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File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, bbf1caf196ffb5b5a8f3f569b7….jpg)

0cacac  No.10558441[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 09.02.2020

>>10504572 ————————————–——– Why did it take a political outsider to [finally] confront China?

>>10504508 ————————————–——– Moar Blackmail

>>10504523 ————————————–——– Moar Blackmail

>>10504529 ————————————–——– Moar Blackmail

>>10504503 ————————————–——– How is blackmail used?


>>10503446 ————————————–——– Files do not go 'missing' unless 7th floor direct involvement. Follow the logs. (Cap: >>10503458, >>10503508)

Wednesday 08.26.2020

>>10426984 ————————————–——– The Great Deceiver(s). INFORMATION WARFARE. (Cap: >>10426999)

Thursday 08.20.2020

>>10354418 ————————————–——– FIFTH COLUMN

>>10354372 ————————————–——– PANIC IN DC (Cap: >>10354670 )

Wednesday 08.19.2020

>>10351796 ————————————–——– Biden Island (Cap: >>10351928)

>>10351616 ————————————–——– Epstein island. Who owns the surrounding islands [close proximity]? (Cap: >>10352443, >>10353360)

>>10351242 ————————————–——– Ask yourself a very simple question -

Monday 08.17.2020

>>>/projectdcomms/110 —————————— [Placeholder - Indictments Tracking > Non_Civ] (Cap: >>10322497, >>10322510)

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>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown<<<READ THIS IF YOU ARE NEW HERE

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0cacac  No.10558448

Global Announcements

>>10533308 FBI Confirms QAnon Group Not A ‘Terrorist Threat’ - UPDATED

>>10502598 Code Monkey update: It is almost time to release <codename> Project Odin.

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>10557879, >>10558098, >>10558247 PF update

>>10558336, >>10558182, >>10558273 Refresher: 'A dire warning from top US commander: Detention camp in Syria breeding new generation of ISIS radicals'

>>10558291 Thurs. Sept 3 Apple Just Lost the Most Money In History During A Single Day

>>10558271 Postal Audit report

>>10558265 Trump: US to Ban Companies Outsourcing to China From Getting Federal Contracts

>>10558248 The climate pendulum swings kek

>>10558228 Q&A: Michael McCormack, Hamish Macdonald spar over Black Lives Matter protest

>>10558204 anon on Commifornia power woes

>>10558181 Trump Says There’s No Evidence Navalny Was Poisoned, Says China Is “Much Worse” Than Russia

>>10558175, >>10558230 Potus: Vaccine for Kung Flu might be available "far in advance" of the end of the year, according to POTUS.

>>10558150, >>10558159 Super V's

>>10558142, >>10558168 The Israel-Palestine Conflict, Annexation And Normalization

>>10558124, >>10558267 “Trumpification of the German far right.”

>>10558114 San Francisco At It Again. Gym Owners Are Up In Arms After Discovering Gov Gyms Are Open During COVID-19

>>10558109 Saudi Arabia overturns death sentences in Jamal Khashoggi killing

>>10558082 Samsung Gets $6.6 Billion Verizon 5G Contract At Huawei Expense

>>10558077 WHEC Reporter Chased By Knife-Wielding BLM Mob – Station Ignores Attack And Describes 'Protests' As 'Peaceful'

>>10558050 Anon Notes on President Trump's Labor Day Press Conference tyvm anon

>>10558039, >>10558140 Fartwell n Tingles up the leg vid For the keks!

>>10557996, >>10558008 Julian Assange has failed to get new allegations against him thrown out as he battles extradition to the US.

>>10557966 19-year-old arrested in Newberry drive-by shooting was out on bond, deputies say

>>10557951, >>10557816This is the statement Schiff is referring to, he just left out the part where China is influencing US policy and pressuring politicians

>>10557944 Article in MIT Technology Review blames conservative journalists for violent riots or Too Fat To Fish

>>10557943 ‘I’m The Public Face’: Here’s A List Of Lawmakers Who Broke COVID Rules

>>10557911, >>10557915 >>10557926 Epstein & Deitsch family diggz

>>10557867 America’s real hoax: Record highs on Wall Street as millions of jobless people can’t pay rent/Potus is bringing back the jobs

>>10557853 Sunday's "Great American Boat Parade" on Lake Lanier, officials at the Georgia Department of Natural Resources said that between 3,000 to 4,000 vessels were at the parade

>>10557851 From the developer of qmap....

>>10557844 UK: Student Union Leader: Whites Should Stay Home Unless They’re ‘Poor, Disabled, Gay, or Transgender’

>>10557837 12-year-old girl is wrestled to the ground by Hong Kong riot police as the authorities arrest 289 at protests over elections delay

>>10557828 NY POST: Divers pull body out of a pond in Central Park on Labor Day

>>10557810 Pelosi’s son tied to fraud ring that tried to sell Nancy’s solar tax credits for millions

>>10557784 FBI San Diego on Saturday

>>10557761 Buttigieg, former officials added to Biden's transition team

>>10557754 ‘The Gov. Killed Nana’ Banner Mocking Andrew Cuomo Flies over New York Beaches

>>10557735 Former Chief of Police: The cop-bashing New York Times just published a pro-pedophile story – and we’re ok with this?

>>10558440 #13510

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0cacac  No.10558451


>>10557108, >>10557201, >>10557459 planefaggin

>>10557533 1000 RIOTERS IN JAIL FEDERALLY. vid

>>10557450 London Police Arrest Extinction Rebellion Leader ‘Rainbow Surfer’

>>10557421 take off your mask when you talk to me…Potus

>>10557413 Delingpole: Everything Bad In History Was the Patriarchy’s Fault, Claims United Nations

>>10557357 SoftBank Has Closed Most Of Its "Nasdaq Whale" Positions

>>10557354 BARR: Google May Be In Line For A Legal Spanking By The Supreme Court

>>10557292 California gender-reveal party with pyrotechnic device sparks massive blaze that burns over 7,300 acres

>>10557249, >>10557356, >>10557386 Potus: Top people in the Pentagon want to do nothing but fight wars so that all those wonderful companies that make the bombs,the planes,and everything else,stay happy./callin out the military-industrial complex

>>10557237 Some people don't like to come home.-POTUS

>>10557223 POTUS says SUPER V In regards to Economic recovery.

>>10557208 Democrats Are Now Using Pentagon Funded Artificial Intelligence to Combat Online Efforts by Trump Supporters to Promote President Trump

>>10557192 , >>10557168, >>10557247 They keep building their Beast.

>>10557186 "Wildfire Crisis" - Record-Breaking Heat Sparks 23 Fires, Rolling Blackouts Across Golden State

>>10557165 ‘Threat to ALL journalists’? Facebook temporarily DISABLES account of reporter who livestreamed armed groups in Louisville

>>10557140 President Trump: "Under my leadership, next year will be the greatest economic year in the history of our country, I project."

>>10557135 POTUS: NASDAQ has set 17 records

>>10557117 Hiring Voter Canvassers

>>10557101 Surveillance Camera Captures 'Huge Pile Of Mail' Dumped In California Parking Lots

>>10557069 Do we have memes for this?

>>10557047 Google's antitrust battles: What you need to know

>>10557006, >>10557094 VA Sen Dick Black (former head of Army’s Criminal Law Division) warns of a potential military coup.

>>10556930 Potus Live

>>10557637 #13509


>>10556582 PF updates

>>10556875 President Trump Holds a News Conference.

>>10556874 VPOTUS Live!

>>10556827 NEW Q hit piece from SALON

>>10556789 Zach Fuentes, Top Aide to John Kelly, Denies Atlantic Story About Trump, CC @JeffreyGoldberg

>>10556623 Citigroup Feuds With Hedge Funds Over Botched Payment

>>10556593, >>10556640, >>10556822 Speaking of Law & Order…

>>10556544 The steal is in. MI

>>10556507, >>10556600 DTJr. highlighted this video, AF vet asking VP Biden why he should support someone who "voted for a war that killed thousands of my brothers and sisters

>>10556487 Interview With Donald Trump - September 13th 2001

>>10556475 EST 1:00PM Hold a news conference North Portico Expanded In-House Pool

>>10556444 JA Case adjourned until tomorrow, same time as today. (10am London time) (5am Est)

>>10556431 "Today, President Donald J. Trump spoke with King Salman bin Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia. President Trump praised Saudi Arabia’s G20 Presidency and welcomed the opening of Saudi air space to flights between Israel and the United Arab Emirates

>>10556423, >>10556599 You are not supposed to pay attention to anything published on the website QAnon.

>>10556416 "YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO FILM!" is a cry you hear incessantly at protests in Portland, Oregon, always shouted at close range to your face by after-dark demonstrators.

>>10556322, >>10556462 This is how you do it in Portland. What took them so long? God bless the Oregon State Police. LAW & ORDER/notable paradigm shift in Portland

>>10556383, >>10556398 Meme Ammo

>>10556254 Imagine digging up an anonymously-sourced 'story' from 2018 and then dropping it 60 days before an election.

>>10556198 Labor Day front page of the @journalsentinel. “How QAnon is gaining a foothold in Wisconsin”

>>10556192 Juan Ernesto Dávila, president of the Puerto Rico State Elections Commission (CEE by its Spanish initials) resigned on Thursday

>>10556189, >>10556320, >>10556344, >>10556714, >>10556844 Potus: Biggest and Fastest Financial Recovery In History. Next year .../czech typo/corrected

>>10556887 #13508

Previously Collected Notables

>>10556073 #13507

>>10553764 #13504, >>10554543 #13505, >>10555305 #13506

>>10551429 #13501, >>10552223 #13502, >>10552974 #13503

>>10549144 #13498, >>10549930 #13499, >>10550670 #13500

>>10546826 #13495, >>10547548 #13496, >>10548318 #13497

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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0cacac  No.10558452

War Room

>>9967715 Q Research Meme Warfare Operations <- go here for current up to date ops

Get Everyone at ONCE and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got! THINK PICARD MANUEVER! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current HOTTOPICS

[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from the target area htps://www.trendolizer.com Hijack them to get your #hash out.

[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Post meme or Cap

[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.

[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts.

[7] RT other's tweets

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

[9] Information WarFare https://archive.is/E0oJm


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6867253 Clockwork Qrange #10

>>>/qrb/13005 Planefag Q+A (Planefagging 101)

>>>/qrb/42185 Boatfagging Q&A

>>>/comms/12299 Oregon, Washington, I-5 Corridor: Turn the Tide

International Q Research Threads

Australia #9 >>10099681

Brasil/Portugal #1 >>10479225

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France #1 >>8331823

Germany #65 >>10472264

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Nederland #5 >>10497699

New Zealand #5 >>10524823

Nordic #1 >>5290557

South Africa #1 >>8033191

UK #21 >>10507852

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

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Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

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Board Admin & Discussion Threads

META (for board admin queries) >>6064510

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

All of the following except the last are in order on the same thread on /comms/

GMT Thread link: >>>/comms/283

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Q Graphics all in GMT #119 - #124 >>>/comms/18630 through >>10092908, >>10180323

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0cacac  No.10558454

QPosts Archives

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SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

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* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

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* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.3: https://pastebin.com/EDmx2iEr

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* 2020-Aug Lots more Trump 2020 & RNC — https://mega.nz/folder/hZIHgYKC#yBQuOT9WvroWCZ6nvAkJiw

* Biden + DNC Agenda Pre-election memes re: Dem side — https://mega.nz/#F!cUhmUIzA!a-EOJx-VNCAlntYJA_LSQQ

* Kamala Harris — https://mega.nz/folder/hMhwDabC#z12ZBjbeqey-JXq9A9PS3A

* Trump Successes v2 Trump policies & actions — https://mega.nz/folder/MB4D1JrJ#GEEftK7VxpJ92_NSlDqydA

* Vote-by-Mail Fraud— https://mega.nz/folder/oEAkEIKJ#KKzRrSDSNga7nf48IOb6Eg

* Anarchy! BLM, Antifa, protests, law & order, defund/support police, kneel/don't kneel — https://mega.nz/folder/oYYjwYiC#8OUQyoljn9zdMQxxzotINA

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Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

LIVE Baking Classes Thurs 7pm ET: Baking Seminar #30 >>>/comms/24025

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

E-bake instructions: >>>/comms/9252

Iwo Jima video TOR posting: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTYUwt5rV5s

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0cacac  No.10558460

File: 178f0b22bcb3fbc⋯.png (55.28 KB, 289x174, 289:174, 55d2b4c125546a163b845c26ab….png)

File: e6788dd4b4e138e⋯.png (258.21 KB, 432x420, 36:35, 55d26721255d73b6a887215205….png)

File: 55d2fdcc0fbfae2⋯.png (742.39 KB, 714x960, 119:160, 55d2fdcc0fbfae2a0c2049a70b….png)



Kitch open to assist newbakers, bin ballers call it if you wanna

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1cc5fd  No.10558462

File: a04982d8d1b3d09⋯.png (848.3 KB, 1212x827, 1212:827, ClipboardImage.png)


"Florida politico Andrew Gillum and wife to address hotel scandal, marriage with Tamron Hall"

Former Florida Democratic gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum is making his first television appearance six months after entering rehab following his suspected drug overdose in a Miami hotel.

Gillum, who took to Instagram in July to discuss his battle with depression and alcoholism and to apologize to his supporters again, will appear on the season two premiere of the “Tamron Hall” show Sept. 14.

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1cc5fd  No.10558464

Why are we (optically) allowing China to gain power militarily?

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3d7dcd  No.10558466

File: 6cd4a16f24a5a82⋯.jpeg (443.53 KB, 750x748, 375:374, CB099C15_EF8D_4F05_8CBF_7….jpeg)

File: 3f3ae60272dc873⋯.jpeg (354.64 KB, 750x621, 250:207, 359F8B39_71B3_4480_B059_6….jpeg)

File: 95588d29de93af7⋯.jpeg (537.93 KB, 750x906, 125:151, 1E14D570_A68E_47F4_BBA3_9….jpeg)

File: 497200c56a20395⋯.jpeg (249.94 KB, 659x393, 659:393, F7E9F83E_DD35_44F5_820B_E….jpeg)

File: 430f1a7d2770392⋯.jpeg (304.9 KB, 608x1059, 608:1059, 4AF664F9_7EE1_41E9_BB49_1….jpeg)


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956101  No.10558469

File: 03e7cef46447470⋯.png (1.11 MB, 966x768, 161:128, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b62a546e0c21b56⋯.png (184.12 KB, 600x597, 200:199, Baker_TY.png)


TY Baker.

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069830  No.10558473

File: 29202384090b613⋯.png (203.8 KB, 593x596, 593:596, ClipboardImage.png)


Mike Rothschild


One of the QAnon newsletters I get implores followers not to embrace vigilantism and trust Q and Trump to get rid of the bad people.

The question of what to do when Q and Trump don't get rid of the bad people isn't asked.

Shitbag pushing unrest

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7075e7  No.10558474

File: 3b30db83592a389⋯.jpg (762.97 KB, 1080x1979, 1080:1979, 20200702_082203.jpg)

Thank You Baker

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a42c4a  No.10558477

File: b3f07a0841efcf0⋯.png (72.58 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, HeyNewfag.png)

File: 5a9e342d79935b3⋯.png (815.34 KB, 680x433, 680:433, Hey2.png)

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3ead94  No.10558484

File: 7a2b7ef95819c08⋯.jpg (153.39 KB, 940x715, 188:143, Pic_2.jpg)

File: e4f3e12da13d680⋯.jpg (75.81 KB, 750x506, 375:253, pic_3.jpg)

File: 0def4db2c2923ae⋯.png (19.87 KB, 709x144, 709:144, pic_4.png)

File: c8ea734ad662720⋯.png (129.48 KB, 508x628, 127:157, pic_5.png)



In the lower right, you can see 3 squares with pictures on the "Newest Members" section. Since the first one is Epstein himself, one could imagine that the people next to him are really early members.

So, I did an image search for the pictures in the middle and the left. But could only find the middle one.

The picture it's from "Rik Deitsch".

He is the Chairman and CEO of Nutra Pharma.

He sells Cobra Venom based medicine for various ills.

Had a grant by the government:


It's not in compliance with the FDA:


And had some legal problems:



That is kinda weird in itself, and a rabbit hole that one can research at it's leisure. But while searching for him, I found another weird thing.

Rik Deitsch daughter, Samantha Deitsch, was a survivor from the Parkland shooting.

After the shooting, they travelled to Israel to have a vacation.

>the shooting was in february

>the vacation took time in march or april, so either a month or two months after the shooting


Not only that, but the sons of Rik Deistch were also involved in the aftermath.

Matt Deistch and Ryan Deistch.

Ryan Deistch was a survivor and Matt Deischt decided to visit the Deistch family the same day as the shooting.

They later went to create AMarchForOurLives and Never Again MSD.

And while browsing Rik Deistch twitter, searching for mentions of the Epstein Foundation I found this really strange thing.


And the archived version


There was an Urban Training exercise in January.

>They spoke about a school shooting a month BEFORE the shooting happened, and they mentioned "a gunman".

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68cd3f  No.10558485

File: 8e3924dd018c5e0⋯.jpg (51.72 KB, 897x504, 299:168, PATRIOT.jpg)

Dundun dun dundun…dundun dun dundun..dundun dun dundun

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3ead94  No.10558488

File: 49f0090da692e2a⋯.png (7.49 KB, 270x347, 270:347, Apu_Dick.png)


To make it short:

>Rik Deitsch was a member of the Epstein Foundation.

>He is a Cobra Venom medicament seller, kinda shady, not approved by the FDA.

>His son Ryan, talked about a school shooter a MONTH before the shooting.

>His daughter Samantha and son Ryan, were on the school during the shooting.

>His other son, Matt, came to visit the family in Parkland during the shooting.

>Then, they went to start both, "March For Our Lives" and "Never Again MSD."

>A month later, the went to Israel to have a vacation.

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d2c35e  No.10558491


>Doesn’t pay anyone.

>Uses exploit labor

>Created bug bounty program promising millions in rewards

>Hasn’t paid anyoen except for a handful of security researchers through bug bounty program

>Basically gets free cybersecurity


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50bff3  No.10558494

File: e57129216595969⋯.png (670.13 KB, 691x596, 691:596, 8_missing_indiana_children.PNG)

BY JACK PHILLIPS September 7, 2020 Updated: September 7, 2020 Print

Eight more missing children have been found as part of “Operation Homecoming,” said the U.S. Marshals Service.

The federal law enforcement officers found the children between Aug. 31 and Sept. 4 as part of an emergency operation around Indianapolis, Indiana, the service said.


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069830  No.10558495

File: 474721206d8cdc7⋯.png (452.1 KB, 553x524, 553:524, ClipboardImage.png)

Battleground States May See Unprecedented Amounts Of Absentee Ballot Rejections

Up to three times as many voters in battleground states could have their votes discarded compared to 2016 if states reject absentee ballots at the same rate as the 2020 primaries, The Associated Press reported.

Millions of voters plan to vote by mail amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and postal delays have been reported across the country, according to AP. Rejection rates could be even more pronounced in urban areas where ballot rejection rates have been higher throughout the 2020 cycle.

“It is the number one thing that keeps me up at night – the idea that voters will do everything they can to ensure their ballot is returned on time and the system will fail them,” Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

Of the over 2.5 million ballots cast in Michigan’s August primary, approximately 10,000 absentee ballots were rejected, according to the Secretary of State. Over 60% of those rejected did not arrive in time to be tallied or were rejected due to a missing or non-matching signature, state data shows.

The influx of absentee ballots could also delay results in some states, risking the results being contested or widely disbelieved, AP reported. President Donald Trump has said that mail-in ballots will lead to the “most corrupt election” in the country’s history.

In Pennsylvania, another swing state, as many as 43,000 absentee ballots could be rejected compared to 2,100 in 2016, according to AP. Trump won the state by just over 43,000 votes four years ago.

In seven battleground states, including Michigan and Pennsylvania, between 185,000 and nearly 300,000 absentee ballots could be discarded if the rejection rate remains the same as it was in the primaries and voter turn out matches 2016, the AP reported.


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f7d875  No.10558496

File: e0912374b553eb1⋯.png (204.98 KB, 480x302, 240:151, pepe_loves_the_wave.png)


Thanks for the bullshit free bred. ride it. spoon it.

-bin baller

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3b14a3  No.10558497

File: a94333a1f6d3c62⋯.png (15.63 KB, 255x190, 51:38, a94333a1f6d3c6205ff97bcc9e….png)

File: c89bf35c9db1325⋯.jpg (280.78 KB, 856x1000, 107:125, c89bf35c9db13253883d563222….jpg)

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73ef62  No.10558499

File: ef3b3fae84533db⋯.jpeg (593.95 KB, 750x905, 150:181, 37B179AD_5F1D_48BA_ABE1_2….jpeg)

File: e267d6de7a85aff⋯.jpeg (505.41 KB, 750x1247, 750:1247, 854DB8D2_DB50_4650_8C16_E….jpeg)

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069830  No.10558504

File: f15b8160f42289d⋯.png (688.4 KB, 738x873, 82:97, ClipboardImage.png)

CDC Said there Have Been More Suicides Than Death by COVID-19

The Director of the CDC has come out and bluntly stated that there have been far more deaths from suicides and drug overdoses than from COVID-19. The leftist media will no doubt claim the CDC is wrong. The social media firms will scrub any mention that this COVID has been a hoax. These people from Jeff Zucker the head of CNN to Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum are allegedly responsible for the rising death toll from destroying everyone’s future. These two individuals have allegedly been responsible for more deaths than COVID-19. Zucker because he personally hates Trump and is a disgrace to CNN while Schwab is the typical academic fool who has never left his ivory tower to see how the real-world functions. Schwab prefers his theory of stakeholder responsibility where corporations owe no allegiance to their shareholders – something the Big Techs seem to have adopted.

Unemployment globally has now exceeded 300 million people. In the United States, most people lose their jobs and they also lose their healthcare. None of these Marxist media organizations from the New York Times, Washington Post, and CNN who lead the way, will ever take responsibility nor will they ever stop in their attempt to constantly destroy the economy on the hopes that no president is reelected during an economic decline – i.e. Herbert Hoover or George Bush.

Everyone should write to the Attorney General and demand a criminal investigation into Zucker, Gates, Soros, Schwab, and of course Fauci. These people may have far more blood on their hands than anyone knows on a global scale. You cannot sit as an academic and create their utopian world of a New Green World Order and this Global Reset discounting all the people who have lost everything as necessary collateral damage. Proof of their arrogance is that they will never admit a mistake or report the truth.


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50bff3  No.10558506

File: e63b486198cd3c1⋯.png (43.33 KB, 602x412, 301:206, overworked_fbi_agents_per_….PNG)


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095dc1  No.10558508


Son of Chicago Bears Ex-Coach Lovie Smith Arrested on Sex Trafficking Charges


AU Staff

September 5, 2020

Mikal Smith, son of NFL Chicago Bears former head coach, Lovie Smith, has landed himself in hot water after being arrested in Tempe, Arizona in connection with a prostitution ring in a report from Yahoo Sports.

The unsettling charges include sex trafficking, conspiracy, and money laundering just to name a few.

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0cacac  No.10558510



habby surfin

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dae2b9  No.10558514






Is that Tim Cook??

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069830  No.10558516

File: 396bb062030e098⋯.png (848.7 KB, 879x493, 879:493, ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. Marshals rescue 8 missing children in Indiana during "Operation Homecoming"

Eight missing children were rescued in a five-day rescue operation in the Indianapolis area and one person was arrested on charges including parental kidnapping, federal authorities said in a press release. The U.S. Marshals have now announced the rescue of 72 missing children in three states over the past week.

The children are between 6 to 17 years old in what's been called "Operation Homecoming," according to the U.S. Marshals Service's Southern District of Indiana.

Authorities said the children are "considered to be some of the most at-risk and challenging recovery cases in the area."

The arrested adult was also charged with possession of weapons and intimidation.

The children were turned over to the Indiana Department of Child Services.

Federal authorities worked with groups including Indianapolis police and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

"The Marshals are committed to assisting state and local agencies with locating and recovering endangered missing children to help prevent their falling victim to crimes of violence and exploitation," said Dan McClain, U.S. Marshal for the Southern District of Indiana. "The message that we wish to convey to the missing children and their families is that we will use every resource at our disposal to find you."

No further details about the children or the circumstances were released.

Last week, the U.S. Marshals Service said it found 39 missing children in Georgia during "Operation Not Forgotten." The operation led to the rescue of 26 children and the safe location of 13 others.

Authorities also said last week that 25 missing and endangered children in Ohio were recovered in a 20-day mission called "Operation Safety Net."


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04385c  No.10558518

File: f0f524025d345aa⋯.png (1.31 MB, 960x539, 960:539, HeyNewfag3.png)

File: bd0d25bf6fa75c7⋯.jpg (110.42 KB, 618x552, 103:92, bd0d25bf6fa75c75fac5a2ca18….jpg)

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293183  No.10558519

File: db2cdcfb41a2c1b⋯.jpeg (302.83 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, db2cdcfb41a2c1b94e2a781b3….jpeg)

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50bff3  No.10558520

File: d5f10659ea954e1⋯.png (509.48 KB, 631x461, 631:461, black_preborn_lives_matter.PNG)

Pro-life demonstrators painted the street outside a Planned Parenthood with the phrase “BLACK PREBORN LIVES MATTER” in downtown Baltimore.

Fifteen people used non-permanent paint to draw the message around 5 a.m. Saturday outside the Planned Parenthood center, the Baltimore Sun reported.

The group was comprised of members of anti-abortion organizations Students for Life of America and Human Coalition Action, as well as public policy group Frederick Douglass Foundation.

Shortly after 6 a.m., officers arrived but didn’t issue any citations or remove the paint.

Police said the city has allowed groups to paint murals on the street in recent months.

“[The message] will remain here unless the city wants to come take it out, and that would be outside the police department,” Baltimore police Sgt. Vincenzo Julio told the outlet.


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d8dd4b  No.10558521

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95146b  No.10558522


>QAnon newsletters


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9fc6cd  No.10558523

File: fbce087fabcb743⋯.jpg (75.76 KB, 480x773, 480:773, vacc.JPG)

With the WHO and Kamala criticizing and questioning Trump's COVID vaccine news….. Do they know something we don't?


Democratic vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris said that President Trump's word alone on any potential coronavirus vaccine is not enough.

“I would not trust Donald Trump, and it would have to be a credible source of information that talks about the efficacy and the reliability” of a vaccine……


Why would they PANIC?? Weren’t they crying for a vaccine??

Now Trump announces a vaccine right at election time.


1. They know a vaccine would reflect well on Trump.

2. There’s something about the vaccine they don’t want us to have…

Is the “vaccine” a concentrated form of HCQ??

Why the push from Trump?

Why did Trump charge the military with the vaccine program??

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79a0ae  No.10558524


"A federal judge on Friday rejected a lawsuit by business groups and is allowing President Donald Trump to temporarily bar the entry of foreign contract workers who are hired to take the U.S. jobs needed by Americans."


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293183  No.10558525

File: 65cc54fb618206b⋯.png (133.62 KB, 314x314, 1:1, TalkAboutQ.png)

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e8e706  No.10558526

File: 14b6868aa80e350⋯.png (14.46 KB, 805x114, 805:114, hobby.PNG)


Pro-Trump aisle art in Hobby Lobby causes woke left-wingers to come unglued


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58e5c9  No.10558527

You know with this whole israel/uae/saudi shit with airspace and all that and people flying

Who got bets on ((())) pulling a nyan eleven in somewhere like..

Oh idk

Dubai probably.

My guess wouldnt be on 9/11 but probably something like oct 3

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d8dd4b  No.10558528

File: 04f6c4e72795639⋯.jpg (317.66 KB, 848x600, 106:75, Mike_Rothschild.jpg)

forgot pic..

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50bff3  No.10558529

File: 11fe40e71725074⋯.png (260.75 KB, 603x486, 67:54, media_least_trusted_on_cov….PNG)


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715170  No.10558530

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

listen to the whole thing… but WATCH at 1:17 … please explain

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14ba97  No.10558531


good on them

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eb87c6  No.10558532

File: a367f8db02fbef3⋯.png (61.54 KB, 247x202, 247:202, yikes_.png)

>>10558446 LB

>Who is the old man in love with big black dick?

Maybe it's two different scenes…

could be Creepy Joe…

and maybe Big Mike?

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e8e706  No.10558533

File: 6eeec2ff362f635⋯.png (260.6 KB, 856x568, 107:71, man_date.PNG)


Biden Now Says National Mask Mandate ‘Probably Unconstitutional’ – Gives Bizarre Non-Answer to Reporter Asking When He will Visit Arizona (VIDEO)

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d7d39b  No.10558534

File: 1f681b53f292cd6⋯.png (55.96 KB, 598x338, 23:13, twatjjflynn.png)

File: 086e3cc31094e13⋯.png (60.83 KB, 802x629, 802:629, nbl.png)

File: eedb38f72077dd3⋯.png (61.53 KB, 782x590, 391:295, nbl2.png)

File: 3c0d3763bacab46⋯.png (66.19 KB, 785x605, 157:121, nbl3.png)

File: 1dbe3c4cf230b80⋯.png (51.07 KB, 737x643, 737:643, nbl4.png)

Joseph J Flynn twat

Extraordinary Letter from Osama Bin Laden’s niece… dedicated to @GenFlynn


Noor Bin Ladin ─ My Letter to America

However, they didn’t count on a great awakening of people tired of being crushed by their self-serving economic policies. Nor did they foresee that COVID-19 would highlight their system’s gross failings, from an over dependence on a global supply chain to corruption in major institutions like the World Health Organization. They didn’t anticipate that we would all rally online to share information and real news, bypassing their controlled mainstream media outlets. Above all, they never thought Hillary Clinton would lose.


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428b0d  No.10558535


The U.S. Marshals have now announced the rescue of 72 missing children in three states over the past week.

The children are between 6 to 17 years old in what’s been called “Operation Homecoming,” according to the U.S. Marshals Service’s Southern District of Indiana.

Last week, the U.S. Marshals Service said it found 39 missing children in Georgia during “Operation Not Forgotten.” The operation led to the rescue of 26 children and the safe location of 13 others.

Authorities also said last week that 25 missing and endangered children in Ohio were recovered in a 20-day mission called “Operation Safety Net.”


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775827  No.10558536

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>10558435 (lb)

Correct, every body breaks down and dies, problem is, most everyone is deceived. For example, God told Adam and Eve they'd die if they ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil …they ate…did they die? Did they die immediately? Yes, they did. They died the worst death possible…they died spiritually, they lost their relationship with God, then, they began to die physically.

Check out the info, can't be refuted, it IS absolute Truth. The absolute Truth is, that "God Is"! God is God…and we're not! Therefore, "ALL" is on His terms! You don't like it? Your choice, however, I implore you to understand Him before you reject Him! He paid a price that is beyond human comprehension so that you could "LIVE" with Him for Eternity! Btw, pitch religion…it doesn't work and won't save you!

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8cdb31  No.10558537


If we were to have a newsletter it better be a shitty xerox copy posted on the corner of the street.

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290108  No.10558538

▶Anonymous 09/07/20 (Mon) 12:54:1740545a (7) No.10558470>>10558481

Something is about to happened that has not happened in a very long time.


whatcha know there anon

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069830  No.10558539

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

'Antiracist Baby' causes an uproar on social media as it encourages babies and toddlers to confess to their inherent racism

What in the heck?

"Antiracist Baby" — a children's book designed to help parents and their young babies fight racism — is stirring up all sorts of responses on the internet, as well as on social media.

Just last week, NPR placed the book — which is geared for newborns to children age 3 years old — on its 100 favorite books for young readers.

What are the details?

The book, written by No. 1 New York Times bestselling author Ibram X. Kendi, was released in June.

Kendi wrote the book, according to reports, to help "empower parents and children to uproot racism in our society and in ourselves."

That feat, according to Kendi — who is also director of the Antiracist Research and Policy Center at American University in Washington, D.C. — is apparently only possible through raising "antiracist" babies.

According to The Caldron Pool, the book lays out nine steps from which parents can base raising an ethical and inclusivity-seeking child.

The book ensures that if parents follow the rules step by step, it will help to "improve equity, such as opening our eyes to all skin colors and celebrating all our differences."

Such steps include calling out racism when it's seen, and confessing to inherent racism as babies and toddlers.

The book uses friendly looking cartoon graphics, depicting demonstrators with signs that read things like "Black Lives Matter" and "Equity now!" and more.

The book, according to The Federalist, opens with the following passage:

Antiracist Baby is bred not born.

Antiracist Baby is raised to make society transform.

A portion of the book reads, "Nothing disrupts racism more than when we confess the racist ideas that we sometimes express."

Anything else?

The book also touches upon privilege.

"Some people get more, while others get less … because policies don't always grand equal access," the book goes on to explain.

One Amazon reviewer writes, "This book is complete garbage, and merely pushes his anti-intellectual binary claim that everyone is either a 'racist or non-racist,' again catering to the market of spineless, 'woke,' white, self-flagellating liberals who have bought into his nonsense so they can be redeemed. A mere pile of tripe that seeks to indoctrinate infants into the same mind-numbingly stupid ideology of 'wokeness.'"

Another adds, "The concepts in this book are just as prejudice [sic] as what it claims to be against. The diction in this book is hardly suitable for children and preach radical ideologies."

On Twitter, one user wrote, "Racist babies that need to confess their Racism?? Repeat all that out loud and really listen to it. THIS WORLD HAS LOST ITS DAMN MIND!!!"


'We're either being racist or antiracist'

In a July interview with the Harvard Gazette, Kendi said that there's no such thing as "not racist" — people are either "racist or antiracist."

“The heartbeat of racism itself has always been denial, and the sound of that heartbeat has always been 'I'm not racist,'" Kendi said. "What I am trying to do with my work is to really get Americans to eliminate the concept of 'not racist' from their vocabulary and realize, we're either being racist or antiracist."


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f7d875  No.10558540

File: b5c6ad603e78b82⋯.png (63.47 KB, 401x279, 401:279, destroythem.png)

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68cd3f  No.10558541

File: fa6ee590d9acfb0⋯.jpeg (37.12 KB, 640x640, 1:1, XnKBrdYL.jpeg)

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3b14a3  No.10558542

File: 0748b96eca48010⋯.jpg (68.08 KB, 828x548, 207:137, 0748b96eca480107f618af9778….jpg)

File: 6cea05b5de3d43d⋯.jpg (11.01 KB, 255x169, 255:169, a876dc8bd3d68496d817aa624c….jpg)

File: 1daebd99bc7e558⋯.png (577.41 KB, 480x481, 480:481, 1daebd99bc7e55876caf55ac37….png)

File: ab927c5d722587f⋯.png (736.26 KB, 693x489, 231:163, ab927c5d722587fd4922cbc5c6….png)

File: 6d2a2a44a39c0ce⋯.png (590.29 KB, 553x425, 553:425, 6d2a2a44a39c0ce48fb079d59b….png)

Oh Andrew

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3de3e6  No.10558543

File: 60aeb6923abd246⋯.pdf (12.08 MB, US10543269_compressed.pdf)

File: dd3d4eb9111ee8f⋯.pdf (2.77 MB, US7279327.pdf)

Two Coronavirus patents of interest.

And one of them, the hMPV one, is the Chief Scientific Officer of Beam Therapeutics who is listed as only having a PhD. Sounds like a pumped up title for someone who is not a scientist, but a speculator or dealmaker.

Giuseppe Ciaramella

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5a638a  No.10558544

File: 8fb1bd0ffdec4c6⋯.jpg (65.11 KB, 949x496, 949:496, burgessowenstrump.jpg)

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464da0  No.10558545





>”Anons.. I spent over almost 1500 hrs looking for bugs and finding them. Sent in several dozen bug reports for Apple and not one red cent. They owe me AT LEAST 200k from everything I reported to them through their program.”

Dang sorry to hear that anon. He sounds like a real greedy piece of shit.

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2fa87c  No.10558546

File: 38058d5b778c707⋯.png (585.96 KB, 540x540, 1:1, CA40812E_48BB_424B_90FB_19….png)

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cbfa96  No.10558547

File: 01eb015f5ef8997⋯.jpg (76.12 KB, 590x334, 295:167, stink_god.jpg)

File: 83e1db18647957c⋯.jpg (74.39 KB, 777x375, 259:125, god_bath.jpg)

File: c222eaad7419c3d⋯.jpg (113.02 KB, 499x463, 499:463, kaneda3.jpg)

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f86859  No.10558548

File: 4c3657eb84bc7ec⋯.png (410.71 KB, 880x291, 880:291, Capture1.PNG)

File: 6a0b564565e5cd4⋯.png (11.75 KB, 289x225, 289:225, Capture.PNG)

File: dd3171aeaf12edf⋯.png (722.85 KB, 1342x478, 671:239, Capture2.PNG)


Ty Baker

The Panic is REAL

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995db4  No.10558549

File: 25cf5050fd0c295⋯.png (9.54 MB, 3300x1800, 11:6, FIRST_JOB_IN_MY_LIFE.png)

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30d40f  No.10558550


Theres a newsletter?

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428b0d  No.10558551


Sorry, I forgot the first rescue mentioned:

Eight missing children were rescued in a five-day rescue operation in the Indianapolis area.

8+39+25 = 72

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fbb68d  No.10558553


What if the Jews arranged for a civil war and one side did not fall for their shit?

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7075e7  No.10558554

File: af03e014f982422⋯.jpeg (96.04 KB, 992x558, 16:9, 1587061187.jpeg)

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f5fac7  No.10558555

>>10558211 lb

Joan Donovan's name is familiar because she speaks against QAnon for the MSM.

"Facebook and other platforms face a unique challenge in moderating QAnon communities, said joan Donovan, director of the Kennedy School's Shorenstein Center on Media Politics and Public Policy at Harvard. The platforms act both as the "base infrastructure" for networking and spreading content and a target of the conspiracy theory itself, which frames Facebook and other platforms as "oppressive regimes that seek to destroy truth," Donovan said."

QAnon groups have millions of members on Facebook, documents show

Aug. 10, 2020, 3:12 PM CDT

By Ari Sen and Brandy Zadrozny


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af8cfe  No.10558556

File: 0d6c3ccc71c939c⋯.png (754.69 KB, 640x636, 160:159, WildTrumpGirls_035.png)

File: 83508b4ea338e6b⋯.png (2.13 MB, 1242x1537, 1242:1537, WildTrumpGirls_036.png)

File: 527de3d8fd7619a⋯.png (1.37 MB, 627x1350, 209:450, WildTrumpGirls_037.png)

Invite God In


R Trump Girls Crave Fighters~!~

e Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

m 🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q🇺🇸

e Our Father, which arte in heaven

m Hallowed be Thy name

b Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done

e On earth as it is in heaven

r Give us this day our daily bread

+ And forgive our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

t And lead us not into temptation

h But deliver us from the evil ones

e For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory

+ For ever, and ever, and ever

s We pray God clean our depths.

m We pray God enflame our Vitality.

e We pray God sharpen Our Truth.

l We pray God Expose our enemies.

l Bless our Vessel Clean with Gods Grace.

+ May our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.

o Amen 🤜🙏🤛

f Roll Lawfu𝕝 Good xo

+ She curioux=Qbabies.

c Repeat Remember

h Pray Dream

i Destroy Satan's lies

l The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

d Imagine the Success🥳of our bright future.

h ᴍake Babιes again!

o (𝙵amilies are our Qure)

o Remember the smell ໐f childhood

d Millions silent together I banishk(belial)k

S Blacklist BlackHats

A Purify Pepe Holy army of frogs have faith💪

F May throngs of angels protect our dreams; Our families.

E Relax, we are strong with God.

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835fe2  No.10558557

File: fd398878a5cae60⋯.png (388.43 KB, 504x504, 1:1, 15976188888.png)

File: cde007fa1c15401⋯.png (106.07 KB, 271x310, 271:310, Sweetie.png)

File: 5ebd89c4b820b00⋯.png (135.38 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Rejected002.png)


]loaded language[

start importing [trigger(s)][100.00% +/-]

.uninstall root 6 tee 6 .fear<away>


.Download <Eternal> Mother <Love> |is| Eternal

.Install <g>od shell

{all.weighs} <nest>[ID] <loops>



.Loop <capital>

[p] <arsing>

.blacklisted [6][6][black][hats][tavistock][lotion][peanut][butter]

.whitelisted [white][hats][god]

god all.wheys has a plan

check inner<g>

kill govern.


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3e661b  No.10558558

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Age of Aquarius

- 5th Dimension

Birth pangs.


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580fdd  No.10558559

File: 3e987bdd630db20⋯.jpg (19.28 KB, 193x255, 193:255, d6ae5a29d3e943af0255a60939….jpg)

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5d35c7  No.10558560

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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83df84  No.10558561

>>10558473 "That's MISTER Shitbag to you, pleb."

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f188eb  No.10558562


>The question of what to do when Q and Trump don't get rid of the bad people isn't asked.


As much time as he spends here he would know how often toiletboi brings that up.

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d924f4  No.10558563

Why did it take a political outsider to [finally] confront China?

Because political insiders are controlled by China.

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6eb03f  No.10558564

File: 722ce27b83a484f⋯.png (395.45 KB, 458x530, 229:265, Screen_Shot_2020_08_05_at_….png)

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f7fec6  No.10558565

Be Ready for the Flip.

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e8e706  No.10558566

File: befdd3ebedff04b⋯.png (878.58 KB, 1028x570, 514:285, towers.PNG)


What will happen to Seattle’s empty office towers when COVID-19 ends?

The colossal office shutdown has added to the economic pain of the pandemic for street-level businesses downtown, as the hundreds of thousands of workers who would otherwise have streamed every day into Seattle’s downtown core remain at home. It’s difficult to envision a vibrant downtown Seattle emerging from the pandemic, researchers and businesspeople say.

At least 66 downtown businesses have already closed permanently, according to the Downtown Seattle Association. Work-from-home isn’t entirely to blame: Restaurants and retail were shuttered until the county met reopening standards in June, and the collapse of the convention and cruising industries have also played a role, said Don Blakeney, the organization’s vice president of advocacy and economic development.

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91c693  No.10558567

File: 1fd0c6d5c4c81cb⋯.png (61.38 KB, 154x184, 77:92, ClipboardImage.png)


wrap up smear much?


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a29fcb  No.10558568


>Age of Aquarius

>- 5th Dimension

This is the age that we are soon(tm) entering

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0143fe  No.10558569

File: e77343cecbf8bc6⋯.jpeg (296.86 KB, 750x488, 375:244, 2741C336_53F5_45AA_B87F_2….jpeg)






>”Ya it sucks anons. Will be dropping memes for next several months every day on 8kun and the Chan’s. Got to spread the love.”

No such thing as a free lunch faggot

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9f916a  No.10558570

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Thousands of drones light up St. Petersburg skies in honor of 75th anniversary of the end of WW2

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995db4  No.10558571

File: 1c0e0e1426272f1⋯.png (5.76 MB, 1920x1047, 640:349, SKANKY_DANK.png)

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5d35c7  No.10558572

File: 4076a1c8e711caf⋯.jpg (23.8 KB, 390x634, 195:317, TheHiddenTyranny.jpg)

File: b1e50d3f2c40207⋯.pdf (534.21 KB, rosy.pdf)

Full text of interview, 24 pages. A Must Read

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37bd7c  No.10558573

File: 761d2b9089975e9⋯.jpeg (107.75 KB, 828x967, 828:967, F558FA14_0F9B_4229_AF29_3….jpeg)

File: 88c70a0cd59a3db⋯.jpeg (189.85 KB, 828x817, 828:817, B9DFB9E8_3643_4D77_B439_A….jpeg)

File: 7da66d9f8e44171⋯.jpeg (123.33 KB, 828x1266, 138:211, 7BDC9E27_948E_4BF3_B7D8_7….jpeg)

File: 850986ed9040a72⋯.jpeg (158.28 KB, 828x872, 207:218, 5622BB1D_2496_4521_B014_B….jpeg)

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eca473  No.10558574


The Core Is What Counts



5 Mar 2019 - 9:43:06 PM

Every barrel has a bad apple.

But, in this case, bad apples do not spoil the bunch.

The core is what counts.



Excerpt with ref to "Main Core."

Under Ketcham’s scenario, if a terrorist attack occurs, the president will declare a national emergency, activating COG procedures and throwing the country into martial law with the shadow government at the helm. The administration will then round up the “dangerous” Americans listed inMain Coreand place them in one of the many internment camps or private prisons built for just such an eventuality.

Read full article at above link.

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f7d875  No.10558575

File: 86039de18c1ff49⋯.jpg (58.21 KB, 350x255, 70:51, FAILED2.jpg)

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e8e706  No.10558576

File: a925bc9570e32e9⋯.png (500.04 KB, 673x578, 673:578, top_aid.PNG)


Exclusive: Zach Fuentes, Top Aide to John Kelly, Denies Atlantic Story About Trump

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4206f7  No.10558577

File: e8d937ff78e0317⋯.jpeg (189.36 KB, 750x1063, 750:1063, D66FB1DF_756E_4DEA_9D1D_E….jpeg)

File: 0387918f5a84204⋯.jpeg (185.56 KB, 750x1106, 375:553, 76A4E293_7596_4525_BEA7_A….jpeg)

Sophie Turner’s tattoos. Are they symbols?

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9f916a  No.10558578

File: c6191fa8d47a222⋯.mp4 (8.98 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Thousands_of_drones_light_….mp4)

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68cd3f  No.10558579

File: 001c9c33273a1b8⋯.jpg (41.42 KB, 720x490, 72:49, FB_IMG_1583669091921.jpg)

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30dbf9  No.10558580

While the soap opera politics play out in the public eye, the real serious (Retaking of America Work) is steadily getting done behind the scenes.

Every few days there is a new announcement about Pres. Trump cutting this groundbreaking deal or that groundbreaking treaty. Cutting this regulation or signing another EO to restore constitutionality in the USA.

etc etc…

Yuuuge misdirection while the [DS] Apparatus gets systematically Dismantled.

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2fa87c  No.10558581

File: f60de05f5342a40⋯.png (484.67 KB, 647x407, 647:407, C9E9F137_97A6_4B63_8530_37….png)

File: e027f3b23fa021b⋯.jpeg (64.46 KB, 600x400, 3:2, B422BBFA_0DDE_451F_A785_A….jpeg)

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3de3e6  No.10558582

File: 0a86569f57e99a8⋯.jpeg (311.18 KB, 1511x2048, 1511:2048, GodfatherIII.jpeg)


The children are shining a light on the sins of their ancestors

They want to go legit

This is why they are helping the sons of light

To overthrow the sons of darkness.

God is working in mysterious ways

The world is going together towards liberty

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604788  No.10558583

>>10558516 U.S. Marshals rescue 8 missing children in Indiana during "Operation Homecoming"


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60e806  No.10558584

File: 9ed1c267aa24f98⋯.png (432.45 KB, 389x537, 389:537, ClipboardImage.png)

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574c97  No.10558585


>Age of Aquarius

The precession of the equinoxes refers to the observable phenomena of the rotation of the heavens, a cycle which spans a period of (approximately) 25,920 years, over which time the constellations appear to slowly rotate around the earth, taking turns at rising behind the rising sun on the vernal equinox.s

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e8e706  No.10558586

File: 0eee52690ab2dae⋯.png (453.09 KB, 679x638, 679:638, he_never_one_to_them.PNG)


Chuck Schumer Backs Bernie Sanders in Plan to Force Trump from Office If He Loses

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f7fec6  No.10558587

File: 0ac2233bbc17f4a⋯.png (724.12 KB, 590x697, 590:697, ClipboardImage.png)

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428b0d  No.10558588

Wisconsin reports zero COVID-19 deaths for 2nd day in a row

Monday, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services said this was the second day in a row no deaths related to COVID-19 were reported. There was also a decrease in overall positive cases and new hospitalizations.

State health officials reported a decline in number of returning positive test results, 10.4% out of 5,466 tests returned positive Monday. This comes a day after record high of 16.2% tests returning positive.

The DHS said there was 567 new cases of COVID-19 recorded, bringing the state total to 81,760 people who have tested positive for coronavirus. Almost 89% have since recovered from the virus with 8,096 cases still considered active.

Hospitalizations increased by 19 for a total of 6,089 people confirmed positive who have been hospitalized.


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5a638a  No.10558589

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Streams of Trump Boat Parades! Oregon, Florida, New Jersey.

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303225  No.10558590

Anyone know what happened to Twitter account @AlwaysActions? That account had a few videos on it that POTUS RT'd, I think, and the videos showed black men dropping red pills out in public on race, black-on-black crime, etc etc. Anyone have those videos from that account? It'd be a shame if those got memory holed.

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290108  No.10558591


are you "something is about to happen that hasn't happened in a long time" anon from last bread? What's up?

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37bd7c  No.10558592

File: 1b220d13e929aab⋯.jpeg (83.14 KB, 828x701, 828:701, D44F9558_F8EB_4D8E_99B7_5….jpeg)

File: 042f089c81bdb77⋯.jpeg (220.47 KB, 828x1394, 414:697, 81B4BD55_91C6_432A_9723_A….jpeg)

File: d7f3249b969f530⋯.jpeg (166.65 KB, 828x766, 414:383, 63A59323_D588_48AE_AEE1_3….jpeg)

File: 13db1c2167b4660⋯.jpeg (235.59 KB, 828x1372, 207:343, EDE27437_A645_4DC9_8076_0….jpeg)

File: e4ac2ea32e083fb⋯.jpeg (107.01 KB, 828x563, 828:563, 0D7D5C1A_E306_4117_81FE_1….jpeg)

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069830  No.10558593

File: 47d5260d084cfd9⋯.png (760.03 KB, 724x407, 724:407, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e7285a3b271662f⋯.png (666.02 KB, 770x861, 110:123, ClipboardImage.png)

Russians Don't Do Nursing Homes - Abhor the Idea

The vast majority of Russians insist parents should be cared for by their children - at all costs. Only in rare cases would this occur, i.e. no kids…

In America, we have been brought up to consider nursing homes inevitable, like winters in New York. You live your life, as brightly, as vividly as you can, stretching the seams to make youth last as long as possible. But once you are old and gray and senile, you do the right thing and make way for the young.

You’ve had your fun, now let them have theirs. No modern person has time to waste and naturally, everybody hates “leeches.” So you quietly make your way to the nursing home, not ‘wanting to be a burden to anybody’

Yes, usually it’s horrible, terrifying, lonely. The sense that there is nothing waiting for you, except maybe checkers and visits. And Death. But it’s just the way things are. Everyone is accepting of the common tragedy.

On one of my first visits to Russia, I was talking to a single mother who struggled to support two kids in Moscow. She was also taking care of her senile, sick, and rather difficult father.

I asked her whether she had considered giving him to a nursing home or at least hiring someone to help her take care of him for a small sum.

She, genuinely horrified, said “How? How can I give my Dad away? For some other stranger to change his sheets?”

I remembered her every time I asked Russians about old age and retirement homes. Most of them seemed repulsed by the idea. I then started looking up forums online to see whether it was just people in my circle. Nope. Online, even private nursing homes publicly mourn Russians’ inability to understand the convenience and humanity of nursing homes.

Predominantly, Russians really believe that sending parents to a nursing home is wrong and ungrateful and downright shameful.

Of course, part of this comes from the fact that in Russia, most nursing homes present a deplorable picture. But that’s not the whole story.

Surely if the society believed that this was something they were convinced was necessary, better and more nursing houses would appear to meet the demand.

The fact remains that the people in Russian nursing homes are usually either people without relatives or parents who have cut all ties with their children. Polls in Russia suggest that exponentially more people intend to keep their aging parents at home.

And while Americans tend to use rational and practical language to explain the nursing home phenomenon, Russians will often use emotional and ethical language on the question, using words such as “duty” “love” and “right thing” … rather old-fashioned explanations in our day.


Nursing homes are designed to medically destroy the mind of the resident so they can't pass on knowledge and keep them alive long enough to fleece their wealth so their children get no inheritance

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3e661b  No.10558594


Precession of the Equinox…every house in it's season.

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926beb  No.10558595

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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604788  No.10558596


Great principle but the text is hard to read

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89b033  No.10558597

File: da841cc68cbe418⋯.png (584.57 KB, 720x720, 1:1, da841cc68cbe41880d10ce8023….png)


Hey faggots!

Been here since day 1 and I know NOTHING about any "Newsletter".

I demand to talk to highest ranking anon.


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077701  No.10558598

File: ca82dd4d4cfc23d⋯.jpg (55.95 KB, 597x593, 597:593, Triggered_FUN.JPG)

File: 54e2fda0ea82e9e⋯.mp4 (4 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Triggered_FUN.mp4)

Triggered FUN!!!

This is HILARIOUS! 😂 #Trump2020 🇺🇸 #OneNationUnderGod #RemoveEveryDemocrat


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79a0ae  No.10558599




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428b0d  No.10558600

File: 31a55672c6b7af4⋯.png (38.07 KB, 548x157, 548:157, ClipboardImage.png)


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137957  No.10558601

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>10558479 (PB)

Anyone with the knowhow can do this?

Start the music at 17 seconds or 2:26 for maxkek

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6deca2  No.10558602


Russia seems like a CHRISTIAN country.

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14ba97  No.10558603

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0cacac  No.10558604

File: 8c8129b644e1ac7⋯.png (66.85 KB, 483x486, 161:162, NS2.png)

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2fa87c  No.10558605

File: 5b6f27536aca2fe⋯.jpeg (298.05 KB, 876x732, 73:61, D3271103_2E1B_47FF_AACE_8….jpeg)

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9dc082  No.10558606


I missed out on the newsletter too. Sounds like more fake news

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ccf0e9  No.10558607


The letter that is on their mind is


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3e661b  No.10558608



Hive mind activated.

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60e806  No.10558609


you forgot this one


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50bff3  No.10558610

File: 72c14b8bbc5725c⋯.png (326.36 KB, 474x329, 474:329, pelosi_china_prefers_biden.PNG)

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e8e706  No.10558611

File: 1544165976e887d⋯.png (12.99 KB, 608x121, 608:121, he_who.PNG)



Who controls the memes,

controls the Universe

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f7d875  No.10558612

File: 181d88fa3e7747e⋯.png (1011.92 KB, 874x750, 437:375, 181d88fa3e7747e47c8df01d39….png)


you get newsretter with 8kun pro account

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137957  No.10558613


Sorry… the molotov footstepper video

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50bff3  No.10558614

File: 89c87ebd8da78c3⋯.png (103.02 KB, 273x194, 273:194, xi_on_team_joe.PNG)

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baeea4  No.10558615

File: 14b245b32ad6a6b⋯.jpg (12.35 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 37595f7675fd61d7f40c6f3b42….jpg)


> Why did it take a political outsider to [finally] confront China?


>>10504508 ————————————–——– Moar Blackmail

>>10504523 ————————————–——– Moar Blackmail

>>10504529 ————————————–——– Moar Blackmail

>>10504503 ————————————–——– How is blackmail used?

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71774b  No.10558616

File: c061ea8fbb7e449⋯.jpg (2.28 MB, 4094x3070, 2047:1535, IMG_20200907_160907.jpg)

Found this cleaning.

Found it interesting.

Enjoy the show.

Most here have been waiting for quite some time.


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68cd3f  No.10558617

File: 1d2a207ef373c63⋯.jpg (96.13 KB, 630x960, 21:32, FB_IMG_1595480812376.jpg)

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5d35c7  No.10558618


Both are Jews.

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cc934d  No.10558619

File: f2faef6510428a9⋯.jpeg (172.26 KB, 633x450, 211:150, BDF94F6E_5974_4FD1_B694_6….jpeg)

File: 8ad0af8098a4816⋯.jpeg (368.68 KB, 750x989, 750:989, B3960435_98A9_45E9_B31A_C….jpeg)

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af8cfe  No.10558620

File: 35a7a8178b1a20e⋯.png (1.13 MB, 810x914, 405:457, WildTrumpGirls_001.png)

File: 21d5373c08f1236⋯.png (1.79 MB, 960x1280, 3:4, WildTrumpGirls_002.png)

File: e8681370fbcb047⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, WildTrumpGirls_003.png)

You Imagine Gods Bright Future Ahead Of Us Because

Invite God In


R Trump Girls Crave Fighters~!~

e Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

m 🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q🇺🇸

e Our Father, which arte in heaven

m Hallowed be Thy name

b Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done

e On earth as it is in heaven

r Give us this day our daily bread

+ And forgive our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

t And lead us not into temptation

h But deliver us from the evil ones

e For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory

+ For ever, and ever, and ever

s We pray God clean our depths.

m We pray God enflame our Vitality.

e We pray God sharpen Our Truth.

l We pray God Expose our enemies.

l Bless our Vessel Clean with Gods Grace.

+ May our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.

o Amen 🤜🙏🤛

f Roll Lawfu𝕝 Good xo

+ She curioux=Qbabies.

c Repeat Remember

h Pray Dream

i Destroy Satan's lies

l The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

d Imagine the Success🥳of our bright future.

h ᴍake Babιes again!

o (𝙵amilies are our Qure)

o Remember the smell ໐f childhood

d Millions silent together I banishk(belial)k

S Blacklist BlackHats

A Purify Pepe Holy army of frogs have faith💪

F May throngs of angels protect our dreams; Our families.

E Relax, we are strong with God.

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2fa87c  No.10558621

File: 643a583636a2289⋯.jpeg (50.01 KB, 608x750, 304:375, 38042032_691C_4F15_8A63_E….jpeg)

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000000  No.10558622



No outside comms - remember


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3de3e6  No.10558623


When the Carrington event hits

They will melt and collapse from the plasma arcing

The Sky Event will be BIBLICAL

If you want electronic devices to survive

Store them in a double layer of Faraday cage

Whenever they are not in use

Archive data offline daily

This means copying everything to a USB hard drive that you unplug, and store with its power supply if any, in a Faraday Cage.

Thumb drives and memory cards make the process a bit simpler but will only work if you also preserve the computer and its power supply.

Advanced SMR nuclear reactors

And natural gas fuel cells

Will be supplying power once the grid goes down.

With some luck, only part of the grid will go down, but it depends on how many long solar flares hit the planet and when.

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069830  No.10558624

Australia 'resembling North Korean dictatorship'

The next questioner asked whether the government had gone too far with its coronavirus restrictions, "with Australia essentially resembling a North Korean style dictatorship rather than a democracy".

"Kristina Keneally, is it unfair to describe Australia like a North Korean dictatorship?" host Hamish Macdonald asked.

"I can understand, particularly for Melbourne right now who are doing it tough, it is oppressive," she said.

"We have all been saying it, but it needs to be said again – our hearts go out for them, for the situation they're in.

"I don't think it is a fair comparison, no. It's not a valid comparison."

Australian Medical Association President Omar Khorshid stuck up for the tough rules.

"It is clear what the strategy is, even though it hasn't been communicated well to Australians. The strategy is suppress and eliminate the virus, get our economy as normal as possible, and hope and pray for a vaccine quickly," Dr Khorshid said.

"Whilst none of our politicians are willing to say it, that is what we have been doing.

"These rules, which do seem oppressive at times – if you look at the lens, where it's been effective, it works, and has delivered the best health outcomes in the world, and the smallest impact on our economy compared with most other countries.

"While it is tough, it is difficult, and there is a lot of Australians who have been negatively affected, when you look at the alternative, which is European-style, tens of thousands of vulnerable people dying and huge economic losses – I think we're doing pretty well here."


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5d35c7  No.10558625

Jews have never done anything positive for our Country.

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3de3e6  No.10558626


@realDonaldTrump controls the memes

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5a893b  No.10558627

File: 2106b75ea3ce93e⋯.jpg (75.78 KB, 672x500, 168:125, britishspies.jpg)

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e27a05  No.10558628

>>10558050 Anon Notes on President Trump's Labor Day Press Conference tyvm anon

OK anon note taker of Trumps Labor Day press conference, this got my interest, anons do we know if other viruses released? I’m really curious now, how about you guys

BTW I love it when he slips in these comms for research

“And other viruses from China over the years, swine flu,others you never heard of.

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c9012a  No.10558629

What they hell are they shopping at Hobby Lobby for anyway?

They know what that place is.


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3e661b  No.10558630

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here Comes the Sun

- Paul Simon & George Harrison

Sun. Son. ?.


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89b033  No.10558631

File: 5c6cba26b84d28f⋯.jpg (137.94 KB, 565x425, 113:85, 5c6cba26b84d28f8f8f779088d….jpg)

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775827  No.10558632


Check out Ezk 38 "…I will put hooks in your jaws…" Russia will be a reluctant participant in the war on Israel.

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6ae7fa  No.10558633

File: e9422af6ee13f8f⋯.png (88.57 KB, 776x339, 776:339, Screenshot_2020_09_07_Q_Re….png)

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cbfa96  No.10558634

File: 57ec1d9723cca3e⋯.jpg (105.83 KB, 498x699, 166:233, pink_lightning.jpg)

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50bff3  No.10558635

File: 65f298b676baba9⋯.png (403.91 KB, 434x367, 434:367, karen.PNG)

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b860da  No.10558636

File: 407cfc0082fd95e⋯.jpg (23.99 KB, 480x360, 4:3, your_buns_r_buttered.jpg)

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532c45  No.10558637

Imagine a Vaccine, designed not in the interest of the "oh so trusted" educational/medical industrial complex, but dedicated to the health and well being of humanity, designed same.

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34eba5  No.10558638

File: 5104dfeea186f40⋯.jpg (727.83 KB, 1119x1066, 1119:1066, Highest_ranking_anon.jpg)


Hi Karen.

We thank you for your query regarding the Qanon newsletter.

While we do our upmost to provide all anons with the newsletter, unfortunately due to printing costs this is not feasible.

The newsletter is therefore limited to our premium members.

You seem like a premium kinda gal, if you don't mind me saying so.

If you wish to upgrade to 8kun platinum, proceed to checkout where code monkey will be there to take your order.

Thank you for your 8 kun query today.

Can we text you a feedback form?

You opinion is important to us.

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842e1c  No.10558639


>Mike Rothschild @rothschildmd

1st class cunt and a Jew

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5a638a  No.10558640


I watched a Russian TV channel last December, and just about every commercial showed families celebrating Christmas. Much more so than in the United States.

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ccf0e9  No.10558641


memes are free speech

they are under indivdual control

a claim to be the 'on in charge of them' is a bit of a rant of a megalomaniac.

Elon, you are you, and I am me and we might be together in this universe, but you really don't share anything. you just take and point.

Oh, I'm being unfair.

Elon, the meme is free.

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f86859  No.10558642

File: bdd6ad3bd0e0be3⋯.png (208.24 KB, 359x556, 359:556, Capture.PNG)

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42562d  No.10558643

File: df3ce2cf8dc38c3⋯.png (1.28 MB, 974x855, 974:855, GILLEAT.png)



I think the last series of Q posts explain it best. The only ones that make it anymore especially in Dem cities are corrupt to the core.

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e8e706  No.10558645

File: fb166d686c61863⋯.png (121.64 KB, 850x487, 850:487, stop.PNG)


“It’s Not True! People Stop Using Me… Stop Using My Image!” – US Veteran Tells Liberal Media and Far Left Groups to Quit Using His Face in their Trump Hit Pieces! (VIDEO)


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428b0d  No.10558646


What the hell happened to Arizona? They are turning blue this year? Transplants and overruns I assume. Why is that a swing state now.

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926beb  No.10558647

Newsoms TDS Let the state burn


SHAVER LAKE, Calif. — Wildfires have burned more than two million acres in California this year, setting a new state record even as crews battled dozens of growing blazes in sweltering temperatures Monday that strained the electrical grid and threatened power outages for millions.

The most striking thing about the record is how early it was set, with the most dangerous part of the year ahead, said Lynne Tolmachoff, spokeswoman for the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, or Cal Fire.

“It’s a little unnerving because September and October are historically our worst months for fires,” she said. “It’s usually hot, and the fuels really dry out. And we see more of our wind events.”

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4b2660  No.10558648


Wifey sticking by her meth addicted faggot. He got a future?

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3de3e6  No.10558649


A) click on the tweet from POTUS

Scroll down slowly and you will find someone else posting the same video

Click their tweet

Copy the URL in your location bar

Search for a

Twitter Downloader

Paste in the URL and choose the resolution of the video that you want, and download a copy.

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137957  No.10558650

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503007  No.10558651

File: e2e5f2ffd3805d4⋯.jpeg (290.42 KB, 750x1024, 375:512, 1B5F5EB5_1F6D_41C1_B660_1….jpeg)

Have any anons done any digging on what these ‘charities’ he’s donating to?

The mf uses exploit labor and doesn’t pay workers so obviously he doesn’t give a fuck about people. I wouldn’t doubt he donates to some boy-man love associations.. or some satanic shit

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7a1c90  No.10558652

File: 0673c0f6902af8c⋯.jpg (432.81 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20200907_131610….jpg)

"Get the picture"?



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928fbd  No.10558653



Mike Rothschild…a face only a gay uncle could/has loved!

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604788  No.10558654


Elon does a lot of drugs, so he probably thought it was a "deep thought" when he was high.

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8cdb31  No.10558655


Mocking is the strongest method.

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3d3739  No.10558656

File: 88f1f930477a227⋯.jpg (39.2 KB, 523x718, 523:718, FB_IMG_1599509896341.jpg)


Pic related

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ae305c  No.10558657

File: 4b421aa56b818e8⋯.jpg (41.24 KB, 500x659, 500:659, 4dys34.jpg)

File: 159972b67839d66⋯.jpg (29.62 KB, 500x262, 250:131, Pepe_Pose.jpg)

BLM doesn't matter to me even in the slightest.

Monkey movements are not my thing.

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2fa87c  No.10558658

File: 31aeac2809a303e⋯.png (557.56 KB, 640x629, 640:629, 54FF3C17_C94D_4429_9891_99….png)

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e8e706  No.10558659

File: 60223def678deb8⋯.png (521.8 KB, 824x717, 824:717, training_is_good.PNG)


Government threatens to fine premier firearms-training facility if it reopens

The facility shut down in March 2020 because of COVID-19 restrictions imposed by Nevada Gov. Steve Sislolak.

But last month it announced it would reopen, prompting county officials to threaten the operation with citations from the state's Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

The state bureau already has fined other companies some $230,000 for violating the governor's restrictions.

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ccf0e9  No.10558660


you wouldn't doubt that?

why is that even part of whay you say?

as horrid as Apple is, and their original software being 'throw away' after a time, and replaced by Free BSD, which is supposed to be free . . .

I think what you say is unfair.

sauce it or shuttie

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428b0d  No.10558661


Kek. Spouse anon drags me into Hobby Lobby telling me it's only for a minute and I'm stuck in there for an hour looking at crap.

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67778f  No.10558662


nice work, anon.

this is how it's done.

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137957  No.10558663

File: 9b29b531a2630c8⋯.png (394.87 KB, 815x731, 815:731, 9b29b531a2630c8e84681fe2dc….png)

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4b2660  No.10558664

File: 0dc7feb7fe1e4c7⋯.jpg (49.29 KB, 598x578, 299:289, 0dc7feb7fe1e4c75a82095654c….jpg)

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9f916a  No.10558665

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


'Oregon for Trump' rally underway in Oregon City

1,230 views•Streamed live 30 minutes ago

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b860da  No.10558666

File: 88cf460d7e1a3b8⋯.jpg (121.87 KB, 576x984, 24:41, 1.JPG)

File: 5b3f28d9d13f764⋯.jpg (79.14 KB, 473x607, 473:607, 2.JPG)



> QAnon newsletters

i knew i should have upgraded to premium

as far as what to do about bad pplz:

Q rt'd the founders.

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554a5b  No.10558667

File: 5fae96da37540b3⋯.jpg (382.37 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, 800px_Bensanter.jpg)

File: 8595292db60b71b⋯.jpg (262.97 KB, 800x868, 200:217, 800px_Hubert_Lamb_Building.jpg)

File: 7b187c3335e2400⋯.png (1.22 MB, 982x660, 491:330, Picture5.png)

>>10558180 (PB)

There an article in every issue of Scientific American magazine for the three years attacking POTUS. They're all written by the same pedovore cultist, Ben Santer who is employed by USG at Lawrence Livermore National Lab as a climate physicist


Santer was emanated by the same scabby lab "Climate Research Unit" (CRU) at the University of East Anglia that launched the cult's fake climate change scam.


In the last year has year, Ben Santer has written 19 articles for publication in Scientific American - of those 19 articles 15 directly attack POTUS, others make derisory reference to POTUS, appointed officials or to administration policies.

Launching and supporting the cult's major PSYOP Climate Changes make Ben Santer a cult star.

Santer's done big things for the cult, and now he's stealing a paycheck every week from USG while he moonlights writing hate polemics for a now shabby magazine science scammers like him have destroyed.

19 articles here:


All pedovores will be delivered to justice.

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d26495  No.10558668

File: eca45313abcafde⋯.mp4 (2.3 MB, 480x480, 1:1, portland_annoucers_feet_fi….mp4)

File: ff1e28fba798ee0⋯.mp4 (602.35 KB, 480x270, 16:9, feet_fire_foot_loose.mp4)

File: dfdd1f5878a95de⋯.mp4 (10.39 MB, 960x540, 16:9, postland_feet_fire_age_we_….mp4)

File: 59cdb4795e658c8⋯.mp4 (1008.01 KB, 640x268, 160:67, Have_Faith_Frens.mp4)

What a Beautiful Time to be Alive!

It is called ENTHUSIASM Normies..

You know you want some…

Join the Trump train!

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095dc1  No.10558669

File: 70595828466260b⋯.jpg (94.78 KB, 628x664, 157:166, obama_wedding_pic.jpg)

Happy Labor Day

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3e661b  No.10558670

File: 423a36d7c1c25a7⋯.jpg (131.39 KB, 750x954, 125:159, 423a36d7c1c25a72d00f3c1f81….jpg)

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069830  No.10558671

File: 745cde7d5f6dbf9⋯.png (1.04 MB, 801x472, 801:472, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ffaeeb1cafc1390⋯.png (47.66 KB, 851x299, 37:13, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8f68fb0b46bff1b⋯.png (56.76 KB, 842x357, 842:357, ClipboardImage.png)

Spoiled rich kids are driving ‘BLM’ rampages and are never held accountable for their behavior – just like the cops they revile

Many were shocked when a wealthy young woman was charged after a Black Lives Matter riot in NYC. But that wealth means she won’t have to answer for her behavior – not unlike the murderous cops she’s supposedly protesting.

Those born into wealth often grow up without ever being disciplined for their misdeeds, coddled by nannies and guilty parents and handled with kid gloves by local authorities when their transgressions can no longer be covered up. Clara Kraebber, the 20-year-old charged with first-degree rioting over the weekend after she was part of a group of eight accused of causing $100,000-worth of damage in lower Manhattan, fits the profile to a T.

Ironically, her sense of invulnerability mirrors that of the cops who killed George Floyd, Eric Garner, Daniel Shaver and every other unarmed person who’s died at the hands of police confident they’ll go unpunished for their crime. The ‘bad apples’ of the police force know they can take out their frustrations on the local population because prosecutors are unwilling to alienate law enforcement, lest they never be able to get another conviction.

But why would someone like Kraebber run around with black-bloc Antifa types intent on destroying property? She’s a college student home from Rice University, which like most schools shut down in the spring due to the pandemic. She’s likely bored out of her mind, being denied the usual 20-year-old’s entertainments of underage drinking and partying.

And she’s been protesting for years: media coverage of her latest legal troubles revealed she was at an NYC march for Ferguson shooting victim Michael Brown at the tender age of 14 and has been seeking out more radical groups ever since.

Kraebber, whose parents own not just a $1.8 million Upper East Side penthouse but also a four-fireplace mansion in the Connecticut suburbs, doesn’t have to worry about the “don’t s*** where you eat” directive that keeps pissed-off urban residents and small-town cops alike from unleashing their darker urges on their home streets.

The New York Post quoted several small business owners who, while they were sympathetic with BLM’s message, found their approach – as seen on Friday night in Manhattan’s window-smashing rampage – counterproductive. The viewpoint is one many New Yorkers who’ve been on the wrong end of the NYPD tend to agree with.

But like those same abusive NYPD officers, many of whom call the Long Island suburbs or the far reaches of Staten Island home, Kraebber can retreat to the safety of her family’s Litchfield County mansion at any time – and, indeed, had already done so when she was contacted by the Post, which called to ask about her arrest on Saturday. She doesn’t have to deal with the fallout of her actions in the overcrowded, pandemic-panicked city.


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7a1c90  No.10558672


Weekly or weakly?

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c9012a  No.10558673


I caught that, too.

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02b08c  No.10558674

File: f9f7b7b2915a474⋯.png (3.06 MB, 2313x1316, 2313:1316, 024FF941_91D2_4088_B72B_71….png)

File: 61748c68b4b0c28⋯.png (2.78 MB, 2376x1350, 44:25, 39071D15_671E_4B84_9B8C_96….png)

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34eba5  No.10558675

File: ec79d0fba1e1c33⋯.jpg (152.4 KB, 391x506, 17:22, Check_chimp.jpg)


>i knew i should have upgraded to premium

Trips confirm.

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e8e706  No.10558676

File: 9e927b42a43f507⋯.png (490.12 KB, 879x641, 879:641, batt_may_see.PNG)


Battleground States May See Unprecedented Amounts Of Absentee Ballot Rejections

Of the over 2.5 million ballots cast in Michigan’s August primary, approximately 10,000 absentee ballots were rejected, according to the Secretary of State. Over 60% of those rejected did not arrive in time to be tallied or were rejected due to a missing or non-matching signature, state data shows.

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79f40f  No.10558677



Flynn, Jr posts "Letter to America" by Bin Laden's niece.

Letter reads like Noor Bin Laden is an avid Q reader.

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c9012a  No.10558678


No doubt. My wife doesn’t even bother to ask anymore

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60e806  No.10558679

File: b4a03122982067d⋯.png (641.96 KB, 365x609, 365:609, ClipboardImage.png)






~11,000 years ago the sphinx pointing at the sun rising directly in the middle of the constellation Leo. telling everyone = we built this shit at this time.

We are leaving Pisces (da fish=JC) and entering Aquarius…the water bearer…truth….THE GREAT AWAKENING!

fingerprints of the gods-graham hancock

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069830  No.10558680

If we gave our children the poison that is in vaccines

We would have our children taken from us for child abuse!

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574c97  No.10558681


Oz is the petri dish to see if they can get a western country to submit to Chynese style social crediting control, they'l roll out the health ID app before they end the lockdowns.

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89b033  No.10558682

File: d1346ee5b9dbedf⋯.jpg (54.24 KB, 680x583, 680:583, 985.jpg)

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3e661b  No.10558683

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sunshine of Your Love

- Cream

Supergroup superbing.


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3d3739  No.10558684


Idk man. Ye of little faith

"In the beginning there was the word. And the word was god"

"So it shall be written and so it shall be done"

Bro all these religions were tryna tell us we have the power to change reality. We have the power to create reality. You thought meme magic was a joke? Elon isnt wrong.

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34eba5  No.10558685

File: 092e6da0776d17a⋯.jpg (78.08 KB, 452x335, 452:335, Glass_raise.jpg)



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97fdca  No.10558686


Nope. Just want transparency. That is all that has changed.

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af8cfe  No.10558687

File: a5638dea813f310⋯.jpg (175.09 KB, 600x600, 1:1, IMG_246.jpg)

File: a9ffa42713a9ec0⋯.jpg (150.51 KB, 600x600, 1:1, IMG_263.jpg)

File: 5b2e83729037978⋯.jpg (729.07 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, IMG_293.jpg)

Patriots Fight!

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069830  No.10558688

File: 00564d0c34f51c2⋯.png (656.15 KB, 597x420, 199:140, ClipboardImage.png)

Sam Barnett's bank accounts frozen as Perth family sue entrepreneur for $800,000

Entrepreneur Sam Barnett —the son of former Western Australian Premier Colin Barnett— has had his assets and a bank account frozen by order of the Supreme Court.

Mr Barnett is currently in a dispute with several investors, after he spruiked a property development plan in Peppermint Grove that fell apart before even getting off the ground.

One Perth family is suing the colourful socialite, claiming they are owed $800,000 and have subpoenaed an ANZ bank account where the money was deposited.

That account is now frozen and, according to the court order, Mr Barnett can only access $600 per week for living expenses.

The 30-year-old, who recently fooled some media organisations into believing he had purchased two tigers from the notorious American "Tiger King" zoo once owned by Joe Exotic, is currently renting a $3 million house in Peppermint Grove.

His lawyer, Greg Maher, said Mr Barnett's latest legal issues will be resolved.

"The money loaned by the family will be repaid to them shortly, subject to the removal of the freezing orders," Mr Maher said in a statement.

"My client maintains the freezing orders were premature but, in any event, my client is finalising an agreement to return the funds and have the freezing orders removed shortly."

Mr Barnett has been dogged by legal issues, including a plea of guilty for smashing the laptop of his then-girlfriend at a Gold Coast hotel four years ago.

Mr Maher said Mr Barnett has taken his own legal proceedings against an investor involved in the Peppermint Grove proposal.

The plan was to buy 19 office units in the Johnston Street building and redevelop the complex.

Mr Maher said his office had "received communications from the owner of five units in the complex and my client maintains his understanding that other units in the complex were mere formalities."


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428b0d  No.10558689


Great work, anon. Really illustrative of how to put some pieces together. "We have it all" if we know how to dig! Really creepy about Parkland.

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5a567b  No.10558690

Thank you >>10558668

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574c97  No.10558691



>We are leaving Pisces (da fish=JC) and entering Aquarius…the water bearer

what's the actual ETA on that astronomically? If it was that imminent we'd know about it, me thinks it's gonna be a while yet.

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956101  No.10558692

File: d45896164131b97⋯.png (289.86 KB, 712x680, 89:85, Meme_Til_They_Cry.png)

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c2bdd9  No.10558693

File: 4ee3bd7bfb5a58f⋯.png (1.2 MB, 518x960, 259:480, 4ee3bd7bfb5a58f4a4e91b2adb….png)

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30d40f  No.10558694


>Nursing homes are designed to medically destroy the mind of the resident so they can't pass on knowledge and keep them alive long enough to fleece their wealth so their children get no inheritance

I've worked in one before & also visited a great Uncle for a while every week. The above statement is totally true.

The worst is when a new person comes in. They are pretty alert for their age friendly, always talked about how their kid was going to come get them soon. As the weeks pass, you can see them slowly giving up. It is so fucking sad.

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14ba97  No.10558695


>Kraebber- is that a tribe name?

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7075e7  No.10558696

File: 41cbf304da848a2⋯.jpeg (113.72 KB, 1080x1085, 216:217, 1591225790.jpeg)

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6de33d  No.10558697

Anyone have a take on the vaccine trump seems to be working for? I have become pretty freaked out about taking vaccines in the last 6 months.

Seems like he is pushing for a bad thing?

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995d46  No.10558698

File: fdef1ff218293a7⋯.jpg (203.93 KB, 1123x1051, 1123:1051, EhVXEkeWAAAqvyB.jpg)


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069830  No.10558699

File: cacb2fb86442110⋯.png (616.72 KB, 605x394, 605:394, ClipboardImage.png)

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691113  No.10558700


You mean like Huma with the chinese symbol for 'Big' as a logo is essentially trying to do.


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14ba97  No.10558701


Oz already has the app, maybe for 5 months

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dcba72  No.10558702

File: 3a27c79c4c59bcb⋯.png (377.88 KB, 652x870, 326:435, 3a27c79c4c59bcb1a8b5c50535….png)


Cannot be Trumped!

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d95db0  No.10558703


Damn right! miss the old days on the chan.

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137957  No.10558704

File: c1d051c302a8ccb⋯.png (493.53 KB, 738x752, 369:376, ClipboardImage.png)

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30d40f  No.10558705




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3de3e6  No.10558706


>The Core Is What Counts

The earth's Core is magnetic molten iron

It is affected by the magnetic field fluxes from the sun

If it rotates enough, the magnetic north pole will end up in or near Antarctica

In addition, the magnetic pull on the molten mass

Can cause increased earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in some areas

It could even cause sunken continents to rise such as New Zealand.

There would be a period of instability as these events unfold,

Plasma arcs between planets and earth

Tsunamis of varying strengths

Some places are more vulnerable than others

The secret tunneling equipment has been operating around and under Yellowstone

To remove heat from the magma bulge

And the USA should be fine other than certain coastal areas

You can run, but you can't hide

This is a planet wide event

Therefore COVID-19 is the planetwide preparation event.

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5d35c7  No.10558707

File: cb3a0dcc4b126fb⋯.jpg (155.62 KB, 1275x1651, 1275:1651, BookReaderImages_3_1.jpg)

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956101  No.10558708

File: 4a05889ab9a661c⋯.jpg (49.23 KB, 750x647, 750:647, Biden_Weed_vs_Dope.jpg)

File: 7661cdbb0cc944f⋯.gif (1.66 MB, 512x512, 1:1, biden_my_tongue.gif)

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e8e706  No.10558709

File: 022c95199938795⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1002x675, 334:225, sky_line1.PNG)

File: f0a2bebe52216ab⋯.png (36.3 KB, 1020x300, 17:5, sky_line.PNG)

File: c9a28f99421e098⋯.png (617.85 KB, 721x522, 721:522, sc_fl.PNG)


Summer's not over yet: Remote workers extend their vacation — to the delight of resort owners

Hotels in summer hotspots usually go into hibernation once Labor Day rolls around. But this is 2020, and rules no longer apply.

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995db4  No.10558710



From what, to what? That's the question.

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34eba5  No.10558711

File: 272f499be427f2c⋯.jpg (399 KB, 2864x1381, 2864:1381, Spoon_Pepe.jpg)


>Seems like he is pushing for a bad thing?

Pushing for a vaccine, No.

Forcing anyone against their wishes to take said Vaccine, Yes.

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35ae8e  No.10558712


dont play in the mud.

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069830  No.10558713

File: 6aec4da558375d4⋯.png (555.56 KB, 593x392, 593:392, ClipboardImage.png)

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fc9e05  No.10558714

File: 8447d11601722d3⋯.png (7.72 MB, 3000x2000, 3:2, 8447d11601722d32360c983fe4….png)


Nothing can stop what's coming. Nothing.

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d26495  No.10558715



Not sure what I did.. But.. Sure..

Pretend I am Hillary and praise me!

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6b15f6  No.10558716


>thinking of transitioning

into what

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e643f6  No.10558717


Happens every year. Aquarius is one of the zodiacal constellations. The plane of the ecliptic - the apparent path of the sun and planets -passes through the zodiacal constellations (plus a small part of Ophiucus) once per year.

It is safe to ignore the astrological BS.

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ccf0e9  No.10558718


what you say is that mind makes matter through thought and effort.

the meme is a code for a purpose of thought.

we all have that, and no one 'controls it' except for our Creator.

that's it, it goes back to the One who meme'd the stars.

hows that for a shitpost?

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55527b  No.10558719


Essentially be very careful of a vaccine for any hyper inflammatory disease process as the antibodies made can actually accelerate the disease process if they are over produced.

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8cdb31  No.10558720


It was originally based on 4.3 BSD Tahoe (for Power 6) with FreeBSD userland and the shitty GNU Hurd kernel.

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3e661b  No.10558721

File: bca3214d1a45822⋯.jpg (35.79 KB, 800x317, 800:317, Pyramid_Energy_Reflection.jpg)


Written in stone…almost like they wanted some later eyes to see and understand. #Cunieform

Even the ancient Egyptians admit they found the Sphinx and pyramids bc they had been made by others before them.

Who was Ningishzidda?

He of many names.

Apollo, Hermes, Mercury, … , Quetzlcoatl, Odin, … so many names. Builder of the pyramids…and far, far greater things unseen.

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6f6b32  No.10558723

File: 2bd20ec13dbe622⋯.png (859.05 KB, 700x705, 140:141, 2bd20ec13dbe6224182d58c54c….png)


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42562d  No.10558724


He like the asian twinks

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574c97  No.10558725


interesting, but have they required people to use it?

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b860da  No.10558726

File: 175e55e096ce95b⋯.jpg (25.43 KB, 391x497, 391:497, sciff.jpg)


is it quicker to get to Chicago

or by bus?

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137957  No.10558727

File: 6076e550206b682⋯.png (492.21 KB, 735x747, 245:249, ClipboardImage.png)

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428b0d  No.10558728


It varies because of different intrepretations but technically, the Age of Aquarius begins when the March equinox point moves out of the constellation Pisces and into the constellation Aquarius. Roughly every 2,150 years, the sun’s position at the time of vernal equinox moves in front of a new zodiac constellation. But when did the first one start? Who knows. Some say Aquarius only started in 2012.

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79f40f  No.10558729


from whale to eel

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6ae7fa  No.10558730


What does the plaque read? trying to adjust not bringing clarity…

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691113  No.10558731


POTUS told us all a LONG time ago HCQ

Vaccines are in his talk due to the massive amount of disinformation consumed over the decades being a key factor in the upcoming election…I. E. Dems push vaccine blubbering and he doesn't, tide could turn because people think the virus is real and the vaccines are gonna help….


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d8dd4b  No.10558732


HRA here…dm me. get you set up.

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38ed9a  No.10558733

File: 95d993e4f26e0bd⋯.jpeg (81.17 KB, 501x498, 167:166, 44C7CE6C_47DE_418E_9BE4_1….jpeg)

File: ce40058dad7906f⋯.jpeg (129.4 KB, 500x727, 500:727, FABA3EFE_004E_4426_92D7_6….jpeg)

File: e35cee803456401⋯.jpeg (62.41 KB, 505x494, 505:494, 290FDB2A_C416_49EE_B32F_4….jpeg)

File: 9029112772776c1⋯.jpeg (97.15 KB, 939x490, 939:490, 6E0D3833_833B_4B6A_82DC_E….jpeg)

File: b056d3d369e0b08⋯.jpeg (111.88 KB, 500x767, 500:767, 5C708E3C_22FA_48A9_89DB_9….jpeg)

Memetool dump for Digital warriors

Ammo for social media anons.

Memes will be posted in several catagories.


Educating normies and aspiring Digital warriors so that moar bypass the censorship algoritms, red-pilling moar normies.

Please share.

Thank you.

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cbfa96  No.10558734

File: 22a4dbacc549c29⋯.jpg (180.5 KB, 500x698, 250:349, time_travel.jpg)

File: d60eee73aaead7b⋯.jpg (70.7 KB, 703x402, 703:402, kid2.jpg)

File: 79ae18a19376fe2⋯.jpg (77.98 KB, 549x437, 549:437, marla.jpg)

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6eb03f  No.10558735


and yet Fascist Governor continues to force 'muzzle' wearing.

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069830  No.10558736

File: bfe978c7ab472a0⋯.png (116.22 KB, 753x842, 753:842, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7f14191929a9e22⋯.png (53.14 KB, 740x362, 370:181, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump Takes Aim at Marxist Propaganda Behind the BLM Riots

On Friday, President Donald Trump ordered that federal agencies cease leading any training sessions that push “critical race theory,” “white privilege,” or any other “propaganda effort” teaching that either the United States or any race is inherently racist or evil. On Sunday, he announced that the Department of Education (DOE) is investigating schools that teach The New York Times‘ “1619 Project” and warned that any school doing so “will not be funded.”

Trump is pushing back against the rising tide of Marxist critical theory. This noxious ideology, championed in the 1619 Project and in the “anti-racism” movement supporting the official Marxist Black Lives Matter organization, has inspired much of the violent looting, rioting, and arson in cities across America this summer. Indeed, some have referred to the riots as “the 1619 riots” for this reason.

Trump’s assault on Marxist critical theory

On Friday, Russell Vought, director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), sent a memo to the heads of executive departments and agencies, ordering them to cease using curricula based on Marxist critical theory for their employee trainings.

“It has come to the President’s attention that Executive Branch agencies have spent millions of taxpayer dollars to date ‘training’ government workers to believe divisive, anti-American propaganda,” Vought wrote. The OMB director seems to have been referring to the 1,483 pages of Department of Defense (DOD) training materials Judicial Watch unearthed in July. An April 2015 training, for instance, branded the idea that “individual effort is key to success” as a form of “Racist Behavior.”

Vought referenced training sessions that teach that “virtually all White people contribute to racism” and others claiming that “there is racism embedded in the belief that America is the land of opportunity or the belief that the most qualified person should receive a job.”

“These types of ‘trainings’ not only run counter to the fundamental beliefs for which our Nation has stood since its inception, but they also engender division and resentment within the Federal workforce,” Vought wrote. “The President has directed me to ensure that Federal agencies cease and desist from using taxpayer dollars to fund these divisive, un-American prpaganda training sessions.”

While OMB will issue more detailed guidance in the future, Vought instructed federal agencies to “identify all contracts or other agency spending related to any training on ‘critical race theory,’ ‘white privilege,’ or any other training or propaganda effort that teaches or suggests either (1) that the United States is an inherently racist or evil country or (2) that any race or ethnicity is inherently racist or evil.” Federal agencies should find ways to divert federal funds away from these sessions.

“The divisive, false, and demeaning propaganda of the critical race theory movement is contrary to all we stand for as Americans and should have no place in the Federal government,” Vought concluded.

On Sunday, President Trump also brought a similar strategy to the Department of Education (DOE). He responded to someone warning that California schools have started teaching from the 1619 Project, which claims that America’s true founding came not with the Declaration of Independence in 1776 but with the arrival of the first black slaves in 1619.


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574c97  No.10558737


you should refrain without a brian, moran

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3de3e6  No.10558738

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Watch the water

And Let the Sunshine In!

When the moon is in the Seventh House

And Jupiter aligns with Mars

Then peace will guide the planets

And love will steer the stars

This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius

Age of Aquarius



Harmony and understanding

Sympathy and trust abounding

No more falsehoods or derisions

Golden living dreams of visions

Mystic crystal revelation

And the mind's true liberation



When the moon (when the moon) is in the Seventh House

And Jupiter (Jupiter) aligns with Mars

Then peace will guide the planets

And love will steer the stars

This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius

Age of Aquarius





Let the sunshine

Let the sunshine in

The sunshine in

Let the sunshine

Let the sunshine in

The sunshine in

Let the sunshine (oh let it shine)

Let the sunshine in (come on)

The sunshine in (now, everybody, just sing along)

Let the sunshine (let the sun shine on in)

Let the sunshine in (open up your heart)

The sunshine in (and let it shine on in)

(And when you are lonely) Let the sunshine

(Hey, let it shine) Let the sunshine in

(You got to open up your heart) The sunshine in

(And let it shine on in)

(And when you feel like you've been mistreated) Let the sunshine

(And your friends turn their back on you) Let the sunshine in

(Just open up your heart) The sunshine in

(And let it shine on in)

(You've got to feel it) Let the sunshine

(You've got to feel it) Let the sunshine in

(Ah, open up your heart) The sunshine in

(And let it shine on in)

(Now let me tell you one thing) Let the sunshine

(I want you to sing along with the 5th Dimension) Let the sunshine in

(Hey, and open up your heart) The sunshine in

(Ah, come on)

Let the sunshine (and let it shine)

Let the sunshine in (glory day)

The sunshine in

(Hey, you've got to feel it) Let the sunshine

(You've got to feel it) Let the sunshine in

(When you open up your heart) The sunshine in

(You got to let the sun come on in)

(Now I see it in the morning) Let the sunshine

(And late in the evening) Let the sunshine in

(Open up your heart) Let the sunshine in

(Hey, when you're feeling low) Let the sunshine in

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a7a594  No.10558739


Hey dumb fuck, it's now official that Floyd died from a Fentanyl overdose. Present facts or STFU and GTFO fucking clown nigger!

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137957  No.10558740

File: c16e568ea7ff8c8⋯.png (495.59 KB, 737x746, 737:746, ClipboardImage.png)

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e643f6  No.10558741


Mr. Speaker I'd like to amend and clarify my remarks: The sun passes through the zodiacal constellations once per year as seen from Earth.

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14ba97  No.10558742


Oz authorities were pushing hard for everyone to download the app and use it,

and complaining that takeup wasn't as good as they wanted

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0f9c25  No.10558743


Adults in the USA cannot be forced to take a vaccine, except in two situations:

1. State of emergency (for the flu? Not gonna happen); or

2. When there are no alternative treatments

That's why Trump had the "huge" announcement of the plasma treatment a few weeks ago, and why he just tweeted about the coming vaccines "and more."

You're safe. Freak out about something else, fren.

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069830  No.10558744

File: 5d00f4a40ac6953⋯.png (854.7 KB, 665x793, 665:793, ClipboardImage.png)

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e27a05  No.10558745

File: f5ec82b863c948a⋯.jpeg (28.27 KB, 255x159, 85:53, EBEBA6BB_5E9F_4381_BCB8_C….jpeg)


Whomever the anon that did this meme, it was freaking funny. Paw

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3b14a3  No.10558746

File: f03c330d65ec722⋯.gif (4.03 MB, 478x402, 239:201, f03c330d65ec722eeeaff30336….gif)

File: f9fe26c88be67af⋯.mp4 (315.51 KB, 480x704, 15:22, f9fe26c88be67af2feb2d67602….mp4)

File: 4242828c5d14088⋯.jpg (71.64 KB, 706x1024, 353:512, 4242828c5d14088e6fef3a79ad….jpg)

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8cdb31  No.10558747

File: cc1237eba1cbe2f⋯.jpg (44.94 KB, 400x400, 1:1, cc1237eba1cbe2f1d1e3f77385….jpg)



Das ist nicht richtig!

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428b0d  No.10558748


That's the solar year, I think OP was taking about "ages" which is different. Astrology was the original science, replaced by astronomy, but life decisions were based around the movements of the stars early on and it's only natural to think that there is more meaning behind something we can't (so far) directly manipulate.

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cbfa96  No.10558749

File: 1633b76e797d538⋯.jpg (109.62 KB, 499x531, 499:531, George.jpg)

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580fdd  No.10558750

Authentic /Tiz The Law /Mr Big News sounds like Trumps Rally

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5d35c7  No.10558751

File: 76f124f87e275af⋯.jpg (267.44 KB, 722x426, 361:213, HayimBialikJewQuoteKarlMar….jpg)

File: 8475328802e45c8⋯.png (797.29 KB, 1078x1917, 1078:1917, Jewry_1.png)

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137957  No.10558752

File: 883eb12fc2949ad⋯.png (491.54 KB, 737x749, 737:749, ClipboardImage.png)

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069830  No.10558753


(You) retarded

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38ed9a  No.10558754


Damn! Thanks, grammar kitty. Will fix.

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b860da  No.10558755

File: 24a1450a0b778c0⋯.jpg (73.59 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, itsa_hit.jpg)

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293183  No.10558756

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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84b5de  No.10558757


with all the articles and tweets proclaiming how violent "QAnon members" are (whatever that means) and how amongst our ranks are murderers, nutjobs who've gone to rallies with crazy intentions to do harm to POTUS and/or others, killing BLM rioters, engaging in all manner of "white supremacist" acts, blocking the interstate highway bridge in AZ, making scenes in public over not wearing masks, trying to slam a train into the hospital ship in California, etc…it just seems like the writing is on the wall that they're going to set up a FF to be very specifically pinned on a QAnon supporter, and thereby, the whole group, collectively. They're not even being subtle about it. I just hope if/when whatever they do is done as sloppily as so much else of what they do and the attempted projection of their crime onto us is pathetic and transparent as such. They wouldn't be giving us SOOO much media coverage if they didn't also have something in the works to try to take us down with, once they've gotten the mindless masses familiar with their pre-planned perpetrator.

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d77c26  No.10558758

File: 27f800af66937fe⋯.jpeg (521.02 KB, 828x884, 207:221, C6508A33_6A0C_4F9C_8082_C….jpeg)

File: db115d9b788a055⋯.png (5.84 KB, 214x236, 107:118, FB29EC40_62DB_42EE_8D10_DB….png)

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5a638a  No.10558759

Black guy at a demonstration somewhere yelling at flag-waving antifa, calling them bullies and cowards, and accusing them of helping to usher in a New World Order through chaos.

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60e806  No.10558760

File: 53443b91c8f8b2b⋯.png (510.41 KB, 679x595, 97:85, ClipboardImage.png)


anyones guess. You gotta figure if Jesus was born ~2020 years ago, and the sun passes each constellation every 2160 years. Could be from 30 years ago to 130 years from now. I say 9/21/2029.


this is out there:

The Earth Has Seen Six Ages

Astrologers of the world community generally agree that mankind has experienced six separate “ages,” dating from the first appearance of humanity on earth. When each period starts and ends is slightly imprecise because of the huge time frame involved. (Over 25 thousand years, and there is always a plus or minus tolerance to any mathematical curve.) Also the ages overlap slightly because, in fact, some parts of the zodiac also overlap in the heavens. The signs of the zodiac are of unequal sizes, too, with some signs taking up more real estate in the heavens than others.

The Onset Date: October 4, 1957

Many people think the Age of Aquarius began neatly at that August eclipse, or even more neatly, that it will begin on the dot at the first hour of the year 2000. In fact, a good case could be made for its dawning a little earlier. Aquarius is a sign strongly linked to new inventions, flight, and large groups of people or nationalities. In my opinion, the first sign that humanity was entering this new age of enlightenment was on October 4, 1957, when the Russians launched Sputnik, the world’s first artificial satellite, into orbit. The Americans lost little time in catching up, and on October 1, 1958, the United States announced the birth of National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Eleven days after that, NASA made its first test launch. Later, in May 1961 John F. Kennedy announced a commitment to the Apollo space program in a speech called “Urgent National Needs” (when Jupiter was in Aquarius). Kennedy said: “I believe this Nation should commit itself to achieving the goal before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to earth. No single space project in this period would offer a bigger contribution to mankind, or [be] more important for the long-range exploration of space; and none will be so difficult or expensive to accomplish.” On July 20, 1969, only eight years later, the world viewed the first lunar landing by the Americans.


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1aa974  No.10558761

wut becomes moar apparent each and every day is msdnc and its guests, kristoff in this case, ..is thar relentless nonstop idiotic drive home a point- as if jdif was thar slave olverlard, repeating the same drivel and un-spontaneous non original copy and mimic anyting everyting cool and act the kook as if u came up with the shit or repeating the same shit over like it will be true if u ses if enuf, u know like big swinging mike is not a tranny

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aa44ae  No.10558763

File: b5c1cc49192bed9⋯.png (52.05 KB, 794x562, 397:281, ClipboardImage.png)


Disease/Cancer Cures Exist

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79f40f  No.10558764


Where's Cross Pepe?


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428b0d  No.10558765


True that, and it's the same with masks, etc. And there is always a religous exemption. It's possible people in some trades will not be allowed to work without a vaccine and if ever mandated, I'm sure there will be court cases galore.

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5580c9  No.10558766

File: 322daec5d55811a⋯.pdf (448.77 KB, preventing_a_disrupted_pre….pdf)

File: 948311c84ac4435⋯.jpg (52.58 KB, 645x758, 645:758, WWG1WGAbell.jpg)

File: 47e8383a016b0bb⋯.jpg (41.82 KB, 640x483, 640:483, the_storm.jpg)

Incoming Coup and the Release of Pedophiles charges and arrests are directly tied?

in order to keep those protected at the Top they have to destroy the republic to survive. And it's been planned for a long time.

The success of one prevents the other, in their minds

Amazing Times Anons


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3e661b  No.10558767

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Ain't No Sunshine

- Bill Withers

Darkness to light means different things to different people.


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ccf0e9  No.10558768

"The One who Memed the Sun and other Stars" Dante Alighieri

(a loose modern translation)

I am not a translator.

my point: my other thought derives from the recent exposure to Dante's great masterworks.

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b3dafa  No.10558769

File: 3a6bca31d9a50c1⋯.jpg (51.95 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 4e5pkp_1.jpg)


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3a4afa  No.10558770


'Huge pile': Surveillance video captures rental truck dumping bags of mail in California parking lot

Bags of mail were found discarded in a California parking lot, according to surveillance video.

“It happened early in the morning, 5:40, and it was a Budget rental, big truck, that backed up to the parking lot. And they’re like, slowly, one by one, they’re dropping the packages,” said Lilia Serobian, who saw the mail being dumped near a spa she owns.

Local outlet KTLA reported that piles of mail were discovered in two locations in Glendale last week, which included unopened letters and boxes.

Surveillance video from near Serobian’s spa caught a rental truck dumping the mail, and she described what the perpetrators left as a “huge pile.” KTLA reported that all of the mail was from the United States Postal Service.

Police reported that more mail was discovered in an alley less than a mile away from the spa.

The report comes as some worry about mail-in ballots ahead of November’s election, as well as the Postal Service seeing mail delays in California.

Democrats have pushed for mail-in ballots to be utilized this election, citing coronavirus fears. President Trump, however, has said that voting by mail is open to corruption and a delay in the final tally.

“If you do universal mail-ins with millions and millions of ballots, you are never going to know what the real result of an election is,” Trump said this summer. “It's going to be a very, very sad day for our country."

Police in California are currently looking into what post office the mail came from and who rented the truck captured on video.

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574c97  No.10558771


some say? that's not scientific. If we were in it yet those into such would be yelling it loudly. I believe it's still many years, decades or centuries off.

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76f7f7  No.10558772

Spoiler…its CCP


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34eba5  No.10558773

File: 895f9fe236444b8⋯.jpg (211.63 KB, 503x624, 503:624, Anon_4.jpg)


>You're safe. Freak out about something else, fren.

Not freaking out, anon.

Just saying it would be a redline for a lot of people, not just anons here.

Not that I personally think it will ever happen.

I'm a Britfag, I'm used to living under a Totalitarian regime disguised as 'democracy'

All good.

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4206f7  No.10558774


I didn’t get one either. I guess I am not a special anon. Does that also mean we don’t get matching jackets & decoder rings?

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6ae7fa  No.10558775


still can't read it…looks like Mittens. Private…and the rest is gibberish

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069830  No.10558776

File: 8e1135c678c5c74⋯.png (418.07 KB, 528x632, 66:79, ClipboardImage.png)

PM slams opposition leaders calling to disregard virus rules

Touring army’s contact tracing program, Netanyahu says experts concerned about potential spike in serious cases and deaths, claims protestors are turning off phones to avoid contact tracing

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu lambasted opposition leaders on Monday and claimed they are “leading to anarchy” following several calls by lawmakers to not adhere to government instructions regarding the spread of coronavirus.

“Unfortunately, politicians are exploiting the situation for political capital by calling not to follow the instructions,” Netanyahu said during a visit to the IDF Home Front Command headquarters tasked with managing the pandemic.

“Dangerous and irresponsible statements by public representatives could lead to disobedience to Health Ministry and Israel Police instructions - and as a result, to a loss of lives,” the premier wrote in a letter sent to lawmakers Naftali Bennett, Yair Lapid, Ayman Odeh and Avigdor Liberman, according to outlet Haaretz.

After the expected night-time curfew on 40 cities and communities was delayed to Tuesday, Netanyahu stated that the government “wants to avoid a [nationwide] lockdown, until the end of the week, we’ll formulate a plan for the holidays.”

Netanyahu warned that the morbidity rate is high and possibly increasing.


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b860da  No.10558777

File: 21f6c1a4c405c78⋯.jpg (8.55 KB, 201x251, 201:251, jack_fett.jpg)


and thanks for sharing all both of them

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0f4ad5  No.10558778

File: 367c3d31bfe5566⋯.png (4.13 KB, 100x102, 50:51, CO1.png)

File: 4379b19daee2cab⋯.png (3.18 KB, 100x102, 50:51, co2.png)

File: e9700db8592a6ac⋯.png (2.82 KB, 100x102, 50:51, co3.png)

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ccf0e9  No.10558779

File: baba1658b27254d⋯.jpg (1.27 MB, 3567x2560, 3567:2560, wheres_hunter_021.jpg)


your meme is a form of elder abuse.

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5d35c7  No.10558780

File: 887ab701ab566ed⋯.png (238.63 KB, 700x467, 700:467, Harry_Waton_Quote_2.png)

File: def5efc4c437eed⋯.jpg (725.98 KB, 721x1102, 721:1102, JewsCreatedCommunismMeme_1.jpg)

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b1b66c  No.10558781

File: 5e5a31ce3cd2b6e⋯.png (93.55 KB, 688x626, 344:313, precession_earth_zodiac.png)

File: 629f663a0e20366⋯.jpg (23.02 KB, 597x600, 199:200, precession_north_polestar.jpg)

File: 0e3826da58a3fa0⋯.jpg (63.59 KB, 800x400, 2:1, OGsunSaturn.jpg)

…I'd have to disagree. There are certain truths to this ancient knowledge. After all, planets and other astronomical bodies emit EM frequency.

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3a4afa  No.10558782



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3d920c  No.10558783

File: c99c5409abf83dc⋯.jpeg (564.44 KB, 2066x1387, 2066:1387, 0FD91421_CB6C_4349_81D4_8….jpeg)

Does anyone besides me see a Q behind Glenn Beck? I know he had a change of heart about Trump. Wondering if he also had a a change of heart about you?

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691113  No.10558784


FFS, if they were really out to simply dump things, they would install a mobile shredder in the mail truck and avoid the 20 trillion cams, drones, and satellites that could capture such things nowadays.

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428b0d  No.10558785


If you mean the Age of Aquarius, yes, we are years off I think as well. We are still in Pices, but more toward the end of it than the beginning. Another anon just posted moar on this topic here. I am a lay person but have done some research on it years ago.


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cf6766  No.10558787

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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bd214f  No.10558788


I'm sure he's had a change of heart about his bank account.

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293183  No.10558789

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'll bite

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023be3  No.10558790


What Tiegen could’ve been?

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f86859  No.10558791

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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20b5e1  No.10558792

File: 023dbfdd5e1c296⋯.png (1.06 MB, 978x628, 489:314, ClipboardImage.png)

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3d920c  No.10558793


Correction: Change of heart about Q

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b860da  No.10558794

File: 7df889aa58e3b79⋯.jpg (44.66 KB, 600x396, 50:33, flat_Q0.jpg)

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6ae7fa  No.10558795


I don't see it but it appears that this pic was taken from an external device and if so, this monitor is filthy!!!

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5d35c7  No.10558796


"It is an established rule to destroy all members of pre-existing government, their families and relatives, but never Jews. They destroy all members of the police, state police, army officers and their families but never Jews. You see, we know when a government begins to search for the Communists within its borders they are really attempting to uncover Jews in their area. We're not fooled! The invisible rulers in the Communist countries have a world control over the propaganda and the governments in free countries. We control every media of expression including newspapers, magazines, radio and television. Even your music! We censor the songs released for publication long before they reach the publishers. Before long we will have complete control of your thinking."

-Harrold Wallace Rosenthal

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30d40f  No.10558797

File: 9bd9df13d98d86b⋯.png (451.8 KB, 597x581, 597:581, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_09….png)

Heads Up! New "death by Bicycle of someone kinda important"

Senior assistant district attorney killed by bus while cycling in Brooklyn


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b3dafa  No.10558798




Anderson Cooper shut your cockmouth.

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956101  No.10558799

File: 56b4b16bbca19fb⋯.jpeg (108.68 KB, 928x1387, 928:1387, Fat_Man.jpeg)

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3a4afa  No.10558800

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Coca-Cola & George the Poet present: Open Like Never Before

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b8422f  No.10558801

File: 7e02642c1494e75⋯.jpg (250.54 KB, 782x498, 391:249, Screenshot_20200907_144000.jpg)

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137957  No.10558802

File: 5be040520c60705⋯.png (509.11 KB, 738x751, 738:751, ClipboardImage.png)

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c3e448  No.10558803


this makes the most sense of all

explains a lot

cant stop what is coming indeed

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3d920c  No.10558804


Touché. I took a picture of my iPhone with my iPad and I did not clean it before snapping it.

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842e1c  No.10558805

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Saturn and the Black Sun - ROBERT SEPEHR

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293183  No.10558806

File: d5944ca3485d0ff⋯.png (19.45 KB, 677x273, 677:273, ClipboardImage.png)

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428b0d  No.10558807


vaccines = ventilators.

The left cries for them, POTUS provides them in record time en masse, left doesn't want them anymore.

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fa1ad5  No.10558808

File: 0a400cad4877d10⋯.png (897.33 KB, 1206x1002, 201:167, Screen_Shot_2020_09_07_at_….png)


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5aef1f  No.10558809

File: e7d00d060bcde7a⋯.jpg (11.35 KB, 247x255, 247:255, Qweknowitall.jpg)

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d77c26  No.10558810

Minions have been receiving “marching orders” from?

Walking into the chipper.

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b860da  No.10558811

File: 64d456a39097ecf⋯.jpg (429.47 KB, 2048x1589, 2048:1589, NATO_official_Dodd.jpg)

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ccf0e9  No.10558812



what brought you to that delusion?

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e27a05  No.10558813

File: afd690c4c83dfdb⋯.jpeg (239.51 KB, 1152x1177, 1152:1177, 7188E1BF_1101_4484_B715_A….jpeg)

Aww it couldn’t have happened to a more pathetic asshole.

CJ truth if you’re on the board I like your twitter feed


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3a4afa  No.10558814

File: db2499f8619b1fc⋯.png (66.64 KB, 768x243, 256:81, ClipboardImage.png)



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0f4ad5  No.10558815

File: 7e5a4e6b103b1c6⋯.jpg (63.77 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, QANjg.jpg)



The possibilities…

Brings us closer and closer to Atlas Shrugged.

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3e661b  No.10558816

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Draggin' the Line

- Tommy James

Anons feel fine. Peace. Of mind.


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9dc082  No.10558817

File: 000abc417ac1761⋯.png (446.53 KB, 807x450, 269:150, FatAxl.png)


Maybe she has already transitioned into Axl

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842e1c  No.10558818


Killer Buses must be banned

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e6f589  No.10558819

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b1b66c  No.10558820

File: 2fe2c64c3d718d4⋯.jpg (21.04 KB, 306x445, 306:445, AVT_Immanuel_Velikovsky_78….jpg)

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2bbd30  No.10558821


be everything you want to be


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995d46  No.10558822

File: bf2c3bc7710d951⋯.jpg (128.28 KB, 750x727, 750:727, EhVwOeLWkAACc65.jpg)

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3a4afa  No.10558823


It's a fat blunt!

I'm voting for Biden!!

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6ae7fa  No.10558824


Seems neither of you know what is coming, if you did you'd understand why Austin had to be taken out. We will get him back though, safe and sound or else all THIS never happened! WAKE UP

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b3dafa  No.10558825

File: da9a87fb9185ab0⋯.png (611.13 KB, 605x764, 605:764, downloadfile_1.png)







Chrissy Teigen has a much better bubble butt…

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60e806  No.10558826


Ning = the god of vegetation and the underworld. At one time Egypt was green and lush. I think when the earths outer surface shifted 30 degree, the movement cause the area known as Egypt to be baked in the sun by being located near the equators. Also didn't help over time the "invaders and crusaders" burn the place and all the papers/teachings to the ground. They could not destroy the structures. And everyone knew the local's living in huts did not build those things.

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ccf0e9  No.10558827


please forgive me for thinking in a most cynical way, and I don't want to believe it but . . . the perliferation of bike lanes is rather . . . cover the kiddies ears . . . fresh meat for the organ donor industry.

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574c97  No.10558828


nearly all myths and religions are based on the stories told about the constellations.

These stories are actually allegories of the workings of the human mind and body.

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956101  No.10558829

File: 668db4f666a8466⋯.png (862.58 KB, 720x983, 720:983, Biden_Corn_Pop.png)



Me too, me too!

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069830  No.10558830



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5d35c7  No.10558832

File: c1b4785a2adee5c⋯.png (455.45 KB, 1080x933, 360:311, Jewry.png)

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b860da  No.10558833

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095dc1  No.10558835

File: e7f35bbd7c3516d⋯.mp4 (5.16 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, biden_unsteady.mp4)




==biden unsteady

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9e2132  No.10558837

File: ab7f14414785ace⋯.png (16.11 KB, 112x112, 1:1, 1812_wutcat.png)


You're actually that stupid.

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90e05f  No.10558838

File: 6235ee93f00e28b⋯.jpeg (60.92 KB, 498x642, 83:107, FA7F03A8_E8C2_4181_A803_D….jpeg)


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14ba97  No.10558839



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574c97  No.10558840


Interesting how the ancient depictions of the constellations are exactly the same as today, there has been no shift.

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6ae7fa  No.10558841

File: 9ee1dceadf406b5⋯.png (970.18 KB, 977x669, 977:669, Screenshot_2020_09_07_CoVi….png)

File: 98fb1773dba2f67⋯.png (63.32 KB, 1046x363, 1046:363, Screenshot_2020_09_07_Lind….png)




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ccf0e9  No.10558842


your meme is derivative

in the genre that it's in it's a quick turn around.

I don't like the ass-crack as a subject of a meme, but there it is.

I would have put a blanket around Mr. Biden.

Treat people in memes the way that you would really treat them if you came upon them actually like that . . . when you do a derivative of a meme that disrespects people.

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97fdca  No.10558843



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b3dafa  No.10558844

File: bd38df2ab062e2c⋯.jpg (161.88 KB, 980x724, 245:181, downloadfile_17.jpg)

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069830  No.10558845

File: d878a5d07b06b69⋯.png (33.04 KB, 653x403, 653:403, ClipboardImage.png)

Coalition Urges D.C. Archbishop to Address Democrats’ ‘Catholic Problem’

The Catholic Coalition Against Religious Tests for Office has written to Washington, DC Archbishop Wilton Gregory urging him to publicly address the anti-Catholic bigotry of the leadership of the Democratic Party.

Citing the repeated harassment of Catholic appointees to public office by leading Senate Democrats, the fourteen Democratic state attorney generals who are “maliciously persecuting” the Little Sisters of the Poor, and the radical abortion agenda of the party platform, the Catholic Coalition appeals to Archbishop Gregory to speak out for the Church.

“Clearly, one of America’s two major political parties is now targeting Catholics and their Church. History will record whether America’s Catholic hierarchy was brave enough to speak out in defense of the faith,” states the letter, a copy of which was obtained by Breitbart News.

The letter, signed by Catholic Coalition president Ed Martin, makes reference to Archbishop Gregory’s vocal criticism of President Trump last summer after the president visited a shrine to Saint Pope John Paul II.

In defending his censure of Mr. Trump against critics who said he was acting in a “blatantly partisan” way, the archbishop compared his actions to the clergy who were active during the civil rights movement of the 1960s.

“They are reminiscent of the criticisms that people gave to Catholic priests and nuns they saw marching during the civil rights period,” the archbishop said, while insisting that the Church and her pastors must be present in society, “beyond the four walls” of the church building.

In Monday’s letter, the Catholic Coalition notes that at the time the archbishop also said he had a duty to preach the Gospel to both sides of the political aisle. “Today, I am asking you to make good on that promise. I am asking you to address openly and publicly the ‘Catholic Problem’ of the leadership of the Democratic Party,” Martin writes.

Particularly disturbing is that one of the most egregious examples of overt anti-Catholicism in Democrat leadership comes from the vice-presidential candidate, Kamala Harris, Martin observes.

Enclosed with the letter to the archbishop are several news reports including one from April 2019 in the Washington Examiner decrying Senator Harris’ actions in grilling a judicial appointee over his Catholic beliefs.

In December 2018, Sen. Kamala Harris “suggested attorney Brian Buescher is unfit to serve as a federal judge on account of his membership in an ‘extreme’ Catholic organization: the Knights of Columbus,” the article notes.


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89b033  No.10558846

File: 4cc3dfc4b5ef270⋯.png (115.25 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 4cc3dfc4b5ef2704104d6f9dd9….png)

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e27a05  No.10558847

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

DarQlyIlluminated6%Flag of EnglandFlag of United KingdomFlag of United States👁Frog faceShamrockHoneybee


The Three Gorges Dam is rapidly failing…Down pointing backhand index




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3f2a19  No.10558848


police defending your freedom…

how's that working out for you?

most of them don't even do Constitution.

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3a4afa  No.10558849

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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0cacac  No.10558850

>>10558838 Kumbaya NOT


>>10558806, >>10558778, >>10558814 FeCoV/CoFeV

>>10558797 Senior assistant district attorney killed by bus while cycling in Brooklyn

>>10558791 Thunderstruck Trump vid

>>10558766 Incoming Coup and the Release of Pedophiles charges and arrests are directly tied?

>>10558709 Summer's not over yet: Remote workers extend their vacation — to the delight of resort owners

>>10558688 Sam Barnett's bank accounts frozen as Perth family sue entrepreneur for $800,000

>>10558659 NV: Government threatens to fine premier firearms-training facility if it reopens

>>10558628 OK anon note taker of Trumps Labor Day press conference, this got my interest, anons do we know if other viruses released? I’m really curious now, how about you guys, “And other viruses from China over the years, swine flu,others you never heard of.”?

>>10558624 Australia 'resembling North Korean dictatorship'

>>10558598 Triggered FUN!!! For the Keks!

>>10558589 LIVE: Streams of Trump Boat Parades! Oregon, Florida, New Jersey.

>>10558586 Chuck Schumer Backs Bernie Sanders in Plan to Force Trump from Office If He Loses

>>>10558534 Noor Bin Ladin ─ My Letter to America

>>10558533 Biden Now Says National Mask Mandate ‘Probably Unconstitutional’ – Gives Bizarre Non-Answer to Reporter Asking When He will Visit Arizona (VIDEO)

>>10558520 Pro-life demonstrators painted the street outside a Planned Parenthood with the phrase “BLACK PREBORN LIVES MATTER” in downtown Baltimore.

>>10558495 Battleground States May See Unprecedented Amounts Of Absentee Ballot Rejections

>>10558494, >>10558516, >>10558535 Eight more missing children have been found as part of “Operation Homecoming,” said the U.S. Marshals Service./72 this week

>>10558473, >>10558612 Mike Rotchild on Q and unrest

>>10558462 "Florida politico Andrew Gillum and wife to address hotel scandal, marriage with Tamron Hall"


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069830  No.10558851

File: 8d4aeee94fe85b1⋯.png (752.48 KB, 636x475, 636:475, ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. Breaks Fentanyl, Meth Seizure Records at Border amid Pandemic

On Friday, September 4, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Commissioner Mark Morgan held his monthly operational update with the media from Laredo, Texas. The August statistics marked the highest to date for Fiscal Year 2020 in the category methamphetamine seizures.

Throughout FY2020, Breitbart Texas extensively monitored ports of entry seizure data as they are the best indicator to understand the output of Mexican cartel clandestine laboratories.

In August, 23,452 pounds of methamphetamine were seized at the ports of entry by CBP, which year-to-date puts totals at 141,663 — more than double the record year set in FY2019 at 68,585 pounds.

There has also been a dramatic increase in fentanyl seizures in the later part of FY2020. While the fiscal year still has one month left, CBP already seized a record 3,302 pounds at ports. The prior record year was marked in FY2019 at 2,545 pounds.

There are several reasons why controlled substances like fentanyl and methamphetamine should be monitored closely. The harm caused to the abusing individual is significant. It is well-documented that when these drugs are continually used, other local index crimes rise in a community.

Another is in the ability to weaponize fentanyl. This has become a national security concern in recent years as use has been on the rise throughout the United States.

“Speed balling” or “poly-using” these drugs in a combination has also increased, according to the DEA 2019 annual threat assessment.

In the 2019 report, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is referenced showing a 47 percent increase in synthetic opioid-involved deaths from 19,413 in 2016 to 28,466 in 2017.

In 2019, the CDC measured the highest levels in overdoses overall since 2015 nearing 71,000.

It should be noted these vast seizure numbers do not include shipments that crossed into the U.S. undetected.


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428b0d  No.10558852


What the hell is that? A bandaid? A rolled up paper with notes? A small self-shock device? A diabetic tool to measure blood?

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5d35c7  No.10558853

File: d71004347f5c070⋯.jpg (40.38 KB, 450x253, 450:253, liver_rabbi_ginsburgh.jpg)

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956101  No.10558854

File: aee206dadd3b50f⋯.jpg (43.1 KB, 708x558, 118:93, Meme_Cry.jpg)

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0cacac  No.10558855

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574c97  No.10558856


something big is comming?

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79f40f  No.10558857


Thx, for coming to the rescue!

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3e661b  No.10558858


This right here is why you listen to other people's music and arrangements. I wouldn't have put ANY of those artists together in any combination, and yet this arrangement smokes. Cracked up when the Master Blaster (Ted) showed up with that Byrdland. Thanks. Popped it out to see what else the algo surprises me with.

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cf6766  No.10558859

File: 8b9403aa6370d99⋯.jpg (85.55 KB, 512x510, 256:255, faxl.jpg)

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60e806  No.10558860



Artic is decreasing in mass. Antartic is gaining mass. The earth is like a giant orange. the center separated form its skin. this is why they found elephants and tigers buried in the artic with food undigested in their stomaches. it shifted before….and it will again. SURFS UP!!!.



>I think when the earths outer surface shifted 30 degree, the movement cause the area known as Egypt to be baked in the sun by being located near the equators.

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6ae7fa  No.10558861

File: 413a04a4e2c2dbe⋯.png (773.99 KB, 1871x675, 1871:675, thatMoment.png)


That would be (You) to think that I would be stupid enough to be bullied by (you) with a stupid post…pfft

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7ae420  No.10558862


It says “Restrooms” at the bottom

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b860da  No.10558863



Sanders' former campaign manager: Sanders

grabs him and pushes him into the vehicle

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928fbd  No.10558864

File: 3d0948469bf3549⋯.png (252.44 KB, 461x470, 461:470, BlueWhale.png)

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34eba5  No.10558865

File: 8f0da14c77004d9⋯.png (293.82 KB, 350x391, 350:391, Shotgun_matrix.png)


>Meme police.

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948a99  No.10558866

File: 01db49f37f789e7⋯.png (283.22 KB, 603x453, 201:151, POTUS_points_Q_drop.png)

File: 5dc9d939781d66a⋯.png (648.4 KB, 800x450, 16:9, fake_news_griffen.png)

File: 524224ee2b3c756⋯.png (65.36 KB, 971x721, 971:721, GoVote_hash_graph_09072020.png)

File: fd2c567efbce3a0⋯.png (71.7 KB, 1000x717, 1000:717, obamaGate_hash_graph_09072….png)

thank you Anons!

Happy Labor Day!

Thank you HardWorkers!

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9637ea  No.10558867

File: 7eb616631aac5e7⋯.jpg (2.62 MB, 2384x1558, 1192:779, ManOfLawlessness.jpg)

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9fc6cd  No.10558868

File: a6a3f0f1d4bafbc⋯.jpg (171.94 KB, 1600x800, 2:1, salts.jpg)


Ammonia Smelling Salts??

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f7fec6  No.10558869

Believe in the best of your fellow man

A spark of Kindness can lead to the greatest Light.

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095dc1  No.10558870


he looks decrepit and 80

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6cf256  No.10558871

File: 232fd457f5908ee⋯.png (51.08 KB, 1160x880, 29:22, CovfefeMug_Copy.png)

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428b0d  No.10558872

File: d5b4070d848122d⋯.jpg (6.97 KB, 425x304, 425:304, dfacd1.jpg)


It's his ear listening device!!!

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3b14a3  No.10558873

File: 20b6eae9c8351ff⋯.jpg (113 KB, 1024x794, 512:397, 20b6eae9c8351ffa64a3962513….jpg)

File: 910fa3e35e0a14b⋯.png (1009.06 KB, 835x525, 167:105, 910fa3e35e0a14b1f40d1ce28e….png)

File: 2bba978929c0ddb⋯.jpg (9.1 KB, 255x143, 255:143, d3e867feb89acc415969f5375e….jpg)

File: bc336948e700b63⋯.png (2.65 MB, 961x1673, 961:1673, bc336948e700b639455044cb72….png)


Ikr? So good.

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ccf0e9  No.10558874

File: e91304467c751cb⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, PepePegasusX3_003.jpg)

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6ae7fa  No.10558875


Thanks kek…mystery solved

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225231  No.10558876

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here's a crayon explanation. Enjoy.

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3a4afa  No.10558877


that fresh meme smell

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574c97  No.10558878


Checked, thanks

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b3dafa  No.10558879

File: f1e859df1fdbae7⋯.jpg (132.72 KB, 676x499, 676:499, 4e5ra7.jpg)

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095dc1  No.10558880


>Sanders' former campaign manager: Sanders

>grabs him and pushes him into the vehicle

could you imagine what faknews would report if somebody grabbed Trump and pushed him in the vehicle?

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30d40f  No.10558881

File: 4f9182ad9a0be7a⋯.png (492.1 KB, 600x604, 150:151, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_09….png)

430 'gas bombs' discovered in the Arctic are at risk of exploding and creating huge craters


>>"17 large holes…"


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b860da  No.10558882


HRC deja vu

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956101  No.10558883

File: 9b5cb4c505060ff⋯.png (421.78 KB, 416x480, 13:15, ClipboardImage.png)

Dodge Rammer.

Protester edition.

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79a0ae  No.10558884

File: 62ecff05566a410⋯.mp4 (1.6 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Babbling_Biden.mp4)



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0cacac  No.10558885



thanks for the keks

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cf6766  No.10558886

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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428b0d  No.10558887


No masks seen anywhere. Huh.

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948a99  No.10558888


>I'm a Britfag, I'm used to living under a Totalitarian regime disguised as 'democracy'


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34eba5  No.10558889

File: 5d2a765b806f5e9⋯.jpg (416.81 KB, 724x1007, 724:1007, Meme_Magic.jpg)

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574c97  No.10558890



>>10558828 (forgot link)

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9fc6cd  No.10558891


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42562d  No.10558892

File: 11cfe36f3f8d3d2⋯.png (581.62 KB, 794x617, 794:617, hogggill1.png)

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0f4ad5  No.10558893

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Coke and Pepsi wars were part of our 666 Fifth Ave dig.

There's hidden messages in the Superb Owl commercials.

You knew Pepsi has its own military, right?

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5d35c7  No.10558894

File: ed412d98bd9f22b⋯.jpeg (81.74 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, jews_rape_kids.jpeg)

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18bfbc  No.10558895

File: 69bf4e6d7ccc35c⋯.jpg (36.4 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 69bf4e6d7ccc35c7592b793d13….jpg)


>Hi Karen.

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095dc1  No.10558896


>No masks seen anywhere. Huh.


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fb86f3  No.10558897


>>>vast methane eruptions

Some DS a-holes crapping themselves, kek

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000000  No.10558898



Torfaggin, no images. Recommend Thomas Brophy's book "The Origin Map" and Chris Dunn's work on the Giza power plant for those interested in the general field.

- https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17758836-the-origin-map

- http://www.gizapower.com/

Schoch's work on dating the Sphinx enclosure also interesting: https://www.robertschoch.com/


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137957  No.10558899

File: 05e1588b849c77c⋯.png (586.82 KB, 737x746, 737:746, ClipboardImage.png)


Out dank this one faggots

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7ae420  No.10558900



Meeting Rooms

Guest Floor [Elevators]

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b13561  No.10558901

File: 1a5741a542e0f19⋯.jpg (147.04 KB, 480x600, 4:5, EhVugdNU8AAXOCq_jpeg.jpg)

File: a6dbbf2fbc35da7⋯.png (451.49 KB, 480x600, 4:5, EhVwVTZU8AAFFMZ.png)


Look at that guys HEAD , ok something is up with these portland people , I'm beginning to think they aren't human

They are all so strange

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3a4afa  No.10558902

File: ed88adfc6b74746⋯.png (1.56 MB, 700x938, 50:67, ClipboardImage.png)


mask free is the way to be

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428b0d  No.10558903


Travel through the uncharted Outback (I have) and you'll see things very differently!

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18bfbc  No.10558904

File: 9d502f0f59e74ec⋯.png (342.88 KB, 657x495, 73:55, checked.PNG)


Chek'd & Wrek'd

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956101  No.10558905


Hey, isn't the white guy in that image Dick Hogg or something like that?

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948a99  No.10558906

File: 85f138fd9c54d41⋯.png (811.9 KB, 800x510, 80:51, Day_Shift_Tokyo.png)

File: e9b2eb01a52dc63⋯.png (380.73 KB, 600x300, 2:1, no_vote.png)

File: 3a386e98984db4e⋯.png (73.78 KB, 800x600, 4:3, stop_the_16_year_plan.png)

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f86859  No.10558907

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0f4ad5  No.10558908


I'm surprised SANDERS is joining TRUMP


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b1b66c  No.10558909


…Jar baby rejects, KEK!

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9dc082  No.10558910

File: 84feadcdb8ec005⋯.png (182.04 KB, 418x268, 209:134, CardiB1.png)


That's no crater, that's a close up of Cardi B's butthole

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095dc1  No.10558911


>Look at that guys HEAD ,



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948a99  No.10558912

File: a690fe558f1e7d5⋯.jpg (321.08 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, Yoda2ndcoverSaborJpg.jpg)

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9e7290  No.10558913

Time to bury the traitors with the 14th amendment. After 11/3.


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0e4990  No.10558914


transgender freaks of nature. Just like that Kyle shooter. Don't fall for anything the media is saying, anon.

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948a99  No.10558915



(echo: whoa, whoa, whoa …)

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60e806  No.10558916

File: f95401e7cd11334⋯.png (712.72 KB, 756x479, 756:479, ClipboardImage.png)

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069830  No.10558917

File: a03cdb8c1e78b9e⋯.pdf (365.39 KB, PEDOPHILE_NETWORKS_CONTROL….pdf)


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b13561  No.10558918

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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42562d  No.10558919

File: 5415092e15252a4⋯.png (585.05 KB, 794x617, 794:617, hoggyhill.png)

File: 78798fdc0896e2d⋯.png (578.24 KB, 800x416, 25:13, hogpop.png)


WHy yes David Hogg.

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43a70c  No.10558920

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Police try to arrest a woman in Spain, crowd comes to her rescue chanting "Libertad" (Freedom). Patriots stepping up around the world.



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5533c5  No.10558921

File: 02c829a7b0ff907⋯.jpg (121.83 KB, 1024x577, 1024:577, HUH.jpg)

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daaead  No.10558922

File: 04889e4d9c6375a⋯.png (190.15 KB, 275x275, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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7e8083  No.10558923

File: c333ae3b2c27a89⋯.png (421.88 KB, 595x630, 17:18, ClipboardImage.png)



>No masks seen anywhere

Its from March


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9dc082  No.10558924

File: 855a221bc78ebcf⋯.jpg (6.06 KB, 255x198, 85:66, whoa.jpg)

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0f4ad5  No.10558925

File: e59faf8a583f2e4⋯.jpg (78.64 KB, 376x500, 94:125, famJew.jpg)


> I'm beginning to think they aren't human


Creating synthetic humans


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30d40f  No.10558926


They are calling them "Gas Bombs"

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20b5e1  No.10558927

File: 3faead2c7fe8c23⋯.png (1.32 MB, 658x1382, 329:691, ClipboardImage.png)

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cf6766  No.10558928


YW fren

yeah Shreddin' Ted is the icing on the cake huh?

glad you enjoyed!

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6ae7fa  No.10558929


I declared myself 'mask free momma' this weekend and boldly walked into every store I needed to shop at without a mask and NO ONE said a fucking word to me…all this stress for nothing!

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095dc1  No.10558930


he really looks like somebody did that symmetry tool shop on 1/2 of his face.

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137957  No.10558931

File: 1f8e195ae55ada2⋯.png (748.7 KB, 731x746, 731:746, ClipboardImage.png)

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948a99  No.10558932

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956101  No.10558933

File: 393b0c00de88e4a⋯.jpeg (84.86 KB, 828x465, 276:155, Biden_CardiB.jpeg)

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3ead80  No.10558934

File: ee7ba736bbf85ef⋯.png (203.17 KB, 632x498, 316:249, SunTzuPP.png)

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3e661b  No.10558935

File: 7c78e85ba9da70a⋯.png (87.71 KB, 1724x462, 862:231, Firefox_8kun_BugFix.png)

File: 9ca21faeeb67bb9⋯.png (46.53 KB, 591x192, 197:64, Firefox_Menu.png)


If you've got Firefox…try this. Got me out of Tor hell. This is why the tunes are flowing again. Tor was killing my muse. All gud nao.

Good luck.

To your post: Lot's of great stuff out there about the purpose(s) of the pyramids…one thing is for sure…they weren't and never were tombs. I've done some theoretical stuff on resonances in the multi-chambered pyramids that I won't labor the board with, but that inside voice tells me it's the right track.

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79a0ae  No.10558936



>No masks seen anywhere. Huh.


It's from MARCH!

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18bfbc  No.10558937

File: 6a6326d7ba58e35⋯.mp4 (317.92 KB, 180x320, 9:16, hoggis25.mp4)

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30d40f  No.10558938


It's shopped, right? It has to be.

The longer I stare at it, the more it turns into one of those illusion pictures you are suppose to stare at to see a dolphin or some shit.

It's kinda freakin' me out. I need ot smoke a bowl now.

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428b0d  No.10558939


Ah, thanks anon. I missed that post as I was looking at the video. And thought he was referencing Sanders rebutal to the Atlantic hack job. Good to know some things don't change though, lol.

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799845  No.10558940


Rules are rules lady…

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14ba97  No.10558942

File: 2d583893eb4af37⋯.jpg (12.47 KB, 255x191, 255:191, Tits_or_GTFO_SW.jpg)

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b13561  No.10558943

File: 40313f9131ae3e1⋯.jpg (48.09 KB, 742x960, 371:480, EhToEV6U8AAnKRp_jpeg.jpg)


Maybe it explains the alien long necks

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8cdb31  No.10558944


You mean the blood, feces and vomit?

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137957  No.10558945

File: e6f53e9195c61e5⋯.png (720.05 KB, 739x746, 739:746, ClipboardImage.png)

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f09b8c  No.10558946

File: d670b239d4bdd6f⋯.png (2.93 MB, 1637x969, 1637:969, ClipboardImage.png)

Formula Super Vee

Formula Super Vee was an open-wheel racing series that took place in Europe and the United States from 1970 to 1990. The formula was created as an extension of Formula Vee, a racing class that was introduced in 1959. Formula Super Vee in Europe was similar to F3 or Formula Renault today, a stepping stone to F1. In the United States, Formula Super Vee, often referred to as Super Vee, was a natural progression to Indy Car and Can-Am. On both sides of the Atlantic the series also was a platform for the promotion of VW products, similar to how Formula Renault promotes Renault products today.[1][2][3]

Initially it was seen as a simple step up from Formula Vee, using the same type 3 air-cooled VW engines, but in 1600cc. However it soon transformed to using the very different and more powerful fuel injected water-cooled engines from the VW Golf/Rabbit.

moar at:


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ccf0e9  No.10558947


Maybe I was talking about someone who writes code his whole life in the Perl programming langauge.

Oh, language badger, you always pretend to care!

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20b5e1  No.10558948



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095dc1  No.10558949


thanks anon. that makes sense.

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d95db0  No.10558950

File: db4f7be90173d78⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1600x1067, 1600:1067, ClipboardImage.png)

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4a558a  No.10558951

File: 779ed38565338d8⋯.jpg (247.66 KB, 1078x1848, 7:12, antifa.jpg)

They all have the same dead eyes …

Every one of them are spiritually DEAD

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9dc082  No.10558952

File: c7425215838fe18⋯.png (453.25 KB, 1008x504, 2:1, vs3.png)

File: 17e0e00ec9693e7⋯.png (365.47 KB, 1008x504, 2:1, vs2.png)

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b860da  No.10558953

File: 8246526ff59f704⋯.jpg (143.07 KB, 1372x700, 49:25, Boss_Hogg.JPG)

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6ae7fa  No.10558954


Rules are not LAW

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50bff3  No.10558955

File: e2ea6b7e48eeb14⋯.png (295.88 KB, 494x273, 38:21, ms13_on_team_joe.PNG)

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956101  No.10558956

File: e1f5ac9a9ab5b7b⋯.jpg (44.13 KB, 720x720, 1:1, Meme_Comrade.jpg)

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9fc6cd  No.10558957

File: bbf5d3482e969d6⋯.mp4 (855.29 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, oQtFaRqxdrXX0NN3.mp4)

Joe Biden is relying on a teleprompter to answer questions: "move it up here," he tells his staff.

There are long pauses between his words as he waits for the prompter to scroll.

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2277b9  No.10558958



Just in, could take nb if you wanna?

No memez for you tonight, phonefag.


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7ae420  No.10558959


Is she can disregard the mask edict, she can certainly disregard your juvenile disrespect.

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60e806  No.10558960

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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157a36  No.10558961

File: 9398045469f20e8⋯.png (943.1 KB, 1080x740, 54:37, Capture_2020_09_07_16_53_0….png)


The sky event will be biblical but nothing is going to prepare or protect anyone. Stockpilig worthless. We Gone. WWG1WGA.

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137957  No.10558962

File: d25ed53cfde13f4⋯.png (584.47 KB, 735x746, 735:746, ClipboardImage.png)

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5c7f5f  No.10558963

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Take heed !

[Jhn 10:28 KJV] 28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any [man] pluck them out of my hand.

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095dc1  No.10558964


these can't be for real! can they?

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c805f3  No.10558965

people still use this board? jeezus u guys are so gay. yall literally have watched a fake pandemic destroy small businesses, rioters destroy communities, and the implementation of the technical NWO all in the name of "the plan"… enjoy the show retards. patriots in control. and dont forget to watch ur pornos and jerk off again after re-reading some faggot Q drops.

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ccf0e9  No.10558966


Chicken Little

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34eba5  No.10558967

File: fdfb2efc9023a2a⋯.jpg (148.15 KB, 587x696, 587:696, Music_stops.jpg)


What the actual fuck?

It's the cast for a remake of 'Deliverance', Right?

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799845  No.10558968


I break them every day!

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14ba97  No.10558969



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948a99  No.10558970

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


'How Keanu Reeves Learned To Shoot Guns For 'John Wick' | Movies Insider'


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956101  No.10558971

File: 2ff26c5e3c803c2⋯.jpg (21.51 KB, 450x330, 15:11, Biden_PeePad.jpg)

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b860da  No.10558972

File: b75bddabf7f7f80⋯.jpg (51.41 KB, 1024x435, 1024:435, yates_clone.jpg)

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84b5de  No.10558973

File: f28404c4cf4e04b⋯.png (1.48 MB, 900x800, 9:8, ClipboardImage.png)

File: efc47cd3eef3d2c⋯.png (3.54 MB, 1488x1314, 248:219, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c28cb4a8e9532ff⋯.png (2.52 MB, 1024x924, 256:231, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf7385f55d6128b⋯.png (459.57 KB, 666x375, 222:125, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 729128b9ad96d99⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1080x1053, 40:39, ClipboardImage.png)


smart/useful memes.

that remove.bg has been one of the most useful tools I've ever discovered.

For those more adventurous, some other free resources I use and can vouch for as being varying levels of useful (most take A LOT of getting used to/practice):

https://www.gimp.org/downloads/ (free, complicated photshop-type program)

Photo Image Editor Pixelstyle (semi-complex, free for Mac at app store)

https://www8.lunapic.com/editor/ (tremendous variety of filter effects, easy to use, free)

https://pixlr.com/x/ (moderate difficulty of use, free online photoshop-esque program)

https://imgflip.com/memegenerator (basic, free easy meme maker most anons are familiar with).

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6ae7fa  No.10558974


Go look at your own tits, weirdo

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428b0d  No.10558975


Kek, I was discussing this with an anon yesterday how all the Antifa "warriors" are so frail and ugly, bad skin and hair, odd shaped heads, and women who look beefier than the men. They think they are so bad-ass with their muh black-bloc and take the clothes off and you see what's behind it all. Pathetic! And to think that anyone thinks MAGA people are doing the rioting.

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b13561  No.10558976

File: 197ef6027f42738⋯.jpg (155.9 KB, 480x600, 4:5, EhN2S09U8AAeGpn_jpeg.jpg)

File: 8b8ad35f2213c15⋯.jpg (146.23 KB, 480x600, 4:5, EhN4O8TVkAA04sr_jpeg.jpg)

File: 75effad436595a0⋯.jpg (145.14 KB, 480x600, 4:5, EhN39qBU0AAT_T9_jpeg.jpg)

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691113  No.10558977


BUT, 'LAWS' are essentially 'rules'

BOTH can be broken and/or loopholed around.

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ccf0e9  No.10558978


I thought of a new game: try to spell a word wrong as many different times as you can in one post.

to my credit I did spell it correctly earlier in that same post.

Shakespeare was a hero of mine and I don't really care if I get it spelled correctly in the first draft.

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6ae7fa  No.10558979


Cloning rejects!

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095dc1  No.10558980


is this for real.

I can't tell anymoar

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4a558a  No.10558981



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0f4ad5  No.10558982

File: 4e90517290f4979⋯.jpg (34.89 KB, 400x400, 1:1, GVnek.jpg)

File: 54221fb555b5887⋯.jpg (86.76 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, AJneck.jpg)

File: c19173ae4ff7499⋯.jpg (130.51 KB, 623x500, 623:500, CD.jpg)


>Maybe it explains the alien long necks

Personally believe these Cretans of humanity have been 'farm raised' and hatched from these programs. Keeping them out of sight until the opportune moment.

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aa44ae  No.10558983

File: b1c737fe1b50606⋯.png (871.75 KB, 876x493, 876:493, ClipboardImage.png)

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1ab3c7  No.10558984


The eyes are the window to the soul…

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3ead80  No.10558985

File: bef68c76b0aabc0⋯.jpg (73.69 KB, 282x282, 1:1, pp_c.jpg)

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799845  No.10558986


Grow a sense of humor.

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0cacac  No.10558987



can u phonefag a bake?

it's slo if u want me to wait till u get to chine

I'm guud for now

lemme know

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948a99  No.10558988

File: 1703a9070603623⋯.jpg (410.86 KB, 1200x806, 600:403, TYQ.jpg)

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640758  No.10558989

File: 6b3015b304d79ca⋯.png (191.23 KB, 1528x700, 382:175, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7cedffdbbd9ed91⋯.png (225.11 KB, 1528x700, 382:175, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ed47ce7f21ed9f5⋯.png (218.14 KB, 1205x532, 1205:532, ClipboardImage.png)

>>10558688 And here he is at one of HRC's UAE meet-n-greets in 2011


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9fc6cd  No.10558990

File: b7541b0533b35f5⋯.jpg (51.66 KB, 591x762, 197:254, RICO.JPG)

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50bff3  No.10558991

File: 2c5d7c46a06c2ec⋯.png (205.05 KB, 429x306, 143:102, blm_cofounder_trained_marx….PNG)

File: f4c18d58f211e2b⋯.png (1003.89 KB, 807x534, 269:178, chuck_and_nancy_black_scar….PNG)

File: 03453abfbf775b9⋯.png (478.33 KB, 554x600, 277:300, blm_cofounder_maduro_3.PNG)

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428b0d  No.10558992

File: 6c912ff8066dce9⋯.png (706.02 KB, 640x394, 320:197, 632afsa98ad68b.png)

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77cdad  No.10558993

File: 1bd13a37433ce90⋯.png (766.96 KB, 574x759, 574:759, Screenshot_2020_09_07_Fred….png)


Dead eyes…


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b860da  No.10558995

File: 3531c7ccaba4bb4⋯.jpg (112.15 KB, 750x732, 125:122, xi_dog.jpg)

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14ba97  No.10558996


sorry, I was bored

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ccf0e9  No.10558997


they just look like ordinary people in a bad place who have to deal with sudden awareness that they need to change.

they look alive and ready for growth, and maybe ready to listen, and they will wake right up.

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928fbd  No.10558998

File: b4175fdefe0dfda⋯.png (120.54 KB, 236x236, 1:1, No.png)


"Lincoln continental sitting on dirty shoes with suicide doors"…kids today???

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cf6766  No.10558999

File: 17c7576063ea02d⋯.jpg (221.16 KB, 1193x1200, 1193:1200, a1.jpg)

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9f916a  No.10559000

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Tom Hanks Hiding In Greece | Hollywood Is Breaking Down

Geeks + Gamers

342,761 views•Aug 19, 2020


Comment: "The sooner Hollywood is exposed for the occultism and child pedophilia the better."

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9fc6cd  No.10559001


Man do I hate those fucking flashlights they use…….

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6ae7fa  No.10559002

File: bd857ed51b5ed87⋯.png (954.72 KB, 1367x769, 1367:769, HoldtheLine.png)

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2bbd30  No.10559003

File: 05588a07acf9a39⋯.png (58.69 KB, 158x202, 79:101, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 021bd3f2654fe75⋯.png (102.68 KB, 262x218, 131:109, ClipboardImage.png)

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842e1c  No.10559004

All Zero Fucks

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b13561  No.10559005

File: 81bef39ea1f3875⋯.png (451.19 KB, 720x691, 720:691, Cupace20200907020424.png)

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e4734c  No.10559006


Regardless of the juvenile tendencies this board, all of this would have been avoided if (You) would follow the agreed upon etiquette ofremaining anon.

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8cdb31  No.10559007


Good and inspirational. Also kind of proof that Trump isn't racist.

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50bff3  No.10559008


many black Americans are awake and speaking out

black Americans are some of the best red pillers at the current time

God Bless them

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30d40f  No.10559009

File: 6d92d633c708f7c⋯.png (408 KB, 602x626, 301:313, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_09….png)

Joe Biden says he would take a coronavirus vaccine 'TOMORROW' even if it cost him the election as Trump tries to label Dems anti-vaxxers


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7ae420  No.10559010


Disturbing that defective hybrids are running around our streets. No wonder they hate humans, though.

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30d40f  No.10559011


THAT'S who she is!!

Peter Griffins Pro wrestling sister

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b860da  No.10559012


they used to just stand on the sidewalk

and chant "He will not divide us. He will not divide us. He…"

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2bbd30  No.10559013


>Joe Biden says he would take a coronavirus vaccine 'TOMORROW' even if it cost him the election as Trump tries to label Dems anti-vaxxers

methinks this is about to bite him.

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b0f989  No.10559014


Gateway to hollow earth slide.

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1aa974  No.10559016


he could do a faceplant into his soup or cake and the media would gin up sum story about how orange man bad caused all the deaths since WW2 - 6 gropermillion. hilldawg in the wings yall jus holla

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e27a05  No.10559017

File: 770b0ee36a38800⋯.jpeg (398.14 KB, 1241x1861, 1241:1861, 073BE96A_C662_4B6C_B141_4….jpeg)

Anons love Flynn, uncover the bodies already


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73604b  No.10559018


Family Guy….

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6ae7fa  No.10559019


wow…that was…eloquent and special. Ima save that for a rainy day

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956101  No.10559020

File: 135d93de3c13627⋯.png (139.45 KB, 600x340, 30:17, ClipboardImage.png)

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799845  No.10559021


Biden using reverse reverse psychology?

The man is unstahpable!

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9e7290  No.10559022

Had enough yet California?

Nearly 90,000 in L.A. County without power amid scorching heat

Here's your bumper sticker.


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f7d875  No.10559023


body language screams he wasn't intended to actually stop. all were facing away from the cameras, even when they did pause

black woman seems like she was coaxing biden to the car door

he didn't seem aware of his spatial position or his own name for that matter based on his actual utterances, based on movements etc

handlers moved to block off press, and also turned backs as biden enters car.

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79a0ae  No.10559024

File: 112729a046a8e75⋯.png (437.64 KB, 446x656, 223:328, 3_Year_old.png)


>Tom Hanks Hiding In Greece | Hollywood Is Breaking Down

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ccf0e9  No.10559025


Maybe the General was surfing one day . . . and saw some people with shovels off in a dune somewhere . . .

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cf6766  No.10559026

File: c4c5030c9af5bc3⋯.png (2.21 MB, 4679x7995, 4679:7995, 1812.png)



it has and will be biblical frens

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948a99  No.10559027

File: 8902949df0e3647⋯.jpg (229.21 KB, 969x645, 323:215, TrumpMarinesJpg.jpg)



dammit Anons, quit making me say 'whoa'

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30d40f  No.10559028


5D Connect 4

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d77c26  No.10559029

File: 5282d245b3769d0⋯.jpeg (109.5 KB, 828x1257, 276:419, 27B3D966_A34E_4139_8E11_A….jpeg)

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928fbd  No.10559030


Where's Batman?

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3e661b  No.10559031

File: 5f70ffd025b1a98⋯.gif (128.4 KB, 354x286, 177:143, Tunes_Pepe_Gif.gif)


Absolutely. You know, notionally when you think of Bill Withers it's in that smooth coffee shop folk vein…never would have thought he'd be a great compliment as a duet with Pantera's edge (although not a fan of his voice…guitar work is their strong suit imho) and Ted's lead melodies. Noice!

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a1c342  No.10559032


>Ain't No Sunshine

"I Know" twenty six (26) times in a row!

Billboard ranked it as the No. 23 song for 1971

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b0f989  No.10559033


"When brother & sisters spawn. "

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9e7290  No.10559034


Something like that.

The Babylon Bee


Gavin Newsom Says California Will Stay On Lockdown Until Scientists Discover Cure For Death

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b9eac6  No.10559035


My notes were "best effort", not verbatim. So best to refer to voice-recognition transcript or WH transcript when it comes out, to see the exact words he used.

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799845  No.10559036


Defective hybrids, West Virginians, Packers fans,… what’s the difference.

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064187  No.10559037

File: c29967c390be244⋯.png (58.13 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 2456345657658678.png)


What in the fuck kind of disaster of a shirt is that?

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fbb68d  No.10559038


Maybe the long necked aliens should wear turtlenecks to hide their deformity

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ccf0e9  No.10559039

Imagine if Anderson had gone a different route and was a police officer . . . would he have changed his name to

Anderson Copper?

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42562d  No.10559040


Trannies and retard beta fags.

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2277b9  No.10559041



Not so brave to attempt a phonebake bro, I’ll be cranking up the baking’ machine.

Your call, whenever works here, nb or any after.

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374163  No.10559042

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Biden live event, just ended. Not that many watching and comments are disabled. kek

WATCH LIVE: AFL-CIO hosts Labor Day event with Joe Biden

1,393 watching now•Started streaming 32 minutes ago

248 like 171 dislikes

PBS NewsHour

2.04M subscribers


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6c3c2b  No.10559043

File: fd049b784fcd742⋯.jpg (89.1 KB, 735x747, 245:249, Manager.jpg)

First in with this…

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14ba97  No.10559044


ty for doing it

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e4734c  No.10559045


My sarcasm meter has been off lately, so I'm not sure if you're sincere or…

Just as IRL, this place will bring you to high spiritual mountains and deep, dark pits of the human condition.

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89b033  No.10559046

what did he say??

Also is it that cold wherever they are? Everyone looks dressed for winter.

And not one mask…hmm. Is this today?

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8cdb31  No.10559047

File: 9c9dfc36f84a944⋯.jpg (142.91 KB, 1000x666, 500:333, proxy_duckduckgo_6_.jpg)


Fuck off shillfaggot. Don't you go telling us what's what.

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0f4ad5  No.10559048

File: 531fc2ec878c555⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 852x885, 284:295, future.jpg)


>Had enough yet California?

Renewable energy must have expired.

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79f40f  No.10559049


>My notes were "best effort", not verbatim.

I really like to read your notes.

Ty, Anon.

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1dcf5d  No.10559050

File: c2da40165222870⋯.png (896.48 KB, 474x730, 237:365, ClipboardImage.png)

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f7d875  No.10559051


weird part is the reporter asks about him swearing at someone, and biden answer with a ramble about sander joining trump…

fucking weirdo as fucko

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18bfbc  No.10559052

File: a53a8534314d92c⋯.mp4 (12.09 MB, 640x360, 16:9, An_Urgent_Interdict_From_T….mp4)

This trying to be nice to normies stuff is challenging.

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42562d  No.10559053

File: 08fa016609b7939⋯.png (385.37 KB, 640x480, 4:3, schiffneg.png)


Some like Schiff wear high collars.

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3e661b  No.10559054


Dis is commz

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8cdb31  No.10559055


the logo needs a bit of a background to distinguish from the cart behind it.

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0cacac  No.10559056


check in when you get to your chine

I'm qool for now

jones'n the pic yo


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9e7290  No.10559057

BLM Fallen Hero Medal Winner Jacob Blake.


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137957  No.10559058

File: 379e35c0aa5ea15⋯.png (1.66 MB, 2040x1134, 340:189, ClipboardImage.png)

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89b033  No.10559059


oops sorry, meant to link.


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53b94a  No.10559060

File: 92447a910c67ba9⋯.jpeg (16.46 KB, 247x255, 247:255, 6b71f1b4535daa492d594d163….jpeg)

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000000  No.10559061


Why Nancy, you've had your hair done!

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554a5b  No.10559062

File: da54bc3844ec56a⋯.jpg (587.83 KB, 1125x1231, 1125:1231, 0d911a278d8cbd3bba19c92a93….jpg)


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50bff3  No.10559063

File: a615a6fbff5cd56⋯.png (618.05 KB, 839x471, 839:471, jeb_bush_on_team_joe.PNG)

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5ec859  No.10559064

File: 1c127cfaf3fc1a0⋯.png (30.59 KB, 717x250, 717:250, ClipboardImage.png)

This poll could use a flip.

Pitch in if you feel it.

Dr. Kelli Ward Flag of United States




Loved the


vs. ridiculous CardiB on Twitter. If you got to pick a team, who would you want as your captain?


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3b14a3  No.10559065

File: 7b2586a3d11dbb8⋯.mp4 (3.09 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 7b2586a3d11dbb8106c680c8d2….mp4)


Complete with timestamp hooker.

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79f40f  No.10559066


"Godzilla: I AM YOUR MOTHER!"

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4100f0  No.10559067


Epic Chad shirt that's what. You wouldn't understand.

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60e806  No.10559068


this is awesome!!!


4 words:





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6ae7fa  No.10559069


Sincere…I too have a sense of humor and sarcasm

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6c3c2b  No.10559070

With all of the slebs riding bicycles recently. A common UK phrase is "On yer bike", meaning get lost, go away, etc.

Are the bikes code for 'Get ready to do a runner'?

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5b7e18  No.10559071

File: 9a74e913951a581⋯.jpg (213.33 KB, 640x468, 160:117, skyfall.jpg)

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a29fcb  No.10559072

Why is the Pleiades so important

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3ead80  No.10559073

File: a121212a47ba8d3⋯.png (128 KB, 428x450, 214:225, SCtw090720reawakening.png)

Sara A. Carter @SaraCarterDC

Sara Carter: The Trump Presidency is A ‘Reawakening Of America”

It's not just a reawakening of the Republican Party…


Sara Carter: The Trump Presidency is A ‘Reawakening Of America”

Staff Writer

Sep 7, 2020


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064187  No.10559074


>You wouldn't understand

Bitch I invented the Hawaiian shirt.

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f7d875  No.10559075


>BLM Fallen Hero Medal Winner Jacob Blake.

BLM Fall an Hero Medal Winner: Jacob Blake.

fify. is the dumb nig dead or not?

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b860da  No.10559076




> vs. ridiculous CardiB on Twitter. If you got to pick a team, who would you want as your captain?

A: no.

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ccf0e9  No.10559077



There is a pro-lifer-ation due to the proliferation of the conservativization of America, and the world at large.

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948a99  No.10559078

File: 7426c844e36fd30⋯.png (702.26 KB, 800x432, 50:27, moar_fake_news_09052020.png)

oh, ok shill

check back after Nov 3, kek

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fc3891  No.10559079

File: 27437b22fdede4c⋯.png (67.85 KB, 1165x586, 1165:586, Screenshot_2020_09_07_at_2….png)


PBS is lying again. Less than 50,000 are out of power. I live in California no fan of Newsom.


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d77c26  No.10559080

File: d72bd057345fef7⋯.jpeg (577.76 KB, 828x813, 276:271, 9CE0887F_CC18_421F_BFE0_8….jpeg)

File: f6998901e8d7248⋯.jpeg (114.17 KB, 510x368, 255:184, 2074E69F_5AC3_4041_AC21_8….jpeg)


Hydroponics, it was what is was.

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14ba97  No.10559081


never gets old

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41d5d1  No.10559082


Because Oct 3rd isNational Virus Appreciation Day?

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6ae7fa  No.10559083

File: d74aab61cc548f0⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1871x675, 1871:675, What.png)

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293183  No.10559084

File: 5e5f19268dc72a7⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1481x1269, 1481:1269, ClipboardImage.png)


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948a99  No.10559085

File: c8ad0e159ef39f9⋯.png (1.03 MB, 800x577, 800:577, gang_in_Tokyo.png)


yay Sara!

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718415  No.10559086

File: 9455e3b66211a61⋯.jpg (61.13 KB, 1100x825, 4:3, ElonMusk1.jpg)


Elon Musk does not approve.

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42562d  No.10559087

File: 78919ba19365d11⋯.png (81.63 KB, 320x240, 4:3, coronabewb.png)


show em

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bd7fae  No.10559089


Concur anon.

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5ec859  No.10559090

File: b5a8db56ee14102⋯.png (37.09 KB, 721x253, 721:253, ClipboardImage.png)

Emerald Robinson ✝️


Dr. Fauci: I'm just a non-partisan civil servant!

Also Dr. Fauci: I will be appearing at the Atlantic Ideas Festival with Hillary Clinton & Samantha Bee!


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3e661b  No.10559091

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



- JT Wilde

It's true.


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5a567b  No.10559092

File: 1d1aae9613df42f⋯.gif (444.87 KB, 300x186, 50:31, joker.gif)

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5005b4  No.10559093

File: 68b32efb0e49c3c⋯.png (900.51 KB, 733x910, 733:910, ANTEEFA.png)

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9fc6cd  No.10559094

File: 72a3c720f9c0686⋯.mp4 (1.4 MB, 956x548, 239:137, 20200907_161555.mp4)



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bd7fae  No.10559095


Unfortunately anon, that looks to be their plan at present. We will fight, we are ready!

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137957  No.10559096

File: 1cdd69b74cb14c7⋯.png (959.29 KB, 899x849, 899:849, ClipboardImage.png)

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0b045d  No.10559097

File: 8080570ec1aa62f⋯.jpeg (104.51 KB, 512x350, 256:175, 4876AED7_2AB2_4070_82DE_2….jpeg)

Sup white devils?

Heard this is where you peckerwoods hang out and plan the extermination my people.

Well I’ve got news for you: Joseph Biden and Kamala Harris WILL win the 2020 election, and believe me when I tell you, YOU will be chopped down from your ivory towers and forced to watch black KINGS fuck the devil out of your “women”.

Reparations. Check.

Defund the Police. Check.

Justice for ALL my brothers and sisters. Check.

Get ready, peckerwoods.

2021 - the year of the BOOMERANG.

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5ec859  No.10559098


You're so fucking witty.


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cf6766  No.10559099

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>kids today???

yeah they never cease to astonish me

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9e7290  No.10559100

I think Bill is signaling for help. Who wouldn't. Never seen him look so defeated. It's a holiday have some fun!


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6ae7fa  No.10559101


kinda stoopid and funny but mostly disappointing

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554a5b  No.10559102

File: 1bc0e401ebce435⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1074x862, 537:431, f6738af56cc99c2ba2c82821fc….png)


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b860da  No.10559103

File: 130b6a07f1f2f84⋯.jpg (112.26 KB, 707x353, 707:353, faux_Chi_19_guy.jpg)

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064187  No.10559104


Of course he would. Hs products run off power straight from the gulf or the oil fields.

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9e7290  No.10559105



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34eba5  No.10559106

File: 18448f1cb4165e0⋯.jpg (558.34 KB, 1160x835, 232:167, Reeee.jpg)


Tyrone rallying the troops.

An they say we are raycis.



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77cdad  No.10559107

File: f3da23922ecfa1b⋯.png (291.2 KB, 598x614, 299:307, Screenshot_2020_09_07_Tony….png)

File: 703b914a4dd9938⋯.mp4 (2.56 MB, 640x360, 16:9, W_tEmMVj2m863HPB.mp4)

El Dorado fire in California caused by pyrotechnic at gender reveal party


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995d46  No.10559108

File: 6b276f4aa762155⋯.jpg (68.59 KB, 575x420, 115:84, tits_gtfo_easy.jpg)

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f7d875  No.10559109

File: 1a6a8b4a5f6c31c⋯.png (316.85 KB, 526x440, 263:220, toots0.png)

File: 3ab78a95f5f03b3⋯.png (328.52 KB, 526x440, 263:220, AOC_toots0.png)



it's a trap, you fag.

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0a08f2  No.10559110

"i need to lie down, all that driving gave me road head"

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113244  No.10559111

File: bb20aac023ad5ba⋯.png (539.33 KB, 1080x799, 1080:799, Screenshot_20200907_141615….png)

I would not turn down a BJ from Sara Carter.

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948a99  No.10559112

>YOU will be chopped down from your ivory towers and forced to watch black KINGS fuck the devil out of your “women”.

isn't that what devil ppl would do? kek

try harder dummies

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bd7fae  No.10559113


Doesn't help with the children, where in some states exceptions are being removed (required to attend school). Happened in Maine and went into effect for this fall, perhaps others.

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7a1c90  No.10559114

File: b6896be824aed04⋯.png (868.48 KB, 900x477, 100:53, blowing_smoke_up_your_ass_….png)


I like the way you think anon

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956101  No.10559115

File: 3607f9969399cdf⋯.jpeg (71.58 KB, 651x504, 31:24, MK_Ultra.jpeg)

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fc9e05  No.10559116

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e4734c  No.10559117

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Laugh free.

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0cacac  No.10559118


needed the OT huh

better vote Biden for free stuff, it's in the mail yo


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b860da  No.10559119


"I told you and told you, if you keep doing that, your face is going to get stuck.

Did you listen? Hell No."

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6ae7fa  No.10559120


wow…like ur gonna make me GTFO, go bully your own momma. This one is busy

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554a5b  No.10559121

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Legacy Media shills

MSM media shills are not just covering up for common criminals, they are covering up decades of crimes against children.

MSM media shills had ample reason and repeated opportunities to investigate Pizzagate and dozens of similar previous scandals.

MSM media shills not only failed to investigate but actively covered up, campaigned extensively to suppress and to discredit the evidence others uncovered, defaming honest researchers, making them objects of scorn, ridicule and contempt.

MSM media shills did this in both dramatic entertainment and in news content across multiple platforms; all while knowing the stories about the traffic in and ritual sexual abuse of children were and are true.

“I didn’t know,” is not a valid or feasible defense for MSM media shills. Our enemies have exposed themselves and the contemptible kayfabe of legacy media.

We the People are awake.

Justice is coming


>National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (front)

>Children's Defense Fund (Front)

>Podesta/Alefatis Pizzagate

>Dan Schneider/Pedowood

>Epstein Sex Island/Blackbook

>Pentagon Child Porn Servers

>Peter Scully Dark Web Child Torturer Live Streamer

>The Franklin Coverup/BoysTown Ring

>Drasius Kedys Pedo Ring

>Chilean Senator Pedo Ring

>North Fox Island Child Killing Ring

>Madeline McCann Disappearance

>Brooke Shields Child Actor

>Cardinal George Pell Vatican Ring

>Colonel Michael Aquino Pedo Cult

>G4S Security Human Trafficking

>Dyncorp Human Trafficking

>Dolphin Square Ring

>Planned Parenthood Organ Trafficking

>Jersey Island Child Killings

>Elm Guest House Ring

>UK Grooming Gang Police Cover up

>Clinton Hitlist

>Clinton Haiti Child Trafficking

>Joe Biden Child Groper

>McMartin Pre-schoolRing

>Presidio Military Daycare Ring

>Dutroux Affair Coverup

>Israeli Resort in Colombia tied to sex trafficking

>NXIVM Sex Cult

>Pennsylvania 300+ Priests Pedo Ring

>Sandusky Pedo Ring

>Roman Polanski Scandal

>Jared Fogle "Subway" Pedo Ring

>MJ Scandal

>Savile Scandal

>Oprah's School For Girls Abuse

>JonBenet Photographer Child Abuse Arrest

>The Finders Cult

>Tuam Church Child Mass Grave

>Lanarkshire Orphanage Child Mass Grave

>Dozier School for Boys Child Mass Grave

>Nancy Schaefer CPS Assassination

>Andrew Breitbart Podesta Assassination

>Boko Haram Girls Michelle Obama

>FBI Ted Gunderson exposes child trafficking

>Muslim Child Training Camp Cover up

>Portugal Elite Sex Ring

>Brazil Celebrity Spirit Healer Pedo Ring

>Tucson/Pemex Trafficking Camp

>Italy Foster Care Pedo Ring

>Norway Pedo Ring Bust

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d77c26  No.10559122

File: 445b2d228bbe912⋯.jpeg (129.88 KB, 828x704, 207:176, E39125FD_8C10_41CD_AD45_5….jpeg)


How long did that take to “write”?

How many “people”?

All day?

You really can’t do anything right and you know it.

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fc9e05  No.10559123


Trips of truth.

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064187  No.10559124


Low effort green screen background, 1/10 wnb.

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60e806  No.10559125

File: 6f3e80913524e20⋯.png (456.83 KB, 631x535, 631:535, ClipboardImage.png)

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b860da  No.10559126

File: 4b79fd07f19a48d⋯.jpg (19.92 KB, 255x245, 51:49, CandyHo.jpg)


lurqing are we?

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55527b  No.10559127

File: a7b03e89222b21e⋯.mp4 (1.39 MB, 720x720, 1:1, 0bc4a7b48c4814da.mp4)


Vaccination is good for some diseases and not others. Hyper-inflammatory infectious diseases are not really a good candidate without lot's of complications including endothelialitis, immune complex disease, and hyper-coagulopathy - all already proven to be part of severe COVID-19

if you will fall for this vaccine you will fall for a Phillips head pipe.

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0f4ad5  No.10559128


>Packers fans

Some go directly to JAIL

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113244  No.10559129

File: c1e14fc762ef708⋯.jpg (92.76 KB, 499x486, 499:486, c1e14fc762ef708c9ecea06e81….jpg)

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50bff3  No.10559130

File: 5e2a2945a33702b⋯.png (399.46 KB, 352x469, 352:469, biden_mars_attacks.PNG)

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0cacac  No.10559131


>>10559073 Sara Carter: The Trump Presidency is A ‘Reawakening Of America” It's not just a reawakening of the Republican Party…

>>10559064 Flip this poll!

>>10559005, >>10559011 Nailed it! Peter Griffin's Pro wrestling sister!

>>10558920 Police try to arrest a woman in Spain, crowd comes to her rescue chanting "Libertad" (Freedom). Patriots stepping up around the world.

>>10558881 430 'gas bombs' discovered in the Arctic are at risk of exploding and creating huge craters, 17 large holes…

>>10558851 U.S. Breaks Fentanyl, Meth Seizure Records at Border amid Pandemic

>>10558835 Biden, no masks vid

>>10558806, >>10558778, >>10558814 FeCoV/CoFeV

>>10558797 Senior assistant district attorney killed by bus while cycling in Brooklyn

>>10558791 Thunderstruck Trump vid

>>10558766 Incoming Coup and the Release of Pedophiles charges and arrests are directly tied?

>>10558709 Summer's not over yet: Remote workers extend their vacation — to the delight of resort owners

>>10558688 Sam Barnett's bank accounts frozen as Perth family sue entrepreneur for $800,000

>>10558659 NV: Government threatens to fine premier firearms-training facility if it reopens

>>10558628 OK anon note taker of Trumps Labor Day press conference, this got my interest, anons do we know if other viruses released? I’m really curious now, how about you guys, “And other viruses from China over the years, swine flu,others you never heard of.”?

>>10558624 Australia 'resembling North Korean dictatorship'

>>10558598 Triggered FUN!!! For the Keks!

>>10558589 LIVE: Streams of Trump Boat Parades! Oregon, Florida, New Jersey.

>>10558586 Chuck Schumer Backs Bernie Sanders in Plan to Force Trump from Office If He Loses

>>10558534 Noor Bin Ladin ─ My Letter to America

>>10558533 Biden Now Says National Mask Mandate ‘Probably Unconstitutional’ – Gives Bizarre Non-Answer to Reporter Asking When He will Visit Arizona (VIDEO)

>>10558520 Pro-life demonstrators painted the street outside a Planned Parenthood with the phrase “BLACK PREBORN LIVES MATTER” in downtown Baltimore.

>>10558495 Battleground States May See Unprecedented Amounts Of Absentee Ballot Rejections

>>10558494, >>10558516, >>10558535 Eight more missing children have been found as part of “Operation Homecoming,” said the U.S. Marshals Service./72 this week

>>10558473, >>10558612 Mike Rotchild on Q and unrest

>>10558462 "Florida politico Andrew Gillum and wife to address hotel scandal, marriage with Tamron Hall"


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948a99  No.10559132


kek, love it, ty

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fbb68d  No.10559133


Left wingers are so fucking ugly.

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b9eac6  No.10559134


Muh hype.

"This video EXPLORES THE POSSIBILITY that of uncontrolled discharges under the dam"

Didn't say proof of same. Just possibility.

Which we already knew. Yes this dam could fail, catastrophically.

I just don't like clickbait.

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89b033  No.10559135

File: 0cc4d3b69aa2c20⋯.jpg (58.66 KB, 716x601, 716:601, 0cc4d3b69aa2c20b3095adb19b….jpg)

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30d40f  No.10559136


It is.

Today there has also been a few weird bird tweets.

Makes me think of something to do with the Canary in the mine.

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fc3891  No.10559137

I used to think there would be no way in hell not in America that the person (Joe Biden) that attempted to over throw America would still be free to debate the very man he tried to destroy. But here we are. Where the hell is Durham summer is over. We need answers the closer to the election the more they will scream it's all political…..Why are we allowing one man (Durham) to hold us hostage? Why aren't we protesting that he release his damn report? What the hell are we waiting for?

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77cdad  No.10559138

File: c269045e69daec5⋯.png (305.87 KB, 598x412, 299:206, Screenshot_2020_09_07_Tony….png)

File: fb8367a05e5b198⋯.mp4 (5.02 MB, 640x360, 16:9, iiq0SHtGo6QTClHO.mp4)

Judge bans Detroit police from using tear gas, batons or rubber bullets against peaceful protesters…


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6c3c2b  No.10559139



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956101  No.10559140

File: 39fd19b7c4dd6e6⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1242x900, 69:50, Nancy_Monster.png)

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2fa87c  No.10559141

File: 448147130615894⋯.png (235.05 KB, 780x530, 78:53, 1A194538_7F09_4890_ACA8_0E….png)

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18bfbc  No.10559142

File: 3b3de6d88fa3b7e⋯.jpg (9.96 KB, 255x134, 255:134, 3b3de6d88fa3b7e9dab72176d1….jpg)


Get back to the plantation Nigger.

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e668a1  No.10559143

I have never seen such expert trolling in my entire life! "The Five" on Faux News just showed how Trump has managed to turn Kamala Harris and Joe Biden into a couple of "anti-vaxxers".

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703da6  No.10559144


Yeah they can all stick their fucking vaccines up their asses.

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4100f0  No.10559146


>Bitch I invented the Hawaiian shirt

Good for you boog boi. Hawaiian shirts are great for fat boys. The General being fit af is showing you how to rock a 'gig shirt'. Take notes.

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1aa974  No.10559147

guise – gonna start pushing the vaccines

and therapeutics

because i luv watching the shedding of the nightly sky

the loser drip fro the belly of the dragon

leak like a sleeve u peeve

and cry

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995db4  No.10559148

File: ca0e3c0a1044589⋯.png (355.45 KB, 402x301, 402:301, MAX_MAX_NEEDS_A_PIMP_SLAP.png)

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6ae7fa  No.10559149


nik'd spit out my drink on that one I did!

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995d46  No.10559150

File: e50d3b5e01c8ea1⋯.jpg (158.14 KB, 1429x1349, 1429:1349, TITS_GTFO_YELLOW_VEST_PEPE.jpg)


There are no ladies on the chan/kun interwebs. Until proven otherwise

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6c3c2b  No.10559151


You know what you can do with your suppositories…

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703da6  No.10559152


Sara Carter said that about him in an interview.

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77cdad  No.10559153


Nazi grammar cat is coming for you!

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3b14a3  No.10559154

File: f9e03511017fc12⋯.gif (3.31 MB, 360x202, 180:101, 4dx11h.gif)


Nope it never does.


Pic related cunt bag

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7f7386  No.10559155

File: 806ba31bfba8256⋯.png (114.47 KB, 960x954, 160:159, ClipboardImage.png)

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9f916a  No.10559156

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


'Oregon for Trump' caravan underway | LIVE

386 watching now•Started streaming 23 minutes ago

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948a99  No.10559157

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50bff3  No.10559158

File: 0728dfdfb43783b⋯.png (329.75 KB, 500x274, 250:137, potus_the_great_awakening.PNG)

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d0ec95  No.10559159

File: edd6e71d059cde5⋯.png (784.17 KB, 800x400, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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023be3  No.10559160

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374163  No.10559161


Poor thing, you don't get that Biden/Harris are part of the deep state cabal. They are the ones planning on exterminating people. They are racists, but they really don't care about race when exterminating people. They have no prob exterminating whites, blacks, gays, straights, you just don't get it. Stop watching fake news and listening to paid protesters and their deep state masters. Or are you a paid protester? That would explain such an ignorant comment. yep

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9cb3f9  No.10559162

File: 2213d9048660fc9⋯.jpg (505.59 KB, 1056x1048, 132:131, 1599513377276.jpg)

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703da6  No.10559163


Muh Chad

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14ba97  No.10559164

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53b94a  No.10559165

File: 669f088e0e27a30⋯.jpeg (20.54 KB, 202x253, 202:253, 50d1e4ecd7bca0694c122facb….jpeg)


well just factor in what living a life on this planet like these goofy bastards do and its pretty easy to understand.

They have to go back.

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590530  No.10559166


if you were smart, you'd literally know where to find me.

that's the ironic part… the more you bark, the more your goldfish brain shows.

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948a99  No.10559167

File: 559c076a93a2f49⋯.png (250.92 KB, 800x450, 16:9, maddow_book_blow_out.png)


yup, nice digits

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30d40f  No.10559168

File: 188022a45102a1f⋯.png (411.51 KB, 594x593, 594:593, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_09….png)


But it's all ok

God Officially Pronounces Divine Judgment On Gender Reveal Parties


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6ae7fa  No.10559169


ooo you said 'ladies' does that mean I would get special treatment if I show my tits? Like you guys are gonna hold a vigil or something in my honor? kek

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137957  No.10559170

File: 1d99bdad881f939⋯.jpg (129.34 KB, 417x405, 139:135, 7e4bf8df83e7dd192a2434d117….jpg)

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0fc46e  No.10559171

EXCLUSIVE: Democrats Are Now Using Pentagon Funded Artificial Intelligence to Combat Online Efforts by Trump Supporters to Promote President Trump

"A new Democratic-aligned political action committee advised by retired Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the former head of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, is planning to deploy technology originally developed to counter Islamic State propaganda in service of a domestic political goal – to combat online efforts to promote President Donald Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

The group, Defeat Disinfo, will use artificial intelligence and network analysis to map discussion of the president’s claims on social media. It will seek to intervene by identifying the most popular counter-narratives and boosting them through a network of more than 3.4 million influencers across the country – in some cases paying users with large followings to take sides against the president….."


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554a5b  No.10559172

File: f38518581bff1d5⋯.jpg (20.14 KB, 300x300, 1:1, Crystal_Rucker_DC_300x300.jpg)


IDK, pedovores do have a certain look about them, organic mods by parasite infection? Lots of possibilities.


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0f4ad5  No.10559173

File: e1b16a24a9699b5⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1324x1278, 662:639, gendr57.png)



These gender reveals are all that anymoar.

How many genders are available for reveal? Just the two genders, anon imagines…

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5445e2  No.10559174

File: 585bafc73297eb7⋯.png (1.78 MB, 931x920, 931:920, Screenshot_2020_09_07_e938….png)


Shill warning! Waste of index finger.

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fc9e05  No.10559175

File: 0351c686d81db9c⋯.jpg (25.4 KB, 480x576, 5:6, 118816618_1022353712355995….jpg)

Breaking News from an anonymous source.

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064187  No.10559176

File: d41c5304762b5c1⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1200x798, 200:133, lolugay.png)


This might be the gayest thing I've ever read.

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d0c8be  No.10559177

File: 019fef9709660f4⋯.jpg (187.45 KB, 1601x972, 1601:972, 1064_LL_.jpg)

Patriot Anons

POTUS tweet & RT COMMS trying to get Anons attention

[LL] Talking

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956101  No.10559178

File: 5172118570ea81c⋯.jpg (37.8 KB, 480x480, 1:1, pronounce_antifa_3_.jpg)

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c33d8a  No.10559179


I've seen that woman before irl..well not the face but the hair. I can verify, it's Karen hair.

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bd7fae  No.10559180


Good site for some analytics:


Three Gorges Dam monitoring

(and yes, levels reported in source data may be fabricated by CCP.)

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50bff3  No.10559181

File: 3752bbaf9dfe3eb⋯.png (129.44 KB, 321x247, 321:247, laughter.PNG)

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137957  No.10559182


Newspeak rules, funky monkey.

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5ec859  No.10559183

File: b913b5dc1f13853⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1000x687, 1000:687, ClipboardImage.png)

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79a0ae  No.10559184


"I just found out my uncle, who is a lifelong Republican, is voting Democrat this November.This would never have happened if he were still alive…"


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7ae420  No.10559185


As kids, we used to have great larks cutting out facial features from newspapers and magazines, seeing who could construct them most ridiculous and outlandish photo fit.

We needn’t have bothered.

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3a4afa  No.10559186

File: 6ca80e537e3a4a7⋯.png (2.41 MB, 2000x1000, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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6ae7fa  No.10559187

File: 4516ec78cf71e9f⋯.png (93.69 KB, 776x202, 388:101, Screenshot_2020_09_07_Q_Re….png)


NEVER What the fucking hell is a CUNT BAG?!

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1aa974  No.10559188


cuse cuse, ex cuse me - but cis gender thar goes by drFRAUD arounds here

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34eba5  No.10559189

File: 1908228dcca0c43⋯.jpg (685.48 KB, 1046x905, 1046:905, Anon_2.jpg)


>Gender Reveal Parties

Fucked if I know anything anymoar.

What is a 'gender reveal party'?

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9e7290  No.10559190

Happy Labor Day to everyone. Except DS. Fuck You.


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51f3db  No.10559191


Part Clingon.

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113244  No.10559192

File: 3a26091d5d5849d⋯.jpg (139.58 KB, 740x987, 740:987, downloadfile_19.jpg)


Sara Carter has 36D bra size.

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f7d875  No.10559193


This is because the CIA preys on those who are mentally challenged… and those can also be physically malshaped too.

Is what it is. you're just noticing it because they have been concentrated into smaller areas.

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51f3db  No.10559194



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99b00a  No.10559195




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995d46  No.10559196

File: 43d196ca5dce6fb⋯.jpg (32.89 KB, 320x400, 4:5, 43d196ca5dce6fb41ad243f661….jpg)


Could be, if it are great tits

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febeac  No.10559197


How many alien races are here?

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995db4  No.10559198

File: b99e724c503b5ea⋯.png (639.36 KB, 985x962, 985:962, Annotation_2020_09_07_1726….png)


Anons know what this is?

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3ead80  No.10559199

File: a0e2a922057ed74⋯.png (170.96 KB, 416x626, 208:313, sima.png)

File: 6f7f5463b48807d⋯.png (415.13 KB, 716x578, 358:289, sima2.png)

Jack Flynn #BeNotAfraid Retweeted

Heshmat Alavi @HeshmatAlavi



Red Flag!

Meet Sima Ladjevardian (@SimaforTX), endorsed by #Iran’s lobby @paaia, seeking to unseat Rep. @DanCrenshawTX DanCrenshaw, a decorated U.S. veteran.

America, and the State of Texas, please take this warning seriously.


Who is Sima Ladjevardian?

Heshmat Alavi


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0cacac  No.10559200


glad I'm not the only one

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5eb854  No.10559201

File: d2009b9d327192e⋯.jpg (55.25 KB, 773x443, 773:443, walls.JPG)

WTF is this room??

Are they TRYING to make it look "union-y" for the spot…..

Or did they just fucking build a prop in Biden's basement??

The GD walls need a tape and float!!!!

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bd7fae  No.10559203


ty anon, appreciated. Will update caption on saved vidya.

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14ba97  No.10559204




Definitely concur now!

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3a4afa  No.10559205

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30d40f  No.10559206


The dumbest thing ever thought up.

The bomb explodes with either blue or pink powder.

It has seriously, no lie, has killed people in the past. Now it has burned hundreds of acres

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d0ec95  No.10559207

File: c85eb057e18f336⋯.png (282.36 KB, 662x444, 331:222, ClipboardImage.png)

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d8dd4b  No.10559208

File: 170ff6bc8ad9751⋯.jpg (21.09 KB, 515x291, 515:291, Monica_B.jpg)


gtfo!…or tits.

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691113  No.10559209


Try 4 months from 106 drop….

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6ae7fa  No.10559210


kek Pretty sure you guys get all the titty pics you could ever want, ya don't need mine and that is the last time I will even entertain you bunch of juveniles!

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34eba5  No.10559211

File: 2e419f1a10a124a⋯.jpg (465.14 KB, 1084x681, 1084:681, Enjoy_the_show.jpg)


>How many alien races are here?

On Earth?, approximately 9.

Including mine, obviously.

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0cacac  No.10559212


>>10559168 The Bee: God Officially Pronounces Divine Judgment On Gender Reveal Parties

>>10559073 Sara Carter: The Trump Presidency is A ‘Reawakening Of America” It's not just a reawakening of the Republican Party…

>>10559064 Flip this poll!

>>10559005, >>10559011 Nailed it! Peter Griffin's Pro wrestling sister!

>>10558920 Police try to arrest a woman in Spain, crowd comes to her rescue chanting "Libertad" (Freedom). Patriots stepping up around the world.

>>10558881 430 'gas bombs' discovered in the Arctic are at risk of exploding and creating huge craters, 17 large holes…

>>10558851 U.S. Breaks Fentanyl, Meth Seizure Records at Border amid Pandemic

>>10558835 Biden, no masks vid

>>10558806, >>10558778, >>10558814 FeCoV/CoFeV

>>10558797 Senior assistant district attorney killed by bus while cycling in Brooklyn

>>10558791 Thunderstruck Trump vid

>>10558766 Incoming Coup and the Release of Pedophiles charges and arrests are directly tied?

>>10558709 Summer's not over yet: Remote workers extend their vacation — to the delight of resort owners

>>10558688 Sam Barnett's bank accounts frozen as Perth family sue entrepreneur for $800,000

>>10558659 NV: Government threatens to fine premier firearms-training facility if it reopens

>>10558628 OK anon note taker of Trumps Labor Day press conference, this got my interest, anons do we know if other viruses released? I’m really curious now, how about you guys, “And other viruses from China over the years, swine flu,others you never heard of.”?

>>10558624 Australia 'resembling North Korean dictatorship'

>>10558598 Triggered FUN!!! For the Keks!

>>10558589 LIVE: Streams of Trump Boat Parades! Oregon, Florida, New Jersey.

>>10558586 Chuck Schumer Backs Bernie Sanders in Plan to Force Trump from Office If He Loses

>>10558534 Noor Bin Ladin ─ My Letter to America

>>10558533 Biden Now Says National Mask Mandate ‘Probably Unconstitutional’ – Gives Bizarre Non-Answer to Reporter Asking When He will Visit Arizona (VIDEO)

>>10558520 Pro-life demonstrators painted the street outside a Planned Parenthood with the phrase “BLACK PREBORN LIVES MATTER” in downtown Baltimore.

>>10558495 Battleground States May See Unprecedented Amounts Of Absentee Ballot Rejections

>>10558494, >>10558516, >>10558535 Eight more missing children have been found as part of “Operation Homecoming,” said the U.S. Marshals Service./72 this week

>>10558473, >>10558612 Mike Rotchild on Q and unrest

>>10558462 "Florida politico Andrew Gillum and wife to address hotel scandal, marriage with Tamron Hall"


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0f4ad5  No.10559213

File: c6dd7a95dbf2b76⋯.png (336.12 KB, 494x530, 247:265, Qunbis.png)


Queen Lizardbreath gave it to her. They all have them

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1aa974  No.10559214


uh huh - tim cook sucks nigger cock and he tinks this shit flies around heres – go back to stetler hall moniter and jonitor

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5eb854  No.10559215

File: e31382a308aaacd⋯.jpg (22.88 KB, 596x251, 596:251, post.JPG)



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cf6766  No.10559216

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


yeah I have the same torn feelings about pantera's sound vs vocals

It would be interesting to see how that type of arrangement would be with a band like COC who has a similar sound as Pantera and in my opinion better vocals

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023be3  No.10559217


You some type faggot or something?

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7ae420  No.10559218


What’s the protocol if you’re gender fluid? Do you throw a party each time you change your mind?

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995d46  No.10559219

File: 765e8ed6d145c87⋯.jpg (12.28 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 1faf78cfbc7d78a6d2f78f6d77….jpg)

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3b14a3  No.10559220


You are a cunt bag. Hell maybe a larpin' bait cunt bag to boot.

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51f3db  No.10559221


Should say "2020: instead of today….kek

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064187  No.10559222

File: 3b041f4409b4ff4⋯.jpg (576.28 KB, 950x534, 475:267, they_live_bar.jpg)


>I'm beginning to think they aren't human

It's becoming fairly obvious at this point that we are unironically trapped in a 'They Live' scenario.

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1aa974  No.10559223


uh huh - tim cook sucks nigger cock and he tinks this shit flies around heres – go back to stetler hall moniter and jonitor suck geraldo pcp trannie ed buck apologetic

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9e20b0  No.10559224

> >>10558291 p Thurs. Sept 3 Apple Just Lost the Most Money In History During A Single Day

a decline in stock price is not the same thing as a business loss.

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34eba5  No.10559226

File: 0345b93f57a4fbd⋯.jpg (96.64 KB, 607x612, 607:612, Alien_1.jpg)


>How many alien races are here?

On Earth?, approximately 9

Including mine, obviously.

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e4734c  No.10559227


Heard this is where you peckerwoods hang out and plan the extermination my people.


Nah, this isn't the DNC headquarters.

We don't care about the color of skin here.

We're all about behavior.

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d0ec95  No.10559228

File: 87fff6fd7c768f3⋯.png (342.13 KB, 801x456, 267:152, ClipboardImage.png)


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d8dd4b  No.10559229

File: 387893a86ca67ce⋯.jpg (106.72 KB, 478x664, 239:332, loooooosh_2_.jpg)


according to my limited knowledge, these beings

are from Beta system.

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9e7290  No.10559230


ONLY 50K? You from New Delhi?

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703da6  No.10559231


I got no horse in that race.

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3e661b  No.10559232

File: 7c8b8617b734782⋯.jpg (156.3 KB, 1023x1024, 1023:1024, 7c8b8617b734782ecca534c210….jpg)


#23 Interesting..

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1aa974  No.10559233


uh huh - tim cook sucks nigger cock and he tinks this shit flies around heres – go back to stetler hall moniter and jonitor suck geraldo pcp trannie ed buck apologetic crook thief and liar paulie boi whore toi soroi adulteress and jezebel awhore&witch babykiller satan worshipper trafficker heels up 2020

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4a558a  No.10559234

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14ba97  No.10559235


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995db4  No.10559236

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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554a5b  No.10559237

File: 4b0ee0c68afa8cd⋯.jpeg (144.78 KB, 1480x834, 740:417, 3e5f27253510ad9e2973631fa….jpeg)


Do you get paid the same if the replies are from other shills and not newfags sharing feelings?

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0fc46e  No.10559238


Baker, this is NOTABLE, imho

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563307  No.10559239


That has utterly nothing to do with it. That old "Late, Great Planet Earth" crap was false prophesy that didn't come true when it was supposed to, in the 80's.

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d77c26  No.10559240

File: 6914ce379cd4667⋯.jpeg (504.74 KB, 828x1492, 207:373, E91A0940_ACDD_4A33_8037_E….jpeg)

File: f3383dab7305800⋯.jpeg (68.94 KB, 306x537, 102:179, A320B077_387E_419C_9351_A….jpeg)

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137957  No.10559241

File: edc4693aa86af09⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1428x1085, 204:155, ClipboardImage.png)

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9e7290  No.10559242



>ONLY 50K? You from New Delhi?

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7ae420  No.10559243

File: 7bd55c16af15f33⋯.jpeg (94.93 KB, 884x663, 4:3, 56A93ED6_0AF7_4EFA_972A_3….jpeg)


Angelina Jolie is presented with the Insignia of an Honorary Dame Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of St Michael and St George by Queen Elizabeth II in 2014.

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563307  No.10559245


Or, it's Russian Orthodox…..

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fb86f3  No.10559246


Order of St Michael & St George. (KCMG)

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60e806  No.10559248

File: af8fc3a22574695⋯.png (575.41 KB, 573x429, 191:143, ClipboardImage.png)

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4100f0  No.10559250

File: 017599521f1eed7⋯.jpg (7.18 KB, 223x165, 223:165, th_4_.jpg)



carry on

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a1c342  No.10559251


>What they hell are they shopping at Hobby Lobby for anyway?


>They know what that place is.

Closed on Sunday?

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064187  No.10559253

File: 3b2262760e47afc⋯.png (36.27 KB, 559x513, 559:513, 3b2262760e47afc23cbf51406c….png)


She could at least be sitting in front of a St. Louis backdrop or something but noooo.

It's lazy. 0/10 now because you said something.

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137957  No.10559254

File: 482cb80c73613dc⋯.png (19.73 KB, 655x148, 655:148, ClipboardImage.png)

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6d7692  No.10559258


l can tell this guy is a jar baby, is ears are too small. did anyone check the left pinky toe for a toenail?

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0cacac  No.10559259


>>10559168 The Bee: God Officially Pronounces Divine Judgment On Gender Reveal Parties

>>10559073 Sara Carter: The Trump Presidency is A ‘Reawakening Of America” It's not just a reawakening of the Republican Party…

>>10559064 Flip this poll!

>>10559005, >>10559011 Nailed it! Peter Griffin's Pro wrestling sister!

>>10558920 Police try to arrest a woman in Spain, crowd comes to her rescue chanting "Libertad" (Freedom). Patriots stepping up around the world.

>>10558881 430 'gas bombs' discovered in the Arctic are at risk of exploding and creating huge craters, 17 large holes…

>>10558851 U.S. Breaks Fentanyl, Meth Seizure Records at Border amid Pandemic

>>10558835 Biden, no masks vid

>>10558806, >>10558778, >>10558814 FeCoV/CoFeV

>>10558797 Senior assistant district attorney killed by bus while cycling in Brooklyn

>>10558791 Thunderstruck Trump vid

>>10558766 Incoming Coup and the Release of Pedophiles charges and arrests are directly tied?

>>10558709 Summer's not over yet: Remote workers extend their vacation — to the delight of resort owners

>>10558688 Sam Barnett's bank accounts frozen as Perth family sue entrepreneur for $800,000

>>10558659 NV: Government threatens to fine premier firearms-training facility if it reopens

>>10558628 OK anon note taker of Trumps Labor Day press conference, this got my interest, anons do we know if other viruses released? I’m really curious now, how about you guys, “And other viruses from China over the years, swine flu,others you never heard of.”?

>>10558624 Australia 'resembling North Korean dictatorship'

>>10558598 Triggered FUN!!! For the Keks!

>>10558589 LIVE: Streams of Trump Boat Parades! Oregon, Florida, New Jersey.

>>10558586 Chuck Schumer Backs Bernie Sanders in Plan to Force Trump from Office If He Loses

>>10558534 Noor Bin Ladin ─ My Letter to America

>>10558533 Biden Now Says National Mask Mandate ‘Probably Unconstitutional’ – Gives Bizarre Non-Answer to Reporter Asking When He will Visit Arizona (VIDEO)

>>10558520 Pro-life demonstrators painted the street outside a Planned Parenthood with the phrase “BLACK PREBORN LIVES MATTER” in downtown Baltimore.

>>10558495 Battleground States May See Unprecedented Amounts Of Absentee Ballot Rejections

>>10558494, >>10558516, >>10558535 Eight more missing children have been found as part of “Operation Homecoming,” said the U.S. Marshals Service./72 this week

>>10558473, >>10558612 Mike Rotchild on Q and unrest

>>10558462 "Florida politico Andrew Gillum and wife to address hotel scandal, marriage with Tamron Hall"


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7ae420  No.10559260

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0cacac  No.10559261






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6ae7fa  No.10559262


kek Pretty sure you guys get all the titty pics you could ever want, ya don't need mine and that is the last time I will even entertain you bunch of juveniles!

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928fbd  No.10559263

File: 5216e3940014936⋯.jpg (69.64 KB, 490x490, 1:1, AntifaIsUgly.jpg)

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