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ec17c5  No.13315824[Last 50 Posts]

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ec17c5  No.13315828


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ec17c5  No.13315836


>>13315120 UK private health insurance company calls Corona vaccine "experimental treatment"

>>13315126 Guise? "S-U-E-Z" equals "Z-E-U-S"

>>13315160 Pope: "The devil is taking advantage of the pandemic"

>>13315171 History lesson, Aug 5, 2015: Evergreen resumes service to Iran

>>13315203 Repeat: Biden's bold new plan "to get our kids to market swiftly"

>>13315182 GRAHAM on 2A: "I own an AR-15"

>>13315157, >>13315188, >>13315189, >>13315211 The Truth is Simple. Lies are Complicated.

>>13315206 Australia hit by cyber-attacks

>>13315209, >>13315224 JET RIDDLE Flight MH370

>>13315304 Mitt Romney receives JFK Profile in Courage Award

>>13315324, >>13315342 Suez Canal, an alternate route so this "never happens again". Under construction since 2005.


>>13315379 Ever Given Update and the March 2021 FULL WORM MOON

>>13315380 Etymology of the word "Ever"

>>13315424 Regent University Election Integrity Conference

>>13315452 Sen. Schumer holds press conference on gun control (video)

>>13315467 Egyptian President "Prepare For All Scenarios" To Refloat Megaship

>>13315503 Armenian prime minister says will step down in April

>>13315512 Suez canal: The grounded Ever Given cargo ship ‘moves 17 metres’ as hopes rise for it to be re-floated soon? Seventeen?

>>13315519 US Special Forces announce 1st-ever diversity and inclusion officer

>>13315520 San Francisco is launching a pilot program that will guarantee monthly income for artists affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.

>>13315524 NEW POLL: 57 percent disapprove of Biden's handling of gun violence http://hill.cm/1qcqWar

>>13315607 Pure Marxism: Democrats to Target Patriotic Americans as ‘Domestic Terrorists’… …in New Bill – “Security Clearance Improvement Act of 2021

>>13315618 For the keks!

>>13315629 Major cyberattack targets Australia. TV Channel broadcasting disrupted and Australian Parliament devices and email system also targeted

>>13315637 , >>13315683 Isn't the tide highest during a full moon?

>>13315642 Biden - The Unfit President

>>13315647 Forget the ship at Suez Canal: An Evergreen truck was spotted blocking a Chinese motorway - #SuezCrisis

>>13315746 Suez Canal [Scare] necessary event [mirrored] (decode) (video link)

>>13315755 Prayer Warriors are Real Warriors. The Battle is about Good vs Evil.

>>13315758 Michel Foucault, intellectual godfather of 'woke' ideology, was a pedophile rapist

>>13315816 #16868

#16867 TBC

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ec17c5  No.13315838


>>13313519 , >>13313524 , >>13313529 ALICE Evergreen Line Tunnel Complete (Video)

>>13313523 Updated dough to fix error in bread #16864

>>13313746 PF reports

>>13313549 Dan Scavino - MARCH MADNESS tweet

>>13313575 Bald eagle populations soaring across US, feds say

>>13313738 Judicial Watch Sues for Hillary and Huma’s Egypt Emails (Mar 4)

>>13313775 Colorado Republicans elect new leadership, look to the future

>>13313656, >>13313778 Evergreet - Ever Given's sister ship - to divert around Africa (satellite data)

>>13313779 Local Sydney channel confirms 'cyber attack' forced live programming off the air - Russian hackers??

>>13313793 Colo Supreme Court: Dems speed-reading of bills violated state constitution

>>13313818 The Federalist: Federal Appeals Court Rules Trump’s Bump Stock Ban Is Unconstitutional

>>13313835 75 Silicon valley leaders oppose Newsome recall

>>13313840 Biden admin waives background cks on border caregivers, alarming child welfare experts

>>13313842 China Hits US & Canadian Officials With More Counter-Sanctions

>>13313849 UK Corona deaths fall to lowest Saturday figure in six months

>>13313850 Iran, China sign strategic long-term cooperation agreement

>>13313890 Alabama Shakes drummer facing child abuse charges

>>13313937 Expert says Biden admin will impose new regs on meat industry

>>13313958 Illegal migrants now being flown out from border - Gateway Pundit

>>13313959, >>13313972, >>13313972, >>13313989 Lin Wood: Always a great feeling to have Lt. General Mike Flynn by your side; more LW.

>>13313965, >>13314028 Thousands Of Animals Packed On Ships In Suez Canal Backup

>>13313971 Top muh Russia propagandist pushing for rules to silence opposing voices on the Net

>>13313981 American Thinker: The January 6 Prosecutions Hit a Speed Bump

>>13314026 The death toll from a building collapse in Cairo Egypt has risen to 18

>>13314029 DJTjr: Dems Want to Take Your Guns— But They Want Them for Themselves

>>13314057 Human trafficking going-on's in Coquitlam, BC

>>13314082 7:00pm EST "Firearms and the Fight to Save the 2nd Amendment" (vid)

>>13314093 Americans Needed Durham Report Last Year, Not Now

>>13314129 Egypt's president orders preparations be made to unload Ever Given's cargo if refloating fails

>>13314145 Rising Violence In Philadelphia Leads To Calls For DA Krasner’s Ousting

>>13314152, >>13314145 Rising Violence In Philadelphia Leads To Calls For DA Krasner’s Ousting

>>13314273 Biden Nominates Sen. Manchin’s Wife For Federal Commission

>>13315791 #16866

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ec17c5  No.13315839


>>13312737 , >>13312755 Walmart and human trafficking?

>>13312738 #BoycottCocaCola

>>13312740 The shocking ways billionaires, highly profitable companies hide their money

>>13312747 Liberalism is destroying America. (video cap)

>>13312765 When do you need a plumber?

>>13312768 CNN calls the murder of a Pakistani American by carjackers an 'accident'

>>13312788 , >>13312828 There is ZERO chance that Hunter Biden will face anything resembling accountability from our Dept of "Justice" (Just Us)

>>13312804 Fakenews is trying to divide America by race and gender

>>13312829 Dan Scavino - Invest in America

>>13312838 Why isn't the Fake News declaring a Pakistani American murdered in a car jacking an 'asian hate crime'? They want to divide you by race and gender

>>13312873 Romanian Lung Doctor Formulates Covid Protocol That Cures 100% of Patients

>>13312885 Media Cabal Propaganda Minister Jen Psaki and EVERGREEN

>>13312904 Venezuelan opposition leader Guaido infected with China Virus

>>13312939 , >>13312971 Is Cabal Puppet Biden buying Cabal Puppet Senator Manchin's loyalty on filibuster vote with a six figure handout?

>>13312958 Cabal Puppet RINO Sen Graham on border crisis: When Biden team says 'this is a Trump problem, they're lying'

>>13312966 The “China Lab Manufactured Corona Crisis” and the War of “The Super-Rich” against the Earth’s Citizens

>>13312989 Richard Citizen Journalist posted this pic and two others: “Great things happening. Good night from DC.

>>13313002 The end won't be for everyone. That choice, to know, will be yours. Q749

>>13313013 Define Evergreen. When do you call a plumber? Q3316

>>13313035 Vatican getting chummy with communists….how nice, like when they welcomed the Nazis

>>13313036 Bono and Penelope Cruz, lend their voices to animated vaccine campaign - Free Doughnuts and Hollywood with a side of Bono. Why?

>>13313118 ‘Somebody else is supposed to be doing it': Trump says he may visit US southern border soon

>>13313167 This Week in Campus Insanity Vol. 37

>>13313174 Whistleblower: Pornhub (pornography video internet site) Tells Content Moderators Not to Report Child Porn to Authorities

>>13313200 Great Night Shift meme

>>13313207 Flashback: Obama ordered the FBI to remove 500,000 pedophiles from the National Instant Criminal Background Check System

>>13313226 Biden Cabal ordering RINO delegation to DELETE photos of children crammed into overcrowded facilities - they refuse (distraction? look here not there?)

>>13313229 Big Dig - Rusnano is a government owned joint stock company established as a $10BN Private Equity and Venture CapitalevergreenFund

>>13313234 Evergreen Marine Corp. resumes service to Iran. The Taiwanese company has authorized the 335-meter Ever Legion to call Shahid Rajaee port, which is in the southern Iranian province of Hormozgan.

>>13313240 , >>13313248 Gulftainer Scandal Connects Obama, The Clintons And The Media

>>13313280 The Kevin Spacey Foundation shut down its UK operations in 2018 “in the wake of the sexual harassment and assault allegations against Spacey,” Variety reported.

>>13313312 , >>13313318 Shady Biden Port Deals

>>13313271 , >>13313291 , >>13313298 , >>13313364 Fake News labels adverse facts about China Virus vaccines 'extremism' and people who talk about them 'extremists'

>>13313273 The Great Barrington Declaration – As infectious disease epidemiologists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing China Virus policies

>>13313325 New evidence shows US government and the American Scientific establishment involved in cover up of China Virus covid-19s origin

>>13313346 , >>13313352 , >>13313360 China's cyberwarfare attack on 2020 US election tied to Mitch McConnells Chinese Communist Party connected wife Elaine Chao

>>13313359 Anon report - Just remember this today, if you got nothing else from my posts…

>>13313365 Human Trafficking Chambers openly being sold...


>>13313411 Anon theory - There is the possibility that EVER GIVEN is blocking another vessel caught up in the string of ships in the canal that is the real target.

>>13313440 MEET Dr Udo Ulfkotte, the former German newspaper editor whose bestselling book exposed how the CIA controls German and World Media (video)

>>13313443 #16865

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ec17c5  No.13315844


>>13312347, >>13312536, >>13312552, >>13312579 PF Reports

>>13311942 To commemorate the perfect Q_Research Thumbnail

>>13311970 Ghislaine Maxwell’s Attorneys Seeking Original Photo Of Accuser With Prince Andrew And A Pair Of Cowboy Boots

>>13312032 Joe Biden, Media Claim Georgia Law Prevents Giving Water To Voters In Line. That’s Not True.

>>13312036 Biden's DHS Head Guts the Homeland Security Advisory Council, Fires Almost Everyone

>>13312051 Kremlin, over 2,000 buildings go dark for Earth Hour in Moscow

>>13312304, >>13312347, >>13312530, >>13312311, >>13312530, >>13312530, 3 yr DELTA TIDAL WAVE INCOMING. BUCKLE UP. (Cap 0:45)

>>13312333 If these are dumbs or bunkers or what they are??? Had to go back a bit in my files…but not sure this was a Q post or a Q(like) post…


>>13312415 Trump confirms he WILL visit the border in the next few weeks after 'being invited by the Border Police': Blasts Biden for undoing his 'Remain in Mexico' policy

>>13312478 STRINGERS, What Are Bulkheads & Stringers on Boats?

>>13312479 "Ahoy! It's a Ship Show: Codemonkey edition"

>>13312494 Marjorie Taylor Greene unleashes on Biden for border surge, gun control (2 hours)

>>13312528 @1BCT10MTN Trigger time on #FortDrum! Swift and bold #FindAWayOrMakeOne

>>13312561 Your Tax Dollars at Work: Biden’s Illegal Migrants and Fake Refugees Are Being Flown Out Across America – 40% of McAllen, TX Air Traffic Now Migrants


>>13312594, >>13312607, Hostage situation at Oklahoma city jail (8 min)

>>13312603 Federal Reserve meetings next week

>>13312610 Lin Wood. "I have been very vocal in stating that child sex trafficking/pedophilia is the real pandemic in the world.

>>13312611 Suez Canal Authority Hopes High Tide, Strong Winds Will Help Re-Float Megaship Tonight

>>13312633 #16864

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ec17c5  No.13315846


>>13311563 PF Report

>>13311189 WHO Top Official, Whistle Blower on contracts with Bill Gates changing the definition of PANDEMIC, even the flu can be called pandemic to panic people into taking DNA changing vaccines (28:38 mins)

>>13311192, >>13311196, Who Are The Zionists?

>>13311203, >>13310997 (pb), >>13311233, Irving Finkle is a Sumerian/Cuneiform expert. ANY lecture of his is literally to die for. This one in particular is most excellent.

>>13311206, >>13310914 lb, The Ever Given manifest #1129-011W > Q#1129 Down she goes…..

>>13311210, >>13311234, Evergreen the size of the Empire State building blocking shiping world wide. (1:49)

>>13311214 Senators Offer to Let NSA Hunt Cyber Actors Inside the US

>>13311234 BLOCKADE Inside JFK's Decision making During the Cuban Missile Crisis (2020)

>>13311262, >>13311292, >>13311279, >>13311336, >>13311354, >>13311382, >>13311363, >>13311406, CABAL PUPPET RESUME: Jen Psaki is a veteran of three presidential campaigns, is the founder of EVERGREEN CONSULTING, a senior advisor to WestExec Advisors, an advisor to Demand Justice and an on air commentator and opinion writer for CNN (Professional Liar?)

>>13311421 -> "Evergreen Consulting LLC" seems to be a one person operation, Psaki is married to Greg Mecher, then chief of staff to Congressman Steve Driehaus

>>13311272, >>13311273, Top Deep State Propagandist Behind Russia Hoax – Now Pushing for New Rules to Rid Internet of Vocal Opposition (51:52 mins)

>>13311294 Anyone have any idea why Marine one has been circling Tidal Basin and DC area since like 1pm? Are they just taking Biden on joy rides?

>>13311322, >>13311384, >>13311412, Worm MOON

>>13311328 Pure Marxism: Democrats to Target Patriotic Americans as ‘Domestic Terrorists’ in New Bill – “Security Clearance Improvement Act of 2021”

>>13311346 The Time Between Passover Sunday and Easter Sunday

>>13311356 Biden Poised to Raise Taxes on Business and the Rich

>>13311370 Why Is Everyone In Texas Not Dying?

>>13311376, >>13311383, Russia Pitches Frosty Arctic Sea Route As Superior Alternative To Blocked Suez Canal

>>13311401, >>13311431, >>13311449, Evergreen Air is a CIA front company for chemtrail operations within the United States, weapons and arms dealing, drug running and rendition tortures

>>13311444 Beware the Useful Idiots

>>13311447 PANIC Piece, Aimed at confusing people, 'Be aware': The Pentagon's target list for extremist infiltrators — right and left Symbols of Flags from the left-wing Antifa movement depictions of Pepe the Frog

>>13311480 Biden’s Lunatic DHS Chief Fires 32 Members of Advisory Council Including ALL TRUMP APPOINTEES — Group Was Too White

>>13311487 Social Media Doesn’t Allow Posts That Break COVID-19 Narratives, Even Though Health Organizations Keep Backtracking Previous Findings

>>13311502 Los Angeles agency votes for $36M police funding boost as crime surges

>>13311548, >>13311559, >>13311781, 9 pm est tonight! LIVE PDJT on Judge Jeanine Pirro Link

>>13311551 Ezra A. Cohen Retweeted NCSC @NCSCgov ICYMI: DOD linguist pleads guilty to transmitting classified info to person connected to Hizballah, including identities of 10 human assets & 20 U.S. targets, Mariam Taha Thompson, 63, final plea, statement of facts and indictment are attached

>>13311597 Q: Into the Storm link

>>13311674 At Least Six People Reportedly Hospitalized After Stabbing Attack in North Vancouver

>>13311695 Male Antifa Militant Attacks Woman During Children’s Easter Egg Hunt — Promptly Gets Clocked By Proud Boy… and Arrested

>>13311771 Sidney Powell Telegrams . . . Notable & Quotable: Judge James C

>>13311789 Biden to Use Taxpayer Money for Global Abortions, Gets Labeled 'Commander' of 'Pro-Abortion Army'

>>13311797 Los Angeles County votes for $36 million increase in funding for police after major surge in crime

>>13311830, >>13311843, Biden’s Lunatic DHS Chief Fires 32 Members of Advisory Council Including ALL TRUMP APPOINTEES — Group Was Too White (Cap)

>>13311906 #16863

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ec17c5  No.13315847

Previously Collected Notables

>>13310313 #16861/2, >>13311098 #16862/1, >>13311099 #16862/2

>>13308784 #16859, >>13309555 #16860, >>13310312 #16861/1

>>13306432 #16856, >>13307349 #16857, >>13308002 #16858

>>13304879 #16854/1, >>13304879 #16854/2, >>13307219 #16855

>>13303291 #16852, >>13304123 #16853/2, >>13304122 #16853/1

>>13301770 #16850/1, >>13301771 #16850/2, >>13302528 #16851

>>13299423 #16847, >>13300200 #16848, >>13300956 #16849

>>13297101 #16844, >>13297887 #16845, >>13298665 #16846

>>13295791 #16841, >>13295553 #16842, >>13296328 #16843

>>13292442 #16838, >>13293243 #16839, >>13294021 #16840

>>13290156 #16835/1, >>13290881 #16836, >>13291659 #16837

>>13288574 #16833, >>13289359 #16834, >>13290159 #16835/2

>>13286247 #16830, >>13287036 #16831, >>13289447 #16832

>>13284083 #16827, >>13287593 #16828, >>13285496 #16829

>>13282454 #16825, >>13283208 #16826/2, >>13283207 #16826/2

>>13280047 #16822, >>13287447 #16823, >>13289429 #16824

>>13278672 #16820/1, >>13278673 #16820/2, >>13279295 #16821

>>13280029 #16818, >>13277758 #16819/1, >>13278337 #16819/2

>>13275307 #16816, >>13276208 #16817/1, >>13276212 #16817/2

>>13165545 Q Research Notables #5: Notables

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ec17c5  No.13315849

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ec17c5  No.13315851

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Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf


Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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b483f9  No.13315853

File: bea7340c40749f4⋯.png (137.21 KB, 381x205, 381:205, Secret_History_of_Pythagor….png)

File: 92f90b70db8d401⋯.jpg (108.03 KB, 602x799, 602:799, Secret_History_of_Pythogor….JPG)

File: cba92f9b98fe0ba⋯.jpg (229.38 KB, 1096x1390, 548:695, secret_alphabets_celestial….jpg)

File: 241225a31853748⋯.png (566.81 KB, 717x763, 717:763, 88149f16e0d693196f1c221714….png)

File: bc917afa9e80291⋯.png (250.14 KB, 480x610, 48:61, b215f947eaa6bcf55aa91daddb….png)





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ec17c5  No.13315856

Q Research General #16869: Evergiven Moved 17 Meters? Patriots In Control Edition




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b483f9  No.13315864

File: 9a9ad7b04a9c283⋯.gif (684.78 KB, 500x206, 250:103, Mr_Stark.gif)

File: 233e2dc9013b5cb⋯.gif (158.01 KB, 220x135, 44:27, Grim_Job.gif)

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f9a86d  No.13315865

File: 63a3c120c06b3f7⋯.gif (1.85 MB, 339x339, 1:1, flashing_bewbs_and_kitty.gif)

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409fe1  No.13315867

File: 362b08e79ecf547⋯.jpeg (324.5 KB, 640x935, 128:187, B7040D3F_8B13_4EC9_BB17_9….jpeg)

File: a02f43094af0233⋯.jpeg (263.68 KB, 640x699, 640:699, 791DEF6B_44BC_4075_AFFA_C….jpeg)

File: 9b41735aef7c6d0⋯.jpeg (383.79 KB, 640x834, 320:417, C3773D9B_9444_4563_8A11_4….jpeg)

File: d958b7a50552c48⋯.jpeg (273.69 KB, 640x606, 320:303, 63617E8C_5E5E_4576_A252_A….jpeg)

File: 0af753ce6f55d43⋯.jpeg (377.09 KB, 640x845, 128:169, BEC4F057_2749_4872_BF99_1….jpeg)


Tell everyone you know that Biden and Kamala are running a child trafficking ring down at the border!


Whether you are commenting on a news article, at a town hall, on social media, calling into a radio show etc,:





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46a506  No.13315869

File: 9934cef57dfcfe6⋯.png (334.84 KB, 869x729, 869:729, ClipboardImage.png)

Suez Canal: Containers could be taken off from Ever Given, officials say as salvage efforts continue

>Lt. Gen. Osama Rabie told Egyptian television channel Extra News the country's President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi had ordered the Suez Canal Authority (SCA) to prepare for all options, including taking some of the 18,300 containers off the 1300-foot long Ever Given. Without elaborating, he added that officials had been in talks with the U.S. about the possibility of removing some of the cargo.


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ec17c5  No.13315874


Anybody game for going back and scraping the notables from #16867?

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409fe1  No.13315892

File: 81f344716f46c0f⋯.jpeg (279.51 KB, 640x636, 160:159, 7E929C88_3270_4312_9207_4….jpeg)

File: 52e04991c7c0d1d⋯.jpeg (414.43 KB, 640x883, 640:883, 18D1ED19_5DA9_4D41_ABE3_3….jpeg)

File: bca9a973358eaa3⋯.jpeg (264.43 KB, 640x692, 160:173, 4B353FBE_6484_4AEB_A7FF_D….jpeg)

File: ee37ff4647beb74⋯.jpeg (420.47 KB, 640x893, 640:893, C9DA6B37_D393_4785_BC22_6….jpeg)

File: e85c56e93ba8475⋯.jpeg (351.25 KB, 640x880, 8:11, 789B05AE_409C_48BA_A59D_1….jpeg)


Tell everyone you know that Biden and Kamala are running a child trafficking ring down at the border!


Whether you are commenting on a news article, at a town hall, on social media, calling into a radio show etc,:






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821aca  No.13315894

File: 722e0a4ea52f2ad⋯.png (43.17 KB, 869x457, 869:457, uAjZV8MrGRHKPtyfUCoe_28_6a….png)

It's how they do…

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38605e  No.13315895

File: 58a6a04781cfddc⋯.jpeg (454.84 KB, 735x733, 735:733, 58a6a04781cfddc35ecf603e8….jpeg)

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373b9e  No.13315896

File: c4e057566c5abe5⋯.jpg (135.49 KB, 1230x500, 123:50, CapnM.jpg)


>Containers could be taken off from Ever Given

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72d934  No.13315897

File: 9bb35433db98a6e⋯.png (169.97 KB, 574x479, 574:479, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e38685f69561f7c⋯.png (447.86 KB, 652x916, 163:229, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2193771dece1e9d⋯.png (99.58 KB, 854x771, 854:771, ClipboardImage.png)

Trans Reddit User Posted Hundreds of Pornographic Drawings of Child Characters Under 10, Mods Banned Anyone Who Criticized Them

A former Reddit moderator is blasting their former fellow moderators for protecting a transgender user that posted over 750 pornographic drawings of characters under the age of 10, and banning anyone who criticized them.

Yet, Parler and other right wing social media platforms are the problem?

The former mod of r/LesbianGaming also alleges that they do not have proper age restrictions in place to protect minors from pornographic content.

“The subreddit r/lesbiangamers is a subreddit that is dedicated to sapphic gaming. Upon joining their discord after a couple of months the discord was abruptly shut down. There were a lot of horrific rumors about how the past owner did horrible things,” the former mod wrote.

In their post, they explained that a couple of months ago, a new Discord was created under the management of the subreddit mods. This person says that they pointed out security issues they noticed, including that users were allowed to access pornographic channels without having to verify their age.


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c5b888  No.13315898


religious census poll. represent!

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eab519  No.13315899

File: 861321c7cf93282⋯.png (1.54 MB, 644x12826, 322:6413, ClipboardImage.png)

Things are happening, new global alignments, and people are choosing sides prior to World War III


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a2b25a  No.13315900

File: 5adbdd4cddc1e70⋯.png (126.78 KB, 1126x660, 563:330, ClipboardImage.png)

Let the shitstorm begin.

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46a506  No.13315901

File: 7aa62e0dbdbc06d⋯.png (78.29 KB, 1021x543, 1021:543, ClipboardImage.png)


Egypt's president orders preparations be made to unload Ever Given's cargo if refloating fails, a high risk strategy adding days of delay

>Efforts are currently underway to refloat the ship. The floatation efforts included towing and pushing the grounding vessel using 8 large tugboats, the Suez Canal Authority said.

>Authorities are also working to dig the Ever Given out of the sand, The Wall Street Journal reported. Dredgers have shifted 27,000 cubic meters of sand to a depth of 18 meters, Arab News said.

>But plans are in place to unload the cargo of the massive ship if these efforts fail, CGTN Africa reported.


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905e5b  No.13315902

File: 55a5310085f8204⋯.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1822x1132, 911:566, 106E7403_BB9A_412B_9306_5….jpeg)

File: d740c5ee74932f8⋯.jpeg (895.94 KB, 1292x1022, 646:511, 607750A8_5E18_43C0_84B1_6….jpeg)

File: f3534d51a19772b⋯.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1327x1259, 1327:1259, A43B77CB_4A1C_4F94_BB9A_C….jpeg)

Palm Sunday is the beginning of a Holy week for many people of Faith and a great day to lift our voices in Prayer. I will be tuning into Pastor @greglaurie at @harvestorg Church in Riverside, California tomorrow at 11:00 A.M. Eastern. https://t.co/2eTaKsZVT4 — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 4, 2020

I see Mickey this year. Pic related



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692810  No.13315903

File: 4a4dd7e6aedad5a⋯.jpg (90.38 KB, 620x793, 620:793, hope_he_drowns.JPG)

File: ed3b35b0c01813c⋯.jpg (125.95 KB, 672x922, 336:461, karen_geier.JPG)

File: 678c8fa90cf9fc9⋯.jpg (39.86 KB, 457x456, 457:456, guns_don_t_kill_ppl.jpg)

File: 97b03c822b337df⋯.jpg (22.29 KB, 241x255, 241:255, Planned_parenthood_lion.jpg)

I wonder if the "Cancel Culture" Remembers

Doesn't really matter, because…

Pepperidge Farm Remembers!!!

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88d06c  No.13315904

File: cadb0c2e1af3ccb⋯.png (131.66 KB, 478x606, 239:303, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4e4e7fc87fcd17e⋯.png (3.81 MB, 1148x1428, 41:51, ClipboardImage.png)





When a young owl is abducted by an evil Owl army, he must escape with new-found friends and seek the legendary Guardians to stop the menace.

Director: Zack Snyder

Writers: John Orloff (screenplay), Emil Stern (screenplay) | 1 more credit »

Stars: Jim Sturgess, Hugo Weaving, David Wenham | See full cast & crew »


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2b5fcc  No.13315905

>>13315882 (lb)

An Enfilade of some kind. In MIL can park tank, howitzers, mortars, missile systems inside. They shoot over berms, can only be hit from above.

Used as outdoor shooting ranges as well. Block lines of fire (or sight)…

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b8dafd  No.13315906

File: 9179800e0c0e148⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1123x607, 1123:607, ClipboardImage.png)

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e6393f  No.13315907

File: f3358d8485f8a00⋯.png (307.6 KB, 401x469, 401:469, f3358d8485f8a00a8d6bf811dc….png)

File: e15b7c86203048e⋯.png (297.01 KB, 451x450, 451:450, e15b7c86203048e372ba45f902….png)

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5502af  No.13315908

File: 483a550029f585d⋯.png (412.77 KB, 311x443, 311:443, corn_pop.PNG)


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b8a2d7  No.13315909

File: c5a7494f26ea22a⋯.png (447.38 KB, 535x577, 535:577, Screenshot_2021_03_28_Loui….png)

On #PalmSunday 1865, Ulysses S. Grant accepts Robert E. Lee's surrender at @AppomattoxNPS

to bring the "beginning to the end" to the #CivilWar. This potent image "Blessed are the Peacemakers" parallels the historic event with Jesus Christ's entrance into Jerusalem.


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a6cf2c  No.13315910

File: 53497b31fd1d479⋯.jpg (57.41 KB, 500x503, 500:503, 4r0d3l.jpg)

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dfafee  No.13315911

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e79f21  No.13315912

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54b249  No.13315913

>>13315171 (pb)

Wait, what? Service to Iran? Isn't there an embargo or something? WHAT are they supplying? Bring something in, bring something out?

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a1503e  No.13315914

The 3rd episode of the “Q: Into the Storm” premiers on HBO Max tonight! I’ve been watching and I find it quite interesting and informative as far as how the 8ch board came to be and how Q went there for free speech refuge. The players who own/operate this board are quite interesting.

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8f1607  No.13315915

File: 2c419291dd0ff01⋯.jpg (86.14 KB, 750x774, 125:129, 2c419291dd0ff012b30425d1b5….jpg)


Fucking shit shut u and pay us hello!?! We came to this conclusion… Immediately.

These mates lil late but some work differently than others!! Must be noted… ALL UNIQUE, Unless we choose to be similar… or otherwise…

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72d934  No.13315916

File: c9acca7ee61a5f9⋯.png (323.88 KB, 526x370, 263:185, ClipboardImage.png)

Church In Indonesia Rocked By Twin Suicide Bombing On Palm Sunday

Coming a week before Christians around the world celebrate Easter, a packed Roman Catholic church in Indonesia has been targeted by two suicide bombers during a Palm Sunday service.

It happened on Indonesia's Sulawesi island and the blast injured at least 20 people. The explosives were reportedly detonated just outside the church, and so far authorities have said the only fatalities were the pair of suicide bombers themselves.

The AP reports that "video obtained by The Associated Press showed body parts scattered near a burning motorbike at the gates of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Cathedral in Makassar, the capital of South Sulawesi province."

One of the attackers is believed to have been a woman. Both bombers had arrived on motorbike, and the carnage could have been much worse but they were confronted by security guards based on suspicions, after which they detonated outside the building.

"Rev. Wilhelmus Tulak, a priest at the church, said he had just finished celebrating Palm Sunday Mass when a loud bang shocked his congregation," the AP writes. "He said the blast went off at about 10:30 a.m. as a first batch of churchgoers was walking out of the church and another group was coming in."

Over the past years Indonesia's minority Christians have been subject of multiple Islamist attacks and bombings of churches. Not only is Indonesia the most populous Muslim country in the world, but it has large pockets especially in rural areas where hardline clerics and militant groups hold sway.

Security footage captured the moment of the terrifying explosion…

Indonesian Christians especially tend to be targeted during their holidays such as Christmas and Easter. The AP reviews: "Indonesia has a history of battling Islamist extremist groups. In December, police arrested the head of Jemaah Islamiyah, an Al Qaeda-aligned terror group most famously known for a 2002 bombing that killed more than 200 people."

Indonesia's President Joko Widodo sought to assure that security services will remain on high alert in order to protect places of worship amid the fundamentalist threat: "I call on people to remain calm while worshipping because the state guarantees you can worship without fear," Widodo said in televised remarks in the wake of Sunday's blast.


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300cde  No.13315917

File: e18849c58679478⋯.mp4 (13 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Suez_Canal_Scare_Necessary….mp4)

>>13315746 (lb)

Suez Canal [Scare] Necessary Event [mirrored]



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ec17c5  No.13315918


Baker going back to scrape 16867

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d1d151  No.13315919

File: 10b59180d0a0771⋯.jpg (34.94 KB, 512x288, 16:9, Austin2.jpg)


Q ?


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144410  No.13315920

File: f80c614eba2b67e⋯.mp4 (715.99 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Liberal_Fuck_Hot_Mik.mp4)


Here's the audio of the Southwest pilot going on a rant about the Bay Area caught on a hot mic

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eab519  No.13315921

File: 721ae5968dd386d⋯.png (625.72 KB, 941x847, 941:847, ClipboardImage.png)


America has decided to wage a hot war against China. It’s not if, it’s when.


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6b1e3d  No.13315922

File: 7f8555255b89f71⋯.jpg (163.04 KB, 500x422, 250:211, 7f8555255b89f713002a85212f….jpg)


You just wait until the collection is organized.

The ridiculously Loud assortment of Supremely Arranged and Diverse Memes will Blow All Opponents awai.

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39194c  No.13315923


Advertising HBO on Q Research… How low you have fallen.

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30c000  No.13315924

File: 28b531b34f0e002⋯.png (2.29 MB, 1100x1095, 220:219, 28b531b34f0e002bcb963937b3….png)


sound like a hate bombing.

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72d934  No.13315925

File: 36ab69bb5f49c26⋯.png (312.94 KB, 554x671, 554:671, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f762ca1bac15319⋯.png (324.91 KB, 853x680, 853:680, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9c0a5b2e59002dc⋯.png (560.31 KB, 845x696, 845:696, ClipboardImage.png)

With Biden Pushing Gun Control – Will His Son Hunter Be Held Accountable for Breaking Current Gun Laws?

Biden wants to stop gun use but his own son won’t comply with gun laws. Maybe Biden should focus on enforcing gun laws instead!

On Friday Grant Stinchfield on Newsmax reported on the Hunter Biden gun story. In his reporting, Stinchfield noted that we were the first to report on Hunter’s criminal actions with a gun as shared by Hunter in text messages with a family friend. Here is the text we first reported in late October shortly before the 2020 election. Big Media wouldn’t cover this. The gun story is embedded in this long crazy rant:


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f9d711  No.13315926



Indonesian white supremacists attack Asians.


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ac2774  No.13315927


Q says to "DEFINE EVERGREEN", not who is Evergreen, but Define..

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409fe1  No.13315928


Stop posting photos of that do nothing bloated fat ass fart bag coward

Nobody likes him. Just stop

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e79f21  No.13315929

File: 1b9aed5b09475b6⋯.jpg (24.16 KB, 341x268, 341:268, continue2.jpg)

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6c824e  No.13315930

File: c04a72c34b987cd⋯.mp4 (1.53 MB, 568x320, 71:40, Dexter_what_do_you_see_Eve….mp4)

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409fe1  No.13315931


All that fat ass fart bag ever did was inhale donuts and let the Democrats have free reign and face zero accountability while they usurp the country

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a1503e  No.13315932


If I understand correctly it’s the 17th letter of the alphabet

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441d5e  No.13315933



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1b16f4  No.13315934


stop larping as a newfag. it's boring.

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e6393f  No.13315935


Ahhhhh yes, the religion of pieces spreading their loving message.

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a6cf2c  No.13315936

File: 433c713b902ebcf⋯.gif (3.86 MB, 459x441, 51:49, 1556819318854.gif)

File: fff96ff29f10f0e⋯.gif (3.67 MB, 600x459, 200:153, fff96ff29f10f0eaa338742f6c….gif)

File: 2fd659aae62aa19⋯.jpg (161.34 KB, 1949x1091, 1949:1091, 2fd659aae62aa1939845517ee2….jpg)

File: e28c0c9f07610f0⋯.jpg (153.28 KB, 1864x1113, 1864:1113, e28c0c9f07610f0ae4838b3590….jpg)

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54b249  No.13315937


What does Iran want really, really badly? Could China supply that material illegally? Would it benefit either or both? Something stinks.

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72d934  No.13315938

File: 9341b0e8d06cae9⋯.png (795.25 KB, 631x430, 631:430, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 947ee41701e5092⋯.png (224.68 KB, 564x522, 94:87, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 99f8206b17b7649⋯.png (311.91 KB, 824x513, 824:513, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dce7d26e0fbbdf0⋯.png (256.44 KB, 777x442, 777:442, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e75b17df2fb8fb2⋯.png (359.58 KB, 634x480, 317:240, ClipboardImage.png)

Trans Reddit Mod Under Fire for Inviting Minors to Their Home for Hormone Shots, Behind Parents Backs

Trans Reddit moderator Ianna Drew Urquhart is facing scrutiny for allegedly having minors come to their apartment to take hormones and puberty blockers — apparently without their parent’s knowledge or consent.

In a post on Reddit, Urquhart joked that “with the number of trans girls that have come thru my apartment, I need to rename it Drewie’s House of Wayward Trans Girls.”

Speaking to a young Reddit user under their handle “Drewiepoodle,” Urquhart wrote, “if you want me to jab you with a very sharp needle and load you up with two weeks of SUPER GIRL JUICE, then come on over. lord knows i’ve given plenty of trans girls, plenty of shots from my supply.”

The moderator added that their “girlfriend or one of my other roomies will be more than happy to slip you a spiro, or 30.”

Spiro refers to Spironolactone, a prescription drug used to lower testosterone levels and reduce the body’s response to testosterone.

Last week, Reddit fired a controversial new-hire, former Reddit moderator and U.K. politician Aimee Knight.

Previously known by the surname Challenor, Knight, who is also transgender, was suspended by the U.K Green Party in 2018 for hiring their father on to their campaign. Their father was charged with taking indecent photographs, false imprisonment, rape and sexual assault of a child in November 2016.

Knight’s ties to pedophiles don’t end there.

The following year, Knight was suspended by the Liberal Democrats, the next political party they attempted to join, when people noticed that their husband Nathaniel Knight has been writing and sharing child rape fantasies online.


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8f1607  No.13315939

File: 5549145804c93b1⋯.mp4 (12.14 MB, 640x640, 1:1, SummerofLoveWHAT.mp4)

File: 2589702a75fb002⋯.jpg (52.26 KB, 570x472, 285:236, uddlesadwack.jpg)




Oh shit….

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dfafee  No.13315940

File: 4076a1c8e711caf⋯.jpg (23.8 KB, 390x634, 195:317, TheHiddenTyranny.jpg)

File: b1e50d3f2c40207⋯.pdf (534.21 KB, rosy.pdf)

America and the world is now covered in political, economic, moral and social problems which need to be acted upon by Christian people. As Edmund Burke stated: "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." But before we can properly act we need a proper (not just a superficial) understanding of the problem. This booklet will help provide the reader with that understanding. (24 Pages)

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a1503e  No.13315941


Not really advertising for HBO. More advertising for the Q documentary. It seems there would be some people on this board who might be interested in such a thing. It just so happens to be on HBO.

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473be9  No.13315942

File: 0d3163f20487864⋯.jpg (113.68 KB, 750x746, 375:373, 1608636892050.jpg)


Amazing body!

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e79f21  No.13315943


Did the Asian violence just start in order to serve the narrative?

Or has the media not been covering it like they do with the sustained Chicago gun violence?

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13326b  No.13315944

File: d5d799fda5dca26⋯.png (208.17 KB, 462x416, 231:208, quotes.png)


"live animals"

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72d934  No.13315945

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Soros Asset Management Is Betting Big On "Crypto Infrastructure"

During an interview with Bloomberg TV, Soros Asset Management CIO Dawn Fitzpatrick, one of the most powerful women in the asset-management industry, said her firm is betting on crypto for the long term.

But rather than focusing on the virtual currency itself, Fitzpatrick said she is focusing on "the whole infrastructure" surrounding crypto.

Bloomberg: "Do you have an especially high level of conviction, high or negative, about strategies or themes?"

Fitzpatrick: "We think the whole infrastructure around crypto is really interesting and we have been making some investments into that infrastructure…we think that is at an inflection point."

These "crypto infrastructure" plays include exchanges, asset managers, custodians and companies that purport to help with taxes on crypto gains. Just yesterday, it was reported that Soros Asset Management has invested in Lukka in the company's $53 million Series D funding round. Her comments also come just days after Coinbase, one of the most visible crypto firms, and one of the most popular exchanges.

Also this week: Fidelity announced plans to launch its own bitcoin ETF, the firm's latest step in trying to establish itself as a leading establishment player in helping retirement savers add bitcoin exposure to their portfolios.

Asked about potential threats to crypto's rise, Fitzpatrick noted that growing interest in digital currencies from central banks might pose a threat, especially as the PBOC continues with its trials, eager to cement its first-mover status by launching the digital yuan, or "e-RMB", in the next year or so. Jerome Powell and Christine Lagarde have expressed interest in digital currency projects of their own, and earlier this month, John Rubino explained why central banks projects could be the first big test for bitcoin.

Fitzpatrick also described China's involvement as "a potential threat" to bitcoin. Though she believes BTC will survive.

"The one thing also when you think about bitcoin, central bank digital currencies are going to be here quicker than people expect. China has been running their trial for a while now, and I think there are some strategic reasons why they're going to be a first mover, and I do think that, from a geopolitical perspective, they want to use that digital currency…they want it to be used around the world.


"I think it's a real threat, but I don't think they'll be successful at permanently destabilizing bitcoin.

Readers can watch the clip from the interview below:



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409fe1  No.13315946


When the FBI only enforces the law against one party (Republicans) but not against the other party (Democrats) that makes them a politicized organization with police powers.

Or in other words:


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ac2774  No.13315947

File: 1faff10f9a9e5e6⋯.png (57.88 KB, 1025x410, 5:2, ClipboardImage.png)


I know this defn was posted long time ago.

how could patents be related to hillary.

What patents does the cabal hold on human trafficking or humans?

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f9e128  No.13315948

File: 1bc5492b204815b⋯.png (666.46 KB, 1891x850, 1891:850, Annotation_2021_03_28_1354….png)

Got a blue and white 757 from VIP squadron filing under the callsign ANON .

Doesn't get much better than this.

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7f90cb  No.13315949

File: a528951923800a2⋯.png (778.6 KB, 686x452, 343:226, Lion_Puke.PNG)


What springs to mind is not dying.

Is she immortal?!

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d1d151  No.13315950

File: 1b5294def876c0f⋯.png (543.64 KB, 549x551, 549:551, ClipboardImage.png)

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2cd9ac  No.13315951

File: 546700cfabaad6b⋯.png (572.39 KB, 1067x762, 1067:762, ClipboardImage.png)

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a6cf2c  No.13315952

File: 42cf0e8048cfaae⋯.gif (7.33 MB, 600x600, 1:1, ezgif_3_1cc7c10db6c9.gif)

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a1503e  No.13315953


You could just keep scrolling and ignore my posts. You could even add me to your filter list. That’s what I do when I see posts I’m not interested in or am tired of…

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299821  No.13315954




#16867 reposted in #16869

>>13314311 MSNBC hit piece: How QAnon helps its followers find conspiracy in chaos

>>13314397 Northern sea route traffic remains modest

>>13314407 Why Biden Sends Warships to the South China Sea, Just as Trump Did

>>13314451 Gazprom: Nord Stream 2 Construction To Be Completed In 2021

>>13314492 Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi Orders Operation To Lift Containers From Trapped Suez Canal Ship

>>13314532 Semi-Trailer Load of Illegal Aliens Unloaded in Pearsall, Texas – Going Viral! Who’s Behind This? (VIDEO)

>>13314569 Pope on Palm Sunday says devil taking advantage of pandemic

>>13314603 Syria forced to ration fuel as stricken ship keeps Suez Canal blocked

>>13314618 Over 861 Criminals Caught Crossing US Rio Grande Border including 63 Gang Members, 92 Sex Offenders and Murderers

>>13314702 Transportation Secretary Floats Taxing Drivers by the Mile to Pay for Infrastructure Bill

>>13314713 Declassified FBI notes show Steele claimed Fiona Hill knew about dossier source

>>13314723 Pinkerton: Biden Nominees Fall Prey to the Terrible Temptation of Twitter

>>13314751 Bill Maher: Infrastructure Bill ‘Is a Trojan Horse for Green Energy

>>13314761 The Podesta Leap bun (pb)

>>13314770, >>13314778, >>13314812, >>13314819 RESOLUTION condemning and censuring President Barack Obama

>>13314842 Biden Operative Harasses, Tries to Block Sen. Ted Cruz from Filming Joe Biden’s Caged Children (VIDEO)

>>13314534 Nommed anon theory on current plan to topple the DS

>>13315000 The plot thickens as the Ever Given prepares to unload its cargo

>>13315019 Only Half of Drugs Removed by Sewage Treatment

>>13314433 UK Insurance company calls vaccine "experimental treatment" - adverse reactions not covered

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5502af  No.13315955

File: 8031572311f0611⋯.jpg (45.25 KB, 630x339, 210:113, says_alot.JPG)

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821aca  No.13315956



Found the Chinese sympathizer pushing their propaganda.

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409fe1  No.13315957


He is a coward

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c5b888  No.13315958


pls be nice we're all friends here

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0d2dc3  No.13315959

File: ac0335c862fe3e4⋯.png (850.67 KB, 790x480, 79:48, ClipboardImage.png)

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b8a2d7  No.13315960


"They openly call you SHEEP/CATTLE."

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3c9f7c  No.13315961



Revenger [E]

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abfc64  No.13315962

>>13315703 (pb)

As opposed to, what - doing nothing (if it won't budge) and letting it sit there for what, six months or more, then bring in the Indian scrappy's and cut it up?

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63552f  No.13315963


>pls be nice we're all friends here

Boy are you misguided.

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287b1a  No.13315964

File: afd75757928bf97⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1100x619, 1100:619, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 09bc7f5e3399f3e⋯.png (1003.99 KB, 1200x605, 240:121, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2eb634400a99604⋯.png (614.17 KB, 600x402, 100:67, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 067a202cfc844ba⋯.png (80.69 KB, 713x559, 713:559, ClipboardImage.png)

Wizards and Warlocks

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7f90cb  No.13315965

File: 5c93cc23c48dcf0⋯.png (173.54 KB, 564x562, 282:281, ClipboardImage.png)


Callsign changed to SAM952 now. %% Message received??

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e6393f  No.13315966

File: 665dc4993433e89⋯.jpg (305.03 KB, 1200x801, 400:267, 665dc4993433e8982b51e0e12b….jpg)

File: 52021e907996892⋯.png (653.93 KB, 720x960, 3:4, ty_planefags.png)


Ty planefag!

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a2b25a  No.13315967

File: 55d603f60370585⋯.png (996.4 KB, 2250x2250, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Let me assure the people that don't know - this is real.

The "1" indicates that this is the 123 line in NYC which traverses from the

Financial District

GAY West Village

Upper West Side.

You couldn't get a more assinine set of people even backstage at the DNC Convention.

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97a009  No.13315968

File: 6bd731d4ebfac66⋯.png (4.03 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

mask up, mofos

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e79f21  No.13315969


Evergreen also refers to contracts that automatically renew if neither party notifies the other of cancellation.

There probably are a bunch of these buried in the dark corners of government.

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a6cf2c  No.13315970

File: 32bc847b3e899f7⋯.png (87.24 KB, 263x342, 263:342, d01024d00f2cc742037933f012….png)

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1b16f4  No.13315971


i said shut the FUCK up

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72d934  No.13315972

File: fe4ea8ec3f394c7⋯.png (299.04 KB, 469x458, 469:458, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7eefc8c9d3dcf79⋯.png (44.13 KB, 840x344, 105:43, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3ed6a9ba81224d2⋯.png (269.84 KB, 849x623, 849:623, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e4cba91964f585e⋯.png (25.1 KB, 768x277, 768:277, ClipboardImage.png)

Fury after CNN refers to Uber Eats driver’s death during carjacking by black teen girls as ‘accident’

CNN has been blasted on Twitter for using the term “accident” while describing an attempted carjacking by two black teen girls that led to the death of the victim, an Uber Eats driver.

The crime in question happened on Tuesday in Washington, DC and was filmed by an eyewitness. The graphic video shows a scuffle at a car, which then speeds away with the driver clinging to open door. The vehicle is seen crashing at a nearby intersection, turning on its side. The driver can be seen lying motionless several meters away by a fence, while two carjackers climb out of the car and are apprehended.

The two girls, aged 13 and 15, were arrested and charged with felony murder and armed carjacking. The victim, who died during the carjacking attempt, was identified as Mohammad Anwar, 66, an immigrant from Pakistan, who was working as an Uber Eats delivery man. His family started a fundraising page in his name, which says he was a hard-working family provider, “a beloved husband, father, grandfather, uncle, and friend who always provided a smile when you needed one.”

Some recalled another infamous description aired by CNN last August, when the network was covering a public disturbance in Kenosha, Wisconsin after a police officer shot and crippled black man Jacob Blake. It ran a caption calling the events “fiery, but mostly peaceful protests,” a spectacular contrast to the burning cars in the background.


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335b36  No.13315973

File: 95d266e69f7584c⋯.jpeg (346.09 KB, 1241x1657, 1241:1657, 334535BB_18E2_4C6B_BBE2_1….jpeg)

There better some good military leaders left, that’s all I’ve got to say


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238952  No.13315974

I believe that all the "woke" chatter about Dr. Suess wasn't at all about Dr. Suess.

The cabal wanted to get the word out about something happening in the future:

The Suez canal.

Suess is nearly pronounced the same way as Suez in English.

They knew.

And wanted to warn their cronies.

(Dumb lefties took it literally….)

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2ccfec  No.13315975

File: a5c1144d5935c73⋯.png (57.5 KB, 185x200, 37:40, 200328.png)

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f29694  No.13315976

MP4s now play on iPhone

also, can't post when logged into google; had to go incognito to post

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409fe1  No.13315977

When the FBI only enforces the law against one party (Republicans) but not against the other party (Democrats) that makes them a politicized organization with police powers.

Or in other words:


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dfafee  No.13315978

File: 7d0951718b230c1⋯.jpg (1.64 MB, 1074x1592, 537:796, USA.jpg)

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144410  No.13315979

File: 4d7581076e89703⋯.png (305.68 KB, 460x259, 460:259, ClipboardImage.png)

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6cf5c9  No.13315980


I like it!

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d6fdad  No.13315981


Evergreen = Anything that is continually renewed.

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692810  No.13315982

File: 4bb162fdcc50d93⋯.jpg (141.2 KB, 1516x857, 1516:857, Largest_Survival_Community….JPG)

File: f2ed8b87df23aac⋯.jpg (159.06 KB, 1755x824, 1755:824, Vivos_xPoint_Shelters_web_….JPG)

File: fbdaf3a360553d1⋯.jpg (151.55 KB, 1315x647, 1315:647, Vivos_xPoint_Shelters.JPG)

File: 0f8c00985e4df61⋯.jpg (19.85 KB, 467x138, 467:138, 17_secs_underground_lab.JPG)

File: 13cd31e39e58235⋯.jpg (66.84 KB, 863x472, 863:472, Walmart_Chinese_Missouri.JPG)


I found out it was this…my question was a response to a earlier post, then I remembered two posts from 01/20/19…

The Largest Survival Community On Earth


I know where I'm heading if shit hits the fan!!!

Click on video

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bcaf8a  No.13315983

File: 617ebf28ae64fec⋯.jpg (72.11 KB, 499x750, 499:750, 617ebf28ae64fec792fa64dfff….jpg)

Good mornin, peaches!

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9a59f6  No.13315984


Active from 96-01. Officers I spoke to said it began back then, with officers that said they would not fire on citizens finding their careers stagnated.

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f9e128  No.13315985

File: 8a4e42d60da04c8⋯.png (756.68 KB, 1905x885, 127:59, Annotation_2021_03_28_1359….png)


ANON switched callsigns to SAM952 at takeoff. Glad I capped it.

Hiya dune, SoCal PF! ;)

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e79f21  No.13315986

File: 3893ed6d2f8ab29⋯.png (76.51 KB, 692x634, 346:317, Screen_Shot_2021_03_28_at_….png)



Q !UW.yye1fxo 03/15/2018 22:41:56




[John Perry Barlow]






1000 pieces.


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2ccfec  No.13315987

File: bb468d2b1024f6d⋯.png (417.42 KB, 542x338, 271:169, a_virg_queen.png)

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8b7f24  No.13315988

File: 47b43219b63bbd0⋯.jpg (153.63 KB, 880x582, 440:291, GOODBYE_SHILL.jpg)


lol…born in blood… but is it just a coincidence, or something deeper.

Being one of the largest container companies, I'm going for coincidence.

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72d934  No.13315989

File: 530adb9cb0982a1⋯.png (343.93 KB, 553x538, 553:538, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ccf34508b0dc00a⋯.png (419.87 KB, 549x541, 549:541, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 875505686e14037⋯.png (646.03 KB, 570x803, 570:803, ClipboardImage.png)

They’re Not Sending Their Best: Over 861 Criminals Caught Crossing US Rio Grande Border including 63 Gang Members, 92 Sex Offenders and Murderers

Salvadoran murdered captured at the US border

This is Joe Biden’s America.

As the massive wave of Biden migrants flood across the US southern border, US border patrol agents continue to arrest and identify hundreds of criminals including rapists, gang members, and murderers.


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800353  No.13315990

File: 238e4d541a47468⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1100x1095, 220:219, ItHurts.png)

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e6393f  No.13315991

File: 529719903202a12⋯.png (1.23 MB, 720x900, 4:5, country_girl_pepe_love.png)

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eab519  No.13315992


>Found the Chinese sympathizer pushing their propaganda.

How exactly does that work, fucking retard.

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bcaf8a  No.13315993


Pedo coin. The question on everyone's minds is DeFi the way forward? The second question on everyone's minds if DeFi wins, is, who's going to take the most advantage of it? Us or them?

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1afa84  No.13315994


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97a009  No.13315995


oh yeah!

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692810  No.13315996

File: 4936068c81f318e⋯.mp4 (10.72 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Largets_survival_community….mp4)


Sorry, video didn't load…too many files I clicked on…

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be77fc  No.13315997

File: f0b21e0728e7884⋯.png (145.65 KB, 331x338, 331:338, wow.png)


>Fury after CNN refers to Uber Eats driver’s death during carjacking by black teen girls as ‘accident’

Dindu nuffins.

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f9d711  No.13315998

File: 0c83106061eca6d⋯.mp4 (3.81 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 0c83106061eca6deb359072f6f….mp4)


as he promised

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13326b  No.13315999

File: 99490be2efb57ea⋯.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1170x1392, 195:232, 137628f1cddf5403b9d8026e0….jpeg)

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c346ca  No.13316000


Playing on my iPad. A first. Wonder what changed

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821aca  No.13316001


Try reading the article written by a bunch of spooks blaming America for pushing the world towards war. Then go shove a gerbil up your ass - clown.

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2cd9ac  No.13316002

File: 9ed38e5b5cea01f⋯.png (207.43 KB, 496x343, 496:343, ClipboardImage.png)


don't be an insidious cunt then

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430238  No.13316003

Anyone remember this video from 2015 (safe)? 11B-X-1371


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72d934  No.13316004

File: 85436e5b943726a⋯.png (815.83 KB, 812x460, 203:115, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 64d9173f9d7283e⋯.png (21.3 KB, 589x208, 589:208, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 735c5ac446652b6⋯.png (15.81 KB, 558x160, 279:80, ClipboardImage.png)

‘So proud to have a woman justifying mass murder!’ Secretary of State Blinken roasted for calling Albright his role model

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken caught flak after he praised the legacy of Madeleine Albright, who once appeared to justify the deaths of Iraqi children, saying that she made the country “more respected globally.”

Blinken took to Twitter on Friday to hail Albright, a former US ambassador to the UN and secretary of state under former President Bill Clinton, as a ‘woman of courage’.

“During her diplomatic career as U.S. Ambassador to the UN & the first female Secretary of State, her tenacity & effectiveness left the U.S. stronger & more respected globally,” Blinken tweeted, adding that Albright is a role model for him and “many of our diplomats.”

His choice of role model struck many as odd. The replies were inundated with the clip of Albright’s infamous 60 Minutes interview with Lesley Stahl, in which Albright said that the deaths of half a million Iraqi children allegedly due to sanctions was “worth it.”

“Albright, yourself, and your predecessor Pompeo all prove that the US only chooses literal psychopaths to head the State Department,” Independent Australian journalist Caitlin Johnstone tweeted, calling the State Department “America’s other war department.”

“So proud to have a woman justifying mass murder! Neoliberal imperialism. It’s like the slow-boiling lobster. People don’t realize it until it’s too late,” a self-professed anti-fascist and BLM supporter said.

Another critic said that with his praise for Albright, he was at least admitting that imposing sanctions that cause children to suffer is what US officials deem “role-model behavior.”

Albright later criticized Stahl’s interview, claiming she unwittingly fell into a trap planted by the journalist and did not mean to suggest that Iraqi children are dispensable. However, the backlash she faced following the segment did not appear to influence her views on the issue of sanctions. Asked at an event in Charlottesville in 2012 about the US sanctions on Iran, Albright outright rejected the parallel with Iraq, saying they were “absolutely not the same.”

Albright was also one of the most outspoken champions of the 1999 US-led NATO bombing of Yugoslavia, over alleged atrocities against ethnic Albanians in Kosovo.

She has also been criticized for blocking UN peacekeepers from intervening in the Rwanda genocide, among other things.

Most recently, the former diplomat courted controversy for saying there is “a special place in hell for women” who do not support then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.


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1ed661  No.13316005

File: 526e93088da427a⋯.png (1.04 MB, 654x613, 654:613, 526e93088da427a4e5297013e6….png)

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1afa84  No.13316006


Police said the girls, 13 and 15, assaulted an Uber Eats driver with a Taser while carjacking him, which led to an accident in which he was fatally injured.


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5eb4d9  No.13316007


Like with adrenochrome??????

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473be9  No.13316008

File: c8f3007f168bb5e⋯.jpg (94.08 KB, 940x940, 1:1, Complicated_checkmate_in_3.jpg)

Black to move and checkmate in 3.

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e4b76f  No.13316009

File: 9d1a7dde348c18d⋯.png (869.57 KB, 736x490, 368:245, FF32A588_9019_4ED2_8259_54….png)

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000000  No.13316010


Young Blood keeps you young. Evergreen.

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a6cf2c  No.13316011

File: 159d91a9f7a2da0⋯.webm (4.44 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, xxed.webm)


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c5b888  No.13316012


there's always religious debate here I just wanna see where anons lie

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97a009  No.13316013


All I see here is 3 dildos.

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eab519  No.13316014

File: e089ea976135837⋯.png (505.09 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_2021_03_24_Logi….png)

File: b31da9b3c52bd66⋯.png (549.36 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_2021_03_24_Logi….png)

File: 2a83b23456841c1⋯.png (567.24 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_2021_03_24_Logi….png)

File: 43b9c782aa5ef30⋯.png (704.17 KB, 1368x1554, 228:259, Screenshot_2021_03_23_Gara….png)


>Try reading the article written by a bunch of spooks blaming America for pushing the world towards war. Then go shove a gerbil up your ass - clown.

Just because you don't like it doesn't make it less true, faggot.

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bcaf8a  No.13316015


It's actually a well done movie. It just didn't take off like others did. I feel like it most definitely has a lot of inside imagery/story for people that get it. I didn't "get it" until after Q.

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409fe1  No.13316016

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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d1d151  No.13316017

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



"You have to know these things when you are King you know…"

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1afa84  No.13316019

File: 9980867da7c8cf2⋯.png (79.41 KB, 166x617, 166:617, trmp.png)

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f9e128  No.13316020

File: 53b6305d96c2bd1⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1832x1374, 4:3, 53b6305d96c2bd13837d759b8f….png)


Doing my little part. Actually feel like this is more potent sometimes than when I was in operations…both in LE and certainly than when flying. Weird. This feels more like the tip of the spear.

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c9a638  No.13316021

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pornography is a literal national security threat, here is the undeniable proof

In this video the author proves pornography is a literal crysis as bad as a nation wide heroine epidemic (and this is not an exaggeration, the author proves exactly that in the video).


Also related:


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2d8630  No.13316022


in B4 OMG Pedo Swirl on her HAT!!!

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007aca  No.13316023

File: cad10dee784a57e⋯.png (278.42 KB, 384x576, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Reasons Why The Jews Have Been Expelled From 132 Host Nations That They Had Migrated To:1,030 Times!

*Thanks to the research anon who provided the Sauce material for these interdasting little-known facts.

Page 10 of 44

1288 A.D. - Naples, Italy - Jews Expelled (http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/timeline-ofjewish-history-in-italy)

1288-1289 A.D. - Bavaria, Germany - Jews Expelled after Pogroms

(James F. Harris, 'ThePeople Speak: Anti-Semitism and Emancipation in 19th Century Bavaria', p. 13)

1289 A.D. - Anjou, France - Jews Expelled by King Charles of Anjou

(R. Rist, 'Popes and Jews,1095-1291')

1289 A.D. - Maine, France - Jews Expelled by King Charles of Anjou

(R. Rist, 'Popes and Jews,1095-1291')

1290 A.D. - England - Jews Expelled by King Edward I

(Robin R. Mundill, 'England's Jewish Problem: Experiment and Expulsion, 1262-1290', p. 1)

1290 A.D. - Naples, Italy - Jews Expelled/Forced Conversion

(C. Roth, 'The History of theJews of Italy', p. 118)

1290-1292 A.D. Apulia, Italy (and other towns) Jews Expelled/Conversion;Ritual Murder of Christian child

(C. Roth, 'The History of the Jews of Italy', p. 100)

1291 A.D. - Niort, France - Jews Expelled

(R. Rist, 'Popes and Jews, 1095-1291')

1291 A.D. - Paris, France - Jews Expelled to protect them from Christians wanting to kill Jews for already killing Christians

(P.E. Grosser/E.G. Halperin, 'Anti-Semitism: Causes and Effects')

1292 A.D. - Italy - Jews Expelled/Forced to Convert

(P.E. Grosser/E.G. Halperin, 'AntiSemitism:Causes and Effects')

1293-1294 A.D. - Berne, Switzerland - Jews Expelled for Ritual Murder


1294 A.D. - Nevers, France - Jews Expelled

(R. Rist, 'Popes and Jews, 1095-1291)

1298 A.D. - Rindfleisch, Germany - Jews Expelled after rebellion occurs after Ritual Murder charges

(Bell and Burnett, 'Jews, Judaism, and The Reformation In Sixteenth Century Germany', p. 34)

1306 A.D. - France - Jews Expelled by King Philip IV

(William C. Jordan, 'The French Monarchy and the Jews: From Philip Augustus to the Last Capetians', p. 31; Bell and Burnett,' Jews, Judaism, and The Reformation in Sixteenth Century Germany', p. 33)

1310 A.D. - Provence, France - Jew's Expulsion requests from ecclesiastics denied by King Robert due to Jewish bribe. (http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/provence

1310 A.D. - Gerace, Italy - Jews Expelled after pogrom

(C. Roth, 'The History of the Jews ofItaly', p. 271)

1319 A.D. - Breslau, Germany - Jews Expelled (www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/breslau)

1320 A.D. - Milan, Italy - Jews Expelled by The Podesta

(C. Roth, 'The History of the Jews of Italy', p. 127, 142

1320 A.D. - The Papal States, Italy - Jews Expelled by Queen Sancia but soon readmitted due to Bribe

(C. Roth, 'The History of the Jews of Italy', p. 142)

1321 A.D. - France - Jews Expelled by King Charles IV

(R. Rist, 'Popes and Jews, 1095-1291)

1321 A.D. - Small Town in France - Jews Expelled by King Phillip V for Ritual Murder of Christian child

(Joshua Johnson, 'The Evil Bible')

1322 A.D. - Small Towns in France - Jews Expelled (again) (William C. Jordan, 'The French Monarchy and the Jews: From Philip Augustus to the Last Capetians', p. 32; Bell and Burnett,' Jews, Judaism, and The Reformation in Sixteenth Century Germany', p. 33)

1325 A.D. - Brindisi, Italy - Jews Expelled/forced into baptism

(C. Roth, 'The History of theJews of Italy', p. 271)

1326 A.D. - Pressburg, Germany - Jews Expelled at city council's request


1327 A.D. - Iglasias, Italy - Jews Expelled due to Medical/Financial Malpractice

(C. Roth, 'The History of the Jews of Italy', p. 263)

Sauce: https://christiansfortruth.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/COMPLETE-LIST-OF-JEWISH-EXPULSIONS-copy.pdf

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e4b76f  No.13316025

File: f060023aadaf508⋯.jpeg (60.35 KB, 640x474, 320:237, 5B3AC221_A9AA_4E6F_B606_1….jpeg)


What if the Bible was actually intended as sarcasm?

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312865  No.13316026


>Tell everyone you know that Biden and Kamala are running a child trafficking ring down at the border!

A question if I may:

what pleasure do you get from being a retard spamming retarded shit?

Not asking for a friend.

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eab519  No.13316027


>Try reading the article written by a bunch of spooks blaming America for pushing the world towards war. Then go shove a gerbil up your ass - clown.

Also, which parts of the article are you claiming are factually incorrect??

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72d934  No.13316028

File: 0ca5538ad29b394⋯.png (535.35 KB, 650x517, 650:517, ClipboardImage.png)

Alabama Shakes drummer Steve Johnson busted on child abuse charges

Alabama Shakes drummer Steve Johnson was being held in jail on Sunday on charges of “willful torture” and abuse of a child, according to reports and jail records.

The founding member of the Grammy Award-winning rock band was arrested on Wednesday and was ordered held in Alabama’s Limestone County Jail on Sunday morning, jail records show.

He was indicted on charges of willful torture, willful abuse and cruelly beating or otherwise willfully maltreating a child under the age of 18, News 19 said. No further details were given on the alleged abuse.

The 35-year-old rocker was also accused of violating conditions of his probation given along with a one-year suspended sentence in March 2020 after he pleaded guilty to violating a protective order, WAFF said.

The Limestone County District Attorney, Brian Jones, asked the court to revoke that suspended sentence after the latest accusations, the outlet said.

He alleged that Johnson “failed to avoid injurious or vicious habits” and “failed to avoid persons or places of disreputable or harmful conduct or character,” according to WAFF.

Johnson was held on bond set at $21,500, records show. It was not clear if he has an attorney who could comment on the charges. Managers for the band did not immediately respond to an emailed request for comment.

An arraignment date is set for April 7.


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1afa84  No.13316029

File: fd0f50b2cba0cee⋯.png (1.1 MB, 755x611, 755:611, burg.png)


Did you bring your handcuffs with you?

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c5b888  No.13316030

File: 780bf8329867eeb⋯.jpg (308.87 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 1280px_Simonino_Trento.jpg)


>tfw when vatican caved to pressure and removed the canonization of St Simon of Trent who was ritually murdered

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103c27  No.13316031

File: 4444e85f6c3f1c9⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1149x735, 383:245, planefag_miramar_dd.PNG)


dey like using that outta SoCal nao

C-32B, V-22 Ospreys and those C-17s outta LAX recently

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144410  No.13316032

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fe5a07  No.13316033


yes, discussed 4 years ago.

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144410  No.13316034

File: 493de941933ae36⋯.jpg (88.35 KB, 1103x437, 1103:437, COVID_Shot_DATA.JPG)

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e6393f  No.13316035

File: 820962ee76941f5⋯.gif (359.32 KB, 640x636, 160:159, 820962ee76941f5c529d971bab….gif)

File: d8598673ddc3ce7⋯.gif (3.07 MB, 440x440, 1:1, d8598673ddc3ce711ead251e58….gif)

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123b02  No.13316036


> audio of the Southwest pilot

Prius or Volvo would have made moar sense.

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f9d711  No.13316037

File: 6b8bee17287581d⋯.png (643.21 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ea5d94433bea2af⋯.png (214.88 KB, 500x373, 500:373, ClipboardImage.png)


"…to fire on US Citizens if so ordered."

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72d934  No.13316038

Fauci’s Orders: Children Not Allowed To Play Together Unmasked Until They’re All Vaxxed

Children must either wear masks or segregate between the vaccinated and unvaccinated, says Fauci.

While appearing on a Sunday show, Anthony Fauci made yet another controversial COVID-19 health dictate that seems to go against the science: Children are not allowed to play together while unmasked unless they have all been vaccinated.

When asked about children playing together in groups, Fauci said “The children can clearly wind up getting infected,” and, therefore, When the children go out into the community, you want them to continue to wear masks when they’re interacting with groups or multiple households.”

Fauci did, however, offer a ray of hope for America’s children: They may be able to hit the jungle gym unmasked as soon as this summer. Apparently not wanting to allow too much hope, Fauci simply acknowledged, it is “conceivable that will be possible.” Should the current vaccination rate continue, he explained, then there is a “good degree of flexibility during the summer … with things like camps.”

Fauci did not note that children suffering serious symptoms from COVID-19 is incredibly rare. Children account for only 13% of COVID-19 cases, per the Mayo Clinic, and of those who do contract the China-originated virus, “Many of them have no symptoms,” reports Harvard Health. “Those that do get sick tend to experience milder symptoms such as low-grade fever, fatigue, and cough.”

The Biden regime appears to let the longest serving government employee make decisions for the entire country on a regular basis, in sharp contrast to the Trump administration, which repeatedly sidelined Fauci. National File reported:

“I got along with him fine, but I didn’t listen to him too much,” President Trump continued. “He said don’t close it up to China, and I did, very early. He said don’t close it up to Europe, you know we had the problem with Italy and France, I did, I closed it up to Europe very, very early. He said don’t wear masks, masks don’t work, they’re no good, no good.”

“The way I look at it, you saw him throw out the first pitch in Washington, right? He is a better pitcher than he is at what he does,” said President Trump, referencing an almost comically bad pitch from Fauci that went nowhere near its intended destination.

“But he’s a great promoter, but I got along with him,” joked the former President. “If you really look, I didn’t really listen to him too much because I was doing the opposite of what he was saying.”

President Trump also referred to Fauci as a “media creation,” something that seems apt considering he is now the subject of a disturbing children’s book.


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23cd5b  No.13316039


>A question if I may:

>what pleasure do you get from being a retard spamming retarded shit?

>Not asking for a friend.

I spread propaganda against the deep state it gives my life purpose. I am a patriot and we will win.

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300cde  No.13316040

File: b8fe4ead8908feb⋯.png (28.75 KB, 522x217, 522:217, 2020_03_22_WE_CANNOT_LET_T….png)

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fe5a07  No.13316041


what sends 99% to the hospital?

I got the china virus, so did everyone in the house.

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692810  No.13316042

File: 23e767cd4c6f27c⋯.png (530.97 KB, 1086x3645, 362:1215, jennifer_psaki_Carnegie_VP.png)

File: 1a4c313c00a34c9⋯.jpg (228.58 KB, 2015x680, 403:136, Jennifer_Psaki_Organizer_E….jpg)

File: cf1af95833ba534⋯.jpg (54.22 KB, 580x600, 29:30, Jennifer_Psaki_Organizer_E….jpg)

File: 62e854b2c45fa82⋯.jpg (78.16 KB, 607x601, 607:601, Twitter_post_on_Jennifer_P….JPG)


Jennifer Psaki- Evergreen Consulting

Hmmmm #Evergreen, Jen?



How curious. Worked for Kerry, O’Bummer AND it appears you are an Israeli spy, as well? Care to comment?



Care to tell the American people what your hidden agenda is?


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2ccfec  No.13316043

File: 98431b872321edf⋯.png (783.07 KB, 489x600, 163:200, a_virg_green.png)

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a6cf2c  No.13316044

File: 35d569a9884078a⋯.jpg (45.76 KB, 618x480, 103:80, 35d569a9884078ac0e681f4674….jpg)

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007aca  No.13316045

File: 4dd1e3574864020⋯.png (118.54 KB, 163x310, 163:310, ClipboardImage.png)


What if the Talmud was intended as sarcasm?

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d1d151  No.13316046

File: d9b932bae8f4203⋯.png (979.33 KB, 736x490, 368:245, ClipboardImage.png)

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e79f21  No.13316047

File: 77c8d064231363d⋯.png (781.83 KB, 495x544, 495:544, PlaneFagsRock.png)

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a2b25a  No.13316048

File: 1a50f1cf7b64a50⋯.png (19.39 KB, 615x161, 615:161, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 745fc8d42093d94⋯.png (591.27 KB, 601x1280, 601:1280, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cdb5b806c71761c⋯.png (16.54 KB, 723x186, 241:62, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5953bd901140108⋯.png (191.44 KB, 438x463, 438:463, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6de5757b49e189b⋯.png (37.28 KB, 916x220, 229:55, ClipboardImage.png)


Passover March 28, 2021 (first full day)

Crossing the Red Sea happened 25 days later - April 22

January 20th + 93 days = April 23, 2021

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312865  No.13316049

File: a8ad42d7b4a1aaa⋯.jpg (785.02 KB, 1446x2048, 723:1024, ingrish1.jpg)

File: 0883f9b91fb724c⋯.png (16.94 KB, 213x255, 71:85, grammar_kitty_speling.png)


>In this video the author proves pornography is a literal crysis as bad as a nation wide heroine epidemic

God damn it, I wish there were a heroine epidemic where I live.

All there is is a bunch of fat slags.

Also, do you even ingrish, bro?

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ce8755  No.13316050

File: e030092a184bef5⋯.jpg (49.29 KB, 436x504, 109:126, e030092a184bef5d9a36d94be9….jpg)

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1afa84  No.13316051

File: c082071cb8e5777⋯.png (1.69 MB, 1242x2001, 18:29, ClipboardImage.png)

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fe5a07  No.13316052


sadly he's gonna lose his job because of woke

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1b16f4  No.13316053



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e79f21  No.13316054


From now on, the only response to anything Fauci says is:

Fuck Off Fauci!

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299821  No.13316055

>>13316038 Fauci’s Orders: Children Not Allowed To Play Together Unmasked Until They’re All Vaxxed


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f9d711  No.13316056

File: cb66d78ae6920bb⋯.png (4.21 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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1afa84  No.13316057

File: 2f87e855257adae⋯.png (924.28 KB, 793x639, 793:639, theo.png)

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f9e128  No.13316058


I didn't want to call it out again in case it would get someone in hot water…you know they're tryna boil Pepe these days. Actually thought it might be somebody /picrel/ kek… ;)

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72d934  No.13316059

File: de3ad333b5ded5f⋯.png (38.45 KB, 680x528, 85:66, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4aaad9a1034ba8d⋯.png (65.65 KB, 656x831, 656:831, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f535fa028cb544⋯.png (10.33 KB, 633x165, 211:55, ClipboardImage.png)

US Military Ordered ‘Clandestine Burning’ of Toxic Chemicals in Poor Neighborhoods

New research conducted by environmental justice scholars at Vermont’s Bennington College reveals that between 2016 and 2020, the U.S. military oversaw the “clandestine burning” of more than 20 million pounds of Aqueous Fire Fighting Foam in low-income communities around the country—even though there is no evidence that incineration destroys the toxic “forever chemicals” that make up the foam and are linked to a range of cancers, developmental disorders, immune dysfunction, and infertility.

“Weighing out its own liability against the health of these communities, the Pentagon struck the match.”

—David Bond, Bennington College

“In defiance of common sense and environmental expertise, the Department of Defense (DOD) has enlisted poor communities across the U.S. as unwilling test subjects in its toxic experiment with burning AFFF,” David Bond, associate director of the Center for the Advancement of Public Action at Bennington College, said (pdf) in a statement earlier this week.

Noting that scientists, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and even Pentagon officials have warned that “burning AFFF is an unproven method and dangerous mix that threatens the health of millions of Americans,” Bond characterized the decision of the military to dump huge stockpiles of AFFF and AFFF wastewater into “a handful of habitually negligent incinerators” as a “harebrained” operation as well as a manifestation of environmental injustice.

“In effect,” he added, “the Pentagon redistributed its AFFF problem into poor and working-class neighborhoods.”

After months of compiling and analyzing data—obtained last year from the Pentagon and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation—the team from Vermont launched an interactive website this week that publicizes for the first time the results of their investigation into all known shipments of AFFF to hazardous waste incinerators in the U.S.

The Bennington College researchers summarized their findings as follows:

Over 20 million pounds of the toxic firefighting foam AFFF and AFFF wastewater was incinerated between 2016-2020;

The U.S. military, the EPA, and state regulators all expressed serious concern about the ability of incineration to destroy the toxic chemicals in AFFF during this time;

Six incinerators were contracted to burn AFFF. Each is a habitual violator of environmental law. Since 2017, three of the incinerators were out of compliance with environmental law 100% of the time while the other incinerators were out of compliance with environmental law about 50% of the time;

35% of known shipments of AFFF (7.7 million pounds) was burned at the Norlite Hazardous Waste Incinerator in Cohoes, New York, located within a densely populated urban area and less than 400 feet from a public housing complex. Norlite burned 2.47 million pounds of AFFF and 5.3 million pounds of AFFF wastewater, which likely was burned in violation of its Resource Conservation and Recovery Act permit;

40% of the national stockpile of AFFF (5.5 million pounds) was sent to “fuel-blending” facilities where it was mixed into fuels for industrial use. It is not clear where the AFFF-laden fuel went next, although the DOD contract stipulates incineration should be the endpoint; and

970,000 pounds of AFFF was burned overseas.


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3161fa  No.13316060

File: a945024153a73f3⋯.jpg (74.07 KB, 438x600, 73:100, 438px_Joan_of_Arc_WWI_lith….jpg)



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eab519  No.13316061


>Try reading the article written by a bunch of spooks blaming America for pushing the world towards war. Then go shove a gerbil up your ass - clown.

Weird how a patriot such as yourself is here defending the Biden Admins obvious attempts to start a war with China that is designed for America to lose with incompetent leadership. Fucking clown ass glow nigger.

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0d2dc3  No.13316062

File: 77ac460d09c0e30⋯.png (505.08 KB, 960x440, 24:11, hillary_madeline_albright.png)

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a075d9  No.13316063


Links dinkanon.

If you're going to spam this every few minutes fucking


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787c9d  No.13316064

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


When the second function of the virus kicks in and we all turn into zombies.

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a6cf2c  No.13316065

File: 2358d4cfd847d3a⋯.webm (2.85 MB, 720x480, 3:2, hpapydayzz.webm)

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373b9e  No.13316066

File: 1827913f532a131⋯.png (244.31 KB, 731x684, 731:684, vaxDED.png)

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144410  No.13316067

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ce8755  No.13316068

File: 5a228564cd28d90⋯.png (353.71 KB, 1291x552, 1291:552, Lowest_tide_Max_stress_01.png)



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103c27  No.13316069


it's fair game if on ADS-B

Not spoiling anything imo.

they know they are being watched so no harm there

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25a8d5  No.13316070

File: af38f0b74aeb181⋯.jpg (131.99 KB, 940x940, 1:1, c8f3007f168bb5eed95270325b….jpg)

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8b7f24  No.13316071

File: 00d8056d871a1a1⋯.jpg (18.25 KB, 192x230, 96:115, IDIOTS_EVERYWHERE.jpg)

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312865  No.13316072


Why did I expect to see Nasim's face on Joan?


If I had some Nasim memes, I would have added it myself.

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fe5a07  No.13316073


when do we expose the voter fraud and get Trump back? Because I dont wanna have to learn to speak spanish and mandrin

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f9a86d  No.13316074

File: 0a075db3266dff7⋯.gif (981.99 KB, 500x273, 500:273, bouncy_tits_bewbs.gif)

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f9e128  No.13316075

File: 55bef5a05afcc97⋯.png (910.14 KB, 1905x864, 635:288, Annotation_2021_03_28_1411….png)


Just FWIW…it's pretty common for brass birds to be heading back to work base on Sunday afternoons.

What is more interesting is all the 737s that are NOT VIP birds (personnel transports). 6 of 7 are troop/personnel birds moving peeps around. FYI.

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30392b  No.13316076

File: f63a0f18ca3bd82⋯.png (29.59 KB, 771x331, 771:331, Screen_Shot_2021_03_28_at_….png)

Signal is down


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72d934  No.13316077

Repost from graveyard shift

China's cyberwarfare attack on 2020 US election tied to Mitch McConnells CCP connected wife Elaine Chao


New evidence shows US government and the American Scientific establishment involved in cover up of covid-19s origin


Shady Biden Port Deals


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f9d711  No.13316078

File: 644a304cbc70f3d⋯.png (53.41 KB, 313x358, 313:358, ClipboardImage.png)


what the fuck is going on?

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000000  No.13316079

I am reluctant to post this. Perhaps it would be wiser if I did not. But the level of insight available here has seriously stumbled and I think that is because we are in the eye of the storm and all hell is about to break loose.

I've been here since late 2017 … made (ISTR) three jumps to stay with the program. Oldtimers … what say you? Feels like we have arrived at the turning point. We either take our country back now, or never.

Everything is so carefully balanced that a little actual randomness would cause pretty much everything to fall. Maybe that's what Q meant by "D5". And I am beginning to see the benefit of that because as long as the communists control the flow of events, they win. Once the cards begin to fall randomly, though, their victory is no longer certain.

I just can't understand why anyone would sell this country down the river. If they understand history at all, they should know what happens to their sort once the communists have control. The communists KNOW that they will betray those to whom loyalty is owed … so they line them up and gun them down.

Professors … did you learn nothing from the killing fields of Vietnam?

It seems clear that we cannot trust the upper ranks of the military. The rank and file … probably – they are our sons and daughters. But those commanding them have, by and large, abandoned their posts and now serve America's enemies.

The Mayor of DC just defended two murderers because they are black and female and so is she. I think that I can confidently say that she would not have defended white males - she's never done so in the past. Through her racism and unwillingness to face reality, SHE is an accomplice in this murder. She could have led other blacks to lead prosperous lives of responsibility … instead, ignoring the changes in this country since 1861, she dog-piled on white men as being the source of all black problems. She blamed the man they killed, who was simply trying to actually EARN a living, for "allowing" them to kill him. He is blamed for not mistrusting the (age 13 & 15) girls enough. Had he mistrusted them "enough"(not allow them in his car), he'd have been accused of being a racist. He's not a racist … just a guy trying to cover the rent with maybe a little left over for the grandkids.

Not a thought from that woman's mouth that the girls might be wrong for deciding to commit this crime. No "This man came here as a refugee - an invited guest of our country - it is wrong to kill him." No "What has happened to the black family that two teen girls would undertake this crime and be so callous that their only concern afterward was to find their cell phones?" No "Have our schools come to this … that these girls were out on the street during school hours, robbing and murdering people?"

This cannot continue. This must stop here.

The SINGLE THING that Q accomplished was to bring us together to consider the issues of our day and push for some soltuions. We have been betrayed by the Democrat party and Dominion, with the urging and assistance of the Chinese Communist Party. Many of the heads of our government should now be stretched out and drying on the walls of buildings all across this country. CDC KNEW it was lying. NIH KNEW it was lying, WHO should be forcibly, at bayonet point, be evicted from our soil forever this very day … and the remainder of the UN should leave tomorrow. The Federal Reserve board should be nationalized by 7 pm tonight.

There are a thousand changes that we, the people, can see the need for and yet NONE of them will happen. We were within weeks of having the wall on our southern border complete. And then this wrecking crew was handed the keys to the White House.

That they put a fence up to defend the inauguration tells you that they know that they stole power and were not given it.

For nine months last year, they allowed fires set by anarchists and leftists to burn all across our country. Billions of dollars worth of our sweat went up in flames and lives were taken with impunity.

And yet it is WE who are labeled as extremists and terrorists.


I'm an old man with little left to fight with and not much in the way of material goods to fight for. But I have grandchildren. It is my will that they live in the freedom that is their birthright.

I am not posting using TOR to hide my identity. I am posting using TOR because I am unable to post via Clearnet.

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692810  No.13316080

Last night/early this morning…exchange between two Anons…

Hilariously funny!!!

>>13313217 (lb)

Here's my thinking…the butt and dick/balls maneuver was just practice…when "Ever Given" got up to the spot where he want to pull off the ops…they knew that had control of the ship and how close of a turn they could go to port then a quick hard starboard turn…but what do I know…I'm just anonymous…right???

The response!!!

>>13313268 (lb)

>butt and dick/balls maneuver was just practice

Yeah, I'm sure that's in the manual.

"Make the balls rounder, Samir, I beg you!"

Corrected misspellings

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373b9e  No.13316081

File: 6c56b080f96d376⋯.jpg (15.91 KB, 199x254, 199:254, vax.jpg)


>Children Not Allowed To Play Together Unmasked Until They’re All Vaxxed


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4b96bb  No.13316082


There is an evergreen biome in the video game Raft. Just saying- kinda Interdasting.

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409fe1  No.13316083


>I spread propaganda against the deep state it gives my life purpose. I am a patriot and we will win.

>“Stolen elections have consequences”

“Patriots will now convince the majority of people that the Democrats are all pedophiles and sick satanic monsters who run child trafficking rings.”

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144410  No.13316084


That is the sad truth.

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e79f21  No.13316085

File: 6357d2314450a45⋯.png (571.56 KB, 1046x666, 523:333, oneredping.png)

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1afa84  No.13316086

File: 14c0b2ffd25472e⋯.png (116.25 KB, 852x594, 142:99, ClipboardImage.png)



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2cd9ac  No.13316087

File: 7b5d026cd0dd3ac⋯.png (973.55 KB, 1367x12133, 1367:12133, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dd29bdccd6a5373⋯.png (105.63 KB, 1391x749, 13:7, ClipboardImage.png)



>The Suez canal.

>Suess is nearly pronounced the same way as Suez in English.

Theodor Seuss Geisel, better known by his pen name Dr. Seuss, was a writer and cartoonist who published over 60 books. He published his first children's book, And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street, under the name of Dr. Seuss in 1937.

Early Life

Geisel was born on March 2, 1904, in Springfield, Massachusetts. His father, Theodor Robert Geisel, was a successful brewmaster; his mother was Henrietta Seuss Geisel.

At age 18, Geisel left home to attend Dartmouth College, where he became the editor in chief of its humor magazine, Jack-O-Lantern. When Geisel and his friends were caught drinking in his dorm room one night, in violation of Prohibition law, he was kicked off the magazine staff, but continued to contribute to it using the pseudonym "Seuss."

After graduating from Dartmouth, Geisel attended the University of Oxford in England, with plans to eventually become a professor. In 1927, he dropped out of Oxford.


Geisel School of Medicine

The Geisel School of Medicine is the medical school of Dartmouth College, an Ivy League research university located in Hanover, New Hampshire, United States. The fourth-oldest medical school in the United States, it was founded in 1797 by New England physician Nathan Smith and grew steadily over the course of the 19th century. Several milestones in medical care and research have taken place at Dartmouth, including the first clinical X-ray (1896), the first intensive care unit in the United States (1955),[4] and the Brattleboro rat (1961).[5]

A cooperative program with Brown Medical School began in 1981 where students received training at both medical schools.[15] Fifteen to twenty students were selected for the program, which combined the first two years of basic science coursework at Dartmouth with the final two years of clinical coursework at Brown. The program balanced Dartmouth's greater basic science facilities than Brown, but fewer clinical facilities than available at the urban setting of Brown, which is located in Providence, Rhode Island. Graduates of the program received M.D. degrees from Brown. The program was discontinued in 2010.[16]

In 1991, the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center was established on a 225-acre (0.91 km2) campus in Lebanon, New Hampshire. The three-year project, completed at the cost of $228 million, served as a replacement for the Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital, which was partially demolished in the early 1990s.[17][18] A new curriculum was introduced in 1996 entitled "New Directions." The curriculum, still in place today, seeks to promote small classes, reduce the amount of lectures, and offer students extensive interactive experience with patients.[19] 2009 saw the successful completion of a $250 million capital campaign.[20]

On April 4, 2012, the Dartmouth Medical School was renamed the Audrey and Theodor Geisel School of Medicine in honor of their many years of generosity to the College.[21]

more to be unwound indeed see link,


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a2b25a  No.13316088

File: 76a1f552604ce43⋯.png (1.87 MB, 3300x2550, 22:17, ClipboardImage.png)



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335b36  No.13316089

File: 8012882ac222049⋯.jpeg (107.42 KB, 938x839, 938:839, C27EAF52_BD99_4B7E_8D46_6….jpeg)

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77b6ee  No.13316090

File: 73a3db97ad103bb⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1620x2160, 3:4, F2B468E3_B18A_4B35_B48E_1E….png)

For the first time in 100 years, the endangered California condor will return to the Pacific Northwest. Once on the brink of extinction, this iconic species has made significant steps towards recovery. This week, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Park Service and the Yurok Tribe announced a final rule that will help facilitate the creation of a new California condor release facility for the reintroduction of condors to Yurok Ancestral Territory and Redwood National Park, which is in the northern portion of the species’ historic range. This facility will be operated by the Northern California Condor Restoration Program, a partnership between Redwood National Park and Yurok Tribe.

The rule will designate the condors affiliated with this program as a nonessential, experimental population under the Endangered Species Act. This status will provide needed flexibility in managing the reintroduced population, reduce the regulatory impact of reintroducing a federally listed species and facilitate cooperative conservation.

The California condor is a shining example of how a species can be brought back from the brink of extinction through the power of partnerships,” said Paul Souza, regional director for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s California-Great Basin Region. “I would like to thank the Yurok Tribe, National Park Service, our state partners and others who were instrumental in this project. Together, we can help recover and conserve this magnificent species for future generations.”


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fe5a07  No.13316091


never heard of them but good, and put him in the general population.

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8f1607  No.13316092

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c5b888  No.13316093

>Taiwan's Evergreen Marine Corp, which is operating the ship on a lease on behalf of the Japanese company that owns it

Where was the ever given going? And from where?

How does one fuck up so badly? Foul play suspected? This seems beyond incompetence.

Who planned it and why?

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f9e128  No.13316094


You may take the active. Everyone else go around.

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919d56  No.13316095

File: f724a640fae3824⋯.png (507.96 KB, 892x632, 223:158, anthony_fauci_dirty_underw….png)

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4ce529  No.13316096


Announcement geared more to ships blocked in the canal and those at sea enroute.

No quick fix in a day or two. At sea, go around the horn, in the canal, call the company office and ask what to do.

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30392b  No.13316097

File: 6f386fa8823f266⋯.png (81.54 KB, 767x692, 767:692, Screen_Shot_2021_03_28_at_….png)


NYState down as well…interesting

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72d934  No.13316098

File: 5ddbc307333347d⋯.png (498.63 KB, 681x914, 681:914, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5ea00b0161cdfc1⋯.png (423.3 KB, 678x916, 339:458, ClipboardImage.png)

VP Kamala Harris Dodges Anti-Migration Task Set by Joe Biden

Vice President Kamala Harris is dodging a Wednesday request by President Joe Biden to bolster the enforcement of migration laws in Mexico and Latin American countries.

On March 24, in a televised statement, Biden directed Harris to get the Mexican and Central American governments to forcibly block poor migrants moving towards the United States. Biden said: “The Vice President … agreed to lead our diplomatic effort and work with those nations to accept returnees and enhance migration enforcement at their borders — at their borders.” [emphasis added]

Biden said that Harris would work with “the countries that need help in stemming the movement of so many folks, stemming the migration to our southern border,” and added that it was a “tough job.”

On Friday, Symone Sanders, Harris’s press secretary, redefined the request.

“The president asked the vice president to take on the diplomatic effort, with Mexico and countries in the northern triangle to address the root causes of migration,” she said. “There are many reasons that move these folks to make this dangerous journey.”

“This is an amazing dismissal by a vice president of her president in a very public fashion,” said Ken Cuccinelli, who served as deputy homeland security chief under President Donald Trump. “I cannot ever remember seeing this happen before.”

He continued:

Harris’s avoidance of enforcement or any attempt to stem illegal immigration flow points out that they actually want large numbers of illegal aliens to come into the country. Their other legislative and executive actions make clear they intend to then give them amnesty and have them registered to vote and ultimately of course to vote.

According to the video of his statement, Biden asked Harris to do much more than Sanders’ claim of “take on the diplomatic effort.”

Biden said:

It’s our responsibility to deal with [the migration], humanely, and to in to stop what’s happening. So this [migration] increase has been consequential, but the Vice President has agreed … — and I appreciate it — agreed to lead our diplomatic effort and work with those nations to accept the returnees, and enhance migration enforcement at their borders, and their borders.

We’re already talking with Mexico about that. She’s already done that. We’re dealing with a full team, now that we have to been able to deal with problems here at home, but also to deal with it now in terms of in-countries.

And I can think of nobody who is better qualified to do this than … the woman who ran the second largest Attorney General’s office in America, after the United States Attorney General in the state of California, and has done a great deal of upholding human rights but also fighting organized crime in the process.

So, it is not her full responsibility in the job, but she’s leading the effort.

I think the best thing to do is to put someone who when he or she speaks [people] don’t have to wonder about “Is that where the President is?” When she speaks, she speaks for me.. [She] doesn’t have to check with me, she knows what she’s doing, and I hope we can move this along.

So Madam Vice President, thank you. I gave you a tough job and you’re smiling.


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373b9e  No.13316099

File: 2ae62885818c124⋯.jpg (161.14 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 93days.jpg)


>January 20th + 93 days = April 23, 2021

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473be9  No.13316100


When you play rook to H8 white can play Rook to H3

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72d934  No.13316101

File: 71ff1b8638d4f19⋯.png (540.42 KB, 669x369, 223:123, ClipboardImage.png)

Biden Staffer Blocks Cruz From Taking Video at Migrant Facility

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) showed video of a woman he identified as a Biden administration staffer blocking him from recording at a migrant facility on this week’s broadcast of Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Morning Futures.”

While Cruz was trying to film at the Border Patrol facility in Donna, Texas, the staffer blocking his camera said, “Please give dignity to the people. Please give dignity to the people.”

Cruz said, “So you work for the commissioner. You’re a senior adviser. You were hired two weeks ago, and you’re instructed to ask us to not have any pictures taken here because the political leadership at DHS does not want the American people to know it.”

The staffer responded, “Please don’t treat the people as such.”

Cruz said, “Your policies are unfortunately trying to hide them. I understand that you were instructed. I respect them, and I want to fix this situation, and the administration that you work for is responsible for these conditions.”

Discussing the video, Cruz said, “The Donna facility where that video you just showed was taken, the Donna facility is this giant tent city that they’ve built. It’s massive. It’s designed to hold a thousand people, but under COVID restrictions, its capacity is 250. It right now has over 4,000 people in it. It is at a 1,500% capacity, and that meant you saw in these cages children, little boys and little girls, side by side, they’re not 6-feet apart,” Cruz said on Sunday.

Hew added, “In that facility, children are testing positive for COVID at roughly a 10% rate.”


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1afa84  No.13316102

Streamable embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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ec17c5  No.13316103


>>13314311 Hit Piece on Q Research - How Q Research helps its followers find conspiracy in chaos

>>13314342 NY Post - How to beat the woke: Never apologize, rally friends and punch back harder

>>13314349 Lin Wood: Rest well. Continue to walk by faith and not by sight. God bless you. - Lin (video link)

>>13314390 Russia Intensifies Control Over Northern Sea Route Shipping, But Suez May Still Win

>>13314397 Northern Sea Route Transit Traffic Remains Modest

>>13314408 Remarks from Cabal Crime Syndicate Chief Merrick B. Garland on the Recent Increases in Bias-Motivated Attacks

>>13314418 Comments by several highly qualified doctors, warning of possible unforeseen dangers of mRNA technology. Food for thought.

>>13314421 JUST IN - Armenian Prime Minister announces resignation.

>>13314423 Sharon Osbourne is out of 'The Talk' after arguing with a co-host about her defense of Piers Morgan's criticism of Meghan Markle.

>>13314428 In Europe 3,964 People Have Died from Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines” – 162,610 Injuries

>>13314433 Insurance company calls vaccine "experimental treatment" - adverse reactions not covered

>>13314451 Gazprom: Nord Stream 2 Construction To Be Completed In 2021

>>13314466 Shock-Weary Global Economy Girds for Supply Jolt From Suez Mess

>>13314472 Sidney Powell: China And Iran Stole The 2020 Election

>>13314492 Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi Orders Operation To Lift Containers From Trapped Suez Canal Ship

>>13314501 China Virus experimental biological agents, particularly the mRNA versions, are setting up the human race for a MASS DEATH EVENT in the very near future.

>>13314532 Semi-Trailer Load of Illegal Aliens Unloaded in Pearsall, Texas – Going Viral! Who’s Behind This?

>>13314564 , >>13314649 Steve Bannon and Mike Lindell video…

>>13314603 Syria forced to ration fuel as stricken ship keeps Suez Canal blocked?

>>13314618 They’re Not Sending Their Best: Over 861 Criminals Caught Crossing US Rio Grande Border including 63 Gang Members, 92 Sex Offenders and Murderers

>>13314663 3 year delta Q Posts - HRC 2.12.09 Very BAD!

>>13314679 The Great Reset has already happened when corporations glorify profits over human capital to be cared for

>>13314702 Cabal Transportation Minister Floats Taxing Drivers by the Mile to Pay for Infrastructure Bill

>>13314703 RINO Controlled Opposition Senator Tim Scott: Biden and the Dems Are Flip-Flopping on Filibuster While Using Race as 'Scare Tactic'

>>13314713 Declassified FBI notes show Steele claimed Fiona Hill knew about dossier source

>>13314751 Infrastructure Bill ‘Is a Trojan Horse for Green Energy

>>13314792 The 16 Year Plan To Destroy America

>>13314842 Biden Cabal Operative Harasses, Tries to Block RINO Sen. Ted Cruz from Filming Joe Biden’s Caged Children (look here not there)

>>13314845 Emails show Hunter Biden had deals with Romania?

>>13314534 , >>13315003 Trump had to 'lose' and be out of power so that military takeover cannot be blamed on him - the left would never accept it.

>>13314854 Just a reminder – this is the former campaign manager for Candidate Pete ButtGig, now Secretary of (child) Transportation.

>>13314883 ABC Spews Lies About GOP Targeting Biden's 'Black Voters' With Reforms

>>13315019 Only about half of the prescription drugs and other newly emerging contaminants in sewage are removed by treatment plants says a new report

>>13315060 UK Insurance Giant NOT covering Covid Vaccine side effects.

>>13315071 US Special Operations Command ‘Not Aware’ of Top Hire’s Anti-Trump Posts


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4b96bb  No.13316104

Guess that’s why Clinton was “Evergreen”- so sick.

Is there mention of evergreen in the emails?

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54b249  No.13316105


Hmmm, biblical. 10 plagues before Pharaoh finally let Israel go. The last plague is commemorated in Passover and is the one that forced Pharaoh to let them go.

Crossing of the Red Sea was because God didn't want them to take the north road, so He sent them south along the western edge of the Red Sea. Pharaoh thought he had them trapped and bottled up on the beach of Nuweiba. They WERE trapped but God had a plan.

God then parted the waters and allowed Israel to escape over to the Saudi side of the Red Sea and when Pharaoh and his armies followed, the Read Sea swallowed them up. Thus, the people were saved from Egypt.

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692810  No.13316106

File: 9fe0b62887e9d41⋯.jpg (15.82 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Dexter_deserve_to_live.jpg)

File: 4f340f51a68a13e⋯.jpg (12.63 KB, 255x179, 255:179, Dexter_Clinton.jpg)

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287b1a  No.13316107

File: 67dfde77fe2527b⋯.png (993.34 KB, 1511x495, 1511:495, ClipboardImage.png)

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123b02  No.13316108


Lowest tide = best dredging.

Highest tide = best pulling.

Millenial tide = best culling.

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299821  No.13316109


Anybody even notice these past notables?

Why bother collecting them?

Anons do not even notice

You want more note collectors? Please support them

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ac2774  No.13316110

File: 33f9a90a05c2316⋯.png (45.9 KB, 890x351, 890:351, ClipboardImage.png)


Gay priests: Breaking the silence

CBSNews 4 hrs ago

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299821  No.13316111


Did you get these?


Please acknowledge.

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409fe1  No.13316112


>>I spread propaganda against the deep state it gives my life purpose. I am a patriot and we will win.

>>“Stolen elections have consequences”

>“Patriots will now convince the majority of people that the Democrats are all pedophiles and sick satanic monsters who run child trafficking rings.”


“Patriots will now convince the majority of people that the Democrats are all pedophiles and sick satanic monsters who run child trafficking rings.”

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123b02  No.13316113

File: 122e6df47cc88c9⋯.png (596.63 KB, 728x734, 364:367, Tide_Wine.png)


forgot pic, now it's not funny any moar.

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d6fdad  No.13316114



In modern parlance, sure.

"For the highest spiritual working one must accordingly choose that victim which contains the greatest and purest force. A male child of perfect innocence and high intelligence 7) is the most satisfactory and suitable victim."


It's a tale as old as time.

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a2b25a  No.13316115


All will be fine.

Find solace in that.this is a giant global Jade Helm exercise. The people that initiated it aren't gonna just let go and watch all shit hell come to pass.

I know it it seems tough to swallow…it's meant to be…to push you to your limits and then back off and do it again….and again., while operators operate and civilians stay as safe as possible.

Have faith.

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258a90  No.13316116

File: 10c69a2ecae1f86⋯.jpg (42.73 KB, 680x510, 4:3, 1611013518841.jpg)

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238952  No.13316117


Like Q said:

Evil is everywhere.

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9a59f6  No.13316119

File: f6dfcfcd28a98ac⋯.gif (2.99 MB, 252x263, 252:263, f6dfcfcd28a98ac6b9065bd1bb….gif)

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ec17c5  No.13316120


Got 'em anon. Thanks

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77b6ee  No.13316122

File: 19090ecdf0b19c0⋯.png (430.6 KB, 2160x1620, 4:3, 11DBF50F_DC9A_4703_B682_F6….png)

California inmate dies after recreation yard stabbingSUSANVILLE, Calif. (AP) — A California prison inmate died Friday after being stabbed in a recreation yard, officials said.

Guards used pepper spray and gas to stop the attack. Despite life-saving measures, Dye was pronounced dead shortly before noon.

Dye arrived at the prison from Butte County in 2009 to serve nearly 49 1/2 years to life for attempted second-degree murder, possession of a controlled substance and receiving stolen property, authorities said.

William R. Dye, 52, was attacked by two inmates and injured with a homemade weapon at High Desert State Prison in Susanville, northeast of Sacramento, according to a statement from the state Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.


a gun must not have been available

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72d934  No.13316123

File: 845aa258826cb83⋯.png (266.59 KB, 587x510, 587:510, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 771c48d90753199⋯.png (359.13 KB, 567x463, 567:463, ClipboardImage.png)

Swedish Populist Politician Receives Threatening Letter Containing Bullet

A member of the populist Sweden Democrats claims he received a threatening letter containing a single 9mm bullet at his home.

The politician, who has not been named, found the letter when he arrived at his home on Wednesday and reported the incident to the police, who are now investigating the threat.

Jan Lorentzon, group leader for the Sweden Democrats (SD) in the municipality of Ljungby, spoke to online newspaper Nyheter Idag about the incident as the politician in question has declined to comment.

“There was a letter on the stairs when he came home after work and found there was a nine-millimetre bullet in the letter,” Lorentzon said, claiming the message’s content referenced the lawmaker’s political beliefs.

“There was something about ‘SD being racists’,” he said.

Lorentzon added that the incident was the first of its kind in the municipality.

“It is very unpleasant because it is an attack on the democracy that we have here in Sweden, which we have been protecting for quite a few years. But there are some who will then take liberties and disrupt it to get their agenda through,” he said.

Over the last several years, several Sweden Democrat politicians have not only been threatened but attacked as well.

The polling firm Demoskop published a study on municipal politicians across Sweden in 2019, which revealed that members of the party were the most likely to be subjected to threats or harassment.

The study revealed that 47 per cent of SD members claimed to have experienced threats, physical violence, or vandalism compared to 29 per cent of all parties’ politicians on average.

In one incident in 2018, a municipal politician in Stockholm saw an unidentified suspect attempt to set her home on fire late at night. She and her husband were able to extinguish the flames.


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f101b5  No.13316124

If you haven't watched this LT of And We Know shares info he received that the Ever Given may have been hacked hence the dick pick drawn just before entering the canal. That intel says white hats are in control of the ship. It's a good half way through the video but the whole video is worth the time to watch.


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299821  No.13316125

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800353  No.13316126

File: 07b23b1402d3e6a⋯.jpg (267.8 KB, 540x282, 90:47, PedoPunisher.jpg)


Moar, moar rapid, rapid death sentence!

Manowar Guitarist Karl Logan Pleads Guilty To Child Pornography Possession Charges

Former Manowar guitarist Karl Logan is facing at least 25 years in prison after pleading guilty to two counts of child pornography possession related charges. According to the Charlotte Observer, Logan admitted in court yesterday, July 24th, to having downloaded and subsequently stored videos of child pornography.


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c5b888  No.13316127

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72d934  No.13316129

File: 6494cc3820edacc⋯.png (413.83 KB, 558x496, 9:8, ClipboardImage.png)

Italy: Social Security Chief Proposes Expanding Basic Income to All Immigrants

The head of Italy’s social security entity has been criticised for calling to extend the basic income initiative to include migrants who have been in the country for less than ten years.

President of the Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale (INPS) Pasquale Tridico spoke to Italian media this week about his desire to expand the citizens’ income policy proposed by the Five Star Movement (M5S) in the first government headed by former Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte.

“The income benefit has a ten-year residence requirement in Italy. This seems excessive to me and does not exist in any other European country,” Tridico said, according to Il Giornale, and called for an increase of the money given based on the size of families.

Currently, Italians, EU citizens, or legal immigrants who have lived in the country for at least ten years are eligible for the citizens’ income, so long as household income does not exceed €9,360 ($11,040/£8,000).

Criticism came immediately from members of the centre-right coalition, such as populist Senator Matteo Salvini who called the idea “absurd” and demanded that the government help Italians facing difficulties first.

National-conservative Brothers of Italy (FdI) leader Giorgia Meloni also criticised the proposal, saying that “this would be yet another absurdity of a measure already totally insufficient to save our businesses on their knees”.

Senator Anna Maria Berini, a member of Silvio Berlusconi’s Forza Italia, called it “a nonsensical and inappropriate proposal, because this only feeds new social conflicts while we are in such a dramatic situation, with millions of Italians plunged into poverty due to the pandemic crisis.”

The Wuhan coronavirus pandemic has had a major impact on businesses in Italy, with the nation’s gross national product (GDP) shrinking by 8.9 per cent in 2020, down to the same level as 23 years ago.

Last month, a member of Milan’s Gastronomy Association estimated that up to 60 per cent of the restaurants and bars in Italy’s second-largest city could permanently close due to the lockdown restrictions implemented to combat the pandemic.


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0d2dc3  No.13316130

File: b2bf277f03eaf50⋯.png (393.12 KB, 704x521, 704:521, ClipboardImage.png)

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97a009  No.13316131


>now it's not funny any moar.

I keked!

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238952  No.13316132


Did you read my post at all?

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a6cf2c  No.13316133

File: 5e4a7171b93d0cc⋯.png (2.13 MB, 1126x754, 563:377, 5e4a7171b93d0cc41969a71e19….png)

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f9e128  No.13316134


I hear ya…easy enough to turn that Tx to the OFF position or file as whatever.

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2159b1  No.13316135

File: 40f43fb970c4688⋯.png (953.6 KB, 1293x829, 1293:829, 789631276868976.png)

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793671  No.13316136

File: 51406f6d9b05578⋯.png (520.67 KB, 957x725, 33:25, Screenshot_20210328_112518….png)

A man in Hawaii wore black face and delivered a racist rant when he appeared in court for sentencing after being convicted of attempted murder and assault, reports the Huffington Post. During his rant, he compared himself to a Black man. “The reason why I’m like this is because I prepared myself to play my part in your kangaroo court, treating me like a Black man. So today I’m going to be a Black man,” said Mark Char as he stood before Circuit Court Judge Todd Eddins. Hawaiian officials told KITV that Char appeared to have obtained a permanent marker to blacken his face. Before his court appearance, he refused requests from officials at his prison to remove the black from his face, reports KITV. Eddins sentenced Char to life in prison with the possibility of parole. While driving on Hawaii’s H-1 freeway in 2016, Char attacked another driver and his passenger with pepper spray before stabbing them, severely wounding the driver. Char also assaulted a third person, who had tried to intervene in the road rage incident. In court during his trial, Char claimed that the attacks were in self-defense. He was convicted on three counts of attempted murder and assault earlier this year. During his sentencing, Judge Eddins told Char that the was a “menace to society.”

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2cd9ac  No.13316137

File: bc6e46463688eeb⋯.png (20.15 KB, 666x151, 666:151, ClipboardImage.png)

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72d934  No.13316138

File: b19e10947c538a2⋯.png (723.2 KB, 662x767, 662:767, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1fe4a20045c127b⋯.png (748.85 KB, 651x826, 93:118, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d773f8a7985e092⋯.png (794.87 KB, 664x742, 332:371, ClipboardImage.png)

Endless Waves of Migrants Fleeing Poverty Overwhelm Border Patrol

Video shot this week in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas shows firsthand, the never-ending stream of migrants illegally entering the United States. Many of the migrants shared their stories as they made their way to a receiving area set up by the Border Patrol. The migrants, depending on where they illegally enter, walk up to several miles to reach the area where they will surrender.

In a few short hours, near Mission, Tx, Breitbart Texas observed more than 250 migrants illegally crossing the border from Mexico. The endless groups of migrants consisted mostly of whole families and unaccompanied children. Some unaccompanied children, as young as 9 years old, walked through the brush and farm fields in search of Border Patrol agents. The migrants guided themselves by following makeshift signs on sheets of plywood placed strategically to keep them from getting lost.


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02b31a  No.13316139


"because this only feeds new social conflicts"

All part of the (((plan))).

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bde5a8  No.13316140

File: e1cc1a054af8571⋯.png (950.79 KB, 1470x980, 3:2, A_Beautiful_Brave_New_Worl….png)



I'm not going to assume what other anons think, but I have some guesses, and don't mind giving you my take.

The Dead Sea scrolls go back a long ways into our ancient past. The interpretations over the hundreds/thousands of years are debateable, but it gets even more weird when the NT starts. God is real, but nearly every religion out there is getting it wrong because God always has and always will speak directly with creation.

Q will take the most inspirational of scriptures to use in communicating. Many others in public view (Pompeo, McEnany, others) are obviously using it as comms. Trump himself seems a bit awkward when reading from the Bible (perhaps intentionally?). The books were used by the RCC to control and take over mass swathes of land and people. The adaptive nature of the religion taking on pagan traditions to absorb more people should be a big clue, too.

If their portrayal of God is the absolute truth, then people would have been drawn to it without question. Instead, conversions needed to happen; usually forcible. It's vital to see where the early beginnings were such a vital part of how the new religion was made official. Finally, in a long series of debates and questions about the historicity of the man, the account of Jesus of Nazareth wasn't documented until long after the Temple was destroyed; which is a vital point.

The people that wrote about Jesus in the 4 Gospels (3 of which were either based on Matthew, or all 4 based on some "Q" source that was never officially published) made it look as if it was predicted to have happened when anyone can write a book 40 years after something happens, and place a series of events around the life of someone that may or may not have ever existed. Though the historicity of Jesus isn't as much in questions as the way it is detailed in the Bible.

The people that were preserving the Dead Sea scrolls would likely have been the ones that Jesus learned under before going to temple and owning the Pharisees (read "They weren't just Jews, btw) in logic/reason/doctrine. Their version of the Messiah was a warring general descendant of David. Just like how anons and the American public wanted DJT to declare war and destroy our enemies, the Israelites living back then wanted that from Jesus. Instead, they got a ministry transforming the way people think about God and one that completely turned Rome on its head.

That's why they took over control over the church so quickly. So the question becomes "How much of our doctrine is corrupt and completely inaccurate in order to psyop the people into giving up their spiritual life to a governing authority?".

Reread that last sentence, and you might be on your way to figuring out where a few anons are. You'll still get ardent defenders of the RCC, insisting their institution is salvageable. There are a number of anons that probably are along the lines of rejecting most, if not all forms of organized religion. Everyone else might range somewhere in between, or might even be taking the agnostic route while still doing what they can to help make the world a better place considering everything we've learned here.

The bottom line:

This world doesn't get better by "putting it in God's hands and praying for a miracle". It's get better when we get involved and bring criminals and the anti-humanity types to justice. There will always be evil people in this world working against nature and God's plan. It's our job to do what we can to right the path of this world's future; no matter what you think of God.

We're being shown a Godless world by our friends in control. Do you see it? What are you going to do about it?

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13326b  No.13316141



>Anybody game for going back and scraping the notables from #16867?

if you need it baker


>>13314433 Insurance company calls vaccine "experimental treatment"- adverse reactions not covered.

>>13315198 PB Bun Theory - The Plan map via Q drops

>>13313558, >>13313554, >>13313562, >>13313568, >>13313573, >>13313578, >>13313595, >>13313602, >>13313618, >>13313641 Autist Analysis of AGG Complex, Expanded, The Podesta Leap

>>13314342 How to beat the woke: Never apologize, rally friends and punch back harder

>>13314350 Boatfags - Panama canal

>>13314408 Attorney General Merrick B. Garland on the Recent "Increases" in Bias-Motivated Attack

>>13314500 Armenian Prime Minister Pashinyan announces he will resign in April

>>13314688 Judge Jeanine responds to Joy Behar's attacks

>>13314724 Dexter - what do you see! Evergreen! What was inside??

>>13314829 Polk County deputies arrested for evidence tampering

>>13314842 Biden Operative Harasses, Tries to Block Sen. Ted Cruz from Filming Joe Biden’s Caged Children

>>13314705 downloader tools missing from the dough?

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a1503e  No.13316142


Vaccine effects?

Revelation 16:1-2

[1] Then I heard a loud voice from the temple saying to the seven angels, “Go, pour out the seven bowls of God's wrath on the earth.” [2] The first angel went and poured out his bowl on the land, and ugly, festering sores broke out on the people who had the mark of the beast and worshiped its image.

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905e5b  No.13316143

File: bf29f89d44624e8⋯.png (244.14 KB, 499x499, 1:1, E8CA31EC_6130_44A0_920C_C1….png)

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97a009  No.13316144



Yeah, and Hildawg is/was a patent attorney.

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4ce529  No.13316145


Trump walked all over that plan. Should have been Harris's ride into the oval office by "fixing" the border problem.

She would have had to go head to head with Trump, which the networks would have had to cover. Her laugh and smirk piss people off, and it's reflexive, IMO.

Seeing other senators stepping up now and telling her to wipe the smirk off her face and get something done,

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300cde  No.13316146


There were tons more posts re: Dexter

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1ed661  No.13316147

File: b6e376474a4a51d⋯.mp4 (1.89 MB, 640x360, 16:9, corn.mp4)


corn and tares ripe for harvesting?

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ec2e76  No.13316148

File: 05ecda3d06fd98b⋯.jpg (130.94 KB, 720x870, 24:29, 20210328_121052.jpg)

File: e973f5ef35b0df8⋯.jpg (213.47 KB, 1288x968, 161:121, 20210328_120313.jpg)

File: a6e5caf5b86db8a⋯.jpg (138.31 KB, 720x1202, 360:601, 20210328_122345.jpg)

File: e9ffd3926ef9f41⋯.jpg (42.83 KB, 570x509, 570:509, 5e43eb782100005e00e90738_j….jpg)

File: fb71dd279f89776⋯.jpg (21.41 KB, 599x421, 599:421, 20210326_223103.jpg)


Mars rover looking back

On March 25th Elon tweeted a picture of the Mars Rover looking back at its tracks

, in April of 2013 there was a story on the Huffington post about how one of the Mars Rovers, Spirt or Opportunity had drawn a penis on the surface of mars


The previous Mars exploration vehicles, a pair of rovers named Spirit and Opportunity launched nine years ago, cost $800m in total. And it looks like one of the machines decided to make use of all that funding and draw an enormous ejaculating penis onto the surface of Mars. The impressive phallus comes from NASA”s website along with an explanation that the rovers tend to move in tight circles while exploring new terrain, thus creating shapes that could very easily approximate testicles. The best thing about the incident is that no one knows which of the two rovers is responsible for the drawing, which means we get to imagine Spirit and Opportunity giggling uncontrollable whilst roaming about, concockting (sorry) more lewd symbols to etch onto the universe.

with the Suez canal situation it seems interdasting

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ec17c5  No.13316149


>>13314311 Hit Piece on Q Research - How Q Research helps its followers find conspiracy in chaos

>>13314342 NY Post - How to beat the woke: Never apologize, rally friends and punch back harder

>>13314349 Lin Wood: Rest well. Continue to walk by faith and not by sight. God bless you. - Lin (video link)

>>13314390 Russia Intensifies Control Over Northern Sea Route Shipping, But Suez May Still Win

>>13314397 Northern Sea Route Transit Traffic Remains Modest

>>13314407 Why Biden Sends Warships to the South China Sea, Just as Trump Did

>>13314408 Remarks from Cabal Crime Syndicate Chief Merrick B. Garland on the Recent Increases in Bias-Motivated Attacks

>>13314418 Comments by several highly qualified doctors, warning of possible unforeseen dangers of mRNA technology. Food for thought.

>>13314421 JUST IN - Armenian Prime Minister announces resignation.

>>13314423 Sharon Osbourne is out of 'The Talk' after arguing with a co-host about her defense of Piers Morgan's criticism of Meghan Markle.

>>13314428 In Europe 3,964 People Have Died from Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines” – 162,610 Injuries

>>13314433 Insurance company calls vaccine "experimental treatment" - adverse reactions not covered

>>13314451 Gazprom: Nord Stream 2 Construction To Be Completed In 2021

>>13314466 Shock-Weary Global Economy Girds for Supply Jolt From Suez Mess

>>13314472 Sidney Powell: China And Iran Stole The 2020 Election

>>13314492 Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi Orders Operation To Lift Containers From Trapped Suez Canal Ship

>>13314501 China Virus experimental biological agents, particularly the mRNA versions, are setting up the human race for a MASS DEATH EVENT in the very near future.

>>13314532 Semi-Trailer Load of Illegal Aliens Unloaded in Pearsall, Texas – Going Viral! Who’s Behind This?

>>13314564 , >>13314649 Steve Bannon and Mike Lindell video…

>>13314569 Pope on Palm Sunday says devil taking advantage of pandemic

>>13314603 Syria forced to ration fuel as stricken ship keeps Suez Canal blocked?

>>13314618 They’re Not Sending Their Best: Over 861 Criminals Caught Crossing US Rio Grande Border including 63 Gang Members, 92 Sex Offenders and Murderers

>>13314663 3 year delta Q Posts - HRC 2.12.09 Very BAD!

>>13314679 The Great Reset has already happened when corporations glorify profits over human capital to be cared for

>>13314702 Cabal Transportation Minister Floats Taxing Drivers by the Mile to Pay for Infrastructure Bill

>>13314703 RINO Controlled Opposition Senator Tim Scott: Biden and the Dems Are Flip-Flopping on Filibuster While Using Race as 'Scare Tactic'

>>13314713 Declassified FBI notes show Steele claimed Fiona Hill knew about dossier source

>>13314723 Pinkerton: Biden Nominees Fall Prey to the Terrible Temptation of Twitter

>>13314751 Infrastructure Bill ‘Is a Trojan Horse for Green Energy

>>13314761 The Podesta Leap bun (pb)

>>13314770, >>13314778, >>13314812, >>13314819 RESOLUTION condemning and censuring President Barack Obama

>>13314792 The 16 Year Plan To Destroy America

>>13314842 Biden Cabal Operative Harasses, Tries to Block RINO Sen. Ted Cruz from Filming Joe Biden’s Caged Children (look here not there)

>>13314845 Emails show Hunter Biden had deals with Romania?

>>13314534 , >>13315003 Trump had to 'lose' and be out of power so that military takeover cannot be blamed on him - the left would never accept it.

>>13314854 Just a reminder – this is the former campaign manager for Candidate Pete ButtGig, now Secretary of (child) Transportation.

>>13314883 ABC Spews Lies About GOP Targeting Biden's 'Black Voters' With Reforms

>>13315000 The plot thickens as the Ever Given prepares to unload its cargo

>>13315019 Only about half of the prescription drugs and other newly emerging contaminants in sewage are removed by treatment plants says a new report

>>13315060 UK Insurance Giant NOT covering Covid Vaccine side effects.

>>13315071 US Special Operations Command ‘Not Aware’ of Top Hire’s Anti-Trump Posts


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144410  No.13316150


>If they understand history at all, they should know what happens to their sort once the communists have control. The communists KNOW that they will betray those to whom loyalty is owed … so they line them up and gun them down.

My heart is heavy too. My biggest upset is the Pedophilia, child sex trafficking, child killing, etc. It adds to the list of a total bombardment of evil shit happening in right front of our faces, while evils seems to thrive. We are at a boiling point. Things will burst. God will win, I am certain. Prayers.

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793671  No.13316151

File: 1eb6b150d6bef75⋯.jpg (24.58 KB, 397x223, 397:223, downloadfile_11.jpg)

Popular Korean television shows make fun of black people all the time.

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300cde  No.13316152


Or maybe that was last thread, idk anymore.

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007aca  No.13316153

File: 223fd9469c54dad⋯.png (154.05 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

Talia Lavin is a Jewish author (Q hit piece) who wrote a Book about White Supremacy

Talia Lavin, who is Jewish and the granddaughter of Holocaust survivors,[3] became motivated to investigate the topic following white supremacist rallies in Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017 where "Jews will not replace us!" was a rallying cry.[4]

In March 2019, Lavin sold Culture Warlords to editor Paul Whitlatch at Hachette Books.[1][5] It was published on October 13, 2020.[6][7]

Lavin invented online personae which allowed her to gain entry to white supremacist websites and chatrooms, gathering information for journalists and anti-fascist activists. The book describes these present-day encounters while also tracing “the distant and near history of the alt-right, from the medieval European blood libel to Henry Ford’s mainstreaming of anti-Semitic ideas to Gamergate and the stories of a radicalized adolescent YouTuber.”[3]

Talia Lavin has also written about Anti-Semitism for NPR.

Sauce: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Culture_Warlords

Sauce: https://www.npr.org/2020/11/04/931527391/white-supremacy-and-its-online-reach

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d0e89a  No.13316154

File: 9224c4f21648eaa⋯.png (13.3 KB, 550x309, 550:309, ClipboardImage.png)

Hi fools

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ce8755  No.13316155

File: 42407ca544563e6⋯.jpg (138.12 KB, 761x697, 761:697, 42407ca544563e6c81780f3dc4….jpg)

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a2b25a  No.13316156



Wonder if the ship breaks at low tide, spilling all the cargo in the canal….

And if the cargo is transport container missiles….well, wouldn't that be an Egyptian Soldier metaphor?


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919d56  No.13316157

File: 766e5852ae32fd9⋯.png (1.98 MB, 1288x968, 161:121, ClipboardImage.png)


There is a tiny something in there

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02b31a  No.13316158


Imported here by (((them))).

Imported by (((GS))) (who Trump told us not to worry about. Haha).

And that "poverty" that they are fleeing from was caused by (((them))) as well. (((They))) purposefully destroyed Latin America.

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0fd8f2  No.13316159

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cc9757  No.13316160


A "hot war" with China smells like a setup. This was probably the plan all along. The US military equipment was weakened by the end of Obama's 2nd term. Trump came in and strengthened it back up, but was it enough? Can the old plan still be pulled off, or has the cabal failed?

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312865  No.13316161

File: 1ad31ff13d5c8c7⋯.jpg (298.4 KB, 634x638, 317:319, rayciss_coon.jpg)

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e6393f  No.13316162

Streamable embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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54b249  No.13316163


Well, possibly, but the sores were a result of taking the mark of the beast in their hand or forehead, so, I dunno, could be I guess, but I suspect not. Although, the mark is a sort of symbol of allegiance to the beast so, how knows, maybe.

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e79f21  No.13316164


A major tool is telling people, "not to judge."

It's like the spiritual form of automatically being called a racist.

Causes people to police themselves and ignore their own observations.

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54b249  No.13316165


err, not how knows, who knows……arggghh need moar covfefe.

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eab519  No.13316166


> attempts to start a war with China that is designed for America to lose with incompetent leadership. Fucking clown ass glow nigger.


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800353  No.13316167

File: 5050de7d290f211⋯.jpg (1.35 MB, 2472x2637, 824:879, Burning_Earth.jpg)

File: 5c692b746540504⋯.jpg (318.65 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, BrokenWorld.jpg)


The hidden shot comes out!

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f9d711  No.13316168


>My heart is heavy too. My biggest upset is the Pedophilia, child sex trafficking, child killing, etc.



>I just can't understand why anyone would sell this country down the river.

me neither

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a2b25a  No.13316169

File: 72f70fe97583078⋯.png (154.41 KB, 1054x768, 527:384, ClipboardImage.png)


Now Signal….? Comcast?

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1a8591  No.13316170


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a1503e  No.13316171


Yeah, just thinking “Biblical”.

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e79f21  No.13316172


The Storm Is A Penis.

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f9a86d  No.13316173

File: 765c797a65011a6⋯.jpg (402.53 KB, 1224x871, 1224:871, pepe_frens_ready.jpg)

File: ef20507e3856c8a⋯.jpg (8.6 KB, 215x234, 215:234, feels_good_man_pepe.jpg)


> Commies don't learn.

No Shit. If they were able to learn, they would not be commies.

Every day, I am more-and-moar convinced that liberalism is the result of an organic defect in the brain.

> Moar text

Sorry fren, too much.

> Q brought us together

We were already together. We just didn't know where we were going. Now we have direction, and purpose.

Feels good, man.

> Clearnet is shit

Yeah, it depends on your ISP. Mine is fucking with their DNS, so I run my own DNS server within a VM or just use some host file entries, w/e.


> Vultures set to arrive in NW, which will result in an ammo ban.

Remember the three-S rule





> Active approach

ty, pf. Now, which one of these buttons works the windshield wipers?

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123b02  No.13316174


Your pain is witnessed.


>Have faith.

God is not a Larp. This is D5 level Intelligence.


You must be a slow reader.


>God will win, I am certain. Prayers.

Knows the way of Heaven.

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d0e89a  No.13316175


Yeah I bet thats what going to happen yep thats exactly whats going. I wonder if you have a god damn brain.

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0b3e7c  No.13316176


What was the name of the satellite the Italians found proof in the elections of hacking?

Interesting that the one used to show evergreen on the weather channel seems to be the Cnes2021, Distribution Airbus DS. Who owns that one?

When I looked it up a little while ago I could have sworn a simple google search showed it to be European.

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97a009  No.13316177


Maybe they think that cloning themselves makes then immortal?

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eab519  No.13316178


>Can the old plan still be pulled off, or has the cabal failed?


They are going to purge/weaken the military first.

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409fe1  No.13316179

File: b6fe92db578c119⋯.jpeg (290 KB, 640x643, 640:643, FDAC400D_219F_4899_892D_2….jpeg)

File: 45c9b63a6433ccd⋯.jpeg (398.56 KB, 640x874, 320:437, CCC644EF_D7C6_4D18_845A_4….jpeg)

File: 91585dc3e30e9f2⋯.jpeg (263.68 KB, 640x679, 640:679, AD57A6AA_B784_4346_ABB9_3….jpeg)

Biden is running a massive child trafficking ring on the southern border

So what would that make Kamala? Is she in on it too? Or is she just an enabler?

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000000  No.13316180

March is almost over. So much for your "madness"…

Oh well, guess you can try again next year.

And then the next year.

And then the next year.

And so on…

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d0e89a  No.13316181


Fuck frens and fuck you!

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312865  No.13316182



Purple text confirms would be auto fellater with too many ribs.

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72d934  No.13316183

File: ea42757ed596824⋯.png (1.32 MB, 716x913, 716:913, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 269543d26ffeeb7⋯.png (412.35 KB, 689x927, 689:927, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4d56e153492ef88⋯.png (530.17 KB, 778x921, 778:921, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 012f345e27bfb12⋯.png (636.42 KB, 779x900, 779:900, ClipboardImage.png)

Krispy Kreme CEO defends giving out free doughnuts to vaccinated customers, insists it is about generosity and 'if folks don't want to visit, they don't have to'

The CEO of Krispy Kreme is pushing back against criticism that the company is sending the wrong health message with its offer of a free doughnut to the vaccinated.

The doughnut franchise announced earlier this week that a COVID-19 vaccination card would be good for a free glazed doughnut through the end of the year.

'We all want to get COVID-19 behind us as fast as possible and we want to support everyone doing their part to make the country safe by getting vaccinated as soon as the vaccine is available to them,' Krispy Kreme said in a release.

But the announcement came with criticism, including from comedian Stephen Colbert, who couldn't help but mock how Krispy Kreme's well-intentioned offer could feed into America's obesity epidemic.

CEO Mike Tattersfield defended the company to Yahoo Finance on Friday.

'We're a sweet treat company, [and] if folks don't want to visit a doughnut shop, they don't have to,' Tattersfield said.

'[If] folks that want to get a vaccine, if they decide to combine a Krispy Kreme pickup [for] a doughnut, they can,' he continued. 'That's how we look at it…. generosity.'

There is no limit to how many times a customer can claim a free doughnut, and could score one a day for the rest of the year if they keep their vaccination card on hand.

Also, the brand promised to drop off free doughnuts for support workers and volunteers at vaccination sites across the US within the next few weeks.

Last year, Krispy Kreme also gave away a dozen glazed doughnuts to the country's healthcare workers when the pandemic first began to rage.


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d0e89a  No.13316184


Shut up dipshit!

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54b249  No.13316185


Yeah, funny thing though, the mark IS tied be being able to buy or sell, so…I dunno. Prob not, but I suppose it is possibly the, "vaccine," although I doubt it.

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3c9f7c  No.13316186

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4ce529  No.13316187


All the US military needs is something to take out the 3GD.

China can't stop that, all they can do is hold a retaliation mechanism, like bioweapons, nukes, in a MAD scenario.

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0d2dc3  No.13316188

File: cc433e5175411ff⋯.png (566.82 KB, 685x397, 685:397, ClipboardImage.png)

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312865  No.13316189

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a6cf2c  No.13316190

File: 754fcaa0863fa08⋯.jpg (92.64 KB, 846x571, 846:571, b5bb9ed6e5f543d57af7230f61….jpg)

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a2b25a  No.13316191


try getting toilet paper and cheap plastic shit from China next week.

you'll be plenty mad

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ac2774  No.13316192

File: 071d793e06ab765⋯.png (110.37 KB, 896x608, 28:19, ClipboardImage.png)


Evergreen Truck Blocks Chinese Motorway Mere Days After Evergreen Ship Blocks Suez Canal.

Elizabeth Blackstock 37 mins ago

Why some Biden voters are angry about media coverage

Blocked main leads to sewage overflow in streets of Southeast Portland

There are few things better than a good moment of serendipity, like, you know, a truck with an ‘Evergreen’ shipping container jamming up the Changchun-Shenzhen Expressway in Nanjing, China just a few days after a giant ship run by the ‘Evergreen’ company jammed up Egypt’s Suez Canal.

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d6fdad  No.13316193

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b483f9  No.13316194

File: 3eebcb3fc4fd114⋯.jpg (114.78 KB, 599x800, 599:800, ea7a91e7bf79396975e8c9fb80….jpg)

>>13315126 Guise? "S-U-E-Z" equals"Z-E-U-S"

>>13315324, >>13315342 Suez Canal, an alternate route so this "never happens again". Under construction since 2005.



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793671  No.13316195

File: 4625d5eff352677⋯.jpg (47.38 KB, 600x422, 300:211, downloadfile_10.jpg)

File: 2aa54224fe45efe⋯.jpg (30.17 KB, 640x360, 16:9, downloadfile_9.jpg)

File: ce84b70710e5cb6⋯.jpg (19.71 KB, 400x267, 400:267, downloadfile_20.jpg)



China does the same thing but China compares blacks to animals.

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a061da  No.13316196

File: e586e29973435d8⋯.png (1.35 MB, 2078x1052, 1039:526, Screen_Shot_2021_03_28_at_….png)

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919d56  No.13316197



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d0e89a  No.13316198



Come shit on your head and wipe the shit on your sleeve. Hopefully its nice stinky.

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a6cf2c  No.13316199

File: 8bcce817af1b7a1⋯.jpg (99.71 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 4paizg.jpg)

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a2b25a  No.13316200


Thanks for the confirmation Casper!

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409fe1  No.13316201

File: 8d0560acfe347e8⋯.jpeg (224.16 KB, 640x625, 128:125, 8DA679A2_ECEE_4FB0_A421_C….jpeg)


I don’t smell any spam but I do smell panic




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25a8d5  No.13316202

File: d39a77b867c1e2e⋯.jpg (131.61 KB, 940x940, 1:1, c8f3007f168bb5eed95270325b….jpg)


Fair enough. That one could be defended.

Here another one, 2 black moves.

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d0e89a  No.13316203


Fuck your comms, code and cunt op.

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97a009  No.13316204

File: cebcfc92d72edb2⋯.png (3.16 MB, 1081x1080, 1081:1080, ClipboardImage.png)


All grown up.

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88d06c  No.13316205

File: b54213245b2ba5e⋯.png (390.3 KB, 1181x800, 1181:800, ClipboardImage.png)



And yet through all that you never mentioned anything about dual citizenship's and neocons, the fact that Israel has now backed the ccp and abandoned the USA and are helping to destroy it, it is always about the money, follow the money, digital currency social credit system, helped by israel and their owned media and banks.

you want civil war but are only seeing what it happening to the usa. the infection of sheep and infiltrators is deep and wide, you have no clue, this may happen after your life time and most of us, but civil war is the worst option !!!

shill alert detected=

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6c824e  No.13316206

File: c39b8442bdd631b⋯.mp4 (6.05 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Kamala_Harris_freezes_when….mp4)


what a face

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a061da  No.13316207

File: baf29d89e7b78ab⋯.png (591.48 KB, 1104x792, 46:33, Screen_Shot_2021_03_28_at_….png)

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793671  No.13316208

File: 01a7a3ec2312fbc⋯.jpg (69.32 KB, 575x575, 1:1, downloadfile_23.jpg)


Shut your damn mouth.

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d0e89a  No.13316209


The CCC: cunts, comms and codes.

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d104b1  No.13316210

I wonder if Kim's rockets can hit the 3GD

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b483f9  No.13316211

File: 90408c9e009a4a1⋯.png (998.37 KB, 1584x1674, 88:93, 1616680437199.png)

File: fce66384e2d59b4⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1307x2029, 1307:2029, 1614597479272.png)

File: cb72ce3a687887c⋯.png (1018.24 KB, 1463x1813, 209:259, 1614387138570.png)

File: 63cb4c1a76f6495⋯.png (1.74 MB, 2149x1234, 2149:1234, 1600131062829.png)

File: 8f014e2bf998bf1⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1995x1330, 3:2, 1600131350042.png)




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a6cf2c  No.13316212

File: 3cbf35b3ab8965f⋯.png (498.03 KB, 492x720, 41:60, 6d7209d3300ddcdfe709f500b0….png)

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1ed661  No.13316213

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d0e89a  No.13316214


If you’d shut yours I wouldnt be here.

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72d934  No.13316215

File: 119c3454f29f3f6⋯.png (106.44 KB, 709x868, 709:868, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5a85e53fcd53be3⋯.png (95.56 KB, 735x851, 735:851, ClipboardImage.png)

Liberman announces he will recommend Yair Lapid to be prime minister

"Any person who cares about this country, would have reached the right conclusion a long time ago and would have handed over the reins to someone else," Liberman said.

Yisrael Beytenu leader Avigdor Liberman announced on Sunday that his party will be recommending Yesh Atid leader Yair Lapid as the prime minister.

"As we have previously said, we will be recommending the party leader from the 'pro-change block' with the most mandates as the candidate for forming the government," Liberman wrote in a Facebook post.

Liberman addressed the complex political situation that Israel has found itself in - having held four rounds of elections within two years - blaming Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for reaching this point.

This situation "is the direct result of the political survival plan of one person - Benjamin Netanyahu, who has failed for the fourth time now to establish a stable and functional government," he wrote.

המצב הפוליטי המורכב בו אנו נמצאים היום הוא תוצאה ישירה של תוכנית ההישרדות הפוליטית והאישית של איש אחד - בנימין נתניהו,…

Posted by ‎Avigdor Liberman - אביגדור ליברמן‎ on Sunday, 28 March 2021

"Any person who cares about this country, would have reached the right conclusion a long time ago and would have handed over the reins to someone else," he added.

Referring to Netanyahu's ongoing criminal trial, Liberman promised voters that following the inauguration of the 24th Knesset, his party would submit a bill that would force a prime minister with a pending indictment to submit their resignation.

Liberman noted that in 2008 such a bill had passed a preliminary reading in the Knesset with the support of the Likud and Netanyahu, as well as the haredi (ultra-Orthodox) parties.

He also said that his party would submit a bill for limiting the tenure of a serving prime minister to two terms only, a bill that Netanyahu has supported in the past as well.

Finally, Liberman called on all political parties that have aligned themselves in the "pro-change block" to put their egos aside and prevent a fifth round of elections, which currently seems like the most likely outcome.

"Overcoming this political entanglement will happen by finding creative solutions and thinking outside the box," Liberman concluded.

Liberman has said that the country would become a “Khomeini-style state” if the right-wing, religious bloc wins the election.


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85ec1d  No.13316216

Saturday Night Live is Sending Threats to anons along with Deep State Comms…… have been for weeks really…… anyone else notice ?

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f9e128  No.13316217


If you want to clear the bugs off the windshield, just reach up with both hands and grab those striped loops marked EJECT and pull down really hard and fast. Works like a charm.

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409fe1  No.13316218


This is a free speech board. If you can’t handle the truth then filter away soy boy!

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4ce529  No.13316219


Taiwan can, I believe.

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d0e89a  No.13316220


I am the fuckin truth!

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299821  No.13316221


different anon here

i read your post - interesting except for one thing: it's dr seuss not suez

kind of a big leap, isn't it?

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793671  No.13316222

File: bff3333c6b98956⋯.png (77.09 KB, 612x293, 612:293, downloadfile.png)


You got owned right out of the gate.

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72d934  No.13316223

EPA spent $52 million in violation of law Congress passed to curb wasteful spending

The Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act was designed to limit wasteful government spending on IT programs. EPA didn't get the memo.

The Golden Horseshoe is a weekly designation from Just the News intended to highlight egregious examples of wasteful taxpayer spending by the government. The award is named for the horseshoe-shaped toilet seats for military airplanes that cost the Pentagon a whopping $640 each back in the 1980s.

This week, our award is going to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for spending more than $52 million in taxpayer funds without approval from the chief information officer of the agency — a direct breach of a requirement under the Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act.

The EPA had a 10-year, $83 million contract with a consulting firm called CGI Federal to provide the web-based application the agency used as its financial system, i.e., the program that dealt with the outfit's accounting functions, budget report, transaction tables, and the like. In 2015, the agency had started the bidding process for a subsequent contract, meaning the agency was supposedly assessing the open market in search of a new firm that might offer a better product, better rate, or just might be a better fit for the job that the American taxpayers were paying for. But, two years later, EPA had come up with zilch, prompting the agency to extend its contract with CGI Federal for one year.

The EPA paid CGI Federal an additional $17 million for the extra year of work, and then awarded them the new contracts worth a combined $52.5 million. According to a recently released report from the EPA Office of the Inspector General, one of these contracts was an open-competition contract, meaning, at least theoretically, other companies were allowed to pitch the agency for the contract award, and the other contract was a sole-source award, meaning the agency opted to go with the company that was right in front of them without necessarily surveying the open market. In both cases, however, the EPA settled on the same company they had used before and had already paid an additional $17 million.

The 2013 Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA) was enacted for the specific purpose of mitigating wasteful government spending related to information technology (IT). Under that law, the EPA's chief information officer was required to review and approve the multimillion dollar contract transaction. Even the initial one-year contract extension with CGI Federal should have been reviewed and approved by the agency's CIO.

At the time of FITARA's passage, the U.S. government was spending upwards of $80 billion a year on IT costs, more than half of which went to maintaining systems that were slow and out-of-date. The goal of the legislation was to efficiently update the IT systems at federal agencies while simultaneously reducing wasteful technology spending. To do that, the bill handed increased responsibility to government CIOs, who became singularly responsible for the successes and failures of all IT projects and updates within the agencies.

Under FITARA, agencies are not allowed to enter into contracts or agreements for IT services worth more than $1 million, unless the CIO has approved the deal. But, according to the OIG , "The EPA awarded $52.5 million for these three contracts without federally required approval from the CIO."

"As a result of not obtaining FITARA approval, the CIO was not informed of the $52 million purchase and was unable to review price competitions and cost reductions," the watchdog report found.

One recommendation made by the IG report is that the agency should determine whether or not to terminate the contracts that were awarded in breach of the law. Unsurprisingly, the agency opted not to end the contracts, saying that they would get it right next time around.

This EPA violation may not be especially egregious as wasteful government spending goes, but it is a dismaying sign that even when the feds set up spending parameters for themselves — as with FITARA — they neglect to follow them to the tune of millions in taxpayer dollars wasted.


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f85107  No.13316224


Imagine going all in with evil, selling your soul, forced to do unspeakable things and then to find out your side is about to lose and nothing can stop it. The high level ET's at the top are eliminated and PAIN is working its way down to you.

That must suck

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800353  No.13316225

File: c1a77c3bbf7f8a0⋯.jpg (53.1 KB, 500x622, 250:311, c1a77c3bbf7f8a076ce23c629e….jpg)


How about a new challenge?

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919d56  No.13316226

File: 2d929f9adf5ccb6⋯.png (474.33 KB, 1237x600, 1237:600, anthony_fauci_dr_death_2.png)

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a6cf2c  No.13316227

File: 15b03eb12f83398⋯.jpg (46.87 KB, 666x375, 222:125, 4l0505.jpg)

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2159b1  No.13316228

File: a49cd1ef437d1f1⋯.png (688.14 KB, 1412x835, 1412:835, 9875211657876.png)

File: a30bf8f24dee812⋯.png (1.12 MB, 869x868, 869:868, 3789612897634089.png)

File: a49cd1ef437d1f1⋯.png (688.14 KB, 1412x835, 1412:835, 9875211657876.png)

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473be9  No.13316229


First rook move is correct. R to F4

King takes pawn on G5.

Two moves till checkmate.

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821aca  No.13316230

File: fdb241fe4ed0946⋯.jpeg (233.13 KB, 2048x1364, 512:341, Nspd97VlnTiqEWbxNboZ_28_2….jpeg)

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3c9f7c  No.13316231


She's disgusting. She thinks that cute little laugh is a cover. It's a dead giveaway.

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54b249  No.13316232

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This IS worth watching regardless of how it may apply to anything else.

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409fe1  No.13316233

File: 417285aeb55c819⋯.jpeg (354.48 KB, 640x783, 640:783, D64ABF00_4449_4B52_BA21_B….jpeg)


>I am the fuckin truth!

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8f1607  No.13316234


Rook can check and force mate if White rook jumps Black Rook Checking King,

Leaving Space For Queen to mate under cover of pawn.

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f9d711  No.13316235

File: af91e8eb4bf18d4⋯.png (753.07 KB, 776x650, 388:325, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 12b71853b0d5f0c⋯.png (243.56 KB, 500x631, 500:631, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d541f6447c0c9d0⋯.png (148.26 KB, 1200x533, 1200:533, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e45b28af04f6f83⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1007x1043, 1007:1043, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ede6fe53c4a4fe1⋯.png (57 KB, 591x583, 591:583, ClipboardImage.png)

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a6cf2c  No.13316236

File: 4465747b3e3d8fb⋯.png (735.66 KB, 895x1232, 895:1232, 4465747b3e3d8fb54410d62e33….png)

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6890ff  No.13316237

File: cfa3b0946a68a92⋯.jpeg (308.15 KB, 1024x775, 1024:775, evercarradinve.jpeg)

>>13315379 pb

>>13315379 pb

Ever Given Update and the March 2021 FULL WORM MOON

>>13315380 pb

EVER Carradine

just sayn'

Ever for Ever; good name

two minutes away

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f9e128  No.13316238


Signal is comp'd. Has been for years.

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ec17c5  No.13316239


>>13315856 Dough

Notables @350


>>13315869 Suez Canal: Containers could be taken off from Ever Given, officials say as salvage efforts continue

>>13315897 Trans Reddit User Posted Hundreds of Pornographic Drawings of Child Characters Under 10, Mods Banned Anyone Who Criticized Them

>>13315901 Egypt's president orders preparations be made to unload Ever Given's cargo if refloating fails, a high risk strategy adding days of delay

>>13315909 On #PalmSunday 1865, Ulysses S. Grant accepts Robert E. Lee's surrender at @AppomattoxNPS to bring the "beginning to the end" to the #CivilWar.

>>13315916 Church In Indonesia Rocked By Twin Suicide Bombing On Palm Sunday

>>13315917 , >>13316042 Suez Canal [Scare] Necessary Event [mirrored] DECODE (video cap)

>>13315920 Here's the audio of the Southwest pilot going on a rant about the Bay Area caught on a hot mic (audio cap)

>>13315925 With Cabal Puppet Biden Pushing Gun Control – Will His Son Hunter Be Held Accountable for Breaking Current Gun Laws?

>>13315938 Trans Reddit Mod Under Fire for Inviting Minors to Their Home for Hormone Shots, Behind Parents Backs

>>13315945 Soros Asset Management Is Betting Big On "Crypto Infrastructure" (video)

>>13315948 Planefag report - Got a blue and white 757 from VIP squadron filing under the callsign ANON .

>>13315954 , >>13316141 anon #16867 scrape

>>13315965 Planefag report

>>13315972 Fury after CNN refers to Uber Eats driver’s death during carjacking by black teen girls as ‘accident’

>>13315982 The Largest Survival Community On Earth

>>13315985 ANON switched callsigns to SAM952 at takeoff. Glad I capped it.

>>13315989 They’re Not Sending Their Best: Over 861 Criminals Caught Crossing US Rio Grande Border including 63 Gang Members, 92 Sex Offenders and Murderers

>>13316004 ‘So proud to have a woman justifying mass murder!’ Cabal Foreign Minister Blinken roasted for calling Albright his role model

>>13316028 Alabama Shakes drummer Steve Johnson busted on child abuse charges

>>13316038 Cabal Health Minister Fauci’s Orders: Children Not Allowed To Play Together Unmasked Until They’re All Vaxxed


>>13316059 US Military Ordered ‘Clandestine Burning’ of Toxic Chemicals in Poor Neighborhoods

>>13316075 Planefag - What is more interesting is all the 737s that are NOT VIP birds (personnel transports). 6 of 7 are troop/personnel birds moving peeps around. FYI.

>>13316077 China's cyberwarfare attack on 2020 US election tied to Mitch McConnells CCP connected wife Elaine Chao

>>13316087 Theodor Seuss Geisel, better known by his pen name Dr. Seuss, was a writer and cartoonist who published over 60 books

>>13316090 For the first time in 100 years, the endangered California condor will return to the Pacific Northwest

>>13316098 Cabal Puppet Kamala Harris Dodges Anti-Migration Task Set by Joe Biden

>>13316110 Gay priests: Breaking the silence

>>13316122 California inmate dies after recreation yard stabbing

>>13316129 Italy: Social Security Chief Proposes Expanding Basic Income to All Immigrants

>>13316138 Endless Waves of Migrants (Invaders) Overwhelm Border Patrol

>>13316149 #16867 Notables

>>13316153 Talia Lavin is a Jewish author (Q hit piece) who wrote a Book about White Supremacy

>>13316179 Biden is running a massive child trafficking ring on the southern border

>>13316183 Krispy Kreme CEO defends giving out free doughnuts to vaccinated customers, insists it is about generosity and 'if folks don't want to visit, they don't have to'

>>13316192 Evergreen Truck Blocks Chinese Motorway Mere Days After Evergreen Ship Blocks Suez Canal.

>>13316223 EPA spent $52 million in violation of law Congress passed to curb wasteful spending


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793671  No.13316240

File: 551a00c8f601768⋯.jpg (16.25 KB, 305x340, 61:68, downloadfile_2.jpg)



You got owned and now you are pissing and moaning about it…. Pathetic.

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ec2e76  No.13316241

File: 3c93125b836f066⋯.png (264.4 KB, 1085x1085, 1:1, 1616650882016.png)

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123b02  No.13316242

File: c399eb69c5282f8⋯.png (147.01 KB, 316x476, 79:119, Q_444_ES.png)


>I wonder if Kim's rockets can hit the 3GD

Why would Eric and Bill want to enable NK to do something like that?

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d0e89a  No.13316243


How about no. How about you everyone dies on the planet but 12 people we are except-able to me.

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72d934  No.13316244

File: d70b3e966b83908⋯.png (536.28 KB, 599x339, 599:339, ClipboardImage.png)

Great Success! US-Backed Fighters Seize US-Made Missiles Heading To Other US-Backed Fighters In Syria

In an unusual turn of events in Syria, militants once backed by the US have seized a shipment of US-made missiles that was heading to fighters currently backed by the US.

The missiles, US-made TOWs, were seized on March 28 by the Syrian Task Force, a join force of the Turkish Police, Counterterrorism Unit and the National Syrian Army (SNA), near the Turkish-occupied town of Azaz in the northern Aleppo countryside.

According to the Turkish Ministry of Interior, the smugglers confessed that that they had been trying to transfer the weapons to the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in the town of Manbij in the northeastern countryside of Aleppo.

Beside two TOW anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs), the weapons shipment included 24 AK-type assault rifles, a designated marksman rifle, two gun tubes and ammunition.

Most SNA factions were once backed by the US, which supplied them with TOW ATGMs up until late 2017. The YPG and the PKK, one the other hand, are the core of the Syrian Democratic Forces, which is still receiving US support.

Between 2012 and 2017, the US shipped loads of weapons and ammunition to rebels in Syria on the hopes of toppling the government of President Bashar al-Assad.

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Pentagon led the efforts to arm the Syrian rebels with direct support from US allies in the Middle East, first and foremost Turkey, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

US efforts didn’t only fail to topple the Damascus government, but also ended up turning Syria into a large black market for advanced weapons. Many of the weapons supplied by the US and its allies found their way to the hands of terrorist group like ISIS and al-Qaeda’s Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham. Some of these weapons were found in Iraq and even Lebanon.

Today, weapons like TOW ATGMs, are being used by militants once supported by the US against Washington’s current proxies in Syria and vice versa.

The US plans to arm Syrian rebels inflamed the war, threatened neighboring countries and even ended up turning Washington’s tools against each other. Some not very tolerant social media users would call these great achievements a brilliant example of “clusterfuck.”


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8f1607  No.13316245

File: 29d0f5b47e4f66d⋯.png (313.55 KB, 940x940, 1:1, Mate.png)

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7fe2c9  No.13316246


>Saturday Night Live is Sending Threats to anons

What are they afraid of? Maybe anons’ research. I’m looking forward to the fall of Hollyweirdos

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d0e89a  No.13316247


Fuck off durham

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97a009  No.13316248

File: 5041fc17c440187⋯.png (13.17 KB, 600x149, 600:149, ClipboardImage.png)


The irony of Dexter's life is that he works closely and affably with homicide detectives and a forensic specialist. Dexter, himself a blood spatter analyst, collects, processes, and interprets evidence for the Miami Metro Police Department. He often uses his ability to access police databases or tamper with evidence for his personal advantage.


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fad625  No.13316249

File: 29a72c364b8a99b⋯.jpg (272.37 KB, 2035x1141, 2035:1141, jpg_1.jpg)

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6156c6  No.13316250

File: 6ff64689072131e⋯.png (377.15 KB, 1113x720, 371:240, ClipboardImage.png)

Ted Cruz to Joe Biden

American people deserve to see the truth'


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72d934  No.13316251

File: 804df1900695632⋯.png (20.11 KB, 557x321, 557:321, ClipboardImage.png)

100 % OPEN: Texas COVID cases, hospitalizations drop, despite Biden’s ‘Neanderthal’ comments

Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas did it right. He reopened his state to 100 % despite President Joe Biden’s insulting comments that Abbott’s decision to do so was that of a ‘neanderthal.’

The COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations are continuing to a downward trend nearly more than two weeks after the state ended its mask mandate. Businesses have also reopened to full capacity.

For example, on Saturday, the latest data shows that Texas’ seven-day COVID positivity rate reached an all-time low of 5.27 per cent. Hospitalizations fell to their lowest level since October, states the data.

The state recorded 2,292 new coronavirus cases, about 500 fewer on average from last week, and 107 new deaths, according to the report.

Read the full report at The Texas Tribune and get the latest numbers.


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d0e89a  No.13316252


Demon looking dweeb.

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da9e85  No.13316253

File: e41453e62d75dc8⋯.gif (836.61 KB, 245x180, 49:36, what_in_the_box.gif)

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ac2774  No.13316254

File: b407b0bd36ff108⋯.png (302.99 KB, 863x705, 863:705, ClipboardImage.png)




truck appeared to get wedged at the same45-degree angleas the Evergreen ship in the Canal

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f85107  No.13316256

File: 65f4c39b448b2e9⋯.jpg (196.91 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, pen.jpg)

"Follow the pen"

What is the penis pointing to on the map?

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6c824e  No.13316257

File: 2fefbffa925734b⋯.png (483.47 KB, 492x962, 246:481, KamalaJoker.png)

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b8a2d7  No.13316258

File: 2f083ce5ed7b305⋯.png (741.69 KB, 1116x852, 93:71, Mars.png)

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b3d2b4  No.13316259


Hard to notice when you don't watch the drivel.

Has anyone found SNL even REMOTELY funny in the past 15 years?

Dick-in-a box being the only outlier.

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000000  No.13316260


Never heard of Fauci before he started giving orders. Don't want to hear from him again, either. It's his turn … to shut the fuck up.

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f9d711  No.13316261

and when the MSM piles on saying "QANONS now believe President Biden is operating a pedophile trafficking ring along the border" we'll know you did your fucking job well you shill

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a6cf2c  No.13316262

File: 56b128e96a9cc65⋯.jpeg (8.14 KB, 225x225, 1:1, download.jpeg)

File: 470553731a7e832⋯.png (7.62 KB, 308x232, 77:58, Untsasasaisaaaatled.png)

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335b36  No.13316263


I swear the journalists are so lazy they actually come here for ideas. Think journalists, think!

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8b7f24  No.13316264

File: 208489798fcf237⋯.jpg (109.09 KB, 972x323, 972:323, LIARS_AND_BULLSHITTERS_ARE….jpg)

File: 2ba2853a5d7514b⋯.jpg (165.02 KB, 1172x446, 586:223, RETARDED_AS.jpg)


More to the point… who gives a fuck?

It's like seeing that retard mike rottenchild posts…. again… who gives a fuck what some flake thinks?

Not me.

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da9e85  No.13316265

File: a4cc1c15be2e1a0⋯.png (97.04 KB, 1034x748, 47:34, Q_1306.png)


>What is the penis pointing to on the map?


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ac2774  No.13316266



This is only one incidence of ‘copycat’ accidents that have occurred in the wake of the Ever Given getting stuck in the Suez Canal. Earlier this week, an $800,000 boat took a trip off its hauler and blocked a highway in Florida. Both that ship and the Evergreen crash in China, though, will be a hell of a lot easier to sort out than the situation in Egypt.

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6c824e  No.13316267


>What is the penis pointing to on the map?

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7fe2c9  No.13316268


Looks like the rover found Sasquatch.

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169976  No.13316269


I have seen a similar artifact in other "Mars" photos

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a6cf2c  No.13316270

File: 0f05fa3534e207e⋯.jpg (95.15 KB, 828x809, 828:809, 131377299_5326832510721392….jpg)

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d772d2  No.13316271

File: ce73f77b7004666⋯.png (995.95 KB, 686x686, 1:1, ce73f77b7004666b6ed5e74478….png)


>Fuck off durham


Trump should've done way more than just ask a question. Hell we heard more about the "murder hornets"

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8b7f24  No.13316272


and such a lovable character…lol.

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72d934  No.13316273

File: c1011ea4bc19875⋯.png (483.82 KB, 689x852, 689:852, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 556f2b13f5a52c2⋯.png (318.44 KB, 806x877, 806:877, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 877d05f84199c81⋯.png (70.91 KB, 815x481, 815:481, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d299d831400a238⋯.png (356.82 KB, 712x874, 356:437, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 292dc053ea580b4⋯.png (86.9 KB, 851x524, 851:524, ClipboardImage.png)

Delta Airlines and TSA Target & Intimidate a Passenger Without Cause

On March 7, 2021 a Delta Airlines flight attendant targeted a first-class passenger for not wearing a mask – only, she was wearing a mask and following “the rules.” She took it so far as to report her to the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), who followed up with a threatening notice, citing incorrect and exponentially high fines to potentially intimidate this passenger, while informing her that this is going on her “compliance history record.” Delta Airlines took it so far as to put her on a no-fly list with them. See both letters below.

What began as a day of exhaustion for Shannon (not real name) because she was about to spend an entire afternoon and evening in airports for a long travel home to Nevada, while sick (not from Covid), turned into a horrifying experience of being harassed throughout the flight by a flight attendant.

Shannon entered the airport to her connecting flight with her husband, both donning their masks. Yet, when Shannon stepped foot onto the plane, the flight attendant informed her that she wasn’t wearing the “correct” mask and needed to change it. She was wearing a “homemade mask made of a piece of solid material, without slits, exhalation valves, or punctures” as per CDC’s exact guidelines, reflected on the TSA order. The mask allowed Shannon to breathe a little better than when sporting the maxi pad style mask that the flight attendant was requiring. Despite being sick with inhalers on hand, Shannon complied and switched her mask out.

According to the TSA’s new executive order, “refusing to wear a mask is a violation of federal law and may result in denial of boarding, removal from the aircraft, and/or penalties under federal law.” If one doesn’t wear a mask, they will charge a “fine ranging from $250 for the first offense and up to $1,500 for repeat offenders. Based on substantial aggravating or mitigating factors, TSA may seek a sanction amount that falls outside these ranges.”

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) was formed by Homeland Security in response to the 9/11 attacks. It was signed into law November 19, 2001 by George W. Bush and has been criticized for its overreach ever since. Ultimately, they have security oversight of the entire transportation system for railroads, busses, airplanes, and other public transportation.

Once Shannon and her husband took their seats in first-class, Shannon quickly realized she was being scrutinized by this flight attendant, as she pulled her mask slightly down to eat snacks and then pulled it back up – which is allowed according to the CDC and TSA. When Shannon would pull it down to eat, the flight attendant would tell her she had to keep her mask on. Not feeling well, she decided to take a nap, and it was then that her mask slid down just below her nose. Suddenly, she was being jarred awake by the flight attendant, telling her she needed to put her mask on, and showing her a flyer about fines and how she could be put on a no-fly list. Shannon pulled her mask back up over her nose and stated that she had fallen asleep but the flight attendant continued to intimidate her. Shannon asked, “why are you doing this?” She had complied with the rules, even with the mask change which wasn’t required of her, and wore it the entire time on the flight, but this lady wasn’t letting up.

By the end of the flight Shannon couldn’t wait to get out of her seat and exit the plane, after enduring repeated harassment. As she was standing, the flight attendant came over to her and told her she was going to report her and that she would be met by someone to escort her. Shannon was furious, and at that point she stood up, began walking to the nearby exit door, and removed her mask as she exited the plane. A security man followed Shannon and her husband off, and walked them over to a woman who sat behind a desk, where they proceeded to take down her information. The woman said, “don’t worry, you won’t be fined or put on a no-fly list, but I do have to report this.” Later, Shannon found out she was put on Delta’s no-fly list.

Eleven days later, Shannon received this Warning Notice from TSA, in the mail.


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1b4b77  No.13316274

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>13315137 pb


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80f4ea  No.13316275

File: 0719659bbaee9d8⋯.png (364.88 KB, 528x1090, 264:545, warrior21328.png)


tanks anon

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409fe1  No.13316276

File: d32a463b6246b78⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 4.87 MB, 600x600, 1:1, DC139E85_ED02_4E16_9416_CC….gif)


>and when the MSM piles on saying "QANONS now believe President Biden is operating a pedophile trafficking ring along the border" we'll know you did your fucking job well you shill


We have to convince everyone that Biden and Kamala are running a huge child trafficking ring at the border

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a6cf2c  No.13316277

File: 13d9dc59c552a3e⋯.jpg (149.94 KB, 1199x756, 1199:756, EpnQSr_XIAI7Uwo.jpg)


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b3d2b4  No.13316278

File: da2870584445f63⋯.gif (709.43 KB, 474x260, 237:130, giphy_1_.gif)

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d0e89a  No.13316280


Are we @ the precipice yet. Shall I keep going?

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fe5a07  No.13316281

File: 873c8a2bcd3eade⋯.jpg (88.81 KB, 828x912, 69:76, 2knees.jpg)

File: 7d4bd0e1754e6ee⋯.jpg (45.82 KB, 1024x479, 1024:479, 7d4bd0e1754e6ee24363c6f957….jpg)

File: 9b8805be2a6642a⋯.png (258.84 KB, 1090x767, 1090:767, 1511623396751.png)

File: 6d6b1a05854264e⋯.png (214 KB, 720x703, 720:703, circle_of_diveristy.png)

File: 5346d035a7e4110⋯.jpg (71.56 KB, 539x677, 539:677, correlationand_causation.jpg)

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97a009  No.13316282


Why would we watch a TV show that has supposed "Q experts" on it? We are the Q experts, right here. But they never direct anyone to the source.

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7f90cb  No.13316283

File: 395b3a106d6ad1f⋯.jpg (7.7 KB, 179x282, 179:282, Laughing_Pepe_Yuge_.jpg)



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d104b1  No.13316284

File: 39b7117cb794720⋯.jpg (250.91 KB, 565x787, 565:787, john_d2.jpg)

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d0e89a  No.13316285


Hurry up and wait. Suck my fuzzy dick.

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f9d711  No.13316286

File: 5c6cc45f38900a2⋯.png (12.06 KB, 263x192, 263:192, ClipboardImage.png)

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409fe1  No.13316287


I gave my gf a d!ck in the box for Valentine’s Day awhile back (I don’t recommend doing this)

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25a8d5  No.13316288

File: 404f144049bcc0e⋯.jpg (129.98 KB, 940x940, 1:1, c8f3007f168bb5eed95270325b….jpg)


That results in basically the same black moves

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a2b25a  No.13316289

File: b5cab18641e5d05⋯.png (78.14 KB, 489x335, 489:335, ClipboardImage.png)


"….NO, we've got a Country to run!"


Network Operations Center

2 year delta tomorrow.

go figure.

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299821  No.13316290


tx anon, i also retrieved posts from that bread



Passed over bc not enough explanation - i noted on both breads. Bakers and collectors aren't in digging mode, for a notable, gotta make it clear why notable.

If you think it's really important, then collect the previous posts in this bread, label the key points for each post, and give a short description describing the digg

Make it easy

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a6cf2c  No.13316291

File: fecb88ae0b74df0⋯.png (5.44 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, fecb88ae0b74df09911c5cc73f….png)

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300cde  No.13316292

File: b395571c4c998be⋯.mp4 (1.89 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Dangerous_Ideas.mp4)


For the funny dangerous ideas, anon.

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7a8157  No.13316293


I wonder who that black chick is? She is standing behind the bald guy. Kamala looks to her for clues about how to answer. She is holding a phone in front of Kamala. At 43 seconds you can see her look down at the phone. Is it a prompter?

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da9e85  No.13316294

File: 8416073adb9cd4b⋯.gif (876.77 KB, 500x210, 50:21, what_in_the_dick_box.gif)

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f85107  No.13316295

Imagine having an IQ ten times what we have here on earth, that’s what the Galactic's have – an IQ that’s in the thousands. They are also connected to so many more dimensions than we are, and are connected to the minds of everyone else. All you need do is think of them and the line is open.

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72d934  No.13316296

What if Biden was trying to ship nukes to Iran thru the Suez and this is why it's been blocked and the US and Russian Navy's are blocking both ends of the canal?

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d0e89a  No.13316297


Pretty mouth you have there john. Put your panties back on.

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b7f5fa  No.13316298

Fuck Fraud-ci and his fake vax goons!

Fauci's Orders: Children Not Allowed To Play Together Unmasked Until They're All Vaxxed -


Fraud-ci and his puppet censors, media idiots don't know a damn thing about or are lying about the mRNA gene therapy fake vax. You're being used as a LAB RAT (for profit)!

1) The mRNA gene therapy jab is NOT and never has been FDA approved. No long term effects ever studied, first mRNA injected into humans and won’t be FDA approved for a long time (not that ‘FDA approved’ means anything anyway).

2) You CANNOT sue any of the companies if you suffer effects, and your family CANNOT sue if you die (the companies have ZERO liability for ANYTHING that happens to you, at any time). Check your life Insurance policy…may not be covered under any of your Insurance policies as well.

3) The fake vax can only suppresses symptoms making people asymptotic carriers. Read that one again! The fake vax can only suppresses symptoms making people asymptotic carriers.

4) Will not protect you from Variants of Covid 19, not known if the vax actually causes the or may cause additional variants of covid 19.

5) Not a vaccine, it's an experimental mRNA gene therapy never given to humans before. Corruptly placed under a vaccine for NO manufacture liability (protected from all or any law suits).

6 ) If it was so safe, why would you censor/cover up the side effects? If it was so safe, why would they not label all the ingredients or want to make it mandatory?

7 ) Pharm companies can only get an EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) if no other treatments exist. Now you know why they attacked HCQ, Ivermectin, etc. so hard. $$$$$


8) Take your fake vax and shove it up your (_Y_)!

Must see video (short version, start at the 38:00 mark) Whistle blower from Gates Foundation…



I find the mention of "COVID" variants interesting. It would be informative to know if any of the people afflicted with the new apparent cases of "COVID" have been vaccinated. The vaccines may be driving the more rapid evolution of "variants". I think this is the result of the "immune escape" mentioned in a video by Dr. Bossche whom I'd describe as a "mass vaccination" whistleblower.

Take Your fake Covid Vax (actually a mRNA gene therapy) and shove it, I'll go to the emergency room or hospital that has Monoclonal Antibody Infusion (2 hr. IV) therapy available.

Dr. Ben Carson said in an interview that he was close to death after testing positive for COVID-19 until he got federal approval to take the therapeutic President Donald Trump took when he contracted the deadly virus.

Monoclonal Antibody Infusion (2 hr. IV) therapy can give high-risk COVID-19-positive patients a fighting chance. Doctors say once someone who’s high risk tests positive for the virus, the sooner they can get the treatment, the better.


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f918aa  No.13316299

File: d1602614cd9c655⋯.png (568 KB, 540x680, 27:34, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 130f599236bc1af⋯.gif (159.41 KB, 400x304, 25:19, 130f599236bc1af6599a52edfc….gif)

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b3d2b4  No.13316300

File: faac0b283b50f73⋯.png (1.97 MB, 2880x1440, 2:1, Screenshot_20210326_231358….png)

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a2b25a  No.13316301


>>13316279 (clockwork Qrange 12)

Sorry - forgot to give credit.


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558132  No.13316302

Mudda Fucka Fuckin' Shit Bitch

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d0e89a  No.13316303


Fuck you jim. Goofing fucker.

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919d56  No.13316304

File: b5099c7014a4544⋯.jpg (66.16 KB, 644x360, 161:90, joe_biden_bedazzled_110_pe….jpg)

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f9d711  No.13316305

File: 5be2a49dc6d0049⋯.png (559.48 KB, 857x1033, 857:1033, toowhite01.png)

File: 53419d76bd379b1⋯.png (712.2 KB, 689x2094, 689:2094, toowhite02.png)

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97a009  No.13316306


very cool!

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6061e6  No.13316307


Damn, that's weird actually hearing him. I do not want to be on any plane his ass is flying. He sounds unstable.

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d0e89a  No.13316308


Fuck yeah and fuck you.

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1bb138  No.13316309


People think they are free to do as they wish.

How wrong they are.

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8b7f24  No.13316310

File: 6a93e21281198bd⋯.jpg (123.25 KB, 798x408, 133:68, TRUTH_OR_DIE.jpg)


lol… I'd vote for machine gun Jim…. Best idea in ages…lol.

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3ddda2  No.13316311

File: 4215d509f6508aa⋯.jpeg (51.33 KB, 593x480, 593:480, 1DFD9B1A_6DB4_42DA_B37D_5….jpeg)

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f9e128  No.13316312

File: e12b6d83d512313⋯.png (1.19 MB, 954x768, 159:128, e12b6d83d5123133eb35d5f111….png)


All this makes sense when you put it in the context of good vs evil. Dark forces sway many minds, but there is consistency in their evil.

Good forces sway many minds and we are consistently working towards good. The flow of battle goes back and forth. I'm in the same boat as you, and so do what I can and hope it helps. Really no other option. Hope is not a method, so effort even if only a little nowadays is the plan.

Figure out where you can do the most good and just focus on that. The problem we have here is we see the whole battlefield and it's depressing af sometimes. But at least we're not them. And never will be.

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23cd5b  No.13316313

We need some really effective memes that we can share that will convince people that Biden and Kamala are running a child trafficking ring at the border.

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72d934  No.13316314

File: e3b02887a1656a7⋯.png (387.1 KB, 708x445, 708:445, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ab17e444f6724d4⋯.png (305.88 KB, 695x694, 695:694, ClipboardImage.png)




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f918aa  No.13316315


Who gives a shit? We're better.

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fad625  No.13316316

File: 1895cd61eaea06c⋯.jpg (317.44 KB, 2032x1156, 508:289, jpg_2.jpg)


Move along, nothing to see here

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6c824e  No.13316317

File: 1fec9570053b1b9⋯.jpg (226.06 KB, 1068x665, 1068:665, Pepleiadians.jpg)


>All you need do is think of them and the line is open.

Wait let me put some pants on!

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2159b1  No.13316318

File: cffdcf12ca22ae9⋯.png (887.81 KB, 1100x803, 100:73, 1452398754075467.png)

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