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File: 5639c45730c9654⋯.png (96.13 KB, 363x216, 121:72, qrb_iwo.png)

08f139  No.48650[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research Bunker (QRB) General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




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08f139  No.48651


>>47678 Maricopa County Livestream Audit new

>>42330, >>43177, >>43179, >>43185, >>44766 BO changes & board updates

>>43537, >>46268, >>46270 Moar ideas on posting for Wearethene.ws

>>44058 Content policy - what's ok, what's not, what to do

>>44282, >>44284 Using a password with fullchan.net restricts access - bakers, watch out


are not endorsements


>>48579, >>48580, >>48582 Eyes in the sky

>>48557 Botus on American Jobs Plan

>>48559, >>48561, >>48562 New Maricopa audit judge, Daniel Martin, not only appt'd by dem Janet Napolitan also worked for Perkins Coie

>>48575 Lou Dobbs: Super Moon rising

>>48581, >>48612, >>48613 General McInerney on fire - & Lin W encounter with D McKissick

>>48587 Nuremberg Code & Requirement for children to wear masks in school

>>48603 Search & Seizure at Home of Judge Who Rendered the Sensational Weimar Mask-Judgment

>>48588 Grassley asks why annual report left out key data on student visa programs from Trump-era reports

>>48601 New "Fake pandemics and pretend viruses" thread

>>48607, >>48608, >>48609, >>48610, >>48611 Anon on fake pandemics & pretend viruses parts 1 - 5

>>48643 Biden Has Andrew Cuomo Lead White House COVID Calls with Governors

>>48644 State Dept. Suggests Kerry Didn’t Share Secrets with Iran’s Zarif About Israel’s Operations in Syria

>>48645, >>48646 Census: TX Gains 2 House Seats, CA, NY Lose One As US Political Map Is Redrawn

>>48649 #129


>>48476, >>48477, >>48480, >>48485, >>48509, >>48528, >>48539 planefaggin

>>48543 @TheRealCVN71 Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than those you did

>>48541, >>48542 Pompeo Pushes Investigation Into Kerry for Leaking Secrets to Iran

>>48540 Tracy Beanz

>>48533, >>48534, >>48536 call to diggz NEWSWEEK, DAILY BEAST and IBT TIMES

>>48520 AZ GOP Chair Dr. Kelli Ward Tells Gateway Pundit “This Is America’s Audit. It is for America”

>>48508 America First Legal filed lawsuit against the Biden Admin for illegally excluding Americans from receiving farm aid based upon their race.

>>48506, >>48535 Myanmar military to consider accepting ASEAN envoy

>>48505 Tesla's Elon Musk qualifies for $11 billion options payout

>>48504 GameStop raises $551 million to accelerate e-commerce push, shares jump

>>48502 Pentagon Reveals 3-Hour Long IRGC "Swarming" Incident Of US Vessels In Persian Gulf

>>48501 The FISA abuses have continued.

>>48498 LIVE: 'Club 45' Dinner in West Palm Beach

>>48492 Secretary of State Dr. Shirley N. Weber Announces Threshold Met to Trigger Recall, Signature Withdrawal Period

>>48475 The Florida Senate on Monday passed legislation requiring social media companies to publish standards for use and abide by them

>>48474, >>48511 Project Veritas SUES CNN In Federal Court Following Ana Cabrera's Malicious ON-AIR Defamation

>>48473 45 Endorsement of Susan Wright

>>48469, >>48490 The Census Bureau releases House reapportionment data based on the 2020 census, kicking off the official redistricting process

>>48462, >>48463, >>48465, >>48466, >>48470, >>48489, >>48491 AZ audit

>>48461 Joe Comms

>>48546 #128

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08f139  No.48652


>>48388, >>48395, >>48398, >>48401, >>48402, >>48429 Gold Eyez in the Skyz

>>48449 Cybersecurity expert Dan Kaminsky dead at 42, internet erupts with COVID vax conspiracies

>>48448 Australia Calls Out Biden And His “Woke Military”…

>>48439, >>48442 >>48450 @USNavy There’s always something to do at sea!

>>48432 Solid 5Y Auction Prints On The Screws, Easing Concerns Ahead Of Tomorrow's 7Y

>>48431 Ariz. audit underway, officials finding signs of fraud

>>48430, >>48437 Kamala Rides Fear Pron Wagon to the UN, spreads diplomacy South of the Border

>>48427, >>48436, >>48441 Vax is binary weapon?

>>48417 Methodists split over homosexuality

>>48416 Twitter Won’t Take Action Against LeBron James for Tweet Targeting Officer

>>48410 Cheney ignores her odds

>>48409 Carlyle Seeks to Raise $22 Billion for Flagship Buyout Fund

>>48407 Far-Left Activist and CNN Talking Head Reads Manchin and Sinema’s Phone Numbers on TV to Pressure Them Over ‘George Floyd Justice

>>48406 US Embassy In Turkey Closes For 2 Days Over Genocide Statement Backlash

>>48405 Trump Expects "Startling Results" As Arizona Legislators Take Possession Of All Ballots, Voting Machines From Maricopa County

>>48404 NC City Declares State of Emergency Prior to Bodycam Video Release of Andrew Brown Jr. Shooting

>>48403 John Kerry Told Iran’s Foreign Minister About Israel’s Covert Operations in Syria

>>48400 Because now they are playing the same game, but this time with India. ....

>>48399 Maricopa County judge recuses himself from lawsuit over Senate Republicans' election audit

>>48397, >>48419, >>48420, >48422 Tidewater decodes?

>>48396 @USMC Can You Knot?

>>48391 Goldman Sachs watching total margin loans after Archegos fund blowup

>>48386 “The Mainstream Media Is Now Coming In for Their Bombing Runs” – Steve Bannon Warns of the Coming Media Attacks on the AZ Audit

>>48382 Pompeo: DC statehood isn’t about representation. Let’s call it what it is: the Left’s attempt at an unconstitutional power grab for more seats in Congress.

>>48376, >>48378, >>48389 Is water becoming a commodity to be bought, sold and traded by Wall Street firms and hedge funds?

>>48371 Ugly, Tailing 2Y Auction Is Ill Omen As Bid-To-Cover; Indirect Bid Both Plunge

>>48370 45th President Donald Trump’s presidential portrait is set to go up in the Smithsonian when it reopens on May 14th.

>>48451 #127


>>48307, >>48326, >>48337, >>48351 eyez on the skyz

>>48346 Fauci Flip-Flops Again: Outdoor COVID Infection Risk Is "Miniscule"

>>48336 Pandemic snake oil: Bain sets up $1bn business succession fund focused on Japan

>>48331 Supreme Court to take up right to carry gun for self-defense

>>48329 New CM telegrams w/CAPs: disinformation battlefield. AZ AG rejects Dem call for audit investigation.

>>48328 New Gen McInerny telegram w/CAP: links to AZ audit cams and link for 'see something say something'

>>48327 Copper Hits 10-Year High Amid Supply Constraints And Infrastructure Plans

>>48325 Media Hack Morgan Loew Admits to Sneaking Inside AZ Audit Room at Veterans Memorial Center w/out Proper Credentials Before Ballots Arrive in Attempt to Discredit Process

>>48323 Mike Pompeo w/CAP: Our Administration’s exquisite strike on Qasem Soleimani had a massive impact on Iran and the Middle East...

>>48321 Census numbers expected to shift House power to the South, West

>>48320 Dan Scavino w/CAP: REMINDER!! 6FT!!

>>48309 FBI Documents Bombshell: Undisclosed Entity Could’ve Paid For Seth Rich’s Murder

>>48297, >>48298, >>48299, >>48300 Global Resource Systems, LLC acquired 56 million IPV4s on Bidan's 'inauguration' day.

>>48282 Understand? Got it?!

>>48353 #126

Previously Collected Notables:

>>48153 #124, >>48258 #125,

>>47591 #117, >>47680 #118, >>47776 #119, >>47858 #120, >>47930 #121, >>48015 #122, >>48051 #123

>>46912 #110, >>47001 #111, >>47111 #112, >>47199 #113, >>47305 #114, >>47404 #115, >>47514 #116

>>46249 #103, >>46341 #104, >>46410 #105, >>46506 #106, >>46623 #107, >>46717 #108, >>46818 #109

QRB notables archived here >>>/qrb/9528

Notables aggregator https://wearethene.ws

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08f139  No.48653

Meme Ammo

>>>/qrb/2298 QRB Meme Ammo

>>>/qrmemes/ One-stop Meme Board, organized by topic

>>>/qrmemes/606 Meme Camo Thread

>>>/qrb/44739 Digital Camo Thread Archive

Dedicated Research Threads

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>>>/qrb/42185 Boatfagging Q&A

>>>/qrb/22979 Information Warfare II

>>>/comms/12299 Oregon, Washington, I-5 Corridor: Turn the Tide

>>>/comms/26525 Exposing Media Lies about Q: Post Attacks Against Q here

International Q Research Threads

Australia #15 >>>/qresearch/13341710

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Vatican #4 >>>/qresearch/13255329

Q Proofs & Posts

Q Proofs Threads Proofs of Q's Validity >>>/qresearch/6156082

Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w - https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Storm is here Q Posts Q&A & all images bu docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

Q & POTUS timestamps docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

Q Happenings Calendar

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Main Calendar URL https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more https://bad-boys.us/


All Resignations Website https://www.resignation.info

All Posts Search Tool https://qresear.ch

Q Graphics

Q Graphics all in GMT >>>/qrb/43434

Q Graphics all in GMT #001 and scroll down (in numerical order) >>>/qresearch/11187218

Original, full-size images Q has posted postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

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08f139  No.48654

Tweet Tools

All My Tweets - Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form www.allmytweets.net/

Twitter Video Downloader twittervideodownloader.com/

Deleted Trump Tweets factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

Trump Tweet Archive trumptwitterarchive.com

Other Tools

Advanced Google Search Operators ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Archivers for Firefox, Opera & Webpage >>39619

Baker Tools v0.7.2 https://pastebin.com/L1p6iRzZ

Biden's destruction of America - LINKS >>43288

Commercial Aviation Incident List avherald.com

Criminal Cases Database https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-r-united-states-attorney

DMCA takedown notice or abuse report reporting@isitwetyet.com.

Federal Judicial Court Dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db bad-boys.us/

Federal Procurement Data System www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

Hosts File (DNS), How to Edit >>>/comms/4396

Hussein WH visitor list qest.us/obamavisitors

Legal News www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

Q Boards/Sites >>38758

Qcode Guide to Abbreviations pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

Reverse image search to sauce https://tineye.com/

Stock Movement Scraper qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

Wayback Machine for old archived websites: https://web.archive.org

Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

QRB Archive

Board Archive The main /qrb/ board archive 8kun.top/qrb/archive/index.html

(only activated for breads fallen off the catalog)

QR Archives

MasterArchivist masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist (main spreadsheet, 2nd tab, labeled)


GermanArchiveAnon mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bakes & E-bake instructions >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY, >>>/comms/9252

Resources from last LIVE Baking Class #39 >>>/comms/40980 (step by step baking instructions)

Baker Tools v0.7.3 https://pastebin.com/EDmx2iEr

How to format multi-page notables https://qanonbin.com/paste/0kIGTHWjd

Tips on Notables for Bakers >>41931

Iwo Jima flag on YouTube for TOR posting https://tu.be/9E3uBWn7e8U

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08f139  No.48655

File: 267a260334af63a⋯.png (714.61 KB, 640x478, 320:239, flotus5.png)

File: 567d24f973b2c18⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1200x799, 1200:799, flotus6.png)

File: 2c51fa42e740e10⋯.jpg (724.44 KB, 1600x1067, 1600:1067, flotus7.jpg)



War Posture Edition

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08f139  No.48657

File: 218f70e244cd6b6⋯.png (478.49 KB, 626x654, 313:327, 218f70e244cd6b644fb728a722….png)


bred #129 be locked

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08f139  No.48658

File: 81cdf88dd615340⋯.png (139.42 KB, 595x674, 595:674, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 38f4d093985ada7⋯.png (402.44 KB, 500x552, 125:138, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 45681bb8b4b1d07⋯.png (170.65 KB, 506x592, 253:296, ClipboardImage.png)

"Unconfirmed Reports" Of Oil Tanker Attacked Off Saudi Coast



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08f139  No.48659

File: 820f4d5f9d08a0a⋯.png (42.77 KB, 900x908, 225:227, 820f4d5f9d08a0ad27f77870d6….png)

went next door to walk thru the bred for the first time in weeks. absolutely nothing going on over there. animefag is still baking and arguing about why his anime girls are not sexual.

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b1673f  No.48660

File: 9c6cffffbc3eec7⋯.jpeg (47.13 KB, 543x435, 181:145, 9c6cffffbc3eec73c4f97d038….jpeg)


just peekin in

late sleep


girls aren't usuually on so early iirc

gonna be a long summer huh

slow drip

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08f139  No.48661

File: 564846ae9322c02⋯.png (971.81 KB, 564x651, 188:217, 5a95e357b5f34.png)


betta turn that faucet on full blast. we need to get ridda da bad guise.

glad you slep in. not so much here. bizzy bizzy.

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294051  No.48662

File: 3c303f2d18be7d5⋯.png (795.61 KB, 455x607, 455:607, thank_you_baker_grimace_pi….PNG)





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b1673f  No.48663


getz the feelin gonna be hot all summer, guud drip

listened to x22 also

never doubted DOD had those for a reason, didn't understand it at the time, now I do, imma technodaft, what can I say

glad you bizzy, bidnez is guud then, gonna be able to pay for that OTIS you talkin bout


mabbe some meat in yo Ramen noodles huh

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08f139  No.48664

File: 56b48d23f208899⋯.png (317.4 KB, 500x426, 250:213, ClipboardImage.png)

Bulk Carrier Smashes Into Suezmax Tanker Off China's Top Refining Port



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b1673f  No.48665

mornin gb

gonna shower and clean up

g's just hit me up for haircuts

gonna be a late one I guess

I'll be back soon enough and hit the news

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08f139  No.48666


morn'n gb. habby tuesday


'dave' seems to think the ip's are for the new trump sm platform. can bypass cloudflare and telcom co's on the take. dhey can't shut him down.

pretty huge if truly the case.

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08f139  No.48667


i'll be round

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08f139  No.48668


>mabbe some meat in yo Ramen noodles huh

meat goes toward otis. mebbe 2022 kek

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294051  No.48669

File: 669b1bc44de6c4d⋯.png (36.88 KB, 595x334, 595:334, Archegos_loss_booked_04272….PNG)

File: 73165b77ef92d6f⋯.png (594.5 KB, 550x468, 275:234, wall_street_facepalm.PNG)

Archegos Fallout Tops $10 Billion As UBS, Nomura Report More Losses

For the world's bulge-bracket banks, the Archegos blowup is the gift that keeps on giving: Just when analysts thought that the busted family office's prime brokers had disclosed all of their losses, UBS surprised them by revealing in its Q1 earnings report that it had booked a $774MM loss due to the fund's implosion. Meanwhile, Japan's Nomura revealed that its losses had climbed to $2.85 billion, though the losses straddled two fiscal years, with 245.7 billion yen (about $2.27 billion) booked in the year ending in March, and another 62 billion yen ($573.4MM) for the fiscal year that started in April. Like Morgan Stanley, UBS determined that its losses from Archegos weren't significant enough to warrant an announcement ahead of a scheduled earnings release.

That $2.3 billion in red ink helped push Nomura to its worst quarterly loss since 2009. These latest disclosures brought the total losses from the Archegos blowup to more than $10 billion. This makes the Archegos blowup one of the "the worst trading incidents in finance in years," according to WSJ. UBS CEO Ralph Hamers, who took the reins of Switzerland's biggest bank by assets in November, told analysts and reporters that he is taking the fallout from Archegos very seriously, and that the bank is reviewing its risk management controls. However, unlike its crosstown rival, Credit Suisse, UBS's investment bank still posted a strong profit. Ultimately, the Archegos losses took $434 million off net profit during the first three months of the year. UBS said that it had exited all of its Archegos positions as of April 23, and that any additional losses booked in Q2 were "immaterial". UBS added that FINMA has not issued any enforcement actions, instructions for risk reduction or capital add-ons at this point. Its total losses tied to Archegos amount to $861 million ($774 million for Q1 + $87 million for Q2).

Fortunately, like other banks, UBS's investment bank was bolstered by the revenue bonanza from underwriting debt and stock deals, which was up 69% in the quarter thanks to the SPAC boom. Meanwhile, Deutsche Bank, which reports earnings on Wednesday, JPMorgan and Citigroup all managed to limit losses or avoid them all together.

In addition to UBS and Nomura, Credit Suisse Group AG lost $5.5 billion, Morgan Stanley lost $911 million and Mitsubishi UFJ Group warned of a $300 million hit. Goldman Sachs reported minimal losses, after the Vampire Squid and Morgan Stanley were the first to break ranks after all of Archegos's prime brokers proposed an ad hoc plan whereby all the brokers would hold the line. But once Morgan and Goldman started dumping Archegos' positions in massive block trades, the cat was out of the bag, prompting all of the brokers to follow suit. For CS, which had the largest exposure to Archegos relative to the bank's size, the heavy losses drove CS to its second straight quarterly loss, prompting the bank to fire a host of senior employees, including its risk-management chief along with the leaders of its prime brokerage and investment banking units. The fury directed at Credit Suisse management has metastasized in recent weeks - driven not just by the Archegos blowup, but by the collapse of Greensill, a trade finance firm that had sold billions of dollars in dodgy assets to CS and its clients - into a campaign to oust a board member at the bank's annual meeting on Friday. Harris Associates and Norges Bank Investment Management said they would vote against the reappointment of Andreas Gottschling, chairman of the bank’s risk committee.

The Archegos fallout has inspired regulators in the US and Europe to push for more stringent exposure requirements for "family offices", like Archegos, which was founded by Bill Hwang, the former head of Tiger Asia, who has hired a high-profile PR team in the wake of his firm's collapse. Hwang used absurd levels of leverage to beef up his holdings, and for a while it worked: his personal fortune swelled by several orders of magnitude - from $300 million to some $20 billion, collateral that was then rehypothecated among various prime brokers to magnify the fund's positions to more than $100 billion, making Hwang - via his bankers - one of the biggest shareholders in ViacomCBS.


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294051  No.48670

File: e6d2038301d98b2⋯.png (506.3 KB, 613x392, 613:392, poppy_thumbs_up.PNG)




chek't ebil trips

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08f139  No.48671

File: 9f7c527f32cfe17⋯.png (763.42 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

the swamp is deep and wide:

The decision was unsurprising because the judge had earlier tipped his hand by requiring the lawyers to describe the two “transgender” males as women.

Judge Denies Protection for Girls from Transgender Athletes


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294051  No.48672

File: c8d13161007f818⋯.png (300.02 KB, 832x464, 52:29, BOXER42_USAF_C_40C_west_fr….PNG)

BOXER42 USAF C-40C west from JBA depart

RCH594T USAF C-17 Globemaster nw to about Gary, IN U-turn and back to Wright-Patterson AFB-did this 3X yesterday

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08f139  No.48673

File: 74d5cac71b49d17⋯.jpg (26.26 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 74d5cac71b49d1789e42408ba8….jpg)

wearethene.ws stats

latest aggregation

/qresearch/ 1 week ago

/midnightriders/ 2 months ago

/QRB/ 11 hours ago

weez da only game in town. keep up the guud work diggers, bakers, ringleader trouble makers...

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294051  No.48674

File: 13d527331498548⋯.png (583.06 KB, 693x429, 21:13, ClipboardImage.png)

Suga orders SDF to open vaccination site in Tokyo

Prime Minister Suga Yoshihide has ordered Japan's Self-Defense Forces to establish and operate a large-scale facility for coronavirus vaccinations in central Tokyo.

Suga told Defense Minister Kishi Nobuo on Tuesday to aim to have the facility set up in the Otemachi district by May 24. The prime minister also told him to keep it open for three months. In order to speed up the vaccination program, the government plans to start inoculating about 10,000 people a day in Otemachi and central Osaka by the end of May. SDF doctors and nurses are expected to administer the shots in Tokyo. Officials say the SDF will likely help set up and operate the venue in Osaka, but details are still being worked out. Kishi told reporters that the prime minister said the ministry and the SDF are the last line of defense for the country. He said he was instructed to take on the serious task of managing the national crisis. Kishi said he will quickly proceed with the necessary preparations and make decisions about the start of operations. Health minister Tamura Norihisa said people with and without underlying conditions may start receiving the shots in some areas by the end of July. He told reporters on Tuesday that regions which finish inoculating elderly people will go on to the next phase.

He also said that dentists, who have undergone training, will be allowed to administer shots in the regions, where there are staff shortages.


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294051  No.48675

File: 868d25c27b29ed2⋯.png (350.62 KB, 488x409, 488:409, pepe_feels_good_nigga.PNG)

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294051  No.48676

File: 8a29de55204b67e⋯.png (193.52 KB, 623x453, 623:453, 09_0017_USAF_C_32A_departe….PNG)

09-0017 USAF C-32A departed JBA nw and likely a cert. and/or maintenance flight

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294051  No.48677

File: ed0e9940cb659db⋯.png (173.15 KB, 337x319, 337:319, pepe_really.PNG)

Indonesia says powerful underwater wave likely sunk submarine

Indonesia's navy on Tuesday said that last week's fatal submarine sinking was likely caused by an underwater phenomenon known as an "internal solitary wave." Officers said that differences in the density of waters off Bali and in the nearby Lombok Strait may have triggered a "massive movement" strong enough to pull down the submarine in seconds.

Iwan Isnurwanto, commander of the Navy Staff and Command School, said the presence of the wave around the location of the submarine at the time of the accident last Wednesday was confirmed from images produced by Japanese weather satellite Himawari 8. "There was nothing that they could do, no time to do anything... if the sub was brought down by such a wave. It likely angled [downward], causing all the crew members to roll down [to the bottom of the vessel]," Isnurwanto told a news briefing at navy headquarters in Jakarta. "We have to do further investigation, but that is most likely what happened." With large amplitudes that cause powerful currents, internal solitary waves are considered a major hazard to marine engineering and submarine navigation. They can impose unexpectedly large stresses on offshore oil rigs. Naval officials said more surveys to detect potential internal solitary waves in Indonesia's waters will be needed to avoid similar incidents in future submarine operations.

Officials dismissed speculation about other possible causes. These included allegations of poor maintenance of the aging submarine, human errors, as well as a rumor circulating on social media that it had been shot by a foreign vessel. The KRI Nanggala 402 is a German-built submarine that had been in service since 1981, and underwent a full refit in South Korea that was completed in 2012. Muhammad Ali, assistant to the navy chief of staff, said the submarine had undergone regular checks, including its last "docking" last year, when the vessel was deemed seaworthy through September 2022.

He added all crew members on board the vessel were well trained, and it was not true that the submarine was over its crew capacity. The vessel was earlier reported to have a capacity of just 33 people, but Ali said that represented the number of beds available, and that subs operated by the navy commonly carried more than 50 personnel. "[The rumor] that it had been shot by a passing foreign vessel is I think outrageous," Ali added. "We had many above-water ships during the time of the incident, and they have sonars, which could have detected an explosion if it happened." The Nanggala vanished in the early hours of Wednesday while conducting a torpedo-firing exercise. The last detected signal from the vessel was from a depth of 850 meters, beyond its diving limit.

The last communication with the sub was at 4 a.m. on Wednesday. When the commander of the training task force tried to authorize the firing drill 25 minutes later, communication with the submarine could not be established. The vessel had been due to surface by 5:15 a.m. on Wednesday morning. On Sunday, the Indonesian navy, with support from Singapore's MV Swift Rescue, a submarine support and rescue vessel, found large pieces of debris at a depth of 838 meters. The vessel was believed to have split into three major parts, including the ruptured main body, eroding all hopes that survivors would be found.

The navy said attempts to evacuate the sub and remains of the victims will continue, though it has not been decided how they were going to salvage the wreckage. The MV Swift could only lift smaller parts.


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08f139  No.48678

File: ffb29516da17a06⋯.png (73.62 KB, 400x224, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

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08f139  No.48679

File: 7acfe4e2fac4250⋯.gif (673.56 KB, 400x224, 25:14, f0b182d2aef061f173c7646c7c….gif)



letz try dat again

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08f139  No.48680

File: f3ad84c54ba3dad⋯.jpeg (25.65 KB, 497x509, 497:509, 1a08f9b282e9d67d1634c9dea….jpeg)


this is gonna get ugly. got ff written all over it. in waterproof ink of course.

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294051  No.48681

File: 58545a98c7d1ef3⋯.png (97.74 KB, 624x441, 208:147, ClipboardImage.png)


that explanation is as bad as "Sky Quakes"

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08f139  No.48682

File: f2b1b9a6dfea9fa⋯.gif (239.57 KB, 800x533, 800:533, alert_warning_gif.gif)


yeah man. that's reeeeaaallly bad. hoping patriots got a bead on this red october.

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294051  No.48683

File: 2e1d72dc8ef19c4⋯.png (357.93 KB, 461x293, 461:293, ClipboardImage.png)

Justice Dept. Asked to Examine Whether Swiss Bank Kept Helping Tax Dodgers

Credit Suisse had admitted to helping American clients evade taxes in 2014 and was fined $2.6 billion, but it avoided even higher fines because of its vow that it had stopped the practice.

The chairman of the Senate banking panel asked Attorney General Merrick B. Garland on Tuesday for information about whether Credit Suisse continued to help rich Americans defraud the I.R.S. even after it signed a settlement agreement with the Justice Department vowing to stop the practice.

At issue is a retired professor named Dan Horsky, whom Credit Suisse helped to evade tax payments on $200 million in assets. A whistle-blower made federal prosecutors aware of Mr. Horsky’s account in the summer of 2014, and it clearly violated the terms of the settlement agreement that Credit Suisse had agreed to just weeks earlier. But the Justice Department under the Obama and Trump administrations never punished Credit Suisse for violating the deal, even though the whistle-blower’s information led Mr. Horsky to plead guilty to tax evasion in 2016.

Senator Ron Wyden, Democrat of Oregon and chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, asked Mr. Garland for more information about the Horsky account and anything else that might show whether Credit Suisse executives made false statements to Congress, to the Justice Department and to the courts when it said it vowed to cooperate with U.S. government efforts to force the wealthiest Americans to pay their taxes. The scrutiny around Credit Suisse’s private wealth management practices comes at a sensitive time for the bank. Last week it reported a significant losses because of loans it made to a collapsed investment firm and said that Switzerland’s financial regulator would investigate the bank’s risk management practices. Regulators are also investigating a spying scandal and the sale of billions of dollars worth of investments that were reminiscent of the shoddy subprime mortgage bonds that led to the 2008 global financial crisis.

Should prosecutors decide that Credit Suisse violated its agreement with the Justice Department, the bank could be exposed to legal liability and more fines. Mr. Wyden asked the Justice Department for a briefing on the Horsky case by May 11. A spokesman said that the Justice Department had received the letter, but had no immediate comment. Credit Suisse did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Mr. Wyden also asked that the department help him verify whether Credit Suisse executives provided false statements to the Senate in February 2014, when they testified about whether the bank had stopped helping wealthy Americans evade taxes.


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294051  No.48684

File: 7144f2dfb04f73e⋯.png (457.99 KB, 688x414, 344:207, ClipboardImage.png)

China investigates Ant Group's IPO approval process

China is investigating how Ant Group founder Jack Ma got speedy approvals for the company’s stock listing last year, the Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday, citing people with knowledge of the matter.

The central-government investigation, which started early this year, focuses on "regulators who greenlighted the initial public offering, local officials who advocated it and big state firms that stood to gain from it", according to the report. Ma’s relationships with these “state stalwarts” are also being examined as part of the investigation, the report said. China has already imposed a sweeping restructuring on Ant Group, the fintech conglomerate whose record $37 billion IPO was derailed by regulators in November, underscoring Beijing’s determination to rein in its internet giants. The overhaul, directed by China’s central bank, subjects Ant to tougher regulatory oversight and capital requirements and requires it to cut links between its hugely popular payments app Alipay and its other businesses.

Ant Group, the payment affiliate of Alibaba Group Holding Ltd, did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment.


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294051  No.48685

File: 1ce887e0a118906⋯.png (382.15 KB, 557x376, 557:376, Biden_two_thumbs_up.PNG)

Home prices surge by most since 2006

U.S. home prices in February rose at their fastest pace in 15 years as the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the urge to move from urban apartments to suburban homes.

Home prices climbed 12% year over year in February, according to the national Case-Shiller index, making for the fastest increase since February 2006. Prices are now 29% above their 2006 peak. The 20-City Composite rose 11.9% in February versus a year ago, up from 11.1% in the previous month.

All 20 of the index’s cities saw percentage gains over last year, led by Phoenix (+17.4%), San Diego (+17%) and Seattle (+15.4%). The smallest gains were in Chicago (+8.6%) and Las Vegas (+9.1%). Every region recorded double-digit percentage gains, paced by a 13% increase in the West and a 12.9% rise in the Southwest.

The price increases have been bolstered by continued signs of a strengthening U.S. economy, in addition to low mortgage rates and a shortage of homes available for sale.


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294051  No.48686

File: 7862782d829b268⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1028x816, 257:204, bezos_muh_dick.PNG)

Washington Post shuts down presidential fact-checking database after 100 days of Biden

One hundred days into the Biden administration, The Washington Post is calling a lid on the presidential fact-checking database.

Glenn Kessler, editor and chief writer of the Fact Checker, tweeted late Monday that the team would continue to fact-check President Biden “rigorously” but would no longer maintain the database started under former President Trump. “Here’s the Biden database — which we do not plan to extend beyond 100 days,” Mr. Kessler tweeted. “I have learned my lesson.” He cited the enormous workload associated with keeping up with Mr. Trump. In February 2017, the Fact Checker launched a “new interactive graphic” to track “every suspicious claim made by the president in his first 100 days in office.” No more.

“Maintaining the Trump database over four years required about 400 additional 8-hour days over four years beyond our regular jobs for three people,” Mr. Kessler tweeted. “Biden is off to a relatively slow start but who knows what will happen. We will keep doing fact checks, just not a database.”

Not surprisingly, the decision to shut down the database just three months into the Democratic presidency after running at a fever pitch during the Trump administration did not go unremarked on the right.

“The Biden presidency is over. Rest easy,” tweeted media critic Stephen L. Miller. “Whew what an incredible 100 days presidency.”

The Fact Checker, known for its one-to-four Pinocchio scale, says on its database that Mr. Trump made 30,573 “false or misleading claims” while in office.

Cracked Mr. Miller: “I love how Kessler has to be begrudgingly pushed into doing the bare minimum that his job requires for 5 whole months.”


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c2f47c  No.48687

File: 1c0a6b9349680fa⋯.jpg (29 KB, 676x380, 169:95, 17f85hivpvk99jpg.jpg)

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294051  No.48688

File: f70dc10e5aab849⋯.png (2 MB, 1440x868, 360:217, ClipboardImage.png)

Karen rebels step up attacks as Myanmar army struggles to rule

Myanmar's military launched air strikes on a village and outpost near the Thai border on Tuesday, Thai authorities said, after ethnic minority Karen insurgents attacked a Myanmar army post in some of the worst clashes since a Feb. 1 coup. The Karen National Union (KNU), Myanmar's oldest rebel group, said its fighters had taken the army camp on the west bank of the Salween river. Thailand said it was ready to provide humanitarian but stressed it was not taking a side in the conflict.

The KNU is the dominant political organisation representing ethnic minority Karen communities in Karen, or Kayin, State, bordering Thailand. Its aim is self-determination for the Karen people in a region of about 1.6 million people, roughly the size of Belgium, where they are the ethnic majority in the state. Marginalised in then Burma's post-independence political process, the KNU started a rebellion in 1949, which it waged for nearly 70 years. One of its key grievances was the majority Bamar community's dominance of Myanmar's state and military. The KNU and its military wing, the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), have historically been one of the biggest adversaries of Myanmar's military, or Tatmadaw as it is known. Activists have accused Myanmar soldiers of atrocities against the Karen, including murder, burning villages, forced labour, torture and systematic rape of women and girls. The military has suffered many losses to Karen guerrillas.

After a semi-civilian government initiated broad reforms in 2011, the KNU joined Myanmar's Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA), touted as the first step towards a federal system, but the coup has cast doubt on the deal's future.


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c2f47c  No.48689

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Great title, meh kinda song. The middle is ok.....

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b1673f  No.48690

File: 8d20e25b0d339d9⋯.gif (4.52 MB, 600x600, 1:1, 8d20e25b0d339d9e262d7d2a4c….gif)



checkin in

ears lowered

lotsa fuud

life be guud

I be eaten crow over news, we it, I be the most unlilkely to cooperate in this area



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08f139  No.48691


letz do dis

Confirm Handoff


>>48672, >>48676 Eyez on the skyz

>>48688 Karen rebels step up attacks as Myanmar army struggles to rule

>>48686 Washington Post shuts down presidential fact-checking database after 100 days of Biden

>>48685 Home prices surge by most since 2006

>>48683 Justice Dept. Asked to Examine Whether Swiss Bank Kept Helping Tax Dodgers

>>48677 File under ooookaaaay... Indonesia says powerful underwater wave likely sunk submarine

>>48674 Suga orders SDF to open vaccination site in Tokyo

>>48671 Connecticut Judge Denies Protection for Girls from Transgender Athletes

>>48669 Archegos Fallout Tops $10 Billion As UBS, Nomura Report More Losses

>>48664 Bulk Carrier Smashes Into Suezmax Tanker Off China's Top Refining Port

>>48658 "Unconfirmed Reports" Of Oil Tanker Attacked Off Saudi Coast

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08f139  No.48692

File: d7d657165d140b8⋯.jpg (44.13 KB, 700x466, 350:233, d7d657165d140b8326b7b86ff5….jpg)

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b1673f  No.48693


off hand confirmed

gotz da dough and the knotables

thanks for the grace

hopes you didn't starve in the making of this bread

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b1673f  No.48694

File: 5c8d87e62403601⋯.png (313.72 KB, 478x536, 239:268, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e6ae1f47a8d1c7f⋯.mp4 (1.76 MB, 480x272, 30:17, e6ae1f47a8d1c7f0a1fc6949c2….mp4)

Joseph J Flynn


Vote for the Joe Kents of this country every State every County every precinct…. #throwthebumsout!


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b1673f  No.48695

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Private school in Miami warns teachers against taking COVID-19 vaccine. Will not hire and will fire anyone that got it

Can anyone grab this video and repost where it won't get censored?


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b1673f  No.48696

Cyber Ninjas Are Also Part of Team Refuting Secretary of State Benson’s Letter Claiming ‘Operator Error’ in Election Results in Antrim County, Michigan

The Michigan case is still alive where the Secretary of State’s office claimed that it was human error in Antrim County that caused the error identified after the election that changed the winner of the county from President Trump to Biden. This was identified in a recount after the election and President Trump was announced the winner in the county.

A lawsuit has been in place for some time led by attorney Mathew Deperno. His team refuted this message from the Secretary of State’s office that claimed operator error rather than machine-related errors caused the voter discrepancy in the county. The audit team Diperno put together includes Cyber Ninjas – the same firm running the election audit in Maricopa County right now.

We’ve reported that the Secretary of State in Michigan is connected to George Soros:


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b1673f  No.48697

File: 316695084ce4151⋯.png (961.14 KB, 1287x638, 117:58, ClipboardImage.png)

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b1673f  No.48698

File: 9bab96c97353780⋯.png (162.75 KB, 1287x638, 117:58, ClipboardImage.png)

Supreme Court: Pfizer, Moderna et al. may own your genes once you’re injected with their lab-created mRNA, DNA


This page makes it very clear that under current U.S. law, you are no longer a NATURALLY-OCCURRING HUMAN BEING after these gene therapies.

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b1673f  No.48699

Many of us qualify for mask exemption at work, America's Frontline Doctors will provide cash for you to sue employer

America's Frontline Doctors now providing $4,000 + attorney fee lawsuits for plaintiffs aka you, if you qualify for mask exemption and an employer/airline/company discriminates you. (Possibly free $12,000 for CA)

Looking over my notes yesteday when Dr Simone Gold visited a church in CA, Dr Simone Gold said that many of us may all qualify for mask exemptions. This is through the CDC's own volition of "nice long list of things" to qualify for mask exemption. Once you are exempted, and you are being discriminated by an establishment, employer, etc, The America's Frontline Doctors will provide you a lawyer in which if you have proof of discrimination, you may open a lawsuit and receive $4,000 to sue the school, business, or anything basically. Free $4,000 + attorney fees for the plaintiff. So, who here wants to qualify for mask exemption under the CDC's guidelines?? Take the hint? LET'S START FUCKING SHIT UP

The following categories of people are exempt from the requirement to wear a mask:

- A child under the age of 2 years;

- A person with a disability who cannot wear a mask, or cannot safely wear a mask, for reasons related to the disability;

- A person for whom wearing a mask would create a risk to workplace health, safety, or job duty as determined by the workplace risk assessment. Dr Simone Gold says if you have COPD, PTSD, dermatitis, etc, you qualify for mask exemption.

Link: > https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/cloth-face-cover-guidance.html

Additional Info regarding Masks for disabled people https://www.wright.edu/inclusive-excellence/disability-services/mask

The following link below provides you additional resources and the legal experts (Like Leigh Dundes) and a team of lawyers who will help you out if you are feeling "discriminated" for having a medical exemption from masks (and possibly vaccines too), you may sue and the plaintiff (aka you) will qualify for $4,000 + Attorney fees. In California, if strings pulled properly, you may qualify for $12,000 + Attorney fees for the plaintiff.


Please keep in mind, this was a private event in a church.

op https://greatawakening.win/p/12iNLVr2eI/americas-frontline-doctors-now-p/

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b1673f  No.48700

File: 25e39a9a339761f⋯.png (9.99 KB, 478x143, 478:143, ClipboardImage.png)


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294051  No.48701

File: 839eb12a2107740⋯.png (394.17 KB, 998x550, 499:275, doggo_flag_fly.png)

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b1673f  No.48702

File: 453c5ff0939d153⋯.png (257.59 KB, 478x460, 239:230, ClipboardImage.png)


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294051  No.48703

File: a1837788ac9d31f⋯.png (155.18 KB, 685x454, 685:454, RCH592T_USAF_C_17_Globemas….PNG)

RCH592T USAF C-17 Globemaster departed Los Angeles Int'l after a ground stop-inbound from Travis AFB, CA (Bay Area)

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b1673f  No.48704

File: d9c7450988cbad3⋯.mp4 (1.91 MB, 460x816, 115:204, d9c7450988cbad327ce515f083….mp4)

training Q recruits be like

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b1673f  No.48705

File: d29d6c71fbe4390⋯.png (76.69 KB, 932x849, 932:849, ClipboardImage.png)

Bidens destruction of America



BIDEN's destruction of America


Day 97


1. Revoked the travels bans, also referred to as the Muslim Ban and African Bans

2. Directed an immediate halt to construction of the border wall

3. Fortify DACA and ensure that the so-called Dreamers be protected from deportation

4. Revoked orders to exclude undocumented individuals from the census

5. Protected Liberians from immigration enforcement and extended work authorizations

6. An eight-year pathway to citizenship for all 11 million undocumented immigrants

7. Eliminating the three- and ten-year bars and expanding legal immigration

8. Untangling immigration enforcement from comprehensive solutions

9. Expanding existing immigration channels

10. Biden asks for Student Loan Freeze Shows Path to Erase Billions of Debt

11. Asks to extend eviction moratorium and orders delays for housing foreclosures

12. Mask mandate on all federal lands and property

13. Biden administration rejoins the Paris Accord climate agreement

14. Biden rejoins the World Health Organization

15. Establishing a COVID testing board and expand testing

16. Combat discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity

17. Require an ethics pledge for executive branch employees

18. Modernize and make improvements to regulatory review

19. Executive order ending private prison contracts

20. Limiting the transfer of military equipment to police agencies

21. Trying to establish 100 million vaccine jabs in 100 days

22. Require face masks on all various types of public transit

23. Ask agencies to boost food aid and delivery of stimulus checks

24. Restoring bargaining power for federal workers

25. End the 1776 Commission for teaching about American history

26. Shut down Keystone pipeline 11,000 direct jobs and an estimated 60,000 indirect jobs

27. Lifted freeze on lowering pricing for insulin and epinephrine

28. Biden Sends Large Military Convoy Into Syria On Day Two

29. National Guard soldiers rest in cold parking lot, then reversed after outrage

30. Biden Rescinds Trump Order Banning Foreign Involvement In US Power Grid

31. Biden administration suspends new oil, gas drilling permits on federal land

32. Direct federal departments to tackle the climate crisis (methane, air pollutants)

33. Halt off shore drilling to help America's energy independence

34. Suspension of Oil and Gas Leasing Authority on Public Lands

35. Limit "Waters of the U.S.” subject to regulation under the federal Clean Water Act

36. Halted Expediting Environmental Reviews for High Priority Infrastructure Projects

37. Reversed an order for Reducing Regulation and Controlling Regulatory Costs

38. Canceled Promoting Energy Independence and Economic Growth

39. Biden Removed Promoting Energy Infrastructure and Economic Growth

40. ICE memo from Biden suggests releasing all 14,195 illegal immigrants (71% criminals)

41. Biden order demands all federal employees be paid $15 per hour

42. Fired bosses of federally funded broadcasters at the U.S. Agency for Global Media

43. Installed Chinese born immigrant Kelu Chao to head U.S. Agency for Global Media

44. Biden tells Mexican president he will end Trump's 'draconian' immigration policies

45. Biden Rode Record-Breaking ‘Dark Money’ Donations Into The White House

46. Vows to replace entire gov’t fleet of cars and trucks with electric vehicles

47. Promised a plan for COVID but backtracks to say there is no end in sight for COVID

48. Signing of an Executive Order to Begin Testing COVID-19 Vaccine Passports

49. Wants $4 billion in aid to Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala to reduce migration

50. Directing H.U.D. to begin the process of rooting out systemic racism

Just a taste of the over 3000 notations for download

great meme stuff to get out there on social media

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08f139  No.48706

File: e3278c7f11449d6⋯.png (760.7 KB, 639x909, 71:101, 82ca47762868fff16c77efda63….png)


dat kitteh iz far moar disciplined dan us kek.

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b1673f  No.48707

File: 3bab2ee2924a0c9⋯.jpg (110.58 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Animal_showing_tongue_22.jpg)


dat da truph


gladz we in da upper echelons


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b1673f  No.48708

Prince Andrew set up businesswith banker accused of sexual harassment

Duke set up Lincelles last year with Harry Keogh, who resigned from Coutts after allegations from female colleagues

The Duke of York has gone into business with a former private banker who was once at the centre of sexual harassment allegations, it emerged on Monday night.

The Duke set up a company, Lincelles, with Harry Keogh last year, according to Companies House records. Mr Keogh resigned from Coutts in March 2018 following allegations from female colleagues that he made unwanted physical contact and lewd comments.

The new company is understood to be a vehicle for the Duke’s family investments, The Times reported.

Although the company is listed as being incorporated on June 26 2020, it has been structured as an unlimited company, meaning it is not required to file accounts and can avoid disclosing profits or income.

The Duke controls 75 per cent of the business through the Urramoor Trust and Mr Keogh, below, is listed as a fellow controller.

The Wall Street Journal reported in 2018 that Mr Keogh was the subject of an internal investigation in 2015 over inappropriate behaviour.

A source close to Prince Andrew told The Times on Monday night that Mr Keogh was a “friend and adviser to the Duke” and his “private banker for some 20 years”.

It was previously reported that Mr Keogh had sued Coutts for unfair dismissal.

The former banker has claimed that he had signed a non-disclosure agreement with the bank meaning he was unable to comment on the allegations, The Times said.

There is no suggestion these companies were illicit in any way. Lincelles’s controllers were approached by The Times for comment.


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b1673f  No.48709

File: 3ccd7defb6b0dec⋯.png (292.27 KB, 478x504, 239:252, ClipboardImage.png)

Demographics are destiny: Texas gets the most new House seats after 2020 census reshuffling https://wsj.com/articles/south-and-mountain-west-gain-political-power-from-population-growth-11619465263?reflink=desktopwebshare_twitter via @WSJ


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b1673f  No.48710

File: 783f1bd08bcca74⋯.png (153.48 KB, 390x510, 13:17, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 89929cda968843b⋯.png (120.66 KB, 398x592, 199:296, ClipboardImage.png)


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b1673f  No.48711

File: f6113bb528d4812⋯.png (256.93 KB, 1287x4794, 429:1598, ClipboardImage.png)



UFO clearance....for Jimmy Kimmell

-- Forwarded message --

From: Sara Latham <slatham@hillaryclinton.com>

Date: Wed, Nov 4, 2015 at 2:59 PM

Subject: Re: UFOs and Jimmy Kimmel

To: Betsaida Alcantara <balcantara@hillaryclinton.com>, Kristina Schake <

kschake@hillaryclinton.com>, Milia Fisher <mfisher@hillaryclinton.com>

he thinks it would be awesome and funny, if she explained that you don't

use the term UFO anymore...

'Jimmy if you talk about UFOs, people think you're nuts - you have to use

the term, UAP - unexplained aerial phenomenon.

this is an issue I think the govt should take this more seriously

the govt has been too stingy on what information we should know

and when I'm President, the american people will find out !!

John's line is - the american people can handle the truth


On Wed, Nov 4, 2015 at 2:35 PM, Sara Latham <slatham@hillaryclinton.com>


> ha yes, I am v familiar with JDP's area51 and X Files obsession.....


> the question seems odd ? is there any further context on why Jimmy is

> going down the alien road ??


> which skit did we agree, in the end ?



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b1673f  No.48712

File: 087aff0a9e430b4⋯.png (2.35 MB, 1081x1731, 1081:1731, ClipboardImage.png)

Mayor of Hammon IN Harris Harrassing Citizen

Over Fuck Biden Flag

Someone is staging a trump parade in front of his house Sat at noon.

Give his office a ring if you're so inclined.

219 853 6301 Ext 6 then Ext 2

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b1673f  No.48713

Judicial Watch: Documents Show CA State Officials Coordinated with Big Tech to Censor Americans’ Election Posts

Used Biden for President’s Communications Firm to Identify ‘Misinformation’

Judicial Watch announced today that it received 540 pages and a supplemental four pages of documents from the office of the Secretary of State of California revealing how state officials pressured social media companies (Twitter, Facebook, Google (YouTube)) to censor posts about the 2020 election. Included in these documents were “misinformation briefings” emails that were compiled by communications firm SKDK, that lists Biden for President as their top client of 2020. The documents show how the state agency successfully pressured YouTube to censor a Judicial Watch video concerning the vote by mail and a Judicial Watch lawsuit settlement about California voter roll clean up. The records were obtained in response to Judicial Watch’s California Public Records Act (CPRA) requests to the Office of the California Secretary of State for records related to the Office of Election Cybersecurity’s database of social media posts; communications with social media companies; and other social media related records regarding the 2020 elections. Judicial Watch filed the requests after a December 2020 report surfaced that the state agency was surveilling, tracking, and seeking to censor the speech of Americans:

The Office of Election Cybersecurity in the California Secretary of State’s office monitored and tracked social media posts, decided if they were misinformation, stored the posts in an internal database coded by threat level, and on 31 different occasions requested posts be removed. In 24 cases, the social media companies agreed and either took down the posts or flagged them as misinformation, according to Jenna Dresner, senior public information officer for the Office of Election Cybersecurity. “We don’t take down posts, that is not our role to play,” Dresner said. “We alert potential sources of misinformation to the social media companies and we let them make that call based on community standards they created.” On September 24, 2020, a California Secretary of State chartlists a video from Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton and falsely alleges: Head of conservative group Judicial Watch Hosts video alleging Democrats benefit from incorrect voter rolls and ballot collection. The Secretary of State’s office details its communication with YouTube: “We wanted to flag this YouTube video because it misleads community members about elections or other civic processes and misrepresents the safety and security of mail-in ballots.” The chart quotes Fitton describing Judicial Watch’s statement about its federal lawsuit settlement with Los Angeles County that will require it to clean up voter rolls and how a Michigan court “changed the rules” on ballot deadlines and ballot harvesting. (The controversial decision was overturned in October 2020.)

The document shows that California state officials contacted YouTube directly to remove the video on September 24, 2020, and that YouTube seemed to respond by deleting the video on September 27, 2020. On September 11, 2020, outside consultant Zeke Sandoval, of the SKDK communications firm, provides the Secretary of State’s Office a “Misinformation Daily Briefing,” which again targets Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton: Trump tweeted, “The big Unsolicited Ballot States should give it up NOW, before it is too late, and ask people to go to the Polling Booths and, like always before, VOTE. Otherwise, MAYHEM!!! Solicited Ballots (absentee) are OK,” and Twitter was quick to fact check and shared a link with info about how voting by mail is safe and secure. Viral reply on Twitter from Tom Fitton asserting, “Mailing 51 million ballots to those who haven’t asked for increases risk of voter fraud and voter intimidation!”

A 30-page “Misinformation Tracking Sheet” lists social media posts that the office disagrees with and has asked social media companies to remove. In an internal email on January 12, 2021, Deputy Secretary of State and Chief Communications Officer Paula Valleemails Chief Counsel Steve Reyes and Jenna Dresner in the Office of Cybersecurity, as well as Press Secretary Sam Mahood stating that she is uncomfortable with CalMattersreporter Fred Brewster’s questions about the office’s tracking and censoring efforts: '''Hi Steve – Please see below – the reporter at Cal Matters who PRA’d us is doing a follow-up story. We asked him to send us his questions. I am not necessarily comfortable with his line of questions and the additional doors that this will open. I want to get your feedback I would simply like to give him a statement about what our goal is and leave it at that.


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08f139  No.48714


1st amendment

luv it

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b1673f  No.48715


I know, right

might be so inclined

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b1673f  No.48716

File: 0798a80584cee8a⋯.png (15.3 KB, 478x211, 478:211, ClipboardImage.png)


2day at judic hrg I asked reps from Facebook YouTube & Twitter about censorship of users w/out warning or due process Big Tech has influence over so much info they must promote free speech & not silence differing opinion

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294051  No.48717

File: 5947f350d40293f⋯.png (220.71 KB, 718x455, 718:455, SAM229_USAF_C_40B_west_fro….PNG)

>>48485 pb

SAM229 USAF C-40B west from JBA

State Dept AC

SAM258 USAF G5 on final approach from Miami Int'l overnight

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b1673f  No.48718

Google, Soros, & Gates-Fund Media Outlet ‘Project Syndicate’ Publishes Op-Eds For China’s State Media.

Project Syndicate – a media outlet that counts funding and written contribution from George Soros, Bill Gates, the United Nations, and Google – is engaged in “media partnership” deals with several Chinese state-run media outlets, The National Pulse can today reveal.

The globalist propaganda outlet – founded in 1995 – has also been lauded by the Chinese Communist Party’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with its Twitter account praising the outlet’s content defending genocide in Xinjiang as “objective and informative.”

Project Syndicate published op-eds and analysis from “prominent political leaders, policymakers, scholars, business leaders, and civic activists” and partners with non-western media outlets to amplify their spread.

“News organizations in developed countries provide financial contributions for the rights to Project Syndicate commentaries, which enables us to offer these rights for free, or at subsidized rates, to newspapers and other media in the developing world,” the outlet summarizes.

Among the state-controlled media outlets Project Syndicate partners with, however, are China Global Television Network (CGTN), China Daily, and Global Times.

Together, these sites have published nearly 2,000 articles from the outlet, including content praising the Chinese Communist Party and attacking the U.S. and populism. What’s more, the Chinese state-run media outlets appear to exploit Project Syndicate content for legitimacy, often burying the fact that the content was obtained through Project Syndicate at the bottom of articles:


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294051  No.48719

File: bf1a1611747ed66⋯.png (195.26 KB, 786x459, 262:153, SAM262_USAF_G5_west_from_J….PNG)

SAM262 USAF G5 KAF AC of interdast: Camp Peary, VA on Sunday and was AF2 on friday to NH

>>48395 pb

RCH779T USAF C-17 Globemaster departed JBA and on descent for Dobbins ARB, GA with another load of equipment for Not AF1 Joe's visit on Thursday

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b1673f  No.48720




>>48672, >>48676, >>48703, >>48717, >>48719 Eyez on the skyz

>>48718 Google, Soros, & Gates-Fund Media Outlet ‘Project Syndicate’ Publishes Op-Eds For China’s State Media, Stuff to digg

>>48716 Grassley: 2day at judic hrg I asked reps from Facebook YouTube & Twitter about censorship of users w/out warning or due process

>>48713 Judicial Watch: Documents Show CA State Officials Coordinated with Big Tech to Censor Americans’ Election Posts

>>48712 Give this mayor a call, sound off for 1A

>>48710, >>48711 Gen. McInerney

>>48709 Dobbs: Demographics are destiny

>>48708 Call to diggz on Prince Andrew

>>48705 Bidens destruction of America


>>48704 For the keks! Training new recruits be like....

>>48702 Earth gazing outside the Dragon window.

>>48700 Flotus appreciates her b'day wishes!

>>48699 America's Frontline Doctors now providing $4,000 + attorney fee lawsuits for plaintiffs aka you, if you qualify for mask exemption and an employer/airline/company discriminates you.

>>48698 Supreme Court: Pfizer, Moderna et al. may own your genes once you’re injected with their lab-created mRNA, DNA

>>48696, >>48697 Cyber Ninjas Are Also Part of Team Refuting Secretary of State Benson’s Letter Claiming ‘Operator Error’ in Election Results in Antrim County, Michigan

>>48695 Private school in Miami warns teachers against taking COVID-19 vaccine. Will not hire and will fire anyone that got it

>>48694 Vote for the Joe Kents of this country every State every County every precinct…. #throwthebumsout!

>>48688 Karen rebels step up attacks as Myanmar army struggles to rule

>>48686 Washington Post shuts down presidential fact-checking database after 100 days of Biden

>>48685 Home prices surge by most since 2006

>>48683 Justice Dept. Asked to Examine Whether Swiss Bank Kept Helping Tax Dodgers

>>48677 File under ooookaaaay... Indonesia says powerful underwater wave likely sunk submarine

>>48674 Suga orders SDF to open vaccination site in Tokyo

>>48671 Connecticut Judge Denies Protection for Girls from Transgender Athletes

>>48669 Archegos Fallout Tops $10 Billion As UBS, Nomura Report More Losses

>>48664 Bulk Carrier Smashes Into Suezmax Tanker Off China's Top Refining Port

>>48658 "Unconfirmed Reports" Of Oil Tanker Attacked Off Saudi Coast


lemme know

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b1673f  No.48721


fixed 05


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b1673f  No.48722

Chief of Border Patrol Bucks Biden, Will Say ‘Alien’ Until Law Changes

A law enforcement source, speaking on a condition of anonymity, provided Breitbart Texas with a memorandum authored by Rodney S. Scott, Chief of the United States Border Patrol. In the April memo, Scott advises Acting Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Troy Miller that he cannot endorse a new communications and vocabulary policy set in motion by the Biden Administration.

The policy change requires Customs and Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement personnel to refrain from the use of the terms “alien, unaccompanied alien children, undocumented alien, illegal alien, and assimilation” in internal and external communications. The terms must be substituted with “non-citizen, non-citizen unaccompanied children, undocumented non-citizen, and civic integration.” The policy went into effect on April 19.

Chief Scott’s memorandum recommends waiting for the enactment of United States Citizenship Act of 2021 which would remove the prohibited terminology from the Immigration and Nationality Act. Under current immigration law, the term “alien” is legally defined as a foreign national present in the United States.

Chief Scott states in his memorandum that he would not undermine the effort to implement and enforce the new policy but had reservations about politicizing his agency. He explains his rationale:

The U.S. Border Patrol (USBP) is and must remain an apolitical federal law enforcement agency. Over the years, many outside forces on both extremes of the political spectrum have intentionally, or unintentionally politicized our agency and our mission. Despite every attempt by USBP leadership to ensure that all official messaging remained consistent with law, fact, and evidence, there is no doubt that the reputation of the USBP has suffered because of the many outside voices. Mandating the use of terms which are inconsistent with law has the potential to further erode public trust in our government institutions.

Despite Scott’s objection, the policy was ultimately put in place and remains in effect. It will not, however, impact official reports and legal documents that must contain the terms codified in the Immigration and Nationality Act.


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294051  No.48723

File: a545c70bf286910⋯.png (119.2 KB, 664x461, 664:461, RCH779T_USAF_C_17_GLobemas….PNG)


RCH779T USAF C-17 Globemaster went to Columbus, GA

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294051  No.48724

File: 530f6406dec03e8⋯.png (168.59 KB, 758x455, 758:455, BOXER42_USAF_C_40C_on_fina….PNG)


BOXER42 USAF C-40C on descent for MCAS Yuma, AZ from JBA depart

Dept of HHS or Homeland Security here on it's "fire dooty"

from Apr 24

New temporary migrant facility operational in Yuma

A new tent-like temporary migrant processing facility in Yuma, Arizona, began operations earlier this week to house people seeking asylum in the U.S., according to a Border Patrol official. The 90,000-square-foot (8,361-square-meter) structure, which was built in 20 days in a parking lot behind the Yuma Sector Headquarters building, can accommodate up to 500 people, the Yuma Sun reported. Yuma Sector Border Patrol spokesperson Vincent Dulesky said that with social distancing the facility can hold 250 people, providing additional space to hold families and unaccompanied children arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border. Security and cleaning of the facility are being handled under contract so no agents will be staffing it, leaving them to continue patrolling the border, Dulesky said, adding that up to 450 people are apprehended a day.


from Apr 21

Governor Ducey Travels To Yuma Border


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294051  No.48725

File: 2927fb039db54eb⋯.png (420.92 KB, 507x377, 39:29, ClipboardImage.png)

Mexico posts unexpectedly large trade deficit as auto exports struggle

Mexico posted a larger-than-expected trade deficit in March, with a global shortage of chips hobbling the country’s vast automobile exports sector, data published by the national statistics agency INEGI showed on Tuesday.

Latin America’s second largest economy posted a $2.906 billion trade deficit last month when adjusted for seasonal swings. The deficit was $3.004 billion in non-seasonally adjusted terms. Automakers including General Motors Co, Ford Motor Co and Toyota Motor Corp have cut production this year due to a global semiconductor chip shortage.

Manufacturing exports, which account for roughly 30% of Mexico’s gross domestic product, jumped by 9.9% in March versus a year earlier and increased by 2.2% during the first three months of the year on an annual basis, according to INEGI data. That was weighed down in March by a 5.2% drop in auto exports, which account for roughly a third of all manufacturing shipments, and a 4.8% drop in January to March shipments of cars.

The reactivation of Mexico’s manufacturing sector “will be slower than previously expected due to the problem with a chip” shortage in the automotive sector, economist Jose Luis De la Cruz said.


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b1673f  No.48726

Canada introduces bill to police all internet speech

Desperate to transform his country into a clone of communist China, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has introduced new legislation that would censor the Canadian internet and make everything on it politically correct.

Citing the threat of “hate speech” and “hurtful” language, particularly against politicians like himself, Trudeau wants to force all social media platforms, including Facebook and Twitter, to start immediately removing all content that someone on the left might feel is “offensive.”

“Once a publication is flagged, it will have to be taken down within 24 hours of having it being flagged,” confirmed Canadian Heritage Minister Steven Guilbeault, who announced the plan during a recent videoconference with the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs.

A new regulatory body would be established on the taxpayers’ dime to police all internet content, Guilbeault added. Tech giants that refuse or fail to comply would incur financial penalties that would have to be paid to Trudeau and his cronies.

“My job is to ensure the safety and security of the Canadian population. That’s what I’m here for,” Guilbeault stated during the bill’s official unveiling.

“I think it’s going to be a really good remedy to a number of problems, but it won’t solve everything. One of the issues I’ve learned, looking at different models, is you shouldn’t try to tackle everything from the get-go.”

Nothing hurts a population more than to have its government decide which speech is “acceptable” and which is not. Yet, Guilbeault says that putting a stranglehold on Canadian free speech will “ultimately … create a safer environment for all people online and not just for a handful.”

Trudeau already invited communist Chinese troops to train on American soil – why not also stamp out Canadian free speech?

As you may recall, Trudeau welcomed with open arms communist Chinese troops, which were brought in to Canada to train. It only makes sense, then, for Trudeau to launch a Chinese-style censorship scheme, which will soon be taken up for a vote by the Canadian parliament.

According to Guilbeault, too many Canadian politicians have been “retreating from public service” because some people are saying mean things about them online. To ensure that their feelings are not hurt ever again, Guilbeault and Trudeau want to regulate all online speech to create a “safer environment” for politicians.


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08f139  No.48727


lib heads essplod'n


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b1673f  No.48728

Scientist: Extent of DDT dumping in Pacific is ‘staggering’


Marine scientists say they have found what they believe to be more than 25,000 barrels that possibly contain DDT dumped off the Southern California coast near Catalina Island, where a massive underwater toxic waste site dating back to World War II has long been suspected.

The 27,345 “barrel-like" objects were captured in high-resolution images as part of a study by researchers at the University of California San Diego’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography. They mapped more than 56 square miles (145 square kilometers) of seafloor between Santa Catalina Island and the Los Angeles coast in a region previously found to contain high levels of the toxic chemical in sediments and in the ecosystem.

Historical shipping logs show that industrial companies in Southern California used the basin as a dumping ground until 1972, when the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act, also known as the Ocean Dumping Act, was enacted.

Disposing of industrial, military, nuclear and other hazardous waste was a pervasive global practice in the 20th century, according to researchers.

Resting deep in the ocean, the exact location and extent of the dumping was not known until now.

The territory covered was “staggering,” said Eric Terrill, chief scientist of the expedition and director of the Marine Physical Laboratory at Scripps Institution of Oceanography.

Underwater drones using sonar technology captured the images of barrels resting 3,000 feet (900 meters) below the surface all along the steep seafloor that was surveyed.

“It really was a surprise to everybody who's worked with the data and who sailed at sea,” Terrill told reporters Monday.

The survey provides “a wide-area map” of where the barrels are resting, though it will be up to others to confirm through sediment sampling that the containers hold DDT, Terrill said. It's estimated between 350 and 700 tons of DDT were dumped in the area, 12 miles (20 kilometers) from Los Angeles, and 8 miles (12 kilometers) from Catalina Island.

The long-term impact on marine life and humans is still unknown, said Scripps chemical oceanographer and professor of geosciences Lihini Aluwihare, who in 2015 co-authored a study that found high amounts of DDT and other man-made chemicals in the blubber of bottlenose dolphins that died of natural causes.

Scripps researchers say they hope their survey will support clean-up efforts.

The expedition on the Sally Ride research vessel included a team of 31 scientists, engineers, and crew conducting 24-hour operations and two autonomous underwater vehicles.

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b1673f  No.48729

File: 201a01941c27b97⋯.png (140.39 KB, 478x491, 478:491, ClipboardImage.png)



need the vid

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294051  No.48730

File: 65d5eff5d11e575⋯.png (342.58 KB, 1267x360, 1267:360, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 09c74de49951235⋯.png (388.84 KB, 1266x352, 633:176, ClipboardImage.png)

Supply Chains Implode As "Price Doesn’t Even Matter Anymore"-"It's About To Get Much Worse"

The number of container ships stuck at anchor off Los Angeles and Long Beach is down to around 20 per day, from 30 a few months ago. Does this mean the capacity crunch in the trans-Pacific market is finally easing? Absolutely not, warned Nerijus Poskus, vice president of global ocean at freight forwarder Flexport. “It’s not getting better. It’s getting worse,” he told American Shipper in an interview on Monday. “What I’m seeing is unprecedented. We are seeing a tsunami of freight,” he reported. “For the month of May, everything on the trans-Pacific is basically sold out. We had one client who needed something loaded in May that was extremely urgent and who was ready to pay $15,000 per container. I couldn’t get it loaded — and we are a growing company that ships a lot of TEUs [twenty-foot equivalent units]. Price doesn’t always even matter anymore." Poskus said that trans-Pacific import volumes are still rising. He noted that January trans-Pacific imports were up 10% versus 2019 (comparisons to 2020 numbers are skewed by COVID) and 13.5% in February, then jumped 51% in March. “So, we’re now at 1.5 times pre-pandemic levels.”

With imports far outpacing retail sales growth, he attributed volumes to inventory restocking. “The restocking is actually affecting the trade even more than growth in demand. That tells me that this will last even longer. Let’s say U.S. consumer demand slows down in Q3 and Q4. That’s not expected, but even if it does, [capacity availability and rates] shouldn’t improve quickly, simply because of the huge restocking demand.”

Poskus also believes there is a growing export backlog piling up each day in Asia, awaiting available ship slots. If that backlog grows too big, he said, "I honestly don’t know what’s going to happen." As a result of the backlog and restocking demand, he thinks "prices will remain high and shipping will probably remain difficult for the rest of this year. And then after that, you have the peak for Chinese New Year in 2022. He said that the situation today is the worst he’s witnessed — and he believes it’s about to get even more severe. “Buckle up. The month of May will be the worst people have ever seen,” he predicted. Because some shippers will have to wait in line behind the growing backlog in Asia, he expects “what’s going to happen soon is that some importers won’t even be able to get on the boat. For them, it will almost feel like trade is coming to a halt.”

Poskus’ comments mirror cargo bookings data. FreightWaves’ SONAR platform features a proprietary index of shippers’ ocean bookings (SONAR: IOTI.USA). Bookings to the U.S. are measured in TEUs on a 10-day-moving-average basis as of the scheduled date of overseas departure. As of Monday, the index was at a new all-time high and forward bookings data showed a continued rise ahead. As of Friday, the Freightos Baltic Daily Index assessed the Asia-West Coast spot rate (SONAR: FBXD.CNAW) at $4,797 per forty-foot equivalent unit (FEU) and the Asia-East Coast rate (SONAR: FBXD.CNAE) at $6,306 per FEU — both near all-time highs.

But that’s only part of the rate story. “Indexes are not bills. Premiums are not reflected in the indexes,” said Poskus. Earlier this year, some of the premium charges came down as container availability in Asia improved. That’s reversed, said Poskus, who noted that the Ever Given incident in the Suez Canal pulled container equipment from the market. “Container shortages in Asia are again very bad because of the Ever Given, and it will take another four to six weeks to come back to normal.” The added premiums to get spot cargo loaded “are back and they’re higher than before,” he said. “They are $2,000-$3,000 above FAK [spot price] and that’s the best case.” Spot cargo that was booked 21 days prior and was forecast within the shipper’s allocation is still getting FAK pricing on spot, he noted. However, “everything last minute is basically a free-for-all auction. You are basically offering as much money as you can and hoping somebody will take it. Many importers are now struggling. We’re seeing so many new customers approaching us asking for help because they can’t get loaded.”



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08f139  No.48731

File: 0acf03f589fbd75⋯.png (91.33 KB, 389x460, 389:460, 135c0abfd602eb491ed43c4b47….png)


too much effort

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b1673f  No.48732

File: b0303cb6e73bcf2⋯.png (269.66 KB, 478x513, 478:513, ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. Marines


Weld Done

Lance Cpl. Htoo Htoo Baw, a metal worker with @3rdMLG

, welds in support of 9th ESB’s EOD on Kin Blue training area, Okinawa, Japan. This allowed Marines to demonstrate establishing expeditionary advanced bases with force protection and practice #navalintegration.

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b1673f  No.48733

File: d11b7196de05e8d⋯.png (9.92 KB, 478x171, 478:171, ClipboardImage.png)


JUST IN - US State Department issued a new travel advisory urging all Americans interested in leaving #Afghanistan to do so "ASAP"

12:19 PM · Apr 27, 2021·Twitter Web App


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08f139  No.48734


fuckers are gonna start another war.

Dear Lord, please smite these seditious bastards and send 'em all to hell


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b1673f  No.48735

Alert (AA21-110A)

Exploitation of Pulse Connect Secure Vulnerabilities

Original release date: April 20, 2021 | Last revised: April 26, 2021


Alert (AA21-116A)

Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) Cyber Operations: Trends and Best Practices for Network Defenders

Original release date: April 26, 2021


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294051  No.48736

File: 83ce3eea13b8568⋯.png (186.01 KB, 707x454, 707:454, Gates_Foundation_N887WM_G6….PNG)

File: 2409fc0610ab4cb⋯.png (378.45 KB, 554x629, 554:629, kaf_recon_squad_magnify.png)

Well nao..this is interdasting.....

Gates Foundation N887WM G650 landed at Phoenix Deer Valley Airport about 45 minutes ago departed Seattle, Boeing Field

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294051  No.48737

File: 6994ef44289f924⋯.png (549.72 KB, 543x352, 543:352, pepe_afghani.PNG)


Like who would be "traveling" in Afghaniland right nao?...mental

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b1673f  No.48738

File: 5eb75a1ee91617c⋯.png (339.81 KB, 720x558, 40:31, ClipboardImage.png)


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b1673f  No.48739

4-Star Generals Want China, Russia Intel Declassified


Top U.S. military commanders are pressing Biden administration intelligence leaders to expose the depth of China and Russia's "pernicious conduct," calling for a declassification of intelligence.

A group of 4-star generals made the request to expose our top adversaries publicly, particularly as our allies are allegedly being fed disinformation by our top rivals and the U.S. is falling behind in a veritable public relations world war, Politico reported.

"Our inability to speak publicly about the real threats coming from China and Russia means many Americans don't truly know everything we're up against," Senate Armed Services Committee Ranking Member Jim Inhofe, R-Okla., told Politico in a statement. "It makes it easier to argue to cut the defense budget when we can't have an honest discussion about these threats.

"I know this frustrates many of my colleagues on both sides of the aisle — and we need to get better at fighting in this space. Our adversaries like to operate in the shadows, and the best way to combat them is to call out their lies."

The memo from 9 regional commanders — a document now dubbed the "36-star memo" — calls for "waging the truth in the public domain against America's 21st century challengers," according to the report.

"We request this help to better enable the U.S., and by extension its allies and partners, to win without fighting, to fight now in so-called gray zones, and to supply ammunition in the ongoing war of narratives," the commanders wrote to then-acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire in January 2020 at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. "Unfortunately, we continue to miss opportunities to clarify truth, counter distortions, puncture false narratives, and influence events in time to make a difference."

The only 4-star generals to not sign the memo were the leaders of U.S. Central Command and Cyber Command, Politico reported.

Adm. Phil Davidson organized the letter from 9 of the 11 U.S. commanders, only 1 of which is no longer active.

"The Russians and the Chinese, in particular, have weaponized information," former undersecretary of defense for intelligence and security Kari Bingen, who received the memo, told Politico. "This is a significant concern that is being raised by military commanders and intelligence professionals."

She added: "The combatant commands are out at the edge. Their forces are interacting with our allies and partners, and seeing what our adversaries are doing, on a daily basis. They need timely and relevant information to expose bad activity and to counter what they're seeing."

The behaviors the commanders want exposed include military buildups by Russia in Ukraine and incursions into Western airspace, and China's increasingly brazen acts in the South China Sea, including islands claimed by the Philippines, according to the report.

Also, the commanders warned that Russia and China are spreading disinformation about the global coronavirus pandemic, pushing anti-American conspiracy theories like the U.S. being responsible for the virus' release as a bioweapon or U.S. troops being responsible for its spread.

"I think there's meaningful movement," Rep. Ruben Gallego, D-Ariz., chairman of the House Armed Services Committee's Subcommittee on Intelligence and Special Operations, told Politico. "I can't say that it's been a change yet, because this is still evolving."

Additional link: https://www.politico.com/news/2021/04/26/spy-chiefs-information-war-russia-china-484723

One of the signatories was Gen. Jay Raymond, who at the time was commander of U.S. Space Command but is now head of the Space Force and a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

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b1673f  No.48740


maybe a warning for the opium dealers


wonder what habbened to change the sitch?

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32c8d1  No.48741

File: de7672ec1c238fd⋯.png (7.39 KB, 255x166, 255:166, pepe_eyes_wide.png)


>sky quakes

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b1673f  No.48742


>>48672, >>48676, >>48703, >>48717, >>48719, >>48723, >>48724, >>48736 Eyez on the skyz

>>48739 4-Star Generals Want China, Russia Intel Declassified

>>48738 AZ House passed prison for life for child sex crimes

>>48735 US-cert.cisa. gov alerts

>>48733 US State Department issued a new travel advisory urging all Americans interested in leaving #Afghanistan to do so "ASAP"

>>48732 @USMC Weld Done

>>48730 Supply Chains Implode As "Price Doesn’t Even Matter Anymore"-"It's About To Get Much Worse"

>>48726 Canada introduces bill to police all internet speech

>>48725 Mexico posts unexpectedly large trade deficit as auto exports struggle

>>48722 Chief of Border Patrol Bucks Biden, Will Say ‘Alien’ Until Law Changes

>>48718 Google, Soros, & Gates-Fund Media Outlet ‘Project Syndicate’ Publishes Op-Eds For China’s State Media, Stuff to digg

>>48716 Grassley: 2day at judic hrg I asked reps from Facebook YouTube & Twitter about censorship of users w/out warning or due process

>>48713 Judicial Watch: Documents Show CA State Officials Coordinated with Big Tech to Censor Americans’ Election Posts

>>48712 Give this mayor a call, sound off for 1A

>>48710, >>48711 Gen. McInerney

>>48709 Dobbs: Demographics are destiny

>>48708 Call to diggz on Prince Andrew

>>48705 Bidens destruction of America download

>>48704 For the keks! Training new recruits be like....

>>48702 Earth gazing outside the Dragon window.

>>48700 Flotus appreciates her b'day wishes!

>>48699 America's Frontline Doctors now providing $4,000 + attorney fee lawsuits for plaintiffs aka you, if you qualify for mask exemption and an employer/airline/company discriminates you.

>>48698 Supreme Court: Pfizer, Moderna et al. may own your genes once you’re injected with their lab-created mRNA, DNA

>>48696, >>48697 Cyber Ninjas Are Also Part of Team Refuting Secretary of State Benson’s Letter Claiming ‘Operator Error’ in Election Results in Antrim County, Michigan

>>48695 Private school in Miami warns teachers against taking COVID-19 vaccine. Will not hire and will fire anyone that got it

>>48694 Vote for the Joe Kents of this country every State every County every precinct…. #throwthebumsout!

>>48688 Karen rebels step up attacks as Myanmar army struggles to rule

>>48686 Washington Post shuts down presidential fact-checking database after 100 days of Biden

>>48685 Home prices surge by most since 2006

>>48683 Justice Dept. Asked to Examine Whether Swiss Bank Kept Helping Tax Dodgers

>>48677 File under ooookaaaay... Indonesia says powerful underwater wave likely sunk submarine

>>48674 Suga orders SDF to open vaccination site in Tokyo

>>48671 Connecticut Judge Denies Protection for Girls from Transgender Athletes

>>48669 Archegos Fallout Tops $10 Billion As UBS, Nomura Report More Losses

>>48664 Bulk Carrier Smashes Into Suezmax Tanker Off China's Top Refining Port

>>48658 "Unconfirmed Reports" Of Oil Tanker Attacked Off Saudi Coast


They are going to escalate in Afghanistan and not pull out, bastids. Opium must flow!

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32c8d1  No.48745


great report - tx for posting.

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32c8d1  No.48749


hey doc -

whoa, gotcha enough notes?

slept well, doin' taxes today, so in and out

hope i get a lot done


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b1673f  No.48751






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b1673f  No.48752



muh pleasure

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b1673f  No.48753


didn't think I had enough but ran out of bread


gonna break for a bit

needs to do some IRL, rest so can be on rest of day

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08f139  No.48755

File: 523e669e7741ce3⋯.jpg (31.74 KB, 928x958, 464:479, 523e669e7741ce34faaea2dbf1….jpg)


he like dem big bunz

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b1673f  No.48757

File: b3005ad2e360cb2⋯.jpeg (174.77 KB, 688x1024, 43:64, b3005ad2e360cb2bee4d4f541….jpeg)

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