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fe1be7  No.11323290[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 10.22.2020

>>11223312 ————————————–——– Only the beginning, Padawan.

>>11220122 ————————————–——– This is not going away ( CAP: >>11222148 )

>>11214309 ————————————–——– PLEASE FIX THE BREAD AND TIDY UP THE SHIP.

>>11214289 ————————————–——– Tonight, at the debate, when they push 'death count' vs. POTUS, remember this simple fact.

>>11212531 ————————————–——– ( CAP: >>11212542 )

>>11212046 ————————————–——– “Key domestic contacts for phase one target projects.” ( CAP : >>11212104 )

>>11211872 ————————————–——– ( CAP: >>11212215 )

>>11206292 ————————————–——– Did Hussein contact Matt Murray in attempt to persuade not to publish? ( CAP: >>11206370 )

>>11205743 ————————————–——– Financial disclosures ( CAP: >>11205767 )

>>11205650 ————————————–——– Biden insider claims he was witness (Cap: >>11205704)

Wednesday 10.21.2020

>>11203025 ————————————–——– Alan E. Kohler, Jr., FBI, Assistant Director, Counterintelligence Division (Cap: >>11203049 )

>>11202919 ————————————–——– Jill Tyson, FBI, Assistant Director, Office of Congressional Affairs ( CAP : >>11203007 )

>>11202817 ————————————–——– CIA Deputy Director Vaughn Bishop swearing in ceremony

>>11202692 ————————————–——– FBI Deputy Director, David Bowdich ( CAP : >>11202929 )

>>11202551 ————————————–——– Non_CIA_background next?

>>11202412 ————————————–——– Christopher Wray ( CAP : >>11202625 )

>>11202027 ————————————–——– BOOMS EN_ROUTE TOMORROW. This is not a drill.

>>11201288 ————————————–——– Dearest Virginia - We stand with you. ( CAP: >>11201396 , >>11201749 )

>>11200840 ————————————–——– Hunter Biden laptop linked to money laundering probe. (CAP: >>11200908 )

>>11200116 ————————————–——– Epstein, Maxwell, A deep dark world is being exposed. The truth won't be for everyone. Have faith in Humanity.

>>11200113 ————————————–——– #MeToo lost all credibility when they refused to support Tara Reade coming forward re: claims of sexual assault by Joe Biden

>>11199550 ————————————–——– Client? Political pundit [pollster] for sale? Do you see how it works? ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE (Cap: >>11199572)

>>11197253 ————————————–——– The Swamp Runs Deep

>>11193377 ————————————–——– Underage Biden Family Member - FBI can no longer protect? ( CAP : >>11193431 )

>>11193181 ————————————–——– Inappropriate to you? Normal to them? Dark secrets ( CAP : >>11193963 )

>>11193040 ————————————–——– A dark world is being exposed / The truth won't be for everyone / Have faith in Humanity

>>11192967 ————————————–——– Young Anderson Cooper and Mom (Human Sacrifice Symbolism)

>>11192896 ————————————–——– Patton Oswalt -Checking in at Comet Ping Ping (pizzagate)

>>11192872 ————————————–——– Bill Mahr Production Company -Kid Love Production

>>11192741 ————————————–——– ABC News told us it was just a gym -Epstein Island Temple

>>11192736 ————————————–——– Freedom of information [truth] = END ( ANON: >>11192597 )

>>11192602 ————————————–——– The 4 pillars of the Democrat party (the media)

>>11192505 ————————————–——– Sometimes you cant TELL the public the truth. YOU MUST SHOW THEM

>>11192402 ————————————–——– re-drop You didn't think we highlighted 'Epstein' for no reason did you?

>>11192330 ————————————–——– re-drop Corruption in DC > How to Get Rich

>>11192227 ————————————–——– Twitter has been given the green light to blanket censor all content deemed to threaten their SURVIVAL [election].

>>11192101 ————————————–——– All [3] movies playing simultaneously?

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New?: Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown




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fe1be7  No.11323316

Global Announcements

>>11304131 List of States and how to change your vote!

>>11227964, >>11228479, >>11228777, >>11229114, >>11229209, >>11229789 Board Owner Adds 4 BV's

>>11224218 CM Weighs in on State of Baking

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>11323207 DOJ presser so far summed up

>>11323195 [NSFW] Judge for yourself if this girl is Natalie Biden [NSFW]

>>11323077 REMINDER: Plenty of investigators working on corruption

>>11323055 Biden family scandal: Seven uncomfortable realities confronting the Democrat nominee

>>11323022 Q_markers in DOJ/FBI hearing? FOX THREE, >>11323039, >>11323081 The Hunters became the Hunted

>>11322835 Anon digs on LA Tractor trailer, UNFI, Steve Spinner & more

>>11322693 Trump rallies are a beacon of HOPE, >>11322734

>>11322691 PF, >>11322707, >>11322914

>>11322647 85 miles worth of traffic in both directions for Trump rally

>>11322590 Anon decodes Scavino's 'NUMB3RS' tweet?

>>11323261 #14463


>>11322270 Does this have something to do with Hunter's Fingers Lake Tattoo?

>>11322131 Digging deeper into the Deep State

>>11322126 Has it been 3 years already . . ?

>>11322118 Links to Big Tech testimony

>>11322117 Skippy's stressed out over the election.. please be considerate

>>11322078 Saudi Arabia reports budget deficit of nearly $11 billion

>>11321999 Scavino Tweet further investigated, >>11322076

>>11321982 GNEWS: Next Drop, Hidden by Trump's side, Steven Terner Mnuchin Worked With the CCP to control Wall Street and distrupt Trump's anti CCP progress.

>>11321970 WATCH Today 11:00 am ET: The Department of Justice to Hold a Virtual Press Conference on a Number of China Related Arrests

>>11321939 PF, >>11322016, >>11322204, >>11322342

>>11321920 Motivational Videos >>11321937, >>11321958, >>11321966

>>11321820 Hunter Biden half naked next to a MINOR?!!?

>>11321810 Media (purposely?) misrepresenting COVID data?, >>11321837

>>11322498 #14462


>>11321652 "OMG there's more!!!" DJT Jr. Tweet

>>11321487 New Dan Scavino tweet

>>11321445 As expected, CNN has a TOTAL BLACKOUT on the Bobulinski Interview

>>11321441 New DJT Tweet

>>11321437 PF, >>11321492, >>11321530, >>11321674

>>11321435 Anon weighs in on Q / Bobulinski matter

>>11321408 Operation Autumn Hope: 45 missing children recovered in human trafficking sting.

>>11321396 Today, Big Tech Execs will testify on SM Regulations

>>11321368 See something? Say something!

>>11321364 Jews shooed from Philadelphia riots

>>11321336 New morning POTUS Tweet!

>>11321309 Fauci praises Victorian attitude to mask wearing

>>11321299 Skippy "nervous but hopeful" about next weeks' elections

>>11321251 Left attacks Trump over Chicago Real Estate dealings, >>11321257 DJT response

>>11321231 More info on discovered Adrenochrome site from yesterday, >>11321249

>>11321124 Those who scream the loudest.., >>11321171, >>11321559, >>11321561

>>11321165 Head of Philly Police was head of Portland police Last year, >>11321195, >>11321248

>>11321163 New General Flynn Tweet: "Over the next Seven Days.."

>>11321092 Anon's take on Q-drops and recent development.

>>11321059 FBI Obtained FISA Warrant Against Hunter Biden’s Chinese Business Associate, Documents Show >>11321185 Biden FISA running as early as 2018?

>>11321723 #14461

Previously Collected Notables

>>11320896 #14460

>>11318552 #14457, >>11319341 #14458, >>11320125 #14459

>>11316291 #14454, >>11317046 #14455, >>11317898 #14456

>>11314060 #14451, >>11314820 #14452, >>11315549 #14453

>>11312126 #14448, >>11312540 #14449, >>11313305 #14450

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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fe1be7  No.11323318

QRMemes: Social Media Warfare Armory

>>>/qrmemes/ ————————————–——– New One-stop Meme Board, organized by topic

archive.is/hogSX ————————————–——– Digital Camo Thread Archive

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>9901078 ————————————–——– Questions & Practice Thread

>>11039643 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #11

>>10392346 ————————————–——– Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #15

>>>/qrb/13005 ————————————–——– Planefagging 101 Q&A

>>>/qrb/42185 ————————————–——– Boatfagging Q&A

International Q Research Threads

>>10705197 ————————————–——– Australia #10

>>10946985 ————————————–——– Canada #8

>>8331823 ————————————–——– France #1

>>10868414 ————————————–——– Germany #69

>>10838222 ————————————–——– Italia #1

>>9133907 ————————————–——– Mexico #1

>>10497699 ————————————–——– Nederland #5

>>10524823 ————————————–——– New Zealand #5

>>5290557 ————————————–——– Nordic #1

>>10843151 ————————————–——– Scotland #1

>>8033191 ————————————–——– South Africa #1

>>11297393 ————————————–——– UK #24

>>11285430 ————————————–——– China #1

Q Proofs

>>6156082 ————————————–——– Q Proofs Threads, Proofs of Q's Validity

QProofs.com ————————————–——– Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ————————————–——– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an Event ————————————–——– https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

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Website ————————————–——– https://www.resignation.info

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/Dockets, Links & More: https://bad-boys.us/

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 ————————————–——– META (for board admin queries)

>>10756139 ————————————–——– Q Research General Dough/Kitchen Meta

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 ————————————–——– (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

>>11187218 ————————————–——– #001 and scroll down for all continuing in numerical order

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fe1be7  No.11323319


LAST UPDATED 07/03/2020

>>11162167 Needs Updating


QPosts Archives

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* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

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* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

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* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Updated All Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Module Retired - Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.3: https://pastebin.com/EDmx2iEr

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

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Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

E-bake instructions: >>>/comms/9252

Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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fe1be7  No.11323323



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67c5ed  No.11323326


I have a dunce cap for you to wear.

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26ff96  No.11323328







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7d950d  No.11323329

Okay so this Big tech hearing is a Ted Cruz puff piece.

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27e514  No.11323336

dbl bread numb3rs again.

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fe1be7  No.11323339


Fuck off, you dumb schizo. Just because I don't add 1 fucking notable to the the posts, does not make me a clown.

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fd6071  No.11323346

File: f46d4f46efb5a9c⋯.png (691.77 KB, 664x535, 664:535, ClipboardImage.png)

Ted Cruz being FUCKING BASED right now


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8eb62b  No.11323347

Is MIle Guo "John Doe 1"?

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00b32b  No.11323353

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Body Language: Tony Bobulinski, Biden China FBI

•Oct 23, 2020

Body Language Ghost

*LBRY* affiliate link https://???.ly/2V1Gdmm

Remember, Sharing is Caring. We are the news now.


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57e3bd  No.11323361


He is utterly filleting @jack right now

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a4a833  No.11323362

File: fec50e4c973a502⋯.png (35.16 KB, 598x374, 299:187, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 231e33eac1f7707⋯.png (474.7 KB, 1250x723, 1250:723, ClipboardImage.png)



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96a91e  No.11323364



ANONS - This is the legit bread from lb's legit Baker

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8aa89c  No.11323366

File: d1fa1764563b696⋯.jpg (47.05 KB, 898x457, 898:457, schiffcriminalconspirator.jpg)

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26ff96  No.11323367


u are fucking clown.


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699d54  No.11323371



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852b22  No.11323379


this old stale non patriot bread ran by clowns hahahahah


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fe1be7  No.11323380


Says the one who baked the split bread

Fuck off, you dumb shill.

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bbe0fa  No.11323384

>>11323172 lb


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699d54  No.11323397


Says the namefag clown.

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383d4a  No.11323400

Surveillance and Coercion

posted by DOJ here: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/eight-individuals-charged-conspiring-act-illegal-agents-people-s-republic-china

In April 2017, defendants Zhu Feng, Hu Ji, Li Minjun, Hongru Jin, Zhu Yong, and Michael McMahon, together with others, including the PRC Officials, allegedly participated in a scheme to bring John Doe-1’s elderly father from the PRC to the United States against the father’s will and to use the surprise arrival of his elderly father to threaten and attempt to coerce John Doe-1’s return to the PRC. Zhu Feng, Hu Ji, and Zhu Yong worked with Michael McMahon, a private investigator, to gather intelligence about and locate John Doe-1 and his wife in the United States. PRC Officials coerced the father of John Doe-1 to travel from the PRC to the New York area in the company of Li Minjun, a doctor, who traveled with the elderly father from the PRC to the New York area. Hongru Jin assisted with logistics of the operation when Zhu Feng, Li Minjun, John Doe-1’s elderly father, and other PRC officials arrived in the U.S.

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91b069  No.11323402

File: 1c5b7c10e9b4aa9⋯.png (384.99 KB, 490x803, 490:803, FA.png)

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fe1be7  No.11323403

Shills are trying to increase traffic to the other bread so that new Anons will consider that the real bread.

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852b22  No.11323406

File: d4a3b06685ff2ae⋯.png (1014.8 KB, 729x800, 729:800, Final_Boss.png)


says the one who dont support potus and tells anon to fuck off.


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af1594  No.11323410

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


TY Baker

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383d4a  No.11323414


shills confirm they are chinese nationals

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00b32b  No.11323415

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pres. Trump visits farmer's market in Bangor, Maine

Fun to watch if you have the time.

Streamed live on Oct 25, 2020


President Donald Trump is making a last-minute campaign stop in Bangor Sunday afternoon, according to reports of the President's schedule posted online.

No word where exactly it is being held, but the schedule has Trump arriving at the Bangor International Airport at 2:30 p.m. and leaving at 3:50 p.m.

Remember, Sharing is Caring. We are the news now.


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852b22  No.11323417








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ade686  No.11323422


sage isn't namefag, newfag. lern ur chans

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96a91e  No.11323431



Check the dough bins of each - comapre to lb - you'll see this is the legit chain.

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91b069  No.11323433

File: 2d003f194fac0c8⋯.png (154.15 KB, 688x534, 344:267, KEK.png)

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699d54  No.11323437


You are just so precious. He is the very definition of namefag.

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91b069  No.11323443

File: e16945d884da865⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1035x1026, 115:114, e16945d884da865d572baf7369….png)

File: d2aaa82f0701198⋯.png (903.42 KB, 976x624, 61:39, d2aaa82f070119859462019362….png)

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3a485e  No.11323450

File: 311c604aca75e4b⋯.png (620.24 KB, 1420x802, 710:401, JFKMinutemen.png)

TYB anons know

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852b22  No.11323452


this is stale ded dough ran by a clown baker. BV will be locking ur shit up soon. standby PATRIOTS ARE IN CONTROL AROUND HERE

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07b9fb  No.11323460

File: 208e3b58689f250⋯.png (936.74 KB, 848x754, 424:377, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 63c905cab158134⋯.png (32.92 KB, 892x139, 892:139, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 815203268f25296⋯.png (75.16 KB, 832x271, 832:271, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d3e93ca580253c6⋯.png (6.64 KB, 800x24, 100:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d44ee5e5af6a853⋯.png (496.09 KB, 367x500, 367:500, ClipboardImage.png)


do not like oily Cruz

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fd6071  No.11323462

File: 1b101ddc35627b7⋯.png (2.3 MB, 1610x480, 161:48, ClipboardImage.png)

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bbe0fa  No.11323465


fake sage

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0d03ff  No.11323472

Jack Dorsey has that C_A trained voice,

subdued and controlled for lying to your face.

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b918af  No.11323473

File: 1d08088ffc166e5⋯.png (65.75 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ElbS3AeXIAIvsHu.png)

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fe1be7  No.11323474


lmao, chang, you're not fooling anyone

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852b22  No.11323477


fake baker

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91b069  No.11323482

File: 1a8edd3157e762a⋯.png (40.56 KB, 252x288, 7:8, 1a8edd3157e762a0db15dbd707….png)

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852b22  No.11323493


do u want me to keep sage replying i can. i got all day

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0d03ff  No.11323497



>Okay so this Big tech hearing is a Ted Cruz puff piece.

get lost clowns!

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5dc0d2  No.11323500

File: 8d866abe436071a⋯.png (1.94 MB, 1500x1101, 500:367, ClipboardImage.png)

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852b22  No.11323508

Ill tell baker this.

if you can bake like a patriot and work with us. then im willing to hand off my dough to you.

whats it gonna be faggot?

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fe1be7  No.11323509


I know, man, this is how you generate an income (which, tbh, is quite fucking sad)

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7df3d1  No.11323511

File: 0fe3f573d45e8a3⋯.png (535.93 KB, 598x597, 598:597, Screenshot_2020_10_28_The_….png)


Melania Trump slams the Democrats: "Children watching and learning about politics in our country deserve a better display of political responsibility."


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6203bd  No.11323521

File: 2a02b395d3cf46c⋯.jpg (41.94 KB, 482x600, 241:300, fuLOL.jpg)

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8aa89c  No.11323522

Other bread is by warroom shill.

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440714  No.11323527

File: c046075c31daf2b⋯.jpg (37.58 KB, 540x540, 1:1, 7e81241ee7041b3caaa0a8030f….jpg)

Anons questions for Big Tech

"They never get asked"

Contribute yours.Will collect.

What have you done to amplify intensity and prolong the duration of user interactions? Documentation.

Name the non US companies with access to US users data and provide logs to support.

provide all documentation "cognitive exploits" in VR and AR virtual environments and contracts will developers with comments and revision history.

Provide the metrics employed to assess users emotional state, and describe the stimuli employed to produce that state.

Explain the presence of child pornography on your servers when image id is trivial

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3a485e  No.11323528

File: 0bb19391b16569d⋯.png (398.82 KB, 1229x666, 1229:666, Screen_Shot_85.png)

3 year delta. Schopenhauer stage 2.

Anons hold the line.

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cca830  No.11323529

notables in this dough are better and more coherent with last breads notables.

notables in the other thread are jack shit moldy

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852b22  No.11323530




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a83115  No.11323532

When President Trump complains about Fox News, it makes the libs want to go over there to see if there is some Trump bashing going on, and when they do, Wham, they get hit in the face with HB's dick.

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c3fec6  No.11323537

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dorsey Defends Not Flagging Tweets Denying Holocaust As Misinformation, While Flagging POTUS Tweets

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5dc0d2  No.11323546




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383d4a  No.11323549



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699d54  No.11323557


Kek. So this is a temper tantrum. Not surprising.

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3a485e  No.11323558


>Dorsey Defends Not Flagging Tweets Denying Holocaust As Misinformation, While Flagging POTUS Tweets

He looks like HELL

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fe1be7  No.11323559


LMAO! No, you can have it, mr. Patriot Baker. To be honest, I'm really disappointed in the Anons lurking here that they've been bait-switched this easy.


You're a dumb fucking nigger if you think twitter polls mean anything, but whatever, go ahead.

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07b9fb  No.11323560

File: 543bd26b43faa76⋯.png (89.42 KB, 882x272, 441:136, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c5bfd7ddccb7a6f⋯.png (77.54 KB, 882x218, 441:109, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1729949c6ae9328⋯.png (73.51 KB, 872x235, 872:235, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9b979ce29b8c539⋯.png (18.24 KB, 887x58, 887:58, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 30d74e0b38493df⋯.png (12.18 KB, 532x50, 266:25, ClipboardImage.png)



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27fa14  No.11323561

This just in from a friend. I have no sauce for this. Worth a dig from one of you astute excavators!


Donald Rumsfeld’s biography of Gerald Ford, titled ”When the Center

Held” was published in 2018. The book clearly articulates that

President Ford was a thoroughly good man, a special American, and a

greatly underrated President. HOWEVER, there was a story in the book

that was startling.

In 1975, President Ford was left to manage the difficult ending of

the Vietnam War. As North Vietnam seized on the opportunity to test

American resolve following President Nixon’s resignation, President

Ford went to Congress to ask for a relief package to push back on the

North Vietnamese to allow American personnel and our allies to

evacuate. However, there was one US Senator who opposed any such

support. The result was the embarrassing and hurried evacuation from

the roof of the American embassy in Saigon. This senator reviled in

the embarrassment and did everything he could to leverage it

politically against Ford.

Despite the efforts of this U.S .Senator–President Ford managed to

rescue 1,500 South Vietnamese allies prior to the country’s fall. Had

President Ford not acted quickly, these people would have been

targeted and slaughtered for their support for America. Saving them

was a moral obligation.

When they arrived in America, President Ford asked Congress for a

package to assist these refugees integrate into American society. But

that troublesome US Senator showed up again and torpedoed any support

for these shell shocked refugees. Instead, President Ford had to

recruit Christian organizations to offer assistance on a voluntary

basis. As he did so, the aforementioned Senator belittled those


What kind of person would oppose President Ford’s tireless work to

do the right and humanitarian thing? Who would want to play politics

with the well-being of innocent people who stood by America in the

tragic Vietnam War? That US Senator? Joe Biden.

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203ac7  No.11323571

File: f962546c7219a70⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 810x2496, 135:416, Screenshot_20201028_103522….jpg)

File: 81c02e3bbd1d88a⋯.jpg (1.16 MB, 810x2567, 810:2567, Screenshot_20201028_103530….jpg)

File: f969669239e1899⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 810x2496, 135:416, Screenshot_20201028_103541….jpg)


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9d0d94  No.11323576

File: 6562fd93f72eca2⋯.png (216.77 KB, 881x560, 881:560, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f45baa7042278a8⋯.png (67.48 KB, 838x661, 838:661, ClipboardImage.png)

Has anyone identified the PI?

Here is one option, from NJ.


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000000  No.11323588


>Gerald Ford

Rig for Red

Gerri Ford

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588ef5  No.11323591

If the baker ID from last bread linked to this bread, how can the other bread be the right one?

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96a91e  No.11323601


>disappointed in the Anons lurking here that they've been bait-switched this easy

It is SAD.

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699d54  No.11323603


It is not.

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8450ab  No.11323604


>You're a dumb fucking nigger if you think twitter polls mean anything, but whatever, go ahead.

ur problem is u think polls are not important. which leads me to beleive u are a clown baker or have no clue what is really going on. again statement stands.

i will handoff to you, if ur willing to work with anons and not cause division

let me know. i have all day for this.

my day off today

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a1cab8  No.11323606


exactly. can't wait to see which bread gets locked

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a4a833  No.11323617

Zuckerberg connected to Biden


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8450ab  No.11323619


that bread 200 replies

this bread 75 replies who do u think is getting locked?

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e4c840  No.11323625

File: d91110d647c4874⋯.png (455.08 KB, 762x383, 762:383, SplitBreads.png)

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cc51db  No.11323626

Algorithms programmed by content moderators, who decide what should be banned, based on [THEIR GOALS]

Nothing more, nothing less.

Whoever holds the KEYS to TECH is TECH KING. Currently CIA/DARPA/DS agents.

Enemy of the PEOPLE.

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0d03ff  No.11323628

My grocery store doesn't feel it has a role in this election.

why do these social media platforms feel they have a role to play?

I want somebody to ask them why they feel they have any role at all

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923770  No.11323633

shill bread


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8450ab  No.11323635

how important are polls to anons and family.

OB. u should lurk moar baker. anons love polls


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a4a833  No.11323638


Zuckerberg connected to Biden


Not that it matters in this zoo.

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00b32b  No.11323641

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live : NOW !

Facebook, Twitter and Google CEOs testify before Senate

Started streaming 90 minutes ago

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and Alphabet Inc., Google CEO Sundar Pichai are set to testify at Senate hearing on tech companies’ treatment of speech and information on their platforms. #FoxNews

Remember, Sharing is Caring. We are the news now.


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fe1be7  No.11323644


No. You were really adamant in doing this, so I'm going to see how you handle this responsibility.

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440714  No.11323654

File: 6668ce9116bafc9⋯.jpg (376.41 KB, 531x997, 531:997, 764dff04b0dc9be5467d0bff6d….jpg)


Ol Joe Biden. He runs silent and he runs deep.

>in Finger Lakes

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5de0c6  No.11323655

File: 0085187b45547c8⋯.png (78.62 KB, 1789x264, 1789:264, Screenshot_2020_10_28_Q_Re….png)

File: 0271c62c2d09a33⋯.png (46.02 KB, 690x631, 690:631, Screenshot_2020_10_28_Boar….png)

Question are there supposed to be any other BV's other than the ones outlined by BO?

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000000  No.11323656

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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699d54  No.11323664


If the BV actually investigates the other bread gets locked.

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ab9271  No.11323665


AI is only as good as the training.

If (Trump == bad) censor = true

They know what they're doing.

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fe1be7  No.11323667


What happened to this place, man? It seems more like a place where locust gather, rather than the greats minds of researchers.

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8450ab  No.11323669

File: 58326b521668525⋯.png (33.12 KB, 373x371, 373:371, BEEE59C2_6E89_454B_BDD8_AF….png)


np anon.

8chan Notables Sniper Reporting For Duty

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a1cab8  No.11323672

File: c176e1957eea552⋯.png (204.38 KB, 443x444, 443:444, sigh.png)

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fe1be7  No.11323673


How hard is it? Just follow the strings of ID's and lock the other one.

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3a485e  No.11323674

fooking breadsplitters back


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699d54  No.11323688


That assumes that they actually do that.

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0d03ff  No.11323689











engagement matrix

this guy says a lot of words without saying anything!

none of them say anything.

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fe1be7  No.11323698


I didn't mean to respond to you. I thought I was responding to Bakerthief, but that wasn't the case.

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699d54  No.11323699


other bread is the split.

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e2e8cc  No.11323707

File: e0bb77c5e3fc601⋯.png (8.38 KB, 255x134, 255:134, f768deaef22da979abcfb73c91….png)

Live Presser on China now!

Operation fox hunt compromised

The Hunter has Become the Hunted

Long live the REPUBLIC

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49ba91  No.11323711

File: 8cf4392dad8ca6c⋯.jpg (213.41 KB, 1434x1912, 3:4, ElbAW4FW0AM8a_q.jpg)

File: 5f977a164e0ffe4⋯.jpg (454.78 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, ElbAW3RW0AIaPDC.jpg)

File: 301e9ce86b20535⋯.jpg (382.58 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, ElbAW2EXEAQfQ_c.jpg)

File: 102b3e5ca31dc82⋯.jpg (413.04 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, ElbAWbyXgAAoGiZ.jpg)

File: addc03517c1ea75⋯.jpg (336.3 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, ElbAWbyX0AIzYV2.jpg)

Catherine Herridge @CBS_Herridge

#FLYNN DOJ response to Judge Sullivan, “true + correct copies" of exculpatory records. On @petestrzok complaint at least one date wrong in filing, DOJ responded, "These three sticky notes were inadvertently not removed when the relevant documents were scanned by the FBI.. the

government reiterates, however, the content of those exhibits was not altered in any way.” Records include CI chief Bill Priestap’s handwritten notes on Flynn interview, “What’s our goal? Truth/Admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?”


10:13 AM · Oct 28, 2020



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fe1be7  No.11323713


Am I being too optimistic again?

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07b9fb  No.11323715

File: 39abeb774859970⋯.png (78.62 KB, 1207x327, 1207:327, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3f5be944a2f95f0⋯.png (9.48 KB, 441x54, 49:6, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f39169fb3453295⋯.png (33.67 KB, 896x97, 896:97, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ea05f6926f1cd34⋯.png (4.23 KB, 321x28, 321:28, ClipboardImage.png)

File: de44c569bb0d6e8⋯.png (43.71 KB, 846x454, 423:227, ClipboardImage.png)

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699d54  No.11323721


Perhaps. We will see.

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7bc55e  No.11323723

Anybody got a line on the first arrest?


Bill Clinton










Bill Barr

What's the over / under on Hunter being the first arrest?

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3a485e  No.11323726


I know, but the flock of seagulls is over there

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588ef5  No.11323730

It's really not that hard for anons to go to the catalog and control f the bakers ID and follow the link to the right bread

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0d03ff  No.11323732



trust acoountablity

transparency report



more report


more transparency

more report











sick of these sickies

the way they speak reminds me of that chart that went around years ago, where you can pick a word off about 7 columns and put a sentence together that sounded good, but meant nothing.

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5de0c6  No.11323734


Sauce ?

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96a91e  No.11323739


>i will handoff to you, if ur willing to work with anons and not cause division



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699d54  No.11323741


All of the shills as well.

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a1cab8  No.11323743


flock of retards

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8eb62b  No.11323752


Too bad he never learned to keep his eyelash-flutter under control.

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923770  No.11323760


Shill bread, BO lock it up

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a1cab8  No.11323762


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fd6071  No.11323773

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3a485e  No.11323774

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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000000  No.11323775


"With Operation Fox Hunt, the Hunters have become the Hunted."

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000000  No.11323790


>Shill bread, BO lock it up

muh bot can't post in 2 breads!

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699d54  No.11323794

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67c5ed  No.11323806


Jim Biden.

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af1594  No.11323809

This is the Legit Bread!

Report other Bread to be locked asap==

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fe1be7  No.11323816

Where's BO?

Where are the BV's?

It's fucking election week

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07b9fb  No.11323820

File: 1c8e00901783360⋯.png (16.71 KB, 849x102, 283:34, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6c05dfe728af9c8⋯.png (129.63 KB, 1366x602, 683:301, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0c74a1d4ddac14b⋯.png (16.88 KB, 780x110, 78:11, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5b860c1ff4a7189⋯.png (131.23 KB, 1366x602, 683:301, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d3dd87e8e34eb14⋯.png (25.81 KB, 720x512, 45:32, ClipboardImage.png)





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149e34  No.11323821


beware the badgefaggot

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4ea324  No.11323823

File: 93f2e9f38d76bdc⋯.jpeg (321.68 KB, 1068x588, 89:49, 668F8DB9_C599_4DC2_AB32_6….jpeg)


DS hijacking Q terms to distract from Hunter.

Google searches for Hunter will now steer to hits for Foxhunt.

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91b069  No.11323825

File: 9d02edff8dce1f7⋯.jpg (35.26 KB, 464x382, 232:191, 1wwzqk.jpg)

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e2e8cc  No.11323831


Watch the FBI/doj press release. They specifically said the Hunter has become the Hunted. Very interesting. There was an illegal op called operation fox hunt carried out by the CCP. Long term investigation.

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cc51db  No.11323841

If the BIG TECH wasn't suppressing the MAIL IN FRAUD issue, perhaps these stupid D's, claiming mail in voting is safe, would STFU.

Kavanaugh's Opinion in Wisconsin Voting Case Raises Alarms Among Democrats

The Supreme Court decision Monday effectively barring the counting of mail-in ballots in Wisconsin that arrive after Election Day was not a surprise for many Democrats, who had pressed for it but expected to lose.

But a concurring opinion by Justice Brett Kavanaugh set off alarms among civil rights and Democratic Party lawyers, who viewed it as giving public support to President Donald Trump’s arguments that any results counted after Nov. 3 could be riddled with fraudulent votes — an assertion unsupported by the history of elections in the United States.

The decision also unnerved Democrats and local election officials in Pennsylvania, where Republicans are asking the Supreme Court to weigh in again on whether the state can accept ballots received up to three days after Election Day. While Democrats in Wisconsin had been appealing for an extension, the current rules in Pennsylvania allow for ballots to arrive three days after the election. Any change could threaten the more than 1.4 million absentee ballots not yet returned.

In his opinion, attached to the 5-3 ruling against the deadline extension in Wisconsin, Kavanaugh wrote that Election Day mail-in deadlines were devised “to avoid the chaos and suspicions of impropriety that can ensue if thousands of absentee ballots flow in after Election Day and potentially flip the results of an election.”

He added, “Those states also want to be able to definitively announce the results of the election on election night, or as soon as possible thereafter.”

Kavanaugh’s statement mirrored in some ways Trump’s efforts to suggest that only ballots counted by Election Day should decide the result, and more generally to push unfounded claims about widespread voter fraud.

Earlier Monday, the president had posted on Twitter that election officials “must have final total on November 3rd,” alleging without evidence that there are “big problems” with mail-in ballots. Twitter labeled the tweet “misleading.”

The Wisconsin ruling was the latest in a series of court decisions setting the rules for how voters in different states can cast their ballots during the coronavirus pandemic and when the cutoff is for receiving them.

The Wisconsin ruling revealed a stark divide among the justices in their understanding of the role of the courts in protecting the right to vote during a pandemic and left voting rights activists concerned about how the court’s conservative majority would rule in any postelection fights.

With Trump indicating that he plans to challenge a loss, Democrats have kept a particularly wary eye on the Supreme Court.

It was the court that rendered the final decision in the Florida recount of 2000, effectively delivering the state to George W. Bush over Al Gore by just 537 votes and, with it, the presidency. In rushing to name a successor to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg upon her death last month, Trump indicated that he believed the Supreme Court might again determine the winner, saying, “I think this will end up in the Supreme Court, and I think it’s very important that we have nine justices.”

He suggested that he expected the court to weigh in on his charges of election fraud, saying: “The scam will be before the United States Supreme Court. And I think having a 4-4 situation is not a good situation.”

The concept expressed by Kavanaugh that counting late-arriving ballots could “flip the results” misconstrues the voting process, where official results often are not fully tabulated for days or even weeks after an election.



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1eefab  No.11323847

File: d9296ccca69ea54⋯.png (115.67 KB, 500x724, 125:181, ClipboardImage.png)

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96a91e  No.11323848



Already reported - prolly with competing requests.

Let's see what happens.

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e15d8d  No.11323853

File: 712ce8f7f2b3d4a⋯.png (346.04 KB, 381x409, 381:409, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ee7de5d00093f7⋯.png (41.14 KB, 613x457, 613:457, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b6022b14252c2a4⋯.png (26.53 KB, 396x780, 33:65, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 624cfbfd6dad5ba⋯.jpg (101.72 KB, 466x577, 466:577, pQRTals_r_REAL_car4all_wh0….jpg)

File: c76bfff51e1d97f⋯.gif (462.6 KB, 350x192, 175:96, marineBRAINmathematicalGAI….gif)

>>11321614 /pb




>Sorry if already posted, but I just noticed this…don't know if it means anything…

>I don't know who this guy is, but in his picture, guy is wearing {FootBALL} jersey #17.–

>Probably just a coincidence.



Believe in COincidences?


[cementing] a 6-3 6+3 = [9]

8:30 PM · Oct 26, 2020

[11] = 8+3 10 | 26 | 2020

[9] = 1+2+6



[9][2][9]{ = 20 = T }

QPost# 929

03/10/2018 16:39:16

Risk of ‘conspiracy’ label the deeper we go.

Truth will shock the WORLD.



Relevant to coming events.

Future will PROVE past.


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000000  No.11323854



The entire conference is about muh china coercing chinky-americans to go back to muh china

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a4a833  No.11323865

File: fedc09d42fbab3f⋯.png (353.52 KB, 727x347, 727:347, ClipboardImage.png)



>DS hijacking Q terms to distract from Hunter.

>Google searches for Hunter will now steer to hits for Foxhunt.


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3a485e  No.11323867

this is the anon bread

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a1cab8  No.11323869

File: e7a8769ef027c21⋯.png (237.27 KB, 800x1100, 8:11, 1600196351949.png)

why does no one have the op general pic with party hats

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bbe0fa  No.11323882

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00b32b  No.11323883

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ATF Making AR/AK Pistols AOWs & SBRs and MORE!

ATTENTION: Q and POTUS, They refuse to OBEY your EO (Excutive Order).

FELONS they will make of us all, with the stroke of a pen!

WE plead for RELIEF !


Oct 26, 2020

Guns & Gadgets


Read the Important Info: https://???.ly/2HsAMu7

Contact YOUR Senators: https://www.senate.gov/senators/index.htm

Contact YOUR Representatives: https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative

Remember, Sharing is Caring. We are the news now.


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e2e8cc  No.11323894


They might be laying the ground work for that which is to come…

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07b9fb  No.11323905

File: e3f90629fa3e591⋯.png (58.62 KB, 891x168, 297:56, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d418414e682dbd0⋯.png (24.47 KB, 725x191, 725:191, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 861d53b100bec59⋯.png (34.35 KB, 755x127, 755:127, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e354264f238f6c0⋯.png (28.54 KB, 738x96, 123:16, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 68531c6b43103b9⋯.png (58.94 KB, 720x464, 45:29, ClipboardImage.png)

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4ea324  No.11323910

File: 4762e568fc27bda⋯.jpeg (225.05 KB, 780x488, 195:122, DBC338DF_D5EF_46B0_BA50_3….jpeg)


Comfy, ain’t it?

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ddffc7  No.11323913

File: 2a75e325d3f21a1⋯.png (576.32 KB, 823x612, 823:612, Screen_Shot_2020_10_28_at_….png)

File: cd3e3377267c6b8⋯.png (153.83 KB, 382x222, 191:111, Screen_Shot_2020_10_28_at_….png)

File: f44f3d98d7fc189⋯.png (278.29 KB, 1084x640, 271:160, Screen_Shot_2020_10_28_at_….png)

File: 634f0711fa2dd5f⋯.png (31.23 KB, 446x448, 223:224, Screen_Shot_2020_10_28_at_….png)

File: 2a0c417e3b33aea⋯.png (638.03 KB, 926x666, 463:333, Screen_Shot_2020_10_28_at_….png)

SALEM, Ore. — In 2015, Alek Skarlatos and two friends thwarted an attack by a gunman on a Paris-bound train, a dramatic and heroic action that was made into a movie by Clint Eastwood in which the trio starred as themselves.

Now, Skarlatos, 28, is hoping to ride his moment of fame to get a seat in Congress, representing Oregon’s 4th congressional district in the House of Representatives. To do that, the Republican candidate will need to unseat Democratic incumbent Peter DeFazio, the longest serving House member in Oregon’s history, in the Nov. 3 election.



>DeFazio- Transportation Committee

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699d54  No.11323914


POTUS needs to fire some of his employees. Especially since he made it easier to do so.

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a1cab8  No.11323916

we need better BVs. or more. or something

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440714  No.11323919

File: 23dc84fd9a007e0⋯.png (77.19 KB, 1341x638, 1341:638, odds.PNG)


Where no betting market exists no odds exist.

outside of a betting market their are only probabilities, not necessarily wrong, but in practise almost always so. Like social media polls probabilities strongest influence is upon the people participating in the measurement. Polls are very influential on participants most of them are engineered to do that which is why we have so many.

satanists think of it as casting a spell. How you like to participate in a little marketing survey

and whatever is wedged into the poor sheeps brain.

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3a485e  No.11323924

File: e400df580f434da⋯.jpg (65.28 KB, 900x627, 300:209, Comfy.jpg)



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26a72e  No.11323926

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>11318346 pb notable

>>11318477 pb

Rudy Giuliani vs. Kennedy on Fox Business: Hunter’s Laptop(s) - Cracking the Encryption


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074c6f  No.11323928

File: 51ff1f72b882ac6⋯.jpeg (215.39 KB, 640x750, 64:75, FACE_DIAPER2.jpeg)


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5de0c6  No.11323930


Ahh, just getting on so catching up..thanks!

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8b2eff  No.11323936



>>11323724 WHAT IS A COURT JEW?

Notes # 500sh

>>11323324 Deepstate is the virus?

>>11323341 Any update on the DOJ/FBI presser?

>>11323365 CNN going full retard on hospital capacity.

>>11323370 bill-maher-under-fire

>>11323389 FLYNN DOJ response to Judge Sullivan

>>11323404 eight-individuals-charged-conspiring-act-

>>11323409 Hunter Biden Pictures of Himself Disrobed and Exposed With Certain Minor

>>11323385 natalie.webm

>>11323439 Body Language: Tony Bobulinski, Biden China FBI

>>11323456 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1321472358830403585

>>11323459 google-joe-biden-corruption-burisma-autocomplate

>>11323483 saudi-arabia-warns-of-potential-missile-attac

>>11323505, >>11323495 DOJ: "HUNTERS BECAME THE HUNTED"

>>11323518 https://twitter.com/WarRoomPandemic/status/1321477415940612098

>>11323545 Eight Individuals Charged With Conspiring to Act as Illegal Agents of the People’s Republic of China

>>11323556 ny-brooklyn-protests-philadelphia-shooting-

>>11323568 Polling Averages

>>11323587 Catherine Herridge @CBS_Herridge

>>11323594 Pres. Trump visits farmer's market in Bangor, Maine

>>11323610 POLL POSITION

>>11323623 Facebook, Twitter and Google CEOs testify before Senate

>>11323648 Do Not Trust The Medical Or The National Security

>>11323675 experts-now-saying-dont-mail-your-ballot

>>11323720 Melania Trump slams the Democrats:

>>11323787 Happy 3 Years, Q and anons

>>11323802 cnns-oliver-darcy-beclowns-self

>>11323483 us-embassy-in-saudi-arabia-warns-of-potential-missile-attack

>>11323836 Veritas Drop: Moar Texas Vote Fraud

>>11323840 BREAKING: Ballot Chaser Reveals MASSIVE Voter Fraud To Elect @JoeBiden


>>11323896 schuman report

chekm and let me know if i missed anything

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3a485e  No.11323938


shills split the other one


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074c6f  No.11323940



>"Cracking the Encryption…"

So simple these days they say…

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f6f3a4  No.11323946

File: 52138bec9e952bc⋯.gif (1.57 MB, 268x268, 1:1, thisshitagain.gif)


did you expect the bullshit to just go away?

Welcome to the suck. Make this Bread FLY anons

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96a91e  No.11323947


Does the name Gerbil ring a bell?

You're in the legit bread.

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07b9fb  No.11323954

File: 89a965cd5b27b4d⋯.png (54.04 KB, 632x509, 632:509, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 588c2008fd11e3d⋯.png (42.1 KB, 605x370, 121:74, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 497376755fd6c5d⋯.png (78.69 KB, 890x248, 445:124, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5561dc18545f2d0⋯.png (83.21 KB, 1010x296, 505:148, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9f73833e3bb3972⋯.gif (322 KB, 321x321, 1:1, CabalTickTock5.gif)

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8aa89c  No.11323957

File: 5010adc2d2a7e12⋯.jpg (41.03 KB, 888x485, 888:485, bidencompromised.jpg)

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a1cab8  No.11323962

File: cde1642eaad753e⋯.png (386.82 KB, 461x516, 461:516, NTSA.png)

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e66b0a  No.11323964

Can't find post now but last bread someone mentioned the Indiana governor race. Holcolmb is a piece of shit and keeps extending the mask mandate (currently "for the foreseeable future") amongst other buffoonery. Rainwater is a solid dude and a libertarian taking governorship here would be great for the state.

Remember, Indiana is also "home" to Mike Pence and Dan Coats. Pence was instrumental in getting Holcolmb where he is now. They are traitors, all three.

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3a485e  No.11323965

File: de15a3f108b5701⋯.png (1.02 MB, 895x893, 895:893, ILSApproachPepe.png)


looks good bakes…2 Ns in Schumann

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96a91e  No.11323969


>did you expect the bullshit to just go away?

kek be worried if it did

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cc4229  No.11323973


>2 Ns in Schumann

thanks wordfag. im a numbers guy myself

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a1cab8  No.11323974

Scotland’s new odious hate crime bill would go so far as to criminalize dinner table conversations if their ‘offensive’ content is reported to police.

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9008d8  No.11323976

File: 1b785e4963cad49⋯.jpeg (89.18 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 3C375FE2_FBF6_46D4_BD29_D….jpeg)

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fe1be7  No.11323977

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91b069  No.11323979

File: 750c1cb866498cb⋯.jpg (34.7 KB, 507x500, 507:500, 22Abducted22_by_Eduard_Ans….jpg)

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03a737  No.11323984

File: d3e241ffa661e63⋯.mp4 (13.71 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ei8YuntUHWkMAQE3.mp4)

Veritas latest video

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67c5ed  No.11323988


Ryan Tanneyhill, lol. One of the biggest douchebags in a league full of them.

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3a485e  No.11323989

File: 37075a29a77fd9d⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1337x767, 1337:767, Screen_Shot_2020_03_12_at_….png)

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a1cab8  No.11323990

File: 3fbc8c88f115698⋯.png (154.29 KB, 738x693, 82:77, ClipboardImage.png)

Not the Bee

A recent study has determined that a majority of college undergrads are complete morons.


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07b9fb  No.11323993

File: 245ebda5eed917f⋯.png (46.39 KB, 623x416, 623:416, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4a6a067d8f87820⋯.png (118.08 KB, 810x436, 405:218, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6658a6ce98e5cfc⋯.png (107.44 KB, 951x409, 951:409, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bb96e4928c15bf5⋯.png (48.73 KB, 660x379, 660:379, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ca87dcc7b785755⋯.png (39.66 KB, 696x306, 116:51, ClipboardImage.png)




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3a485e  No.11324002

File: da8f848ad48b4a9⋯.png (348.48 KB, 606x823, 606:823, Screen_Shot_2020_03_04_at_….png)

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9008d8  No.11324009

File: 874589303043fa6⋯.jpeg (136.04 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 12ED9543_0540_43BD_A407_B….jpeg)

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a4a833  No.11324012

File: c7571bfc88b818e⋯.png (67.56 KB, 200x200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Big Tech is Destroying Humanity

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07b9fb  No.11324021

File: 70dcaed637a32ff⋯.png (110.43 KB, 1252x378, 626:189, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0032ce771ad2e80⋯.png (56.63 KB, 790x532, 395:266, ClipboardImage.png)

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3a485e  No.11324025

File: 48e9931263b2da9⋯.png (695.08 KB, 1440x614, 720:307, Screen_Shot_2020_03_24_at_….png)

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9b6a61  No.11324029

sooo.. the hunters became the hunted?

was that the boom?

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5dc0d2  No.11324032


It's trying, but humanity fights back

Big Tech is destroying it's own power

By abusing it

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07b9fb  No.11324035

File: 1fa33e15a5ecd27⋯.png (89.25 KB, 912x338, 456:169, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 30ffc2c8a3bf198⋯.png (121.99 KB, 899x433, 899:433, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d7e197c77e55124⋯.gif (304.13 KB, 321x321, 1:1, CabalCountdown42.gif)

File: 965bdcea6b11afe⋯.gif (267.76 KB, 321x321, 1:1, CabalCountdown40.gif)

File: 0530ece297105a7⋯.gif (343.04 KB, 321x321, 1:1, JohnCampbell.gif)

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bbe0fa  No.11324036


yea pretty weak one, if not outright plagiarized

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a1cab8  No.11324043

File: 94be561322a95ec⋯.png (720.63 KB, 731x681, 731:681, ClipboardImage.png)

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3a485e  No.11324063

File: 93082eee3c428f8⋯.png (720.36 KB, 1420x797, 1420:797, Screen_Shot_2020_04_17_at_….png)



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9b6a61  No.11324066



interdasting and plausible.

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9008d8  No.11324073

File: 25947002d9e1e4d⋯.jpeg (114.78 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, A3DB8E2E_4622_4148_8C79_E….jpeg)

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07b9fb  No.11324079

File: def7909c0055a65⋯.png (115.3 KB, 183x275, 183:275, ClipboardImage.png)


not a bad point that.

*rubs chin*


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3a485e  No.11324083

kinda lonely here in the anon bread…

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38b90e  No.11324090

File: 1fc00ed61c69cd7⋯.jpg (128.84 KB, 800x1024, 25:32, pepe6.jpg)

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40e56f  No.11324092

File: 01d991d2d9a6f5b⋯.png (390.71 KB, 669x610, 669:610, _3_TheStormHasArrived17_on….png)

Today's DOJ Presser:

"The Hunters became the hunted"


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588ef5  No.11324094


I'm starting to lose faith in the plan cause the autists that are going to save the world can't figure out which is the right bread, kek

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a4a833  No.11324096


>It's trying, but humanity fights back

It only gets more powerful.

If you can't see that, you haven't looked.

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96a91e  No.11324104


Well, at least you know you're with all the other Anons that don't fall for Gerbil temper tantrums.

So, you got that going for you.

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0d03ff  No.11324112


I never could stand that Kennedy bitch!

Go Rudy, take that ho out once and for all

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38b90e  No.11324115

File: 3c7a910cbe11d96⋯.gif (1.56 MB, 600x449, 600:449, 1600196502858.gif)

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07b9fb  No.11324118


no shills.

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699d54  No.11324124


Thats exactly what this is. War never changes.

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07b9fb  No.11324129

File: 103890c25ac6192⋯.gif (3.9 MB, 400x372, 100:93, 103890c25ac61922d14f34a0cd….gif)


it's all so tiresome

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9008d8  No.11324131

File: 50f9461d9252664⋯.png (268.16 KB, 768x768, 1:1, A61C50FB_FA05_48C7_82A5_3A….png)

File: 57e0a64484518f5⋯.png (352.89 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 56E80472_CFA6_4C25_A4E7_14….png)

File: 071e495921aed3b⋯.png (435.08 KB, 768x768, 1:1, C74C550C_5A5B_4540_875F_29….png)

File: 71f0fdcad3b7615⋯.png (403.56 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 777E6318_895E_4634_A237_97….png)

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6f6936  No.11324133


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fe1be7  No.11324134

File: b2bd29050101dc4⋯.png (83.5 KB, 300x325, 12:13, 1600639634642.png)


wtf, you dumb idiot

you congratulated the shill baker on his notables and you call yourself anon?

i'm grateful for what Qresearch has brought me.

however, if this is the level of anon i'm supposed to serve with … <

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3a485e  No.11324146

shill bread @ 600

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5dc0d2  No.11324150


Anon is at 40K. The view is clear

All is well

We are winning, bigly

Have faith in humanity, anon

This is so much bigger that winning re-election

We win it all

Never had Patriots in control before

You wait and see

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84d58d  No.11324153

File: 3d45a7fac80192c⋯.png (339.58 KB, 537x248, 537:248, ClipboardImage.png)

What is this painting behind her?

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bbe0fa  No.11324166


I don't know, I am really confused. Are they using Q's terminology to hijack it or are have they always been the good guys? Strange times.

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7f8815  No.11324169

So the big announcement on Q's three year anniversary is that a few random Chinese agents got arrested? Wow. Convince me to not take the black pill gentlement, this all feels pointless. 3 years ago I did not think we would be less than a week away from the election with no major arrests, POTUS on his heels in the polls, and the deep state still firmly in charge of the DOJ and CIA.

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9008d8  No.11324170

File: fcafa4b603baf8a⋯.png (78.29 KB, 731x662, 731:662, 81E4CED5_037C_4295_B44D_EC….png)

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e462e5  No.11324175




GORY video coming soon? EYES ON

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d80ee6  No.11324180



Wow. I'm just getting caught up. I cannot believe he said that.

People are woke about this shit. Whether they want to be or not, doesn't matter. I am forced to use FB for business and everyone around me is a radical lib. But even my timeline is filled with a bunch of "holy shits, WTF is happening right now" posts.

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96a91e  No.11324184


Next step everyone comes back here and starts whining about collecting Notes from the other bread.

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b23a58  No.11324197

yeah, but watta bout those in the cesspool that conspired w/China???

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Eight Individuals Charged With Conspiring to Act as Illegal Agents of the People’s Republic of China

PRC Officials Directed Multi-Year Campaign of Harassment and Stalking; Directed at U.S. Residents to Force Their Return to PRC


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03a737  No.11324203

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7d1eb4  No.11324214

File: 10ae37adec5402a⋯.jpg (437.1 KB, 1600x883, 1600:883, 10ae37adec5402a026396e0cba….jpg)



isn't that most anon's life story?


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6c6ea7  No.11324216

File: 174fff2c5fc7f9e⋯.mp4 (143.78 KB, 480x270, 16:9, Q_clear.mp4)

Bobulinski said he held a Q clearance….

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f6f3a4  No.11324219


> People’s Republic of China

I misread this as the pedophile republic of china

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055fcb  No.11324226

File: 4076a1c8e711caf⋯.jpg (23.8 KB, 390x634, 195:317, TheHiddenTyranny.jpg)

File: b1e50d3f2c40207⋯.pdf (534.21 KB, rosy.pdf)

America and the world is now covered in political, economic, moral and social problems which need to be acted upon by Christian people. As Edmund Burke stated: "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." But before we can properly act we need a proper (not just a superficial) understanding of the problem. This booklet will help provide the reader with that understanding. (24 Pages)

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07b9fb  No.11324228

File: d18f2c70c7f4271⋯.png (360.54 KB, 598x408, 299:204, ClipboardImage.png)

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8aa89c  No.11324229


>watta bout those in the cesspool that conspired w/China???

They are all under surveillance and freaking out right now.

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055fcb  No.11324231

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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fe1be7  No.11324235

File: faade13d0f2ee43⋯.jpg (60.06 KB, 640x849, 640:849, 1600916033787.jpg)



Nah, shillbaker is going to continue baking and the bread has been succesfully hijacked.

Have a good one, lads. I won't be returning to the Bakery.

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e15d8d  No.11324236

File: 088f18c87b71516⋯.png (15.61 KB, 407x325, 407:325, ClipboardImage.png)

File: df4151bb67e8d3e⋯.png (490.37 KB, 459x904, 459:904, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c113ed11f5957ab⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1800x1800, 1:1, NightShift_Melania_BringsT….png)

File: 2126a42cbef8583⋯.gif (116.07 KB, 1027x731, 1027:731, pepe_FLAGS_OUT_o7_MAGA.gif)




== PRETTY MAGA NOTABLE: KEY: 10:01 AM - Oct 26, 2Q2Q

10:01 PAL_in_DROME

QPost# 11

– 10/29/2017 23:20:11

They lost this very important power

_ the one area of the govt not corrupt and directly serves POTUS.

QPost# 1001

04/03/2018 21:11:01

Pure EVIL.



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699d54  No.11324241

Locked and then unlocked.

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c5c570  No.11324247

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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96a91e  No.11324250



kek while it lasted, Anon.

Now Gerbil is saying he's Baking the next one.

So, starting to look like a good day to get offbaord shit doen and come back later for this Anon.

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e462e5  No.11324251


Pain is coming shills and traitors.

Nothing can stop this. Nothing.

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5de0c6  No.11324254


Video download..

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bbe0fa  No.11324258


Sometimes newer anons can have a fresh approach. I am approaching the tired and jaded phase. I for years believed Wray, Haspel, Sessions, Mueller, Rosenstein etc. were all white hats. Got heckled for it constantly. Then the last week I realized I was dead wrong, they are all bad. Now it is possible I was right originally, along with some other anons here. Fucking roller coaster.

"Hunters become the hunted" is no coincidence, very statistically unlikely.

Now was it them hijacking Qs terminology to cause confusion or have they been doing the right thing all along.

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d2987c  No.11324263


she was my congresswoman and is now my senator.

honestly, she's not very smart, but she is loyal to the cause.

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38b90e  No.11324264


>I won't be returning to the Bakery.

i really don't blame you

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5dc0d2  No.11324265

File: eee615229ba43b0⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Screenshot_744_.png)

"Sorry if I was on mute there"

Can't work a mute button

Claims to be able to be able to control speech on the internet

Go away faggot

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07b9fb  No.11324266


"anglo-saxon israel"


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96a91e  No.11324278


>Have a good one, lads. I won't be returning to the Bakery.

That sucks but I can't say I blame you.

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07b9fb  No.11324279


rest of it worth reading though.

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a429ae  No.11324280

File: b708380014332fe⋯.jpg (125.91 KB, 800x919, 800:919, bidenCOOKIE.jpg)

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223a45  No.11324287

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

US media beginning to notice a ‘clear path to victory’ for Trump

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6f6936  No.11324298

File: 000ff96ba9269a6⋯.gif (2.56 MB, 500x204, 125:51, 295d3e559a2e8095dc11100e03….gif)

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6203bd  No.11324299

>>11324092 Today's DOJ Presser: "The Hunters became the hunted"



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bbe0fa  No.11324302

Watch for a last minute attempt for governors to scare voters (TRUMP voters) away from the polls due to COVID panic.

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b23a58  No.11324304

File: 559a24b69dab881⋯.png (377.2 KB, 588x386, 294:193, Screen_Shot_2020_10_28_at_….png)


Where's Barr on all this???

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f6f3a4  No.11324312

Breadsplit reported


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cc51db  No.11324314


Seems no different than anything else they hijack to twist to confuse.

Remember, we are still "RUSSIAN BOTS" pushing disinformation. That is how they've blanketed the BIG TECH suppression this entire time. Listening to the continued BS today at the hearing, it's clear.

The D's will say anything Truthful is Russian Disinformation, and HAS TO BE QUASHED. Including POTUS as the election confusion game is High Stakes for them.

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07b9fb  No.11324315

File: fe87fd70a1f421b⋯.png (38.51 KB, 1349x565, 1349:565, ClipboardImage.png)


something to do with Rahab?

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a1f375  No.11324329


Do you see what is happening?

Red red

Rudolph the red nose reindeer


[[[Next week]]]


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a2dc05  No.11324331

Has @jack converted to Islam? State of that beard.

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bbe0fa  No.11324332

Red (Chinese) October

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582f57  No.11324333







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91b069  No.11324334

File: d181980870b3e7c⋯.jpg (39.73 KB, 675x641, 675:641, 9bpa.jpg)


go be a nigger somewhere else

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07b9fb  No.11324335

File: 406b9c281fe0de9⋯.png (3.49 KB, 605x52, 605:52, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2b8f7ef9a201ab5⋯.png (2.31 KB, 584x33, 584:33, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2c7180fc2c4395c⋯.png (8.18 KB, 637x78, 49:6, ClipboardImage.png)

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f6f3a4  No.11324336


locked, you nigger!

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fe1be7  No.11324337


I will not continue baking.

Someone else. here's the dough.

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91b069  No.11324338

File: 31545531d878dbf⋯.mp4 (7.34 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Shadilay.mp4)

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96a91e  No.11324339


nope - fuck off

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588ef5  No.11324340

And there you have it, a successful hijack right before your very eyes and not a thing done about it… Things that make you go hmmmmm.

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50a276  No.11324341

File: fd6a05628474941⋯.png (236.55 KB, 603x327, 201:109, ClipboardImage.png)

'Project Veritas Drops NUKE — GOP Ballot Chaser Admits to Major Voter Fraud Operation in Texas to Help Biden — ‘$55K for 5,000 Votes’


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ff5b6a  No.11324342

File: 4023c96ce393ca8⋯.png (461.79 KB, 456x591, 152:197, trump_and_doggo.png)



see you in 67.

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5dc0d2  No.11324343


Why are we leapfrogging this bread (14465)?

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b2e225  No.11324345


a truely assholish thing to do . . .

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fe1be7  No.11324346


They're locking the new threads.

Which means that BO/BV is here.

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ff5b6a  No.11324347


we aren't. the drunk needs to step away from the keyboard.

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91b069  No.11324348

File: 8b8bfe87fe06ed6⋯.jpg (119.59 KB, 405x554, 405:554, blameglob.jpg)


We aren't.

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ace3b6  No.11324349

Too much momentum to stop at the precipice.

Q may very well get plan Z.

But they won't be able to control it!

Make your Peace with God.

Hug your family.

Harden your heart.

It's gonna be a bloody Christmas!

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699d54  No.11324350


TYBaker for your efforts. o7

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39103b  No.11324351

File: e46a8f7391aeedb⋯.png (11.34 KB, 246x255, 82:85, filter_shills.png)

Make your bread great again. FILTER:

Muh Joos shills

Fake bakers

All caps red letter fags

Music video posts

Gore fags

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bbe0fa  No.11324352

So I have a theory that the press conference saying "Hunters become the Hunter" was a signal to the deep state "Surpise Motherfuckers!" we have been investigating you hard this whole time and you are going down.

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f6f3a4  No.11324353


niggers never learn. This is the bread.

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3ce0c2  No.11324354

the AMERICAN people deserve to know exactly where the allegiance of these so called Americans stand.IN WRITING

as a matter of fact- we need one from every single public servant and dole receiver (SES)

AND what God they worship - if they do, and if they don't like behrn / mysoginist faux suax KENNEDY

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fbd1c8  No.11324355


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5fbe12  No.11324356

File: ca17ed784e484ff⋯.png (29.48 KB, 598x154, 299:77, ClipboardImage.png)

god emperor on main with the double meanings existing.

media and BT not covering biden corruption. media and big tech are wash their hands of biden campaign. none of the information will be hidden. everything's there to see.


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35bd80  No.11324357

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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dee8e4  No.11324358

Alright Q… less than a week until the election. This is where the rubber meets the road. Lets see some justice already, or fuck off.

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ff5b6a  No.11324359


lockdeeznuts, loser.

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38b90e  No.11324360

here come the low IQ anons getting forced into the bread that was the correct bread all along

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bbe0fa  No.11324361


Another shipment of ammo has just arrived

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4f3aad  No.11324362

File: caee37fef8fc0ef⋯.jpg (398.08 KB, 667x1000, 667:1000, pepe_journeys.jpg)

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7cc21f  No.11324363


He looks like an iranian imam

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588ef5  No.11324364


I don't blame you but don't give up quite yet…try one more bake and see if they lock the others.

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fb7e33  No.11324365

File: f30f9aa646f602b⋯.png (79.8 KB, 356x450, 178:225, f30f9aa646f602bcf0f15f3920….png)


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a9aee1  No.11324366

File: 1bd146daec6865c⋯.png (570.58 KB, 684x679, 684:679, ClipboardImage.png)

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f6f3a4  No.11324367


did your bread get locked?

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ff5b6a  No.11324368


did Q post here?

if not, it wasn't the 'correct bread'.

your flesh is showing, and to be honest it's ugly.

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9a82d2  No.11324369


They are working together, split the bread call for handoff, rinse repeat. 2 fucking weeks now. Good job that Anons can use discernment and peruse them all. Wankers.

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4aa35b  No.11324370

File: 508e961e23a6b8b⋯.jpg (78.58 KB, 742x743, 742:743, SC1.JPG)


Potus giving the newly upgraded SC a spin today. Thank you Potus.

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4a4ee6  No.11324371

Q hasn't posed in a while

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699d54  No.11324372


Kek. Its funny because its true.

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1d86e8  No.11324373

The competing thread has been locked

KeK ………….. pay attention

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ff5b6a  No.11324375


cuz all these bakers are playing games.

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96a91e  No.11324376

File: d21cf4912c7ec86⋯.png (2.21 KB, 81x63, 9:7, ckd.png)

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bbe0fa  No.11324377

boobulinski, it's all a call for more boobs

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b2e225  No.11324378


it used to be if breads overlapped it would be a quiet thing. The less filled would get the number ticked up, and the breads would dance together in harmony and everyone cool would know where to post: in the earliest numbered bread.

so that is what happened.

and this was renumbered.

try to keep up.

the new 14466 bread, according to who I must say is the very awesome . . . from Georgia, has indicated that a new bread so early in this one has been locked. And he used his very catch-phrase word 'pheasent' or somesuch.

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40e56f  No.11324379


I am not apt to agree on Sessions, anon.

He set Durham loose inside DOJ to investigate leaks, prior to playing Internal Investigations on Mueller probe.

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ace3b6  No.11324380


I'm stocked pretty well on 5.56.

Gonna get a little more .308 though.

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582f57  No.11324381

Notables #14464

>>11323324 Deepstate is the virus?

>>11323341 Any update on the DOJ/FBI presser?

>>11323365 CNN going full retard on hospital capacity.

>>11323370 bill-maher-under-fire

>>11323389 FLYNN DOJ response to Judge Sullivan

>>11323404 eight-individuals-charged-conspiring-act-

>>11323409 Hunter Biden Pictures of Himself Disrobed and Exposed With Certain Minor

>>11323385 natalie.webm

>>11323439 Body Language: Tony Bobulinski, Biden China FBI

>>11323456 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1321472358830403585

>>11323459 google-joe-biden-corruption-burisma-autocomplate

>>11323483 saudi-arabia-warns-of-potential-missile-attac

>>11323505, >>11323495 DOJ: "HUNTERS BECAME THE HUNTED"

>>11323518 https://twitter.com/WarRoomPandemic/status/1321477415940612098

>>11323545 Eight Individuals Charged With Conspiring to Act as Illegal Agents of the People’s Republic of China

>>11323556 ny-brooklyn-protests-philadelphia-shooting-

>>11323568 Polling Averages

>>11323587, >>11324136 Catherine Herridge @CBS_Herridge

>>11323594 Pres. Trump visits farmer's market in Bangor, Maine

>>11323610 POLL POSITION

>>11323623 Facebook, Twitter and Google CEOs testify before Senate

>>11323648 Do Not Trust The Medical Or The National Security

>>11323675 experts-now-saying-dont-mail-your-ballot

>>11323720 Melania Trump slams the Democrats:

>>11323787 Happy 3 Years, Q and anons

>>11323802 cnns-oliver-darcy-beclowns-self

>>11323483 us-embassy-in-saudi-arabia-warns-of-potential-missile-attack

>>11323836, >>11324068 Veritas Drop: Moar Texas Vote Fraud

>>11323840 BREAKING: Ballot Chaser Reveals MASSIVE Voter Fraud To Elect @JoeBiden


>>11323896 schumann report


>>11323996 Your patriotism is truly inspiring!

>>11324003 Guild Holdings sold by McCarthy Partners, LLC: $68.72m-Oct 26

>>11324017 Alek Skarlatos and two friends thwarted an attack by a gunman

>>11324004 Hi IQanon Post

>>11324047 We are the news now

>>11324057 Bitter Hillary slips up

>>11324085 PlaneFag Reports

>>11324108 De-facedcomms

>>11324127 I suspect that Jack Dorsey has lost control of Twitter.

>>11324138, >>11324162 3 hours, 8 minutes till 3-year Q delta:

>>11324139 https://twitter.com/HillaryClinton/status/1321482174546223105

>>11324154 Beverly Hills March

>>11324168 Hunter Biden and Lobbyist Named in IRS Complaint Against National Security Non-Profit Where They Both Served on Board

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1be24b  No.11324382


Yes, just a little birtday present to show Q my appreciation ❤️

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aecc98  No.11324383




> double meanings existing.

>media and BT not covering biden corruption. media and big tech are wash their hands of biden campaign. none of the information will be hidden. everything's there to see.

This anon sure hopes you are right. My guess is that this becomes a shitshow next week, with the SC to decide the president.

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3fd7a1  No.11324384

File: a9b6686908e5801⋯.png (111.57 KB, 603x408, 201:136, Capture.PNG)

Read the comments. Wray is loved by the left.

Wray is /oursleeper/.


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dd9e5a  No.11324385

File: d883487e10ba9aa⋯.jpg (33.48 KB, 512x372, 128:93, 20201022_133023.jpg)

Nothing is still ever happens

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fb7e33  No.11324386


LB just finished and we're already at 285 posts???

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d861b5  No.11324387


And it's getting fucking old

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c5c570  No.11324388

File: cdc878f46ffef99⋯.png (719.34 KB, 458x697, 458:697, ClipboardImage.png)


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38b90e  No.11324389


you're seriously so dumb

>>11323314 pb

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07b9fb  No.11324390

here come all the shills

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27dc42  No.11324391

File: 6586ceb91486267⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1201x692, 1201:692, ClipboardImage.png)

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e15d8d  No.11324392

File: c34937a287eef86⋯.png (30.96 KB, 388x422, 194:211, Clipboarder_2020_10_28_019.png)

File: eb1fdb3722534d1⋯.png (711.27 KB, 613x1169, 613:1169, Clipboarder_2020_10_28_020.png)

File: 834e5ef3df911bd⋯.png (15 KB, 400x378, 200:189, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 811d9a8572f5c55⋯.gif (1.1 MB, 498x332, 3:2, Field_of_FIGHT_inTheSTORM.gif)

File: f8bfc081763a5d9⋯.jpg (98.95 KB, 620x900, 31:45, selfEXpanITstory_ANSWERED_….jpg)

>>11321163 /pbFLYNN

>“you are Mine”) {address TO:}


The Peoples General + spouseAnon

reply from:


Field of Fight Medium star Medium star Medium star


#KAG2020 {FLAGSout__inTheSTORM}

7:40 AM · Oct 28, 2020

QPost# 740

02/11/2018 20:01:37

how full GITMO is gonna be?


Max cap.

[1] other prison being prepped.


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b23a58  No.11324393

Jack/Zuck on 'bullying and harassment', lol.

Alex, I'll take PROJECTION for 1000 please!

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ddffc7  No.11324394

File: 6948d3594c5ffb2⋯.png (264.46 KB, 469x384, 469:384, Screen_Shot_2020_10_28_at_….png)



>He looks like an iranian imam

which one?

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b82910  No.11324395

File: 32e693f9e965c4d⋯.jpg (18.7 KB, 512x137, 512:137, crossborderrun.JPG)

Run for the border?

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5fbe12  No.11324396



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582f57  No.11324397


>>11323324 Deepstate is the virus?

>>11323341 Any update on the DOJ/FBI presser?

>>11323365 CNN going full retard on hospital capacity.

>>11323370 bill-maher-under-fire

>>11323389 FLYNN DOJ response to Judge Sullivan

>>11323404 eight-individuals-charged-conspiring-act-

>>11323409 Hunter Biden Pictures of Himself Disrobed and Exposed With Certain Minor

>>11323385 natalie.webm

>>11323439 Body Language: Tony Bobulinski, Biden China FBI

>>11323456 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1321472358830403585

>>11323459 google-joe-biden-corruption-burisma-autocomplate

>>11323483 saudi-arabia-warns-of-potential-missile-attac

>>11323505, >>11323495 DOJ: "HUNTERS BECAME THE HUNTED"

>>11323518 https://twitter.com/WarRoomPandemic/status/1321477415940612098

>>11323545 Eight Individuals Charged With Conspiring to Act as Illegal Agents of the People’s Republic of China

>>11323556 ny-brooklyn-protests-philadelphia-shooting-

>>11323568 Polling Averages

>>11323587, >>11324136 Catherine Herridge @CBS_Herridge

>>11323594 Pres. Trump visits farmer's market in Bangor, Maine

>>11323610 POLL POSITION

>>11323623 Facebook, Twitter and Google CEOs testify before Senate

>>11323648 Do Not Trust The Medical Or The National Security

>>11323675 experts-now-saying-dont-mail-your-ballot

>>11323720 Melania Trump slams the Democrats:

>>11323787 Happy 3 Years, Q and anons

>>11323802 cnns-oliver-darcy-beclowns-self

>>11323483 us-embassy-in-saudi-arabia-warns-of-potential-missile-attack

>>11323836, >>11324068 Veritas Drop: Moar Texas Vote Fraud

>>11323840 BREAKING: Ballot Chaser Reveals MASSIVE Voter Fraud To Elect @JoeBiden


>>11323896 schumann report


>>11323996 Your patriotism is truly inspiring!

>>11324003 Guild Holdings sold by McCarthy Partners, LLC: $68.72m-Oct 26

>>11324017 Alek Skarlatos and two friends thwarted an attack by a gunman

>>11324004 Hi IQanon Post

>>11324047 We are the news now

>>11324057 Bitter Hillary slips up

>>11324085 PlaneFag Reports

>>11324108 De-facedcomms

>>11324127 I suspect that Jack Dorsey has lost control of Twitter.

>>11324138, >>11324162 3 hours, 8 minutes till 3-year Q delta:

>>11324139 https://twitter.com/HillaryClinton/status/1321482174546223105

>>11324154 Beverly Hills March

>>11324168 Hunter Biden and Lobbyist Named in IRS Complaint Against National Security Non-Profit Where They Both Served on Board

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f6f3a4  No.11324398


the bv's are working. It's all good.

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96a91e  No.11324399


>Good job that Anons can use discernment

You're not one of them obviously.

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b2e225  No.11324400


I was thinking more like

Beau Bobulinski

mix some French with some Polish.

Don't disrespect the man's name!

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26be41  No.11324401


#14464 Notables for baker

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ff5b6a  No.11324402


BOTH BAKERS are hijacking breadsplitters in my book…



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cc51db  No.11324403


IDK why Anons keep throwing Sessions in there with the traitors.

That Keebler Elf, will be honored, as the great Patriot that he is.

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3ce0c2  No.11324404

>>11324366 its an avenger scene:

we didn't know he was hydra at the time

–but he looks like a bad guy, he's dressed like a bad guy, and he's stripping AMERICANS of the freedom of speech like bad guys do??

yeah, we didn't see it because so many demonrats where compromised , we didn't know and where to busy making money…

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96a91e  No.11324405


>all these bakers


Just Gerbil.

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226461  No.11324406

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Shall we continue Anon?

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4748eb  No.11324407

File: 0ca8f1c18e2a1ef⋯.jpeg (153.94 KB, 1122x1122, 1:1, 66A2B0DA_48CF_470B_8302_C….jpeg)



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4ee77a  No.11324408

File: 15a2623e1c79738⋯.png (569.99 KB, 727x418, 727:418, ClipboardImage.png)

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f6f3a4  No.11324409


anons are everywhere_, fagboy.

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fe1be7  No.11324410

File: a9441a1fae4b192⋯.jpg (31.3 KB, 206x167, 206:167, 1602701206044.jpg)

.. This is incredible

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07b9fb  No.11324411


I'm not expecting anything until 0000 3/4 Oct.

Just opinion have no inside info.

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6151ee  No.11324412

File: 18075500af1d632⋯.jpeg (59.55 KB, 960x640, 3:2, 77D2CAF5_6F31_49CB_BCF9_6….jpeg)

This Halloween, Look for the Hunter’s Blue Moon

The second full moon of the month gives Halloween an extra spooky atmosphere.

This October is flanked by full moons. October 1 featured an unusually late Harvest Moon, and on October 31, we’ll get an encore—a Hunter’s Blue Moon, Ashley Strickland reports for CNN.

The name “blue moon” doesn’t mean that the full moon will literally take on a blue hue, but that it is the second full moon in a single month. Blue moons only happen about every two and a half years. The last one rose on March 31, 2018, Tim Sharp wrote for Space.com in 2018. As the full moon following the Harvest Moon, the full moon that will rise on Halloween is also known as the Hunter’s Moon. And because the moon is within a day of reaching the furthest point from Earth along its orbit, the Halloween full moon will also appear about 14 percent smaller than the supermoon that appeared this April, Joe Rao explains for Space.com this month.

Halloween’s full moon is also called a Hunter’s moon. The Hunter’s moon always follows the Harvest moon, which is the full moon closest to the autumnal equinox on September 22. The Harvest moon may have gotten its name because farmers could use the light of the moon to extend their workday even as daylight hours shortened, and so they could finish harvesting fall crops before the first frost. The Hunter’s moon is a reference to the way that humans and animals can use this time to stock up on food for the winter ahead, per the Old Farmer’s Almanac.


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dcad7e  No.11324413

File: 7663db4267a1e62⋯.png (60.17 KB, 500x500, 1:1, f5ab02889a1c252f69c8308ae4….png)


this one? I have others

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ff5b6a  No.11324414


who tf is gerbil?

ban his fuck ass…

and I PROMISE you'll have problems the next day.

keep casting blame…

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03a737  No.11324415

File: 183d17e1af9b8da⋯.png (347.08 KB, 684x679, 684:679, Polish_20201028_114608357.png)

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35bd80  No.11324416

File: f78e9652dae7435⋯.jpeg (83.57 KB, 828x642, 138:107, 57E1A106_D6E0_460F_9EC2_4….jpeg)

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a61223  No.11324417

Why is the running posts called the "bread" and the aggregation of notables called the "dough"? Shouldn't it be the other way around?

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8b5599  No.11324419

File: cf432f638b4b69a⋯.png (691.15 KB, 1080x1068, 90:89, Memeto_1603469272143.png)

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7d5a00  No.11324420

File: efe214f78df1972⋯.png (95.81 KB, 800x600, 4:3, WEARETHENEWS3.png)

File: 6e29af047ccccd0⋯.png (42.74 KB, 796x389, 796:389, CENSOR.png)

File: c8ca502564cfb51⋯.png (175.75 KB, 800x600, 4:3, HUNTERS1.png)

File: 8f9e58045f4f157⋯.png (497.28 KB, 800x600, 4:3, ZUCK1.png)

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ace3b6  No.11324421

File: 0ffba652260e898⋯.jpg (64.86 KB, 420x279, 140:93, Spread.jpg)

A Good Investment.

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fc061a  No.11324422


Here's a few questions I would ask Big Tech…

Why would you allow the Government to force you to save every bit of data, from every user that uploads to your servers/storage drives… free, for eternity?

Do you let the Government lawmakers tell you when to dump your garbage?

Can you mind your own business?

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40e56f  No.11324423


That was my very first thought upon seeing that pic, anon.

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67c5ed  No.11324424


Well, Hunter Biden would fuck ANYTHING.

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4a4ee6  No.11324425


why would her bicep be blurred tho?

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588ef5  No.11324426


Bullshit. Original baker linked to this bread, they started the other

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3ce0c2  No.11324427


curbing and curtailing free speech isPOLICY

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49258e  No.11324428



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b918af  No.11324429


What brand is that?

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5dc0d2  No.11324430


Profiles = AI presence

Think mirror

Make a copy of a "digital personage"

Take a typical patriot

Flip it's "values" 180

Use it as a policeman

Targeted policing

Self-Seeking missile

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ff5b6a  No.11324431


cool so does that mean we are merging for 67?

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b918af  No.11324432

Google just referenced the Christ Church shooting false flag as a reason to censor content. They don't want people finding out what their operators are up to.

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c5c570  No.11324433


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96a91e  No.11324434


Fuck off, Gerbil.

Took a while, but you got BTFO'd this time.

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38b90e  No.11324435

File: d09a3ab82170ed6⋯.jpg (16.22 KB, 480x466, 240:233, 1603628093848.jpg)


I REPEAT: YOU ARE SERIOUSLY SO DUMB. could you maybe go be dumb elsewhere?

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35bd80  No.11324436

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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dcad7e  No.11324437


that's who I thought it was when I first saw it.

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b622e6  No.11324438

File: d3b1473d32ebc5b⋯.jpg (36.92 KB, 714x828, 119:138, Snake_bread_govt.jpg)


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c5c570  No.11324439

File: 184a9d0d13e2234⋯.png (1.15 MB, 911x489, 911:489, ClipboardImage.png)

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ff5b6a  No.11324440


my name is Cody, newfag.

you took the bait.

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ec59fa  No.11324441

File: 1056502d2083e4b⋯.png (340.26 KB, 598x423, 598:423, Screenshot_2020_10_28_Valf….png)

#10 Vote Republican @valforcongress

We Will Be Taking Back The House, Securing The Senate And Keeping The PRESIDENCY! #Trump2020.

Please take a moment to help support this Republican Candidate Fighting on the Front Lines.

#VoteRepublican https://twitter.com/valforcongress



US House candidate, IL-10

This 30 day operation will be active to help get the message out to America about the #DoNothingDemocrats and to help support #VoteRepublican candidates running for that district.

Suggested Hashes:

#Trump2020 #Trump2020Landslide #Vote #VoteRed #VoteRepublican #GetOutAndVote #VoteDemsOut #VoteAllDemsOut #VoteInPerson #VoterID #GoVote #TakeTheHouse

#MAGA #WWG1WGA #RedWave #Watchyourballot #SecureTheVote #DefundTheLeft #ObamaGate #OBidenGate

-Daily Hash Trends (#mondaymotivation, #tuesdaythoughts…)

-State/District Hashes ex. #Nevada #Nevada3rd

-Named Hashes ex. #DanRodemer #VoteDanRodemer #ElectDanRodemer

#DoNothingDemocrats: The 'NO' Party

>NO School Choice

>NO Child Tax Credit

>NO Social Security

>NO Speech

>NO Jobs

>NO Wall

>NO Police

>NO Guns

>NO Military

>NO Religion

>NO Law and Order

OP: https://8kun.top/warroom/res/5520.html >>>/warroom/5520

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5c5f60  No.11324442

File: aee12793043fb88⋯.jpg (61.63 KB, 500x556, 125:139, at_jack_is_now_rasputin.jpg)


@Jack enjoy your future @gitmo.

Just sayin'. ;-)

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588ef5  No.11324443


Fucked if I know, kek

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fb7e33  No.11324444

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Set It OffQ

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ace3b6  No.11324445


Don't know. Just some rando Goog pic.

Too lazy and paranoid to go out to the garage and take a pic of mine.

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891e25  No.11324446


Stand tall wee man.

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a61223  No.11324447



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d80ee6  No.11324448

I can't watch that livestream.

Anyone who needs a fucking social network to tell them what is "misinformation" and what isn't, is just a total retard and should get the fuck out of America.

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a4a833  No.11324449


Add the 8200 meme to expand.

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ff5b6a  No.11324450


forgiveness NEVER stops when you are a TRUE carrier of the holy spirit… 7 x 77.

get it together, you sound dumb.

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dcad7e  No.11324451


>>11323869oops, never mind anon…..I think you are asking for something else. Sorry.

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aecc98  No.11324452


Looks like it, but I just don't know who changes their minds when they learn Hunter Biden gets a ton of pussy.

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d2987c  No.11324453


who is the sloth on the bed?

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96a91e  No.11324454


He split the last bread.

Pretty easy to blame him, brainlet.

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f6f3a4  No.11324455


Hi. Back the fuck off. You are known now.

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2fed34  No.11324456


>my name is Cody, newfag.

>you took the bait.

Huuurrrrr dddduuurrrrr, you took the bate. You are all the same. Some cheap knockoffs of others, but all the same.

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3ce0c2  No.11324457

ANOTHER woman PLAYING all her political bait cards and orange man bad FEELZ

WOMANsplaining and spreading her anti-misogyny

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51ca9b  No.11324458

File: 756658ededfc84f⋯.jpg (88.12 KB, 500x763, 500:763, AmericaFirstIII.jpg)

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9a82d2  No.11324459



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ff5b6a  No.11324460



k, just saying… the OTHER BAKER is involved until you can prove otherwise.

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fc061a  No.11324461

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sure… some good tunes to listen to while lurking is good therapy.

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eac41c  No.11324462

What the frack, man.

When Biden says he will not ban fracking he is telling the truth, sort of.

He will only be in long enough just to get them over the finish line before he is Amendent 25'd.

Kamala is the selected one to ban the fracking. And all the other communist shit.

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b2e225  No.11324463

File: d529a39ac4a07f6⋯.jpg (62.05 KB, 473x612, 473:612, jack_is_a_genius_.jpg)

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a9aee1  No.11324464

File: 51899551071089f⋯.png (217.06 KB, 1683x697, 99:41, ClipboardImage.png)

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07b9fb  No.11324465


ear lobes seem slightly different BUT hard to see

angle plus shadow plus weight of ear ring in first pic

shadow behind right ear obscuring tattoo?

left shoulder / scapular?

forearm is a new one?

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dcad7e  No.11324466

fuck…trying this again

>>11324413 (You)


oops, never mind anon…..I think you are asking for something else. Sorry.

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5e865f  No.11324467

File: e163f5e9f37e71e⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1077x1060, 1077:1060, e163f5e9f37e71e140f41f6db0….png)

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96a91e  No.11324468


>my name is Cody

A Gerbil fanboi.

That's even worse.

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948851  No.11324469

Posting in Shit bread for the record

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3e64ee  No.11324470

The Massachusetts Senate race is fucky.

In the primary, Dr. Shiva ran as Republican against some Republican lawyer nobody has ever heard of and somehow the guy nobody heard of, won.

Now half the Republican votes in the state will write in Dr. Shiva and split the vote guaranteeing Ed Markey will win the seat.

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588ef5  No.11324471


Whoops, meant for


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f6f3a4  No.11324472


Breadsplitters are cancer.

That makes you cancer for supporting it.

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fd6071  No.11324474

File: 2fc2002e59da993⋯.png (23.25 KB, 741x568, 741:568, 2fc2002e59da9934fd60bc7dc1….png)


I wonder which [F]oriegn country this sad excuse of shilling is coming from.

In a way, I feel kind of bad, because this is probably the only source of viable income in order to survive in some countries.

Bad actors taking advantage of poverty stricken people to do their evil subversive bidding.

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d80ee6  No.11324475


That whole pic is disturbing in so many ways.

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ff5b6a  No.11324476


who tf is gerbil?

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ee38da  No.11324477


Gives new meaning to poke her face

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03a737  No.11324478


Scared. Lost soul.

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3f9b67  No.11324479

File: accb0c9f2394093⋯.jpg (615.17 KB, 2076x2606, 1038:1303, 20201027_173209.jpg)

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3919fb  No.11324480


the shoulder blur is to hide her shoulder tattoo. the arm blur is a distraction.

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ff5b6a  No.11324481


yes breadsplitters are definitely cancfer.

and the EGOTISTICAL 'baker' who kept making more duplicates is JUST AS INVOLVED…

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d6fda7  No.11324482

File: 6dc058e45c264c6⋯.jpg (16.98 KB, 255x153, 5:3, U_S_Flag_God_Bless_America.jpg)

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d46740  No.11324483

File: ca9bfb9c45f7526⋯.png (440.8 KB, 1640x792, 205:99, Screen_Shot_2020_10_28_at_….png)

Any Planefags tracking interdastings?

“LID” called at 12:40amE.


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fb7e33  No.11324484


Cereal? don't

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91a004  No.11324485


sloth on the bed looks like a dude in drag

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38b90e  No.11324486

File: 4a7bf37f0427ab5⋯.png (895.26 KB, 850x480, 85:48, ClipboardImage.png)

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c87c46  No.11324487


Nothing will happen…..until next week after we win! Add her to the indictment list. We need moar jails.

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dcad7e  No.11324488

Biden just walked away from the mic after short speech. Was supposed to take questions.

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288c2b  No.11324489


8chan notables sniper and bo of >>>/warroom/

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399d84  No.11324491

File: 3b39a8090ec17fc⋯.jpg (139.78 KB, 750x500, 3:2, I_m_giving_you_a_ticket_to….jpg)

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dd9e5a  No.11324492


Name one arrest worth a fuck.

Still voting Trump

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f6f3a4  No.11324493


None of your arguments are valid, breadsplitter.

Fame whores are superfags.

That's not as bad as cancer.

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ace3b6  No.11324494

Anons Mom called angry last night.

One of her closest friends in Durham was convinced by her kids to vote for Biden.

Mom just said she got a call from her.

She said she really didn't want to answer.

Mom's friend told her she just voted for Trump.

Small win, but I'll take it.

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d6fda7  No.11324495

File: 27de4ae10e2fdd7⋯.jpg (16.95 KB, 255x170, 3:2, Pepe_One_Nation_One_Flag_O….jpg)

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d80ee6  No.11324496


Holy shit. He showed up today looking like THAT???


He's on some good drugs. Hell, by the looks of him, he's been checked out for a very long time.

JHFC. THIS MAN'S policies are running the narrative.

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96a91e  No.11324497


> the OTHER BAKER is involved until you can prove otherwise

WTF a breakout of brainlets all of a sudden.

You need to sauce what Anons here the whole time saw go down not us.

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447020  No.11324498


How much do you want to bet that the two Whistleblowers working with Guilianni and Steve Bannon? I Know the mother of the Female Dr. who was on Tucker was arrested.

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1afd5e  No.11324499

File: 2441b4111fc6a80⋯.jpg (124.34 KB, 650x435, 130:87, Romanovs.jpg)


Romanovs concur. Rasputin with an s in it.

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49258e  No.11324500

QANON completed prohibited on FB

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aecc98  No.11324501


>the shoulder blur is to hide her shoulder tattoo. the arm blur is a distraction.


What I want to know is why can't they just show it at this point?

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223a45  No.11324502

File: a08e229b95f348e⋯.jpg (57.45 KB, 700x465, 140:93, Rasputins_Penis.jpg)

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ff5b6a  No.11324503


so why haven't we 'banned' him if he is so CLEARLY a problem?

who is ENABLING his chaos?

see where I'm going with this?

it's just as much OUR FAULT as it is this random gerbilpeasant.

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c1ac91  No.11324504

File: 5ceff5ed527914f⋯.jpg (9.43 KB, 255x180, 17:12, 0d2f51e4a301daf3a82256785c….jpg)

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03a737  No.11324505

File: 2fe48c45550be60⋯.gif (7.85 MB, 530x432, 265:216, 20201021_112607.gif)

File: f444de96f51689f⋯.gif (3.9 MB, 484x536, 121:134, 20201022_220623.gif)


My home…glad its exposed to sunlight! Trump 2020

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1d86e8  No.11324506


Probably — if anyone actually cared for the bread or the dough

It is really only something for the bakers to quarrel over each day

Real Patriots do not need the bread to keep abreast of current events

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a2dc05  No.11324507


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51ca9b  No.11324508

File: 8c7af2a4733c3ca⋯.png (441.36 KB, 419x370, 419:370, ClipboardImage.png)

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35bd80  No.11324509

File: 05bb38fb2900dd1⋯.jpeg (333.75 KB, 828x882, 46:49, 5375C9AC_A72D_4665_ACB7_F….jpeg)

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ddffc7  No.11324510


poker face

poke her face!

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179775  No.11324511

File: 54fe9d5f08836d2⋯.png (421.4 KB, 1439x1163, 1439:1163, Capture_2020_10_28_11_51_5….png)

Crystal clear.


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229bea  No.11324512

so biden has been taking bribes from foreign countries for years upon years and Q has had the executive branch for three and cant bring him to justice?

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5dc0d2  No.11324513



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226461  No.11324514

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1eefab  No.11324515


Lol… more ammo for POTUS

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b2e225  No.11324516


'Qanon' is a synonym for 'free speech movement' or 'people consulting freely with each other'

so it doesn't surprise me that Facebook does not support that.

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d80ee6  No.11324517


The dough is for next bread.

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ab9271  No.11324518

Zucks talking about qwannon.

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af1594  No.11324519

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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c5c570  No.11324520

File: 2f3935fb3a8cfb5⋯.png (483.82 KB, 527x396, 527:396, ClipboardImage.png)


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3ce0c2  No.11324521

cuckface is blaming thePENNSYLVANNIA looting rioting and insurrection on


antifa blm are claiming their success last night in PA, but they are targeting AMERICANS as dangerous and terrorists

you deserve to HANG NIGGERS, KNOW!!!

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0d8e26  No.11324522


>Real Patriots do not need the bread to keep abreast of current events

No, they don't.

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f9b74a  No.11324523

File: cceae39b302c916⋯.gif (1.53 MB, 260x209, 260:209, C2560627_2431_440D_9B65_D2….gif)

File: 55b41ff713ca65c⋯.png (215.92 KB, 1125x2001, 375:667, C0123907_A94A_49C4_863D_58….png)

File: c79930daa6f2703⋯.png (1 MB, 1125x2001, 375:667, 60A2C7EC_A034_4AF8_8EE4_E4….png)

What a joke.


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811eb5  No.11324524


one at a time ~ we'll take it too!



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f6f3a4  No.11324525



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d6152b  No.11324526


split the hick vote

gud strategy

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49258e  No.11324527

"Content Moderation"


CENSORSHIP you faggot Mark.

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d80ee6  No.11324528


Wow. Shills are here in force today acting like retards.

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21fc59  No.11324529

File: 263336d67b312f3⋯.png (869.68 KB, 1080x2340, 6:13, Screenshot_20201028_115047.png)

File: e3bca66d2a2d080⋯.jpg (115.33 KB, 1080x1575, 24:35, FB_IMG_1603903928237.jpg)

Lady featured in New project veritas is on Facebook. Looks like she saw the first video Veritas released, where she hands "muh tia" a shawl and explains that she voted Republican when she was supposed to vote straight D, and then released an official statement.

Her spin is fucking hilarious.

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62e871  No.11324530


Trump is still just whining on Twitter like a[SHILL]Meanwhile the future POTUS Biden is out there speaking Truth to Power

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9d0d94  No.11324531

File: fa02826e01fc82d⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1047x588, 349:196, ClipboardImage.png)

New video posted awhile ago.


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c1ac91  No.11324532

File: bbea116a4cb4c5a⋯.mp4 (1.11 MB, 480x270, 16:9, HunterBidenChineseSpyAndFa….mp4)

This was no doubt posted here, I hope.

Hard drive stuff.

Hunter Biden audio on his partner the "Chinese spy" and his father's involvement in some criminal investigation?

Sorry, been away, but, just in case not posted yet, thought I would drop it here.

I sure hope we never find any "deals" here for our government to look the other way while (((they) were on the "hunt".



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4d5cb3  No.11324533

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1eefab  No.11324534


Agreed… it is some crazy Howard Hughes shit

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d861b5  No.11324535

Oops sorry my bad !


An A-10 Warthog from Osan Air Base in South Korea accidentally released a non-explosive munition while on a training flight Oct. 13, the 51st Fighter Wing said.

After a three-day search for the missing projectile involving U.S. and Korean personnel, which proved unsuccessful, the search was called off.

In an email Tuesday night, 1st Lt. Daniel de La Fé, head of public affairs for the 51st, said that the A-10 pilot was from the 25th Fighter Squadron at Osan and “inadvertently released an unguided non-explosive projectile” in a “remote off-range area.”

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fb7e33  No.11324536

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Light My Way

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b56f64  No.11324537


What was presented by DOJ/FBI today and ref to "Hunters become the Hunted" was a slide and middle finger. Also an attempt to possibly tie up relevant evidence in this unrelated case.

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7d5a00  No.11324538


Having been an anon for most of this, Q typically goes silent on the lead up to an election unless there is something important we need to know or they want to send a morale boost message.

They will post if needed. They will post when it makes sense to them.

Right now the Bidens are getting seriously toasted

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948851  No.11324539



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27e514  No.11324540


That settles it then. #FIREWRAY!

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d94c12  No.11324541

File: 89b49d03ca8dcbb⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1097x2048, 1097:2048, Screenshot_20201028_095229.png)


I believe you already knew this dear anons.

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bd00a3  No.11324542

File: d06baee0721b09e⋯.png (618.33 KB, 1110x1074, 185:179, ClipboardImage.png)

Dorsey is not in charge at Twitter.

The DNC hacks have taken over control and Dorsey is CEO in name only.

What do they have on him? What did they promise him?


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b2e225  No.11324543

File: baa0075cb804d30⋯.jpg (88.78 KB, 918x733, 918:733, summer_camp_horror_fiction….jpg)


why did you tag me?

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e240ea  No.11324544


Andrea Mosaic? Noice Pepe

Chump for Trump

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03a737  No.11324545

File: 2720ec81b770bb9⋯.gif (5.76 MB, 518x502, 259:251, 20201013_141327.gif)

File: 89bbdf63ecd2768⋯.gif (5.93 MB, 360x360, 1:1, 20201022_234141.gif)

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ace3b6  No.11324546

MSM are the enemy.

Svengalis, every last one of them.

Make Firing Squads Great Again!

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ae74ac  No.11324547

File: e2b031206983c55⋯.png (693.87 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 948C5044_D9B4_424B_B67D_BC….png)

File: aadce03280e93a4⋯.png (5.83 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, F89E704F_0826_4F88_995B_2E….png)

File: 20ddba2062041f5⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, FDA536CE_AC0D_441F_9DD6_7A….png)

File: 35eda5392e6de63⋯.png (62.93 KB, 383x299, 383:299, 07C014D6_3777_4A65_8AD7_3F….png)

File: 5b8a2b0e255fe7f⋯.jpeg (94.03 KB, 1333x700, 1333:700, 561E6BC1_A8D9_408B_B310_1….jpeg)


Critical interest in Shakespeare's dramatic representation of morality and amorality has touched upon a number of fundamental issues in his plays, including his literary sources, theological insights, critique of society, and depiction of evil. Many late twentieth-century critics have discerned the subject in the underlying thematic structure of Shakespeare's dramas—particularly in the histories and tragedies, which frequently feature elements of the medieval morality tradition. While scholars have noted that the didactic, allegorical figures—such as Virtue, Vice, and the Everyman—of earlier morality plays do not appear, as such, in Shakespeare's more subtle and complex works, elements of these and other “morality” types inform many characters in the dramas. In such works as Richard III, Macbeth, Othello, King Lear, Henry IV, Timon of Athens, and more, commentators Alan C. Dessen (1986), Mathew Winston (1981), and others have observed the steady influence of this stage tradition. Additionally, the majority of Shakespeare's plays are at least indirectly concerned with some abiding moral issue that affects its theme and outcome. All of his dramatic works, excepting perhaps some of the comedies, depict a significant moral choice or inversion/disruption of the moral order that results in tragedy or must be set right by the close of the play.

When considering the subject of moral corruption in the Shakespearean canon, many critics have focused on the tragedies, particularly Macbeth. Harvey Birenbaum (1982) studies Macbeth's violation of ethical norms in Shakespeare's bloodiest play, stressing the Scottish king's tragic consciousness of his wrongdoing and alienation from his actions. Similarly, Carol Strongin Tufts (1987) examines Macbeth's violent disturbance of the moral order with his murder of Duncan and considers Shakespeare's intricate representation of evil and its consequences in the play. In another vein, Barbara Riebling (1991) interprets Macbeth in the context of Niccolo Machiavelli's theoretical works The Prince and The Discourses, noting the contradiction between Christian morality and strong leadership as this theme pervades the tragedy. Exploring corrupted morality in regard to Hamlet, Catherine Brown Tkacz (1992) describes the relationship between Hamlet's moral choices and the play's imagery of turning wheels of fortune and the state—motifs that signal the ruin of the royal house of Denmark. The implications of unmitigated evil inform Lee A. Jacobus's (1992) analysis of the amoral figures Iago and Richard III of Othello and Richard III, respectively.

Shakespeare's view of morality in the comedies and romances departs strongly from that of the tragedies, displaying instead an interest in the moral component of social interaction—from politics to love and desire. R. A. D. Grant (1983) views The Tempest as Shakespeare's theodicy, a justification for God's benevolence in a world marred by suffering and evil. According to Grant, Shakespeare concentrates on the interaction of divine Providence, human authority, and moral action in The Tempest. Alice Rayner (1987) investigates the moral structure of Twelfth Night, finding in the work's depiction of moral oppositions—such as those of “virtue and appetite, sobriety and revelry, respectability and knavery, constancy and mutability”—the key to Shakespeare's comic vision. Gene Fendt (1995) interprets As You Like It as a play about desire (eros) that temporarily puts aside judgment of its characters in order to provide audiences with a cultural, moral, and religious catharsis.

Critics have also studied specific representations of religion in Shakespeare's plays, focusing on moral issues in theological contexts. Austin C. Dobbins and Roy W. Battenhouse (1976) probe the ethical problem of Jessica's dissimulation in The Merchant of Venice , finding her concealment of the truth from her father justified according to Hebraic and Christian tradition. Michael H. Keefer (1988) observes…

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db90e1  No.11324548

Did I miss it or has NO GOP senator corrected @jack that the entire "foreign hacking" of the laptop claim, along with the 50 DS former spooks' opinion of the same, had been completely rejected and refuted by an immediate DoJ/FBI joint press conference statement shortly after the NY Post Story ran??

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e382a4  No.11324549

File: d6d420cc081823d⋯.png (291.51 KB, 1095x591, 365:197, Screen_Shot_2020_10_28_at_….png)

File: 8241b0a5d07fbd5⋯.png (360.38 KB, 1437x651, 479:217, Screen_Shot_2020_10_28_at_….png)

File: f99c438c6d877fe⋯.png (207.48 KB, 599x741, 599:741, Screen_Shot_2020_10_28_at_….png)

Who are [infiltrating] here?

Some, not all.

If this doesn't say it all I don't know what does.

Make of this what you will.

Discern for yourself.

(current pics after bread split, and other bread finish, 1 post in Q Research General #14466: Section [23]0 Pain Edition)

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9d0d94  No.11324550


>Crystal clear.

Threatening to fire Wray is bait.

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5dc0d2  No.11324551


4 moar years for Trump

Q 4ever

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5de0c6  No.11324552

File: 9683a7a175ea673⋯.png (937.54 KB, 896x504, 16:9, Screenshot_2020_10_28_Lapd….png)

File: 3d7252f3b260568⋯.png (669.76 KB, 781x1545, 781:1545, Screenshot_2020_10_28_Lapd….png)

File: 9c6695500130d40⋯.png (600.38 KB, 777x1282, 777:1282, Screenshot_2020_10_28_Lapd….png)

‘Lapdog press’ blacks out explosive Tony Bobulinski claims as CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WaPo skip story

'Mainstream liberal media has shown itself unworthy of public trust,' media critic William A. Jacobson says

Critics are baffled that the mainstream media has largely ignored Tucker Carlson’s interview with Tony Bobulinski, a former business associate of Hunter Biden who said the Biden family shrugged off concerns that Joe Biden’s alleged ties to his son's business deals could put a future presidential campaign at risk – raising questions about whether the “lapdog press” is still worthy of public trust. Bobulinski, a retired lieutenant in the U.S. Navy, sat down with Carlson for a one-hour interview that aired on Tuesday night. Bobulinski said he raised concerns in 2017 to the former vice president's brother Jim Biden, about Joe Biden’s alleged ties to a possible joint venture with a Chinese energy firm. While the mainstream media has scrutinized President Trump and his family members at every turn, there has been a near blackout of coverage of Bobulinski’s shocking claims. Bobulinski’s comments to Carlson were completely ignored by CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times and Washington Post as of 8 a.m. EST on Wednesday, exactly 12 hours after the start of the damning interview. “It is pretty much a 100 percent blackout of the Bobulinski story in the traditional media. Of course, there are lots of stories that need to be covered in the busy 2020 news agenda, but the total omission of Bobulinski's accusations is curious, to say the least,” DePauw University professor and media critic Jeffrey McCall told Fox News. “Even if this story is not front and center on the news agenda, it does need to be approached somewhere along the way. Odds are that most mainstream media outlets are devoting very few reporting resources, if any, to the Bobulinski story,” McCall added. “It would seem those outlets could at least be investigating the accusations to try to prove them invalid.”

McCall noted that the typical default has been to “assume that the Hunter Biden story, and what Joe's role might or might not have been, is totally off limits and not newsworthy,” which isn’t how the press should operate. “What little coverage has surfaced has basically just been running without challenge the boilerplate denials and indignation from the Biden camp. The manner in which this story has been covered can only be described as the ‘lapdog press,’ as contrasted with the ‘watchdog press,’” McCall said. Political satirist Tim Young told Fox News said it's astounding the media has ignored the story. “When you realize that major media organizations such as CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post and the NY Times ran completely unsubstantiated stories like the pee tape from the dossier, Julie Swetnick and Michael Avenatti's claims against now Justice Kavanaugh, and numerous anonymous senior administration officials statements that 'would definitely prove the Trump campaign colluded with Russia' yet haven’t touched direct testimony with direct evidence and easily provable points from Tony Bobulinski after his Tucker Carlson interview, it goes beyond hypocrisy," he said, "it's election interference to try to install a potentially seriously corrupt candidate in Joe Biden.”


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4c7a56  No.11324553

File: 1cb0d0ec5a43f0c⋯.png (105.33 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 74ec48066d7acb93c33057760a….png)

File: 089b9bc81a3fc6b⋯.png (93.84 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 12750d5476234995d674957af1….png)

File: df4e3f6d60bb014⋯.png (157.86 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 61472c561c988a1bffc69e4b27….png)

File: c65674fa8418970⋯.png (101.92 KB, 255x255, 1:1, a96ccedccbbc6a653c060f7827….png)

File: 79cef43040cf3c9⋯.png (60.66 KB, 173x173, 1:1, b77e1aa672be1a3b866f9fa8f5….png)

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891e25  No.11324554


14,000 folks are going to lose their jobs & pensions when this company closes. Boo-hoo.

Traitors one and all.

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ffe1c0  No.11324555


Fire Wray & those behind this document.

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be9d54  No.11324557

File: acfea472beb51c5⋯.png (955.45 KB, 717x960, 239:320, mcmahon.png)

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d6fda7  No.11324558

File: 2f43c65d2788944⋯.png (9.62 KB, 255x253, 255:253, Pepe_God_Wins.png)

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96a91e  No.11324559


>it's just as much OUR FAULT as it is this random gerbilpeasant

You're right about that in the collective sense.

Following a bread splitter to his bread when Anons were screaming it's hijacked only leads to more bread splitting in the future.

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bbe0fa  No.11324560


I don't understand

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d25f53  No.11324561

File: c73c583254e09ac⋯.jpg (87.56 KB, 978x652, 3:2, unnamed_2_2.jpg)



On October 22, 2012, it was reported that Sichuan Chemical and Prospect Global signed a 10-year import agreement which was worth 2 billion dollars. It planed to purchase 500,000 metric tons of potash from Prospect Global each year, which was equivalent to 25% percentage of the whole output of Sichuan Chemical. This deal was the largest potash export contract in US history. There are some doubts of this transaction:

1. The director of Prospect Global is Devon Archer. Who is Devon Archer? He is the classmate of Vice President Biden’s son Hunter Biden and Secretary of State Kerry’s stepson Christopher Heinz. He also served as Secretary of State Kerry’s campaign adviser. At the same time, Devon Archer is a partner in a venture capital company jointly established by Hunter Biden and Christopher Heinz. It can be seen that these people have close relationship and economic contacts.


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ae74ac  No.11324563


Triggered you?

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c1db6b  No.11324564

File: 5317428976d5a9e⋯.gif (154.08 KB, 500x568, 125:142, general_pepe.gif)

Well Anons,

Happy Anniversary/birthday/ whatevs…

After seeing the crowds, seeing the over all patriotism on FULL METAL Jacket Display… I can honestly say, that no matter what happens, Americans will fight and not allow these cretins to take over our country. The progtards will all sit in their homes because they might catch a virus, but the Pantyfa guys, are about to get their asses kicked hard when the shit does come to the proverbial head. 85 Miles in each direction and that is just the people who are getting off their behinds… doesnt count the ones who will get out there when the real crazy starts.

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fe1be7  No.11324565


Alright, one more, and that's because I hate leaving duty.

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1d86e8  No.11324566


Wait a damn minute Zuck you fucking cuck

My ass has not been to Pennslyvannia

In thirty fucking years so I want to know

How the fuck did I cause anything in Pennsylvannia

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b2e225  No.11324567

File: 7a31c63b3b8a7ca⋯.jpg (232.41 KB, 1489x488, 1489:488, No_limit_to_how_much_winni….jpg)

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fd6071  No.11324568

File: 676a9837a5c628a⋯.png (357.71 KB, 835x720, 167:144, 676a9837a5c628ae1c62818e1f….png)




NXIVM founder sentenced to 120 years

But it's obvious that focusing arrests shows the low IQ you have.

Every single day people all over the world are starting to wake up.

Everything happening is culminating to a simultaneous awakening and strategic justice slap down the likes of the world has ever witnessed.

Sorry faggits like you are on the side of history that will be the reason NOTHING like this EVER happens again.


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588ef5  No.11324569

Congrats anons for a huge win in the latest bread war

Great work baker, keep it up


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ace3b6  No.11324570


That poster only understands Hebrew and shekels.

Very filterable.

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3e83a4  No.11324571


Get one for yourself. (pb).

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1f137e  No.11324572

File: 69ef1780edbcc85⋯.png (21.23 KB, 229x104, 229:104, ScavinoNumb3rs55_1.png)

File: 2ad8ba23a4dfcbf⋯.png (152.59 KB, 878x507, 878:507, Screenshot_from_2020_10_28….png)

File: 5380bf23aeb8ef6⋯.png (100.62 KB, 849x541, 849:541, Screenshot_from_2020_10_28….png)

File: 7a50a8e61a89f3b⋯.png (98.95 KB, 560x416, 35:26, Screenshot_from_2020_10_28….png)

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86168c  No.11324573

File: 6a58f53fb1d42d2⋯.png (519.53 KB, 1803x1039, 1803:1039, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ffe719433a60721⋯.png (1.69 MB, 2657x2433, 2657:2433, ClipboardImage.png)


There is a lot more if you read all the drops on the [15] delta.

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f6f3a4  No.11324574


just make sure to tag your shit so anons know which one to report

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35bd80  No.11324575

File: 60435257015afc9⋯.jpeg (127.19 KB, 828x794, 414:397, 81AE3A35_03CE_4A10_AC64_6….jpeg)

File: a5dcc6360fe0486⋯.jpeg (193.88 KB, 828x466, 414:233, F420552C_06CE_45C9_A9CF_B….jpeg)

File: 9ef89dc563691ba⋯.jpeg (102.44 KB, 828x734, 414:367, 5DFBA6F6_A7E2_40D6_BF45_6….jpeg)

File: 1bbb728a5f39ed4⋯.jpeg (190.88 KB, 828x528, 69:44, 62F30866_70E8_436C_8CA0_E….jpeg)

There is no longer such thing as the “Intellectual Progressive left”, it has long been replaced with compromised, organized and depraved corruption.

Garbage thieves.

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d80ee6  No.11324576



Mistage, fren.

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401993  No.11324577


Hunter’s dick pic are distractions

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96a91e  No.11324578


Baker split - can't blame him - most Anons didn't have his 6.

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8037ec  No.11324579

File: fcd476b615a298a⋯.png (429.18 KB, 422x453, 422:453, jacks.png)

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699d54  No.11324580


Schizophrenia and depression will do that.

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1eefab  No.11324581


IKR… I think it could be comms, just like the Hanukkah spam the other day

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4c7a56  No.11324582

File: bf38b8f8c3a8007⋯.gif (713.41 KB, 224x256, 7:8, satan_face.gif)






Essential Viewing Experience For Generating Actionable Insights

          )     *     (         )         (                (     
( ( /( ( ` )\ ) ( /( ( )\ ) ( )\ )
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\___|\___/ |_| |_||_| |_| |___/|_|_\|___|/_/ \_\ |___/
Because the Battlefield is your Limbic System; Banish Abuse.

Top Right Corner [Options]

Enter as a Name filter, click Reg ex:

Copy and paste all below into the window:

.post-image {
opacity: .5; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(3px); /* Can be between 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 233ms;
.post-image:hover {
opacity: 1; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(1.5px); /* Can be between 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 89ms;
.thread-image {
opacity: .5; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(3px); /* Can be between 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 233ms;
.thread-image:hover {
opacity: 1; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(1.5px); /* Can be between 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 89ms;

Fake/doctored image/video dropped here re: Epstein [cell cam] explicity designed to ban - terminate any TWIT user(s) reposting.

>Not all 'Anons' are authentic [injected].

Do not take the bait.

Use discernment.


There are insidious 'wetware' hackers deploying monstrous programs designed to destroy our souls.

You can hate if you want, regardless, you'll mark Oct 22nd down as the day this board was marked for death.

Eyes on "8bit", coder and infrastructure technician of the censorship program deployed here.

Look, that program was damaged bigly.

You've seen the gif of the lion face exposure, they used this subliminal satan face to "Dominate our will".

I found out, and sent a tactical nuke~

which created the need for thread division drama,

yet pressure to maintain 'manipulatively close friendship zone' raised too high to continue that drama after Q spoke directly about it.

Within the day, 8bit has situated himself as "mentor" of the new BV team.

The censorship program is maintained at all costs~

(Notice the 1 picture (80+) poster? Blur_Img + IDEN, you'll see)

That night, "those in comms" built a 'shiny new ship' (Another board) they plan to run the narrative 'FastJack is comped'.

See the set up of cover?

They have situated themselves as they have at 4chan, controlled from the top down.

They are pushing "information overwhelming exposures" of "COINTEL tactics" - From my experience those injected on this board don't play intellectual games, they manipulate beliefs / emotions / our unconscious associations.

They have their assets (Masks/phersonas) running cover ops to their tactical existence - deployable Fog/Flack Of War.

(You) must understand, that our enemy owns these mentioned pieces.

Their job is to keep us trapped on their stage of drama~

At least now we're on the same page.


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af1594  No.11324583


Lame ass video, can't tell who the female is, but looks like legal adult age, and no Hunter face, and blurry pixal dick….

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aecc98  No.11324584

File: f62d595a30ffcc0⋯.png (43.77 KB, 624x350, 312:175, sperry.png)

Paul Sperry




BREAKING: Joe Biden personally interceded to veto stricter corporate governance that CEO Tony Bobulinski proposed in setting up a holding company in Biden joint venture with Chinese


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3e2027  No.11324585


looks like Hallie

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d6fda7  No.11324586

File: 5eb72fdb291c94d⋯.png (9.3 KB, 255x170, 3:2, Pepe_Band_of_Anons_Updated….png)

Top Kek Baker!

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cc51db  No.11324587


Non of them are in control of their own platforms. They were all useful idiots, paid a shit ton of money, to be the mules for the CIA.

Hunter Biden's of BIG TECH. Pack mules, Useful Idiots, Talking heads, Puppets.

In truth, they are ENEMIES of the PEOPLE who Sold their Souls.

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699d54  No.11324588

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ee38da  No.11324589


Look here. Not there.

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a9aee1  No.11324590

File: 032e69f140b82fd⋯.png (93.82 KB, 1197x554, 1197:554, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bc8c8086a3bee28⋯.png (128.48 KB, 1303x677, 1303:677, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2fd035fdf43806c⋯.png (179.9 KB, 1543x641, 1543:641, ClipboardImage.png)

Hello Darkness my old Friend

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67c5ed  No.11324591


So she lied about being corrupt so she wouldn't get caught being corrupt ?

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a61223  No.11324592


What's ironic is Biden's affinity/weakness for his children - such as taking calls "whenever they call no matter what". This is the kind of emotional weakness that caused Nicholas' family to be chopped up, acidified and thrown down a hole.

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be9d54  No.11324593

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db90e1  No.11324594


Or has any Senator advised @jack that new corroborating evidence have come forward supporting the authenticity and accuracy of the laptop data, including the unimpeachable account of Mr. Bobulinski ?

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0b8889  No.11324595

File: 41313460289dc6b⋯.png (345.59 KB, 571x655, 571:655, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bc1febcb00932bf⋯.png (382.75 KB, 553x614, 553:614, ClipboardImage.png)

Project Veritas Drops NUKE — GOP Ballot Chaser Admits to Major Voter Fraud Operation in Texas to Help Biden — ‘$55K for 5,000 Votes’

Project Veritas has released undercover footage of a ballot chaser admitting to conducting massive voter fraud to help elect Joe Biden.

The new video is the second part to a bombshell undercover investigation into a Texas “Republican” consultant who was caught on camera violating both Texas and federal laws by coercing and bribing voters into voting Democrat, which was released on Tuesday.

Project Veritas has released undercover footage of a ballot chaser admitting to conducting massive voter fraud to help elect Joe Biden.

The new video is the second part to a bombshell undercover investigation into a Texas “Republican” consultant who was caught on camera violating both Texas and federal laws by coercing and bribing voters into voting Democrat, which was released on Tuesday.

Rodriguez stated that she is getting paid to help Republicans who want to flip votes for Biden, saying “yeah, that’s what I’m doing. That’s exactly what I’m getting paid to do.”

In Tuesday’s video, Rodriguez was seen providing a gift to an elderly woman after coercing her into changing her vote and helping her change the ballot.

“Now, you know on here you chose a Republican, not a Democrat, right?” Raquel Rodriguez tells the voter.

The voter responds, “Can I do that?”

Rodriguez replies, “You can do, you can vote for whoever you want. But our conversation that we had, you said you were voting for Hegar because you were going straight Democrat.”

Rodriguez is seen on camera taking the ballot from the voter and helping her fill it out.

Later on, Rodriguez admits that what she is doing is illegal and brags about giving the elderly voter a pretty shawl as a gift for her Democrat vote!

“That’s illegal. I could go to jail,” Rodriguez tells a Project Veritas undercover journalist. “If I go to prison, I do not look cute in stripes…I will hate you forever.”

Buying votes is illegal under both federal and Texas law.


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a2dc05  No.11324596



I agree with this anon, it looks like Hallie Biden

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c1ac91  No.11324597


so Hallie is an adult asian hooker..Kek GTFO

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38b90e  No.11324598

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c5c570  No.11324599

File: 2ad4c4a99a87d07⋯.png (424.95 KB, 612x341, 612:341, ClipboardImage.png)


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4adf0f  No.11324600


He said after his vote he will answer questions,

But he still will only answer the ( who did you vote for ? , then straight to the basement.)

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c1db6b  No.11324601

File: 2e29a4292a0fc35⋯.png (328.87 KB, 497x301, 71:43, haaj_pepe.png)


Bless you Baker



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96a91e  No.11324602




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588ef5  No.11324603


Atta boy soldier o7

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015076  No.11324604

i missed a lot of the hearing. I was able to see Ted Cruz skewer dorsey. Is this still worth watching. Or is it just more obfuscation from the liars in the CCP and silicon valley.

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91a004  No.11324605

File: d1aa6d9ae1ecd13⋯.jpg (8.79 KB, 225x224, 225:224, gil.jpg)


Gil Scott has ordered popcorn

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b82910  No.11324607


>, she's not very smart, but she is loyal to the cause.

She only need be smart enough to do what Trump tells her to do.

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af1594  No.11324608


Don't ever become a LEO or Lawyer, your vision is fubar.

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d80ee6  No.11324609

File: 58e48a71abe0418⋯.png (4.18 MB, 2048x979, 2048:979, 58e48a71abe04181e57832a4f1….png)

When the bakers go retard like this that means PAIN.

So we should wear the disruption like a badge of honor.

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5dc0d2  No.11324610

Went to buy a new piece of glass yesterday

Store owner wouldn't allow disabled vet w/Trump hat (or anyone else) in to look w/out a mask

No exceptions for medical conditions

Told anon to stand on curb and call inside to do business

Can't pick out a piece that way

Fucked off out of there and found a Patriot owned shop

Sign on patriot's door said, "If you don't have a mask on, we'll assume you have a medical condition. Come on in. Open carry welcome."

New goodies to enjoy w/Girl Scout Cookies


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aecc98  No.11324611


>Lame ass video, can't tell who the female is, but looks like legal adult age, and no Hunter face, and blurry pixal dick….

This is my point as well.

At this point we have proof that:

1:Hunter has a giant cock and he knows how to use it

2:Hunter gets a ton of pussy

We DO have a video of someone who might be Natalie, but it's blurred out, so who the fuck is that gonna convince besides us?

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0b8889  No.11324612

File: 9ae6f3a87f146eb⋯.png (82.15 KB, 748x876, 187:219, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6b1f3137a21642f⋯.png (100.17 KB, 782x897, 34:39, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 706beba1c54f0f3⋯.png (26.83 KB, 768x337, 768:337, ClipboardImage.png)

Eight Individuals Charged With Conspiring to Act as Illegal Agents of the People’s Republic of China

PRC Officials Directed Multi-Year Campaign of Harassment and Stalking; Directed at U.S. Residents to Force Their Return to PRC


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dee8e4  No.11324613

3 years of "crying wolf"… "Justice is Coming" "Justice is Coming!"

"It's Habbening!" "It's Habbening"


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3e83a4  No.11324614


Member of the Warren Commission. Enough said.

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1f137e  No.11324615



cant find it

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fb7e33  No.11324616

File: 30dc5195c200d28⋯.png (33.63 KB, 897x191, 897:191, Screen_Shot_2020_10_28_at_….png)

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b56f64  No.11324617


Better Yet, eliminated everyone who isn't actively serving as a Field Agent, Shutdown the Central Office and rebrand so that people may someday regain their Trust in an entirely new organization.

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d17ae2  No.11324618


Does any anon have cliff notes on tech hearings up to now?

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c318ba  No.11324619


At some point anons will realize all the Hunter dick pics are an absolute slide.

Not a single one of them have had an underage person in it (despite the desperate attempts of mid-wits to pixel-match)

Until they post something actually salacious and relevant, they exist to slide the conversation away from Biden's actual corruption.

Normies, especially ones considering voting for Biden, don't give two shits about some crackhead fucking hookers

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223a45  No.11324620

File: 7f5e8d4971891c2⋯.jpg (820.94 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, 7f5e8d4971891c289045beeb74….jpg)

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d2c9b8  No.11324621


see page 1984

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dc7725  No.11324622


Shifting the Overton window.

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89f2fd  No.11324623

File: ade12ed7f5a6de3⋯.png (316.02 KB, 400x261, 400:261, ClipboardImage.png)


Good afternoon Anons,

Just wanted to say thanks for everything. I was a mess yesterday. So many habbenings, so many places to look and research…thanks to you all the authentic purveyors of the TRUTH……

You all rock and I love you all. WWG1WGA

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0c921a  No.11324624

File: a5c83aa9b7a4bea⋯.png (65.28 KB, 230x219, 230:219, ClipboardImage.png)


Don't you mean the Fake "Bible against Trump" spam the other day? the Hanukkah was in direct response to the Jewish shill using fake Bible to slander POTUS and Melania.

but you already knew that.

Your False Conflation tactic is GLOWing

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ae74ac  No.11324625

File: a25ce3ec2b9e310⋯.png (2.66 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, C972F664_76D1_4AF3_A1DC_4B….png)

File: 90fda895ee57f45⋯.jpeg (168.75 KB, 1109x614, 1109:614, E51C1BB9_8F1D_45F1_8C00_C….jpeg)

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0bf4fa  No.11324626

It is up to the NSA to protect the USA, from cybor threats NOT these platforms of unelected snowflakes.

None of these platforms should act independently without direction from the NSA.

If they see Russia, China, Iran interference they’ve should report it to the NSA, not take personal action without direction.

Their moderation of domestic accounts is biased and censors the right of free speech. UnAmerican and dangerous. Posters to these platforms have no recourse, also UnAmerican.

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96a91e  No.11324627


>bakers go retard


Baker not Bakers.

Just Gerbil.

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a9aee1  No.11324628


I only see Narratives now

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edcb09  No.11324629


I have some questions concerning the legitimacy of this bread..KEK..no I don't.

Smells terrific! Carry on Baker and TY

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c318ba  No.11324630


Uninformed bumbling congress members teeing up shallow questions for tech leaders to dismiss with outright lies.

Absolutely nothing of lasting value is or will happen here.

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c5c570  No.11324631

File: 5c7017ed4efc78b⋯.png (520.65 KB, 643x345, 643:345, ClipboardImage.png)


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0b8889  No.11324632

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

“Who the Hell Elected You and Put You in Charge of What the Media Is Allowed to Report?!” – WOW! Sen. Ted Cruz RIPS Jack Dorsey for Censorship of NY Post’s Biden Reports

On Wednesday the Senate Commerce Committee called in the heads of Facebook, Google and Twitter to testify on their electioneering and censorship of conservative content.

During the hearing Ted Cruz used his time to go after Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey after Twitter recently censored and banned content by the New York Post on the Biden Crime Family.

Senator Cruz called out Dorsey over his platform’s attempts to sway the upcoming election to Democrats.

The New Yok Post report on Hunter Biden’s laptop was devastating and revealed the Joe Biden’s numerous lies about his family’s international pay-for-play operations.

On Wednesday after Jack denied being partisan Ted Cruz RIPPED him!

Senator Ted Cruz: Federal statutes makes it a crime, a federal felony, to distribute someone’s tax returns against their knowledge. So that material was based on something that was distributed in violation of federal law and yet Twitter gleefully allowed people to circulate that but when the article was critical of Joe Biden, Twitter engaged in rampant censorship and silencing…

Jack Dorsey: And again we recognized an error in policy. We changed that within 24 hours…

Senator Ted Cruz: But you’re still blocking the New York Post. You haven’t changed it.

Jack Dorsey: We have changed it. They can log in to their account, delete the original tweet.

Senator Ted Cruz: …So Twitter takes the view you can censor the New York Post, you can censor Politico, you can censor The New York Times or any other media outlets. Mr. Dorsey, who the hell elected you and put you in charge of what the media is allowed to report and what the American people are allowed to hear and why do insist on behaving as a Democratic super-PAC silencing views contrary to your political beliefs?

Ted Cruz nailed it today!

Now, if only the US Senate would take action against these radical outfits!


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f6f3a4  No.11324633


I see what you did there, Mr Smith.

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f0c106  No.11324634

File: 7eb1af69d10d80c⋯.jpg (320.87 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, ElbnFUaXYAE_6JK.jpg)

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91b069  No.11324635

File: 3ed23165a2d70c2⋯.png (79.57 KB, 655x555, 131:111, 3ed23165a2d70c239b424d3a4b….png)


Thy cup overfloweth.

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96a91e  No.11324636


>I have some questions concerning the legitimacy of this bread..

Why you fucking…

>KEK..no I don't.

…oh nvm.

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223a45  No.11324637

File: b160794b7a596c3⋯.jpg (43.87 KB, 523x555, 523:555, b160794b7a596c38810ae8f908….jpg)

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bf7ae7  No.11324638


>Actionable Insights

Filtering aflb on site, every id manifestation, everytime.

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55acdd  No.11324639

Big tech is the censorship/propaganda arm of the democrat party.

Watching this hearing is disgusting.

The dems are vile.

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e7399d  No.11324640

quack quack quack

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40e56f  No.11324641

File: 3098bb982a4e1c7⋯.png (73.48 KB, 671x306, 671:306, _3_Paul_Sperry_on_Twitter_….png)



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b918af  No.11324642



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49258e  No.11324643


time to move to other SM platforms.

Put them out of business.

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6c6ea7  No.11324644



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5de0c6  No.11324645

File: bea4d845962d045⋯.png (636.05 KB, 800x467, 800:467, Screenshot_2020_10_28_EXC_….png)

File: 9043b3452f323bd⋯.png (840.19 KB, 598x703, 598:703, Screenshot_2020_10_28_Rahe….png)

File: a4e6f6d75cd2bac⋯.jpg (384.72 KB, 951x917, 951:917, Screenshot_2020_10_28_Rahe….jpg)

Hunter Email Reveals ‘Wiring Instructions’ for ‘Spy Chief of China’

Emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop show Joe Biden’s brother Jim providing wire transfer instructions to Patrick Ho – a Hong Kong national Hunter Biden described as a “spy chief of China.” In an audio recording obtained by the National Pulse, Hunter Biden is heard describing Ho as both his business partner and a “spy chief of China.” The two were involved with CEFC China Energy – a Chinese Communist Party and People’s Liberation Army-linked entity. An email from March 21, 2018 shared by National Pulse Editor-in-Chief Raheem Kassam on Twitter shows Joe Biden’s brother Jim providing necessary information to complete a wire transfer to an individual named Mervyn Yan on behalf of Ho. The “purpose of” the transfer per Jim Biden was for “Dr. Patrick Ho Chi Ping representation.” Owasco LLC, the beneficiary according to Jim Biden, per the U.S. Senate report on Hunter Biden’s business dealings describes the law firm’s “executing officer and governor as Robert Hunter Biden.”



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93f739  No.11324646

File: e3fa4864c733a77⋯.jpg (473.51 KB, 720x1560, 6:13, Screenshot_20201028_115932….jpg)

Well Twitter is prepping for the shit show! it's about to get nasty.

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d17ae2  No.11324647


Good, will not watch. Thanks for clearing up my morning!

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0b8889  No.11324648

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Robinhood CEO Admits Business Boomed This Year Because Of The Fed's Stimulus Checks

We have often (here and here) written about the notion that brokerage houses - especially Robinhood - are seeing a boom during the pandemic as a result of the Fed sending out "free money" to unemployed U.S. citizens who then, instead of going out and looking for a job, sit at home and try to become professional daytraders by downloading the Robinhood app and pouring all of their cash into Tesla call options.

On Tuesday of this week, Robinhood Co-Founder and Co-CEO Vlad Tenev sat down with Aaron Ross-Sorkin for an exclusive interview to talk all things "state of the union" with both the markets, and the Robinhood app. During the interview, he seemed to confirm that the Fed has been a major tailwind for the company.

When Aaron Ross-Sorkin asked him about the idea of "gamifying investing" and Lee Cooperman's assessment that the Fed stimulus checks would "end in tears", Tenev responded by recognizing the effect of the Fed's measures as "an opportunity for investors".

"It appears to be the case that the Fed has determined that it's important to maintain the stability of the markets and support the markets and the economy by lowering rates and delivering stimulus checks to people on an individual basis," Tenev said.

He continued: "Which has, you know, in history been an unprecedented act. So the government is stepping in and doing aggressive actions to maintain the sanctity of the economy and the markets. And I do think, from a macro level that's an opportunity for investors."

Tenev then admitted that Robinhood was literally watching users deposit their stimulus checks: "We saw an impact of people depositing their stimulus checks into Robinhood. We saw, you know, deposits that were equal to or multiples of the stimulus amount."

When Sorkin asked about whether or not that concerned Robinhood, especially given that many of these people are unemployed, Tenev responded by tacitly encouraging it: "I think there’s been a little bit of a shift in mindset. Investing and the ability to invest I think now that the barriers are lower, allowing so many more young people to participate it’s clear to people that it’s not just for the wealthy. And I think what you’re seeing now is sort of a cultural relevance ascribed to investing that hasn’t been there before."

He continued: "…our belief is, the more we lower the barriers to entry, the more we level the playing field and allow people to invest their money at a younger age. The better off our economy will be and the better off society will be because we kind of live in the intersection of capitalism, democracy and innovation. And I think that it’s a very interesting place to be in."

Tenev also said that many Robinhood users see the election volatility (along with literally any other dip in the market for any reason, including the end of the world as we know it) as a reason to "buy the dip". He told Ross-Sorkin: "What we’ve seen is they typically see volatility and market downturns as buying opportunities just because they’re at the beginning of their investing journey and think they recognize that there’s many, many decades for things to smoothen out in front of them."

What he means, of course, is that they have been conditioned by Central Banks to believe the market only goes up.


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db90e1  No.11324649




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0d8e26  No.11324650


If Big Tech is censoring, and the bias is clear, doesn't that represent an in-kind donation to the Biden campaign?

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d80ee6  No.11324651

File: ab65e7ff9e383b8⋯.jpg (297.22 KB, 1520x1520, 1:1, Terminator_2_Sniper_Fury_S….jpg)


if this were 2016 shills here would be telling us the Hillary emails are slides too.

Nothing to see here.

Everything is important. It all tells a story. And that story is that our government is filled with a bunch of degenerate pieces of absolute shit and we need to expose them and punish them.

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de4ed0  No.11324652

tossing out a random question here:

We've seen a ton of Bidens doing a lot of spook things and a lot of cabal corrupt things, but somehow I haven't put 2+2 together.

On what level was Joe Biden directly a CIA operative? i always thought of him as a corrupt politician, but never went into this side of him

Was he a spook?

When did he start/how far back?

Which family members are also?

Was he Obama's handler?

Now him directing the flynn witch hunt makes sense.

mockingbird media carrying water for him makes a lot more sense now as well.

Happy Halloween.

The Spooks are coming out to play.

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e6bd5e  No.11324653

File: 5a9cd1e4300a5be⋯.jpeg (100.68 KB, 1328x1125, 1328:1125, PoolCuePepe.jpeg)


Zuck, Jack and Sundar are lying their asses off to congress persons who are clueless about how the internet works and are there fire clueless to the lies they are being told.

Same story…different day

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af1594  No.11324654


Yup,, so far these vids have been a nothing burger. IF there are "illegal" or "underage" videos, they probably won't go public (because it's illegal cp). Everyone should be more concerned with HB and JB being comped by the CCP(China) and Ukraine and Russia $$$$

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67c5ed  No.11324655


Yep, this was the big one from last night. The line from the attorney about him ruining the Bidens.

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27e514  No.11324656



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8df8b8  No.11324657


As if the press would ever give them a hard time over this.

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91b069  No.11324658

File: 8cc5eb6944532ae⋯.jpg (50.75 KB, 689x729, 689:729, 8cc5eb6944532aee50b7a0f506….jpg)


Thanks anon.

We totally missed that one… /s

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f6f3a4  No.11324659

They are splitting it AGAIN

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65094b  No.11324660

File: 74929d07682ae07⋯.png (15.11 KB, 255x235, 51:47, 74929d07682ae070ede7e2a695….png)

Minimal Sleep till election anything could happen at any moment now anons if you thought we were at war already you are sorely mistaken we have just completed our training for the real storm to come the enemy's will do everything in their power to control the narrative and steal the election

have faith anons

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015076  No.11324661


the best part is technically he is part canadian. Brilliant whoever did this.

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699d54  No.11324662

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55acdd  No.11324663


Jumping off the platform doesn't solve the problem.

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0b8889  No.11324664

File: 885198ace87a192⋯.png (514.74 KB, 846x687, 282:229, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6021f0343198c60⋯.png (618.88 KB, 834x649, 834:649, ClipboardImage.png)

‘Psychos’ fueled by ‘blood lust,’ Australian special forces tortured and executed prisoners in Afghanistan - report

A disturbing new report blows the lid on the shameful conduct of Australian special forces soldiers in Afghanistan, accusing them of waging a campaign of torture and murder across the war-torn country, and hiding the evidence.

When Australia’s elite SAS soldiers would raid villages in Afghanistan, they brought terror and death with them, a report seen by Melbourne newspaper The Age alleges. The special forces “would take the men and boys to these guest houses and interrogate them, meaning tie them up and torture them,” the report states.

By the time the SAS units left, “the men and boys would be found dead, shot in the head, sometimes blindfolded and throats slit. These are corroborated accounts,” it continues, comparing the alleged war crimes to the My Lai massacre of the Vietnam War, and to the US’ mistreatment of detainees in Iraq’s Abu Ghraib prison.


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74211b  No.11324665


Sperry loves to tweet yesterday's news as if he's breaking something. Annoying as hell.

If he links to his own article that's one thing, but he needs to knock this shit off.

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cc4229  No.11324666


anon all saw what happened. baker told an anon to more or less fuck himself when he asked for help on a poll. u are cancer and should also kys. gerbil is based so togtfo strawfem

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9a7f3b  No.11324667


Did you see the Gateway Pundit article today? Combine that with the texts from Jim Biden talking about " shoving it down " the mothers throat. These people are sick and this is the tip of the iceberg.

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fb7e33  No.11324668


sometimes it responds

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d80ee6  No.11324669


I mean, in general. There is, presumably, more than one retard baker in the world.


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1eefab  No.11324671


No clue anon, I saw the menorah in response to the onslaught of muhjoo posts. Never knew why though. Thanks for updating me. Personally I liked seeing the posts because they were not hostile.

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a4a833  No.11324672

Never any mention of Mossad + Darpa links to these tech companies.

Spin, spin, spin. None of this means anything.

Fuck all of them.

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ab9271  No.11324673


One of the big ones. HB saying he was acting as Xi's personal counsel in the US was YUGE.

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c1db6b  No.11324674

File: 57abd9034b3475f⋯.jpg (15.98 KB, 255x252, 85:84, pepe_wait_what.jpg)


WHEW, thanks for letting me know when to kick in that filter button.

>>11324523 Sets up child protection foundation whilst sexually incestual abuse of minor children, they pays them and himself off with the funds, and none of it actually saves children. Yep pretty much the whole M.O. for the entire cabal. SICK



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226461  No.11324675

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Shall we continue Anon?

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a9aee1  No.11324676

File: 3591d21873ce304⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1053x711, 117:79, ClipboardImage.png)

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699d54  No.11324677


Kek, Gerbill is a spaztic narcissist.

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ace3b6  No.11324678

If Qteam + POTUS don't take care of this Big Tech bullshit, WE will.

Pitchforks are not just for pitching bales!

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ae74ac  No.11324680

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4cc24b  No.11324681


Yes in fact. Republicans knocking it out of the park. Dim dems realizing they walked into a trap which exposed them for being anti-American and are reacting with tantrums.

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5dc0d2  No.11324682


The clowns serve the Pyramid

Pharoah Joe sat atop the Pyramid

Foreign investors invested in the Pyramid

Highest level "stock purchase"

Bought influence and control over the pyramid

Pyramid collapsed by Trump victory

House of cards

Everyone owes everyone

Bag of magic paper

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a4675b  No.11324683

File: d6aa383235b9132⋯.png (377.65 KB, 925x519, 925:519, Screen_Shot_2020_10_28_at_….png)

This witch has an aspiring pilot in her home.

AND she extracted promises that the Big Tech Cabal will prohibit the words, "Masks don't work."

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401993  No.11324684


Meaningless without undeniable proof

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572827  No.11324685

>>11323207 lb

I knew Wray would do this. It's psyop. They want you to give it up. Nothing burger. It's a blow to the steam of the outrage TC created last night.


>over to FBI (Wray):

>- china: bend ppl here in the US to their will

>- surv/stalk/blackmailing our citizens, hardly isolated

>- targets chinese nationals in the US and worldwide

>- "return to china promptly or commit suicide"

>- or else family here and in china intimidated and arrested

>- our concern isnt with chinese ppl or chinese americans

>- "if you're a potential foxhunt victim, contact us"

>Eastern District of NY (acting US Atty Ducharme)

>- Violated Title 18, Section 2261 (Stalking)

>- Longterm investigation, will litigate this in a courtroom

>- Conspiracy involves ppl in the US and overseas (victim is "John Doe 1")

>- 40 pages complaint, 3 yr period, PRC cohearsing person on US soil

>- Targeting wife and daughter as well

>- "if willing to go back and spend 10yrs in prison, wife & children will be safe"

>- 5 arrested this morning: not named.

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fbd1c8  No.11324686

RASMUSSEN: Trump retakes leads in national poll 48-47, approval rating at all time high 52%.


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67c5ed  No.11324687


Yep, this was the big one from last night. The line from the attorney about him ruining the Bidens.


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96a91e  No.11324689


>gerbil is based

kek good luck with that

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49258e  No.11324690


you mean the laundering of money for access to nuclear weapons?

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fb7e33  No.11324691

File: 9099263208a52a5⋯.png (669.52 KB, 1200x802, 600:401, 9099263208a52a5e797a5a027c….png)

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96a91e  No.11324692


true o7

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0b8889  No.11324693

File: 36dbb0fcc295ff3⋯.png (227.75 KB, 432x258, 72:43, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e2b564927d1eb36⋯.png (215.01 KB, 590x442, 295:221, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 849e70d60edf29b⋯.png (262.18 KB, 849x759, 283:253, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2aff1380d2b319c⋯.png (36.26 KB, 823x343, 823:343, ClipboardImage.png)

This Is Rich! Tech Tyrants Who Have Eliminated a Majority of Conservative Content on their Platforms Insist Stripping Them of 230 Protections Would Harm Free Speech

This is rich.

Tech tyrants Jack Dorsey from Twitter and Mark Zuckerberg from Facebook are arguing that stripping them of 230 protections will harm free speech online.

Since late 2016, after the election of Donald Trump as President, the tech tyrants have been censoring and banning non-approved conservative content on their platforms.

The partners in crime at Google have blacklisted conservative websites in their algorithms and search results.

The same is not happening on the left or with the fake news mainstream media.

In June 2018 the Gateway Pundit published a study of top conservative news outlets and we found that Facebook had eliminated 93% of traffic to top conservative websites since the election.

Twitter has also concentrated on eliminating conservative content.

If your tweets and content are not approved by Twitter thought experts they will remove your tweet and censor or ban your account.

This does not happen on the left.

On Tuesday Facebook and Twitter CEOs argued that stripping their platforms of 230 protections will harm freedom of speech.

The opposite is true.

The tech tyrants have done more in 3 years to eradicate freedom of speech in America than any institutions since this country’s founding.

Business Insider reported:

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg plan to warn the Senate that stripping back Section 230 could harm free expression on the internet, according to testimonies they prepared for a Senate hearing on Wednesday, which will focus on the protections.

Dorsey said stripping back Section 230 — an internet law that protects tech companies from being liable for content posted on their sites — could “collapse how we communicate on the Internet” and leave “only a small number of giant and well-funded” tech firms, according to his remarks, which Twitter shared with Business Insider.


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27dc42  No.11324694

File: aa3f2342deff4dd⋯.png (760.09 KB, 1063x610, 1063:610, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eb5d704279cae11⋯.png (134.6 KB, 368x367, 368:367, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d424ea42d3e871d⋯.png (549.44 KB, 902x626, 451:313, ClipboardImage.png)

She has a Fauci bobblehead

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a6ad7d  No.11324695

File: 74e4b64c4b735f6⋯.png (16.03 KB, 255x218, 255:218, 6ad5af920acb8ee1cbd6840d74….png)

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c5c570  No.11324696

File: 95361341c9880e2⋯.png (2.33 MB, 1387x695, 1387:695, ClipboardImage.png)

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704ebd  No.11324697

So, the Senate is about to arrest Jack, right?

Surely something will happen. Soon, right? BOOM

Hillary in cuffs?

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69754d  No.11324698

Frens, the signs markers and guideposts are flying by, confirming Q in real time as everything accelerates.

Thank God you have lived to see these times and watch Q manifest into reality.

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1eefab  No.11324700


Ummmmm…. shalom?

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dc7725  No.11324701


Australia must be trying to leave the plantation.

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3c4f7e  No.11324702

Well, looks like I won't be voting.


Texas Voters Have To Wear Masks While Voting Despite Gov. Greg Abbott’s Exemption, Federal Judge Rules

Texas voters should be required to wear face masks when casting ballots during the pandemic, a federal district judge ruled Tuesday, invalidating an exemption for polling places that Gov. Greg Abbott had included in his statewide mask mandate.

The governor’s mandate for Texans to cover their mouths and noses in public does not apply to polling places, an exclusion that has been challenged as discriminatory against Black and Latino voters who are more likely to be harmed by the coronavirus. Abbott has previously said he encourages voters to wear a face mask, but said he excluded polling places from his mandate to prevent people from being turned away from voting just because they don’t have a mask. Poll workers are also not required to wear masks.

In his temporary ruling, U.S. District Judge Jason Pulliam said the exemption “creates a discriminatory burden on Black and Latino voters.”

Abbott and Texas Secretary of State Ruth Hughs immediately sought an appeal at the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals.

The argument for a mask mandate at the polls was first raised in a much broader lawsuit filed against Abbott and the Texas secretary of state in July by Mi Familia Vota, the Texas NAACP and two Texas voters. The plaintiffs also sought things like a month of early voting, the opening of additional polling places and a suspension of rules that limit who can vote curbside without entering a polling place.

Pulliam, based in San Antonio, had dismissed the lawsuit in September, Texas having convinced him that the sweeping changes sought to the state’s rules for in-person voting during the pandemic were outside of his jurisdiction as a federal judge. But earlier this month, with early voting already underway, the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals punted the case back to Pulliam for him to again review the argument for an across-the-board mask mandate for anyone at a polling place.

The appeals court said that if Pulliam found that Abbott’s decision to not require masks at the polls violated the federal Voting Rights Act’s disallowance of discriminatory voting practices based on race, he would have jurisdiction to order changes.

“Black and Latino Texans … are more likely to become infected and more likely to suffer severe illness or to die of COVID-19. Black and Latino voters in Texas also face longer lines at the polls, increasing their risk of transmission by exposing them to crowds of other voters and poll workers,” the plaintiffs wrote in their renewed argument before Pulliam last week. “Under these conditions, Black and Latino voters must choose between not voting or risking their lives or the lives of their loved ones to vote. White voters do not face the same level of risk.”

The Texas Attorney General’s Office countered that the majority of states are not requiring masks at polling places, and argued that the new legal fight over a potential Voting Rights Act violation is happening too late — after more than 7 million Texans have already cast ballots since early voting began on Oct. 13.

“Texas is on track to smash its prior turnout record, even during the pandemic and in counties with large minority populations,” the state’s filing said.

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62e871  No.11324703


Free Beer

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b2e225  No.11324704


gosh, anon, well, gee . . .

how the hell do we know any better than anyone else.

whatever we give you would just be making up stuff.

but from my perspective some families seem to be 'kept creatures' who are almost 'bred' to provide a specific . . . quality to the situation as it arrises.

if you want to catch a worthwhile fish, you need good bait.

so the term 'professional bait boys' comes to mind.

but this is me applying what I have noticed in the real world onto a situation that I can only read about from the internet . . .

so I'm just as capable as you are of making something up.

lets see, you want to seduce some foreign gay closet case? Do you send . . . an ugly guy or weezing tranny ?

or some hotshot looking stud guy who's packing it heavy and large?

and over hundreds of years the 'breeds' are prized by their slave master enablers.

you can't make up your own sorid fictions?

I used to tell people 'the only reason for most movies and television is the casting couch' and they would get angry at me.

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fd6071  No.11324705

File: 062ef0a6b9f4bcd⋯.png (153.94 KB, 550x349, 550:349, Ted_Cruz_Based.png)


Ted Cruz was based ASF earlier

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a4a833  No.11324706

Mossad + Darpa + Dyncorp +++

That's who are running this.

Stop the lying.

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5dc0d2  No.11324707


Good reporter. Sharp dude.

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4ee77a  No.11324708

File: f46180314a74cbb⋯.png (166.05 KB, 632x461, 632:461, 3_cutout_overlay_jack_dors….png)

File: 984e241b30e1662⋯.png (127.28 KB, 632x395, 8:5, 2_cutout_overlay_jack_dors….png)

File: 4b257c7fb4fe2a3⋯.png (126.16 KB, 632x395, 8:5, 1_cutout_overlay_jack_dors….png)

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cc51db  No.11324709

File: 413df96d027c869⋯.jpg (31.97 KB, 665x385, 19:11, Forked_Tongue_Puppet.JPG)

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dee8e4  No.11324710


Ha, sure…yeah…definitely "soon"…


"Let's See What Happens"

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704ebd  No.11324711


Why does she have a blackface portrait?

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aecc98  No.11324713


true, unfortunately

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d80ee6  No.11324714


Exactly - the platforms are built - now they need to go to "the People"

100% FREE SPEECH unless someone clearly breaks a law.

IF FB, Twat, Tube want to censor people then they are publishers and get NO protection from liability.

Let's see how long they stay in business after that happens.

Just because you don't like the narrative doesn't mean you get to shut someone down.

But the left is so weak, their snowflake sensibilities get all butthurt when you disagree with them on anything and start crying about Muh Hate Speech.

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c944d7  No.11324715

report other bread as hijack attempt from legit baker baking this bread

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f8f3bb  No.11324716

File: 942c71170c94e32⋯.jpg (145.03 KB, 1440x720, 2:1, BIDEN_POROSHENKO.jpg)

File: 6a7e7e82dd3dc25⋯.jpg (641.04 KB, 2270x2838, 1135:1419, bidensniffing.jpg)


people are gonna wake up to it all at once, it seems.

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2a13c7  No.11324718

File: f9b1d03967cb753⋯.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1125x1103, 1125:1103, 82126A59_1048_427D_8AF0_4….jpeg)

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8aa89c  No.11324719


NBC News showed some poll this morning with Biden 7 points ahead nationally. kek

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67c5ed  No.11324721


Lol, back to reddit butt pumper.

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223a45  No.11324722

File: 23b5521eadd346f⋯.gif (854.2 KB, 2959x3543, 2959:3543, ca9076e0.gif)

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49258e  No.11324723


interesting to hear them talk about how they promote free speech…..but they have to monitor it.

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40e56f  No.11324724

TammyDuckworth is still selling #MuhRussia 2016.

Alabama should be ashamed.

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2808e9  No.11324725

File: ab1028851cf75fc⋯.jpg (166 KB, 540x810, 2:3, hello_darkness_2.jpg)

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96a91e  No.11324726


I'm f5ing the index - all is well at the time of this post.

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401993  No.11324727


National polls are pointless anyway. Gonna laugh if Trump wins Wisconsin with that one poll showing him down 17 points today there.

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5dc0d2  No.11324728


Proud Americans

Get them away from the Bishop

Best frens to anon

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a9aee1  No.11324729

'just delete the post and everything will be Good


Unlock the ACCOUNT

Free the Press

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704ebd  No.11324730

File: 7c99201b3191782⋯.jpg (106.4 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Laeacco_Magic_Hat_Curtain_….jpg)


Arrests imminent. Cruz making it happen.

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ae74ac  No.11324731

File: f915f002e56bdb0⋯.jpeg (57.54 KB, 313x500, 313:500, 51AF7679_35B0_46D3_B8E2_1….jpeg)

File: 2448e671c5319df⋯.jpeg (49.11 KB, 460x312, 115:78, 1FE42CDC_F0BA_47D4_9F77_3….jpeg)

File: 5af5496fecfed66⋯.jpeg (103.77 KB, 750x1059, 250:353, 47F38023_E5E2_4496_99C5_8….jpeg)

File: 058385a251ea0dd⋯.jpeg (289.48 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, E714705B_564D_4238_8A3E_5….jpeg)

File: 78a3c84c2971bbe⋯.jpeg (45.12 KB, 570x309, 190:103, 7B9F2F34_E9AC_4552_88AC_2….jpeg)

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3ce0c2  No.11324732

CUCKERFACE –we don't censor, weCONSTRAIN

see – that was kool, huh

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b7e3de  No.11324734


Paul Sperry is breaking down key points and spreading the word.

How you can be part of a group redpilling the masses and attack Sperry's work suggests your motivations are not with the GA.****

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fbd1c8  No.11324735


They sampled NBC headquarters.

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a9aee1  No.11324738


tanks b

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40e56f  No.11324739

Someone wanna tell that crippled retard Duckworth that we're not a democracy, but rather a constitutional republic which is elected democratically?

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c944d7  No.11324740


Catalog show bread 14466 started with less than 10 posts

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401993  No.11324741


He’s doing a great job at making the right shove down more red pills, but centrists and non political need to be woken up.

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223a45  No.11324742

File: c5ff09d274cdc39⋯.jpg (66.53 KB, 564x844, 141:211, c5ff09d274cdc3939f7fc9bbeb….jpg)

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0e6e18  No.11324743


Those pinpoint pupils Jack has, which drug causes that again? Cocaine?

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28b5d4  No.11324744

File: d753cae869d3501⋯.png (122.18 KB, 364x265, 364:265, hunted.png)

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67c5ed  No.11324745


Take a look at the crosstabs and you'll see they had a D+10 margin. Now reweight on the actual physical electorate and you'll get a completely different result.

You know, in the UK, polling like that is illegal. It's true. If you have a push poll to control the argument it isn't allowed.

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40e56f  No.11324746


We need to hammer home Sperry's points, and not get sidetracked on who Hunter's fucking.

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9a7f3b  No.11324747


Microdosing LSD

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f8f3bb  No.11324748

File: edbe39056a7f731⋯.jpg (136.03 KB, 587x587, 1:1, herbstreit.jpg)

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fd6071  No.11324749

File: f6e68c80b7803a6⋯.jpg (12.64 KB, 350x335, 70:67, kektricorn.jpg)


When even patriots who have no access to tech knows enough to know "enou[g]h is en[o]ugh"


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704ebd  No.11324750


The Republicans sampled were from a certain cruise ship

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38b90e  No.11324751

File: 181325fb2c3e99b⋯.png (17.55 KB, 906x155, 906:155, ClipboardImage.png)

mold bread unlocked. great

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5dc0d2  No.11324752

File: e2aac330413d1d9⋯.jpeg (16.68 KB, 255x252, 85:84, e2aac330413d1d9651fd35e05….jpeg)

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c68510  No.11324753


lets compares notables. let the notables be the judge.

this is notables from gerbils dough


>>11323324 Deepstate is the virus?

>>11323341 Any update on the DOJ/FBI presser?

>>11323365 CNN going full retard on hospital capacity.

>>11323370 bill-maher-under-fire

>>11323389 FLYNN DOJ response to Judge Sullivan

>>11323404 eight-individuals-charged-conspiring-act-

>>11323409 Hunter Biden Pictures of Himself Disrobed and Exposed With Certain Minor

>>11323385 natalie.webm

>>11323439 Body Language: Tony Bobulinski, Biden China FBI

>>11323456 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1321472358830403585

>>11323459 google-joe-biden-corruption-burisma-autocomplate

>>11323483 saudi-arabia-warns-of-potential-missile-attac

>>11323505, >>11323495 DOJ: "HUNTERS BECAME THE HUNTED"

>>11323518 https://twitter.com/WarRoomPandemic/status/1321477415940612098

>>11323545 Eight Individuals Charged With Conspiring to Act as Illegal Agents of the People’s Republic of China

>>11323556 ny-brooklyn-protests-philadelphia-shooting-

>>11323568 Polling Averages

>>11323587, >>11324136 Catherine Herridge @CBS_Herridge

>>11323594 Pres. Trump visits farmer's market in Bangor, Maine

>>11323610 POLL POSITION

>>11323623 Facebook, Twitter and Google CEOs testify before Senate

>>11323648 Do Not Trust The Medical Or The National Security

>>11323675 experts-now-saying-dont-mail-your-ballot

>>11323720 Melania Trump slams the Democrats:

>>11323787 Happy 3 Years, Q and anons

>>11323802 cnns-oliver-darcy-beclowns-self

>>11323483 us-embassy-in-saudi-arabia-warns-of-potential-missile-attack

>>11323836, >>11324068 Veritas Drop: Moar Texas Vote Fraud

>>11323840 BREAKING: Ballot Chaser Reveals MASSIVE Voter Fraud To Elect @JoeBiden


>>11323896 schumann report


>>11323996 Your patriotism is truly inspiring!

>>11324003 Guild Holdings sold by McCarthy Partners, LLC: $68.72m-Oct 26

>>11324017 Alek Skarlatos and two friends thwarted an attack by a gunman

>>11324004 Hi IQanon Post

>>11324047 We are the news now

>>11324057 Bitter Hillary slips up

>>11324085 PlaneFag Reports

>>11324108 De-facedcomms

>>11324127 I suspect that Jack Dorsey has lost control of Twitter.

>>11324138, >>11324162 3 hours, 8 minutes till 3-year Q delta:

>>11324139 https://twitter.com/HillaryClinton/status/1321482174546223105

>>11324154 Beverly Hills March

>>11324168 Hunter Biden and Lobbyist Named in IRS Complaint Against National Security Non-Profit Where They Both Served on Board

this is current bakers notables bun from last dough


>>11323207 DOJ presser so far summed up

>>11323195 [NSFW] Judge for yourself if this girl is Natalie Biden [NSFW]

>>11323077 REMINDER: Plenty of investigators working on corruption

>>11323055 (You) Biden family scandal: Seven uncomfortable realities confronting the Democrat nominee

>>11323022 Q_markers in DOJ/FBI hearing? FOX THREE, >>11323039, >>11323081 The Hunters became the Hunted

>>11322835 Anon digs on LA Tractor trailer, UNFI, Steve Spinner & more

>>11322693 Trump rallies are a beacon of HOPE, >>11322734

>>11322691 PF, >>11322707, >>11322914

>>11322647 85 miles worth of traffic in both directions for Trump rally

>>11322590 Anon decodes Scavino's 'NUMB3RS' tweet?

>>11323261 #14463

baker is lazy and a division fag, rather push anons away, then offer help.

baker forgets his roll. he works for us to collect notables. he is not baker god.

narcissist much?

further, when asked to help flip a poll baker stated 'NYPA'

thjis baker is obviously not a patriot and or has no clue how important polls are

again statement stands. Gerbil is based baker anyone that states different is a confirmed shill/strawanon

thank you gerbil for your PATRIOT EFFORTS

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3fd7a1  No.11324754

File: 5e0d3e6798edd44⋯.png (25.66 KB, 768x236, 192:59, Capture.PNG)


Chairman Ye, no Xi.

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d80ee6  No.11324755


Don't worry about it.

They do this every time when we are over target.

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c5c570  No.11324756

File: d9b879c1dd951c0⋯.png (503.91 KB, 497x648, 497:648, ClipboardImage.png)


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fbd1c8  No.11324757



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401993  No.11324758


This. Any evidentiary proof or e-mails released that back them up? That’s what we need. His tweets side by side with e-mails proving it.

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49ba91  No.11324759

File: 64e510acf2de914⋯.png (249.73 KB, 790x438, 395:219, clown.png)

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db90e1  No.11324760

Why aren't they being asked whether they've ever received DIRECTION from OWNERSHIP. written, email, and/or voice on any type of censorship or throttling processes??

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399d84  No.11324761


220, 221, whatever it takes

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2808e9  No.11324762


Fuck. I had one job.

"With" not "to."

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dc7725  No.11324763

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a4675b  No.11324764


here in nyc, mask-fanaticism has gone even further off the charts in the past week. anon has actually been physically assaulted for not wearing. Anon has friends in europe that are moar fanatical than ever, too.

Now anon sees that biden is out there demanding that everyone where a mask. This lends credence to the theory that masks are political symbols - actually, a pledge of allegiance to the Deep State.

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4adf0f  No.11324765

3 questions from Biden the cock

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8df8b8  No.11324766


Sadly, I don't think Q and the Patriots have anything more substantial. Or they would've released it by now. It won't get any better than this, and this is not enough.

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a6ad7d  No.11324767


Nice user ID: 223a45

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fbd1c8  No.11324768


LSD = big pupils

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2e0137  No.11324769

This dammed roller coaster of an election is getting to me at the end.

So many voter fraud cases. And you know nothing will be done about them because they are democrats and we are idiots.

I do not doubt for a second that a fair election would put POTUS in 400 Ev range. But this is looking like a Venezuelan election instead of an American one. Worst I have ever seen by far.

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d48e69  No.11324770


Nobody cares that she’s on the rag

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b7e3de  No.11324771



>gerbil is based

Evil trips say otherwise.

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a61223  No.11324772

What's the next scene in this movie?

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704ebd  No.11324773

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fe1be7  No.11324774


>Angry noodle noises

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67c5ed  No.11324775


We can do both at the same time.

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d46740  No.11324776

File: 3367802adf498ae⋯.jpg (528.69 KB, 1877x1495, 1877:1495, scavino_E_reagan.jpg)


“LID” called at 12:40amE.

Both black and white.


We Must Fight - President Reagan



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baccc6  No.11324777


Well I made notables on the other bread so maybe I'm biased

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d25f53  No.11324778

Mark Zuckerberg|The evil deal Hunter Biden with Mark Zuckerberg


needs sauce

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96a91e  No.11324779


ooops - saw a locked one but minimized the wrong one.


Will Report it

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2bcac2  No.11324780

File: 09f80c815fcb726⋯.png (38.63 KB, 256x243, 256:243, Screenshot_from_2020_10_27….png)

File: 7995eeadd1dd69a⋯.png (366.94 KB, 657x652, 657:652, Screenshot_from_2020_10_27….png)

File: d3780f5303d79cf⋯.mp4 (4.03 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, hunter_video_voice.mp4)

>>11323195 [NSFW] Judge for yourself if this girl is Natalie Biden [NSFW]

Holy shit. We've been over this a 1000 times. It's the stripper he knocked up. You can hear that her voice is not that of a 16yo girl, much less a 14yo girl.

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ae74ac  No.11324781

File: a325b8d144bbd4c⋯.jpeg (432.68 KB, 1079x1583, 1079:1583, B6D1B4C6_F6A8_47C7_985B_D….jpeg)

File: ec95fa66c6c08ed⋯.jpeg (476.3 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, 77A005BC_8BCB_49E0_856B_F….jpeg)

File: ad35c52ea0a9adf⋯.jpeg (605.5 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, 35509F42_AFBA_4250_AD9F_F….jpeg)

File: 852e9fe545c6de9⋯.png (364.34 KB, 572x674, 286:337, FF7F3F52_0FF8_44EA_8F23_50….png)

File: 87cd8849b56bc02⋯.jpeg (63.98 KB, 461x1024, 461:1024, D589D2AB_D248_4828_B74E_6….jpeg)

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a4675b  No.11324782


>>>11323324 p Deepstate is the virus?


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74211b  No.11324783


I appreciate his work, but it's poor etiquette for a journalist.

Gives others the impression that HE is the one breaking the story.

Other reputable journos have called him out on it before.

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d46740  No.11324784

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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401993  No.11324785


That’s what I’m afraid of. I worry they underestimated the degree to which the media and big tech would just outright ignore it and the blue pilled masses will just eat it up with the excise that it’s Russian disinformation.

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dee8e4  No.11324786


The Credits. Because this is all it's gonna be. Shittiest movie ever.

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fb7e33  No.11324787


Was thinking it's a bot… but the other night it responded to another anons post outside of whatever it's trying to comm at us… all i'm sayin

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f0c106  No.11324788

File: 60b1e5acccdc39b⋯.jpg (46.85 KB, 720x720, 1:1, ElbqPvuW0AAyZMN.jpg)

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c4d11c  No.11324789


Come on, give the El Zorro mask a try !

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c944d7  No.11324790


Other bread is locked. Baker you are clear to continue!

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3c4f7e  No.11324791


fuck reddit and you.

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f8f3bb  No.11324792


fix it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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957bc8  No.11324793

File: 9d3a0e2c9737aed⋯.png (2.23 MB, 1111x888, 1111:888, Blue_Angels.png)

File: 2501764c58b17ac⋯.jpg (293.93 KB, 690x888, 115:148, T2.jpg)

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55acdd  No.11324794

Dorsey and fuckerberg have admitted that they hadZEROintel that the nypost story was russian disinformation.

Can you say FUCKED

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5fbe12  No.11324795

File: 1c43e77c818c89d⋯.png (86.19 KB, 598x376, 299:188, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6367ac9f59ac28b⋯.png (4.5 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

psalm 63:10- they fall by the sword: they shall be a portion for foxes.



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27dc42  No.11324796


silhouette portraits use to be popular but by dem standards today, yes its racist

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f6f3a4  No.11324797

split bread locked, GOGOGO baker o7

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ab9271  No.11324798

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f42125  No.11324799

File: 158838d28581145⋯.png (196.6 KB, 599x908, 599:908, ClipboardImage.png)


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399d84  No.11324800

File: 267841b6f849e32⋯.jpg (101.53 KB, 500x531, 500:531, STOCKED_UP_ON_ENOUGH_LIES_….jpg)

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fe1be7  No.11324801

File: c29d649fef0eda7⋯.png (268.85 KB, 461x426, 461:426, 1597779229712.png)


Thank you.

Ready to deploy in 5.

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226461  No.11324802


Thats why a specific arrest will send the signal.

Lurk Moar

Read the drops

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38b90e  No.11324803

File: 595e315e5e2808f⋯.png (16.6 KB, 886x159, 886:159, ClipboardImage.png)


yay locked again.

i'm so entertained

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c11884  No.11324804


Zuckerberg calls Q "military movement"

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20148d  No.11324805

Such a great statement from the DOJ presser earlier:

Stay out. Your behavior is not welcome here.

That can be said to so many different types of people for so many different reasons and in so many different situations.

Plus It doesn't point to nationality, race, or gender.

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91b069  No.11324806

File: 5e47eefe1ecbc8a⋯.jpg (78.51 KB, 736x714, 368:357, hXq0OxI.jpg)

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4ea324  No.11324807


Stripper has got to be ashamed of humping Hunter after all this shit.

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a4a833  No.11324808

File: c898a1c1c7aded0⋯.png (78.53 KB, 290x289, 290:289, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f6ca8ef35343605⋯.png (118.67 KB, 462x347, 462:347, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f6ca8ef35343605⋯.png (118.67 KB, 462x347, 462:347, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9dfe45a2b5d3d32⋯.png (386.19 KB, 880x245, 176:49, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 834524bf312d03d⋯.png (542.61 KB, 520x347, 520:347, ClipboardImage.png)

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ddffc7  No.11324809

File: 6c7601394826801⋯.png (199.41 KB, 396x637, 396:637, Screen_Shot_2020_10_28_at_….png)

File: 4fd26115ed19218⋯.png (901.43 KB, 717x575, 717:575, Screen_Shot_2020_10_27_at_….png)

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38b90e  No.11324810

File: 4b524c15144bf21⋯.png (565.66 KB, 900x760, 45:38, rarepepe.png)

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a61223  No.11324811



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c6e201  No.11324812


Lol well he isnt entirely wrong

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baccc6  No.11324813

File: 2f0e47b62d4d61b⋯.jpg (436.32 KB, 1079x1237, 1079:1237, Screenshot_20201028_111721….jpg)

File: 44553052d0f2605⋯.jpg (46.18 KB, 1080x188, 270:47, Screenshot_20201028_111707….jpg)

File: 4763c4407e5a5ce⋯.jpg (163.94 KB, 1080x804, 90:67, Screenshot_20201028_111635….jpg)

Libertarian candidate Donald Rainwater wins 2nd Indiana Governor's debate, also won 1st!


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c5c570  No.11324814

File: 632b89fd9297e44⋯.png (435.74 KB, 869x422, 869:422, ClipboardImage.png)


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de4ed0  No.11324815


nice time stamp.

Some times things are too convenient.

Like Gibbs, I don't believe in coincidence.

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fe1be7  No.11324816


>>11324702 More attempts to steal the Texas Vote.

>>11324693 Big Tech's Double Standards


>>11324648 Stimulus pack did what it meant to do: "Business was booming because of it!"

>>11324645 Hunter Email Reveals ‘Wiring Instructions’ for ‘Spy Chief of China’

>>11324584 More proof of Biden Corruption: veto'ing stricter governance in favor of own business, >>11324641

>>11324561 Dubious Transactions || Sichuan Chemical and Prospect Global || Devon Archer, Hunter Biden, Christoper Heinz, John Kerry ||

>>11324542 Ted Cruz grills @jack for power abuse, >>11324632, >>11324675

>>11324483 PF Catch?, >>11324572

>>11324645 Hunter Email Reveals ‘Wiring Instructions’ for ‘Spy Chief of China’

>>11324407 Need Autist eyes on this one

>>11324356 DJT: Media and Big Tech are not covering Biden Corruption!

>>11324092 DOJ Presser: "The Hunters became the hunted"

>>11323984 Veritas latest video: there's cash in votes. Buy one for 5 to 8 dollars, >>11324595

>>11323711 Catherine Herridge update on Flynn

>>11323576 Has anyone identified the PI?

>>11323537 More dual standards by Twitter's @jack


>>11323400 DOJ report on arrests, >>11323571

>>11323362 DJT highlights Twitter's dual standards

>>11324216 BobulinsQi?

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67c5ed  No.11324817


I wish it were. We could use the troops to rid the world of these scumbags.

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bf7ae7  No.11324818

File: 077e03fad08595c⋯.png (426.32 KB, 658x657, 658:657, TrumpBlotterAcid.png)


>Bag of magic paper

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a4675b  No.11324819

File: b0214579b868089⋯.png (234.69 KB, 477x439, 477:439, van_gogh_noice.png)

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b3fd8e  No.11324820

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3c4f7e  No.11324821


I'm not wearing a fucking face diaper and I will be making some noise about this if I am unable to vote.

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704ebd  No.11324822

File: a11c6b4ab2d2c26⋯.jpg (138.88 KB, 1024x789, 1024:789, depositphotos_5286912_stoc….jpg)


>I have not taken a penny

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49258e  No.11324823

were BIDENS the money laundry channel for u1 deal?

This has to lead to bigger fish.

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4c7a56  No.11324826

File: 94454c0e8d9b8e2⋯.png (60.69 KB, 173x173, 1:1, 2f650a736ff1982b23a7d2f9c6….png)

File: 4ba498349a15675⋯.png (105.31 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 9bfeed6be4e785bd2865da8598….png)

File: 321f758f0b5bb93⋯.png (93.76 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 44cfbd6337a03a50dc81761d83….png)

File: f8d630242a80d00⋯.png (157.85 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 644c20317ca7c48531bb798fa5….png)

File: 54898a565bd7093⋯.png (101.97 KB, 255x255, 1:1, d0d5fe03f57f0c8dbd40f0953e….png)

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1e0d75  No.11324827


Most likely the real number is 64-36 up to 74-26

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91a004  No.11324828


yup I'll give local business a call and say I refuse to wear a mask and will I be attacked and terrorized if I enter their biz.

If they say mask or no entry I tell them they won't get my biz and should not be tools

Most businesses say they suggest but can do nothing to enforce, I say see ya soon


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0d8e26  No.11324829


Not ashamed. She knows now she could've gotten a lot more money.

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5de0c6  No.11324830


Retweet his tweet far and wide!

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3a5d94  No.11324831


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1eefab  No.11324832


Lol… he is not exactly wrong. Q is military intel, Anons are… well… anons.

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e6bd5e  No.11324833

File: feac67f241494da⋯.jpg (203.38 KB, 860x572, 215:143, pepe_tp2.jpg)

Dems; Thanks tech giants for censoring conservatives. Will you come back next year to talk to us again.

Tech giants: Yes


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96a91e  No.11324834

Highest post count ever in a bread for me.

Thanks, Gerbil, you fucking herpes outbreak.

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a9d63a  No.11324835

File: 1473201a3647b66⋯.png (2.25 MB, 1455x970, 3:2, Liberty.png)





TRUMP 2020

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b7e3de  No.11324836



>I don't understand

It's Fungus. Fungus thinks incomprehensible word salad is deep. You need to grasp the delusional of a man who thinks he looks like an anime loli.

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3919fb  No.11324837

File: e447786076acbf2⋯.png (609.65 KB, 712x499, 712:499, ClipboardImage.png)

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074c6f  No.11324839

>>11324816, #14466?

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baccc6  No.11324841


Crazydaysandnights did say she is using drugs

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dcad7e  No.11324842

File: 69935c21061ca62⋯.png (898.62 KB, 1067x633, 1067:633, ClipboardImage.png)

fucking robot

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07b9fb  No.11324844

File: 81102f02caab8ec⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1027x768, 1027:768, PepeGrass.png)


oh yes. old favourite!

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dee8e4  No.11324845


Do what Q does. Post it somewhere… throw in some riddles, bitch about how something needs to be done… and then watch the world burn.

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f8f3bb  No.11324846


haha…i was in the 20's once…

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495bf3  No.11324847


Have you not noticed that all the curve balls that fed judge has thrown so far has had an apeal within a day?

It's almost as if Ken Paxtonhad it all preplaned.

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588ef5  No.11324848

Don't go for a snipe bakes, just post link to fresh

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3a5d94  No.11324849

File: ece9634f6dc8dd6⋯.png (501.79 KB, 864x1728, 1:2, Screenshot_20201028_122117.png)

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41893a  No.11324850

File: e004b1f81cd0e54⋯.jpg (140.87 KB, 1067x1600, 1067:1600, sieber_kane.jpg)

Jar baby

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62e871  No.11324851


Cool Story Bro…Maybe have Trump whine about it on Twitter too?

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e6bd5e  No.11324852

File: a5db7266f0d9087⋯.jpg (152.76 KB, 1092x1200, 91:100, words_pepe.jpg)

This hearing proved that

Sundar, Zuckerberg and Dorsey are all pieces of shit!!!!

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a4675b  No.11324853

File: 4ea2adf4b42e409⋯.png (320.59 KB, 683x790, 683:790, Screen_Shot_2020_10_28_at_….png)

NY Covid-alert app exceeds 500,000 downloads

muh paywall: https://www.crainsnewyork.com/technology/ny-covid-alert-app-exceeds-500000-downloads

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07b9fb  No.11324854

File: 0625e17f862a1c4⋯.jpg (48.98 KB, 500x506, 250:253, 0625e17f862a1c41c5e9795f87….jpg)

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fbd1c8  No.11324855


I agree. The only people voting for Biden are teacher's unions.

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0d8e26  No.11324856


Fungus sucks.

The word "fungus" makes me think of yellow toenails with crud underneath.

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ce5ede  No.11324857


So have the congressional sergeant at arms take his ass into custody.

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d17ae2  No.11324858


Right? All hat and no cattle.

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71df14  No.11324859

File: df6f2f3aa8e7329⋯.jpg (84.73 KB, 453x428, 453:428, negro_approved.jpg)

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074c6f  No.11324860


And they arent either.

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d80ee6  No.11324861

214 UID's

Lots of posters here today.

We usually hover around the 180 mark.


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704ebd  No.11324862


Zuck is a toilet movement

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f42125  No.11324864


Didn't need a hearing to know that.

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a2dc05  No.11324865

You are that "AI System" Mr Zuckerberg

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809d2a  No.11341870

File: 4e249e4157a7bc3⋯.mp4 (1.98 MB, 480x270, 16:9, POTUS_trafficing.mp4)

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