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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

e6b2c9 No.51570 [View All]

31AUG23 to 02SEP23


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 685 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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e6b2c9 No.86227

File: 79e8cd9d59272cc⋯.png (21.66 KB,806x191,806:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476838 (021208ZSEP23) Notable: High School Football Coach Wins Legal Battle, Returns To Team After Being Fired For Praying

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High School Football Coach Wins Legal Battle, Returns To Team After Being Fired For Praying

By Jason RobertsonSeptember 2, 2023

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e6b2c9 No.86228

File: 0a2c54a97df4c55⋯.webp (39.16 KB,640x450,64:45,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476851 (021212ZSEP23) Notable: Sanctuary City of Los Angeles Considers Criminal Charges Against Texas and Governor Abbott for Sending Them Illegal Immigrants

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Sanctuary City of Los Angeles Considers Criminal Charges Against Texas and Governor Abbott for Sending Them Illegal Immigrants

Los Angeles is supposedly a sanctuary city but they don’t want anyone to take them up on that policy.

Texas has sent less than 500 illegal border crossers to L.A. and the city council there is so angry that they are considering pursuing legal and even criminal actions against Texas and Governor Greg Abbott.

How do you think Los Angeles would feel if they were dealing with thousands of illegals, as many much smaller border towns do on a regular basis.

As 11th bus of migrants arrives, LA considering criminal charges against Texas

On a day when another bus of migrants from Texas arrived in Los Angeles, the City Council on Wednesday approved a motion asking the City Attorney’s Office to investigate whether Texas Gov. Greg Abbott committed any crimes when he sent 42 migrants on a 23-hour bus ride to downtown L.A. in June.

The motion requests the city attorney to begin proceedings on any potential civil legal action that could be taken against the state of Texas, Abbott, or any other entity involved in the planning and action of busing migrants to Union Station, where they arrived June 14.


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e6b2c9 No.86229

File: c71fbb34c9cd2d1⋯.png (516.58 KB,482x700,241:350,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476907 (021221ZSEP23) Notable: REPORT: Raffensperger Testimony Supports Trump's Defense In Georgia Case

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REPORT: Raffensperger Testimony Supports Trump's Defense In Georgia Case

Sept. 1,2023

Breitbart reported that in testimony this week before a federal court, Brad Raffensperger reportedly contradicted claims that former President Donald Trump insisted he violate his oath of office by fabricating enough votes to win the state.

Since Raffensperger and others began saying that Trump pushed them to violate oaths, Trump and those who have listened to the tapes of the call have insisted that this was not true.

Apparently now, Raffenspoerger himself has opened the door to disputing his own claims and may have provide Trump's defense team ammunition in the upcoming case brought by Fani Willis.


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e6b2c9 No.86230

File: b2cd2ad6274d111⋯.png (380.01 KB,588x606,98:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19476924 (021224ZSEP23) Notable: Niger: Military Junta Orders Police To Expel French Ambassador - Macron Questions Legitimacy of Coup Leaders, Threatens Response

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The Gateway Pundit


Niger: Military Junta Orders Police To Expel French Ambassador – Macron Questions Legitimacy of Coup Leaders, Threatens Response if Military or Diplomatic Facilities Are Targeted via @gatewaypundit


Niger: Military Junta Orders Police To Expel French Ambassador - Macron Questions Legitimacy of...

The situation in the west African nation of Niger seems to be edging towards a military confrontation with former colonial power France..

1:21 AM · Sep 2, 2023




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e6b2c9 No.86231

File: 57839f941b0c7e7⋯.png (410.21 KB,1700x1636,425:409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477019 (021247ZSEP23) Notable: Greenwich Superintendent Refuses To Hang Gadsden Flag In The Student Center

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Greenwich Superintendent Refuses To Hang Gadsden Flag In The Student Center

The Superintendent will hang any flag to represent family heritage. BUT NOT THE GADSDEN. of course.


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e6b2c9 No.86232

File: d471208c664150a⋯.png (25.12 KB,719x266,719:266,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477091 (021313ZSEP23) Notable: No Black women CEOs left in S&P 500 after Walgreens CEO Rosalind Brewer resigns

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No Black women CEOs left in S&P 500 after Walgreens CEO Rosalind Brewer resigns

Jessica Guynn


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e6b2c9 No.86233

File: 26e5909b029d110⋯.jpeg (285.27 KB,1708x1436,427:359,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477092 (021314ZSEP23) Notable: Libs have lost the Hood

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Libs have lost the Hood



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e6b2c9 No.86234

File: 1a557c79cabf0cc⋯.png (900.85 KB,675x1284,225:428,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477102 (021318ZSEP23) Notable: Historic Cheeseburger in Paradise restaurant destroyed in Lahaina & Jimmy Buffett's death

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e6b2c9 No.86235

File: 325922f52a32db0⋯.png (23.16 KB,980x202,490:101,Clipboard.png)

File: 8dfe61f45fcd131⋯.png (761.85 KB,776x429,776:429,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477106 (021319ZSEP23) Notable: Biden-approved green energy firm has deep ties to the Chinese Communist Party

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Biden-approved green energy firm has deep ties to the Chinese Communist Party

by Gabe Kaminsky, Investigative Reporter

September 02, 2023 06:00 AM

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e6b2c9 No.86236

File: 8ce156de99e65d9⋯.png (22.72 KB,998x213,998:213,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477125 (021324ZSEP23) Notable: House GOP investigates University of Wisconsin for 'gain of function' research

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House GOP investigates University of Wisconsin for 'gain of function' research

by Gabrielle M. Etzel, Healthcare Reporter

September 01, 2023 05:11 PM

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e6b2c9 No.86237

File: 7253e45b82b54e8⋯.png (1.55 MB,1072x776,134:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477132 (021326ZSEP23) Notable: WATCH: Virginia Tech Crowd Drives Leftist COVID Extremists Crazy, “F*ck Joe Biden” Chants Start

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WATCH: Virginia Tech Crowd Drives Leftist COVID Extremists Crazy, “F*ck Joe Biden” Chants Start (VIDEO)

by The Scoop Sep. 4, 2021 1:45 pm


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e6b2c9 No.86238

File: 7659d70ec5ddfa3⋯.png (232.17 KB,605x770,11:14,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477134 (021327ZSEP23) Notable: WATCH: Virginia Tech Crowd Drives Leftist COVID Extremists Crazy, “F*ck Joe Biden” Chants Start

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Old Row Sports


FUCK JOE BIDEN chant 🗣 at the first Coastal Carolina football game


5:52 AM · Sep 3, 2021


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e6b2c9 No.86239

File: 065314a1171cf08⋯.png (1.04 MB,1024x679,1024:679,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477138 (021329ZSEP23) Notable: WATCH: Virginia Tech Crowd Drives Leftist COVID Extremists Crazy, “F*ck Joe Biden” Chants Start

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VIDEOS: Multiple Stadiums Break Into ‘F**k Joe Biden’ Chants At NCAA Division 1 Football Games

Tens of thousands of fans curse embattled Democrat POTUS at ACC and Sun Belt NCAA football games

by National File News

September 5, 2021

in Culture, Sports

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e6b2c9 No.86240

File: f3ff3db60a4af97⋯.png (36.61 KB,1406x274,703:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477162 (021335ZSEP23) Notable: WATCH: Virginia Tech Crowd Drives Leftist COVID Extremists Crazy, “F*ck Joe Biden” Chants Start

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Chants of 'F— Joe Biden' rain down from NASCAR stands during interview with Talladega winner

NASCAR later deleted a tweet of the chant

By Andrew Mark Miller Fox News

Published October 2, 2021 9:23pm EDT | Updated October 2, 2021 9:26pm EDT

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e6b2c9 No.86241

File: bcae100ede24caf⋯.png (809.2 KB,966x688,483:344,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477168 (021337ZSEP23) Notable: WATCH: Virginia Tech Crowd Drives Leftist COVID Extremists Crazy, “F*ck Joe Biden” Chants Start

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NewsUS News

SPORTS BECOME POLITICAL What does Let’s Go Brandon mean?

Jennifer RobackKevin Quinitchett

Published: 17:00 ET, Feb 13 2022Updated: 9:44 ET, Feb 15 2022


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e6b2c9 No.86242

File: 6f036d5f888dfce⋯.png (943 KB,598x902,299:451,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477173 (021339ZSEP23) Notable: WATCH: Virginia Tech Crowd Drives Leftist COVID Extremists Crazy, “F*ck Joe Biden” Chants Start

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Jack Poso 🇺🇸


I've been waiting for this 👀

NEW: Let's Go Brandon Gift Wrap now available!


Use promocode Poso save here ->>

10:22 AM · Nov 13, 2021

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e6b2c9 No.86243

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477250 (021355ZSEP23) Notable: Review on DEW in light of Maui fires

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DEWs Clues:

Dr. Judy Wood - Where Did the Towers Go?


I know this has been posted on the board in the past, but it's been interesting to revisit this presentation recently, particularly to compare it to what occurred in Maui.

Towards the end, she begins talking about small-scale experiments done by a man named Robert Huchinson that point to the potential energy weapons used in the 9/11 attacks and, probably, in the current "wildfires."

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e6b2c9 No.86244

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477259 (021356ZSEP23) Notable: Missouri wants your input on proposed state education standards

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Missouri wants your input on proposed state education standards

Here's the link without the stringer on the end. You'll get a 404 but can still navigate to the story.


Here's a quote: '"I think it's super important that people have a say in this," she said. "They're the ones sending their kids to these schools and they're the ones going to be directly affected." '

This is new in my region: Someone expressing any interest the people sending their children to "these schools".

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e6b2c9 No.86245

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477268 (021405ZSEP23) Notable: #23921 Shout Out To Noters TYVM

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Will update in a bit. Poast away


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e6b2c9 No.86246

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477276 (021408ZSEP23) Notable: Media stocks melt down as Spectrum feuds with Disney and ESPN:‘We’re on the edge of a precipice’

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Media stocks melt down as Spectrum feuds with Disney and ESPN:‘We’re on the edge of a precipice’


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e6b2c9 No.86247

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477291 (021412ZSEP23) Notable: Judge bars Missouri from moving ahead on Randolph County waste lagoon permit

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From Missouri:


Link without stringer. You'll get a 404 but you can still navigate to the story.


Judge bars Missouri from moving ahead on Randolph County waste lagoon permit

For anons not yet familiar with this issue: CAFOs produce prodigious animal waste. So much waste that if the animals were humans you'd need city sized waste water treatment plants. Instead of treating the foul animal waste large corporate interests (CCP ties?) have made sure to try and foist "lagoons" on rural communities.

"CRAP’s lawsuit claims Denali built an earthen basin capable of holding 15 million gallons without a construction permit. The company then applied for a permit from DNR, according to the lawsuit, to apply waste from the lagoon to surrounding land as fertilizer. "

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e6b2c9 No.86248

File: 33381508be66138⋯.png (36.21 KB,861x352,861:352,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477314 (021416ZSEP23) Notable: "Obama's Man In Africa" Under House Arrest After Popular Coup Rocked Gabon

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"Obama's Man In Africa" Under House Arrest After Popular Coup Rocked Gabon

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Saturday, Sep 02, 2023 - 02:20 AM

Authored by Max Blumenthal via The Gray Zone,

Before his removal in a military coup, Gabon’s hopelessly corrupt President Ali Bongo was courted by Obama and feted from Washington to Davos. The US war on Libya which destabilized the region may not have succeeded without him.

When a military junta arrested President Ali Bongo Ondimba on August 30, Gabon became the ninth African nation to depose its government through a military coup. As citizens of Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali did before them, crowds of Gabonese poured into the streets to celebrate the removal of a Western-backed leader whose family flaunted its lavish lifestyle while more than a third of the country’s population languished in destitution.

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e6b2c9 No.86249

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477341 (021420ZSEP23) Notable: Space Development Agency’s Second Tranche 0 Mission

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Space Development Agency’s Second Tranche 0 Mission

SpaceX is targeting Saturday, September 2 at 7:25 a.m. PT (14:25 UTC) for a Falcon 9 launch of the Space Development Agency’s second Tranche 0 mission to low-Earth orbit from Space Launch Complex 4E (SLC-4E) at Vandenberg Space Force Base in California.

The Falcon 9 first stage booster supporting this mission previously launched Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich, DART, Transporter-7, Iridium OneWeb, and eight Starlink missions. Following stage separation, the first stage will land on Landing Zone 4 (LZ-4) at Vandenberg Space Force Base.

The space vehicles launched during this mission will serve a part of SDA’s Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture, a new layered network of satellites in low-Earth orbit and supporting elements that will provide global military communication and missile warning, indication, and tracking capabilities.



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e6b2c9 No.86250

File: 61c6008ab7a01c6⋯.png (416.88 KB,769x596,769:596,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477372 (021425ZSEP23) Notable: CUNY professor, 16 others arrested trying to hire NYC sex workers

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CUNY professor, 16 others arrested trying to hire NYC sex workers

By Tina Moore and

Matthew Sedacca

September 2, 2023 9:53am

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e6b2c9 No.86251

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477379 (021427ZSEP23) Notable: A Democrat County Supervisor in Hinds, Mississippi is challenging his party's primary election results after discovering massive election fraud

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A Democrat County Supervisor in Hinds, Mississippi is challenging his party's primary election results after discovering massive election fraud

"We have videotapes of someone going into boxes bringing in thumb drives, bringing in ballots to be inserted into the machines"

The person he's talking about is the Hinds County Democrat party chair.

If you watch this presentation, it sounds exactly like what happened in the 2020 election and 2022 election in Arizona. If Democrats are rigging their own primaries, imagine what they're doing in general elections.

@KariLake@realDonaldTrump are not alone.

Democrats are rigging elections everywhere


6:28 PM · Sep 1, 2023·1.4M Views


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e6b2c9 No.86252

File: b337463c6d52d8a⋯.png (1.93 MB,1024x1016,128:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477410 (021432ZSEP23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day - NGC 7023: The Iris Nebula

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Sep 2, 2023

NGC 7023: The Iris Nebula

These cosmic clouds have blossomed 1,300 light-years away in the fertile starfields of the constellation Cepheus. Called the Iris Nebula, NGC 7023 is not the only nebula to evoke the imagery of flowers. Still, this deep telescopic image shows off the Iris Nebula's range of colors and symmetries embedded in surrounding fields of interstellar dust. Within the Iris itself, dusty nebular material surrounds a hot, young star. The dominant color of the brighter reflection nebula is blue, characteristic of dust grains reflecting starlight. Central filaments of the reflection nebula glow with a faint reddish photoluminescence as some dust grains effectively convert the star's invisible ultraviolet radiation to visible red light. Infrared observations indicate that this nebula contains complex carbon molecules known as PAHs. The dusty blue petals of the Iris Nebula span about six light-years.


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e6b2c9 No.86253

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477414 (021433ZSEP23) Notable: On September 4, negotiations of Vladimir Putin with President of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan will be held in Sochi

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On September 4, negotiations of Vladimir Putin with President of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan will be held in Sochi

September 1, 2023

It is planned to discuss issues of further development of mutually beneficial bilateral cooperation, as well as current international issues.


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e6b2c9 No.86254

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477448 (021441ZSEP23) Notable: A Democrat County Supervisor in Hinds, Mississippi is challenging his party's primary election results after discovering massive election fraud

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NEW: Mississippi Democrat county supervisor David Archie says he has video evidence of voting machines being tampered with to ensure his primary opponent won.

This could never happen in America!

Archie allegedly has video footage of Democratic Executive Committee Chair Jacqueline going into boxes, bringing thumb drives and bringing ballots to voting machines.

Archie lost the election by just 1900 votes.

“We have videotape of Jacquie Amos going into boxes, bringing in thumb drives, bringing in ballots to be inserted into machines. We have pictures of Jacquie Amos participating in what we think is fraud, as well as corruption.”

Archie is calling for Amos to step down and says he has sent letters to the state and national Democratic Parties.


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e6b2c9 No.86255

File: df94a64c01b4fad⋯.png (358.08 KB,477x547,477:547,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477450 (021441ZSEP23) Notable: Slacker-in-chief Biden keeps up record 40% ‘vacation’ pace despite disasters

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Slacker-in-chief Biden keeps up record 40% ‘vacation’ pace despite disasters

By Mary Kay Linge and

Matthew Sedacca

September 2, 2023 9:12am

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e6b2c9 No.86256

File: 3836de3d9dfd192⋯.jpeg (193.18 KB,1456x816,91:51,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477472 (021445ZSEP23) Notable: Google Introduces SynthID to Combat Misinformation with AI Watermarking Technology

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Google Introduces SynthID to Combat Misinformation with AI Watermarking Technology

ByCandice Clark

31 AUGUST 2023

Google has introduced a new tool called SynthID that aims to prevent the spread of misinformation by embedding an invisible, permanent watermark on computer-generated images. SynthID, developed by Google’s DeepMind unit in collaboration with Google Cloud, utilizes the latest text-to-image generator called Imagen. The AI-generated watermark remains intact even if the image is modified with filters or altered colors.

The tool also has the ability to scan incoming images and determine the likelihood that they were created by Imagen. It uses three levels of certainty: detected, not detected, and possibly detected. While not perfect, internal testing has shown that SynthID is accurate against many common image manipulations.

A beta version of SynthID is currently available for select customers of Vertex AI, Google’s platform for generative AI development. Google intends to refine and expand SynthID, potentially integrating it into other Google products or even offering it to third parties.

Deepfake and edited images have become increasingly realistic, raising concerns about the authenticity of visual content. Tech companies, including Google, are actively seeking reliable methods to identify and flag manipulated content. The European Commission has called for technology implementation and clear labeling of such content to users.

In this effort, Google joins other startups and major tech companies working towards finding solutions. Companies such as Truepic and Reality Defender are part of this growing wave, recognizing the importance of protecting the distinction between reality and fabrication.

Google has taken its own approach to combating misinformationby creating tools like About this image, which allows users to trace the origin of images found on the site. Additionally, AI-generated images created by Google carry a markup in the original file to provide context if the image is found on another platform.

While these technical solutions are intended to address the problem of misinformation, the rapid development of AI technology poses challenges for human oversight. OpenAI, the organization behind Dall-E and ChatGPT, has acknowledged the imperfections of its own detection efforts in the realm of AI-generated writing. Caution is advised in relying solely on technical solutions to combat misinformation.

(I’m sure no person would understand if that was an AI generated picture above., kek) But Is all of this being done to label true pictures of famous people doing evil things as AIi? Like Adam Schiff is worried about!)


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e6b2c9 No.86257

File: 29d0dcd8b033543⋯.png (208.93 KB,819x1271,819:1271,Clipboard.png)

File: 06143570e812383⋯.png (654.24 KB,809x652,809:652,Clipboard.png)

File: cbf0d22792f9538⋯.png (501.96 KB,781x1035,781:1035,Clipboard.png)

File: 96346bfccff1fb8⋯.png (1.26 MB,784x1685,784:1685,Clipboard.png)

File: 90a5dabb0d4e6cc⋯.png (1.24 MB,793x1269,793:1269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477502 (021450ZSEP23) Notable: Former Chris Christie aide Kevin Tomafsky charged with possession and creation of child pornography after he's caught with nearly 1K vile 'child sex abuse materials'

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Former Chris Christie aide Kevin Tomafsky charged with possession and creation of child pornography after he's caught with nearly 1K vile 'child sex abuse materials'

Kevin Tomafsky, 41, was indicted in July and arrested on August 15 after being charged alongside the alleged victim's father

Tomafsky was a long-time Republican campaign operative in the Garden State when Christie hired him to work in his office in 2010

He has been charged with engaging in sexual conduct with a child among several other charges


UPDATED: 23:21 EDT, 1 September 2023

A former aide to ex-New Jersey Governor and presidential candidate Chris Christie has been arrested and alleged to have paid to 'engage in a sexual act' with a six-year-old girl.

Kevin Tomafsky, 41, was indicted in July and arrested on August 15 after being charged alongside the alleged victim's father.

Tomafsky was a long-term Republican campaign operative in the Garden State when Christie hired him to work in his office in 2010.

He also served as a campaign manager for former Congressman Frank LoBiondo and held a job in the state's department of labor until resigning earlier Friday.

Tomafsky has been charged with engaging in sexual conduct with a child, conspiracy to endanger the welfare of a child, permitting a child to engage in pornography and the procession of child pornography.

Tomafsky would manage appearances made by surrogates for Christie at various events.

At Christie's recommendation, he was hired by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which manages transit between the neighboring states, as a government and community relations representative.

He then worked on various Republican campaigns for the state legislature, in addition to backing LoBiondi's Congressional runs.

According to his Facebook page, he had been working at the state of New Jersey since 2016, when Christie was in his second term. The page said that he'd left that job in 2019 but he was still listed on the state's employee directory as of Friday.

Share or comment on this article: Former Chris Christie aide Kevin Tomafsky

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e6b2c9 No.86258

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477521 (021454ZSEP23) Notable: A Democrat County Supervisor in Hinds, Mississippi is challenging his party's primary election results after discovering massive election fraud

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BREAKING: A Democrat County Supervisor in Hinds, Mississippi is challenging his party's primary election results after discovering massive election fraud

"We have videotapes of someone going into boxes bringing in thumb drives, bringing in ballots to be inserted into the machines"

The person he's talking about is the Hinds County Democrat party chair.

If you watch this presentation, it sounds exactly like what happened in the 2020 election and 2022 election in Arizona. If Democrats are rigging their own primaries, imagine what they're doing in general elections.



are not alone. Democrats are rigging elections everywhere

5:28 PM · Sep 1, 2023


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e6b2c9 No.86259

File: d5af4c6f8d59736⋯.png (29.27 KB,966x406,69:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477527 (021456ZSEP23) Notable: Media stocks melt down as Spectrum feuds with Disney and ESPN:‘We’re on the edge of a precipice’

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Disney-owned channels, including ABC and ESPN, go dark on Charter Spectrum due to dispute


By Simrin Singh

September 1, 2023 / 12:58 AM / CBS News

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e6b2c9 No.86260

File: dc613538bc5babb⋯.png (437.41 KB,594x513,22:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477592 (021512ZSEP23) Notable: HRC - Fair winds and following seas, dear Jimmy.

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Hillary Clinton


Fair winds and following seas, dear Jimmy.


Jimmy Buffett





2:02 AM · Sep 2, 2023




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e6b2c9 No.86261

File: 095bcfdbe9cb936⋯.png (2.03 MB,1200x754,600:377,Clipboard.png)

File: f24dde6a9c63a2a⋯.png (1.59 MB,1200x890,120:89,Clipboard.png)

File: f4820f7451171d3⋯.png (1.18 MB,1200x798,200:133,Clipboard.png)

File: e3e9485e9398601⋯.png (1.31 MB,1200x798,200:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477629 (021520ZSEP23) Notable: USSF enlists 16 new Guardians for future Space Force Honor Guard

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USSF enlists 16 new Guardians for future Space Force Honor Guard

Aug. 30, 2023

The U.S. Space Force enlisted 16 new Guardians on Aug. 30 to stand up the Space Force's Ceremonial Honor Guard program; each member was intentionally boarded and selected to serve as the program's initial cadre.

“Teamwork, professionalism, excellence – honor guard members represent all these qualities,” said Katharine Kelley, Deputy Chief of Space Operations for Human Capital. “We are proud to stand up a service-specific guard who will soon render military honors for our Nation’s veterans and fulfill joint requirements.”

While it is a Department of Defense requirement that each service have the capability to render military honors, an honor guard also serves as a showcase of military service to the American public.

“The Space Force has been laying the foundation of its history and heritage for almost four years now. The honor guard is an important piece to representing who we are and what we do for our nation,” Kelley said.

The future stand-up of the Space Force Honor Guard is also a big step toward creating positions for enlisted Guardians to professionally develop outside of their career field.

“The honor guard program, alongside other special duties, will allow our Guardians to take a step away from their career field to gain a fresh perspective,” said Chief Master Sgt. Abifarin Scott, Chief, Space Force Enlisted Force Development. “Our enlisted Guardians must be well-rounded to be better leaders and space operators.”

After completing a 12-to-24-month rotation with the honor guard, this initial cadre will bring lessons learned and experiences with them into the operational Space Force and train into a new career field.

The Space Force Honor Guard will begin rendering military honors and representing the USSF at public events soon, to include the Chief Master Sergeant of the Space Force's Change of Responsibility scheduled for Sept. 15.


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e6b2c9 No.86262

File: b9f88d2e08f2a44⋯.png (1.91 MB,1200x798,200:133,Clipboard.png)

File: ed8424059c14fc9⋯.png (1.65 MB,1200x798,200:133,Clipboard.png)

File: 5af26be34832543⋯.png (407.73 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

File: f2686841d0382a5⋯.png (6.73 MB,3312x1506,552:251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477654 (021530ZSEP23) Notable: DAF unveils art commemorating 75 Years of Air and Space Power

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DAF unveils art commemorating 75 Years of Air and Space Power

Aug. 31, 2023

Department of the Air Force senior leaders presided over a ceremony unveiling commemorative wall art titled, “A Shared Foundation; Celebrating 75 Years of Air and Space Power,” at the Pentagon Aug. 29.

DAF celebrated the 75th Anniversary of Air and Space heritage in September 2022 and commissioned the art to help tell the stories of the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Space Force, which required nearly 18 months to complete due to the artist’s extensive research into each of its numerous elements.

The artist, Warren F. Neary, focused the content of the piece on the contributions of Airmen and Guardians throughout the eras. Beginning with the earliest airpower innovators in the Army Air Corps, the art highlights significant milestones and achievements.

“[Neary] met with DAF leadership and visited bases around the country to capture the range of the missions and the people that compose our Air and Space Forces,” Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall remarked. “The people you see in the painting are depictions of real Airmen, real Guardians; both are part of our heritage and those who are currently serving ... [This artwork shows] people who helped build our organization, the aircraft and equipment that shaped our experiences and the missions that drove it all.”

In addition to depicting Airmen and Guardians, the artwork features various Air Force and Space Force platforms and systems. In total, 114 unique visual elements are incorporated into the piece.

Each group of elements in the artwork is designed to form the shape of the delta or infinity symbols. The delta symbol carries a deep, historic meaning for both the Air Force and Space Force and signifies upward trajectory and rapid advancement. The infinity symbol represents the ever-present requirements for adaptation, improvement, innovation and vigilance.

" Our heritage is incredibly important — it tells our story. It reminds us of who we are and where we have come from, and why it all matters. The images that surround this piece are powerful. They shape our culture, our sense of purpose and our warfighter mindset."

- Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall

Neary has created many works of art throughout his career depicting subjects of air and space power. He has received national-level recognition, and his artwork has been exhibited in the National Museum of the Air Force, the Museum of Aviation, the U.S. Air Force Art Collection and the U.S. Army Center for Military History, in addition to private collections.


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e6b2c9 No.86263

File: 7a89faab8531d4c⋯.png (11.49 KB,254x255,254:255,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477660 (021531ZSEP23) Notable: Faux Live Reporting. 'Tater on the move.

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Faux Live Reporting. 'Tater on the move.

'Tater on Marine 1 arriving at Joint Base Andrews.

Departing Andrews enroute to Gainesville, Florida.

Will receive an "aerial tour" of storm impacted areas enroute from Gainesville to Live Oak, Florida

Unkown whether or not he will meet with DeSantis.

monitoring for more info

Lots of flight time for 'Tater today. Helicopter ride?



Currently no "Live" scheduled events at:



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e6b2c9 No.86264

File: 1e1ffa588cd5660⋯.png (469.19 KB,634x425,634:425,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477687 (021537ZSEP23) Notable: Federal judge strikes down Texas law requiring age verification in victory for Pornhub after they argued it violated free speech

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Federal judge strikes down Texas law requiring age verification in victory for Pornhub after they argued it violated free speech

A federal judge has struck down a Texas law requiring age verification and health warnings to view porn online in a victory for sites such as Pornhub.

U.S. District Judge David Ezra argued the law signed in by Texas Governor Greg Abbott in June violated free speech and is too broad and vague.

Adult entertainment sites, including Pornhub, have pushed back against the Texas statute, which carried fines of up to $250,000, and similar laws in Arkansas, Mississippi, Utah and Louisiana.

The Texas lawsuit was filed August 4 by the Free Speech Coalition, a trade association for the adult entertainment industry and a person identified as Jane Doe and described as an adult entertainer on various adult sites, including Pornhub.

Judge Ezra also agreed with claims that the law, set to come into force on Friday, would have implications for users privacy as the proposed age verification tool uses a traceable government-issued identification.


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e6b2c9 No.86265

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477690 (021538ZSEP23) Notable: Former Mike Pence Aide Has 2 Words To Describe Seeing Trump's Mug Shot/sad, tragic

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Former Mike Pence Aide Has 2 Words To Describe Seeing Trump's Mug Shot

Marc Short, who served as chief of staff for former Vice President Mike Pence, gave his two cents on what it’s like seeing former President Donald Trump’s mug shot following his arrest at the Fulton County Jail last week.

“I think it’s sad. I think it’s tragic,” said Short on Friday after CNN’s Jake Tapper asked for his reaction to the image.

Short, who was also a director of legislative affairs in the Trump White House, noted that the former president was great to him and his family before offering his two cents on the Jan. 6, 2021 attack.

“I do think that the events of Jan. 6 were tragic and certainly avoidable. And I think that the president got a lot of bad counsel – in many cases, counsel he sought out – that I think led him astray,” Short said.

“And I think that ultimately asking the vice president to sort of put aside the Constitution is a huge violation of your most important oath to the American people, to protect and defend the Constitution.”

Trump pleaded not guilty on Thursday to charges tied to his – and 18 other co-defendants’ – efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election in Georgia.

The former president faces 91 criminal charges in total across four cases.

Short has been critical of those in Trump’s circle before, once comparing the former president’s “bad” advisers to “basically snake oil salesmen” during an appearance on “Meet the Press” early last year.

Tapper later asked Short how other members of the Trump White House not “charged with crimes” are reacting to the mug shot.

“I think that in some cases it’s probably a little bit surreal for a lot of people, you need to have a little bit of distance from it,” Short said.

“But I think that there’s obviously a lot of us who felt that the events of that day [Jan. 6] were tragic and that what the president was asking the vice president to do was antithetical to his oath. I think there’s a lot of others though, Jake, who feel that they still want to defend and move forward with his candidacy in 2024, I think they want this to go away.”


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e6b2c9 No.86266

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477726 (021549ZSEP23) Notable: #23920

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ty note collector #1.


- note collector #2.

#23920 >>86200

>>86201 Ray Epps 2.0 ~ Meet the “hicklib,” whose real name is Jason King

>>86202, >>86243 Review on DEW in light of Maui fires

>>86203, >>86204, >>86205, >>86213, >>86216, >>86226, >>86234 Historic Cheeseburger in Paradise restaurant destroyed in Lahaina & Jimmy Buffett's death

>>86206, >>86207 Unmarked Truck Dumps ‘something’ Into The Grand River, In Grand Rapids

>>86208, >>86209 Google updated its images of Maui - MP4 - making it possible to identify strange burn patterns

>>86210, >>86211 If you live in one of these 4 states, you may be getting some money….

>>86212, >>86214 Zombieland Germany, Canada

>>86215 Compare Trump w/Biden on 100th days of presidency: President Trump talks "bigness" of the presidency on Face the Nation

>>86225 Candidates for a House seat in Rhode Island

>>86228 Sanctuary City of Los Angeles Considers Criminal Charges Against Texas and Governor Abbott for Sending Them Illegal Immigrants

>>86217 Looks like ADL starting to be dragged out of the shadows.

>>86218 YouTube’s Censorship: From Videos to Search Queries

>>86219, >>86221 Media Blackout on PEOPLE MISSING in Lahoina

>>86220 Anti-French demonstration in Niger

>>86222 Deputy leader of the British Labour Party, Angela Rayner, admits that London's ULEZ scheme is "coming to towns and cities across the whole of the United Kingdom".


>>86224 BREAKING: A Democrat County Supervisor in Hinds, Mississippi is challenging his party's primary election results after discovering massive election fraud

>>86227 High School Football Coach Wins Legal Battle, Returns To Team After Being Fired For Praying

>>86229 REPORT: Raffensperger Testimony Supports Trump's Defense In Georgia Case

>>86230 Niger: Military Junta Orders Police To Expel French Ambassador - Macron Questions Legitimacy of Coup Leaders, Threatens Response

>>86231 Greenwich Superintendent Refuses To Hang Gadsden Flag In The Student Center

>>86232 No Black women CEOs left in S&P 500 after Walgreens CEO Rosalind Brewer resigns

>>86235 Biden-approved green energy firm has deep ties to the Chinese Communist Party

>>86233 Libs have lost the Hood

>>86236 House GOP investigates University of Wisconsin for 'gain of function' research

>>86237, >>86238, >>86239, >>86240, >>86241, >>86242 WATCH: Virginia Tech Crowd Drives Leftist COVID Extremists Crazy, “F*ck Joe Biden” Chants Start

>>86244 Missouri wants your input on proposed state education standards


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e6b2c9 No.86267

File: be740f2f08e4cef⋯.png (5.5 MB,1920x1920,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477751 (021557ZSEP23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day - NGC 7023: The Iris Nebula

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muh Irish Nebula (aka Crab Nebula)


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e6b2c9 No.86268

File: cf6b3a4ec987a47⋯.png (79.74 KB,1456x343,208:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477767 (021600ZSEP23) Notable: ‘Ain’t Them Your Neighbors?’: Oprah Winfrey and Dwayne Johnson’s Relief Fund for Maui Wildfire Victims Backfires After Critics Question Why the Mogul Isn’t Using Her Own Money

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‘Ain’t Them Your Neighbors?’: Oprah Winfrey and Dwayne Johnson’s Relief Fund for Maui Wildfire Victims Backfires After Critics Question Why the Mogul Isn’t Using Her Own Money

Media mogul Oprah Winfrey and Hawaii native Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson have partnered together to launch the People’s Fund of Maui, a relief effort for those in the Lahaina and Kula communities devastated by rampant wildfires on the island.



People's Fund of Maui?

It's part of the Entertainment Industry Foundation? Is this a HOLLYWOOD Payback scheme? During the Strike? Something very SPOOPY here. Foundations are playground of the Corrupt and Greedy.


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e6b2c9 No.86269

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477790 (021603ZSEP23) Notable: FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell Gaggle Aboard Air Force One

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09/02/23: FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell Gaggle Aboard Air Force One


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e6b2c9 No.86270

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477809 (021606ZSEP23) Notable: The Daily Beast Suggests Trump Interview Was Fake. There's Just One Problem… The left are the real toxic “Conspiracy Theorists”!)

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The Daily Beast Suggests Trump Interview Was Fake. There's Just One Problem…Paula Bolyard

It’s a perfect example of the state of modern journalism. A “National Politics Reporter” for The Daily Beast set out to dunk on an interview John Solomon did with former President Donald Trump at Real America’s Voice, suggesting the voice on the phone was either an impersonator or AI, and ended up getting punked himself.

“Journalist” Zachary Petrizzo wrote an article published at The Daily Beast on Friday with the headline “MAGA Network Investigating Whether Hosts Were Duped by Fake Trump.” The subhead, which included the tagline “Major Oversight,” went on to claim, “While the owner of Real America’s Voice believes an impersonator fooled the channel, pro-Trump journalist John Solomon insists that it was ‘definitely’ Trump on the line.”

The opening paragraphs of the article, in addition to disparaging the channel and Solomon, claim that they were “fooled” by a trump impersonator: The owner of fringe-right channel Real America’s Voice is investigating whether pro-Trump journalist John Solomon and his co-host Amanda Head were fooled on Thursday night by a prank caller purporting to be former President Donald Trump.

From Article: “Solomon, a former Fox News contributor boasted on Thursday night that thelittle-watched networkhad scored an “exclusive” phone interview with Trump. However, immediately after the conversation began, it was clear that something wasn’t right.”

Petrizzo claimed, “The caller’s voice sounded choppy, stilted and artificial, and at times throughout thenearly 17-minute interview, the so-called Trump appeared to glitch and cut out. After clips of the interview were shared on social media by Solomon and Real America’s Voice, criticism and speculation began pouring in— including from many prominent conservatives—that this was definitely not the ex-president and appeared to be an AI program.”

Petrizzo’s article continued:

“Robert J. Sigg, the owner of the network, told The Daily Beast on Thursday night that the “Trump” on the call sounded “like ChatGOP” to him and that “an internal investigation will be needed” into whether his hosts were duped. “This is not the company values that the American people tune in for,” Sigg added. “This is a major oversight by John and Amanda both…”

Only that’s not what happened—and this is where the story gets really bizarre. It turns out that Petrizzo was duped by text messages that were not actually from Sigg. The Daily Beast has since made significant changes to the article, including this note at the top of the story:

Editor’s Note: This story has been updated to remove quotes attributed to the owner of Real America’s Voice, Robert Sigg, saying he is investigating whether the call was a prank and criticizing network staffers. A Daily Beast reporter had a conversation by text with a person who identified themselves as Sigg, on a number public records show was once associated with Sigg—but aspokesperson for Real America’s Voice said that it was not Sigg and is not his current number.

Solomon tweeted this morning: “The Daily Beast has been told by Real America’s Voice that its employees did not interview Rob Sigg, the quotes attributed to him are false and there is no investigation. How long before @thedailybeast retracts this false and defamatory story concocted from the theater of the absurd.”

Real America’s Voice responded to the article in a statement: Last night, President Trump was interviewed on Real America’s Voice, providing his customary insights and wisdom for our millions of viewers. Then, early this morning, The Daily Beast claimed in a published story that it wasn’t really the 45th President on the air. These are all scurrilous lies in a fake quote that The Daily Beast never received from our network. Ironically, in a story they wrote about RAV being duped, it was The Daily Beast in fact that may have been “punked” into believing they had a qualified quote from us.

The article was garbage to begin with and should have been retracted rather than scrubbed, but this is the kind of dishonest reporting we’ve come to expect from left-wing hacks.

(Slow news day! AI is the next weapon for news stories. How many other conspiracies are they going to make up?Did you ever notice the left’s CTs are revealed as fake lies quickly, and the rights gets confirmed as true all the time.The left are the real toxic “Conspiracy Theorists”!)


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e6b2c9 No.86271

File: 9880ec7c147e88d⋯.gif (1.14 MB,320x480,2:3,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477833 (021612ZSEP23) Notable: 10 OUT OF 10 SHILLS AGREE: QANON IS THE PROBLEM! For the keks!

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e6b2c9 No.86272

File: 416a9bfbdfcee9b⋯.mp4 (7.6 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477862 (021619ZSEP23) Notable: The Great Awakening is happening! Awesome video!!! Scales are literally falling off peoples eyes

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The Great Awakening is happening!

Awesome video!!! Scales are literally falling off peoples eyes and they’re seeing things for how they really are!! This truly is the biggest political backfire in American history!!


>"Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of destroying Himself."

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e6b2c9 No.86273

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477914 (021634ZSEP23) Notable: CISA And AT&T Pushed Connecting Elections To FirstNet, Mark Zuckerberg Paid FirstNet Bills, FirstNet Infested With Hackable Chinese Components

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Has this been posted yet?


CISA And AT&T Pushed Connecting Elections To FirstNet, Mark Zuckerberg Paid FirstNet Bills, FirstNet Infested With Hackable Chinese Components

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e6b2c9 No.86274

File: cb684a7aaa074f5⋯.jpg (267.35 KB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477925 (021636ZSEP23) Notable: FBI investigating immigrants inside U.S. after smuggler with ISIS ties

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FBI investigating immigrants inside U.S. after smuggler with ISIS ties helped them get past border

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has still not informed the House Judiciary Committee about the status or location of suspected terrorists encountered at the


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e6b2c9 No.86275

File: e5018073c791c85⋯.webp (7.98 KB,459x301,459:301,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19477977 (021650ZSEP23) Notable: YouTube “parenting advice” star Ruby Franke was arrested after an emaciated and abused child with duct tape on the extremities escaped her home

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YouTube “parenting advice” star Ruby Franke was arrested after an emaciated and abused child with duct tape on the extremities escaped her home and ran to a neighbor for help.

The child had duct tape and open wounds.

Franke talked about having a dirty little secret days before the child escaped her home.

YouTube star Ruby Franke of the “8 Passengers” channel was arrested Wednesday after an “emaciated” child with duct tape around their extremities escaped and ran to a neighbor’s house for help.

The arrest record, obtained by Page Six Thursday, states that the child fled through a window of Franke’s business partner Jodi Hildebrandt’s house in Ivins, Utah, and asked the neighbor for food and water — but when the Good Samaritan noticed duct tape on the child’s ankles and wrists, they called police.

“The calling party stated the juvenile appeared to be emaciated and malnourished, with open wounds and duct tape around the extremities,” a statement from local authorities reads.

Police on the scene described the unidentified child’s wounds, neglect and malnourishment to be so “severe” that they transported the victim to the nearby Saint George Regional Hospital.


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e6b2c9 No.86276

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