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File: 00754c0e6fd36f1⋯.png (96.13 KB, 363x216, 121:72, 9114f4dfb87b02bf0a247d7ae5….png)

c855d2  No.45424[Last 50 Posts]

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We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

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c855d2  No.45425


>>42326, >>42328, >>42330 May 2020: 8Bit relinquishes QRB, new BO takes over

>>43177, >>43179, >>43184, >>43185, >>44766 March 2021: BO change

>>43537 How to keep notables from dropping out of wearethene.ws

>>44058 Content policy - what's ok, what's not, what to do

>>44282, >>44284 Using a password with fullchan.net restricts access - bakers, watch out


are not endorsements


>>45333, >>45383, >>45388, >>45396, >>45403, >>45412, >>45413 Planefags aloft

>>45330 Gov. Ron DeSantis Hangs ’Florida Uses E-Verify’ Signs on All Highways into Sunshine State

>>45358, >>45351, >>45355, >>45376, >>45378, >>45379, >>45377 Anons on infectious prions in diseases & possible link to mRNA prion mutations

>>45360 Will Smith pulls filming of “Emancipation” out of Georgia, cites the state’s [NEEDED] election reform

>>45361 US Official Contradicts Biden on Illegal Immigrant Surge in Court Filing

>>45362 Pompeo tweet: chess positions indicate White's turn, both opponents have moved 5x = 5:5

>>45363 DeSantis: "We are witnessing an Orwellian big tech corporate media collusion."

>>45364 Nancy Pelosi Turns on AOC, The Squad

>>45390 U.S. consumer prices increase solidly in March

>>45394 Nomura Tightens Leverage For Some Hedge Funds Clients As ECB Starts Asking Questions (moar Archegos fallout)-zh

>>45402 Austria follows Italy as governments resume ultra-long issuance-reuters

>>45404 Russia Warns US Warships To Stay Far Away From Crimea "For Their Own Good"-zh

>>45409, >>45414, >>45417 U.S. health officials are recommending Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine not be used

>>45410 Margin Debt Has Exploded by 49 Percent in One Year to $814 Billion. The Actual Figure May Be in the Trillions. Here’s Why.

>>45411 45: "The Biden Administration did a terrible disservice to people throughout the world by allowing the FDA and CDC to call a 'pause' in the use of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine."

>>45415 Oracle billionaire Larry Ellison tells staff he is going to tear down $80million Florida mansion he just bought

>>45416 Crispr mangles DNA it wasn't supposed to touch

>>45419 Biden to withdraw all U.S. forces from Afghanistan by Sept. 11, 2021, the 20th anniversary of attacks that drew U.S. into war there

>>45420 #93


>>45228, >>45229, >>45270, >>45310, >>45318 pf reports

>>45232 Subpoenaing the Brookings Institution, Durham Focuses on Trump-Russia Dossier-nytimes

>>45233 Ulta Beauty Inc. sold by Chanel, Inc: $139.29m-Apr 6,7,8,9

>>45234, >>45235, >>45256 CCP Virus Variant Affects Vaccinated People More Than Unvaccinated People: Study” [South African variant]-epochtimes plus vid linky

>>45244 Japan decides to release water from Fukushima nuclear plant into sea-mainichi.jp

>>45251 Biden’s Cyber Nominee Is On Board Of Think Tank Founded By Spygate Professor Stefan Halper-dailycaller

>>45273 Belgium Must Lift ‘All COVID-19 Measures’ Within 30 Days, Brussels Court Rules-brusselstimes

>>45277, >>45278, >>45291 World Economic Forum Wants You to Wear a Microchip-Powered Smart Mask That Tells You When You’re Allowed to Have Fresh Air-humansarefree.com

>>45280 MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell Announces He's Launching 'MyStore,' a Patriotic Rival to Amazon

>>45282 Gen. McInerney posting for the second night in a row on BLM/antifa riots in dif cities....posted just now that they're armed

>>45307, >>45310 Brooklyn Center City Council approves resolution banning crowd control tactics during protests, rubber bullets & tear gas

>>45312 Statement on Supremes from 45

>>45313 Portland Andy livestream

>>45317 The Brooklyn Center, MN police department has taken down the ‘Thin Blue Line’ flag from their flagpole at police station

>>45321 #92

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c855d2  No.45426


>>45134, >>45135, >>45136, >>45139, >>45142, >>45160, >>45166, >>45197 GOLD Eyez in the Skyz

>>45218 'Extremely Dangerous' Radioactive Material Stolen In "Violent" Truck Robbery

>>45216 Why is no one asking why #DaunteWright was out on no cash bail for felony robbery,prior outstanding warrant?

>>45199 Q refresher

>>45198 Sometimes you have to look at things from a different view to get the best pictures.

>>45195 Pentagon Scientists Working in Secretive Unit Create Microchip to be Inserted Underneath Skin, Which Will Detect Covid-19

>>45192 Johnson & Johnson's one-dose COVID-19 vaccine won't be coming to Australia

>>45190 Paul Kelly denies government dropped the ball on Moderna contract as Australians cancel vaccine appointments

>>45187 Bannon: Big Corporations Are Bigger Problem Than Biden Regime

>>45185 200 businesses are backing gun control

>>45172 New Hampshire Governor SIGNS SB 43 INTO LAW! – Mandates Audit of Windham’s Fraudulent 2020 Election Results!

>>45168 Biden Administration Officials Sued by Arizona AG Over Immigration Executive Orders

>>45165 Italy prepares new 40 bln euros economic stimulus package

>>45163 Congressman Introduces Federal Ban on Coronavirus Vaccine Passports

>>45143 State Attorneys General tell Facebook and Twitter to kill vaccine skepticism

>>45138 Robert Kraft resigns from Apollo board amid Epstein controversy

>>45137 U.S. budget deficit hits record high for March as aid payments swell outlays

>>45219 #91

#90 crowdbake

>>45084, >>45086, >>45091, >>45101, >>45106, >>45107, >>45108 Planefag reporting

>>45118 ENOUGH! Restaurant Owners and Patrons SCREAM at Government Mask Enforcers to “Get Out!” After They Lecture on Masks

>>45116 Biden Withholds $150M Of Ukraine Aid Amid Tensions

>>45113 Taiwan Records Largest Ever Incursion By Chinese Air Force With 25 Planes Monday

>>45112 Hungary's central bank to buy green government bonds in QE scheme

>>45105 They aren’t hiding their advocacy anymore.

>>45103 Pompeo: The Iranians love appeasement, and they will drive a truck through weakness.

>>45097 Minnesota: National Guard troops to be deployed in order to deal with "further civil unrest"

>>45082 U.K. to Probe Greensill Contracts, Lobbying Amid Cameron Furore

>>45076 Microsoft to buy AI firm Nuance Communications in $19.7 billion deal in healthcare push

>>45050 Multiple Businesses Vandalized After Anti-Curfew Protest in Montreal Turns Into Riot (VIDEO)

>>45049, >>45059, >>45061 WTH Is This? Over 100 Top Corporate CEOs Join First-of-its-kind Call to Denounce Voter ID Laws

>>45207 #90

Previously Collected Notables:

>>45030 #89,

>>44342 #82, >>44438 #83, >>44541 #84, >>44647 #85, >>44749 #86, >>44872 #87, >>44949 #88

>>43624 #75, >>43733 #76, >>43851 #77, >>43945 #78, >>44037 #79, >>44113 #80, >>44327 #81

>>43041 #64, >>43122 #65, >>43149 #66, >>43200 #67, >>43238 #68, >>43272 #69, >>43303 #70, >>43365 #71, >>43365 #72, >>43435 #73, >>43529 #74

QRB notables archived here >>>/qrb/9528

Notables aggregator https://wearethene.ws

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c855d2  No.45427

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c855d2  No.45428

Tweet Tools

All My Tweets - Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form www.allmytweets.net/

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Deleted Trump Tweets factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

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Other Tools

Advanced Google Search Operators ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Archivers for Firefox, Opera & Webpage >>39619

Baker Tools v0.7.2 https://pastebin.com/L1p6iRzZ

Biden's destruction of America - LINKS >>43288 new

Commercial Aviation Incident List avherald.com

Criminal Cases Database https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-r-united-states-attorney

DMCA takedown notice or abuse report reporting@isitwetyet.com.

Federal Judicial Court Dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db bad-boys.us/

Federal Procurement Data System www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

Hosts File (DNS), How to Edit >>>/comms/4396

Hussein WH visitor list qest.us/obamavisitors

Legal News www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

Q Boards/Sites >>38758

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Baker Tools v0.7.3 https://pastebin.com/EDmx2iEr new

How to format multi-page notables https://qanonbin.com/paste/0kIGTHWjd new

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Iwo Jima flag on YouTube for TOR posting https://tu.be/9E3uBWn7e8U

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c855d2  No.45429

File: 00dd6b30453fbbb⋯.png (900.26 KB, 720x731, 720:731, 507395ae80f1ef84f01dab6932….png)

File: 7e652885a985074⋯.jpg (161.85 KB, 423x635, 423:635, 7e652885a98507464d92273b9c….jpg)



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08c5c3  No.45431

File: c59626e9135a5d7⋯.png (1.07 MB, 545x684, 545:684, ClipboardImage.png)

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08c5c3  No.45432

Rouble recovery gains pace after Biden-Putin phone call

The Russian rouble extended gains in late trade on Tuesday after reports that U.S. President Joe Biden had a phone conversation with his counterpart Vladimir Putin, as the market kept a close watch on geopolitical tensions between Moscow and the West.

Biden proposed a summit meeting with Putin in a third country in coming months, while calling on Russia to de-escalate tensions, the White House said.

yeah that not gonna habben-kek

Moscow on Tuesday warned the United States to stay away from Russia and Crimea, while U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken offered Washington’s full support to Ukraine in its conflict with Russia.

The rouble and Russian bonds had earlier taken a hit after U.S. President Joe Biden said in March his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, would “pay a price” for efforts to meddle in the 2020 U.S. presidential election, allegations that Moscow denies.


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08c5c3  No.45433

File: 9f656aaeba9a131⋯.png (168.02 KB, 729x445, 729:445, SAM002_USAF_G5_east_from_P….PNG)

>>45142 pb

SAM002 USAF G5 east from Peterson AFB overnight

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c855d2  No.45434

File: 52bce9b7044656b⋯.png (96.84 KB, 500x404, 125:101, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4630257100dc8da⋯.png (769.63 KB, 909x769, 909:769, ClipboardImage.png)


Unexplained water rushing towards the Capitol and the national mall

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08c5c3  No.45435

File: d4ea311363faf0d⋯.png (710.05 KB, 697x392, 697:392, chinese_mkt_facepalm.PNG)

File: a8f39b827ec1802⋯.png (241.36 KB, 925x500, 37:20, China_Huarong_bond_dump_04….PNG)

"This Is A Fatal Event": China's Bond Market Hammered After Huarong Bankruptcy Rumors

The last time we looked at Huarong, China's largest state-controlled bad-debt asset manager and one of the most recognizable financial firms in the country, its former chairman Lai Xiaomin was sentenced to death after he was convicted for stealing 1.8BN yuan (roughly $277M) from the company.

And while we don't know if Lai is still with us, his former employer probably wishes the money he embezzled was still around, because over the past few days Huarong has emerged as the latest a 'weakest link' in China's financial system, one which is sending shockwaves across all of China's capital markets.

Not helping was the latest pileup by rating agencies, with both Moody’s and Fitch saying Tuesday they will review their ratings of Huarong - an investment grade credit for now - for a potential downgrade, following a similar announcement from rival S&P Global Ratings last week. This led to a record plunge in China Huarong Asset Management’s $300 million 3.375% bond due May 2022, which tumbled 13.1 cents on the dollar to 76.1 cents, while a 5% bond maturing in 2025 fell 12.1 cents to 77.3 cents. Other bonds suffered similarly, with the company's yield spreads hitting record highs.

In typical Chinese style contagion, the Huargon selloff spread to other high-yield Chinese dollar notes on Tuesday, with some property bonds falling by a record. Asia’s investment-grade dollar debt spreads widened as much as 3 basis points, while a gauge of Asia credit risk widened for a seventh straight day, set for the longest rising streak since 2018. Despite the market rout, it is still unclear whether Chinese leaders have discussed the fate of China Huarong’s bondholders or outlined specific measures that the fund would take if it assumes control of the China Huarong stake.

China Huarong has been under a cloud since its then-chairman Lai Xiaomin came under investigation in 2018 . Under his watch, the company expanded into areas including securities trading, trusts and other investments, deviating from the original mandate of disposing bad debt, and building up billions in liabilities. As Larry McDonalds puts it in his latest Bear Traps report, "instead of offloading the bad debt of China’s commercial banks — Huarong’s official mandate — Lai went rogue, playing in everything from private equity to junk bond trading in Hong Kong." He would live to regret it.

The selloff in Huaron bonds started earlier this month after the company failed to publish its 2020 preliminary results by the March 31 deadline, with Caixin attributing the delay to plans for a significant financial restructuring. The stock has been suspended in Hong Kong since April 1. The company has until the end of the month to release its final earnings report. China Huarong’s biggest shareholder is the country’s Ministry of Finance, which likely means that the worst case outcome is a nationalization of the company however with potential substantial spillovers and contagion.

To be sure, there is one clear reason why Beijing will not let anything too "terminal" happen to Huarong: the company has symbolic value, as it was one of the four state-owned entities set up by China’s government in 1999 to help clean up a banking system riddled with bad debt, as such it would be ironic if the company were to fail because of... bad debt. The company was listed in Hong Kong after a $2.5 billion initial public offering in 2015.

There is another reason why China won't let Huarong fail: the giant asset manager and its subsidiaries have some $42 billion worth of offshore and local bonds outstanding and 41% of that will come due by the end of next year, according to Bloomberg-compiled data. Dollar bonds make up about $22 billion of its outstanding notes. A default would result in a historic domino effect spreading across the Chinese financial system.

the chinese version of too big too fail

Ironically, it is precisely because of its massive debt load that the company was previously seen as a safe bet, the securities are widely held by both local and international investors. Institutional investors such as BlackRock and Goldman Sachs previously disclosed they held Huarong bonds, had exposure to them via fund products or both. 'So while the Archegos was contained, a similar collapse in Huaron will have far wider reaching consequences.

We end on a tangent: as the Bear Traps report notes, we can now add Huaron to the growing list of "wounded ducks in the pond" since September 1:

*SoftBank Whale


*Melvin GME








Common theme in all of the above names: massive leverage.


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c855d2  No.45436

File: 8e4bc41581e70f4⋯.mp4 (10.94 MB, 1280x716, 320:179, 8e4bc41581e70f45a41cd691d0….mp4)




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08c5c3  No.45437


saw this

DC Water has installed about a dozen automated flushing devices (autoflushers) on hydrants throughout the District.

When water sits in aging pipes, natural corrosion can cause discoloration. We see this most often in neighborhoods with older water mains and low water use. DC Water crews routinely flush hydrants in these neighborhoods to improve water quality. Hydrant flushing replaces stationary water with fresh water from the distribution system. Since 2011, DC Water has installed autoflushers in neighborhoods that continued to experience water quality issues despite routine manual flushing by crews.

From March to November, these autoflushers will flush hydrants each day, for 20-30 minutes beginning at 5:00 A.M. DC Water will continue to monitor water quality and may modify the flushing schedule, accordingly.

During flushing, the hydrant will be fully opened at a flow rate of 150 gallons per minute. Customers do not pay for this water, and can continue normal water use.


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c855d2  No.45438


cops didn't know what it was

figured some reasonble explanation

hopin those sewer lines are "clean"

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08c5c3  No.45439

File: e41d1d9cde6853d⋯.png (499.36 KB, 573x347, 573:347, sgt_schultz.PNG)


dunno if I believe it is as simple as that.

and the cops knew nothing.

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c855d2  No.45440

File: a3caba62687ccc3⋯.png (450.28 KB, 1287x666, 143:74, ClipboardImage.png)

Russia has claimed new slices of the continental shelf in the Arctic Ocean in two fresh submissions to the United Nations.

According to its March 31 submissions, Russia is seeking to define the outer limits of its continental shelf to include the Gakkel Ridge, the Lomonosov Ridge and the Canadian Basin.

The new claims overlap with those of Canada and Denmark, Canada’s CBC broadcaster reported Sunday.

“Here's a situation where they're claiming the entire Canadian and Danish continental shelf as part of their continental shelf,” the CBC quoted University of Calgary Arctic security and defense analyst Robert Huebert as saying.

“In effect, they're claiming the entire Arctic Ocean as their continental shelf in regards to where their Arctic comes up against Canada's and Denmark's,” Huebert added.


Satellite Images Show Russia’s Arctic Military Buildup – CNN

Read more

The three countries stake claims in the Arctic along with Norway and the United States.

The U.S. Geological Survey estimates the Arctic holds 13% of the world’s undiscovered oil and 30% of its natural gas resources.

Though states are entitled to a continental shelf 200 nautical miles from their coast, their claims to areas beyond that must be backed by scientific data.

Russia’s UN Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS) submissions come nearly two years after a senior Russian official said the country had obtained the data needed to support its claims in the Arctic.

The CLCS rejected Russia’s 2001 claims to the outer shelf. Russia handed in new claims including 1.2 million square kilometers of territory in 2015.

Canada’s global affairs government department said it is studying Russia’s revised claim to prepare an appropriate response, the CBC reported Sunday.

Global Affairs Canada said Russia’s revised outer limit “does not establish new rights for Russia over the newly created overlap areas,” it was quoted as saying.

Extending its claim is part of Russia’s latest Arctic strategy, which looks to extend its Exclusive Economic Zone claim to the continental shelf. Observers say Denmark, Canada and Russia plan to come to an agreement as overlapping claimants on the terms of Arctic delineation by 2024.

Recent reports indicated that Russia is staging massive Arctic maneuvers and is amassing new military bases and testing advanced weapons on its Arctic coastline.


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c855d2  No.45441


willing to wait and see

might be more to it

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c855d2  No.45442

File: 718770b55921c4e⋯.png (254.58 KB, 478x525, 478:525, ClipboardImage.png)

I said back in May that there was enormous evidence the Wuhan virus spread from a lab leak. The Left scoffed at this statement.

But nearly three weeks ago, Dr. Redfield publicly confirmed that fact. Now even CNN’s Chief Medical Correspondent agrees. Next, the CCP?


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c855d2  No.45443

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08c5c3  No.45444

File: 08424eb4b438a5a⋯.png (210.32 KB, 748x648, 187:162, pepe_crazy.PNG)


yep same here

the most obvious thing is usually not "it"

but I also thought I saw a face in that CN71 twat too so...

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c855d2  No.45445


trips confirm there was a face

I seent it too

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c855d2  No.45446

PROJECT VERITAS: CNN Director Admits Network Engaged in ‘Propaganda’ to Remove Trump From Presidency

James O’Keefe strikes again!

Project Veritas on Tuesday released undercover video of a CNN director admitting the network engaged in ‘propaganda’ to remove Trump from the presidency.

The CNN director also admitted the network made Biden look like a “young geriatric” with his aviator shades.

‘Our Focus Was to Get Trump Out of Office’ … ‘I Came to CNN Because I Wanted to Be a Part of That,’ CNN Technical Director Charlie Chester said. “Look what we did! We got Trump out!”


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c855d2  No.45447

Crooked Raffensperger Got to Him – Georgia Judge Now Reportedly Preventing Access to Actual Ballots in Upcoming Audit

The people in Georgia need to stand up and demand a valid forensic audit of Fulton County’s 2020 Election results!

Where are the grassroots patriots like in Arizona we will stand up and demand the state perform a valid forensic audit of results from the 2020 Election in Fulton County?

Crooked Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger last week petitioned a judge to not allow an audit of the actual ballots in Georgia from the 2020 election.

Today it looks like the judge is going to side with creepy Raffensperger. CD Media is reporting this morning:

CDMedia is monitoring the hearing in Henry County, GA between Fulton County election officials and VoterGA.org, which is pushing for access to actual ballots used on Nov 3rd as witnesses testified under oath that thousands of ballots were counterfeit, not creased, and had not been mailed.

It looks like Judge Brian J Amero, Henry County Superior Court is going to rule that VoterGA can only scan images of the ballots and not the actual ballots themselves, and therefore VoterGA will not be able to detect the counterfeit ballots.

The images only is what Raffensperger wanted. He knows that the real ballots will show widespread fraud in the election and is doing all he can to prevent access to the paper ballots. The paper ballots can be tested for paper type, ink type, and set up. Things the images cannot be tested for.

Let’s hope the judge changes his mind. Regardless the people in Georgia need to get together and stand up and demand real forensic audits of the entire state.


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c855d2  No.45448

File: 381ebb04801fe22⋯.png (5.79 KB, 488x99, 488:99, ClipboardImage.png)

The world is watching Maricopa county.


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c855d2  No.45449

File: 430fc5e1bfa11ea⋯.png (24.22 KB, 478x331, 478:331, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 082b1d80d1e6140⋯.png (180.62 KB, 478x548, 239:274, ClipboardImage.png)

#OriginalReporting Status #Durham investigation back in the headlines. Seven months ago, @CBSNews

reported on problematic issues with Steele dossier source that WERE known to FBI before FISA surveillance renewals approved for @carterwpage


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c855d2  No.45450

File: c774b87d703dd35⋯.png (15.36 KB, 478x213, 478:213, ClipboardImage.png)


It’s time we examine the need for Section 230 immunity &to what extent these big tech companies are abusing their monopoly power. It’s time these companies stop arbitrarily deciding what speech is acceptable for the country

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08c5c3  No.45451

File: 2e1d72dc8ef19c4⋯.png (357.93 KB, 461x293, 461:293, ClipboardImage.png)

Credit Suisse identifies $2.3 billion of exposed assets in Greensill-linked funds

Credit Suisse has identified $2.3 billion worth of loans exposed to financial and litigation uncertainties in its Greensill-linked supply chain finance funds, it told investors on Tuesday. Switzerland’s second-biggest bank has been reeling from its exposure to the collapse first of Greensill Capital and then Archegos Capital Management within a month.

Its asset management unit was forced last month to shut $10 billion of supply chain finance funds that invested in bonds issued by Greensill after the UK firm lost credit insurance coverage shortly before filing for insolvency.

It has been working to return assets from the funds to investors, and on Tuesday said it would be able to distribute another $1.7 billion, bringing the total distribution so far to $4.8 billion.

The bank has since suspended the funds’ managers and changed the head of its asset management unit. Separately, it said it had identified $2.3 billion worth of funds related to three groups: mining magnate Sanjeev Gupta’s GFG Alliance, construction group Katerra and coal mining company Bluestone.

The bank said it has so far collected $2 billion from receivables redeemed when the four supply chain finance funds (SCFFs) were suspended on March 1.

This, along with the cash position in the SCFFs and the earlier payout, comes to $5.4 billion - equivalent to more than half of the total assets under management when the funds were suspended, Credit Suisse said.

The bank said it was in contact with Greensill’s administrators and would continue to work towards recovering money. It said it would provide a further update on progress made by the end of April 2021.


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08c5c3  No.45452

File: cbb134ad0fdabab⋯.png (414.79 KB, 435x323, 435:323, cg_tractor_hi_folks.PNG)

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601cdb  No.45453

J&J timing interesting with recent release of Israeli findings over Pfeizer vax ineffectivity against South African variant

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c855d2  No.45454

File: ccd30e5e7021ac9⋯.png (224.56 KB, 1287x666, 143:74, ClipboardImage.png)

Authorities in Egypt have impounded a megaship that blocked the Suez Canal and crippled world trade for nearly a week in the face of a financial dispute with its owner.

Suez Canal Authority (SCA) chief Lieutenant General Osama Rabie said on Tuesday the hulking Ever Given would not be allowed to leave the country until a compensation amount is settled on with the vessel’s Japanese owner, Shoei Kisen Kaisha Ltd.

Keep reading

Lead investigator in Suez Canal blockage probe boards ship

Suez Canal shipping backlog cleared

Suez Canal blocked by massive container ship Ever Given: Live

“The vessel is now officially impounded,” he told Egypt’s state-run television late on Monday. “They do not want to pay anything.”

Yumi Shinohara, deputy manager with owner Shoei Kisen’s fleet management department, confirmed the canal had made a compensation claim but gave no further details.

UK Club, the protection and indemnity insurer for the Ever Given said in a statement Egypt had filed a compensation claim for $916m against Shoei Kisen. The insurer added it was disappointed that the container ship and its crew were being held in the canal until compensation was paid.

A source with SCA, who declined to be named, told Reuters news agency earlier on Tuesday a court order had been issued for the ship to be held, adding that negotiations were still taking place.


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08c5c3  No.45455

File: 629e10ce5093fd4⋯.png (398.61 KB, 550x486, 275:243, ClipboardImage.png)

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c855d2  No.45456


makes a nice bullet note huh

the JnJ vax had a 1 in million SE whereas the others are having many and MSM is pushing the vaxes with more SE complaints

they need 24/7 billing for medical services and 24/7 news

it's all a scam

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c855d2  No.45457


habby trails

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c855d2  No.45458

Scientific American to begin using term 'climate emergency,' says it 'agreed with major news outlets worldwide' to do so

'This is a statement of science, not politics,' the magazine insisted

Scientific American — the longtime publication that covers the "intersection of science and society" — announced Monday that it will begin using the term "climate emergency" in its coverage of climate change.

In publishing the op-ed "We Are Living in a Climate Emergency, and We're Going to Say So," senior editor Mark Fischetti called attention to the magazine's decision, which insists that "this is a statement of science, not politics."

A Scientific American tweet added that it "agreed with major news outlets worldwide" in enacting the "climate emergency" terminology:

Scientific American has agreed with major news outlets worldwide to start using the term “climate emergency” in its… https://t.co/SfkeH1OGXB

— Scientific American (@Scientific American)1618236001.0

What else does Scientific American have to say?

The magazine said that adopting the term "climate emergency" is "not a journalistic fancy. We are on solid scientific ground."

The op-ed went on to cite a January article from its pages that noted "more than 11,000 scientists from 153 countries had signed a report to signify their agreement that the world is facing a climate emergency that requires bold action. As of April 9, another 2,100 had signed on."

The magazine, further citing the article, said that as of January, "1,859 jurisdictions in 33 countries have issued climate emergency declarations covering more than 820 million people."

Fischetti wrote that "journalism should reflect what science says: the climate emergency is here."

What does the magazine's statement say?

The op-ed included Scientific American's formal statement:

April 12, 2021

From Covering Climate Now, Scientific American, Columbia Journalism Review, the Nation, the Guardian, Noticias Telemundo, Al Jazeera, Asahi Shimbun and La Repubblica:

The planet is heating up way too fast. It's time for journalism to recognize that the climate emergency is here.

This is a statement of science, not politics. Thousands of scientists—including James Hansen, the NASA scientist who put the problem on the public agenda in 1988, and David King and Hans Schellnhuber, former science advisers to the British and German governments, respectively—have said humanity faces a "climate emergency."

Why "emergency"? Because words matter. To preserve a livable planet, humanity must take action immediately. Failure to slash the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will make the extraordinary heat, storms, wildfires and ice melt of 2020 routine and could "render a significant portion of the Earth uninhabitable," warned the January Scientific American article.

The media's response to COVID-19 provides a useful model. Guided by science, journalists have described the pandemic as an emergency, chronicled its devasting [sic] impacts, called out disinformation and told audiences how to protect themselves (with masks and social distancing, for example).

We need the same commitment to the climate story. As partners in Covering Climate Now, a global consortium of hundreds of news outlets, we will present coverage in the lead-up to Earth Day, April 22, 2021, around the theme "Living Through the Climate Emergency." We invite journalists everywhere to join us.


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c855d2  No.45459

NCAA ‘unequivocally supports’ transgender athletes participating in women's sports and will pull championships from states that disagree

'Fair competition'

The National Collegiate Athletic Association, the country's largest organization regulating college athletics, announced this week that it "firmly and unequivocally supports" the inclusion of transgender athletes in college sports competitions.

The announcement comes as Republican-controlled legislatures in multiple states around the country consider legislation banning transgender individuals who are biologically male from competing in women's sports. Proponents of the legislation argue that to allow such individuals to participate is "unfair" to female athletes.

However, in a statement issued Monday, the NCAA insisted its dedication to including transgender athletes in women's sports is for the purpose of producing "fair competition."

"The NCAA Board of Governors firmly and unequivocally supports the opportunity for transgender student-athletes to compete in college sports. This commitment is grounded in our values of inclusion and fair competition," the statement said.

The organization cited a policy implemented in 2010, which "requires testosterone suppression treatment for transgender women to compete in women's sports," as a means to provide a "more inclusive path for transgender participation in college sports."

"Inclusion and fairness can coexist for all student-athletes, including transgender athletes, at all levels of sport," the board argued. "Our clear expectation as the Association's top governing body is that all student-athletes will be treated with dignity and respect."

What else?

The board also raised eyebrows in the statement by vowing to pull championship events out of states that disagree with its policies regarding transgender athletes' participation, a move that was immediately celebrated by transgender advocates.

"When determining where championships are held, NCAA policy directs that only locations where hosts can commit to providing an environment that is safe, healthy and free of discrimination should be selected," the statement said. "We will continue to closely monitor these situations to determine whether NCAA championships can be conducted in ways that are welcoming and respectful of all participants."

The American Civil Liberties Union, a left-wing advocacy organization, commended the decision on Monday, firing a warning shot to state lawmakers.

"Today the NCAA confirmed it will pull events from states with bills banning trans students from participating in school sports," the group said in a tweet, adding, "State lawmakers take note: discriminating against trans youth is wrong, against the law, and costly."

"Dangerous proposals around the country are putting transgender young people at risk," National Center for Transgender Equality deputy executive director Rodrigo Heng-Lehtinen added. "The NCAA is making it clear that their Board of Governors supports transgender athletes, and the board should hold those states passing these harmful laws accountable."


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c855d2  No.45460

File: 6fbcbbfc429205b⋯.mp4 (4.86 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 6fbcbbfc429205b15d9813007a….mp4)


veritas vid

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c855d2  No.45461

File: a1c3b6188c37b7c⋯.png (75.74 KB, 478x481, 478:481, ClipboardImage.png)



BREAKING: Brooklyn Center Police Officer Kim Potter, who fatally shot Daunte Wright, has resigned.

"I have loved every minute of being a police officer and serving this community to the best of my ability, but I believe it is in the best interest of the community…"

12:30 PM · Apr 13, 2021·


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c855d2  No.45462

NATO concentrating over 40,000 troops near Russian border

The American troops are now redeploying from continental North America to Europe through the Atlantic, Russia’s Defense Minister Army General Sergei Shoigu said

SEVEROMORSK /Murmansk Region/, April 13. /TASS/. NATO will concentrate 40,000 troops and 15,000 items of armament and military hardware near Russian borders, basically in the Black Sea and Baltic regions, Russia’s Defense Minister Army General Sergei Shoigu said on Tuesday.

Overall, "40,000 troops and 15,000 items of armament and military hardware, including strategic aircraft, will be concentrated" near the Russian borders, the defense chief said.

The American troops are now redeploying from continental North America to Europe through the Atlantic, Shoigu said.

"The troops in Europe are moving towards Russian borders. The basic forces are being amassed in the Black Sea area and in the Baltic region," the defense chief said.

As the Russian defense minister pointed out, "US force groupings are being reinforced in Poland and the Baltic states, the American ‘four thirties’ concept has been adopted and is being implemented and the intensity of air reconnaissance has grown twofold and naval reconnaissance by 50% compared to last year."

"The alliance annually holds up to 40 large operational training measures of a clearly anti-Russian bias in Europe. In the spring of this year, the NATO allied forces launched Defender Europe 2021 drills, the largest exercise over the past 30 years," Russia’s defense chief stressed.


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c855d2  No.45463

File: d446d1818189da5⋯.png (169.38 KB, 776x289, 776:289, ClipboardImage.png)

I getz the whole island life now

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c855d2  No.45464


KIM PORTER and POLICE CHIEF RESIGNED. Now city council voted

1. No Curfew for protesters

2. No Tear Gas

3. No Rubber Bullets

4. No Kettling to stop riots

5. No Mass arrests

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c855d2  No.45465

File: 553aa0dcce8e60e⋯.png (242.86 KB, 1287x666, 143:74, ClipboardImage.png)


KIM PORTER and POLICE CHIEF RESIGNED. Now city council voted

1. No Curfew for protesters

2. No Tear Gas

3. No Rubber Bullets

4. No Kettling to stop riots

5. No Mass arrestsKIM PORTER and POLICE CHIEF RESIGNED. Now city council voted

1. No Curfew for protesters

2. No Tear Gas

3. No Rubber Bullets

4. No Kettling to stop riots

5. No Mass arrests


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c855d2  No.45466

File: 8486eaac508e24d⋯.png (54.16 KB, 1287x666, 143:74, ClipboardImage.png)


HERE WE GO – The head of NATO issues ultimatum to Russia to withdraw from Ukraine’s border!


— First Squawk (@FirstSquawk) April 13, 2021


— Breaking Market News (@FinancialJuice) April 13, 2021

#UPDATE Moscow has accused the United States and other NATO countries of turning Ukraine into a "powder keg," after the West sounded the alarm over Russia massing soldiers on Ukraine's border pic.twitter.com/F6wOlW3R8I

— AFP News Agency (@AFP) April 13, 2021


— Breaking Market News (@FinancialJuice) April 13, 2021


— Breaking Market News (@FinancialJuice) April 13, 2021


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c855d2  No.45467

File: 593509b1d30c5e5⋯.png (232.91 KB, 478x409, 478:409, ClipboardImage.png)

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c855d2  No.45468



DC Water has installed about a dozen automated flushing devices (autoflushers) on hydrants throughout the District.

When water sits in aging pipes, natural corrosion can cause discoloration. We see this most often in neighborhoods with older water mains and low water use. DC Water crews routinely flush hydrants in these neighborhoods to improve water quality. Hydrant flushing replaces stationary water with fresh water from the distribution system.


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c855d2  No.45469

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Packing the Supreme Court means "Blowing up the Constitution!" | Tom Fitton

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton appeared on “Fox & Friends First” to discuss the issue of “court packing” in the Supreme Court and what it can mean for the Constitution. WATCH NOW! Donate today


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c855d2  No.45470


@ half


>>45433 GOLDEN Eyes on the Skys

>>45469 Packing the Supreme Court means "Blowing up the Constitution!" | Tom Fitton

>>45466 HERE WE GO – The head of NATO issues ultimatum to Russia to withdraw from Ukraine’s border!

>>45461, >>45464, >>45465 KIM PORTER and POLICE CHIEF RESIGNED

>>45459 NCAA ‘unequivocally supports’ transgender athletes participating in women's sports and will pull championships from states that disagree

>>45458 Scientific American to begin using term 'climate emergency,' says it 'agreed with major news outlets worldwide' to do so

>>45454 Authorities in Egypt have impounded a megaship that blocked the Suez Canal, negotiations were still taking place

>>45451 Credit Suisse identifies $2.3 billion of exposed assets in Greensill-linked funds

>>45450 Grassley: It’s time we examine the need for Section 230 immunity

>>45449 Durham back in the news cycle

>>45448 CM: The world is watching Maricopa county.

>>45447 Georgia Judge Now Reportedly Preventing Access to Actual Ballots in Upcoming Audit

>>45446, >>45460 PROJECT VERITAS: CNN Director Admits Network Engaged in ‘Propaganda’ to Remove Trump From Presidency

>>45442 Pompeo: I said back in May that there was enormous evidence the Wuhan virus spread from a lab leak. The Left scoffed at this statement.

>>45440 Russia has claimed new slices of the continental shelf in the Arctic Ocean in two fresh submissions to the United Nations.

>>45435 "This Is A Fatal Event": China's Bond Market Hammered After Huarong Bankruptcy Rumors

>>45434, >>45468 DC Flooding/DC Water has installed about a dozen automated flushing devices (autoflushers) on hydrants throughout the District.

>>45432 Rouble recovery gains pace after Biden-Putin phone call


czech em

lemme know

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601cdb  No.45471


Second half of that interview: Hunter Biden is a lying piece of shit insulated by a corrupt DOJ, also the sky is blue.

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c855d2  No.45472


what a surprise

I'll add that to the notes



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c855d2  No.45473


Baker gonna take a break, back soon enough, no one had died from bigger bread

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08c5c3  No.45474

File: 893fe298d2b07b6⋯.png (686.7 KB, 579x465, 193:155, merkel_thumbs_up.PNG)

EU to Lay Out $1 Trillion Debt Plan to Start Rivaling Treasuries

The European Union is set to lay out its blueprint to raise nearly $1 trillion of debt over five years as it seeks to fund its recovery from the coronavirus pandemic.

The bloc is aiming to issue the first debt under its NextGenerationEU stimulus in June and will use a “state of the art” platform to begin selling bonds and bills via a network of primary bank dealers by September, according to a draft of the plan seen by Bloomberg. Almost a third of the 806 billion euros ($962 billion) will be in green bonds, using a framework of rules to be published in early summer. “The Commission will need to execute financing operations up to EUR 150-200 billion per year over the period to end 2026,” the document stated, with an announcement on it due Wednesday. “By June 2021, the Commission will be ready to begin mobilising the funds.”

The document highlights the ambition of the EU’s first meaningful entry into bond markets, which will see the total of outstanding bonds closing in on that of Spain’s this decade. It also lays the foundation to challenge U.S. Treasuries in coming years as a haven asset, providing a boost to integration in the region and for its common currency. Bonds will be issued and regularly sold across a range of maturities from between three and 30 years, while there will also be short-dated bills, according to the document. It highlighted the latter as a quick way to raise money, at least in the initial phase of the program.

Investors are likely to be keen. The bloc began selling social bonds tied to the funding of a jobs program last year, and those sales have broken global demand records. The EU will begin to issue debt via auction for the first time, as well as syndications via banks. The new platform will be provided by a national central bank that is already used by one of the “large sovereign issuers,” according to the document.


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08c5c3  No.45475

Iran vows to start 60% uranium enrichment in breach of nuclear deal

Iran said Tuesday that it will start uranium enrichment to the purity level of 60 percent, just days after a suspected Israeli attack on its Natanz nuclear facility, local media reported. Speaking in Vienna on Tuesday, Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister Seyed Abbas Araqchi was quoted by the semi-official Tasmin News Agency as saying the decision was conveyed to the International Atomic Energy Agency in a letter earlier in the day. The move would be a serious breach of the nuclear deal that Iran inked with world powers in 2015.

Iran had in recent months raised enrichment to 20 percent purity, far above the 3.67 percent limit under the nuclear deal. Araqchi also said that not only will Iran soon replace the centrifuges that were damaged by the sabotage at Natanz, but it will also install an additional 1,000 centrifuges of 50 percent higher enrichment capacity at the nuclear facility, Iran's Press TV reported. The New York Times reported that an explosive device was secretly brought into the Natanz facility and detonated remotely, destroying the power system.

Iran had just announced the day before the attack that it had started up advanced IR-6 uranium enrichment centrifuges at Natanz, also in a breach of its undertakings under the 2015 nuclear deal which stipulates that Iran can only use first-generation IR-1 centrifuges. Under the pact originally struck with six major powers Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the United States Iran agreed to curb its nuclear activities in exchange for the lifting of sanctions. But U.S. President Joe Biden's predecessor Donald Trump criticized the deal as flawed and pulled the United States out of it in May 2018. Iran countered the U.S. move by increasing its nuclear activities, such as uranium enrichment, beyond the limits set in the deal and developing its nuclear facilities and enrichment capabilities.

Talks have been held to find a way for the United States to re-enter the agreement.


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08c5c3  No.45476

File: e5e7206db06b9bf⋯.png (128.57 KB, 619x347, 619:347, Aluminum_prices_3_mth_deli….PNG)

Aluminum Jumps to Highest Since 2018 on Strong China Trade Data

Aluminum surged to the highest in almost three years, leading gains in base metals as Chinese trade data buoyed the outlook for demand.

China’s export momentum remained strong in March after record gains in February, while imports topped expectations, customs data showed Tuesday. The figures suggest the global economic rebound is helping spur demand in Asian nation, the biggest base-metals consumer. Aluminum demand is rising just as China’s push to cut carbon emissions spurs expectations that aluminum-supply expansions will be curbed. Speculation that aluminum output in the Xinjiang region in China is to be restricted also saw open interest in aluminum contracts on the Shanghai Futures Exchange “expanding,” according to Marex’s Alastair Munro. Commerzbank AG said China was badly affected by the coronavirus pandemic in the first quarter of 2020, so the reference basis for the trade report is relatively low. “Nonetheless, the data do indicate that China still has a considerable appetite for commodities,” Commerzbank analyst Daniel Briesemann said in a note.

Aluminum for three-month delivery on the London Metal Exchange rose 1.4% to settle at $2,293 a metric ton at 5:51 p.m. local time. It touched $2,304, the highest since June 2018. All other main metals on the LME advanced, with copper up 0.4%.


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c855d2  No.45477

File: 6650a25562eebdb⋯.png (285.96 KB, 478x547, 478:547, ClipboardImage.png)

A truck filled with highly radioactive material was stolen from a Mexican town in an armed heist.

The equipment could prompt a fatal dose of radiation to those who come near it.


A truck filled with highly radioactive material was stolen from a Mexican town in an armed heist on Sunday morning, local authorities say.

The truck was taken from the town of Teoloyucan, a satellite town in the state of Mexico, which surrounds Mexico City. National security agencies said the equipment being carried in the truck, a QSA Delta 800 gamma ray projector, is extremely dangerous and could prompt a fatal dose of radiation to those who come near it.


“If the radioactive material is extracted from the container, is moved, or makes direct contact with any persons handling it, permanent injury can occur in minutes. In case of making direct contact with the source over the course of hours or days, the effects can prove fatal,” a warning issued by the National Commission Nuclear Security and Safeguarding said, according to the Independent.

The commission said someone being 30 meters away could still be exposed to radiation through the device.

Members of the Commission for National Civil Protection are being dispatched across central Mexico, and the truck is believed to now be in Mexico City.


Officials in the Mexican government did not immediately respond to the Washington Examiner's request for comment.

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c855d2  No.45478

Texas Bill Will Label Parents Getting Sex Change Hormones and Surgeries for Their Children as Child Abuse

A new bill in Texas seeks to protect children from getting sex change procedures that they may regret later in life by criminalizing parents who do so.

Obtaining these treatments for children would be considered child abuse under the legislation.

The Texas Senate Committee on State Affairs held a hearing over the bill on Monday.

“Children are unable to give informed consent. This bill gives children a chance to get to adulthood with intact bodies,” Republican Executive Committee Member Jill Glover testified.

SB1646 would prohibit parents from “administering or supplying, or consenting to or assisting in the administering or supplying of puberty suppression prescription drug or cross-sex hormone to a child, other than an intersex child, for the purpose of gender transitioning or gender reassignment.”

The bill, if passed, will also remove children from the care of people enabling or forcing hormone treatment and sex change surgeries.

“Parents who break the proposed law would be in violation of the state’s Family Code, which would trigger a Child Protective Investigation, resulting in the possible removal of the child from their home, according to Perry’s office. Doctors who perform sex change treatments would also be accused of child abuse, which would trigger a license investigation by the Texas Medical Board,” KVUE reports.

The bill will characterize hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and puberty blockers as child abuse.

The left is on a rampage over the bill, carefully claiming in articles that the bill would deny healthcare for trans children — when in reality it would only force them to wait until they are adults to make life altering decisions.

The bill is one of many seeking to protect children from the controversial treatments across the nation. Last month, the Arkansas state legislature passed the first-ever ban on transgender surgeries, puberty blockers, and HRTs for minors. There are at least 17 other states considering similar laws.


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c855d2  No.45479

File: d4f6244f18e0014⋯.png (54.76 KB, 1287x666, 143:74, ClipboardImage.png)

Google ex-CEO Eric Schmidt Calls for Full Communism

You wouldn’t think it, but this white paper and its super boring title - “Community-Centered Wireless Infrastructure Networks” - is a declaration of war by Google against big telecom.

Why is that? Well, Google and Eric Schmidt are running a campaign to lobby cities to have them own and control their own broadband system, instead of the way it works now, where they allow AT&T, Verizon, or T-Mobile to do so.

Most people think that telecom is regulated by the Federal Communications Commission, but cities actually have a significant role in telecom deployment, because you have to attach equipment to all sorts of municipal infrastructure and it is muni governments that oversee such activities. In fact, cities were the first telephone regulators in the late 19th century, and had significant authority all the way until the Telecom Act of 1996, spurred by merchants who demanded that cities regulate telephones so there wouldn’t be wires strung all over the city streets from competing phone networks.

It’s now back to the future. Schmidt, along with a host of philanthropists and tech money, is saying that cities should work with a ‘neutral host partner,’ aka a public utility, when rolling out 5G services, not a ‘retail provider,’ which would be your standard telecom. In other words, cities should run the infrastructure. All hail Comrade Schmidt and his call for public agencies to own the means of production.


In truth, Schmidt just wants cities to open up the wireless market for competition so big tech firms can enter the game by underpricing telecom service. In doing so, he is engaging a direct strike at the business model of retail telecom players. It’s a return shot at telecom firms, who have been going after Google for the last few years in various ways. Here’s AT&T, for instance, calling for reform of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, the law underpinning Google’s business model

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c855d2  No.45480

Egypt 'seizes' megaship Ever Given which blocked the Suez Canal until the owners pay$900MILLION compensation

The megaship which blocked the Suez Canal has been 'seized' on court orders

The Ever Given was seized due to its failure to pay $900 million in compensation

The vessel became lodged in the crucial global trade artery for 6 days last month

A megaship which blocked Egypt's Suez Canal and crippled world trade for nearly a week has been 'seized' on court orders until the vessel's owners pay $900 million, canal authorities said Tuesday.

The MV Ever Given was seized due to its failure to pay $900 million in compensation, Suez Canal Authority chief Osama Rabie was quoted as saying by Al-Ahram, a state-run newspaper.

The Japanese-owned, Taiwanese operated and Panama flagged vessel got diagonally stuck in the narrow but crucial global trade artery in a sandstorm on March 23, setting in motion a mammoth six-day-long effort by Egyptian personnel and international salvage specialists to dislodge it.

Maritime data company Lloyd's List said the blockage had held up an estimated $9.6 billion worth of cargo each day between Asia and Europe.

The canal is economically vital to Egypt, which lost between $12 and $15 million in revenues for each day the waterway was closed, according to the canal authority.

The $900 million compensation figure was calculated based on 'the losses incurred by the grounded vessel as well as the flotation and maintenance costs, according to a court ruling handed down by the Ismailia Economic Court,' Rabie added.

He did not explicitly cite the Japanese owners Shoei Kisen Kaisha, but a different source at the SCA said Tuesday that negotiations over damages between that company, insurance firms and the canal authority were ongoing.


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c855d2  No.45481

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


America's Future | General Michael Flynn / April 12, 2021

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c855d2  No.45482

File: 249b0cf7f52f13d⋯.mp4 (5.85 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 249b0cf7f52f13df8074d49a71….mp4)



“If the agenda say, is to get @mattgaetz right now, he’s like this Republican. He’s a problem for the Democratic Party…So we’re(@CNN) going to keep running these stories to keep hurting him.” https://t.co/6Gjr8R7Eh5

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c855d2  No.45483

Rep. Ashley Hinson seeks to revive Trump's deregulation executive orders

EXCLUSIVE: Rep. Ashley Hinson, R-Iowa, introduced new legislation Tuesday to make permanent five of former President Donald Trump's executive orders that President Biden already repealed.

The freshman lawmaker authored the "Red Tape Reduction Act" to restore Trump's deregulatory actions that Hinson said were instrumental in helping small businesses and the economy grow.

"President Trump worked to unravel the regulatory web in Washington and pull back the heavy hand of government that hurts small businesses, farmers and workers," Hinson said in a statement to Fox News. "Coupled with tax cuts, this unleashed the strongest economy in modern history."

The most notable of Trump's executive orders Hinson wants to make permanent is Executive Order 13771, which required the federal government to eliminate two regulations for each new one an agency enacts. The executive actions also required agencies to designate an official to implement regulatory reform and to require the federal government to act fairly and transparently when putting new regulations in place.

moar here -


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c855d2  No.45484

Watch Live: Authorities will give "major" update in Kristin Smart case


Law enforcement officials in California will hold a news conference Tuesday afternoon to share "major developments" in the case of Kristin Smart, a Cal Poly student who disappeared in May 1996. Paul Flores, who is considered the prime suspect in the case, was arrested earlier Tuesday and charged with murder.

The San Luis Obispo Sheriff's Office will update the public at 2 p.m. PT.

Smart disappeared while returning to a dorm at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, after a party on May 24, 1996. A fellow student who was with Smart earlier in the night previously told CBS News' "48 Hours" that the pair separated when Smart wanted to stay out, and she wanted to go home. "To this day, like, I was like, why — why did I just let her go by herself?" her friend, Margarita Campos, asked.

The 19-year-old Smart was seen with Flores, who was also a student, before she disappeared. Her body has never been found.

Earlier this year, Flores was arrested on a weapons charge that came "as a result of information obtained during our search warrants last year at the home of Paul Flores as part of the Kristin Smart investigation," according to the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff's Office. He was released on bail.

Last month, investigators raided the home of Flores' father, Ruben, CBS Los Angeles reported. Ruben Flores was also arrested on Tuesday and booked on suspicion of accessory after a felony, the AP reported.

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c855d2  No.45485

so far


>>45433 GOLD Eyes on the Skys

>>45484 Authorities will give "major" update in Kristin Smart case

>>45483 Rep. Ashley Hinson seeks to revive Trump's deregulation executive orders

>>45482 Veritas: on Gaetz/CNN

>>45481 America's Future | General Michael Flynn / April 12, 2021

>>45479 Google ex-CEO Eric Schmidt Calls for Full Communism

>>45478 Texas Bill Will Label Parents Getting Sex Change Hormones and Surgeries for Their Children as Child Abuse

>>45477 Moar deets re: A truck filled with highly radioactive material was stolen from a Mexican town in an armed heist.

>>45476 Aluminum Jumps to Highest Since 2018 on Strong China Trade Data

>>45475 Iran vows to start 60% uranium enrichment in breach of nuclear deal

>>45474 EU to Lay Out $1 Trillion Debt Plan to Start Rivaling Treasuries

>>45469, >>45471 Packing the Supreme Court means "Blowing up the Constitution!" | Tom Fitton /sky is blue btw

>>45466 HERE WE GO – The head of NATO issues ultimatum to Russia to withdraw from Ukraine’s border!

>>45461, >>45464, >>45465 KIM PORTER and POLICE CHIEF RESIGNED

>>45459 NCAA ‘unequivocally supports’ transgender athletes participating in women's sports and will pull championships from states that disagree

>>45458 Scientific American to begin using term 'climate emergency,' says it 'agreed with major news outlets worldwide' to do so

>>45454, >>45480 Authorities in Egypt have impounded a megaship that blocked the Suez Canal, negotiations were still taking place

>>45451 Credit Suisse identifies $2.3 billion of exposed assets in Greensill-linked funds

>>45450 Grassley: It’s time we examine the need for Section 230 immunity

>>45449 Durham back in the news cycle

>>45448 CM: The world is watching Maricopa county.

>>45447 Georgia Judge Now Reportedly Preventing Access to Actual Ballots in Upcoming Audit

>>45446, >>45460 PROJECT VERITAS: CNN Director Admits Network Engaged in ‘Propaganda’ to Remove Trump From Presidency

>>45442 Pompeo: I said back in May that there was enormous evidence the Wuhan virus spread from a lab leak. The Left scoffed at this statement.

>>45440 Russia has claimed new slices of the continental shelf in the Arctic Ocean in two fresh submissions to the United Nations.

>>45435 "This Is A Fatal Event": China's Bond Market Hammered After Huarong Bankruptcy Rumors

>>45434, >>45468 DC Flooding/DC Water has installed about a dozen automated flushing devices (autoflushers) on hydrants throughout the District.

>>45432 Rouble recovery gains pace after Biden-Putin phone call


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3b8d0d  No.45486


dis doc?

frebe bak from da computer wars.

Interesting afternoon. Tech arrives and i say, no mask needed if ya don want. He says gotta - and within 5 mins we're talkin' vaccines and HCQ, told him where to get it (AmericasFrontlineDoctors.com).

Installs new modem/router - sys connects to modem, modem to net, but no net on my computer. VERY long story short:

Windows 10 has an updating problem, mebbe last coupla mos. Multiple customers can't get on the net bc Win didn't update properly, really hard to get those updates going, net keeps going down while updating - took about an hour. Using ethernet helped.

Xfinity says to techs, don't help with that, just do the modem part. Even tho computer doesn't connect. He's not supposed to say why, really - just tell em to take it to a repair shop.

But he helps me anyway - notices the Q tabs up on computer, and says he's been telling him mom 'bout Q, now she's on Telegram all the time......he'll give the HCQ info to her and his frens.Got muh old Win7 laptop on the net again too - needed reinstall of LAN card.

Now i'm dead, nap long overdue. But happy for updates.

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3b8d0d  No.45487


noise notes btw, bake if ya wanna - even tho nobody ever died......

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c855d2  No.45488


dis doc

I just uninstall mine every week

wakes says sumpin sumpin disable, I say just takes em out

poof! they gone

weekly reminder to clean the chine anyhow

glad you got it worked out

imma bake, I spose nobody ever died from short bread neither

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c855d2  No.45489

Minneapolis City Council To Offer Looting Passports

The Babylon Bee 4/13/2021

MINNEAPOLIS, MN—The Minneapolis City Council has voted unanimously for the equitable distribution of looting passports to peaceful protestors.

“It can be confusing for citizens to know if a crime is acceptable or not based on the ebb and flow of the City Council’s agenda,” said Councilperson Maria Saliva. “With looting passports, protestors can know when it’s OK to loot stores and destroy businesses in the name of social justice.”

Looting passports could not come at a better time, as eight months have passed since looting was in vogue, and many peaceful protestors are in dire need of updated name-brand clothing and bigger TVs.

When asked whether he believed looting passports could be seen as unfairly punishing honest business owners, President Biden replied, “Well, you can’t swat a cow gator without priming the barrel bark, which gobbles up the huffles for good ol’ spazamaturble. You know?”

At press time, the City Council was discussing the logistics of distributing the passports based on a citizen’s melanin levels.

“Obviously, fighting the oppression of white supremacy and ushering in a utopia of equity for all begins with looting,” stated a council member for Minneapolis from his suburban mansion surrounded by police.

Sauce: https://babylonbee.com/news/minneapolis-city-council-to-offer-looting-passports

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3b8d0d  No.45490

File: 41c4b93048322f6⋯.png (222.48 KB, 525x310, 105:62, shortbread.png)


my problem was the opposite: there were uninstalled updates since 2009 that somehow made it impossible to connect with the net, would get on then get kicked off.

he doesn't know the details - but it din work b4, now it does. This was a weird problem, never saw anything like it before. But dat tech n me, we on da same page.

shortbread's pretty fine....

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3b8d0d  No.45491


< based on a citizen’s melanin levels

notable keks

hope u ain't baked yet

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c855d2  No.45493


>>45433 GOLD Eyes on the Skys

>>45489 The Bee: Minneapolis City Council To Offer Looting Passports

>>45484 Authorities will give "major" update in Kristin Smart case

>>45483 Rep. Ashley Hinson seeks to revive Trump's deregulation executive orders

>>45482 Veritas: on Gaetz/CNN

>>45481 America's Future | General Michael Flynn / April 12, 2021

>>45479 Google ex-CEO Eric Schmidt Calls for Full Communism

>>45478 Texas Bill Will Label Parents Getting Sex Change Hormones and Surgeries for Their Children as Child Abuse

>>45477 Moar deets re: A truck filled with highly radioactive material was stolen from a Mexican town in an armed heist.

>>45476 Aluminum Jumps to Highest Since 2018 on Strong China Trade Data

>>45475 Iran vows to start 60% uranium enrichment in breach of nuclear deal

>>45474 EU to Lay Out $1 Trillion Debt Plan to Start Rivaling Treasuries

>>45469, >>45471 Packing the Supreme Court means "Blowing up the Constitution!" | Tom Fitton /sky is blue btw

>>45466 HERE WE GO – The head of NATO issues ultimatum to Russia to withdraw from Ukraine’s border!

>>45461, >>45464, >>45465 KIM PORTER and POLICE CHIEF RESIGNED

>>45459 NCAA ‘unequivocally supports’ transgender athletes participating in women's sports and will pull championships from states that disagree

>>45458 Scientific American to begin using term 'climate emergency,' says it 'agreed with major news outlets worldwide' to do so

>>45454, >>45480 Authorities in Egypt have impounded a megaship that blocked the Suez Canal, negotiations were still taking place

>>45451 Credit Suisse identifies $2.3 billion of exposed assets in Greensill-linked funds

>>45450 Grassley: It’s time we examine the need for Section 230 immunity

>>45449 Durham back in the news cycle

>>45448 CM: The world is watching Maricopa county.

>>45447 Georgia Judge Now Reportedly Preventing Access to Actual Ballots in Upcoming Audit

>>45446, >>45460 PROJECT VERITAS: CNN Director Admits Network Engaged in ‘Propaganda’ to Remove Trump From Presidency

>>45442 Pompeo: I said back in May that there was enormous evidence the Wuhan virus spread from a lab leak. The Left scoffed at this statement.

>>45440 Russia has claimed new slices of the continental shelf in the Arctic Ocean in two fresh submissions to the United Nations.

>>45435 "This Is A Fatal Event": China's Bond Market Hammered After Huarong Bankruptcy Rumors

>>45434, >>45468 DC Flooding/DC Water has installed about a dozen automated flushing devices (autoflushers) on hydrants throughout the District.

>>45432 Rouble recovery gains pace after Biden-Putin phone call


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601cdb  No.45494

File: 4f80bd8a850b5c9⋯.jpg (32.56 KB, 350x380, 35:38, b8594ae672559f6d7eb4c427f8….jpg)




The phonefag says.... Wut?

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c855d2  No.45500






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c855d2  No.45501


says the fonefag who downloads update on phone to pass his info


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