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78db29 No.149432 [Last50 Posts]

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78db29 No.149435


New bakers always welcome

We Haz Rules? Break One And Find Out

Tongue Out Tuesday is special here, if your fren forgets to post one be a fren and post one for them.


are not endorsements


>>149186 Elon Musk is activating Starlink in Iran Q drop #1943 "Watch Iran"

>>149195, >>149196, >>149197, >>149199, >>149200, >>149255 Rumor news- The PLA has taken control of China. Xi put under house arrest. General #LiQiaoming is the new president.

>>149198 Planefag CONUS activity: SAM194 G5 west from JBA-going to Wichita, KS 16-3025 'Special Ops' C-146 Wolfhound departed Miami Int'l SE (after arriving back from it's South American jaunt yesterday)...and Potato bailed to Delaware already with WINK21 USAF KC-135 tanker in the 'at Delaware' position-Paraguay AF FAP01 (kek) C680 departed Miami and stopped at Trinidad/Tobago for about an hour and SE

>>149202, >>149209 German AF GAF918 A340 departed Jeddah Int'l, SA after meeting with MbS and heading east to UAE and then will go to Doha, Qatar tomorrow-C102 US Coast Guard G5 departed Naples and heading to Bahrain Int'l Airport in Manama-left after 90 minutes and went to Dubai

>>149202 Germany's Olaf Scholz in Gulf to boost energy security

>>149207 China’s CCB to Set Up $4.2 Billion Fund to Buy Properties

>>149211 Got a mini elephant walk with some T-38 trainers from Dane County Airport, Madison-WI to Sioux Falls, S.D-SHOOT 44 on descent for Sioux Falls,28,69,55,33 en route and17just departing

>>149217 AE6893 US Navy P-8 Poseidon over the Baltic Sea-looking for doze 'ebil' Russian Navy boats/subs outta St. Petersburg-Austrailian AF ASY599 C-17 Globemaster departed Rzesow Airport after a load out-Italian AF 1449 KC-767 back at Rome from Karachi, Pakiland stop of about 2h30m-Italian AF IAM1441 KC-767 also to Rzesow Airport, Poland..load out (clean socks from the Italians for Zelensky) and back to Rome

>>149218 SAM194 USAF G5 did some roundies at Wichita-Eisenhower National Airport for about 1h 45m and then went to Oklahoma City-Will Rogers Airport for just under 2 hours (on ground) and is nao at Lake Tahoe Airport, CA

>>149220 Beto O’Rourke Says US Guest-Worker Program Would Help Slow Inflation...cause this wouldn't be abused and would have zero impact on inflation-has no concept of economics

>>149230 Russian AF RSD008 Ilyushin 96-II Lavrov mic drops and outta here departs JFK Int'l a few hours ago after arriving on 0921 (weds)-‘Read Putin More Often and Carefully,’ Lavrov Tells UN Reporters

>>149232, >>149246 Smart Kid: Student 'schools' and calls out School Board about division, racism and sheer stupidity as an official policy "EVERYONE has value" from June 2021..Bravo young man...muh dick on it's logo

>>149255 Agent POS- "You guys I heard Xi Jinping got overthrown by a powerful yet chubby panda bear who knows kung fu and five other animals. For some reason the panda's father is a goose. CIA is hard at work cracking the case"

>>149261, >>149289, >>149296 Not AF2 Kneepads heading to Japan-SAM788 and SAM071 USAF C-32As WN from JBA and heading to Anchorage-SPAR21 USAF C-40B west from Ted Stevens Int'l Anchorage while kneepads in SAM788 and SAM071 stop for fuel-and still NOT AF2 departed for Yokota AB after a fuel stop as SPAR21 left earlier...QUIZ44 C-17 left MCAS Miramar

>>149276 SPAR70 USAF G5-NATO weenie coming over from Stuttgart (AFRICOM) departure-RCH3217 USAF C-17 Globemaster departing Quantico taking equipment to Orlando/Ft Lauderdale for Potato visit-Kuwait AF C-17 left Dulles with moar "toys"

>>149280 AE57CB US Navy P-8 Poseidon with some patrol werk in the Gulf, Hormuz Straight and Gulf of Oman and then back to Isa Air Base, Bahrain

>>149281 German AF GAF918 A-340 PM Olaf Scholz and he din't do so well-departed Doha Int'l Airport after about 4 hours-Germany Secures Just One Tanker of Gas During Scholz’s Gulf Tour

>>149282 Planefag Europe-just after sunset and Med: Czechs left Baghdad after 3 hours, Hungarians left Brussels after 30m, Italians fergot Zelensky's man-girdles yesterday so back again

>>149284 KANGZZZ!! Nigerian AF NGR001 737 departed JFK Int'l after arriving on 0918 dropped off and then went to Dover AFB where it started from earlier today

>>149294 Canadian PM Trudeau cancels trip for Abe's state funeral

>>149304 for the keks: Vagene flavored chips..what will they think of next?

>>149308, >>149311, >>149313, >>149314, >>149315 Sterling plunges to all-time low as fiscal plan spurs investor exodus EURO with another 52 week low and dollar with 52 week high..and on it goes-US $ all time high (numerically speaking) is $160.xxx in Feb 1985 and most recent high is $120.xx in Jan 2002-Yen convos

>>149317 SPAR21 UASF C-40B on it's descent phase to Yokota with kneepads SAM788 and support AC SAM071 a bit behind-got two Clippers (C-40As) NE from Kadena AB, Okinawa (Navy brass) heading to Yokota AB too (some background on AF2 and the lack of it on Int'l trips for kneepads)

>>149319 SAM158 USAF C-40B arrived at London Stansted several hours ago from JBA depart-a State Dept AC-also Janet Yellen has used this a few times too

>>149343, >>149363 PlanefagEurope Activity: Belgian AF BAF642 A400m departing Rzesow Airport after a load out of about 2h10m with DUKE28 USAF C-12 Huron west from Rzesow (clean shirts for Zelensky) 1h at Rzesow and 1h at Constanta, Romania earlier) back to Weisbaden, Turkish AF TURAF42 E-7A Wedgetail-Cap #2 (eventually replace AWACS-be a while though and usually not see this too far north-Aussies also have a handful of these) with NATO06 E-3A Sentry AWACS SW over Germany-both were over Estonia and Latvia-JAKE 11 harassing Kakiningrad

>>149345 Housing September 26th Update: Inventory Increased 0.9% Last Week; Hits New Peak for 2022

>>149346 Prime Minister Morawiecki blasted Ursula von der Leyen for suggesting Brussels has tools to punish member states

>>149350, >>149351, >>149354, >>149356, >>149357, >>149358 Putin grants Russian citizenship to Edward Snowden-Q drops containing Snowden

>>149359, >>149415 SAM080 USAF G5 SW fromm JBA and some interdasting callsigns relating to currency and markets ASSET12 USAF KC-135 tanker and FIAT21 DC-10 extender NE-FIAT 2=B 1=A Bank of America? and the went to Mildenhall

>>149369 "The first presidential visit to NSA took place #OTD in 1986 when President Ronald Reagan dedicated Operations Buildings 2A and 2B..." Q drop #915 NSA Edward Snowden

>>149370 SAM080 USAF G5 on descent for the vicinity of Dothan AL, Ft. Rucker to the west and about 7 possibruh Airports this can go to-TEAL81 and 82 USAF WC-130 Hercules 'Hurricane Hunters' NW from St. Croix depart-heading back to Biloxi, MS and ASSET03 USAF KC-135 tanker NE after leaving MacDill AFB-some roundies just SE and then north

>>149371 Down $29 Trillion Since November (2021)-How much has the Fed's epic "inflationary is transitory" policy error cost the world?

>>149372 Hurricane #Ian Advisory 14A: Ian Continues to Intensify. Conditions in Western Cuba to Deteriorate This Evening and Tonight With Significant Wind and Storm Surge Impacts Expected

>>149376 TEAL72 USAF WC-130J Hercules 'Hurricane Hunter' was down by the Cayman Islands earlier and back to Biloxi

>>149385 Got a train of 4 KC-135 tankers over Yerp from MacDill AFB (CENTCOM) departure earlier today: 58-0066, 62-3498,RCH850 and RCH879 heading SE..that US Navy P-8 Poseidon heading NE in the Baltic Saturday went to Sigonella AB and FORTE10 back to saem from Black Sea

>>149392, >>149391, >>149396, >>149397, >>149400, >>149401 Stormpocalypse!! hype-watch fer the AC movements outta MacDill that'll tell you what is going on with this-not expecting much from the vets-just don't turn on the TV d'oh kek!

>>149421 Japan’s 20-Year Yield Rises Above 1% for First Time Since 2015-Moar Yen vaporization a comin' and they got the 10y back to 0.25% as well

>>149423 Japan likely spent record $21bn to prop up yen ."There's no change to our stance,"-it's already headed back to ¥145 Rotsa Ruck!!

>>149424 Fed’s Bostic says central bank hasn’t lost credibility with the public (if you have to say that you have not lost credibility...you never had it in the first place) Summary of todays NYFRB 'not losing credibility' operations of well over $2T

>>149426 #1006


>>148950 Was thinking about this earlier, sometimes DJT has Dan make him a book of comments and tweets. Trump does read them. Scavino answered my comment with "How does it feel to have the President of The United States read your comment?" Felt guud man, got me in the feelz.

>>148951, >>148956 2 year delta on Q drop #4741 092222 "Have you ever witnessed a full-blown international mainstream media constant [barrage] [counter]attack re: a 'conspiracy'?"

>>148952 PF MANGO28 USAF G5 departed Los Angeles Int'l after a ground stop/refuel of about 30 minutes-the second high level AC from INDO-PAC Command headed to DC- German PM left JFK, French gonna leave soon, Flauxtus AC switched on- AFSOC AC done with offshore refueling exercise

>>148957 Bank of England Is Set Raise Rates and Start Asset Sales-who gonna buy those nao? kek! plus Moral Hazard defined with "Germany is nationalizing its largest gas utility, Uniper"

>>148962 French AF CTM0001 A330 Macron and CTM0008 Falcon 7X escort and security detail both departed JFK Int'l

>>148982 Appearing on Hannity Wednesday night, President Trump declared that he doesn’t see how the Justice Department could prosecute him because as President he had the power to declassify documents by just thinking about it.

>>148996 Serbian President Warns Of "Great World Conflict" Within Two Months

>>149006, >>149015 Planefag: CONUS Activity ENRGY80 NNS Office of Secure Transportation 737 departed Augusta Regional Airport after overnight west and went to Amarillo (Pantex and Kirtland AFB-Sandia Labs so far)-AF2 went to Milwaukee, Hungarians left Teterboro and went to San Diego Int'l and SAM102 had a stop at Moses Lake Wa. for 90m and departed to the WN

>>149017 Japan intervenes to stop yen slide, after BOJ holds rates super low...as predicted they would intervene after or at 145..they did

>>149022 SAM806 USAF G5 (the AC at muh 'secret' 5 eyes meeting on Sept 16th at Queensland, NZ and was also at Pine Gap on Sept 13-14) returning to JBA-SCOUT93 BUFF doing roundies over 29 Palms in eastern CA

>>149023 Yellen: Inflation will come down next year-pretty good coming from the same person who said it wasn't gong to be an issue and "transitory" and still with muh Russia of course

>>149027, >>149043 Hungarian AF HUAF668 Falcon 7X departing San Diego Int'l WN after a little moar than 3 hours on the ground and went to Van Nuys Airport in San Fernando Valley

>>149028, >>149030, >>149031 "The 16 year plan to destroy America"-good time to refresh on that

>>149036 Final Look at Local Housing Markets in August-Today's 30 year Fixed rate Mortgage: FreddieMAC 6.29% up 27bp from last post (6.02%)-last week...they (NYFRB) have bought no MBS since 0914

>>149057, >>149061 UK anon: Washington Crossing the Delaware painting- It doesn’t seem to show any stars...Mebbe anons can adjust the image to find any stars on the flag-They are crossing in a Durham boat and according to Kash

>>149079 PDJT retruthed, video 26mb, too yuge.. full of Q memes Retruth time 01:57:17

>>149081, >>149123 Planefag: Europe PAT78 G5 returns from a trip to Rzesow Airport Poland on (0921)-moar clean shirts fer Zelenksy and prepped him for the UN speech yesterday-departed Brussels and Coast Guard G5 heading across the Atlantic from NAS Norfolk-and went to Naples, Swedish AF Early Warning and Control AC in the Baltic Sea

>>149086 JASDF JF01 777 landed about 15 minutes ago at a rainy Tokyo-Haneda Airport to drop off PM Kishida-Toyota Motor to close its plant in Russia

>>149094 SAM771 USAF C-40B WH NSO AC returning to JBA from Hickam AFB depart-looks like this one went to Pine Gap on 0921-Australian AF ASY599 C-17 departed NAS Norfolk after an overnight-RCH4180 USAF C-17 departed Quantico and heading for Dover AFB

>>149100 Pro-Trump Ratings Queen Roseanne Barr Is BACK With New Comedy Special and “No Subject Off Limits” DC Enquirer, [22.09.22 12:53]

>>149099, >>149124, >>149145 RCH4593 USAF C-17 Globemaster heading to Anchorage from JBA depart for a stop/refuel with a load of equipment for kneepads visit to Japan-SAM102 USAF C-40B arrived at Anchorage yesterday-Korean PM to hold meeting with US Vice President Harris next week in Japan-RCH4593 on it's way to Yokota AB in Japan as SAM102 left a few hours prior and then went to Hickam AFB, Oahu

>>149101 you are watching a movie MOVIE22 C-17 roundies at McGuire

>>149104 FedEx Announces Largest General Rate Increase In Its History

>>149105 PDJT rally at Wilmington, N.C. today (friday Sept 23rd at 7pm)

>>149109, >>149113 The 2-year Treasury just touched its highest level since 2007 as aggressive Fed moves send bonds yields soaring-The US $ up, up and away with a new 52w high and the Euro with a 52 week low and can't get out of it's own way....isn't (the start of) hyperinflation fun?

>>149114, >>149122 16-3025 USAFSOC C-146A Wolfhound (has been berry busy over the last 10 days in South America-lotsa quick stops too) departed Manaus, Brazil after an overnight from Brasilia-ground stop/refuel at San Juan

>>149115 Confidence in UK Markets Vanishes as Pound Plunges

>>149116 SAM917 USAF G5 inbound to Laguardia Airport from JBA

>>149121 Netflix chief accounting officer gives up $2.4 million position after just 4 months on the job- Great look dhere.../s

>>149127 SAM061 USAF G5 departed Langley AFB after an overnight-back to JBA

>>149136 China’s former top security official gets suspended death sentence for graft

>>149157 HOTROD88 USAF E-4B Nightwatch from Robbins AFB, GA to Lincoln Muni 'They Live' released in 1988-Special Ops Wolfhound went to Miami Int'l and SAM917 back to JBA from Laguardia (UN shit)

>>149165 Hungarian AF HUAF669 Falcon 7X (shows as ZD545 on satellite) FM Peter Szijjarto left Teterboro N.J-Trump second term would bring back 'best-ever' relationship with Hungary, foreign minister says Pakis left and Chilean President about to depart

>>149169, >>149173 45 in EJM473 G650 departed Wilmington Int'l Airport, N.C and on descent for Palm Beach Int'l

>>149433 #1005


>>148766 Putin To Give Major Speech On Ukraine Referendums, Possible National War Mobilization

>>148774 Television viewers were 'creeped out' by a ghostly whisper during live coverage of Queen Elizabeth II's funeral procession. A female voice can be heard saying "The death is irreversible...the fact that she's trapped..." during the British broadcasters' live coverage

>>148776 Putin talkin’ about a storm-Now reports of Putin and Russian Defense Minister addressing the nation tonight!

>>148787 Don’t cook chicken in NyQuil: FDA warns about dangerous social media challenges...that you habs to say this...

>>148827, >>148830 REP. SPEIER: "We have 128 [military] bases and installations in red states, in these states that ban abortion. Maybe we should just move these bases!”

>>148867 BoJ announces unscheduled bond buying operation-Basically is breaks down to this: all the "lines in the sand" are being breached on most Japanese Bond issues

>>148868 Swiss Imports of Russian Gold Climb to Highest Since April 2020

>>148869 Sylvamo Corp sold by Citigroup (CNAI) $167.27m-Sept 13th, 2022-Citigroup sets new diversity goals for workforce by 2025

>>148870 Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley Have Mysteriously Disappeared from this Week’s Senate and House Banking Hearings

>>148871 Very High COMEX December contract activity Friday 0916 and Monday 0919

>>148872 Russian AF RSD028 Rossiya -Special Flight Detachment Ilyushin 96 II landed at JFK-dropped off Lavrov and has departed heading WS and arrived at Dulles Int'l-Lavrov's flight crew got the Visas they were waiting for

>>148873 GDPNOW---Latest estimate: 0.3 percent — September 20, 2022 mebby do 100bp so they can say "we're on top of this"-they aren't

>>148875 Five Eyes spy meeting took place at Queenstown resort-SAM806 USAF G5 returned to Hickam AFB yesterday morning (local) after a trip to New Zealand for "secret*" meeting-Prolly C_A Director William J. Burns

>>148878 ENERGY80 National Nuclear Security Administration Office of Secure Transportation 737 from Malmstrom AFB, MT to JB Lewis-McChord on Monday night-Something ya don't see at all on ADS-B B-1 Lancer aka as "the Bone" came out of Dyess AFB yesterday-did some roundies and went back to Dyess-based there

>>148884, >>148901 US Treasury 10 year note solidly above 3.50% (and the 2 year surpasses 4% again) and hits a new 52 week high-got to 4.001% yesterday (4.019% HOD today)..totally normal that../s 3-year rate rises to 3.99%

>>148886 Planefag:CONUS Activity- Japanese sending in ACs for Kishida, RICO28 Global Hawk drone to Grand Forks from Sigonella SAM051 WN from JBA French AF A330 (Macron's AC on Monday) on at Dulles

>>148891 Highly suspect': DARPA tried to hire executive at Wuhan lab funder as COVID emerged, he says

>>148895 NAR: Existing-Home Sales Decreased to 4.80 million SAAR in August

>>148897 JASDF JF01 and 02 777 going to Dulles Int'l to wait-SAM058 USAF G5 WS from JBA depart-French AF CTM001 A330Macron's AC switched to it's callsign for him-he may not be hanging around NY for very long

>>148902 WATCH: This Kamala meme triggered a lib so hard that he demolished the projector during Benny Johnson's speech at the University of Iowa

>>148904 ENERGY80 National Nuclear Security Administration Office of Secure Transportation 737 east from JB Lewis-McChord overnight

>>148906 Reverse Repos: $2,315.900T today as well as the Securities Lending (which is why yer getting these massive inversions the short end) $47.567B in that today

>>148909, >>148922 Federal Reserve issues FOMC statement-raises by 75bp points-markets drop initially but once he starts yapping up dhey go

>>148913, >>148920 ENRGY80 National Nuclear Security Administration Office of Secure Transportation 737 heading to Minot AFB, ND from it's stop at McChord-Quite a list of destinations last 48 hours..including Pantex Plant in Amarillo on 0919

>>148923 ATOM01 USAF WD-135R Constant Phoenix 'Nuke Sniffer' also up from Lincoln Muni as SAM051 USAF G5 returns to JBA from Omaha-Eppley Field after about 1 hour on ground and French AF CTM001 A330 departs Dulles to go get Merde Boi in New York

>>148930 Planefag:CONUS Update ENRGY80 NNS Office of Secure Transportation 737 done with muh dick measuring exercise and back at Augusta Regional, GA (U.S. Department of Energy Savannah River Site used to refine nuclear materials for deployment in nuclear weapons) SAM058 east from PSFB, SAM047 west from JBA, GAF906 went to JFK to p/u PM Scholz, C-17 back with Potato equipment at JBA,Bolivians left JFK

>>148931 Italian AF IAM9002 A319 departed New York Stewart Airport Mario Draghi after his last (I hope for the Italian people's sake) major public appearance at the UN

>>149434 #1004

Previously Collected Notables:

>>148216 #1000, >>148353 #1001, >>148562 #1002, >>148751 #1003

>>147328 #995, >>147513 #996, >>147599 #997, >>147715 #998, >>148027 #999

>>146543 #990, >>146702 #991, >>146826 #992, >>146928 #993, >>147105 #994

QRB notables archived here >>>/qrb/9528

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78db29 No.149437

File: 7a89496c6a0fb09⋯.png (1.77 MB,678x1024,339:512,ClipboardImage.png)

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ab4dbe No.149440

File: d2c1d8e9fb8b04b⋯.gif (2.15 MB,640x450,64:45,20220926_222747.gif)

lord maitreya sloughs round at last

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78db29 No.149441


seems ayyslmao is all they have left, blue beam

would be moar dasting than the shit they puttin out now

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ab4dbe No.149442


the event comes

and it isnot of their making

as for ayyys

the bluebeam project will not work

on even stupid humans long

remember that

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78db29 No.149443


wouldn't work on me at all but just moar dasting

Fatima would be a hoot, that is what Ratzinger was promising, propaganda minister himself

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78db29 No.149444


@ the true end I agree

I just don't think we are there yet

one of those things we don't agree upon

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8b6dd0 No.149453


Thanks for freshy.!.

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7dcb7e No.149454



this thing's com'n straight thru muh back yard.

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7dcb7e No.149455

File: f0f4633851cab51⋯.png (1.08 MB,789x751,789:751,ClipboardImage.png)

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4258eb No.149456

luv tracking storms this way


buoy data

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78db29 No.149458


seems so and it aint' through Cuba yet


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1dafb7 No.149459

File: 7ec89743add9e76⋯.png (299.02 KB,525x300,7:4,ClipboardImage.png)


ty B


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78db29 No.149460

File: 0d6843ed23bba3c⋯.jpg (62.85 KB,525x386,525:386,0d6843ed23bba3c668e2476983….jpg)

File: 3f1c567a0b3fdd4⋯.jpg (46.94 KB,474x469,474:469,3f1c567a0b3fdd4e279302e87f….jpg)

File: a8c56ebba542c7f⋯.png (422.07 KB,800x533,800:533,5b89096673fa016598c3a2dfaf….png)


we gotz rulz bro

if yo fren doesn't post a tot you dooz it for him

datz da rulz

here ya go


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7dcb7e No.149461

File: e3278c7f11449d6⋯.png (760.7 KB,639x909,71:101,82ca47762868fff16c77efda63….png)


fergot it eben toosday

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1dafb7 No.149462

File: 1ab7d95e17401cd⋯.png (310.07 KB,808x456,101:57,ClipboardImage.png)

SAM213 USAF C-40B departed Tampa Int'l after about 1h 40m on the ground in from JBA-Hurricane Ian eye is now west of Havana, Cuba and just entering Gulf water at present

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78db29 No.149463

File: 5cc3c11a1354a59⋯.jpg (350.31 KB,1080x1020,18:17,5cc3c11a1354a590b24d859ef6….jpg)


muh one global bro


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1dafb7 No.149464

File: 1321543916d79a0⋯.png (377.71 KB,512x431,512:431,ClipboardImage.png)



ferget wut day it is too

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8b6dd0 No.149465

File: 98ef400f1cd4725⋯.jpg (135.15 KB,720x935,144:187,201550.jpg)


Trashy side of storm bad.

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7dcb7e No.149466

File: 98c64975402d1ff⋯.jpg (106.52 KB,612x612,1:1,ed3f18046b7dfb02f480e65224….jpg)


boats leav'n up here kek

saw on muh morn'n ride

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7dcb7e No.149467

File: 361f47a2b428271⋯.jpg (14.03 KB,600x454,300:227,ed3f18046b7dfb02f480e65224….jpg)


morn'n gb. habby tot

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78db29 No.149468

File: ec1c5f5eff3a15b⋯.jpg (757.55 KB,2410x1969,2410:1969,082a152cfa6ab1f064386a33ba….jpg)


mornin G

thanks for update

we see when it clears Cooba

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78db29 No.149469

File: 9dcfa94fadec4c4⋯.png (370.3 KB,574x281,574:281,ClipboardImage.png)

dis da udder side yo's

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78db29 No.149470


boaters are smart too

too late though

shoulda dry docked days ago

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1dafb7 No.149471

File: 07435bb5eb63b74⋯.png (423.71 KB,906x453,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 670f0ff58466924⋯.png (177.46 KB,865x420,173:84,ClipboardImage.png)

SAM084 USAF G5 WN from JBA and since they canceled Potato going to Orlando and Ft. Lauderdale today we have 82-8000 747 out on a cert flight

Polish AF PLF105 G5 WS from Tokyo-Haneda depart-there for about 28 hours and we had RCH4543 USAF C-17 Globemaster arrived at Seoul, SoKo-Osan AB dropping off equipment for kneepads visit after Tokyo

Japan's former Prime Minister Abe's state funeral held


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78db29 No.149472

File: 55a09345119e870⋯.png (277.03 KB,778x643,778:643,ClipboardImage.png)

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1dafb7 No.149473

>>149467, >>149468

aye-hope you don't get too blown around-either of ya

Crack open a beer and watch about all you can do.

Ain't no 'exodus' of ACs yet- since it's such a slow mover they could even wait until tomorrow but I'd expect something to start later tonight EST.

They really hyping this hard

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7dcb7e No.149474



yeah dhey are. will only get worse.

gotz a little private ap on islan. only like 5 cesna's left kek

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1dafb7 No.149475

File: 581dfa4fd98abc6⋯.png (499.99 KB,696x445,696:445,ClipboardImage.png)



was just looking at that map!

dis here a good capture of a lot of places


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1dafb7 No.149476

In this is bad idea news and moar importantly still allowed-not the first but a bad trend continuing....file under 'this will end very poorly' for whoever has regular accounts at this bank-if you are a regular customer (normal accounts) this would be the sign to leave

Crypto lender Nexo gets U.S. bank charter after buying stake in regulated bank

Cryptocurrency lender Nexo on Tuesday announced it has taken a stake in a federally-regulated U.S. bank, paving the way for the company to offer banking services to Americans as a licensed institution.

Nexo, based in Zug, Switzerland, said it has agreed to buy an undisclosed stake in Hulett Bancorp, which owns a little-known bank called Summit National Bank. Through Summit National Bank, which holds a federal bank charter with the Office Comptroller of the Currency, Nexo plans to offer a range of products including checking accounts and crypto-backed loans. The move is a significant development for the nascent crypto industry, which is seeking to win favor with politicians and regulators as investment and adoption of digital assets grows. The market has been licking its wounds following the collapse of controversial token terraUSD, which sparked a wave of liquidations and failures of companies like Celsius and Three Arrows Capital.

Nexo declined to disclose the size of its stake in Summit National Bank. The firm called the deal an “industry-changing transaction.” On top of the ability to launch new products, Nexo said its bank license would bring users enhanced legal safeguards. The deal will also help Nexo expand its footprint in the U.S., the company said. “We already have a robust offering with regard to our crypto-backed loans but we always like to have more than one option for providing a particular service,” Antoni Trenchev, co-founder of Nexo, told CNBC.


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78db29 No.149477

File: 69a1a4d60972410⋯.png (1.56 MB,1080x817,1080:817,ClipboardImage.png)

wantz one yo's

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1dafb7 No.149478

File: f494188fcc7c261⋯.png (231.05 KB,801x427,801:427,ClipboardImage.png)

Uptick in activity outta NAS JAX with P-8s leaving

MacDill still quiet so far

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1dafb7 No.149479

File: ccac6e27ee3707a⋯.png (54.63 KB,362x294,181:147,ClipboardImage.png)


>wantz one

Fer wut?


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1dafb7 No.149480

File: 33ff4c4c9c389ca⋯.png (287.71 KB,895x415,179:83,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fdc2a6b1b2b17eb⋯.png (231.98 KB,632x402,316:201,ClipboardImage.png)

>>149319 pb

SAM158 USAF C-40BState Dept AClanded at Lisbon Int'l Portugal after reappearing heading outta the Red Sea-it left Stansted, London yesterday and switched off about 3/4 down Italy in the Adriatic Sea-cap #2

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78db29 No.149481

File: b82adc21a7e8bd3⋯.png (426.41 KB,507x569,507:569,0f159d9060e1df98752aea2e35….png)


just cruisin n sheitz


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78db29 No.149482

all grilled

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1dafb7 No.149483

File: f8debf5d5f7e07e⋯.png (370.7 KB,607x496,607:496,ClipboardImage.png)

Hurricane Ian Threatens to Make Food Inflation Worse as Path Aims at Fertilizer Hub

Hurricane Ian is poised to hit the nation’s production of phosphate fertilizer, threatening supply as the cost of growing food in the US rises by the most ever.

Florida is home to Mosaic Co.’s phosphate rock assets, where they mine product, and to facilities where they turn that rock into fertilizers like diammonium phosphate and monoammonium phosphate, commonly known as DAP and MAP. Mosaic’s New Wales plant is “right in the middle of the damage swath,” said Chuck Watson, a disaster modeler with Enki Research. It could “be out for weeks,” he said in an email. Fertilizer can make or break crop production. Global food prices have touched records in recent months as inflation ripples through economies and hunger levels rise. The cost of growing food in the US is set to rise by the most ever in 2022 as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine put a huge percentage of the world’s supply at risk. A US duty on Russian and Moroccan phosphate producers means the nation would have to rely on more expensive imports if domestic output goes offline for an extended period, said Bloomberg Intelligence analyst Alexis Maxwell. Mosaic owns more than half of the 15.86 million metric tons of DAP and MAP production capacity in the US, and the bulk of that is in Florida, according to Bloomberg Intelligence data. “The biggest risks at this point appear to be a flood surge, downed electrical power, and snarled logistics around the plant for employees and supply transportation,” Maxwell said in an email.


as if food prices weren't bad enough..now dis

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1dafb7 No.149484

File: fd0a6b7a5059b0e⋯.png (187.15 KB,1072x703,1072:703,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6d7030da9b4e791⋯.png (198.51 KB,1018x726,509:363,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3b801bb09337287⋯.png (86.28 KB,1000x738,500:369,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bd423b9034877d0⋯.png (77 KB,779x690,779:690,ClipboardImage.png)

Just noise at this point-gonna be the lowest amount on record next month since these were already in process prior to rates spiking-see cap#4 for today's 30y and over 7% (avg)-the sales data "surprise" helped by the ubiquitous revision(s) upwards of the prior three months

New Home Sales Increase to 685,000 Annual Rate in August

The Census Bureau reports New Home Sales in August were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate (SAAR) of 685 thousand. The previous three months were revised up, combined. The Census Bureau reports New Home Sales in August were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate (SAAR) of 685 thousand. The previous three months were revised up, combined.

Sales of new single‐family houses in August 2022 were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 685,000, according to estimates released jointly today by the U.S. Census Bureau and the Department of Housing and Urban Development. This is 28.8 percent above the revised July rate of 532,000, but is 0.1 percent below the August 2021 estimate of 686,000.

Cap #1 shows New Home Sales vs. recessions since 1963. The dashed line is the current sales rate. New home sales are now at pre-pandemic levels. Cap #2 shows New Home Months of Supply. The months of supply decreased in August to 8.1 months from 10.4 months in July.

The all-time record high was 12.1 months of supply in January 2009. The all-time record low was 3.5 months, most recently in October 2020. This is well above the top of the normal range (about 4 to 6 months of supply is normal). "The seasonally‐adjusted estimate of new houses for sale at the end of August was 461,000. This represents a supply of 8.1 months at the current sales rate." Cap#3 shows sales NSA (monthly sales, not seasonally adjusted annual rate).

In August 2022 (red column), 55 thousand new homes were sold (NSA). Last year, 55 thousand homes were sold in August.

The all-time high for August was 110 thousand in 2005, and the all-time low for August was 23 thousand in 2010. This was well above expectations, and sales in the three previous months were revised up, combined.



Mortgage Rates Now at 20-Year Highs


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78db29 No.149485

File: 09227cad91a08bc⋯.png (526.18 KB,639x851,639:851,ClipboardImage.png)

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78db29 No.149486



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8b6dd0 No.149487

File: 175f798c00fceb5⋯.jpg (107.41 KB,720x730,72:73,Screenshot_20220927_121557….jpg)

File: 168e0d7101a3a55⋯.jpg (132.85 KB,720x847,720:847,Screenshot_20220927_121433….jpg)

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78db29 No.149488


this about Russia Russia Russia cuttin up inet cables, no wait, gas lines this line?

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1dafb7 No.149489

File: 617fa2765419d67⋯.png (523.3 KB,792x523,792:523,ClipboardImage.png)


Thank you, USA C_A (FIFY)

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78db29 No.149490

File: 0382e07452dd8e4⋯.png (70 KB,245x206,245:206,ClipboardImage.png)

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1dafb7 No.149491

File: 905b0c90feaa01e⋯.png (432.32 KB,646x438,323:219,ClipboardImage.png)


dubs confirm

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78db29 No.149492

File: 8e0252c94bea2e3⋯.jpg (118.12 KB,640x640,1:1,8e0252c94bea2e3a92e1f2e04e….jpg)


he special yo

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8b6dd0 No.149493

File: 867151b240f6a14⋯.jpg (219.98 KB,720x1073,720:1073,133752.jpg)



Muh reeeee in oberdive, kicking it all off for a bit... need to make a bank run.. kek

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78db29 No.149494


i takes ten thousand million whilst you there


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1dafb7 No.149495

File: 993882bb896415b⋯.png (973.35 KB,1138x717,1138:717,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0f17531022d9104⋯.png (65.24 KB,774x567,86:63,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 781a9274a9aabdf⋯.png (63.78 KB,776x434,388:217,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2c9e5406a520658⋯.png (3.2 MB,3011x1740,3011:1740,ClipboardImage.png)

Still waiting fer that QT bros...Sept. almost over...these auctions were cut way back earlier this year in anticipation for the yet to materialize QT in size

Gruesome, Tailing 2Y Auction Sends Yields To Session High, 10Y At 3.99%

One day after a dismal 2Y auction, moments ago the Treasury held another dismal auction , this time for 5Y paper, which just like yesterday immediately sent yields to session highs.

Today's sale of $44BN in 5Y paper priced at a high yield of 4.228%, some 100bps higher than August's 3.220%, and the highest since the global financial crisis. The auction was also a 2.6bps tail to the 4.202% When Issued, one of the biggest tails on record.

The bid to cover was 2.26, the lowest since Feb 2021, and down from the already dire 2.30 last month.

The internals were just a bit better, with Indirects at 59.6%, below last month's 61.18% and also below the six-auction average of 61.9%, if above June's low of 56.5%. And with Directs awarded 18.7%, or just around the recent average of 19.0%, Dealers were left holding 21.7%, the highest since June. Overall, this was another catastrophic TSY auction coming at a time when every day we see more blow ups in bonds around the world, and sure enough the 10Y promptly spiked to session highs, rising just above 3.99% if not crossing 4.00% just yet.(give it a little time..get there no problem)


And in other FIAT news-Yen is basically gonna need another one (intervention) soon-cap#3 which will spike the 10 and 30 year again


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1dafb7 No.149496

File: 386a1c7d1a70bc0⋯.png (256.47 KB,479x461,479:461,ClipboardImage.png)



They gonna start the limit withdrawals again soon-think the CU here has a $300/daily but was lower before-all this coming apart in a big way but it's until it starts affecting peeps overtly will it become obvious. The markets are really very orderly even though they are down and MSM are all over the "new lows for 2022 OMG PANIC!!"

Euro barely avoiding a new 52 week low at this point

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78db29 No.149497


hopes he pulls it afore they do

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f4f00e No.149498

File: a4e9d792c359595⋯.png (2.34 MB,1920x1080,16:9,e77fd4020a24ccf9.png)


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78db29 No.149499


top kek

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1dafb7 No.149500

File: 2f4674af08f963d⋯.png (859.56 KB,545x661,545:661,ClipboardImage.png)


dhat wins the inet today


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78db29 No.149501


seconded AF

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78db29 No.149502

File: 06353f81bd89f52⋯.png (568.81 KB,760x1351,760:1351,ClipboardImage.png)

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78db29 No.149503

all grilled btw

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1dafb7 No.149504

File: a5db2127d238cb4⋯.png (196.22 KB,685x450,137:90,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ec294e72c8e788d⋯.png (339.87 KB,646x392,323:196,ClipboardImage.png)

Russian AF 52376 Antonov An-148 entering the Black Sea from the NE-usually these go to Georgia or Armenia

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1dafb7 No.149505


got some irl and back later

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78db29 No.149506



g2 in the pipe

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78db29 No.149510



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78db29 No.149511

File: 8c0e65b1541c641⋯.png (444.72 KB,606x608,303:304,usd.png)

Ian comin for wake n cake

they skeered

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2bd8cd No.149512

File: ae1d0de0b1afce0⋯.png (268.42 KB,519x338,519:338,5f0d878f19f5b310ebca6d5b06….png)


luuks like ian gonna may a stop at cakes geo. slid southie on us

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1dafb7 No.149513

File: c2aee8fc4ddb44b⋯.png (172.73 KB,826x490,59:35,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ce05598469b0fb9⋯.gif (2.1 MB,500x446,250:223,VP_da_1.gif)


Not an everyday and visible sight here

Russian AF 52376 Antonov An-148 landed at Gvardeyskoe Air Base just outside Simferopol, Crimea

This base had a big 'splosion in August

Plumes of smoke seen at Russian military airbase in Gvardeyskoye, Crimea


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1dafb7 No.149514

File: 6a7cfd9b11fa4b6⋯.png (287.72 KB,660x428,165:107,ClipboardImage.png)


He has just departed after 90 minutes on the ground

Russian AF 52376 Antonov An-148 departed Gvardeyskoe Air Base

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1dafb7 No.149515

File: fd30ad7cb2213ef⋯.png (718.96 KB,1054x681,1054:681,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f0ddf259b61d140⋯.png (350.97 KB,670x371,670:371,ClipboardImage.png)

>>149511, >>149512

TEAL75 USAF WC-130 Hercules 'Hurricane Hunter' north of Hurricane Ian and PIONR5:5 US Navy P-8 Poseidon to the north

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1dafb7 No.149516

edit above for AC pic ^^

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78db29 No.149517

File: 698a097e2b2ef7b⋯.png (110.28 KB,800x561,800:561,ClipboardImage.png)


it's comin for us all


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1dafb7 No.149518

File: 8cfb0ee04c574d8⋯.png (506.04 KB,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f831f7547563b78⋯.png (336.51 KB,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e2df94dc839fd8e⋯.png (527.54 KB,ClipboardImage.png)


PIONR5:5 US Navy P-8 Poseidon has left the area heading back to Pax River NAS as TEAL75 WC-130 Hercules still at 5k ft -the top portion of the cap haz all the traces of ACs that started to bail from NAS JAX earlier-3 went to Randolph AFB-San Antonio, 2 went to Tyson-McGhee Airport (SW of Knoxville, TN), 2 to Barksdale AFB, LA and 8 of them went to Selfridge ANG Base just NE of Detroit and 3 of them are still heading NW-cap #2


SAM084 USAF G5 stopped at Travis AFB, CA and heading to Hawaii at present

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1dafb7 No.149520

File: 20754efdf8ccea5⋯.gif (2.11 MB,airplane_all_gonna_die.gif)

dup removed

>it's comin for us all

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2bd8cd No.149521

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

[they] hate the eggs...

US Egg Prices Hit Record High As Resurgent Bird Flu Dents Production


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78db29 No.149522


easy cheap protein

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1dafb7 No.149523

File: 2d4aaff2f7f907e⋯.png (272.05 KB,ClipboardImage.png)

Wall Street Banks Settle SEC's WhatsApp Probe for $1.1 Billion

Banking giants including Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Citigroup Inc. agreed to pay regulators $1.1 billion in penalties for failing to monitor employees using unauthorized messaging apps. The banks, along with Bank of America Corp. and Morgan Stanley, are among the 16 financial firms that reached agreements with the Securities and Exchange Commission, the regulator said in a statement Tuesday.

Finance firms are required to closely monitor staffers’ communications to limit improper conduct. That system, already challenged by the proliferation of mobile-messaging software including WhatsApp, was strained as financial firms sent workers home shortly after the start of the Covid-19 outbreak.


Where duz the $ go Gary?...Lobster dinners for y'all tonight?..they just gonna keep doing it cause they made probably 50X that skirting the "regulations" that you and your worthless agency never enforce

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78db29 No.149524

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1dafb7 No.149525



the ones we get from a fren taste sooo much better than the store bought ones-don't get as much as we used to so really notice the difference.



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2bd8cd No.149526


not anymoar kek

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1dafb7 No.149527

File: 5749785e1f78072⋯.png (421.1 KB,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 67ae8e3651e976f⋯.png (93.49 KB,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f35beed4bfe9b01⋯.png (301.15 KB,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ceacf9f22d665c3⋯.png (99.18 KB,ClipboardImage.png)

This is wut is blowing up with all these currency/interest rate moves over the last few weeks-the % moves are things you usually don't see over an entire year let alone on a daily basis-this is probably a little under a $6T traded daily market (FOREX) and the biggest player dhere is Deutsche Bank-no one comes close to what they do-I think Shitibank is 2nd (this is daily transactional value-not this derivatives chart)

FOREX and Interest Rate Derivative Exposure

JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Citibank, Bank of America have a total of$166,417,453,000,000of Interest rate and FOREX sensitive Derivatives in exposure and these four represent85%of all of the Derivative exposure reported in the O.C.C. report -so you see why they call them "too big to fail-cap #4"

They obviously do not break these down on a paired basis (in the OC.C.C. data) but see cap #3 for the % amounts based on liquidity-current as of July 2022 and no surprise #1 is EURO/USD and why the NYFRB has been vaporizing about $200m a week (and over $12B in one year) with the ECB in Swaps

>>149026 Central Bank U.S. Dollar Liquidity Vaporware Swap with European Central Bank: $215,500,000 from 0922 and haz all the others from June 17 2021-2022


Page 25

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8b6dd0 No.149530


Reminds me of 2008.. took me two years to recover.

Tried to get a little silver, local, no go. Need my man I've been dealing with for years.. called its a go.

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1dafb7 No.149531


When the peeps wake up to this it'll be gone quick-its slowly habbening already-why prems are so high-no other commodity has done this for this long.

But it's a hard thing to convince someone to buy something that continually (historically) goes down in price since most view it as an 'investment'-it's much bigger than just the price as if ya do a little research you find that out as you've done some.

It's never been an investment fer me..ALWAYS insurance and one of the main reasons is that this >>149527 has always been what is gonna take it (fin sys) down-we're seeing that play out now (at least the start of it)

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1dafb7 No.149532

edit fer spell ^^

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8b6dd0 No.149533


Substantial withdrawal from two different banks, neither batted an eye.

Tomorrow may be different story, hitting the big one.. Will let ya know ifs speedbumped.

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8b6dd0 No.149534

File: c2a3d7865c59337⋯.jpg (123.29 KB,720x811,720:811,20220926_185442.jpg)


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8b6dd0 No.149535

File: d542c7c137fcb21⋯.jpg (64.77 KB,202020.jpg)

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e2230f No.149536

File: d542c7c137fcb21⋯.jpg (64.77 KB,720x453,240:151,202020.jpg)

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e2230f No.149537

Fail... said no bueno.. posted Amyhow.. captcha.. here I am

You Are Here.. barely

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e2230f No.149538

File: c4086cb766c12a9⋯.jpg (68.54 KB,720x358,360:179,WheelsOffPepe.jpg)

Til the wheels fall off baby!

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e2230f No.149539

File: 6b848904b15dcd8⋯.jpg (176.62 KB,IMG_5635.jpg)

Just Shot this feral boar!

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78db29 No.149540


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78db29 No.149541


that's a big un

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e2230f No.149542

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Whiter Shade if Pale

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78db29 No.149543


OG guud

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1dafb7 No.149544



I've heard of a few problems but prolly location based and it was a big 6 bank too-anecdotal.

If you remember that rumor about the big silver eagle buyer a few weeks ago-they din't wanna give them the money from the bank which is why they say they went public-still remains to be seen how truthful that whole thing is but I can believe it from the aspect of the bank not wanting to give it up.

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1dafb7 No.149545

File: 0f5b04e9948c96a⋯.png (597.36 KB,789x644,789:644,ClipboardImage.png)


Russian AF 52376 Antonov An-148 back to Moscow from Gvardeyskoe Air Base ground stop of 90m

The Crimean 'visitor' returned to Moscow and back at Chkalovsky Air Base which is the home base for most of the high level ACs used for transport of Sr Russian Leaders-sometimes they pick them up at the normal airports like Vnukovo and Sheremetyevo Airport but those ACs are based there.

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1dafb7 No.149546

File: 8264de97cbb8e0d⋯.png (312.77 KB,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7b5ebd046b5e8df⋯.png (386.08 KB,ClipboardImage.png)

TEAL72 USAF WC-130 Hercules SE from Biloxi-Kessler AFB towards da Hurricane-the eye wall is roughly 40 nautical miles west of Key West at present

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78db29 No.149547

File: e835a5146918959⋯.png (283.6 KB,ClipboardImage.png)

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78db29 No.149548

File: e835a5146918959⋯.png (283.6 KB,ClipboardImage.png)

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1dafb7 No.149549

File: 99b677a3fa1a913⋯.png (303.76 KB,826x459,826:459,ClipboardImage.png)

>>149027, >>149043 pb

Hungarian AF HUAF 668 Falcon 7X heading back across the Atlantic-departed Van Nuys Airport, CA on Saturday late afternoon local and went to Kansas City Int'l for an overnight then departed for Cleveland Int'l yesterday and has departed from there about 90 minutes ago

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78db29 No.149550

all grilled

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1dafb7 No.149551


howza in yer hood?

blowing good I bet but not as bad as they been saying

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78db29 No.149552


no wind yet

lots of rain

will hit tomorrow bout this time, might just shut down for the evening, hit it when clear in am, will see how electric holds


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1dafb7 No.149553


habs been corrected by Mrs G..the limit last time checked was $500-last week and the person next to her they actually asked what they were gonna use (dunno the amount) money for and it wasn't a social discussion-like they seriously wanted to know.

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78db29 No.149554

File: 7c904d1daa57040⋯.png (497.83 KB,ClipboardImage.png)

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78db29 No.149555

File: 7c904d1daa57040⋯.png (497.83 KB,ClipboardImage.png)

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1dafb7 No.149556

File: 5105ea0093d1c8e⋯.png (334.82 KB,ClipboardImage.png)


Anutha settlement...jeebus is this settlement day or wut? Larry skates-no one admits anything and it all just goes away SEC=USELESS

Oracle to pay $23 million to settle SEC charges related to Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced Tuesday that Oracle will pay millions to settle charges related to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA).

Oracle will pay the regulatory agency a $15 million penalty plus roughly $8 million in disgorgement. The tech company also "agreed to cease and desist from committing violations of the anti-bribery, books and records, and internal accounting controls provisions" of the FCPA, the SEC said in a press release. The company did not admit to or deny the SEC's allegations as part of the agreement, according to the release. The regulatory agency alleged Oracle subsidiaries in Turkey, India and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) violated the FCPA by using slush funds between 2016 and 2019 to bribe foreign officials in exchange for business, according to a press release from the SEC. The Turkey and UAE subsidiaries were also accused of paying for foreign officials to attend conferences, with some Turkey subsidiary employees allegedly using the slush funds to pay for officials' families to go with them or visit California on the side.

"The conduct outlined by the SEC is contrary to our core values and clear policies, and if we identify such behavior, we will take appropriate action," Michael Egbert, vice president of Oracle corporate communications, told FOX Business. Oracle previously paid $2 million in 2012 without admitting or denying wrongdoing to settle SEC charges that the tech company's Indian subsidiary allegedly "secretly" set aside "money off the company's books that was eventually used to make unauthorized payments to phony vendors in India," the SEC said in a press release. The company, which moved its headquarters from California to Texas in late 2020, reported total revenues of $11.4 billion for the first quarter of fiscal 2023, up from roughly $9.2 billion in the same period the prior fiscal year. Its net income narrowed from approximately $2.46 billion to $1.55 billion, Oracle also said.


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1dafb7 No.149557


hear ya-it so slow cause this is all they got to clog up the cycle

Ima go see wut the normies are skeer'd of today

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78db29 No.149558


was speaking of tomorrow night yo

not tonight

they still gotz nothin

we covered it this am


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1dafb7 No.149559


the natives are not restless so the news must have worn this out already...din't stop- just no elevated talk or hand gesturiing like it's been-gasp! a normal day for 'em.


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78db29 No.149560


big thing is this pipeline stuffs

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1dafb7 No.149561

File: 2c3a576e51bcd0f⋯.png (65.63 KB,ClipboardImage.png)


I agree-yerp already nasty and getting worse-how do you escape that?...pretty much don't and all the fault of the stoopid politicians.

And this (EURO) ain't gettin' better any time soon-they just gonna bail out and/or nationalize any failure which makes it even worse.

New 1 year low already-about 30 minutes ago.

I'd be seriously wanting to leave if I lived there.

In another month the freeze takes hold moar...

Not pretty

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1dafb7 No.149562

File: 15eac130dc50a03⋯.png (418.75 KB,ClipboardImage.png)


TEAL72 USAF WC-130 Hercules heading back for a second pass at the eye.

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1dafb7 No.149563

ima go fer the night

I'll update da bun-you can let it go if ya want or bake no diff to me since you get most out where it needz ta go..ain't much overall so can let it run

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78db29 No.149564


g'nite G


g's and storm willng

if I don't show you'll nose

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1dafb7 No.149565

File: 5b6fc5029f49809⋯.png (321.46 KB,612x320,153:80,ClipboardImage.png)




>>149456 Hurricane buoy data linky

>>149462 SAM213 USAF C-40B departed Tampa Int'l after about 1h 40m on the ground in from JBA-Hurricane Ian eye is now west of Havana, Cuba and just entering Gulf water at present

>>149471 SAM084 USAF G5 WN from JBA 82-8000 747 out on a cert flight (potato canceled FL trip yesterday) Polish AF PLF105 G5 WS from Tokyo-Haneda depart-there for about 28 hours and we had RCH4543 USAF C-17 Globemaster arrived at Seoul, SoKo-Osan AB dropping off equipment for kneepads visit after Tokyo

>>149471 Japan's former Prime Minister Abe's state funeral held

>>149475 Track the tropics linky (good all around one stop shop)

>>149476 Crypto lender Nexo gets U.S. bank charter after buying stake in regulated bank-In this is bad idea news and moar importantly still allowed-not the first but a bad trend continuing

>>149478 Planefag: Uptick in activity outta NAS JAX with P-8s leaving-MacDill still quiet so far

>>149480 SAM158 USAF C-40B State Dept AClanded at Lisbon Int'l Portugal after reappearing heading outta the Red Sea

>>149483 Hurricane Ian Threatens to Make Food Inflation Worse as Path Aims at Fertilizer Hub

>>149484 New Home Sales Increase to 685,000 Annual Rate in August gonna be the lowest amount on record next month Mortgage Rates Now at 20-Year Highs

>>149487 Radek Sikorski MEP Chairman EU-USA delegation being a douche.."Thank you, USA" on the Nord Stream leak

>>149498 What really habbened to Nordstream 2 memeage

>>149504, >>149513, >>149514 Russian AF 52376 Antonov An-148 entering the Black Sea from the NE-usually these go to Georgia or Armenia-went to t Gvardeyskoe Air Base just outside Simferopol, Crimea for 90 minutes and then back to Moscow

>>149515, >>149518 TEAL75 USAF WC-130 Hercules 'Hurricane Hunter' north of Hurricane Ian and PIONR5:5 US Navy P-8 Poseidon to the north-The departures (P8s) from NAS JAX but MacDill has not had anything like this-a few yesterday...SAM084 G5 stopped at Travis and now on to Hawaii

>>149521 US Egg Prices Hit Record High As Resurgent Bird Flu Dents Production

>>149523 Wall Street Banks Settle SEC's WhatsApp Probe for $1.1 Billion..Where duz the $ go Gary?...they made probably 50X that

>>149527 It's the derivatives stoopid-$166.417T of Interest rate and FOREX exposure is wut is blowin'' up...look at the equity market all ya want..nuffin compared to this

>>149546, >>149562 TEAL72 USAF WC-130 Hercules SE from Biloxi-Kessler AFB towards da Hurricane-the eye wall is roughly 40 nautical miles west of Key West at present and another pass at the eye

>>149549 Hungarian AF HUAF 668 Falcon 7X heading back across the Atlantic-departed Cleveland Int'l after stopping at Kansas City on Sat after arriving at Van Nuys on Thursday from San Deigo Init'l and was at the UN meetings last week (someone take a vakay?)

>>149556 Oracle to pay $23 million to settle SEC charges related to Foreign Corrupt Practices Act-moar settlements SEC=USELESS

>>149561, >>149560 EURO-limbo now...how low can ya go go...new 52w low


hear ya

good vibes sent yer way keeping da power on!

They'll prolly ask fer ice cream too



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78db29 No.149566


you know they will, ice cream, milkshakes

warm milk and oj

can't catch a break

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8b6dd0 No.149567

File: a82e41045fecc92⋯.mp4 (15.76 MB,1920x1080,16:9,20220927_213904_001_001_00….mp4)

Yo this me

Had to cut it short

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8b6dd0 No.149568


Dammit, may never be able to show my tits here..

Roll em old lady...

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78db29 No.149569


uh, they no rulez here

cept fren stuffs

just sayin

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840161 No.149576

File: 0c7ae6179eb93fa⋯.png (469.96 KB,960x640,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

morn'n yo's.

windy n rainy start'n up here. popo only one's on the streets rn. post to be mandatory evac. casa de wakes gotz inhabitants kek.

cakes, you gotz sum weather coming in already. hunker down and get ready for an outage at sum point.

sheit... juss like at 45's sarasota rally kek

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840161 No.149577



yeah... wut he sed

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78db29 No.149578


pretty windy here now, rainy, bands are much stronger than last night

well, fially some truth for yo pic


down for the ride, we'll see how far electric goes

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78db29 No.149579

File: 5d6f3a638a02e1e⋯.png (318.81 KB,433x433,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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1dafb7 No.149580

File: bc78fad7226dd34⋯.png (718.58 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

morning all

glad to see youz still got power

thought muh 'puter froze-that's one slow mover

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1dafb7 No.149581

File: b1398fe0b0c1ef1⋯.png (406.15 KB,949x551,949:551,ClipboardImage.png)

TEAL73 USAF WC-130 'Hurricane Hunter' done after some passes around the eye-and that is just SW of Cape Coral, FL-some DAWGs leaving Savannah 02,21,75 C-130 Hercules WN

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1dafb7 No.149582

File: 9f6061049625964⋯.png (292.8 KB,952x438,476:219,ClipboardImage.png)

BOXER45USAF C-40C west from JBA-could be Nancy heading to SFO-this one of the ACs she has used in the past

>>149202, >>149209 lb

C102 US Coast Guard G5 inbound to Reagan National Airport from Stuttgart Int'l (AFRICOM) depart after it was in the Gulf-stopped at Manama, Bahrain for 90m then east to Dubai arriving from Naples, Italy on Sat 0924-reversed that yesterday departing Dubai and on to Stuttgart

00-9001 USAFSOC C-32B out from McGuire AFB, NJ heading NW over CT at present

TEAL73 WC-130 Hurricane Hunter on descent for Biloxi (home base)

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918595 No.149583

connection dicey here now

isp blinked

slo moving

will be pummeled for hours by storm

I was right to worry bout the roof when I did


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1dafb7 No.149584

File: 61abe1c93acfe22⋯.png (265.76 KB,834x554,417:277,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6bb8b7f824342e7⋯.png (253.91 KB,764x475,764:475,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5b09bd4c711ac00⋯.png (157.65 KB,1072x687,1072:687,ClipboardImage.png)


As a reminder most of this is prior to the last rate hike and as we've been tracking rates as they are over 7% (avg) and at 20 year highs-the NYFRB has not bought ANY Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS) since 0914 so that trend is still intact-see below for the Mortgage Application(s) falling an additional 3.7%

NAR: Pending Home Sales Decreased 2.0% in August (11 year lows)

Pending home sales sagged for the third straight month in August, according to the National Association of REALTORS®. Three out of four major regions experienced month-over-month decreases in transactions, however, the West saw a modest gain. Year-over-year, all four regions posted double-digit declines.

The Pending Home Sales Index (PHSI), a forward-looking indicator of home sales based on contract signings, fell 2.0% to 88.4 in August. Year-over-year, pending transactions dwindled by 24.2%. An index of 100 is equal to the level of contract activity in 2001. "The direction of mortgage rates – upward or downward – is the prime mover for home buying, and decade-high rates have deeply cut into contract signings," said NAR Chief Economist Lawrence Yun.(fuggen Sooper Genuis here) "If mortgage rates moderate and the economy continues adding jobs, then home buying should also stabilize."


The Northeast PHSI decreased 3.4% from last month to 76.6, down 19.0% from August 2021. The Midwest index fell 5.2% to 88.4 in August, a 21.1% drop from the previous year.

The South PHSI slid 0.9% to 105.4 in August, a decline of 24.2% from a year ago. The West index rose by 1.4% in August to 71.0, down 31.3% from August 2021. This was a larger decline than expected for this index. Note: Contract signings usually lead sales by about 45 to 60 days, so this would usually be for closed sales in September and October.


caps taken from ZH plus this little gem

"according to the Atlanta Fed, as of a few weeks ago, the median American household would needed to spend 44.5% of their income to afford payments on a median-priced home in the US,the highest percentage on record with data going back to 2006."-cap #2

Mortgage Applications Decrease in Latest Weekly Survey-Refinance activity at 22 year low

Mortgage applications decreased 3.7 percent from one week earlier, according to data from the Mortgage Bankers Association’s (MBA) Weekly Mortgage Applications Survey for the week ending September 23, 2022.

The Market Composite Index, a measure of mortgage loan application volume, decreased 3.7 percent on a seasonally adjusted basis from one week earlier. On an unadjusted basis, the Index decreased 4 percent compared with the previous week. The Refinance Index decreased 11 percent from the previous week and was 84 percent lower than the same week one year ago (and at 22 year lows)-cap #3 The seasonally adjusted Purchase Index decreased 0.4 percent from one week earlier. The unadjusted Purchase Index decreased 1 percent compared with the previous week and was 29 percent lower than the same week one year ago.


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918595 No.149585

File: 7db7e060d112f2d⋯.png (27.88 KB,394x264,197:132,ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. “Leadership” should remain “cool, calm, and dry” on the SABOTAGE of the Nord Stream Pipelines. This is a big event that should not entail a big solution, at least not yet. The Russia/Ukraine catastrophe should NEVER have happened, and would definitely not have happened if I were President. Do not make matters worse with the pipeline blowup. Be strategic, be smart (brilliant!), get a negotiated deal done NOW. Both sides need and want it. The entire World is at stake. I will head up group???

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1dafb7 No.149586


imagine all da fools up on houses with tarps and plastic bags right about nao-bet that football game they watched instead of fixing the roof/drainage etc was totally werth it..kek!

Many just wait for shit to fail and/or break

Always done muh maintenance-sometimes it may sit fer a while but it usually getz done-pay for it in many ways later if ya don't

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918595 No.149589

File: 40e03a0d6123732⋯.png (309.28 KB,600x342,100:57,ClipboardImage.png)

stuffs of hard ons n such

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918595 No.149590


tru dat

avert disaster, maintain

thinkin mabbe I was adopted n sheitz

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1dafb7 No.149591


muh fam always did it-so that a good habit I got from them

one of the places we lived it was a 20m drive just to get to a road to go somewhere and that somewhere was still another 30minute (if lucky) drive so once you there you stuck.

Power went out all the time-you just adapt to it but the major stuff they always did

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1dafb7 No.149592

File: de795444d2cfa8f⋯.png (679.61 KB,655x443,655:443,kuroda_see_i_told_you.PNG)

You should gibs Kuroda a call at the BOJ-picrel..he might have some advice fer ya..kek

U.K. bond yields plunge after Bank of England steps in to buy at ‘whatever scale is necessary’

U.K. gilt yields fell back from their highest in 14 years after the Bank of England said it would buy bonds at “whatever scale is necessary” to restore orderly market conditions. The 10-year benchmark gilt yield TMBMKGB-10Y, 4.063%, which moves in the opposite direction to prices, fell 49 basis points to 4.03%, having at one point dropped below 4%.

Earlier on Wednesday the yield had risen to 4.6%, up more than 120 basis points in just four trading days as investors dumped government bonds in response to what they deemed a dangerously profligate budget by new Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng. Kwarteng’s proposal for £45 billion of debt-funded tax cuts at a time when inflation was running at a near 40-year high of 9.9% was lambasted by the International Monetary Fund. After additional selling on Wednesday, which took the 30-year gilt yield TMBMKGB-30Y, 3.953% above 5% for the first time in decades, the Bank of England stepped in to calm the markets. The 30-year yield skidded 108 basis points to 3.91%, taking it below the level before Kwarteng announced the tax cuts.

“The Bank is monitoring developments in financial markets very closely in light of the significant repricing of U.K. and global financial assets,” said the BoE in a statement.

“This repricing has become more significant in the past day – and it is particularly affecting long-dated UK government debt….In line with its financial stability objective, the Bank of England stands ready to restore market functioning and reduce any risks from contagion to credit conditions for UK households and businesses,” it added. Reports emerged on Wednesday that recent sharp declines in gilts and the pound had left some U.K. pension funds facing margin calls of as much as £100 million ($107 million) each. Also, a number of U.K. banks had suspended mortgage offers after the bond market volatility left them struggling to price home loans.

The BoE said it would buy long-dated U.K. government bonds to restore order and “the purchases will be carried out on whatever scale is necessary to effect this outcome.”It was suspending its planned gilt sales under its quantitative tightening program.


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6fe1a4 No.149593


I think they just got old here and stopped caring

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1dafb7 No.149594

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Potato said they would do it earlier this year watch from 3:40

"we will bring an end to it"

"How will you do that...?"

"I promise you we will be able to do it"

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6fe1a4 No.149595


well, we nose who owns potato so the movie playin

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6fe1a4 No.149596

doe send lubs

all grilled

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1dafb7 No.149597

File: de5f75bea0dc2af⋯.png (82.33 KB,673x506,673:506,ClipboardImage.png)

The latest GDPNOW update stayed the same-even with all this currency and housing market implosion going on and moar denial as this is trot out FED speakers week to make everyone feelz better about all of this coming apart

Latest estimate: 0.3 percent — September 27, 2022

The GDPNow model estimate for real GDP growth (seasonally adjusted annual rate) in the third quarter of 2022 is 0.3 percent on September 27, unchanged from September 20 after rounding. After releases from the National Association of Realtors and the US Census Bureau, the nowcast of third-quarter gross private domestic investment growth decreased from -7.4 percent to -7.6 percent. The next GDPNow update is Friday, September 30.


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1dafb7 No.149598


back at dhem too and you

noes you got issues with yer stuffs-connection until that clears so appreciate

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1dafb7 No.149599

File: add2e724668d9f3⋯.png (239.82 KB,748x442,22:13,ClipboardImage.png)


C102 USCG G5 went to Norfolk Int'l instead of Reagan National

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1dafb7 No.149600

File: 83afe0334770c58⋯.png (238.96 KB,871x441,871:441,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 189d1205ef79ca3⋯.png (496.22 KB,582x622,291:311,ClipboardImage.png)

SAM038 USAF C-32ANo Nightwatch Sec. of Defense Austinheading to MCAS Miramar first and then Hickam AFB, Oahu with RCH4155 C-17 Gloebmaster behind-both from JBA depart

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to visit Oahu, tour Red Hill facility


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2cec49 No.149601


will work it till I can't bro

be that way

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2cec49 No.149602

File: 0ca9607a51fc4f1⋯.png (2.73 MB,1467x1117,1467:1117,ClipboardImage.png)

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1dafb7 No.149603

File: 3d8766ce92f8074⋯.png (614.36 KB,560x643,560:643,ClipboardImage.png)



all ya can do-just make sure ain't no Grits problems-since that is the important shitz!

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2cec49 No.149605

grilled that last one

ok, g1 asked when I was going to order groceries

said well, not today

cat 4 bearing down mind, trees blowin all over n sheitz

said we need laundry detergent


told him prolly tomorow

he'll forget, I hope

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2cec49 No.149606

File: ff60350d3e68dfb⋯.png (232.46 KB,599x757,599:757,ClipboardImage.png)

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2cec49 No.149607

File: 2c976d1e704370d⋯.png (1 MB,907x754,907:754,ClipboardImage.png)

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1dafb7 No.149608

File: 402a95a8c1326da⋯.png (239.14 KB,721x390,721:390,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fb4d41942a97758⋯.png (276.91 KB,657x383,657:383,ClipboardImage.png)


TEAL71 USAF WC-130 Hercules 'Hurricane Hunter ES from Biloxi replacing TEAL73

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2cec49 No.149609



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1dafb7 No.149610


stick the clothes outside-instant "wash" kek!

Had a big fire years ago the m inlaw was visiting-you couldn't see moar than 20 feet down the street cause of the smoke-way serious shit...her quote "I'm bored I wanna go to the movies"


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1dafb7 No.149611

File: ba492d8f3f574c2⋯.png (527.35 KB,720x1085,144:217,ClipboardImage.png)


"retaliation is guaranteed"

Fear pron maximum-that one changes his spots so many times

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2cec49 No.149612


thought about reminding him about the fuggen clotheline that never got used all the time I lived here but didn't


saving that for when I take it out with next landscape sweep


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2cec49 No.149613


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2cec49 No.149614


no shit right

ebbudy wants to be an actor

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2cec49 No.149615

isp blinked that time

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1dafb7 No.149616

File: 5e4b557ff9b8b48⋯.png (207.24 KB,784x410,392:205,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2300d9125b02235⋯.png (400.58 KB,601x433,601:433,ClipboardImage.png)


SAM038 USAF C-32ANo Nightwatch Sec. of Defense Austinon approach for MCAS Miramar with the equipment RCH4155 C-17 just behind-haz another 'engagement' on the coast at Pt. Loma (Navy) as well

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7dcb7e No.149617

File: a3cd40f20da7ac9⋯.png (44.83 KB,303x121,303:121,ClipboardImage.png)



2 outages up this way already but back on for nao. gotz inet on its own apc so i get no interruptions.

no need fer genny yet, but the day is still young. will get wut eva its gonna give this evening.

ok q fam duh?

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600df0 No.149618


we flicker only, still on, gettin beat down hard here, isp not doin so well kek it's in and out on it's own

had to play with veeps a bit too

watchin next door neighbors shrubs get twisted kek

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7dcb7e No.149619


watch'n the palms out front. make it luuk worse than it is. should get too bad this way.

bay emptied out. be a trip to watch it fill back up kek

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1dafb7 No.149620

File: 80f2c102e8efa25⋯.png (251.32 KB,842x502,421:251,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c26bd73f3772114⋯.png (438.56 KB,765x467,765:467,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1746f7ed68b0c0b⋯.png (376.56 KB,297x445,297:445,ClipboardImage.png)

THOR21 USAF E-4 B Nightwatch NE from Robbins AFB, GA-it left Lincoln Muni as HOTROD88 earlier today (They Live Movie released in 1988) with SAM142 USAF G5 east from a Peterson AFB departure-arrived on 0926


TEAL71 USAF WC-130 Hurricane Hunter just through the eye right now

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1dafb7 No.149621

>>149617, >>149618

fingers crossed for ya both on the power

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8b6dd0 No.149622

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Found this pic.

Thinking about ya'll, lived on Texas gulf coast, rode out a few myself.

Great coverage on a YouTube Live Stream of Hurricane #Ian

Several storm chases are reporting, lots of other info coming in.


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8b6dd0 No.149623

File: 35eabf96780a4eb⋯.jpg (56.71 KB,720x413,720:413,HurricanePrep.jpg)

File: 8cb650148331577⋯.jpg (101.18 KB,720x417,240:139,Screenshot_20220928_121941….jpg)

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1dafb7 No.149624

File: d6740869a4752c6⋯.png (344.82 KB,802x443,802:443,ClipboardImage.png)


SAM158 USAF C-40B returning to JBA from Lisbon, Portugal departure earlier today-dunno who this is-a State Dept AC

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1dafb7 No.149625


that is actually pretty damn smart

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8b6dd0 No.149626

File: cce516045e15bf1⋯.jpg (94.89 KB,720x568,90:71,Screenshot_20220928_125453….jpg)

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7dcb7e No.149627


eff yeh! hurrican straps.

that'll do

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1dafb7 No.149628

if you still here ima break back later

guessing you ain't as those bands pretty heavy

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8b6dd0 No.149629


Thought so too.

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f4f00e No.149631

File: e913335f891425a⋯.png (864.38 KB,1080x1828,270:457,Screenshot_20220928_133214….png)

File: 351033dd41ac094⋯.png (333.44 KB,700x350,2:1,Nord_Stream_2_Putin.png)

So, this is an interesting blurb from 2019, also, how did the Putin sharpie picture not become a meme?

US threatens to sanction German companies for Nord Stream 2

01/14/2019 - 12:12

United States Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell has sent a letter warning to several German companies announcing the high probability of sanctions that could be imposed if they continue to promote the construction of the gas pipeline Nord Stream 2, which will connect Germany and Russia through the Baltic Sea.

The sanctions are aimed at stopping a trade route that would weaken the strategic geopolitical position of Ukraine, country through which energy channels currently converge.

This worries the US since the balance of forces with Russia in Europe it depends largely on that strategic power currently held by Ukraine and which can serve to establish trade sanctions against Russia in the event of conflict.

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1dafb7 No.149632

File: 846b5091a3b6513⋯.png (355.24 KB,695x433,695:433,ClipboardImage.png)


BOXER45 USAF C-40C landed at Mather Airport, Sacramento, CA

Going to visit hairman newsome?-who incidentally was in Texas over the weekend and has been putting up billboards in TX and FL-thus attempting to raise own profile..even suggesting "Come to CA if you need an abortion" who da fuq can afford to live here as a new arrival DUMBASS!!!!???

California Gov. Gavin Newsom in Texas: Democrats are 'getting crushed' by Republicans


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003891 No.149634

File: b6e39f963e06ef5⋯.png (1.27 MB,1574x910,787:455,bakers_wake_and_cake.png)

File: c304b48c79d9a17⋯.png (113.32 KB,367x307,367:307,frog_on_bike_new.png)

File: 3d599ee04b93386⋯.png (376.62 KB,775x420,155:84,midnight_riders_plane.png)


You still got power, froggy?



hullo der pf bro

thinkin our our frens back east

cakes made me promise to bake iffn he din come back....told him i was planning on droppin by anyway.....

when ya want a bake?


hurricanes now targeting fertilizer belt? Don't that beat all.....

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7dcb7e No.149635

cakes yall guud?


been pretty steady on. goes out for a few seconds and cycles back up. inet is now on battery backup and is working ok. winds are really picking up tho. eye is about 60mi se of muh geo

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1dafb7 No.149636

File: bd3daa84087fedd⋯.png (920.26 KB,1229x737,1229:737,ClipboardImage.png)

Few things to note with this: LIBOR is a survey and so this is a metric that is based on that and what it is saying is this:don't raise rates any moar or we shall be forced to fuq with LIBOR to make it look worse so back off man!-which they are supposed to be moving away from but still have a franken-version of it

One Of The Market's Most Important 'Stress' Indicators Is Flashing Red

The all important FRA-OIS indicator of interbank funding stress (and money-market risk) is soaring once again, and at last check was above 37bps, having exploded off 'no stress' levels just two weeks ago...(and why is that?..becasue NO ONE believed that the FOMC was gonna raise rates-they even sent out all the FED heads trying to convince everyone they would-and are now in the process of saying "we have credibility")

The level of 'stress' is now higher than that surrounding the liquidity crisis prompted by the sanctioning of Russia following Putin's invasion. A very quick primer on this all important spread:

What is FRA? A forward rate agreement is a deal to swap future fixed interest payments for variable ones, or vice versa.(and with interest rates being jacked higher by the NYFRB and the Japanese Gov't selling long-dated Treasuries to cap the Yen you can add in the Bank of England buying everything in it's debt issuance >>149592 ala the Japanese while also suspending it's "was never gonna habben"-said this many times (like ours ) QT program you've got a recipe for that $166T pile of shit that is completely interest rate and FOREX sensitive blowing up >>149527 and when you see or hear someone saying "something bad is going to habben" it is THAT they are referring to but won't name it-so I don't like to put dates on things but I would gather if the current situations don't stop yer looking at the FOMC doing a pivot within a few weeks time since they simply can't handle that shit pile of derivatives blowing up so they need to take the pressure off somehow-and as I've mentioned many times Jerry was responsible for the huge pile of derivatives that Banker's Trust had loaded itself up with in the 90s and it was so bad they ended up "selling" (i.e. placing itself) at Deutsche Bank in 1999 so that it wouldn't freeze up the system then: think of Country-Wide Mortgages being "sold" to Bank of America-same with Merrill Lynch...in that way-put it somewhere big enough to hide it-well it's NO coincidence HE is the chair at the Federal Reserve now while this blows up..NONE AT ALL)

The key rate for U.S. markets is the three-month London interbank offered rate, or Libor, in U.S. dollars. The benchmark is derived by major banks submitting rates based on transactions that are compiled to establish benchmark for five different currencies across seven different loan periods. Those benchmarks underpin interest rates on trillions of dollars of financial instruments and products from student and car loans to mortgages and credit cards.

What is OIS? The Overnight Index Swap rate is calculated from contracts in which investors swap fixed- and floating-rate cash flows. Some of the most commonly used swap rates relate to the Federal Reserve’s main interest-rate target, and those are regarded as proxies for where markets see U.S. central bank policy headed at various points in the future.

That's the theory. But why does the FRA-OIS spread matter in practice? Well, it’s regarded as the markets’ measure of how expensive or cheap it will be for banks to borrow in the future, as shown by Libor (again a SURVEY), relative to a risk-free rate, the kind that’s paid by highly rated sovereign borrowers such as the U.S. government. The FRA-OIS spread therefore provides another snapshot of how the market is viewing credit conditions because of the fact that traders are betting on where Libor-OIS - its underlying spread - will be.As a further reminder, there are typically 3 4 FIFY reasons why it would blow out:

1. the risk premium for uncertainty of US monetary policy,

2. recently elevated credit spreads (CDS) of banks, and

3. demand for funds in preparation for market stress.


4. knows that the derivative shitpile just got triggered via the pound dumping and knowing that the BoE is gonna end up just like the Bank of Japan-spend "whatever it takes..etc"

In other words, when adjusted for the statutory level of record liquidity in the market, which we don't need to tell readers is at an all time high, the FRA-OIS would almost certainly be at all time highs.

One can argue that while Powell and the Fed may be oblivious to the ongoing collapse in stocks, which they viewed as overvalued and as having enough buffer to drop, he is closely watching every uptick in this most critical stress indicator. While this is a topic we covered extensively back then (see "There Is No Liquidity" - Market Paralyzed As FRA/OIS Explodes), especially right before the Fed unleashed its monetary bazooka with trillions in QE and opening up repos to virtually unlimited amount, as well as announcing it would buy corporate bonds and ETFs, expect to hear much more about this in the days and weeks ago come.

Meanwhile, if the FRA-OIS spikes another 10-15 points, the Fed will have no choice but to emerge from its paralysis and reassure markets that the financial system isn't about to experience another paralysis (oh, and unless the Ukraine war magically ends in the next few weeks, say goodbye to four or five more rate hikes this year).(which I have said will be coming off sooner than later since he panicked in Jackson Hole a few weeks ago)


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7dcb7e No.149637

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

we got sharks in tha streets n sheitz


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1dafb7 No.149638

File: 0e72d05a8f360a1⋯.png (741.32 KB,464x568,58:71,ClipboardImage.png)


afternoon muh fren

guess we could do one soon since we up towards 200 and we been on dis one since monday with dhere power it may make sense to do one sooner rather than later-I'll gather and drop if you would be so kind to put it through.

It really looked like it (hurricane) wasn't gonna be much at all afew days ago but this whole thing with him doing the migrants into Martha's Vineyard and then gets a cat 5 rammed up ass has not escaped muh powers of observation...quite a coincidence.../s

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1dafb7 No.149639


fuggen sharknado!!

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003891 No.149640

File: 2ad3fa2cc91d607⋯.png (197.51 KB,507x335,507:335,lonely_man_in_rain.png)


can do

might take a little nap, up kinda early

ck in when i return

- substitute baker

ps, we just got first rain in about 3 months

think it'll be a trend pretty soon.

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1dafb7 No.149641





>>149456 Hurricane buoy data linky

>>149462 SAM213 USAF C-40B departed Tampa Int'l after about 1h 40m on the ground in from JBA-Hurricane Ian eye is now west of Havana, Cuba and just entering Gulf water at present

>>149471 SAM084 USAF G5 WN from JBA 82-8000 747 out on a cert flight (potato canceled FL trip yesterday) Polish AF PLF105 G5 WS from Tokyo-Haneda depart-there for about 28 hours and we had RCH4543 USAF C-17 Globemaster arrived at Seoul, SoKo-Osan AB dropping off equipment for kneepads visit after Tokyo

>>149471 Japan's former Prime Minister Abe's state funeral held

>>149475 Track the tropics linky (good all around one stop shop)

>>149476 Crypto lender Nexo gets U.S. bank charter after buying stake in regulated bank-In this is bad idea news and moar importantly still allowed-not the first but a bad trend continuing

>>149478 Planefag: Uptick in activity outta NAS JAX with P-8s leaving-MacDill still quiet so far

>>149480 SAM158 USAF C-40B State Dept AClanded at Lisbon Int'l Portugal after reappearing heading outta the Red Sea

>>149483 Hurricane Ian Threatens to Make Food Inflation Worse as Path Aims at Fertilizer Hub

>>149484 New Home Sales Increase to 685,000 Annual Rate in August gonna be the lowest amount on record next month Mortgage Rates Now at 20-Year Highs

>>149487 Radek Sikorski MEP Chairman EU-USA delegation being a douche.."Thank you, USA" on the Nord Stream leak

>>149498 What really habbened to Nordstream 2 memeage

>>149504, >>149513, >>149514 Russian AF 52376 Antonov An-148 entering the Black Sea from the NE-usually these go to Georgia or Armenia-went to t Gvardeyskoe Air Base just outside Simferopol, Crimea for 90 minutes and then back to Moscow

>>149515, >>149518 TEAL75 USAF WC-130 Hercules 'Hurricane Hunter' north of Hurricane Ian and PIONR5:5 US Navy P-8 Poseidon to the north-The departures (P8s) from NAS JAX but MacDill has not had anything like this-a few yesterday...SAM084 G5 stopped at Travis and now on to Hawaii

>>149521 US Egg Prices Hit Record High As Resurgent Bird Flu Dents Production

>>149523 Wall Street Banks Settle SEC's WhatsApp Probe for $1.1 Billion..Where duz the $ go Gary?...they made probably 50X that

>>149527 It's the derivatives stoopid-$166.417T of Interest rate and FOREX exposure is wut is blowin'' up...look at the equity market all ya want..nuffin compared to this

>>149546, >>149562 TEAL72 USAF WC-130 Hercules SE from Biloxi-Kessler AFB towards da Hurricane-the eye wall is roughly 40 nautical miles west of Key West at present and another pass at the eye

>>149549 Hungarian AF HUAF 668 Falcon 7X heading back across the Atlantic-departed Cleveland Int'l after stopping at Kansas City on Sat after arriving at Van Nuys on Thursday from San Deigo Init'l and was at the UN meetings last week (someone take a vakay?)

>>149556 Oracle to pay $23 million to settle SEC charges related to Foreign Corrupt Practices Act-moar settlements SEC=USELESS

>>149561, >>149560 EURO-limbo now...how low can ya go go...new 52w low

>>149581 TEAL73 USAF WC-130 'Hurricane Hunter' done after some passes around the eye-and that is just SW of Cape Coral, FL-some DAWGs leaving Savannah 02,21,75 C-130 Hercules WN

>>149582 Planefag: CONUS Activity BOXER45USAF C-40C west from JBA-could be Nancy heading to SFO, C102 US Coast Guard G5 inbound to Reagan National Airport from Stuttgart Int'l (AFRICOM) depart after it was in the Gulf

>>149584 NAR: Pending Home Sales Decreased 2.0% in August (11 year lows)-Mortgage Applications Decrease in Latest Weekly Survey-Refinance activity at 22 year low

>>149585, >>149594, >>149606, >>149611 PDJT "U.S. “Leadership” should remain “cool, calm, and dry” on the SABOTAGE of the Nord Stream Pipelines. This is a big event that should not entail a big solution, at least not yet...." Potato said they would do it in February of this year (from Tucker last night)...Kim.com w/fear pron "retaliation is guaranteed"

>>149592 U.K. bond yields plunge after Bank of England steps in to buy at ‘whatever scale is necessary’-It was suspending its planned gilt sales under its quantitative tightening program

>>149597 Latest estimate: 0.3 percent — September 27, 2022-The latest GDPNOW update stayed the same-even with all this currency and housing market implosion going on and moar denial

>>149600, >>149616 SAM038 USAF C-32A No Nightwatch Sec. of Defense Austin heading to MCAS Miramar first and then Hickam AFB, Oahu

>>149620 THOR21 USAF E-4 B Nightwatch NE from Robbins AFB, GA-it left Lincoln Muni as HOTROD88 earlier today (They Live Movie released in 1988) with SAM142 USAF G5 east from a Peterson AFB departure-arrived on 0926-TEAL71 USAF WC-130 Hurricane Hunter just through the eye right now

>>149622, >>149623 Live Stream of Hurricane #Ian-Several storm chases are reporting, lots of other info coming in.

>>149632 BOXER45 USAF C-40C landed at Mather Airport, Sacramento, CA from over the weekend-Newsome in Texas: California Gov. Gavin Newsom in Texas: Democrats are 'getting crushed' by Republicans

>>149636 One Of The Market's Most Important 'Stress' Indicators Is Flashing Red-LIBOR is a survey and so this is a metric that is based on that and what it is saying is this:don't raise rates any moar

>>149637 Sharknado!!!! in Ft. Meyers, FL

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1dafb7 No.149642


just gibs me a heads up when ya return and I'll update it-it needed to be updated regardless

>we just got first rain in about 3 months

good for the rain-you got cooked worse than here not long ago

rain-we need it hear pretty badly-got our last heat wave (hopefully) of the year and will last a few moar days

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1dafb7 No.149643

refresh fer update

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1dafb7 No.149644

File: 91c114b4284ca5e⋯.png (113.53 KB,954x594,53:33,ClipboardImage.png)


and meanwhile in habby #s equity land they move it all up to put peeps to sleep so it all appears ok-quite a few big blocks in the NAS too (black dots) that are not reflected in the daily overall volume-those dots represent 7.66B yet the daily reported volume was 3.731B-I beleebs that these are Option/Swap related and have to be 'shown' but not reflected in the closing volume amount-don't hold me to that though.


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1dafb7 No.149645

File: 7f64b1d55033b1a⋯.png (375.77 KB,697x446,697:446,ClipboardImage.png)


THOR21 USAF E-4 B Nightwatch landed at JBA from it's Robbins AFB depart

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1dafb7 No.149646

File: 370abd046caf7fc⋯.png (84.54 KB,971x674,971:674,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1b6e792e1946dd7⋯.png (84.8 KB,981x668,981:668,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 85eaad0fd45a41b⋯.png (152.61 KB,472x486,236:243,ClipboardImage.png)

Still with big volume on the Silver COMEX in the December contract-yesterday was 63,089 contracts traded or a total of 315,445,000/oz and Monday was even bigger at 82,812 contracts or 414,060,000 ozs for just that expiry-(each contract represents 5k ozs of paper Silver).

In 2 days you have 729,505,000 ozs "traded" for December with the COMEX and LBMA warehouses being 'drained' at the same time -that is all mostly fake imo but it allowed (((them))) to tell a story however if the trend of both warehouses being 'drained' continues they won't have any left on paper to tell that story. Remember this is no different than our banking system-fractional reserve and an infinite supply of paper shorts available to suppress the price-what this is all showing is that someone has had enough of this bullshit and it appears that some of it is being converted to physical and being taken out either to sell into a market that has redonkulous premiums or keepiing it for themselves-it's almost impossible to know because of they way they have it obfuscated the way it's held and where it is too-some of it is "eligible" some "not eligible"(way moar on that in the QRB saved notables threads-just type in Silver/Ag , COMEX, CFTC, US Mint and that should get you a good summation of what's been going on) pointing to something big being exposed in December.


Still waiting for Janet's non-answers to this too

>>147380 Congressman Criticizes U.S. Mint’s Management of Silver American Eagle Program, Demands Answers

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Post last edited at

003891 No.149647


back now

good nap

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1dafb7 No.149648

File: 7c7114b1b0b4288⋯.png (172.77 KB,347x404,347:404,ClipboardImage.png)

Did they bring up the part where the "original" 'Diary of Anne Frank" was written in a ballpoint pen and when those were invented?

>asking for a fren

Arnold Schwarzenegger visits Auschwitz in message against hatred

Film icon Arnold Schwarzenegger visited the site of the Auschwitz Nazi death camp on Wednesday, meeting a Holocaust survivor and the son of Holocaust survivors and saying it is time to “terminate” hatred. The “Terminator” actor and former California governor viewed the barracks, watchtowers and remains of gas chambers that endure as evidence of the German extermination of Jews and others during World War II. He also met with a woman who as a 3-year-old child was subjected to experiments by the notorious Nazi doctor Josef Mengele.

“This is a story that has to stay alive, this is a story that we have to tell over and over again,” he said after his visit to the site of the death camp, speaking in a former synagogue that now is home to the Auschwitz Jewish Center Foundation.

He stood alongside Simon Bergson, the foundation’s chairman, who was born after the war to Auschwitz survivors, and mentioned his own family history.

“I was the son of a man who fought in the Nazi war and was a soldier,” the 75-year-old Schwarzenegger said in Oswiecim, the town where the Auschwitz site is located.

He said he and Bergson, who are close in age, were united in their work.

“Let’s fight prejudice together and let’s just terminate it once and for all,” Schwarzenegger said.

Bergson added: “Arnold and I are living proof that within one generation hatred can be shifted entirely. Governor, thank you for joining us here today.”

His visit to the site in southern Poland, which was under German occupation during WWII, was his first and came as part of his work with the Auschwitz Jewish Center Foundation, whose mission is to fight hatred through education.


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1dafb7 No.149649


good stuff

I'll update da bun and I'm gonna go get some irl sone nao

ty for doing that

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1dafb7 No.149650

File: d46c13654083d42⋯.png (551.71 KB,573x507,191:169,ClipboardImage.png)






>>149456 Hurricane buoy data linky

>>149462 SAM213 USAF C-40B departed Tampa Int'l after about 1h 40m on the ground in from JBA-Hurricane Ian eye is now west of Havana, Cuba and just entering Gulf water at present

>>149471 SAM084 USAF G5 WN from JBA 82-8000 747 out on a cert flight (potato canceled FL trip yesterday) Polish AF PLF105 G5 WS from Tokyo-Haneda depart-there for about 28 hours and we had RCH4543 USAF C-17 Globemaster arrived at Seoul, SoKo-Osan AB dropping off equipment for kneepads visit after Tokyo

>>149471 Japan's former Prime Minister Abe's state funeral held

>>149475 Track the tropics linky (good all around one stop shop)

>>149476 Crypto lender Nexo gets U.S. bank charter after buying stake in regulated bank-In this is bad idea news and moar importantly still allowed-not the first but a bad trend continuing

>>149478 Planefag: Uptick in activity outta NAS JAX with P-8s leaving-MacDill still quiet so far

>>149480 SAM158 USAF C-40B State Dept AClanded at Lisbon Int'l Portugal after reappearing heading outta the Red Sea

>>149483 Hurricane Ian Threatens to Make Food Inflation Worse as Path Aims at Fertilizer Hub

>>149484 New Home Sales Increase to 685,000 Annual Rate in August gonna be the lowest amount on record next month Mortgage Rates Now at 20-Year Highs

>>149487 Radek Sikorski MEP Chairman EU-USA delegation being a douche.."Thank you, USA" on the Nord Stream leak

>>149498 What really habbened to Nordstream 2 memeage

>>149504, >>149513, >>149514 Russian AF 52376 Antonov An-148 entering the Black Sea from the NE-usually these go to Georgia or Armenia-went to t Gvardeyskoe Air Base just outside Simferopol, Crimea for 90 minutes and then back to Moscow

>>149515, >>149518 TEAL75 USAF WC-130 Hercules 'Hurricane Hunter' north of Hurricane Ian and PIONR5:5 US Navy P-8 Poseidon to the north-The departures (P8s) from NAS JAX but MacDill has not had anything like this-a few yesterday...SAM084 G5 stopped at Travis and now on to Hawaii

>>149521 US Egg Prices Hit Record High As Resurgent Bird Flu Dents Production

>>149523 Wall Street Banks Settle SEC's WhatsApp Probe for $1.1 Billion..Where duz the $ go Gary?...they made probably 50X that

>>149527 It's the derivatives stoopid-$166.417T of Interest rate and FOREX exposure is wut is blowin'' up...look at the equity market all ya want..nuffin compared to this

>>149546, >>149562 TEAL72 USAF WC-130 Hercules SE from Biloxi-Kessler AFB towards da Hurricane-the eye wall is roughly 40 nautical miles west of Key West at present and another pass at the eye

>>149549 Hungarian AF HUAF 668 Falcon 7X heading back across the Atlantic-departed Cleveland Int'l after stopping at Kansas City on Sat after arriving at Van Nuys on Thursday from San Deigo Init'l and was at the UN meetings last week (someone take a vakay?)

>>149556 Oracle to pay $23 million to settle SEC charges related to Foreign Corrupt Practices Act-moar settlements SEC=USELESS

>>149561, >>149560 EURO-limbo now...how low can ya go go...new 52w low

>>149581 TEAL73 USAF WC-130 'Hurricane Hunter' done after some passes around the eye-and that is just SW of Cape Coral, FL-some DAWGs leaving Savannah 02,21,75 C-130 Hercules WN

>>149582 Planefag: CONUS Activity BOXER45USAF C-40C west from JBA-could be Nancy heading to SFO, C102 US Coast Guard G5 inbound to Reagan National Airport from Stuttgart Int'l (AFRICOM) depart after it was in the Gulf

>>149584 NAR: Pending Home Sales Decreased 2.0% in August (11 year lows)-Mortgage Applications Decrease in Latest Weekly Survey-Refinance activity at 22 year low

>>149585, >>149594, >>149606, >>149611 PDJT "U.S. “Leadership” should remain “cool, calm, and dry” on the SABOTAGE of the Nord Stream Pipelines. This is a big event that should not entail a big solution, at least not yet...." Potato said they would do it in February of this year (from Tucker last night)...Kim.com w/fear pron "retaliation is guaranteed"

>>149592 U.K. bond yields plunge after Bank of England steps in to buy at ‘whatever scale is necessary’-It was suspending its planned gilt sales under its quantitative tightening program

>>149597 Latest estimate: 0.3 percent — September 27, 2022-The latest GDPNOW update stayed the same-even with all this currency and housing market implosion going on and moar denial

>>149600, >>149616 SAM038 USAF C-32A No Nightwatch Sec. of Defense Austin heading to MCAS Miramar first and then Hickam AFB, Oahu

>>149620, >>149645 THOR21 USAF E-4 B Nightwatch NE from Robbins AFB and went to JBA, GA-it left Lincoln Muni as HOTROD88 earlier today (They Live Movie released in 1988) with SAM142 USAF G5 east from a Peterson AFB departure-arrived on 0926-TEAL71 USAF WC-130 Hurricane Hunter just through the eye right now

>>149622, >>149623 Live Stream of Hurricane #Ian-Several storm chases are reporting, lots of other info coming in.

>>149636, >>149644 One Of The Market's Most Important 'Stress' Indicators Is Flashing Red-LIBOR is a survey and so this is a metric that is based on that and what it is saying is this: don't raise rates any moar

>>149637 Sharknado!!!! in Ft. Meyers, FL

>>149646 Still with big volume on the Silver COMEX in the December contract-update

>>149648 Arnold Schwarzenegger visits Auschwitz in message against hatred

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003891 No.149651




cleaning garage, will ck back and bake soon

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003891 No.149652


will bake now - you posted while i wuz postin.....

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1dafb7 No.149653



usually always have a current one on the notepad JIC

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003891 No.149654

File: 0fd11daf01606de⋯.png (393.87 KB,879x474,293:158,2022_03_29_21_15_12_maga_l….png)

Welcome To Q Research Bunker (QRB) General

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We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




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>>>/qresearch/16506930 ————————————–——–– Are you ready to serve your country again? Remember your oath

>>>/qresearch/16505677 rt >>>/qresearch/16505631 ——— It had to be done this way

>>>/qresearch/16504957 ————————————–——–– Shall we play a game once more?

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How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>78126 (https://pastebin.com/PpctCf9z)


QRB content policy HERE: >>57466, >>61742, >>62044, >>69762 Newfags, plz read

ANONS: Plz see BV-bakers in QRB General to make a new thread >>77874

DOUGH & Resources

>>121565 Resources Bread

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003891 No.149655

Welcome To Q Research Bunker (QRB) General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

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Q's Latest Posts

Friday 6-24-22

>>>/qresearch/16506930 ————————————–——–– Are you ready to serve your country again? Remember your oath

>>>/qresearch/16505677 rt >>>/qresearch/16505631 ——— It had to be done this way

>>>/qresearch/16504957 ————————————–——–– Shall we play a game once more?

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>>>/projectDcomms/ | Q's Trip-code Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>78126 (https://pastebin.com/PpctCf9z)


QRB content policy HERE: >>57466, >>61742, >>62044, >>69762 Newfags, plz read

ANONS: Plz see BV-bakers in QRB General to make a new thread >>77874

DOUGH & Resources

>>121565 Resources Bread

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////BREAK 1\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\


New bakers always welcome

We Haz Rules? Break One And Find Out

Tongue Out Tuesday is special here, if your fren forgets to post one be a fren and post one for them.


are not endorsements


>>149456 Hurricane buoy data linky

>>149462 SAM213 USAF C-40B departed Tampa Int'l after about 1h 40m on the ground in from JBA-Hurricane Ian eye is now west of Havana, Cuba and just entering Gulf water at present

>>149471 SAM084 USAF G5 WN from JBA 82-8000 747 out on a cert flight (potato canceled FL trip yesterday) Polish AF PLF105 G5 WS from Tokyo-Haneda depart-there for about 28 hours and we had RCH4543 USAF C-17 Globemaster arrived at Seoul, SoKo-Osan AB dropping off equipment for kneepads visit after Tokyo

>>149471 Japan's former Prime Minister Abe's state funeral held

>>149475 Track the tropics linky (good all around one stop shop)

>>149476 Crypto lender Nexo gets U.S. bank charter after buying stake in regulated bank-In this is bad idea news and moar importantly still allowed-not the first but a bad trend continuing

>>149478 Planefag: Uptick in activity outta NAS JAX with P-8s leaving-MacDill still quiet so far

>>149480 SAM158 USAF C-40B State Dept AClanded at Lisbon Int'l Portugal after reappearing heading outta the Red Sea

>>149483 Hurricane Ian Threatens to Make Food Inflation Worse as Path Aims at Fertilizer Hub

>>149484 New Home Sales Increase to 685,000 Annual Rate in August gonna be the lowest amount on record next month Mortgage Rates Now at 20-Year Highs

>>149487 Radek Sikorski MEP Chairman EU-USA delegation being a douche.."Thank you, USA" on the Nord Stream leak

>>149498 What really habbened to Nordstream 2 memeage

>>149504, >>149513, >>149514 Russian AF 52376 Antonov An-148 entering the Black Sea from the NE-usually these go to Georgia or Armenia-went to t Gvardeyskoe Air Base just outside Simferopol, Crimea for 90 minutes and then back to Moscow

>>149515, >>149518 TEAL75 USAF WC-130 Hercules 'Hurricane Hunter' north of Hurricane Ian and PIONR5:5 US Navy P-8 Poseidon to the north-The departures (P8s) from NAS JAX but MacDill has not had anything like this-a few yesterday...SAM084 G5 stopped at Travis and now on to Hawaii

>>149521 US Egg Prices Hit Record High As Resurgent Bird Flu Dents Production

>>149523 Wall Street Banks Settle SEC's WhatsApp Probe for $1.1 Billion..Where duz the $ go Gary?...they made probably 50X that

>>149527 It's the derivatives stoopid-$166.417T of Interest rate and FOREX exposure is wut is blowin'' up...look at the equity market all ya want..nuffin compared to this

>>149546, >>149562 TEAL72 USAF WC-130 Hercules SE from Biloxi-Kessler AFB towards da Hurricane-the eye wall is roughly 40 nautical miles west of Key West at present and another pass at the eye

>>149549 Hungarian AF HUAF 668 Falcon 7X heading back across the Atlantic-departed Cleveland Int'l after stopping at Kansas City on Sat after arriving at Van Nuys on Thursday from San Deigo Init'l and was at the UN meetings last week (someone take a vakay?)

>>149556 Oracle to pay $23 million to settle SEC charges related to Foreign Corrupt Practices Act-moar settlements SEC=USELESS

>>149561, >>149560 EURO-limbo now...how low can ya go go...new 52w low

>>149581 TEAL73 USAF WC-130 'Hurricane Hunter' done after some passes around the eye-and that is just SW of Cape Coral, FL-some DAWGs leaving Savannah 02,21,75 C-130 Hercules WN

>>149582 Planefag: CONUS Activity BOXER45USAF C-40C west from JBA-could be Nancy heading to SFO, C102 US Coast Guard G5 inbound to Reagan National Airport from Stuttgart Int'l (AFRICOM) depart after it was in the Gulf

>>149584 NAR: Pending Home Sales Decreased 2.0% in August (11 year lows)-Mortgage Applications Decrease in Latest Weekly Survey-Refinance activity at 22 year low

>>149585, >>149594, >>149606, >>149611 PDJT "U.S. “Leadership” should remain “cool, calm, and dry” on the SABOTAGE of the Nord Stream Pipelines. This is a big event that should not entail a big solution, at least not yet...." Potato said they would do it in February of this year (from Tucker last night)...Kim.com w/fear pron "retaliation is guaranteed"

>>149592 U.K. bond yields plunge after Bank of England steps in to buy at ‘whatever scale is necessary’-It was suspending its planned gilt sales under its quantitative tightening program

>>149597 Latest estimate: 0.3 percent — September 27, 2022-The latest GDPNOW update stayed the same-even with all this currency and housing market implosion going on and moar denial

>>149600, >>149616 SAM038 USAF C-32A No Nightwatch Sec. of Defense Austin heading to MCAS Miramar first and then Hickam AFB, Oahu

>>149620, >>149645 THOR21 USAF E-4 B Nightwatch NE from Robbins AFB and went to JBA, GA-it left Lincoln Muni as HOTROD88 earlier today (They Live Movie released in 1988) with SAM142 USAF G5 east from a Peterson AFB departure-arrived on 0926-TEAL71 USAF WC-130 Hurricane Hunter just through the eye right now

>>149622, >>149623 Live Stream of Hurricane #Ian-Several storm chases are reporting, lots of other info coming in.

>>149636, >>149644 One Of The Market's Most Important 'Stress' Indicators Is Flashing Red-LIBOR is a survey and so this is a metric that is based on that and what it is saying is this: don't raise rates any moar

>>149637 Sharknado!!!! in Ft. Meyers, FL

>>149646 Still with big volume on the Silver COMEX in the December contract-update

>>149648 Arnold Schwarzenegger visits Auschwitz in message against hatred

>>149650 #1007


>>149186 Elon Musk is activating Starlink in Iran Q drop #1943 "Watch Iran"

>>149195, >>149196, >>149197, >>149199, >>149200, >>149255 Rumor news- The PLA has taken control of China. Xi put under house arrest. General #LiQiaoming is the new president.

>>149198 Planefag CONUS activity: SAM194 G5 west from JBA-going to Wichita, KS 16-3025 'Special Ops' C-146 Wolfhound departed Miami Int'l SE (after arriving back from it's South American jaunt yesterday)...and Potato bailed to Delaware already with WINK21 USAF KC-135 tanker in the 'at Delaware' position-Paraguay AF FAP01 (kek) C680 departed Miami and stopped at Trinidad/Tobago for about an hour and SE

>>149202, >>149209 German AF GAF918 A340 departed Jeddah Int'l, SA after meeting with MbS and heading east to UAE and then will go to Doha, Qatar tomorrow-C102 US Coast Guard G5 departed Naples and heading to Bahrain Int'l Airport in Manama-left after 90 minutes and went to Dubai

>>149202 Germany's Olaf Scholz in Gulf to boost energy security

>>149207 China’s CCB to Set Up $4.2 Billion Fund to Buy Properties

>>149211 Got a mini elephant walk with some T-38 trainers from Dane County Airport, Madison-WI to Sioux Falls, S.D-SHOOT 44 on descent for Sioux Falls,28,69,55,33 en route and17just departing

>>149217 AE6893 US Navy P-8 Poseidon over the Baltic Sea-looking for doze 'ebil' Russian Navy boats/subs outta St. Petersburg-Austrailian AF ASY599 C-17 Globemaster departed Rzesow Airport after a load out-Italian AF 1449 KC-767 back at Rome from Karachi, Pakiland stop of about 2h30m-Italian AF IAM1441 KC-767 also to Rzesow Airport, Poland..load out (clean socks from the Italians for Zelensky) and back to Rome

>>149218 SAM194 USAF G5 did some roundies at Wichita-Eisenhower National Airport for about 1h 45m and then went to Oklahoma City-Will Rogers Airport for just under 2 hours (on ground) and is nao at Lake Tahoe Airport, CA

>>149220 Beto O’Rourke Says US Guest-Worker Program Would Help Slow Inflation...cause this wouldn't be abused and would have zero impact on inflation-has no concept of economics

>>149230 Russian AF RSD008 Ilyushin 96-II Lavrov mic drops and outta here departs JFK Int'l a few hours ago after arriving on 0921 (weds)-‘Read Putin More Often and Carefully,’ Lavrov Tells UN Reporters

>>149232, >>149246 Smart Kid: Student 'schools' and calls out School Board about division, racism and sheer stupidity as an official policy "EVERYONE has value" from June 2021..Bravo young man...muh dick on it's logo

>>149255 Agent POS- "You guys I heard Xi Jinping got overthrown by a powerful yet chubby panda bear who knows kung fu and five other animals. For some reason the panda's father is a goose. CIA is hard at work cracking the case"

>>149261, >>149289, >>149296 Not AF2 Kneepads heading to Japan-SAM788 and SAM071 USAF C-32As WN from JBA and heading to Anchorage-SPAR21 USAF C-40B west from Ted Stevens Int'l Anchorage while kneepads in SAM788 and SAM071 stop for fuel-and still NOT AF2 departed for Yokota AB after a fuel stop as SPAR21 left earlier...QUIZ44 C-17 left MCAS Miramar

>>149276 SPAR70 USAF G5-NATO weenie coming over from Stuttgart (AFRICOM) departure-RCH3217 USAF C-17 Globemaster departing Quantico taking equipment to Orlando/Ft Lauderdale for Potato visit-Kuwait AF C-17 left Dulles with moar "toys"

>>149280 AE57CB US Navy P-8 Poseidon with some patrol werk in the Gulf, Hormuz Straight and Gulf of Oman and then back to Isa Air Base, Bahrain

>>149281 German AF GAF918 A-340 PM Olaf Scholz and he din't do so well-departed Doha Int'l Airport after about 4 hours-Germany Secures Just One Tanker of Gas During Scholz’s Gulf Tour

>>149282 Planefag Europe-just after sunset and Med: Czechs left Baghdad after 3 hours, Hungarians left Brussels after 30m, Italians fergot Zelensky's man-girdles yesterday so back again

>>149284 KANGZZZ!! Nigerian AF NGR001 737 departed JFK Int'l after arriving on 0918 dropped off and then went to Dover AFB where it started from earlier today

>>149294 Canadian PM Trudeau cancels trip for Abe's state funeral

>>149304 for the keks: Vagene flavored chips..what will they think of next?

>>149308, >>149311, >>149313, >>149314, >>149315 Sterling plunges to all-time low as fiscal plan spurs investor exodus EURO with another 52 week low and dollar with 52 week high..and on it goes-US $ all time high (numerically speaking) is $160.xxx in Feb 1985 and most recent high is $120.xx in Jan 2002-Yen convos

>>149317 SPAR21 UASF C-40B on it's descent phase to Yokota with kneepads SAM788 and support AC SAM071 a bit behind-got two Clippers (C-40As) NE from Kadena AB, Okinawa (Navy brass) heading to Yokota AB too (some background on AF2 and the lack of it on Int'l trips for kneepads)

>>149319 SAM158 USAF C-40B arrived at London Stansted several hours ago from JBA depart-a State Dept AC-also Janet Yellen has used this a few times too

>>149343, >>149363 PlanefagEurope Activity: Belgian AF BAF642 A400m departing Rzesow Airport after a load out of about 2h10m with DUKE28 USAF C-12 Huron west from Rzesow (clean shirts for Zelensky) 1h at Rzesow and 1h at Constanta, Romania earlier) back to Weisbaden, Turkish AF TURAF42 E-7A Wedgetail-Cap #2 (eventually replace AWACS-be a while though and usually not see this too far north-Aussies also have a handful of these) with NATO06 E-3A Sentry AWACS SW over Germany-both were over Estonia and Latvia-JAKE 11 harassing Kakiningrad

>>149345 Housing September 26th Update: Inventory Increased 0.9% Last Week; Hits New Peak for 2022

>>149346 Prime Minister Morawiecki blasted Ursula von der Leyen for suggesting Brussels has tools to punish member states

>>149350, >>149351, >>149354, >>149356, >>149357, >>149358 Putin grants Russian citizenship to Edward Snowden-Q drops containing Snowden

>>149359, >>149415 SAM080 USAF G5 SW fromm JBA and some interdasting callsigns relating to currency and markets ASSET12 USAF KC-135 tanker and FIAT21 DC-10 extender NE-FIAT 2=B 1=A Bank of America? and the went to Mildenhall

>>149369 "The first presidential visit to NSA took place #OTD in 1986 when President Ronald Reagan dedicated Operations Buildings 2A and 2B..." Q drop #915 NSA Edward Snowden

>>149370 SAM080 USAF G5 on descent for the vicinity of Dothan AL, Ft. Rucker to the west and about 7 possibruh Airports this can go to-TEAL81 and 82 USAF WC-130 Hercules 'Hurricane Hunters' NW from St. Croix depart-heading back to Biloxi, MS and ASSET03 USAF KC-135 tanker NE after leaving MacDill AFB-some roundies just SE and then north

>>149371 Down $29 Trillion Since November (2021)-How much has the Fed's epic "inflationary is transitory" policy error cost the world?

>>149372 Hurricane #Ian Advisory 14A: Ian Continues to Intensify. Conditions in Western Cuba to Deteriorate This Evening and Tonight With Significant Wind and Storm Surge Impacts Expected

>>149376 TEAL72 USAF WC-130J Hercules 'Hurricane Hunter' was down by the Cayman Islands earlier and back to Biloxi

>>149385 Got a train of 4 KC-135 tankers over Yerp from MacDill AFB (CENTCOM) departure earlier today: 58-0066, 62-3498,RCH850 and RCH879 heading SE..that US Navy P-8 Poseidon heading NE in the Baltic Saturday went to Sigonella AB and FORTE10 back to saem from Black Sea

>>149392, >>149391, >>149396, >>149397, >>149400, >>149401 Stormpocalypse!! hype-watch fer the AC movements outta MacDill that'll tell you what is going on with this-not expecting much from the vets-just don't turn on the TV d'oh kek!

>>149421 Japan’s 20-Year Yield Rises Above 1% for First Time Since 2015-Moar Yen vaporization a comin' and they got the 10y back to 0.25% as well

>>149423 Japan likely spent record $21bn to prop up yen ."There's no change to our stance,"-it's already headed back to ¥145 Rotsa Ruck!!

>>149424 Fed’s Bostic says central bank hasn’t lost credibility with the public (if you have to say that you have not lost credibility...you never had it in the first place) Summary of todays NYFRB 'not losing credibility' operations of well over $2T

>>149426 #1006


>>148950 Was thinking about this earlier, sometimes DJT has Dan make him a book of comments and tweets. Trump does read them. Scavino answered my comment with "How does it feel to have the President of The United States read your comment?" Felt guud man, got me in the feelz.

>>148951, >>148956 2 year delta on Q drop #4741 092222 "Have you ever witnessed a full-blown international mainstream media constant [barrage] [counter]attack re: a 'conspiracy'?"

>>148952 PF MANGO28 USAF G5 departed Los Angeles Int'l after a ground stop/refuel of about 30 minutes-the second high level AC from INDO-PAC Command headed to DC- German PM left JFK, French gonna leave soon, Flauxtus AC switched on- AFSOC AC done with offshore refueling exercise

>>148957 Bank of England Is Set Raise Rates and Start Asset Sales-who gonna buy those nao? kek! plus Moral Hazard defined with "Germany is nationalizing its largest gas utility, Uniper"

>>148962 French AF CTM0001 A330 Macron and CTM0008 Falcon 7X escort and security detail both departed JFK Int'l

>>148982 Appearing on Hannity Wednesday night, President Trump declared that he doesn’t see how the Justice Department could prosecute him because as President he had the power to declassify documents by just thinking about it.

>>148996 Serbian President Warns Of "Great World Conflict" Within Two Months

>>149006, >>149015 Planefag: CONUS Activity ENRGY80 NNS Office of Secure Transportation 737 departed Augusta Regional Airport after overnight west and went to Amarillo (Pantex and Kirtland AFB-Sandia Labs so far)-AF2 went to Milwaukee, Hungarians left Teterboro and went to San Diego Int'l and SAM102 had a stop at Moses Lake Wa. for 90m and departed to the WN

>>149017 Japan intervenes to stop yen slide, after BOJ holds rates super low...as predicted they would intervene after or at 145..they did

>>149022 SAM806 USAF G5 (the AC at muh 'secret' 5 eyes meeting on Sept 16th at Queensland, NZ and was also at Pine Gap on Sept 13-14) returning to JBA-SCOUT93 BUFF doing roundies over 29 Palms in eastern CA

>>149023 Yellen: Inflation will come down next year-pretty good coming from the same person who said it wasn't gong to be an issue and "transitory" and still with muh Russia of course

>>149027, >>149043 Hungarian AF HUAF668 Falcon 7X departing San Diego Int'l WN after a little moar than 3 hours on the ground and went to Van Nuys Airport in San Fernando Valley

>>149028, >>149030, >>149031 "The 16 year plan to destroy America"-good time to refresh on that

>>149036 Final Look at Local Housing Markets in August-Today's 30 year Fixed rate Mortgage: FreddieMAC 6.29% up 27bp from last post (6.02%)-last week...they (NYFRB) have bought no MBS since 0914

>>149057, >>149061 UK anon: Washington Crossing the Delaware painting- It doesn’t seem to show any stars...Mebbe anons can adjust the image to find any stars on the flag-They are crossing in a Durham boat and according to Kash

>>149079 PDJT retruthed, video 26mb, too yuge.. full of Q memes Retruth time 01:57:17

>>149081, >>149123 Planefag: Europe PAT78 G5 returns from a trip to Rzesow Airport Poland on (0921)-moar clean shirts fer Zelenksy and prepped him for the UN speech yesterday-departed Brussels and Coast Guard G5 heading across the Atlantic from NAS Norfolk-and went to Naples, Swedish AF Early Warning and Control AC in the Baltic Sea

>>149086 JASDF JF01 777 landed about 15 minutes ago at a rainy Tokyo-Haneda Airport to drop off PM Kishida-Toyota Motor to close its plant in Russia

>>149094 SAM771 USAF C-40B WH NSO AC returning to JBA from Hickam AFB depart-looks like this one went to Pine Gap on 0921-Australian AF ASY599 C-17 departed NAS Norfolk after an overnight-RCH4180 USAF C-17 departed Quantico and heading for Dover AFB

>>149100 Pro-Trump Ratings Queen Roseanne Barr Is BACK With New Comedy Special and “No Subject Off Limits” DC Enquirer, [22.09.22 12:53]

>>149099, >>149124, >>149145 RCH4593 USAF C-17 Globemaster heading to Anchorage from JBA depart for a stop/refuel with a load of equipment for kneepads visit to Japan-SAM102 USAF C-40B arrived at Anchorage yesterday-Korean PM to hold meeting with US Vice President Harris next week in Japan-RCH4593 on it's way to Yokota AB in Japan as SAM102 left a few hours prior and then went to Hickam AFB, Oahu

>>149101 you are watching a movie MOVIE22 C-17 roundies at McGuire

>>149104 FedEx Announces Largest General Rate Increase In Its History

>>149105 PDJT rally at Wilmington, N.C. today (friday Sept 23rd at 7pm)

>>149109, >>149113 The 2-year Treasury just touched its highest level since 2007 as aggressive Fed moves send bonds yields soaring-The US $ up, up and away with a new 52w high and the Euro with a 52 week low and can't get out of it's own way....isn't (the start of) hyperinflation fun?

>>149114, >>149122 16-3025 USAFSOC C-146A Wolfhound (has been berry busy over the last 10 days in South America-lotsa quick stops too) departed Manaus, Brazil after an overnight from Brasilia-ground stop/refuel at San Juan

>>149115 Confidence in UK Markets Vanishes as Pound Plunges

>>149116 SAM917 USAF G5 inbound to Laguardia Airport from JBA

>>149121 Netflix chief accounting officer gives up $2.4 million position after just 4 months on the job- Great look dhere.../s

>>149127 SAM061 USAF G5 departed Langley AFB after an overnight-back to JBA

>>149136 China’s former top security official gets suspended death sentence for graft

>>149157 HOTROD88 USAF E-4B Nightwatch from Robbins AFB, GA to Lincoln Muni 'They Live' released in 1988-Special Ops Wolfhound went to Miami Int'l and SAM917 back to JBA from Laguardia (UN shit)

>>149165 Hungarian AF HUAF669 Falcon 7X (shows as ZD545 on satellite) FM Peter Szijjarto left Teterboro N.J-Trump second term would bring back 'best-ever' relationship with Hungary, foreign minister says Pakis left and Chilean President about to depart

>>149169, >>149173 45 in EJM473 G650 departed Wilmington Int'l Airport, N.C and on descent for Palm Beach Int'l

>>149433 #1005

Previously Collected Notables:

>>149434 #1004

>>148216 #1000, >>148353 #1001, >>148562 #1002, >>148751 #1003

>>147328 #995, >>147513 #996, >>147599 #997, >>147715 #998, >>148027 #999

>>146543 #990, >>146702 #991, >>146826 #992, >>146928 #993, >>147105 #994

QRB notables archived here >>>/qrb/9528

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003891 No.149656



let's try dat again.....

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003891 No.149660

File: 969b6e8c22d121c⋯.png (98.59 KB,388x426,194:213,afternoon_bread_people_del….png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

003891 No.149661

File: 7eab7c24221d425⋯.png (199.63 KB,450x389,450:389,bread_lock_2.png)

BREAD LOCK imminent.....


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