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1f7d17  No.11678025[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

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Friday 11.13.2020

>>11621106 ————————————–——– Durham.

Thursday 11.12.2020

>>11618946 ————————————–——– Shall we play a game? [N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming NCSWIC (Cap: >>11619104)

>>11617856 ————————————–——– Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing!

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>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown (new link needed)

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1f7d17  No.11678026

Global Announcements

>>11610996 Example letter to send to the White House to call for an independent audit of the vote in all 50 States


>>11575284 BO: Requesting, storing, linking to or posting CP are all crimes under US law.

>>11573863 Petitions.whitehouse.gov: Ask Barr to demand that State legislatures audit the vote. Spread everywhere, patriots!

>>11646840 Congressional Research Service: "The Electoral College: A 2020 Presidential Election Timeline"



Notables are NOT endorsements



>>11677998 Dominion in the Bible

>>11677967 Pray for Sidney Powell

>>11677819 , >>11677848 , >>11677857 , >>11677873 , >>11677864 One America News airs full segment on Louie Gomerts Scytl german servers RAID (including the nearly FULL RED map from the "source data" on the servers) -Sidney Powell Re-Tweeted-

>>11677897 Supposedly the Germany server data shows Trump landslide: 410-128

>>11677256 , >>11677301 CDC’s Vaccine Excipient Summary

>>11677336 New Flynn

>>11677357 Trudeau made the comments during a United Nations video conference back in September, but they are only just receiving attention. (Great Reset)

>>11677398 Biden gets briefed by FORMER Intelligence Officials tommorow -kek

>>11677403 Report: Fortune 500 CEOs Will Intervene if Joe Biden Isn’t Inaugurated by January 20

>>11677424 Vega mission with two satellites suffers failure after launch, Arianespace says

>>11677465 CA Secretary of State says it will be certified on December 11, 2020. (STILL counting)

>>11677497 Fact Check: Trump Is Right, AP Wrong, About Georgia Signature Matching

>>11677511 Click on it and…….. they are scrubbing the net! (hence -archive everything offline)

>>11677515 Paragon and Santon Capital deserve a deeper look, especially since they are likely already in a coverup mode. Time is of the essence. (call to DIG)

>>11677468 More Proof Trump is still winning. They are still writing articles. Pew Research Center: 5 facts about the QAnon conspiracy theories

>>11677560 The White House Lawn Was Mysteriously Dug Up.

>>11677572 , >>11677605 BADKITTY and SMRus twatters unconfirmed - PRC Think Tank Study on US Governors Attitudes Toward China June 22 2019

>>11677573 , >>11677660 NOTABLE ON SANTON CAPITAL

>>11677615 Responding to the implanted trigger (did you?)

>>11677618 , >>11677626 , >>11677636 , >>11677665 Dominion Videos (one with Cooomer)

>>11677652 It’s not just about America but also democratic countries worldwide where voter fraud, machine and software manipulation exist.

>>11677683 Resignations in the news 11/16/2020

>>11677694 , >>11677695 Biden's Texas Political Director Accused of Ballot Harvesting At Texas Supreme Court

>>11677701 For everyone keeping up with kappy videos...

>>11677702 Archived LinkedIn profiles from Dominion Voting Systems (archive that shit anons)

>>11677705 The Brazilian Conservatives eagerly await that America's justice really is on the side of the Law, as we have always learned in history.

>>11677724 Anon decode Dec. 24 "Merry Christmas" Q+ and Q"

>>11677736 Quantum Fluctuations Were Experimentally Proven Way Back In 1947

>>11677740 Apparently frustrated at Smartmatic's Heider Garcia's failure to explain the internal clock glitches of some Precinct Count Optical Scan machines....(Venezuela SmartMatic fuckery)

>>11677746 , >>11677673 Sidney Powell: The #Kraken was released several days ago. You're just beginning to see the signs.

>>11677747 Texas Voter Fraud-Harris County Launches 24 hour Voting As FBI Investigates

>>11677762 Listen to Rep. Louis Gohmert beginning @3:10 about Christopher Kreb, CISA who worked at Microsoft.

>>11677776 What's the deal? Why did Yandex yield this in September?

>>11677771 The Sydney pictures appear to be trying to tell us something (comms)

>>11677823 BLM activist filmed sucker-punching man is a child sex offender recently released from prison

>>11677828 Iowa governor Kim Reynolds does 180* on mask mandate

>>11677841 Mike Pompeo made all the Governors shit their pants when he mentioned to them at the NGA on 2/8/20, bribed governors who sold PPE to China

>>11677856 My arrests files are Dallas Jones and "Skinny Joe" Malino. Vote fraud.

>>11677867 It’s Going to be Biblical

>>11677868 Today in History: November 17

>>11677917 U.S. Air Force: We've got you

>>11677895 , >>11677989 Remember the Security guy pulling his finger on President Trumps walk down the main street? he has a twitter page

>>11678021 #14909

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1f7d17  No.11678029


>>11676590 Dough Custody Tracker

>>11676541 US Military reportedly buying location data from Muslim Pro and Muslim Mingle apps

>>11676570 UK MSM's COVID deaths include people who took a COVID test and died for whatever reason within 28 days of a positive test

>>11676582 "biden campaign manager arrested" Yandex Search (September 2020)

>>11676589 , >>11676806 , >>11677139 Well looky here…. who's been behind the fraudulent C-19 numbers, from anti-bodies to everything else?

>>11676651 Three more New York sheriffs say they won't enforce Cuomo's Thanksgiving limit

>>11676654 GA Recount Auditors Call Multiple Ballots For Joe Biden That Were Actually Marked For Donald Trump

>>11676664 PapaD: Prepare yourselves for an election reversal

>>11676695 Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti Announces Crackdown On Coronavirus Violations

>>11676743 The Governor is Not a King

>>11676761 Wisconsin Elections Commission Refuses to Do Recount Unless Trump Pays $7.9 Million Upfront

>>11676775 The US consulate in the German city of Frankfurt is used as a "covert CIA hacker base"

>>11676785 CDC urges people to avoid singing at holiday gatherings

>>11676789 100,000 Provisional Ballots Still Uncounted in Pennsylvania

>>11676795 Poll: Do you agree with Gov. Inslee's decision to impose new restrictions to help limit the spread of COVID-19?

>>11676741 On July 6, 2020, the Supreme Court unanimously held that states may punish or replace presidential electors who refuse to cast their ballots for the candidate chosen by the voters of their state

>>11676821 Lin Wood: Late this afternoon, I filed an Amended Complaint against GA Secretary of State @GaSecofState, et al.

>>11676859 BREAKING: Top Lawyer Releases Archive of 2020 Fraud Evidence

>>11676881 After Hillary lost 2016, Bill clinton said elections should abandon touch screens and go back to paper ballots that are scanned and counted by machines.

>>11676896 Solomon Islands to ban Facebook

>>11676916 Dominion confirms Clinton Foundation donation, Pelosi staffer tie but disputes other claims

>>11676938 Dominion is owned by Paragon…..an Irish company….now what's with that?

>>11676970 No transition federal $$$ for pedo Joe & the fake VP Ho!

>>11676966 IF you are from California READ Please! The orders issued today by Newsom are NOT Valid.

>>11677000 Newsmax CEO: ‘We Are Not Actively Selling,’ Have No Desire to Be ‘Trump TV’

>>11677027 Kirstie Alley told big Mike to shove her 'olive branch'

>>11677043 Every state that bought Dominion [voting machines] should have a criminal investigation of the officers in the state who bought the software.

>>11677054 Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) claims 'market data issues' in trade pause

>>11675137 (PB) Election Fraud -by the numbers

>>11677096 , >>11677113 Gov. Newsom Says He’s Considering Curfew To Help Stem California’s COVID Surge

>>11677140 Dr. Eric Coomer VP at Dominion admits they don't update software to protect against voter fraud.

>>11677158 , >>11677171 Irish group paragon buys Scytl through Service Point

>>11677261 #14908

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1f7d17  No.11678031


>>11676416 Donald J. Trump Retweeted

>>11676361 The circumstances & events are eerily reminiscent of what happened with #Smartmatic software electronically changing votes in the 2013 presidential election in Venezuela

>>11676356 Open Source Election Technology (OSET) Institute 501.c.3 org is supported by the Knight Foundation, RockTheVote, and Wordpress; NSA's former Dep Dir, others are Strategic Advisors – REQUEST TO DIG

>>11676335 PLANEFAG

>>11676325 Someone at Cracker Barrel in East Windsor need to explain why there are nooses on the ceiling…

>>11676317 Airman Magazine B-52 comms all day Are we missing something?

>>11676316 , >>11676332, Blackfriars bridge. Someone famous was hung "gods banker" (2019)

>>11676286 Court denies appeal by Michigan voters claiming election fraud

>>11676253 POTUS Schedule for TUESDAY, November 17, 2020

>>11676223 Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg will face Congress again, this time about the election

>>11676195 Biden Team Begs For $30M To Fight Trump Lawsuits Despite Claiming Electoral Victory

>>11676188 Minot Air Force Base Almost B-52sday and we couldn’t wait to post this one from our #BTF at RAF Fairford! Our World Famous Bomber Barons out there looking #BUFF!

>>11676160 , >>11676214, >>11676227, >>11676260, >>11676307, Trump Lawyer Sidney Powell: 'We’re Getting Ready to Overturn Election Results in Multiple States'

>>11676149 Philadelphia Area Xfinity "Glitch" Only Affects Newsmax and Fox News

>>11676137 Populist Govts of Hungary, Poland Veto EU’s Globalist Power Grab Budget

>>11676210 Richard Grenell, Clark County, Nevada officials said they weren’t investigating voter fraud because they didn’t have the time or resources.

>>11676087 , >>11676129, >>11676173, Sidney Powell Says CIA Director Gina Haspel Should be Fired Immediately

>>11676086 , >>11676101, Dominion is a Member of Council That Disputed Election Integrity Concerns in DHS Statement

>>11675983 , >>11676035, >>11676077, Venomous cottonmouth vomits 2 other snakes on operating table at NC animal clinic

>>11675998 Congressman Louis Gohmert reveals results from US Army raid on SCYTL in Frankfurt, Germany

>>11675950 FEDS: Georgia Police Officer Was a Gangster Disciple Hit Man


>>11675924 GENERAL FLYNN

>>11675870 Computerworld 2016 article mentions Dominion Voting Systems

>>11675851 Dominion Part of Council That Disputed Election Integrity Concerns in DHS Statement

>>11675837 Gina Carano under fire for tweets about QAnon, election, and COVID-19


>>11675824 , >>11675876, Sidney Powell begins to release the Kraken

>>11675785 11/5/18 Future proves the past DJT Tweet

>>11675769 , >>11675787, >>11675799, Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci joined Rashida Jones to talk about the world post-COVD; Gates mentions that "we have to assume that [the next pandemic] could be three years from now"

>>11676433 #14907

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1f7d17  No.11678033


>>11675579 TUCKER: Elites See COVID As Chance To Impose ‘Unprecedented Social Controls’ On Populace

>>11675565 Pelosi's former Chief of Staff is a Dominion lobbyist along with a Boxer staff member.

>>11675563 Wisconsin: Trump Must Pay $7.9 Million If He Wants a Recount

>>11675533 As California Braces for Curfew, Some Lawmakers Gather in Maui

>>11675524 Disability Service Coordinator Blows Whistle on Vote Fraud in Group Homes

>>11675512 Fortune 500 CEOs Will Intervene if Joe Biden Isn’t Inaugurated by January 20

>>11675505 Virginia Police Chief fired after charging state and city leaders with felonies after a protest

>>11675491 VP Pence leads delegation at Dover AFB tonight for the Dignified Transfer of five fallen US soldiers

>>11675488 Fauci says never

>>11675480 MSNBC’s Wallace: Right-Wing Media Pushing ‘Alternate Reality,’ ‘Interviewing Lunatics’

>>11675462 Ilhan Omar Cuts Ties With Husband’s Consulting Firm After Nearly $3 Million In Campaign Payments

>>11675380 Jewish immigrant and top Pfizer scientist hails role of US immigrants in vaccine

>>11675378 FAKE NEWS Trump says Ohio governor's race will be 'hotly contested' after DeWine acknowledges Biden win

>>11675366 Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Claim They Are Receiving National Security Briefing Tomorrow (from CYNA and KGB?)

>>11675354 Part 5: In Competitive States, Once Biden Gained the Lead with MASSIVE Vote Dumps, The Remainder of Votes All Possessed Same Biden to Trump Vote Ratio — THIS IS INCONCEIVABLE!


>>11675342 2013 Roths Banking

>>11675339 Redline

>>11675640 , >>11675553, It's inconceivable.

>>11675317 Huawei ditches budget phone brand after U.S. cuts chip supply

>>11675294 Must Watch 9/11 Truth

>>11675286 Sidney Powell's sense of humor, I trust drinking out of a toilet in Tijuana more than I trust the FBI and DOJ.

>>11675282 Enemy of the State


>>11675235 Arrr! Loyal Shipmate Leigh Dundas - Executive Order For Election Interference.

>>11675223 Facebook, Google and Twitter coordinate to censor, they have an internal platform to manage it.

>>11675220 , >>11675331, PLANEFAG

>>11675196 Trump campaign lawsuit to be heard tomorrow in federal court in Williamsport, Pennsylvania

>>11675191 Sidney Powell With Mark Steyn (in for Rush)

>>11675188 Dominion people deleting their profiles on Linked In

>>11675185 , >>11675194, Sidney posted same image twice

>>11675170 Pentagon fails audit yet again, could pass around 2027, comptroller says

>>11675162 AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 Vaccine Is Made With Aborted Human Fetal Tissue

>>11675142 Maryland manufacturing company has donated 200,000 face shields to be distributed statewide

>>11675129 , >>11675137, FSociety: 2020 Election: Could Trump’s claims have merit? An analysis of voting data from Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin


>>11675091 Conservative Treehouse DEplatformed

>>11675089 PANIC Dominion Voting changes their home page, denies rumors

>>11675072 Joe Biden on Thanksgiving Gatherings: 5 People, 10 Maximum ‘Socially Distanced, Wearing Masks’

>>11675063 Senate Republicans Say They'll Continue Hunter Biden Probe

>>11675058 , >>11675069, >>11675086, Who Did They Kill On Titanic?

>>11675055 Republicans led mail in ballots in Ariz but "never filled in for Trump"

>>11675047 Citing 'Overwhelming and Widespread' Irregularities, True the Vote Sues Michigan to Challenge Election, Calls for Quick Action


>>11675031 Cop-Hating Portland Commissioner Apologizes For Her Behavior In a Lyft. Just Kidding, She Blamed 'White Supremacists'

>>11675028 “Skinny Joey” Merlino may be the connection to the Four Seasons Landscaping. Was it a message to him to step forward?


>>11675010 SIDNEY POWELL Drops a BOMB on Mark Levin Show: We Have Witness Who Was at Creation of Smartmatic System- Used to Change Election Results

>>11675006 , >>11674991, Disputing the "Most secure election in history" narrative

>>11675673 #14906

Previously Collected Notables

>>11674905 #14905,

>>11672561 #14902, >>11673361 #14903, >>11674123 #14904

>>11670060 #14899, >>11670889 #14900, >>11672483 #14901

>>11667623 #14896, >>11670474 #14897, >>11669376 #14898

>>11666054 #14894, >>11666860 #14895 2/2, >>11666854 #14895 1/2

>>11663587 #14891, >>11664355 #14892, >>11665151 #14893

>>11661316 #14888, >>11662054 #14889, >>11663283 #14890

>>11658942 #14885, >>11659750 #14886, >>11660556 #14887

>>11660144 #14882, >>11660237 #14883, >>11658328 #14884

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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1f7d17  No.11678034

QRMemes: Social Media Warfare Armory

>>>/qrmemes/ ————————————–——– New One-stop Meme Board, organized by topic

archive.is/hogSX ————————————–——– Digital Camo Thread Archive

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1f7d17  No.11678036

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1f7d17  No.11678037

File: fbaab10980dfb13⋯.jpg (828.9 KB, 1800x1394, 900:697, Kraken_Garrison.jpg)







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0af1de  No.11678068

File: 2ae9e96e8fc7e51⋯.jpg (59.78 KB, 504x495, 56:55, 1604967786024.jpg)

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0af1de  No.11678080

File: d84ed650479691a⋯.png (1.13 MB, 850x499, 850:499, releasethekrakenpepe.png)

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8dc43f  No.11678095

File: 97a112c7e99d96b⋯.mp4 (9.99 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Supposedly_the_Germany_ser….mp4)


Supposedly the Germany server data shows Trump landslide: 410-128

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8dc43f  No.11678099

File: 635e32c85abc6d8⋯.png (31.36 KB, 598x253, 26:11, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f450f23e25fc60e⋯.png (1.09 MB, 969x942, 323:314, ClipboardImage.png)

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44b0f6  No.11678107


eyes and chin

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8fdf77  No.11678113

File: 91b00b970ff9820⋯.mp4 (3.54 MB, 640x360, 16:9, zeYgtI_HIGq0g1TQ.mp4)



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8dc43f  No.11678115

File: 261d74e31a5ba30⋯.png (808.96 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

anyone read Chinese?

from gnews.org

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b43623  No.11678116

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Time for this kraken to catch from sleep

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8dc43f  No.11678121

File: 0862c5ae17c8815⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1024x681, 1024:681, ahoy.png)

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32e7eb  No.11678122

File: 92ed3f3d3abe2f4⋯.jpg (269.74 KB, 825x808, 825:808, peter_1.jpg)

File: b558a9a47503916⋯.jpg (305.75 KB, 873x895, 873:895, peter_2.jpg)

File: 1f45eac5edd82f6⋯.jpg (436.62 KB, 804x926, 402:463, peter_3.jpg)

Better sauce for red pilling frens on Peter Neffenger

Chariman at Smartmatic




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cf714f  No.11678125

Not only is this board in great shape but I can't go on enough on the incredibly useful Wikipedia changes. Perfect flow of information for those who want to see. When did it change and how did I miss it? I am in awe. :-)

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8eb3c2  No.11678127

File: 2a85590c421176b⋯.png (340.68 KB, 1190x452, 595:226, ClipboardImage.png)


>Supposedly the Germany server data shows Trump landslide: 410-128

>>11677835 lb

>I watch OANN like 24 fucking 7….


"German ISP "confused" by their all-time traffic record on election night."

https://de-cix.net/en/about-de-ci https://twitter.com/orijonal/status/1327395470050619393

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5a8ef4  No.11678128

File: b60c8abe4ddb0f1⋯.png (692 KB, 725x408, 725:408, ClipboardImage.png)


Thanks Baker

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5ff5ef  No.11678129

File: 0256ce83d08a36b⋯.jpg (26.62 KB, 255x200, 51:40, 0256ce83d08a36b89cb6a0db26….jpg)

File: 17fe2fd3447104c⋯.jpg (23.94 KB, 280x341, 280:341, 1953ef0cf629afb4bb0bb3b98b….jpg)




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8dc43f  No.11678131

File: 44882c804a73b54⋯.mp4 (1.58 MB, 960x540, 16:9, China_newly_elected_to_the….mp4)

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b475d3  No.11678132

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We love Trump chant.

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26fc7b  No.11678135

File: 65afbbb7a9b3003⋯.jpg (67.01 KB, 960x683, 960:683, 65afbbb7a9b3003b8f975baae4….jpg)

List of things in the USA and elsewhere we need fixing after the GRATE RESET:

Extra luggage charge rip offs at airports.

Soz, the rental car is not available despite your booking.

Safety Belts and Airbags NOW on all commercial airplane thingies.

Stupid capchas. If its gonna waste 2minutes of your time… (traffic lights so cliche) use something more provocative like dumb tweets from selebrities.

Put the DMV peep and admin model in charge of covid. Like in NYC and NJ. Epic.

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1f7d17  No.11678136

File: b4480b120613521⋯.jpg (18.49 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 13241282_168241110244785_2….jpg)


>Time for this kraken to catch from sleep

sleep well information warrior

dream of a future no one has ever dreamed before

and know you will awaken to the dawn of a new day

the promise of morning sun renewed once more

▲ ▲

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b475d3  No.11678137


19 min. aprox.

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688ea8  No.11678138

It is the part of a fool to say, I should not have thought.

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5a8ef4  No.11678139

File: e00e21f1b6ca362⋯.png (224.04 KB, 600x444, 50:37, interdasting.png)



Here's a link that works:


Perhaps archive offline.

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7e5a86  No.11678141

File: 2bcc577c574f504⋯.mp4 (915.28 KB, 320x240, 4:3, Joe_Biden_drunk_singing_Th….mp4)

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5ff5ef  No.11678142

File: 64e6fd991c47c98⋯.jpg (104.29 KB, 960x720, 4:3, cross.jpg)

File: 7562a37a7d55c77⋯.jpg (20.15 KB, 255x180, 17:12, DtcQsVzXgAEJILI.jpg)

File: 8ea372248b95091⋯.png (35.92 KB, 576x216, 8:3, NCSWC.PNG)

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b48dff  No.11678143

File: d406cd79dd05091⋯.jpg (135.96 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 20200109103621003_hd.jpg)

Looks so trustworthy… NOT!!!

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ce0338  No.11678144

File: 30374b7ff57bdee⋯.jpg (49.77 KB, 720x802, 360:401, 1605500523253.jpg)

File: 0500fe77ac07591⋯.png (445.21 KB, 610x689, 610:689, sdgsdfgdgs.png)

File: 89d0578d77bdbbf⋯.png (488.74 KB, 610x796, 305:398, fgjgfhjghj.png)


You idiots put the puzzle pieces together.

The globalist loyalists want the great reset and will try an invasion scenario to obtain it.

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b475d3  No.11678145

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

50% of ANONS never heard this.

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31f9ad  No.11678146

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Don't (you)

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0eaf72  No.11678147

File: ad8a2618a2a7ec8⋯.png (16.69 KB, 688x21, 688:21, Screen_Shot_2020_11_17_at_….png)

I sat as a Republican to assist in submitting absentee ballots at my county clerk's office. The person I was working with seemed really irritated that I wanted to view the ballots instead of just allowing her to read to me and have me mark the paper. I can't say any votes were stolen in this manner (intentionally reading off the wrong information) but the possibility was there, if I did not insist on seeing the absentee ballot myself.

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896fd7  No.11678148

File: e38f9323647562a⋯.jpg (237.7 KB, 754x1200, 377:600, e38f9323647562a3726ed11d9f….jpg)

File: d124b4be46aa7d3⋯.jpg (48.23 KB, 449x500, 449:500, bluehelmet_zpsee324163.jpg)

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5ff5ef  No.11678149

File: 8afaba2102b11a4⋯.gif (16.33 KB, 600x274, 300:137, whaaa.gif)

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8dc43f  No.11678150


>Perhaps archive offline.



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e25cd8  No.11678152

File: 1989d19fc9832b8⋯.png (725.43 KB, 624x800, 39:50, 1989d19fc9832b8a9aa1cea3e0….png)

File: 5b6e8fb964910cc⋯.png (196.23 KB, 540x473, 540:473, 5b6e8fb964910cc30604bd746a….png)

File: 57939c74afd132d⋯.png (544.11 KB, 900x600, 3:2, 57939c74afd132df86de618212….png)


Thank you baker.

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5ff5ef  No.11678153

File: c5db89594bd14cd⋯.png (11.74 KB, 254x255, 254:255, 5ba2e91f8d1356130a6dc0e3dd….png)

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7fb0f2  No.11678154


How many doubles do these people have? Home-grown?

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42c41b  No.11678155

File: e2cb74b41c2f29f⋯.png (91.25 KB, 500x500, 1:1, dystopian_NPC.png)

File: 12aaaccde383c7a⋯.jpg (243.94 KB, 1125x1161, 125:129, NPC_puppet_master.jpg)

File: 67c962d0878e0ef⋯.jpg (173.17 KB, 992x1024, 31:32, npc_praise_jesus.jpg)


This is not notable it's some anonymous twitter account using a USSS photo as a profile pic. I think the KIKES have settled on a new method of discrediting us. FUCKING look at something before sticking it in notables. The new method is no matter how stupid, it's notable.

>>11677895 (pb)

Oh sweet summer Jesus you fuckers are stupid.

That is just the man who was walking by Trump during inauguration. That's not actually HIM. In what fucking retard world would a SS officer have a social media page?

Come swiftly lord jesus and snatch up these fucking stupid people.

>>11678061 (pb)

TRIGGERED–by their fucking arrogance every single time. SERENITY NOW.

I'll tell you this for free. When we're done with the Jews I fully intend to start on the "christians" it is YOUR FAULT and solely your fucking fault that Israel has come to rule us.

Own your shit (and it's all shit). You have zero idea how many democrats and independents voted for Trump but have zero respect for brainwashed bots.

How fucking dare you tell me that KING FUCKING James ENGLISH translation is "best" How about you fucking get educated and stop the simple minded bullshit posts? Go read Mauro Biglino's translations. You know, the former FORMER Hebrew translator to the Vatican?

You don't even fucking know what you're reading or who you're quoting. Whew—ignorance. You're free to worship any sky fairy you want and believe whatever the fuck you want. But don't start that superior sky fairy shit on others.

You retards have been "praying to satan" your entire lives and are too stupid to realize.

KIKES literally stole Sumerian history, stories, epics and re-wrote them making themselves the heroes. There was no Moses and no fucking Exodus. There were evil vile Hyksos getting removed from Egypt during an epic volcanic eruption.

You're worse than Scientologists.

I dream of the day we no longer have to deal with religious tyranny.

Because of pea-brained autodomesticated NPCs.

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28e589  No.11678156

File: a5b4d901831fce2⋯.png (1.14 MB, 925x562, 925:562, a5b4d901831fce2856da10210e….png)


Is that you Sleepy? I thought you were shut down already. What's it like on the other side?

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5ff5ef  No.11678157

File: c05dafd7bee2a3c⋯.png (471.42 KB, 960x651, 320:217, c05dafd7bee2a3cad8a04b4d4c….png)

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33696d  No.11678158

File: 45e2687b4150b15⋯.png (433.13 KB, 1100x800, 11:8, brennan_notes_declas.png)

File: 731c10d9d397ef6⋯.png (1001.03 KB, 946x2048, 473:1024, dominio_search_results.png)

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0eaf72  No.11678159

File: a5cb9401e8c42b8⋯.png (59.52 KB, 930x147, 310:49, Screen_Shot_2020_11_17_at_….png)


I should be clear: This happened to me during the 2018 mid-terms, not the current Presidential election.

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1f7d17  No.11678160


look at his fuck'n eyes

so black

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fe5fe7  No.11678161

>>11677803 (pb)

So you're saying we're supposed to have Biden win and get inaugurated even though he and Harris cheated?

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5ff5ef  No.11678162

File: a413ca192670435⋯.png (338.06 KB, 370x499, 370:499, a413ca192670435058a82e0cf3….png)

File: e2b4a97dd7fc854⋯.jpg (76.62 KB, 640x477, 640:477, yMjdxBMdx_RCST2WCCZECdMChy….jpg)

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b475d3  No.11678163

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jew haters watch this.

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7bc10f  No.11678164

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Reagan - Peace Through Strength


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1f7d17  No.11678166

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38ec71  No.11678167

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Produced by Jim Johnston

Album Hammered


It's time to play the game

Time to play the game


[Chorus 1]

It's all about the game, and how you play it

All about control, and if you can take it

All about the debt, and if you can pay it

It's all about pain, and who's gonna make it

I am the game. You don't wanna play me

I am control, no way you can change me

I am heavy debt, no way you can pay me

I am the pain, and I know you can't take me


Look over your shoulder, ready to run

Like a good little bitch from a smoking gun

I am the game, and I make the rules

So move on out or you can die like a fool

Try to figure out what my move’s gonna be

Come on over sucker, why don’t you ask me?

Don't you forget, there's a price you can pay

'Cause I am the game, and I want to play


It's time to play the game


Time to play the game

[Chorus 2]

It's all about the game, and how you play it

It's all about control, and if you can take it

It's all about your debt, and if you can pay it

It's all about the pain, and who's gonna make it

I am the game. You don't wanna play me

I am control, there's no way you can change me

I am your debt, they know you can't pay me

I am your pain, and I know you can't take me


Play the game, you're gonna be the same

You're gonna change your name

You're gonna die in flames


Time to play the game

It's time to play the game


It's time to play the game

It's time to play the game


Time to play the game


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9c8dc7  No.11678168

File: 45e93ba90b28643⋯.png (659.63 KB, 769x499, 769:499, tyhdfasd4476fasdhj9gt2cgre….png)

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b049c9  No.11678169

Just saying… Anagrams of NCSWIC

Ccs wins (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common-channel_signaling - my guess)


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8dc43f  No.11678170

File: 01c33fade960d6d⋯.png (392.83 KB, 703x469, 703:469, ClipboardImage.png)

Trudeau, who was one of the first leaders to congratulate Biden on Saturday, less than an hour after US media called it, was also "the first international leader to speak with the president-elect," Trudeau's office said in a statement.

The two leaders "committed to work together" on energy, migration and global security, and "agreed on the importance of addressing anti-Black racism."

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b48dff  No.11678171

File: f44d1dda5ffb700⋯.jpg (10.99 MB, 7081x3424, 7081:3424, SA_Cabal16.jpg)

These cabal families are all over.

South African Satanists.



Snake / Oroboros / Hermes snake eating its own tail around a pink or red sun. What does that symbolize and why is the color significant?

Red and White clothing

Evil devil looking goat art

Evergreen link

One eye symbolism

Masks and totems.

Linked to UK High court judge, SA Brigadier general (THE CLAN).

Look up HOSTAGE IN TAIWAN - Very strange

Linked to Womengrow (Cannabis US) and HIVE

Long history of fraud.

All active anti-Trump.

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7d6bf0  No.11678172

>>11675587. >>11675041, >>11675111 older breads

>Our brilliant legislators here in CT wrote a Bill in 2018 that will pledge our Electoral Votes To National Popular-Vote Winner.

>That Shit’s gonna backfire on those jackass states and POTUS could literally win in a real, TOTAL and COMPLETE LANDSLIDE

>National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. The member states have to contribute their Electoral College votes. Presently, there are only 16 states in the Compact. They only total 196 votes. To even be considered legally binding there have to be 270 votes.

TY Anons. Will keep this simmering on backburner.

Asssuming that sufficient doubt will be cast on sufficient number of votes, across multiple states whether battleground or otherwise, the TRUMP investigative and legal team's werk on this will shew a story that will weigh very heavily against these 'COMPACT STATES' recanting on their pledge. In this sense, their own narritative about the Pop Vote will be deflated. And also shewn to be too risky, from the vantage point of the advocates of the 'COMPACT'. One effect would be to negate the completion of the COMACT in the future. An immediate impact would be to throw greater weight behind the claim of a 'TRUMP LANDSLIDE' won even against all the cheating that revealed the popular vote was also at stake.

BIG wins for the Federal system, the Electoral College, and cleaning up the voting system across the board.

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a93f9b  No.11678173

File: 8bff7f1b5a33ae4⋯.png (75.77 KB, 410x472, 205:236, ClipboardImage.png)


Dmitry Kats, Ph.D., M.P.H.



ERADICATES "#COVID19" (disease)





Flush-inducing, immediate-release niacin (nicotinic acid); GNC, VS, Walmart all have it online


Start @ 500 mg (work up to 1 g) at-a-time w/ meals. I take ~2 g/day

Dmitry Kats, Ph.D., M.P.H.


· 15h

It’s not the NAD+, it’s the NAADP-induced Ca2+ channeling of the downstream disease into the body, that is potentially pumped back upstream out, capable of occurring with STRICTLY and exclusively supplied niacin (more than from diet… 40x+ more at least, everyday)… twitter.com/3NTHALPY/statu…

Show this thread

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f7088c  No.11678174


None of this makes sense. Shopped?

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b475d3  No.11678175


Reagan was a hollywood dandy.

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a827eb  No.11678176


The Tale of Two Bidens

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7bc10f  No.11678177

File: a86f03d482548c4⋯.mp4 (2.86 MB, 640x360, 16:9, hGV_2fxV9pjQwxy8.mp4)

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1f7d17  No.11678178


>can't go on enough on the incredibly useful Wikipedia changes. Perfect flow of information for those who want to see. When did it change and how did I miss it?

Wikipedia changes?

-elaborate anon…

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ce0338  No.11678179



Now Cope.

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a93f9b  No.11678180


That's awesome if true.

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8fdf77  No.11678181

File: 05f2fdecada7838⋯.mp4 (37.43 KB, 480x270, 16:9, fP3nxgTeraLqaMN0.mp4)

Tomorrow, the Dragon will rise over Fort Bragg

XVIII Airborne Corps




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b475d3  No.11678182


Why is the new Biden retarded?

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8dc43f  No.11678183

File: 46168562392d11b⋯.png (116.64 KB, 634x229, 634:229, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5a5d3f96c34e8d5⋯.png (157.58 KB, 634x345, 634:345, ClipboardImage.png)

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21dc97  No.11678184


Yeah there are no link to sauce, I can't find the originals so until I find sauce this is fake news.

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fd47b5  No.11678185

Why is the Trump campaign haemorrhaging lawyers in PA?

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5ff5ef  No.11678186

File: f54d63e31c19cb5⋯.jpg (114.49 KB, 747x500, 747:500, f54d63e31c19cb526dab75da77….jpg)

Yup, them 4 AM talking points ;-)

Board gets hit

Honk Honk

Here da come! Kek!!



Buckle up bittercups, it's going to get worse, MUCH worse! KEK!

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8814cf  No.11678187

File: f9c09a3f1f14d3e⋯.png (126.24 KB, 550x315, 110:63, 6v87j45_0k3249_5.png)

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8dc43f  No.11678188

Justin Trudeau is a walking example of the glorious hypocrisy that only the left would have the arrogance to posess. In a world where using the wrong term or making the wrong joke would have them circling like a pack of hungry wolves, howling for immediate and sometimes disproportionate punishment, Trudeau, in their eyes, has no sins to answer for. The fact that he is still the leader of Canada is a damning portrayal of how morals can be switched on or off, and shows how little left leaning Canadians actually care, when one of their own is caught out.

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ce0338  No.11678189


Keep telling yourself that.

Our So-called Allies are congratulating Biden, knowing full well he used fraud. They are stabbing us in the back. Wake the fuck up.

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0af1de  No.11678190

File: 881fe31a9d9e01d⋯.jpg (44.43 KB, 500x592, 125:148, 1605080668686.jpg)


Trump, like every other person in office has to placate the jews.


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2cdb31  No.11678191


no sauce, no story


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dd5b85  No.11678192

Denis O"Broen is an interesting guy

Bill Clinton dines with wealthy Irish businessmen in Dublin just hours after speaking at IRA leader Martin McGuinness's funeral 

Bill Clinton visited Peploe's Wine Bistro on St Stephen's Green on Thursday night

Clinton was with Irish billionaire Denis O'Brien and hotelier John FitzpatrickHours earlier

, Clinton spoke at a funeral for Martin McGuinness in Londonderry

McGuinness commanded the IRA but became a politician who helped bring Northern Ireland to a peace deal, which Clinton played a key part in

By Kelly Mclaughlin For Mailonline11:07 24 Mar 2017, ÷÷updated 15:10 24 Mar 2017÷÷



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b475d3  No.11678193

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Most anons never heard this speech.

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8fdf77  No.11678194

File: 805359c989d1bb7⋯.jpg (151.78 KB, 1106x1408, 553:704, Em32PWVXEAIozXU.jpg)

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fd47b5  No.11678195


Climate change and COVID 19 - two peas in a pod.

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8398a8  No.11678196

File: 72b4d085c1c8b13⋯.jpg (721.3 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, IMG_034.jpg)

Father, Clean our ship.

From the evil ones who lie.

From those that poison what we love.

>But thou, when thou mayest pray, go into thy chamber,

>and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father who [is] in secret,

>and thy Father who is beyond idols and images in our imagination,

>and further still, and seeing in secret, shall reward thee manifestly

Feel Love within; Your Soul returned.


Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

We pray our depths clean.

We pray our Vitality aflame.

We pray our Truth sharper.

We pray our enemies Exposé.

Our Vessel blessed with Fathers Grace.

Our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.


Patriots 👏 Trust 👏 The 👏 Plan

Trump Girls Crave Fighters ;)

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q+🇺🇸

Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Millions silent together banishk(belial)ks "love"


See Success🥳; Our Bright Future.

Repeat. Remember. Pray. Dream.

The smell ໐f childhood. Shake trauma out.

Fill Pepe with Fathers Forgiveness + Release

Relax into Your Own Strength.

Thy Father who is beyond idols and images in our imagination, and further still.

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5a8ef4  No.11678197

File: 80025a14a4256ba⋯.png (659.92 KB, 760x570, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fe7841865be2825⋯.jpg (554.03 KB, 2014x1063, 2014:1063, nightshiftclub.jpg)

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28e589  No.11678198


Because a copy of a copy is never as sharp.

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b48e04  No.11678199

File: fd180af35174fde⋯.png (93.3 KB, 255x179, 255:179, ed3b9439670b0f206bfa63cdf4….png)

File: 58a417a9fe0a3b1⋯.png (93.25 KB, 255x179, 255:179, 0f36b2d652ac0e3431b5ec84cb….png)

File: 1a22f74a4051dbf⋯.png (93.27 KB, 255x179, 255:179, 2c3f6d0b2375452fa3dfa6f370….png)

File: f69635186070ee0⋯.png (93.25 KB, 255x179, 255:179, b18c4192a62634cbc603fe77cd….png)

File: 47ff423b844727b⋯.png (93.18 KB, 255x179, 255:179, b66c14a98233823ceec55fc9ff….png)

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a93f9b  No.11678200

File: 1f161f67eabbdea⋯.png (2.09 MB, 2048x1152, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Lin Wood


Many are growing weary of uncertainty & are impatient for truth to be revealed. Please remain strong & maintain your faith. Believe in truth.

Plan is in part to limit & control information & to wear us down.

We have not yet fully engaged enemy. We will soon. Truth will prevail.

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8398a8  No.11678201

File: 9e6cc6fd7b5c4d9⋯.jpg (445.81 KB, 1170x780, 3:2, IMG_057.jpg)

Father, Clean our ship.

From the evil ones who lie.

From those that poison what we love.

>But thou, when thou mayest pray, go into thy chamber,

>and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father who [is] in secret,

>and thy Father who is beyond idols and images in our imagination,

>and further still, and seeing in secret, shall reward thee manifestly

Feel Love within; Your Soul returned.


Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

We pray our depths clean.

We pray our Vitality aflame.

We pray our Truth sharper.

We pray our enemies Exposé.

Our Vessel blessed with Fathers Grace.

Our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.


Patriots 👏 Trust 👏 The 👏 Plan

Trump Girls Crave Fighters ;)

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q+🇺🇸

Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Millions silent together banishk(belial)ks "love"


See Success🥳; Our Bright Future.

Repeat. Remember. Pray. Dream.

The smell ໐f childhood. Shake trauma out.

Fill Pepe with Fathers Forgiveness + Release

Relax into Your Own Strength.

Thy Father who is beyond idols and images in our imagination, and further still

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08ffaf  No.11678202

File: 0b611388680563c⋯.jpg (175.61 KB, 1180x842, 590:421, 0b611388680563c39a47c7af7f….jpg)

File: ca007c0b2875087⋯.jpeg (480.22 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, ca007c0b28750879a1c68ce96….jpeg)

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8dc43f  No.11678203

File: a2890396066be10⋯.mp4 (2.22 MB, 960x540, 16:9, PerfectStormDebateIsOver.mp4)

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33696d  No.11678204

File: aa3a4f8fb317294⋯.png (614.69 KB, 1100x800, 11:8, Some_News_11132020_7.png)

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b48e04  No.11678205

File: 68d38518f747ec6⋯.png (93.23 KB, 255x179, 255:179, 0e8b32a14c7f72591407db4e58….png)

File: ad39b01612ede2e⋯.png (93.29 KB, 255x179, 255:179, 36d0508ed11cf47ee27b05f049….png)

File: d3a0bfe9da727a0⋯.png (93.22 KB, 255x179, 255:179, 3f749e3eeec71c1f3f25d4d176….png)

File: aa3f7caa81bb019⋯.png (93.24 KB, 255x179, 255:179, 0a2e75a0c7fca02db05579103d….png)

File: a7191eb28908aa4⋯.png (93.25 KB, 255x179, 255:179, e14e13f7134558624d2feb824f….png)

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b475d3  No.11678206


How do you live with yourself?

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8398a8  No.11678207

File: 8f7c22a1f2905bd⋯.jpg (410.67 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, IMG_067.jpg)

Father, Clean our ship.

From the evil ones who lie.

From those that poison what we love.

>But thou, when thou mayest pray, go into thy chamber,

>and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father who [is] in secret,

>and thy Father who is beyond idols and images in our imagination,

>and further still, and seeing in secret, shall reward thee manifestly

Feel Love within; Your Soul returned.


Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

We pray our depths clean.

We pray our Vitality aflame.

We pray our Truth sharper.

We pray our enemies Exposé.

Our Vessel blessed with Fathers Grace.

Our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.


Patriots 👏 Trust 👏 The 👏 Plan

Trump Girls Crave Fighters ;)

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q+🇺🇸

Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Millions silent together banishk(belial)ks "love"


See Success🥳; Our Bright Future.

Repeat. Remember. Pray. Dream.

The smell ໐f childhood. Shake trauma out.

Fill Pepe with Fathers Forgiveness + Release

Relax into Your Own Strength.

Thy Father who is beyond idols and images in our imagination, and further still!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b48e04  No.11678208

File: d911a631db7cf45⋯.png (93.29 KB, 255x179, 255:179, b7f8c6ceb93e92b3a2f0eb0d63….png)

File: ac3dd17ac9f321a⋯.png (93.2 KB, 255x179, 255:179, e36198622e4a54ccfd863ea11d….png)

File: 4d6789771e3ab64⋯.png (93.24 KB, 255x179, 255:179, b08443f2eb2809b1a1441d195f….png)

File: d58fe9770c56677⋯.png (93.25 KB, 255x179, 255:179, 38ace8686269e349556586721d….png)

File: d7d3d9f6a6e7f4c⋯.png (93.18 KB, 255x179, 255:179, c1a332ef35a12fe72c77d77ac1….png)

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5ff5ef  No.11678209

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e8aa04  No.11678210

File: 83f8e944835594b⋯.png (679.19 KB, 769x710, 769:710, hair_as.PNG)


EXCLUSIVE: Lawyer at Pa. Secretary of State's Law Firm Harassed Trump Lawyer, Accused Her of Treason

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8398a8  No.11678211

File: 57aa2ccebf76977⋯.jpg (195.92 KB, 565x599, 565:599, IMG_526.jpg)

Father, Clean our ship.

From the evil ones who lie.

From those that poison what we love.

>But thou, when thou mayest pray, go into thy chamber,

>and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father who [is] in secret,

>and thy Father who is beyond idols and images in our imagination,

>and further still, and seeing in secret, shall reward thee manifestly

Feel Love within; Your Soul returned.


Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

We pray our depths clean.

We pray our Vitality aflame.

We pray our Truth sharper.

We pray our enemies Exposé.

Our Vessel blessed with Fathers Grace.

Our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.


Patriots 👏 Trust 👏 The 👏 Plan

Trump Girls Crave Fighters ;)

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q+🇺🇸

Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Millions silent together banishk(belial)ks "love"


See Success🥳; Our Bright Future.

Repeat. Remember. Pray. Dream.

The smell ໐f childhood. Shake trauma out.

Fill Pepe with Fathers Forgiveness + Release

Relax into Your Own Strength.

Thy Father who is beyond idols and images in our imagination, and further still.!!!

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8dc43f  No.11678212

File: 843f75e64619c23⋯.mp4 (872.36 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ventilating.mp4)


>We have not yet fully engaged enemy.

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b48e04  No.11678213

File: eb45dfb7b46c793⋯.png (93.27 KB, 255x179, 255:179, 6122015342c2a7532ced8a7297….png)

File: 2afb1eaf4df900e⋯.png (93.28 KB, 255x179, 255:179, cfe81784b76a26888f06a35c9b….png)

File: a96e8794b09f697⋯.png (93.3 KB, 255x179, 255:179, ef2815b8f63b96034137b8f600….png)

File: 9354372c496f795⋯.png (93.24 KB, 255x179, 255:179, 0a1d10e4697ffad1d46b7a3ac6….png)

File: 7ed0327910f6ddf⋯.png (93.2 KB, 255x179, 255:179, ca24d2e1adbc070fe82c93f054….png)

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33696d  No.11678214

File: 16ef6df29280a7f⋯.png (536.45 KB, 800x512, 25:16, Night_Shift_Reflection.png)

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8398a8  No.11678215

File: b77635344938863⋯.jpg (182.28 KB, 640x824, 80:103, IMG_555.jpg)

Father, Clean our ship.

From the evil ones who lie.

From those that poison what we love.

>But thou, when thou mayest pray, go into thy chamber,

>and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father who [is] in secret,

>and thy Father who is beyond idols and images in our imagination,

>and further still, and seeing in secret, shall reward thee manifestly

Feel Love within; Your Soul returned.


Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

We pray our depths clean.

We pray our Vitality aflame.

We pray our Truth sharper.

We pray our enemies Exposé.

Our Vessel blessed with Fathers Grace.

Our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.


Patriots 👏 Trust 👏 The 👏 Plan

Trump Girls Crave Fighters ;)

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q+🇺🇸

Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Millions silent together banishk(belial)ks "love"


See Success🥳; Our Bright Future.

Repeat. Remember. Pray. Dream.

The smell ໐f childhood. Shake trauma out.

Fill Pepe with Fathers Forgiveness + Release

Relax into Your Own Strength.

Thy Father who is beyond idols and images in our imagination, and further still.!!!!!!

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21dc97  No.11678216


Did you post the images? Post sauce. Should be easy if true.

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b48e04  No.11678217

File: a38fb44b449a6fe⋯.png (93.24 KB, 255x179, 255:179, 17959ba31105f96b65495aa280….png)

File: b1acd9b9524bd68⋯.png (93.29 KB, 255x179, 255:179, 3202fe790987fded1951597cd2….png)

File: 91c339941a86a8f⋯.png (93.28 KB, 255x179, 255:179, 7a42360dcf7a0e288fbdec1a5d….png)

File: fa4843a219431bf⋯.png (93.25 KB, 255x179, 255:179, 2d47feb8c9cd24a61b5231606a….png)

File: 55daa37ded6f333⋯.png (93.19 KB, 255x179, 255:179, b9b88af433776af5799a54ca14….png)

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8fdf77  No.11678218

File: 9f2896e2af19580⋯.png (483.11 KB, 400x547, 400:547, Every_Blade_Grass.png)

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96dd8d  No.11678219

File: 59d38fce0eb8f5f⋯.jpeg (44.02 KB, 474x841, 474:841, 3231540A_6124_42CB_A9EA_A….jpeg)


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42c41b  No.11678220

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


KEK you know there are people going around actually posting that Joe Biden has been arrested and executed and his clone is running for office? I'll give you a hint. Vid related. I haven't watched their film nor am I a member. However they appear to be the only people who nailed it. And rather than me trying to explain it to people who are actively posting criminal shit as if our Constitution does not exist and we're a banana republic that arrests and executes people in sekrit….just watch the trailer. if you've any brain function left you'll get it.

>>11678096 (pb)

>My case is firm. Yours is but an insult.

Your case is nothing. Nothing, not to anyone even slightly educated. That you even think your "case is firm" speaks only to faith and zero to education. Literature is my "bag" and your "bible" is nothing but a hodge podge of mixed stolen history and morality tales. For instance, the book of Job has 3 authors. The happy ending was tacked on because otherwise it's a horrible story. Your god is an asshole. Fine, his "chosen" people are assholes too.

I'll tell you this for free, if the JEWS are the best your "god" can do for chosen? You need a new god.

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33696d  No.11678221

File: 8b60cbe1448cef4⋯.jpg (805.26 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, Herridge_pg3.jpg)

File: 0927dd9d89f5d25⋯.jpg (898.38 KB, 1356x1720, 339:430, Herridge_pg2.jpg)

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e8aa04  No.11678222

File: a29114344782992⋯.png (13.56 KB, 782x156, 391:78, frod.PNG)


Cuomo Admits to Threatening GOP Lives, Warns Atlas of ‘Old School’ Visit

Nicholas Fondacaro

November 16th, 2020 11:01 PM

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b48e04  No.11678223

File: 12628b5838f0581⋯.png (93.25 KB, 255x179, 255:179, 3a58f28ab87491ecae463766d2….png)

File: 7b8821d1ad2bc2b⋯.png (93.25 KB, 255x179, 255:179, d523d6c0801915b46f355feab3….png)

File: 1576530f2d8a859⋯.png (93.2 KB, 255x179, 255:179, c25ef23071043040de562e2fd3….png)

File: e1d0bcfb1fdafb0⋯.png (93.3 KB, 255x179, 255:179, 293396aa8a6ae4e3fc9f412c67….png)

File: 57fdd2e43ae32ef⋯.png (93.29 KB, 255x179, 255:179, 89f23f003901e2b2e819768121….png)

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b48e04  No.11678224

File: 2ef7ac90ff6d577⋯.png (93.18 KB, 255x179, 255:179, ed9e3e67ff35e479b024623199….png)

File: 8879ca91f95ad88⋯.png (93.28 KB, 255x179, 255:179, 46f5a64cdc4f79e859fa3cc4f0….png)

File: 1e6aa3b7cbc1624⋯.png (93.21 KB, 255x179, 255:179, 1133393ff17e61cab42c255acb….png)

File: c34391a8103725a⋯.png (93.34 KB, 255x179, 255:179, 060a842bf74911bdab5663ed70….png)

File: 02bae5022041b26⋯.png (93.29 KB, 255x179, 255:179, 1424727232405caa6d47e47898….png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8398a8  No.11678225

File: 1fc6c4f1ac0c0a4⋯.jpg (1.62 MB, 2175x1223, 2175:1223, IMG_528.jpg)

Father, Clean our ship.

From the evil ones who lie.

From those that poison what we love.

>But thou, when thou mayest pray, go into thy chamber,

>and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father who [is] in secret,

>and thy Father who is beyond idols and images in our imagination,

>and further still, and seeing in secret, shall reward thee manifestly

Feel Love within; Your Soul returned.


Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

We pray our depths clean.

We pray our Vitality aflame.

We pray our Truth sharper.

We pray our enemies Exposé.

Our Vessel blessed with Fathers Grace.

Our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.


Patriots 👏 Trust 👏 The 👏 Plan

Trump Girls Crave Fighters ;)

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q+🇺🇸

Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Millions silent together banishk(belial)ks "love"


See Success🥳; Our Bright Future.

Repeat. Remember. Pray. Dream.

The smell ໐f childhood. Shake trauma out.

Fill Pepe with Fathers Forgiveness + Release

Relax into Your Own Strength.

Thy Father who is beyond idols and images in our imagination, and further still.!!!!!!!!

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b475d3  No.11678226

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b48dff  No.11678227

File: b08d8a3e63058f1⋯.jpg (120.62 KB, 730x1083, 730:1083, dominion_manual.jpg)

File: 6b67333868c5637⋯.jpg (2.16 MB, 2055x1317, 685:439, dominion_office.jpg)

File: 8846dae945f3ba8⋯.jpg (5.55 KB, 200x200, 1:1, Nenad_Peric_Dominion.jpg)

Dominion Offices on the left.

The whole US ELECTION 2020 depends on a dodgy shady looking building in Canada??? Seriously?

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8398a8  No.11678228

File: be3ff01292dadf6⋯.jpg (415.29 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, IMG_055.jpg)

File: ad0ede2123288ef⋯.jpg (532.1 KB, 1080x1095, 72:73, IMG_053.jpg)

File: 478322644cbd3d2⋯.jpg (350.27 KB, 1600x1000, 8:5, IMG_052.jpg)

Father, Clean our ship.

From the evil ones who lie.

From those that poison what we love.

>But thou, when thou mayest pray, go into thy chamber,

>and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father who [is] in secret,

>and thy Father who is beyond idols and images in our imagination,

>and further still, and seeing in secret, shall reward thee manifestly

Feel Love within; Your Soul returned.


Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

We pray our depths clean.

We pray our Vitality aflame.

We pray our Truth sharper.

We pray our enemies Exposé.

Our Vessel blessed with Fathers Grace.

Our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.


Patriots 👏 Trust 👏 The 👏 Plan

Trump Girls Crave Fighters ;)

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q+🇺🇸

Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Millions silent together banishk(belial)ks "love"


See Success🥳; Our Bright Future.

Repeat. Remember. Pray. Dream.

The smell ໐f childhood. Shake trauma out.

Fill Pepe with Fathers Forgiveness + Release

Relax into Your Own Strength.

Thy Father who is beyond idols and images in our imagination, and further still…!

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5f20b7  No.11678229

File: 12b4d62faf8a951⋯.png (691.35 KB, 1516x849, 1516:849, ClipboardImage.png)

https://twitter.com/VICE/status/1328503159854141440?s=20 Bet this doesnt age well!!

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e8aa04  No.11678230

File: e9c8f22f2cdad06⋯.png (19.04 KB, 652x173, 652:173, big_vic.PNG)


Trump hails ‘Big victory’ in Nevada after county board tosses local election results

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b48e04  No.11678231

File: 2a9a16d115d0c71⋯.png (93.33 KB, 255x179, 255:179, 167510632758d1e4927cadaa14….png)

File: 2b30994a5f9f807⋯.png (93.25 KB, 255x179, 255:179, 2666178938d88052a5955698b6….png)

File: 7e6152c35c4779c⋯.png (93.2 KB, 255x179, 255:179, 371a82d8ea8927383560b4560a….png)

File: 2e9a314fd6649be⋯.png (93.27 KB, 255x179, 255:179, e290b0e33dbe3dd29ac4b6c830….png)

File: 59f0dc17bc9f4a3⋯.png (93.27 KB, 255x179, 255:179, 3579406c951a2a4e0c651d387d….png)

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ce0338  No.11678232


Have you seen the plane fags on here and their findings? Lots of air traffic right? Why?

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8dc43f  No.11678233

File: 3f54bc0dd877393⋯.mp4 (1.88 MB, 640x360, 16:9, All_of_us_were_trying_to_g….mp4)

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7fb0f2  No.11678234

File: da6ac2e2a1717fe⋯.jpg (205.45 KB, 800x808, 100:101, eye_see.jpg)

All timelines converging, collapsing into one

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31f9ad  No.11678235

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Operation Get Behind the Darkies…kek

Kill Canadians

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a93f9b  No.11678236


well, yeah, they have to keep the meter running to extrapolate the masses and since jobs will not pay, the stipend will be spent on rental of all needs, including carbon tax.

Nature good, people necessary evils that must be reduced to desired levels of preferred mules that are to be so constrained by automated bureaucratic threat they never dare talk back.

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e8aa04  No.11678237

File: 2e05239937346dd⋯.png (450.7 KB, 851x752, 851:752, part_5.PNG)


WE CAUGHT THEM! Part 5: In Competitive States, Once Biden Gained the Lead with MASSIVE Vote Dumps, The Remainder of Votes All Possessed Same Biden to Trump Vote Ratio — THIS IS INCONCEIVABLE!

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8dc43f  No.11678239

File: fa20bf5d8b32d5c⋯.mp4 (2.85 MB, 640x360, 16:9, CNN_1997_Osama_Bin_Laden_d….mp4)

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21dc97  No.11678240



Or have you finished eating all the glue?

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a93f9b  No.11678241


oh it's conceivable alright.

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1f7d17  No.11678242



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5f20b7  No.11678243

File: 398d52a58d2390e⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1528x957, 1528:957, ClipboardImage.png)




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93f5d0  No.11678244

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ce0338  No.11678245


Thank you!

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1f7d17  No.11678246



…you keep saying that word…

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93f5d0  No.11678247


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b475d3  No.11678248


Almost every president of the United States was like Biden an invalid controlled by the rich.

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f7088c  No.11678249




Canadian army coming here? How do they get past the first border village before patriots fuck them up?

Good luck Justin.

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a7ebd6  No.11678250

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2020 The Ultimate Red Pill

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e8aa04  No.11678251

File: 4c9129efbac9fb8⋯.png (434.9 KB, 859x643, 859:643, refused.PNG)


Wisconsin Elections Commission Refuses to Do Recount Unless Trump Pays $7.9 Million Upfront

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5ff5ef  No.11678252

File: 899d5d4e65840ab⋯.png (244.33 KB, 645x363, 215:121, uget.PNG)

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e8aa04  No.11678253

File: a572c8790321c1d⋯.png (18.84 KB, 993x173, 993:173, wont_be.PNG)



Dems Now Call For 'Unity' But Here's Why There Won't Be Any with Trump's Supporters

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31f9ad  No.11678254

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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96dd8d  No.11678255

File: cb7aedc6cf57f8b⋯.jpeg (120.31 KB, 828x694, 414:347, 8BFF0258_FBBE_4E64_9D54_E….jpeg)

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38adce  No.11678256

File: 16a164decadf4f6⋯.jpeg (221.3 KB, 1242x714, 207:119, BF0A94BB_324A_4AC8_AAD3_2….jpeg)

File: 4b008d1dfe72609⋯.jpeg (838.28 KB, 1242x1862, 621:931, 554DF205_5703_4F72_8AD7_E….jpeg)


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8dc43f  No.11678257

File: ce7bc4155f9aa92⋯.jpg (27.33 KB, 313x404, 313:404, predatorface.jpg)


>Wisconsin Elections Commission Refuses to Do Recount Unless Trump Pays $7.9 Million Upfront

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ce0338  No.11678258


No dude, there's chatter that the Canadians are harboring chinese military in their country ready for an invasion scenario. UN is ready to come in as well.

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1f7d17  No.11678259


-you get it anon


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e8aa04  No.11678260

File: dc7569e3843f807⋯.png (19.07 KB, 984x181, 984:181, slims.PNG)


BREAKING: Biden's Lead In Georgia Slims As Thousands of Ballots Are Miraculously Found in Recount

Dems Now Call For 'Unity' But Here's Why There Won't Be Any with Trump's Supporters

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f7088c  No.11678261


I've heard that for a while. Sauce?

And also, good luck Justin and Chinese sidekicks.

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b475d3  No.11678262

The Generals Trump hired worked for Satan.

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dd5b85  No.11678263


PARAGON/(Dominion) owned by Irish.

Clinton visited richest man in Ireland in 2017 after Hillary loses.

Denis O"Brienhas his hands into many things. .finanxes airlines

And has his hands in Haiti

From wiki

In 2001, O'Brien founded Digicel, a telecom company that operates in the Caribbean, South America, and Asia Pacific. Using the cash from his sale of Esat Telecom, O'Brien used Digicel to build a wireless network in Jamaica.[34] That same year, Digicel expanded into the South Pacific. As of 2019, Digicel operated in 31 countries.[35]

Along with Digicel, O'Brien created the Digicel Foundation, which has worked with local organizations to develop community services, build schools and health centers, and support recovery efforts.[36][37] After the 2010 Haiti earthquake, O'Brien pledged €3.5 million to assist recovery efforts.[38][39] In 2012, President Michel Martelly of Haiti awarded O'Brien with the National Order of Honour and Merit for his investments, contributions and promotion of the country,[40] and in 2015, O'Brien received honorary membership of the Order of Jamaica for his service to the country's telecommunications industry.[41

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33696d  No.11678264

File: adfad82127bb572⋯.png (606.14 KB, 438x600, 73:100, tom_oprah.png)

File: 8245a60b4981e19⋯.png (1019.97 KB, 800x780, 40:39, best_y_like_oprah_hallie_S….png)

File: a76d76f96742a3b⋯.png (1.05 MB, 800x520, 20:13, oprah_holding_hands_with_.png)

File: 20b3c980222b03c⋯.jpg (152.37 KB, 1100x550, 2:1, oprah_for_prez_1.jpg)

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28e589  No.11678265

File: 6853f33f493a1e4⋯.jpg (289.63 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, iuXE1XVB4O.jpg)

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e8aa04  No.11678266

File: a911e7f47ec8725⋯.png (209.47 KB, 649x588, 649:588, de_plat.PNG)


Prepare for the Great Decoupling – Deplatforming moves downstream to WordPress.com and Mailchimp

Comments Permalink

Posted by William A. Jacobson Monday, November 16, 2020 at 9:05pm

The unrelenting deplatforming pressure from the left leaves non-leftists no choice but to prepare for decoupling on our own terms.

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c7534e  No.11678267

File: 3183ec93daf7cab⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1446x935, 1446:935, REEEElease_Kraken_Pepe_3.png)

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b48dff  No.11678268

File: 1e8417529870b6e⋯.jpg (252.65 KB, 730x993, 730:993, dominion_machine_manual.jpg)

The Dominion machine uses a Samsung with WiFi.

When does the Samsung update?

Was WiFi ON or OFF during elections?

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5f20b7  No.11678269

File: 1da908e9b727c47⋯.mp4 (638.86 KB, 480x480, 1:1, handler_pee.mp4)

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8dc43f  No.11678270

File: b85fae9db61e9c3⋯.jpg (505.78 KB, 2500x1678, 1250:839, XP_987_GT.jpg)

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e8aa04  No.11678271

File: 543f5cc58676230⋯.png (488.91 KB, 717x737, 717:737, vote_sy.PNG)


Dominion Part of Council That Disputed Election Integrity Concerns in DHS Statement

Dominion Voting Systems used statement, which obscured company’s council membership, to dispute concerns over voting systems

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ce0338  No.11678272


Just be ready in case. This black out cyber attacks Q talks about might have something to do with this.

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bafd79  No.11678273



A swamp of companies into Voting , ID's , secure printing etc

3 names pop up all Irish

Mr Patrick James Crean

Mr Richard Joseph Cahill

Mr Sean Aongus SHINE




Knowing the Irish connection i remember HRC visiting Ireland back in 2019

She visited Barretstown Children's Charity


part of https://seriousfun.org/

I haven't had any time to dig any connections yet

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67d3a6  No.11678274

File: 30616cfa845070d⋯.png (242.87 KB, 685x583, 685:583, 8fg7ae8tu5jwitus897g8wyt95….png)

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a93f9b  No.11678275


attorneys are void of comprehension of actual law unless they are LAWyers, which are entirely different. Attorneys deal with legal, which is the parameters of contract under the public trust, statute. Lawyers work with constitutional LAW- a level higher, to which the lower legal arena is subject.

Attorneys go out of their way to avoid liability and are easily intimidated by other attorneys who have more swagger.

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af9d54  No.11678276

File: afd8d0acbaffff5⋯.png (448.75 KB, 1646x921, 1646:921, Clipboarder_2020_11_17_003.png)

File: b8097331fba8bf2⋯.png (30.1 KB, 405x686, 405:686, Clipboarder_2020_11_17_004.png)

File: b6ed536818181ad⋯.png (14.48 KB, 407x310, 407:310, Clipboarder_2020_11_17_005.png)

File: 5904a8e6bedf6a4⋯.png (40.43 KB, 395x601, 395:601, ClipboardImage.png)

>>11678110 /lb

>Im also asking about the recent flag png from Q post 4950..


not known, not my expertise …

pixel size 310 X 163

" GodBlessAmerica.png"

this I got on FireFox Browser *Inspect Tool*

at link has tool:


Steganographic functions provided by @_Luke_Slytalker


pixelknot : NOT APPLICABLE

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37b33c  No.11678277


Good night fren, Sleep well

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e8aa04  No.11678278

File: a9b08af6da34b16⋯.png (382.13 KB, 769x549, 769:549, step_down_1.PNG)


Georgia County Finds 2,600 Votes During Recount—Elections Director Asked to Step Down

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71e270  No.11678279

File: 916746c24762fad⋯.jpeg (337.82 KB, 836x1261, 836:1261, 9291EB01_7BDF_4714_BA73_5….jpeg)

File: 82d17fcb85334b1⋯.jpeg (308.46 KB, 751x597, 751:597, CE1DAAA6_7B68_4D27_90C5_1….jpeg)

File: 2e83b5ebf74cedd⋯.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1117x1422, 1117:1422, 22129001_112D_4393_96AA_B….jpeg)

File: 2966847c7bd5252⋯.jpeg (373.86 KB, 1125x928, 1125:928, C5A70949_DBAB_4ADC_A6C1_3….jpeg)

>>11675935 (pb) <Spot on (5:5) Ron!

>>11677336 (lb) <Flynn flag flying proudly

>>11677652 (lb) <“We the People” is Worldwide

>>11677841 (lb) <Governors have indulged the CCP usually unknowingly

>>11677917 (lb) <**USAF (and DHS)

>>11678037 < TY Baker (Great kek’en kraken pict!)

Occasionally I send a coded message of my own to family and friends who may come across this board. Some have finally been converted or think I’m a real freak based on what I’ve told them over the past number of years. But first, I feel I must express gratitude...

Shout Out to All the Faithful and Dutiful Bakers, Anons, BOs/BVs, and (X)-fags of all shapes and Specialties!

Thank you for your diligent efforts.

Special Shout-Out to CM for going the Extra Mile and Stepping-Up Big Time!

Thanks You! It’s probably out of your comfort zone, but God Bless! Hopefully, I’ve been helpful with my related technical posts as a fellow SW Engineer...not everyone knows what JSON and Enterprise Architecture means. So, honto ni, kokoro kara domo arigato gozaimasu yo!

Yes, this election seems crazy; however there’s a reason why this Anon spends his off hours (over the past many years) doin’ the Diggz despite getting razzed by his family as it being a waste of time. It’s true too, that this last 6 years in particular has been both painful and exciting. The PsyOps and Countermoves are wacko.

Here is a Bottom line for me right now:

1-To truly understand what we are up against, ...

We must be almost taken...as a whole...to the brink.

2-Law and Order is important , right?!

But without Law and Order specifically in the Election process, there is no "We The People"!

3-And without that, ...

There is no Constitutional (Representative) Republic.

4-And without that, ...

There is no Nation, Under God, Indivisible with Liberty and Justice for All.

5-Without an America (accompanied by an integral election capability), ...

The people of other nations have few other places to look for Hope of Sustainable Freedom.

That’s why I stand and work and “waste” my time supporting this space and my CINC POTUS.

Thanks, fellow Midnight Riders on the Night Shift for indulging in my coded message (via included picts as well). ...Now, get back to work, ya bums! ...o7

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33696d  No.11678280

File: 4ed9da39e3e837c⋯.jpg (25.72 KB, 321x412, 321:412, joy.jpg)

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b475d3  No.11678281

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Learn the truth read the Bible.

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31f9ad  No.11678282

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I've seen you on the beach

And I've seen you on TV

Two, of a billion stars

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e8aa04  No.11678283

File: 00cf3337c0a4ddc⋯.png (409 KB, 855x672, 285:224, break_code.PNG)


DON’T MISS THIS… Breaking the Code: Exposing the 2020 Election Fraud with Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, Joe Hoft and Jim Hoft from Gateway Pundit – Tuesday at 3 PM ET

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1f7d17  No.11678284

Santon Capitol > Paragon > Dominion > SmartMatic > (runs on Scytl Servers) > CIA

that is the basic map so far, yes?

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96dd8d  No.11678285

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Change (In The House Of Flies)"

I watched you change

Into a fly

I looked away

You were on fire

And I watched a change in you

It's like you never had wings

Now you feel so alive

I've watched you change

I took you home

Set you on the glass

I pulled off your wings

Then I laughed

And I watched a change in you

It's like you never had wings

Now you feel so alive

I've watched you change

It's like you never had wings

I look at the cross

Then I look away

Give you the gun

Blow me away

And I watched a change in you

It's like you never had wings

Now you feel so alive

I've watched you change

Now you feel alive

You feel alive

You feel alive

I've watched you change

It's like you never had wings

You've changed

You've changed

You've changed

You've changed

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b475d3  No.11678286


Avoid churches that have pastors that beg for money.

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e8aa04  No.11678287

File: b70d1a92a776eb5⋯.png (49.87 KB, 1336x266, 668:133, adding_up.PNG)


'Three Wrong Counts In Three Minutes': Georgia Recount Auditor Says Things Aren't Adding Up

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8dc43f  No.11678288


>Georgia County Finds 2,600 Votes During Recount—Elections Director Asked to Step Down


A recount in Georgia’s presidential race found more than 2,600 ballots in Floyd County that hadn’t originally been tallied, likely helping President Donald Trump reduce his 14,000-vote deficit to Joe Biden.

Trump could gain nearly 800 net votes from the discovered ballots. There were 1,643 new votes for Trump and 865 for Biden.

The problem occurred because county election officials didn’t upload votes from a memory card in an ballot scanning machine, said Gabriel Sterling, the state’s voting system manager.

He called it “an amazing blunder” and said the county’s elections director should resign.

“It’s not an equipment issue. It’s a person not executing their job properly,” Sterling said. This is the kind of situation that requires a change at the top of their management side."

The previously uncounted votes were cast during in-person early voting at the Floyd County Administration Building, which includes the county’s elections office, said Luke Martin, chairman of the Floyd County Republican Party.

Over half of 5,000 printed-out ballots cast on an optical scanner weren’t initially recorded.

“It’s very concerning,” Martin said. “But this doesn’t appear to be a widespread issue. I’m glad the audit revealed it, and it’s important that all votes are counted.”

The uncounted ballots in Floyd County is the most significant issue found so far during Georgia’s recount. Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger has said that other counties' recounted figures closely match their original numbers.

The ballots will be rescanned and tabulated before results are finalized Friday, said State Elections Director Chris Harvey.

“You want every vote counted right the first time, but that is one of the goals of the audit: to identify problems,” Harvey said. “All the votes will be uploaded, and the results will be what they are.”

Floyd County’s elections director, Chief Clerk Robert Brady, didn’t return a phone message seeking comment.

Martin said these ballots rectify a discrepancy between the number of people who checked in to vote early and ballots that were counted in Floyd County, located in northwest Georgia.

The issue appeared to occur on an optical scanner that stopped working after a couple of weeks of early voting, Martin said. County election officials were supposed to rescan all paper ballots cast on that machine, but roughly half of them weren’t recorded.

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5a8ef4  No.11678289

File: 1f3065b2798f3ce⋯.png (700.89 KB, 725x408, 725:408, ClipboardImage.png)

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ea723b  No.11678290

People waiting on the establishment to give the people the permission to launch a Revolution against that very same establishment.


Wonder if George Washington got Permission from the Crown before revolting against them.

Or if the Tea Party got permission to dump that fucking shitty tea into the harbor.

Shit is funny af.

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b48dff  No.11678291

File: 66a61f7f66c71d2⋯.png (42.57 KB, 1200x425, 48:17, dominion_energy_blue_white….png)

File: 312258caccd7b98⋯.jpg (42.09 KB, 526x162, 263:81, dominion_blue_white_stripe….jpg)

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0af1de  No.11678292


Lawyer is a general term for a person who gives legal advice and aid and who conducts suits in court.

What’s the difference between lawyer and attorney?

An attorney or, more correctly, an attorney-at-law, is a member of the legal profession who represents a client in court when pleading or defending a case. In the US, attorney applies to any lawyer. The word attorney comes from French meaning ‘one appointed or constituted’ and the word’s original meaning is of a person acting for another as an agent or deputy.

In the US, they are one and the same.

t. lawfag

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42c41b  No.11678293


LOL sip those salty tears.

>MOOOMMMIEEE Trump won't stop…


Not yet. THAT is only going to happen if ALL the work gets done.

Next up religions. ALL forms of control….have to be tossed off. All.

Wilcoxians, Alien tards. ascensionists,flat earth tards, organized religions that have weaponized control. (AKA love me or die). ALL that bullshit has to be let go of.

Reclaiming our political systems—that's only the first step.

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b475d3  No.11678294


The apostle John never begged for money the 11 other apostles did.

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8dc43f  No.11678295

File: 2764de80031b9d1⋯.png (632.39 KB, 656x492, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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8fdf77  No.11678296


ya can you believe that?

Right in front of the observer in the recount the pos' call Trump votes for Biden.

the guy was gob smacked.

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33696d  No.11678297

File: 154adc5a3391721⋯.jpg (141.4 KB, 600x600, 1:1, good_eye_2.jpg)



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e8aa04  No.11678298

File: 61de1fbacbf4e28⋯.png (591.43 KB, 664x631, 664:631, game_ov.PNG)


Michelle Obama Suggests GOP Should Accept Biden Victory Claim: ‘This Isn’t a Game’

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b475d3  No.11678299


Trust the dude that isn't in it for the money.

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1f7d17  No.11678300


pretty dank fuk'n meme, anon

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8dc43f  No.11678301

File: 5a859fe14f17d25⋯.mp4 (3.06 MB, 1008x580, 252:145, Michelle_Obama_Harvey_Wein….mp4)


>This Isn’t a Game

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ea723b  No.11678302

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67d3a6  No.11678303

File: 16da28319ff01ad⋯.png (219.73 KB, 666x454, 333:227, 6725y5616uy356u67qy35u36w5….png)

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b48dff  No.11678304

File: 1d555e22a6d01bf⋯.jpg (342.69 KB, 1954x1248, 977:624, dominion_building.jpg)

Would be interesting to see who else is in that building.

They must all go hang out and drink coffee at the restaurant below and in same social circles.

Anything significant here?


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e8aa04  No.11678305

File: 3e64fcdcbfd5539⋯.png (358 KB, 903x504, 43:24, called_for_bid.PNG)


"No, This Is Trump": Georgia Recount Auditor Claims Multiple Trump Ballots Fraudulently Called For Biden

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8dc43f  No.11678306

File: 95b3da2275e8cb5⋯.png (534.41 KB, 598x491, 598:491, ClipboardImage.png)


This week, I’ve been reflecting a lot on where I was four years ago. Hillary Clinton had just been dealt a tough loss by a far closer margin than the one we’ve seen this year. I was hurt and disappointed—but the votes had been counted and Donald Trump had won. The American people had spoken. And one of the great responsibilities of the presidency is to listen when they do. So my husband and I instructed our staffs to do what George and Laura Bush had done for us: run a respectful, seamless transition of power—one of the hallmarks of American democracy. We invited the folks from the president-elect’s team into our offices and prepared detailed memos for them, offering what we’d learned over the past eight years.

I have to be honest and say that none of this was easy for me. Donald Trump had spread racist lies about my husband that had put my family in danger. That wasn’t something I was ready to forgive. But I knew that, for the sake of our country, I had to find the strength and maturity to put my anger aside. So I welcomed Melania Trump into the White House and talked with her about my experience, answering every question she had—from the heightened scrutiny that comes with being First Lady to what it’s like to raise kids in the White House.

I knew in my heart it was the right thing to do—because our democracy is so much bigger than anybody’s ego. Our love of country requires us to respect the results of an election even when we don’t like them or wish it had gone differently—the presidency doesn’t belong to any one individual or any one party. To pretend that it does, to play along with these groundless conspiracy theories—whether for personal or political gain—is to put our country’s health and security in danger. This isn’t a game. So I want to urge all Americans, especially our nation’s leaders, regardless of party, to honor the electoral process and do your part to encourage a smooth transition of power, just as sitting presidents have done throughout our history.

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2e8084  No.11678307

File: 1f32b112bbebf68⋯.png (217.65 KB, 551x562, 551:562, ClipboardImage.png)

File: af0e658ff249f09⋯.png (218.7 KB, 548x562, 274:281, ClipboardImage.png)


even though we've long-known this, it really is something to behold. If "the big guys" (MSM-wise) don't report on a thing (or report contrarily)… a HUGE push from those with the actual power re: the situation at hand, but who possess no MSM megaphone, is necessary to have the ability to overcome MSM's reality-generating machine.

The mind can only imagine the extremes to which the MSM has made non-realities the "truth" by the sheer power of their ubiquitous projection capacity. How many normies know ANYTHING about this yet?



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4fb7d7  No.11678308


Interesting tidbits on Dominion

Virginia state nickname Old Dominion

It was a Dominion of the British, remained loyal to the Crown

Colonists arrived on the ship Godspeed. Hired by King James.

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1f7d17  No.11678309


>‘This Isn’t a Game’

dumb cunt

…ohh wait…

someone insert the caption on this article image:

"So then I told Barack my dick is THIS big…"

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a7ebd6  No.11678310

File: fcd5f395f81972e⋯.png (194.87 KB, 598x738, 299:369, Screenshot_2020_11_17_Qohn….png)

Qohn Galt

"A Revolution Without Dancing Is A Revolution Not Worth Having."

This will be a VICTORY like no other,

Only the second election ever held that has been real. Ladies, Gentlemen i give you OUR BOSSMAN

BTW, F*** Pence he is a p3dov0re


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08ffaf  No.11678311

File: 4878cc9f89c60c5⋯.png (562.92 KB, 719x480, 719:480, Cupace20201116125319.png)

File: c5021142dc4a1ca⋯.png (569.03 KB, 719x480, 719:480, Cupace20201116124637.png)

Broken joe

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b475d3  No.11678312

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trumps throws his hat in the ring.

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e8aa04  No.11678313

File: cca583c05a1acaa⋯.png (11.7 KB, 918x156, 153:26, everybody_knows.PNG)


Everybody Knows The Fight Was Fixed

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b48dff  No.11678314


It will be a smooth transition back to PRESIDENT TRUMP!

It will be a bumpy transition for the crooked dems on the way to PRISON!

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b475d3  No.11678315


Why did they make him retarded?

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1f7d17  No.11678316


>Everybody Knows The Fight Was Fixed

literally everyone

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e8aa04  No.11678317

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ff9a93  No.11678318


Virginia is also a Commonwealth in technical terms, so is Pennsylvania I think.

In VA are tons of businesses named Dominion this and that. Old Dominion University, etc.

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dd5b85  No.11678319


The other guy Clinton met with is John Fitzpatrick…owns hotels in NYC. And sounds like he runs Irish mafia there


In the words of HIllary Clinton, “John Fitzpatrick is the very best kind of Irishman, he is utterly committed [to peace in Northern Ireland] both as a businessman and as a great humanitarian. I am proud to know him.”  We too are proud to know John and to name him our Irish American of the Year.



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b475d3  No.11678320

I don't own a gun for a reason.

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a93f9b  No.11678321


Raging Kappy playing now

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4fb7d7  No.11678322


Godspeed is not a salutation. It's a signature.

Does anyone know all 13 signatures?

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e8aa04  No.11678323

File: f8b444efa859356⋯.png (42.12 KB, 919x337, 919:337, that_failed.PNG)


The Corporate Media Gaslighting Campaign That Failed

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8dc43f  No.11678324

File: 1207d6c381c99b4⋯.png (167.16 KB, 500x297, 500:297, ClipboardImage.png)

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b475d3  No.11678326

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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19213c  No.11678327


technically speaking we are bound by treaty to extradite……….

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8dc43f  No.11678328

File: 122d60087f41004⋯.png (337.76 KB, 642x715, 642:715, ClipboardImage.png)


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ad89df  No.11678329


A hot dumpster fire of fraud/election rigging/treason burning in the swampiest of swamps. One of the final stands. Instrument to unlock doors + something you skip on water

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e8aa04  No.11678330

File: dfc06d43b687a74⋯.png (20.97 KB, 637x190, 637:190, how_much.PNG)


Ga. County's Uncounted Ballots Will Boost Trump, but by How Much?

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309bda  No.11678331

File: 831f65609533a0b⋯.mp4 (6.93 MB, 224x400, 14:25, 123411394_363948358279840_….mp4)

Normies freaking on FB sending this Reset video via DM.

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7bc10f  No.11678332

File: 5621f8c071d900c⋯.jpg (444.55 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, adidas_telstar_mechta_wc_2….jpg)

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af9d54  No.11678334

File: ecc385b53525edb⋯.png (28.78 KB, 325x444, 325:444, Your_DAYS_dawgsYEARS_numbr….png)

File: 1fd6d4ee9ec5fdd⋯.png (456.78 KB, 482x353, 482:353, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 98d2974c762427a⋯.png (3.93 MB, 1011x1454, 1011:1454, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c947dff5eb6a7f9⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1000x700, 10:7, PDJT_and_YOUsavingTheWORLD….png)


>Operation Get Behind the Darkies…kek

>Kill Canadians

TURD-doh PED-oh! lock-steppin' w/CHAIR-Master !

"Every dog has its day.

Enjoy the show.


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b48dff  No.11678335

File: 4bef86c2872fb9a⋯.jpg (649.7 KB, 1195x1182, 1195:1182, CLUEP.jpg)

They are in the same building as DOMINION Voting Machines.


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8dc43f  No.11678336

File: 63d81889303fe09⋯.png (534.83 KB, 800x533, 800:533, ClipboardImage.png)


Hate crimes in US reach highest level in more than a decade

FILE - In the is Oct. 10, 2019 file photo, El Paso Walmart shooting suspect Patrick Crusius pleads not guilty during his arraignment in El Paso, Texas. Hate crimes across the U.S. rose to the highest level in more than a decade as federal officials also recorded the highest number of hate-motivated killings since the FBI began collecting hate crime data in the early 1990s. An FBI report released Monday showed there were 51 hate crime murders in 2019. That includes 22 people who were killed in a shooting that targeted Mexicans at a Walmart in the border city of El Paso, Texas in August 2019. (Briana Sanchez / El Paso Times via AP, Pool, File)

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e8aa04  No.11678338

File: 3a9add9fb6a31e1⋯.png (22.34 KB, 634x248, 317:124, psy_op.PNG)


Roger Stone to Newsmax TV: Trump Deniers Running 'Psy-op' for Biden

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b475d3  No.11678340

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump escalator.

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e8aa04  No.11678342

File: d879c46ea4b909b⋯.png (416.92 KB, 631x618, 631:618, lob_meet_up.PNG)


Lobbyists, Govt Officials Gather in Hawaii Despite Lockdowns

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a7ebd6  No.11678343

File: d2b5c02463b2244⋯.png (210.79 KB, 621x567, 23:21, Screenshot_2020_11_17_Qohn….png)


Qohn Galt

Trump & Flynn changed my life

The Lord is my shepherd WWG1WGA

This is not about US its about serving others! Right path not left! Remember Anons stay anonymous

4-10-20Joined May 2020


Anons LQQK at the date on Qohn !!!


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5a8ef4  No.11678344

File: b13ec3566425263⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1280x650, 128:65, ClipboardImage.png)

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96dd8d  No.11678345

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You're a fraud and you know it

But it's too good to throw it all away

Anyone would do the same

You've got 'em going

And you're careful not to show it

Sometimes you even fool yourself a bit

It's like magic

But it's always been a smoke and mirrors game

Anyone would do the same

So now that you've arrived well you wonder

What is it that you've done to make the grade

And should you do the same?

(Is that too easy?)

Are you only trying to please them

(Will they see then?)

You're desperate to deliver

Anything that could give you

A sense of reassurance

When you look in the mirror

Such highs and lows

You put on quite a show

All these highs and lows

And you're never really sure

What you do it for

Well do you even want to know?

You put on quite a show


Are you watching?

Are you watching?


Are you watching?


You're a fraud and you know it

And every night and day you take the stage

And it always entertains

You're giving pleasure

And that's admirable, you tell yourself

And so you'd gladly sell yourself

To others


Are you watching?


Are you watching?


Are you watching?


Are you watching?

Such highs and lows

You put on quite a show

All these highs and lows

And you're never really sure

What you do it for

Well do you even want to know?

Yeah you put on quite a show

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8da67f  No.11678346


David Icke for those who don't know.

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8dc43f  No.11678347

File: 8e8b2e3d6e44125⋯.png (279.33 KB, 640x446, 320:223, reasonably_confident_poste….png)

File: 410a37f7256ad25⋯.mp4 (14.98 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, JohnOfGodCrucius_1_.mp4)


>Patrick Crusius

"Psychotherapist" dad with John of God connections?

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08ffaf  No.11678348



he looks super skinny , doesnt really look like him

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e8aa04  No.11678349

File: 7c1ee8a41d684dc⋯.png (229.97 KB, 664x504, 83:63, trained_mark.PNG)


Black Lives Matter co-founder describes herself as ‘trained Marxist’

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b48dff  No.11678350

File: 5d58ea01141f9a2⋯.png (15.76 KB, 761x401, 761:401, sustainalytics.png)


Checking if any company in the DOMINION building is somehow suspicious.

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42c41b  No.11678351


Scientology 101.

Niacin flushes. Why didn't you post directions to the borg so everyone could go in for their niacin flush and sweat. (and turn their hands purple).

I have MMS and it knocks the fuck out of everything. but shhhhh that's a sekrit. It works so well they try to make it illegal. Like anything that works and doesn't make them money.

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55d6cb  No.11678352


So Canada is main supplier of Dominion Voting machines? I guess then the software was also made there

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b475d3  No.11678353

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8dc43f  No.11678354


>trained Marxist

<professional idiot

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c7534e  No.11678355

File: 54a079d10d12eac⋯.png (511.1 KB, 480x415, 96:83, ClipboardImage.png)

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1f7d17  No.11678356


>he looks super skinny , doesnt really look like him

he was skinny as FUCK in his last days

we wasnt eating

stress levels = over maxed for months on end

gangstalked daily

all his shit stolen

all his friends rats

shit was fucked anon

he was NOT in a good way

have personal first hand experience

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8da67f  No.11678358

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da97b7  No.11678359

File: 1f96d79240d57a2⋯.png (351.64 KB, 641x389, 641:389, ClipboardImage.png)

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5a1124  No.11678360

File: 833fc39c085f6df⋯.jpg (177.94 KB, 740x964, 185:241, 20201117_032757.jpg)

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e8aa04  No.11678361

File: 8713a4f7f064caf⋯.png (41.61 KB, 1297x250, 1297:250, maryland_ceo.PNG)


Maryland CEO charged with allegedly paying $1.5M to fencing coach to get sons into Harvard

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b475d3  No.11678362


Because she's a moron.

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91c262  No.11678363

File: bc894f9a894bf46⋯.png (141.7 KB, 284x617, 284:617, Randy1507_2.png)

File: b01b50923a23bc4⋯.jpg (40.6 KB, 315x360, 7:8, JkvH7BR_4.jpg)

Old Anon waiting for some fucking justice.

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ff9a93  No.11678364


Definitely will be combing thru this guy's tweets.

In case anons don't know the reference, or never read the book, John Galt is the hero of the book Atlas Shrugged. The question "Who is John Galt?" permeated the book, and became a sort of hive-mind legend among the people in the book. Like a savior figure.

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248fcd  No.11678365

File: 5d5aa68423ab4ee⋯.png (52.21 KB, 834x436, 417:218, Screenshot_2019_05_14_Rebu….png)

File: 5338dfc8e1f478b⋯.png (69.41 KB, 880x558, 440:279, Screenshot_2019_05_14_Rebu….png)

File: bb812128870f018⋯.png (56.23 KB, 842x525, 842:525, Screenshot_2019_05_14_Rebu….png)

File: d73907b3cbb36d3⋯.png (58.25 KB, 870x555, 58:37, Screenshot_2019_05_14_Rebu….png)

File: 7e2efad36f301e0⋯.jpg (158.1 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 53742718_292125415014886_2….jpg)


>We must be almost taken…as a whole…to the brink.

as a whole we must be made to look over the precipice into the abyss of national dissolution;

expectation is the people shall recoil in terror turning upon the source thereof to the sauces destruction.

I can live with that.

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26fc7b  No.11678366



Kungfucious say USN Subs lurk for good reeeeson.

Nil invasions.


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c0c125  No.11678367

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Vid is days old and was posted multiple times, but I only just watched it today. I highly recommend it.

I haven't done any "work" on election fraud, but I've been following the angles posted here, reading and watching vids, and I'd say this is the single best intro to the idea that the fraud was HORRIFIC! They take a very clever analytical method (which hinges on comparing presidential results from "straight party" voters vs others), and apply it to actual precinct-level reported results from several counties in Michigan, and conclude from that alone that there was copmuterized switching of votes from Trump to Biden. If you follow closely, the graphs around the 26 minute mark are a MOAB for sure. They explain their methods very intuitively, and make a good faith effort to consider whether there might be any "natural" explanation for what they find. They don't see it and I don't either, but if I honestly believed that Biden "won" the election and thought that was for the best I would be scrambling to try to find it.

If anyone has $50,000 to spare, why not find 5 prominent anti-Trump data analysts and pay them each $10K to record them watching this vid, allowing them to pause and respond as needed?

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ff9a93  No.11678368


Posted for younger anons and normies. I'm assuming you oldfags read it already.

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42c41b  No.11678369


That's it. Everyone under 35 needs to be sent to de-education camps.


OH look a Mexican serial killer. He'll be in the crime stats as white.

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1f7d17  No.11678370


>we wasnt eating

he** wasnt eating

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b475d3  No.11678371

It's not the Jews it's Satan the Jew hater.

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1f7d17  No.11678372

>>11678037 Dough

Notables are NOT endorsements

Notes @250


>>11678273 , >>11678319 Paragon Europe: A swamp of companies into Voting , ID's , secure printing etc

>>11678271 Dominion Part of Council That Disputed Election Integrity Concerns in DHS Statement

>>11678095 Supposedly the Germany server data shows Trump landslide: 410-128

>>11678127 German ISP "confused" by their all-time traffic record on election night.

>>11678268 The Dominion machine uses a Samsung with WiFi.

>>11678263 PARAGON/(Dominion) owned by Irish. Clinton visited richest man in Ireland in 2017 after Hillary loses.

>>11678237 WE CAUGHT THEM! Part 5: In Competitive States, Once Biden Gained the Lead with MASSIVE Vote Dumps, The Remainder of Votes All Possessed Same Biden to Trump Vote Ratio — THIS IS INCONCEIVABLE!

>>11678113 UKRAINE HAS NOW LISTED JOE BIDEN AS WANTED ON Class A felony charges

>>11678122 Better sauce for red pilling frens on Peter Neffenger: Chariman at Smartmatic

>>11678181 Tomorrow, the Dragon will rise over Fort Bragg (Nov. 17)

>>11678200 Lin Wood: We have not yet fully engaged enemy. We will soon. Truth will prevail. (re-notable)

>>11678210 EXCLUSIVE: Lawyer at Pa. Secretary of State's Law Firm Harassed Trump Lawyer, Accused Her of Treason

>>11678222 Cuomo Admits to Threatening GOP Lives, Warns Atlas of ‘Old School’ Visit

>>11678227 , >>11678304 , >>11678335 , >>11678350 The whole US ELECTION 2020 depends on a dodgy shady looking building in Canada??? Seriously?

>>11678229 Bet this doesnt age well (Vice news, muhQanon Dominion "conspiracy")

>>11678230 Trump hails ‘Big victory’ in Nevada after county board tosses local election results

>>11678251 Wisconsin Elections Commission Refuses to Do Recount Unless Trump Pays $7.9 Million Upfront

>>11678253 Dems Now Call For 'Unity' But Here's Why There Won't Be Any with Trump's Supporters

>>11678256 Chelsea Handler says talk show turned her into a lunatic

>>11678260 BREAKING: Biden's Lead In Georgia Slims As Thousands of Ballots Are Miraculously Found in Recount

>>11678266 Prepare for the Great Decoupling – Deplatforming moves downstream to WordPress.com and Mailchimp

>>11678278 , >>11678288 Georgia County Finds 2,600 Votes During Recount—Elections Director Asked to Step Down

>>11678279 Notable Anon Post

>>11678283 Breaking the Code: Exposing the 2020 Election Fraud with Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, Joe Hoft and Jim Hoft from Gateway Pundit – Tuesday at 3 PM ET

>>11678287 'Three Wrong Counts In Three Minutes': Georgia Recount Auditor Says Things Aren't Adding Up

>>11678298 Michelle Obama Suggests GOP Should Accept Biden Victory Claim: ‘This Isn’t a Game’

>>11678305 "No, This Is Trump": Georgia Recount Auditor Claims Multiple Trump Ballots Fraudulently Called For Biden

>>11678313 Everybody Knows The Fight Was Fixed

>>11678321 Raging Kappy playing now

>>11678323 The Corporate Media Gaslighting Campaign That Failed

>>11678330 Ga. County's Uncounted Ballots Will Boost Trump, but by How Much?

>>11678338 Roger Stone to Newsmax TV: Trump Deniers Running 'Psy-op' for Biden

>>11678342 Lobbyists, Govt Officials Gather in Hawaii Despite Lockdowns

>>11678349 Black Lives Matter co-founder describes herself as ‘trained Marxist’

>>11678361 Maryland CEO charged with allegedly paying $1.5M to fencing coach to get sons into Harvard


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e8aa04  No.11678373

File: ccc811d8ec81f69⋯.png (432.44 KB, 837x509, 837:509, before_of.PNG)


Joe Biden’s Transition Officials Received Intelligence On Michael Flynn Before Donald Trump Took Office

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a827eb  No.11678374

File: 88af610f3df18b2⋯.png (337.31 KB, 699x470, 699:470, 500.png)

The defendant’s double is escorted into the Supreme Courtroom. Everyone gasps. Many whisper, “What’s going on?”

Associate Justice Thomas Clarence stands, interlaces his hands in front of his robe, and announces, “Ladies and gentlemen, it has come to our attention that not all is what it seems, and I must inform you… that you are watching a movie.”

The double is placed next to the defendant. They look at each other with their mouths agape.

Justice Clarence continues, “What some of you might be feeling is the utterly surreal. It is fear. Fear of the unknown. Make no mistake, it appears we are seeing double. Two realities have converged here at this moment in this very sanctum. The spotlight of God has been swung and cast. Exposed is the enemy that stands here before us, is an actor. Like all actors, he is a shapeshifter. He can look like any one of us, he can talk like any one of us, he can disappear without nearly a trace. An actor never shows his true face in public. What we are about to embark upon today, and for the next several days, shall lift the lens of law under God’s spotlight upon thy enemy’s face, where his face shall melt away to reveal who Joe Biden truly is.”

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8da67f  No.11678375



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b475d3  No.11678376

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a93f9b  No.11678377


you're retarded. click

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da97b7  No.11678378

File: 3ffa52f3a7b1a34⋯.png (3.61 MB, 2400x1601, 2400:1601, ClipboardImage.png)


Since 1964

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dd5b85  No.11678379


Santon Capitol. Or Sandton?

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b48dff  No.11678380


No, we just need to be thorough and see who else are tenants in that building.

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e8aa04  No.11678381

File: 0111816ec0d5b94⋯.png (30.5 KB, 847x283, 847:283, player_link.PNG)


Yahoo Sports

'Anti-Colin Kaepernick' former NFL player Burgess Owens linked to QAnon elected to U.S. Congress

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26fc7b  No.11678382


thas the scooter wives without helmets? One of them got justice.

Could be.

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1f7d17  No.11678383


>Joe Biden’s Transition Officials Received Intelligence On Michael Flynn Before Donald Trump Took Office

and they all shat their pants in unison upon hearing it

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8da67f  No.11678384


Impressive list considering it's graveyard and not even halfway through bread. We can always count on you shill team bakers to pump up the volume.

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10fb9b  No.11678385

File: 8ff11328e5def11⋯.png (1.18 MB, 800x555, 160:111, Katie_Hobbs_AZ_SoS.png)

File: 1d87a0a857acb77⋯.png (240.06 KB, 1018x513, 1018:513, 02_Katie_Hobbs_AZ_SoS.png)

File: 7c32e503a2b3bb8⋯.png (1.51 MB, 916x3497, 916:3497, Arizona_SoS_Katie_Hobbs_Fi….png)

AZ Sec. of State: Katie Hobbs discloses financial support from foreign governments,

George Soros and numerous British Pilgrims Society minions, including the Ford Foundation

The State Innovation Exchange is funded by Democracy Alliance controlled by George Soros and

Tom Steyer, and funds Black Lives Matter. Gara LaMarche is president of Democracy Alliance,

a longtime ally of George Soros.


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67d3a6  No.11678386

Bank account (sustainment)

Healthcare (livelihood)

Law (right living)

All devised and controlled by whom?

Chinks in the armor

Are you ready to break free?

Again, are you ready?

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a7ebd6  No.11678387


There's quite a bit in there, several movies, in addition he let the cat out of the bag on Pence… >>11678310

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1f7d17  No.11678388


>Santon Capitol. Or Sandton?

…howevers its spelled, sorry anon, shooting from the hip here

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e8aa04  No.11678389

File: f8971dcf84909b3⋯.png (34.92 KB, 1208x434, 604:217, wont_vice.PNG)


Trump Won't Stop Posting a Bogus Voting Machine Conspiracy Theory From QAnon

He spent the weekend boosting the theory about rigged voting machines, and Monday morning screaming that he won the election he lost.

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a7ebd6  No.11678390


If you don't know you aren't anon..it doesn't need explaining.. read the drops!

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08ffaf  No.11678391

Alec Baldwin: "The Republican party needs to CUT TRUMP'S THROAT AND GET RID OF HIM"

>>11671849 (pb)

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1f7d17  No.11678392

File: 04281c631e94103⋯.jpeg (139.93 KB, 1015x416, 1015:416, Green_berets_you_funny.jpeg)


you funny.png

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ff9a93  No.11678393


Q #500

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: f946c4 No.20735 📁

Jan 7 2018 22:18:45 (EST)




(9) states of CLAS-ready go-live.

(34) commands LIVE.



[1] OWL [1]


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ed5639  No.11678394


That guy needs to learn the basic comma rules.

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e8aa04  No.11678395

File: 010c24a3e06d805⋯.png (423.81 KB, 864x391, 864:391, crumb_ling.PNG)


How Gavin Newsom’s Regime Is Crumbling

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6fd26e  No.11678396


Fuck! I missed the big reveal. Was it on CNN? I refuse to watch the Great Awakening on CNN !


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a7ebd6  No.11678397


Indeed…now see this >>11678250

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8da67f  No.11678398


Read them. And?

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b475d3  No.11678400

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The apostles spread all over the planet. Only John didn't beg for money because he actually believed in Jesus.

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e2595e  No.11678401

File: 9d80a84b468177a⋯.png (254.12 KB, 630x556, 315:278, Ek_zkz5XUAA94mL.png)

File: 5b8d31865fdb705⋯.png (393.74 KB, 452x450, 226:225, 5b8d31865fdb7059283c3eacc7….png)

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da6ea4  No.11678402

File: db06746bf87bf46⋯.jpg (386.6 KB, 1080x1147, 1080:1147, Screenshot_20201117_043342….jpg)

Dominion Arms, Canada.

Sells weapons, banned in US, from China

NORINCO is the Chinese brand. Military grade.

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e8aa04  No.11678403

File: 0065f2b09c00107⋯.png (43.38 KB, 1332x311, 1332:311, linda_tripp.PNG)


Lewinsky whistle-blower Linda Tripp says Bill Clinton should be a 'registered sex offender'

'The Clintons are two of the most corrupt political operatives to ever grace the international stage,' wrote Tripp

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fa5ee3  No.11678404

File: 9fec0b1ce0ab98c⋯.png (192.51 KB, 373x366, 373:366, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5b4898a287d3a67⋯.jpg (23.88 KB, 255x224, 255:224, e508f2a7bcd8f71513ed135de2….jpg)

Good night anons!!

More days of Winning ahead, so much more!!

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c5982a  No.11678405

>>11677864 (pb)

so this one is the true map?

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c8c7b8  No.11678406

File: 0247078750e772b⋯.jpg (62.7 KB, 500x527, 500:527, 4l89os_1.jpg)

File: e68dfe031a8eabc⋯.jpg (132.1 KB, 500x609, 500:609, Go_Time_1.jpg)

MAGA Patriots never supported Q and never will.

Chinese Communists used computer fraud & mail ballot fraud to interfere with our national election. They thought we could be had & they could overthrow our duly elected President without firing a shot.

They were wrong.

I would rather take a stand right now for the rule of law than end up living under the tyranny of left-wing socialism, just waiting for AOC-inspired government thugs to hunt me down a put a bullet in my head for daring to love my country.

We aren't going to stand by and get "Bolsheviked" to death here in America.

Not on your life.

Why do you think we've all been buying guns and ammo like crazy for the last ten months? We know what happens if tyranny gets a foothold in this nation, and we will fight them to the last man, if necessary, rather than surrender to left-wing tyranny.

That's why MAGA will support the national uprising of patriots who, if called upon by Trump, will march on Washington D.C. as an armed, constitutional militia with the purpose of defending this nation against all enemies, foreign and domestic. We will put our lives on the line to defend this republic and help our president defeat the deep state swamp and all the crooked elitists who are trying to burn this nation to the ground.

So President Trump, millions of us are standing by with training, equipment and courage, awaiting your orders.

If you need us, call upon us and we will converge on Washington D.C. in historic numbers, armed with courage and ready to defend this nation against its domestic enemies.

We will come prepared for battle and ready to fight. We will not back down and we do not negotiate with terrorists.

Once we defeat the left-wing traitors and terrorists in D.C., let us aid your efforts to arrest the traitors all across America, including Big Tech CEOs like Mark Zuckerberg, fake news media propagandists and corrupt governors and mayors who are complicit in the 2020 election treachery and covid plandemic that sacrificed hundreds of thousands of lives of Americans just so they could roll out their mail-in ballot election fraud scheme.

These criminals need to be put in chains, prosecuted and held to account for their crimes against America.

And every person who willfully engaged in ballot fraud should face immediate prosecution and harsh penalties under the law.

We are ready to fight for America, and for the presidency Trump won by a landslide. Call upon us when needed.

You will be astonished at our level of readiness and commitment.

Brought to you by the:Smith and Wesson.

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8fa4d7  No.11678407

File: e92a3cc695ee959⋯.png (14.24 KB, 451x183, 451:183, ClipboardImage.png)

They knew then. They know now.

Nov 12 2018


R Gov won by 328,000 votes.

D Sen is winning by 32,000 votes.

R Gov won Maricopa County by 325,000 votes.

D Sen winning Maricopa by 32,000 votes?

[350,000] vote swing to D Sen?


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42c41b  No.11678408

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I was thinking more those young guys inventing something obviously useful to big tech. When people have lost sight of right and wrong they have no issues doing wrong because they're right.

also, this is not JR. Who believes this? Decoy McCoy.


They're adding everything now. New JIDF orders to add shit that makes us look stupid.

My first post in this thread requesting baker remove fucking lunacy from bread, ignored. Thus one can extrapolate their aim.

One strategy failed so they're on to the next.

So we now have a notable suggesting that a USSS guy is sending them sekrit messages.

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b475d3  No.11678409


If a christian asks you for money run.

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6db540  No.11678410


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7bc10f  No.11678411

File: dbf416ff559f7b3⋯.jpeg (377.03 KB, 2048x808, 256:101, EmpjWQ1XEAEeQtj.jpeg)

File: 6173c7e554564a6⋯.png (530.5 KB, 600x804, 50:67, Screen_Shot_2020_11_17_at_….png)

Stefan Simanowitz


Just as it is helpful to see a visualisation of the #ContractScandal, so it’s helpful to see a visualisation of the wider structure into which it fits

The shadowy surveillance firm, #Palantir, run #COVID digital health platforms In the UK, US & many other countries

Data heaven!


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dd5b85  No.11678412


Sandton Credit III (Luxembourg) SARL


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5f20b7  No.11678413

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

https://twitter.com/VICE/status/1328503159854141440?s=20 Bet this doesnt age well!!>>11678343


oldie but goody

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6fd26e  No.11678414


This guy is either a great actor (for most of the last 10 to 20 years or so (and I wouldn't at all be surprised if such turned out to be the case) - OR - he needs a Hannibal Lector specially customer cell all to himself, 300 feet underground, 6inch thick steel door on the surface.

He be the Angriest Boy in the Planet him!

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b475d3  No.11678415


They have no faith.

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a93f9b  No.11678416


yeah, you said it, in the U.S.

Legal begs a trust. The U.S. is a sub trust of the USA, which relates to the federal reserve districts and legal tender vs lawful money.

Attorney's know very little about chancery aka Equity american jurisprudence. Attorney's-at-law, says it plainly- AT, near law, but not the same as LAW. Law is superior, based on maxims of commonlaw and equity. At-law, is the realm of complaint by persons, while LAW deals with claims of wrong or trespass man to man. That's as far as I'm goin here so have a good one.

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ad89df  No.11678417

File: 47e15cd877082ba⋯.jpeg (67.04 KB, 714x285, 238:95, 7A4687D3_B47F_4C66_A7EE_B….jpeg)


Only alternate signature I remember is DELTA and Q+, possibly Q&A itself was a signature..

Going to go back and look now.

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c0c125  No.11678418



Actually, I slightly misstated that.

They don't make any claims about "switching" per se, and rather suggest that in certain situations Trump and Biden votes were "weighted" with the weights not being equal. So the upshot is the same as "switching".

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8da67f  No.11678419


OMG! Wow, this is blockbuster news! Hey y'all, get in here! Bet no one knew this!

Such fucking old news. Old story written as new? FAUX trying to gain followers?

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42c41b  No.11678420

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Wake up Christians. The time is coming when your complicity will be called to account.

Rabbi here, tells you the truth.

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af9d54  No.11678421

File: df7371117a7ef1d⋯.png (785.76 KB, 1446x978, 241:163, BIG_bada_BADA_BQQQQQM.png)


>We have not yet fully engaged enemy. We will soon. Truth will prevail



check this meme anons

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b475d3  No.11678422

Q never read the Bible.

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8da67f  No.11678423


Please, Baker, be sure this gets in Notables, cuz, cuz, no one ever heard this before from Linda Tripp? Wow…incredulous.

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33696d  No.11678424


>D Sen is winning by 32,000 votes.

>D Sen winning Maricopa by 32,000 votes?


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e8aa04  No.11678425

File: 818eab535de6208⋯.png (373.6 KB, 768x584, 96:73, tucker_show.PNG)


Tucker Carlson Addresses ‘Calls Asking If We’re Leaving Fox News,’ Tells Viewers ‘This Show Is Not Going Anywhere, It’s Getting Bigger’

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3900da  No.11678426

File: de735affc89cac1⋯.jpg (125.4 KB, 728x1030, 364:515, starbucks_ada_consent_decr….jpg)

File: 1d4eb4a517cc233⋯.jpg (95.98 KB, 1200x1554, 200:259, 5e09045b26773_preview.jpg)

File: e179975a38e8661⋯.gif (29.31 KB, 728x1020, 182:255, s1.gif)

File: 546f4933130bfda⋯.png (58.94 KB, 1500x763, 1500:763, ILvCHI_1500.png)

File: a973faefbb7650e⋯.jpg (126.25 KB, 1200x1554, 200:259, 5d1bcdcd1ecc1_preview.jpg)

Just one more example of big business and big brother getting specialized treatment…

I'm sure a few of us like me have landed in a court room in their days….

Have any of you ever been offered a consent decree ?

Admit your guilt without fine or punishment.

All the docs I could find showed it being used for big brother and big business.

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b475d3  No.11678427


She was into B movies.

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71e270  No.11678428



>>11678372 < TY Baker/NoteTaker for noting my expressions/concerns.

Now that I think about it, suggest maybe it be titled something like:

Anon Gratitude Shout-out + There is no “We the People” without Election Law & Order

The second part is the key message.

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8fdf77  No.11678429

File: 6d0a7fb57e49617⋯.mp4 (2.04 MB, 360x634, 180:317, XhiwBfzjqoCccBEE.mp4)

Oh Fug!

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ea723b  No.11678430

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>pump up the volume

Here's a throwback that used to get played on the radio all the time back in the day.

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309bda  No.11678431


It was sent to me by a family friend. I almost never go on FB so they called me on the phone to check the video they DM'd me. When I logged in I see that 3 others had sent me the same video and seem to be in a bit of a panic. Anyone else get this thing?

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79ad0c  No.11678432


Potter, I remember that dumbass and his meltdown.

Good times!

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8da67f  No.11678433

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b48dff  No.11678434

Dominion software's reputation for reliability may have taken another hit with the claim that Eric Coomer, a vice president and dominion, and the person in charge of the software's security, is an Antifa supporter and Trump hater. This information is disturbing when added to the way in which the software churned out impossible pro-Biden results in the wee hours of November 4 in Democrat-run states following a Trump wave.

Wikipedia has deleted most of Dominion's history. I visited the page a few days ago and read about its origins in Venezuela. If you go to the Wikipedia page today, that history is gone and, in its place are accusations against QAnon. At the "view history" page, you can see dozens of recent changes since the election. The primary editor - Molly White - is a recent college grad and bisexual leftist.

These changes, along with endless "fact checks" from leftist media outlets keep burying ever more deeply the history behind Dominion. However, that history is worth dredging up because it goes a long way to explaining where we are now.

As a predicate, remember that the system is so vulnerable to hacking that, in January 2020, Texas's Secretary of State refused to certify it:

The examiner reports identified multiple hardware and software issues that preclude the Office of the Texas Secretary of State from determining that the Democracy Suite 5.5-A system satisfies each of the voting-system requirements set forth in the Texas Election Code. Specifically, the examiner reports raise concerns about whether the Democracy Suite 5.5-A system is suitable for its intended purpose; operates efficiently and accurately; and is safe from fraudulent or unauthorized manipulation. Therefore, the Democracy Suite 5.5-A system and corresponding hardware devices do not meet the standards for certification prescribed by Section 122.001 of the Texas Election Code.

Texas is right to be suspicious. In testimony before the Democrat-run House this past January, Dominion was one of the three voting system companies (the other two were ES&S and Hart InterCivic) that "acknowledged they relied on Chinese-made gear":

Dominion Voting Systems CEO John Poulos and Hart InterCivic President Julie Mathis said their companies use Chinese-made LCD screen components, chip capacitors and resistors, arguing that in some cases there's no option for manufacturing those parts in the United States.

(Incidentally, in a January interview about that same congressional testimony, Eddie Perez, of the OSET Intitution, said that the voting systems (including Dominion) are systemic security problems. Last week, though, he told AP, "he was not aware of any systemic issue related to problems with Dominion software that would affect the tabulation of results." Hmmm.)

Dominion also has ties to the Clinton Foundation through its DELIAN project, and to Nancy Pelosi, whose aide is Dominion's D.C. lobbyist. Dominion has also been tied to numerous cases of election fraud.

During a recent appearance on Lou Dobbs Tonight, super lawyer Sidney Powell, one of the smartest people in America, had a great deal to say about Dominion's origins and reliability. Pay special attention to the video Dobbs plays before introducing Powell, because that will be your introduction to Dominion Vice President Eric Coomer:


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c9ee4e  No.11678435


Same here. I'm ready, I've been ready.

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da6c92  No.11678436

File: 1ae89771611c949⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1721x1162, 1721:1162, isthisyoudawg.PNG)

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248fcd  No.11678437

File: 752ea1a3124da0e⋯.png (283.8 KB, 1265x370, 253:74, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ecf70dc7379b80⋯.png (152.81 KB, 540x405, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e5bf677bb950b93⋯.png (113.83 KB, 511x270, 511:270, ClipboardImage.png)


The book next to his right cheek - "Clive" - interdasting!

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e8aa04  No.11678438

File: 95c2727fe002801⋯.png (12.35 KB, 764x152, 191:38, nbc_cheers.PNG)


Despair Porn: NBC Cheers Lockdowns While Lamenting Pain Caused

Nicholas Fondacaro

November 16th, 2020 8:54 PM

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b475d3  No.11678439


Q was chosen to expose new age bullshit.

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e87cc2  No.11678440

File: 0c7d9377e827438⋯.jpg (11.16 KB, 255x180, 17:12, 948cb588b0618ed81039f362b4….jpg)

File: 37832ad9c3004a9⋯.jpg (7.73 KB, 255x153, 5:3, a8ab48bc8ba80b03b185a37378….jpg)

pb >>11676160

Vice President

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33696d  No.11678441

File: b08f08c2ad38185⋯.jpg (54.25 KB, 928x642, 464:321, big_boom.jpg)

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8da67f  No.11678442


Show's getting bigger while FAUX flounders.

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5ff5ef  No.11678443

File: f6ab40e8b505adb⋯.png (7.31 KB, 255x212, 255:212, adce14da1120f9faf4e2c950c1….png)

The ultimate Reeeeeeeeeeeeee is going to be after all this, you asshats shit there and watch ALL your hopes fade while Trump is sworn in for his 2nd term! Kek! I can hear the Karen's now! Oh my God, those will be some awsum salty tears!!

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7fb0f2  No.11678444

File: 4cf151c03905e07⋯.jpg (146.46 KB, 772x650, 386:325, chbAzGp9MITQsJ7TkHaIXL1nGi….jpg)

cannot fucking wait for these idiots to find out bidey boi is on a boat

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5a8ef4  No.11678445

File: 852a5c1f2f95ed9⋯.png (384.45 KB, 905x640, 181:128, ClipboardImage.png)

Globalists: Open threat of world war if they don't get to have their way?

Kissinger Warns Biden: Anti-China Coalition Could Cause "Catastrophe Comparable To World War I"

Many have feared US tensions with China are on such an edge on multiple fronts, also through allies in the region, that war could easily erupt based on what in normal times might be seen as a small encounter or incident.

And now, Henry Kissinger has raised his warning levels during the opening session of the Bloomberg New Economy Forum, telling the incoming Biden administration should move quickly to restore lines of communication with China that frayed during the Trump years or risk a crisis that could escalate into military conflict.


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b475d3  No.11678446


She's not that stupid.

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e8aa04  No.11678447

File: 54b98212d1e7895⋯.png (376.88 KB, 859x643, 859:643, v_vid.PNG)


BREAKING: Project Veritas: Georgia Recount Auditors Call Multiple Ballots For Joe Biden That Were Actually Marked For President Trump (VIDEO)

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e2595e  No.11678448


>'Anti-Colin Kaepernick'

Bread Title

'Anti-Colin Kaepernick'

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1f7d17  No.11678449


>Santon Capitol. Or Sandton?


>Sandton Credit III (Luxembourg) SARL

No no,

Santon Capital, PLC


^these fags^

anons earlier tied them to Paragon

not sure exactly how

have not dug into it personally yet

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b48dff  No.11678450

Tabulator problem and manual recount demand

The election marked the first time that the province used electronic vote tabulation machines from Dominion Voting in a provincial election. They had previously been used in New Brunswick municipal elections.[2] On election night, the machines displayed vote totals which were verified by Elections New Brunswick officials and entered into a province-wide database for the media. By 11:45 PM, these unverified numbers were to have been replaced by totally machine-reported numbers from the tabulators themselves with no human interventions or errors possible to distort results. It was "a program processing the initial results that had a glitch", not the tabulators themselves, according to officials.[20]

Elections New Brunswick grew uncomfortable with the human involvement and influence of the unevenly tabulated results. It brought the results reporting to a standstill as counts were reverified by hand before further resignations or concessions were triggered.

At 10:45 p.m. Atlantic time, Elections New Brunswick officially suspended the results reporting count, with 17 ridings still undeclared, while it investigated the delay.[21] It called for over sixty tabulator count devices to be brought to central locations for verification without relying on the reporting program. At no time was there an allegation of fraud by any party or public official.

As a result of the controversy, both the Progressive Conservatives and the People's Alliance Party called for a hand count of all ballots, with the former refusing to concede the election until the following day.[2] Michael Quinn, the province's chief electoral officer determined no total recount was necessary.[2] Recounts were held in 7 of 49 ridings and the results were upheld with variations of no more than 1 vote per candidate per riding.[22]


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7bc10f  No.11678451

File: c119dd79afccc8c⋯.png (3.35 MB, 2560x1600, 8:5, Screen_Shot_2020_10_05_at_….png)

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e8aa04  No.11678452

File: 1b0c93f60545c3a⋯.png (46.77 KB, 1133x301, 1133:301, hurt_ready.PNG)


How Obama-era budget controls have hurt US military readiness against growing China, Russia, Iran threats

As US fixated on terrorism, adversaries grew their deadly capabilities

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31f9ad  No.11678453


He will be #metoo'd by one of those faux news bimbos……..soon.

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8da67f  No.11678454


Keep going Baker buddy. You're racking them up for your bud to keep adding to notables. You two look so impressive to newfags. Congrats.

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305e94  No.11678455

What happens to the civilians complicit in election fraud?

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a7ebd6  No.11678456

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71e270  No.11678457

>>11678279 < Ooops…missed a digit somehow on my own post.

>>11678384 < Volume? It’s just a Night Shift thing. Lot’s of “volume” (or energy drinks) to keep us pumped up and doin’ more diggz.

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fe5fe7  No.11678458

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sounds just like the pastors dream

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e8aa04  No.11678459

File: 80d6678a0e94a1d⋯.png (37.87 KB, 1199x310, 1199:310, driving_decl.PNG)


Jason Rantz: Seattle's downward spiral – these city actions are driving the decline

Officials say they are addressing the causes of crime – but they're exacerbating them

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ea723b  No.11678460

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b475d3  No.11678461

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The White Squall is a joke.

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91c262  No.11678462



But these last four years have been one of this country's greatest blue-ballings

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4fb7d7  No.11678463



Snow White

Jason Bourne

Iron Eagle

Godfather lll




Wizards & Warlocks

The Hunt for (Red October)

The Great Awakening




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e8aa04  No.11678464

File: 9c4b75a047f9921⋯.png (500.51 KB, 645x602, 15:14, disaster.PNG)


Pushing ‘defund the police,’ BLM turned its success into electoral disaster

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45322f  No.11678465

Who is the kraken

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42c41b  No.11678466

File: d1b6e10ed4e8c7b⋯.png (494.42 KB, 500x501, 500:501, Bill_Clinton_in_dress_and_….png)


Full version.



KEK is this new? Good old Linda trying to save her own ass? LOLOLOL You know the entire Monica thing was a setup to distract away from something worse?

That's why Epstein had Clinton painted in the blue dress……and red shoes.

Linda and Monica were part of it. The whole thing was a show. KEKEKE If that's new then Linda turned. Clinton SHOULD be locked the fuck up but not for the Blue Dress. Rather, the red shoes.

Epstein kept this painting out where everyone could see it. He owned Bill and Hillary and that painting was a constant reminder. Fuck the blue dress, its the red shoes.

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a7ebd6  No.11678467



Forgot to add, On Potus schedule yesterday.. Was lunch with Mike Pence, the only thing posted on his schedule…this should answer why.

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b475d3  No.11678468


>The White Squall

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e8aa04  No.11678469

File: 682bc529e06c679⋯.png (373.63 KB, 751x492, 751:492, hurry_up_tic_toc.PNG)

File: df17513cea3bb51⋯.png (2.38 MB, 1039x912, 1039:912, kraken1.PNG)


Hurry Up With That Kraken, Will You?


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cf714f  No.11678470

File: 9005e6490094545⋯.gif (3.47 MB, 420x306, 70:51, tenor.gif)

File: 03fd17957ba062d⋯.png (50.75 KB, 209x288, 209:288, P_or_R.png)

The man behind the curtain. Yes? No? (personally too close for comfort)

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33696d  No.11678471

File: abf083c0281c928⋯.png (351.56 KB, 647x584, 647:584, bolton_lies_for_book_sales.png)

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aac2a6  No.11678472

WARNING: Beware of the fake 'welfare check' tactic

If you speak out the police will be used to intimidate you via a fake 'welfare check'. This sets up a situation where the police can do a 'justified' killing b/c the pretext is that you may be violent to yourself or to someone else. And if they do 'accidentally' shoot you, then you will not be able to dispute their false claims.

We need immediate legislation to make these false pretense welfare checks illegal and all police immunity removed .

Please pass this along.

Google Whistleblower Zach Vorhies Talks About the Police, FBI Raid


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8814cf  No.11678473

File: f73fa3d3a8340eb⋯.mp4 (6.05 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, hgYsQUD0TQauJ0z9.mp4)

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b475d3  No.11678474


Bill isn't gay bill loves rape.

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1f7d17  No.11678475


>Who is the kraken

we are, anon

do you NOT get it yet?

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fb8b52  No.11678476

for the record.

oldfag has nothing to do with age.


>It’s just a Night Shift thing.

no, it's not. it's really not.

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e5e6e0  No.11678477



If the judges communicated in any way with their handlers, then they go down with the rest..

I cannot believe that "compromised judges" was not already baked into the plan

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7a1d56  No.11678478


Oh bring it!!!

Oh yeah

This Anon got some steam to blow off!

Then after we are done there we will make damn sure to pay a visit to their Bank overlords

The Roth’s Guggenheims and walburgs

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e8aa04  No.11678479

File: f7b10a613fb4167⋯.png (57.45 KB, 623x450, 623:450, true_story_1.PNG)

File: 7d42a0778fe18f9⋯.png (758.9 KB, 620x570, 62:57, pepe_cool.PNG)



November 17, 2020

Sidney Powell: the bravest, smartest, fiercest, patriot in America

Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2020/11/sidney_powell_the_bravest_smartest_fiercest_patriot_in_america.html#ixzz6e2oi2VSO

Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

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31f9ad  No.11678480

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Another played to death on 'the MTV back then.

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1f7d17  No.11678481


show me on the doll where the 4am talking points hurt you, anon

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6fd26e  No.11678482


"It's getting Bigger. Ratings through the roof! Sponsors paying through the nose to get segments around it! Let's keep this Q mystery shit going FOREVER and WE'LL ALL BE STINKING RICH!!!!"

And to think a few Twitterite 'personalities' who might pawn some tee shirts, or promote some Swiss Army knife thing with two bottle openers instead of one, get stoned in these parts, get told they are famefags, told to post tits or GTFO.

It's a deplorable hypocritical mess of a world we're in.

But I have a message for Chuck Tuck. Tits or GTFO. Was there ever such a plastic patriot as this katching toothed millionaire motormouth?

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e8aa04  No.11678484

File: b02c36be0df7447⋯.png (760.51 KB, 760x715, 152:143, list_game.PNG)


CNN Gets in on the List Game, Targeting 'Enablers' of Trump's Election 'Defiance'

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4fb7d7  No.11678485


Not sure about that one. It appears differently than the rest. Not saying it isn't, just not sure.

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b475d3  No.11678486

Every movie ever made was made to brainwash you.

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af9d54  No.11678487

File: 8ddfe802b92ebea⋯.png (20.39 KB, 405x495, 9:11, Clipboarder_2020_11_17_006.png)

File: 01947e8f644a50c⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1624x2700, 406:675, ClipboardImage.png)

>>>11678227 , >>11678304 , >>11678335 , >>11678350 US ELECTION 2020 depends on a dodgy shady looking building in Canada??? Seriously?

Qdrop# 2217

Billionaire(s) 187.{HCQ / APOTEX Pharmaceuticals GLOBAL KILL SWITCH}

US, UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand">FVEY

{AID + ABET [D] + [F] ClintonFoundation / CABAL ?} Safety House Build.

U1 Funnel >> Canada >> X



>TURD-doh PED-oh! lock-steppin' w/CHAIR-Master !

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4c0dc3  No.11678488

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e8aa04  No.11678489

File: aba335acc82bae7⋯.png (88.99 KB, 614x202, 307:101, how_much_1.PNG)




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1f7d17  No.11678490


we should thank them for keeping a running tally of who is RINO and who is Patriot


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7fb0f2  No.11678491


What about the Matrix?

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b475d3  No.11678492

very news report you watched was brainwashing

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3c7c83  No.11678493

Irish “health experts” reveal in September that they are classifying all hospital admittance as covid if the patient later tests positive covid 19. Regardless of reason for presenting at hospital.

Sorry can’t embed the video


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248fcd  No.11678494

File: e1e14a0d2c16054⋯.png (23.76 KB, 695x382, 695:382, ClipboardImage.png)

File: efa6f04dcac3fa9⋯.png (141.41 KB, 1349x602, 1349:602, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c99e5e90c5b8a39⋯.png (230.8 KB, 398x492, 199:246, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 95188d856a8ccf6⋯.png (2.02 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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fb8b52  No.11678495


in the part where its discernment resides

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e8aa04  No.11678496

File: 4d5fe38eaf7ea9f⋯.png (467.39 KB, 653x542, 653:542, coll_blood.PNG)


Houston Announces Plan to Randomly Knock on Doors to Collect Blood Samples to Better Understand COVID

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8d79d3  No.11678497


>Joe Biden’s Transition Officials Received Intelligence On Michael Flynn Before Donald Trump Took Office


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f2a2f8  No.11678498


Except Space Cop

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c29aac  No.11678499

File: ced3b16ef4123b6⋯.png (611.65 KB, 712x761, 712:761, ClipboardImage.png)

Please link to bread that discusses whether or not this has been proven to be true or debunked.

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a7ebd6  No.11678500


o7 Kek!

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7bc10f  No.11678501

File: 7e1cd733aa0be18⋯.mp4 (4.76 MB, 1918x1080, 959:540, The_Truman_Show_1998_1080p….mp4)

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8d79d3  No.11678502


>Houston Announces Plan to Randomly Knock on Doors to Collect Blood Samples to Better Understand COVID


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b475d3  No.11678503

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Evert news report you watched was brainwashing

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31f9ad  No.11678504

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Everybody dance now!!!!

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8d79d3  No.11678505



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af9d54  No.11678506

File: aca6bd23fb176df⋯.png (693.98 KB, 703x505, 703:505, PDJTRUMP_PEACEFUL_Gifts_En….png)

File: 7cb2a41aa1aa6ce⋯.gif (376.78 KB, 400x225, 16:9, ContinueToKiskASS_Sir_YEAH….gif)


tyvm !o7

will adjust as noted

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e8aa04  No.11678508

File: eaa84d6b81259c8⋯.png (26.78 KB, 781x284, 11:4, kidding.PNG)


Cop-Hating Portland Commissioner Apologizes For Her Behavior In a Lyft. Just Kidding, She Blamed 'White Supremacists'

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8d79d3  No.11678509


>CNN Gets in on the List Game, Targeting 'Enablers' of Trump's Election 'Defiance'


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31f9ad  No.11678510


How about….NO.

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8dc43f  No.11678511

File: a3375be830d2feb⋯.png (620.93 KB, 1674x942, 279:157, ClipboardImage.png)


Elections Canada does not use Dominion Voting Systems. We use paper ballots counted by hand in front of scrutineers and have never used voting machines or electronic tabulators to count votes in our 100-year history. #CdnPoli

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5f20b7  No.11678512


https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/news-nation/u-s-moving-self-propelled-artillery-to-border-with-quebec-reports-of-uniformed-chinese-troops-in-canada?fbclid=IwAR0i39pX2-AASTcuIiIJdw9gjG1PJiU5rxiXDTp29pkJBY0ceLNgJGQ53uM https://twitter.com/cblcrshr/status/1314636411409178624?s=20

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91c262  No.11678513



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8d79d3  No.11678514


>November 17, 2020

>Sidney Powell: the bravest, smartest, fiercest, patriot in America

NOTABLE - Happy Q Day!

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e8aa04  No.11678515

File: b46e622b0ddc96e⋯.png (855.23 KB, 789x660, 263:220, cops_lives.PNG)


A Biden Presidency Will Make Cops' Lives Even More Dangerous

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1f7d17  No.11678516

File: 47c61cb760fdf72⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, Scytl_Original_Halfchan_Dr….png)

File: f705e8b42b57ff9⋯.png (296.06 KB, 698x884, 349:442, Scytl_Original_Halfchan_Dr….png)


>Please link to bread that discusses whether or not this has been proven to be true or debunked.

=for starters==

>>11677819 , >>11677848 , >>11677857 , >>11677873 , >>11677864 One America News airs full segment on Louie Gomerts Scytl german servers RAID (including the nearly FULL RED map from the "source data" on the servers) -Sidney Powell Re-Tweeted-



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91c262  No.11678517

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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730213  No.11678518

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8dc43f  No.11678519

File: eab643a68479163⋯.png (581.76 KB, 730x487, 730:487, ClipboardImage.png)

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5ff5ef  No.11678520

File: ba26d5c42806e34⋯.png (657.27 KB, 560x682, 280:341, muhdick.png)


muh pow-wya

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b475d3  No.11678521

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9c8dc7  No.11678522


how did that work out for the census

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8dc43f  No.11678523

File: 3951e4b9afb8e98⋯.png (2.28 MB, 1731x942, 577:314, ClipboardImage.png)

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b48dff  No.11678524

File: 233a5c6116a845f⋯.jpg (711.54 KB, 775x852, 775:852, AWID_CLINTON.jpg)

The office building where DOMINION is, has a tenant company linked with Clinton foundation.



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000000  No.11678525


Canada doesn't need Dominion. They just need to flood Ontario with more immigrants. Which they've done.

Canada is far past fucked. Look at our electoral map.

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ff9a93  No.11678526


I think the gun companies should start running ads like this. Seriously.

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e8aa04  No.11678527

File: 16c8a8553c65e1b⋯.png (491.99 KB, 703x710, 703:710, cozy_ties.PNG)


Newsom's cozy ties with top lobbyist showcased by French Laundry dinner party

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71e270  No.11678529

File: 8f0f47a4a7a4320⋯.jpeg (626.28 KB, 1125x700, 45:28, 2E43621A_6ED3_4CB3_A117_C….jpeg)


Agree…and TY Anon. Human nature (and maybe even simple things like habits) requires a stark realization to help us turn around or away.

Remind me of the source.

The building resembles another I know of…I think it’s now a library.

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8d79d3  No.11678530


>Despair Porn: NBC Cheers Lockdowns While Lamenting Pain Caused


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8da67f  No.11678531


Keep going, Baker's Buddy. You're doing great. We can give you gold stars, even though you often have to resort to pulling stuff from unknown sources after copypasta'ing the relevant stories from the reliable sources. Gotta fill up those breads, you know. You'll be well over 100 this time since you're posting shit at breakneck speed. Q will be so impressed at the massive volume you 2 put out, bread after bread.

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7fb0f2  No.11678532

File: 45b610542af94ce⋯.jpg (532.73 KB, 1920x3477, 640:1159, polina_hristova_charbdis.jpg)


>It's Getting Bigger

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b475d3  No.11678533

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000  No.11678534


My word you are a giant moist faggot.

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8d79d3  No.11678535


>Stefan Simanowitz


>Just as it is helpful to see a visualisation of the #ContractScandal, so it’s helpful to see a visualisation of the wider structure into which it fits

>The shadowy surveillance firm, #Palantir, run #COVID digital health platforms In the UK, US & many other countries

>Data heaven!



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5f20b7  No.11678536

lou dobbs on fire https://ustv247.tv/foxbusinesslive/

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e8aa04  No.11678537

File: e908d3e4e77e449⋯.png (382.7 KB, 859x648, 859:648, gateway_ask.PNG)


Gateway Pundit Asks DOJ to Investigate Michigan Attorney General’s Suppression of Voter Fraud News

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93f5d0  No.11678538


New deadly virus Chapare found in La Paz Bolivia

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8dc43f  No.11678539

File: bf1d5c779b71647⋯.png (777.48 KB, 628x941, 628:941, ClipboardImage.png)



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8d79d3  No.11678540


>Newsom's cozy ties with top lobbyist showcased by French Laundry dinner party

NOTABLE Laundry of PPE funds of CCP?

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b48dff  No.11678541

File: efe799e2e26a372⋯.jpg (470.68 KB, 1174x828, 587:414, awid.jpg)

OPEN SOCIETY FOUNDATION linked to AWID (In same office building as DOMINION).


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cf714f  No.11678542

File: 5d8b7e6953ad4aa⋯.png (288.45 KB, 1016x534, 508:267, Lewis_Cass_Eliza_Spencer_O….png)

Lawyer appeals lawsuit alleging election fraud in Detroit after Wayne Circuit Court dismissal

WAYNE CO., Mich. - Following the dismissal from a judge regarding a lawsuit alleging widespread voter fraud in Detroit during the 2020 general election, an attorney has filed an emergency appeal.

Accusing the Wayne County election board of improper ballot tabulation practices, the Great Lakes Justice Center south a reversal of the dismissal on Monday, hoping to suspend the county's certification of the ballots.

The emergency appeal is the latest move by the Trump campaign to invalidate ballots cast in Detroit, which overwhelmingly supported Joe Biden during the election.

Wayne Circuit Court Judge Timothy Kenny issued an opinion Friday afternoon that found "no sinister fraudulent activities" were present in the TCF Center on election day, where mail-in ballots from Wayne County were tabulated.


On another note how did this poor couple get stuck in "^%^hole" Wayne County? Eliza Spencer and Lewis Cass


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e8aa04  No.11678543

File: d77b8af94e893b1⋯.png (472.84 KB, 674x540, 337:270, luna.PNG)


MSNBC’s Wallace: Right-Wing Media Pushing ‘Alternate Reality,’ ‘Interviewing Lunatics’

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8da67f  No.11678544


You are entitled to your opinion. Perhaps you've not had your eyes on them. They do far more than post news here. Just watch them over time and learn.

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b475d3  No.11678545

The CIA runs Hollywood and brainwashes you. TV is run by the CIA brainwashes you.

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1f7d17  No.11678546


>lou dobbs on fire

yea he was

yesterdays episode TOTALLY worth the re-watch

OANN is on fire all damn day today

Dominion FIRE pulled straight from our notables filling nearly the entire hour blocks

its fucking glorious

who is the news now?

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8d79d3  No.11678547



>The office building where DOMINION is, has a tenant company linked with Clinton foundation.


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7bc10f  No.11678548

File: 13d897c65a5908f⋯.png (588.62 KB, 920x610, 92:61, Screen_Shot_2020_11_17_at_….png)

AG Creighton Waters

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ea723b  No.11678549

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



i see you are a connoisseur of the finer musical talents as well, anon.

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000000  No.11678550


As long as there's no CP I couldn't give a fuck. The information will flow and nothing can stop what is coming.

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31f9ad  No.11678551

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


That was….awful.

Lets go real old school with an updated rock sound to it.

Pseudo Echo - Funkytown

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e8aa04  No.11678552

File: 187a0f98dc586b0⋯.png (30.98 KB, 831x288, 277:96, roberts_p.PNG)


Sidney Powell: Impeach John Roberts if he dismisses election fraud

Trump lawyer vows on Rush Limbaugh show to 'release the Kraken'

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8d79d3  No.11678553


>MSNBC’s Wallace: Right-Wing Media Pushing ‘Alternate Reality,’ ‘Interviewing Lunatics’


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c29aac  No.11678554



Have we gotten additional confirmation OUTSIDE of the OAN broadcast yet?

Any insideranons able to provide anything?

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e5e6e0  No.11678555


If every single election has been thrown…

Can you really blame Canadians?

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b48dff  No.11678556

File: d4848476c5b9979⋯.jpg (82.78 KB, 610x210, 61:21, tides.jpg)

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b475d3  No.11678557

The fake news is the CIA brainwashing you.

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8d79d3  No.11678558


>Sidney Powell: Impeach John Roberts if he dismisses election fraud

>Trump lawyer vows on Rush Limbaugh show to 'release the Kraken'


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204045  No.11678559


They are saying Openly, across the world, 'You are looking at us engaging openly in fraudulent activity and criminal malpractice and you're all (populations) too afraid to call it. We own all of you. Your physical body AND your frail mind'

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e8aa04  No.11678560

File: 624330ddb307be0⋯.png (30.15 KB, 854x274, 427:137, justice_with_gop.PNG)


Does election justice now lie with GOP state legislators?

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c173ee  No.11678561

File: f2a7871ef338d3d⋯.png (319.41 KB, 814x707, 814:707, RPEPE.png)

Jesus H Christ, Anons!

You fuckers are gay AF when I am not here!

Might as well take your clothes off, pour lube all over and get in a big ass gay pile together! Fuck it!

Fake fucking Cap'n Pirate and all! :D

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8d79d3  No.11678562


>Lawyer appeals lawsuit alleging election fraud in Detroit after Wayne Circuit Court dismissal


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8da67f  No.11678563


Justin Castro

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b48dff  No.11678564

File: 53cbc1fa05599e5⋯.jpg (89.97 KB, 680x606, 340:303, Em_AMU_VgAAhVVu.jpg)

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b475d3  No.11678565

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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93f5d0  No.11678566


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5f20b7  No.11678567

File: d13de18be769cc9⋯.png (17.95 KB, 607x106, 607:106, ClipboardImage.png)


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8dc43f  No.11678568

File: bd2058036d05b64⋯.png (257.3 KB, 461x600, 461:600, ClipboardImage.png)


Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel sent a ‘cease and desist’ letter to Big League Politics about their exclusive content #DetroitLeaks that outlined poll worker training wherein workers were bragging about committing voter fraud in a variety of different ways.

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71e270  No.11678570


Yes…it’s fun listening to this type of news when you realize their story has aspects of your (our) sauce in it!

>Helps keep us push for more, right?!!

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e8aa04  No.11678571

File: e3b57177603c16c⋯.png (29.7 KB, 844x281, 844:281, if_i_had_a_hammer.PNG)









Election fraud: 'If I had a Hammer' … and the DNC did!

Exclusive: Lt. Col. James Zumwalt on vote-changing claims: 'The ugly truth is emerging'

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8d79d3  No.11678572


>OPEN SOCIETY FOUNDATIONlinked toAWID(In same office building asDOMINION).


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8da67f  No.11678573


Oct. 28th.

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1f7d17  No.11678574


>Have we gotten additional confirmation OUTSIDE of the OAN broadcast yet?

search qresear.ch for "Scytl"

there was another addition bit of information from some news interviews (Newsmax I "think)

claims that the raid was US DoJ and State Department OP

was done IN COORDINATION with German State Department

-we had international authority to conduct raid

the US Army provided…. "escort" services

-but was NOT the lead on the OP

-DoJ was LEAD on the OP

that is the tl:dr from the additional info

again, search qresear.ch for the deets

am baking or I would find it for you


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b475d3  No.11678575

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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93f5d0  No.11678576


Chapre virus

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21dc97  No.11678577

File: a0a635902eff964⋯.png (27.97 KB, 292x348, 73:87, ClipboardImage.png)


They have connections to Mexico and South Africa.

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c173ee  No.11678578

File: 0e86150e92c4b60⋯.png (292.84 KB, 814x707, 814:707, rpaw.png)


Try to suck a little less, Jeffy news Bot!

muh muh muh Payseur!


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8d79d3  No.11678579


>Gateway Pundit Asks DOJ to Investigate Michigan Attorney General’s Suppression of Voter Fraud News


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a5985d  No.11678580

So the power company is trying to figure out what's going on with my power?

They need to fuck off.

Oh energy is draiinning!?

Come find the fuck out why faggot you earn it with that curiosity…

WOMMMMMs in the background over their fail.

Fuck off Progressive. You are a fucking goon working for a company. do that and stop thinking so hard about the clients. Thats NOT your job. especially when overreaching the way you are… I know not too many people are at th facility at ngiht… remopte monitoring of voltage amp draws daresay remote by now… however

Its not




Suck a fat one commie faggot. and choke on it and die.

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a1873b  No.11678581

File: f210e6c2e5c5ee3⋯.mp4 (7.33 MB, 480x360, 4:3, 4525252.mp4)


that's not entertainment

this is entertainment !

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6f902a  No.11678582

File: a71f10c57501059⋯.png (156.75 KB, 331x219, 331:219, kracken.png)

crazy street preacher from "Clash of the Titans" who wanted to sacrifice the Princess has a pedo swirl on his back.

Probably antifa.

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a68d4c  No.11678583


Does that logo look familiar to anyone?

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7bc10f  No.11678584



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e8aa04  No.11678585

File: 6c13e78065a1b9f⋯.png (475.73 KB, 682x554, 341:277, 3_more_sh.PNG)


Three more New York sheriffs say they won’t enforce Cuomo’s Thanksgiving limit

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8d79d3  No.11678586


>A Biden Presidency Will Make Cops' Lives Even More Dangerous


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5f20b7  No.11678587

File: 48e664297bbf669⋯.png (477.77 KB, 625x496, 625:496, ClipboardImage.png)


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af9d54  No.11678588

File: dbb251c64b9a6fd⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1051x890, 1051:890, troll_YOU_sayTHAT_doesNOTm….png)

File: 3cf003e71b4efcb⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1360x1088, 5:4, 2Q2Q_Q_PLUS_Qutout.png)

File: de2ff7ae5b3583f⋯.png (248.97 KB, 636x312, 53:26, bluesbrothersNS.png)

File: 7f62c7318703bd1⋯.png (366.03 KB, 615x526, 615:526, redeclaration2.png)

File: 8f8e3278a60dc1d⋯.gif (538.11 KB, 587x404, 587:404, FREEDOM_INTENSIFIES_FOCUS_….gif)


>paper ballots counted by hand in front of scrutineers and have never used voting machines or electronic tabulators to count votes in our 100-year history. #CdnPoli

^^^^^ FALSE ! ^^^^^

personally served as a SCRUTINEER and VOTED often.

BALLOTS are put thru a Electronic TABULATOR {with the FALSE Sense of TRUST muhTECHNOLOGY}


STAND with PDJT - He is My President: "What Every {North} American Should BE, FREEDOM !

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8fdf77  No.11678589


the want to taste our kids ahead of time.

Make sure they are still juicy.

I hear Hillery is very fussy about what she eats.

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91c262  No.11678590

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


So much pain.

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ea723b  No.11678591

rain nigger, you don't control or run anons and never have.

you've been a fucking shill since 8ch.

kill yourself with your highschool use of smiley faces you over 40 midlife crisis little bitch ass mother fucker.

contract AIDS and die in a fire.

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1f7d17  No.11678592

>>11678037 Dough

Notables are NOT endorsements

Notes @450

#14910 Part 1/2

>>11678273 , >>11678319 Paragon Europe: A swamp of companies into Voting , ID's , secure printing etc

>>11678271 Dominion Part of Council That Disputed Election Integrity Concerns in DHS Statement

>>11678095 Supposedly the Germany server data shows Trump landslide: 410-128

>>11678127 German ISP "confused" by their all-time traffic record on election night.

>>11678268 The Dominion machine uses a Samsung with WiFi.

>>11678263 PARAGON/(Dominion) owned by Irish. Clinton visited richest man in Ireland in 2017 after Hillary loses.

>>11678237 WE CAUGHT THEM! Part 5: In Competitive States, Once Biden Gained the Lead with MASSIVE Vote Dumps, The Remainder of Votes All Possessed Same Biden to Trump Vote Ratio — THIS IS INCONCEIVABLE!

>>11678113 UKRAINE HAS NOW LISTED JOE BIDEN AS WANTED ON Class A felony charges

>>11678122 Better sauce for red pilling frens on Peter Neffenger: Chariman at Smartmatic

>>11678181 Tomorrow, the Dragon will rise over Fort Bragg (Nov. 17)

>>11678200 Lin Wood: We have not yet fully engaged enemy. We will soon. Truth will prevail. (re-notable)

>>11678210 EXCLUSIVE: Lawyer at Pa. Secretary of State's Law Firm Harassed Trump Lawyer, Accused Her of Treason

>>11678222 Cuomo Admits to Threatening GOP Lives, Warns Atlas of ‘Old School’ Visit

>>11678227 , >>11678304 , >>11678335 , >>11678350 , >>11678524 , >>11678541 , >>11678577 The whole US ELECTION 2020 depends on a dodgy shady looking building in Canada??? Seriously?

>>11678229 Bet this doesnt age well (Vice news, muhQanon Dominion "conspiracy")

>>11678230 Trump hails ‘Big victory’ in Nevada after county board tosses local election results

>>11678251 Wisconsin Elections Commission Refuses to Do Recount Unless Trump Pays $7.9 Million Upfront

>>11678253 Dems Now Call For 'Unity' But Here's Why There Won't Be Any with Trump's Supporters

>>11678256 Chelsea Handler says talk show turned her into a lunatic

>>11678260 BREAKING: Biden's Lead In Georgia Slims As Thousands of Ballots Are Miraculously Found in Recount

>>11678266 Prepare for the Great Decoupling – Deplatforming moves downstream to WordPress.com and Mailchimp

>>11678278 , >>11678288 Georgia County Finds 2,600 Votes During Recount—Elections Director Asked to Step Down

>>11678279 There is no “We the People” without Election Law & Order

>>11678283 Breaking the Code: Exposing the 2020 Election Fraud with Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, Joe Hoft and Jim Hoft from Gateway Pundit – Tuesday at 3 PM ET

>>11678287 'Three Wrong Counts In Three Minutes': Georgia Recount Auditor Says Things Aren't Adding Up

>>11678298 Michelle Obama Suggests GOP Should Accept Biden Victory Claim: ‘This Isn’t a Game’

>>11678305 "No, This Is Trump": Georgia Recount Auditor Claims Multiple Trump Ballots Fraudulently Called For Biden

>>11678313 Everybody Knows The Fight Was Fixed

>>11678321 Raging Kappy playing now

>>11678323 The Corporate Media Gaslighting Campaign That Failed

>>11678330 Ga. County's Uncounted Ballots Will Boost Trump, but by How Much?

>>11678338 Roger Stone to Newsmax TV: Trump Deniers Running 'Psy-op' for Biden

>>11678342 Lobbyists, Govt Officials Gather in Hawaii Despite Lockdowns

>>11678349 Black Lives Matter co-founder describes herself as ‘trained Marxist’

>>11678361 Maryland CEO charged with allegedly paying $1.5M to fencing coach to get sons into Harvard

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730213  No.11678593

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8dc43f  No.11678594

File: 8be8d9e1a408d4d⋯.mp4 (14.92 MB, 854x480, 427:240, DetroitLeaks_1_.mp4)


>Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel sent a ‘cease and desist’ letter to Big League Politics about their exclusive content #DetroitLeaks that outlined poll worker training wherein workers were bragging about committing voter fraud in a variety of different ways.

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1f7d17  No.11678595


#14910 Part 2/2

>>11678373 Joe Biden’s Transition Officials Received Intelligence On Michael Flynn Before Donald Trump Took Office

>>11678381 Sportsball: 'Anti-Colin Kaepernick' former NFL player Burgess Owens linked to QAnon elected to U.S. Congress

>>11678385 AZ Sec. of State: Katie Hobbs discloses financial support from foreign governments

>>11678389 Trump Won't Stop Posting a Bogus Voting Machine Conspiracy Theory From QAnon (no amount of MSM REEEEEE is stopping this Kraken)

>>11678402 Dominion Arms, Canada. Sells weapons, banned in US, from China

>>11678407 Nov 12 2018 - They knew then. They know now. (ARIZONA -Q)

>>11678411 Notable #Covid MAP

>>11678434 Dominion software's reputation for reliability may have taken another hit…

>>11678438 Despair Porn: NBC Cheers Lockdowns While Lamenting Pain Caused

>>11678445 Kissinger Warns Biden: Anti-China Coalition Could Cause "Catastrophe Comparable To World War I"

>>11678447 Project Veritas: Georgia Recount Auditors Call Multiple Ballots For Joe Biden That Were Actually Marked For President Trump

>>11678459 Jason Rantz: Seattle's downward spiral – these city actions are driving the decline

>>11678464 Pushing ‘defund the police,’ BLM turned its success into electoral disaster

>>11678479 Sidney Powell: the bravest, smartest, fiercest, patriot in America

>>11678484 , >>11678523 CNN Gets in on the List Game, Targeting 'Enablers' of Trump's Election 'Defiance'

>>11678496 Houston Announces Plan to Randomly Knock on Doors to Collect Blood Samples to Better Understand COVID

>>11678487 Qdrop# 2217 (anon decode)

>>11678508 Cop-Hating Portland Commissioner Apologizes For Her Behavior In a Lyft. Just Kidding, She Blamed 'White Supremacists'

>>11678511 Elections Canada does not use Dominion Voting Systems

>>11678527 Newsom's cozy ties with top lobbyist showcased by French Laundry dinner party

>>11678537 Gateway Pundit Asks DOJ to Investigate Michigan Attorney General’s Suppression of Voter Fraud News

>>11678538 New deadly virus Chapare found in La Paz Bolivia

>>11678542 Lawyer appeals lawsuit alleging election fraud in Detroit after Wayne Circuit Court dismissal

>>11678543 MSNBC’s Wallace: Right-Wing Media Pushing ‘Alternate Reality,’ ‘Interviewing Lunatics’

>>11678552 Sidney Powell: Impeach John Roberts if he dismisses election fraud

>>11678560 Does election justice now lie with GOP state legislators?

>>11678567 Chad Pergram: Facebook and Twitter CEO's testify before Congress TODAY

>>11678571 Election fraud: 'If I had a Hammer' … and the DNC did!


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8d79d3  No.11678596




>Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel sent a ‘cease and desist’ letter to Big League Politics about their exclusive content #DetroitLeaks that outlined poll worker training wherein workers were bragging about committing voter fraud in a variety of different ways.

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8da67f  No.11678597


Nah, it's baker's BFF. They hang together. Have been for a couple months at least now. Trade off and take turns posting and baking. Baker will notable every single item BFF posts even if duplicate stories appeared earlier. No discernment. Though maybe baker will lay off a few now that I posted this. Doubtful though.

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b48dff  No.11678598

File: 1bf4dcc7cba09a0⋯.jpg (601.3 KB, 1294x1065, 1294:1065, tides.jpg)

TIDES in same building as DOMINION.

Tides has received at least $3.5 million from financier and political activist George Soros.

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e8aa04  No.11678599

File: e0e4bd236182390⋯.png (10.37 KB, 567x103, 567:103, ming.PNG)


California lawmakers, lobbyists mingle on

Maui at getaway, pandemic or no pandemic

San Francisco Chronicle, by Alexei Koseff

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28e589  No.11678600


I was wondering when Grumpy would show up since Sleepy already popped by - don't worry it will all be over soon.

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d90308  No.11678601

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

IRON EAGLE movie trailer (1986)

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fb8b52  No.11678602


that's a pretty fucking weak letter.

>Violation of Michigan Law

all of them?


>Oct 28

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b475d3  No.11678603

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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cf714f  No.11678604


oops forgot…


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5f20b7  No.11678605

File: b51b1a5279177cb⋯.png (773.78 KB, 555x930, 37:62, ClipboardImage.png)

https://twitter.com/HB04920973/status/1328640268455858177?s=20 planefag data not normal military in air

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c173ee  No.11678606

File: c366b398cc2b1d9⋯.png (295.68 KB, 800x707, 800:707, rpcb.png)


Well no fucking shit!

You and Jeffy news bot are god damn genius's! :D

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e8aa04  No.11678607

File: 8fc4b19bfc22b97⋯.png (593.22 KB, 813x548, 813:548, plans_to_crush_it.PNG)


The U.S. Economy’s Remarkable Recovery Continues As Biden Plans To Crush It

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fa0da0  No.11678608

Got one of those whacky friends who's always coming up with inside info, but usually are full of shit, still, need some help on this one frens.

Did the US perform Dominion server raids in Canada or Barcelona? Maybe investigations?

Were Dominion servers used to tally covid results?

I want to call bs on all of this, but OD ( old Dominion ) is working on corona tallies OO

and Canada makes Dominion servers.

Any notables or bread regarding these would be very much appreciated.

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46373f  No.11678609


theyre making a list

theyre checking it twice…

and theyre cancelling christmas

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31f9ad  No.11678610

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Call me

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8dc43f  No.11678611

File: 34129e8809a93bf⋯.png (360.74 KB, 540x404, 135:101, ClipboardImage.png)


>Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel


Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel has joined a coalition of attorneys general urging President Donald Trump to rescind an executive order that they say could be misinterpreted to prohibit implicit bias trainings for federal contractors and federal grantees.

The coalition wants a commitment from the federal government to expand trainings aimed at understanding and combating racial injustice, a news release said Monday.

“Whether this executive order intentionally means to prohibit implicit bias trainings for certain groups or not, there is at the very least a possibility for it to be interpreted as such,” Nessel said. “The order must be revised to state full support for the use of these trainings to avoid any confusion on the matter, and to continue to progress this country has made in ensuring those from diverse backgrounds and ideologies are not subjected to stereotyping or other harms in the workplace.”

Trump’s order on “Combating Race and Sex Stereotyping” decrees a federal policy “not to promote race or sex stereotyping or scapegoating in the federal workforce or in the Uniformed Services, and not to allow grant funds to be used for these purposes.”

Earlier this year, Nessel created a list of proposals for police reform in Michigan, with one of those being the improvement of police policies and trainings – including implicit bias trainings.

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer also issued a directive requiring state departments and other agencies to conduct implicit bias trainings for all state employees by the end of the year, with biennial trainings going forward.

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a1873b  No.11678613

File: 94d1ab845777a9d⋯.png (79.73 KB, 255x168, 85:56, 46475785.png)

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cf714f  No.11678614


Let them eat cake ?

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e8aa04  No.11678615

File: 70ac2fcf6fb8015⋯.png (538.07 KB, 758x598, 379:299, no_spine.PNG)


Vichy Amanpour sees Nazis, but has no spine

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c29aac  No.11678616

File: a843e1b598a5b37⋯.png (28.09 KB, 407x580, 407:580, ClipboardImage.png)



Holy crap, 689 results.

This info could confirm the OP but

I wonder if it confirms the EV data

used to plot out on the EV map.

Skimming through it now, looks a little

like circular/wrap-up that's focused

on the OP.

Still looking …

Others seem to be looking for

same thing: confirmation of the

numbers …

Wonder if related to emergency

meeting at WH today.

Anyone have deets on what

happened with that?

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a5985d  No.11678617


There are many that make exscuses for epople and try to shade their true intentions but.

When you know you know.

There is no wattage leak or whatever you want to fucking imagine.

I know what you5r up to as you do I but heres the thing deep state commie? You are going to overdose on adderal before you even get clopse to discovering the truth of what you are inkling on unless you repent. Some more vinegar for you this morning

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8da67f  No.11678618


Weak to us, and old to us and already notabled and in qresear.ch. But baker and BFF don't care. It'll go in notables, as usual.

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fa0da0  No.11678619



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a5985d  No.11678620

File: 08843ad1e9cc2f1⋯.gif (125.35 KB, 220x220, 1:1, SHUTITDOWN21.gif)

File: 05a97ab0d2c6a3e⋯.jpg (94.76 KB, 300x300, 1:1, Turn_Up.jpg)


Oh yeah not really mad, just the passive aggressive frustrations of the observer when the choose to observe can be agitating if one allows it to be grr. Okay done. Shut it down.

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e8aa04  No.11678621

File: 10b97191b040582⋯.png (21.76 KB, 984x218, 492:109, boy_sc.PNG)


Sex abuse claims made against Boy Scouts near 90,000

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31f9ad  No.11678622


One of the few songs I would turn off "the MTV" when it came on. Always HATED that one.

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49d7e1  No.11678623


>Many are growing weary

Nope. Got that fucking wrong asshole!

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fa0da0  No.11678624

File: 750404003304513⋯.jpg (148.85 KB, 800x570, 80:57, 750404003304513d333457b779….jpg)

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c173ee  No.11678625

File: 18eb210c8c5c81c⋯.png (292.89 KB, 814x707, 814:707, rpbh.png)


OSS and his widdle Animefagbaker fren, huh?!

Trying to put real hard working news faggots out of business?! Sucking up all the Juice!?

Cunt bubbles need a little [PAIN]!? :D

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248fcd  No.11678626

File: 03a5bfccd043cd6⋯.png (157.96 KB, 532x543, 532:543, 6cf0c6411ba23c712b45e3c92d….png)

File: ab8dab40586efbd⋯.png (618.38 KB, 1567x526, 1567:526, 6cf0c6411ba23c712b45e3c92d….png)

File: 29f86f439cb633a⋯.jpg (162.79 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 29f86f439cb633aebd3972b62a….jpg)

File: 128859590d9d335⋯.jpg (194.93 KB, 900x639, 100:71, bananasplits.jpg)

File: 239e6b0fb1f2b5f⋯.png (99.48 KB, 526x321, 526:321, Screenshot_2019_05_16_Cath….png)

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b48dff  No.11678627

File: 90586a8771a23ed⋯.jpg (322.77 KB, 598x807, 598:807, tides2.jpg)


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a5985d  No.11678628

And that's right my buddy said dont forget the 7 dwarves helped that cunt snow white out when she needed it most!

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c29aac  No.11678629

File: 80ee082179cb4d9⋯.png (32.4 KB, 545x536, 545:536, ClipboardImage.png)

What happened to 4plebs?

jpgs won't load.

timeline on fix?

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fde169  No.11678630

File: e51536d35b6a692⋯.png (229.47 KB, 373x294, 373:294, ClipboardImage.png)

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1f7d17  No.11678631


>Wonder if related to emergency meeting at WH today.


>Anyone have deets on what happened with that?


never heard anything come out of it


it was not until AFTER the meeting that the enitre trump legal team and then OANN ran with the Scytl "story"

it strikes me as significant that Lin Wood and Sidney Powell endorsed it, and that OANN aired it

and those events happened AFTER the emergency meeting

while the original drop on halfchan happened on 11/08/20 (9 days ago now)


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e8aa04  No.11678633

File: 98634a3aded1811⋯.png (25.8 KB, 1026x232, 513:116, nev_redo.PNG)


Nevada vote discrepancies, including six people who voted twice, lead to redo of county commission race

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8dc43f  No.11678634

File: b00818e8c7261c0⋯.png (216.1 KB, 391x597, 391:597, ClipboardImage.png)


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8d79d3  No.11678635



>TIDES in same building as DOMINION==.

>Tides has received at least $3.5 million from financier and political activistGeorge Soros.


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1f7d17  No.11678636



your awesome anon

never stop being you

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8da67f  No.11678637


You got it. Nice to see someone else here that's wise to these clowns.

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98c660  No.11678638

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>11677895 (lb)

Holy moly Anons..

Noted no one really posted anything on our new friend, few things about him and his twitter stood out discretely, so i did a quick dig changing the obvious spelling difference on our mysterious USSS friend.


'John Galt' reveals a character from a book called Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

Atlas Shrugged is a 1957 novel by Ayn Rand. Rand's fourth and final novel, it was also her longest, and the one she considered to be her magnum opus in the realm of fiction writing.[1] Atlas Shrugged includes elements of science fiction, mystery, and romance, and it contains Rand's most extensive statement of Objectivism in any of her works of fiction. The theme of Atlas Shrugged, as Rand described it, is "the role of man's mind in existence". The book explores a number of philosophical themes from which Rand would subsequently develop Objectivism. In doing so, it expresses the advocacy of reason, individualism, and capitalism, and depicts what Rand saw to be the failures of governmental coercion.

The book depicts a dystopian United States in which private businesses suffer under increasingly burdensome laws and regulations. Railroad executive Dagny Taggart and her lover, steel magnate Hank Rearden, struggle against "looters" who want to exploit their productivity. Dagny and Hank discover that a mysterious figure called John Galt is persuading other business leaders to abandon their companies and disappear as a strike of productive individuals against the looters. The novel ends with the strikers planning to build a new capitalist society based on Galt's philosophy of reason and individualism.

John Galt

John Galt (/ɡɔːlt/) is a character in Ayn Rand's novel Atlas Shrugged (1957). Although he is not identified by name until the last third of the novel, he is the object of its often-repeated question "Who is John Galt?" and of the quest to discover the answer. Also, in the later part it becomes clear that Galt had been present in the book's plot all along, playing several important roles though not identified by name. [Q!?]

As the plot unfolds, Galt is acknowledged to be a philosopher and inventor; he believes in the power and glory of the human mind, and the rights of individuals to use their minds solely for themselves. He serves as a highly individualistic counterpoint to the collectivist social and economic structure depicted in the novel, in which society is based on oppressive bureaucratic functionaries and a culture that embraces mediocrity in the name of egalitarianism, which the novel posits is the end result of collectivist philosophy.

It then appears to have morphed into a movie series too:


VERY interdasting individual here frens, very dasting. There is something 'otherworldly', about him.

I know Wiki ain't the usual preferred sauce, but has the best concise bio's on whats important;



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28e589  No.11678639


I figured as much Grumpy. When you've been around as long as you have, seen so much, of course you'd be annoyed. The next phase will be much easier.

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8814cf  No.11678640

File: b7146acaa182b20⋯.gif (67.04 KB, 487x270, 487:270, 8765n78658756.GIF)

Lou Dobbs just announces FBI investigation into voter fraud.

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a1873b  No.11678641

File: e5ad88d1ebf0684⋯.png (518.05 KB, 800x464, 50:29, 363636.png)

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fa0da0  No.11678642


Seriously? The real version? If you're not joking, you're the first I've heard. Not that there's anything wrong with that. We all have our tastes.

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730213  No.11678643

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


comfy af

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a5985d  No.11678644

File: da77f634283f730⋯.gif (114.24 KB, 220x220, 1:1, Approval_SHUTDOWN.gif)

File: 8fb7aaa3024b7eb⋯.png (199.45 KB, 500x475, 20:19, Bar_Shut_It_Down.png)

File: d600357c82898db⋯.gif (1.32 MB, 500x281, 500:281, BR_Cesspool_SHUTDOWN_.gif)

File: 5dbbc7f4aa74ae0⋯.gif (1.54 MB, 498x498, 1:1, BR_SHUTDOWNAGAIN.gif)

File: 069b81723e3685e⋯.jpeg (661.98 KB, 1776x1776, 1:1, Pepe_Storm.jpeg)


This motherfucker right here…Gets it.

Great modeling Kalven Klein

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c173ee  No.11678645

File: 15101a08db02478⋯.png (296.36 KB, 814x707, 814:707, rpmm.png)


Yesterdays news is soooo notable

Hey! Let's fucking renotable every god damn thing we have ever learned, Wanna!?

Where that little Monkey at because we all know every false biden dick pic he see's and then sends to the god damn FBI is notable!

muh muh muh RESEARCHER! muh muh muh! :D

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fde169  No.11678646


The Winged Serpent Rises

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8dc43f  No.11678647



The system of fagging had long been a part of Harrow School life, and remained embedded in its culture up until the 1990s. In his detailed history of the school, Tyerman recorded that in 1796 fagging was compulsory for boys up to the fourth form, and that 50 out of 139 boys were then fags. He observed that in some situations fagging could either encourage or conceal sexual activity between boys, and that fagging began to decline at around the same time as homosexuality was eradicated as an acceptable part of the school environment. In 1928, Harrow master, C.H.P. Mayo, said of fagging: "Those who hope to rule must first learn to obey…to learn to obey as a fag is part of the routine that is the essence of the English Public School system…the wonder of other countries". The actor, Simon Williams described how, as a new pupil in 1959, he was required to fag for prefects who were four years his senior, involving duties as spit and polishing his shoes, making his bed, serving tea, and even pre-warming the toilet seat for him.

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da97b7  No.11678648

November —17– is the 321st day of the year (322nd in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. 44 days remain until the end of the year.

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98c660  No.11678649

File: d394beefb798373⋯.png (262.76 KB, 646x836, 17:22, ClipboardImage.png)


Dang it, the key image bugged out.

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c29aac  No.11678650


>while the original drop on halfchan happened on 11/08/20 (9 days ago now)

You serious? Drop with this map was 9 days ago?

I just started seeing it late last night.

I'm cautiously optimistic after reading what you just posted.

Can feel heart rate starting to pickup just

thinking about what happens once this goes


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8dc43f  No.11678651


>Tides has received at least $3.5 million from financier and political activist George Soros.


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e8aa04  No.11678652

File: 7143ea6ebd09be3⋯.png (25.14 KB, 965x250, 193:50, in_30_years.PNG)


The Dow just clinched its fastest bear-market recovery in 30 years

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fa0da0  No.11678653

File: ba02e0a5d3dad8a⋯.png (598.68 KB, 564x748, 141:187, z242f.png)

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1f7d17  No.11678654

>>11678227 , >>11678304 , >>11678335 , >>11678350 , >>11678524 , >>11678541 , >>11678577 , >>11678598 , >>11678627 The whole US ELECTION 2020 depends on a dodgy shady looking building in Canada??? Seriously?

One Building to Bring Them All Together

One Building to Bind Them

And In The Darkness BLIND Them

one Building to rule them all…

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8da67f  No.11678655


qresear.ch is your friend on him.

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248fcd  No.11678656

File: b7ae8b9ab4b975b⋯.png (27.59 KB, 605x400, 121:80, 2019_05_1801Agnew_Fasulo.png)

File: 806f24a74caaa05⋯.png (52.6 KB, 670x420, 67:42, 2gsjgna1uruvUuS7ndh9YqVwYG….png)

File: d0fabf20e945bef⋯.png (235.56 KB, 1324x3230, 662:1615, Screenshot_2019_05_16_cath….png)

File: 677a7a89e3a7f4a⋯.png (117.14 KB, 1140x1589, 1140:1589, Screenshot_2019_05_16_cath….png)

File: 8590622c09b1c38⋯.png (309.19 KB, 1324x4532, 331:1133, Screenshot_2019_05_16_cath….png)

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b48dff  No.11678657



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c173ee  No.11678658

File: 03044f23538e0f3⋯.png (313.73 KB, 814x707, 814:707, rpsn.png)


Jesus fucking Christ those are the dumbest god damn memes that I have ever seen, Pyle!

I want to claw my fucking eyes out right now yet I will not do that because I will need them to see in order to KMS later! ;D

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a5985d  No.11678659

File: 1d45ba786836d33⋯.jpg (439.13 KB, 1239x1564, 1239:1564, HRA.jpg)


Please continue introducing schema for what "Putting the Pieces Together" Looks like thanks anon. Here is your formal badge

Remember that night ? Nope me either it fell off catalog. "No Longer In Existence" Persay…

Got like 30 of these

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8dc43f  No.11678660


>"Those who hope to rule must first learn to obey…to learn to obey as a fag is part of the routine that is the essence of the English Public School system…the wonder of other countries".

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67fbaf  No.11678661

File: cb99948782e5cdd⋯.jpg (490.49 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, KickAssSid.jpg)

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c29aac  No.11678662


tempted to redpill with this map but

been burned too many times already

since start of lock down with all the Tom Hanks

Ellen crap.

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8d79d3  No.11678663


> Lou Dobbs just announces FBI investigation into voter fraud.

NOTABLE if sauced/confirmed

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a5985d  No.11678664

File: ddc7ed3a7a32a5e⋯.jpg (14.94 KB, 255x179, 255:179, 8Kun_Qresearch1.jpg)

File: 9cd4f37eb175a5d⋯.jpeg (52.51 KB, 480x480, 1:1, apuwins.jpeg)


Oh yes absolutely I posted it therefore I mean all information presented so much as identitty theft.

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a1873b  No.11678666

File: aa04d85cce56246⋯.png (268.52 KB, 529x500, 529:500, 6474.png)


The FBI has become the organized crime mob that it was originally formed to fight against

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31f9ad  No.11678667


The one you posted? Yeah, hated (still hate) both vid and song.

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e87cc2  No.11678668

File: 8ede90926520bac⋯.png (12.74 KB, 201x255, 67:85, f705e8b42b57ff9ec577d4d01b….png)


Poor German language. Choice of words, sentence structure, misspellings

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e5435c  No.11678669

CDC ADMITS — We counted 51,000 heart attacks as Covid deaths

May be notable

Video at link


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fde169  No.11678670

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

In Case Anyone Has Forgotten.

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2cdb31  No.11678671



>oct 28

yet, made the rounds before….

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af9d54  No.11678672

File: 1603e63dc4c502d⋯.png (17.95 KB, 573x150, 191:50, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2316a2375c9f5fd⋯.png (188.09 KB, 1636x823, 1636:823, Clipboarder_2020_11_17_007.png)


BAKERthis is not accurate and FALSE disINFORMATION!

>>11678511 Elections Canada does use Dominion Voting Systems


have personal experience, to attest to this. >>11678588

piX real-ated

They are trying to SCRUB THIS

"Dominion also provides ballot tabulation and voting systems for Canada's major party leadership elections,

including the Liberal Party of Canada, the Conservative Party of Canada, and the PC Party of Ontario.

Ontario was the first Canadian province to use Dominion's tabulator machines in the 2006 elections."


"Dominion was the subject of a hoax originated by followers of the far-right QAnon conspiracy theory, later spread by One America News Network,

President Donald Trump, and Trump surrogates and supporters. They alleged that the company’s voting machines had been compromised,

resulting in millions of votes for Trump being deleted or switched to votes for Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election.

Some made false claims that Dominion had close ties to the Clinton family or other Democrats.[3][4][5]

There is no evidence supporting these claims,

which have been debunked by various groups including election technology experts,

government and voting industry officials, and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).[3][5]

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8dc43f  No.11678673

File: 8f55bea11458aa0⋯.png (353.93 KB, 618x424, 309:212, ClipboardImage.png)

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49d7e1  No.11678674


Go get some air, you are worthless here.

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588191  No.11678675



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e8aa04  No.11678676

File: c17864f114cf9dc⋯.png (25.9 KB, 928x228, 232:57, brief_suit.PNG)


Conservative Journalist Successfully Sues State of Minnesota for Access to Coronavirus Briefings

State officials buckle, allowing PowerLine's Scott Johnson to join media briefings

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1f7d17  No.11678677


>You serious? Drop with this map was 9 days ago?


dont quote me on this

but the orrigial halfchan drop did NOT have the map

-that came later-

and I do NOT have the verified source

but it is in that giant list of 'scytl' hits you got on qresear.ch

check the pics related in this post

this was the OG halfchan drop

as you can see

sans map

(the map comes "ellegedy" from the DATA that was pulled from the servers)




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8dc43f  No.11678678


>Dominion was the subject of a hoax originated by followers of the far-right QAnon conspiracy theory

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2cdb31  No.11678679


precisely stated and entirely true.

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98c660  No.11678680


Apologies Sir, must have missed the specifics on him only remember general details, the Atlas Shrugged link is amazing.

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c173ee  No.11678681

File: 94fc5a681a50537⋯.png (292.02 KB, 912x690, 152:115, rpsna.png)


Did you just say PERSAY!

Jesus H fucking Christ, Pyle!

Didn't I train you better than that!


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b48dff  No.11678682


Summary: The Tides Foundation is the philanthropic Left’s best-kept secret. From Greenpeace to the anti-Israel J Street, there’s hardly a left-wing group that hasn’t taken Tides money. Using a sophisticated funding model, Tides has grown into the leading platform for laundering away ties between wealthy donors and the radical causes they fund—while generating hundreds of new organizations along the way.


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c29aac  No.11678683


Since this one's hogging a bit of the board tonight, has that video of her telling Hussein, "All for a damn flag" ever been covered at all by people on Fox or by Rush?

Did anyone ever find actual audio or different angle or anything?

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5ed960  No.11678684

Its going to be biblical

Dominion is biblical

The great awakening is incoming

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31f9ad  No.11678685

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Who's girl?

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a5985d  No.11678686


Kek… "Sound it out"…

What is interesting are the words that do not register and are highlighted anyway like Etcetera



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8da67f  No.11678688


No problem. Just letting you know there's info there.

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49d7e1  No.11678689

File: 17980c132e6c802⋯.mp4 (444.53 KB, 760x720, 19:18, ACBBiblical_edit.mp4)

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45b3ad  No.11678690


Pure soy

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b4fa69  No.11678691

All we have to do is stop testing healthy people.

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31f9ad  No.11678692


Whose girl? DUH

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248fcd  No.11678693

File: dfcecb5f680cd79⋯.png (1.24 MB, 974x2500, 487:1250, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 573eb8627aceaf1⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1200x904, 150:113, ClipboardImage.png)



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1f7d17  No.11678694


>this is not accurate and FALSE disINFORMATION!

5:5 anon

stripped the bunk notable and added your post as a new note


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a5985d  No.11678695

File: c8b04001aca768e⋯.jpg (201.14 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, BANKSY.jpg)


No no we need excuse to surveil you everywhere!

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5f20b7  No.11678696

File: 18fd718dc1b8100⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1427x900, 1427:900, ClipboardImage.png)


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8dfcb8  No.11678697

File: 3c6a67b7d703d77⋯.png (492.79 KB, 603x586, 603:586, 9044D6C5_DEF7_40BD_9CE3_D2….png)

Reading the Venomous Cottonmouth Story from previous bread. Says snake regurgitated two other snakes and anintact frog.

Comms for sure.

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204045  No.11678698


So let me get this right - George Soros, THEE George Soros, is Potentially involved in the 'voting' processes of the US of A?

I'm flabbergasted! It's been talked about for at least ten years but I'm still shocked.

So That's why he makes public betting calls on Trump being gone by 2020? Never guessed it'd be rigged voting as one of the 'insurance' stamps on that bet.

In other words, We KNOW Soros hovered around voting. Barr, for the love of God Arrest Somebody!

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21dc97  No.11678700

File: b2e2a847dd4eaf8⋯.png (114.23 KB, 1195x726, 1195:726, Capture2.PNG)

For those following…


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28e589  No.11678701

File: b785a5839b16c82⋯.jpg (177.53 KB, 1155x768, 385:256, R.jpg)


I've been listening to all your interviews. Riveting stuff fren.

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c29aac  No.11678702



That's what I meant by circular/wrap-up.

But still hanging onto possibility.

Wonder what odds we'd get in Vegas for the validity of the "actual" numbers?

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97d857  No.11678703


Can the us army confirm this?

Where is the source?

Or is it just a text on the internet?

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c29aac  No.11678704


Another one that seriously needs to be GITMOd in GITMO.

fuh rilz, yo!

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c173ee  No.11678705

File: f5dcbf3ce6b9128⋯.jpg (40.13 KB, 500x723, 500:723, 8f2a1cf7af88ca290acfe5909d….jpg)


You cunt bubbles wouldn't know BIBLICAL if God smacked you in the face with his Dick!

Now drop and give me 20 hail Mary's and a Lord's prayer!

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204045  No.11678706


What are they going to do?

Stop America working? Tools down?

They're late.

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4fb7d7  No.11678708


Skull and Bones

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49d7e1  No.11678709

File: 24e9b5fdb117b42⋯.jpg (127.95 KB, 750x873, 250:291, FlySorosFly.jpg)

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bff27a  No.11678710

File: 70ee1cd1c0abb10⋯.mp4 (14.58 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 3_TREASON_INFERNO_DANTE_MI….mp4)







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248fcd  No.11678711

File: 6ff0bdde5b18dd8⋯.png (602.26 KB, 620x815, 124:163, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 08806e98c2dc661⋯.png (2.23 MB, 1457x1321, 1457:1321, 2e056c43e43f027a2322141e26….png)

File: 8237b08ab2ce055⋯.png (847.09 KB, 584x818, 292:409, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2b4a8bcfe45ae50⋯.png (693.41 KB, 680x890, 68:89, 2e056c43e43f027a2322141e26….png)

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3c8745  No.11678712

Fun fact: Lin Wood's name is Lincoln

Lincoln will save the country again

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b48dff  No.11678713

Dominion Voting Systems shares an office floor with the George Soros-funded left-wing Tides Foundation in Toronto. Our tipster makes clear that “Soros people” are very close with Dominion, which has partnered with a voting technology company chaired by one of left-wing billionaire George Soros’ best friends and associates. Dominion was caught flipping votes from President Donald Trump to Joe Biden in the 2020 election, and Trump has cited data to accuse Dominion of widespread vote-flipping and vote-losing in key states. Dominion is headquartered in Toronto and has a U.S. office in Denver.

The Robertson Building’s Directory of Tenants shows that Dominion Voting is listed at both Suite 200 (the suite Dominion lists publicly) and also Suite 370, which places it in neighborly range of the Tides Canada Foundation in suite 360. Tides Foundation in America, based in San Francisco, created and financially supports Tides Canada Foundation. The Tides Foundation has reportedly received more than $20 million in donations from George Soros’ groups, and Tides shares Soros’ vision for a radical left-wing makeover of Western civilization and the world. Tides has given out money to numerous left-wing groups including ACORN and Project Vote and recently created the Black Lives Matter Support Fund.

This is just one link between Dominion Voting Systems and George Soros. Access Wire reported that “Dominion entered into a 2009 contract with Smartmatic and provided Smartmatic with the PCOS machines (optical scanners) that were used in the 2010 Philippine election, the biggest automated election run by a private company.”

Smartmatic is chaired by Mark Malloch-Brown, who is good friends with George Soros and even called Soros his landlord at a five-bedroom house in Westchester County, New York. Malloch-Brown has worked with Soros on various projects including as vice chairman of the Open Society Institute and also Soros Fund Management. Mark Malloch-Brown is listed as a Global Board Member of George Soros’ Open Society Foundations.

Even Democrats harshly investigated Dominion Voting Systems for its well-documented lack of security and for using Chinese parts.

An Elizabeth Warren press release dated December 10, 2019 documents that Warren and fellow Democrat senators Amy Klobuchar and Ron Wyden investigated and exposed Dominion Voting Systems among two other election software systems owned by private equity.

“The three vendors — Election Systems & Software, Dominion Voting Systems, and Hart InterCivic — collectively distribute voting machines and software that facilitate voting for over 90% of all eligible voters in the United States. Private equity firms reportedly own or control each of these vendors, which “have long skimped on security in favor of convenience,” leaving voting systems across the country “prone to security problems,'” the press release stated, citing election security experts.

Even NBC News reported: “The source of the nation’s voting machines has become an urgent issue because of real fears that hackers, whether foreign or domestic, might tamper with the mechanics of the voting system. That has led to calls for ES&S and its competitors, Denver-based Dominion Voting Systems and Austin, Texas-based Hart Intercivic, to reveal details about their ownership and the origins of the parts, some of which come from China, that make up their machines.”

House Democrats then went after Dominion Voting Systems in a 2020 hearing, with Rep. Zoe Lofgren blowing the lid off the Chinese parts used by Dominion.

"Securing our elections should not be a partisan issue."

Early in 2020, Dems held a hearing with 3 major private election vendors, including DOMINION VOTING SYSTEMS.

The Dem. Chair revealed voting components from China, widespread Internet & hacking vulnerability & WORSE.???? pic.twitter.com/m69dHoxM33

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fde169  No.11678714


They're eating their Own

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a1873b  No.11678715

File: 442203f3c9ad4a5⋯.jpg (225.22 KB, 800x535, 160:107, PerSe.jpg)

File: 4e9e1a2ce1ff37d⋯.pdf (99.45 KB, menu.pdf)


anon, that looks like a swanky restaurant

you have to wear a jacket

classy !


I'm opting for the Atlantic Monkfish with an Alsace white wine

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305e94  No.11678716

>Military Ops out the ass

>Information warfare everywhere against them

>Landslide election fraud evidence

>FED already gone


>"U-Um, w-we're extending lockdown a bit more, please wear your mask… ;_;"

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c29aac  No.11678717


Another one that seriously needs to be GITMOd in GITMO.

fuh rilz, yo!

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e8aa04  No.11678718

File: 1a0b803daa91f52⋯.png (52.07 KB, 1361x372, 1361:372, skips_fire.PNG)


CNN's Brian Stelter skips Jeffrey Toobin's firing from New Yorker, MSNBC's Jon Meacham snafu on media show

The 'Reliable Sources' host has become reliable in skipping coverage of some of the biggest media stories

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ada152  No.11678719


Can we stop posting this absolute garbage? The source of this is some house candidate who provides NOTHING of substance. To me this looks like bad actors at OAN running bullshit on purpose to look bad.

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1f7d17  No.11678720


>Or is it just a text on the internet?

as of right now

its -just- text on the internet

but like

how about that russian docier, anon?

did that not start as text on the internet?


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8da67f  No.11678721


Notice OSS's BFF backed off on posting. They were closing in on starting page 3 of notables for this bread.

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000000  No.11678722

Denis [O'Brien]?

>Clinton visited richest man in Ireland in 2017 after Hillary loses.


National Security Adviser [O'Brien] pushes for transition to Biden?


President Donald Trump’s national security adviser promised a “very professional transition” to the administration of President-elect Joe Biden in an interview broadcast Monday, even as Trump continues to falsely claim he won the November election.

Robert O’Brien several times mentioned the transition and referred to recent normalization deals that Bahrain, Sudan and the United Arab Emirates struck with Israel as “a great legacy for the president to have as he leaves office.”

O’Brien’s comments signaled some of the firmest statements yet from a senior administration official acknowledging Biden’s win in the Nov. 3 vote.

November 16, 2020


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9fab3e  No.11678723


hey! Castle Hill

one of my favorite places

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e8aa04  No.11678724

File: 8beff96eaf7b252⋯.png (325.54 KB, 646x783, 646:783, hook.PNG)


'OFF THE HOOK' Jeffrey Epstein’s plea deal ‘gives Ghislaine Maxwell immunity from prosecution’

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46373f  No.11678725


color of law violation?


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9fab3e  No.11678726

Clingstone in the background

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fa0da0  No.11678727

File: 262d2f3dcf1e47e⋯.jpg (50.2 KB, 550x558, 275:279, zzzz0209366681r.jpg)

File: ae2006431387a61⋯.jpg (34.41 KB, 391x374, 23:22, zzzz0209366681t.jpg)

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3c8745  No.11678728

Question: How do the hand recounts get accumulated?

The 2.7 million vote switches were done at the state level, not the county/precinct level.

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31f9ad  No.11678729

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"Be All You Can Be"

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a1873b  No.11678730

File: 15e0da18e4a1c93⋯.png (10.34 KB, 197x255, 197:255, 53637.png)


>intact frog.

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5ed960  No.11678731


Louie Gomerts isnt a reputable source for you?

OANN not good enough?

What do you desire for proof?

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fa0da0  No.11678732


It better hurry or we're going green, losing 2a, getting locked down and surrendering more than half our paychecks.

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97d857  No.11678733

Ok, enough of this bullshit




This shit walks around the internet since 3 days and nobody came forward or any other source confirmed this shit. If the US Army did this, why is it still not confirmed? Where is the source?

Listen faggots, there is no source, this is unproven! This is not verified!

Who ever made this has for sure no contact to the US Army, otherwise the information had been confirmed three days ago.

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28e589  No.11678734


Ah there you are! I know you lived there for a time. I've been listening to your interviews and they are riveting. :) Can't wait to see the ending of this show. We are with you and may God bless you in this journey.

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97d857  No.11678735


>What do you desire for proof?

the us army confirming this

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8da67f  No.11678736





>Can we stop posting this absolute garbage? The source of this is some house candidate who provides NOTHING of substance.

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3c8745  No.11678737


The video doesn't match the audio. Deep fake. Wtach his lips and listen to the sound.

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bff27a  No.11678738

File: 618efc8f8bb3895⋯.jpg (64.4 KB, 800x960, 5:6, 618efc8f8bb38951e3651d3d19….jpg)

File: a04320e966ec421⋯.png (64.73 KB, 246x217, 246:217, a04320e966ec421c1af6ba6d0b….png)

File: b81b6f4b8f843e0⋯.gif (2.7 MB, 280x158, 140:79, b81b6f4b8f843e05b48c65faa7….gif)

File: 4752d8f6f7205b3⋯.gif (1.43 MB, 320x180, 16:9, 4752d8f6f7205b3780f4231b45….gif)

File: 18ad024d8a3f013⋯.png (475.58 KB, 1030x1460, 103:146, 18ad024d8a3f0139df1b55e2eb….png)



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1e1697  No.11678739


Any true fan of football is anti-Kaepernick. he was awful. Had a couple of good games. Locker room poison. Look at all the bums playing now, if he were good, he'd have been on a team.

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c29aac  No.11678740


I heard Gohmert discuss the OP but don't think he specifically addressed the "numbers" used to get to the 410T map.

That's what we're trying to confirm at least to the 2nd degree, better 3rd, just to be sure.

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c173ee  No.11678741

File: 1633bb7c6a6ce56⋯.jpg (65.9 KB, 800x486, 400:243, 2ea4554a800025d59fa6aae54d….jpg)


Fucking Great!

A god damn neck choker fag party!

Probably pass out cute little medals and tell us how brave we were, punching old ladies and shit! :D

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5ed960  No.11678742


Thanks anon, but the only interviews I do are private.

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b48dff  No.11678743

File: 5745b0c4866e13d⋯.jpg (263.29 KB, 469x495, 469:495, THRESHOLD_FOUNDATION.jpg)

File: f3ec140d78bb9f7⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 1153x1167, 1153:1167, THRESHOLD_LOGO.jpg)

File: a4441dbef703d7f⋯.png (9.11 KB, 225x225, 1:1, OROBOROS.png)


Oroboros Logo


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1f7d17  No.11678744


>Louie Gomerts isnt a reputable source for you?

hes republican, so obviously not

>OANN not good enough?

supports Trump, so obviously fake news

>What do you desire for proof?


it would be nice

if Generat Mad Dog Mattis would come to my house with the physical servers and give me a 6-8 hour debrief

then I would allow it into the notabrus without sperging out for 5 breads


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204045  No.11678745


Of course it does. How sweet. And That Wraps up the Epstein episode, Marlowe!

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0a64fd  No.11678746


This was the level of justice only kikes can get.

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fa0da0  No.11678747

NSA confirms.>>11678703

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9fab3e  No.11678748


Thank you

God Bless You as well

keep listening ;-)

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3c8745  No.11678749


Burgess Owens is Q? Who knew.

Yahoo isn't sending their best.

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97d857  No.11678750

Next question should be




smoke screen?

muddy the water?

so it is expected that we all bite this bait and at the end they call it a bluff and everyone who bite it an conspiracy retard…. great work anons.

verify and trust,

not listen and believe

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bff27a  No.11678752

File: 60ddf2c49d77a00⋯.mp4 (13.28 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 6_NSA_THE_TURNING_AWAY.mp4)



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248fcd  No.11678753


>Generat Mad Dog Mattis

is he out of the brig, then?

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4cddb7  No.11678754

How do you 'show' the public the truth?HOW?

How do you 'safeguard' US elections post-POTUS?HOW?

How do you 'remove' foreign interference and corruption and install US-owned voter ID law(s) and other safeguards?HOW?

It had to be this way.WHAT THE FUCK? WHY?

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5ed960  No.11678755


I chortled on that response.

The kraken takes time to rise, have patience.

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b48dff  No.11678756

File: 5454d620803c6d2⋯.jpg (124.26 KB, 601x453, 601:453, DAWN_NEWTON_THRESHOLD_CEO.jpg)


CEO of Threshold (linked to Tides) is an obvious Anti-Trumper.

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730213  No.11678757

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c173ee  No.11678758

File: 6df681d194b6454⋯.png (203.45 KB, 251x356, 251:356, 6df681d194b645404d5f2aca10….png)


Well Shannon and Jeffy gotta make that fucking money don't they?!

Q seems to like it up the ass like that so who TF is drill sergeant to question that gay AF shit!?

MUH MUH MUH Payseur and Alex Jones Sent MUH MUH MUH me! :D

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0fe135  No.11678759

File: b29156e36081a9d⋯.png (1002.94 KB, 800x1105, 160:221, ClipboardImage.png)

Plz, Q. We can haz small boom?

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c29aac  No.11678760


That was the whole point of the post, to find out whether or not it's been discussed and/or disproven on the board.

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aac2a6  No.11678761

WARNING: Beware of the fake 'welfare check' tactic

If you speak out the police will be used to intimidate you via a fake 'welfare check'. This sets up a situation where the police can do a 'justified' killing b/c the pretext is that you may be violent to yourself or to someone else. And if they do 'accidentally' shoot you, then you will not be able to dispute their false claims.

We need immediate legislation to make these false pretense welfare checks illegal and all police immunity removed .

Please pass this along.

Google Whistleblower Zach Vorhies Talks About the Police, FBI Raid


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3c8745  No.11678762


Why would anyone think for a minute that the CIA would push out any disinformation.

Come on, man, that's just not possible.

Be careful out there, folks.

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ea723b  No.11678764


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                 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲


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91c262  No.11678765


Johnheretohelp said there is a video of a seedsucker on Michael in the White House.

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1f7d17  No.11678766

File: 9a414c19c680f36⋯.png (503.95 KB, 761x976, 761:976, this_is_as_close_as_you_ge….png)


>If the US Army did this, why is it still not confirmed?

this is as close as your going to get as far as confirmation from the US Army until the indictments start dropping


>6:08 PM · Nov 6, 2020

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9fab3e  No.11678767

File: 99b171612c58664⋯.png (1.07 MB, 816x913, 816:913, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1076e8bfa3826a8⋯.png (326.6 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Good night friends and Patriots .. smiles up!

God is great!

Joseph J Flynn


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305e94  No.11678768

File: 97d9098d723fecc⋯.png (390.04 KB, 533x487, 533:487, hodge_pain.png)

We got a damn good show for ya'll.

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000000  No.11678770


boom junkies

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96dd8d  No.11678771

File: 7aaa2c84d1c678f⋯.jpeg (452.12 KB, 828x1442, 414:721, 6BD5321E_B56B_4669_B0DE_6….jpeg)

Australian media trial over Pell conviction adjourned; judge considers dismissing charges


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8dfcb8  No.11678772

File: 1e5a14f9dfce2a8⋯.png (962.71 KB, 900x675, 4:3, 351BF8C5_F319_4752_890E_6B….png)

Cargo container #1 ready for jettison into space for perpetuity. Godspeed George. Kek!


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0a64fd  No.11678773

If the nature of the Universe is String Theory……then our greatest warriors are guitarist?

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fa0da0  No.11678774


But yet, they manufacture and build Dominion servers and machines. And their manufacturing facility is owned by Soros ( but we knew that for years now. )

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28e589  No.11678776


Absolutely. Sometimes I get the feeling you don't just know a story but that you've sort of been there in person. Maybe you get what I'm saying. night fren

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8da67f  No.11678777

File: 8e041e7859cb3e9⋯.jpg (29.24 KB, 590x330, 59:33, disbelief.jpg)

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000000  No.11678778


god plays the g-string. kek.

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fa0da0  No.11678779

Lute players…

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0a64fd  No.11678780

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0b74e0  No.11678781


They didn't fail to spot it at all, they knew exactly what they were doing, it gave immunity to all his co-conspirators including Dershowitz (Epstein's lawyer and alledged party to the abuses). Also, the victims weren't consulted and I would expect (hope?) that it could be negated (lawfags?). That whole plea deal was based off Epstein being a 3 letter agency asset whereby Acosta was told to back off…

That deal was nothing more than another coverup, no justice for the victims.

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d868d1  No.11678782

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fa0da0  No.11678783


Maybe just a "Pop?"

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000000  No.11678785


where in the spectrum does the dersh fit? dark or light?

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a1873b  No.11678786

File: 910fc1c8f3136a7⋯.jpg (27.69 KB, 440x280, 11:7, 46467.jpg)


> neck choker fag party!

Yeah, I thought it was a bit expensive at $355 fixed price, but if it includes choking some faggots by the neck, count me in

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248fcd  No.11678787


the cost in human lives is less than otherwise

plus it works

hail victory

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eaa3d9  No.11678788


Most scientists are throwing out string theory recently and I’ve never gotten (ir understood) a full explanation as why is that.. why now?

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1f7d17  No.11678789

>>11678037 Dough

Notables are NOT endorsements

Notes @650 FINAL -BAKING

#14910 Part 1/2

>>11678273 , >>11678319 Paragon Europe: A swamp of companies into Voting , ID's , secure printing etc

>>11678271 Dominion Part of Council That Disputed Election Integrity Concerns in DHS Statement

>>11678095 Supposedly the Germany server data shows Trump landslide: 410-128

>>11678127 German ISP "confused" by their all-time traffic record on election night.

>>11678268 The Dominion machine uses a Samsung with WiFi.

>>11678263 PARAGON/(Dominion) owned by Irish. Clinton visited richest man in Ireland in 2017 after Hillary loses.

>>11678237 WE CAUGHT THEM! Part 5: In Competitive States, Once Biden Gained the Lead with MASSIVE Vote Dumps, The Remainder of Votes All Possessed Same Biden to Trump Vote Ratio — THIS IS INCONCEIVABLE!

>>11678113 UKRAINE HAS NOW LISTED JOE BIDEN AS WANTED ON Class A felony charges

>>11678122 Better sauce for red pilling frens on Peter Neffenger: Chariman at Smartmatic

>>11678181 Tomorrow, the Dragon will rise over Fort Bragg (Nov. 17)

>>11678200 Lin Wood: We have not yet fully engaged enemy. We will soon. Truth will prevail. (re-notable)

>>11678210 EXCLUSIVE: Lawyer at Pa. Secretary of State's Law Firm Harassed Trump Lawyer, Accused Her of Treason

>>11678222 Cuomo Admits to Threatening GOP Lives, Warns Atlas of ‘Old School’ Visit

>>11678227 , >>11678304 , >>11678335 , >>11678350 , >>11678524 , >>11678541 , >>11678577 , >>11678598 , >>11678627 , >>11678700 , >>11678713 The whole US ELECTION 2020 depends on a dodgy shady looking building in Canada??? Seriously?

>>11678229 Bet this doesnt age well (Vice news, muhQanon Dominion "conspiracy")

>>11678230 Trump hails ‘Big victory’ in Nevada after county board tosses local election results

>>11678251 Wisconsin Elections Commission Refuses to Do Recount Unless Trump Pays $7.9 Million Upfront

>>11678253 Dems Now Call For 'Unity' But Here's Why There Won't Be Any with Trump's Supporters

>>11678256 Chelsea Handler says talk show turned her into a lunatic

>>11678260 BREAKING: Biden's Lead In Georgia Slims As Thousands of Ballots Are Miraculously Found in Recount

>>11678266 Prepare for the Great Decoupling – Deplatforming moves downstream to WordPress.com and Mailchimp

>>11678278 , >>11678288 Georgia County Finds 2,600 Votes During Recount—Elections Director Asked to Step Down

>>11678279 There is no “We the People” without Election Law & Order

>>11678283 Breaking the Code: Exposing the 2020 Election Fraud with Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, Joe Hoft and Jim Hoft from Gateway Pundit – Tuesday at 3 PM ET

>>11678287 'Three Wrong Counts In Three Minutes': Georgia Recount Auditor Says Things Aren't Adding Up

>>11678298 Michelle Obama Suggests GOP Should Accept Biden Victory Claim: ‘This Isn’t a Game’

>>11678305 "No, This Is Trump": Georgia Recount Auditor Claims Multiple Trump Ballots Fraudulently Called For Biden

>>11678313 Everybody Knows The Fight Was Fixed

>>11678321 Raging Kappy playing now

>>11678323 The Corporate Media Gaslighting Campaign That Failed

>>11678330 Ga. County's Uncounted Ballots Will Boost Trump, but by How Much?

>>11678338 Roger Stone to Newsmax TV: Trump Deniers Running 'Psy-op' for Biden

>>11678342 Lobbyists, Govt Officials Gather in Hawaii Despite Lockdowns

>>11678349 Black Lives Matter co-founder describes herself as ‘trained Marxist’

>>11678361 Maryland CEO charged with allegedly paying $1.5M to fencing coach to get sons into Harvard

>>11678373 Joe Biden’s Transition Officials Received Intelligence On Michael Flynn Before Donald Trump Took Office

>>11678381 Sportsball: 'Anti-Colin Kaepernick' former NFL player Burgess Owens linked to QAnon elected to U.S. Congress

>>11678385 AZ Sec. of State: Katie Hobbs discloses financial support from foreign governments

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1f7d17  No.11678790


#14910 Part 2/2

>>11678389 Trump Won't Stop Posting a Bogus Voting Machine Conspiracy Theory From QAnon (no amount of MSM REEEEEE is stopping this Kraken)

>>11678402 Dominion Arms, Canada. Sells weapons, banned in US, from China

>>11678407 Nov 12 2018 - They knew then. They know now. (ARIZONA -Q)

>>11678411 Notable #Covid MAP

>>11678434 Dominion software's reputation for reliability may have taken another hit…

>>11678438 Despair Porn: NBC Cheers Lockdowns While Lamenting Pain Caused

>>11678445 Kissinger Warns Biden: Anti-China Coalition Could Cause "Catastrophe Comparable To World War I"

>>11678447 Project Veritas: Georgia Recount Auditors Call Multiple Ballots For Joe Biden That Were Actually Marked For President Trump

>>11678459 Jason Rantz: Seattle's downward spiral – these city actions are driving the decline

>>11678464 Pushing ‘defund the police,’ BLM turned its success into electoral disaster

>>11678479 Sidney Powell: the bravest, smartest, fiercest, patriot in America

>>11678484 , >>11678523 CNN Gets in on the List Game, Targeting 'Enablers' of Trump's Election 'Defiance'

>>11678496 Houston Announces Plan to Randomly Knock on Doors to Collect Blood Samples to Better Understand COVID

>>11678487 Qdrop# 2217 (anon decode)

>>11678508 Cop-Hating Portland Commissioner Apologizes For Her Behavior In a Lyft. Just Kidding, She Blamed 'White Supremacists'

>>11678527 Newsom's cozy ties with top lobbyist showcased by French Laundry dinner party

>>11678537 Gateway Pundit Asks DOJ to Investigate Michigan Attorney General’s Suppression of Voter Fraud News

>>11678538 New deadly virus Chapare found in La Paz Bolivia

>>11678542 Lawyer appeals lawsuit alleging election fraud in Detroit after Wayne Circuit Court dismissal

>>11678543 MSNBC’s Wallace: Right-Wing Media Pushing ‘Alternate Reality,’ ‘Interviewing Lunatics’

>>11678552 Sidney Powell: Impeach John Roberts if he dismisses election fraud

>>11678560 Does election justice now lie with GOP state legislators?

>>11678567 Chad Pergram: Facebook and Twitter CEO's testify before Congress TODAY

>>11678571 Election fraud: 'If I had a Hammer' … and the DNC did!

>>11678587 Lin Wodd, Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani Twitter Accounts 'Search Banned'

>>11678607 The U.S. Economy’s Remarkable Recovery Continues As Biden Plans To Crush It

>>11678633 Nevada vote discrepancies, including six people who voted twice, lead to redo of county commission race

>>11678652 The Dow just clinched its fastest bear-market recovery in 30 years (its the ECONOMY stupid…)

>>11678669 , >>11678693 CDC ADMITS — We counted 51,000 heart attacks as Covid deaths

>>11678672 Dominion also provides ballot tabulation and voting systems for Canada's major party leadership elections

>>11678676 Conservative Journalist Successfully Sues State of Minnesota for Access to Coronavirus Briefings

>>11678697 Reading the Venomous Cottonmouth Story from previous bread. Says snake regurgitated two other snakes and an intact frog (comms fo sho)

>>11678718 CNN's Brian Stelter skips Jeffrey Toobin's firing from New Yorker, MSNBC's Jon Meacham snafu on media show

>>11678722 National Security Adviser [O'Brien] pushes for transition to Biden?

>>11678724 'OFF THE HOOK' Jeffrey Epstein’s plea deal ‘gives Ghislaine Maxwell immunity from prosecution’

>>11678756 CEO of Threshold (linked to Tides) is an obvious Anti-Trumper.

>>11678767 Joseph Flynn: Good night friends and Patriots .. smiles up! God is great!

>>11678771 Australian media trial over Pell conviction adjourned; judge considers dismissing charges

save 'em for the next one fags!

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31f9ad  No.11678791


KEK That's me on vocals.

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26f252  No.11678792

File: 5e4a5e10e240988⋯.png (2.59 MB, 2448x1424, 153:89, counselii.png)

ok what the FUCK is this?


registered by Halliburton Company

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204045  No.11678793


You're a lazy researcher, so I'll help you out.

CNN hasn't mentioned it, so

1. It happened

2. It's confirmed

3. It's real

4. Members of Alien Expeditionary Force's X Group were involved as they were already on exercises in the UK trying to find where the Queen has been hiding.

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000000  No.11678794


E8 lattice.

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38adce  No.11678795

File: 7aaa924efe0dc60⋯.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1242x2031, 414:677, 5935A68F_2293_45A6_8F4D_2….jpeg)


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3c8745  No.11678796

Biden wins.

Hail Hydra.

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ebd41f  No.11678797


>If the nature of the Universe is String Theory

It isn't.

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8da67f  No.11678798


Same exact post 2x in bread, why?

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c173ee  No.11678801

File: 086ebd07604a28f⋯.jpg (14.09 KB, 400x257, 400:257, warface_0.jpg)



Australian media trial over Pell conviction adjourned; judge considers dismissing charges

That means Q was wrong so fuck it!

I am POSITIVE that the part of the "team" that sucks the Vatican's Cock is just fine with this!

Jesus H fucking christ!

*breaks shit!*

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248fcd  No.11678802



openly, proudly admits the jews run the media, academia etc; America is a better place for the influence of Jews who should never apologize for their strength.

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0a64fd  No.11678803


They ran all this through the WOPR and the WOPR said this way was the easist on normie fags. But not much fun for us.

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31f9ad  No.11678809

Is this thing freezing for 2 or 4 min then dumping 10- 20 posts for anybody else?

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3c8745  No.11678811


"China 'used secret microwave pulse weapon to cook Indian soldiers alive' and force them into retreat"

ChYna cooked them alive!!!!!

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a1873b  No.11678813

File: 50c7bca4d8b94ab⋯.png (130.94 KB, 308x262, 154:131, 3262.png)



is that triforce meme a signal for the retarded lesbian Animebaker to start spamming ?

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7ae8df  No.11678814

Anyone remember the movie, "Man of the Year" with Robin Williams?


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000000  No.11678815


When posting is slower, the "update" feature scales back how often it updates.


Yes, thankfully we do not share a border with C_I_A

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c173ee  No.11678816

File: a72d3e597cf7f2a⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1880x1308, 470:327, nsap6.png)


If the dynamic duo of disinformation P = Payseur pukes is going to be there, I better be invited!

Jesus h fucking christ! ;D

Zap 'em with your godamn Siren!

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fa0da0  No.11678817

Anons, think.

If the scytle raid in Frankfurt was fake, how long would it take for the US military to respond and say, "This is fake and we had nothing to do with it?"

The military loathes larps and fibbers.

Instead, they say nothing.

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bff27a  No.11678818

File: 93a7c6290d2b4a2⋯.mp4 (12.76 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 4_DONT_TREAD_ON_ME.mp4)


We've had this Technology in the 1960s but it's been shelved due to Treaties and the Humanity Principle of War. Instead we use them for Sensor Systems to Protect our National Security Assets.

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e8aa04  No.11678819

File: 0ba1132394bfbf0⋯.png (897.95 KB, 718x841, 718:841, I_O_keyb.PNG)

File: b245d0c199df82e⋯.png (251.29 KB, 599x384, 599:384, break_bread.PNG)

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0b74e0  No.11678820


Dark, imo. The tactics he uses to discredit victims is disgraceful. We see it here every day (attack the person, not the evidence) - he doesn't defend the accusations, he attacks the accusers integrity.

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31f9ad  No.11678821

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Toilet Paper Song

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fa0da0  No.11678822


What if P, was actually, "Pussy?"

I mean, almost all men answer to pussy, sooner or later.

It could happen.

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8da67f  No.11678823


You bet. It's just one of their many signals. And now the BFF has had to quit posting newsspam since Baker has 2 pages of so-called notables already. BFF now jumps IP's and begins either gore/kp/anime or red-text bs. Then we start all over next bread.

So predictable.

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a1873b  No.11678824

File: 7d8e91691d69845⋯.png (1.06 MB, 862x782, 431:391, 4646.png)


Indian soldier soup makes a nice change from Bat soup or roasted puppies I imagine

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ea723b  No.11678825

File: 2b7be1fc977abf1⋯.gif (140.81 KB, 220x305, 44:61, AOL.gif)


nope, just bored.

go back to samefagging with rainman though.

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45b3ad  No.11678826


No offense, but who gives a flying fuck?

Worthless hearings with zero consequences.

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c7534e  No.11678827

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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68c230  No.11678828


In addition:

DoJ did the seizure, USA did escort and security. DoJ hasn’t said diddly about the election. Army doesn’t talk to the press about this stuff anyway.

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000000  No.11678829


If you've never played The Legend Of Zelda, and you are hanging out here, you are going to have a bit of a learning curve ahead of yourself.

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7aba56  No.11678830


in Chynatown kek

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000000  No.11678831


never confirm nor deny.

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315e8c  No.11678832

The simple, honest man needs only simple, tools to exact justice.

The evil devise the most extravagant means of torture and death, Dramatically displaying the wages of defiance.

Yet my simple length of hemp rope; versatile, swift, sure, merciful, efficient, and humble…. is characterized as hateful. To merely display it would release a chorus singing for my crucifixion.

Bring back the noose for those who fear the simple, honest justice that it represents.

Power of the People

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c173ee  No.11678833

File: 361a6e76329437d⋯.png (8.36 MB, 1800x1200, 3:2, 361a6e76329437d535c1328b96….png)




Don't make me fucking…. what? the lil bitch put that shit in there?

I guess you get to live one more day, Pyle!

God is Great!

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eaa3d9  No.11678835


Sometimes better to play the fool and say nothing.. than to think one wise and speak word vomit

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e8aa04  No.11678836

File: 1955538c5a797be⋯.png (24.09 KB, 670x313, 670:313, dom_d.PNG)


COVID-19 Total Antibody Serology Testing

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21dc97  No.11678838

File: e6b2a7f9cf1fead⋯.png (90.37 KB, 1237x794, 1237:794, COMMONWEALTH_OF_AUSTRALIA_….PNG)

File: c63ce1d387d769e⋯.png (62.77 KB, 1239x697, 1239:697, COMMONWEALTH_OF_AUSTRALIA_….PNG)


I was digging through Dominion following cash any ways came across this…

Between 2020-07-13 and 2020-08-09


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1f7d17  No.11678839


I literally guffaw'd

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0a64fd  No.11678840



The Universe is the Mind of God.

In the Bi Polar world of nothing and something. Something always wins. As the forces go from one pole to the other there was a minor inperfection. A small inperfection that stood up like a nail on a board. Well as the wave pattern went from nothing to something over and over it heats up the nail……and conciousness is just a very hot vibration state…….And bang.


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32deb9  No.11678841

File: 19835f3c4ceb2c9⋯.png (273.99 KB, 479x427, 479:427, Concili1.PNG)

File: c369f8ae35f8d67⋯.png (228.75 KB, 483x475, 483:475, Concili2.PNG)


Looks like online democracy is coming. The picture on the website is Australian Parliament house. When I went to the website it showed 12 hours but now shows 21 days 3 hours.

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21dc97  No.11678842




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f810b5  No.11678843


Wait what? Tide Canada is in the same building? Tides is the org that manages BLM Global….



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1f7d17  No.11678844


>Is this thing freezing for 2 or 4 min then dumping 10- 20 posts for anybody else?

-baker on duty

yup, been like that for me for a few days now

anoying as fuck

sniping for @751 = impossibru

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a1873b  No.11678845


I've been hoping my shit-posting would stir anons up, as this is the most corpse-like bread I have ever been in

135 UID's but most are not posting/lurking

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32deb9  No.11678846


Just what you want with the current voter fraud and online voting solution…

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000000  No.11678847


electric universe. look it up.

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67fbaf  No.11678848

File: 5bb4735f5f33c67⋯.jpg (728.14 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, they_live_Enemies.jpg)


it will be a kind of "Senator, a great question and we need more transparency"…

Lock them up and stream the cell 24/7!

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c173ee  No.11678849

File: ca2c17aac1122e9⋯.jpg (194.81 KB, 1242x1191, 414:397, 96ac99dcab9e263164485dffd3….jpg)


That's because they are spineless worms taught to worship their mommies!

Drill Sergeant does not [P]lay that shit!

Bow to the large throbbing cock, Bitches!

They consider themselves lucky to have a warm hole to crawl inside of!

Jesus H fucking christ, Pyle! ;D

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1f7d17  No.11678850




>this is as close as your going to get as far as confirmation from the US Army until the indictments start dropping

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deec28  No.11678852

File: 2e5dc861c6774b8⋯.jpg (121.44 KB, 750x1082, 375:541, KissingerEugenicsSpeech200….jpg)


Kissenger needs a golden parachute. Or no chute just freeball on out

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5f20b7  No.11678853


https://twitter.com/LLinWood/status/1327425499472293888?s=20 https://twitter.com/BeyondLounger/status/1326970891964719118?s=20 https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/us-raid-software-company-scytl-seize-servers-germany-intel-source-says-yes-happened/?ff_source=Twitter&ff_medium=PostTopSharingButtons&ff_campaign=websitesharingbuttons

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0a64fd  No.11678854


What is a favorite link? I would hate to waste my time when you could help me so much.

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e87cc2  No.11678855


Tatsächlich? Nur EIN Beispiel…

Entweder: Die Server für die Manipulation standen in Deutschland (NOT Germany). Server Mehrzahl

Oder: Der Server für die Manipulation stand in Deutschland.

Server Einzahl

Und Surfer für Server ist grob falsch…

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000000  No.11678856



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b5e0ac  No.11678857

File: a8f0e4927c1c360⋯.png (77.27 KB, 764x715, 764:715, Screenshot_656.png)

File: 9560ca36e295a2c⋯.png (539 KB, 804x739, 804:739, Screenshot_655.png)


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bff27a  No.11678858

File: 0ed6c0d935561a4⋯.jpg (91.18 KB, 544x447, 544:447, TRUMP_WINNING.jpg)

File: b323f984d1c11ef⋯.jpg (97.44 KB, 889x500, 889:500, Cockmeat_Sandwiches.jpg)

File: 61e92a8bac7f3a4⋯.jpg (61.46 KB, 600x450, 4:3, PlugNPlay.jpg)

File: aeb7c74d9b9405b⋯.jpg (113.49 KB, 770x861, 110:123, Black_Silk.jpg)

File: 61974517646d748⋯.jpg (60.31 KB, 547x302, 547:302, Foxy_Ribbed.jpg)



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a1873b  No.11678859


On the few times I have noticed, the kiddie porn poster usually starts spamming just about bang on schedule at 9 AM Tel Aviv "every time"

Food for thought

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315fac  No.11678860

File: bc395c6e06bb488⋯.png (154.85 KB, 500x326, 250:163, Australien.png)

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31f9ad  No.11678861

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1f7d17  No.11678862


>On the few times I have noticed, the kiddie porn poster usually starts spamming just about bang on schedule at 9 AM Tel Aviv "every time"


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ea723b  No.11678863

File: 5d64fcaf7c1473f⋯.png (217.63 KB, 474x253, 474:253, SKSKSK.png)


guess you weren't around a couple years ago on 8ch when that other anon you're laughing and bullshitting with was known for calling every baker a clown baker, spamming dozens of posts each bread doing so, was exposed (some anon probably has the screencaps involved with Q), then resorted to flooding the catalog with "make it rain" breads because, you know, the vatican totally and completely runs the entire world and not the (((rothschild central banking apparatus))), where there'd be 4-6 hour breads at late night.

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8da67f  No.11678864


It happens all hours of the day, Anon. Literally all hours. I've been here a lot and all shifts since Election Day. No special time frame when it happens.

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000000  No.11678865

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>they're making a list

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fde169  No.11678867


Here's a fact that the Fact-checkers will fact check as false

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32deb9  No.11678869


Just realized 21 days brings us to 8 December which is the date all challenges to the election must be finalized and electors confirmed.

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a1873b  No.11678870


>The Legend Of Zelda

No offense, not into that cartoonish larp scene, never was, never will be

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0a64fd  No.11678871


You imagine its the the Jew?

You imagine correctly.

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c173ee  No.11678872

File: e544cbf23a00f5b⋯.jpg (15.12 KB, 236x247, 236:247, 67eed4fbb833905fc5c2ef8fd5….jpg)


Well holy fucking shit Smart Anon!

Ya think someone might want you to believe that the jews did everything and that raises no red flags in your little THEY KILLED MUH JESUS! mind?!

You are worthless and weak now drop and give me 20 P = PAYSEUR's!

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000000  No.11678874


>Wait what? Tide Canada is in the same building?

Birds of a feather flock together!

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31f9ad  No.11678875

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

RIP "The Professor"

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1e1697  No.11678877


Chick on the left with black nail polish?

Chelsea Clinton?

Recall how Madonna kissed (handed off the coven?) Brittany Spears whose whole life collapsed immediately after.

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45b3ad  No.11678878


Not everything is notable, you know?

Lurk moar

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71e270  No.11678883

File: f57917ef907327c⋯.jpeg (1.57 MB, 1772x981, 1772:981, 073261EC_CF1A_414E_9250_7….jpeg)



Ditto…kudos to your work Baker!

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c173ee  No.11678884

File: a86ebe1bcd716cf⋯.png (256.11 KB, 1490x626, 745:313, apsom.png)


Did cunt bubble get him fee fee's hurt?!

Show us on the doll where VATICAN Y HEAD TRUTH HURT YOU, faggot! ;D

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deec28  No.11678885

File: d46b602f060d3b6⋯.jpg (19.31 KB, 462x260, 231:130, BlazingSaddles_KCfaggots.jpg)


>made to brainwash you

It worked

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a1873b  No.11678886

File: 03b698ebba6f2ab⋯.png (801.34 KB, 620x610, 62:61, 45643.png)


been here and there (4/8chan) since 2015

seen lots of larps

things are pretty tame now

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31f9ad  No.11678887


I knew notables were in trouble when muh jew shit was added.

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1f7d17  No.11678891

File: 9a5e96064e7581e⋯.png (463.66 KB, 665x893, 35:47, laughing_pepe.png)

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730213  No.11678892

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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315fac  No.11678894

File: ffa2afab87c8416⋯.png (42.05 KB, 255x158, 255:158, 9bbb83744d861a0686a9882dd3….png)

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21dc97  No.11678895


Why the Australian parliament building though?

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c173ee  No.11678897

File: 5968a5b8b80e995⋯.jpg (14.03 KB, 236x236, 1:1, c543fc266f74fc25ca69237b1c….jpg)


muh muh muh Jews did everything not their VATICAN MASTERS! ya gotta P = PAYSEUR believe me! ;D

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000000  No.11678898

anons please share thoughts and updates on mark passio. still active? satanist past?

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8da67f  No.11678900


Ah but to this baker duo everything IS notable. One furiously posts half shit and half decent news, though nothing but title and sauce (if you can call it that half the time). The other furiously builds the notables list without anons' input at all. And if you question them, you usually don't get answers.

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fde169  No.11678901


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fa0da0  No.11678902



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71e270  No.11678905


I might be unique in that I have multiple VM’s and VPNs going.

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c173ee  No.11678906

File: 31434f3c2681dc6⋯.jpg (12.83 KB, 310x287, 310:287, a8e57fd30a111e44d9d552e63a….jpg)


ewww booga booga!

Scary shape shifting jews did everything!

Do you need yer fucking mommy, Pyle?!

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000000  No.11678907

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a1873b  No.11678908

File: 52bdf35173a116e⋯.png (183.13 KB, 366x416, 183:208, 3536.png)



no no no

please don't start a Payseur slide !

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1f7d17  No.11678910

Q Research General #14911: The Scytl Of Damocles Edition

Baker on Duty User ID in Fresh Bread:a1a14a

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

Baker Seeking Handoff

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fa0da0  No.11678912


Is he a jew?

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67fbaf  No.11678913

File: e4ce8b740d517b9⋯.png (305.96 KB, 698x884, 349:442, BadGerman.png)

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31f9ad  No.11678914


kek thought I was gettin the real thing. Imagine my surprise…

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b5e0ac  No.11678916

File: a62fa718fe5e2ef⋯.mp4 (46.14 KB, 404x270, 202:135, KmsdkwVbdv9lhTHq.mp4)

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ea723b  No.11678917

further confirmation of the infiltration.

too easy.

love it when they use 'kek' not knowing its double meaning means kill every kike.

fucking newfag idiots.

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a1873b  No.11678919


who ? the baker ?

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315fac  No.11678921

File: 1c93b65139c3b2a⋯.png (133.61 KB, 392x426, 196:213, Judenkasper.png)

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