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File: 00754c0e6fd36f1⋯.png (96.13 KB, 363x216, 121:72, 9114f4dfb87b02bf0a247d7ae5….png)

0a5e19  No.67966[Last 50 Posts]

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>>/qresearch/11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

Q's Private Board

>>>/projectDcomms/ | Q's Trip-code Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

All Q's posts

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Onion Link

Access through Tor: http://jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion/qrb/catalog.html

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>40208, >>40196 (https://pastebin.com/PpctCf9z)

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0a5e19  No.67967


>>67804 500 videos from the Capital on Jan 6 - Propublica new

>>61058, >>62044 QRB spam policy new posters plz read

>>60854, >>60857 Can repost images now, anons plz find BV to bake new threads

>>60850 Fake pandemics and pretend viruses thread now PINNED - COVID database

>>63979 Who is stealing American elections? - NEW THREAD

https://azaudit.org/ - Maricopa County Livestream Audit

>>67630, >>67639 New outlet for /qrb/ notables - QNotables.com


are not endorsements


>>67910, >>67921, >>67922, >>67943, >>67945, >>67947, >>67948, >>67949, >>67955 Wenzday Eyes in the skyz

>>67950 Jill Biden Met By HUGE PROTEST During Jab Tour in Phoenix, Arizona – 2 MILES AWAY FROM AZ AUDIT

>>67939 Acosta cut off by the crowd

>>67937 Aus MSM in meltdown

>>67927, >>67931, >>67946 @USNavy ICYMI: #USNavy Carrier Strike Group 5 is officially in @US5thFleet area of operations!

>>67917 AZ Audit Randy Pullen: Audit Team Evacuates TOMORROW After County Delay- Routers And Passwords Still Withheld By Maricopa County

>>67916, >>67918, >>67921, >>67925 45 Border visit pics

>>67913 Like 45 said, Fake News losing viewers

>>67898 Australian MPs To Biden: Free Julian Assange

>>67890 The greatest threat to humanity isn’t “covid,” but rather the Pandemic Virus Industrial Complex

>>67888 Two-Tier Lockdown: Tory Govt Exempts Elite ‘Senior Executives’ From COVID Quarantine

>>67881 Take this brief survey for the Second Amendment Foundation

>>67878, >>67884 Rummy gone at 88

>>67875 Mack gets 3 yrs prison and $20K fine

>>67956 #364


>>67798, >>67852, >>67863 Wenzday GOLD PF updates

>>67861 HFT Giant To Challenge Citadel's Dominance Of Retail Stock Trading

>>67859 Tom Wolf Vetoes Republican Bill

>>67855, >>67856 45 OP-ED — “I built the wall; Biden built a humanitarian catastrophe”

>>67853, >>67854 Another glitch in the matrix

(sung to another brick in the wall)

>>67849 Here is another version of this meeting of board officials with President Trump

>>67840 CNN Celebrates 100th Anniversary of Chinese Communist Party, Claims Xi is ‘The Real Star’.

>>67831 Do We Hear A Trillion: Fed's Reverse Repo Hits Record $992 Billion, Up $150 Billion In One Day

>>67828 The Mexican Navy intercepted the fentanyl shipment which originated from Shanghai, China and was bound for the Sinaloa Cartel

>>67819 Credit Suisse Major Shareholder Qatar Investment Authority Trims Stake

>>67815 ARIZONA: Senator Ugenti-Rita KILLS Election Integrity Bill, Votes With Dems Against Vital Legislation

>>67812 Trump Org And CFO Weisselberg Expected To Be Charged Thursday With Tax Crimes

>>67808, >>67811 Allison Mack must also complete 1,000 hours of community service

>>67805 CM: of audits and NSA

>>67803 High Frequency Vaxxed People (SGT-Report)

>>67797 45: I'm in favor of God, oil, guns, they're not

>>67796 Magical

>>67794 Fauci claims there may soon be "two Americas" due to the "widening gap between vaccinated and unvaccinated"

>>67784, >>67786, >>67791, >>67793 45 on a rip this am

>>67780, >>67782, >>67789 Bill Cosby set to be released from prison after court vacates conviction

>>67771 LIVE: President Trump Visits The Border In Weslaco, TX for Border Security Briefing (bad sound)

>>67770 feelz guud man...


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0a5e19  No.67968


>>67715, >>67732, >>67738, >>67742, >>67743, >>67744, >>67745 Wednesday eyez on the skyz

>>67751, >>67754 LIVE: President Trump Visits The Border In Weslaco, TX for Border Security Briefing 06/30/21

>>67746 Myanmar coup latest: Political detainees released from Yangon prison

>>67743 Donald Trump Visits Mexico Border: Trump to Join Texas Gov. Greg Abbott for Border Tour-newsweek

>>67738, >>67742 Texas Guvnah' Abbott heads to Welasco for Border Visit with 45

>>67739 USB DRIVES Were Suspiciously Stolen, Transferred and Inserted Into Voting Systems Used in Swing States in 2020 Election

>>67735 Robinhood Pays $70 Million To Settle Allegations Of Manipulation, Opening Door To IPO

>>67734 There will be I told you so's: CNN Loses More Than Half Its Audience in Just Three Months.

>>67729 I do not trust CNN to be truthful or honest so i do not do interviews with CNN

>>67728 What Parler Saw During the Attack on the Capitol. Video chronology of Jan 6.

>>67702 Aggressive BLM Activists Block Minneapolis City Council Member’s Car, Force Her to Sign Statement Saying Rioter’s Charges Will Be Dropped (VIDEO)

>>67699 President Trump’s Alabama Rally Cancelled Just Days Before His July 3rd Speech — Park Commissioner Cancels the Event After 45th President Was Invited as Guest Speaker

>>67698 Disclose.tv: DDos cyber attack on the communication systems for Russian President Putin's Q&A session.

>>67690, >>67691 Rep. Lauren Boebert UNLOADS on Speaker Pelosi, Hunter Biden and Cop-Hating Democrats in Pro 2A Speech for the Ages (VIDEO)

>>67758 #362


>>67588 UK MPs Visit Belmarsh Prison to Demand a Meeting With Assange

>>67595, >>67606, >>67607, >>67608, >>67610, >>67617 Q-like decodes

>>67620 Bongino: Ep. 1552 Is The NSA Spying On This Republican?

>>67623 Canadian Justice Centre's John Carpay's powerful speech at Pastor Tim Stephens rally

>>67624 Jim Jordan's excellent 7 min summary of Fauci coverup comms last Jan

>>67625, >>67634 CannCon’s YT channel just banned for no reason

>>67626 Judge has DENIED Former Police Officer Derek Chauvin a New Trial

>>67631, >>67638 Canadian Feds say they are "unable to rule out" working with Huawei subsidiaries - BAN EM

>>67635 Serbian software connection: Smartmatic, Dominion and Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, Soros, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein & Clintons

>>67667 NYC Mayoral Race Devolves into Chaos After Board of Elections Retracts Vote Totals Due to a “Discrepancy”

>>67671 US agency orders automated vehicle makers to report crashes

>>67672, >>67674 UK: Vaccine passports: It's all over! Cabinet agrees it's time to 'live with Covid'... and you WON'T have to show proof of vaccination to attend mass gatherings

>>67677 #361

Previously Collected Notables:

>>67095 #355, >>67158 #356, >>67239 #357, >>67324 #358, >>67460 #359, >>67578 #360

>>66531 #349, >>66620 #350, >>66723 #351, >>66809 #352, >>66885 #353, >>66999 #354

>>65991 #343, >>66102 #344, >>66187 #345, >>66257 #346, >>66310 #347, >>66388 #348

QRB notables archived here >>>/qrb/9528

Notables aggregator https://wearethene.ws

Notables aggregator https://qnotables.com

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0a5e19  No.67969

Meme Ammo

>>>/qrmemes/ One-stop Meme Board, organized by topic

>>>/qrb/57489 Digital Camo Thread Archive

>>>/qrmemes/606 Meme Camo Thread

Dedicated Research Threads

>>>/qrb/13005 Planefagging 101 Q&A

>>>/qrb/42185 Boatfagging Q&A

>>>/qrb/22979 Information Warfare II

>>>/comms/12299 Oregon, Washington, I-5 Corridor: Turn the Tide

>>>/comms/26525 Exposing Media Lies about Q: Post Attacks Against Q here

International Q Research Threads

Australia #16 >>>/qresearch/13741316

Balkan #8 >>>/qresearch/13323637

Brazil #2 >>>/qresearch/13167439

Canada #21 >>>/qresearch/13947299

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Germany #82 >>>/qresearch/13954088

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Mexico #3 >>>/qresearch/13410974

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Nihon [Japan] #2 >>>/qresearch/13226402

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South Africa #5 >>>/qresearch/13340853

UK #39 >>>/qresearch/13828562

Q Proofs & Posts

Q Proofs Threads Proofs of Q's Validity >>>/qresearch/6156082

Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w - https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Storm is here Q Posts Q&A & all images bu docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

Q & POTUS timestamps docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more https://bad-boys.us/


All Resignations Website https://www.resignation.info

All Posts Search Tool https://qresear.ch

Q Graphics

Q Graphics all in GMT >>>/qrb/57490, #001 and scroll down >>>/comms/283

Original, full-size images Q has posted postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

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0a5e19  No.67970

Tweet Tools

All My Tweets - Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form www.allmytweets.net/

Twitter Video Downloader twittervideodownloader.com/

Deleted Trump Tweets factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

Trump Tweet Archive trumptwitterarchive.com

Archives & Archivers

Archivers for Firefox, Opera & Webpage >>57496

QRB General Archive archive8kun.top/qrb/archive/index.html

(only activated for breads fallen off the catalog)

QR - MasterArchivist masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

QR - MasterArchivist (supplement) (main spreadsheet, 2nd tab, labeled)


QR - GermanArchiveAnon mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Wayback Machine for old archived websites https://web.archive.org

Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

Other Tools

Advanced Google Search Operators ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Biden's destruction of America - first 100 days >>58856

Commercial Aviation Incident List avherald.com

Criminal Cases Database https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-r-united-states-attorney

DMCA takedown notice or abuse report reporting@isitwetyet.com.

Federal Judicial Court Dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db '''bad-boys.us/

Federal Procurement Data System www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

Hosts File (DNS), How to Edit >>>/comms/4396

Hussein WH visitor list qest.us/obamavisitors

Legal News www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

Links to Alt-Media (Contacts, Websites) >>51758

Q Boards/Sites >>58867

Qcode Guide to Abbreviations pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

Reverse image search to sauce https://tineye.com/

Stock Movement Scraper qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

Staff Notes

BO changes/board updates >>57468, >>57469, >>57470, >>57471, >>57472, >>57473

Notables - plz list more often at end of bread >>57493

Passwords in fullchan.net - do not use >>57494

QRB baking - watch for a lag >>57495

QRB content policy >>57466

Wearethene.ws formatting >>57477, >>57480, >>57481, >>57482, >>57483, >>57484, >>57485, >>57486, >>57481, >>57484

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bakes & E-bake instructions >>57491, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY, >>>/comms/9252

Resources from last LIVE Baking Class #39 >>>/comms/40980 (step by step baking instructions)

Baker Tools - several versions >>58368

How to format multi-page notables https://qanonbin.com/paste/0kIGTHWjd

Tips on Notables for Bakers >>>/comms/41080

Iwo Jima flag on YouTube for TOR posting https://tu.be/9E3uBWn7e8U

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0a5e19  No.67971

File: c8c8973b913431a⋯.png (552.01 KB, 600x400, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)



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6f60ae  No.67973

File: 816dace760d31e9⋯.png (104.05 KB, 314x171, 314:171, graveyard_baker_from_doh.png)



so board went down for a while?

i was changing out comcast router for another one just naow, might connect better and has a usb port - can set up bu hard drive for all 'puters, i hope

still not completely set up but i can at least computer connects now

will prolly need help connecting printers, right now dey only work via ethernet, but i take it one step at a time

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0a5e19  No.67974


somebody mentioned

not I

missed that

next door off the hook


late nap, cooler

9-5 crowd


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76c09e  No.67975

File: d790feb966dce21⋯.png (786.95 KB, 590x443, 590:443, ClipboardImage.png)




>board wonky

caught the tail end of it could still access

one post took 20 minutes so issues but much better nao.

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0a5e19  No.67976


I really like this meme

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0a5e19  No.67977

they are saying twat down now

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76c09e  No.67978


no exist w/o da batter from you.


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0a5e19  No.67979


it's the tx you do

it's just so right for this one

you make all memes better

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0a5e19  No.67980

File: ef09cda04f24f27⋯.png (646.65 KB, 479x507, 479:507, ef09cda04f24f27aabbb6daf67….png)

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76c09e  No.67983


ty muh fren

appreciate dat

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140091  No.67984

File: 02bf23881dcd846⋯.png (149.47 KB, 976x720, 61:45, ClipboardImage.png)



‘hoppy’ is still out back kek. if he dare tomorrow, i’ll make him a little home. it can’t fly for some reason

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0a5e19  No.67985


as long as he safe

a little seed wouldn't hurt

landed while stormin out huh

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6f60ae  No.67986

File: dd3e1ee65b34007⋯.png (599.94 KB, 1069x603, 1069:603, 2021_06_30_18_53_43.png)

File: 23e4bfca9105854⋯.mp4 (13.97 MB, 460x236, 115:59, 2021_06_30_19_02_24_dr_ric….mp4)

What's really in the jab?

Dr. Richard Fleming - clip from a longer talk.

looks like he's got an MD, PhD and law degree - very incisive thinker.


DEVASTATING 3 minutes.

There is more in the vaxxes than the spiked protein (which is bad enough).

Two particularly alarming points:

(a) vaxxes make antibodies to the nuclear capsid (why?) and (b) any RNA leakage will produce a prion-like disease, see below.

Key points:

- Shedding: is not a new concept

- Scientists knew about it in 1995

- 2021 Japanese Pfizer study - shows vaccinated components in all body organs within hours, not just site of injection

- new Harvard study shows virus particles around the bodies

- it's making antibodies to the nuclear capsid

- so what's in the vaccines that's making antibodies to the nuclear capsid???

- 2017: Moderna pub paper shows that lipid nano particles on flu vax - got into the brain and many body organs/muscles

- if shedding doesn't exist, why did FDA and HHS publish a pub on shedding from vaccines it in 2015?

- prion-like diseases: DNA belongs inside of nucleus or cell mitochondria, RNA belongs inside of your cells

-if RNA is outside of your cells, it is a prion.Vaxxes contain mRNA.

- ANY leakage of that material produces a prion-like disease.


A subset of nuclear replicating viruses assemble their capsid into the nucleus.


Capsid - The capsid is the protein shell that encloses the nucleic acid with its enclosed nucleic acid


Other info from Dr. Fleming:


didn't load properly - bet he's kicked off soon, material he shares is really HOT


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6f60ae  No.67987

File: c2dd1b1ecf3e4e7⋯.png (474.02 KB, 1219x608, 1219:608, 2021_06_30_18_53_21.png)

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04d0d9  No.67989

File: 3509b98698c43dd⋯.png (925.66 KB, 760x861, 760:861, Screenshot_20210630_192714.png)

Last-minute imaging going on at the AZ audit


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04d0d9  No.67990

The Twats seem to be down

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140091  No.67991

File: 124ce92af59aae2⋯.png (275.53 KB, 460x311, 460:311, 6A859339_92B9_4F6A_9920_05….png)


plenty of seed. exposed and out on itz own tonight. if it makes it, i’ll put together a small hab for it to mend in.

camnt stay on. finishing up irl and gotta grab some rack time. been lacking as of late.

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76c09e  No.67992

File: 545f05332627f0d⋯.png (665.24 KB, 682x388, 341:194, ClipboardImage.png)

President Mao Xi says CCP changed China's destiny and world's development

President hails socialism with Chinese characteristics in anniversary speech.

President Xi Jinping called on Chinese people to build a modern a socialist country, calling socialism as more successful model of governance than Western democracy.

Speaking at a ceremony in Tiananmen Square to mark the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party, Xi hailed the system of Marxism with Chinese characteristics for the country's rise to become the world's second largest economy. "The CCP has changed China's future and destiny, as well as the trend and structure of world's development," Xi, who leads the party as secretary-general, said in front of 70,000 people. Dressed a gray Mao suit, Xi was joined by the CCP top leadership and former leaders including Wen Jiabao. The event was broadcast live on national television and social media. Xi's speech was preceded by a flyovers of helicopters and advanced warplanes, including the J-20 stealth jet. Students pledged loyalty to the party. Xi's speech reflects increased confidence in the CCP's political legitimacy, as few signs emerge that the People's Republic of China might collapse like the Soviet Union in 1991.

In recent weeks, state media has defended the CCP's track record, pointing to China's economic growth and efficient COVID-19 control, juxtaposing it against the West. In some Western countries, the ruling parties have been reduced to serving only a few, becoming political organizations "of the 1 percent, by the 1 percent, for the 1 percent," Xinhua wrote on Wednesday. "In contrast, the CCP has remained committed to representing the fundamental will of the majority of the people." "I feel proud as a member of the party," Su Jun, a 32-year old civil servant in Nanjing said about CCP-led modernization, achieved sincer China opened up its markets in 1979.

Like many other party members, Su sees the ongoing tension with the U.S. as an attempt to curb China's rise. "We will work harder to support local companies affected by the tension," he said.


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0a5e19  No.67993


habby dreams


not too earlies

IRL, finally


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76c09e  No.67994

File: 1e85cf9154f414c⋯.png (690.41 KB, 616x428, 154:107, nighshift_afterburner_dd.PNG)


nite w

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0a5e19  No.67995

File: 815e6f7671c1bfb⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1161x983, 1161:983, ClipboardImage.png)

A First Nations group in British Colombia said on Wednesday that 182 bodies were found near a former Canada residential school that housed Indigenous kids taken from their families, the Associated Press reported.

This is the third massive finding of human remains nearchurch-run schools. One report said more than 600 unmarked graves were found and another 215

The Lower Kootenay Band said in a news release it began using the technology last year to search a site near the city of Cranbrook that is close to the former St. Eugene's Mission School, which was operated by the Roman Catholic Church from 1912 until the early 1970s. It said the search found the remains in unmarked graves, some about 3 feet (a meter) deep.

The release said it's believed the remains are those of people from the bands of the Ktunaxa nation, which includes the Lower Kootenay Band, aqam and other neighboring First Nation communities.

The Lower Kootenay band says it is in the early stages of receiving information from the reports on what has been found, and it is asking for the public to respect its privacy.

Last week, Chief Cadmus Delorme of the Cowessess First Nation said ground-penetrating radar had registered 751 ''hits,″ indicating at least 600 bodies were buried at the Marieval Indian Residential School, which operated from 1899 to 1997 where the Cowessess First Nation is now located. The gravesite is believed to hold the bodies of children and adults, and even people from outside the community who attended church there.

A few weeks before that, what are believed to be the remains of 215 children were found at another former residential school in Kamloops, B.C.

The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops said Pope Francis has agreed to meet in December with Indigenous survivors of Canada's notorious residential schools to apologize for the Catholic Church's role in the abuse and deaths.

Francis had invited the delegations to the Vatican and would meet separately with three groups — First Nations, Metis and Inuit — during their Dec. 17-20 visit. The pope will then preside over a final audience with all three groups Dec. 20, the conference said in a statement Tuesday.

The Vatican didn't confirm the visit Wednesday, but the Holy See's in-house news portal reported on the bishops' statement. The Canadian bishops said the trip was contingent on the pandemic and that the delegations would include survivors of the residential schools, Indigenous elders and youths, as well as Indigenous leaders and Canadian bishops.

From the 19th century until the 1970s, more than 150,000 Indigenous children were forced to attend state-funded Christian boarding schools in an effort to assimilate them into Canadian society. Thousands of children died there of disease and other causes, with many never returned to their families.


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0a5e19  No.67996

File: 54fe913518b40a0⋯.png (42.16 KB, 1167x167, 1167:167, ClipboardImage.png)


Montana governor lifts COVID-19 state of emergency

By Lexi Lonas - 06/30/21 08:31 PM EDT

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76c09e  No.67997

File: dbd044df8abaa32⋯.png (55.49 KB, 684x626, 342:313, pepe_smirk_1.png)

dey really mad ober dere

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0a5e19  No.67999

File: ed94a0a0411c78d⋯.jpeg (31.52 KB, 290x270, 29:27, ed94a0a0411c78d7635fee870….jpeg)


flying onion not on the popularity list tonight

he took a stab at doc


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76c09e  No.68000

File: 4279cae72b62e4a⋯.png (1.03 MB, 683x736, 683:736, tripping_balls.PNG)


trips confirm.


Told ya they were married to this when that started in Oct.

dis why i habs no interest in 'communicating' with them.

It will never change.

had 2 posts in dere all day.

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0a5e19  No.68001

File: 27301d87d4dcb4b⋯.png (263.07 KB, 610x610, 1:1, 27301d87d4dcb4b269e1dca1d9….png)


yeah you trippin balls yo


I said hi to the wizard

got called out for that

he bored and stupid

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0a5e19  No.68002


pic for onions, not you

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76c09e  No.68003

File: 868d25c27b29ed2⋯.png (350.62 KB, 488x409, 488:409, pepe_feels_good_nigga.PNG)


being 'raided'

lubs that one.

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76c09e  No.68005

File: 758fc6135ac5a75⋯.png (597.15 KB, 781x485, 781:485, ClipboardImage.png)

heading out.

tty in da morn


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0a5e19  No.68006


g'nite G

take care

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0a5e19  No.68008


that was a fun night

Pompeo came off a hipster after that

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0a5e19  No.68009

File: 116efc24a028fa0⋯.png (876.09 KB, 712x492, 178:123, ClipboardImage.png)

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04d0d9  No.68010


After watching the "Vaxxed Subjects Give off EMF" video today my mind started racing with possibilities, so here is just one moar evaluation to throw in the realm of possibilities.


Q1: Is the frequency detected in the vaxxed subject due to 1) excitation of the vaxx-introduced material or 2) is the material the source of the frequency.

If the answer to Q1 is 1), then what is providing the excitation energy? 5G? Other ambient signals? One possible way to test is to evaluate the subject in a Faraday cage, or way out some place where there is minimal electromagnetic "noise"

If the answer to Q1 is 2) then the source is drawing energy from its host like a parasite. Again testing in an EMF-free environment would help answer this.


Q2: Are the measured frequencies coming from the subject 1) specific to the the subject or is it 2)a common frequency.

If the answer to Q2 is 1) the each vaxxed subject now has a uniquely identifiable signature. They've effectively been tagged like cattle. I think every person that carries a cell phone is already tagged, but no phone, no ID. Here is a thought, was COVID contact tracing a beta test for vaxx signature tracing?

If the answer to Q2 is 2) then the subject has more of a vaccine passport situation going on. The detectable frequency shows that the subject has the vaxx. And if there is no frequency, the subject is not vaxxed. The sheep can be separated from the goats.



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04d0d9  No.68011


So now think of the possibilities. Going through security at the airport. Just walk through a scanner an have your personal frequency ID you to a system managed by Oracle or Google or whoever. Could the airport scanners installed after 9-11 have been a part of plan like this?

Someone who isn't vaxxed could develop a device to broadcast a vaxxed subjects frequency. But, if they go through a micrometer airport scanner, the device surely would be seen.... "raise your arms please"

just think of the tracking... A version of the shoplifting scanners at store entrances could be used to read and report a subjects personal frequency, but so could a next gen router, or cell tower modem, or how about the EZ-pass toll road devices? Instead of a reading radio tag, read the subject. An extensive network of unlimited types of sensors could track a vaxxed subject anywhere. A connected and managed network of sensors could restrict and grant the subject's freedom in every aspect of there life. Just think of the data, any one who owned patents on collecting and processing it would make a fortune and have unlimited power over the masses.

There is plenty of potential for digs here for patents on sensors or tracking tech or for research papers on associated tech or studies on physiology or psychology.


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35046e  No.68012


let us know

hope he's ok, u's a softy

mebbe us too - at least when it comes to bluebirds

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0a5e19  No.68013


will need to process this a bit

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0a5e19  No.68014

Baker tappin for the night

back not too earlies

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35046e  No.68015


>each vaxxed subject now has a uniquely identifiable signature. They've effectively been tagged

that would certainly be the DS goal, wouldn't it? Mark of the Beast, tracking chip, whatever we call it....

We must demand to know what EXACTLY is in these vaxxes and what is know about their effects - much more than is currently revealed.

this doc


is trying to pin down what is in the vaxxes other than spike protein

and also looking at shedding -

is shedding another way to add trackers to those who choose not to be vaxxed?

And is anything he's identified so far linked to a tracing mechanism? like the antibodies to the nuclear capsid, for example? something yet undiscovered?

Questions worth asking....

(btw, while i'll freely explore all these nefarious possibilities, firmly believe that all these ebil efforts will not ultimately succeed - ebil never wins unless good agrees to give away its power (and even that can only happen to a certain extent bc a Higher Power always intervenes past a certain point).

Too many people are saying NO this time!

Doesn't take a majority either, not even close. We got enough patriots the world around who will do anything and everything to make sure things go right in the end. And they're getting stronger, not weaker. Prayer and unwavering intent are the most powerful weapons of all.

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35046e  No.68016

File: a73429071a04f47⋯.png (206.8 KB, 597x270, 199:90, night_cap.png)


nite do - ima here

late nite baker signing in

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04d0d9  No.68019

File: a1142408ff36dee⋯.jpg (36.09 KB, 530x380, 53:38, 36a19a40fb624c19178b3151e7….jpg)


Meant to include this....

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ecb3e5  No.68020

File: cb51f24bf194357⋯.png (52.07 KB, 1005x278, 1005:278, 2021_06_30_21_52_17.png)

File: 56fdb5c5027a4de⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1026x4956, 171:826, 2021_06_30_21_55_01.png)


Yes, I have been locked out of Linked In and my account has been shut down. #censorship in the time of COVID. I have had to submit copies of my driver's license and Linked In will now make a determination about reactivating my account.


Note the replies - people not happy the actual INVENTOR of mRNA is forbidden to give his opinions about its uses.

Ran across this account by Dr. Malone's wife of many years about his efforts over the decades to resist the corruption within his field - and stand up against the efforts to discredit him.


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ecb3e5  No.68025

File: ce24e9f327e3b49⋯.png (349.78 KB, 841x991, 841:991, 2021_06_30_23_39_03.png)

Gateway Pundit


Kamala Harris' Staffers Are Anonymously Leaking to Media and Revealing Her Office is an "Abusive Environment - Place Where People Feel Treated Like Sh*t"




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ecb3e5  No.68026

File: 68124e70e9d6fda⋯.png (419.37 KB, 846x795, 282:265, 2021_06_30_23_43_38.png)


HUNDREDS OF SUPPORTERS Greet President Trump and Gov. Abbott at US Southern Border in Rio Grande Valley


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ecb3e5  No.68027

File: 07fd8c1cd0ec772⋯.png (993.14 KB, 875x708, 875:708, 2021_06_30_23_46_19.png)



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ecb3e5  No.68028

File: 47eca08123f47c5⋯.png (23.64 KB, 844x358, 422:179, 2021_06_30_23_48_42.png)



'The nation's largest city can't get their elections right. Who else flubbed theirs up...during 2020?

The house of cards is falling down.

America has ZERO confidence in it's election processes.

Time for Elections by We the People

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ecb3e5  No.68029

File: 599c8ec26c057f2⋯.png (195.17 KB, 505x300, 101:60, 2021_06_30_23_54_04.png)

Jovan Hutton Pulitzer Exposes REPUBLICANS Orchestrating FRAUDULENT Audits


Jovan Hutton Pulitzer exposed the compromised voting machines on LIVE Television, and he’s now exposing REPUBLICANS!

Michigan is compromised, and the efforts for an integrity-filled audit are in jeopardy if those from the Wolverine State fail to RISE UP!


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ecb3e5  No.68030


>>67986, >>67987 Dr. Richard Fleming: What's really in the jab?

>>67989 Last minute imaging going on at the AZ audit

>>67992 President Mao Xi says CCP changed China's destiny and world's development

>>67995 182 bodies were found near a former Canada residential school

>>67996 Montana governor lifts COVID-19 state of emergency

>>68010, >>68011, >>68015, >>68019 Anons on "Vaxxed Subjects Give off EMF" vid

>>68020 RWMaloneMD inventor of mRNA locked out of LinkedIn for his remarks on mRNA

>>68025 Kamala Staffers Anonymously LeakingThat Her Office is an "Abusive Environment"

>>68026 HUNDREDS OF SUPPORTERS Greet Pres. Trump and Gov. Abbott at US Southern Border in Rio Grande Valley

>>68027 Gen. Flynn w/a Larger-Than-Life Flag

>>68028 Gen. Flynn: Time for Elections by We the People

>>68029 Jovan Hutton Pulitzer Exposes REPUBLICANS Orchestrating FRAUDULENT Audits


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ecb3e5  No.68031

File: aa407bc8f848a35⋯.png (49.33 KB, 833x861, 119:123, 2021_07_01_0_13_06.png)


Medical tyranny is slowly ushering in communism, where your child’s choices belong to the State & not the family.

Children of these ages can now be vaccinated *without* parental consent or knowledge:

AL: 14

San Francisco: 12

Philly: 12

NC: 11

SC: 16

In these states, with healthcare worker approval, children can be vaccinated without parental consent:





Children do NOT belong to the State. Health decisions belong ONLY to the family. Children are being manipulated ($1 trillion ad campaign!) This practice must STOP.

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ecb3e5  No.68032



FINAL imminent, just checking for a few more posts.

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ecb3e5  No.68033

File: 75f7274ef41e546⋯.png (334.47 KB, 1840x542, 920:271, 2021_07_01_0_26_38.png)

Alien Leaks Season2, Ep.4 - Tony Teora & Ron Watkins


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Post last edited at

ecb3e5  No.68034

File: e221ac7d0167e80⋯.png (332.5 KB, 860x1292, 215:323, 2021_07_01_0_41_38.png)


[ Video ]

Progressive Democrat Election Specialist Ray Lutz Impressed By Arizona Audit

Here are the highlights of an hour and a half conversation Mr. Lutz had with Lulu Friesdat of Smart Elections, Bennie Smith of Black Box Voting, Marilyn Marks of Coalition for Good Governance, and Colorado Election Official Dwight Shellman.

1. Stringent security protocol

2. Media prints misinformation

3. Media not cooperating

4. Excellent chain of custody

5. Cameras watching 24/7

6. Dwight ❤️'s Rachel Maddow




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ecb3e5  No.68035


>>67986, >>67987 Dr. Richard Fleming: What's really in the jab?

>>67989 Last minute imaging going on at the AZ audit

>>67992 President Mao Xi says CCP changed China's destiny and world's development

>>67995 182 bodies were found near a former Canada residential school

>>67996 Montana governor lifts COVID-19 state of emergency

>>68010, >>68011, >>68015, >>68019 Anons on "Vaxxed Subjects Give off EMF" vid

>>68020 RWMaloneMD inventor of mRNA locked out of LinkedIn for his remarks on mRNA

>>68025 Kamala Staffers Anonymously LeakingThat Her Office is an "Abusive Environment"

>>68026 HUNDREDS OF SUPPORTERS Greet Pres. Trump and Gov. Abbott at US Southern Border in Rio Grande Valley

>>68027 Gen. Flynn w/a Larger-Than-Life Flag

>>68028 Gen. Flynn: Time for Elections by We the People

>>68029 Jovan Hutton Pulitzer Exposes REPUBLICANS Orchestrating FRAUDULENT Audits

>>68031 Medical tyranny: states where children can be vaxxed wo/parental consent

>>68033 Alien Leaks Season 2, Ep.4 - Tony Teora & Ron Watkins

>>68034 Progressive Democrat Election Specialist Ray Lutz Impressed By Arizona Audit



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ecb3e5  No.68041

late nite bake commencing

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ecb3e5  No.68043

File: 4980232930bfb48⋯.png (229.34 KB, 566x318, 283:159, dough_fresh_2.png)

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