeeb5f848⋯.jpg (4.02 MB, 3780x4929, 1260:1643, d5a5e9eeeb5f848f4cd7415e1f….jpg)

File: dc1f5ceded36ff2⋯.jpg (13.23 KB, 255x219, 85:73, cc9918c079a6e21147d2cfdb4f….jpg)

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3a9a5b  No.13326673

File: 85007f3c2e98d81⋯.jpg (189.4 KB, 1439x1472, 1439:1472, IMG_9085.JPG)

red rocket

red rocket

#red rocket

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f43855  No.13326674

File: a349cc465aab00c⋯.jpeg (85.88 KB, 450x720, 5:8, FD216853_17DE_477C_99A7_5….jpeg)

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37223b  No.13326675

File: 77d7018096c90e8⋯.png (10.12 KB, 1161x129, 9:1, ClipboardImage.png)


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b617c9  No.13326676

The CIA FARMers that run our board are at a crossroads.

They need your trust to pull off their next move~

The CIA FARMers that run our board are at a crossroads.

They need your trust to pull off their next move~

The CIA FARMers that run our board are at a crossroads.

They need your trust to pull off their next move~

The CIA FARMers that run our board are at a crossroads.

They need your trust to pull off their next move~

The CIA FARMers that run our board are at a crossroads.

They need your trust to pull off their next move~

The CIA FARMers that run our board are at a crossroads.

They need your trust to pull off their next move~

The CIA FARMers that run our board are at a crossroads.

They need your trust to pull off their next move~

The CIA FARMers that run our board are at a crossroads.

They need your trust to pull off their next move~

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da506e  No.13326677

File: 826ae8668825f2a⋯.png (1.55 MB, 800x1207, 800:1207, ClipboardImage.png)


For you bakes….stick to your guns.

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705c1f  No.13326678

[GM] More charges?

Where is the news?

It had to be this way.

Children being trafficked almost exposed.


Only when they see the LIGHT they will [END]

Why does it all connect?

They want you scared, they want your FEAR

Who really benefits?





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85a2cd  No.13326679


Even if Q's trip broke he could post the new one in his own board.

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70e2b2  No.13326680

File: 05c6942ef8bb3af⋯.jpg (84.5 KB, 444x560, 111:140, o7.jpg)

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3a9a5b  No.13326681

File: 7a529c2498b3401⋯.jpg (75.15 KB, 960x906, 160:151, IMG_9117.JPG)

File: bea0829612d9f10⋯.jpg (41.26 KB, 590x350, 59:35, IMG_9131.JPG)

File: 09c0508da7b591c⋯.jpg (46.52 KB, 558x562, 279:281, IMG_9134.JPG)

File: fde5552fbeb3368⋯.jpg (160.02 KB, 960x910, 96:91, IMG_9135.JPG)

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5ef703  No.13326682

File: 0a4d6fe77d03593⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1360x668, 340:167, Screen_Shot_2021_03_29_at_….png)




United States Space Force


Our cyber Guardians are at the forefront of technological innovation! It's one way we make a difference.

Introducing Sergeant Devin Bradfield, Cyber Surety NCOIC.

Learn more about the Cyber Surety career field:

#SemperSupra #IAMSpaceForce

12:00 PM · Mar 29, 2021·Sprout Social




Quote Tweets




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055d09  No.13326683


Wonder if FlapJack even has trips enabled in here.

Disable trips and Q only has the ability to post to his private board, which for the record, he hasn't.

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3f5269  No.13326684


I noticed then instead of than as well.

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b617c9  No.13326685


I would sell what's left of your miserable souls and double down.

Go nuts you wretched monsters.

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d9e180  No.13326686

File: 188f3c6f0f5775f⋯.jpg (42.01 KB, 500x791, 500:791, 4x0e4e.jpg)

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7ebdf3  No.13326687

File: d97497352190ec7⋯.jpg (87 KB, 640x616, 80:77, shark.jpg)

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ec3479  No.13326688


Dat's a Womans Hand!

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e10908  No.13326689


I mean more technologically advanced, I'm fairly certain there are hundreds if not thousands of other species that have surpassed us technologically and spiritually and have found a way to avoid cataclysmic events that we seem to just accept as a part of life kek

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6b6dbf  No.13326690


these shills are so green and new that they probably don't even have the URL for Q personal board.

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bc478b  No.13326691

File: 33ad962a5a038eb⋯.mp4 (89.51 KB, 244x200, 61:50, 8meme_Anons_be_like.mp4)


Who controls the narrative? Not [them]. TY baker

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ac351e  No.13326692

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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495660  No.13326693



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115b78  No.13326694


This guy died of Covid I think,

should have worn a mask

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9465bb  No.13326695

File: a2e37bf6c83cc4e⋯.png (301.44 KB, 606x572, 303:286, ClipboardImage.png)


chek'd evil digits live !!

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add35c  No.13326696


Why, might I ask. are you.campaigning so hard to have outside coms inserted into Q's record?

So you can go back to whatever hole you've crawled out of and gloat how you tricked us?

STOP. Just stop. if and when Q has something to say to us…I'm fairly certain Q won''t be too shy to put their name to it.

Q didn't KNOW about trip codes until 4chan schooled it. So FUCK off.

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3a9a5b  No.13326697

File: 3217aa0f244479c⋯.jpg (371.99 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, IMG_9571.JPG)

File: 8a57bcd8f033238⋯.png (124.33 KB, 400x400, 1:1, IMG_9583.PNG)

File: a70e7c6322be6b3⋯.jpg (195.56 KB, 1080x803, 1080:803, IMG_9590.JPG)

File: 06c677bcbc7896f⋯.png (202.25 KB, 500x782, 250:391, IMG_9591.PNG)

follow the yellow cake road

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b617c9  No.13326698


I would think twice and be very calculated and slow with your plan.

Go nuts you wretched monsters.

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9fd7f8  No.13326699

File: c7241a3b5a6fc1f⋯.png (7.16 KB, 521x91, 521:91, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 429005bcb307974⋯.png (818.76 KB, 1020x621, 340:207, Anons_Dont_Glow_Cat.png)

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b617c9  No.13326700


I would do what he wouldn't try.

Go nuts you wretched monsters.

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9b02c0  No.13326701

File: 2dfa2ef8a897c22⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 2dfa2ef8a897c225b603e7e0f1….png)

File: f27f6b78a8c1716⋯.jpeg (1013.64 KB, 1359x1059, 453:353, f27f6b78a8c1716b0db9a80c4….jpeg)

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055d09  No.13326702


Oh look,


That's sure to be legit.

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495660  No.13326703

Q's Latest Posts

Monday 29.03.2021

>>13326599 ————————————–——– Islands upon Islands. You don't think we don't know? [ES][GM][BG][ES][HC][JK][BC] The road goes on and on.

>>13326467 ————————————–——– RUNNING SCARED A price to pay Walls caving in Sleeping well tonight?

>>13326416 ————————————–——– We're gonna bring the whole thing down It will go fast But you are ready

>>13326381 ————————————–——– Get ready anons o7


>>13326273 ————————————–——– Meme of Bill Barr THANK YOU BAKER

NOTABLES'Are NOT Endorsements

>>13326205 OP

>>13326220 Dough

Q Notables @450


>>13326244, >>13326296, Pinocchio Joe Continues To Lie To The American People

>>13326256 Carcinogen Ethylene Oxide Used in Covid PCR and LFT Swab Tests

>>13326282 After Getting Destroyed by China Last Week, Secretary of State Blinken Is Willing to Let China Get Away with the Deaths, Trauma and Economic Destruction They Caused from the China Coronavirus (COVID-19)

>>13326295 Kamala Harris Musters Fake Accent, Laughs Hysterically When Discussing Struggling Parents Who Aren’t Able to Send Their Kids to School (VIDEO)

>>13326352 CEO Bourla didn't want to "cut in line" and get his shot early! Pfizer


>>3326473, >>13326652, Anthony Gonzalez Attacks Mark Meadows in Leaked Boehner Fundraiser Footage

>>13326546 This is how we beat these assholes at their COVID game. We vote with our dollars.


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fb82d3  No.13326704


I think they're renta-shills.

They're probably hiring a dozen clever junkies and having one real trained shill be the handler

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f43855  No.13326705

File: 5db067f5d6ecbab⋯.png (663.01 KB, 524x476, 131:119, 53B1B7FC_10BC_4606_8FE2_CD….png)

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b617c9  No.13326706


I wouldn't try what he wants to try now but later maybe now is a good time.

Go nuts you wretched monsters.

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1b0690  No.13326707

File: f48d7ce2f3140c4⋯.jpeg (431.77 KB, 695x751, 695:751, 5B1652DF_252C_45C8_A74F_6….jpeg)

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e10908  No.13326708



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3a9a5b  No.13326710

File: 97bab58f4034a5f⋯.jpg (704.44 KB, 1408x2048, 11:16, IMG_9042.JPG)

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12965a  No.13326711


get the fake Q posts out of the dough, fake baker

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34a5dc  No.13326712

The hell is going on in here ffs

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75a451  No.13326713


>You don't think we don't know?

A double negative? Seriously? Did you drop out of school in the 6th grade? You're embarrassing yourself

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e6dda5  No.13326714

File: 760b700fae1afc8⋯.png (273.52 KB, 404x401, 404:401, 760b700fae1afc874c750d1a70….png)


>Q is back

come on, baker. get real.

Going by the rules, except my (intentional and one-time) name fagging there ain't no valid tripcode and no genuine Q here.

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9465bb  No.13326715

File: feed826ccadcaec⋯.png (468.01 KB, 500x1219, 500:1219, ClipboardImage.png)



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fb82d3  No.13326716


fake Q coordinating with baker. for a bread or three.

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fb82d3  No.13326717



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e10908  No.13326718


WTAF did i just watch

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af8832  No.13326719

File: 366d63f0fb1ad4b⋯.png (2.27 MB, 684x775, 684:775, Complete_loser_until_I_met….png)

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de81a1  No.13326720

>>13325716 (lb)

You know what I heard…"Turn off your funking computer and get a life!!!"…that was strange…


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5fff7d  No.13326721

File: 128c9c4914902c0⋯.jpg (658.18 KB, 1858x3606, 929:1803, 128c9c4914902c02b341bce257….jpg)

File: 0b56bbc36be5064⋯.png (501.55 KB, 710x810, 71:81, fe77e0dbfd6d75ae5ee1f84d33….png)

File: a378b65fcd8d521⋯.png (703 KB, 718x1057, 718:1057, 0479cc499328890d22a7f215f9….png)

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37b819  No.13326722


The road goes on forever and the party never ends!

Well, i will no longer vote. But Im sticking around to watch the final episode of this dreaded movie! Damn its been long enough!

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add35c  No.13326723

File: b16677d2a30a3e5⋯.jpg (23.31 KB, 500x356, 125:89, its_a_trap.jpg)


KEK…you cannot avoid or control nature. Even the highly advanced technological society of the Asgard faced extinction…with all their technology. We are NOT the captain of the earth….we are guests, as THEY are merely guests on whatever stars/planets they live on.

Earth is going to do what she's always done and "humans" will do what they've always done..adapt to whatever she decides to do…..there have been MORE than one period of living underground…:) for reasons. Personally I hope I can avoid the "return function" now that I know better than to "go to the light"…like the caek, the LIGHT is a lie.

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66ff04  No.13326724

File: 9993adb4f8f8c43⋯.png (350.52 KB, 546x402, 91:67, ClipboardImage.png)


>Q's Latest Posts

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6650c5  No.13326725


Ok I've been cordial thinking you were just misunderstanding, but now you are proving to be a glowing clown shill baker, this is lame and a sacrilege to all we have done. Suck a big bag of dicks clown

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5199a4  No.13326726


fucvk off faggot hamster

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1b0690  No.13326727

File: bbb54f430fb3d7f⋯.png (3.09 KB, 225x225, 1:1, B95B201D_7154_429F_885F_52….png)

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3fe2f3  No.13326728

File: f259a9724356568⋯.png (243.29 KB, 962x620, 481:310, redhead85_Car_Q_Think.png)


ThanQ Anon. Those are beautiful thought and very fond memories for me as well.

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9b02c0  No.13326729


Kek. That's a hilarious one!

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eb69b6  No.13326730

File: 1ea0239898ad246⋯.jpeg (98.61 KB, 591x726, 197:242, CE94331D_AA8C_4084_A884_A….jpeg)


Where are you hanging out this fine evening?

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bc478b  No.13326731

File: f52c53c956f674c⋯.mp4 (1.19 MB, 320x710, 32:71, Suez_Canal.mp4)





G00gle earth blacks out the Suez Cana1….

I wonder why?

What are they scared of? 😊

Tick tock…

what’s about to drop?

9:49 AM · Mar 27, 2021·Twitter Web App

235 Retweets 30 Quote Tweets 446 Likes

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959e7f  No.13326732

File: 7901e4e6fb0863a⋯.png (70.08 KB, 590x582, 295:291, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 17a997c660c3099⋯.png (179.99 KB, 595x800, 119:160, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 472f74f9ef75693⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB, 320x320, 1:1, RTbyRG29MAR21.mp4)

Grenell ~ 45&46 agree: Germany should NOT buy NS2 gas

Richard Grenell @RichardGrenell

we’ve tried to do this for years….but you’ve ignored your allies. We tried to be really nice, really firm, patient, and yet - you’ve ignored the European Parliament even.

Trump and Biden agree on very little but they agree that Germany should NOT buy NS2 gas.

Wolfgang Ischinger @ischinger

My point is a simple one: if you try hard enough, there are always negotiating options to avoid a transatlantic train wreck

Munich Security Conference @MunSecConf

By making it "Russia's duty to create the conditions that will make the implementation of Nord Stream 2 possible," @ischinger proposes a diplomatic approach to solving tensions within the transatlantic community regarding #NordStream2.

MSC Chairman Wolfgang Ischinger comments on the geopolitical tensions over the gas pipeline project Nord Stream 2.



1.5-min vid


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bd8ad0  No.13326733

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7ebdf3  No.13326734

File: 71a3babe4d016bf⋯.png (148.13 KB, 1177x511, 1177:511, gretch_swab.png)

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f89a05  No.13326735





Be Careful WHO You Trust!


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d31c78  No.13326736




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3a9a5b  No.13326737

File: d5d98a151880c61⋯.jpg (108.77 KB, 735x735, 1:1, WJOB0312.jpg)

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091707  No.13326738

File: 5752dfcc82ea7b6⋯.jpg (32.66 KB, 616x372, 154:93, LarrySilverstein_March_201….jpg)


>pull it

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ac351e  No.13326739

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9f7384  No.13326740

File: 1a1a8b91ac86bb6⋯.jpg (84.34 KB, 411x1230, 137:410, SpcFrcPontiac1.jpg)

File: f6eb1d9976bf4b7⋯.jpg (459.85 KB, 2714x1764, 1357:882, 1967_Pontiac_GTO.jpg)

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495660  No.13326742


Q is back

what's under the blanket?

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4a99dd  No.13326743



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ef08b4  No.13326744

Can i play Q next bread?

Will you note that bakes?

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7ebdf3  No.13326745


That's a nice Cadillac.

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705c1f  No.13326747

File: 7d984f78b575475⋯.jpg (192.56 KB, 1080x636, 90:53, 7d984f78b5754755204abd1b29….jpg)

Plan has been in the works for sometime.

You think you can stop it?

You think that operators are not active?

You are mistaken.





And it shall shine through.

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091707  No.13326748

File: cf9b97b4f2d3c0e⋯.jpg (47.69 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)


Well thank you Mr. Helper

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37223b  No.13326749



The problem isn't he newfags or idiots, it's the baker that is not only adding, but showing their involvement by continuing after BV has shown that it is a bullshit larp.

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b617c9  No.13326750

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

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29a1bc  No.13326751


Guy blew his brains and didn’t care fuck all for that poor little dog.

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eb69b6  No.13326752

File: 5ad80c173c3a057⋯.jpeg (479.86 KB, 1800x1731, 600:577, 9956E02E_B307_4969_B6AD_5….jpeg)


Have to say, anon has always admired your confidence. Kitchen hot.

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3a9a5b  No.13326753

File: ebc9c7bc7d5a384⋯.jpg (59.84 KB, 366x550, 183:275, IMG_9292.JPG)

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d9e180  No.13326754

File: abf9ba928c4ba30⋯.jpg (45.66 KB, 598x302, 299:151, 20210329_230420.jpg)

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d75d6c  No.13326755

File: eac32da96d5a82c⋯.png (767.85 KB, 1167x1277, 1167:1277, ClipboardImage.png)


With some Anons …

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d31c78  No.13326756

shill baker


handoff. you're clearly mentally incapacitated if you don't know what a genuine Q drop is. fucking waste of space. you make me sick.

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b617c9  No.13326757


What makes you think they're different people?

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188535  No.13326758

File: b6074bd6709dc0d⋯.jpg (266.68 KB, 960x737, 960:737, 465228501.jpg)

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ef08b4  No.13326760

File: c052a5321a2ba1d⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1047x819, 349:273, ClipboardImage.png)

It's the rule of six pack! Unlocked Britons head to parks to enjoy an evening drink as restrictions are eased – but some gatherings have a few more than the allowed numbers

The first major relaxation of England's restrictions will permit family reunions and outdoor sport from Monday

People can meet in parks and gardens in groups of six or two households as the 'stay at home' order is axed

Groups of up to six people from different households or two full households are now able to meet outside

Large crowds gathered at the Arboretum in Nottingham city centre, where revellers enjoyed beer in the sun


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de4ea8  No.13326761

File: bddf97bc759311f⋯.png (454.15 KB, 860x757, 860:757, 3463462re.PNG)



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e10908  No.13326762


>you cannot avoid or control nature.

Yes but what is stopping you from leaving your home planet for a certain amount of time and come back when they mayhem has stopped? Or maybe they >lived underground as one species instead of Us on the surface frying up and ((them)) within waiting out the solar frenzy.

>LIGHT is a lie.

haha you mean the soul trap theory that you reincarnate on earth if you go towards the light? self fulfilling prohecy kind of thing that we are constantly told to go towards the light when in reality thats what keeps us coming back here?

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ed2e7f  No.13326763

File: 86c698d25c47995⋯.jpg (595.06 KB, 2000x1125, 16:9, ShapiroExposed.jpg)

Does anyone have a link to when Ben Shapiro was putting down Trump supporters wearing their red MAGA hats from 2017 or 2018? Was it a tweet or a youtube clip? He said something about MAGA hat wearing Trump supporters in their basements or something to that effect. Thanks, in advanced, for your help.

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091707  No.13326764


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d31c78  No.13326765


you're right, this was probably coordinated.


then he shouldn't be allowed to bake anymore.

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af8832  No.13326766

File: 207fd3d7297cc4b⋯.png (4.94 MB, 884x1584, 221:396, Stages_of_Q.png)

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37223b  No.13326767

File: 855dad5fcb5feea⋯.png (2.68 MB, 3452x3272, 863:818, big_mad.png)

File: eca0bac984b184b⋯.png (1.69 MB, 3596x3292, 899:823, Screenshot_2020_12_25_Q_Re….png)


>What makes you think they're different people?

I know who that baker is, they bake with the same Jew style daily.

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1b0690  No.13326768


I left that tape in a coworkers car, he turned into a x junky, true story.

S’alright now.

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3d9ed8  No.13326769

File: 49a4f9a42d6208d⋯.png (323.5 KB, 474x321, 158:107, 84669A57_2B27_4047_9DB7_C2….png)


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4a99dd  No.13326770


Adverse reactions to the "vaccine."

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48bb92  No.13326771

File: 2dcadddde9e4425⋯.jpeg (10.99 KB, 474x430, 237:215, iu.jpeg)

>>13326220 Thanks for bread.

>>13325511 (pb)

Worst shill ever.

And baker, what the heck were you thinking to put it into notables and in latest Q posts?!? Someone needs to fix that next bread.

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b352b9  No.13326772

4 years of observations into what is happening in the woke northwest. No book buy required.


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5fff7d  No.13326773

File: 31f0302a7d0dbe0⋯.png (10.29 KB, 454x348, 227:174, 20f2bd2a40572156010068e99d….png)

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88decd  No.13326774

File: 354cf9ac60eb0e0⋯.png (49.2 KB, 870x264, 145:44, Screen_Shot_2021_03_29_at_….png)


GM = Ghislaine Maxwell


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92d7ae  No.13326775

File: d8873264ed21851⋯.jpg (89.58 KB, 600x450, 4:3, TYORGANICBAKES.jpg)


Billion notable baker?

Always on at this hour–always serving the kitchen.

Admirable anon or shift work?

Had many unscrupulous things in your (((bread))) for a while, but you're, once again, making this all too obvious.

And don't play stupid like you usually do where you "o7" an anon, claim you'll fix it for the next bread and fuck up something else.

You can't be that consistently stupid in such a manner that only ever harms us for this long. And the only people backing your illuminated ass up are the faggots working with you–no actual anon could give you the benefit of any doubt.

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b617c9  No.13326776


Thought so.

IDEN'd as a fred.

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de4ea8  No.13326777




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75a451  No.13326778


It isnt 'sometime', it is 'some time'. You people are really stupid. You probably think 'alot' is a word too

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b617c9  No.13326779


ID: 37223b

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fb82d3  No.13326780


Banning is an ineffective solution and always has been.

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256e18  No.13326781

File: 97d1245a3abb3da⋯.png (400.87 KB, 438x307, 438:307, Screenshot_2021_03_30_Meme….png)

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88decd  No.13326782



Blockchain payment, anons.


we've done this before.

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ef08b4  No.13326783

File: b241f95555b5653⋯.png (903.12 KB, 1030x442, 515:221, ClipboardImage.png)

The GAM-63 RASCAL Missile


The GAM-63 RASCAL is a supersonic Air-to-surface missile that was developed by the Bell Aircraft Company. The RASCAL was the United States Air Force’s first nuclear armed standoff missile. The RASCAL was initially designated the ASM-A-2, then re-designated the B-63 in 1951 and finally re-designated the GAM-63 in 1955.

The name RASCAL was the acronym for RAdar SCAnning Link, the missile’s guidance system. The RASCAL project was cancelled in September 1958.

Document Archive

Historical Study on Aircraft and Weapon Systems Tested at the Air Force Missile Development Center [359 Pages, 84.2MB]

GAM-63 Missile Development Program [39 Pages, 11.22MB]

HQ USAF Logistics Concept, GAM-63 Weapon System [20 Pages, 600kb]

The History of the RASCAL Missile, 1952-1958 [158 pages, 58MB]

Missile Logistics, Volume 1: Text (Historical Study No. 328). 1952-1958 [115 pages, 5.7mb]

Project RASCAL / Project Shrike, 31 March 1953 [88 Pages, 14.5MB]

R&D Information Report, Missile Logistics, 1951-1959 [18 Pages, 1.71MB]

RASCAL (Project MX-776), September 30, 1968 [76 Pages, 12.49MB]

RASCAL (MX-776B) [130 Pages, 51MB]

RASCAL: Air to Ground Guided Missile [94 Pages, 35.45MB]

RASCAL Weapon System (Project MX-776) [80 Pages, 11.65MB]

RASCAL Weekly Test Reports [220 Pages, 44.15MB]

System 112A

System 112A – Rascal Missile System, 1 May 1959 [96 Pages, 36MB]

System 112A – Flight Test Summary – 1 July 1958 [63 Pages, 13.3MB]

System 112A – Quarterly Progress Report, 31 March 1957 [80 Pages, 41MB]

System 112A – Quarterly Progress Report, 30 June 1957 [70 Pages, 10.5MB]


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091707  No.13326784

File: 82c8f5f8bb41db8⋯.jpg (108.7 KB, 1000x575, 40:23, one_step_at_a_time.jpg)

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f2c7c9  No.13326785

File: a2c6cd54b4261c5⋯.png (1.06 MB, 695x3724, 695:3724, KEK_VISION_sys_8kun_top_21….png)


We have a shill in the kitchen. Baker is continuing to add misinformation as Q Posts. Use your heads. Use your voices.

If a new baker would like to step up I will assign the next bread to you.

This baker is not authentic.

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495660  No.13326786

File: 48d0f3e0ae419a9⋯.png (2.19 MB, 1242x808, 621:404, 48d0f3e0ae419a9fc47b2d0080….png)


Baker's choice, thank you very much. The notables stay.

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b617c9  No.13326787


Calculated lie.

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66ff04  No.13326788

File: 435f95c4a644299⋯.png (715.48 KB, 720x1085, 144:217, ClipboardImage.png)

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79fca4  No.13326789

About a month ago a prophet(Robin D. Bullock) was told there would be an event that would effect shipping world wide. He was not given anything specific, only that the event could effect shipping through to 2030 and beyond. He said it would be put into motion by one man.

On the morning of the Ever Given grounding in the Suez canal, Bullock said there is a ship and, speaking for God, said, watch how I make this ship upright, this is a sign to you all that God is making things right again. For the skeptics, it has already been documented that Bullock gave the prophetic word *before* the ship grounded.

The way the prophecy was worded made me think that the DS wanted the ship to roll over. What a mess that would have been! God kept it upright and freed it, with the help of the Egyptians. kek

Bullock says DJT is still POTUS, if he wants it.

What would happen if DJT actually did step forward saying he still wanted to be POTUS? Just a thought.

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70e2b2  No.13326790

File: 168f398a9b47042⋯.jpg (92.54 KB, 681x365, 681:365, SHORT_CHANGE.jpg)

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ac351e  No.13326791

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d31c78  No.13326792


this is what happens when fapfuck decides he wants to use the whole buffalo


that's bullshit

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b617c9  No.13326793


What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

What other glorious solutions do our board volunteers have, for the problems they create~

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ef08b4  No.13326794

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

They're Capturing Consciousness by Merging You With Machine, Harald Kautz-Vella, Gail Angeles, Leak Project

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9b02c0  No.13326795


Supposedly a dude that got caught by his wife with pedo shit on his computer that turned him in. He's on the phone with her trying to talk to her while police knock on the door then he blows his head off.

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0b1711  No.13326796

File: 31630c116a49195⋯.png (15.51 KB, 675x264, 225:88, ClipboardImage.png)

>>13325541 Taking the Vaccine death rate, is higher than Covid death itself

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02fe8d  No.13326797

just another shill attack

>all for a larp

fake Q

shill baker

slow board

where's the gorefag?

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091707  No.13326798

File: eefdb0e6c9b2a9e⋯.jpg (31.81 KB, 370x517, 370:517, BYNDCVG7BZFRHJXDGH63XAC5TA.jpg)



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d31c78  No.13326799


the one time i've ever agreed with AFLB

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81cf8e  No.13326800


she gonnnnnne!

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fb82d3  No.13326801


It is unfortunately true. If you have a VPN, you can just clear cookies and switch IPs. if you run out of IPs you can get another VPN.

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75a451  No.13326802


Inauthentic and pretty damn stupid to boot

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de4ea8  No.13326803

File: e8beb2cf2109cec⋯.png (267.27 KB, 1360x412, 340:103, 548748ure.PNG)


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1b0690  No.13326804

File: 78b0ae7f830a979⋯.jpeg (183.5 KB, 828x547, 828:547, 47CE7764_2206_4AAB_B415_8….jpeg)


“You people”, I smell an Ivy League doucher

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b617c9  No.13326805


>use the whole buffalo

Was a clowns justification for their own presence.

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a2c008  No.13326806

So a post without a trip code is a Q drop now?

Da Fuq,

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7ebdf3  No.13326807

File: 3fd4810a34612b9⋯.jpg (107.86 KB, 766x871, 766:871, gretch_have_at_it.jpg)

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e682ff  No.13326808


Got it. ty anon. Possible Team would drop minus tc?

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d75d6c  No.13326809

File: 82533020a5f3bce⋯.png (1.82 MB, 2267x1213, 2267:1213, ClipboardImage.png)

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b617c9  No.13326810


Now that's a lie

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fb82d3  No.13326811


No, the baker is just a shill like last time.

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5fff7d  No.13326812

File: 8f5a74b4321b090⋯.gif (1.76 MB, 322x175, 46:25, 8f5a74b4321b0905e3bffa9140….gif)

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4a99dd  No.13326813


From your own screenshot, he posted with a tripcode on his third post thus confirming his previous two posts. Something that was not done in the previous thread by the larper.

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02fe8d  No.13326814

File: 1781e79131faadb⋯.png (280.65 KB, 515x505, 103:101, 3e340e9eee823c0db072d8f2dc….png)

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0b1711  No.13326815

you have more than you know

I am sure this is connected to image drops and pixelknot hidden messages?

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a5b174  No.13326816


"we all know q likes to post boomer-tier memes"

not much of an argument

we know he posts boomer-tier music videos

better to stick to the no tripcodes argument

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f89a05  No.13326817

How deep can an IP be hidden?

Dig and find out.

Who are WE?

…for what Purpose?



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1ea44b  No.13326818

File: 5d874c75233edfe⋯.jpeg (1.15 MB, 2304x3072, 3:4, AA26076B_7FDD_4C4A_AB21_7….jpeg)

File: 3915c12015e29b0⋯.jpeg (378.54 KB, 1034x558, 517:279, 95D5F977_A024_4CF6_A341_9….jpeg)

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ef08b4  No.13326819

'No one recovers until everyone recovers': World needs a post-Covid treaty to put nationalism aside and ensure virus stays defeated, 23 heads of state including Johnson, Merkel and Macron declare in open letter

Boris Johnson, Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel warned of isolationism

Said Covid is 'stark and painful reminder that nobody is safe until everyone is'

Group of 24 world leaders and WHO head called for a new international accord

The treaty would be similar to that agreed after war World War II, the article read

Boris Johnson and other world leaders have called for a global treaty in response to Covid - similar to that agreed after the Second World War.

In the face of vaccine nationalism and clashes between countries, the Prime Minister, French president Emmanuel Macron and German chancellor Angela Merkel - among others - warned against isolationism.

They described the pandemic as a 'stark and painful reminder that nobody is safe until everyone is safe'.

Writing for newspapers across the world - including The Daily Telegraph - the leaders also urged a new era of solidarity in the face of 'the biggest challenge to the global community since the 1940s'.

The group of 24 world leaders - and the head of the World Health Organisation Dr Tedros Adhanom - called for a new international accord similar to those agreed after the war which saw countries work together for the common good.


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88decd  No.13326820

Does anyone remember how to dig a blockchain payment?

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eb69b6  No.13326821

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536f65  No.13326822


Thank you baker. Been here from the beginning. Remember vividly the first drops before any trip codes. Hang in there anon!

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f2f34f  No.13326823

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8f04a5  No.13326824



what about langley?

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add35c  No.13326826

File: 8051915c8b7cdf7⋯.png (103.66 KB, 350x370, 35:37, maga_laugh_pepe.png)


YW…I find it I quiet my mind and just close my eyes I can call up any of those events as if I were in that moment.

WE are comprised of the sum of our memories.

Each second that passes is nothing but a memory, each incoming second is a potential memory :)

I much prefer to remember how each time I headed to the creek filled with wonders waiting for me to uncover… I'd plot to outrun the only cow that had horns and took pleasure in chasing me in hopes of fatally goring me……how afraid I was of that wily wicked cow….(not a bull..a hesheit hermaphrodite tranny cow…with teets and a dick and horns)…and how I grin now recalling the day my Grandpa came home from the slaughterhouse…and gave me that set of horns…that I proudly nailed up on the side of the barn.


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7ebdf3  No.13326827

File: 138119b99ef249f⋯.jpg (325.64 KB, 685x877, 685:877, book_on_stretching_with_gr….jpg)


I'd like to swab her with my benis.

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12285e  No.13326828

How many does it take to [tango] ?

What do you say to the man with the >> π << ?

"W____ "


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d31c78  No.13326829


death to shills

death to traitors

death to anyone who larps as Q

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a6ad20  No.13326831

I'm sure there will be multiple mistakes when verifying the 'Q is back' posts. Not including the juvenile spelling errors. Their 'comms' i'm sure will be flawless

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055d09  No.13326832


The only thing worse than being cunt is being a smug cunt baker.

Please note none of the tracking sites are picking up your bullshit. Well done.

Smug, dumb and apparently proud of it.

Are you Iranian?

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bd8ad0  No.13326833

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a2c008  No.13326834



Thought anons were all in

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d75d6c  No.13326835

File: 37c7479c38f9cbe⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1045x1007, 55:53, ClipboardImage.png)

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6634bd  No.13326836


can bake

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a739c0  No.13326837

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Further breakdown of Nas X vid and how it ties into the Agent Smith matrix virus and our current world.

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e10908  No.13326838


Well I can see the gorefags are back. Fucking sick bastards for sharing shit like this.

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0b1711  No.13326839

File: 225ac64100106e1⋯.png (357.07 KB, 593x418, 593:418, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 72e00d27684e3a8⋯.png (346.06 KB, 589x370, 589:370, ClipboardImage.png)

just watch it!


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b27e48  No.13326840

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75a451  No.13326841


What you smell is your upper lip

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705c1f  No.13326842


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d9ca2a  No.13326843

File: 790a5beac33d7de⋯.png (7.85 KB, 841x110, 841:110, EverySingleOne.png)



Updates on the healing technologies including reports. ““Mr. Keenan

Today was our fourth day with sessions. We saw 5 new clients and several folks for their second sessions.

One lady came from South Dakota to Arizona, she is fighting Lyme disease and severe shingles. While she was in the BRT sessions, a rash came up on her arms and then cleared toward the end of the session.

We had our second sessions with two cancer patients, the lady is in a battle with stage 4 breast cancer. The gentleman has Leukemia and was poisoned with agent orange. Both are showing good responses.

Our amputee veteran had his second session. His wife said his restless leg syndrome was improved during the night after his first session. Today the measurement, session, and control showed no sign of lack of connection.

His brain has been brought to standard green energy function and is holding there. One kidney is standard green and all numbers are moving in a good direction. We used pillows to help keep his foot from jerking off the plate.

We will send pictures and reports to all of you.”

This is remarkable, as is what has happened in Florida with Marcia, and the reports keep rolling in.

Further Recent Developments: we now have access to a satellite that can tell us what is going on both above and under ground – including in bunkers and tunnels. Any and all attempts to enter the bunkers or warehouses will be identified, and the relevant details sent to various clandestine operative units for apprehension. For this reason, with this state-of-the-art satellite in place, it is not necessary for Neil to fly to Asia / Indonesia when he is made aware of every little dodgy move anyone attempts to make. Neil will remain working on keeping the new medical (and other) technologies flowing to the people while continuing to do his utmost to keep the people safe – and the Cabal off balance. attacks on all fronts has been a killer for the Cabal, and many a request has been forwarded to Neil to stop his movements. His answer has been “NO” at all times. Mr. Razak, the Prime Minister of Malaysia, remains in the throes of investigation by the Malaysian Justice Department for his conniving and partaking in the “Dead Man Walking” caper.

That’s a whole other story, part 2 with the details here for “Dead Masn Waling” http://neilkeenan.com/neil-keenan-update-malaysian-dead-man-walking-caper-part-2/

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d31c78  No.13326844


yep this baker is a woman, or a tranny larping as a woman

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ef08b4  No.13326845

File: 0c363a1c35a2d43⋯.png (128.36 KB, 545x624, 545:624, ClipboardImage.png)

Brazil’s foreign and defense ministers resign amid coronavirus surge and US pressure – reports

Two key members of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro’s cabinet have resigned. Defense Minister Fernando Azevedo e Silva gave no reason for departure, while Foreign Minister Ernesto Araujo faced backlash from the parliament.

Hours after Araujo’s resignation was reported in the media – but not officially confirmed by Alvorada Palace – Azevedo e Silva announced he would be stepping down “knowing the mission was accomplished” and thanking Bolsonaro for the opportunity to serve.

While Azevedo’s resignation came as somewhat of a surprise, Araujo’s was more or less expected, after leaders of both chambers of Brazil’s National Congress criticized him for failing to secure vaccines against the coronavirus for some 200 million Brazilians.

The 53-year-old has been a career officer at the foreign ministry, known as Itamaraty, since 1991. He headed the Department of the United States, Canada and Inter-American Affairs, and served at Brazilian embassies in Ottawa and Washington, DC before he became foreign minister in 2018.

On Saturday, more than 300 diplomats published an open letter accusing Araujo of causing “serious damage” to the international image of Brazil. One of the diplomats – who spoke to the newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo on condition of anonymity – said that Araujo was once considered an “eccentric lunatic” but is now a “nefarious character, a criminal” because of his handling of the pandemic.

“Brazil cannot keep showing the face of a delinquent to the world,” Senator Katia Abreu of the opposition Progressive party said on Sunday.

“One thing’s for sure, he’s the worst foreign minister Brazil has ever had,” Celso Amorim, who served in the post under President Lula da Silva – between 2003 and 2011 – told the Guardian.

Araujo has been criticized for not negotiating a deal for vaccines against Covid-19, but also for speaking favorably about former US President Donald Trump, “bashing” China, and opposing the World Health Organization's COVAX initiative as “globalist.”

Brazil has helped conduct clinical trials for the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine. Earlier this month, the US Department of Health and Human Services admitted it had worked to “persuade Brazil to reject the Russian COVID-19 vaccine,” Sputnik V.

The resignations of Araujo and Azevedo e Silva come as Brazil’s daily death toll from Covid-19 exceeded 3,000 and the total number of deaths attributed to the virus is over 310,000.

“The next stage is the health system collapse,” Miguel Nicolelis, professor of neurobiology at Duke University who has advised several Brazilian mayors and governors, told AP, adding he anticipates the death toll to reach 500,000 by July.

Another Brazilian living in the US, Monica de Bolle – a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington – told the agency the “only real fix is a very harsh lockdown with the population really abiding by it, which may be a hard sell.”

Meanwhile, some Democrat activists in the US are saying there is no way the “corrupt grifter” Bolsonaro would “distribute the vaccine efficiently or equitably” and are calling for an “international intervention” in Brazil led by Washington.


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02fe8d  No.13326846

File: 3fbca023a40a40c⋯.jpg (71.6 KB, 680x572, 170:143, ESopEJPXsAA89JD.jpg)


They're really not sending their best.

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0b1711  No.13326847

File: 7cfca16416e180a⋯.png (101.28 KB, 687x404, 687:404, ClipboardImage.png)

>>13325511 Q is back.



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e6dda5  No.13326848

File: 0d520bc9d23c24d⋯.gif (2.16 MB, 500x211, 500:211, 0d520bc9d23c24dd1261e58d88….gif)


>what's under the blanket?

It's a quilt, as you may see, and it happens to have the colors of the MacLeod family, who are Trumps ancestors on his scottish mother's side.

What's under it? (pic relates).

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639fe6  No.13326849

File: 01436cab0230bd9⋯.jpg (143.34 KB, 750x651, 250:217, Savagebb7f14cf2ad7dfb4c7af….jpg)

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d8b0a0  No.13326850


bakers choice right?

a BV comes in all of a sudden?

spoopy shit right there.

bakers put shit in notables ALL the time.

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7ebdf3  No.13326851

File: 5883dbb906dfcbf⋯.jpg (88 KB, 1024x412, 256:103, Gretchen_Mommie_Milkies_Lo….jpg)

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4a99dd  No.13326852

File: 7109afb0181069e⋯.jpg (15.21 KB, 623x350, 89:50, IF0yE_copy.jpg)

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495660  No.13326853


No thank you , Im good.

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055d09  No.13326854


Can you do a better job then Sparky Tryhard?

If so, split the bake with my wholehearted support.

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f2c7c9  No.13326855



ID: 495660 you're fired. Get the fuck out.

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1b0690  No.13326856

File: 125a3b617261eae⋯.jpeg (64.63 KB, 828x517, 828:517, 730D84FD_8AF6_4050_BDD4_7….jpeg)

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7ebdf3  No.13326857

File: b4d515bdacd6555⋯.jpg (262.44 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, tyb_gretch.jpg)

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de4ea8  No.13326858

File: c15cbabe5060df4⋯.png (719.59 KB, 851x734, 851:734, SDFEAe.PNG)

File: 0018933e9ed5fd8⋯.png (474.86 KB, 836x715, 76:65, 357357re.PNG)

File: ba1ac359ba48dbf⋯.png (706.92 KB, 933x755, 933:755, ASDFASDre.PNG)

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a6ad20  No.13326859

File: 6b1c83414591fa4⋯.png (213.06 KB, 600x299, 600:299, SWAB_THE_WITCH.png)

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ef08b4  No.13326860

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81cf8e  No.13326861

File: 73b282c68f98b9a⋯.jpeg (567.88 KB, 2048x1872, 128:117, A55110F6_3950_4F5B_8E35_5….jpeg)

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e682ff  No.13326862


Or trannyfag. kek

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1ea44b  No.13326863

File: a5c1d79af68a298⋯.jpeg (124.97 KB, 573x952, 573:952, EBF2F206_B37E_4E2B_AF25_C….jpeg)

File: ba9e004a0f3e0dc⋯.jpeg (69 KB, 500x378, 250:189, 234CDE47_784D_466C_B532_F….jpeg)

File: 4e6f3cfc519780d⋯.jpeg (44.5 KB, 679x529, 679:529, 923199FC_E3C2_4244_8D2A_9….jpeg)

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cd0196  No.13326864

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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af8832  No.13326865

File: 5cfbfcb4884796e⋯.png (189.41 KB, 320x330, 32:33, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 70c618e98e1448a⋯.png (79.53 KB, 400x226, 200:113, ClipboardImage.png)


Patrice …….

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70e2b2  No.13326867

File: ab00aad2eebac10⋯.jpg (172.68 KB, 630x565, 126:113, JONES.jpg)

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9465bb  No.13326868

File: 3371cbef740d91b⋯.png (478.12 KB, 600x409, 600:409, ClipboardImage.png)


take a pill bill and chillkek

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de81a1  No.13326869



Obviously we can't verify either way on the "Q" posts…it shouldn't be labeled as "Q" without verication…but…but…I think it should be put in NOTABLES under the auspice that they "COULD BE Q'S POSTS"…==

Remember TRUST but VERIFY…now I think they are Q's post…but again we can't verify…

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bc478b  No.13326870

File: d166fcdae57be40⋯.mp4 (4.95 MB, 640x360, 16:9, The_Storm_Will_Be_Biblical.mp4)

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495660  No.13326871


I know, I want what is under the blanket… Nott theirs, yours!

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682768  No.13326872


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b617c9  No.13326873

Their point is to grab your attention.

They know you know those posts are fake.

They know you don't know their images and text are filled with pre-programmed poison.

They need to rape your mind without you knowing, nay, with you laughing at he next pepe/jesus image.

With gore, CP, and or a satan face embedded within it.

Laugh NPC's.


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000000  No.13326874

>ID: 495660 you're fired. Get the fuck out.

Liddle drama this evening.

Show is coming to us now.

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6634bd  No.13326875

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639fe6  No.13326876

File: 8ec670fb24747d7⋯.png (120.27 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 8Kun_Post_Detector3.png)


>bakers choice right?


>a BV comes in all of a sudden?


>spoopy shit right there.


>bakers put shit in notables ALL the time.

and The Quality of the Notables…


Fill in the blank…

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000000  No.13326877

Episode 3 of Q: into the storm

Sorry if already posted


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669844  No.13326879

File: 8e78833ac3d6c71⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1076x690, 538:345, fuckeda6348741d9ddf0e41f02….png)


>ID: 495660 you're fired. Get the fuck out.

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41afd9  No.13326880

File: d720f652611945d⋯.png (165.19 KB, 481x481, 1:1, d720f652611945d293a90c23d7….png)

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d75d6c  No.13326881

File: 10587c9bbbfe3b6⋯.png (99.22 KB, 526x381, 526:381, ClipboardImage.png)

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303ed6  No.13326883


sure beiber

go back to voat

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495660  No.13326884

Q's Latest Posts

Monday 29.03.2021

>>13326842 ————————————–——– DURHAM

>>13326747 ————————————–——– Plan has been in the works for sometime. You think you can stop it? One. Two. Three. DEATH BLOSSOM. And it shall shine through.

>>13326678 ————————————–——– [GM] More charges? Where is the news? Who really benefits? Bankers MSM? Compliant?

>>13326599 ————————————–——– Islands upon Islands. You don't think we don't know? [ES][GM][BG][ES][HC][JK][BC] The road goes on and on.

>>13326467 ————————————–——– RUNNING SCARED A price to pay Walls caving in Sleeping well tonight?

>>13326416 ————————————–——– We're gonna bring the whole thing down It will go fast But you are ready

>>13326381 ————————————–——– Get ready anons o7


>>13326273 ————————————–——– Meme of Bill Barr THANK YOU BAKER

>>13326023 ————————————–——– U.S.ARMY Patch

>>13326016 ————————————–——– All will come into Focus. Crew Chief? Geronimo!

>>13325806 ————————————–——– 8 > NonSecureLine. TS/ID verifies. What is most valuable? [ie calling our shot] Understood? Anon interaction coming soon.

>>13325618 ————————————–——– >[DRAGONFLY] What happens if the organization [ANTIFA] (controller & coordinated roll out)(Cap >>13325651)

NOTABLES'Are NOT Endorsements

>>13326205 OP

>>13326220 Dough

Q Notables @600


>>13326244, >>13326296, Pinocchio Joe Continues To Lie To The American People

>>13326256 Carcinogen Ethylene Oxide Used in Covid PCR and LFT Swab Tests

>>13326282 After Getting Destroyed by China Last Week, Secretary of State Blinken Is Willing to Let China Get Away with the Deaths, Trauma and Economic Destruction They Caused from the China Coronavirus (COVID-19)

>>13326295 Kamala Harris Musters Fake Accent, Laughs Hysterically When Discussing Struggling Parents Who Aren’t Able to Send Their Kids to School (VIDEO)

>>13326352 CEO Bourla didn't want to "cut in line" and get his shot early! Pfizer


>>13326473, >>13326652, Anthony Gonzalez Attacks Mark Meadows in Leaked Boehner Fundraiser Footage

>>13326546 This is how we beat these assholes at their COVID game. We vote with our dollars.


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3a9a5b  No.13326885

File: 87d448e3bb5f446⋯.jpg (176.17 KB, 1944x1458, 4:3, IMG_9205.JPG)

joobis knows

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88decd  No.13326886

Anon gave a best effort tonight. Still on the radar:

>Neil F. Keenan

>Block chain payment 48882623e20471013c974fc219b11ca6

Maybe nightshift will deliver.

Mañana, y'all.

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add35c  No.13326887

File: a69d24c497abc48⋯.webm (2.8 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, 4chan_electric_light_show….webm)


Well, there was a time before time…when some folk here packed their toys and went to Mars to wait it out…but…..as you can see from the Mars rover…shit happens…everywhere.

Mokshaw is a curious concept…that if upon death you exit the body at 45 degree angle and turn AROUND there will be guides to aid you to a different dimension….rather than that light tunnel that sucks you in and regurgitates you spitting you back out on earth…but stripped of your memories. I've helped some on their last minutes…by at least telling them of the option…I was kinda pissed when I found out I fucking didn't have to come back here when I died (long story…fuck kek..the damn light…) But I did choose to…I mean actively chose to return to my body so I think overall I wasn't finished here yet so I'm not too resentful.

ARGH, I chose my suffering ;D

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92d7ae  No.13326889


Consistently one of the best posters on here.


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cbcb80  No.13326890

File: 1c9cd5e8b24ee32⋯.png (891.23 KB, 1003x600, 1003:600, Screen_Shot_2021_03_29_at_….png)

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9465bb  No.13326893

File: 6edf5a520a8c253⋯.png (585.32 KB, 500x1474, 250:737, ClipboardImage.png)


here you go b.o famefag, just for your ego

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639fe6  No.13326894

File: 613578fd62da165⋯.gif (778.74 KB, 400x237, 400:237, SHUTODWN_.gif)


>yo're fired. Get the fuck out.

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091707  No.13326895

File: 259cedfac25e30a⋯.jpg (25.29 KB, 854x480, 427:240, 62994c91_823b_4151_9bd5_72….jpg)

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209bf0  No.13326896

Fake Q, flypaper for newfags.

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256e18  No.13326899

File: e0cedd19aaeb3b9⋯.jpg (62.53 KB, 594x400, 297:200, adm2.jpg)


digits confirm

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88decd  No.13326901


Thanks for the catch BV. What a rough ride.

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5fff7d  No.13326902

File: 03087ea313fa6f5⋯.jpg (313.65 KB, 1858x1004, 929:502, 03087ea313fa6f58997a46502f….jpg)

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0b1711  No.13326903

kiwifag here

on talk radio today anons they were lafking about the Floyd case.

what may happen if no charges are laid

basically saying huge riots in the US. this could be tied to Q drops re mass riots etc,

radio also said the world is watching and every single break for adds is 17 mins to or past the hour!

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29a1bc  No.13326904


Oh my. What a mess.

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d31c78  No.13326907

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959e7f  No.13326909

File: 9b30cf0f5c7ce08⋯.png (53.85 KB, 585x443, 585:443, ClipboardImage.png)

Full Ghislaine Maxwell superseding indictment here:


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9b02c0  No.13326912


I'm not a gorefag you waste of flesh. I only break it out when it's warranted and it's fucking warranted. Go clutch your fucking pearls somewhere else.

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5df6be  No.13326914

File: 1103b036c7a82e9⋯.png (304.74 KB, 535x439, 535:439, ClipboardImage.png)

Looking forward to seeing this again. Maybe POTUS will break out a new dance for us.


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de81a1  No.13326915

>>13326869 damn it, posted with corrections


Obviously we can't verify either way on the "Q" posts…it shouldn't be labeled as "Q"'s without verification…but…but…I think it should be put in NOTABLES under the auspice that they "COULD BE "Q"'S POSTS"…

Remember TRUST but VERIFY…now I personally think they are Q's post…but again we can't verify…

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9da1b9  No.13326916

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091707  No.13326917

File: 6dc76977f4f3823⋯.jpg (223.47 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 943b8375737e3d6ea447ffcbd6….jpg)

And y'all thought the anime baker was bad kek

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e6dda5  No.13326919

File: 365953a6c88b280⋯.png (66.27 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 365953a6c88b280248db1ebc54….png)


You must be a homo faggot, amd you ain't got what it takes to get what's under the "blanket".

Gonna call you Christian now, and remind you to get out of the kitchen, as you've been told.

Keep on trying your luck with Henry Cavill please.

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ac351e  No.13326920

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


'sharing' as opposed to 'imposing'.

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b617c9  No.13326921

There's already a non-poisoned thread here


Yet (You)'re still chugging their diarrhea.

The culture of "shit" is theirs, it's their demoralization that they forced you to claim as your own.

You were forced to accept their POV.

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8803e8  No.13326922

File: 25b72fbf1475774⋯.png (145.33 KB, 293x172, 293:172, ClipboardImage.png)


You're witnessing the final phase of AFLB the ISRAELI Jew Shill spamming this board with drivel.

AFLB spams hideous images, the "Messianic Jew"ish star, "Satanists, NOT Jews", the 5 photo barrage of the back of a redhead, putting homos in the center of a cross, and spamming 40+ photos (per bread) of the fucking Israeli flag.

You're witnessing the final phase of AFLB the ISRAELI Jew Shill spamming this board with drivel.

AFLB spams hideous images, the "Messianic Jew"ish star, "Satanists, NOT Jews", the 5 photo barrage of the back of a redhead, putting homos in the center of a cross, and spamming 40+ photos (per bread) of the fucking Israeli flag.

You're witnessing the final phase of AFLB the ISRAELI Jew Shill spamming this board with drivel.

AFLB spams hideous images, the "Messianic Jew"ish star, "Satanists, NOT Jews", the 5 photo barrage of the back of a redhead, putting homos in the center of a cross, and spamming 40+ photos (per bread) of the fucking Israeli flag.

You're witnessing the final phase of AFLB the ISRAELI Jew Shill spamming this board with drivel.

AFLB spams hideous images, the "Messianic Jew"ish star, "Satanists, NOT Jews", the 5 photo barrage of the back of a redhead, putting homos in the center of a cross, and spamming 40+ photos (per bread) of the fucking Israeli flag.

You're witnessing the final phase of AFLB the ISRAELI Jew Shill spamming this board with drivel.

AFLB spams hideous images, the "Messianic Jew"ish star, "Satanists, NOT Jews", the 5 photo barrage of the back of a redhead, putting homos in the center of a cross, and spamming 40+ photos (per bread) of the fucking Israeli flag.

You're witnessing the final phase of AFLB the ISRAELI Jew Shill spamming this board with drivel.

AFLB spams hideous images, the "Messianic Jew"ish star, "Satanists, NOT Jews", the 5 photo barrage of the back of a redhead, putting homos in the center of a cross, and spamming 40+ photos (per bread) of the fucking Israeli flag.

You're witnessing the final phase of AFLB the ISRAELI Jew Shill spamming this board with drivel.

AFLB spams hideous images, the "Messianic Jew"ish star, "Satanists, NOT Jews", the 5 photo barrage of the back of a redhead, putting homos in the center of a cross, and spamming 40+ photos (per bread) of the fucking Israeli flag.

You're witnessing the final phase of AFLB the ISRAELI Jew Shill spamming this board with drivel.

AFLB spams hideous images, the "Messianic Jew"ish star, "Satanists, NOT Jews", the 5 photo barrage of the back of a redhead, putting homos in the center of a cross, and spamming 40+ photos (per bread) of the fucking Israeli flag.

You're witnessing the final phase of AFLB the ISRAELI Jew Shill spamming this board with drivel.

AFLB spams hideous images, the "Messianic Jew"ish star, "Satanists, NOT Jews", the 5 photo barrage of the back of a redhead, putting homos in the center of a cross, and spamming 40+ photos (per bread) of the fucking Israeli flag.

You're witnessing the final phase of AFLB the ISRAELI Jew Shill spamming this board with drivel.

AFLB spams hideous images, the "Messianic Jew"ish star, "Satanists, NOT Jews", the 5 photo barrage of the back of a redhead, putting homos in the center of a cross, and spamming 40+ photos (per bread) of the fucking Israeli flag.

You're witnessing the final phase of AFLB the ISRAELI Jew Shill spamming this board with drivel.

AFLB spams hideous images, the "Messianic Jew"ish star, "Satanists, NOT Jews", the 5 photo barrage of the back of a redhead, putting homos in the center of a cross, and spamming 40+ photos (per bread) of the fucking Israeli flag.

You're witnessing the final phase of AFLB the ISRAELI Jew Shill spamming this board with drivel.

AFLB spams hideous images, the "Messianic Jew"ish star, "Satanists, NOT Jews", the 5 photo barrage of the back of a redhead, putting homos in the center of a cross, and spamming 40+ photos (per bread) of the fucking Israeli flag.

You're witnessing the final phase of AFLB the ISRAELI Jew Shill spamming this board with drivel.

AFLB spams hideous images, the "Messianic Jew"ish star, "Satanists, NOT Jews", the 5 photo barrage of the back of a redhead, putting homos in the center of a cross, and spamming 40+ photos (per bread) of the fucking Israeli flag.

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cc53df  No.13326923


Shall we play a nice game of Chess?

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639fe6  No.13326924


Are they… New baker or…?

Insert answer correctly into Loaded question thank you.

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6ac00f  No.13326925

File: d044db0feaa9d32⋯.jpg (20.47 KB, 427x238, 61:34, steveirwin.JPG)

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d31c78  No.13326926


you're an idiot

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45d59c  No.13326927

File: 467e7a2f07d80fa⋯.jpg (71.27 KB, 957x614, 957:614, sittingduck.JPG)

The Ever Given has been sitting in this bay for a few hours now. Shouldn't they be on their way to their destination?

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37223b  No.13326928

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"Step into my office."

You're fucking fired

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e360b1  No.13326929



although, not sure if it was anime baker, but notables started getting really long around that time

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3d9ed8  No.13326930

File: 815c7705f904993⋯.png (110.08 KB, 210x254, 105:127, B1EEDFDD_3B0C_4930_B9A1_1D….png)



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9465bb  No.13326931

File: 986667e9cd7e087⋯.png (694.01 KB, 500x751, 500:751, ClipboardImage.png)

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495660  No.13326932

Fresh Bread

>>13326891 OP

>>13326918 Dough

Fresh Bread

Q Research General #16883: Plan has been in the works for sometime. You think you can stop it? Edition

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1b0690  No.13326933


Swim time?

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de81a1  No.13326934


We have millions of people looking at this board…don't give them the impression that "Q" is back, when (again) we can't verify at this point in time!!!

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9b02c0  No.13326935



Oh yeah and sharing? I fucking made it and it's hilarious.

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ef08b4  No.13326936


might be getting a once over to check for damage to the hull

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303ed6  No.13326937


Hi I am Ellen's housekeeper.

Thank You for the sanity


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536f65  No.13326938


Interesting, Anon.

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de4ea8  No.13326940

File: e633e087f95f413⋯.png (626.55 KB, 1059x1017, 353:339, 49a027ef270ac36d68b4d77835….png)

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70e2b2  No.13326941

File: 22adee99784a395⋯.jpg (107.68 KB, 409x618, 409:618, FORESHADOWING.jpg)

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d31c78  No.13326942


fuck off shill baker, you're fired


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6634bd  No.13326944

Can someone put together a dissent bun for the garbage in this bread's pb notes?

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b617c9  No.13326945

File: 2056022711306b8⋯.jpg (432.56 KB, 942x942, 1:1, C_A.jpg)


Thank you for summarizing what you do!~

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af8832  No.13326946

File: 7ebb11efdbbf729⋯.png (5.34 MB, 2388x1572, 199:131, anal_swabs.png)

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e360b1  No.13326947


fired from a volunteer job

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7dca22  No.13326948


this doesn't sound like Q like in the last breads.

this meme is not one Q would post.

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33f004  No.13326949

File: bb4f99b012e80c6⋯.jpg (86.27 KB, 480x480, 1:1, Shill_NPC_Revealed.jpg)


>ID: 495660 you're fired. Get the fuck out.


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88decd  No.13326951



Anon was told to learn Russian.

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639fe6  No.13326952

File: fd192d4a297245d⋯.png (184.14 KB, 500x234, 250:117, GovSHUTDOWN_Copy.png)

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7dca22  No.13326954


this bread is not Q

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000000  No.13326956

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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091707  No.13326957

File: fc670c31826e791⋯.jpg (98.68 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, elliot.jpg)



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8803e8  No.13326959

File: 9fe3b51c165e36a⋯.png (136.26 KB, 194x260, 97:130, ClipboardImage.png)


Thank you for admitting to your sins!~

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5fff7d  No.13326960

File: 859fb7880dae763⋯.gif (3.38 MB, 500x288, 125:72, 859fb7880dae7634b754cf03c5….gif)

File: 199fd50d7a1e9a6⋯.png (922.49 KB, 694x1080, 347:540, 468535fa7524ed67569f618278….png)


He has a beautiful tango partner. Surely she can teach him a dance or two.

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3fe2f3  No.13326961

File: dfe85aa6a65aaaa⋯.png (876.49 KB, 1600x1048, 200:131, redhead63_Car_Q_Heal.png)

Yep. I remember stripping down to underwear and putting our clothes out on the blacktop to dry so Mom wouldn't find out we'd been playing in the river. I fucked up about 20 years ago and accidentally revealed to Mom that we had boat when we were 8 (1970's) and went out on the river almost every day. We had found the boat free (skiff) after a hurricane. had it hid it the woods for years. I don't know how my mom survived me…..God Bless You for reminding me. Always remember !

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3f5269  No.13326963


>We have millions of people looking at this board

millions? maybe hundreds.

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303ed6  No.13326964


c'ya shill!

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ff0e57  No.13326965

▶Anonymous 03/29/21 (Mon) 21:39:32 0fabc6 (3) No.13325928 >>13325939 >>13325995 >>13326009 >>13326173 >>13326197

File (hide): eed540b277d3846⋯.jpg (114.19 KB, 1065x904, 1065:904, FGD_135.JPG) (h) (u)

FGD 135

Landed six(6) days ago

This is gonna sound strange but when I read FDG I just thought the Italian mafia “ForGet Da bout it”, I know it’s weird and probably doesn’t fit, but it’s loud in my head so I’m saying it

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6103e8  No.13326966

trump will not return ….. its over

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0b1711  No.13326967


he was brill

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f89a05  No.13326968

It All Comes Out In The WASH!

It will make sense before the witching hour.


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256e18  No.13326970

File: 5b6ce9f90622f79⋯.jpg (12.11 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 5b6ce9f90622f79287cd61034e….jpg)

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e360b1  No.13326971


ellens turn into elliots so fast these days. not like when i was young

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1b0690  No.13326972

File: 76bcff0a5216099⋯.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1659x2090, 1659:2090, 8E8BA77C_3B0A_49F6_B3E5_2….jpeg)

File: 32038d5b41990dd⋯.jpeg (1.79 MB, 3459x1893, 1153:631, 1005EE08_02E5_4728_A0DC_4….jpeg)

File: b31b3009860f099⋯.jpeg (3.02 MB, 2770x3024, 1385:1512, C51E2C0E_1C59_4352_A421_9….jpeg)

File: 2f64e701693bcce⋯.jpeg (175.74 KB, 828x576, 23:16, 6117DD3A_17C8_4BCE_99CD_5….jpeg)

File: 330e974abe4d4cc⋯.jpeg (392.58 KB, 683x650, 683:650, 9167D881_EA80_4017_8E7E_9….jpeg)


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d9ca2a  No.13326973

File: ab5c6208244496d⋯.png (422.45 KB, 752x478, 376:239, Screenshot_2021_03_29_Neil….png)

File: 4810e07b2347b70⋯.png (751 KB, 1524x819, 508:273, Screenshot_2021_03_29_Bara….png)

File: 1da2eb7dfa66d89⋯.png (736.8 KB, 753x859, 753:859, Screenshot_2021_03_29_Expo….png)

File: 1bc2501d062fd74⋯.png (674.53 KB, 784x768, 49:48, Screenshot_2021_03_29_Deat….png)



"There is no doubt about it. On July 9, 2015, five days before July 15, 2015, General Joseph S. Dunford, Jr., USMC, the nominee for Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, under oath, testified at his confirmation hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee that the Defense Department had conclusively found that Iran was directly responsible for the IED deaths of at least 500 US soldiers."


At least 18 people were confirmed dead and 117 injured, AP said, citing emergency officials. The Bangkok Post, citing the Royal Thai Police, put the death toll at 19.

There is so much more to be found…this is the dig of all digs…

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3a9a5b  No.13326974

File: a532ebab9090ff2⋯.jpg (75.69 KB, 570x586, 285:293, IMG_9218.JPG)

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b617c9  No.13326975

File: f5ea2b3da4a9629⋯.jpg (70.96 KB, 600x400, 3:2, You_Get_a_Special_Gold_Sta….jpg)


Well you tried.

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70e2b2  No.13326978

File: 0abaabf9db8a655⋯.jpg (154.56 KB, 806x495, 806:495, EASY_RIDER.jpg)

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cc53df  No.13326979

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Queen of Kings???

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a6ad20  No.13326980


Uh……it's verified.

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06962e  No.13326981

File: 2a53975689bfcbf⋯.jpg (62.01 KB, 623x401, 623:401, 53oxs5.jpg)

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fb82d3  No.13326982


so. do you know how to scroll?

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f8e102  No.13326983

File: 612cad72bdd05ed⋯.mp4 (6.62 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ext_tw_video_5.mp4)

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0b1711  No.13326984

can someone make me a Big Nike meme

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6634bd  No.13326985

Q Research General #16883: The 'Kitchen On Fire' Edition




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af8832  No.13326986

File: fbbff45baf2f9f2⋯.png (105.06 KB, 284x177, 284:177, ClipboardImage.png)


You do know they are NOCs, right?!?!?!

Go watch the movie again.

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d8b0a0  No.13326988


best bread in months

BV goes all benus cause muh shitty bakery

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bc478b  No.13326989

File: 412ff7091f73ab1⋯.png (669.73 KB, 507x507, 1:1, Pepe_300.png)


HBO and all the other fakenews sites wanna know who Q is? We are all Q. kek

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88decd  No.13326990

File: 45c9199427c25c8⋯.png (369.9 KB, 500x496, 125:124, digital_fren.png)




That's because Q is talking to (((them))) and not us.

Very different tone, anon. Might be new to you.

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e9c36f  No.13326991

File: ab0eaa4cd37b6c6⋯.jpg (282.57 KB, 1024x681, 1024:681, laughing_dog_2.jpg)

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33f004  No.13326993

File: a56dc138f625f64⋯.jpg (90.21 KB, 498x489, 166:163, one_kek.jpg)

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0b1711  No.13326994



fucking notable

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fb82d3  No.13326995


no point. proven fake by bv post.

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3f5269  No.13326996



Very Qesque

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d31c78  No.13326998

File: 80c285a28635ab4⋯.png (53.61 KB, 620x206, 310:103, Screen_Shot_2019_05_10_at_….png)

fill this moldy bread

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7dca22  No.13326999


>hat's because Q is talking to (((them))) and not us.

>Very different tone, anon. Might be new to you.

not new to me.

this ain't Q

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ce3e8e  No.13327000

File: 9b425e10bcef49e⋯.png (251.42 KB, 490x482, 245:241, ClipboardImage.png)

In disgust, I threw my Hopium pipe in the trash.

Anyone got a current link to get a new one?

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1ea44b  No.13327001

File: fa33d3043b87cc7⋯.jpeg (60.2 KB, 719x539, 719:539, 2D87DE0E_D6C5_4195_BC36_0….jpeg)

File: 68c07dd9329dc02⋯.jpeg (126.55 KB, 1021x504, 1021:504, C8F9B00F_E040_40AF_A6A0_D….jpeg)

File: 7f0d79deda6b120⋯.jpeg (67.04 KB, 640x280, 16:7, 2575A490_BD33_4A8A_8AA6_2….jpeg)

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41afd9  No.13327003

File: d259d90d7797fb4⋯.png (16.5 KB, 255x235, 51:47, 88f644e31237c204360992038b….png)


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eb69b6  No.13327004


cm & jim do seem mil

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9465bb  No.13327005

File: 156dc67731eaf0f⋯.png (142.05 KB, 606x341, 606:341, ClipboardImage.png)

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36ed76  No.13327006

>>13326927 The Ever Given has been sitting in this bay for a few hours now. Shouldn't they be on their way to their destination?

>>13326933 Swim time?

>>13326936 Might be getting a once over to check for damage to the hull

Dark to Light ( Exposing the criminals crimes World Wide )


Down she goes ( Sum of all fears )

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0b1711  No.13327007

File: bc770f188487ba0⋯.png (344.12 KB, 377x389, 377:389, ClipboardImage.png)

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37223b  No.13327009


you aint no baker

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e44450  No.13327010


It is almost like 'self cancelation' into nothing.

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7ddf70  No.13327011

File: 9834500e40d67de⋯.jpg (667.51 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, 9834500e40d67dec8da9a22513….jpg)

Fresh Bread

>>13326891 OP

>>13326918 Dough

Fresh Bread

Q Research General #16883: Plan has been in the works for sometime. You think you can stop it? Edition

You are aware the Q team is watch your every move, Please stop and think

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8449d1  No.13327012


Ever given is now subject to an inspection.

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92d7ae  No.13327013

File: 449fb17d05d581b⋯.jpg (841.54 KB, 2312x1526, 1156:763, bakerhasaids.jpg)


Anon gets it.

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639fe6  No.13327014


>best bread in months


>BV goes all benus cause muh shitty bakery

Based on what?

Sounds likeFAKE NEWS!

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7ddf70  No.13327015

Fresh Bread

>>13326891 OP

>>13326918 Dough

Fresh Bread

Q Research General #16883: Plan has been in the works for sometime. You think you can stop it? Edition

You are aware the Q team is watch your every move, Please stop and think

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fb82d3  No.13327016

File: 434b0507f9a1cef⋯.jpg (18.46 KB, 800x536, 100:67, 20_cats_that_need_to_stop_….jpg)


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70e2b2  No.13327017

File: 8cd31b984208bf7⋯.jpg (54.89 KB, 496x332, 124:83, RIG_4_RED.jpg)

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a5b174  No.13327018


guilty=huge riots

not guilty= huge riots

planning for the trial to start inl ate march so the riots will kick off all over the black cities in the us (again) around may 1st= suspicious

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fb82d3  No.13327019

File: 9cbbf4fe70f8988⋯.jpg (229.13 KB, 728x859, 728:859, 9cbbf4fe70f898809ca975a3e0….jpg)

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45d59c  No.13327020

File: 63006250a850c64⋯.jpg (80.65 KB, 947x593, 947:593, sittingduck2.JPG)

File: 3b9f53952567ee4⋯.jpg (103.95 KB, 897x605, 897:605, shittingduck.JPG)


Ever Given in a holding pattern?

GE coords in 2nd pic

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41afd9  No.13327021

File: 354c1b69011fe97⋯.jpg (233.39 KB, 926x1113, 926:1113, _.jpg)


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3f3dfd  No.13327022

File: eefee5205647356⋯.png (572.45 KB, 767x398, 767:398, hank.png)

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3f5269  No.13327023

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5e6058  No.13327024


I didn't see a tripcode. Could you explain the verification?

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d256c7  No.13327025



"could be Q" notables. Why not just spoopy notables? Don't give people the wrong impression. Q would use his trip. But this could be other connected insiders, who knows.

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fb82d3  No.13327026


repost in new bread

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7ddf70  No.13327027

File: fd6582e372f6634⋯.jpg (99.04 KB, 676x677, 676:677, fd6582e372f66346613d1f3e56….jpg)

Fresh Bread

>>13326891 OP

>>13326918 Dough

Fresh Bread

Q Research General #16883: Plan has been in the works for sometime. You think you can stop it? Edition

You are aware the Q team is watch your every move, Please stop and think

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639fe6  No.13327028

File: 0d19db01f312b19⋯.jpg (67.53 KB, 750x498, 125:83, Gordon1.jpg)

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1b0690  No.13327029

File: 286728b4c1b4a96⋯.jpeg (586.68 KB, 828x773, 828:773, 80264A70_8090_4F07_97BF_6….jpeg)

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fb82d3  No.13327030


verified fake by checking IDs against previous posts.

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41afd9  No.13327032

File: 7c3d87b5aa5abfd⋯.jpg (119.72 KB, 728x500, 182:125, 34d1su.jpg)


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d75d6c  No.13327033

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6634bd  No.13327034

Q Research General #16883: The 'Kitchen On Fire' Edition




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3f3dfd  No.13327036

File: 879f770d2953e6e⋯.png (319.79 KB, 478x254, 239:127, nixon.png)

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639fe6  No.13327038

File: 21bc79012727dbe⋯.jpg (37.62 KB, 474x597, 158:199, G2.jpg)


> is watch

OH Oh, Okay..

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fb82d3  No.13327039

File: 869bf40fc51912f⋯.jpg (14.32 KB, 254x255, 254:255, 869bf40fc51912f8093d02f4e1….jpg)


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37223b  No.13327040


>You are aware the Q team is watch your every move, Please stop and think

<Kike fear tactics detected

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d31c78  No.13327041

File: d115ebfddfdc101⋯.png (2.12 MB, 1400x920, 35:23, ClipboardImage.png)

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7ddf70  No.13327043

File: 373d96ec90b2a87⋯.png (427.28 KB, 1751x1751, 1:1, 373d96ec90b2a873aa3fde540d….png)

File: b710cea705e9af1⋯.png (147.55 KB, 877x802, 877:802, ClipboardImage.png)

Fresh Bread

>>13326891 OP

>>13326918 Dough

Fresh Bread

Q Research General #16883: Plan has been in the works for sometime. You think you can stop it? Edition

You are aware the Q team is watch your every move, Please stop and think

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9b02c0  No.13327044

File: ef757afbe1ca55b⋯.gif (813.47 KB, 240x427, 240:427, ef757afbe1ca55b221add13638….gif)

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88decd  No.13327046

3+ years of training and an IQ of OMG and anon still has to go back and decipher.

Newfags - sorry babes. We love you, but it might be too late to figure this shit out.

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40c40f  No.13327047

BO, please lock illegitimate bread

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091707  No.13327052


What the fuck is a NOC

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705c1f  No.13327054

File: 1d21d7321ece803⋯.mp4 (2.71 MB, 400x400, 1:1, video_5009231072481539_.mp4)

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256e18  No.13327055

File: 771fc153502d6a1⋯.png (567.17 KB, 559x466, 559:466, Screenshot_2020_04_04_phil….png)


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3f3dfd  No.13327057

File: aca3ddf537d83ad⋯.png (182.2 KB, 221x389, 221:389, maria3.png)

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cc53df  No.13327058

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Who is this?

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fb82d3  No.13327059

File: 4d6f02e16a44c87⋯.jpg (221 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, surprised_cat.jpg)

more filler

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6634bd  No.13327060

Q Research General #16883: The 'Kitchen On Fire' Edition




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000000  No.13327061

HBO killed the QAnon Star…

HBO killed the QAnon Star…

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e360b1  No.13327062

File: bc4c40cb811bf0e⋯.jpg (82.65 KB, 644x654, 322:327, download_3_.jpg)

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41afd9  No.13327063

File: 751929aff13eb9a⋯.png (1.6 MB, 2048x1562, 1024:781, 751929aff13eb9ac0c243eab36….png)


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3f3dfd  No.13327064

File: d758d769bf016e0⋯.png (567.39 KB, 606x396, 101:66, john316guy.png)

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e360b1  No.13327066

File: 2d3185cd89cadeb⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, download_1_.jpg)

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fb82d3  No.13327067

File: c78f162f569bce1⋯.jpg (14.21 KB, 325x307, 325:307, its_dangerous_to_go_alone_….jpg)

again, more filler

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33f004  No.13327069


>BO, please lock illegitimate bread

Good idea

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e360b1  No.13327070

File: b150ed5b3176c5e⋯.jpg (46.96 KB, 600x369, 200:123, download_4_.jpg)

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7ddf70  No.13327071

Fresh Bread

>>13326891 OP

>>13326918 Dough

Fresh Bread

Q Research General #16883: Plan has been in the works for sometime. You think you can stop it? Edition

You are aware the Q team is watch your every move, Please stop and think.

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cbcb80  No.13327072

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9b02c0  No.13327074

File: 6a407f15835148a⋯.gif (95.1 KB, 220x203, 220:203, image000000.gif)

File: 480c684292d4131⋯.gif (733.86 KB, 280x210, 4:3, 480c684292d4131d2bc4904ec2….gif)

File: 0d2bb1a94d8cbe2⋯.gif (5.67 MB, 460x330, 46:33, 0d2bb1a94d8cbe2589b3f204e0….gif)

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a6ad20  No.13327075


By the US Navy?

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