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File: 78ff807e3318b99⋯.png (3.23 MB,1822x1211,1822:1211,78ff807e3318b99567859a6ee4….png)

f2f25e No.146929 [Last50 Posts]

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How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>78126 (https://pastebin.com/PpctCf9z)


QRB content policy HERE: >>57466, >>61742, >>62044, >>69762 Newfags, plz read

ANONS: Plz see BV-bakers in QRB General to make a new thread >>77874

DOUGH & Resources

>>121565 Resources Bread

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f2f25e No.146930


New bakers always welcome

We Haz Rules? Break One And Find Out

Tongue Out Tuesday is special here, if your fren forgets to post one be a fren and post one for them.


are not endorsements


>>146833 PDJT: 26 and 0 tonight, turning numerous tight races into big and easy wins. Overall for last 4 years, 98.4% on Endorsements!

>>146834, >>146835, >>146843, >>146856, >>146857, >>146858, >>146867 Red Wave: Florida Flips Multiple ‘Woke’ School Boards from Liberal to Conservative-Conservatives in Florida are fighting back against the left’s mission to brainwash children

>>146836, >>146837, >>146838, >>146841, >>146846, >>146854, >>146855 "Tsunami Of Shutoffs": 20 Million US Homes Are Behind On Power Bills-just under 17% of country based on 2020 census

>>146840 @BrianCates:Based on what I’ve seen uncovered in the past week and a half since all The Pit researchers started digging into the Konnech info: When the FBI went digging into this they uncovered a massive scandal implicating the DOD and several intel/5 EYES intel agencies in either deliberately handing this open door into our elections to the CCP or they did it accidentally from incompetence.

>>146848 Planefag:Europe and Med/Gulf Activity-BOXER48 south from Stuttgart, Italians going to see Zelensky at Rzesow-Poland, SPICY31 B-52 over SE Germany, Gulf activity

>>146848 Draghi says Italy must remain at heart of EU, international alliances-dhey know what Sept 25th election is going to bring...

>>146852 Planefag:-- CONUS Activity: SAM795 C-40C west from JBA, SAM822 USAF G5 with roundies at JBA (some 'private discussions?). QID35 KC-135 tanker crossed Atlantic heading SW, 45s C750 still at Palm Beach from Saturdays rt to Morristown, NJ

>>146861 In 'trust us' we will really do it the way we said news: Fed Balance Sheet Shrinkage Kicks Into High Gear In September but if wanted to spike yields nao....🤔

>>146863 SPAR87 USAF G5 from Stuttgart and just landed at Chievres AB BrusselsNATO Chief Jens Stoltenbergas SPICY31 B-52 did some roundys just east of that AC landing-Jens Stoltenberg: NATO partners must invest more in defense

>>146865 SAM915 USAF C-32A went to Madison,WI Dane Cty Airport from Shaw AFB, SC after about 2.5h on ground

>>146865 Wisconsin election and campaign news: Judge poised to allow help for disabled Wisconsin voters (how many new 'disabled' voters are gonna same day register here? Judge appointed by Hussein in 2014)-Wisconsin dem. governor calls for tax cut ($600m of it) as rival repub. tours Kenosha

>>146872, >>146875 Planefag; Europe/Med Update-SPAR87 USAF G5 already left Chievres AB and went to Ramstein AFB, Italian AF 3140 Falcon 900 went to Warsaw after a quick stop 40m on ground at Rzesow-and the Italian AF SIGINT AC PERSEO71 left after the Falcon landed at Rzesow, BOXER48 USAF C-40C last comms just over south central Tunisia heading south and eventually arrive at Accra, Ghana

>>146874 PlaneFag:CONUS update: SAM795 SW from Travis AFB gas and go, Some unusual ACs from China Lake Naval Weapons Center went to Choc. Mtns Ranger then back to China Lake, BROLLY1 AWACS spent time off central CA, Aussie AF did a pass over Lake Havasu City then SW to Hickam, Global Hawk drone heading to Edwards

>>146890 Economic Activity today: Housing and GDP forecast changeSummary of Mortgage Purchase Applications data and mortgage rates, GDPNOW (Atlanta FED) revised down, mortgage delinquencies rise but serious delinquencies drop-Home prices drop most since

>>146891 PF CONUS update- SAM805 from MacDill, DAGON40 E-6N Mercury NE after a run down FL, SCORE37 Triton drone out from Pxx River

>>146894, >>146899 Planefag:Pretty Sure this is Xi Xinpeng heading to Saudi Arabia on a 737-800 as it has a People's Liberation Air Force-Chinese AF designation-B-4080 737-800 west from Beijing Int'l and NOT a 737 MAX

>>146913 Russia asks Sakhalin-2 customers to pay in rubles if sanctions halt dollar use-Mitsubishi set to join new Sakhalin-2 Russian operator

>>146914 Myanmar AF MAF002 FOKKER 70 north over central China likely a high-level military official but prolly not General Min Aung Hlaing as it would likely be 001 and with a Chinese AF (PLA) Y-20 up in front of it-this is likely an escort for them

>>146922, >>146926 10,000 Ukrainian refugees expected to arrive in NYC

>>146923 When you need a drink

>>146924 MTG on being targeted in a "swatting" incident at her home

>>146928 #993


>>146710 Elon Musk has subpoenaed former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey ahead of the October trial that will decide whether Musk is forced to follow through on the $44B acquisition of the company to which he agreed

>>146711 "Still waiting for any Fact Checkers to be right about anything" soc. media

>>146712, >>146759, >>146760 Scavino TS: The New York International Air Show (@airdotshow) featuring the Air Force Thunderbirds and the F-16 Viper Demo Team takes place this weekend (8/27 & 8/28) at the Orange County Airport-3secDan Vid Q Drop and drop # 4527 <~>Delta Winged<~> Wow!!! Another 0 delta, #4526 <~?> The 'Guardian'. <?~> Information Warfare.

>>146720 BBee keks: Texas Builds 600 Miles Of Border Wall Using U-Haul Trucks From California

>>146721, >>146723, >>146724, >>146727, >>146728 SAM875 USAF C-32A landed at Kelflavik AB, Iceland about 20 minutes ago and came from a stop at Thule AB, Greenland-not often we get to see a traceable flight to/from Thule-Project Iceworm, 45 offered to buy Greenland in 2019 and we "lost" a boom-boom just east of Thule in 1968

>>146726 Ruins of Thule-German ideology "no one could do it" .."Trump IS the candidate" dat is a smart nigga

>>146733, >>146734, >>146741 'Nucular' energy (shrub kek), Maps over the centuries, Antarctica, Oil, some questions/theories about how it all was formed/discovered-don't habs all the answers for sure but would really like to know some things..how about you?

>>146738 Chinese Banks Are Inflating Their Loan Numbers as Demand Sinks-Fun with numbers PBOC style...and these same western credit ratings agencies are still schtum on Evergrande

>>146740 ABOMA88 USAF Pegasus KC-46A out and back to Wichita-McConnell AFB, KS-Aboma is a snek: any of several large South American snake, Hussein had 2 terms 44 x 2=88 and he also 'enrolled'/arrived at Harvard in 1988 plus the KC-46 refueling issues

>>146742 Washington DC Mayor Bowser’s Second Request for National Guard Help With Migrant ‘Crisis’ Denied by Pentagon

>>146749 Argentina AF C-130 FAG055 went to Cyprus then Aqaba, Jordan after it was at Grand Canary last night CONUS time-stopped at Cabo Verde Island prior to Grand Canary-apparently there is a high security prison there (Sal)

>>146767 Planefag:CONUS activity-some pain diggies this morning for pain day 0823*: ASGRD23USAF E-4B Nightwatch west from Wright-Patterson AFB with DING11 and 12 USAF KC-135 Stratotankers WS from Bangor, ME 11+12=23 todays date * 8+2+3+2+2=17

>>146785 FORGE73 US Army G5 went to William Gwinn Airport, Jupiter FL from Huntsville Int'l depart and overnight private-owned by Sikorsky Aircraft Corp Open only to Civ and Mil AC having Business with United Technologies Corp or it's Divisions

>>146786 BOXER48 USAF C-40C heading NE from JBA across the pond-this was BOXER42 that went to Phnom Penh, and West Java last week-SPAR15 USAF C-40B west from JBA-arrived yesterday from NB Rota, Spain depart and heading to Scott AFB, IL

>>146790 Hedge Fund Pelham Capital Pares Record Losses, Still Down 33%-possibruh liquidation candidate for yesterday

>>146795 New Home Sales Decrease Sharply, Record Months of Unsold Inventory Under Construction

>>146799 Planefag:Europe: Germans at Zurich for 90 minutes back to berlin, REDEYE06 USAF E-8C Joint STARS tracking over eastern-central Poland and heading back to Ramstein, Polish back to Warsaw from Bordeaux

>>146799, >>146801, >>146804 Switzerland calls for return of Crimea to Ukraine

>>146803 Trudeau, Scholz to sign hydrogen deal as Germany eyes green energy future-RCAF CFC01 Airbus CC-150 Polaris Trudope heading to Stephenville, Newfoundland and Labrador from Toronto Pearson Int'l and will be followed by German AF GAF 951 A340 Olaf Scholz

>>146805 Biden’s decision on student loan forgiveness could come as soon as tomorrow-tomorrow will be 2 weeks of vakay and one week of vakay from vakay

>>146806,>>146809, >>146810, >>146811 PDJT TS post article from Aug 21 "Democrats Need To Put Their Trump Cards On The Table"

>>146810 for Trumper keks

>>146814 SHREW31 USAF RC-135 Rivet Joint north of Venezuela and Curacao/Aruba/Bonaire from Lincoln Muni, NE

>>146819 SNOW45 USAF E-4B Nightwatch departed Lincoln Muni after a ground stop-was ASGRD23 earlier today and ES

>>146821 Julian Robertson, Founder of Tiger Management Hedge Fund, Dies at Age 90

>>146824 SAM785 USAF C-32A departed Keflavik AB, Iceland after an overnight and trip to Thule AFB yesterday

>>146826 #992

Previously Collected Notables:

>>146543 #990, >>146702 #991

>>145766 #985, >>145911 #986, >>146062 #987, >>146266 #988, >>146414 #989

>>144731 #980, >>144803 #981, >>145088 #982, >>145346 #983, >>145655 #984

>>144102 #975, >>144257 #976, >>144421 #977, >>144516 #978, >>144628 #979

QRB notables archived here >>>/qrb/9528

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f2f25e No.146932

File: 9ec0171a83774a4⋯.jpg (154.55 KB,600x600,1:1,9ec0171a83774a479db0784bab….jpg)

File: 52d2ac9fad05aee⋯.jpg (9.87 KB,255x168,85:56,52d2ac9fad05aeece27f4b2176….jpg)

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f2f25e No.146934

File: f855a1dea4eaf50⋯.png (228.46 KB,1125x383,1125:383,ClipboardImage.png)

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f2f25e No.146935

File: 1e9561e12cd48a4⋯.png (372.69 KB,1028x999,1028:999,ClipboardImage.png)

In case we forget yo's

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f2f25e No.146936

File: 171676611a7b0d9⋯.png (102.07 KB,394x383,394:383,ClipboardImage.png)

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f2f25e No.146937

File: 8ef44f0239fcff0⋯.png (945.33 KB,1624x1200,203:150,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ff68d6f2aa2b7f1⋯.png (239.98 KB,1287x655,1287:655,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5cca4b07e7819b2⋯.png (172.06 KB,362x476,181:238,ClipboardImage.png)

Midterms are closer

Dims need to turn this around

45 is the cause of covid grief

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3481ee No.146938

File: 4a26929b5137d2f⋯.png (752.37 KB,820x651,820:651,ClipboardImage.png)


ty B

good morning

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f2f25e No.146939


mornin G


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3481ee No.146940

File: 44177e99283bce2⋯.png (600.24 KB,1191x517,1191:517,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 987b5d60c88e691⋯.png (376.95 KB,641x394,641:394,ClipboardImage.png)

Planefag:JASDF JF001 777 heading for west from it's Tokyo Haneda depart/Mynamar AF MAF002 Fokker 70 west from Novosibirsk stop for refuel-heading to Moscow-/Swiss AF SUI555 WN from Prishtina, Kosovo stop/JAKE11 USAF RC-135 Rivet Joint circled Kaliningrad earlier and back to Mildenhall/RCH105 C-17 in at Ramstein and RCH170 east from same

JASDF JF001 777 doing it's best to stay out of Russian airspace--this may be Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi traveling on Kishida's behalf as he "got the 'rona" on Sunday and canceled travel to Middle East-Qatar and UAE

Mynamar AF MAF002 Fokker 70 west from Novosibirsk stop/refuel-Lavrov went to Myanmar earlier this month so reciprocal visit and all about oil here

SUI555 WN from Prishtina, Kosovo stop of a little over 7h and back to Bern-Belp

RCH105 C-17 Globemaster in at Ramstein from RAF Mildenhall depart and RCH170 east from same-mebby Rzesow or Romania/Turkey

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3481ee No.146941


good so far-got some extra sleep for a change...so a little later than normal this morn.


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f2f25e No.146942


I slept well too, finally, thanqs

g2 seems to be OK

he seems less willful about going out in the heat

mabbe he needed the scare

I didn't


you take all the time you need, always

no pressure here

did you notice the globals

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3481ee No.146943

File: 0b6043a73243b52⋯.png (327.19 KB,718x459,718:459,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0cf262f05ec7d55⋯.png (346.73 KB,849x596,849:596,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ffe519e26a3ce1c⋯.png (339.58 KB,414x355,414:355,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2179a6fd43d3b0f⋯.png (417.05 KB,817x803,817:803,ClipboardImage.png)

>>143231, >>143237, >>143259 pb

PLAY66S USAF 747 (tail #92-9000) out from Lackland AFB, San Antonio on a maintenance flightthis marks the second time this AC has been seen since Nov. 30th,2020 where it arrived at Lackland AFB from JBAit was out on a longer test flight on 0720 see linkys above-cap#2 shows what it went over location-wise: Mason clearly in the center-it highlighted some different areas on the last flight the point of the trace is just like the point of the compass on the masonic symbol-prolly just a coincidence and not perfectly lined up but, as always, you never know what they are trying to say and since this AC is been absent for so long-it is there and also it flew right over Comfort-cap #4 on it's outbound

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3481ee No.146944

File: b547203549c50fc⋯.png (654.44 KB,952x710,476:355,ClipboardImage.png)


>notice the globals

>if your fren forgets to post one be a fren and post one for them.

did nao...rules is rules!

ferget that one sometimes-especially if first in the morning so duly noted and aye-aye Sir


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f2f25e No.146945

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f2f25e No.146946

all grilled

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3481ee No.146947

File: bd8ea773ca78cbd⋯.png (275.21 KB,848x465,848:465,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1e76a3bf80a9d75⋯.png (533.14 KB,856x671,856:671,ClipboardImage.png)

>>146865 lb

SAM915 USAF C-32A departed Madison, WI-Dane Cty Airport after an overnight-making sure that Judge got rewarded for the ruling yesterday and then this from today

Such an non-biased article here "promotes false claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election"-home of 89.25, 90 and 125% voter turnout in those respective counties/wards..but 2020 election fraud claims are "false"...kek!

as a reminder : Wisconsin allows same-day voter registration in person, and still, their voter rolls show major discrepancies.

Wisconsin DOJ subpoenas Racine County man who fraudulently sought absentee ballots to prove fraud

A Racine County man who illegally requested absentee ballots says he has been subpoenaed by the Wisconsin Department of Justice. Harry Wait, a leader of a Racine County-based group known as H.O.T. Government that promotes false claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election, fraudulently obtained absentee ballots for Assembly Speaker Robin Vos and Racine Mayor Cory Mason to show violations of the law are possible.


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3481ee No.146948

File: a1b537940ec33ba⋯.png (45.08 KB,1301x441,1301:441,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7d7012dabf3b06a⋯.png (414.55 KB,647x326,647:326,ClipboardImage.png)

Potato back from his vakay from a vakay yesterday and straight to the fundraising

3:45pm EST departs the White House en route Montgomery County, Maryland

5:00pm EST participates in a 'reception' for the Democratic National Committee

7:00pm EST participates in a rally for the Democratic National Committee


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f2f25e No.146949



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3481ee No.146950

File: 09a66457be3768b⋯.png (303.26 KB,1235x634,1235:634,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3d9ad5de943f86b⋯.png (379.68 KB,1276x745,1276:745,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 2b45d8e89d3d368⋯.png (1.17 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

This is a different thang to the Atlanta FRB GDPNOW-which is still well over positive at yesterdays revised +1.4% (and will be adjusted again tomorrow) that (GDPNOW) will likely never be negative again and not even below +1%

Q2 GDP Revised Higher To -0.6%, As Price Index Soars To Highest Since March 1981

While few will care about the second revision to Q2 GDP which as of today ended nearly three months ago and all attention has shifted to the current quarter which concludes in a month, it was notable that for Q2, the BEA revised the GDP number which came in well above what it reported in its preliminary, first estimate and also what Wall Street expected, as the economy shrank "only" 0.6% in Q2, an improvement to the -0.9% reported initially and better than the -0.7% consensus expectation. Still, the data confirms that for all intents and purposes, the US remains in a technical recession.

Some Details (this is BEA Bureau of Economic Analysis release-and the one Janet keeps pointing to while ignoring the real definition of a recession which is 2 consecutive qtrs of negative GDP activity-which we've had even with the fakey-do #s)

The second-quarter decrease in real GDP reflected decreases in inventory investment, housing investment, federal government spending, and state and local government spending. Exports and consumer spending increased. Imports, which are a subtraction in the calculation of GDP, increased.

Still moar 'details'

-The decrease in inventory investment primarily reflected a decrease in retail trade (led by “other” general merchandise stores) and wholesale trade.

-The decrease in housing investment primarily reflected a decrease in brokers’ commissions....wuuut? not a decrease in home sale activity?

-The decrease in federal government spending primarily reflected a decrease in non-defense spending

-The decrease in state and local government spending was led by a decrease in investment in structures that was partly offset by an increase in compensation of employees of state and local government. (which will NOT contribute to ANY inflation at all.../s)

-The increase in imports reflected an increase in services (led by travel).

-The increase in exports reflected increases in both goods (led by industrial supplies and materials) and services (led by travel). (especially if you keep sending out all the Natty gas to Yerp at record prices...nope not that either..)

-The increase in consumer spending reflected an increase in services (led by food services and accommodations as well as “other” services) that was partly offset by a decrease in goods (led by food and beverages)...(ok this makes ZERO sense here but you go with that)

Compared to the initial GDP print, the revisions were as follows:

Consumer Spending was boosted from 0.70% to 0.99% of the bottom line GDP print

Fixed Investment on the other hand was revised modestly lower, from -0.72% to -0.84%

-The closely watched change in private inventories number ended up being revised higher, from -2.01% to -1.83%, which means that the inventory destocking likely has more to go in Q3, and is in fact bad news for the current quarter-(muh carried cost of inventory will be for moar than just one moar Qtr)

-Net exports (exports less imports) was unchanged at 1.43%, the same as the initial estimate.

-Finally, government consumption subtracted -0.32% from the final GDP print, essentially unchanged from the -0.33% reported one month ago.(how is this even possibruh??)

(and then the big one(s) they care the most about here:) Separately, the report found that corporate profits had fallen 2.2% in prior quarter, while on a Y/Y basis, profits rose 8.1% in 2Q after rising 12.6% prior quarter. Financial industry profits declined 4.8% Q/q in 2Q after falling 9.3% prior quarter; Federal Reserve bank profits down 8.4% in 2Q after rising 11.1% prior quarter; Nonfinancial sector profits rose 9.4% Q/q in 2Q after falling 0.3% prior quarter. And while none of the above could move the needle, what is notable is that inflation came in hotter than expected again, with Gross domestic purchases prices, rising 8.4% (revised) in the second quarter after increasing 8.0 percent in the first quarter. Excluding food and energy, prices increased 6.8 percent (revised) after increasing 6.9 percent. Personal consumption expenditure (PCE) prices increased 7.1 percent (revised) in the second quarter, the same rate as the first quarter. Excluding food and energy, the PCE “core” price index increased 4.4 percent (revised) after increasing 5.2 percent.

As for the reason why yields spiked and futures slumped after the GDP print, look no further than the deflator: the GDP Price Index, came in red hot at 8.9%, above the 8.7% expected which was also the number reported in the first revision. Printing at a fresh 41 year high, it means Powell will see even more pressure to come off as hawkish-(which they have 'shown' that this week with the FOMC 'needle' squarely placed at 50-75bp but that will all change on Sept 13th100% guaranteedwith the CPI#s and the second 'all clear' pronouncement


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f2f25e No.146951


got g2 in the works now

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3481ee No.146952

File: 82ab3e90c9122fd⋯.png (66.08 KB,474x778,237:389,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ff5c397c41cccff⋯.png (312.22 KB,616x405,616:405,mbs_whoa_left_trans.png)

The MBS OPS were directed at GinnieMAE yesterday ($445m) but redirected at Fannie/Freddie today-15 and 30y and at $777m (with $2.848B 'showing up')

Mortgage rates spike, hitting 2-month high

Mortgage rates rose sharply this week to their highest level since reaching a record near 6% in June, putting further pressure on the cooling housing market.

Freddie Mac said Thursday that its latest Primary Mortgage Market Survey shows the average rate for the benchmark 30-year fixed-rate mortgage is now at 5.55%, a nearly half-point jump from last week's reading of 5.13%. At this time last year, 30-year fixed-rate products averaged 2.87%. The rate for a 15-year fixed-rate note also surged, averaging 4.85% after coming in at 4.55% last week.That is more than double the average rate at this time last year when 15-year products were at 2.17%.(and exactly wat the NYFRB MBS OPS are directed at-see cap #1 yellow highlight and red circle-they are trying to "prepare" it for the coming deluge of issues they are going to try and sell-since the first one in june went so well..only 1/8 of what they offered was taken)

The National Association of Realtors reported this week that pending home sales dipped 1% in July from the month before, a 19.9% drop year over year to the lowest level since 2020. New home sales tumbled last month to the lowest level since 2016, with the median price of a new home jumping 9% from the month before to $439,400. Would-be buyers, already squeezed by inflation, are increasingly getting jitters over making a home purchase amid recession fears. Redfin reported last week that home sale cancellations climbed in July to a two-year high of 63,000, equal to 16% of the homes that went under contract that month.

But Khater says there are still people shopping for homes, adding, "amid waning demand, there are still potential homebuyers on the sidelines waiting to jump back into the market."

(you will always have 'potential' homebuyers as people need to move for various reasons-some not of their choice too but this idea that (serial spinmeisters at the NAR and this "economist") present it as them waiting to pounce is completely reeedikulezz-look at the traffic-and lack of it-at the various open houses in your neighborhood-does it look like people are waiting to "jump back into the market"..it doesn't in this locale at all..the last open house in muh local had ZERO traffic and that was almost 45-50 days ago.



member this is just a play on acronyms-cap #2..this is NOT an implication that Salman is involved in this at all "MbS on MBS-(Mortgage Backed Securities)"

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3481ee No.146953

File: 74e84905fdcade6⋯.mp4 (11.7 MB,600x600,1:1,pepe_ghost_baker_shadows.mp4)


got ya

gonna finish up some stuff here and do some house stuff while I can

back later

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f2f25e No.146954


back soon enough

likes that meme yo

you nose where it is now


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3481ee No.146955

they do a great job on all those!


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f2f25e No.146961

File: 43fb23982813e08⋯.png (66.77 KB,597x528,199:176,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3564893ef52fdd5⋯.png (97.08 KB,973x804,973:804,ClipboardImage.png)

Ezra A. Cohen Retweeted



After DOJ probe, Chinese firm drops bid to acquire Maersk entities – transaction would have consolidated control of over 90% of insulated container box and refrigerated shipping container production worldwide in Chinese state-owned or controlled entities.



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35d209 No.146962

File: a61febab6b4f68a⋯.png (640.31 KB,1080x1373,1080:1373,Screenshot_20220825_142531….png)


The affidavit submitted in support of the Trump Mar-a-Lago search warrant will be unsealed as early as tomorrow.

Heavy redactions are expected.

Aug 25, 2022


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f2f25e No.146963

File: 17648f55431d2f9⋯.png (274.99 KB,470x606,235:303,ClipboardImage.png)

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f2f25e No.146964

File: 16cb0d923c582e3⋯.png (410.39 KB,1073x530,1073:530,ClipboardImage.png)

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3481ee No.146965

File: d95e34e9a91408a⋯.png (452.36 KB,649x407,59:37,ClipboardImage.png)



>Heavy redactions are expected

totally hiding kushner imo

haz a book nao ya know

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3481ee No.146966




the ending 'o dhat movie is not berry strong-just seen clips of it

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f2f25e No.146967

File: 15ae956ba61aaf6⋯.png (1.25 MB,994x1033,994:1033,ClipboardImage.png)

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f2f25e No.146968


thought you might like it

I watched it too


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f2f25e No.146969

File: ae844612d1569e5⋯.png (8.38 KB,394x104,197:52,ClipboardImage.png)

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f2f25e No.146970


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3481ee No.146971

File: 3081b2ebb95aae2⋯.png (369.29 KB,656x415,656:415,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6b32b4b73745103⋯.png (207.39 KB,717x425,717:425,ClipboardImage.png)


Planefag Update:Myanmar AF MAF002 went to Moscow and Japanese JF001 went to Tunis, Tunisia for TICAD conference-both about energy needs

Mynamar AF MAF002 Fokker 70 went to Sheremetyevo Int'l Airport-Moscow

>and all about oil here

Crisis-hit Sri Lanka, Myanmar lap up discounted Russian oil following India’s footsteps

Meanwhile, while a third tanker of Russian oil is on its way to Colombo, Myanmar has started receiving Russian fossil fuel from September. Military-ruled Myanmar plans to import Russian gasoline and fuel oil to ease supply concerns and rising prices. Colombo has been negotiating with Moscow for discounted oil amid the economic crisis and the issue was raised by the former President Gotabaya Rajapaksa with Russian President Vladimir Putin.


JASDF JF001 777 went to Tunis, Tunisia for TICAD conference and isForeign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashias the other 777 is at it's home base of Chitose AB on Hokkaido Island

this is also about energy-specifically Natty Gas

Japan Seeks 'Sustainable World' In Africa Aid Forum

With its stated purpose to "create a sustainable world together", Japan on Saturday kicks off its aid conference for Africa, where rival China has invested heavily in recent years.

The eighth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD8) comes against the backdrop of China's rising influence, cemented on the continent by its "Belt and Road" infrastructure initiative. A "complex" international environment caused by issues including "the situation in Ukraine" surrounds the meeting in Tunisia's capital, the Japanese foreign ministry said. It is the first TICAD held every three years either in Japan or an African country since the pandemic began and Prime Minister Fumio Kishida will be attending remotely after testing positive for Covid-19. Replacing him at the head of the Japanese delegation will be his Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi, and about 5,000 participants are expected to attend. Among them will be 30 heads of state and government, converging on the Tunisian capital from across the continent. Alongside the summit, businesspeople will attend an economic conference while various parallel events and workshops will address civil society and women's inclusion. Since their inception in 1993, the TICAD conferences, co-sponsored by the United Nations, World Bank and African Union, have generated 26 development projects in 20 African countries, largely funded by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

With a view to "accelerating Japanese investment in Africa", the conference will focus on three pillars: economy; society; and peace and stability, according to the official presentation. With more than $130 million already set to be delivered in food aid, Japan will also provide assistance for "rice production and food security" in view of the food crisis worsened by the Ukraine war. Japanese economic paper Nikkei reported that aid to Africa could increase by 40 percent over the next three years, compared to 2020-2022.


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3481ee No.146972


yes I likes..ty

it's one of those fee-fee sequels it looks like..not seen entire thing and don't really need to but that the vibe I got-the ending is totally not believable..just habbens to be an F-14 Tomcat (that werks no less!) sitting dhere in the unnamed country

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3481ee No.146973

File: 4d061d2d1388e55⋯.png (414.46 KB,546x406,39:29,ClipboardImage.png)

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f2f25e No.146974


the whole thing was against the odds, get the girl sorta sheitz, you nose I was bored to watch it


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3481ee No.146975

File: 9de1f4296003ce4⋯.png (563.89 KB,813x432,271:144,ClipboardImage.png)


Potato must have bailed Rockville by nao-they usually station a US Coast Guard Helo as S.O.P. when travel to/from events occur and since he will have not taken an AC-the Helo most likely or an Osprey to that 'fundraiser' that USCG CG6553 Dolphin has vacated the area to the EN

Potato is/was supposed to attend the "rally" at 7pm EST but methinks that whole thing is over (for him) now

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f2f25e No.146976

all grilled

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35d209 No.146977



My first thought too

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f2f25e No.146978

File: 0a8dc578f5c437a⋯.png (130.83 KB,256x256,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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3481ee No.146979

File: d8e0e7de52fbca1⋯.png (404.86 KB,742x454,371:227,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 46f70ec2e415150⋯.png (444.33 KB,625x354,625:354,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 123006273eaccb1⋯.png (409.99 KB,649x333,649:333,ClipboardImage.png)

SAM675 USAF G5 KAF AC of interdast departed San Jose Costa Rica after an overnight and back at JBA

Dunno who this is but high-level AC from the 99th Airlift Squad-the usual names not coming back with anything- Powers, Sherman, Mayorkas nor the US Ambassador to Costa Rica Cynthia Telles etc

The financial story from Aug 16th so likely haz something to do with this and also it looks like the new President getting the comparisons to 45 and Bolsanaro so not 'liked' by the current admin.'''

President Rodrigo Chaves Clashes with Costa Rican Media, Prompting Claims of Intimidation

The Inter-American Press Association (IAPA) has urged Costa Rican President Rodrigo Chaves not to discredit the media, warning that some of the government’s recent actions amount to intimidation of the press.

The statement came after Chaves’ administration suspended the sanitary permit for Parque Viva, one of Central America’s biggest entertainment parks owned by Costa Rican newspaper La Nacion.

Founded in 1946, La Nacion is Costa Rica’s oldest newspaper. Many of its sister publications, such as El Financiero, are also widely read in the Spanish-speaking market.

President Chaves developed animosity against the publication after it repeatedly criticized him, citing the sexual harassment charges he faced when he was an executive at the World Bank.

sounds just like ex-IMF President Dominque Strauss-Kahn 'treatment'-and they did that to him after he started making noises about having a gold-backed system-a few months later he got accused of rape and the 'accusor' then had a six-figure sum "appear" in her bank account after-I habs no idea what is true about the current Costa Rican Pres and also not defending the ex-IMF guy either but isn't it interdasting that when anyone questions a financial system from a position of power they get this type of shit..just something to keep in mind

According local media reports, Chaves vowed to punish La Nacion and Canal 7 during the campaign trail itself. Two months after being inaugurated as President, Chaves questioned the way La Nacion raised funds in the bond market. Weeks later, his government suspended the sanitary permit for Parque Viva on the basis of an anonymous complaint. “The administrative actions against one of the companies that give economic stability to the newspaper were taken two days after the President criticized the media,” noted Jorge Canahuati, President of IAPA.


Costa Rica Eyes Raising $2.7 Billion Via Sale of State Financial Assets

If approved, the sale of the banks is expected to raise $1.8 billion, equivalent to some 2.8% of Costa Rica's gross domestic product, while the stake in the insurance company should fetch around $890 million, Chaves said in a speech marking his first 100 days in office. "Soon we'll present the bill to Congress, they're ready for it and I'm looking over (it)," Chaves said.


FORGE78 US Army G5 back to JBA from Wichita, KS Ft. Riley stop of about 3h and a prior stop at Ft. Leavenworth of about 3h30m from a departure of Selfridge ANG Base, NE of Detroit overnight-from JBA initially

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3481ee No.146980


doggo tut

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f2f25e No.146981


wakes got a slide goin next door



you nose dat tru

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3481ee No.146982

File: 575af53bbbe2b9b⋯.gif (1.63 MB,500x288,125:72,duke_bros_muh_winthorpe_va….gif)

File: 012e0e28e8a3694⋯.png (378.14 KB,970x542,485:271,ClipboardImage.png)

BTW they really don't care wut the prices are as they bought on the way up and din't stop-they are stopping NOW since if they continued to buy at cheaper prices that would produce comps (comparisons) that would instantly devalue wut they have already acquiredsince why din't they stop before the top was in-it wasn't rocket science it was coming...or mebby it was

The Other Shoe Drops: Blackstone Landlord Halts Home Purchases In 38 Cities As Market Crashes

One month after we reported that home prices finally dropped for the first time in year, an observation echoed yesterday by Black Knight which also found that home prices had fallen for the first time in 3 years last month - in the biggest decline since 2011 - we knew the other shoe in the ongoing housing crash was set to drop any minute. We didn't have long to wait, because just after the close today, all those who had defended housing as backstopped by Wall Street's biggest firms and thus unlikely to crash, were suddenly silenced when Bloomberg reported that Home Partners of America, the single-family landlord owned by Blackstone, the largest residential and commercial landlord in the US, will stop buying homes in 38 US cities, becoming the latest institutional investor to back away from an overheated housing market.

The company, which was acquired by Blackstone in June 2021 for $6 billion, told customers that as of Sept. 1, it is pausing applications and property submissions in Boise, Idaho; Fresno, California; Memphis, Tennessee, and 25 other areas. The company will go on hiatus in 10 additional cities on Oct. 1 (incidentally, Boise, ID is the city which saw explosive price increases during the covid pandemic, and has since then seen an unprecedented plunge with Redfin reporting that a record 70% of home sellers had dropped their asking price in July). “We assessed several factors such as home price appreciation, state and local regulations and market demand to guide our investment plans to best serve consumers,” Home Partners of America said in an announcement on its website. “We hope to resume purchasing homes in these markets in the future.” (translated: when prices begin to rise again so we don't purchase any homes 'cheaper' than wut we already bought them for-see above..how stoopid do you think people are?)

According to Bloomberg, Home Partners of America, which operates in more than 80 markets, stands out from other large single-family landlords because it’s designed to give tenants a pathway to homeownership. Customers apply for the program and, if approved, can submit homes they would like to eventually buy. Home Partners purchases the property in cash, then rents it to the customer, who gets the right to purchase the home at a predetermined price. (which is often much higher than it is worth-think credit card interest rates-and they usually present this as 'offering affordable housing to those who wouldn't be able to afford it in the first place-how nice of them..left unsaid is that by doing this you've driven up the prices of ALL homes in those markets based on sheer volume of buying power..GFY Blackstone yer game is easy to see here)

Under the new policy, customers who have been approved but don’t submit a home by the cutoff date will be withdrawn from the program and have their application fee refunded, according to the announcement. (they will be sooo thankful in a few months imo as that 'asset' is already rapidly depreciating so if I was one of those I would say "thank you for saving muhself from muhself")

Home Partners isn’t the first Wall Street institutional investor to back away from the US housing market, which reached a frenzied bubble during the first half of the year, a bubble which has since popped with both new and existing home sales collapsing at near record rates. As we reported last month, Invitation Homes, American Homes 4 Rent, and KKR’s My Community Homes are among landlords that have slowed purchases during a period of high home prices and rising financing costs.

Mynd Management, a real estate platform that helps investors find, buy, lease, manage, and sell residential investment properties, advised institutional clients to dial back acquisitions and wait for housing prices to readjust to the interest rate shock. In an interview, Mynd's CEO Doug Brien told Bloomberg that market conditions could improve in the fall as "buying opportunities" emerge. (of course!!! the ever optimistic slant here-are you not looking at the overall picture ProTip: they never do) He said, for the time being, "let's tap the brakes and watch the markets." Only instead of tapping the breaks, they were slammed full force...


QRB ,via a few different sites-has documented this since the first cracks started to appear-not the only ones to see this for sure-these dbags certainly did but din't stop so they are ONLY intersted in acquiring properties and continuing to inflate the housing market so they can "sell" them to unsuspecting people and call it "access to homes" when it was largely THEM who are/were responsible for these insane valuation levels.

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f2f25e No.146983

File: 177e07a8164d621⋯.png (75.87 KB,520x445,104:89,ClipboardImage.png)


Jim Watkins

The TRUTH is.. It doesn't matter


and TRUMP IS HIGHLY INFORMED With what's happening.

Hint> follow the words of KASH

... He will tell you who to TRUST!


No argument or crying or whining in the ANON/. PATRIOTS./Freedom groups WILL STOP WHAT'S COMING


Stay buckled!

Storm Rider.

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f2f25e No.146984


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3481ee No.146985

File: bc6543d2460b166⋯.png (46.01 KB,500x492,125:123,ClipboardImage.png)


neither of you would ever do dhat!


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f2f25e No.146986


he compelled me, it tru



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f2f25e No.146987

File: 35cee60e291dadd⋯.png (11.64 KB,327x132,109:44,ClipboardImage.png)

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f2f25e No.146988

all grilled bro

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3481ee No.146989

File: 4396b7b895c5ebf⋯.png (400.04 KB,559x337,559:337,ClipboardImage.png)


The Wall St property acquisition process (via Blackstone in this particular case-they are the canary in the coalmine) on this scale is calling out the FOMC or calling the bluff on interest rate raises

Over a period of time this will backfire on them spectacularly so they obliviously know that the FED is NOT going to be raising interest rates at the pace they have talked about or they would not have announced this-they are publicly calling the bluff since if they do not continue to buy these properties them the whole thing falls out from under them and they know it.

The only way this particular model continues is if "up" is achieved..can't do that if they stop or back off buying at the rate they were acquiring them at

They off-load the entire liability of the price to the "buyer" in this processbut they need that buyer in order for that to occurstopping this now may have a temporary affect of the ones they already own being moar desirable but that is all relative to who will be qualifying for these (or other homes) going forward-since credit and debt has a lot to do with how you qualify (debt-to-income ratio) and that is not going to improve any time soon-however back to this...it's a bluff call-they are outwardly telling the FOMC you had better stop raising and begin lowering rates or all this goes POOF-WE have the ability to do that on a much larger scalethan regular uncoordinated retail buyers-who are already pulling back.

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Post last edited at

f2f25e No.146990


will be dasting to see how that works out for them

I personally am ready to see it all blow up but you nose I like booms and messy sheitz

still hoping this works for me in near future

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f2f25e No.146991


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3481ee No.146992


>near future

it will until they pivot-not talk about it but do it-then the orgy resumes but other factors come into play like a completely PISSED off public for allowing the spigot to be turned back on.

That, hopefully, exposes them moar.

Ima thinking you habs a small window of op for the next several months since those (home prices) will not just turn on a dime back up-before they resume the skying of home prices since that takes longer to achieve than the equity mkts.

It's a tight-rope..it also depends on how long the public gonna put up with this shit too.

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f2f25e No.146993


will habs to work with that small window then

see wut habbens I reckon

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3481ee No.146994

File: a47594ad3c17f85⋯.gif (6.39 KB,112x112,1:1,pepe_popcorn_munch.gif)

File: 5261270de074a50⋯.png (450.16 KB,1531x2396,1531:2396,ClipboardImage.png)


you better than most as yours is by choice-I noes you really need it but if it ain't right you won't do something by being forced to-many have to make dumb choices since they are forced to move (jobs, health etc) a number of factors you don't habs

Blackstone (as proxy fer not just the property purchases-they are speaking for the big banks as owners of the FRB) announce all that stoppage the day before his "speech" in never-can-afford to live at Jackson Hole...fuggen priceless!...the owners of the FED speaketh..they will slam the metals too.

The other big factor is 'selling' the MBS and that will really fuq up rates if they actually try and follow through on that (and rates sky) if they do. I don't know how much of that amount is the matured portion but if they actively try to sell it like in June (and conditions were better then) >>138076 pb the only big one they did and EBIC FAIL

So many factors are coalescing within the next 30-60 days and all bent on getting the recession over with-and right before the election they run out of the SPR releases for that angle-dropping gas prices but that is a refinery issue moar than a supply one.

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f2f25e No.146995


and that the diff

don't haz to

wantz to but if not right, not right

old enough not let myself be backed in a corner, lived that already

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f2f25e No.146996


hearing blurbs about defaults increasing in US too, behind payments

little factors and if he econ is not guud they can't cover that for long either

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3481ee No.146997

File: 9d8bd5f31d1815a⋯.png (174.88 KB,657x417,219:139,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ef5d42301caff35⋯.png (96.34 KB,680x480,17:12,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf315d9a63922ad⋯.png (351.12 KB,1117x590,1117:590,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 69b3e9073859285⋯.png (431.3 KB,647x496,647:496,ClipboardImage.png)

Kneepads sneaked-and no one even noticed or cared-out to Hawaii over a week ago-and just arrived back to Los Angeles on a C-40B about 2 hours ago-never saw AF2 leave Los Angeles Int'l-it certainly wasn't on a C-32A-see below as they sent that back a few hours after dropping her off in LA almost two weeks ago

>>146852, >>146874 lb SAM795 going to pick kneepads and handler husband up

Last public appearance at Oakland and SF >>145353, >>145732, >>145742 pb and then vanished into Brentwood for three days and then off to Kauaʻi on 0815 Cap#2 AF2 and that arrived on sunday to LAX as SAM741 >>145875-even got a pic of it just before landing

AF2 USAF C-40C arrived at Los Angeles Int'l about 2 hours ago-this AC arrived yesterday to Kauaʻi as SAM795

VP Kamala Harris holes up in Hawaii as Biden signs spending bill, reveals student loan plan

The vice president and husband Doug Emhoff have been vacationing in Hawaii for more than a week — putting Harris thousands of miles away from President Biden’s side for two of the biggest set-piece events of his administration so far. Harris and Emhoff arrived in Hawaii on Aug. 15, one day before Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law. The bill, a slimmed-down version of the president’s initial Build Back Better plan, spends $437 billion on environmental and healthcare programs — and is paid for, in part, by stepped-up tax collection by a beefed-up IRS. The president was flanked at the signing ceremony by key congressional Democrats, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and moderate Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) — but not Harris, who was photographed the same day at a farmers. The veep’s Hawaii trip followed a quiet weekend at the couple’s home in Brentwood, Calif. Her last public event was Aug. 12 in her hometown of Oakland, where she spoke about the future of the US space program.

Harris has had nothing on her official calendar since then.

The vice president’s office and a White House spokesman did not immediately respond to a query about when the vice president and second gentleman were due back in DC.

The absence of America’s second-in-command appears to have largely gone unnoticed — aside from a handful of photos posted on social media that show the vice president visiting the beach.

TMZ also published a photo on Monday of Harris in peak vacation mode as she went hiking in Haena State Park on the island of Kauaʻi. In the past, Harris has been dogged by rumors of a strained relationship with Biden — including a report last year that she was being sidelined amid growing tensions with the president. market.

AIRLINE VIDEOS-Los Angeles (LAX) Airport Plane Spotting


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f2f25e No.146998


grilled bro

tappin for the night

not too earlies

I hope


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3481ee No.146999

File: d4caa5327766dac⋯.png (466.29 KB,647x431,647:431,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bb6c1fe51e29438⋯.png (265.94 KB,642x343,642:343,ClipboardImage.png)


Kneepads' excellent (for her) tax-payer funded vakay to Hawaii when inflation in well over double digits for everyone else: Extra mileage

Using 3 different Airplanes that is a total of 26,812 air miles for this trip-you've got the return trip to DC for the C-32A from LAX on Aug 12-the rt from DC-LAX-DC for the C-40B SAM 741 that also took her to Hawaii so that rt LAX-Kaua'i-LAX (the return trip to DC factored already) and then SAM795 from DC to Hawaii and then back to LAX for a total of that amount above of 26,812 air miles or moar than the circumference of the entire planet.

That should have used 1 airplane (the one that was already in Los Angeles on August 12th) for a total of 8,460 miles-the round trip from Los Angeles to Kauaʻi and back to Los Angeles.

An extra 18,352 miles and 2 additional ACs so she could have a vacation in Hawaii

In laymans terms that extra mileage is 73% of the circumference of the earth (24,901.461m) in aircraft use, 3-4 additional crews (paying them too) and using that much moar jet fuel

Crew payment-hotels, meals, ALL the Secret Service Costs too- etc- not added to this at all

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3481ee No.147000

File: f890ca22aed3743⋯.gif (4.5 MB,480x272,30:17,nightshift_blackhawk_storm.gif)


tap, tap

good night kneegrow (s)

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3481ee No.147001




>>146934 Rep Marjorie Taylor-Greene: "Swatted again last night" soc media

>>146935 don't ferget: 5 truths you need to hear today soc media


>>146937 Midterms are closer-Dims need to turn this around-45 is the cause of covid grief

>>146940 Planefag Europe: JASDF JF001 777 heading for west from it's Tokyo Haneda depart/Mynamar AF MAF002 Fokker 70 west from Novosibirsk stop for refuel-heading to Moscow-/Swiss AF SUI555 WN from Prishtina, Kosovo stop/JAKE11 USAF RC-135 Rivet Joint circled Kaliningrad earlier and back to Mildenhall/RCH105 C-17 in at Ramstein and RCH170 east from same

>>146943 PF: PLAY66S USAF 747 (tail #92-9000) out from Lackland AFB, San Antonio on a maintenance flight this marks the second time this AC has been seen since Nov. 30th,2020 where it arrived at Lackland AFB from JBA

>>146947 moar Wisonsin election news: Wisconsin DOJ subpoenas Racine County man who fraudulently sought absentee ballots to prove fraud-SAM915 USAF C-32A departed Madison, WI-Dane Cty Airport after an overnight-making sure that Judge got rewarded for the ruling yesterday

>>146948 Potato hits the fundraising tour already after that "tough" last two weeks of vakay-Montgomery Cty, Maryland

>>146950 Q2 GDP Revised Higher To -0.6%, As Price Index Soars To Highest Since March 1981- different thang to the Atlanta FRB GDPNOW-which is still well over positive at yesterdays revised +1.4% (and will be adjusted again tomorrow) that (GDPNOW) will likely never be negative again and not even below +1%

>>146952 Mortgage rates spike, hitting 2-month high-The MBS OPS were directed at GinnieMAE yesterday ($445m) but redirected at Fannie/Freddie today-15 and 30y and at $777m (with $2.848B 'showing up')

>>146961 Ezra A. Cohen Retweeted @NCSCgov: After DOJ probe, Chinese firm drops bid to acquire Maersk entities – transaction would have consolidated control of over 90% of insulated container box and refrigerated shipping container production worldwide in Chinese state-owned or controlled entities.

>>146962, >>146965, >>146977 The affidavit submitted in support of the Trump Mar-a-Lago search warrant will be unsealed as early as tomorrow- Heavy redactions are expected.

>>146969 Whitaker redaction kek

>>146971 Planefag Update:Myanmar AF MAF002 went to Moscow and Japanese JF001 went to Tunis, Tunisia for TICAD conference-both about energy needs

>>146975 Potato must have bailed Rockville by nao-they usually station a US Coast Guard Helo as S.O.P. when travel to/from events occur-but methinks that whole thing is over (for him) now

>>146979 SAM675 USAF G5 KAF AC of interdast departed San Jose Costa Rica after an overnight and back at JBA-Dunno who this is but high-level AC from the 99th Airlift Squad-the usual names not coming back with anything- Powers, Sherman, Mayorkas nor the US Ambassador to Costa Rica Cynthia Telles

>>146979 President Rodrigo Chaves Clashes with Costa Rican Media, Prompting Claims of Intimidation (fighting with the media..sounds familiar here don't it?) plus Aug 16th story-Costa Rica Eyes Raising $2.7 Billion Via Sale of State Financial Assets

>>146982, >>146989, >>146990, >>146992, >>146994, >>146996 The Other Shoe Drops: Blackstone Landlord Halts Home Purchases In 38 Cities As Market Crashes-Wall St. calls out the FOMC-lower rates or the property markets go POOF-WE can do that because of OUR buying power

>>146983, >>146987 JW Telegram: "The TRUTH is.. It doesn't matter.. This HIGH Intense Military OPERATION is UNDER WAY and the TWIST AND PLOT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND..... NOTHING IS WHAT IT SEEMS.... IT'S ALL PLACED AND PLANNED..and TRUMP IS HIGHLY INFORMED With what's happening...."

>>146997 AF2 USAF C-40C arrived at Los Angeles Int'l about 2 hours ago-this AC arrived yesterday to Kauaʻi as SAM795-VP Kamala Harris holes up in Hawaii as Biden signs spending bill, reveals student loan plan

>>146999 Kneepads' excellent (for her) tax-payer funded vakay to Hawaii when inflation is well over double digits for everyone else: 3 ACs total when should have been 1, extra air mileage=18,360 miles and total of 26,812 air miles-and she still haz to fly from LAX back to DC...Crew payment-hotels, meals, ALL the Secret Service Costs too- etc- not added to this at all

>>147002 Here comes the equipment for Xi's visit to SA-heading to Jeddah after a ground stop at Karachi, Pakistan for a refuel-11151 and 11056 Y-20s WS from Karachi after 1h45m on the ground

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3481ee No.147002

File: 914318b9e801c04⋯.png (242.43 KB,821x451,821:451,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dfc6dcee3f8ba11⋯.png (476.08 KB,714x425,42:25,ClipboardImage.png)

Here comes the equipment for Xi's visit to SA-heading to Jeddah after a ground stop at Karachi, Pakistan for a refuel

11151 and 11056 Y-20s WS from Karachi after 1h45m on the ground

The 747s are not visible nor is anything else out of Beijing

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3481ee No.147003

refresh for edits to 999 and 001

had wrong fuel costs-will do those later

mileage is correct

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f2f25e No.147004

File: 053871aa73fbd6f⋯.png (21.83 KB,396x192,33:16,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 33ea9094ce0af68⋯.png (1.17 MB,782x1314,391:657,ClipboardImage.png)


BREAKING 🚨 Pope Francis orders all Vatican affiliated entities and church orders to transfer ALL FUNDS and assets to the Vatican Bank by September 30.

Pope’s Rescript, Issued August 23, Paragraph 4:

"4. The Holy See and the Institutions connected with the Holy See that are holders of financial assets and liquidity, in whatever form they are held, in financial institutions other than the IOR must inform the IOR and transfer them to it as soon as possible within 30 days from 1 September 2022."

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f2f25e No.147005

File: c27f865229305fe⋯.png (26.16 KB,598x280,299:140,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6de5b2954355928⋯.png (261.69 KB,1284x784,321:196,ClipboardImage.png)


The pandemics are officially over. The lawsuits begin



· 37m


The Yacht wars begin

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f2f25e No.147006

File: b1b3846bf5381b6⋯.png (337.8 KB,590x622,295:311,ClipboardImage.png)



Jake Novak


This feels like it could become the biggest pharma vs. pharma lawsuits … if not the biggest patent lawsuits … of all time


Moderna sues Pfizer/BioNTech for patent infringement over Covid vaccine

Moderna is suing Pfizer and its German partner BioNTech for patent infringement in the development of the first Covid-19 vaccine.

8:54 AM · Aug 26, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

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17869a No.147007

File: fef91f15f7742f0⋯.jpg (50.85 KB,625x484,625:484,ed3f18046b7dfb02f480e65224….jpg)

habby tgif fam

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f2f25e No.147008

File: 36a6922f30e73aa⋯.jpeg (69.26 KB,620x620,1:1,wut_up.jpeg)


wut up yo

TGIF it is

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051789 No.147009

File: 2f1075db4132b57⋯.png (1.21 MB,1200x898,600:449,2f1075db4132b57f69f997bc78….png)


nada. one meet'n today and getz to chill.

all guud in the s westie huud?

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f2f25e No.147010

File: e918a714d0e0f8e⋯.png (419.24 KB,600x631,600:631,ClipboardImage.png)


all guud

bathroom start today

labor day comin up huh?

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3481ee No.147011

File: 79779b0f7ba0468⋯.png (789.4 KB,898x641,898:641,ClipboardImage.png)




morning fellas

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3481ee No.147012

File: a5fcdb513785b08⋯.png (576.12 KB,973x481,973:481,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fa962f0b7e222aa⋯.png (573.77 KB,456x515,456:515,ClipboardImage.png)

STARK45USAF E-4B Nightwatch west from Wright-Patterson AFB with some BRRRTTTTT A-10 up from Ft. Wayne HOG01 south and doing some roundys just west of Cincinnati

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051789 No.147013

File: 74fe3a193341442⋯.png (255.39 KB,615x410,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


not much on the skedgey fer labor day. paint'n n sheitz. gotta start wurk'n on inlaws haus too. lulz


habby tgif gb. finally sum chill time fer dis bro.

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f2f25e No.147014


mornin G

grilled the last this am


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f2f25e No.147015

File: 6a81a17abe977ff⋯.png (1.9 MB,9800x7002,4900:3501,ClipboardImage.png)


glad you can chill


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3481ee No.147016


good fer you-a bizzy boi with fam too



doin' ok gettin' hot again-had one day of no AC but it decided to head the other way :(

notice the change in sun angle now-fall a coming

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f2f25e No.147017


cool off not comin fast enough here

way of it though

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051789 No.147018

File: 1e7c6f9d305fd3a⋯.png (1.2 MB,2560x2560,1:1,1e7c6f9d305fd3a74644567109….png)


up at 0440 each morn for my 30mi and can feelz the drop in humidity. itz com'n.

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f2f25e No.147019



we @ 100D now and 81%

not feelin it, yet

glad you are though

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051789 No.147020

gonna ip hop inna few. need to reboot vpn

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3481ee No.147021

File: 4b88f0133ede7fa⋯.png (141.4 KB,806x411,806:411,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6475cf27a8512a0⋯.png (336.66 KB,744x404,186:101,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4a61260918715a8⋯.png (474.52 KB,556x326,278:163,ClipboardImage.png)

Got another one in/outta Taipei-RINO Marsha Blackburn did it yesterday on NINJA91 US Army C-560 from Cebu City, PI to Taipei,Taiwan for just under 1 hour and then to Kadena AB Okinawa-departed Kadena AB Okinawa to Yokota AB, Japan earlier today

Sen. Marsha Blackburn lands in Taiwan for surprise visit after calling China 'New Axis of Evil'

Tennessee Sen. Marsha Blackburn is the latest in a series of US lawmakers to visit Taiwan amid tensions with China. en. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., landed in Taiwan for an unannounced visit on Thursday, according to a source familiar with the trip.

Blackburn is only the latest in a series of U.S. lawmakers to fly to Taiwan, a trend that has outraged the Chinese government. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited the self-governed island in early August, and she was the highest-level U.S. official to do so since Speaker Newt Gingrich in 1997.

The Pentagon declined to comment on Blackburn's trip, stating that it does not comment on security details. "We of course take all appropriate measures to ensure the safety of Members of Congress wherever and whenever they choose to travel," a Pentagon spokesperson told Fox News Digital. China, which has long claimed Taiwan as its own territory, argues the trips infringe on its sovereignty. No other lawmakers are accompanying Blackburn on the visit. The senator was already on her way home from a foreign trip visiting Fiji, the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea this week, according to a Thursday morning statement from her office.


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f2f25e No.147022

File: a763ee547bd8b5d⋯.png (71.36 KB,321x225,107:75,ClipboardImage.png)

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f2f25e No.147023

File: 4194fc062f6771f⋯.png (1.49 MB,1200x1165,240:233,ClipboardImage.png)

Dis cakes bein casual n sheitz

cigar is the tell


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3481ee No.147024


dis is where it getz gud

when they eat themselves

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f2f25e No.147025


setting it up so no class action lawsuit can be decided?

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3481ee No.147026

File: 495e6363fbfd638⋯.png (343.42 KB,608x433,608:433,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f879340466b8689⋯.png (397.92 KB,365x531,365:531,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5dee82e81567316⋯.png (59.38 KB,901x751,901:751,ClipboardImage.png)

Dis is all Bullshit-just FED speak and nuffin but talk....(((they))) called the bluff yesterday with this >>146982 and all it is nao is theater until Sept 13th CPI #s that will show what he (Powell) re-iterated today "signs it has peaked" (inflation)

Powell warns of ‘some pain’ ahead as the Fed fights to bring down inflation

Fed Chairman Jerome Powell on Friday pledged that the central bank will “use our tools forcefully” to attack inflation that is still running near its highest level in more than 40 years. In his annual Jackson Hole, Wyoming, policy speech, Powell added that higher interest rates likely will persist “for some time. The historical record cautions strongly against prematurely loosening policy.” The remarks come amid signs that inflation may have peaked but is not showing any marked signs of decline. Powell said the Fed will not be swayed by a month or two of data. Even with a series of four consecutive interest rate increases totaling 2.25 percentage points, Powell said this is “no place to stop or pause” even though benchmark rates are probably around an area considered neither stimulative nor restrictive to growth.

“While higher interest rates, slower growth, and softer labor market conditions will bring down inflation, they will also bring some pain to households and businesses,” he said in prepared remarks. “These are the unfortunate costs of reducing inflation. But a failure to restore price stability would mean far greater pain.” Stocks briefly extended losses as Powell began his speech, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average off nearly 200 points. The market later steadied, with the Dow down narrowly. Treasury yields were off their highs of the session. The remarks come amid signs that inflation may have peaked but is not showing any marked signs of decline.

Two closely watched gauges, the consumer price index and the personal consumption expenditures price index, showed prices little changed in July, owing largely to a steep drop in energy costs. At the same time, other areas of the economy are slowing.Housing in particular is falling off rapidly-(you don't say...kek!), and economists expect that the huge surge in hiring over the past year and a half is likely to cool. The economy is coming off consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth, a commonly held definition of a recession. However, Powell and most other economists see the underlying economy as strong if slowing.The speech was unusually brief. Whereas Fed leaders, including Powell, often have used the Jackson Hole symposium as an opportunity to outline broad policy shifts, Powell’s remarks Friday clocked in at just about eight minutes. (not 6 minutes?!)

He introduced the speech by noting that his “remarks will be shorter, my focus narrower, and my message more direct.” “Price stability is the responsibility of the Federal Reserve and serves as the bedrock of our economy,” Powell said. “Without price stability, the economy does not work for anyone.” Markets are awaiting the Fed’s next meeting in September to see if the rate-setting Federal Open Market Committee will enact a third consecutive 0.75 percentage point increase. Powell said the decision “will depend on the totality of the incoming data and the evolving outlook. At some point, as the stance of monetary policy tightens further, it likely will become appropriate to slow the pace of increases.”

Traders are currently pricing a close call between a half-point and three-quarter point increase. As of Friday morning after Powell’s speech, the probability for a 0.75 point move was at 54.5%, according to the CME Group’s FedWatch measure. (see cap#3 and it's been here at this level since monday and actually was skewed moar towards the 50-75bp yesterday than today-and they are blaming Volcker for causing a recession that it was already in when he jacked rates to the high teens-almost 20% in 1981 and left them there-they stayed above 10% until 1985)

Powell noted that the Fed’s failure to act forcefully in the 1970s caused a perpetuation of high inflation expectations that led to the draconian rate hikes of the early 1980s. In that case, then-Fed Chairman Paul Volcker pulled the economy into recession to tame inflation.

While stating repeatedly that he doesn’t think recession is an inevitable outcome for the U.S. economy, Powell noted that managing expectations is critical if the Fed is going to avoid a Volcker-like outcome. (they even said -in a previous comment-from the St. Louis FED head they they "have moar credibility nao" than when Volcker did the right thing to do back then-they know what that did-shut of the cheap money spigot for (((them))) for too long and they cannot afford that and are desperately trying to distance selves from that outcome because they are NOT gonna do anything close to that becasue "it would cause a recession"...D-E-R-P!!)

In the early 1980s, “a lengthy period of very restrictive monetary policy was ultimately needed to stem the high inflation and start the process of getting inflation down to the low and stable levels that were the norm until the spring of last year,” Powell said. “Our aim is to avoid that outcome by acting with resolve now.”




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3481ee No.147027


endless litigation between selves would do that I beleebs-"we can't comment or engage in DIS (class action suit) while DIS-eating selves-is still in process"

Drag that on and on with little or no outcome.

Pretty brilliant strategy for shielding all of them (collusion)-not a lawyer but sounds like what they doing

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96e1b0 No.147028

File: 5ef03ba352d4a0d⋯.png (269.19 KB,474x355,474:355,ClipboardImage.png)


yep, right on que with macron.

itz at our doorstep. git what you gotta git while itz still there.

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3481ee No.147029

File: 0905f1afc0512a5⋯.png (56.15 KB,670x704,335:352,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 70b680b50a58fda⋯.png (57.33 KB,657x704,657:704,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 995accabe545b56⋯.png (95.66 KB,930x551,930:551,ClipboardImage.png)

>>146982, >>146989, >>146994

>they will slam the metals too.

Well Imagine THAT...you are too predictable you fuggers...Au -21.40 -1.22%, Ag -0.27 -1.40%

'''Markets are also sperging out too and the 'excuse' is all this FED speak...not what going on because all of this known and he din't say anything new so they are using this to margin out someone again-another candidate of forced selling like on monday >>146790 Hedge Fund Pelham Capital Pares Record Losses, Still Down 33%-possibruh liquidation candidate for yesterday




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f2f25e No.147030


scary bizness that

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f2f25e No.147031

all grilled bro

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3481ee No.147032


spouse related that they are putting stuff in the front of some of the shelves at our local market but nuffin behind it to look full-not all aisles but about 1/3rd of them nao when it was less than 25% of them just a few weeks ago

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f2f25e No.147033


eggs 18 large 1.61

two weeks later

eggs 18 large 4.61

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3481ee No.147034

File: f28dac0554012c9⋯.png (1.02 MB,1121x588,1121:588,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a7eb2e76f9fd788⋯.png (470.48 KB,1283x566,1283:566,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8364e14828c430b⋯.png (402.7 KB,526x478,263:239,ClipboardImage.png)

Planefag:Yerp and CONUS Update-CONUS pretty quiet-it looks busy but fairly normal at this point-just a few things to mention so far


SPICY51 USAF B-52 Stratofortress heading back to RAF Fairford after being over the Black Sea, Turkey and environs-got a tank of gas from CASA20 USAF KC-135 Stratotanker (from a bunch of Morans at Moron AB)-RCH576 USAF C-17 Globemaster departing Rzesow Airport after a load out -there for just under 3 hours

HOMER11 USAF RC-135 River Joint trackin' over eastern Romania and got a trefuel fro ROOK28 USAF KC-135 Stratotanker earlier-it heading back to Konya, Turkey


Bizzy for a friday but nothing really out of the normal patterns-have this unidentified smaller AC-could be G4/5 or Citation-any # of smaller ACs out of Pt. Mugu that did a u-turn off of SoCal with 62-3568 USAF KC-135 tanker on the track from Fairchild AFB, Spokane-and AF2 still on ground from it's Kauaʻi arrival last night >>146997, >>146999 and that must have been nice as we all have higher costs but let's fly an additional almost 75% of the entire circumference of the earf so kneepads can vakay from wut I dunno'''

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96e1b0 No.147035



just had the convo last nite dat itz time to make a can run and get anudder propane tank.

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3481ee No.147036

File: 70bdf01944baaca⋯.png (351.71 KB,630x373,630:373,ClipboardImage.png)


>1.61 to 4.61

Jeebus that is rideekulez

"we have inflation contained!"

we lucky on that front, eggs, fren haz chickens and gives us a carton every 10 days or so-sometimes they bad-that the chance you take..just smell them when cracked.

The last batch were not good so that life but they taste sooo much bettah..I'd go w/o before I bought them again

Kinda like tomatoes

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f2f25e No.147037


g1 eats like a bird now

plenty of rice n beans for him

but he likes a hard boiled every mornin so I pay n dooz

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f2f25e No.147038

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3481ee No.147039

File: ba31dc470589a8a⋯.png (272.62 KB,492x657,164:219,ClipboardImage.png)


Propane still pretty cheap relatively speaking-even gone down a little (wholesale) and can't say that for all energy related.

That about the only one-plus moar bang fer buck BTU wise ( about double iirc)


seen and heard some peeps start to dip into the stuff they stored because of cost and I don't blame them but we got a ways to go and hopefully they don't run out 'o stuff-thanks to JIT supply chain crap a grocery store is emptied in 2-3 days-way less if a run

still go to store and haven't touched much of what we habs stored-that gonna change starting next month as the power bill comes due for AC and they keep raising that too plus we need to start using some of the stuff that the expiry date matters-most of it doesn't but some stuff like the home-canned meat do.

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f2f25e No.147040


have done no dipping, however, waiting for the bitch muh _____fill in the blank when it hits

can't freez eggs


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f2f25e No.147041


electric doubled here

what to do?

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f2f25e No.147042

File: 8c507e88d37203e⋯.png (941.21 KB,828x1792,207:448,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 06c0163a8c51f1c⋯.png (940.99 KB,828x1792,207:448,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 52cadd57e380952⋯.png (789.58 KB,828x1792,207:448,ClipboardImage.png)

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96e1b0 No.147043


yup. 5k watt propane jenny that will do the fridge (betta 1/2 needs cool insulin) inet and a few lights. fridge is easy part only need to power for a few hours /day long as it ain't opened and closed too much

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96e1b0 No.147044

File: dff794ea6f6babd⋯.png (266.9 KB,666x422,333:211,dff794ea6f6babd03ae537921a….png)


saw it.

so f'n dirty. fuggers need to hang. erry one of em

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f2f25e No.147045


roger that yo

they fuggen wit the wrong peeps they are

midterms close

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96e1b0 No.147046

File: 1ccb5dfc1cdf5bc⋯.png (85.18 KB,393x386,393:386,1ccb5dfc1cdf5bc888177b09f2….png)

File: 6777b49f3267d08⋯.png (99.55 KB,846x763,846:763,6777b49f3267d084da0df5cff5….png)


we talk'n bout dat yesterday. deification and rotary oscillation prior to mid terms fer sure. blm/antifa in the wings

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35d209 No.147047

File: ff91fb298e6d245⋯.png (1.16 MB,1080x2976,45:124,Screenshot_20220826_095710….png)

File: 3461f4ceaa9b322⋯.jpg (205.55 KB,1280x720,16:9,705011d736352316.jpg)


If you didn’t see it yesterday, make sure you are up to speed.

International Military Tribunals for Nazi war criminals will begin in the coming days, in Mariupol, Ukraine!

Nuremberg 2.0.

And keep in mind who sits atop the Russia’s most wanted list for Crimes Against Humanity.

This is not wishful thinking, hopium, or bias; these are the direct allegations from Russian MIL.

They want Obama, Biden, Clinton and Soros.




US State Department and UN Rights Office express concern over “INTERNATIONAL MILITARY TRIBUNALS” to be held in Mariupol Ukraine in the coming days…

The Russian Embassy just responded to the statement from the US State Department, pertaining to tribunals about to go down for war-crimes on Nazi Ukrainian POWs.

Check out my latest Substack with all the details and links here!



Aug 24, 2022


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3481ee No.147048

File: 46d254403a4c8b6⋯.png (386.98 KB,492x517,492:517,ClipboardImage.png)



kinda a no brianer but he wuz right (whitaker)

noes there is some disagreement here and that just fine

gotta be him...who else?

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f2f25e No.147049


don't think we'll have those prollems where imma at but prepped if do

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f2f25e No.147050

File: ee96fd13ee1cf8c⋯.png (453.48 KB,794x824,397:412,ClipboardImage.png)

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3481ee No.147051


got the plan fer the shit in the freezer-cook it and then eat that-coolers-first place is to the store fer ice -when everyone else is trying ta buy beer with credit cards-last blackout was like that around here

Then store what we got in the coolers-don't really need generator until much farther in-hopefully not that "far"-make ice when that option is gone (buying it) fuel for it habs in 5 gl cans (still sealed)

That (gen) won't power the AC so SOL on that

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3481ee No.147052

File: 7125ad9acee260a⋯.gif (2.07 MB,480x270,16:9,POTUS_laughs.gif)

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96e1b0 No.147053



we all sol on dat one. but we got a first floor with slab under wood. stays cool. juss need to stay off top fl.

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f2f25e No.147054


how did you set up your solar?

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3481ee No.147055

File: 4fb27086065f624⋯.png (116.04 KB,555x767,555:767,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2246cf9700e57bc⋯.png (268.27 KB,1075x603,1075:603,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 642355393fcc4da⋯.png (288.72 KB,582x334,291:167,ClipboardImage.png)


The ever optimistic fugger here adds back what he just lowered to from-he had a YUGE increase taking it from -0.9% to just under 3% several weeks ago so it will never go negative and as mentioned the other day will NOT be going under +1%

>>146890 lb GDPNOW (Atlanta FED) revised down

Latest estimate: 1.6 percent — August 26, 2022

The GDPNow model estimate for real GDP growth (seasonally adjusted annual rate) in the third quarter of 2022 is 1.6 percent on August 26, up from 1.4 percent on August 24. After this morning's releases from the US Census Bureau and the US Bureau of Economic Analysis, an increase in the nowcast of third-quarter real net exports was partially offset by a decrease in the nowcast of third-quarter real personal consumption expenditures and third-quarter real gross private domestic investment.

The next GDPNow update is Thursday, September 1


So retard Bostic just effectively added the 2/10ths of a percent from the BEA personal income 'increase' to the total

Personal Income increased 0.2% in July; Spending increased 0.1%

The BEA released the Personal Income and Outlays report for July:

Personal income increased $47.0 billion (0.2 percent) in July, according to estimates released today by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. Disposable personal income (DPI) increased $37.6 billion (0.2 percent) and personal consumption expenditures (PCE) increased $23.7 billion (0.1 percent).

The PCE price index decreased 0.1 percent. Excluding food and energy, the PCE price index increased 0.1 percent. Real DPI increased 0.3 percent in July and real PCE increased 0.2 percent; goods increased 0.2 percent and services increased 0.2 percent. The July PCE price index increased 6.3 percent year-over-year (YoY), down from 6.8 percent YoY in June. The PCE price index, excluding food and energy, increased 4.6 percent YoY, down from 4.8% in June.


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f2f25e No.147056

TS bogged down yo's

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f2f25e No.147057

File: d4fae65513aaf89⋯.png (87.2 KB,390x330,13:11,ClipboardImage.png)

The End Is At Hand

A D.C. judge ruled Thursday that a COVID-19 vaccine mandate imposed by Mayor Muriel Bowser is unlawful, siding with a police union that challenged the rules as unfair and damaging to recruitment.



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35d209 No.147058

File: d8c9c1b4e8aa115⋯.mp4 (1.34 MB,640x360,16:9,jwUvf_baa.mp4)

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3481ee No.147059

File: c4ea7dec70499ec⋯.png (220.5 KB,397x397,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



dhere are people around here that think the gens and/or solar are gunna do that.

Not very many solar here but ain't NFW that ever werk-you'd have ta have a backyard full of batteries and at that point you'd be stoopid to out yerself that way-even if you could get it to werk

I just laugh don't even bother sayin' anything

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3481ee No.147060

File: fd4a54c856ef753⋯.png (446.15 KB,782x560,391:280,ClipboardImage.png)


BASED nikka!!

We had that convo wif the hood g's last night on that-they pissed they had to save and all these harvard.Princeton peeps get it

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f2f25e No.147061

all grilled yo's

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3481ee No.147062

you ready on g2 soon?

i'll dropa bun and can take one if you ready

this turning out to be a good time for now

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f2f25e No.147063

File: d4eb466d5389db7⋯.png (170.13 KB,688x730,344:365,ClipboardImage.png)

2 yr delta

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f2f25e No.147064


he about done now

drop it

catch ya on the back slide

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3481ee No.147065


when they did the 'Happy Holidays or Xmas' and not Christmas on the Gov't level was not good with that-not an outwardly religious person but you can't take that away from peeps no matter who they choose to worship..that is their choice


np here it come

flip-side it is

bake when you are ready no rush at all

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3481ee No.147066

File: c70f77d52a50c7e⋯.png (496.98 KB,650x434,325:217,ClipboardImage.png)





>>146934 Rep Marjorie Taylor-Greene: "Swatted again last night" soc media

>>146935 don't ferget: 5 truths you need to hear today soc media


>>146937 Midterms are closer-Dims need to turn this around-45 is the cause of covid grief

>>146940 Planefag Europe: JASDF JF001 777 heading for west from it's Tokyo Haneda depart/Mynamar AF MAF002 Fokker 70 west from Novosibirsk stop for refuel-heading to Moscow-/Swiss AF SUI555 WN from Prishtina, Kosovo stop/JAKE11 USAF RC-135 Rivet Joint circled Kaliningrad earlier and back to Mildenhall/RCH105 C-17 in at Ramstein and RCH170 east from same

>>146943 PF: PLAY66S USAF 747 (tail #92-9000) out from Lackland AFB, San Antonio on a maintenance flight this marks the second time this AC has been seen since Nov. 30th,2020 where it arrived at Lackland AFB from JBA

>>146947 moar Wisonsin election news: Wisconsin DOJ subpoenas Racine County man who fraudulently sought absentee ballots to prove fraud-SAM915 USAF C-32A departed Madison, WI-Dane Cty Airport after an overnight-making sure that Judge got rewarded for the ruling yesterday

>>146948 Potato hits the fundraising tour already after that "tough" last two weeks of vakay-Montgomery Cty, Maryland

>>146950 Q2 GDP Revised Higher To -0.6%, As Price Index Soars To Highest Since March 1981- different thang to the Atlanta FRB GDPNOW-which is still well over positive at yesterdays revised +1.4% (and will be adjusted again tomorrow) that (GDPNOW) will likely never be negative again and not even below +1%

>>146952 Mortgage rates spike, hitting 2-month high-The MBS OPS were directed at GinnieMAE yesterday ($445m) but redirected at Fannie/Freddie today-15 and 30y and at $777m (with $2.848B 'showing up')

>>146961 Ezra A. Cohen Retweeted @NCSCgov: After DOJ probe, Chinese firm drops bid to acquire Maersk entities – transaction would have consolidated control of over 90% of insulated container box and refrigerated shipping container production worldwide in Chinese state-owned or controlled entities.

>>146962, >>146965, >>146977 The affidavit submitted in support of the Trump Mar-a-Lago search warrant will be unsealed as early as tomorrow- Heavy redactions are expected.

>>146975 Potato must have bailed Rockville by nao-they usually station a US Coast Guard Helo as S.O.P. when travel to/from events occur-but methinks that whole thing is over (for him) now

>>146979 SAM675 USAF G5 KAF AC of interdast departed San Jose Costa Rica after an overnight and back at JBA-Dunno who this is but high-level AC from the 99th Airlift Squad-the usual names not coming back with anything- Powers, Sherman, Mayorkas nor the US Ambassador to Costa Rica Cynthia Telles

>>146979 President Rodrigo Chaves Clashes with Costa Rican Media, Prompting Claims of Intimidation (fighting with the media..sounds familiar here don't it) plus Aug 16th story-Costa Rica Eyes Raising $2.7 Billion Via Sale of State Financial Assets

>>146982, >>146989, >>146990 The Other Shoe Drops: Blackstone Landlord Halts Home Purchases In 38 Cities As Market Crashes-they are stopping NOW since if they continued to buy at cheaper prices that would produce comps (comparisons) that would instantly devalue wut they have already acquired (towards the end)-Wall S. calls out the FOMC-lower rates or the property markets go POOF-WE can do that becasue of OUR buying power

>>146983, >>146987 JW Telegram: "The TRUTH is.. It doesn't matter.. This HIGH Intense Military OPERATION is UNDER WAY and the TWIST AND PLOT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND..... NOTHING IS WHAT IT SEEMS.... IT'S ALL PLACED AND PLANNED..and TRUMP IS HIGHLY INFORMED With what's happening...."

>>146997 AF2 USAF C-40C arrived at Los Angeles Int'l about 2 hours ago-this AC arrived yesterday to Kauaʻi as SAM795-VP Kamala Harris holes up in Hawaii as Biden signs spending bill, reveals student loan plan

>>146999 Kneepads' excellent (for her) tax-payer funded vakay to Hawaii when inflation is well over double digits for everyone else: 3 ACs total when should have been 1, extra air mileage=18,360 miles and total of 26,812 air miles, jet fuel costs rough estimate-and she still haz to fly from LAX back to DC Crew payment-hotels, meals, ALL the Secret Service Costs too- etc- not added to this at all

>>147004 Pope Francis orders all Vatican affiliated entities and church orders to transfer ALL FUNDS and assets to the Vatican Bank by September 30

>>147005 MODERNA SAYS IT’S SUING PFIZER, BIONTECH OVER COVID VACCINES-The pandemics are officially over. The lawsuits begin

>>147006, >>147024, >>147025, >>147027 This feels like it could become the biggest pharma vs. pharma lawsuits … if not the biggest patent lawsuits … of all time. Moderna sues Pfizer/BioNTech for patent infringement over Covid vaccine

>>147012 STARK45USAF E-4B Nightwatch west from Wright-Patterson AFB with some BRRRTTTTT A-10 up from Ft. Wayne HOG01 south and doing some roundys just west of Cincinnati

>>147021 Sen. Marsha Blackburn lands in Taiwan for surprise visit after calling China 'New Axis of Evil'-NINJA91 C-560 on ground at Taipei for less than 1 hour

>>147026, >>147028, >>147032 Powell warns of ‘some pain’ ahead as the Fed fights to bring down inflation-Dis is all Bullshit-just FED speak and nuffin but talk....(((they))) called the bluff yesterday with this >>146982 and all it is nao is theater until Sept 13th CPI #s

>>147029 Well Imagine THAT...you are too predictable you fuggers...Au -21.40 -1.22%, Ag -0.27 -1.40% >they will slam the metals

>>147034 Planefag: Yerp and CONUS Update-CONUS pretty quiet-it looks busy but fairly normal at this point-just a few things to mention so far SPICY51 USAF B-52 Stratofortress heading back to RAF Fairford after being over the Black Sea, Turkey unidentified smaller AC-could be G4/5 or Citation-any # of smaller ACs out of Pt. Mugu that did a u-turn off of SoCal with 62-3568 USAF KC-135 tanker on the track from Fairchild AFB, Spokane-and AF2 still on ground

>>147038, >>147042 Mar A Lago FBI raid affadavit unsealed?-Heavily redacted moar like.

>>147047 International Military Tribunals for Nazi war criminals will begin in the coming days, in Mariupol, Ukraine! military tribunals of US perps may be led by Russia?

>>147055 GDPNOW Latest estimate: 1.6 percent — August 26, 2022 The ever optimistic fugger here adds back what he just lowered from-he had a YUGE increase taking it from -0.9% to just under 3% several weeks ago

>>147057 A D.C. judge ruled Thursday that a COVID-19 vaccine mandate imposed by Mayor Muriel Bowser is unlawful, siding with a police union that challenged the rules as unfair and damaging to recruitment.

>>147058 Desantis tells the troof "It's very unfair to have a truck driver have to payback a loan opposed to somebody who got like a PH.d in gender studies..that's not fair..that is not right"

>>147063 2 year delta on Q drop #4627 "One party discusses god...One party discusses Darkness..One promotes God, One party eliminates God-Symbolism will be their downfall"

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35d209 No.147067


You didn't like the suggestion in this ( >>147047 )article that military tribunals of US perps may be led by Russia?

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3481ee No.147068


no I agree just missed it

lemme update

ty for alerting

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96e1b0 No.147069


roof top livin.

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3481ee No.147070

File: 502d5568d220a80⋯.gif (261.17 KB,500x644,125:161,Kenny.gif)

refresh for update to include >>147047

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35d209 No.147071

File: d4e6d44e2b3c4a9⋯.gif (348.74 KB,480x270,16:9,giphy_1_.gif)

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96e1b0 No.147072

File: 153a01d6a04e3f4⋯.png (257.61 KB,631x357,631:357,ClipboardImage.png)

Schiff: Still Concerned DOJ Moving ‘Very, Very Slowly’ on January 6 Probe


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96e1b0 No.147073


can't imagine why!? kek

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3481ee No.147074

File: fc6030471cc6723⋯.png (314.87 KB,792x453,264:151,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 523138f2b3560dd⋯.png (2.89 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

STORM03, 02 and 62-3564 USAF KC-135 Stratotankers SW from Bangor ME depart-looks like they are heading to MacDill

Checked this on another tab and it does not show STORM01 for the one displaying the tail # so he din't get the memo but was DING14 upon takeoff and the other two were DING11 and 15 so they switched to STORM just after departure from Bangor

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3481ee No.147075

File: c706fc3b3659fb0⋯.png (256.12 KB,1006x627,1006:627,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d1caf4b453e3014⋯.png (307.35 KB,548x297,548:297,ClipboardImage.png)

The last comms from those Chinese AF Y-20s were shortly after that cap here >>147002 and THIS was sitting on another tab and has already been up and gone

UAE AF RBDAN911 C-295 Persuader out in the Gulf and heading back to Dhabi

A quick perusal shows that Hunter Biden's real first name is Robert but also Joe's middle name is Joseph Robinette Biden and 911.....hmmmm

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f2f25e No.147077

File: 4f613af3f8c9618⋯.png (392.4 KB,817x429,817:429,ClipboardImage.png)

Twitter Ordered to Hand Info on 9,000 Audited Accounts Over to Elon Musk


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3481ee No.147078

File: 6beddc2ff3a7979⋯.png (478.15 KB,1103x600,1103:600,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 08e8e2f688d2372⋯.png (460.97 KB,753x390,251:130,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ec01ffe79e0f737⋯.png (490.23 KB,653x374,653:374,ClipboardImage.png)

RCAF CFC1 Bombardier CL-600Trudopeand CFC3705 CL-600 departed CFB Cold LakeFM Melanie Jolydoing NATO bullshit with NATO Chief Stoltenberg (expect a SPAR G5 AC to leave here soon) and back to Ottawa

Plus 3 RCAF Super Hercules also heading east: CFC4039 from Edmonton, 4040 from Cold Lake and 2510 from Abbotsford (east of Vancouver BC)

Russian "invasion" of Ukraine forces Arctic defense back onto Canada's agenda



X,XXX (2), XXXX USAF C-130 Super Hercules NE from Dyess AFB-Abilene TX


SAM915 USAF C-32A is back at JBA after leaving Madison,WI the last trace prior to reappearing showed it on the SD/ND border at 38k ft so it could have gone several places-it's vector was towards Seattle area and despite the spoofed trace showing a northerly path the history shows returning on same vector-possibly Seattle as mentioned


SAM795 USAF C-40B departed Los Angeles Int'l-so kneepads is staying in LA-another vakay from vakay

97-3091 USAFSOC 'Special Ops' C-146 A Wolfhound departed Homestead ARB SW (this trace is about 4 hours old-fergot him earlier) left Eglin AFB earlier today heading 'round Cuba


STORM 03,02, 62-3564 dez bois went to MacDill as thought not capped

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f2f25e No.147079



waken up, sorta

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3481ee No.147080

File: c98a011e42a93e4⋯.png (134.69 KB,951x573,317:191,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 44c054b05964944⋯.png (177.17 KB,517x483,517:483,ClipboardImage.png)


the lengths (and money they have spent propping this thing-TWTR) to force this through.

Everything else got hammered today yet that stays above $40 on not even avg volume..still a $13.64 premium in that....hahahahaha-they are stuck with it and habs no hope of ever seeing $50 again and there is so much waiting to unload if it even flinches that way.

On the macro look

Amazing how many people are falling for the "we're gonna keep raising rates" bullshit

Total comedy-and tanked on a Friday no less-so they get to talk about how the FOMC is all serious and shitz about this-wait until the Sunday shows.

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3481ee No.147084


pretty good...staying stable except the other day but gonna habben

got some stuff done around house-seems like it better If I don't try to sleep-if it habbens great if not then as long as rest occurs


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f2f25e No.147085


they draggin out discovery

not sure what they are waiting on

so many threads to pull

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f2f25e No.147086


short but guud nabbenin

all shower/bath parts new and working

g1 be like plumber?

didn't even ask how much

guud sign

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ca5178 No.147087

Might come in handy later, I suspect Soros, Gates, maybe both. Company called ProVeg INternational, Berlin-based but branches even in US, does grants to other NGOs

South Africa #9 >>>/qresearch/17446808

SA’s faux meat saga: a reprieve after High Court interdict – “successful in halting product seizures”

20 August 2022

The plant-based food sector is celebrating a temporary win after urgent legal efforts on behalf of the industry at the Johannesburg High Court proved successful in halting product seizures.

Familiar plant-based foods like vegan biltong and vegetarian sausages had been due to disappear from shelves from Monday 22 August – if not voluntarily, then through seizure by agents of South Africa’s Food Safety Agency.

But on Friday 20 August, “mince” that contains no part of any animal and “patties” with no meat received a reprieve, as manufacturers and retailers fought back.

Last week government said it would push ahead with its controversial war [https://www.news24.com/fin24/companies/make-peas-not-war-veggie-product-makers-cry-foul-as-govt-cracks-down-on-fake-meat-20220630] on plant-based foods that use product names associated with processed meats. The order, issued by the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) was due to see “vegan biltong”, “plant-based meatballs”, and “chorizo and red pepper vegetarian sausages”, among others, removed from shelves.

The DALRRD, in late June, reaffirmed that “meat analogues must not use the product names prescribed and reserved for processed meat products”, adding that these plant-based products were in violation of regulations promulgated in 2019.

The dept also warned producers that the Food Safety Agency was empowered to seize any and all plant-based products with meaty names from shelves. The only way to avoid a government-led seizure of goods would be for products to be relabelled or recalled by the producers or retailers themselves.

The Food Safety Agency, in a notice issued last Tuesday, confirmed that it would “seize any meat analogue products presented for sale in the Republic of South Africa which are using the product names prescribed for processed meat products in terms of section 8 of the Agricultural Product Standards Act 119 of 1990 (the Act) at all points of sale, i.e., facilities, premises (retail and wholesale), conveyances, etc.”

These products will be seized, said the Agency, from Monday 22 August.

But on Friday, the Consumer Goods Council of SA (CGCSA) obtained a temporary interdict in the JHB High Court against seizures, BusinessLive first reported [https://www.businessinsider.co.za/But%20on%20Friday,%20the%20Consumer%20Goods%20Council%20of%20SA%20(CGCSA)%20obtained%20a%20temporary%20interdict%20against%20seizures,%20BusinessLive%20first%20reported.].

The council represents thousands of businesses, and its services include advice on how to comply with product labelling requirements.

The interdict halts the forceable removal of products from shelves at least until a court can decide on the merits of arguments from producers and retailers that the government’s stance is illogical, and harmful to consumers.

The action on behalf of the plant-based food industry is supported by local food awareness organisation ProVeg South Africa, the local branch of ProVeg International, and several of its stakeholders in the plant-based food sector. ProVeg has also been in discussion with their legal support at Lawtons Attorneys, who have also offered assistance to the movement.

“Although we welcome the decision by the court, we would like to reiterate our call for further dialogue as we still believe that this matter should be settled through discussion between the plant-based food industry, DALLRD and the meat industry.” Donovan Will, ProVeg South Africa Country Director, said.

Source: BusinessInsider SA, ProVeg SA


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3481ee No.147088

File: 03e7b364f69829b⋯.png (468.5 KB,637x452,637:452,ClipboardImage.png)


and audited by whom nao?


>draggin out discovery

meanwhile they get to reload the short bus-all those gains fer the week wiped out just today..lather, rinse, repeat-on the whole thing (twatter too since they need that closer to the offer price and easier to just cause a squeeze in it) all that was exhausted in this last "hated" rally.

Then use it starting in about 3 weeks and then on into the next FOMC meeting

This is an old movie.

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3481ee No.147089


great..glad it's done and din't cost a ton-that first quote was like "breh..I'm not funding your kids first year of college tuition on this one project and it's a bathroom not a kitchen!"

Last night convo. on the student debt-they were all going pretty hard complaining and then we walked up they got all quiet/cagey and then one of the older ones said "well what about you?"

Mostly the youngin' in that group we talk with but not the youngest

Was like " what about me...what's it to ya?"

"you have an MBA so you get it..why are you complaining along with us"

"Oh yeah for sure muh 'MBA' is from the College of GTFO at the very prestigious and famous 'School of Life' with a minor in fuggen up hard and learning from it...any further assumptive questions?..be glad ta answer them"

One couple who we talk to regularly was already snickering after the question got asked as they knew-they are like minded on most all of this but the others were like "damn!! shut that old codger up good"

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f2f25e No.147090


just got started but not gonna be anywhere near 35K

they cray

likes your "strange" approach


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f2f25e No.147091


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f2f25e No.147094


noice dubs

guess we'll have to wait for court to find out

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3481ee No.147095


seen't ty


be interdasting how much they make jackoff a part of it or just hide behind current ceo-they lubs putting the indians at the techies on the second or third switch outs

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f2f25e No.147096


I think the dates of stuffs set up will nail him but he's also part of the show

he's owned

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f2f25e No.147097

hey G

you gotz the smoochy bakers meme?

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3481ee No.147098

File: a6e55c5697fd1b1⋯.png (50.44 KB,880x170,88:17,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d5a62cbc41d4b89⋯.png (152.88 KB,591x297,197:99,ClipboardImage.png)


sure who could forget that gem!

just fer posterity the verbiage of the original "post"

filed under posts that din't age well....

>and then they went to discord...kek!

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f2f25e No.147099



stupid fuggen shills

not, it didn't age well at all


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3481ee No.147100

File: b6e7ff6672d9341⋯.png (346.61 KB,756x444,63:37,ClipboardImage.png)


the 4 'X' C-130 Hercules' went to Bangor, ME

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1fb823 No.147101

File: a6664d2db7965e4⋯.jpg (65.56 KB,568x495,568:495,SorryCouldntHelpsSelf.jpg)



Sry i ain't right.

Overload here, another check written with spouse name on it.. dead man cannot endorsed a check.

2 letters from fena.. last hurrah on this, sending certified copy of death cert.. which is not on their list. then I'm done. F-em.

Rcvd bill over $151,000...

I'm done with incompetence.. everybody fired when I gets thro dis.

Anxiety off the charts...

Thrown over the top on dis...

Went to deposit $5K, they said I I have to fill out a gub doc...anything over $3K they want to know how you got it.

Losin' it... Dayum!

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1fb823 No.147102

File: 22d9485068dd97f⋯.jpg (136.65 KB,720x533,720:533,Froggie.jpg)

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f2f25e No.147103



I thought it was $10k

that sux

banks are ridiculous now, like corps over jabs and masks, churches too, only with money that sure as hell isn't theirs


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3481ee No.147104

File: 0384d6ceab45dc7⋯.png (710.34 KB,1089x1179,121:131,ClipboardImage.png)


yer almost done muh fren-then you don't habs to deal with them..just don't let them pull the "hold on the funds" BS

That is totally subjective-you make enough noise, professionally speaking, and you'd be surprised how easily the 'rule' goes away.

They just leverage it in some cases in the high double-digits and that is the only reason they ever had the rule for it-this is different than the fractional reserve stuff-where they doze it legally 10:1..this all the off-book shit.

A check is good when it is signed (of course if the funds are available and that takes minutes to verify) the BS about clearing and needing 3-5 days is an invention and it is a complete fabrication and if you do that 100's or thousands of times a day everyday you can make a lot of $ simply 'holding funds' for 72 hours.

One of banking/finances' dirty little secrets as most people just acquiesce


they lowered that in spring 2020 as well as the reserve requirements of 10%-that gone then and I don't think they put it back either.

That why the banking stress tests are such a joke-and were when they supposedly 'had' 10%

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f2f25e No.147105


>>146934 Rep Marjorie Taylor-Greene: "Swatted again last night" soc media

>>146935 don't ferget: 5 truths you need to hear today soc media


>>146937 Midterms are closer-Dims need to turn this around-45 is the cause of covid grief

>>146940 Planefag Europe: JASDF JF001 777 heading for west from it's Tokyo Haneda depart/Mynamar AF MAF002 Fokker 70 west from Novosibirsk stop for refuel-heading to Moscow-/Swiss AF SUI555 WN from Prishtina, Kosovo stop/JAKE11 USAF RC-135 Rivet Joint circled Kaliningrad earlier and back to Mildenhall/RCH105 C-17 in at Ramstein and RCH170 east from same

>>146943 PF: PLAY66S USAF 747 (tail #92-9000) out from Lackland AFB, San Antonio on a maintenance flight this marks the second time this AC has been seen since Nov. 30th,2020 where it arrived at Lackland AFB from JBA

>>146947 moar Wisonsin election news: Wisconsin DOJ subpoenas Racine County man who fraudulently sought absentee ballots to prove fraud-SAM915 USAF C-32A departed Madison, WI-Dane Cty Airport after an overnight-making sure that Judge got rewarded for the ruling yesterday

>>146948 Potato hits the fundraising tour already after that "tough" last two weeks of vakay-Montgomery Cty, Maryland

>>146950 Q2 GDP Revised Higher To -0.6%, As Price Index Soars To Highest Since March 1981- different thang to the Atlanta FRB GDPNOW-which is still well over positive at yesterdays revised +1.4% (and will be adjusted again tomorrow) that (GDPNOW) will likely never be negative again and not even below +1%

>>146952 Mortgage rates spike, hitting 2-month high-The MBS OPS were directed at GinnieMAE yesterday ($445m) but redirected at Fannie/Freddie today-15 and 30y and at $777m (with $2.848B 'showing up')

>>146961 Ezra A. Cohen Retweeted @NCSCgov: After DOJ probe, Chinese firm drops bid to acquire Maersk entities – transaction would have consolidated control of over 90% of insulated container box and refrigerated shipping container production worldwide in Chinese state-owned or controlled entities.

>>146962, >>146965, >>146977 The affidavit submitted in support of the Trump Mar-a-Lago search warrant will be unsealed as early as tomorrow- Heavy redactions are expected.

>>146975 Potato must have bailed Rockville by nao-they usually station a US Coast Guard Helo as S.O.P. when travel to/from events occur-but methinks that whole thing is over (for him) now

>>146979 SAM675 USAF G5 KAF AC of interdast departed San Jose Costa Rica after an overnight and back at JBA-Dunno who this is but high-level AC from the 99th Airlift Squad-the usual names not coming back with anything- Powers, Sherman, Mayorkas nor the US Ambassador to Costa Rica Cynthia Telles

>>146979 President Rodrigo Chaves Clashes with Costa Rican Media, Prompting Claims of Intimidation (fighting with the media..sounds familiar here don't it) plus Aug 16th story-Costa Rica Eyes Raising $2.7 Billion Via Sale of State Financial Assets

>>146982, >>146989, >>146990 The Other Shoe Drops: Blackstone Landlord Halts Home Purchases In 38 Cities As Market Crashes-they are stopping NOW since if they continued to buy at cheaper prices that would produce comps (comparisons) that would instantly devalue wut they have already acquired (towards the end)-Wall S. calls out the FOMC-lower rates or the property markets go POOF-WE can do that becasue of OUR buying power

>>146983, >>146987 JW Telegram: "The TRUTH is.. It doesn't matter.. This HIGH Intense Military OPERATION is UNDER WAY and the TWIST AND PLOT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND..... NOTHING IS WHAT IT SEEMS.... IT'S ALL PLACED AND PLANNED..and TRUMP IS HIGHLY INFORMED With what's happening...."

>>146997 AF2 USAF C-40C arrived at Los Angeles Int'l about 2 hours ago-this AC arrived yesterday to Kauaʻi as SAM795-VP Kamala Harris holes up in Hawaii as Biden signs spending bill, reveals student loan plan

>>146999 Kneepads' excellent (for her) tax-payer funded vakay to Hawaii when inflation is well over double digits for everyone else: 3 ACs total when should have been 1, extra air mileage=18,360 miles and total of 26,812 air miles, jet fuel costs rough estimate-and she still haz to fly from LAX back to DC Crew payment-hotels, meals, ALL the Secret Service Costs too- etc- not added to this at all

>>147004 Pope Francis orders all Vatican affiliated entities and church orders to transfer ALL FUNDS and assets to the Vatican Bank by September 30

>>147005 MODERNA SAYS IT’S SUING PFIZER, BIONTECH OVER COVID VACCINES-The pandemics are officially over. The lawsuits begin

>>147006, >>147024, >>147025, >>147027 This feels like it could become the biggest pharma vs. pharma lawsuits … if not the biggest patent lawsuits … of all time. Moderna sues Pfizer/BioNTech for patent infringement over Covid vaccine

>>147012 STARK45USAF E-4B Nightwatch west from Wright-Patterson AFB with some BRRRTTTTT A-10 up from Ft. Wayne HOG01 south and doing some roundys just west of Cincinnati

>>147021 Sen. Marsha Blackburn lands in Taiwan for surprise visit after calling China 'New Axis of Evil'-NINJA91 C-560 on ground at Taipei for less than 1 hour

>>147026, >>147028, >>147032 Powell warns of ‘some pain’ ahead as the Fed fights to bring down inflation-Dis is all Bullshit-just FED speak and nuffin but talk....(((they))) called the bluff yesterday with this >>146982 and all it is nao is theater until Sept 13th CPI #s

>>147029 Well Imagine THAT...you are too predictable you fuggers...Au -21.40 -1.22%, Ag -0.27 -1.40% >they will slam the metals

>>147034 Planefag: Yerp and CONUS Update-CONUS pretty quiet-it looks busy but fairly normal at this point-just a few things to mention so far SPICY51 USAF B-52 Stratofortress heading back to RAF Fairford after being over the Black Sea, Turkey unidentified smaller AC-could be G4/5 or Citation-any # of smaller ACs out of Pt. Mugu that did a u-turn off of SoCal with 62-3568 USAF KC-135 tanker on the track from Fairchild AFB, Spokane-and AF2 still on ground

>>147038, >>147042 Mar A Lago FBI raid affadavit unsealed?-Heavily redacted moar like.

>>147047 International Military Tribunals for Nazi war criminals will begin in the coming days, in Mariupol, Ukraine! military tribunals of US perps may be led by Russia?

>>147055 GDPNOW Latest estimate: 1.6 percent — August 26, 2022 The ever optimistic fugger here adds back what he just lowered from-he had a YUGE increase taking it from -0.9% to just under 3% several weeks ago

>>147057 A D.C. judge ruled Thursday that a COVID-19 vaccine mandate imposed by Mayor Muriel Bowser is unlawful, siding with a police union that challenged the rules as unfair and damaging to recruitment.

>>147058 Desantis tells the troof "It's very unfair to have a truck driver have to payback a loan opposed to somebody who got like a PH.d in gender studies..that's not fair..that is not right"

>>147063 2 year delta on Q drop #4627 "One party discusses god...One party discusses Darkness..One promotes God, One party eliminates God-Symbolism will be their downfall"

>>147074 STORM03, 02 and 62-3564 USAF KC-135 Stratotankers SW from Bangor ME depart-looks like they are heading to MacDill

>>147075 UAE AF RBDAN911 C-295 Persuader out in the Gulf and heading back to Dhabi

>>147077 Twitter Ordered to Hand Info on 9,000 Audited Accounts Over to Elon Musk

>>147078 RCAF CFC1 Bombardier CL-600Trudopeand CFC3705 CL-600 departed CFB Cold LakeFM Melanie Jolydoing NATO bullshit

>>147080 the lengths (and money they have spent propping this thing-TWTR) to force this through.

>>147087 SA’s faux meat saga: a reprieve after High Court interdict – “successful in halting product seizures”

>>147100 the 4 'X' C-130 Hercules' went to Bangor, ME


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f2f25e No.147106


habs prolific porn spammer next door

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f2f25e No.147107


had forgotten about the change but now that you mention we bitched about it


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3481ee No.147109


ty muh fren was just gonna do that and now I don't habs to!


we got shit for the $100-$200 rolls of half dollars-the circulated non silver ones-well mrs g did-all these questions.....like we were gonna establish a drug empire and pay with 50 cent pieces or something like that

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f2f25e No.147112

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3481ee No.147113


not been ober there much-last time was when I wuz gonna do a bun and that never materialized can't member the day

gonna go fer the night

catch you in the morning prolly after yer run

nighty night muh fren

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3481ee No.147114

File: a336a2e1956466f⋯.png (1010.14 KB,1061x441,1061:441,ClipboardImage.png)

definitely do sum grimage this weekend

miss that-just the process is fun fer me

always haz been

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f2f25e No.147115


g'nite G mang

shake on the morrow


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