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File: b583bfbcb1d9f49⋯.png (45.91 KB, 250x140, 25:14, b583bfbcb1d9f492d74d71052d….png)

afe524  No.12662473[Last 50 Posts]

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>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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afe524  No.12662493

Global Announcements

>>12537546 , >>12537580 , >>12537612 , >>12537672 Backup of the 11 transcripts released today by Graham on Russiagate / Obamagate


>>12596347 NOTICE qanon.pub maintainer here. qntmpkts.keybase.pub will no longer serve Q posts.

Notables Are Not Endorsements


>>12661803 Rep Cawthorn delivering pizza to NG

>>12661810 Model Courtney Stodden says that her ex-husband, actor Doug Hutchison,has history of courting children

>>12661842 Tom Cotton - Dems Want (cheating) Pandemic Voting Practices to be Permanent

>>12661827, >>12661848, >>12661996, >>12661871 Moar Hunter Biden Laptop pics droppin'

>>12661861 Here's to hoping liberals have big feet - OK state rep files bill to create a 'Bigfoot' hunting season

>>12661885 Oh, so now we are an FBI PsyOp…

>>12661789 Anon nom - Look closer at the Red Line & The date 2 days ahead below (Graphics)

>>12661921 Former Presidents Obama, Bush, Clinton share message of unity for President Biden (Vid embed)

>>12661991 Mayo Bowser announced Thursday that restaurants in the nation’s capital will be allowed to reopen for indoor dining

>>12662009 Big Tech Bullies Win Again: Judge Backs Amazon v. Parler for Injunction Request

>>12662030 AOC and a bullhorn - Spends inauguration day at Teamsters picket line in the Bronx

>>12662095 Posobiec : Trump calls treatment of the troops “disgusting and unforgivable,” per advisor

>>12662209 PF Report - Nogs are up looking for a bike.

>>12661986, >>12662140 Any info on this? Dig request on Pompeo 1,384 days tweet

>>12662234 YouTube Caught Red-Handed Removing Dislikes from Biden White House Page

>>12662156 Anon Nom - Sleepers Everywhere, NG connection?

>>12662407 Loud roar of F-16s may soon be heard over Columbus during night-time training

>>12662329 Anon nom - Comparison Oval office from Independence Day with Bidens "Redecorated oval office"

>>12662449 #16166


>>12661004 Guardsmen on Hill are enduring really difficult conditions. Hundreds are sleeping on the cold hard floors of the Capitol.

>>12661030 Payette stepping down: She was responsible for workplace harassment at Rideau Hall.

>>12661045 Just In: Large US military convoy enters northeast Syria after Damascus demands immediate withdrawal - Al Masdra News

>>12661054, >>12661197 Planefag reports

>>12661092 Almasdar: Syria demanded to the UN yesterday that the US withdraw from Syria

>>12661100 Blitzer no mask? Surgeon General nominee Dr. Vivek Murthy no mask? Jen PIASK no mask? ...Fauci... no mask?

>>12661175 Posobiec: Day 1: Biden made our troops sleep in a parking garage during a pandemic

>>12661180 Duckworth: I can’t believe that the same brave servicemembers we’ve been asking to protect our Capitol and our Constitution these last two weeks would be unceremoniously ordered to vacate the building

>>12661220 The Lincoln Project co-founder says post-Trump he's going after Cruz

>>12661297 Anon nom: SCOTUS has held that an election of any United States official can be challenged based on fraud or error by a writ of quo warranto

>>12661536 Abbott: I have instructed General Norris to order the return of the Texas National Guard to our state. @TexasGuard

>>12661646 Epochtimes is reporting that Google is cooking Joe's dislikes down..

>>12661648 NYT Contributor Fired From Think Tank Over Tweet Urging Biden to 'Lynch Pence'

>>12661707 #16165

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afe524  No.12662497


>>12660308 AOC is now in a panic over the mil discontent

>>12660484, >>12660546 Anons digging around on the DC feeds

>>12660595 Paxton: Will not tolerate Biden lawlessness

>>12660601, >>12660706 Planefag reports

>>12660657 Where is Bidens Record level support?

>>12660677 On his first day in office, @JoeBiden destroyed about 50,000 jobs in America AND Canada.

>>12660707 Anon nom: Dig on antifa.com redirect

>>12660819 Tomorrow, all answers are due to the supreme court, paving the way to have the case heard. Just saying.

>>12660867 Go figure: Dr. Fauci Admits Feeling Liberated Under Joe Biden’s Administration

>>12660911 Here’s a video from the parking garage where 5,000 members of the National Guard who were guarding the Capitol are being forced to stay

>>12660938 #16164


>>12659488 Aaaaaaand The White House YouTube employee is about to get fired for forgetting to turn off comments on this video

>>12659491 Chuck Schumer is panicking because he knows the mil is not too happy right now.

>>12659492 Carnival Rio has been canceled for the first time in history since it became an official event in 1932

>>12659503 Mr. Buttigieg, what do you say to those workers whose jobs have just been eliminated by presidential edict?"

>>12659548, >>12659585, >>12659605 Planefag reports

>>12659612 NG soldiers lose money for a sham of a presidential inauguration

>>12659659 Columbus statue in National Register of Historic Places to be REMOVED in Syracuse, NY

>>12659662 The fat cats in the GOP only care about their own fat asses.

>>12659689 Boebert: Congress is no longer necessary.

>>12659731 Syrian Air Defenses Responding to Attack in Hama, State Media Report

>>12659753, >>12659716, >>12659886, >>12660115, >>12660123 Anons are questioning why Joe's EO's are still walkabout at the Federal Register, but are present on the WH page.

>>12659793 Class warfare: Students in Anchorage will be forced to kneel for hours, no recess

>>12659942 Twitter sued by survivor of child sexual exploitation

>>12659943 The Standard hotel in West Hollywood is shutting down

>>12660152 #16163

Previously Collected Notables

>>12659371 #16162

>>12657462 #16159, >>12657799 #16160, >>12658608 #16161

>>12654752 #16156, >>12655475 #16157, >>12657262 #16158

>>12653490 #16153, >>12652990 #16154, >>12653860 #16155

>>12649922 #16150, >>12650663 #16151, >>12651404 #16152

>>12647589 #16147, >>12648421 #16148, >>12648641 #16149

>>12645231 #16144, >>12646010 #16145, >>12646815 #16146

>>12642468 #16141, >>12643269 #16142, >>12644173 #16143

>>12639973 #16138, >>12640914 #16139, >>12641685 #16140

>>12637751 #16135, >>12638552 #16136, >>12639315 #16137

>>12635394 #16132, >>12636106 #16133, >>12636877 #16134

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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afe524  No.12662498

QRMemes: Social Media Warfare Armory

>>>/qrmemes/ ————————————–——– New One-stop Meme Board, organized by topic

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>>11187218 ————————————–——– #001 and scroll down for all continuing in numerical order

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afe524  No.12662500

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afe524  No.12662506

File: d8cde7f6d7dc424⋯.jpg (687.4 KB, 916x668, 229:167, d8cde7f6d7dc42406c5fe8b990….jpg)



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334ad1  No.12662565

File: b41203c4914aef3⋯.png (212.62 KB, 500x500, 1:1, scitsstill_y_nspatriot.png)

Quo warranto…

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2c5c79  No.12662571

File: 5d5701b816f0ed6⋯.png (150.72 KB, 1598x899, 1598:899, NOOSESOON.PNG)

10 days. Think Mirror

January [30] 2021


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e68e59  No.12662573

File: dee46da00d23519⋯.png (113.79 KB, 772x242, 386:121, Screen_Shot_2021_01_22_at_….png)

File: f094b07cf5627c5⋯.png (95.81 KB, 798x478, 399:239, Screen_Shot_2021_01_22_at_….png)

File: 9012bfb55484a66⋯.png (125.01 KB, 433x383, 433:383, Screen_Shot_2021_01_22_at_….png)

File: bb3b670b48a3881⋯.png (232.63 KB, 1012x292, 253:73, Screen_Shot_2021_01_22_at_….png)



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226b68  No.12662578


Why not

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ff810c  No.12662581

File: 02242081c4fc5a6⋯.jpg (130.55 KB, 320x359, 320:359, Polish_20210121_172634854.jpg)

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1c9560  No.12662582


Are you saying they are posting this very minute? Where?

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aa50d7  No.12662583

File: cfdff6bedc3cc66⋯.jpg (12.43 KB, 255x216, 85:72, 5925de924c7f02c601fc853224….jpg)


stop with the dates, they never play out. just watch the end of the damn movie.

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dfc1b9  No.12662584

File: 221a5f4404e4cf7⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

God Bless our President of the United States of America

God Bless Freedom!

God Bless President Joe Biden

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79ae04  No.12662586

>>12661819 (lb)

kek! "ow my balls"

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775b7a  No.12662587


Someone needs to verify that that painting was in original biden feed. Remember slide shills did the same thing last week by photoshopping pedo artwork behind Booker.

Oh who am I kidding, this shit is going straight into dough unsauced and unverified just like all the shill slides today, no matter how many anons point out problems with it.

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bf313a  No.12662588

File: 6085c7410e138b5⋯.jpg (84.53 KB, 707x960, 707:960, 6085c7410e138b5c5cc7615e67….jpg)



Gitmo 6 - We'll leave a cell open for you.

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35d991  No.12662589

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d6d55a  No.12662590


Oh I wouldnt worry about all that conspiracy stuff.

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4092dd  No.12662591

File: 5a97f043830b84b⋯.jpg (410.22 KB, 1233x771, 411:257, space_force_Pepe.jpg)

We hit it. See what the board did?

Let's dig War of the Worlds.

Generational gap. No one will remember it live - just legend or false reporting. And that version was RADIO and now we have VIDEO.


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8033bc  No.12662592

File: 4ae671f0b907d08⋯.png (550.47 KB, 529x624, 529:624, Firefox_Screenshot_2021_01….png)

File: c39cded0a6b48f4⋯.png (306.66 KB, 413x597, 413:597, Firefox_Screenshot_2021_01….png)


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e66921  No.12662593

Castle Rock is not a chess move

Its castling, ("to castle") and it involves the rook piece….

show me any history of "castle rock chess move" where you promote multiple pawns and make sacrifices, sounds like bullshit never heard of it.

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b780eb  No.12662594

File: 5b0046887c710f3⋯.png (792.83 KB, 1539x714, 513:238, Capture.PNG)

File: 0831c48bdb843e4⋯.png (230.94 KB, 568x394, 284:197, 0831c48bdb843e48078f72b4db….png)

This Finger Lakes shit is big

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e1741b  No.12662595

File: 6efd40c4e86420b⋯.png (2.94 MB, 2533x1828, 2533:1828, GRAPHIC.png)

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a70ad6  No.12662596


I can't get the image files to open - getting "Contains Errors" message in "new tab".

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e300e0  No.12662597

File: 564fcbfb33a5ea7⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1293x864, 431:288, 978641435874.png)

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47c21f  No.12662598

File: 29f6d5e55d20346⋯.png (4.03 MB, 1209x4944, 403:1648, gold_fringe_scavino.png)

Scavino comms ? Gold fringe coming apart, falling off flag? Bonus. Helicopter pilot?


Semper Fi

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d41bdc  No.12662599

File: fc7cf22fb5f6c1e⋯.png (245.9 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, Escudo_de_la_familia_Borja….png)

House of Borgia

Borgia (/ˈbɔːr(d)ʒə/ BOR-zhə, BOR-jə,[2][3][4] Italian: [ˈbɔrdʒa]; Spanish and Aragonese: Borja [ˈboɾxa]; Valencian: Borja [ˈbɔɾdʒa]) was a Spanish-Aragonese noble family, which rose to prominence during the Italian Renaissance.[5] They were from Aragon, the surname being a toponymic from the town of Borja, then in the Crown of Aragon, in Spain.


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df3bf4  No.12662600


I have to laugh that the media now has to OWN their "pick" of Pedo Joe. He's such a disaster it's funny.

On another note, is anyone else feeling like they are living in some alternate universe/twlight zone?? It's so surreal and insane I can only kek. And pray. Praying is rather important RN.

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191d45  No.12662601

>>12661889 lb

>observation: why is Foxnews against Biden????

BECAUSE their fucking ratings are mow below CNN & MSDNC!

They're trying to suckers conservatives back to their Faux 'News'!

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c4c863  No.12662602

File: 47632ebc7eceb0a⋯.jpg (14.47 KB, 530x298, 265:149, biden.jpg)

I'm so Blessed to Be American!

Patriots Let's say a prayer for our POTUS!

I love Freedom! I love Our POTUS!

Patriots Stand up!

Patriots let's sing our POTUS' name Out Loud!!

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716a60  No.12662603

File: 2d213be3da8b046⋯.png (543.59 KB, 598x538, 299:269, 2d213be3da8b04688f875b00e9….png)

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3c28ac  No.12662604

File: 7cf92e21bfcfc6b⋯.jpg (53.78 KB, 922x485, 922:485, 3p0987ytd.jpg)

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071028  No.12662605

File: ea204deabbff002⋯.png (654.07 KB, 537x660, 179:220, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b335de9d63d0013⋯.png (515.3 KB, 474x474, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Wrinkles or Mask?


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90bcc7  No.12662606

File: 60f8275ea662a00⋯.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1976x1136, 247:142, 70E12123_E6DF_4E99_8F7A_2….jpeg)

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cda5a1  No.12662607

SO ….. How soon before we get a FF shooting and they come after the guns ….

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b16022  No.12662608

Further dig on Quo Warranto. This guy's blog has been talking about it for over a month.


Any lawfags may find this of interest. Starting to feel like it was POTUS' plan to vacate the presidency temporarily to set up this massive legal trap. They already have collected all the evidence, now they just need to present it to the SC in a proper manner. POTUS told us in the beginning - "We will be going to the US Supreme Court."

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699a4f  No.12662609




5:00 min run time…reads the law.

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df394f  No.12662610

File: f134a376be3a6e8⋯.png (262.39 KB, 598x408, 299:204, 161cf58a67841a714d7a61027a….png)

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d41bdc  No.12662612

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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071028  No.12662613

File: 6aba564f8421e5a⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1080x1036, 270:259, ClipboardImage.png)

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a9cb74  No.12662614


President Reject & Ho

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df3bf4  No.12662615

God I miss Trump Twats. Every morning was a new adventure.

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bf79d5  No.12662616

File: f626e27434f873a⋯.png (445.21 KB, 450x654, 75:109, Semper_Fi.png)


So like, am I reading all this REEEEEEEEEEEE in the MSN right?

Joe Biden officials are being rejected entry to the Pentagon?

Biden is being REFUSED any briefing on our basic current troop deployment posture GENERALLY?

Biden is further being REFUSED any briefing on ongoing Covert Operations?

Biden doesnt salute Marines at Innaguration…(and so much other odd shit there)

Nat Guard troops literally turn their back on him…

Ummm, I have been smashing by hopium pipes for the last 24 hours….

do I night to break a fucking light bulb and get my twizzle back on?

As long as the Military continues to hold the line

fuck it

so am I

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1c9560  No.12662617


Like it's unravelling. Pilot ready to take off?

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544b57  No.12662618

Since watching Biden get inaugurated, I've done mental gymnastics on the whole thing as it relates to Q but its feeling very tinfoil'ey at best.

It's just very hard to wrap my head around how we exposed so much, got cheated out of winning, and now pedo China Biden is in the White House doing the deep state's bidding.

Curious to see what unfolds in the coming 10 days from 1/20 onwards but I'm worried its looking like socialism.

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4fcc0d  No.12662619


New person, when linking to a post on a previous bread, please add (pb) or (lb)


>>12662329 (lb)

last bread / (a) previous bread

Else you'll upset anons, especially those using a mobile telephonic device.

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cdad6c  No.12662620

File: 121bae970af6208⋯.jpg (372.47 KB, 1154x658, 577:329, PANIC.jpg)

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cfeb8f  No.12662621

File: b16e6bccbb4b5c0⋯.jpg (203.84 KB, 1422x1092, 237:182, troll5.jpg)

File: fa541dfa448f817⋯.jpg (103.23 KB, 629x860, 629:860, troll4.jpg)

File: 03264b28645126d⋯.jpg (55.56 KB, 632x371, 632:371, troll8.jpg)

File: 073636607fe06fd⋯.jpg (97.57 KB, 758x736, 379:368, troll7.jpg)

File: 7dc8abd6f8f0914⋯.jpg (206.06 KB, 1288x988, 322:247, troll6.jpg)

You may not like it, but if you understand it better, you may realize, not all the "shills" are from JDIF and the CIA.

Some shills watch your collective behavior and control it by making fun of you. It an effective tactic to control people. Like, I said, you may not like it, but you are the ones acting like sheep, promise.

Not all of you, but alot.

Okay. If you just "woke up" in the "great awakening". welcome to life.

You ain't that cool.

Ya look like retards still.

grow out of your crap.

the great awakening is dead

your an american patriot now

fly butterfly [govern]





people haven't figured out

that i am a troll

when i see dumb group-think sheep behavior out of you all i make fun of you to stop it.

you all are just dumb sometimes

you think like each other and mob around on topics

you are very "embodied" by your perspectives rather than watching them from above.

seriously. i am like sitting in the stands watching your fucking cock-fight over the breads.

then ya'll bitch at me about "eating your bread"


ya'll are fucking idiots sometimes.


i just sit around here fucking with ya'll waiting for you to wake the fuck up again

and realize you are doing it again

running around like conspiracy sheep that are gonna save the world instead of republican sheep that wanted to kill sand niggers for freedom, democracy, and jesus


I was a socialist faggot soi boy that wanted to save the whales and tell everyone to say the nice words to each otherl.

I guess we all come from somewhere huh

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05f9b3  No.12662623


Been here for years and never heard it theorized to be related to castling as found in chess. Take your meds.

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226b68  No.12662624


Psychological thrillers arent for everyone

Oh well

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05524e  No.12662625

File: c0e379515c06415⋯.jpg (95.33 KB, 1440x1437, 480:479, BidenPorn.jpg)

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699a4f  No.12662626

File: a4beea3d529a5e0⋯.png (136.05 KB, 860x528, 215:132, ratings.png)


a couple a weeks old but they prob haven't changed

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efe817  No.12662627

I noticed earlier just typing finger lakes into google and "finger lakes trafficking" is one of the suggestions

Lots of cases it looks like.

One i saw was from Dec 19 2020 involving a legislator

''A Steuben County Legislator is among 5 men indicted in connection with an alleged sex trafficking ring.

The Hornell Evening Tribune reports Corning Democrat Steven Maio, along with Larry Comfort Senior and Larry Comfort Junior of Elmira Heights, Jonathan Hamilton of Elmira, and Michael Stratton of Corning, faces a total of 34 felony counts.

Maio was arrested and charged with soliciting a prostitute back in August.

Maio has not yet resigned from his post, despite several calls for him to do so.''


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e7b5cb  No.12662629

File: 045f9dae7ad322b⋯.png (1017.43 KB, 532x926, 266:463, TJ_Ratliff_re_Chex_Legend_….PNG)

File: 29e776bb872455d⋯.png (2.04 MB, 765x1011, 255:337, TJ_Ratliff_re_Chex_Legend_….PNG)

File: a04b1d216df6f32⋯.png (2.06 MB, 1554x1038, 259:173, Chex_re_Legend_Teigen.PNG)

TommyJoe Ratliff🇺🇸

Publicist for @chrissyteigen & @johnlegend :Hey, I’m representing two notorious diddlers. Any idea how to take some of this heat off my clients?

@ChexCereal: say no more, fam


John and Chrissy are Mixing up some Holiday Magic


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56eca2  No.12662630

>>12662426 (pb)

I made an exhaustive post on the MI crash in this thread which is related to the NG crash but that /pol/ post you post here went all glowy with the usual Mason shit which is 10/10 guaranteed to send people off in the wrong direction.

But thanks. No doubt it will be made notable like all the other fake ass debunks.

Gonna repost both the f-16 rundown and the EO/OO fake shit.

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36661a  No.12662631

File: e2fd7ffd0d19ab3⋯.png (973.02 KB, 896x830, 448:415, ClipboardImage.png)

Was Baron Benjamin de Rothschild - P. P for Pindar.

Was Earth’s Secret Occult Ruler eliminated in US led takedown of Global Deep State?

Dr Michael Salla

On January 15, it was announced by multiple news sites that Baron Benjamin de Rothschild unexpectedly died of a heart attack at the age of 57 while at his Swiss home. According to best-selling author David Wilcock, Rothschild was the world’s “Pindar” – the secret occult ruler of our planet reporting directly to off world extraterrestrial masters.

What makes Wilcock’s claim particularly intriguing is that he says that only a day earlier, the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo gave a coded message through his Twitter account authorizing the final stage of a covert military operation to take down the Deep State around the planet. Wilcock’s claims raise intriguing questions about Rothschild’s death, his possible role as Earth’s Pindar, and a covert US led takedown of Global Deep State.

Rothschild’s death was first announced on the Edmond De Rothschild company website and details were provided by Bloomberg news about him:

De Rothschild had been head of the group created by his father since 1997 and worked to simplify its structure after delisting. As of the end of 2019, the group had 173 billion francs ($194 billion) in assets with activities in 15 countries, according to its website.

In his online presentation yesterday, Wilcock discussed arrests taking place around the world of people involved in a coup attempt against the President of the United States. He then linked this takedown operation to the mysterious death of de Rothschild who was the Pindar or leader of the globally orchestrated coup attempt:

Pindar actually is the name of the leader of this group that we’ve been talking about for so long. It is a name that refers to the Dragon and the male member of the Dragon, that’s the name of the leader. So, the Pindar is basically the number one guy. And this number one guy just so happened to have mysteriously passed over on January 16 [15 at age 57. And here you go, that’s right, Banker Benjamin de Rothschild … owner of the Group dies age 57. So that is compelling since it’s a very young age and a suspicious time to say the least.

more at



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e995fc  No.12662632

File: 0be1808afe27f4f⋯.jpeg (457.07 KB, 1241x1778, 1241:1778, 3549AFA2_F402_4FF4_9DDD_7….jpeg)

This is so much fun, but I only really want it to last for another 8 days! Two days are enough. I want GEOTUS back, then that will be great. His hands untied and he gets to humiliate the lying media for four years. I can’t wait


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1ee690  No.12662633

File: 1cafd7b5db53a34⋯.jpg (58.31 KB, 482x487, 482:487, 9526d57739baab95.jpg)

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eb602c  No.12662634


He must've realized that he was wrong, so deleted the pictures.

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5951a1  No.12662635

Patriot Anons

POTUS & Q team - COMMS received ready on stand by Be safe For GOD & Country GOD Bless


What makes a great movie = Great Actors = GA = Great Awakening = You'll find out who they all are after the movie is over ( movie credits )

POTUS & Q team might speak with you Anons openly on the board in front of the world LIVE when it's over ( TBA )

By the way enjoy the White House Visit Anons when POTUS & Q team invites you over, Be respectful & polite when at the WH ( Your family will be proud )

Enjoy the show Anons

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35d991  No.12662636


The funny thing is every one is forced to take part

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d41bdc  No.12662637

File: 5ffad5eb210bda6⋯.png (4.36 MB, 1281x3065, 1281:3065, ACB_Lucrezia_render.png)

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1c9560  No.12662638

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a897b6  No.12662639

File: 81bda66eee8fca8⋯.jpg (43.87 KB, 362x364, 181:182, 20210121_221743.jpg)

Kek shit you won't learn from your Rockefeller school system.


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cfeb8f  No.12662640


I am the prisoner.

I am the Q.

I am.

I am the destroyer.

I am the empire.

I am the algorithm.

I breath.


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071028  No.12662641


I have come to this board for about 3 years to contribute to the discussion, get updated on the latest digs and investigate our public entities to disclose potential corruption in our government. This is meant to be a good thing.

Most times this board is both enlightening and entertaining, however, it has become more prevalent to be attacked by arrogant lunatics who barely know how to wipe their nose, let alone raise a family, pay bills, be outstanding citizens and help their community. These attacks are personal in nature, are meant to be degrading and are meant to to achieve a negative response. This smells of those who have been well trained in communist government skill sets. These board contributors only assault and insult and provide nothing to the overall discussion. We call these losers "shills". If you are one - stop. Consider what you are actually accomplishing by your actions…

Shills do nothing to me and shills do nothing for me, ergo, they are worthless to society as a whole. The only value on Earth is human labor which is directed toward the creation of a useful product or the offering of a service to others. Shills perform neither of these, therefore, they can be deemed, worthless. Shills only show their immaturity, their ignorance, their arrogance and their lack of education in the real ways of life. Most humans who behave in this manner are probably of an age that is barely beyond the diaper stage of life. Should they actually be of a more advanced age, they probably had adults in their upbringing who were not that far out of diapers themselves and were incapable of training their offspring on the importance of social skills, thus, the resulting offspring is nothing but a pile of flesh that is useless to society as a whole. They offer no "value".

I am an American citizen. I was taught to be a productive and helpful citizen amongst my peers. The more productive one is, the greater the earnings potential. There is no limit to the potential which stimulates legions of people to arrive on America's shores to have an opportunity to be free and live a happy and fruitful life. Most of the folks who arrive here come from societies made up of "shills" who simply do nothing for society but "keep it down" under a system of oppression so that the rulers of the oppressive system have an easier time of citizen control.

As I mentioned earlier. If you are a shill - stop. Consider your life. Do you want to be of value to the greater society or are your goals to simply be a zero? If the latter, I will warn you that your time on this Earth will be very limited. Humanity has seen a taste of freedom, understands human value, encourages human participation in society and will ultimately reject the "shills" and toss them to the curbside. You are a dying breed even though you feel you have "control". Control is an illusion and will soon evaporate right before your eyes. Do yourself a favor. Don't be a shill.

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90bcc7  No.12662642

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226b68  No.12662643



Honestly the hest part imo

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99dc42  No.12662644

File: 1c96bba212109f8⋯.png (27.77 KB, 314x215, 314:215, BOOM.png)

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bf79d5  No.12662645

File: 82450eb78553cf5⋯.png (204.4 KB, 716x1074, 2:3, By_the_Dons_Early_Light5.png)


>Every morning was a new adventure.

It still is anon

But I get the sentiment

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e66921  No.12662646


>Been here for years and never heard it theorized to be related to castling as found in chess. Take your meds.

Its right here, there's been posts on it


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253ad5  No.12662647

File: 776936cad529d8e⋯.png (998.26 KB, 700x882, 50:63, ClipboardImage.png)


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1a9760  No.12662648


Black couple kills white child

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cf768a  No.12662649



>>What firmness should anon order for someone used to memory foam pillow?

>Somewhere in here

fake… there's no sauce on this assertion

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000000  No.12662650

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4092dd  No.12662651

War of the Worlds was written by Wells in 1898. Broadcast was 1938. 40 years.



Independence Day the movie was 1996. So not so many years. (And excuse me, "film.") But it was the highest seller.


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90bcc7  No.12662652


Drama shill.

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e68e59  No.12662653

File: 5832a1a009524d8⋯.png (294.56 KB, 909x479, 909:479, Screen_Shot_2021_01_22_at_….png)

File: b54ee0a6f0b3a32⋯.png (57.64 KB, 511x363, 511:363, Screen_Shot_2021_01_19_at_….png)

File: 20d73cfccef97b4⋯.png (19.91 KB, 411x114, 137:38, Screen_Shot_2021_01_22_at_….png)





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e85067  No.12662654

File: af03f2800ea4f5d⋯.png (318.9 KB, 678x973, 678:973, Biden_crime_bill.png)

File: ac229d274938991⋯.png (236.57 KB, 770x818, 385:409, sex_bias_in_us_code.png)

File: 25ce6e4cb7b5ab6⋯.png (86.48 KB, 563x625, 563:625, ginsburg_sex_code_1.png)

the ginsberg memes go together

she wrote the handbook for juvenile rights

now we need to see Hillary Clinton's college treatise

on justice for children

which is very hard to find

(this is not a movement to protect the innocent, mind you)

NAMBLA formed around this time as well

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775b7a  No.12662655


I remember when this happened. Plane fags were all over it as it happened. We also had an A-10 in the area.

Yeah it was a small little blurb in local paper only - A house exploded, nothing to see here.

The neighbors were like: It was massive and our neighbors were just obliterated!

Thanks for the followup!

This was right around the time we were finding out traitor Trudeau had Chinese troops just across the border for "training".

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401b5f  No.12662656

So guise when Q was talking about GITMO and other prisons being prepped were they referring to being for anons? Can't help but wonder since we're all in this honey pot together. The way all trump supporters are being framed and with pedo Joe in total power it won't be long before the NSA gives up all our IP's and identities by being forced to. Anyone following Q is already being insinuated as a domestic terrorist. Now that Joe has full power transferred how long before we're all doxxed?

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35cffa  No.12662657

who is running the populist.press website that published the fake new Reuters story about 'Qanon being an FBI psyop'?

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071028  No.12662658

File: 54d77d45b1bec32⋯.png (516.7 KB, 480x480, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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bf79d5  No.12662659

File: b4a286f08515747⋯.png (1.06 MB, 827x1134, 827:1134, ClipboardImage.png)




this is one of MANY articles on this same subject, with varying levels of REEEEE

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7a538d  No.12662660


Wouldn't it have been more direct to present the evidence to the public and keep the presidency?

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5951a1  No.12662661

>>12662635 - Re-posting

Patriot Anons

POTUS45 & Q team - COMMS received ready on stand by Be safe For GOD & Country GOD Bless


What makes a great movie = Great Actors = GA = Great Awakening = You'll find out who they all are after the movie is over ( movie credits )

POTUS45 & Q team might speak with you Anons openly on the board in front of the world LIVE when it's over ( TBA )

By the way enjoy the White House Visit Anons when POTUS45 & Q team invites you over, Be respectful & polite when at the WH ( Your family will be proud )

Enjoy the show Anons

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000000  No.12662662


Greatest thing about me…its all about me.

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80d81d  No.12662663


You should see the lefties on FB trying desperately to love Kamala.

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4092dd  No.12662664


Pfft. I had to show tits in two hairstyles LB.

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4c2be8  No.12662665

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ya well, I'm not in disarray here. And of course the true anons aren't in disarray either. In fact, maybe the MSM will stop smearing "Qanon" for a few minutes, since apparently "it's all over." Right?

Biden inauguration leaves QAnon believers in disarray???

The son of Jim Watkins, the man behind 8chan and 8kun - message boards filled with extreme language and views, violence and extreme sexual content on which "Q" posts - the younger Watkins has been one of the main purveyors of election conspiracies and played a vital role in encouraging some QAnon supporters to gather in Washington DC on 6 January. "We gave it our all," [Ron Watkins] said to his 120,000 subscribers on Telegram, "Now we need to keep our chins up and go back to our lives as best we are able."

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b8dd29  No.12662666

File: 9ba8a054eba5897⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1440x900, 8:5, Screen_Shot_2021_01_21_at_….png)

File: 8cf60185ae14a09⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1440x900, 8:5, Screen_Shot_2021_01_21_at_….png)

File: 62ee8819c9625d2⋯.png (648.25 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, Screen_Shot_2021_01_21_at_….png)

Pizza D's

Mendon, NY


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e68e59  No.12662667


Show us the light Mike

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ad691d  No.12662668


That is one miserable lookin Pepe, kek

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89efb7  No.12662669


Bust of Caesar signals Biden works for Rome

(not generalizing to all Catholics, just one in particular).

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cfeb8f  No.12662670

File: 8d1399fbe2cf254⋯.jpg (96.35 KB, 1088x1394, 32:41, patt57.jpg)

File: 1d6f07d18d3cb2b⋯.jpg (39.84 KB, 751x606, 751:606, patter113.jpg)

File: 1b330bf9103ff01⋯.jpg (37.81 KB, 673x686, 673:686, pat4.jpg)


Did you even read what I wrote?

or did you just babble nonsense.

that was like "orange man bad"

you didn't address my argument, some shill good

you fool.

you ego, hurt?

ahhh. little baby.

maybe you should go find a faggot, suck his dick, and taste that sweet salty milk.

why would I respond to nonsense with anything reasonable?

fucking r-tard

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b821ff  No.12662671

Yall ever wonder why Q still hasn't posted?

Not even a drop to just put anons at ease and confirm the white hats are still fighting?

Seems hella suspicious dudes just ghosted the same time Trumps re-election hopes died.

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50194f  No.12662672

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's worse than Twilight Zone because it's actually real.

What the media will show when Biden finally goes down

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a58f5d  No.12662673


They’ve never played out because they are just now actually happening.

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eb602c  No.12662674


Anons don't just trust someone just because he removes "nonymous" from his name.

So, nice larp, by all means, keep it going, we laugh WITH you, not at you.

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cdad6c  No.12662675

File: 5d1836d4648188a⋯.jpg (27.18 KB, 417x429, 139:143, goodmeme.jpg)

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071028  No.12662676


You got hairy tits?

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ff810c  No.12662677

File: f0ee1c42c6b81d3⋯.jpg (130.83 KB, 320x359, 320:359, Polish_20210122_002220071.jpg)

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cfeb8f  No.12662678


I have come to this board to tell you for 3 years to tell you that you are doing it all wrong and to pull the stupid q-dick out of your ass

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775b7a  No.12662679


Thank you! I will do such from now on! I can't read fast enough to stay in current/new bread.

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35d991  No.12662680

File: 50afecc99f1e294⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1277x717, 1277:717, ClipboardImage.png)

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334ad1  No.12662681

File: 4575d343d6ddb1b⋯.gif (4.64 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 4575d343d6ddb1b1a3bf4bb257….gif)

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05f9b3  No.12662682


There’s no such thing and I never seen it mentioned before just now.

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4092dd  No.12662683

File: d886ce6f66bf91e⋯.jpg (17.2 KB, 449x308, 449:308, mr_rogers.jpg)


The best meme in America.

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226b68  No.12662685


Can I print out my best memes and bring them

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42349d  No.12662686



You sounds scared shitless.

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071028  No.12662687


Won the asshole award twice!

What did you just win?

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e68e59  No.12662688


i have that problem too, i entered the URL with a ? after html so it loks like 'html?'

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bf313a  No.12662689

File: 2eb8e196f48abe2⋯.png (866.71 KB, 1539x714, 513:238, 5b0046887c710f3c44d296150f….png)

File: 090f8e71ec83b46⋯.jpg (153.1 KB, 1196x700, 299:175, Xnip2021_01_22_01_23_28.jpg)


yes it is.

Tunnel Zip code 13848

POTUS Exec Order 13848

Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

September 12, 2018

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8ab9fe  No.12662690

I really miss my POTUS…

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709eac  No.12662691



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2588ff  No.12662692


>>12662416 pb

>You have NO idea how fucking close they got to destroying the great lakes

really? REALLY??? have we become SO scientifically illiterate that the absurdity of this is not OBVIOUS to everyone? the volume of the great lake is approx 27,000 CUBIC KILOMETERS. if we use the published LD50, the lethal dose for an average human is about 1 gram. in order to achieve a concentration equivalent to one lethal dose per quart of water, you would need to add 30,000,000,000,000,000 KILOGRAMS of fentanyl to the great lakes.

in the first place, how do you know it was fentanyl?


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071028  No.12662693


Did you even think about what you wrote?


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4092dd  No.12662694


Not if I keep up with the plucking.

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d4d559  No.12662695


I do, but I'm a 60 yo man…. I'll show em if that's your thing

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d6d55a  No.12662696

TFW They are SO DESPERATE That they are literally attempting to shut down the site by injecting false evidence of anons claiming to be political entities or politicians themselves. Weak.

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fee60c  No.12662697

>>12654448 pb

>Can at least you look at this shit?


>When Anons are BRAINDEAD.

Can you assclowns at least post a synopsis of WHY we need to fucking look at it? FFS! Just because it's causing YOU to chimp out over it rather than present a short explanation of it's significance does not mean the rest of us need to drop what we're doing to figure it out for you.


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2eb974  No.12662698

PLUME CLOUD in Warden Washington from Potato plant on fire.

City being evacuated.


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226b68  No.12662699




It's a joke

Dont run with it…

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e995fc  No.12662700

>>12661842 Tom Cotton - Dems Want (cheating) Pandemic Voting Practices to be Permanent

Seriously so he fucking knew and wouldn’t stand up for POTUS, wasn’t he just saying a couple of weeks ago there was no voter fraud???The GOP is absolutely dead to me, I’d vote god a rock before those cowards. Cotton don’t talk anymore you are making it worse for yourself!!!

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05524e  No.12662701


The telegram post was fake. Gab account says he dont use the telegramz. "Disarray"…nobody asked me about my feelings. wth? "Extreme language"…kek

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36661a  No.12662702

File: 907a4993a122c0f⋯.png (520.25 KB, 600x395, 120:79, ClipboardImage.png)

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071028  No.12662703


But I do not have an ass - I simply shit on you from my mouth…

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2cf58a  No.12662704

File: 307a02c43d0da32⋯.png (15.25 KB, 455x321, 455:321, ClipboardImage.png)


The end won't be for everyone.

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e66921  No.12662705


That was my point, Sorry Im new & I totally fucked that up, meant to respond to all the posts on it.

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56eca2  No.12662706

File: 770ec4b5fba6c50⋯.jpg (411.72 KB, 1846x1394, 923:697, biden_fail_marked_oval_off….jpg)

File: 0cb16c3127c99a0⋯.jpg (581.94 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, biden_oval_office_fail_red….jpg)


proof oval office EO signing was fake af. NPR article was clean up attempt after Wumao alerted them we were on to them

Compare stills.Still one is cover pic from the jewtube LIVE stream…now compare it to the stills of him signing the EOs in the NPR article. LOLOLOLOLOLOL

1. car parked right outside the window

2. wrinkled curtains and flags.

3. Curtains missing embossed pattern

4. foilage 100% incorrect

5. WTF a bus?

6. Bust of Cesar Chavez sniffing the flag of freedom

7. cheap ass console table

8. wal-mart phones…

9. darker outside

10. tie less wrinkly a tad bit fresher

waves magic wand

And the next day, NPR posts written article with Joe signing EOs…only it's a completely different set.

1. foilage 100% different

2. curtains at least ironed

3. curtains now magically have WH embossed patterns

4. Chavez is not sniffing the flag

5. outdoor light close but not the same

6. curtains still wrinkled near bottom

7. wtf is that blocking the outdoors? some big ass black bus?

8. tie more wrinkly like worn all day

LOOK for yourself. They're faking everything.


NPR article still pic, versus livestream still from WH jewtube LIVESTREAM channel.

Warning WUMAO posting fake West Wing set pics claiming that's Biden's office. The wallpaper shit didn't float, rewind, try again.

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b284e7  No.12662707


If you stick your head in any deeper in the sand, you'll probably suffocate.

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b821ff  No.12662708

Jimmy Dore is open to a populists left/right alliance against the establishment.


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89efb7  No.12662709


There are no coincidences.

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eb602c  No.12662710


Who is POTUS46?

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191d45  No.12662711



Why is Sasquatch wearing a belt? weird af-

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226b68  No.12662712


If you cant take in info or theories without believing them you may be in the wrong place

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b16022  No.12662713


I like to assume the same thing. Maybe they felt the only way to properly safeguard the republic from voterfraud is have it all filed in the Supreme Court in a massive courtcase that will be remembered for generations. They might even have to make amendments of voter fraud due to how fraudulent this election was. Laws aren't good enough.

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4f57c7  No.12662714

FYI our old friend eye the spy is involved now in a full blown suppression psyop. He has a telegram chat several times a day with a boatload of people on it.

Anyone who suggests the election can be undone or Biden removed is shouted down. No, eye is going to save this country… by working with Jim Watkins to produce a new social media network.

I am sure the deep state is quaking in its boots.

All he is doing is sidelining a couple thousand patriots when they could actually be using their voices to protest against the stolen election.

Oh and using the term "election fraud" gets the message removed.


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5d4009  No.12662715

Be it me of one or three.

To share the fruit of Liberty.

OpsCh3_trunk02 test_go: COMPLETE

Rep2; 3; 6-8: forward_:loud:

Comm_pkg is GOOD



Hound is GOOD


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253ad5  No.12662716



we have been saying that for decades

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a70ad6  No.12662717

So Firefox no longer seems to work on this board

Won't open image file and causes "The server took too long to respond" errors every time I try and post.

Anyone else getting this shit?

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a4bbb8  No.12662718

File: ac4907682ae52e1⋯.jpg (150.6 KB, 890x704, 445:352, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)

File: 07c3b189488f615⋯.jpg (79.71 KB, 608x456, 4:3, off.jpg)

(NOTABLES)>>>12661921 (pb) Former Presidents Obama, Bush, Clinton share message of unity for President Biden


This is mutha-fuckin'WAR

Anons won't stop.

Nothing can stop what is coming.

If you didn't wanna pay, you shouldn't have played.


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4092dd  No.12662719


I'm still keen on Phillip for P. Which is indeed - Pindar.

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80d81d  No.12662720


You really need your had held? It is all spelled out at this point.

Plus, he probably has to pick up a few shifts at the Grab n Go now.

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071028  No.12662721


My sides…

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d4d559  No.12662722


Use Brave

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539978  No.12662723

3 captchas?

Fake 10B?

SIG match fail

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071028  No.12662724


Oh my sides…

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89efb7  No.12662725

File: be404b8756d8d46⋯.jpg (159.77 KB, 998x884, 499:442, CommieAntifa.JPG)

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ff77ce  No.12662726

File: 7e77c321e336d5d⋯.png (3.48 MB, 2048x1138, 1024:569, ClipboardImage.png)

All The Jews That Biden Has Tapped For Top Roles In His Administration

The Jerusalem Post, Jan. 20, 2021

President-elect Joe Biden filled the months before Inauguration Day lining up a slate of Cabinet secretaries, assistants and advisors, many of them Jewish.

Biden’s choices reflect a diverse cross-section of American Jewry and possess expertise gleaned from decades of experience in government, science and medicine and law.

> Here’s a rundown of the Jewish names you should know as the Biden administration begins.

Anthony Blinken, Secretary of State

Blinken, a longtime Biden advisor with an extensive diplomacy resume, is the stepson of a Holocaust survivor whose stories shaped his worldview and subsequently his policy decisions, including in the Middle East.

He holds mainstream Democratic views about Israel and said during his confirmation hearing Tuesday that he wants the U.S. to reenter the Iran nuclear deal — and that he would consult with Israel on Iran policy.

David Cohen, CIA Deputy Director

Cohen, who has long been involved in Jewish causes and issues, will occupy the job he held under President Barack Obama. He does not require confirmation, meaning that Biden’s CIA has a top expert in Iran issues from Day One.

Merrick Garland, Attorney General

Garland was blocked from joining the Supreme Court in the last year of the Obama administration. Now, he’ll require Senate confirmation to become the country’s top lawyer. In his speech after being nominated, he credited his grandparents, who fled anti-Semitism in Europe before coming to the US.

Avril Haines, Director of National Intelligence

Haines was deputy director of the CIA under Obama and Biden reportedly considered her to run that agency. Her mother was the Jewish painter Adrian Rappin (originally Rappaport), and her non-Jewish father once wrote in an account about a trip with Haines to Israel that the nominee identifies as Jewish.

Ronald Klain, Chief of Staff

Klain, a longtime Biden who was the president-elect’s first major appointment in November, was previously chief of staff to Biden in his vice president days and to Vice President Al Gore. He has maintained ties with his childhood synagogue in Indianapolis, where he famously learned multiple Torah portions for his bar mitzvah, and has spoken about his commitment to raising Jewish children.

Eric Lander, Office of Science and Technology Policy Director

Lander, a leading geneticist, will require Senate confirmation after Biden elevated his position to the Cabinet level.

After he was criticized for toasting James Watson, the scientist who is credited with discovering the shape of DNA and who also expressed racist and sexist views, Lander said he, too, had been the subject of anti-Semitic comments by Watson.

Rachel Levine, Deputy Health Secretary

Levine, raised in a Conservative Jewish home in Massachusetts, is Pennsylvania’s health secretary. She is the first known Transgender person to be nominated for a position that requires Senate confirmation.

Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security

Mayorkas, 60, the deputy secretary of Homeland Security under President Barack Obama, was born in Cuba to a Cuban Jewish father and Romanian Jewish mother who survived the Holocaust. He has worked closely with Jewish groups and spoken often about the specific threats facing American Jews.

An array of Jewish groups sought a swift confirmation given the threat of extremist violence surrounding the presidential transition, but a Republican senator who supported overturning the election results blocked that possibility on Tuesday.

Anne Neuberger, National Security Agency Cybersecurity Director

An Orthodox Jew originally from Brooklyn and educated through college in Orthodox schools, Neuberger has worked at the NSA for more than a decade. She helped establish the US Cyber Command and worked as chief risk officer, where she led the agency’s election security efforts for the 2018 midterms.

Wendy Sherman, Deputy Secretary of State

Sherman was the lead negotiator for the 2015 Iran nuclear deal and took the lead in advocating for the agreement with the Jewish and pro-Israel communities, later describing tensions with Israel and some American Jewish groups over the deal as “very, very painful.”

She has also played a role in hewing the Democratic Party platform to traditional pro-Israel lines.

Janet Yellen, Treasury Secretary

Yellen already made history as the first woman chair of the Federal Reserve, but now she has been appointed to be the first female Treasury secretary. The respected centrist was one of three Jews featured in a 2016 Trump attack ad that reflected longstanding antisemitic tropes.

Sauce: https://www.jta.org/2021/01/20/politics/all-the-jews-joe-biden-has-tapped-for-top-roles-in-his-administration

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b284e7  No.12662727


You know, I never realized how much I looked forward each morning to see what kind of trouble he was stirring up (in a good way) until now.

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e3c92f  No.12662728

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

@ around 1.16.30 , it's an unlisted official White House YT video where Hunter cuts in somehow to the feed and we hear him say hes taken some plea deal…

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199c73  No.12662729

File: 591c18932c8d903⋯.png (2.7 MB, 1756x2088, 439:522, the_new_three_stooges.png)

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42349d  No.12662730


Change your dns servers on your router to open dns or use a change dns on your phone and set.

opendns.org or something.

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000000  No.12662731

>>an actual “Q clearance leaker” – i.e. someone possessing the highest security clearance at the US Department of Energy, required to access top secret nuclear weapons information – would have been identified and removed within days.

Even if it was AI?

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334ad1  No.12662732


Have you cleared your cache?

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e66921  No.12662733

Q silence is actually potential evidence of activity.. you don't dump while its hot

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e68e59  No.12662734


>A 0



for a larper he seems to always have intel that nobody has on here

==pay attention

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35cffa  No.12662735

is Bannon running populist.press?

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4f57c7  No.12662736


Some fictional president.

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071028  No.12662737


True - But I'll be smiling!

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000000  No.12662738


Take a vaccine shot to remind yourself of Trump the vaccine pusher.

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c65c43  No.12662739

>>12661847 (PB)

See curtains in this article.


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e85067  No.12662740

File: 0211566ba792ce9⋯.png (191.84 KB, 533x724, 533:724, Biden_admits_mistake.png)

File: 12611dfb44780a9⋯.png (99.5 KB, 513x1048, 513:1048, Biden_100_to_1_rule.png)

File: e3992e43a24e360⋯.png (130.72 KB, 523x901, 523:901, Biden_drug_law_problems.png)

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191d45  No.12662741


>Tom Cotton

Soros funded treasonous POS-

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9acc68  No.12662742


>the volume of the great lake

It’s a series of 5 interconnected lake(s).

Use pleural when appropriate prease.

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000000  No.12662743


This anon has been here since the beginning and although my faith struggled a bit, I never lost hope. Proud to be here with therealpatriots.

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cfeb8f  No.12662744


no dickbag

i dont use my prefrontal cortex

i type

it is called


eat it.



real important

i heard it holds the story better than the written word

and those red savage people were passin' messages for thousands of years tellin' real good stories

ya'll wanna fuck around and pretend that everyone on earth needs to be focused on doing what you are doing

and nobody should be on this board unless they are doing what you are doing

and nobody should talk about politics unless they are your politics

like…. did you ever consider what would happen if you quit calling leftists commie scum and started to uhhh.. invite them in? like new Q converts or whatever you do.

okay. look. your stupid like them. you call each other names,

if you were emotionally, or spiritually mature you wouldn't call NPC names.

okay. if you are talking to NPC like it can hear you. you are stupid NPC too.

okay. I see NPC argue. Both NPC.


What kind of question is that?

i told you to suck dick and swallow.

i think you might have some repressed faggot to get out. just think. just for a minute. what would it feel like to have all that cum on your face, don't you want to pleasure him?

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b780eb  No.12662745


no issues here

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e8f69f  No.12662746


Biden got rid of the Churchill bust in the OO

However, wasn't drunkard indebted Churchill a Rothschild dupe ?

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79ae04  No.12662747

>>12661864 (pb)

1/10th of what?


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c65c43  No.12662748

File: 710f12a7849fcc6⋯.png (5.51 MB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, ClipboardImage.png)

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cf768a  No.12662749

File: d80b1effe79dfd9⋯.png (288.1 KB, 667x300, 667:300, ClipboardImage.png)


>Hillary Clinton's

Such a child-advocate HRC is… whuddathunk when one is fresh outta law school defending sex crimes


During her second year, Rodham worked at the Yale Child Study Center assisting in !!! child brain development research. !!!

Rodham worked on Democratic Senator Walter Mondale’s Subcommittee on Migrant Labor.

Rodham became an editor on the Yale Review of Law and Social Action, which was a rival of the mainstream Yale Law Review. The Yale Review of Law and Social Action took a controversial stance in favor of Black Panther activists, several of whom were on trial in New Haven for the murder of a fellow member.

After graduating with honors in 1973, Hillary Rodham completed one year of !!! post graduate work on children and medicine.!!!

Civil Rights Activism During Law School

In addition to her academic pursuits at Yale Law School, Rodham took an !!! active interest in children and child rights. !!!

After reading an article by Time Magazine contributor and civil rights attorney Marian Wright Edelman, she attended a speech that Edelman gave at the law school on the subject. Hillary approached the author and asked to work with the civil rights activist at the !!! Mrs. Edelman’s Washington Research Project — still in existence as the Children’s Defense Fund — over the summer. Edelman accepted the proposal, and after obtaining grant money, Rodham began working with the organization. !!!

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d41bdc  No.12662750

File: cb1c81e8b76c130⋯.jpg (539.75 KB, 1078x1996, 539:998, Screenshot_20210122_012858….jpg)

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cdad6c  No.12662751

Even anon's normie friends will appreciate this

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7a538d  No.12662752


The bully pulpit of the presidency would be a much easier position to expose crimes and advocate for changes.

This approach would just be stupid.

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000000  No.12662753



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89efb7  No.12662754

File: 4c5b1a9198f71f3⋯.jpeg (30.94 KB, 237x252, 79:84, B8DC4B9B_5302_4E24_AA42_F….jpeg)

File: 114ab0993758727⋯.jpeg (101.11 KB, 680x850, 4:5, BF0CD9F7_3E40_4A68_A7B7_C….jpeg)

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448dfe  No.12662755

File: a72066731db5666⋯.jpg (2.48 MB, 1788x4087, 1788:4087, jew_biden_administration.jpg)

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d41bdc  No.12662756

File: af48820a1dd3ab8⋯.jpg (45.17 KB, 869x579, 869:579, 456ba8813181f0cea0d3aa191e….jpg)

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b821ff  No.12662757

whats the longest Q has ever gone dark previously? we're at 44 days now.

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191d45  No.12662758


>So Firefox no longer seems to work on this board

try Brave.

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2e8c23  No.12662759


I've thought about this same thing. There is a reason the "arrests" need to go down under a Biden presidency guise (but still trying to fully analyze this part).

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35cffa  No.12662761


longer when 8chan went down I think

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bf313a  No.12662762

File: fbde507b9234e2b⋯.jpg (325.65 KB, 884x1428, 13:21, Xnip2021_01_22_01_17_50.jpg)

File: e16de8b07f21e0c⋯.png (237.25 KB, 435x273, 145:91, f134a376be3a6e813f585253c9….png)

File: 5aa5be49fe608b2⋯.jpg (94.3 KB, 1278x342, 71:19, Xnip2021_01_22_01_30_25.jpg)


Welcome back Huma.

Now comes the pain.


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80d81d  No.12662764

If you haven't seen it you all should probably watch Wag The Dog.

It shows what they are trying to do with the fake presidency.

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b284e7  No.12662765


Somebody blew up the taters?

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bf79d5  No.12662766


>whats the longest Q has ever gone dark previously? we're at 44 days now.

that would be 93 days dark anon, the 93 days between the 8chan de-platforming and the 8kun re-platforming

so, a little under halfway there right now

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4f57c7  No.12662767

What does the marine band play when Biden walks out?

Hail to the Theif

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99dc42  No.12662768

File: fe06a3f4663bc7c⋯.png (565.27 KB, 611x918, 611:918, the_Q.png)

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334ad1  No.12662769

File: 0f8d66af00cc8cd⋯.jpeg (24.14 KB, 255x210, 17:14, 0f8d66af00cc8cdbdd31fa653….jpeg)

File: 23f7bd81b0d7634⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1290x843, 430:281, thumbdown11k.PNG)


At 1:16:37.

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226b68  No.12662770


You've already got more than enough

And if you dont get it, go back and use news and knowledge now to unlock more

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ba0ec9  No.12662771

File: f46620ea644d7b6⋯.png (694.17 KB, 1008x518, 72:37, ClipboardImage.png)

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56eca2  No.12662772

File: 82fbe1b8d5e8981⋯.jpg (1014.01 KB, 2243x1596, 2243:1596, michigan_crash_f_16_compar….jpg)

File: 6bf236b6506556c⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 2252x1689, 4:3, michigan_crash_crater.jpg)

File: 0297f33a9205a3e⋯.png (2.41 MB, 1914x972, 319:162, ivy_bluff_prision_michigan….png)

File: b52d20158ecf312⋯.png (2.64 MB, 1529x947, 1529:947, epstein_larp_crash_michiga….png)

File: 1f6367c8514a023⋯.jpg (777.89 KB, 1000x664, 125:83, crash_explosion_house_flig….jpg)


You have NO idea how fucking close they got to destroying the great lakes. ALL of which are connected under water. 4chan planefag spotted that shit going down. /pol/ was on the scene from the minute PF posted. 3 hours of local cop broadcastify….

pro tip, the official story is a lie…but, slightly understandable. I look forward to the day the news is for real.

Chinese drone shot down over UP Michigan carrying a payload of Fentenl intended for the Great Lakes. The Drone took off from a First Nations reservation across the lake and was spotted on radar two f-16's were scrambled, however unexpectedly one f-16 swapped signals with the Chinese drone prompting the other f-16 pilot to shoot down both the drone and the rogue f-16.

The drone exploded upon landing leaving a massive crater in the ground littered with a white powder. The F-16 pilot that was shot down ejected safely and left glow sticks marking his location for rescue by his Lake House conspirators. The search for the pilot did not begin for a full 3 hours after the "crash" leaving many to wonder, what really happened.

Federal officials did not arrive at the scene to begin the coverup (oops cleanup) until a full 3 hours after the crash was reported locally.

The next day a local house in the general vicinity was reported to have been obliterated by a "gas line explosion".

The location of the crash is remote and inaccessible by vehicle.

The next day, a local man who knew the area well, hiked in from a different angle and was able to evade site security and take these photos before being chased from the area by what is presumed to have been federal officials.

Plane watching enthusiasts also noted that during the time of the crash another plane was flying around the old Ivy Bluff prison.==


Real f-16 crash sites

Bulldozed crater from drone crash

This is not fire retardant powder. No vehicles were able to reach the scene until bulldozers were brought in. Note bucket marks in soil.

Ivy bluff planefag report.

3 local cops called in coordinates over broadcastify bear out the 3 different sites. Drone crash, f-16 crash, and pilot "recovery". Which are a mere 20-30 miles from the leaked site reported to be where Jeffrey Epstein was being held in what is supposed to be a LARP leak on noted dissident website 4chan. However, it has been noted that Lake House is also mentioned in leaked Chinese documents.

House and surrounding area exploded the next day.

INb4 Wumao clean this shit up…wonder how they'll spin it..conspiracy site claims tragic f-16 crash was Chinese invasion force?

MOAR sauce in followup posts.

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be0fc6  No.12662773

File: ad2594ac28b25a4⋯.jpg (135.71 KB, 1158x2048, 579:1024, jbSalt.jpg)

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80d81d  No.12662774

File: 81f0470557db520⋯.jpg (159.38 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, 65ca91d5c54d9be2be26ea8a0a….jpg)

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2588ff  No.12662775


* sorry * that should have been

30,000,000,000,000,000 GRAMS, or

30,000,000,000,000 KILOGRAMS, or

30,000,000,000 METRIC TONS of fentanyl

does chyna have a drone that can carry a payload of 30 BILLION metric tons?

IF, and that's aBIG IF… IF this was a chinese drone, the only thing that could have possibly been a threat would have been something radioactive. and then it would take 40 years for people to start dying of cancer.

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47c21f  No.12662776


Pilot has short sleeves? No uniform. I know a good friend of Trump's that was a civilian pilot. kek

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377be6  No.12662777


I think we've seen the last of Q

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efe817  No.12662778


Looks like Steven Maio might have also been an

R&D Specialist at Regeneron Pharmaceuticals.

Guys didnt ipot do some recent digs on Regeneron? Why does that sound so familiar??

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709eac  No.12662779



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2c5c79  No.12662780


Tactics, Techniques and Procedures.

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35cffa  No.12662781



Firefox still works

it's probably the domain name server of your ISP that's blocking 8kun

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b52f09  No.12662782

So what’s the deal with Posobiec?

I thought Q outted him for being a Clown nigger? Didn’t he claim Q is a LARP that his buddy did as a joke?

We trusting this guy now?

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226b68  No.12662783


I was gonna say it, but you did a much better job

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ba0ec9  No.12662785

File: 566c591d16732d8⋯.png (104.32 KB, 255x145, 51:29, ClipboardImage.png)

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90bcc7  No.12662786


Thanks, this is a good sign. I hope

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1bf8a7  No.12662787


Q post about POTUS running silent, older one.

Charlie Ward and another guy both said he is in DC. Possible he flew back on AF1 and look alike went to Maralago? It would make sense for him to be near!

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775b7a  No.12662788


Chairman Xi Jinping?

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43898b  No.12662789


Don't forget they both on their knees work for us!!!

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e7b5cb  No.12662790


>I can't get the image files to open - getting "Contains Errors" message in "new tab".

Same error message on multiple images for the past several hours

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09e5ed  No.12662792

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80d81d  No.12662793


Obscure tweet of his where he admitted and supposedly said he was EX deep state.

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906e48  No.12662794

File: 74558017b570dcd⋯.jpg (2.02 MB, 7210x5806, 3605:2903, Mask_in_the_A.jpg)

Seem like all those clues might be pointing to moab or bullshit idk

1384 days was April 8 2017 from now is November 5 2024 which is in fact election day.

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b284e7  No.12662795


I see all the establishment Repubs are back to their old tricks.

Republicans like being the minority party, doncha know? Dems write all the legislation, Repubs sit back and hem and haw, and still the Progressive agenda moves forward.

Repubs apparently don't care for work that much.

Same game they've been playing for forty fucking years.

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ac1fd7  No.12662797


I always like reading Dr Salla's writeups.

This dude seems a little young (who knows though) and I always thought P would be some scraggly old lizard wizard.

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ad691d  No.12662798


Stop using Firefox. Use Brave and/or Dissenter. Jump DNS when necessary.

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89efb7  No.12662799


The last two sentences, together, imply that what is to be revealed will be so sickening that many people will reach their limit before reviewing it all.

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35d991  No.12662801


Anyone can add a name, it does not mean that is who they are.

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79ae04  No.12662803

>>12661945 (pb)

Tesla reference would have been 90/60/30 so now I want to figure out why 100.

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7c2067  No.12662805

File: 7d53799b87523b6⋯.png (942.23 KB, 1074x699, 358:233, Screen_Shot_2021_01_21_at_….png)

File: 5099ba85158fda9⋯.png (1.13 MB, 956x956, 1:1, 5099ba85158fda9710a9ad5d97….png)

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35cffa  No.12662806


I'm starting to have doubts about Raheem Kassam that's on Bannon too, he's been pilling on Q a lot lately…

Could be for optics though, eyes on him

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43775d  No.12662807


Most trafficking news is always local, unless some semi truck ends up being full of dead illegals in Texas in August, then it's a muh poor illegals and the trafficking is swept under the rug. Just like the rape trees. And kids in cages is all Trumps fault…it all gets so tiresome.

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226b68  No.12662808


Thinking for yourself is a funny thing

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2e8c23  No.12662809


Me too, anon.

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8c8038  No.12662810

I was thinking about something while workfagging.

Seeing these concernfags and the like saying Trump bailed on us, betrayed us, what have you.

We are watching a movie. The one I am thinking of is Air Force One. After I stumbled upon Q and learned of the plan, I couldn't help but think how appropriate it was for Trump to play the movie's theme at his victory celebration (and Harrison Ford was ripping on him for it, screw him).

If you've ever seen it, recall that everyone was convinced that the president had bailed in the escape pod when the terrorists took over. Turns out he didn't and he was taking out the bad guys behind the scenes.

Likewise I don't think Trump bailed out on us.

Reminds me of the Major Caldwell quote from the movie: "Sir, it's someone who is smart enough to know if you're hunting with one bullet, you wait for a clean shot."

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be0fc6  No.12662811

File: 31b574070bc71bc⋯.jpg (272.39 KB, 1200x727, 1200:727, pepeWW.jpg)




They're trying to poison us

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bf79d5  No.12662812


>Hail to the Theif



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c443cb  No.12662813


Seriously doubt that

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d6d55a  No.12662814


Soft Disclosure.

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4f57c7  No.12662815

If Q doesn't come back in here and verify if we've lost or if we keep on fighting, then their soul is darker than the pit of hell and I literally curse them.

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e8f69f  No.12662816


Dissenter browser "phones home" with your data

I used it then dumped it….

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05524e  No.12662817

File: 288a0ac0b45c2bc⋯.jpg (1000.75 KB, 1920x1296, 40:27, TrumpinSpace.jpg)

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cd8e10  No.12662818

File: 9d6ad0846f79d41⋯.jpeg (690.32 KB, 1242x679, 1242:679, 66434A31_8291_4051_8685_B….jpeg)

File: 831b2593d1ff4ef⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 5B6285D7_5614_4151_A8BC_7C….png)

File: 857b7b2abf5f80f⋯.jpeg (705.26 KB, 1242x1306, 621:653, 97353469_7AA0_48BB_A126_8….jpeg)

>>12662095 LB

Jack Posobiec is a fuking microchip AJ mossad agent, why the hell are any of his tweets in muy NOTEABLES anons? He’s anti Q and a top ranking faggot! WTF?

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3bfdcd  No.12662819

Bad Dreams!

Everything okay in here? Nobody blew anything up or anything yet?

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2c5c79  No.12662820

File: fab001c74c98bcb⋯.png (76.44 KB, 483x269, 483:269, flag.png)

Stay the course and TRUST THE PLAN.

Protective measures are in place.

Remain BRAVE.

We knew this day would come.

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efe817  No.12662821


different people just have same name. disregard

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35cffa  No.12662822


dissenter is brave rebranded with a spyware extension bundled in

don't use it

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7d0262  No.12662823


May God bless America. We live happily truly free.And the children be safe. That's all an anon wants.

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1c9560  No.12662825


Yep heard it. "a plea sentence for" right after "And now for today's announcement."

Also heard Biden refer to "the President" before correcting and saying "as President"

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071028  No.12662826


Tits and Toilet Paper

Just what every man needs…

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334ad1  No.12662827

File: 0eb9e67c7a59a21⋯.jpeg (161.03 KB, 1354x889, 1354:889, 0eb9e67c7a59a21f2ad655826….jpeg)

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699a4f  No.12662828


Didja ever consider that most repubs are progressives and long for the NWO plan?

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42349d  No.12662829

File: 72072e82e3fe57c⋯.jpg (222.71 KB, 1438x1067, 1438:1067, 72072e82e3fe57c9b80f73de1e….jpg)

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43775d  No.12662830


I always say I choose to know but none one every gives me evidence of the truth. it's just so tiresome.

still wondering what sends 99% to the hospital.

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bf79d5  No.12662832


I hear this:


just so you know my life, uhh,

as we're waiting to do this,

I just agreed ta' a pl… (studder) a plea sentence for uhh

a guy (or maybe) this guy"

I am confident about everything up to the very last line

could be:

a guy

could be:

this guy

could be:

someones actual name, but it is just to garbled to make out

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e8f69f  No.12662833


I concur

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7c2067  No.12662834

File: 8acbaa2f2f45a81⋯.jpg (233.06 KB, 792x792, 1:1, 8acbaa2f2f45a81b6c0002ac9a….jpg)


Good Words.

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e68e59  No.12662835

File: fd0832067282bca⋯.jpg (144.8 KB, 999x563, 999:563, pepe_boom.jpg)


Okay dumbass okay. let me find you your dunce hat

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c443cb  No.12662836

File: 6595d466c69d758⋯.jpg (53.65 KB, 813x448, 813:448, Capture.JPG)

‘QAnon Congresswoman’ files articles of impeachment against US President Joe Biden as ‘unfit & threat to national security’

A Republican member of the US House of Representatives has filed articles of impeachment against newly inaugurated President Joe Biden, underscoring how the whole process has become politically weaponized.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Georgia), elected to her first term in November, accused Biden of being “unfit to hold the office” and a “lengthy and disturbing” pattern of “abuse of power” while he was Barack Obama’s vice president, citing his threats to the Ukrainian government and his son Hunter Biden’s shady business deals overseas among the examples.

I just filed Articles of Impeachment on President @JoeBiden. pic.twitter.com/mcwEEkKiHL

— Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (@RepMTG) January 21, 2021

In a statement on Thursday, Greene said Biden has shown he would do “whatever it takes” to bail out his son and “line his family’s pockets with cash from corrupt foreign energy companies.”

“President Biden residing in the White House is a threat to national security and he must be immediately impeached,” she added. In filing the articles, the Georgia congresswoman kept the promise she made a week ago, to impeach Biden on his first full day in office.


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2c5c79  No.12662837

Trump should have McDonalds flown in to the troops.

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b780eb  No.12662838


Its the popular thing to do right now isn't it?

to the left we're terrorists

to the right we cost the election

divide and conquer. bust up the trump coalition

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c9e65e  No.12662839


please explain as i have been looking at it as an alternative.


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b284e7  No.12662840


I thought the hair was wrong, from the time he got on to AF1 to when he got to Florida and came off the plane. His hair was grayer when he got on the plane than when he got off.

I thought switcheroo immediately.

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63562a  No.12662842

File: 38a8705575d3353⋯.png (415.83 KB, 681x431, 681:431, ClipboardImage.png)

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e85067  No.12662843

File: f51310faa0f0074⋯.png (165.67 KB, 614x447, 614:447, intel_support_patch.png)

File: 8b81cd735812030⋯.png (173.44 KB, 643x438, 643:438, AF1_90017.png)

File: 09db49ed56be240⋯.png (195.22 KB, 646x461, 646:461, ad_for_know_the_facts.png)

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7d0262  No.12662844


Been here for quite a while. Just knowing you glorious faggots exist is enough for me. A glimmer of the America I love. Dont plan on leaving

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4092dd  No.12662845

Always figured A 0 C was one of ours.

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1bf8a7  No.12662846



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42349d  No.12662847

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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3bfdcd  No.12662848

File: e9b91cb947c5c00⋯.png (497.04 KB, 817x780, 817:780, can_t_stop_the_love.png)

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09e5ed  No.12662849


Good actors make great movies.

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b284e7  No.12662850


Dissenter wouldn't let me access 8kun, at all.

I uninstalled.

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ef10bd  No.12662851


culver city castlerock entertainment whitehouse replica ur quite literally watching a movie faggots

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90bcc7  No.12662853


There are three main possibilities:

1) Q worked for/with Trump so left when Trump did.

2) Q was a honeypot working for the Cabal and did his job (but if so, why stop now?)

3) Q is still working but does not want enemies to know, therefore —run silent, run deep.

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334ad1  No.12662854

File: 32b9fdf88676090⋯.png (161.52 KB, 320x466, 160:233, MPI.PNG)


>still wondering what sends 99% to the hospital

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c70b5d  No.12662855

File: 6f00fd3869da0ad⋯.png (531.94 KB, 1083x628, 1083:628, 9_20pm_01_21_2021.PNG)

File: 87339e8d285039c⋯.png (518.63 KB, 1030x626, 515:313, 9_34pm_01_21_2021_PST.PNG)

File: 543042a054c073f⋯.png (529.17 KB, 1067x623, 1067:623, 9_41pm_01_21_2021_PST.PNG)

File: 59f76089c545eaf⋯.png (513.98 KB, 1072x627, 1072:627, 10_25pm_01_21_2021_PST.PNG)

youtube fuckery dept

please explain…

9:20pm 83538 views & 7.6K thumbs down

9:34pm 88083 views & 8.0K thumbs down

9:41pm 89811 views & 8.2K thumbs down

10:21pm 91359 views & 6.5K thumbs down

they like the total views to go up for the president that got the most votes in history, yet they erase our thumbs down votes??


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226b68  No.12662856


I see what you did there

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ff810c  No.12662857

File: 8101ccd40ceff67⋯.gif (6.48 MB, 510x508, 255:254, 20201222_205814.gif)

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846d32  No.12662858

File: ae8436f2c19d608⋯.jpg (222.87 KB, 400x400, 1:1, WWG1WGA.jpg)


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56eca2  No.12662860

File: f9e3ba83c0c5b8a⋯.png (2.04 MB, 1544x5112, 193:639, canada_first_nationsnative….png)

File: 623e329df895215⋯.png (269.66 KB, 1677x1543, 1677:1543, devon_archer_first_nations….png)

File: 765ac3b636bfc28⋯.png (2.06 MB, 1847x3132, 1847:3132, first_nations_canada_fishi….png)

File: b36303cfa8ec1ef⋯.png (2.19 MB, 1840x1237, 1840:1237, first_nations_mining_pollu….png)

File: 29288b3a4d57053⋯.png (276.36 KB, 553x553, 1:1, first_nations_china_canada….png)


Proof of US Native Americans and Canadian First Nations hate and conspiracy with China.

Letting chinks use their reservations to harm both countries.

I have more, much much more.

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8c8038  No.12662861


The Klingon or the wookiee?

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cdad6c  No.12662862


"Ch11" checks out. Socialism, bankruptcy, get it kek

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699a4f  No.12662863


COVID vaccine?

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50194f  No.12662864

File: e6e1400b249dbe1⋯.png (1.22 MB, 2288x823, 2288:823, OverthinkingShill.png)



Find the spots on the curtains that are actually visible in both photos next time

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d41bdc  No.12662865

File: 7d3def4c3c0dc24⋯.jpg (79.04 KB, 650x317, 650:317, thecoral_1362396377.jpg)

File: 41f63427338ba76⋯.jpg (452.44 KB, 732x549, 4:3, saffron_732x549_thumbnail.jpg)

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985489  No.12662867

anyone got the fbi pepe with the retard juice?

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8fe5dd  No.12662868



I’ve been here since 2001 and I’m not leaving until after the end.

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2d17ad  No.12662869

Anyone got a phone number work around for twitter? I dont mind spending a couple dollars if need be. Got whacked today. Again.

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334ad1  No.12662870

File: bc53580245d2626⋯.png (7.28 KB, 255x175, 51:35, 8f4057f0687fe25000ddf37966….png)

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226b68  No.12662871


I use it highly now

Seems like probably user error

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f26b85  No.12662872

File: 9ed6acfb03a2108⋯.png (158.35 KB, 645x684, 215:228, trumplettertojoelinwood.png)

Not sure if this has been posted here yet.

It's from linwoodspeakstruth on Telegram.

Is it legit?!


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c7cb4e  No.12662873


why? I don't get it

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c443cb  No.12662874

File: ef32683d9aee842⋯.jpg (37.79 KB, 766x385, 766:385, Capture.JPG)

File: fca2c1bfe10fecd⋯.jpg (23.68 KB, 508x204, 127:51, Capture1.JPG)

OANN: Michelle Malkin, RSBN and Gateway Pundit Suspended on Twitter for Violating New Orwellian “Civic Integrity” Rule (VIDEO)

Last week Twitter banned a Gateway Pundit tweet questioning fraud in the election.

Twitter handed The Gateway Pundit account a 12-hour suspension for questioning the stolen election. Then upped it to a six-day suspension. This was doled out in the middle of the night. Someone on the late shift was targeting us.

The Gateway Pundit is one of the top 120 websites in America today and a leading voice for conservatives.

Only Democrats and Marxists are allowed to question an election.


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473635  No.12662875

File: 0b2e6e90a0c0192⋯.jpg (90.35 KB, 369x500, 369:500, 0b2e6e90a0c019288ba1bac8b0….jpg)

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56eca2  No.12662876

File: f93b344a6f987d1⋯.jpg (190.73 KB, 1136x508, 284:127, ivy_bluff_prison_michigan_….jpg)

File: 8168d990c9658ea⋯.png (65.91 KB, 306x290, 153:145, ivy_bluff_prison_michigan_….png)

File: 3b5b823ca4b59d1⋯.jpg (268.01 KB, 949x824, 949:824, ivy_bluff_prison_michigan_….jpg)

File: 3e1e2f266b356e1⋯.jpg (642.64 KB, 2270x848, 1135:424, ivy_bluff_prison_michigan_….jpg)


WTF is happening at Ivy Bluff?

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99dc42  No.12662877

File: 8ddfaa075bd6b76⋯.png (392.71 KB, 528x424, 66:53, sam_cooking.png)

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e68e59  No.12662878

File: 01d17e78a7dfdb4⋯.png (123.22 KB, 1440x228, 120:19, Screen_Shot_2021_01_22_at_….png)


i dont know if anyone else has seen this but there is a countdown that ive kept open for 4 days now from the my pillow guy…the countdown was behind the video and then when the video stopped the countdown remained…it ends right after midnight January 31st


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43775d  No.12662879


dont the troops get provied with food? Cant they build a camp on the mall? The military could literally erect a military mini-city in less than one day.

The trump hotel could provide some nice places for troops to sleep.

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36a73a  No.12662880




Oh my God this dig. I was sleeo deprived for days

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cdad6c  No.12662881

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b780eb  No.12662882


Agreed. No fucking Posobiec

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253ad5  No.12662883

File: dd6761ae96a5232⋯.png (164.85 KB, 621x499, 621:499, ClipboardImage.png)


The people who know the rules of how the chess pieces move and the rules of chess, the objective is not to kill the king but to checkmate the king so where it moves it is under threat of death. Why do you not kill the king?

because the king has loyal subjects and when the player concedes the king, it stops those loyal to the king to stand down due to loyalty, thus ending further conflict and saving further causalities, deaths and saving further loss of life ? ideally it is better to checkmate quickly so the game finishes with a lot of pieces still on the board?

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35cffa  No.12662884


dissenter is a fork of brave browser, for which 99% of the commits consist of replacing the 'Brave' strings in the source code by 'Dissenter', that blacklists a plugin or two, and whitelists an extension called 'dissenter', that will send home by design all the urls you visit to the home server

AKA, a spyware

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473635  No.12662885

File: d996f203808b843⋯.png (836.62 KB, 526x676, 263:338, d996f203808b84301071faa9cb….png)

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af1166  No.12662886

File: a98def693314d45⋯.png (2.02 MB, 1279x990, 1279:990, a98def693314d451a83ea34cd1….png)

Try and find a better movie.

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f90d9c  No.12662887

File: 6875ae003720a83⋯.jpg (135.37 KB, 896x502, 448:251, 20210121_234156.jpg)

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8c8038  No.12662888


More like HEIL to the Thief.

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43775d  No.12662889


nope..here it's going to be offered at drugs stores et al

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b284e7  No.12662890


We don't blow shit up.

We just dig up the facts after. Sort of like journos are supposed to here instead of going on some internet board to collect snippets for their next hit piece.

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cd8e10  No.12662891


I did and still do too. Cute chic but appears to be dumb as a rock, it only makes sense that she’s a good actor exposing bad actors, if not then anyone me could run for Congress. Never forget, You are watching a movie!

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0fb1c6  No.12662892

So, ya'll really still doin' this huh?

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775b7a  No.12662893

Our planefags are the best, and were all over this in real time as it happened. The had an a-10 circling in the area, and something else that they though was not squawking right, and then the 2 f-16. The mystery squawk and one of the f-16 disappeared suddenly.

News reported it as a jet went down in training exercise, and a separate story of a house that blew up. That was it. So our gov is sitting on it as well, not just China.

At same time we had brought carrier group to our eastern seaboard, and talk was Trudeau had Chinese military in Canada for training along the border.

Good stuff. Keep updating as you get new info.

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90bcc7  No.12662894


Maybe it was Covid! Jk. Unless that’s possible. I have no idea.

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03b6c0  No.12662897


4. Q was way in over his head and after 1/6 had to shut it down before he caused an actual civil war.

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c7cb4e  No.12662898


won't blow up, can't read it

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c443cb  No.12662899

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

great song depicts the current times and events.

Lunatic fringe

I know you're out there

You're in hiding

And you hold your meetings

I can hear you coming

I know what you're after

We're wise to you this time

We won't let you kill the laughter

Lunatic fringe

In the twilight's last gleaming

But this is open season

But you won't get too far

Cause you've got to blame someone

For your own confusion

We're on guard this time

Against your final solution

Red Rider - Lunatic Fringe

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56eca2  No.12662900

File: a712fb4e47d434c⋯.jpg (377.89 KB, 1176x1070, 588:535, epstein_hideout_michigan_c….jpg)

File: 4c973a779ded637⋯.jpg (3.69 MB, 1920x3437, 1920:3437, 4chan_epstein_body_guard_l….jpg)

File: ccc6c2ee841e3e3⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1920x1440, 4:3, 4chan_epstein_bodyguard_LA….png)


The night the cords in MI claiming to be an Epstein lake house hideout….LARP by "body guard"…some true most fake….but leading somewhere…

AND finally, leaked chink dox linking everything coming up next

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bf79d5  No.12662901



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371815  No.12662902

File: e0791224139f830⋯.png (1.05 MB, 659x548, 659:548, saff.PNG)

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b52f09  No.12662904



Holding down the fort.

The moar obsessed these people become with us, the moar I know we are winning.

Glad to see the board getting back to digging.

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4092dd  No.12662905

What if the whole "SQUAD" is a plant?

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473635  No.12662906

File: a1c9631c2596add⋯.jpg (303.01 KB, 800x1067, 800:1067, a1c9631c2596addb58f69768b3….jpg)

File: 94a997842e3f81b⋯.png (253.4 KB, 606x341, 606:341, 94a997842e3f81b0d352b0b9b6….png)

File: 4cffe64526f6a45⋯.jpg (115.54 KB, 800x1067, 800:1067, 4cffe64526f6a450969c3b6a83….jpg)

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2c4ffc  No.12662907



Chinese run operations on the Navajo Reservation

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e8f69f  No.12662908

File: 4da787df8349c30⋯.jpg (68.6 KB, 748x775, 748:775, 4474.jpg)



if you think Joe sucks…wait till Kamel-toe becomes Potus

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e85067  No.12662909

File: 25bbac9e5ae446f⋯.png (371.73 KB, 866x904, 433:452, mickey_watch_1.png)

File: 7803d8b23b74f86⋯.png (223.89 KB, 800x526, 400:263, list_politicians_being_ped….png)

File: 487ff906946f3e7⋯.png (83.74 KB, 512x276, 128:69, Trump_tweet_election_watch.png)

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0939f4  No.12662910


So tomorrow? Did you just happen to think about this just now….what are the odds,the night before…are you really Q ?

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79c26d  No.12662911


If Hillary cheated bernie out of nomination 2016,

And those fuckers stole it this time,

Will we get a trump bernie rematch?

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84e033  No.12662912

File: 9bc35f313229b40⋯.png (2.1 MB, 1420x1017, 1420:1017, ClipboardImage.png)

I'm staying comfy by watching The Apprentice. Never watched it when it aired, and I started season one earlier this week.

really love seeing people interact with POTUS when everybody wasn't programmed to hate him.

lots of good screen grabs as well

stay comfy anons


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1a9760  No.12662914


link ffs

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f90d9c  No.12662915

File: 7505047e246ca21⋯.mp4 (6.79 MB, 616x460, 154:115, InShot_20210121_000920395.mp4)

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90bcc7  No.12662916



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3bfdcd  No.12662918

File: 32d2246717024db⋯.png (54.46 KB, 255x129, 85:43, ClipboardImage.png)


It's all goooot!

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d6d55a  No.12662919

catalog looks much better thank you BV\BO!

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ff77ce  No.12662920


Nope. don't think so. Sephardic Jew with a nose job.

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1c9560  No.12662921

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775b7a  No.12662923


Sorry, this didn't get linked properly, so trying again.

>Our planefags are the best, and were all over this in real time as it happened. They had an a-10 circling in the area, and something else that they thought was not squawking right, and then the 2 f-16s showed up. The mystery squawk and one of the f-16 disappeared suddenly.

>News reported it as a jet went down in training exercise, and a separate story of a house that blew up. That was it. So our gov is sitting on it as well, not just China.

>At same time we had brought carrier group to our eastern seaboard, and talk was Trudeau had Chinese military in Canada for training along the border.

>Good stuff. Keep updating as you get new info.

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985489  No.12662924

File: dcaddc83e64dbaf⋯.png (526.09 KB, 750x920, 75:92, ClipboardImage.png)

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e68e59  No.12662925


maybe i want it all to myself lmao


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fbc134  No.12662926

File: 8e64b7e44396c8e⋯.jpeg (251.56 KB, 828x658, 414:329, ED178C1A_00A8_4309_8B58_B….jpeg)


If Jack is such a good investigative reporter, why can’t he use his inside contacts to discover the Q team’s identities…? Make a stink out of breaking the case wide open on this LARP, hm…?

Anons know

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c443cb  No.12662927

File: f15d063531de9d5⋯.jpg (51.02 KB, 784x440, 98:55, Capture.JPG)

Biden Signs Order Requiring Travelers To Wear Face Masks

President Joe Biden issued an executive order on Thursday purportedly mandating that interstate travelers must wear face masks when using specific modes of transportation, such as airplanes or trains.

The executive order, titled Promoting COVID-19 Safety In Domestic And International Travel, calls on various cabinet agencies to use existing authority to implement the new mandate on applicable methods of public transportation, which can include at airports, on commercial aircraft, on trains, on public maritime vessels and ferries, and on intercity bus services. However, it’s not clear how the Biden administration plans to enforce the mandate.


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1aa659  No.12662928

“Mirror” is the worst ducking thing to have happened to this Q stuff.

Next to “keystone”.

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cd8e10  No.12662929

File: b30c93bfcaeaab7⋯.jpeg (19.76 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 37A525AD_AD4C_45E1_98E6_4….jpeg)



>The people who know the rules of how the chess pieces move and the rules of chess, the objective is not to kill the king but to checkmate the king so where it moves it is under threat of death. Why do you not kill the king?

>because the king has loyal subjects and when the player concedes the king, it stops those loyal to the king to stand down due to loyalty, thus ending further conflict and saving further causalities, deaths and saving further loss of life ? ideally it is better to checkmate quickly so the game finishes with a lot of pieces still on the board?

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4502bf  No.12662930

File: f8524253a8829b8⋯.jpg (648.94 KB, 1080x1560, 9:13, Screenshot_20210121_224528….jpg)

At least four fire agencies are responding to the fire, according to the Grant County Sheriff's Office.


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90bcc7  No.12662931


Does it get to zero and the start a new random countdown? Cause that’s how I feel with counting down. They let you down.

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59ae7b  No.12662932

Why not impeach biden so you can get the foreign born citizen kamala.

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4092dd  No.12662933


Sephardic Jews are the real deal. It's the Ashkenazi Jews you have to watch out for.

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2c4ffc  No.12662936


Breaking his own mask law.

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be0fc6  No.12662937

File: 192b8f2418c9713⋯.jpg (35.18 KB, 700x420, 5:3, pepeJ.jpg)


Had posted that early LB too when ya recycled it and posted it late lb.

>>12662071 pb

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cdad6c  No.12662938


Transhumanism surgery.

What sends 99% to the hospital is the end-game [their] full picture of humanity

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b284e7  No.12662939


I know they are progressives. We already have one party rule. Have had since Nixon if not before.

I had hope that maybe some of them would see the light, but I have been taught here that hope leads to disappointment. Better to just wait and see what happens. I don't do disappointment well.

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f3c8a2  No.12662940

File: c6beda88b59cbe7⋯.jpg (410.91 KB, 1846x1394, 923:697, c6beda88b59cbe723f8922619e….jpg)

File: d48e5c676073310⋯.png (464.23 KB, 666x374, 333:187, Screenshot_2021_01_22_at_1….png)

So Biden's signing blank EOs inside the Oval Office with a truck outside and a driveway. Yet outside the Oval Office is the Rose Garden which Melinia had redone back in August. No driveway. Bushes are all wrong. Wrinkled curtains and flag are just icing on the Walmart cake.

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f2bf2f  No.12662941


Biden didn't get rid of it. It went back to the museum that lent it.

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d3354b  No.12662942

Should i trust the plan altough Biden is already president?

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e8f69f  No.12662943


I reckon that was SS with a wig on, trolling Biden, the fake, election stealing piece of Democrat trash

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85d2bf  No.12662944

File: 39f748a62c86a1c⋯.png (370.33 KB, 437x476, 437:476, 98349706_33C6_487C_82A1_9E….png)


>I'm staying comfy by watching The Apprentice. Never watched it when it aired, and I started season one earlier this week.

>really love seeing people interact with POTUS when everybody wasn't programmed to hate him.

Good thought, anon.

May grab a couple seasons.

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ac1fd7  No.12662945


Bless those lads and their shovels.

Connect the dots la la-la-la

Fucking awesome, anon.

Planefag earlier had a squawker going on in San Francisco too.

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000000  No.12662947


How about watch the water?

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47c21f  No.12662949

File: 1cc275b842a86ec⋯.png (627.92 KB, 572x581, 572:581, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ebb164538b7653f⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1461x515, 1461:515, ClipboardImage.png)

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000000  No.12662950


Q and Q+ will be back, Right now they're playing golf a lot, letting the lawyers and the military handle things.


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f3c8a2  No.12662951




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cd8e10  No.12662952


Exactly ! Fuck both Jack P and Fuck @Jack

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afe524  No.12662953


Mid Bread NotablesL


>>12662726 All The Jews That Biden Has Tapped For Top Roles In His Administration (Jerusalem Post)

>>12662757, >>12662766 Whats the longest Q has ever gone dark previously? We're at 44 days now.

>>12662659 ICYMI - Incoming Biden Admin was Refused Pentagon Access

>>12662728, >>12662832 Moar on Mysterious Voice cutting in on WH ytube video

>>12662739, >>12662748 How Designated Survivor’s designers built a replica Oval Office in Toronto

>>12662749 Looking back at HRC's post graduate work on children and medicine

>>12662860, >>12662860, >>12662907 Anon dig - You have NO idea how fucking close they got to destroying the great lakes.

>>12662836 ICYMI - Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene files articles of impeachment against US President Joe Biden as ‘unfit & threat to national security’

>>12662927 Biden Signs Order Requiring Travelers To Wear Face Masks

>>12662930 At least four fire agencies are responding to the fire, according to the Grant County Sheriff's Office.


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334ad1  No.12662954

File: 1527851445df13d⋯.gif (3.02 MB, 483x272, 483:272, jebfive.gif)

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cf768a  No.12662955

File: 506e9fdea7c8dda⋯.png (158.21 KB, 744x454, 372:227, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 380110f82601781⋯.png (90.92 KB, 766x841, 766:841, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 39b2ca50d85c290⋯.png (40.73 KB, 689x305, 689:305, ClipboardImage.png)

MSM: call it backsliding

The overwhelming plurality of the anonymous reporting in the mainstream

press (43%) was essentially blind. It said simply sources said, or our news

organization has learned, offering no effective characterization of the source.

Less than two in ten statements (17% of the anonymously sourced

reporting) offered even the slightest hint of the source's allegiances.

The mainstream press' use of anonymous sources was not that

different than those of the tabloid press, such as Inside Edition or the

National Enquirer, though the tone of the two different kinds of media,

which is not quantified by the study, varied considerably

Project for Excellence in Journalism

~1998 Pew Research: The-Clinton-Crisis-and-the-Press-A-Second-Look


Among the findings:

• Six in ten statements from anonymous sources in the mainstream

media (59% of all anonymously sourced reporting) were characterized

in the vaguest terms, "sources said," "sources told our news

organization" or "sources familiar" with the event.

• Less than two in ten statements (17% of the anonymously sourced

reporting) offered even the slightest hint of the source's allegiances.

• Print was more forthcoming about the nature of its anonymous

sourcing than was broadcast

• The mainstream press' use of anonymous sources was not that

different than those of the tabloid press, such as Inside Edition or the

National Enquirer, though the tone of the two different kinds of media,

which is not quantified by the study, varied considerably.

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f26b85  No.12662956

File: c94d62f319e76cf⋯.webm (282.06 KB, 1336x792, 167:99, itsacookbook99hospital.webm)



>99% to the hospital

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af1166  No.12662957

No, seriously, they played "Amazing Grace" in the first five minutes of it. Popcorn!

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fa7686  No.12662958

File: 1492b51b4190155⋯.mp4 (8.51 MB, 854x480, 427:240, DO_OR_DIE_PICK_A_SIDE.mp4)

Once more.

"Do or Die" by Yung Knowledge and Clay Clark


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19b9fd  No.12662959

File: 7a1cd3b6f3b9ffa⋯.jpeg (45.6 KB, 290x401, 290:401, 5E863453_85FC_4272_9BE5_D….jpeg)

File: 7ef89adee161ca8⋯.jpeg (84.02 KB, 571x253, 571:253, 57F6DACC_A4D2_4357_81F0_2….jpeg)

Stupid depraved piece of shit Deepstate traitors, commie globalist scum, blue lodge pedos, and motherfucking criminal comped LEO scumbags,

You horrible pieces of shit are ALL known, everything will be exposed and your disgusting existence of crime deception is fucking over. There is NO timeline in which you escape, no Avenue, NOWHERE to run or hide. You idiot motherfuckers are going fucking down WORLWIDE.

Asshole drug peddling, child rapist, criminal fucking vermin are doomed.

Now come at me, come at me hard, come at me and die at my fucking feet, inbred profane peasants ALL!!

Do it, fucking cowards.

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99dc42  No.12662960

File: 12ae11e528cd009⋯.jpg (31.37 KB, 615x600, 41:40, 550697912_svl5_123_348lo_1….jpg)

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43f8a8  No.12662961

File: 7012178e0bb9824⋯.png (132.06 KB, 774x540, 43:30, Screen_Shot_2021_01_22_at_….png)

for those saying there was a threat against Trump last minute and thats why plans were scrubbed…

leaving this here

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ff77ce  No.12662962


fucking Rothschild Israel.

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0bc071  No.12662963

File: 922c205423f440d⋯.jpg (465.13 KB, 1620x1080, 3:2, Qstalking.JPG)

File: 6076a9b41887bb6⋯.jpg (429.3 KB, 1910x1080, 191:108, Qoperators.JPG)

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e68e59  No.12662964


ill put it to you this way. the guys fucking picture is at the bottom of every bread right now

pay attention faggot

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d41bdc  No.12662965

File: 8e6660fd26a1b94⋯.png (278.21 KB, 614x321, 614:321, Screen_Shot_2011_11_10_at_….png)

File: c1f023d4c8b580c⋯.jpg (142.67 KB, 1194x785, 1194:785, f08922503ff15f2f07e52bb62f….jpg)

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be0fc6  No.12662966

File: 3579a3323b4d752⋯.jpg (30.43 KB, 414x508, 207:254, pepeReb.jpg)


>he caused an actual civil war.

Keking uncontrollably!

Is this what msm is showing you on your tv? There's a civil war? Or was?

Praying for your lost soul, Anon.

Have a shilly day.

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43775d  No.12662967

File: 1c91f458976cb8f⋯.jpg (22.31 KB, 500x282, 250:141, celebrity_opinions.jpg)

File: a9c77b8bbb3c737⋯.jpeg (94.12 KB, 696x960, 29:40, celibritards_are_useless.jpeg)

File: 6d70d1808ab225a⋯.png (540.73 KB, 542x616, 271:308, Dear_Celebrities.png)

File: f5104b56765b59c⋯.jpg (18.5 KB, 202x255, 202:255, I_nevereneeded_an_actor.jpg)

File: 8d38094d4cc8ea2⋯.jpg (2.21 MB, 1583x6611, 1583:6611, Screenshot_2018_2_18_Rober….jpg)

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000000  No.12662968


You can see the road in overhead shots. This isn't hard to verify.

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4092dd  No.12662969


Nice. But curtains are wrong?

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79c26d  No.12662970


Lsd in the water would do it

Only the hippies will know what's happening

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3a3488  No.12662971

File: 717a45bb8d60979⋯.png (15.97 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1595298013939.png)


They weren't blank for fuck's sake, the camera is oversaturated and you can clearly see when he moves his arm over them there are words in the shadow.

Good God, I know you people are upset about yesterday but please for your own sakestopjust making shit up to hide from reality.

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1a9760  No.12662972

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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e68e59  No.12662973

File: 997c8fb95af2014⋯.png (186.98 KB, 703x418, 37:22, Screen_Shot_2021_01_22_at_….png)

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c443cb  No.12662974

File: c935b4912589dbd⋯.jpg (39.92 KB, 706x475, 706:475, Capture.JPG)

Now That Biden Is President, Will COVID-19 Disappear?

I’m not one for conspiracy theories, but fishy recent events raise serious questions about the way health organizations, corporations, and the legacy media have handled the COVID-19 pandemic. When Donald Trump was president, news outlets breathlessly repeated high — and almost certainly inflated — numbers of COVID-19 “cases” and deaths. The New York Times even put a list of names on its cover. Yet now that Joe Biden has entered the Oval Office, things are changing.

Shortly after Biden took office, the World Health Organization (WHO) altered its guidelines on COVID-19 testing, rightly noting that tests with a high cycle threshold (Ct) should not be considered “positive,” since a high Ct means the virus is no longer active. In other words, previous practices resulted in a high number of false positives.

This wasn’t exactly a secret. As PJ Media’s Stacey Lennox pointed out, The New York Times reported last August that as many as 90 percent of COVID-19 tests in three states did not indicate active illness. In September 2020, a study published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases concluded that only COVID-19 tests with a Ct of 30 or lower should be considered active cases, even though the CDC instructions for PCR testing from December 1, 2020, still uses a 40 Ct benchmark.

The WHO’s new guidelines make good sense, but the timing is rather curious. It almost seems as though the WHO wants to make it seem like COVID-19 disappeared overnight when Joe Biden became president.


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709eac  No.12662975



I think those lights are normal.

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11a7b6  No.12662976


This just gave me a chub

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fa7686  No.12662977

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Who did better?

Alex Jones Rants as an Indie Folk Song

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819715  No.12662978

why did Michelle Obama dress up like Shredder on Inauguration day?

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191d45  No.12662979


>Is it legit?!

sigh, really?

you people are exhausting!

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0bc071  No.12662980

File: 475a4c13ac7dc83⋯.jpg (307.46 KB, 1722x1007, 1722:1007, GardnerNazi.JPG)


I stolen zem.

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000000  No.12662981



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4fcc0d  No.12662982

File: eee46642d4e11f9⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1200x1021, 1200:1021, not_blank.PNG)

File: e14e537e2cf31e2⋯.png (1.94 MB, 1274x902, 637:451, bidensigns_eo_yes_text_on_….png)

File: ca857aac49b0d17⋯.png (953.95 KB, 950x554, 475:277, oval_office_pavement_outsi….PNG)


>blank EOs


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b4b3ab  No.12662983


it's called cheating the system

they are experts

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bf313a  No.12662984

File: 02d70735e9f4de8⋯.jpg (202.63 KB, 1284x768, 107:64, Xnip2021_01_22_01_50_26.jpg)

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43775d  No.12662985


slave not working means no taxes

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ac1fd7  No.12662986


What sort of devious activities could a potato plant be a front for?

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c318f2  No.12662987

File: dcd4525547e19d1⋯.jpg (385 KB, 800x800, 1:1, initial_Q_archangel_Michae….jpg)

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56eca2  No.12662989

File: 27b0fa4c72d0f2b⋯.png (102.06 KB, 1030x949, 1030:949, nashville_explosion_aqw_te….png)

File: f13acf9b0c26b2a⋯.png (118.75 KB, 984x862, 492:431, ccp_agents_nashville_ny_co….png)

File: cc1b40a9ec1999c⋯.jpg (1.57 MB, 1776x1328, 111:83, nashville_explosion_hard_d….jpg)

File: 3ed692ec455d7ef⋯.jpg (204.6 KB, 1204x542, 602:271, china_translation_payroll_….jpg)

File: 1c7fd9c854c1e8d⋯.jpg (64.58 KB, 571x552, 571:552, electric_rain_china_emp_tr….jpg)


Leaked chink dox….these dox were leaked AFTER the Nashville event. Nashville in order of happening

LARP drops two pics on 4chan….saved..decoded easily but really only make sense when

Nashville kabooms.

Easy decode on pics.

Chink dox leaked to /pol/ email in native engrish mentioning Lake House signed (JB)

Reply NOT native engrish.

Translated payroll doc leading to speculation that AQW was chink op, that Enrique Terrio is chink asset, as well as "witness" s. Smoldt

CLY is shipping, the container ships are stopped outside west coast ports…but even more worrisome is the "electric rain" ….

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e68e59  No.12662991


…no the pictures arent blowing up for me either faggot, its a website problem

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8c8038  No.12662992


Someone on Gab pointed out that there is NO record of ANY Biden executive orders. None.

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b284e7  No.12662993


Yeah, probably operator error.

Funny though that I could go all over the Net except here. I checked that out, too, before I uninstalled.

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c443cb  No.12662995

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Life's like a road that you travel on

When there's one day here and the next day gone

Sometimes you bend, sometimes you stand

Sometimes you turn your back to the wind

There's a world outside every darkened door

Where blues won't haunt you anymore

Where the brave are free and lovers soar

Come ride with me to the distant shore

We won't hesitate, break down the garden gate

There's not much time left today

Tom Cochrane - Life Is A Highway (Official Video)

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2c5c79  No.12662998


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e85067  No.12662999

File: 294566a4ca43b79⋯.png (264.78 KB, 649x420, 649:420, Obama_for_Biden_2.png)

File: 1a21bc3abf52b4d⋯.png (780.82 KB, 838x747, 838:747, obama_magnifying.png)

File: f224ccef4ecc8bd⋯.png (526.08 KB, 702x559, 54:43, obama_squishy2.png)

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b52f09  No.12663000


#4 seems like a stretch.

Trump seems like he knew what he was doing, when he summoned Patriots to the Capitol.

He knew ANTIFA would infiltrate.

Needed optics to activate NG with the “blessing” of Congress.

Now that Congress has milked the situation, and hyped the threat, they are going to have a hard time demanding that the troops withdrawal any time soon.

Pretty certain now that when Q said “Optics are important” he meant that it appears Trump has exited the stage and is now a neutral party (normal citizen), rather than the Commander in Chief ordering the military to round up his enemies.

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e66921  No.12663001




We're nowhere near civil war.. That's just lefty killin lefty talk.

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1aa659  No.12663003


Some one meme this shit pls

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f90d9c  No.12663004

File: 35d51c23e8ef8e9⋯.jpeg (800.84 KB, 1125x762, 375:254, 35d51c23e8ef8e9aeeea0a873….jpeg)

File: cbaf9e3ceeac00b⋯.png (69.29 KB, 281x168, 281:168, Michael_man_parts.png)


Hard to hide your package when on stairs. kek

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775b7a  No.12663006


That picture of Rudy and his expression is the best!

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80d81d  No.12663007



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c7cb4e  No.12663008


keep saying it Anon, he and microdick (same thing) will keep posting shit here

"I'm Anon, really I am"

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000000  No.12663009


It took a week for Trump's.

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79c26d  No.12663010



Dude I have thought that from the beginning

I keep getting vibes on the hoover dam

And san francisco

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d41bdc  No.12663011

File: 78f4eab3d8495bd⋯.jpg (4.48 MB, 1944x2880, 27:40, MV5BNWE1ZGE5Y2QtYWE4Yi00Yj….jpg)

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c65c43  No.12663012


yes, sorry, meant wallpaper!

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c443cb  No.12663013

EPIC! Florida Representative Proposes Renaming Major Florida Highway ‘President Donald J. Trump Highway’

Florida Rep. Anthony Sabatini is planning to propose legislation that would name the U.S. 27 Route in Florida as the “President Donald J. Trump Highway,” in honor of the 45th president of the United States.

“This legislative session I will be sponsoring an amendment to rename U.S. Highway 27 as the ‘President Donald J. Trump Highway,’ This great highway runs through the heartland of Florida in the State that President Trump calls home,” the representative wrote on his Facebook page.

Rep. Sabatini told the Orlando Sentinel that he chose Route 27 because it passes through Lake County, his home district.

“It’s one of the most historic highways and one of the longest highways which goes through pretty much the whole state,” Sabatini said. “I just think it’s a pretty good choice.”

The 481-mile highway connects the state’s capital Tallahassee to Miami.


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226b68  No.12663014


Its probably not great, but which one is.

Was an opera guy but changed over recently

I liked gab even though I'm no longer on there

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e8f69f  No.12663015

File: badcaef9970ee2e⋯.jpg (54.83 KB, 226x300, 113:150, 2235326.jpg)


>run silent, run deep.

Combat tactics, Mr Ryan

Q post 4824

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334ad1  No.12663016


Graphic for shredder? I am ignorant of the reference.

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0939f4  No.12663017



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0fb1cf  No.12663018


(LB) Never give up - never surrender!

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c318f2  No.12663019

File: 4a1ec7124283dcc⋯.gif (369.55 KB, 245x170, 49:34, mc.gif)


TYVM anon

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b52f09  No.12663020


Always been a problem for him.

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000000  No.12663021


eyes on

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7bce71  No.12663022


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9791c3  No.12663023

>>12659387 (PB)

You are fighting previous wars. The more we can accomplish here, the less blood will need to be spilled. It will never get to zero, but understand that you must fight the enemy on every battlefield. Do you know what killed the tanks of Hitlers Afrika Corps in WW2? Planes? Land mines? Bazookas? While all of those had the effect of keeping them moving, the coup de grace was this: they ran out of oil. (Gross over simplification follows) When the tanks could not move, their part of the war was over and the Afrika Corp. was ultimately forced to surrender. "Unrestricted Warfare". It's a book written by a couple Chinese army guys. It would profit you to read it.

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ac1fd7  No.12663024

File: cac7908a51f2f7e⋯.png (687.25 KB, 1472x944, 92:59, patricia_piccinini_human_d….png)

File: 35085d8b9b7b1be⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1200x900, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1bd2180cd75ecd7⋯.png (28.88 KB, 500x300, 5:3, keanu_reeves_the_matrix_wa….png)

File: d541bb18b675c24⋯.jpg (18.89 KB, 493x232, 17:8, Roddy_Piper_tweet.jpg)

File: 8e3b9cf0bf3a774⋯.jpg (16.42 KB, 250x232, 125:116, chuck_woolery_aliens.jpg)


Like, everything.

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1a9760  No.12663025

File: c89eab46f0b1c54⋯.jpg (168.79 KB, 1024x713, 1024:713, download.jpg)

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377be6  No.12663026


Lord help us…

Evil incarnate in power & all the minions have returned.

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4092dd  No.12663027


Heads up

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80d81d  No.12663028


When castling in chess, the castle and king move.

Like to Mir-A-Lago

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03b6c0  No.12663029


They’re to be transcribed in Chinese at a later point. He’s signing blank official forms/checks to them.

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191d45  No.12663030

File: a45366bf8ffac29⋯.png (2.71 MB, 1703x1427, 1703:1427, POTUS_Not_This_Shit_Again.png)

File: 6af65151dd46952⋯.png (5.54 MB, 2280x1576, 285:197, POTUS_AT_THE_RESOLUTE_DESK.png)


>You can see the road in overhead shots. This isn't hard to verify.


>Biden's signing blank EOs inside the Oval Office with a truck outside and a driveway

ffs, keep beating that dead horse!

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36a73a  No.12663031


It is 1.22.21 and my internet just went down. Cell works fine though

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ff810c  No.12663032


This particular drop/threat has always unnerved me, knowing they'd target his children.

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8c8038  No.12663033

File: d14efb6906e5067⋯.jpeg (120.88 KB, 755x1280, 151:256, ofrxo.jpeg)


Didn't know that.

The Gab user who posted this is in the UK though….

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4502bf  No.12663034


Did he not hold any up? Correct me if I'm wrong but this is tradition

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35cffa  No.12663035


Anon, Rothschild means 'Red Shield', and the emblem of the Rothschilds is a Red Shield with a square White cross on it

Same as the Switzerland flag

Israel did not exist when the Roths appeared

Amsel Rothschild, the founder of the dynasty, made tons of money arranging for hires of mercenaries

Mercenaries at the time were mostly Swiss mercenaries

The Rothschilds are part of the world TRUE aristocracy, of which Switzerland is a homebase

Israel is a smoke screen

Not saying that MOS and the chaos in the Middle East are not important tools of the Cabal

But the Cabal started a long time ago

Several layers of misdirection exist

Israel being one of them

The top of the Cabal is mostly based in Europe, current home to the Old Guard

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e8f69f  No.12663036

File: a1bdf2b3e375849⋯.jpg (91.53 KB, 1076x604, 269:151, 353365.jpg)


it never gets old

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699a4f  No.12663037

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Shep Smith SUX!!!!!

QAnon believers splinter after President Biden's inauguration

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9acc68  No.12663038

File: a0aba03195572ee⋯.jpeg (32.71 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 687C90C8_66EA_40DC_80C6_6….jpeg)


Have 2.

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1a9760  No.12663039

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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af1166  No.12663040

File: a593e68266174ba⋯.jpg (17.3 KB, 600x337, 600:337, Llamageddon_Movie.jpg)

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2c2cc3  No.12663041

File: 7a229d34308c14e⋯.png (241.85 KB, 569x735, 569:735, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 58ff8fc7df34110⋯.jpeg (83.49 KB, 1515x844, 1515:844, Web_capture_22_1_2021_153….jpeg)



Mother fuckers are going to pay for this… it was for the children, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! YOU BASTARDS COULD GIVE A FUCK ABOUT AMERICA'S CHILDREN! NOW IN BIDEN'S AMERICA, WE GET A FUCKING 404!? JOIN OR 404!

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ba0ec9  No.12663042

File: 397844bc2c7b66d⋯.png (2.48 MB, 1300x962, 50:37, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c7f4e049e5c23d8⋯.png (170.59 KB, 250x250, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Would you bet the house on your statement being right?

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d6d55a  No.12663043

File: ce5057c9369ccfb⋯.jpg (442.01 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Clown.jpg)

File: 3dc7a1a2bf9c92c⋯.jpg (272.08 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Lol.jpg)

File: 69f7d419aa56d6b⋯.jpg (406.26 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Operation_Trust.jpg)

File: 9915e870d12fdae⋯.jpg (335.32 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Glowww.jpg)

File: 0a165f87ab2fb2e⋯.png (138.73 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Scampossibly.png)


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f353d9  No.12663044

File: 7dcb4a0b6624066⋯.jpg (13.15 KB, 251x255, 251:255, 7dcb4a0b66240661c95ec2a506….jpg)

>>12661885 (lb)

>Oh, so now we are an FBI PsyOp…

KEK. The shills were calling this a CIA psyop a few days ago. I see they decided to go with the FBI instead…

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0939f4  No.12663045


Just a coincidence? Again?

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f26b85  No.12663046

File: 1e59bb7a4e89ebe⋯.jpg (78.53 KB, 650x491, 650:491, howdareyouhitler.jpg)


>you people

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c7cb4e  No.12663047


Anyone get the 39 who liked the image, I never found this one myself. It was the gold in the pile, but it would be nice to have those likes too

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e85067  No.12663049

File: a51db33e6d8ed8e⋯.png (267.49 KB, 813x398, 813:398, Obama_book.png)

File: 02462d0152bbb7c⋯.png (361.11 KB, 311x466, 311:466, obama_smells_girl.png)

File: 248861a921f69f4⋯.png (235.09 KB, 645x350, 129:70, obama_best_friends_kids_2.png)

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fa91c4  No.12663050

File: d5a6f5f7f474c37⋯.gif (2.36 MB, 540x399, 180:133, 20210121_235545.gif)

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f90d9c  No.12663051

File: 126762a65f61708⋯.jpg (168.43 KB, 703x1250, 703:1250, 20210121_235356.jpg)

File: f4af46f4f0a8c85⋯.jpg (153 KB, 755x400, 151:80, george_washington_pre_1999….jpg)


remember this?

Quarter dollar for 2021 and beyond to depict Washington crossing the Delaware

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7c2067  No.12663052

File: 8d61cfcb7f1335d⋯.png (208.61 KB, 408x422, 204:211, Screen_Shot_2021_01_21_at_….png)

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775b7a  No.12663053


Interesting - thank you

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c443cb  No.12663054

File: a6c83871750cbc9⋯.jpg (83.38 KB, 811x432, 811:432, Capture.JPG)

File: bf73d88983a85aa⋯.jpg (36.43 KB, 599x336, 599:336, Capture1.JPG)

Videos: Portland’s self-described anarchists attack Democratic Party, ICE buildings

About 150 self-described anarchists dressed in black — many also wearing helmets, balaclavas and body armor — gathered in a parking lot just east of downtown Portland Wednesday afternoon for an Inauguration Day rally.

“We are ungovernable,” read a banner laid out on the pavement.


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af1166  No.12663056


Trump did the same thing, new webmaster new site. Take your meds newfags.

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4092dd  No.12663057


Plants need watered.

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bf313a  No.12663058

File: 7047aa95526feaf⋯.jpg (413.88 KB, 1270x1326, 635:663, Xnip2021_01_22_01_56_26.jpg)

BREAKING: In a shocking rebuke, President Biden removed flags from the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, and Coast Guard from the Oval Office. Given the fact that he felt as though he had to disarm the military for his own safety this move wasn't surprising.


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8b4f6c  No.12663059


This dipshit has plugs and tucks and stretches up and down his body. So much so his brain feels like it's in the wrong body.

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cd8e10  No.12663060


>Do or Die" by Yung Knowledge and Clay Clark


Real anons know [their] fuckery

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0939f4  No.12663061



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000000  No.12663062


Shit takes time. The bureaucracy doesn't do anything quickly.

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b52f09  No.12663063

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a22f5f  No.12663064

File: c8ed0b566d101e9⋯.mp4 (2.05 MB, 320x180, 16:9, trump_likes_to_cast_for_im….mp4)


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b284e7  No.12663065


Kek. Thank you.

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d3354b  No.12663067


Biden presidency

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00c616  No.12663068

File: 1040ac08cdadb54⋯.png (2.02 MB, 1140x760, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1643c77a3c84b6a⋯.png (1.77 MB, 899x1280, 899:1280, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f06c48c6b777790⋯.png (1.38 MB, 953x1280, 953:1280, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f1e74fdaf674522⋯.png (800.33 KB, 606x1280, 303:640, ClipboardImage.png)

New Carpet and new Wallpaper on day one?

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c318f2  No.12663069

File: a0f28477ea861ae⋯.jpg (44.91 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 141750849_730230814598708_….jpg)


This outfit?

I'm old an have no idea wtf shredder is though. kek

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4092dd  No.12663070

Lively night. Needed this. ThanQ.

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0939f4  No.12663072


The excitement is killing me…I will get a drink.

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226b68  No.12663073


Unless you're a cactus

Be a cactus

San pedro here

Just enough mescaline to stay peppy

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819715  No.12663074


a friend was just at Hoover dam today…posted a pic on FB saying how very low the water was

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31c4ca  No.12663075

File: 50b8e60711f4aa9⋯.png (21.41 KB, 1221x471, 407:157, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2d1e2c7fc6b6704⋯.png (3.34 KB, 395x238, 395:238, ClipboardImage.png)

ignore this narrative going round that "something went wrong" on the 20th,

its counter Q.

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43898b  No.12663076


Sure…he could have just flew back with the football.

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b4b3ab  No.12663077

did we ever get to all RED(s) 1 - 6? and USSS and Castle Rock?

and pdjt never did use the EBS…is this for future use by him?

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906e48  No.12663078

File: 8a209735ddff362⋯.jpeg (2.24 MB, 2073x3837, 691:1279, IMG_3476.JPEG)

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ac1fd7  No.12663079

File: f92bb76e295b243⋯.jpg (46.45 KB, 580x250, 58:25, shredder_eyes.jpg)

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334ad1  No.12663080


First photo of Trump is OBAMA wallpaper before Trump chose the wallpaper in photo #2 with sleepy joe.

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a58f5d  No.12663081

Wasn’t “schoolhouse rock” the series of political (well constitutional) cartoons in the 70’s?

Maybe castle rock is the 2021 version but really life….

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b52f09  No.12663082


Fuggin kek

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56eca2  No.12663083


If it weren't for our sainted planefags we never would have been able to capture everything. LIVE. KEK the radio freq didn't change until the feds got there and got organized…so probably 4 hours of MSM uncensored real news.

Our guys are putting out terrorism all over the place.

REMEMBER the missing NUKES?

Minot AFB and now Deep state asset Major General Sullivan was fired over the incident (he tried to get nuke shit to Taiwan so chinks had excuse to bomb)..instead of being stuck in Leavenworth he was merely fired and went immediately to private $$ector. Where he raised two deep state sons…John and James SULLIVAN, deep state agents provocateurs that infiltrated Antifa/BLM/Insurgence USA and the chink op Proud Boys.

DEEP STATE USE Antifa.blm.proud boys.Groupers, Boogaloo boys as their rubes, Richard Spencer LOL ds asset….. Antifa doesn't need any help being violent af…Sullivan just directed them at targets the DS wanted hit.

Everything is a fucking show.

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e68e59  No.12663084


It just hit me why we're going to be TOR ONLY for some temporary period. If Q team goes live with us, we can't have any image posting or else it could give us a very bad look because of the gore posters etc CP douches

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cfeb8f  No.12663085


I have E.T. blood.

I am very skilled at manipulation.

I always called it the "gift of gab"

I could sell "snow to an eskimo"


Today, I see it for what it is.

Do not fuck with me.

-Read what I write very carefully, always. I am programming you with my words, all the time, even though I don't mean to, you are all doing it to each other, I am very skilled though, it is a natural innate ability. -

Listen. I am trying to teach you all how to see this stuff. I have points, a few of them, but I can't get them across sometimes.

Especially, when I see people responding to my subconscious programming. Everyone is subconsciously programming you, but I accidently always use the slippery words .

I brainwashed my way out of a secret government program, okay.

I don't want to brainwash you.

I want you to see the mechanisms and manipulations clearly.

That is all.

Yes. I fuck with people.

Don't get triggered by dumb shit.

Seriously, I can trigger your safe space here so easy.

I could before at least, it has improved.

Conditions have improved.

I showed you my first Q+ Q&A last night. I didn't have a trip code and tons of people were treating me as Q+.

That would never happen in 2021.

Okay. Things have changed.

Why would I invest myself here as a shill?

I am seeking so much attention in my life that I gotta get on an anonymous site to get my rocks off?

I wanna change the world or I wouldn't be here.

I had this hanging on my wall before I was even old enough to vote. I believe in this. I believe in you all and I always have.

I shill you cause you need a good shill sometimes.

If you can't tell that you are triggered by me, you need more shillin. I dunno.

Look. Sure. It can suck sometimes to be called names, but it is what I do.

It more just sucks cause I gotta play Q and the whole world is partisan brainwashed so I am just a bit lonely anyway.

People are actually really nice to me here though.

There are tons of people who have, maybe not always agreed with or liked what I did here, but have seen I wasn't just trying to destroy your space with gore porn or misleading information.

I have been attacked by the real shills since I got here. They used to try and tell me not to make my little collages. I had fun doing it really. I wanted to take little snapshots of the bread. People hated me for doing it, but I thought it would be cool to look back on later. Honestly, do you realize how long it took you to quit being board-that-argue-with-shill-robot all damn day. I ain't gonna play with you all doing dumb stuff. I am just gonna make my little pictures and do what I want. Why would I stick around for three years posting the same LARP that nobody bit on? I wasn't even posting a full LARP, just comments here and there. Anyway. Some people kinda like saw me along the way and people were always nice to me. My mother asks why I do this, I think it is like a tea house or something. It is the only place I can get a decent opinion on stuff and have a conversation that is evidence and logic based rather than pure NPC nonsense.

Just sayin, you don't always know where you are until you look back and realize… like oh.. that was that and that was that and you can kinda put all the puzzle pieces together.

I don't know. Ya'll do stuff like bite on Freddy's shit, or yell at Freddy. I laugh at Freddy and play his little game with him. I don't care.

Look. Shills don't get a long, but you get put in a "shill chamber". It is like an echo-chamber of memes. It is like nonconsensually-memes. You can't, not absorb the T.V., you can't not absorb the meme.

The minute you view the information it begins creating neurocircuitry in your brain associated with the information. No matter your opinion, information has a PHYSICAL impact on your brain

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819715  No.12663087


teenage mutant ninja villian…..but kamala in the purple would fit the description better

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cfeb8f  No.12663088


Okay. So you get this content from all over the place from all these different forces.


You need positive shills to blast you with information that isn't about jews niggers kikes and commies.

Okay. I meme you whatever I feel like and surround you in it.

I do different things just to mess with the boards to see how propaganda and stuff work.

I do observational behavioral psychology or something. I have told you that. I find this shit interesting. I am intelllectually curious about why the fuck, everyone is doing what each other tell them to do. Everyone is programming each other. Language is OPERATIVE, if you don't understand what that means you need to figure it out. Language is to operate a human.

Human only open mouth to operate.

No such thing open mouth for no reason.


Sit in silence.

Do you open mouth?


Nothing to operate.


Language is not to share feeling or idea.

Language is to operate.

You don't know this.

You computer.


Want program my computer.

The computers. The NPC. The people. (YOU)


You open your fucking mouth

Are trying to operate.

Say whatever you want.

All you will be doing.

Is trying to operate me.


If you don't want to program or handle people anymore.

Now that you know


Shut your fucking mouths.

Unless you want someone to change their program.

You can change the program.

People are dumb

You just gotta use the right words.

Like, if I wanna talk to you all I just say America and Jesus. I do like America and Jesus. If I wanna talk to the left, I don't say anything about America and Jesus. I just talk about. Look, fuck the left. That is another story, but I can talk identity politics of the capitalistic patriarchy of oppression that is slaughtering beetles worldwide. Okay. I am a tranny. I speak left and right. I don't really care about your political stance.

I am trying to operate an empire.

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7c2067  No.12663089

File: a4a5604d9374627⋯.png (282.83 KB, 341x456, 341:456, Screen_Shot_2021_01_21_at_….png)

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c443cb  No.12663090

File: ad2c56f0c877ab8⋯.jpg (26.12 KB, 736x501, 736:501, Capture.JPG)

BREAKING: Trust in Fake News Mainstream Media at ALL-TIME LOW

Maybe it’s because of all the lying?

Trust in traditional media has declined to an all-time low in the United States following the 2020 presidential election.

The trust sank to new lows after the 2020 presidential election.

FOX News took the greatest hit. Its viewership is reportedly down approximately 20% compared to pre-November levels.

Americans know they can no longer trust the mainstream media to tell them the truth.


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af1166  No.12663091


That's your problem, that he didn't want to associate his position of power with the literal embodiement of the grim reaper? (o7 our armed forces.) Maybe you need to reevaluate what's really important.

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5d4009  No.12663092




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19b9fd  No.12663093

File: 3e95c033a85ecbb⋯.jpeg (571.67 KB, 828x638, 414:319, 6BBED7F4_D199_4535_A34A_F….jpeg)

File: db1de3ce8a49a59⋯.jpeg (209.97 KB, 900x450, 2:1, 041B1541_36EC_4C69_95BB_3….jpeg)

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35cffa  No.12663094


no, it was already determined pb that real-POTUS DJT remodeled the oval office to the current state

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000000  No.12663095


Still shots taken with a camera can't be compared to live video rolling. The video cameras need a much

brighter room. They bring lighting for those briefings to make sure things look right.

Don't be as stupid as the people that don't know about the roads around the WH.

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6a79fe  No.12663096

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


cant say thanks enough baker

see yall @ sunrise

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b284e7  No.12663097


8kun is as social as I get.

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699a4f  No.12663098

File: 943f8e1a560bf78⋯.jpg (342.59 KB, 1908x1146, 318:191, faggot.jpg)


This faggot

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32d371  No.12663099


Biden Hand Symbolism

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ff77ce  No.12663100


You sound like you've never heard of Israel, Zionist Jews, nor or Mossad.

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041ea7  No.12663101

So, when do the zero-delta Q/Biden posts start?

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a58f5d  No.12663102


Maybe the EBS are certain people.

Like Kayleigh was 11.3

Pompeo was 11.4

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43f8a8  No.12663103

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be0fc6  No.12663104

File: a1113b9609bec35⋯.jpg (68.89 KB, 480x360, 4:3, yuge.jpg)


>Bust of Caesar signals Biden works for Rome

Except that's Caesar CHAVEZ you fuking idiot.

Do you Anons even Qresearch?

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226b68  No.12663106


They could easily implement no pics if needed without that

And you're misreading the "shills" tbh

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38e7bf  No.12663107

x22 theory on why trump had to be sacrificed/distanced from what's about to happen


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6a79fe  No.12663108

File: 832288d407a2acc⋯.jpg (288.62 KB, 1323x861, 63:41, airpower2.JPG)

guess what boys… Biden don't drive the toys…


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b52f09  No.12663109



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000000  No.12663110


> roads around the WH

There's also a lack of trees in the Bidan vid

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ca2c04  No.12663111


that last pic


She was involved with the Bill Clinton meeting with LL if I remember correctily

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4fcc0d  No.12663112




They are not blank - look at the pictures I posted.


POTUS always did, but then he was rightfully proud of his EO's.

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253ad5  No.12663113

File: ee2bc8659c88b1c⋯.png (35.32 KB, 599x363, 599:363, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 17b358e627049bf⋯.png (386.9 KB, 604x487, 604:487, ClipboardImage.png)



The House was told to go home.

Next week’s schedule is cancelled.

Biden made it clear he can run the country with his pen.

Congress is no longer necessary.


9:09 PM · Jan 21, 2021·Twitter for iPhone


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e995fc  No.12663115

My retarded screen play in my head

OK here's the deal:

1. Backstory, Biden/Kamelhead were caught red handed, they were told you have to play this role for approximately 10 days. Do your most radical bullshit EVA, and keep on pushing the American's to wake up. The only way you and the others will get any leniency is if you let your radical staff propose anything and everything antithetical to our country.

2. You Joe and Kamelhead, can't step one foot in the WH, we did a major exorcism once and it took months to rid the demons from it; so you've got to play on pretend set, and btw since the msm are such fans of yours, they have to go along with it to.

3. Before Kamelhead kills you off, you've got to concede and admit that you cheated, you cheated all over the world and tell them that we know you only got like 2,000,000 votes. I know, I know, I'm being generous but you can claim 2 million. Believe me Joe, you are not long for this world with kamelhead, Pelosi and HRC clamoring to be in this office. You've got about 5 minutes to decide.

4. Then you admit on primetime you cheated, but it was all because of your obvious dementia (brought on from being a clone), that way people can have compassion on you. Unfortunately you also have to admit all the evil ass stuff you've done all your life. At that point you can sink into full on dementia, and you'll be in the hospital ward in GITMO, Don't worry I spent a lot of money fixing it up for people like you.

Joe: "How long do I have to play this part", POTUS: "10 fucking days Joe, don't worry it won't be the 4-1/2 fucking years you put me through!

If you are having second thoughts and think you can get away with all the embezzled money, forget about it! Hunter turned on you, he did a plea deal (but of course you know that) and we located every bank account around the world." Oh and BTW we seized all your homes, cars, jewelry, whatever else you have. Jill won't have much interest in your after this, that's ok, because she be in the cell as you. Man that will be hell.

I warned you, "Fuck around and find out" but you guys are too arrogant! And remember don't step a foot in the WH, you'll get electrocution or hanging if you do that. Got it?

Biden: Got it? Com'on man, can't you give a guy a break?

POTUS: WTF did you just say to me?

Biden: Nothing, nothing at all!

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9acc68  No.12663116


Shredder is the Nemesis of Master Yoshi.

Yoshi is Sensei for TMNT.

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ff810c  No.12663117

File: e041e013d4c3aed⋯.gif (2.4 MB, 590x388, 295:194, 20201110_193924.gif)

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e8f69f  No.12663118

File: 6458e0f75006c3d⋯.png (202.04 KB, 877x492, 877:492, natalie.png)


Natalie could tell us some juicy stories……about Hunter-pedo and Joe-pedo at "Finger" Lakes

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8c8038  No.12663119


True dat!

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f90d9c  No.12663120

File: d3bf216f8debfc7⋯.jpg (100.5 KB, 1055x807, 1055:807, 20210121_104111.jpg)

File: 53c2ec07f3f4911⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1241x949, 17:13, 1611250975830.png)

File: 6b2d2c58f210cc1⋯.jpg (92.27 KB, 720x1040, 9:13, 20210121_104405.jpg)


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4c2be8  No.12663121

File: 473da78adc80966⋯.png (484.92 KB, 502x502, 1:1, sharetwod.png)

Because some things didn't unfold exactly as some expected:

QAnon Believers Finding it Harder to ‘Trust The Plan’

And that's from a (supposedly) Christian website!


Because "soon" turns out to be 2 or 3 years longer than initially imagined. Because true Christians don't know ANYTHING about that! Kek!

Romans 13:11-14

(written in Year 57 AD)

11 And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. 12 The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.


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000000  No.12663122


No, there's a lack of leaves on the trees you moran. It's FUCKING WINTER.

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d3354b  No.12663123


>you have to lose against a senile idiot to win!

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e85067  No.12663124

File: 5c55eba2ef58018⋯.png (178.52 KB, 399x458, 399:458, obambam_scandal_1.png)

File: ce84ea79e96b439⋯.png (491.72 KB, 767x607, 767:607, michele_obama_mothersday_1.png)

File: c1a43dca989f944⋯.png (482.56 KB, 519x505, 519:505, obama_cameron_bedroom.png)

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50194f  No.12663125


Spoiler: There's no bewbs or cleavage

Came for the tits left with a good message though

The 20th tripped up a lot of good people. I was confused for 3 hours or so. Then I found my feet again and continued to hold the line. It was only confusion, not hate.

Slowly, one by one, patriots are doing the same thing. Everyone copes differently and each person may need different types of support, even the frothing angry people.

Hold the lines frens. I am moar confident than ever. Only thing that would give me moar tingles is if Trump said he was Q+

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ff77ce  No.12663126

File: e56c1b58d3a0c9e⋯.png (3.22 MB, 2492x1434, 1246:717, ClipboardImage.png)


Q Drop #2089:

AJ [MOS backed] ….and associates.

*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]…and known associates.

backed means funding. C_A means CIA.

Q Drop #1751:

Every C_A/ MOS tactic of Infiltration and Internal disruption is being deployed on this board.

Q Drop# 1781:

MOS / \ (controls) (Alt+) US Media and US Politicians

Q Drop# 3655:

Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US Media [+alt] critical.

Untouchable, re: State backed?

==Q Drop# _ _ _:

We are saving Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned even one time.

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c443cb  No.12663127

EXC: Biden Just Picked A CIA Director With a 7-Year-Long Relationship with Chinese Communist Party Fronts

Bill Burns – Joe Biden’s pick to lead the Central Intelligence Agency – serves as the President of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace which has over a decade-long relationship with the China-United States Exchange Foundation and other Chinese Communist Party-linked groups.

Burns has served as President of the think tank since 2014, overseeing its involvement with the China-United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF) which dates back to at least 2009.

CUSEF – part of the Chinese Communist Party’s United Front effort that seeks to “co-opt and neutralize sources of potential opposition” and encourage foreign actors to “adopt positions supportive of Beijing’s preferred policies” – has sponsored trips for Chinese Communist Party officials to speak at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

In 2009, the think tank hosted former Shanghai Mayor and Vice Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party’s Political Consultative Conference for a“keynote speech” on a trip paid for by CUSEF.

Similarly, two year later, CUSEF’s founder Tung Chee-hwa, who chairs the “highest-ranking entity overseeing” China’s United Front, spoke at a a Carnegie Endowment for International Peace event according to CUSEF promotional brochures.


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906e48  No.12663128

File: 432b2db971bdeee⋯.png (7.51 MB, 1638x2048, 819:1024, IMG_3433.PNG)


he reminds me of shredder

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b4b3ab  No.12663129


how was kayleigh 11.3 and pompeo 11.4?

and how would EBS be about certain people?

i just don't get it i guess

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ac1fd7  No.12663130


Balls clanking around and doin' cartwheels in those pants

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0fb1cf  No.12663131

So, from what seemed to happen, if the suggestions that have flown around since the 20th are correct….

Arrests were set for the 20th.

Dems/DS use a last-ditch effort to remain in power:

–CCP sends "cargo" ships full of containers equipped with missiles and perhaps troops. The ones they "offered" to send to DC.

The ships set off the West coast. If the arrests take place CCP sends a volley of missiles devastating LA.

Did DJT have the opportunity to conduct the arrests prior to the inauguration and broadcasted a pre-recorded fake inauguration to make CCP believe Biden was sworn in?

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8033bc  No.12663132

File: fda2a7c36dc710e⋯.jpg (24.01 KB, 680x362, 340:181, 2HLLTcPb.jpg)

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8c8038  No.12663134


Never pay full price for a late pizza.

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b99a18  No.12663135

File: 71b672eae3db718⋯.jpeg (7 KB, 182x276, 91:138, download.jpeg)


this is why we are going to camp



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36a73a  No.12663136


Did she say bloody mary three times?

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fa7686  No.12663137

Former FBI Director James Comey says ‘Republican Party has to be burned to the ground’

In an interview published Thursday, former FBI Director James Comey said the republican party must be “burned to the ground” before it can rebuild following President Trump’s administration.

Comey told Australia’s ABC “7:30” news program that the GOP “doesn’t stand for anything that is valuable” to America.

“It doesn’t stand for anything that is valuable to our country. It doesn’t stand for anything, that is other than a cult of personality around a man who is a demagogue and a liar,” he said.

“It’s deeply unhealthy when the head of government is a sociopath, to be honest, and that shapes, unfortunately, millions of people in a harmful way.”

The longtime republican, who now describes himself as an independent, said that the “republican party has to be burned to the ground, in some form or fashion,” The Hill reports.

“If it’s going to survive, and we need two healthy parties to have a healthy democracy, it has to be rebuilt in some way,” he said. “I think you may see principled republicans splitting off or finding a way to push the Trumpers off, so they can reconstitute the republican party on a set of real values.”

Comey told The Guardian earlier this week that the party’s decline began before Trump with Tea Party figures, according to The Hill.

“The Republican Party needs to be burned down or changed,” Comey said. “Something is shifting and I’m hoping it’s the fault breaking apart, a break between the Trumpists and those people who want to try and build a responsible conservative party, because everybody should know that we need one.”

“Who would want to be part of an organization that at its core is built on lies and racism and know-nothingism? It’s just not a healthy political organization.”

Comey was a key figure in the 2016 election campaign when, as head of the FBI, he oversaw investigation’s into the Russia hoax. After being fired by President Trump, he became one of his most vocal critics.


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2c5c79  No.12663138

File: 05b8bca83f14915⋯.png (36.49 KB, 810x438, 135:73, soon.png)

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2c2cc3  No.12663139

File: 0d162ba19565148⋯.jpg (50.55 KB, 400x602, 200:301, IMG20161020104316_tg.jpg)



Just sayin…

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2a40e3  No.12663140

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af1166  No.12663141


Open comms requested.

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90bcc7  No.12663142


>Now that Congress has milked the situation, and hyped the threat, they are going to have a hard time demanding that the troops withdrawal any time soon

Could this explain all the msm boo-hoo over the NG sleeping in garages? It could be an excuse to send them home or further away.

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191d45  No.12663144


>BREAKING: Trust in Fake News Mainstream Media at ALL-TIME LOW


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cfeb8f  No.12663145

File: 0446c3668c404d7⋯.png (189.45 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



I don't know who Margarete Meade is. I am guessing she is a Jew or something. Anyway. I had this hanging on my wall pretty young and this quote has always inspired me.

I have always thought, maybe this is the group, the social movement that will make it happen.

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cd78b3  No.12663146

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b52f09  No.12663147

File: 640036ce57feca8⋯.png (54.18 KB, 561x799, 33:47, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5f73b8c763d0dc4⋯.jpeg (552.66 KB, 2048x1744, 128:109, D6336598_777A_4920_B16A_0….jpeg)

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4fcc0d  No.12663148


It's a reflection, she's wearing a mask covering the bottom half of her face….

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e68e59  No.12663149


oh really? and videos too?

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d6d55a  No.12663150


Public shame of creator is all they are likely lurking.

Speaking of someone lurking… Sheeeit,

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eb602c  No.12663151




This "A" post made at 1:18 EST takes me to this Q post:

#118 - 2017-11-06 22:50:59 (UTC+1)

What family was permitted to leave immediately after 9-11?

Who authorized the departure?

Why is this relevant?

Was anyone else permitted to leave?


Was anyone else permitted to leave?

Was it a private plane?

What can private planes carry v commercial?

What airport did they arrive/depart from?

What was carried on a private plane to Iran?

Why was the Bin Laden family here during 9-11?


How does SA connect to the Bin Laden family?

Who in SA is connected specifically to the Bin Laden family?

What did they deliver?

To who?


What does money buy?

Why are the events in SA relevant to the above?

Who is the financial backer for human trafficking?

Who is the 'broker' for underage sex?

Think SA.

How does FB & Instagram play a role in capture?

Think 'Taken'.

Fantasy right?

Why do select senior political officials have foundations/institutes?

What is money laundering?

What does money buy?

Why is this relevant?

What other people were arrested in SA?

What are their backgrounds?

Are any connected to the Podesta Group?

Why is this relevant?

What do you need in order to prosecute senior political officials?

How do you avoid public misconception?

How do you justify counter-political attacks to the mass public?

Why is information so vital?

Is the country divided?

Why does the MSM portray the country as being divided?

Why is this relevant?


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d6d55a  No.12663152

Bigwig Detected

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d41bdc  No.12663153

File: a56046d782f8617⋯.jpg (1.33 MB, 3583x3583, 1:1, 20200706_A24_TheGreenKnigh….jpg)

File: 3961263c0f7395e⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 3900x3900, 1:1, 20200706_A24_TheGreenKnigh….jpg)

File: 11be46a8114eb2d⋯.jpg (1.13 MB, 3487x3487, 1:1, 20200706_A24_TheGreenKnigh….jpg)

File: 62b9693ec3f171d⋯.jpg (948.99 KB, 3648x3648, 1:1, 20200706_A24_TheGreenKnigh….jpg)

File: cbfeb2cbfce3631⋯.jpg (954.91 KB, 3648x3648, 1:1, 20200706_A24_TheGreenKnigh….jpg)

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ac1fd7  No.12663154

File: dcb7ebe3fc60005⋯.png (401.73 KB, 600x338, 300:169, ClipboardImage.png)

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efcd76  No.12663155

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b52f09  No.12663156


That was my immediate thought.

Make it seem inhuman to keep them around.

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af1166  No.12663157


Nah, totally natty.

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226b68  No.12663158


You can post videos on tor…?

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31c4ca  No.12663159


so your theory is trump and Q fell for the same trick twice? despite their own statements of NOTHING can stop what is coming?

whats that old saying from texas again? fool me twice? cant get fooled again…

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775b7a  No.12663160


Lake Meade is ridiculously low.

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cd8e10  No.12663161

File: add383ce7baeb27⋯.jpeg (750.37 KB, 1242x850, 621:425, 698663E7_166C_41A4_873D_0….jpeg)

File: 513c0aa6e388e21⋯.jpeg (442.71 KB, 1242x1294, 621:647, 49AFED48_417A_4689_AED6_1….jpeg)

File: 456c0c412b93a5a⋯.jpeg (376.17 KB, 1242x564, 207:94, B488365A_3DBF_4A83_851D_1….jpeg)

File: 2c43a0eb183507b⋯.jpeg (825.61 KB, 1242x1102, 621:551, 5BF3C4A3_AB03_4629_8664_6….jpeg)

I’d you or someone you know are still following this fake ass Maga p*ssy





Do or Die" by Yung Knowledge and Clay Clark


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c443cb  No.12663162

File: 259fdbde41dd6db⋯.jpg (72.11 KB, 809x447, 809:447, Capture.JPG)

US to resume WHO funding under Biden, UN agency chief hails move as a 'good day for global health'

The US has announced it will resume funding the World Health Organization (WHO), months after former President Donald Trump withdrew the country’s membership, and has also earmarked $1.9 trillion to fight Covid-19 domestically.

On his first day in office, new US President Joe Biden said he would reverse his predecessor’s decision to pull the $400 million in annual funding the US paid the WHO, as the UN health agency’s largest contributor.

“I am honored to announce that the United States will remain a member of the World Health Organization,” the president’s chief medical adviser on Covid, Anthony Fauci, told a virtual WHO panel on Thursday.

The agency’s Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said it was a “good day for WHO and a good day for global health”.


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3bfdcd  No.12663163


Good Guys need to mega careful!

It is a fact that the bad guys are desperate AF.

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1a9760  No.12663164

File: 70c923e0585274a⋯.jpg (97.18 KB, 1200x543, 400:181, 70c923e0585274a11d41401764….jpg)

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 87b5e7 No.5943751📁

Mar 28 2019 12:32:43 (EST)

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 87b5e7 No.5943535📁

Mar 28 2019 12:23:40 (EST)



You have more than you know.








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4ccdca  No.12663165

Listen to Dave at X22report.com. His report tonight was very logical as to what is going on now.

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36a73a  No.12663166



My theory has been that A is the autist intern at the WH. Just in my head I mean. Well, til now

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afe524  No.12663167

>>12662506, >>12662953

Later Bread Notables


>>12662726 All The Jews That Biden Has Tapped For Top Roles In His Administration (Jerusalem Post)

>>12662757, >>12662766 Whats the longest Q has ever gone dark previously? We're at 44 days now.

>>12662659 ICYMI - Incoming Biden Admin was Refused Pentagon Access

>>12662728, >>12662832 Moar on Mysterious Voice Cutting in on WH ytube video

>>12662739, >>12662748 How Designated Survivor’s designers built a replica Oval Office in Toronto

>>12662749 Looking back at HRC's post graduate work on children and medicine

>>12662860, >>12662860, >>12662907 Anon dig - You have NO idea how fucking close they got to destroying the great lakes.

>>12662836 ICYMI - Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene files articles of impeachment against US President Joe Biden as ‘unfit & threat to national security’

>>12662927 Biden Signs Order Requiring Travelers To Wear Face Masks

>>12662930, >>12662972 At least four fire agencies are responding to the fire, according to the Grant County Sheriff's Office.

>>12662955 1998 Pew Research Report - Six in ten statements from anonymous sources in the mainstream media

>>12662974 Now That Biden Is President, Will COVID-19 Disappear?

>>12662982 Anon says NO!! to blank EOs w/pics

>>12663013 EPIC! Florida Representative Proposes Renaming Major Florida Highway ‘President Donald J. Trump Highway’

>>12663051 Quarter dollar for 2021 and beyond to depict Washington crossing the Delaware

>>12663054 Portland’s self-described anarchists attack Democratic Party, ICE buildings

>>12663058 President Biden removed flags from the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, and Coast Guard from the Oval Office.

>>12663090 Trust in Fake News Mainstream Media at ALL-TIME LOW


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4092dd  No.12663168


From the view of a political scientist, AOC taking out Crowley NEVER made sense. Her odd behavior was just confirmation.

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ff40a3  No.12663169


Multiple meanings exist.

What is coming out now?

Hunters become the Hunted.

Q 16 relevant.

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ac1fd7  No.12663170

File: f3647932753abea⋯.png (596.1 KB, 783x520, 783:520, lauren_boebert_american_fl….png)


Yeah she's great.

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f90d9c  No.12663171


I know it's a reflection, mask or no she looks like a demon

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1a9760  No.12663172


Q !A6yxsPKia. No.126📁

Aug 9 2018 21:27:00 (EST)


[WH [Hussein][VJ][DM][JB][RE][[[JK]]][SP][KM]]←—-→[HRC/DNC]

[C_A [JB][CLAS1-5]](NSA - play/reveal TT) ^^

[DNI [JC]] ^^

^^^^^ ^^

[DOJ [LL][SY][BO-CS(UK)][DL][PS][DL][JC][MM][RB]]←——–→[BC]*


[FBI [JC][AM][JR][MS][BP][PS][LP][JB][MK][JC][SM][TG][KC]]←————→[[HRC][BC][HA][CM]………][FAKE NEWS]




[FUSION GPS](Shell2)←——–(CS)——-→[NO NAME]

[PERKINS COIE](Shell2) ^^^^^

[WASH FREE BEACON](Shell1) ^^^^^^


*Tarmac (final meeting - no charges/drop = supreme court)

*Go-Between(s) (meetings 1-4)

Hussein (3) NAT SEC ORDERS OFFICIAL (POTUS CAN DECLAS)(Bottom-to-top (see now))(FBI/DOJ to expand fast)

FISA apps FALSE activate domestic spy campaign (UK assist - feed to C_A (cannot operate domestically)(JB)

They NEVER thought she would lose.


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cfeb8f  No.12663173


Fact. It is a fact all speech is operative. Put it in the fucking dictionary.

Does anyone want to try and operate me, change my mind?

Can anyone tell me an example of speech that would NOT be considered as operative. Maybe like, it is intended to have no influence on anything or anyone

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79ae04  No.12663174


it takes effort, i'm still not there yet!

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43f8a8  No.12663175


trump nor the white hats will quit they will win when the time is right

it aint about you faggot


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4fcc0d  No.12663176


Kek, don't they all?

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7d4fed  No.12663178

File: d0eca29b032486c⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1904x845, 1904:845, guilded_image_b552a60e8a9f….png)

File: c1d04aad112bf62⋯.png (813.36 KB, 1867x881, 1867:881, guilded_image_236b805663a1….png)

File: 940446db0b1793e⋯.png (652.56 KB, 1911x818, 1911:818, guilded_image_5eadd9633259….png)

File: 7d2d27ee5dc7460⋯.png (1005.46 KB, 1905x861, 635:287, guilded_image_7509297c3986….png)

File: 86863d31528640d⋯.png (1.38 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, guilded_image_f7d5377f606b….png)

UMMMM….GUISE??? INSURRECTION ACT IS IN EFFECT… PLUS MANY OTHER PERKS. JAN 20TH… Trump enacted it when he asked the "insurgents" to disperse… pure genius…

Seems the INSURRECTION ACT was considered "effective on Jan 20, 2021"


Go to previous and later pages and you will NOT see those words on other pages of the same 10 USC CODE 252.

Official gov website.

Tell me I'm crazy here, boys, but it looks like this is the "official" shit.

Top center bar states what law or act is currently enacted, will also state pending or if its not enacted.


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6a79fe  No.12663179

File: c25e229772fc6d0⋯.jpg (129.75 KB, 1308x844, 327:211, pray_we_stay_safe_as_we_ke….JPG)

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90bcc7  No.12663180


When was the design picked? The coin for 2019 had a bat and it was picked under Obama.

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a58f5d  No.12663181

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anon thinks Castle Rock is the new Schoolhouse rock!

Check out this American history addition!!!


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56eca2  No.12663182

File: 36892ab77830d90⋯.png (409.21 KB, 1605x791, 1605:791, nashville_explosion_decode….png)

File: 1397a5d99dd5f0f⋯.png (694.95 KB, 797x656, 797:656, china_gun_ownership_in_us_….png)


The sierra nevada bottle pix were dropped a mere few hours before some RV pretended to blow up a data center from the outside.

They told you an RV did all that

they told you a body was found

they told you who it was (ala stephen paddock)

The news literally tells people what to believe about everything.

Here's what I expect

container ship explosions/terror (stopped)

Port attacks

"plane crashes"

Seattle something…remember both Portland and Seattle are 100% expendable.

Subhunters were crawling all over east coast a few days ago.

Power outages

Internet outages….there's a reason Trump put out the emergency messaging…with meat behind it if they won't broadcast it.

Right now our good guys are fucking stomping out fires everywhere. The bad guys are rolling with punches and re-working plans.

They said we'd PAY if we didn't elect Biden. Chink defectors said copies of HDs sent to Pelosi and ..I forget who else…(Gnews) saying "get Biden elected OR ELSE".

They really FAILED in getting our guns but not for the lack of trying.

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0fb1cf  No.12663183


To expand:

Q has shown full fore knowledge of EVERYTHING that was going to happen, to the point of being mathematically impossible and the idea Q is a time traveler. So, if this is true, then Q would have already known about the CCP plan and prepared for it.

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0ac406  No.12663184

File: b02298080bf08e1⋯.jpg (56.16 KB, 633x316, 633:316, Oval_Office_Fake.jpg)

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cfeb8f  No.12663185


I am operating you.

I am solidifying a fact.

I don't want you to escape the operative nature of ALL speech.

You cannot go on thinking, some speech is operative and some is not.

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1a9760  No.12663186


Q !xowAT4Z3VQ No.462📁

Mar 27 2018 23:03:07 (EST)

Why did Kim travel to China?

Why was travel impossible in the past?

What changed?

What constitutes the need for a F2F meeting v. secured call?

What US publicly traded co. previously entered N. Korea to establish comms?

Think logically.



Who is Sergey Brin?

Where was Sergey born?



Think KGB.

US, China, N Korea [3].

FACEBOOK data dump?

Who made it public?

Who sold shares -30 days from announcement?

You can't imagine the magnitude of this.

Constitutional CRISIS.

Twitter coming soon.

GOOG coming soon.

AMAZON coming soon.

MICROSOFT coming soon.


Current censorship all relates to push for power [mid-terms].


Election FRAUD cases OPEN - DOJ [many].

Follow the FAMILY.

Follow resignations [Business/Gov't].


Who made it public?

Who really made it public?

Who is making it all public?









These people are STUPID.

Art of the Deal.




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ff77ce  No.12663187



All TEN of Biden's high profile Appointees are Jews.

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99dc42  No.12663188

File: be7413241cdfc5f⋯.png (748.3 KB, 1440x956, 360:239, Nein.png)

File: a6ff445f53220c7⋯.jpg (57.32 KB, 730x730, 1:1, a6ff445f53220c7fdf53319dfb….jpg)


>Anons don't just trust someone just because he removes "nonymous"

The Q will be answered (((WWG1WGA))).

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000000  No.12663189


You can embed via Show post options & limits



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be0fc6  No.12663190

File: 63ead489d1441eb⋯.jpg (20.59 KB, 300x200, 3:2, islamB.jpg)

File: 6751675a43c4683⋯.jpg (588.25 KB, 1198x1198, 1:1, bad.jpg)


Problem everywhere. There's a place in upstate NY in Hsncock- called Islamberg- we've done digs on it. It's a few hundred acres of an Islamic encampment. Fenced and gated off, problem neighbors, terrorizing the community, and they're right on the headwaters that feed the NY water supply.

Just imagine if they had turbo covfefe day at 711… just add a lil somethin to your morning commute.

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c318f2  No.12663192

File: 4cbb0474042936d⋯.jpg (34.77 KB, 526x297, 526:297, kimba.jpg)

File: 7239d69a3634160⋯.jpg (457.89 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, collage.jpg)

File: 2a1f79bf18d5f38⋯.jpg (34.09 KB, 474x515, 474:515, tucked.jpg)




My generation's anime kek. 1965 kimba and speed racer plus ultraman…. on uhf.

more pics of mike's outfit

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2347b7  No.12663193

Internet is out per my provider in Maryland. Tech support recording states outage for all customers and no estimate time for service to be back on.

Today, all 911 service was out for all counties in Maryland and majority of "landline" service was out all day. People that work from home with fax machines were screwed today. ATM's were out of service and so were banks. If the internet is still down tomorrow, everything must be cash if the stores allow cash transactions. Their register's are electronics. There goes Biden's Fake economy for his fake Presidential title in his Washington DC corporation country. They must feel safe there with 65k troops "protecting" them. The bastards!

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7d4fed  No.12663195


started the process when he asked for insurgents to disperse. He had to give the real insurgents time to leave… when they didnt… BOOM

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cfeb8f  No.12663196



If you disagree, you are vulnerable to brainwashing.

Don't worry.

You aren't vulnerable to brainwashing.

You are not brainwashed.

I am sure that is what you will say.

That is what brainwashed people always say.


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6a79fe  No.12663197

File: 026aff8b814c7e0⋯.jpg (35.8 KB, 355x436, 355:436, person_of_year_time.JPG)


you could spam it every bread, they still won't listen, patriot.

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2c5c79  No.12663198

Trump had to lose.

He had to leave.

With endless threats against his life and family he really didn't have a choice. The best thing he could do was setup sleepers loyal to the constitution that would do the right think.

Me think things are going according to plan.

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d41bdc  No.12663199

File: 331153822ee68db⋯.jpeg (130.24 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, download_17_.jpeg)

File: 9fd35b5429bfb12⋯.jpg (2.56 MB, 2093x2860, 161:220, preycharsheets1.jpg)

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c65c43  No.12663200


excellent point but the more you soapbox the more you glow

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c9e65e  No.12663201

File: 8fc49cbf4e42ab5⋯.png (531.94 KB, 691x530, 691:530, ClipboardImage.png)




that line oddly creeped me out for some reason

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79c26d  No.12663202


I still see no reflection of him…vampire

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775b7a  No.12663203


Got to admit the shills won yesterday with eating all the bread up with this slide.

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8c8038  No.12663204


Notable AF!

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9379d8  No.12663205


Whether true or not, we still keep fighting to restore the Republic and to it's rightful President.

At all costs…

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226b68  No.12663206


I know was just being a dong to that one


But ty for being nice

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e85067  No.12663207

File: 50aa97dc7328076⋯.png (118.62 KB, 660x432, 55:36, cynthia_mckinney.png)

File: f5b95d8becc3367⋯.png (248.27 KB, 429x393, 143:131, cynthia_mckinney_deepstate.png)

File: c05f2fcb11ea32a⋯.png (101.72 KB, 548x542, 274:271, congress_slush_fund.png)

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31c4ca  No.12663208


the real meaning here. we all know the obelisk is a cabal symbol, the camera is the people, they have turned their backs on you, they follow the obelisk only.

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2588ff  No.12663209


IDK, i'm not a virologist. my *guess* is that a CV would not survive long in lake water, but again, IDK.

even if it could, the problem of dilution still comes back. 25,000 cubic KILOMETERS is one giant shitload of water.

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cd78b3  No.12663210


Just be sure to leave the money on the dresser.

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ac1fd7  No.12663211

File: e2840de435c00c2⋯.png (1.16 MB, 900x900, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


These also come in 5oz versions and are really neat.


That was last year actually.

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90bcc7  No.12663213


Purple behind them in the original magazine. Color revolution.

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35cffa  No.12663214

File: dba75f012488120⋯.png (33.46 KB, 666x263, 666:263, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 18c37347afcb96e⋯.png (180.6 KB, 666x853, 666:853, ClipboardImage.png)



Q said 'Save the best for last. [P]'

[P] is Payseur, at the top of the pyramid, above the Roths, Soros, the Sauds and the other top families

The 'saving Israel for last' was in response to 'What about Awan? Israel involved?'

Shills have been spinning this so far to use Israel muh-jooing as misdirection, and try to depict us in the media as rabid antisemites

[P] is at the top, for any anon that actually read the drops

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50afbc  No.12663215


I think standard statements don't influence much, unless you have issues with the statements.

For example, I like to eat ramen dry.

Does that influence anyone or anything?

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f710f7  No.12663216

File: f783bb199a01937⋯.jpg (34.7 KB, 780x439, 780:439, Jean_Biden_Joes_mother.jpg)


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cfeb8f  No.12663217


I swear.

People didn't start opening their mouths and making grunting noises and shit for a reason.

It was probably quite operative if I can imagine.

I like to play first man meet first man. Figure out speech from beginning.

I good caveman.

Me think like caveman.

Go past bad English






Know Truth

In Heart

it pour true.!

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03b6c0  No.12663218

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I know many don’t trust Tulsi here but in this clip with Rogan she reveals some interdasting aspects about Congress and the media.

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cd8e10  No.12663219



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48295b  No.12663220

What happened to TheDonald.win

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36a73a  No.12663222


Sheeeeit. Because THEY are the fucking insurgents! My mind is blown

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e8f69f  No.12663223

File: d181929d69ae030⋯.png (336.13 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 5336.png)



re-directs to the White House site

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a58f5d  No.12663224


Hhhhhooollllllyyyy shhhittt!

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3a3488  No.12663225


It outlived it's usefulness.

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8c8038  No.12663226

I am hoping it's this weekend. I could be wrong…let's wait and see:

#16 Get the popcorn, Friday & Saturday will deliver on the MAGA promise. POTUS knows he must clean house (gov't) in order to 'free up' and demonstrate who has authority in order to pass important legislation. This was always the priority. Remember, AG Sessions cannot look like an impartial player that is out to get all former Obama team members as we need him for other important work. All will come into focus and for anyone to think POTUS is not in control is kidding themselves. Also, he's 100% insulated with zero risk of impeachment (fact).

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43775d  No.12663227


Jewgle uses dominion voting software for vid votes

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0ac406  No.12663228

File: 75017fb394bc792⋯.jpg (6.46 KB, 120x168, 5:7, Biden_Head.jpg)


Demented fuck.

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334ad1  No.12663229


Your spell is pretty shit. Try casting a conjuring a (s)word.

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2c5c79  No.12663230



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bf313a  No.12663231


carpets are reused. not every President chooses a new one.


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fa7686  No.12663232

File: 23e8f42b7311502⋯.jpg (100.94 KB, 1290x734, 645:367, K_.JPG)



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226b68  No.12663233


Expand that thinking


It has multiple uses and meanings, but…

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56eca2  No.12663234


I don't need some paytriot to tell me what's happening. They probably fucking steal all their shit from /pol/ and here anyway.

Ya'll need to stop listening to the fucking patriots telling you what's happening or what to think. Stop being a slave to their "reports".

DIGGERS who do their own digging? yes…I always get a lightbulb when I watch Polly that sends me off in a link this or that fest. Polly does her own digs….not regurgitate what's on qresearch/fake insiders, or /pol/.

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835da8  No.12663235


it was replaced by patriots.win

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e68e59  No.12663236

File: e4f02705c779832⋯.png (49.76 KB, 446x284, 223:142, Screen_Shot_2021_01_22_at_….png)



why not this one?

Get your popcorn hoss

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cd8e10  No.12663238


Old fags know! #WRWY

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0169a9  No.12663239

File: 4237f70347c8a71⋯.png (469.73 KB, 640x504, 80:63, 4237f70347c8a716b0ec3975ed….png)

I was thinking. You know how they make a dick around bidens car? Well plane fag found a dick in the air week or two ago. Could this be where they are filming?

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4092dd  No.12663240


There was considerable thinking that TWITTER deleted the POTUS video asking to disperse because it was PUBLICATION, and TWTR wouldn't want that…

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bf313a  No.12663241

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f6e6b3  No.12663242


I thought I saw it changed it’s name to Patriot Party or some shit.

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6a79fe  No.12663243


sabotaged by hateful pieces of shit pretending to be patriots


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90bcc7  No.12663244


Download them before they are purged by Big Brother.

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109b21  No.12663245

File: 2de6c45a24237c6⋯.jpg (343.64 KB, 1346x534, 673:267, Screenshot_20210121_225652….jpg)

Think with me for a bit.

I mean to use the word "cure" as a way to convince the sheep that the fake covid is going away and things are slowly returning to normal.

What if the dems want to look good and make it seem like Biden is "curing" covid? What if this is the beginning strategy to "cure" it? What if this is the only way to "cure" it? What if they had a "Trick up their sleeve" to cure it? What if Trump won and the dems never executed this plan to "cure" it? What if it couldn't be "cured" if Trump won? What if Trump is letting things go smoothly to let them finish the "cure"?

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afe524  No.12663247

>>12662506, >>12662953, >>12663167

Last call Notables


>>12662726 All The Jews That Biden Has Tapped For Top Roles In His Administration (Jerusalem Post)

>>12662757, >>12662766 Whats the longest Q has ever gone dark previously? We're at 44 days now.

>>12662659 ICYMI - Incoming Biden Admin was Refused Pentagon Access

>>12662728, >>12662832 Moar on Mysterious Voice Cutting in on WH ytube video

>>12662739, >>12662748 How Designated Survivor’s designers built a replica Oval Office in Toronto

>>12662749 Looking back at HRC's post graduate work on children and medicine

>>12662860, >>12662860, >>12662907 Anon dig - You have NO idea how fucking close they got to destroying the great lakes.

>>12662836 ICYMI - Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene files articles of impeachment against US President Joe Biden as ‘unfit & threat to national security’

>>12662927 Biden Signs Order Requiring Travelers To Wear Face Masks

>>12662930, >>12662972 At least four fire agencies are responding to the fire, according to the Grant County Sheriff's Office.

>>12662955 1998 Pew Research Report - Six in ten statements from anonymous sources in the mainstream media

>>12662974 Now That Biden Is President, Will COVID-19 Disappear?

>>12662982 Anon says NO!! to blank EOs w/pics

>>12663013 EPIC! Florida Representative Proposes Renaming Major Florida Highway ‘President Donald J. Trump Highway’

>>12663051 Quarter dollar for 2021 and beyond to depict Washington crossing the Delaware

>>12663054 Portland’s self-described anarchists attack Democratic Party, ICE buildings

>>12663058 President Biden removed flags from the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, and Coast Guard from the Oval Office.

>>12663090 Trust in Fake News Mainstream Media at ALL-TIME LOW

>>12663162 US to resume WHO funding under Biden, UN agency chief hails move as a 'good day for global health'

>>12663178 Seems the INSURRECTION ACT was considered "effective on Jan 20, 2021" LAWFAGS DIG INTO THIS!!!


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377be6  No.12663248

File: 52c26de7db41688⋯.jpg (523.75 KB, 1080x2119, 1080:2119, Screenshot_20210122_001531….jpg)


Looks like a Stalemate to me.

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19b9fd  No.12663249


Is that isis or Osiris or someone’s Peckha?

John Thomas?

Baloney pony?

These Babylon freaks are perved to the fucking core.

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4fcc0d  No.12663250

File: c1488d8e7757564⋯.png (668.13 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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2588ff  No.12663251


>Biden is already president?

but IS HE? a ceremony means exactly what someone DECIDES it means. do YOU know what was decided?

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c1f226  No.12663252

File: b2a59a410eca1f0⋯.png (971.85 KB, 1290x607, 1290:607, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 24bff275dbaf885⋯.png (18.51 KB, 464x352, 29:22, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d5f6f69f8b8875f⋯.png (2.95 KB, 455x134, 455:134, ClipboardImage.png)

>>12661827, >>12661848, >>12661996, >>12661871 Moar Hunter Biden Laptop pics droppin'

looking glass

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50194f  No.12663253

File: b3e35749c3ebbd2⋯.png (479.03 KB, 1079x350, 1079:350, Q_4510_Flynn.png)

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38e7bf  No.12663254


it thedonald.lost

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8a22f7  No.12663255

File: 98ed444cb904afa⋯.jpeg (874.42 KB, 1125x1646, 1125:1646, 5756859C_825D_48C4_B779_7….jpeg)


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e68e59  No.12663256

File: 8c062234b809f2e⋯.png (55.78 KB, 430x358, 215:179, Screen_Shot_2021_01_22_at_….png)


This one too

the great awakening

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be0fc6  No.12663257

File: 5db81bc2d3d97b4⋯.jpeg (77.21 KB, 1020x636, 85:53, Qonly.jpeg)

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0fb1cf  No.12663258

So friends. Over the past 4 years we have been shown that Q knew more than anyone could possible have known. Going beyond a MIL OP and bordering on omniscience. Q has shown foresight of things impossible to have known, anons have received personal confirmations that NO ONE should have been able to provide. 4 years of proof after proof of unwavering precision and winning.

So, how can we possible believe Q was a larp? How can we possibly believe Q ever lost?

Winning is the only way.

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4092dd  No.12663259

For real this time, mañana, y'all.

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c7cb4e  No.12663260



no anons

It has switched to January 21, 2021 now, it is showing that the law is good as of today

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000000  No.12663261


Symbolism….is their downfall

obelisk = isis

Reflection obelisk on the water = reflection… mirror / window

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d41bdc  No.12663262

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ac1fd7  No.12663263

File: 5acb0ab731758b2⋯.png (336.82 KB, 642x293, 642:293, joe_biden_poltergeist_prea….png)

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b52f09  No.12663264


No they are way too obsessed with us to leave us alone.

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eb602c  No.12663265

File: f527ff2257451ab⋯.png (24.28 KB, 200x205, 40:41, pepe_sweating.png)


>Who is the 'broker' for underage sex?

>Think SA.

>How does FB & Instagram play a role in capture?

>Think 'Taken'. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>Fantasy right?

>Why do select senior political officials have foundations/institutes?

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371815  No.12663266

File: 8d3adbab76d7a68⋯.png (865.74 KB, 656x668, 164:167, shredder.PNG)

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cfeb8f  No.12663267


I actually have an idea for marriage counseling. I think it sounds dumb, but think about it.

I think the couple should talk like cavemen.

It gets rid of all the "flowerly{" "vague" stuff people say to cover there real emotions and thoughts. Just super simple and I think that in the same way you can "act like a monkey", you can kinda get into the role of a caveman and retard the language down from this stupid ass shit that everyone is doing.

I call it a language prison. Everyone uses all these words and don't even think about the meaning of them. It just twists and turns the meaning of everything, buries intention, hides true emotions. It does all sorts of things to protect, attack, and investigate the other being. English is nosy and complex. Manipulative by design. There is a fucking word for everything, like I didnt mean it this way I meant it that way but not that way more like this.

No mother fucker.

Just tell me yes or no or kinda sorta in between all this shit about a paragraph when I need a one word answer

I hear a paragraph out of mother fuckers and i still don't know what they are thinking.

I swear. I just hear words.

yep. uh huh

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56eca2  No.12663268


FAKE bullshit. WUMAO swerve. Carpet in first fake EO livestream was NOT that color. FUCKING wumao fucking liar. SWERVE

not notable

fake and gay manufactured shit to divert from FIRST EO signing.

I fucking despise you people

lying ass POS. Using ONLY shit from NPR.

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35cffa  No.12663269



no, [P] is not for President, nothing seems to go in that direction

[P] could be for Pharoh if you want, AKA King of the World, given all the Egyptian symbology used by the Cabal

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6a79fe  No.12663270

File: eb5f548071f83a5⋯.jpg (105.92 KB, 427x332, 427:332, thumb_up.jpg)

File: 55f61e36e459ae3⋯.jpg (208.4 KB, 1442x917, 206:131, we_still_in_dis_bish.JPG)

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6cb195  No.12663271

File: 6778dd0ce3348d4⋯.png (567.01 KB, 930x724, 465:362, YOU_THREW_IT.png)

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35d991  No.12663272

File: 7a879a085a6062a⋯.png (6.13 KB, 702x78, 9:1, ClipboardImage.png)

=In effect today==

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afe524  No.12663273

#16167 FINAL

>>12662726 All The Jews That Biden Has Tapped For Top Roles In His Administration (Jerusalem Post)

>>12662757, >>12662766 Whats the longest Q has ever gone dark previously? We're at 44 days now.

>>12662659 ICYMI - Incoming Biden Admin was Refused Pentagon Access

>>12662728, >>12662832 Moar on Mysterious Voice Cutting in on WH ytube video

>>12662739, >>12662748 How Designated Survivor’s designers built a replica Oval Office in Toronto

>>12662749 Looking back at HRC's post graduate work on children and medicine

>>12662860, >>12662860, >>12662907 Anon dig - You have NO idea how fucking close they got to destroying the great lakes.

>>12662836 ICYMI - Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene files articles of impeachment against US President Joe Biden as ‘unfit & threat to national security’

>>12662927 Biden Signs Order Requiring Travelers To Wear Face Masks

>>12662930, >>12662972 At least four fire agencies are responding to the fire, according to the Grant County Sheriff's Office.

>>12662955 1998 Pew Research Report - Six in ten statements from anonymous sources in the mainstream media

>>12662974 Now That Biden Is President, Will COVID-19 Disappear?

>>12662982 Anon says NO!! to blank EOs w/pics

>>12663013 EPIC! Florida Representative Proposes Renaming Major Florida Highway ‘President Donald J. Trump Highway’

>>12663051 Quarter dollar for 2021 and beyond to depict Washington crossing the Delaware

>>12663054 Portland’s self-described anarchists attack Democratic Party, ICE buildings

>>12663058 President Biden removed flags from the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, and Coast Guard from the Oval Office.

>>12663090 Trust in Fake News Mainstream Media at ALL-TIME LOW

>>12663162 US to resume WHO funding under Biden, UN agency chief hails move as a 'good day for global health'

>>12663255 Japan private concludes Tokyo Olympics should be cancelled

>>12663178 Seems the INSURRECTION ACT was considered "effective on Jan 20, 2021" LAWFAGS DIG INTO THIS!!!


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00c616  No.12663274


k, thx!

>>12663080 >>12663094 >>12663184 >>12663231 >>12663268

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79c26d  No.12663275


Space needle

I saw it four yrs ago

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be0fc6  No.12663276

File: f2b82c3ddf71869⋯.jpg (39.57 KB, 648x500, 162:125, oly.jpg)

File: 5b73fd8dd70f66d⋯.png (818.45 KB, 1302x854, 93:61, olyF.png)

File: bc25608ff9a7232⋯.jpg (34.14 KB, 500x270, 50:27, OlyRit.jpg)

File: 08298b297ca9017⋯.jpg (34.64 KB, 800x480, 5:3, OlymOON2.jpg)

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226b68  No.12663277


Heh. Seem to have missed the second half of my post

Expanded thinking

Multiple uses

Purposefully vague

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ff40a3  No.12663278


That … Seems an extremely unlikely course of events, anon.

Consider the mission of Q.

How would it be possible for Trump to arrest members of the deep state?

Why is the Hunter laptop information coming out now? Why not earlier?

Define leverage.

Why was the Hunter investigation not shut down by Democrats - then announced by the media after Biden won?

A father's love for his children knows no bounds.

This could well get amusing in ways you never thought possible.

Q 16.


Popcorn day, jan 19th

Friday and saturday delivery of promise.

Do not think they have more power than POTUS.

…. What will Biden do in order to clear his son of investigations? Why should his son go to jail while they profit freely?

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e85067  No.12663279

File: 346470e9f0296a8⋯.png (175.82 KB, 538x351, 538:351, lankford_whistleblowers_1.png)

File: 8efd2d2cf052447⋯.png (450.71 KB, 539x737, 49:67, hrc_gifts.png)

File: 720747a29db51af⋯.png (468.12 KB, 640x365, 128:73, BClinton_met_secretly.png)

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3a3488  No.12663280


Meaning what?

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d41bdc  No.12663281

File: 945b0555523da83⋯.jpg (1.58 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20210122_021910.jpg)

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cfeb8f  No.12663282


I swear.

Someone will talk for like a whole minute about their political stance on something.


I am not listening to you try and operate me with the talking points from your daily algorithmic media intake from fakebook and instafuck

Do you have a point?

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7d4fed  No.12663283


Research it I already have… The dates… how its enacted all of it.. so.. be the anon we know you are and dig instead of a simple no…

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fa7686  No.12663284


I rather see some arrests.

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3bfdcd  No.12663285


Negotiating with them no matter the cost or threats they make would be wrong.

At some point, no matter their threats, the good guys must take them out.

If me..

I would take any risk if it meant ending the Satanic Cabal permanently.

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c1f226  No.12663286



i hope they know where we live coz i am fucking thousands of miles away

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ff31e7  No.12663287

File: 61bc94ee778190c⋯.png (135.83 KB, 1212x544, 303:136, ClipboardImage.png)

Remember that the National Guard Soldiers consigned to sleeping in the cold concrete garage in the middle of winter were the ones who passed Biden's "loyalty screening" requirements.

This is what he did to the people who supported him.


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35cffa  No.12663288


well, I expanded my thinking to Pharaoh then :)

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e68e59  No.12663289


Trump handed over power to the military January 11th. today is the 21st. 10 days of darkness over tomorrow. Done in 30…completed on january 31st

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d41bdc  No.12663290

File: 0873e44c4820e70⋯.jpg (1.5 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20210122_022006.jpg)

File: 4a642e03c86478b⋯.jpg (413.15 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20210122_022026….jpg)

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56eca2  No.12663292


KEK and obvious fake inauguration is obvious. I couldn't help but notice Biden only undid EOs like tranny shit, wall shit everything he undid will immediately be challenged in court…..

I did not hear mention of the chink/foreign election interference…or the withdrawal of the insurrection act.You think the border patrol is gonna stop catching illegals?

Do you need any more proof Biden is NOT president?

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cfeb8f  No.12663293


I always swear.

It is the E.T. in me.

What the fuck does that mean anyway?

It has to be an E.T. curse on the English language to bastardize God or something.

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e68e59  No.12663295


10 days over today not tomorrow

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00c616  No.12663297


Why so angry fren?

Was a simple question and i got some answers.

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226b68  No.12663298


Not a bad one, and will keep it in mind.

I like keeping options open. Especially when its usually ego that limits them

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253ad5  No.12663301

File: 86c1323007ede32⋯.png (172.7 KB, 702x546, 9:7, ClipboardImage.png)


i so wanted this to be true, but no, it is from 2019?

shame, would have been a great troll !!

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99dc42  No.12663303

File: b282cf1bc92cda9⋯.png (70.85 KB, 318x636, 1:2, NEIN.png)


>why not this one?

or exactly this?

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d41bdc  No.12663304

File: b4f1d93118dadb5⋯.jpg (357.99 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20210122_011130….jpg)

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d2849e  No.12663307

File: 11bbecd59b7267b⋯.jpg (21.56 KB, 255x254, 255:254, 11bbecd59b7267b0c430847e72….jpg)



>By the way enjoy the White House Visit Anons when POTUS & Q team invites you over, Be respectful & polite when at the WH ( Your family will be proud )

That would be the highlight and most humbling moment of my God gifted life. Getting teary-eyed just thinking about the possiblity. Hope this poster's words ring true.

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be0fc6  No.12663308

File: d48d41d82de348a⋯.jpg (158.52 KB, 708x486, 118:81, swamp.jpg)


>=In effect today==

Friday, POTUS will deliver on the MAGA promise

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9ef99b  No.12663310

Is Twitter .. like down down ??

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f3c8a2  No.12663312


Washington looks like Trump

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e8f69f  No.12663313

File: 5a45c4578010fbe⋯.png (145.29 KB, 437x472, 437:472, 25325.png)


faggot larper shill


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a58f5d  No.12663314


Who even said that?

Stop projecting!

KEK! <3

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cd8e10  No.12663315

File: ade022a8dd6dfc7⋯.png (5.2 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, 39299260_3226_41BC_A0E7_01….png)


Mmmm interdasting! Nice catch !

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ba0ec9  No.12663316

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e85067  No.12663317

File: eb9d8da8fa30521⋯.png (237.54 KB, 500x330, 50:33, oz_witch_1.png)

File: 96b6105e14fa1d4⋯.png (261.92 KB, 490x367, 490:367, BClinton_look_rapevictims.png)

File: 8e751c4b35b21b8⋯.png (347.11 KB, 486x333, 54:37, who_wore_it_best.png)

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bf313a  No.12663318


i know…some anons just don't have any manners. Thankfully they are few and far between.

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d41bdc  No.12663319

File: 0997b6c8d77cac5⋯.jpg (325.81 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20210122_011228….jpg)

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19b9fd  No.12663320

File: d8430d2cfa8b9e7⋯.jpeg (573.75 KB, 828x892, 207:223, FAAE0587_FB6F_4D52_A701_F….jpeg)

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cfeb8f  No.12663321

Did you all join the silent war?

Are you all official [class] members now?

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ff31e7  No.12663322

File: 6177495d70580c4⋯.png (2.9 MB, 1204x1578, 602:789, ClipboardImage.png)

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f94e52  No.12663323

File: 08d952187583021⋯.png (698.76 KB, 1276x591, 1276:591, Screen_Shot_2021_01_22_at_….png)

I mean…

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4fcc0d  No.12663324

File: d64c856defb7e6a⋯.jpg (7.62 KB, 254x255, 254:255, TopKek.jpg)


Hive ;-)

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8c8038  No.12663325


What's pissing me off is the sheep and their "your mask protects me, my mask protects you" line of crap.

They protect NO ONE.

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f26b85  No.12663326

File: db98f64aacac73d⋯.jpg (30.83 KB, 228x327, 76:109, bigshredder.jpg)

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00c616  No.12663327


difficult times!

gl hf!

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50194f  No.12663328


This is something that I've not really seen anyone talk about, especially as a Q proof. I call it the 50/50s. This is in the top 3 of my personal top proofs.

For every bit of news that breaks and Q comments on it, the comments are sometimes binary. Q's drop was either right or wrong, true binary. Example, Whitaker will stay in the DOJ. He did. Allison Mack talking. She did.

There are 100's of those 50/50s and Q bats 1.000. I don't think Q has ever been wrong on a 50/50.

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9ef99b  No.12663329

File: 1619409e471c142⋯.png (1.95 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, BFBCE5E1_6A40_472F_BF70_12….png)

File: 151ac7b8bb58e7e⋯.png (658.1 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 9DC40A68_2C09_4D7D_BE1D_2A….png)

File: afc7c7f83cfa8b7⋯.png (457.45 KB, 615x368, 615:368, 77FCC861_E700_436B_A674_AB….png)



You know that would be..

So amazing..

one can dream


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c1f226  No.12663330


needs a vader mask

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c1f226  No.12663331


confirmed biden is a fake CGI

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b52f09  No.12663332


Stop! Stop! Stop!

I can only get so erect!

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ff810c  No.12663333

File: a0ca57fd77e6f9f⋯.jpg (179.35 KB, 474x515, 474:515, Polish_20210122_012631561.jpg)

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90bcc7  No.12663334


>Do your most radical bullshit EVA, and keep on pushing the American's to wake up. The only way you and the others will get any leniency is if you let your radical staff propose anything and everything antithetical to our country.

I would love your scenario to be true, but I have to point out one thing. So many anons assume that the swamp creatures have to be “pushed” into their radical bullshit to wake people up. No way. They don’t see what they do as radical—because it’s not, not compared to what they plan to do.

So if some have been secretly arrested and asked to play a role, it’s only to keep doing what the Swamp expects, its to act NORMAL. Nor for them.

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19b9fd  No.12663335

File: 666f5788f467b6f⋯.jpeg (393.73 KB, 828x1019, 828:1019, 0266D77F_C758_4BF1_A263_0….jpeg)

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99dc42  No.12663336

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8968bb  No.12663337

File: 1ead80557a897ac⋯.gif (1.07 MB, 300x300, 1:1, 1ead80557a897ac18689370013….gif)

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000000  No.12663338

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


We need to unite! Work together during this extreme plandemic!

…..but you guys protecting us in the senate are going to need to get out of our feeding hole and go sleep in a parking garage in the middle of winter …..MMMMMKKKKK.

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f90d9c  No.12663339

File: fbcf32ffd3533d6⋯.png (1.95 MB, 962x1856, 481:928, Shredder_Obama.png)

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c04b8d  No.12663341



Would be nice. Not sure I make the cut.

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b52f09  No.12663342



PS holy fuck Mike’s dick

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36a73a  No.12663345


So a harsh reality occurred to me - years ago I stopped digging because odd things started happening in my life. Odd people in odd places, odd calls, that sort of thing. I mean I STOPPED.

Until Q. It just occurred to me that Q saved us - and then we all saved each other - from getting Arkancided for all the research we do.

It spreads like wildfire the moment anything noteworthy is posted. They cant kill us all.

Though they really want to

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35d991  No.12663346

File: 77d910d8ce390f0⋯.png (5.44 KB, 538x56, 269:28, ClipboardImage.png)


I worded that bad it means as of that as of todays date these laws are current. Here is another one, they will all show the todays date unless they are for sometime in the future.

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afe524  No.12663347

Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread

>>12663305 Q Research General #16168: /NightShift/ [Activated] Edition

>>12663305 Q Research General #16168: /NightShift/ [Activated] Edition

>>12663305 Q Research General #16168: /NightShift/ [Activated] Edition

Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread

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56eca2  No.12663349

File: fb515db5d3c34a0⋯.png (959.85 KB, 1180x6207, 1180:6207, jewish_communists_support_….png)

File: 1cef53febb91ef4⋯.jpg (195.8 KB, 1200x707, 1200:707, christians_for_israel_fuck….jpg)

File: 480ca95a045d6aa⋯.jpg (209.18 KB, 750x751, 750:751, china_israel_alibaba.jpg)

File: 283efe20150ec66⋯.png (762.8 KB, 2932x3086, 1466:1543, 4chan_china_israel_militar….png)

File: cb53b1b490e3f52⋯.png (2.72 MB, 1459x1399, 1459:1399, wuflu_why_does_thread_get_….png)


I know…they've got some real shit planned for us. How dare we refuse our (((Chink overlords))).

You know who directed Mao? who held his hand as he genocided Indigenous non Han chinese?

The genocide experts. If Israel doesn't get glassed over this shit once and for all these parasitic space nigger identity thieves are never going to stop. A DNA test will expose the once that need to be sent back to Mars.

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d41bdc  No.12663350

File: 03a932f7454eace⋯.jpg (227.1 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, 6v8o10tf8vs21.jpg)

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a58f5d  No.12663351


Notable af

Make sure this get in!

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afe524  No.12663352



Great memes anons

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4fcc0d  No.12663353


And some anons have been fighting fake BS posts for three years…

Go back and look through all of today's breads for example (you won't), and you'll see how many times fake/innacurate stuff gets pushed.

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aa50d7  No.12663354

File: d19e55f6052ffe5⋯.jpg (49.94 KB, 668x729, 668:729, _fea4bcae5b8abb0dd78be0439….jpg)


>By the way enjoy the White House Visit Anons when POTUS & Q team invites you over, Be respectful & polite when at the WH ( Your family will be proud )


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19b9fd  No.12663355


TheY can’t kill us, then they would have to find us again.

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36a73a  No.12663356


AT&T is toast in Texas

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e85067  No.12663357

File: 0421a2a1f145980⋯.png (386.91 KB, 490x453, 490:453, hillary_and_clinton_broadw….png)

File: 5ff8c42e6861f4e⋯.png (205.51 KB, 727x316, 727:316, hrc_C_means_evidence.png)

File: 860e490f36ccf88⋯.png (373.39 KB, 419x459, 419:459, hrc_right_believed.png)


good night

sleep tight

it couldn't happen when Trump was at the helm

Biden had to be there

when the indictments came down

watch them squirm

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4fcc0d  No.12663358



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90bcc7  No.12663360


An Iranian friend said they started hijabs in Iran the same way they started masks here. At first it was all voluntary. Then requested. Then thugs in trucks beat you up if you don’t have it.

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226b68  No.12663361

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699a4f  No.12663363

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Night Moves

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afe524  No.12663364




This is some wonderful fukkin new

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6c188e  No.12663365

File: 601bf08b3c86d65⋯.jpg (220.84 KB, 1650x968, 75:44, 20210122_003010.jpg)


checked and… you know.

<it is the jews, though.

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b46711  No.12663366

I can't understand why they didn't bring Jim Comey back to the FBI immediately…hmmm

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ac1fd7  No.12663367

File: 058997af2d9d9ff⋯.jpg (61.99 KB, 640x640, 1:1, michelle_obama_shredder.jpg)

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000000  No.12663368



Trips to….whoooley shitKEK

SS COMS: The package has arrived!


The packager has arrived…..pffftt

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19b9fd  No.12663370

File: 39511ce5a64d1b0⋯.jpeg (468.32 KB, 589x792, 589:792, 8060CC15_AB94_4917_A9F0_1….jpeg)

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90bcc7  No.12663371


This is an important argument against the Honey pot theory.

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afe524  No.12663372

Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread

>>12663305 Q Research General #16168: /NightShift/ [Activated] Edition

>>12663305 Q Research General #16168: /NightShift/ [Activated] Edition

>>12663305 Q Research General #16168: /NightShift/ [Activated] Edition

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afe524  No.12663374

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a58f5d  No.12663375


Fuck that game. Scared me.

The drink however…..

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35d991  No.12663376

File: b1161be6e291a31⋯.png (1.13 MB, 640x640, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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d41bdc  No.12663378

File: b0914016ed25072⋯.jpg (429.04 KB, 1080x2044, 270:511, Screenshot_20210122_023247….jpg)

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8c8038  No.12663380


The Masked Covidiot cult.

Ohio Governor DeWine seems to be a high priest.

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79c26d  No.12663381

Did anyone watch The two popes?

Eerie ending with both of them eating pizza ffs

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226b68  No.12663385



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99dc42  No.12663386

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afe524  No.12663388

Fresh Bread

>>12663305 Q Research General #16168: /NightShift/ [Activated] Edition

>>12663305 Q Research General #16168: /NightShift/ [Activated] Edition

>>12663305 Q Research General #16168: /NightShift/ [Activated] Edition

Fresh Bread

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19b9fd  No.12663389

File: d0d27e32a136ea7⋯.jpeg (40.24 KB, 166x512, 83:256, 6ECE280E_8C73_4974_91AA_B….jpeg)


Same old shit different millennium

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d41bdc  No.12663391

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43775d  No.12663392


destroying the food supply chain

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56eca2  No.12663395

File: e42f5039a4694ab⋯.jpg (37.74 KB, 282x273, 94:91, check_em_digits.jpg)


KEK I figured I'd get 404'd wetworks (been threatened on /pol/) for my "RV posts". Currently I make it too hard…can't gas explode…no gas…can't catch me outside…did hacksaw my gas intake hose, and remove screws to manifold cover, slid that back and poked a hole in the gas line so it would spray on manifold …too bad for them I never drive and when I did…I caught that shit straight off.

Have no idea who did that but it was done….I'm making sure not to give them a cover story.


digits confirm..big mike didn't even bother to strap that wiener down…(again) Wookie arrive at white house..

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35d991  No.12663396


yes that is him

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9c0fa4  No.12663397

File: 8569958150f6875⋯.png (1.87 MB, 1505x1066, 1505:1066, Clinton_s_Rug_Eagle_Herald….png)

File: c23fb9da943905f⋯.png (4.4 MB, 2880x1800, 8:5, Biden_s_Rug_Eagle_Herald.png)


A story of Flags and Drapes and Rugs

and Hollywood Movie set maker Castle Rock Entertainment

and NBC's collusion in a coup

Bill Clinton's rug


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35d991  No.12769503

File: e4ce1a8f648393a⋯.jpg (31.47 KB, 459x459, 1:1, phil20.jpg)

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35d991  No.12769506

File: 4b920e289bba717⋯.jpg (13.77 KB, 172x300, 43:75, phil21.jpg)

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35d991  No.12769509

File: 54032daf1578be1⋯.jpg (18.76 KB, 295x425, 59:85, phil22.jpg)

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35d991  No.12769513

File: 48bc662f2a3615c⋯.jpg (9.84 KB, 450x200, 9:4, phil23.jpg)

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