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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

e6b2c9 No.51570 [Last50 Posts]

31AUG23 to 02SEP23


Re-Posts of notables

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Post last edited at

e6b2c9 No.85526

File: f28117a9a4457e6⋯.png (609.51 KB,901x511,901:511,Clipboard.png)

File: f107c916ff0c708⋯.png (1.06 MB,896x717,896:717,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19465134 (311127ZAUG23) Notable: #23906

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morn'n baker requesting handoff - Call the ball baker

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e6b2c9 No.85527

File: f5d24ac4098f325⋯.jpeg (211.61 KB,1757x553,251:79,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19465213 (311203ZAUG23) Notable: Salaried employees making less then 55k will get OT pay under Biden administration proposal

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Salaried employees making less then 55k will get OT pay under Biden administration proposal

Mighty white of them


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e6b2c9 No.85528

File: 994382a9ee4a739⋯.png (67.21 KB,591x339,197:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19465240 (311212ZAUG23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: So now it is learned that Governor Ron DeSanctimonious unnecessarily approved a 20% hike in Florida Electricity Rates…

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Donald J. Trump


So now it is learned that Governor Ron DeSanctimonious unnecessarily approved a 20% hike in Florida Electricity Rates, the largest in history (by far!), after taking a 9.5 Million Dollar Campaign Contribution from “money machine” Florida Power and Light, and subsidiaries. Next up to check out is the Insurance Industry, where DeSanctus gave up the store. His campaign and poll numbers have “CRASHED” to a point where it doesn’t much matter anymore, but what a shame for Florida!

Aug 31, 2023, 7:54 AM


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e6b2c9 No.85529

File: f81a90e2bf7350a⋯.jpeg (487.72 KB,2160x1117,2160:1117,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19465284 (311225ZAUG23) Notable: Billionaires cashed out 9 billion this year

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Billionaires cashed out 9 billion this year

Stonks are on very shaky ground

Your 401k will get wiped out, be ready


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e6b2c9 No.85530

File: 78dae817c59fbb7⋯.jpeg (588.01 KB,1533x1290,511:430,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19465304 (311228ZAUG23) Notable: Michigan police memos raised concern about possible nationwide voter registration fraud scheme

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e6b2c9 No.85531

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19465362 (311242ZAUG23) Notable: Notable bun of 8/30 5y deltas with 3 delta day posts that need to be looked at. Call to DIG/SOLVE/SAUCE / ”Is it just me or did timelines shift and everything now seems perfect in the world? It was a rough 3.5 years but this morning it's like a brave new world.”

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Is it just me or did timelines shift and everything now seems perfect in the world? It was a rough 3.5 years but this morning it's like a brave new world.

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e6b2c9 No.85532

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19465381 (311247ZAUG23) Notable: anon posits on african countries taking back control - It would appear the party's over.

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'Unity within armed forces': Gabonese military exhibits united front, 'has effectively taken power'


Noted over the last few days, so this is just an update. This has got to be part of the plan, because African countries like Gabon have been a gravy train to France for decades. It would appear the party's over.

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e6b2c9 No.85533

File: 930d33be89874b3⋯.png (362.6 KB,545x625,109:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19465402 (311253ZAUG23) Notable: Real America's Voice w/CAP: The federal government will do anything to keep Americans from seeing Biden’s records

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Real America's Voice (RAV)


The federal government will do anything to keep Americans from seeing Biden’s records


General Counsel


slams the federal government for refusing to respect the law and hand over thousands of President Biden’s classified communications. “We have the FOIA statute for a reason,” says Hermann.


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e6b2c9 No.85534

File: 131e30888137300⋯.webp (63.03 KB,1200x642,200:107,Clipboard.webp)

File: 658f4cb7475eed7⋯.jpeg (119.37 KB,700x441,100:63,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19465412 (311255ZAUG23) Notable: Notable bun of 8/30 5y deltas with 3 delta day posts that need to be looked at. Call to DIG/SOLVE/SAUCE / “Anons remember this?For some reason it seems important now. I don’t know but I’ve been thinking about it for the past few days. Does anyone have any explanation because scientists are still baffled by it? Q says related to SAT and what does he mean “There is a place for everyone? Did they unblock signals that divided or blocked people from the great awakening? Has anything occurred like this recently?

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Anons remember this?For some reason it seems important now. I don’t know but I’ve been thinking about it for the past few days. Does anyone have any explanation because scientists are still baffled by it? Q says related to SAT and what does he mean “There is a place for everyone? Did they unblock signals that divided or blocked people from the great awakening? Has anything occurred like this recently?

An unexplained seismic event ‘rang’ across the Earth in November


02-Dec-2018 4:26:57 PM EST



Think WAVES!


Define 'unified'


SAT knockout forced new CLAS tech [online] by who?

[Controlled] moment activated? [17]

Do you believe in coincidences?

Do you believe your efforts here persuade people to stop the pursuit of TRUTH, [CA_J]?

There is a place for everyone.


An unexplained seismic event ‘rang’ across the Earth in November

It has experts baffled.

Robby BermanNovember 29, 2018

Someone who tracks earthquakes for fun noticed it first. On November 11, 2018, a Twitter user going by @matarikipax spotted a weird signal on the U.S Geological Survey’s live seismogram page.

What’s so weird about the mystery rumble?

While Mayotte has experienced hundreds of tremors since last May, the strongest, a 5.8 quake, occurred on May 15 and since then they’ve been tapering off in recent months. And there’s been no seismic activity that corresponds to the November wave. Still, the seismology community suspects it’s somehow related to the recent activity off Mayotte.

Normally, earthquakes produce “wave trains” comprised of high-frequency P (for “Primary”) waves that travel in pulses, as well as mid-frequency S (for “Secondary”) waves that wiggle side-to-side. Slow, low-frequency waves such as the mystery rumble are generally produced at the tail end of intense earthquakes, but again, there hasn’t been one anywhere in the right time frame that we know of.

Also, and just as “odd,” is that the wave is monochromatic. Most waves contain a cluster of waves at different speeds, or frequencies, that make for a fuzzy, complicated burst of a waveshape on monitoring equipment. The November wave was comprised of just a single frequency, and appeared as an unusually simple, clean zig-zag of about 17 seconds in length. Helen Robinson at the University of Glasgow, mischievously suggests to National Geographic, “They’re too nice; they’re too perfect to be nature.” It could be surrounding rock is filtering out other waves. Supporting this possibility is that, when the lowest frequencies are filtered out of the waveform, noise appears that could be faint P and S signals are seen. Independent seismologist Anthony Lomax tweeted the following image.

Almost exactly half a year before this strange signal turned up, seismologists were surprised by another kind of abnormal seismic activity in the same vicinity: a swarm of hundreds of small and frequent earthquakes originating about 50 kilometres (31 miles) off the east coast of Mayotte.


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e6b2c9 No.85535

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19465437 (311304ZAUG23) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 08/31/2023

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LIVE - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 08/31/2023



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e6b2c9 No.85536

File: fc418f42bb4489d⋯.png (446.78 KB,600x346,300:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19465442 (311305ZAUG23) Notable: Maui Senator Will Resign from Office After Facing Conflict of Interest Questions

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Maui Senator Will Resign from Office After Facing Conflict of Interest Questions

August 31, 2023

Hawaii state Senator Gilbert Keith-Agaran has announced he will step down from office after facing several conflicts of interest questions.

In a senate press release, Sen. Gilbert Keith-Agaran did not give a specific reason why he was deciding to step down. But he did write, “I believe that this decision best serves the interests of the Maui people especially given what they have gone through over the last three weeks, and what they continue to experience.”

Agaran has been facing ethical questions the last several days after his picture was spotted on a flyer that advertised a discussion with members from the law firm Takitani Agaran Jorgensen & Wildman where Keith-Aagaran serves as a partner and Morgan & Morgan “America’s largest injury law firm”.

Morgan & Morgan has already filed a lawsuit against Hawaiian Electric and Maui Electric Co. over the deadly Maui fires.


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e6b2c9 No.85537

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19465456 (311310ZAUG23) Notable: MS-13 and Mexican Mafia Leader Sentenced to More than 17 Years for an International Drug Conspiracy

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MS-13 and Mexican Mafia Leader Sentenced to More than 17 Years for an International Drug Conspiracy

SAN DIEGO – Nelson Alexander Flores of Tijuana was sentenced in federal court to 210 months in prison for trafficking large quantities of methamphetamine into the United States from Mexico on behalf of MS-13 street gang and the Mexican Mafia prison gang.

According to information presented in court, between 2018 and May 2020, Flores coordinated with and supplied others with pound quantities of methamphetamine from various sources in Mexico, which was then distributed throughout the United States.

Flores is also serving a five-year sentence in federal prison for his role in an MS-13 RICO case to which he pleaded guilty in the Southern District of Ohio in United States v. Aguilar-River, et al., case no. 2:17-CR-164.

The court ruled that Flores’ term of imprisonment in the Southern District of California case will run consecutive to the term of imprisonment in the Southern District of Ohio RICO case.


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e6b2c9 No.85538

File: e858e12ee3f5d99⋯.jpg (360.78 KB,800x490,80:49,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19465459 (311310ZAUG23) Notable: All 5 Year Deltas yesterday….

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All 5 Year Deltas yesterday....



201030-Aug-2018 10:35:22 PM UTCQ !!mG7VJxZNCI8ch/qresearch



201130-Aug-2018 10:36:22 PM UTCQ !!mG7VJxZNCI8ch/qresearch



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201730-Aug-2018 10:52:12 PM UTCQ !!mG7VJxZNCI8ch/qresearch




There was one I cannot find now alluding to how one made you, dopey, one made you sleepy, angry etc...

sauce... https://qposts.online/?q=8%2F30%2F2018&s=date

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e6b2c9 No.85539

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19465463 (311311ZAUG23) Notable: Firefighter Whistleblower: Maui Attack NOT A Wildfire

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Firefighter Whistleblower: Maui Attack NOT A Wildfire (Insurance Adjuster Specializing In Fires)


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e6b2c9 No.85540

File: 12469f7b9659c26⋯.jpg (327.26 KB,1461x2015,1461:2015,Clipboard.jpg)

File: fe56543b7660066⋯.png (151.88 KB,1500x1378,750:689,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19465517 (311331ZAUG23) Notable: Notable bun of 8/30 5y deltas with 3 delta day posts that need to be looked at. Call to DIG/SOLVE/SAUCE / screencaps of Q posts.

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e6b2c9 No.85541

File: a549c3c8d7bbf0b⋯.png (314.52 KB,960x583,960:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19465530 (311335ZAUG23) Notable: vid and audio calls coming to X, no phone number (it was the servers)

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e6b2c9 No.85542

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19465542 (311338ZAUG23) Notable: vid and audio calls coming to X, no phone number (it was the servers)

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e6b2c9 No.85543

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19465553 (311342ZAUG23) Notable: IDB and World Bank to Announce Groundbreaking Partnership: Strengthening Collaboration to Maximize Development Impact

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10:00 AM EDT

IDB and World Bank to Announce Groundbreaking Partnership: Strengthening Collaboration to Maximize Development Impact

Inter-American Development Bank and World Bank Group, International Organization Affiliated With the United Nations (UN)





World Bank & Inter-American Development Bank Presidents on Economic Resiliency in the Americas

World Bank President Ajay Banga and Inter-American Development Bank President Ilan Goldfajn discuss economic development in the Caribbean and Latin America at an event hosted by the World Bank.


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e6b2c9 No.85544

File: 58f6955f3f53ad7⋯.png (1.12 MB,1024x819,1024:819,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19465584 (311352ZAUG23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day The Crew-7 Nebula/galaxy M51/supernova

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Aug 31, 2023

The Crew-7 Nebula

Not the James Webb Space Telescope's latest view of a distant galactic nebula, this illuminated cloud of gas and dust dazzled early morning spacecoast skygazers on August 26. The snapshot was taken about 2 minutes after the launch of of a Falcon 9 rocket on the SpaceX Crew-7 mission, the seventh commercial crew rotation mission for the International Space Station. It captures drifting plumes and exhaust from the separated first and second stage illuminated against the still dark skies. Near the center of the image, within the ragged blueish ring, are two bright points of light. The lower one is the second stage of the rocket carrying 4 humans to space in a Crew Dragon spacecraft. The bright point above is the Falcon 9 first stage booster orienting itself for the trip back to Landing Zone-1 at Cape Canaveral, planet Earth.


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e6b2c9 No.85545

File: 8f91f66dd4d7f58⋯.png (549.87 KB,970x545,194:109,Clipboard.png)

File: c47ce2c8228a14a⋯.png (165.85 KB,970x742,485:371,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19465607 (311358ZAUG23) Notable: India's Chandrayaan-3 moon rover reveals surprising sulfur find in lunar south pole soil/devil in the details

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India's Chandrayaan-3 moon rover reveals surprising sulfur find in lunar south pole soil

Aug 30, 2023

India's Chandrayaan-3 Vikram lander became the first craft to ever touch down at the lunar south pole on Aug. 23 — and the probe has wasted very little time scientifically exploring an environment that no mission from any country has ever visited.

Now, one instrument aboard the Chandrayaan-3 mission's moon rover Pragyan has found surprising traces of sulfur within the lunar south pole's soil.

Called Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) and created by the Laboratory for Electro-Optics Systems in Bangalore, that instrument probes the lunar surface by quite literally obliterating it. To observe a substance, LIBS fires laser pulses at a sample, which then vaporizes the substance into a brief plasma. The instrument picks up light emitted from that plasma and analyzes the wavelengths to discern what elements lie within.

When LIBS turned its laser onto the lunar south pole's soil, the instrument found the expected mélange of aluminum, calcium, chromium, iron, manganese, oxygen, titanium and silicon — but with an added dash of sulfur. Orbiting probes crossing over the moon's south pole had never previously detected sulfur, nor did they have the feasibility to do so, according to a statement by the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO).

Chandrayaan-3 is leading the way for future missions, such as Artemis 3, to land at the lunar south pole. This region on the moon is an attractive place for humans to build a lasting presence due to the fact that water ice is located underfoot. Future moon-dwellers can potentially tap into that water for consumption, or even to create rocket propellant, instead of depending on water shipped from Earth.

Having a more complete chemical composition of the lunar south pole area means future travelers to — and possible inhabitants of — the region can also plan for what else they don’t need to bring from Earth. In particular, some scientists have suggested moon-dwellers could use sulfur in bits of infrastructure such as building materials, solar cells and batteries.

During the brief few days that Vikram and Pragyan have been on the moon, the mission has kept both the machines and their operators busy. For instance, over the weekend, the mission took the first-ever temperature measurements of the lunar south pole region's soil.

As for LIBS itself, ISRO says scientists are now using the instrument to search for another key element: Hydrogen.


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e6b2c9 No.85546

File: 78ac99f0b5b8f06⋯.jpeg (328.25 KB,1344x906,224:151,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19465622 (311402ZAUG23) Notable: Libs getting desperate Trying to tie Epstein to Trump/downplay trafficking/changing jo's

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Libs getting desperate

Trying to tie Epstein to Trump

Getting hot in here


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e6b2c9 No.85547

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19465623 (311403ZAUG23) Notable: Libs getting desperate Trying to tie Epstein to Trump/downplay trafficking/changing jo's

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KEK!! The SHOCK of the braindead media is funny. This article, points out, just how OUT OF TOUCH most "public SPOKES people" are. Whether a Politician, Actor, Writer, or Social Media Whore, AMERICAN'S are very different than the Pigeon Hole Puppets, they pretend that the Majority of us are in.

Sound of Freedom’s success proves America is not only a different country – it’s a different planet

Forget Barbenheimer or Tom Cruise riding motorbikes off cliffs. The true phenomenon at the American box office this summer has been Sound of Freedom, a creepy and breathtakingly dreary child trafficking thriller starring Passion of the Christ’s Jim Caviezel and bankrolled by evangelical Christian distributor, Angel Studios.

Without studio support or big-name actors, it has blitzed its way to a US box office of more than $180 million and one point was out-performing Cruise’s Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning. The film now finally crosses the Atlantic. Its arrival proves that not only is America a different country – there are times it feels like a different planet.

In the United States, Sound of Freedom has become known as the QAnon movie. It’s actually been in development since before the 2017 QAnon conspiracy, which postulates the American left is orchestrating a global child trafficking scandal. But director Alejandro Monteverde plugs neatly into the QAnon worldview where paedophiles lurk on every street corner and only good men with God on their side can keep our children safe.

In Sound of Freedom, the good man is Tim Ballard, a real-life anti-trafficking activist and devout Mormon. The story is loosely based on Ballard’s experiences in South America – though even he has admitted the movie takes liberties with the truth.

Whatever about tweaking the facts, the film displays a worrying intoxication with the nuts and bolts of kidnapping and abusing children. Over and over, the camera lingers on the abducted kids. Is Sound Of Freedom about paedophiles or for them?

It also suffers from a thumpingly limp performance by Caviezel (his wife is played by Mira Sorvino, the Oscar-winner hounded out of Hollywood by Harvey Weinstein). In the Passion of the Christ, Caviezel was nailed to a wooden cross. Here, his acting seems to be hewn from one. He wears the same vacantly glum expression whether entrapping paedophiles or journeying, Heart of Darkness-style, down a South American river to rescue a kidnapped girl (Cristal Aparicio).

Anti-trafficking campaigners in the United States have condemned Monteverde for distorting the truth about child abduction. Rather than being snatched by strangers, in real life, children are typically trafficked by people they know. They also tend to be in their early teens or older. Sound of Freedom has no time for such complexities. Instead, it gives us wide-eyed cherubs being leered at by South American gangsters and Caviezel huffing to the rescue. It’s bizarre, unsettling and yet – in the filmmaking equivalent of turning wine to water – bracingly dull to boot.


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e6b2c9 No.85548

File: 715787a6e7a44c5⋯.png (1.07 MB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

File: b0a22ab407b421e⋯.png (674.17 KB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

File: 9ef8deb0a78f51e⋯.png (2.89 MB,1920x1332,160:111,Clipboard.png)

File: c4eaf41cb61e55a⋯.png (829.5 KB,1024x741,1024:741,Clipboard.png)

File: 95524c2e825cdcb⋯.png (577.32 KB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19465643 (311409ZAUG23) Notable: Last Super Blue Moon until 2037 lights up skies around the world

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Last Super Blue Moon until 2037 lights up skies around the world

Aug 31, 2023

The Super Blue Moon — one of the biggest and brightest moons of the year — rose on Aug. 30; inspiring skywatchers around the world to reach for their cameras and capture some incredible photographs.

The last Super Blue Moon for 14 years rose over the eastern horizon in the Aquarius constellation just after sunset tonight at around 7:10 p.m. EDT (2310 GMT). It then set just before sunrise on Thursday, Aug. 31 at around 06:46 EDT (1046 GMT).

The latest full moon is referred to as a Blue Moon, a term that can represent one of two things: Either the third full moon in a season that has four full moons; or, more commonly, the second of two full moons that fall in a calendar month. And similar to the previous full moon on Aug. 1, this Blue Moon was a "supermoon," a popular term for a full moon that occurs when our natural satellite is closer to Earth, making it appear just slightly larger and brighter in the sky.

Here we've rounded up some of the best Super Blue Moon photos from around the world.


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e6b2c9 No.85549

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19465644 (311409ZAUG23) Notable: IRS Buys 40 Caliber Submachine Guns! Why Are Federal Agencies Militarizing?!?

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1:35 / 4:35

IRS Buys 40 Caliber Submachine Guns! Why Are Federal Agencies Militarizing?!?

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e6b2c9 No.85550

File: 2c02f4b75a0ecfa⋯.jpeg (68.55 KB,467x486,467:486,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e253b48cb80fd4f⋯.jpeg (1.5 MB,1524x1346,762:673,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 046778e78a77084⋯.jpeg (198.42 KB,708x661,708:661,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ce8ba07225a32ea⋯.jpeg (190.94 KB,800x577,800:577,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 01bb73c1dd01fd9⋯.jpeg (126.54 KB,1280x1248,40:39,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19465658 (311414ZAUG23) Notable: September 13.2023: The Outbreak Unfolds WEF

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Pandemic time line projection

A Global Outlook

September 13.2023: The Outbreak Unfolds

A new pandemic, "Pandemic-2," starts with mutated variants (Covid-Pirola) of an existing virus emerging simultaneously in Western Europe, Asia, and North America.

Initial cases are misinterpreted as common seasonal illnesses due to their similarity, causing? critical delay in public health response.

Italy becomes the epicenter of the outbreaks in Europe, reporting over 20,000 cases by the end of the month, overwhelming local hospitals.

Spain detects the first cases of the mutated virus in its major cities, leading to concerns about its heightened transmissibility.

The virus's rapid spread sparks panic buying, shortages of medical supplies, and confusion among governments about how to handle the situation.

Reports of unusual symptoms, including respiratory distress and neurological complications, raise alarm among medical professionals.

January 22. 2024: Escalation and Global Concerns

Hospitalizations surge globally, overwhelming medical facilities and exhausting healthcare workers.

Mutated virus variants exhibit a mortality rate of 2-4%, reaching a harrowing 6-7.3% in the UK and USA. (Note: mortality actually caused by weakened immune system from C-19 vaccines)

Concerns heighten over the virus's exponential spread and its ability to evade existing immunity.

Italy's healthcare system teeters on the edge of collapse as hospitals struggle to accommodate the influx of critical patients.

Spain experiences an exponential rise in cases, prompting the government to implement partial lockdowns in major cities.

Ireland and the UK face a dire situation with their hospitals struggling to cope, leading to an urgent call for international assistance (UN, CDC, WHO).

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e6b2c9 No.85551

File: b13744845bb2f89⋯.png (1.46 MB,608x2372,152:593,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19465688 (311420ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT Truth Comm Decode???

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So hear me out anons

I have been counting trumps post and noticing a pattern

He will Retruth and interup with a post

or post and interupt with a retruth

so I started counting by the day.

yesterday we had a video storm

so i counted videos with post interruptions

and guess what?


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e6b2c9 No.85552

File: 6d602e3cbac9dcb⋯.png (1.5 MB,1280x434,640:217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19465691 (311421ZAUG23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day The Crew-7 Nebula/galaxy M51/supernova

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A FEAST for the eyes

29 August 2023, 10:00

The graceful winding arms of the grand-design spiral galaxy M51 stretch across this image from the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope. Unlike the menagerie of weird and wonderful spiral galaxies with ragged or disrupted spiral arms, grand-design spiral galaxies boast prominent, well-developed spiral arms like the ones showcased in this image. This galactic portrait is a composite image that integrates data from Webb’s Near-InfraRed Camera (NIRCam) and Mid-InfraRed Instrument (MIRI).

In this image the dark red regions trace the filamentary warm dust permeating the medium of the galaxy. The red regions show the reprocessed light from complex molecules forming on dust grains, while colours of orange and yellow reveal the regions of ionised gas by the recently formed star clusters. Stellar feedback has a dramatic effect on the medium of the galaxy and create complex network of bright knots as well as cavernous black bubbles.

M51 — also known as NGC 5194 — lies about 27 million light-years away from Earth in the constellation Canes Venatici, and is trapped in a tumultuous relationship with its near neighbour, the dwarf galaxy NGC 5195. The interaction between these two galaxies has made these galactic neighbours one of the better-studied galaxy pairs in the night sky. The gravitational influence of M51’s smaller companion is thought to be partially responsible for the stately nature of the galaxy’s prominent and distinct spiral arms. If you would like to learn more about this squabbling pair of galactic neighbours, you can explore earlier observations of M51 by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope here.

This Webb observation of M51 is one of a series of observations collectively titled Feedback in Emerging extrAgalactic Star clusTers, or FEAST. The FEAST observations were designed to shed light on the interplay between stellar feedback and star formation in environments outside of our own galaxy, the Milky Way. Stellar feedback is the term used to describe the outpouring of energy from stars into the environments which form them, and is a crucial process in determining the rates at which stars form. Understanding stellar feedback is vital to building accurate universal models of star formation.

The aim of the FEAST observations is to discover and study stellar nurseries in galaxies beyond our own Milky Way. Before Webb became operative, other observatories such as the Atacama Large Millimetre Array in the Chilean desert and Hubble have given us a glimpse of star formation either at the onset (tracing the dense gas and dust clouds where stars will form) or after the stars have destroyed with their energy their natal gas and dust clouds. Webb is opening a new window into the early stages of star formation and stellar light, as well as the energy reprocessing of gas and dust. Scientists are seeing star clusters emerging from their natal cloud in galaxies beyond our local group for the first time. They will also be able to measure how long it takes for these stars to pollute with newly formed metals and to clean out the gas (these time scales are different from galaxy to galaxy). By studying these processes, we will better understand how the star formation cycle and metal enrichment are regulated within galaxies as well as what are the time scales for planets and brown dwarfs to form. Once dust and gas is removed from the newly formed stars, there is no material left to form planets.

[Image Description: A large spiral galaxy takes up the entirety of the image. The core is mostly bright white, but there are also swirling, detailed structures that resemble water circling a drain. There is white and pale blue light that emanates from stars and dust at the core’s centre, but it is tightly limited to the core. The rings feature colours of deep red and orange and highlight filaments of dust around cavernous black bubbles.]


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e6b2c9 No.85553

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19465705 (311423ZAUG23) Notable: Space Development Agency’s Second Tranche 0 Mission

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Space Development Agency’s Second Tranche 0 Mission

SpaceX is targeting Thursday, August 31 at 8:25 a.m. PT (15:25 UTC) for a Falcon 9 launch of the Space Development Agency’s second Tranche 0 mission to low-Earth orbit from Space Launch Complex 4E (SLC-4E) at Vandenberg Space Force Base in California. If needed, a backup opportunity is available on Friday, September 1 at 7:26 a.m. PT (14:26 UTC).

The Falcon 9 first stage booster supporting this mission previously launched Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich, DART, Transporter-7, Iridium OneWeb, and eight Starlink missions. Following stage separation, the first stage will land on Landing Zone 4 (LZ-4) at Vandenberg Space Force Base.

The space vehicles launched during this mission will serve a part of SDA’s Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture, a new layered network of satellites in low-Earth orbit and supporting elements that will provide global military communication and missile warning, indication, and tracking capabilities.



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e6b2c9 No.85554

File: 48e003dcf9bcadf⋯.png (124.75 KB,849x654,283:218,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19465731 (311429ZAUG23) Notable: Libs getting desperate Trying to tie Epstein to Trump/downplay trafficking/changing jo's

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Joe's strange appearance is now an open topic

Doctor Claims Biden Has Undergone $100K Worth of Plastic Surgery


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e6b2c9 No.85555

File: 30065462f6c4fff⋯.jpg (96.05 KB,720x839,720:839,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4fc6794ff6cfd1f⋯.mp4 (3.73 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19465742 (311432ZAUG23) Notable: Plandemic Soft Coup/or not/Hague???/Dr. Nass

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WHO runs the WHO? Is Klaus Schwab the President of Earth or something? Fuck these people


So this clip came out about a month ago.

Pay attention…

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e6b2c9 No.85556

File: 9084669c4c6e243⋯.png (39.1 KB,830x550,83:55,Clipboard.png)

File: b66b30cb2ca79cb⋯.png (46 KB,853x572,853:572,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19465748 (311433ZAUG23) Notable: Musk vs realDonaldTrump

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Musk vs realDonaldTrump



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e6b2c9 No.85557

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19465774 (311439ZAUG23) Notable: Wagner Group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin, is supposedly seen in newly surfaced footage. For The Keks?

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Wagner Group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin, is supposedly seen in newly surfaced footage.



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e6b2c9 No.85558

File: c967cfc2558bc5e⋯.png (1.41 MB,1200x799,1200:799,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19465791 (311442ZAUG23) Notable: NASA gears up for return of OSIRIS-REx asteroid sample

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NASA gears up for return of OSIRIS-REx asteroid sample

August 31, 2023

WASHINGTON — NASA is making the final preparations to recover samples from an asteroid that a spacecraft will bring back to Earth in September.

Teams conducted a dress rehearsal Aug. 30 of the recovery of the sample return capsule from NASA’s OSIRIS-REx mission. In the test, a helicopter dropped a replica of the capsule from an altitude of more than 2,000 meters. The capsule descended under a parachute to land at the Utah Test and Training Range west of Salt Lake City, where personnel went through procedures to get the capsule ready for transport to NASA’s Johnson Space Center.

“We put our teams in the field, in the environment they’re going to be in, using the communications tools and the equipment they’re actually going to use on the day of recovery,” said Rich Burns, OSIRIS-REx project manager at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, during a briefing after the rehearsal.

The rehearsal was part of final planning for the return of the actual OSIRIS-REx capsule, which will arrive early Sept. 24. The capsule is carrying an estimated 250 grams of material from the asteroid Bennu that the spacecraft collected during a “touch-and-go” collection process in October 2020.

The goal of the mission, whose full name is Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, and Security – Regolith Explorer, is to return those samples to Earth for analysis by scientists, who hope the material will offer new insights into the formation of the solar system.

“Boy, is the science team excited to get that,” said Dante Lauretta, principal investigator for OSIRIS-REx at the University of Arizona, of the samples. “We’re going back to the dawn of the solar system.”

There are still several key milestones before those samples are in the labs of Lauretta and other scientists. The spacecraft is scheduled to perform a maneuver Sept. 10 that will line its trajectory up with the Utah Test and Training Range. Another maneuver a week later will further refine its trajectory, aiming for an elliptical region of 650 square kilometers within the range. “We have a relatively small area to fit in, but we’re highly confident we’ll hit that,” Burns said.

A final go/no-go decision will come just a few hours before OSIRIS-REx releases the capsule at about 108,000 kilometers from the Earth. “We have a very long four hours from release until reentry,” said Sandra Freund, OSIRIS-REx program manager at Lockheed Martin. The capsule will reenter at more than 43,000 kilometers per hour, slowing down during reentry and deployment of drogue and main parachutes to less than 20 kilometers per hour for landing, 13 minutes after reentry.

The main OSIRIS-REx spacecraft will perform a “divert” maneuver about 20 minutes after releasing the capsule to avoid reentering itself. It will pass the Earth at a distance of 800 kilometers, putting it on a trajectory for an extended mission to visit the asteroid Apophis shortly after it makes a close flyby of Earth in 2029.

If something goes wrong with the maneuvers setting up the reentry that might cause it to miss the landing ellipse or otherwise jeopardize safety of the capsule or people on the ground, NASA will not release the capsule, Burns said. In that case, OSIRIS-REx will swing by the Earth on a trajectory that will bring it back in two years to make another attempt.

Mission teams are preparing for other problems that might come up during reentry and landing, including those that cause the capsule to crash into the ground at high speed. That is not unprecedented: NASA’s Genesis mission collected samples of the solar wind, but its parachutes failed to deploy on reentry, causing the capsule to crash in Utah upon its return in 2004.

“We learned a lot from Genesis,” said Freund. “We are very confident that we have taken the lessons learned forward from Genesis into OSIRIS-REx.” However, she said that the team has trained for various contingencies if the capsule does not land intact to preserve as much of the sample as possible.

If all goes well, though, analysis of the samples will begin almost immediately after the sample container is delivered to a clean room at a curation facility at JSC. Lauretta said an Oct. 11 press conference will discuss initial analysis of the samples, followed by presentations at the Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union in December.

Lauretta, who has been involved with OSIRIS-REx since the mission was proposed nearly two decades ago, said he will be part of the teams in Utah recovering the samples. “I wanted to personally be out there to greet these pieces of Bennu to our home planet, welcome them to the curation facility at Johnson Space Center and get them ready for the adventure we’re about to put them on.”


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e6b2c9 No.85559

File: 3e66728499db3ae⋯.png (1.61 MB,985x960,197:192,Clipboard.png)

File: a598fbe8e9e9d4d⋯.png (1.67 MB,985x1202,985:1202,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19465799 (311444ZAUG23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day The Crew-7 Nebula/galaxy M51/supernova

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Webb Reveals New Structures Within Iconic Supernova

Aug 31, 2023

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has begun the study of one of the most renowned supernovae, SN 1987A (Supernova 1987A). Located 168,000 light-years away in the Large Magellanic Cloud, SN 1987A has been a target of intense observations at wavelengths ranging from gamma rays to radio for nearly 40 years, since its discovery in February of 1987. New observations by Webb’s NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera) provide a crucial clue to our understanding of how a supernova develops over time to shape its remnant.

This image reveals a central structure like a keyhole. This center is packed with clumpy gas and dust ejected by the supernova explosion. The dust is so dense that even near-infrared light that Webb detects can’t penetrate it, shaping the dark “hole” in the keyhole.

A bright, equatorial ring surrounds the inner keyhole, forming a band around the waist that connects two faint arms of hourglass-shaped outer rings. The equatorial ring, formed from material ejected tens of thousands of years before the supernova explosion, contains bright hot spots, which appeared as the supernova’s shock wave hit the ring. Now spots are found even exterior to the ring, with diffuse emission surrounding it. These are the locations of supernova shocks hitting more exterior material.

While these structures have been observed to varying degrees by NASA’s Hubble and Spitzer Space Telescopes and Chandra X-ray Observatory, the unparalleled sensitivity and spatial resolution of Webb revealed a new feature in this supernova remnant – small crescent-like structures. These crescents are thought to be a part of the outer layers of gas shot out from the supernova explosion. Their brightness may be an indication of limb brightening, an optical phenomenon that results from viewing the expanding material in three dimensions. In other words, our viewing angle makes it appear that there is more material in these two crescents than there actually may be.

The high resolution of these images is also noteworthy. Before Webb, the now-retired Spitzer telescope observed this supernova in infrared throughout its entire lifespan, yielding key data about how its emissions evolved over time. However, it was never able to observe the supernova with such clarity and detail.

Despite the decades of study since the supernova’s initial discovery, there are several mysteries that remain, particularly surrounding the neutron star that should have been formed in the aftermath of the supernova explosion. Like Spitzer, Webb will continue to observe the supernova over time. Its NIRSpec (Near-Infrared Spectrograph) and MIRI (Mid-Infrared Instrument) instruments will offer astronomers the ability to capture new, high-fidelity infrared data over time and gain new insights into the newly identified crescent structures. Further, Webb will continue to collaborate with Hubble, Chandra, and other observatories to provide new insights into the past and future of this legendary supernova.


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e6b2c9 No.85560

File: d1ab839cff48eef⋯.jpg (60.49 KB,600x464,75:58,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19465813 (311448ZAUG23) Notable: Want congressional subpoenas to have some teeth again? Simple.

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Want congressional subpoenas to have some teeth again? Simple.

Modify House rules to require appropriations bills to prohibit the use of funds to pay the salary of any official held in contempt for noncompliance.

Salary to be restored only upon a vote certifying compliance.


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e6b2c9 No.85561

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19465856 (311458ZAUG23) Notable: We the Targeted: How the Government Weaponizes Surveillance to Silence Its Critics

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We the Targeted: How the Government Weaponizes Surveillance to Silence Its Critics

August 31, 2023

Ever since Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his groundbreaking “I Have a Dream” speech during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom on Aug. 28, 1963, the Deep State has been hard at work turning King’s dream into a living nightmare.

The end result of the government’s efforts over the past 60 years is a country where nothing ever really changes, and everyone lives in fear.

Race wars are still being stoked by both the Right and the Left; the military-industrial complex is still waging profit-driven wars at taxpayer expense; the oligarchy is still calling the shots in the seats of government power; and the government is still weaponizing surveillance in order to muzzle anti-government sentiment, harass activists, and terrorize Americans into compliance.


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e6b2c9 No.85562

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19465866 (311500ZAUG23) Notable: Ultimate Compilation of Biden's Insane Civil Rights Lies

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Ultimate Compilation of Biden's Insane Civil Rights Lies

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e6b2c9 No.85563

File: 250534606d60a3e⋯.jpg (964.75 KB,1144x1968,143:246,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 167dcd089d3a847⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,1200x2076,100:173,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0a666cc594dc4ab⋯.jpg (1.12 MB,1200x2107,1200:2107,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a9396b3296d602c⋯.jpg (951.74 KB,1200x1937,1200:1937,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9b34e351536ee40⋯.jpg (1.19 MB,1200x2054,600:1027,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19465897 (311510ZAUG23) Notable: Plandemic Soft Coup/or not/Hague???/Dr. Nass

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"take over jurisdiction of everything in the World"

They are going to use the HAGUE as their legal buttress

"Equity" "What we (our corrupt Judges) see as fit"

That's why Jack Smith.

"psychology and World Order" came out in '41.

In part on the Hague explains how Judges can ignore written law; Same as what this lady "Nass" talks about; erasing all laws.



All the posts I did last night on the Hague Court have been erased?

My last poting in the serier made 751 exact,|

totally erased. Not showing up in the qresear.ch either.

there were comments on the thread , as well

Very Much over the Target.

Who was in control of that, last night. after midnight edt?

Never had that happen before cept when Brown Shirt was in charge a few summers ago

BO BV Baker

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e6b2c9 No.85564

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19465899 (311511ZAUG23) Notable: Inclusive Capitalism WEF Vatican

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e6b2c9 No.85565

File: d275083b93d6c4c⋯.png (522.19 KB,634x645,634:645,Clipboard.png)

File: f9564649923c635⋯.png (46.88 KB,517x250,517:250,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19465900 (311511ZAUG23) Notable: Donald Trump pleads NOT GUILTY in Georgia election interference case

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Donald Trump pleads NOT GUILTY in Georgia election interference case

The former president waived his right to an arraignment next week. Comes a week after he posed for his historic mugshot.


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e6b2c9 No.85566

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19465901 (311512ZAUG23) Notable: Plandemic Soft Coup/or not/Hague???/Dr. Nass

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Not sure why this is being pushed so hard. She's just one of the many Dr's, who came came out against the Clot Shots.

The video has crappy editing, but the fact that it's being pushed so hard is spoopy.

==Testimony of Meryl Nass, MD before the Health and Human Services Committee

January 11, 2022==


Maine physician who prescribed discredited COVID-19 treatments wanted to make a ‘spectacle’ of a state investigation. 18 months later, she said she’s succeeded.


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e6b2c9 No.85567

File: 8f4db89181c72bc⋯.png (355.03 KB,529x556,529:556,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19465941 (311528ZAUG23) Notable: @CanadianArmy Allons-y!

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Members from 3rd Battalion Royal 22e Régiment are underway to Op NANOOK-NUNAKPUT 2023.

This essential event increases our presence and surveillance in the North to keep Canadians safe.


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e6b2c9 No.85568

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19465964 (311534ZAUG23) Notable: #23906

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#23906 >>85526

>>85527 Salaried employees making less then 55k will get OT pay under Biden administration proposal

>>85528 DJT TS w/CAP: So now it is learned that Governor Ron DeSanctimonious unnecessarily approved a 20% hike in Florida Electricity Rates…

>>85529 Billionaires cashed out 9 billion this year

>>85530 Michigan police memos raised concern about possible nationwide voter registration fraud scheme

>>85532 anon posits on african countries taking back control - It would appear the party's over.

>>85533 Real America's Voice w/CAP: The federal government will do anything to keep Americans from seeing Biden’s records

>>85535 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 08/31/2023

>>85536 Maui Senator Will Resign from Office After Facing Conflict of Interest Questions

>>85537 MS-13 and Mexican Mafia Leader Sentenced to More than 17 Years for an International Drug Conspiracy

>>85538 All 5 Year Deltas yesterday….

>>85539 Firefighter Whistleblower: Maui Attack NOT A Wildfire

>>85541, >>85542 vid and audio calls coming to X, no phone number (it was the servers)

>>85543 IDB and World Bank to Announce Groundbreaking Partnership: Strengthening Collaboration to Maximize Development Impact

>>85544, >>85552, >>85559 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day The Crew-7 Nebula/galaxy M51/supernova

>>85545 India's Chandrayaan-3 moon rover reveals surprising sulfur find in lunar south pole soil/devil in the details

>>85546, >>85547, >>85554 Libs getting desperate Trying to tie Epstein to Trump/downplay trafficking/changing jo's

>>85548 Last Super Blue Moon until 2037 lights up skies around the world

>>85549 IRS Buys 40 Caliber Submachine Guns! Why Are Federal Agencies Militarizing?!?

>>85550 September 13.2023: The Outbreak Unfolds WEF

>>85551 PDJT Truth Comm Decode???

>>85553 Space Development Agency’s Second Tranche 0 Mission

>>85555, >>85563, >>85566 Plandemic Soft Coup/or not/Hague???/Dr. Nass

>>85556 Musk vs realDonaldTrump

>>85557 Wagner Group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin, is supposedly seen in newly surfaced footage. For The Keks?

>>85558 NASA gears up for return of OSIRIS-REx asteroid sample

>>85560 Want congressional subpoenas to have some teeth again? Simple.

>>85561 We the Targeted: How the Government Weaponizes Surveillance to Silence Its Critics

>>85562 Ultimate Compilation of Biden's Insane Civil Rights Lies

>>85564 Inclusive Capitalism WEF Vatican

>>85565 Donald Trump pleads NOT GUILTY in Georgia election interference case

>>85567 @CanadianArmy Allons-y!


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e6b2c9 No.85569

File: 4fc6794ff6cfd1f⋯.mp4 (3.73 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: b6ee7c4f461ae67⋯.jpg (88.58 KB,662x377,662:377,Clipboard.jpg)

File: eb4c3ffb41a5fdb⋯.png (611.29 KB,710x766,355:383,Clipboard.png)

File: 1b5809bf412ef3f⋯.jpeg (101.79 KB,566x500,283:250,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e7db5a2616697d4⋯.png (189.52 KB,639x560,639:560,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19465978 (311536ZAUG23) Notable: #23907

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e6b2c9 No.85570

File: 58dc7ddd9c1e281⋯.png (704.79 KB,984x725,984:725,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19466000 (311540ZAUG23) Notable: Welcome to the Continental Republic of the United States!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It appears we may being told something here...

"Republicans seceding from our democracy..."

Welcome to the Continental Republic of the United States!


Former chief strategist for the Bush-Cheney 2004 presidential campaign Matthew Dowd said Wednesday on MSNBC’s “The ReidOut” that Republicans had “basically decided to secede from our democracy.”

Dowd said, “If you think about this, they completely adapted an ends justify the means approach to the democracy, which means it doesn’t matter what we do as long as we get the end we want. I was thinking about this a lot. This is almost a 21st-century version of succession if you really think about it because their goal is to preserve the culture they want, the power they have and the way of life they want. They’re not doing it in the same way that was done in 1861. But they’re doing it in such a way that demolishes our democracy. And in their mind, they’re able to preserve what they want in the course of this.”

He continued, “That’s what we have gotten down to is this idea that no means are off. No means are off basis. No means are off basis. I mean, you still have two-thirds of Republicans that do not think Joe Biden was legitimately elected. 2.5 years later, they still think he was not legitimately elected. It’s an incredibly dangerous thing that one of the major political parties has basically decided to secede from our democracy.

Host Joy Reid said, “They’re not just banning books, they’re banning Republicans losing elections. It is remarkable stuff.”

Dowd said, “It is modern, it’s succession in the 21st century. It really is.”

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e6b2c9 No.85571

File: 950282fdc9d93c7⋯.png (30.77 KB,1225x252,175:36,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19466003 (311541ZAUG23) Notable: A new civil action against former President Donald Trump was unsealed in New York Wednesday

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A new civil action against former President Donald Trump was unsealed in New York Wednesday, revealing that Attorney General Letitia James intends to charge the 45th president with purposefully inflating his network by $2 billion in a bid to strengthen the Trump Organization’s position in the city’s real estate market.

New York Daily News reports that AG James has asked a Manhattan judge to rule against the Trump family ahead of a $250 million civil fraud suit, saying a “mountain of undisputed evidence” would help resolve some of the claims against President Trump and his family members and business associates.

“No trial is required for the Court to determine that (Trump) presented grossly and materially inflated asset values in (financial filings) and then used those (filings) repeatedly in business transactions to defraud banks and insurers,” the filing said.

Among the alleged wrongdoings, AG James claims Trump overvalued by up to 39 percent assets like his New York skyscrapers, golf courses and residential properties, and his Mar-a-Lago compound in Palm Beach, Florida. Doing so, she claims, allowed the Trump brand to deceive banks, lenders, and business partners with “hundreds of millions of dollars in ill-gotten savings and profits.”

Despite the Trump Organization laying claim to a real estate empire worth $6.7 billion in 2014, the New York attorney general claims she has hard evidence the combined value did not exceed $4.5 billion.

State Supreme Court Judge Arthur Engoron is now tasked with deciding on a partial summary judgment in favor of AG James before the case goes to trial.

As part of the unsealed documents, AG James includes public statements by President Trump accusing her of being a racist and saying that the world would have suffered a nuclear attack from the likes of North Korea if he had not chosen to forgo his lucrative career and serve the public as president.

In addition to seeking a $250 million judgment against the Trump Organization, AG James hopes to prevent the Trump family from doing commercial real estate deals in New York for the next five years and permanently bar family members from running or helping direct businesses.

President Trump has faced a slew of both civil and criminal cases over the past two years. In May he won a civil suit against a woman accusing him of sexual harassment and continues to face criminal probes in Manhattan, Georgia, and Washington, D.C. The Republican frontrunner has accused his prosecutors, all elected Democrats or appointees by the Biden Justice Department, of conducting politically motivated witch hunts against him because they cannot stop his ascent in the polls.


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e6b2c9 No.85572

File: 106ad65b845892c⋯.png (183.35 KB,605x498,605:498,Clipboard.png)

File: 781b20d08f1bb70⋯.png (259.6 KB,680x315,136:63,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19466025 (311545ZAUG23) Notable: The People’s House is getting back to work.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Republicans have made this Congress more productive, more open, and more transparent than at any time in recent history.

The People’s House is getting back to work.

8:33 AM · Aug 31, 2023


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e6b2c9 No.85573

File: b3a3df53b3c7ea8⋯.png (516.61 KB,660x799,660:799,Clipboard.png)

File: f49391753b3044c⋯.mp4 (5.36 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19466042 (311548ZAUG23) Notable: Kevin McKernan on What May Be Causing a Rise in Cancers

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kevin McKernan on What May Be Causing a Rise in Cancers

"If you have all three of those happening – potentially increased integration risks, white blood cell reduction, and spike protein inhibiting the genes that are meant to clean up this type of problem – the combination of those things certainly could make sense and be tied to the rise in cancer that we are currently seeing."

@JanJekielek @Kevin_McKernan


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e6b2c9 No.85574

File: 7b1ce62bb8aed5d⋯.jpg (51.46 KB,594x800,297:400,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5a20301069d4567⋯.mp4 (9.46 MB,426x240,71:40,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19466044 (311548ZAUG23) Notable: THIS ALL ENDS WHEN WE STOP PAYING [THEM]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -






Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e6b2c9 No.85575

File: 9081e4153e30186⋯.png (436.77 KB,663x715,51:55,Clipboard.png)

File: 7cbbe0d828b0b93⋯.png (1008.44 KB,776x825,776:825,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19466055 (311550ZAUG23) Notable: THIS ALL ENDS WHEN WE STOP PAYING [THEM]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e6b2c9 No.85576

File: b13744845bb2f89⋯.png (1.46 MB,608x2372,152:593,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19466067 (311552ZAUG23) Notable: Numbers

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e6b2c9 No.85577

File: b16b45da0b33c5c⋯.png (706.68 KB,737x848,737:848,Clipboard.png)

File: b7c623ed49a0341⋯.mp4 (6.77 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19466088 (311556ZAUG23) Notable: Kevin McKernan on What May Be Causing a Rise in Cancers

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Kevin McKernan on How DNA Contamination Could Have Ended Up in the COVID Vaccines & Whether Pfizer Knew About It

"If you look through their data with the EMA, they have Illumina sequencing and they have RNA sequencing but they didn't give that to the regulators because they probably saw what we saw, which was that there's plasmid backbones in there."

@JanJekielek @Kevin_McKernan


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e6b2c9 No.85578

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19466093 (311556ZAUG23) Notable: Lara Logan What is the Uni-Party

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Holy shit! Watching Lara Logan she was talking about pumping people/children full of heroine then cutting all their limbs off and using them in sadistic sexual practices until they die of asphyxiation!


Round 26 min mark.

So glad I never discovered the dark-web.

Sauce: https://rumble.com/v3d9kju-lara-logan-what-is-the-uni-party-reawaken-america-tour-las-vegas.html?mref=zuse4&mc=30e7g

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e6b2c9 No.85579

File: 7dc78dea6b05918⋯.png (871.27 KB,1330x886,665:443,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19466114 (311602ZAUG23) Notable: Numbers

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9 at the end, 11 at the front

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e6b2c9 No.85580

File: c608849cf644724⋯.png (144.8 KB,774x885,258:295,Clipboard.png)

File: 12d476c482b393a⋯.png (213.66 KB,775x877,775:877,Clipboard.png)

File: c3201bdecaf6116⋯.png (221.47 KB,773x882,773:882,Clipboard.png)

File: 86b3fb33a5fea0a⋯.png (182.13 KB,770x885,154:177,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19466125 (311604ZAUG23) Notable: THIS ALL ENDS WHEN WE STOP PAYING [THEM]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Way ahead of you

Letter in 2021

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e6b2c9 No.85581

File: 8f93c879ab21ad0⋯.jpg (94.87 KB,720x805,144:161,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e0d2021f7fe86c7⋯.mp4 (265.74 KB,960x720,4:3,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19466130 (311605ZAUG23) Notable: McConnell FREEZE

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Kekity kek

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e6b2c9 No.85582

File: ee5770ec415a565⋯.png (202.4 KB,765x887,765:887,Clipboard.png)

File: 9bdaae141f94602⋯.png (241.11 KB,767x887,767:887,Clipboard.png)

File: 35d3ba2dae979f9⋯.png (258.31 KB,767x881,767:881,Clipboard.png)

File: 318313c2c9f0002⋯.png (244.63 KB,765x876,255:292,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ca6a51d232e7a3⋯.png (204.49 KB,770x884,385:442,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19466133 (311605ZAUG23) Notable: THIS ALL ENDS WHEN WE STOP PAYING [THEM]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Letter in 2022

2023 will be out shortly

Not a peep from the Individual Rape Service since these letters have gone out.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e6b2c9 No.85583

File: 37c957f43c8e560⋯.png (99.27 KB,926x894,463:447,Clipboard.png)

File: 0b8a210c80d984c⋯.png (179.4 KB,926x1742,463:871,Clipboard.png)

File: 352c67afc2d6157⋯.png (1.77 MB,926x3762,463:1881,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19466148 (311608ZAUG23) Notable: McConnell FREEZE

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Posted LB.

Think its comms

McConnell FREEZE

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e6b2c9 No.85584

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19466179 (311613ZAUG23) Notable: Numbers

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


yes seems it went




bottom up, but if read top down




then the 43 decode lb?

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e6b2c9 No.85585

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e6b2c9 No.85586

File: 0ed71bcadef16b6⋯.png (8.08 MB,4096x4096,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19466436 (311659ZAUG23) Notable: QClock August 30, 2023 - Wildfires vs Arson

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

QClock August 30, 2023 - Wildfires vs Arson

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e6b2c9 No.85587

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19466461 (311703ZAUG23) Notable: Aussie: Bank to Stop Giving Loans to Fossil Fuel Cars

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This been posted yet?


Bank to Stop Giving Loans to Fossil Fuel Cars

The story is out of Australia. Does anyone else see an upside to this? I've not had an auto loan in a long time. After a while I wondered if "they" (automakers and those financing purchases) make more money off the actual sale of the vehicle or off the loan. I think they have learned to 'sell' us debt. Could this result in lower prices on gas cars? Could it inspire innovation to produce a "volkswagen" type car for regular people that wouldn't need financing? Idk. Just wondering.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e6b2c9 No.85588

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19466621 (311722ZAUG23) Notable: Notable bun of 8/30 5y deltas with 3 delta day posts that need to be looked at. Call to DIG/SOLVE/SAUCE

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Notable bun of 8/30 5y deltas with 3 delta day posts that need to be looked at. Call to DIG/SOLVE/SAUCE

1- who/what is “GCHQ Bude” Sauce it.

2- what frequency bands? Sauce it.

3- correlate/decode new info from 19461713 to Q posts in graphics.

>>85385“GCHQ Bude sent DISTRESS SIG 8:09 EST NSA NO MORE.”

>>85386“Main frequency bands TERMINATED. #Goodbye”
















>>85534“Anons remember this?For some reason it seems important now. I don’t know but I’ve been thinking about it for the past few days. Does anyone have any explanation because scientists are still baffled by it? Q says related to SAT and what does he mean “There is a place for everyone? Did they unblock signals that divided or blocked people from the great awakening? Has anything occurred like this recently?

An unexplained seismic event ‘rang’ across the Earth in November


02-Dec-2018 4:26:57 PM EST



Think WAVES!


Define 'unified'


SAT knockout forced new CLAS tech [online] by who?

[Controlled] moment activated? [17]

Do you believe in coincidences?

Do you believe your efforts here persuade people to stop the pursuit of TRUTH, [CA_J]?

There is a place for everyone.


An unexplained seismic event ‘rang’ across the Earth in November

>>85538All 5 Year Deltas yesterday….



201030-Aug-2018 10:35:22 PM UTCQ !!mG7VJxZNCI8ch/qresearch



201130-Aug-2018 10:36:22 PM UTCQ !!mG7VJxZNCI8ch/qresearch



201230-Aug-2018 10:37:25 PM UTCQ !!mG7VJxZNCI8ch/qresearch





201330-Aug-2018 10:44:36 PM UTCQ !!mG7VJxZNCI8ch/qresearch




201430-Aug-2018 10:45:30 PM UTCQ !!mG7VJxZNCI8ch/qresearch



201530-Aug-2018 10:47:21 PM UTCQ !!mG7VJxZNCI8ch/qresearch





201630-Aug-2018 10:48:47 PM UTCQ !!mG7VJxZNCI8ch/qresearch




201730-Aug-2018 10:52:12 PM UTCQ !!mG7VJxZNCI8ch/qresearch




>>85531”Is it just me or did timelines shift and everything now seems perfect in the world? It was a rough 3.5 years but this morning it's like a brave new world.”

>>85540 screencaps of Q posts.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e6b2c9 No.85589

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19466768 (311741ZAUG23) Notable: Notable bun of 8/30 5y deltas with 3 delta day posts that need to be looked at. Call to DIG/SOLVE/SAUCE

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>85588 here, fixed it for you. Kek.


Notable bun of 8/30 5y deltas with 3 delta day posts that need to be looked at. Call to DIG/SOLVE/SAUCE

1- who/what is “GCHQ Bude” Sauce it.

2- what frequency bands? Sauce it.

3- correlate/decode new info from 19461713 to Q posts in graphics.

>>85385 “GCHQ Bude sent DISTRESS SIG 8:09 EST NSA NO MORE.”

>>85386 “Main frequency bands TERMINATED. #Goodbye”
















>>85534Anons remember this?For some reason it seems important now. I don’t know but I’ve been thinking about it for the past few days. Does anyone have any explanation because scientists are still baffled by it? Q says related to SAT and what does he mean “There is a place for everyone? Did they unblock signals that divided or blocked people from the great awakening? Has anything occurred like this recently?

An unexplained seismic event ‘rang’ across the Earth in November


02-Dec-2018 4:26:57 PM EST



Think WAVES!


Define 'unified'


SAT knockout forced new CLAS tech [online] by who?

[Controlled] moment activated? [17]

Do you believe in coincidences?

Do you believe your efforts here persuade people to stop the pursuit of TRUTH, [CA_J]?

There is a place for everyone.


An unexplained seismic event ‘rang’ across the Earth in November

>>85538All 5 Year Deltas yesterday….



201030-Aug-2018 10:35:22 PM UTCQ !!mG7VJxZNCI8ch/qresearch



201130-Aug-2018 10:36:22 PM UTCQ !!mG7VJxZNCI8ch/qresearch



201230-Aug-2018 10:37:25 PM UTCQ !!mG7VJxZNCI8ch/qresearch





201330-Aug-2018 10:44:36 PM UTCQ !!mG7VJxZNCI8ch/qresearch




201430-Aug-2018 10:45:30 PM UTCQ !!mG7VJxZNCI8ch/qresearch



201530-Aug-2018 10:47:21 PM UTCQ !!mG7VJxZNCI8ch/qresearch





201630-Aug-2018 10:48:47 PM UTCQ !!mG7VJxZNCI8ch/qresearch




201730-Aug-2018 10:52:12 PM UTCQ !!mG7VJxZNCI8ch/qresearch




>>85531 ”Is it just me or did timelines shift and everything now seems perfect in the world? It was a rough 3.5 years but this morning it's like a brave new world.”

>>85540 screencaps of Q posts.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e6b2c9 No.85590

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19466770 (311741ZAUG23) Notable: Maine Medical Board Holds Hearing on the Suspension of Dr. Meryl Nass's License

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Dig much? Anon ANY?

Holy crap.

Here baby

LIVE: Maine Medical Board Holds Hearing on the Suspension of Dr. Meryl Nass's License


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e6b2c9 No.85591

File: 66c3b62427aafb0⋯.png (69.33 KB,678x477,226:159,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19466816 (311750ZAUG23) Notable: More than a dozen people nationally have been charged with threatening election workers by a Justice Department unit

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Seeding the narrative for 2024 - Trump supporters are violent thugs.


Washington – More than a dozen people nationally have been charged with threatening election workers by a Justice Department unit trying to stem the tide of violent and graphic threats against people who count and secure the vote.

Government employees are being bombarded with threats even in normally quiet periods between elections, secretaries of state and experts warn. Some point to former President Donald Trump and his allies repeatedly and falsely claiming the 2020 election was stolen and spreading conspiracy theories about election workers. Experts fear the 2024 election could be worse and want the Justice Department to do more to protect election workers.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e6b2c9 No.85592

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19466872 (311801ZAUG23) Notable: #23907

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#23907 >>85569

>>85570 Welcome to the Continental Republic of the United States!

>>85571 A new civil action against former President Donald Trump was unsealed in New York Wednesday

>>85572 The People’s House is getting back to work.

>>85573, >>85577 Kevin McKernan on What May Be Causing a Rise in Cancers

>>85574, >>85575, >>85580, >>85582 THIS ALL ENDS WHEN WE STOP PAYING [THEM]

>>85578 Lara Logan What is the Uni-Party

>>85579, >>85584, >>85576, >>85585 Numbers

>>85583, >>85581 McConnell FREEZE

>>85586 QClock August 30, 2023 - Wildfires vs Arson

>>85587 Aussie: Bank to Stop Giving Loans to Fossil Fuel Cars

>>85588, >>85589 Notable bun of 8/30 5y deltas with 3 delta day posts that need to be looked at. Call to DIG/SOLVE/SAUCE

>>85590 Maine Medical Board Holds Hearing on the Suspension of Dr. Meryl Nass's License

>>85591 More than a dozen people nationally have been charged with threatening election workers by a Justice Department unit


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e6b2c9 No.85593

File: 2e61eefa8b79c17⋯.mp4 (1.38 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19466886 (311803ZAUG23) Notable: #23908-A

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e6b2c9 No.85594

File: 7358c32082be2db⋯.png (122.5 KB,553x647,553:647,Clipboard.png)

File: 3df1e4ec09a16b9⋯.png (27.71 KB,601x220,601:220,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19466895 (311807ZAUG23) Notable: It Begins. Anti-White Hate Group Meets with Twitter-X to Set Policy on Hate Speech

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It Begins. Anti-White Hate Group Meets with Twitter-X to Set Policy on Hate Speech

Five-time UFC/MMA Champion Jake Shields highlighted a disturbing development at Twitter-X.

The new Twitter-X CEO Linda Yaccarino recently met with Jonathan Greenblatt, the the CEO of the former civil rights group the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

Since its early days as a civil rights group the ADL, under the leadership of Jonathan Greenblatt, has morphed into a toxic far-left mouthpiece that maliciously targets and labels any person or entity that sits on the right side of Karl Marx.

Greenblatt is itching to start silencing and censoring conservatives again on Twitter like the good old days.

The ADL is also a bigoted group that openly hates and discriminates against white people.

Here are just two examples of their hateful, bigoted beliefs.

The ADL have joined several leftist groups in recent years to target, censor and silence all conservative voices on the right. The Gateway Pundit has been a frequent target of this hate group despite the fact that TGP has ALWAYS been one of the most vocal supporters of Israel and its Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for over a decade now.

But the ADL wants to silence us and others because of the far-left madness of their current leadership.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e6b2c9 No.85595

File: c750cd72fd95dcb⋯.png (536.04 KB,638x871,638:871,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19466902 (311808ZAUG23) Notable: Maui Senator Will Resign from Office After Facing Conflict of Interest Questions

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Maui Senator Will Resign from Office After Facing Conflict of Interest Questions

Hawaii state Senator Gilbert Keith-Agaran has announced he will step down from office after facing several conflicts of interest questions.

In a senate press release, Sen. Gilbert Keith-Agaran did not give a specific reason why he was deciding to step down. But he did write, “I believe that this decision best serves the interests of the Maui people especially given what they have gone through over the last three weeks, and what they continue to experience.”

Agaran has been facing ethical questions the last several days after his picture was spotted on a flyer that advertised a discussion with members from the law firm Takitani Agaran Jorgensen & Wildman where Keith-Aagaran serves as a partner and Morgan & Morgan “America’s largest injury law firm”.

Morgan & Morgan has already filed a lawsuit against Hawaiian Electric and Maui Electric Co. over the deadly Maui fires.

Civil Beat reported on Sunday just days before Keith-Agaran’s resignation that, “If push came to shove and he had to chose between his clients and his constituents, Keith-Agaran might choose his law practice over politics.”

Here’s the flyer that raised concerns:


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e6b2c9 No.85596

File: 1675b90fb2ea71a⋯.png (91.75 KB,170x230,17:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19466906 (311809ZAUG23) Notable: Executive Order 13848 expires 9-12-2023

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>>85550 (PB)

>September 13.2023: The Outbreak Unfolds

Guess what expires the day before???

CM brought up the importance of this last week.


45th President of the United States: 2017 ‐ 2021

Executive Order 13848—Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

September 12, 2018

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) (NEA), section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (8 U.S.C. 1182(f)), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code,

I, Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America, find that the ability of...


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e6b2c9 No.85597

File: 648e671683dc7ec⋯.png (128.67 KB,696x669,232:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19466932 (311814ZAUG23) Notable: Cannabis Users Have Higher Levels of Toxic Heavy Metals in Their Bodies

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Cannabis Users Have Higher Levels of Toxic Heavy Metals in Their Bodies: Study



Marijuana is the third most used drug in the world.


Because the cannabis plant is a known scavenger of metals, we hypothesized that individuals who use marijuana will have higher metal biomarker levels compared with those who do not use.


We combined data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2005–2018) for lowercase italic n equals 7,254n=7,254

participants, classified by use: non-marijuana/non-tobacco, exclusive marijuana, exclusive tobacco, and dual marijuana and tobacco use. Five metals were measured in blood and 16 in urine using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry; urinary metals were adjusted for urinary creatinine.


Participants reporting exclusive marijuana use compared with non-marijuana/non-tobacco use had statistically significantly higher mean cadmium levels in blood [1.22 micrograms per liter1.22μg/L

(95% CI: 1.11, 1.34); lowercase italic p less than 0.001p



Our results suggest marijuana is a source of cadmium and lead exposure. Research regarding cannabis use and cannabis contaminants, particularly metals, should be conducted to address public health concerns related to the growing number of cannabis users. https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP12074


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e6b2c9 No.85598

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19466940 (311817ZAUG23) Notable: Pentagon Press Secretary Air Force Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder briefs the news media at the Pentagon.

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2:30 PM EDT

Pentagon Press Secretary Holds Briefing

Pentagon Press Secretary Air Force Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder briefs the news media at the Pentagon.





Defense Department Briefing

Defense Department Spokesperson Brigadier General Pat Ryder briefs reporters at the Pentagon.


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e6b2c9 No.85599

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19466950 (311819ZAUG23) Notable: Texas Bills Reinforce Freedom; Censorship Concerns Creep Back Into Spotlight; Who is Elon Musk, Really?.....

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Texas Bills Reinforce Freedom; Censorship Concerns Creep Back Into Spotlight; Who is Elon Musk, Really?; COVID Vaccines For Pregnant Women?; ICAN Unearths 2021 CDC Presentation Revealing Health Agencies Knew The Shot Wasn’t ‘the way out.’; Dr. Meryl Nass Exposes the Larger Agenda Behind the W.H.O. Pandemic Treaty; New Freedom Files Coming Monday!

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e6b2c9 No.85600

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19466957 (311820ZAUG23) Notable: Texas Bills Reinforce Freedom; Censorship Concerns Creep Back Into Spotlight; Who is Elon Musk, Really?.....

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On now:



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e6b2c9 No.85601

File: 1d7eb17605a9c18⋯.png (63.51 KB,726x359,726:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19466966 (311823ZAUG23) Notable: Canadian MP says unvaxxed woman who died after being denied organ transplant deserved her fate

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Canadian MP says unvaxxed woman who died after being denied organ transplant deserved her fate

A Canadian member of parliament (MP) insensitively remarked that an unvaccinated woman, who was denied a vital organ transplant and later died, deserved what happened to her.

The woman in question was Sheila Annette Lewis, who died on Aug. 25. Her refusal to get injected with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine caused her to be removed from the waiting list of organ transplant candidates. Supporters had been raising money on Lewis' behalf so that she could go to the U.S. for the operation, but they fell short of the target amount.

The Justice Center for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) issued a statement shortly after Lewis' passing. It said: "Our thoughts are with her family, and all other Canadians who have been denied transplants because of unscientific vaccine policies. We will continue her courageous fight for rights and freedoms."

But Canadian MP Charlie Angus of Canada's New Democratic Party didn't offer words of sympathy, instead saying Lewis deserved to die. The MP for the Timmins-James Bay electoral district wrote in a now-deleted-tweet: "A woman died because she preferred to fight for disinformation, anti-vaccine b****t and conspiracy. Pierre Poilievre says she is a hero and supports a candidate so bogus that Doug Ford kicked him out."

Angus referenced two fellow lawmakers in the deleted tweet. The "bogus" candidate pertained to politician Roman Baber, who was kicked out of the Progressive Conservative Party by incumbent Ontario Premier Doug Ford over opposition to the COVID-19 lockdowns. Meanwhile, Poilievre – the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada – has openly opposed COVID-19 vaccine mandates pushed by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Lewis hailed from Canada's Alberta province, which is currently under the leadership of Premier Danielle Smith. The province's chief executive once remarked that the unvaccinated were "the most discriminated-against group" in her lifetime, but she did nothing to save Lewis until her death.

"There is no rational reason for denying the unvaccinated an organ transplant; it's just more bureaucratic inertia from the public health Gestapo," wrote Human Events columnist David Krayden. "There is growing evidence that the vaccinated are in greater danger of sudden death than those who resisted the monumental pressure to roll the dice and get the [vaccine]."

Judge who ruled against Lewis in 2022 equally liable


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e6b2c9 No.85602

File: c68b6a20ed77611⋯.png (508.44 KB,666x678,111:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19466967 (311824ZAUG23) Notable: Ron DeSantis $50 million super PAC CLOSES after donors were spooked by 'rookie s*** mistakes'

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EXCLUSIVE: Ron DeSantis $50 million super PAC CLOSES after donors were spooked by 'rookie s*** mistakes'

Strategist John Thomas secured $50million in donations for 'Ron to the Rescue'

But the group will shut down after donors had second thoughts on the campaign

He said basic errors have forced him to consider throwing money behind Trump


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e6b2c9 No.85603

File: bdf020b6d2462c3⋯.png (77.83 KB,645x372,215:124,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19466980 (311827ZAUG23) Notable: Twitter can now harvest YOUR 'biometric' information, Musk's site quietly updates its T&Cs

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Twitter can now harvest YOUR 'biometric' information including fingerprint, face recognition and eye tracking data - as Musk's site quietly updates its T&Cs 'for safety purposes'


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e6b2c9 No.85604

File: ecd45289d2345a7⋯.png (173.9 KB,683x883,683:883,Clipboard.png)

File: 953e8c2c092da46⋯.png (134.1 KB,678x746,339:373,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19466996 (311828ZAUG23) Notable: Facebook deletes thousands of accounts, citing Chinese troll army ‘covert operation’

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Facebook deletes thousands of accounts, citing Chinese troll army ‘covert operation’

Facebook’s parent company Meta has deleted thousands of accounts with suspected links to the Chinese government, describing them as “the largest known cross-platform covert influence operation in the world.”

The Chinese Communist Party had targeted more than 50 apps, including Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), YouTube, TikTok and Reddit, the company said in an Aug. 29 blog post.

“We were able to tie this activity together to confirm it was part of one operation known in the security community as Spamouflage and link it to individuals associated with Chinese law enforcement,” it said, citing similar threats originating out of Russia.

China has been stepping up its efforts to influence and manipulate news and information worldwide, and has used an array of tools to project a positive image of itself abroad, the U.S.-based watchdog Freedom House reported in September 2022.

Meta said it had removed 7,704 Facebook accounts, 954 Pages, 15 Groups and 15 Instagram accounts originating in China for violating its policy against coordinated inauthentic behavior.

The network had targeted democratic Taiwan, the United States, Australia, the United Kingdom, Japan, as well as global Chinese-speaking audiences, the company said in its Adversarial Threat Report for the second quarter of 2023.

“This network was run by geographically dispersed operators across China who appear to have been centrally provisioned with internet access and content directions,” the report said.

The content included positive commentary about China and its actions in the northwestern region of Xinjiang, as well as criticisms of the United States, Western foreign policies, and targeted critics of the Chinese government, including journalists and researchers, it said.

‘The main battlefield is Twitter’

Netherlands-based rights activist Lin Shengliang said pro-Beijing trolls are still going strong on X, formerly Twitter, however.

“The Chinese Communist Party has always engaged in cultural penetration and narrative penetration overseas,” Lin said. “The main battlefield is Twitter.”

Lin said many of the trolls are prisoners in China’s carceral system.


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e6b2c9 No.85605

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467022 (311833ZAUG23) Notable: DOJ fires back at 'premature' subpoenas, ongoing Hunter Biden probe and WON'T allow involved FBI and IRS agents to testify

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DOJ fires back at 'premature' subpoenas by Republicans seeking details on 'political interference' in the ongoing Hunter Biden probe and WON'T allow involved FBI and IRS agents to testify

The Republican-led House Judiciary and Ways and Means committees subpoenaed two FBI agents and two IRS agents earlier this month

They're believed to have knowledge of meeting where David Weiss allegedly said 'he is not the deciding person' in the Hunter Biden probe

DOJ says compelling the agents' testimony is 'premature' and may impact the ongoing investigation into Hunter


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e6b2c9 No.85606

File: 1baa4e46886ec49⋯.png (790.48 KB,842x1218,421:609,Clipboard.png)

File: 42c97de813ca608⋯.png (390.57 KB,546x838,273:419,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467027 (311834ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump RT THANK YOU President Trump for spending 4 hours with Kabul bombing Gold Star families

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Donald J. Trump

Aug 31, 2023, 1:55 PM


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e6b2c9 No.85607

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467049 (311837ZAUG23) Notable: Biden cancels MORE student debt: resident wipes $72 million from 2,300 borrowers from online Ashford University

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Biden cancels MORE student debt: President wipes $72 million from 2,300 borrowers from online Ashford University - following widespread fraud claims

The Biden administration is canceling $72 million in student loans from 2,300 who say they were cheated by Ashford University

Ashford was an online for-profit college that enrolled more than 100,000 students that has since been purchased by the University of Arizona

Recruiters also told potential students they would never face out-of-pocket costs and the school only had a 25 percent graduation rate

The Biden administration is canceling $72 million in student loans for 2,300 borrowers who say they were cheated by Ashford University, a former for-profit college that was purchased by the University of Arizona in 2020.

The Education Department announced the action Wednesday, saying it will seek to recoup the money from the University of Arizona.

The university did not immediately provide a comment.

Before its sale, Ashford was an online for-profit college that enrolled more than 100,000 students. It was owned by the company Zovio and based in San Diego.

A California court in 2022 found that Ashford frequently lied to students to get them to enroll. Its recruiters misled students about the college's accreditation, costs and the amount of time it would take to graduate, the court concluded.

That lawsuit, brough by the state of California, was the basis of the Education Department's cancellation.

President Joe Biden said his administration 'won't stand for colleges taking advantage of hardworking students and borrowers.'

'These borrowers were lied to about the cost of attending Ashford, were misled about how long it would take to get a degree, and were deceived about the transferability of Ashford credits,' Biden said in a statement. 'They deserve better.'

The action will automatically discharge loans for 2,300 borrowers who attended Ashford from March 2009 through April 2020 and applied for cancellation through the Education Department's borrower defense program.

Those borrowers will see their loan balances zeroed out, and they will be refunded for payments on their federal loans.

California Attorney General Rob Bonta encouraged other former Ashford students to apply for relief if they were deceived.

'What Ashford University did to its students was unconscionable and illegal,' Bonta said. 'That's why the California Department of Justice took Ashford and its parent company to court.'


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e6b2c9 No.85608

File: 7dc6202889f4422⋯.mp4 (14.92 MB,926x480,463:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467066 (311841ZAUG23) Notable: Trump does Rich Men North of Richmond

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Kek just saw this...

Rich Men North of Richmond - Trump

134MB compressed down to 13.5MB to post here.

Kek not sure the quality but was posted here:


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e6b2c9 No.85609

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467067 (311842ZAUG23) Notable: Mask-Induced Exhaustion Syndrome May Be Misinterpreted as “Long COVID”

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Study Shows: Mask-Induced Exhaustion Syndrome May Be Misinterpreted as “Long COVID”

I have not read all of the story yet, but it appears to bring receipts.

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e6b2c9 No.85610

File: 7ffa09bbf9a0fae⋯.png (1.71 MB,1696x1238,848:619,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467068 (311842ZAUG23) Notable: Ex-CIA Agent Who Signed Propaganda Letter About Hunter Biden Laptop Tried To Conceal Twitter Job

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Ex-CIA Agent Who Signed Propaganda Letter About Hunter Biden Laptop Tried To Conceal Twitter Job


Nada Bakos, whose picture appeared in March 2022 on the cover of the NY Post detailing the signatories of the Oct. 2020 letter suggesting that the Hunter Biden laptop release was a "Russian information operation," went on to work for Twitter's policy team in March 2022.

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e6b2c9 No.85611

File: 2f4231242a90396⋯.png (187.18 KB,1170x1015,234:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467075 (311843ZAUG23) Notable: US Capitol physician: "I have consulted with Leader McConnell and conferred with his neurology team, he is medically clear to continue with his schedule as planned

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BREAKING: US Capitol physician: "I have consulted with Leader McConnell and conferred with his neurology team. After evaluating yesterday’s incident, I have informed Leader McConnell that he is medically clear to continue with his schedule as planned. Occasional lightheadedness is not uncommon in concussion recovery and can also be expected as a result of dehydration."


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e6b2c9 No.85612

File: fdea5e71d748bee⋯.png (91.5 KB,832x840,104:105,Clipboard.png)

File: 6de8abd7a0246e3⋯.png (91.65 KB,836x845,836:845,Clipboard.png)

File: fd1fda87ce60564⋯.png (107.8 KB,800x824,100:103,Clipboard.png)

File: a22f24a88a5edac⋯.png (92.62 KB,820x741,820:741,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467086 (311845ZAUG23) Notable: Judicial Watch: Pfizer Records Reveal 23-Person Study of COVID Vaccine Booster Safety and Effectiveness before Approval

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Judicial Watch: Pfizer Records Reveal 23-Person Study of COVID Vaccine Booster Safety and Effectiveness before Approval

Judicial Watch released 58 pages of records from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) showing that a Pfizer study surveyed 23 people in 2021 to gauge reactions to its COVID vaccine booster before asking the FDA to approve it. The FDA indicated that this production of records “represents our complete response to your request; no additional productions are anticipated.”

The records were obtained in response to a March 2022 lawsuit filed after the Department of Health and Human Services failed to respond to an August 2021 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records “submitted by Pfizer and BioNTech to the FDA, including BARDA, relating to ‘booster’ vaccinations for the SARS-CoV-2 virus” (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (No. 1:22-cv-00730)).

Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, BARDA, has been heavily involved with the development of the COVID-19 vaccine. According to its website:

The Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) provides an integrated, systematic approach to the development of the necessary vaccines, drugs, therapies, and diagnostic tools for public health medical emergencies such as chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) accidents, incidents and attacks; pandemic influenza (PI), and emerging infectious diseases (EID).

BioNTech is a German pharmaceutical company that partnered with Pfizer in developing the original vaccine.

The records include a July study titled “Phase 1 Booster Safety and Immunogenicity Data up to 1 Month Post-Dose 3 of BNT162b2 30 µg [micrograms] in Study C4591001” provided “preliminary safety and immunogenicity data” for a group that had received two vaccine shots and, seven to nine months later, a third (booster) shot:

This submission includes preliminary findings from a subset of younger (18 to 55 years of age) and older (65 to 85 years of age) participants in the Phase 1 part of Study C4591001 who completed the initial two-dose series of BNT162b2 30 µg, given approximately 3 weeks apart, and then received a third dose (booster) of BNT162b2 30 µg approximately 7 to 9 months after the second dose. Data were collected through the cutoff date of 13 May 2021.

The participants were evaluated for symptoms up to one month after the booster shot. The booster’s immunogenicity, or how well a vaccine works over time, was evaluated seven days and one month after the booster:

SARS-CoV-2 50% neutralization titers were assessed in sera drawn before BNT162b2 Dose 1 (on Day 1); 7 days and 1 month after BNT162b2 Dose 2; before Dose 3; and 7 days and 1 month after Dose 3.



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e6b2c9 No.85613

File: 260c285f99ef395⋯.jpg (111.5 KB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 134ec63d6aa5b63⋯.jpg (78.33 KB,1200x628,300:157,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467103 (311848ZAUG23) Notable: The Simpsons predicted Japan PM eating radioactive Fukushima fish

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NEW - The Simpsons predicted Japan PM eating radioactive Fukushima fish: Fans

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e6b2c9 No.85614

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467110 (311849ZAUG23) Notable: Warnock's Church Resumes Evictions From Low-Income Apartment Building as It Enriches the Senator

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Warnock's Church Resumes Evictions From Low-Income Apartment Building as It Enriches the Senator

With Sen. Raphael Warnock (D., Ga.) safe and secure in the Senate for the next six years, the church where he collects a salary as a part-time pastor is back to evicting residents of the low-income apartment building it owns—a subject that became a flashpoint in Warnock's 2022 reelection campaign.

Since the Democrat won reelection in December, Fulton County court records show, the apartment building owned by Ebenezer Baptist Church has moved to evict six residents. The building, Columbia MLK Tower, has received over $15 million in federal and state funding to shelter the "chronically homeless," but has nonetheless taken four residents to court this year for falling behind on rent by less than two months. Law enforcement officials forcibly ejected another resident from the pest-infected building in July.

Warnock denied during the 2022 campaign that the church was evicting residents, telling Georgia voters that the Free Beacon reports were "vicious and venomous" attempts to "sully Ebenezer Baptist Church" and the "church of Jesus Christ."

Ebenezer pays Warnock a six-figure salary for his part-time pastoral services at levels that exceed the outside income allowance for senators. Warnock has leveraged several accounting loopholes to rake in sums far beyond that $30,000 limit. The church paid the senator $120,000 in 2021, for example, $89,000 of which was a tax-free "parsonage allowance" that he used to pay for his $1 million Atlanta home. And though Warnock made $155,000 from his church in 2022, the senator claimed $125,000 of that salary as "deferred compensation" for services he rendered before he was sworn into office in January 2021, the Washington Free Beacon reported.

Among the disadvantaged residents facing eviction from Ebenezer's apartment building is Vietnam veteran Phillip White. The building's property manager, Columbia Residential, moved in March to evict White for $192 in unpaid rent after he fell about five weeks behind on his payments.

Columbia Residential voluntarily dismissed that lawsuit after White accused the building of failing to repair several appliances in his unit. But White was taken to court again in June for falling behind on his rent payments by less than two months. The Fulton County Magistrate Court on Aug. 7 granted law enforcement officials a writ of possession to remove White from the property.

This isn't the first time Ebenezer's apartment building has sought to evict White. It filed a dispossessory notice against White in September 2022 for $192 in unpaid rent, only to drop the case in November after the Free Beacon reported the building's aggressive eviction practices.

White said Warnock's denials are a slap in the face.

"He said there would be no evictions," White told the Free Beacon in November. "He knew that was a lie. What he was really saying is there would be no evictions until after the election."

Warnock, Ebenezer Baptist Church, and Columbia Residential did not return requests for comment.


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e6b2c9 No.85615

File: 75e48b65d450224⋯.png (228.88 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 669991265ddb8c2⋯.png (684.69 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467136 (311853ZAUG23) Notable: Tesla being sued over fire death

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Selling a bad product

Is negligence


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e6b2c9 No.85616

File: 945fac507fa1190⋯.png (343.48 KB,605x556,605:556,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467149 (311854ZAUG23) Notable: Police bodycam footage shows NJ School Board officials calling police on citizens they don’t recognize who look “TRUMPISH!”

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BREAKING: Police bodycam footage shows NJ School Board officials calling police on citizens they don’t recognize who look “TRUMPISH!” Police colluded with school officials to scan license plates of all attendees who looked 'different'.

POLICE: 'I don't answer to journalists.'


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e6b2c9 No.85617

File: 59b485134c158c7⋯.png (150.4 KB,668x504,167:126,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467177 (311859ZAUG23) Notable: UK’s Sunak taps Jewish minister Grant Shapps to serve as next defense secretary

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UK’s Sunak taps Jewish minister Grant Shapps to serve as next defense secretary

Shapps, who visited Israel last year as transport secretary, has said that ‘for all Israel’s faults, and goodness knows there are many,’ he remains a firm supporter



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e6b2c9 No.85618

File: 68b88519b833393⋯.png (406.36 KB,783x474,261:158,Clipboard.png)

File: 57d9e5b81682320⋯.png (294.49 KB,817x468,817:468,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467184 (311901ZAUG23) Notable: Neuralink cruelty to monkeys being sued/Musk research

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If they did this to monkeys they'd do the same to us.


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e6b2c9 No.85619

File: f946431135f46cc⋯.png (941.79 KB,1020x623,1020:623,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467190 (311901ZAUG23) Notable: Michigan Voter Fraud More Widespread Than Previously Realized

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Michigan Voter Fraud More Widespread Than Previously Realized – Attorney General Dana Nessel and FBI Burying Explosive Issue


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e6b2c9 No.85620

File: 2363ef489d0854d⋯.png (105.93 KB,831x511,831:511,Clipboard.png)

File: 75bb8bb9c52f673⋯.png (314.84 KB,820x473,820:473,Clipboard.png)

File: a62bc01bd0bbbdb⋯.png (245.72 KB,823x527,823:527,Clipboard.png)

File: 22ad6f584855058⋯.png (242.66 KB,852x527,852:527,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467200 (311904ZAUG23) Notable: Neuralink cruelty to monkeys being sued/Musk research

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Solid research on Elon Musk it looks like.


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e6b2c9 No.85621

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467202 (311904ZAUG23) Notable: Buckwheat link HOT

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Buckwheat link HOT

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e6b2c9 No.85622

File: d151441ac948ec3⋯.png (389.71 KB,686x661,686:661,Clipboard.png)

File: 646000cd3d6fc61⋯.png (233.98 KB,673x814,673:814,Clipboard.png)

File: d51884112cd23ae⋯.png (156.2 KB,694x756,347:378,Clipboard.png)

File: 9ecd03778c1c22a⋯.png (200.78 KB,688x855,688:855,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467206 (311905ZAUG23) Notable: New Study finds all Covid Variants have been made in a BioLab?????

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New Study finds all Covid Variants have been made in a BioLab

In the USA, covid hospitalisations are up because of variant EG.5.1 and there’s a scary new variant dubbed BA.X from Denmark and Israel, we’re told. Because of the BA.X variant “scientists” are demanding rules from lockdown be reimposed on Britain.

Mark Steyn pointed out a recent Japanese study showing that all previous SARS-CoV-2 variants were not naturally occurring and were made in a laboratory. Based on this we can make the presumption that the new EG.5.1 and BA.X variants have been as well, irrespective of which country is claiming the variant as its own.

For their study, Atsuki Tanaka and Takayuki Miyazawa, of Osaka Medical University and Kyoto University, wanted to trace the historical evolution of the omicron variant of SARS-CoV2 by studying viral sequences found “in the wild” and deposited in public databases.

In doing this they found around 100 separate omicron subvariants that could not conceivably have arisen through natural processes. The existence of these variants seems to provide definitive proof of large-scale lab creation and release of covid viruses.

Moreover, the variants appear to form comprehensive panels of mutations typical of those used in “reverse genetics” experiments to systematically test the properties of different parts of viruses, Substacker PSMI wrote.


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e6b2c9 No.85623

File: d83803205c225b1⋯.png (334.91 KB,820x524,205:131,Clipboard.png)

File: 0c206367940c6f4⋯.png (253.36 KB,826x529,826:529,Clipboard.png)

File: 7349c080a690b74⋯.png (278.55 KB,812x520,203:130,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467215 (311906ZAUG23) Notable: Neuralink cruelty to monkeys being sued/Musk research

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e6b2c9 No.85624

File: 34dc88ef916e30a⋯.png (361.84 KB,828x514,414:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467217 (311907ZAUG23) Notable: Neuralink cruelty to monkeys being sued/Musk research

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e6b2c9 No.85625

File: fe53fc3c334f101⋯.png (306.63 KB,833x521,833:521,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467221 (311907ZAUG23) Notable: Neuralink cruelty to monkeys being sued/Musk research

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e6b2c9 No.85626

File: b04896e9612e023⋯.jpg (110.42 KB,650x661,650:661,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c64d7e53105e155⋯.jpg (166.14 KB,750x1000,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467246 (311911ZAUG23) Notable: -BREAD NEEDS COLLECTING AFTER

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Productivity Comparison of the Apollo Program & Cancer Industries

Project Apollo

Duration: 13 years, 1960 - 1973

Cost: $28 Billion ($280 billion adjusted for 2020)

From 0 supporting tech or industry to achieving the goal.


Cancer Industries

Duration: Oldest since 1913 (109 years & goal not achieved)

Cost: 100's of Billions of dollars per year

Support of 1000's of:








-diagnostic/treatment centers

-pharmaceutical corporations












donations, mmkay.

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e6b2c9 No.85627

File: c39ff4378d4bc8d⋯.png (546.21 KB,816x526,408:263,Clipboard.png)

File: 19a8db1271fa906⋯.png (541.96 KB,812x522,14:9,Clipboard.png)

File: aa3629bc95b2efe⋯.png (490.58 KB,827x513,827:513,Clipboard.png)

File: ff3e11040f5855e⋯.png (219.38 KB,831x530,831:530,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467248 (311911ZAUG23) Notable: Neuralink cruelty to monkeys being sued/Musk research

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Elon Musk's grandfather was into "technocracy" apparently.

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e6b2c9 No.85628

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467295 (311917ZAUG23) Notable: New Frozen trailer just dropped

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BREAKING: New Frozen trailer just dropped

Elon: Poor guy. He’s had a great run, but it’s just time to retire.

>did you try turning it off and on again?

>unplug it 🔌

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e6b2c9 No.85629

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467319 (311920ZAUG23) Notable: Kamala Harris raises eyebrows with bizarre 'passage of time' speech

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Kamala Harris raises eyebrows with bizarre 'passage of time' speech

Fox News

10.6M subscribers

901K views 1 year ago #FoxNews

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e6b2c9 No.85630

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467349 (311925ZAUG23) Notable: More Jean-Pierre - KEK

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Jean-Pierre: We know that unemployment has been near historic lows...for the longest stretch in fifty years.

[misinformation- people who gave up and not actively seeking work are not counted]

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e6b2c9 No.85631

File: 59ad9f5c44c830a⋯.png (68.46 KB,671x333,671:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467379 (311929ZAUG23) Notable: DJT - Wow! “A Super PAC set up to back Ron DeSanctimonious with $50 Million, is closing as donors have backed out

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump

Wow! “A Super PAC set up to back Ron DeSanctimonious with $50 Million, is closing as donors have backed out - while its founder said the Florida Governor’s campaign is guilty of rookie mistakes, and he will now back Donald Trump.” Daily Mail, by Morgan Phillips. Thank you to John Thomas, the highly respected Republican strategist!

Aug 31, 2023, 3:24 PM


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e6b2c9 No.85632

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467386 (311930ZAUG23) Notable: Children's immune systems are damaged by Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA vaccine

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mRNA injury series - Children's immune systems are damaged by Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA vaccine - Australian group just published research on mRNA jabs harming children as infections surge in Australia


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e6b2c9 No.85633

File: 38e62d70c1c6c2f⋯.png (86.09 KB,679x383,679:383,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467389 (311930ZAUG23) Notable: RINO John Roberts of FoxNews just put failed political candidate Chris Christie, and terminated A.G., lethargic Bill Barr, on to talk about your favorite President, ME!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump

RINO John Roberts of FoxNews just put failed political candidate Chris Christie, and terminated A.G., lethargic Bill Barr, on to talk about your favorite President, ME! What does he expect from these two losers, one who I refused to give a job, the other who I fired because he was petrified of the Radical Left and what they would do to him. Anyway, my polls are even higher since the so-called Debate. Republicans should unite against the Fascist Lunatics who are destroying our Country!

Aug 31, 2023, 2:50 PM


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e6b2c9 No.85634

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467418 (311934ZAUG23) Notable: Gov. Healey activates National Guard to help emergency shelter hotels without providers

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"Gov. Healey activates National Guard to help emergency shelter hotels without providers "

the marxists just keep getting more and more rediculous.

National Guard to be chambermaids for illegal aliens?


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e6b2c9 No.85635

File: 4fd87cb2ee89975⋯.png (369.69 KB,607x483,607:483,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467420 (311934ZAUG23) Notable: BIDEN: "There's still some deniers out there in terms of whether or not climate change had anything to do with any of this and we're gonna need a whole hell of a lot more money."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BIDEN: "There's still some deniers out there in terms of whether or not climate change had anything to do with any of this and we're gonna need a whole hell of a lot more money."


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e6b2c9 No.85636

File: 218fefe89d13819⋯.png (73.31 KB,1057x609,151:87,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467563 (311953ZAUG23) Notable: Georgia Governor Brian Kemp REJECTS State Lawmaker’s Effort to Remove Fulton County DA Fani Willis

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Georgia Governor Brian Kemp REJECTS State Lawmaker’s Effort to Remove Fulton County DA Fani Willis

RINO Georgia Governor Brian Kemp on Thursday rejected a state lawmaker’s effort to remove Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis from office.

The Georgia Freedom Caucus on Thursday held a press conference on Fulton County DA Fani Willis’s RICO and conspiracy indictment against Trump.

Earlier this month Fani Willis hit President Trump and 18 others with RICO and conspiracy charges for daring to challenge the 2020 election.

Fani Willis criminalized the First Amendment and brave state lawmakers did their best to fight back and oust her from office.

A couple of weeks ago, Georgia State Senator Colton Moore said enough is enough and moved to impeach Fani Willis.

“As a Georgia State Senator, I am officially calling for an emergency session to review the actions of Fani Willis.” Senator Colton Moore said.

“America is under attack. I’m not going to sit back and watch as radical left prosecutors politically TARGET political opponents,” he added

But RINO Governor Kemp rejected their efforts.

Kemp blasted the legislator’s effort to oust Fani Willis during a press conference Thursday.

“Nearly three years later, memories are fading fast. There have been calls by one individual in the General Assembly and echoed outside of these walls by the former president for a special session that would ignore current Georgia law and directly interfere with the proceedings of a separate but equal branch of government,” Kemp said at Thursday’s presser.

“Now, my concerns with the Fulton County District Attorney’s handling of this case in the special purpose grand jury have been well-documented. We are now seeing what happens when prosecutors move forward with highly charged indictments and trials in the middle of an election. Simply put, it sews distrust and provides easy pickings for those who see the district attorney’s action as guided by politics,” he said.

But let me be clear. We have a law in the state of Georgia that clearly outlines the legal steps that can be taken if constituents believe their local prosecutors are violating their oath by engaging in unethical or illegal behavior. Up to this point, I have not seen any evidence that D.A. Willis’ actions or lack thereof, warrant action by the prosecuting attorney oversight commission.

“The bottom line is that in the state of Georgia, as long as I’m governor, we’re going to follow the law in the Constitution regardless of who it helps or harms politically…and in Georgia, we will not be engaging in political theater that only inflames the emotions of the moment,” Kemp concluded.


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e6b2c9 No.85637

File: d6db10c7350a021⋯.jpeg (563.01 KB,892x3849,892:3849,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467565 (311953ZAUG23) Notable: In a First, Scientists Fully Wipe a Cell's Memory Before Turning It Into a Stem Cell

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In a First, Scientists Fully Wipe a Cell's Memory Before Turning It Into a Stem Cell

Scientists already have their ways of coaxing human cells into new forms, using a special concoction of chemicals to nudge humble skin cells into malleable tissues known as induced pluripotent stem cells.

In spite of this new lease on life, these particular cells still retain a few genetic reminders of their time as a fully developed tissue, affecting their use as a blank slate.

Now an international team of researchers has gone one better: finding a new way of wiping a cell's memory clean so it can be better reprogrammed as a stem cell.

This might all sound like some molecular wizardry, but induced pluripotent stem cells ( iPSCs) as they're known have been used in medical research to model diseases and develop therapies since 2006.

Their discovery, by a pair of Japanese scientists, opened up a new realm of regenerative medicine, whereby embryonic-like stem cells could be engineered from ordinary human adult cells using a set of reprogramming factors.

The promise of iPSCs is immense: because they can propagate indefinitely and give rise to every other cell type in the body, iPSCs are not only incredibly useful tools for studying diseases. They are also shaping up as a stepping stone to individualized cell-based therapies, which could replace damaged or diseased tissues.

In the lab, scientists have used iPSCs to grow heart tissue that beats like real cardiac cells and engineer mini replicas of organs, called organoids.

iPSCs have also given us an unparalleled view into the fundamentals of cell division, and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and motor neurone disease.

But the process of fashioning iPSCs isn't perfect: some cells retain the epigenetic edits applied to their DNA in their differentiated state, or even undergo spontaneous changes to these epigenetic 'memories' that can affect the cell's behavior.

"This can create functional differences between the iPS cells and the embryonic stem cells they're supposed to imitate, and specialized cells subsequently derived from them, which limits their use," explains study author Ryan Lister, a genome biologist at the University of Western Australia.

So Lister and his colleagues sought to understand when those abnormalities emerge during cell reprogramming and figure out how they and other lingering markings could be avoided or erased.

The team profiled gene expression as cells moved through the reprogramming process, to know which genes were switched on, and when.

Much of a cell's DNA is coiled around bulky proteins called histones, shielding those sections from cellular machinery whose job it is to decode genes into proteins.

Depending on where histones are positioned, a cell might not respond to the chemical cues scientists ply them with, in which case they carry an epigenetic memory through the reprogramming process.

The new method, called transient-naive-treatment (TNT) reprogramming, mimics the reset of a cell's epigenome that happens in very early embryonic development, before and after an embryo implants itself in the uterus wall.

In a series of cell experiments, the researchers showed that TNT reprogramming "effectively erases epigenetic memory", particularly in densely packed regions of DNA – but without deleting other important information imprinted on the genome.

As a result, the reprogrammed cells better resembled embryonic-like stem cells in their function and on a molecular level.

"We predict that TNT reprogramming will establish a new benchmark for cell therapies and biomedical research, and substantially advance their progress," says Lister.

"It solves problems associated with conventionally generated iPS cells that if not addressed could have severely detrimental consequences for cell therapies in the long run," adds Jia Tan, study author and cell biologist at Monash University in Melbourne.

The study has been published in Nature.

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e6b2c9 No.85638

File: b896efb4f1c9fcf⋯.png (231.43 KB,475x500,19:20,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467574 (311954ZAUG23) Notable: @DiedSuddenly - 🚨California boy, 12, collapses and dies during P.E. class of a heart attack

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🚨California boy, 12, collapses and dies during P.E. class of a heart attack.

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e6b2c9 No.85639

File: 9c3834d2f8348b3⋯.png (140.23 KB,587x387,587:387,Clipboard.png)

File: b4b27e476f5b15b⋯.png (78.96 KB,571x624,571:624,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467581 (311955ZAUG23) Notable: Trump Takes Over Social Media With Over 42 Million Views Across 31 Video Posts

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Reminding us the number of vids me thinks.


Trump Takes Over Social Media With Over 42 Million Views Across 31 Video Posts



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e6b2c9 No.85640

File: 1d83628fca75d98⋯.png (517.61 KB,474x560,237:280,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467582 (311955ZAUG23) Notable: MattWallace888 - How does this picture make you feel?

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Matt Wallace


How does this picture make you feel?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e6b2c9 No.85641

File: a0d8244f4949a7c⋯.png (607.19 KB,787x743,787:743,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467589 (311956ZAUG23) Notable: NY launches $650M incentive program meant to boost housing production

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moar fed $$$ to NYC

State launches $650M incentive program meant to boost housing production

muh big grift

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e6b2c9 No.85642

File: 1ab00fc887489aa⋯.png (215.13 KB,397x565,397:565,Clipboard.png)

File: d4f91e9d01ee71f⋯.mp4 (865.44 KB,320x570,32:57,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467611 (311959ZAUG23) Notable: After the coup in Gabon, revolutionaries uncovered suitcases & bags in the ousted President’s family home filled with bundles of banknotes, CFA francs, dollars and euros.‌‌

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Jackson Hinkle 🇺🇸


🇬🇦 After the coup in Gabon, revolutionaries uncovered suitcases & bags in the ousted President’s family home filled with bundles of banknotes, CFA francs, dollars and euros.‌‌

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e6b2c9 No.85643

File: 7a71ef08d706e9c⋯.png (426.48 KB,695x657,695:657,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467635 (312004ZAUG23) Notable: Yahshua Robinson, 12, died during gym class in California after being forced to run for wearing the wrong clothes

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Torture and Murder.


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e6b2c9 No.85644

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467643 (312005ZAUG23) Notable: SGT report: Deborah Taveras, on weather weapons & suspicious fires in Santa Rose, now in MAUI

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e6b2c9 No.85645

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467645 (312006ZAUG23) Notable: #23908-A

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#23908-A >>85593NOTES @300

>>85594 It Begins. Anti-White Hate Group Meets with Twitter-X to Set Policy on Hate Speech

>>85595 Maui Senator Will Resign from Office After Facing Conflict of Interest Questions

>>85596 Executive Order 13848 expires 9-12-2023

>>85597 Cannabis Users Have Higher Levels of Toxic Heavy Metals in Their Bodies

>>85598 Pentagon Press Secretary Air Force Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder briefs the news media at the Pentagon.

>>85599, >>85600 Texas Bills Reinforce Freedom; Censorship Concerns Creep Back Into Spotlight; Who is Elon Musk, Really?.....

>>85601 Canadian MP says unvaxxed woman who died after being denied organ transplant deserved her fate

>>85602 Ron DeSantis $50 million super PAC CLOSES after donors were spooked by 'rookie s*** mistakes'

>>85603 Twitter can now harvest YOUR 'biometric' information, Musk's site quietly updates its T&Cs

>>85604 Facebook deletes thousands of accounts, citing Chinese troll army ‘covert operation’

>>85605 DOJ fires back at 'premature' subpoenas, ongoing Hunter Biden probe and WON'T allow involved FBI and IRS agents to testify

>>85606 @realDonaldTrump RT THANK YOU President Trump for spending 4 hours with Kabul bombing Gold Star families

>>85607 Biden cancels MORE student debt: resident wipes $72 million from 2,300 borrowers from online Ashford University

>>85608 Trump does Rich Men North of Richmond

>>85609 Mask-Induced Exhaustion Syndrome May Be Misinterpreted as “Long COVID”

>>85610 Ex-CIA Agent Who Signed Propaganda Letter About Hunter Biden Laptop Tried To Conceal Twitter Job

>>85611 US Capitol physician: "I have consulted with Leader McConnell and conferred with his neurology team, he is medically clear to continue with his schedule as planned

>>85612 Judicial Watch: Pfizer Records Reveal 23-Person Study of COVID Vaccine Booster Safety and Effectiveness before Approval

>>85613 The Simpsons predicted Japan PM eating radioactive Fukushima fish

>>85614 Warnock's Church Resumes Evictions From Low-Income Apartment Building as It Enriches the Senator

>>85615 Tesla being sued over fire death

>>85616 Police bodycam footage shows NJ School Board officials calling police on citizens they don’t recognize who look “TRUMPISH!”

>>85617 UK’s Sunak taps Jewish minister Grant Shapps to serve as next defense secretary

>>85618, >>85620, >>85623, >>85623, >>85624, >>85625, >>85627 Neuralink cruelty to monkeys being sued/Musk research

>>85619 Michigan Voter Fraud More Widespread Than Previously Realized

>>85621 Buckwheat link HOT

>>85622 New Study finds all Covid Variants have been made in a BioLab?????

>>85626 Productivity Comparison of the Apollo Program & Cancer Industries

>>>/qresearch/19467285 #23908-A


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e6b2c9 No.85646

File: 0ee466cb2ea4455⋯.jpg (8.06 KB,196x258,98:129,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467702 (312014ZAUG23) Notable: 23909-A

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baker seeking handoff

Great work, anons!

Need a collector second half of LB notables, please

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e6b2c9 No.85647

File: 5e07dfafb368bde⋯.jpg (149.17 KB,1500x1000,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467756 (312027ZAUG23) Notable: Student Loan Forgiveness Update 2023: Biden Cancels $72 Million of Debt

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Student Loan Forgiveness Update 2023: Biden Cancels $72 Million of Debt

President Joe Biden's administration is canceling student loans for 2,300 people who attended Ashford University, which was accused of issuing worthless degrees because it wasn't properly accredited.

Biden's attempt to broadly cancel student loans was shot down by the U.S. Supreme Court, but he's pursued forgiveness through more specific programs. The administration has prioritized relief for students who attended for-profit schools found to have misrepresented themselves. A court found that Ashford University lied about the cost to attend and misled students about the length of time it would take to complete their degree.

On Wednesday, the Biden administration announced that $72 million worth of loans were being discharged for students who attended the school. Relief will be automatic for students who attended from March 1, 2009, to April 30, 2020, and previously applied for borrower defense.

Those who believe they were misled by Ashford and aren't eligible for the relief announced Wednesday can still apply through the Student Aid website for borrower defense loan discharge.

According to the student aid website, "borrower defense to repayment is a legal ground for discharging federal Direct Loans. Under the law, you may have a borrower defense to repayment if your school engaged in certain misconduct related to the making of a federal loan or the educational services it provided which caused you harm warranting a full discharge of your applicable federal Direct Loans."

In order to apply, students will need to have a verified account through the Federal Student Aid website, the name of the school they attended or are still attending and "Documentation to support why you believe you qualify for borrower defense and to demonstrate the harm you suffered."

In a release announcing the loan forgiveness, California Attorney General Rob Bonta said: "What Ashford University did to its students was unconscionable and illegal. That's why the California Department of Justice took Ashford and its parent company to court. Ultimately, we prevailed, securing more than $22 million in penalties."

When reached for comment, the Department of Education (DOE) directed Newsweek to remarks from U.S. Under Secretary of Education James Kvaal, who said: "As the California Department of Justice proved in court, Ashford relied extensively on high-pressure and deceptive recruiting tactics to lure students....Today we are protecting the students who were cheated by Ashford, and we will also hold the perpetrators accountable, protect taxpayers, and deter future wrongdoing."

Prior to the announcement, the Biden administration and the DOE have continued to seek new ways to alleviate student loan debt ahead of the resumption of payments in October. At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, then-President Donald Trump issued a pause on federal student loan payments that was continued by Biden until recently.

Biden has promoted the use of income-driven repayment programs, which lower monthly student debt payments based on family size and annual income.

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e6b2c9 No.85648

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467777 (312029ZAUG23) Notable: Who/What is "GCHQ Bude"? DIG

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>>85589 (lb)

Follow up to dig request

>>1- who/what is “GCHQ Bude” Sauce it.

“GCHQ Bude, formerly called the GCHQ Composite Signals Organization Station Morwenstow, is a satellite ground station located on the north Cornwall coast at Cleave Camp, between the small villages of Morwenstow and Coombe, operated by the British signals intelligence service (GCHQ), on the site of the former World War II airfield, RAF Cleave.”


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e6b2c9 No.85649

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467781 (312030ZAUG23) Notable: GA Senator Colton Moore: "MAKE MY DAY" - we have to DEFUN Fani Willis!

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>>85636 PB

1. Kemp had to approve Fani Willis's prosecution based on the grounds it happened at the Capitol, no arrests, or charges can be done on Capitol hill without the Governor's approval.

2. Kemp has not said "one word" about the Trump indictment, he has not mentioned his name since before 2020, only when Trump gave up his endorsement.

3. Most of the State Senators are the Good Ol Boy network of corruption and barely one of them are standing with Colton Moore, everyone in Congress, Senate and government know that Kemp rigged the election.

Kemp is scared to death the truth that all of the politicians know about the theft of the 2020 election. Now the senators are putting up a proposal to kick Colton out of the GOP Caucus.

Anon will post some of the three short but info packed videosfrom Bannon War Room this am from Colton Moore, (1st one below) Harrison Floyd, Brian Pritchard on reports on the state of affairs in GA, with the Governor, the Senate and their alliance with the Democrats and Fani Willis.

Colton Moore: GA State Senator Moore: Fani Willis "Destroying Georgia Constitution", Must Defund Fani Willis NOW4 hours ago



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e6b2c9 No.85650

File: 5536250e0af396b⋯.jpeg (1.18 MB,1170x2348,585:1174,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c447951afbf4e50⋯.jpeg (464.57 KB,1170x1016,585:508,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ae112208890736f⋯.jpeg (1.12 MB,1170x2250,13:25,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 2377b7685ba45c2⋯.jpeg (591.65 KB,1170x1879,1170:1879,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467782 (312030ZAUG23) Notable: What sentence is Proud Boy leader Zach Rehl facing?

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>>>/qresearch/19467653 lb.

PDJT appointed Judge


What sentence is Zach Rehl facing?

Seditious conspiracy, the most serious count on which Rehl and the other Proud Boys leaders were convicted, carries a maximum sentence of 20 years. However, prosecutors have asked Kelly to stack that maximum sentence with punishments for other counts, including obstruction of an official proceeding, interference with law enforcement during a civil disorder, and destruction of federal property.

They’ve also urged the judge to punish the crime as an act of terrorism — a legal distinction that would dramatically increase the suggested prison time under federal sentencing guidelines.

Without the so-called “terrorism enhancement,” those guidelines call for a sentence of roughly 10 to 14 years. With it, that figure is nearly doubled.

“The evidence in the case … underscores the sobering conclusion that the defendants’ conduct did pose a serious threat to our country on Jan. 6,” Assistant U.S. Attorneys Jason B.A. McCullough and Conor Mulroe wrote in a recent filing. “While the crime did not entail the kind of ‘mass casualties’ that may be present in other applications of the terrorism adjustment, the threat to our country was no less grave.”


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e6b2c9 No.85651

File: b68198e35279206⋯.png (338.77 KB,757x639,757:639,Clipboard.png)


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Catherine Austin Fitts interviewed by Sasha Latypova! Brilliant commentary on the agendas and methodology behind the fires, riots, floods etc. that result in "real" property being transferred to the uber-wealthy. Catherine Austin Fitts is a legend that needs no introduction. She has an incredible amount of knowledge and experience, both as an investment banker and working in government, and then being prosecuted by the government (former Assistant Secy of Housing) for trying to uncover and fight corruption. She is currently the publisher of the Solari Report.


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e6b2c9 No.85652

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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e6b2c9 No.85653

File: 8ae5b344efafd3c⋯.jpeg (418.34 KB,1799x1285,7:5,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467811 (312033ZAUG23) Notable: Fulton County Jail Mass stabbing - KEK

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Fulton County Jail

Mass stabbing.



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e6b2c9 No.85654

File: 1850576cff9e5e2⋯.png (1003.86 KB,1537x798,1537:798,Clipboard.png)

File: cda6a327621bdf0⋯.png (1.72 MB,1024x711,1024:711,Clipboard.png)

File: 2a0decebdb3eddf⋯.png (1.45 MB,1024x560,64:35,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467832 (312037ZAUG23) Notable: Who/What is "GCHQ Bude"? DIG

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Anons should chek out the categories




June 29, 2010

GCHQ Bude is located right along the coastline in Cornwall. Photo by PeterJDH.

GCHQ Bude, formerly known as the the GCHQ Composite Signals Organisation Station (CSOS) Morwenstow, is a satellite ground station located on the north Cornwall coast between the small villages of Morwenstow and Coombe, UK operated by the British signals intelligence service (GCHQ) on the site of the former World War II airfield, RAF Cleave.

Staff are drawn from GCHQ (UK) and the NSA (U.S.) and the station is operated under the UKUSA agreement, gathering data for the ECHELON signals intelligence (SIGINT) network. Comparable stations in operation include Menwith Hill (UK), Sugar Grove (West Virginia, U.S.), Yakima (Washington, U.S.), Sabana Seca (Puerto Rico), Misawa (Japan), Pine Gap (Australia), Geraldton (Australia), GCSB Waihopai (New Zealand) and GCSB Tangimoana (New Zealand) that cover other INTELSAT areas such as South America and the Pacific Ocean. GCHQ Bude is located about 100 km from the commercially operated Goonhilly Satellite Earth Station that handles civilian communications which was closed in 2008.1

Intercept Capabilities and Satellite Communications Networks

The station comprises twenty one satellite antennas of various sizes (including three that have a diameter of 30 m) that could theoretically cover all the main frequency bands: L band, C band, Ku band, X band, Ka band and V band. Calculated on the basis of their position, their elevation and their compass (azimuth) angle the antennae are generally orientated towards satellites of the INTELSAT, INTERSPUTNIK and INMARSAT communications networks over the Atlantic Ocean, Africa and the Indian Ocean, as well as towards the Middle East and mainland Europe. The activities of GCHQ Bude usually remain classified, however, partly in response to concerns expressed by some EU member states that Morwenstow is responsible for industrial espionage and the interception of civilian communications, a report by the European Parliament was made public in 2001 that provides some details about the station. The following table from that report presents potential satellite networks that may be connected with the Morwenstow intercept station. 2

INTELSAT 604 (60°E), 602 (62°E), 804

(64°E), 704 (66°E)


INMARSAT Indian Ocean area Geraldton, Australia

Pine Gap, Australia

Morwenstow, England

Menwith Hill, England

INTELSAT 805 (304,5°), 706 (307°), 709


601 (325,5°), 801 (328°), 511(330,5°), 605

(332,5°), 603 (335,5°), 705 (342°)

EXPRESS 2 (14°W), 3A (11°W)

INMARSAT Atlantic area Sugar Grove, USA

Sabana Seca, Puerto Rico

Morwenstow, England

Menwith Hill, England

INTELSAT 707 (359°) Morwenstow, England

Menwith Hill, England

Contact Address

(Contact information taken from previous registration with Cornwall)

CSOS Morwenstow

Government Communications HQ



EX23 9JJ

Aerial Photos

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e6b2c9 No.85655

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467834 (312037ZAUG23) Notable: Jack Posobiec | The Roseanne Barr Podcast

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#012 Jack Posobiec | The Roseanne Barr Podcast

Aug 31, 2023

In this enlightening episode, Roseanne is joined by political activist and provocateur Jack Posobiec. You will hear insights on what REALLY happened on January 6th, Roseanne's firing from ABC, and the plan by globalists to destroy America with communism. Roseanne and Jack break it all down and discuss how we can save America in the 2024 election.


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e6b2c9 No.85656

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467849 (312038ZAUG23) Notable: Harrison Floyd: Thinking to run for GA-7 in GA To Fix The Corrupt System That Unlawfully Imprisoned Him

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Harrison Floyd: Preview GA-7 Congressional Run To Fix The Corrupt System That Unlawfully Imprisoned Him

Harrison has a strategy in GA, he knows what happened, they messed up in the 2020 election. And he will fight to reveal all he knows.

He says he was put in jail because that is what they do to “uppity Negros. But thegreat news while he was locked up he converted many prisoners in the Fulton County Jail and educated them on Trump, plus he heard from many of them the Police, DA, DOJ etc. made up crimes and jailed them. Or gave them much longer sentences beyond the law.

He asked for prayers for the prisoners of Fulton County Jail, as the system is set up to punish blacks and other minorities to keep them in line. Many of them are charged and jailed on made up fake crimes, they are held indefinitely to go to their first hears. And worse.

Harrison is 100% convinced that the black voters have been leaning to and converted to Trump for the last year+ or so, and they will vote in massive numbers for Trump in 2024.

He also says for years GA has illegally arrested and jailed blacks at an ever increasing number, they do this to control them, but when they saw what they did to Trump, knowing he was set up and attacked, just like them for years, the worm has turned. (another report from Brian Pritchard the next guest)



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e6b2c9 No.85657

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467851 (312039ZAUG23) Notable: Who/What is "GCHQ Bude"? DIG

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>>85648 (quad 7’s oh yeah!)

>>85589 (lb)

Follow up to dig request

>>2- what frequency bands? Sauce it.

“The station comprises twenty one satellite antennas of various sizes (including three that have a diameter of 30 m) that could theoretically cover all the main frequency bands: L band, C band, Ku band, X band, Ka band and V band. Calculated on the basis of their position, their elevation and their compass (azimuth) angle the antennae are generally orientated towards satellites of the INTELSAT, INTERSPUTNIK and INMARSAT communications networks over the Atlantic Ocean, Africa and the Indian Ocean, as well as towards the Middle East and mainland Europe.


“L band 1 to 2 GHz 30cm to 15cm

S band 2 GHz - 4 GHz 15cm to 7.5cm

C band 4 GHz - 8 GHz 7.5cm to 3.8cm

X band 8 GHz - 12 GHz 3.8cm to 2.5cm

Ku band 12 GHz - 18 GHz 2.5 to 1.7 cm

K band 18 GHz - 27 GHz 1.7 to 1.1 cm

Ka band 27 GHz - 40 GHz 1.1 to 0.75cm

V band 40 GHz - 75 GHz 0.75 to 0.40cm”


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e6b2c9 No.85658

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467854 (312039ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: Congratulations to the Boone County Republican Party on a very successful Eisenhower Social!

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Donald J. Trump


Congratulations to the Boone County Republican Party on a very successful Eisenhower Social!

Aug 31, 2023, 4:16 PM



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e6b2c9 No.85659

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467861 (312040ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: There has never been a President that worked so hard for Iowa, and delivered such results—My great honor! I hope each and every one of you will sign up and join our Campaign. MAGA! IA.DonaldJTrump.com

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Donald J. Trump


There has never been a President that worked so hard for Iowa, and delivered such results—My great honor! I hope each and every one of you will sign up and join our Campaign. MAGA! IA.DonaldJTrump.com

Aug 31, 2023, 4:31 PM



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e6b2c9 No.85660

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467878 (312043ZAUG23) Notable: Frank Zelenko shares his late brother's protocols - Roseanne podcast

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Frank Zelenko shares his late brother's protocols.




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e6b2c9 No.85661

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467879 (312044ZAUG23) Notable: Brian Pritchard Rips Apart "Republican Ruling Class" Destroying Georgia

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Brian Pritchard Rips Apart "Republican Ruling Class" Destroying GeorgiaThe grass roots Republicans there have built a Massive MAGA Coalition in the last preceding 3+ years, and the outreach to blacks, Asians, Hispanics were their target voters. No one goes to these races, they just rely on white voters.The info in this video is extensive, he knows the players, the grass root supporters of MAGA have been built up to a massive level over the last 4 years, opposing the ruling elite of the GOP, and they've got a ground game, he talks a lot about Kemp, Raffensberger, and Burns the leader of the Senate, Congress and Senate, and the people involved in the Steal



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e6b2c9 No.85662

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467886 (312045ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: I LOVE IOWA!

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Donald J. Trump




Aug 31, 2023, 4:34 PM




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e6b2c9 No.85663

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467896 (312047ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: If you are a Fisherman, Hunter, or a Sportsman, I can’t even imagine you could vote for this Group of Maniacs—They want to take away everything. DON’T VOTE DEMOCRAT!

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Donald J. Trump


If you are a Fisherman, Hunter, or a Sportsman, I can’t even imagine you could vote for this Group of Maniacs—They want to take away everything. DON’T VOTE DEMOCRAT!

Aug 31, 2023, 4:11 PM




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e6b2c9 No.85664

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467900 (312047ZAUG23) Notable: Who/What is "GCHQ Bude"? DIG

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Bude sent a panic signal when it lost its HTTP feed,

All layer2 datagrams have a 2bit field, that are the NSA GCHQ checkbits. All web traffic is sent to these two stations using the Corona program, or 9000 series Cisco routers (backbone), with built in backdoors.

They were using port 83 to run their web servers, and this traffic was rerouted (intercepted), you can see this in the Q posts

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e6b2c9 No.85665

File: 584b9c1072f49f4⋯.png (458.45 KB,493x613,493:613,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467944 (312053ZAUG23) Notable: Proud Boy Joe Biggs sentenced to 17 years

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Joe Biggs sentenced to 17 years.


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e6b2c9 No.85666

File: 080aae6e1b3bc6e⋯.png (350.4 KB,634x403,634:403,Clipboard.png)

File: da140c24d1bd8c5⋯.png (553.88 KB,634x771,634:771,Clipboard.png)

File: 944b87c04afad17⋯.png (445.93 KB,634x550,317:275,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467950 (312055ZAUG23) Notable: Top Russian rocket scientist who had previously assisted foreign colleagues at NASA dies from poisoning after two-week fight for life

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Top Russian rocket scientist who had previously assisted foreign colleagues at NASA dies from poisoning after two-week fight for life

UPDATED: 05:16 EDT, 31 August 2023

- A Moscow newspaper reported the cause of poisoning was inedible mushrooms

A top Russian rocket scientist who had previously assisted foreign colleagues at NASA has died from poisoning after a two-week illness, it was reported today.

Professor Vitaly Melnikov, 77, who had headed the Department of Rocket and Space Systems at RSC Energia, Moscow's leading spacecraft manufacturer, had been battling a sudden and grave illness before his death.

The source of his poisoning was inedible mushrooms, Moskovsky Komsomolets, a Moscow newspaper reported.

Doctors were unable to save Melnikov after battling the 'severe poisoning' for more than two weeks. The circumstances in which he allegedly became poisoned were not revealed.

This is just the latest death of a high-profile Russian due to reported poisonings.

Russia has witnessed a spate of mysterious or suspicious deaths in the past two years since Vladimir Putin started preparing for his war in Ukraine.

Melnikov had worked as chief researcher at TsNIIMASH, a division of Roscosmos, the Russian space agency.

He was the author of 291 scientific articles, and was regarded among the most imminent space scientists.

He cooperated with foreign colleagues on a number of ventures, including at NASA. Russia's space operations have maintained cooperation with other countries despite the war in Ukraine. Most recently a Russian astronaut set off with an American and two others in a Space X and NASA launch last week.

Latterly, Melnikov was a professor at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.

The recent poisoning comes days after the mysterious death of a top military general, once close to Putin, who was keeper of the secrets about the construction of the Russian leader's Black Sea Palace.

General Gennady Lopyrev, 69, suddenly became ill - gasping for breath - and was told by doctors he had previously undiagnosed leukaemia.

Suspicions arose that he was poisoned after it emerged that the general was eligible for parole.

Lopyrev was jailed for ten years in 2017 by a military court accused of bribe-taking and illegal possession of ammunition. He maintained his innocence of the charges.

Last month it emerged that a Russian opposition politician who spoke out against the war in Ukraine was poisoned with a highly toxic substance.

Elvira Vikhareva, 32, an outspoken critic of the Kremlin, shared tests with Russia's Sota news channel that showed she had traces of potassium dichromate in her blood.

Miss Vikhareva said she began feeling unwell in November last year, with symptoms including hair loss, muscle spasms and severe stomach pains that lasted until February 2023.

It also follows a series of poisonings targeting Moscow's critics in recent years - the most prominent being Russia's de facto opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who almost died after FSB agents smeared his underwear with novichock in August 2020.


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e6b2c9 No.85667

File: 29cde516bcaf97a⋯.png (426.94 KB,593x874,593:874,Clipboard.png)

File: 96d5316be380881⋯.png (191.93 KB,564x821,564:821,Clipboard.png)

File: e17fa8b65f56cf5⋯.png (133.54 KB,794x586,397:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467956 (312057ZAUG23) Notable: Ex-CIA Agent Who Signed False Letter About Hunter Biden Laptop Tried To Hide Her Work For Twitter

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Ex-CIA Agent Who Signed False Letter About Hunter Biden Laptop Tried To Hide Her Work For Twitter

Former CIA agent Nada Bakos, one of 51 ex-intelligence officials who signed a false letter in an attempt to discredit the Hunter Biden laptop archive, tried to hide her subsequent work for Twitter, according to the latest “Twitter Files” documents.

Bakos worked for Twitter’s policy team in March 2022 when her picture appeared on the New York Post’s cover exposing the signatories of an Oct. 2020 letter asserting, without evidence, that the Hunter Biden laptop archive was a “Russian information operation.”

“Hi All – I wanted to make you aware of the NYPost cover that I was ‘featured’ on related to the Oct 2020 story about Hunter Biden’s emails when he was on the Board of the Ukrainian Gas company, Burisma and a letter signed by 100s of former IC officials,” Bakos said in an internal email first obtained by substack journalist Texas Lindsay. Her email signature says she was a senior policy domain specialist for site integrity.

“(Twitter also banned the NYPost for the story at the time). Given my Policy role (and currently doing enforcement) across CHA-O, I didn’t want this to come as a surprise. I don’t/haven’t publicly acknowledged working for Twitter and locked down my Linkedin. My mentions are a mess, of course,” she added.

“If you have suggestions or anything I need to do, please let me know. I have no plans to respond/make a statement or acknowledge the piece. Nada,” she concluded. Bakos left Twitter in Nov. 2022 and her Twitter profile is locked. Her LinkedIn account is also set to private.

Bakos worked on counterterrorism for the CIA from 2000-2010 and published a memoir in 2019 about her work for the agency.

Republican Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, chair of the House Judiciary Committee, has sent Bakos multiple letters requesting more information and documents related to her decision to sign the letter. Bakos has not responded to Jordan’s inquiries, according to the New York Post. Bakos could not be reached for comment.

The Post’s reporting on the Hunter Biden laptop archive on Oct. 14, 2020, was censored by Twitter under the site’s “hacked materials” policy. Twitter owner Elon Musk fired Twitter’s top brass in Oct. 2022 and dissolved the unit behind the laptop censorship.


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e6b2c9 No.85668

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467959 (312058ZAUG23) Notable: Former Attorney General Bill Barr argues Trump's trials will not interfere with 2024 election

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Former Attorney General Bill Barr argues Trump's trials will not interfere with 2024 election

Earlier this week, U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan set Trump's trial date in Washington D.C. for March 4, which is one day before Super Tuesday.

Former U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr denied statements from former President Donald Trump that his upcoming trials will interfere with his 2024 presidential campaign.

“The basic principle in the criminal justice system is if a prominent person commits a crime and they’re seeking office, that doesn’t give them immunity,” Barr said on Fox News. “If there’s enough time to have it resolved before the election, it should be resolved.”

Earlier this week, U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan set Trump's trial date in Washington D.C. for March 4, 2024, which is one day before Super Tuesday.

Trump’s legal team requested for the trial date to be April 2026.

The former president's Georgia case is also expected to take place during campaign season, according to The Hill.

Trump's trial for the alleged mishandling of classified documents is scheduled in Florida for May 20 – one day before Kentucky and Oregon have primary elections.

Trump has said earlier this month that these lawsuits are election interference.

"CRAZY! My political opponent has hit me with a barrage of weak lawsuits, including D.A., A.G., and others, which require massive amounts of my time & money to adjudicate," Trump posted on TRUTH Social.


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e6b2c9 No.85669

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467964 (312100ZAUG23) Notable: Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson alleges CDC participated in censoring info on covid vaxxes

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Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson alleges CDC participated in censoring information on COVID-19 vaccine

In a letter to the CDC Director, Johnson cites an incident when one of his social media posts about the COVID-19 vaccine was labeled as misleading.

Wisconsin GOP Sen. Ron Johnson has accused the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of working with social media companies to censor information regarding the COVID-19 vaccine.

“Based on recent information I have received … it is clear that CDC abused its authority by engaging in a censorship campaign to suppress and discredit certain viewpoints it labeled as ‘misinformation,'” Johnson wrote in a letter to CDC Director Dr. Mandy Cohen earlier this week.

In the letter, Johnson cites an incident when one of his social media posts about the COVID-19 vaccine was labeled as misleading, and requested that the CDC give over documents regarding communications between social media companies and the CDC.

"CDC’s campaign to encourage social media companies to suppress CDC’s own data appears to be a blatant attempt to mislead the public about adverse events associated with the COVID-19 vaccines," the letter continued.

Johnson has been one of the most vocal members in the Senate regarding accountability for COVID-19 vaccine injuries and the origins of the disease.

He wrote another letter earlier this year to CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, demanding the CDC supply him with complete data on the side effects of COVID-19 vaccines, alleging that the agency has withheld material information from his office.

"Since June 2022, despite multiple requests for information, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has repeatedly failed to provide my office with complete data regarding its surveillance of COVID-19 vaccine adverse events," that letter reads.



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e6b2c9 No.85670

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19467986 (312105ZAUG23) Notable: @DonaldJTrumpJr: We're going LIVE at 6 PM est with one of the nation's top lawyers about weaponization of the justice system

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Donald Trump Jr.


We're going LIVE at 6 PM est with one of the nation's top lawyers,



Dems are weaponizing the Justice System against my father and destroying our nation. And tonight, we have the roadmap on how to stop it once and for all.

WATCH ON Rumble: >https://rumble.com/v3dmhpm-the-interview-youve-all-been-asking-for-trial-lawyer-robert-barnes-triggere.html

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e6b2c9 No.85671

File: 6084b18c52b0d33⋯.png (241.43 KB,465x465,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 49e8bf490fad4bd⋯.png (414.97 KB,500x375,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468000 (312107ZAUG23) Notable: @DonaldJTrumpJr: We're going LIVE at 6 PM est with one of the nation's top lawyers about weaponization of the justice system

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robert barnes is not a top lawyer,

he is a attention fag on youtube.

come on donnie.

get in touch with the kraken.

one of the ony lawyers who have seen the podesta laptop along with all those nyc police who did not suicide themselves.

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e6b2c9 No.85672

File: a826dbebc350ac9⋯.png (318.61 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 892e66be4e1df37⋯.png (181.99 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 83369e417ab4d76⋯.png (198.74 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468015 (312112ZAUG23) Notable: UN publishes final draft of declaration that targets "misinformation," backs WHO pandemic treaty

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Dismantle the UN/ NATO war machine

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e6b2c9 No.85673

File: bb6fe575a7d6169⋯.png (27.08 KB,598x319,598:319,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468023 (312113ZAUG23) Notable: @ChuckGrassley For 2yrs Biden admin has withheld info frm Congress & the public abt VP Bidens use of non-govt email/mishandling of classified info

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Chuck Grassley


For 2yrs Biden admin has withheld info frm Congress & the public abt VP Bidens use of non-govt email/mishandling of classified info Sen Johnson & I r pushing them 2 explain whether Biden complied w fed records laws bc transparency brings accountability Our oversight will not stop



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e6b2c9 No.85674

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468037 (312115ZAUG23) Notable: Insurers don't have to pay Chicago Trump Tower's pollution fines

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They are so relentess

They are trying to break Trump


Insurers don't have to pay Chicago Trump Tower's pollution fines


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e6b2c9 No.85675

File: a557b93a996bdf5⋯.png (348.58 KB,1170x600,39:20,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468046 (312117ZAUG23) Notable: Fulton County DA Fudges Case Law in the Trump RICO prosecution

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Fulton County DA Fudges Case Law in the Trump RICO prosecution

AUG 31, 2023

The RICO prosecution against Trump and others was always seen as the weakest case, even by Never Trump lawyers. When the indictment hit, I saw many of them wince. They knew the case was going to backfire. Today shows why.

Speedy Trials.

Numerous defendants have demanded what’s known as their right to a speedy trial. Judges in DC in the January 6th cases have suspended this right, except to use it to force Trump to a face trial sooner than he can prepare for. Hence why a lot of people are confused about this important constitutional right.

Every criminal defense lawyer will tell you that, “Delays inure to the benefit of a defendant.” By the time a prosecutor indicts someone, the case is ready for trial. Prosecutors have all of the evidence. They have every advantage.

Defendants are the ones who want to take as much time as humanly possible to review the files and think about each and every angle of the case. Holding all of the cards, prosecutors want to rush cases to trial.

Some of this may be “inside baseball,” and it’s important.

Under Georgia law, criminal defendants have a strict and strong right to get the case to trial in a timely manner. There’s no indication that judges will ignore this right, as they are doing in J6 cases in DC.

moar: https://mikecernovich.substack.com/p/fulton-county-da-fudges-case-law

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e6b2c9 No.85676

File: 0da86d1ecaf4cbb⋯.png (400.81 KB,1280x789,1280:789,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468075 (312123ZAUG23) Notable: Judge McAfee says there will be a live YouTube stream — operated by the court — of all Fulton County hearings & trials related to the Trump indictment, in addition to pool media coverage

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e6b2c9 No.85677

File: 4d64a576fd3beae⋯.png (296.26 KB,1032x944,129:118,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468079 (312124ZAUG23) Notable: Jim W on board attacks, security & Proto

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Jim W on board attacks, security & Proto

reposted from LB.

Anonymous 12/27/22 (Tue) 10:26:59 ID: 8c21ba No.18024378

File: 2022 12 27 10 25 18.mp4 (3.54 MB, 164x102)

from Jim on board attacks, security &


originally posted 11/11/22 (Fri) 14:24:05 bf3d58


Hi guys, so we are under tremendous attack

right now. I am sorry for the inconvenience that

this causes you.

About a million IPs are attacking our servers currently, and of course, the spam attacks as well.

Some of the error codes you receive on posts that don’t go through don’t match the actual error.

I get it, and sorry for the lack of information that provides you. Just keep trying. In a lot of cases, it is just a server that has been effectively wiped out by a DDOS. We have more than one online, but you might have the misfortune of being at a machine that is too busy to function properly.

I want to explain about Proto a little more.

I have had a proto type system active for over 20 years now on various boards.

It is a way to post when we are locked down to block spam postings.

It is not a 100% solution. It doesn’t guarantee the servers will be working.

It does give you the chance to post when others can’t for a variety of reasons.

I want you to know that if you use it.

I am not going to be passing your information on to anyone.

I don’t use paypal, or any of the other payment factoring agencies that are out there.

Your transaction will be with my company and go directly to the credit card company from there.

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e6b2c9 No.85678

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468081 (312125ZAUG23) Notable: Who/What is "GCHQ Bude"? DIG

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>>85589 (lb)

Follow up to dig request

>>3- correlate/decode new info from 19461713 to Q posts in graphics.

Theory: “we have more than we know.” The “keys” are found in the posts that reference Snow White. Everything important is in these posts. Snow White are the satellites that Q was routing through to post- but route ran afoul of the dwarfs (7 CIA supercomputers) that infiltrated boards and all future Q posts.

Is this the last real Q post?

==Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 462c9a No.11045132

Dec 15 2017 01:15:57 (EST)

We may have exhausted our ability to maintain safe-comms.

Snow White.

Rig for silent running.

Unknown return.

Godspeed, Patriots.



KH-9 (BYEMAN codename HEXAGON), commonly known as Big Bird or KeyHole-9,[1] was a series of photographic reconnaissance satellites launched by the United States between 1971 and 1986.


“The CORONA satellites were designated KH-1, KH-2, KH-3, KH-4, KH-4A and KH-4B. KH stood for "Key Hole" or "Keyhole" (Code number 1010),[7] with the name beingan analogy to the act of spying into a person's room by peering through their door's keyhole. The incrementing number indicated changes in the surveillance instrumentation, such as the change from single-panoramic to double-panoramic cameras. The "KH" naming system was first used in 1962 with KH-4, the earlier numbers being applied retroactively.”


== BIG BIRD referenced once in Q posts=


Snow White referenced 22 times in Q posts.


CORONA referenced 5 times in Q posts


Keyhole referenced once in Q posts

Post #216 11/23/17 1:11:25 (EST)


Happy hunting.



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e6b2c9 No.85679

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468082 (312125ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: We are going to win the Florida Primary, and we are going to win the State of Florida for the third straight time in November 2024!

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Donald J. Trump


We are going to win the Florida Primary, and we are going to win the State of Florida for the third straight time in November 2024!

Aug 31, 2023, 5:13 PM




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e6b2c9 No.85680

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468085 (312125ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: To every Homeschool Family, I WILL BE YOUR CHAMPION!

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Donald J. Trump


To every Homeschool Family, I WILL BE YOUR CHAMPION!

Aug 31, 2023, 5:11 PM



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e6b2c9 No.85681

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468086 (312125ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: As President, I will ensure that America is the place where the cost of Energy is the lowest, and the Economy is the strongest!

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Donald J. Trump


As President, I will ensure that America is the place where the cost of Energy is the lowest, and the Economy is the strongest!

Aug 31, 2023, 5:07 PM



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e6b2c9 No.85682

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468088 (312125ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: I fought for Nevada like no Administration in History, and unleashed American Energy like never before. Together, we will SAVE THE ECONOMY!

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Donald J. Trump


I fought for Nevada like no Administration in History, and unleashed American Energy like never before. Together, we will SAVE THE ECONOMY!


Aug 31, 2023, 4:51 PM



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e6b2c9 No.85683

File: 030f33dcd32a245⋯.png (229.52 KB,736x359,736:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468099 (312128ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: Super PAC set up for DeSantis will now back Trump

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e6b2c9 No.85684

File: c93dd1c9a88a855⋯.png (38.54 KB,635x268,635:268,Clipboard.png)

File: 084f87c14fb03b8⋯.png (49.57 KB,645x372,215:124,Clipboard.png)

File: f278fcebb6e29a8⋯.png (211.67 KB,683x956,683:956,Clipboard.png)

File: 5f1dd841d8f3814⋯.png (305.07 KB,951x797,951:797,Clipboard.png)

File: 17a65a04d00c099⋯.jpg (79.36 KB,639x639,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468111 (312131ZAUG23) Notable: Twitter can now harvest YOUR 'biometric' information including fingerprint, face recognition and eye tracking data - as Musk's site quietly updates its T&Cs 'for safety purposes'

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Twitter can now harvest YOUR 'biometric' information including fingerprint, face recognition and eye tracking data - as Musk's site quietly updates its T&Cs 'for safety purposes'


Aug 31, 2023, 5:20 PM


Twitter can now harvest YOUR 'biometric' information including fingerprint, face recognition and eye tracking data - as Musk's site quietly updates its T&Cs 'for safety purposes'

New policy also revealed X's plans to collect users' job and educational history

After update, Musk announced X will soon let users make video and audio calls

READ MORE: Elon Musk is taking ketamine to manage depression, friends reveal


UPDATED: 11:49 EDT, 31 August 2023

The social media platform formerly known as Twitter can now harvest your biometric data and DNA.

A new update quietly added to the platform's privacy policy says that X now has permission to harvest its users' fingerprints, retinal scans, voice and face recognition and keystroke patterns.

The update would mean that anyone who uses fingerprint verification to log in to the app from their phone, posts selfies or videos to the platform or speaks their mind on X 'spaces' could see their unique biometric data catalogued by the company.

The new policy, which describes its interest in users' biometrics as 'for safety, security, and identification purposes,' also added the platform's intent to scrape up data on users' job history, educational background and 'job search activity.'

The move follows nearly a year of turmoil for the microblogging app, which has included Musk requesting that its users pay subscription fees for premium services and verification: part of his larger plan to recover from cratering advertising revenue.


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e6b2c9 No.85685

File: a1af9475207d20f⋯.png (358.7 KB,720x418,360:209,Clipboard.png)

File: 0f10893775ac9bd⋯.png (174.73 KB,440x363,40:33,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468118 (312133ZAUG23) Notable: Sundance: "Old Mules": Battle of Athens Aug 1

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Old Mules==1/2

August 30, 2023 | Sundance |

In 1946, a small town of Athens, Tennessee, became a true battleground, as a siege was laid on the town jail by crowd mostly consisted of WWII veterans who decided to take justice into their own hands, as the local politics were plagued by corruption, police brutality and electoral fraud.

The political turmoil was present prior to the Second World War, when an influential political figure in from Memphis, Edward Hull “Boss” Crump, appointed Paul Cantrell as the candidate for Sheriff in 1936. Cantrell won the election in what became known as the “vote grab of 1936”.

Around that time a system of fees was introduced in the Sheriff’s office, which meant that a fee would be paid per arrest. The system proved to be very dysfunctional ― shady arrests were made, often without substantial evidence, which also included numerous fines for “drunkenness” and “fee grabbing” from tourists and travelers on a similar pretext. In a period between 1936 and 1946, it is estimated that more than 300,000 dollars amounted to these fees.

In the meantime, Cantrell ran for State Senate, leaving his trusty deputy, Pat Mansfield, in charge. The racquet worsened, and the local population was greatly displeased. After several investigations by the U.S. Department of Justice failed to make a dent in this lucrative violation of authority, the situation reached its boiling point.

During wartime, thousands of men from the McMinn County, which includes Athens, joined the fight against fascism overseas. The shortage of able men led to low criteria in employing law-enforcement officers, which often included ex-convicts with violent criminal records.

As the war ended in 1945, around 3,000 soldiers from McMinn returned home, only to find that the corruptive local government was stronger than ever. Apart from the sheriff’s office, the corrupt clique, controlled by E. H. Crump held the local media, schools, and pretty much all of the government institutions.

The GI’s decided to respond to this. During the 1946 local elections, they formed a non-partisan political option, stating their candidates. Knox Henry, a decorated veteran of the North African campaign, was elected by the GI party to run against Cantrell who was once again running for Sheriff, while his former deputy Mansfield was holding the chair.

Due to prior scams involved in local elections, the GI’s pointed out their slogan ― Your Vote Will Be Counted As Cast. In addition, a precaution measure was made ― another veteran, Bill White, organized a militia which was to observe the voting process in case Cantrell and Mansfield tried to rig them again. The veteran militia adopted the name The Fighting Bunch, and pistols were handed out to around 60 men who joined in.

The elections scheduled for the 1st of August 1946 were followed by a number of incidents. On one of the polling places in Athens, an elderly African American farmer called Tom Gillespie was refused to cast his vote by Sheriff Mansfield’s patrolman, C.M. “Windy” Wise.

Wise used racists slurs, despite the presence of a protesting GI poll watcher, and denied Gillespie his right to vote. The deputy then hit Gillespie with a brass knuckle. The farmer dropped his ballot and tried to run away. In response, Wise pulled out his gun and shot him in the back.

This event sparked more quarrel. After a few stand-offs between Sheriff Mansfield’s deputies and the GI militia, a crowd was gathered in protest of the obvious violation of protocol and the clear intention of the administration to rig the election and keep the office despite the will of the people.....

(This article sounds like the definition of an "allegory" to me)


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e6b2c9 No.85686

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468128 (312135ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: Crooked Joe Biden is spending $25 Million on dishonest TV Ads to lie to the American People. We can’t let him get away with it!

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Donald J. Trump


Crooked Joe Biden is spending $25 Million on dishonest TV Ads to lie to the American People. We can’t let him get away with it!


Aug 31, 2023, 5:26 PM




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e6b2c9 No.85687

File: 206c92e7c4a7640⋯.png (172.19 KB,392x415,392:415,Clipboard.png)

File: a64d9078842b687⋯.png (569.97 KB,630x583,630:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468131 (312136ZAUG23) Notable: Sundance: "Old Mules": Battle of Athens Aug 1

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The drop that spilled the cup was the arrest and brutal beating of Bob Hairrell, who was one of the poll watchers. Hairrell protested when a girl was brought in by the deputies to cast her ballot, despite the fact that she had no poll tax receipt and who was not listed in the voter registration. The girl also seemed to be underage.

In response to Hairrell’s protest, he was arrested, and the voting process was halted on that polling place. The ballot box, together with the handcuffed GI was taken to the county jail in the town of Athens.

After hearing this, Bill White ordered his men to break into the National Guard Armory to steal weapons. After they looted the armory, White’s fighting bunch was prepared for combat. They had 60 Enfield rifles, two Thompson sub-machine guns and enough ammo to start a minor war in the McMinn County.

When the polls closed, all ballot boxes were transported to the same jail. Allegedly, White responded to the given situation by saying:

Boy, they doing something. I’m glad they done that. Now, all we got to do is whip on the jail.

Very soon, a siege was laid on the county jail. Paul Cantrell, Pat Mansfield, and around 50 or more deputies were caught red-handed while counting the votes without the presence of the second party. The GI’s occupied the second floor of a bank that was located right across the street from the jail. The high ground gave them a strategic advantage, as they were able to return fire with a barrage anytime someone took a shot from the jail.

Cantrell and his partners were pinned down. The GI’s knew that the situation had to be resolved quickly before the authorities send in reinforcements and start a potential bloodbath.

Some deputies who were outside the jail tried to lift the siege but without success. Soon the captives within the building were running through the back door, leaving their weapons behind. White ordered that the escapees pass, but a number of deputies together with Cantrell and Mansfield refused to surrender.

Then the militia threw Molotov cocktails on the building but failed to create any substantial damage. At one point, an ambulance car arrived. White and his men held their fire, as they expected that it was to evacuate the wounded from the jail. An immediate ceasefire was in effect. To everyone’s surprise, the ambulance served for Cantrell and Mansfield to slip through, while leaving their men behind.

White’s top priority now was to secure the ballot boxes. Rumors of reinforcements were circulating among the men and time was of the essence.

Several dynamite sticks were thrown on the jail, each of them causing damage to the building and its surroundings. Eventually, the doors were breached, and the rest of the deputies surrendered.

In front of the jail, an angry mob was gathered, and several Mansfield’s men were badly beaten, including Wise who shot Tom Gillespie earlier that day.

Riots ensued, causing material damage all over the town. Police cars, as well as deputies’ private vehicles were largely targeted by the mob.

In the aftermath of the riots, the votes were finally counted and the GI party candidate, Henry Knox, was elected Sheriff of the McMinn County. (read more)

(seems similar to the situation in ATL today)


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e6b2c9 No.85688

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468146 (312138ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: Is there anyone on the Planet that doesn’t know what I look like? And yet, for some reason, the Communist Democrats in Atlanta made a Mug Shot of me!

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Donald J. Trump


Is there anyone on the Planet that doesn’t know what I look like? And yet, for some reason, the Communist Democrats in Atlanta made a Mug Shot of me!


Aug 31, 2023, 5:31 PM





You are my favorite President!



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e6b2c9 No.85689

File: f380f9649e6051e⋯.jpeg (56.16 KB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468185 (312146ZAUG23) Notable: Trump waives arraignment & his atty files not guilty plea in Fulton Co

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alleged attempt to overturn the 2020 election in Georgia, and he waived his right to appear in court in Fulton County next week.

Trump was scheduled to be arraigned in Georgia on Sept. 6 alongside 18 co-defendants on charges under the state's Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, known as RICO, as well as charges of making false statements and soliciting a public official to violate their oath of office, among other things.

Trump's waiver and not guilty plea filed Thursday by the former president's new attorney Steve Sadow comes after several co-defendants in the case already waived their arraignments and pleaded not guilty.

The decision to skip the in-person arraignment prevents Trump from having to make a dramatic and potentially televised court appearance in Fulton County after his arrest last week.

As he prepares for the 2024 election, Trump also pleaded not guilty to federal charges related to the 2020 election, as well as to other federal charges for allegedly mishandling classified documents and New York state charges for falsifying business records.


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e6b2c9 No.85690

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468188 (312146ZAUG23) Notable: @BonginoReport - James Comer Says Biden Impeachment Is Imminent

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Bongino Report


What took so long?


FINALLY: James Comer Says Biden Impeachment Is Imminent




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e6b2c9 No.85691

File: 090e62d55ebfe52⋯.png (68.39 KB,724x417,724:417,Clipboard.png)

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File: f8f6e9e50939f34⋯.png (305.82 KB,726x556,363:278,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468216 (312150ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: Super PAC set up for DeSantis will now back Trump

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EXCLUSIVE: Ron DeSantis $50 million super PAC CLOSES after donors were spooked by 'rookie s*** mistakes'

- Strategist John Thomas secured $50million in donations for 'Ron to the Rescue'

- But the group will shut down after donors had second thoughts on the campaign after basic errors

- The DeSantis campaign called it 'welcome news' that the 'scam PAC' is no longer operating

A super PAC set up to back Ron DeSantis with $50 million is closing as donors backed out - while its founder said the Florida governor's campaign was guilty of 'rookie s**t' mistakes and he will now back Donald Trump.

John Thomas, a Republican strategist known as the 'Billy the Kid of Political Battles' set up 'Ron to the Rescue' in November and had secured financial commitments from mega-wealthy donors.

But he said the donors began having second thoughts after the botched DeSantis campaign launch on Twitter Spaces in May.

It appeared to be the latest blow for DeSantis after a tree fell on the Governor's Mansion in Tallahassee during Hurricane Idalia on Wednesday. His wife Casey DeSantis and their three children were home at the time but no one was injured.

But the DeSantis team has said for almost a year that Thomas' PAC was using his name and likeness without his permission and could be considered a 'scam.'

The Twitter Spaces debacle saw DeSantis being interviewed by Elon Musk on the social media platform but the feed repeatedly cut out, allowing opponents to portray the DeSantis campaign as incompetent.

'We were hoping to do like a formal TV campaign of air support when DeSantis officially launched,' Thomas told DailyMail.com in an interview. 'But the problem with that is with the Twitter Spaces blunder, like almost from the get-go, all of our major donors said, 'let's just see how this plays out.'

'There is one singular important thing every national presidential candidate must do on their launch day, which is provide video to give to the television stations to project optically what your vision is for the future,' he added.

Thomas described other incidents, including posting internal documents on the internet, and agreeing to debate California governor Gavin Newsom as 'rookie s**t' errors.

Before the Twitter Spaces launch, the strategist, who has worked on races in 49 states, had a swath of donors who wanted to put up 'seven- and eight-figure support' for DeSantis.

The PAC only ended up spending around $20,000 on grassroots efforts to drum up support for the governor.

'There was never any moment that gave donors any encouragement, like 'well now is the time.'' So everything just kind of dried up,' said Thomas.

DeSantis campaign communications director Andrew Romeo called it 'welcome news' that Thomas' 'scam PAC' is no longer operating.

'We've made clear from the beginning that this was a scam PAC looking to grift off Ron DeSantis and it comes as welcome news they are no longer attempting to fleece our donors,' Romeo told DailyMail.com.

'Ron DeSantis outraised both Biden and Trump last quarter, and we look forward to continuing our fundraising success as we capitalize on his strong debate performance and momentum in the early states.'

In November 2022, legal counsel for DeSantis had warned about the PAC, saying it was creating 'confusion' among supporters and not actually in direct contact with the governor's leadership.

Never Back Down, the main super PAC backing DeSantis, raised $130 million in the second quarter of this year. At the end of June it had $96.8 million still to spend, according to election fundraising filings.

Earlier this month, one of DeSantis' biggest donors - hotel entrepreneur Robert Bigelow - announced he would not donate any more than the $20 million he had already given to the Florida governor, unless he adopted a more moderate approach.


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e6b2c9 No.85692

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468220 (312151ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: Super PAC set up for DeSantis will now back Trump

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Bigelow particularly criticized the six-week abortion ban DeSantis signed in Florida.

Thomas said he and his donor network are now in the process of figuring out how to help raise money for former president Trump in his campaign.

Campaigns have to report their latest fundraising figures by the end of September.

'We're going to see after the reporting period of September 30 how Trump's cash on hand is and then we're going to try to determine where we can fill in gaps, if it's needed,' said Thomas

Thomas was an early supporter of Trump in 2016 and 2020. But wanting Republicans to 'win' more than anything, he jumped ship and founded 'Ron to the Rescue' after Republicans' lackluster showing in the midterms in November 2022.

'When Trump launched his campaign really early, it was kind of fizzling out. There really wasn't much enthusiasm wrapped around it. It was weird, in the sense of like, wow, this former party leader is just not getting a lot of attention,' said Thomas.

'And DeSantis missed, we think, the announcement window when voters were going to be receptive to a change.'

He added that Trump 'has demonstrated a level of campaign savvy and discipline that I didn't see from him in 2020 that I didn't see from them in 2016.'

He said the 'singular smartest thing' the Trump campaign had done was put over $20 million in ad dollars attacking DeSantis before the governor could even launch his own race.

Alternatively, DeSantis made a fatal mistake by waiting to launch until May of this year.

'It ended up defining DeSantis,' said Thomas.

When DeSantis did launch, he opted to do so online, losing a valuable opportunity to put out visuals to voters across the country, said Thomas.

The next mistake Thomas and his donors thought DeSantis made was 'not having a core message other than he's Trump light.'

'The message of 'Trump without the drama' isn't resonating,' he said. 'The Republican electorate calls that having a spine.'

Thomas ran through a number of other frustrations that ultimately led him to throw in the towel on raising money for DeSantis - like posting internal super PAC memos on the internet.

'It's not unusual for a super PAC that wants to or campaign that wants to, like, legally provide information to a campaign or vice versa, to use the internet, but it's called a private link,' he said.

That incident allowed Ramaswamy to knock DeSantis as a 'super PAC puppet in the debate' and claim he'd been bought out by big donors. DeSantis, in turn, could not use the strategies from his PAC's memo since they had already gone public.

As for debating Newsom on Fox News, 'it feels like a junior varsity competition,' according to Thomas.

'Accepting a debate with a governor who's not a candidate is belittling and beneath the dignity of Ron DeSantis, who's supposed to be a top tier candidate,' he said.



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e6b2c9 No.85693

File: 250e3e08365a1e3⋯.png (355.54 KB,517x647,517:647,Clipboard.png)

File: 4c558e0d2d2a3ad⋯.png (97.4 KB,768x768,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468221 (312151ZAUG23) Notable: Trump waives arraignment & his atty files not guilty plea in Fulton Co

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President Trump Pleads Not Guilty and Waives Arraignment Appearance

August 31, 2023 | Sundance |

Smart move by President Trump not to appear in court today thereby starving the media of oxygen to push the anti-Trump narrative. ‘I do hereby freely and voluntarily waive my right to be present at my arraignment on the Indictment and my right to have it read to me in open court,’ he said in a filing submitted by his local attorney.

Strategically, it was also abrilliant counter-Lawfare moveas it removes the power of corrupt DA Fani Willis to grandstand from the courtroom holding the appearance of Trump in Atlanta, GA, as a trophy for her tribe. Remember, Lawfare is a construct for media consumption intended to manipulate public opinion.

The more you starve the Lawfare operatives of the oxygen they need, the stronger your offense against their schemes.

(Via Politico) – Donald Trump has pleaded not guilty to charges that he conspired to subvert the 2020 election in Georgia, formally signaling his intent to fight the charges in the sprawling racketeering case brought by Fulton County prosecutors.

Trump entered his plea Thursday in a two-page court filing meant to waive his appearance at an arraignment scheduled for Sept. 6, when he was slated to have the charges read to him in court. Several of the 18 defendants charged alongside him have also waived their appearances at the scheduled arraignment. (read more)

We are living in an era that requires strategic thinking, not emotion.

Alinsky methods, like Lawfare, are designed to target your emotional and psychological response system. If you struggle with the emotions of anger and frustration, take a walk, get your emotional self under control, then you can return with a cold, deliberate and calculated response. This is not easy; it takes mental discipline.

Make the enemy eat up their mental and emotional space with thoughts and “what if’s” about you. Meanwhile, you stay frosty and clear-headed.


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e6b2c9 No.85694

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468223 (312152ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: We owe our children GREAT schools that lead to incredible jobs, so that they can have a wonderful life. I want them to be more successful than “TRUMP!”

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Donald J. Trump


We owe our children GREAT schools that lead to incredible jobs, so that they can have a wonderful life. I want them to be more successful than “TRUMP!”

Aug 31, 2023, 5:41 PM




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e6b2c9 No.85695

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468228 (312153ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: REALLY BAD POLLING FOR RON DESANCTIMONIOUS!

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Donald J. Trump



Aug 31, 2023, 5:20 PM




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e6b2c9 No.85696

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468255 (312158ZAUG23) Notable: MAUI: MEDIA BLACKOUT LOCKDOWN IN LAHAINA WEST MAUI AFTER FIRE

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Kinda sotra looks like DC when victims were removed from the tunnels


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e6b2c9 No.85697

File: 262188aaa07c45b⋯.png (1.31 MB,1170x1258,585:629,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468267 (312201ZAUG23) Notable: John Solomon: PDJT on LIVE right now

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e6b2c9 No.85698

File: 65136504b77c863⋯.png (28.75 KB,522x155,522:155,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468275 (312202ZAUG23) Notable: People's Bank of China established nationwide minimum down payment reqts on homebuyers at 20% and 30%

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Turn those machines back on! This morning, the People’s Bank of China established nationwide minimum down payment requirements for both first- and second-time homebuyers at 20% and 30%, respectively, as of Sept. 25, replacing a regional framework that featured down payments of as high as 80%. The central bank likewise encouraged local banks to trim existing mortgage rates, as authorities look to arrest a downward spiral in the lynchpin property realm, which accounts for up to one third of total domestic output by some estimates.

“The reduction in the interest rate of existing housing loans can save interest expense for borrowers, which helps expand consumption and investment,” the PBOC states. Sales among China’s 100 largest developers sank 33.9% from last year in August, data released today show, roughly matching declines seen in July and June, while new bank loans tumbled to RMB 349 billion ($48 billion) last month per data provider Wind, down nearly 50% year-over-year and the lowest monthly reading since 2009.

Will Beijing’s machinations help turn the tide? Overseas investors aren’t waiting to find out, undertaking a net $12.4 billion in net equity sales during August per the Financial Times, easily the largest monthly outflow since China introduced its Stock Connect foreign investment portal in 2014. “Nobody expects a big bang on the fiscal front anymore,” Alicia García-Herrero, chief Asia-Pacific economist at Natixis, told the pink paper. “Now, investors’ clients are focused on the real estate sector policy – that’s the new mantra.”

Recent occurrences underscore that sentiment shift: developer China Evergrande Group received a rude welcome from Mr. Market, as shares plummeted as much as 87% after a 17-month halt in connection with its 2021 default on dollar-pay bonds. Evergrande, which has seen its market capitalization shrivel to $460 million from more than $50 billion six years ago, posted a $4.5 billion net loss in the first six months of the year, while total liabilities as of June 30 towered at $329 billion, compared to $240 billion in assets.

While the travails of Evergrande – likened to the doomed dirigible Hindenburg by Grant’s Interest Rate Observer in the summer of 2017 – have long been in public view, mushrooming trouble at what was once China’s largest property player by sales brings the industry’s mounting woes into sharp relief. Yesterday, Country Garden Holdings Co. reported a record $6.7 billion net loss over the first half of the year, down from an $84 million profit over the same stretch in 2022. Though revenues jumped 39% over the same period, efforts to “ensure punctual delivery of finished properties” led Country Garden to “str[ike] a balance between sales volume and selling price at some of its property projects,” as management put it.

A default of its own may, meanwhile, be in the offing, as Country Garden requested a 40-day grace period from creditors on a renminbi-pay bond maturing next week, with the conclusion of a grace period to repay $22.5 million of dollar-note coupons looming in early September. Country Garden, appraised at the equivalent of double-B at both Moody’s and S&P as recently as November, was cut to double-C at Moody’s this morning, with the rating agency citing “tightened liquidity and heightened default risk, as well as the likely weak recovery prospects for the company’s bondholders.” The firm’s $1 billion worth of first-lien, 8% notes maturing in January last changed hands at less than 13 cents on the dollar.

“With or without an official default, Country Garden will no longer be able to grow, and we have doubt on its ability [to continue] as a going concern,” analysts at JPMorgan Chase warn. The investment bank predicts that Chinese property firms will account for nearly 40% of global default volumes during calendar 2023.

More broadly, the crumbling real estate edifice poses no small risk to the Middle Kingdom’s fixed-asset driven growth miracle, one accompanied, of course, by heaping portions of debt. See “China isn’t working” in the brand-new edition of Grant’s Interest Rate Observer for more on the ripple effects that may ensue from an extended stretch of trouble within the world’s second-largest economy.


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e6b2c9 No.85699

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468279 (312203ZAUG23) Notable: John Solomon: PDJT on LIVE right now

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e6b2c9 No.85700

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468314 (312208ZAUG23) Notable: John Solomon: PDJT on LIVE right now

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e6b2c9 No.85701

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468348 (312214ZAUG23) Notable: John Solomon: PDJT on LIVE right now

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Trump on his impeachment: Pelosi said "We can't do this, we're gonna die on this thing", Schiff and others convinced her they could skate by.

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e6b2c9 No.85702

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468361 (312216ZAUG23) Notable: John Solomon: PDJT on LIVE right now

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President Trump: In the case of Biden...if the money trail turns out to be what it's gonna turn out to be...when you have all of these corporations, and you have all of these different methods; even the aliases; whoever heard of- he's got more aliases than Al Capone has...a fair person would have no choice but to impeach. He's stolen money, and the billion dollars; that's a big statement...that really is a quid pro quo.

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e6b2c9 No.85703

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468374 (312219ZAUG23) Notable: 23909-A

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23908-A >>85646

>>85658 PDJT: Congratulations to the Boone County Republican Party on a very successful Eisenhower Social!

>>85659 PDJT: There has never been a President that worked so hard for Iowa, and delivered such results—My great honor! I hope each and every one of you will sign up and join our Campaign. MAGA! IA.DonaldJTrump.com

>>85662 PDJT: I LOVE IOWA!

>>85663 PDJT: If you are a Fisherman, Hunter, or a Sportsman, I can’t even imagine you could vote for this Group of Maniacs—They want to take away everything. DON’T VOTE DEMOCRAT!

>>85679 PDJT: We are going to win the Florida Primary, and we are going to win the State of Florida for the third straight time in November 2024!

>>85680 PDJT: To every Homeschool Family, I WILL BE YOUR CHAMPION!

>>85681 PDJT: As President, I will ensure that America is the place where the cost of Energy is the lowest, and the Economy is the strongest!

>>85682 PDJT: I fought for Nevada like no Administration in History, and unleashed American Energy like never before. Together, we will SAVE THE ECONOMY!

>>85683, >>85691, >>85692 PDJT: Super PAC set up for DeSantis will now back Trump

>>85686 PDJT: Crooked Joe Biden is spending $25 Million on dishonest TV Ads to lie to the American People. We can’t let him get away with it!

>>85688 PDJT: Is there anyone on the Planet that doesn’t know what I look like? And yet, for some reason, the Communist Democrats in Atlanta made a Mug Shot of me!

>>85689, >>85693 Trump waives arraignment & his atty files not guilty plea in Fulton Co

>>85674 Insurers don't have to pay Chicago Trump Tower's pollution fines

>>85675 Fulton County DA Fudges Case Law in the Trump RICO prosecution

>>85676 Judge McAfee says there will be a live YouTube stream — operated by the court — of all Fulton County hearings & trials related to the Trump indictment, in addition to pool media coverage

>>85694 PDJT: We owe our children GREAT schools that lead to incredible jobs, so that they can have a wonderful life. I want them to be more successful than “TRUMP!”


>>85697, >>85699, >>85700, >>85701, >>85702 John Solomon: PDJT on LIVE right now



unless @45 posts again, kek.

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e6b2c9 No.85704

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468407 (312225ZAUG23) Notable: ZH: Why Won't COVID Lockdown Tyrants Admit They Were Wrong?

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Why Won't COVID Lockdown Tyrants Admit They Were Wrong?

Nearly 100 universities are requiring masks this fall.

Lionsgate movie studios in Los Angeles and Atlanta-based Morris Brown College this week stated they are reinstating not just mask mandates but social distancing measures and contact tracing.

CNN, which led the panic in 2020 and 2021—causing manic school, restaurant, and business shutdowns and vaccine mandates—recently put out a headline on its website that encouraged its readers not to go outside without a mask on. Really? The latest evidence finds this is less dangerous than a normal flu virus and tracking data suggest that the wave has already peaked.

What’s even more disturbing here is that the leftist medical community and the media aren’t renouncing their calls for mitigation strategies that were catastrophically wrong in the panic era of 2020 and 2021—but instead calling for more of these assaults on freedom in the future.

It is one thing for well-meaning medical experts to have disagreed about how to best combat a once-in-a-half-century deadly virus. We didn’t know exactly what we were dealing with. But now we know with concrete scientific evidence that most mandates and lockdowns had a small impact on the spread of the virus and on fatalities. It turns out there was almost no difference in death rates in states with strict lockdowns and no lockdowns at all. The same is true of cross-country evidence.

Healthy children were never at risk from COVID (something we knew early on), so shutting down schools for one or two years was a sop to the teachers unions but a disaster for this generation of kids. Test scores are the worst in 30 years.

Before the pandemic, only 15 percent of public school students were chronically absent—more than 18 or more days a year.

Stanford University education professor Thomas Dee’s data shows an estimated 6.5 million additional students are now chronically absent. In Connecticut and Massachusetts, chronic absenteeism remains double its pre-pandemic rate.

But polls show that Democrats—even those that are highly educated—generally still support the lockdowns that were mandated. These are the same people who lecture about “following the science.” The most comprehensive study by experts at Johns Hopkins University found death rates from lockdowns were reduced by 0.1 percent. But how many people died from the isolation of lockdowns, delayed health screening from cancer, the increase in drug overdoses?

Biden’s vaccine mandates only made Americans more resistant to get pricked. They backfired.

Worst of all, Anthony Fauci, who remains a hero of the Left, recently not only refused to admit the errors of his advice but said the “lockdown was absolutely justified.”

Why does this bizarre rewrite of recent history matter? Because the fearmongering Left can’t wait to install new lockdowns every time we have a new flu virus and health scare. They’ve even started putting out feelers for occasional climate change economic shutdowns.

Those who love freedom must strenuously resist this coming tyranny.


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e6b2c9 No.85705

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468418 (312226ZAUG23) Notable: MTG: Join me LIVE at my Floyd County Town Hall

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene




Join me LIVE at my Floyd County Town Hall!

You won’t want to miss this: https://fb.watch/mMOuZM_afJ/?mibextid=qC1gEa

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e6b2c9 No.85706

File: 334df2ec57b292a⋯.png (1.01 MB,742x746,371:373,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468422 (312227ZAUG23) Notable: ATF Goes Around Congress: Publishes Universal Background Check Rule

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ATF Goes Around Congress: Publishes Universal Background Check Rule


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e6b2c9 No.85707

File: 57c8843ba073d64⋯.png (1.1 MB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468426 (312227ZAUG23) Notable: Judge Issues Order INVALIDATING Ban on Handgun Sales to Adults Under 21 Years Old

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BREAKING: Judge Issues Order Invalidating Ban on Handgun Sales to Adults Under 21 Years Old - The Truth About Guns

In May, a District Court judge in Virginia ruled that a ban on selling handguns to adults under 21 was unconstitutional. When the plaintiffs and the ATF couldn’t agree on how a restraining order would work while the case move...


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e6b2c9 No.85708

File: 70e4283cd435d9c⋯.png (189.66 KB,424x346,212:173,Clipboard.png)

File: 78d1a887a01948e⋯.png (305.15 KB,480x480,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468438 (312229ZAUG23) Notable: Secretaries of Several States Begin Legal Review to Determine if They Can Disqualify President Trump from 2024 Ballot

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Secretaries of Several States Begin Legal Review to Determine if They Can Disqualify President Trump from 2024 Ballot

August 30, 2023 | Sundance |

Consider this question carefully: “What possible stakes could be so high the DC UniParty would be willing to prove, beyond any doubt, that the ability of Americans to vote their way out of any problem no longer exists?”

This is the question which should underpin the stories you are hearing and reading about various secretaries of state beginning to structure election rules to disqualify President Trump from ballot access.

Why are state governments willing to prove to Americans that voting will not be the method to retain a constitutional republic?

My elevator encapsulated short answer…. This is the fundamental change, Barack Obama promised to deliver.

(Via NBC) – Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes said Tuesday that his office is figuring out how to handle potential complaints over whether former President Donald Trump should be disqualified from appearing on the 2024 ballot.

The issue centers on the 14th Amendment, which prohibits people who have “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” from holding public office. Former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson raised the theory at last week’s GOP presidential debate that Trump’s conduct on Jan. 6, 2021, might disqualify him on those grounds — a theory that has gained traction among some legal scholars, though others discount the possibility.

Now, the people running state elections are trying to figure out what to do if people bring legal challenges against Trump.

“We have to have a final certification of eligible candidates [for the primary ballot] by Dec. 14 for Arizona’s presidential preference election,” Fontes, a Democrat elected last year, told NBC News. “And because this will ultimately end up in court, we are taking this very seriously.”

New Hampshire Secretary of State David Scanlan is dealing with the same question as he watches a potential challenge to Trump brewing in his state. There, a Republican former Trump ally is considering bringing a 14th Amendment challenge against him. (read more)


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e6b2c9 No.85709

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468458 (312233ZAUG23) Notable: #23909-B

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>>85647 Student Loan Forgiveness Update 2023: Biden Cancels $72 Million of Debt

>>85648, >>85654, >>85657, >>85664, >>85678 Who/What is "GCHQ Bude"? DIG

>>85649 GA Senator Colton Moore: "MAKE MY DAY" - we have to DEFUN Fani Willis!

>>85650 What sentence is Proud Boy leader Zach Rehl facing?


>>85653 Fulton County Jail Mass stabbing - KEK

>>85655 Jack Posobiec | The Roseanne Barr Podcast

>>85656 Harrison Floyd: Thinking to run for GA-7 in GA To Fix The Corrupt System That Unlawfully Imprisoned Him

>>85660 Frank Zelenko shares his late brother's protocols - Roseanne podcast

>>85661 Brian Pritchard Rips Apart "Republican Ruling Class" Destroying Georgia

>>85665 Proud Boy Joe Biggs sentenced to 17 years

>>85666 Top Russian rocket scientist who had previously assisted foreign colleagues at NASA dies from poisoning after two-week fight for life

>>85667 Ex-CIA Agent Who Signed False Letter About Hunter Biden Laptop Tried To Hide Her Work For Twitter

>>85668 Former Attorney General Bill Barr argues Trump's trials will not interfere with 2024 election

>>85669 Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson alleges CDC participated in censoring info on covid vaxxes

>>85670, >>85671 @DonaldJTrumpJr: We're going LIVE at 6 PM est with one of the nation's top lawyers about weaponization of the justice system

>>85673 @ChuckGrassley For 2yrs Biden admin has withheld info frm Congress & the public abt VP Bidens use of non-govt email/mishandling of classified info

>>85672 UN publishes final draft of declaration that targets "misinformation," backs WHO pandemic treaty

>>85684 Twitter can now harvest YOUR 'biometric' information including fingerprint, face recognition and eye tracking data - as Musk's site quietly updates its T&Cs 'for safety purposes'

>>85685, >>85687 Sundance: "Old Mules": Battle of Athens Aug 1

>>85690 @BonginoReport - James Comer Says Biden Impeachment Is Imminent


>>85698 People's Bank of China established nationwide minimum down payment reqts on homebuyers at 20% and 30%

>>85704 ZH: Why Won't COVID Lockdown Tyrants Admit They Were Wrong?

>>85705 MTG: Join me LIVE at my Floyd County Town Hall

>>85706 ATF Goes Around Congress: Publishes Universal Background Check Rule

>>85707 Judge Issues Order INVALIDATING Ban on Handgun Sales to Adults Under 21 Years Old

>>85708 Secretaries of Several States Begin Legal Review to Determine if They Can Disqualify President Trump from 2024 Ballot



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e6b2c9 No.85710

File: 9a54eabc9724355⋯.png (173.32 KB,382x364,191:182,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468470 (312236ZAUG23) Notable: #23910

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baker seeking handoff ghosting @20

#23809-A: Notes are only to 300.


Please step up.

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e6b2c9 No.85711

File: 047fba463188cd2⋯.jpg (286.31 KB,1229x1536,1229:1536,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468513 (312244ZAUG23) Notable: YouTuber Ruby Franke was arrested after ‘emaciated’ child with duct tape around extremities ran for help

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Traffic children go to prison

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e6b2c9 No.85712

File: 49f54402340e053⋯.png (224.55 KB,1005x777,335:259,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468536 (312247ZAUG23) Notable: Fayette County Woman Sentenced to Prison for Child Sex Trafficking

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Fayette County Woman Sentenced to Prison for Child Sex Trafficking


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e6b2c9 No.85713

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468557 (312251ZAUG23) Notable: Suspected drone ‘neutralized’ near Russian airport

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31 Aug, 2023 21:24 =

=Suspected drone ‘neutralized’ near Russian airport – governor==

Another unidentified object has been detected in the area days after a drone raid on Pskov airport

The Russian military has spotted a suspected hostile drone in the Russian city of Pskov, near the airport that was attacked by multiple Ukrainian drones earlier this week, regional Governor Mikhail Vedernikov said early Friday morning.

An airspace control post in the area of Kresty, near Pskov airport, “detected a single unidentified object in the sky,” he confirmed on Telegram around midnight local time.

The official shared a brief video of what he called the “measures undertaken to neutralize” the object, which appears to show anti-air gunfire lighting up the night sky.

There was no damage or injuries on the ground as a result of the incident, Vedernikov said. The Defense Ministry has yet to comment on the alleged new attack.

In the early hours of Wednesday, the Russian city of Pskov, near the territories of NATO members Estonia and Latvia, came under attack by a swarm of drones. Local authorities and emergency services said that several Il-76 transport planes were damaged in the attack, but the military has yet to confirm these reports. The airport briefly canceled all flights to assess potential damage to the runway, but fully resumed operations on Thursday.

Meanwhile, after Kiev will not admit their counteroffensive has failed miserably, they revert back their tried and true method of terrorism against civilians and civilian structures, that Nina Jankowicz taught them


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e6b2c9 No.85714

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468565 (312253ZAUG23) Notable: Ukraine threatens long-range strikes into Russia

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31 Aug, 2023 17:53

Ukraine threatens long-range strikes into Russia

Kiev claims to have weapons that can hit targets 700km away

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky said on Thursday that the country has produced long-range weapons domestically, while his top security official claimed that a new missile program is in place.

“Successful use of our long-range weapons: the target was hit 700 kilometers away!” Zelensky posted in a Telegram message, referring to an exercise by the Ministry of Strategic Industries. Zelensky did not specify what kind of weapon was used, or what the target may have been.

Shortly afterwards, National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) Secretary Aleksey Danilov posted a 20-second video on X, formerly Twitter, showing what looked like a missile being launched into the night.

“The missile program of the President of Ukraine in action. The tests are successful, the implementation is effective,” Danilov said. “Sevastopol is waiting, Kamchatka is waiting, Kronstadt is waiting...”

While it sounds like a threat against Russian naval bases or even a peninsula in the Far East, it appears to be a misquoted lyric from a popular song by Lyube, said to be the favorite band of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Several Ukrainian media outlets linked Danilov’s post about the “missile program” with Zelensky’s claim about a long-range weapon, though there is no evidence to suggest a connection.

The “700 kilometers” may be a reference to Pskov, a city in northwestern Russia which is precisely that far from Ukraine’s borders, but just 30km away from NATO member Estonia. Several military transport planes were damaged at Pskov airport early on Wednesday, in what local authorities described as an attack by more than ten drones. There has been no official confirmation from either side as to what kind of UAVs may have been used in the attack, or where they came from.

Zelensky, Danilov and other Ukrainian officials have repeatedly insisted that they use only domestically produced weapons against Russian territory, since the US and its allies have ostensibly forbidden them to use Western-provided missiles and drones for this purpose. (Zelensky begged all arms companies and the MIC to send all their experimental weapons for Kiev to test them and use them to see if they were effective. That’s probably where they are getting them.)

Earlier this week, however, The Economist revealed that Ukrainian drone operators greatly rely on Western intelligence and satellite data to avoid Russian air defenses.

Ukraine first targeted Moscow with drones in May, and began launching more frequent attacks in July, as its much-heralded counteroffensive in the south became bogged down in Russian fortifications.

The attacks have caused only minor property damage so far and the Kremlin has described them as “acts of desperation,” meant to cover for Kiev’s failures on the battlefield. According to US officials, the attacks are intended “to bolster the morale of Ukraine’s population and troops,” and show that Kiev “can strike back.”


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e6b2c9 No.85715

File: a91585a03de29cd⋯.png (109.16 KB,189x267,63:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468566 (312253ZAUG23) Notable: Jekyll Island

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>jekyll island

>FED / 1910 / Woodrow

>Georgia guidestones


The island is owned by the State of Georgia and run by a self-sustaining,self-governing body.

At the end of November 1910, Senator Nelson W. Aldrich and Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury Department A. Piatt Andrew, and five of the country's leading financiers (Frank Vanderlip, Henry P. Davison, Benjamin Strong, and Paul Warburg) arrived at the Jekyll Island Club to conduct a secret meeting to plan the country's monetary policy and banking system, formulating during the meeting the Federal Reserve as America's next central bank. According to the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, the 1910 Jekyll Island meeting resulted in draft legislation for the creation of a U.S. central bank. Parts of this draft (the Aldrich plan) were incorporated into the 1913 Federal Reserve Act.

Keystone = Georgia?

So the Private Banks have a lawless Stronghold on Jekyll Island of which wheres they conduct their absolute faggotstry from.

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e6b2c9 No.85716

File: f46d7dc296fcefc⋯.png (85.42 KB,482x1308,241:654,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468569 (312254ZAUG23) Notable: Jekyll Island

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FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws.

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e6b2c9 No.85717

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468573 (312255ZAUG23) Notable: Member state blocks EU military aid to Ukraine

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31 Aug, 2023 21:03

Member state blocks EU military aid to Ukraine – Borrell

Hungary is holding up "European Peace Facility" funds earmarked for Kiev

The EU has been unable to release €500 million in ‘European Peace Facility’ funding for Ukraine, due to opposition from one of the members, the bloc’s foreign policy commissioner Josep Borrell told reporters on Thursday. The country was later identified as Hungary.

“I have to regret that the 8th tranche of the European Peace Facility (EPF) is still blocked,” Borrell said after an EU ministerial meeting in Toledo, Spain. “I hope we will be able to unblock [it] in the next [few] weeks. But this is a problem that is still pending to be solved.”

Budapest has been blocking the EPF funds for months,objecting that Kiev has designated a major Hungarian bank as a ‘war sponsor’*. The bloc has used the EPF, established in March 2021, as a way to fund weapons and ammunition deliveries to Ukraine outside of normal budgetary procedures.

Following the meeting of EU defense ministers on Wednesday, Borrell spoke of the need to train more Ukrainian troops faster, noting that almost 40,000 conscripts will have undergone training at various EU sites this year, including at the Spanish military academy in Toledo itself.

Thursday’s meeting involved foreign ministers, and included a briefing by Ukrainian FM Dmitry Kuleba. At the press conference, Borrell spoke of the need for the EU to support Ukraine “today, tomorrow and always” in a manner that is “predictable and sustainable,” but mainly financial.

The Spanish politician again mentioned that he had proposed to the European Commission to create a new Ukraine Assistance Fund, spanning the period from 2024 to 2027, and expressed hope the body would “reach an agreement by the end of the year.” Borrell envisioned the fund to amount to about €5 billion annually, for a total commitment of €20 billion over the next four years.

While Borrell spoke as if Brussels could afford to leverage its entire economic, political, and military might in the service of Ukraine, Hungary has been skeptical of the bloc’s policies.

Speaking at a forum in Slovenia earlier this week, Hungarian FM Peter Szijjarto described the EU as being in a “very bad shape” due to the Ukraine conflict, “worse than at any time in the past, in terms of security, economy and energy supply.” The bloc’s commitment to arming Ukraine has made it unable to broker a peace, while the EU’s energy, security, and economic prosperity have been dealt serious blows by the embargo against Russia, according to Szijjarto.

(*The EU is using Kiev as the attack dog on Hungary, the EU could have gotten Hungary to release those funds more than 6 months ago, if they demanded Kiev retract the accusation of Hungary Bank being a “war sponsor”. But they won’t because EU is using Kiev in every way, they can’t conduct themselves. The EU wants to replace the leaders or destroy Hungary and get rid of any conservative leader in the EU, which EU has “very few”, but they won’t. They use this non- EU countries that are begging to get into the EU to attack Russia, to do things they can’t do according to their charter.)


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e6b2c9 No.85718

File: 90c0a8e5a2f0a83⋯.png (181.4 KB,993x652,993:652,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468574 (312255ZAUG23) Notable: Green Bay Pastor Pleads Guilty to Online Crime Targeting a Venezuelan Child

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Green Bay Pastor Pleads Guilty to Online Crime Targeting a Venezuelan Child

Gregory J. Haanstad, United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, announced that on August 31, 2023, Cory J. Herthel (age: 40) of Green Bay, Wisconsin, pled guilty to attempted sexual exploitation of a minor, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 2251(a).


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e6b2c9 No.85719

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468595 (312258ZAUG23) Notable: President Donald J. Trump reacts to the latest news that has exposed Biden’s ties to Ukraine

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President Donald J. Trump reacts to the latest news that has exposed Biden’s ties to Ukraine

Watch the full interview on #JustTheNewsNoNoise with @jsolomonReports and @AmandaHead here: https://rumble.com/v3dko8c-president-trump-interviews-with-john-solomon.html


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e6b2c9 No.85720

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468612 (312301ZAUG23) Notable: Russian ally responds to demands for expulsion of Wagner troops

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31 Aug, 2023 15:13

Russian ally responds to demands for expulsion of Wagner troops

Neighboring countries are fomenting hysteria about the private military company’s presence in Belarus, says Alexander Lukashenko

NATO countries have no right to demand the expulsion of Wagner Group soldiers from Belarus while they host sizable contingents of foreign troops themselves, President Alexander Lukashenko said on Thursday.

Speaking at a meeting of the nation’s Security Council, the Belarusian leader delivered a stern response to neighboring Poland and the Baltic states, which had urged Minsk to remove the “extremely dangerous” Wagner fighters from the country earlier this week.

Lukashenko pointed out that NATO countries are constantly increasing their military presence on the Belarusian border, while accusing Minsk of “mythical aggressive intentions that have never existed.”

According to Lukashenko, Poland and the Baltic countries are stoking hysteria about the Wagner private military company, which moved to Belarus after a short-lived mutiny in Russia in late June. It was part of a deal between Moscow and the group’s chief Evgeny Prigozhin, who recently died in a plane crash.

The response to [these complaints about Wagner] is simple: Neither Poland, nor Lithuania, nor any other Baltic country should host a single foreign soldier. Then, they can raise objections to the presence of military personnel from other countries here. In the meantime, these are unreasonable and stupid demands.

Lukashenko also blasted Poland’s decision to no longer abide by the Cold War-era Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe, which sets limits on several categories of military equipment that can be stationed on the continent.

“This is a dangerous step… How should we react to all this? Not to mention the preparation of Belarusian fugitives on their territory to stage a military coup in Belarus,” he added.

In June, Lukashenko accused Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine of training armed “extremist” groups to infiltrate Belarus.

Speaking on Thursday, the Belarusian leader said Minsk was ready to restore relations with its neighbors, while inviting Polish delegates to monitor the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) military exercises that will be held on the country’s western border in early September.

Lukashenko’s comments come after Poland and the Baltic states warned that they may close all border crossings with Belarus in the event of a “critical incident” after repeatedly accusing the neighboring country of facilitating illegal migration in the EU. In the past, Belarus’ neighbors have also repeatedly claimed that Wagner operatives were attempting to infiltrate Poland.


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e6b2c9 No.85721

File: 80db1ab9fdcc432⋯.png (959.34 KB,1024x768,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 597fb34a8642fef⋯.png (203.53 KB,292x390,146:195,Clipboard.png)

File: c6ff345f7b8f0ca⋯.png (1.22 MB,910x1365,2:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468624 (312303ZAUG23) Notable: Jekyll Island

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The Club has its own flag, what is that?

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e6b2c9 No.85722

File: f4e01bb0ca57cd6⋯.png (121.53 KB,540x1000,27:50,Clipboard.png)

File: 19998820b342826⋯.png (145.16 KB,375x574,375:574,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468632 (312304ZAUG23) Notable: Jekyll Island

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e6b2c9 No.85723

File: 5a8c475846abc8b⋯.png (349.22 KB,1173x653,1173:653,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468643 (312305ZAUG23) Notable: Jekyll Island

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No shit, DuBignon and Rockefeller have cottages there.

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e6b2c9 No.85724

File: a0e0c63cc03b22b⋯.png (500.4 KB,768x433,768:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468662 (312308ZAUG23) Notable: Pentagon UFO office unveils official website for US government personnel to report sightings

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The Department of Defense Launches the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office Website

The All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office's new website provides the public with information concerning AARO and its efforts to understand and resolve unidentified anomalous phenomena.


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e6b2c9 No.85725

File: bca379166d89001⋯.png (808.19 KB,1030x728,515:364,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468665 (312308ZAUG23) Notable: Pentagon UFO office unveils official website for US government personnel to report sightings

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Pentagon’s UFO Disclosure Site To Go Live After Congress Ripped Officials Over Delay

A public disclosure website for the Pentagon’s UFO investigations will go live Thursday after long delays and criticism from Congress and advocates that the office in charge was falling short of transparency expectations, DefenseScoop reported.


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e6b2c9 No.85726

File: 3c8f5bfab56abc6⋯.png (1.03 MB,970x546,485:273,Clipboard.png)

File: c54b4d60ccce6ff⋯.png (503.22 KB,1912x1062,956:531,Clipboard.png)

File: 6e3855070a97604⋯.png (235.64 KB,1174x447,1174:447,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468670 (312309ZAUG23) Notable: Pentagon UFO office unveils official website for US government personnel to report sightings

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Pentagon UFO office unveils official website for US government personnel to report sightings

Aug 31, 2023

The Pentagon's official office for addressing UFOs has a new website where U.S. government and military personnel can report their own sightings.

The All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) unveiled the new website on Wednesday (Aug. 30). According to a note from the office's director, Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, the website will be used to inform the public about ARRO's findings as well as offer a way for the public to report sightings of UFOs or, as they're now called, unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP).

While the site is still under construction, it features a section where the office will be "accepting reports from current or U.S. Government employees, service members, or contractors with direct knowledge of U.S. Government programs or activities related to UAP dating back to 1945." These reports will help the office complete a historical record of such events, as requested by the United States Congress.

The site also outlines the office's mission, which it states is to "minimize technical and intelligence surprise by synchronizing scientific, intelligence, and operational detection identification, attribution, and mitigation of unidentified anomalous phenomena in the vicinity of national security areas."

In addition, the site offers a three-part definition of UAP, which it states are objects in the air that can't immediately be identified; objects or devices that travel between different domains such as air, space or water; and underwater objects that are not immediately identifiable or may be related to the first two definitions.

This focus on objects in space and in water is part of the reason the term "UFO" has fallen out of fashion and has been replaced with the more all-encompassing term "UAP."

In a set of slides offering a more comprehensive overview of AARO's mission, it is stated that the office will study "recovered enigmatic technologies, leveraging cross-sector partnerships and the latest developments in theoretical and applied physics, [and] engineering."

In July 2023, a U.S. Air Force and intelligence community veteran told a Congressional subcommittee that the American government is hiding the existence of a "multi-decade UAP crash retrieval and reverse-engineering program." No definitive proof of those claims have come to light, but several members of the U.S. Congress have vowed to get to the bottom of them.

AARO was established in July 2022 in order to "detect, identify and attribute objects of interest in, on or near military installations, operating areas, training areas, special use airspace and other areas of interest, and, as necessary, to mitigate any associated threats to safety of operations and national security," according to a Department of Defense statement.

Despite collecting hundreds of reports from U.S. military and government personnel, Kirkpatrick stated at a public hearing in April that his office "has found no credible evidence thus far of extraterrestrial activity, off-world technology or objects that defy the known laws of physics."

In a Frequently Asked Questions section on the new site, AARO states that it "uses a rigorous scientific framework and data-driven approach to better understand UAP" and will "follow the science wherever it leads."



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e6b2c9 No.85727

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468741 (312324ZAUG23) Notable: Kiev worries West might renege on F-16 deliveries

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31 Aug, 2023 09:43

Kiev worries West might renege on F-16 deliveries – NYT

Ukraine wants to get the advanced fighter jets before elections in the US, the outlet has reported

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky is scrambling to complete an agreement for delivery of F-16 fighter jets to his country as soon as possible, according to the New York Times. Zelensky fears that shifting political sands in Western countries could undermine support for Kiev and in particular scupper his hopes for the warplanes, the outlet reported on Wednesday, citing sources.

According to serving and former US and Ukrainian officials interviewed by the paper, Kiev “senses a ticking political clock” when requesting the US-designed F-16 aircraft. Zelensky apparently wants to get as many jets as possible before elections in the EU and the US “bring a change of heart in the governments that have promised the planes,” the report said. (Zelensky knows he has no dirt or blackmail on Trump, so he wants to use what he has quickly)

The international coalition to help Kiev procure F-16s and train Ukrainian pilots was first announced by the UK and the Netherlands in May, with a total of 11 countries backing the effort. However, Ukraine does not expect to receive the first of the promised warplanes until 2024.

While the administration of US President Joe Biden has signaled that it would allow Denmark, Norway and the Netherlands to send their F-16s to Ukraine, a new president could reverse this policy if the delivery has not yet been completed by the time they come to power, an unnamed American official told the paper.

Another former US official suggested that Zelensky also wanted to secure the deliveries in case “a sluggish counteroffensive erodes political support among allies.”Ukraine has been unsuccessfully trying to breach Russian lines since early June, losing more than 43,000 service members, according to Moscow.

The scramble to secure the fighter-jets comes amid increasing skepticism among Republicans in the US Congress about sending further military support to Kiev, with many citing a lack of financial transparency and strategic vision on the part of the White House. The growing chorus of discontent has also been echoed by former US President and current GOP presidential candidate frontrunner Donald Trump.

Trump has repeatedly slammed the Biden administration’s handling of the Ukraine conflict, noting that Washington is “giving away so much equipment” to Kiev while it does not have enough munitions for itself.

Meanwhile, Moscow has repeatedly warned the West against supplying Ukraine with F-16s, arguing that the move could be interpreted as a nuclear threat as these jets can potentially carry atomic weapons.

(I hope the Military has convinced Bidan and the Admin, it’s not a good idea to give a Terrorist country high tech American weapons and planes, to a country that could turn on us at any time.)


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e6b2c9 No.85728

File: 0ea816fd5a07431⋯.png (549.69 KB,1030x900,103:90,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468753 (312327ZAUG23) Notable: Ukraine's FM Tells Critics Of Counteroffensive To "Shut Up" After NYT Piece

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Ukrainian FM tells critics to ‘shut up’

>Dmitry Kuleba has called on anyone dissatisfied with the pace of the Kiev’s counteroffensive to go fight Russia themselves


The honeymoon is over. Pink mist incoming.

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e6b2c9 No.85729

File: 8edbb2dfeadc7e0⋯.png (536.73 KB,893x1014,893:1014,Clipboard.png)

File: 615dc29fcf4d7df⋯.png (1.34 MB,1152x889,1152:889,Clipboard.png)

File: 911fac95e14b36e⋯.png (1.9 MB,864x1152,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468758 (312329ZAUG23) Notable: Coach of North Texas girls’ softball team faces charge of sexual solicitation of a minor

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Anon does not enjoy posting this but it needs to be done.

Coach of North Texas girls’ softball team faces charge of sexual solicitation of a minor

The 54-year-old coach of a Grapevine youth softball team has been arrested and faces a charge of online solicitation of a child under the age of 14, according to Tarrant County jail and court records. Stan Howard Kappus, whose LinkedIn says he is the founder of Texas Truth Fastpitch softball, was arrested by Colleyville police on Monday. Colleyville police declined to release any other information surrounding his arrest, saying the investigation is ongoing. According to online records, Texas Truth Fastpitch is a team out of Grapevine for girls 12 years and younger. It is unclear if the charge against Kappus stems from any alleged interactions with team members. He was being held Thursday in the Tarrant County Jail with bond set at $10,000. An attorney for Kappus could not be reached by the Star-Telegram for comment Thursday afternoon.


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e6b2c9 No.85730

File: 3cb2174518ad4cd⋯.png (1.39 MB,1168x1152,73:72,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468761 (312329ZAUG23) Notable: Ukraine's FM Tells Critics Of Counteroffensive To "Shut Up" After NYT Piece

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Ukraine's FM Tells Critics Of Counteroffensive To "Shut Up" After NYT Piece


In angry words which sound more like something one would hear on an elementary school playground, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba on Thursday lashed out at critics of Kiev's failing counteroffensive by telling them to... "shut up". Here's Reuters reporting the unusual statement:

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba hit out on Thursday at critics of Kyiv's tactics in its counter-offensive against Russia's invasion, saying they were spitting in the faces of Ukrainian soldiers and should "shut up".

"Criticizing the slow pace of (the) counter-offensive equals ... spitting into the face of (the) Ukrainian soldier who sacrifices his life every day, moving forward and liberating one kilometeter of Ukrainian soil after another," Kuleba told a press conference at a meeting of EU foreign ministers in Toledo, Spain.

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e6b2c9 No.85731

File: eb502440b7ce624⋯.png (63.93 KB,280x157,280:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468765 (312330ZAUG23) Notable: Ukraine's FM Tells Critics Of Counteroffensive To "Shut Up" After NYT Piece

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31 Aug, 2023 18:21

Ukrainian FM tells critics to ‘shut up’(angry fat baby man FM, is having a tantrum)

Dmitry Kuleba has called on anyone dissatisfied with the pace of the Kiev’s counteroffensive to go fight Russia themselves

TheForeign Minister of Ukraine Dmitry Kulebahas lashed out at critics of his country in the West who are not impressed with Kiev’s much-hyped counteroffensive. Detractors of the operation should instead go to the front lines and fight, he also suggested.

“Criticizing the slow pace of the counteroffensive is equal to spitting into the face of the Ukrainian soldier who sacrifices his life every day,” Kiev’s top diplomat told journalists on Thursday on the sidelines of a EU foreign ministers’ meeting in the Spanish city of Toledo. “I would recommend all critics to shut up, come to Ukraine and try to liberate one square centimeter by themselves,” he said.

His words came after Kuleba urged EU member states to supply more lethal weapons to Kiev, including long-range missiles, armored vehicles and air defense systems. He also warned that Moscow was ramping up its own missile production.

“We should deprive Russia of the capacity to produce missiles and drones. We see that the production is increasing, and they use Western elements, and Western spare parts,” Kuleba said, as he called on Ukraine’s Western backers to crack down on suppliers supposedly circumventing sanctions Washington and its allies imposed against Moscow.

The minister also specifically demanded Western air defense systems to protect what he described as an “alternative sea route” delivering Ukrainian agricultural products to foreign markets, in the wake of Russia’s suspension of its participation in the grain deal also known as the Black Sea Initiative.

Moscow pulled out of the UN- and Türkiye-brokered deal in July, citing the West’s failure to lift sanctions hindering Russian agricultural exports. It also said it was ready to return to the deal once its conditions are met.

Kuleba’s words came as the Ukrainian counteroffensive continues, failing to bring about any tangible results in almost three months since its launch. Ukrainian forces have also suffered heavy losses in the operation, both in personnel and equipment.

Specifically, Kiev’s troops have lost 25 German-made Leopard tanks, 21 US-made Bradley infantry fighting vehicles and more than 70 American M777 howitzers in the first two months of the counteroffensive, according to the Russian Defense Ministry.

Developments such as these have prompted many former and acting NATO and European officials to question the operation’s prospects as well as the Western strategy of arming Kiev. In mid-August, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg’s chief of staff, Stian Jenssen, suggested Ukraine could give up its territorial claims in exchange for peace and NATO membership. His words sparked an angry reaction in Kiev, forcing the official to apologize.


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e6b2c9 No.85732

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468770 (312330ZAUG23) Notable: 23909-A

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23909-A >>85646

>>85648, >>85654, >>85657, >>85664, >>85678 Who/What is "GCHQ Bude"? DIG

>>85658 PDJT: Congratulations to the Boone County Republican Party on a very successful Eisenhower Social!

>>85659 PDJT: There has never been a President that worked so hard for Iowa, and delivered such results—My great honor! I hope each and every one of you will sign up and join our Campaign. MAGA! IA.DonaldJTrump.com

>>85662 PDJT: I LOVE IOWA!

>>85663 PDJT: If you are a Fisherman, Hunter, or a Sportsman, I can’t even imagine you could vote for this Group of Maniacs—They want to take away everything. DON’T VOTE DEMOCRAT!

>>85679 PDJT: We are going to win the Florida Primary, and we are going to win the State of Florida for the third straight time in November 2024!

>>85680 PDJT: To every Homeschool Family, I WILL BE YOUR CHAMPION!

>>85681 PDJT: As President, I will ensure that America is the place where the cost of Energy is the lowest, and the Economy is the strongest!

>>85682 PDJT: I fought for Nevada like no Administration in History, and unleashed American Energy like never before. Together, we will SAVE THE ECONOMY!

>>85683, >>85691, >>85692 PDJT: Super PAC set up for DeSantis will now back Trump

>>85686 PDJT: Crooked Joe Biden is spending $25 Million on dishonest TV Ads to lie to the American People. We can’t let him get away with it!

>>85688 PDJT: Is there anyone on the Planet that doesn’t know what I look like? And yet, for some reason, the Communist Democrats in Atlanta made a Mug Shot of me!

>>85689, >>85693 Trump waives arraignment & his atty files not guilty plea in Fulton Co

>>85674 Insurers don't have to pay Chicago Trump Tower's pollution fines

>>85675 Fulton County DA Fudges Case Law in the Trump RICO prosecution

>>85676 Judge McAfee says there will be a live YouTube stream — operated by the court — of all Fulton County hearings & trials related to the Trump indictment, in addition to pool media coverage

>>85694 PDJT: We owe our children GREAT schools that lead to incredible jobs, so that they can have a wonderful life. I want them to be more successful than “TRUMP!”


>>85697, >>85699, >>85700, >>85701, >>85702 John Solomon: PDJT on LIVE right now

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e6b2c9 No.85733

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468803 (312335ZAUG23) Notable: New York Police to Use Drones to Monitor Backyard Labor Day Parties

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New York Police to Use Drones to Monitor Backyard Labor Day Parties

Here we go.

New York police will use drones to monitor backyard Labor Day parties this weekend.

Kaz Daughtry, the assistant NYPD Commissioner made the announcement during a security briefing on J’ouvert, an annual Caribbean festival.

Daughtry’s plan to use police drones to monitor backyard barbecues got immediate backlash from civil liberties groups.

“It’s a troubling announcement and it flies in the face of the POST Act,” said Daniel Schwarz, a privacy and technology strategist at the New York Civil Liberties Union, referring to a 2020 city law that requires the NYPD to disclose its surveillance tactics, according to AP. “Deploying drones in this way is a sci-fi inspired scenario.”

AP reported:

Those attending outdoor parties or barbecues in New York City this weekend may notice an uninvited guest looming over their festivities: a police surveillance drone.

The New York City police department plans to pilot the unmanned aircrafts in response to complaints about large gatherings, including private events, over Labor Day weekend, officials announced Thursday.

“If a caller states there’s a large crowd, a large party in a backyard, we’re going to be utilizing our assets to go up and go check on the party,” Kaz Daughtry, the assistant NYPD Commissioner, said at a press conference.


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e6b2c9 No.85734

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468821 (312338ZAUG23) Notable: Disney Slapped with Lawsuit After Allegedly Misleading Investors About Billion Dollar Losses

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Disney Slapped with Lawsuit After Allegedly Misleading Investors About Billion Dollar Losses

As Disney stock hovers at its lowest levels in nearly a decade, the company was hit with another lawsuit alleging it misled investors about the success of Disney+ by concealing the true costs of operating the platform.

Disney is being accused of lying about the extent of its losses to hit lofty subscriber growth targets and claiming that the streaming service was on track to achieve profitability by the end of 2024. Investors detail a scheme to “inappropriately shift costs” by debuting content created for Disney+ on legacy platforms to move marketing and production costs.

The complaint filed on Aug. 23 in California federal court is at least the third taking issue with the company’s efforts to boost subscriptions for its streaming platform. It faces an identical investor suit over an alleged “cost-shifting scheme” in its streaming division and claims that it obstructed a deal between TSG Entertainment Finance and 20th Century Studios, which Disney owns, to “prop up” Disney+ and inflate its stock price.

The suit claims that company executives hid the expense and difficulty of maintaining subscriber growth as it suffered “staggering costs” to create content. In an effort to hide losses, the complaint claims, former chief executive Bob Chapek, his lieutenant Kareem Daniel and former CFO Christine McCarthy aired The Mysterious Benedict Society and Doogie Kameāloha, M.D. — which were supposed to be Disney+ originals — on the Disney Channel to make the streaming service appear more successful than it actually was.

Investors take issue with statements from the executives touting gains. For example, in December 2020 Chapek said, “Disney+ has exceeded our wildest expectations with 86.8 million subscribers as of December 2” and that the “success” of the platform has “bolstered our confidence in our continued acceleration towards a DTC-first business model.” He repeatedly stated that it would be profitable by the end of 2024. This forecast represented an “astounding three-fold increase from prior estimates without any degradation in expected profitability for the segment,” the suit says.

After acknowledging that subscriber growth had slowed in 2021, Disney reported last year that it missed analyst estimates by wide margins on revenue, sales and earnings. In Q4 2022, the company’s direct-to-consumer arm, which includes Disney+, ESPN+, Hulu and Hotstar, reported an operating loss of $1.47 billion — up from a $630 million loss in the same quarter the year prior. Disney’s stock plummeted by more than 13 percent at the time.

“The Company also reported a decline in its average revenue per Disney+ subscriber, as more customers subscribed through a discounted bundle with the Company’s other services,” the complaint states. “Notably, the bundled offering made up about 40% of domestic subscribers, confirming that Disney was relying on short-term promotional efforts to boost subscriber growth while impairing the platform’s long-term profitability.”


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e6b2c9 No.85735

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468822 (312338ZAUG23) Notable: OBAMA - IT HELPS WHEN DEMOCRATS ARE IN CHARGE OF THE MACHINES

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e6b2c9 No.85736

File: 491273d8c23192d⋯.mp4 (1018.03 KB,888x508,222:127,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468853 (312346ZAUG23) Notable: Let's not forget that @JebBush predicted a 'pandemic' four years before it happened.

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kek; forgot about this one

Let's not forget that @JebBush predicted a 'pandemic' four years before it happened.

"The next President is gonna be confronted with an unforeseen challenge. That’s almost certain. It could be a pandemic [...] or an attack on our country."

The Bush family knows the agenda.


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e6b2c9 No.85737

File: 5019e6b6ee66382⋯.png (530.16 KB,767x326,767:326,Clipboard.png)

File: be1dd3c57a75dd2⋯.png (250.82 KB,544x619,544:619,Clipboard.png)

File: b1dc2b2fa42cdb1⋯.png (547.99 KB,781x368,781:368,Clipboard.png)

File: 6d61d61d423cf88⋯.png (154.48 KB,794x691,794:691,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468878 (312352ZAUG23) Notable: Video Shows Employees At Chinese Firm Behind US Battery Plant Builder Wearing Red Army Outfits, Pledging Life To CCP

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Video Shows Employees At Chinese Firm Behind US Battery Plant Builder Wearing Red Army Outfits, Pledging Life To CCP

Employees at the Chinese parent company of the U.S.-based Gotion Inc., which intends to build two electric battery plants in Michigan, pledged Chinese Communist Party (CCP) oaths and dressed as Red Army soldiers during company field trips, according to several reports and footage posted on the Chinese battery manufacturer’s website.

In July and August 2021, Gotion High-Tech Power Energy Co. ran multiple company field trips to communist revolutionary memorials in China’s Anhui province, during which employees wore matching Red Army uniforms and swore to “fight for communism to the end of my life,” according to reports and footage on the firm’s website. Gotion Inc. — a California-based company which is “wholly owned and controlled” by Gotion High-Tech, according to a Foreign Agents Registration Act filing — plans to “invest $2.4 billion to construct two 550,000-square-foot production plants” for electric vehicle (EV) batteries in Big Rapids, Michigan, Fox News reported.

Gotion High-Tech employs 923 CCP members, including the firm’s CEO, Li Zhen, the Daily Caller News Foundation recently reported. Gotion High-Tech CEO Li Zhen serves as the party secretary for the firm’s CCP committee, the DCNF reported.

In July 2021, Gotion High-Tech’s internal CCP committee organized a two-day company field trip for 50 employees to visit several communist revolutionary sites in Anhui province, according to the firm’s website.

On the first day of the company field trip, employees wore matching Red Army uniforms and hiked across six miles of mountainous terrain, according to a report on the firm’s website.

The following day, Gotion High-Tech’s field trip visited the Revolutionary Memorial Hall in Huoshan County, Anhui province, where employees collectively pledged the oath of the CCP, footage from the event shows. The Revolutionary Memorial Hall is a landmark dedicated to Huoshan’s history as the Red Army’s base, according to Sohu.com.

“I volunteer to join the CCP, uphold the Party’s platform, observe the provisions of the Party’s by-laws, carry out a member’s duties, carry out the Party’s decisions, strictly observe the Party’s discipline, be loyal to the Party, work hard, to fight for communism as long as I live, be ready at all times to sacrifice everything for the Party and people, and never betray the Party,” the employees pledged while visiting the Revolutionary Memorial Hall, according to footage from the July 2021 event.

The Long March was a “6,000-mile (10,000-km) historic trek of the Chinese communists, which resulted in the relocation of the communist revolutionary base from southeastern to northwestern China and in the emergence of Mao Zedong as the undisputed party leader,” according to Encyclopedia Britannica.

During Gotion High-Tech’s August 2021 field trip, employees learned Red Army songs, and, as with the July 2021 outing, also wore matching Red Army uniforms, the report on the battery manufacturer’s website states.


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e6b2c9 No.85738

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19468974 (010015ZSEP23) Notable: Two former leaders of the Proud Boys organization were sentenced today for seditious conspiracy and other charges

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Court Concludes Conduct of Biggs and Rehl was Terrorism

Two former leaders of the Proud Boys organization were sentenced today for seditious conspiracy and other charges related to the breach of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Their actions disrupted a joint session of the U.S. Congress that was in the process of ascertaining and counting the electoral votes necessary to certify the 2020 presidential election.

Joseph R. Biggs, 39, of Ormond Beach, Florida, was sentenced to 17 years in prison and 36 months of supervised release.

Zachary Rehl, 38, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, was sentenced to 15 years in prison and 36 months of supervised release.

A jury convicted Biggs and Rehl and three other co-defendants of multiple felonies, including seditious conspiracy and conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding on May 4, 2023, for their actions before and during the breach of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

According to court documents and evidence presented during the trial, the Proud Boys organization played a significant and often violent role in Washington, D.C., rallies in November and December 2020. In the aftermath of that violent conduct, Biggs and Rehl served as members of a special chapter of the Proud Boys known as the “Ministry of Self Defense.”

Beginning after Dec. 19, 2020, Biggs and Rehl, all of whom were leaders or members of the Ministry of Self-Defense, conspired to prevent, hinder, and delay the certification of the Electoral College vote and to oppose by force the authority of the government of the United States.

In the days leading to Jan. 6, Biggs, Rehl, and co-defendants Henry “Enrique” Tarrio and Ethan Nordean hand-selected co-defendant Dominic Pezzola and others known as “rally boys” to participate in the attack on the Capitol that day. This group established a chain of command, chose a time and place for their attack, and intentionally recruited others who would follow their top-down leadership and who were prepared to engage in physical violence if necessary.

On Jan. 6, the group and the men they recruited and led participated in every consequential breach at the Capitol on Jan. 6. The group began their assault that day at 10:00 a.m. when Biggs, Rehl, and others marched an assembled group of nearly 200 individuals away from speeches at the Ellipse and directly toward the Capitol. They arrived at the First Street gate at 12:50 p.m., and Biggs led the crowd in chants of “Whose Capitol? Our Capitol!” and “Whose house? Our house!” Within minutes, Biggs, Rehl, and others led their recruits up the first street walkway, breaching multiple barricades and tearing down fencing. Biggs then declared, “we’ve gone through every barricade thus far.”

At about 1:30 p.m., when law enforcement appeared to have successfully controlled the crowd by pushing them back, the men again pushed forward with Biggs and other co-defendants leading the charge. Biggs and other co-defendants then gathered at the base of the concrete stairs that led to the doors and windows of the Capitol. The group again surged toward the Capitol and overwhelmed officers who had been battling the crowd for nearly an hour. Rehl sprayed an officer in the face. One co-defendant, Dominic Pezzola, smashed open a window, allowing the first rioters to enter the Capitol at 2:11 p.m., and Biggs entered close behind him with some of his men.

During the attack, Biggs posed with other Proud Boys on the west lawn of the Capitol for a celebratory video in which Biggs stated that “January 6 will be a day in infamy.” Rehl made social media posts calling Jan. 6 a “historical day,” and told his mother that he was “so fucking proud” of the Proud Boys’ “raid of the capitol.”

Later, Biggs and Rehl made statements regarding their attack on the Capitol. On Jan. 7, Rehl told members of the Ministry of Self-Defense that he was “proud as fuck what we accomplished. Likewise, Biggs recorded a podcast-style interview in which he called Jan. 6 a “warning shot” to the government that showed them “how weak they truly are” after being “bitch-slapped . . . on their own home turf.” Biggs explained that “January 7th was warning shot to the government –look, we started this country this way and we’ll fuckin’ save it this way.”

During the hearing, U.S. District Judge Timothy J. Kelly applied the enhancement for a federal crime of terrorism to the defendant’s final sentence.


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e6b2c9 No.85739

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469021 (010024ZSEP23) Notable: #23908-B

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Merged notes from LB.

#23908-B complete

>>85628 New Frozen trailer just dropped

>>85629 Kamala Harris raises eyebrows with bizarre 'passage of time' speech

>>85630 More Jean-Pierre - KEK

>>85631 DJT - Wow! “A Super PAC set up to back Ron DeSanctimonious with $50 Million, is closing as donors have backed out

>>85632 Children's immune systems are damaged by Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA vaccine

>>85633 RINO John Roberts of FoxNews just put failed political candidate Chris Christie, and terminated A.G., lethargic Bill Barr, on to talk about your favorite President, ME!

>>85634 Gov. Healey activates National Guard to help emergency shelter hotels without providers

>>85635 BIDEN: "There's still some deniers out there in terms of whether or not climate change had anything to do with any of this and we're gonna need a whole hell of a lot more money."

>>85636 Georgia Governor Brian Kemp REJECTS State Lawmaker’s Effort to Remove Fulton County DA Fani Willis

>>85637 In a First, Scientists Fully Wipe a Cell's Memory Before Turning It Into a Stem Cell

>>85638 @DiedSuddenly - 🚨California boy, 12, collapses and dies during P.E. class of a heart attack.

>>85639 Trump Takes Over Social Media With Over 42 Million Views Across 31 Video Posts

>>85640 MattWallace888 - How does this picture make you feel?

>>85641 NY launches $650M incentive program meant to boost housing production

>>85642 After the coup in Gabon, revolutionaries uncovered suitcases & bags in the ousted President’s family home filled with bundles of banknotes, CFA francs, dollars and euros.‌‌

>>85643 Yahshua Robinson, 12, died during gym class in California after being forced to run for wearing the wrong clothes

>>85644 SGT report: Deborah Taveras, on weather weapons & suspicious fires in Santa Rose, now in MAUI

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e6b2c9 No.85740

File: 14a9bbd2e1d8ae2⋯.jpg (60.11 KB,580x589,580:589,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469038 (010027ZSEP23) Notable: Lou Dobbs: An investigation into Obama’s presidency is ‘justified’

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Lou Dobbs: An investigation into Obama’s presidency is ‘justified’


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e6b2c9 No.85741

File: 4b8b4b8690977b4⋯.jpg (33.75 KB,1087x166,1087:166,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469072 (010034ZSEP23) Notable: Mask Mandate Comeback Sparks 'We Will Not Comply' Movement

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Mask Mandate Comeback Sparks 'We Will Not Comply' Movement


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e6b2c9 No.85742

File: 1569cdb885df113⋯.jpg (71.22 KB,598x603,598:603,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469086 (010036ZSEP23) Notable: Judge says court will allow livestreaming of proceedings in the Georgia election interference case against former Pres. Trump and others.

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Assuming we already have this, posting it anyway.

NEW: Judge says court will allow livestreaming of proceedings in the Georgia election interference case against former Pres. Trump and others.


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e6b2c9 No.85743

File: 721e28153d70dcf⋯.png (575.77 KB,640x960,2:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469154 (010052ZSEP23) Notable: What’s Behind the Right’s ‘Obama Is Gay’ Conspiracy

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What’s Behind the Right’s ‘Obama Is Gay’ Conspiracy


Neal Gabler October 23, 2012

Books & the Arts

October 23, 2012

The wing-nuttery’s gaybaiting is not just a fringe phenomenon—it’s part of an old Republican tradition of macho posturing against Democrats.

This article appears in the November 12, 2012 issue.

  You probably know by now that President Obama is a Muslim who professes socialism and was born in Africa, making him ineligible to occupy our highest office. But here is something you may not know: Obama is gay. Not only is he gay; he frequented gay bathhouses in Chicago along with his former chief of staff and current Chicago mayor, Rahm Emanuel. And not only did he frequent those bathhouses; he was under the influence of a “transgender nanny” when he lived as a boy in Indonesia. Plus, he was “married” to his Pakistani roommate while attending Occidental College

(One theorist says that the ring he wore at the time was a “homosexual symbol for ‘women stay away’”); had a cocaine-fueled romance with a right-wing activist and ex-convict named Larry Sinclair in 1999 (who, of course, wrote a book about it); and orchestrated the murders of another gay lover and two gay associates from the Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s church just before Iowa caucuses in 2008

—all of which helps to explain why he married, in the words of one Obama investigator, a “mannish wife with big, muscular arms.”

These stories have been standard fare in right-wing circles and on right-wing websites for years. Google “Obama gay rumors” and you get—hold on!—15.5 million hits, most of them crackpots like conspiracy theorist Jerome Corsi, one of the original Swift Boaters, who interviewed a man who knew Obama at Occidental and described the future president’s relationship with his roommate as a “close, intimate emotional attachment,” even though the only evidence for that attachment was the fact that “I saw them standing very close to one another.” Or a blogger named Kevin DuJan, who reports that Reggie Love, the former basketball player who served as Obama’s “body man,” was actually the president’s lover and that it is “quite clear that in the years ahead Barack Obama will replace Elton John as the reigning party queen, gay icon.”

(DuJan also says he expects that Obama will retire to Honolulu after his defeat by Romney, where, “draped in colorful muumuus, with a retinue of hunky shirtless Secret Service studs around him, Barack Obama will find himself in a new kind of paradise no doubt.”) Or right-wing journalist Wayne Madsen, whose eponymous newsletter is the source on Obama’s visits to the bathhouse and revealed how Obama used basketball pickup games to pick up men. Madsen says Obama had homosexual trysts with Representative Artur Davis, Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick, and Senate majority leader Bill Frist! Who knew?

Meanwhile, Paul Cameron of the Family Research Institute, another right-wing organization dedicated to protecting the country from the likes of Obama, told a radio audience on VCY Crosstalk that while “I’m not sure about the claims by various people who have reported that Obama has at least participated at times with them in homosexual acts, this [support of gay marriage] certainly lends some credence.” Case closed.


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e6b2c9 No.85744

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469157 (010053ZSEP23) Notable: What’s Behind the Right’s ‘Obama Is Gay’ Conspiracy

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Citing a remark by Fox News host Greg Gutfeld that “Obama is now out of the closet” after the president announced his support for gay marriage, former George W. Bush speechwriter David Frum blogged at the Daily Beast, “You cannot ‘get’ Gutfeld’s joke unless you ‘get’ that a large part of his audience ardently believes that Obama is in fact gay, that his marriage is a sham, and that Mrs. Obama leads a life of Marie Antoinette–like extravagance to compensate for her husband’s neglect while he disports himself with his personal aides.”

But as much as the most extreme tales of the president’s supposed homosexuality have been confined to the crannies of the Internet, mainstream Republicans routinely invoke the idea that Obama is, if not exactly gay, then less of a man. When a loud noise was heard during Mike Huckabee’s address to the National Rifle Association, the former Arkansas governor quipped that it was Barack Obama diving for the floor after someone pointed a gun at him (because, presumably, the president is a sissy). Similarly, when John Edwards endorsed Obama in 2008, conservative columnist Kathleen Parker joked, “Well, at least they didn’t kiss.” And after the death of the American ambassador to Libya, Sarah Palin weighed in with: “If [Obama] doesn’t have a ‘big stick’ to carry, maybe it’s time for him to grow one.”

Of course, there’s nothing unusual about the wing-nuttery fabricating stories to rally their fellow nuts, and nothing unusual about the homophobes among them, especially on the religious right, attacking Obama as gay. But the persistent charges of his unmanliness—as if all gay men are unmanly and all women fainthearted—are part of a skein of Republican accusations and innuendoes against Democrats that goes back decades. It isn’t always that Democrats are gay, exactly. Gay becomes a proxy for effeminacy so that Republicans, in their antediluvian view of the world, can present themselves as tough he-men, and Democrats as weak girls. Or, in conservative commentator Jude Wanniski’s terms, Republicans are the “Daddy Party,” while Democrats are the “Mommy Party.” That is not intended as a compliment to the latter. Indeed, “feminized” is one of the dirtiest words in the Republican lexicon.

Long ago, the GOP apparently calculated that this was a great way to appeal to male voters, especially white male voters, who, until recently, made up roughly 40 percent of the electorate. The GOP aimed at a tradition of machismo, bluster, saber-rattling and muscle-flexing. It assumed that white males revere warriors, prefer action to talk, love the idea of shooting first and asking questions later; their movie heroes are John Wayne and GOP poster boy Clint Eastwood. These assumptions may have been based on stereotypes, but they seem to have worked. The Democratic Party has won the white male vote only twice since 1944—in 1960, when John Kennedy beat Nixon by just 0.2 percent among that group, and in Lyndon Johnson’s 1964 landslide, the only time since Roosevelt that Democrats won more than 50 percent of that demographic cohort. In short, if only white men voted, there would have been just two Democratic presidents since 1944. Not only that: every election save 1976, when Jimmy Carter eked out 47 percent of those voters, would have been a Republican landslide.

But even that may understate the extent to which Republicans have increasingly become the party of white men and the extent to which they seem to have sacrificed the female vote, especially the votes of single and minority women. According to a recent Pew Center survey, the GOP lead among white male voters has doubled, from 11 percent in 2008 to 22 percent in 2012. Men now constitute 52 percent of Republican voters according to the Pew survey, virtually all of them white, even though men make up less than 50 percent of the general population. By contrast, women constitute 57 percent of the Democratic vote, according to Pew. One might conclude that whatever other divisions there are between the parties, there is a gaping pink (Democrat) and blue (Republican) one or, to account for the racial component among those Republican voters, “pink and azure,” azure being a lighter, milkier shade of blue like the sky.

* * *


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e6b2c9 No.85745

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469168 (010056ZSEP23) Notable: What’s Behind the Right’s ‘Obama Is Gay’ Conspiracy

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It is impossible to say whether the Republican feminization of Democrats is a cause of this chasm or a result of it. There are obviously many factors at play. But it is certainly true that even as the white male vote as a percentage of the electorate has declined precipitously, the Republican proportion of that vote has steadily grown, from the upper fortieth percentile for Dewey in 1948 to the upper fiftieth percentile for Eisenhower to a consistent sixtieth percentile since 1980. The only disruptions in that trend are Carter’s 1976 election when Ford ceded some of those white Southern male votes, and the two Clinton elections, in which the tough-talking bantam billionaire Ross Perot siphoned off a large chunk of those voters.

The originator of the tactic to characterize Democrats as pansies and sissies may have been Wisconsin’s infamous junior senator, Joseph McCarthy. Though McCarthy’s stock in trade was wild accusations against alleged communists in the Democratic administrations of Roosevelt and Truman, he also brandished another, less remembered weapon: homosexual baiting, on the pretext that communists were often gay. This conflation of “treasonous” with “Democrats” and “gay” has proven to be a powerful one that seems to have had more legs than anti-communism by itself. As David Johnson documents in his history of political gay bashing, The Lavender Scare, once McCarthy publicized the accusations, his fellow Republicans and their allies in the right-wing press joyously leapt in. “Information is accumulating which shows that perversion has been so kindly regarded in the New Deal cult as to amount to a characteristic of that administration,” wrote the rabidly reactionary columnist Westbrook Pegler in June 1950. Along the same lines, Republican Senator William Jenner described the Truman administration as the “Fairy Deal.”

But the subtler message wasn’t that Democrats were gay. Again, it was that Democrats were like gays—that is, in the bizarre Republican equation, they were womanly, incapable of standing up to communists. Describing how McCarthy would deal with Stalin versus how the Democrats dealt with him, one of the senator’s aides said, “The two would talk man to man, not like a lot of pansy diplomats.”

The “pansy” in 1952 was Adlai Stevenson, the Democratic presidential candidate, and a former State Department official—one of those Ivy League–educated boys in striped pants that McCarthyite Republicans so reviled. Stevenson was divorced and had a reputation as a womanizer, but that didn’t stop Republicans from hurling innuendo. According to Stevenson biographer Porter McKeever, an Eisenhower supporter actively spread the rumor that Stevenson was gay, and someone even sent out an FBI impersonator to interview a friend of a Stevenson staff member about the governor’s alleged homosexuality. When Stevenson challenged Eisenhower again in 1956, gossip columnist Walter Winchell, who had traveled with Eisenhower during the campaign, compared Stevenson to transsexual Christine Jorgenson on his election night broadcast and said the election of Stevenson would put a “woman in the White House.” In four years, Stevenson had gone from being gay to being a woman.

It was much harder to stigmatize Kennedy, a war hero, or Johnson, a Texan, as effeminate, though their fear of being branded as such forced them into contortions. Johnson privately fretted that if he were to abandon Vietnam, the Republicans would question his manhood. But even as Republicans whispered about the Democrats’ lack of manliness, they managed to turn it into a loud metaphor—one in which government was, in Reagan’s words, “our national nanny” and diplomacy was another form of feminine surrender. In effect, the conservative message was not just that government was bad and that a less than bellicose foreign policy was feckless, but that government and diplomacy were emasculating. As Wall Street Journal columnist John Mihalic said of Jimmy Carter, he “didn’t like to threaten or rebuke. He wore sweaters and avoided the trappings of power. He even kissed Brezhnev!” All of which, he wrote, revealed Carter’s “true feminine spirit.”


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e6b2c9 No.85746

File: 083c9ce9cd8a0f9⋯.jpg (60.09 KB,588x756,7:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469172 (010057ZSEP23) Notable: Disney Channels, Including ABC and ESPN, Go Dark on Charter Spectrum In Major Carriage Dispute

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JUST IN 🚨 Disney’s TV channels, including ABC, ESPN, FX and Freeform, have gone dark on Charter Spectrum, the country’s second-largest cable TV provider, with 14.7 million subscribers. - Hollywood reporter


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e6b2c9 No.85747

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469176 (010057ZSEP23) Notable: What’s Behind the Right’s ‘Obama Is Gay’ Conspiracy

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And so it has been ever since. Michael Dukakis was featured in a right-wing comic book titled Magical Mike in which Dukakis starred as “Sheriff Pansy,” who pranced around in a dress. George H.W. Bush beat Dukakis among men by thirteen points, and among white men by nearly thirty. Even President Reagan joined in; after Dukakis endorsed several of his military policies, Reagan quipped, “We haven’t seen such a radical transformation since Dustin Hoffman played Tootsie.” Given his womanizing, Clinton couldn’t be tarred as either gay or feminine, so the Republicans used another tactic: he was portrayed as having been emasculated by Hillary, “the Lady Macbeth of Little Rock,” as The American Spectator called her during the 1992 campaign. Clinton lost the male vote by nearly the same margin as Dukakis and received only 36 percent of the white male vote.

What makes this feminization even more effective is the way the media—and not only the conservative media—pick it up, perhaps because it gives them a neat dialectic that turns every campaign into a movie, strong against weak, which is what the media are always trying to do. No one has latched on to this more tenaciously than the cop’s daughter, Maureen Dowd of The New York Times, even as she has deplored the “nasty Republican habit of portraying opponents as less than fully masculine.” So, in Dowd’s words, Al Gore is “so feminized and diversified and ecologically correct, he’s practically lactating”; John Edwards is a “Breck Girl”; Obama is “Obambi,” who preens like a “46-year-old virgin” and is “hung up on being seen as thoughtful,” even as he fears “being seen as a ‘dumb blond’”—which isn’t all that different from Ann Coulter calling Gore a “total fag” on Hardball or Edwards a “faggot” at a conservative conclave. As for John Kerry, the war hero, the Republicans, and the mainstream media quickly managed to make him seem French and effete against a swaggering cowboy Bush. And it was no surprise when a Newsweek cover story cast the 2008 election as a contest between beer (McCain) and arugula (Obama).

* * *

The problem for Republicans is that while their sixty years of macho posturing and Democrat-baiting may have paid huge electoral dividends in the past, the demographics are now running strongly against them. The proportion of white voters in the electorate is falling rapidly—it shrank from 91 percent in 1948 to 70 percent in 2004—and the proportion of white male voters is plummeting even more rapidly. Pretty soon there’s not going to be much azure for the Republicans to capture.

But the dirty little secret of political feminization that borders on misogyny may be that it was never entirely about politics; it was about fear. No one would accuse the Republican Party or its white male supporters of having a massive case of sexual repression, but the passion with which the party has prosecuted its feminizing agenda, as well as the ardor with which married blue-collar white males have embraced the party, even against their own economic self-interest, does prompt one to wonder if it might be a case of “Methinks the party doth protest too much.”

The point is that even though machismo and feminization may no longer be good politics, the tactic isn’t likely to disappear, either electorally or as a way of governing, because the Republicans can’t help themselves. They have been playing this game so long that it’s now in their DNA, which is why every conservative crackpot can’t wait to tell you that Barack Obama is gay.

Our fag blogger Ben Adler has the downlowdown on “Where Crazy Conservative Memes Are Invented” (September 25).


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e6b2c9 No.85748

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469198 (010101ZSEP23) Notable: Disney Channels, Including ABC and ESPN, Go Dark on Charter Spectrum In Major Carriage Dispute

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Disney Channels, Including ABC and ESPN, Go Dark on Charter Spectrum In Major Carriage Dispute


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e6b2c9 No.85749

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469239 (010109ZSEP23) Notable: #23910

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Notables - FINAL

#23910 >>85710

>>85711 YouTuber Ruby Franke was arrested after ‘emaciated’ child with duct tape around extremities ran for help

>>85712 Fayette County Woman Sentenced to Prison for Child Sex Trafficking

>>85713 Suspected drone ‘neutralized’ near Russian airport

>>85714 Ukraine threatens long-range strikes into Russia

>>85715, >>85716, >>85721, >>85722, >>85723 Jekyll Island

>>85717 Member state blocks EU military aid to Ukraine

>>85718 Green Bay Pastor Pleads Guilty to Online Crime Targeting a Venezuelan Child

>>85719 President Donald J. Trump reacts to the latest news that has exposed Biden’s ties to Ukraine

>>85720 Russian ally responds to demands for expulsion of Wagner troops

>>85724, >>85725, >>85726 Pentagon UFO office unveils official website for US government personnel to report sightings

>>85727 Kiev worries West might renege on F-16 deliveries

>>85728, >>85730, >>85731 Ukraine's FM Tells Critics Of Counteroffensive To "Shut Up" After NYT Piece

>>85729 Coach of North Texas girls’ softball team faces charge of sexual solicitation of a minor

>>85733 New York Police to Use Drones to Monitor Backyard Labor Day Parties

>>85734 Disney Slapped with Lawsuit After Allegedly Misleading Investors About Billion Dollar Losses


>>85736 Let's not forget that @JebBush predicted a 'pandemic' four years before it happened.

>>85737 Video Shows Employees At Chinese Firm Behind US Battery Plant Builder Wearing Red Army Outfits, Pledging Life To CCP

>>85738 Two former leaders of the Proud Boys organization were sentenced today for seditious conspiracy and other charges

>>85740 Lou Dobbs: An investigation into Obama’s presidency is ‘justified’

>>85741 Mask Mandate Comeback Sparks 'We Will Not Comply' Movement

>>85742 Judge says court will allow livestreaming of proceedings in the Georgia election interference case against former Pres. Trump and others.

>>85743, >>85744, >>85745, >>85747 What’s Behind the Right’s ‘Obama Is Gay’ Conspiracy

>>85746, >>85748 Disney Channels, Including ABC and ESPN, Go Dark on Charter Spectrum In Major Carriage Dispute


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e6b2c9 No.85750

File: 63038d4a77b9fac⋯.png (194.3 KB,512x276,128:69,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469252 (010110ZSEP23) Notable: #23911

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You And Your Families Are Safe

We Are With You

Digital Soldiers


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e6b2c9 No.85751

File: 545bbfcb26d58a7⋯.png (429.11 KB,634x355,634:355,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469271 (010113ZSEP23) Notable: Tucker Carlson claims Barack Obama enjoyed smoking CRACK and having gay sex

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Tucker Carlson claims Barack Obama enjoyed smoking CRACK and having gay sex - but that nobody reported it ahead of 2008 election


Kamal Sultan August 30, 2023

Tucker Carlson insisted it was 'really clear' that Obama had gay relations but that the media chose not to report on it

He accused the former president's team of threatening to ban anyone who reported on it from access to the campaign in 2008

The former Fox News host, 54, pointed to the accusation of Larry Sinclair who alleged that Obama bought and smoked cocaine before they had sex in 1999

By Kamal Sultan For Dailymail.Com

Updated: 03:38 EDT, 31 August 2023


Tucker Carlson has claimed Barack Obama was smoking crack and having sex with men - but the media failed to report it ahead of the 2008 presidential election.

The former Fox News host repeated the accusation of Larry Sinclair who alleged that Obama bought and smoked cocaine before they had sex in 1999.

The allegation, which emerged while then-Senator Obama was gearing up for the presidential election, was roundly condemned as an attempted political hatchet-job.

But Carlson claimed Wednesday that it was 'really clear' that Obama had been having a gay affair. He claimed the media didn't run the story because the Obama campaign team threatened to refuse access to the Democratic candidate.

Carlson, 54, speaking on the popular Adam Carolla Show, said: 'In 2008, it became really clear that Barack Obama had been having sex with men and smoking crack.'

DailyMail.com has contacted Obama's representatives for comment.

Tucker Carlson has claimed Barack Obama was smoking crack and having sex with men ahead of the 2008 presidential election


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e6b2c9 No.85752

File: 970312e0724886f⋯.png (583.99 KB,634x461,634:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469280 (010114ZSEP23) Notable: Tucker Carlson claims Barack Obama enjoyed smoking CRACK and having gay sex

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The former Fox News host insisted it was 'really clear' that Obama (pictured with his wife Michelle) had gay relations but that the media chose not to report on it

Tucker claims Obama had 'sex with men' and was 'smoking crack'

'A guy came forward, Larry Sinclair, and said "I'll sign an affidavit" and he did, "I'll do a lie detector" and he did,' he added.

'I smoked crack with Barack Obama and had sex with him", that was obviously true.'

Carlson was referencing the claims made by convicted felon Sinclair at the National Press Club in 2008 while Obama was running for president.

He said nobody reported on it due to threats from the Obama campaign.

'Nobody reported it not because they were squeamish about sex or drugs but because the Obama campaign said anyone who reports on this gets no access to the Obama campaign,' he said. 'So, they didn't report on it.'

'The amount of lying in the media about it was unbelievable.

'This happens all the time up and down government.'

Sinclair, who has spent time in prison for forgery, fraud and larceny, alleged that Obama, who was then a Senator, bought and smoked cocaine before having sex with him.

He also made another claim that the former president had another male lover and was connected to his death. These were detailed in Sinclair's self-published 2009 book 'Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder?'.

Sinclair, who served time in prison Arizona, Florida and Colorado, ran to become mayor of Florida town Cocoa in 2018.

He defended his allegations again during his failed campaign and said: 'I don’t need to say anything more.

'My book speaks for itself, and I do not backtrack anything that I said at that press conference.'

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e6b2c9 No.85753

File: 529610a55bdd9d5⋯.png (564.77 KB,634x464,317:232,Clipboard.png)

File: d6986c8e137021a⋯.png (649.14 KB,634x777,634:777,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469287 (010115ZSEP23) Notable: Tucker Carlson claims Barack Obama enjoyed smoking CRACK and having gay sex

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Carlson, 54, pointed to the accusation of Larry Sinclair (pictured) who alleged that Obama bought and smoked cocaine before they had sex in 1999

Carlson accused the former president's team of threatening to ban anyone who reported on it from access to the campaign

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e6b2c9 No.85754

File: 466946bea82d644⋯.png (448.96 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.png)

File: 97ba85a19bb43c1⋯.png (316.77 KB,634x429,634:429,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469293 (010117ZSEP23) Notable: Tucker Carlson claims Barack Obama enjoyed smoking CRACK and having gay sex

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Sinclair, who has spent time in prison for forgery, fraud and larceny, alleged that Obama, who was then a Senator, bought and smoked cocaine before having sex with him

At the time, Sinclair was dismissed by the media as a man with an extensive criminal record 'with a specialty in crimes involving deceit'.

But Carlson insisted the allegations were true. He said: 'The Larry Sinclair thing, that definitely happened.

'I talked to Larry Sinclair about it. Definitely it happened.

'Larry Sinclair has been in and out of prison 40 years ago, he's got a criminal record by definition and he's poor, he's got a disordered life, he's missing a tooth.

'I think he has a record of deception but this story if you listen to it in detail, is clearly true.'

He added: 'It's not going to change the world that Barack Obama likes dudes, I think this was well-known.'

Carlson also pointed to a redacted 1982 letter Obama sent to his ex girlfriend in which he detailed his gay sex fantasy.

'Barack Obama said so himself in a letter to his girlfriend. That's Barack Obama's business. I am not attacking him for liking dudes,' the former Fox News host said.

Obama, then 21, wrote to Alex McNear in November 1982, with whom he had been in a relationship during his time at Occidental College in Los Angeles.

He delved into the topic of homosexuality and confessed that he 'loves making love to men daily, but in the imagination,' according to the previously-redacted portion of the letter, which was obtained by the New York Post.

Obama described homosexuality as a way to detach from the present and potentially evade the recurring theatrics of earthly existence.

'In regard to homosexuality, I must say that I believe this is an attempt to remove oneself from the present, a refusal perhaps to perpetuate the endless farce of earthly life.'

Former President Barack Obama's gay sex fantasy was revealed in a newly obtained 1982 letter to his ex girlfriend

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e6b2c9 No.85755

File: 3db5a80c224c831⋯.png (559.26 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.png)

File: afda65e1aa7db88⋯.png (329.03 KB,634x357,634:357,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469303 (010118ZSEP23) Notable: Tucker Carlson claims Barack Obama enjoyed smoking CRACK and having gay sex

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Obama, then 21, wrote to Alex McNear in November 1982, with whom he had been in a relationship during his time at Occidental College in Los Angeles

He delved into the topic of homosexuality and confessed that he 'loves making love to men daily, but in the imagination,' according to the redacted portion of the letter

He admitted to a daily intellectual connection with men, but claims it was solely within the realms of imagination.

'You see, I make love to men daily, but in the imagination,' he said in the letter reported by the Post.

The letter, over 40 years old, was addressed to a former girlfriend and has resurfaced due to the extensive interview conducted by biographer David Garrow.

Obama explored the concept of an androgynous mindset, expressing his desire for a perspective that encompasses people as a whole, rather than segregating them into gender categories.

'My mind is androgynous to a great extent and I hope to make it more so until I can think in terms of people, not women as opposed to men,' he said.

Despite these confessions, Obama admitted in the letter that he has accepted his identity as a male and chooses to live by it.

'But, in returning to the body, I see that I have been made a man, and physically in life, I choose to accept that contingency,' he added.

Obama has been married to his wife Michelle, 59, since 1992 and share daughters Malia, 25, and Sasha, 22.

Obama has also come out in the past against homosexual marriage. He changed his view while in the White House, and helped celebrate the federal legalization of same-sex marriage in 2015

Obama has been married to his wife Michelle, 59, since 1992 and share daughters Malia, 25, and Sasha, 22

He has also come out in the past against homosexual marriage.

In 2004, Obama declared: 'I don't think marriage is a civil right,' and said he believed that homosexuality is 'not a choice.'

He changed his view while in the White House, and helped celebrate the federal legalization of same-sex marriage in 2015.

Carlson also hit out at the Biden Administration on The Adam Carolla Show and said they would do anything to win the election, including go to war with Russia.

'They are going to go to war with Russia, that’s what they are going to do,' he claimed.

'There will be a hot war between the United States and Russia in the next year.

'It’s a political matter, they need to declare war footing in order to assume war powers, in order to win.'

He added: 'I think we could Tonkin Gulf our way into it where all of a sudden missiles land in Poland and the Russians did it, our NATO ally has been attacked. We’re going to war.

'If you are worried about that you have to put as much pressure as you can on the Republican House senate to force a peace which can be done.'

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e6b2c9 No.85756

File: a4885bc6a5c5166⋯.png (870.28 KB,1258x851,34:23,Clipboard.png)

File: e71d94d6048e2fe⋯.png (1.23 MB,1259x877,1259:877,Clipboard.png)

File: 705c5161c0394de⋯.jpg (204.24 KB,1434x1166,717:583,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469322 (010123ZSEP23) Notable: PlaneFag Reports

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Southeast bound out of Dane County Regional Airport? (vic Madison, Wisconsin)


Squawking 6530

wonder who is on the plane.


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e6b2c9 No.85757

File: 67b3bfc46c1d06d⋯.png (225.99 KB,600x693,200:231,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469325 (010123ZSEP23) Notable: Biden calls Pete Buttigieg “Secretary BootyJuice”

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Chuck Callesto



Biden calls Pete Buttigieg “Secretary BootyJuice”..

We are truly living in a simulation .. 🤣🤣



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e6b2c9 No.85758

File: 1820c69b5986286⋯.png (554.95 KB,1919x765,1919:765,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469355 (010128ZSEP23) Notable: PlaneFag Reports

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US Q4 Drone squawking 7600 near Greece


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e6b2c9 No.85759

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469369 (010131ZSEP23) Notable: Natural Law Republic - John B Wells LIVE

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Live starting now.

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e6b2c9 No.85760

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469374 (010131ZSEP23) Notable: The unfinished third documentary UNconventional Grey by Michael J. Murphy

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UNconventional Grey


"The unfinished third documentary UNconventional Grey by Michael J. Murphy has been missing in action since 2016, the year Murphy had planned to release it. It is his third film of truth-telling about Geoengineering, the other two being What in the World Are They Spraying? (2010) and Why in the World Are They Spraying? (2012)."

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e6b2c9 No.85761

File: 935ac393f287c11⋯.png (5.04 MB,2122x1061,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469461 (010148ZSEP23) Notable: Portland trans activist allegedly destroyed and defecated inside teen girl's car over 'transphobia' claim

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Portland trans activist allegedly destroyed and defecated inside teen girl's car over 'transphobia' claim


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e6b2c9 No.85762

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469491 (010153ZSEP23) Notable: Portland trans activist allegedly destroyed and defecated inside teen girl's car over 'transphobia' claim

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Portland trans activist allegedly destroyed and defecated inside teen girl's car over 'transphobia' claim


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e6b2c9 No.85763

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469545 (010203ZSEP23) Notable: SpaceX Starlink Mission

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SpaceX Starlink Mission

SpaceX is targeting Thursday, August 31 at 10:21 p.m. ET (02:21 UTC on September 1) for a Falcon 9 launch of 22 Starlink satellites to low-Earth orbit from Space Launch Complex 40 (SLC-40) at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida. If needed, additional launch opportunities are available at 11:12 p.m. ET (03:12 UTC on September 1) and 11:29 p.m. ET (03:29 UTC on September 1). Six backup opportunities are also currently available on Friday, September 1 from 7:25 p.m. ET (23:25 UTC) until 10:56 p.m. ET (02:56 UTC on September 2).

This is the seventh flight for the first stage booster supporting this mission, which previously launched Crew-5, GPS III Space Vehicle 06, Inmarsat I6-F2, CRS-28, Intelsat G-37, and one Starlink mission. Following stage separation, the first stage will land on the A Shortfall of Gravitas droneship, which will be stationed in the Atlantic Ocean.



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e6b2c9 No.85764

File: 2a117b69ca3abe5⋯.jpeg (2.33 MB,4761x2381,4761:2381,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 03a2c2e567de3b4⋯.jpg (1.39 MB,2360x1592,295:199,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b913aaa8fd07c1a⋯.pdf (1.4 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469570 (010207ZSEP23) Notable: Obama Crimes Against Humanity Court Filing

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Obama should be at the ICC in The Hague for multiple Crimes Against Humanity.

He committed bio-terrorism against Mexico in 2008. Attached FBI docs

Involved in the CONVID by setting up the Ukraine BioLabs.

Also, tried to launch a Nuclear attack on a U.S. City.

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e6b2c9 No.85765

File: d0cfd3ee112b382⋯.png (65.74 KB,877x354,877:354,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469605 (010212ZSEP23) Notable: Biden is desperate to hide his corruption from the American people.

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Sen. Marsha Blackburn

The White House used executive privilege to prevent hundreds of emails regarding Hunter Biden’s business dealings and then-VP Joe Biden from being handed over to America First Legal.

Biden is desperate to hide his corruption from the American people.

7:49 PM · Aug 31, 2023


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e6b2c9 No.85766

File: 1e4c4e7c02b785c⋯.jpg (123.79 KB,503x548,503:548,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e8a91cd8f2a1a35⋯.jpg (149.35 KB,766x654,383:327,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 61f2fffa5a6b97a⋯.jpg (114.36 KB,1296x532,324:133,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9b6a67981054dc3⋯.jpg (113.63 KB,1154x679,1154:679,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1d8d65993792e54⋯.jpg (105.29 KB,640x658,320:329,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469610 (010212ZSEP23) Notable: Nada Bakos has links to the Foreign Policy Research Institute, Glass Global Consulting (according to Dun & Bradstreet), Lawfare/Brookings, The Cipher Brief, Foreign Policy.com, Seattle and Michael Morell.

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Re: PB

>>85610 Ex-CIA Agent Who Signed Propaganda Letter About Hunter Biden Laptop Tried To Conceal Twitter Job

Nada Bakos has links to the Foreign Policy Research Institute, Glass Global Consulting (according to Dun & Bradstreet), Lawfare/Brookings, The Cipher Brief, Foreign Policy.com, Seattle and Michael Morell. The Library of Congress lists 4 "Variants" to her name.

1/ 3

More Nada Bakos

Politico - Public Statement on the Hunter Biden Emails - October 19, 2020 -PDF


Foreign Policy Research Institute - Nada Bakos

StarbucksCorporation Public Affairs


Dun & Bradstreet - Glass Global Consulting -Nada Bakos - principle


Lawfare/Brookings - Contributors - Nada Bakos


The Cipher Brief - Nada Bakos


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e6b2c9 No.85767

File: f03cb363745b64a⋯.png (705.79 KB,569x680,569:680,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469619 (010214ZSEP23) Notable: One DeSantis Super PAC Closes Operations, The Second DeSantis Super PAC Pulls Out of Key States

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Rhonda's Panties

One DeSantis Super PAC Closes Operations, The Second DeSantis Super PAC Pulls Out of Key States


September 1, 2023

A very bad, terrible, no good news day for Ron DeSantis today.

A $50 million Super PAC scheduled to launch in support of his campaign was forced to abandon all hope after the donors backed out, essentially saying it was futile.

Then, moments later, the Never Back Down super PAC announced they were backing down from Super Tuesday states and halting all door-knocking activity in Nevada, California, North Carolina, and Texas. The burn rate on cash was too much and no resupply.

I said last year, when few would accept my prediction of a DeSantis effort, to settle into an unemotional spectator position, watch DeSantis launch and implode, then watch what happens to the financed influencer campaign as the cash runs out.

All of these interests will radically shift once the cash dries up. That’s exactly what is going on right now. Two stories:

(Daily Mail) – A super PAC set up to back Ron DeSantis with $50 million is closing as donors backed out – while its founder said the Florida governor’s campaign was guilty of ‘rookie s**t’ mistakes and he will now back Donald Trump.

John Thomas, a Republican strategist known as the ‘Billy the Kid of Political Battles’ set up ‘Ron to the Rescue’ in November and had secured financial commitments from mega-wealthy donors.

But he said the donors began having second thoughts after the botched DeSantis campaign launch on Twitter Spaces in May. (more)

Meanwhile, the formerly $200 million funded Never Back Down Super PAC, the group that was left carrying the brunt of the DeSantis campaign costs after relaunch, has pulled all major door-knocking operations from states. This announcement was more predictable because we could see the burn rate on NBD being ruinously high.

(Via NBC) – Never Back Down, the super PAC backing Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ presidential campaign, has ceased its door-knocking operations in Nevada, home to a key early nominating contest, and California, a delegate-rich Super Tuesday state, officials confirmed Wednesday.

They added that in recent weeks, the group also ended its field operations in North Carolina and Texas, two additional states that vote on Super Tuesday in March.

Never Back Down had pitched a wide-ranging canvassing effort throughout the early nominating states as the centerpiece of its effort to help boost DeSantis in the primary — even letting reporters inside its door-knocking boot camp in Iowa where it trained hundreds of canvassers earlier this year. The super PAC had planned to spend $100 million on the effort.

The decision to fold its door-knocking operations in Nevada and some Super Tuesday states coincides with DeSantis’ rough summer, which has featured him struggling to gain traction against the GOP front-runner, former President Donald Trump, since launching his campaign in late May. In recent weeks, DeSantis’ campaign has publicly promoted resets and staff shake-ups as he seeks to generate momentum. (read more)

Notice, this shift is happening after the first GOPe debate. The shrinking of the campaign effort is happening as more people get to know the candidate. This is the structural problem. The more people are exposed to Ron DeSantis, the more his polling support drops.

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e6b2c9 No.85768

File: 0037871217d6d4a⋯.pdf (778.77 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 59ec9dc7fd70a34⋯.pdf (693.1 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: b3c97545a688f05⋯.pdf (3.48 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469620 (010214ZSEP23) Notable: Obama and Ukraine in 2005

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Obama and Ukraine in 2005

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e6b2c9 No.85769

File: 30bd6cd9145e230⋯.jpg (73.42 KB,688x622,344:311,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f74e3afd196a084⋯.jpg (72.56 KB,673x571,673:571,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3f881cecd5cfefd⋯.jpg (105.7 KB,1103x624,1103:624,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 015f4e8985b48ba⋯.jpg (103.64 KB,1031x675,1031:675,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469621 (010214ZSEP23) Notable: Nada Bakos has links to the Foreign Policy Research Institute, Glass Global Consulting (according to Dun & Bradstreet), Lawfare/Brookings, The Cipher Brief, Foreign Policy.com, Seattle and Michael Morell.

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More Nada Bakos

Foreign Policy.com - Author - Nada Bakos


Library of Congress - Nada Bakos - 1 Sept 2023


Bakos, Nada Glass, 1969-

Colton, Nada Glass, 1969-

Colton, Nada Jean, 1969-

Holton, Nada, 1969-"

This webpage has changed, so Anon has provided Archived sauce from March and the current sauce.


Archived 13 Mar 2023


MountainFilm - Nada Bakos

search for Usama Bin Laden, Osama Bin Laden


Virtual International Authority File - Nada Bakos


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e6b2c9 No.85770

File: 8616cf32124891a⋯.jpg (200.73 KB,776x675,776:675,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 01d9e4eba739e82⋯.jpg (174.79 KB,1200x654,200:109,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1e0872853c9985e⋯.jpg (51.05 KB,920x524,230:131,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469627 (010215ZSEP23) Notable: Nada Bakos has links to the Foreign Policy Research Institute, Glass Global Consulting (according to Dun & Bradstreet), Lawfare/Brookings, The Cipher Brief, Foreign Policy.com, Seattle and Michael Morell.

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More Nada Bakos

Nada Bakos.com - CIA Targeter


Town Hall Seattle - Nada Bakos - Event


CBS News - Michael Morell Talks to Nada Bakos (CIA Targeting Officer)


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e6b2c9 No.85771

File: 325456e2b9d4088⋯.png (947.58 KB,838x696,419:348,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469710 (010231ZSEP23) Notable: Chris "Can't Stay Off CNN" Sununu: We’ve Got to Move McConnell, Feinstein Out of Leadership Position

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Chris "Can't Stay Off CNN" Sununu: We’ve Got to Move McConnell, Feinstein Out of Leadership Positions=


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e6b2c9 No.85772

File: e01fe9f527de931⋯.png (370.45 KB,1036x676,259:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469713 (010232ZSEP23) Notable: Trump Woke Up and Went on a 60-Post, QAnon-Fueled Social Media Spree

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Rolling Stone

Trump Woke Up and Went on a 60-Post, QAnon-Fueled Social Media Spree

Nikki McCann Ramirez

August 30, 2022

Among his Tuesday morning posting spree, Trump “re-truthed” the text of a message from Q, the conspiracy deity claiming to be a high-ranking government official with “Q” level security clearance, and whose adherents believe Trump will save America from a cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophiles.


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e6b2c9 No.85773

File: f8f863355926e0a⋯.png (700.37 KB,768x402,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469721 (010234ZSEP23) Notable: Justice Department contacted Hunter Biden over US Attorney Weiss' head, whistleblower's lawyer says

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Justice Department contacted Hunter Biden over US Attorney Weiss' head, whistleblower's lawyer says

IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley's lawyer said one day after speaking with the Justice Department


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e6b2c9 No.85774

File: 478786621dafef2⋯.png (463.54 KB,886x531,886:531,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469723 (010234ZSEP23) Notable: NBC's Ben Collins: QAnon Has Been Absorbed By The Militia Movement And Is Becoming A Violent Extremist Threat - 2022

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NBC's Ben Collins: QAnon Has Been Absorbed By The Militia Movement And Is Becoming A Violent Extremist Threat

Posted By Tim Hains

On Date August 31, 2022


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e6b2c9 No.85775

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469728 (010235ZSEP23) Notable: Tucker Carlson claims Barack Obama enjoyed smoking CRACK and having gay sex

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> Tucker Carlson claims Barack Obama enjoyed smoking CRACK and having gay sex - but that nobody reported it ahead of 2008 election

Obamas secret lover Larry Sanclair, someone died after he said this

BO was nasty. And evil. Wait until what he did to little kids comes out.


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e6b2c9 No.85776

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469773 (010244ZSEP23) Notable: Elon Musk calls his transgender daughter Vivian a 'communist' who thinks 'anyone rich is evil' and accuses private Santa Monica high school Crossroads of brainwashing her

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Elon Musk calls his transgender daughter Vivian a 'communist' who thinks 'anyone rich is evil' and accuses private Santa Monica high school Crossroads of brainwashing her

The remarks were published in an excerpt from Walter Isaacson's new biography

Musk calls rift with Vivian most painful moment since death of his firstborn

Blamed private school Crossroads for his child becoming 'a full communist'

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e6b2c9 No.85777

File: 68f894ba5ff43a5⋯.png (270.72 KB,1024x768,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469774 (010244ZSEP23) Notable: President Barack Obama used a pseudonym in email communications with Hillary Clinton and others, according to FBI records made public Friday. - 2016

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While Obama is in the news. Here's a great rehash:

President Barack Obama used a pseudonym in email communications with Hillary Clinton and others, according to FBI records made public Friday.


The disclosure came as the FBI released its second batch of documents from its investigation into Clinton’s private email server during her tenure as secretary of state.


The 189 pages the bureau released includes interviews with some of Clinton’s closest aides, such as Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills; senior State Department officials; and even Marcel Lazar, better known as the Romanian hacker “Guccifer.”

In an April 5, 2016 interview with the FBI, Abedin was shown an email exchange between Clinton and Obama, but the longtime Clinton aide did not recognize the name of the sender.

The State Department has refused to make public that and other emails Clinton exchanged with Obama. Lawyers have cited the “presidential communications privilege,” a variation of executive privilege, in order to withhold the messages under the Freedom of Information Act.

The report doesn’t provide more details on the contents of that particular email exchange, but says it took place on June 28, 2012, and had the subject line: “Re: Congratulations.” It may refer to the Supreme Court’s ruling that day upholding a key portion of the Obamacare law

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e6b2c9 No.85778

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469775 (010244ZSEP23) Notable: Elon Musk calls his transgender daughter Vivian a 'communist' who thinks 'anyone rich is evil' and accuses private Santa Monica high school Crossroads of brainwashing her

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Elon Musk blames elite LA school for brainwashing ‘communist’ trans daughter into hating him for being rich

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e6b2c9 No.85779

File: c8ac4e94bb1b734⋯.png (1.2 MB,1180x590,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469792 (010248ZSEP23) Notable: Guccifer, the Hacker Who Launched Clinton Email Flap, Speaks Out After Nearly a Decade Behind Bars

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Sorry, Not Sorry

Guccifer, the Hacker Who Launched Clinton Email Flap, Speaks Out After Nearly a Decade Behind Bars

Marcel Lehel Lazar walked out of Federal Correctional Institute Schuylkill, a Pennsylvania prison, in August 2021. The 51-year-old formerly known only as Guccifer had spent over four years incarcerated for an email hacking spree against America’s elite. Though these inbox disclosures arguably changed the course of the nation’s recent history, Lazar himself remains an obscure figure. This month, in a series of phone interviews with The Intercept, Lazar opened up for the first time about his new life and strange legacy.

Lazar is not a household name by unauthorized access standards — no Edward Snowden or Chelsea Manning — but people will be familiar with his work. Throughout 2013, Lazar stole the private correspondence of everyone from a former member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to “Sex and the City” author Candace Bushnell.

There’s an irony to his present obscurity: Guccifer’s prolific career often seemed motivated by an appetite for global media fame more than any ideology or principle. He acted as an agent of chaos, not a whistleblower, and his exploits provided as much entertainment as anything else. It’s thanks to Guccifer’s infiltration of Dorothy Bush Koch’s AOL account that the world knows that her brother — George W. Bush — is fond of fine bathroom self-portraiture.

“I knew all the time what these guys are talking about,” Lazar told me with a degree of satisfaction. “I used to know more than they knew about each other.”

Ten years after his email rampage, Lazar said that, back then, he’d hoped not for celebrity but to find some hidden explanation for America’s 21st century slump — a skeleton key buried within the emails of the rich and famous, something that might expose those causing our national rot and reverse it. Instead, he might have inadvertently put Donald Trump in the White House.

When Guccifer — a portmanteau of Lucifer and Gucci, pronounced with the Italian word’s “tch” sound — breached longtime Clinton family confidant Sidney Blumenthal’s email account, it changed the world almost by accident. Buried among the thousands of messages in Blumenthal’s AOL account he stole and leaked in 2013 were emails to HDR22@clintonemail.com, Hillary Clinton’s previously unknown private address. The account’s existence, and later revelations that she had improperly used it to conduct official government business and transmit sensitive intelligence data, led to something like a national panic attack: nonstop political acrimony, federal investigations, and depending on who you ask, Trump’s 2016 victory.

In the end, the way Guccifer might be best remembered was in the cooptation of his wildly catchy name for a Russian hacker persona: Guccifer 2.0. The latter Guccifer would hack troves of information from Democratic National Committee servers, a plunder released on WikiLeaks.

Eventually, a federal indictment accused a cadre of Russian intelligence operatives of using the persona Guccifer 2.0 to conduct a political propaganda campaign and cover for Russian involvement. As the Guccifer 2.0 version grew in infamy, becoming a central figure in Americans’ wrangling over Russian interference in the 2016 election, the namesake hacker’s exploits faded from memory.

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e6b2c9 No.85780

File: 54ef7035c5a3318⋯.png (339.98 KB,626x1043,626:1043,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469827 (010255ZSEP23) Notable: The Intelligence Department of the Ministry of Defence and Armed Forces Logistics said was able to prevent a sabotage attack in the defense industries of the Islamic Republic of Iran through a complicated plan.

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Iran Observer



⚡️Here's what happened:

The Intelligence Department of the Ministry of Defence and Armed Forces Logistics said was able to prevent a sabotage attack in the defense industries of the Islamic Republic of Iran through a complicated plan.

"Over the past months, a completely professional network that planned to bring faulty and equipped pieces into the production cycle for use in the production of advanced missiles in the missile industries of the defense ministry through the cooperation of some infiltration elements," the statement said, adding that, but the network "fell in a trap spread by the intelligence forces at the defense ministry and it was dismantled."

The intelligence force further said that the network was directed by the Israeli regime's Mossad who sought "to sell the equipped parts to turn the produced rockets into an explosive tool to hit industrial lines and employees working in that field."

"Despite the very complicated plot designed by the Zionist enemy, this action of the enemy was under intelligence and operational monitoring from the very beginning and was completely neutralized after detaining its agents


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e6b2c9 No.85781

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469848 (010258ZSEP23) Notable: If anyone is interested in the goals of Pope Francis, read these documents to the announcements, prior prophecies

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If anyone is interested in the goals of Pope Francis, read these documents to the announcements, prior propheciesand how the Church will usher the end Times, (not final) but might the “Great Awakening” in a major way.They are all connected, one of reasons why Rome must destroy Traditional Catholics through our Gov Agencies!

2021: the Synod that hasn’t happened on a grand scale for a 100 years. Reason is Catholics are leaving the Church of Rome and not donating enough to the Vatican!







Pope Francis is preparing a radical reform of the church’s power structures. (Preparing for entering in of the End Times and Antichrist to come)

VATICAN CITY (RNS) — In 2001, Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio was a rapporteur for the summit of bishops at the Vatican—and he did not like what he saw.

The Catholic Church had adopted a top-to-bottom approach that stripped local churches of any decision-making power, and the synod of bishops was reduced to nothing more than a stamp of approval for prepackaged conclusions made in Rome.

When Bergoglio emerged as Pope Francis in the 2013 conclave, the synodal process was high on his list for reform.

“There was a cardinal who told us what should be discussed and what should not,” Francis said about his experience at the 2001 General Synod in an interview with the Argentine newspaper La Nation in 2014. “That will not happen now,” he added.


The preparation process and the 2023 Synod have the potential to revolutionize the way decisions are made in the Catholic Churchand promote a more decentralized structure of authority

Published in 2001 and 2021

=On Oct. 9 and 10, Pope Francis will inaugurate a three-year preparation process for the 2023 Synod, which will focus on reforming the synodal process. The preparation process and the 2023 Synod, with the theme “For a Synodal Church: communion, participation and mission,” have the potential to revolutionize the way decisions are made in the Catholic Church and promote a more decentralized structure of authority.

“If people just think about this as a meeting on meetings, they are so missing the point,” said the Rev. David McCallum, executive director of the Program for Discerning Leadership of the Gregorian University in Rome and a member of the Synod Commission on Methodology, in an interview with Religion News Service.

The three-year synodal review process will take place in three phases: a local phase at the diocesan and parish level, a continental phase engaging bishops’ conferences around the world and a universal phase, when bishops and lay people will convene in Rome to discuss the findings and topics developed in the first two phases. To coordinate and guide the entire process, Pope Francis created a five-member steering committee flanked by two commissions on methodology and theology.…



Synod 2023 Preparatory Document

Published in 2021

For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, and Mission

1. The Church of God is convoked in Synod. The path entitled “For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, and Mission” will solemnly open on the 9th – 10th of October2021 in Rome and on the following 17th of October in each particular Church. One fundamental stage will be the celebration of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, in October 2023,[1] which will be followed by the implementation phase that will again involve the particular Churches (cf. EC, arts. 19-21). With this convocation, Pope Francis invites the entire Church to reflect on a theme that is decisive for its life and mission: “It is precisely this path of synodality which God expects of the Church of the third millennium.”[2] This journey, which follows in the wake of the Church’s “renewal” proposed by the Second Vatican Council, is both a gift and a task: by journeying together and reflecting together on the journey that has been made, the Church will be able to learn through Her experience which processes can help Her to live communion, to achieve participation, to open Herself to mission. Our “journeying together” is, in fact, what most effectively enacts and manifests the nature of the Church as the pilgrim and missionary People of God.…


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e6b2c9 No.85782

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469889 (010304ZSEP23) Notable: Dr. Robert Epstein On How Google Manipulates Swing Voters To Vote Democrat

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Dr. Robert Epstein On How Google Manipulates Swing Voters To Vote DemocratThey are going to put all their forces to steal 2024. These people vowed after 2016, they vowed they would never let this happen again! This was the scientist, a democrat, that proved Google helped steal 2020.



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e6b2c9 No.85783

File: 588db219e287c8e⋯.mp4 (1.16 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: b6c94c126fb8900⋯.png (828.64 KB,1232x966,88:69,Clipboard.png)

File: ec6ff30a1d84f90⋯.png (1.16 MB,1281x949,1281:949,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469902 (010308ZSEP23) Notable: Rudy Giuliani Says Sean Hannity, John Solomon & Mike Pompeo “BURIED” Hunter Laptop from Hell in 2019

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>>85719 President Donald J. Trump reacts to the latest news that has exposed Biden’s ties to Ukraine (PB)


faux water TRASH carrier, solomon, posts interview in which POTUS' voice is warbled, virtually unrecognizable. That's not even the worst of it. MANY Investigative reports were airing on OAN back in 2019 - including with Viktor SHOKIN, while (hannity, pompeo and) Controlled Opposition LAPDOG solomon BURIED the info - over FOUR and a half fucking YEARS ago.

VID (00:30) Around the 4:20 mark here: https://youtu.be/sdId5FR0LNU (warning, whoever’s “interviewing” him is terrible).

Rudy Giuliani Says Sean Hannity, John Solomon & Mike Pompeo “BURIED” Hunter Laptop from Hell in 2019 ‘I gave it to Hannity in early 2019, then to John Solomon, then to Mike Pompeo, who also buried it.’ https://archive.vn/OVucA https://www.sgtreport.com/2022/12/rudy-giuliani-says-sean-hannity-john-solomon-mike-pompeo-buried-hunter-laptop-from-hell-in-2019/

Sickening how the LONE legitimate NEWS network out there (OAN) has been eradicated from ALL major communist cable carriers and who gives a flying fuck? No WONDER this Country is FUBAR and our President has to fight SO much harder than he'd have to. We sure love our dumbing-down, clickbait ENTERTAINERS, don't we folks!

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e6b2c9 No.85784

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469926 (010315ZSEP23) Notable: Dr. Robert Epstein On How Google Manipulates Swing Voters To Vote Democrat

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Also Dr. Robert Epstein how google is preparing to steal 2024




Also on youtube Digital Shield videos

He says we have to stop them now. He will be back on Bannon to explain more, bit they need our help

War room doesn’t bother to publish the websites with data, so I’m going from memory here. Listen to the short video if I’ve got the sites wrong and update. Important mission Anons


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e6b2c9 No.85785

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469933 (010319ZSEP23) Notable: The President’s Pollster: John McLaughlin Gives An Update On Polls Leading Up To 2024 Election

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The President’s Pollster: John McLaughlin Gives An Update On Polls Leading Up To 2024 Election

Trump in a major lead now, thats why Google is actively getting involved!



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e6b2c9 No.85786

File: aa8ecf490e30293⋯.png (25.45 KB,768x768,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469972 (010333ZSEP23) Notable: Vitamin C promotes ACE2 degradation and protects against SARS-CoV-2 infection

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Vitamin C promotes ACE2 degradation and protects against SARS-CoV-2 infection

ACE2 is a major receptor for cellular entry of SARS-CoV-2. Despite advances in targeting ACE2 to inhibit SARS-CoV-2 binding, strategies to flexibly and sufficiently reduce ACE2 levels for the prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infection have not been explored. Here,...


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e6b2c9 No.85787

File: 4fab628837c53a6⋯.png (467.58 KB,500x327,500:327,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19469980 (010334ZSEP23) Notable: With new members, BRICS will control 80% of world crude oil production

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BRICS now controls 80% of the world's oil. (But we've got transgender bathrooms, so checkmate Putin!)

With new members, BRICS will control 80% of world crude oil production


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e6b2c9 No.85788

File: 3112d2ea094487d⋯.png (695.71 KB,700x420,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470004 (010340ZSEP23) Notable: Seven Famous Scholars Pass Away in a Week as China Experiences Another COVID Surge

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7 high-profile professors die in a week as 🇨🇳 PRC experiences a new CoViD-2019 EG.5 surge

Seven Famous Scholars Pass Away in a Week as China Experiences Another COVID Surge

In the past week, at least seven high-profile professors in Chinese universities died of illness, including an academician. Three were under 60 years of age.China has been experiencing a rene...


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e6b2c9 No.85789

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470032 (010347ZSEP23) Notable: Boris Epshteyn Gives His Analysis On Why The American People Want Trump

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Boris Epshteyn Gives His Analysis On Why The American People Want Trump. And why DeSantis is loosing. His pac “Never Back Door”, gave up on door nocking doors and Nevada & CA and other states. The other pac dropped him entirely today also. Boris is a little irritating but he has good info in this short video.

I wonder how much more power Trump would have if the entire controlled opposition is gone? The dems and Rinos must be paying them a lot. In his lucid moments, McConnell is powerful. Kek



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e6b2c9 No.85790

File: ef3aa150477d2e5⋯.png (889.86 KB,888x499,888:499,Clipboard.png)

File: cf656ae95d3c551⋯.png (549.33 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470037 (010347ZSEP23) Notable: "Brain fog after Covid linked to blood clots - study." So this is how they're going to cover it up (or try to cover it up). It was the "covid," not the "vaccine."

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BBC: "Brain fog after Covid linked to blood clots - study." So this is how they're going to cover it up (or try to cover it up). It was the "covid," not the "vaccine."

Brain fog after Covid linked to blood clots - study

A UK study links two proteins in the blood of hospital patients to thinking and memory problems.


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e6b2c9 No.85791

File: e082e1491e330a1⋯.mp4 (4.36 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

File: c62aa5cd81d9dfc⋯.png (148.87 KB,826x700,59:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470049 (010349ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - 𝐓𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐌𝐏 𝐭𝐨 𝟖𝟖𝟎𝟐𝟐

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Donald J. Trump

𝐓𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐌𝐏 𝐭𝐨 𝟖𝟖𝟎𝟐𝟐




**This is the FINAL Battle

Aug 31, 2023, 11:33 PM


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e6b2c9 No.85792

File: 47ac1e7ed194e41⋯.png (737.11 KB,710x869,710:869,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470057 (010350ZSEP23) Notable: Police: South Carolina Woman Caught Trafficking Enough Fentanyl to Kill 500K People

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This wacko girl's bigger crime is her dumb and totally out-of-place face EYE tattoo

Police: South Carolina Woman Caught Trafficking Enough Fentanyl to Kill 500K People


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e6b2c9 No.85793

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470083 (010355ZSEP23) Notable: #23911

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Notables - FINAL

#23911 >>85750

>>85751, >>85752, >>85753, >>85754, >>85755, >>85775 Tucker Carlson claims Barack Obama enjoyed smoking CRACK and having gay sex

>>85756, >>85758 PlaneFag Reports

>>85757 Biden calls Pete Buttigieg “Secretary BootyJuice”

>>85759 Natural Law Republic - John B Wells LIVE

>>85760 The unfinished third documentary UNconventional Grey by Michael J. Murphy

>>85761, >>85762 Portland trans activist allegedly destroyed and defecated inside teen girl's car over 'transphobia' claim

>>85763 SpaceX Starlink Mission

>>85764 Obama Crimes Against Humanity Court Filing

>>85765 Biden is desperate to hide his corruption from the American people.

>>85766, >>85769, >>85770 Nada Bakos has links to the Foreign Policy Research Institute, Glass Global Consulting (according to Dun & Bradstreet), Lawfare/Brookings, The Cipher Brief, Foreign Policy.com, Seattle and Michael Morell.

>>85767 One DeSantis Super PAC Closes Operations, The Second DeSantis Super PAC Pulls Out of Key States

>>85768 Obama and Ukraine in 2005

>>85771 Chris "Can't Stay Off CNN" Sununu: We’ve Got to Move McConnell, Feinstein Out of Leadership Position

>>85772 Trump Woke Up and Went on a 60-Post, QAnon-Fueled Social Media Spree

>>85773 Justice Department contacted Hunter Biden over US Attorney Weiss' head, whistleblower's lawyer says

>>85774 NBC's Ben Collins: QAnon Has Been Absorbed By The Militia Movement And Is Becoming A Violent Extremist Threat - 2022

>>85776, >>85778 Elon Musk calls his transgender daughter Vivian a 'communist' who thinks 'anyone rich is evil' and accuses private Santa Monica high school Crossroads of brainwashing her

>>85777 President Barack Obama used a pseudonym in email communications with Hillary Clinton and others, according to FBI records made public Friday. - 2016

>>85779 Guccifer, the Hacker Who Launched Clinton Email Flap, Speaks Out After Nearly a Decade Behind Bars

>>85780 The Intelligence Department of the Ministry of Defence and Armed Forces Logistics said was able to prevent a sabotage attack in the defense industries of the Islamic Republic of Iran through a complicated plan.

>>85781 If anyone is interested in the goals of Pope Francis, read these documents to the announcements, prior prophecies

>>85782, >>85784 Dr. Robert Epstein On How Google Manipulates Swing Voters To Vote Democrat

>>85783 Rudy Giuliani Says Sean Hannity, John Solomon & Mike Pompeo “BURIED” Hunter Laptop from Hell in 2019

>>85785 The President’s Pollster: John McLaughlin Gives An Update On Polls Leading Up To 2024 Election

>>85786 Vitamin C promotes ACE2 degradation and protects against SARS-CoV-2 infection

>>85787 With new members, BRICS will control 80% of world crude oil production

>>85788 Seven Famous Scholars Pass Away in a Week as China Experiences Another COVID Surge

>>85789 Boris Epshteyn Gives His Analysis On Why The American People Want Trump

>>85790 "Brain fog after Covid linked to blood clots - study." So this is how they're going to cover it up (or try to cover it up). It was the "covid," not the "vaccine."

>>85791 Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - 𝐓𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐌𝐏 𝐭𝐨 𝟖𝟖𝟎𝟐𝟐

>>85792 Police: South Carolina Woman Caught Trafficking Enough Fentanyl to Kill 500K People


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e6b2c9 No.85794

File: ddb95b3c77c4f5c⋯.jpg (32.03 KB,400x400,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470089 (010356ZSEP23) Notable: #23912

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Ghost Protocols Of The Learned Bakers Of 8Kun ACTIVATED

This Kitchen is VACANT

Baker Self Confirm

Godspeed Patriots


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e6b2c9 No.85795

File: 70c9a9804263641⋯.png (389.46 KB,768x384,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470141 (010408ZSEP23) Notable: Ivermectin Worked: New Peer-Reviewed Study Proves It'

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Ivermectin Worked: New Peer-Reviewed Study Proves It'

A preprint paper showing ivermectin’s effectiveness against COVID-19 in Peru convinced a group of doctors that widespread ivermectin distribution could end the pandemic in October 2020 Because the paper wasn’t yet peer-reviewed, it was brushed off; ivermec...


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e6b2c9 No.85796

File: c6c413ca942127a⋯.png (624.4 KB,946x812,473:406,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470147 (010409ZSEP23) Notable: Bombshell Report Soros DA Fani Willis Has Connections to a Sprawling Web of Election Fraud and Money Laundering Activities

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Bombshell Report Soros DA Fani Willis Has Connections to a Sprawling Web of Election Fraud and Money Laundering Activities


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e6b2c9 No.85797

File: e4ac92092b44671⋯.png (798.64 KB,736x514,368:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470172 (010414ZSEP23) Notable: U.S. Strategic Command Hosts Former Iranian Official Who Bragged About Efforts to Assassinate U.S. Leaders

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U.S. Strategic Command Hosts Former Iranian Official Who Bragged About Efforts to Assassinate U.S. Leaders

U.S. military leaders earlier this month hosted a former top Iranian official who came under fire last year for bragging about the hardline regime’s efforts to assassinate American leaders.


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e6b2c9 No.85798

File: 50ee6d22cd1a825⋯.png (860.86 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470186 (010417ZSEP23) Notable: Pentagon to release declassified UFO photos, videos and reports on new website

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Pentagon to release declassified UFO photos, videos and reports on new website

The Pentagon announced during a press briefing Thursday that it will release declassified information on UFOs/UAPs on a new website that will include videos, photos and more.



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e6b2c9 No.85799

File: ef8d08159e7b407⋯.png (509.13 KB,700x420,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470204 (010421ZSEP23) Notable: CCP-Aligned Confucius Institute Continuing to Indoctrinate Oklahoma Students, State Superintendant Warns

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CCP-Aligned Confucius Institute Continuing to Indoctrinate Oklahoma Students, State Superintendant Warns

Oklahoma Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters is raising the alarm about an apparent effort by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) sympathizers to propagandize students in his state.In July, the...



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 17d166 No.10758211 📁

Sep 23 2020 14:03:37 (EST)

Who controls [wields significant influence] re: the 'Clinton' [D] party?



Who controls [wields significant influence] re: the 'Hussein' [D] party?


Different factions of foreign [primary] control?

Who paid _Hussein's Harvard Law Degree?

Who financed _Hussein's political life?

Who is Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal?

Why are Hussein's school records under seal?

Competing factions [each with a horse in the race] seeking direct WH control [+USMIL][+Trillions _overseas transfer of US taxpayer funds]?

All working together [coordinated][infiltration not invasion][VJ _HA].

What happens to US taxpayer funds transferred overseas under guise of AID, MIL, CLIMATE, etc.?

US taxpayers funding the destruction of America?



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 01bac9 No.10592443 📁

Sep 10 2020 15:37:06 (EST)


Worth remembering.

Infiltration and placement under 44.


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e6b2c9 No.85800

File: 417f9b1b0b42cdf⋯.png (278.01 KB,600x592,75:74,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470221 (010425ZSEP23) Notable: >@SecDef designated and @POTUS approved Ms. Wendy Noble to serve as NSA's 20th Deputy Director and senior civilian leader

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Aug 30

Today,@SecDef designated and @POTUS approved Ms. Wendy Noble to serve as NSA's 20th Deputy Director and senior civilian leader, becoming the third woman in the 70-plus year history of NSA to hold this position.nsa.gov/Press-Room/Press-Rel…


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e6b2c9 No.85801

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470243 (010430ZSEP23) Notable: Dr. Sebastian Gorka: "I guess the 'Never Back Down' super PAC is backing down"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/19470075. PB

Gorka and Bannon Interview, DeSantis etc

Seb says something very interesting at the end, (paraphrased) that Tucker and others are talking about what do they want to do to Trump, assassinate him?

Seb says: “We saw what they tried to do at the Capitol”. Bannon changed the subject right away, “I gotta bounce, we’ll talk about that next week”

Very informative video on multiple subjects, but stressed that Trump was always the leader at the WH, he never wavered but figured how to get around his appointees of agencies! He always knew what he was going to do before meeting with them, but it was tradition’. Kek, sounds true.

Dr. Sebastian Gorka: "I guess the 'Never Back Down' super PAC is backing down"



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e6b2c9 No.85802

File: ce07458a0cfdfd4⋯.png (299.39 KB,925x693,925:693,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470365 (010502ZSEP23) Notable: Bidenomics: US Pending Home Sales Decline -14% Year-Over-Year as M2 Money Growth Worst Since 1933 and the Great Depression

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Bidenomics: US Pending Home Sales Decline -14% Year-Over-Year as M2 Money Growth Worst Since 1933 and the Great Depression


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e6b2c9 No.85803

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470388 (010508ZSEP23) Notable: Michigan police memos raised concern about possible nationwide voter registration fraud scheme

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Michigan police memos raised concern about possible nationwide voter registration fraud scheme

Michigan authorities suspected there was a possible voter registration fraud scheme occurring across multiple states during the 2020 election and were concerned enough to bring in the FBI, according to police memos reviewed by Just the News. But what happened since remains mostly a mystery.

According to the dozens of pages of police reports from the Muskegon Police Department and Michigan State Police, a firm called GBI Strategies was under scrutiny as an organization central to alleged voter registration fraud in the 2020 presidential election, which was first investigated by city and state authorities before the FBI took over.

Contacts between local law enforcement and the FBI continued into 2022 but there is no evidence of what happened after that in the memos obtained by Just the News through state Freedom of Information FOIA requests.

Police from Michigan interviewed GBI Strategies employees there and cited specific instances of registrations that appeared suspicious or fraudulent, the memos show. One State Police memo described the possible crime being investigated as "Election Fraud by Forgery."


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e6b2c9 No.85804

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470391 (010508ZSEP23) Notable: Speaking in 2009, Austrian investigative journalist, warned the world about the WHO's intention to usurp national sovereignty,

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"Speaking in 2009, Austrian investigative journalist, warned the world about the WHO's intention to usurp national sovereignty, along with its plans for forced injections of a "biological weapon" disguised as a vaccine


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e6b2c9 No.85805

File: b40793b6ea1c2a8⋯.png (329.92 KB,595x561,35:33,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470401 (010510ZSEP23) Notable: These two heroes did something!

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These two heroes did something!

Traci and Nick from Granbury, Texas sent me this photo of the billboard in their town supporting Trump.

Wouldn’t it be great if these started going up all across America.


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e6b2c9 No.85806

File: 091495acb275640⋯.png (948.21 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470417 (010514ZSEP23) Notable: You’re Next! Soviet Commiefornia Democrats Want to ARREST Texas Governor Greg Abbott in New “Criminal” Probe Over Shipping Illegals to the “Sanctuary” State

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You’re Next! Soviet Commiefornia Democrats Want to ARREST Texas Governor Greg Abbott in New “Criminal” Probe Over Shipping Illegals to the “Sanctuary” State

L.A. County Council Urges Lawsuit Against Texas Governor Over Migrant Buses

The Los Angeles city council has decided to pursue a lawsuit and criminal probe against Governor Greg Abbott over Texas' migrant busing program.


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e6b2c9 No.85807

File: 138882fee5b7855⋯.png (226.23 KB,480x281,480:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470440 (010517ZSEP23) Notable: BOYCOTT!! Dave & Busters Sponsors a 'Child Drag Show' At a Wisconsin Pride Fest

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BOYCOTT!! Dave & Busters Sponsors a 'Child Drag Show' At a Wisconsin Pride Fest

Dave & Busters Sponsors a 'Young Entertainers Drag Show' At a Wisconsin Pride

Most people head to Dave & Busters expecting to have fun, play games, maybe get an adult beverage or four. It’s kind of like a grown-up Chuck E. Cheese - all the arcade fun sans the animatronic rats and small children.


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e6b2c9 No.85808

File: b2e6b0a9a31b815⋯.png (369.7 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470478 (010523ZSEP23) Notable: Kids stand up for their peer kicked out of class for his Gadsden patch Classmates 'are putting 'Don't Tread on Me' on their lockers'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kids stand up for their peer kicked out of class for his Gadsden patch Classmates 'are putting 'Don't Tread on Me' on their lockers'

Kids Put Gadsden Flags on Their Lockers After Their Peer Was Kicked Out of Class for His

"I'm big on Twitter and now they like me all of a sudden. But the teachers, on the other hand - I got some dirty looks, that's for sure."


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e6b2c9 No.85809

File: 3509e7850da8fcc⋯.png (755.82 KB,755x752,755:752,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470486 (010525ZSEP23) Notable: Raffensperger Testimony Supports Trump Defense in Georgia Case

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Raffensperger Testimony Supports Trump Defense in Georgia Case


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e6b2c9 No.85810

File: abe8706ea032584⋯.png (807.91 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470490 (010525ZSEP23) Notable: Biden laughs at question about Kevin McCarthy’s request for his bank records

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

=Biden laughs at question about Kevin McCarthy’s request for his bank records: ‘Hee-hee-hee’==

President Biden tried to laugh off a question Thursday about whether he will comply with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s request for his bank records ahead of a possible impeachment inquiry.


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e6b2c9 No.85811

File: 88e023218635e48⋯.png (607.76 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470513 (010530ZSEP23) Notable: Soviet Union-Born Sergey Brin Demonetizes YouTube Channel Over Video of Democrats Challenging Election Results

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Soviet Union-Born Sergey Brin Demonetizes YouTube Channel Over Video of Democrats Challenging Election Results

YouTube Demonetizes Channel Over Video of Democrats Challenging Election Results

YouTube has demonitized a channel over a video for the crime of making Democrats look like raging hypocrites.


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e6b2c9 No.85812

File: 82fc91994a9797d⋯.png (670.34 KB,1092x712,273:178,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470523 (010531ZSEP23) Notable: Ted Cruz: 88 Attacks on Crisis Pregnancy Centers, But DOJ Uses ‘Entire Weight and Force of FBI’ Against Non-Violent Pro-Life Protestors

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ted Cruz: 88 Attacks on Crisis Pregnancy Centers, But DOJ Uses ‘Entire Weight and Force of FBI’ Against Non-Violent Pro-Life Protestors


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e6b2c9 No.85813

File: aee92afd12d36ed⋯.png (722.48 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470531 (010533ZSEP23) Notable: EU to deport Ukrainian men who fled the draft but will keep all the Muslim invaders. (RT)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

EU to deport Ukrainian men who fled the draft but will keep all the Muslim invaders.

Ukraine could seek extradition of military-aged men from EU – senior MP

Kiev might request extradition of those Ukrainians who "illegally" left the country to escape mobilization, a senior MP has said


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e6b2c9 No.85814

File: 12b461d8d791c3d⋯.png (464.67 KB,636x382,318:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470535 (010534ZSEP23) Notable: Trump blasts 'fearmongering' over new COVID strain and claims 'left wing lunatics' are trying to bring back lockdowns and mask mandates to steal the 2024 election

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trump blasts 'fearmongering' over new COVID strain and claims 'left wing lunatics' are trying to bring back lockdowns and mask mandates to steal the 2024 election

Trump blasts threats of the RETURN of COVID mandates

Donald Trump criticized the 'fearmongering' over a new COVID strain and claimed 'left wing lunatics' are trying to bring back lockdowns and mask mandates to steal the 2024 election.


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e6b2c9 No.85815

File: 5b671473e5b4d13⋯.png (155.83 KB,768x483,256:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470541 (010535ZSEP23) Notable: The AI that could kill all humans

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The AI that could kill all humans is being made. Imagine China creates AI war machines that can kill everything within a certain latitude and longitude. The US and Russia will have to create the same AI. After that a AI super computer could take control and kill all humans.

Pentagon to field thousands of autonomous systems soon, official says

In an effort to counter China's military buildup, the Pentagon is planning to purchase thousands of affordable, autonomous systems to field "across


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e6b2c9 No.85816

File: fe54df9a9ac44db⋯.png (755.92 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

File: fe54df9a9ac44db⋯.png (755.92 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470561 (010538ZSEP23) Notable: Appeals Court Smashes Government Habit of Dodging Financial Liabilities

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Appeals Court Smashes Government Habit of Dodging Financial Liabilities

Agencies sued for violating the constitution pull out at the last minute It’s a tactic that’s actually been seen over and over: A government agency gets sued for one of its practices, an...


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e6b2c9 No.85817

File: b9356bb84279eff⋯.png (469 KB,768x328,96:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470568 (010540ZSEP23) Notable: Democratic Massachusetts Gov. Maura Healey is deploying 250 National Guard troops to help with the state’s migrant crisis

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Get fucked: Democratic Massachusetts Gov. Maura Healey is deploying 250 National Guard troops to help with the state’s migrant crisis

‘State Of Emergency’: Dem Gov Calls On National Guard Over Migrant Crisis

Democratic Massachusetts Gov. Maura Healey is deploying 250 National Guard troops to help with the state's migrant crisis, she said in a statement Thursday.


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e6b2c9 No.85818

File: 1e100e0420c4f65⋯.png (588.84 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470581 (010544ZSEP23) Notable: Whadya know, the Mar-a-Lago employee who flipped on Trump is a democrat operative

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Whadya know, the Mar-a-Lago employee who flipped on Trump is a democrat operative.

PICTURED: Mar-a-Lago staffer - and part-time DJ - who flipped on Trump

DailyMail.com can reveal the Mar-a-Lago IT director, Yuscil Taveras, 45, a New York native, is a registered Democrat who once filed for bankruptcy and had moonlighted as 'DJ Juicy'.


BootyJuice? hmmm

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e6b2c9 No.85819

File: c8704684d3e0329⋯.jpg (76.65 KB,720x1011,240:337,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e248323b5d4c0cb⋯.mp4 (2.33 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470593 (010549ZSEP23) Notable: Helicopter dropping Bill Gates' mosquitoes.

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Millions of Vaccine filled mini syringes, you won't get vaccinated? The mosquitos will do it for you, oh and also malaria


Helicopter dropping Bill Gates' mosquitoes.

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e6b2c9 No.85820

File: f2282989c5bac92⋯.png (540.67 KB,1284x1176,107:98,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470600 (010551ZSEP23) Notable: Texas Supreme Court allows law banning child sex changes to go into effect

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BREAKING: Texas Supreme Court allows law banning child sex changes to go into effect.

Imagine going back to 1950 and trying to explain this headline.

We are in the dystopian future.

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e6b2c9 No.85821

File: 997e652034f917b⋯.png (915.03 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470609 (010553ZSEP23) Notable: We're importing chickenpox, measles, leprosy, polio, and other communicable diseases thanks to Biden administration

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

We're importing chickenpox, measles, leprosy, polio, and other communicable diseases thanks to Biden administration immigration policies

Are Biden’s immigration policies allowing dangerous diseases into our country?

This is a serious problem that the administration should address as soon as possible.


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e6b2c9 No.85822

File: 827071c01179d64⋯.png (144.45 KB,441x545,441:545,Clipboard.png)

File: 292e9c9794fd480⋯.mp4 (12.26 MB,1080x842,540:421,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470614 (010554ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - THANK YOU—MAGA!!!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



12:38am ET


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e6b2c9 No.85823

File: 3c3b901cdae66e7⋯.png (271.95 KB,666x436,333:218,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470632 (010558ZSEP23) Notable: We're importing chickenpox, measles, leprosy, polio, and other communicable diseases thanks to Biden administration

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


This meme simplifies what is happening too much, it's not just the border

CRISPER is bring these fuckers back as well.

BIO PATRIOT ACT bring these fuckers back as well

VIrginia Benassi bring these fuckers back as well.

Wellcome trust and WHO bring these fuckers back as well *they maybe coordinating it as a leak to experiment on people while profiting and collecting big data

so the meme only SCRATCHES the surface, and one is dumbed down blindly following the meme. Nothing personal about Mike, but he refused to analyze George Webb cause it takes too long.

Hate to say it mike it makes you IGNORANT about this topic.

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e6b2c9 No.85824

File: 03adefbb1e92cd6⋯.png (254.58 KB,1095x941,1095:941,Clipboard.png)

File: 054979ee4ceadb5⋯.png (454.69 KB,603x824,603:824,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470644 (010603ZSEP23) Notable: We're importing chickenpox, measles, leprosy, polio, and other communicable diseases thanks to Biden administration

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



HeLa Cells (thanks CIA)

PLAGUE AIDS (fauci's nazi refridgerator) POLIO (bad vaccine was accident or amplifiecation on purpose?)

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e6b2c9 No.85825

File: 631103b5b07259e⋯.png (685.17 KB,650x433,650:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470650 (010605ZSEP23) Notable: Rolling Stone has the manifesto for the racist Jacksonville killer already

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Waiting for it....

Rolling Stone has the manifesto for the racist Jacksonville killer already


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e6b2c9 No.85826

File: a25a340c2b1be2f⋯.png (854.9 KB,768x384,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470757 (010635ZSEP23) Notable: Genetic Paper Trail proves covid is completely artifical, synthetic, & intentional

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Genetic Paper Trail proves covid is completely artifical, synthetic, & intentional

"Unnatural evolution": indisputable evidence for deliberate and systematic creation of circulating covid variants

Comprehensive panels of "reversion mutations" found in general circulation look like an experime


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e6b2c9 No.85827

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470801 (010646ZSEP23) Notable: Trump Georgia election trial will be televised and live streamed, judge says

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trump Georgia election trial will be televised and live streamed, judge says


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e6b2c9 No.85828

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470832 (010658ZSEP23) Notable: The NanoWire Murder - Wuhan Links To Lieber NanoWire?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The NanoWire Murder - Wuhan Links To Lieber NanoWire?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e6b2c9 No.85829

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470835 (010700ZSEP23) Notable: The NanoWire Murder - Wuhan Links To Lieber NanoWire?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

same name different video

The UNC NanoWire Murder - Wuhan Connects To Lieber’s NanoWire?

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e6b2c9 No.85830

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470849 (010708ZSEP23) Notable: #23912

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Notables - FINAL

#23912 >>85794

>>85795 Ivermectin Worked: New Peer-Reviewed Study Proves It'

>>85796 Bombshell Report Soros DA Fani Willis Has Connections to a Sprawling Web of Election Fraud and Money Laundering Activities

>>85797 U.S. Strategic Command Hosts Former Iranian Official Who Bragged About Efforts to Assassinate U.S. Leaders

>>85798 Pentagon to release declassified UFO photos, videos and reports on new website

>>85799 CCP-Aligned Confucius Institute Continuing to Indoctrinate Oklahoma Students, State Superintendant Warns

>>85800 >@SecDef designated and @POTUS approved Ms. Wendy Noble to serve as NSA's 20th Deputy Director and senior civilian leader

>>85801 Dr. Sebastian Gorka: "I guess the 'Never Back Down' super PAC is backing down"

>>85802 Bidenomics: US Pending Home Sales Decline -14% Year-Over-Year as M2 Money Growth Worst Since 1933 and the Great Depression

>>85803 Michigan police memos raised concern about possible nationwide voter registration fraud scheme

>>85804 Speaking in 2009, Austrian investigative journalist, warned the world about the WHO's intention to usurp national sovereignty,

>>85805 These two heroes did something!

>>85806 You’re Next! Soviet Commiefornia Democrats Want to ARREST Texas Governor Greg Abbott in New “Criminal” Probe Over Shipping Illegals to the “Sanctuary” State

>>85807 BOYCOTT!! Dave & Busters Sponsors a 'Child Drag Show' At a Wisconsin Pride Fest

>>85808 Kids stand up for their peer kicked out of class for his Gadsden patch Classmates 'are putting 'Don't Tread on Me' on their lockers'

>>85809 Raffensperger Testimony Supports Trump Defense in Georgia Case

>>85810 Biden laughs at question about Kevin McCarthy’s request for his bank records

>>85811 Soviet Union-Born Sergey Brin Demonetizes YouTube Channel Over Video of Democrats Challenging Election Results

>>85812 Ted Cruz: 88 Attacks on Crisis Pregnancy Centers, But DOJ Uses ‘Entire Weight and Force of FBI’ Against Non-Violent Pro-Life Protestors

>>85813 EU to deport Ukrainian men who fled the draft but will keep all the Muslim invaders. (RT)

>>85814 Trump blasts 'fearmongering' over new COVID strain and claims 'left wing lunatics' are trying to bring back lockdowns and mask mandates to steal the 2024 election

>>85815 The AI that could kill all humans

>>85816 Appeals Court Smashes Government Habit of Dodging Financial Liabilities

>>85817 Democratic Massachusetts Gov. Maura Healey is deploying 250 National Guard troops to help with the state’s migrant crisis

>>85818 Whadya know, the Mar-a-Lago employee who flipped on Trump is a democrat operative

>>85819 Helicopter dropping Bill Gates' mosquitoes.

>>85820 Texas Supreme Court allows law banning child sex changes to go into effect

>>85821, >>85823, >>85824 We're importing chickenpox, measles, leprosy, polio, and other communicable diseases thanks to Biden administration

>>85822 Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - THANK YOU—MAGA!!!

>>85825 Rolling Stone has the manifesto for the racist Jacksonville killer already

>>85826 Genetic Paper Trail proves covid is completely artifical, synthetic, & intentional

>>85827 Trump Georgia election trial will be televised and live streamed, judge says

>>85828, >>85829 The NanoWire Murder - Wuhan Links To Lieber NanoWire?


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e6b2c9 No.85831

File: f2563fe00bf41c3⋯.png (738.14 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470855 (010710ZSEP23) Notable: #23913-A

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




The Kitchen Is Vacant

Baker Self Confirm

Godspeed Patriots


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e6b2c9 No.85832

File: daf31802de45352⋯.png (448.89 KB,700x394,350:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470885 (010720ZSEP23) Notable: Sen. Johnson Claims CDC 'Abused Authority,' Engaged In 'Censorship Campaign' Of COVID-19 Vaccine Posts

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sen. Johnson Claims CDC 'Abused Authority,' Engaged In 'Censorship Campaign' Of COVID-19 Vaccine Posts

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) has accused the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of working with Big Tech to censor his social media posts about COVID-19 vaccines.

n an Aug. 28 letter to CDC Director Dr. Mandy Cohen, the Republican lawmaker said he is continuing to review the health agency's alleged efforts to "coordinate with social media companies to censor COVID-19 vaccine information."

Mr. Johnson stated that, based on information he has allegedly received from Elon Musk's X Corp., along with documents made public through the discovery process of state-led lawsuits against the Biden administration, "it is clear that CDC abused its authority by engaging in a censorship campaign to suppress and discredit certain viewpoints it labeled as 'misinformation.'"

The Wisconsin senator, who has been a vocal advocate for people who claim to have been injured by COVID-19 vaccines, went on to cite the censorship of his own Jan. 3, 2022 post on X, formerly known as Twitter, in which he highlighted data from the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Reporting System (VAERS) database.

In that post, Mr. Johnson wrote: "Sadly, we passed two milestones on VAERS. Over 1 million advisers events and over 21,000 deaths, 30 percent of those deaths occurred on day 0, 1, or 2 following vaccination.

"When will federal agencies start being transparent with Americans? Why do they continue to ignore early treatment?" he concluded.

The post, which included a screenshot of the data from VAERS, was labeled "misleading" in a note explaining that health officials consider COVID-19 vaccines to be "safe for most people."

According to Mr. Johnson, who is the ranking member on the Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, all replies, shares, or likes of the post were subsequently blocked.

The lawmaker claims he later questioned officials at Twitter—prior to Mr. Musk's takeover—as to why his post had been labeled "misleading" but received no response.

He was later told by the platform’s new leadership that executive branch officials, particularly from the CDC, "communicated with social media companies, including Twitter, about 'COVID vaccine misinformation.'"


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e6b2c9 No.85833

File: e6eba945ad746c6⋯.png (522.04 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470888 (010721ZSEP23) Notable: U.S. Approves First-Ever Arms to Taiwan Under Foreign Aid Program

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

U.S. Approves First-Ever Arms to Taiwan Under Foreign Aid Program

President Joe Biden's administration has approved a first military transfer to Taiwan under the Foreign Military Financing program.


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e6b2c9 No.85834

File: d7772ac1f48efe2⋯.jpg (11.55 KB,255x255,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470895 (010723ZSEP23) Notable: "ALICE Training" contact a school about conducting a live shooter drill, and the school agrees

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

So whats the deal with the school shooters?

How do these kids end up as mass murders?

They litterally ask them to help.........

So in the following MSM report, a man was "asked" to LARP an active shooter for a drill at a hospital. Being a helpfull guy, he aggreed to participate, but what happened next nearly became a nightmare.

The Police turned up, and being "unaware" that a drill was taking place, they immediatly identified him as the gunman, and proceed to arrest him at gun point.

They were very, very lucky not to be killed by the cops, who thought that a real shooting was taking place.


So this got me digging......dig dig dig, and what I found is truly shocking.

The way it works is as follows.

These guys, "ALICE Training" contact a school about conducting a live shooter drill, and the school agrees.



So now they ask the teachers to identify some loner kid, who likes guns, and they ask them to participate as the gunman. ALICE also has an AI programm that scours social media to find "incriminating" posts, stuff that the media can run with, to vilify the kids involved.

They get a loner, because society views them as freaks, so it's not necessay to ask why he did it, they just dismiss them as weirdo, crazies etc.

So this kid does what hes asked to do, they probably make hime feel good, that he's helping to save lives etc, so they cooperate, and they walk in, do thier thing and everyone has a great time, and lots of training has made the world a safer place.

They are told to LARP a shooting, and then wait in the cafe, or library, or staff room, at the end. Look at all of the SS vids, and you will this.

But this is the problem.

They, the school, and Alice, deliberatly OMIT TO NOTIFY LEO.

These are called "unannounced" training exercises, and it doesnt take a lot of thought to realise the implications of this.

The cops turn up, guns blazing.........

Now you would obviuosly assume that this is very unusual, the potential for loss of live is too great, and that no-one would really do that, right?



















They set these kids up, the cops walk in, and kill the kids, thinking they are actual shooters, or they jail them for life, and all they did was cooperate.

EVERY ONE of these school shootings is a clown OP.

And ALICE TRAINING is behind it all.

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e6b2c9 No.85835

File: 9d3ccc68febcaf4⋯.png (349.06 KB,768x384,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470899 (010724ZSEP23) Notable: Asshole who owns TicketMaster and HSN says Netflix is the reason the strikes are going on and everyone should make separate deals, including PPV deals.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Asshole who owns TicketMaster and HSN says Netflix is the reason the strikes are going on and everyone should make separate deals, including PPV deals. Which would, of course, benefit him in no way, at all.

Hollywood studios should save themselves by ditching Netflix, making their own labor deal, Barry Diller says

Hollywood's legacy studios need to settle the writers and actors strikes soon even if it means cutting their own deals without Netflix and Amazon or face "catastrophic" consequences to their business, entertainment mogul Barry Diller says.


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e6b2c9 No.85836

File: 2cf3754e2c9aab2⋯.png (639.96 KB,640x335,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470902 (010726ZSEP23) Notable: Biden Targets Six Communities to Dump New York City's Migrants

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Biden Targets Six Communities to Dump New York City's Migrants

Biden's deputies have targeted six communities in New York and New Jersey to resettle migrants now overflowing shelters in New York City.


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e6b2c9 No.85837

File: 91a09d0c03e84cb⋯.png (440.99 KB,768x431,768:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470905 (010727ZSEP23) Notable: Writers on MTV Unscripted Series 'Ridiculousness' File to Unionize

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Diversity Hires vote to Commie-fy another hollywood production. Hiring commies, never, not once!

Writers on MTV Unscripted Series 'Ridiculousness' File to Unionize

The MTV staple, which also has a number of spinoffs and foreign versions that air around the world, is hosted and produced by Rob Dyrdek.


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e6b2c9 No.85838

File: 7efbe46a5fab52d⋯.png (919.22 KB,1211x675,1211:675,Clipboard.png)

File: a2d9eb00c37e51e⋯.png (296.87 KB,606x784,303:392,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470915 (010734ZSEP23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump I am being “railroaded” by a highly partisan and corrupt system of INJUSTICE, headed up by an opponent who is losing in the polls

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Donald J. Trump


I am being “railroaded” by a highly partisan and corrupt system of INJUSTICE, headed up by an opponent who is losing in the polls and, simultaneously with all of this, destroying our once Great Country! This Mark Levin interview is a MUST WATCH!

Sep 01, 2023,3:02AM


Mark Levin


My appearance on Fox this morning

Mark Levin: This Is An Abuse Of The Justice System!

Mark Levin: “What the American people are seeing here is an abuse of the justice system. And judges, at least the judge in D.C., the judge in Manhattan, and we’ll see about Georgia, are going along with it. In other words, they are allowing their courtrooms to be used to interfere with an election and to deny Trump and other defendants their due process rights. This is very, very important.”



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e6b2c9 No.85839

File: cbf2bee26d4ec44⋯.png (404.38 KB,567x812,81:116,Clipboard.png)

File: bf7591007504776⋯.jpg (216.39 KB,1080x1084,270:271,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470959 (010759ZSEP23) Notable: Fulton County Court will live-stream Trump trial.

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Mike Davis 


Great news: Fulton County Court will live-stream Trump trial.

Voters will get to see for themselves why this is a bogus political indictment.

And blatant election interference.

By an utter buffoon: Atlanta’s Fani Willis.

“I’m Donald Trump, and I approve this message.”


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e6b2c9 No.85840

File: 7068ab07ee645f1⋯.png (223.86 KB,535x389,535:389,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470972 (010809ZSEP23) Notable: San Francisco: 18 people died of a drug overdose on Wednesday. No media attention.

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Katie Daviscourt

San Francisco: 18 people died of a drug overdose on Wednesday.

No media attention.


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e6b2c9 No.85841

File: 784606487f81bd4⋯.png (284.92 KB,1919x652,1919:652,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470990 (010819ZSEP23) Notable: PF British spy plane squawking 7700

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British spy plane squawking 7700


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e6b2c9 No.85842

File: c07a7a10756e44c⋯.png (248.67 KB,611x922,611:922,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470995 (010822ZSEP23) Notable: Spike Detox Goes Mainstream: First-Ever Protocol Appears in U.S. Medical Journal

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Spike Detox Goes Mainstream: First-Ever Protocol Appears in U.S. Medical Journal

Here's the published protocol for getting better:

Nattokinase: 2000 fibrin units (100 milligrams) orally twice a day without food

Bromelain: 500 milligrams orally once a day without food

Curcumin: 500 milligrams orally twice a day (nano, liposomal, or with piperine additive suggested)


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e6b2c9 No.85843

File: be38a6053cbd588⋯.png (4.45 MB,1011x8023,1011:8023,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19470999 (010826ZSEP23) Notable: Spike Detox Goes Mainstream: First-Ever Protocol Appears in U.S. Medical Journal

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August 27, 2023

First-Ever Spike Detox Protocol Appears in US Medical Journal: Here’s How You Can Get Better

Dr. Peter McCullough reveals three key substances for breaking down spike proteins, reducing inflammation, and mitigating the risk of blood clotting.

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e6b2c9 No.85844

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471013 (010838ZSEP23) Notable: Newt Gingrich Tonight on Life, Liberty and Levin

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Donald J. Trump ReTruthed

Newt Gingrich Tonight on Life, Liberty and Levin




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e6b2c9 No.85845

File: 77745bba9800b7e⋯.png (365.49 KB,786x761,786:761,Clipboard.png)

File: 35030d531ffe8d3⋯.png (238.5 KB,888x537,296:179,Clipboard.png)

File: b988a539d08f4d7⋯.png (246.53 KB,888x673,888:673,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471023 (010842ZSEP23) Notable: Another judge from a Marxist family

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Donald J. Trump ReTruthed

Mark Levin


Another judge from a Marxist family


Judge in Trump Jan. 6 case, Tanya S. Chutkan is scion of Marxist revolutionaries

The judge assigned to former President Trump’s multiple indictments stemming from his efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election is the scion of a family of revolutionary Marxists in her native Jamaica.

Judge Tanya S. Chutkan, an Obama appointee, is the granddaughter of Frank Hill, a Jamaican communist revolutionary, who along with his brother Ken were briefly jailed by the island’s British governor during World War II over suspicions of “subversive activities.”

Hill is the father of Noelle Hill, Judge Chutkan’s mother, public records show.

Frank, along with his brother Ken Hill, and fellow comrades Richard Hart and Arthur Henry, were expelled from the People’s National Party of Jamaica for espousing communist views, according to local Jamaican media.

“Ken Hill, by far the most influential, was more pragmatic and less concerned with political theory than most members of the left. He probably began to consider himself a communist both as a result of the influence of his brother Frank and also his observation of the course of world events,” Hart wrote of the brothers in Towards Decolonisation: Political, Labour and Economic Developments in Jamaica 1938–1945 — a dense tome he published in 1999.

Judge Chutkan has already raised suspicions among conservatives over what they insist is politically motivated bias from the bench.

Earlier this month, Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz introduced a resolution calling for Judge Chutkan to be censured and investigated over “open bias and partisanship in the conduct of her official duties” citing her past supportive comments toward Black Lives Matter rioters in 2020.


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e6b2c9 No.85846

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471024 (010842ZSEP23) Notable: We have to recognize that we have a growing police state in America, and that police state is controlled by one party, the Democrat Party.

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Donald J. Trump ReTruthed

Mark Levin


We have to recognize that we have a growing police state in America, and that police state is controlled by one party, the Democrat Party.

Biden Plus DOJ Equals Police State



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e6b2c9 No.85847

File: 7a4e664fb0fd90a⋯.png (58.52 KB,889x350,127:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471025 (010843ZSEP23) Notable: Jay Bratt, one of Jack Smith's hitmen, is almost as sleazy as Smith.

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Donald J. Trump ReTruthed

Mark Levin


Jay Bratt, one of Jack Smith's hitmen, is almost as sleazy as Smith. He's accused by another lawyer of extortion, of pushing for the warrant and SWAT team attack on Mar-a-Largo, and now secret backdoor meetings at the White House - 3 times. It's about time that Comer or somebody issue a subpoena to get this hitman's testimony?


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e6b2c9 No.85848

File: 2ea7e7c31d10169⋯.png (50.16 KB,918x323,54:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471026 (010843ZSEP23) Notable: Trust me, nobody sees Pence as Reagan except Rove (who opposed Reagan in the ‘76 and ‘80 primaries)

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Donald J. Trump ReTruthed

Mark Levin


Trust me, nobody sees Pence as Reagan except Rove (who opposed Reagan in the ‘76 and ‘80 primaries) and the New York Times, which hated Reagan. If that’s the political play, it sure isn’t going to fool anybody, especially conservatives.


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e6b2c9 No.85849

File: 0ffbd73a3a3c0ac⋯.png (106.55 KB,478x545,478:545,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471031 (010846ZSEP23) Notable: Panic! Speedy Trials

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e6b2c9 No.85850

File: 290bd464a2ccfc7⋯.png (295.7 KB,900x708,75:59,Clipboard.png)

File: 9af8a76efd4e571⋯.png (744.71 KB,1259x949,1259:949,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471032 (010847ZSEP23) Notable: But their is no system of justice. Our Court System is rigged against me!

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Donald J. Trump


But their is no system of justice. Our Court System is rigged against me!

Mark Levin


Well said

Gingrich to Levin: Trump Is Getting the Last Laugh - The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator…

Gingrich could not describe better what is happening in the battle between America’s corrupt political establishment and Trump.

The American Spectator | USA News and Politics


Sep 01, 2023,3:17AM

Sep 01, 2023, 3:17 AM


==Gingrich to Levin: Trump Is Getting the Last Laugh-

The former president’s foes are reelecting him.

Here was this recent headline over there at Fox News:

Trump’s polls bump up after every indictment because voters see him putting country before self: Gingrich

The story by Fox reporter Charles Creitz starts by noting this:

Former President Donald Trump’s booking at Atlanta’s notorious “Rice Street” jail did not have the intended effect Democrats were hoping for, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, R-Ga., suggested to Fox News.

In an interview on “Life, Liberty & Levin,” Gingrich — whose Cobb County district lies just northwest of where Trump turned himself in — said people in the Peach State and beyond are recognizing what the situation actually represents.

Host Mark Levin, a former Reagan Justice Department chief of staff, noted the poll bumps, saying many Americans regardless of party don’t like how the criminal justice system is evolving during the Biden era.

“I think that Trump is not a candidate — Trump is the leader of a movement,” Gingrich replied. “He’s the personification of an establishment that is totally corrupt, destroying anything that gets in its way.”

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e6b2c9 No.85851

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471033 (010847ZSEP23) Notable: But their is no system of justice. Our Court System is rigged against me!

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In short? Bingo.

The famous ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu had these words of wisdom for those involved in battle. In his classic book The Art of War, Sun Tzu advised:

Know the enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles you will never be in peril. When you are ignorant of the enemy, but know yourself, your chances of winning or losing are equal. If ignorant both of your enemy and yourself, you are certain in every battle to be in peril.

Nothing could better describe what is happening in the battle between America’s corrupt political establishment and the former president. The establishment has repeatedly shown its ignorance of the millions of Americans who are Trump supporters for a reason. And it has shown a stubborn refusal to grasp the depth of its own political corruption. (READ MORE from Jeffrey Lord: Fani Willis Indicts Free Speech)

Gingrich added this in his talk with Levin:

“I think many people who may or may not like Trump’s personality, but they look at this and they think, ‘Here are my choices. I’m going to side with a totally corrupt administration or I’m going to side with the guy who has the guts to stand there and take the beating and keep coming.” …

On Fox News, Gingrich said Trump could have retired comfortably after the 2020 election, and have been confident none of the charges in Atlanta, Washington, New York or Miami would have been lodged against him.

But instead, Trump decided to put the preservation of the American system before his own personal risks or interest, he said.

“If he’d retired, none of these charges would ever have occurred, and instead, he said, ‘You know, the country is worth going through this,’ and I think that’s given him support in places that normally wouldn’t have supported him.”

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e6b2c9 No.85852

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471035 (010847ZSEP23) Notable: But their is no system of justice. Our Court System is rigged against me!

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Back in the 1950s, the young Massachusetts Sen. John F. Kennedy wrote what became a Pulitzer Prize–winning bestseller titled Profiles in Courage.

Amazon today describes JFK’s book in this fashion:

During 1954-55, Kennedy, then a junior senator from the state of Massachusetts, profiled eight American patriots, mainly United States Senators, who at crucial moments in our nation’s history, revealed a special sort of greatness: men who disregarded dreadful consequences to their public and private lives to do that one thing which seemed right in itself. They were men of various political and regional allegiances—their one overriding loyalty was to the United States.

Courage such as these men shared, Kennedy makes clear, is central to all morality—a man does what he must in spite of personal consequences—and these exciting stories suggest that, without in the least disparaging the courage with which men die, we should not overlook the true greatness adorning those acts of courage with which men must live.

Note the description of the men on whom JFK focused:

[They were] men who disregarded dreadful consequences to their public and private lives to do that one thing which seemed right in itself. They were men of various political and regional allegiances—their one overriding loyalty was to the United States.

Courage such as these men shared, Kennedy makes clear, is central to all morality—a man does what he must in spite of personal consequences.

As the repeated indictments of former President Trump keep coming, famously now resulting in a literal mug shot, nothing could be more certain that in this thunderous battle against a deeply corrupted political establishment, Trump has quite vividly shown himself to be a decided “Profile in Courage.” Trump has shown — exactly as Gingrich says — that he is willing to challenge Americans as to whether they will:

side with a totally corrupt administration … or side with the guy who has the guts to stand there and take the beating and keep coming.

Clearly the American people have made their choice. They stand with Trump.

The former president’s polls are skyrocketing. Money is surging into his campaign at record levels. (RELATED from Jeffrey Lord: Trump Leads Big Time in New Poll)

And it is a safe bet that when his rallies resume, they will be filled to over-flowing with tens and hundreds of thousands of Americans making it crystal clear that they stand with Trump — not with the corrupted political establishment now personified by President Joe Biden, Attorney General Merrick Garland, special counsel Jack Smith, and Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis.

As the 2024 election unfolds, and this monumental battle between Trump and a seriously corrupt political establishment proceeds, American history of the most vivid kind is being written.

With millions of Americans understanding that America itself is under attack — and they must fight back. Knowing full well that, beyond the former president, they themselves are the target.

I would add that, collectively in response, they have joined the former president, who stands defiantly as a Profile in Courage.

And they — and he — are not going away.


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e6b2c9 No.85853

File: 8cd9bb9c5b2c70d⋯.jpg (53.23 KB,515x373,515:373,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471037 (010848ZSEP23) Notable: But their is no system of justice. Our Court System is rigged against me!

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But their is no system of justice

Top KEK Sir

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e6b2c9 No.85854

File: a77201e9030c5be⋯.png (9.18 KB,255x171,85:57,Clipboard.png)

File: da8cb8190eb40ee⋯.png (1.21 MB,900x1200,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: d381dec0fa8b909⋯.jpg (39.92 KB,640x427,640:427,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471039 (010849ZSEP23) Notable: But their is no system of justice. Our Court System is rigged against me!

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their vs there

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e6b2c9 No.85855

File: c537c526784e255⋯.png (451.95 KB,640x335,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471045 (010853ZSEP23) Notable: Woke Disney Sued for Deliberately Misleading Investors About Streaming Losses

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Woke Disney Sued for Deliberately Misleading Investors About Streaming Losses

Nolte: Woke Disney Sued for Deliberately Misleading Investors About Streaming Losses

The Walt Disney Co. faces another lawsuit accusing management of deliberately deceiving investors about the financial health of Disney+.


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e6b2c9 No.85856

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471052 (010856ZSEP23) Notable: But their is no system of justice. Our Court System is rigged against me!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Back in the 1950s, the young Massachusetts Sen. John F. Kennedy wrote what became a Pulitzer Prize–winning bestseller titled Profiles in Courage.

Amazon today describes JFK’s book in this fashion:

During 1954-55, Kennedy, then a junior senator from the state of Massachusetts, profiled eight American patriots, mainly United States Senators, who at crucial moments in our nation’s history, revealed a special sort of greatness: men who disregarded dreadful consequences to their public and private lives to do that one thing which seemed right in itself. They were men of various political and regional allegiances—their one overriding loyalty was to the United States.

Courage such as these men shared, Kennedy makes clear, is central to all morality—a man does what he must in spite of personal consequences—and these exciting stories suggest that, without in the least disparaging the courage with which men die, we should not overlook the true greatness adorning those acts of courage with which men must live.

Note the description of the men on whom JFK focused:

[They were] men who disregarded dreadful consequences to their public and private lives to do that one thing which seemed right in itself. They were men of various political and regional allegiances—their one overriding loyalty was to the United States.

Courage such as these men shared, Kennedy makes clear, is central to all morality—a man does what he must in spite of personal consequences.

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e6b2c9 No.85857

File: 468d06e1a1754d1⋯.png (441.44 KB,899x645,899:645,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471056 (010859ZSEP23) Notable: We have a fraud dressed up as a judge in Washington D.C. who is a radical Obama hack

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump ReTruthed


Mark Levin




We have a fraud dressed up as a judge in Washington D.C. who is a radical Obama hack. Subscribe to the Mark Levin Show podcast for free here.



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e6b2c9 No.85858

File: 468d06e1a1754d1⋯.png (441.44 KB,899x645,899:645,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471060 (010859ZSEP23) Notable: Keep Indicting your Political Opponent, it makes no difference for what, or why.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


Keep Indicting your Political Opponent, it makes no difference for what, or why. Keep him off the “campaign trail” and in the courthouse instead. Don’t think of his Rights, the Constitution, or Liberty. Sit back and WATCH AMERICA CRUMBLE!

Sep 01, 2023, 3:09 AM


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e6b2c9 No.85859

File: 8a87771e91b834c⋯.png (1.1 MB,1080x1632,45:68,Clipboard.png)

File: 45f52a5a5337b75⋯.png (1.5 MB,1072x1934,536:967,Clipboard.png)

File: 31e2c03eef551dc⋯.png (261.67 KB,904x621,904:621,Clipboard.png)

File: d1a7fdadc5d73c7⋯.png (279.66 KB,898x663,898:663,Clipboard.png)

File: d265067688b553c⋯.png (252.15 KB,712x960,89:120,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471074 (010904ZSEP23) Notable: Trump: Victim of a Radically Transformed Federal Judiciary

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Donald J. Trump ReTruthed

Mark Levin


This is a very important article. The House GOP must now address it via a new judiciary act, and the Senate GOP must begin to use the filibuster to stop the takeover of the federal judiciary by the Democrat Party-Marxists. This is a life-or-death situation for the republic, and part of the the Democrat Party's power grab. They must be stopped. I have also been emphasizing this a lot.


Trump: Victim of a Radically Transformed Federal Judiciary

By Steve McCann

The judicial persecution of Donald Trump has exposed the blatant political bias that animates many Federal District Court judges. Packing the Federal Judiciary at all levels with left-wing judges is the cornerstone of the Marxist Democrat Party strategy to permanently transform America. If they win the presidency in 2024, they will have succeeded in packing the Federal Judiciary by the end of the term on January 20, 2029.

This process began in earnest with Barack Obama. He came into office determined to fill the judiciary with left-wing judges, and he succeeded, as virtually every one of his appointments has revealed their bias and leftist ideology while serving on the various courts. Joe Biden has followed in Obama’s footsteps by nominating equally if not more ideologically bound left-wing judges.

The following federal judges are not animated by upholding the law or the Constitution but instead are motivated by political considerations and their allegiance to statist ideology.

District JudgeBeryl Howell(Obama appointee) coordinated with the Department of Justice to deny Trump his constitutional rights and indict him on specious criminal charges pertaining to document retention and January 6th, 2021. She deliberately, knowingly and egregiously violated his due process rights.

District JudgeTanya Chutkin, (Obama appointee) who is overseeing the trial of Donald Trump in Washington D.C., has unapologetically made numerous incendiary comments about Trump nor has she hidden her bias and willingness to work with the Justice Department in delaying trials and sentencing January 6th protesters to extraordinary long and unjustified jail terms. She is now, at the behest of the Biden Justice Department, accelerating the trial date for Trump in order to torpedo his candidacy and ability to win the general election.

District JudgeBeth Lapson Freeman(Obama appointee) claimed that an ordinance passed by the San Jose, California city council mandating all gun owners in the city be required to purchase liability insurance did not violate the 2nd Amendment, thus placing an impediment to gun ownership in clear violation of the language of the 2nd Amendment which states: “…the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”

District JudgeJon Tigar(Obama appointee) ruled that U.S. immigration authorities cannot deny asylum to migrants regardless of how they arrive at the U.S.-Mexico border nor can they be forced to wait in Mexico, thereby eviscerating any viable immigration enforcement at the Southern border.

District Court JudgeDeborah Boardman, (Biden appointee) recently ruled that parents do not have the right to opt their children out of mandatory LGBTQ+ lessons or classes in public schools in a gross violation of their First Amendment rights.

There are 667 District Court judges throughout the United States. Obama and Biden (to date) have appointed 371 with 63 vacancies that Biden will, with a Democrat-controlled Senate, fill before the end of his term. Thus, between Obama and Biden they will have appointed 434 judges or nearly two thirds of all District Court seats.

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e6b2c9 No.85860

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471075 (010905ZSEP23) Notable: Trump: Victim of a Radically Transformed Federal Judiciary

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The only check on the District Court judges are the Circuit Courts of Appeal and ultimately the Supreme Court. However, the appeals process is lengthy and oftentimes drawn out. For example, if Trump were to be found guilty of any of the innumerable charges against him, he would almost certainly win an appeal, but by the time the appeal is heard or ruled on the 2024 election would be far in the rear-view mirror.

Currently among Circuit Court of Appeals judges nearly half have been appointed by Republicans as have six of the nine Supreme Court justices. Which is why the Circuit Courts, and the Supreme Court are currently the last bastion of constitutional governance and liberty as well as the primary target of the American Marxists.

Based on historical averages, if Biden or any Democrat wins the 2024 election he or she will appoint upwards of 170 District Court judges and nearly 35+ Circuit Court of Appeals judges by 2028. Resulting in as many as 595 District Court judges, or 89% of the bench, and 126 Circuit Court of Appeals judges, or 70% of the bench, being appointed by a Marxist-controlled White House since 2008 - thus transforming the entire Federal Judiciary into a de facto enforcement arm of the Democrat Party.

Additionally, the two oldest and most conservative Supreme Court justices, Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito, will be 80 and 78 years old respectively by 2028, thus opening up the distinct possibility of the Democrats appointing their replacements, thus swinging the Court to the radical Left and abetting the implementation of the American Marxist political and societal agenda.

The prospect of a grossly compromised judicial system is the death knell for this or any civilized nation, as injustice will be directed at virtually anyone who opposes the policies of a one-party socialist state or who dares to contest any manipulated election the party in power wins. When there is no fair and equitable justice system, the inescapable outcome is violence and national disintegration.

This nation is perilously close to that inevitability. If the judiciary is captive to the Marxists, there is no turning back.


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e6b2c9 No.85861

File: 5bb89a08e10fa8d⋯.jpg (130.83 KB,720x1206,40:67,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 534dfcab794f1b3⋯.mp4 (2.46 MB,734x720,367:360,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471136 (010935ZSEP23) Notable: Stunning compilation of the lightning display over the Volcán de Agua, Guatemala, on July 10, 2023.

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Stunning compilation of the lightning display over the Volcán de Agua, Guatemala, on July 10, 2023.

The show lasted for approximately 45 minutes over impressive lenticular clouds, allowing photographers to capture the phenomenon

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e6b2c9 No.85862

File: 4e332c37acc5e0c⋯.png (341.78 KB,720x780,12:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471143 (010940ZSEP23) Notable: "ALICE Training" contact a school about conducting a live shooter drill, and the school agrees

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e6b2c9 No.85863

File: 443635e98e81dc6⋯.png (168.42 KB,965x747,965:747,Clipboard.png)

File: 9283dabd1ee7209⋯.png (328.18 KB,680x340,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 18dcfa6667acd05⋯.jpg (381.22 KB,1200x872,150:109,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471166 (010953ZSEP23) Notable: Former Paramount and 20th Century Fox CEO Barry Diller has a warning for Hollywood: settle the strike by September 1st or face an "absolute collapse" of the industry.

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Former Paramount and 20th Century Fox CEO Barry Diller has a warning for Hollywood: settle the strike by September 1st or face an "absolute collapse" of the industry.

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e6b2c9 No.85864

File: 0c6ed37a2ae1dcf⋯.png (1.64 MB,1439x1011,1439:1011,Clipboard.png)

File: be66f93987921bf⋯.png (68.39 KB,1337x458,1337:458,Clipboard.png)

File: 6d4d8b8b44501d7⋯.png (174.54 KB,1626x629,1626:629,Clipboard.png)

File: e535faf4aba307d⋯.png (437.17 KB,1252x982,626:491,Clipboard.png)

File: f6096807a431500⋯.png (298.34 KB,1029x877,1029:877,Clipboard.png)

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e6b2c9 No.85865

File: e008a45a315d056⋯.jpg (120.59 KB,720x887,720:887,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471175 (010957ZSEP23) Notable: Pope telegrams ‘greetings of good wishes’ to China’s Xi: Vatican

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NEW - Pope telegrams ‘greetings of good wishes’ to China’s Xi: Vatican

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e6b2c9 No.85866

File: da2f279bd496744⋯.png (443.04 KB,1919x781,1919:781,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471207 (011015ZSEP23) Notable: PF British spy plane squawking 7700

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US tanker LAGR51 squawking 7700 in same area UK spy plane was in earlier


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e6b2c9 No.85867

File: f2205de65660155⋯.png (1.64 MB,1439x1009,1439:1009,Clipboard.png)

File: c9642b51c0620a0⋯.png (419.78 KB,1376x887,1376:887,Clipboard.png)

File: 03182422634c9e5⋯.png (3.58 MB,2160x1231,2160:1231,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471208 (011015ZSEP23) Notable: PF British spy plane squawking 7700

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Virgin Australia 737-8 Max VH-81A

Squawking military designation. Must be a plane load of soldiers headed for Japan? Probably just an error. Keep telling yourself that.

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e6b2c9 No.85868

File: 094f2aacb1b90dd⋯.png (884.21 KB,1920x1012,480:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471221 (011021ZSEP23) Notable: PF British spy plane squawking 7700

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Probably there to refuel military aircraft not seen on ADS-B. Maybe squawk 7700 is their way of letting ATC know to stay clear as they hunt Chinese submarine. A helo just took from a ship in the area, Interesting.

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e6b2c9 No.85869

File: 9e02a29cf708fee⋯.png (116.26 KB,627x850,627:850,Clipboard.png)

File: 3173a2cdc3ebd4f⋯.png (565.05 KB,341x608,341:608,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471233 (011027ZSEP23) Notable: the biggest missed story of this century is the incredible dumbing down of the American public

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The Biggest Missed Story of the 21st Century

American Thinker, by Steve Feinstein

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 9/1/2023 6:17:02 AM

Here it is: the biggest missed story of this century is the incredible dumbing down of the American public, to the point where a cripplingly large portion of the adult population is no longer willing or able to exercise independent critical thinking in order to take decisive action on a wide range of issues that shape the direction of our economy, culture, and personal freedoms. Indeed, too lazy and unmotivated to analyze readily available, credible data, far too many people have ceded their personal independence to government dictates — dictates clearly designed to increase government control over the population, rather than having been put in place for

"Not saying the current generation is dumb, but your grandfather's car owner's manual had a section in it describing how to adjust the valves. Today's cars owner's manuals tell you not to drink the battery fluid."

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e6b2c9 No.85870

File: 7ba50c80ce6c664⋯.png (42.72 KB,661x332,661:332,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471235 (011028ZSEP23) Notable: Record numbers of families streamed across U.S border illegally in August -with migrant arrests surging over 30% overall

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Record numbers of families streamed across U.S border illegally in August -with migrant arrests surging over 30% overall

For the first time during Joe Biden's presidency, families were the biggest demographic moving across the US-Mexico border - surpassing single adults

The number of family units crossing into the US in August brings the total number this fiscal year to more than half a million people

By Claudia Aoraha, Senior Reporter For Dailymail.Com

Updated: 02:02 EDT, 1 September 2023

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e6b2c9 No.85871

File: ba9a79b7f89e099⋯.jpeg (1.42 MB,1351x2160,1351:2160,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 713487523d216fb⋯.jpeg (377.26 KB,1620x1426,810:713,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471238 (011029ZSEP23) Notable: September is National Preparedness Month sponsored by FEMA.

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September is National Preparedness Month sponsored by FEMA.

Then FEMA, on 10-4 an EBS Nationwide



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e6b2c9 No.85872

File: 8fca0bc89884757⋯.png (537.02 KB,668x600,167:150,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471239 (011029ZSEP23) Notable: Panic! Speedy Trials

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Trump Co-Defendant Eastman: If We Don’t

Fight Back, We Will Never Have a Fair

Election Again

Breitbart Clips, by Jeff Poor

Posted By: Imright, 9/1/2023 1:49:11 AM

Wednesday on FNC’s “The Ingraham Angle,” Trump co-defendant John Eastman argued efforts to focus on alleged wrongdoing during the 2020 election were justified. Eastman told host Laura Ingraham those aligned with former President Donald Trump had to fight back or face the possibility of never having a “fair election” again. “The answer is not to just, you know, take a powder and concede because then it will get worse on the next go around,” he said. “The answer is to fight it with everything we’ve got because what’s at stake here is too important. People keep asking me, why don’t you move on,

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e6b2c9 No.85873

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471242 (011030ZSEP23) Notable: the biggest missed story of this century is the incredible dumbing down of the American public

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> dumbing down of the American public, to the point where a cripplingly large portion of the adult population is no longer willing or able to exercise independent critical thinking

SEE:Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt

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e6b2c9 No.85874

File: b50c9cfbbd204e5⋯.png (333.07 KB,427x373,427:373,Clipboard.png)

File: 93dd85503f21919⋯.png (341.47 KB,593x760,593:760,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471246 (011033ZSEP23) Notable: Biden calls Pete Buttigieg “Secretary BootyJuice”..

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Chuck Callesto


Biden calls Pete Buttigieg “Secretary BootyJuice”..

We are truly living in a simulation .. 🤣🤣

2:12 PM · Aug 31, 2023




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e6b2c9 No.85875

File: 13f56b08d94ba3d⋯.png (351.28 KB,603x786,201:262,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471258 (011037ZSEP23) Notable: Video emerges of Amazon Alexa purportedly saying that there WILL NOT BE A 2024 ELECTION because the War Powers Act of 1973 will be invoked./how to get Alexa to say anything

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Chuck Callesto


JUST IN: Video emerges of Amazon Alexa purportedly saying that there WILL NOT BE A 2024 ELECTION because the War Powers Act of 1973 will be invoked.


Shadow of Ezra

12:49 PM · Aug 31, 2023




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e6b2c9 No.85876

File: 38e6809149d6c71⋯.png (402.71 KB,592x648,74:81,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471280 (011043ZSEP23) Notable: So Biden now gets a pass due to dementia he had from day one - and they get rid of him without have to be responsible

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Lara Logan


So Biden now gets a pass due to dementia he had from day one - and they get rid of him without have to be responsible. Works out great for the assholes who put him in power.


Benny Johnson




New book from Biden White House insider reveals just how bad Biden's mental decline is and who REALLY runs him— WOW.

"Joe Biden is not in control of the Biden Administration."

9:59 AM · Aug 31, 2023




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e6b2c9 No.85877

File: 430e1903dcd149d⋯.png (268.13 KB,602x876,301:438,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471283 (011044ZSEP23) Notable: Florida school voted to remove dozens of pornographic books after parents read from these books out loud

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Libs of TikTok


BREAKING: Florida school voted to remove dozens of pornographic books after parents read from these books out loud and one was even escorted out by security. Huge W



Libs of TikTok



Aug 29

GRAPHIC: A citizen read from a pornographic book available to students in @IRCSchools and was SHUT DOWN by the board then REMOVED by security.

Too graphic for the board to hear but perfectly ok for middle schoolers!

Make it make sense

0:32 / 1:35

2:27 PM · Aug 31, 2023




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e6b2c9 No.85878

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471304 (011049ZSEP23) Notable: Video emerges of Amazon Alexa purportedly saying that there WILL NOT BE A 2024 ELECTION because the War Powers Act of 1973 will be invoked./how to get Alexa to say anything

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



How to get Alexa to say whatever you want

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e6b2c9 No.85879

File: ac5bb48fe7e0b35⋯.png (525.95 KB,604x754,302:377,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471305 (011049ZSEP23) Notable: Phillip Anderson was about to testify on behalf of the defense in a number of key January 6 trials when he was arrested & held for 2 days.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Lara Logan


Phillip Anderson was about to testify on behalf of the defense in a number of key January 6 trials when he was arrested & held for 2 days. Charging a man who almost died on the Capitol steps and witnessed the death of Rosanne Boyland who was next to him in the crowd, is an extreme form of tyranny. It is wrong. Understanding what is happening to Phillip Anderson & other innocent Americans who did nothing but exercise their first amendment rights is not just necessary to seeing where this country is going, it is our duty/responsibility.


☢Trump & Kari Won. DuH🤪☢




Invited in the Capitol.

Ray Epps?

John Sullivan?


10:50 AM · Aug 31, 2023




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e6b2c9 No.85880

File: ddca42bc4d26903⋯.png (459.4 KB,596x576,149:144,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471314 (011052ZSEP23) Notable: New York State Set to Transfer Biden’s Illegals to Upstate New York but Haven’t Notified the Local Leaders Yet

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Square profile picture

The Gateway Pundit


New York State Set to Transfer Biden’s Illegals to Upstate New York but Haven’t Notified the Local Leaders Yet via @gatewaypundit


New York State Set to Transfer Biden's Illegals to Upstate New York but Haven't Notified the Local...

Back in March Mayor Eric Adams was spending $5 million a day to house Joe Biden’s illegal migrants.

3:15 PM · Aug 31, 2023




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e6b2c9 No.85881

File: bfd48c6f09958ed⋯.png (1.03 MB,1070x765,214:153,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471319 (011053ZSEP23) Notable: Proud Boy Zachary Rehl Cries in Court- Regime Sentences Him to 15 Years for Garbage “Seditious Conspiracy” Charges

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Proud Boy Zachary Rehl Cries in Court

– Regime Sentences Him to 15 Years for

Garbage “Seditious Conspiracy” Charges

Gateway Pundit, by Alicia Powe

Posted By: Imright, 9/1/2023 1:40:20 AM

Judge Timothy Kelly sentenced Marine Corps veteran Zachary Rehl to 15 years to life in prison for being in the wrong place at the wrong time — walking through the Capitol building for approximately 20 minutes during the Capitol riot on January 6. The government sought 33 years life in federal prison for Rehl, the head of the Philadelphia chapter of the Proud Boys, for “his role in the Capitol riot.” Rehl committed no violent crimes on January 6. He walked through the Capitol building on January 6 for merely a few minutes, took a selfie in the building then left the Capitol grounds. Prosecutors argue the 37-year-old Marine Corps veteran

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e6b2c9 No.85882

File: e56bbc300fc204e⋯.png (199.97 KB,433x553,433:553,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471332 (011057ZSEP23) Notable: ATF Goes Around Congress: Publishes Universal Background Check Rule

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ATF Goes Around Congress: Publishes Universal Background Check Rule

President Joe Biden’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) announced a proposed rule Thursday requiring universal background checks, which Congress has rejected for more than 20 years


Breitbart (https://www.breitbart.com/2nd-amendment/2023/08/31/atf-goes-around-congress-publishes-universal-background-check-rule/)

ATF Goes Around Congress: Publishes Universal Background Check Rule

Joe Biden's ATF announced a proposed rule Thursday requiring universal background checks, which Congress has rejected for more than 20 years.

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e6b2c9 No.85883

File: 030b80f2fc8ecee⋯.png (764.09 KB,677x717,677:717,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471337 (011058ZSEP23) Notable: Biden to Send Maui Less than One-Tenth of One Percent of What He Wants to Send Ukraine

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Biden to Send Maui Less than One-Tenth

of One Percent of What He Wants to Send Ukraine

Breitbart Politics, by Kristina Wong

Posted By: Imright, 9/1/2023 1:36:22 AM

President Joe Biden is asking Congress to approve $24 billion more in aid for Ukraine, which would bring the total amount of U.S. taxpayer-funded aid to Ukraine since February 2022 to $135 billion. In contrast, Biden announced Wednesday that he would send $95 million from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to aid in rebuilding Maui after the nation’s deadliest fire in over a century, which has claimed more than 115 lives, with hundreds still unaccounted for.The $95 million is less than one-tenth of one percent of the $135 billion that Biden is seeking to spend on aid to Ukraine in a war that has no end in sight.

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e6b2c9 No.85884

File: 81ffb0f7592f4bd⋯.png (377.08 KB,595x686,85:98,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471361 (011107ZSEP23) Notable: Nunes: “ALL ROADS LEAD TO OBAMA…He needs to be subpoenaed and hauled in…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Devin Nunes: “ALL ROADS LEAD TO OBAMA…He needs to be subpoenaed and hauled in…

Don’t let Obama and all of these corrupt deep-staters get away with this, because that’s what’s gonna happen if you just go and impeach Biden without looking at all the criminals below it.”

This has to be done right.

Comer is starting to mention Obama as well.

Tick tock ⏰

11:56 AM · Aug 31, 2023




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e6b2c9 No.85885

File: a73882c6c6ccd7b⋯.png (360.57 KB,596x635,596:635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471364 (011110ZSEP23) Notable: Going After Citizen Journalists : #1A Rights Under Attack Even In “Red States” Like South Carolina.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Nancy Ross


Going After Citizen Journalists : #1A Rights Under Attack Even In “Red States” Like South Carolina.


⁩ and OMG Blazing The Trail 👆

Keep Showing Up and Speaking Out.

We The People Have A Right To Know THE TRUTH🇺🇸

5:07 PM · Aug 30, 2023




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e6b2c9 No.85886

File: 8abbd6ff4622704⋯.png (397.88 KB,597x532,597:532,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471399 (011125ZSEP23) Notable: Going After Citizen Journalists : #1A Rights Under Attack Even In “Red States” Like South Carolina.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


James O'Keefe


JUST IN: Shortly after James O'Keefe exposed shocking viral bodycam footage—of cop questioning citizens' right to attend school board meetings and other chilling behavior—New Jersey police captain announces "Review for Deficiencies" of the officer's conduct. #OMG

11:56 AM · Aug 31, 2023




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e6b2c9 No.85887

File: bcd412ecacb1b12⋯.png (292.66 KB,605x610,121:122,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471400 (011127ZSEP23) Notable: The Biden administration will encourage all Americans to get an additional COVID mRNA shot in mid-September.

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The Biden administration will encourage all Americans to get an additional COVID mRNA shot in mid-September.

Just 17% of the U.S. population chose to take the last booster available since last September.

What percentage of Americans will take this next booster?

10:20 AM · Aug 31, 2023




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e6b2c9 No.85888

File: 8161f12cd00af88⋯.png (57.68 KB,665x425,133:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471441 (011139ZSEP23) Notable: Trump blasts 'fearmongering' over new COVID strain and claims 'left wing lunatics'

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Trump blasts 'fearmongering' over new

COVID strain and claims 'left wing lunatics'

are trying to bring back lockdowns and

mask mandates to steal the 2024 election

Daily Mail (UK), by Nikki Schwab

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 8/31/2023 10:15:25 PM

Former President Donald Trump on Thursday criticized the 'fearmongering' over a new COVID strain and claimed 'left wing lunatics' are trying to bring back lockdowns and mask mandates to steal the 2024 election. In a video posted to social media, the GOP presidential candidate - who likely lost the last election over his handling of COVID - commented on the recent spike in cases. A highly contagious new variant of COVID, the highly mutated BA.2.86, is spreading globally and as of Thursday was found in five U.S. states.

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e6b2c9 No.85889

File: c51efc5195c91a3⋯.png (722.09 KB,807x779,807:779,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471475 (011149ZSEP23) Notable: Federal Judge Blocks Red State Ban On Drag Shows In Front Of Children

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Federal Judge Blocks Red State Ban On

Drag Shows In Front Of Children

Daily Caller, by Brandon Poulter

Posted By: Beardo, 8/31/2023 10:02:21 PM

A federal judge blocked Texas’ ban on public drag shows in front of children Thursday. U.S. District Judge David Hittner, appointed by former President Ronald Reagan, said the law likely violates performers’ freedom of speech, according to a court order. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) challenged the law on Aug. 2, claiming the law violates the First and Fourteenth Amendments, according to the complaint. (snip) A judge in Montana blocked a law banning drag shows in front of minors in June. Republican Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee signed a bill banning drag shows in front of children into law in March, and that law was blocked by a judge in April.

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e6b2c9 No.85890

File: bd927027d7c8cd6⋯.png (30.95 KB,595x467,595:467,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471494 (011153ZSEP23) Notable: Biden to Send Maui Less than One-Tenth of One Percent of What He Wants to Send Ukraine

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Damn...6 months and we sent over $86 billion to Ukraine by these calculations.


Defender of the Republic 🇺🇸



Aug 30

2023 ‘America Last’ funding from @POTUS to Ukraine:

2/20/2023 $500 Million

2/23/2023 $10 Billion

2/24/2023 $2 Billion

3/3/2023 $400 Million

3/20/2023 $350 Million

4/04/2023 $2.6 Billion

4/19/2023 $325 Million

5/08/2023 $1.2 Billion

5/18/2023 $3 Billion

5/19/2023 $375… Show more

6:39 AM · Aug 31, 2023




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e6b2c9 No.85891

File: 4dc635b7642b6aa⋯.png (598.37 KB,607x802,607:802,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471500 (011155ZSEP23) Notable: @SarahHuckabee As long as I’m Governor, Arkansas will not lock down.

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Sarah Huckabee Sanders


As long as I’m Governor, Arkansas will not lock down.

We will not close schools, churches, or businesses.

And we will not have mask or COVID vaccine mandates.

0:05 / 0:43

6:42 AM · Aug 31, 2023




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e6b2c9 No.85892

File: 69bad445acb5d94⋯.png (180.3 KB,1249x904,1249:904,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471519 (011158ZSEP23) Notable: U.S. government launches UFO website.

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U.S. government launches UFO website.

Director's Message

Welcome to the website for the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO).Our team of experts is leading the U.S. government’s efforts to address Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) using a rigorous scientific framework and a data-driven approach. Since its establishment in July 2022, AARO has taken important steps to improve data collection, standardize reporting requirements, and mitigate the potential threats to safety and security posed by UAP. We look forward to using this site to regularly update the public about AARO’s work and findings, and to provide a mechanism for UAP reporting. Thank you for visiting.

- Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, Director


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e6b2c9 No.85893

File: 5218f5e18f46180⋯.png (164.6 KB,597x885,199:295,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471533 (011202ZSEP23) Notable: @Techno_Fog False representation to the Court makes DA Willis guilty of the same conduct she accuses the defendants

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Techno Fog


I ask everyone to read those cases. None of them hold what DA Willis says they do.

False representation to the Court makes DA Willis guilty of the same conduct she accuses the defendants.

It's a violation of Ga. Code Ann. § 16-10-20.1 (false statement to Court)



Adam Klasfeld





DA Willis wants to advise all of the defendants in the Trump racketeering case that decisions by Ken Chesebro and Sidney Powell to invoke speedy trial rights come with certain consequences.

The filing starts with four.

Background, @TheMessenger https://themessenger.com/politics/trump-co-defendants-sidney-powell-kenneth-chesebro-ask-judge-to-separate-georgia-cases


4:49 AM · Aug 31, 2023




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e6b2c9 No.85894

File: 6560ae0686bc441⋯.png (54.4 KB,782x450,391:225,Clipboard.png)

File: e2044b5f3bc75b2⋯.mp4 (11.7 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471549 (011206ZSEP23) Notable: September is National Preparedness Month sponsored by FEMA.

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Sep 01, 2018 1:07:41 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 86883b No. 2828624



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e6b2c9 No.85895

File: cec88fe2d40a792⋯.png (89.52 KB,782x620,391:310,Clipboard.png)

File: 35b657aae524ebf⋯.png (205.89 KB,918x1190,27:35,Clipboard.png)

File: f427b6d47a606ac⋯.png (86.65 KB,920x1188,230:297,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471556 (011208ZSEP23) Notable: September is National Preparedness Month sponsored by FEMA.

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Sep 01, 2018 10:39:54 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: af75ef No. 2831975


"And, I hope you and Chris enjoy your time in the Land of Alice and the MH–all the best from Hanoi–H"

Nothing to See Here.


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e6b2c9 No.85896

File: 115049eb90c525d⋯.png (633.57 KB,782x3266,17:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471570 (011213ZSEP23) Notable: September is National Preparedness Month sponsored by FEMA.

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Sep 01, 2018 12:42:01 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: d1b112 No. 2833619


National Preparedness Month is a time to focus our attention on the importance of preparing our families, homes, businesses, and communities for disasters that threaten our lives, property, and homeland. During this time, we also honor the brave men and women who selflessly respond to crises and disasters, rendering aid to those in need. These first responders, who work tirelessly to safeguard our Nation and protect our citizens, deserve our utmost gratitude and appreciation.

Over the past year, communities nationwide and across the Territories have witnessed and endured damage from multiple hurricanes, wildfires, tornadoes, floods, volcanic eruptions, and other natural disasters. The historic hurricane season of 2017 included three catastrophic storms that made landfall within a month, and was followed by a destructive series of wildfires in California. Combined, these natural disasters affected 47 million people and tens of thousands were mobilized to provide aid, comfort, and assistance. We are also especially mindful of those currently affected by ongoing wildfires in California, Oregon, and Colorado. In spite of tremendous challenges, the resilience of the American people continues to prevail.

Tragedies are somber reminders that preparedness is a shared responsibility and that it is critical to maintain readiness. All Americans can prepare for potential disasters by developing and practicing a family emergency response plan, assembling a disaster supply kit, signing up for alerts on mobile devices, setting aside emergency savings, and maintaining adequate insurance policies for their homes and businesses. The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Ready Campaign outlines other important steps to best prepare for a major disaster.

This month, I encourage all Americans to take the opportunity to ensure they have an emergency response plan in place and ready to be properly executed. Emergencies and disasters test the resilience and strength of families, communities, and our Nation. It is impossible to avoid every challenge and threat, but we can and must prepare for them. By doing so, we can help protect our communities and save lives.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim September 2018 as National Preparedness Month. I encourage all Americans, including Federal, State, and local officials, to take action to be prepared for disaster or emergency by making and practicing their emergency response plans. Each step we take to become better prepared makes a real difference in how our families and communities will respond and persevere when faced with the unexpected.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of August, in the year of our Lord two thousand eighteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-third.



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e6b2c9 No.85897

File: 2bf3daba3c2df67⋯.png (422.74 KB,598x602,299:301,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471580 (011215ZSEP23) Notable: Niger Demands French Troops Leave Country by September 3 - Paris Has Already Refused To Withdraw Its Ambassador, as the European Union Weighs a Response

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Square profile picture

The Gateway Pundit


A Game of Ultimatums: Niger Demands French Troops Leave Country by September 3 – Paris Has Already Refused To Withdraw Its Ambassador, as the European Union Weighs a Response via @gatewaypundit


A Game of Ultimatums: Niger Demands French Troops Leave Country by September 3 - Paris Has Already...

As the situation develops in post-coup Niger, a back and forth game of ‘ultimatums’ is taking place, and mostly the demands are getting ignored by the opposing parties.

2:50 AM · Aug 31, 2023




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e6b2c9 No.85898

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471592 (011218ZSEP23) Notable: Russia puts Sarmat "Satan II" intercontinental ballistic missiles on combat duty

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JUST IN - Russia puts Sarmat "Satan II" intercontinental ballistic missiles on combat duty, RIA reports citing Roscosmos.



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e6b2c9 No.85899

File: 82a749e0890e521⋯.png (338.53 KB,782x1310,391:655,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471605 (011222ZSEP23) Notable: September is National Preparedness Month sponsored by FEMA.

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Sep 01, 2018 12:56:25 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8946ee No. 2833842




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e6b2c9 No.85900

File: 9a435f4ad4577dc⋯.png (255.27 KB,422x652,211:326,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471607 (011222ZSEP23) Notable: Criminals in the U.S. & overseas stole an estimated $280 billion of COVID aid intended for struggling Americans.

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[ Album ]


Criminals in the U.S. & overseas stole an estimated $280 billion of COVID aid intended for struggling Americans.

Organized crime rings & foreign actors in Russia, China, & Nigeria could be responsible for at least half of all stolen funds.

Americans deserve answers

-Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic (https://twitter.com/COVIDSelect/status/1696553274168549485?s=20)

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e6b2c9 No.85901

File: b40807c10740b40⋯.png (119.86 KB,782x790,391:395,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471627 (011227ZSEP23) Notable: September is National Preparedness Month sponsored by FEMA.

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Sep 01, 2018 3:37:23 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 9da84a No. 2835711

It must be hard to communicate.

Every moment together is a moment you should not waste.

Former President's are still able to arrange SCIFs?

Does the American taxpayer 'foot the BILL' for the [12] hotel rooms in close proximity to the central SCIF?

SS detail(s) ordered @ max perimeter def?

Nice color choice.

It's a shame the windows had to be blocked out to eliminate that view.


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e6b2c9 No.85902

File: 1cc08474dd4da85⋯.jpg (38.38 KB,600x600,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471721 (011301ZSEP23) Notable: #23914-A

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e6b2c9 No.85903

File: 150d64b1f5bcf21⋯.png (17.09 KB,468x231,156:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471747 (011313ZSEP23) Notable: SEC v. Ripple Proceedings Welcomes Sidley Austin LLP Representative/Q

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Aug. 16, 2023 - SEC v. Ripple Proceedings Welcomes Sidley Austin LLP Representative


Nov 30, 2017 1:12:57 AM EST

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 7db625 No. 13282

SIDLEY Austin.

Happy hunting.


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e6b2c9 No.85904

File: 9873f87b22149e3⋯.jpg (307.12 KB,623x889,89:127,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471751 (011314ZSEP23) Notable: A discourse concerning unlimited submission and non-resistance to the higher powers; with some reflections on the resistance made to King Charles I. and on the anniversary of his death

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Anon found this helpful.

A discourse concerning unlimited submission and non-resistance to the higher powers; with some reflections on the resistance made to King Charles I. and on the anniversary of his death: in which the mysterious doctrine of the Princes' saintship and martyrdom is unriddled: the substance of which was delivered in a sermon preached in the West Meeting-House in Boston the Lord's-day after the 30th of January, 1749/50

by Jonathan Mayhew

December 31, 1750


This sermon by Jonathan Mayhew (1720-1766) was delivered on the hundredth anniversary of the execution of Charles I during the English Revolution, and in the context of what seemed to be renewed efforts by the Crown to assert religious uniformity in the colonies. In commemorating the history of the regicide, Mayhew reminded his audience of the long English dissenting tradition in which the Christians are held to have not only a right but a duty to resist governments whenever they fail to secure the public good. In doing so, Mayhew tacitly asserted the right of individual conscience to prevail over other social obligations—a position that even he recognized had the potential to lead to political chaos. Mayhew dismisses these concerns on the grounds that the truth of a principle does not depend upon its likelihood for abuse—a position that even if true, does little to address the practical consequences of disorderly or illegitimate political resistance. Nevertheless, in the context of the brewing turmoil between the crown and the colonies in the 1750s, Mayhew’s sermon was an immediate publishing success both at home and in London. Indeed, reflecting on the origins of the American Revolution in his retirement, John Adams credited Mayhew’s sermon with helping to shape public opinion on the need for—and the legitimacy of—political resistance.

Mayhew’s sermon text, Romans 13:1-7, is printed below:

Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. 2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? Do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: 4 for he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. 5 Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake. 6 For this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God’s ministers, attending continually upon this very thing. 7 Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor.

…Let us now trace the apostle’s reasoning in favor of submission to the higher powers, a little more particularly and exactly. For by this it will appear, on one hand, how good and conclusive it is, for submission to those rulers who exercise their power in a proper manner: And, on the other, how weak and trifling and unconnected it is, if it be supposed to be meant by the apostle to show the obligation and duty of obedience to tyrannical, oppressive rulers, in common with others of a different character.

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e6b2c9 No.85905

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471756 (011315ZSEP23) Notable: A discourse concerning unlimited submission and non-resistance to the higher powers; with some reflections on the resistance made to King Charles I. and on the anniversary of his death

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The apostle enters upon his subject thus—“Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers; for there is no power but of God: the powers that be, are ordained of God.” Here he urges the duty of obedience from this topic of argument, that civil rulers, as they are supposed to fulfill the pleasure of God, are the ordinance of God. But how is this an argument for obedience to such rulers as do not perform the pleasure of God, by doing good; but the pleasure of the devil, by doing evil ; and such as are not, therefore, God’s ministers, but the devil’s! “Whosoever, therefore, resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God; and they that resist, shall receive to themselves damnation.”

Here the apostle argues, that those who resist a reasonable and just authority, which is agreeable to the will of God, do really resist the will of God himself; and will, therefore, be punished by him. But how does this prove, that those who resist a lawless, unreasonable power, which is contrary to the will of God, do therein resist the will and ordinance of God? Is resisting those who resist God’s will, the same thing with resisting God? Or shall those who do so, receive to themselves damnation! “For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? Do that which is good; and thou shalt have praise of the same. For he is the minister of God to thee for good.” Here the apostle argues more explicitly than he had before done, for revering, and submitting to magistracy, from this consideration, that such as really perform the duty of magistrates, would be enemies only to the evil actions of men, and would befriend and encourage the good; and so be a common blessing to society.

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e6b2c9 No.85906

File: 39b56175ae78c38⋯.png (305.17 KB,740x416,185:104,Clipboard.png)

File: 5b3168dbf4591d2⋯.png (195.38 KB,817x1653,43:87,Clipboard.png)

File: a4a3880cccd1ccf⋯.png (269.28 KB,701x2164,701:2164,Clipboard.png)

File: c0765cdb060aeb8⋯.png (596.05 KB,1087x1526,1087:1526,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471777 (011321ZSEP23) Notable: Updated list of McConnell's biggest donors/froze

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Nov 05, 2017 11:34:15 PM EST

Anonymous ID: FAkr+Yka No. 148183670

Important Context:

What have you learned about HUMA?

What organization is HUMA?

Which US President is affiliated w/ HUMA?

Why is this relevant?

What year(s) did this occur?

Who funded on behalf this President?

Why is this relevant?

What year(s) did this occur?

What just happened in SA?

Who was arrested?


Why would this former President be funded pre-political days?



Why would this former President be funded pre-political days?

Why is the relevance?

Was the MB affiliated to any of these organizations/people?

Fast forward.

Why are the events in SA so important?

Why was JK in SA recently?

Why was POTUS' last Tweet re: SA prior to the happening?

Why was POTUS' Twitter taken down days before under cover of a rogue employee?

Refocus again.

Who was arrested in SA?

Any ownership stakes in US co's?

Why is this relevant?


Las Vegas.

Recent events.

Why would investment be made in a former President pre-political days?

What year(s) did this occur?

What faith does HUMA represent?

What faith does the MB represent?

What faith does Huma represent?

Who are the bad actors?

Who funds majority of US 'senior' politicians?

Fantasy land.

Fantasy land.

Was the former President of the United States groomed to be Command in Chief?

Is this possible?

Is the US political / election system corrupt?

Who owns poll machines?


Why is this relevant?

They never thought she would lose.

They never thought she would lose.

Fantasy land.

Fantasy land.

The complete picture would put 99% of Americans (the World) in a hospital.

POTUS is our savior.


Operators are active.

We are at war.

Goodnight BO.

Snow White.

Godfather III.


Updated list of McConnell's biggest donors

Tom Loftus | @TomLoftus_CJ

Here’s my updated list of the biggest donors to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s political committees.

The following are the biggest donors since Jan. 1, 2009, to four McConnell committees: McConnell’s own Senate campaign committee, his own PAC called Bluegrass Committee, a super PAC for his inside Kentucky political priorities called Kentuckians for Strong Leadership, and his super PAC for holding the Republican majority in the U.S. Senate called Senate Leadership Fund.

This list is dominated by donors who gave six-figure, seven-figure, and even eight-figure contributions to Senate Leadership Fund in the past year.

Thanks to those gigantic contributions, these top 25 donors alone have contributed far more than half (add them up) of the $118 million total contributed these four McConnell committees since Jan. 1, 2009.

An asterisk in front of donor name means donor has made a big contribution since I last updated this list three weeks ago.

TOP 25 DONORS to Sen. Mitch McConnell’s political causes between Jan. 1, 2009 and Oct. 19, 2016:

Sheldon and Miriam Adelson and Las Vegas Sands Corp., Las Vegas, casinos: $20,038,500

*One Nation, Warrenton, Va., political non-profit advocacy group: $11,000,000

Paul Singer and Elliott Management, New York, hedge funds: $4,124,800

*Warren Stephens and Stephens Inc., Little Rock, investment banking: $3,751,300

W. Ed Bosarge Jr. and Petrodome Energy, Houston, energy: $3,185,400

Robert McNair, Houston, energy, electric power generation, owner of Houston Texans: $2,502,500

Kenneth Griffin and Citadel Investment, Chicago, financial services: $2,190,400

Chevron, Concord, California, energy: $2,058,800

Bernard Marcus, Atlanta, retired chairman of Home Depot, retail stores: $2,005,200

*Station Casinos, Zuffa LLC and Fertitta family, Las Vegas, casinos, sports promotion: $1,527,100

Access Industries, New York, natural resources, chemicals, media, real estate: $1,500,000

*Stephen Schwarzman and Blackstone Group, New York, private equity: $1,264,225

Craig and Richard Duchossois, Elmhurst, Ill., directors of Churchill Downs, horse racing: $1,165,600

Richard M. Devos Sr. and family, Grand Rapids, Michigan, co-founder of Amway Corp.: $1,030,300

Michael S. Smith, Boulder, Colorado, Kaitar Resources, business consulting: $1,002,500

Annette Simmons, Dallas, GOP donor and philanthropist: $1,000,000

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e6b2c9 No.85907

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471786 (011324ZSEP23) Notable: LIVE - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

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LIVE - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy 09/01/2023



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e6b2c9 No.85908

File: e0bfd3f318cf1d7⋯.png (84.69 KB,297x305,297:305,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471794 (011325ZSEP23) Notable: Updated list of McConnell's biggest donors/froze

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Jan 14, 2018 3:27:00 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: ee5a39 No. 49343

Jan 14, 2018 3:25:47 PM EST

Anonymous ID: 9c8009 No. 49330

Jan 14, 2018 3:24:45 PM EST

Anonymous ID: 7e0da8 No. 49315


What I glean from this. 187 reference to Seth Rich. Killers DOA.

Vegas still tied up. (Alwaleed not talking yet)


just saw story about alwaleed in prison because he won't pay 6 billion to secure freedoom


He doesn't have 6b.

We FROZE his assets.

Think logically.

When does a BIRD TALK?


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e6b2c9 No.85909

File: b78d24ac56e4ebc⋯.png (334.62 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471818 (011331ZSEP23) Notable: Report details billions of dollars Warren Buffett has funneled to abortion groups around the world

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Grandaddy of Infanticide

Report details billions of dollars Warren Buffett has funneled to abortion groups around the world

Buffett’s radical abortion activism dates back half a century and has helped kill an unfathomable number of babies.

Buffett has given at least $5.3 billion to abortion “providers” and domestic pro-abortion activist groups since 2000, according to the report, “enough to pay for nearly 10 million abortions at $550 a pop.”

Since 2002, he has also given $41 billion to four foundations that promote pro-abortion policies abroad. Three are operated by Buffett’s relatives; the fourth is the notorious, far-left Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.


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e6b2c9 No.85910

File: bd1906a9b7a0d22⋯.png (241.84 KB,638x405,638:405,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471854 (011341ZSEP23) Notable: WAYNE ROOT: Tucker is Outing Obama as Gay. But Everyone is Missing the Big Story.I’m Obama’s College Classmate. I’ve Been Trying to Warn America for 15 Years!

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WAYNE ROOT: Tucker is Outing Obama as Gay. But Everyone is Missing the Big Story.I’m Obama’s College Classmate. I’ve Been Trying to Warn America for 15 Years!

... there is the “Ghost of Columbia” mystery. I was a Pre Law, Political Science major. So was Obama. He had to be in all the same classes as me. But he was never in one class. I never met Obama, never saw him, never heard of him, never met anyone at Columbia who has.

Obama got in, so why didn’t anyone ever see him? My educated guess is Obama was in the Soviet Union studying communism. Columbia had a “sister school” in Moscow. That would be the only real answer as to why Obama was rarely if ever seen at Columbia. He was being groomed way back then by the enemies of America.

Secondly, at Columbia we learned a plan to destroy America called “Cloward Piven.” I’ll bet Obama spent two years in the Soviet Union at our “sister school” becoming the world’s expert. Look around. Everything happening in America today is Cloward Piven…

Sep. 1, 2023 7:45 am


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e6b2c9 No.85911

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471861 (011343ZSEP23) Notable: so is Abortion what is really happening here?

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cuz tehy can;t talk bout how gross illegal abortions are

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e6b2c9 No.85912

File: 21da5aed343dee1⋯.png (1.51 MB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471869 (011346ZSEP23) Notable: Biden Admin Sneaks Pro-Abortion Policy Into Pregnant Workers Fairness Act

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Biden Admin Sneaks Pro-Abortion Policy Into Pregnant Workers Fairness Act

Washington bureaucrats are now poised to push abortion ‘vacation’ policy on the entire American workforce, effectively by executive fiat.

SEPTEMBER 01, 2023


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e6b2c9 No.85913

File: ab88be114e63029⋯.png (11.9 KB,559x57,559:57,Clipboard.png)

File: ca4b671c3f8891d⋯.png (117.32 KB,509x259,509:259,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471875 (011348ZSEP23) Notable: so is Abortion what is really happening here?

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e6b2c9 No.85914

File: 352c67afc2d6157⋯.png (1.77 MB,926x3762,463:1881,Clipboard.png)

File: 0b8a210c80d984c⋯.png (179.4 KB,926x1742,463:871,Clipboard.png)

File: 37c957f43c8e560⋯.png (99.27 KB,926x894,463:447,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471911 (011357ZSEP23) Notable: Updated list of McConnell's biggest donors/froze

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There were also 3 drops that said "FREEZE."

Pertaining to Declass.


Jan 23, 2020 1:57:08 AM EST

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 8cdd1a No. 7884016


POTUS > Barr

Barr > Durham

[[F] classified intel provided [FVEY - Non FVEY] as needed]

Does Durham want to hold[FREEZE]'public' declas due to criminal nature of the probe(s)?

Think GJ material.

When did the investigation begin?

When did the investigation really begin?

Nothing can stop what is coming.


Slow drip > Flood


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e6b2c9 No.85915

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471915 (011400ZSEP23) Notable: Space Development Agency’s Second Tranche 0 Mission

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September 1, 2023

10:15 AM EDT

Space Development Agency’s Second Tranche 0 Mission

SpaceX, Vandenberg Space Force Base, California




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e6b2c9 No.85916

File: e336e69963d8be9⋯.jpg (129.05 KB,720x908,180:227,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4421f3497fc8343⋯.jpg (216.82 KB,1999x1849,1999:1849,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471922 (011403ZSEP23) Notable: A real article in the NY Times today, Kia and Hyundai helped enable a crime wave

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A real article in the NY Times today


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e6b2c9 No.85917

File: 7b5c0adbe0f98d2⋯.png (1.54 MB,1024x768,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471936 (011408ZSEP23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day The Great Globular Cluster in Hercules

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Sep 1, 2023

The Great Globular Cluster in Hercules

In 1716, English astronomer Edmond Halley noted, "This is but a little Patch, but it shows itself to the naked Eye, when the Sky is serene and the Moon absent." Of course, M13 is now less modestly recognized as the Great Globular Cluster in Hercules, one of the brightest globular star clusters in the northern sky. Sharp telescopic views like this one reveal the spectacular cluster's hundreds of thousands of stars. At a distance of 25,000 light-years, the cluster stars crowd into a region 150 light-years in diameter. Approaching the cluster core, upwards of 100 stars could be contained in a cube just 3 light-years on a side. For comparison, the closest star to the Sun is over 4 light-years away. The remarkable range of brightness recorded in this image follows stars into the dense cluster core.


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e6b2c9 No.85918

File: 4a9b8fc4cb19425⋯.png (884.67 KB,1024x706,512:353,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471949 (011412ZSEP23) Notable: US opposes 2024 expedition to recover Titanic artifacts, says shipwreck is a grave site

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US opposes 2024 expedition to recover Titanic artifacts, says shipwreck is a grave site

August 29, 2023

The US wants to stop a planned expedition to recover artifacts from the Titanic wreckage next year, citing a federal law and international agreement that declares the shipwreck as a hallowed grave site.

RMS Titanic Inc., a Georgia-based firm that owns the salvage rights to the Titanic wreck, has organized the unmanned voyage and plans to take photos of the entire ship and enter its hull.

The government’s challenge to the expedition comes less than three months after five people were killed when a manned submersible from a different company imploded while descending to tour the wreckage.

The legal battle is playing out in the US District Court in Norfolk, Virginia, which oversees Titanic salvage matters.

The government has argued that entering the ship’s severed hull, as RMST intends to do, would breach a federal law and a pact with Great Britain to treat the sunken ship as a memorial to the more than 1,500 people who died after the ship crashed into an iceberg and sank while crossing the Atlantic in 1912.

The government’s chief concerns are the disturbance of artifacts and human remains that may still exist on the ship.

“RMST is not free to disregard this validly enacted federal law, yet that is its stated intent,” lawyers argued in court documents filed Friday. They added that the shipwreck “will be deprived of the protections Congress granted it.”

The expedition, tentatively scheduled for May 2024, includes taking photographs of the entire ship — including inside.

RMST said in a court filing the mission would recover artifacts from the debris field and “may recover free-standing objects inside the wreck.”

Those could include “objects from inside the Marconi room, but only if such objects are not affixed to the wreck itself.”

The Marconi room holds the ship’s radio — a Marconi wireless telegraph machine — which was the first to broadcast Morse code messages about the ship’s collision with the iceberg.

The message was picked up by nearby ships, who responded and helped save about 700 people who fled in lifeboats.

“At this time, the company does not intend to cut into the wreck or detach any part of the wreck,” RMST stated.

RMST has pledged to “work collaboratively” with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which represents public interest in the wreck. It will not pursue a permit, however.

US government lawyers said the firm can’t proceed without one, arguing that RMST needs approval from the secretary of commerce, who oversees NOAA.

RMST in the past has challenged the constitutionality of U.S. efforts to “infringe” on its salvage rights to a wreck that’s located in international waters.

The firm has argued that only the court in Norfolk has jurisdiction, citing centuries of precedent in maritime law.

The government and RMST were engaged in a similar legal fight in 2020 when the company planned a mission to retrieve a radio onboard.

The plan was for an uncrewed submersible to slip through a window or hold on the roof. A “suction dredge” would then remove loose silt, while manipulator arms could cut electrical cords.

The company said it would exhibit the radio along with stories of the men who tapped out distress calls “until seawater was literally lapping at their feet.”

District Judge granted RMST permission in May 2020, writing that the radio is historically and culturally important and could soon be lost forever due to decay.

Weeks later, the U.S. government filed an official legal challenge against the 2020 expedition, which never happened. The firm delayed its plans in early 2021 due to the pandemic.


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e6b2c9 No.85919

File: 72e0fd0c9ff14d1⋯.png (544.55 KB,939x283,939:283,Clipboard.png)

File: 45fd522f4a3e9bb⋯.png (219.48 KB,926x1554,463:777,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471958 (011415ZSEP23) Notable: In Cedar Key, Hurricane Idalia turned a ‘haven for artists’ into a flooded wreck

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Dasting!! Cedar Key. (mirror of 113)


"Fantasy" land? Tis in FL. (Trumps home)

Plenty of drops

In Cedar Key, Hurricane Idalia turned a ‘haven for artists’ into a flooded wreck

Named for the trees that once covered the islands, Cedar Key, Florida, is located about four miles out in the Gulf of Mexico and connected to the mainland by a single road that crosses over four small, low bridges.

Its isolation is part of its appeal. With just 800 full-time residents, the island town bills itself as a “haven for artists, writers and ‘adventure’ tourists, who find the unspoiled environment their inspiration.”

It’s no haven today.

Hurricane Idalia brought record-high storm surge that flooded much of the island, lifting up and tossing old homes into the Gulf, strewing the streets and beach with chairs, microwaves, hairdryers and other debris and inundating much of the waterfront commercial district. There is no power, no water and no sewage, Cedar Key Fire and Rescue said Wednesday night, although the power was restored overnight.

Even so, early warnings, a mandatory evacuation order and a population that knows the island’s notable hurricane history prevented any loss of life. And now the rebuilding begins.

“It was a difficult evening and a difficult morning,” Michael Bobbitt, a resident who stayed behind during the hurricane, told CNN’s John Berman on Wednesday night. “But seeing everyone out cleaning up the streets and checking on their neighbors, it’s a little bit of a silver lining to a really tough situation.”

Photos on the Cedar Key Fire Rescue Facebook account showing some of the early destruction. Ocean water had flooded well past the edge of the island, tossing lawn furniture and deck chairs into the street. Propane tanks were blowing off all over the island, adding another hazard, Cedar Key Fire Rescue posted.

Bobbitt said it was “heartbreaking” to see the destruction of so many buildings and old villas. Yet, he said the community was doing “surprisingly well,” all things considered.

“My neighbor’s house across from me was submerged to the roof line, but we had no injuries,” he said. “We’re here. We’ll rebuild. We’ll do what Cedar Key does. All in all, I feel incredibly blessed.”



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e6b2c9 No.85920

File: 0186adecc55cc0b⋯.png (1012.61 KB,834x468,139:78,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471963 (011417ZSEP23) Notable: Ghost in the machine: First neutrino observation at Large Hadron Collider

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Ghost in the machine: First neutrino observation at Large Hadron Collider

30 August 2023

Physicists at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) have made the first ever direct observation of neutrinos in a particle accelerator.

Neutrinos are tiny, near massless and chargeless particles. They are among the elementary particles that make up the Standard Model of particle physics. Of all the particles in the Standard Model, neutrinos are among the least understood.

Even seeing a neutrino is extremely difficult, despite the fact they are among the most numerous particles in the universe. An estimated 100 trillion (100 million million) neutrinos pass through your body every second!

Detectors have picked up the traces of neutrinos from known sources such as the Sun, nuclear reactors, cosmic rays and supernovae since they were first observed in 1956.

But they should show up in particle accelerators too. Until now, physicists have been unable to confirm observations of neutrinos in their colliders.

Now, two large research collaborations namely FASER (Forward Search Experiment) and SND (Scattering and Neutrino Detector)@LHC, have observed collider neutrinos for the very first time. Their results are published in two papers published in Physical Review Letters.

The measurements were obtained from detectors at CERN’s LHC in Switzerland.

“Neutrinos are produced very abundantly in proton colliders such as the LHC,” Cristovao Vilela, part of the SND@LHC Collaboration, says in an article on Phys.org. “However, up to now, these neutrinos had never been directly observed. The very weak interaction of neutrinos with other particles makes their detection very challenging and because of this they are the least well studied particles in the Standard Model of particle physics.”

“Particle colliders have existed for over 50 years, and have detected every known particle except for neutrinos,” Jonathan Lee Feng of FASER tells Phys.org. “Every time neutrinos have been discovered from a new source, whether it is a nuclear reactor, the sun, the Earth, or supernovae, we have learned something extremely important about the universe.”

FASER researchers found neutrinos by placing a detector along the line of the particle beam, following the colliding particles’ trajectories.

They found 153 distinct neutrino signatures using their “very small, inexpensive” detector.

The FASER neutrinos have the highest energy recorded for the particles in a laboratory environment. They could prove useful in gaining insight into neutrino properties as well as the search for other elusive particles.

SND@LHC reported their findings shortly after showing a further 8 neutrino events. Their 2-metre-long detector was placed at a site expected to see high neutrino flux. It was shielded from other debris caused by proton collisions by about 100 metres of concrete and rock.

“The observation of collider neutrinos opens the door to novel measurements which will help us understand some of the more fundamental puzzles of the Standard Model of particle physics, such as why there are three generations of matter particles (fermions) that seem to be exact copies of each other in all aspects except for their mass,” notes Vilela.

Both experiments will continue collecting data and may lead to further developments including in the search for dark matter.

“We will be running the FASER detector for many more years, and expect to collect at least 10 times more data,” Feng comments. “A particularly exciting fact is that this initial discovery only used part of the detector. In the coming years, we will be able to use the full power of FASER to map out these high energy neutrino interactions in exquisite detail.”


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e6b2c9 No.85921

File: 24b6f9f9b7f6423⋯.png (342.47 KB,600x338,300:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471979 (011420ZSEP23) Notable: Indian Space Mission Finds Oxygen, Sulphur and Other Chemical Elements on the Lunar Surface, While Seismic Study of the South Pole Reveals ‘Unexplained Vibration’

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Moon Vibes: Indian Space Mission Finds Oxygen, Sulphur and Other Chemical Elements on the Lunar Surface, While Seismic Study of the South Pole Reveals ‘Unexplained Vibration’

The Chandrayaan-3 mission now is divided between the Vikram Lander and the Pragyan Rover, each with a different task.

pic: ‘Vikram’ lander photographed by the ‘Pragyan’ lander.

Sep. 1, 2023 8:00 am


@isro: https://twitter.com/isro/status/1696529346872451541

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e6b2c9 No.85922

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471991 (011424ZSEP23) Notable: Absolutely no sauce for this claim. Helicopter dropping Bill Gates' mosquitoes.

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>>85819 nHelicopter dropping Bill Gates' mosquitoes.

Absolutely no sauce for this claim.

Robinson R44 helicopter not a billionaire's first choice for anything, nor for any municipal insticide fleet.

Nom for removal from notables: it's bullshit.

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e6b2c9 No.85923

File: 0adee58d38365be⋯.png (642.2 KB,797x720,797:720,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19471999 (011427ZSEP23) Notable: CEO of Duane Reade owner Walgreens abruptly steps down

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quota-hire fails

CEO of Duane Reade owner Walgreens abruptly steps down

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e6b2c9 No.85924

File: 2c2892d1e68a100⋯.jpeg (647.57 KB,856x4473,856:4473,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472000 (011427ZSEP23) Notable: Aussie: ‘Maybe try walking’: Climate extremist group Tyre Extinguishers targets SUVs in Toorak

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‘Maybe try walking’: Climate extremist group Tyre Extinguishers targets SUVs in Toorak

Extremists have deflated “hundreds” of tyres on SUVs in a wealthy Melbourne suburb overnight in “the first action in a new wave” of protests.

Climate change extremists have deflated “hundreds” of tyres on SUVs in the wealthy Melbourne suburb overnight, with notes left on windscreens informing owners that their “gas guzzler kills” and suggesting they try taking public transport instead.

Supporters of the global Tyre Extinguishers group said in a statement to media outlets on Friday morning that “concerned citizens” had “disarmed” vehicles in Melbourne’s richest suburb “in the first action in a new wave of climate protest in Australia”.

“The Tyre Extinguishers is a new movement springing up across the globe, encouraging people to take action against urban SUVs,” the statement said.

“The Tyre Extinguishers are a leaderless group where citizens take action in their local area by using a website to learn how to deflate the tyres and to print off a leaflet to leave at the SUV to inform the owner of what has happened, for their safety.”

At least 10 cars were targeted. Picture: Tyre Extinguishers

At least 10 cars were targeted. Picture: Tyre Extinguishers

A Victoria Police spokeswoman confirmed officers were “investigating after a number of vehicles had their tyres deflated in Toorak overnight”.

“At least 10 four-wheel drive and sports utility vehicles in the vicinity of Tintern Avenue were tampered with,” she said.

“Notes were also left on the vehicles describing the environmental impact of these types of vehicles. The investigation is ongoing.”

Police have asked any witnesses or anyone with CCTV or other footage to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or make a report at crimestoppersvic.com.au.

Flyers were left on windscreens. Picture: Tyre Extinguishers

Flyers were left on windscreens. Picture: Tyre Extinguishers

The note left on windscreens read: “ATTENTION — your gas guzzler kills”.

“We have deflated one or more of your tyres,” the note read.

“You’ll be angry, but just take a minute to think about why your car is a big problem.

“Car companies try to convince you that we need massive cars, but we don’t. Driving around urban areas in your massive vehicle has huge consequences for others. SUVs and 4x4s are also a disaster for our climate. SUVs are the second-largest cause of the global rise in carbon dioxide emissions over the past decade — more than the entire aviation industry.

“Even if you don’t care about the impacts on people far away from you, perhaps think about the impacts around your neighbourhood. SUVs cause far more air pollution than smaller cars. “SUVs are more likely to kill people than normal sedans in collisions. Psychological studies show SUV drivers are more likely to take risks and put others at risk. SUVs just aren’t necessary, especially when most of us live in overcrowded cities.

“The world is facing a climate emergency. According to scientists and the United Nations, millions of people are already dying from the consequences of global heating — droughts, fires, hurricanes, floods, forced migration and starvation. While the impacts on you so far have probably been minimal, everyday millions of people are directly affected. Emergency action is needed to reduce emissions immediately.

“That’s why we’ve temporarily stopped you driving your SUV. Your tyre isn’t damaged and you will have no difficulty getting around without your gas guzzler. Maybe try walking, cycling or using public transport.”

Toorak is one of Melbourne’s richest suburbs. Picture: Supplied

Toorak is one of Melbourne’s richest suburbs. Picture: Supplied

In its statement, Tyre Extinguishers said the group was taking action because SUVs were a “climate disaster”.

“If SUV drivers were a country, they would be the sixth largest polluting country in the world,” it said.

“The Tyre Extinguishers want to see bans on SUVs in urban areas, pollution levies to tax SUVs out of existence, and massive investment in free, comprehensive public transport. But until politicians make this a reality, Tyre Extinguishers action will continue. We have no leader — anyone can take part, wherever you are.”


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e6b2c9 No.85925

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472001 (011428ZSEP23) Notable: CEO of Duane Reade owner Walgreens abruptly steps down

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e6b2c9 No.85926

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472002 (011428ZSEP23) Notable: Aussie: ‘Maybe try walking’: Climate extremist group Tyre Extinguishers targets SUVs in Toorak

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Last month, supporters of the group destroyed the tyres on at least 60 SUVs at a UK car dealership.

They claimed the action was in “retaliation” for the deaths of two eight-year-old schoolgirls who were tragically killed when a woman driving her Land Rover careered through fencing and into their southwest London school on July 6.

“This act of retaliation is intended as a peaceful and nonviolent demonstration to draw attention to the presence of grossly-inappropriate private vehicles in our towns and cities,” the activists said.

“Tyre Extinguishers firmly believes that their action is a necessary escalation to try and stop these vehicles from wrecking further lives and continuing to push the worsening climate crisis off the cliff edge.”

Speaking to news.com.au earlier this year, a spokesperson for the group said it had faced “no legal issues” and that Australia was its “next big target”.

“It’s very hard to get caught doing this, unless SUV owners are going to stay up all night, every night defending their vehicle in the off chance we appear,” the spokesperson said.

“If someone is caught, there’s a debate about whether what we are doing is even illegal. In the UK, police forces are divided about whether it’s a crime to let the air out of a tyre or not. It may not even meet the threshold for criminal damage.”


2of 2

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e6b2c9 No.85927

File: 910972c6eb70716⋯.png (418.36 KB,482x500,241:250,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472010 (011429ZSEP23) Notable: End Times News

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End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000031



MY COMMENT: Because America is no longer a free market capitalist nation! In capitalism this company would go broke, and file for bankruptcy! Capitalist nations do not screw with the entire economic system to force government agendas!

Pump Station Breaks Down Allowing More Untreated Sewage From Mexico To Spill Into US Coast


“The fact that every time there is flow in the Tijuana River, it is all tainted with sewage, it is all toxic and contaminated. And the moment it touches our coastal waters, it impacts and pollutes our entire coast.”

Hungary Blocks More European Union Money To Ukraine Until Other Investments Accounted For


Sweden is under bomb attack this morning. Bomb squad experts have been called in after Swedish cities and the capital, Stockholm, were rocked by four explosions in just over an hour.


We’re already at war with Russia, of course, we’re funding their enemies... The ruling Democrats need the war to keep power and too many Republicans are willing to go along... They will do anything to win... Another coronavirus lockdown is unlikely, as too many people would refuse to comply, so they’re going to go to war with Russia, that’s what they’re going to do... There will be a hot war between the US and Russia in the next year, I don’t think we’ll win it... I would bet my house on it, we are going to war with Russia... And, of course, the stakes are everything... Life on the planet... These are the two biggest nuclear arsenals in the world, facing off against each other... The US has already lost control of the world – the American empire is in freefall right now – and we’re going to lose the US dollar, and when that happens we’re going to have real poverty here, like Great Depression-level poverty... And it comes from this war”


MY COMMENT: If the US government goes to direct war with Russia, more than half of America will not bother saving this crooked neo-con radical-leftist Empire. We will sit back, hunker down and watch them seal their own fate!

Russia’s longest-range Sarmat ICBM has been approved for combat duty and is now in service.



Just one Sarmat ICBM can destroy NATO countries like Britain and France in a single strike.

Vladimir Solovyov: “These are the End Times, we should realize this.”


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e6b2c9 No.85928

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472019 (011430ZSEP23) Notable: Rise of BRICS ‘devastating’ for US

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Rise of BRICS ‘devastating’ for US – congresswoman

The group can bypass the dollar, chipping away at Washington’s economic dominance, Marjorie Taylor Greene has said

As BRICS gains momentum, the US economy becomes weaker because the members of the grouping can circumvent American sanctions and trade in their own currencies, Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene said on Thursday.

Speaking to her constituents in Georgia, the Republican congresswoman lashed out at the administration of US President Joe Biden, which she said is turning a blind eye to the rise of BRICS – an economic group which consists of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa and accounts for more than a quarter of global GDP.

The Republican firebrand claimed that while Washington is “doing… nonsense” – including providing all kinds of support to Ukraine which is locked in a conflict with Russia – “there are other countries in the world, powerful countries, organizing together because they are tired of the United States.”

In this sense, the BRICS countries are making serious trade agreements “where they are saying: we’ll buy from you, you’ll buy from us, we don’t care about US sanctions and we’ll sell to one another, buy and sell in our own currency, not the US dollar,” she stated.

“This is one of the most devastating things that can happen to all of us,” Greene claimed.

As BRICS becomes more powerful, the US dollar gets weaker, she said. “And you know what happens to all of us? We’re going to go broke,” the congresswoman predicted, adding that this dynamic will negatively affect the retirement plans and personal savings of ordinary Americans.

“What is going to happen to our children, when the US dollar means nothing anymore, because Russia, and China, and India with its huge population of billions of people have more buying power in their own currencies than we do? This is a very serious concern,” Greene said.

The congresswoman’s remarks come on the heels of a historic BRICS summit in South Africa, where the group agreed to an unprecedented expansion, admitting six new countries – Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates – which will become full-fledged members in 2024.

In a declaration summarizing the summit, BRICS, which has historically positioned itself as an alternative to Western-dominated international institutions, reaffirmed its commitment to inclusiveness, while expressing support for the “legitimate aspirations” of African, Asian, and Latin American countries to play a more prominent role in the global arena.

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e6b2c9 No.85929

File: 0c8c66453a774cb⋯.png (37.42 KB,1243x292,1243:292,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472034 (011436ZSEP23) Notable: From One Unapologetic Media Hoax to the Next

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From One Unapologetic Media Hoax to the Next

Townhall.com, by Victor Davis Hanson

Posted By: DW626, 9/1/2023 10:17:56 AM

Joe Biden lied repeatedly when he claimed he knew nothing of his son Hunter's influence-peddling businesses. The president further prevaricated that he had no involvement in Hunter's various shake-down schemes. Yet, the media continued to misinform by serially ignoring these facts. Had journalists just been honest and independent, then-candidate Joe Biden might have lost a presidential debate and even the 2020 election. The public would have learned that Hunter's business associates and his laptop proved Joe was deeply involved in his son's illicit businesses.

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e6b2c9 No.85930

File: 89a180b001c4903⋯.png (16.13 KB,970x148,485:74,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472038 (011438ZSEP23) Notable: Global Affairs Canada issues LGBTQ2S+ travel advisory for United States

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Global Affairs Canada issues LGBTQ2S+

travel advisory for United States

CTV News (Toronto, Ontario), by The Canadian Press Staff

Posted By: Hazymac, 9/1/2023 8:20:45 AM

OTTAWA - Canada has updated its international travel advisories to warn members of the LGBTQ+ community that they may face discrimination if they travel to some places in the United States. The move comes after at least 18 U.S. states passed laws that limit or ban certain things relevant to the community, including gender-affirming medical care for minors and teaching about sexual orientation in schools. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security also warned in May that threats of violence against the LGBTQ+ community were becoming more frequent and intense.

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e6b2c9 No.85931

File: 20fa7271ceec10c⋯.png (46.49 KB,1308x271,1308:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472044 (011439ZSEP23) Notable: Bay Area Councilman Has Keys, Wallet Stolen While Speaking to Shopkeepers About Safety

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Bay Area Councilman Has Keys, Wallet Stolen

While Speaking to Shopkeepers About Safety

Townhall, by Madeline Leesman

Posted By: Beardo, 9/1/2023 7:25:09 AM

A councilman in California’s Bay Area was speaking to shopkeepers about safety when he had his wallet and keys stolen, according to a report from CBS Bay Area. Reportedly, Emeryville council member Kalimah Priforce rode his bike to Bay Street to spend the afternoon “visiting nearly every store to ask employees about their experience and sense of safety.” (snip) While he was at the mall, Priforce phoned police because he discovered his wallet and keys were stolen from his bike bag.

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e6b2c9 No.85932

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472056 (011442ZSEP23) Notable: #23913-A

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#23913-A >>85831

>>85832 Sen. Johnson Claims CDC 'Abused Authority,' Engaged In 'Censorship Campaign' Of COVID-19 Vaccine Posts

>>85833 U.S. Approves First-Ever Arms to Taiwan Under Foreign Aid Program

>>85834, >>85862 "ALICE Training" contact a school about conducting a live shooter drill, and the school agrees

>>85835 Asshole who owns TicketMaster and HSN says Netflix is the reason the strikes are going on and everyone should make separate deals, including PPV deals.

>>85836 Biden Targets Six Communities to Dump New York City's Migrants

>>85837 Writers on MTV Unscripted Series 'Ridiculousness' File to Unionize

>>85838 @realDonaldTrump I am being “railroaded” by a highly partisan and corrupt system of INJUSTICE, headed up by an opponent who is losing in the polls

>>85839 Fulton County Court will live-stream Trump trial.

>>85840 San Francisco: 18 people died of a drug overdose on Wednesday. No media attention.

>>85841, >>85866, >>85868, >>85867 PF British spy plane squawking 7700

>>85842, >>85843 Spike Detox Goes Mainstream: First-Ever Protocol Appears in U.S. Medical Journal

>>85844 Newt Gingrich Tonight on Life, Liberty and Levin

>>85845 Another judge from a Marxist family

>>85846 We have to recognize that we have a growing police state in America, and that police state is controlled by one party, the Democrat Party.

>>85847 Jay Bratt, one of Jack Smith's hitmen, is almost as sleazy as Smith.

>>85848 Trust me, nobody sees Pence as Reagan except Rove (who opposed Reagan in the ‘76 and ‘80 primaries)

>>85849, >>85872 Panic! Speedy Trials

>>85850, >>85851, >>85852, >>85853, >>85854, >>85856 But their is no system of justice. Our Court System is rigged against me!

>>85855 Woke Disney Sued for Deliberately Misleading Investors About Streaming Losses

>>85857 We have a fraud dressed up as a judge in Washington D.C. who is a radical Obama hack

>>85858 Keep Indicting your Political Opponent, it makes no difference for what, or why.


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e6b2c9 No.85933

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472062 (011444ZSEP23) Notable: #23913-B

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#23913-B >>85831

>>85859, >>85860 Trump: Victim of a Radically Transformed Federal Judiciary

>>85861 Stunning compilation of the lightning display over the Volcán de Agua, Guatemala, on July 10, 2023.

>>85863 Former Paramount and 20th Century Fox CEO Barry Diller has a warning for Hollywood: settle the strike by September 1st or face an "absolute collapse" of the industry.

>>85864 PF Megan Boone

>>85865 Pope telegrams ‘greetings of good wishes’ to China’s Xi: Vatican

>>85869, >>85873 the biggest missed story of this century is the incredible dumbing down of the American public

>>85870 Record numbers of families streamed across U.S border illegally in August -with migrant arrests surging over 30% overall

>>85871, >>85894, >>85895, >>85896, >>85899, >>85901 September is National Preparedness Month sponsored by FEMA.

>>85874 Biden calls Pete Buttigieg “Secretary BootyJuice”..

>>85875, >>85878 Video emerges of Amazon Alexa purportedly saying that there WILL NOT BE A 2024 ELECTION because the War Powers Act of 1973 will be invoked./how to get Alexa to say anything

>>85876 So Biden now gets a pass due to dementia he had from day one - and they get rid of him without have to be responsible

>>85877 Florida school voted to remove dozens of pornographic books after parents read from these books out loud

>>85879 Phillip Anderson was about to testify on behalf of the defense in a number of key January 6 trials when he was arrested & held for 2 days.

>>85880 New York State Set to Transfer Biden’s Illegals to Upstate New York but Haven’t Notified the Local Leaders Yet

>>85881 Proud Boy Zachary Rehl Cries in Court- Regime Sentences Him to 15 Years for Garbage “Seditious Conspiracy” Charges

>>85882 ATF Goes Around Congress: Publishes Universal Background Check Rule

>>85883, >>85890 Biden to Send Maui Less than One-Tenth of One Percent of What He Wants to Send Ukraine

>>85884 Nunes: “ALL ROADS LEAD TO OBAMA…He needs to be subpoenaed and hauled in…

>>85885, >>85886 Going After Citizen Journalists : #1A Rights Under Attack Even In “Red States” Like South Carolina.

>>85887 The Biden administration will encourage all Americans to get an additional COVID mRNA shot in mid-September.

>>85888 Trump blasts 'fearmongering' over new COVID strain and claims 'left wing lunatics'

are trying to bring back lockdowns and mask mandates to steal the 2024 election

>>85889 Federal Judge Blocks Red State Ban On Drag Shows In Front Of Children

>>85891 @SarahHuckabee As long as I’m Governor, Arkansas will not lock down.

>>85892 U.S. government launches UFO website.

>>85893 @Techno_Fog False representation to the Court makes DA Willis guilty of the same conduct she accuses the defendants

>>85897 Niger Demands French Troops Leave Country by September 3 - Paris Has Already Refused To Withdraw Its Ambassador, as the European Union Weighs a Response

>>85898 Russia puts Sarmat "Satan II" intercontinental ballistic missiles on combat duty

>>85900 Criminals in the U.S. & overseas stole an estimated $280 billion of COVID aid intended for struggling Americans.


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e6b2c9 No.85934

File: 1f6a52a72d0981e⋯.png (53.67 KB,955x621,955:621,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472067 (011445ZSEP23) Notable: Acute blood biomarker profiles predict cognitive deficits 6 and 12 months after COVID-19 hospitalization

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Acute blood biomarker profiles predict cognitive deficits 6 and 12 months after COVID-19 hospitalization


Post-COVID cognitive deficits, including ‘brain fog’, are clinically complex, with both objective and subjective components. They are common and debilitating, and can affect the ability to work, yet their biological underpinnings remain unknown. In this prospective cohort study of 1,837 adults hospitalized with COVID-19, we identified two distinct biomarker profiles measured during the acute admission, which predict cognitive outcomes 6 and 12 months after COVID-19. A first profile links elevated fibrinogen relative to C-reactive protein with both objective and subjective cognitive deficits. A second profile links elevated D-dimer relative to C-reactive protein with subjective cognitive deficits and occupational impact. This second profile was mediated by fatigue and shortness of breath. Neither profile was significantly mediated by depression or anxiety. Results were robust across secondary analyses. They were replicated, and their specificity to COVID-19 tested, in a large-scale electronic health records dataset. These findings provide insights into the heterogeneous biology of post-COVID cognitive deficits.

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e6b2c9 No.85935

File: 14024edfef18d1f⋯.png (106.68 KB,851x468,851:468,Clipboard.png)

File: 1b346c5eb9e33f1⋯.jpg (122.23 KB,880x727,880:727,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4ae8f72cc2d38d6⋯.mp4 (3.2 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)


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Donald J. Trump



Sep 01, 2023, 8:03 AM


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e6b2c9 No.85936

File: 84fd28b3f4e36ce⋯.png (13.82 KB,618x248,309:124,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472072 (011447ZSEP23) Notable: Russia puts Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missiles on combat duty, RIA reports citing Roscosmos.

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JUST IN - Russia puts Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missiles on combat duty, RIA reports citing Roscosmos.

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e6b2c9 No.85937

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472077 (011447ZSEP23) Notable: Tuesday night Wednesday morning fyi Operational Test Launch of an Air Force Global Strike Command Unarmed Minuteman III Intercontinental Ballistic Missile

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Tuesday night Wednesday morning fyi

September 6, 2023

2:47 AM EDT

Operational Test Launch of an Air Force Global Strike Command Unarmed Minuteman III Intercontinental Ballistic Missile

Vandenberg Space Force Base (VSFB), California


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e6b2c9 No.85938

File: 483a93a801cd6aa⋯.png (71.32 KB,415x548,415:548,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472080 (011448ZSEP23) Notable: YouTube is now offering re-education training to rule breakers.

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BREAKING: YouTube is now offering re-education training to rule breakers.

The initiative comes as YouTube expands its “medical misinformation” policy.

Do you really want YouTube to “educate” you?


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e6b2c9 No.85939

File: f389ba8afc2fb2a⋯.png (452.4 KB,992x893,992:893,Clipboard.png)

File: 64111323175eeab⋯.png (113.93 KB,710x794,355:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472091 (011451ZSEP23) Notable: Fani Willis Possesses Evidence Exonerating Georgia’s Alternate Electors

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EXCLUSIVE: Fani Willis Possesses Evidence Exonerating Georgia’s Alternate Electors

Fulton County DA Fani Willis has evidence exonerating Republicans she’s targeting in her 98-page Georgia indictment.

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis possesses evidence that exonerates several Republicans she’s targeting in her legal crusade against former President Donald Trump and other Republicans for their lawful contesting of Georgia’s flawed 2020 election.

In her Aug. 14 indictment, Willis alleged the existence of Republican electors for Trump constituted an unlawful “conspiracy” to overturn the Peach State’s 2020 election results. Among those charged for partaking in this so-called “conspiracy” are David Shafer, one of Georgia’s 2020 Republican electors, and Ray Smith, who served as one of Trump’s lawyers at the time of the contest.

Specifically, Willis claimed Shafer and the other alternate electors “unlawfully falsely held themselves out” as Georgia’s “duly elected and qualified” presidential electors. She further insisted these electors — with Smith’s assistance — intentionally attempted to “mislead” figures such as then-Vice President Mike Pence and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger “into believing that they actually were such officers.”

However, among the documents Willis obtained during her years-long investigation of Republicans was a meeting transcript refuting her allegations.

A transcript of the Georgia Republican electors’ Dec. 14, 2020, meeting, obtained by The Federalist, explicitly shows the intent behind casting alternate electors was not to impersonate public officers, as Willis alleged, but to lawfully preserve Trump’s legal challenge to the state’s election results. At the meeting’s outset, Shafer specifically noted how he and his fellow Republicans were acting as “Republican nominees for Presidential Elector,” not as “duly elected and qualified” presidential electors.

“[President Trump] has filed a contest to the certified returns. That contest — is pending [and has] not been decided or even heard by any judge with the authority to hear it,” Shafer said. “And so in order to preserve his rights, it’s important that the Republican nominees for Presidential Elector meet here today and cast their votes.”

For context, Shafer and Trump filed a lawsuit against Secretary of State Raffensberger in Fulton County state court on Dec. 4, 2020, alleging tens of thousands of illegal votes had been cast in the state’s presidential election. The suit came after a recount, requested by Trump, deemed Biden the winner of Georgia’s 16 electoral votes by a margin of 11,779. The recount prompted Raffensberger to recertify the election on Dec. 7 while Trump’s legal challenge remained ongoing.

By the time Dec. 14, 2020, arrived — the day on which nominees for presidential electors are required by federal law to meet — Trump and Shafer’s lawsuit was still pending. As such, Georgia’s Republican nominees, including Shafer, cast their electoral votes for Trump while the state’s Democrat nominees cast theirs for Biden.

During the Dec. 14, 2020, meeting, Shafer further clarified the legal rationale for filing alternate electors in a conversation with Smith, asking Trump’s then-lawyer: “And so the only way for us to have any judge consider the merits of our complaint, the thousands of people we allege voted unlawfully, is for us to have this meeting and permit the contest to continue?”

“That’s correct,” Smith replied.

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e6b2c9 No.85940

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472092 (011451ZSEP23) Notable: Fani Willis Possesses Evidence Exonerating Georgia’s Alternate Electors

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The naming of contingent Republican electors during the 2020 election closely mirrors efforts taken during the 1960 presidential contest between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon. As The Federalist’s Margot Cleveland previously reported, a dispute over who won Hawaii’s electoral votes prompted both Kennedy and Nixon electors to cast their votes for their respective candidates. While Hawaii’s acting Republican governor initially certified the election for Nixon, a legal challenge and subsequent court decision resulted in the state’s electoral votes being awarded to Kennedy.

Unlike Kennedy, Trump never had his day in court over his legal challenges to those votes and others, but had the court ruled in Trump’s favor, the alternative electors would have been in place to ensure the will of the Georgia people was exercised.

While speaking to Shafer and the other Republican electors at the Dec. 14, 2020, meeting, Smith asserted the naming of Republican electors for Trump would be conducted “in accordance with the Constitution” and the precedent established in the 1960 Hawaii case, saying, “We’re conducting this because the contest of the election in Georgia is ongoing.”

“And if we did not hold this meeting, then our election contest would effectively be abandoned?” Shafer asked, to which Smith replied, “That’s correct.”

The revelations unearthed in the transcript raise a significant question: If Willis was in possession of the transcript prior to Aug. 14, why did she charge Shafer and Smith for allegedly partaking in a “conspiracy” to overturn Georgia’s 2020 election results when the aforementioned document shows otherwise?

Willis did not respond to The Federalist’s repeated requests for comment on when her office possessed the Dec. 14, 2020, transcript prior to announcing Shafer and Smith’s indictments to the public.


Georgia Republican Continge… by The Federalist

Unlike the 1960 Hawaii case, which was promptly resolved in court prior to Congress’s certification of the election, the Fulton County state court reportedly violated Georgia’s election code by failing to swiftly assign a judge to hear Trump’s election challenge. Furthermore, the Georgia court delayed the first scheduled hearing of Trump’s lawsuit until Jan. 8, 2021 — “two days after Congress certified Biden the winner of the 2020 election” — which effectively guaranteed that any court decision invalidating potentially illegal ballots would be moot.

It’s worth mentioning that evidence unearthed following the 2020 election shows Trump’s legal challenge in Georgia had strong merit, with records indicating there were more illegal votes than Biden’s margin of victory in Georgia. Under state law, Georgians must vote in the county where they reside, unless they changed their residence within 30 days of Election Day.

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e6b2c9 No.85941

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472093 (011451ZSEP23) Notable: Fani Willis Possesses Evidence Exonerating Georgia’s Alternate Electors

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As The Federalist reported, however, Mark Davis, the president of Data Productions Inc. and “an expert in voter data analytics and residency issues,” used data from the National Change of Address database to identify “nearly 35,000 Georgia voters who indicated they had moved from one Georgia county to another, but then voted in the 2020 general election in the county from which they had moved.” In a phone interview this week, Davis told The Federalist that more recent figures show more than 12,000 of those 35,000 Georgians later updated their voter registration addresses, “providing the secretary of state the exact address they had previously provided to the [U.S. Postal Service].” In other words, more than 12,000 in-state movers tacitly confirmed they illegally cast their vote in the wrong county in 2020.

The ‘Fake Electors’ Charges Are Fake News

Contrary to Willis’ indictments, constitutional law specialists such as Todd Zywicki, a professor at George Mason University’s Antonin Scalia Law School, have argued the casting of alternate electors in Georgia was perfectly legitimate and adheres to existing legal precedent. In a July 18 letter requesting a meeting with Willis, Shafer’s legal team enclosed an expert declaration issued by Zywicki, in which he contended the actions undertaken by Trump’s legal team and the Republican electors in Georgia “followed the Hawaii precedent precisely” and used “materially identical forms and the same procedures as the contingent 1960 Hawaii Democratic Presidential Electors.”

“At the same time, the contingent Georgia Republican Presidential Electors publicly announced that the votes they cast and related actions they took were expressly contingent on the outcome of the pending election contest and were cast only to protect and preserve the remedies for that contest and the ability of the State of Georgia to have a valid electoral ballot for Congress to count on January 6, 2021 regardless of the ultimate outcome [of] that contest,” Zywicki wrote.

The law professor furthermore noted that in casting their votes for Biden, Georgia’s Democrat electors were also “acting contingently … as their status as Presidential Electors was directly contingent on the outcome” of Trump’s contesting of the state’s election results in court. Similar to their Republican counterparts, the Democrat electors “made no similar announcement that their votes and actions on December 14, 2020 were contingent on the outcome of the election contest.”

Unlike Republicans, however, the state’s Democrat electors “have come under no criticism or scrutiny for having not done so,” Zywicki noted.

Shafer’s Ongoing Legal Fight

In light of the charges levied against their client, Shafer’s legal team filed a motion last week to have his case moved from Fulton County Superior Court to the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia.

In the filing, Shafer’s lawyers argued that neither Georgia nor Willis possesses the legal authority to charge Shafer for actions he took in his capacity as a lawful presidential elector and further requested the federal court “assert its habeas or equitable jurisdiction to bar the State’s prosecution.” Shafer’s team further contended the state’s prosecution “seeks to criminalize a political dispute that only Congress possesses the authority to resolve.”

“Like Members of Congress, presidential electors are created by the Constitution, elected by the States, but serve a federal role under federal authority,” the motion reads. “Just as Members of Congress are federal officers” under federal law, “so too then, by the same analogy, are presidential electors. Mr. Shafer was an officer of the United States for the broad purposes of removal under” the same statute.

According to Shafer, on Tuesday, Obama-appointed District Judge Steve Jones ordered a hearing on Shafer’s motion.


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e6b2c9 No.85942

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472100 (011453ZSEP23) Notable: Walter Williams Documentary

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Walter Williams smoked, which is why he is dead now. They were both great sitting in for Limbaugh.

Similar backgrounds and coming to conservative thought. Justice Thomas, too. Radical lefties as young men, but realized that was the wrong path.

Here's a documentary about Williams.

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e6b2c9 No.85943

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472122 (011458ZSEP23) Notable: @mikelindell We Need To Pray For Georgia To Stand Up And Do What Is Right

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Mike Lindell



We Need To Pray For Georgia To Stand Up And Do What Is Right. To Watch The Full Video, Click Here.




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e6b2c9 No.85944

File: c92038f58043238⋯.png (522.46 KB,905x708,905:708,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472123 (011458ZSEP23) Notable: @mikelindell We Need To Pray For Georgia To Stand Up And Do What Is Right

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Mike Lindell


FrankSocial Platform Will Let You Report Election Fraud. To Watch The Entire Video, Click Here.




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e6b2c9 No.85945

File: 34398915ef49653⋯.png (59.95 KB,768x992,24:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472128 (011459ZSEP23) Notable: For the KEK and a half!

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Now this is a KEK and a half.

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e6b2c9 No.85946

File: 63127bff6dc0c93⋯.png (398.25 KB,1707x1273,1707:1273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472133 (011500ZSEP23) Notable: 5 DAY 5 YEAR Delta for "Done in [30]"

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>>85902 TYB!


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e6b2c9 No.85947

File: 6f6c94b9164e299⋯.png (524.51 KB,892x851,892:851,Clipboard.png)

File: 74c1acd43bd35c1⋯.png (525.09 KB,891x853,891:853,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472138 (011501ZSEP23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump New York embarrassment Letitia James is polically targeting President Trump

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Donald J. Trump


Sep 01, 2023,10:39AM




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e6b2c9 No.85948

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472139 (011502ZSEP23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump New York embarrassment Letitia James is polically targeting President Trump

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Donald J. Trump


Sep 01, 2023,10:39AM




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e6b2c9 No.85949

File: 255c5d874a28eb3⋯.mp4 (690.92 KB,880x464,55:29,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472147 (011504ZSEP23) Notable: Nancy Pelosi: "We have to work with the Chinese to save the planet"

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Nancy Pelosi: "We have to work with the Chinese to save the planet"


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e6b2c9 No.85950

File: 57031317102a561⋯.png (553.86 KB,593x873,593:873,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472151 (011504ZSEP23) Notable: “I appointed Bob Fenn, one of the nation's leading emergency managers — who's been on the ground in Hawaii since BEFORE THE FIRES

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Wall Street Apes



Did Joe Biden Just Confirm The Lahaina, Maui Hawaii Fires Were Planned?

BIDEN: “I appointed Bob Fenn, one of the nation's leading emergency managers — who's been on the ground in Hawaii since BEFORE THE FIRES erupted as our chief federal response coordinator to lead our long-term recovery on Maui.

DEWs, Direct Energy Weapons

#Hawaii #Maui #MauiFires #Lahaina #LahainaFires #DEWs #DirectedEnergyWeapons

Last edited

12:01 PM · Aug 30, 2023




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e6b2c9 No.85951

File: 587a8afcc464152⋯.png (396.7 KB,1707x1273,1707:1273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472153 (011504ZSEP23) Notable: 5 DAY 5 YEAR Delta for "Done in [30]"

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5 DAY 5 YEAR Delta for "Done in [30]"

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e6b2c9 No.85952

File: b2e19633a5cf67c⋯.png (268.65 KB,1228x463,1228:463,Clipboard.png)

File: cae564d84190ed9⋯.png (748.28 KB,1213x834,1213:834,Clipboard.png)

File: ec034d148794189⋯.png (26.34 KB,233x258,233:258,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472154 (011504ZSEP23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Georgia Officials Didn’t Follow Ethical, Legal Rules in Trump Indictment

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Donald J. Trump



Georgia Officials Didn’t Follow Ethical, Legal Rules in Trump Indictment

A Georgia judge should have barred Fulton County's district attorney from investigating Donald Trump after disqualifying her in part.

Sep 01, 2023, 8:21 AM


Georgia Officials Didn’t Follow Ethical, Legal Rules in Trump Indictment

A judge in Fulton County, Georgia, failed to properly follow the precedent set by the state Supreme Court in allowing the county’s top prosecutor to go forward with a grand jury investigation of former President Donald Trump after disquaifying the prosecutor from part of the probe for misbehavior.

In a legal analysis Aug. 15 in The Daily Signal, I pointed out the problems with the spurious indictment of Trump and 18 codefendants orchestrated by Fani Wills, the politically ambitious district attorney in Fulton County.

This combination of factors has resulted in an unprecedented attack on the First Amendment and the structure of the American legal system.

So what is the ethical problem above and beyond the constitutional and legal problems with Willis’ indictment of Trump? On July 25, 2022, Fulton County Superior Court Judge Robert McBurney disqualified Willis from continuing to target then-state Sen. Burt Jones as part of her grand jury investigation.

Jones, the Republican candidate for lieutenant governor of Georgia at the time, went on to be elected in November. He was also one of the contingent electors who showed up at the Georgia State Capitol in Atlanta on Dec. 1, 2020—the statutorily prescribed day—to vote for Trump to preserve a remedy for him if a court or the state Legislature overturned the results of the presidential election in Georgia.

Three of the contingent electors that day have been indicted by Willis, supposedly for creating “false electoral college documents.”

As McBurney outlined in his disqualification order, Willis “hosted and headlined a fundraiser” for Charles Bailey, the Democratic candidate opposing Jones, at a time when “media coverage of the grand jury proceedings was national and non-stop and the District Attorney was the very public face of those proceedings.”

Willis, the Superior Court judge wrote, “pledged her name, likeness, and office” to help Jones’ opponent at the same time she was targeting Jones and “publicly (in her pleadings) labeled Senator Jones a ‘target’ of the grand jury’s investigation.”

This created a “plain—and actual and untenable—conflict,” McBurney wrote, since any decision Willis made about Jones “in connection with the grand jury is necessarily infected by it.”

McBurney concluded that concern about the actions of:

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e6b2c9 No.85953

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472157 (011504ZSEP23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Georgia Officials Didn’t Follow Ethical, Legal Rules in Trump Indictment

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the District Attorney’s partiality naturally, immediately, and reasonably arises in the minds of the public, the pundits, and—most critically—the subjects of the investigation that necessitates the disqualification. An investigation of this significance, garnering the public attention it necessarily does and touching so many political nerves in our society, cannot be burdened by legitimate doubts about the District Attorney’s motives. The District Attorney does not have to be apolitical, but her investigations do.

As a result, McBurney quite properly disqualified Willis and her entire office from targeting Jones in any way with the Fulton County grand jury, including no longer publicly categorizing him “as a subject or target of the grand jury’s investigation.”

But here’s the problem. Under the holding of a 2014 decision by the Georgia Supreme Court, McLaughlin v. Payne, McBurney should have disqualified Willis and every prosecutor in her office from the entire grand jury investigation of Trump and all of the other codefendants who have been indicted, including the other contingent electors.

In the McLaughlin case, another Georgia county’s district attorney appeared as a witness for the state in a criminal prosecution because his daughter was a classmate of the victim of the crime. The DA had participated in the early investigation of the crime, his daughter had told him what she had heard about the crime, and the assistant prosecutor conducting the trial reported directly to the DA.

The state Supreme Court held that the district attorney had “a personal interest in the case that disqualified him from participating in the prosecution of the case at all, not just serving as trial counsel.”

What’s more, that conflict applied to the district attorney’s “entire office” since under the state’s Constitution, the county prosecutor “is a constitutional officer” who “appoints the assistant district attorneys” and whose “authority is derived from him” and “serve only at his pleasure.”

The fact that the district attorney was only one of multiple witnesses in the criminal prosecution did not remedy this conflict, and he and his entire office had to be disqualified from the prosecution.

In the Trump case, Willis convened a “single purpose grand jury” to investigate one specific subject, according to a letter she sent in January 2022 to the chief judge of Fulton County, requesting that the grand jury look into “any coordinated attempts to unlawfully alter the outcome of the 2020 elections” in Georgia.

Willis said the purpose of the grand jury would be to review “this matter only” and issue a single report making recommendations about potential indictments.

The state Supreme Court’s McLaughlin decision explains that when a prosecutor is found to have a personal interest in a case that is grounds for disqualification, then that prosecutor and the prosecutor’s entire office are disqualified from the entirety of the proceedings. That personal interest—in fact, a partisan, political interest—is exactly what McBurney found when he disqualified Willis and the entire Fulton County District Attorney’s Office from targeting Burt Jones.

But Willis and her office should have been disqualified from continuing the grand jury investigation as a whole, not just against one target.

McBurney has no authority to carve out a disqualification for just one potential defendant. In the Trump indictment, Willis clearly claims that all of the defendants involved in questioning the outcome of the 2020 election were inextricably intertwined with each other, the Trump campaign, and the Georgia Republican Party. In her view, this included possible defendants such as Jones (who is, in fact, referenced in the indictment as “Unindicted Co-Conspirator Individual Number 8”).

By smearing the other contingent electors, Willis would be smearing Jones too, and that should have been obvious at the time. In fact, the very basis for the prosecutor’s use of the Racketeering and Corrupt Organizations Act to indict Trump and the others is her claim that they all were involved in a grand conspiracy for which each one has full liability.

Disqualifying Willis, given her personal conflict of interest in attempting to lend her name and office’s credibility to help Jones’s Democrat opponents while targeting Jones as part of this alleged interlocking conspiracy, should have led to her disqualification—and all of the lawyers in her office—from the entire grand jury investigation.

When McBurney was asked to reconsider his decision by the other contingent electors (now named as defendants) and issue a broader disqualification, the Superior Court judge refused. He issued an arrogantly dismissive three-page order Aug. 25, 2022, that essentially ignored the findings of his previous order and failed to even discuss the inconvenient McLaughlin decision.

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e6b2c9 No.85954

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472158 (011505ZSEP23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Georgia Officials Didn’t Follow Ethical, Legal Rules in Trump Indictment

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McBurney made the broad assertion that a prosecutor who pursues an investigation into possible electoral wrongdoing “is not automatically biased and partisan—and subject to disqualification—because of the common political affiliations of the subjects (and targets) of the investigation.”

But no one had claimed that Willis should be disqualified because she is a Democrat and all of her targets are Republicans. McBurney himself found that Willis had an “obvious and irreconcilable” conflict of interest that called her objectivity and the legitimacy of the grand jury investigation into question. Yet McBurney failed to address this.

This issue should be reconsidered by the courts, especially in light of recently surfaced tweets by Willis questioning the outcome of past elections, including the 2018 midterm election and the 2020 presidential election.

These are exactly the type of public postings that Willis cited in her grand jury indictment of Trump and 18 co-defendants. Apparently, they don’t get the same immunity she has granted herself to question the outcome of an election or to raise questions about the behavior of election officials.

This shocking hypocrisy is just more evidence of Willis’ politically biased behavior.

All of this should raise great concern among Georgians, who may be victimized by such an attack on basic First Amendment activities, and in the state Legislature, which is supposed to ensure that the state’s justice system is fair and honest and not used as a political weapon.


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e6b2c9 No.85955

File: fa980e9c9b9921f⋯.png (1.95 MB,750x1334,375:667,Clipboard.png)

File: 87a6ba149b07288⋯.jpeg (154.46 KB,900x900,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 0fb9daaa3047315⋯.png (165.86 KB,690x1148,345:574,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472171 (011507ZSEP23) Notable: 5 DAY 5 YEAR Delta for "Done in [30]"

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e6b2c9 No.85956

File: ab7bd39ec6ea6a0⋯.png (18.23 KB,447x461,447:461,Clipboard.png)


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Q !UW.yye1fxo No.453📁

Feb 21 2018 20:34:05 (EST)

Last edited: Feb 21 2018 20:43:37 (EST)









[ ]














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e6b2c9 No.85957

File: 9eda64d2e42843d⋯.png (302.07 KB,596x847,596:847,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472178 (011509ZSEP23) Notable: Do you know if over 2,000 kids are still unaccounted for?

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Laura Loomer


Total media blackout.


Chester Tam



Aug 29

Replying to @nicksortor

Do you know if over 2,000 kids are still unaccounted for?


11:59 AM · Aug 30, 2023




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e6b2c9 No.85958

File: 93303d8181d0b8e⋯.png (91.87 KB,1882x460,941:230,Clipboard.png)


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e6b2c9 No.85959

File: 6ddb15056f4029c⋯.png (759.58 KB,595x753,595:753,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472187 (011510ZSEP23) Notable: @usairfoce plus "I have directed all of my energy to be laser-focused on the recovery and rebuilding efforts on Maui."

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The @usairforce

released an unclassified report created by the National Air and Space Intelligence Center detailing developing trends in the space domain and the growing challenges posed by foreign space assets. The report, titled “Competing in Space,” was created at the request of Air Force senior leaders to serve as a discussion tool for the public. The 25-page unclassified document uses a combination of images, assessments and projections to characterize the increasing threats to U.S. and allied use of space, and presents an outlook for the continued evolution of these trends. NASIC’s mission is to discover and characterize air, space, missile and cyber threats to enable full-spectrum multi-domain operations, drive weapon system acquisition, and inform national defense policy. NASIC products helps create advantage, giving policymakers, warfighters and the acquisition community a war-winning edge.

*This image was created for the Directed Energy Weapons section of the “Competing in Space” unclassified report, depicting threats, such as this airborne laser weapon system, which can temporarily impair or permanently damage space-based systems. Counterspace directed-energy weapons are designed to produce reversible or non-reversible effects against space systems by emitting highly focused radiofrequency or laser energy. - January 2019


2:26 PM · Aug 30, 2023




Joe Biden: "I have directed all of my energy to be laser-focused on the recovery and rebuilding efforts on Maui."


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e6b2c9 No.85960

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472192 (011511ZSEP23) Notable: resident Delivers Remarks on the August Jobs Report

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September 1, 2023

11:15 AM EDT

The President Delivers Remarks on the August Jobs Report

Rose Garden




President Biden Remarks on the August Jobs Report

President Biden gives remarks on the August jobs report.


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e6b2c9 No.85961

File: 484a2c1b72bf5d1⋯.jpeg (31.18 KB,358x452,179:226,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472214 (011515ZSEP23) Notable: Arizona Democrat Sec of State Admits He Cannot Block Trump From 2024 Ballot Despite His Desire to Do It

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Arizona Democrat Sec of State Admits He Cannot Block Trump From 2024 Ballot Despite His Desire to Do It

August 31, 2023 | Sundance | 161 Comments

A frustrated Arizona Democrat Secretary of State, Adrian Fontes, announced he does not have legal authority to block President Trump from the ballot.

Mr. Fontes says he would do it if he could and calls the laws governing his inability “stupid.”SoS Fontes is big mad.

(Via The Hill) – Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes (D) said he does not have the ability to bar former President Donald Trump from running for president in his state Wednesday.

There have been calls to bar the former president from being able to run in 2024 related to language in the 14th amendment where it states those who “have engaged in insurrection or rebellion” against the government cannot hold office. Fontes said despite those claims, he cannot do so by way of a previous Arizona Supreme Court case.

“Now, the Arizona Supreme Court said that because there’s no statutory process in federal law to enforce Section 3 of the 14th amendment, you can’t enforce it,” Fontes said on “The Gaggle” podcast by The Arizona Republic and azcentral.com.

“That’s what the Arizona Supreme Court said, so that’s the state of the law in Arizona. Now, do I agree with that? No, that’s stupid,” Fontes continued.

Fontes said despite his dislike of what the Arizona Supreme Court has decided, he will still follow it because it is Arizona law.

“What I’m saying is I’m going to follow the law,” Fontes said. “And the law in Arizona is what the law in Arizona is. Whether I like it or not, is irrelevant.” (link)


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e6b2c9 No.85962

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472228 (011519ZSEP23) Notable: Fukushima has not made fish radioactive

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Fukushima has not made fish radioactive – Russian data

More than 440 samples of seafood products from the area of the dump have been studied, Rosselkhoznadzor says

The fish caught in Russia’s Far Eastern seas since Japan began releasing wastewater from the Fukushima nuclear power plant into the ocean last week show no excessive levels of radiation, Russia’s veterinary and phytosanitary watchdog, Rosselkhoznadzor, has announced.

According to the agency, 443 samples of fish products, including cod, fluke, walleye pollock, halibut, salmon, crab, mussels and canned food, have been studied by its experts.

There were “no positive findings” in the tested products, with the level of radiation in them being within the normal range, Rosselkhoznadzor said. The results “indicate the safety of fish products,” it concluded.

The agency’s laboratory in the Far East monitors fish products on a regular basis, but has stepped up its activities since Tokyo announced plans to dump treated radioactive wastewater from the stricken nuclear plant.

Japan began releasing the liquid into the ocean last week, as part of a plan approved by the UN. The water was used to cool down the nuclear reactors that were damaged during the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami disaster, preventing them from fully melting down.

Despite claims that the liquid is perfectly safe, the move by Tokyo has sparked a backlash from its neighbors China, South Korea, and North Korea. Beijing called it “extremely selfish and irresponsible” and introduced a blanket ban on Japanese seafood products.

In an attempt to alleviate concerns at home and abroad, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and three of his cabinet ministers sat down for a meal on Wednesday, sharing sashimi made from fluke, octopus, and sea bass caught off the coast of Fukushima.

Kishida called the meal “very good” and encouraged people to enjoy “safe and delicious” seafood and thus support the Fukushima prefecture.

A similar stunt was repeated by the US ambassador to Japan, Rahm Emanuel, who visited the city of Fukushima on Thursday and had a seafood lunch with its mayor.

Emanuel claimed that “the economic coercion against Japan, the robocalls of harassment and disinformation both here in Japan and around comes right out of China’s playbook.”

He promised Washington would support Tokyo if it fulfilled its promise and filed a complaint to the World Trade Organization (WTO) over Beijing’s seafood ban. The US is going to do so “not just because they [Japan] are an ally, but because there’s legitimacy to the case,” the ambassador said.


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e6b2c9 No.85963

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472274 (011530ZSEP23) Notable: Japan complains about Russian victory celebration

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Japan complains about Russian victory celebration

Moscow recently renamed its Day of Military Glory as the ‘Day of Victory over Militaristic Japan’

Japanese Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi has expressed regret over Russia’s decision to declare September 3 the Day of Victory over Militaristic Japan and the End of World War II.

Addressing the issue at a press conference on Friday, Hayashi said, “we’ve made our representations to them and hope that there’s no emotional confrontation” between Tokyo and Moscow over Russia’s renamed holiday.

“A series of events is being planned for the Northern Territories and various places in Russia” on September 3, but as a member of the Japanese government, he won’t comment on them, the foreign minister added.

Japan refers to parts of Russia’s Kuril Islands as the Northern Territories, which it claims have been occupied by Moscow after WWII.

In late June, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law to rename the Day of Military Glory, celebrated on September 3, the Day of Victory over Militaristic Japan and the End of World War II.

Hayashi’s comments on Friday echoed those previously made by Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno, who called Russia’s move “extremely regrettable” and warned that it “could not only stir anti-Japanese sentiment among the Russian people, but may also lead to anti-Russian sentiment among the Japanese people.”

Russia and Japan have failed to reach a post-WWII settlement and have officially remained at war for almost eight decades. The stumbling block for the peace treaty is Tokyo’s claim to four of the islands in the Kuril Archipelago, which the Soviet Union captured during the war. In the San Francisco Treaty of 1951, Japan relinquished its claims to the Kurils but later claimed that those islands were never a part of the archipelago.

Earlier this year, Russia’s Foreign Ministry reiterated that “the subject of a peace treaty [with Tokyo]… has been closed for us.” According to Moscow, Japan’s “unfriendly” stance, supporting Ukraine in the conflict with Russia and joining the Western sanctions against the country, makes any further negotiations impossible.


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e6b2c9 No.85964

File: 20bea05d3f632a9⋯.png (863.88 KB,872x756,218:189,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472282 (011532ZSEP23) Notable: New York CEOs Demand Taxpayer Cash for Migrants They Lured to City.

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2 days ago

Pulse Wires



New York CEOs Demand Taxpayer Cash for Migrants They Lured to City.

More than 120 top business leaders in New York City, including Jamie Dimon of JPMorgan Chase, Larry Fink of BlackRock, and Jane Fraser of Citigroup, have sent a letter to President Biden and congressional leaders urging Washington to provide taxpayer-funded, federal assistance to address the migrant crisis. This, despite the fact that the migrant crisis was caused by corporate demands for cheap migrant labor, and the facilitation of the policy by the corporate-sponsored politicians in New York, and across the nation.

The city claims to be facing a strain on resources as more than 100,000 asylum seekers arrive from the southern U.S. border. Recent communications from the Biden government suggests these calls for assistance may not be heeded.

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e6b2c9 No.85965

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472283 (011533ZSEP23) Notable: Pentagon seeks UFO reports

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Pentagon seeks UFO reports

Government employees, and later the general public, will be able to submit information on sightings to a new website

The US Defense Department has launched a website where service members can log their encounters with UFOs and the public can view declassified documents on the phenomena. Despite the Pentagon’s recent embrace of transparency, some whistleblowers allege that the military still knows more about extraterrestrial life than it’s letting on.

The department’s All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) launched the website on Wednesday. According to a statement from the Pentagon on Thursday, the resource will serve as a “one-stop shop” for press releases and briefing transcripts, as well as declassified photos, videos, and documents on UFOs.

The AARO was formed last year after the Pentagon admitted that a series of videos captured by military personnel – including one that showed mysterious “pyramid-shaped objects” harassing a US Navy vessel off the coast of California in 2019 – were genuine. The AARO refers to UFOs as ‘unidentified anomalous phenomena’ (UAPs), and studies reports of land- and sea-based UAPs as well as flying objects.

The new website, which the AARO was required by law to set up, also allows current or former military members and government employees to submit their own UAP reports. A mechanism for members of the general public to make reports will be announced in the coming months, the Pentagon said.

By last December, the AARO stated that it had collected almost 400 UAP reports. However, US Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence Ronald Moultrie told reporters that the office’s experts “haven’t seen anything that would lead us to believe any of the objects we have seen are of alien origin.”

Some whistleblowers say otherwise. In June, US Air Force veteran David Grusch claimed that a top-secret military unit has been “retrieving non-human-origin technical vehicles” for decades and possessed the remains of “dead pilots” from these extraterrestrial spacecraft. In testimony to Congress in July, Grusch alleged that the Pentagon is using taxpayer dollars to fund the reverse-engineering of alien craft.

The AARO denied Grusch’s claims, although he insisted that the supposed reverse-engineering program was being conducted without the knowledge of the AARO or US lawmakers.

Two former Navy pilots testified alongside Grusch, with one claiming to have seen UAPs exhibit “technology… far superior to anything that we had,” and the other stating that senior military officials had discouraged him and his fellow pilots from reporting such sightings.


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e6b2c9 No.85966

File: 02379d31bf7af26⋯.png (582.7 KB,595x795,119:159,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472291 (011535ZSEP23) Notable: Harrison Floyd BREAKS SILENCE after his bond from his arrest by DA Fani Willis, announces exploration to run for CONGRESS

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Preston Parra


🚨BREAKING: Harrison Floyd BREAKS SILENCE after his bond from his arrest by DA Fani Willis, announces exploration to run for CONGRESS

Follow: @ThePrestonParra

10:47 AM · Aug 30, 2023




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e6b2c9 No.85967

File: e0189714aac3a77⋯.png (503.47 KB,875x664,875:664,Clipboard.png)

File: 07feed6ddc0df94⋯.png (1.71 MB,1351x760,1351:760,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472322 (011542ZSEP23) Notable: @KariLake Let’s finish this thing. #Trump2024

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Kari Lake


Let’s finish this thing. #Trump2024

Sep 01, 2023, 10:48 AM


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e6b2c9 No.85968

File: 2edf9c19b0086ab⋯.png (82.2 KB,861x945,41:45,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472327 (011544ZSEP23) Notable: ICYMI: Important Articles and Posts/vids from President Trump

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ICYMI: Important Articles and Posts from President Trump

August 31, 2023


"EXCLUSIVE: Ron DeSantis $50 million super PAC CLOSES after donors were spooked by 'rookie s*** mistakes'"

Read the full article by Morgan Phillips with the Daily Mail here.

"Georgia's Indictment of Trump is a Partisan Political Hit Job"

Read the full article by Philip Holloway with Townhall here.

"Jason Miller to Newsmax: Debate Will 'Spotlight' DeSantis' Failures"

Read the full article by Theodore Bunker with Newsmax here.

"Trump Can Prove It"

Read the full article by Matt Kane with the American Thinker here.

"Iowa Poll: Donald Trump holds commanding lead in first test of 2024 Republican caucus field"

Read the full article by Brianne Pfannenstiel and Michaela Ramm with Des Moines Register here.

"Trump: "Rupert Murdoch Is A Globalist," His Pick DeSanctimonious Has "Fallen Like A Badly Injured Bird"

Read the full article by Tim Hains with Real Clear Politics here.

"Trump Calls Out DOJ for Ignoring Biden Investigation"

Read the full article by Jessica Marie Baumgartner with RSBN here.

"MAKE ATLANTA GREAT AGAIN! Trump Releases Video, Unloads on 'Disaster' Fani Willis"

Read the full article from Hannity here.

"Donald Trump Defiantly Declares ‘WE WILL NOT COMPLY’ in Response to Efforts to Reinstate COVID Lockdowns and Mask and Vaccine Mandates"

Read the full article by Jim Hoft with the Gateway Pundit here.

"Trump Delivers Epic Pep Talk for Weary Americans: ‘Do Not Despair and Do Not Lose Hope!’"

Read the full article by Summer Lane with RSBN here.

"Trump Takes Over Social Media With Over 42 Million Views Across 31 Video Posts"

Read the full article by Reed Cooper with DC Enquirer here.

"McLaughlin Poll: Trump Beats DeSantis with 72 Percent of GOP Vote"

Read the full article by John McLaughlin and Jim McLaughlin with Newsmax here.


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e6b2c9 No.85969

File: 9df1bd7cbbe9911⋯.png (18.6 KB,586x261,586:261,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472334 (011546ZSEP23) Notable: JPMorgan identified to the federal government more than $1 billion in suspicious transactions linked to Jeffrey Epstein after the financier’s death

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JPMorgan identified to the federal government more than $1 billion in suspicious transactions linked to Jeffrey Epstein after the financier’s death: USVI

It's about to get very difficult not to identify Epstein's billionaire pedophile clients.

2:36 PM · Aug 31, 2023




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e6b2c9 No.85970

File: 1a60debadbe2a8a⋯.png (1.07 MB,884x733,884:733,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472343 (011548ZSEP23) Notable: Team Biden Continues Two-Pronged Assault on 2nd Amendment and Small Businesses

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Team Biden Continues Two-Pronged Assault

on 2nd Amendment and Small Businesses

PJ Media, by Stephen Kruiser

Posted By: Hazymac, 9/1/2023 7:06:04 AM

Happy Friday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. (Snip) The commie puppet masters who run Joe Biden’s brain have made no secret of their contempt for the Second Amendment and law-abiding American gun owners. They’ve had their senile mouthpiece babbling about “assault weapons” almost from the moment he was installed in the Oval Office. Democrats don’t have a lot of luck with sweeping gun control legislation for a couple of reasons. The first is that they keep passing laws that make gun owners who have adhered to the law criminals overnight. These laws eventually find their way to a judge or a court that says, “Yeah…no.”

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e6b2c9 No.85971

File: 9ea8c82ebad2390⋯.png (262.58 KB,1064x936,133:117,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472346 (011548ZSEP23) Notable: ICYMI: Important Articles and Posts/vids from President Trump

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ICYMI: Video Statements from President Donald J. Trump

August 31, 2023


Highly respected Georgia State Senator Colton Moore deserves the thanks & congratulations of everyone.

Watch the video here.

Does anybody really believe I lost Georgia? I DON’T!

Watch the video here.


Watch the video here.


Watch the video here.


Watch the video here.

Three years ago we had the safest Border in History—Today it is the WORST!!!

Watch the video here.


Watch the video here.

The Debate on Fox News was one of the lowest rated EVER, if not THE LOWEST. It showed that many of those participating are “second tier” and merely “pretenders to the throne.”

Watch the video here.

My interview with Tucker Carlson has turned out to be the single most watched Video and Interview in HISTORY—Such a great honor!

Watch the video here.

America is becoming a Banana Republic!

Watch the video here.

The Security Tapes from Mar-a-Lago that evil and sinister prosecutor, Deranged Jack Smith, “leaked” or otherwise stated were deleted or altered were, in fact, NOT deleted or altered. IT WAS A FAKE STORY!

Watch the video here.


Watch the video here.

Rupert Murdoch is a Globalist, I am AMERICA FIRST!

Watch the video here.

America is no longer America, but we are going to Make our Country Great Again!

Watch the video here.


Watch the video here.

This is a new low in Presidential Politics. To the Democrats, I say, “be careful what you wish for.”

Watch the video here.


Watch the video here.


Watch the video here.


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e6b2c9 No.85972

File: 11f31806ccca6c6⋯.png (43.52 KB,955x330,191:66,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472352 (011549ZSEP23) Notable: ‘Everybody get it’: Biden announces new Covid vaccine ‘that works’ against new variant on the way/Pirola

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‘Everybody get it’: Biden announces new Covid vaccine ‘that works’ against new variant on the way

A new Covid vaccine “that works” against the latest variant is on the way and “everybody” will likely be asked to take it, Joe Biden says.

Frank Chung

Frank Chung


4 min read

August 28, 2023 - 12:29PM

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e6b2c9 No.85973

File: 42f993e7d8f8148⋯.jpg (114.7 KB,720x845,144:169,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472369 (011552ZSEP23) Notable: ‘Everybody get it’: Biden announces new Covid vaccine ‘that works’ against new variant on the way/Pirola

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New ‘Pirola’ variant of COVID is spreading fast, has experts concerned



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e6b2c9 No.85974

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472375 (011553ZSEP23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump ELECTION INTERFERENCE!

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Donald J. Trump



Sep 01, 2023,11:39AM





you just did a very nice thing, thank you for all you have done and are doing

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e6b2c9 No.85975

File: aecd36c2615f19d⋯.png (42.16 KB,413x332,413:332,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472394 (011556ZSEP23) Notable: Daycare centers in Germany are disturbingly encouraging young children to explore their sexuality in special “masturbation rooms,”

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Daycare centers in Germany are disturbingly encouraging young children to explore their sexuality in special “masturbation rooms,” according to German media.


Follow @zeeemedia

Website (https://zeeemedia.com/new-interview-page/) | Gettr (https://gettr.com/user/mariazeee) | Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/maria.zeee/?hl=en) | Rumble (https://rumble.com/user/mariazeee)

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e6b2c9 No.85976

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472396 (011556ZSEP23) Notable: ‘Everybody get it’: Biden announces new Covid vaccine ‘that works’ against new variant on the way/Pirola

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View history


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Look up Pirola in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

Pirola may refer to:

Pyrola, a genus of evergreen herbaceous plants in the family Ericaceae

Pirola (surname), Italian surnames

1082 Pirola, a dark Themistian asteroid from the outer regions of the asteroid belt

Pirola variant, another name for the BA.2.86

subvariant of the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2

This page was last edited on30 August 2023, at 21:56 (UTC).


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e6b2c9 No.85977

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472404 (011557ZSEP23) Notable: #23914-A

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#23914-A >>85902

>>85903 SEC v. Ripple Proceedings Welcomes Sidley Austin LLP Representative/Q

>>85904, >>85905 A discourse concerning unlimited submission and non-resistance to the higher powers; with some reflections on the resistance made to King Charles I. and on the anniversary of his death

>>85906, >>85908, >>85914 Updated list of McConnell's biggest donors/froze

>>85907 LIVE - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>85909 Report details billions of dollars Warren Buffett has funneled to abortion groups around the world

>>85910 WAYNE ROOT: Tucker is Outing Obama as Gay. But Everyone is Missing the Big Story.I’m Obama’s College Classmate. I’ve Been Trying to Warn America for 15 Years!

>>85911, >>85913 so is Abortion what is really happening here?

>>85912 Biden Admin Sneaks Pro-Abortion Policy Into Pregnant Workers Fairness Act

>>85915 Space Development Agency’s Second Tranche 0 Mission

>>85916 A real article in the NY Times today, Kia and Hyundai helped enable a crime wave

>>85917 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day The Great Globular Cluster in Hercules

>>85918 US opposes 2024 expedition to recover Titanic artifacts, says shipwreck is a grave site

>>85919 In Cedar Key, Hurricane Idalia turned a ‘haven for artists’ into a flooded wreck

>>85920 Ghost in the machine: First neutrino observation at Large Hadron Collider

>>85921 Indian Space Mission Finds Oxygen, Sulphur and Other Chemical Elements on the Lunar Surface, While Seismic Study of the South Pole Reveals ‘Unexplained Vibration’

>>85922 Absolutely no sauce for this claim. Helicopter dropping Bill Gates' mosquitoes.

>>85923, >>85925 CEO of Duane Reade owner Walgreens abruptly steps down

>>85924, >>85926 Aussie: ‘Maybe try walking’: Climate extremist group Tyre Extinguishers targets SUVs in Toorak

>>85927 End Times News


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e6b2c9 No.85978

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472419 (011600ZSEP23) Notable: ‘Everybody get it’: Biden announces new Covid vaccine ‘that works’ against new variant on the way/Pirola

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They're just "Dicking" us around again.


Pyrola, a genus ofevergreenherbaceous plants in the family Ericaceae

Pirola (surname), Italian surnames

1082 Pirola,a dark Themistian asteroidfrom the outer regions of the asteroid belt

Pirola variant, another name for the BA.2.86 subvariant of the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2




pirola (Galician)


pirola (fem.) (pl. pirolas)

(slang, vulgar) dick, cock(penis)


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e6b2c9 No.85979

File: 3a6ff92970bb535⋯.png (400.57 KB,1150x558,575:279,Clipboard.png)

File: 3638b27deee76dc⋯.png (2.45 MB,1215x8405,243:1681,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472447 (011604ZSEP23) Notable: Do you know if over 2,000 kids are still unaccounted for?

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There has been a lot of discussion on this board about the total number of children in the schools in and around Lahaina.

One anon said (sounded like he knew Lahaina) there were about 1200 children in the system.

Others have looked up the stats and claimed that schools outside the immediate area were included to come up with a total of 3001 (in one tally).

The figures showing 2000 children missing apparently come from the Hawaii Dept of Education, but ARE THEY RELIABLE? Should be, but how would we know?

The capped article (discussion on YT video - see below) has not been posted here before.

More Than 2,000 Children From Lahaina Public Schools Still Missing After Maui Wildfires

There are still 850 people missing from the Maui wildfires, but a new report from the Hawaii State Department of Education shows that there are more than 2,000 children who are unaccounted for in the public school system.

Aug 24th 2023


DIG From QResearch from OLDER to NEWER:

#23883 >>>/qresearch/19446291

>>>/qresearch/19446327, >>>/qresearch/19446337, >>>/qresearch/19446344, >>>/qresearch/19446362, >>>/qresearch/19446403 DIG CALL on the number of students enrolled in lahaina schools, we got varying reports.

#19446362 at 2023-08-28 11:27:23 (UTC+1)


1. King Kamehameha III Elementary School

611 Front St, lahaina, HI 96761 (808)662-3955 Maui County646PK-5

2. lahaina Intermediate School

871 lahainaluna Rd, lahaina, HI 96761 (808)662-3965 Maui County6586-8

3. lahainaluna High School

980 lahainaluna Rd, lahaina, HI 96761 (808)662-4000 Maui County1,0509-12

4. Princess Nahienaena Elementary School

816 Niheu St, lahaina, HI 96761 (808)662-4020 Maui County665 PK-5

#19446344 at 2023-08-28 11:19:05 (UTC+1)


724 students in 2017-18'''

https://hi02225532.schoolwires.net/Page/11029446344 at 2023-08-28 11:19:05

#19446337 at 2023-08-28 11:14:07 (UTC+1)

#19446337 at 2023-08-28 11:14:07 (UTC+1)

there's at least 3000 student with private schools in lahaina


#19449185 at 2023-08-28

The four schools, two elementary, one intermediary and one high school that comprised the lahaina school district had a total of 3,001 students enrolled before the fire.

The fire killed hundreds, and thousands are still missing. The Hawaii State Department of Education issued a report Thursday stating that 2,025 students are not accounted in the lahaina public school system in the wake of the August 8 fire that ravaged the town of lahaina on the island of Maui.


#19451149 at 2023-08-29


More Than 2000 Children From lahaina Public Schools Still Missing After Maui Wildfires

Discusses Hawaii Dept of Education figures of 2000 children missing from school system and the EVIE article.

VERY GOOD VIDEO showing officials ducking the question of how many children are missing among other things.

SCREEN CAP is from this YT video.


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e6b2c9 No.85980

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472459 (011606ZSEP23) Notable: #23914-B

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#23914-B >>85902

>>85928 Rise of BRICS ‘devastating’ for US

>>85929 From One Unapologetic Media Hoax to the Next

>>85930 Global Affairs Canada issues LGBTQ2S+ travel advisory for United States

>>85931 Bay Area Councilman Has Keys, Wallet Stolen While Speaking to Shopkeepers About Safety

>>85934 Acute blood biomarker profiles predict cognitive deficits 6 and 12 months after COVID-19 hospitalization


>>85936 Russia puts Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missiles on combat duty, RIA reports citing Roscosmos.

>>85937 Tuesday night Wednesday morning fyi Operational Test Launch of an Air Force Global Strike Command Unarmed Minuteman III Intercontinental Ballistic Missile

>>85938 YouTube is now offering re-education training to rule breakers.

>>85939, >>85940, >>85941 Fani Willis Possesses Evidence Exonerating Georgia’s Alternate Electors

>>85942 Walter Williams Documentary

>>85943, >>85944 @mikelindell We Need To Pray For Georgia To Stand Up And Do What Is Right

>>85945 For the KEK and a half!

>>85947, >>85948 @realDonaldTrump New York embarrassment Letitia James is polically targeting President Trump

>>85949 Nancy Pelosi: "We have to work with the Chinese to save the planet"

>>85950 “I appointed Bob Fenn, one of the nation's leading emergency managers — who's been on the ground in Hawaii since BEFORE THE FIRES

>>85951, >>85946, >>85955 5 DAY 5 YEAR Delta for "Done in [30]"

>>85952, >>85953, >>85954 @realDonaldTrump Georgia Officials Didn’t Follow Ethical, Legal Rules in Trump Indictment

>>85957, >>85979 Do you know if over 2,000 kids are still unaccounted for?

>>85959 @usairfoce plus "I have directed all of my energy to be laser-focused on the recovery and rebuilding efforts on Maui."

>>85960 resident Delivers Remarks on the August Jobs Report

>>85961 Arizona Democrat Sec of State Admits He Cannot Block Trump From 2024 Ballot Despite His Desire to Do It

>>85962 Fukushima has not made fish radioactive

>>85963 Japan complains about Russian victory celebration

>>85964 New York CEOs Demand Taxpayer Cash for Migrants They Lured to City.

>>85965 Pentagon seeks UFO reports

>>85966 Harrison Floyd BREAKS SILENCE after his bond from his arrest by DA Fani Willis, announces exploration to run for CONGRESS

>>85967 @KariLake Let’s finish this thing. #Trump2024

>>85968, >>85971 ICYMI: Important Articles and Posts/vids from President Trump

>>85969 JPMorgan identified to the federal government more than $1 billion in suspicious transactions linked to Jeffrey Epstein after the financier’s death

>>85970 Team Biden Continues Two-Pronged Assault on 2nd Amendment and Small Businesses

>>85972, >>85973, >>85976, >>85978 ‘Everybody get it’: Biden announces new Covid vaccine ‘that works’ against new variant on the way/Pirola

>>85974 @realDonaldTrump ELECTION INTERFERENCE!

>>85975 Daycare centers in Germany are disturbingly encouraging young children to explore their sexuality in special “masturbation rooms,”


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e6b2c9 No.85981

File: b2144bd730a2040⋯.jpg (147.5 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e99bc5ac33c9888⋯.png (1.27 MB,781x782,781:782,Clipboard.png)

File: 88fe8fe74f88864⋯.jpeg (46.87 KB,720x585,16:13,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472471 (011609ZSEP23) Notable: Tater link HOT

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e6b2c9 No.85982

File: d559cd908d086a1⋯.png (302.49 KB,590x494,295:247,Clipboard.png)

File: 5a82f47d4eb73b6⋯.png (233.63 KB,546x294,13:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472526 (011617ZSEP23) Notable: Tater link HOT

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Benny Johnson


Biden gets absolutely HUMILIATED by savage heckler yelling "F**CK JOE BIDEN"

1:20 PM · Sep 1, 2022


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e6b2c9 No.85983

File: 42f993e7d8f8148⋯.jpg (114.7 KB,720x845,144:169,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5e9a0c4daf5f098⋯.jpg (156.07 KB,720x1317,240:439,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7c8318ee838d7da⋯.jpg (178.78 KB,720x1391,720:1391,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472531 (011618ZSEP23) Notable: Pirola P=Pirola???

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e6b2c9 No.85984

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472555 (011623ZSEP23) Notable: Tater link HOT

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Mr. Biden: According to outside experts, the Inflation Reduction Act is projected to create more than 1.5 million jobs over the next decade.

[the 'Inflation Reduction Act' will be repealed long before then]

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e6b2c9 No.85985

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472565 (011625ZSEP23) Notable: While California Aims to Reestablish COVID Policies, Texas Outlaws Masks, Lockdowns and Vaccine Mandates

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While California Aims to Reestablish COVID Policies, Texas Outlaws Masks, Lockdowns and Vaccine Mandates

California’s government has updated its Covid safety website with protocols that set the stage for pandemic-era restrictions on daily life. The website advised that “California’s COVID-19 State of Emergency is over, but COVID-19 has not gone away,” and admonished that we need to keep taking steps to prevent the spread. The document promotes self-isolation, mask-wearing, digital vaccine records, and more. The federal government took steps to enact Covid lockdowns that were to begin with incremental restrictions next month, but it has retreated due to push back.

Texas: On September 1, local governments will be prohibited from requiring COVID-related masks, vaccines, or business shutdowns. However, Senate Bill 29 does not restrict private entities from enforcing their own rules.



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e6b2c9 No.85986

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472566 (011625ZSEP23) Notable: Tater link HOT

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Mr. Biden: My administration has announced more than fifteen billion dollars in funding to help auto makers convert existing auto plants [to EV], while retraining the existing workers at good wages.

[your 'conversion' will be reversed]

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e6b2c9 No.85987

File: 3140f69a5e36265⋯.png (242.54 KB,397x262,397:262,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472588 (011629ZSEP23) Notable: Protests Erupt in London as Mayor Sadiq Khan Expands Carbon Tax Green Zone

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Protests Erupt in London as Mayor Sadiq Khan Expands Carbon Tax Green Zone

London: Mayor Sadiq Khan announced the expansion of a “green” zone that will tax drivers based on vehicle emissions. The Ultra Low Emissions Zone (ULEZ) charges drivers in vehicles weighing over 3.5 tons £12.50 daily for driving within the zone, which has now expanded to include all of greater London, which will bring 5 million more Londoners into the tax zone. Protesters demanded Mayor Khan resign and the ULEZ project be dismantled. The UK is one of the European countries that’s committed to the World Health Organization and World Economic Forum‘s goal of “Net Zero” emissions by 2050.



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e6b2c9 No.85988

File: 5189c2317a8306c⋯.png (532.31 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472607 (011631ZSEP23) Notable: Christians protest Trump’s pro-LGBT stance outside South Carolina GOP Gala

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repo cuz surprise someone didn't see it

Christians protest Trump’s pro-LGBT stance outside South Carolina GOP Gala

When he found out that Trump fully supported gay marriage, the youngest member of the group decided, 'I love God more, and I have to stand with Him and the Bible.'


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e6b2c9 No.85989

File: 9e9e4880f9f072c⋯.png (129.83 KB,910x680,91:68,Clipboard.png)

File: 8808d803e679db2⋯.png (76.8 KB,769x453,769:453,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472650 (011638ZSEP23) Notable: JayBratt

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>>85847 JayBratt, one of Jack Smith's hitmen, is almost as sleazy as Smith.

Donald J. Trump ReTruthed

Mark Levin




JayBratt,one of Jack Smith's hitmen, is almost as sleazy as Smith. He's accused by another lawyer of extortion, of pushing for the warrant and SWAT team attack on Mar-a-Largo, and now secret backdoor meetings at the White House 3 times. It's about time that Comer or somebody issue a subpoena to get this hitman's- testimony?

The Hill’s Morning Report — Judge teases Trump affidavit release

by Alexis Simendinger and Al Weaver - 08/19/22 6:28 AM ET

A slow end to the week in Washington has not extended to other parts of the country, especially in Florida as former President Trump got some good and bad news in the fight over the Justice Department’s search of his Mar-a-Lago estate last week.

Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart indicated during a Thursday hearing that he may unseal parts of an affidavit accompanying a search warrant the department obtained and carried out last Monday — marking a middle ground between prosecutors’ objections and public interest in transparency.

Instead, he told Justice Department officials they have a week to suggest redactions to the document, arguing that they did not sufficiently make the case why it should remain under lock and key. Reinhart told federal prosecutors that coming steps, including over possible redaction, will be a “considered, careful process.”

“I find that on the present record the Government has not met its burden of showing that the entire affidavit should remain sealed,” Reinhart said in a brief order. “I’m not prepared to find that the affidavit should be fully sealed.”

The judge issued his ruling during a hearing in West Palm Beach, Fla., in response to major news outlets petitioning to disclose the affidavit as a matter of public interest (The Hill).

The Justice Department has maintained that the entirety of the document should stay out of public view, saying that release of the affidavit in any form would compromise the ongoing probe. Specifically, the government argued revealing the contents would expose the identities of witnesses and serve as a roadblock to potential cooperation from future witnesses during an investigation (The Associated Press).

“This is not a precedent that we want to set,” Jay Bratt, the head of the Justice Department’s counterintelligence division, told the judge.

Christina Bobb, an attorney for the former president and a former host at One America News Network, was present in the courthouse, but said she was only there to observe the hearing.

However, Trump was on the receiving end of some not-so-welcome news during the court appearance asBratt told Reinhart that the investigation is in its “early stages,” signaling that the department’s probe continues.

“This investigation is open,”Brattsaid (Politico).

The Justice Department, working through the courts last week, disclosed a search warrant and an inventory of presidential documents and materials the FBI retrieved at the behest of the National Archives. Included in those documents were some that were labeled “top secret” and “classified.”


In Kenya, a delegation led by Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.) arrived on Thursday to meet with President-elect William Ruto andU.S. Ambassador Meg Whitman.The U.S. group, which includes Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and House lawmakers, also met with outgoing President Uhuru Kenyatta.

Coons, who sits on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee along with Portman, and the rest of the delegation have already visited Cape Verde and Mozambique and are expected to visit Rwanda, where tensions with Congo and human rights should be on the agenda following Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s visit to Kigali last week.

The political transition in Kenya following the Aug. 9 election will have significant impact on the East Africa region, where Kenyatta had been working with the U.S. to try to mediate in Ethiopia’s Tigray conflict and promoting peace efforts between Rwanda and Congo. Ruto, in his public comments this week, focused on domestic rather than regional issues (The Associated Press).

> https://thehill.com/homenews/morning-report/3607705-the-hills-morning-report-judge-teases-trump-affidavit-release/

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e6b2c9 No.85990

File: 6afceb16d71e9c6⋯.png (205.09 KB,393x2574,131:858,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472657 (011639ZSEP23) Notable: JayBratt

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




>U.S. Ambassador Meg Whitman


Dec 22, 2017 1:18:03 AM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 5902e7 No. 146328

Dec 22, 2017 1:09:21 AM EST

Anonymous ID: 0b7b67 No. 146206

Resignations from Sept to Dec in chronological order:

Equifax CEO Richard Smith Sep. 26, 2017

Dentsply Sirona Inc CEO Jeffrey T. Slovin Oct. 2, 2017

Greater Naples CEO Paul Thein Oct. 4, 2017

Pepsico CEO D Shivakumar Oct. 9, 2017

Samsung CEO Kwon Oh-hyun Oct. 12, 2017

Oman Air CEO Paul Gregorowitsch Oct. 16, 2017

ASCENDAS Funds Management CEO Chia Nam Toon Oct. 20, 2017

Hudson's Bay CEO Gerald Storch Oct. 20, 2017

Red Cross Texas Gulf Coast Region CEO David Brady Oct. 28, 2017

BuildDirect CEO Jeff Booth Oct. 29, 2017

Podesta Group founder Tony Podesta Oct. 30, 2017

Menninger Clinic CEO Dr. C. Edward Coffey Oct. 31, 2017

Renaissance Technologies CEO Robert Mercer Nov. 2, 2017

Ardent Leisure CEO Simon Kelly Nov. 7, 2017

El Al CEO David Maimon Nov. 8, 2017

Altice CEO Michel Combes Nov. 9, 2017

Public Protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane CEO Themba Dlamini Nov. 14, 2017

James Cancer Hospital CEO Michael Caligiuri Nov. 16, 2017

PR Electric Power Authority CEO Ricardo L. Ramos Nov. 17, 2017

Ellies CEO Wayne Samson Nov. 21, 2017

Hewlett Packard CEO Meg WHITMAN Nov. 22, 2017

Oi SA CEO Marco Schroeder Nov. 24, 2017

Tumblr CEO David Karp Nov. 27, 2017

London Stock Exchange CEO Xavier Rolet Nov. 28, 2017

Bruce Telecom CEO Bart Cameron Nov. 29, 2017

TravelCenters of America LLC CEO Thomas O'Brien Nov. 30, 2017

Tricentennial Commission CEO Edward Benavides Nov. 30, 2017

City Light CEO Larry Weis Dec. 4, 2017

Steinhoff's R100bn CEO Markus Jooste Dec. 5, 2017

Uchumi Supermarkets CEO Julius Kipng'etich Dec. 6, 2017

Chicago Public Schools CEO Forrest Claypool Dec. 8, 2017

Deutsche Boerse CEO Carsten Kengeter Dec. 8, 2017

Nation Media Group CEO Joe Muganda Dec. 11, 2017

Cheil Worldwide CEO Daiki Lim Dec. 11, 2017

Fenway Health CEO Dr. Stephen L. Boswell Dec. 11, 2017

Diebold/Nixdorf CEO Andy Mattes Dec. 14, 2017

Diebold/Nixdorf CEO Andy Mattes Dec. 14, 2017

AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson Dec. 15, 2017

Vast Resources CEO Roy Pitchford Dec. 18, 2017

Spackman Entertainment Group CEO Charles Spackman Dec. 18, 2017

ESPN President John Skipper Dec. 18, 2017

Innogy CEO Peter Terium Dec. 20, 2017

Papa John CEO John Schnatter Dec. 22, 2017

NYPD Police Chief Carlos Gomez retires Dec. 22, 2017

Alphabet Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt Dec. 22, 2017



Do you believe in coincidences?

Keep list updated.

Flood unstoppable.


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e6b2c9 No.85991

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472687 (011645ZSEP23) Notable: Sheriffs: "unparalleled autonomy and tremendous power,"

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A new report from the Reflective Democracy Campaign - that's a research organization - analyzed data on elected sheriffs around the country. And a report concluded that they have, quote, "unparalleled autonomy and tremendous power," unquote, in the communities they police with very little accountability. Their findings are published in a new report called Confronting The Demographics Of Power: America's Sheriffs.


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e6b2c9 No.85992

File: 90c15efdf602045⋯.png (175.87 KB,1155x800,231:160,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472693 (011646ZSEP23) Notable: gab.com/realdonaldtrump morning truths

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thank you Trump


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e6b2c9 No.85993

File: 4b2e2cdb09324d4⋯.jpeg (357.1 KB,1170x1528,585:764,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 34150a91d1c6c26⋯.jpeg (236.47 KB,1170x645,78:43,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472717 (011651ZSEP23) Notable: Arsons!Church Arsons Everywhere!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Pic 1.SALEM, NEW HAMPSHIREA Salem man is facing felony arson and felony burglary charges after he allegedly crashed into a Hudson church and started a fire at the entrance.

Hudson police said Matthew Jackson, 29, flagged officers down early Saturday morning and told them about the fire at the First Baptist Church of Hudson.


Pic 2.SALEM, OREGONPolice say a Salem man started a dumpster fire Thursday morning that damaged St. Joseph Catholic Church in one of the largest structure fires in recent Salem history.

Billy J. Sweeten, 48, was arrested and booked into Marion County Jail Wednesday on accusations of first-degree arson, the jail’s roster showed.


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e6b2c9 No.85994

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472730 (011654ZSEP23) Notable: Pirola P=Pirola???

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Relieves diarrhea overnight while you sleep.

Fine print side effects: death

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e6b2c9 No.85995

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472737 (011655ZSEP23) Notable: Mike Davis: The Biden White House Knows Impeachment Inquiries Are Coming

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mike Davis: The Biden White House Knows Impeachment Inquiries Are Coming. 1 hour ago



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e6b2c9 No.85996

File: 008b7f006865f2c⋯.jpeg (244.88 KB,1170x769,1170:769,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472744 (011656ZSEP23) Notable: Arsons!Church Arsons Everywhere!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




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e6b2c9 No.85997

File: 5b28c729648bc06⋯.jpeg (1.1 MB,1170x1885,18:29,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472750 (011658ZSEP23) Notable: Arsons!Church Arsons Everywhere!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





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e6b2c9 No.85998

File: 643c2ef83ece1c9⋯.jpeg (367.76 KB,1170x1201,1170:1201,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472766 (011701ZSEP23) Notable: Arsons!Church Arsons Everywhere!

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e6b2c9 No.85999

File: 7a05fb274b69c93⋯.png (462.99 KB,1170x1710,13:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472771 (011702ZSEP23) Notable: As soon as @elonmusk took over Twitter, the ADL got to work ensuring his promise of a free speech site would not come to fruition.

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As soon as @elonmusk took over Twitter, the ADL got to work ensuring his promise of a free speech site would not come to fruition.

They even warned that Twitter was now "on deathwatch". Why do these people get to threaten and extort social media companies like this?


ELON: ADL has tried very hard to strangle X/Twitter

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e6b2c9 No.86000

File: f2ddd1bc35b6e7c⋯.jpeg (255.34 KB,1170x635,234:127,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472779 (011704ZSEP23) Notable: Arsons!Church Arsons Everywhere!

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e6b2c9 No.86001

File: d199bbe0e565d47⋯.jpeg (163.05 KB,1170x593,1170:593,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472808 (011710ZSEP23) Notable: Arsons!Church Arsons Everywhere!

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e6b2c9 No.86002

File: b1d66943bf8630b⋯.jpeg (184.63 KB,1170x680,117:68,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472814 (011712ZSEP23) Notable: Arsons!Church Arsons Everywhere!

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e6b2c9 No.86003

File: 1eb55e4df4e455d⋯.jpeg (155.74 KB,1170x666,65:37,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472827 (011714ZSEP23) Notable: Arsons!Church Arsons Everywhere!

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e6b2c9 No.86004

File: c18cedac768c567⋯.jpg (171.58 KB,720x923,720:923,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 775fd994b7f43c5⋯.jpg (135.93 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472832 (011714ZSEP23) Notable: Biden's impeachment war room: White House hires DOZENS of lawyers and communications experts to battle Republican investigation into Hunter's business deals

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Biden's impeachment war room: White House hires DOZENS of lawyers and communications experts to battle Republican investigation into Hunter's business deals they say is based on 'no evidence whatsoever'


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e6b2c9 No.86005

File: 995e25140cd577a⋯.jpeg (109.44 KB,1170x467,1170:467,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472847 (011717ZSEP23) Notable: Arsons!Church Arsons Everywhere!

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e6b2c9 No.86006

File: e287903da60a1d8⋯.jpeg (198.84 KB,1170x721,1170:721,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472869 (011721ZSEP23) Notable: Arsons!Church Arsons Everywhere!

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e6b2c9 No.86007

File: 6fad929374cb4e2⋯.png (49.43 KB,985x691,985:691,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472882 (011723ZSEP23) Notable: Current Lahaina populaton data GONE from US Census Quickfacts website../kids enrolled in schools off by ????

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Current Lahaina populaton data GONE from US Census Quickfacts website.. Replaced by an X

The Census has an easily accessible program called QuickFacts that gives a snapshot of cities, towns, etc with lots of data.

Most importantly, it gives the population. As of 2022.

Since much of the subsequent info QuickFacts provides will be in percentages, the current or most recent population number is important.

It's gone for Lahaina.


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e6b2c9 No.86008

File: 91088dfabe740ea⋯.jpeg (86.15 KB,1170x399,390:133,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472887 (011724ZSEP23) Notable: Arsons!Church Arsons Everywhere!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -













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e6b2c9 No.86009

File: eb888fb73dd177a⋯.png (1021.99 KB,1433x2439,1433:2439,Clipboard.png)

File: c20c0a82560d197⋯.png (356.5 KB,766x1908,383:954,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472889 (011724ZSEP23) Notable: Letitia James, pain, Q. 6 yr delta Nov 1

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Not sure if posted here, but this is interesting. 34 seconds, Letitia James, pain, Q.





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e6b2c9 No.86010

File: 65857957806b81c⋯.png (208.78 KB,406x577,406:577,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472891 (011724ZSEP23) Notable: Charlie Kirk Interviews Gadsen Flag Champion: 12-Year-Old Jaiden Has an Important Message For All American Patriots

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Charlie Kirk Interviews Gadsen Flag Champion: 12-Year-Old Jaiden Has an Important Message For All American Patriots (VIDEO)


Follow @gatewaypunditofficial

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e6b2c9 No.86011

File: 61503e6f74a27c7⋯.jpeg (236.8 KB,1170x635,234:127,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472904 (011727ZSEP23) Notable: Arsons!Church Arsons Everywhere!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -














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e6b2c9 No.86012

File: 4ed7bef39867a2e⋯.png (10.97 KB,444x175,444:175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472915 (011729ZSEP23) Notable: Pirola P=Pirola???

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


[P]irola ??

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e6b2c9 No.86013

File: f3e4929401d47d6⋯.jpeg (307.29 KB,1170x1088,585:544,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472916 (011729ZSEP23) Notable: AG Andrew Bailey is warning children's hospitals in Missouri their medical licenses will be revoked if they do not cease providing sex changes to kids.

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e6b2c9 No.86014

File: 98a474fcd409943⋯.jpeg (369.62 KB,1170x1212,195:202,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472928 (011733ZSEP23) Notable: Arsons!Church Arsons Everywhere!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
















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e6b2c9 No.86015

File: a002cc70a4a82e9⋯.jpeg (865.61 KB,1170x1817,1170:1817,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472940 (011735ZSEP23) Notable: Arsons!Church Arsons Everywhere!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

















Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e6b2c9 No.86016

File: ca027f0dcdbd280⋯.jpeg (146.32 KB,1170x540,13:6,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472948 (011738ZSEP23) Notable: Arsons!Church Arsons Everywhere!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


















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e6b2c9 No.86017

File: 1429e7829391af4⋯.jpeg (237.11 KB,1170x885,78:59,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472966 (011741ZSEP23) Notable: Arsons!Church Arsons Everywhere!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



















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e6b2c9 No.86018

File: 20c6ed775cf86f6⋯.png (714.38 KB,650x433,650:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472971 (011743ZSEP23) Notable: Reality Bites: California Moves Back Toward Gas and Nuke Energy To Keep Lights On

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Reality Bites: California Moves Back Toward Gas and Nuke Energy To Keep Lights On


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e6b2c9 No.86019

File: 741f28a6f7c268e⋯.png (720.92 KB,768x384,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472975 (011744ZSEP23) Notable: Indeed is paying $10,000 for workers to relocate so long as they are transvestites or have kids who've rejected their biological…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Indeed is paying $10,000 for workers to relocate so long as they are transvestites or have kids who've rejected their biological...

Indeed, among the world's top job sites, is offering to help pay for employees to relocate. Not all employees, however; just those who reject the reality of their biological sex and those workers whose children are purportedly "gender non-conforming, trans...


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e6b2c9 No.86020

File: 7a0ea9e32cf95ad⋯.jpeg (836.6 KB,1170x1846,45:71,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472976 (011744ZSEP23) Notable: Arsons!Church Arsons Everywhere!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




















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e6b2c9 No.86021

File: c7ef68fe7a87f02⋯.png (530.1 KB,768x434,384:217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472979 (011746ZSEP23) Notable: "Bidenomics is Working!" - Joe Biden Brags About Unemployment Being "Below 14%" After Disastrous August Jobs Report

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


"Bidenomics is Working!" - Joe Biden Brags About Unemployment Being "Below 14%" After Disastrous August Jobs Report (VIDEO)

Joe "FJB" Biden on Friday delivered remarks on the abysmal August jobs report from the Rose Garden.


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e6b2c9 No.86022

File: 47a5c7724670fc0⋯.jpeg (238.47 KB,1170x805,234:161,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472985 (011747ZSEP23) Notable: Arsons!Church Arsons Everywhere!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





















Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e6b2c9 No.86023

File: 6c3d1ba3cb9465f⋯.png (583.63 KB,640x335,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472989 (011747ZSEP23) Notable: NYC Schools Enroll 20K Migrants, None Required to Show Proof of Vaccination

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


NYC Schools Enroll 20K Migrants, None Required to Show Proof of Vaccination

Close to 20,000 migrant children are expected to be absorbed by New York City's public schools when the school year starts in just days.


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e6b2c9 No.86024

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472995 (011749ZSEP23) Notable: Indeed is paying $10,000 for workers to relocate so long as they are transvestites or have kids who've rejected their biological…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Here's the text:

Indeed, among the world's top job sites, is offering to help pay for employees to relocate. Not all employees, however; just those who reject the reality of their biological sex and those workers whose children are purportedly "gender non-conforming, transgender or non-binary."

The woke company told Axios that it internally announced this relocation benefit accommodating the reality-averse in July, but is only just now discussing it publicly.

$10,000 will reportedly be awarded to any transvestic, U.S.-based worker who seeks so-called "gender-affirming care" — a euphemism for destructive hormone therapies and genital mutilation procedures — but presently lives in an area where state laws or other government directives hinder the worker in obtaining it.

The same benefit similarly applies to workers seeking to move their gender-dysphoric kids out of areas that presently protect children from undergoing irreversible "gender-affirming care."

Bloomberg reported that the company, where at least one executive cites "queen" as a preferred pronoun, will also cover any tax liability created by the payment.

They don’t want you to see this … Big Tech does its best to limit what news you see. Make sure you see our stories daily — directly to your inbox.

Extra to boosting ESG scores and placating LGBT activists, it appears that this initiative has something also to do with retention.

"Our transgender, non-binary and gender non-conforming colleagues are integral to our business and culture at Indeed," Misty Gaither, vice president of DEI at the company, told Axios. "We know employees thrive and do their best work when they can bring their authentic selves to work. ... We also believe that everyone has the right to make the healthcare decisions that they feel are right for themselves and their families."

Among the handful of workers who have so far taken advantage is 30-year-old Sam Burger, a content creator at the company who used to go by Magdalene but now uses plural pronouns. She reportedly used the handout to leave Austin, Texas, for Denver, Colorado, which she figured would be a better fit. Bloomberg indicated the $10,000 has gone a long way, especially since the move has cost Burger roughly only $5,000 to date.

"As soon as I found out that I was getting the money, it was very much like a weight lifted," she said.

It's unclear how the sincerity of claimants is assessed and whether normal employees might be able to exploit the benefit simply by claiming to be transvestites.

Gaither, based in the San Francisco Bay Area, noted in the company's 2023 DEI report, "We're focused on making progress towards our goal to increase representation of women and underrepresented genders (URG) to 50% at all levels of Indeed's global workforce, and increase U.S. workforce representation of underrepresented racial and ethnic minorities (URM) to 30% by 2030."

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e6b2c9 No.86025

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472999 (011751ZSEP23) Notable: A growing number of children and teenagers admitted voluntarily to North Texas for-profit psychiatric hospitals told WFAA that they've been injected with powerful sedative drugs without their parents' knowledge.

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A growing number of children and teenagers admitted voluntarily to North Texas for-profit psychiatric hospitals told WFAA that they've been injected with powerful sedative drugs without their parents' knowledge.

A growing number of children and teenagers admitted voluntarily to North Texas for-profit psychiatric hospitals told WFAA that they've been injected with powerful sedative drugs without their parents’ knowledge.

The young patients and their parents said staffers at several psychiatric hospitals describe the practice as injecting patients with "booty juice." They claimed the injections often were administered in response to even minor disciplinary reasons.

Attorneys and patient advocates contacted by WFAA said state regulations mandate that the injections only be given in medical emergencies when patients are in imminent risk of harming themselves or others. And prior to injection, the hospital must have consent from either the patient, the patient’s parent, or a court order.

One 16-year-old patient told WFAA that she was injected in her buttock with “booty juice” because she demanded to see a doctor.

“They took me in my room and they were like, 'Bend down,'" said the patient, who declined to be identified. “…They put me on a chair and held my arms…(They) put it in my cheek.”

She's among dozens of voluntary private psychiatric patients who've told WFAA they've been held against their will after seeking treatment.

“I was supposed to be there only one night and they kept me there for eight days,” the teen said. “… In a facility like that, no one can get to you. And that's the scary part … I felt hopeless.”

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e6b2c9 No.86026

File: d62e81960a17f31⋯.jpeg (328.55 KB,1170x1325,234:265,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473000 (011751ZSEP23) Notable: Arsons!Church Arsons Everywhere!

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e6b2c9 No.86027

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473006 (011752ZSEP23) Notable: A growing number of children and teenagers admitted voluntarily to North Texas for-profit psychiatric hospitals told WFAA that they've been injected with powerful sedative drugs without their parents' knowledge.

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The patient also said she was pregnant when injected with the drug, which she said knocked her out for hours.

Dallas Attorney Ramez Shamieh said he’s familiar with the term "booty juice." That’s because he has filed lawsuits against psychiatric hospitals for illegally subduing children.

“This [booty juice] is a very strong drug,” Shamieh said.

WFAA sources said the injections often contain powerful anti-psychotics. And the law, Ramez said, remains clear when resorting to such injections.

He said hospitals must have consent from a minor’s parents or a judge.

“Even then, the facilities can only use it in a medical emergency," he said.

If the injection the teen claims to have received did indeed contain antipsychotics, the FDA warns that it could harm an unborn child.

Sundance Hospital in Garland declined an on-camera interview regarding the teen patient’s claims, citing patient confidentiality. However, Soni Helmicki, the hospital’s administrator, said in an email statement that their staff was committed to “the safest and highest quality of care.”

"Sundance hospital does not condone threatening patients or the use of medication as a form of discipline," Helmicki said.

Helmicki said this type of medication is “only used when there is an imminent risk of harm to self or others … when all other less restrictive measure have failed.”

WFAA became aware of the term “booty juice” in its series “Against Their Will.” During the interviews, various children and teenagers admitted voluntarily to several psychiatric hospitals said they received or were threatened by hospital staffers with “booty juice” injections.

Mason Johnson was 11 years old when his mother voluntarily admitted him to a psychiatric hospital. He said his roommate received “booty juice.”

“They put it in your butt… and then your body feels numb,” he said. “You can’t feel your body at all or move."

WFAA found no examples where hospitals were penalized by state regulators for improperly administering such drugs.

Patient advocates said they believe that the lack of reports or penalties is due to a combination of two factors.

“Number one, very few patients actually make a complaint to a regulatory agency,” said Cindy Gibson, with Disability Rights Texas.

And even if patients do complain, Gibson said hospitals aren't documenting their questionable use of “booty juice.”

“So what you end up with is the word of a person who rightly or wrongly is diagnosed with a mental illness against a hospital,” Gibson said. “And so more often than not there is no action taken.”

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e6b2c9 No.86028

File: 3701131a8f7b3e8⋯.jpg (173.25 KB,720x1034,360:517,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473040 (011801ZSEP23) Notable: U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) has contracted a NY-based AI firm to deploy "Argus", a system to detect and "neutralize" real-time "disinformation threats" on social media./AI

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NEW - U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) has contracted a NY-based AI firm to deploy "Argus", a system to detect and "neutralize" real-time "disinformation threats" on social media.

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e6b2c9 No.86029

File: 9edd8f8af8926a3⋯.png (241.78 KB,603x429,201:143,Clipboard.png)

File: 49c489dd6316d01⋯.png (1.16 MB,904x1136,113:142,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473042 (011801ZSEP23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump RT VoterGA: Impeach Fani Willis for Prosecutorial Misconduct

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1:58pm ET


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e6b2c9 No.86030

File: e0b444ae1d58e53⋯.png (540.04 KB,768x420,64:35,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473047 (011802ZSEP23) Notable: Musk Warns Public about Democrats' 'Anti-Human' Agenda: 'Woke Mind Virus' Must Be 'Stopped'

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Elon Musk Warns Public about Democrats' 'Anti-Human' Agenda: 'Woke Mind Virus' Must Be 'Stopped'

Elon Musk is raising serious concerns about the Democrats’ “woke” agenda and the implications it will have on civilization. In Musk’s new biography from Walter Isaacson, the Tesla and Twitter/X boss warns that the “woke mind virus” is “anti-human” and must...


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e6b2c9 No.86031

File: 424dad37284ceea⋯.png (580.37 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473049 (011802ZSEP23) Notable: China has ability to use the Chinese-made components in devices certified for federally managed "FirstNet" public safety network

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China has ability to use the Chinese-made components in devices certified for federally managed "FirstNet" public safety network to spy on U.S police and fire radio traffic

China's plan to rule the world through its smart devices, FCC urged to act

Chinese-made modules in various devices could be quietly gathering data for their creators in Beijing, and lawmakers want the FCC to act.


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e6b2c9 No.86032

File: 6fefcca58b56ddb⋯.png (635.6 KB,768x576,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473054 (011803ZSEP23) Notable: U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) has contracted a NY-based AI firm to deploy "Argus", a system to detect and "neutralize" real-time "disinformation threats" on social media./AI

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BRAKING: USSOCOM to Use AI to Detect Disinformation Threats on Social Media

US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) has contracted Accrete AI to deploy software that detects “real time” disinformation threats on social media.


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e6b2c9 No.86033

File: 4e5af358ed51eb2⋯.png (510.67 KB,768x402,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473056 (011804ZSEP23) Notable: Calls for McConnell to resign grow as last incident is compared to Feinstein and Biden’s episodes

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Calls for McConnell to resign grow as last incident is compared to Feinstein and Biden’s episodes

"This is horrifying and dangerous. Biden. McConnell. Fetterman. Feinstein. They all need to go. End this charade already," wrote political commentator Monica Crowley


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e6b2c9 No.86034

File: aa4a4d07f487485⋯.png (795.25 KB,650x428,325:214,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473060 (011805ZSEP23) Notable: Oregon Animal Rights Nuts Want to Criminalize Farming, Hunting, Unintentionally Hurting a Pet

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Oregon Animal Rights Nuts Want to Criminalize Farming, Hunting, Unintentionally Hurting a Pet


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e6b2c9 No.86035

File: 724fa0f020f67a0⋯.png (652.21 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473064 (011806ZSEP23) Notable: College Student Given 68 Years To Live After Contracting New COVID Variant For The Keks!

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College Student Given 68 Years To Live After Contracting New COVID Variant

Satire For The Right. And The Wrong.


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e6b2c9 No.86036

File: b0bd064196d4962⋯.png (218.61 KB,768x384,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473073 (011807ZSEP23) Notable: The Fall COVID19 Shot is already a US Public Health Disaster

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The Fall COVID19 Shot is already a US Public Health Disaster

The FDA, CDC, Pfizer and the Biden administration are practicing reckless medicine; Here is how I will advise instead


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e6b2c9 No.86037

File: a54faa3a5659b28⋯.png (538.1 KB,684x671,684:671,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473094 (011812ZSEP23) Notable: Newt Gingrich reveals who he believes is REALLY running the Biden White House: Barack Obama."

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Newt Gingrich reveals who he believes is REALLY running the Biden White House: "At least half the time, Biden is just not there... He's clearly in cognitive decline... The driving force behind the Biden Administration is Barack Obama."


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e6b2c9 No.86038

File: f74cf0c43ef395f⋯.png (452.37 KB,768x414,128:69,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473100 (011813ZSEP23) Notable: Dallas County DA John Creuzot could potentially be removed from office now that a new law passed by the Texas Legislature has gone into effect.

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New state law could result in removal of Dallas County District Attorney John Creuzot from office over non-prosecution stance on...

Dallas County DA John Creuzot could potentially be removed from office now that a new law passed by the Texas Legislature has gone into effect.


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e6b2c9 No.86039

File: 4bae7e01737c791⋯.png (556.41 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 4bae7e01737c791⋯.png (556.41 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473104 (011814ZSEP23) Notable: Whistleblower Steps Forward - Reveals Private Facebook Group Where MI Clerks Discuss STUNNING Evidence of Organized Fraud

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EXPOSED: Whistleblower Steps Forward – Reveals Private Facebook Group Where MI Clerks Discuss STUNNING Evidence of Organized Fraud in 2020 Election

Three weeks ago, the MI GOP Director of Election Integrity, Phil O’Halloran, gave Patty McMurray and Jim Hoft of the Gateway Pundit a stunning MI State Police report that was FOIA’d by a Muskegon resident who questioned the outcome of his race in the 2020 ...


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e6b2c9 No.86040

File: 3e1fc0e4f84a018⋯.png (389.86 KB,600x599,600:599,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473113 (011814ZSEP23) Notable: @USSOCOM Suicide prevention month

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e6b2c9 No.86041

File: 5b98b67ab415a32⋯.png (290.11 KB,599x448,599:448,Clipboard.png)

File: c6b08c151751d6c⋯.mp4 (10.24 MB,444x248,111:62,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473114 (011814ZSEP23) Notable: @realdonaldtrump James vid

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2:03pm ET

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e6b2c9 No.86042

File: b6ec579fe702a99⋯.png (243.32 KB,1170x1268,585:634,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473124 (011816ZSEP23) Notable: ELON: This is entirely at the discretion of the X user. No use of this ID will be made beyond what is explicitly & clearly approved by the user.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BREAKING: X has confirmed that they will use biometrics that can be pulled from your government issued ID to allow ID verification of X-Premium users.

The way biometrics would likely work is that it would pull information such as eye and other face data from your driver’s license or passport. It would then be able to confirm if your profile photo is legit, etc.

As a premium X user, are you looking forward to verifying your identity?



ELON: This is entirely at the discretion of the X user. No use of this ID will be made beyond what is explicitly & clearly approved by the user.


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e6b2c9 No.86043

File: d31c77aed01adfb⋯.png (4.75 MB,1140x13360,57:668,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473133 (011817ZSEP23) Notable: Whistleblower Steps Forward - Reveals Private Facebook Group Where MI Clerks Discuss STUNNING Evidence of Organized Fraud

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e6b2c9 No.86044

File: eab9547889aea58⋯.png (838.23 KB,768x373,768:373,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473134 (011818ZSEP23) Notable: Motion to Vacate: Gaetz Signals Support for Deposing Kevin McCarthy

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Motion to Vacate: Gaetz Signals Support for Deposing Kevin McCarthy

Motion to Vacate: Gaetz Signals Support for Deposing Kevin McCarthy

Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz has signaled his support for filing a Motion to Vacate the Speaker's chair against Kevin McCarthy.


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e6b2c9 No.86045

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473140 (011819ZSEP23) Notable: Current Lahaina populaton data GONE from US Census Quickfacts website../kids enrolled in schools off by ????

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Look, just because people have not registered their children back in school there, doesn't equal MISSING. This is gaslighting a story, based on Emotions and assumptions.

What if they moved off the small island? Out of Hawaii altogether? It's just too easy to make this story, into a "See, the Conspiracy Theorists are WRONG" and this subject is TOO VITAL to be used against the TRUTH!!

The state Department of Education says 3,001 students were enrolled in the four Lahaina public schools on the day of the fire.Since then, 538 have re-enrolled in other public schools and 438 have enrolled in the State Distance Learning Program. That leaves 2,025 students who haven’t opted for another school or virtual learning, though some may have moved out of state or enrolled in private schools.


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e6b2c9 No.86046

File: 125ab3fc54712aa⋯.png (388.36 KB,600x412,150:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473142 (011819ZSEP23) Notable: Iran's FM met Hassan Nasrallah leader of Hezbollah in Beirut

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Iran Observer


Iran's FM met Hassan Nasrallah leader of Hezbollah in Beirut


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e6b2c9 No.86047

File: a8cd9d6cb501029⋯.png (497.18 KB,673x421,673:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473153 (011823ZSEP23) Notable: Oklahoma, the ‘usual hiring practices’ led to a drag queen elementary school principal

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In Oklahoma, the ‘usual hiring practices’ led to a drag queen elementary school principal

A school district in Oklahoma is standing by its decision to hire a drag queen as one of its elementary school principals. The story of Shane Brent Murnan is more shocking than that sentence indicates.In 2001, when Murnan was teaching fifth grade...


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e6b2c9 No.86048

File: 301863d628e212e⋯.png (316.76 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473163 (011825ZSEP23) Notable: huge Win for Trump: Judge Swiftly Dismisses Lawsuit Against Him, Rules Plaintiffs Have No Standing

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huge Win for Trump: Judge Swiftly Dismisses Lawsuit Against Him, Rules Plaintiffs Have No Standing

Judge Dismisses Lawsuit Against Trump, Rules Plaintiffs Lack Standing

"... an individual citizen does not have standing to challenge whether another individual is qualified to hold public office."


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e6b2c9 No.86049

File: 35e4258992e3d3b⋯.png (163.06 KB,530x455,106:91,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473178 (011828ZSEP23) Notable: Belarus says Polish military helicopter breached border

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BREAKING 🚨 Belarus says Polish military helicopter breached border

READ: https://insiderpaper.com/belarus-says-polish-military-helicopter-breached-border/


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e6b2c9 No.86050

File: 872b17311bd1db6⋯.png (25.32 KB,414x421,414:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473194 (011831ZSEP23) Notable: China has ability to use the Chinese-made components in devices certified for federally managed "FirstNet" public safety network

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Keys = spy on U.S police and fire radio traffic?

What if CHINA was given the keys?

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e6b2c9 No.86051

File: 3bf77d2c5534500⋯.jpg (159.67 KB,1024x970,512:485,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473246 (011841ZSEP23) Notable: Disgusting, the ACLU protects psychopathic baby murderers, all in the name of gender affirming BS

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Disgusting, the ACLU protects psychopathic baby murderers, all in the name of gender affirming BS

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e6b2c9 No.86052

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473297 (011851ZSEP23) Notable: #23915

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#23915 >>85981

>>85981, >>85982, >>85984, >>85986 Tater link HOT

>>85985 While California Aims to Reestablish COVID Policies, Texas Outlaws Masks, Lockdowns and Vaccine Mandates

>>85987 Protests Erupt in London as Mayor Sadiq Khan Expands Carbon Tax Green Zone

>>85988 Christians protest Trump’s pro-LGBT stance outside South Carolina GOP Gala

>>85989, >>85990 JayBratt

>>85991 Sheriffs: "unparalleled autonomy and tremendous power,"

>>85992 gab.com/realdonaldtrump morning truths

>>85993, >>85996, >>85997, >>85998, >>86000, >>86001, >>86002, >>86003, >>86005, >>86006, >>86008, >>86011, >>86013, >>86014, >>86015, >>86016, >>86017, >>86020, >>86022, >>86026 Arsons!Church Arsons Everywhere!

>>85994, >>85983, >>86012 Pirola P=Pirola???

>>85995 Mike Davis: The Biden White House Knows Impeachment Inquiries Are Coming

>>85999 As soon as @elonmusk took over Twitter, the ADL got to work ensuring his promise of a free speech site would not come to fruition.

>>86004 Biden's impeachment war room: White House hires DOZENS of lawyers and communications experts to battle Republican investigation into Hunter's business deals

>>86007, >>86045 Current Lahaina populaton data GONE from US Census Quickfacts website../kids enrolled in schools off by ????

>>86009 Letitia James, pain, Q. 6 yr delta Nov 1

>>86010 Charlie Kirk Interviews Gadsen Flag Champion: 12-Year-Old Jaiden Has an Important Message For All American Patriots

>>86013 AG Andrew Bailey is warning children's hospitals in Missouri their medical licenses will be revoked if they do not cease providing sex changes to kids.

>>86018 Reality Bites: California Moves Back Toward Gas and Nuke Energy To Keep Lights On

>>86019, >>86024 Indeed is paying $10,000 for workers to relocate so long as they are transvestites or have kids who've rejected their biological…

>>86021 "Bidenomics is Working!" - Joe Biden Brags About Unemployment Being "Below 14%" After Disastrous August Jobs Report

>>86023 NYC Schools Enroll 20K Migrants, None Required to Show Proof of Vaccination

>>86025, >>86027 A growing number of children and teenagers admitted voluntarily to North Texas for-profit psychiatric hospitals told WFAA that they've been injected with powerful sedative drugs without their parents' knowledge.

>>86028, >>86032 U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) has contracted a NY-based AI firm to deploy "Argus", a system to detect and "neutralize" real-time "disinformation threats" on social media./AI

>>86029 @realDonaldTrump RT VoterGA: Impeach Fani Willis for Prosecutorial Misconduct

>>86030 Musk Warns Public about Democrats' 'Anti-Human' Agenda: 'Woke Mind Virus' Must Be 'Stopped'

>>86031, >>86050 China has ability to use the Chinese-made components in devices certified for federally managed "FirstNet" public safety network

>>86033 Calls for McConnell to resign grow as last incident is compared to Feinstein and Biden’s episodes

>>86034 Oregon Animal Rights Nuts Want to Criminalize Farming, Hunting, Unintentionally Hurting a Pet

>>86035 College Student Given 68 Years To Live After Contracting New COVID Variant For The Keks!

>>86036 The Fall COVID19 Shot is already a US Public Health Disaster

>>86037 Newt Gingrich reveals who he believes is REALLY running the Biden White House: Barack Obama."

>>86038 Dallas County DA John Creuzot could potentially be removed from office now that a new law passed by the Texas Legislature has gone into effect.

>>86039, >>86043 Whistleblower Steps Forward - Reveals Private Facebook Group Where MI Clerks Discuss STUNNING Evidence of Organized Fraud

>>86040 @USSOCOM Suicide prevention month

>>86041 @realdonaldtrump James vid

>>86042 ELON: This is entirely at the discretion of the X user. No use of this ID will be made beyond what is explicitly & clearly approved by the user.

>>86044 Motion to Vacate: Gaetz Signals Support for Deposing Kevin McCarthy

>>86046 Iran's FM met Hassan Nasrallah leader of Hezbollah in Beirut

>>86047 Oklahoma, the ‘usual hiring practices’ led to a drag queen elementary school principal

>>86048 huge Win for Trump: Judge Swiftly Dismisses Lawsuit Against Him, Rules Plaintiffs Have No Standing

>>86049 Belarus says Polish military helicopter breached border

>>86051 Disgusting, the ACLU protects psychopathic baby murderers, all in the name of gender affirming BS


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e6b2c9 No.86053

File: b3a31f648f942d4⋯.png (409.27 KB,540x437,540:437,Clipboard.png)

File: 4bcebe70b6b5d83⋯.png (277.82 KB,473x470,473:470,Clipboard.png)

File: fd59b90a9a2e5bc⋯.png (149.49 KB,300x300,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 0552cab9bfc111d⋯.png (213.84 KB,568x340,142:85,Clipboard.png)

File: 7f4c47ea4bdc5b7⋯.png (492.86 KB,976x650,488:325,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473314 (011854ZSEP23) Notable: #23916

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Baker needs off hand, will tap@20

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e6b2c9 No.86054

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473328 (011857ZSEP23) Notable: Russia is ‘absolutely invincible’ - Putin

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Sep, 2023 15:05

Russia is ‘absolutely invincible’ – Putin

A nation’s strength is defined by the determination of its people, the president has said, adding that his country cannot be defeated

Russia has always been and remains “absolutely invincible,” President Vladimir Putin told a group of students at an open lesson marking the start of the academic year on Friday. The mentality of the Russian people makes it impossible for the country to be defeated by anyone, he added.

The president recalled the history of his own family, telling students about his ancestors who lived through World War II. According to Putin, his grandmother was fatally shot by a Nazi soldier but, even as she was dying, she was still thinking about her husband and told Putin’s grandfather “not to cry” in order not to upset her in her final moments.

Do you understand the depth of these relationships between the ordinary people, this love?” the president said, adding that, even in the face of death, his grandmother was caring for her loved one. “How can we not take that for a model?” he added. Putin also said that all members of his family felt deep respect for each other and had a “strong inner culture.”

Putin also said he believes most families in Russia are like this. “And here I understood why we won the Great Patriotic War,” the president said, referring to the Soviet struggle against Nazi Germany in World War II. “One cannot defeat a people with such a mentality,” he said, adding that “we have been absolutely invincible. And we remain as such now.”

His words came as Russia has been locked in a conflict with neighboring Ukraine for more than a year and a half. The latest developments have seen Kiev’s forces unable to breach Russian defenses in nearly three months since the start of the much-hyped Ukrainian counteroffensive.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, Ukraine lost some 43,000 soldiers and around 5,000 pieces of heavy equipment between early June and early August, despite the massive military aid provided by Washington and its allies.


(I just realized that EU, US and the West is suffering the same backlash when they attack Russia and Putin like how they attack Trump. The people love Putin and Russia more, now because of the constant attacks on them.)

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e6b2c9 No.86055

File: 5516804a41f9719⋯.png (351.71 KB,1125x947,1125:947,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473356 (011901ZSEP23) Notable: President Obama’s brother, Malik Obama, confirms he’ll be interviewed by Tucker Carlson Tuesday Sept 19.

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❗️President Obama’s brother, Malik Obama, confirms he’ll be interviewed by Tucker Carlson Tuesday Sept 19.



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e6b2c9 No.86056

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473523 (011936ZSEP23) Notable: Roger Stone Fraud! He is the keySTONE for the Russia Russia Russia on Trump

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Roger Stone Fraud! He is the keySTONE for the Russia Russia Russia on Trump. He never was in touch with Wikileaks!

Eye-opening interview w Jason Sullivan

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e6b2c9 No.86057

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473538 (011940ZSEP23) Notable: Why is the IRS Buying .40-Caliber Submachine Guns?

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Why is the IRS Buying .40-Caliber Submachine Guns?

When the corporate media asked the IRS why it needed automatic weapons, millions of rounds of ammunition and heavily armed staffers trained in the “use of deadly force,” they said it was for “administrative reasons.”

But we now know that the globalists are not just arming the IRS, along with just about every other federal agency. They are militarizing these agencies to the hilt with military-grade weapons not available to American citizens.

Why, for instance, would the IRS need armored vehicles, flash-bang grenades loaded with tear gas, and .40-caliber submachine guns?

The IRS has been arming up for at least ten years. At the end of 2017, the IRS had 4,487 firearms and 5,062,006 rounds of ammunition in its weapons cache, according to an August 8, 2022, Forbes article, “Inflation Reduction Act Unleashes A Tougher IRS.” You can bet they’ve got a lot more than that stored up six years later in 2023.

Here’s an excerpt from the Forbes article:

“The Schumer-Manchin tax bill known as the Inflation Reduction Act, which passed the Senate on Sunday, raises taxes and will give the IRS billions to go into what the Wall Street Journal called ‘beast mode.’”

The video below by Mark Gifford, a pastor from Lee’s Summit, Missouri, who runs the God Family and Guns YouTube channel, explains why this militarization is taking place.

The IRS has been steppng up its purchases of guns and ammunition even more over the last two years, gobbling up nearly $700,000 in ammo in early 2022. That bulk purchase prompted Representatives Matt Gaetz (R-FL) and Jeff Duncan (R-SC) to introduce the “Disarm the IRS Act,” to prohibit the IRS from buying ammunition. Of course, this bill was dead on arrival because the Uniparty in Washington, which includes all Democrats and a solid majority of Republicans, are all for a militarized federal government. They hate Americans and do not represent Americans. They are globalists whose allegiance is to the military-industrial-biosecurity complex.

The IRS is not alone in this militarization.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has also purchased hundreds of .40-caliber submachine guns, presumably for making raids on independent food producers. They have a special hatred for the Amish (See Food Supply Attack: U.S. Government Raided and Shut Down Golden Valley Farms, an Independent Meat Producer)


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e6b2c9 No.86058

File: fd9f292a2f3e2e6⋯.png (17.6 KB,474x316,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473546 (011942ZSEP23) Notable: Ukrainian-born US lawmaker seeks to end ban on funding neo-Nazis

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1 Sep, 2023 00:21

Ukrainian-born US lawmaker seeks to end ban on funding neo-Nazis

The bill seeks to repeal the ban on sending money to the Azov Battalion

Congresswoman Victoria Spartz, an Indiana Republican, has proposed an amendment to the 2024 Pentagon funding bill that would remove the 2018 prohibition on funding Azovdue to the Ukrainian unit’s neo-Nazi character. (OK, that’s it, no matter how fiery she is, seems like Ukraine has a plant in Congress! Anons we may need to do so history research on her. Unbelievable!)

FellowRepublican Andy Ogles of Tennessee, however, wants to explicitly banthe Pentagon from providing intelligence to Azov.

The Spartz amendment would “Strike section 8105 of the bill which prohibits funds to the ‘Azov Battalion,’” according to documents posted on the website of the House Rules Committee. It would amend HR 4365, the Department of Defense Appropriations Act for the next fiscal year, which begins in October.

Journalist Aida Chavez noticed the amendment on Thursday, along with several other proposals by Republican lawmakers, who have a slim majority in the House.

Ogles, on the other hand, wants to expand Section 8105 to ban the US from providing intelligence to Azov, and also ban any aid to the ‘Russian Volunteer Corps’ (RVC). He had previously tried to ban any “funding, equipment, training, fuel, or other support” to “the Russian Volunteer Corps, the Azov Battalion, or any other neo-Nazi militia” in Ukraine in an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

The Azov Battalion was originally a militia set up by the notorious neo-Nazi Andrey Biletsky after the 2014 US-backed coup in Kiev, which took part in Ukraine’s crackdown on dissidents in Kharkov and Donetsk. Biletsky admitted to several Western outlets that he handpicked their symbols – the Wolfsangel rune used by the German 2nd SS Panzer Division ‘Das Reich’ in WWII, and the Black Sun logo beloved by SS leader Heinrich Himmler.

Spartz was elected in 2020 and represents Indiana’s 5th congressional district. She was born in Chernigov in present-day Ukraine, and immigrated to the US in 2000. Her amendment is the first time any US lawmaker has attempted to repeal Section 8105 since it was passed in 2018.

In late 2019, a group of 40 House Democrats wrote to the State Department, describing Azov as a “violent white supremacist” group “that openly welcomes neo-Nazis into its ranks.” The unit responded by accusing them of hostility to Ukraine.

Azov has since been fully integrated into Ukraine’s armed forces. The ‘Azov Tactical Group’ is currently operating as part of the 3rd Separate Assault Brigade, recently visited by President Vladimir Zelensky on the Donbass front.

Several other House Republicans have proposed more Ukraine-related amendments to the Pentagon funding bill. Matt Gaetz of Florida and Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia want to block any funds from being used for Ukraine. Greene also wants to ban “the conduct of ground operations in Ukraine by the US Armed Forces or intelligence officials of the US.”

Paul Gosar of Arizona has proposed redirecting all $300 million from the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (Section 8104) to the pay of enlisted service members, while his colleague Andy Biggs wants to delete the entire section outright. Montana’s Matt Rosendale would block all spending on Ukraine “until a border wall system along the US-Mexico border is completed and operational control of such border is achieved.”


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e6b2c9 No.86059

File: 1ea4120a650f375⋯.png (370.78 KB,605x524,605:524,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473548 (011942ZSEP23) Notable: Biden has overseen the worst border crisis on record.

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Karine Jean-Pierre: “The president has done more to secure the border and to deal with this issue of immigration than anybody else. He really has!”

Biden has overseen the worst border crisis on record.


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e6b2c9 No.86060

File: c3e93f964bf4133⋯.png (34.53 KB,540x356,135:89,Clipboard.png)

File: 3c290284ebb51ea⋯.png (22.67 KB,347x247,347:247,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473580 (011949ZSEP23) Notable: His policy platform is called AGENDA 47!

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One way you can help President Trump is by sharing his policies. His policy platform is called AGENDA 47!

He has recorded policy videos for each of his policies. You can watch and share all of those policy videos here! Download them and share them on your social media!




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e6b2c9 No.86061

File: 18858cc641eb440⋯.jpeg (805.78 KB,1170x1692,65:94,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 24dbd094974c274⋯.jpeg (29.33 KB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473584 (011950ZSEP23) Notable: TRUMP JUST TRUTH’D ANOTHER BIDEN “MASK” PIC.

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e6b2c9 No.86062

File: b380146b621fea2⋯.png (105.81 KB,797x393,797:393,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473606 (011955ZSEP23) Notable: Scientist claims the nickname for the new variant came from an asteroid around Jupiter

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Scientist claims the nickname for the new variant came from an asteroid around Jupiter

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e6b2c9 No.86063

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473628 (012000ZSEP23) Notable: National Australia Bank now debanking customers for “mean” speech

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National Australia Bank now debanking customers for “mean” speech

Effective Nov. 1, 2023, the National Australia Bank (NAB) plans to start debanking customers who engage in "mean" speech.

If someone else's feelings become hurt by something a NAB customer says or does, the bank will take away his or her bank account as punishment.

According to The Counter Signal, the NAB updated its terms and conditions in such a way as to turn its relationship with customers into something "that resembles that of a schoolteacher or grade school student."

Any NAB customer caught "making profane, derogatory, discriminatory or harassing comments to any person," or who inflicts "psychological harm" on someone else, will face the ire of one of Australia's largest banks, which is also one of the "big four" alongside the Australia and New Zealand Banking Group, Commonwealth Bank of Australia (which was owned by the Australian government until 1996), and the Westpac Banking Corporation.

"The entire Commonwealth is compromised," tweeted the X (formerly known as Twitter) account of Lion Advocacy's Daniel Ari Freiheit, MBA, LLB.

"Look into dual citizenship & consider moving your savings to countries that respect property & speech."

Don't be "mean" or we'll stop you from buying and selling and accessing your own money

In its terms and conditions update, the NAB spelled out what will happen to any customer who is caught uttering threatening or abusive language, as defined by the bank.

"We may reasonably exercise one or more of our rights in these terms and conditions to suspend, cancel or deny an account holder's access or use of the account, card or an electronic banking service if we reasonably consider it appropriate to protect a customer or another person from financial abuse," the update states.

The changes could spark a boycott, which is exactly what happened to Scotiabank after it informed military veteran Jeremy MacKenzie that his account was being closed because he was deemed to have exceeded the bank's "risk appetite."

"What part of it is too risky for the bank – is that my military pension?" MacKenzie asked the Scotiabank representative who informed him that his account was being shuttered.

"I'm afraid I don't have any more detail," the representative responded. "I'm just the messenger."

That sure sounds a whole lot like World War II era just following orders, does it not?

Not only is MacKenzie no longer to bank with Scotiabank, but he is also barred from ever again visiting a branch of the bank without permission.

It turns out that MacKenzie publicly criticized the regime of Justin Trudeau, including the corrupt RCMP which persecuted him and others for participating in the Freedom Convoy of Ottawa.

"First they came for the Mercolas and I took NO action. Then they ...," one commenter wrote on a story about what happened to Dr. Mercola at the hands of JPMorgan.

"If you speak the truth, you will be punished," wrote another. "That is the message the lying left-wing scum are putting out there. Oppose us, reveal our lies and you will be ruthlessly punished. So, how do you like those Democrats now?"

It is one thing for Australia and Canada to be engaging in this kind of debanking "censorship," seeing as how neither of those two countries have a constitution like that of the U.S. But there is no excuse for JPMorgan Chase being allowed to persecute an American citizen while operating on U.S. soil.

"Suffice it to say Americans are no longer living in the country that was founded by our 'Founding Fathers,'" another commenter wrote. "The Constitution & the Bill of Rights no longer have any more meaning – it is now just an antiquated notion."


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e6b2c9 No.86064

File: 56643da61b5563e⋯.png (113.17 KB,600x634,300:317,Clipboard.png)

File: 9c0d26f2cd4fd0e⋯.png (56.02 KB,660x358,330:179,Clipboard.png)

File: 5a7a9b2c9988076⋯.png (35.8 KB,800x406,400:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473633 (012001ZSEP23) Notable: Instrument for the Lunar Seismic Activity payload on Chandrayaan 3 Lander has recorded the movements of Rover and other payloads.

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Aug 31

Chandrayaan-3 Mission:

In-situ Scientific Experiments

Instrument for the Lunar Seismic Activity (ILSA) payload on Chandrayaan 3 Lander

the first Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) technology-based instrument on the moon

has recorded the movements of Rover and other payloads.

Additionally, it has recorded an event, appearing to be a natural one, on August 26, 2023. The source of this event is under investigation.

ILSA payload is designed and realised LEOS, Bangalore. The deployment mechanism is developed by URSC, Bengaluru.


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e6b2c9 No.86065

File: 4c2938b1f70eb8d⋯.jpeg (456.68 KB,828x1050,138:175,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473666 (012007ZSEP23) Notable: Bill Gates’s car gets surrounded by very angry people

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Bill Gates’s car gets surrounded by very angry people- I think that people know he’s one of the driving forces behind the #Depopulation #Agenda2030 :

“MURDERER!!! We know who you are you son of a bitch!!! Arrest, Bill Gates!!!!!


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e6b2c9 No.86066

File: 0c525343b8b2b02⋯.png (1.59 MB,1910x6186,955:3093,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473685 (012012ZSEP23) Notable: Today´s deltas

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Today´s deltas


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e6b2c9 No.86067

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473686 (012013ZSEP23) Notable: Bill Gates’s car gets surrounded by very angry people

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.Bill Gates’s car gets surrounded by very angry people- I think that people know he’s one of the driving forces behind the #Depopulation #Agenda2030 :

.“MURDERER!!! We know who you are you son of a bitch!!! Arrest, Bill Gates!!!!!

Its TIME bitches


Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 9d52eb No.1361222 📁

May 10 2018 15:02:52 (EST)


1. a person who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and its interests with devotion.

2. a person who regards himself or herself as a defender, especially of individual rights, against presumed interference by the federal government.


1. a person who betrays another, a cause, or any trust [FOCUS].

2. a person who commits treason by betraying his or her country.

They want you DIVIDED.



There was no attempt to DIVIDE.

There was however a strategic move to REVEAL.

[Be careful who you follow]

Incorrect message translated [past] autists.

Correction made.

No names mentioned.

They revealed themselves.

Fake & False [incorrect] decodes removed/resolved.

Fake & False claims of an 'unknown' allowed access to classified sealed indictments removed/resolved.

Do not fall victim to con artists.


Stay on point.

This is NOT about a single person.

This is NOT about fame, followers, or profiteering.

We, the PEOPLE.

We, the PEOPLE.

We, the PEOPLE.


We will not be held hostage.




Mar 17 2018


Q !UW.yye1fxo No.458 📁

Mar 17 2018 14:03:41 (EST)

How bad is the corruption?

FBI (past/present)




+29 (16)

DOJ (past/present)





STATE (past/present)




Removal is the least of their problems.



Twitter Bots>GOOG operated (not Russia)/Narrative & Political SLANT








Who knows where the bodies are buried?



Election theft.

Last hope.

Congressional focus.


They think you are STUPID.

They think you will follow the STARS.

They openly call you SHEEP/CATTLE.








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e6b2c9 No.86068

File: 300f5005aa8177a⋯.png (803.5 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 4341eeff3e783fc⋯.png (282.12 KB,937x572,937:572,Clipboard.png)

File: 4bad18b1f45b0c9⋯.png (188.33 KB,945x621,35:23,Clipboard.png)

File: 5df2f6aea0acaff⋯.png (176.67 KB,602x600,301:300,Clipboard.png)

File: 904aeeef50ad4ae⋯.png (546.83 KB,600x557,600:557,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473700 (012016ZSEP23) Notable: Whistleblower Steps Forward – Reveals FB Group Where MI Clerks Discuss Evidence of Organized Fraud in 2020 Election

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Whistleblower Steps Forward – Reveals Private Facebook Group Where MI Clerks Discuss STUNNING Evidence of Organized Fraud in 2020 Election

Three weeks ago, the MI GOP Director of Election Integrity, Phil O’Halloran, gave Patty McMurray and Jim Hoft of the Gateway Pundit a stunning MI State Police report that was FOIA’d by a Muskegon resident who questioned the outcome of his race in the 2020 election. The report is based on an investigation that was initiated on October 8, 2020, that was eventually taken over by the FBI in 2022.

After publishing the report that exposed a massive cover-up by Michigan’s Democrat Attorney General Dana Nessel and Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson of an explosive, statewide investigation by the MI State Police, Muskegon, MI Police Department, we began to receive tips from individuals who read our story and wanted to help us close the gaps in the highly redacted MI State Police report.

The whistleblower who contacted us explained that they do not want to be identified over fears of retribution by elected officials in Michigan. They confirmed for us that the details of the police report were accurate but explained there was much more to this story than ONE city clerk receiving boxes of suspicious voter registrations; in fact, clerks across the state of Michigan received boxes and priority mail envelopes stuffed with registrations, many of them with the same signatures, the same last four numbers of their social security number, fake names and fake addresses.

For three years, Michigan residents were told by their Attorney General Dana Nessel and Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson that they had nothing to worry about, that Michigan’s 2020 election was “the most secure election” in history.

AG Nessel and SOS Benson admonished anyone who suggested any sort of widespread voter fraud took place in the state of Michigan or in other swing states where every vote mattered to a party hell-bent on pushing a confused old man campaigning from his basement over the finish line. They told the people who believed they were telling the truth that there was no widespread fraud in Michigan— to ignore any evidence they saw or any stories they read about left-wing judges throwing election fraud cases out of court because they were all part of a “big lie” concocted by Donald Trump and his followers to make Joe Biden look like an illegitimate president.

All along, we were being lied to, and now, we have proof they were lying…

Today, the Gateway Pundit is releasing the latest evidence we have obtained from our 2020 election fraud investigation…

Our whistleblower contacted the Gateway Pundit after reading our first report and revealed that, in private conversations on social media, many Michigan clerks were privately concerned about potential fraud in the 2020 election in the months PRIOR to the November election.



Many of the Clerks have denied that any voter fraud occurred in the 2020 election. They have parroted the line from the left-wing power establishment that the 2020 General Election was the ‘most secure in history’ despite privately expressing severe doubts as to whether the election was secure at all.

President Trump and his allies, including the entire slate of 2020 alternative electors in Michigan, are facing multiple felonies and the threat of imprisonment for expressing the very same doubts publicly that these clerks were expressing privately.


In the 2020 election, one Michigan clerk, who is now retired, posted an image of what her fellow clerks called a “care package” from a left-wing campaign and organizing group that occasionally went by the name GBI Strategies and other times went by the name “Empower Michigan.”


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e6b2c9 No.86069

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473703 (012017ZSEP23) Notable: Impeach Fani Willis for Prosecutorial Misconduct

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(pb) >>86029 @realDonaldTrump RT VoterGA: Impeach Fani Willis for Prosecutorial Misconduct

There may be more than Prosecutorial Misconduct in her closet.

"Explosive Revelation: Fani Willis Linked To Massive Election Fraud And Money Laundering RICO Enterprise!"

In a shocking turn of events, a bombshell investigation has uncovered jaw-dropping connections between Fani Willis and a sprawling web of election fraud and money laundering activities.

The investigation, which spans across multiple states and multiple jurisdictions, has revealed a complex network of illicit operations aimed at undermining the very foundation of our Constitutional Republic and the rule of law. Sources close to the matter suggest that Willis was a massive beneficiary in the Federal and Georgia RICO enterprises. It appears that she is currently playing a key role in orchestrating a systematic scheme to manipulate election outcomes, casting doubt on the integrity of the entire electoral process.


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e6b2c9 No.86070

File: aa1e67aeb33e29f⋯.png (800.99 KB,768x349,768:349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473747 (012024ZSEP23) Notable: Finland Escalates Prosecution Of Christian For Quoting The Bible

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Newest NATO Country Escalates Prosecution Of Christians For Quoting The Bible. Helsinki’s top prosecutor said publicly quoting the Bible & publishing a booklet about Christian sexual ethics violates the “hate speech” law, effectively criminalizing Christianity in Finland.

Finland Escalates Prosecution Of Christian For Quoting The Bible

The appeal escalates this U.S. ally's prosecution of leftist politicians' opponents, a marker of repressive regimes.



Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No.7362147 📁

Nov 23 2019 15:53:37 (EST)


It's going to be BIBLICAL!



Jul 30 2019


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 231874 No.7266574 📁

Jul 30 2019 19:23:13 (EST)


Godfather III

It's going to be BIBLICAL.


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e6b2c9 No.86071

File: b7f5294a7852c49⋯.png (814.96 KB,768x402,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473783 (012031ZSEP23) Notable: DeSantis Super PAC’s Urgent Plea to Donors: ‘We Need 50 Million Bucks’

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DeSantis Super PAC’s Urgent Plea to Donors: ‘We Need 50 Million Bucks’

In an audio recording made just before the first G.O.P. debate, the super PAC’s chief strategist disparaged rivals and described an expensive attempt to thwart Donald Trump in Iowa.


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e6b2c9 No.86072

File: fed42f9e8ee7351⋯.png (843.62 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473792 (012033ZSEP23) Notable: The City of San Diego said it is under a state order to keep the water level low

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11 billion gallons of water released from Hodges Reservoir The City of San Diego said it is under a state order to keep the water level low in the lake.

11 billion gallons of water released from Hodges Reservoir

The City of San Diego said it is under a state order to keep the water level low in the lake.




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e6b2c9 No.86073

File: ba486f205fe7c3f⋯.png (275.73 KB,608x643,608:643,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473796 (012033ZSEP23) Notable: United States Space Force: everyone has a role in preventing suicide.

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Square profile picture

United States Space Force


September is #SuicidePreventionAwarenessMonth, & DAF is committed to ensuring our #Guardians, #Airmen & families always have access to wellness & crisis resources. However, everyone has a role in preventing suicide.

Learn more here: https://militaryonesource.mil/rseources/millife-guides/suicide-prevention/

SECAF Kendall Suicide Prevention Month Message

5:14 AM · Sep 1, 2023




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e6b2c9 No.86074

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473833 (012041ZSEP23) Notable: TRUMP'S CASE IN GEORGIA WILL BE LIVE STREAM FROM THE COURT

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Hold on to your hats anons.

Georgia trial will be live streamed on youtube for the world to see.

Anons will do their thing by going up against the media narrative and showing we had it all, all along !!




Note: This case is about the election fraud found and the deep state accusing Trump of election interference by stating that the election was rigged and stolen.

The world will see first hand how much evidence there was, including all the archived stuff anons posted and collected already !!!


Ric Grenell: Livestream is a win for Trump against Georgia circus craziness | Newsline



5,063 views 1 Sept 2023 #NEWSMAX #News #BreakingNews

On Friday's "Newsline," former acting Director of National Intelligence and Ambassador to Germany Ric Grenell reacts to the ruling that former President Donald Trump's trial in Georgia will be televised.

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e6b2c9 No.86075

File: 698fa071dac37ba⋯.png (483.84 KB,410x512,205:256,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473895 (012100ZSEP23) Notable: Another J6 defendant has committed suicide.

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Another J6 defendant has committed suicide. Below is the obituary for Nejourde "Jord" Meachum, age 22, an entirely peaceful J6er who killed himself two weeks after he was charged with four non-violent misdemeanors.

Jord is the sixth known defendant who committed suicide.

If you are a J6 defendant, please reach out for help. You are not alone.


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e6b2c9 No.86076

File: 4b650f748724c79⋯.png (133.57 KB,607x718,607:718,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19473959 (012114ZSEP23) Notable: The Republican National Committee votes to support same-day voting, paper ballots!

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Nancy Ross


FINALLY! Dump Voting Machines!

The Republican National Committee votes to support same-day voting, paper ballots!


⁩ takes a position 👆on apparently a VERY SENSITIVE subject…

Even — or especially —in “Red States” like South Carolina.



9:29 AM · Sep 1, 2023




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e6b2c9 No.86077

File: 5b554d30dc89102⋯.png (435.36 KB,700x394,350:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474041 (012135ZSEP23) Notable: THERE'S NO LIE THE LEFT WON'T TELL: Press Secretary's Lies Immediately Exposed

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THERE'S NO LIE THE LEFT WON'T TELL: Press Secretary's Lies Immediately Exposed After Claim Biden "Has Done More To Secure The Border Than Anybody Else"

On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero


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e6b2c9 No.86078

File: e1b48a8d54ba08b⋯.png (580.79 KB,828x677,828:677,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474058 (012137ZSEP23) Notable: Doctor: Pharmacists Continuing to Refuse Ivermectin Prescriptions

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Doctor: Pharmacists Continuing to Refuse Ivermectin Prescriptions, Raising Ethical Concerns

COVID Treatments & Remedies

Matthew Lysiak

Matthew Lysiak

Sep 1 2023

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e6b2c9 No.86079

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474071 (012139ZSEP23) Notable: #23916

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#23916 >>86053

>>86055,>>>/qresearch/19473451, >>>/qresearch/19473505 President Obama’s brother confirms he’ll be interviewed by Tucker Carlson 9/19/2023

>>86054 Russia is ‘absolutely invincible’ - Putin

>>>/qresearch/19473493 Russia Puts Its Longest Range Nuke-Capable Missile On Combat Duty, Nicknamed 'Satan II'

>>86057 Why is the IRS Buying .40-Caliber Submachine Guns?

>>86058 Ukrainian-born US lawmaker seeks to end ban on funding neo-Nazis

>>86059 Biden has overseen the worst border crisis on record.

>>86060 His policy platform is called AGENDA 47!


>>86062 Scientist claims the nickname for the new variant came from an asteroid around Jupiter

>>86063 National Australia Bank now debanking customers for “mean” speech

>>>/qresearch/19473630 Twice Nommed Tik Tok

>>86064 Instrument for the Lunar Seismic Activity payload on Chandrayaan 3 Lander has recorded the movements of Rover and other payloads.

>>86065, >>86067, >>>/qresearch/19473832, >>>/qresearch/19473958 Bill Gates’s car gets surrounded by very angry people

>>86066 Today´s deltas

>>86068 Whistleblower Steps Forward – Reveals FB Group Where MI Clerks Discuss Evidence of Organized Fraud in 2020 Election

>>86069 Impeach Fani Willis for Prosecutorial Misconduct

>>86070 Finland Escalates Prosecution Of Christian For Quoting The Bible

>>>/qresearch/19473761, >>>/qresearch/19473876 Message from the IG of the intelligence community

>>86071 DeSantis Super PAC’s Urgent Plea to Donors: ‘We Need 50 Million Bucks’

>>86072 The City of San Diego said it is under a state order to keep the water level low

>>86073 United States Space Force: everyone has a role in preventing suicide.


>>86075 Another J6 defendant has committed suicide.

>>86076 The Republican National Committee votes to support same-day voting, paper ballots!

>>86077 THERE'S NO LIE THE LEFT WON'T TELL: Press Secretary's Lies Immediately Exposed

>>86078 Doctor: Pharmacists Continuing to Refuse Ivermectin Prescriptions


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e6b2c9 No.86080

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474089 (012141ZSEP23) Notable: #23917

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**Baker requests a handy

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e6b2c9 No.86081

File: 5ed47ccbadfffb2⋯.png (860.25 KB,643x941,643:941,Clipboard.png)

File: 548d97cb264a20e⋯.png (851.28 KB,633x941,633:941,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474127 (012147ZSEP23) Notable: Ukraine Officially Orders Troops to Kill Surrendering Russians - theinteldrop.org

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War Crime: Ukraine Officially Orders Troops to Kill Surrendering Russians…though Very Few

posted by INTEL-DROP September 1, 2023

The Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) continue suffering losses in the area of Rabotino in the Zaporozhie region. One of Ukrainian commanders who was killed in the battles had a combat order with him. As a result, the document was found by Russian servicemen and was widely shared online. It confirmed that the Ukrainian servicemen are ordered to commit war crimes.

The combat order was destined to the commander of the Ukrainian 12th separate tank brigade and was issued in July. The document included the description of the ongoing hostilities and some important orders to the Ukrainian servicemen.

The Ukrainian military was officially prohibited to take Russian paratroopers prisoners. Those who attempt to surrender should be immediately killed. Moreover, in order to hide their crimes, Ukrainian servicemen were prohibited to film the murders.

“In case of surrender of a paratrooper of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, do not take prisoner, kill on the spot. It is strictly forbidden to shoot videos with mobile phones,” – the document reads.

The document confirms violations of a number of international laws and conventions. Killing or wounding a combatant who has laid down his arms and surrendered is a war crime.

However, so far, no cases of Russian paratroopers attempting to surrender have been recorded so far. Moreover, recently another video from the area of Ugledar confirmed that the AFU continue torturing the captured Russian servicemen. LINK

The document also ordered to inform Ukrainian soldiers that the alcohol and drugs are prohibited on the frontlines. This means, that there were cases of the use of prohibited substances. Obviously, such an order is nothing but a formality. In fact, most of Ukrainian servicemen who are thrown in bloody assaults on the Zaporozhie frontlines, as well as on the other fronts, are heavily drugged. The ‘forbidden’ drugs are largely supplied by their own commanders. LINK

https://www.theinteldrop.org/2023/09/01/war-crime-ukraine-officially-orders-troops-to-kill-surrendering-russians-though-very-few/upplied by their own commanders. LINK

So when in the UN and EU investigate Ukraine for violating all the laws of war and the Geneva Convention? This info has only been out for a year and half?

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e6b2c9 No.86082

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474149 (012152ZSEP23) Notable: @DonaldJTrumpJr Absolutely MUST-WATCH legal breakdown of the baseless witch hunt indictments with lawyer Robert Barnes.

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Donald Trump Jr.


“This case isn’t just about President Trump. It’s about the future of the country.”

Absolutely MUST-WATCH legal breakdown of the baseless witch hunt indictments with lawyer Robert Barnes.

Sep 01, 2023, 5:28 PM


Declaration of Independence: Wrongful denial, of the right to petition the government, constitutionally constitution right

The English Court, 400 hundred years ago said you cannot criminalize the right to petition



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e6b2c9 No.86083

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474163 (012155ZSEP23) Notable: Ukraine Drug Trafficking Report

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Drug Warriors Of Ukraine

During the ongoing Russian military operation in Ukraine, Russian forces find not only a large amount of foreign weapons, but also drugs in numerous captured Ukrainian positions. This is the main tool used by the Ukrainian military commanders to motivate their subordinates. It turns out that it is not patriotic feelings that support the Ukrainian army and Nazi military formations, but drugs and psychotropic substances.

Ukrainian President VladimirZelensky himself sets an explicit example of “patriotism”to the Ukrainian soldiers and regularly appears drugged in public. LINK Ukrainian soldiers do not lag behind their leader and are also heavily addicted to drugs and various “war chemicals”. LINK, LINK

Ukrainian military commanders, who are interested in boosting the morale of their fighters, are turning a blind eye to the use of psychoactive substances on the military positions. In fact they personally control the supply of drugs to their units.

Another Ukrainian artilleryman captured by the DPR fighters who admitted that he had shelled civilians in Mariupol, confirmed that almost all Ukrainian servicemen are using drugs.

Earlier, during the battles for the city, a drug laboratory of the notorious Right Sector Nazi battalion was captured by Russian forces in the village of Sopino near Mariupol, where the cheapest illegal drugs were produced.

A lot of drugs are produced at home laboratories, while there is industrial scale of drug production in the country and numerous logistical chains for transporting foreign drugs, including through humanitarian and military aid channels from NATO countries.

Drug trafficking to Ukraine is controlled at the highest level. In particular, it is supervised by the Security Service of Ukraine throughout the country’s independence.



Drug Warriors Of Ukraine

During the ongoing Russian military operation in Ukraine, Russian forces find not only a large amount of foreign weapons, but also drugs in numerous captured Ukrainian positions. This is the main tool used by the Ukrainian military commanders to motivate their subordinates. It turns out that it is not patriotic feelings that support the Ukrainian army and Nazi military formations, but drugs and psychotropic substances.

Ukrainian President VladimirZelensky himself sets an explicit example of “patriotism”to the Ukrainian soldiers and regularly appears drugged in public. LINK Ukrainian soldiers do not lag behind their leader and are also heavily addicted to drugs and various “war chemicals”. LINK, LINK

Ukrainian military commanders, who are interested in boosting the morale of their fighters, are turning a blind eye to the use of psychoactive substances on the military positions. In fact they personally control the supply of drugs to their units.

Another Ukrainian artilleryman captured by the DPR fighters who admitted that he had shelled civilians in Mariupol, confirmed that almost all Ukrainian servicemen are using drugs.

Earlier, during the battles for the city, a drug laboratory of the notorious Right Sector Nazi battalion was captured by Russian forces in the village of Sopino near Mariupol, where the cheapest illegal drugs were produced.

A lot of drugs are produced at home laboratories, while there is industrial scale of drug production in the country and numerous logistical chains for transporting foreign drugs, including through humanitarian and military aid channels from NATO countries.

Drug trafficking to Ukraine is controlled at the highest level. In particular, it is supervised by the Security Service of Ukraine throughout the country’s independence.


Please, please EU and NATO, definitely invite Ukraine into the EU and NATO, they will be a wonderful contributing member of death and destruction, but they also have excellent talents of corruptions and depravityPlease, please EU and NATO, definitely invite Ukraine into the EU and NATO, they will be a wonderful contributing member of death and destruction, but they also have excellent talents of corruptions and depravity!

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e6b2c9 No.86084

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474178 (012158ZSEP23) Notable: FDA to finalize ban on menthol cigarettes in coming months

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FDA to finalize ban on menthol cigarettes in coming months

Would a lack of menthol negatively impact the health of smokers, perhaps increase "COVID-like" symptoms? Idk. However, it seems the FDA doesn't like anything remotely good for us.

It's getting to the point that instead of fighting the FDA on all the bad things they are doing it would just be better to get rid of it. Would the states be able to make laws and regulations for their own states and skip the "federal"?

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e6b2c9 No.86085

File: ec607547b7aa98b⋯.jpg (22.84 KB,474x266,237:133,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474181 (012158ZSEP23) Notable: Alaska state board of education on Thursday voted to support banning transgender girls from competing on high school girls athletic teams, sending the issue to the attorney general

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ANCHORAGE, Alaska: "The Alaska state board of education on Thursday voted to support banning transgender girls from competing on high school girls athletic teams, sending the issue to the attorney general. Republican Governor Mike Dunleavy, who appointed the members of the state education board, has said the regulation is needed to ensure fairness in girls sports. The proposal now goes to another Dunleavy appointee, Alaska Attorney General Treg Taylor, a Republican, to determine whether it should go into effect.

On Thursday, the board met in special session and approved on a 7-1 vote a regulation saying, “If a separate high school athletics team is established for female students, participation shall be limited to females who were assigned female at birth.” The only dissenting vote came from Felix Myers, the high school student representative on the board. The military advisor on the board abstained."


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e6b2c9 No.86086

File: 0b1050a35d2c584⋯.jpg (30.12 KB,480x480,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474184 (012159ZSEP23) Notable: New Jersey Gov. Murphy 'doesn't see a scenario where state can take in migrants from NYC'

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New Jersey Gov. Murphy says he doesn't see a scenario where state can take in migrants from NYC

“You need scale, enormous amount of federal support, resources that go beyond anything that we can afford,” Gov. Murphy said.

New Jersey Democrat Gov. Phil Murphy says he doesn’t “see any scenario” where the Garden State can take in any migrants from New York City, even though the Biden administration has a potential plan to send them there.

“I don’t see any scenario where we’re going to be able to take in a program in Atlantic City or frankly elsewhere in the state,” Murphy told News 12 on Thursday.

“You need scale, enormous amount of federal support, resources that go beyond anything that we can afford,” he continued.

These remarks come after the Biden administration suggested sending migrants to the Atlantic City International Airport.

According to the New York Post, that airport is a federally owned facility and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas spoke with New York City Mayor Eric Adams about it potentially being a shelter for the city to move migrants.


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e6b2c9 No.86087

File: 4d64686bc3fe29b⋯.jpg (164.91 KB,720x838,360:419,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474195 (012200ZSEP23) Notable: Michigan EV plant’s work retreat features Red Army outfits, pledges to ‘fight for communism’

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Michigan EV plant’s work retreat features Red Army outfits, pledges to ‘fight for communism’

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e6b2c9 No.86088

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474228 (012210ZSEP23) Notable: Whistleblower Steps Forward – Reveals STUNNING Evidence of Organized Fraud in 2020 Election. City police report now received

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Whistleblower Steps Forward – Reveals STUNNING Evidence of Organized Fraud in 2020 Election. City police report now receivedMore info that Nessel has been lying more and more!



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e6b2c9 No.86089

File: fdad8bc8a3d6bd7⋯.png (345.36 KB,600x430,60:43,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474237 (012212ZSEP23) Notable: Mohamed Al-Fayed dies at age 94

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Daily Mail US


Mohamed Al-Fayed dies at age 94


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e6b2c9 No.86090

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474266 (012218ZSEP23) Notable: Tucker Carlson is about to cross 10M followers on Xwitter.

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Tucker Carlson is about to cross 10M followers on X.

This makes Tucker far-and-away the most followed independent journalist on the planet.

Tucker's show on X gets an average of 50M views and has carries massive cultural, news breaking relevance.

The Matrix is broken.



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e6b2c9 No.86091

File: 4170c3190754de2⋯.png (61.19 KB,966x566,483:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474331 (012232ZSEP23) Notable: Malik Obama Interview with @TuckerCarlson Tuesday Sept 19th?

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Malik Obama


Folks: Interview will be Tuesday Sept 19th

@TuckerCarlson My man.

TUES 19 Interview with Tucker


1:59 PM · Sep 1, 2023




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e6b2c9 No.86092

File: 52e56d173a7857b⋯.png (1.07 MB,669x964,669:964,Clipboard.png)

File: 01a87851f522324⋯.png (743.76 KB,611x975,47:75,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474344 (012234ZSEP23) Notable: Malik Obama Interview with @TuckerCarlson Tuesday Sept 19th?

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Malik Obama


What's this?

4:07 PM · Jun 15, 2020


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e6b2c9 No.86093

File: 48f60e0d9e9e746⋯.png (84.22 KB,280x157,280:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474350 (012236ZSEP23) Notable: With 400,000 Ukrainian soldiers dead, US getting ‘money’s worth’ in Ukraine -- Biden ally

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1 Sep, 2023 00:39

US getting ‘money’s worth’ in Ukraine – Biden ally

Senator Blumenthal has urged American taxpayers to continue backing Kiev against Moscow

The US is using Ukraine as the “tip of the spear” against Russia, getting a major return on its “investment” in Kiev without any American lives lost, according to Senator Richard Blumenthal, a Connecticut Democrat.

“Even Americans who have no particular interest in freedom and independence in democracies worldwide, should be satisfied that we’re getting our money’s worth on our Ukraine investment,” Blumenthal argued in an op-ed published earlier this week by the Connecticut Post.

“For less than 3 percent of our nation’s military budget, we’ve enabled Ukraine to degrade Russia’s military strength by half. We’ve united NATO and caused the Chinese to rethink their invasion plans for Taiwan. We’ve helped restore faith and confidence in American leadership – moral and military. All without a single American service woman or man injured or lost, and without any diversion or misappropriation of American aid,” he claimed.

The senator’s unsubstantiated and unverifiable claims were made after he visited Kiev with fellow Democrat Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Republican Lindsey Graham of South Carolina. Blumenthal was impressed by Zelensky’s “magnetic energy” and “resolve and resilience,” and taken by his admission that “Ukraine could not have survived without America and our allies.”

“Ukraine is at the tip of the spear, fighting our fight for independence and freedom,” the senator claimed.

Zelensky doesn’t want or need US troops, but “he deeply and desperately needs the tools to win,” Blumenthal added, providing a wish list of more tanks, planes, guns, ammunition, and everything else.

The US has so far committed over $130 billion in funding to Ukraine, covering everything from HIMARS multiple rocket launch systems, M777 towed artillery, M1 Abrams tanks, Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, Javelin and Stinger missiles, Patriot air defense batteries, ammunition, equipment, and even salaries for Ukrainian soldiers and government officials.


It's interesting none of these Senators ever mention the 150,000+ dead Ukrainian Soldiers, when they are jumping for joy that they saved he US money! Which is a provable lie, because the defense budget always gets spent.

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e6b2c9 No.86094

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474352 (012236ZSEP23) Notable: Malik Obama Interview with @TuckerCarlson Tuesday Sept 19th?

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He is Obummers Brother. He has photos for proof.

Tuckers interview will be interesting.

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e6b2c9 No.86095

File: cd7220c42448af0⋯.png (68.25 KB,444x335,444:335,Clipboard.png)

File: b5479c184b00e7f⋯.jpg (29.76 KB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474358 (012240ZSEP23) Notable: Malik Obama Interview with @TuckerCarlson Tuesday Sept 19th?

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She must have got pregnant the day she turned 18.

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e6b2c9 No.86096

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474363 (012240ZSEP23) Notable: Amazon complicit with CIA in election tampering? CALL TO DIG AWS=CIA

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Repost already in the notables.

This is big fucking news.


you heard it here first.

how does anon know, Julian Assange drop on the pentagon and amazon servers around the world. which has now been scrubbed,

Am sure talented anons can find it in the archives.




Note: This case is about the election fraud found and the deep state accusing Trump of election interference by stating that the election was rigged and stolen.

The world will see first hand how much evidence there was, including all the archived stuff anons posted and collected already !!!


Ric Grenell: Livestream is a win for Trump against Georgia circus craziness | Newsline



5,063 views 1 Sept 2023 #NEWSMAX #News #BreakingNews

On Friday's "Newsline," former acting Director of National Intelligence and Ambassador to Germany Ric Grenell reacts to the ruling that former President Donald Trump's trial in Georgia will be televised.

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e6b2c9 No.86097

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474367 (012242ZSEP23) Notable: With 400,000 Ukrainian soldiers dead, US getting ‘money’s worth’ in Ukraine -- Biden ally

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>US getting ‘money’s worth’ in Ukraine – Biden ally

Look at all the mansions being built outside DC and in Virginia with Military Industrial Complex money. This war is a cash cow to Congress, the donors, lobbyists and other assorted leeches. They DGAF as long as the money is rolling in. The more equipment destroyed by the Russians the more production and money flow.

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e6b2c9 No.86098

File: 3ce11907a5c22c8⋯.png (38 KB,387x258,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474386 (012246ZSEP23) Notable: Interesting details on Spartz in relation to Ukraine, why would she and Daines the first to visit and why did she go twice?

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>>86058 (You) Ukrainian-born US lawmaker seeks to end ban on funding neo-Nazis PN

I found an interesting details on Spartz in relation to Ukraine, why would she and Daines the first to visit and why did she go twice?She apparently has a tyrannical side to her (post next)

2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine

Spartz (second from left) joins President Biden, Rep. Elissa Slotkin, Vice President Harris, and Senator Ben Cardin for the signing of the Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022. May 2022

Spartz called the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine "a genocide of the Ukrainian people by a crazy man."[43] Spartz was one of the first US officials to call Russian actions "war crimes."[44][45] At the time of the invasion, Spartz had family still living in Ukraine, including her grandmother, who was living in Chernihiv, which was under siege by Russia.[46]

During the ongoing invasion, ==Spartz traveled to Ukraine twice in April 2022.

The first time was an unannounced visit to Bucha with U.S. Senator Steve Daines. Spartz and Daines were the first two U.S officials to visit Ukraine since the war started==. The second trip was to Lviv, Kyiv, and Odesa with Representative Tim Walberg.[47][48] During the trip, Spartz met with Metropolitan Epifaniy.[49] Spartz has been critical of the speed and effectiveness of international humanitarian aid efforts.[50]

In July 2022, Spartz criticized Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy, accusing him of "playing politics and theater" and not governing seriously.[51] In an interview with Ukrainian press, she accused the country's leaders of not preparing for war and not understanding the war's importance. She alleged that weapons sent to Ukraine may have ended up in Syria or Russia. She asserts that there is insufficient monitoring of U.S.-provided weaponry, and that Congress needs to take control in this area.[52][53][54]

Also in July, Spartz enumerated six allegations of misbehavior against Andrii Yermak, a top official in Ukraine's government. Spartz asked the White House to investigate the allegations and report to a Congressional oversight committee.

Among the allegations are that Yermak leaked war information to Russia, in several specific ways delayed or damaged Ukraine's military war efforts, and through his deputy Oleg Tatarov delayed the appointment of an anti-corruption prosecutor.[55][56][57][58] Yermak had earlier been accused in a scandal alleging selling government jobs, and Tatarov's qualification to serve in a government capacity was in question.[59][56]

The Foreign Ministry of Ukraine responded that Spartz's allegations were "baseless speculation."[60] Former U.S. ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul, who has been working with Yermak on sanctions policy, said that Yermak has been strongly anti-Russia and has proposed creative and novel sanctions.[61] Some Republican representatives and senators disagreed with Spartz's accusations. Senator Lindsey Graham said "I don't share her criticisms" and "I believe that the Zelenskyy government and the Ukrainian people have risen to the moment. It is in our national security interest to stand with the Ukrainian people and their elected leadership." Some Republicans also believe the accusations could hurt the war effort and damage U.S. relations with Ukraine, while boosting GOP elements who opposed aid to Ukraine.[61][62]

Photo: Spartz (second from left) joins President Biden, Rep. Elissa Slotkin, Vice President Harris, and Senator Ben Cardin for the signing of the Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022. May 2022


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e6b2c9 No.86099

File: 5b7b95d15cfc186⋯.png (123.91 KB,537x464,537:464,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474387 (012247ZSEP23) Notable: Amazon complicit with CIA in election tampering? CALL TO DIG AWS=CIA

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past bread link below, images are not retrievable due to kun reason.

>>>/qresearch/17622300 amazon servers WIKILEAKS from 2018


Note: The second map was a map of the globe but it has been blocked out so, cannot see the geography anymoar !!!



All Releases

AmazonAtlas - 11 October, 2018


11 October, 2018

Today, 11 October 2018, WikiLeaks publishes a "Highly Confidential" internal document from the cloud computing provider Amazon. The document from late 2015 lists the addresses and some operational details of over one hundred data centers spread across fifteen cities in nine countries. To accompany this document, WikiLeaks also created a map showing where Amazon’s data centers are located.

Amazon, which is the largest cloud provider, is notoriously secretive about the precise locations of its data centers. While a few are publicly tied to Amazon, this is the exception rather than the norm. More often, Amazon operates out of data centers owned by other companies with little indication that Amazon itself is based there too or runs its own data centers under less-identifiable subsidiaries such as VaData, Inc. In some cases, Amazon uses pseudonyms to obscure its presence. For example, at its IAD77 data center, the document states that “Amazon is known as ‘Vandalay Industries’ on badges and all correspondence with building manager”.

Amazon is the leading cloud provider for the United States intelligence community. In 2013, Amazon entered into a $600 million contract with the CIA to build a cloud for use by intelligence agencies working with information classified as Top Secret. Then, in 2017, Amazon announced the AWS Secret Region, which allows storage of data classified up to the Secret level by a broader range of agencies and companies. Amazon also operates a special GovCloud region for US Government agencies hosting unclassified information.

Currently, Amazon is one of the leading contenders for an up to $10 billion contract to build a private cloud for the Department of Defense. Amazon is one of the only companies with the certifications required to host classified data in the cloud. The Defense Department is looking for a single provider and other companies, including Oracle and IBM, have complained that the requirements unfairly favor Amazon. Bids on this contract are due tomorrow.

While one of the benefits of the cloud is the potential to increase reliability through geographic distribution of computing resources, cloud infrastructure is remarkably centralised in terms of legal control. Just a few companies and their subsidiaries run the majority of cloud computing infrastructure around the world. Of these, Amazon is the largest by far, with recent market research showing that Amazon accounts for 34% of the cloud infrastructure services market.

Until now, this cloud infrastructure controlled by Amazon was largely hidden, with only the general geographic regions of the data centers publicised. While Amazon’s cloud is comprised of physical locations, indications of the existence of these places are primarily buried in government records or made visible only when cloud infrastructure fails due to natural disasters or other problems in the physical world.

In the process of dispelling the mystery around the locations of Amazon’s data centers, WikiLeaks also turned this document into a puzzle game, the Quest of Random Clues. The goal of this game was to encourage people to research these data centers in a fun and intriguing way, while highlighting related issues such as contracts with the intelligence community, Amazon’s complex corporate structures, and the physicality of the cloud.

Joseph A. Farrell contributed to this article.

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e6b2c9 No.86100

File: 6fdfb6b7d856b67⋯.png (433.06 KB,975x807,325:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474396 (012249ZSEP23) Notable: Byron Donalds bamboozles Twitter exec, FACT CHECKS her live after she lies to him

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Dan Bongino



This is perfection 🔥

Sep 01, 2023, 6:31 PM


Byron Donalds sets trap for Twitter exec, FACT CHECKS her live after she lies to him




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e6b2c9 No.86101

File: 53cc3c86e54371e⋯.png (39.87 KB,940x155,188:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474398 (012249ZSEP23) Notable: Malik Obama Interview with @TuckerCarlson Tuesday Sept 19th?

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would you look at that... Honolulu became a twin/sister city to Kenya in 2008.... hmmmmm

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e6b2c9 No.86102

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474399 (012249ZSEP23) Notable: Byron Donalds bamboozles Twitter exec, FACT CHECKS her live after she lies to him

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Byron Donalds sets trap for Twitter exec, FACT CHECKS her live after she lies to him



Byron Donalds sets trap for Twitter exec, FACT CHECKS her live after she lies to him




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e6b2c9 No.86103

File: 06023491c6296ab⋯.png (196.27 KB,499x280,499:280,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474410 (012252ZSEP23) Notable: Interesting details on Spartz in relation to Ukraine, why would she and Daines the first to visit and why did she go twice?

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Spartz is the first Ukrainian-born female member of Congress and the first member born in a former Soviet republic.[4][28][3] Members of Congress who were born in what later formed part of the Soviet Union include Meyer London, Samuel Dickstein, Herman Kopplemann, and Herman Toll.[29]

In late 2020, Spartz was identified as a participant in the Freedom Force, a group of incoming Republican members of the House of Representatives who "say they're fighting against socialism in America".[30][31][32][33]

Spartz's tenure has been marked by high staff turnover.

Congressional watchdog Legistorm measured her turnover in 2021 at three and half times the average of offices of House members, the highest turnover for a non-retiring member.

[34][35] In May 2022, Politico reported on atoxic environment within her office, with Spartz's temper quickly jumping from tepid to boiling, and reported that "aides who have left after a couple of months did so because the work environment became untenable."

Examples of the office environment included Spartz ordering staff to record her direction to staff and later denying the previously expressed instructions, despite the recordings. One former aide said, "the common theme: Staffers do their job, and then Victoria comes in saying that they have no idea what they’re doing, that they are 'morons,' calling them 'idiots.'"Spartz responded that her working style is "not for everyone" and that her critics "need to 'toughen up'".[36][37]

(Maybe the staff do not like Nazi’s style leadership)

BTW she has announced she is not going to run for 2024, I wonder why?


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e6b2c9 No.86104

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474412 (012252ZSEP23) Notable: Amazon complicit with CIA in election tampering? CALL TO DIG AWS=CIA

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AWS=CIA. That's where the data is stored.

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e6b2c9 No.86105

File: cafeb0d0ec81577⋯.pdf (1.66 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474487 (012310ZSEP23) Notable: How the Ukrainian Centre for Informational and Psychological Operations Works

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Info Saboteurs: How the Ukrainian Centre for Informational and Psychological Operations Works

posted by MONITOR May 25, 2022

I downloaded the strategy documents on how Ukraine does psyops, and propaganda and manipulation to harm Russia. I saved it in a PDF 14 pages


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e6b2c9 No.86106

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474500 (012315ZSEP23) Notable: With 400,000 Ukrainian soldiers dead, US getting ‘money’s worth’ in Ukraine -- Biden ally

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So far 400,000 Ukrainian soldiers dead. Thinking they're doing the right thing. That's more than America lost in WWII. And guess what. All could have been averted.

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e6b2c9 No.86107

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474584 (012334ZSEP23) Notable: GOVERNMENT ARSON IS PREDICTABLE NOW

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e6b2c9 No.86108

File: 25a48a783d840a3⋯.mp4 (4.36 MB,1280x592,80:37,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474600 (012339ZSEP23) Notable: Where is Hunt?

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e6b2c9 No.86109

File: f530fb8fe072703⋯.png (18.44 KB,574x185,574:185,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474607 (012341ZSEP23) Notable: CodeMonkeyZ: Working on a short documentary about human trafficking. Polishing it now and should be able to publish it in the morning.

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Working on a short documentary about human trafficking.

Polishing it now and should be able to publish it in the morning.


3:44 PM · Sep 1, 2023

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e6b2c9 No.86110

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474610 (012342ZSEP23) Notable: @RepBurchett "We Need To Cut Their Money”: Rep. Burchett Calls Out Unelected Officials Ignoring Congress

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“We Need To Cut Their Money”: Rep. Burchett Calls Out Unelected Officials Ignoring Congress

Burchett is hysterical he starts out by tellingNatalie, he has a wonderful, strapping, tall TX boy in my office, and he thinks you are the most wonderful thing in the world and he would like to take you to dinner. He has most of his natural teeth

Burchett’s humor, bar none is the funniest! Kek



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e6b2c9 No.86111

File: 34e0b6acd6b3724⋯.png (1.33 MB,1247x686,1247:686,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474612 (012342ZSEP23) Notable: Malik Obama Interview with @TuckerCarlson Tuesday Sept 19th?

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Wayne Allyn Root: "Tucker is Outing Obama as Gay. But Everyone is Missing the Big Story. I’m Obama’s College Classmate. I’ve Been Trying to Warn America for 15 years!


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e6b2c9 No.86112

File: 8082cb787bc966f⋯.png (531.41 KB,768x402,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474621 (012344ZSEP23) Notable: Arizona secretary of state says he doesn't have authority to remove Trump from the 2024 ballot

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Arizona secretary of state says he doesn't have authority to remove Trump from the 2024 ballot. HAH-HAH (Nelson laugh)

Arizona secretary of state says he doesn't have authority to remove Trump from the 2024 ballot

Adrian Fontes said on Wednesday that due to a previous ruling from the Arizona Supreme Court, Trump cannot be barred from running in the state.


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e6b2c9 No.86113

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474625 (012345ZSEP23)

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Anyone who doesn’t get with the program (World Government) or gets in the way is eliminated one way or another.

Nationalism threatens World Government

Hitler was a German Nationalist

JFK was an American Nationalist

Trump is an American Nationalist

Putin is a Russian Nationalist

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e6b2c9 No.86114

File: 68917fc5b3a2101⋯.png (843.38 KB,864x698,432:349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474626 (012345ZSEP23) Notable: Sound of Freedom director Alejandro Monteverde ‘My film made $180 million at the box office -- but I’m not making a dollar’

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‘My film made $180 million at the box office – but I’m not making a dollar’

Sound of Freedom director Alejandro Monteverde talks conspiracies, Trump’s support – and how much he’s made from his film’s shocking success

By Tom Fordy 1 September 2023 • 12:00pm

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e6b2c9 No.86115

File: b20765077238bab⋯.png (714.55 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474634 (012346ZSEP23) Notable: Over 60% of ‘active shooters’ stopped by ‘good guy with a gun’

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Over 60% of ‘active shooters’ stopped by ‘good guy with a gun’

A large percentage of “active shooter” incidents are thwarted by armed citizens who sometimes don’t even fire their weapons, but those cases are no longer counted under President Joe Biden’s pro-gun control policies.


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e6b2c9 No.86116

File: ee9bbc06c9777db⋯.png (394.07 KB,494x452,247:226,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474650 (012349ZSEP23) Notable: @ChrisDJackson 🐾 Happy Birthday to Commander Biden! Keep protecting the First Family from sus people!

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Chris D. Jackson


🐾 Happy Birthday to Commander Biden! Keep protecting the First Family from sus people!

7:26 PM · Sep 1, 2023


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e6b2c9 No.86117

File: 5decfbfae581986⋯.png (665.94 KB,709x638,709:638,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474657 (012351ZSEP23) Notable: Protests Erupt in London as Mayor Sadiq Khan Expands Carbon Tax Green Zone

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Protests Erupt in London as Mayor Sadiq Khan Expands Carbon Tax Green Zone

September 1, 2023 NewsWars

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e6b2c9 No.86118

File: f283a8f307be2d2⋯.png (191.43 KB,413x467,413:467,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474665 (012352ZSEP23) Notable: Biden Admin Intervenes in Red State's Quest to Protect Kids From Gender Agenda

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🔴 Biden Admin Intervenes in Red State's Quest to Protect Kids From Gender Agenda


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e6b2c9 No.86119

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474667 (012352ZSEP23) Notable: GREAT discussion: Catherine Austin Fitts and Sasha Latypova MAUI report

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e6b2c9 No.86120

File: f1a7856d8e97779⋯.png (92.65 KB,640x335,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474669 (012353ZSEP23) Notable: Archives Asks Biden, Obama if It Can Release 'Robert Peters' Alias Emails

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Archives Asks Biden, Obama if It Can Release 'Robert Peters' Alias Emails

The National Archives asked permission from President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama if the agency can release Joe Biden's email alias emails and records, according to the House Oversight Committee.


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e6b2c9 No.86121

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474675 (012353ZSEP23)

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That's it. Russia disavows globalism which is a synonym for open borders, takeover of industry, agriculture, education, government and people to be slaves.

Why did Blackrock meet with Ukrainian Zelensky recently. They want their hands on that country (after the war) and if Russia is smart they wont allow that to happen.

BlackRock and oligarch are synonyms.

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e6b2c9 No.86122

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474688 (012356ZSEP23) Notable: @RepBurchett "We Need To Cut Their Money”: Rep. Burchett Calls Out Unelected Officials Ignoring Congress

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Rep Burchett says he would choose “Simple Man” by Lynard Skyner for the intro music for the republican J6 committee if they have one.This guy cracks me up, you never know whats he’s going to say or do!


Lynyrd Skynyrd - Simple Man - Live At The Florida Theatre / 2015 (Official Video)

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e6b2c9 No.86123

File: 9614df9728b2e7c⋯.png (437.41 KB,596x561,596:561,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474705 (012358ZSEP23) Notable: Woman Says Her Daughter Was Sex Trafficked After School Hid Gender Transition

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Woman Says Her Daughter Was Sex Trafficked After School Hid Gender Transition


Woman Says Her Daughter Was Sex Trafficked After School Hid Gender Transition

"She had a history of mental health issues from early childhood trauma..."

12:40 PM · Sep 1, 2023




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e6b2c9 No.86124

File: fba12157283dbb8⋯.png (659.34 KB,971x687,971:687,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474724 (020003ZSEP23) Notable: Why Is the IRS Buying .40-Caliber Submachine Guns?

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Why Is the IRS Buying .40-Caliber Submachine Guns?


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e6b2c9 No.86125

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474772 (020011ZSEP23)

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The power structure of the world is hierarchical.

Black Rock and Zelenskyy play for the same team but occupy space at different levels within the global power structure.

One of Zelenskyy’s stated tasks is to turn the Ukraine into another Israel. Ie reclaim the Jewish Khazarian homeland by eliminating the local population.

Black Rock and oligarchs will no doubt profit from the carnage.

Their activities are only separate when observing them in isolation. If you stand back from the pyramid and look higher, they will be seen to be connected.

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e6b2c9 No.86126

File: 965d969905e94ac⋯.png (124.48 KB,792x642,132:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474841 (020025ZSEP23) Notable: JPMorgan reported $1 BILLION of Jeffrey Epstein's transactions as 'suspicious' to feds - but only AFTER the sex predator's death, US Virgin Island claims in court

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JPMorgan reported $1 BILLION of Jeffrey Epstein's transactions as 'suspicious' to feds - but only AFTER the sex predator's death, US Virgin Island claims in court


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e6b2c9 No.86127

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474854 (020026ZSEP23) Notable: #23917

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Final Notables

#23917 >>86080

>>86096, >>86099, >>86104 Amazon complicit with CIA in election tampering? CALL TO DIG AWS=CIA

>>86081 Ukraine Officially Orders Troops to Kill Surrendering Russians - theinteldrop.org

>>86082 @DonaldJTrumpJr Absolutely MUST-WATCH legal breakdown of the baseless witch hunt indictments with lawyer Robert Barnes.

>>86083 Ukraine Drug Trafficking Report

>>86084 FDA to finalize ban on menthol cigarettes in coming months

>>86085 Alaska state board of education on Thursday voted to support banning transgender girls from competing on high school girls athletic teams, sending the issue to the attorney general

>>86086 New Jersey Gov. Murphy 'doesn't see a scenario where state can take in migrants from NYC'

>>86087 Michigan EV plant’s work retreat features Red Army outfits, pledges to ‘fight for communism’

>>86088 Whistleblower Steps Forward – Reveals STUNNING Evidence of Organized Fraud in 2020 Election. City police report now received

>>86090 Tucker Carlson is about to cross 10M followers on Xwitter.

>>86089 Mohamed Al-Fayed dies at age 94

>>86091, >>86092, >>86094, >>86095, >>86101, >>86111 Malik Obama Interview with @TuckerCarlson Tuesday Sept 19th?

>>86093, >>86097, >>86106 With 400,000 Ukrainian soldiers dead, US getting ‘money’s worth’ in Ukraine - Biden ally

>>86100, >>86102 Byron Donalds bamboozles Twitter exec, FACT CHECKS her live after she lies to him

>>86098, >>86103 Interesting details on Spartz in relation to Ukraine, why would she and Daines the first to visit and why did she go twice?

>>86105 How the Ukrainian Centre for Informational and Psychological Operations Works


>>86108 Where is Hunt?

>>86109 CodeMonkeyZ: Working on a short documentary about human trafficking. Polishing it now and should be able to publish it in the morning.

>>86110, >>86122 @RepBurchett "We Need To Cut Their Money”: Rep. Burchett Calls Out Unelected Officials Ignoring Congress

>>86112 Arizona secretary of state says he doesn't have authority to remove Trump from the 2024 ballot

>>86113, >>86121, >>86125

>>86114 Sound of Freedom director Alejandro Monteverde ‘My film made $180 million at the box office - but I’m not making a dollar’

>>86115 Over 60% of ‘active shooters’ stopped by ‘good guy with a gun’

>>86118 Biden Admin Intervenes in Red State's Quest to Protect Kids From Gender Agenda

>>86116 @ChrisDJackson 🐾 Happy Birthday to Commander Biden! Keep protecting the First Family from sus people!

>>86117 Protests Erupt in London as Mayor Sadiq Khan Expands Carbon Tax Green Zone

>>86119 GREAT discussion: Catherine Austin Fitts and Sasha Latypova MAUI report

>>86120 Archives Asks Biden, Obama if It Can Release 'Robert Peters' Alias Emails

>>86123 Woman Says Her Daughter Was Sex Trafficked After School Hid Gender Transition

>>86124 Why Is the IRS Buying .40-Caliber Submachine Guns?

>>86126 JPMorgan reported $1 BILLION of Jeffrey Epstein's transactions as 'suspicious' to feds - but only AFTER the sex predator's death, US Virgin Island claims in court

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e6b2c9 No.86128

File: 09d79139bac9957⋯.png (1.55 MB,729x1095,243:365,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474869 (020027ZSEP23) Notable: #23918

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e6b2c9 No.86129

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474895 (020031ZSEP23) Notable: Suspiciously, a masked man wearing an earpiece was also caught on video breaking a Capitol window but has never been added to the FBI's most wanted list, arrested, or charged.

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The DOJ just gave a January 6th protestor a ten-year sentence for breaking a Capitol window. Suspiciously, a masked man wearing an earpiece was also caught on video breaking a Capitol window but has never been added to the FBI's most wanted list, arrested, or charged.


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e6b2c9 No.86130

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19474917 (020034ZSEP23) Notable: 16 Signs That You Live In A Tyranny

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e6b2c9 No.86131

File: e41a1c832344492⋯.png (101.85 KB,555x702,185:234,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19475008 (020052ZSEP23) Notable: Vivek Ramaswamy Is Trying to Use His Campaign to Dodge a Legal Battle

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Vivek Ramaswamy Is Trying to Use His Campaign to Dodge a Legal Battle




Vivek Ramaswamy using the presidential campaign to try to wriggle out of a subpoena in a proceeding in Bermuda court involving one of his many pharmaceutical concerns. His motion is still pending.


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e6b2c9 No.86132

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19475125 (020111ZSEP23) Notable: AMAZON SERVERS

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So obvious.

Anyway, that told me that if Musk is a CIA front, Bezos probably is, too. So I did a quick genealogysearch on Bezos. They have scrubbed him at Geni.com, but not very well. On his maternal side, wehave nothing past his mother. But she is given as a Gise. On his father's side, we get very little, but wedo find his grandmother as a Pollack. Both those names indicate Bezos is from prominent Jewishlines, and linked to the families of my previous research. If you have read those papers, you knowabout Pollack. But you haven't seen the name Gise before. I send you to Moishe (Morris) Gise, b.Russia and d. 1983 in NY, son of Schmuel Lev Gise, and father of Yetta. Moishe is listed as an“owner of gas stations”. My guess is that links him to Standard Oil and the Rockefellers. See belowfor a second hit on this. Further research turns up a Madeline Morris Gise in MA, which means theGises married with the Morrises of Massachusetts. See my paper on the Lizzie Borden hoax for moreon the Morris/Morrison clan, which is also part of the cabal. Also notice Moishe's anglicized nameabove. This Madeline has a son David Gise whose marriage announcement to Erin Yavener was in theNew York Times in 2015. Yavener is another Jewish name. The couple were married by Rabbi Bayar.


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e6b2c9 No.86133

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19475129 (020112ZSEP23) Notable: Paul Dans Walks Through Project ‘25, The Plan To Dismantle The Admin. State

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Paul Dans Walks Through Project ‘25, The Plan To Dismantle The Admin. State

14:24first 4 minutes great stories but the plan for the project to eliminate DS is later. Anons I know some of you are talented in all the different dept of gov. They are hiring MAGA patriots, at least try

Trump and Team have spent three years choosing and vetting whom he chooses. Choosing a VP from a group of losers put up from DS to destroy him is not even a consideration. Vivek will not be VP. The plan is already in place.Trump says at every rally I never knew anyone in DC and now I know them all, along with Kash saying months ago, I’ve already got my list for day one is will be hired.

Go to project2025.org to apply for a job in the Trump Admin 2025


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e6b2c9 No.86134

File: e1156c3073cf4bb⋯.png (1.88 MB,2560x6261,2560:6261,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19475168 (020119ZSEP23) Notable: Vivek Ramaswamy Is Trying to Use His Campaign to Dodge a Legal Battle

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Vivek said Soros's brother Paul was giving out academic scholarships to high achievers and he got one - big deal. That is less then the 130 million loan Trump got from Soros directly.


opinion piece but deserves a closer look

>Claiming he “didn’t have the money” to afford law school, Ramaswamy benefited from a Soros Fellowship. However, his tax returns show he was apparently earning several million dollars as an investment analyst while simultaneously being a full-time student–before reportedly paying a Wikipedia editor to delete any reference to Soros.

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e6b2c9 No.86135

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19475283 (020138ZSEP23) Notable: Dr. Peter Navarro: "The Legislative Branch cannot intrude in that fashion on the Executive Branch"

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Dr. Peter Navarro: "The Legislative Branch cannot intrude in that fashion on the Executive Branch" Peter had a win in his case this week, and it will go to the SC. Bannon’s war room studio a stones throw from the SC. Good news this week



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e6b2c9 No.86136

File: 87dc0beb6303951⋯.mp4 (3.13 MB,464x848,29:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19475373 (020156ZSEP23) Notable: Slick Willy spotted in public wearing red Nikes

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Bill Clinton feeble and lost looking , wearing red shoes but they are Nikes

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e6b2c9 No.86137

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19475378 (020157ZSEP23) Notable: Dr. Peter Navarro: "Every single one of us are gonna have legal bills in the millions"

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Dr. Peter Navarro: "Every single one of us are gonna have legal bills in the millions"

His legal funds went up to 1/2 million dollars today. I can’t believe he’s only raised $350,000 up to this time. I donated to him. If anyone can contribute go to defendpeter.com

Peter will be able to kick the DOJ out and they cannot file these false charges ever again. Mike Flynn has a $7 million debt. Trump’s legal bills will be over a 1/2 billion. Peter’s will be $1-$2 million by the end of this!

Really interesting story from Peter. Overwhelming proof that Executive Privilege was invoked!



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e6b2c9 No.86138

File: 1cbb742a6125bcf⋯.png (531.75 KB,602x540,301:270,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19475395 (020202ZSEP23) Notable: James Watkins @abeemanue1 The Revolution Starts Now.

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James Watkins


The Revolution Starts Now. http://Freedomslips.com

James Watkins


The Revolution Starts Now. Freedomslips.com

2:59 PM · Sep 1, 2023




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e6b2c9 No.86139

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19475399 (020203ZSEP23) Notable: Dr. Robert Malone: "We don't have a swarm of clear clinical cases associated with this variant"

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Dr. Robert Malone: "We don't have a swarm of clear clinical cases associated with this variant"



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e6b2c9 No.86140

File: c7f9dc605c53e59⋯.png (358.38 KB,598x575,26:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19475425 (020208ZSEP23) Notable: Pornhub Wins Free Speech Challenge To New Verification And Warning Laws

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Pornhub Wins Free Speech Challenge To New Verification And Warning Laws


Pornhub Wins Free Speech Challenge To New Verification And Warning Laws

Notably, the court recognizes that “the state has a legitimate goal in protecting children from sexually explicit material online.”

1:20 PM · Sep 1, 2023




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e6b2c9 No.86141

File: ce25a54f52d840c⋯.png (42.69 KB,675x324,25:12,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19475429 (020210ZSEP23) Notable: Massive wildfire breaks out in Walker County, Texas - with Thousands urged to evacuate their homes

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Massive wildfire breaks out in Walker

County, Texas - with Thousands urged to

evacuate their homes

Daily Mail (UK), by Joe Hutchison

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 9/1/2023 8:44:51 PM

Officials in Texas are urging residents to flee their homes after a massive wildfire broke out north of Houston. According to the Walker County Office of Emergency Management, a major fire erupted Friday afternoon in a wooded area along Lost Indian Camp Road. The latest update from officials said that the fire had stretched to encompass 500 acres and remained uncontained. Just hours previously, the fire was estimated to be spread out across 100 acres, which has prompted officials to ask those living in the area to flee.

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e6b2c9 No.86142

File: a05489140afe9fd⋯.png (177.29 KB,598x801,598:801,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19475456 (020217ZSEP23) Notable: Senate Armed Services Committees investigating @US_STRATCOM's decision to host former #Iran ambassador Hossein Mousavian

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Ezra A. Cohen reposted

Robert Greenway


Agreed. Perhaps @Princeton

’s federal funding can be contingent upon “releasing” foreign agents of state sponsors of terrorism.

“Princeton University manages nearly $400M of sponsored research funding annually. Most of the University’s research funding comes from federal agencies…”



Jason Brodsky




#BREAKING: The chairman and ranking members of the U.S. House and Senate Armed Services Committees are now investigating @US_STRATCOM's decision to host former #Iran ambassador Hossein Mousavian. @Princeton needs to be investigated as well. His work there has been ongoing since… twitter.com/Kredo0/status/… Show more



9:05 AM · Sep 1, 2023




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e6b2c9 No.86143

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19475518 (020236ZSEP23) Notable: Massive wildfire breaks out in Walker County, Texas - with Thousands urged to evacuate their homes

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I think there is strategic arson going on too, and it's larger than simply politics - it's about economic CONTROL. Hit the areas where most live self-sufficient lives, or who stand a chance to survive their "Great Reset" and even thrive. Just like communities like Paradise, CA.

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e6b2c9 No.86144

File: 5ebe83718ff7447⋯.png (230.08 KB,510x353,510:353,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19475524 (020238ZSEP23) Notable: Massive wildfire breaks out in Walker County, Texas - with Thousands urged to evacuate their homes

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>Paradise, CA


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e6b2c9 No.86145

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19475580 (020253ZSEP23) Notable: #23918

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Final Notables

#23918 >>86128

>>86141, >>86143, >>86144 Massive wildfire breaks out in Walker County, Texas - with Thousands urged to evacuate their homes

>>86129 Suspiciously, a masked man wearing an earpiece was also caught on video breaking a Capitol window but has never been added to the FBI's most wanted list, arrested, or charged.

>>86130 16 Signs That You Live In A Tyranny

>>86131, >>86134 Vivek Ramaswamy Is Trying to Use His Campaign to Dodge a Legal Battle

>>86133 Paul Dans Walks Through Project ‘25, The Plan To Dismantle The Admin. State

>>86135 Dr. Peter Navarro: "The Legislative Branch cannot intrude in that fashion on the Executive Branch"

>>86136 Slick Willy spotted in public wearing red Nikes

>>86137 Dr. Peter Navarro: "Every single one of us are gonna have legal bills in the millions"

>>86138 James Watkins @abeemanue1 The Revolution Starts Now.

>>86139 Dr. Robert Malone: "We don't have a swarm of clear clinical cases associated with this variant"

>>86140 Pornhub Wins Free Speech Challenge To New Verification And Warning Laws

>>86142 Senate Armed Services Committees investigating @US_STRATCOM's decision to host former #Iran ambassador Hossein Mousavian


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e6b2c9 No.86146

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19475614 (020301ZSEP23) Notable: #23919

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>baker clocking out

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e6b2c9 No.86147

File: 3ea9df63fbf205f⋯.mp4 (1.2 MB,480x256,15:8,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19475656 (020311ZSEP23) Notable: 2020 @LouDobbs Release the Kraken: @SidneyPowell1

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e6b2c9 No.86148

File: 872aa4235a5d97c⋯.png (550.77 KB,790x553,10:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19475675 (020316ZSEP23) Notable: David Hawkins Exposes Trudeau Family

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David Hawkins Exposes Trudeau Family


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e6b2c9 No.86149

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19475685 (020321ZSEP23) Notable: DIGG Biden's 5G RICO HECO Fires & Trudeau's Mutant-Gender Impulse Lab

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Ep. 163 We Aim Trump at Musk 𝕏-Change for Biden's 5G RICO HECO Fires & Trudeau's Mutant-Gender Impulse Lab!

Our avatar AI Bond (see sign off), ties "Sign of Treason”—© 2023 David Hawkins" podcast docu-series to Biden’s (7-term senator from Delaware) alleged man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks by RICO-style extortion or blackmail of patentees in the Five Eyes SIGINT networks.

We allege Musk’s 𝕏-Change and Trudeau's mutant impulse labs, were used by Biden’s RICO Delaware associates to signal the 5G electronic correction of voter-marked paper ballots in the 2020 U.S. presidential election and the 5G electronic ignition of modified ‘dragon’s eggs’ in the ‘bait fires’ which destroyed Lahaina, HI, Paradise, CA and threatened West Kelowna, B.C., and Yellowknife, N.WT., in Canada.

“Bankruptcy ‘Most Plausible’ Outcome For Hawaiian Electric As Stock Slides And Allegations Over Maui Fire Grow, Wells Fargo Says Derek Saul Forbes Staff Aug 25, 2023,09:57am EDT Updated Aug 25, 2023, 11:02am EDT”

“HE [HECO] Top Shareholders The Vanguard Group, Inc. BlackRock, Inc. State Street Global Advisors, Inc. [with 23% of voting equity].”

“Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc. (Hawaii), Maui Electric Company, Limited (Hawaii), Hawaii Electric Light Company, Inc. (Hawaii), Renewable Hawaii, Inc. (Hawaii), Uluwehiokama Biofuels Corp. (Hawaii), HECO Capital Trust III (Delaware)”

“FBI recovers 11 missing children in Hawaiʻi, rescues 200 victims of sex trafficking nationwide Hawaii Public Radio | By Catherine Cruz, Emily Tom Published August 2, 2023 at 2:38 PM HST The Federal Bureau of Investigation recently announced the results of "Operation Cross Country," a nationwide sweep targeting sex traffickers. The effort involved local police departments, non-profit groups and more. This is the 13th year the campaign has been underway. Last month, over 200 victims of sex trafficking were found, and 59 missing children were rescued. "Here on Oʻahu, we recovered six children, which was just fantastic, great work by our team," said Steven Merrill, the FBI special agent in charge for Hawaiʻi and the Pacific. He said his office's main priority is protecting keiki and The Federal Bureau of Investigation recently announced the results of "Operation Cross Country," a nationwide sweep targeting sex traffickers. The effort involved local police departments, non-profit groups and more.”


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e6b2c9 No.86150

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19475686 (020321ZSEP23) Notable: DIGG US Patent Law 'Can't Cope' with Human Clones

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US Patent Law Can't Cope with Human Clones

If you can patent human cells, which you can under US law, then you could patent human organs. Somewhere after that the 13th Amendment kicks in.

IMMEDIATELY AFTER DR. Ian Wilmut, an embryologist at the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh, Scotland, announced last weekend that he and his research team had successfully cloned an adult sheep, people around the world began speculating on a matter closer to home: the cloning of humans.

Although Wilmut's experiments have focused on manufacturing animals for medical research, it's a sure bet that in the near future, someone somewhere will clone a human being. Although other countries, including England, have laws on the books banning human clones, the United States does not. In fact, US law actually encourages the patenting of life forms: The US Patent and Trademark Office has not only approved patents on human cells, cell lines, viruses, genes, animals, and numerous altered plants and microorganisms, but also awarded the National Institutes of Health a patent on the cell line of an indigenous Papua New Guinea man.

This patent first, ask questions later policy raises thorny legal and rights issues: Would human clones be patentable by the cloner, or would the clones retain intellectual property rights over their genetic material? Since they would be a product of replication rather than procreation, would they be considered humans, covered by all existing laws? And what about human-animal hybrids?

Dr. Lee Silver, a biologist at Princeton University, said that American law is not up to the task of deciding. "In the US, there are no federal laws on reproductive technologies, only state laws. If some states outlawed human cloning but others kept it legal, then anyone with the money could clone him or herself. And if every state banned human cloning, people would just go offshore to do it."

The Supreme Court faced life for the first time in 1980. The case was Diamond v. Chakrabarty, and the court, by the slimmest of majorities, ruled that an oil-munching microbe, indeed "anything under the sun that is made by man," could be patented. The US Patent Office applied this ruling to the patenting of plants in 1985, and two years later, expanded the statute to cover all animals, including human stem cells, cell lines, viruses, embryos, and fetuses.

Since the 13th Amendment to the Constitution prohibits slavery, the court found that human beings could not be patented. But the court did not address the most chilling question: How much of a person could you patent before the 13th Amendment kicks in?

"If you can patent human cells, which you can under US law, then could you patent human organs?" asks Joseph Mendelson, legal director for the International Center for Technology Assessment. "Right now, the answer would have to be yes. And if organs, why not a hand? Could you clone and patent a line of embryos predisposed to cancer or HIV for research?"

As the pace of scientific discovery outstrips the law's ability to cope, these are questions whose day has arrived. Since animals intermingled with human genes could be patented, would human-animal hybrids also be patentable? Could someone patent and enslave an entire race of human-animal hybrids not protected by the 13th Amendment? Is it possible a weapons contractor could count on patent protection to market an army of disposable human clones so long as the clones were genetically altered in some, perhaps tiny, way?

Unless American patent law is revised, the answer, says Mendelson, is yes. All the Patent Office requires for a successful application is for an "invention" to be novel, have utility, and not be a product of nature. Although DNA is obviously a product of nature, the law says it isn't after you isolate and clone it.

As for Dolly, the cloned sheep, it's not clear whether she could be patented in this country since she is identical to a preexisting sheep. Alter her genes in some small way, however, and she could be.

"US patent law is based on one size fits all," said Rebecca Eisenberg, a University of Michigan Law professor and expert on patent law. "In Europe, there is a tradition of asking moral and ethical questions about what can and should be patented. In the US, this is outside the concerns of the patent system, the mission of which is to promote technological progress. Any ban on life forms patents would have to come from Congress, and I don't see that happening since they are so pro-business."


organ harvesting?...This stuff is just too scyfy.... can't believe im even looking into it.

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e6b2c9 No.86151

File: 09c842f28344862⋯.png (1.18 MB,1698x1125,566:375,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19475700 (020326ZSEP23) Notable: 60 min Benghazi

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LL_60Min_Benghazi_BD-Rip-VIMEO HD.mov


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e6b2c9 No.86152

File: 30cdc11c80555ba⋯.png (39.6 KB,822x402,137:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19475702 (020327ZSEP23) Notable: 60 min Benghazi

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Lara Logan

In case you missed it…


>LL_60Min_Benghazi_BD-Rip-VIMEO HD.mov

11:19 PM · Sep 1, 2023


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e6b2c9 No.86153

File: 6557ebbb5a4f179⋯.png (431.24 KB,640x335,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19475711 (020330ZSEP23) Notable: GROOMER ALERT [Sacha Baron Cohen]: 'The Idea that Queer People Are a Threat to Our Children Is a Lie'

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GROOMER ALERT: Sacha Baron Cohen at Civil Rights Rally: 'The Idea that Queer People Are a Threat to Our Children Is a Lie'

British actor Sacha Baron Cohen defended the sexual indoctrination of minors and demanded greater online censorship at the 60th anniversary of the March on Washington.


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e6b2c9 No.86154

File: a18ee5e0d343de5⋯.png (746.53 KB,754x434,377:217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19475713 (020331ZSEP23) Notable: ELECTION FRAUD DIGGS

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The murky foreign actors behind US election fraud

Amid documented stories of "ordinary" US election fraud for the November 3 Presidential voting, including false ID, dead voters voting and suspicious one-sided mail in votes in key Democrat-run states, more evidence points to the role of highly...



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e6b2c9 No.86155

File: 479252c8d25e71e⋯.jpeg (144.34 KB,1200x887,1200:887,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19475732 (020339ZSEP23) Notable: David Hawkins Exposes Trudeau Family

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The Ties Between Beijing and Canada’s Elite and Powerful

>picrel Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau shake hands


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e6b2c9 No.86156

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19475737 (020341ZSEP23) Notable: ATF Broadens Definition of Gun Dealer and Draws Closer to Imposing Universal Background Check System

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ATF Broadens Definition of Gun Dealer and Draws Closer to Imposing Universal Background Check System

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e6b2c9 No.86157

File: b3651ea72104ba1⋯.jpeg (59.28 KB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19475768 (020352ZSEP23) Notable: G-7 Will Support Ukraine for as Long as It Takes, Trudeau Says

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G-7 Will Support Ukraine for as Long as It Takes, Trudeau Says


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e6b2c9 No.86158

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19475769 (020353ZSEP23) Notable: DIGG Biden's 5G RICO HECO Fires & Trudeau's Mutant-Gender Impulse Lab

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e6b2c9 No.86159

File: 64764197d3620db⋯.png (480.03 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 8eda047578f039a⋯.png (1.47 MB,1200x679,1200:679,Clipboard.png)

File: 764353a5b491e42⋯.png (1.13 MB,1200x794,600:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19475775 (020354ZSEP23) Notable: CCP distant-water fishing armadas ensnare Pacific economies & ecologies/paywall

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>>Anyone care to explain?


>CCP arson, the silent war continues

CCP distant-water fishing armadas ensnare Pacific economies & ecologies

China's Fishing Armadas Ensnare Pacific Economies, Ecologies: Island Leaders

In renewed Pacific pacts, United States steps-up maritime monitoring, risking combat fishery confrontations with CCP fishing fleets shadowed by Chinese warships.


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e6b2c9 No.86160

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19475794 (020402ZSEP23) Notable: DIGG US Patent Law 'Can't Cope' with Human Clones

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Cloning patent.

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e6b2c9 No.86161

File: a5a48d711d31ae9⋯.png (594.89 KB,700x394,350:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19475799 (020403ZSEP23) Notable: Conflicting Evidence Of mRNA Technology Raises Serious Concerns About Rush For Use In New Vaccine Development

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Conflicting Evidence Of mRNA Technology Raises Serious Concerns About Rush For Use In New Vaccine Development

A newly established White House program announced on Aug. 23 that it is granting a total of $25 million over three years to Emory University, Yale School of Medicine, and the University of Georgia to develop personalized therapeutic vaccines against cancers and emerging infections, similar to how COVID-19 mRNA vaccines target SARS-CoV-2. They aim to use mRNA—an essential element in COVID-19 vaccines developed to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infections—to program a unique class of immune cells called dendritic cells to initiate a desired immunological response.

Pharmaceutical companies such as Moderna, BioNTech, and CureVac are conducting clinical trials using mRNA-based vaccines with advanced melanoma, ovarian, colorectal, and pancreatic cancers. The National Institutes of Health is partnering with BioNTech to develop a personalized vaccine for pancreatic cancers. In addition to COVID-19 and cancer, other mRNA-based vaccines in development target influenza, genital herpes, respiratory viruses, and shingles.

Although mRNA platforms are appealing because they reduce costs and shorten the vaccine development timeline, evidence and experience suggest the mRNA technology used for novel COVID-19 vaccines is associated with various harms and neither prevents COVID-19 nor its transmission.

Evidence Challenging Vaccine ‘Safe and Effective’ Narrative

The unprecedented rates of adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination overshadow the benefits, according to researchers from Australia who say the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, whether from the virus or created from genetic code in mRNA and adenovectorDNA vaccines, is toxic and causes a wide array of diseases.

In their recently published paper published in Biomedicines titled, “‘Spikeopathy’: COVID-19 Spike Protein Is Pathogenic, from Both Virus and Vaccine mRNA,” the researchers explored peer-reviewed data countering the “safe and effective” narrative attached to new technologies used to develop mRNA and adenovectorDNA vaccines at “warp speed” to end the pandemic.

Spike protein pathogenicity, termed “spikeopathy,” describes the ability of the spike protein to cause disease, and the researchers say it can affect many organ systems.

Researchers noted the following key problem areas:

Spike protein toxicity (spikeopathy) from both the virus and when produced by gene codes in people vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccines.

Inflammatory properties in specific lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) used to transport mRNA.

Long-lasting action caused by N1-methyl pseudouridine in the synthetic mRNA—also referred to as modRNA.

Widespread distribution of mRNA and DNA codes via the LNP and viral vector carrier matrices, respectively.

Human cells produce a foreign protein that can cause autoimmunity.


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e6b2c9 No.86162

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19475805 (020405ZSEP23) Notable: 2020 @LouDobbs Release the Kraken: @SidneyPowell1

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Lou Dobbs


Release the Kraken:


vows to expose the Silicon Valley and left-wing corporations that are using their power to help Democrats steal the election from


. #MAGA #AmericaFirst #Dobbs

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e6b2c9 No.86163

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19475838 (020414ZSEP23) Notable: 110 dead in maui, 110 dead also in Somalia/Somaliland: Red Cross visits hundreds of detainees in Las Anod

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What's up with the 110/maui, and https://www.icrc.org/en/document/somaliasomaliland-red-cross-visits-hundreds-detainees-las-anod

110 dead also.

Somalia/Somaliland: Red Cross visits hundreds of detainees in Las Anod

Nairobi (ICRC) – The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has carried out its first visit to over 300 detainees in Las Anod on Thursday, August 31. The detained combatants were captured in the latest round of fighting between the Somaliland army and SSC Khatumo forces that took place over the weekend.


The ICRC visits detainees on both sides of the conflict, having previously visited Hargeisa Central Prison, where detainees from SSC Khatumo are held. The purpose of these visits is purely humanitarian, with the aim of ensuring that all detainees are treated humanely and that their families know their whereabouts.

“It is crucial that each detainee, from either side, is treated in accordance with international humanitarian law. This means that every detained person must have access to food and water and must never be subject to any form of ill-treatment,” said Pascal Cuttat, the head of the ICRC delegation in Somalia.

To help improve the material conditions of detention, ICRC teams also delivered blankets and mattresses to the places of detention in Las Anod.

Together with the Somali Red Crescent Society (SRCS), the ICRC also facilitated the transfer of four wounded prisoners to Qaran Hospital in Garowe, where they received specialized treatment.

Because of the fighting in and around Las Anod, many civilians lost contact with their family members. “Not knowing what happened to their loved ones is causing an incredible amount of anguish to people,” said Ahmed Said, who oversees ICRC’s operations in the northern part of the country. “Our offices in Hargeisa and Garowe, together with the SRCS, are trying to help people find their family members.”

Fighting between the Somaliland army and SSC Khatumo broke out early this year, forcing hundreds of thousands of people to flee their homes. Las Anod, the capital of Sool region, has been its main battleground, resulting in widespread destruction of civilian infrastructure.

The ICRC and the SRCS have supported hospitals in the area with medical supplies to help treat the wounded. At the same time, the SRCS ambulance response unit has carried out frontline triage, providing initial treatment, and then transporting wounded people for medical care. In the past week,110 wounded people were transported to hospital, while 42 dead bodies were collected to assist with the carrying out of dignified and proper burial.

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e6b2c9 No.86164

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19475849 (020417ZSEP23) Notable: ELECTION FRAUD DIGGS

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e6b2c9 No.86165

File: 5430cab9539d641⋯.png (244.68 KB,478x479,478:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19475868 (020423ZSEP23) Notable: 2020 @LouDobbs Release the Kraken: @SidneyPowell1

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e6b2c9 No.86166

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19475885 (020427ZSEP23) Notable: DIGG Biden's 5G RICO HECO Fires & Trudeau's Mutant-Gender Impulse Lab

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We allege that Biden’s Musk 𝕏-Change and Trudeau's impulse labs, were used to signal the 5G electronic correction of voter-marked paper ballots in the 2020 U.S. presidential election and 5G electronic ignition of modified ‘dragon’s eggs’ in the ‘bait fires’ which destroyed Lahaina, HI, Paradise, CA and threatened West Kelowna,


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e6b2c9 No.86167

File: eab43af16582505⋯.png (231.23 KB,459x301,459:301,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19475887 (020427ZSEP23) Notable: YouTube ‘Parenting Advice’ Star Arrested after Starving Child with Duct Tape Around The Extremities Escapes From Home and Runs to Neighbors for Help .

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>Woman: women are dumb

>100% PROOF

YouTube ‘Parenting Advice’ Star Arrested after Starving Child with Duct Tape Around The Extremities Escapes From Home and Runs to Neighbors for Help .

YouTube “parenting advice” star Ruby Franke was arrested after an emaciated and abused child with duct tape on the extremities escaped her home and ran to a neighbor for help.


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e6b2c9 No.86168

File: 7cdace83a1b6eea⋯.png (754.7 KB,700x394,350:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19475893 (020429ZSEP23) Notable: 2ND WINNING: Federal Judge Blocks ATF's 'Tyrannical Overreach' Of Labeling Forced Reset Triggers As Machine Guns

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2ND WINNING: Federal Judge Blocks ATF's 'Tyrannical Overreach' Of Labeling Forced Reset Triggers As Machine Guns


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e6b2c9 No.86169

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19475900 (020431ZSEP23) Notable: YouTube ‘Parenting Advice’ Star Arrested after Starving Child with Duct Tape Around The Extremities Escapes From Home and Runs to Neighbors for Help .

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YouTuber Ruby Franke was arrested after ‘emaciated’ child with duct tape around extremities ran for help

YouTube star Ruby Franke of the “8 Passengers” channel was arrested Wednesday after an “emaciated” child with duct tape around their extremities escaped and ran to a neighbor’s house for help.

The arrest record, obtained by Page Six Thursday, states that the child fled through a window of Franke’s business partner Jodi Hildebrandt’s house in Ivins, Utah, and asked the neighbor for food and water — but when the Good Samaritan noticed duct tape on the child’s ankles and wrists, they called police.

“The calling party stated the juvenile appeared to be emaciated and malnourished, with open wounds and duct tape around the extremities,” a statement from local authorities reads.

Police on the scene described the unidentified child’s wounds, neglect and malnourishment to be so “severe” that they transported the victim to the nearby Saint George Regional Hospital.

The child was placed on a medical hold “due to deep lacerations from being tied up with rope,” per the cops.

Another malnourished child was discovered shortly thereafter, according to the documents, and also transported to the hospital.

The report states that Franke, who is known for her family’s YouTube channel, had filmed a video in Hildebrandt’s home just days before the incident, indicating that the vlogger had “knowledge of the abuse, malnourishment and neglect.”

Police also arrested Hildebrandt, who worked as Franke’s ConneXions co-founder and a licensed therapist.

Franke, 41, declined to speak to authorities and instead requested a lawyer, the report says.

The court ordered that Franke be held in the Washington County jail without bail.

Ruby’s husband, Kevin Franke, told us via his attorney, Randy S. Kester, that his “urgent focus is simply to keep his children together under his fatherly care.”

Ruby’s siblings and her estranged daughter, Shari, all have released statements about her arrest.

“Today has been a big day. Me and my family are so glad justice is being served,” Shari wrote on Instagram.

“We’ve been trying to tell the police and CPS for years about this, and so glad they finally decided to step up.”

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e6b2c9 No.86170

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19475926 (020437ZSEP23) Notable: numberfag notices coincidences / Twitter is still there, X is a rebrand

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Q post 55


Anon postulates that this cannot occur.

Twitter is no more and Q did not say look to X

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e6b2c9 No.86171

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19475952 (020443ZSEP23) Notable: numberfag notices coincidences / Twitter is still there, X is a rebrand

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Twitter - Official Site

it is still twitter. he can change the logo, but twitter is still there.

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e6b2c9 No.86172

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19475970 (020447ZSEP23) Notable: numberfag notices coincidences / Twitter is still there, X is a rebrand

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That already happened when Trump truthed about being on tucker.

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e6b2c9 No.86173

File: c5a94eaae92bc45⋯.png (1.17 MB,1080x608,135:76,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19475983 (020450ZSEP23) Notable: Biden Admin Black Shirt Photo Op Kinda Sus

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Why is the General in a black uniform in this pic?

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e6b2c9 No.86174

File: a9e9e41d71ea91b⋯.jpeg (131.31 KB,600x600,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f11b41d523d4a35⋯.jpeg (51.1 KB,506x394,253:197,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19475985 (020451ZSEP23) Notable: Sundance: US Special Operations Command Will Deploy Argus AI Program to Scour Social Media for Disinformation, Misinformation and Malinformation

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US Special Operations Command Will Deploy Argus AI Program to Scour Social Media for Disinformation, Misinformation and Malinformation, National Security Authority to Protect U.S. Internet from “Pain Points”

September 1, 2023 | Sundance |

Annnd… Here we go.If you have not read the background {Go Deep}, you will not have the appropriate context to absorb the latest revelation about how the Dept of Defense will now conduct online monitoring operations, using enhanced AI to protect the U.S. internet from “disinformation” under the auspices of national security.

Gee, who would have predicted that U.S. internet operations would suddenly have a totally new set of enhanced AI guardians at the gateways? 👀

Read Carefully – Eyes Wide Open:

The US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) has contracted New York-based Accrete AI to deploy software that detects “real time” disinformation threats on social media.

The company’s Argus anomaly detection AI software analyzes social media data, accurately capturing “emerging narratives” and generating intelligence reports for military forces to speedily neutralize disinformation threats.

“Synthetic media, including AI-generated viral narratives, deep fakes, and other harmful social media-based applications of AI, pose a serious threat to US national security and civil society,” Accrete founder and CEO Prashant Bhuyan said.

“Social media is widely recognized as an unregulated environment where adversaries routinely exploit reasoning vulnerabilities and manipulate behavior through the intentional spread of disinformation.

“USSOCOM is at the tip of the spear in recognizing the critical need to identify and analytically predict social media narratives at an embryonic stage before those narratives evolve and gain traction. Accrete is proud to support USSOCOM’s mission.”

But wait… It gets worse!

[PRIVATE SECTOR VERSION] – The company also revealed that it will launch an enterprise version of Argus Social for disinformation detection later this year.

The AI software will provide protection for “urgent customer pain points” against AI-generated synthetic media, such as viral disinformation and deep fakes.

Providing this protection requires AI that can automatically “learn” what is most important to an enterprise and predict the likely social media narratives that will emerge before they influence behavior. (read more)

Now, take a deep breath…. Let me explain.

The goal is the “PRIVATE SECTOR VERSION.” USSOCOM is the mechanical funding mechanism for deployment, because the system itself is too costly for a private sector launch. The Defense Dept budget is used to contract an Artificial Intelligence system, the Argus anomaly detection AI, to monitor social media under the auspices of national security.

Once the DoD funded system is created, the “Argus detection protocol” – the name given to the AI monitoring and control system, will then be made available to the public sector. “Enterprise Argus” is then the commercial product, created by the DoD, which allows the U.S. based tech sectors to deploy.

The DoD cannot independently contract for the launch of an operation against a U.S. internet network, because of constitutional limits via The Posse Comitatus Act, which limits the powers of the federal government in the use of federal military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the United States. However, the DoD can fund the creation of the system under the auspices of national defense, and then allow the private sector to launch for the same intents and purposes. See how that works?


Using AI for Content Moderation

Facebook / META / Tech joining with DHS

Zoom will allow Content Scraping by AI

AI going into The Cloud

U.S. Govt Going into The Cloud With AI

Pentagon activates 175 Million IP’s 👀**ahem

Big Names to Attend Political AI Forum


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e6b2c9 No.86175

File: 32baf478667f8fc⋯.png (190.21 KB,1768x990,884:495,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19475989 (020452ZSEP23) Notable: Red Castle says watch the water this Labor Day

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Red Castle says watch the water this Labor Day.


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e6b2c9 No.86176

File: 9cb29edaff36cba⋯.png (58.29 KB,1288x487,1288:487,Clipboard.png)

File: b3b8a7005b3ef04⋯.png (5.71 KB,1186x70,593:35,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476000 (020455ZSEP23) Notable: numberfag notices coincidences / Twitter is still there, X is a rebrand

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Already happened fags

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e6b2c9 No.86177

File: 25c34628bb4508b⋯.png (12.72 KB,497x200,497:200,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476005 (020457ZSEP23) Notable: numberfag notices coincidences / Twitter is still there, X is a rebrand

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e6b2c9 No.86178

File: 2595518e8964f27⋯.png (1.74 MB,1404x1232,351:308,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476011 (020459ZSEP23) Notable: Mohamed Al-Fayed Dies: ‘Chariots Of Fire’ Backer, Princess Diana Confidant, Harrod’s And Ritz Owner Was 94

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Mohamed Al-Fayed Dies: ‘Chariots Of Fire’ Backer, Princess Diana Confidant, Harrod’s And Ritz Owner Was 94


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e6b2c9 No.86179

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476019 (020504ZSEP23) Notable: Ukrainian naval drones target Crimean Bridge

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1 Sep, 2023 21:49

Ukrainian naval drones target Crimean Bridge – MOD

At least three hostile unmanned boats were detected and destroyed in the Black Sea, according to the Russian military

Multiple attempted attacks by Ukrainian maritime drones on the strategic bridge which links the Crimean peninsula to the Russian mainland were foiled on Friday evening and early Saturday morning, the Russian Defense Ministry has claimed.

“On September 1, at about 11:15pm Moscow time, the Kiev regime attempted to launch a terrorist attack on the Crimean Bridge using a semi-submersible unmanned boat,” the ministry said in a brief statement, adding that the hostile craft was “promptly detected and destroyed” in the Black Sea.

Three hours later, around 2:10am Saturday, another drone was destroyed in the area as it also attempted to strike the bridge, the Russian military said. A third incoming unmanned boat was reportedly neutralized at 2:20am.

All traffic on the Crimean Bridge was briefly stopped as a precaution on Friday evening, and restored after 3am.

The Crimean Peninsula, which is home to a key Russian naval base, has been a frequent target of Ukrainian drone and missile attacks. With its fleet reduced to a handful of patrol boats, Kiev has also resorted to attacks on Russian infrastructure and ships by remotely operated vessels.

In mid-July, a drone damaged a span of the Crimean Bridge, killing two civilians and injuring their 14-year-old daughter. In August, Kiev officially admitted to the attack and even provided CNN with never-before-seen footage showing a first-person view from the drone.

The Security Service of Ukraine also claimed responsibility for the truck bomb attack on the Crimean Bridge in October of last year, which killed three civilians and significantly damaged the structure.

Russian President Vladimir Putin described the attacks on the Crimean Bridge as “brutal” and pointless from a military perspective, explaining that it is no longer used to transport combat equipment. Nevertheless, Ukraine’s defense chief, Aleksey Reznikov, has vowed to continue attacking the bridge and other targets on the peninsula.


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e6b2c9 No.86180

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476026 (020512ZSEP23) Notable: US to send depleted uranium munitions to Ukraine -- Reuters

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2 Sep, 2023 01:10

US to send depleted uranium munitions to Ukraine – Reuters

New controversial weapon shipment may be announced as early as next week

The US is set to become the second country after the UK to greenlight shipments of depleted-uranium shells to Ukraine, according to Reuters, despite concerns that such munitions could have a dramatic negative effect on public health and the environment.

The munitions are intended for US Abrams tanks, the first of which are expected to arrive in Ukraine in the coming weeks, the agency reported. According to several unnamed US officials and a “document” cited by Reuters on Saturday, the depleted uranium shells will be part of the next multi-million dollar arms donation expected to be announced next week.

The reported plan follows another highly controversial US move to supply cluster munitions to Ukraine, which had been criticized even by some of Washington's closest allies. Should the White House approve depleted-uranium shells for Ukraine, it would follow an earlier move by the UK, which announced similar shipments in March.

The UK’s decision left Moscow furious, with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov saying that the delivery would be “taking this escalation to a new and very serious stage.” Russia’s embassy in London accused the US and its allies of being willing to turn Ukraine into “not only an anti-Russian military shooting range, but also a radioactive landfill.”

When the toxic shells first showed up in Ukraine, Moscow warned that the UK would be “held accountable” for the irreparable harm caused to civilians and soldiers alike.

However, both UK and US officials have disputed health hazards associated with DU shells – which use a dense uranium core to improve their armor-piercing capabilities – and deny studies that the weapons were linked to a spike in cancer and birth defects in Iraq.

In the wake of the British move, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that Moscow would respond by placing tactical nuclear weapons in neighboring Belarus. He noted that in this respect Moscow’s actions did not differ from those of the US, which has stationed nuclear weapons in five European countries. Russia has said it would only remove these weapons if the US did the same with its own nuclear missiles from Europe and dismantled the infrastructure associated with them.

Ukraine’s Western backers claim that they are not directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine, and have avoided providing certain weapons – notably fighter jets and long-range missiles – that would risk provoking a direct clash with Russia. Nevertheless, they have sent Kiev more than $100 billion in arms, while ignoring Moscow’s repeated warnings that every subsequent weapons package brings the US and NATO closer to active participation in the conflict. Furthermore, by enabling Ukraine’s drone attacks on Russian civilians, Western nations have become “sponsors of terrorism,” according to the Kremlin

(It seems like the US, UK and EU want to make sure that if Ukraine is lost entirely to Russian it's a toxic land mass forever)


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e6b2c9 No.86181

File: 495677364a4cd4c⋯.png (301.17 KB,635x818,635:818,Clipboard.png)

File: f2f7ae636ec3289⋯.png (442.86 KB,680x680,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476062 (020531ZSEP23) Notable: NEWSMAX/Rick G on DJT Trials

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The Department of Justice has lost its appeal of a federal judge's ruling that former President Donald Trump can be called to testify in suits that were filed against it by former FBI agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.

4:45 PM · Sep 1, 2023




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e6b2c9 No.86182

File: 40b03a6f9da537b⋯.png (321.64 KB,627x656,627:656,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476064 (020534ZSEP23) Notable: NEWSMAX/Rick G on DJT Trials

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@RichardGrenell on Trump's trial being livestreamed: "This is a big win for Trump, it's a defeat for this craziness in Georgia because the more transparency the better for our side. We see that this is a circus."

3:00 PM · Sep 1, 2023




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e6b2c9 No.86183

File: 60adbdf2de43dff⋯.png (457.96 KB,669x715,669:715,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476077 (020540ZSEP23) Notable: Non-violent January 6 Defendant, Nejourde Meacham, Dies at 22; Suicide Suspected

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Non-violent January 6 Defendant, Nejourde Meacham, Dies at 22; Suicide Suspected


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e6b2c9 No.86184

File: 514ed9f2827f431⋯.png (949.33 KB,765x889,765:889,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476095 (020545ZSEP23) Notable: Air Force Research Laboratories located in Maui

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Air Force Research Laboratories located in Maui


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e6b2c9 No.86185

File: 0938be5a6110ebc⋯.png (555.35 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476108 (020550ZSEP23) Notable: Bidenomics causes unemployment and inflation spike.

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Bidenomics causes unemployment and inflation spike.

Unemployment spikes in August

The unemployment rate in the United States spiked last month, according to new data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released on Friday. In


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e6b2c9 No.86186

File: d3c9e06e697baa3⋯.png (540.2 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476115 (020552ZSEP23) Notable: David Hawkins Exposes Trudeau Family

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Macron calls French presidential term limit ‘BULLSHIT’. Globalists hate term limits. You know that means we need term limits for congress.

Macron calls French presidential term limit ‘bulls**t’

French President Emmanuel Macron has condemned his country’s presidential term limit as “damnable bulls**t,” according to AFP


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e6b2c9 No.86187

File: e78f376c954cd19⋯.png (204.65 KB,768x435,256:145,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476122 (020554ZSEP23) Notable: GOA Condemns Biden ATF’s Move to Implement Backdoor Universal Background Checks

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Selling one gun could land you in jail...All thanks to John Cornyn…

GOA Condemns Biden ATF’s Move to Implement Backdoor Universal Background Checks

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 31, 2023 Washington, D.C. — Today, the Biden ATF formally rolled out their plans to implement backdoor universal background checks, which was made possible by Senator John Cornyn’s “compromise” legislation passed last summer.


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e6b2c9 No.86188

File: 98886ab63d64b32⋯.png (879.87 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476131 (020557ZSEP23) Notable: Michigan EV plant's owner promotes Chinese communist ideology at worker retreats - 'I volunteer to join the CCP, uphold the Party’s platform,'

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Michigan EV plant's owner promotes Chinese communist ideology at worker retreats - 'I volunteer to join the CCP, uphold the Party’s platform,' Gotion High-Tech employees wearing Red Army outfits chant in a video

'Michigan EV plant's owner promotes Chinese communist ideology at worker retreats: report

Gotion High-Tech, the parent company of the firm developing a Democratic-backed electric vehicle project in Michigan, has hosted multiple Chinese Communist Party pledge events.


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e6b2c9 No.86189

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476132 (020558ZSEP23) Notable: Launch of PSLV-C57/Aditya-L1 Mission from Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) SHAR, Sriharikota

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Launch of PSLV-C57/Aditya-L1 Mission from Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) SHAR, Sriharikota

Aditya L1 shall be the first space based Indian mission to study the Sun. The spacecraft shall be placed in a halo orbit around the Lagrange point 1 (L1) of the Sun-Earth system, which is about 1.5 million km from the Earth. A satellite placed in the halo orbit around the L1 point has the major advantage of continuously viewing the Sun without any occultation/eclipses. This will provide a greater advantage of observing the solar activities and its effect on space weather in real time.


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e6b2c9 No.86190

File: bce67003ce43493⋯.png (142.52 KB,270x270,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476135 (020559ZSEP23) Notable: Is New Hampshire and Vermont the next places to get Maui? Or will they do the Big Island next?

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Is New Hampshire and Vermont the next places to get Maui? Or will they do the Big Island next?

Jeremy R Herrell on Instagram: "WHY IS FEMA POSTING UP PERMANENTLY IN MANY STATES! LOOK AT THIS! #fema #lockdowns"



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e6b2c9 No.86191

File: cd5ec5d5ee0937f⋯.png (723.38 KB,768x404,192:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476148 (020601ZSEP23) Notable: Entertainment Industry Loses17,000Jobs in August As Strike Continues

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GOOD NEWS, EVERYONE!Because three groups of Child-Fucking Commies refuse to compromise like the selfish assholes they are,17,000of them are now indefinitely unemployed.''

Entertainment Industry Loses17,000Jobs in August As Strike Continues | Cord Cutters News

The Hollywood writers’ strike has surpassed 120 days and the U.S’s labor market is starting to feel the effects. The motion picture and sound recording industries lost 17,000 jobs “reflecting strike activity,” according to an employment report from the US ...


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e6b2c9 No.86192

File: 950d9eaf42ac2fd⋯.jpg (158.27 KB,712x712,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b2e1e8f7c12a0f9⋯.jpg (96.2 KB,903x397,903:397,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476202 (020609ZSEP23) Notable: X really need to remove this misinformation about Michelle Obama registering to vote as a male at Chicago Board of Election in 1994 until 2008←whiny wokeness

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

X really need to remove this misinformation about Michelle Obama registering to vote as a male at Chicago Board of Election in 1994 until 2008.


Big Mike Obama should have circled female ,what was he thinking?

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e6b2c9 No.86193

File: 6b4f7534f7021ff⋯.png (4.96 KB,502x179,502:179,Clipboard.png)

File: 87dc0beb6303951⋯.mp4 (3.13 MB,464x848,29:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476210 (020611ZSEP23) Notable: perhaps "Chatter - Bill & Hillary's 'public' health will begin to rapidly deterorate." -Q re: BC red shoes vid

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>>86136 /LB


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e6b2c9 No.86194

File: 9f85eec9b9bb4ea⋯.jpg (160.86 KB,720x899,720:899,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d1460ff89345fb0⋯.jpg (50.34 KB,636x382,318:191,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476244 (020618ZSEP23) Notable: Former Chris Christie aide Kevin Tomafsky charged with possession and creation of child pornography after he's caught with nearly 1K vile 'child sex abuse materials'

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Former Chris Christie aide Kevin Tomafsky charged with possession and creation of child pornography after he's caught with nearly 1K vile 'child sex abuse materials'

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e6b2c9 No.86195

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476276 (020635ZSEP23) Notable: DIGG US Patent Law 'Can't Cope' with Human Clones

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Global Synthetic Biology: DNA Cloning Market Report (2022 to 2035) - by Type of Cloning Method, End-Users and Key Geographical RegionsJune 16, 2022 05:08 ET| Source: Research and MarketsDublin, June 16, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - The "Synthetic Biology: DNA Cloning Market by Type of Cloning Method, End-Users and Key Geographical Regions: Industry Trends and Global Forecasts, 2022-2035" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.

This report features an extensive study of the current market landscape and future potential of DNA cloning kits and reagents over the next decade. The study presents an in-depth analysis, highlighting the capabilities of various stakeholders engaged in this domain, across different geographies.The field of gene cloning remained a largely unexplored area until 1973, when A. C. Y. Chang, H. W. Boyer, R. B. Helling and Stanley N. Cohen reported that individual genes can be cloned and isolated by cleaving DNA enzymatically into DNA fragments.Over time, the evolution of genome engineering techniques has allowed for alterations in the genome of microorganisms, thereby enabling the production of substances having various research and therapeutic applications. DNA cloning, which is a highly regulated method, is widely acknowledged and employed in many laboratories throughout the world.Specifically, during the COVID-19 pandemic, several well-known pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical companies, as well as synthetic biology market players, have stepped forward and contributed to the research and development of a variety of products, such as test kits, treatment solutions, and vaccines to combat the coronavirus infection using synthetic biology.Based on the requirement, a variety of approaches, such as traditional cloning, PCR cloning, ligation independent cloning, seamless cloning and recombinational cloning, can be used to clone the DNA. Despite several advancements in the field of synthetic biology, the DNA cloning process is associated with various challenges, such as requirement of large amounts of expensive vectors for cloning, different reagents and longer time duration for the completion of process.In order to overcome these drawbacks, innovators in the pharmaceutical industry have undertaken several efforts for identifying and developing ways to improve the process of DNA cloning. Among other alternatives, the use of DNA cloning kits has emerged as a viable option for various drug developers and academic / research institutes to overcome the challenges associated with the traditional DNA cloning methods. Presently, more than 250 DNA cloning kits are available in the market.These cloning kits are affordable, easy to use and produce high quality results in short duration. Further, more than 3,200 patents and 4,000 research articles have been published for DNA cloning technologies in the past few years; this is indicative of the innovative efforts of the stakeholders engaged in this domain. Driven by the increasing demand for gene therapies and the introduction of novel and advanced DNA cloning technologies, the DNA cloning market is anticipated to witness steady growth in the coming years.In addition to other elements, the report includes:A detailed assessment of the current market landscape of DNA cloning kits, featuring information on the kit components (enzyme mix, vector, buffer, ligase and primer), number of reactions (between 1-35, between 36-50 and more than 50), type of cloning method used (ligation independent cloning, TA cloning, blunt cloning and in-fusion seamless cloning), type of fragment(s) cloned (multiple fragments, long fragments and short oligonucleotides), cloning time (5 minutes, between 10-30 minutes, between 31-60 minutes and more than 60 minutes), overlaps recognized, efficacy (80-100%, between >90->99%, >=98%) and kit shelf life (between 1-10 months, between 11-20 months, more than 20 months) and kit price (1-500 USD, 501-1500 USD, 1501-2500 USD, more than 2500 USD). In addition to this, the chapter features information on DNA cloning kit providers and a detailed analysis based on several relevant parameters, such as year of establishment, company size, region of headquarters, location of headquarters, company size and region of headquarters and leading players (in terms of number of products)


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e6b2c9 No.86196

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476277 (020636ZSEP23) Notable: DIGG US Patent Law 'Can't Cope' with Human Clones

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.A detailed assessment of the current market landscape of DNA cloning regents, featuring information on reagent unit size (less than 500, 500-2,000 and more than 2,000), reagent concentration (less than 5 units/?l, 5-50 units/?l and more than 50 units/?l) reagent components (polymerase, buffers and additional components), exonuclease activity (5'->3' exonuclease activity and 3'-> 5' exonuclease activity), product overhangs (3'A, blunt, 3', 5', 3'/blunt, 3'A/ blunt, 3'-dA and 5'/3'), storage temperature (-20C,-30C to -10 C,-5 C to -30 C and -25 C to -15 C) and reagent price (less than USD 100, USD 100-500 and more than USD 500). In addition, the chapter features analysis related to DNA cloning reagents providers based on parameters, such as year of establishment, company size, region of headquarters, location of headquarters, company size and region of headquarters and leading players (in terms of number of products).Elaborate profiles of prominent players offering DNA cloning kits and reagents (shortlisted based on number of products), based in North America, Europe and Asia Pacific. Each profile features a brief overview of the company, details related to its financials (if available), DNA cloning kit portfolio, DNA cloning reagent portfolio, recent developments and an informed future outlook.An analysis of over 4,400 peer-reviewed scientific articles related to DNA cloning, published since 2018, based on several parameters, such as year of publication, type of article, type of publication, emerging focus areas, most popular publishers, most popular authors, and most popular journals.An analysis of more than 1,200 grants related to DNA cloning, since 2017, based on several parameters, such as year of grant, amount of grant, administrating institute center, support period, type of grant application, purpose of grant, activity code, study section awarded, emerging focus areas, most popular program officers, popular recipient organizations, popular recipient organizations and geographical distribution of recipient organizations.An in-depth analysis of over 3,400 patents that have been filed / granted for DNA cloning, between 2017-2021, based on multiple parameters, such as type of patent, publication year, application year, geography, CPC symbols, emerging focus areas, issuing authority involved, type of applicant, leading industry players, leading non-industry players, leading patent assignees, patent benchmarking analysis, patent characteristics and geography, patent age. It also includes a detailed patent valuation analysis and information on the leading patents.A case study on the DNA cloning service providers, featuring information and detailed analysis based on their year of establishment, company size, location of headquarters, region of headquarters and company size and region of headquarters.A case study on the general overview of advancements in DNA cloning, covering details related to the current and future trends in the domain.


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e6b2c9 No.86197

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476291 (020648ZSEP23) Notable: DIGG US Patent Law 'Can't Cope' with Human Clones

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Home » Policy & Compliance » Policy & Guidance » Presidential Directive: Prohibition on Federal Funding for Cloning of Human Beings - 3/4/1997


Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release March 4, 1997

Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies

SUBJECT: Prohibition on Federal Funding for Cloning of Human Beings

Recent accounts of advances in cloning technology, including the first successful cloning of an adult sheep, raise important questions. They potentially represent enormous scientific breakthroughs that could offer benefits in such areas as medicine and agriculture. But the new technology also raises profound ethical issues, particularly with respect to its possible use to clone humans. That is why last week I asked our National Bioethics Advisory Commission to thoroughly review the legal and ethical issues associated with the use of this technology and report back to me in 90 days.

Federal funds should not be used for cloning of human beings. The current restrictions on the use of Federal funds for research involving human embryos do not fully assure this result. In December 1994, I directed the National Institutes of Health not to fund the creation of human embryos for research purposes. The Congress extended this prohibition in FY 1996 and FY 1997 appropriations bills, barring the Department of Health and Human Services from supporting certain human embryo research. However, these restrictions do not explicitly cover human embryos created for implantation and do not cover all Federal agencies. I want to make it absolutely clear that no Federal funds will be used for human cloning. Therefore, I hereby direct that no Federal funds shall be allocated for cloning of human beings.


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e6b2c9 No.86198

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476471 (020838ZSEP23) Notable: AT WAR WITH THE CIA: Julian Assange's Warning // DOCUMENTARY FILM

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e6b2c9 No.86199

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476475 (020839ZSEP23) Notable: #23919

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#23919 >>86146

>>86148, >>86155, >>86186 David Hawkins Exposes Trudeau Family

>>86149, >>86158, >>86166 DIGG Biden's 5G RICO HECO Fires & Trudeau's Mutant-Gender Impulse Lab

>>86150, >>86160, >>86195, >>86196, >>86197 DIGG US Patent Law 'Can't Cope' with Human Clones

>>86152, >>86151 60 min Benghazi

>>86154, >>86164 ELECTION FRAUD DIGGS

>>86153 GROOMER ALERT [Sacha Baron Cohen]: 'The Idea that Queer People Are a Threat to Our Children Is a Lie'

>>86156 ATF Broadens Definition of Gun Dealer and Draws Closer to Imposing Universal Background Check System

>>86157 G-7 Will Support Ukraine for as Long as It Takes, Trudeau Says

>>86159 CCP distant-water fishing armadas ensnare Pacific economies & ecologies/paywall

>>86167, >>86169 YouTube ‘Parenting Advice’ Star Arrested after Starving Child with Duct Tape Around The Extremities Escapes From Home and Runs to Neighbors for Help .

>>86161 Conflicting Evidence Of mRNA Technology Raises Serious Concerns About Rush For Use In New Vaccine Development

>>86162, >>86147 , >>86165 2020 @LouDobbs Release the Kraken: @SidneyPowell1

>>86163 110 dead in maui, 110 dead also in Somalia/Somaliland: Red Cross visits hundreds of detainees in Las Anod

>>86168 2ND WINNING: Federal Judge Blocks ATF's 'Tyrannical Overreach' Of Labeling Forced Reset Triggers As Machine Guns

>>86170, >>86176, >>86172, >>86177, >>86171 numberfag notices coincidences / Twitter is still there, X is a rebrand

>>86173 Biden Admin Black Shirt Photo Op Kinda Sus

>>86174 Sundance: US Special Operations Command Will Deploy Argus AI Program to Scour Social Media for Disinformation, Misinformation and Malinformation

>>86175 Red Castle says watch the water this Labor Day

>>86178 Mohamed Al-Fayed Dies: ‘Chariots Of Fire’ Backer, Princess Diana Confidant, Harrod’s And Ritz Owner Was 94

>>86179 Ukrainian naval drones target Crimean Bridge

>>86180 US to send depleted uranium munitions to Ukraine - Reuters

>>86181, >>86182 NEWSMAX/Rick G on DJT Trials

>>86183 Non-violent January 6 Defendant, Nejourde Meacham, Dies at 22; Suicide Suspected

>>86184 Air Force Research Laboratories located in Maui

>>86185 Bidenomics causes unemployment and inflation spike.

>>86187 GOA Condemns Biden ATF’s Move to Implement Backdoor Universal Background Checks

>>86188 Michigan EV plant's owner promotes Chinese communist ideology at worker retreats - 'I volunteer to join the CCP, uphold the Party’s platform,'

>>86189 Launch of PSLV-C57/Aditya-L1 Mission from Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) SHAR, Sriharikota

>>86190 Is New Hampshire and Vermont the next places to get Maui? Or will they do the Big Island next?

>>86191 Entertainment Industry Loses17,000Jobs in August As Strike Continues

>>86192 X really need to remove this misinformation about Michelle Obama registering to vote as a male at Chicago Board of Election in 1994 until 2008←whiny wokeness

>>86193 perhaps "Chatter - Bill & Hillary's 'public' health will begin to rapidly deterorate." -Q re: BC red shoes vid

>>86194 Former Chris Christie aide Kevin Tomafsky charged with possession and creation of child pornography after he's caught with nearly 1K vile 'child sex abuse materials'

>>86198 AT WAR WITH THE CIA: Julian Assange's Warning // DOCUMENTARY FILM

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e6b2c9 No.86200

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476487 (020851ZSEP23) Notable: #23920

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>next baker self-confirm

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e6b2c9 No.86201

File: b9fd423323fc120⋯.png (1.7 MB,1199x638,109:58,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476518 (020917ZSEP23) Notable: Ray Epps 2.0 ~ Meet the “hicklib,” whose real name is Jason King

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Ray Epps 2.0 ~ Meet the “hicklib,” whose real name is Jason King


digg anons

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e6b2c9 No.86202

File: ddd6da4a1544708⋯.jpg (1.54 MB,3000x2000,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476525 (020924ZSEP23) Notable: Review on DEW in light of Maui fires

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Was HI "Da DEWS"?

Na, DEWs don't exist right?

well well, looky 'ere, seems Not only do DEW's exist, but...

I wonder if @Vlad knows about this stuff? ;-)


"If you can keep energy up to a laser you can keep engaging the target — so, in a traditional sense, against traditional engagement systems it offers some significant advantages."

Directed energy is categorised as a form of electronic warfare technology and is one of the advanced capabilities that is a focus of Pillar 2 for the AUKUS partnership.

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e6b2c9 No.86203

File: a966d90db746b03⋯.jpg (166.52 KB,720x786,120:131,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ce6c806eff6e483⋯.jpg (219.76 KB,720x1340,36:67,Clipboard.jpg)

File: de48064388a65d2⋯.jpg (190.95 KB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 06e01583fea8810⋯.jpg (262.78 KB,720x1197,80:133,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 51312ef903b728e⋯.jpg (115.68 KB,720x1085,144:217,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476527 (020925ZSEP23) Notable: Historic Cheeseburger in Paradise restaurant destroyed in Lahaina & Jimmy Buffett's death

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Legendary musician Jimmy Buffett dead at 76



Cheeseburger in Paradise on Front Street in Lahaina is among several notable restaurants to be burned down by the Maui fires.

Most of Lahaina in Maui, Hawaii, is said to be lost to the wildfires that started on Saturday. While the restaurants and businesses located in the regions away from the historic town are safe and experiencing major inconveniences such as power shortages or lack of communication, those housed on Front Street have sadly been reduced to ashes.


Did they sacrifice Jimmy Buffett ? Odd timing

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e6b2c9 No.86204

File: 8e2f4a51e90c590⋯.jpg (61.57 KB,720x513,80:57,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7be194f41138f68⋯.jpg (85.6 KB,720x737,720:737,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476529 (020927ZSEP23) Notable: Historic Cheeseburger in Paradise restaurant destroyed in Lahaina & Jimmy Buffett's death

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e6b2c9 No.86205

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476532 (020929ZSEP23) Notable: Historic Cheeseburger in Paradise restaurant destroyed in Lahaina & Jimmy Buffett's death

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Cheeseburger in paradise

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e6b2c9 No.86206

File: d8dc5e60b82c5c8⋯.jpg (171.07 KB,720x1023,240:341,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3e47b1c3b8e6c20⋯.mp4 (7.43 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476547 (020939ZSEP23) Notable: Unmarked Truck Dumps ‘something’ Into The Grand River, In Grand Rapids

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👀 Unmarked Truck Dumps ‘something’ Into The Grand River, In Grand Rapids

Do you know what all mobile tank systems carrying live fish have in common?

They aren't marked "water" they are marked "live fish".

The video I posted dumping liquid is marked simply "water"...

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e6b2c9 No.86207

File: 10d923cd03db881⋯.png (582.36 KB,986x825,986:825,Clipboard.png)

File: 66f982c75ae08fb⋯.png (18.09 KB,292x211,292:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476563 (020949ZSEP23) Notable: Unmarked Truck Dumps ‘something’ Into The Grand River, In Grand Rapids

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Timpson Transport, Inc.

3175 Segwun Ave. SE,

Lowell, MI 49331

(616) 897-9032

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e6b2c9 No.86208

File: 99eefdcd1894197⋯.mp4 (8.4 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 27fcdc8bc4ce2cb⋯.jpg (135.16 KB,720x960,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476566 (020952ZSEP23) Notable: Google updated its images of Maui - MP4 - making it possible to identify strange burn patterns

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Did you hear about this? 😳


Weird burn areas in Maui

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e6b2c9 No.86209

File: ba8705ff868b09d⋯.jpg (202.34 KB,720x1134,40:63,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476567 (020952ZSEP23) Notable: Google updated its images of Maui - MP4 - making it possible to identify strange burn patterns

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e6b2c9 No.86210

File: 031f0797627272b⋯.png (327.39 KB,872x794,436:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476572 (020956ZSEP23) Notable: If you live in one of these 4 states, you may be getting some money….

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If you live in one of these 4 states, you may be getting some money....

Residents in Alaska, Minnesota, Montana, and Washington are eligible to receive money from their respective state governments. Over 2.1 million people are set to receive a check from just one of the programs.


@NorthCarolina Do you have any $ to give to residents?

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e6b2c9 No.86211

File: a7c1f31056d2881⋯.png (171.77 KB,642x549,214:183,Clipboard.png)

File: 8b0b913a4195d4a⋯.png (25.82 KB,724x452,181:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476583 (021003ZSEP23) Notable: If you live in one of these 4 states, you may be getting some money….

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e6b2c9 No.86212

File: d7f8c6b0ee4c6a4⋯.png (411.89 KB,596x715,596:715,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476598 (021018ZSEP23) Notable: Zombieland Germany, Canada

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Lara Logan


Looks exactly like parts of this country…wow - same drugs, same policies, same plan.


Eva Vlaardingerbroek



Aug 30

Our new documentary “ZOMBIE LAND” is out now. 🎬

The once-great nation of Germany has changed beyond recognition.

As a result of mass migration and liberal rule, the streets of Germany are plagued by hard drugs, violence and a new form of apocalyptic homelessness.

This summer,… Show more

10:49 PM · Sep 1, 2023




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e6b2c9 No.86213

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476600 (021019ZSEP23) Notable: Historic Cheeseburger in Paradise restaurant destroyed in Lahaina & Jimmy Buffett's death

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e6b2c9 No.86214

File: 949b065b61abdbb⋯.png (609.2 KB,605x759,55:69,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476602 (021020ZSEP23) Notable: Zombieland Germany, Canada

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Wall Street Silver


Canadian cities are turning into the next San Francisco ...

🔊… sound on

This is Justin Trudeau's vision of a prosperous Canada 🚨🚨🚨

7:37 PM · Sep 1, 2023




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e6b2c9 No.86215

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476608 (021023ZSEP23) Notable: Compare Trump w/Biden on 100th days of presidency: President Trump talks "bigness" of the presidency on Face the Nation

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Good video for review.

Oval Office "surrounded" with Military Flags

President Trump talks "bigness" of the presidency

"Face the Nation" moderator John Dickerson spoke with President Donald Trump in the Oval Office on his 100th day on the job. Trump discussed the power of the office, the changes he's made, and the "bigness" of the decisions he makes.


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e6b2c9 No.86216

File: 11eb4a21a1a2b28⋯.png (448.78 KB,691x725,691:725,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476610 (021025ZSEP23) Notable: Historic Cheeseburger in Paradise restaurant destroyed in Lahaina & Jimmy Buffett's death

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> JUST IN - Jimmy Buffett dead aged 76: Legendary 'Margaritaville' singer 'passed away peacefully

Swamp creature?

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e6b2c9 No.86217

File: d8202b6c4141d53⋯.png (100.34 KB,411x503,411:503,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476611 (021025ZSEP23) Notable: Looks like ADL starting to be dragged out of the shadows.

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Looks like ADL starting to be dragged out of the shadows.

#BanTheADL trending on X


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e6b2c9 No.86218

File: 1a50ab12ce9ee9d⋯.png (257.46 KB,415x477,415:477,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476654 (021051ZSEP23) Notable: YouTube’s Censorship: From Videos to Search Queries

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YouTube’s Censorship: From Videos to Search Queries

Matt Taibbi's team produced a video that merely juxtaposed election-related footage without adding commentary. Initially greenlit by YouTube, they later flagged it as harmful.

Full Post: https://x.com/ungathegreat/status/1697790871750512920


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e6b2c9 No.86219

File: dedee6aed09d5c1⋯.png (362.78 KB,413x605,413:605,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476661 (021100ZSEP23) Notable: Media Blackout on PEOPLE MISSING in Lahoina

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📛 Maui Massacre: You'd think mainstream media would be all over Maui to get to the bottom of what happened. The fact they're not speaks volumes in itself.

✔️ Total Media Blackout—Government has boxed out all Media, Locals from Lahaina, Maui 👀

@FollowsTheWhiteRabbit 🐇

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e6b2c9 No.86220

File: 6b04947595ff205⋯.png (250.61 KB,414x365,414:365,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476662 (021103ZSEP23) Notable: Anti-French demonstration in Niger

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e6b2c9 No.86221

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476663 (021105ZSEP23) Notable: Media Blackout on PEOPLE MISSING in Lahoina

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There's a ritzy cluster of homes in the town my dad grew up in. It used to be the town dump. They plowed it over and built fancy homes that all the rich folk hurried up to buy. Now imagine everything that got buried there.

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e6b2c9 No.86222

File: 4491288112d571f⋯.png (329.7 KB,598x894,299:447,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476680 (021117ZSEP23) Notable: Deputy leader of the British Labour Party, Angela Rayner, admits that London's ULEZ scheme is "coming to towns and cities across the whole of the United Kingdom".

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Wide Awake Media


Deputy leader of the British Labour Party, Angela Rayner, admits that London's ULEZ scheme is "coming to towns and cities across the whole of the United Kingdom".

The Ultra Low Emission Zone is an area in London, England where people are charged a daily fee of up to £17.50 for driving cars that don't meet arbitrary "minimum emissions standards", essentially making driving an unaffordable luxury for everybody except those who can afford a newer or electric vehicles.

All part of the Net Zero agenda to severely restrict people's freedom of movement—confining them to '15 minute cities' in the process—under the guise of combatting the non-existent "climate crisis".

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=fr3pRBjvIuo

For more content like this, visit: https://wide-awake-media.com

#ULEZ #ULEZExpansion #ClimateScam #ClimateCult #NetZero

8:29 PM · Aug 29, 2023




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e6b2c9 No.86223

File: d092b58e9eb1dc8⋯.png (398.38 KB,594x829,594:829,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476683 (021119ZSEP23) Notable: C19 INJECTIONS: OVER 1 MILLION INJURIES, OVER 21,000 CASUALTIES

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Robin Monotti






And that's with an under-reporting factor of 41X

"Mr. Johnson wrote: "Sadly, we passed two milestones on VAERS. Over 1 million advisers events and over 21,000 deaths, 30 percent of those deaths occurred on day 0, 1, or 2 following vaccination."


Sen. Johnson Claims CDC 'Abused Authority,' Engaged in 'Censorship Campaign' of COVID-19 Vaccine...

Wisconsin senator says CDC engaged in "campaign to suppress and discredit certain viewpoints it labeled as 'misinformation.'"

2:20 AM · Aug 31, 2023




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e6b2c9 No.86224

File: cd3b252280c4798⋯.png (356.42 KB,597x642,199:214,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476727 (021136ZSEP23) Notable: BREAKING: A Democrat County Supervisor in Hinds, Mississippi is challenging his party's primary election results after discovering massive election fraud

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Kari Lake


Watch & SHARE







BREAKING: A Democrat County Supervisor in Hinds, Mississippi is challenging his party's primary election results after discovering massive election fraud

"We have videotapes of someone going into boxes bringing in thumb drives, bringing in ballots to be inserted into the… Show more

5:17 PM · Sep 1, 2023

from Paradise Valley, AZ




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e6b2c9 No.86225

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476740 (021140ZSEP23) Notable: Candidates for a House seat in Rhode Island

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this article links to information about a host of candidates for a House seat in Rhode Island.

reading through these gives one insight into the mindset of the fully indoctrinated Democrats and also so who aren't so gung ho with that mindset.

there is one Republican.

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e6b2c9 No.86226

File: e1a190eb23aaa02⋯.png (12.05 KB,255x255,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476782 (021152ZSEP23) Notable: Historic Cheeseburger in Paradise restaurant destroyed in Lahaina & Jimmy Buffett's death

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No one thinks this is a coincidence?

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e6b2c9 No.86227

File: 79e8cd9d59272cc⋯.png (21.66 KB,806x191,806:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476838 (021208ZSEP23) Notable: High School Football Coach Wins Legal Battle, Returns To Team After Being Fired For Praying

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High School Football Coach Wins Legal Battle, Returns To Team After Being Fired For Praying

By Jason RobertsonSeptember 2, 2023

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e6b2c9 No.86228

File: 0a2c54a97df4c55⋯.webp (39.16 KB,640x450,64:45,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476851 (021212ZSEP23) Notable: Sanctuary City of Los Angeles Considers Criminal Charges Against Texas and Governor Abbott for Sending Them Illegal Immigrants

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Sanctuary City of Los Angeles Considers Criminal Charges Against Texas and Governor Abbott for Sending Them Illegal Immigrants

Los Angeles is supposedly a sanctuary city but they don’t want anyone to take them up on that policy.

Texas has sent less than 500 illegal border crossers to L.A. and the city council there is so angry that they are considering pursuing legal and even criminal actions against Texas and Governor Greg Abbott.

How do you think Los Angeles would feel if they were dealing with thousands of illegals, as many much smaller border towns do on a regular basis.

As 11th bus of migrants arrives, LA considering criminal charges against Texas

On a day when another bus of migrants from Texas arrived in Los Angeles, the City Council on Wednesday approved a motion asking the City Attorney’s Office to investigate whether Texas Gov. Greg Abbott committed any crimes when he sent 42 migrants on a 23-hour bus ride to downtown L.A. in June.

The motion requests the city attorney to begin proceedings on any potential civil legal action that could be taken against the state of Texas, Abbott, or any other entity involved in the planning and action of busing migrants to Union Station, where they arrived June 14.


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e6b2c9 No.86229

File: c71fbb34c9cd2d1⋯.png (516.58 KB,482x700,241:350,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476907 (021221ZSEP23) Notable: REPORT: Raffensperger Testimony Supports Trump's Defense In Georgia Case

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REPORT: Raffensperger Testimony Supports Trump's Defense In Georgia Case

Sept. 1,2023

Breitbart reported that in testimony this week before a federal court, Brad Raffensperger reportedly contradicted claims that former President Donald Trump insisted he violate his oath of office by fabricating enough votes to win the state.

Since Raffensperger and others began saying that Trump pushed them to violate oaths, Trump and those who have listened to the tapes of the call have insisted that this was not true.

Apparently now, Raffenspoerger himself has opened the door to disputing his own claims and may have provide Trump's defense team ammunition in the upcoming case brought by Fani Willis.


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e6b2c9 No.86230

File: b2cd2ad6274d111⋯.png (380.01 KB,588x606,98:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476924 (021224ZSEP23) Notable: Niger: Military Junta Orders Police To Expel French Ambassador - Macron Questions Legitimacy of Coup Leaders, Threatens Response

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The Gateway Pundit


Niger: Military Junta Orders Police To Expel French Ambassador – Macron Questions Legitimacy of Coup Leaders, Threatens Response if Military or Diplomatic Facilities Are Targeted via @gatewaypundit


Niger: Military Junta Orders Police To Expel French Ambassador - Macron Questions Legitimacy of...

The situation in the west African nation of Niger seems to be edging towards a military confrontation with former colonial power France..

1:21 AM · Sep 2, 2023




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e6b2c9 No.86231

File: 57839f941b0c7e7⋯.png (410.21 KB,1700x1636,425:409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477019 (021247ZSEP23) Notable: Greenwich Superintendent Refuses To Hang Gadsden Flag In The Student Center

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Greenwich Superintendent Refuses To Hang Gadsden Flag In The Student Center

The Superintendent will hang any flag to represent family heritage. BUT NOT THE GADSDEN. of course.


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e6b2c9 No.86232

File: d471208c664150a⋯.png (25.12 KB,719x266,719:266,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477091 (021313ZSEP23) Notable: No Black women CEOs left in S&P 500 after Walgreens CEO Rosalind Brewer resigns

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No Black women CEOs left in S&P 500 after Walgreens CEO Rosalind Brewer resigns

Jessica Guynn


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e6b2c9 No.86233

File: 26e5909b029d110⋯.jpeg (285.27 KB,1708x1436,427:359,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477092 (021314ZSEP23) Notable: Libs have lost the Hood

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Libs have lost the Hood



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e6b2c9 No.86234

File: 1a557c79cabf0cc⋯.png (900.85 KB,675x1284,225:428,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477102 (021318ZSEP23) Notable: Historic Cheeseburger in Paradise restaurant destroyed in Lahaina & Jimmy Buffett's death

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e6b2c9 No.86235

File: 325922f52a32db0⋯.png (23.16 KB,980x202,490:101,Clipboard.png)

File: 8dfe61f45fcd131⋯.png (761.85 KB,776x429,776:429,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477106 (021319ZSEP23) Notable: Biden-approved green energy firm has deep ties to the Chinese Communist Party

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Biden-approved green energy firm has deep ties to the Chinese Communist Party

by Gabe Kaminsky, Investigative Reporter

September 02, 2023 06:00 AM

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e6b2c9 No.86236

File: 8ce156de99e65d9⋯.png (22.72 KB,998x213,998:213,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477125 (021324ZSEP23) Notable: House GOP investigates University of Wisconsin for 'gain of function' research

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House GOP investigates University of Wisconsin for 'gain of function' research

by Gabrielle M. Etzel, Healthcare Reporter

September 01, 2023 05:11 PM

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e6b2c9 No.86237

File: 7253e45b82b54e8⋯.png (1.55 MB,1072x776,134:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477132 (021326ZSEP23) Notable: WATCH: Virginia Tech Crowd Drives Leftist COVID Extremists Crazy, “F*ck Joe Biden” Chants Start

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


WATCH: Virginia Tech Crowd Drives Leftist COVID Extremists Crazy, “F*ck Joe Biden” Chants Start (VIDEO)

by The Scoop Sep. 4, 2021 1:45 pm


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e6b2c9 No.86238

File: 7659d70ec5ddfa3⋯.png (232.17 KB,605x770,11:14,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477134 (021327ZSEP23) Notable: WATCH: Virginia Tech Crowd Drives Leftist COVID Extremists Crazy, “F*ck Joe Biden” Chants Start

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Old Row Sports


FUCK JOE BIDEN chant 🗣 at the first Coastal Carolina football game


5:52 AM · Sep 3, 2021


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e6b2c9 No.86239

File: 065314a1171cf08⋯.png (1.04 MB,1024x679,1024:679,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477138 (021329ZSEP23) Notable: WATCH: Virginia Tech Crowd Drives Leftist COVID Extremists Crazy, “F*ck Joe Biden” Chants Start

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VIDEOS: Multiple Stadiums Break Into ‘F**k Joe Biden’ Chants At NCAA Division 1 Football Games

Tens of thousands of fans curse embattled Democrat POTUS at ACC and Sun Belt NCAA football games

by National File News

September 5, 2021

in Culture, Sports

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e6b2c9 No.86240

File: f3ff3db60a4af97⋯.png (36.61 KB,1406x274,703:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477162 (021335ZSEP23) Notable: WATCH: Virginia Tech Crowd Drives Leftist COVID Extremists Crazy, “F*ck Joe Biden” Chants Start

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Chants of 'F— Joe Biden' rain down from NASCAR stands during interview with Talladega winner

NASCAR later deleted a tweet of the chant

By Andrew Mark Miller Fox News

Published October 2, 2021 9:23pm EDT | Updated October 2, 2021 9:26pm EDT

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e6b2c9 No.86241

File: bcae100ede24caf⋯.png (809.2 KB,966x688,483:344,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477168 (021337ZSEP23) Notable: WATCH: Virginia Tech Crowd Drives Leftist COVID Extremists Crazy, “F*ck Joe Biden” Chants Start

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NewsUS News

SPORTS BECOME POLITICAL What does Let’s Go Brandon mean?

Jennifer RobackKevin Quinitchett

Published: 17:00 ET, Feb 13 2022Updated: 9:44 ET, Feb 15 2022


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e6b2c9 No.86242

File: 6f036d5f888dfce⋯.png (943 KB,598x902,299:451,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477173 (021339ZSEP23) Notable: WATCH: Virginia Tech Crowd Drives Leftist COVID Extremists Crazy, “F*ck Joe Biden” Chants Start

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Jack Poso 🇺🇸


I've been waiting for this 👀

NEW: Let's Go Brandon Gift Wrap now available!


Use promocode Poso save here ->>

10:22 AM · Nov 13, 2021

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e6b2c9 No.86243

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477250 (021355ZSEP23) Notable: Review on DEW in light of Maui fires

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DEWs Clues:

Dr. Judy Wood - Where Did the Towers Go?


I know this has been posted on the board in the past, but it's been interesting to revisit this presentation recently, particularly to compare it to what occurred in Maui.

Towards the end, she begins talking about small-scale experiments done by a man named Robert Huchinson that point to the potential energy weapons used in the 9/11 attacks and, probably, in the current "wildfires."

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e6b2c9 No.86244

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477259 (021356ZSEP23) Notable: Missouri wants your input on proposed state education standards

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Missouri wants your input on proposed state education standards

Here's the link without the stringer on the end. You'll get a 404 but can still navigate to the story.


Here's a quote: '"I think it's super important that people have a say in this," she said. "They're the ones sending their kids to these schools and they're the ones going to be directly affected." '

This is new in my region: Someone expressing any interest the people sending their children to "these schools".

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e6b2c9 No.86245

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477268 (021405ZSEP23) Notable: #23921 Shout Out To Noters TYVM

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Will update in a bit. Poast away


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e6b2c9 No.86246

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477276 (021408ZSEP23) Notable: Media stocks melt down as Spectrum feuds with Disney and ESPN:‘We’re on the edge of a precipice’

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Media stocks melt down as Spectrum feuds with Disney and ESPN:‘We’re on the edge of a precipice’


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e6b2c9 No.86247

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477291 (021412ZSEP23) Notable: Judge bars Missouri from moving ahead on Randolph County waste lagoon permit

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From Missouri:


Link without stringer. You'll get a 404 but you can still navigate to the story.


Judge bars Missouri from moving ahead on Randolph County waste lagoon permit

For anons not yet familiar with this issue: CAFOs produce prodigious animal waste. So much waste that if the animals were humans you'd need city sized waste water treatment plants. Instead of treating the foul animal waste large corporate interests (CCP ties?) have made sure to try and foist "lagoons" on rural communities.

"CRAP’s lawsuit claims Denali built an earthen basin capable of holding 15 million gallons without a construction permit. The company then applied for a permit from DNR, according to the lawsuit, to apply waste from the lagoon to surrounding land as fertilizer. "

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e6b2c9 No.86248

File: 33381508be66138⋯.png (36.21 KB,861x352,861:352,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477314 (021416ZSEP23) Notable: "Obama's Man In Africa" Under House Arrest After Popular Coup Rocked Gabon

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"Obama's Man In Africa" Under House Arrest After Popular Coup Rocked Gabon

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Saturday, Sep 02, 2023 - 02:20 AM

Authored by Max Blumenthal via The Gray Zone,

Before his removal in a military coup, Gabon’s hopelessly corrupt President Ali Bongo was courted by Obama and feted from Washington to Davos. The US war on Libya which destabilized the region may not have succeeded without him.

When a military junta arrested President Ali Bongo Ondimba on August 30, Gabon became the ninth African nation to depose its government through a military coup. As citizens of Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali did before them, crowds of Gabonese poured into the streets to celebrate the removal of a Western-backed leader whose family flaunted its lavish lifestyle while more than a third of the country’s population languished in destitution.

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e6b2c9 No.86249

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477341 (021420ZSEP23) Notable: Space Development Agency’s Second Tranche 0 Mission

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Space Development Agency’s Second Tranche 0 Mission

SpaceX is targeting Saturday, September 2 at 7:25 a.m. PT (14:25 UTC) for a Falcon 9 launch of the Space Development Agency’s second Tranche 0 mission to low-Earth orbit from Space Launch Complex 4E (SLC-4E) at Vandenberg Space Force Base in California.

The Falcon 9 first stage booster supporting this mission previously launched Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich, DART, Transporter-7, Iridium OneWeb, and eight Starlink missions. Following stage separation, the first stage will land on Landing Zone 4 (LZ-4) at Vandenberg Space Force Base.

The space vehicles launched during this mission will serve a part of SDA’s Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture, a new layered network of satellites in low-Earth orbit and supporting elements that will provide global military communication and missile warning, indication, and tracking capabilities.



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e6b2c9 No.86250

File: 61c6008ab7a01c6⋯.png (416.88 KB,769x596,769:596,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477372 (021425ZSEP23) Notable: CUNY professor, 16 others arrested trying to hire NYC sex workers

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CUNY professor, 16 others arrested trying to hire NYC sex workers

By Tina Moore and

Matthew Sedacca

September 2, 2023 9:53am

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e6b2c9 No.86251

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477379 (021427ZSEP23) Notable: A Democrat County Supervisor in Hinds, Mississippi is challenging his party's primary election results after discovering massive election fraud

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A Democrat County Supervisor in Hinds, Mississippi is challenging his party's primary election results after discovering massive election fraud

"We have videotapes of someone going into boxes bringing in thumb drives, bringing in ballots to be inserted into the machines"

The person he's talking about is the Hinds County Democrat party chair.

If you watch this presentation, it sounds exactly like what happened in the 2020 election and 2022 election in Arizona. If Democrats are rigging their own primaries, imagine what they're doing in general elections.

@KariLake@realDonaldTrump are not alone.

Democrats are rigging elections everywhere


6:28 PM · Sep 1, 2023·1.4M Views


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e6b2c9 No.86252

File: b337463c6d52d8a⋯.png (1.93 MB,1024x1016,128:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477410 (021432ZSEP23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day - NGC 7023: The Iris Nebula

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Sep 2, 2023

NGC 7023: The Iris Nebula

These cosmic clouds have blossomed 1,300 light-years away in the fertile starfields of the constellation Cepheus. Called the Iris Nebula, NGC 7023 is not the only nebula to evoke the imagery of flowers. Still, this deep telescopic image shows off the Iris Nebula's range of colors and symmetries embedded in surrounding fields of interstellar dust. Within the Iris itself, dusty nebular material surrounds a hot, young star. The dominant color of the brighter reflection nebula is blue, characteristic of dust grains reflecting starlight. Central filaments of the reflection nebula glow with a faint reddish photoluminescence as some dust grains effectively convert the star's invisible ultraviolet radiation to visible red light. Infrared observations indicate that this nebula contains complex carbon molecules known as PAHs. The dusty blue petals of the Iris Nebula span about six light-years.


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e6b2c9 No.86253

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477414 (021433ZSEP23) Notable: On September 4, negotiations of Vladimir Putin with President of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan will be held in Sochi

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On September 4, negotiations of Vladimir Putin with President of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan will be held in Sochi

September 1, 2023

It is planned to discuss issues of further development of mutually beneficial bilateral cooperation, as well as current international issues.


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e6b2c9 No.86254

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477448 (021441ZSEP23) Notable: A Democrat County Supervisor in Hinds, Mississippi is challenging his party's primary election results after discovering massive election fraud

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NEW: Mississippi Democrat county supervisor David Archie says he has video evidence of voting machines being tampered with to ensure his primary opponent won.

This could never happen in America!

Archie allegedly has video footage of Democratic Executive Committee Chair Jacqueline going into boxes, bringing thumb drives and bringing ballots to voting machines.

Archie lost the election by just 1900 votes.

“We have videotape of Jacquie Amos going into boxes, bringing in thumb drives, bringing in ballots to be inserted into machines. We have pictures of Jacquie Amos participating in what we think is fraud, as well as corruption.”

Archie is calling for Amos to step down and says he has sent letters to the state and national Democratic Parties.


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e6b2c9 No.86255

File: df94a64c01b4fad⋯.png (358.08 KB,477x547,477:547,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477450 (021441ZSEP23) Notable: Slacker-in-chief Biden keeps up record 40% ‘vacation’ pace despite disasters

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Slacker-in-chief Biden keeps up record 40% ‘vacation’ pace despite disasters

By Mary Kay Linge and

Matthew Sedacca

September 2, 2023 9:12am

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e6b2c9 No.86256

File: 3836de3d9dfd192⋯.jpeg (193.18 KB,1456x816,91:51,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477472 (021445ZSEP23) Notable: Google Introduces SynthID to Combat Misinformation with AI Watermarking Technology

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Google Introduces SynthID to Combat Misinformation with AI Watermarking Technology

ByCandice Clark

31 AUGUST 2023

Google has introduced a new tool called SynthID that aims to prevent the spread of misinformation by embedding an invisible, permanent watermark on computer-generated images. SynthID, developed by Google’s DeepMind unit in collaboration with Google Cloud, utilizes the latest text-to-image generator called Imagen. The AI-generated watermark remains intact even if the image is modified with filters or altered colors.

The tool also has the ability to scan incoming images and determine the likelihood that they were created by Imagen. It uses three levels of certainty: detected, not detected, and possibly detected. While not perfect, internal testing has shown that SynthID is accurate against many common image manipulations.

A beta version of SynthID is currently available for select customers of Vertex AI, Google’s platform for generative AI development. Google intends to refine and expand SynthID, potentially integrating it into other Google products or even offering it to third parties.

Deepfake and edited images have become increasingly realistic, raising concerns about the authenticity of visual content. Tech companies, including Google, are actively seeking reliable methods to identify and flag manipulated content. The European Commission has called for technology implementation and clear labeling of such content to users.

In this effort, Google joins other startups and major tech companies working towards finding solutions. Companies such as Truepic and Reality Defender are part of this growing wave, recognizing the importance of protecting the distinction between reality and fabrication.

Google has taken its own approach to combating misinformationby creating tools like About this image, which allows users to trace the origin of images found on the site. Additionally, AI-generated images created by Google carry a markup in the original file to provide context if the image is found on another platform.

While these technical solutions are intended to address the problem of misinformation, the rapid development of AI technology poses challenges for human oversight. OpenAI, the organization behind Dall-E and ChatGPT, has acknowledged the imperfections of its own detection efforts in the realm of AI-generated writing. Caution is advised in relying solely on technical solutions to combat misinformation.

(I’m sure no person would understand if that was an AI generated picture above., kek) But Is all of this being done to label true pictures of famous people doing evil things as AIi? Like Adam Schiff is worried about!)


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e6b2c9 No.86257

File: 29d0dcd8b033543⋯.png (208.93 KB,819x1271,819:1271,Clipboard.png)

File: 06143570e812383⋯.png (654.24 KB,809x652,809:652,Clipboard.png)

File: cbf0d22792f9538⋯.png (501.96 KB,781x1035,781:1035,Clipboard.png)

File: 96346bfccff1fb8⋯.png (1.26 MB,784x1685,784:1685,Clipboard.png)

File: 90a5dabb0d4e6cc⋯.png (1.24 MB,793x1269,793:1269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477502 (021450ZSEP23) Notable: Former Chris Christie aide Kevin Tomafsky charged with possession and creation of child pornography after he's caught with nearly 1K vile 'child sex abuse materials'

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Former Chris Christie aide Kevin Tomafsky charged with possession and creation of child pornography after he's caught with nearly 1K vile 'child sex abuse materials'

Kevin Tomafsky, 41, was indicted in July and arrested on August 15 after being charged alongside the alleged victim's father

Tomafsky was a long-time Republican campaign operative in the Garden State when Christie hired him to work in his office in 2010

He has been charged with engaging in sexual conduct with a child among several other charges


UPDATED: 23:21 EDT, 1 September 2023

A former aide to ex-New Jersey Governor and presidential candidate Chris Christie has been arrested and alleged to have paid to 'engage in a sexual act' with a six-year-old girl.

Kevin Tomafsky, 41, was indicted in July and arrested on August 15 after being charged alongside the alleged victim's father.

Tomafsky was a long-term Republican campaign operative in the Garden State when Christie hired him to work in his office in 2010.

He also served as a campaign manager for former Congressman Frank LoBiondo and held a job in the state's department of labor until resigning earlier Friday.

Tomafsky has been charged with engaging in sexual conduct with a child, conspiracy to endanger the welfare of a child, permitting a child to engage in pornography and the procession of child pornography.

Tomafsky would manage appearances made by surrogates for Christie at various events.

At Christie's recommendation, he was hired by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which manages transit between the neighboring states, as a government and community relations representative.

He then worked on various Republican campaigns for the state legislature, in addition to backing LoBiondi's Congressional runs.

According to his Facebook page, he had been working at the state of New Jersey since 2016, when Christie was in his second term. The page said that he'd left that job in 2019 but he was still listed on the state's employee directory as of Friday.

Share or comment on this article: Former Chris Christie aide Kevin Tomafsky

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e6b2c9 No.86258

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477521 (021454ZSEP23) Notable: A Democrat County Supervisor in Hinds, Mississippi is challenging his party's primary election results after discovering massive election fraud

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BREAKING: A Democrat County Supervisor in Hinds, Mississippi is challenging his party's primary election results after discovering massive election fraud

"We have videotapes of someone going into boxes bringing in thumb drives, bringing in ballots to be inserted into the machines"

The person he's talking about is the Hinds County Democrat party chair.

If you watch this presentation, it sounds exactly like what happened in the 2020 election and 2022 election in Arizona. If Democrats are rigging their own primaries, imagine what they're doing in general elections.



are not alone. Democrats are rigging elections everywhere

5:28 PM · Sep 1, 2023


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e6b2c9 No.86259

File: d5af4c6f8d59736⋯.png (29.27 KB,966x406,69:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477527 (021456ZSEP23) Notable: Media stocks melt down as Spectrum feuds with Disney and ESPN:‘We’re on the edge of a precipice’

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Disney-owned channels, including ABC and ESPN, go dark on Charter Spectrum due to dispute


By Simrin Singh

September 1, 2023 / 12:58 AM / CBS News

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e6b2c9 No.86260

File: dc613538bc5babb⋯.png (437.41 KB,594x513,22:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477592 (021512ZSEP23) Notable: HRC - Fair winds and following seas, dear Jimmy.

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Hillary Clinton


Fair winds and following seas, dear Jimmy.


Jimmy Buffett





2:02 AM · Sep 2, 2023




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e6b2c9 No.86261

File: 095bcfdbe9cb936⋯.png (2.03 MB,1200x754,600:377,Clipboard.png)

File: f24dde6a9c63a2a⋯.png (1.59 MB,1200x890,120:89,Clipboard.png)

File: f4820f7451171d3⋯.png (1.18 MB,1200x798,200:133,Clipboard.png)

File: e3e9485e9398601⋯.png (1.31 MB,1200x798,200:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477629 (021520ZSEP23) Notable: USSF enlists 16 new Guardians for future Space Force Honor Guard

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USSF enlists 16 new Guardians for future Space Force Honor Guard

Aug. 30, 2023

The U.S. Space Force enlisted 16 new Guardians on Aug. 30 to stand up the Space Force's Ceremonial Honor Guard program; each member was intentionally boarded and selected to serve as the program's initial cadre.

“Teamwork, professionalism, excellence – honor guard members represent all these qualities,” said Katharine Kelley, Deputy Chief of Space Operations for Human Capital. “We are proud to stand up a service-specific guard who will soon render military honors for our Nation’s veterans and fulfill joint requirements.”

While it is a Department of Defense requirement that each service have the capability to render military honors, an honor guard also serves as a showcase of military service to the American public.

“The Space Force has been laying the foundation of its history and heritage for almost four years now. The honor guard is an important piece to representing who we are and what we do for our nation,” Kelley said.

The future stand-up of the Space Force Honor Guard is also a big step toward creating positions for enlisted Guardians to professionally develop outside of their career field.

“The honor guard program, alongside other special duties, will allow our Guardians to take a step away from their career field to gain a fresh perspective,” said Chief Master Sgt. Abifarin Scott, Chief, Space Force Enlisted Force Development. “Our enlisted Guardians must be well-rounded to be better leaders and space operators.”

After completing a 12-to-24-month rotation with the honor guard, this initial cadre will bring lessons learned and experiences with them into the operational Space Force and train into a new career field.

The Space Force Honor Guard will begin rendering military honors and representing the USSF at public events soon, to include the Chief Master Sergeant of the Space Force's Change of Responsibility scheduled for Sept. 15.


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e6b2c9 No.86262

File: b9f88d2e08f2a44⋯.png (1.91 MB,1200x798,200:133,Clipboard.png)

File: ed8424059c14fc9⋯.png (1.65 MB,1200x798,200:133,Clipboard.png)

File: 5af26be34832543⋯.png (407.73 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

File: f2686841d0382a5⋯.png (6.73 MB,3312x1506,552:251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477654 (021530ZSEP23) Notable: DAF unveils art commemorating 75 Years of Air and Space Power

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DAF unveils art commemorating 75 Years of Air and Space Power

Aug. 31, 2023

Department of the Air Force senior leaders presided over a ceremony unveiling commemorative wall art titled, “A Shared Foundation; Celebrating 75 Years of Air and Space Power,” at the Pentagon Aug. 29.

DAF celebrated the 75th Anniversary of Air and Space heritage in September 2022 and commissioned the art to help tell the stories of the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Space Force, which required nearly 18 months to complete due to the artist’s extensive research into each of its numerous elements.

The artist, Warren F. Neary, focused the content of the piece on the contributions of Airmen and Guardians throughout the eras. Beginning with the earliest airpower innovators in the Army Air Corps, the art highlights significant milestones and achievements.

“[Neary] met with DAF leadership and visited bases around the country to capture the range of the missions and the people that compose our Air and Space Forces,” Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall remarked. “The people you see in the painting are depictions of real Airmen, real Guardians; both are part of our heritage and those who are currently serving ... [This artwork shows] people who helped build our organization, the aircraft and equipment that shaped our experiences and the missions that drove it all.”

In addition to depicting Airmen and Guardians, the artwork features various Air Force and Space Force platforms and systems. In total, 114 unique visual elements are incorporated into the piece.

Each group of elements in the artwork is designed to form the shape of the delta or infinity symbols. The delta symbol carries a deep, historic meaning for both the Air Force and Space Force and signifies upward trajectory and rapid advancement. The infinity symbol represents the ever-present requirements for adaptation, improvement, innovation and vigilance.

" Our heritage is incredibly important — it tells our story. It reminds us of who we are and where we have come from, and why it all matters. The images that surround this piece are powerful. They shape our culture, our sense of purpose and our warfighter mindset."

- Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall

Neary has created many works of art throughout his career depicting subjects of air and space power. He has received national-level recognition, and his artwork has been exhibited in the National Museum of the Air Force, the Museum of Aviation, the U.S. Air Force Art Collection and the U.S. Army Center for Military History, in addition to private collections.


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e6b2c9 No.86263

File: 7a89faab8531d4c⋯.png (11.49 KB,254x255,254:255,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477660 (021531ZSEP23) Notable: Faux Live Reporting. 'Tater on the move.

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Faux Live Reporting. 'Tater on the move.

'Tater on Marine 1 arriving at Joint Base Andrews.

Departing Andrews enroute to Gainesville, Florida.

Will receive an "aerial tour" of storm impacted areas enroute from Gainesville to Live Oak, Florida

Unkown whether or not he will meet with DeSantis.

monitoring for more info

Lots of flight time for 'Tater today. Helicopter ride?



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e6b2c9 No.86264

File: 1e1ffa588cd5660⋯.png (469.19 KB,634x425,634:425,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477687 (021537ZSEP23) Notable: Federal judge strikes down Texas law requiring age verification in victory for Pornhub after they argued it violated free speech

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Federal judge strikes down Texas law requiring age verification in victory for Pornhub after they argued it violated free speech

A federal judge has struck down a Texas law requiring age verification and health warnings to view porn online in a victory for sites such as Pornhub.

U.S. District Judge David Ezra argued the law signed in by Texas Governor Greg Abbott in June violated free speech and is too broad and vague.

Adult entertainment sites, including Pornhub, have pushed back against the Texas statute, which carried fines of up to $250,000, and similar laws in Arkansas, Mississippi, Utah and Louisiana.

The Texas lawsuit was filed August 4 by the Free Speech Coalition, a trade association for the adult entertainment industry and a person identified as Jane Doe and described as an adult entertainer on various adult sites, including Pornhub.

Judge Ezra also agreed with claims that the law, set to come into force on Friday, would have implications for users privacy as the proposed age verification tool uses a traceable government-issued identification.


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e6b2c9 No.86265

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477690 (021538ZSEP23) Notable: Former Mike Pence Aide Has 2 Words To Describe Seeing Trump's Mug Shot/sad, tragic

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Former Mike Pence Aide Has 2 Words To Describe Seeing Trump's Mug Shot

Marc Short, who served as chief of staff for former Vice President Mike Pence, gave his two cents on what it’s like seeing former President Donald Trump’s mug shot following his arrest at the Fulton County Jail last week.

“I think it’s sad. I think it’s tragic,” said Short on Friday after CNN’s Jake Tapper asked for his reaction to the image.

Short, who was also a director of legislative affairs in the Trump White House, noted that the former president was great to him and his family before offering his two cents on the Jan. 6, 2021 attack.

“I do think that the events of Jan. 6 were tragic and certainly avoidable. And I think that the president got a lot of bad counsel – in many cases, counsel he sought out – that I think led him astray,” Short said.

“And I think that ultimately asking the vice president to sort of put aside the Constitution is a huge violation of your most important oath to the American people, to protect and defend the Constitution.”

Trump pleaded not guilty on Thursday to charges tied to his – and 18 other co-defendants’ – efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election in Georgia.

The former president faces 91 criminal charges in total across four cases.

Short has been critical of those in Trump’s circle before, once comparing the former president’s “bad” advisers to “basically snake oil salesmen” during an appearance on “Meet the Press” early last year.

Tapper later asked Short how other members of the Trump White House not “charged with crimes” are reacting to the mug shot.

“I think that in some cases it’s probably a little bit surreal for a lot of people, you need to have a little bit of distance from it,” Short said.

“But I think that there’s obviously a lot of us who felt that the events of that day [Jan. 6] were tragic and that what the president was asking the vice president to do was antithetical to his oath. I think there’s a lot of others though, Jake, who feel that they still want to defend and move forward with his candidacy in 2024, I think they want this to go away.”


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e6b2c9 No.86266

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477726 (021549ZSEP23) Notable: #23920

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ty note collector #1.


- note collector #2.

#23920 >>86200

>>86201 Ray Epps 2.0 ~ Meet the “hicklib,” whose real name is Jason King

>>86202, >>86243 Review on DEW in light of Maui fires

>>86203, >>86204, >>86205, >>86213, >>86216, >>86226, >>86234 Historic Cheeseburger in Paradise restaurant destroyed in Lahaina & Jimmy Buffett's death

>>86206, >>86207 Unmarked Truck Dumps ‘something’ Into The Grand River, In Grand Rapids

>>86208, >>86209 Google updated its images of Maui - MP4 - making it possible to identify strange burn patterns

>>86210, >>86211 If you live in one of these 4 states, you may be getting some money….

>>86212, >>86214 Zombieland Germany, Canada

>>86215 Compare Trump w/Biden on 100th days of presidency: President Trump talks "bigness" of the presidency on Face the Nation

>>86225 Candidates for a House seat in Rhode Island

>>86228 Sanctuary City of Los Angeles Considers Criminal Charges Against Texas and Governor Abbott for Sending Them Illegal Immigrants

>>86217 Looks like ADL starting to be dragged out of the shadows.

>>86218 YouTube’s Censorship: From Videos to Search Queries

>>86219, >>86221 Media Blackout on PEOPLE MISSING in Lahoina

>>86220 Anti-French demonstration in Niger

>>86222 Deputy leader of the British Labour Party, Angela Rayner, admits that London's ULEZ scheme is "coming to towns and cities across the whole of the United Kingdom".


>>86224 BREAKING: A Democrat County Supervisor in Hinds, Mississippi is challenging his party's primary election results after discovering massive election fraud

>>86227 High School Football Coach Wins Legal Battle, Returns To Team After Being Fired For Praying

>>86229 REPORT: Raffensperger Testimony Supports Trump's Defense In Georgia Case

>>86230 Niger: Military Junta Orders Police To Expel French Ambassador - Macron Questions Legitimacy of Coup Leaders, Threatens Response

>>86231 Greenwich Superintendent Refuses To Hang Gadsden Flag In The Student Center

>>86232 No Black women CEOs left in S&P 500 after Walgreens CEO Rosalind Brewer resigns

>>86235 Biden-approved green energy firm has deep ties to the Chinese Communist Party

>>86233 Libs have lost the Hood

>>86236 House GOP investigates University of Wisconsin for 'gain of function' research

>>86237, >>86238, >>86239, >>86240, >>86241, >>86242 WATCH: Virginia Tech Crowd Drives Leftist COVID Extremists Crazy, “F*ck Joe Biden” Chants Start

>>86244 Missouri wants your input on proposed state education standards


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e6b2c9 No.86267

File: be740f2f08e4cef⋯.png (5.5 MB,1920x1920,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477751 (021557ZSEP23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day - NGC 7023: The Iris Nebula

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muh Irish Nebula (aka Crab Nebula)


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e6b2c9 No.86268

File: cf6b3a4ec987a47⋯.png (79.74 KB,1456x343,208:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477767 (021600ZSEP23) Notable: ‘Ain’t Them Your Neighbors?’: Oprah Winfrey and Dwayne Johnson’s Relief Fund for Maui Wildfire Victims Backfires After Critics Question Why the Mogul Isn’t Using Her Own Money

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‘Ain’t Them Your Neighbors?’: Oprah Winfrey and Dwayne Johnson’s Relief Fund for Maui Wildfire Victims Backfires After Critics Question Why the Mogul Isn’t Using Her Own Money

Media mogul Oprah Winfrey and Hawaii native Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson have partnered together to launch the People’s Fund of Maui, a relief effort for those in the Lahaina and Kula communities devastated by rampant wildfires on the island.



People's Fund of Maui?

It's part of the Entertainment Industry Foundation? Is this a HOLLYWOOD Payback scheme? During the Strike? Something very SPOOPY here. Foundations are playground of the Corrupt and Greedy.


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e6b2c9 No.86269

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477790 (021603ZSEP23) Notable: FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell Gaggle Aboard Air Force One

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09/02/23: FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell Gaggle Aboard Air Force One


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e6b2c9 No.86270

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477809 (021606ZSEP23) Notable: The Daily Beast Suggests Trump Interview Was Fake. There's Just One Problem… The left are the real toxic “Conspiracy Theorists”!)

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The Daily Beast Suggests Trump Interview Was Fake. There's Just One Problem…Paula Bolyard

It’s a perfect example of the state of modern journalism. A “National Politics Reporter” for The Daily Beast set out to dunk on an interview John Solomon did with former President Donald Trump at Real America’s Voice, suggesting the voice on the phone was either an impersonator or AI, and ended up getting punked himself.

“Journalist” Zachary Petrizzo wrote an article published at The Daily Beast on Friday with the headline “MAGA Network Investigating Whether Hosts Were Duped by Fake Trump.” The subhead, which included the tagline “Major Oversight,” went on to claim, “While the owner of Real America’s Voice believes an impersonator fooled the channel, pro-Trump journalist John Solomon insists that it was ‘definitely’ Trump on the line.”

The opening paragraphs of the article, in addition to disparaging the channel and Solomon, claim that they were “fooled” by a trump impersonator: The owner of fringe-right channel Real America’s Voice is investigating whether pro-Trump journalist John Solomon and his co-host Amanda Head were fooled on Thursday night by a prank caller purporting to be former President Donald Trump.

From Article: “Solomon, a former Fox News contributor boasted on Thursday night that thelittle-watched networkhad scored an “exclusive” phone interview with Trump. However, immediately after the conversation began, it was clear that something wasn’t right.”

Petrizzo claimed, “The caller’s voice sounded choppy, stilted and artificial, and at times throughout thenearly 17-minute interview, the so-called Trump appeared to glitch and cut out. After clips of the interview were shared on social media by Solomon and Real America’s Voice, criticism and speculation began pouring in— including from many prominent conservatives—that this was definitely not the ex-president and appeared to be an AI program.”

Petrizzo’s article continued:

“Robert J. Sigg, the owner of the network, told The Daily Beast on Thursday night that the “Trump” on the call sounded “like ChatGOP” to him and that “an internal investigation will be needed” into whether his hosts were duped. “This is not the company values that the American people tune in for,” Sigg added. “This is a major oversight by John and Amanda both…”

Only that’s not what happened—and this is where the story gets really bizarre. It turns out that Petrizzo was duped by text messages that were not actually from Sigg. The Daily Beast has since made significant changes to the article, including this note at the top of the story:

Editor’s Note: This story has been updated to remove quotes attributed to the owner of Real America’s Voice, Robert Sigg, saying he is investigating whether the call was a prank and criticizing network staffers. A Daily Beast reporter had a conversation by text with a person who identified themselves as Sigg, on a number public records show was once associated with Sigg—but aspokesperson for Real America’s Voice said that it was not Sigg and is not his current number.

Solomon tweeted this morning: “The Daily Beast has been told by Real America’s Voice that its employees did not interview Rob Sigg, the quotes attributed to him are false and there is no investigation. How long before @thedailybeast retracts this false and defamatory story concocted from the theater of the absurd.”

Real America’s Voice responded to the article in a statement: Last night, President Trump was interviewed on Real America’s Voice, providing his customary insights and wisdom for our millions of viewers. Then, early this morning, The Daily Beast claimed in a published story that it wasn’t really the 45th President on the air. These are all scurrilous lies in a fake quote that The Daily Beast never received from our network. Ironically, in a story they wrote about RAV being duped, it was The Daily Beast in fact that may have been “punked” into believing they had a qualified quote from us.

The article was garbage to begin with and should have been retracted rather than scrubbed, but this is the kind of dishonest reporting we’ve come to expect from left-wing hacks.

(Slow news day! AI is the next weapon for news stories. How many other conspiracies are they going to make up?Did you ever notice the left’s CTs are revealed as fake lies quickly, and the rights gets confirmed as true all the time.The left are the real toxic “Conspiracy Theorists”!)


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e6b2c9 No.86271

File: 9880ec7c147e88d⋯.gif (1.14 MB,320x480,2:3,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477833 (021612ZSEP23) Notable: 10 OUT OF 10 SHILLS AGREE: QANON IS THE PROBLEM! For the keks!

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e6b2c9 No.86272

File: 416a9bfbdfcee9b⋯.mp4 (7.6 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477862 (021619ZSEP23) Notable: The Great Awakening is happening! Awesome video!!! Scales are literally falling off peoples eyes

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The Great Awakening is happening!

Awesome video!!! Scales are literally falling off peoples eyes and they’re seeing things for how they really are!! This truly is the biggest political backfire in American history!!


>"Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of destroying Himself."

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e6b2c9 No.86273

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477914 (021634ZSEP23) Notable: CISA And AT&T Pushed Connecting Elections To FirstNet, Mark Zuckerberg Paid FirstNet Bills, FirstNet Infested With Hackable Chinese Components

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Has this been posted yet?


CISA And AT&T Pushed Connecting Elections To FirstNet, Mark Zuckerberg Paid FirstNet Bills, FirstNet Infested With Hackable Chinese Components

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e6b2c9 No.86274

File: cb684a7aaa074f5⋯.jpg (267.35 KB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477925 (021636ZSEP23) Notable: FBI investigating immigrants inside U.S. after smuggler with ISIS ties

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FBI investigating immigrants inside U.S. after smuggler with ISIS ties helped them get past border

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has still not informed the House Judiciary Committee about the status or location of suspected terrorists encountered at the


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e6b2c9 No.86275

File: e5018073c791c85⋯.webp (7.98 KB,459x301,459:301,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477977 (021650ZSEP23) Notable: YouTube “parenting advice” star Ruby Franke was arrested after an emaciated and abused child with duct tape on the extremities escaped her home

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YouTube “parenting advice” star Ruby Franke was arrested after an emaciated and abused child with duct tape on the extremities escaped her home and ran to a neighbor for help.

The child had duct tape and open wounds.

Franke talked about having a dirty little secret days before the child escaped her home.

YouTube star Ruby Franke of the “8 Passengers” channel was arrested Wednesday after an “emaciated” child with duct tape around their extremities escaped and ran to a neighbor’s house for help.

The arrest record, obtained by Page Six Thursday, states that the child fled through a window of Franke’s business partner Jodi Hildebrandt’s house in Ivins, Utah, and asked the neighbor for food and water — but when the Good Samaritan noticed duct tape on the child’s ankles and wrists, they called police.

“The calling party stated the juvenile appeared to be emaciated and malnourished, with open wounds and duct tape around the extremities,” a statement from local authorities reads.

Police on the scene described the unidentified child’s wounds, neglect and malnourishment to be so “severe” that they transported the victim to the nearby Saint George Regional Hospital.


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e6b2c9 No.86276

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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