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File: 7f86eeeaec81c3a⋯.png (722.9 KB,508x515,508:515,7f86eeeaec81c3a675fa0fa4e9….png)

438013 No.148941 [Last50 Posts]

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438013 No.148942


New bakers always welcome

We Haz Rules? Break One And Find Out

Tongue Out Tuesday is special here, if your fren forgets to post one be a fren and post one for them.


are not endorsements


>>148766 Putin To Give Major Speech On Ukraine Referendums, Possible National War Mobilization

>>148774 Television viewers were 'creeped out' by a ghostly whisper during live coverage of Queen Elizabeth II's funeral procession. A female voice can be heard saying "The death is irreversible...the fact that she's trapped..." during the British broadcasters' live coverage

>>148776 Putin talkin’ about a storm-Now reports of Putin and Russian Defense Minister addressing the nation tonight!

>>148787 Don’t cook chicken in NyQuil: FDA warns about dangerous social media challenges...that you habs to say this...

>>148827, >>148830 REP. SPEIER: "We have 128 [military] bases and installations in red states, in these states that ban abortion. Maybe we should just move these bases!”

>>148867 BoJ announces unscheduled bond buying operation-Basically is breaks down to this: all the "lines in the sand" are being breached on most Japanese Bond issues

>>148868 Swiss Imports of Russian Gold Climb to Highest Since April 2020

>>148869 Sylvamo Corp sold by Citigroup (CNAI) $167.27m-Sept 13th, 2022-Citigroup sets new diversity goals for workforce by 2025

>>148870 Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley Have Mysteriously Disappeared from this Week’s Senate and House Banking Hearings

>>148871 Very High COMEX December contract activity Friday 0916 and Monday 0919

>>148872 Russian AF RSD028 Rossiya -Special Flight Detachment Ilyushin 96 II landed at JFK-dropped off Lavrov and has departed heading WS and arrived at Dulles Int'l-Lavrov's flight crew got the Visas they were waiting for

>>148873 GDPNOW---Latest estimate: 0.3 percent — September 20, 2022 mebby do 100bp so they can say "we're on top of this"-they aren't

>>148875 Five Eyes spy meeting took place at Queenstown resort-SAM806 USAF G5 returned to Hickam AFB yesterday morning (local) after a trip to New Zealand for "secret*" meeting-Prolly C_A Director William J. Burns

>>148878 ENERGY80 National Nuclear Security Administration Office of Secure Transportation 737 from Malmstrom AFB, MT to JB Lewis-McChord on Monday night-Something ya don't see at all on ADS-B B-1 Lancer aka as "the Bone" came out of Dyess AFB yesterday-did some roundies and went back to Dyess-based there

>>148884, >>148901 US Treasury 10 year note solidly above 3.50% (and the 2 year surpasses 4% again) and hits a new 52 week high-got to 4.001% yesterday (4.019% HOD today)..totally normal that../s 3-year rate rises to 3.99%

>>148886 Planefag:CONUS Activity- Japanese sending in ACs for Kishida, RICO28 Global Hawk drone to Grand Forks from Sigonella SAM051 WN from JBA French AF A330 (Macron's AC on Monday) on at Dulles

>>148891 Highly suspect': DARPA tried to hire executive at Wuhan lab funder as COVID emerged, he says

>>148895 NAR: Existing-Home Sales Decreased to 4.80 million SAAR in August

>>148897 JASDF JF01 and 02 777 going to Dulles Int'l to wait-SAM058 USAF G5 WS from JBA depart-French AF CTM001 A330Macron's AC switched to it's callsign for him-he may not be hanging around NY for very long

>>148902 WATCH: This Kamala meme triggered a lib so hard that he demolished the projector during Benny Johnson's speech at the University of Iowa

>>148904 ENERGY80 National Nuclear Security Administration Office of Secure Transportation 737 east from JB Lewis-McChord overnight

>>148906 Reverse Repos: $2,315.900T today as well as the Securities Lending (which is why yer getting these massive inversions the short end) $47.567B in that today

>>148909, >>148922 Federal Reserve issues FOMC statement-raises by 75bp points-markets drop initially but once he starts yapping up dhey go

>>148913, >>148920 ENRGY80 National Nuclear Security Administration Office of Secure Transportation 737 heading to Minot AFB, ND from it's stop at McChord-Quite a list of destinations last 48 hours..including Pantex Plant in Amarillo on 0919

>>148923 ATOM01 USAF WD-135R Constant Phoenix 'Nuke Sniffer' also up from Lincoln Muni as SAM051 USAF G5 returns to JBA from Omaha-Eppley Field after about 1 hour on ground and French AF CTM001 A330 departs Dulles to go get Merde Boi in New York

>>148930 Planefag:CONUS Update ENRGY80 NNS Office of Secure Transportation 737 done with muh dick measuring exercise and back at Augusta Regional, GA (U.S. Department of Energy Savannah River Site used to refine nuclear materials for deployment in nuclear weapons) SAM058 east from PSFB, SAM047 west from JBA, GAF906 went to JFK to p/u PM Scholz, C-17 back with Potato equipment at JBA,Bolivians left JFK

>>148931 Italian AF IAM9002 A319 departed New York Stewart Airport Mario Draghi after his last (I hope for the Italian people's sake) major public appearance at the UN

>>148935 #104


>>148573 45 in N860JJ CL-600 landed at Morristown Muni N.J about 40m ago

>>148576 SAM948 USAF C-32A departed Tallinn, Estonia just prior to sunrise JCOS Mark Milley-US Weighs Escalation Risk As Ukraine Asks for Longer-range Missiles

>>148596 Planefag:Russians departing Sochi-Lavrov got a Visa for UN mtg this week but flight crew no, JCOS Milley went to Warsaw, Greeks back to Athens from Tallinn, Moroccans dropped at Stansted-at Paris nao, Spanish AF switched on at Madrid (prolly King Felipe) leaving for London-Nancy still in Armenia

>>148596 Lavrov Gets Visa for U.N. Meeting, but the U.S. Snubs Other Russian Officials

>>148600 China securities regulator approves first batch of market makers for STAR market-This is their version of NASDAQ-the main markets (Shenzen/Shanghai) haz limit up/down by no moar than 10% after first 5 days (and none prior to that) but this STAR-doesn't at first-then limits kick in so they are trying to emulate our system of rigged market makers

>>148601, >>148602 Trump should just walk out on stage, tell everyone's he's Q +, drop the mic, go board his plane and see what happens-and a reminder: 92-9000 747 was used as 45 confirmed he was Q+ on the AC with the callsign 'Q0' on Dec 7 2018

>>148603, >>148608, >>148614 45 's AC from Saturdays rally in Youngstown filed a flight plan and then flew from Morristown N.J. to Palm Beach Int'l

>>148613 SLV iShares Short interest (record level) and COMEX/LBMA Vault Holdings-draining rapidly

>>148619 Hedge Funds Double Down on Yen Shorts as Rates Disparity Bites-Bear Trap set and will be sprung this week,,crowded trades often habben that way

>>148685 Biden: ‘There’s Not a Single Thing that I’ve Observed at All that Would Affect Me or the United States Relative to My Son Hunter’

>>148690 Planefag:The rats departing London and some of them are heading to New York for the UN 77th General Assembly

>>148695 Volkswagen Seeks To Raise Up To $9.4 Billion From Porsche IPO

>>148704 Trump says FBI ‘ransacked’ Mar-a-Lago in raid, wore shoes in his bedroom-AC (N860JJ) leaves Palm Beach soon that dropped him last night back to it's home base in Youngstown,OH

>>148708 BOXER42 USAF C-40C Pelosi back from her Armenian bullshit GRIM99 filled up tanks over Newfoundland-FINI25 E-4B left Lincoln after returning from Davis-Monthan AFB as GATOR45

>>148716, >>148718 Why Are Walmart And Other Major US Retailers Canceling Billions Of Dollars In Orders As Summer Comes To An End?

>>148721 Planefag: Europe and CONUS update: Japanese and Aussies left London-Arrivals at JFK for U.N.-Mr and Mrs Potato back at JBA

>>148722 LDP under fire for excluding parliament chiefs from Unification Church survey-on the surface it appears just a small issue with separation of church and state...nothing could be further from the truth-the Kharzarian Mafia run this (both in fact) and always has

>>148723 Ford Drops After Carmaker Warns on Higher Supply Costs-These (warnings about higher costs and/or lowered guidance) will just continue to come out-they all ignored it for long enough-now they have reality to deal with

>>148726 RCAF CFC01 Airbus CC-150 Trudope arrived at Newark Int'l as the Polish AF PLF101 737 dropped Duda off at Newark Int'l and heading south to Atlantic City and the Brazilian AF BRS01 A319 takes the less expensive route and dropped off Bolsanaro at JFK and went to Long Island MacArthur Airport-Pakis did same and Hungarians in at Teterboro

>>148731 Americans Drowning In Long-Term Credit Card Debt: Survey

>>148734 BOND07USAF E-4B Nightwatch arriving at Robbins AFB, GA from Lincoln Muni

>>148751 #1003

Previously Collected Notables:

>>148216 #1000, >>148353 #1001, >>148562 #1002

>>147328 #995, >>147513 #996, >>147599 #997, >>147715 #998, >>148027 #999

>>146543 #990, >>146702 #991, >>146826 #992, >>146928 #993, >>147105 #994

>>145766 #985, >>145911 #986, >>146062 #987, >>146266 #988, >>146414 #989

QRB notables archived here >>>/qrb/9528

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438013 No.148943

File: 2b626281ae7cfa2⋯.png (9.51 KB,452x167,452:167,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7dd4b No.148945

File: 3760c60b0b3e451⋯.png (346.44 KB,741x461,741:461,ClipboardImage.png)

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438013 No.148946

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965072 No.148947

File: 11b1a3a15316d48⋯.gif (387.83 KB,260x260,1:1,6tnso8.gif)



Habby frogue dance

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438013 No.148948

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438013 No.148949

File: 2c515446bc837b2⋯.png (4.35 MB,2655x731,2655:731,ClipboardImage.png)


What lies at the north pole

A. Urbano Monte map from 16th century

B. 1606 Mercator Hondius Map of the Arctic

C. Map that VK shared

Some maps call it Hyperborea

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965072 No.148950

File: f83e71e47b37152⋯.jpg (210.67 KB,720x1154,360:577,Screenshot_20220921_191601….jpg)

File: 06f5f7e8d784ae3⋯.jpg (218.61 KB,720x1064,90:133,Screenshot_20220921_191821….jpg)

File: 37ec1f47a5b6904⋯.jpg (84.55 KB,500x804,125:201,7_move_win.jpg)

Thank you, Mr President - I will!


Was thinking about this earlier, sometimes DJT has Dan make him a book of comments and tweets. Trump does read them. Scavino answered my comment with "How does it feel to have the President of The United States read your comment?" Felt guud man, got me in the feelz.

Also Wilkes-Barre, chess strategy, 7 moves to win.

Not getting hopes up, this thought hit me during PA Rally.

Guess I need to read the art of was next.

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438013 No.148951

File: 033c8edc817d88f⋯.png (92.24 KB,1738x502,869:251,ClipboardImage.png)

2 yr delta tomorrow

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a7dd4b No.148952

File: 09fb5eb2b453d90⋯.png (317.05 KB,928x447,928:447,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6e74263a090d33e⋯.png (441.83 KB,880x460,44:23,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c568991212e285c⋯.png (1.71 MB,1200x787,1200:787,ClipboardImage.png)

MANGO28 USAF G5 departed Los Angeles Int'l after a ground stop/refuel of about 30 minutes-the second high level AC from INDO-PAC Command headed to DC this AC has the range to go the full way so mebby some other 'bidness' being done-this is SPAR28 when Indo-Pac Cmdr. Aguilino is using it-had PACBRD1 in at JBA yesterday for about an hour and then went back to Hickam-all that way for 1 hour....

VARY25 US Navy E-6B Mercury over the LA Basin from Tinker and WN nao and just had AE67BE US Navy P-8 Poseidon arrive off SoCal from Whidbey Island NAS

German AF GAF906 A340 leaving JFK withPM Scholzaboard

French AF CTM0001 A330 on ground at JFK waiting fer Merde Boi to leave

00-9001 USAFSOC C-32B back 'ashore' to McGuire after a refueling exercise wif TOPCAT7 KC-135 tanker-been a while since any of the AFSOC ACs have been on visible extended flights-expect that to change soon but we will prolly remain in the dark

EXEC1F C-32A switched on at Laguardia (they couldn't take the 747 together?) and Mr and Mrs Potato are "hosting a Leader’s Reception" that began a few hours ago but she prolly gonna bail soon if this is on

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438013 No.148953

File: f9987311afa3b10⋯.png (2.33 MB,1594x797,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7dd4b No.148954

File: 5f7989d341680e8⋯.webm (2.93 MB,1280x720,16:9,pepe_nuke_em_comfy_1.webm)


been heating up quite nicely

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438013 No.148955


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438013 No.148956

File: 6cf162e46149c8c⋯.png (193.65 KB,295x581,295:581,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7dd4b No.148957

File: eb23983973d0862⋯.png (411.51 KB,558x370,279:185,ClipboardImage.png)

The delayed because of muh queen hike and another set of QT that has been "coming" and we''ll beleebs it when we see it...Santa gonna be busy buying all the NYFRB's shit so ain't gonna have time for Christmas this year-and just like the FOMC they leave out just exactly whom will be buying these

Bank of England Is Set Raise Rates and Start Asset Sales

The Bank of England on Thursday is set to raise interest rates and start selling assets built up during a decade-long stimulus program, a historic tightening of monetary policy designed to clamp down on inflation.

Economists expect the UK central bank to lift its benchmark lending rate a half percentage point to 2.25% and confirm plans to sell more of the £895 billion of bonds acquired during the quantitative-easing program. Investors see a strong chance of a three-quarter-point increase.

Officials led by Governor Andrew Bailey have said they’ll act “forcefully” to prevent inflation from seeping into expectations that wages prices will keep rising. This month’s decision, due at 12 p.m. London time, also gives the government an opportunity to recalibrate the BOE’s emphasis.

Quantitative Tightening

The BOE had planned to endorse so-called quantitative tightening, where bonds from the asset portfolio will be sold. Prime Minister Liz Truss’s decision to borrow huge sums to head off a winter spike in energy costs has introduced an element of doubt. Bailey and Chief Economist Huw Pill have said that QT won’t happen during times of market turmoil (so basically never) UK government bonds have been sliding lately and both the pound and UK government bonds have been sliding lately. BNP Paribas doubts QT will go ahead as planned this month. (or next month or the month after...don't forget the FOREX swaps that have been getting larger and moar frequent as well-now if only the FOMC din't ignore inflation last year but even if they jacked rates to the fake inflation #s of 8.5% you'd have to leave them there for at least 2 years to even start to make a dent so I laugh hard that they use the term "aggressive rate hikes" when they've only done 2.25% in 18 weeks and are creating between $40 and $50B in lended Securities every fuggen day to create this narrative that they are in control of it)


(Germany baling-out/nationalizing-Uniper is just the start of all of themit is effectively saving the bondholdersthey won't let them fail which would be the best option (over the long term since they will just continue to do the same shit with hedging) which got them in this position in the first place-This is classic Moral Hazard at werk hereyou've got to clean this shit up eventually and this is NOT the way but it's the easiest for them and they've just set THE precedent for all these other energy companies to point to as the solution)

icymi earlier today-pretty much all over the news so din't post it earlier

Germany is nationalizing its largest gas utility, Uniper


At least someone called it a bailout in this article but doesn't really "get it" as plenty of companies fail yet continue to operate-this would be no different-it is ALL about the bondholders-and will be for all the other ones that need the same-the floodgates are open for this now

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a7dd4b No.148958


see every once and a while and just shakes muh head-they really scraping the bottom with those-haven't heard from micro-dick lately isn't it about time fer him to surface on that again?

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438013 No.148959


I think they are busy fighting for their lives

will have to watch who comes up for air next

lots of BS being passed by House, hoping Senate has he sense to sit on em till they die

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a7dd4b No.148960


i'd agree on that plus you habs hairman who just signed a shit-ton of 'climate' bills last week-thus raising his profile-can't do nuffin about those cause once it's done it's done (here) but I hope they (Senate) squash that shit hard cause they let some shit slip through there fingers in 2018 and..ahh passed on some shit (part of larger picture notwithstanding)

They can right some wrongs they passed on doing in 2018 but how many more ops peeps gonna give them-hope they realize that.

I'm pretty much just gonna be surprised iykwim and not counting on any of it.

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438013 No.148961


hopin midterms shakes sheitz up, big time

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a7dd4b No.148962

File: 005ec80d1f3a189⋯.png (201.76 KB,982x561,982:561,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e5dc2032afaf72a⋯.png (376.03 KB,485x603,485:603,ClipboardImage.png)


Bon Débarras Merde Boi

French AF CTM0001 A330Macronand CTM0008 Falcon 7X escort and security detail both departed JFK Int'l

They aren't hanging around like they usually do

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a7dd4b No.148963


absolutely befuddling to me and that 45 haz to even spend ANY time on it is PA.

I din't know much about the dem (Fetterman-big surprise dhere.../s) until Tucker did that piece on him a few weeks ago.

Don't live there so din't really know

Talk about no choice-use the tool..get it fer Oz when the other one is a total and complete moran and he is the current Lt. Gov.!..hairman was that in CA too now that I think of it.

Said it before-here in '18 there wasn't even a choice for Senate-it was just check a box for Difichi and that was it and if you voted straight repub (which many did) the algo flipped it over.

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438013 No.148964



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438013 No.148965


is better where I am in fla

not so much fuckery but local stuffs a bit messy

at least being here better able to keep up with who is what

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a7dd4b No.148966

File: 00e82b382a48961⋯.png (1.28 MB,1053x537,351:179,ClipboardImage.png)


you actually have some semblance of a choice prolly a bit moar-we have this one prop that is about gambling and yes or no on it are both bad options one way or another.

The ads are frickin hilarious one of them is "it guarantees money for the homeless" and it's sponsored by Penn Gaming Company...yeah we've seen how all the past 'programs' for homeless people have werked here..none of them do-all just $ laundering ftmp

It's just like the gas tax in 2018 that we all supposedly voted yes on...I'm not gonna say that no one voted for it but who in da hell votes to raise taxes?

Ima going fer the night

you have a good rest o the night/morning and I'll see ya later


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438013 No.148967


g'nite G mang

glad we all on the same page again

holy sheitz

I go lookin next time

take care

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438013 No.148968

g'nite doe

where ever you iz

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df6754 No.148969

File: ce1a32d471256f2⋯.gif (2.16 MB,612x612,1:1,20220921_215720.gif)


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438013 No.148970



evenin aei


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df6754 No.148971

File: f8ff73516eeed64⋯.gif (1.75 MB,567x640,567:640,20220921_221757.gif)



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965072 No.148982

File: ce744e73b7e89b8⋯.jpg (162.76 KB,720x1238,360:619,Screenshot_20220922_054812….jpg)

Appearing on Hannity Wednesday night, President Trump declared that he doesn’t see how the Justice Department could prosecute him because as President he had the power to declassify documents by just thinking about it.




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965072 No.148983

File: 3715e4d2554fa88⋯.jpg (108.33 KB,720x637,720:637,054303.jpg)



Ahoy from Texas

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438013 No.148984

File: 1dc924b06a97211⋯.gif (1.68 MB,777x753,259:251,1dc924b06a972115887cfefcfd….gif)


mornin yo

still not TGIF

but closer


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b18d26 No.148985

File: 1b2489b047ecbba⋯.jpg (37.13 KB,500x500,1:1,fc07c8878a4d7523c42ba4da48….jpg)



precipice day...

remaining clam

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b18d26 No.148986

File: a8a907fa17a406d⋯.png (50.99 KB,429x193,429:193,ClipboardImage.png)

not eben fair

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438013 No.148987


this war yo


didn't ya know the very lives of capcha are threatened by anons just like you

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b18d26 No.148988

File: dff794ea6f6babd⋯.png (266.9 KB,666x422,333:211,dff794ea6f6babd03ae537921a….png)


dat mean i can shoot it?

all guud? week fly'n by

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438013 No.148989


dube firm you can

guud monitors spensive tho

not flyin fast enough for me

time change yet cause I think muh body flipped already?

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b18d26 No.148990

File: 767047dab980d85⋯.gif (796.83 KB,498x326,249:163,767047dab980d858e46d928aee….gif)


4 weeks head'n up to mamasaan. she turn'n 85 next mo.

drive'n. lubs tha road trip.

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438013 No.148991

File: b64cd0a0af7fc74⋯.png (1.09 MB,967x562,967:562,ROADTRIP.png)


will be a noice time to get away

weather cool

road trips great

wit g's not so much


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b18d26 No.148992

File: 775bff28512d1b3⋯.png (701.84 KB,627x625,627:625,775bff28512d1b371af059562f….png)


will haul'n fam so...

won't be haul'n ass kek

quick one tho. in bday n out. wurk gotz me all jack'd up dis year

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438013 No.148994

File: dd70f6533a169e0⋯.png (1.05 MB,1056x523,1056:523,2bf3fada134e9577bb88440040….png)


better to have bidnez kicken yo ass than bill collectors

da prollems we haz yo

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b18d26 No.148995


tru. no complaintz just tired.

see'n the declass sheitshow in full swing.

[dhey] def gonna indict 45. neber thought the moovee would take this long or habs so many twists.

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b18d26 No.148996

File: 212bb1f6712de07⋯.png (124.23 KB,500x263,500:263,ClipboardImage.png)

“I think realistic predictions ought to be even darker,”

Serbian President Warns Of "Great World Conflict" Within Two Months


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438013 No.148997


only way for this shit to kick off imma fraid

one moar year

we gonna makes it yo

not promising all in one piece but we drag our asses across the line, sad as they may be


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b18d26 No.148998


u may be over the target on dis one.

hold'n off on expansion and stock'n up on dis end.

guud newz iz i be on tha hospital grid. can't be outta power for too long.

bad guise gonna drop erry bomb dhey got come november

we ain't at the fear pr0n part of the moovee yet. no sure how normies gonna fare.

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438013 No.148999


g1 not faring well at all

continues to sit in front of TV cause all he can do, all he nose too

still, between the market and fear pron not sure how long he will make it

he wasn't supposed to live this long


94 in Nov

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b18d26 No.149000

File: c83d5a8888ecb55⋯.png (80.12 KB,600x600,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


dem trips yo

mamasaan thot old frens were coming ober to stay yesterday and dhey ain't com'n till mid october. she out dhere bigtime. not sure if we gonna see many moar bdays.

datz old yo. doan no if i'd wanna be round dat long kek

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df6754 No.149001

File: 09bcd8f5b64d930⋯.gif (939.52 KB,640x480,4:3,20220922_085200.gif)


many will die.

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438013 No.149002

File: d8969138e5d183c⋯.gif (624.77 KB,454x605,454:605,d8969138e5d183c9df5870e620….gif)


as He wills


nice of you to add G to the tongue mix


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b18d26 No.149003


many moar will panic. juss wait till there ain't enuff of anything to go around

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438013 No.149004


panic alone is a killer imma fraid

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b18d26 No.149005


nudder troof

gotz a meet'n to prep fer. back afta while

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a7dd4b No.149006

File: e9719bfc2a8ab61⋯.png (234.8 KB,780x522,130:87,ClipboardImage.png)

>>148913, >>148920, >>148930 lb

ENRGY80 NNS Office of Secure Transportation 737 departed Augusta Regional Airport after overnight west

AF2 USAF C-32A WN from JBA to Milwaukee

SAM102 C-40B west from JBA

'''Hungarian AF HUAF668 Falcon 7X SW from Teterboro and Paraguyy AF FAP1 C-680 Citation landed at Miami Int'l-also departed Teterboro

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438013 No.149007


habs a smooooov one

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a7dd4b No.149008


got some issues this morning

in/out when I can

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438013 No.149009


mornin G


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a7dd4b No.149010


not good

back when I can

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df6754 No.149011

File: 67b2d3a3d506f19⋯.gif (912.38 KB,510x510,1:1,20181019_150951.gif)


commercial on c&вsнош


brought to you by


the overton is wtfopen

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438013 No.149012



what were the mossad thinking when they sand the Liberty ya think? would have to go back through dates to see when 67 war was

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a7dd4b No.149015

File: 91687f67d4f75e2⋯.png (154.63 KB,878x466,439:233,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 345d7c8de92bbd8⋯.png (219.68 KB,680x441,680:441,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9d4ca0ad6ea8b3b⋯.png (205.03 KB,738x434,369:217,ClipboardImage.png)


ENRGY80 NNS Office of Secure Transportation 737 stopped at Amarillo Int'l (Pantex again) for about an hour and now on ground at Kirtland AFB (Sandia Labs) once moar-stopped both places on Monday

Hungarian AF HUAF668 Falcon 7X on approach for San Diego Int'k from Teterboro, N.J. departure

SAM102 USAF C-40B departing ground stop at Moses Lake, WA of about 90m

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df6754 No.149016


one is moar interested in the implications

ot the fact "muhjooshill"data is being

advertised on rush limbaugh's timeslot

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a7dd4b No.149017

File: 6c93acfe61e965e⋯.png (87.78 KB,956x548,239:137,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fd2bfd3ed1fa492⋯.png (39.18 KB,765x534,255:178,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 95a1d6e7306efc4⋯.png (1.12 MB,1100x825,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Hope those freshly minted YEN shorts got out on that initial foray back towards ¥145 earlier (and a fresh new 24 year low @ ¥145.89) as even with "intervention" (as mentioned on Sunday 'Bear Trap' and about 10 days ago that they would do something around 145..they did) >>148619 pbBear Trap set and will be sprung this week...crowded trades often habben that way-they will NEVER willingly raise

Japan intervenes to stop yen slide, after BOJ holds rates super low

Japan intervened in the foreign exchange market on Thursday to buy yen for the first time since 1998, in an attempt to shore up the battered currency after the Bank of Japan stuck with ultra-low interest rates.

The move, which occurred in late Asia hours, saw the dollar plunge more than 2% to around 140.3 yen. There were no subsequent signs of further intervention or help for the BOJ from other central banks and the dollar was last around 1.2% lower at 142.31 yen at 1421 ET/1821 GMT..It had earlier traded more than 1% higher on the BOJ's decision to stick to its super-loose policy stance, bucking a global tide of monetary tightening by central banks fighting soaring inflation.

"We have taken decisive action," vice finance minister for international affairs Masato Kanda told reporters, responding in the affirmative when asked if that meant intervention.

Analysts, however, doubted whether the move would halt the yen's prolonged slide for long. The currency has depreciated nearly 20% this year, sinking to 24-year lows, largely as aggressive U.S. interest rate hikes push the dollar higher. "The market was expecting some intervention at some point, given the increasing verbal interventions we have been hearing over the past few weeks," said Stuart Cole, head macro economist at Equiti Capital in London. Finance Minister Shunichi Suzuki declined to disclose how much authorities had spent buying yen and whether other countries had consented to the move. On Thursday the U.S. Treasury acknowledged the BOJ's move but stopped short of endorsing the intervention.

Two months ago U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said of the yen's depreciation that Washington remained convinced that currency intervention was warranted only in "rare and exceptional circumstances", and that the market should determine exchange rates for G7 countries. As a protocol, currency intervention requires informal consent by Japan's G7 counterparts, notably the United States, if it were to be conducted against the dollar/yen. Confirmation of intervention came hours after the BOJ's decision to hold rates at near zero to support the country's fragile economic recovery, a position many analysts believe to be increasingly untenable given the global shift to higher borrowing costs.

BOJ Governor Haruhiko Kuroda told reporters the central bank could hold off on hiking rates or changing its dovish policy guidance for years."There's absolutely no change to our stance of maintaining easy monetary policy for the time being.We won't be raising interest rates for some time," Kuroda said after the policy decision.Japan also stood alone among major economies in keeping short-term rates in negative territory after the Swiss National Bank on Thursday raised its policy rate by 75 basis points, ending years of negative rates aimed at taming the appreciation of its currency.




>>148526 pb Economic Schedule for Week of September 18, 2022

>and left pissing in the wind will be the Bank of Japan who won't do nuffin-but they will continue to vaporize the Yen defending 0.25% on it's 10 year bond)

There is nothing on the NYFRB Currency Vaporization (FOREX Swap) page reported yet-but these are often delayed-I expect a fresh one for the ECB as they've done them in size for three weeks straight.


>>148867 BoJ announces unscheduled bond buying operation-Basically is breaks down to this: all the "lines in the sand" are being breached on most Japanese Bond issues

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df6754 No.149021


one does not understand why they can not see.

the data is right in front of what passes for their eyes.

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a7dd4b No.149022

File: 5765b3138396426⋯.png (258.13 KB,843x452,843:452,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9968730ee34ff66⋯.png (279.81 KB,653x297,653:297,ClipboardImage.png)

>>148875 lb

SAM806 USAF G5 (the AC at muh 'secret' 5 eyes meeting on Sept 16th at Queensland, NZ and was also at Pine Gap on Sept 13-14) returning to JBA from Hickam AFB departure-top 3 of G5s from the 99th Airlift Squad

SCOUT93 USAF B-52 Stratofortress doing roundies over 29 Palms from Barksdale AFB, LA


Hungarian AF HUAF668 Falcon 7X on ground at San Diego Int'l

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a7dd4b No.149023

File: fe926de3e9dee29⋯.png (105.8 KB,445x347,445:347,ClipboardImage.png)


pretty god coming from the same person who said it wasn't gong to be an issue and "transitory" and still with muh Russia of course-can't leave THAT out since it pretty much led the FOMC statement from yesterday

Yellen: Inflation will come down next year

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Thursday said she believed high U.S. inflation would fall next year, but cautioned there are risks to this outlook. “I believe it’s going to come down certainly next year, although, let’s be clear, there are risks,” Yellen said, when asked about the inflation outlook at a conference sponsored by the Atlantic Magazine. “The Russian invasion of Ukraine hasn’t come to an end, we’re seeing [Russian President Vladimir] Putin weaponize oil and gas in fighting this war, so we remain vulnerable to supply shocks. But I think the [Federal Reserve] is clearly committed to bringing inflation down, and I expect that to be successful.” (of course you do and when the FOMC does the final pivot and that is coming sooner rather than later what will you say then?)

Yellen, a former Fed chairwoman, spoke a day after the U.S. central bank stepped up its fight against inflation by agreeing to the third straight super-sized increase in interest rates, and signaling more big hikes before the end of the year. Yellen said she was also skeptical that target would be met next year. “Two percent is the goal, and perhaps we don’t get there next year, but I certainly expect to see inflation come down.”

The treasury chief was not asked, meanwhile, about the Bank of Japan’s intervention to support the yen USDJPY, -1.20%, the first such move since 1998. The U.S. dollar dropped sharply against the Japanese currency in response to the move. “The Bank of Japan today intervened in the foreign exchange market,” a Treasury spokesperson said in a statement Thursday. “We understand Japan’s action, which it states aims to reduce recent heightened volatility of the yen.”

The U.S. did not participate in the intervention, Treasury said. (They had to use it's own Foreign Currency Reserves-they state they have $1.33 trillion of foreign reserves-or someone had to pair with them-likely the former and although that sounds like a lot it will quickly vaporize as they will not raise rates according to Kuroda so this is gonna get costly very quick)


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a7dd4b No.149024

File: 26cce1d3260d83b⋯.png (348.8 KB,773x432,773:432,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1d5bbd06da464b8⋯.png (273.25 KB,741x334,741:334,ClipboardImage.png)

C102 US Coast Guard G5 (still miss-identified in ADS-B) on ground at NAS Norfolk from Reagan National departure

It is the same type as cap#2 and it is the newest in it's fleet and added into service on July10th, 2022

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438013 No.149025


G mang

gotta run an errand

back soon

glad you feelin betters in sheitz

will grill on return

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a7dd4b No.149026

File: 1847095974d65b2⋯.png (72.59 KB,906x603,302:201,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 274c1386429278a⋯.png (258.48 KB,580x430,58:43,lagarde_thumbs_up_trans.png)


>I expect a fresh one for the ECB as they've done them in size for three weeks straight.

Central Bank U.S. Dollar Liquidity Vaporware Swap with European Central Bank: $215,500,000

Did it yesterday and settled today-good for another week that brings it to Sept 29th


These swap facilities are designed to improve liquidity conditions in global money markets and to minimize the risk that strains abroad could spread to U.S. markets, by providing foreign central banks with the capacity to deliver U.S. dollar funding to institutions in their jurisdictions. The New York Fed undertakes certainsmall value transactionsfrom time to time for the purpose of testing operational readiness. The results of the central bank liquidity swap operations and small value exercises of the central bank liquidity swap lines are published on a weekly basis when conducted

"small value transactions" kek!

In June of this year I looked back at what they did for the prior year

>>139491 ECB Tool to Avert Debt Crisis 2.0 Takes Shape as Market on Edge + the ECB has done $11.969B in currency swaps with the NYFRB since June 17th, 2021

Add these to that and all pb

>>140227 NYFRB Currency Swap with the E.C.B.-and this was not here earlier today nor yesterday: $184,400,000

>>143546 ZULU82 drew T2S which is the European Central Bank's TARGET2-Securities (T2S) and settlement/payment platform-Since we've had the Mining stuff identified with this drone quite 'dasting it points THIS out with the EURO on life-support and a fresh new Currency Swap with the NYFRB yesterday

>>146403 Euro in trouble again so the NYFRB vaporizes another $165m in a currency swap with the ECB

>>144141 New York Federal Reserve Central Bank Liquidity Swap Operations with the ECB and BOJ...the ECB (EURO) $212,500,000 and the BOJ (YEN) with a measly $1m

>>147681 New York Federal Reserve vaporizes moar FIAT dosh-Liquidity Swap with the European Central Bank: $196.5m

>>148372 Central Bank Liquidity Swap Operations: U.S. Dollar Liquidity Swap Vaporization (FIFY): $272,600,000.bulk goes to ECB @ $209.6m, Swiss start up again

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a7dd4b No.149027

File: c387be8a93ebdfd⋯.png (261.65 KB,832x438,416:219,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e7602b680094285⋯.gif (3.75 MB,498x280,249:140,pilot_hello_frens.gif)


Hungarian AF HUAF668 Falcon 7X departing San Diego Int'l WN after a little moar than 3 hours on the ground

SCOUT93 USAF B-52 Stratofortress landed at MCAS Miramar after it's roundies over 29 Palms earlier-Airshow over the weekend at MCAS Miramar and VMBA10 USMC C-130 'Fat Albert' departing MCAS Miramar for the Blue Angels display that officially starts on Friday-practice now


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438013 No.149028

File: ee38ec50b71fe5a⋯.png (1.5 MB,1199x864,1199:864,ClipboardImage.png)

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438013 No.149029


all grilled bro


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438013 No.149030


so take a look

ban sale of fire arms bill in congress to AR 15 reg

censor opposing news- not so guud with that, will habs to shut down inet to do that, they will, devolution DOD ips will kick in, BQQM

open borders now coming to their own back yards

kill economy starve enslave public itza comin

bill in house now to stop electoral

house rep goin on about moving mil bases from red states kek

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a7dd4b No.149031



berry soon those that din't pay attention are gonna see A lot.

See the one thing they still have is muh russia-if he'd (VP) have used the Air Force to it's full extent ..end all that shit then the major excuse they have (economic at least) just vanishes but I get why it is extended and not done that way in the first place cause if done that way it's not enough exposure of them and how it all got put together in the first place and backfires so it haz to be done like dhat

Just gettin' tired of hearing that and people still actually believing it's all muh russia

They habs nuffin else if that removed, economically speaking.

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df6754 No.149032

File: 65f0db062d02a7c⋯.gif (2.76 MB,639x353,639:353,20220922_183526.gif)

maвus will fixit

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a7dd4b No.149033

and beleebs me there are plenty around here that are still on the muh russians fault

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438013 No.149034


I have posts of MBS being from the House of David

Christ pics too

not as prophet iirc

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438013 No.149035



blows the mind

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a7dd4b No.149036

File: 987f3b9351baff9⋯.png (62.15 KB,510x813,170:271,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7cfd63c7b2e1026⋯.png (367.02 KB,516x718,258:359,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 67d7dd00cae131b⋯.png (287.63 KB,375x415,75:83,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 68488a9447feb44⋯.png (71.25 KB,769x587,769:587,ClipboardImage.png)

Today's 30 year Fixed rate Mortgage: FreddieMAC 6.29% up 27bp from last post (6.02%)-last week...they (NYFRB) have bought no MBS since 0914

Final Look at Local Housing Markets in August

Inventory Up, Sales Down Sharply, New Listings Decline

The big story for August existing home sales was the sharp year-over-year (YoY) decline in sales. Another key story was that new listings were down YoY in August as the sellers’ strike continued. And active listings were up. Also, median prices are falling nationally (more than normal seasonally).

Active Inventory in August

Here is a summary of active listings for these housing markets in August. Inventory in these markets were down 32% YoY in January, down 12% YoY in April, and are now up 25% YoY! So, this is a significant change from earlier this year, but about the same YoY increase as in July (up 26% YoY).

The YoY increase in inventory was pulled down by a few markets with inventory down YoY like New York and Illinois.

Note that active inventory in some previous hot markets like Austin (168%), Las Vegas (149%) and Phoenix (159%) are up triple digits YoY.

New Listings in August

And here is a table for new listings in August. For these areas, new listings were down 11.3% YoY. The sellers’ strike has slowed the increase in active inventory. Last month, new listings in these markets were down 7.8% YoY.

Closed Sales in August

And a table of August sales. In August, sales in these markets were down 18.7% YoY. The NAR reported sales were down 17.4% NSA YoY. Contracts for sales in August were mostly signed in June and July, and we are seeing the impact of higher mortgage rates on August closings.

Here is a table comparing the year-over-year Not Seasonally Adjusted (NSA) declines in sales this year from the National Association of Realtors® (NAR) with the local markets I track. So far, these measures have tracked closely.

Looking ahead: In September 2022, there were the same number of working days as in September 2021, so the SA and NSA declines in sales will be similar. Sales in some of the hottest markets are down around 30% YoY (all of California was down 24%), whereas in other markets, sales are only down in the teens YoY.



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a7dd4b No.149037


wish it weren't that way in muh hood-literally mouthing the talking points and the gs that do it should know better.

find it's moar of them (gs) that are out of touch moar than the younger ones-which is good in the long run-they still all shut up when we get close d'oh...me and muh "MBA"

After putting the mouthy one in place they all on watch nao

It's funny..I have fun with it

One couple noes I noes stuff but I've never really spouted off-just little things here and there (I did mention early Oct to 'em last week-and really..it's up to them-not muh job to play fortune teller or answer man)

One of 'em thinks i werk fer the Gov't

Laughed muh ass off


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438013 No.149038


got g1 understanding Putin is an ally, CCP not so much

not sure how far that has sunk in though

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a7dd4b No.149041


i tried with the VP thing 5-6 years ago and then when the one I was talking to about all that miss-information they were gettin' on tv well he died then the n'bor (who is decent-hates 45 but we can talk cause you gotta have yer own opinion that don't bother me at all..it would many others though)

They told me me he thought I wuz a russian spy-it's actually something that still comes up the other day she said, outloud within earshot of that group, "good luck in Moscow next week"

Just total deadpan...i laughed muh ass off..the others notsomuch


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438013 No.149042


we all russian bots yo

doing VP bidding


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a7dd4b No.149043

File: 36800922ceedcbe⋯.png (336.27 KB,657x457,657:457,ClipboardImage.png)

File: efbbb03d5db57b1⋯.png (275.82 KB,528x314,264:157,ClipboardImage.png)


Hungarians with a quick trip north-went to Van Nuys Airport in the San Fernando Valley-basically the spillover airport for Burbank/Hollywood

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438013 No.149044



better sushi or pot?

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a7dd4b No.149045


after that experience-decided it's not muh job to convince anyone of anything-really well before that but that pretty much sealed it.

Just hated seeing them eat all that up as I was a daily visitor with doggo-they couldn't get out and loved dogs so brought mine to them. Always had the show on with NoNames daughter on so one day spoke up instead of holding muh tongue-I did fer a while-respect the gs to a point just on basic principle

This was spring 2016 so all that was T-H-I-C-K

Others view(s) don't bother me-certainly not like dhat stoopid kid and the projector-why I can talk to the other n'bor despite her opinion of 45..makes no diff to me

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a7dd4b No.149046


Dunno bout the pot-I've never bought any/had any from dhere but as a youngin' there was one Jap. restaurant where the chef taught me all about maikn' it, the etiquette etc-when it wasn't as popular as it got

Have eaten it since very young-silver queen took us dhere all the time

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438013 No.149047


that's the kicker yo

not muh job to convince but I have no prollem discussing muh opine if banter is on

I don't get offended so no sympathy for those that do

does make me like peeps less though


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a7dd4b No.149049


100%....the moar it all became shit like that the less people I talked to.

Wanted everyone to care about stoopid things like following celebrities and-god I hate this word-"influencers".

Speaking of not werth the effort they at it hard "Russians gonna nuke us all!..I remember as a kid dad built a bomb shelter...blah,blah,"

din't even stop shook muh head kept walking

One day (if they last long enough) they'll find out it was never gonna habben..all fake.

Just like now-they may pop something off isolated but we ain't gonna habs what they wanna call "WW3" all over.

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438013 No.149050


will be glad to live away from peeps, socialize when want to

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438013 No.149051

or not


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a7dd4b No.149052


yep sometimes a bubble is a good thing as long as one's overall perspective isn't lost-easy to do that but it's different nao than before as we have all these comm plattys

kaczynski had the right idea..very poor execution d'oh


Ima go

I'll dropa da bun and outta here

tap the tribe


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a7dd4b No.149053




>>148950 Was thinking about this earlier, sometimes DJT has Dan make him a book of comments and tweets. Trump does read them. Scavino answered my comment with "How does it feel to have the President of The United States read your comment?" Felt guud man, got me in the feelz.

>>148951, >>148956 2 year delta on Q drop #4741 092222 "Have you ever witnessed a full-blown international mainstream media constant [barrage] [counter]attack re: a 'conspiracy'?"

>>148952 PF MANGO28 USAF G5 departed Los Angeles Int'l after a ground stop/refuel of about 30 minutes-the second high level AC from INDO-PAC Command headed to DC- German PM left JFK, French gonna leave soon, Flauxtus AC switched on- AFSOC AC done with offshore refueling exercise

>>148957 Bank of England Is Set Raise Rates and Start Asset Sales-who gonna buy those nao? kek! plus Moral Hazard defined with "Germany is nationalizing its largest gas utility, Uniper"

>>148962 French AF CTM0001 A330 Macron and CTM0008 Falcon 7X escort and security detail both departed JFK Int'l

>>148982 Appearing on Hannity Wednesday night, President Trump declared that he doesn’t see how the Justice Department could prosecute him because as President he had the power to declassify documents by just thinking about it.

>>148996 Serbian President Warns Of "Great World Conflict" Within Two Months

>>149006, >>149015 Planefag: CONUS Activity ENRGY80 NNS Office of Secure Transportation 737 departed Augusta Regional Airport after overnight west and went to Amarillo (Pantex and Kirtland AFB-Sandia Labs so far)-AF2 went to Milwaukee, Hungarians left Teterboro and went to San Diego Int'l and SAM102 had a stop at Moses Lake Wa. for 90m and departed to the WN

>>149017 Japan intervenes to stop yen slide, after BOJ holds rates super low...as predicted they would intervene after or at 145..they did

>>149022 SAM806 USAF G5 (the AC at muh 'secret' 5 eyes meeting on Sept 16th at Queensland, NZ and was also at Pine Gap on Sept 13-14) returning to JBA-SCOUT93 BUFF doing roundies over 29 Palms in eastern CA

>>149023 Yellen: Inflation will come down next year-pretty god coming from the same person who said it wasn't gong to be an issue and "transitory" and still with muh Russia of course

>>149027, >>149043 Hungarian AF HUAF668 Falcon 7X departing San Diego Int'l WN after a little moar than 3 hours on the ground and went to Van Nuys Airport in San Fernando Valley

>>149028, >>149030, >>149031 "The 16 year plan to destroy America"-good time to refresh on that

>>149036 Final Look at Local Housing Markets in August-Today's 30 year Fixed rate Mortgage: FreddieMAC 6.29% up 27bp from last post (6.02%)-last week...they (NYFRB) have bought no MBS since 0914

think it's all there

add if not

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438013 No.149054


tyvm for collect

right behind ya

g'nite G

tomorrow TGIF!

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3f4527 No.149055

File: 5e0610882aad983⋯.gif (4.69 MB,400x225,16:9,20220922_235450.gif)


most of humankind these days are of that house


the nazıs heads will pop

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3f4527 No.149056

File: 8ae4bd0ab7c49f7⋯.gif (18.5 KB,155x134,155:134,20220923_000139.gif)


don, vlad, xı, мвs...

all of a feather

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a4ee94 No.149057

File: 319f87f4d12f78b⋯.jpeg (120.33 KB,800x447,800:447,765ECD31_E648_4700_93F8_2….jpeg)

File: 95d755f9ff6af5e⋯.jpeg (308.14 KB,750x1300,15:26,1BBB98A7_E60A_4F08_9FC4_C….jpeg)

Hello QRB frens. UK Bread anon visiting. Sorry have not posted this more timely but it relates to the dark star field on US flag. A while back when researching the Washington Crossing the Delaware painting, came across this only known photo of the ORIGINAL painting done by Leutze in 1850. It was destroyed in Germany by allied bombing in WWII. It doesn’t seem to show any stars.

Can anons make out any stars on it? There is discussion in the wiki that any actual battle flag at the time of ‘the crossing’ would not have had the stars we have come to expect to see such as the Betsy Ross flag.

Mebbe anons can adjust the image to find any stars on the flag. Seems bery dasting to me. Think it might be related to recent flag habbs?

Just gonna leave this for anons.

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a4ee94 No.149058


Still have issues with captcha not scrolling down and using the other at top of bread. Have to keep playing with it 15-20 times, or more! Needless to say it’s had an effect on my posting.

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a4ee94 No.149059


Might be just when trying to post images. But that’s what we do on UK bred, so it’s really affected my participation. Please share my prob with admin if you can. Meta it seems is always locked.

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db212b No.149061

File: 78f77cecc7b19ce⋯.png (538.98 KB,1054x1519,34:49,Screenshot_20220920_134113….png)


They are crossing in a Durham boat and according to Kash, Durham's trip is about to get very interesting.

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438013 No.149063

File: 6e607766ec0367f⋯.gif (811.51 KB,457x609,457:609,6e607766ec0367f74e788d8477….gif)


did the nazi's think if they wiped out the jews and rid the world of the house of David they would have a clear path to dominance???

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dee88d No.149064

File: fef91f15f7742f0⋯.jpg (50.85 KB,625x484,625:484,ed3f18046b7dfb02f480e65224….jpg)

habby tgif fam

gball ok? saw post yesterday.

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438013 No.149065

File: ced41e51f385068⋯.png (674.54 KB,556x720,139:180,ClipboardImage.png)


habby bout time TGIF




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c304cc No.149066


Time change brian it's real, got it too.

94yo, hope when we get there we already won here. Kek

I intend to live longer, key is physical activity. Neighbors mom is 100, she mows her own yard. Neighbor is 80, works outside 3 hours everyday. Still lifting 50# feed sacks, cutting down trees.

Six hour drive yesterday, still getting financials sitched. Before getting monkey hammered I switched 40% of investments to bonds, 4%. Yo money still got a job until I gets out.

TGIF <--- red txt

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dee88d No.149067



got muh 35mi in and covfefe in muh veins

how's s westie n g's?

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438013 No.149068


g1 sleeps moar, when wakes is discombobulated, not sure of day, or time and can't keep his routine or schedule so angry and lashes out, control has always been big issue and he has none and we had one of those discussions yesterday

he peeled his own eggs, don't know if this a sorry for being an ass or I'll show you kind of thing but def not a guud thing, will come back to haunt me either way


impervious is a fortunate state for me

otherwise all guud in the huud

supply chain stuffs startin to show a bit down here

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c304cc No.149069

File: 3092b1b4c022cb0⋯.jpg (48.89 KB,631x354,631:354,Keksingolden.jpg)

->Happy Friday<-

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c304cc No.149070

Whoops, forgot about purp txt

Keks in dumbass

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c304cc No.149071

Still me, apparently driving through 6 counties and back get ip hoppage id

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dee88d No.149072


>peeled his own eggs

juss sayn' see still relevant

>supply chain stuffs

in the thick of it here. normies gonna git a real taste of shortages come q1.

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dee88d No.149073

File: 75c7b8d2eec0604⋯.jpg (69.99 KB,736x829,736:829,EVG_VUQU0AAe4PU456587gjjgg….jpg)

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c304cc No.149074


Rubberlips :-p

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438013 No.149075


I nose that, you nose that but he will never admit he can do it again unless it is a back bite to me

that the point


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a7dd4b No.149076

File: ff93ecf5a8c1919⋯.png (217.62 KB,672x465,224:155,ClipboardImage.png)

morning all

habby fryday

I'm ok w thanks fer asking

one of those days

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438013 No.149077

File: ba33b0f725665b9⋯.png (1016.48 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


morning G

glad you could make it

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dee88d No.149078


roger dat fam. juss make'n sure

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c304cc No.149079

File: 9770e277b29ab96⋯.jpg (136.27 KB,720x1083,240:361,Screenshot_20220923_094207….jpg)









@SuperEliteCorgi https://truthsocial.com/users/Dragonheart7/statuses/109045160893805384

LMAO PDJT retruthed, video 26mb, too yuge.. full of Q memes

Retruth time 01:57:17

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c304cc No.149080

Only clicked copy address, not my MO to use emojis, dang gotta check eberthing.

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a7dd4b No.149081

File: cdcdfb164888e67⋯.png (186.5 KB,888x446,444:223,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2a69b0e1c60da83⋯.png (596.05 KB,1002x483,334:161,ClipboardImage.png)

Planefag:Europe PAT78 G5 returns from a trip to Rzesow Airport Poland on (0921)-moar clean shirts fer Zelenksy and prepped him for the UN speech yesterday-departed Brussels and Coast Guard G5 heading across the Atlantic from NAS Norfolk, Swedish AF Early Warning and Control AC in the Baltic Sea

PAT78 US Army G5 west from Brussels Int'l-this went to Rzesow Airport on 0921 from Ramstein and back-moved to Brussels yesterday-this is FORGE78 while over CONUS and when the go to Europe they at PAT- Priority Air Transport

C102 US Coast Guard G5 heading across the Atlantic after it's overnight stay at NAS Norfolk

Swedish AF C604 Saab S 100D Argus (AEW&C) Airborne Early Warning and Control in the Baltic Sea from Visby Airport-Gotland Island-(red dot and cap #2)

The S100B Argus airborne early warning and control aircraft entered service with the Swedish Air Force in 1997. The S100B is a Saab 340B aircraft, built by Saab Aircraft, with an Erieye mission radar from Saab (formerly Ericsson) Microwave Systems. Six S100B Argus aircraft were produced for the Swedish Air Force, four of which are permanently equipped with early warning radar and two fitted for transport missions during peacetime.


Belgian AF BAF82 Falcon 7X back to Brussels after about 1h at Tartu Airport, Estonia

HOMER11 USAF RC-135 Rivet Joint heading back to Souda Bay, Crete after it's eastern Romania trackin'

Czech AF CEF597 A319 departed Tel Aviv after a stop of about 1 hour

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Post last edited at

c304cc No.149082

File: 99bbee124634345⋯.jpg (83.76 KB,720x555,48:37,Screenshot_20220923_095857….jpg)

File: ccfdd6b6bfc32e5⋯.jpg (71.6 KB,720x562,360:281,Screenshot_20220923_095852….jpg)

Top kek Jim :-P

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a7dd4b No.149083


so is I

all good in the westie hood this morning?



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438013 No.149084

File: ef063c440678fb8⋯.png (231.71 KB,300x400,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)


would say the cat is out of the bag now

the ride never ends

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438013 No.149085


ghuud all guud

bumpin along yo

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a7dd4b No.149086

File: d0068e1415db9fe⋯.png (141.39 KB,719x430,719:430,ClipboardImage.png)

JASDF JF01 777 landed about 15 minutes ago at a rainy Tokyo-Haneda Airport to drop offPM Kishidaafter departing JFK last night-JF02 777 to Chitose AB on Hokkaido-home base for these ACs

Toyota Motor to close its plant in Russia

Japan's Toyota Motor Corp has decided to close its plant in Russia, Russia's Ministry of Industry and Trade said in a statement. The automaker suspended production in St Petersburg in March due to supply chain disruptions and stopped vehicle imports into Russia. Toyota will ensure the fulfilment of all social obligations, as well as significant additional pay-offs to the staff, the ministry said, and will retain after-sales service of Toyota and Lexus cars and maintain its dealer network. The factory, which has a capacity of 100,000 units a year and produced the Camry and RAV4 models, will be preserved and may be sold in the future, Kommersant's sources said


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dee88d No.149088

File: e5855215bedc718⋯.png (390.27 KB,574x456,287:228,03a5cf526b1fea44d8e0cb9d4d….png)


waiting fer them to 'ask the question'

itz go time

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438013 No.149089

File: 51abc9da1cecd71⋯.jpg (175.68 KB,1428x1725,476:575,ea4d17d81efff677c5401294a9….jpg)


noice infinitee dubs there shoodles


the media been gettin ahead of this


LMAO it's bigger than theY are though

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438013 No.149090

all grilled

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dee88d No.149091


u c rothschild flipping (or so it seems). he's trying to save face or his ass wunna tha 2.

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438013 No.149092



also suggested he is feeding libtards info/talking points, seeming as our fren, honey pot to the wrong side imo

1 post does not make the idiot smart

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dee88d No.149093


goal is to minimize Q and throw shade so it keeps [them] in the game longer

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a7dd4b No.149094

File: da763012e35b863⋯.png (405.83 KB,936x465,312:155,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 903f497cf78815b⋯.png (325.7 KB,647x391,647:391,ClipboardImage.png)

>>148875 pb, >>149022

SAM771 USAF C-40BWH NSO ACreturning to JBA from Hickam AFB depart-looks like this one went to Pine Gap on 0921 and left from it yesterday-as it departed Canberra on 0921 heading straight for Alice Springs (drops just NW of Canberra) and reappears on the eastern coast of Oz about even with Alice Springs yesterday and then arrived at Hickam

Australian AF ASY599 C-17 departed NAS Norfolk after an overnigh (inbound from Travis AFB, CA yesterday

RCH4180 USAF C-17 departed Quantico and heading for Dover AFB

FORGE63 US Army G5 inbound to JBA from a flight that took them over Niagara Falls Int'l airport-a ground stop at Utica, NY-Griffiss Int'l for about 30m and then a fly by at Providence RI-T.F. Green Airport

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438013 No.149095


prollem is, the moar theY "advertise" Qanon the moar interest peeps have, it's a system they have played for a long long time

it's like they have to counter their own bullshit and they stumped

like the sloppiness that will get them all hung, paper trails all over the world

she wasn't supposed to lose, there is no plan B

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a7dd4b No.149096



if they just ignored it that would werk better for them but they have the compulsion to HAVE to address it once they went down the road by trying to stomp on it it in the first place-like many things once you make that decision yer stuck with it

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438013 No.149097


it's a movie though

who owns who


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438013 No.149098

File: d53bba212cd849f⋯.png (2.26 MB,960x949,960:949,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7dd4b No.149099

File: 48c9c79ff5826de⋯.png (262.91 KB,814x436,407:218,ClipboardImage.png)

RCH4593 USAF C-17 Globemaster heading to Anchorage from JBA depart for a stop/refuel with a load of equipment for kneepads visit to Japan that begins next week-SAM102 USAF C-40B arrived at Anchorage yesterday >>149015 after it's stop at Moses Lake, WA-this is a State Dept AC

Korean PM to hold meeting with US Vice President Harris next week in Japan

Prime Minister Han Duck-soo plans to hold a meeting with U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris next week in Japan on the sidelines of a state funeral of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Seoul's foreign ministry said Friday. Han and Harris will visit Japan to attend the funeral and their meeting will take place next Tuesday, the ministry said in a statement.


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438013 No.149100

File: 4ae4eec0c78c2ae⋯.png (241.71 KB,1003x429,1003:429,ClipboardImage.png)


DC Enquirer, [22.09.22 12:53]

Pro-Trump Ratings Queen Roseanne Barr Is BACK With New Comedy Special and “No Subject Off Limits”

DETAILS HERE: https://dcenquirer.com/pro-trump-ratings-queen-roseanne-barr-is-back-with-new-comedy-special-and-no-subject-off-limits/?utm_source=telegram

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a7dd4b No.149101

File: 00dd183a93670df⋯.png (449.95 KB,878x456,439:228,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6eef8ba33936e65⋯.png (474.83 KB,632x449,632:449,ClipboardImage.png)



perfect segue

MOVIE22 USAF C-17 doing roundies at McGuire AFB, NJ

this just a training flight but since ya mentioned movie...

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438013 No.149102

File: b56ebc10936ebdc⋯.png (987.49 KB,929x1106,929:1106,ClipboardImage.png)

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438013 No.149103

all grilled

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a7dd4b No.149104

File: ddcc231dd29a241⋯.png (145.4 KB,911x603,911:603,ClipboardImage.png)

Totally pumped this yesterday (green) knowing this announcement was coming..down over 3% on about 2X avg volume so far..so not done yet

FedEx Announces Largest General Rate Increase In Its History

FedEx Corp. announced late Thursday a 6.9% general rate increase (GRI) for 2023, the largest year-over-year increase in its history.

The increase will apply to all FedEx services except for its less-than-truckload service, FedEx Freight. Increases there will range between 6.9% and 7.9%, depending on the customer’s transportation rate scale, the company said.

Typically, FedEx raises its annual tariff rates between 4.9% and 5.9%. Analysts were expecting a 2023 GRI increase of 6% or more to offset the impact of cost inflation. On one level, GRIs, which apply to noncontract shipments, are symbolic because virtually all parcel deliveries move under contract. However, the level of contract rate increases, and the discounts granted from those increases, are pegged to actions that parcel carriers take with their GRIs. As a result, GRIs are a key barometer on what rates and discounts that shippers can expect in their contracts.

Along with the GRI increase, FedEx said it plans to save between $2.2 billion and $2.7 billion during the current 2023 fiscal year through cost reductions at its FedEx Express air and international unit and its FedEx Ground U.S. delivery unit. The company said it would reduce the number of FedEx Express flights and temporarily park an undetermined number of aircraft. Those moves will save between $1.5 billion and $1.7 billion, the company said. FedEx said it will save $300 million to $500 million at its FedEx Ground unit by closing certain sortation operations and suspending some Sunday delivery operations. It did not shutter virtually all of its costly Sunday delivery network as some have advised.

In addition, FedEx plans to cut $4 billion of costs by fiscal 2025, which starts June 1, 2024. The company said it will stick with its plan, announced in late June, to realign its network and end the siloed operations among its three business units. The company also officially published its fiscal first-quarter results, which were a de facto formality in light of its pre-announcement last Thursday of a 69% year-over-year decline in operating income at FedEx Express. FedEx blamed the massive drop at the unit on sudden weakness in trans-Pacific air volumes that hit in the final weeks of the quarter. Cost measures lagged the declines in volume, and operating expenses remained high relative to demand, the company said.

The stunning pre-announcement caught everyone by surprise and sent FedEx shares down more than $40 a share during last Friday’s trading.


>>148379 pb FedEx withdraws earnings forecast, flags economic slowdown-and here they come...the start of MANY downgrades

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438013 No.149105

Friday, September 23, 2022: Join the RSBN broadcast team LIVE from Wilmington, NC for all day coverage of President Donald J. Trump's SAVE AMERICA rally.

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will hold a rally in Wilmington, North Carolina on Friday, September 23, 2022, at 7:00PM EDT.

Friday, September 23, 2022, at 7:00PM EDT

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a7dd4b No.149106

File: 0b1824c81128ea0⋯.png (825.85 KB,550x630,55:63,ClipboardImage.png)


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a7dd4b No.149107

File: 600b076bb6b6a94⋯.gif (2.22 MB,498x278,249:139,planefag_F_16_on_yer_wing.gif)


was just gonna mention dhat

if around when it leaves...habs it (AC)

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438013 No.149108


will watch for it

should be up by then

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a7dd4b No.149109

File: 9db9c714300b94a⋯.png (82.93 KB,962x540,481:270,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1f156cdb0740044⋯.png (78.36 KB,969x537,323:179,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 904bcf59e7e91e1⋯.png (56.65 KB,666x709,666:709,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cadd29ccc8e4f1d⋯.png (54.71 KB,651x704,651:704,ClipboardImage.png)

The US $ up, up and away with a new 52w high and the Euro with a 52 week low and can't get out of it's own way....isn't hyperinflation fun?

The 2-year Treasury just touched its highest level since 2007 as aggressive Fed moves send bonds yields soaring

The two-year Treasury yield touched its highest level in 15 years on Friday, as aggressive moves by the Federal Reserve send bond yields soaring. The two-year Treasury, which is highly sensitive to economic policy moves, topped 4.2% in trading on Friday, at one point beating a 15-year high of 4.266%. Those are the highest yields for the short-dated note since the 2007 recession, and signals investors are gearing up for more hawkish moves by the US central bank after this week's 75 basis point increase in the benchmark rate.


Naturally after dis the expected dump in Au -24.50 -1.47% and Ag -0.82 -4.15%

>>149026 Central Bank U.S. Dollar Liquidity Vaporware Swap with European Central Bank: $215,500,000

You can see the results in the fake markets for yourselves...





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a7dd4b No.149110

File: 66c8710ea0c665a⋯.png (71.21 KB,941x725,941:725,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7086525c2c06ed0⋯.png (147.61 KB,374x350,187:175,ClipboardImage.png)


"The largest moves were in the shorter-dated part of the curve, with the the three-year note up about five basis points to 4.19% and the five-year rising four basis points to 3.96%."

Imagine that as the largest percentage portion(s) of the NYFRB Securities Lending Facility targets EXACTLY that-5 year and below


Todays biggest amount is 91282CFH9 which is the 5 year and at $4.649B


And in second place the 2 year note-that is the "message sender" (hooda thought that-kek) 91282CFG1 at $3.328B


3rd place is the One year Bill 912796W47 at $2.471B


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438013 No.149111

File: b35f78c2bad53c3⋯.png (674.21 KB,801x799,801:799,ClipboardImage.png)

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438013 No.149112

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a7dd4b No.149113



da feedback loop at werk

selling creates moar demand for 'em

shoulda said "start" of hyperinflation but no matter..these % moves are pretty ridiculous now-been that way for a few months in all currencies.

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a7dd4b No.149114

File: d3814c8f5b67e66⋯.png (177.93 KB,685x424,685:424,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 596333f4f88dbc3⋯.png (357.47 KB,644x373,644:373,ClipboardImage.png)

16-3025 USAFSOC C-146A Wolfhound (has been berry busy over the last 10 days in South America-lotsa quick stops too) departed Manaus, Brazil after an overnight from Brasilia stop and Rio Departure yesterday

It's itinerary

0n 0914 it departed Eglin AFB and went to Gitmo then on 0914 to Cartagena, Colombia for a stop of about 90m and on to Bogota for about 50m and then on 0916 it went to to Homestead ARB, FL

On 0917 departed Homestead ARB to Cartagena for another stop of about about 45m then Medellin and then 0919 to Leticia Colombia (on the Brazilian border) for about an hour and on to Manaus, Brazil and 0920 depart to Brasilia for about 40m and then on to Rio De Janero.

Yesterday it left Rio back to Brasilia for about 30 min and then to Manuas where it has departed north today

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a7dd4b No.149115

File: bf03870c09f4547⋯.png (82.23 KB,965x551,965:551,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c69668712e5261d⋯.png (301.27 KB,466x404,233:202,ClipboardImage.png)


Confidence in UK Markets Vanishes as Pound Plunges

On a day when losses were cascading across global markets, the UK stood out as the worst of the worst.

Confidence in UK market vanished on Friday as the pound plunged below $1.09 and gilt yields skyrocketed. After Chancellor of the Exchequer Kwasi Kwarteng outlined tax cuts and spending plans, traders expressed dismay about how the British government will be able to fund its radical ambitions. Even more ominous, some questioned the Britain’s financial stability and worried about market dysfunction. The losses were historic by any measure. The pound shed 3.2%. Ten-year gilt yields seeing their biggest one-day surge on record in Bloomberg data through 1989, closing 33 basis points higher on the day at 3.83%. The FTSE 100 Index sank 2%. While traders have long expected that Prime Minister Liz Truss would increase spending and cut taxes, the news on Friday confirmed the true extent of the borrowing binge. The cost of the package is expected to run to £161 billion over the next five years.


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a7dd4b No.149116

File: b6660d608887e50⋯.png (391.42 KB,759x417,253:139,ClipboardImage.png)

SAM917 USAF G5 inbound to Laguardia Airport from JBA

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438013 No.149118

all grilled bro

g2 settled now

back soon enough

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a7dd4b No.149119

File: 4723950f71adc16⋯.png (378.76 KB,557x521,557:521,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7dd4b No.149120





>>148950 Was thinking about this earlier, sometimes DJT has Dan make him a book of comments and tweets. Trump does read them. Scavino answered my comment with "How does it feel to have the President of The United States read your comment?" Felt guud man, got me in the feelz.

>>148951, >>148956 2 year delta on Q drop #4741 092222 "Have you ever witnessed a full-blown international mainstream media constant [barrage] [counter]attack re: a 'conspiracy'?"

>>148952 PF MANGO28 USAF G5 departed Los Angeles Int'l after a ground stop/refuel of about 30 minutes-the second high level AC from INDO-PAC Command headed to DC- German PM left JFK, French gonna leave soon, Flauxtus AC switched on- AFSOC AC done with offshore refueling exercise

>>148957 Bank of England Is Set Raise Rates and Start Asset Sales-who gonna buy those nao? kek! plus Moral Hazard defined with "Germany is nationalizing its largest gas utility, Uniper"

>>148962 French AF CTM0001 A330 Macron and CTM0008 Falcon 7X escort and security detail both departed JFK Int'l

>>148982 Appearing on Hannity Wednesday night, President Trump declared that he doesn’t see how the Justice Department could prosecute him because as President he had the power to declassify documents by just thinking about it.

>>148996 Serbian President Warns Of "Great World Conflict" Within Two Months

>>149006, >>149015 Planefag: CONUS Activity ENRGY80 NNS Office of Secure Transportation 737 departed Augusta Regional Airport after overnight west and went to Amarillo (Pantex and Kirtland AFB-Sandia Labs so far)-AF2 went to Milwaukee, Hungarians left Teterboro and went to San Diego Int'l and SAM102 had a stop at Moses Lake Wa. for 90m and departed to the WN

>>149017 Japan intervenes to stop yen slide, after BOJ holds rates super low...as predicted they would intervene after or at 145..they did

>>149022 SAM806 USAF G5 (the AC at muh 'secret' 5 eyes meeting on Sept 16th at Queensland, NZ and was also at Pine Gap on Sept 13-14) returning to JBA-SCOUT93 BUFF doing roundies over 29 Palms in eastern CA

>>149023 Yellen: Inflation will come down next year-pretty god coming from the same person who said it wasn't gong to be an issue and "transitory" and still with muh Russia of course

>>149027, >>149043 Hungarian AF HUAF668 Falcon 7X departing San Diego Int'l WN after a little moar than 3 hours on the ground and went to Van Nuys Airport in San Fernando Valley

>>149028, >>149030, >>149031 "The 16 year plan to destroy America"-good time to refresh on that

>>149036 Final Look at Local Housing Markets in August-Today's 30 year Fixed rate Mortgage: FreddieMAC 6.29% up 27bp from last post (6.02%)-last week...they (NYFRB) have bought no MBS since 0914

>>149057, >>149061 UK anon: Washington Crossing the Delaware painting- It doesn’t seem to show any stars...Mebbe anons can adjust the image to find any stars on the flag-They are crossing in a Durham boat and according to Kash

>>149079 PDJT retruthed, video 26mb, too yuge.. full of Q memes Retruth time 01:57:17

>>149081 Planefag:Europe PAT78 G5 returns from a trip to Rzesow Airport Poland on (0921)-moar clean shirts fer Zelenksy and prepped him for the UN speech yesterday-departed Brussels and Coast Guard G5 heading across the Atlantic from NAS Norfolk, Swedish AF Early Warning and Control AC in the Baltic Sea

>>149086 JASDF JF01 777 landed about 15 minutes ago at a rainy Tokyo-Haneda Airport to drop off PM Kishida-Toyota Motor to close its plant in Russia

>>149094 SAM771 USAF C-40B WH NSO AC returning to JBA from Hickam AFB depart-looks like this one went to Pine Gap on 0921-Australian AF ASY599 C-17 departed NAS Norfolk after an overnight-RCH4180 USAF C-17 departed Quantico and heading for Dover AFB

>>149100 Pro-Trump Ratings Queen Roseanne Barr Is BACK With New Comedy Special and “No Subject Off Limits” DC Enquirer, [22.09.22 12:53]

>>149099 RCH4593 USAF C-17 Globemaster heading to Anchorage from JBA depart for a stop/refuel with a load of equipment for kneepads visit to Japan-SAM102 USAF C-40B arrived at Anchorage yesterday-Korean PM to hold meeting with US Vice President Harris next week in Japan

>>149101 you are watching a movie MOVIE22 C-17 roundies at McGuire

>>149104 FedEx Announces Largest General Rate Increase In Its History

>>149105 PDJT rally at Wilmington, N.C. today (friday Sept 23rd at 7pm)

>>149109, >>149113 The 2-year Treasury just touched its highest level since 2007 as aggressive Fed moves send bonds yields soaring-The US $ up, up and away with a new 52w high and the Euro with a 52 week low and can't get out of it's own way....isn't (the start of) hyperinflation fun?

>>149114 16-3025 USAFSOC C-146A Wolfhound (has been berry busy over the last 10 days in South America-lotsa quick stops too) departed Manaus, Brazil after an overnight from Brasilia

>>149115 Confidence in UK Markets Vanishes as Pound Plunges

>>149116 SAM917 USAF G5 inbound to Laguardia Airport from JBA



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a7dd4b No.149121

File: 2e562b1d94eb337⋯.png (418.81 KB,602x340,301:170,ClipboardImage.png)

Always a GREAT sign when dis habbens....prolly got a good look at the books and said SEE YA !-Netflix has a lot of off-the-book debt-I dunno exactly what it is nao but it used to be over $30B

Netflix chief accounting officer gives up $2.4 million position after just 4 months on the job

Netflix Inc. is seeking a new chief accounting officer after its current one quit the role after less than four months. The streaming giant NFLX, -5.40% said in a regulatory filing Friday that Ken Barker has submitted his resignation effective Oct. 7. Barker, 55, joined the company on June 27 from Electronic Arts Inc. EA, -2.70%, where he was senior vice president finance, the company disclosed in a June filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Netflix stressed that the move is a personal decision and is “not the result of any disagreement with the company on any matter relating to the company’s financials, operations, policies, or practices.”

The company named Chief Financial Officer Spencer Neumann as principal accounting officer while it conducts a search for a replacement for Barker.

Prior to his role at Electronic Arts, Barker was at Sun Microsystems Inc. as vice president, corporate controller, and served as an audit partner at Deloitte & Touche LLP. His base salary at Netflix was $2.4 million with a $600,000 annual stock option allowance, according to the June filing. The news comes as Netflix gears up for the addition of a new ad-supported streaming service tier, a move that came after disappointing subscriber news early in the year amid heightened competition from new streamers, notably Walt Disney Co.’s DIS, -3.67% Disney+ service.

In April, the company stunned investors with the its first loss of subscribers since the service was in its infancy and executives mooted adding a lower-priced tier with ads, a move that Founder Reed Hastings had resisted for years.

In the second quarter, the company lost half as many subscribers as feared and said it expected to add more in the third quarter, easing some of the pressure on its stock.

In May, it announced layoffs of about 150 employees, most of them in the U.S. and including some in the executive ranks and in the animation division.


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a7dd4b No.149122

File: ae0a0eba7747036⋯.png (177.48 KB,783x423,87:47,ClipboardImage.png)


16-3025 USAFSOC C-146A Wolfhound 'Special Ops' with a gas and go (about 50m on ground) at San Juan, PR from it's Manaus Brazil departure'''

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a7dd4b No.149123

File: 38d4b110e5148a2⋯.png (180.94 KB,681x442,681:442,ClipboardImage.png)


C102 US Coast Guard G5 went to Naples Int'l-Capodichino Airport-and as mentioned before ADS-B has it miss-identified as a larger AC (icon-wise) there are two others: C101 and C202-and I've not seen C202 since this one (C102) was delivered for service to Reagan National on July 10th

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a7dd4b No.149124

File: eac99d47afc6a14⋯.png (200.69 KB,767x430,767:430,ClipboardImage.png)


RCH4593 USAF C-17 Globemaster departed JB Elmendorf after a ground stop/refuel-heading for Yokota AB, Japan-SAM102 C-40B left about 4 hours ago (it was switched off shortly after takeoff)

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a7dd4b No.149127

File: c975ea8336689a2⋯.png (262.02 KB,703x427,703:427,ClipboardImage.png)

SAM061 USAF G5 departed Langley AFB after an overnight-back to JBA

Langley Air Force Base, Va., is among the oldest continuously active air bases in the United States. In 1916, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, predecessor to NASA, established the need for a joint airfield and proving ground for Army, Navy and NACA aircraft.


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a7dd4b No.149128

File: e38cb2acd7ca8c1⋯.png (177 KB,734x464,367:232,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cb59078525df1f7⋯.png (660.97 KB,528x507,176:169,ClipboardImage.png)

45in EJM473 G650 departed Palm Beach Int'l heading to Wilmington Int'l Airport, N.C. after arriving from Exeter Airport, England last night

It's under restricted flight plan but he has used this AC before-and it's a fairly new AC as well

Someone left Morristown Muni Airport on 0919 to Exeter Airport, England on EJM473-an AC that 45 has used a few times in the past-mebby one of the kids..dunno

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Post last edited at

a7dd4b No.149129

refresh for edit to above

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438013 No.149130

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a7dd4b No.149131

File: 14485dbdadabd3d⋯.png (651.32 KB,902x653,902:653,ClipboardImage.png)

thank you muh kneegroe

The PF ? next door

"How come there aren't many planes over China?"

Because it's fuggen 6am in the morning moran

Chinese Airspace not 'locked down' either

Saturday is just gettin started ober there.

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438013 No.149132


but but de coup de coup


hafl chins

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438013 No.149133

File: 2ad6d88efb348fe⋯.png (253 KB,750x988,375:494,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7dd4b No.149134

File: bf2152407945d5f⋯.gif (2.03 MB,320x213,320:213,Fantasy_ISland_bell.gif)


>de coup, de coup

peeps believe anything

"i saw it on the internets!!"


Like he'd a left 9-10 days ago to go to Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan if dhere was any hint 'o dhat-if anything prolly took care of all that and not a threat at this point

Plus whats his nutz Zemin been pretty much ded for a while nao-can't even stand up or walk by self.

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438013 No.149135


maybe Xi doing a DS sweep, no body considered that


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a7dd4b No.149136


sure I'd buy that-why not?

won't really be able to tell about the flights until another hour or so not even 7am yet

This earlier

China’s former top security official gets suspended death sentence for graft


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438013 No.149137


I actually don't believe anything is habbenin there but there are always several diff scenarios and anons just pick the one they like

double derp

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a7dd4b No.149138

that fuggen ad is a killer on muh sides

especially pic on left

bravo JW

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438013 No.149139

File: 73dfb5b82e8f2b7⋯.png (808.53 KB,474x842,237:421,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7dd4b No.149140


nor do I-I'd go with him being on the offensive well before the shit coming outta half.

It's friday muh fren-always need some excitement they do.

The slim chance it were wouldn't noes about it-they habs a "secret" meeting (it's so 'secret' even I noes it) at some beach resort where they do all the real shit before the in yer face party congress so anything gets/got done it's during that dhere.

They all vanish for a bout two weeks and then someone put it together a few years ago "Beach Party week CCP style"

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438013 No.149141


anything to detract from or stir up peeps for Rally



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a7dd4b No.149142

File: 7920385baace3e8⋯.png (162.21 KB,704x474,352:237,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7005b98e0444e58⋯.png (370.67 KB,646x277,646:277,ClipboardImage.png)


45in EJM473 G650 with a just prior to sunset arrival at Wilmington, N.C. Int'l

Should be on the ground in about 10 minutes or so and be a little late tonight

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438013 No.149143


hey, that meme says Rolly shift

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a7dd4b No.149144

File: 0d87709a3b2777e⋯.png (371.69 KB,643x279,643:279,ClipboardImage.png)


dis one duz


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a7dd4b No.149145

File: 7f650bca9f8583f⋯.png (95.28 KB,712x431,712:431,ClipboardImage.png)


SAM102 C-40B went to Hickam AFB, Oahu from Anchorage-Ted Stevens Airport overnight

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a7dd4b No.149146

File: 455b1537da8fab9⋯.png (1.5 MB,773x770,773:770,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7dd4b No.149147

File: c9cb845079dbcd9⋯.png (781.59 KB,645x678,215:226,ClipboardImage.png)

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d4a1d6 No.149148

File: 5f77dc3ec015895⋯.gif (786.23 KB,539x539,1:1,20220923_174214.gif)


onkle ado was trying to save humanity from an apex predator.

не fæıłed

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d4a1d6 No.149149


one has been w8ing for xi to do a roundup like мвs


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438013 No.149150

File: 6f918665e9a2aac⋯.gif (4.64 MB,600x600,1:1,6f918665e9a2aacccccb0290b9….gif)


evenin aei

great gif


not sure he had a great understanding of socialism/communism either

still waiting

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438013 No.149151


if it's true

still no verifcation

just rumours

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438013 No.149152



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648ba6 No.149155

File: ac398eea155c4eb⋯.jpg (107.13 KB,1080x1516,270:379,20220923_181449.jpg)

File: c25b6772649c869⋯.jpg (362.74 KB,1080x1508,270:377,20220923_181504.jpg)

File: 5299f6527f358fc⋯.pdf (11.16 MB,The_World_of_the_Sumerian_….pdf)


he understood what was told him...

by the same volk that tell Your volk

what they know.

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a7dd4b No.149156

File: 25a54c7e1830046⋯.png (218.77 KB,297x415,297:415,ClipboardImage.png)


doubt very much that we gonna see anything like MbS' round up.

He's done a lot already since 2012/13 and why the Zemin faction still trying to get at him-they sorta tried to elevate Li Keqiang earlier this year when he had been pretty quiet and he part of the Zemin faction-pic

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a7dd4b No.149157

File: e4e05bc57f82068⋯.png (364.9 KB,1016x594,508:297,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0af95b16d586f69⋯.png (609.93 KB,637x518,91:74,ClipboardImage.png)

HOTROD88 USAF E-4B Nightwatch from Robbins AFB, GA to Lincoln Muni

Sticking with the movie theme..'They Live' released in 1988..been a while since they've used this one


SAM917 USAF G5 retruned to JBA from Lagaurdia


16-3025 USAFSOC C-146A Wolfhound 'Special Ops' arrived at Miami Int'l

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438013 No.149158


their power structure in China has been cut from the world, even if they had military power, which they wouldn't with no money, still wouldn't habben, Gen's there are not going against Xi either

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a7dd4b No.149159


>Gen's there are not going against Xi either

he got rid of "numero uno" first thing iirc

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438013 No.149162


beleebs you right and then there was a shake up and money put into mil equipment and rockets, had to keep them busy I guess

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438013 No.149163

File: 96a3ae3bbce86a2⋯.png (4.56 MB,1440x1800,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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438013 No.149164

File: 97289be1e97f623⋯.png (1.18 MB,968x947,968:947,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7dd4b No.149165

File: 42dffa1e6063bfc⋯.png (216.67 KB,1102x463,1102:463,ClipboardImage.png)

U.N. departures

Hungarian AF HUAF669 Falcon 7X (shows as ZD545 on satellite)FM Peter Szijjartoleft Teterboro N.J.,-he pushes Blinken's buttons most of the time so he ok (for a politician) by me-he and PM Orban are NOT liked by these globalist shit bags at ALL

Trump second term would bring back 'best-ever' relationship with Hungary, foreign minister says


Pakiland AF PFF756 G4 departed Newark Int'l (can see the remains of hurricane Fiona as the Paki AC flies over it) with Chilean AF FACH1 767 about to leave JFK after arriving in from NY Stewart AirportPresident Gabriel Boricleaving after arriving on 0920-AC dropped them off and went to NY Stewart Airport

RCH445USAF C-17 Globemaster SW from JBA

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Post last edited at

438013 No.149166

File: 742eca99d52c750⋯.png (571.74 KB,580x532,145:133,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7dd4b No.149167

File: 0fdc71b2548d569⋯.png (1.32 MB,1007x576,1007:576,ClipboardImage.png)

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438013 No.149168


all grilled

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a7dd4b No.149169

File: aba5d685aadc63f⋯.png (134.26 KB,802x464,401:232,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 92e5be726b935f9⋯.png (832.89 KB,772x475,772:475,ClipboardImage.png)

>>149128, >>149142

45in EJM473 G650 departed Wilmington Int'l Airport, N.C. back to Palm Beach Int'l

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438013 No.149170



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438013 No.149171

you wanna collect em?

I bakez em

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a7dd4b No.149172


yep I will doze

gimme a few

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a7dd4b No.149173

File: 8b965c1d8ad752e⋯.png (174.88 KB,742x466,371:233,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 78ff807e3318b99⋯.png (3.23 MB,1822x1211,1822:1211,ClipboardImage.png)


45in EJM473 G650 began it's descent for Palm Beach Int'l

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a7dd4b No.149174






>>148950 Was thinking about this earlier, sometimes DJT has Dan make him a book of comments and tweets. Trump does read them. Scavino answered my comment with "How does it feel to have the President of The United States read your comment?" Felt guud man, got me in the feelz.

>>148951, >>148956 2 year delta on Q drop #4741 092222 "Have you ever witnessed a full-blown international mainstream media constant [barrage] [counter]attack re: a 'conspiracy'?"

>>148952 PF MANGO28 USAF G5 departed Los Angeles Int'l after a ground stop/refuel of about 30 minutes-the second high level AC from INDO-PAC Command headed to DC- German PM left JFK, French gonna leave soon, Flauxtus AC switched on- AFSOC AC done with offshore refueling exercise

>>148957 Bank of England Is Set Raise Rates and Start Asset Sales-who gonna buy those nao? kek! plus Moral Hazard defined with "Germany is nationalizing its largest gas utility, Uniper"

>>148962 French AF CTM0001 A330 Macron and CTM0008 Falcon 7X escort and security detail both departed JFK Int'l

>>148982 Appearing on Hannity Wednesday night, President Trump declared that he doesn’t see how the Justice Department could prosecute him because as President he had the power to declassify documents by just thinking about it.

>>148996 Serbian President Warns Of "Great World Conflict" Within Two Months

>>149006, >>149015 Planefag: CONUS Activity ENRGY80 NNS Office of Secure Transportation 737 departed Augusta Regional Airport after overnight west and went to Amarillo (Pantex and Kirtland AFB-Sandia Labs so far)-AF2 went to Milwaukee, Hungarians left Teterboro and went to San Diego Int'l and SAM102 had a stop at Moses Lake Wa. for 90m and departed to the WN

>>149017 Japan intervenes to stop yen slide, after BOJ holds rates super low...as predicted they would intervene after or at 145..they did

>>149022 SAM806 USAF G5 (the AC at muh 'secret' 5 eyes meeting on Sept 16th at Queensland, NZ and was also at Pine Gap on Sept 13-14) returning to JBA-SCOUT93 BUFF doing roundies over 29 Palms in eastern CA

>>149023 Yellen: Inflation will come down next year-pretty good coming from the same person who said it wasn't gong to be an issue and "transitory" and still with muh Russia of course

>>149027, >>149043 Hungarian AF HUAF668 Falcon 7X departing San Diego Int'l WN after a little moar than 3 hours on the ground and went to Van Nuys Airport in San Fernando Valley

>>149028, >>149030, >>149031 "The 16 year plan to destroy America"-good time to refresh on that

>>149036 Final Look at Local Housing Markets in August-Today's 30 year Fixed rate Mortgage: FreddieMAC 6.29% up 27bp from last post (6.02%)-last week...they (NYFRB) have bought no MBS since 0914

>>149057, >>149061 UK anon: Washington Crossing the Delaware painting- It doesn’t seem to show any stars...Mebbe anons can adjust the image to find any stars on the flag-They are crossing in a Durham boat and according to Kash

>>149079 PDJT retruthed, video 26mb, too yuge.. full of Q memes Retruth time 01:57:17

>>149081, >>149123 Planefag: Europe PAT78 G5 returns from a trip to Rzesow Airport Poland on (0921)-moar clean shirts fer Zelenksy and prepped him for the UN speech yesterday-departed Brussels and Coast Guard G5 heading across the Atlantic from NAS Norfolk-and went to Naples, Swedish AF Early Warning and Control AC in the Baltic Sea

>>149086 JASDF JF01 777 landed about 15 minutes ago at a rainy Tokyo-Haneda Airport to drop off PM Kishida-Toyota Motor to close its plant in Russia

>>149094 SAM771 USAF C-40B WH NSO AC returning to JBA from Hickam AFB depart-looks like this one went to Pine Gap on 0921-Australian AF ASY599 C-17 departed NAS Norfolk after an overnight-RCH4180 USAF C-17 departed Quantico and heading for Dover AFB

>>149100 Pro-Trump Ratings Queen Roseanne Barr Is BACK With New Comedy Special and “No Subject Off Limits” DC Enquirer, [22.09.22 12:53]

>>149099, >>149124, >>149145 RCH4593 USAF C-17 Globemaster heading to Anchorage from JBA depart for a stop/refuel with a load of equipment for kneepads visit to Japan-SAM102 USAF C-40B arrived at Anchorage yesterday-Korean PM to hold meeting with US Vice President Harris next week in Japan-RCH4593 on it's way to Yokota AB in Japan as SAM102 left a few hours prior and then went to Hickam AFB, Oahu

>>149101 you are watching a movie MOVIE22 C-17 roundies at McGuire

>>149104 FedEx Announces Largest General Rate Increase In Its History

>>149105 PDJT rally at Wilmington, N.C. today (friday Sept 23rd at 7pm)

>>149109, >>149113 The 2-year Treasury just touched its highest level since 2007 as aggressive Fed moves send bonds yields soaring-The US $ up, up and away with a new 52w high and the Euro with a 52 week low and can't get out of it's own way....isn't (the start of) hyperinflation fun?

>>149114, >>149122 16-3025 USAFSOC C-146A Wolfhound (has been berry busy over the last 10 days in South America-lotsa quick stops too) departed Manaus, Brazil after an overnight from Brasilia-ground stop/refuel at San Juan

>>149115 Confidence in UK Markets Vanishes as Pound Plunges

>>149116 SAM917 USAF G5 inbound to Laguardia Airport from JBA

>>149121 Netflix chief accounting officer gives up $2.4 million position after just 4 months on the job- Great look dhere.../s

>>149127 SAM061 USAF G5 departed Langley AFB after an overnight-back to JBA

>>149136 China’s former top security official gets suspended death sentence for graft

>>149157 HOTROD88 USAF E-4B Nightwatch from Robbins AFB, GA to Lincoln Muni 'They Live' released in 1988-Special Ops Wolfhound went to Miami Int'l and SAM917 back to JBA from Laguardia (UN shit)

>>149165 Hungarian AF HUAF669 Falcon 7X (shows as ZD545 on satellite) FM Peter Szijjarto left Teterboro N.J-Trump second term would bring back 'best-ever' relationship with Hungary, foreign minister says Pakis left and Chilean President about to depart

>>149169, >>149173 45 in EJM473 G650 departed Wilmington Int'l Airport, N.C and on descent for Palm Beach Int'l

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a7dd4b No.149175

File: 5105054d88cf434⋯.gif (1.25 MB,245x300,49:60,jimmy_page_theramin.gif)

all yers muh fren



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438013 No.149177

bacon now

g'nite G mang

shakes in the morning

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438013 No.149180

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