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File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, bbf1caf196ffb5b5a8f3f569b7….jpg)

df43aa  No.10556890[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 09.02.2020

>>10504572 ————————————–——– Why did it take a political outsider to [finally] confront China?

>>10504508 ————————————–——– Moar Blackmail

>>10504523 ————————————–——– Moar Blackmail

>>10504529 ————————————–——– Moar Blackmail

>>10504503 ————————————–——– How is blackmail used?


>>10503446 ————————————–——– Files do not go 'missing' unless 7th floor direct involvement. Follow the logs. (Cap: >>10503458, >>10503508)

Wednesday 08.26.2020

>>10426984 ————————————–——– The Great Deceiver(s). INFORMATION WARFARE. (Cap: >>10426999)

Thursday 08.20.2020

>>10354418 ————————————–——– FIFTH COLUMN

>>10354372 ————————————–——– PANIC IN DC (Cap: >>10354670 )

Wednesday 08.19.2020

>>10351796 ————————————–——– Biden Island (Cap: >>10351928)

>>10351616 ————————————–——– Epstein island. Who owns the surrounding islands [close proximity]? (Cap: >>10352443, >>10353360)

>>10351242 ————————————–——– Ask yourself a very simple question -

Monday 08.17.2020

>>>/projectdcomms/110 —————————— [Placeholder - Indictments Tracking > Non_Civ] (Cap: >>10322497, >>10322510)

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>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown<<<READ THIS IF YOU ARE NEW HERE

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df43aa  No.10556893

Global Announcements

>>10533308 FBI Confirms QAnon Group Not A ‘Terrorist Threat’ - UPDATED

>>10502598 Code Monkey update: It is almost time to release <codename> Project Odin.

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>10556582 PF updates

>>10556875 President Trump Holds a News Conference.

>>10556874 VPOTUS Live!

>>10556827 NEW Q hit piece from SALON

>>10556789 Zach Fuentes, Top Aide to John Kelly, Denies Atlantic Story About Trump, CC @JeffreyGoldberg

>>10556623 Citigroup Feuds With Hedge Funds Over Botched Payment

>>10556593, >>10556640, >>10556822 Speaking of Law & Order…

>>10556544 The steal is in. MI

>>10556507, >>10556600 DTJr. highlighted this video, AF vet asking VP Biden why he should support someone who "voted for a war that killed thousands of my brothers and sisters

>>10556487 Interview With Donald Trump - September 13th 2001

>>10556475 EST 1:00PM Hold a news conference North Portico Expanded In-House Pool

>>10556444 JA Case adjourned until tomorrow, same time as today. (10am London time) (5am Est)

>>10556431 "Today, President Donald J. Trump spoke with King Salman bin Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia. President Trump praised Saudi Arabia’s G20 Presidency and welcomed the opening of Saudi air space to flights between Israel and the United Arab Emirates

>>10556423, >>10556599 You are not supposed to pay attention to anything published on the website QAnon.

>>10556416 "YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO FILM!" is a cry you hear incessantly at protests in Portland, Oregon, always shouted at close range to your face by after-dark demonstrators.

>>10556322, >>10556462 This is how you do it in Portland. What took them so long? God bless the Oregon State Police. LAW & ORDER/notable paradigm shift in Portland

>>10556383, >>10556398 Meme Ammo

>>10556254 Imagine digging up an anonymously-sourced 'story' from 2018 and then dropping it 60 days before an election.

>>10556198 Labor Day front page of the @journalsentinel. “How QAnon is gaining a foothold in Wisconsin”

>>10556192 Juan Ernesto Dávila, president of the Puerto Rico State Elections Commission (CEE by its Spanish initials) resigned on Thursday

>>10556189, >>10556320, >>10556344, >>10556714, >>10556844 Potus: Biggest and Fastest Financial Recovery In History. Next year .../czech typo/corrected

>>10556887 #13508


>>10556043 Fagbook PANIC: paying ppl to log off till November 3rd?

>>10555978 California will count ballots that arrive as late as 17 days after Election Day.

>>10555930 President Trump to visit Mid-Michigan this week. Should get interesting leading up to Thursday.

>>10555774 Worth the watch: Univision: Are you a racist?

>>10555711 transformer blows up at Ga Power. no injuries reported. contained.

>>10555664, >>10555718, >>10555966, >>10555984 planefag reporting. AF2 aloft

>>10555631 New DJT w/CAP: Will be having a Labor Day News Conference today at the White House, 1:00 P.M...

>>10555594 When you thought it couldn't get any stoopider: umpire ejects Nationals GM for not wearing a mask...in a suite...by himself

>>10555488, >>10555507, >>10555611, >>10555754 anons call for diggz on dog dewormer treating cancer?

>>10555448, >>10555540 (embedded utube) The Qanon Song #wwg1wga

>>10555451 Man fired for refusing to remove ‘Trump 2020’ hat at Newport News Shipbuilding

>>10555439 New DJT w/CAP: A so-called peaceful protest!

>>10555419 World Bank appoints New Country Director for Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, and Somalia

>>10556073 #13507

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df43aa  No.10556896


Baker Change

>>10555237 New DJT w/CAP: Thank you! (deleted?)

>>10555161 moar collusion for the Covid archives: coordinated: 33 cases...

>>10555097, >>10555173 430 'gas bombs' discovered in the Arctic are at risk of exploding and creating huge craters

>>10555067 There Never Was a “Woods File” Underpinning The Carter Page FISA Application – Here’s How We Know…

>>10555051 Rudy Giuliani w/CAP: The Biden Crime Family is susceptible to a RICO indictment...

>>10555023, >>10555040, >>10555046 Suffolk school is put on lockdown as police hunt gunman after 'shooting' involving Year-11 (H.S. Jr) pupil in 'major incident'

>>10555008 Sgt. Maj. Thomas Payne Will Be 1st Living Delta Force Member to Receive Medal of Honor

>>10554970 California Faces New Risk of Blackouts This Week

>>10554916 There Goes Your Vote? Surveillance Video Captures ‘Huge Pile’ of USPS Mail Being Dumped in Parking Lot

>>10554820 Tennessee Star Commentary: We Have Had Enough Lockdown

Baker Change

>>10554644, >>10554656 Biden's comment dig from 9/11/01

>>10554634, >>10554635 John Doerr of the Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers Silicon Valley venture capital firm linked to Ghislaine Maxwell

>>10554721 GOP’s House Campaign Arm: CNN’s Jake Tapper ‘Meddling’ in ‘Swing House Races

>>10554573 Alternate live stream outside Assange hearing

>>10554637 US Sailor Goes Missing From Aircraft Carrier

>>10554673, >>10554734 Chinese Virus Reports

>>10554676 Dick Morris: Chief Justice Roberts Will End Up Deciding Election

>>10554686, >>10554751 MSM Attack on QAnons /President Trump

>>10554748 Anon theory Ivanka telegraphed the administrations involvement in finding the truth about 9-11

>>10555305 #13506


>>10553960, >>10553973, >>10553989, >>10554125, >>10554082, >>10554109, >>10554181, >>10554213, >>10554222, >>10554237, >>10554018, >>10554166, >>10554127, >>10554293, >>10554311 Am I the only one that seems to think all of these connect?

>>10554082, >>10554109, >>10554181, >>10554213, >>10554222, >>10554237, >>10554018 Both 1776 and 2020 were and are Leap Years, Boston Marathon, Chicago Marathon, SEPT —-17—– [week of] CDC MD = Fauci?

>>10553960, >>10553973, >>10553989, >>10554125 Turtle Sinks Eagle

>>10554166, >>10554127, Current power outages in Los Angeles. This is future they want for the rest of America

>>10553911 Central Casting

>>10553982 Same Tactics for 80 Years…

>>10554167 BLM protesters in DC are calling for the White House to be burned down

>>10554351 Live feed outside Assange hearing..


>>10554522 The American Mind - The Coming Coup?

>>10554192 Here's the answer on why Portland continues and hasn't been controlled. It covers usage of local, state and national guard.

>>10554543 #13505

Previously Collected Notables

>>10553764 #13504,

>>10551429 #13501, >>10552223 #13502, >>10552974 #13503

>>10549144 #13498, >>10549930 #13499, >>10550670 #13500

>>10546826 #13495, >>10547548 #13496, >>10548318 #13497

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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df43aa  No.10556899

War Room

>>9967715 Q Research Meme Warfare Operations <- go here for current up to date ops

Get Everyone at ONCE and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got! THINK PICARD MANUEVER! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current HOTTOPICS

[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from the target area htps://www.trendolizer.com Hijack them to get your #hash out.

[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Post meme or Cap

[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.

[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts.

[7] RT other's tweets

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

[9] Information WarFare https://archive.is/E0oJm


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6867253 Clockwork Qrange #10

>>>/qrb/13005 Planefag Q+A (Planefagging 101)

>>>/qrb/42185 Boatfagging Q&A

>>>/comms/12299 Oregon, Washington, I-5 Corridor: Turn the Tide

International Q Research Threads

Australia #9 >>10099681

Brasil/Portugal #1 >>10479225

Canada #7 >>9725975

France #1 >>8331823

Germany #65 >>10472264

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Nederland #5 >>10497699

New Zealand #5 >>10524823

Nordic #1 >>5290557

South Africa #1 >>8033191

UK #21 >>10507852

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

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Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

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All Resignations Website https://www.resignation.info

All Posts Search Tool https://qresear.ch

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

META (for board admin queries) >>6064510

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

All of the following except the last are in order on the same thread on /comms/

GMT Thread link: >>>/comms/283

Q Graphics all in GMT #001 - #020 >>>/comms/486 through >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #021 - #041 >>>/comms/1119 through >>>/comms/2274

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Q Graphics all in GMT #119 - #124 >>>/comms/18630 through >>10092908, >>10180323

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df43aa  No.10556901

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!pjpS1aBI!LwepOu-CyC4UlLj2dXqkxiH49D813WetrOF0OCuIg1Y

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SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE / 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t / 3: pastebin.com/iteQ8xAt

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

* Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.3: https://pastebin.com/EDmx2iEr

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

PUT to Memes62 >>10550187 for the Warehouse

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USE Catalog to access over >77,000 memes — https://mega.nz/folder/VcZBSQpA#QyzqtX6hyKeUbNI6Nv2noA


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* 2020-Aug Lots more Trump 2020 & RNC — https://mega.nz/folder/hZIHgYKC#yBQuOT9WvroWCZ6nvAkJiw

* Biden + DNC Agenda Pre-election memes re: Dem side — https://mega.nz/#F!cUhmUIzA!a-EOJx-VNCAlntYJA_LSQQ

* Kamala Harris — https://mega.nz/folder/hMhwDabC#z12ZBjbeqey-JXq9A9PS3A

* Trump Successes v2 Trump policies & actions — https://mega.nz/folder/MB4D1JrJ#GEEftK7VxpJ92_NSlDqydA

* Vote-by-Mail Fraud— https://mega.nz/folder/oEAkEIKJ#KKzRrSDSNga7nf48IOb6Eg

* Anarchy! BLM, Antifa, protests, law & order, defund/support police, kneel/don't kneel — https://mega.nz/folder/oYYjwYiC#8OUQyoljn9zdMQxxzotINA

* MasksUseful or not? Mask to go vote? Lockdowns — https://mega.nz/folder/sYQgTYwa#RIPJHhLMruz-7htXPeExyg

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

LIVE Baking Classes Thurs 7pm ET: Baking Seminar #30 >>>/comms/24025

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

E-bake instructions: >>>/comms/9252

Iwo Jima video TOR posting: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTYUwt5rV5s

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b54880  No.10556905

How much do you think ole saggy drawals Tim Cook’s asshole is prolapsed? All them chicom dicks running a train on his ass? Does he get on all fours and squeal like a pig for China?

Them San Fran faggot dad jeans only cover up so much

Everyone can see your sagging diaper from your prolapse you sick faggot

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df43aa  No.10556908

File: cf4b6cd1c8e3965⋯.jpg (131.97 KB, 573x495, 191:165, cf4b6cd1c8e39656fad2e265af….jpg)



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dd6fe6  No.10556911

File: 4d79b8d07a204b1⋯.jpg (23.23 KB, 480x360, 4:3, robertguffey.jpg)

File: fb4d64f8c87973c⋯.jpg (12.94 KB, 200x340, 10:17, robertguffe.jpg)

>>10556827 lb salon robert guffey

A Lecturer at Cal St Long Beach?!

ooooooo impressive

what's really on your mind, Robert?

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936650  No.10556916

File: 4b279d20787a854⋯.jpeg (549.68 KB, 750x980, 75:98, AECD7992_EA5E_47DE_929B_3….jpeg)

File: 7f2a69520f41b0f⋯.jpeg (57.4 KB, 348x248, 87:62, C5707F07_275A_41B7_B152_1….jpeg)

File: 69f689b6f6a578a⋯.jpeg (340.76 KB, 750x620, 75:62, D8618AAC_DCB4_438B_9836_8….jpeg)


Greedy faggot likes

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b17958  No.10556917


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b17958  No.10556921

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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966e40  No.10556930

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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aeec3f  No.10556940

File: c0d1590cc38f6da⋯.jpg (112.48 KB, 952x500, 238:125, 3cqobbhg42.jpg)

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66d633  No.10556941

File: 925384c2b126ed8⋯.jpg (63.28 KB, 539x693, 7:9, 313881200.jpg)

Thank You Baker

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067901  No.10556943

File: 8c4375fb138151a⋯.jpg (230.97 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, 8c4375fb138151af8d55e36eb5….jpg)

File: 15323d1e3233c18⋯.jpg (203.15 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 15323d1e3233c183d1ac537ae8….jpg)

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5c9c74  No.10556944

File: 1c423ca9e88ad7b⋯.png (80.87 KB, 500x502, 250:251, TYBaker22.png)


CheQued Meme Ammo in dough as requested, looks fine, but please insert 1 blank line before

Bread Archives (sites)



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193291  No.10556947

File: caceeede3f009ba⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, caceeede3f009bad12a9b0664f….png)

File: 52f2bf264ae192f⋯.jpg (138.02 KB, 825x1024, 825:1024, 52f2bf264ae192ffaf1b7e1e62….jpg)

File: 7d8ecd52b895986⋯.jpg (48.18 KB, 640x454, 320:227, 7d8ecd52b89598600e506c2c89….jpg)

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d76b3b  No.10556948


So does this mean that Mr Cook pissed off his handers?

Or does it mean that his strangs are cut, and he's now got to figure his prolapsed life out?

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df43aa  No.10556949


got it


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165b71  No.10556950

File: 36974fe93b81060⋯.png (10.6 KB, 907x207, 907:207, ClipboardImage.png)

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193291  No.10556956


Why are you feeding the troll? Or is it tag team time?

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b1c03f  No.10556961

File: 0cadd82d1c30265⋯.png (678.43 KB, 1500x1435, 300:287, CE4725EB_F9DA_448E_96C7_EB….png)

File: 514e79b2cd6d1e5⋯.png (683.74 KB, 2036x1443, 2036:1443, 30F71861_C909_4623_B7C6_2A….png)




POTUS tweet this morning

Mack naming names?

Of Gov’t. Federal

Shout out to Biden or AS?

Learn our comms


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66d633  No.10556963

File: 654718967d1f0df⋯.jpg (414.03 KB, 1080x971, 1080:971, 20200825_183356.jpg)

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fb0e8d  No.10556964

File: ba66793e2231f69⋯.png (14.36 KB, 255x253, 255:253, 398b2214237797accd4813dbfc….png)

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586154  No.10556965

File: 165804dfa1a0115⋯.png (33.96 KB, 1107x627, 369:209, ClipboardImage.png)

This is happening a lot lately.

Everytime I load a live video from the White House channel I initially get this, then have to reload. Never happened before, now all the time.

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d76b3b  No.10556966


Because pissing off the muh warroom trolls got boring.

and pissing off muh comms trolls is done.

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193291  No.10556967

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

GST has a hit mic fwiw. That is when the cringy dude stops fucking talking.

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af9c58  No.10556968

File: 487e78813acb8c7⋯.jpeg (269.61 KB, 604x966, 302:483, FE8B937F_EB2B_4042_9066_5….jpeg)

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354b63  No.10556969

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Can someone translate?

Seems notable.

"The people not only have the right to overthrow tyranny, but also have the right to choose the way to overthrow tyranny. The Chinese Communist Party violates human rights and freedom and threatens human civilization and world peace. The Chinese people need to join all people in the world who love freedom, democracy, and the rule of law to end the evil rule of the Communist Party. The Communist government’s position has always been extreme stubbornness, brutal suppression, and rejection of reconciliation. This makes it difficult for peaceful reforms to succeed. The people must seriously consider the option of armed revolution, perhaps the only option."

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f92bf6  No.10556970

Potus speech today has American flag w/ gold fringe in background. are we still thinking that's comms or have we moved beyond that?

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325e8f  No.10556972

File: 9f7ebeb0805bcdb⋯.png (365.8 KB, 594x597, 198:199, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_09….png)

Staring at the birds makes them MORE likely to flee, study finds


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5551fe  No.10556974

File: 6dbc9a2e16e1a79⋯.jpg (78.2 KB, 700x441, 100:63, 4e4ro7.jpg)

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5d820a  No.10556978

File: 1ec3ca3fc77bd13⋯.png (474 KB, 380x561, 380:561, 2020unreal.PNG)

Through the looking glass


A romantic novel called 'My Antifa Lover’ invokes left-wing militancy in a story about a young congresswoman falling for a rioter. The zeitgeist-filled title has turned a few heads online; some couldn’t even believe it exists.

As brevity is known to be the soul of wit, the peculiar novel, written by Jessica Stranger, is just fifty-nine pages long. However, ‘My Antifa Lover’ may be compensating for this by having two whole sub-titles on the cover: the poetic “A Riot of the Heart” and the thought-provoking “Steamy Romance Against Fascism.”

The main hero, a liberal congresswoman, who incidentally shares the first name with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, falls in love with a “daring” masked protester in Seattle, Washington. The male ead is supposedly part of ‘Antifa’ a loose coalition of left-wingers who sometimes employ violent protest tactics against groups they deem 'fascist.'“After encountering him at a non-violent burning down of a federal building she can't tell what is hotter, the fire or her feelings developing for him,” the Amazon description of the book reads.

The book’s reviews on the website do not provide much of an insight into the work and seem to mostly be jokes. “My wife’s boyfriend recommended this to me,” wrote one critic, who gave “My Antifa Lover” two out of five stars.

It is worth noting that according to Amazon, ‘My Antifa Lover’ wasn’t Stranger’s first foray into political romance. The author’s previous book ‘Not My President but My Lover’ was a self-admitted satirical take on a woman Democrat falling in love with the Republican president Donald Trump.

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fb0e8d  No.10556979

File: 26a8917104efb0e⋯.jpg (149.36 KB, 870x931, 870:931, 26a8917104efb0edf1dc3f007e….jpg)

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91de9d  No.10556980

I have Pence playing in the background and he just quoted:

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares …

biblehub.com › jeremiah

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you … your future, declares the LORD, and your children will return to their own land.

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dd5671  No.10556981


Abomination not detestable

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fb0e8d  No.10556982

File: 5b392bc3e499fdb⋯.jpg (11.03 KB, 255x147, 85:49, 4ec5df7bb7c06a01ce6970333c….jpg)

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dd5671  No.10556983


Baker Notable

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966e40  No.10556984

File: e5b46612f844e25⋯.png (576.69 KB, 771x811, 771:811, ClipboardImage.png)

The Dough is Ready Sir.

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067901  No.10556985

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Police Dog refuses to go to work till he gets a belly rub.

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7b004e  No.10556986

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Killer whale Tahlequah who carried her dead calf for 17 DAYS and more than 1,000 miles in 2018 is pictured with her new baby after giving birth to the healthy animal last week

Sorry if this has already been posted.

R.I.P. Sky king

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df43aa  No.10556987

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d8d7b5  No.10556988

File: 165be11e6d1989f⋯.jpg (243.72 KB, 1400x933, 1400:933, EB20091104REVIEWS911059998….jpg)

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ba3208  No.10556989

File: be0dc46790fc49c⋯.jpg (146.21 KB, 2048x1352, 256:169, EhU0UsaXYAAmXEn.jpg)

File: bc9a6398fb10f5a⋯.jpg (49.47 KB, 1122x396, 17:6, EhU0n7QWAAICjM4.jpg)

File: 3f9d6c38ba84e2f⋯.jpg (102.85 KB, 1350x548, 675:274, EhU1iNGXsAAm5pZ.jpg)

File: f6585100827b4d6⋯.png (311.76 KB, 485x476, 485:476, EhU11JhXsAEaAn4.png)

File: 5b681efec6829c0⋯.jpg (273.53 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, EhU66_BWsAAvlXW.jpg)


Ya know how POTUS is always tweeting "Law & Order"?

Remember all those FISA [20] Q-drops?


Ice-T played a Law & Order Detective for yrs

Remember this Ice-T tweet where he refs Q1794?

Illegal Activities Iden in FISA Impossible to Defend



Public disc

Imposs to defend



“Never Interfere W an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself”

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daeb77  No.10556990

File: c503d1dc3c902c8⋯.jpg (64.15 KB, 614x406, 307:203, ChaseJews.jpg)

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586154  No.10556991

File: fbce1d208b98acf⋯.png (613.94 KB, 1107x540, 41:20, ClipboardImage.png)

This is outside. Not in press briefing room.

Have a feeling this is going to be more than just about the jobs numbers.

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fb0e8d  No.10556992

File: f24185cdd8e92ce⋯.png (213.05 KB, 554x313, 554:313, f24185cdd8e92ce28a3ed02274….png)

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165b71  No.10556993

File: 12156eaec1d2891⋯.png (16.14 KB, 893x229, 893:229, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 53d53f469fed656⋯.png (17.79 KB, 893x230, 893:230, ClipboardImage.png)

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fcf5eb  No.10556994

File: da609e8077ec6c2⋯.jpg (9.74 KB, 265x190, 53:38, Twit_.jpg)


>Never happened before, now all the time.

Same here for twats. Don't have an account but when kliking on links from here, never loads the first time. Gotta refresh to find the page.

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bf7fe8  No.10556995

File: d3d8a5e10c3b552⋯.png (130.8 KB, 500x333, 500:333, doc.png)

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af9c58  No.10556996

File: 26003571c08415b⋯.jpeg (158.69 KB, 828x811, 828:811, C08DC4CB_C7F0_436C_BE71_A….jpeg)

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294a39  No.10556997


at the front door, too

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d4b34f  No.10556998

Ha. A Golden Girls remake with Niggers!

Title shall read “Muddy Bitches”


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dcd979  No.10556999

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds a Labor Day News Conference - 9/7/20

Hot mic

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26b136  No.10557000

File: 1861fd6d0258a67⋯.png (3.23 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, BusJump.png)

File: fb38295ce7aae84⋯.png (10.47 MB, 3369x1713, 1123:571, Doug_Screams_for_Chappy.png)

File: 2f6ae77108dd0d4⋯.png (1018.06 KB, 915x936, 305:312, TRUMP_FCC_FEMA_ALERT_DEAD_….png)

File: 2f312fdc5070d86⋯.jpg (51.55 KB, 1200x801, 400:267, Marine_Osprey.jpg)


October 3, 2018

2-year delta

Sky event?

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709e89  No.10557001

File: c437ac3b4393730⋯.gif (1.71 MB, 400x309, 400:309, stewart_boogie_board.gif)

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9fd9ae  No.10557002

File: faac7a525ca1b62⋯.jpeg (1003 KB, 1941x1170, 647:390, 09461159_0256_4922_98C5_7….jpeg)

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df43aa  No.10557003


nik'd it


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dcd979  No.10557004


Trip 9's on my first post of the day. It's gonna be a good day.

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a5621d  No.10557005


Strzok suggests Steele dossier contained 'bulls—' and 'disinformation'

ired FBI special agent Peter Strzok tried to distance himself from British ex-spy Christopher Steele’s dossier, critiquing some of the former MI6 agent’s anti-Trump election reporting while criticizing those he saw as using its weaknesses to undermine the Trump-Russia investigation.

Strzok, who was a key member in the FBI’s investigation into both former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s improper private email server and Crossfire Hurricane’s Trump-Russia inquiry, made the comments during an interview with Anne Applebaum of the Atlantic.

“The Steele report was a problem for the investigation because it sent people off on a series of wild-goose chases,” Strzok said, adding, “the report was very typical of information that the FBI often receives. It comes from several sources, including some suspect sources. Some of it is bullshit, and some of it is rumor, and some of it is disinformation.”

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132e57  No.10557006

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

VA Sen Dick Black (former head of Army’s Criminal Law Division) warns of a potential military coup.

[New, from this weekend]

I suggest it be NOTABLED.

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9b6b2b  No.10557007

lb >>10556860

Potus retweet correcting I'm with In

jfk assasination comm from Potus?

delta 1:21?

JFK mentioned in post 121

I'm >>> I am

corrected with IN

changes made N replaces AM


Potus to declas anything viet NAM related.

Im in? Did he find secret docs?

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a665fd  No.10557008

File: 95b8c8df80c2fa9⋯.jpg (159.94 KB, 1525x475, 61:19, Evolution.jpg)


I have turned into a witness, data collector, memer and sometime brainfarttheorist! Trying to save my half sanity!

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1f708d  No.10557009

>>10556737 (pb)

Just as beLIEvable as there being one man, whom your one 'god' snatched a rib from to make one woman, then we ALL sprung up from the result, promoting by default incest as our origins.

Keep your faith, but seriously, shut the fuck up about it.

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dcd979  No.10557010



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fb0e8d  No.10557011

File: c492f9191239e6a⋯.jpg (95.64 KB, 828x819, 92:91, D_hEKeYX4AABhsg.jpg)

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966e40  No.10557012




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193291  No.10557013

File: 2f4ba6d75784533⋯.mp4 (11.56 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 2f4ba6d7578453343b3fd2134f….mp4)


It's never ever a bad thing to repost the Sky King

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000000  No.10557014

Anyone have that vid of POTUS and the giant?

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96fbcc  No.10557015

File: c18209f728db00f⋯.jpg (79.8 KB, 490x490, 1:1, pep.jpg)

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a12e9d  No.10557016


i have a problem if im not logged into you tube recently, after a few vids it asks me to sign in and wont show me anymore vids..till i clear my cookies

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dcd979  No.10557017




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66d633  No.10557018

File: dbbc9b8faba01c3⋯.jpeg (126 KB, 1440x812, 360:203, 1535943976.jpeg)

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fb0e8d  No.10557019

File: 73e87c21f7e25d4⋯.png (17.75 KB, 255x213, 85:71, a26cc5d1441aa41cb47804e683….png)

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966e40  No.10557020


Sooooo Many Bags, Look at all them Bags

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fcf5eb  No.10557021

File: cf3e75b1ed770e7⋯.jpeg (85.16 KB, 750x960, 25:32, ABas.jpeg)


Bourdain and Schiff on deck

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58bd2f  No.10557022

File: 9d3593671b07d56⋯.gif (4.48 MB, 250x444, 125:222, bewbs_01.gif)


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fb0e8d  No.10557023

File: 990b1547bead32c⋯.jpg (24.98 KB, 540x540, 1:1, 990b1547bead32c41422489c84….jpg)

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88021a  No.10557024

File: deb491a4cd9f394⋯.png (219.67 KB, 897x776, 897:776, screengrab.png)

Keystone found !!!

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fcf5eb  No.10557025

File: 7f3e3b8696b91e2⋯.jpg (111.31 KB, 734x1200, 367:600, NPlug.jpg)


>Sooooo Many Bags, Look at all them Bags


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df43aa  No.10557026

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91de9d  No.10557027

File: 10fc36eb9e0d65a⋯.png (2 MB, 825x1024, 825:1024, ClipboardImage.png)


Thought that wording looked familiar. My math was crazy bad in those tweets. I said it would be the 20 year anniv in 2 days. Only off by 10 years, kek.

All of this is contained in last bread (mostly other anons), but I appreciate you bringing it over.


the infowars logo annoyed me

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d3a6a6  No.10557028

File: efc3f34c6d4e805⋯.jpg (79.02 KB, 960x665, 192:133, EhOSv7rUcAAsVsx_jpeg.jpg)

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5c9c74  No.10557029


Yeah we know. We knew on the day the vid came out.

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fb0e8d  No.10557030

File: 3e38de971b92853⋯.jpg (37.09 KB, 360x347, 360:347, 3e38de971b92853725edc9c960….jpg)

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daeb77  No.10557031

File: 20490434b0f2eda⋯.png (73.63 KB, 597x418, 597:418, PearlHarbor.png)

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9b6b2b  No.10557032



insurrection act to ensure domestic tranquility

Mil Coup being pushed by same resisting Potus use of Act.

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000000  No.10557033


God bless you Sky King! <3

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586154  No.10557034


I never sign in. Don't have an account with youtube, fb or twitter. Hate all of them, can't wait till they all go down!

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a99137  No.10557035

File: 6b6ae7eeb81ca9c⋯.jpg (23.59 KB, 426x440, 213:220, Q_Crash_911.JPG)

File: b567046db7be2cc⋯.jpg (69.29 KB, 1339x664, 1339:664, Q_Crash_Start_1.JPG)


CRASH… So many to link but lets start at the beginning.

1 Start?


or is this 911 Comms?

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d9aa95  No.10557036

>>10556043 (pb)

How much you wanna bet trump supporters or influencers were targeted for this.

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e0c19b  No.10557037

File: e228af8137214c6⋯.jpg (84.88 KB, 500x382, 250:191, 4e1obn_1.jpg)

File: e6297b7a6a08362⋯.jpg (65.41 KB, 500x386, 250:193, 4e1nda_1.jpg)

File: b73d3e4890daf8c⋯.jpg (56.59 KB, 500x485, 100:97, 4dqamz_1_1.jpg)

Democrats Will Steal The Election

Whether you like it or not America and it's not because MAGA patriots want conflict but shit is about to go extremely HOT.

MAGA patriots will serve at the pleasure of the president as supplemental law enforcement after the election and there will not be looting and burning of public and private properties and harassing police officers, that BLM Antifa stuff is not in the MAGA DNA.

Do the DC criminals out to get Trump realize how many heavily armed MAGA patriots with world-class military accessories will show up at the white house if they try to illegally remove Trump?It will be biblical.

Patriots with serious warfare skills will be prepared to protect Trump at all costs and this post is not a joke.

President Trump is the hardest working president in US history that hasn't even accepted a pay check, realistically we really couldn't afford what he is worth anyway plus president Trump has kept his promises. So for all patriots nationwide it would be an honor to protect our great president from domestic terrorism.

We The People - It's Go Time In November.

President Trump true American patriots stand at the ready.

At least 14 million Americans can walk into combat tomorrow for president Trump and this includes women.

8Kun administration has no association with this post and OP is only passing on vital information. OP is not a gun owner or a political activists and is not associated with any political groups.

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af9c58  No.10557038

File: 6256787d313dd61⋯.jpeg (313.72 KB, 563x790, 563:790, E9CE4A29_AA1D_4430_9F17_6….jpeg)

Don’t look like him

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9fd9ae  No.10557039

File: a92c05b66e6d954⋯.png (435.17 KB, 1025x512, 1025:512, 0A8F304F_0155_4EEA_82A5_16….png)

File: f1e790bea07ec40⋯.jpeg (77.93 KB, 759x652, 759:652, E678418B_B36A_4A50_8211_E….jpeg)

File: d9b0342e011f9f1⋯.jpeg (139.96 KB, 500x709, 500:709, DF0D1874_4FA3_463C_A937_C….jpeg)

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96fbcc  No.10557040

File: f065a8c7dad1983⋯.jpeg (45.03 KB, 474x349, 474:349, pep1.jpeg)

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594305  No.10557041


Looks like Alexandria VA, cute pup

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26b136  No.10557042


Speed (1994 film)

1994 - 2020 = 26 -17Q = 9 - 4 = 5 POTUS


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731d76  No.10557043

File: ee3a5a1bf206715⋯.png (664.13 KB, 1064x1467, 1064:1467, dontthinkforyouselflol.png)

For the love of God please how to I stop my allergies. Claratin is not working. Please anons.

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fb0e8d  No.10557045

File: 6edc4c7bc15236c⋯.jpg (97.19 KB, 893x1080, 893:1080, 6edc4c7bc15236ce547a062d67….jpg)

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5c9c74  No.10557046


Inorganic copypasta

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fe113e  No.10557047

File: 0514b153b406745⋯.png (664.99 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 96DB4D33_47BF_4C00_A8EA_DF….png)

Google's antitrust battles: What you need to know

The search giant is headed for a historic showdown with the Department of Justice. The DOJ is just one of many threats.


Google is being investigated at the state level, too?

Last September, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced an antitrust probe into Google's massive digital advertising business. The investigation has the participation of AGs from 48 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. As part of the probe, Paxton's office sent Google a civil investigative demand that asked for key information about its ad operation and data collection policies. The coalition of AGs is reportedly looking into Google's Android business, too.

The states are expected to file charges against Google, but it's unclear if they will join the DOJ's complaint or file one separately.

Sauce: https://www.cnet.com/news/googles-antitrust-battles-what-you-need-to-know-faq/

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709e89  No.10557048

File: c8ca219f8f09b05⋯.png (988.62 KB, 473x695, 473:695, beebo_skyking_dd.PNG)

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cd7692  No.10557049

File: 6772e0dd15153fa⋯.png (51.8 KB, 624x404, 156:101, sorry_dick.PNG)


September 7, 2020

President Trump Makes One Sorry Fascist

“Of course we’ll have fascism,” legendary Huey Long was reported to have said. “We’ll have it under the guise of anti-fascism.” Today, of course, we see the confirmation of Long’s prediction on America’s streets in the self-parodying Antifa movement.

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af9c58  No.10557050

File: 673df551713466e⋯.jpeg (171.59 KB, 828x450, 46:25, 3CDA8B34_ADFE_478C_BC09_5….jpeg)

File: 1adbe6d1cd89a66⋯.jpeg (128.48 KB, 828x1140, 69:95, 4B542F3B_A2DD_4361_ACCA_7….jpeg)

File: a18dd044dff4d22⋯.jpeg (82.65 KB, 828x564, 69:47, 1114992F_E3B5_4A04_8688_0….jpeg)

File: 445b2d228bbe912⋯.jpeg (129.88 KB, 828x704, 207:176, 84985F9C_729C_4BA0_80EA_1….jpeg)


Clean out your desk

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586154  No.10557051

File: 7b1332a467cc51e⋯.png (4.64 KB, 220x101, 220:101, ClipboardImage.png)



Like this shit here.

Why the fuck is the mic on when the briefing hasn't even started? Are they listening in on us???

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26b136  No.10557052

File: 493af8447afa923⋯.png (2.25 MB, 1278x720, 71:40, Colbert_FacePeel.png)

File: ac23798c3651529⋯.png (10.9 KB, 170x255, 2:3, These_people_are_sick_face….png)

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dcaa6b  No.10557053


>Tahlequah, OK

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132e57  No.10557054


I see as many signs on the horizon of a military coup as I do of a color revolution. The collective mental soil is being seeded and fertilized (at home and abroad, and after 4 years of daily doses of TDS) to accept these “inevitable” outcomes.

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15d551  No.10557055

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>”Tim Cook”

Sick af yo! Notable tho

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5f28f0  No.10557056

File: 0ec5aeaa14eb5de⋯.png (529.26 KB, 480x925, 96:185, Screen_Shot_2019_02_11_at_….png)

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557a11  No.10557058

File: 91312c2545f017f⋯.mp4 (208.05 KB, 510x270, 17:9, kamala_they_are_stupid.mp4)

File: 4595a2671b46b86⋯.mp4 (1.08 MB, 480x270, 16:9, kamala_muslim_sympathizer.mp4)

File: 2a7fc6e92f33128⋯.png (376.49 KB, 850x400, 17:8, ClipboardImage.png)

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c94f1a  No.10557059


Title of video:

Three aspects of individual preparations for armed revolution (Phase 1, 2020)

Selected comments:

The thinking is clear and it is quite maneuverable.

The CCP, first, must be liquidated by the people. The second is to be carved a pillar of shame by history.

The trend is coming soon. If China and India go to war and find a way to seek international protection, many people will take refuge. If there is money to pay, some people pay, and resources provide resources.

I am thinking how to participate in armed struggle, because I also want to join this cause of extermination of communism.

Thorough and reliable!

In the way of the other, return to the body. Clearly organized, solid and feasible. Like acupuncture on the back of a cow, it is impossible to prevent. The time is coming, I wish you success. Be cherished, begging for water is not cold.

Brother, you will be recognized by the bandits when you show your eyes

Count me in

Really warrior!

Clear words, clear ideas, feasible directions, praise.

Finally saw the organization

Seems to finally find a reliable one? ?

Good 👌 good 👌 good 👌

This is well organized.

Start with your side first, and beat the urban management who bully the common people!

After listening to your speech, the operability is very strong.

Your thinking is very clear and your political ideas are firm. I

I think they are waiting for the results of the general election in India, because if the Democratic Party goes up in the general election, it is really not easy to tear their faces and play with China, if Trump goes up. Then India is no more polite. Hopeful after the election!

I didn’t agree with the deep mountains and old forests to engage in guerrillas, and were wiped out in minutes

What about weapons? What about training? What about supplies? At present, infrared detection by drones is not feasible even in deep mountains and old forests. Armed struggle must be supported by superpowers, as it has always been

The most effective way to oppose the Communist Party is to participate in civil servants, serve as soldiers, climb up, penetrate the CCP organization, and cooperate inside and outside.

I would love a translation of the actual video

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9b6b2b  No.10557060

File: ef116c4aa7f344f⋯.png (8.1 KB, 356x527, 356:527, ClipboardImage.png)

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689780  No.10557061

File: 4987db8650dd520⋯.png (953.87 KB, 729x713, 729:713, cake.png)


TY Baker.

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0e288d  No.10557062

Friday is Patriot day, pain incoming.

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193291  No.10557063


Nice. I didn't even notice tbh. Much better.

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eb6252  No.10557064


Door of all doors?

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fe113e  No.10557065


That just means that tab is playing sound

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a665fd  No.10557066

File: ea360e20c865a90⋯.jpg (41.43 KB, 640x722, 320:361, Boy.jpg)

File: 3cbd0cb9e83c84f⋯.jpg (91.63 KB, 634x476, 317:238, fat.jpg)

File: 39a551d081faee8⋯.png (256.87 KB, 404x536, 101:134, Testicles.png)

File: bb968d46fc557e8⋯.jpg (48.82 KB, 680x383, 680:383, WhinyBitch.jpg)

File: 7c58facd2940080⋯.jpeg (52.88 KB, 800x402, 400:201, Whiner.jpeg)


>My Antifa Lover

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594305  No.10557067


Find honey local within 10 miles. 1 spoonful a day. Try it.

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0bbf68  No.10557068

File: 3cfeaa8b2573e86⋯.jpg (69.99 KB, 500x518, 250:259, 3cfeaa8b2573e86e0139aa7876….jpg)

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617f20  No.10557069

File: 0b550c7a928e041⋯.png (41.4 KB, 598x365, 598:365, Screenshot_2020_09_07_Dona….png)

Do we have memes for this?


>Vaccines +

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7b004e  No.10557070


One of my fondest memories from the war. So many good ones. Remember when Q hit up Satan's twatter account and Satan came here to ask who the fuck we were and why were harassing him? Never answered a question straight that guy. Still find it funny I got a (You) from Satan that night.

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325e8f  No.10557071


That was my exact 1st thought too!

Along with the goat articles that have been put out the last two days

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b1c03f  No.10557072


I just went with all caps CRASH because of tweet and linked both Q posts because of Standard hotel

So I dunno


Just threw it out to see if anything would stick

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586154  No.10557073


Right, but there is no sound now. Briefing hasn't started. This is the wh channel, no hot mic is ever on.

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fb0e8d  No.10557074

File: e938ae14712c2e6⋯.jpg (100.78 KB, 960x948, 80:79, e938ae14712c2e685d6b185a47….jpg)

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000000  No.10557075


China give me Election Infection

too much blue pirr

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f85ba2  No.10557076

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Looks just like him!!!

Baker Notable

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594305  No.10557077


Hot mic on the rsbn feed.

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2dcbb2  No.10557078

File: b6bd82069ba6f45⋯.png (303.21 KB, 840x840, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: db38d74d6a419b4⋯.png (233.72 KB, 848x731, 848:731, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2b7571083083956⋯.png (21.99 KB, 850x188, 425:94, ClipboardImage.png)

Why Won’t Deep State Release Which Outside Contractors Received Personal Data from Obama’s FBI and Why Were These Names Redacted in the First Place?

A stunning report released from the FISA Court received no publicity until nearly a year after it was released to the public.

The report covered results of an investigation or audit into FISA searches made by Obama’s NSA, FBI and DOJ during Obama’s time in office.

On April 26, 2017, an unsealed FISA Court Ruling unveiled a number of criminal activities that Barack Obama’s FBI, NSA and DOJ participated in during his time in office. The report was actually completed before the 2016 election.

We reported that NSA Director Mike Rogers was actually the individual to bring the FISA abuse to the FISA Court. At about the same time, James Clapper recommended that Rogers be fired as reported by the Washington Post.

A review of the report showed on page 19 that the Court stated that Obama’s NSA had an institutional “lack of candor”.

Below is the 99-page report released on April 26, 2017 in an unsealed FISA Court Ruling.

(See below 2016 Cert FISC Memo Opin Order Apr 2017 (4) saved by the Sinclair Broadcast Group on Scribd)



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bf7fe8  No.10557079

File: 6cd74ea0f82dcab⋯.png (81.78 KB, 773x506, 773:506, Tahlequah_J35_gives_birth_….png)


J35 gives birth to calf, now called J57


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eb6252  No.10557080

File: bf4f06de76c06eb⋯.png (20.62 KB, 414x371, 414:371, ClipboardImage.png)

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917cfe  No.10557081

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

> >>10556431 p "Today, President Donald J. Trump spoke with King Salman bin Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia. President Trump praised Saudi Arabia’s G20 Presidency and welcomed the opening of Saudi air space to flights between Israel and the United Arab Emirates

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bd3396  No.10557082

File: f78ee02eb85a285⋯.png (452.18 KB, 588x609, 28:29, ClipboardImage.png)

>>10555743 (PB)

He walks on the grass because it is better feeling than pavement for bone spurs in the heel.

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cd7692  No.10557083

File: 97f9f73e45f0d69⋯.png (504.5 KB, 839x712, 839:712, night_after_night.PNG)


'What's the point of locking them up?' Prosecutors blamed for 'night after night of rioting'

Vice president of the Sergeants Benevolent Association (SBA) Vincent Vallelong and vice president emeritus of the International Union of Police Associations (IUPA) Dennis Slocumb concurred in separate phone interviews with the DCNF that some DAs are doing more harm than good amid nationwide unrest. Both claimed that local prosecutors are freeing individuals at alarming rates, reducing their charges and sending them back onto the street for seemingly never ending spells of rioting in some areas.

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fe113e  No.10557084


Playing sound and listening to mics are two different hardware channels, though. They can’t listen to you through speaker jacks

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a12e9d  No.10557085

File: 404a8c45681a638⋯.jpg (279.05 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, CHOP.jpg)

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586154  No.10557086

File: 4d692d8dddc2b14⋯.png (241.82 KB, 996x680, 249:170, ClipboardImage.png)

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19ea63  No.10557087


I'm listening to this interview with "Evergreen" investigator. He talks about the connections between all levels of govt. in trafficking. I personally learned about that last year - my city is totally involved. Almost got me killed.

Now, think about the great clip Dan Scavino posted on twat yesterday, with planes weaving around each other. Spectacular. But it reminded me of barrel rolls, too. So that's another tie-in with Q.

/pol/ has no tolerance for Q, still. But I'm finding that what I derive from all sources makes sense of it all.

Almost nothing about what's really happening in China is being told here. Not even anons have a clue. Mongolia rising? Yeah!!

India + Tibet whipping china's ass? Oh, yeah.

Vietnam, Thailand and everybody else, including EU walking away from China. Yeah.

The Chinese Century is nope.

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eb6252  No.10557088


+ is coming, and fast

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88c2d8  No.10557089

File: 8a2e4606f155623⋯.jpg (675.3 KB, 740x713, 740:713, unnamed_file.jpg)

File: 223c00b8c2cfc79⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1034x1409, 1034:1409, Corrupt_News.png)

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df43aa  No.10557090

File: 39eeb0a768cbc04⋯.png (2.02 MB, 1193x897, 1193:897, 39eeb0a768cbc0413225c6a017….png)


I need to clean it up

muh new pepe



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aeec3f  No.10557091

Biden is in a backyard or someplace, grass all burned out, an empty table sits in the middle of a circle of four veterans sitting in chairs, as he asks them questions. Kind of a bizarre setting, presumably because he can't even get a small crowd to show up anywhere.

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26b136  No.10557092

File: cca348dbe6563db⋯.gif (125.75 KB, 720x480, 3:2, Faggot.gif)


GTFO of here with that Faggotry

Get out of here TORE

That is not the Keystone fucktard

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193291  No.10557093


No I don't remember that one for some reason. You cap any of it? Kek.

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dcd979  No.10557094

File: 335ad8378348237⋯.png (33.3 KB, 1675x345, 335:69, Screenshot_2020_09_07_10_U….png)


10 U.S. Code § 888 - Art. 88. Contempt toward officials

Any commissioned officer who uses contemptuous words against the President, the Vice President, Congress, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of a military department, the Secretary of Homeland Security, or the Governor or legislature of any State, Commonwealth, or possession in which he is on duty or present shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.

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132e57  No.10557095


Something tells me Jango should be investigating a new line of work.

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66d633  No.10557096

File: 63d7bdf69b00f60⋯.jpeg (71.88 KB, 1080x655, 216:131, 1585867297.jpeg)

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9fd9ae  No.10557097

File: 25bec0c96259b90⋯.png (427.21 KB, 504x505, 504:505, 4CADA304_7C5C_41BD_8F01_64….png)

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fe113e  No.10557098


Nothing like a beautiful lawn to walk through. I’d give POTUS extra points if he kicked his shoes off and wiggled his toes in the grass.

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daeb77  No.10557099

File: 2708e8e677e03fd⋯.png (639.67 KB, 413x626, 413:626, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 050ce4dd9ed330b⋯.png (470.66 KB, 405x632, 405:632, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 457fc804ad18815⋯.png (622.79 KB, 561x354, 187:118, ClipboardImage.png)

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14f535  No.10557100

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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2dcbb2  No.10557101

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Surveillance Camera Captures 'Huge Pile Of Mail' Dumped In California Parking Lots

Several bags of mail were dumped in two Glendale, California parking lots, with one dumping caught by a surveillance camera, according to KTLA.

The second incident was captured on video outside 7Q Spa Laser & Aesthetics.

"It happened early in the morning, 5:40, and it was a Budget rental, big truck, that backed up to the parking lot. And they’re like, slowly, one by one, they’re dropping the packages," said Lilia Serobian, one of the owners of the spa, adding that the "huge pile" contained various sizes of packages, and all of it was US mail.

According to the report, a spa employee found the pile of boxes and envelopes in the parking lot, after which police were called to the scene. A USPS manager collected the mail.

More U.S. mail was found in an alley less than a mile away from the spa, according to police. It was not immediately clear whether both piles were dumped by the same truck.

Postal Service investigators are looking into the dumping incidents, Glendale police said.

Inspectors will try to determine which post office — and specifically what route— the mail came from, as well as who rented the truck. -KTLA

The report comes amid a national dialogue over mail-in ballots for November's election - with President Trump and his allies repeatedly claiming that the process would be tainted by corruption and cause huge delays.

"If you do universal mail-ins with millions and millions of ballots, you are never going to know what the real result of an election is," Trump said last month, adding "It's going to be a very, very sad day for our country."


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96fbcc  No.10557102

File: a14fa18ee9557f0⋯.png (12 KB, 474x248, 237:124, ClipboardImage.png)

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d4b34f  No.10557103

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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8273a2  No.10557104

File: 214f6b97e1a324c⋯.png (75.5 KB, 250x242, 125:121, pepefrown.png)


still have the original stale popcorn

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ad6e31  No.10557105


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562b00  No.10557106

Happy Labor(S) Day!

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000000  No.10557107


His butt looks bruised

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709e89  No.10557108

File: 49c28b65399b83a⋯.png (129.21 KB, 835x475, 167:95, CABAL01_USAF_Stratotnaker_….PNG)

second tanker with CABAL call sign today

CABAL01 USAF KC-135R Stratotanker nw from McGhee Tyson Airport-south of Knoxville, TN (Alcoa Tennessee Operations Plant located just east of this airport.)

SAM478 USAF G5 also departed JBA to the sw

SAM234 USAF C-40B continues sw and is likely heading to MacDill AFB

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325e8f  No.10557109


Don't forget Grenell comms the other day when he announced the Serbia thing.

kept talking about 21 years ago (I thought I read that the Serbia stuff, bad things happened 22 years ago)

21 years ago was 1999, JFKjr was murdered July 16th 1999

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966e40  No.10557110

It's a Beautiful Day

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eb6252  No.10557111

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3c09c9  No.10557112

File: ad6bc4df5da4305⋯.png (78.76 KB, 1014x588, 169:98, Screenshot_2020_09_07_labo….png)

Wondering what redpill anons can do with this?



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2dcbb2  No.10557113

File: 006428806a249d2⋯.png (590.78 KB, 848x697, 848:697, ClipboardImage.png)

Israel’s former defense minister Liberman urges public to DEFY Covid-19 restrictions & use ‘common sense’ instead

Former defense minister Avigdor Liberman has harshly criticized Tel Aviv’s move to impose new anti-coronavirus measures in Israel’s worst-affected areas, urging people use common sense instead of following government guidance.

The Israeli government has imposed a night curfew on 40 cities with the highest coronavirus rates, backing down from its original plan to place some 30 locations under a complete lockdown after facing pressure from the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community.

Toning down the planned restrictions did not spare the government from criticism, as the partial ‘lockdown’ immediately came under fire from proponents of both harsher and lighter measures. Liberman, the leader of the Yisrael Beiteinu party, for instance, said Israeli citizens have effectively become “hostages” of the cabinet, and called its decisions “blatantly illegal.”

“The government has lost the public trust and it does not deserve it,” Liberman stated. “The coronavirus cabinet must be abolished.”

I suggest the public act in accordance with common sense and not in accordance with government guidelines.

His remarks sparked an angry reaction from government officials, who rushed to defend their decision. Health Minister Yuli Edelstein lashed out at the politician, accusing him of inciting the public against the government and “playing with fire.”

“Lieberman is acting negligently and irresponsibly, taking advantage of a fragile situation. From a health and economic point of view, it is a shame,” he said.


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a99137  No.10557114


Me too, there are 33 Q drops with "Crash."

33 kek.

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51b572  No.10557115

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c7b101  No.10557116


Is it harvest time?

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616d40  No.10557117

File: e9dd7275a85ae09⋯.jpeg (460.17 KB, 996x2048, 249:512, FBC4F2D4_25CB_4E03_9C93_1….jpeg)

File: e6d0ed08597ffc3⋯.jpeg (745.38 KB, 1242x2218, 621:1109, 272FA820_C1A0_416E_84FF_1….jpeg)


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0dc53e  No.10557118

File: 3ca2c5c5a4bd40e⋯.png (155.97 KB, 1066x236, 533:118, WW105.PNG)


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6e7eee  No.10557119




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513c17  No.10557120

File: 5de54fcf9e0ba63⋯.jpg (118.26 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, gerbil.jpg)

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278dea  No.10557121


>how to I stop my allergies. Claratin is not working.

Stinging nettle tea. Mix in a little peppermint, too.

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93750e  No.10557122


a military coup is the final stage of a color revolution

right before the post-revolution looting of the countries assets by the organizers

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fb0e8d  No.10557123

File: 61688dd83177419⋯.jpg (93.19 KB, 960x540, 16:9, NN.jpg)

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2dcbb2  No.10557124

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Adam Schiff Accuses Bill Barr of Lying About China Election Threat

Rep. Adam Schiff has been caught in numerous lies since the 2016 election. The biggest lie he continued to push for years and to this day was Russian collusion with the Trump campaign and interference in the 2016 election.

The Mueller report confirmed there was no collusion between Trump and Putin. None. In fact they couldn’t even find any Russians for their scandal.

Rep. Schiff should hide his face in disgrace. Instead he continues to push the Russia hoax to this day. And the liberal mainstream media REFUSES to correct him.

This is the state of politics today. Democrats and their media pushing lie after lie on the American people.

On Sunday Adam Schiff said AG Bill Barr was lying about China interference in the 2020 election.

The Hill reported:

House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) on Sunday accused Attorney General William Barr of lying when he said China posed the greatest threat to U.S. elections this year.

“That’s just a plain false statement by the attorney general, a flat-out false statement,” Schiff said in an interview with CNN. “What Bill Barr just did in that statement was just flat-out mislead the American people.”

The comments from Schiff came just days after Barr was asked about U.S. intelligence noting that Russia, China and Iran are seeking to interfere in the 2020 elections. Asked whose meddling efforts were the most aggressive, Barr said the intelligence he’d seen showed it was China. However, he said he could not divulge details regarding that conclusion.

Schiff rejected Barr’s remarks, saying it was “such a disservice to the country that we can’t trust our own attorney general.”

“But apparently Bill Barr is willing to do anything or say anything to help Donald Trump,” he said.

This is complete rubbish but CNN made no attempt to correct him.

The liberal media is a disgrace.


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917cfe  No.10557125

File: 6896003e0dcb6a5⋯.png (464.48 KB, 806x861, 806:861, Screen_Shot_2020_09_07_at_….png)

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6e7eee  No.10557126


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bf60ac  No.10557127

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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966e40  No.10557128

\ /


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eb6252  No.10557129

File: 16f6ca317cdca88⋯.png (37.19 KB, 420x547, 420:547, ClipboardImage.png)

Labor(s) Secretary?

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112f46  No.10557130

well you are right

these people are sick

while some are trying to stop the

next FF mass shooting that withers away our 2nd even more

others are playing sick games with us knowing damn well the consequences

sorry take her off full auto when the situation allows it sir

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18be89  No.10557131

Super V yo

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896785  No.10557132


2nd the local honey suggestion, it's really helpful.

If you can, get some Bee Pollen from the grocery store. Put like 1/2 tsp in a smoothie or juice.

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26b136  No.10557133

File: da67e0125c45fef⋯.png (56.2 KB, 578x149, 578:149, s8n_boring_people.png)

File: 27a0eb608bef46b⋯.png (47.8 KB, 588x104, 147:26, s8n_meetup.png)

File: a229534fd2bcf4f⋯.png (94 KB, 458x340, 229:170, Q_Elon_Musk_s8n.png)


@s8n was a twatter sockpuppet cluster manned by twat employees

I believe the account was managed by @jack and @Elon

'boring' people

'meetups' tesla

if they were posting here it was either Jack or Elon

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278dea  No.10557134


> Find honey

Yes, I put honey in nettle/peppermint tea for allergies.

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89cfc5  No.10557135

POTUS: NASDAQ has set 17 records


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067901  No.10557136

Jennifer Griffin just now on FOX NEWS (right before the President's Labor Day remarks, how cute is that?) my sources many of the military sources wont come forward … of the various situations that alarmed them(I have no sources). The Military wants to stay apolitical.

So, Jennifer Griffin has 'Military Sources' that will not stand and say this, but instead use you as a megaphone to smear the President with nothing but anonymous remarks that must remain anonymous.

Got it. It'll be interesting to see later why she just threw her career away.

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9a2c94  No.10557137


The local honey really works. Spouse anon sick as hell from pollen and didn't believe me that honey would work and now much better. Not perfect but liveable.

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1f708d  No.10557138


I translate it as thus….

He has no choice but to 'pander' to the sleepers by keeping 'vaccines' on the table so as not to turn over the Country to DS, Dems, and China once the election is held and is FAIR as it will be made to be regardless of any and all tactical theft of the election foreseen and/or implemented by the Dems and their ilk.

The (plus) is to denote that REAL actual cures are being developed not just for Cov-19, but for everything these fuckers have done and blamed on shit that doesn't exist.

jmo of course.

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917cfe  No.10557139


V for Vaccine.


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aeec3f  No.10557140

President Trump: "Under my leadership, next year will be the greatest economic year in the history of our country, I project."

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a99137  No.10557141


Evergreen and Water?

Avoiding Cement?

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7b004e  No.10557142


On the move. Not at the machine. It was circa 2018 is all I can remember. Satan was just a kid, maybe mid to early 20s. We asked for confirmation it was him behind the twatter account. Flipped us off in a time stamped photo, then an anon made a digit pointer out of it. He turned into a slide after a while and we just started ignoring him.

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18be89  No.10557143

File: c2bae24bc21d86f⋯.png (11.94 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 38ae830e6bc97912cc5377382a….png)

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6e7eee  No.10557144

File: 7ea76bacbb2889e⋯.png (224.64 KB, 403x407, 403:407, zs2.png)

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c7b101  No.10557145


V for Victory

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616d40  No.10557146

File: c6730d471fb615b⋯.jpeg (450.66 KB, 1242x2114, 621:1057, 17DA03CD_5D91_45A7_806D_4….jpeg)

File: 129e2f95cfd7b9f⋯.jpeg (387.63 KB, 1189x1695, 1189:1695, D2E3B0D6_E702_468A_8F96_2….jpeg)

File: db28f1778f19008⋯.jpeg (354 KB, 1241x1743, 1241:1743, A650410F_A712_4999_A4EB_4….jpeg)

File: 4188cfc84587258⋯.jpeg (465.45 KB, 1242x2002, 621:1001, F443D4BF_D4BA_4029_9E0A_F….jpeg)

==Anon on twitter de-coding FF for 9/7/20=


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401ce1  No.10557147


Cetirizine is generic Zyrtec. Find the 10 mg dose on Amazon for pennies per copy. It's 24, but take one every 12 hours and if that works, taper down.

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966e40  No.10557148


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193291  No.10557149


Noice! Tyvm.

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6e7eee  No.10557150


It could even happen in October!

You could have a very big surprise!


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917cfe  No.10557151


anon, were you listening?

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405936  No.10557152

File: e45eabc656ee898⋯.jpg (149.36 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, e45eabc656ee89896619552f15….jpg)

A very short period of time!

Could even have It in the month of OCT!

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5551fe  No.10557153


She looks kind of Jewish to me.

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d4b34f  No.10557154

File: 4de116b11afcc87⋯.jpeg (155.28 KB, 1400x700, 2:1, 2A805C60_2009_442A_A6CA_5….jpeg)




I made my Documentary for a reason!

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9a2c94  No.10557155


It's not surprising how long the legs are on this story when they want military absentee ballots to be impacted. This is why POTUS wants troops home so they can vote in person and stop the fuckery.

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594305  No.10557156


Smart. It doesn’t eliminate mine 100% but lessens them. Crazy too but I pick goldenrod and put it in jars with water around the house. In other words, don’t shy away from pollen. I’ve always felt that the advice to stay indoors and use hepa filters, has always done more harm than good, at least for me.

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eb6252  No.10557157



we have learned his comms.

good job anon

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c7b101  No.10557158


Double meaning

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340e7d  No.10557159


skyking skyking do not answer

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aeec3f  No.10557160

President Trump: The vaccine will be delivered very soon…you could have a very big surprise coming up.

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000000  No.10557161


'Keystone' in the Bible

Zech 10:4

From him will come thekeystone, from him the nail, from him the bow of war, from him will come every ruler;

Ephes 2:20

Resting on the base of the Apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the chiefkeystone,

1 Pet 2:6

Because it is said in the Writings, See, I am placing akeystonein Zion, of great and special value; and the man who has faith in him will not be put to shame.

Source: https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/words/Keystone

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8273a2  No.10557162


Vaccine required to vote….SURPRISE!!

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fb9858  No.10557163

File: e17c128e193a0c2⋯.png (391.86 KB, 650x503, 650:503, ClipboardImage.png)

Happy Communism Day


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405936  No.10557164

That was doggo's greenlight!

Drop the goods Cody! We waiting!!!

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2dcbb2  No.10557165

File: ee7054017376b4d⋯.png (232.49 KB, 575x841, 575:841, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4ddc93e3e1a5daf⋯.png (263.87 KB, 549x307, 549:307, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 637ef79c0e9ad1f⋯.png (512.42 KB, 609x830, 609:830, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fc66bd49d704489⋯.png (183.4 KB, 570x818, 285:409, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8a04d6fcfa451d8⋯.png (183.31 KB, 820x879, 820:879, ClipboardImage.png)

‘Threat to ALL journalists’? Facebook temporarily DISABLES account of reporter who livestreamed armed groups in Louisville

Facebook suddenly disabled the account of video journalist Ford Fischer as he was covering armed protests on Saturday in Louisville, raising fears that Big Tech censors are classifying newsgathering as incitement to violence.

"I am a journalist, verified on Facebook," Fischer wrote on Saturday evening on his Twitter account. "Today I spent the entire day covering various armed groups throughout Louisville. As I just finished a livestream, I tried to log in and it appears Facebook deleted my account."

Fischer, co-founder of News2Share, was unable to get an explanation as he followed up with the social media behemoth until his account was restored without comment on Sunday evening.

Before the fix, when trying to access his account, he got a notice saying it had been disabled and invited him to visit the "help center" if he thought it was shut down by mistake.

I'm honestly so shocked at the lack of explanation… I have no idea what happened or why they would do this.

Fischer had been posting a series of videos showing clashes between armed right-wing demonstrators and Black Lives Matter counter-protesters, some of whom also had guns, when his account was shut down.

He said his last post before the shutdown showed protesters holding firearms and had a caption with Fischer commenting on his concerns that some of the individuals weren't handling their guns safely.


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26b136  No.10557166

File: 50fa5eefb253fd4⋯.jpg (55.76 KB, 1200x526, 600:263, Elon_Musk_Jack_Dorsey_Love….jpg)


>59 second delta

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917cfe  No.10557167

POTUS for the peeps talks straight to the peeps

holds himself accountable to the peeps

This is how a POTUS is supposed to be.

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18be89  No.10557168

File: 4f76a64d86d8ed2⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1207x942, 1207:942, ClipboardImage.png)

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7c0a10  No.10557169



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616d40  No.10557170

File: c40549e0ab3e375⋯.jpeg (282.82 KB, 1241x1251, 1241:1251, CC1339BF_3B74_4314_A228_D….jpeg)

File: d1d1d03873f9e66⋯.jpeg (413.29 KB, 1241x1545, 1241:1545, 5251A655_8428_434A_B4AE_3….jpeg)


More screenshots FF decode 9/7, Detroit?

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594305  No.10557171

Lots of cicadas singing.

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917cfe  No.10557172


fuck'n butt buddies of the deep state

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ad263a  No.10557173


-o7 Til the End My Fren.

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88c2d8  No.10557174

File: 0bafd6373d36146⋯.webm (2.9 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 0bafd6373d361467ac5321d76….webm)


Jews god.

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1040f6  No.10557175


check em

did a qmap search for 33 & 2525


Q drop 33 in particular

I'm hopeful my time spent here was not wasted.

Note few if any shills inside this thread. Reason for that. It's being monitored, recorded, and analyzed and don't want the clutter.

Take good care. God bless.

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966e40  No.10557176


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26b136  No.10557177


Then many states will have write in candidates for Governor

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1f708d  No.10557178



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707163  No.10557179

File: 17840c7a1c6cd5b⋯.jpeg (184.52 KB, 1200x766, 600:383, AA9FBCFE_D824_4F69_AEE0_5….jpeg)

barr caught bragging

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eb6252  No.10557180


he is talking to us anons.

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ad263a  No.10557181

File: ab3937134b6e050⋯.png (49.02 KB, 846x197, 846:197, Screenshot_2020_09_07_Q_Re….png)


also me <3

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0426ea  No.10557182

File: 7329573dc5dc05a⋯.jpg (1.78 MB, 1935x1847, 1935:1847, SATANIC_TORAH.jpg)

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ad263a  No.10557183

File: 3d5d1b39e409e3c⋯.png (229.47 KB, 776x366, 388:183, Screenshot_2020_09_07_Q_Re….png)


and of course me again

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7da200  No.10557184

File: dd429b925d93293⋯.jpeg (39.37 KB, 800x984, 100:123, unknown_1.jpeg)


You must get stung by bees from the hive you eat honey from nb4 "but im allergic" survival of the fittest bitch

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45d9d7  No.10557185

File: e2c9a026472537d⋯.png (29.18 KB, 110x96, 55:48, ClipboardImage.png)

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2dcbb2  No.10557186

File: 55eace36c4c921b⋯.png (389.35 KB, 594x474, 99:79, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 25d68a3422be891⋯.png (766.23 KB, 912x821, 912:821, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 97e00913a4f52a3⋯.png (612.27 KB, 939x847, 939:847, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8d4128a07a8cc9b⋯.png (495.82 KB, 633x667, 633:667, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 920749efc13029d⋯.png (722.89 KB, 875x742, 125:106, ClipboardImage.png)

"Wildfire Crisis" - Record-Breaking Heat Sparks 23 Fires, Rolling Blackouts Across Golden State

As of Monday morning on the West Coast, at least 15,000 firefighters were battling 23 wildfires raging across the Golden State, according to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CalFire).

Of these, three were deemed "major blazes", burning in Fresno, San Bernardino, and San Diego counties.

On Sunday, California Gov. Gavin Newsom declared a state of emergency in San Diego, San Bernardino, Fresno, Madera, and Mariposa countries, the worst-affected by what's shaping up to be another brutal wildfire season, exacerbated by a shortage of prisoners to press into service fighting the blazes.

But in his speech, Newsom prattled on about "the realities of climate change".

"California has always been the canary in the coal mine for climate change, and this weekend's events only underscore that reality," Newsom said. "Wildfires have caused system failures, while near-record energy demand is predicted as a multi-state heatwave hits the West Coast for the second time in a matter of weeks."

Newsom also spoke about the record-high temperatures on Saturday, which were piling on the pressure to the state's power grid.

"Californians are rising to the occasion to meet these unprecedented challenges for our energy grid, and I want to thank all of the businesses and individuals who are conserving energy. Californians should heed (California Independent System Operator's) warnings and flex their power to shift energy consumption to earlier in the day."

The heatwave added fuel to the wildfires and strained electrical grids, though rolling blackouts weren't as massive as the ones seen in August. As of Monday morning, 50,000 homes and businesses had no power, according to Poweroutage.US.

The 2020 wildfire season has been busy; nearly two million acres have been burnt since the season began, with more than 7,448 confirmed wildfires and upwards of 4,000 structures damaged or destroyed.

This comes at a precarious time for California, as budgetary constraints from the virus-induced downturn, along with the threat by President Trump to defund liberal-run cities, the state could be on the verge of disaster.


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5a1ac1  No.10557187

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f94dc6  No.10557188


Go back to prisonplanet.com, AJ

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193291  No.10557189

File: 6462407ffe57cb1⋯.png (13.54 KB, 189x255, 63:85, b666e75314536149326cbbe047….png)


Copy that. Yeah I never saw that. Maybe when you're back you could give your caps. Either way pretty funny.

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fb0e8d  No.10557190

File: f6eedc51767230f⋯.png (503.73 KB, 1023x575, 1023:575, f478c194cc3a3bc0418ed5aa98….png)

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966e40  No.10557191

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917cfe  No.10557192

File: 7eadf5b87d28b8b⋯.png (115.66 KB, 1231x461, 1231:461, Screen_Shot_2020_09_07_at_….png)

File: 961b720d633b26e⋯.png (29.45 KB, 668x120, 167:30, Screen_Shot_2020_09_07_at_….png)


They keep building their Beast.


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aeec3f  No.10557193

President Trump: Biden wants to surrender our country to the virus.

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26b136  No.10557194

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5d820a  No.10557195

International Terrorists


Otherwise known as the ‘QAnon’ conspiracy, a mere 13% of right-wing voters believe it to be wholly untrue

More worrying still is that QAnon now has millions of members and followers on Facebook, with membership growing by more than 600% since the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the Wall Street Journal. They are based in a dozen Western democratic countries, including the UK, with myths about the Coronavirus merging with QAnon.

“In the face of the pandemic, conspiracy theories paint a world that is ordered, and controllable,” Jovan Byford, a psychologist with the Open University, told BBC News. “Conspiracy theories flourish when social machinery breaks down and available ways of making sense of the world prove inadequate for what is going on.”

But we need to stop thinking of QAnon conspiracy theorists as a group of harmless social media accounts – because they not only threaten democracy and risk exacerbating a deadly pandemic, but they also promise to unleash the next wave of international terrorism.

It is hard to see how US democracy can function when a significant portion of supporters of one of the country’s two major parties believe that the current occupant of the White House is “Making America Great Again” by slaying Satan worshippers and cannibals.

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c6cf67  No.10557196

>>10555488, >>10555507, >>10555611, >>10555754

>anons call for diggz on dog dewormer treating cancer?

Fenbendazole combination treatment: successes with terminal cancer

plus vitamin E, bio-available curcumin, and CBD oil


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9fd9ae  No.10557197

File: 8f89264bd7ca50b⋯.jpeg (129.86 KB, 640x488, 80:61, 951BBB47_5FC6_443B_AF55_2….jpeg)

File: 00b1e6a11a80bc9⋯.jpeg (50.41 KB, 872x518, 436:259, DAE57EDC_6216_4B8F_A37F_5….jpeg)

File: f5add4aac71bfc2⋯.jpeg (132.62 KB, 678x490, 339:245, 3F3D526B_650C_4616_B333_8….jpeg)

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eb6252  No.10557198

File: b66f0c80ac61031⋯.png (46.9 KB, 414x605, 414:605, ClipboardImage.png)


11.2 will be a sad day for this Anon.

Q leaves us for good.

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ad263a  No.10557199


but you already know that. dont ya.

better u lay off creating graphics against other anons and work on creating graphics against the DS?

else keep up ur division tactics and waste more time. ur choice god bless #BeBest o7


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193291  No.10557200


Arrrghh. I Fucked that one up.

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a3abef  No.10557201

File: b502ab476d3fdc4⋯.png (295.18 KB, 930x481, 930:481, ClipboardImage.png)

737 Out of El Salvador heading NE toward FL

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0df805  No.10557202

Helps from steaming up your glasses>>10557185

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8a87d1  No.10557203

File: 524224ee2b3c756⋯.png (65.36 KB, 971x721, 971:721, GoVote_hash_graph_09072020.png)

File: fd2c567efbce3a0⋯.png (71.7 KB, 1000x717, 1000:717, obamaGate_hash_graph_09072….png)

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325e8f  No.10557204

File: 61e2ce9705ca035⋯.jpg (59.17 KB, 808x796, 202:199, falloutpepe.jpg)

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a5621d  No.10557205

File: 3165a9fb384ffbe⋯.png (527.88 KB, 540x331, 540:331, Jacuzzi.png)

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966e40  No.10557206


God Bless you all

See you on the Beach

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14f535  No.10557207


sauce for it to be notable?

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2dcbb2  No.10557208

File: 910c701e009ee52⋯.png (563.95 KB, 867x804, 289:268, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 73dc25a818aee4d⋯.png (58.49 KB, 857x442, 857:442, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 90259c0da13032c⋯.png (57.27 KB, 845x498, 845:498, ClipboardImage.png)

File: caabbd4b9aaafc7⋯.png (40.86 KB, 854x316, 427:158, ClipboardImage.png)

Democrats Are Now Using Pentagon Funded Artificial Intelligence to Combat Online Efforts by Trump Supporters to Promote President Trump

Democrats are using US Military funded artificial intelligence software to combat American citizens’online efforts to promote President Trump.

Military related publication, Stars and Stripes reported in May:

A new Democratic-aligned political action committee advised by retired Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the former head of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, is planning to deploy technology originally developed to counter Islamic State propaganda in service of a domestic political goal – to combat online efforts to promote President Donald Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

The group, Defeat Disinfo, will use artificial intelligence and network analysis to map discussion of the president’s claims on social media. It will seek to intervene by identifying the most popular counter-narratives and boosting them through a network of more than 3.4 million influencers across the country – in some cases paying users with large followings to take sides against the president.

The initiative reflects fears within the Democratic Party that Trump’s unwavering digital army may help sustain him through the pandemic, as it has through past controversies, even as the economy craters, tens of thousands have died, and Trump suffers in the polls.

“It’s often said campaigns are a battle of ideas, but they’re really a battle of narratives,” said David Eichenbaum, a Democratic media consultant who is a senior adviser to the PAC. “Today those narratives spread quickly online.”

The initiative is run by Curtis Hougland, whose received initial funding for the technology from DARPA, the Pentagon’s research arm, as part of an effort to combat extremism overseas. He insists Democrats are ill-prepared for the looming battle over information and attention, which is bound to play an outsize role in November.

General McChrystal is a Trump hater who wanted Hillary Clinton to win the last election:


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966e40  No.10557209


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eb6252  No.10557210

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26b136  No.10557211

File: 62cb8ec990bb112⋯.png (353.28 KB, 552x735, 184:245, Threatned_Ivanka.png)

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1f708d  No.10557212


got me there

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ad263a  No.10557213


but again i repeat. what an opportunity to redpill people using the hash #laborday.

ur thoughts anon in regards to this statement? im sure it will be as negative as u can make it. kek



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132e57  No.10557214



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8a87d1  No.10557215

File: c79e1b5a9aab1ee⋯.png (617.21 KB, 800x450, 16:9, strzok_cohen.png)

File: cefa52c28085c72⋯.jpg (458.76 KB, 1099x1469, 1099:1469, GA_Anon_Art_March_4_2018.jpg)

File: a5d872dbef623df⋯.jpg (800.29 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, Q_drop_12102018_2_South_Po….jpg)

File: b5b7c0004c23432⋯.jpg (191.69 KB, 1036x650, 518:325, Q_drop_11292018_2.jpg)

File: 5c1a7970368b7cf⋯.jpg (180.8 KB, 1374x1202, 687:601, BHO_Russia.jpg)

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df43aa  No.10557216


will you bun these for me?

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a99137  No.10557217


Wondering if HRC Senate confirmation ties in with SA which opened the door to the 911 heist.

SA back in the news today.

Osama's Neice. her name also starts with N.

Typo in tweet, with CRASH. Time stamp was 11.3

Correction 121 min later.

Why were the acts that recently occurred in SA so critically important?

What US assets are in place in/near SA?

What assurances were made to protect the Kingdom?

Who shot down the missile from Yemen?

POTUS declassify_speech_Jap_11_5

Was it really from Yemen?

How do we know?

Why is this relevant?

Who are the puppets?

Who are the puppet masters?

Who pulls the strings?

What provides power?

What if US elections can be rigged?

How are JFK, Reagan, and Trump different from the rest?

Why did JFK surround himself w/ family much like POTUS?

What if it was bought and paid for?

How would this be possible?

Why are there no voting ID laws in place?

What do you need an ID for? List. Compare. Laugh.

What is the argument for not allowing voter ID laws to be enacted?

Why are immigrants important? (MB)(Votes)(Attacks)

Why are illegals important? (MS13)(Votes)(187)

Why is open border important?

What did BO say on the campaign trail last year to illegals within the US?

What did BO encourage?

Was this illegal?

Who owns sizeable stakes in voter machine co’s?

Who decides what voter machines are used in elections?

Why are some ‘important’ counties still manually/hand counted?

God save us.


First Q post with crash? links a 1.

Regarding JFK as Start

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de4fed  No.10557218

File: 528b55864f004d3⋯.png (662.49 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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707163  No.10557219

is potus on the west wing roof?

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aeec3f  No.10557220

File: 5138efcf571d90a⋯.jpg (87.34 KB, 888x480, 37:20, trumpbidenisglobalistovera….jpg)

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966e40  No.10557221

Where's Hunter


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689780  No.10557222


This new masterpiece should taste even better!

Tasty Cake!

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febd95  No.10557223

POTUS says SUPER V In regards to Economic recovery.

>>10329555 (PB)

This was also mentioned 8/18/20 during Q Research General #13218: Not A Single Live Broadcast Edition Edition

Super Victory?

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d4b34f  No.10557225

Once again POTUS is correct about ultraviolet light as a disinfectant!


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9eed51  No.10557226

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

POTUS is on fire right now.

Total control.

Just wait until he actually plays his hand.

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8a87d1  No.10557227


#hunter ?

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0fd234  No.10557228

File: baca6f6dbeece7b⋯.jpeg (351.35 KB, 750x789, 250:263, 090D1DB0_EC39_4BDA_90FF_7….jpeg)

File: 0a033cbe6dc97ed⋯.jpeg (630.22 KB, 739x940, 739:940, E3D451C5_6799_475A_8B96_C….jpeg)

File: 940a1f14293ea42⋯.jpeg (190.99 KB, 672x478, 336:239, 3F6999C7_25EE_4900_B322_F….jpeg)

File: 15f83775ad744e5⋯.jpeg (378.36 KB, 709x607, 709:607, 52A88394_7509_4022_9B36_D….jpeg)

File: 4652a02b245df8b⋯.jpeg (422.12 KB, 750x724, 375:362, F866EF42_0EB7_4FDE_B1E2_1….jpeg)

>Tim Cook?

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cb3c5e  No.10557229


hifag here, what did the DTTT stand for?

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26b136  No.10557230

File: aa63aad4b431d95⋯.jpg (198.57 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, Gay_austin.jpg)


Hey look at the brightside

We will still have BabyQ!

(unless he is in jail)

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fcdb64  No.10557231

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Go for it Donny.

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9a2c94  No.10557232


I'm going to freak out if POTUS Twatter goes down the day before the election. But I'm more concerned about a massive EMP attack on that day. That’s why you desperately need an EMP protection plan.

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febd95  No.10557233

File: c0934614b571079⋯.png (8.16 KB, 542x147, 542:147, ClipboardImage.png)

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917cfe  No.10557234

this is a pretty intense message

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31c9e9  No.10557235


He is a BALLER right now! kek

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557a11  No.10557236

File: 348dfcae403663d⋯.png (166.57 KB, 512x309, 512:309, ClipboardImage.png)

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6ddca3  No.10557237

Some people don't like to come home.-POTUS

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ad263a  No.10557238

File: 7a8a946b2542a95⋯.png (20.41 KB, 580x284, 145:71, Screenshot_2020_09_07_obam….png)



>try harder


No results for "#obamagate"

The term you entered did not bring up any results. You may have mistyped your term or your Search settings could be protecting you from some potentially sensitive content.

>also not related to #laborday.

please submit proper paper work upon resubmittal. ty

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a665fd  No.10557239

File: 4917f4f812a4e31⋯.jpg (159.37 KB, 1440x907, 1440:907, History.jpg)


I love the man!

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263d62  No.10557240


Their defense will simply be they had a responsibility to investigate the claims.

Durham not only has to prove the Dossier was disinfo, but that the FBI knew it was disinfo from the start.

He has to prove that they didn't follow procedure.

And then prove it was by design as part of a corrupt effort.

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8a87d1  No.10557241

File: 5dc9d939781d66a⋯.png (648.4 KB, 800x450, 16:9, fake_news_griffen.png)

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26b136  No.10557242


Read the title.

I don't want to repeat it and get on the SS list


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6366be  No.10557243

This is ONE GIANT RED PILL coming from POTUS TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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1aa070  No.10557244


I Don't see it.

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896785  No.10557245

File: bc3b954028d0278⋯.gif (572.68 KB, 500x500, 1:1, woooow.gif)

OH SHIT - POTUS talking about the MIC, "top people in the Pentagon" want to make the MIC happy

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966e40  No.10557246




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5a1ac1  No.10557247

File: 4824248e1dd0014⋯.png (180.14 KB, 1129x959, 1129:959, ClipboardImage.png)



Indeed..but interested in looking to see if this is the way the Post Office will secure our votes..with block-chain tech. Looks like there is a connection.

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df43aa  No.10557248


nik'd it

lord, swimmin in cake

what a dream


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aeec3f  No.10557249

President Trump: Top people in the Pentagon want to do nothing but fight wars so that all those wonderful companies that make the bombs, and make the planes, and everything else, stay happy.

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5a1ac1  No.10557250


felt that

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000000  No.10557251



Michelle Obama = 184

Michelle Obama = 420 English

Lilith = 420 English

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8a87d1  No.10557252

File: 29a1958b8c5d857⋯.png (433.32 KB, 752x628, 188:157, richard_berman_bill_clinto….png)

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d5431b  No.10557253


KEK yeah that could be coordinated in a few days.


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917cfe  No.10557254

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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26b136  No.10557255

File: 12fe3879ae5a79b⋯.jpg (142.46 KB, 962x1058, 481:529, Clinton_massage_at_aairpor….jpg)


true. but there are no massages.


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cd7692  No.10557256

File: 62da3d2ed409e3b⋯.png (404.65 KB, 1258x816, 37:24, I_O_w_walk.PNG)


I love the man!


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405936  No.10557257

File: d6b9c828a3036ea⋯.png (556.77 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, d6b9c828a3036ea66dc64fa385….png)

If (YOU) don't shape up, we gonna ship out.

This tripcode can post anywhere…

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1f708d  No.10557258


V is 5 in RN

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93d0c0  No.10557259


They always work in groups and always respond to each other, Anon.

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966e40  No.10557260


> Pentagon

How many Pedo's were exposed working there and nothing happened?

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5f28f0  No.10557261


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de4fed  No.10557262

File: 99c51e5ddbc239f⋯.png (5.09 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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a3abef  No.10557263

dafuq stream went down?

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a27227  No.10557265

File: c544e36f2206129⋯.jpg (11.93 KB, 240x207, 80:69, TRUMPCARD_medium.jpg)

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ad263a  No.10557266


#GoVote <3

can u actually believe 1 anon got a hash to trend GO GERBIL

1 anon Great

5 anons wonderful

100 anons OMG 0.0

but again anything or ideas for redpilling normies on laborday or do u want to continue wasting more time?


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6366be  No.10557267


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000000  No.10557268

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640996  No.10557269

stream went black for me too…


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d7f05b  No.10557270






>”worlds richest company fucks it’s security researchers out of several millions of dollars..”

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8a87d1  No.10557271

File: 7426c844e36fd30⋯.png (702.26 KB, 800x432, 50:27, moar_fake_news_09052020.png)

china is not a developing nation, esp if it wants to play games with USA.

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aeec3f  No.10557272

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This one is working:

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f97b18  No.10557273

File: a0be03031e135b2⋯.png (335.84 KB, 534x514, 267:257, ohfug.png)

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594305  No.10557274


Rsbn down for a sec

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966e40  No.10557275

CHYNA is Asshoe

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cd7692  No.10557276



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278dea  No.10557277

File: 1c0431452009d17⋯.jpg (42.94 KB, 600x450, 4:3, biden_basement_tv.jpg)


A few weeks ago there were pictures of Biden's basement TV studio.

Question was, why was Biden table raised up on camera boxes and why was Biden sitting in a raised chair?

To me, it was to get the bookcase behind him into the background correctly, and I thought the bookcase must have been a comms mechanism.

This shot of Wilmer may add another piece to that theory.

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91de9d  No.10557278


here too

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c94f1a  No.10557279


rsbn still up

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000000  No.10557280

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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eb6252  No.10557281


looks like it

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5f28f0  No.10557282

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Feed Still Rolling


🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds a Labor Day News Conference

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966e40  No.10557283


Go here we have pic and sound

China China China Talk

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0dc53e  No.10557284

The White House feed just went black, RightSide still playing POTUS

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da8848  No.10557285

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Thogal: Receiving the Rainbow Body By Crossing The Abyss

Wise Solace

pnw anons


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de4fed  No.10557286

File: 02264ed750d2c75⋯.png (559.41 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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d4b34f  No.10557287

Whitehouse feed is down!

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26b136  No.10557288

File: 81f04f899c30ac8⋯.jpg (7.67 KB, 299x169, 23:13, tight_butthole.jpg)

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8a87d1  No.10557289

File: 81fda86c5b1d076⋯.png (465.17 KB, 732x427, 12:7, Trump_Frog.png)

any countries making moves against America AND GOOD People around the World, Anons will member.

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ad263a  No.10557290


idk me feelz as other anon stated

>+ is coming and fast

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f843c7  No.10557291

"Because Biden's a stupid person - you know that"

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2dcbb2  No.10557292

File: 7a344e19ff45044⋯.png (886.16 KB, 636x793, 636:793, ClipboardImage.png)

California gender-reveal party with pyrotechnic device sparks massive blaze that burns over 7,300 acres

Three major wildfires are burning tens of thousands of acres in California right now

More than 500 firefighters, 60 fire engines, and four helicopters have been deployed to a massive fire in Southern California. The huge inferno, dubbed the El Dorado Fire, was caused by a pyrotechnic device used at a gender-reveal party.

The gender-reveal party was held in El Dorado Ranch Park, and the fire began at 10:23 a.m. Saturday. The couple, and possibly some other friends and family, went to a grassy field at El Dorado Ranch Park, to announce the gender of their baby, Cal Fire Capt. Bennett Milloy told KTVU. They used a cylindrical device to send up either pink or blue smoke, and reveal the sex, he said. But the spectacle created a fire, which the couple tried to douse with their own water bottles, he said.

The blaze quickly spread from the park to Yucaipa Ridge, which separates Mountain Home Village, and Forest Falls from Yucaipa. As of Monday morning, the massive inferno had burned 7,386 acres and was only 7% was contained, according to San Bernardino County Fire Protection District.

"CAL FIRE Law Enforcement has determined the El Dorado Fire, burning near Oak Glen in San Bernardino County, was caused by a smoke generating pyrotechnic device, used during a gender reveal party," the agency stated.

"Those responsible for starting fires due to negligence or illegal activity can be held financially responsible and criminally responsible," Cal Fire said.

CAL Fire investigators believe a family taking gender reveal photos at a Yucaipa-area park with pyrotechnics sparke… https://t.co/pKcoJQB9uv

— Kara Finnstrom (@Kara Finnstrom)1599490358.0

Four towns in San Bernardino County — Oak Glen, Yucaipa Ridge, Mountain Home Village and Forest Falls — were under evacuation orders because of the El Dorado Fire. About 21,000 residents have been evacuated. Several homes have been destroyed, according to KCAL-TV.

Timelapse of the #ElDoradoFire from this afternoon near North Bench Yucaipa. @SanBernardinoNF @CALFIREBDU https://t.co/uHOmlnkdID

— SB County Fire (@SB County Fire)1599440417.0


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8650b7  No.10557293

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Graham Hart

Goyim of the World, Wake Up!

You’re on a Hoax Train, a Hoax Train

Goyim of the World, Wake Up!

Get Off the Hoax Train, the Hoax Train

The first stop we’ll be making will be Auschwitz

Tell all your friends you won’t see the Swimming Pool!

When the train arrives at the station,

Like the Theatre, it’s been Hidden, Hidden from you

Goyim of the World, Wake Up!

You’re on a Hoax Train, a Hoax Trainhj

Goyim of the World, Wake Up!

Get Off the Hoax Train, the Hoax Train

The next stop is reading a diary over in Amsterdam

Written in pen and pencil, Now there’s a Clue

You see the Biro* wasn’t invented,

Until Nineteen, 1952!

Hey What’s Going On?

Goyim of the World, Wake Up!

You’re on a Hoax Train, a Hoax Train

Goyim of the World, Wake Up!

Get Off the Hoax Train, the Hoax Train

Hooooooax, What a Faux!

What a Hooooooax, What a Hooooooax!

Goyim of the World, Wake Up!

You’re on a Hoax Train, a Hoax Train

Goyim of the World, Wake Up!

Get Off the Hoax Train, the Hoax Train

Goyim of the World, Wake Up!

You’re on a Hoax Train, a Hoax Train

Goyim of the World, Wake Up!

Get Off the Hoax Train, the Hoax, the Hoax Train





*Biro also known as a ballpoint pen


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1d8c00  No.10557294

File: e65c81082610944⋯.png (1.71 MB, 743x1016, 743:1016, Screenshot_20200907_104630.png)

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a27227  No.10557295


off live feed on pc, but still on TV.

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5a1ac1  No.10557296

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fb9858  No.10557297

no president ever has a command of the facts like this guy ; has his fingers on everything ; just like he used to come down to the salad bar and make them change the lettuce if there was one sign of wilt or rust…etc…

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88c2d8  No.10557298

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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917cfe  No.10557299


damn she's aged

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9a2c94  No.10557300


Kek, that cracked me up.

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966e40  No.10557301


Biden Sold you out

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eaf290  No.10557302

File: ed39bdab5775eb6⋯.jpg (11.26 KB, 500x64, 125:16, 4dm1p0_1_1.jpg)

File: f45bcd2e69ebcb2⋯.png (111.44 KB, 459x500, 459:500, downloadfile_9_1_.png)

File: 0ddd03e5bf435bd⋯.png (4.94 MB, 1814x1876, 907:938, downloadfile_10_1_.png)

Q SoyBoy trolls are gutless individuals that can't even pay their mom's rent.

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41b0ca  No.10557303


rightside broadcasting

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dcd979  No.10557304


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03c50c  No.10557305

File: 3cb7d3ce6e47c12⋯.png (1.39 MB, 792x960, 33:40, ClipboardImage.png)

Ain't that the damn truth!

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a3abef  No.10557306


TX all gud there.

I think the WH stream may have went down.

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896785  No.10557307

"Took advantage of stupid people. Biden's a stupid person. You won't write that, but you know it's true."


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9b6b2b  No.10557308

File: eb844db2af7e47a⋯.png (10.39 KB, 368x605, 368:605, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a1271da19cbd45c⋯.png (220.1 KB, 756x2900, 189:725, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f564483db621c52⋯.png (127.8 KB, 756x3203, 756:3203, ClipboardImage.png)


clear and present danger to the republic

5 drops in context of CPD to the Republic

3721- MSM (Fake News)

3749- If a major political party can be [controlled]

3858- corporations operated/controlled by a political ideology? (news becomes an extension/arm of a political party.)

3905- Media: 'controlled' system of information dissemination

4535- Media- Coordination/propoganda to weaken Potus + BLM push + Antifa

Q painting the picture:

Corporations that own the Media (big 6- 90%) are involved in coup.

Spreading false info and suppressing/censoring truth while promoting violent insurrection.

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aeec3f  No.10557309

President Trump: We're going to end our reliance on China.

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966e40  No.10557310


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707163  No.10557311

File: a3913a189367de8⋯.jpeg (187.18 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 40ED2A70_8459_49EC_947A_E….jpeg)


cant figure out where hes standing for his speech

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000000  No.10557312

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5f28f0  No.10557313



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fb0e8d  No.10557314

File: 0fafba902a6c914⋯.jpg (287.93 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, Ir6ktR8.jpg)

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5a1ac1  No.10557315

audio changed..low def now

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8a87d1  No.10557316


>can u actually believe 1 anon got a hash to trend GO GERBIL


you need moar to trend, silly ha ha huma hrc sdny epstein weiner laptop huma mb feinstein china …

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966e40  No.10557317


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df43aa  No.10557318


noice diggies yo

all cake is guud, lots of icin the key


habby labor day

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2dcbb2  No.10557319

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Chemtrail Pictures Sent To Me From The 60th Air Wing "Open House"


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917cfe  No.10557321


damn she's aged

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4f709a  No.10557322

Potus in beast mode

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513691  No.10557323

File: aa108aad66f5d64⋯.png (178.86 KB, 623x466, 623:466, ClipboardImage.png)

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a27227  No.10557324


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594305  No.10557326

Kek take it off

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917cfe  No.10557327

muh mask

yer gonna hafta to take that off

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08e916  No.10557328


Just a thought about all the chatter concerning a EMP attack.

Potus is always ahead of the game. One of the most important resources should an EMP hit this country is those multi million dollar Auto Tap Step Down TRANSFORMERS. Who doesn't think Potus has a stash of these ready to replace all those stratgic sub stations littered throughout the US?

Within 10 days they would be deployed reinstalled and those sub stations would be generating and redistributing all the necessary electricity the people would require to support their needs until the smaller transformers are also in play.

This would not be something broadcasted for enemy combatants to destroy before they could even be deployed. They would be stored in well protected locations, not vulnerable to such an attack.

No sauce … but if this were the case, how could I have it. ???

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89cfc5  No.10557329




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ad263a  No.10557330


ty anons, please dig and see what we have

>>10555488 (You), >>10555507, >>10555611, >>10555754

>anons call for diggz on dog dewormer treating cancer?


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966e40  No.10557331

Prepare To Receive Transmission

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640996  No.10557332

I fucking hate this god damn media….god dammit they are fucking evil pieces of dog shit.

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f10659  No.10557333

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


NewsNow from Fox has it

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aeec3f  No.10557334

President Trump: How many feet are you away?

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d4b34f  No.10557335

Take that fuken mask off!

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917cfe  No.10557336

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7da200  No.10557337

File: 6d41b8dcd836b10⋯.png (25.96 KB, 183x152, 183:152, 20200331_191000.png)


>labor day

With the benefit of 2020 hindsight in current year, anon realizes that We should have been celebrating women going into labor with our babies rather than celebrating wageslavery/mammoncuckery.

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df43aa  No.10557338



>>10557108, >>10557201 planefaggin

>>10557223 POTUS says SUPER V In regards to Economic recovery.

>>10557208 Democrats Are Now Using Pentagon Funded Artificial Intelligence to Combat Online Efforts by Trump Supporters to Promote President Trump

>>10557186 "Wildfire Crisis" - Record-Breaking Heat Sparks 23 Fires, Rolling Blackouts Across Golden State

>>10557165 ‘Threat to ALL journalists’? Facebook temporarily DISABLES account of reporter who livestreamed armed groups in Louisville

>>10557140 President Trump: "Under my leadership, next year will be the greatest economic year in the history of our country, I project."

>>10557135 POTUS: NASDAQ has set 17 records

>>10557117 Hiring Voter Canvassers

>>10557101 Surveillance Camera Captures 'Huge Pile Of Mail' Dumped In California Parking Lots

>>10557069 Do we have memes for this?

>>10557047 Google's antitrust battles: What you need to know

>>10557006, >>10557094 VA Sen Dick Black (former head of Army’s Criminal Law Division) warns of a potential military coup.

>>10556930 Potus Live


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dcaa6b  No.10557339


nigga, i do not think (((you))) would comp'drehend the logical answer.

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a3abef  No.10557340

File: 86cf5b4fb935f0e⋯.png (226.07 KB, 713x475, 713:475, comfy.png)

Happy Labor Day


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26b136  No.10557341



FBI COINTEL disinfo campaign to discredit Patriot w/ 'Sovereign Citizen' cocksuckery

Flag fringe is decoration

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cb971a  No.10557342

I wasn’t a fan of John McCain.

He was a traitor.

So we executed his fucking ass

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d76b3b  No.10557343


>To me, it was to get the bookcase behind him into the background correctly

can confirm. This happens on the reg on stagesets. They wanted tot he dight line of his desk to flow into the books instead of the blanks cabinetry.

illustrates how fake things are once the blinder of the camera lens is applied to the production. They broke the 4th wall by showing that shot.

There's probably also meta imagery to focus on too, as you state.

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896785  No.10557344

What did the "reporter" ask? I couldn't understand what muffled man asked..

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eb6252  No.10557345

MSM forcing POTUS to say his name

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594305  No.10557346


I had to turn off my feed. Props to anons who are still listening.

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966e40  No.10557347

File: b086188af18fd05⋯.png (324.72 KB, 700x414, 350:207, ClipboardImage.png)


Take that mask Off

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cb3c5e  No.10557348


toldjah I was hi, kek and thanks. I am laughing at myself now.

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1c58d5  No.10557349





try it yourself.

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617f20  No.10557350

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86b35f  No.10557351


Tom Joseph @TomJChicago lives in a dark world where using social media; wants you to see things in his ghetto-minded way.

Pray for those who are vulnerable to this sort of bullshit by those who are projecting or want you to believe only negative perspectives onto all those around them.

Not in my world, Tom Jones. Anon does not see it your way. Not at all.

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917cfe  No.10557352


localized martial law being set up by cali's power brokers

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6366be  No.10557353

File: 48de34264f8acfa⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1302x751, 1302:751, Baphomet.png)

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2dcbb2  No.10557354

File: 066de0ebc2a995a⋯.png (95.34 KB, 821x701, 821:701, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ff2656dd5c7c520⋯.png (60.35 KB, 845x455, 13:7, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c2d3f16a5ea02ab⋯.png (71.58 KB, 801x570, 267:190, ClipboardImage.png)

BARR: Google May Be In Line For A Legal Spanking By The Supreme Court

Most Americans – probably the vast majority – have very little idea what the United States Supreme Court really does. Sure, whenever the High Court issues a ruling on an abortion case or decides a matter involving the Second Amendment, the media is all over it and the public becomes aware that the Court is there. Abortion and guns aside, however, rulings by our nation’s highest court often impact our daily lives in far more ways than do those high-profile decisions everyone hears about.

In just a few weeks, the Court will hear arguments in a truly landmark case that will significantly impact Google, the world’s most heavily used search engine, controlling over 92% of that market worldwide.

Google actually is owned by Alphabet, but everyone outside the tech industry itself knows the search engine as “Google” not “Alphabet” or anything else. The search engine enjoys such a ubiquitous presence that its name has been recognized officially in dictionaries as a transitive verb.

The specific case on which the nine Justices will hear arguments has little to do with the average person who “Googles,” but a great deal to do with copyright law. Although hardly a matter for dinner table chatter in suburbia, copyright law indirectly affects much of what every person reads, listens to or views on their computer; but perhaps most importantly, how they conduct research on a computer or smartphone.


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8a87d1  No.10557355

File: 2a1ff5515ad5b9a⋯.jpg (392.64 KB, 1200x764, 300:191, TY_POTUSjpg.jpg)



oh, you lost the challenge?!

on the first day?!


jus joking, Free Speech right?



dig PRAY

thank you Anons and Q+ Q

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febd95  No.10557356

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

potus called out the military-industrial complex!!!

"The Soldiers love me, The Top people in the pentegon aren't because they want to do nothing but fight wars so all of those wonderful companies that make the bombs and make the planes and make everything else stay happy"

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709e89  No.10557357

File: ee3bf7522ae758d⋯.png (864.36 KB, 459x666, 51:74, masayoshi_Son_popcorn_tub_….PNG)

File: cc746f37f325cee⋯.png (1.34 MB, 767x907, 767:907, softbank_disclosure_hds_09….PNG)

File: 98c409fe4c4333d⋯.png (293.81 KB, 770x442, 385:221, 090320_NASDAQ_vs_10yr_T_no….PNG)

SoftBank Has Closed Most Of Its "Nasdaq Whale" Positions

Following our Thursday report identifying SoftBank as the primary - but not only - catalyst behind the bizarre moves in high beta tech names and the broader market over the past several weeks (confirmed later by the FT and WSJ) In History" with subsequent reports that SoftBank, or the "Nasdaq whale" as some now call it was sitting on "unbooked" profits of about $4 billion, the market was quick to punish SoftBank (9984.JT) which dropped on Friday then tumbled another 7% on Monday despite what the company has been proud to frequently remind its investors was the second biggest buyback authorization after Apple'''. There were two reasons cited for the drop: the first was the realization that "SoftBank’s behaviour as a company increasingly resembled that of a hedge fund, populated with former investment bankers with a massive appetite for risk." This realization was assisted by our weekend report which revealed the main players behind the Softbank trade, which was the brainchild of Abu Dhabi-based Akshay Naheta, a former Deutsche Bank prop trader who now heads SoftBank's new asset management team which invests in public equities, including all those tech companies that have soared in August on the massive gamma melt-up facilitated by concurrent call buying as described previously.

The second reason cited by the FT for today's tumble is that "retail investors, which make up 30 per cent of SoftBank’s shareholder registry, reacted particularly negatively to the company’s latest shift in investment strategy."

Which is understandable: while it is known that SoftBank has made a roughly 100% profit generating $4 billion in profits from the purchase of $4 billion in option premium, it was generally unknown if the bank can hold on to this profit, or in other words if it can book it before dealers move the market aggressively against SoftBank, potentially leading to all gains being wiped out and/or losses. Indeed, this is what the FT reported just this morning: While SoftBank’s huge derivatives bet on selected US stocks has worked for now, leaving the Japanese group with large, albeit as yet unrealised, profits, a continued pullback in equity markets could erode returns. Well, it appears that in keeping with its newly-found reputation of a hedge fund, and contrary to widespread speculation that the Japanese conglomerate is still on the hook, SoftBank has already unwound a majority of its public holdings. We know this thanks to a little-noticed conference call that took place in late August, days before we revealed SoftBank's role in the marketwide gamma grab. The call, which took place on August 26 and was held by Morgan Stanley's media sector specialist covering SoftBank and was first noticed by Thunderdome Capital, emphasized several things:

-The company's massive buyback: "We always said our stock was cheap, but our stock is the best thing out there right now. Biggest buyback in Japan history. Only Apple's buyback is bigger globally."

-The continued "successful" listing of SoftBank's private portfolio companies: "Already had 9 companies that have listed out of the Vision Fund this year. We're starting to take smaller stakes in companies so we can sell them more quickly and increase our IRR."

-Visiong Fund's liquidity position: "Still have $14 billion in cash in the Vision Fund, which is partially being used to pay the 7% preferred return, but also to invest more in other assets."

The statement refers to SoftBank's brand new investment management subsidiary which was first revealed in the company's Aug 11 earnings call….. and specifically to the portfolio of public investments which SoftBank unveiled recently (Cap#2) and then used various option strategies to turbocharge returns during the now infamous gamma meltup. It also means that for all intents and purposes, SoftBank is now out of most - if not all - of its public equity positions and "Nasdaq Whale" bets which were, as we reported last week, the primary catalyst for the market's tremendous rally.

Finally, recall that it was last August when former NY president Bill Dudley wrote an Op-Ed urging the Fed to crash the market to prevent another Trump re-election. Well, if his message resonated with the FOMC, what better time to unveil a hawkish shock than at the Sept FOMC meeting in 9 days - the last one before the presidential election. Because if there is one thing that - in Dudley's and Trump's view - could cripple his re-election chances, it is a market crash just weeks before Nov 3.



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26b136  No.10557358

File: 07fa3950496053f⋯.jpg (260.79 KB, 1242x1095, 414:365, trump_girls.jpg)

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c4c498  No.10557359

remember that time trump stuck his whole hand up assange's jew?

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966e40  No.10557360





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eb6252  No.10557361




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d5431b  No.10557362


I have arthritis and have had surgeries on my feet and many other areas. I can tell the difference between hard packed dirt/asphalt and cement.

Grass and sand are the most comfortable to walk on.

This is what they have to nitpick on? That our President was enjoying walking on grass? LMAO!

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f10659  No.10557363


We had it on the Roku, and yep, it went down! WifeAnon getting red pills daily now, she was MAD when it happened!

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5f28f0  No.10557364

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f843c7  No.10557365


love me boom GEOTUS wins

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917cfe  No.10557366



straight tonotablesbitches.

make it happen

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2dcbb2  No.10557367

Zach Fuentes, Top Aide to John Kelly, Denies Atlantic Story About Trump

Former Deputy White House Chief of Staff Zach Fuentes denied to Breitbart News The Atlantic’s account of President Donald Trump’s comments about troops in Europe.

Fuentes unequivocally denied The Atlantic’s report last week, a huge blow to the establishment media narrative. Fuentes personally briefed President Trump on the weather situation that led to the trip being canceled. He is also a close personal confidante of former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly.

“You can put me on record denying that I spoke with The Atlantic,” Fuentes told Breitbart News on Monday. “I don’t know who the sources are. I did not hear POTUS call anyone losers when I told him about the weather. Honestly, do you think General Kelly would have stood by and let ANYONE call fallen Marines losers?”

He specifically also stated that he believes The Atlantic’s sources “are unlikely first hand accounts.”

“They are conflating those people from something the day after,” Fuentes said.

Fuentes also told Breitbart News he is upset that Trump has been speaking negatively about Kelly.

“On a separate note, I am disappointed to see POTUS talk about General Kelly so negatively in the middle of being accused of saying negative things about the military,” Fuentes said. “If anyone understands selfless service, it’s General Kelly.”

The fact that Fuentes—Kelly’s closest ally—is now publicly denying the report from The Atlantic is a monstrous strike against the credibility of the report. Several Trump critics, including former National Security Adviser John Bolton, have also denied this happened.

Every person who was allegedly in the room who has spoken up so far has denied the account of what happened. Fuentes’ denial, reported here exclusive on Breitbart News first, deals another strike against The Atlantic’s credibility.

“I also think any President, regardless of political affiliation, deserves to have candid and private conversations with trusted advisors,” Fuentes added in a text to Breitbart News. “If the President decides to talk about it, that is his right, but generally, I don’t think it is my place to divulge private conversations I’ve had with him.”


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89cfc5  No.10557368

"Only an animal would say a thing like that."


Re: Atlantic story

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f97b18  No.10557369

File: 85db888d8f2dcc2⋯.png (90.18 KB, 258x166, 129:83, toofesses.png)


i, for one, would like to know how a fucking BILLIONAIRE still can't manage to get their goddamn teeth fixed.

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93750e  No.10557370


maybe he is self identifying as korean today?

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616d40  No.10557371

File: 664b52f4088c3e5⋯.jpeg (507.41 KB, 1242x2016, 69:112, EBBBE208_7785_42B3_AFE6_6….jpeg)

File: c0fc4655fed29e9⋯.jpeg (463.36 KB, 1241x1763, 1241:1763, B2F6E4D1_9DD1_41D2_AF9C_D….jpeg)

Moar fuggery by the press


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6df3e1  No.10557372

General Kellog… KEK

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896785  No.10557373

File: dce02eaac361f8d⋯.jpg (118.98 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, replaceLight.jpg)



>I fucking hate this god damn media….god dammit they are fucking evil pieces of dog shit.

Then replace them.

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193291  No.10557374


I hope those two idiots have to pay for the damage from said fire.

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fe113e  No.10557375


is there any other feed streaming ?

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966e40  No.10557376

You and WHAT Army?

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ac18d0  No.10557377


Yep! Damn shame NoName was given the honor of falsely claiming a brain tumor!

Pay per View of his execution would have paid off the national debt!

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640996  No.10557378

File: db84960fb696782⋯.png (3.67 MB, 1200x1499, 1200:1499, ClipboardImage.png)

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e7c584  No.10557379

File: fee6b6059a9d6b0⋯.png (369.14 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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917cfe  No.10557380


it's not Ellen?

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3eef1c  No.10557381

who was Tracer

was she hot

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f843c7  No.10557382

File: 22a3d3675d148a9⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1200x675, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

he loves i'm faggot

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707163  No.10557383


whoa. did trump say that?

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03c50c  No.10557384

File: 2ef3926c6e989d4⋯.jpg (105.89 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 100_1719.JPG)

File: 7186723d45945d7⋯.jpg (136.1 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 100_1721.JPG)

File: 09670e9a9ddadec⋯.jpg (54.62 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 100_1724.JPG)

File: 2ccf2c3df442763⋯.jpg (256.11 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 100_1700.JPG)

File: f93e889515aeb7b⋯.jpg (177.84 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 100_1702.JPG)

The Wait is Over…

I know everyone has been dying to know how my painting has been going since I showed my doors.

Well, you can rest easy tonight!

Yesterday I painted my dining room and kitchen ceiling and this morning I rolled out the walls. Taking my time and tomorrow I'll cut out the ceiling and baseboard trim. ONE THING ATTA TIME. CALM DOWN! I cannot do it all in one day…

THEN.. The cupboards all come off and those get painted… RePaper the cabinets.. etc etc.

SO let it be written. So let it be done!

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bc8449  No.10557385

File: 72d6df96b97d706⋯.gif (162.82 KB, 450x261, 50:29, videotogif_2020_09_07_13_4….gif)

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6132f0  No.10557386

POTUS - I'm not saying the military is in love with me, The soldiers are. The top people in the pentagon aren't because they wanna do nothing but fight wars so that all of those wonderful companies that make the bomb's and make the planes and make everything else stay happy, we are getting out of the endless wars you know what we are doing

I love this man. God Bless Him. Why did a murder most foul happen in DC happen.


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8a87d1  No.10557387

File: 64b6811da0f3c8a⋯.jpg (118 KB, 794x388, 397:194, StarHousejpg.jpg)


make it so

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2dcbb2  No.10557388

File: ada46b00b5c6e21⋯.png (57.83 KB, 566x507, 566:507, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c786099d3073914⋯.png (185.95 KB, 633x479, 633:479, ClipboardImage.png)

Poll: 74% of California Voters Reject Children’s Transgender Medical Treatments

A poll released Friday found a large majority of California likely voters reject the type of gender identity policies that would allow minor children access to transgender medical treatments such as hormone drugs and surgeries.

The poll, conducted by SPRY Strategies and sponsored by the Women’s Liberation Front, found 74 percent of likely California voters oppose policies that allow children who claim to be transgender to receive hormone and surgical treatments that could render them sterile.

The survey also asked for California voters’ responses to two recent pieces of legislation: AB 2218, which would establish a taxpayer-subsidized “equity” fund that could be used for transgender medical interventions and surgeries, many of which are known to cause sterility; and SB 132, which would allow biological male prisoners to demand placement in women’s prisons.

The California legislature approved both bills and they now await the signature of Gov. Gavin Newsom (D).

According to the poll, however, 63 percent of likely voters disapprove of AB 2218 and the establishment of a taxpayer-subsidized “Transgender Wellness Fund.”

Regarding SB 132, 46 percent disagree with allowing men to demand to be placed in women’s prisons, and another 15 percent were unsure of their view.

“While we’re disappointed that even 38 percent of Californians support the idea of putting male inmates in women’s prisons, these polling results demonstrate that a majority of voters … largely support policies that are based on an accurate recognition of biological sex,” Natasha Chart, board chair of the Women’s Liberation Front, said in a statement.

“The policies being pushed by gender extremists cut against the majority opinions of likely voters,” she said. “They should stop trying to win this debate by falsely describing themselves as representing the popular will.”

The poll was conducted August 29 to September 1, among a random sample of 600 likely voters, and has a margin of error of plus or minus four percentage points.

Results of the survey come soon after American Principles Project (APP) and SPRY Strategies released a poll that sought Michigan voters’ responses to the Democrat Party’s strong approval of transgender policies.

According to that poll, 79 percent of Michigan voters opposed allowing children under the age of 18 who claim to identify as transgender to undergo sex-change surgeries or hormone treatments.

In addition, 78 percent of Michigan voters opposed allowing biological males who claim to identify as transgender to compete in women’s sports.

Terry Schilling, APP executive director, said, in the wake of the Democratic National Convention last month, Joe Biden’s platform is clearly “more radical than ever.”

“Biden and his fellow Democrats have pledged to use the power of the federal government to destroy women’s sports and push young children into highly experimental and dangerous sex-change procedures,” Schilling added. “These are positions which the vast majority of American voters disagree with. And yet Democrats are rarely called out on it, getting a free pass from the media and even Republicans.”


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91de9d  No.10557389

weren't there hints of an ass attempt that day in france?

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0426ea  No.10557391

File: 2eb4ff37dc8b7b2⋯.png (513.92 KB, 504x502, 252:251, SweetBabyNoNames.png)



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41b0ca  No.10557392

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ac18d0  No.10557393


Still up on Periscope

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616d40  No.10557394

File: 53ddd982b78c229⋯.jpeg (377.91 KB, 1242x1469, 1242:1469, A74FD544_9D6D_4528_A9B4_3….jpeg)

File: 257a90cdf8b5ddb⋯.jpeg (297.75 KB, 1234x1262, 617:631, 4417BC56_9DCB_4841_BAF1_3….jpeg)

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febd95  No.10557395

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966e40  No.10557396


I may have Added some colorful phrasing but yeah Basically

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89cfc5  No.10557397

File: 3ffea6d8aa7b7cd⋯.png (8.87 KB, 667x85, 667:85, ClipboardImage.png)


40K watching live

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594305  No.10557398


Looking good!

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f97b18  No.10557399


kek, no it's the male doppleganger tim cook

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966e40  No.10557400


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9a2c94  No.10557401

"That's enough of that" like Dad scolding the children.

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d48507  No.10557402


his speech got cut off .

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4fa010  No.10557403

File: 25d17fdbc91edad⋯.jpeg (240.86 KB, 931x1138, 931:1138, DA6E5A2E_1E85_4845_9FA1_3….jpeg)


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014831  No.10557404


The desperation is palpable.

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709e89  No.10557405

File: f09114e39e7368c⋯.png (116.87 KB, 720x435, 48:29, eisenhower_speech_snip.PNG)

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8273a2  No.10557406

File: a5315a9d2bc8c74⋯.png (412.39 KB, 824x349, 824:349, Screenshot_2020_09_06_at_1….png)


With those thighs who would need a tractor?

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d4b34f  No.10557407

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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26b136  No.10557408


they wear their ugliness as honor.

look how far I have gotten looking this bad.

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f843c7  No.10557409


when do the questions come to life and beat cabal

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966e40  No.10557410

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This is still up


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fcdb64  No.10557411

File: 7e47019a494638c⋯.jpg (23.05 KB, 640x400, 8:5, lit.jpg)

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4fa010  No.10557412

File: fb64583d5d05413⋯.jpeg (106.4 KB, 951x485, 951:485, A2322F6B_DEDD_46F6_8266_A….jpeg)

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2dcbb2  No.10557413

File: 5a86fb63dd2fe75⋯.png (198.48 KB, 602x525, 86:75, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a84408ad5b7dbba⋯.png (403.77 KB, 667x887, 667:887, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3357adc653634ce⋯.png (320.41 KB, 678x794, 339:397, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9f0094c20691747⋯.png (440.76 KB, 694x707, 694:707, ClipboardImage.png)

Delingpole: Everything Bad In History Was the Patriarchy’s Fault, Claims United Nations

“If civilization had been left in female hands we would still be living in grass huts”, Camille Paglia once famously said. But the United Nations didn’t get the memo:

No, really. According to the United Nations, the “millennia of patriarchy” which gave us, among many other things, the Greek and Roman philosophers, Christianity, the Taj Mahal, Habeas Corpus, the art of the Renaissance, the collected works of Shakespeare and Goethe, Johann Sebastian Bach, penicillin, central heating, air conditioning, the internal combustion engine, and space travel, have actually been damaging to “everyone”.

Also, according to the UN, “we all” know this.

Who exactly is this “we”, Kemo Sabe?


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ac18d0  No.10557414


POTUS needs to mount an AR on his podium

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dde362  No.10557415

File: 4f709070f0cb48e⋯.png (20.29 KB, 657x254, 657:254, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 20db73836a7ac84⋯.png (408.88 KB, 757x736, 757:736, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 710edd64e50911b⋯.png (716.06 KB, 651x678, 217:226, ClipboardImage.png)






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53e029  No.10557416

File: f082a0af510b68e⋯.jpg (718.63 KB, 2151x2896, 2151:2896, f082a0af510b68ec951495a5ba….jpg)

Don't throw away your masks yet.

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fe113e  No.10557417



odd they BOTH cut out when he mentions Biden supporting "TPP" Trans-Pacific Partnership

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966e40  No.10557418


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aeec3f  No.10557419

File: 8048292ebd8e4ae⋯.jpg (57.17 KB, 624x486, 104:81, barrstatelinesfederal.jpg)

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0426ea  No.10557420

SEPT 7, 1776!!!

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febd95  No.10557421

File: c8b05038ed1cb1b⋯.png (1017.99 KB, 1283x951, 1283:951, ClipboardImage.png)

take off your mask when you talk to me…


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d48507  No.10557422


thank you Anon

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896785  No.10557423

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707163  No.10557424


i have 50+ posts ready to go on that topic. was waiting.

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966e40  No.10557425


>Over a Thousand Federal Employees

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9fd9ae  No.10557426

File: 77522a104fcd92e⋯.png (593.02 KB, 596x556, 149:139, 18882573_FA3B_4591_92D5_0F….png)

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2dcbb2  No.10557427

File: cd8815d09a18dad⋯.png (589.65 KB, 635x587, 635:587, ClipboardImage.png)


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88c2d8  No.10557428

File: 245e7c829c0fd4b⋯.jpg (558.08 KB, 2047x1582, 2047:1582, 1511840696762.jpg)

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e9b2c6  No.10557429


Death to the triumvirate

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0426ea  No.10557430

File: 124cd76a4f86b56⋯.png (476.09 KB, 522x514, 261:257, Screenshot_113.png)


Make it so!

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cb971a  No.10557432

David Spunt is a little BITCH.

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e7c584  No.10557433

File: b0e6ac78c5553a4⋯.png (344.52 KB, 550x310, 55:31, ClipboardImage.png)

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26b136  No.10557434


from biscuts and gravy mmmmmmmm

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5a42d7  No.10557435

File: 54753252de91510⋯.jpeg (284.96 KB, 750x762, 125:127, 80493565_7724_4B96_89A1_7….jpeg)

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302db2  No.10557436


Your right. Every year our CDC decides which flu vaccine to use dependant on, which flu is being expressed in China. It's the cabal culling of the heard yearly. Goes much deeper as well, imo.

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ac18d0  No.10557437

What do you know?? KEK

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aeec3f  No.10557438

President Trump: What do you know?


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6132f0  No.10557439

White House livestream gone black for anyone else on yt?

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b4926f  No.10557440

File: 3e989cda70bf0f1⋯.jpg (435.16 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20200907_100841….jpg)

Whats up frens, I been off the boards for awhile, just checking the notables and qposts, justs wanted to say check out the unions and Biden in the media today. Personally, I am a union member, and unions are often a good thing, they ensure job contracts, higher pay, steps for discipline, etc and certain professions couldnt work without unions. However, the unions all donate and endorse the Democrats no matter what, its part of the political machine. Theres corruption at the top of them, and it needs to be exposed. The Unions and Biden are tweeting today to garner votes, and the union twitters have been spouting the shit narratives. Please help expose. Unions are only as good as their members, and members need to be aware of whats going on with their dues.

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df7804  No.10557441

"Bidens a stupid person, you know that", DJT

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4f709a  No.10557442

"I know my customers"

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966e40  No.10557443


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03c50c  No.10557444

File: 32e5712d9caa656⋯.png (1.93 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a1baf0779c0cbc4⋯.png (1.93 MB, 1360x2040, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Thank you very much!

My ass is up at 5am for no reason every morning so I started at 7am..

Now it is Chill Mode!

See if I can research a bit.. post a few Notables.. yadda yadda yadda


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89cfc5  No.10557445

I know who I'm dealing with.

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1ef5fe  No.10557446

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yes, use RSBN

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f10659  No.10557447

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bd3396  No.10557448

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Went to Right Side.


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0c3467  No.10557449


>oh, you lost the challenge?!

it aint be the first time, if u recall

nor will be the last.


[ALL 3]

btw thinking im doing well atm. no triggers. no fighting. just calmly pushing a narrative. GOD WINS!

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2dcbb2  No.10557450

File: 8a6e1fe191cd884⋯.png (414.61 KB, 634x362, 317:181, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 97c821e35f8409e⋯.png (383.82 KB, 666x858, 111:143, ClipboardImage.png)

London Police Arrest Extinction Rebellion Leader ‘Rainbow Surfer’

The Metropolitan Police arrested one of the leaders of Extinction Rebellion’s ‘Walk of Shame’ protest for reparations in the City of London after breaching coronavirus restrictions on organising mass gatherings.

On Friday, approximately 200 Extinction Rebellion activists gathered outside the Bank of England, going on to demonstrate in front of other British financial institutions, such as Lloyd’s of London and Aviva, for their role in the slave trade.

One of the leaders of the march, who referred to himself as “Rainbow Surfer”, was arrested by the police for breaching the lockdown restrictions which prohibit the organising of an event of more than 30 people, which has recently become punishable with a £10,000 fine.

In a Breitbart London exclusive video, the XR leader said that he was there to represent “the trees, the bees, the seas, the water, and the cats”, telling a police officer officer: “I do not understand your authority.”

The unidentified man only referred to himself as “Rainbow Surfer” when asked by police for his name. As he was loaded onto the police van, straggling members of the Extinction Rebellion protest shouted out “Reparations Rebellion!”

The arrest came just hours before the climate change extremist group blockaded the printworks responsible for printing British newspapers owned by Rupert Murdoch’s News UK, preventing the shipment of the papers on Saturday morning.

The stunt was the latest in XR’s ‘We Want to Live’ campaign, which is attempting to pressure the British parliament to pass the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill.

Following the blockade, there have been increasing calls for the government to clamp down on the disruptive eco-warriors, with Prime Minister Boris Johnson saying: “A free press is vital in holding the government and other powerful institutions to account on issues critical for the future of our country, including the fight against climate change.”

“It is completely unacceptable to seek to limit the public’s access to news in this way,” Johnson added.


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ac18d0  No.10557451


my dream date!

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923005  No.10557452

Stream down agaiN!

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966e40  No.10557453

Dems can't make a Deal cause it's good for the Ecomony

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f10659  No.10557454

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


And NewsNow from Fox

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df43aa  No.10557455


Moar Notables

>>10557108, >>10557201 planefaggin

>>10557292 California gender-reveal party with pyrotechnic device sparks massive blaze that burns over 7,300 acres

>>10557249 Potus: Top people in the Pentagon want to do nothing but fight wars so that all those wonderful companies that make the bombs,the planes,and everything else,stay happy.

>>10557237 Some people don't like to come home.-POTUS

>>10557223 POTUS says SUPER V In regards to Economic recovery.

>>10557208 Democrats Are Now Using Pentagon Funded Artificial Intelligence to Combat Online Efforts by Trump Supporters to Promote President Trump

>>10557192 , >>10557168, >>10557247 They keep building their Beast.

>>10557186 "Wildfire Crisis" - Record-Breaking Heat Sparks 23 Fires, Rolling Blackouts Across Golden State

>>10557165 ‘Threat to ALL journalists’? Facebook temporarily DISABLES account of reporter who livestreamed armed groups in Louisville

>>10557140 President Trump: "Under my leadership, next year will be the greatest economic year in the history of our country, I project."

>>10557135 POTUS: NASDAQ has set 17 records

>>10557117 Hiring Voter Canvassers

>>10557101 Surveillance Camera Captures 'Huge Pile Of Mail' Dumped In California Parking Lots

>>10557069 Do we have memes for this?

>>10557047 Google's antitrust battles: What you need to know

>>10557006, >>10557094 VA Sen Dick Black (former head of Army’s Criminal Law Division) warns of a potential military coup.

>>10556930 Potus Live


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5f28f0  No.10557456


so are these reporters

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4f709a  No.10557457

man POTUS be pissed today

Beast mode = best mode

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89cfc5  No.10557458

Right Side feed fugging up now too

black screen

sound problems

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a3abef  No.10557459

File: 46d29d5150aaf90⋯.png (138.6 KB, 1220x607, 1220:607, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 898d3cbd554e4c0⋯.png (2.07 MB, 1200x812, 300:203, ClipboardImage.png)

This Balloon, Still Lurking High as Fuck West of Baja.

It's Civ, but wonder if it's some sort of Recon Deal.

Prolly just some rich faggot. But interesting

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e7c584  No.10557460

File: 864f98cb5d2fe01⋯.png (107.54 KB, 235x266, 235:266, ClipboardImage.png)

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9a2c94  No.10557461

"Walk out to the sticks, which is the microphones…" interdashing. Comey in the sticks?

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cb3c5e  No.10557462

File: e03eaf08484a1d8⋯.png (550.19 KB, 901x612, 53:36, ClipboardImage.png)

habbenings at the Q7 SPA KEK. Mailbags dumped.


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1040f6  No.10557463

that reporter from fox news nows geraldos' dick and ass - that all that arsehole nows

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f10659  No.10557464


It came back up again?

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bcaac7  No.10557465

RSBN Stream choppy

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ac18d0  No.10557466

i am taking the high road!

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689780  No.10557467

File: 2ff26c5e3c803c2⋯.jpg (21.51 KB, 450x330, 15:11, Biden_PeePad.jpg)

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6132f0  No.10557468



After calling out the swamp creatures in the pentagon

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f10659  No.10557469


Clowns interfering

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4f709a  No.10557470

"50 years for treason. And other things"

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41b0ca  No.10557471


At the White House site it says that there are no livestreams right now . . .

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966e40  No.10557472


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eb6252  No.10557473

Just called MSM reporters STICKS

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9eed51  No.10557474

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

WH is back up


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89cfc5  No.10557475

"They spied on my campaign"

"They would have been in jail 2 years ago for 50 years for treason among other things"


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2dcbb2  No.10557476

Border Patrol K-9 Finds 40 Pounds of Cocaine on Commercial Bus

A Rio Grande Valley Sector Border Patrol K-9 found an abandoned backpack with 40 pounds of cocaine during a commercial bus inspection at the Falfurrias Immigration Checkpoint located about 80 miles north of the Texas border with Mexico.

Falfurrias Station Border Patrol agents assigned to the immigration checkpoint located on U.S. Highway 287 in Brooks County on September 3 conducted an inspection on a commercial bus. The inspection led to the discovery of drugs being smuggled into the U.S. interior, according to information obtained from Rio Grande Valley Sector Border Patrol officials.

During the initial screening, a Border Patrol K-9 alerted to an odor it is trained to detect in the rear passenger area of the bus. The agents had all of the passengers get off the bus and then conducted a physical search of the area.

During the search, agents found a small bag of marijuana and an abandoned backpack in the restroom area of the bus, officials stated. The agents searched the backpack and found more than 40 pounds of cocaine.

Officials estimated the value of the drugs at approximately $1.4 million.

“Even with the spread of the COVID-19 virus, human smugglers continue to try these brazen attempts with zero regard for the lives they endanger nor to the health of the citizens of our great nation,” Rio Grande Valley Sector Border Patrol officials said in a written statement. “The U.S. Border Patrol agents of the Rio Grande Valley Sector will continue to safeguard the nation and community against these criminal elements.”

During Fiscal Year 2020, which began on October 1, 2019, Border Patrol agents seized at least 13,580 through the end of August. This represents an increase over FY 2019 of 1,898 pounds with one month to go, according to reports obtained from CBP officials.


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923005  No.10557478

File: 00c82c466b06135⋯.png (376.31 KB, 1080x1237, 1080:1237, DurhamPunisher.png)



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fe113e  No.10557479

lmao POTUS telling the reporter to take off his mask

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de4fed  No.10557480

File: e0d54c9aab31fc4⋯.png (2.01 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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d76b3b  No.10557481


namefags are cancer.

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4f709a  No.10557482

TRAITORs in jail

"We don't have that YET"

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5a1ac1  No.10557483


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86b35f  No.10557484


Lenin's statue in Seattle isn't a Federal monument.

Nor will it ever be.

Is it time for it to come down?

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966e40  No.10557485

File: fdb1bd44b39ce61⋯.png (744.73 KB, 581x537, 581:537, ClipboardImage.png)

Do you want the Justice Department to INDICT THEM?

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93de15  No.10557486


Baker Notable!!!

>”Tim Cooks asshole is faggot”==

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ac18d0  No.10557487


And the fuckhead media slopes!! Kek

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594305  No.10557488


Do they normally go out that far over the ocean?

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41b0ca  No.10557489

wow it keeps restarting and rewinding a couple of seconds . . . strange.

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9fd9ae  No.10557490

File: 9d998e667b60f1e⋯.png (410.41 KB, 893x750, 893:750, E143CD1B_69E6_4C88_99E1_1B….png)

POTUS on fire!!!!

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2dcbb2  No.10557491

File: 9479299fccc1a28⋯.png (408.03 KB, 397x497, 397:497, ClipboardImage.png)

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cb971a  No.10557492


I love him.

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917cfe  No.10557493


This is epic. POTUS PULLS no PUNCHES

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03c50c  No.10557494


If you ONLY knew..

wink wink

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f97b18  No.10557495


>wear their ugliness as badge of honor

lotta truth to that



eerily similar.

inb4 jar babies.



okay, done shitpoasting naow

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fcf5eb  No.10557496

File: c486fd90dc3b88f⋯.png (630.32 KB, 644x640, 161:160, 99oon.png)


Had another balloon almost 3 yrs ago doing the same thing- real high- swirling above the Bahamas.

Couldn't possibly be a live person in there- way too hi!

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f7b450  No.10557497

File: 90be0cb31ace0e5⋯.png (143.09 KB, 810x242, 405:121, how_many_electrical_substa….png)


The issues are much greater that you think.

There is no way you can build that many substations in 4 years. Sub stations are only 1 part of a massive equation.

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bd3396  No.10557498




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896785  No.10557499


TY Unionanon, good to know, hopefully other anons will also help with this.

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febd95  No.10557500


I'm about 2 minutes behind yall and I noticed on this video here, It blacks out… at 1"47mins from live.

https://youtu.be/ij5zOuyyXCQ Hill.TV Live.

Potus is talking about Riots and non lethal force question…

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fb0e8d  No.10557501

File: f8fb264a3940f80⋯.jpg (191.85 KB, 1440x2018, 720:1009, f8fb264a3940f80828e198e09f….jpg)

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917cfe  No.10557502



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2dcbb2  No.10557503

File: 320f41cd624b47e⋯.png (565.14 KB, 848x613, 848:613, ClipboardImage.png)

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66d633  No.10557504

File: 20c71be044b01e2⋯.jpg (356.39 KB, 1000x1214, 500:607, 36355107.jpg)

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de4fed  No.10557505

File: 44d66ea1e00dd1b⋯.png (727.94 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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ac18d0  No.10557506


50 years for Treason! Started at Obama! Holy beatdown!!

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f843c7  No.10557507

Trump on a rampage. Get 'em

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73f388  No.10557508

File: 571e72903323a33⋯.png (172.83 KB, 673x751, 673:751, Screenshot_20200905_114901….png)

I halve been analyzing the black militia groups and their skills and I found they don't have any military skills at all and they are a serious danger to themselves.

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89cfc5  No.10557509

"I'm sure you know the money that was paid"


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aeec3f  No.10557510

President Trump: This started at Obama. [campaign spying]

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8a87d1  No.10557511

File: 85f138fd9c54d41⋯.png (811.9 KB, 800x510, 80:51, Day_Shift_Tokyo.png)

File: 33725abd9f74aaa⋯.png (996.13 KB, 800x800, 1:1, hillary_in_wonderland.png)

File: b636c37dbefed5e⋯.jpg (27.04 KB, 255x255, 1:1, dig_day_and_night.jpg)

File: 752e36f8c4adc4f⋯.jpg (263.56 KB, 791x649, 791:649, hrc_apple_sesrver.jpg)

File: d216b24ad456677⋯.jpg (188.18 KB, 754x884, 29:34, Nellie_Ohr.jpg)


yup, am proud, keep flying

member 'fly together'

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680dab  No.10557512

File: 98d19877ede77dc⋯.png (374.02 KB, 815x458, 815:458, POTUS_4_memes.png)

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f09b70  No.10557513

Durham Report would be sweet, but I was Durham Indictments…

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e227bc  No.10557514

50 years only?

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966e40  No.10557515

We are the Other Side

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91de9d  No.10557516

File: d38265293e69bbd⋯.png (202.88 KB, 1209x599, 1209:599, Screen_Shot_2020_09_07_at_….png)


we're 2 days prior to 30 year anniversary of 1st episode of :aw & Order starring an actor playing the role of Adam Schiff.

How many times has POTUS tweeted "Law & Order"?

23 times

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49f6df  No.10557517

File: c79dd1260b288ea⋯.png (911.15 KB, 1331x666, 1331:666, ClipboardImage.png)


Project Loon

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fb9858  No.10557518

the media will say this event was stepping all over the sanctity of labor day….aka communist day ; he knows who the enemy is

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6d25b4  No.10557519

File: 4a555e7a6dea17f⋯.png (86.64 KB, 998x420, 499:210, Screen_Shot_2020_09_07_at_….png)

File: 0d791bbac969e60⋯.png (68.67 KB, 1036x326, 518:163, Screen_Shot_2020_09_07_at_….png)

File: 5f03859c20b88fa⋯.png (69.2 KB, 1168x436, 292:109, Screen_Shot_2020_09_07_at_….png)

>>10556320 (pb)

Oct 16, 2019

Our record Economy would CRASH, just like in 1929, if any of those clowns became President!


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0c3467  No.10557520


lay off the crack anon no name fag was used.

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f843c7  No.10557521


It's not a fucking report. It's a fucking prosecution.

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89cfc5  No.10557522

"They're dirty fighters"


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0dc53e  No.10557523

"let's see what happens with the Durham report"

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6604d8  No.10557524




Last Chance for Notables

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d4b34f  No.10557525

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

White House feed back online!


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9fd9ae  No.10557526

File: 3c0893e2a26207a⋯.jpeg (239.82 KB, 955x905, 191:181, 2031720C_C27B_4FF0_9CC9_6….jpeg)

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bc512e  No.10557527


POTUS puts the press on the chopping block, KeK!

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1c58d5  No.10557528


sounds like a job for killdozer.


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896785  No.10557529

"50 years terms for Treason AND OTHER THINGS" - POTUS

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405936  No.10557530


Cody said holdmuhdick

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5a1ac1  No.10557531

Dirty Fighters..Blatant Cheaters

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8a87d1  No.10557532

File: c383d4020f1352d⋯.jpg (187.03 KB, 869x600, 869:600, Q_drop_11292018_1.jpg)



>[ALL 3]

]ALL 3[, yay!

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febd95  No.10557533

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Big Bubbah is commin!

"We're going around, we can use the news photos, We have the ultimate proof"

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f09b70  No.10557534


Tell that to POTUS.

'Twas his reference.

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014831  No.10557535


A few years back she purportedly had cancer and underwent treatment……

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000000  No.10557536


Boss has BALLS!

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de4fed  No.10557537

File: 9d656e57faf00d0⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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a93bad  No.10557538

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d76b3b  No.10557539


<nerve struck

k gerbil.

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c4c498  No.10557540

are we watching hobbits spam criminals ?

is it legally gay?

was it really gehy?

do is it make fake feels?

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fe113e  No.10557541

Either I'm having Deja-Vu or POTUS is repeating something he's already said about this Cemetery drama.

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a27227  No.10557542


I work in one of those unions you have listed. I know about the corruption. Around it every day

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bf7fe8  No.10557543

File: 5d03b60d9a1eeec⋯.jpg (15.42 KB, 600x400, 3:2, djt.jpg)


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5de0f2  No.10557544

God! I was going to play Skyrim, but POTUS is on!

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2dcbb2  No.10557545

File: cbf5dfbe82f9e75⋯.png (123.21 KB, 881x884, 881:884, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 11ec5ea5cad7d3e⋯.png (294.76 KB, 900x904, 225:226, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 24ac237a5259c81⋯.png (134.2 KB, 874x913, 874:913, ClipboardImage.png)

Another Opinion Columnist Pushing War With Iran Who Doesn’t Actually Exist

The MEK's disinformation primarily targeted right-of-center outlets receptive to a hawkish line against Iran

There is at least one more foreign policy opinion writer from the Mujahideen-eKhalq (MEK) whose existence is dubious, based on a study by a social media analyst and statements from a defector from the group. Amir Basiri, who contributed to Forbes 9 times, the Washington Examiner 52 times, OpenDemocracy, Algemeiner, and The Hill once also appears to be a fabrication.

The MEK is an Iranian exile group for which John Bolton, Rudy Giuliani, and other foreign policy luminaries have given paid speeches. Dems like Joe Lieberman and Howard Dean have also spoken on their behalf. But the group has American blood on its hands, has been accused of practicing forced sterilization, and their belief system has been described as a mixture of Marxism and Islamism. Its supporters claim they, and their front group the National Council of Resistance of Iran, are a sort of government-in-exile, despite nearly nonexistent support for the group within Iran. They also have waged a substantial disinformation campaign in the Western press, in particular targeting conservative media.

“Amir Basiri and Heshmat Alavi are two fake accounts,” Hassan Heyrani, an MEK defector told TAC. “At Camp Liberty, near the BIAP airport in Iraq, I was in the political unit of the organization with some of the persons who grew up in America and Canada. We worked as a team to write the articles analyzing the Iranian regime. The MEK put them in The Washington Post and all the newspapers in Western countries.”

Basiri’s op-eds focus on the need for regime change in Iran which he claimed is “within reach.” The thrust of Basiri’s writing – last placed at the Examiner in October of 2018 – is to encourage American readers to take an interest and sympathize with the plight of Iranian protesters and dissidents. Basiri consistently argued against the Iran nuclear deal, downplayed terrorism against Iran, called for tougher sanctions as a method of regime change and highlighted the necessity of Trump working with the Iranian opposition.

“We are currently looking into the matter, so I won’t comment on this specific byline,” Philip Klein, Executive Editor and Commentary Editor of the Washington Examiner told TAC. “But I will say that we have recently instituted more rigorous vetting of outside contributors, including but not limited to asking for photo identification if necessary. We are especially on guard when it comes to unsolicited foreign policy commentary.”

A request for comment from OpenDemocracy, a site greatly concerned about disinformation campaigns, has not been returned as of press time. Basiri’s articles on Forbes are no longer online. (Update: Julian Richards, managing editor of OpenDemocracy, writes, “This article was submitted to us through our normal process and our editor corresponded with Amir Basiri about the text. In light of the allegations you have made, we have removed the article text from our site for the time being and I have written to the email address that Amir Basiri used to ask for confirmation of his identity.”)


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ac18d0  No.10557546

Investigated by sleaze!!

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88c2d8  No.10557547

File: e1e814a603e525d⋯.jpg (87.1 KB, 578x535, 578:535, Traitors_Hanged.jpg)


Cure for treason.

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dde362  No.10557548




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b1196b  No.10557550

Vaccines (Plus) ?



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9a2c94  No.10557551



Sticks and Stones may break my Bones…

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de4fed  No.10557552

File: 855feeb527a9849⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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aeec3f  No.10557553

President Trump: From the day I came down the escalator, I've been under investigation by sleaze.

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fcdb64  No.10557554


These fires happen every year for us out here in Cali. This years fire season seems real bad. Our cars are covered with ash every morning. I skateboard to work every night and by the time I get there it feels like I have a upper respiratory infection… but after I drink a bunch of water it goes away. I wish this apocalypse sky would end soon.

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966e40  No.10557555

4 Years of Looking for Nothing

Now Comes 4 years of Finding them all out

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cd7692  No.10557556

File: 301162c8cc54b2d⋯.png (328.93 KB, 600x616, 75:77, 42.PNG)


9/7/2020 - Jupiter, Florida!

#LaborDay2020 #MAGAFlag of United StatesEagle

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5de0f2  No.10557557


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2dcbb2  No.10557558

Hundreds of US Troops Arrive in Lithuania for Drills Near Belarus’ Border

Since August election, Belarusian President Lukashenko has accused NATO of building up forces to oust him

Hundreds of US troops have arrived in Lithuania to take part in military drills near the border of Belarus, adding to the mounting tensions over the disputed Belarusian presidential election. On Saturday, about a dozen Abrams tanks crossed into Lithuania from neighboring Poland.

Since the August 9th presidential election in Belarus, the US and EU have rejected the results and called for a fresh round of votes. The official results gave incumbent President Alexander Lukashenko 80 percent of the votes. Since the controversy over the election started, Lukashenko has accused NATO of building up a military force on Belarus’ borders in an effort to oust the embattled president.

The government of Lithuania insists that the exercise was pre-planned and has nothing to do with “any events in the region,” alluding to the August 9th election. The US deployment to Lithuania is expected to last until November. NATO has repeatedly denied Lukashenko’s claims of a military build-up on Belarus’ border.

Lithuania gave refuge to Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, Lukashenko’s main opposition, who fled Belarus after the election. US Deputy Secretary of State Stephen Biegun met with Tikhanovskaya on a trip to discuss the situation in Belarus. Since that visit, Biegun has said the situation in Belarus is an internal conflict and will not turn into a confrontation between the West and Russia.

Bieguin also pledged to work with EU allies as they push for a new round of elections and prepare to reimpose sanctions on Belarus. Protests continue in the country, tens of thousands took to the streets of Minsk on Sunday to protest Lukashenko.


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917cfe  No.10557559

under investigation by


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af9c58  No.10557560


You too?

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5f28f0  No.10557561


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41b0ca  No.10557562

File: 29404dee926b14b⋯.jpg (64.87 KB, 692x1000, 173:250, Irving_Glover_postmaster_o….jpg)

this guy had to resign in disgrace as Postmaster General for . . .

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ac18d0  No.10557563


he has to repeat everything multiple times. Progressive Dems are retarded!

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fb9858  No.10557564

File: 108b939cabc2cf9⋯.png (1.1 MB, 636x686, 318:343, 108b939cabc2cf9c01cab02f6a….png)

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5a1ac1  No.10557565

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5400ae  No.10557566

File: 21cccb3d30360ff⋯.jpg (43.04 KB, 473x391, 473:391, 4cpvs9_1_1.jpg)



Durham is a nothing burger fraud and a Deep State Gatekeeper.

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89cfc5  No.10557567

"Friends of mine have said you must be the most innocent honorable person to be president"

"And there's a lot of truth to that"


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0dc53e  No.10557568

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4e3440  No.10557569


now ur assuming because i gave a shout out to gerbil (me) for efforts i used a name.

i did not. check the name field.

again lay off the crack anon it is affecting your logic.


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d76b3b  No.10557570

File: e4cceb2e58f561e⋯.gif (6.32 MB, 480x270, 16:9, fbf.gif)


the real cure for treason.

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5de0f2  No.10557571

File: fec60cc637364d8⋯.png (236.82 KB, 607x386, 607:386, ObamaHitler3.png)

Fuck these ANTIFA SCUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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de4fed  No.10557572

File: cdec7dd90228b3a⋯.png (575.4 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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7da200  No.10557573

File: 0c1916802bc3b96⋯.jpg (242.78 KB, 666x1224, 37:68, 20200414_173343.jpg)



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165b71  No.10557574

File: 90a0fd73976b3eb⋯.png (217.14 KB, 239x347, 239:347, ClipboardImage.png)

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fcf5eb  No.10557575

File: 1aa5759c7391dfa⋯.png (136.77 KB, 432x590, 216:295, triumv_.png)


>Death to the triumvirate

Pick up your phone

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917cfe  No.10557576

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a665fd  No.10557577

File: 7aa029227eb56e6⋯.jpg (227.41 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, SetUpBitch.jpg)

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c4c498  No.10557578

yo POTUSH sure needs a lot of lies

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680dab  No.10557579

POTUS teaching class…

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de4fed  No.10557580

File: b44066be03edfd0⋯.png (752.83 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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9fd9ae  No.10557581

File: 62a11fb4cd603ab⋯.jpeg (144.31 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 0ED1CB16_45A5_49E4_B26C_F….jpeg)

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c739c4  No.10557582

File: fbf0f2ae90fd120⋯.png (206.99 KB, 1536x700, 384:175, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7b86566919074c7⋯.png (200.78 KB, 1536x700, 384:175, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2fc382203ad367a⋯.png (206.95 KB, 1536x700, 384:175, ClipboardImage.png)

>>10557208 Defeat Disinfo FEC database info here:


Without any sorting - it's disturbing that the first listed contributor has a Chinese name…and is a software engineer. Hmmm. Also Capped - top five sorted by contributed amount. (Total receipts =$57k)

Disbursements: Act Blue (natch..) and Steven Jacobs at the top of the list. Who is Steven Jacobs? IdK. Probably needs diggz.

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fb9858  No.10557583

File: 7bff959b6325ccc⋯.jpg (12.56 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 0b191cd60d5f1552b50c20c7a0….jpg)

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89cfc5  No.10557584

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ac18d0  No.10557585


No. CA never had the fires when they practiced proper forest management.

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af9c58  No.10557586

One last decision, hurry up.

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fb9858  No.10557587

File: 71a9c9898335ea0⋯.jpg (21.48 KB, 255x240, 17:16, asshole.jpg)

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f203b5  No.10557588

File: 3593c2b56d656ed⋯.jpg (87.76 KB, 840x560, 3:2, downloadfile_16.jpg)



I really like Trump's 100 million dollar apartment.

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e771a1  No.10557589

File: 892e87fc4f49026⋯.jpeg (78.26 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, BA1C5CD5_5C3B_4FE5_93B1_F….jpeg)




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325e8f  No.10557590


They already are

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e9b2c6  No.10557591

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5f28f0  No.10557592


what's their months full of?

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4fa010  No.10557593

File: 0be4cd17c3ebc86⋯.jpeg (338.69 KB, 1065x1153, 1065:1153, 5F28915B_D34C_41F2_990A_A….jpeg)

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cd7692  No.10557594


>>10556423 (You), >>10556599 You are not supposed to pay attention to anything published on the website QAnon.

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8a87d1  No.10557595

File: 4dd7b709f848636⋯.jpg (225.49 KB, 899x1041, 899:1041, No_3.jpg)

File: 58134298d0dfd0c⋯.jpg (52.67 KB, 437x428, 437:428, email_list.jpg)

File: ef854857fab0057⋯.jpg (344.09 KB, 797x780, 797:780, Lisa_Page_Out.jpg)

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9eed51  No.10557596

File: 49bf92cbe774dd2⋯.png (14.23 MB, 6654x2805, 2218:935, Pelosis_Coup_De_CLOWN_meet….png)

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4f709a  No.10557597

"We're gonna make a big report that's gonna .are you very happy "

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896785  No.10557598

"I've been under investigation by SLEEZE" - POTUS


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fcf5eb  No.10557600

File: bde377532dba95f⋯.jpg (119.29 KB, 974x978, 487:489, fireanti.jpg)


>These fires happen every year for us out here in Cali.

Didn't use to be that way. This is about grabbing emergency money- every time. Called ARSON

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917cfe  No.10557601

…a great offense.

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df43aa  No.10557602

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de4fed  No.10557603

File: 6e4354fa90fabab⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5a59724bcc8b621⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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689780  No.10557604

File: 0329b7a009d8fa8⋯.png (134.58 KB, 600x342, 100:57, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 44ad41426c13a39⋯.png (175.57 KB, 600x402, 100:67, ClipboardImage.png)

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5f28f0  No.10557605

Whoa! Vax made into a NEGATIVE

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9a2c94  No.10557606

Germany to close all 84 of its coal-fired power plants, will rely …

26 Jan 2019 … Germany, the world's fourth biggest consumer of coal, aims to shut down all 84 of its coal-burning plants that produce 40% of the country's …


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c4c498  No.10557607

File: 56b3a9aff3c007b⋯.jpg (84.23 KB, 639x524, 639:524, 2009_01_29_03_11_IMG_4065.JPG)

File: dbe0ee40e2c31ed⋯.jpg (34.56 KB, 300x400, 3:4, 2019_04_14_15_21_IMG_7444.JPG)

File: a0a97494244d64e⋯.jpg (12.95 KB, 220x165, 4:3, 2019_04_14_15_23_IMG_7543.JPG)

File: 221f8db4bbd030e⋯.jpg (85.08 KB, 735x820, 147:164, 2019_04_14_15_55_IMG_7642.JPG)


>is it legally gay?

married hobbits

are best hobbits

solves jew problems

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fb9858  No.10557608

File: aacc5d3079d3314⋯.png (267.79 KB, 546x369, 182:123, aacc5d3079d331469ea23f9518….png)


"he is so divisive"

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4f709a  No.10557609

"Obviously Joe's not doing too well"

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f3a84b  No.10557610

File: 65df9f68872386d⋯.jpg (16.01 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 1c8dd895faedc3743bec0075dc….jpg)

Trump is the vaccine

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689780  No.10557611

File: e11609e6c0b10ae⋯.mp4 (4.79 MB, 960x540, 16:9, Benny_Hill_burning_man_s_f….mp4)

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4d05e9  No.10557612

File: 41482ad889a07c0⋯.jpg (31.61 KB, 354x336, 59:56, 41482ad889a07c00897f8cbf01….jpg)


My prostate is tingling.

Either Q is going to post or Freddy needs to get his finger out of my ass.

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0bbf68  No.10557613



NOT notable

Nothing to do with any company

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9fd9ae  No.10557614

File: 78cc27ab27cc82d⋯.jpeg (762.16 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 0A12CE8C_8AA0_4074_9FB2_A….jpeg)

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3fe187  No.10557615

File: 6b8a93ca8544b03⋯.png (3.09 MB, 2017x1138, 2017:1138, A5606027_1952_4004_AABC_7A….png)


Ty baker

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8a87d1  No.10557616

File: eb0ff7d2214d43e⋯.jpg (61.96 KB, 550x458, 275:229, Rep_and_Pres_will_fix_it.jpg)

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709e89  No.10557617

File: 047bf9a91127440⋯.png (283.56 KB, 1067x792, 97:72, pepe_shitmouth.png)

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917cfe  No.10557618


they are the virus

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2dcbb2  No.10557619

File: 949c587ab4c5371⋯.png (180.82 KB, 672x593, 672:593, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 425d31bb8b4d705⋯.png (523.46 KB, 694x740, 347:370, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b10d7f40945e13d⋯.png (61.99 KB, 694x839, 694:839, ClipboardImage.png)

Criminal investigation opened into woman’s death after abortion at Alabama facility

A coalition of pro-life groups is pushing authorities to uncover the truth of what happened to Jane Doe, who died in the hospital after visiting the West Alabama Women's Center in Tuscaloosa.

TUSCALOOSA, Alabama, September 4, 2020 (Operation Rescue) — It has been confirmed that the death of a woman who visited the West Alabama Women’s Center abortion facility in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, on May 7, 2020, is under criminal investigation.

A coalition of pro-life groups, including CEC for Life, Life Legal Defense, Operation Rescue, and other Alabama organizations sought the autopsy report for a woman who reportedly died at Druid City Hospital, soon after leaving the Tuscaloosa abortion facility.

The request was submitted on August 5, 2020, by Dr. Patricia Gensemer for “autopsy reports for any females over 14 years of age and under 40 years of age with a date of death for May 7, 2020 in Tuscaloosa County. Your office confirmed on August 5 that files matching this request are finally available.”

Public Records Request for Autopsy – 8-5-2020 by Cheryl Sullenger on Scribd

Dr. Gensemer received a written response dated August 27, 2020, from the Alabama Department of Forensic Sciences, which stated in part, “District Attorney Hays Webb has notified the Alabama Department of Forensic Science that this case remains under criminal investigation. . . Consequently, the final reports in this case are not currently public record.”

ADFS Response to Autopsy Report Request 8-27-2020 by Cheryl Sullenger on Scribd


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94cd27  No.10557620

File: c6292d1e713e6b4⋯.png (225.97 KB, 656x326, 328:163, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2c65a73c4526ccd⋯.png (23.51 KB, 657x391, 657:391, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 422078c78688cd0⋯.png (38.21 KB, 648x460, 162:115, ClipboardImage.png)

All lb

>>10556593, >>10556640, >>10556822

Speaking of Law & Order…

Chuck Schumer played himself in an episode of Law & Order: Criminal Intent

Episode name - Betrayed

Air date 6/22/08

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03c50c  No.10557621


I cannot believe my ceiling did not make NOTABLES!



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c4c498  No.10557622


>POTUSh teaching ass…

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d76b3b  No.10557623


>i gave a shout out to gerbil (me)

<gets legalistic about …name fagging

The idea that you would self identify and then discard your post as anything other than the egotistical namefagging it is… proves you have a poor understanding of what "logic" is.

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de4fed  No.10557624

File: aff7964c68a94f3⋯.png (728.42 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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f843c7  No.10557625


Email him for yourselves and ask him why he believes this; he will reply.


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d417e8  No.10557626

File: e720782eeb7376a⋯.png (298.7 KB, 582x309, 194:103, blowin_bubbles_melania.png)

File: b8f808a28f5a1ed⋯.png (772.72 KB, 747x497, 747:497, dan_still_winning_bigly.png)

File: 00c8c9700a03ba2⋯.png (239.73 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 2020_meme_team.png)




Jesus wasn't cocky.


but thank you patriot.

it's the heart that counts.

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9deef0  No.10557627

File: 168eeb6a7a57e0b⋯.mp4 (2.29 MB, 852x720, 71:60, 168eeb6a7a57e0b87a2ba8da5a….mp4)



Pelosi is a disgrace of a human being.

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014831  No.10557628


The Ides…..

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fe113e  No.10557629

so is youtube under siege? The WH's internet?

What is with the losing signal ?

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fb9858  No.10557630

File: ec28c3de1528d49⋯.jpg (9.82 KB, 255x129, 85:43, fdeb3085aa775739c1c21de2d6….jpg)


you had to go there, didn't you?

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89cfc5  No.10557631

"President Trump is getting this vaccine in record time.. maybe before a special date.. you know what date I'm talking about"

"talk to your sources"

"Wow, Trump's pulled this off, now let's disparage the vaccine"

"She will never be president, although I have to be careful, because Obama used to say that about me" [Kamala]

"That includes therapeutics where we are doing equally well"


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f3a84b  No.10557632

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573a14  No.10557633

File: 2e4962cf7175834⋯.png (161.72 KB, 586x733, 586:733, Screenshot_2020_09_07_Rahe….png)

File: 4ed24e7f6923315⋯.png (282.18 KB, 370x370, 1:1, Screenshot_2020_09_07_Rosa….png)

The woman who retweeted this runs the election integrity entity the media keeps lauding as “non partisan”…



Her parents are Communists, so.

Pic of Rosa Brooks https://twitter.com/brooks_rosa

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2dcbb2  No.10557634


nice timestamp

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557a11  No.10557635

File: c160171234c6baf⋯.png (98.61 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 85ae86b0a36709b⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1160x629, 1160:629, ClipboardImage.png)


ah yes.

the dog to Chaffetz' pony speaks

you do realize that Paul Ryan hired them at FOX

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c739c4  No.10557636

File: a4f3ec72880cf6c⋯.png (142.49 KB, 1536x1028, 384:257, ClipboardImage.png)

>>10557208 FEC statement of organization: https://docquery.fec.gov/cgi-bin/forms/C00743625/1393391/

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df43aa  No.10557637


>>10557108, >>10557201, >>10557459 planefaggin

>>10557533 1000 RIOTERS IN JAIL FEDERALLY. vid

>>10557450 London Police Arrest Extinction Rebellion Leader ‘Rainbow Surfer’

>>10557421 take off your mask when you talk to me…Potus

>>10557413 Delingpole: Everything Bad In History Was the Patriarchy’s Fault, Claims United Nations

>>10557357 SoftBank Has Closed Most Of Its "Nasdaq Whale" Positions

>>10557354 BARR: Google May Be In Line For A Legal Spanking By The Supreme Court

>>10557292 California gender-reveal party with pyrotechnic device sparks massive blaze that burns over 7,300 acres

>>10557249, >>10557356, >>10557386 Potus: Top people in the Pentagon want to do nothing but fight wars so that all those wonderful companies that make the bombs,the planes,and everything else,stay happy./callin out the military-industrial complex

>>10557237 Some people don't like to come home.-POTUS

>>10557223 POTUS says SUPER V In regards to Economic recovery.

>>10557208 Democrats Are Now Using Pentagon Funded Artificial Intelligence to Combat Online Efforts by Trump Supporters to Promote President Trump

>>10557192 , >>10557168, >>10557247 They keep building their Beast.

>>10557186 "Wildfire Crisis" - Record-Breaking Heat Sparks 23 Fires, Rolling Blackouts Across Golden State

>>10557165 ‘Threat to ALL journalists’? Facebook temporarily DISABLES account of reporter who livestreamed armed groups in Louisville

>>10557140 President Trump: "Under my leadership, next year will be the greatest economic year in the history of our country, I project."

>>10557135 POTUS: NASDAQ has set 17 records

>>10557117 Hiring Voter Canvassers

>>10557101 Surveillance Camera Captures 'Huge Pile Of Mail' Dumped In California Parking Lots

>>10557069 Do we have memes for this?

>>10557047 Google's antitrust battles: What you need to know

>>10557006, >>10557094 VA Sen Dick Black (former head of Army’s Criminal Law Division) warns of a potential military coup.

>>10556930 Potus Live


hold for nb


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5d820a  No.10557638

File: 9447f13719eea0a⋯.png (765.98 KB, 688x456, 86:57, witch.PNG)


CALIFORNIA – Gyms within government buildings in San Francisco have been open for months, despite privately owned establishments being ordered to close due to the coronavirus.

“It’s shocking, it’s infuriating,” Daniele Rabkin, of Crossfit Golden Gate, told a local NBC station. “Even though they’re getting exposed, there are no repercussions, no ramifications? It’s shocking.”

The gyms that have been open for government employees include those for police officers, judges, lawyers, bailiffs, and paralegals, according to the report. One such gym, the Hall of Justice gym, has been open since July 1.

“It just demonstrates that there seems to be some kind of a double standard between what city employees are allowed to do and what the residents of San Francisco are allowed to do,” Dave Karraker, owner of MX3 Fitness in the Castro, said.

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067901  No.10557639


still kekworthy

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000000  No.10557640


why not both?

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fcf5eb  No.10557641

File: 559c8efb65abd4d⋯.png (101.4 KB, 500x389, 500:389, seiuP.png)


> they ensure job contracts, higher pay, steps for discipline


Your employer provides ALL those things as required by LAW. No need for the unions. Current law covers ALL employment law.

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4f709a  No.10557642


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31c9e9  No.10557643

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ac18d0  No.10557644

POTUS is mocking the muffled, mumbling media liars!

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e771a1  No.10557645

File: 38011ec8f7ee5ff⋯.mp4 (8.36 MB, 854x480, 427:240, FireWalkerFusRoDah1.mp4)

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de4fed  No.10557646

File: 3f9fb5e2ccf7313⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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fcdb64  No.10557647



There's been fires outr here regularly for as long as I can remember. I was born in '76. We even had our house burn down when I lived in SoCal… that fire burned like a quarter of our city due to 'Sundowner" winds. If you live in Cali, the fires are just like the earthquakes… they are just something we live with.

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72c16e  No.10557648

Patriot Anons

POTUS COMMS to Anons super V double meaning - Super V is an Indian animated television series

KH family bloodline ties to India

China controls JB picks & controls KH & KH family has ties to India Military

China wants to control India & their military

Is POTUS possibly pissed today that India may have become allies with China ( It could be possible )

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fb9858  No.10557649

File: a02f42888fb4566⋯.jpg (18.65 KB, 242x255, 242:255, landslide.jpg)

this is like a rally bread / presser hybrid ; he is killing these losers

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8a87d1  No.10557650

File: 3b0f1b34cfa71fc⋯.jpg (135.66 KB, 960x660, 16:11, Frogs_watch_back.jpg)


'footloose' - that vid is too funny and i shouldn't be cracking up about that poor stupid person on fire, kek

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93750e  No.10557651



its all been said before in 2018 when it happened

disproved then as a fake attack on trump

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66d633  No.10557652

File: 152352e3a9620ad⋯.jpg (5.87 KB, 225x225, 1:1, hey.jpg)

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89cfc5  No.10557653

You sound so clear

- POTUS to non-masked British-sounding reporter

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917cfe  No.10557654

File: 85a5311c1974a06⋯.png (597.26 KB, 855x433, 855:433, Screen_Shot_2020_09_07_at_….png)

Sounds so clear!

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4fa010  No.10557655

File: 3d4b36df6010006⋯.jpeg (314.85 KB, 1377x1323, 51:49, 6B08FF70_5B23_42CC_A601_1….jpeg)

File: 4dd49d16b949c84⋯.jpeg (150.01 KB, 1035x583, 1035:583, 11EE6865_F12A_42C0_A551_D….jpeg)


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680dab  No.10557656

File: fd4a6a74cb6f9f0⋯.png (61.91 KB, 300x317, 300:317, on.png)


I love how they expose themselves by accusing POTUS of their own dastardly deeds.

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fb9858  No.10557658

File: 94d97929117f3ec⋯.png (346.45 KB, 989x586, 989:586, 94d97929117f3ecc611d80553c….png)

and Buh-bye!

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03c50c  No.10557659


One can only laugh at the face of the evil we face..

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966e40  No.10557660

Happy Labor Day Sir.

Nice Job

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66d633  No.10557661

File: 4f597df06ad3cac⋯.jpeg (89.07 KB, 1020x916, 255:229, 1531012739.jpeg)

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c4c498  No.10557662


pedosi has shitty face lift proof

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722f2c  No.10557663

File: e3c282951512a22⋯.jpg (19.92 KB, 546x220, 273:110, Capture.JPG)

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754336  No.10557664

File: 6c62dc8f6fb5ad3⋯.png (261.33 KB, 398x279, 398:279, takethatfukenmaskoff.png)

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3e552d  No.10557666


Looks as though now that Meliana refurbished the Rose Garden, they can hold pressers on the side between the columns?

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5f805b  No.10557667

File: e3287de09fe4e51⋯.png (678.21 KB, 750x477, 250:159, pelosi_SU_1.png)

File: 1644819405eb4ff⋯.png (571.23 KB, 849x431, 849:431, pelosi_su_2.png)

File: c1e4b5b84275f66⋯.png (545.9 KB, 808x497, 808:497, pelosi_su_3.png)

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bf7fe8  No.10557668

File: 39b76d812bc7d60⋯.jpg (116.94 KB, 800x434, 400:217, s_copy.jpg)

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d417e8  No.10557670

File: 9e96762cc6b157c⋯.jpg (124.04 KB, 954x793, 954:793, 2020_IS_OURS.JPG)

topkek tho!


this is easy.

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c4c498  No.10557672


danalingus has pants on fire

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680dab  No.10557673

File: f949a75300abee4⋯.png (1.2 MB, 750x1188, 125:198, f949a75300abee47090032f39c….png)

Nice seeing you Best President EVER… sir.

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fb9858  No.10557675

File: dceea8e1a453178⋯.jpeg (16.83 KB, 255x242, 255:242, 6bc27135b38b4b92cb8b6071d….jpeg)


normies still think barry is straight and that is a female ; it is mind boggling. but so many only get TV news

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19ea63  No.10557676


>India may have become allies with China

what planet did you get that from?

India and a force from Tibet just smashed the PLA the other day. They are NOT friends.

Forget your silly bloodlines.

If anything, V refers to the V-shaped economic recovery POTUS keeps touting.

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a27227  No.10557677


that was GOLD

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c4c498  No.10557678


hogg heaven has koko gorilla cock craveings

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8a87d1  No.10557679

File: 45db33033843c01⋯.png (771.93 KB, 800x435, 160:87, jennifer_griffin.png)


oh man that was me 2 days ago (pic related) kek

idk why

feel great now, musta been something i ate

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763e3e  No.10557680

"naw, we dont do that"


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fcf842  No.10557681

File: 97c45bc7d964a3a⋯.mp4 (10.36 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 97c45bc7d964a3a68c58f49767….mp4)

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6073d8  No.10557682


If that’s true then Q lied. But I expect more indictments. Doubtful Q lied.

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aeec3f  No.10557683

This isn't the first time that the White House feed has experienced 'funny business'. There have been strange audio problems, and other issues, several times, that should never happen

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c4c498  No.10557684


pedosi exposed as queer fruit

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9fd9ae  No.10557686

File: 88f8aba34de2ed6⋯.jpeg (298.86 KB, 646x646, 1:1, A2FDC721_0F27_49DB_8474_A….jpeg)

File: 88e4219ba2fa882⋯.png (804.2 KB, 779x430, 779:430, 8480992D_1EEE_4B99_A139_CC….png)

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1aa070  No.10557687

File: 9fd6e95568a8610⋯.jpg (20.89 KB, 255x255, 1:1, God_wins_with_a_well_balan….jpg)

We need to boost POTUS' spirits. Happy Labor Day! I was shut out of everything including my attempts to contribute at the Fair last couple months, and that was the only opportunity I had to work. "The faster the better." regarding the vaccine. I concur. Nobody likes being taken advantage of, and I felt that is what happens when mask less citizens make only one other citizen wear a mask. I am now, and I have always been running blind regarding covid virus. Nobody would answer questions. Just keep waiting is all I got. I want a happy POTUS on Labor Day! Apologies for my lack of knowledge.

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5f805b  No.10557688


He/She/It should've made that public years ago.

She could have retired out of the country if half the people that wanted to see that each through in two bits.

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c4c498  No.10557689


jewish buttstuff mausoleum expresses it loins

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df43aa  No.10557690






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6073d8  No.10557693

Any takeaways from todays news conference?

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722f2c  No.10557694

File: ec92912f4416360⋯.jpg (33.49 KB, 297x409, 297:409, Capture.JPG)


Wasn't Mohammad a patriarch…Dummies..kekekek

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c4c498  No.10557695


>White House feed has experienced 'funny business'

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896785  No.10557697


>This isn't the first time that the White House feed has experienced 'funny business'

Yes it has

>that should never happen

"attacks will increase"

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f843c7  No.10557698


yes. No justice will happen

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ac18d0  No.10557700


God wins!

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a9ea4b  No.10557701

File: d5a339d25629bd5⋯.png (66.7 KB, 2040x427, 2040:427, Annotation_2020_09_07_1417….png)


I use a combination of ad blockers and it has solved the issue for me

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8a87d1  No.10557703

File: 596b609ebf75295⋯.jpg (170.83 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Trump_Tweet_11292018_2_mee….jpg)


no, no that's too much much fire, thas not funny, kek

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af2feb  No.10557704

File: 824bab9d84e143c⋯.png (866.76 KB, 1400x787, 1400:787, fuckchina2.png)


thank you baker


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a5621d  No.10557705

File: 407ff69c18b5c43⋯.png (283.19 KB, 603x453, 201:151, MilitaryOnlyWay.png)

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aeec3f  No.10557706


October Surprise!

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c4c498  No.10557707


microwave jews longer

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000000  No.10557708


Sushi anyone?

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6073d8  No.10557710


Doubtfag have faith

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fb9858  No.10557711

File: 7ca594c86d2950e⋯.jpg (17.63 KB, 255x213, 85:71, Pepe_Barfing.jpg)

File: 8e55b102ae2ab20⋯.jpg (9.5 KB, 255x245, 51:49, Projectile_Pepe.jpg)


here are a couple more for late bread fill

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5f28f0  No.10557713


much but gonna need a re-listen to catch it all.

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9fd9ae  No.10557715

File: 70ecae82fd4cf40⋯.jpeg (85.59 KB, 677x368, 677:368, 15B20CA1_276B_4E33_9704_7….jpeg)

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5a1ac1  No.10557716

File: de7a6fbf0d85b47⋯.jpg (14.65 KB, 380x252, 95:63, wellsaid.jpg)

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a99137  No.10557717


V+ might be V2

Deepdream = Twitter

Snowden helping @ Jack.

Q 799

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278dea  No.10557718

File: 92101b511181d5a⋯.jpg (615.38 KB, 984x1236, 82:103, mostly.jpg)


Nightshift crew standing by.

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c4c498  No.10557720


>God wins!

especially in danalingus peanut butter glory holes cucking image boards huh

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8a87d1  No.10557722


kek oh the memories

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de5149  No.10557725

Pelosi is 80 years old and the DoucheNozzel still thinks she's sexy….. Not kidding.

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cd7692  No.10557726

File: 8101f6737c6e712⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1189x882, 1189:882, br_the_heat.PNG)

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