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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

04709c No.51571 [Last50 Posts]

02SEP23 to 04SEP23


Re-Posts of notables

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Post last edited at

04709c No.86277

File: df866891df961a4⋯.png (263.98 KB,1739x1214,1739:1214,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478035 (021704ZSEP23) Notable: #23922

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04709c No.86278

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478104 (021728ZSEP23) Notable: #23921

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#23921 >>86245 Shout Out To Noters TYVM

>>86246, >>86259 Media stocks melt down as Spectrum feuds with Disney and ESPN:‘We’re on the edge of a precipice’

>>86247 Judge bars Missouri from moving ahead on Randolph County waste lagoon permit

>>86248 "Obama's Man In Africa" Under House Arrest After Popular Coup Rocked Gabon

>>86249 Space Development Agency’s Second Tranche 0 Mission

>>86250 CUNY professor, 16 others arrested trying to hire NYC sex workers

>>86251, >>86254, >>86258 A Democrat County Supervisor in Hinds, Mississippi is challenging his party's primary election results after discovering massive election fraud

>>86252, >>86267 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day - NGC 7023: The Iris Nebula

>>86253 On September 4, negotiations of Vladimir Putin with President of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan will be held in Sochi

>>86255 Slacker-in-chief Biden keeps up record 40% ‘vacation’ pace despite disasters

>>86256 Google Introduces SynthID to Combat Misinformation with AI Watermarking Technology

>>86257 Former Chris Christie aide Kevin Tomafsky charged with possession and creation of child pornography after he's caught with nearly 1K vile 'child sex abuse materials'

>>86260 HRC - Fair winds and following seas, dear Jimmy.

>>86261 USSF enlists 16 new Guardians for future Space Force Honor Guard

>>86262 DAF unveils art commemorating 75 Years of Air and Space Power

>>86263 Faux Live Reporting. 'Tater on the move.

>>86264 Federal judge strikes down Texas law requiring age verification in victory for Pornhub after they argued it violated free speech

>>86265 Former Mike Pence Aide Has 2 Words To Describe Seeing Trump's Mug Shot/sad, tragic

>>86268 ‘Ain’t Them Your Neighbors?’: Oprah Winfrey and Dwayne Johnson’s Relief Fund for Maui Wildfire Victims Backfires After Critics Question Why the Mogul Isn’t Using Her Own Money

>>86269 FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell Gaggle Aboard Air Force One

>>86270 The Daily Beast Suggests Trump Interview Was Fake. There's Just One Problem… The left are the real toxic “Conspiracy Theorists”!)

>>86271 10 OUT OF 10 SHILLS AGREE: QANON IS THE PROBLEM! For the keks!

>>86272 The Great Awakening is happening! Awesome video!!! Scales are literally falling off peoples eyes

>>86273 CISA And AT&T Pushed Connecting Elections To FirstNet, Mark Zuckerberg Paid FirstNet Bills, FirstNet Infested With Hackable Chinese Components

>>86274 FBI investigating immigrants inside U.S. after smuggler with ISIS ties

>>86275 YouTube “parenting advice” star Ruby Franke was arrested after an emaciated and abused child with duct tape on the extremities escaped her home


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04709c No.86279

File: 942cbc8d449780c⋯.jpeg (591.7 KB,1170x1543,1170:1543,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 951d7d3dc529d80⋯.jpeg (808.29 KB,1150x1339,1150:1339,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478117 (021735ZSEP23) Notable: Former NM Gov Bill Richardson dies at 75

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04709c No.86280

File: f43db1724a30999⋯.mp4 (12.5 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478120 (021736ZSEP23) Notable: This is Fish, the old guy who witnessed the cars being blocked on front street, walked past and later heard explosions

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>>86234 (You) Historic Cheeseburger in Paradise restaurant destroyed in Lahaina & Jimmy Buffett's death


This is Fish, the old guy who witnessed the cars being blocked on front street, walked past and later heard explosions, at the beginning of the video the guy explains that Fish has been sitting next toCheeseburger in paradisefor years selling stuff..

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04709c No.86281

File: 697bda6ba17822b⋯.jpeg (478.73 KB,1170x857,1170:857,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478126 (021737ZSEP23) Notable: Former NM Gov Bill Richardson dies at 75

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04709c No.86282

File: fec8318b8e92ff3⋯.jpg (97.68 KB,720x784,45:49,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d308eaf8fb6239f⋯.mp4 (652.41 KB,1280x718,640:359,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478154 (021745ZSEP23) Notable: ZELENSKY PLEDGES TO CLEANSE UKRAINE OF THE WEAK

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04709c No.86283

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478180 (021751ZSEP23) Notable: Last 24 hrs. Mohammed Fayed, Jimmy Buffet, Bill Richardson….

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>Last 24 hrs.

>Mohammed Fayed

>Jimmy Buffet

>Bill Richardson….


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04709c No.86284

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478187 (021753ZSEP23) Notable: Bernard Sansaricq Exposes Clinton Foundation, Trump Town Hall - Miami Florida

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Bernard Sansaricq Exposes Clinton Foundation, Trump Town Hall - Miami Florida

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04709c No.86285

File: 2f2d066d34ee77d⋯.mp4 (10.06 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478192 (021754ZSEP23) Notable: Bernard Sansaricq Exposes Clinton Foundation, Trump Town Hall - Miami Florida

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04709c No.86286

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478196 (021755ZSEP23) Notable: Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome and other related dysautonomic disorders after SARS-CoV-2 infection and after COVID-19 messenger RNA vaccination

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Aug 16;14:1221518.

doi: 10.3389/fneur.2023.1221518. eCollection 2023.

Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome and other related dysautonomic disorders after SARS-CoV-2 infection and after COVID-19 messenger RNA vaccination


The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a challenge for our society due to the post-acute sequelae of the disease. Persistent symptoms and long-term multiorgan complications, known as post-acute COVID-19 syndrome, can occur beyond 4 weeks from the onset of the COVID-19 infection. Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) is considered a variety of dysautonomia, which is characterized by chronic symptoms that occur with standing and a sustained increase in heart rate, without orthostatic hypotension. POTS can lead to debilitating symptoms, significant disability, and impaired quality of life. In this narrative review, the etiopathogenic basis, epidemiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, and socioeconomic impact of POTS, as well as other related dysautonomic disorders, after COVID-19 infection and SARS-CoV-2 postvaccination, were discussed. After a search conducted in March 2023, a total of 89 relevant articles were selected from the PubMed, Google Scholar, and Web of Science databases. The review highlights the importance of recognizing and managing POTS after COVID-19 infection and vaccination, and the approach to autonomic disorders should be known by all specialists in different medical areas. The diagnosis of POTS requires a comprehensive clinical assessment, including a detailed medical history, physical examination, orthostatic vital signs, and autonomic function tests. The treatment of POTS after COVID-19 infection or vaccination is mainly focused on lifestyle modifications, such as increased fluid and salt intake, exercise, and graduated compression stockings. Pharmacotherapy, such as beta-blockers, fludrocortisone, midodrine, and ivabradine, may also be used in selected cases. Further research is needed to understand the underlying mechanisms, risk factors, and optimal treatment strategies for this complication.

Keywords: COVID-19; POTS; SARS-CoV-2; dysautonomia; postacute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 syndrome; postural orthostatic tachycardia; postural tachycardia syndrome; vaccine RNA.


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04709c No.86287

File: 2a9107ede504406⋯.png (324.43 KB,603x692,603:692,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478204 (021758ZSEP23) Notable: If we don’t win the Kentucky governorship this November — & Mitch McConnell’s health forces him to retire it’s a real possibility that Beshear appoints a democrat replacement.

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If we don’t win the Kentucky governorship this November — & Mitch McConnell’s health forces him to retire —

it’s a real possibility that Beshear appoints a democrat replacement.

Every Republican in America should be focused on electing @djaycameron

as governor of KY.


6:24 AM · Sep 2, 2023




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04709c No.86288

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478210 (021759ZSEP23) Notable: Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome and other related dysautonomic disorders after SARS-CoV-2 infection and after COVID-19 messenger RNA vaccination

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just to be clear, this is a neurological disorder and not cardiac related as all autonomic feedback is

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04709c No.86289

File: 583745c946b8c13⋯.png (474.71 KB,593x571,593:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478219 (021803ZSEP23) Notable: Hurricane Idalia Aftermath: Saltwater Exposure Causes 'Thermal Runway' In Flooded Electric Vehicles

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Hurricane Idalia Aftermath: Saltwater Exposure Causes 'Thermal Runway' In Flooded Electric Vehicles


Hurricane Idalia Aftermath: Saltwater Exposure Causes 'Thermal Runway' In Flooded Electric Vehicles

"Hurricane flooded Tesla Bursts into flames while being towed to the storage lot."

6:00 AM · Sep 2, 2023




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04709c No.86290

File: 9b350de1e6d1623⋯.png (324.6 KB,591x591,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478223 (021804ZSEP23) Notable: EPA Will Not Clean Up Toxic Chemical Spill in Trump-Voting Ohio District East Palestine Until 2024… If Ever

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The Gateway Pundit


Hunger Games: EPA Will Not Clean Up Toxic Chemical Spill in Trump-Voting Ohio District East Palestine Until 2024… If Ever (VIDEO) via @gatewaypundit


Hunger Games: EPA Will Not Clean Up Toxic Chemical Spill in Trump-Voting Ohio District East...

The Biden regime not only does not care about the horrific suffering of residents in East Palestine, Ohio they seem to revel in it.

6:05 AM · Sep 2, 2023




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04709c No.86291

File: 74a83aefd97488d⋯.png (304.2 KB,610x817,610:817,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478226 (021804ZSEP23) Notable: @CodeMonkeyZ South Carolina's child abuse and sex trafficking resulted in hundreds of children being tortured and killed.

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South Carolina's child abuse and sex trafficking resulted in hundreds of children being tortured and killed.

The governor turned a blind eye.

Watch this expose and share all around to learn about South Carolina's child sex trafficking under Governor Haley.






A leader is judged by the well-being of their constituents, particularly the most vulnerable ones.

How can we entrust our nation to someone who couldn’t protect the most vulnerable in her own state?

As Nikki Haley sets her foot on the trail for the presidency, it becomes… Show more

6:14 AM · Sep 2, 2023




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04709c No.86292

File: c6cea31779c2611⋯.png (157.58 KB,593x879,593:879,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478244 (021812ZSEP23) Notable: US District Judge Robin Rosenberg just DISMISSED the lawsuit filed by South Florida Democrat operative Lawrence Caplan, in which he argued that President Trump should be removed from the 2024 presidential ballot in Florida

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Laura Loomer


JUST IN: US District Judge Robin Rosenberg just DISMISSED the lawsuit filed by South Florida Democrat operative Lawrence Caplan, in which he argued that President Trump should be removed from the 2024 presidential ballot in Florida, citing Section 3 of the 14 Amendment. Caplan argued that President Trump participated in an “insurrection” which he says disqualifies Trump from ever being in office ever again.

The dismissal of this politically motivated lawsuit comes days after I exposed Lawrence Caplan as a game show chasing, disbarred tax lawyer who has made a precession out of advising his clients of how they can hide their money and assets in offshore accounts!


! #MAGA #Trump2024




Laura Loomer



Aug 30

EXPOSED: Meet The South Florida Democrat Political Operative & Game Show Chaser Who Is Using Litigation To Remove @realDonaldTrump From Florida’s Ballot In 2024

MUST READ! Find out what the media isn’t telling you about disbarred CA lawyer Lawrence Caplan https://loomered.com/2023/08/30/exposed-meet-the-south-florida-democrat-political-operative-game-show-chaser-who-is-using-litigation-to-remove-donald-trump-from-floridas-ballot-in-2024/

4:41 AM · Sep 2, 2023




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04709c No.86293

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478246 (021812ZSEP23) Notable: More than 89,000 #BantheADL posts flooded Twitter

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Elon Musk Wades Deeper into Antisemitic Propaganda

The CEO is helping to amplify a hashtag campaign against the Anti-Defamation League, a civil rights group that combats hate speech


An anti-ADL campaign is erupting on Twitter and Elon Musk endorsed it

More than 89,000 #BantheADL posts flooded Twitter as part of an ongoing effort by the far right to defame the organization


Elon Musk 'likes' trending #BanTheADL posts as white supremacist ad runs on platform

Anti-Semitic rhetoric has been especially rampant on the platform over the past 24 hours.

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04709c No.86294

File: 358ca946b8aff52⋯.png (385.27 KB,601x608,601:608,Clipboard.png)

File: 67fdd6ba3f04ca3⋯.png (714.71 KB,712x403,712:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478258 (021814ZSEP23) Notable: There is No Way In and No Out After Storm Floods Burning Man Festival - 73,000 People TRAPPED IN MUD

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Square profile picture

The Gateway Pundit


There is No Way In and No Out After Storm Floods Burning Man Festival – 73,000 People TRAPPED IN MUD, Told to Conserve Water and Food via @gatewaypundit


There is No Way In and No Out After Storm Floods Burning Man Festival - 73,000 People TRAPPED IN...

Burning Man attendees late Friday night were told to ‘shelter in place’ after a storm dumped torrential rain on the playa and turned it into a giant soupy mud pit.

7:04 AM · Sep 2, 2023




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04709c No.86295

File: efcdfe7b4b3dd29⋯.png (132.68 KB,616x776,77:97,Clipboard.png)

File: 8db9d671d3d64b8⋯.png (127.65 KB,487x556,487:556,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478294 (021822ZSEP23) Notable: Is there finally enough information to start explaining to Democrats what happened to them?

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I don't like this faggot, but this is good stuff.


Is there finally enough information to start explaining to Democrats what happened to them?

1. Watch the Phil Bump meltdown to learn how fake news is the norm.

2. Look at the J6 sentencing compared to BLM/Antifa riots.

3. Look at the Hoax Quiz, etc.

Last edited

7:46 AM · Sep 2, 2023


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04709c No.86296

File: 95e53ed09c58b74⋯.png (38.67 KB,852x388,213:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478301 (021823ZSEP23) Notable: Newly-Released Top Secret Docs Show Nixon's Intel Briefings On US-Backed Chilean Coup

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Newly-Released Top Secret Docs Show Nixon's Intel Briefings On US-Backed Chilean Coup

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Friday, Sep 01, 2023 - 04:40 PM

Authored by Conor Freeman via The Liberarian Institute,

Two fifty-year old documents related to the coup in Chile were released by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the State Department last week. The democratically elected, left wing government of President Salvador Allende was overthrown in 1973 by the Chilean military, with covert CIA backing. A US-supported dictatorship led by General Augusto Pinochet was subsequently installed.

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04709c No.86297

File: 2e22e117f2ccd54⋯.png (183.19 KB,412x493,412:493,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478340 (021831ZSEP23) Notable: Son of Former Packers Super Bowl Champ Dies at 17. Cause of Death Revealed.

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🔴 Son of Former Packers Super Bowl Champ Dies at 17. Cause of Death Revealed.

A tragic recap.


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04709c No.86298

File: de97397978b80d6⋯.png (26.27 KB,780x229,780:229,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478355 (021835ZSEP23) Notable: Hospital That Fired Nurses for Refusing Vaccines Now Begging Them to Return

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Hospital That Fired Nurses for Refusing Vaccines Now Begging Them to Return

By Jack Davis September 2, 2023 at 9:22am

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04709c No.86299

File: e7b2d5df7bc22b6⋯.png (143.79 KB,407x439,407:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478358 (021836ZSEP23) Notable: Parents Suing School District After Girls Told to 'Tolerate' Alleged 'Threatening' Encounter with Exposed Male in Bathroom

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Parents Suing School District After Girls Told to 'Tolerate' Alleged 'Threatening' Encounter with Exposed Male in Bathroom

READ: http://w-j.co/s/40b06

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04709c No.86300

File: bf6244d73f12009⋯.png (588.91 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478359 (021836ZSEP23) Notable: McCarthy Details Impeachment Inquiry Process: ‘If We Move Forward,’ It ‘Would Occur Through a Vote’ on House Floor

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McCarthy Details Impeachment Inquiry Process: ‘If We Move Forward,’ It ‘Would Occur Through a Vote’ on House Floor

1 Sep 2023

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy made clear to Breitbart News on Friday that if House Republicans move forward with an impeachment inquiry into Democrat President Joe Biden, the move would come not as an announcement from him or anyone else, but from a formal vote on the floor of the House.

“To open an impeachment inquiry is a serious matter, and House Republicans would not take it lightly or use it for political purposes. The American people deserve to be heard on this matter through their elected representatives,” McCarthy told Breitbart News. “That’s why, if we move forward with an impeachment inquiry, it would occur through a vote on the floor of the People’s House and not through a declaration by one person.”

Doing so would require a majority—at least 218 votes, assuming the House is at full attendance for such a vote—of members of the House to vote for such a move. While opening a formal impeachment inquiry is not a vote to impeach the president, it is a massive escalation by the lower chamber of Congress towards doing so—and it would also provide the House with extraordinary new investigative and law enforcement powers in terms of compelling testimony, enforcing subpoenas, and digging into Biden’s behavior and the culture of corruption surrounding the president.

McCarthy’s statement here is significant in multiple respects. First, the speaker has been taking steps towards building up to an impeachment inquiry in the fall—previewing such a move before and during the August recess in interviews and public remarks. Continued revelations through a variety of avenues—from the House Oversight Committee and House Judiciary Committee to federal courts, including, especially, the collapsed plea agreement between the president’s son, Hunter Biden, and the Justice Department and more—have also increased the likelihood of the House moving in such a direction. This latest statement from the speaker makes clear that an impeachment inquiry is on his mind and that the House is seriously considering such a move.



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04709c No.86301

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478383 (021842ZSEP23) Notable: Former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, who had ties to Jeffrey Epstein, passed away at 75.

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Former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, who had been accused of involvement in a pay-for-play bribery scheme and had ties to Jeffrey Epstein, passed away at 75.

Richardson faced scrutiny for receiving $50,000 in campaign contributions from Epstein during his gubernatorial reelection campaigns in 2002 and 2006. However, the association between Richardson and Epstein went beyond financial donations, as they had a longstanding relationship.

The former governor, who also held positions as DNC chairman and presidential candidate, in addition to serving as President Clinton's Energy Secretary and UN Ambassador in the late '90s, was reportedly a guest of honor at Jeffrey Epstein's 8,000-acre Zorro Ranch in Stanley, New Mexico. His name was also included in Epstein's "little black book" of contacts.

One significant allegation against Richardson came from Virginia Giuffre, an underage victim of Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell's trafficking operation. In a 2016 deposition, Giuffre claimed that Epstein and Maxwell forced her to engage in intimate relations with Governor Bill Richardson.

The passing of Bill Richardson underscores the unresolved questions surrounding Epstein and Maxwell and their implications for the broader issue of child trafficking and blackmail involving powerful individuals, all while raising corruption concerns about the role of federal law enforcement who have never arrested a single client of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell's child trafficking ring.

Credit to @Lukewearechange for questioning Richardson about his reported attendance at the Bohemian Grove.


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04709c No.86302

File: 1276bc184eb5839⋯.png (845.57 KB,1100x600,11:6,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478390 (021844ZSEP23) Notable: Fulton County DA Fani Willis violated Georgia law this week by making numerous false statements to the Court. We've documented them.

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Fulton County DA Fani Willis violated Georgia law this week by making numerous false statements to the Court. We've documented them.

Don't expect her to turn herself in.

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has gone from criminalizing court filings to committing crimes with respect to her own court filings.

Georgia law makes it unlawful to knowingly file a court document “knowing or having reason to know that such document is false or contains a materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation.” Ga. Code Ann. § 16-10-20.1(b)(1).

DA Willis is well-aware of this law; she charged a number of Defendants – including Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, and John Eastman – with a violation of that law for filing in a document that contained a “materially false statement in federal court.” And she just violated it this week.


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04709c No.86303

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478403 (021847ZSEP23) Notable: Muslim parents rail Maryland school board for 6 minutes straight…

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Muslim parents rail Maryland school board for 6 minutes straight…


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04709c No.86304

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478409 (021848ZSEP23) Notable: Whatever our puppet government say is to distract us from the threat to our freedom | Neil Oliver

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Watch neil oliver's monologue this week,

He nails it.

Great stuff, watch it a few times, because this is what anons are researching.

it is not about nations, it is the new world order in plain sight.




Notes: (Bank of International Settlements) Agenda 21 *Next 100 years) and C40 cities (capital city's Agenda) He has not picked up yet on the B.I.S innovation Agenda 2025, which is what anon is working on !!!


Whatever our puppet government say is to distract us from the threat to our freedom | Neil Oliver



4,452 views 2 Sept 2023

'Whatever the puppet government and the puppet opposition say about anything is always and only to distract from the real plan and therefore the real threat to our freedom and way of life.'

Neil Oliver says 'the ship of state is in a hell of a state'.

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04709c No.86305

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478519 (021918ZSEP23) Notable: US, Israel To Conduct Joint Drills Simulating Attacks On Iran

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US, Israel To Conduct Joint Drills Simulating Attacks On Iran

The US and Israel will simulate striking Iranian nuclear facilities as part of a series of joint military exercises that will be held in the coming months, The Times of Israel reported Wednesday, citing Israeli TV.

Back in January, the US and Israel conducted the Juniper Oak exercises, which were the largest-ever joint drills between the two nations. The Israeli military said Juniper Oak was just the first of a series of drills that the US and Israel will hold this year.

Israel’s Channel 12 reported one of the upcoming drills would simulate Israel facing a multi-front missile attack that will involve the US deployment of Patriot missile systems. Another drill will rehearse a joint US-Israeli attack on Iranian nuclear facilities.

The plan to simulate attacks on Iran has not been publicly confirmed by the US or Israel, but the two nations have previously rehearsed bombing Iran, including during drills that were held over the Mediterranean Sea in November 2022.

While nuclear facilities would be the target in the simulated drills, there’s no sign Iran is looking to build a nuclear weapon, which was affirmed by a recent US intelligence report.

Often missing from the conversation about Iran’s civilian nuclear program is the fact that Israel has a secret nuclear weapons program and an arsenal of nukes that the US does not acknowledge exists.

The report comes amid heightened tensions between the US and Iran in the Persian Gulf. The US seizure of a tanker carrying Iranian oil in April provoked two Iranian tanker seizures, and the US responded by beefing up its military presence in the region.


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04709c No.86306

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478527 (021920ZSEP23) Notable: CISA And AT&T Pushed Connecting Elections To FirstNet, Mark Zuckerberg Paid FirstNet Bills, FirstNet Infested With Hackable Chinese Components

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CISA And AT&T Pushed Connecting Elections To FirstNet, Mark Zuckerberg Paid FirstNet Bills, FirstNet Infested With Hackable Chinese Components

Looks like Facebook might be tied to this mess through Zuckerberg.

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04709c No.86307

File: aa2be486a4c9242⋯.png (363.03 KB,934x598,467:299,Clipboard.png)

File: e49590a5e898836⋯.png (76.85 KB,959x339,959:339,Clipboard.png)

File: e5df19a9f4f1722⋯.png (196.52 KB,972x618,162:103,Clipboard.png)

File: 654a90b64d45430⋯.png (288.79 KB,968x609,968:609,Clipboard.png)

File: c6b4701bc734c65⋯.png (103.82 KB,971x436,971:436,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478536 (021922ZSEP23) Notable: CISA And AT&T Pushed Connecting Elections To FirstNet, Mark Zuckerberg Paid FirstNet Bills, FirstNet Infested With Hackable Chinese Components

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CISA And AT&T Pushed Connecting Elections To FirstNet, Mark Zuckerberg Paid FirstNet Bills, FirstNet Infested With Hackable Chinese Components

Recently, we broke the story that a nationwide cellular network for “public safety” called FirstNet was being used to connect election systems throughout the country.

Previously, it was believed that there could be no centralized national access to the precinct-level election equipment because the disparate networks and equipment used in each voting jurisdiction would make centralized spying or hacking too unwieldy. The existence of FirstNet blows that theory out of the water. Polling places are actively being standardized and federalized, creating the opportunity for central monitoring and manipulation by the federal government and leftist public-private organizations.

These real concerns have already proven to be true, as investigators discovered the Albert Sensor program, whereby the federal government monitors every registration database in the country through a partnership with a secretive non-government organization known as Center for Internet Security (CIS). CIS runs the Election Infrastructure Information Sharing and Analysis Center (EI-ISAC). Put all these moving parts together, and you have an election system that can be monitored and manipulated at every level across the country.

Public documents collected by grassroots researchers, Sophie Anderson, Dr. Charles Bernardin and others, reveal that the federal government and AT&T have been actively pushing jurisdictions to connect their polling places to FirstNet, and that funds from a far-left organization paid the bill for FirstNet in at least one swing state. Ample evidence exists that FirstNet is littered with communist Chinese components, making it a major point of vulnerability from a national security standpoint.


The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) supposedly exists to protect critical infrastructure from cyber threats. However, congress recently released a report that CISA has “metastasized into the nerve center of the federal government’s domestic surveillance and censorship operations on social media.” A top priority for CISA has been illegally censoring Americans’ doubts about the integrity of the 2020 election while it pushed the propaganda that the 2020 election was the “most secure in American history.”

To date, CISA has done nothing to investigate the thousands of reports of fraud and irregularities that are still being made about the 2020 and subsequent elections. But CISA has been busy expanding election jurisdictions’ uptake of FirstNet services to connect their precinct election machines.

During the Fall 2021 Government Coordinating Council – which the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) uses to push policy directives to federal, state, and local governments – CISA teamed with a FirstNet representative and officials from New Jersey to promote that state’s implementation of statewide connectivity to AT&T’s FirstNet network. The presentation revealed that New Jersey uses FirstNet compatible Nighthawk Hotspots and Cradlepoint modems which are initially configured by AT&T and connected to the state’s 14,000 electronic pollpads before being delivered to the voting locations.


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04709c No.86308

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478561 (021927ZSEP23) Notable: TBI: 5 charged after two-day trafficking operation near Chattanooga

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TBI: 5 charged after two-day trafficking operation near Chattanooga


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04709c No.86309

File: c1b53618202124f⋯.jpg (128.21 KB,720x1179,80:131,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 221f87531776613⋯.mp4 (4.41 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478570 (021929ZSEP23) Notable: Last night a mob of black people attacked a white couple in Bethesda, MD

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Last night a mob of black people attacked a white couple in Bethesda, MD

Why is mainstream media refusing to cover this?

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04709c No.86310

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478599 (021935ZSEP23) Notable: Utah YouTuber arrested for child abuse after malnourished son shows up to neighbor's home in duct tape

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Utah YouTuber arrested for child abuse after malnourished son shows up to neighbor's home in duct tape

A woman in Utah who previously gave online parenting advice for a popular YouTube channel has been charged with six felony counts of aggravated child abuse. This comes after two of her six children were found abused and malnourished.

The Associated Press reported that Ruby Franke, whose now-deleted channel "8 Passengers" detailed her family life, was arrested Wednesday night in the city of Ivins, Utah. She was taken into custody from the home of Jodi Hildebrandt, who runs a counseling business meant to help people improve their lives by being honest, responsible, and humble.

Hildebrandt is also facing the same six abuse charges as Franke.

On Wednesday morning, Franke's son apparently escaped the house by climbing out of a window and running to a neighbor's home, asking for food and water. The neighbor spotted duct tape on the boy's wrists and ankles, and immediately called the authorities.

Franke stepped into the spotlight in 2015 through the "8 Passengers" YouTube channel, which tracked the daily life of her husband and six children. The channel had a large following, topping 2.3 million subscribers, before it was apparently taken down earlier this year. It is not clear why the channel was removed.

The Frankes' strict parenting style had led some viewers to report them to the authorities. Insider reported that in June 2020, some viewers of the channel called child protective services after it was discovered that then-15-year-old son Chad said in a video he had slept on a beanbag for seven months. However, Franke said the sleeping arrangement was Chad's choice after he was removed from a shared bedroom with his younger brother that stemmed from behavioral issues.


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04709c No.86311

File: 7394917e8684e83⋯.jpg (339.85 KB,1768x1910,884:955,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478601 (021936ZSEP23) Notable: Obama related to literally Hitler? Has this connection been found?

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Has this connection been found? Remember Q said missing connections in regards to MSM?

Also can any anons confirm this going around on TS.

Obama bloodline related to Hitler?


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04709c No.86312

File: 409eb6d16976c1e⋯.jpg (424.28 KB,1080x1933,1080:1933,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478613 (021940ZSEP23) Notable: Obama related to literally Hitler? Has this connection been found?

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Researchers say Obama has German roots

Barack Obama in traditional German lederhosen? It may be hard to imagine, but researchers in the U.S. say they have located documents that prove the president has German roots dating to the 1700s.

June 4, 2009, 7:53 PM BST / Source: The Associated Press

By By David Rising and Christoph Noelting

Barack Obama in traditional German lederhosen? It may be hard to imagine, but researchers in the U.S. say they have located documents that prove the president has German roots dating to the 1700s.

According to parish records uncovered by experts at the genealogy Web site Ancestry.com, Obama's 6th great-grandfather Johann Conrad Woelflin was born Jan. 29, 1729, in Besigheim, a small town north of Stuttgart on the Enz river where it feeds into the Neckar.

He sailed aboard a ship called "Patience" in 1750 to America, changing his last name to "Wolfley" upon arrival and eventually settling in Middletown, Pennsylvania, according to head genealogist Anastasia Tyler, who oversaw the research.

In Middletown, he married Anna Catherine Schockey in 1756 and had at least six children, including Ludwig Lewis Wolfley — Obama's 5th great grandfather — who was born in 1766, Tyler said.

The investigation was started by the Web site, which determined in 2007 that Obama had Irish ancestry, after researchers decided a few weeks ago it would be fun to try and prove or disprove rumored German ancestry ahead of the president's visit to Dresden on Friday, Tyler said.

"We'd proved the Irish, so we just wanted to see if there was any truth to the rumors of German heritage," she told The AP in a telephone interview. "People supposed a few different lines that went to Germany, and the one that seemed the most plausible was this Wolfley line, so that's the one we concentrated on."

Tracing the ancestry of Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, the investigative team linked Obama back to Wolfley relatively quickly. But it wasn't until last Friday when a researcher was poring over microfilmed documents at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah, that they got the breakthrough documenting Wolfley's German ties, Tyler said.

Better than simple birth papers, the document — a so-called parish "Seelenregister" or "register of souls" — gave detailed information not only about Wolfley, but also his parents and grandparents.

"That was the absolute key piece to the puzzle," Tyler said. "Not only did it tie Johann Conrad back to Germany ... but it gave us his parents names and these great details."

Among other things, the documents suggest Obama's family involvement in politics began centuries ago — the parish Seelenregister indicates Johann Conrad Woelflin's grandfather, Conrad Woelflin was mayor for 30 years of Orsingen or Oefingen, both towns south of Stuttgart. The old script makes it difficult to read the name of the town exactly, but the Family History Library says a baptism record for one of Conrad Woelflin's sons lists Conrad as a "member of the court" in Oefingen, so that seems most likely.

The documents also show the current U.S. Commander in Chief has something of a military pedigree.


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04709c No.86313

File: 4f6a296c93d7180⋯.png (42.3 KB,711x219,237:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478628 (021944ZSEP23) Notable: Google hides campaign sites of Trump, RFK Jr. and other Republican candidates; Biden dominates top search results

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Google hides campaign sites of Trump, RFK Jr. and other Republican candidates; Biden dominates top search results

A Virginia-based content analysis and media watchdog exposed that tech giant Google has been suppressing the campaign websites of all serious challengers of President Joe Biden. The Big Tech firm is instead providing Biden's website among the top search results.

According to a report from the Media Research Center (MRC) on Thursday, typing in 'presidential campaign websites' at the said search engine returned results that did not include Republican candidates on the first page. The search was done the day before the first Republican primary debate of the 2024 season which was held on August 23. MRC created an algorithm to automate the process in a "clean environment," which allows for an organic search to populate results without the influence of prior search history and tracking cookies.

"Google has erased every threat to Joe Biden," MRC Free Speech America VP Dan Schneider said.

MRC noted that top Republican contender former President Donald Trump, who is still topping the surveys at almost 50 percent as of August 30 despite the legal battles thrown at him, did not reflect in the first few pages of the results. Moreover, Democratic challenger Robert F. Kennedy Jr. did not appear in the results at all. This was surprising for the watchdog because a recent poll had RFK Jr. at nearly 20 percent in a matchup against the current POTUS. The only presidential candidate to feature on the first page of the search results was lifestyle guru and author Marianne Williamson, who is currently polling at 10 percent only.

Google would also rather feature websites of prominent Democrats who are not running for president in the next election. The search engine reflected pages of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, more prominently at 29th, 12th and 9th place in the results, respectively. As of Saturday, Biden's site was still the fourth listed, Williamson's the fifth, Sanders remained at 12th, and Clinton had actually moved up to 13th.

Schneider recalled how Google had "pulled out all the stops to put Hillary Clinton in the White House" and "has continued to interfere in our elections ever since. Compared to other social media platforms, it is harder to document what Google does in secret, but we at MRC Free Speech America have caught them red-handed again." He continued, "Google has consistently stood apart from all other search engines, and not in a good way. We have repeatedly seen Google and Big Tech social media platforms treat Republican candidates harshly compared to their Democrat opponents."

MRC further recalled that just before the 2022 midterm elections, their researchers analyzed Google, Bing and DuckDuckGo search results for 12 Senate races and found that Google buried 10 of 12 Senate Republican Party candidates' campaign websites while highlighting their opponent's campaign sites.

"This bias did not carry over 36 top House races, which did not hang in the balance. Google even went after its fiercest critics in Congress, burying all 10 Republican Party Big Tech critics that MRC researchers analyzed," the organization's official news site wrote. "The search giant again favored the Democratic candidate in the December Georgia senate run-off election. Google's search results favored Sen. Raphael Warnock (D) in a swing precinct, where greater proportions of undecided voters likely reside."


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04709c No.86314

File: 8da890be89c4e27⋯.png (104.56 KB,858x516,143:86,Clipboard.png)

File: 7fa4a9f57d6c163⋯.png (130.31 KB,864x564,72:47,Clipboard.png)

File: 68dc137eb525318⋯.png (131.45 KB,861x586,861:586,Clipboard.png)

File: 5c8d97a7b96aab7⋯.png (157.69 KB,870x582,145:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478650 (021949ZSEP23) Notable: Bill Gates is funding a scheme to cut down 70 million acres of forests in North America

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Bill Gates is funding a scheme to cut down 70 million acres of forests in North America

Bill Gates and other investors are betting Kodama Systems can reduce carbon dioxide in the air by chopping down and burying trees. The move will see 70 million acres of forests, mostly in the Western United States, cut down over the next decade.

After cutting down the trees, Kodama plans to bury them – to reduce global warming. However, “global warming” is a scam to enable the rich to become richer and the real reason for the destruction of forests is to reap saleable carbon offsets.

The Carbon Cycle

The following text in this section is extracted from National Geographic’s encyclopaedia intended for children aged 10 to 13.

Carbon is in a constant state of movement from place to place. It is stored in what are known as reservoirs, and it moves between these reservoirs through a variety of processes, including photosynthesis, burning fossil fuels, and simply releasing breath from the lungs. The movement of carbon from reservoir to reservoir is known as the carbon cycle.

Carbon can be stored in a variety of reservoirs, including plants and animals, which is why they are considered carbon life forms. Carbon is used by plants to build leaves and stems, which are then digested by animals and used for cellular growth.

In the atmosphere, carbon is stored in the form of gases, such as carbon dioxide. It is also stored in oceans, captured by many types of marine organisms. Some organisms, such as clams or coral, use the carbon to form shells and skeletons.

Most of the carbon on the planet is contained within rocks, minerals, and other sediment buried beneath the surface of the planet.

Because Earth is a closed system, the amount of carbon on the planet never changes.

The carbon cycle is vital to life on Earth. Nature tends to keep carbon levels balanced, meaning that the amount of carbon naturally released from reservoirs is equal to the amount that is naturally absorbed by reservoirs. Maintaining this carbon balance allows the planet to remain hospitable for life.

Read more: The Carbon Cycle for Grades 5-8, Encyclopaedic Entry, National Geographic

Anthropogenic Climate Change is a Fraud

The National Geographic Encyclopaedic Entry above ends with the sentence: “Scientists believe that humans have upset this [carbon] balance by burning fossil fuels, which has added more carbon to the atmosphere than usual and led to climate change and global warming.”

National Geographic must be referring to either corporately funded scientists or scientists employed by corporations. As we will see in the next section, scientists who are truly concerned about the planet and the life it supports reveal the facts.

Anthropogenic or human-caused climate change is a fraud and has been known to be a fraud from the outset. This was demonstrably revealed to the world in 2009 with the release of leaked emails dubbed Climategate.

As it leads into the next section, it’s also worth noting an eye-opening 2013 article published by Forbes that used quotes from climate alarmists to reveal the truth about the climate change agenda. The article was aptly titled: ‘In Their Own Words: Climate Alarmists Debunk Their ‘Science’.’


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04709c No.86315

File: a32260081e36f35⋯.png (43.44 KB,727x449,727:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478654 (021949ZSEP23) Notable: Obama related to literally Hitler? Has this connection been found?

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>Obama bloodline related to Hitler?

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04709c No.86316

File: 83aee65b20a16b3⋯.webp (42.4 KB,850x478,425:239,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478668 (021953ZSEP23) Notable: Bill Richardson, a former governor and UN ambassador who worked to free detained Americans, dies suddenly in his sleep

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Im sure its fine

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04709c No.86317

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478687 (021956ZSEP23) Notable: More than 89,000 #BantheADL posts flooded Twitter

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An anti-ADL campaign is erupting on Twitter and Elon Musk endorsed it

More than 89,000 #BantheADL posts flooded Twitter as part of an ongoing effort by the far right to defame the organization


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04709c No.86318

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478690 (021957ZSEP23) Notable: Texas AG Ken Paxton impeached, suspended from duties; will face Senate trial

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Fran Rhodes and Julie McCarty: If They Can Target Ken Paxton, They Can Target You


couple of more short videos coming on Paxton


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04709c No.86319

File: 08223aaed76af84⋯.png (1.03 MB,1169x625,1169:625,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478693 (021957ZSEP23) Notable: No Way In or Out After Storm Floods Burning Man Festival – 73,000 People TRAPPED IN MUD

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No Way In or Out After Storm Floods Burning Man Festival – 73,000 People TRAPPED IN MUD

Burning Man attendees late Friday night were told to ‘shelter in place’ after a storm dumped torrential rain on the playa and turned it into a giant soupy mud pit.

Burning Man is a yearly music and art festival in Northern Nevada in Black Rock City.

An estimated 73,000 people are trapped after a monsoonal storm moved through Black Rock City.

Burning Man attendees referred to as ‘Burners’ prayed to the ‘playa gods’ to make it stop.


**Literal Pagan Efigy Ritual CANCELLED

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04709c No.86320

File: bd7c3b87c9375c8⋯.jpg (34.85 KB,601x343,601:343,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478706 (021959ZSEP23) Notable: CBS News, With Nothing Better to Do, Bashes “The Sound of Freedom” – Fixates on QAnon

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CBS News, With Nothing Better to Do, Bashes “The Sound of Freedom” – Fixates on QAnon (VIDEO)

Though it seems like everyone has moved on from baselessly bashing the Sound of Freedom, CBS Mornings couldn’t find anything better to talk about Friday, as the network allotted a whopping seven minutes-and-change attempting to paint the movie as something of a QAnon conspiracy.

Apparently exposing the truths and travesties of the child trafficking network is just right-wing propaganda – that is, according to CBS. For starters, the chyron of the segment read, “‘Sound of Freedom’ Controversies.” Fill-in co-host Jamie Yuccas stated, “Sound of Freedom is a lightning rod for controversy and conspiracy theories,” adding that the movie has been embraced by “supporters of the fringe conspiracy theory, QAnon,” who “falsely believe in the existence of widespread human trafficking rings run by Hollywood and so-called liberal political elites.”

Article : https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/09/cbs-news-nothing-better-do-bashes-sound-freedom/

CBS Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGSUn4xn61k

Of note: The guest speaker and producer of the Sound of Freedom said one thing that is very very important: DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!!!

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04709c No.86321

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478711 (022001ZSEP23) Notable: Texas AG Ken Paxton impeached, suspended from duties; will face Senate trial

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>>58021 '''POTUS Truths Texas AG Ken Paxton 4 times. The Texas house of representatives voted to move forward on Impeachment on Paxton.. Paxton was also going after NGO's like Catholic Charities. Read on.

>>58022 AG Paxton Investigates Texas Bar Foundation for Facilitating Mass Influx of Illegal Aliens > $ to NGO'S

>>58023 AG Paxton Files Amicus Brief in Texas Supreme Court Defending Religious Liberty "By allowing a Catholic cleric’s defamation claim against the Diocese of Lubbock to proceed".

>>58024 Catholic immigrant advocates reject claims of facilitating illegal crossings - Joan Rosenhauer, the executive director of Jesuit Refugee Service - Texas Gov. Abbott called for an investigation

>>58028 Ted Cruz at the Border "Our NGO's are overwhelmed" Q Drop 1881 NGO workers PURE EVIL [[[[HUNTERS]]]] BECOME THE HUNTED. THE MORE YOU KNOW!!!!!

Texas AG Ken Paxton impeached, suspended from duties; will face Senate trial

The House voted 121-23 to suspend the attorney general and refer him to the Senate for trial on charges of bribery, abuse of office and obstruction. It was the first such impeachment since 1975.

by Zach Despart and James Barragán May 27, 2023 Updated: 3 hours ago


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04709c No.86322

File: 5db113db6313981⋯.png (46.31 KB,872x216,109:27,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478715 (022002ZSEP23) Notable: More than 89,000 #BantheADL posts flooded Twitter

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04709c No.86323

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478716 (022002ZSEP23) Notable: Texas AG Ken Paxton impeached, suspended from duties; will face Senate trial

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Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

MISSING IN ACTION! Where is the Governor of Texas on his Attorney General’s Impeachment?

May 27, 2023, 8:28 PM https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/110443476069885

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

So this is the RINO who is responsible for the Impeachment of a just re-Elected Attorney General of Texas who has done an outstanding job? What is our Country coming to?

Citizen Free Press


May 20

Texas House of Representatives Speaker Dade Phelan was either very drunk last night or suffering from a medical condition.

May 27, 2023, 5:50 PM https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/11044285614112

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

The RINO Speaker of the House of Texas, Dade Phelan, who is barely a Republican at all and failed the test on voter integrity, wants to impeach one of the most hard working and effective Attorney Generals in the United States, Ken Paxton, who just won re-election with a large number of American Patriots strongly voting for him. You would think that any issue would have been fully adjudicated by the voters of Texas, especially when that vote was so conclusive….

May 27, 2023, 1:33 PM https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/110441844700908

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

….I love Texas, won it twice in landslides, and watched as many other friends, including Ken Paxton, came along with me. Hopefully Republicans in the Texas House will agree that this is a very unfair process that should not be allowed to happen or proceed—I will fight you if it does. It is the Radical Left Democrats, RINOS, and Criminals that never stop. ELECTION INTERFERENCE! Free Ken Paxton, let them wait for the next election!

May 27, 2023, 1:33 PM https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/110441843862377

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04709c No.86324

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478732 (022009ZSEP23) Notable: #23922

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#23922 >>86277

>>86279, >>86281 Former NM Gov Bill Richardson dies at 75

>>86280 This is Fish, the old guy who witnessed the cars being blocked on front street, walked past and later heard explosions


>>86283 Last 24 hrs. Mohammed Fayed, Jimmy Buffet, Bill Richardson….

>>86284, >>86285 Bernard Sansaricq Exposes Clinton Foundation, Trump Town Hall - Miami Florida

>>86286, >>86288 Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome and other related dysautonomic disorders after SARS-CoV-2 infection and after COVID-19 messenger RNA vaccination

>>86287 If we don’t win the Kentucky governorship this November — & Mitch McConnell’s health forces him to retire it’s a real possibility that Beshear appoints a democrat replacement.

>>86289 Hurricane Idalia Aftermath: Saltwater Exposure Causes 'Thermal Runway' In Flooded Electric Vehicles

>>86290 EPA Will Not Clean Up Toxic Chemical Spill in Trump-Voting Ohio District East Palestine Until 2024… If Ever

>>86291 @CodeMonkeyZ South Carolina's child abuse and sex trafficking resulted in hundreds of children being tortured and killed.

>>86292 US District Judge Robin Rosenberg just DISMISSED the lawsuit filed by South Florida Democrat operative Lawrence Caplan, in which he argued that President Trump should be removed from the 2024 presidential ballot in Florida

>>86293, >>86317, >>86322 More than 89,000 #BantheADL posts flooded Twitter

>>86294 There is No Way In and No Out After Storm Floods Burning Man Festival - 73,000 People TRAPPED IN MUD

>>86295 Is there finally enough information to start explaining to Democrats what happened to them?

>>86296 Newly-Released Top Secret Docs Show Nixon's Intel Briefings On US-Backed Chilean Coup

>>86297 Son of Former Packers Super Bowl Champ Dies at 17. Cause of Death Revealed.

>>86298 Hospital That Fired Nurses for Refusing Vaccines Now Begging Them to Return

>>86299 Parents Suing School District After Girls Told to 'Tolerate' Alleged 'Threatening' Encounter with Exposed Male in Bathroom

>>86300 McCarthy Details Impeachment Inquiry Process: ‘If We Move Forward,’ It ‘Would Occur Through a Vote’ on House Floor

>>86301 Former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, who had ties to Jeffrey Epstein, passed away at 75.

>>86302 Fulton County DA Fani Willis violated Georgia law this week by making numerous false statements to the Court. We've documented them.

>>86303 Muslim parents rail Maryland school board for 6 minutes straight…

>>86304 Whatever our puppet government say is to distract us from the threat to our freedom | Neil Oliver

>>86305 US, Israel To Conduct Joint Drills Simulating Attacks On Iran

>>86306, >>86307 CISA And AT&T Pushed Connecting Elections To FirstNet, Mark Zuckerberg Paid FirstNet Bills, FirstNet Infested With Hackable Chinese Components

>>86308 TBI: 5 charged after two-day trafficking operation near Chattanooga

>>86309 Last night a mob of black people attacked a white couple in Bethesda, MD

>>86310 Utah YouTuber arrested for child abuse after malnourished son shows up to neighbor's home in duct tape

>>86311, >>86312, >>86315 Obama related to literally Hitler? Has this connection been found?

>>86313 Google hides campaign sites of Trump, RFK Jr. and other Republican candidates; Biden dominates top search results

>>86314 Bill Gates is funding a scheme to cut down 70 million acres of forests in North America

>>86316 Bill Richardson, a former governor and UN ambassador who worked to free detained Americans, dies suddenly in his sleep

>>86318, >>86321, >>86323 Texas AG Ken Paxton impeached, suspended from duties; will face Senate trial

>>86319 No Way In or Out After Storm Floods Burning Man Festival – 73,000 People TRAPPED IN MUD

>>86320 CBS News, With Nothing Better to Do, Bashes “The Sound of Freedom” – Fixates on QAnon

Nom if mist

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04709c No.86325

File: 96208a504ea77ad⋯.jpg (112.83 KB,655x532,655:532,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478790 (022026ZSEP23) Notable: #23923

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>baker seeking deferment

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04709c No.86326

File: ca640b0766af92a⋯.png (13.2 KB,600x334,300:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478801 (022030ZSEP23) Notable: PANIC on the Dance floor: Pelosi Trashes Trump: “Cancerous…Malignancy”, and His Supporters

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Pelosi Trashes Trump: “Cancerous…Malignancy”, and His Supporters: “They don’t share our values in terms of respect for the dignity and worth of every person”

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) trashed President Trump and his supporters in an interview released Friday by Bloomberg Television. Speaking with Francine Lacqua while on a trip to Venice, Italy, Pelosi called Trump a “cancerous…malignancy” and said of Trump’s supporters, “They don’t share our values in terms of respect for the dignity and worth of every person.”

Former Speaker of the House Pelosi was in Venice for the Diane Von Furstenberg awards ceremony that honors “women who have demonstrated leadership, strength, and courage in their commitment to women’s causes.”

Pelosi Trashes Trump: “Cancerous…Malignancy”, and His Supporters: “They don’t share our values in terms of respect for the dignity and worth of every person”

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) trashed President Trump and his supporters in an interview released Friday by Bloomberg Television. Speaking with Francine Lacqua while on a trip to Venice, Italy, Pelosi called Trump a “cancerous…malignancy” and said of Trump’s supporters, “They don’t share our values in terms of respect for the dignity and worth of every person.”

Former Speaker of the House Pelosi was in Venice for the Diane Von Furstenberg awards ceremony that honors “women who have demonstrated leadership, strength, and courage in their commitment to women’s causes.”


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04709c No.86327

File: fcc75b802af8338⋯.jpg (370.52 KB,720x1560,6:13,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e9eef43479e7cb1⋯.jpg (76.28 KB,1024x682,512:341,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478822 (022034ZSEP23) Notable: Disney costume-clad employees caught twerking, ‘simulating sex acts’

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Disney ‘investigating’ after costume-clad employees caught twerking, ‘simulating sex acts’


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04709c No.86328

File: 1a3a68eaf146817⋯.png (2.37 MB,1400x788,350:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478825 (022034ZSEP23) Notable: Amid Massive Drought, Arizona Lawmaker Calls Out Saudi 'Theft' Of State's Water

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Amid Massive Drought, Arizona Lawmaker Calls Out Saudi 'Theft' Of State's Water

Congressman Ruben Gallego says Arizona's water and crops 'belong in Arizona, not Saudi Arabia'

A US lawmaker from the state of Arizona has introduced legislation in Congress that would impose a 300 percent tax on the sale of water-intensive crops grown by foreign companies in the state, in a bid to curb the extensive use of water in the drought-stricken state.

The bill, titled the Domestic Water Protection Act of 2023, was introduced by Ruben Gallego, a Democrat who in a press release announcing the measure directly called out Saudi Arabia.

"Arizona's water and crops belong in Arizona, not Saudi Arabia," Gallego said in his statement. "No longer should foreign governments and companies be given sweetheart deals that leave Arizonans worse off.

"I'm proud to lead the Domestic Water Protection Act to stop these entities from stealing our state's water."

Arizona has been leasing farmland to a Saudi company called Fondomonte, which uses the state's groundwater to grow alfalfa, which is then exported to feed cows in the country.

There is no firm data on exactly how much water the company uses, but a State Land Department report states that Fondomonte is estimated to be using as much as 18,000 acre-feet (22 million cubic metres) each year, which is enough water to supply 54,000 single-family homes.

The estimated cost of that much water is between three to four million dollars a year.

In one area, the Butler Valley in Arizona, Fondomonte pays only $25 per acre for the water that it uses, which is one-sixth of the market price for the land, Middle East Eye reported in November, citing a realtor in the area.

In addition to Saudi Arabia's Fondomonte, the United Arab Emirates company al-Dahra grows 30,000 acres (12,000 hectares) of alfalfa, garlic and onion in Arizona and California, according to the company's website.

The exporting of "virtual water" - water embedded in products such as produce and crops - also has a huge environmental impact on the local communities.

And as Saudi and Emirati companies continue to pump out water from aquifers, scientists worry that they are pumping at such a rate that they will not be able to be replenished. Amid the massive drought the region is facing, with dwindling surface water supplies, these aquifers are the area's last option for water.

A 2020 Arizona Department of Water Resources report found that groundwater levels in the Willcox basin in southeastern Arizona dropped roughly 2.5 metres a year in some areas from 2008 to 2018. A 2018 report estimated that at least roughly 221.8 billion litres were drawn out of the aquifer each year from 1995 to 2015.

"As our communities in Arizona feel the intense effects of the climate crisis and prolonged drought, we are simultaneously being stripped by Saudi-owned companies of our most precious resource - our water," Raul Grijalva, a cosponsor of the legislation, said in a press release.

Recently, leaders in the state of Arizona have signalled their intentions to end the lease with Fondomonte, which would effectively stop the company from pumping more groundwater.


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04709c No.86329

File: 80379d60e7e7943⋯.png (350.88 KB,552x523,552:523,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478829 (022036ZSEP23) Notable: NIH-funded research collaborative redacts emails on why it disavowed 'gold standard' mask study

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NIH-funded research collaborative redacts emails on why it disavowed 'gold standard' mask study

Former Senate investigator turned independent journalist questions the redactions in records he received.

As public and private institutions resume or consider mask mandates in the wake of a small uptick in COVID-19 hospitalizations and new viral variants, an international research collaborative funded by the National Institutes of Health is facing new scrutiny for how it came to publicly downplay its 17 years of research finding that masks make "little to no difference."

U.K-based nonprofit Cochrane, often described as the "gold standard" of evidence-based medicine, heavily redacted its internal discussions on how to respond to questions about alleged conflicts of interest that may have shaped its March statement deeming the systematic review's results "inconclusive" without changing its content.

It turned over largely unreadable documents to former Senate Finance Committee investigator Paul Thacker, now an independent journalist, in response to his request for the "personal data" Cochrane holds on Thacker under Article 15 of the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation.

The State Department did roughly the same in a Freedom of Information Act production in August, prompted by litigation. It heavily redacted discussions of how to respond to reporters asking about its funding of a group that tries to starve conservative publishers of ad revenue.

"They have no justification" for the redactions, Thacker told Just the News, asking rhetorically why Congress wasn't scrutinizing a taxpayer-funded organization whose mask research — or perception thereof — has played a pivotal role in U.S. policy. Cochrane says it has received £500K to 1 million from NIH.

Cochrane spokesperson Harry Dayantis said it was "usually illegal" to disclose information "about individuals other than the requester" under this "very specific and limited type of request," pointing Just the News to the U.K. Information Commissioner's office.

The Cochrane systematic review, which has evaluated masking first against influenza and then COVID since 2006, posed a problem for the federal government’s ongoing pro-mask guidance, but so does an increasing body of research that questions whether sustained mask use is benign.

Then-CDC Director Rochelle Walensky told Congress the Cochrane study was suspect because it relied on randomized controlled trials rather than the observational evidence the CDC favors, but she also inaccurately claimed Cochrane had "retracted" it. The House Appropriations Committee later fixed the hearing record at the authors' request.

Cochrane editor-in-chief Karla Soares-Weiser released the March statement following critical questions about the study by New York Times columnist Zeynep Tufekci, a Princeton sociologist.

The top-down reinterpretation prompted recriminations from the study's authors including University of Oxford epidemiologist Tom Jefferson, who has led the oft-updated systematic review from the start and was singled out in Tufekci's column, titled "Here’s Why the Science Is Clear That Masks Work."

Soares-Weiser has since taken to communicating with the authors through a consulting firm, Thacker wrote Monday, saying both entities have ignored his questions about the contract.

Jefferson didn't respond to texts and emails Wednesday seeking the Envoy emails. Envoy didn't answer emails seeking confirmation of the contract with Cochrane or its purpose, amount and duration, and Dayantis said he didn't know anything about Envoy.


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04709c No.86330

File: 98b926e3b61862f⋯.png (673.99 KB,650x433,650:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478832 (022037ZSEP23) Notable: Democrats Move to Block Maui and Florida Disaster Relief Over Ukraine Funding

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TYRANNY: Tone-Deaf: Democrats Move to Block Maui and Florida Disaster Relief Over Ukraine Funding

Held for ransom


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04709c No.86331

File: c1c63598ef917f9⋯.png (732.89 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478847 (022041ZSEP23) Notable: Annnddd..We're off: The Palm Beach Gardens football team won't be making the trip to Vero Beach on Friday due to more than 30 players testing positive for COVID-19

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Annnddd..We're off: The Palm Beach Gardens football team won't be making the trip to Vero Beach on Friday due to more than 30 players testing positive for COVID-19

'''32 Gardens players with **COVID-19 the FUCKING FLU force postponement of football game at Vero Beach

The Gators' high school football game at Vero Beach has been rescheduled to Sept. 6. Sources say 32 Gardens players tested positive for COVID.


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04709c No.86332

File: 4c1846e82cd5347⋯.png (622.15 KB,650x433,650:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478865 (022044ZSEP23) Notable: PANIC in D.C.: Washington Post Reporter Implodes When Pressed About Hunter Biden Bribery Story

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PANIC in D.C.: Washington Post Reporter Implodes When Pressed About Hunter Biden Bribery Story


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04709c No.86333

File: f94a061e48ee7c2⋯.png (1.17 MB,761x802,761:802,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478871 (022046ZSEP23) Notable: Maui: 385 Still Missing

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Democrat Apocalypse 2023: 385 Still Missing After Democrat Gov. Josh Green Indicated Number Would Drop Below 100


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04709c No.86334

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478875 (022047ZSEP23) Notable: Ken Paxton And President Trump’s Political Persecution: Call Lt Gov Patrick and tell him to support Paxton and not to nullify our votes

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More TX reports coming. Lauren Davis: The Parallels Between Ken Paxton And President Trump’s Political Persecution. She just said the Bush’s live right in her neighborhood, she a thorn in their side

(Shit she talks about the board and non mainstream media sources educating the masses of Soros, WEF etc. Anons you might be surprised how many our board has helped to wake people up.Thank you Q!. BTW Bannon mentioned Q a couple of weeks ago, not in a negative way, and didn’t use Qanon)



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04709c No.86335

File: eecde9f58ab982c⋯.png (725.07 KB,768x402,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478895 (022050ZSEP23) Notable: FBI investigating immigrants inside U.S,: Alejandro Mayorkas has still not informed the House Judiciary Committee about the status or location

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FBI investigating immigrants inside U.S. after smuggler with ISIS ties helped them get past border

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has still not informed the House Judiciary Committee about the status or location of suspected terrorists encountered at the border


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04709c No.86336

File: 5e07859c14acbc3⋯.png (356.63 KB,500x591,500:591,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478911 (022055ZSEP23) Notable: Meme of the bread Jimmy Buffett's dead

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04709c No.86337

File: 23bc9bcdd50b825⋯.png (313.46 KB,937x559,937:559,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478914 (022055ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: “Trump Is Top Choice for Nearly 60% of GOP Voters, WSJ Poll Shows—Support for DeSantis collapses in postdebate survey”

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Donald J. Trump


“Trump Is Top Choice for Nearly 60% of GOP Voters, WSJ Poll Shows—Support for DeSantis collapses in postdebate survey”


WSJ News Exclusive | Trump Is Top Choice for Nearly 60% of GOP Voters, WSJ Poll Shows

Donald Trump has expanded his dominating lead for the Republican presidential nomination, a new Wall Street Journal poll shows, as GOP primary voters overwhelmingly see his four criminal cases as lacking…

Sep 02, 2023, 4:50 PM


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04709c No.86338

File: 29133df5a33536b⋯.png (177.83 KB,1263x429,421:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478915 (022055ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: “Trump Mocks GOP Rivals As ‘Second-Class Acts’”

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Donald J. Trump


“Trump Mocks GOP Rivals As ‘Second-Class Acts’”


Trump Mocks GOP Rivals As 'Second-Class Acts'

Sep 02, 2023, 4:47 PM


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04709c No.86339

File: 9e21e30f8970a47⋯.png (282.9 KB,1256x588,314:147,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478917 (022055ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: “PRESIDENT TRUMP VOWS TO BE A ‘CHAMPION’ FOR HOMESCHOOL FAMILIES IN SECOND TERM”

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Donald J. Trump




President Trump vows to be a ‘CHAMPION’ for homeschool families in second term

Photo: Alamy President Donald Trump has long been an advocate of school choice, and in a second term, he has promised to be a “champion” for Americans who are choosing to homeschool their children in record…

Sep 02, 2023, 4:43 PM


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04709c No.86340

File: 6f65e70ea951681⋯.png (235.27 KB,1267x554,1267:554,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478918 (022056ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: Trump is the greatest defender of the Constitution alive today @CharlesHurt

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Donald J. Trump


Thank you to the great and talented @CharlesHurt for this story—very much appreciated!


Trump is the greatest defender of the Constitution alive today

Former President Donald Trump’s entire political career can be boiled down to a four-month period in 2018.

Sep 02, 2023, 4:41 PM


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04709c No.86341

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478921 (022057ZSEP23) Notable: Ken Paxton And President Trump’s Political Persecution: Call Lt Gov Patrick and tell him to support Paxton and not to nullify our votes

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Melissa Katz: Call Every TX Senator Regardless Of Party To End Ken Paxton’s Witch Hunt. Lt. Governor Dan Patrick a conservative, holds a lot of power and not only State Citizens can call him but out of state can also. Call Lt Gov Patrick and tell him to support Paxton and not to nullify our votes. She makes it clear this is a Spiritual War!

The Bush’s and Donors control the politicians, lots of billionaires in TX. Austin is the focus. Good discussion on what happened, she points out biased dems that should be prevented from voting, and notify republican leadership they won’t do this!

Bannons War Room



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04709c No.86342

File: 8525f13e8023da6⋯.png (369.57 KB,1265x620,253:124,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478924 (022057ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: “TRUMP CALLS ON REPUBLICAN DAS, URGES ‘EYE FOR AN EYE STRATEGY TO COMBAT WEAPONIZATION OF JUSTICE”

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Donald J. Trump




Trump calls on Republican DAs, urges ‘eye for an eye strategy to combat weaponization of justice

Photo: Alamy President Donald Trump urged Republican district attorneys and attorneys general across the nation to take note of the weaponized justice system in America today, advising them to get tougher.…

Sep 02, 2023, 4:42 PM


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04709c No.86343

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478933 (022059ZSEP23) Notable: The Trial of Ken Paxton: Bannon Special Today

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Bannon Special Today: The Trial of Ken Paxton! “Where Are The Priorities Of The Bush Elite?”



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04709c No.86344

File: 0d2c3ac7afde3d4⋯.png (572.76 KB,636x382,318:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478961 (022109ZSEP23) Notable: Burning Man revelers are catching HYPOTHERMIA after festival washout

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Liberals, Elitists, Billionaires, Hollywood getting fucked at Burning Man: Burning Man freezes! Revelers are catching HYPOTHERMIA and fleeing to local bars for warmth as torrential rain and biting winds cause havoc at Nevada hippie festival

Burning Man revelers are catching HYPOTHERMIA after festival washout

Burning Man organizers have urged attendees with RVs to offer shelter to suffering festivalgoers as some are said to be hit with hypothermia.


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04709c No.86345

File: ee7d385c2ebec3a⋯.png (341.38 KB,828x1139,828:1139,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19478979 (022111ZSEP23) Notable: Meme of the bread Jimmy Buffett's dead

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Jimmy Buffet was a big time Covidian (like all the elite) so his "died suddenly" doesn't surprise me.

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04709c No.86346

File: 5333fdac935e357⋯.png (107.02 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479000 (022114ZSEP23) Notable: CDC Data Reveals COVID Vaccine Could Shave Off 24 Years from Men’s Lives, 7% per year PER JAB

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7% per year PER DOSE!!! Jaw-Dropping Discovery: CDC Data Reveals COVID Vaccine Could Shave Off 24 Years from Men’s Lives!

The long-term consequences of Covid-19 vaccination are now being realised… A year ago, doubly vaccinated Australians were 10.72x more likely to catch Omicron than the unvaxxed. Now they are 2…


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04709c No.86347

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479007 (022116ZSEP23) Notable: Ken Paxton And President Trump’s Political Persecution: Call Lt Gov Patrick and tell him to support Paxton and not to nullify our votes

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Bannon said in TX the illegals are creating Conlonias in S. TX with their own towns and cities, laws a rules and Abbott is allowing it. Paxton is on trial in Senate in TX this coming week for this reason.

The Bush’s want all of this and the politicians are controlled by the Bush cartel and donors in TX. Abbott is allowing all of this. Not much different then the AZ Mexican cartel. He goes into how Bush Sr supported the CCP at Tienenmen square, not the Chinese that revolted against the CCP. History repeats itself with Bidan supporting the CCP.

There’s a major factor between the Bush’s Nazis and Communists supported by Money interests in our US withJFK’s assassination and what is happening to Trump, Paxton and others. They will do the sane thing they did to JFK to Trump and others.

We will not allow it


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04709c No.86348

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479018 (022118ZSEP23) Notable: Burning Man revelers are catching HYPOTHERMIA after festival washout

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they will all have parasites after all the mudand people pooping and peeing everywhere.


since when does rain turn desert into paste?

UPDATE Sept. 1 6:43 p.m. Driving is not permitted in Black Rock City as weather threatens to

turn the desert floor into paste,

according to an update posted on X, formerly Twitter.



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04709c No.86349

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479028 (022120ZSEP23) Notable: Tony McDonald: AG Ken Paxton Was Not Politically Targeted Until Investigating The FBI 11:06

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Tony McDonald: AG Ken Paxton Was Not Politically Targeted Until Investigating The FBI. Is the Bush regime in charge of all of this. FBI and TX Rangers are behind all of this. This gives a lot more understanding.



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04709c No.86350

File: 7003009d523f900⋯.png (767.66 KB,768x473,768:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479037 (022121ZSEP23) Notable: Mississippi - Hinds County Board of Supervisors Highlights Democrat Party at Center of Election RIGGING

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Mississippi - Hinds County Board of Supervisors Highlights Democrat Party at Center of Recent Election Manipulation

This is very interesting and the ballot auditor in the presentation is very effective. She held my attention throughout her entire time outlining all the details of the sketchy election that took place on August 8th. Essentially the local democrat party o...


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04709c No.86351

File: c58a1c3b69f194d⋯.png (15.12 MB,2305x4071,2305:4071,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479049 (022123ZSEP23) Notable: Unwanted: Clearance. Gay, Trans Skittles and bud light?

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Clearance. Gay, Trans Skittles. At Walmart


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04709c No.86352

File: 77ef19b2fa0113c⋯.png (299.39 KB,574x680,287:340,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479050 (022124ZSEP23) Notable: Burning Man revelers are catching HYPOTHERMIA after festival washout

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CNN: Burning man supports Ukraine

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04709c No.86353

File: fc4177e9ea92a57⋯.png (873.75 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479065 (022126ZSEP23) Notable: US To Send Depleted Uranium Munitions To Ukraine For Use In US Abrams Tanks

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US To Send Depleted Uranium Munitions To Ukraine For Use In US Abrams Tanks

US to send depleted uranium munitions to Ukraine

The US is set to become the second country after the UK to greenlight shipments of depleted-uranium shells to Ukraine, according to RIOeuters


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04709c No.86354

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479077 (022128ZSEP23) Notable: There are 6 quintillion gallons of water hiding in the Earth’s crust

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so, we have water la times says so 2015, what will they say today to bend the narrative




There are 6 quintillion gallons of water hiding in the Earth’s crust

Fogg explained that the water beneath our feet is connected over vast areas, kind of like an enormous plumbing system. Even if you pump 1,000-year-old groundwater in one area, it could be replenished by much younger water from the surface or by water in groundwater basins miles away. This could happen over the span of a few months or even a few days, he said.

rad moar: https://www.latimes.com/science/sciencenow/la-sci-sn-modern-groundwater-20151116-story.html


NOV. 16, 2015 5:18 PM PT

Hidden in the Earth’s crust are vast stores of “groundwater,” water that fell from the sky and then trickled into the cracks and crevices between the sand, gravel and rocks beneath our feet. This resource makes up 95% of the freshwater that is not tied up in glaciers or ice caps.

To see how much groundwater is modern, they looked at the amount of tritium that had been found in groundwater across the globe. Tritium is a radioactive isotope of hydrogen that spiked in rainwater approximately 50 years ago as a result of above-ground thermonuclear bomb testing.

The team reviewed the scientific literature and eventually found 3,700 tritium measurements of groundwater from 55 countries. From this data set, they determined that just 5.6% of the world’s groundwater is less than 50 years old. That’s about enough water to reach the top of a stop sign across the continents, if it were pumped out of the ground.

We can’t see this groundwater, but more than 2 billion people across the globe drink it every day. In arid areas, it is pumped out of the ground to grow crops. It also plays an important environmental role, keeping streams and rivers running in times of drought.

Back in the 1970s, a team of scientists estimated how much of the planet’s water is buried beneath the ground. That calculation had not been updated for 40 years — until this month.

In a study in Nature Geoscience, researchers used tens of thousands of additional data points to determine how much water is stored in the planet’s crust. They also examined how long it had been underground.

The results show where on the planet groundwater is quickly being renewed and where it is has been there for a very long time, said Tom Gleeson, a hydrogeologist at the University of Victoria in Canada who led the study.

Gleeson and his team report that there are 6 quintillion gallons of groundwater in the upper 1.2 miles of the Earth’s crust. If you could magically pump it all out of the ground and spread it across the continents, it would form a layer of water 600 feet high. That’s twice the height of the Statue of Liberty.


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04709c No.86355

File: a963e2e0282891b⋯.png (531.14 KB,634x526,317:263,Clipboard.png)

File: e297aa581a9ca70⋯.png (786.59 KB,634x607,634:607,Clipboard.png)

File: 246d96f445ee1a2⋯.png (416.77 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.png)

File: 3afb208a91b4aff⋯.png (510.49 KB,634x581,634:581,Clipboard.png)

File: c3e39bb908402ed⋯.png (535.2 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479083 (022130ZSEP23) Notable: Torrential rain sparks flash floods on Las Vegas Strip as major power outages leave more than 4,000 residents suffering blackouts

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Vegas too

Torrential rain sparks flash floods on Las Vegas Strip as major power outages leave more than 4,000 residents suffering blackouts

UPDATED: 15:10 EDT, 2 September 2023

- Fast moving thunderstorms and heavy rain hit the city and surrounding southern Nevada on Friday leaving cars stranded and thousands without electricity

- Dirty flood water swallowed up the Strip, passing underneath casinos and under the famous High Roller Ferris wheel circulated on Saturday

- Las Vegas recorded 0.88 inches Friday, which is nearly three times their entire September monthly average and was their wettest September day in 11 years

Flash floods have caused severe flooding on the iconic Las Vegas Strip this weekend.

Fast moving thunderstorms and heavy rain hit the city and surrounding southern Nevada on Friday leaving cars stranded and thousands without electricity.

By Friday evening, more than 2 inches of rain had fallen in the Rhodes Ranch are, and over 1.5 inches was recorded at South Point and at the intersection of Cheyenne Avenue and Las Vegas Boulevard.

Las Vegas recorded 0.88 inches Friday, which is nearly three times their entire September monthly average and was their wettest September day in 11 years.

By Friday evening more than 4,000 people were without power in the Las Vegas Valley, as a result of 30 outages, according to NV Energy.

The city is braced for further downpours and remains under flash flood warning into Saturday night.

Dirty flood water swallowing up the Strip, passing underneath casinos and under the famous High Roller Ferris wheel on Saturday.

Major intersections including Las Vegas Boulevard and Cheyenne Avenue became blocked after drivers got stuck as the roads quickly flooded on Friday.

Around 700 flights were delayed and more than 100 were canceled due to the adverse weather conditions.

The National Weather Service warned the public not to try to cross flooded roads as residents and visitors attempt to grapple with the fallout.

Despite one driver being rescued from their car and multiple others abandoning their vehicles a spokesman for the city said there were no reports of major incidents.

Flood watches on Saturday have been extended from Nevada into southwestern Utah, northwestern Arizona and northeastern California.

The likelihood of further strong thunderstorms could trigger more flash flooding and excessive runoff, the National Weather Service warned.

'Emergency management reported ongoing, extensive flash flooding across the Las Vegas Valley from rain that fell earlier in the evening,' NWS Las Vegas wrote on Twitter.

'Throw that frozen pizza in the oven for dinner,' NWS Las Vegas said.

'Please do not put food delivery drivers (& local first responders by extension) at risk.'

Storms are set to move farther north into Northern Utah and southeastern Idaho on Sunday.


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04709c No.86356

File: 43a6cbe10c37d66⋯.png (500.29 KB,599x519,599:519,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479084 (022130ZSEP23) Notable: @JoeBiden is greeted in Florida by people chanting “F Joe Biden", "F You!" (Cap 0:31)

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Simon Ateba


BREAKING - SHOCKING - President @JoeBiden

is greeted in Florida by people chanting “F Joe Biden", "F You!" WATCH


il Donaldo Trumpo

Last edited

9:33 AM · Sep 2, 2023




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04709c No.86357

File: 2221ab893d3c815⋯.png (321.97 KB,591x857,591:857,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479087 (022131ZSEP23) Notable: Eye-opening mini documentary by @CodeMonkeyZ detailing Nikki Haley's term as governor, lack of protectioning the young, South Carolina's grotesque tales of over 600 victims

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MUST WATCH: This eye-opening mini documentary done by @CodeMonkeyZ

detailing how during Nikki Haley's term as governor, South Carolina's child trafficking situation spiraled out of control, with grotesque tales of over 600 victims serving as a horrific testament to the state's lack of protection for its young. The plight of these children, caught in a deadly mix of bureaucratic inertia and administrative incompetence, did little to elicit meaningful intervention from Haley's administration - a shocking dereliction of duty that places a significant question mark over her presidential aspirations. Please share.






A leader is judged by the well-being of their constituents, particularly the most vulnerable ones.

How can we entrust our nation to someone who couldn’t protect the most vulnerable in her own state?

As Nikki Haley sets her foot on the trail for the presidency, it becomes… Show more

9:53 AM · Sep 2, 2023




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04709c No.86358

File: 855698ecdbbc68a⋯.png (144.43 KB,500x239,500:239,Clipboard.png)

File: 5192bf1b7d80317⋯.png (262.5 KB,500x312,125:78,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479088 (022131ZSEP23) Notable: "Remarkably Dishonest" DA Fani Willis Violates The Law TECHNOFOG: We’ve elaborated on the statutory violations by Fulton DA Fani Willis

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TECHNOFOG: We’ve elaborated on the statutory violations by Fulton DA Fani Willis. She and her team violated the same laws alleged against Trump, et al - false statements to a Court. …

"Remarkably Dishonest" DA Fani Willis Violates The Law

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has gone from criminalizing court filings to committing crimes with respect to her own court filings.

Georgia law makes it unlawful to knowingly file a court document “knowing or having reason to know that such document is false or contains a materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation.” Ga. Code Ann. § 16-10-20.1(b)(1).

DA Willis is well-aware of this law; she charged a number of Defendants – including Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, and John Eastman – with a violation of that law for filing in a document that contained a “materially false statement in federal court.” And she just violated it this week.



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04709c No.86359

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479094 (022132ZSEP23) Notable: There are 6 quintillion gallons of water hiding in the Earth’s crust

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"Peak Water": the NEW "Peak Oil" FRAUD

The Primary Water Institute - More Scientific Evidence "Water is a RENEWABLE"

Excerpts from link below

The Primary Water Institute - More Scientific Evidence "Water is a RENEWABLE" = the Earth makes water deep within and WE CAN "EASILY" ACCESS IT . . . READ MORE - LEARN MORE - we have been tricked by the powers that be into thinking water is scarce and we are running out . . We have not been told the TRUTH . . . The Earth makes water continually, within


video unavailable

Youtube account was terminated

New Water for a Thirsty World

Primary water, the original source of our oceans, is still being created by geological forces. That water, usually in a potable form, comes to the earth's surface in thousands of places, some well known like Jericho and Bahrain where it has provided drinking water for thousands of people for thousands of years. It pours into deep mines all over the world. Hundreds of houses on the rocky shores of Maine get their fresh water from wells drilled into the shoreline granite. Copenhagen gets all its water from a few wells. In Northern Europe, water that can be tapped by wells that do not depend on aquifers is called "ground water". The hallmark of new, or primary, water springs and wells is that they provide water at constant temperature and flow.

But this world-wide source of "new water" has been ignored by geologists and laymen in most countries including the United States. They were taught that all potable water comes from the "hydrological cycle" which merely recycles water already on the surface of our earth.

Michael H. Salzman, an engineer and administrator, researched, wrote and published a book providing detailed information on "new water". As published in 1960, it can be read and/or downloaded from this website. It is not readily available in libraries.

Mike handed us one of his last copies in 1970 and asked us to see if we could get some recognition for it. He told us some wealthy people wanting to get approval for funds to build an aqueduct to bring water from the Colorado River to southern California (they succeeded) had bought up and burned all the copies they could find. They also tried (and failed) to have him fired as Director of the Los Angeles Housing Authority.

Massive Ocean Discovered Towards The Earths Core!

A reservoir of water three times the volume of all the oceans has been discovered deep beneath the Earth’s surface. The finding may explain where Earth’s seas came from, and lend some interesting evidence to the hollow earththeory.


What is Primary Water? 1985 Interview with Dr. Stephan Riess


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04709c No.86360

File: e4d86dc4949e16b⋯.png (159.59 KB,593x870,593:870,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479099 (022132ZSEP23) Notable: Fulton DA Fani Willis and her team violated the same laws alleged against Trump, et al - false statements to a Court

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Techno Fog


We’ve elaborated on the statutory violations by Fulton DA Fani Willis.

She and her team violated the same laws alleged against Trump, et al - false statements to a Court.



Techno Fog



Aug 31

I ask everyone to read those cases. None of them hold what DA Willis says they do.

False representation to the Court makes DA Willis guilty of the same conduct she accuses the defendants.

It's a violation of Ga. Code Ann. § 16-10-20.1 (false statement to Court) twitter.com/KlasfeldReport…


9:19 AM · Sep 2, 2023




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04709c No.86361

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479101 (022132ZSEP23) Notable: There are 6 quintillion gallons of water hiding in the Earth’s crust

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43,314 views Jun 19, 2015

This is a very important interview of the late Dr. Stephan Riess from 1985 about primary water. For more information and to download a free digital magazine on primary water, please visit: www.primarywaterinstitute.org.


Titles: The Primary Water Institute Presents

Dr. Stephen Riess on Primary Water

The Last Interview, September 22, 1985

With Dr. Wayne Weber and Ross Frazier

In Escondido, California

The term Primary Water was coined by the late Dr. Stephen Riess, the geophysicist who independently discovered its existence and pioneered its development, beginning in the 1930s until his death in December 1985.

“My discovery was put to a field test by locating and drilling many wells. The records to date from these tests is 70 producing wells out of 72 attempts, all drilled in hard rock, all located in distressed areas generally considered unproductive.” (Dr. Stephen

Riess, 1954)

Primary water is a little known renewable resource that originates deep within the earth. When conditions are right, oxygen combines with hydrogen to make new water.

This water is constantly being pushed up toward the surface under great pressure. The water finds its way towards the surface through fissures or faults. Depending on the geology, primary water can be accessed close to the surface, or even flow out as a


Primary water has never been a part of the hydrologic cycle until it finally arrives at the surface. Traditional hydrologic cycle water is finite and volumes fluctuate relative to available rain and snowmelt. Primary water is renewable and plentiful regardless of the


This priceless interview from 1985 of Dr. Stephen Riess is presented in its entirety regardless of camera movement and colorful language.

Ross Frazier: This is Escondido, Sunday the 22nd of September 1985 and we’re taking instruction from Dr. Stephen Riess, an eminent earth scientist at his home in Escondido, high on a rock promontory overlooking the valley and showing massive protrusions of granite boulders all around. Stephen Riess is a very controversial scientist and has extensive knowledge worldwide in the finding of water.

Turning to address Dr. Stephen Riess . . . Do you have any immediate finds in Escondido in the last three or four months?

Dr. Riess: Yes we’ve been successful in drilling some very good wells and it happens that both locations are on the highest parts in the county. A thousand feet higher than the pump stations for the water supply from the water resources department. And the cost of pumping it from there, these stations, the river water from Sacramento up into these reservoirs here is $93 an acre foot in power

bills and it is poor quality water. So the point now is that this water wells can produce the water for $20 pumping cost instead of $93 to lift it from the pipeline below up to the surface.

Ross Frazier: And with no carrying of silt or anything of that nature.

Dr. Riess: No. It’s clean water.

Ross Frazier: The water here is very pure water, isn’t it?

Dr. Riess: It’s exceptionally good. It’s usually about one-third of the mineral content of the prevailing Colorado River water.

Ross Frazier: This is because you’re extracting primary water from very deep.

Dr. Riess: This is because it is primary water obtained below the crust and is in the non-oxidizing zone.

Ross Frazier: So this is not being oxidized?

Dr. Riess: No.

Ross Frazier: And it is not picking up contaminants.

Dr. Riess: It does not dissolve or pick up any contaminants and therefore it is superior water. It does not need any more cleaning or pre-treatment for the distribution system.

Ross Frazier: And you don’t have any, or very little if any, radiation?

Dr. Riess: Well, there may be fast dissolving radon which is about one day lifetime in the water in the reservoir.

Ross Frazier: And radon will not be a really factor here.

Dr. Riess: No, it is no factor at all.

Ross Frazier: Because it’s decay is so rapid.

Dr. Riess: Right now. And in itself is not very serious.

Ross Frazier: It wouldn’t be anywhere near the contaminants that could be picked up as a result of surface testing of nuclear weapons.

Dr. Riess: Naturally, that is the point. When they are talking about claiming waters, bad waters, which are already bad at the origin from the faucet and then going to the industrial and whatever uses there are and then go through the sewage lines, the retreating is absolute insanity.

Ross Frazier: It is not necessary because . . .

Dr. Riess: It’s ridiculous. An article that I got in the paper here before me today is talking about treating two hundred million gallons of sewage for re-use. Now who in the Devil would want to use sewage water again?

Ross Frazier: It’s unnecessary.

Dr. Riess: Absolutely unnecessary.

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04709c No.86362

File: 08d84777e6018a3⋯.mp4 (7.36 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479102 (022133ZSEP23) Notable: @JoeBiden is greeted in Florida by people chanting “F Joe Biden", "F You!" (Cap 0:31)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>BREAKING - SHOCKING - President @JoeBiden


> is greeted in Florida by people chanting “F Joe Biden", "F You!" WATCH


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04709c No.86363

File: 1b4b5c9dceea02e⋯.png (413.73 KB,593x714,593:714,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479107 (022133ZSEP23) Notable: James O'Keefe OMG EXCLUSIVE: Second whistleblower reveals that @BestBuy discriminates against religions

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James O'Keefe


BREAKING: Best Buy has fired the whistleblower Enis Sujak @CocoWarfare

who went public after exposing a manager's ban on Christian symbols at the workplace.

Enis will go on offense and bring civil rights lawsuits

against Best Buy for violating the law!


James O'Keefe



Aug 10

OMG EXCLUSIVE: Second whistleblower reveals that @BestBuy discriminates against religions. Geek Squad member has audio proof that the company refuses to allow Christian employees to display crosses while requiring them to attend LGBTQ workshops.

7:21 AM · Sep 2, 2023




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04709c No.86364

File: c1817038f7e8c8c⋯.png (935.57 KB,884x651,884:651,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479121 (022137ZSEP23) Notable: Even WaPo’s ‘Fact-Checker’ Has Had Enough of Biden’s Constant Lies

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Even WaPo’s ‘Fact-Checker’ Has Had

Enough of Biden’s Constant Lies

PJ Media, by Robert Spencer

Posted By: Hazymac, 9/2/2023 3:59:00 PM

Up to now, the Washington Post’s resident “Fact-Checker” Glenn Kessler has been a loyal propagandist for the leftist establishment, never breaking character or giving any sign that he was interested in or even capable of independent thought. Even Kessler, however, seems to have finally had enough of Old Joe Biden’s constant lying. On Thursday, Kessler made what for the WaPo amounted to a remarkable admission: much of what Old Joe blathers on about is not “credible.” That’s a polite way of saying that the faux president is a liar. Yes, you knew that. Everyone did.

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04709c No.86365

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479127 (022138ZSEP23) Notable: James O'Keefe OMG EXCLUSIVE: Second whistleblower reveals that @BestBuy discriminates against religions

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short best buy, then get the word out that best buy is against Christians


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04709c No.86366

File: 22a01d5204d31f3⋯.png (326.79 KB,593x561,593:561,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479130 (022138ZSEP23) Notable: The US has sent Ukraine over $120 billion, If you spent $10 million/day, it would take you over 32 years to spend it all.If you stacked the bills it would be over 7,500 miles high

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The US has sent Ukraine over $120 billion. Do you understand just how much money that truly is?

If you spent $10 million/day, it would take you over 32 years to spend it all.

If you counted to $120 billion it would take you 11,400 years.

If you stacked the bills it would be over 7,500 miles high.

US taxpayers are being robbed to pay for the largest money laundering operation in history


7:09 AM · Sep 2, 2023




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04709c No.86367

File: c0b3d1a784ca7ad⋯.png (19.8 KB,604x239,604:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479138 (022140ZSEP23) Notable: The Biden regime sends billions to Ukraine every week — while sending $700 to the residents of Lahaina who were burned alive by Democrats who cut off the water supply to the fire dept

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Emerald Robinson ✝️


The Biden regime sends billions to Ukraine every week — while sending $700 to the residents of Lahaina who were burned alive by Democrats who cut off the water supply to the fire dept.

The Democrats don’t mind killing Democrat voters.

6:47 AM · Sep 2, 2023




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04709c No.86368

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479140 (022140ZSEP23) Notable: There are 6 quintillion gallons of water hiding in the Earth’s crust

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

there is water forever

God made it so

the evil ones lie to us about drought and no water

and it should be free

as it is abundant

and clean






3 years ago

Muamar Gaddafi new this. That’s why he had the great man made river built as a gift to the Libyan people.

that and gold

then hillary killed him


385,613 views Oct 20, 2011

Speaking between network interviews, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton jokes with reporter on early, unconfirmed reports that deposed Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi had been killed.

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04709c No.86369

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479151 (022142ZSEP23) Notable: There are 6 quintillion gallons of water hiding in the Earth’s crust

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How Libya SHOCKED American Scientists With This - Gaddafi's Great Man Made River | 8th World Wonder

724,718 views Jan 23, 2023

How Libya Built Rivers in the Sahara Desert. Gaddafi's Unbelievable Africa Megaproject Libya has long struggled with water scarcity, dating back to the early days of the country. This is not surprising given that 90% of Libya's territory is desert and there are no natural rivers. Rainfall is also scarce, with some areas receiving little to no rain for decades. This has led to a concentration of population in the 10% of the country where rainfall and agriculture are possible, hindering development and prosperity. A plan to create man-made rivers, which would become the largest irrigation system in human history.

The oil industry became the backbone of the Libyan economy and continues to play a major role to this day. It is thanks to this discovery that Libya was able to emerge as a major player in the global oil market and become one of the wealthiest countries in Africa.

But Libya's population growth brought back a long-standing problem: water scarcity. Even in the coastal regions where it rains, the water supply was not enough to sustain the growing population. In order to find more water, the Libyans searched for alternative sources. They considered building desalination plants to turn the Mediterranean sea water into freshwater, but the cost was too high. They also looked into importing water from Europe through tankers or pipelines, but this would make the country dependent on Europe for water. Libya's solution to their water problem.

While drilling for more oil in the southern desert of Libya, they discovered a vast underground aquifer full of fresh water, a resource more valuable than oil itself. The region now receives very little rainfall, this water is not a renewable resource. The aquifers were also in remote locations, far from populated coastal cities, with limited infrastructure and transportation. Libyans initially planned to use the water for agricultural projects in the desert, but plans changed with the rise of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi in 1969.

Libyans devised an ambitious plan under Gaddafi's leadership to overcome their long-standing geographic disadvantage of a lack of rivers. They proposed constructing man-made rivers through pipelines across the Sahara desert, connecting newly discovered aquifers in the south to rapidly growing cities along the Mediterranean coast in the north. This massive irrigation project, known as the Great Man-Made River, would take decades to complete and would become the largest and most ambitious irrigation project in history, forever changing Libya's destiny.


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04709c No.86370

File: 0ee4d261651e0b3⋯.png (125.9 KB,867x904,867:904,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479154 (022143ZSEP23) Notable: James O'Keefe OMG EXCLUSIVE: Second whistleblower reveals that @BestBuy discriminates against religions

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04709c No.86371

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479155 (022143ZSEP23) Notable: There are 6 quintillion gallons of water hiding in the Earth’s crust

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The Great Man-Made River project involved constructing more than 4,000 kilometers of pipes to transport water from underground aquifers in the south to the cities in the north. The system includes over 1,300 water wells, most of which are over half a kilometer deep, to extract water from the ground. Today, this system provides approximately 2.4 cubic kilometers of fresh water annually to the over 7 million citizens of Libya, providing them with an equivalent amount of usable water.

The Great Man-Made River project was divided into five phases, the first of which focused on constructing a pipeline from south to north, tapping into the Nubian Sandstone aquifer and connecting to the cities of Benghazi and Serta. The pipeline was extended further west to Tripoli and the surrounding area in the second phase, which was completed in 2000 and provided over 1 million cubic meters of water per day. The third phase, finished in 2009, added another pipeline to the existing network, increasing water supply to Benghazi and Serta. The fourth and fifth phases, which were intended to connect the Western and Eastern systems and connect Tobruk to an aquifer, were never completed due to the political turmoil and civil war that followed the Arab Spring revolution and Gaddafi's regime's overthrow in 2011. The Great Man-Made River, once considered the World's Eighth Wonder, is still unfinished, and its completion is uncertain.

The Great Man-Made River project was initially a success, but over time it faced challenges. There were problems with the quality of the water, as it contained high levels of dissolved salts and minerals. The wells also depleted the aquifers at an alarming rate.

The Great Man-Made River project has been able to provide water to millions of Libyans, and it has been crucial in sustaining the population in the northern coastal cities. The project has enabled the growth of agriculture in the desert, which has contributed to the country's food security. However, the project has not been able to fully solve the water scarcity problem in Libya. The country still faces significant water shortages, and the population continues to grow, putting further strain on the limited resources. The water scarcity problem is a sustainable and long-term issue for Libya.








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04709c No.86372

File: 829a0bac16e70e7⋯.png (28.27 KB,600x207,200:69,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479170 (022147ZSEP23) Notable: Meme of the bread Jimmy Buffett's dead

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Bill Clinton


Jimmy Buffett’s music brought happiness to millions of people. I’ll always be grateful for his kindness, generosity, and great performances through the years, including at the White House in 2000. My thoughts are with his family, friends, and legion of devoted fans.


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04709c No.86373

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479206 (022152ZSEP23) Notable: Ken Paxton And President Trump’s Political Persecution: Call Lt Gov Patrick and tell him to support Paxton and not to nullify our votes

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Last video on Bannon on Paxton today. A lot of info, very important to listen. The last big battle and showdown between the grassroots and the globalists, Bushs and the cabal

POLL: 59% approves of Paxton dlojnh his job and 52% Of Americans Want Ken Paxton’s Charges To Be Dropped Immediately, and want him back.

It’s True, that Democrats Secret Cabal is running the TX House. Even If Paxton gets kicks out he will win John Cornyn’s seat by 14%.

The Bushs wanted to destroy Paxton with George P Bush when Paxton crushed him with 78% and Bush got 22%. This humiliated the Bush’s especially after Trump crushed Jeb. The Bush wanted to keep the Dynasty growing with George P

Watch after Bannon Interview: “The Texas Heist”, I posted it before this:

“The Texas Heist: Do the Democrats Run

The Texas House”




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04709c No.86374

File: 7b681c9d5f01c7c⋯.png (1.03 MB,1004x690,502:345,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479223 (022155ZSEP23) Notable: Aaron Rodericks, hired to run Twitter’s “election safety” censorship board thinks Elon Musk is a “f*ing dipst”…

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Guy hired to run Twitter’s “election safety” censorship board thinks Elon Musk is a “f***ing dipst”…

September 2, 2023 (11 hours ago)

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04709c No.86375

File: 33d873dd1e8e305⋯.png (234.18 KB,600x414,100:69,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479250 (022159ZSEP23) Notable: Meme of the bread Jimmy Buffett's dead

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Hillary Clinton


Fair winds and following seas, dear Jimmy.



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db04bf No.86376

File: 5ec9c69ff56f4ee⋯.webp (63.56 KB,1169x625,1169:625,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479254 (022200ZSEP23) Notable: Burning Man revelers are catching HYPOTHERMIA after festival washout

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Burning Man attendees late Friday night were told to ‘shelter in place’ after a storm dumped torrential rain on the playa and turned it into a giant soupy mud pit.

Burning Man is a yearly music and art festival in Northern Nevada in Black Rock City.

An estimated 73,000 people are trapped after a monsoonal storm moved through Black Rock City.

Burning Man attendees referred to as ‘Burners’ prayed to the ‘playa gods’ to make it stop.


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db04bf No.86377

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479256 (022201ZSEP23) Notable: Meme of the bread Jimmy Buffett's dead

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no surprise hellary chimes in

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db04bf No.86378

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479286 (022207ZSEP23) Notable: Ken Paxton And President Trump’s Political Persecution: Call Lt Gov Patrick and tell him to support Paxton and not to nullify our votes

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The most important video on Paxton show trial, it’s exactly the same as what is happening with Trump, they are trying new techniques instead of the law to destroy the conservative movement and our leaders .

Long about 20 minutes but its a template of Bushs and Globalists and of what happened in GA. And Jonathan has a lot of the inside story on Texas, Bushs, Rove, Rinos and why they are trying to destroy Paxton, plan they will use on many others if it works

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db04bf No.86379

File: 6a44859189079ac⋯.jpg (240.79 KB,720x1206,40:67,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 49f4a2a9dfb9c64⋯.jpg (183.86 KB,1170x1158,195:193,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479287 (022207ZSEP23) Notable: Prince Andrew, accused of sexually abusing a 10-year-old boy and a 12-year-old girl in a nightclub, Kyiv, Ukraine earlier this year, he left the kids in critical condition

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REPORT: Jeffrey Epstein’s close pal, Prince Andrew, has been accused of sexually abusing two children — a 10-year-old boy and a 12-year-old girl — at a nightclub in Kyiv, Ukraine earlier this year. A witness said he left the kids in critical condition. There were hardly any clothes on them, they were scared and crying. H/T

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db04bf No.86380

File: c2456131c0c9c6b⋯.webp (29.89 KB,847x492,847:492,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479326 (022217ZSEP23) Notable: PURE EVIL: Pelosi Who Supports Abortion Up to Birth – Smears Trump Supporters for Not Respecting “Dignity and Worth of Every Person”

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PURE EVIL: Pelosi Who Supports Abortion Up to Birth – Smears Trump Supporters for Not Respecting “Dignity and Worth of Every Person”

There’s a special place in hell for this one.

Earlier today Kristinn Taylor reported on Nancy Pelosi’s vile attacks against Trump and Trump supporters.

Pelosi accused the 75 million strong Trump supporters of not respecting the “dignity and worth of every person.”

Voted YES on expanding research to more embryonic stem cell lines.

Allows federal funding for research that utilizes human embryonic stem cells, regardless of the date on which the stem cells were derived from a human embryo, provided such embryos:

have been donated from in vitro fertilization clinics;

were created for the purposes of fertility treatment;

were in excess of the needs of the individuals seeking such treatment and would otherwise be discarded; and

were donated by such individuals with written informed consent and without any financial or other inducements.


This is why America voted Trump in.

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db04bf No.86381

File: 465c9a9eb319181⋯.mp4 (13.74 MB,406x720,203:360,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479363 (022223ZSEP23) Notable: DO NOT COMPLY (Cap 3:04) THERE ARE MORE OF US THAN [THEM] We ARE SOVEREIGN HUMAN BEGINS, FUCK JOE BIDEN (4 CAPS)

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db04bf No.86382

File: 5662fd07dbc24f8⋯.jpg (80.71 KB,720x580,36:29,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 96980bc9f2603d6⋯.jpg (199.96 KB,720x1214,360:607,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479409 (022231ZSEP23) Notable: Prince Andrew, accused of sexually abusing a 10-year-old boy and a 12-year-old girl in a nightclub, Kyiv, Ukraine earlier this year, he left the kids in critical condition

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Moar sauce



On June 4th 2023, the Head of the British Foreign Office, James Cleverley visited Kyiv after reportedly landing at a Polish airport located near the border with Ukraine. The very next day, Cleverley met with Volodymir Zelenski for consultations.

It was during of these visits that an extremely odd sequence occurred.

On August 25th, James Obasi, a Nigerian citizen came forward with allegations that on June 6th, Andrew boarded a helicopter with two Ukrainian toddlers seen sobbing and distraught.

Obasi declared that up until July 2023, he had worked at an administrator in charge of catering to VIP guests at the Parkovy Congress and Exhibition Center, an elite club equipped with helipads and located in the center of Kyiv. The CHI had been shut down during the pandemic but would later reopen and be turned into a resort used in hosting private events.

Obasi recalled that the children appeared “to be sobbing, as if they’d been forced to comply in acting against their will.”

“I tried to come closer, that is until a guy dressed in camo (camouflage garb) intervened to direct the kids to the helicopter. Inside, I caught a glimpse of Andrew along with two other passengers.”

Prince Andrew featured prominently at the center of the Epstein/Maxwell prostitution ring case which brought great disrepute to the British Royal family. In a civil lawsuit filed in 2011 by Virginia Giuffre, one of convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s numerous victims. Giuffre alleged that Andrew engaged in sexual acts with her while she was still underage.

The case was settled out of court for USD 10 millions.

Andrew is currently attempting to ward off attempts by King Charles to proceed with eviction from the estate that he calls home.

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db04bf No.86383

File: 46e4e649498b01f⋯.mp4 (1.02 MB,462x766,231:383,Clipboard.mp4)

File: b6b85e30c99e31c⋯.mp4 (1.56 MB,464x848,29:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479436 (022235ZSEP23) Notable: DO NOT COMPLY (Cap 3:04) THERE ARE MORE OF US THAN [THEM] We ARE SOVEREIGN HUMAN BEGINS, FUCK JOE BIDEN (4 CAPS)

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db04bf No.86384

File: 751cc04f7c50b94⋯.png (777.01 KB,888x723,296:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479459 (022238ZSEP23) Notable: Mask Mandate Return Sparks ‘We Will Not Comply’

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Mask Mandate Return Sparks ‘We Will Not Comply’ Trend

John Symank by John Symank

September 2, 2023

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db04bf No.86385

File: e1d1b22aa14c550⋯.mp4 (11.24 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479470 (022241ZSEP23) Notable: DO NOT COMPLY (Cap 3:04) THERE ARE MORE OF US THAN [THEM] We ARE SOVEREIGN HUMAN BEGINS, FUCK JOE BIDEN (4 CAPS)

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db04bf No.86386

File: e849f5f26983942⋯.png (441.56 KB,589x584,589:584,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479505 (022247ZSEP23) Notable: George Soros’ son announces he is shifting resources to focus on defeating Trump in 2024

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Jack Poso 🇺🇸


George Soros’ son announces he is shifting resources to focus on defeating Trump in 2024


George Soros’ son shifts priorities, resources to focus on defeating MAGA in 2024

“I believe a MAGA-style Republican victory in next year’s U.S. presidential election could, in the end, be worse for the EU than for the U.S.”

11:34 AM · Sep 2, 2023




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db04bf No.86387

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479509 (022249ZSEP23) Notable: #23923

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#23923 >>86325


>>86384 Mask Mandate Return Sparks ‘We Will Not Comply’

>>86358 "Remarkably Dishonest" DA Fani Willis Violates The Law TECHNOFOG: We’ve elaborated on the statutory violations by Fulton DA Fani Willis

>>86360 Fulton DA Fani Willis and her team violated the same laws alleged against Trump, et al - false statements to a Court

>>86326 PANIC on the Dance floor: Pelosi Trashes Trump: “Cancerous…Malignancy”, and His Supporters

>>86380 PURE EVIL: Pelosi Who Supports Abortion Up to Birth – Smears Trump Supporters for Not Respecting “Dignity and Worth of Every Person”

>>86327 Disney costume-clad employees caught twerking, ‘simulating sex acts’

>>86328 Amid Massive Drought, Arizona Lawmaker Calls Out Saudi 'Theft' Of State's Water

>>86354, >>86359, >>86361, >>86368, >>86369, >>86371 There are 6 quintillion gallons of water hiding in the Earth’s crust

>>86329 NIH-funded research collaborative redacts emails on why it disavowed 'gold standard' mask study

>>86330 Democrats Move to Block Maui and Florida Disaster Relief Over Ukraine Funding

>>86331 Annnddd..We're off: The Palm Beach Gardens football team won't be making the trip to Vero Beach on Friday due to more than 30 players testing positive for COVID-19

>>86346 CDC Data Reveals COVID Vaccine Could Shave Off 24 Years from Men’s Lives, 7% per year PER JAB

>>86332 PANIC in D.C.: Washington Post Reporter Implodes When Pressed About Hunter Biden Bribery Story

>>86333 Maui: 385 Still Missing

>>86334, >>86341, >>86347, >>86373, >>86378 Ken Paxton And President Trump’s Political Persecution: Call Lt Gov Patrick and tell him to support Paxton and not to nullify our votes

>>86343 The Trial of Ken Paxton: Bannon Special Today

>>86349 Tony McDonald: AG Ken Paxton Was Not Politically Targeted Until Investigating The FBI 11:06

>>86335 FBI investigating immigrants inside U.S,: Alejandro Mayorkas has still not informed the House Judiciary Committee about the status or location

>>86336, >>86345, >>86372, >>86375, >>86377 Meme of the bread Jimmy Buffett's dead

>>86337 Donald J. Trump: “Trump Is Top Choice for Nearly 60% of GOP Voters, WSJ Poll Shows—Support for DeSantis collapses in postdebate survey”

>>86338 Donald J. Trump: “Trump Mocks GOP Rivals As ‘Second-Class Acts’”


>>86340 Donald J. Trump: Trump is the greatest defender of the Constitution alive today @CharlesHurt


>>86344, >>86348, >>86352, >>86376 Burning Man revelers are catching HYPOTHERMIA after festival washout

>>86350 Mississippi - Hinds County Board of Supervisors Highlights Democrat Party at Center of Election RIGGING

>>86351 Unwanted: Clearance. Gay, Trans Skittles and bud light?

>>86353 US To Send Depleted Uranium Munitions To Ukraine For Use In US Abrams Tanks

>>86355 Torrential rain sparks flash floods on Las Vegas Strip as major power outages leave more than 4,000 residents suffering blackouts

>>86356, >>86362 @JoeBiden is greeted in Florida by people chanting “F Joe Biden", "F You!" (Cap 0:31)

>>86357 Eye-opening mini documentary by @CodeMonkeyZ detailing Nikki Haley's term as governor, lack of protectioning the young, South Carolina's grotesque tales of over 600 victims

>>86363, >>86365, >>86370 James O'Keefe OMG EXCLUSIVE: Second whistleblower reveals that @BestBuy discriminates against religions

>>86364 Even WaPo’s ‘Fact-Checker’ Has Had Enough of Biden’s Constant Lies

>>86366 The US has sent Ukraine over $120 billion, If you spent $10 million/day, it would take you over 32 years to spend it all.If you stacked the bills it would be over 7,500 miles high

>>86367 The Biden regime sends billions to Ukraine every week — while sending $700 to the residents of Lahaina who were burned alive by Democrats who cut off the water supply to the fire dept

>>86374 Aaron Rodericks, hired to run Twitter’s “election safety” censorship board thinks Elon Musk is a “f*ing dipst”…

>>86379, >>86382 Prince Andrew, accused of sexually abusing a 10-year-old boy and a 12-year-old girl in a nightclub, Kyiv, Ukraine earlier this year, he left the kids in critical condition

>>86386 George Soros’ son announces he is shifting resources to focus on defeating Trump in 2024

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db04bf No.86388

File: b541a6fc71b879d⋯.png (326.53 KB,756x638,378:319,Clipboard.png)

File: bce371c263de638⋯.png (70.76 KB,1000x1280,25:32,Clipboard.png)

File: 3cc347198105c78⋯.jpeg (247.24 KB,1800x1012,450:253,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479543 (022255ZSEP23) Notable: #23924

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Q Research General #23924: THERE ARE MORE OF US THAN [THEM] WE WILL NOT COMPLY? Edition

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db04bf No.86389

File: cb29ad1226c6f22⋯.png (446.25 KB,940x778,470:389,Clipboard.png)

File: 1d640b584285a20⋯.png (795.14 KB,1024x512,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 1d640b584285a20⋯.png (795.14 KB,1024x512,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: bf217539a423a5a⋯.png (43.06 KB,600x300,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479594 (022306ZSEP23) Notable: Federal Court Rules FDA Abused Its Authority with Anti-Ivermectin Messaging to Americans: “FDA is Not a Physician”

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Federal Court Rules FDA Abused Its Authority with Anti-Ivermectin Messaging to Americans: “FDA is Not a Physician”

In a landmark ruling on September 1, a federal court stated that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) abused its authority under federal law when it advised Americans to “stop” using the drug Ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that a group of doctors had filed a federal lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) over the agencies’ unlawful attempts to block the use of Ivermectin in treating COVID-19.

The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. Southern District of Texas in Galveston, argues that the FDA has overstepped its authority and unjustifiably interfered with their medical practice.

The plaintiffs, Drs. Mary Talley Bowden, Paul E. Marik, and Robert L. Apter, are contesting the FDA’s portrayal of Ivermectin as dangerous for human consumption. They note that the FDA has approved Ivermectin for human use since 1996 for a variety of diseases. However, they allege that with the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, the FDA began releasing documents and social media posts discouraging the use of the anti-viral drug for COVID-19 treatment.

During a hearing last year, the agency’s lawyers argued that the FDA was only giving advice and it was not mandatory when it told people to “stop” taking Ivermectin for COVID-19.

“The cited statements were not directives,” said Isaac Belfer, one of the lawyers. “They were not mandatory. They were recommendations. They said what parties should do. They said, for example, why you should not take Ivermectin to treat COVID-19. They did not say you may not do it, you must not do it. They did not say it’s prohibited or it’s unlawful. They also did not say that doctors may not prescribe Ivermectin.”

“They use informal language, that is true… It’s conversational but not mandatory,” he continued.

The statement from the lawyer contradicted the FDA’s social media post, stating, “Hold your horses, y’all. Ivermectin may be trending, but it still isn’t authorized or approved to treat COVID-19″ and another tweet says, “You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.” Both posts were linked to FDA’s website with the title, “Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID-19.”

Last month, the lawyer representing the FDA clarified the agency’s stance on the use of Ivermectin for treating COVID-19 patients. The lawyer confirmed that doctors have the authority to prescribe the drug for off-label use in treating COVID-19.

During the oral argument, Ashley Cheung Honold, a Department of Justice lawyer representing the FDA stated that the agency “explicitly recognizes” that doctors do have the authority to administer Ivermectin to treat COVID.

“”FDA explicitly recognizes that doctors do have the authority to prescribe Ivermectin to treat COVID,” said Honold.

“FDA made these statements in response to multiple reports of consumers being hospitalized, after self-medicating with Ivermectin intended for horses, which is available for purchase over the counter without the need for prescription,” Honold said.

On Friday, September 1, U.S. Circuit Judge Don Willett stated in his written ruling, “FDA can inform, but it has identified no authority allowing it to recommend consumers ‘stop’ taking medicine.”

According to the court’s decision, the three physicians can now pursue legal action, arguing that the FDA’s campaign went beyond the scope of the agency’s jurisdiction as defined by federal legislation.

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db04bf No.86390

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479596 (022306ZSEP23) Notable: Federal Court Rules FDA Abused Its Authority with Anti-Ivermectin Messaging to Americans: “FDA is Not a Physician”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


“FDA is not a physician. It has authority to inform, announce, and apprise—but not to endorse, denounce, or advise,” Judge Don Willett wrote for a panel that also included Jennifer Walker Elrod and Edith Brown Clement. “The Doctors have plausibly alleged that FDA’s Posts fell on the wrong side of the line between telling about and telling to. As such, the Doctors can use the APA to assert their ultra vires claims against the Agencies and the Officials.”

In the ruling, Judge Willett wrote, “Left unmentioned in most of that messaging: Ivermectin also comes in a human version. And while the human version of Ivermectin is not FDA-approved to treat the coronavirus, some people were using it off-label for that purpose.”

He added, “Even tweet-sized doses of personalized medical advice are beyond FDA’s statutory authority.”

In a statement to Epoch Times, Dr. Mary Talley Bowden said, “The FDA misled the public into thinking it has more authority than it does. This decision confirms that the FDA is not your doctor and has no authority to tell doctors how to practice medicine.”

It can be recalled that Houston Methodist launched an investigation into Bowden and suspended her for defying health authorities and exercising free speech.

The hospital excoriated Bowden for “using her social media accounts to express her personal opinions about the COVID-19 vaccine and treatments,” NBC News reports. The suspension barred the physician from admitting or treating patients at the hospital.

Bowden repeatedly warned that it is “wrong” to mandate the experimental mRNA vaccines and continuously touted Ivermectin as a safe and effective treatment amid threats from public health officials against prescribing the drug.

Bowden was forced to resign. In her resignation letter, Bowden doubled down on the efficacy of Ivermectin.

“I have worked hard to provide early treatment for victims of COVID-19. My efforts have been successful. I have treated more than 200 COVID-19 patients, including many with co-morbidities, and none of these patients have required hospitalization. This is a testament to the success of my treatment methods,” she wrote. “Throughout this pandemic, there has been no FDA-approved treatment for COVID. Therefore I have done my best to care for patients and save lives in the absence of a clear scientific consensus.”

“Early treatment must still be part of any strategy for patient care. That is why physicians and hospitals should pay more attention to medications such as Ivermectin, which significant research and my clinical experience indicate is effective,” she continued. “I have decided to part ways with Houston Methodist because of the accusation that I have been spreading “dangerous information.” This is false and defamatory. I do not spread misinformation, and my opinions are supported by science. There is substantial evidence for the efficacy of Ivermectin in treating COVID-19, and no evidence for serious or fatal side effects associated with the doses used to treat COVID-19.”

There have now been 99 Ivermectin COVID-19 controlled studies that show a 62% improvement in COVID patients.


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db04bf No.86391

File: f26cb5b1f5b2cf1⋯.png (498.54 KB,700x394,350:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479597 (022306ZSEP23) Notable: Americans Already Said NO, Biden Admin Spends "Up To $12 Billion" Retrofit Auto Plants For Electric Car Conversions

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

AMERICANS ALREADY SAID NO. Biden Admin To Provide "Up To $12 Billion" To Retrofit Auto Plants To Produce EVs


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db04bf No.86392

File: 9b76c113779911a⋯.png (721.54 KB,660x450,22:15,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479600 (022307ZSEP23) Notable: Federal Court Rules FDA Abused Its Authority with Anti-Ivermectin Messaging to Americans: “FDA is Not a Physician”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Federal Court Rules FDA Abused Its Authority with Anti-Ivermectin Messaging to Americans: “FDA is Not a Physician”


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db04bf No.86393

File: 819dd669c97496b⋯.png (1.1 MB,986x830,493:415,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479607 (022309ZSEP23) Notable: FBI DRESSED AS Neo-Nazi Groups ‘Blood Tribe’ and ‘Goyim Defense League’ Chants ‘Heil Hitler’ and Display Swastika Flags While Marching in Altamonte Springs, Florida

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

more freak'n nazis?

Neo-Nazi Groups ‘Blood Tribe’ and ‘Goyim Defense League’ Chants ‘Heil Hitler’ and Display Swastika Flags While Marching in Altamonte Springs, Florida


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db04bf No.86394

File: 0c6661a526dfa22⋯.gif (425.94 KB,305x205,61:41,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479609 (022311ZSEP23) Notable: Federal Court Rules FDA Abused Its Authority with Anti-Ivermectin Messaging to Americans: “FDA is Not a Physician”

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db04bf No.86395

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479611 (022312ZSEP23) Notable: Federal Court Rules FDA Abused Its Authority with Anti-Ivermectin Messaging to Americans: “FDA is Not a Physician”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





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db04bf No.86396

File: 7b9474749caf241⋯.jpeg (75.93 KB,600x448,75:56,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479612 (022313ZSEP23) Notable: FBI DRESSED AS Neo-Nazi Groups ‘Blood Tribe’ and ‘Goyim Defense League’ Chants ‘Heil Hitler’ and Display Swastika Flags While Marching in Altamonte Springs, Florida

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“Blood Tribe”?

“Goyim Defense League”?

Come on FBI. Do better.

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db04bf No.86397

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479613 (022313ZSEP23) Notable: FBI DRESSED AS Neo-Nazi Groups ‘Blood Tribe’ and ‘Goyim Defense League’ Chants ‘Heil Hitler’ and Display Swastika Flags While Marching in Altamonte Springs, Florida

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Calling Laura Loomer a FAGGOT, was gold.

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db04bf No.86398

File: a30c0f7e9afa425⋯.png (482.48 KB,750x619,750:619,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479614 (022313ZSEP23) Notable: FBI DRESSED AS Neo-Nazi Groups ‘Blood Tribe’ and ‘Goyim Defense League’ Chants ‘Heil Hitler’ and Display Swastika Flags While Marching in Altamonte Springs, Florida

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db04bf No.86399

File: 9a9f7e25672715c⋯.png (985.21 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479618 (022315ZSEP23) Notable: Former US Ambassador to the UN Bill Richardson dies aged 75 frequent guest of Jeffrey Epstein's New Mexico Zorro Ranch & Lolita Island

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A frequent guest of Jeffrey Epstein's New Mexico Zorro Ranch & Lolita Island dies in his sleep in his Massachusetts mansion at 75

Former US Ambassador to the UN Bill Richardson dies aged 75

Former New Mexico governor and US ambassador to the United Nations Bill Richardson has died aged 75.


#32206 at 2018-01-13 01:14:11 (UTC+1)

Q Research #37: Indictment-A-Go-Go Edition


bill Richardson was in the N Korea photo with E schmidt

#32190 at 2018-01-13 01:09:54 (UTC+1)

Q Research #37: Indictment-A-Go-Go Edition

Former New Mexico Govenor Bill Richardson

Yesterday FoxNews Interview.

https:// m.youtube. com/watch?v=Kna5D2X5kRE

Today Interview = Black Eye.

Who did he upset?

What upset the boss?

Link: http:// www.kob. com/live/

#95353 at 2018-01-19 18:38:39 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #114 - RIDERS ON THE STORM Edition

Updated list of people to mention in your letters/emails/calls to congress, letters to the editor, blog posts, tweets, gabs, FB posts.

Memes are over the top anon's!

Adam Schiff

Andrew McCabe

Andrew Weisman

Bill Priestap

Bill Richardson


Bruce Ohr

David Axlerod

Debbie W. Schulz

Donna Brazille

Eric Holder

Eric Schmidt

Huma Abedin

James Baker

James Clapper

James Comey

James Rybicki

Jared Cohen

Jeh Johnson

Jeniffer Palmieri

John Brennan

John McCain

John Podesta

Lisa Page

Loretta Lynch

Nellie Ohr

Paul Combetta

Perkins Coie LLC

Peter Kadzik

Peter Strzok

Rahm Emanuel

Robby Mook

Robert Mueller

Rod Rosenstein

Sally Yates

Samantha Powers

Sidney Blumenthal

Susan Rice

Tony Podesta

Valerie Jarrett

Xavier Becerra

All need to stand in front of a Grand Jury.

#19140597 at 2023-07-07 20:16:44 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #23508: Rally And Beyond Edition

Jeffrey Epstein has been associated with numerous high profile-celebrities, scientists and politicians.

This important expose into the sickening connections of pedophilia and technocratic transhumanism is key to understanding the world we live in and the rapid transformation of humans into Cyborgs.

"In other words, the boundary between human beings and machines is going to become increasingly blurred.

Ito: In a phase preceding the development of such superior artificial intelligence, there could arise, if only for a short period, a situation in which people will be used like slaves by computers. This is because a human brain may be cheaper to use than a computer. "

The deposition also names Prince Andrew of Britain and former New Mexico governor Bill Richardson, among others.

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db04bf No.86400

File: 57bfceb81e53af0⋯.mp4 (13.13 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479631 (022318ZSEP23) Notable: Take the Oath (Cap 2:07)

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db04bf No.86401

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479634 (022318ZSEP23) Notable: Former US Ambassador to the UN Bill Richardson dies aged 75 frequent guest of Jeffrey Epstein's New Mexico Zorro Ranch & Lolita Island

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Welp, that's two this weekend.

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db04bf No.86402

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479662 (022328ZSEP23) Notable: Former US Ambassador to the UN Bill Richardson dies aged 75 frequent guest of Jeffrey Epstein's New Mexico Zorro Ranch & Lolita Island

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


3 Al-Fayed, Buffet, Richardson

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db04bf No.86403

File: 8a9f64cf76cee0e⋯.jpeg (110.29 KB,416x504,52:63,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479670 (022329ZSEP23) Notable: FBI DRESSED AS Neo-Nazi Groups ‘Blood Tribe’ and ‘Goyim Defense League’ Chants ‘Heil Hitler’ and Display Swastika Flags While Marching in Altamonte Springs, Florida

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

db04bf No.86404

File: 3caa3f5f13266e3⋯.jpg (106.41 KB,525x573,175:191,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479675 (022330ZSEP23) Notable: FBI DRESSED AS Neo-Nazi Groups ‘Blood Tribe’ and ‘Goyim Defense League’ Chants ‘Heil Hitler’ and Display Swastika Flags While Marching in Altamonte Springs, Florida

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

db04bf No.86405

File: 1170db1a1bc29c6⋯.png (534.15 KB,841x891,841:891,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479718 (022342ZSEP23) Notable: Triple counted ballot in Gwinnett Countywas found by a very bright friend with excellent software skills. @GabrielSterling says it didn't happen. It happened.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Liz Harrington reposted

David Cross

Triple counted ballot in Gwinnett Countywas found by a very bright friend with excellent software skills. @GabrielSterling says it didn't happen. It happened.

8:53 AM · Sep 2, 2023·191.1K Views


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db04bf No.86406

File: 2fe3705cb8ae49d⋯.png (736.59 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479749 (022348ZSEP23) Notable: Ukraine’s Western backers are ‘pro-Nazi coalition’ – Medvedev

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>>86393, >>86396, >>86397, >>86398 FBI DRESSED AS Neo-Nazi Groups ‘Blood Tribe’ and ‘Goyim Defense League’ Chants ‘Heil Hitler’ and Display Swastika Flags While Marching in Altamonte Springs, Florida

Ukraine’s Western backers are ‘pro-Nazi coalition’ – Medvedev

The US and its allies are acting like Nazi accomplices in the Ukraine conflict and should be treated as such, Dmitry Medvedev has said



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db04bf No.86407

File: 3bfcfbe3fbe24c0⋯.mp4 (13.74 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479750 (022349ZSEP23) Notable: Democrat Hinds County Supervisor Mississippi, challenging his party's primary election results after discovering massive election fraud (Cap 23:18)

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A Democrat County Supervisor in Hinds, Mississippi is challenging his party's primary election results after discovering massive election fraud

"We have videotapes of someone going into boxes bringing in thumb drives, bringing in ballots to be inserted into the machines"

The person he's talking about is the Hinds County Democrat party chair.

If you watch this presentation, it sounds exactly like what happened in the 2020 election and 2022 election in Arizona. If Democrats are rigging their own primaries, imagine what they're doing in general elections.

@KariLake @realDonaldTrump are not alone. Democrats are rigging elections everywhere


6:28 PM · Sep 1, 2023·4.5M Views


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db04bf No.86408

File: 13db8d2b09fb436⋯.png (2.01 MB,1024x1020,256:255,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479753 (022350ZSEP23) Notable: Burning Man aerial view reveals GIANT pentagram

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An ariel view of Burning Man

What do you see?

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db04bf No.86409

File: 4c538b30f32b035⋯.png (515.86 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479754 (022350ZSEP23) Notable: "Ukrainian troops retook a wide swath of territory from Russia on Monday, pushing all the way back to the northeastern border in some places"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tucker Carlson’s Ukraine War Expert Totally Debunked in 72 Hours

"Ukrainian troops retook a wide swath of territory from Russia on Monday, pushing all the way back to the northeastern border in some places"


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db04bf No.86410

File: ab39ed6d33639b2⋯.png (756.86 KB,882x780,147:130,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479759 (022351ZSEP23) Notable: Black Voters Fleeing Democrat Plantation Biden-Harris Regime Getting Desperate

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Black Voters Fleeing Democrat Plantation Biden-Harris Regime Getting Desperate


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db04bf No.86411

File: 20630f6a3e9c069⋯.png (737.32 KB,800x776,100:97,Clipboard.png)

File: bb4b8b456d67e85⋯.png (1.22 MB,1730x1201,1730:1201,Clipboard.png)

File: 2e961842996f709⋯.mp4 (4.17 MB,264x480,11:20,Clipboard.mp4)

File: a55b52333a1cbee⋯.png (589.21 KB,640x531,640:531,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479765 (022352ZSEP23) Notable: Mask mp4's (Caps)

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

db04bf No.86412

File: c5df6202c57262c⋯.png (223.06 KB,779x697,19:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479773 (022353ZSEP23) Notable: Burning Man aerial view reveals GIANT pentagram

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


It's a huge pentagram.

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db04bf No.86413

File: 3fa7a86da683c46⋯.png (1.45 MB,1024x1020,256:255,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479794 (022357ZSEP23) Notable: Burning Man aerial view reveals GIANT pentagram

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db04bf No.86414

File: eae266b0934966b⋯.png (4.87 MB,3000x1942,1500:971,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479795 (022357ZSEP23) Notable: Oprah and her MAUI 4,800 sf underground bunker, all solar powered

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Oprah and her 4,800 sf underground bunker, all solar powered


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db04bf No.86415

File: b55333e6cb2d4c3⋯.png (300.63 KB,497x329,71:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479798 (022358ZSEP23) Notable: EPA Will Not Clean Up Toxic Chemical Spill in Trump-Voting Ohio District East Palestine Until 2024… If Ever

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

TREASON Hunger Games: EPA Will Not Clean Up Toxic Chemical Spill in Trump-Voting Ohio District East Palestine Until 2024... If Ever

The Biden regime not only does not care about the horrific suffering of residents in East Palestine, Ohio they seem to revel in it.


Buuuut muuhh You Crane needz $120 BILLIONS

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db04bf No.86416

File: c6d0a21994d5480⋯.mp4 (4.96 MB,464x848,29:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479824 (030004ZSEP23) Notable: Sorry not Sorry, you are going to be educated about the reality of masks, this time round (Cap 1:20)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sorry not Sorry, you are going to be educated about the reality of masks, this time round

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db04bf No.86417

File: 82e21578145dba6⋯.mp4 (2.93 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479825 (030005ZSEP23) Notable: Masks, Who Wear Them are Dumber Than Fuck

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Masks and Lazy Information Niggers Who Wear Them are Dumber Than Fuck.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

db04bf No.86418

File: af72f79d03089a6⋯.png (375.01 KB,700x394,350:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479832 (030006ZSEP23) Notable: It's never been about Trump… it’s about forcing Americans into submission… The Left's Relentless War On Donald Trump And Everyone Who Disagrees With Them

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Left's Relentless War On Donald Trump And Everyone Who Disagrees With Them. It's never been about Trump... it’s about forcing Americans into submission...

The Left's Relentless War On Donald Trump And Everyone Who Disagrees With Them


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db04bf No.86419

File: 768d0db676ccd6b⋯.png (661.43 KB,650x380,65:38,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479853 (030010ZSEP23) Notable: 78 Years Ago Today, on The Deck of the USS Missouri, World War II Came to an End

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Meanwhile Onboard "The Mighty MO" 78 Years Ago

78 Years Ago Today, on The Deck of the USS Missouri, World War II Came to an End


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db04bf No.86420

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479867 (030013ZSEP23) Notable: “The fact that they’re spending so much time, energy, and money to take him [Trump] down… I’m starting to feel like maybe everything he said was true.” “NOW I’M AWAKE, NOT WOKE.”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Awesome video!!! Scales are literally falling off peoples eyes and they’re seeing things for how they really are!! This truly is the biggest political backfire in American history!!

“The fact that they’re spending so much time, energy, and money to take him [Trump] down… I’m starting to feel like maybe everything he said was true.”



9:27 PM · Sep 1, 2023·1.4M Views


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db04bf No.86421

File: aceea4b435439ee⋯.png (222.9 KB,744x874,372:437,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479902 (030020ZSEP23) Notable: “The fact that they’re spending so much time, energy, and money to take him [Trump] down… I’m starting to feel like maybe everything he said was true.” “NOW I’M AWAKE, NOT WOKE.”

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Sarah Palin

🧠cerebral vs emo consideration results in: “Now I’m Awake, Not Woke” This is very good…


>Awesome video!!!

6:54 PM · Sep 2, 2023


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db04bf No.86422

File: f6fb6d947c4df35⋯.png (1.07 MB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479913 (030021ZSEP23) Notable: Fani Willis Possesses Evidence Exonerating Georgia’s Alternate Electors

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EXCLUSIVE: Fani Willis Possesses Evidence Exonerating Georgia’s Alternate Electors

SEPTEMBER 01, 2023

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis possesses evidence that exonerates several Republicans she’s targeting in her legal crusade against former President Donald Trump and other Republicans for their lawful contesting of Georgia’s flawed 2020 election.

In her Aug. 14 indictment, Willis alleged the existence of Republican electors for Trump constituted an unlawful “conspiracy” to overturn the Peach State’s 2020 election results. Among those charged for partaking in this so-called “conspiracy” are David Shafer, one of Georgia’s 2020 Republican electors, and Ray Smith, who served as one of Trump’s lawyers at the time of the contest.

Specifically, Willis claimed Shafer and the other alternate electors “unlawfully falsely held themselves out” as Georgia’s “duly elected and qualified” presidential electors. She further insisted these electors — with Smith’s assistance — intentionally attempted to “mislead” figures such as then-Vice President Mike Pence and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger “into believing that they actually were such officers.”

However, among the documents Willis obtained during her years-long investigation of Republicans was a meeting transcript refuting her allegations.

A transcript of the Georgia Republican electors’ Dec. 14, 2020, meeting, obtained by The Federalist, explicitly shows the intent behind casting alternate electors was not to impersonate public officers, as Willis alleged, but to lawfully preserve Trump’s legal challenge to the state’s election results. At the meeting’s outset, Shafer specifically noted how he and his fellow Republicans were acting as “Republican nominees for Presidential Elector,” not as “duly elected and qualified” presidential electors.

“[President Trump] has filed a contest to the certified returns. That contest — is pending [and has] not been decided or even heard by any judge with the authority to hear it,” Shafer said. “And so in order to preserve his rights, it’s important that the Republican nominees for Presidential Elector meet here today and cast their votes.”

For context, Shafer and Trump filed a lawsuit against Secretary of State Raffensberger in Fulton County state court on Dec. 4, 2020, alleging tens of thousands of illegal votes had been cast in the state’s presidential election. The suit came after a recount, requested by Trump, deemed Biden the winner of Georgia’s 16 electoral votes by a margin of 11,779. The recount prompted Raffensberger to recertify the election on Dec. 7 while Trump’s legal challenge remained ongoing.

By the time Dec. 14, 2020, arrived — the day on which nominees for presidential electors are required by federal law to meet — Trump and Shafer’s lawsuit was still pending. As such, Georgia’s Republican nominees, including Shafer, cast their electoral votes for Trump while the state’s Democrat nominees cast theirs for Biden.

During the Dec. 14, 2020, meeting, Shafer further clarified the legal rationale for filing alternate electors in a conversation with Smith, asking Trump’s then-lawyer: “And so the only way for us to have any judge consider the merits of our complaint, the thousands of people we allege voted unlawfully, is for us to have this meeting and permit the contest to continue?”

“That’s correct,” Smith replied.

The naming of contingent Republican electors during the 2020 election closely mirrors efforts taken during the 1960 presidential contest between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon. As The Federalist’s Margot Cleveland previously reported, a dispute over who won Hawaii’s electoral votes prompted both Kennedy and Nixon electors to cast their votes for their respective candidates. While Hawaii’s acting Republican governor initially certified the election for Nixon, a legal challenge and subsequent court decision resulted in the state’s electoral votes being awarded to Kennedy.

Unlike Kennedy, Trump never had his day in court over his legal challenges to those votes and others, but had the court ruled in Trump’s favor, the alternative electors would have been in place to ensure the will of the Georgia people was exercised.

While speaking to Shafer and the other Republican electors at the Dec. 14, 2020, meeting, Smith asserted the naming of Republican electors for Trump would be conducted “in accordance with the Constitution” and the precedent established in the 1960 Hawaii case, saying, “We’re conducting this because the contest of the election in Georgia is ongoing.”

“And if we did not hold this meeting, then our election contest would effectively be abandoned?” Shafer asked, to which Smith replied, “That’s correct.”


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db04bf No.86423

File: 9bd0ecea895358b⋯.png (318.6 KB,626x780,313:390,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479918 (030023ZSEP23) Notable: A meteor has been filmed streaking across the night sky in Turkey tonight! Wow.

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A meteor has been filmed streaking across the night sky in Turkey tonight! Wow.


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db04bf No.86424

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479923 (030024ZSEP23) Notable: Fani Willis Possesses Evidence Exonerating Georgia’s Alternate Electors

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The revelations unearthed in the transcript raise a significant question: If Willis was in possession of the transcript prior to Aug. 14, why did she charge Shafer and Smith for allegedly partaking in a “conspiracy” to overturn Georgia’s 2020 election results when the aforementioned document shows otherwise?

Willis did not respond to The Federalist’s repeated requests for comment on when her office possessed the Dec. 14, 2020, transcript prior to announcing Shafer and Smith’s indictments to the public.

Unlike the 1960 Hawaii case, which was promptly resolved in court prior to Congress’s certification of the election, the Fulton County state court reportedly violated Georgia’s election code by failing to swiftly assign a judge to hear Trump’s election challenge. Furthermore, the Georgia court delayed the first scheduled hearing of Trump’s lawsuit until Jan. 8, 2021 — “two days after Congress certified Biden the winner of the 2020 election” — which effectively guaranteed that any court decision invalidating potentially illegal ballots would be moot.

It’s worth mentioning that evidence unearthed following the 2020 election shows Trump’s legal challenge in Georgia had strong merit, with records indicating there were more illegal votes than Biden’s margin of victory in Georgia. Under state law, Georgians must vote in the county where they reside, unless they changed their residence within 30 days of Election Day.

As The Federalist reported, however, Mark Davis, the president of Data Productions Inc. and “an expert in voter data analytics and residency issues,” used data from the National Change of Address database to identify “nearly 35,000 Georgia voters who indicated they had moved from one Georgia county to another, but then voted in the 2020 general election in the county from which they had moved.” In a phone interview this week, Davis told The Federalist that more recent figures show more than 12,000 of those 35,000 Georgians later updated their voter registration addresses, “providing the secretary of state the exact address they had previously provided to the [U.S. Postal Service].” In other words, more than 12,000 in-state movers tacitly confirmed they illegally cast their vote in the wrong county in 2020.

The ‘Fake Electors’ Charges Are Fake News

Contrary to Willis’ indictments, constitutional law specialists such as Todd Zywicki, a professor at George Mason University’s Antonin Scalia Law School, have argued the casting of alternate electors in Georgia was perfectly legitimate and adheres to existing legal precedent. In a July 18 letter requesting a meeting with Willis, Shafer’s legal team enclosed an expert declaration issued by Zywicki, in which he contended the actions undertaken by Trump’s legal team and the Republican electors in Georgia “followed the Hawaii precedent precisely” and used “materially identical forms and the same procedures as the contingent 1960 Hawaii Democratic Presidential Electors.”

“At the same time, the contingent Georgia Republican Presidential Electors publicly announced that the votes they cast and related actions they took were expressly contingent on the outcome of the pending election contest and were cast only to protect and preserve the remedies for that contest and the ability of the State of Georgia to have a valid electoral ballot for Congress to count on January 6, 2021 regardless of the ultimate outcome [of] that contest,” Zywicki wrote.

The law professor furthermore noted that in casting their votes for Biden, Georgia’s Democrat electors were also “acting contingently … as their status as Presidential Electors was directly contingent on the outcome” of Trump’s contesting of the state’s election results in court. Similar to their Republican counterparts, the Democrat electors “made no similar announcement that their votes and actions on December 14, 2020 were contingent on the outcome of the election contest.”

Unlike Republicans, however, the state’s Democrat electors “have come under no criticism or scrutiny for having not done so,” Zywicki noted.

Shafer’s Ongoing Legal Fight

In light of the charges levied against their client, Shafer’s legal team filed a motion last week to have his case moved from Fulton County Superior Court to the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia.


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db04bf No.86425

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479928 (030024ZSEP23) Notable: Fani Willis Possesses Evidence Exonerating Georgia’s Alternate Electors

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In the filing, Shafer’s lawyers argued that neither Georgia nor Willis possesses the legal authority to charge Shafer for actions he took in his capacity as a lawful presidential elector and further requested the federal court “assert its habeas or equitable jurisdiction to bar the State’s prosecution.” Shafer’s team further contended the state’s prosecution “seeks to criminalize a political dispute that only Congress possesses the authority to resolve.”

“Like Members of Congress, presidential electors are created by the Constitution, elected by the States, but serve a federal role under federal authority,” the motion reads. “Just as Members of Congress are federal officers” under federal law, “so too then, by the same analogy, are presidential electors. Mr. Shafer was an officer of the United States for the broad purposes of removal under” the same statute.

According to Shafer, on Tuesday, Obama-appointed District Judge Steve Jones ordered a hearing on Shafer’s motion.


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db04bf No.86426

File: 5dd92e7d5f13d61⋯.mp4 (14.96 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479932 (030025ZSEP23) Notable: “The fact that they’re spending so much time, energy, and money to take him [Trump] down… I’m starting to feel like maybe everything he said was true.” “NOW I’M AWAKE, NOT WOKE.”

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>This is very good…


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db04bf No.86427

File: ea139cc9a5a29d5⋯.mp4 (792.94 KB,720x900,4:5,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479958 (030029ZSEP23) Notable: A meteor has been filmed streaking across the night sky in Turkey tonight! Wow.

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db04bf No.86428

File: 1ce66c9b75fc9a6⋯.png (78.87 KB,264x250,132:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479967 (030031ZSEP23) Notable: Burners Without Borders formed in 2005

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Burners Without Borders formed in 2005 when Burners (Burning Man attendees) volunteered in the Hurricane Katrina disaster area. The group was originally named Temple to Temple Crew as they rebuilt a Vietnamese temple. The organization was renamed Burners Without Borders as volunteers continued to do Gulf Coast cleanup and help people rebuild their devastated communities. As the volunteer numbers grow, BWB has emerged to address projects globally. Efforts such as in Pisco, Peru a city hit by a magnitude 8.0 earthquake in the 2007 Peru earthquake, Burners Without Borders worked alongside 154 volunteers from 23 nations and such humanitarian groups as the International Committee of the Red Cross and Doctors Without Borders. In 2011 BWB participated in relief efforts in Japan, following the Fukushima disaster in the remote Tohoku Prefecture. Other efforts include building bottle schools in Guatemala, delivering relief supplies to Haiti and relief efforts to areas not receiving relief assistance in New Jersey following the devastation caused by Hurricane Sandy.

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db04bf No.86429

File: ac09d5059371e8c⋯.png (154.09 KB,254x255,254:255,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479976 (030032ZSEP23) Notable: “The fact that they’re spending so much time, energy, and money to take him [Trump] down… I’m starting to feel like maybe everything he said was true.” “NOW I’M AWAKE, NOT WOKE.”

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She's Achieved Stage One

The Hardest Part is over

Meow comes Difficult Truths

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db04bf No.86430

File: e87c990b6712cb0⋯.png (738.02 KB,1444x1014,722:507,Clipboard.png)

File: c432ab5a2a34b13⋯.png (445.35 KB,735x489,245:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19479999 (030036ZSEP23) Notable: Call sign ENVY11. USN E-6B Mercury 164407. Spoofing ADS-B location data by a couple hundred miles at one point on this flight.

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Call sign ENVY11. USN E-6B Mercury 164407. Spoofing ADS-B location data by a couple hundred miles at one point on this flight.

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db04bf No.86431

File: 52650008aedb6bd⋯.png (491.11 KB,1269x1131,423:377,Clipboard.png)

File: 560c7a50c4e9fd7⋯.png (1.52 MB,1536x1024,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 080c51ceaebd89e⋯.png (2.15 MB,1536x1104,32:23,Clipboard.png)

File: 675487540d67cad⋯.jpg (473.02 KB,1186x1186,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1cda63f5b6eab76⋯.png (263.97 KB,500x431,500:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480016 (030038ZSEP23) Notable: Bill Richardson, former governor of New Mexico and UN ambassador, dead at 75

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Oh what a glorious morning. Oh what a glorious day! I've got a reason for singing- everything's going my way

The rope would've been better but this will do:

Bill Richardson, former governor of New Mexico and UN ambassador, dead at 75

September 2, 2023

Bill Richardson, a two-term Democratic governor of New Mexico and a U.S. ambassador to the United Nations who dedicated his post-political career to working to free Americans detained overseas, has died. He was 75.

The Richardson Center for Global Engagement, which he founded and led, said in a statement Saturday that he died in his sleep at his home in Chatham, Massachusetts.

“He lived his entire life in the service of others — including both his time in government and his subsequent career helping to free people held hostage or wrongfully detained abroad,” said Mickey Bergman, the center’s vice president. “There was no person that Gov. Richardson would not speak with if it held the promise of returning a person to freedom. The world has lost a champion for those held unjustly abroad and I have lost a mentor and a dear friend.”

Before his election in 2002 as governor, Richardson was U.N. ambassador and energy secretary under President Bill Clinton and served 14 years as a congressman representing northern New Mexico.

Richardson also traveled the globe as an unofficial diplomatic troubleshooter, negotiating the release of hostages and American servicemen from North Korea, Iraq, Cuba and Sudan. He bargained with a who’s who of America’s adversaries, including Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. It was a role that Richardson relished, once describing himself as “the informal undersecretary for thugs.”

Armed with a golden resume and wealth of experience in foreign and domestic affairs, Richardson ran for the 2008 Democratic nomination for president in hopes of becoming the nation’s first Hispanic president. He dropped out of the race after fourth place finishes in the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary.

Richardson was the nation’s only Hispanic governor during his two terms. He described being governor as “the best job I ever had.”

“It’s the most fun. You can get the most done. You set the agenda,” Richardson said.

Sauce/more: https://nypost.com/2023/09/02/bill-richardson-former-governor-of-new-mexico-and-un-ambassador-dead-at-75/

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db04bf No.86432

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480035 (030041ZSEP23) Notable: Burning Man aerial view reveals GIANT pentagram

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Shortly before the flooding began, there was an occult ritual in the Black Rock desert, a box burning to reveal a Phoenix, in celebration of BlackRock’s war in Ukraine.


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db04bf No.86433

File: 34ce004645faafc⋯.png (1.03 MB,768x510,128:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480077 (030050ZSEP23) Notable: Air Force can't trust dumbass blue states to keep the lights on so they're bringing their own nuclear reactors instead HALEU production

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Air Force can't trust dumbass blue states to keep the lights on so they're bringing their own nuclear reactors instead

U.S. Air Force Selects Fast Microreactor for Nuclear Power Pilot

The U.S. Air Force’s first nuclear microreactor planned for Eielson Air Force Base in Alaska under a federal nuclear microreactor pilot program will be an...


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db04bf No.86434

File: 2febb84cd2833e7⋯.png (920.86 KB,566x600,283:300,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480080 (030051ZSEP23) Notable: Here We Go: Rumors of Ebola-Like Illness at Burning Man

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Here We Go: Rumors of Ebola-Like Illness at Burning Man

"The rumors on the ground here are that there's some sort of virus on the loose at Burning Man that causes boils/vomiting/hemorrhaging."


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db04bf No.86435

File: 3a57e62a0297d85⋯.jpg (192.87 KB,2047x1432,2047:1432,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 247eea848c78b80⋯.jpg (71.7 KB,2330x780,233:78,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480092 (030053ZSEP23) Notable: Amphitheaters and not circular, explanation

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amphitheaters and not circular.

they are more like ovals, they have a long and a short axis.

the design of them is rather complex, and the centers of circles are used to draw out the edges however, the layout is rather advanced.

different circle centers are used to lay out an arc of the outside. the Colosseum has three different radii for this, the amphitheater in Verona has two.

the arcs are laid out in a way that the edge always line up with matching tangents. This is done by choosing a center point that lies along the same segment.

it's like taking slices from a circular pie, and then laying them out so that the edges match, the pies have different diameters. The result is that the tangents always align, to make an oval,. But the outside is always the arc of a circle.

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db04bf No.86436

File: 4ad1497cab710d2⋯.png (1.32 MB,1169x658,167:94,Clipboard.png)

File: 1cea55b49d8ca17⋯.png (293.66 KB,547x429,547:429,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480140 (030105ZSEP23) Notable: Burning Man Turns Into Freezing Man, God's like fuck this shit - no satanic ritual for you this year

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God's like fuck this shit - no satanic ritual for you this year

Burning Man Turns Into Freezing Man! Things Turn From Bad to Worse: Attendees Suffer From Hypothermia as Torrential Rain and Wind Batter Festival

Burning Man has turned into Freezing Man!

Burning Man is a yearly drug-infested music and art festival in Northern Nevada in Black Rock City.

According to reports, this year’s Burning Man was exceptionally degenerate and dubbed the “wildest festival of the year.”

‘Burners’ engaged in sexually degenerate activities such as “whippings by a dominatrix priestess,” “circle jerks,” “c*ck fights” and orgies.

Then the heavens opened up.

An estimated 73,000 people are trapped after a monsoonal storm moved through Black Rock City.

Burning Man attendees late Friday night were told to ‘shelter in place’ after a storm dumped torrential rain on the playa and turned it into a giant soupy mud pit.


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db04bf No.86437

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480144 (030105ZSEP23) Notable: Burning Man Hell Freezes Over traps 70k, Outbreak Alleged pffft

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Burning Man HF Outbreak Alleged

Somebody needs to squelch or confirm ASAP


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db04bf No.86438

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480243 (030134ZSEP23) Notable: Burning Man Hell Freezes Over traps 70k, Outbreak Alleged pffft

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smocking in broad daylight

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db04bf No.86439

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480245 (030135ZSEP23) Notable: Here We Go: Rumors of Ebola-Like Illness at Burning Man

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there was an article last week at SF GAte about everyone at some mud-event getting seriously ill. I'll try to find the link.

"Hundreds at Tough Mudder race reportedly infected in Bay Area

By Amanda BartlettUpdated Aug 28, 2023 10:28 a.m."


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db04bf No.86440

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480267 (030142ZSEP23) Notable: #23924

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#23924 >>86388

>>86389, >>86390, >>86392, >>86394, >>86395 Federal Court Rules FDA Abused Its Authority with Anti-Ivermectin Messaging to Americans: “FDA is Not a Physician”

>>86420, >>86421, >>86426, >>86429 “The fact that they’re spending so much time, energy, and money to take him [Trump] down… I’m starting to feel like maybe everything he said was true.” “NOW I’M AWAKE, NOT WOKE.”

>>86393, >>86396, >>86397, >>86398, >>86403, >>86404 FBI DRESSED AS Neo-Nazi Groups ‘Blood Tribe’ and ‘Goyim Defense League’ Chants ‘Heil Hitler’ and Display Swastika Flags While Marching in Altamonte Springs, Florida

>>86406 Ukraine’s Western backers are ‘pro-Nazi coalition’ – Medvedev

>>86399, >>86401, >>86402 Former US Ambassador to the UN Bill Richardson dies aged 75 frequent guest of Jeffrey Epstein's New Mexico Zorro Ranch & Lolita Island

>>86400 Take the Oath (Cap 2:07)

>>86405 Triple counted ballot in Gwinnett Countywas found by a very bright friend with excellent software skills. @GabrielSterling says it didn't happen. It happened.

>>86407 Democrat Hinds County Supervisor Mississippi, challenging his party's primary election results after discovering massive election fraud (Cap 23:18)

>>86409 "Ukrainian troops retook a wide swath of territory from Russia on Monday, pushing all the way back to the northeastern border in some places"

>>86410 Black Voters Fleeing Democrat Plantation Biden-Harris Regime Getting Desperate

>>86411 Mask mp4's (Caps)

>>86416 Sorry not Sorry, you are going to be educated about the reality of masks, this time round (Cap 1:20)

>>86417 Masks, Who Wear Them are Dumber Than Fuck

>>86414 Oprah and her MAUI 4,800 sf underground bunker, all solar powered

>>86415 EPA Will Not Clean Up Toxic Chemical Spill in Trump-Voting Ohio District East Palestine Until 2024… If Ever

>>86418 It's never been about Trump… it’s about forcing Americans into submission… The Left's Relentless War On Donald Trump And Everyone Who Disagrees With Them

>>86419 78 Years Ago Today, on The Deck of the USS Missouri, World War II Came to an End

>>86391 Americans Already Said NO, Biden Admin Spends "Up To $12 Billion" Retrofit Auto Plants For Electric Car Conversions

>>86423, >>86427, >>86422 A meteor has been filmed streaking across the night sky in Turkey tonight! Wow.

>>86422, >>86424, >>86425 Fani Willis Possesses Evidence Exonerating Georgia’s Alternate Electors

>>86428 Burners Without Borders formed in 2005

>>86430 Call sign ENVY11. USN E-6B Mercury 164407. Spoofing ADS-B location data by a couple hundred miles at one point on this flight.

>>86431 Bill Richardson, former governor of New Mexico and UN ambassador, dead at 75

>>86433 Air Force can't trust dumbass blue states to keep the lights on so they're bringing their own nuclear reactors instead HALEU production

>>86434, >>86439 Here We Go: Rumors of Ebola-Like Illness at Burning Man

>>86436 Burning Man Turns Into Freezing Man, God's like fuck this shit - no satanic ritual for you this year

>>86437, >>86438 Burning Man Hell Freezes Over traps 70k, Outbreak Alleged pffft

>>86408, >>86412, >>86413, >>86432 Burning Man aerial view reveals GIANT pentagram

>>86435 Amphitheaters and not circular, explanation

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

db04bf No.86441

File: 639608e36e363c6⋯.png (411.83 KB,742x861,106:123,Clipboard.png)

File: 296bc5b5c3e0ca1⋯.png (359.61 KB,826x810,413:405,Clipboard.png)

File: 35d2126cf940acb⋯.png (112.61 KB,1056x547,1056:547,Clipboard.png)

File: ef1d9d3608a1b8a⋯.png (277.4 KB,724x869,724:869,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480286 (030146ZSEP23) Notable: #23925

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Q Research General #23925: Federal Court Rules: “Anti-Ivermectin - FDA is not a Physician” Edition

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db04bf No.86442

File: 15c2b461c6286cb⋯.png (342.83 KB,600x489,200:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480377 (030208ZSEP23) Notable: Igor Kolomoisky "The suit also named former Secret Service agent Robert Savage, who once reportedly had ties to Hunter Biden."''

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New York Post



Secret Service agent whose name appeared on Hunter Biden laptop bribed by Real Housewife: suit


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db04bf No.86443

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480427 (030225ZSEP23) Notable: Dan Scavino: Trump Towing, Biden Harris towing broken down Jalopy 0:07

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Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅


Trump Towing, Biden Harris towing broken down Jalopy


Sep 02, 2023, 10:18 PM




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db04bf No.86444

File: 995318c1a1dd762⋯.png (8.41 MB,3000x1800,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480474 (030237ZSEP23) Notable: Trump Is Top Choice for Nearly 60% of GOP Voters, WSJ Poll Shows Support for DeSantis collapses in postdebate survey

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db04bf No.86445

File: 147db903708fb79⋯.png (376.99 KB,881x1165,881:1165,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480479 (030238ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: 2024 National Republican Primary TRUMP 59% (+11)

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db04bf No.86446

File: 445ebc416fdba6b⋯.png (407.29 KB,599x590,599:590,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480504 (030244ZSEP23) Notable: Parents Outraged After Teachers Union Tells Educators to Destroy Evidence of Student Surveys Regarding Gender Identity

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The Gateway Pundit


Parents Outraged After Teachers Union Tells Educators to Destroy Evidence of Student Surveys Regarding Gender Identity via @gatewaypundit


Parents Outraged After Teachers Union Tells Educators to Destroy Evidence of Student Surveys...

Parents are outraged after a teachers union in Jefferson County, Colorado told teachers to destroy evidence of student surveys on gender identity.

2:44 PM · Sep 2, 2023




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db04bf No.86447

File: 393ed2dd487bc37⋯.png (123.48 KB,605x864,605:864,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480509 (030245ZSEP23) Notable: Chuck Callesto: Prince Andrew accused of sexually abusing a 12-YEAR-OLD GIRL AND 10-YEAR-OLD BOY during a visit to Ukraine earlier this year, children were left in a critical condition

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Chuck Callesto


BREAKING REPORT: Prince Andrew accused of sexually abusing a 12-YEAR-OLD GIRL AND 10-YEAR-OLD BOY during a visit to Ukraine earlier this year.

TV9 News India reports The Prince was apparently part of the delegation that visited the war-ravaged country during British Foreign Minister James Cleverley’s visit.

James Obasi, an official working in a club in Kyiv, says that Prince Andrew had asked him to arrange some food and drink for the two children.

When he returned with food items for the children, he saw that Prince Andrew was behaving in an objectionable manner with the children.

He kept the plate of food and went away from there. When James Obasi returned after some time, he found the children in a critical condition.

There were hardly any clothes on the children’s bodies, the children were extremely scared and were crying continuously.

According to Obasi, he tried to take care of the children, but the security personnel took them away with them.

It is alleged that two days later, the children were taken to Paris by a British delegation in a special plane.

FULL ARTICLE: https://news9live.com/world/britains-prince-andrew-accused-of-sexual-abuse-during-visit-to-ukraine-2271914

3:05 PM · Sep 2, 2023




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db04bf No.86448

File: cf3ef836f4ed209⋯.png (75.09 KB,791x475,791:475,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480510 (030246ZSEP23) Notable: 'FDA is not a Physician': Federal Appeals Court Sides with Doctors on Ivermectin for COVID-19

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'FDA is not a Physician': Federal Appeals Court Sides with Doctors on Ivermectin for COVID-19

Dr. Mary Talley Bowden 'thrilled" the 5th Circuit rules that her lawsuit against the agency can continue

Emily Miller

Sep 2, 2023

A federal appeals court on Friday gave three doctors the green light to pursue their lawsuit against the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) over using ivermectin off-label to treat COVID-19.

“It’s been David v Goliath from the start of this pandemic, and it’s finally a small win for David,” Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, one of the plaintiffs, told me Friday. “But there’s still a lot more work to do.” Bowden writes Day 8


This is the fifth part of the series on this case. Catch up and get the original sources: lawsuit filed (June 2022), federal district court hearing (Nov. 2022), lawsuit dismissed and appealed (Dec. 2022) and 5th Circuit Appeal hearing (Aug. 2023)

Just weeks after hearing the case, the 5th Circuit reversed a district court’s dismissal on the grounds that the FDA has sovereign immunity. (The decision is at the bottom for paid subscribers to read.)

The ruling was written by U.S. Circuit Judge Don Willett, a Pres. Donald Trump appointee. He pointed to the FDA’s social media posts (below) about ivermectin that made it seem the medication was for farm animals.

The judge wrote:

FDA is not a physician. It has authority to inform, announce, and apprise—but not to endorse, denounce, or advise. The Doctors have plausibly alleged that FDA’s Posts fell on the wrong side of the line between telling about and telling to. As such, the Doctors can use the APA to assert their ultra vires claims against the Agencies and the Officials.

Even tweet-sized doses of personalized medical advice are beyond FDA’s statutory authority.

Judge Willett also wrote that the social media messaging “traveled widely across legacy and online media.” He wrote:

Left unmentioned in most of that messaging: ivermectin also comes in a human version. And while the human version of ivermectin is not FDA-approved to treat the coronavirus, some people were using it off-label for that purpose.

Dr. Bowden said that she and her co-plaintiffs Dr. Paul E. Marik and Dr. Robert L. Apter are “thrilled with the decision which recognizes the FDA is not a doctor and does not have the authority to issue medical advice.”

During the hearing before the three-judge panel, Judge Jennifer Walker Elrod pressed the FDA’s lawyer hard on whether the agency’s social media posts were “commands.”

Finally, the FDA lawyer conceded, “FDA explicitly recognizes that doctors do have the authority to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID.”

The doctors filed the suit in June 2022 for interfering with both their authority to prescribe an approved medication and the doctor-patient relationship.

“The court rejected the government’s attempt to assert sovereign immunity and avoid any accountability for its illegal actions, allowing our case to proceed,” Bowden said. “We look forward to continuing the fight.”


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db04bf No.86449

File: cf3ef836f4ed209⋯.png (75.09 KB,791x475,791:475,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480515 (030247ZSEP23) Notable: BOOM! 'Court revives doctors' lawsuit saying FDA overstepped its authority with anti-ivermectin campaign'; “FDA is not a physician. It has authority to inform, announce, and apprise—but not to endorse

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BOOM! 'Court revives doctors' lawsuit saying FDA overstepped its authority with anti-ivermectin campaign'; “FDA is not a physician. It has authority to inform, announce, and apprise—but not to endorse

denounce, or advise,” Judge Don Willett wrote for a panel that also included Jennifer Walker Elrod and Edith Brown Clement. “The Doctors have plausibly alleged that FDA’s Posts were misguided, wrong

Dr. Paul Alexander

Sep 2, 2023

A federal appeals court Friday revived a lawsuit by three doctors who say the Food and Drug Administration overstepped its authority in a campaign against treating COVID-19 with the anti-parasite drug ivermectin.

Ivermectin is commonly used to treat parasites in livestock. It can also be prescribed for humans and it has been championed by some conservatives as a treatment for COVID-19. The FDA has not approved ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment because studies have not proven it is effective.

The agency did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Friday's ruling from a panel of three judges on the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeal in New Orleans focused on various aspects of an FDA campaign against ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment.

The ruling acknowledged FDA's receiving reports of some people requiring hospitalization after self-medicating with ivermectin intended for livestock. But the ruling said the campaign — which at times featured the slogan “You are not a horse!” — too often left out that the drug is sometimes prescribed for humans.

The doctors can proceed with their lawsuit contending that the FDA's campaign exceeded the agency's authority under federal law, the ruling said.

“FDA is not a physician. It has authority to inform, announce, and apprise—but not to endorse, denounce, or advise,” Judge Don Willett wrote for a panel that also included Jennifer Walker Elrod and Edith Brown Clement. “The Doctors have plausibly alleged that FDA’s Posts fell on the wrong side of the line between telling about and telling to.”



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db04bf No.86450

File: 85731ae2eb63da3⋯.png (581.53 KB,590x741,590:741,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480516 (030248ZSEP23) Notable: Spotted in Chile: “Covid is Mass Manipulation”

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Spotted in Chile:

“Covid is Mass Manipulation”

It’s a global awakening


7:41 AM · Sep 2, 2023




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db04bf No.86451

File: 06105c5c6ca0f6f⋯.png (139.64 KB,1050x800,21:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480519 (030248ZSEP23) Notable: FDA ruled against by a federal court over anti-ivermectin messaging

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FDA ruled against by a federal court over anti-ivermectin messaging

"FDA can inform, but it has identified no authority allowing it to recommend consumers 'stop' taking medicine," the ruling reads.

A federal court ruled on Friday that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) likely abused its authority when it used anti-ivermectin messaging to get Americans to not use it to treat COVID-19.

"FDA can inform, but it has identified no authority allowing it to recommend consumers 'stop' taking medicine," U.S. Circuit Judge Don Willett wrote in the ruling, according to The Epoch Times.

The ruling was sent back to the lower court where it will be reconsidered.

“FDA is not a physician. It has authority to inform, announce, and apprise—but not to endorse, denounce, or advise,” the ruling reads.

Three doctors sued the agency over its statements on ivermectin, arguing the agency can't intervene on what doctors prescribe their patients.

Plaintiff Mary Talley Bowen celebrated the Sept. 1 ruling on social media.

“A small win, or at least a step forward, in a monumental battle to protect the doctor-patient relationship from government tyranny,” she wrote on X, the platform previously called Twitter. “ONWARD!”


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db04bf No.86452

File: 16fa834b06a2a00⋯.png (449.7 KB,841x680,841:680,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480522 (030249ZSEP23) Notable: Federal Court Rules FDA Abused Its Authority with Anti-Ivermectin Messaging to Americans: “FDA is Not a Physician”

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Federal Court Rules FDA Abused Its Authority with Anti-Ivermectin Messaging to Americans: “FDA is Not a Physician”

In a landmark ruling on September 1, a federal court stated that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) abused its authority under federal law when it advised Americans to “stop” using the drug Ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that a group of doctors had filed a federal lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) over the agencies’ unlawful attempts to block the use of Ivermectin in treating COVID-19.

The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. Southern District of Texas in Galveston, argues that the FDA has overstepped its authority and unjustifiably interfered with their medical practice.

The plaintiffs, Drs. Mary Talley Bowden, Paul E. Marik, and Robert L. Apter, are contesting the FDA’s portrayal of Ivermectin as dangerous for human consumption. They note that the FDA has approved Ivermectin for human use since 1996 for a variety of diseases. However, they allege that with the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, the FDA began releasing documents and social media posts discouraging the use of the anti-viral drug for COVID-19 treatment.

During a hearing last year, the agency’s lawyers argued that the FDA was only giving advice and it was not mandatory when it told people to “stop” taking Ivermectin for COVID-19.

“The cited statements were not directives,” said Isaac Belfer, one of the lawyers. “They were not mandatory. They were recommendations. They said what parties should do. They said, for example, why you should not take Ivermectin to treat COVID-19. They did not say you may not do it, you must not do it. They did not say it’s prohibited or it’s unlawful. They also did not say that doctors may not prescribe Ivermectin.”

“They use informal language, that is true… It’s conversational but not mandatory,” he continued.

The statement from the lawyer contradicted the FDA’s social media post, stating, “Hold your horses, y’all. Ivermectin may be trending, but it still isn’t authorized or approved to treat COVID-19″ and another tweet says, “You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.” Both posts were linked to FDA’s website with the title, “Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID-19.”

Last month, the lawyer representing the FDA clarified the agency’s stance on the use of Ivermectin for treating COVID-19 patients. The lawyer confirmed that doctors have the authority to prescribe the drug for off-label use in treating COVID-19.

During the oral argument, Ashley Cheung Honold, a Department of Justice lawyer representing the FDA stated that the agency “explicitly recognizes” that doctors do have the authority to administer Ivermectin to treat COVID.

“”FDA explicitly recognizes that doctors do have the authority to prescribe Ivermectin to treat COVID,” said Honold.

“FDA made these statements in response to multiple reports of consumers being hospitalized, after self-medicating with Ivermectin intended for horses, which is available for purchase over the counter without the need for prescription,” Honold said.

On Friday, September 1, U.S. Circuit Judge Don Willett stated in his written ruling, “FDA can inform, but it has identified no authority allowing it to recommend consumers ‘stop’ taking medicine.”

According to the court’s decision, the three physicians can now pursue legal action, arguing that the FDA’s campaign went beyond the scope of the agency’s jurisdiction as defined by federal legislation.

“FDA is not a physician. It has authority to inform, announce, and apprise—but not to endorse, denounce, or advise,” Judge Don Willett wrote for a panel that also included Jennifer Walker Elrod and Edith Brown Clement. “The Doctors have plausibly alleged that FDA’s Posts fell on the wrong side of the line between telling about and telling to. As such, the Doctors can use the APA to assert their ultra vires claims against the Agencies and the Officials.”

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db04bf No.86453

File: 2b36a1bf3271fc7⋯.png (722.6 KB,656x758,328:379,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480525 (030250ZSEP23) Notable: Chris Christie Former Aide, Kevin Tomafsky Charged with Paying for Sex Act with Six-Year-Old

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Police: Chris Christie Former Aide Charged

with Paying for Sex Act with Six-Year-Old

Breitbart Crime, by Amy Furr

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 9/2/2023 8:13:41 PM

A 41-year-old former aide to former Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ) is accused of paying to engage in a sex act with a little girl. Officials have been investigating Kevin Tomafsky since late 2022, the New Jersey Globe reported Saturday. The investigation was opened once “Snapchat reported the uploading of an incident of alleged child sexual to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, which was then sent to the Gloucester County Prosecutor’s office,” the outlet said. A photo shows what appears to be the suspect’s mugshot and another image of him with Christie: (X Photo) According to sources, another man also charged along with the suspect was the six-year-old victim’s father.

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db04bf No.86454

File: 1a14a457d5e0c15⋯.png (247.97 KB,1118x700,559:350,Clipboard.png)

File: 76e3630ac86bc73⋯.png (132.54 KB,1087x878,1087:878,Clipboard.png)

File: 1c3333d9e90049c⋯.png (111.72 KB,669x858,223:286,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480535 (030252ZSEP23) Notable: Court smacks down FDA's ivermectin warnings: 'FDA is not a doctor' Fifth-Circuit-Decision-Against-FDA-in-Apter-Case-1.pdf

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Court smacks down FDA's ivermectin warnings: 'FDA is not a doctor'

An appeals court has replied to the FDA's 2021 warnings about using ivermectin to treat Covid, "You are not a horse."

"FDA is not a doctor," writes the court. Later in the court decision, four appellate judges write, "FDA is not a physician. It has authority to inform, announce, and apprise—but not to endorse, denounce, or advise. The Doctors have plausibly alleged that FDA’s Posts fell on the wrong side of the line between telling about and telling to."

FDA is not a physician. It has authority to inform, announce, and apprise—but not to endorse, denounce, or advise. The Doctors have plausibly alleged that FDA’s Posts fell on the wrong side of the line between telling about and telling to.

Fifth Circuit Court Decision

The court decision is a major victory for Dr. Mary Tally Bowden and two others who sued the FDA; FDA Commissioner Dr. Robert Califf; and its parent agency, HHS. The plaintiffs argued that the FDA overstepped its authority in warding people away from a drug that they say had proven to work for Covid.

Bowden says the FDA propaganda about ivermectin interfered with her ability to help patients, and destroyed her reputation. The FDA's smear of ivermectin was heavily used against medical professionals who chose to prescribe ivermectin, was widely circulated uncritically on social media and on the news, and was cited by medical boards and court filings against prescribing physicians.

In a series of now-infamous tweets, FDA implied ivermectin was dangerous, and that it was intended only for horses and other animals. The appellate judges noted that FDA failed to acknowledge that a safe and effective human form of the medicine has been in use for decades.

On the heels of the government and other vaccine industry interests attacking ivermectin, WalMart and many other pharmacies refused to fill legal prescriptions for the drug and, instead, heavily promoted the experimental vaccines that turned out to be ineffective at preventing Covid infection or transmission.

A number of cases stemming from government actions during the height of the Covid pandemic are now working their way through court. Decisions in these cases may serve as precedents if and when CDC, FDA and other public health officials and medical interests attempt a repeat of broad, restrictive measures that were frequently accompanied by false information.

On Full Measure, we reported on a couple who said they were very ill and desperate, and felt compelled to use the horse version of ivermectin when their local pharmacies wouldn't fill prescriptions for human version. They say they believe ivermectin was crucial in helping them get better. Watch that report here.

The government and vaccine industry interests gave much the same treatment to another inexpensive drug, hydroychloroquine, after President Trump said it should be tried. Watch that report here.

Read the ivermectin court decision or download it below.



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db04bf No.86455

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480537 (030252ZSEP23) Notable: Parents Outraged After Teachers Union Tells Educators to Destroy Evidence of Student Surveys Regarding Gender Identity

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I worked at a school for special needs kids and the teachers were told to send notes home to the parents on dry erase boards that went back & forth in the kid's backpacks every day. The teachers were told not to even write notes on paper because then the parent would have a record of the note.

One smart parent took a pic of every note that was written on the dry erase board, and when there was a dispute about something, the parent had the evidence.

Schools think that parents are idiots and that the kids really belong to the school district, not to the parents.

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db04bf No.86456

File: c9f5af2e5668c81⋯.png (1.08 MB,1027x725,1027:725,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480539 (030253ZSEP23) Notable: NWO stooge: Sean Penn Declares Covid Was a ‘Mandatory Rehearsal for Things to Come’

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NWO stooge: Sean Penn Declares Covid Was a ‘Mandatory Rehearsal for Things to Come’


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db04bf No.86457

File: 3ef38f2de461841⋯.mp4 (971.67 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: ad214a59aa8142d⋯.jpg (80.63 KB,750x500,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 964d1c6c0b61745⋯.jpg (99.58 KB,500x550,10:11,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480548 (030255ZSEP23) Notable: Rock says he eats children

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Rock was hungry

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db04bf No.86458

File: b47dc6e317aec43⋯.png (264.16 KB,407x579,407:579,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480549 (030255ZSEP23) Notable: Do 50% of Pfizer & Moderna-Vaccinated People Produce Spike Protein Forever?

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Do 50% of Pfizer & Moderna-Vaccinated People Produce Spike Protein Forever?

Dr. William Makis reviews five studies on Spike protein in the blood. "There is a very concerning picture emerging."


Follow @Vigilant_News

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db04bf No.86459

File: 3ab936de0be3741⋯.png (344.05 KB,650x433,650:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480555 (030257ZSEP23) Notable: WSJ Poll: Trump's Primary Lead Just Doubled, Spelling Trouble for Primary Opponents and Biden

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WSJ Poll: Trump's Primary Lead Just Doubled, Spelling Trouble for Primary Opponents and Biden


Be ready! Moar PANIC incoming......

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db04bf No.86460

File: af11c1098719e33⋯.png (147.85 KB,587x639,587:639,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480564 (030259ZSEP23) Notable: Kyle Becker: Soros' Open Society Institute actively campaigning against Donald Trump would be a blatant violation of 501(c)3 tax-exempt status, as if the weaponized IRS cares

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Kyle Becker


Soros' Open Society Institute actively campaigning against Donald Trump would be a blatant violation of 501(c)3 tax-exempt status, as if the weaponized IRS cares



Charlie Kirk




George Soros' son, Alex Soros, just wrote in Politico that Open Societies Foundations will shift its focus to defeating Trump in 2024. Why?

He says a MAGA-style Republican victory "could, in the end, be worse for the EU than for the U.S... and undermine the progress achieved on… Show more

12:37 PM · Sep 2, 2023




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db04bf No.86461

File: 38ef1bbdaffa0fd⋯.png (411.25 KB,600x489,200:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480565 (030259ZSEP23) Notable: Igor Kolomoisky "The suit also named former Secret Service agent Robert Savage, who once reportedly had ties to Hunter Biden."''

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Ukraine tycoon who backed Zelensky’s presidential bid accused of fraud

An influential Ukrainian mogul who backed Volodymyr Zelensky’s 2019 presidential bid was named as a suspect in a fraud and money laundering probe amid a countrywide crackdown on corruption.

Igor Kolomoisky, an energy, media and banking tycoon, was given a “notice of suspicion” in the criminal case, the Security Service of Ukrainian said in a statement Saturday.

“It was established that between 2013 and 2020, Kolomoisky legalized more than half a billion Ukrainian hryvnia [around $13.5 million] by moving it abroad using the infrastructure of controlled banking institutions,” the agency’s press service said.

Kolomoisky is the co-founder of PrivatBank, Ukraine’s biggest financial institution, which was taken into state ownership in 2016 after officials discovered $5 billion in missing assets from the company.




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db04bf No.86462

File: 487f2c7e82aafb8⋯.png (54.02 KB,753x416,753:416,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480578 (030301ZSEP23) Notable: Barack Obama·on Bill Richardson, Merissa Hansen: He was also a pedo

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Barack Obama·4h

As a member of Congress, a Cabinet member, a Governor, and as an Ambassador,Bill Richardsonwas one of the most distinguished public servants of our time.== He was a tireless diplomat, the type of advocate who brought a glimmer of hope – and in many cases freedom – to those Americans detained abroad under the most trying circumstances. I was grateful for his counsel over the years, and Michelle and I send our love to his wife Barbara and his entire family.

Merissa Hansen

He was also a pedo

7:49 PM · Sep 2, 2023


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db04bf No.86463

File: cff0e61b1ee94c7⋯.png (2.8 MB,1536x1017,512:339,Clipboard.png)

File: 1267f89b9e2aa6e⋯.png (1.45 MB,1191x1536,397:512,Clipboard.png)

File: 068a6c5c0fb2b47⋯.png (1.65 MB,1024x1536,2:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480587 (030302ZSEP23) Notable: Igor Kolomoisky "The suit also named former Secret Service agent Robert Savage, who once reportedly had ties to Hunter Biden."''

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>whatsnotableabout it?

""The suit also named former Secret Service agent Robert Savage, who once reportedly had ties to Hunter Biden."''

“Independent federal prosecutors at the U.S. Attorney’s Office made the decision to charge plaintiff with crimes, no one else,” Evan Borges, an attorney for Jayne"


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db04bf No.86464

File: 71ac82b377ff320⋯.png (24.13 KB,592x354,296:177,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480598 (030305ZSEP23) Notable: RIP: FDA The court just told the FDA to stop practicing medicine

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Emerald Robinson ✝️




Jay Bhattacharya




Remember when the FDA tweeted to tell people to stop taking ivermectin because "you are not a horse"?

The FDA implausibly told a federal district court that those tweets did not contain medical advice.

The court just told the FDA to stop practicing medicine.


1:39 PM · Sep 2, 2023




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db04bf No.86465

File: 37aeb85fe1f841c⋯.png (957.95 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480605 (030306ZSEP23) Notable: Biden looks at rescheduling marijuana in time for the 2024 election

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The Left is SO dumb...'rescheduling' marijuana means handing it directly to the PHARMA companies⸻"Biden looks at rescheduling marijuana in time for the 2024 election"

Biden looks at rescheduling marijuana in time for the 2024 election

The Biden administration could once again make marijuana moves in time for an election.


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db04bf No.86466

File: cb75485a3452b6d⋯.png (39.45 KB,748x283,748:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480619 (030309ZSEP23) Notable: Rep Andy Biggs: The United States is $32 trillion in debt. That averages out to almost $98,000 per US citizen. The government must cease reckless spending.

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Rep Andy Biggs

The United States is $32 trillion in debt. That averages out to almost $98,000 per US citizen.

The government must cease reckless spending.

6:47 PM · Sep 2, 2023


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db04bf No.86467

File: 88e16faea455211⋯.png (263.34 KB,599x619,599:619,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480621 (030310ZSEP23) Notable: An anti-Trump former CIA agent who signed the "spies who lie" letter falsely claiming the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russia disinformation, not only worked for Twitter as a senior censor, but attempted to cover up that fact as revelations came out.

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Square profile picture



An anti-Trump former CIA agent who signed the "spies who lie" letter falsely claiming the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russia disinformation, not only worked for Twitter as a senior censor, but attempted to cover up that fact as revelations came out.

An anti-Trump former CIA agent who signed the notorious "spies who lie" letter falsely claiming the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russia disinformation, not only worked for Twitter as a senior censor, but attempted to cover up that fact as revelations came out.


Fmr CIA Agent Hid Twitter Job After 'Spies Who Lie' Letter

An anti-Trump former CIA agent who signed the notorious "spies who lie" letter falsely claiming the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russia disinformation, not only worked for Twitter as a senior...

8:45 AM · Sep 2, 2023




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db04bf No.86468

File: 0101b30b74dee9e⋯.png (8.7 KB,140x73,140:73,Clipboard.png)

File: f207dd83e0f924a⋯.png (403.08 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: b7284a767be67bb⋯.png (574.16 KB,768x402,128:67,Clipboard.png)

File: 9bb4aade7fa0756⋯.png (637.64 KB,768x449,768:449,Clipboard.png)

File: da5b18b7526620f⋯.png (517.38 KB,768x384,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480628 (030311ZSEP23) Notable: Ivermectin Worked: Peer-Reviewed Study Proves It (August 2023)

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Ivermectin Worked: Peer-Reviewed Study Proves It (August 2023)


A preprint paper showing ivermectin’s effectiveness against COVID-19 in Peru convinced a group of doctors that widespread ivermectin distribution could end the pandemic in October 2020.

Because the paper wasn’t yet peer-reviewed, it was brushed off; ivermectin for COVID-19 was vilified, as were those who dared to prescribe it.

On August 8, 2023, the study has been peer-reviewed and published in Cureus, concluding ivermectin as an effective treatment for COVID-19.

Not only did ivermectin work against COVID-19, it was remarkably effective, resulting in a 74% reduction in excess deaths in the 10 Peru states where it was used most intensively.

There was a 14-fold reduction in nationwide excess deaths when ivermectin was readily available and then a 13-fold increase in excess deaths in the two months after ivermectin use was restricted.

As the COVID pandemic wore on, with potential treatments supposedly unknown, New York pulmonologist Dr. Pierre Kory and others tried to get the word out about ivermectin. A widely used antiparasitic drug that’s listed on the World Health Organization’s essential medicines list1 and approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, ivermectin is widely available, inexpensive and has a long history of safe usage.

In fact, since 1987, 3.7 billion doses of ivermectin have been used among humans worldwide,2 but it was quickly vilified — as were those who dared to prescribe it. Now, the tables have turned. Not only did ivermectin work against COVID-19, it was remarkably effective, resulting in a 74% reduction in excess deaths in the 10 states where it was used most intensively.3

Ivermectin Dramatically Slashed COVID Deaths

Kory and other physicians with the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Working Group (FLCCC) had success early on treating patients with ivermectin and other therapies during the pandemic. His efforts to get the word out on this treatment protocol were stifled by censorship, ridicule and colleagues brainwashed by the official narrative and unwilling to accept the science.

A preprint paper showing ivermectin’s effectiveness against COVID-19 in Peru "was the final piece of evidence which convinced me, Paul [Marik] and the FLCCC that widespread ivermectin distribution could end the pandemic in Oct of 2020," Kory tweeted.4 "Took 2 years but now peer-reviewed & published in a major journal."

That study, published in Cureus,5 concludes ivermectin as an effective treatment for COVID-19. "Reductions in excess deaths over a period of 30 days after peak deaths averaged 74% in the 10 states with the most intensive IVM [ivermectin] use," the study found.6 It used Peruvian national health data from Peru’s 25 states to evaluate ivermectin’s effects.

A natural experiment was set in motion in May 2020, when Peru authorized ivermectin for COVID-19. The significant reduction in excess deaths noted "correlated closely with the extent of IVM use," the researchers noted.

Global Success Stories Highlight Ivermectin’s Potential....


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db04bf No.86469

File: e107d2f6b451c33⋯.mp4 (6.42 MB,720x914,360:457,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 7adfc2ca322b7ef⋯.webp (36.41 KB,456x456,1:1,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480630 (030311ZSEP23) Notable: Fenbendazole cured stage 4 highly aggressive plasmatoid cancer (Cap 2:03)

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You can also destroy your own cancer.

Gee, the horse store and vet medicine seems to be for humans or all mammals...

Horses: Foals: 5g/day Adults: 10-15g/day

Beef/Dairy: Calves: 5g/day Adult: 15g/day

Swine: Nursery: 2g/day Adult: 5g/day

Sheep/Goat: All: 5g/day

Companion (Dogs, Cats, Rodents, Exotics, Birds & Reptiles) Under 1lb: 1/4 teaspoon/day 1 - 10 lbs.: 1/2 teaspoon/day 10+ lbs.: 1 teaspoon/day

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db04bf No.86470

File: 60a5378c9b33f8e⋯.png (214.12 KB,887x943,887:943,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480652 (030314ZSEP23) Notable: "Explosive Revelation: Fani Willis Linked To Massive Election Fraud And Money Laundering RICO Enterprise!"

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"Explosive Revelation: Fani Willis Linked To Massive Election Fraud And Money Laundering RICO Enterprise!"

In a shocking turn of events, a bombshell investigation has uncovered jaw-dropping connections between Fani Willis and a sprawling web of election fraud and money laundering activities.

Fani Willis's involvement will be sure to send shockwaves through the political landscape.

The investigation, which spans across multiple states and multiple jurisdictions, has revealed a complex network of illicit operations aimed at undermining the very foundation of our Constitutional Republic and the rule of law. Sources close to the matter suggest that Willis was a massive beneficiary in the Federal and Georgia RICO enterprises. It appears that she is currently playing a key role in orchestrating a systematic scheme to manipulate election outcomes, casting doubt on the integrity of the entire electoral process.

In the lead up to the 2022 midterm elections, my team uncovered a massive money laundering network of campaign finance contributions being made via ActBlue. One of the top beneficiaries of this money laundering RICO enterprise was none other than Georgia Senator Raphael Warnock. The Gateway Pundit was the first news organization to cover the massive money laundering network that financed the Raphael Warnock campaign.

As our investigation progressed, we expanded our efforts into other states such as Missouri, Maryland, Wisconsin, Arizona, and then into every single state.

Working with the Epoch Times investigative journalist Steven Kovac, we made a stunning find. Many of the top ActBlue “Contributors” never made the individual contributions. Many of these “Not Employed Individual Contributors” were the victims of a highly sophisticated money laundering scheme. ...


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db04bf No.86471

File: 172054133b53a48⋯.png (442.23 KB,945x805,27:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480682 (030319ZSEP23) Notable: Archbishop Viganò: Globalism is ‘satanic’ preparation for the ‘rise of the Antichrist’

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Archbishop Viganò: Globalism is ‘satanic’

preparation for the ‘rise of the Antichrist’

Life Site News, by Michael Haynes

Posted By: Harlowe, 9/2/2023 5:58:33 PM

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has once again condemned the rise of “globalism,” stating that it prepares humanity “for the political rise of the Antichrist.” In an August 24 interview with a French-language news outlet, Viganò commented on the rise of “globalism” and its impact upon society. Re-issuing a denouncement of globalism which he has consistently made, the archbishop linked corruption in society to corruption in the Catholic Church:(Snip)Continuing, the archbishop painted a link between globalism and satanism, arguing that they are almost synonymous. “The essence of globalism is satanic, and the essence of satanism is globalist.”

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db04bf No.86472

File: dcaa761867102fc⋯.png (756.91 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480688 (030320ZSEP23) Notable: Hospital That Fired Nurses for Refusing Vaccines Now Asking Them to Return

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"""Hospital That Fired Nurses for Refusing Vaccines Now Begging Them to Return'''

Hospital That Fired Nurses for Refusing Vaccines Now Asking Them to Return

One hospital that fired nurses for not being vaccinated is now trying to get them to come back to their former jobs.


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db04bf No.86473

File: 55841df05260faf⋯.png (974.91 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480699 (030323ZSEP23) Notable: Burning Man Hopes: More than 100 athletes who participated last weekend in the Tough Mudder obstacle course race at Sonoma Raceway have since reported experiencing fevers, vomiting, muscle pain and a distinct rash that includes boils.

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Burning Man Hopes: More than 100 athletes who participated last weekend in the Tough Mudder obstacle course race at Sonoma Raceway have since reported experiencing fevers, vomiting, muscle pain and a distinct rash that includes boils.

What Happened at Tough Mudder Sonoma: Hundreds Get Sick With Possible Bacterial Infection

Over 100 athletes have reported fevers, vomiting, muscle pain and a rash. Why do they do these races?


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db04bf No.86474

File: ff5f2055b074af0⋯.png (1.56 MB,1720x1537,1720:1537,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480705 (030326ZSEP23) Notable: Bill Richardson decode

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db04bf No.86475

File: 599279211786578⋯.png (1.17 MB,776x1790,388:895,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480712 (030327ZSEP23) Notable: DOJ sentenced J6 a ten-year sentence for breaking a Capitol window, Why isn't the FBI interested in identifying this masked man wearing an earpiece who was caught on video breaking a Capitol window?

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The DOJ just gave a January 6th protestor a ten-year sentence for breaking a Capitol window.

Suspiciously, a masked man wearing an earpiece was also caught on video breaking a Capitol window but has never been added to the FBI's most wanted list, arrested, or charged.

In the video, the unidentified man, dressed like a government agent, encourages a journalist to break the window, saying, "Why don't you guys open up the rest of it?"

The journalist responds, "Because I think that would probably be illegal."

The masked man acknowledges the illegality by saying, "Well, I know," but then suspiciously breaks the window himself.

Shortly after realizing he is being recorded, the masked man quickly drops the window and violently shoves another man, awkwardly blaming him for breaking the window.

As the DOJ sentences one Jan 6th protestor to ten years for breaking a Capitol window, the question arises:

Why isn't the FBI interested in identifying this masked man wearing an earpiece who was caught on video breaking a Capitol window?

🏴‍☠️Bobby Powell🏴‍☠️

Here is the whole segment @KanekoaTheGreat which shows a SECOND fed I recorded holding the Columbus Doors open w/a pole & pushing people inside.


>Videos Show Unindicted ‘Suspicious Actors’ Attacking Capitol on Jan. 6

This video was introduced into a #Jan6 trial in DC last week & I spent the afternoon testifying


9:19 PM · Sep 1, 2023


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db04bf No.86476

File: 8a7b4672229a10c⋯.png (570.17 KB,650x380,65:38,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480725 (030330ZSEP23) Notable: Anti-Gunners Don't Want You to Read This: The Truth About Armed Citizens Stopping Mass Shootings

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Anti-Gunners Don't Want You to Read This: The Truth About Armed Citizens Stopping Mass Shootings


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db04bf No.86477

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480738 (030333ZSEP23) Notable: Burning Man Hopes: More than 100 athletes who participated last weekend in the Tough Mudder obstacle course race at Sonoma Raceway have since reported experiencing fevers, vomiting, muscle pain and a distinct rash that includes boils.

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As of Friday afternoon, a handful of people with symptoms reported tests from doctors indicating the presence of the bacteria Aeromonas, which is naturally occurring in mud and warm water.

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db04bf No.86478

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480747 (030335ZSEP23) Notable: Burning Man Hopes: More than 100 athletes who participated last weekend in the Tough Mudder obstacle course race at Sonoma Raceway have since reported experiencing fevers, vomiting, muscle pain and a distinct rash that includes boils.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

db04bf No.86479

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480749 (030335ZSEP23) Notable: Burning Man Hopes: More than 100 athletes who participated last weekend in the Tough Mudder obstacle course race at Sonoma Raceway have since reported experiencing fevers, vomiting, muscle pain and a distinct rash that includes boils.

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>a distinct rash that includes boils

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db04bf No.86480

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480775 (030341ZSEP23) Notable: Burning Man Hopes: More than 100 athletes who participated last weekend in the Tough Mudder obstacle course race at Sonoma Raceway have since reported experiencing fevers, vomiting, muscle pain and a distinct rash that includes boils.

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The Sixth Plague: Boils.

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db04bf No.86481

File: dfb5be27ec9d851⋯.png (203.61 KB,591x578,591:578,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480776 (030341ZSEP23) Notable: Burning Man Hopes: More than 100 athletes who participated last weekend in the Tough Mudder obstacle course race at Sonoma Raceway have since reported experiencing fevers, vomiting, muscle pain and a distinct rash that includes boils.

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>Burning Man Hopes: More than 100 athletes who participated last weekend in the Tough Mudder obstacle course race at Sonoma Raceway have since reported experiencing fevers, vomiting, muscle pain and a distinct rash that includes boils.


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db04bf No.86482

File: c0bb909d74f6ff1⋯.gif (160.24 KB,446x395,446:395,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480790 (030343ZSEP23) Notable: Burning Man Hopes: More than 100 athletes who participated last weekend in the Tough Mudder obstacle course race at Sonoma Raceway have since reported experiencing fevers, vomiting, muscle pain and a distinct rash that includes boils.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Welcome to Shadow History of Burning Man:


Get your digging hats on Anons

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db04bf No.86483

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480798 (030345ZSEP23) Notable: Burning Man Hopes: More than 100 athletes who participated last weekend in the Tough Mudder obstacle course race at Sonoma Raceway have since reported experiencing fevers, vomiting, muscle pain and a distinct rash that includes boils.

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>The Sixth Plague: Boils.




>>Burning Man Hopes: More than 100 athletes who participated last weekend in the Tough Mudder obstacle course race at Sonoma Raceway have since reported experiencing fevers, vomiting, muscle pain and a distinct rash that includes boils.

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db04bf No.86484

File: 7290fea99cd535c⋯.mp4 (1.91 MB,498x774,83:129,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19480946 (030418ZSEP23) Notable: Could it have been a ritual for what is happening at Burning Man right now? (Cap 0:20)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Remember this?

Could it have been a ritual for what is happening at Burning Man right now?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

db04bf No.86485

File: 7d35a39f6bb9acc⋯.jpg (150.73 KB,573x561,191:187,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7b56ca3ab8f86d4⋯.gif (722.87 KB,284x314,142:157,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19481082 (030452ZSEP23) Notable: Meme of the Bread

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

db04bf No.86486

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19481118 (030505ZSEP23) Notable: #23925

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#23925 >>86441

>>86470 "Explosive Revelation: Fani Willis Linked To Massive Election Fraud And Money Laundering RICO Enterprise!"

>>86443 Dan Scavino: Trump Towing, Biden Harris towing broken down Jalopy 0:07

>>86444 Trump Is Top Choice for Nearly 60% of GOP Voters, WSJ Poll Shows Support for DeSantis collapses in postdebate survey

>>86445 Donald J. Trump: 2024 National Republican Primary TRUMP 59% (+11)

>>86446, >>86455 Parents Outraged After Teachers Union Tells Educators to Destroy Evidence of Student Surveys Regarding Gender Identity

>>86447 Chuck Callesto: Prince Andrew accused of sexually abusing a 12-YEAR-OLD GIRL AND 10-YEAR-OLD BOY during a visit to Ukraine earlier this year, children were left in a critical condition

>>86448 'FDA is not a Physician': Federal Appeals Court Sides with Doctors on Ivermectin for COVID-19

>>86449 BOOM! 'Court revives doctors' lawsuit saying FDA overstepped its authority with anti-ivermectin campaign'; “FDA is not a physician. It has authority to inform, announce, and apprise—but not to endorse

>>86451 FDA ruled against by a federal court over anti-ivermectin messaging

>>86452 Federal Court Rules FDA Abused Its Authority with Anti-Ivermectin Messaging to Americans: “FDA is Not a Physician”

>>86453 Chris Christie Former Aide, Kevin Tomafsky Charged with Paying for Sex Act with Six-Year-Old

>>86454 Court smacks down FDA's ivermectin warnings: 'FDA is not a doctor' Fifth-Circuit-Decision-Against-FDA-in-Apter-Case-1.pdf

>>86466 Rep Andy Biggs: The United States is $32 trillion in debt. That averages out to almost $98,000 per US citizen. The government must cease reckless spending.

>>86467 An anti-Trump former CIA agent who signed the "spies who lie" letter falsely claiming the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russia disinformation, not only worked for Twitter as a senior censor, but attempted to cover up that fact as revelations came out.

>>86465 Biden looks at rescheduling marijuana in time for the 2024 election

>>86450 Spotted in Chile: “Covid is Mass Manipulation”

>>86456 NWO stooge: Sean Penn Declares Covid Was a ‘Mandatory Rehearsal for Things to Come’

>>86457 Rock says he eats children

>>86458 Do 50% of Pfizer & Moderna-Vaccinated People Produce Spike Protein Forever?

>>86442, >>86463, >>86461 Igor Kolomoisky "The suit also named former Secret Service agent Robert Savage, who once reportedly had ties to Hunter Biden."''

>>86459 WSJ Poll: Trump's Primary Lead Just Doubled, Spelling Trouble for Primary Opponents and Biden

>>86460 Kyle Becker: Soros' Open Society Institute actively campaigning against Donald Trump would be a blatant violation of 501(c)3 tax-exempt status, as if the weaponized IRS cares

>>86462 Barack Obama·on Bill Richardson, Merissa Hansen: He was also a pedo

>>86464 RIP: FDA The court just told the FDA to stop practicing medicine

>>86468 Ivermectin Worked: Peer-Reviewed Study Proves It (August 2023)

>>86469 Fenbendazole cured stage 4 highly aggressive plasmatoid cancer (Cap 2:03)

>>86471 Archbishop Viganò: Globalism is ‘satanic’ preparation for the ‘rise of the Antichrist’

>>86472 Hospital That Fired Nurses for Refusing Vaccines Now Asking Them to Return

>>86473, >>86477, >>86478, >>86479, >>86480, >>86481, >>86482, >>86483 Burning Man Hopes: More than 100 athletes who participated last weekend in the Tough Mudder obstacle course race at Sonoma Raceway have since reported experiencing fevers, vomiting, muscle pain and a distinct rash that includes boils.

>>86474 Bill Richardson decode

>>86475 DOJ sentenced J6 a ten-year sentence for breaking a Capitol window, Why isn't the FBI interested in identifying this masked man wearing an earpiece who was caught on video breaking a Capitol window?

>>86476 Anti-Gunners Don't Want You to Read This: The Truth About Armed Citizens Stopping Mass Shootings

>>86484 Could it have been a ritual for what is happening at Burning Man right now? (Cap 0:20)

>>86485 Meme of the Bread

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

db04bf No.86487

File: e8e58f905a56a21⋯.png (258.46 KB,425x417,425:417,Clipboard.png)

File: eb1bf1496dc5b90⋯.jpg (47.88 KB,888x499,888:499,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19481143 (030513ZSEP23) Notable: #23926

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Q Research General #23926: Revelation: Fani Willis Election Fraud Money Laundering RICO Scheme? Edition

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db04bf No.86488

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19481172 (030521ZSEP23) Notable: Investigatng Fani Willis

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Investigating Fani Willis


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db04bf No.86489

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19481185 (030525ZSEP23) Notable: Investigatng Fani Willis

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Sebastian Gorka


Fani Willis is the criminal...not @realDonaldTrump

Sep 02, 2023, 10:24 PM




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db04bf No.86490

File: 672a84c312c5618⋯.png (215.83 KB,917x769,917:769,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19481254 (030543ZSEP23) Notable: Part 3: Fani Willis Has a Problem. She’s Investigating the Wrong People.

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Part 3: Fani Willis Has a Problem. She’s Investigating the Wrong People.

Previously, The Gateway Pundit has published Parts 1 and 2 of what should be at least a five-part series on the atrocities that have taken place in Georgia ahead of the indictments last week of President Donald Trump, his lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis, Sidney Powell, and several others whom Giuliani claimed many of whom he didn’t even know. Just this past weekend, the 8th District GOP in Georgia denied citizens access to their Fish-Fry because they had “Paper Ballots” shirts on, while at the same event, Governor Brian Kemp admitted that their voting machines can be hacked while saying Georgia elections are, in fact, transparent.

In Part 1, The Gateway Pundit revealed that the Georgia Secretary of State (GASOS) and the GASOS COO Gabriel Sterling, who left the SOS office to take a private contract with the SOS office and then returned to the SOS after the election, neglected to act on several requests to rectify a reported issue in Coffee County regarding their Dominion equipment before the Nov 3, 2020 election.


In Part 2, the mysterious ability of Dominion technicians to repair equipment without ever touching it was revealed through the sworn affidavit of now-indicted 30-year retired school teacher Cathy Latham.


Up until this point, the main focus was Coffee County, where Misty Hampton, the elections supervisor, and Cathy Latham, the 30-year retired school teacher who was chairwoman of the Coffee County GOP, were both among the indicted in Fulton County in part of DA Fani Willis’s RICO case. In the next two parts, Part 3 and 4, we will look at two complaints filed by the same individuals to the State of Georgia. One has since been acknowledged and accepted while the other sits in ‘limbo’. Combined, the two reports suggest definitively that the results in Georgia are highly questionable at the very least, and that President Trump won Georgia if these issues cannot be adequately explained by officials.

Fulton County ‘Hand-Count’ Risk-limiting Audit

Regarding Fulton County, on November 17, 2021, Governor Brian Kemp’s Office sent a letter to the Georgia State Election Board (SEB) and the Georgia Secretary of State (GASOS), Brad Raffensperger, asking them to address a review his office conducted of the work by Joe Rossi on the hand-count in Fulton County. The Gateway Pundit reported on this previously, as have several other outlets. The report showed evidence that the Fulton County hand-count had numerous double and triple counted and “misidentified” batches of votes, yet somehow the results were in line with original machine count. You can read Governor Kemp’s full report on Rossi’s findings here.

According to a Supplemental Declaration submitted in Curling v. Raffensperger in February 2021, Fulton County’s hand count showed 525,293 ballots counted in total, while the original machine count claimed 524,659 ballots, for a difference of just 634 ballots. This added a net gain of 345 votes (0.066%) for President Trump.

In reality, however, the difference between the two counts suggests much larger disparities than 634 votes. The hand-count would have netted President Trump closer to 4,100 votes, or 35% of the margin of victory. This is based off just one county out of 159 that accounted for just over 10% of the vote for the whole state.

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db04bf No.86491

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19481256 (030543ZSEP23) Notable: Part 3: Fani Willis Has a Problem. She’s Investigating the Wrong People.

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The reports remarkably revealed 36 inconsistencies that account for the difference in vote totals. While the hand-recount was not used as the official results, it does beg the question why the numbers were so different from the original machine count. But more importantly: why the hand recount, with all of the double and triple counted batches as well as the misidentified batches, somehow confirmed the original machine count. That was never explained, and we’re left believing that the errors in Fulton County conveniently made the risk-limiting audit agreeable.

Kemp’s letter states “To date, the complaint outlined below is the only instance where a complainant has referred an issue to my office and provided all requested information for me and my staff to fully evaluate its veracity.” This statement will be relevant for Part 4.

Rossi’s review of “thousands of ballot images, audit tally sheets, and other data” yielded 36 inconsistencies that “could not be explained by my office after a thorough review”. He then went on to make some recommendations, one of which was to:

“Direct investigators to review Mr. Rossi’s findings, just as my office has, and order corrective action as needed to address any verified errors.”

The SEB entered into a Consent Order with the Fulton County Board of Registrations and Elections (FCBRE) on June 8th, 2023 regarding this report. In that order, it states “Respondent denies any willful misconduct but desire that the above-captioned case be resolved in its entirety in order to avoid further litigation.” The order also has a footnote that claims the case was “voted to bind the case over to the Attorney General’s office” in March 2022.

The Consent Order does not specifically, and perhaps deliberately, mention the number of votes effected by these findings, only that it was “36 inconsistencies.” The order states that the Secretary of State’s investigations division conducted a “thorough investigation” the results of which showed “Fulton County elections staff misidentified and duplicated audit batch sheet data when entering the data into the Arlo software used by the Secretary of State’s office to manage the risk-limiting audit.”

The conclusion the investigators came to was that “the reported inconsistencies were the result of human error in entering the data, which were not discovered in time to make corrections due to time limitations in completing the risk-limiting audit and the sheer amount of ballots, and not due to intentional misconduct by Fulton County elections staff.” But if you look at the batches themselves in the report, there are many instances of the totals not just being duplicated, but also being inaccurate from the original to the duplicate scan(s). However, the “investigation” by the SOS has been described by affiliated parties as establishing that Fulton County BRE was at fault rather than the SOS office, and then passing it off to the Attorney General.

According to a press release from VoterGA.org on December 3, 2020, the Georgia Secretary of State “forced Georgia counties to enter their audit results into a centralized ARLO system rather than their own data sources. That broke the audit reporting chain and allowed the SOS office to tell counties what their results are rather than counties reporting their results to the state using generally accepted American election reporting principles.” VoterGA also mentions that they polled all 159 counties and “roughly 150 of them had no electronic totals for their own hand count audit.”

The press release also states that “ARLO was supported in Georgia by VotingWorks, whose founder Ben Adida posted anti-Trump profanity on social media.” The post states “F*** Donald Trump and all his enablers.” Ben Adida is still listed as the Executive Director of VotingWorks.

Part 4 of this series will dig into another complaint filed by Joe Rossi and Kevin Moncla, and referred to the SEB by Governor Kemp’s office that reveals outcome-changing disparities, again in Fulton County, and the State’s frantic efforts to obfuscate the report from lawful due process.


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db04bf No.86492

File: b6f113e6c824b26⋯.png (1.04 MB,768x556,192:139,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19481278 (030555ZSEP23) Notable: Staten Island Residents Are So Frustrated With Illegal Immigrants That They Want to Secede From New York City

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Staten Island Residents Are So Frustrated With Illegal Immigrants That They Want to Secede From New York City

People in Staten Island have had it with the steady flow of illegal immigrants into their community and calls are growing for the borough to secede and break away from New York City.


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db04bf No.86493

File: bed060671435cea⋯.png (541.77 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19481304 (030606ZSEP23) Notable: Moscow warns of direct clash with NATO

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"Russia-NATO hot conflict soon to help the democrats win the 2024 election."

Moscow warns of direct clash with NATO

NATO is risking a direct military clash with Russia due to its increased and prolonged involvement in Ukraine, Moscow has said


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db04bf No.86494

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19481305 (030606ZSEP23) Notable: Cell phone video of DC officer on J6 saying “we go undercover as Antifa in the crowd”

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🚨BREAKING: Cell phone video of DC officer on J6 saying “we go undercover as Antifa in the crowd”

They’re ADMITTING it

How many cops & federal agents were undercover that day? How many instigated violence & property destruction?

Release the J6 tapes!


Who financed the "Rally"?

Did POTUS say that it was going to be "Wild"?

Who blamed POTUS for Jan 06?

[MAGA] Supporters?

Seeking Immunity?



Alex Jones Reaches Out to Justice Dept. About Jan. 6 Interview

The effort by the Trump ally to get an immunity deal is the latest sign of progress in the investigation, which recently brought on a well-regarded prosecutor.


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db04bf No.86495

File: 5d66570b0df79ef⋯.png (2.96 MB,1476x1848,123:154,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19481308 (030607ZSEP23) Notable: Alex Jones Reaches Out to Justice Dept. About Jan. 6 Interview

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Alex Jones Reaches Out to Justice Dept. About Jan. 6 Interview

The effort by the Trump ally to get an immunity deal is the latest sign of progress in the investigation, which recently brought on a well-regarded prosecutor.


By Alan Feuer, Adam Goldman and Katie Benner

April 20, 2022

The federal investigation into efforts to overturn the 2020 election appears to be gaining traction, with the Justice Department having brought in a well-regarded new prosecutor to help run the inquiry

and a high-profile witness seeking a deal to provide information.

Alex Jones, the host of the conspiracy-driven media outlet Infowars and a key player in the pro-Trump “Stop the Steal” movement, is in discussions with the Justice Department about an agreement to detail

his role in the rally near the White House last Jan. 6 that preceded the attack on the Capitol.

Through his lawyer, Mr. Jones said he has given the government a formal letter conveying “his desire to speak to federal prosecutors about Jan. 6.”

The lawyer, Norm Pattis, maintained that Mr. Jones had not engaged in any “criminal wrongdoing” that day when — chanting slogans about 1776 — he helped lead a crowd of Trump supporters in a march to the Capitol

as violence was erupting.

As a condition of being interviewed by federal investigators, Mr. Jones, who is known for his rants about the “Deep State” and its supposed control over national affairs, has requested immunity from prosecution.

“He distrusts the government,” Mr. Pattis said.

While convincing federal prosecutors to grant him immunity could be an uphill climb for Mr. Jones, his discussions with the Justice Department suggest that the investigation into the postelection period could be gathering momentum.

Two weeks ago, another prominent Stop the Steal organizer, Ali Alexander, a close associate of Mr. Jones, revealed that he had received a subpoena from a federal grand jury that is

seeking information on a broad swath of people — rally planners, members of Congress and others close to former President Donald J. Trump — connected to political events that took place in the run-up to Jan. 6.

Mr. Alexander, who marched with Mr. Jones to the Capitol that day, has said that he intends to comply with the subpoena.


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db04bf No.86496

File: 8f032f9d20e71f6⋯.jpg (91.62 KB,714x952,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: df64d835abc8d77⋯.mp4 (1.55 MB,320x560,4:7,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19481375 (030647ZSEP23) Notable: Burning Man all fun and games until declared a national disaster?

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Burning man closed, national guard activated , 75,000 people told to shelter in place, andNOT LEAVE

It's a trap!

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db04bf No.86497

File: b712217076bbcea⋯.jpg (176.84 KB,720x1144,90:143,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 06da6e1f91b4dfe⋯.mp4 (2.97 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19481391 (030713ZSEP23) Notable: Burning Man all fun and games until declared a national disaster?

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Chris Rock escaping burning man before he is told he has to stay in place?

"National guard coming!? Get me the fuck outta here"

Was burning man a huge pedo trap? Send in the rain and rainbows, the hippie elite pedos get stuck in a muddy quagmire with no way to escape while the military swoops in?


Burning Man is so bad that Diplo and Chris Rock had to leave in the back of a fan's truck after walking miles through mud.

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db04bf No.86498

File: 072396ac5e8c06e⋯.jpg (122.2 KB,720x1179,80:131,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c9520df66d5dced⋯.mp4 (5.49 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19481435 (030803ZSEP23) Notable: Part of LAX ticketing area temporarily evacuated due to suspicious item investigation

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Evacuation underway at LAX after a suspicious item was discovered in the Tom Bradley Terminal late Saturday evening.


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db04bf No.86499

File: b274daf2e6df5ee⋯.png (1.76 MB,1200x750,8:5,Clipboard.png)

File: 79d58ea7c3dc2cd⋯.png (382.89 KB,613x750,613:750,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19481525 (030912ZSEP23) Notable: Secretive Covid disinformation unit worked with security services

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@disclosetv · 52m

NEW -Britain's secretive "Counter-Disinformation Unit" not only worked with the shady AI firm Logically but also with MI6, MI5 and GCHQ intelligence agencies.


Secretive Covid disinformation unit worked with security services

Documents submitted to inquiry reveal the ‘UK intelligence community’ has been involved in the CDU since it was founded in 2019

1 September 2023 • 6:00pm


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db04bf No.86500

File: 945c520f13d2341⋯.mp4 (5.46 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19481646 (031037ZSEP23) Notable: James Clapper Interview

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File under "HOLY SHIT"!!!

The James Clapper Interview...


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db04bf No.86501

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19481656 (031041ZSEP23) Notable: Archbishop Viganò: Globalism is ‘satanic’ preparation for the ‘rise of the Antichrist'

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>>86471 Archbishop Viganò: Globalism is ‘satanic’ preparation for the ‘rise of the Antichrist’ PN

Important to read the complete article, more details

Archbishop Viganò:


LifeSiteTue Aug 29, 2023 - 11:51 am EDT

(LifeSiteNews) –– Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has once again condemned the rise of “globalism,” stating that it prepares humanity “for the political rise of the Antichrist.”

In an August 24 interview with a French-language news outlet, Viganò commented on the rise of “globalism” and its impact upon society. Re-issuing a denouncement of globalism which he has consistently made, the archbishop linked corruption in society to corruption in the Catholic Church:

The element that in my opinion needs to be made clear – for the denunciation to be complete – is the specular relationship between the coup of the deep state in the civil sphere and the similar coup of the deep church in the ecclesiastical sphere.

The “subversive action” undermining each sphere is “identical,” he stated, “as are the inspiring principles that move them and the goals they set.”

He argued it is “essential” for Catholics “to understand that the Second Vatican Council and the Novus Ordo were to the Church what the Revolution and the Declaration of Human Rightswere to civil societies, because at the root of both lies the poisonous germ of Revolution, that is, of the subversion of the natural order that God established for man and human societies.”

Continuing, the archbishop painted a link between globalism and satanism, arguing that they are almost synonymous. “The essence of globalism is satanic, and the essence of satanism is globalist.”

For Satan’s plan is to establish the reign of the Antichrist, giving him a way to parody the earthly life of Christ, imitate His miracles with grotesque wonders, drag the crowds not with the simplicity of Truth but with deception and lies.

Globalism constitutes, so to speak, the stage set-up, the script and the screenplay that must prepare humanity for the political rise of the Antichrist, to whom the rulers of the world-his servants-will surrender national sovereignties so that he will become a kind of world tyrant.

Expanding on how such a “stage set-up” might be accomplished, Viganò wrote that “what was left of Christ’s reign must be wiped out in the institutions, culture and everyday life of citizens.” One way to effect this would be to implement “moral dissolution” he argued, which would encourage people “to vice and mocking virtue.”

But he also highlighted aspects such as attempts to destroy “the natural family, the fundamental cell of society, eliminated of which children become commodities, products that those with money can order on the Internet, feeding a vast and increasingly flourishing criminal network,not to mention the surrogacy industry.”….


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db04bf No.86502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19481663 (031044ZSEP23) Notable: Archbishop Viganò: Globalism is ‘satanic’ preparation for the ‘rise of the Antichrist'

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Divorce, abortion, euthanasia, homosexualism and pansexualism, gender transition mutilation have proven to be effective tools for eliminating not only revealed Faith, but also the most sacred principles of Natural Law.

In opposition to the Catholic faith which such anti-life movements oppose, globalism is “a religion” spread through “woke ideology,” the archbishop stated. While Catholicism is centered on Christ, “globalists apply Catholic principles of ‘social kingship,’ but proclaim Satan king of societies.”

Viganò, who previously served as Papal Nuncio to the U.S. 2011 – 2016, highlighted a pattern of “censorship of information not aligned with the official story, conducted with the complicity of the platforms social and the media.” This, he argued, has been employed in modern society, enabling the spread of anti-Catholic spirit:

It is no coincidence that democratic fiction uses means of violent repressionof popular demonstrations which, in a free democracy, should lead to barricades and international execution – I am thinking, among other things, of Macron, a student of Young Leaders for Tomorrow from World Economic Forumby Klaus Schwab. It is not enough to call a dictatorship ‘democracy’ for it to become so by magic, especially when citizens’ consent to those who interpret their state of mind and expectations constitutes a threat to the survival of these subversive parasites.

He also expressed doubt about the current independence and veracity of election processes, stating that “democracy” was an illusion which the “Masonic oligarchy” allows citizens to indulge in.

I repeat: if democracy worked, they would not let citizens play with the farce of elections and the illusion of being represented in Parliament. If they allow it, it is because theMasonic oligarchyknows that it can control it through its emissaries, placed everywhere. On the other hand, the Antichrist will be king, not president; he will exercise power in an absolute, totalitarian, dictatorial manner. And those who believe in the fable of democracy will discover too late that they have been deceived.

The archbishop’s comments against globalism and globalist forces are by no means the first time he has expressed such arguments. Speaking to Steve Bannon last summer, Viganò stated how:

In short, =•we are governed by a high command of usurers and speculators, from Bill Gates, who invests in large farms== right on the eve of the food emergency, or in vaccines just before the outbreak of the pandemic, to George Soros, who speculates on the fluctuations of currencies and government bonds and along with Hunter Biden finances a biolaboratory in Ukraine.

He argued that national leaders and heads of states “are traitors of our nation who are devoted to the elimination of populations, and that all of their actions are carried out in order to cause the greatest amount of harm to citizens.”

But he also believed that despite a “deliberate intention to harm,” the globalist endeavor known as the “Great Reset” has an “inevitable” end of failure, the time of which depends upon “our capacity to oppose it and also what is contained in the plans of Divine Providence.”

He urged families to form part of a movement to resist the “build back better” agenda of the Great Reset, and instead to “rebuild what has been destroyed.”


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db04bf No.86503

File: 0653ef2b47f0002⋯.png (90.33 KB,626x652,313:326,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19481673 (031050ZSEP23) Notable: Secretive Covid disinformation unit worked with security services

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Time for Another Great Awakening

American Thinker, by Jeff Lukens

Posted By: Imright, 9/3/2023 5:55:45 AM

We live in an age of unbelief. The foundations of American life are eroding. America is entering an uncharted, revolutionary time. We are no longer the America of our founders or even the America that existed twenty years ago. We are in trouble, and a cataclysm of ominous events may soon overwhelm us. We need a national spiritual revival. Two seminal revival movements were such game-changing events in American history that historians were compelled to call them Great Awakenings. The First Great Awakening in the mid-1700s created the moral climate for the Declaration of Independence and the founding of a new country,

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db04bf No.86504

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19481685 (031053ZSEP23) Notable: Former Secret Service Agent Sentenced in Scheme Related to Silk Road Investigation

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Former Secret Service Agent Sentenced in Scheme Related to Silk Road Investigation

Shaun W. Bridges, 35, of Laurel, Maryland, was sentenced to 24 months in prison by U.S. District Judge Richard Seeborg in San Francisco following his earlier guilty plea to one count of money laundering. Judge Seeborg ordered that the sentence be served consecutively to the 71-month sentence that Bridges is currently serving related to his 2015 conviction for a similar theft. Bridges was also ordered to forfeit approximately 1,500 bitcoin and other fiat currency, which is currently valued at approximately $10.4 million.

Bridges had been a Special Agent with the U.S. Secret Service for approximately six years in the Baltimore Field Office. Between 2012 and 2014, he was assigned to the Baltimore Silk Road Task Force, a multi-agency group investigating illegal activity on the Silk Road, a covert online marketplace for illicit goods, including drugs. Bridges’ responsibilities included, among other things, conducting forensic computer investigations in an effort to locate, identify and prosecute targets of the Baltimore Task Force, including Ross Ulbricht, aka “Dread Pirate Roberts,” who ran the Silk Road from the Northern District of California.



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db04bf No.86505

File: b856787f4aebb28⋯.jpg (14.24 KB,390x220,39:22,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 25ea45225bc8adb⋯.jpg (10.27 KB,392x220,98:55,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b68ebbf753dce40⋯.jpg (5.03 KB,133x220,133:220,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19481703 (031101ZSEP23) Notable: Former Secret Service Agent Sentenced in Scheme Related to Silk Road Investigation

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Ex-Secret Service agent who stole $800,000 in bitcoin newly arrested

This article is more than 7 years old

Shaun Bridges was scheduled to begin his prison sentence a day later

Officers found bulletproof vests officials say were stolen

Shaun Bridges, a former Secret Service agent who was part of the investigation into the now-defunct dark website Silk Road – but who was subsequently prosecuted for stealing $800,000 in the online crypto-currency bitcoin from the site – has been arrested at his home in Laurel, Maryland, the day before he was scheduled to hand himself in to begin his prison sentence.

An arrest warrant was issued under seal on Wednesday and executed on Thursday. During the arrest, according to court documents, officers found bags containing Bridges’s passport and a notarised copy of his passport, as well as corporate records for three offshore entities in Nevis, Belize and Mauritius.

He also had several Secret Service-issued bulletproof vests which the state contends had been stolen from the government. The web of corruption surrounding the Silk Road investigation was nothing short of breathtaking. Along with an undercover agent with the Drug Enforcement Agency, Carl Force, Bridges was involved in the investigation into “Dread Pirate Roberts”, the mysterious figure behind Silk Road. Force was in communication with the Roberts account under the alias “Nob”.

“Dread Pirate Roberts” turned out to be Ross Ulbricht, who was arrested in 2013 and charged with conspiracy to traffic drugs. A separate charge for the attempted purchase of a murder-for-hire is pending. In 2015, he was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison.

But the Force and Bridges affair was to prove a humiliating coda for the government, leading attorneys for Ulbricht to say that corruption “pervaded the investigation of Silk Road”.

Force, using the other aliases “French Maid” and “Death From Above”, used the knowledge gleaned during the investigation to extort hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of bitcoin from Ulbricht. The pair also siphoned bitcoin given to them by the government for use in the investigation into personal accounts, even setting up bitcoin investment funds, called Quantum Investments and Engedi LLC, in their own name.

Ulbricht believed the bitcoin had been stolen by a Silk Road employee, Curtis Green, who was in fact a state’s witness. He used “Nob” – who was really Force – to procure the murder-for-hire for which he was eventually convicted, and Force, Green, and Bridges faked Green’s death.

Force is currently serving a 6.5-year sentence, and Bridges is in custody and considered a flight risk, according to the government’s motion detailing his arrest, though the Department of Justice did not respond to several requests by the Guardian for more information.


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db04bf No.86506

File: 138a6b8a06b29e9⋯.png (1.01 MB,1003x799,59:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19481717 (031108ZSEP23) Notable: CISA And AT&T Pushed Connecting Elections To FirstNet, Mark Zuckerberg Paid FirstNet Bills, FirstNet Infested With Hackable Chinese Components

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CISA And AT&T Pushed Connecting Elections To FirstNet, Mark Zuckerberg Paid FirstNet Bills, FirstNet Infested With Hackable Chinese Components

by Guest Contributor Sep. 2, 2023 9:30 am

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db04bf No.86507

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19481727 (031113ZSEP23) Notable: Burning Man all fun and games until declared a national disaster?

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>>86473, >>86477, >>86478, >>86479, >>86480, >>86481, >>86482, >>86483 Burning Man Hopes: More than 100 athletes who participated last weekend in the Tough Mudder obstacle course race at Sonoma Raceway have since reported experiencing fevers, vomiting, muscle pain and a distinct rash that includes boils. PN

Did burning fires happen before the athletic events? If so it possibly an attempt of one of the principles of the event is, “leave no trace”.

If one wanted to eliminate mankind, they would start with the young of the strongest, healthiest. Controlling the possibility of procreation of the most fit in society. Very similar to the goal of the jab.

Did the fires daily cause the various symptoms? (If done daily). Or was something in food, drink only athletes would take?

Only 10 of the 100 plus said a doctor said it was natural bacteria. Did the all see the same doctor? Something pretty fishy about this, along with the potential biblical nature of the illnesses!

According to their Guiding Principles:

IMO, The ultimate principles of Burning Man is to eliminate mankind, “leave no trace” and no belief in God, “radical self reliance”. And “immediacy” was used at this event because the elimination wasn’t happening fast enough, once a year?

Burning Man

For other uses, see Burning Man (disambiguation).

Burning Man is an event focused on "community, art, self-expression, and self-reliance" held annually in the western United States.[1][2] The name of the event comes from its culminating ceremony: thesymbolic burning of a large wooden effigy, referred to as the Man, that occurs on the penultimate night of Burning Man, which is the Saturday evening before Labor Day.[3] The event has been located since 1991 at Black Rock City in northwestern Nevada, a temporary city erected in the Black Rock Desert about 100 miles (160 km) north-northeast of Reno.

According to Burning Man co-founder Larry Harvey in 2004, the event is guided by ten principles. These stated principles are radical inclusion, gifting, decommodification, radical self-reliance, radical self-expression, communal effort, civic responsibility,leaving no trace, participation, and immediacy.[4]


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db04bf No.86508

File: a8a52d6fcbeb210⋯.png (142.44 KB,624x921,208:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19481746 (031121ZSEP23) Notable: Law and Order: The Post-Constitutional Episode

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Law and Order: The Post-Constitutional Episode

American Thinker, by Clarice Feldman

Posted By: Beardo, 9/3/2023 5:24:10 AM

It is undeniable that the judiciary and juries in the federal courts in the District of Columbia are almost uniformly left-wing partisans, a key part of the post-constitutional era brought into being by former president Obama. I do not know how or whether this can be rectified, although I expect a resounding victory for Republicans in 2024 followed by a congressional reshaping of the jurisdiction of these courts and their staffing may be the only solution. If you are unaware of the seriousness of this, it’s because the press has almost uniformly failed to cover this fairly, and, indeed, has been full participants in the multiple hoaxes

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db04bf No.86509

File: 2939e55672bab92⋯.png (335.16 KB,871x744,871:744,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19481776 (031132ZSEP23) Notable: Journalists Are Asking Ukrainian Soldiers To Hide Their Nazi Patches, NYT Admits

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Journalists Are Asking Ukrainian Soldiers To Hide Their Nazi Patches, NYT Admits

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Tuesday, Jun 06, 2023 - 11:30 AM

The New York Times has been forced to very, very belatedly deal with something which had long been obvious and known to many independent analysts and media outlets, but which has been carefully shielded from the mainstream masses in the West for obvious reasons.

The surprising Monday Times headline said that "Nazi Symbols on Ukraine’s Front Lines Highlight Thorny Issues of History." This acknowledgement comes after literally years of primarily indy journalists and geopolitical commentators pointing out that yes indeed... Ukraine's military and paramilitary groups, especially those operating in the east since at least 2014, have a serious Nazi ideology problem. This has been exhaustively documented, again, going back years. But the report, which merely tries to downplay it as a "thorny issue" of Ukraine's "unique" "History" - suggests that the real problem for Western PR is fundamentally that it's being displayed so openly. Ukrainian troops are being asked to cover those Nazi symbols please!-as Matt Taibbi sarcastically quipped in commenting on the report.

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db04bf No.86510

File: 39b280bf7fbd99d⋯.png (637.74 KB,888x826,444:413,Clipboard.png)

File: 90f1fd0a81ec406⋯.png (45.86 KB,860x330,86:33,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19481805 (031140ZSEP23) Notable: Burning Man all fun and games until declared a national disaster?

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Heavy Rain at Burning Man Festival Traps 70,000 Attendees, Virus Rumors Circulate


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db04bf No.86511

File: e8e8a940d78de91⋯.png (28.82 KB,806x275,806:275,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19481875 (031208ZSEP23) Notable: Secret Service agent whose name appeared on Hunter Biden laptop bribed by Real Housewife: suit

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Secret Service agent whose name appeared

on Hunter Biden laptop bribed by Real

Housewife: suit

New York Post, by Jon Levine & Miranda Devine

Posted By: Imright, 9/2/2023 8:23:35 PM

“Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” star Erika Jayne conspired with a Secret Service agent who once reportedly had ties to Hunter Biden — to pursue bogus credit card fraud charges against her former costume designer, according to a bombshell $18 million lawsuit. Christopher Psaila accused Jayne, 52, of filing fraudulent refund requests with American Express and, through her hubby, Tom Girardi, bribing Secret Service Agent Robert Savage III to “weaponize” the agency and unjustly prosecute the designer over legitimate charges he billed her in 2015 and 2016, according to the lawsuit filed Tuesday in U.S. District Court for Central California.

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db04bf No.86512

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19481894 (031215ZSEP23) Notable: Victoria Spartz Deserves a Real Argument on Ukraine

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This article reveals how the RINOS don’t care of Ukraine money laundering and stealing US money and how Spartz has gone to Ukraine 6 times! Why go 6 times? Oh and how she pushed herself into committee meetings she doesnt belong in like Foreign Affairs—is she spying for Ukraine? Her fight with Zelensky a psyop?

Victoria Spartz Deserves a Real Argument on Ukraine

Nate HochmanJuly 16, 2022 12:27 PM

Yesterday, Politico reported that House Republican leadership was “coming to regret” giving Representative Victoria Spartz, a Ukrainian-born freshman from Indiana’s 5th congressional district, “a coveted platform to speak out against Russia’s war.”Spartzwas initially all-in for the war, but in recent months, she hasbegun to raise concerns about corruption in the Ukrainian government and push for more oversight of U.S. aid. In response, Politico reports, Spartz’s senior counterparts have grown worried that her criticisms “could portend future cracks in U.S. support for Ukraine,” and “may damage cohesion among the Western coalition in defense of Kyiv”:

Inside the House GOP Conference, there’s a widespread fear that her posture is damaging U.S.-Ukraine relations at the worst possible time — and that she’s being played by forces that aim to weaken the Western alliance.

There’s no actual evidence offered for who those “forces” are, or how Sparks’ concerns about corruption and push for more aid oversight — the same position, notably, as that of the Heritage Foundation — are evidence that she’s being “played.” (In fact, Politico implicitly cedes that those concerns have a basis in reality,but waves them away as harmful to discuss: “Western nations’ longstanding concerns about corruption in Ukraine, an element of former President Donald Trump’s first impeachment, have also been shelved in the interest of fostering both domestic and international unity against Russia’s invasion”). Instead, unnamed House Republicans offer anonymous quotes trashing their freshman colleague for breaking with the party line:

“Her naiveness is hurting our own people,” said a GOP lawmaker who serves on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, granted anonymity to speak candidly about a colleague. “It is not helpful to what we’re trying to do and I’m not sure her facts are accurate … We have vetted these guys.” The Republican warned that Spartz’s comments could “hurt” the war effort.

Asked for comment on Spartz’s remarks, one senior House Republican who was granted anonymity for the same reason offered a blunt reply: “What the fuck.”

A third House Republican granted anonymity to speak candidly about Spartz saidshe has a reputation for elbowing her way into briefings and meetings for committees she doesn’t belong to, like the Foreign Affairs panel, where multiple members have tried to address her comments behind closed doors.

These top Republicans are too cowardly to make such arguments in public — as Politico notes, “none of them want to publicly rebuke a colleague over Ukraine . . . as the Russian attack itself becomes more politically thorny within the GOP.” But they’re willing to actively undermine her in the mainstream media, so long as it’s on the condition of anonymity. And the attacks themselves are completely devoid of content: There’s no explanation for why Spartz’s concerns are wrong, save for vague aspersions about being “not sure her facts are accurate.” Instead, the basis of the broadside is that Spartz — by asking what, precisely, the billions of American taxpayer dollars are actually funding in Ukraine — is not being “helpful to what we’re trying to do.” In other words: “Shut up,” they explained.

Truth is the first casualty of war. If Spartz is wrong, her colleagues should explain why — and preferably not via anonymous quotes used for smear pieces in the pages of the mainstream media. What, exactly, is so unreasonable about the congresswoman’s position?She’s obviously not operating from a place of ignorance — she has traveled to Ukraine six times since the outset of the war and, unlike her unnamed Republican critics, actually lived there for the first 22 years of her life.At the very least, the rationale she gave in her statement to Politico merits serious engagement: “Growing up in Ukraine and visiting six times since the war started, I have a comprehensive understanding of the situation on the ground. The stakes are too high to be reactive without deliberation — as intended for our institution.”

Why is she wrong? The anonymous House Republicans don’t appear to have a real answer. If they did, maybe they’d actually have the courage to say so publicly.


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db04bf No.86513

File: 1c63b69bdcc4372⋯.png (37 KB,881x387,881:387,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19481911 (031220ZSEP23) Notable: US To Arm Ukraine With Toxic Depleted Uranium Munitions

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US To Arm Ukraine With Toxic Depleted Uranium Munitions

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Sunday, Sep 03, 2023 - 12:35 AM

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db04bf No.86514

File: cdf3023c48d462f⋯.png (60.42 KB,669x420,223:140,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19481932 (031227ZSEP23) Notable: White supremacists march on Orlando, waving swastika flags and raising Heil Hitler salutes - just days after racist Dollar General store attack in Jacksonville that left three dead

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White supremacists march on Orlando, waving

swastika flags and raising Heil Hitler

salutes - just days after racist Dollar

General store attack in Jacksonville that

left three dead

Daily Mail (UK), by Stephen M. Lepore

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 9/3/2023 7:01:53 AM

Multiple groups of professed neo-Nazis were spotted marching through parks in the Orlando area Saturday, with one group even ending up at the gates of Walt Disney World. Social media videos showed the groups - known as 'Blood Tribe' and 'The Goyim Defense League' - taking to the streets in Cranes Roost Park in Altamonte Spring. The marchers, caught on video by State Representative Anna V. Eskamani, were raising the Nazi salute and chanting 'we are everywhere.' It came just days after racist mass shooter Ryan Palmeter killed three black people at a Dollar General store in Jacksonville. Palmeter walked into the store on Saturday armed with two firearms, including

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db04bf No.86515

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482013 (031303ZSEP23) Notable: #23927

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db04bf No.86516

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482026 (031306ZSEP23) Notable: There Are Still Buses From Kyiv to Moscow - and Ukrainians Are Still Using Them

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There Are Still Buses From Kyiv to Moscow – and Ukrainians Are Still Using Them

Many of the passengers boarding Moscow-bound buses from over a dozen Ukrainian cities are doing so without getting their passports stamped by Russian border guards.


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db04bf No.86517

File: f5f259ed7fb90d2⋯.png (561.57 KB,680x510,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482028 (031307ZSEP23) Notable: More burning man

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After seeing this my sympathy for those at Burning Man has diminished somewhat.

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db04bf No.86518

File: 58382d3fcb6f587⋯.webp (27.56 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.webp)

File: 79c256dbce8440e⋯.webp (21.11 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.webp)

File: 4ff28ee2701881f⋯.webp (11.29 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482042 (031311ZSEP23) Notable: More burning man

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(The planners hold it there every year, so was theweather manipulated this year? What about cell servicebeing out?)

Tens of thousands at Burning Man told to conserve water and food after heavy rains leave attendees stranded in Nevada desert

Tens of thousands of people attending the Burning Man festival in the Nevada desert are being told to conserve food, water and fuel as they shelter in place in the Black Rock Desert after a heavy rainstorm pummeled the area, festival organizers said. Attendees saw their campsites transformed by thick, ankle-deep mud and organizers halted vehicles from traveling in or out of the festival after heavy rains started saturating the area Friday evening. Some festival-goers hiked miles to reach main roads while others hoped storms forecast to hit the area overnight wouldn’t worsen conditions.

Hannah Burhorn, in a phone interview Saturday the desertsand has turned into thick clay and puddles and mud are everywhere. People who have tried to bike through it and have gotten stuck because it’s about ankle deep.”

The gate and airport into Black Rock City, a remote area in northwest Nevada, remain closed and no driving is allowed into or out of the city except for emergency vehicles, the organizers said on X.

More than 70,000 people attend the weeklong event annually, which this year is being held from August 28 to September 4. It’s unclear how many of those were stranded due to the weather.

The city is expecting more showers overnight on Saturday, organizers said in a weather forecast update.The National Weather Servicesaid showers and thunderstorms are expected to return Saturday evening and continue throughout Sunday, with temperatures ranging from highs in the 70s to a low overnight of 49 degrees. Labor Day, on Monday when the event is scheduled to end, forecasts show the area will heat up and dry out with clear skis and a high of 75 degrees.

Rainfall reports from the National Weather Service suggestup to 0.8 inches of rain fell in the area from Friday morning through Saturday morning– approximately two to three months of rainfall for that location this time of year. Even small rainfall totals can lead to flooding in the dry Nevada desert. (Less than in inch of rain? Is this Weather manipulation?)

Flood watches were in effect in northeast Nevada, to the east of Black Rock City. Those watches noted individual storms were producing up to one inch of rainfall,but higher totals — as much as 3 inches — would be possible through the weekend. The Bureau of Land Management, is advising people heading to Burning Man to “turn around and head home,” as roads remain closed.

“Rain over the last 24 hours has created a situation that required a full stop of vehicle movement on the playa. More rain is expected over the next few days and conditions are not expected to improve enough to allow vehicles to enter the playa,” the statement read.

The festival, which began in 1986, is held each summer in Black Rock City – a temporary metropolis that is erected annuallyfor the festival. The city comes complete with planning services, emergency, safety and sanitary infrastructure.

The tens of thousands of attendees travel to and from the city along a two-lane highway. The festival was canceled in 2020 and 2021 due to the coronavirus pandemic. Some on-site preparations for this year’s Burning Man were impacted by tropical storm Hilary in August, with high winds, rainfall and even flooding reported in the desert. (What??? Before it started there was bad weather)

Some attendees hike through mud to get out of desert

Amar Singh Duggal and his friends managed to leave the festival afterhiking about 2 miles in the mud, he told CNN. He estimated it took them about 2 hours to get to a main road where they arranged to be picked up and taken to Reno. When Duggal and his friends saw the rain was not letting up on Friday night, they arranged to leave.

“We made it, but it was pure hell[walking] through the mud,” Duggal said. “Each step felt like we were walking with two big cinderblocks on our feet.”…

Burhorn, said the mud is so thick that it “sticks to your shoes and makes it almost like a boot around your boot”… she and her friends were not expecting any rain – only extreme heat. Burhornsaid people trapped in the desert have limited cell service, making it almost impossible to get newson weather conditions or receive updates from festival organizers. (Hmmm, didn’t that happen in Maui?)


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db04bf No.86519

File: 3e18a46c1b33c82⋯.png (474.04 KB,934x636,467:318,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482043 (031311ZSEP23) Notable: REMINDER: Ivermectin reduces COVID death risk by '92%/, peer-reviewed study finds

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Ivermectin reduces COVID death risk by 92%, peer-reviewed study finds


Paul Sacca

September 03, 2022


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db04bf No.86520

File: b3b7cf1a997210f⋯.png (726.88 KB,877x668,877:668,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482066 (031318ZSEP23) Notable: It's time Britain stopped funding the incompetent, nannying World Health Organisation

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It's time Britain stopped funding the incompetent, nannying World Health Organisation

The intergovernmental body has been mired in controversy for years. Taxpayer money would be much better spent treating patients here

John O'Connell

Chief Executive of the TaxPayers' Alliance

31 August 2023 • 4:05pm

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db04bf No.86521

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482078 (031321ZSEP23) Notable: Black Voters Fleeing Democrat Plantation, Biden Regime Getting Desperate

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>>86410 Black Voters Fleeing Democrat Plantation Biden-Harris Regime Getting Desperate PN

Black Voters Fleeing Democrat Plantation, Biden Regime Getting Desperate

Ben Bartee September 02, 2023

There are two voting blocs that, barring the Democrats simply outright rigging the election, they absolutely must have in order to win:blacks and Zoomers/Millenials.

Joe Biden is hoping thatre-scheduling weedfrom Schedule I to Schedule III will be enough to get them out to the polls, which _shows how much the administration thinks of that demographic_.

On the black front, amid an ocean of broken promises such as raising the minimum wage, instituting criminal justice reform, and “voting rights” legislation, it’s unclear what possible pitch could get black voters back on the Democrat plantation. Whatever one thinks of the merits of these policies, they were central campaign promises that the Brandon entity’s base expected him to deliver in office. The party and its nominal leader have been depleting their reservoir of support among blacks for several long months now. (I’m sure blacks will remember this time, that Dems have promised these things since the 1950s and they never fulfill promises.)

So much for the infamous proclamation that if you don’t vote for Biden, “you ain’t black.”

Via The Hill (emphasis added):

Democrats are stressing the need to appeal early to Black voters, a key voting bloc to President Biden in 2020 that is set to play an essential role in 2024.

Four years ago, many across the country were still mourning the murder of George Floyd and facing a reckoning over race and police brutality. Demands for change and accountability brought voting rights and criminal justice reform into the forefront, inspiring more outrage and activism nationwide.

While Biden has since touted major improvements for the Black community specifically, a divided Capitol Hill has put critical legislation at a standstill. And strategists now say Democrats need to show those same voters what the administration has done for them or risk low turnout numbers in November.

As I have noted before in the context of failing fake meat sales, which the vegans have blamed on a marketing failure,the mutual problem that advertisers and politicians have is that everything is a marketing problemto them, not a substantive one. They think so little of their consumers and constituents, respectively — and maybe they’re right to some extent — that if they can just find the right emotional buttons to push, they’ll win their vote. The problem, in their estimation, is never that what they’re selling is trash and their marks know it. It’s high past time for voters of all races to correct their delusions.


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db04bf No.86522

File: a24ea63f1bc0258⋯.png (512.08 KB,597x769,597:769,Clipboard.png)

File: 02ad1e0d9a9e77a⋯.png (340.83 KB,510x375,34:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482084 (031322ZSEP23) Notable: Will Democrats finally begin asking why Biden used fake names and burner email accounts to communicate with Hunter and his business associates?

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FAKE NAMES: Will Democrats finally begin asking why Biden used fake names and burner email accounts to communicate with Hunter and his business associates? https://thehill.com/opinion/criminal-justice/4182940-bidens-use-of-fake-names-in-email-could-cost-him/


2:03 AM · Sep 3, 2023




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db04bf No.86523

File: ef3b5d8f3294039⋯.jpeg (60.49 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482094 (031324ZSEP23) Notable: Russian drones destroy Ukrainian oil depot

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3 Sep, 2023 10:38

Russian drones destroy Ukrainian oil depot – MOD

The overnight raid targeted a military facility in Odessa Region, the Defense Ministry has said

Moscow has conducted a drone attack on an oil depot used to supply Kiev’s army in Odessa Region near the Romanian border, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Sunday.

In a statement, the ministry said the Russian Air Force conducted a group UAV strike on facilities used to refuel Ukrainian military vehicles in the port of Reni, located on the left bank of the Danube River.

“The objective of the strike was achieved.All designated targets have been hit,” the Defense Ministry said.

MOD officials also said Russia had taken out two Ukrainian ammunition depots and a drone command center in southeastern Dnepropetrovsk Region and a Kiev-controlled part of Kherson Region, again using UAV strikes.

This comes after Ukrainian media reported a powerful explosion in Reni in the early hours of Sunday morning. Later in the day, Oleg Kiper, the head of Odessa’s military administration, said that a Russian attack had damaged port infrastructure, and claimed that Ukrainian air defenses had shot down 22 drones.


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db04bf No.86524

File: 9f76a8b14c75149⋯.png (547.48 KB,988x1486,494:743,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482097 (031326ZSEP23) Notable: US Army - The Brandon Act aims to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health care and provide an additional avenue for support - KEK

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Named after @usnavy Petty Officer 3rd Class Brandon Caserta, who died by suicide in 2018,the Brandon Act aims to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health care and provide an additional avenue for support.


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db04bf No.86525

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482132 (031335ZSEP23) Notable: Poland shuts down largest Ukrainian refugee center - media

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2 Sep, 2023 15:22

Poland shuts down largest Ukrainian refugee center – media

People were not even given “a chance to pack,” a charity worker told the Financial Times

The largest refugee center for Ukrainians in Poland was abruptly closed this week, the Financial Times reported on Friday, citing a decision by the regional authorities. The move prompted the sudden relocation of hundreds of people, the paper said.

The facility was located at a former exhibition venue in the village of Nadarzyn, in the Mazovia region, just southwest of the Polish capital, Warsaw. At the peak of the Ukrainian refugee flow into Poland, it housed around 9,000 people, according to the FT. In spring 2022, the number of occupants =•dropped to around 300 refugees==, as people were relocated to other facilities. Nevertheless, the facility remained the biggest in Poland in terms of accommodation space.

The regional authorities claimed that the center was always meant to be temporary. The facility was closed because “the number of refugees from Ukraine arriving in Mazovia is negligible,” Dagmara Zalewska, a spokesperson, explained.

Local charities told the Financial Times that the closure caught both them and the residents of the center by surprise. “Some people didn’t even have a chance to pack all their stuff. They gave them some food in bags and that was it,” Alina Oniszczuk, an aid worker at another center for refugees in Warsaw, told the FT.

Zalewska said the move is part of the “reorganization of the entire refugee assistance system” on a national level. She added that many Ukrainians have since found work and residence in Poland or other EU nations, or simply decided to return to Ukraine.

Poland has been one of the major destinations for Ukrainians fleeing the conflict between Moscow and Kiev. According to UN data, more than 1.5 million registered Ukrainian refugees remained in the country as of spring 2023.

The situation sparked concerns among Polish authorities, who have tightened the rules for Ukrainian refugees. In March, they were allowed to live in temporary accommodation for free for only 120 days from the moment they arrive in the country. After that, they were expected to cover 50% of their living costs, but no more than $9 per day. In May, these figures were raised to 75% and $13 respectively.

In March, Polish media outlets reported that officials planned to recover assistance funds that were improperly allocated to Ukrainian refugees which amounted to 2 million Polish zloty ($450,000), Rzeczpospolita reported at the time, adding that the real figure could have been even higher.

(Ukraine has fought with Poland about the grain from Ukraine ripping off the Polish farmers, Poland does not want Ukraine grain because the cheat, and some grain has toxic pesticides. Now, Ukraine that is not a member of EU, to appeal & beg Brussels to make them take Kiev’s grain; even though Poland has given almost the most military supports and taken in close to a million refugees. Poland has had enough with Ukraine cheating and complaining.)


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db04bf No.86526

File: 37f1b96e59bf838⋯.png (106.1 KB,300x168,25:14,Clipboard.png)

File: 774488f71a913f2⋯.png (99 KB,259x194,259:194,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482147 (031339ZSEP23) Notable: More burning man

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they've been doing it a long time, anon

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db04bf No.86527

File: a9bfd7dba789f8c⋯.png (120.07 KB,372x218,186:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482163 (031343ZSEP23) Notable: Zelensky turning on the people that put him in power

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Zelensky turning on the people that put him in power

Billionaire Ihor Kolomoisky, the onetime governor of Ukraine’s Dnipropetrovsk region and the former owner of a major bank in the country, is being held by Ukrainian authorities on roughly $13 million bail over charges of fraud and money laundering


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db04bf No.86528

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482185 (031350ZSEP23) Notable: 3M earplugs caused hearing loss. Company will settle lawsuit for $6 billion

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3M earplugs caused hearing loss. Company will settle lawsuit for $6 billion

3M has agreed to pay more than $6 billion to consumers and military members who alleged the company's ear plugs were defective and caused hearing loss, tinnitus and other hearing-related injuries.

Lawyers representing the plaintiffs in the class-action lawsuit called it an "historic agreement" and a victory for veterans. “We are proud to have obtained this settlement, which ensures that those who suffered hearing damage will receive the justice and compensation they so rightly deserve,” lawyers said in a prepared statement on behalf of the plaintiffs.

The plaintiffs were represented by Bryan F. Aylstock of Aylstock, Witkin, Kreis & Overholtz, PLLC, Christopher A. Seeger of Seeger Weiss LLP, and Clayton Clark of Clark, Love & Hutson, PLLC.

3M will contribute the money between 2023 and 2029, with $5 billion in cash and $1 billion in 3M common stock, according to an announcement on its website.

The company added that the "agreement is not an admission of liability" and that the ear plugs "are safe and effective when used properly."

According to the complaint, higher numbers are associated with better hearing protection, but the defendants allegedly used their own laboratory for testing and used "inappropriate testing procedures that substantially skew the results of the NRR labeling tests." The ear plug NRR was allegedly manipulated to 22 when testing showed that rating on eight subject was 10.9.

Aearo, 3M's subsidiary, attempted to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy but it was dismissed by a judge in June, who determined the company was "financially healthy."


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db04bf No.86529

File: 9298a27961e77a2⋯.png (128.11 KB,1006x730,503:365,Clipboard.png)

File: 09c8a85ac435bb6⋯.png (499.32 KB,983x1872,983:1872,Clipboard.png)

File: fb4c3d39a6fb2a3⋯.mp4 (7.89 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482195 (031353ZSEP23) Notable: Scott Adams on Rupar

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I feel sorry for the news victims who never saw the compilation video of Trump routinely using the same mocking motion in the past, including for Ted Cruz.

The "I saw it with my own eyes" crowd is easiest to fool with a Rupar or an out-of-context claim.



It took me until today to realize Trump's "find votes" audio is a Rupar!

A "Rupar" is a video/audio in which removing one part reverses its meaning.

Trump: “So look, all I want to do is this: I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is more than we have because we won the state.”

If you leave out "...we won the state" as the media normally does it looks like he is asking for fraud. If you include it, he says a recount or better count would find him to be the legitimate winner.

Add it to the list.

Partial Rupar List:

1. Fine People Hoax

2. Drinking Bleach Hoax

3. Overfeeding koi in Japan Hoax

4. Covington Kids Hoax

5. Find Votes Hoax

Once you see the gears of the machine, everything makes sense. Biden ran for office on the #1 Rupar, and won.

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db04bf No.86530

File: 1e16e93f4c1d387⋯.png (65.92 KB,751x695,751:695,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482221 (031358ZSEP23) Notable: It's time Britain stopped funding the incompetent, nannying World Health Organisation

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The WHO is one of 17 specialized agencies of the UN. They would need to exit their treaty and funding with the UN to do the same for the WHO.



Specialized agencies and related organizations maintaining liaison offices at Headquarters

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

International Atomic Energy Agency

International Criminal Court

International Fund for Agricultural Development

International Labour Organization

International Monetary Fund

International Organization for Migration

International Seabed Authority

International Telecommunication Union

International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea

Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty Organization

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

United Nations Industrial Development Organization

World Bank

World Health Organization

World Intellectual Property Organization

World Meteorological Organization

The UN Charter stipulates that each primary organ of the United Nations can establish various specialized agencies to fulfill its duties.

UN Charter article 57

The FACT that no nation has exited it's supragovernmental UN treaty should tell you everything.

ALL are onboard with UN Sustainable Devlopment Goals and Agenda 2030. Lockstep.

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db04bf No.86531

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482226 (031359ZSEP23) Notable: CBP has deployed multiple AI-powered systems

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CBP has deployed multiple AI-powered systems


Customs and Border Protection (CBP), part of the Department of Homeland Security, has bought millions of dollars worth of software from a company that uses artificial intelligence to detect “sentiment and emotion” in online posts, according to a cache of documents obtained by 404 Media.

CBP told 404 Media it is using technology to analyze open source information related to inbound and outbound travelers who the agency believes may threaten public safety, national security, or lawful trade and travel. In this case, the specific company called Fivecast also offers “AI-enabled” object recognition in images and video, and detection of “risk terms and phrases” across multiple languages, according to one of the documents.

Marketing materials promote the software’s ability to provide targeted data collection from big social platforms like Facebook and Reddit, but also specifically names smaller communities like 4chan, 8kun, and Gab. To demonstrate its functionality, Fivecast promotional materials explain how the software was able to track social media posts and related Persons-of-Interest starting with just “basic bio details” from a New York Times Magazine article about members of the far-right paramilitary Boogaloo movement. 404 Media also obtained leaked audio of a Fivecast employee explaining how the tool could be used against trafficking networks or propaganda operations.


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db04bf No.86532

File: dc139ad59c22a5f⋯.jpg (84.51 KB,852x479,852:479,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e69baa63ceac4c3⋯.jpg (15.26 KB,363x220,33:20,Clipboard.jpg)

File: efd9ee60e908d76⋯.jpg (16.06 KB,330x220,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482227 (031359ZSEP23) Notable: More burning man

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Price of lumber is too damn high

But what's a few billion board feet for "Art"?

Anon just needs a porch for the pooch to stay out of the mud, and these folks are burning up trainloads of it from Omaha.

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db04bf No.86533

File: a3d3994397f0fae⋯.png (628 KB,818x462,409:231,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482239 (031403ZSEP23) Notable: Watch: Sean Penn Declares Covid Was a ‘Mandatory Rehearsal for Things to Come’

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Watch: Sean Penn Declares Covid Was a ‘Mandatory Rehearsal for Things to Come’

by Jamie White

September 2nd 2023, 2:11 pm

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db04bf No.86534

File: c31fde653322c42⋯.jpeg (4.62 KB,268x77,268:77,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482256 (031407ZSEP23) Notable: Latest fear pron on pirola corona

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Covid variant ‘Pirola’ is spreading fast across the US as new boosters planned for this month — latest

New Covid vaccine that targets Omicron variant expected to be made available in September


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db04bf No.86535

File: 123af3e38f5dad8⋯.png (730.75 KB,931x918,931:918,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482297 (031417ZSEP23) Notable: First Rule of Fight Club: Do Not Fall for the Demoralization Program

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The more popular, crude term is the 100th monkey effect, often observed, that monkeys on different islands somehow ‘learn’ behaviour from others hundreds of miles away.


First Rule of Fight Club: Do Not Fall

for the Demoralization Program

Substack, by Elizabeth Nickson

Posted By: Judy W., 9/3/2023 9:44:09 AM

You probably haven’t heard of Rupert Sheldrake. (Snip) Legacy Media runs a demoralization program, but they have to report the news sometimes and the real news is that their narrative is crumbling. This is just from the past week. One week. I can aggregate another thousand to make up the month. The crumbling of the financial system is first up. China Banks to cut Rates on Mortgages, Deposits in Stimulus Push Bank of International Settlements (BISS) says “capital outflows could have a significant effect on macro-economic outcomes. Today, banks are seeing a virtual collapse of deposits, and capital outflows in record numbers. They are also seeing loan defaults.”

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db04bf No.86536

File: 8f39f1476d6e187⋯.png (528.78 KB,866x735,866:735,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482316 (031423ZSEP23) Notable: Vivek Ramaswamy Clashes with His Senior Advisor in Statement Over Donation to Virulently Anti-Trump Democrat: “I Had No Idea Who This Individual Was”

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Vivek's crew can't keep their lies straight.

Vivek Ramaswamy Clashes with His Senior Advisor in Statement Over Donation to Virulently Anti-Trump Democrat: “I Had No Idea Who This Individual Was”


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db04bf No.86537

File: 06f814f3ffe8b61⋯.png (90.94 KB,625x641,625:641,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482319 (031423ZSEP23) Notable: Globalists Resurrect Roman Censor to Police Public Morals

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Two thousand years after their disappearance, Rome's powerful censors are back. Western citizens must again consign them to history.


Globalists Resurrect Roman Censor to Police

Public Morals

American Thinker, by J.B. Shurk

Posted By: DW626, 9/3/2023 8:50:18 AM

One of the most powerful and prestigious offices in the ancient Roman Republic was the censor. It was the censor's duty to conduct the census — an account of all the citizens and their properties, an appraisal of an individual Roman's qualifications for certain honors and ranks, and a division of the people into distinct social classes. Having the authorities both to assess tax liability and noble rank made the two censors who shared this office inherently powerful. For this reason, the patricians (the ruling class) originally precluded the plebeians (the commoners) from ever obtaining the office.

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db04bf No.86538

File: 1add29c1b4f74e1⋯.png (256.65 KB,800x532,200:133,Clipboard.png)

File: acf221324765e53⋯.png (349.06 KB,800x532,200:133,Clipboard.png)

File: 37c9b84b9dd8d66⋯.png (406.62 KB,800x532,200:133,Clipboard.png)

File: d0e014b543aee9e⋯.png (296.31 KB,800x532,200:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482322 (031423ZSEP23) Notable: More burning man

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A team of Ukrainian artists unveiled a new sculpture at the Burning Man art festival in the Nevada desert on Thursday to draw attention to Russia’s war ravaging the country and symbolize Ukraine’s rebirth.

Ellen Lopatkina, who owns a logistics company in Chicago and served as the producer and project manager of "Phoenix," said the piece is a reminder that Ukrainian art and expression have not been vanquished by the 18-month-old war.

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db04bf No.86539

File: 529c96c6c0ed03a⋯.png (46.84 KB,737x500,737:500,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482335 (031427ZSEP23) Notable: Elon Musk Ponders Twitter Poll on Banning ADL From ‘Free Speech’ Site

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Elon Musk Ponders Twitter Poll on Banning ADL From ‘Free Speech’ Site

Days after boosting an antisemitic campaign to ban the Anti-Defamation League from X, owner and self-described “free-speech absolutist” Elon Musk proposed polling the social media platform’s users on booting the civil rights advocacy group from the site formerly known as Twitter.


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db04bf No.86540

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482338 (031428ZSEP23) Notable: The Truth About Armed Citizens Stopping Mass Shootings

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>>86476 Anti-Gunners Don't Want You to Read This: The Truth About Armed Citizens Stopping Mass Shootings PN

Anti-Gunners Don't Want You to Read This: The Truth About Armed Citizens Stopping Mass Shootings

Jeff Charles8:00 PM on September 02, 2023

As the nation wrestles with yet another mass shooting, this time in Jacksonville, Florida, a new report provides some troubling news for the anti-gunner lobby, which exploits these tragedies to push for more restrictions on gun ownership. However, the numbers do provide some good news for proponents of the 2nd Amendment and those who understand that decent people with guns save lives.

The Jacksonville shooting not only reignited conversations about racism but also about gun rights. However, as always, these discussions neglect a significant factor in this debate:The role of armed citizens in preventing or mitigating mass shootings. The Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) sheds more light on a reality of which most Americans remain unaware.

When was the last time you saw a report detailing how an armed citizen foiled a mass shooting? Chances are that the answer is “never.” But these numbers suggest it happens more often than we think.

The report noted that the FBI’s statistics on these cases do not tell the whole story. The Bureau says armed citizens have stopped only 14 out of the 302 active shooter incidents between 2014 and 2022. The media has used these numbers to paint the picture that this rarely happens.

However, the CPRC’s report reveals that41 percent of active shooting incidents were stopped by armed citizens. Furthermore, in incidents taking place outside of “gun-free zones,” 63 percent of active shooting cases were stopped by a “good guy with a gun.”

The organization’s report shows that, in reality, armed civilians stopped about 157 out of 440 active shooter situations during the aforementioned time period. Dr. John R. Lott Jr., the head of the CPRC, indicated that this discrepancy is the result of FBI oversights and misclassifications, including omitting cases in which armed citizens scared away attackers or were mistaken for security personnel.

The CPRC also provides a list of local news stories detailing incidents in which an armed civilian stopped a mass shooter. One example occurred in 2014 when a gunman opened fire at Mystic Gentleman’s Club in Portland, Oregon. After shooting three people, he was fatally shot by an armed citizen.

Another incident occurred in 2020 in Commack, New York, where a gunman showed up at a homeless shelter demanding to be taken to a resident living there:

A shelter employee led the gunman to the man’s room, where he was living with a teenager and a toddler. The gunman ordered everyone to the lobby — where he was confronted by the resident’s relative. A shootout ensued inside and outside the facility between the two. The shelter visitor was fatally shot, while the resident’s relative was seriously wounded.

Here’s the $64,000 question, folks: Why are these stories rarely given any attention? Why don’t news outlets provide the type of wall-to-wall coverage that other active shooter situations get?

We already know the answer, don’t we?

These are strategic omissions that enable Democrats and the elite media to push for more gun restrictions without having to address the inconvenient truth that lawful gun owners are often the first line of defense against a would-be mass shooter. The last thing they would want is for people to find out that having a firearm increases one’s chances of stopping a crazed gunman with a vendetta. This might inspire even more people to become gun owners.Oh, the horror!

As I always say, the elite media typically does not lie by making up facts. Instead, it is easier to deceive the public by strategically omitting facts that might contradict the narrative they so desperately want you to believe. Remember the Fine People hoax?

Thanks to CPRC and people like John R. Lott, the anti-gunner’s narrative is crumbling like a Jenga tower in a hurricane. By compiling these reports, they are helping folks like us educate the public on the truth behind gun ownership and the 2nd Amendment. I have seen firsthand that the more people know about guns and responsible ownership, the less likely they are to let anti-gun propaganda scare them into believing that the government should continue enacting restrictions on firearms. In the end, education is the key to safeguarding the right to keep and bear arms.

Link to Crime Stats



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db04bf No.86541

File: 92dd82de33c04b1⋯.png (427.13 KB,1080x1364,270:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482347 (031431ZSEP23) Notable: Burning Man flooded FIVE YEARS AGO

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Burning Man location has flooded 5 years ago.


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db04bf No.86542

File: 8779acea7beef3f⋯.png (93.58 KB,601x897,601:897,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482397 (031440ZSEP23) Notable: UKRAINIAN NAZIS ARE RECRUITING NAZIS FROM FLORIDA TO FIGHT IN THE UKRAINE WAR

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Laura Loomer




One of the Nazis I caught on camera yesterday who was shouting slurs at me is a guy by the name of Kent McLellan. He goes by the name “Boneface” and his entire face is covered with tattoos.

Kent McLellan is an American neo-Nazi who fought in the Donbass as part of the Nazi Right Sector movement. He then joined Ukraine’s Nazi Azov Battalion after Russia launched an attack on Ukraine.

According to one report from 2022, “McLellan received a Ukrainian passport in March of 2022. Kent McLellan is a man who has a swastika tattoo on half of his torso. He has killed civilians, has several convictions in the United States and heads several neo-Nazi associations. This man now has Ukrainian citizenship.”

How is this man walking the streets and who is paying for his travel to Ukraine?

A source who reached out to me says they know Boneface and they said he’s homeless and is often unemployed.

How is he affording plane tickets to Ukraine to fight Russia, and who paid him? How is he even able to travel freely between the US and Ukraine?

This is insane.

Kent McLellan is a US citizen and he says he lives in Florida. He is also the son of the front man of a Nazi rock band called “Brutal Attack”.






Laura Loomer






🚨I am only posting this because I believe it’s news worthy, and I am an investigative journalist.🚨

The Nazi rally in Altamonte Springs, FL today was organized by Goyim Defense League (GDL) and its founder Jon Minadeo. I had no idea this… https://pic.twitter.com/571YGgiIhl Show more

3:38 AM · Sep 3, 2023




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db04bf No.86543

File: 81d14972f68e087⋯.jpeg (78.75 KB,860x475,172:95,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482412 (031443ZSEP23) Notable: What Is Tucker Carlson Thinking With His Latest Comments About Trump?

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What Is Tucker Carlson Thinking With His Latest Comments About Trump?

Matt Margolis

In the wake of his much-hyped interview with President Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson made a rather stunning assessment of the man looking to return to the White House.

In an interview with Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy on “Tucker on X,” Portnoy expressed his opinion that Trump should have debated with his fellow Republican primary candidates.

“I thought he should’ve done the debate,” Portnoy declared. “To become president, I think it was the right move not to do it, but for the betterment of the country, I think he should be on the debate.”

“I kind of agree. I like the debates, personally,” Tucker interjected. “The problem is that the news companies that host the debates are so rotten and corrupt and everybody knows it. The whole thing is rotten and corrupt.” (Kinda agreeing is not completely agreeing”, Tucker also said something like, “but I like debates”. Bongino thought Trump should debate but admitted after he was wrong later!)

Really? Carlson agrees that Trump should have participated in the debate, yet he aired his interview with Trump at the same time as the Milwaukee debate? Why would he do that, knowing it would play right into Trump’s hands to directly compete with the debate?

Oh, but there’s more.

Later, Portnoy gave his assessment of both Trump and Biden. “To be honest,I think both Trump and Biden are too old. I don’t think you should be able to be that old to be president.”

“I agree 100%,” Carlson replied.

Wait, what? Look, Joe Biden is clearly too old, too unwell, physically and mentally, to be president. But Tucker agrees that Trump is too old? Trump may be a a few short years younger than Biden, but the differences between the two men are like night and day. Joe Biden is frail, spends huge chunks of time on vacation out of the public eye, and often appears lost. Donald Trump is like a young man in comparison.

But, whatmakes Tucker’s comments about Trump really bizarreis how he was so willing to make these assessments about Trump to Portnoy but gave Trump what has widely been characterized as a softball interview.

“In a pretaped interview designed to undercut the first Republican presidential primary debate, fired former Fox News host Tucker Carlson gave former President Donald Trump a platform to express himself without being challenged,” observed David Knowles of Yahoo! News. “Trump opted to skip the debate, where the GOP frontrunner would have taken blows from his rivals.”

Ben Shapiro called it “propaganda” and a “45-minute softball for Trump.”

Tucker Carlson doesn’t have a reputation for giving softball interviews, yet he not only gave one to Trump, but as his comments in his most recent interview with Portnoy show, Tucker clearly believes Trump should have participated in the debate. Nonetheless, he was an accomplice in allowing him to undermine that very debate. He apparently also agrees that Trump is too old to be president, but when they discussed Biden’s age and physical and mental health, Tucker never insinuated that Trump was past his prime or shouldn’t run because of his age.

I’m very disappointed in Tucker right now.

(The short video on X didn’t reveal Tucker’s comment on him being too old, hmmm?))


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db04bf No.86544

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482436 (031448ZSEP23) Notable: Texas Bans Mask Mandates as COVID Restrictions Imposed in Other States

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Texas bans mask mandates as COVID restrictions imposed in other states

Sep 01, 2023

A ban on COVID-19 restrictions that impose a mandate to wear face masks in public spaces went into effect in Texas after a number of institutions across the U.S. reinstated the policy due to a rise in new infections fueled by the emergence of two new variants of the virus.

Senate Bill 29, which was passed by the state's Legislature in May and signed by Governor Greg Abbott at the start of June, went into effect on Friday. It prohibits most government institutions from enforcing mask-wearing policies but places no restrictions on private entities.

Some private institutions, hospital operators and colleges have reintroduced the requirements for staff or visitors to wear masks while at their sites to limit the spread of the new variants—EG.5 and BA.2.86—prompting speculation that fresh COVID restrictions may be on the horizon.

Last Friday, Abbott emphatically denied a return of the COVID-era policy—one of several measures thought to limit the spread of the virus—in his state, tweeting: "There will be NO mask mandates in Texas."

SB 29, which was sponsored mostly by Republicans and one Democratic state senator, stipulates that "a governmental entity may not implement, order, or otherwise impose a mandate requiring a person to wear a face mask or other face covering to prevent the spread of COVID-19."


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db04bf No.86545

File: e91b58d05a5b3da⋯.png (409.54 KB,595x629,35:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482455 (031453ZSEP23) Notable: TDS in Northern California

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Oreo Express Normal/Not Mentally Ill


Today, a group of patriotic individuals from Northern California faced an unfortunate incident in Rocklin, CA. During a MAGA drag event, two extremist individuals with Trump Derangement Syndrome became agitated and resorted to throwing eggs at the vehicles as the group was leaving the parking lot. As the situation escalated, the two individuals found themselves surrounded and attempted to flee the scene by backing into another vehicle, then tried to flee the scene of the accident. @F_R_1776

#Trump2024 #transtifa

0:11 / 1:34

11:32 AM · Sep 2, 2023




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db04bf No.86546

File: 8e2294de7ba76ed⋯.png (352.02 KB,1170x871,90:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482491 (031502ZSEP23) Notable: ZH on TechnoFog Fani Willis comments

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db04bf No.86547

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482506 (031506ZSEP23) Notable: Mohamed al-Fayed, ex-Harrods owner whose son died with Princess Diana, dead at 94 Highways are the next antiabortion target. One Texas town is resisting.

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Don't recall seeing this in the notes from

Sorry if I missed it.

Mohamed al-Fayed, ex-Harrods owner whose son died with Princess Diana, dead at 94

Updated Fri, September 1, 2023 at 3:25 PM PDT

LONDON (Reuters) -Mohamed al-Fayed, the self-made Egyptian billionaire who bought the Harrods department store and promoted the discredited conspiracy theory that the British royal family was behind the death of his son and Princess Diana, has died, his family said.

Born in the Egyptian city of Alexandria, al-Fayed began his career selling fizzy drinks and then worked as a sewing-machine salesman. He built his family's fortune in real estate, shipping and construction, first in the Middle East and then in Europe.

Although al-Fayed owned establishment symbols such as Harrods, Fulham and the Ritz hotel in Paris, he was always an outsider in Britain, tolerated but not embraced.

He fell out with the British government over its refusal to grant him citizenship of the country that was his home for decades, and often threatened to move to France, which gave him the Legion of Honour, its highest civilian award.

Al-Fayed - who could be charming, autocratic, vindictive, and at times wildly outspoken – spent 10 years trying to prove Diana and his son Dodi were murdered when their car crashed in a road tunnel in Paris in 1997 as they tried to outrun paparazzi photographers on motorbikes.

Unsupported by any evidence, according to the inquest into Diana's death, he claimed that she was bearing Dodi's child and accused Prince Philip, the queen's husband, of ordering Britain's security services to kill her to stop her marrying a Muslim and having his baby.

Al-Fayed died on Wednesday, his family said, a day before the 26th anniversary of Dodi and Diana's death.

"Mrs Mohamed Al Fayed, her children and grandchildren wish to confirm that her beloved husband, their father and their grandfather, Mohamed, has passed away peacefully of old age," the family statement read.

While al-Fayed was known for self-invention, exaggeration, and boasting, he was also a central figure in key moments in Britain's recent history.

His rancorous takeover of Harrods in 1985 sparked one of Britain's most bitter business feuds, while in 1994 he caused a scandal with the disclosure that he had paid politicians to ask questions on his behalf in parliament.

Like many billionaires, al-Fayed spurned convention. He once said he wanted to be mummified in a golden sarcophagus in a glass pyramid on the roof of Harrods.

At the store, where he instituted a dress code - even for customers - which he enforced in person, he installed a kitsch bronze memorial statue of Diana and Dodi dancing beneath the wings of an albatross.

As the owner of Fulham, he erected a larger-than-life, sequined statue of Michael Jackson outside the ground even though the singer only attended one match. When people complained, he said: "If some stupid fans don't understand or appreciate such a gift, they can go to hell."



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db04bf No.86548

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482643 (031533ZSEP23) Notable: Mohamed al-Fayed, ex-Harrods owner whose son died with Princess Diana, dead at 94 Highways are the next antiabortion target. One Texas town is resisting.

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Highways are the next antiabortion target. One Texas town is resisting.

Highways are the next antiabortion target. One Texas town is resisting.

LLANO, Tex. — No one could remember the last time so many people packed into City Hall.

As the meeting began on a late August evening, residents spilled out into the hallway, the brim of one cowboy hat kissing the next, each person jostling for a look at the five city council members who would decide whether to make Llano the third city in Texas to outlaw what some antiabortion activists call “abortion trafficking.”

For well over an hour, the people of Llano — a town of about 3,400 deep in Texas Hill Country — approached the podium to speak out against abortion. While the procedure was now illegal across Texas, people were still driving women on Llano roads to reach abortion clinics in other states, the residents had been told. They said their city had a responsibility to “fight the murders.”

The cheers after each speech grew louder as the crowd readied for the vote. Then one woman on the council spoke up.

“I feel like there’s a lot more to discuss about this,” said Laura Almond, a staunch conservative who owns a consignment shop in the middle of town. “I have a ton of questions.”

More than a year after Roe v. Wade was overturned, many conservatives have grown frustrated by the number of people able to circumvent antiabortion laws — with some advocates grasping for even stricter measures they hope will fully eradicate abortion nationwide.

That frustration is driving a new strategy in heavily conservative cities and counties across Texas. Designed by the architects of the state’s “heartbeat” ban that took effect months before Roe fell, ordinances like the one proposed in Llano — where some 80 percent of voters in the county backed President Donald Trump in 2020 — make it illegal to transport anyone to get an abortion on roads within the city or county limits. The laws allow any private citizen to sue a person or organization they suspect of violating the ordinance.

Antiabortion advocates behind the measure are targeting regions along interstates and in areas with airports, with the goal of blocking off the main arteries out of Texas and keeping pregnant women hemmed within the confines of their antiabortion state. These provisions have already passed in two counties and two cities, creating legal risk for those traveling on major highways including Interstate 20 and Route 84, which head toward New Mexico, where abortion remains legal and new clinics have opened to accommodate Texas women. Several more jurisdictions are expected to vote on the measure in the coming weeks.

“This really is building a wall to stop abortion trafficking,” said Mark Lee Dickson, the antiabortion activist behind the effort.

more at sauce

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db04bf No.86549

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482671 (031539ZSEP23) Notable: Nursing homes in New Jersey battle COVID-19 surge...yada yada yada #DONOTCOMPLY

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Nursing homes in New Jersey battle COVID-19 surge as hospitalizations and deaths caused by new variants jump across the US

New Jersey's nursing homes are battling COVID-19 once again as new variants spread through the US.

One in every four facilities has reported an outbreak over the past week, according to state data.

The surge comes with both hospitalizations and deaths from the virus steadily rising.

Winnebago has unveiled its cheapest entry-level travel trailer yet in a bid to attract budget travelers amid the legacy RV maker's slump in sales.

The RVing boom during the COVID-19 pandemic was a gold rush for companies like Winnebago. But these days, sales aren't looking as red hot anymore. Shipments for these homes on wheels have dropped 47.7% from 2023 compared to 2022, according to July data from the RV Industry Association. And looking at travel trailers specifically, shipments have slid 51.9% during that same period.

In New Jersey, elderly people are coming under threat from COVID-19 once again as new variants spread across the US.

One out of every four nursing homes and assisted living facilities there reported outbreaks of the virus last week, according to state health department data.

The latest figures show that 158 nursing homes are battling COVID-19 outbreaks across New Jersey, leading to 1,861 cases and 15 deaths among residents and staff.

On Friday, the Biden administration pledged to bring in new laws to prevent chronic understaffing in nursing homes.

A fact sheet on its proposed changes said that over 200,000 nursing home residents and workers had died from COVID-19, making up about one-fifth of the US's total death toll.

The spike in cases in New Jersey facilities comes with hospitalizations and deaths resulting from coronavirus ticking up nationwide.

The Eris variant has become the dominant strain, and accounts for over 20% of all US COVID-19 cases, according to the Centers for Disease Control – although it doesn't appear to make people any sicker than other existing strains.

Eris' symptoms seem similar to other variants' and include cough, shortness of breath, and fatigue.

Hospitalizations from the disease rose 19% and deaths jumped 18% in the most recent weeks for which data is available, per data from the CDC.

As well as nursing homes, some education bodies have struggled to contain the spread of the virus, with two districts in Kentucky and one in Texas shutting their schools down after a spike in cases.

The CDC doesn't expect to have to reintroduce mask mandates or update vaccine programs anytime soon despite the spread of COVID-19 across the US, with the group's director saying last month that she didn't expect Eris to drive any shift in policy.

"What we're seeing with the changes in the viruses, they're still susceptible to our vaccine, they're still susceptible to our medicines, they're still picked up by the tests," Dr. Mandy Cohen said in an interview on former Biden administration adviser Andy Slavitt's "In the Bubble" podcast on August 9.

"We're seeing small changes that are what I would call subtypes of what we've seen before."

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db04bf No.86550

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482741 (031556ZSEP23) Notable: #23927

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#23927 >>86515

>>86516 There Are Still Buses From Kyiv to Moscow - and Ukrainians Are Still Using Them

>>86517, >>86518, >>86526, >>86532, >>86538 More burning man

>>86541 Burning Man flooded FIVE YEARS AGO

>>86519 REMINDER: Ivermectin reduces COVID death risk by '92%/, peer-reviewed study finds

>>86520, >>86530 It's time Britain stopped funding the incompetent, nannying World Health Organisation

>>86521 Black Voters Fleeing Democrat Plantation, Biden Regime Getting Desperate

>>86522 Will Democrats finally begin asking why Biden used fake names and burner email accounts to communicate with Hunter and his business associates?

>>86523 Russian drones destroy Ukrainian oil depot

>>86524 US Army - The Brandon Act aims to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health care and provide an additional avenue for support - KEK

>>86525 Poland shuts down largest Ukrainian refugee center - media

>>86527 Zelensky turning on the people that put him in power

>>86528 3M earplugs caused hearing loss. Company will settle lawsuit for $6 billion

>>86529 Scott Adams on Rupar

>>86531 CBP has deployed multiple AI-powered systems

>>86533 Watch: Sean Penn Declares Covid Was a ‘Mandatory Rehearsal for Things to Come’

>>86534 Latest fear pron on pirola corona

>>86535 First Rule of Fight Club: Do Not Fall for the Demoralization Program

>>86536 Vivek Ramaswamy Clashes with His Senior Advisor in Statement Over Donation to Virulently Anti-Trump Democrat: “I Had No Idea Who This Individual Was”

>>86537 Globalists Resurrect Roman Censor to Police Public Morals

>>86539 Elon Musk Ponders Twitter Poll on Banning ADL From ‘Free Speech’ Site

>>86540 The Truth About Armed Citizens Stopping Mass Shootings


>>86543 What Is Tucker Carlson Thinking With His Latest Comments About Trump?

>>86545 TDS in Northern California

>>86544 Texas Bans Mask Mandates as COVID Restrictions Imposed in Other States

>>86546 ZH on TechnoFog Fani Willis comments

>>86547 Mohamed al-Fayed, ex-Harrods owner whose son died with Princess Diana, dead at 94>>86548 Highways are the next antiabortion target. One Texas town is resisting.

>>86549 Nursing homes in New Jersey battle COVID-19 surge...yada yada yada #DONOTCOMPLY



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db04bf No.86551

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482776 (031601ZSEP23) Notable: #23928

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updated dough


baker seeking handoff

ty pb baker and anons for your work,


Rainy day people, always seem to know when it's time to go.....


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db04bf No.86552

File: af9cc775bf97a59⋯.png (167.13 KB,538x599,538:599,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482793 (031604ZSEP23) Notable: UN SDG Summit on Sept 18-19 "will be a key moment to recommit to putting the world back on track" - #DONOTCOMPLY

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>>>/qresearch/19482779 (lb)


United Nations


The #GlobalGoals can help ensure a better future for all.

The upcoming SDG Summit in September will be a key moment to recommit to putting the world back on track for a fairer, more inclusive & sustainable planet. https://un.org/en/conferences/SDGSummit2023

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db04bf No.86553

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482801 (031606ZSEP23) Notable: UN SDG Summit on Sept 18-19 "will be a key moment to recommit to putting the world back on track" - #DONOTCOMPLY

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Watchwoman 65

July 6, 2023


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db04bf No.86554

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482806 (031607ZSEP23) Notable: Catastrophic Contagion projected pandemic execise from 2022: Great FEAR PRON for all the Plebes!

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Catastrophic Contagion Highlights Reel



2min 44sec

Nov 10, 2022

The highlights reel from Catastrophic Contagion, a pandemic tabletop exercise at the Grand Challenges Annual Meeting in Brussels, Belgium on October 23, 2022.

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db04bf No.86555

File: 35deb18f6149a9e⋯.png (169.5 KB,529x558,529:558,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482811 (031609ZSEP23) Notable: Space Force Recruiting: Which Takes Your Breath Away, Starlink 6-9 or Starlink 6-10? Both..Don't make us choose. Delta 45

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Both… Don’t make us choose. 🚀


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db04bf No.86556

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482812 (031609ZSEP23) Notable: UN General Assembly High-Level Meetings on health 2023

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First day of FALL...


UN General Assembly High-Level Meetings on health 2023

High-level meetings

20 September 2023 | Pandemic prevention, preparedness and response

The UN High-Level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response (PPPR) presents an opportunity for Member States to further mobilize political momentum, including through the integration of a multisectoral approach towards pandemic prevention, preparedness and response, given the multifaceted consequences of pandemics.

Zero draft of the Political Declaration on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response

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db04bf No.86557

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482816 (031610ZSEP23) Notable: In Monitoring Sex Abuse of Children, Apple Is Caught Between Safety and Privacy - ya sure they are (YAHOO)

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In Monitoring Sex Abuse of Children, Apple Is Caught Between Safety and Privacy

SAN FRANCISCO — In 2021, Apple was embroiled in controversy over a plan to scan iPhones for child sexual abuse materials. Privacy experts warned that governments could abuse the system, and the backlash was so severe that Apple eventually abandoned the plan.

Two years later, Apple is facing criticism from child safety crusaders and activist investors who are calling on the company to do more to protect children from online abuse.

A child advocacy group, Heat Initiative, has raised $2 million for a new national advertising campaign calling on Apple to detect, report and remove child sexual abuse materials from iCloud, its cloud storage platform.

Next week, the group will release digital advertisements on websites popular with policymakers in Washington, such as Politico. It will also put up posters across San Francisco and New York that say: “Child sexual abuse material is stored on iCloud. Apple allows it.”

The criticism speaks to a predicament that has dogged Apple for years. The company has made protecting privacy a central part of its iPhone pitch to consumers. But that promise of security has helped make its services and devices, 2 billion of which are in use, useful tools for sharing child sexual abuse imagery.

The company is caught between child safety groups, which want it to do more to stop the spread of such materials, and privacy experts, who want it to maintain the promise of secure devices.

A group of two dozen investors with nearly $1 trillion in assets under management have also called on Apple to publicly report the number of abusive images that it catches across its devices and services.

Two investors — Degroof Petercam, a Belgian asset manager, and Christian Brothers Investment Services, a Catholic investment firm — will submit a shareholder proposal this month that would require Apple to provide a detailed report on how effective its safety tools are at protecting children.

“Apple seems stuck between privacy and action,” said Matthew Welch, an investment specialist at Degroof Petercam. “We thought a proposal would wake up management and get them to take this more seriously.”

Apple has been quick to respond to child safety advocates. In early August, its privacy executives met with the group of investors, Welch said. Then, on Thursday, the company responded to an email from the Heat Initiative with a letter that defended its decision not to scan iCloud. It shared the correspondence with Wired, a technology publication.

In Apple’s letter, Erik Neuenschwander, director for user privacy and child safety, said the company had concluded that “it was not practically possible” to scan iCloud photos without “imperiling the security and privacy of our users.”

“Scanning for one type of content, for instance, opens the door for bulk surveillance and could create a desire to search other encrypted messaging systems,” Neuenschwander said.

Apple, he added, has created a new default feature for all child accounts that intervenes with a warning if they receive or try to send nude images. It’s designed to prevent the creation of new child sexual abuse material and limit the risk of predators coercing and blackmailing children for money or nude images. It has made those tools available to app developers as well.

In 2021, Apple said it would use technology called image hashes to spot abusive material on iPhones and in iCloud.

But the company failed to communicate that plan broadly with privacy experts, intensifying their skepticism and fueling concern that governments could abuse the technology, said Alex Stamos, director of the Stanford Internet Observatory at the Cyber Policy Center, who opposed the idea.

Last year, the company discreetly abandoned its plan to scan iCloud, catching child safety groups by surprise.

Apple has won praise from both privacy and child safety groups for its efforts to blunt the creation of new nude images on iMessage and other services. But Stamos, who applauded the company’s decision not to scan iPhones, said it could do more to stop people from sharing problematic images in the cloud.

“You can have privacy if you store something for yourself, but if you share something with someone else, you don’t get the same privacy,” Stamos said.

Governments around the world are putting pressure on Apple to take action. Last year, eSafety Commissioner in Australia issued a report criticizing Apple and Microsoft for failing to do more to proactively police their services for abusive material.



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db04bf No.86558

File: 9a8edbc4600fd06⋯.png (181.3 KB,992x690,496:345,Clipboard.png)

File: bc8c6b6faebbd0b⋯.png (156.66 KB,984x726,164:121,Clipboard.png)

File: d72298415ddda77⋯.png (150.66 KB,896x727,896:727,Clipboard.png)

File: b582edc2e882dfb⋯.png (169.5 KB,950x725,38:29,Clipboard.png)

File: 7911f7391224b4f⋯.png (171.71 KB,952x735,136:105,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482856 (031619ZSEP23) Notable: Draft of the Political Declaration on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response - THIS IS THE TAKEOVER MOVE

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>Zero draft of the Political Declaration on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response

THIS is the TAKE OVER move... (IMHO)



Political Declaration of the United Nations General Assembly High-level Meeting on

Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response

We, Heads of State and Government and representatives of States and Governments, assembled at the United Nations on20 September 2023, with a dedicated focus for the first time on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response, affirm that pandemics call for timely, urgent and continued leadership, global solidarity, multilateral commitment and cooperation among Member States and with relevant United Nations entities and other relevant international organizations, to implement

robust global, regional, national and local actions, driven by equity and the respect for human rights, to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response, and fully address the direct and indirect consequences of current and future pandemics, and in this regard we: (Based on

A/RES/74/2 and A/RES/76/301)


OP18.Strengthen international collaboration and coordination for pandemic prevention,

preparedness and response at the highest political level to accelerate efforts to ensure

international, national, regional and local readiness for future pandemics and health

emergencies; (New language)

OP19.Commit to promote the full potential of the multilateral system and call upon the relevant entities of the United Nations development system, within their respective mandates, primarily the World Health Organization, as the directing and coordinating authority on international healthwork in accordance with its Constitution, as well as the reinvigorated resident coordinators and the United Nations country teams, within their respectivemandates, as well as other relevant global development and health actors, including civil society, the private sector and academia, to assist andsupport countries in their efforts to achieve pandemic prevention, preparedness and response at the national level, in accordance with their respective national contexts, priorities and competences; (Based on A/RES/74/2,

OP80 and A/RES/69/132, PP26)

OP20.Call for the integration of a multisectoral approach towards pandemic prevention,

preparedness and response, given the multifaceted consequences of pandemics; (Based on

A/RES/77/275, OP2)

OP21.Commit to a fully supported World Health Organization with the authority, independence

and funding required to support countries to minimize the risks of health emergencies, and

to mitigate their consequences and recognize the leadership and centrality of the World

Health Organization on global health matters within the broader United Nations response;

(New language)

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db04bf No.86559

File: 9b2c217418d742b⋯.pdf (169.88 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482866 (031622ZSEP23) Notable: UN Zero Draft Pandemic Treaty Declaration- Sept 20, 2023, NYC

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>THIS is the TAKE OVER move… (IMHO)

UN Zero Draft Pandemic Treaty Declaration- Sept 20, 2023, NYC

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db04bf No.86560

File: a67f2c5402f388b⋯.png (1.03 MB,848x1280,53:80,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482872 (031624ZSEP23) Notable: Russian Drones Destroy Ukrainian Oil Depot on Romanian border

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db04bf No.86561

File: 39a3c6b6f5784ee⋯.mp4 (5.16 MB,464x848,29:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482878 (031626ZSEP23) Notable: Burning Man news

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Burning Man vid

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db04bf No.86562

File: 63ad4f777833165⋯.webp (47.83 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482879 (031626ZSEP23) Notable: Unearthed Princess Diana Audio Exposes Troubling Times, Thoughts on Marriage and Baby Harry

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Unearthed Princess Diana Audio Exposes Troubling Times, Thoughts on Marriage and Baby Harry

Echoes of the pathos that was behind the persona of Diana, Princess of Wales, emerged in newly released audio recordings that are being used for a documentary about the princess who died at 36 on Aug. 31, 1997.

Snippets of audio tapes that will be used in the documentary, “Diana: The Rest of Her Story,” were released Friday according to Good Morning America

In one short recording, Diana spoke about then-Prince Charles, prior to their divorce, and Diana’s mother Frances Shand Kydd.

“My husband won’t even talk to Mummy, barely, because at Harry’s christening, Charles went up to [her] and said, ‘You know, we’re so disappointed. We thought it’d be a girl,'” Diana said.“And Mummy snapped his head off and said, ‘You should realize how lucky you are to have a child that’s normal,'” Diana said, noting the incident had consequences.


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db04bf No.86563

File: ec3c2be7c2cb6bf⋯.png (99.53 KB,758x730,379:365,Clipboard.png)

File: 7c5662b0458788c⋯.png (43.71 KB,426x542,213:271,Clipboard.png)

File: a7d849564039e2b⋯.png (120.48 KB,992x622,496:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482885 (031630ZSEP23) Notable: 2022: The SPARS Pandemic 2025 - 2028 A Futuristic Scenario for Public Health Risk Communicators

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==The SPARS Pandemic 2025 - 2028

A Futuristic Scenario for Public Health Risk Comunicators==

Scenario Environment

In the year 2025, the world has become simultaneously more connected, yet more divided. Nearly universal access to wireless internet and new technology—including internet accessing technology

(IAT): thin, flexible screens that can be temporarily attached to briefcases, backpacks, or clothing and used to stream content from the internet—has provided the means for readily sharing news and information. However, many have chosen to self-restrict the sources they turn to for information, often

electing to interact only with those with whom they agree. This trend has increasingly isolated cliques from one another, making communication across and between these groups more and more difficult.

From a government standpoint, the current administration is led by President Randall Archer, who took office in January 2025. Archer served as Vice President under President Jaclyn Bennett (2020-2024), who did not seek a second term due to health concerns. The two remain close and Bennett acts as a close confidante and unofficial advisor to President Archer. The majority of President Archer’s senior staff, including Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Cindra Nagel, are

carryovers from Bennett’s administration. At the time of the initial SPARS outbreak Nagel has served in this position for just over three years.

In regards to MCM communication more specifically, the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and other public health agencies have increasingly adopted a diverse range of social media technologies, including long-existing platforms such as Facebook, Snapchat, and Twitter,

as well as emerging platforms like ZapQ, a platform that enables users to aggregate and archive selected media content from other platforms and communicate with cloud-based social groups based on common interests and current events. Federal and state public health organizations have also developed agency-specific applications and ramped up efforts to maintain and update agency websites.

Challenging their technological grip, however, are the diversity of new information and media

platforms and the speed with which the social media community evolves. Moreover, while

technologically savvy and capable, these agencies still lag in terms of their “multilingual” skills, cultural competence, and ability to be present on all forms of social media. Additionally, these agencies face considerable budget constraints, which further complicate their efforts to expand their presence

across the aforementioned platforms, increase social media literacy among their communication workforces, and improve public uptake of key messages.

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db04bf No.86564

File: 2e7f472961513ad⋯.png (122.38 KB,1372x925,1372:925,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482894 (031633ZSEP23) Notable: Pepvar's Strategy - could use some SAUCE

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Hijacking Linguistics for the Final Lockdown.

Multinational propaganda, torture, terrorism, theft, genocide, treason.

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db04bf No.86565

File: d628a82ca37addc⋯.png (508.6 KB,594x875,594:875,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482895 (031633ZSEP23) Notable: Remember when they did this & people believed them 🤣

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did they all take ivermectin. Because if there is a way for them to be 'safe' there is a way for us to be safe.

Mostly the lib family members need to hear this.


Zach Homol


Remember when they did this

& people believed them 🤣


3:43 AM · Sep 3, 2023




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db04bf No.86566

File: 1ba2c2f13ebe3c3⋯.png (483.45 KB,873x648,97:72,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482902 (031634ZSEP23) Notable: Burning Man news

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Chris Rock and Diplo escape Burning Man while thousands of attendees shelter in place as rainstorm batters Nevada's Black Rock Desert


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db04bf No.86567

File: 48504b8494c8ffa⋯.png (252.25 KB,522x555,174:185,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482909 (031637ZSEP23) Notable: Space Force Recruiting: Which Takes Your Breath Away, Starlink 6-9 or Starlink 6-10? Both..Don't make us choose. Delta 45

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db04bf No.86568

File: b9f4dab1569832f⋯.mp4 (14.69 MB,1080x720,3:2,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482911 (031637ZSEP23) Notable: FLYNN TAKES THE PODIUM - WARP SPEED, MAGA AND ALLIANCES WITH ALLIES FOR THE NEXT CENTURY (100 YEARS) !!

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Fcuking hell, anon forgot all he learned when video editing

had to learn from scratch again.

pro - tip, keep doing video editing as that skill can be lost without repetition.




Note: Gen Flynn also mentioned the term presidential findings, He also mentions the meeting on the 5th Jan 2017 between Obama, Biden, clapper, Brennan and others.

p.s linked below is the full video source which is 42 minutes long, especially Susan Rice very long speech and what she was communicating to those in the room full of clowns. Anon has clipped out the 2 minute section of that video embedded.


America's National Security Transition: Passing the Baton


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db04bf No.86569

File: 13db8d2b09fb436⋯.png (2.01 MB,1024x1020,256:255,Clipboard.png)

File: 3fa7a86da683c46⋯.png (1.45 MB,1024x1020,256:255,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482916 (031639ZSEP23) Notable: Burning Man news

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

db04bf No.86570

File: f1a2a7399f7900f⋯.jpeg (891.54 KB,1170x1721,1170:1721,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c6d95d933a9699c⋯.jpeg (186.15 KB,1000x1000,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482938 (031645ZSEP23) Notable: Former Vice President Mike Pence says preserving the integrity of state-based elections in the United States is of paramount concern.

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Former Vice President Mike Pence says preserving the integrity of state-based elections in the United States is of paramount concern.

"The national election reforms that I actually support [are] at state level, you know, the last thing we would ever want to do is adopt national election laws," Pence told Newsmax TV's Tom Basile during an appearance on "America Right Now."

"We have to preserve state-based elections in this country to preserve election integrity. [Vivek Ramaswamy's] proposal was really incoherent and unconstitutional, and I think it's been roundly panned by people across the political spectrum."

Ramaswamy last week argued that changes were necessary to assure elections were secure, including: making Election Day a national holiday, single-day voting, voting on paper ballots only and making sure government-issued voter IDs match the voter file.

Pence on Saturday also advocated for a streamlined electoral process in the United States centered around single day voting on Election Day. Vital to his vision is calls for the utilization of paper ballots and the implementation of government-issued identification requirements that align with the voter file, all aimed at ensuring the inviolability of the electoral system.

“We need single day voting on Election Day. We need paper ballots, and we need government-issued IDs matching the voter file. In my capacity as president of the Senate, I would have led through that level of reform,” he said.


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db04bf No.86571

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482955 (031650ZSEP23) Notable: Marian Goodell digz Burning Man CEO

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Marian Goodell digz Burning Man CEO




Marian Goodell's sister Dr. Melly Goodell and her husband Mark D Olszyk are Physician who do research for the NIH.

Mark Olszyk spent 20 years as Senior Medical Officer at the Veterans Health Administration' Office of Quality, Safety and Value.



Marian's sister Margaret (Peggy) Goodell Trout runs the Goodell Lab at Baylor College of Medicine.


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db04bf No.86572

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482956 (031650ZSEP23) Notable: Former Vice President Mike Pence says preserving the integrity of state-based elections in the United States is of paramount concern.

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Former Vice President Mike Pence says preserving the integrity of state-based elections in the United States

which have a bad choice of

commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist or identity fraud

because treason inside the US Military, US State Department and OPM going back to 1969

is of paramount concern.

Not one fucking republican has the balls to talk like this. IT's GLOBALIST not D vs R.

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db04bf No.86573

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482959 (031650ZSEP23) Notable: Former Vice President Mike Pence says preserving the integrity of state-based elections in the United States is of paramount concern.

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>Former Vice President Mike Pence says preserving the integrity of state-based elections in the United States is of paramount concern.

Now it's a Paramount Concern? Thought TRUTH was of No Concern to 6 Pence.

If HRC and BC were part of the "Electors" for 2020, and it was WIDELY known, as well as other DS snakes, the "Game" WH or BH, traitors are traitors regardless of the script.

We, the people, won't forget.

Hillary Clinton said Tuesday she is one of the 538 electors in the Electoral College. “I'm an elector in New York,” the 2016 Democratic nominee told SiriusXM's “Signal Boost.” “I'm sure I'll get to vote for Joe (Biden) and (Sen. Kamala Harris) in New York. So, that's pretty exciting.”Oct 28, 2020


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db04bf No.86574

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482971 (031652ZSEP23) Notable: Remember when they did this & people believed them 🤣

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db04bf No.86575

File: 7b0d49e49bf46b2⋯.jpg (359.21 KB,1079x1102,1079:1102,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5ef1d1d0e1d299c⋯.jpg (256.1 KB,1079x1357,1079:1357,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 46945db23848038⋯.jpg (184.79 KB,923x743,923:743,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482979 (031654ZSEP23) Notable: CGI/Clinton Fruadation

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We tried to warn you...

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db04bf No.86576

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482989 (031656ZSEP23) Notable: CGI/Clinton Fruadation

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db04bf No.86577

File: 8ad26d992af8110⋯.mp4 (6.14 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

File: fa5b1102ef8aee6⋯.png (206.13 KB,552x784,69:98,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483032 (031705ZSEP23) Notable: Should we trust Vivek?

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Matt Kim


Should we trust Vivek?

Lots of coincidences here…

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db04bf No.86578

File: f17107dfdc47cd3⋯.png (443.02 KB,960x960,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483036 (031705ZSEP23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 Fragments

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Sep 3, 2023

Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 Fragments

Periodic comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 has broken up at least twice. A cosmic souffle of ice and dust left over from the early solar system, this comet was first seen to split into several large pieces during the close-in part of its orbit in 1995. However, in the 2006 passage, it disintegrated into dozens of fragments that stretched several degrees across the sky. Since comets are relatively fragile, stresses from heat, gravity and outgassing, for example, could be responsible for their tendency to break up in such a spectacular fashion when they near the hot Sun. The Hubble Space Telescope recorded, in 2006, the featured sharp view of prolific Fragment B, itself trailing a multitude of smaller pieces, each with its own cometary coma and tail. The picture spans over 3,000 kilometers at the comet's distance of 32 million kilometers from planet Earth.


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db04bf No.86579

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483046 (031708ZSEP23) Notable: CNN Confronts Fauci with Study Showing Masks ‘Don’t Work, Full Stop’ — Listen to His Response

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

CNN Confronts Fauci with Study Showing Masks ‘Don’t Work, Full Stop’ — Listen to His Response

By Kyle BeckerSeptember 3, 2023


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db04bf No.86580

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483069 (031712ZSEP23) Notable: PROTEOMICS – Clinical Applications

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PROTEOMICS – Clinical Applications


Open Access

Detection of recombinant Spike protein in the blood of individuals vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2: Possible molecular mechanisms

Carlo Brogna, Simone Cristoni, Giuliano Marino, Luigi Montano, Valentina Viduto, Mark Fabrowski, Gennaro Lettieri, Marina Piscopo

First published: 31 August 2023 https://doi.org/10.1002/prca.202300048

Carlo Brogna and Simone Cristoni contributed equally to this study.


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db04bf No.86581

File: 9a8e7660c6d9b34⋯.png (376.58 KB,600x684,50:57,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483134 (031731ZSEP23) Notable: Despite blackmail and attacks, America's most respected journalist, @TuckerCarlson, just hit 10 million followers on X, becoming the most followed independent journalist in the United States of America.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Lara Logan


There’s no one better.


Simon Ateba




JUST IN: Despite blackmail and attacks, America's most respected journalist, @TuckerCarlson, just hit 10 million followers on X, becoming the most followed independent journalist in the United States of America. Congratulations!


5:34 AM · Sep 3, 2023




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db04bf No.86582

File: 57b9c1aad69581c⋯.jpg (348.75 KB,1080x1674,20:31,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 144b34f161745ca⋯.png (926.25 KB,910x1129,910:1129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483140 (031732ZSEP23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump I love these great patriots and their families!

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I love these great patriots and their families!

1:26pm ET


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db04bf No.86583

File: 671bac7746c07b7⋯.png (965.63 KB,915x855,61:57,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483142 (031732ZSEP23) Notable: Anti-Gunners Don't Want You to Read This:The Truth About Armed Citizens StoppingMass Shootings

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Anti-Gunners Don't Want You to Read This:

The Truth About Armed Citizens Stopping

Mass Shootings

Townhall, by Jeff Charles

Posted By: Hazymac, 9/3/2023 1:25:13 PM

As the nation wrestles with yet another mass shooting, this time in Jacksonville, Florida, a new report provides some troubling news for the anti-gunner lobby, which exploits these tragedies to push for more restrictions on gun ownership. However, the numbers do provide some good news for proponents of the 2nd Amendment and those who understand that decent people with guns save lives. he Jacksonville shooting not only reignited conversations about racism but also about gun rights. However, as always, these discussions neglect a significant factor in this debate: The role of armed citizens in preventing or mitigating mass shootings. The Crime Prevention

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db04bf No.86584

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483180 (031743ZSEP23) Notable: Trump Subpoena Power & EO 13848 - USA a BANKRUPT CORPORATION - SPACE FORCE -Jan Halper-Hayes, DoD TaskForce

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trump Subpoena Power & EO 13848 - USA a BANKRUPT CORPORATION - SPACE FORCE -

Jan Halper-Hayes, DoD TaskForce, Former Trump Transition Team Member

I believe Space Force has the goods. They watched it all in real time from a SCIF in the

Executive Office Building on election night. Looking forward to the evidence being presented!

>>>- Jan Halper-Hayes


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db04bf No.86585

File: 6b62097c5aa3c46⋯.png (352.53 KB,598x896,299:448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483203 (031746ZSEP23) Notable: This is video evidence of Jon Minadeo, the leader of the Nazi group Goyim Defense League (GDL) grooming a minor.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Laura Loomer


This is video evidence of Jon Minadeo, the leader of the Nazi group Goyim Defense League (GDL) grooming a minor. This is predator behavior. He is revealing his body to a minor and telling a minor to alter their body permanently with Nazi tattoos.

How is this guy not in a predator database? Is he a fed, or is he being protected by the feds?

This is not normal. I have many more Videos of this predator behaving in a pedophilic manner towards minors in an effort to recruit them to be Nazis.

This is disgusting.


Laura Loomer




Replying to @LauraLoomer

Not only is Jon Minadeo, the leader of the Nazi group “Goyim Defense League” (GDL) a failed rapper, but he could very well be a child predator as well.

Here is a video of him using @omegleReplies to communicate with a minor. In the video, he tells the underage girl that she… Show more

6:21 AM · Sep 3, 2023




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db04bf No.86586

File: d4915fd4016a84d⋯.png (217.21 KB,411x514,411:514,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483220 (031751ZSEP23) Notable: Sabrina Salvati Lights Up Oprah & Her Maui Charity ‘Fund’ w/ The Rock

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


🔥 Sabrina Salvati Lights Up Oprah & Her Maui Charity ‘Fund’ w/ The Rock

“It is a fund inside of a non-profit…The Maui fund is within the Entertainment Industry Foundation…When you go to the fund’s website they’re saying that they’re going to give $1,200 for each adult…The president of the non-profit that manages this fund is making over $400,000/year.”



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db04bf No.86587

File: 60233d127f3b19b⋯.png (159.44 KB,590x563,590:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483236 (031754ZSEP23) Notable: Here’s the instructions on how to see January 6th Capitol video footage and who is allowed access.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Marjorie Taylor Greene 🇺🇸




Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸




Here’s the instructions on how to see January 6th Capitol video footage and who is allowed access.



6:49 AM · Sep 3, 2023




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db04bf No.86588

File: 9450ef98894f368⋯.jpg (125.07 KB,720x1065,48:71,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 66def6a956aed09⋯.mp4 (1007.84 KB,720x848,45:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483250 (031758ZSEP23) Notable: They are teaching children how to summon demons

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They are teaching children how to summon demons

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db04bf No.86589

File: a32f377f28a01de⋯.png (721.3 KB,731x1887,43:111,Clipboard.png)

File: 5f170865cabb445⋯.png (188.33 KB,730x2202,365:1101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483259 (031802ZSEP23) Notable: FUNDING of BURNING MAN 1986-present

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doubt they'd get away with offing 75,000 at a go

besides, these are their constituents

FUNDING of BURNING MAN 1986-present

Burning Man Cost of attendence: 1986-2023

1986-89 FREE

1999-92 donation requests ($25-35)

1993-95 ticket required ($30-40)

1996-99 accelerating ticket costs: $65 - 220 (more complex structure)

2000-19 more complexity ($175-1500, inc. parking)

2020-21 not held

2022-23 $225-2900

Looks like they were rolling in dough prior to 2020 but had financial problems after COVID interregnum:




Over the years, seems like it's become more and more commercialized and subject to attention by both the state govt and Hollywood celebs.

As of 2017, here are top SALARIES for those working on Burning Man:

Marian Goodell, CEO: $261,000

Larry Harvey, President: $211,000

Theresa Duncan, Director of philanthropic engagement: $187,000

Harley K. Dubois, Director: $176,000

Ray Allen, General counsel: $174,000

Doug Robertson, Director of finance: $161,000

Heather White, managing director: $160,000

Kim Cook, Director of art and civic engagement: $156,000

Charlie Dolman, event operations director: $151,000

Crimson Rose, secretary: $145,000


BTW, In 2021, when there was no formal event, about 20,000 people showed up anyways.


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db04bf No.86590

File: 42e5d28d5546e0b⋯.png (25.55 KB,855x221,855:221,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483262 (031802ZSEP23) Notable: Democrats beware: These Black voters are fed up, and looking for a political home

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Salena Zito: Democrats beware: These Black voters are fed up, and looking for a political home

Opinion by Salena Zito • 8h

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db04bf No.86591

File: fc6d9661b53dd82⋯.png (285.06 KB,657x680,657:680,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483271 (031804ZSEP23) Notable: Moms for Liberty: ‘We Do Not Co-Parent With the Government’

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Moms for Liberty: ‘We Do Not Co-Parent With the Government’

Tiffany Justice and Tina Descovich, the ‘joyful warriors’ who founded the group, discuss Covid shutdowns, teachers unions, transgenderism and the SPLC’s smear.


Tunku Varadarajan

Sept. 1, 2023 1:32 pm ET

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db04bf No.86592

File: 75eb1991b8d09b3⋯.png (883.73 KB,819x709,819:709,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483277 (031806ZSEP23) Notable: Democrats Try To Whitewash Their Starring Role in School Closures School closers (and too many journalists) want to evade responsibility for a catastrophic decision.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Public schools

Democrats Try To Whitewash Their Starring Role in School Closures

School closers (and too many journalists) want to evade responsibility for a catastrophic decision.

Matt Welch | 8.31.2023 4:07 PM

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db04bf No.86593

File: fcea042ddb9e796⋯.png (128.16 KB,597x906,199:302,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483283 (031809ZSEP23) Notable: This is video evidence of Jon Minadeo, the leader of the Nazi group Goyim Defense League (GDL) grooming a minor.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Laura Loomer


But wait! There’s even more!

This Nazi rally in Florida took place one day after #BanTheADL trended globally.

Suspiciously, the ADL also has an entire page on their website about Jon Minadeo and the GDL, which organized this rally yesterday where a CIA affiliated Ukrainian passport carrying Nazi was in attendance.

In December 2022, the ADL REFUSED to condemn the Azov Batallion.

If the ADL truly cares about combatting “anti-Semitism”, how come they along with their President @JGreenblattADL

refused to condemn the Azov Battalion, which is a Nazi militia in Ukraine?

Kent “Boneface” McLellan who is pictured below was in attendance at this rally yesterday where he was chanting in support of Ukraine while doing Roman Salutes.


has previously reported on how ADL refused to condemn Azov even after he sent ADL an email asking them to.

Is the ADL working with Goyim Defense League? Is ADL working with Ukrainian Nazis?

ADL needs to be investigated. Are they running Nazi psyops with US intelligence agencies like the CIA and FBI?






6:54 AM · Sep 3, 2023




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db04bf No.86594

File: a1e618ca566690b⋯.png (313.44 KB,589x701,589:701,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483303 (031813ZSEP23) Notable: @CodeMonkeyZ If you haven't seen it yet, this is a huge expose of child abuse and child sex trafficking in South Carolina.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




If you haven't seen it yet, this is a huge expose of child abuse and child sex trafficking in South Carolina.





Sep 1

A leader is judged by the well-being of their constituents, particularly the most vulnerable ones.

How can we entrust our nation to someone who couldn’t protect the most vulnerable in her own state?

As Nikki Haley sets her foot on the trail for the presidency, it becomes… Show more

7:10 AM · Sep 3, 2023




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db04bf No.86595

File: 408bafe139e1c91⋯.png (307.79 KB,593x703,593:703,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483313 (031815ZSEP23) Notable: @CodeMonkeyZ If you haven't seen it yet, this is a huge expose of child abuse and child sex trafficking in South Carolina.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Lara Logan


Thank you for bringing this to a wider audience - no greater failure than letting children be harmed & then justifying it.





Sep 1

A leader is judged by the well-being of their constituents, particularly the most vulnerable ones.

How can we entrust our nation to someone who couldn’t protect the most vulnerable in her own state?

As Nikki Haley sets her foot on the trail for the presidency, it becomes… Show more

1:30 / 5:16

6:43 AM · Sep 3, 2023




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db04bf No.86596

File: 9a774b4b853cdc3⋯.png (456.16 KB,528x626,264:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483314 (031815ZSEP23) Notable: @USNavy Los Angeles-class submarines, like the USS Key West (SSN 722), are 360 feet long.....18 giraffes They 8kun huh

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❓ Did you know…

Los Angeles-class submarines, like the USS Key West (SSN 722), are 360 feet long.

That’s as long as 1 Football Field 🏈

576 Pencils ✏️

61 Stacked Refrigerators 🧊

or 18 Giraffes 🦒



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db04bf No.86597

File: 67e9818e5ee9d82⋯.png (59.85 KB,835x765,167:153,Clipboard.png)

File: b78bfa6dbb3255f⋯.jpg (38 KB,645x723,215:241,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483353 (031824ZSEP23) Notable: More mothers are working than ever before Build Back Better

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"Shocking": More mothers are working than ever before

Emily Peck

Emily Peck, author of Axios Markets

Labor force participation rate for mothers with kids under age 5

Monthly; January 1990 to June 2023


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db04bf No.86598

File: a2522ab4af8d01a⋯.png (707.86 KB,831x733,831:733,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483367 (031828ZSEP23) Notable: The new playbook for conservative chart-toppers

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The new playbook for conservative chart-toppers

Stef W. Kight

Stef W. KightSara Fischer

Aldean and Anthony are likely just the start of a new era. "This isn't a one-hit wonder," Bardella said. "There's starting to be a formula that's working and the left plays into it every time."

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db04bf No.86599

File: 4dfdd3530181ddb⋯.png (61.28 KB,665x459,665:459,Clipboard.png)

File: ad21434ef73d1aa⋯.png (266.07 KB,544x447,544:447,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483391 (031833ZSEP23) Notable: Burning Man news

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Burning Man descends into chaos as one person DIES at flooded festival after officials closed gates, 'trapping' 73,000 revelers in hypothermic conditions - and told them to conserve water and food

More than 70,000 Burning Man attendees in the Nevada desert are now stuck with nobody allowed to leave or enter the site following torrential rainstorms

The storms have transformed the event grounds into a muddy quagmire bringing the final weekend of the high-energy festival to an abrupt halt

Approximately six inches of rain fell on the festival site by Saturday, with an additional three inches expected on Sunday

By James Gordon For Dailymail.com

Updated: 01:58 EDT, 3 September 2023

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db04bf No.86600

File: 003b663e299bddb⋯.png (197.35 KB,589x751,589:751,Clipboard.png)

File: 3b69085746d08d6⋯.png (571.91 KB,473x609,473:609,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483411 (031837ZSEP23) Notable: Educators? Teachers Union?

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Libby Emmons


Remember how mad they got when we called them groomers? That’s because they are groomers.


7:34 AM · Sep 3, 2023




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db04bf No.86601

File: 4fc6794ff6cfd1f⋯.mp4 (3.73 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483454 (031845ZSEP23) Notable: EU Parliament WHO

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db04bf No.86602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483485 (031850ZSEP23) Notable: EU Parliament WHO

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db04bf No.86603

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483504 (031853ZSEP23) Notable: #23928

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#23928 >>86551


>>86552, >>86553 UN SDG Summit on Sept 18-19 "will be a key moment to recommit to putting the world back on track" - #DONOTCOMPLY

>>86554 Catastrophic Contagion projected pandemic execise from 2022: Great FEAR PRON for all the Plebes!

>>86556 UN General Assembly High-Level Meetings on health 2023

>>86558 Draft of the Political Declaration on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response - THIS IS THE TAKEOVER MOVE

>>86559 UN Zero Draft Pandemic Treaty Declaration- Sept 20, 2023, NYC

>>86564 Pepvar's Strategy - could use some SAUCE

>>86563 2022: The SPARS Pandemic 2025 - 2028 A Futuristic Scenario for Public Health Risk Communicators

>>86575, >>86576 CGI/Clinton Fruadation


>>86555, >>86567 Space Force Recruiting: Which Takes Your Breath Away, Starlink 6-9 or Starlink 6-10? Both..Don't make us choose. Delta 45

>>86557 In Monitoring Sex Abuse of Children, Apple Is Caught Between Safety and Privacy - ya sure they are (YAHOO)

>>86560 Russian Drones Destroy Ukrainian Oil Depot on Romanian border

>>86561, >>86566, >>86569, >>86599 Burning Man news

>>86562 Unearthed Princess Diana Audio Exposes Troubling Times, Thoughts on Marriage and Baby Harry

>>86565, >>86574 Remember when they did this & people believed them 🤣


>>86571 Marian Goodell digz Burning Man CEO

>>86570, >>86572, >>86573 Former Vice President Mike Pence says preserving the integrity of state-based elections in the United States is of paramount concern.

>>86577 Should we trust Vivek?

>>86578 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 Fragments

>>86579 CNN Confronts Fauci with Study Showing Masks ‘Don’t Work, Full Stop’ — Listen to His Response

>>86580 PROTEOMICS – Clinical Applications

>>86581 Despite blackmail and attacks, America's most respected journalist, @TuckerCarlson, just hit 10 million followers on X, becoming the most followed independent journalist in the United States of America.

>>86582 @realDonaldTrump I love these great patriots and their families!

>>86583 Anti-Gunners Don't Want You to Read This:The Truth About Armed Citizens StoppingMass Shootings

>>86584, >>86584 Trump Subpoena Power & EO 13848 - USA a BANKRUPT CORPORATION - SPACE FORCE -Jan Halper-Hayes, DoD TaskForce

>>86585, >>86593 This is video evidence of Jon Minadeo, the leader of the Nazi group Goyim Defense League (GDL) grooming a minor.

>>86586 Sabrina Salvati Lights Up Oprah & Her Maui Charity ‘Fund’ w/ The Rock

>>86587 Here’s the instructions on how to see January 6th Capitol video footage and who is allowed access.

>>86588 They are teaching children how to summon demons

>>86589 FUNDING of BURNING MAN 1986-present

>>86590 Democrats beware: These Black voters are fed up, and looking for a political home

>>86591 Moms for Liberty: ‘We Do Not Co-Parent With the Government’

>>86592 Democrats Try To Whitewash Their Starring Role in School Closures School closers (and too many journalists) want to evade responsibility for a catastrophic decision.

>>86594, >>86595 @CodeMonkeyZ If you haven't seen it yet, this is a huge expose of child abuse and child sex trafficking in South Carolina.

>>86596 @USNavy Los Angeles-class submarines, like the USS Key West (SSN 722), are 360 feet long.....18 giraffes They 8kun huh

>>86597 More mothers are working than ever before Build Back Better

>>86598 The new playbook for conservative chart-toppers

>>86600 Educators? Teachers Union?

>>86601, >>86602 EU Parliament WHO


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04709c No.86604

File: af9cc775bf97a59⋯.png (167.13 KB,538x599,538:599,Clipboard.png)

File: 46945db23848038⋯.jpg (184.79 KB,923x743,923:743,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 138e42d014e0336⋯.jpg (37.96 KB,600x429,200:143,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4fc6794ff6cfd1f⋯.mp4 (3.73 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: d15526e9f12f1fc⋯.png (126.17 KB,719x824,719:824,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483517 (031856ZSEP23) Notable: #23929

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04709c No.86605

File: 8a527e8a0787d18⋯.png (242.32 KB,720x405,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483549 (031900ZSEP23) Notable: A biotech company says it put dopamine-making cells into people’s brains

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the better to control you with, my pretty

A biotech company says it put dopamine-making cells into people’s brains

The experiment to treat Parkinson’s is a critical early test of stem cells’ potential to tackle serious disease.

In an important test for stem-cell medicine, a biotech company says implants of lab-made neurons introduced into the brains of 12 people with Parkinson’s disease appear to be safe and may have reduced symptoms for some of them.

The added cells should produce the neurotransmitter dopamine, a shortage of which is what produces the devastating symptoms of Parkinson’s, including problems moving.

...Long history

The idea of replacing dopamine-making cells to treat Parkinson’s dates to the 1980s, when doctors tried it with fetal neurons collected after abortions. [Cospiracy Theory Fact: stem cells from aborted babies used in medical research]

...Using brain cells from fetuses wasn’t just ethically dubious to some. Researchers also became convinced such tissue was so variable and hard to obtain that it couldn’t become a standardized treatment. “There is a history of attempts to transplant cells or tissue fragments into brains,” says Henchcliffe. “None ever came to fruition, and I think in the past there was a lack of understanding of the mechanism of action, and a lack of sufficient cells of controlled quality.”


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04709c No.86606

File: 1e4c0d724a5b04e⋯.png (126.09 KB,398x587,398:587,Clipboard.png)

File: 4fc6794ff6cfd1f⋯.mp4 (3.73 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483554 (031901ZSEP23) Notable: Wide Awake Yet?

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04709c No.86607

File: d36383f2316ee1c⋯.png (1019.61 KB,1280x810,128:81,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483576 (031904ZSEP23) Notable: The Soviet blitzkrieg in the hills of Manchuria 78 years ago, the defeat of Japan marked the end of WWII.

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🇷🇺⚔️🇯🇵 The Soviet blitzkrieg in the hills of Manchuria 78 years ago, the defeat of Japan marked the end of WWII.

European historians argue that World War II began in September 1939 when Germany invaded Poland. Chinese historical accounts, however, date it back to July 1937 when Japan initiated a full-scale war against China. There is no dispute about the final date: World War II concluded in September 1945 with the defeat and surrender of Japan.

September often remains overshadowed by May, which is understandable but unfair. The Manchurian campaign by the Red Army was one of the most significant events in modern history.

Three weeks that shook the world

Today, some argue that it was the U.S. atomic bombings that decided everything. However, in 1945, this was not apparent to anyone, and "conventional" bombings of Tokyo by the US claimed far more lives (not to mention that the nuclear mushroom clouds over Hiroshima and Nagasaki can be seen as the beginning of the Cold War, a demonstration of Truman's American "wunderwaffe"). A swift defeat of the Japanese military machine was not anticipated at the time. Let's remember how difficult it was for the Americans, who had been fighting Japan since late 1941, to take Iwo Jima and Okinawa! In China, Japan maintained a million-strong Kwantung Army.

According to American generals' assessments, Japan could have resisted until 1947, and its collapse would have cost America a million soldiers' lives. Of course, the United States played a significant role in Japan's defeat, but Stalin's Manchurian blitzkrieg left Japan with no chances. Already on August 9, 1945, Japanese Prime Minister Suzuki stated, "The entry... of the Soviet Union into the war places us in an absolutely hopeless situation and makes the further continuation of the war impossible." Even Churchill, who did not have a favorable view of Russians, eventually admitted, "It would be a mistake to suppose that the fate of Japan... was settled by the atomic bomb."

Vasiliy Avchenko for @WarGonzo

🔴 @DDGeopolitics


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04709c No.86608

File: 771d486e31b4644⋯.jpg (542.23 KB,1079x1381,1079:1381,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a1844fe7347c8e3⋯.mp4 (9.29 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483585 (031905ZSEP23) Notable: WHO Sparks Concerns About Power Grab with Global Pandemic Treaty: 'Restrict Individual Liberties'

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WHO Sparks Concerns About Power Grab with Global Pandemic Treaty: 'Restrict Individual Liberties'



Share This Article

JERUSALEM, Israel – Former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann tells CBN News she fears all the world's nations are about to submit too much sovereignty to a United Nations organization.

The attempted power grab described by Bachmann involves the World Health Organization or W.H.O.

Through a series of 307 amendments and a global pandemic treaty, the W.H.O. is seeking to gain authority over international health decisions of U.N. member nations in the event of something like another COVID pandemic.

"Then they would be empowered to tell us in America we have to lock down, we have to shut down, we have to close our churches, we have to close our schools," Bachmann cautioned. "We're forced – mandated – to take a vaccine, whether we want to or not. We're forced to mask. We're forced to – whatever it is that they tell us – that we have to do. We have never before in history – in 5,000 years of recorded human history – we've never seen this level of authority given to an international, global body."

Those supporting this authority for the W.H.O. say it's necessary to protect the world's population, even if it means restricting some of their liberties.

Dr. Abdullah Assiri, who co-chairs the Working Group on International Health Regulations, explained, "The world requires a different level of legal mandates, such as the pandemic treaty, to navigate through a particular pandemic, should one occur, and it will. Prioritizing actions that may restrict individual liberties, mandating and sharing of information, knowledge and resources – pandemic control efforts are all necessary during a pandemic."

Dechen Wangmo, Bhutan's Health Minister concurred. "Let us seize this opportunity to foster international collaboration, ensure global health security and protect the lives and the well-being of all people beyond boundaries," she stated.

Bachmann sees little to no opposition to handing over this power next year.

"I don't think all the nations fully understand what these implications are," she warned, "so we have very little time."

And top backers of this United Nations move say speed is of the essence.

U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra conveyed the Biden administration's urgency. "I wish to stress from our perspective, the quicker we can come together, the sooner we will all be safe," he said. "We know that the challenges we face won't be solved by a few leaders or a few countries, but by the world coming together and fighting for what's right," he claimed.

Some in Congress opposed this move to further empower the W.H.O. There is proposed legislation that would deem it a treaty, which requires Senate approval. Bachmann, however, claims the White House is trying to make an end run around them.

She noted, "The Biden administration doesn't plan to bring this treaty back to the U.S. Senate because they're using a subterfuge. They're calling it not a treaty. They're calling it an accord. And they're saying 'This isn't a treaty. This is just an accord. We can do this. We don't need the involvement of the U.S. government.' But once you give government and power away, it's very hard to get it back."


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04709c No.86609

File: e9aa502d0433ec6⋯.png (576.05 KB,768x514,384:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483593 (031907ZSEP23) Notable: Biden Admin Kneecaps Task Force Charged with Protecting Kids from Predators Amid Criminal Surge

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Biden Admin Kneecaps Task Force Charged with Protecting Kids from Predators Amid Criminal Surge

As child sex abuse, trafficking and pornography surge, the Biden administration is cuttting DOJ program funding to fight these crimes.


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04709c No.86610

File: d818613f68a629b⋯.png (1014.21 KB,768x488,96:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483599 (031908ZSEP23) Notable: Dubstep producer Christine Clements, AKA Vaccine, dies aged 43

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Ironically named musician "Vaccine" dies suddenly ... at 43 ... "after being briefly admitted to hospital" after a "sudden downturn in health." Interesting ..

Dubstep producer Christine Clements, AKA Vaccine, dies aged 43

Christine Clements, a US dubstep producer who released under the pseudonym Vaccine has died. She was aged 43.


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04709c No.86611

File: 64d4d53b4991327⋯.png (55.41 KB,287x372,287:372,Clipboard.png)

File: f127c2501bff322⋯.png (60.65 KB,491x229,491:229,Clipboard.png)

File: 78e27a417f93f52⋯.png (685.98 KB,1311x667,57:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483625 (031912ZSEP23) Notable: Genspect is a good place to start./sex transitions

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>>>/qresearch/19483368 pb

>>>/qresearch/19483480 pb good sauce for info on sex transitions

Genspect is a good place to start.


Two more sources of info for parents seeking help on teens who want sex change drugs etc:


>>>/qresearch/18799672 SEGM - Society for Evidence Based Gender Medicine


Compares "gender affirming" care with evidence-based care for youth who think they were born in the wrong body


Search on '"EXULANSIC"' in Covid thread or seek her out on YT. She shows what actually happens when kids gets surgery, how incompetent the surgeons are, and how puberty blockers and hormones destroy children's health for the rest of their lives.

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04709c No.86612

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483630 (031913ZSEP23) Notable: Dubstep producer Christine Clements, AKA Vaccine, dies aged 43

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Christine Clements (Dec 26th 1979 - Aug 22nd 2023)

It's with immense sadness that I announce the death of my beautiful wife, Christine. She passed away in the early hours of August 22nd, after being admitted to hospital on the 16th for a sudden downturn in health.

Everyone that met Christine would say she radiated warmth and kindness, was a beautiful person, and was simply a joy to be around. She lit up the room with her smile and humour. She was selfless and always wanted to help people, whether she knew them or not. Life was all about love and compassion for her.

Many of you know her for the music which she released under the name Vaccine. I know she touched a lot of people's hearts and minds with her delicate and emotional approach to dubstep and autonomic.

She was the light of my life, and life seems so much darker since she departed. I can't even begin to try and put into words what I'm feeling right now, or begin to understand the void her death has left for me and her family.

Rest in peace, you beautiful princess. I will never forget how you changed my life and made me a better person. You will always be with me in my heart and mind, and I will love you forever. I miss you so so much.


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04709c No.86613

File: 800c79aaed5299b⋯.png (1.35 MB,768x768,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483646 (031916ZSEP23) Notable: RINOswampy wants a 59% Death Tax at a min. "We shouldn’t allow people to become billionaires just by having rich parents.”

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Vivek RINOswampy wants a 59% Death Tax at a minimum. "We shouldn’t allow people to become billionaires just by having rich parents.”

RINOswampy Death Tax Idea Should Be Dead On Arrival - Taxpayers Protection Alliance

Presidential politics are in full swing. The early days of the campaign are always entertaining, as many candidates introduce themselves to the American public with some unique ideas for their would-be presidencies. However, some of these proposals are not...


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04709c No.86614

File: 0e24728d34b0c84⋯.jpg (187.09 KB,909x798,303:266,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9a80781c9d7d594⋯.png (443.32 KB,640x457,640:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483659 (031918ZSEP23) Notable: Minuteman III test hmmmm...

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Putin invaded Ukraine on 2/24/2022

From and including: Thursday, February 24, 2022

To and including: Wednesday, September 6, 2023

80 weeks

"Putin" = 80 (Ordinal)

From and including: Thursday, February 24, 2022

To and including: Thursday, December 21, 2023

Result: 666 days

Winter solstice 2023 occurs on Thursday, December 21, 2023 at 10:27 p.m. EST for the Northern Hemisphere.

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04709c No.86615

File: eb03c14630add69⋯.png (830.48 KB,750x755,150:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483668 (031920ZSEP23) Notable: DIY In Home Burning Man Instructions For the keks?????

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>Trapped Burning Man?

"Mom, can we get some Burning Man?" "We have Burning Man at home."

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04709c No.86616

File: b54a7b5cb88e20c⋯.png (507.7 KB,949x652,949:652,Clipboard.png)

File: b49e9078056e84e⋯.png (63.24 KB,946x315,946:315,Clipboard.png)

File: bb34710e63651d6⋯.png (84.87 KB,955x447,955:447,Clipboard.png)

File: cdd76c3fc048e48⋯.png (59.34 KB,857x653,857:653,Clipboard.png)

File: c88f3684c289545⋯.png (83.42 KB,949x406,949:406,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483669 (031920ZSEP23) Notable: Fani Willis Linked To Massive Election Fraud And Money Laundering RICO Enterprise!

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Fani Willis Linked To Massive Election Fraud And Money Laundering RICO Enterprise!

In a shocking turn of events, a bombshell investigation has uncovered jaw-dropping connections between Fani Willis and a sprawling web of election fraud and money laundering activities.

Fani Willis’s involvement will be sure to send shockwaves through the political landscape.

The investigation, which spans across multiple states and multiple jurisdictions, has revealed a complex network of illicit operations aimed at undermining the very foundation of our Constitutional Republic and the rule of law. Sources close to the matter suggest that Willis was a massive beneficiary in the Federal and Georgia RICO enterprises. It appears that she is currently playing a key role in orchestrating a systematic scheme to manipulate election outcomes, casting doubt on the integrity of the entire electoral process.

In the lead up to the 2022 midterm elections, my team uncovered a massive money laundering network of campaign finance contributions being made via ActBlue. One of the top beneficiaries of this money laundering RICO enterprise was none other than Georgia Senator Raphael Warnock. The Gateway Pundit was the first news organization to cover the massive money laundering network that financed the Raphael Warnock campaign.

As our investigation progressed, we expanded our efforts into other states such as Missouri, Maryland, Wisconsin, Arizona, and then into every single state.

Working with the Epoch Times investigative journalist Steven Kovac, we made a stunning find. Many of the top ActBlue “Contributors” never made the individual contributions. Many of these “Not Employed Individual Contributors” were the victims of a highly sophisticated money laundering scheme.

The scheme was further exposed when I provided the data to James O’Keefe and his people at O’Keefe Media Group who captured many unwitting “Money Laundering Smurfs” in Maryland.

This massive ongoing money laundering operation involves wire fraud, evasion of campaign finance limits, structuring of financial transactions, tax fraud, non profit fraud, identity theft, and elder abuse.

The RICO operation is still in operation today. Using the identities of unwitting elderly, and other democrat voters, this massive RICO money laundering enterprise is the fuel for the entire election fraud RICO operation.


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04709c No.86617

File: 73196eee1390ea3⋯.png (621.77 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483677 (031921ZSEP23) Notable: Netanyahu Orders Deportation of Eritrean Asylum Seekers After Riots in Tel Aviv

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Netanyahu Orders Deportation of Eritrean Asylum Seekers After Riots in Tel Aviv

On Saturday, hundreds of Eritrean asylum seekers protesting against their country's current government clashed with supporters of the Eritrean authorities near the site of an event in Tel Aviv organized by the Eritrean embassy in Israel...


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04709c No.86618

File: b05ea7266d9b240⋯.png (421.11 KB,594x567,22:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483690 (031923ZSEP23) Notable: Arson Confirmed as the Cause of Louisiana’s Largest-Ever Wildfire in History

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The Gateway Pundit


Arson Confirmed as the Cause of Louisiana’s Largest-Ever Wildfire in History (VIDEO) via @gatewaypundit


Arson Confirmed as the Cause of Louisiana's Largest-Ever Wildfire in History (VIDEO) | The Gateway...

State officials announced yesterday that the devastating wildfire that ravaged over 33,000 acres in Louisiana — the largest in the state’s history — was caused by arson.

8:05 AM · Sep 3, 2023




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04709c No.86619

File: ddb92f7d5cb1c84⋯.png (85.54 KB,800x590,80:59,Clipboard.png)

File: 0d112e866fe5258⋯.png (70.73 KB,795x498,265:166,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483697 (031924ZSEP23) Notable: FDA, CDC Hid Data On Spike In COVID Cases Among The Vaccinated: Documents

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FDA, CDC Hid Data On Spike In COVID Cases Among The Vaccinated: Documents

COVID-19 cases among vaccinated seniors soared in 2021, according to newly disclosed data that was acquired by U.S. health agencies but not presented to the public.

Humetrix researchers found that the proportion of total COVID-19 cases among the seniors was increasingly comprised of vaccinated people, according to the newly disclosed documents.

For the week ending on July 31, 2021, post-vaccination COVID-19 cases represented 73 percent of the cases among people 65 and older, the company found. The elderly were 80 percent fully vaccinated at the time.

Breakthrough infection rates were higher among those who were vaccinated early, the researchers found. They estimated that the rates were twice as high in those who had been vaccinated five to six months prior, when compared to people vaccinated three to four months before.

The breakthrough cases started in January 2021, according to the data.

Protection against hospitalization was also fading, researchers discovered.

In the week ending on July 31, 2021, 63 percent of the COVID-19 hospitalizations in seniors were among the fully vaccinated, according to the documents. The same pattern of weaker protection among people who were vaccinated early was found.

Researchers calculated that the vaccine effectiveness (VE) against infection was just 33 percent while the effectiveness against hospitalization had dropped to 57 percent.

Seniors who previously had COVID-19 and recovered were more likely to avoid hospitalization, the researchers also found. Risk factors included serious underlying conditions such as obesity and being in the oldest age group, or older than 85.

The cohort analysis was completed on 20 million Medicare beneficiaries, including 5.6 million seniors who received a primary series of a COVID-19 vaccine.


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04709c No.86620

File: 5aa190edf9eaf12⋯.png (708.42 KB,1272x358,636:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483700 (031924ZSEP23) Notable: Only Thing Today’s Avant-Garde ‘Artists’ Challenge is Our Patience

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Only Thing Today’s Avant-Garde ‘Artists’ Challenge is Our Patience

And some of their work is literally ‘wretched’

Let’s take a break from the depressing world of politics and talk for a moment about the equally depressing subject of the art world.

What is it about the word “art?” Pronounce it, and the IQ of susceptible folk is instantly halved. (I’ve seen cases where it is diminished by 87 percent). Normally sensible people who do not, as a rule, appreciate being being made fools of stand idly by as the chief art critic for The New York Times tells them that that a charlatan climbing naked up a scaffolding while applying vaseline to sensitive parts of his body is “the most important American artist of his generation.”

The Mail also reports that one of Millie’s most avid fans is the pop singer Lady Gaga, “who personally chose the artist to feature in her own performance video,” in which “Millie can be seen vomiting shimmering turquoise liquid over the singer.”

But we’ve been there, we’ve done that. In 1961, Piero Manzoni produced 90 tin cans of his own excrement. Examples of this limited edition work — called Artist’s Shit —occupy a proud place in several museums, including the Tate. (One tin sold for £124,000 at auction in 2007). And then there was the student at the Ontario College of Art and Design who in 1997 pushed his own boundaries with an “art work” that consisted of him vomiting on paintings by others, a Piet Mondrian in New York and a Raoul Dufy at a museum in Ontario.


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04709c No.86621

File: 22e79dfc31acbd3⋯.png (571.29 KB,768x384,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483703 (031925ZSEP23) Notable: Mississippi Democrat alleges voter fraud by his party’s county chair/videotape of Jacquie Amos going into boxes, bringing in thumb drives, bringing in ballots

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Mississippi Democrat alleges voter fraud by his party’s county chair, calls for her resignation. "We have videotape of Jacquie Amos going into boxes, bringing in thumb drives, bringing in ballots."

Mississippi Democrat alleges voter fraud by his party’s county chair, calls for her resignation

“We have videotape of Jacquie Amos going into boxes, bringing in thumb drives, bringing in ballots.”


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04709c No.86622

File: 200cbf69120b4f9⋯.png (1.79 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483723 (031928ZSEP23) Notable: Remember when they said "Vaccinated individuals are no longer required to wear a mask"

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Remember when they said "Vaccinated individuals are no longer required to wear a mask"

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04709c No.86623

File: 4f3426cf9601de1⋯.png (1.03 MB,910x1129,910:1129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483747 (031932ZSEP23) Notable: Morse Code? w .space j .-p .-.space

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Morse Code?

w .-


j .—

p .-.


W [] J P?

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04709c No.86624

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483749 (031932ZSEP23) Notable: Morse Code? w .space j .-p .-.space

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04709c No.86625

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483753 (031933ZSEP23) Notable: More Children Under the Age of 16 Died from Non-COVID Vaccines than COVID Vaccines Since December 2020

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More Children Under the Age of 16 Died from Non-COVID Vaccines than COVID Vaccines Since December 2020

Quote: " am for the rights of a baby to not only be born, but to LIVE its life: without being forced to be born in a hospital, without becoming a pin cushion to be injected with toxic and deadly vaccines starting with the day they are born, to have the freedom to drink their mother’s breast milk without toxic formulas, and to live at home with their biological parents without the interference of doctors and Conservative Christians who want to define who is a good parent and who is not, and prefer to traffick children instead."

I would put "Conservative Christians" in quotes, though I agree that when people participate in foster care and adoption they can often unwittingly (and perhaps 'wittingly') participate in trafficking.

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04709c No.86626

File: ff7229c2856c3a3⋯.png (438.08 KB,777x440,777:440,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483755 (031933ZSEP23) Notable: Pentagon Urges End To Fighting Among Rival US-Backed Militias In East Syria

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Pentagon Urges End To Fighting Among Rival US-Backed Militias In East Syria

Fighting and serious tensions have continued between the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the Deir Ezzor Military Council (DEMC), two US backed militias in east Syria. The US military has urged an end to the tensions, the mainstay which lasted for four days, which have left at least 40 people dead.

Clashes, which began early last week, have pitted the SDF against the Arab-led DEMC, its former ally, as well as some regional Arab tribesmen who have aligned with them.

Hostilities were sparked after the SDF arrested Abu Khawla, the head of the DEMC and a senior SDF commander. Khawla and four other militia leaders were accused of “multiple crimes and violations,” such as drug trafficking. Khawla and his fellow detainees have since been dismissed.

The SDF and the council agreed on Wednesday that Khawla will no longer command the DEMC over his "coordination with external entities hostile to the revolution," a reference to his alleged contacts with the Damascus government.

The SDF surged forces into Deir Ezzor province as tensions were brewing over Khawla’s arrest. As Middle East Eye reported, "armed Arab tribal fighters burnt [tires], ambushed vehicles and shelled SDF positions in towns across the province, as well as taking over several checkpoints and attacking SDF patrols."

By Thursday, both sides were said to be bringing in reinforcements as clashes took place near the shared border with Iraq. Helicopters belonging to the US-led Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve could be seen flying over the locations of the previous day’s fighting, according to local news outlet DeirEzzor24.

Washington has about 900 troops and an undisclosed number of contractors embedded with the SDF. The US illegally occupies eastern Syria and controls roughly a third of the nation’s territory including most of the war-torn country’s oil and wheat resources.

The US-led coalition put out a statement urging an end to the fighting because it may allow the Islamic State (IS) to regain a foothold if Washington’s partner forces are increasingly divided.


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04709c No.86627

File: c6d95d933a9699c⋯.jpeg (186.15 KB,1000x1000,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483769 (031935ZSEP23) Notable: RINOswampy wants a 59% Death Tax at a min. "We shouldn’t allow people to become billionaires just by having rich parents.”

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Mike Pence to Newsmax: Vivek's 59 Percent Death Tax 'Last Thing We Should Do'

Former Vice President Mike Pence ripped Vivek Ramaswamy for wanting to raise inheritance taxes to 59%, telling Newsmax it is the "the last thing we should do in the wake of Joe Biden's failed economic policies."

"The American people deserve to know that he's advocated in the last year for a 59% inheritance tax," Pence told Saturday's "America Right Now."

The jab came after the two GOP presidential candidates shared a tense exchange at the first Republican presidential debate last week in Milwaukee.


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04709c No.86628

File: 7042e2e1a24884d⋯.png (1.53 MB,1193x1192,1193:1192,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483777 (031936ZSEP23) Notable: RINOswampy wants a 59% Death Tax at a min. "We shouldn’t allow people to become billionaires just by having rich parents.”

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04709c No.86629

File: 28e766e431c039b⋯.png (468.39 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483789 (031938ZSEP23) Notable: Mexico Places Piece of Berlin Wall Next to Open US Border saying “May This Be a Lesson!”

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Disgusting! Mexico Places Piece of Berlin Wall Next to Open US Border saying “May This Be a Lesson!”

What a punch to the gut of every law-abiding citizen in this country!


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04709c No.86630

File: eb169a54470431c⋯.png (1021.45 KB,743x802,743:802,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483795 (031939ZSEP23) Notable: Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI) Blasts ‘Insane’ DOD Gender-Neutral Policy: Wasting Time on ‘Wokeness Instead of Warfighting’

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Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI) Blasts ‘Insane’ DOD Gender-Neutral Policy: Wasting Time on ‘Wokeness Instead of Warfighting’


ofc navy is the one in the picture, all they do is play manhole all day

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04709c No.86631

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483811 (031942ZSEP23) Notable: Biden Asserts Executive Privilege, Refuses to Allow Release of 200 Hunter-Related Emails, Waived Trump’s Executive Privilege to Raid Mar-a-Lago

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Biden Asserts Executive Privilege, Refuses to Allow Release of 200 Hunter-Related Emails, But Waived Trump’s Executive Privilege to Raid Mar-a-Lago

Joe Biden asserted executive privilege and refused to allow the release of 200 Hunter-related emails.

On Wednesday, America First Legal (AFL) revealed they obtained “over 1,000 emails between Rosemont Seneca and the Office of the Vice (OVP) President” from the National Archives (NARA) via a lawsuit. AFL started the thread on X by saying “The sheer volume of emails exchanged between Hunter and his associates at Rosemont Seneca and the Office of the Vice President is telling in itself.”

Joe Biden asserted executive privilege over 200 emails because “release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors.”

Meanwhile, President Trump’s executive privilege was obliterated by Joe Biden.

The Biden White House worked directly with the Justice Department and National Archives to facilitate the investigation into Trump’s handling of documents, according to memos reviewed by investigative reporter John Solomon.

Joe Biden’s spokeswoman has repeatedly claimed Joe Biden had no knowledge of the raid and that he found out about it in the media.

According to the memos, the Biden White House instigated the criminal investigation by eliminating Trump’s claims to executive privilege.

Joe Biden paved the way for his Justice Department to arrest his political opponent after he retroactively revoked Trump’s executive privilege.

Biden revoking Trump’s executive privilege opened the door for the former president to be subpoenaed – the subpoena then opened the door for the Justice Department to charge Trump with federal crimes.

“By May, [White House Deputy Counsel Jonathan] Su conveyed to the Archives that President Joe Biden would not object to waiving his predecessor’s claims to executive claims, a decision that opened the door for DOJ to get a grand jury to issue a subpoena compelling Trump to turn over any remaining materials he possessed from his presidency.” – John Solomon reported last August.

On May 10, 2022, Acting National Archivist Debra Steidel Wall sent Trump’s lawyers a letter revealing the Biden White House’s involvement.

According to John Solomon, within two weeks of Debra Steidel Wall’s letter to Trump’s lawyers, the DOJ sent a grand jury subpoena to Trump’s counsel demanding he return documents stored at Mar-a-Lago.

Shortly after Trump was subpoenaed, the feds showed up to Mar-a-Lago and retrieved some documents and told the former president to put an extra lock on the storage locker.


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04709c No.86632

File: e0fbf19802ec6b4⋯.png (248.44 KB,585x610,117:122,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483822 (031944ZSEP23) Notable: @ProTrumpTeam2024 Q - WHERE WE GO ONE WE GO ALL

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American Made



American Made

Sep 01, 2023, 6:14 AM

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04709c No.86633

File: 9b2c217418d742b⋯.pdf (169.88 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 22682577d2c11d2⋯.jpeg (449.68 KB,892x3027,892:3027,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b8bffa08a76edb0⋯.jpg (66.63 KB,720x688,45:43,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483833 (031947ZSEP23) Notable: Sept 20 Pandemic Treaty Declaration @ UN HQ NYC

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Sept 20 Pandemic Treaty Declaration @ UN HQ NYC


The UN General Assembly will convene three High-Level Meetings on health during its 78th session (UNGA 78) in New York in September 2023. These present a historic opportunity for world leaders to place health back on the high-level political agenda as they recommit to ending tuberculosis (TB), delivering universal health coverage (UHC) and strengthening pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response.

At this mid-point towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the world is off track to achieve the health targets by 2030. Millions of people cannot access life-saving and health-enhancing interventions. Out-of-pocket spending on health catastrophically affects over 1 billion people, pushing hundreds of millions of people into extreme poverty. The situation has worsened due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The High-Level Meetings come at a critical moment as the world recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic, confronted with multiple humanitarian and climate crises. Upholding the human right to health and building equitable health systems are essential to achieve UHC, to build sustainable prevention, preparedness and response to pandemics as well as other health emergencies, and to ending epidemics such as TB.

Watch the meetings virtually or in person

The meetings can be viewed live on UN WebTV. Non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations, academic institutions and members of the private sector planning to attend in person must refer to the information on special accreditation linked below.

For media accreditation refer to the UN Media Accreditation & Liaison Unit. The deadline to apply is 1 September

High-level meetings

20 September 2023 | Pandemic prevention, preparedness and response

The UN High-Level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response (PPPR) presents an opportunity for Member States to further mobilize political momentum, including through the integration of a multisectoral approach towards pandemic prevention, preparedness and response, given the multifaceted consequences of pandemics.

Zero draft of the Political Declaration on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response


21 September 2023 | Universal health coverage

This High-Level Meeting presents an opportunity for countries and stakeholders to renew efforts and accelerate progress toward achieving health for all. This will serve as the foundation for executing policies and ensuring responsibility for strengthening health systems for the future, building on the 2019 Political Declaration.

Information on preparations for the High-level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage

Concept notes and logistical note


22 September 2023 | Fight against tuberculosis (TB)

This High-Level Meeting is aimed to undertake a comprehensive review on the achievement of agreed tuberculosis targets 2018 Political Declaration of the first General Assembly high level meeting on TB, and to identify gaps and solutions to accelerate progress towards ending the tuberculosis epidemic by 2030.

Information on preparations for the High-level Meeting on the Fight Against Tuberculosis (TB)


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04709c No.86634

File: 4277a4926965fd7⋯.png (645.87 KB,768x415,768:415,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483873 (031954ZSEP23) Notable: PANIC: “I’ve Never Seen Anything Like This… It’s a Movement!”– Donna Brazile/Gen Flynn rebuts

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PANIC: “I’ve Never Seen Anything Like This… It’s a Movement!”– Donna Brazile Sounds the Alarm on Trump’s Growing Popularity Amid Indictments

"I've Never Seen Anything Like This... It's a Movement!" - Donna Brazile Sounds the Alarm on Trump's Growing Popularity Amid Indictments...


Former acting chairwoman of the Democrat National Committee (DNC) Donna Brazile joined ABC’s “This Week” to discuss Trump and the 2024 election.

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04709c No.86635

File: 933cb5169792990⋯.png (610.2 KB,596x563,596:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483878 (031954ZSEP23) Notable: Migrant smugglers now offering $10K travel ‘packages’ to illegal border-crossers

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New York Post


Migrant smugglers now offering $10K travel ‘packages’ to illegal border-crossers https://trib.al/wXqlVyx


8:04 AM · Sep 3, 2023




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04709c No.86636

File: 93cc7d371686417⋯.png (330.45 KB,600x498,100:83,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483879 (031954ZSEP23) Notable: The Soviet blitzkrieg in the hills of Manchuria 78 years ago, the defeat of Japan marked the end of WWII.

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Today Russia is celebrating Victory Day over militaristic Japan


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04709c No.86637

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483883 (031955ZSEP23) Notable: Migrant smugglers now offering $10K travel ‘packages’ to illegal border-crossers

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which wealthy "elites" are funding this?

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04709c No.86638

File: 4d73b7cd7b38000⋯.png (286.81 KB,588x691,588:691,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483899 (031958ZSEP23) Notable: @Kash Garland making up more laws that dont exist to justify DOJ stonewalling of congressional subpoenas

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Kash Patel


Garland making up more laws that dont exist to justify DOJ stonewalling of congressional subpoenas. Anyone at congress finally want to take some of their funding and force compliance??? Or is someone going to write another letter


X22 Report





Garland DOJ Tells Jim Jordan It Will Not Cooperate with Hunter-Related Subpoenas | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila

Merrick Garland’s DOJ told House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan that his subpoenas for two FBI agents involved in the investigation into Hunter Biden cannot be enforced due to an ongoing investigation.

The Gateway Pundit

Aug 31, 2023, 3:37 AM

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04709c No.86639

File: a6747f745b6da59⋯.png (154.77 KB,580x464,5:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483907 (032000ZSEP23) Notable: Musk’s X May Be On The Verge Of Enforcing Censorship Similar To His Predecessors

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Devin Nunes


🚨 #twitter bringing back the overlords… 🚨



‘Potentially Monstrous’: Musk’s X May Be On The Verge Of Enforcing Censorship Similar To His Predecessors, Experts Say

Billionaire Elon Musk's X, formerly known as Twitter, may be on the cusp of reverting to the censorship that occurred before he took over the company.


Sep 03, 2023, 7:19 AM

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04709c No.86640

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483930 (032003ZSEP23) Notable: The whole Hood be rallying behind Trump.

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NOTABLE new based MAGA rap song!

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04709c No.86641

File: b2552bb27153163⋯.png (8.54 KB,601x148,601:148,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483937 (032004ZSEP23) Notable: @ObamaMalik KEK!!!

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Malik Obama



8:59 AM · Sep 3, 2023




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04709c No.86642

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483943 (032005ZSEP23) Notable: Vatican control of World Health Organization population policy An interview with Milton P. Siegel

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Vatican control of World Health Organization population policy

An interview with Milton P. Siegel

"This interview with Professor Milton P. Siegel, who for 24 years was the Assistant Director General of the World Health Organization, was recorded in 1992 by Dr. Stephen D. Mumford, President of the Center for Research on Population and Security.

This is the first time that it has been made available to the public.

Because of his position and the length of his tenure, Professor Siegel is considered among the world's foremost authorities on the development of World Health Organization policy.

In this interview, he reveals the influence of the Vatican in shaping WHO policy, particularly in blocking adoption of the concept that overpopulation is a grave public-health threat – a concept which, in WHO's early years, enjoyed a broad consensus among member countries.

Without this separation of population dynamics from WHO public-health policy, the Vatican would have found it much more difficult to subsequently manipulate governments on such issues as family planning and abortion.

National leaders would have been able to refer to the international consensus, as demonstrated by WHO policy. WHO, they could have insisted, has determined that family planning and abortion – like clean water, good nutrition, and immunizations – are necessary to protect public health.

Professor Siegel decided to speak out on the subject. As he was involved in the WHO at an early stage, his personal experience provides ample evidence that the Vatican influenced WHO policy development from the outset, during the early period of the Interim Commission in 1946.

In its 63-year history, this international health body has had a deplorable record in family planning. Its commitment has been minuscule, and even today family planning accounts for only a tiny fraction of its budget.

Professor Siegel joined the World Health Organization in 1946, when it was still in its formative stages – under the umbrella of the United Nations, created just the year before.

Because of his earlier work in North America and the Middle East, he was asked, in effect, to be one of WHO's "founding fathers". So he came on board on the senior staff of the Interim Commission.

Dr. Brock Chisholm of Canada was the Executive Director of the Commission, which set up the permanent organization with headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. Dr. Chisholm was chosen to be WHO's first Director General."

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04709c No.86643

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483957 (032007ZSEP23) Notable: Wide Awake Yet?

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Sauce: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4MrIsXDKrtE


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04709c No.86644

File: 281ecab779075c1⋯.png (176.67 KB,607x481,607:481,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483960 (032008ZSEP23) Notable: Tesla Owners Silicon Valley X

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Elon Musk



Tesla Owners Silicon Valley

9:02 AM · Sep 3, 2023




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04709c No.86645

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483971 (032009ZSEP23) Notable: The whole Hood be rallying behind Trump.

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FREE TRUMP x Loza Alexander - (Official Music Video)

The whole Hood be rallying behind Trump.

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04709c No.86646

File: 2c4f8f1ad0759b9⋯.png (20.63 KB,584x193,584:193,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19483979 (032011ZSEP23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Ask yourself: WERE YOU BETTER OFF TODAY, OR FOUR YEARS AGO?

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04709c No.86647

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484000 (032014ZSEP23) Notable: Vatican control of World Health Organization population policy An interview with Milton P. Siegel

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click on the video > save video

YT link: https://youtu.be/ikC5N-KL89k




The Vatican and World Population Policy

An Interview with Milton P. Siegel

by Stephen D. Mumford

* There is a growing consensus among international public-health leaders that the gains made by their earliest practitioners are about to be lost as a result of overpopulation.

The hideous scourge of premature death in Africa that we have been witnessing on our television screens for the last decade is spreading throughout the continent along with civil war.

Somalia is presently the focus of our attention, but there are many other African countries which are all but certain to slip into chaos.

CIA director Robert Gates has predicted that, within the next year, there will be 30 million people starving in Africa alone.

A December 20, 1992, article from the National Geographic News Service identifies the fundamental problem in Africa: "Along with war and drought, the third horseman of the African apocalypse has been overpopulation.

There are simply more people trying to live on the land than the land can support." The article goes on to observe: "There doesn't seem to be any long-term solution short of transporting millions of Somalis out of there and leaving enough living space for the people and cattle that remain."

But no country will accept these millions of Somalis and the tens of millions of other Africans who face the same prospect.

The result will be an explosion in premature deaths, just as some of the delegates who shaped United Nations health policy in the late 1940s had predicted.

These leaders in public health recognized that the choice was not whether population growth would be controlled but how. Would birth control be implemented along with "death control," or would population-growth control be left to implacable nature through starvation and starvation-related diseases?

They argued that this was the real choice they were making as they shaped World Health Organization policy. These leaders understood that, in the not-too-distant future, overpopulation would be a major and preventable cause of death.

But these people of vision lost that debate in the 1940s, and now premature death on an appalling scale is just getting underway in Africa.

It is reasonable to predict that more than half of the Africans alive today will die prematurely, and that a substantial majority of African children born in this decade will die either in this decade or the next.

Because of his position and the length of his tenure, Milton P. Siegel is considered among the world's foremost authorities on the development of World Health Organization policy.

In this videotaped interview (available from the Center for Research on Population and Security, P.O. Box 13067, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, for $19), he reveals the influence of the Vatican in shaping WHO policy,

particularly in blocking adoption of the concept that overpopulation is a grave public-health threat - a concept which, in WHO's early years, enjoyed a broad consensus among member countries.

Without this separation of population dynamics from WHO public-health policy, the Vatican would have found it much more difficult to subsequently manipulate governments on such issues as family planning and abortion.

National leaders would have been able to refer to the international consensus, as demonstrated by WHO policy. WHO, they could have insisted, has determined that family planning and abortion like clean water, good nutrition, and immunizations are necessary to protect public health.

Professor Siegel has now decided to speak out on the subject.

As he was involved in the World Health Organization at an early stage, his personal experience provides ample evidence that the Vatican influenced WHO policy development from the outset, during the early period of the Interim Commission in 1946.

In its 44-year history, this international health body has had a deplorable record in family planning. Its commitment has been miniscule, and even today family planning accounts for only a tiny fraction of its budget.

Professor Siegel joined the World Health Organization in 1946, when it was still in its formative stages - under the umbrella of the United Nations, created just the year before.

Because of Siegel's earlier work in North America and the Middle East, he was asked, in effect, to be one of WHO's "founding fathers." So he came on board on the senior staff of the Interim Commission.

Dr. Brock Chisholm of Canada was the executive director of the commission.

The Interim Commission set up the permanent organization with headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, and Dr. Chisholm was chosen to be WHO's first director general.

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04709c No.86648

File: 22f8a9832a5763b⋯.png (537.53 KB,590x897,590:897,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484010 (032016ZSEP23) Notable: “FDA is not a Physician.” ivermectin

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Joseph J Flynn


To all of the “ horse paste “ dummies out there … here you go…


Charlie Kirk




NEW—The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans has ruled in favor of three doctors allowing them to move forward with their lawsuit, saying the FDA abused its authority with Anti-Ivermectin messaging to Americans.

“FDA is not a Physician.”

"It has authority to inform,… Show more


9:14 AM · Sep 3, 2023




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04709c No.86649

File: 5d699fa9d385894⋯.png (1021.26 KB,1436x750,718:375,Clipboard.png)

File: c98cb12e3b186bf⋯.png (339.83 KB,502x521,502:521,Clipboard.png)

File: 9fcb0233f1b2e9f⋯.png (814 KB,773x611,773:611,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484021 (032019ZSEP23) Notable: How a Sloppy Australian Conspiracy Unraveled in Just Two Weeks

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How a Sloppy Australian Conspiracy Unravelled in Just Two Weeks

Just four weeks ago, I reported how a prediction by Australian ‘conspiracy theorists’, falsely debunked by the press, became reality in just three months.

That story was about certain Australians who predicted that the Government would move their country to become a ‘cashless society’. Those people were soundly debunked and called crazy right-wing conspiracy theorists by the Australian press. Then, three months later, the Australian Government decided to move towards a cashless society, indeed.

At the time, I thought that three months from a conspiracy theory being debunked to the same theory coming true was fast.

Boy, was I wrong! Australia just outdid itself.

The Labour Party of Australia and other forces are championing a referendum to change the Australian Constitution. The proposed change will create the Voice, a new body representing indigenous people. The Voice (fully named ‘Indigenous Voice to Parliament’) will have a say in law and policy development in Australia.

The proposal is vague and calls for creating a novel structure – almost a new branch of government – with unclear responsibilities and an undefined process of selecting its members.

The vague proposal crucially depends on a statement from representatives of Indigenous people called the ‘Uluru Statement from the Heart’.

Officially, here it is, a one-page document highlighted by me:

Australian PM Anthony Albanese lied about the Uluru statement being one page. The paper actually is 26 pages long – and has pages neatly numbered!

The document in question was obtained from the Government via Freedom of Information. It contains the Uluru statement.

The Uluru statement is a set of twenty-six numbered pages. For those who want to check my words, open the FOI’d document and go to page 87 (saying Document 14 on top).


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04709c No.86650

File: f817ff119324079⋯.png (547.8 KB,594x788,297:394,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484033 (032022ZSEP23) Notable: PANIC: “I’ve Never Seen Anything Like This… It’s a Movement!”– Donna Brazile/Gen Flynn rebuts

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General Mike Flynn


Of course it’s a movement. And it’s a positive movement for the good of America, every single citizen of this beautiful country Donna…even you, despite what you did sharing questions with your buddy Hillary.

And you also know being a “democrat” now means bowing to the power and whims of the globalists…a movement that will never take hold in America 🇺🇸

Have a nice day Donna 🦅🇺🇸


johnny maga




Donna Brazile is sounding the alarm on ABC news in response to Trump’s rising poll numbers

“I’ve never seen anything like this with Donald Trump… this is a MOVEMENT.”

9:17 AM · Sep 3, 2023




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04709c No.86651

File: f9bfc4ff6347e7a⋯.jpg (209.96 KB,1200x706,600:353,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 23ab89a94045492⋯.png (371.59 KB,448x286,224:143,Clipboard.png)

File: bf73de1aba753cc⋯.webp (166.75 KB,980x486,490:243,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484100 (032033ZSEP23) Notable: Former Harvard Professor Charles Lieber sentenced to time served, fine for lying about China ties

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Where is this guy incarcerated?


ADX Florence?

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04709c No.86652

File: b8460dd3c545f57⋯.png (296.95 KB,600x514,300:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484103 (032034ZSEP23) Notable: Wisconsin deer farm infected with fatal brain disease

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Fox News



Wisconsin deer farm infected with fatal brain disease


Oh Deer.

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04709c No.86653

File: 12f454565b9e9da⋯.png (19.58 KB,414x305,414:305,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484105 (032034ZSEP23) Notable: Federal judge rules in favor of a Maine professor who was terminated from her position for challenging COVID-19 mandates

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REPORT: Federal judge rules in favor of a Maine professor who was terminated from her position for challenging COVID-19 mandates, allowing her First Amendment lawsuit against university to move ahead.


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04709c No.86654

File: 9311b05940cd7ce⋯.png (224.98 KB,1337x636,1337:636,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484127 (032039ZSEP23) Notable: Former CIA employee's conviction confirmed after largest theft of top-secret information in agency's history, faces a second trial for child pornography/Schulte

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Former CIA employee's conviction confirmed after largest theft of top-secret information in agency's history

Schulte faces a second trial for child pornography on Sept. 11


Published August 29, 2023 4:14pm EDT





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04709c No.86655

File: 0d947daa14092d0⋯.jpg (82.54 KB,720x675,16:15,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 644c514f4b2793f⋯.mp4 (1.01 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 50f51b94900f1f1⋯.jpg (134.92 KB,720x1155,48:77,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484152 (032045ZSEP23) Notable: Tesla Owners Silicon Valley X

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Kinda evil looking with the swinging bloody meat tendrils

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04709c No.86656

File: 2ea8f179a8cc7fe⋯.jpeg (727.25 KB,892x5609,892:5609,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484153 (032045ZSEP23) Notable: Former Harvard Professor Charles Lieber sentenced to time served, fine for lying about China ties

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>Charles leiber

TILFormer Harvard Professor Charles Lieber sentenced to time served, fine for lying about China ties

Former Harvard Professor Charles Lieber who was found guilty of concealing his affiliation with a Chinese recruitment program wassentenced to time servedin prison (two days) and two years of supervised release with six months of home arrest, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Massachusetts.

He will also have to pay a fine of $50,000 and restitution to the Internal Revenue Service of $33,600.

In December 2021, Lieber was found guilty of concealing his affiliation with the Wuhan University of Technology and his participation in China’s Thousand Talents Program, a program designed by the Chinese government to recruit high-level scientists, and failing to report payments on his taxes, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Massachusetts.

A jury convicted the former chair of Harvard University’s chemistry and chemical biology department of two counts of making false statements to federal authorities, two counts of making and subscribing a false income tax return and two counts of failing to file reports of foreign bank and financial accounts with the IRS, according to the Department of Justice.

While his relationship with Wuhan University of Technology and the Thousand Talents Program were not illegal, he was found to have repeatedly lied to the U.S. government about it.

Prosecutors had asked the judge to sentence Lieber to 90 days in prison, one year of supervised release (including 90 days of home confinement), a $150,000 fine and restitution of $33,600 to the IRS. Prosecutors said the recommendation took into consideration Lieber's diagnosis of with follicular lymphoma an incurable, slow-growing form of cancer in approximately 2014. His immune system is considered compromised, according to court documents.

"Mr. Lieber lied to DCIS Special Agents about his ties to the Chinese government while conducting research for the DoD, and he eroded the trust the DoD has in its researchers to prioritize the United States and its service members over foreign governments, and over personal financial gain," Patrick J. Hegarty, the special agent in charge of the Defense Criminal Investigative Service, Northeast Field Office, said in a statement in December 2021.

PHOTO: Charles Lieber, center, arrives at federal court in Boston, Wednesday, April 26, 2023.

Charles Lieber, center, arrives at federal court in Boston, Wednesday, April 26, 2023. Lieber, a former Harvard University professor convicted of lying to federal investigators about his ties to a Chinese-run science recruitment...

Steven Senne/AP

Lieber was the principal investigator of Harvard University's Lieber Research Group, receiving more than $15 million in federal research grants from 2008 to 2019, according to the Department of Justice.

He became a strategic scientist at the Wuhan University of Technology and later a contractual participant in China’s Thousand Talents Plan from at least 2012 to 2015. The talents plan is designed to attract, recruit and cultivate high-level scientific talent in furtherance of China’s scientific development, economic prosperity and national security, according to the Department of Justice.

As part of a three-year contract, the Wuhan University of Technology paid Lieber a salary of up to $50,000 per month, living expenses of up to $150,000 and awarded him more than $1.5 million to establish a research lab at the Wuhan University of Technology, according to the DOJ.

In 2018 and 2019, Lieber lied to federal authorities about his involvement in the Thousand Talents Plan and his affiliation with the Wuhan University of Technology, according to the Department of Justice.

In tax years 2013 and 2014, Lieber earned income from the Wuhan University of Technology as part of the recruitment contracts, which he did not disclose on his federal income tax returns. After opening an account at a Chinese bank during a visit to Wuhan in 2012 with Wuhan University of Technology officials, Lieber received periodic transfers from 2013 to 2015 with portions of his salary into that account, according to the Department of Justice.


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04709c No.86657

File: 2399f536f024848⋯.png (582.43 KB,762x822,127:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484154 (032045ZSEP23) Notable: Former CIA employee's conviction confirmed after largest theft of top-secret information in agency's history, faces a second trial for child pornography/Schulte

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Former CIA employee's conviction confirmed after largest theft of top-secret information in agency's history

Schulte faces a second trial for child pornography on Sept. 11


Published August 29, 2023 4:14pm EDT

A U.S. judge on Tuesday threw out an obstruction charge but mostly upheld the conviction of a former Central Intelligence Agency software engineer for carrying out the largest theft of classified information in the agency's history.

Joshua Schulte, 34, was convicted in July 2022 on four counts each of espionage and computer hacking and one count of lying to FBI agents, after giving classified materials to WikiLeaks in the so-called Vault 7 leak.

WikiLeaks in March 2017 began publishing the materials, which concerned how the CIA surveilled foreign governments, alleged terrorists and others by compromising their electronics and computer networks.

Following the conviction, U.S. Attorney Damian Williams in Manhattan called the theft "one of the most brazen and damaging acts of espionage in American history."

n a 14-page decision, U.S. District Judge Jesse Furman in Manhattan found "more than sufficient" evidence to support Schulte's espionage and hacking convictions.

But he said Schulte's alleged lies to the FBI agents did not support the obstruction charge.

The judge found "no meaningful distinction" between Schulte's case and a 1995 Supreme Court decision, U.S. v. Aguilar, reaching the same conclusion.

"At best," Furman wrote, "the government proved that Schulte, knowing of the existence of a federal grand jury investigation, lied to federal investigators regarding issues pertinent to the grand jury's investigation. Under Aguilar, that does not suffice."Schulte represented himself at trial and in seeking to overturn his conviction. An earlier trial ended in a mistrial when jurors deadlocked.

Prosecutors have said Schulte was motivated to leak materials out of spite over how he thought the CIA treated him prior to his November 2016 resignation.

Schulte is being jailed at Brooklyn's Metropolitan Detention Center.

He faces a second trial beginning on Sept. 11 for allegedly receiving more than 10,000 images and videos of child pornography.

Prosecutors said they found the material in Schulte's Manhattan apartment, in an encrypted container beneath three layers of password protection, during the CIA leaks probe.

A lawyer representing Schulte in that case did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Williams' office declined to comment.

The case is U.S. v. Schulte, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, No. 17-cr-00548.

No. 17-cr-00548



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04709c No.86658

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484159 (032046ZSEP23) Notable: Former Harvard Professor Charles Lieber sentenced to time served, fine for lying about China ties

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PHOTO: FILE - Charles Lieber, the chair of Harvard Universitys chemistry and chemical biology department, is released from John Joseph Moakley United States Courthouse in Boston, Jan. 30, 2020.

Charles Lieber, the chair of Harvard Universitys chemistry and chemical biology department, is released from John Joseph Moakley United States Courthouse in Boston, Jan. 30, 2020.

Boston Globe via Getty Images, FILE

U.S. taxpayers are required to report the existence of any foreign bank account that holds more than $10,000 at any time during a given year by filing an FBAR with the IRS. Lieber failed to file FBARs for the years 2014 and 2015, according to the Department of Justice.

Lieber was indicted in June 2020 and was subsequently charged in a superseding indictment in July 2020.

For making false statements, Lieber could have faced up to five years in prison and a fine of $250,000; for making and subscribing false income tax returns he could have faced a sentence of up to three years in prison and a $100,000 fine; and for failing to file an FBAR he could have faced up to five years in prison and a fine of $250,000, according to the Department of Justice.

2 of 2

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04709c No.86659

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484176 (032051ZSEP23) Notable: Former Harvard Professor Charles Lieber sentenced to time served, fine for lying about China ties

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World's leading nanotech scientist.

Secretly Working for Wuhan Laboratory for 50k a month.

Nothing to see here.

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04709c No.86660

File: 19131af95592e2c⋯.png (77.36 KB,593x855,593:855,Clipboard.png)

File: f400f8480572cee⋯.png (332.43 KB,608x661,608:661,Clipboard.png)

File: efc24e78e3a837b⋯.png (270.21 KB,607x574,607:574,Clipboard.png)

File: cda492b12629040⋯.mp4 (3.72 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484191 (032054ZSEP23) Notable: Moar Loomer Nazi stuffs

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One of the Nazis who I caught on camera yesterday at the Nazi rally in Altamonte Springs, FL has been working with the CIA by his own admission to help recruit Nazis to fight in Ukraine where he himself fought alongside “Right Sector” and “Azov Battalion” with help from the CIA.

The Nazi rally in Florida yesterday is directly tied to the CIA and FBI and law enforcement sources have told me FBI agents were undercover at this rally.

Here is another video of Florida Nazi Kent “Boneface” McLellan saying the CIA helped him get to Ukraine years ago to fight alongside “Right Sector”, a Ukrainian Neo Nazi group that was propped up by the CIA in an effort to combat Russia.

He was one of the Nazis I spotted yesterday in Altamonte Springs, FL where he was waving a swastika flag, doing Roman salutes and saying “heil Hitler”, and shouting anti-Jewish slurs at me alongside his fellow Nazi friends.

He was arrested by the FBI in Florida in 2012 for planning what they called an act of domestic terrorism against minorities. He also reportedly served time in for prison for physically assaulting and beating immigrants.

Two years after he was arrested/ detained by the FBI, he was placed in touch with the CIA who helped him travel to Ukraine in 2014.

He obtained a Ukrainian passport in 2022.

How is he walking the streets of Florida?

Is he still working with the CIA and FBI?

Also, why is @RonDeSantis

allowing for the CIA to plant Nazis all over Florida in staged appearances which are then used by the media to falsely accuse Right wingers of being Nazis?

This guy is a Democrat deep state operative who is on video admitting that the CIA Helped him get to Ukraine and join a Nazi militia.

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04709c No.86661

File: 34ea3ef0aef3e5a⋯.png (107.04 KB,271x550,271:550,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484227 (032101ZSEP23) Notable: Former CIA employee's conviction confirmed after largest theft of top-secret information in agency's history, faces a second trial for child pornography/Schulte

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a CIA agent working w NSA?

According to former classmates, Schulte was infamous for drawing swastikas around school and in the yearbook of a Jewish student.[2] Some former students recalled Schulte exposing his genitals and trying to touch others or get them to touch him.[2] On one occasion, he and some of his friends got in trouble for trying to put their hands into the pants of a sleeping female student on a bus during a field trip.[2]

Schulte graduated from the University of Texas at Austin in 2011 with a degree in computer engineering.[2] While studying at the University of Texas, he began an internship for IBM.[2]


From January 2010 to May 2010, Schulte was employed as a systems engineer by the National Security Agency (NSA), including time spent within the Technology Directorate.[2][8] According to his LinkedIn profile, he began working for the CIA in May 2010 and was "employed within the National Clandestine Service (NCS) as a Directorate of Science and Technology (DS&T) Intelligence Officer."[9] After his arrest, it was revealed he had been a software engineer at the classified Operations Support Branch (OSB) at a secret CIA cyber facility in Virginia.[2] The OSB built "quick-reaction tools" based on ideas and prototypes for almost immediate use in missions. After Schulte showed his skills as a programmer, he was made a system administrator for the CIA's developer network, Devlan, in 2015. This gave him access to the network storing the source for OSB projects, and he could control who else had access.[2]


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04709c No.86662

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484284 (032111ZSEP23) Notable: #23929

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#23929 >>86604

>>86605 A biotech company says it put dopamine-making cells into people’s brains

>>86606, >>86643 Wide Awake Yet?

>>86607, >>86636 The Soviet blitzkrieg in the hills of Manchuria 78 years ago, the defeat of Japan marked the end of WWII.

>>86608 WHO Sparks Concerns About Power Grab with Global Pandemic Treaty: 'Restrict Individual Liberties'

>>86609 Biden Admin Kneecaps Task Force Charged with Protecting Kids from Predators Amid Criminal Surge

>>86610, >>86612 Dubstep producer Christine Clements, AKA Vaccine, dies aged 43

>>86611 Genspect is a good place to start./sex transitions

>>86613, >>86627, >>86628 RINOswampy wants a 59% Death Tax at a min. "We shouldn’t allow people to become billionaires just by having rich parents.”

>>86614 Minuteman III test hmmmm...

>>86615 DIY In Home Burning Man Instructions For the keks?????

>>86616 Fani Willis Linked To Massive Election Fraud And Money Laundering RICO Enterprise!

>>86617 Netanyahu Orders Deportation of Eritrean Asylum Seekers After Riots in Tel Aviv

>>86618 Arson Confirmed as the Cause of Louisiana’s Largest-Ever Wildfire in History

>>86619 FDA, CDC Hid Data On Spike In COVID Cases Among The Vaccinated: Documents

>>86620 Only Thing Today’s Avant-Garde ‘Artists’ Challenge is Our Patience

>>86621 Mississippi Democrat alleges voter fraud by his party’s county chair/videotape of Jacquie Amos going into boxes, bringing in thumb drives, bringing in ballots

>>86622 Remember when they said "Vaccinated individuals are no longer required to wear a mask"

>>86623, >>86624 Morse Code? w .space j .-p .-.space

>>86625 More Children Under the Age of 16 Died from Non-COVID Vaccines than COVID Vaccines Since December 2020

>>86626 Pentagon Urges End To Fighting Among Rival US-Backed Militias In East Syria

>>86629 Mexico Places Piece of Berlin Wall Next to Open US Border saying “May This Be a Lesson!”

>>86630 Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI) Blasts ‘Insane’ DOD Gender-Neutral Policy: Wasting Time on ‘Wokeness Instead of Warfighting’

>>86631 Biden Asserts Executive Privilege, Refuses to Allow Release of 200 Hunter-Related Emails, Waived Trump’s Executive Privilege to Raid Mar-a-Lago

>>86632 @ProTrumpTeam2024 Q - WHERE WE GO ONE WE GO ALL

>>86633 Sept 20 Pandemic Treaty Declaration @ UN HQ NYC

>>86634, >>86650 PANIC: “I’ve Never Seen Anything Like This… It’s a Movement!”– Donna Brazile/Gen Flynn rebuts

>>86635, >>86637 Migrant smugglers now offering $10K travel ‘packages’ to illegal border-crossers

>>86638 @Kash Garland making up more laws that dont exist to justify DOJ stonewalling of congressional subpoenas

>>86639 Musk’s X May Be On The Verge Of Enforcing Censorship Similar To His Predecessors

>>86641 @ObamaMalik KEK!!!

>>86642, >>86647 Vatican control of World Health Organization population policy An interview with Milton P. Siegel

>>86644, >>86655 Tesla Owners Silicon Valley X

>>86645, >>86640 The whole Hood be rallying behind Trump.

>>86646 @realDonaldTrump Ask yourself: WERE YOU BETTER OFF TODAY, OR FOUR YEARS AGO?

>>86648 “FDA is not a Physician.” ivermectin

>>86649 How a Sloppy Australian Conspiracy Unraveled in Just Two Weeks

>>86652 Wisconsin deer farm infected with fatal brain disease

>>86653 Federal judge rules in favor of a Maine professor who was terminated from her position for challenging COVID-19 mandates

>>86656, >>86658, >>86651, >>86659 Former Harvard Professor Charles Lieber sentenced to time served, fine for lying about China ties

>>86657, >>86654, >>86661 Former CIA employee's conviction confirmed after largest theft of top-secret information in agency's history, faces a second trial for child pornography/Schulte

>>86660 Moar Loomer Nazi stuffs


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04709c No.86663

File: 1fe28c0bc970fb6⋯.jpeg (140.71 KB,750x1000,3:4,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d6a1cd88720605d⋯.png (298.14 KB,876x655,876:655,Clipboard.png)

File: 8a91fb1eb9093d5⋯.png (850.74 KB,712x909,712:909,Clipboard.png)

File: 1ab15ebd1731d33⋯.jpeg (117.99 KB,828x828,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: eebe0ec54ac57a1⋯.png (969.19 KB,860x1331,860:1331,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484305 (032113ZSEP23) Notable: #23930

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Baker taps

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04709c No.86664

File: ff2cd916d4262a2⋯.png (843.66 KB,751x499,751:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484336 (032118ZSEP23) Notable: Anderson Cooper is reporting Live from Burning Man [must be a joke in there somewhere...]

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BREAKING:Anderson Cooper is reporting Live from Burning Man

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04709c No.86665

File: 1cc4e18aece62d6⋯.png (501.92 KB,600x336,25:14,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484346 (032121ZSEP23) Notable: Not climate change: Arson confirmed as cause of LA state's largest-ever blaze

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BUSTED! Not climate change: Arson confirmed as cause of state's largest-ever blaze

State officials announced Saturday that the devastating wildfire that ravaged over 33,000 acres in Louisiana — the largest in the state’s history — was caused by arson.


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04709c No.86666

File: fab41ef4e2f20c0⋯.png (1.07 MB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484367 (032124ZSEP23) Notable: Fauci roasted as ‘fraud’ and ‘liar’ after being confronted with damning study on masks

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PANIC: Fauci roasted as ‘fraud’ and ‘liar’ after being confronted with damning study on masks

Social media erupted after Dr. Anthony Fauci was confronted by a CNN host over a study showing face masks made little to no difference in the pandemic.


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04709c No.86667

File: 7e8da40c61419c0⋯.png (568.7 KB,700x420,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484369 (032125ZSEP23) Notable: 12-14-2020: Georgia Alternate Electors Sought to Emulate JFK-Nixon Challenge in 1960

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Georgia alternate electors sought to emulate JFK-Nixon challenge in 1960, transcript shows

Georgia Alternate Electors Sought to Emulate JFK-Nixon Challenge in 1960, Transcript Shows

A transcript of the Dec. 14, 2020, meeting of the Georgia alternate electors shows the group convened following the advice of President Donald Trump's legal counsel, seeking to emulate then-Vice President Richard Nixon's challenge of the 1960 election resu...


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04709c No.86668

File: f54159ae0fe5342⋯.png (2.01 MB,1280x853,1280:853,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484391 (032129ZSEP23) Notable: Nazis in Ukraine is not a new thing: there's a monument to Nazi collaboratorsoutside Philadelphia.

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Nazis in Ukraine is not a new thing: For 30 years, a memorial to Nazi collaborators sat largely unnoticed just outside Philadelphia.

"The slab was erected by veterans groups about 30 years ago at St. Mary’s Ukrainian Catholic Cemetery to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the creation of the unit, which drew volunteers and conscripts from Nazi-occupied Ukraine to fight for Germany during World War II."

"But, unlike hundreds of Confederate statues around the United States — or the Christopher Columbus statue in South Philly — this monument and its Cyrillic dedication have largely escaped wider public scrutiny."

Elkins Park in Montgomery County has several synagogues ... and one large monument to Nazi collaborators. Many people had no idea it existed until recently.

Elkins Park in Montgomery County has several synagogues ... and one large monument to Nazi collaborators. Many people had no idea it existed until recently. mobile death battalion’ — is not the strongest of arguments.

” John-Paul Himka, a retired history professor at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, and an expert on Ukrainian history, said SS Galizien had “very little to do with the Holocaust” since it was not formed until 1943 and first saw combat the following year. But, Himka said, the unit was also tied to other war crimes during World War II.

“Galizien fought with the Germans against the Soviets; it helped suppress the Slovak uprising; it was involved in atrocities against Poles and Slovaks; it welcomed into its ranks many perpetrators of the ethnic cleansing against the Polish population and of the Holocaust; it propagated antisemitism and seems to have been involved in a roundup of Jews in Brody in 1944,” Himka said by email. “I cannot accept the notion that they were ‘freedom fighters.’”

St. Mary’s Ukrainian Catholic Cemetery, where the monument is located, is owned by the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, located


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04709c No.86669

File: 9ac272e03fda84c⋯.png (407.29 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484401 (032130ZSEP23) Notable: Superior Court Judge’s “Mistakes” Lead Arizona Appeals Court to REJECT Abe Hamadeh’s Stolen Election Lawsuit

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EXCLUSIVE: “At Every Turn, The Legal System Seems to Thwart Our Good Faith Efforts” – Superior Court Judge’s “Mistakes” Lead Arizona Appeals Court to REJECT Abe Hamadeh’s Stolen Election Lawsuit

"At Every Turn, The Legal System Seems to Thwart Our Good Faith Efforts" - Superior Court Judge's "Mistakes" Lead Ari...

The incompetent Mohave County Superior Court Judge presiding over Abe Hamadeh’s stolen election lawsuit, Lee F.


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04709c No.86670

File: 31ea2811caeb19f⋯.png (389.04 KB,600x552,25:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484432 (032136ZSEP23) Notable: Minnesota prison on emergency lockdown after dozens of inmates refuse to go back to cells

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Fox News



Minnesota prison on emergency lockdown after dozens of inmates refuse to go back to cells


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04709c No.86671

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484446 (032138ZSEP23) Notable: DELTA 767 TEXTBOOK Engine Failure on Takeoff - Prague/JFK

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DELTA 767 TEXTBOOK Engine Failure on Takeoff - Prague/JFK


378K subscribers

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04709c No.86672

File: 3d003319759c45d⋯.png (850.14 KB,634x634,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484465 (032142ZSEP23) Notable: 130,000 acres of farmland sold to Chinese billionaire by TX mogul

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Texas mogul is branded 'treacherous' over 'deal of the century' which saw him sell 130,000 acres of farmland to Chinese billionaire

David Frankens, of Lufkin, East Texas, has sparked fury among local ranchers after he sold swathes of land to Sun Guangxin, a former Chinese military captain

Local realtors claim Frankens made 'millions of dollars' in profit from the trades, in which he would buy the land before selling it on to Sun within the same day

The Texan businessman has since been accused by one of his former ranch managers of cornering him in his office and punching him in the head

A Texan real estate mogul allegedly made 'millions of dollars' by selling vast swathes of local farmland to a Chinese billionaire with close ties to Beijing.

David Frankens, from Lufkin, East Texas, scored the 'deals of the century' when flipping the land at around twice its market value to Sun Guangxin, a former captain in the Chinese military, local realtors told DailyMail.com.

The trades have sparked fury among ranchers in Val Verde County, where Sun bought more than 130,000 acres of farmland for an estimated $110million between 2016 and 2018.

A report written by former CIA officials, seen by DailyMail.com, suggested the Chinese billionaire could be considered a national security risk by US authorities due to his extensive links to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

One local landowner described the Frankens' actions as 'treacherous'.


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04709c No.86673

File: f1b0ef8956edba3⋯.png (90.98 KB,1112x948,278:237,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484475 (032144ZSEP23) Notable: ICYMI: Important Articles and Posts from President Trump

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ICYMI: Important Articles and Posts from President Trump

September 03, 2023


“Trump Is Top Choice for Nearly 60% of GOP Voters, WSJ Poll Shows”

Read the full article by Aaron Zitner and John McCormick with WSJ here.

“‘It Worked Very Well For Him’: RFK Jr Reacts To Trump’s Mug Shot”

Read the full article by Corey Walker with the Daily Caller here.

“Trump Takes Matters Into His Own Hands For Gold Star Families”

Read the full article by Taylor Gold with America Insider here.

“Anatomy of an Ukraine prosecutor’s ouster: the Joe and Hunter Biden timeline”

Read the full article by Steven Richards and John Solomon with Just the News here.

“National Archives acknowledges 5,400 Biden pseudonym emails, faces lawsuit for their release.”

Read the full article by Madeleine Hubbard with Just the News here.

“Joe Biden's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad month, my son and fentanyl”

Read the full article from Fox News here.

“Trump's GOP support has only climbed since the indictments began”

Read the full article by Mabinty Quarshie with Washington Examiner here.

“Republicans see opportunity to win black voters as Biden bleeds their support”

Read the full article by Ben Whedon with Just the News here.

“Post-GOP Debate Survey Shows Trump Didn't Suffer for Skipping”

Read the full article by Eli Yokley with Morning Consult Pro here.

“New Hampshire Secretary of State Backs Down, ‘Not Seeking’ to Remove Trump from Ballot”

Read the full article by Jordan Dixon-Hamilton with Breitbart here.

“Border Patrol Union Chief says Trump won on the border security despite not being at debate”

Read the full article by Charlotte Hazard with Just the News here.

“Trump is the greatest defender of the Constitution alive today”

Read the full article by Charles Hurt with the Washington Times here.

“Trump Mocks GOP Rivals As 'Second-Class Acts'”

Read the full article by Sarah Arnold with Townhall here.

“Trump Calls on Republican DA's, Urges ‘Eye for an Eye Strategy to Combat Weaponization of Justice”

Read the full article by Summer Lane with RSBN here.

“President Trump Vows to Be a ‘Champion’ for Homeschool Families in Second Term”

Read the full article by Summer Lane with RSBN here.

“WATCH: President Trump Releases Statement on His Mugshot, Calls Indictments “Bullsh*t”

Read the full article by Jordan Conradson with the Gateway Pundit here.

“Trump vs. ‘American Carnage’”

Read the full article by Charles Hurt with the Washington Times here.

“From One Unapologetic Media Hoax to the Next”

Read the full article by Victor Davis Hanson with Real Clear Politics here.


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04709c No.86674

File: f2dc298f28d8f1e⋯.png (142.58 KB,600x558,100:93,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484523 (032152ZSEP23) Notable: Friday's Job report: 1.2 Million Native-Born Workers Lost Their Jobs, Replaced With 668K Foreign-Born Workers

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The Real Shocker In Friday's Jobs Report: 1.2 Million Native-Born Workers Lost Their Jobs, And Were Replaced With 668K Foreign-Born Workers



The last one please, turn off the lights.

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04709c No.86675

File: 4ed6278e2e27f43⋯.mp4 (2.74 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

File: b4e68ad39fe7b23⋯.mp4 (5.12 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484526 (032152ZSEP23) Notable: Burning Man News

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Someone didn't check the 10 day weather forecast...


70,000 people are trapped on site due to flooding and mud.

🔥🔥 Burning Man participants with marxism/communist ideology can soon identify as dead.



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04709c No.86676

File: bebe147b5b138b7⋯.png (392.99 KB,611x896,611:896,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484539 (032155ZSEP23) Notable: Claim: Doomed MH370 aircraft which vanished from radar ‘found’ in remote jungle spot

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Doomed MH370 aircraft which vanished from radar ‘found’ in remote jungle spot

Malaysian Airlines plane MH370 took off from Kuala Lumpur on March 8, 2014 with 227 passengers and 12 crew members. It vanished during a handover between Malaysian and Vietnamese air-traffic controllers.

A British tech expert has claimed to have found the missing MH370 plane after spending “hours” scanning Google Maps.

Ian Wilson believes the remains of the doomed flight are lying deep in a jungle in Cambodia.

Citing a “green and dark” spot in the jungle, he claims it represents the missing plane.

Investigators have worked extensively since the plane vanished but, despite releasing a 1,500-page report, they have admitted they still cannot say what happened.

Though Mr Wilson’s findings are not considered substantial evidence of the missing flight, the Bureau of Aircraft Investigations Archives said they could not rule out the Google Maps sighting.

Mr Wilson said: “I was on there [Google Earth], a few hours here, a few hours there. If you added it up I spent hours searching for places a plane could have gone down.

“And in the end, as you can see the place where the plane is. It is literally the greenest, darkest part you can see.

“Measuring the Google sighting, you're looking at around 69 metres, but there looks to be a gap between the tail and the back of the plane.

“It's just slightly bigger, but there's a gap that would probably account for that.”


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04709c No.86677

File: 1ac19505ee021b3⋯.png (53.48 KB,906x436,453:218,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484570 (032200ZSEP23) Notable: Tom Fitton: Can Trump become House Speaker and lead impeachment?

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Tom Fitton


In theory!


Patrick A




Replying to @TomFitton and @realDonaldTrump

Can Trump become House Speaker and lead impeachment?





Sep 03, 2023, 5:34 PM


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04709c No.86678

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484574 (032200ZSEP23) Notable: ‘A real threat’: PM backs widespread arrests, eyes deportations in migrant crackdown

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‘A real threat’: PM backs widespread arrests, eyes deportations in migrant crackdown

After riots, cabinet members okay administrative detentions, weigh pulling work permits; Netanyahu says they’ll also strive ‘to get all the rest of the illegal infiltrators out’

A special ministerial committee convened Sunday in the wake of intense rioting between Eritrean groups on Tel Aviv’s streets over the weekend okayed widespread arrests, allowing police to use an administrative procedure that lowers the evidentiary bar for detention.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu argued that migration from African countries constituted “a real threat to Israel’s character and future as a Jewish and democratic state.”

Some 30,000 migrants, mostly from Sudan and Eritrea, are thought to be in the country, with many of them contending they are refugees from war and oppression. Most African migrants arrived in Israel through Egypt in 2007-2012, before Israel built a barrier along the desert border. Few migrants have arrived since that time.

The ministers also agreed to consider canceling work permits for migrants and to advance a new quasi-constitutional Basic Law on immigration.

Beyond responding to Saturday’s rioters, Netanyahu said at the meeting that he’d convened the forum “to prepare a complete and updated plan to get all the rest of the illegal infiltrators out of Israel.”

The Israeli right largely rejects African migrants’ claims of asylum-seeking and routinely refers to all migrants, regardless of motives and circumstances, as “infiltrators.”


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04709c No.86679

File: f0cba51e20952aa⋯.png (670.59 KB,700x394,350:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484594 (032202ZSEP23) Notable: Corporate Media Gripped A Nation In "Climate Anxiety" Despite Scientists Who Say 'No Emergency'

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Corporate Media Gripped A Nation In "Climate Anxiety" Despite Scientists Who Say 'No Emergency'. "Media should be our bulwark against BS. Instead, it is BS."


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04709c No.86680

File: 33d2c6d01bda4db⋯.png (633.34 KB,700x394,350:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484603 (032203ZSEP23) Notable: US To Arm Ukraine With Toxic Depleted Uranium Munitions

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US To Arm Ukraine With Toxic Depleted Uranium Munitions


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04709c No.86681

File: 365258298610129⋯.png (105.99 KB,798x527,798:527,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484625 (032205ZSEP23) Notable: Claim: Doomed MH370 aircraft which vanished from radar ‘found’ in remote jungle spot

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Google Maps tech expert claims he's found doomed flight MH370 in 'darkest part of Cambodian jungle'

Ian Wilson, a technology geek, has offered a potentially ground-breaking theory into the world's greatest missing plane mystery

ByBradley JollyNews Reporter

08:26, 5 Sep 2018 Updated08:26, 6 Sep 2018


Must be some sort of re-cycled MSM junk...

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04709c No.86682

File: 90346317c2fa511⋯.png (604.29 KB,720x1449,80:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484648 (032208ZSEP23) Notable: @CannConActual says that the deleted evidence proves Trump won by around 2,000 votes in Georgia.

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GWP writer @CannConActual says that the deleted evidence proves Trump won by around 2,000 votes in Georgia.

PigBenis [S] 1 point 47 minutes ago +1 / -0


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04709c No.86683

File: f434ff9d2072d49⋯.jpeg (99.49 KB,550x512,275:256,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 66a2712e38ddda6⋯.jpeg (201.85 KB,1120x689,1120:689,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484660 (032210ZSEP23) Notable: Sundance: Iowa Republican Party Begins to Make Their Move Against MAGA

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Iowa Republican Party Begins to Make Their Move Against MAGA – Reminder of The Core Battle==1/2

September 3, 2023 | Sundance |

Before outlining the moves of the GOPe/RNC/RGA as they are unfolding in Iowa, it is absolutely critical for people to understand the landscape of American politics.

The functional mission of the UniParty apparatus is not based on ideology; the core and consequential baseline revolves around the business of American politics and the motives of the people who control the institutions within it. For this outline I focus only on the Republican wing, the GOP corporation, one side of the professional business apparatus.

WRITE THIS DOWN and force yourself to remember it every day. “The Republican Party priority is to retain their business, to control the outcomes, and this has nothing to do with winning elections.” The RNC would rather lose elections and retain power, than win elections and lose operational control over the apparatus.

In the past several decades, the motive of a Republican or Democrat politician advancing their influence by running for political office has absolutely nothing to do with representing the interests of the American people. Nothing. Their interests are to engage within the business of politics, while presenting themselves as qualified actors to retain the premise of political service. This is why they will spend $10 million to win an office that only pays $400k/yr.

The business of buying, selling and controlling policy, is the core operation of people within the US political system. As an outcome, the business has two wings – the RNC and the DNC. Two private corporations inside the political industry who are in place to retain the overall business model. The RNC and DNC are both funded by the same interests, banks, corporations, Wall St interests, and even foreign interests who purchase outcomes.

The RNC and DNC are two operational wings inside the industry of politics. The are in the same business, but they have slightly different business models.

The Republicans (RNC) want money, the Democrats (DNC) want power. The Republicans use power to get money, the Democrats use money to get power. The donor activity of the Republicans drives their agenda. The agenda of the Democrats drives their donor activity. It is a subtle nuance, but once you really understand it, everything falls into place.

The Republican politicians are ambivalent to the outcomes of the Democrats. The Republican group only cares about the money. Threaten the power of the Democrats and you get a toxic and violent response. Threaten the money of the Republicans and you get exactly the same level of response.

Democrats are triggered when you threaten their power, their ability to control. Republicans are triggered when you threaten their money, their ability to enrich.

The primary of 2024 is the election season when we see firsthand this corporate battle explode inside in the Republican group. Decades of entrenched power are at stake, and there have been four years of counter positioning and backroom discussion leading up to this moment.

As a consequence, and I know this might sound odd to many people – but winning and/or losing elections becomes a secondary issue. The people who control the RNC as a private corporation, the people who fund the business, are not focused on winning elections. The RNC corporation is focused on retaining mission control.

The RNC want to give the illusion of support for MAGA conservatism, because the illusion of choice requires a base voter. However, every move they make on an operational level is exactly in line with their previous outlook toward cocktail-class corporate republicanism. The MAGA base of support cannot trust this corporate group, and we must not be blind or unguarded about the Machiavellian schemes they construct.

Donald Trump is not a problem for the Republican Party;Donald Trump is our response to the problem within the Republican Party….


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04709c No.86684

File: bf94a9ee11e9d05⋯.jpeg (152.8 KB,796x1199,796:1199,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a60151cbe39bc8b⋯.jpeg (62.91 KB,720x479,720:479,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484674 (032212ZSEP23) Notable: Sundance: Iowa Republican Party Begins to Make Their Move Against MAGA

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Republicans are far more violent, hate-filled and vitriolic than Democrats when their money is threatened. As long as the money is not threatened, Republicans happily play the game and permit the Democrats to purchase their votes and support. However, threaten the money of the Republicans, and they will be the very first to go nuclear… including the intentional loss of any/all elections in order to preserve their stake.

This dichotomy, ambivalence and illusion, is what you saw in the 2018 midterms, 2020 general and 2022 midterms from the professional Republicans. The MAGA team, who identify as Republicans as a method for ballot entry, are the only ones who will fight to change this dynamic. Therefore, the Republican Party views the MAGA insurgents as the enemy that must be removed.

Now, toThe Republican Party of Iowa Central Committee has refused to set a date by which a voter must choose Republican voter affiliation in order to participate in the January 15 caucus. The private club is positioning to block the MAGA insurgency and advance the DeSantis operation; because if the approved RNC candidate doesn’t win in Iowa, Godzilla Trump will take the momentum and destroy the club.

The result is that Iowa Democrats (who have screwed up their own caucuses, so they will be free on Jan. 15) will swarm the Republican caucuses to cause mischief. Iowans, who are not stupid, know exactly what “mischief” means in this context. At best it means a rough night and some bruises. At worst, ask Joe Biggs.

This is an inside job by the Republican Party of Iowa. During the legislative session earlier this year, they were all set to pass a bill setting the deadline for registration at 70 days prior to the caucus date. Then, suddenly, the “lawyers” said legislators had to take that provision out, and that the Republican Party of Iowa would handle it by resolution.

The private corporation needs control.

As we have witnessed in Georgia, watch the professional party apparatus in Iowa align with a singular mission, to protect their business model.

♦ In Iowa – the SEA ISLAND DeSantis crew have funded and planted Asa Hutchinson and Mike Pence to camp out. They are supported by Governor Kim Reynolds. The goal is to use the Jeff Roe Cruz Crew, and roughly 1,000 paid Never Back Down (NBD) conscripts to do the Astroturf.

Let me emphasize a key point. The Republican Party is not positioning to win the 2024 election. The goal of the Republican Party is to remove the threat represented by Donald Trump. When you start there, all of the RNC weaknesses or flaws look very different, very purposeful.

Donald J. Trump isn’t the cause of the Republican failure; he is the result of their failure.

The people in control of Republican Club do not care who is in the White House, that is a secondary objective.What they care about right now is controlling the Republican corporation and stopping the hostile takeover.

(We know who you are!)


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04709c No.86685

File: 91e8309adb93339⋯.png (514.43 KB,636x382,318:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484731 (032222ZSEP23) Notable: Hollywood strikes leave California with $5bn bill

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Hollywood strikes leave California with $5bn bill

An entire economic eco-system, including caterers, dry cleaners and drivers have been impacted by the strikes.


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04709c No.86686

File: 456f74d83468dbf⋯.png (785.98 KB,768x435,256:145,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484735 (032223ZSEP23) Notable: Burning Man News

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People At Burning Man Punished By Being At Burning Man

BLACK ROCK CITY, NV — People who chose to attend the infamous Burning Man Festival have been punished by being at the Burning Man Festival.


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04709c No.86687

File: b0dac77ebcf4004⋯.png (600.25 KB,700x394,350:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484744 (032224ZSEP23) Notable: NO REFUNDS: FDA, CDC Hid Data On Spike In COVID Cases Among The Vaccinated

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NO REFUNDS: FDA, CDC Hid Data On Spike In COVID Cases Among The Vaccinated: Documents


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04709c No.86688

File: 43c3090b3de6847⋯.png (1.04 MB,506x885,506:885,Clipboard.png)

File: 9477c53b84ed746⋯.png (146.04 KB,536x745,536:745,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484748 (032225ZSEP23) Notable: Burning Man News

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Neal Katyal, Supreme Ct lawyer, hikes out of Burning Man self-imposed hell



It was an incredibly harrowing 6 mile hike at midnight through heavy and slippery mud, but I got safely out of Burning Man. Never been before and it was fantastic (with brilliant art and fabulous music)…except the ending.



1 hr ago

Who is Neal Katyal?


Supreme Ct lawyer;law professor;extremist centrist. Former US Acting Solicitor General. New podcast Courtside

Neal Katyal reposted

Katie Phang


Donald Trump loses his appeal and now must sit for a deposition in @petestrzok’s lawsuit.

So much winning.

Or is it “whining”?…


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04709c No.86689

File: 913ca8db3b58d13⋯.png (1.55 MB,1320x530,132:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484750 (032225ZSEP23) Notable: Burning Man News

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04709c No.86690

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484751 (032225ZSEP23) Notable: No, There’s NOT An Ebola Outbreak At Burning Man

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Coagulated Man = psyop panic

No, There’s Not An Ebola Outbreak At Burning Man

TodayFestival-goers at Burning Man in the Nevada desert are currently struggling with severe mud after storms flooded the event, forcing organizers to close the only road in and out.


The msm's imploding, nothing on (c)nn)

about outbreak.

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04709c No.86691

File: 190d45b3ca3f31c⋯.png (1.25 MB,768x576,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484765 (032227ZSEP23) Notable: Kevin McCarthy Changes Position - Will Allow Media, Defendants Limited Access to J6 Footage

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Kevin McCarthy Changes Position - Will Allow Media, Defendants Limited Access to 44,000 Hours of Footage from Jan. 6 Protests | ...

In late February, Axios reported that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy had given Fox News’ Tucker Carlson exclusive access to 41,000 hours of Capitol surveillance footage from the Jan.


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04709c No.86692

File: 9dcab1c4bcb19a4⋯.png (141.93 KB,768x384,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484778 (032229ZSEP23) Notable: 2020 Election: Could Trump’s claims have merit? [Gee, d'ya think???]

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An analysis of voting data from Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin

2020 Election: Could Trump’s claims have merit?

An analysis of voting data from Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin


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04709c No.86693

File: 2096823a022aaaf⋯.png (813.43 KB,743x807,743:807,Clipboard.png)

File: 2096823a022aaaf⋯.png (813.43 KB,743x807,743:807,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484785 (032230ZSEP23) Notable: Hunt on for escaped illegal alien killer

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Labor Day Weekend Jailbreak: Manhunt Underway for ‘Extremely Dangerous’ Illegal Alien Killer Who Escaped Prison


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04709c No.86694

File: 5507eb59f23ee6c⋯.png (561.95 KB,820x687,820:687,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484788 (032231ZSEP23) Notable: ‘We Fight Back’: California Shopkeepers Chase Off Suspected Thief

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‘We Fight Back’: California Shopkeepers Chase Off Suspected Thief


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04709c No.86695

File: 3a55433cdf5251d⋯.png (334.03 KB,596x585,596:585,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484808 (032234ZSEP23) Notable: O'Keefe: NJ Mayor and US Senate Candidate @SignorelloForNJ asks me for a OMG hidden camera to ambush me

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James O'Keefe


MUST WATCH: NJ Mayor and US Senate Candidate @SignorelloForNJ

asks me for a OMG hidden camera in an attempt to ambush me.

He then claimed I didn’t have a right to be at the Rosell Park school board meeting since I don’t have kids in the district. The kicker? He doesn’t either!

0:23 / 2:15

11:05 AM · Sep 3, 2023




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04709c No.86696

File: deacd363ae0a35c⋯.png (442.94 KB,587x580,587:580,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484814 (032235ZSEP23) Notable: Find the Fed: Loomer Identifies Leader of "Goyim Defense League" With Ties to the ADL

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The Gateway Pundit


(READY) Find the Fed: Loomer Identifies Leader of “Goyim Defense League” With Ties to the ADL via @gatewaypundit


(READY) Find the Fed: Loomer Identifies Leader of "Goyim Defense League" With Ties to the ADL | The...

covid and political witch hunts, the left’s favorite boogeyman of them all, the “Nazis,” are roaring back just in time for election season.

11:21 AM · Sep 3, 2023




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04709c No.86697

File: 0d6a8b716868b43⋯.png (259.03 KB,408x622,204:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484828 (032239ZSEP23) Notable: Unemployment jumped from 3.5% to 3.8% in Aug

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Unemployment jumped from 3.5% to 3.8% in August

6.3 million people are unemployed.

We haven't been this close to recession in decades, but Joe Biden continues to lie about the economy.

It’s not Bidenomics, it’s Bidenflation.


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04709c No.86698

File: 06a0d7112d098eb⋯.png (467.92 KB,619x586,619:586,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484841 (032242ZSEP23) Notable: Find the Fed: Loomer Identifies Leader of "Goyim Defense League" With Ties to the ADL

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Laura Loomer


Find the Fed: Here's Hoping Someone Can Identify the Tattooed "Nazis" at Gathering in Florida ...UPDATE: One Nazi Identified - Says He Was Backed by CIA


Find the Fed: Here's Hoping Someone Can Identify the Tattooed "Nazis" at Gathering in Florida...

The feds were out marching again today.

11:40 AM · Sep 3, 2023




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04709c No.86699

File: 21aa71dfb0def25⋯.png (49.05 KB,525x275,21:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484856 (032245ZSEP23) Notable: PDJT on Crooked Joe Biden Campaign has thrown Indictments and lawsuits against Trump

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Donald J. Trump


The Crooked Joe Biden Campaign has thrown so many Indictments and lawsuits against me that Republicans are already thinking about what we are going to do to Biden and the Communists when it’s our turn. They have started a whole new Banana Republic way of thinking about political campaigns. So cheap and dirty, but that’s where America is right now. Be careful what you wish for!

Sep 03, 2023, 6:40 PM


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04709c No.86700

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484903 (032253ZSEP23) Notable: PEDOGATE: Women Operatives In Very High Places

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PEDOGATE: Women Operatives In Very High Places

Covert Anglo-American Network of “Crown Agents’ Sisters” Revealed

Abel Danger Mischief Makers – Mistress of the Revels – ‘Man-In-The-Middle’ Attacks

Posted: MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2010

Prepared by: Abel Danger


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04709c No.86701

File: 9d00449e2123f5e⋯.png (312.46 KB,592x814,8:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484904 (032254ZSEP23) Notable: More on MAUI fire

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I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸


Another lady is letting Oprah and The Rock know how she feels about them

asking peasants for money to raise for Maui.

Watch until the end 🤣🤣🤣

11:11 AM · Sep 3, 2023




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04709c No.86702

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484941 (032259ZSEP23) Notable: More on MAUI fire

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US Congress & Pentagon fight over UFO Disclosure, Fleet of Mexico UFOs & ET Revelations on Maui Fire

Topics covered in the Week in Review - Exopolitics Today Sept 2, 2023:

· Congress and Pentagon power struggle over UFO Disclosure,

· UFO fleet emerges from Mexico Volcano,

· Alien entities being seen in Peru,

· Interview with First Whistleblower on reverse engineering spacecraft,

· John Lear revelations,

· Elena Danaan on Prince Ea’s Lahaina Revelations & Assassination Attempts,

· UAP threat perceptions continue to dominate mainstream news,

· Interview with LA Marzulli,

· Pushback on David Grusch testimony,

· Official UAP website created with intervention by Deputy Secretary of Defense, Kathleen Hicks.


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04709c No.86703

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484943 (032259ZSEP23) Notable: PEDOGATE: Women Operatives In Very High Places

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1. Kristine Marcy (nee McConnell) “[Revised August 10, 2012: Kristine Marcy is a Matrix 5 principal and the 1979 founder and de-facto president of the Senior Executive Service (‘SES’); she allegedly borrowed British Bankers Association money at Libor Minus Sex Per Cent to modify ConAir – U.S. Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System – planes for missions such as the Norad Santa exercise of 1996; she allegedly flew ConAir prisoners on furlough to prepare a Libor $118,000 ransom note at a crime scene associated with the snuff film and torture killing of JonBenet Ramsey on Christmas Day 1996; she allegedly used the snuff film to extort national security concessions from JonBenet’s father and Lockheed Martin directors in 1996, including Lynne Cheney and Norman Mineta; she and co-recipients of the Gore Hammer awards, allegedly used Clipper chips and the Nortel-developed Joint Automated Booking Station (JABS) in the spoliation of evidence of the JonBenet murder in Boulder, Colorado in 1996, and the Gareth Williams murder some time in August 2010 in Pimlico, London, U.K.; she allegedly developed JABS for David Blood and Al Gore to authorize serial and/or mass murders of ‘Mindless Breathers – Useless Breeders’; she is allegedly rewarded with other JABS users for the management of evidence at Blood & Gore crime scenes with money laundered through the Department of Justice Assets Forfeiture Fund; she was the 1996 recipient of Vice President Gore’s Hammer Award for Reinventing Government Programs for her work in creating the Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System (JPATS – nick named ‘Con Air’);

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04709c No.86704

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484953 (032300ZSEP23) Notable: PEDOGATE: Women Operatives In Very High Places

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she allegedly procured time lapse keys for use by a matrix of Her Majesty’s Crown Uranian (see anagram for Manchurian) cells inside DOJ Pride to conceal Paperclip passport frauds exposing Obama as a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies (CUKC); she allegedly directs the extortion of man-in-the-middle officials in the U.S. Department of Justice, the Bar Associations of the District of Columbia and the U.S. Court of Military Appeals, and the U.S. Supreme Court; she appears to have used .tv snuff films to extort the Office of Personnel Management into concealing Obama’s ties to a Mau Mau oath-taking family in Kenya; she allegedly linked the U.S. Small Business Administration’s HUBZone Settlements to an E-Comm command center in British Columbia where 9-1-1 operators learn how to stage a murder during the production of a horror film production with unwitting (?) actors or extras; she allegedly formed a joint venture between Macdonald Dettwiler and Associates and the U.S. Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System (‘Con Air’) to use Sabre seat reservation technology to monitor the movements of pig farm oath takers; she allegedly used SBA 8(a) mentor-protégé companies to modify an EC135C Speckled Trout aircraft carrying General Henry Shelton and support a Uranian attempt to overthrow of the United States government on 9/11; she allegedly set up a revolving fund (# 15X4275) with bona vacantia – ownerless goods – in a joint venture with Star Chamber insiders, the Treasury Solicitor, Permira (Schroder Salomon Smith Barney in WTC#7) and organized crime groups to finance modifications of aircraft for the 9/11 attacks; she allegedly procured ‘Con Air’ Lear Jet aircraft for use by Bombardier’s homicidal EW pilot, Russell Williams to support the SES Speckled Trout chain of command and the decoy-and-drone maneuvers of 911; she allegedly used USIS files and Canadian Privy Council insider and NAPA vice president Lena Trudeau to create virtual ‘al-Qaeda’ operatives; she allegedly auctioned off SBA 8(a) CDOs just before the 9/11 attacks and assigned patented-device incendiary liquidation rights to D2 Banking and KPMG clients at Canary Wharf; she allegedly used images of Uranian pig-farm oath ceremonies to extort 9/11 cooperation from the likes of Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Frank Carlucci, Lynn McNulty, Dr. David Finkleman, Gen. Ralph E. Eberhart, Rear Admiral Gordon Piche, Robert Mueller, Bruce McConnell and Generals Haig, Shelton and Shalikashvili; she is the de facto President and Chief Executive Officer of Washington D.C.-based NAPA (The National Academy of Public Administration); she allegedly infiltrated pig farm Greek Life oath takers into George Washington University, University of Chicago and Northwestern University and University of Hawaii (BA French)

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04709c No.86705

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19484954 (032300ZSEP23) Notable: PEDOGATE: Women Operatives In Very High Places

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and Georgetown University ( MFS, master foreign service); she allegedly exfiltrated U.S. Marshals from Murrah Building OKC before initiating the bombs fraudulently attributed to a subsequently-executed decoy, Timothy McVeigh; we infer from spoliation through pay-per-view encryption that she re-assigned SBA liquidation rights in patent pool devices used on 9/11, including .tv to Crown Agents’ City & Guilds Livery Companies such as the Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers]”

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04709c No.86706

File: 4fd421e283b7605⋯.mp4 (11.85 MB,316x558,158:279,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19485019 (032311ZSEP23) Notable: Burning Man News

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vid clip for distro


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04709c No.86707

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19485110 (032326ZSEP23) Notable: #23930

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#23930 >>86663

>>86664 Anderson Cooper is reporting Live from Burning Man [must be a joke in there somewhere...]

>>86675, >>86686 , >>86688, >>86689, >>86706 Burning Man News

>>86690 No, There’s NOT An Ebola Outbreak At Burning Man

>>86701 , >>86702 More on MAUI fire

>>86665 Not climate change: Arson confirmed as cause of LA state's largest-ever blaze

>>86666 Fauci roasted as ‘fraud’ and ‘liar’ after being confronted with damning study on masks

>>86667 12-14-2020: Georgia Alternate Electors Sought to Emulate JFK-Nixon Challenge in 1960

>>86668 Nazis in Ukraine is not a new thing: there's a monument to Nazi collaboratorsoutside Philadelphia.

>>86669 Superior Court Judge’s “Mistakes” Lead Arizona Appeals Court to REJECT Abe Hamadeh’s Stolen Election Lawsuit

>>86670 Minnesota prison on emergency lockdown after dozens of inmates refuse to go back to cells

>>86671 DELTA 767 TEXTBOOK Engine Failure on Takeoff - Prague/JFK

>>86672 130,000 acres of farmland sold to Chinese billionaire by TX mogul

>>86673 ICYMI: Important Articles and Posts from President Trump

>>86674 Friday's Job report: 1.2 Million Native-Born Workers Lost Their Jobs, Replaced With 668K Foreign-Born Workers

>>86676, >>86681 Claim: Doomed MH370 aircraft which vanished from radar ‘found’ in remote jungle spot

>>86677 Tom Fitton: Can Trump become House Speaker and lead impeachment?

>>86678 ‘A real threat’: PM backs widespread arrests, eyes deportations in migrant crackdown

>>86679 Corporate Media Gripped A Nation In "Climate Anxiety" Despite Scientists Who Say 'No Emergency'

>>86680 US To Arm Ukraine With Toxic Depleted Uranium Munitions

>>86682 @CannConActual says that the deleted evidence proves Trump won by around 2,000 votes in Georgia.

>>86683, >>86684 Sundance: Iowa Republican Party Begins to Make Their Move Against MAGA

>>86685 Hollywood strikes leave California with $5bn bill

>>86687 NO REFUNDS: FDA, CDC Hid Data On Spike In COVID Cases Among The Vaccinated

>>86691 Kevin McCarthy Changes Position - Will Allow Media, Defendants Limited Access to J6 Footage

>>86692 2020 Election: Could Trump’s claims have merit? [Gee, d'ya think???]

>>86693 Hunt on for escaped illegal alien killer

>>86694 ‘We Fight Back’: California Shopkeepers Chase Off Suspected Thief

>>86695 O'Keefe: NJ Mayor and US Senate Candidate @SignorelloForNJ asks me for a OMG hidden camera to ambush me

>>86696, >>86698 Find the Fed: Loomer Identifies Leader of "Goyim Defense League" With Ties to the ADL

>>86697 Unemployment jumped from 3.5% to 3.8% in Aug

>>86699 PDJT on Crooked Joe Biden Campaign has thrown Indictments and lawsuits against Trump

>>86700 , >>86703, >>86704, >>86705 PEDOGATE: Women Operatives In Very High Places



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04709c No.86708

File: fdc1470af7de757⋯.png (370.41 KB,548x374,274:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19485122 (032327ZSEP23) Notable: #23931

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baker seeking handy, ghosting @20

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04709c No.86709

File: 1a504eaaccb5e17⋯.png (492.38 KB,1440x1014,240:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19485149 (032333ZSEP23) Notable: PlaneFag near Burning Man

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>Anderson Cooper at Burning Man?


Not exactly at Burning Man. Let's just say nearby.

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04709c No.86710

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19485188 (032340ZSEP23) Notable: Proud Boys defense attorney: "What you are witnessing is the end of a Once Great Country"

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SUNDAY SPECIAL w/ Glenn Jacobs, Julie Kelly and Sean Davis - 09/03/2023

Go to 33:25 to listen to Julie Kelly, and what she repeated at the end of the trial if the Proud Boys.

After the judge convicted them,the defense attorney came out and looked at Julie said, “What you are witnessing, is the end of a Once Great Country


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04709c No.86711

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19485192 (032341ZSEP23) Notable: That employees can be charged for killing or injuring thieves is backwards

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16 hours ago

All Americans should do this against thieves and criminals in our society 👍





16 hours ago

This is the culture that needs to be put back in our society. The fact that businesses can fire and employees can be charged for killing or hurting thieves is backwards.





16 hours ago

America agrees we need more of this and the government needs to stop going after the citizens defending and standing up for what’s right





16 hours ago

Sad to think that if this store wasn’t a small business, those workers would probably have been fired for doing the right thing





16 hours ago

An age old tradition of teaching a lesson to those that refuse honesty, reason, logic, responsibility and the rule of law.





15 hours ago

The fact that the law will no longer handle these people means that society must pick up the slack



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04709c No.86712

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19485201 (032342ZSEP23) Notable: Deleted Files Show Trump Won 2020 Election in Georgia

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Deleted Files Show Trump Won 2020 Election in Georgia

Jack September 3, 2023


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04709c No.86713

File: 4238129ecceccb5⋯.png (882.23 KB,1089x1411,1089:1411,Clipboard.png)

File: d5f1c33b89d1ac5⋯.png (813.51 KB,1111x1803,1111:1803,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19485223 (032348ZSEP23) Notable: @repmtg: Here’s the instructions on how to see January 6th Capitol video footage

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene




Here’s the instructions on how to see January 6th Capitol video footage and who is allowed access.


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04709c No.86714

File: 83382bdb353d721⋯.png (201.46 KB,600x956,150:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19485242 (032352ZSEP23) Notable: Deleted Files Show Trump Won 2020 Election in Georgia

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GWP writer @CannConAcutal says that the deleted evidence proves Trump won by around 2,000 votes in Georgia.

He also says the paper ballots still exist but the hand recount was “WAY off.”


Fulton Co. deleted evidence, against state and federal law, that would not just exonerate President Trump in Willis’s case, but based on the Cast Vote Record for those deleted files, it would prove Trump won Georgia by >2,000 votes.

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04709c No.86715

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19485275 (040000ZSEP23) Notable: ICYMI - The Biden Bribery Files with guest John Solomon

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The Biden Bribery Files with guest John Solomon


2-3 days agp


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04709c No.86716

File: c7cbed1ebb0f973⋯.png (586.25 KB,1434x824,717:412,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19485323 (040010ZSEP23) Notable: On Clarence Thomas at Bohemian grove

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Infamous, Secretive All-Male Bohemian Grove Retreat Now Underway In Sonoma County


Fire up your conspiracy theories, as the men-only rich guy retreat Bohemian Grove is now happening up in Sonoma. We don't know if Clarence Thomas went there, but House Speaker Kevin McCarthy reportedly did.

The very bizarre, annual, all-male luxury campout Bohemian Grove was unwillingly dragged into the headlines with the April ProPublica revelations that billionaire tycoon Harlan Crow had paid for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’s trip there on at least one occasion. The 150-year-old rich boys’ club summer camp in west Sonoma County’s Monte Rio, which reportedly features the burning of a giant wooden effigy of an owl, is also reportedly the retreat where Robert Oppenheimer first discussed the Manhattan Project, and where Nixon once reportedly talked Ronald Reagan into letting him run for president first.

And the Bohemian Grove retreat is apparently underway again. SFGate says the private jet flight information showed July 20 Federal Aviation Administration communications saying that “The Bohemian Grove routes are expected due to increased volume” and that “VIP movements are scheduled throughout the afternoon.”

Is Clarence Thomas among those VIPs? We don’t know! But Politico reports House Speaker Kevin McCarthy was there this past weekend. That outlet says a tipster “gave us a readout of some of the media and politics folks in attendance over the weekend,” and that “One really caught our attention: House Speaker Kevin McCarthy.” Politico adds that “we understand that the speaker was heard making remarks that were bullish on Donald Trump winning the GOP nomination.”

And we found another historical nugget while doing some research on this. After a period in the late 2000s when protesters kept trying to disrupt the secret-society gathering, a 2010 New York Times report noted that Bohemian Grove hired local PR fixer guy Sam Singer, who more recently has been handling public relations for the Anchor Brewing Company bankruptcy and fired Oakland police chief LeRonne Armstrong.

“This is two weeks, over the course of a year, when a group of gentlemen enjoy close friendships, current events and theatrical productions,” Singer told the Times back then.

Though just last month, SFGate reported the Bohemian Grove event faced a wage theft lawsuit alleging, in the words of SFGate, “‘nonstop’ 16-hour work days, during which employees were not provided bathroom and lunch breaks, and a failure to pay minimum wage and overtime.” That recalls a 2016 $7 million wage theft settlement to valets who worked at the club.

So Clarence Thomas is possibly enjoying VIP hook-ups up in the Sonoma County redwoods right now. But the staff and valets, maybe not so much.


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04709c No.86717

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19485341 (040014ZSEP23) Notable: Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson: now asking for donations to assist Maui fire victims

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BREAKING: After announcing that he was starting a fund from his money with Oprah, Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson is now asking for donations to assist the victims of the Maui fires in Hawaii as he surveys the area.

The $5 million dollars that him and Oprah gave was only the startup fund which means taxpayers are being asked to help by donating to their fund.

The money that Dwayne and Oprah donated actually went to their company. Not one dollar has gone to the victims. In theory, what they did would be no different than a during a standard company start-up. They put funds up to create a system to receive funds.

Why do the victims of Maui have to wait on taxpayer dollars when $10 million dollars are in their ledger’s balance?


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04709c No.86718

File: 635dc29ac25e54d⋯.png (413.62 KB,1430x682,65:31,Clipboard.png)

File: 2f9468b39384096⋯.jpeg (139.67 KB,680x680,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19485347 (040016ZSEP23) Notable: On Clarence Thomas at Bohemian grove

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Clarence Thomas's Trip to Bohemian Grove Figures Into New Report About Undisclosed Gifts From a Billionaire


Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has tried to cultivate a public persona of down-home simpleness, a man of few words and plain spokenness. But a new exposé by ProPublica finds that he's been accepting, and not disclosing, lavish yacht trips, vacations, and private jet flights from a conservative billionaire pal for years.

I don't know who the audience was for the 2020 documentary Created Equal: Clarence Thomas In His Own Words. But in it, Thomas can be heard talking about what a simple man he is, and how he likes to vacation like many Americans, in an RV.

"I prefer the RV parks. I prefer the Walmart parking lots to the beaches and things like that," Thomas said. "There's something normal to me about it. I come from regular stock, and I prefer being around that."

Bullshit! First of all, no one prefers a Walmart parking lot to a beach. Secondly, for nearly 30 years, Thomas has been close pals withTexas billionaire Harlan Crow, a Dallas-based real estate developer, who has lavished Thomas with gifts and free trips on his private jet and yacht — hardly the stuff of "regular stock."

The ProPublica piece includes details about a nine-day island-hopping trip to Indonesia in 2019, all aboard Crow's well-staffed yacht, with a private chef. "If Thomas had chartered the plane and the 162-foot yacht himself, the total cost of the trip could have exceeded $500,000," ProPublica reports.

Thomas also "spends about a week every summer at Crow’s private resort in the Adirondacks," and took a trip on Crow's yacht around New Zealand "about a decade ago," according to ProPublica's report. And at some point, or perhaps multiple times, Crow has helped ferry Thomas to the controversial, ever secretive, all-male retreat in Sonoma County known as Bohemian Grove — a notorious summer gathering hosted by the Bohemian Club that has drawn major political figures on the left and right. (Amusingly, this New York Times writer didn't seem to know what it was, and instead refers to it as "Mr. Crow’s all-male private retreat in Monte Rio, Calif.")

In many of these instances, Thomas was likely brought in contact with businesspeople and others who might have wanted access to a Supreme Court Justice for their own reasons. Crow gave a statement to ProPublica, rejecting the idea that politics or trying to sway Thomas was an ever a problem. Crow said he is “unaware of any of our friends ever lobbying or seeking to influence Justice Thomas on any case, and I would never invite anyone who I believe had any intention of doing that." And, he added, "These are gatherings of friends."

Thomas has likely wanted to believe that he was shielded, ethically, by a disclosure rule for Supreme Court justices that allows them to accept invitations to people's private homes without disclosing those. But that certainly doesn't include private jet flights, yachts, or anything like that — and Toplands, Crow's resort in the Adirondacks that was owned by the same heiress who built Mar-a-Lago, is hardly his residence and is technically owned by a company, ProPublica reports.

"Justices are generally required to publicly report all gifts worth more than $415, defined as 'anything of value' that isn’t fully reimbursed," ProPublica notes.

This is just the latest headache for Thomas, who was called out last year for failing to recuse himself in cases related to the 2020 election, after it became known that his wife, Ginny Thomas, was one of the banshees circling on January 6th and the months leading up to it, denying the election results and egging Trump on not to concede power.

Thomas did not respond to ProPublica with their requests for comment.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin [D-IL] said in a statement to CNN that the ProPublica report was "a call to action" and that “the Senate Judiciary Committee will act.”


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04709c No.86719

File: 6794cf8ed948179⋯.png (218.97 KB,661x601,661:601,Clipboard.png)

File: 815ed0e1fe91413⋯.png (1001.44 KB,1189x1706,1189:1706,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19485435 (040032ZSEP23) Notable: Occult Ritual for Ukraine at Black Rock, day before Burning Man

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Occult ritual for in Ukraine at Black Rock , day before disaster at Burning Man; coincidence.


No wonder Deep State sent Anderson Cooper out there.

It's their event.


"Burning man and Military Intelligence"


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04709c No.86720

File: 191332d3f43c4a9⋯.png (212.24 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 0435311f1bb6722⋯.png (502.49 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19485437 (040032ZSEP23) Notable: DARPA: Ai Cyber Challenge, Aug 17-Sept 19, 2023

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Just. Looked interesting


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04709c No.86721

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19485457 (040036ZSEP23) Notable: Pa. Attorney General Josh Shapiro announces charges against four men for sexual abuse of minors

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Pa. Attorney General Josh Shapiro announces charges against four men for sexual abuse of minors

HARRISBURG (KDKA) - Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro has announced criminal charges against four men in Pennsylvania for the sexual abuse of children across the Commonwealth.

Jesse Hill, a former resident of Berks County now a resident of Georgia; Jose Serrano of Lancaster County; Eric Eleam of Butler County; and Robert Ostrander, a former resident of Cambria County, now a resident of New York, are all charged for the sexual assault and exploitation of children.

All of the defendants' victims were minors, as well as members of Jehovah's Witness congregations.

"These cases are disturbing, the allegations hard to imagine, and all share one common tie - the 19 victims and the four men who are being charged with sexually violating them are all members of Jehovah's Witnesses," AG Shapiro said. "These children deserved to be protected and grow up in peace, not to be preyed upon. My office will not stop until these defendants are held accountable for their crimes against innocent children and until justice is achieved for these courageous survivors."

Serrano is accused of molesting his own daughter, along with five other young girls in 2011. He is facing charges of aggravated indecent assault, indecent assault, and endangering the welfare of children.

Hill is accused of using his milling business to attract young boys from the congregation with promises of alcohol, marijuana, and pornography in the 1990s. He allegedly exposed himself to the children, groped them, and forced them to perform oral sex. He is facing charges of rape, involuntary deviant sexual intercourse, indecent assault, and the corruption of minors.

Ostrander is accused of sexually abusing at least two minors, including his own stepdaughter. He is facing charges of indecent assault, endangering the welfare of children, and corruption of minors.

Eleam is accused of sexually abusing his daughter and using sexual molestation as a form of punishment when she was a child. He facing charges of rape, involuntary deviant sexual intercourse, aggravated indecent assault, and endangering the welfare of a child.

When officers attempted to take Eleam into custody, he took his own life.

Charges were filed in Lancaster, Berks, and Cambria counties. Those charges all stem from a grand jury and the investigation found that these men in total abused and exploited 19 minors.

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04709c No.86722

File: ae26997c22d7383⋯.png (385.64 KB,700x394,350:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19485467 (040037ZSEP23) Notable: ICYMI: Pharmacists Continuing To Refuse Ivermectin Prescriptions

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Pharmacists Continuing To Refuse Ivermectin Prescriptions, Raising Ethical Concerns. Questions raised over medical autonomy & who ultimately has control over patient care. By telling “patients what medicines they can & cannot have, we have pharmacists practicing medicine without a license."


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04709c No.86723

File: 030aa70e9585a21⋯.png (888.96 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19485479 (040038ZSEP23) Notable: Severe drought affecting Panama Canal threatens at least 40% of the world’s cargo ship traffic

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You know this is a lie cause the canals water comes from the ocean. (A severe drought is threatening to disrupt shipping on the Panama Canal, the crucial waterway responsible for transporting 40 percent of the world's cargo ship traffic.) The drought is fresh water

Severe DROUGHT affecting Panama Canal threatens at least 40% of the world’s cargo ship traffic

A severe drought is threatening to disrupt shipping on the Panama Canal, the crucial waterway responsible for transporting 40 percent of the world’s cargo ship traffic. An estimated two-thirds of the canal’s traffic is either headed for or leaving the Unit...


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04709c No.86724

File: 760b52505caaa00⋯.png (911.7 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19485503 (040042ZSEP23) Notable: Stephanopoulos 'shocked' by poll showing Trump and Potato tied in potential matchup

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ABC host shocked by new poll showing Trump and Biden tied in potential matchup despite Trump's legal 'baggage'

ABC host George Stephanopoulos reacted to a 'shocking' 2024 election poll showing former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden tied at 46% if the election was held today.


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04709c No.86725

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19485541 (040051ZSEP23) Notable: John Perry Barlow - unofficial co-founder of Burning Man?

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With everyone talking about Burning Man all week and eyes focused on it I want to point out that John Perry Barlow was an unofficial cofounder of burning man along with former Allied Supreme Commander Wesley Clark .

I just haven’t seen this mentioned anywhere.


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04709c No.86726

File: e1e3f368c6d63a0⋯.jpg (142.52 KB,720x812,180:203,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19485583 (040056ZSEP23) Notable: Massachusetts calls up national guard to cope with migrants as protests rage

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Massachusetts calls up national guard to cope with migrants as protests rage


How many areas have the National Guard active? I've been hearing it a lot lately

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04709c No.86727

File: e4edc4b54ece385⋯.jpg (211.81 KB,720x1208,90:151,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 83355a985232365⋯.mp4 (8.46 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19485625 (040104ZSEP23) Notable: THIS IS WHAT PANIC LOOKS LIKE. THEY KNOW THEY’RE FOOKED

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🚨Former DHS chief of staff soyboy says that if Trump is re elected we are looking at the end of Democracy itself and tells MSNBC that he is afraid that Trump will send him and other political enemies to GITMO.

Nervous much?

"Donald Trump did have a vision while I was in the administration to go use GITMO to house political prisoners..He couldn't house the number of people he wanted to send there...It's very chilling.


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04709c No.86728

File: 1db170ec4bb4757⋯.png (444.24 KB,953x617,953:617,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19485680 (040116ZSEP23) Notable: DEVELOPING: 100 Inmates Reportedly Take Over Section of Minnesota Prison

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100 Inmates Reportedly Take Over Section of Minnesota Prison


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04709c No.86729

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19485696 (040119ZSEP23) Notable: Highest Ranking Black Indian to be VP who saved Pres from wandering

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‘Nurse Kamala’ saves Joe Biden from ‘wandering aimlessly’

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04709c No.86730

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19485718 (040123ZSEP23) Notable: Witness - shocking details about Prince Andrew's Ukraine visit (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-nU-7vZmVA)

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Liz Crokin has shared this vid

Witness - shocking details about Prince Andrew's Ukraine visit


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04709c No.86731

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19485763 (040130ZSEP23) Notable: John Perry Barlow - unofficial co-founder of Burning Man?

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John Perry Barlow tweeted about a Burning Man meeting and shouts out NATOS Former Commander of Europe and then Burning Man burns an effigy to Ukraine and is struck by biblical rain exactly 10 years later... nothing to see here



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04709c No.86732

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19485779 (040133ZSEP23) Notable: THIS IS WHAT PANIC LOOKS LIKE. THEY KNOW THEY’RE FOOKED

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Former DHS Chief: If Trump is Re Elected, GITMO will Fill Up



Former DHS chief of staff soyboy says that if Trump is re elected we are looking at the end of Democracy itself and tells MSNBC that he is afraid that Trump will send him and other political enemies to GITMO.

Nervous much?

"Donald Trump did have a vision while I was in the administration to go use GITMO to house political prisoners..He couldn't house the number of people he wanted to send there...It's very chilling."

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04709c No.86733

File: 7bc2b40c71c32ce⋯.png (678.16 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19485944 (040210ZSEP23) Notable: Why doesn’t Texas do more to fight illegal immigration? Because backstabbing feds.

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Why doesn’t Texas do more to fight illegal immigration? Because backstabbing feds.

Texas National Guard disbanded intelligence wing after members used WhatsApp to spy on migrants

This article is co-published and co-reported with Military Times, an independent news organization reporting on issues important to the U.S. military. Sign up for its daily Early Bird Brief newslet


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04709c No.86734

File: cac5f262b1ababf⋯.png (392.7 KB,700x394,350:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19485950 (040210ZSEP23) Notable: California Lawmakers Advance Bill To Let Killers Serving Life Without Parole Request Reduced Sentence

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California Lawmakers Advance Bill To Let Killers Serving Life Without Parole Request Reduced Sentence


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04709c No.86735

File: 5f5ebd93d4c4645⋯.png (945.31 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19485955 (040211ZSEP23) Notable: Battery-Powered Vehicles Could Catch Fire After Exposure to Saltwater, Florida Fire Department Warns

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Battery-Powered Vehicles Could Catch Fire After Exposure to Saltwater, Florida Fire Department Warns⸻Fire Chief then turned to the camera and said, "Derp da tiddly dumba durr"

Battery-Powered Vehicles Could Catch Fire After Exposure to Saltwater, Florida Fire Department Warns

A fire department in Florida has issued a warning to owners of electric vehicles that their vehicle’s batteries are at risk of catching fire if exposed to saltwater. The announcement by Palm Harbor Fire Rescue on Florida’s Gulf Coast came on Aug. 30 after ...


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04709c No.86736

File: 583841fbac52a50⋯.jpg (182.09 KB,720x857,720:857,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6f3c6af923099ea⋯.jpg (113.02 KB,1024x682,512:341,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19485959 (040211ZSEP23) Notable: Homeless destroy motel in WY

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Homeless destroy motel in Wyoming city, leave about 500 pounds in feces on streets: mayor


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04709c No.86737

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19485980 (040214ZSEP23) Notable: FDA: You're not a horse -Based judge: You're not a doctor

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FDA: You're not a horse -Based judge: You're not a doctor


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04709c No.86738

File: 8b846cb42e35938⋯.png (547.12 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19485994 (040216ZSEP23) Notable: Actual scientists said UFOs and aliens are real and were being deadly serious

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BREAKING: "Thay'z rillie rillie RiLLIE RiEEEEEEEEEEEaL, thay iz, thay's RiEEEEEEEEEaL!!'' Actual scientists said UFOs and aliens are real and were being deadly serious

Actual scientists said UFOs and aliens are real and were being deadly serious

High level officials and scientists have claimed that not only are UFOs and aliens real, they have also been documented – and some even claim that they have visited Earth


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04709c No.86739

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19486000 (040216ZSEP23) Notable: #23931 posted in #23932

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and some filler on the rest of


#23931 >>86708

>>86709 PlaneFag near Burning Man

>>86710 Proud Boys defense attorney: "What you are witnessing is the end of a Once Great Country"

>>86711 That employees can be charged for killing or injuring thieves is backwards

>>86712, >>86714 Deleted Files Show Trump Won 2020 Election in Georgia

>>86713 @repmtg: Here’s the instructions on how to see January 6th Capitol video footage

>>86715 ICYMI - The Biden Bribery Files with guest John Solomon

>>86717 Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson: now asking for donations to assist Maui fire victims

>>86716, >>86718 On Clarence Thomas at Bohemian grove

>>86719 Occult Ritual for Ukraine at Black Rock, day before Burning Man

>>86720 DARPA: Ai Cyber Challenge, Aug 17-Sept 19, 2023

>>86721 Pa. Attorney General Josh Shapiro announces charges against four men for sexual abuse of minors

>>86722 ICYMI: Pharmacists Continuing To Refuse Ivermectin Prescriptions

>>86723 Severe drought affecting Panama Canal threatens at least 40% of the world’s cargo ship traffic

>>86724 Stephanopoulos 'shocked' by poll showing Trump and Potato tied in potential matchup

>>86725, >>86731 John Perry Barlow - unofficial co-founder of Burning Man?

>>86726 Massachusetts calls up national guard to cope with migrants as protests rage


>>86728 DEVELOPING: 100 Inmates Reportedly Take Over Section of Minnesota Prison

>>86729 Highest Ranking Black Indian to be VP who saved Pres from wandering

>>86730 Witness - shocking details about Prince Andrew's Ukraine visit (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-nU-7vZmVA)

#23931 posted in #23932

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04709c No.86740

File: c9ba1263aa1737b⋯.png (1.45 MB,1253x836,1253:836,Clipboard.png)

File: 378afaaa644231c⋯.png (28.38 KB,400x119,400:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19486003 (040217ZSEP23) Notable: New York City deploys drones to monitor Labor Day parties amid increased surveillance

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New York City deploys drones to monitor Labor Day parties amid increased surveillance

'They’re going to utilize drones from a safe distance up'

New York City is facing backlash for its decision to use drones to monitor backyard Labor Day parties this weekend.

Assistant NYPD Commissioner Kaz Daughtry announced Thursday the drones will be deployed in response to complaints from neighbors. If a resident reports that their neighbor's party is too loud, for example, the NYPD will send a drone to survey the party from overhead instead of sending officers in person.

“If a caller states there’s a large crowd, a large party in a backyard, we’re going to be utilizing our assets to go up and go check on the party,” said Daughtry, according to the Associated Press.

Public outcry forced New York City Mayor Eric Adams — who has previously praised drones for their “endless” potential — to address the issue, telling reporters Friday that no one will be “monitored.”

“We have to push back on the sci-fi aspects of d


there is away that seems right to man but the end thereof is death

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04709c No.86741

File: 0cae18d4452e477⋯.png (787.09 KB,768x384,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19486015 (040218ZSEP23) Notable: FBI Hoovering Up DNA at a Pace That Rivals China

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FBI Hoovering Up DNA at a Pace That Rivals China, Holds 21.7 Million Samples and Counting, equivalent to about 7% of the U.S. Population. China and the U.S. are collecting the same proportion of their populations’ DNA profiles — and the FBI wants to 𝐝𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐞 its budget to get even more...

FBI Hoovering Up DNA at a Pace That Rivals China, Holds 21 Million Samples and Counting

The FBI wants to double its budget for cataloging “the rapidly increasing number of DNA samples collected by the U.S.”


Tip of the iceberg.. I wonder how many multi-millions of DNA samples they got from the swabbing done during the Plandemic?

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04709c No.86742

File: 7448ea1f2a7610b⋯.png (491.03 KB,768x402,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19486073 (040225ZSEP23) Notable: More than 120 retired flag officers sign open letter warning that America 'is in deep peril'

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More than 120 retired flag officers sign open letter warning that America 'is in deep peril'

"We are in a fight for our survival as aConstitutional Republic like no other time since our founding in 1776. The conflict is between supporters of Socialism and Marxism vs. supporters of Constitutional freedom and liberty," the letter states.


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04709c No.86743

File: 446cdee0620ced5⋯.png (468.06 KB,693x411,231:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19486104 (040229ZSEP23) Notable: It’s Beginning: Florida HS Football Teams Cancel Game Due To Players Getting *FLU NOT COVID*

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It’s Beginning: Florida HS Football Teams Cancel Game Due To Players Getting ***FLUNOTCOVID*

Over 30 players on the Palm Beach Gardens High School football team, have caught ***FLU-Covid-19* which has caused the team to forfeit their upcoming game against Vero Beach High School.


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04709c No.86744

File: 9ee0973a7f5687a⋯.png (660.58 KB,633x495,211:165,Clipboard.png)

File: 0913460feb76f35⋯.png (1.31 MB,731x729,731:729,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19486117 (040231ZSEP23) Notable: John Perry Barlow & Burning Man: interview with Larry Harvey, Burning Man co-founder

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>>86725 John Perry Barlow - unofficial co-founder of Burning Man?



John Perry Barlow, left, on stage with Larry Harvey at Black Rock City



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04709c No.86745

File: 845a0618a5899f1⋯.png (231.68 KB,600x517,600:517,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19486135 (040233ZSEP23) Notable: U.S. Naval Institute on US Navy Destroyers and land rights on British possessions

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U.S. Naval Institute



#OTD in 1940, FDR informed Congress that the destroyers-for-bases agreement between the US and UK had been signed. The deal transferred 50 Caldwell, Wickes, and Clemson-class US Navy destroyers to the Royal Navy in exchange for land rights on British possessions.



>Over the target.

Timing is everything..

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04709c No.86746

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19486194 (040241ZSEP23) Notable: Jovan Hutton Pulitzer says states have turned over MED RECORDS to get clean voter rolls

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Any anons recall Jovan Hutton Pulitzer? He was talking to Ann Vandersteen in this interview. Just after 26:00 he says states have turned over DMV, social security records, welfare records andMedical Recordsin order to get "clean voter rolls", using ERIC apparently. This is a HIPAA violation!


9/1/2023 Right Now with Ann Vandersteel ft. Jovan Hutton Pulitzer & Aaron Stevenson

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04709c No.86747

File: 9781f8188f6e6c8⋯.png (55.93 KB,663x427,663:427,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19486223 (040244ZSEP23) Notable: Rudy Giuliani reveals lawyers have spent $20 million trying to tear him down

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Rudy Giuliani reveals prosecutors are

probing 'other crimes that maybe I committed'

and claims lawyers have spent $20 million

trying to tear him down

Daily Mail (UK), by Alex Hammer

Posted By: Imright, 9/3/2023 9:08:37 PM

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani has decried federal prosecutors for engaging in what he called a fishing expedition - by hitting him and Donald Trump with discovery requests in hopes of finding a charge that will stick. Aired in an interview Sunday, the assertion comes days after from the former attorney pleaded not guilty to subverting the 2020 election in Georgia, and after a federal judge handed him a loss in a defamation suit brought by two poll workers. Aside from leaving egg on the face of the already embattled Republican, the judgement saw him slapped with a $132,000 bill for legal fees, and was automatically

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04709c No.86748

File: eee241f40df2536⋯.png (58.71 KB,671x425,671:425,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19486234 (040245ZSEP23) Notable: Texas ranchers 'DEFEAT' Chinese billionaire who bought swathes of neighboring land to build huge wind farm

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Texas ranchers 'DEFEAT' Chinese billionaire

who bought swathes of neighboring land

to build huge wind farm - but could Beijing

maintain backdoor access?

Daily Mail (UK), by Miles Dilworth

Posted By: earlybird, 9/3/2023 7:00:31 PM

e-mail 32 shares 5 View comments Texas ranchers are on the brink of booting out a Chinese billionaire who has bought more than 130,000 acres of farmland in the state, sparking fears over national security, DailyMail.com can reveal. Sun Guangxin, who has extensive ties with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), paid an estimated $110million for swathes of Texan real estate between 2016 and 2018 in an unprecedented foreign land grab in the Lone Star State. But DailyMail.com understands he has now sold the most controversial part of his portfolio, a 15,000-acre ranch that included plans for a 46-turbine wind farm, and is planning to offload the rest of his vast Texan empire

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04709c No.86749

File: c94b3e2d5af82e2⋯.png (583.97 KB,606x866,303:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19486243 (040247ZSEP23) Notable: Loomer investigation into Ukrainian Nazis working with the CIA/FBI

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Jake Angeli-Chansley


. @LauraLoomer

is correct!

I think she is onto something BIG here!

Thank you Laura for exposing this when no-one else in the Mockingbird Media would touch it!

Why aren't we asking the same questions Laura is considering Nazis were rallying in Florida?

Especially considering that "BoneFace" (who was at said rally) said he was funded by CIA & recently given Ukrainian citizenship to fight alongside other Nazis against Russia!

The FBI knew Sergai Dybynyn was a spy & asked if I knew him. I said that I did not & was just posing for a photo with him.

Why is he allowed to walk free? Is he an FBI or CIA asset?


Laura Loomer




🚨🚨🚨BREAKING: 🚨🚨🚨

Now that I have exposed Ukrainian Nazis working with the CIA and FBI, let me show you how this isn’t a one time thing, and let me show you how our government is working with Ukrainian neo Nazis to instigate conflict in America and recruit for White… twitter.com/lauraloomer/st… Show more





3:30 PM · Sep 3, 2023




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04709c No.86750

File: 095ebf4485c19e9⋯.png (22.38 KB,603x293,603:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19486254 (040248ZSEP23) Notable: Kolomoisky officially handed criminal charges in relation to alleged financial manipulation with his oil and gas holdings.”

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Brian Cates - Political Columnist & Pundit




Just Human




“Ihor Kolomoisky, one of Ukraine's most flamboyant and infamous oligarchs, was officially handed criminal charges in relation to alleged financial manipulation with his oil and gas holdings.”


1:13 PM · Sep 3, 2023




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04709c No.86751

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19486337 (040300ZSEP23) Notable: John Perry Barlow & Burning Man: interview with Larry Harvey, Burning Man co-founder

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>>86725 John Perry Barlow - unofficial co-founder of Burning Man?


Larry Harvey And JP Barlow On Burning Man’s Sharing Economy, And Our Tech Future

JUNE 2012

Larry Harvey is the main co-founder of the Burning Man festival, while John Perry Barlowis a former lyricist for the Grateful Dead and a founding member of the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

We caught up with both men at Le Web London to discuss some of the intellectual underpinnings of startup entreprepreneurship have parallels with Burning Man in what might be their first ever joint interview.

As Barlow points out in the video, early computer culture and the Psychedelia movement grew up alongside each other. There was a “revolutionary zeal in the notion of intellectual empowerment” in Psychedelia which found common cause in tech culture.

During the discussion Harvey points out that Burning Man builds an ephemeral city once a year and bans commercial transactions. Instead, they have pioneered a gift economy which matches much of the “gifting” economics online startups today.

[NOTICE: They are NOT talking about say a BARTER economy but a GIFTING economy. What exactly is that? In what sense if a STARTUP a "gifting" economy? Especially now that we know that many startups are not really startups but rather COVERUPS for military problems like DARPA???]

JP Barlow believes we’re returning to a gift economy that actually existed long ago, in former human societies. The ‘scarcity’ economic model which drives much of business today has problems in a new age of potentially limitless space online.

[This gifting economy sounds like a broader concept of having a sense of abundance and an understanding that freely giving begets more giving. But that has roots in a distinctively spiritual/religious POV. They seems to want an ETHOS that is technocratic, not spiritual.

Indeed, points out Barlow, we keep getting encouraged to create scarcity. “I have an artist friend who’s agent invited him to fake his own death to increase the value of his art!” he jokes.

But the collaborative art created at Burning Man is not commercial in the same way, and at the same time it mirrors the world of collaboration online today.

The radical self expression at Burning Man also has parallels in the way Silicon Valley approaches startup culture. Entrepreneurs throw themselves at a problem without knowing if they will succeed, and indeed it’s likely they will fail.

[The phrase "radical self-expression" sounds more narcissistic than giving.]

In the same way, the art created at Burning Man can work or it can fail. As Harvey says: “If the unknown isn’t present then art withers”. It’s a phrase that would sound familiar to many entrepreneurs dealing daily with the unknown, but felling all the more driven to create something.

Are they optimistic about a future filled with things like Google Glass?

Both men feel the march of technology itself is not a concern, it’s – in a word – how we “deal with fear”.

-[Do they see the fear as irrational then? That's BIZARRE.]

“Any powerful technology has sauce for the goose and the gander… It’s just an extension of humanity,” says Barlow. “You can [also] increase your ability to see inside that which is trying to look inside you.”

[How does being able to "see inside" surveillance technology help us deal with unwanted state surveillance?]

Harvey believes the often bad reactions to technologies like Google Glass and fears about a future surveillance society are mainly down to irrational, primordial fears.

“We’re caught between fight and flight. I guess we have to go forward,” he says.

Watch to the end for a marvellous story Harvey tells to illustrate this…


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04709c No.86752

File: c6addb9cdb0178e⋯.png (831.17 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19486344 (040301ZSEP23) Notable: Based Mexicans: Christian groups in Mexico have taken to the streets in protest of their department of education's marxist textbooks

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Based Mexicans: Christian groups in Mexico have taken to the streets in protest of their department of education with one group burning books they believed was laced with “Marxist-communist” indoctrination last week, according to a report.

Mexican parents burn textbooks infected with ‘virus of communism’ in fiery protest against gender ideology

Parents in Mexico from Christian organizations have taken to the streets in the thousands to oppose new textbooks from the Ministry of Public Education.


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04709c No.86753

File: efee9c9b8de8b0b⋯.png (403.28 KB,588x813,196:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19486383 (040305ZSEP23) Notable: X22 report

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X22 Report



Sep 03, 2023, 3:38 PM

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04709c No.86754

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19486387 (040306ZSEP23) Notable: Smash Mouth's Steve Harwell on Death Bed, Only Days to Live

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Smash Mouth's Steve Harwell on Death Bed, Only Days to Live

Steve Harwell is experiencing the last chapter of his life this after battling medical complications for years and his family is saying their goodbyes ... TMZ has learned.

A manager for the Smash Mouth lead singer tells us Steve has been struggling with alcohol abuse throughout his life - and now, he's reached the final stage of liver failure ... for which he'd, up until recently, been receiving treatment at a hospital.

At this point, we're told SH is in hospice at home ... where his friends and loved ones have gathered over the past 3 days. Steve's manager says he likely has only a week or so to live.

This news comes almost 2 years after a troubling incident involving Steve ... where he appeared incredibly disoriented during a live performance, slurring his words and yelling at the audience. It was concerning at the time, and shortly thereafter ... he said he was retiring.

At the time, sources close to Steve told us he'd been battling ongoing health issues - stemming from a number of diagnoses he'd received over the years, including cardiomyopathy, heart failure and Wernicke's encephalopathy. His substance abuse was also mentioned to us back then ... which we were told had contributed to his declining state.

It's an incredibly sad development for fans of his ... and for music lovers everywhere.

Smash Mouth contributed some of the biggest pop culture hits in the early 2000s - including, of course, "All Star," "I'm a Believer" and others ... some of which were featured in "Shrek."

Steve is only 56 years old.


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04709c No.86755

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19486390 (040306ZSEP23) Notable: John Perry Barlow & Burning Man: interview with Larry Harvey, Burning Man co-founder

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Video: Larry Harvey and JP Barlow on Burning Man and tech culture

YT version


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04709c No.86756

File: cefec22f83371b6⋯.png (116.97 KB,602x902,301:451,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19486445 (040314ZSEP23) Notable: Loomer investigation into Ukrainian Nazis working with the CIA/FBI

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Laura Loomer




I just exposed how the @FBI

has been hiding from the public the fact that the US Capitol May have been breached by Ukrainian Nazi spies on J6 as part of a color revolution to destabilize the United States of America from within.

How come the FBI has been hiding this information from the public? They confirmed Sergai Dybynyn was a Ukrainian Spy during their private meeting with J6er Jacob Chansley @AmericaShaman

and his lawyer in 2021 after they arrested Chansley, but they have never gone public with this information. This was not known until I published this, as was just confirmed by Chansley himself on Twitter tonight.

Why if the FBI protecting Ukrainian spies who were at the US Capitol on J6?

Shouldn’t the FBI be going after those foreign agents instead of non-violent US citizens?

This is a massive coverup!



Laura Loomer




🚨🚨🚨BREAKING: 🚨🚨🚨

Now that I have exposed Ukrainian Nazis working with the CIA and FBI, let me show you how this isn’t a one time thing, and let me show you how our government is working with Ukrainian neo Nazis to instigate conflict in America and recruit for White… twitter.com/lauraloomer/st… Show more





Last edited

4:08 PM · Sep 3, 2023

from Lady Lake, FL




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04709c No.86757

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19486450 (040315ZSEP23) Notable: NASA's SpaceX Crew-6 Mission Splashes Down

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NASA's SpaceX Crew-6 Mission Splashes Down

Join NASA and SpaceX for live coverage of Crew-6 and their Dragon Endeavour spacecraft from reentry through recovery. While aboard the International Space Station, Crew-6 contributed to a number of studies to help us learn how to live in space while making life better back on Earth:




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04709c No.86758

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19486495 (040321ZSEP23) Notable: Whistleblower: Prince Andrew kidnapped 2 young children in Ukraine in June 2023

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Whistleblower: Prince Andrew kidnapped 2 young children in Ukraine in June 2023




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04709c No.86759

File: 0997eebd4fcaee1⋯.png (700.73 KB,552x618,92:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19486619 (040345ZSEP23) Notable: #23933

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need 31 and 32 collected

BOTH 31 and 32 are collected, Bread remains ghosted

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04709c No.86760

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19486796 (040435ZSEP23) Notable: Russian warplanes sink speedboats with Ukrainian landing force – Moscow (RT)

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Russian warplanes sink speedboats with Ukrainian landing force – Moscow

The amphibious teams were reportedly headed for Crimea’s westernmost cape

Russian warplanes have prevented yet another landing attempt by Ukrainian forces, destroying four US-made military speedboats and their crews in the Black Sea west of the Crimean Peninsula, the Defense Ministry said on Monday morning.

Russian Black Sea Fleet naval aviation aircraft “destroyed four US-made Willard Sea Force high-speed military boats with landing groups of the Armed Forces of Ukraine,” the military said.

The landing force was reportedly heading towards Cape Tarkhankut, the westernmost part of the Crimean Peninsula, in yet another botched landing attempt, according to the ministry.

Last week, Russian forces foiled several alleged Ukrainian landing attempts. Early Wednesday morning, the Russian military reported sinking “four military speedboats carrying a landing force of Ukrainian special operatives, numbering up to 50 men” at an undisclosed location in the Black Sea.

Later in the day, a Russian Su-30 fighter jet had sunk a speedboat to the east of Snake Island, near the Ukrainian port of Odessa and close to Romanian territorial waters. A few hours later the same day, the ministry claimed the elimination of yet another Ukrainian motorboat by an Su-24 bomber west of the same island.

Last month, the Defense Ministry also published footage of what it said was a Russian fighter jet destroying a US-made speedboat carrying a Ukrainian amphibious team near Snake Island.


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04709c No.86761

File: ed9a537b8c896f6⋯.jpg (43.68 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19486820 (040440ZSEP23) Notable: HERE WE GO: Black Lives Matter Activists Protest in Ohio After Pregnant Black Woman Was Shot Dead After She Tried to Run Over Cop (VIDEO)

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HERE WE GO: Black Lives Matter Activists Protest in Ohio After Pregnant Black Woman Was Shot Dead After She Tried to Run Over Cop (VIDEO)

Ohio police released body camera footage Friday showing a police officer fatally shooting a pregnant black woman in her car.

As Fox News reported: “Ta’Kiya Young, a 21-year-old mother of two kids and pregnant with a third, went to a Kroger in the suburb of Blendon Township on Aug. 24, but she never returned after she was suspected of shoplifting bottles of alcohol. Police approached Young outside the store and she was ultimately shot dead in the parking lot. Her unborn daughter did not survive the ordeal either.”

Ta’Kiya Young’s family lashed out at police after the shooting and said it “should have never ever, ever happened.”

The bodycam footage shows a Kroger employee approaching the police officers and telling them that several people had just stolen merchandise and taken off. The Kroger employee pointed to Ta’Kiyah Young, who was sitting “in a Lexus sedan with no license tags parked in a handicapped spot right in front of the store.”


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04709c No.86762

File: 254c158e745dff1⋯.webp (441.46 KB,1536x864,16:9,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19486845 (040445ZSEP23) Notable: Arson Confirmed as the Cause of Louisiana’s Largest-Ever Wildfire in History (VIDEO)

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Arson Confirmed as the Cause of Louisiana’s Largest-Ever Wildfire in History (VIDEO)

State officials announced yesterday that the devastating wildfire that ravaged over 33,000 acres in Louisiana — the largest in the state’s history — was caused by arson.

Louisiana has been facing an unprecedented wildfire crisis, with a record-breaking number of 441 fires burning from August 1 to August 24, according to the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry (LDAF).

The Tiger Island Fire in Louisiana is the largest wildfire in the state’s history. It has burned over 33,000 acres, which is more than the state usually has in an entire year.

“This is unprecedented. We’ve never had to fight this many fires simultaneously and at this duration. We’re fighting between 25 and 30 [wildfires] today,” said Mike Strain, the commissioner for Louisiana’s Department of Agriculture and Forestry, during a press conference last month.


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04709c No.86763

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19486860 (040449ZSEP23) Notable: SMASH MOUTH LEAD SINGER STEVE HARWELL IN HOSPICE CARE

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04709c No.86764

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19486879 (040454ZSEP23) Notable: #23932 posted in #23933

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#23932 >>86733

>>86733 Why doesn’t Texas do more to fight illegal immigration? Because backstabbing feds.

>>86734 California Lawmakers Advance Bill To Let Killers Serving Life Without Parole Request Reduced Sentence

>>86735 Battery-Powered Vehicles Could Catch Fire After Exposure to Saltwater, Florida Fire Department Warns

>>86736 Homeless destroy motel in WY

>>86737 FDA: You're not a horse -Based judge: You're not a doctor

>>86738 Actual scientists said UFOs and aliens are real and were being deadly serious

>>86740 New York City deploys drones to monitor Labor Day parties amid increased surveillance

>>86741 FBI Hoovering Up DNA at a Pace That Rivals China

>>86742 More than 120 retired flag officers sign open letter warning that America 'is in deep peril'

>>86743 It’s Beginning: Florida HS Football Teams Cancel Game Due To Players Getting *FLU NOT COVID*

>>86751, >>86755, >>86744 John Perry Barlow & Burning Man: interview with Larry Harvey, Burning Man co-founder

>>86745 U.S. Naval Institute on US Navy Destroyers and land rights on British possessions

>>86746 Jovan Hutton Pulitzer says states have turned over MED RECORDS to get clean voter rolls

>>86747 Rudy Giuliani reveals lawyers have spent $20 million trying to tear him down

>>86748 Texas ranchers 'DEFEAT' Chinese billionaire who bought swathes of neighboring land to build huge wind farm

>>86749 Loomer investigation into Nazis working with the CIA/FBI

>>86750 Ukraine's most flamboyant and infamous oligarchs, was officially handed criminal charges in relation to alleged financial manipulation with his oil and gas holdings.”,

>>86745 U.S. Naval Institute on US Navy Destroyers and land rights on British possessions

>>86746 Jovan Hutton Pulitzer says states have turned over MED RECORDS to get clean voter rolls

>>86747 Rudy Giuliani reveals lawyers have spent $20 million trying to tear him down

>>86748 Texas ranchers 'DEFEAT' Chinese billionaire who bought swathes of neighboring land to build huge wind farm

>>86749, >>86756 Loomer investigation into Ukrainian Nazis working with the CIA/FBI

>>86750 Kolomoisky officially handed criminal charges in relation to alleged financial manipulation with his oil and gas holdings.”

>>86752 Based Mexicans: Christian groups in Mexico have taken to the streets in protest of their department of education's marxist textbooks

>>86753 X22 report

>>86754 Smash Mouth's Steve Harwell on Death Bed, Only Days to Live

>>86757 NASA's SpaceX Crew-6 Mission Splashes Down

>>86758 Whistleblower: Prince Andrew kidnapped 2 young children in Ukraine in June 2023

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04709c No.86765

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19486896 (040458ZSEP23) Notable: Biden DOD orders air-to-air missiles for Ukraine in new Raytheon contract

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Biden DOD orders air-to-air missiles for Ukraine in new Raytheon contract

The Biden admin recently announced it would be sending Ukraine another $200 million.

On Thursday, the Department of Defense (DOD) revealed that it is planning to send Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAM) to Ukraine via a contract with Raytheon Missiles and Defence.

The initial reported purchase under the agreement is for $7,688,220 and will use money from the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI), with the Pentagon saying the work is “expected to be completed by Nov. 29, 2024.”

According to a press release, the DOD announced that it awarded Raytheon Missiles and Defense the $192 million indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract to be completed by November 29, 2024.

One Ukrainian official, Yuriy Ihnat told Air and Space Forces magazine, "The United States will supply Ukraine with AMRAAM aircraft missiles with a range of 160-180 km." He added, "AMRAAM are universal aviation missiles and can used for both fighters and air defense systems."

The outlet said that AMRAAM can be used as a surface-to-air by using a U.S.-Norwegian ground-based air-defense system already employed in the country, but President Volodymyr Zelenskey has stated that he expects to receive F-16 fighter jets by the beginning of the year.

This comes as the Biden administration announced on August 14 that it would be sending Ukraine another $200 million assistance package. The 44th shipment of munitions included munitions for Patriot air defense and High Mobility Artillery Rocket systems, mine clearing equipment, artillery rounds, tank ammunition, anti-armor systems, 37 tactical vehicles, 58 water trailers, and 12 million rounds of small arms ammunition and grenades.

Ukraine aid spending as of July 10 had reached $76 billion with $46.6 billion going to military and security assistance, $26.4 billion for financial assistance, and $3.9 billion for humanitarian assistance.

President Biden requested an additional $24 billion to assist in the war in Ukraine earlier this month. The request was part of a larger $40 billion package that had $3.9 billion to address the situation on the US border and $12 billion for disaster relief.


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04709c No.86766

File: ead5738e6fb7b8f⋯.jpg (108.7 KB,570x760,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19486901 (040500ZSEP23) Notable: #23933

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>>86764 Kick ass, thanks. Hopefully everything is situated, before it fucks up, later. o7

Updated dough


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04709c No.86767

File: 7d25e28e3a59e0e⋯.png (288.03 KB,1554x1399,1554:1399,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19487011 (040528ZSEP23) Notable: Crooked Uncle Joe and the leftist thugs he’s got holding him up (literally at times) don’t know what will hit them when we take our country back from their death cult.

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Crooked Uncle Joe and the leftist thugs he’s got holding him up (literally at times) don’t know what will hit them when we take our country back from theirdeath cult.

November, 2024 can’t get here soon enough.


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04709c No.86768

File: 1c78895390cc10f⋯.png (424.92 KB,631x770,631:770,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19487084 (040621ZSEP23) Notable: DiedSuddenly - Vaccinated & boosted. 34 blood clots.

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Vaccinated & boosted.

34 blood clots.


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04709c No.86769

File: e8a741cbd8dd398⋯.png (549.31 KB,636x382,318:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19487106 (040633ZSEP23) Notable: 75% of Federal Office Space Vacant as Administrative State Refuses to Return to ‘Work’ … Biden must 'sell off' unused office space sucking taxpayer dollars

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75% of Federal Office Space Vacant as Administrative State Refuses to Return to ‘Work’ ... Biden must 'sell off' unused office space sucking taxpayer dollars

Biden must 'sell off' unused office space sucking taxpayer dollars

Republicans say billions of taxpayer dollars have been wasted based on unused federal office space and employees taking advantage of the White House's liberal work from home policies.


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04709c No.86770

File: 87dc0beb6303951⋯.mp4 (3.13 MB,464x848,29:53,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 9842517cf4053ec⋯.jpg (93.58 KB,591x1280,591:1280,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8927eec88d33142⋯.jpg (17.76 KB,402x299,402:299,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19487244 (040734ZSEP23) Notable: bun on further WJC window shopping diggs

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That's all folks!

The End

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04709c No.86771

File: 61c847fd4585f36⋯.png (402.1 KB,592x822,296:411,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19487255 (040745ZSEP23) Notable: Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Has Called For MASS DEPORTATION of Illegal African Migrants After Riot/Gang-Brawl Broke Out in The Streets of Tel Aviv

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BREAKING NEWS🚨 Isreal Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Has Called For MASS DEPORTATION of Illegal African Migrants After A HUGE Riot/Gang-Brawl Broke Out in The Streets of Tel Aviv ⚠️

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04709c No.86772

File: 44724aac93c5f3b⋯.mp4 (2.24 MB,480x600,4:5,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19487257 (040747ZSEP23) Notable: Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Has Called For MASS DEPORTATION of Illegal African Migrants After Riot/Gang-Brawl Broke Out in The Streets of Tel Aviv

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04709c No.86773

File: 842e8d908d99d7e⋯.png (179.88 KB,816x1024,51:64,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19487280 (040801ZSEP23) Notable: bun on further WJC window shopping diggs

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Aside from THE END, this has to be planned comms because:

1: he pauses and waits for his queue to advance nowhere near the door

2: three young ladies (2 in booty shorts) cross his path WITHOUT him catching a peek, so you know he's doing as told.

What a movie.

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04709c No.86774

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19487293 (040810ZSEP23) Notable: Rudy Giuliani said he hasn't spoken with Maggie Haberman in three years, so "how does she know if I have a strained relationship with Donald Trump?

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Rudy Giuliani said he hasn't spoken with Maggie Haberman in three years, so "how does she know if I have a strained relationship with Donald Trump?... Throughout this, we have never had a strained relationship, never, not one time."


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04709c No.86775

File: bb8c3ced2ef717b⋯.mp4 (3.25 MB,464x848,29:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19487303 (040821ZSEP23) Notable: bun on further WJC window shopping diggs

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He did it twice , window shopping

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04709c No.86776

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19487310 (040832ZSEP23) Notable: bun on further WJC window shopping diggs

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the shoes match the dress of the little girl walking past him, who is unaccompanied by an adult.

Not to mention that the camera guy seems to be right place right time.

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04709c No.86777

File: 22070962c83c392⋯.png (165.19 KB,205x412,205:412,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19487318 (040839ZSEP23) Notable: bun on further WJC window shopping diggs

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>the shoes match the dress of the little girl walking past him, who is unaccompanied by an adult.

Good catch.

>the end

Going down for being a pedo?

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04709c No.86778

File: 8676c31cef19257⋯.png (421.99 KB,428x562,214:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19487328 (040843ZSEP23) Notable: bun on further WJC window shopping diggs

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The girl with the Umbrella too.

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04709c No.86779

File: 50540a739da94e7⋯.jpeg (1.76 MB,1620x1718,810:859,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19487334 (040845ZSEP23) Notable: bun on further WJC window shopping diggs

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bun on further WJC window shopping diggs

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04709c No.86780

File: 3e1c708f1de6a14⋯.png (99.97 KB,494x505,494:505,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19487399 (040918ZSEP23) Notable: #23933

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...Might as well.claiming the bake


#23933 >>86759, >>86766

>>86760 Russian warplanes sink speedboats with Ukrainian landing force – Moscow (RT)

>>86761 HERE WE GO: Black Lives Matter Activists Protest in Ohio After Pregnant Black Woman Was Shot Dead After She Tried to Run Over Cop (VIDEO)

>>86762 Arson Confirmed as the Cause of Louisiana’s Largest-Ever Wildfire in History (VIDEO)


>>86765 Biden DOD orders air-to-air missiles for Ukraine in new Raytheon contract

>>86767 Crooked Uncle Joe and the leftist thugs he’s got holding him up (literally at times) don’t know what will hit them when we take our country back from their death cult.

>>86768 DiedSuddenly - Vaccinated & boosted. 34 blood clots.

>>86769 75% of Federal Office Space Vacant as Administrative State Refuses to Return to ‘Work’ … Biden must 'sell off' unused office space sucking taxpayer dollars

>>86771, >>86772 Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Has Called For MASS DEPORTATION of Illegal African Migrants After Riot/Gang-Brawl Broke Out in The Streets of Tel Aviv

>>86774 Rudy Giuliani said he hasn't spoken with Maggie Haberman in three years, so "how does she know if I have a strained relationship with Donald Trump?

>>86779, >>86778, >>86777, >>86776, >>86773, >>86770, >>86775 bun on further WJC window shopping diggs

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04709c No.86781

File: b8810e9539a69e7⋯.jpg (53.26 KB,700x400,7:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19487419 (040925ZSEP23) Notable: #23934

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...Let's see what habbens.

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04709c No.86782

File: 259121f595538a7⋯.jpg (117.01 KB,720x1106,360:553,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 62e66f18ec2a7ca⋯.mp4 (2.73 MB,384x848,24:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19487464 (040948ZSEP23) Notable: WATCH: Massive tornado (dust devil) in Tubara, Colomb

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WATCH: Massive tornado in Tubara, Colombia


Kek not a tornado , but one crazy dust devil

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04709c No.86783

File: 047d07c4b2c1790⋯.png (152.43 KB,797x533,797:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19487597 (041032ZSEP23) Notable: Florida Doctor Reinstated After Losing Board Certification For Criticizing COVID-19 Vaccines

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Dr. Littell, a longtime family physician in Ocala and a medical school professor, began posting videos sharing his thoughts about COVID-19 testing, treatments, and vaccines early in the pandemic. He was frustrated to find his content often was pulled down from his YouTube channel.

But he fought against what he saw as censorship by moving the content to other platforms, such as Rumble, he said.

Then, in January 2022 and again five months later, he received warning letters from the American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM), the organization that issued his certification for his medical specialty.

The letter stated that his videos on YouTube and Rumble spread “medical misinformation” and could put his board certification in jeopardy, he said.

The ABFM declined to comment on the matter because the board's "policy indicates we are unable to comment about professionalism cases," an unidentified spokesperson said in an email to The Epoch Times.

The ABFM is the third largest of the 24 boards of the American Board of Medical Specialties. More than 100,000 family medicine doctors are certified by the board, according to its website.

To keep their certification, physicians must uphold the board's ethical standards and "guidelines for professionalism, licensure, and personal conduct," the website states.

In letters from the board, Dr. Littell was told his public statements violated those guidelines. Dr. Littell responded to the letters and continued to speak publicly and post videos about the subjects, he said.

Months later, when he didn’t hear back, he said he thought the threat was gone.

“I was very happily under the radar,” he said.

That changed after he was escorted out of a Sarasota Memorial Hospital board meeting in February for approaching a board member behind the dais. He wanted to thank the board member, he said, for letting him speak at the meeting. He didn't realize that move would be seen as inappropriate, he said.

Though he's cared for many patients in hospitals, he'd never attended a hospital board meeting, let alone a contentious one, he said.

That day, medical freedom activists filled the boardroom to speak against the public hospital's policies during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many were angry their loved ones were denied the opportunity to try ivermectin, an antiparasitic for humans and animals widely used by some in treating COVID-19, and other treatments.

Dr. Littell spoke cordially to board members from the podium, an Epoch Times reporter confirmed. He told board members how treating patients with ivermectin had been his key to success in helping them recover. And he praised hospital personnel for their work during the pandemic.

Shortly after that, security guards escorted him outside.

“I had a target on my back,” he said.

He questioned whether someone else would have been removed for the same reason.

Many doctors have faced consequences for questioning the efficacy and safety of COVID-19 vaccines and for advocating for the use of medicines such as ivermectin in the treatment of the disease.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) wrote in one social media post about ivermectin: “You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.” It linked to a page entitled "Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID-19."

Three doctors sued the FDA over the statements, saying it had no power to tell doctors which drugs to prescribe.

On Sept. 1, a federal court ruled that the agency likely overstepped its authority when it told Americans to "stop" using ivermectin against COVID-19. The FDA can inform, but has "no authority" to recommend consumers "stop" taking medicine, U.S. Circuit Judge Don Willett wrote in the ruling.


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04709c No.86784

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19487608 (041037ZSEP23) Notable: Florida Doctor Reinstated After Losing Board Certification For Criticizing COVID-19 Vaccines

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part 2

The month after Dr. Littell spoke in Sarasota, the board sent a letter saying he'd been de-certified for “spreading false, inaccurate, and misleading materials about COVID-19, COVID-19 vaccination, and treatment and mitigation of the virus," The Epoch Times confirmed.

A letter reviewed by The Epoch Times stated that if Dr. Littell appealed the decision within 20 days, he would continue to be represented by the board, pending a review of his case by the professionalism committee of the ABFM board of directors.

The reason for the decision to review his record was because of his past suggestions the COVID-19 vaccine was a product of genetic engineering, causing deaths in children and causing the rise of the Delta variant, the letter indicated. It also referenced "false" statements made by Drs. Ryan Cole and Robert Malone, who spoke at a medical freedom conference Dr. Littell organized in October 2022.

In the letter, the board also criticized Dr. Littell for "offering to provide medical exemptions from vaccination" to patients across the country and "publicly comparing the U.S. public health system's response to the COVID-19 pandemic to Nazi Germany."

After receiving the troubling letter, Dr. Littell sought the help of attorney Jeff Childers, a business attorney in Gainesville, Florida. Since the COVID-19 lockdowns began, Mr. Childers has become active in lawsuits around the country related to medical freedom. He authors a daily blog called Coffee and Covid, which started by chronicling COVID-19 issues and now tracks other social and political issues, as well.

Mr. Childers crafted a 64-page appeal to the board, dissecting every accusation made against Dr. Littell, an Epoch Times reporter confirmed. And as word of the threat to Dr. Littell's board certification spread—a move that would prevent him from practicing medicine—medical freedom activists rose up to take his side.

A GiveSendGo.com campaign was started to collect donations to fund his legal fees. More than 6,400 people donated almost $255,000. And more than 1,900 pledged to pray for Dr. Littell.

The Global Covid Summit, an international group of doctors focused on medical freedom in COVID-19 treatment, sent a letter signed by 169 doctors to the ABFM in support of Dr. Littell. In the letter, they argued that the board was false in every accusation made against Dr. Littell.

Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo also voiced support for Dr. Littell.

“What they’re doing is being a bully,” he said in an interview with The Floridian. “It’s not going to age well.

“I read the letter from the Board, and it’s dripping with political animosity.”

Both Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas) and Dr. Littell's congresswoman, Rep. Kat Cammack (R-Fla.) sent letters in his defense to the board, Dr. Littell said.

“I’ve got to believe it's not in the dozens, but probably in the hundreds of people who called and sent letters to the American Board of Family Medicine," Dr. Littell said.

"I never asked them to, but that is what was happening.”

In July, Dr. Littell received word that the board had reviewed his case and retroactively de-certified him for three months, from March 16 to June 16. He never stopped seeing patients.

“It's like a slap on the wrist so they’d feel good about it, but wouldn't, presumably, have to face any legal action," he said.

His attorney agreed.

“They did it in a very face-saving way,” Mr. Childers said.

But ultimately, he's pleased with the decision.

“We were really surprised and gratified that we were able to achieve that result," Mr. Childers said.

Dr. Littell credits it to being “a God thing" that he was able to keep caring for patients and face a decertification period only retroactively.

“If they had said I was decertified, I would not have been able to do what I was doing. I mean, especially with the hospital care patients. I could have gotten into big trouble.”

He still may face consequences for having the blemish on his record, he said. He’ll have to report it to the hospitals at which he works and explain what happened, he said.

“Every time I go up for privileges with a hospital or any other institution, they're going to say, ‘Well, has your license ever been suspended or revoked, and has your board certification ever been revoked?’ So, it's still an issue. It’s not like you can just forget about it.”

He’s been advised by some other doctors, such as cardiologist Peter McCullough, to pursue legal action for the disciplinary measure they feel was wrong, he said.


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04709c No.86785

File: cf2a5436536bcd4⋯.jpeg (50.52 KB,240x126,40:21,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19487619 (041043ZSEP23) Notable: House Speaker Kevin McCarthy Details How Impeachment Inquiry Into Biden Would Start

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House Speaker Kevin McCarthy details how Impeachment inquiry into Biden would Start

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04709c No.86786

File: b6cc2189efa80c5⋯.png (292.12 KB,598x526,299:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19487668 (041120ZSEP23) Notable: Disclosetv - After his "jogging accident" German Chancellor Olaf Scholz shows himself with an eye patch.

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NEW - After his "jogging accident" German Chancellor Olaf Scholz shows himself with an eye patch.


11:53 PM · Sep 3, 2023




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04709c No.86787

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19487725 (041141ZSEP23) Notable: Turkey’s president meets Russia’s Putin and aims to revive the wartime Ukraine grain export deal

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Turkey’s president meets Russia’s Putin and aims to revive the wartime Ukraine grain export deal

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04709c No.86788

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19487726 (041142ZSEP23) Notable: Pope Francis opens clinic on the first papal visit to Mongolia. He says it’s about charity not conversion

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Francis opens clinic on the first papal visit to Mongolia. He says it’s about charity not conversion

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04709c No.86789

File: 2691deffcf43358⋯.png (402.18 KB,594x533,594:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19487736 (041148ZSEP23) Notable: Pfizer Asks Court To Revoke Moderna's COVID-19 Vaccine Patents

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Pfizer Asks Court To Revoke Moderna's COVID-19 Vaccine Patents


Pfizer Asks Court To Revoke Moderna's COVID-19 Vaccine Patents

The patent "is prior art" under the law...

12:30 AM · Sep 4, 2023




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04709c No.86790

File: 7c66467d5e645d8⋯.png (45.16 KB,1261x298,1261:298,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19487759 (041159ZSEP23) Notable: Biden says he wasn't on vacation while visiting home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware: 'I can't go home home'

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Biden says he wasn't on vacation while visiting home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware: 'I can't go home home'

Biden said the Secret Service has been working on security upgrades to his primary residence in Wilmington

Landon Mion By Landon Mion Fox News

Published September 4, 2023 2:52am EDT

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04709c No.86791

File: 45ba5d54fdca382⋯.png (1.44 MB,1170x1627,1170:1627,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19487786 (041209ZSEP23) Notable: Robin Sage, Fort Liberty combat test for Special Forces, starts later this month in 26 NC counties

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Robin Sage, Fort Liberty combat test for Special Forces, starts later this month in 26 NC counties


FAYETTEVILLE — For the first time since Fort Bragg was changed to Fort Liberty, U.S. Army Special Forces will be conducting a combat training exam across 26 North Carolina counties — including Wake County — and three counties in South Carolina.

“Robin Sage,” which will run from Sept. 15 to 28, is the culmination exercise and has been the litmus test for soldiers striving to earn the Green Beret for more than 40 years.

Special Forces candidates assigned to the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School patrol are tested in the final phase of field training called “Robin Sage” in North Carolina.

This year, Fort Liberty officials said the exercise includes Carter County in Tennessee, which is on the North Carolina border near Boone and Blowing Rock.

The exercise drew criticism in 2019 when helicopters and simulated weapons fire lit up an office building along Capital Boulevard in Raleigh.

The more than 6,700 Army Green Berets are highly trained commandos who usually work in 12-person teams that are often used for specialized combat and counterterrorism operations and to train other nations’ forces in battle skills.

During the Robin Sage training, students will be fighting in a fictional nation called “Pineland” which in the past has been an “environment of political instability characterized by armed conflict, forcing soldiers to analyze and solve problems.”

For a realistic experience, the role-playing “unconventional warfare exercise” involves more than the Special Forces candidates. Military service members will act as “guerrilla freedom fighters,” Special Forces officials have said in the past.

The North Carolina counties in this year’s Robin Sage are: Avery, Alamance, Anson, Bladen, Brunswick, Cabarrus, Chatham, Columbus, Cumberland, Davidson, Duplin, Guilford, Harnett, Hoke, Lee, Montgomery, Moore, Randolph, Richmond, Robeson, Rowan, Sampson, Scotland, Stanly, Union, and Wake

The Special Forces exam will also take place in the South Carolina counties of Chesterfield, Dillon and Marlboro.

Following the completion of the two-week Robin Sage exercise, soldiers will graduate from the Special Forces Qualification Course training. From there, they move on to their first assignments in the Army Special Forces.

Robin Sage has been conducted since 1974

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04709c No.86792

File: 682abf0b1c10a6a⋯.jpeg (39.16 KB,240x135,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19487801 (041217ZSEP23) Notable: Amnesty joins rights groups in accusing Israel of apartheid

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Amnesty joins rights groups in accusing Israel of apartheid

JERUSALEM (AP) — Amnesty International said Tuesday that Israel has maintained “a system of oppression and domination” over the Palestinians going all the way back to its establishment in 1948, one that meets the international definition of apartheid.


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04709c No.86793

File: 34595a3b28b262e⋯.png (393.24 KB,707x681,707:681,Clipboard.png)

File: e81547fc290f424⋯.jpg (92.22 KB,620x412,155:103,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19487875 (041241ZSEP23) Notable: 🚨 Plans are under way to restart COVID surveillance in UK ahead of winter

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NEW 🚨 Plans are under way to restart COVID surveillance in UK ahead of winter. Announcement comes after the rollout of vaccines was brought forward due to a new variant emerging, one which officials have indicated is the most concerning since the arrival of Omicron

Follow @insiderpaper



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04709c No.86794

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19487928 (041255ZSEP23) Notable: resident Biden delivers remarks celebrating Labor Day and honoring America’s workers and unions at the Annual Tri-State Labor Day Parade.Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

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9:20 AM EDT

President Biden delivers remarks celebrating Labor Day and honoring America’s workers and unions at the Annual Tri-State Labor Day Parade.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania




Pres. Biden Delivers Labor Day Remarks in Philadelphia

President Biden celebrates Labor Day with remarks at an event hosted by an AFL-CIO affiliate in Philadelphia.


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04709c No.86795

File: 5c4e3d117bd2cf2⋯.jpeg (36.9 KB,240x135,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19487929 (041255ZSEP23) Notable: Massachusetts Calls Up National Guard To Cope With Ilegal Immigrants Amid Protests

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Massachusetts Calls Up National Guard To Cope With Ilegal Immigrants Amid Protests

By David Greyson Sep. 3, 2023 7:40 pm

Democrat Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey on Thursday deployed 250 National Guard members to help deal with the influx of illegal aliens overrunning their state. Their main task will be to transfer the asylum seekers to shelters around the state.

“We’re grateful to the brave men and women of the National Guard for stepping up to help us ensure that every family in emergency shelter has their needs met, including access to food, transportation, medical care, and education. While we work to implement a more permanent staffing solution, the National Guard will provide an efficient and effective means of delivering these services and keeping everybody safe,” Governor Healey said in a statement.

New York Post Reported:

Massachusetts officials overwhelmed by arriving migrants have activated the national guard as they scramble for more housing, while aid groups say they have been pushed to the limit and protests abound.

Gov. Maura Healey mobilized 250 members of the Massachusetts National Guard on Thursday to help transport the latest wave of asylum seekers to shelters across the state.

But much like the crisis overtaking the Big Apple, Massachusetts has nowhere near enough housing or resources currently available to accommodate the influx.

On Saturday, protesters came out to the Yarmouth Resort motel to have their voices heard. Since the state is considering using this facility to house migrants, the residents were unhappy because homeless Veterans and residents were being sidelined.

More at link


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04709c No.86796

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19487950 (041300ZSEP23) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -09/04/2023

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We are live!

Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -09/04/2023



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04709c No.86797

File: 37af0a5847cbab1⋯.png (555.08 KB,914x749,914:749,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19488009 (041317ZSEP23) Notable: What the Left Did to Our Country

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What the Left Did to Our Country

American Greatness, by Victor Davis Hanson

Posted By: Moritz55, 9/4/2023 8:10:44 AM

In the last 20 years, the Left has boasted that it has gained control of most of America institutions of power and influence—the corporate boardroom, media, Silicon Valley, Wall Street, the administrative state, academia, foundations, social media, entertainment, professional sports, and Hollywood. With such support, between 2009-17, Barack Obama was empowered to transform the Democratic Party from its middle-class roots and class concerns into the party of the bicoastal rich and subsidized poor—obsessions with big money, race, a new intolerant green religion, and dividing the country into a binary of oppressors and oppressed.

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04709c No.86798

File: 3697a73f97f48c8⋯.png (469.46 KB,987x1075,987:1075,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19488012 (041319ZSEP23) Notable: Invasive species that wreck crops, ravage forests, spread disease, and upend ecosystems are spreading ever faster across the globe

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BREAKING 🚨 Invasive species that wreck crops, ravage forests, spread disease, and upend ecosystems are spreading ever faster across the globe, and humanity has not been able to stem the tide, a major scientific assessment said Monday.

8:07 AM · Sep 4, 2023·14.7K Views

1 of 2


World losing high-stakes fight against alien species

AFPSeptember 4, 2023 8:04 am

New York appoints first-ever rat 'czar'Source: Pixabay

Invasive species that wreck crops, ravage forests, spread disease, and upend ecosystems are spreading ever faster across the globe, and humanity has not been able to stem the tide, a major scientific assessment said Monday.

The failure is costing well over $400 billion dollars a year in damages and lost income — the equivalent to the GDP of Denmark or Thailand — and that is likely a “gross underestimation”, according to the intergovernmental science advisory panel for the UN Convention on Biodiversity (IPBES).

From water hyacinth choking Lake Victoria in East Africa, to rats and brown snakes wiping out bird species in the Pacific, to mosquitoes exposing new regions to Zika, yellow fever, dengue and other diseases, the report catalogued more than 37,000 so-called alien species that have taken root — often literally — far from their places of origin.

That number is trending sharply upward, along with the bill for the damage multiplying fourfold per decade, on average, since 1970.

Economic expansion, population increase and climate change “will increase the frequency and extent of biological invasions and the impacts of invasive alien species,” the report concluded.

Only 17 percent of countries have laws or regulations to manage this onslaught, it said.

Whether by accident or on purpose, when non-native species wind up on the other side of the world, humans are to blame.

The spread of species is hard evidence that the rapid expansion of human activity has so radically altered natural systems as to tip the Earth into a new geological epoch, the Anthropocene, scientists say.

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04709c No.86799

File: 5d261d772fab669⋯.png (410.07 KB,600x478,300:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19488092 (041336ZSEP23) Notable: MTG - The Great Awakening is occurring right now.

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸


The Great Awakening is occurring right now.

Some people still can’t hear the truth, but a lot of people are waking up over and over.

The amount of new information coming out through the work of @GOPOversight

and other committees is forcing Congress to act.

2:30 AM · Sep 4, 2023




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04709c No.86800

File: a310de8fd8b1b53⋯.png (230.15 KB,590x350,59:35,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19488130 (041343ZSEP23) Notable: Ukraine war LIVE: Putin's pilots 'urged to defect' after Russian escapes in helicopter

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Ukraine war LIVE: Putin's pilots 'urged to defect' after Russian escapes in helicopter

A six-month secret operation had been underway to successfully bring the Russian helicopter pilot, as well as his family, to Ukraine.

A Russian helicopter pilot who defected to Ukraine has called on his former colleagues to follow his example.

Maksim Kuzminov, 28, landed his Mi-8 military helicopter on August 23 in Ukrainian-held Kharkiv Oblast, surrendering upon arrival.

His two fellow pilots were killed and it later transpired that Mr Kuzminov had been working with Ukrainian intelligence to provide them with vital military secrets.

Speaking during a document entitled “Downed Russian Pilots”, which was aired on Ukrainian television over the week, the young defector called on his peers to follow suit, adding that they would “not regret it all”.

“If you do what I did, this kind of thing, you will not regret it at all. You will be provided for the rest of your life with absolutely everything,” Mr Kuzminov stated.

“You will be offered work everywhere, whatever you want to do. You will just discover for yourself the world of colours.”

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04709c No.86801

File: 8d252430aa8d828⋯.png (1.53 MB,1080x710,108:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19488163 (041351ZSEP23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Sep 4, 2023 Cygnus: Bubble and Crescent

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Sep 4, 2023

Cygnus: Bubble and Crescent

As stars die, they create clouds. Two stellar death clouds of gas and dust can be found toward the high-flying constellation of the Swan (Cygnus) as they drift through rich star fields in the plane of our Milky Way Galaxy. Caught here within the telescopic field of view are the Soap Bubble (lower left) and the Crescent Nebula (upper right). Both were formed at the final phase in the life of a star. Also known as NGC 6888, the Crescent Nebula was shaped as its bright, central massive Wolf-Rayet star, WR 136, shed its outer envelope in a strong stellar wind. Burning through fuel at a prodigious rate, WR 136 is near the end of a short life that should finish in a spectacular supernova explosion. Discovered in 2013, the Soap Bubble Nebula is likely a planetary nebula, the final shroud of a lower mass, long-lived, Sun-like star destined to become a slowly cooling white dwarf. Both stellar nebulas are about 5,000 light-years distant, with the larger Crescent Nebula spanning about 25 light-years across. Within a few million years, both will likely have dispersed.


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04709c No.86802

File: aaeea042fadfd6a⋯.png (375.75 KB,634x422,317:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19488249 (041409ZSEP23) Notable: NASA holds top secret conferences to discuss what the space agency should do if its $10B James Webb telescope finds ALIENS, scientist reveals

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NASA holds top secret conferences to discuss what the space agency should do if its $10B James Webb telescope finds ALIENS, scientist reveals

UPDATED: 01:51 EDT, 4 September 2023

- Dr Michelle Thaller made the revelation during a gathering in New York City

- Dr Thaller said NASA has held meetings to discuss what to do if they find aliens

- Thaller previously said she believes it's only matter of time until alien life is found

A NASA scientist has revealed the space agency has discussed what they should do if the James Webb telescope finds evidence of aliens.

Dr Michelle Thaller, NASA's assistant director of science communication, said they were open to the possibility the powerful telescope may discover new forms of life.

The telescope, launched on Christmas Day in 2021, was sent by NASA to 'solve mysteries in our solar system, look beyond to distant worlds around other stars, and probe the mysterious structures and origins of our universe and our place in it,' the agency said.

We actually work with SETI - the search for extraterrestrial intelligence,' said Thaller. 'There are extra scientists that are searching the sky for signs of alien civilizations.

'We've had conferences about what happens if the James Webb Space Telescope observes an atmosphere of a planet around another star and we see things that don't look natural.'

She said suspicious signs could be pollution coming from a planet, and said that she felt it was only a matter of time before alien life was detected - perhaps microbial life on Venus, Mars, or Saturn's largest moon, Titan.

She told the gathering that the $10 billion telescope, which provides detailed new images every day, was giving a remarkable array of data.

'The Webb Telescope has the ability to actually detect chemicals, gases that are in planets around other stars,' she said.

'We've done this already with Webb but all the planets have been very different from Earth. I'm hoping this year maybe that we find one that's very similar to Earth.'

Last month the Department of Defense unveiled a new website that will provide official declassified information on UFOs - about a month after a prominent UFO whistleblower delivered bombshell testimony before Congress.

Still under construction, the web page will offer pictures and videos for the public to easily peruse once completed, with several already online just hours after its release.

Its existence was announced during a briefing from Pentagon spokesman Brig. Gen. Patrick Ryder, weeks after former intelligence official David Grusch claimed the Pentagon is covering up evidence related to extraterrestrials.

Other information the will soon be available, the general said, includes reports and frequently asked questions about unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAPs), as well as links to reports, transcripts, and other resources that's been declassified.

Federal officials said the release shows how 'committed' the Defense Department is to 'transparency with the American people' about their work on UAPs - the government's term for UFOs.

'This website will serve as a one-stop shop for all publicly available information related to the Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) and UAP,' the release reads,

Defense officials said the 'AARO will regularly update the website with its most recent activities and findings as new information is cleared for public release.'

The new site can be accessed via the domain aaro.mil, the department added - where users will be able to also find links to other available government aircraft, balloon, and satellite tracking sites.


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04709c No.86803

File: fd9a4a6866a721a⋯.png (718.81 KB,924x851,924:851,Clipboard.png)

File: 75130b176045556⋯.png (859.36 KB,1136x1655,1136:1655,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19488279 (041416ZSEP23) Notable: PF Report

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REG: 98-0002

Northwest bound out of Joint Base Andrews, just west of Saint Paul.

FL 340

Squawking 2633



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04709c No.86804

File: 641dd7b5639ba42⋯.png (876.09 KB,976x549,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: fa833c5f777652e⋯.png (848.85 KB,976x549,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: f3d8356a6fd6fd7⋯.png (600.54 KB,976x549,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19488318 (041422ZSEP23) Notable: Moon base: Bangor scientists design fuel to live in space

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Moon base: Bangor scientists design fuel to live in space

Sep 3, 2023

Scientists have developed an energy source which could allow astronauts to live on the Moon for long periods of time.

The Nasa-led Artemis Program hopes for an outpost on the Moon by around 2030.

Bangor University has designed nuclear fuel cells, the size of poppy seeds, to produce the energy needed to sustain life there.

Prof Simon Middleburgh from the university said the work was a challenge - "but it was a fun one".

The Moon, which is seen by some to be the gateway to Mars, contains a lot of valuable resources needed for modern technology.

The hope is that it could be used as a springboard to reach the planets beyond.

As space technology advances at a rapid pace, the BBC was given exclusive access to the Bangor University Nuclear Futures Institute's laboratory.

The Bangor team, which is a world leader on fuels, works with partners such as Rolls Royce, the UK Space Agency, Nasa and the Los Alamos National Laboratory in the US.

Prof Middleburgh from the Nuclear Futures Institute said the team hoped to fully test the nuclear fuel "over the next few months".

On parts of the Moon, temperatures plummet to astonishing lows of -248C because it has no atmosphere to warm up the surface.

Bangor University is a major player in the quest to generate another way of producing energy and heat to sustain life there.

The researchers have just sent the tiny nuclear fuel cell, known as a Trisofuel, to their partners for testing.

This Trisofuel cell could be used to power a micro nuclear generator, created by Rolls Royce.

The generator is a portable device, the size of a small car and "something you can stick on a rocket," Prof Middleburgh said.

That will now be fully tested and put through forces similar to being blasted up into space, ready for a Moon base in 2030.

He added: "You can launch them into space, with all the forces… and they'll still function quite safely when they're put onto the Moon."

Earlier this month, India made a historic landing near the Moon's south pole with its robotic probe Chandrayaan-3.

One of the mission's major goals is to hunt for water-based ice which, scientists say, could support human habitation on the Moon in future.

Prof Middleburgh said Bangor University's work was putting Wales on the map.

"I would say that we're really pushing things [globally]," he said.

The university hopes the micro generators could also be used here on Earth, such as in disaster zones when electricity has been cut off.

The team at Bangor is also working on a nuclear system to power rockets, led by Dr Phylis Makurunje.

She said: "It is very powerful - it gives very high thrust, the push it gives to the rocket.

"This is very important because it enables rockets to reach the farthest planets."

Dr Makurunje said the new technology could almost halve the time it takes to get to Mars.

"With nuclear thermal propulsion - you're looking at about four to six months getting to Mars. The current duration is nine months plus," she said.

Moon bases in the 2030s

The geopolitical author and journalist, Tim Marshall, said the breakthrough over fuel was a step towards a global race to the lunar south pole.

He said: "I'm confident there will be moon bases in the 2030s. Probably a Chinese one; probably an American-led one.

"I'm confident because I don't think that major powers can afford not to be there just in case this is, what is likely to be, a massive breakthrough.

"So the Chinese are talking about 2028, putting the first brick down, probably symbolically to say they were the first one. But by the early 2030s, both will have a base.

"It's thought there is titanium, lithium, silicon, iron, and many other minerals which are used for all sorts of 21st Century technologies.

"The actual amount is unknown... but most companies are confident that it's enough to make it economically viable."

He warned things could become complicated as space is commercialised, citing outdated space laws.

"The rules of the road, such as they are, were written in 1967 - the Outer Space Treaty.

"It's still a template but it's 50 years out of date because it didn't know about modern technology, the competition that's out there and the commercial aspects - because then it was very much state-led.

"So without updated laws, agreed by the United Nations, it is a little bit of a free-for-all for everybody - and that brings dangers.

"Because if you haven't got the guidelines within which to operate, then the clear competition that will happen is operating without a legal framework."


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04709c No.86805

File: 5515bb91766823b⋯.jpg (161.74 KB,500x634,250:317,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19488367 (041431ZSEP23) Notable: #23934

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...Hold 'em until next bread. Baking.

~@700 Baking soon

...Baker looking for handoff next bread


#23934 >>86781

>>86782 WATCH: Massive tornado (dust devil) in Tubara, Colombia

>>86783 Florida Doctor Reinstated After Losing Board Certification For Criticizing COVID-19 Vaccines

>>86785 House Speaker Kevin McCarthy Details How Impeachment Inquiry Into Biden Would Start

>>86786 Disclosetv - After his "jogging accident" German Chancellor Olaf Scholz shows himself with an eye patch.

>>86787 Turkey’s president meets Russia’s Putin and aims to revive the wartime Ukraine grain export deal

>>86788 Pope Francis opens clinic on the first papal visit to Mongolia. He says it’s about charity not conversion

>>86789 Pfizer Asks Court To Revoke Moderna's COVID-19 Vaccine Patents

>>86790 Biden says he wasn't on vacation while visiting home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware: 'I can't go home home'

>>86791 Robin Sage, Fort Liberty combat test for Special Forces, starts later this month in 26 NC counties

>>86792 Amnesty joins rights groups in accusing Israel of apartheid

>>86793 🚨 Plans are under way to restart COVID surveillance in UK ahead of winter

>>86794 resident Biden delivers remarks celebrating Labor Day and honoring America’s workers and unions at the Annual Tri-State Labor Day Parade.Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

>>86795 Massachusetts Calls Up National Guard To Cope With Ilegal Immigrants Amid Protests

>>86796 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -09/04/2023

>>86797 What the Left Did to Our Country

>>86798 Invasive species that wreck crops, ravage forests, spread disease, and upend ecosystems are spreading ever faster across the globe

>>86799 MTG - The Great Awakening is occurring right now.

>>86800 Ukraine war LIVE: Putin's pilots 'urged to defect' after Russian escapes in helicopter

>>>/qresearch/19488139 Ukraine's defence minister Oleksii Reznikov dismissed

>>86801 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Sep 4, 2023 Cygnus: Bubble and Crescent

>>86802 NASA holds top secret conferences to discuss what the space agency should do if its $10B James Webb telescope finds ALIENS, scientist reveals

>>86803 PF Report

>>86804 Moon base: Bangor scientists design fuel to live in space


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04709c No.86806

File: c7f8ba0bee48116⋯.png (280.77 KB,500x714,250:357,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19488387 (041435ZSEP23) Notable: #23935

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...Baker Looking for handoff.

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04709c No.86807

File: b38bc847d75dc8a⋯.jpg (72.05 KB,500x480,25:24,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19488419 (041443ZSEP23) Notable: ‘Where Is the Money?’ Military Graft Becomes a Headache for Ukraine

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“The question here is, ‘Where is the money?’” said Daria Kaleniuk, the executive director of the Anti-Corruption Action Center in Ukraine, a group dedicated to rooting out public graft that is now focused on war profiteering.

“Corruption can kill,” Ms. Kaleniuk said. “Depending on how effective we are in guarding the public funds, the soldier will either have a weapon or not have a weapon.”

At one point this year, about $980 million in weapons contracts had missed their delivery dates, according to government figures, and some prepayments for weapons had vanished into oversees accounts of weapons dealers, according to reports made to Parliament. Though precise details have not emerged, the irregularities suggest that procurement officials in the ministry did not vet suppliers, or allowed weapons dealers to walk off with money without delivering the armaments.

Ukrainian media reports have pointed to overpayments for basic supplies for the army, such as food and winter coats.


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04709c No.86808

File: 35c33f0e175bfec⋯.png (415.37 KB,594x615,198:205,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19488421 (041444ZSEP23) Notable: Flynn Tweet Newt, you realize you’re on Fox News which is part of the problem you’re talking about.

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General Mike Flynn


Newt, you realize you’re on Fox News which is part of the problem you’re talking about. And some of their corporate board members are a significant part of the problem!

I’m still glad you said what you said.


3:28 AM · Sep 4, 2023




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04709c No.86809

File: 45e43eab109a7d1⋯.png (666.66 KB,849x635,849:635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19488430 (041445ZSEP23) Notable: Ouch! Founder of DeSantis Super PAC Obliterates the Florida Governor – Then Backs Trump in Same Interview! (VIDEO)

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Ouch! Founder of DeSantis Super PAC Obliterates the Florida Governor – Then Backs Trump in Same Interview!


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04709c No.86810

File: 034b949a8a37e2d⋯.png (846.43 KB,1572x773,1572:773,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19488431 (041446ZSEP23) Notable: Kamala Harris met with George Soros heir, top donors at her private residence, records show

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Joe has no home to go to and Kamala hosting Little Soros at her private residence. Maybe the chimney remodel in the VP house is not finished yet. KEK These MFers don't live in the WH or VP house because they are not legit


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04709c No.86811

File: 0da971eac64f426⋯.jpeg (24.49 KB,474x311,474:311,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19488443 (041447ZSEP23) Notable: ‘Where Is the Money?’ Military Graft Becomes a Headache for Ukraine

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Ukraine Corruption Update

"Volodymyr Zelenskiy sacks Defence Minister and lines up replacement."

-President says war against Russia requires a new approach as he dismisses Oleksii Reznikov in favour of Rustem Umerov

-Zelensky announced the move Sunday on his official Telegram account, writing that new leadership was needed after Reznikov had gone through “more than 550 days of full-scale war.”




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04709c No.86812

File: a795927a90e4414⋯.png (31.37 KB,1051x220,1051:220,Clipboard.png)

File: ec1d3a47cddc604⋯.png (769.32 KB,1032x627,344:209,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19488470 (041452ZSEP23) Notable: Previously censored Trump movie to relaunch in October with high-tech virtual arena experience

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By Charlotte Hazard

Updated: September 4, 2023 - 9:22am

The 2020 censored movie titled The Trump I Know is set to relaunch in October inside a high-tech virtual arena where audiences can ask questions and participate during in the livestream from the comfort of their homes.

Amazon Prime did not allow the movie on its platform until the day after the 2020 election, Google Play did not post it until Dec. 3, 2020, and Apple TV waited until December 2020 as well.

"It will be interactive," one of the movie's filmmakers, Matt Thayer told the "Just the News, No Noise" TV show. "It's going to be like a giant zoom call with this big old LED screen and we're gonna bring people up and ask questions. So it's kind of a virtual town hall."

You can sign up for the event or get details here.

According to the Thayers, the reason they are relaunching the production is due to the censorship that buried the documentary in 2020.

“We’ve got to stop what’s happening with censorship,” said fellow filmmaker Joy Thayer. “People deserve the truth. They need all of this information out there.”

The film is set to premiere at Worre Studios in Las Vegas, Nevada on Oct. 26, 2023 with a live audience, but a majority of viewers will be joining virtually.

According to the film's official website, TRUTH Social CEO Devin Nunes, Lara Trump and General Michael Flynn will also be attending virtually.

The film is about people telling stories about their experience with former President Donald Trump and describes those peoples' views of how accessible he is to the American people. According to the Thayers, many of these people were themselves censored for trying to tell positive stories about the 45th president.

"These are the most authentic stories you're going to hear about President Trump, and we really want people to talk about the president that we know," Joy said. "I know President Trump would have our border closed right now. The Trump I know would have a great foreign policy. The Trump I know would have us energy independent. There are stories that people have."

The Thayers said that they are bringing people on board during the livestream to discuss their experience with censorship and solutions on how to address it.

"We said, 'Let's not only share the film. Let's talk about people that have dealt with this and how we're going to bring solutions and how we're going to keep bringing content to people so that they have answers to what's going on out there.'"



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04709c No.86813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19488472 (041453ZSEP23) Notable: Flashback - Trump’s Mar-A-Lago Lawsuit Spotlights How Difficult Search Warrants Are To Challenge – By A Criminal Suspect Or An Ex-President – Until Charges Are Brought

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Old but important article on search warrants!

Trump’s Mar-A-Lago Lawsuit Spotlights How Difficult Search Warrants Are To Challenge – By A Criminal Suspect Or An Ex-President – Until Charges Are Brought

Aug. 24, 2022.1/2

Some observers say that the lawsuit filed by former President Donald Trump on Aug. 22, 2022, challenging the FBI’s recent search of his Mar-a-Lago estate is “filled with bombastic complaints” and will “blow up in his face.”.

I am a legal scholar who is an expert on the various Trump investigations and the constitutional protections against wrongful searches.

I think it is important to recognize that Trump’s lawsuit raises a very serious point: Current federal law does not provide good procedures to protect the rights of people subjected to a search warrant.

Federal law’s limits on searches

The Constitution protects “the right of the people to be secure in their houses and papers” and requires that searchwarrants must “particularly describe” the place to be searched and the things to be seized.

Trump’s lawsuit asserts that these Constitutional protections were violated both by the broad language of the search warrant and the way it has been carried out by the FBI.

Trump’s lawsuit asks for a judge to halt the FBI’s review of what it seized from Mar-a-Lago and the appointment of an independent judicial officer to conduct the review instead.

Trump also asks for a more detailed receipt of what the FBI took, and for the agency to return all of the items not properly seized.

Granting these requests might both be fair to Trump and also in the public interest_, by bolstering public confidence in the handling of the search, which has been criticized by Trump and his supporters as politically motivated, intrusive and overbroad.

However, as shown by a similar lawsuit recently filed by one of Trump’s former lawyers, John Eastman, people who are subjected to a federal search have limited ability to challenge its legality. Eastman’s cellphone was taken by federal agents as he was leaving a restaurant in June 2022, amid a federal investigation into his alleged attempt to overturn the 2020 election results.

The search warrant authorized seizing “any and all electronic or digital devices and all information in such devices”without identifying what crime was being investigated. Eastman challenged the warrant on the same grounds as Trump’s lawsuit, claiming it authorized an overbroad search of everything stored on his phone.

Eastman tried to get a federal court to halt FBI examination of his phone by invoking a Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure, or Rule 41, which says“a person aggrieved by an unlawful search and seizure” may seek return of the seized property. In response, the government told the court that Eastman can only use Rule 41 to recover property for which he can show an urgent need. Eastman cannot use Rule 41 to challenge the constitutionality of the FBI seizing his phone or toprevent the law enforcement agencyfrom reading attorney-client communications stored on the phone, the government said.

Trump’s lawsuit faces the same problem. Apart from Rule 41, there iscurrently no clear way under federal lawto challenge the validity of a search unless and until criminal charges are filed.

An often overlooked omission

This loophole in federal law– and American law generally– means that court cases about searches are almost always in the context of criminal prosecution.

Because those making court arguments for rights against improper searches are usually accused or convicted criminals, the general public has paid little attention to the fact thatsearch warrant procedures are an exceptionto a fundamental principle of American law, which is thatpeople have the right to participate in judicialproceedings regarding their rights….


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04709c No.86814

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19488494 (041457ZSEP23) Notable: Flashback - Trump’s Mar-A-Lago Lawsuit Spotlights How Difficult Search Warrants Are To Challenge – By A Criminal Suspect Or An Ex-President – Until Charges Are Brought

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As pointed out by the government in opposing the unsealing of the FBI affidavit used to obtain the Mar-a-Lago warrant, federal courts consistently allow investigative records to be sealed from both the subjects of investigation and the public. A judge’s initial decision to issue asearch warrant is almost always based only on a one-sided presentationby the government.

Not only dosubjects of a requested warrant have no chance to present their sideto the judge, but they do not even know about the warrant process until the government is at the door, warrant in hand. And then, as Trump’s lawsuit complains, this secrecy continues after the search is conducted as the government reviews what it seized.

Trump’s request for a ‘special master’

The FBI is now using a “taint team” for the Mar-a-Lago search and seizure of classified documents. This is a special group of agents designated to do an initial review of seized materials.

These screening officers then decide what materials can be turned over for further review by FBI agents doing the actual criminal investigation. InTrump’s case, however, the standards for such review are not public andnothingin the court recordindicates review standardshave been submitted for court approval__.

Even if review criteria are clearly defined, the practice of using FBI agents for screening has been criticized by some courts as providing insufficient protection against improper use of items seized during a search.

For example, one federal appellate court described taint teams as putting the fox in charge of guarding the hen house. Even on the taint team, FBI agents may still have a “prosecutorial interest” that could lead them to hand over documents to investigators that should be protected from government view.

This kind of action, whether because of malice, neglect or simply an honest mistake, can take placebefore the subjects of the searchhave an opportunity to seek court protections for their documents.

That court did what the Trump lawsuit is now requesting – it ordered that a temporary judicial officer, called a “special master,” take over the initial review, to exclude documents that should not be seen by the government.

There are other instances of commissioning a person to do such a job. In 2018, for example, when federal agents executed search warrants against Trump’s former personal attorney, Michael D. Cohen, a retired federal judge was appointed as a special master to screen everything that was seized before it could be turned over to prosecutors.

The justification for placing an independent judicial officer between the FBI and the trove of documents seized at Mar-a-Lago is underscored by the broad way the search warrant was written.

The warrant not only authorized the FBI to seize classified documents, but it also allowed theFBI to seize “any other containers/boxes” that were “stored or found together” with boxes containing classified documents.

This means it is possible that some of the 26 boxes listed on the FBI’s property receipt wereseized not because they contained evidenceof a crime but simply because they were stored in the same location as classified documents. Without something like the protections of a special master procedure, FBI agents could end up reading thousands of pages taken from Trump’s home that have no relevance to the suspected crimes listed in the warrant.

Perhaps now that the one-sided nature of search warrant procedures is being challenged by a former president, this problem will get new attention.

Clark D. Cunningham, W. Lee Burge Chair in Law & Ethics; Director, National Institute for Teaching Ethics & Professionalism, Georgia State University

(Based on the fact that the government has weaponized and initiated political prosecution on targets and other suspected criminals, and many have been treated unfairly,this law needs to rewritten and redefined to implement the constitutional protection we have. A law, if it violates and nullifies our constitutional rights, should have been nullified altogether a long time ago. The courts are in collusion with law enforcement based on ideology. Because of the obvious nature of political prosecution by lawfare used as their way of destroying “their enemies”this law should be a top priority to change under the new Trump Administration)


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04709c No.86815

File: 59ce639b6665a61⋯.png (198.1 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: e1c6ab837308876⋯.png (209.46 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 73e65eefdee8470⋯.png (311.66 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19488587 (041513ZSEP23) Notable: Parasites, Worms, Helminths and infection

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Of the more than 340 types of parasites

That can and do inhabit our bodies

20 affect the kidneys specifically

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04709c No.86816

File: 4a9044151aae7bd⋯.jpg (32.83 KB,480x480,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19488649 (041525ZSEP23) Notable: Dr. Birx, who helped lead Trump White House in COVID response, says new mask mandates not needed yet

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Dr. Deborah Birx, who as a Trump administration official helped lead the country’s early response to the COVID-19 pandemic, says masks do not need to be mandated now.

"We don't need to mandate," Birx, who was a White House COVID response coordinator, told Newsmax on Saturday.

Birx was responding to an increasing number of hospitals and businesses requiring masks amid an increase in COVID-19 hospital admissions across the U.S.

"We need to actually empower people with the information that they need for themselves and their families because every family is different," Birx also said. "And by the way, outside is safe, and playgrounds are safe.”

Hospitals in upstate New York announced last month that masks, worn to prevent the spread of the virus, will be mandatory for staff, patients and visitors.

Among them are United Health Services, in Binghamton; Auburn Community Hospital, in Auburn; University Hospital, in Syracuse; and Samaritan Health facilities, in Watertown, according to the Epoch Times.

In addition, mask requirements were recently implemented at Hollywood studio Lionsgate in Santa Monica, California.

Last month, data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC, showed COVID hospitalizations have increased nationwide. However, the increase remains low compared to pandemic levels, the news outlet also reports.


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04709c No.86817

File: dd096654861995e⋯.jpg (580.11 KB,1079x1864,1079:1864,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19488684 (041532ZSEP23) Notable: England’s concrete crisis could extend to hospitals and courts, experts say

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England’s concrete crisis could extend to hospitals and courts, experts say

Labour demands urgent audit of government’s handling of longstanding concerns about Raac


Amy Walker

Sat 2 Sep 2023 12.10 BST

England’s growing buildings crisis could expand beyond schools to other public buildings such as hospitals and courts, experts have said.

More than 100 schools were forced to partially or fully close this week after a dramatic escalation of the government’s approach towards crumbling concrete.

Labour has demanded an urgent audit of the government’s handling of longstanding concerns about reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (Raac).

Scaffolding outside school

Ministers face calls to explain delay in closing schools over concrete crisis

Read more

The Labour MP Meg Hillier, who chairs the public accounts committee, said Raac was “the tip of the iceberg” of maintenance issues within the school estate.

Writing for the Times, she said the state of some public buildings was “jaw-dropping”.

She questioned why the situation had been “left to deteriorate for so long”, telling Times Radio: “In both schools and hospitals, there hasn’t been enough money going into buildings and equipment.”

She said the costs of working around the problems – using props to support existing structures and conducting surveys on affected areas - were “eye-watering and wasteful when you think about the problems in the NHS at the moment”.

“The cost of doing it is enormous. We’re talking millions of pounds to survey a roof in a corridor in order to make sure they know where the problems are,” she said. “Every time another problem arises, they have to go back and do another survey.”

Newsnight revealed on Friday that it had seen reports from as far back as 1961 about aerated concrete concerns.

Raac, a lightweight building material, was commonly used in panel-form in public building construction from the 1950s to mid-1990s. It is estimated to have a lifespan of 30 years, and many structures have now passed that age.

Chris Goodier, a professor of construction engineering and materials at Loughborough University, said “the scale of the problem is much bigger than schools”.

Matthew Byatt, the head of the Institution of Structural Engineers, said any high-rise buildings with flat roofs constructed between the late 1960s and early 1990s could contain Raac.

Ministers have so far refused to publish the names of the affected schools or 34 other public buildings identified as containing Raac.

They include 24 hospitals, seven court buildings and four Department for Work and Pensions facilities. Harrow crown court was reportedly forced to close last week because of the presence of Raac.

There have been repeated calls for action, including from councils, on the material after a primary school roof collapsed in Kent in 2018.

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04709c No.86818

File: 6e26586f8d58c5a⋯.png (556.42 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19488685 (041532ZSEP23) Notable: Cyberattack Shuts Down Two of World’s Leading Telescopes

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Cyberattack Shuts Down Two of World’s Leading Telescopes


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04709c No.86819

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19488690 (041533ZSEP23) Notable: Ukraine attacking pipelines to Türkiye - Putin

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4 Sep, 2023 14:13

Ukraine attacking pipelines to Türkiye – Putin

The TurkStream and Blue Stream routes carrying Russian gas have been targeted by drones, according to the president

Russian pipelines transporting natural gas to Türkiye have facedconstant attack by submarine drones launched from Ukrainian ports, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Monday.

The Russian leader made the accusation during a meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Sochi.

“Our ships guard these pipeline systems, and they are constantly under attack, including with the help of drones that are directed to these attacks from Ukrainian Black Sea ports,” Putin claimed, referring to the Blue Stream and TurkStream gas pipelines.

The Russian Defense Ministry announced in May that it had repelled a Ukrainian attack on the Ivan Khurs, a vessel which guards the two pipelines. The incident involved three unmanned speedboats, which were destroyed 90 miles (145km) northeast of Türkiye’s Bosporus Strait, the ministry said.

Last month, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic expressed hope that the TurkStream pipeline, which transports Russian natural gas to his country via the Black Sea, would be safe and secure, and that it would not suffer the same fate as the sabotaged Nord Stream pipelines.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban previously warned that both Budapest and Belgrade would consider any attacks on Russian gas-supply routes to the region as a reason for war.


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04709c No.86820

File: b2e27943f304cb0⋯.png (152.36 KB,450x450,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19488716 (041538ZSEP23) Notable: J6 Political Prisoner Zachary Alams’ Defense Attorneys PROMISE to Put Ashli Babbit’s Murderer Officer Michael Byrd on Stand at September 5th Trial!

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J6 Political Prisoner Zachary Alams’ Defense Attorneys PROMISE to Put Ashli Babbit’s Murderer Officer Michael Byrd on Stand at September 5th Trial!

Oddly, I know little about the woman who saved my life. Her name was Ashli Babbitt, a 34 year old Air Force veteran from San Diego, California. She had a brother. She had a mother and a loving husband. She was an independent person, and to the best of my knowledge, showed up to the Trump rally on January 6 by herself.

Sep. 4, 2023 10:00 am


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04709c No.86821

File: 3ccc544eb5566f7⋯.jpeg (134.83 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19488720 (041539ZSEP23) Notable: Global activists slam EU nation for crackdown on Russians

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4 Sep, 2023 13:21

Global activists slam EU nation for crackdown on Russians

The UN and European authorities are being called upon to intervene in Latvia’s bid to expel up to 6,000 residents

More than two dozen officials, scholars, ex-diplomats, businessmen, and activists have condemnedLatvia’s crackdown on its Russian-speaking residents, blasting the country’s authorities for their push to expel thousands of people who fail to complete a mandatory language test.

The letter criticizing the Baltic country was addressed to Volker Turk, the UN high commissioner for human rights, Dunja Mijatovic, the Council of Europe commissioner for human rights, and Kairat Abdrakhmanov, high commissioner on national minorities in the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). The document was drafted by members of the Russian presidential human rights commission.

In addition to current and former top officials – including BRICS Forum President Purnima Anand and former UN Under-Secretary General Benon Sevan – it was endorsed by institutions and activists in India, Serbia, several EU nations, Israel, Jordan, Cyprus, and ex-Soviet republics, as well as Russian community organizations in several Western countries.

The letterblasted what it called the “flagrant violation of the rights of Russian-speaking residents of Latvia” who live in the EU countyon perfectly legal grounds. It said the Latvian authorities are planning to issue expulsion notices to between 5,000 and 6,000 of its residents holding Russian citizenship who have not passed the language test.

The letter also noted that the crackdown would mostly affect senior citizens who have lived in Latvia since the Soviet era. They argued that these people have lived in the country for more than 30 years, meaning that their knowledge of Russian and Latvian is “sufficient for the purposes of daily life and personal affairs.”

What is “particularly cynical,” the letter continued, is that the Russian-speaking population is being asked to outline their political views and condemn Moscow’s foreign policies amid the Ukraine conflict. The document claims that this demand violates UN human rights regulations.

“We implore you to intervene in this situation to prevent the forced eviction of Latvian residents of Russian citizenship who have been officially granted residence permits in the Republic,” the activists asked UN and European officials.

Even before the Ukraine conflict, Latvia, like its Baltic neighbors, had made efforts to eliminate the Russian language from social and economic life. The situation was exacerbated in 2022 when then-Latvian President Egils Levits insisted that Russians who are not loyal to the nation’s government should be “isolated from society.” Moscow has repeatedly accused Riga of “systemic discrimination” and failure to meet its international obligations in this regard.


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04709c No.86822

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19488758 (041545ZSEP23) Notable: NATO member contradicts Ukraine drone claim

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4 Sep, 2023 11:59

NATO member contradicts Ukraine drone claim

The Romanian Defense Ministry says no Russian UAVs have crashed on its territory, contrary to official statements by Kiev

Russian drones that were used over the weekend to strike targets in Ukraine did not pose any military threat to Romania’s territory, the country’s Ministry of Defense announced on Monday.

The statement comes after Oleg Nikolenko, a representative of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, claimed on Facebook that several Russian drones had fallen and detonated on the territory of Romania.

“During a massive attack by Russia in the area of the Izmail port, Russian ‘shaheds’ fell and detonated on the territory of Romania tonight,”Nikolenko wrote, citing sources within the Ukrainian Border Guard.

Nikolenko provided an unverified picture purported to depict the event and said that the alleged incident proved that “Russian missile terror” threatens not only Ukraine, but also neighboring NATO member states. To counter this, he insisted that Kiev’s Western backers should provide Ukraine with additional modern anti-missile and anti-aircraft defense systems, as well as aviation.

Romania’s Defense Ministry, however, said that it “firmly denies the information circulating in the public space with regard to a so-called situation [that] occurred during the night of 3-4 September, when Russian drones would have fallen on Romania’s national territory.”

While the ministry said it condemned the attacks on Ukraine, it stressed that “at no time did the means of attack employed by the Russian Federation pose direct military threatsto our national territory or Romania’s territorial waters.”

Meanwhile, Russia’s Defense Ministry reported on Sunday that its forces had successfully conducted a drone strike on an oil depot and facilities used to refuel Ukrainian military vehicles in the port of Reni, on the left bank of the Danube River.

“The objective of the strike was achieved. All designated targets have been hit,” the ministry said in a statement, noting that the Russian military had also destroyed two Ukrainian ammunition depots and one drone command center in the southeastern region of Dnepropetrovsk and a Kiev-controlled part of the Kherson region.

(This should be a warning to NATO to never let Ukraine join, they will drag every NATO country into war for the retaliation propaganda)


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04709c No.86823

File: 1cf14bf6e1ea594⋯.png (1.27 MB,1377x1858,1377:1858,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19488829 (041601ZSEP23) Notable: Massachusetts calls up national guard to cope with migrants as protests rage

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SEP 3, 2023

Massachusetts calls up national guard to cope with migrants as protests rage

Massachusetts officials overwhelmed by arriving migrants have activated the national guard as they scramble for more housing, while aid groups say they have been pushed to the limit and protests abound.

Gov. Maura Healey mobilized 250 members of the Massachusetts National Guard on Thursday to help transport the latest wave of asylum seekers to shelters across the state.

But much like the crisis overtaking the Big Apple, Massachusetts has nowhere near enough housing or resources currently available to accommodate the influx.

“Right now, the non-profits that are in Massachusetts are stretched and so thin they cannot provide anymore staff,” state Sen. Jamie Eldridge told CBS News.

While the National Guard can help with the lack of manpower, the state can do little to address the shortage of housing outside of creating new shelters, which local residents vehemently oppose.

Dozens of protesters came out Saturday to the Yarmouth Resort motel, where the state hopes to set aside 100 units for migrant families, many of whom include Haitian immigrants displaced by natural disasters. ...


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04709c No.86824

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19488869 (041610ZSEP23) Notable: Labor Day USA: 1.2 Million Native-Born Workers Have Lost Their Jobs and Been Replaced With 668K Foreign-Born Workers

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Happy Labor Day America!


Labor Day USA: 1.2 Million Native-Born Workers Have Lost Their Jobs and Been Replaced With 668K Foreign-Born Workers

I happen to think there is another group of Americans who have retired early or are looking to remain "unemployed" intentionally.

I'll bet the foreign workers are paid less and treated worse than native workers. Rich oligarchs love this scenario.

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04709c No.86825

File: 1adafbeb9772717⋯.png (217.55 KB,846x908,423:454,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19488882 (041612ZSEP23) Notable: E.U. Official From Sweden Imprisoned in Iran for Over 500 Days

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Sept. 4, 2023 Updated 9:35 a.m. ET

E.U. Official From Sweden Imprisoned in Iran for Over 500 Days

The case of Johan Floderus, kept under wraps for more than a year, has become part of Iran’s “hostage diplomacy” as Tehran seeks concessions from the West.

A Swedish citizen working for the European Union diplomatic corps has been imprisoned in Iran for more than 500 days, making him an important bargaining chip for Tehran as it tries to wring concessions from the West.

The arrest, which has been kept under wraps for over a year by the Swedish and European Union authorities, appears to be part of an expanding pattern of what has become known as Iran’s “hostage diplomacy.”

Tehran has been opportunistically scooping up dual Iranian nationals and foreigners on spurious charges, seeking to trade them for Iranians held in Europe or the United States, or to use them as leverage to extract money and other concessions.

Last month the United States concluded a deal with Iran to free five Americans held there in exchange for $6 billion in withheld Iranian oil revenues as well as the release of Iranian prisoners in America.

Still, this latest case, the details of which have not been previously reported, stands out for the prisoner’s professional background as a European official. The man, Johan Floderus, 33, a native of Sweden, has held several positions in the European Union’s institutions, coming up through its civil service traineeship program. He was even featured in an advertising campaign to attract young Swedes to European Union careers.

Mr. Floderus visited Iran last spring on what people familiar with the case described as a private tourist trip, together with several Swedish friends. As he prepared to take his flight out of Tehran on April 17, 2022, he was detained at the airport.

In July of last year, the Iranian government released a statement announcing that it had apprehended a Swedish national for espionage. He is now being held in the notorious Evin prison in the Iranian capital. ...


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04709c No.86826

File: cc0788a0a9809a6⋯.png (2.36 MB,1728x2484,16:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19488890 (041613ZSEP23) Notable: E.U. Official From Sweden Imprisoned in Iran for Over 500 Days

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Richard Grenell

Why did the EU keep this secret for over 500 days?!

EU Watch·6h



>E.U. Official From Sweden Imprisoned in Iran for Over 500 Days

reports @nytimes.

33-year-old Johan Floderus, who works for the EU's diplomatic corps, was apprehended in April 2022 while on a tourist visit to #Iran.

11:56 AM · Sep 4, 2023


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04709c No.86827

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19488920 (041617ZSEP23) Notable: Scott Ritter: A comprehensive Ukrainian defeat is the only possible outcome of its conflict with Russia

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3 Sep, 2023 16:33

Scott Ritter: A comprehensive Ukrainian defeat is the only possible outcome of its conflict with Russia

Kiev was offered a peace deal long ago, but chose war instead, egged on by its Western backers. Now its fate is sealed.1/3

September 2 marked the 78th anniversary of the World War Two surrender ceremony onboard the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay. This moment formalized Japan’s unconditional capitulation to the United States, and its allies, and marked the end of the conflict. From the Japanese perspective, it had been ongoing since the Marco Polo bridge incident of July 7, 1937, which started the Sino-Japanese War.

There was no negotiation, only a simple surrender ceremony in which Japanese officials signed documents, without conditions.

Because that is what defeat looks like.History is meant to be studied in a manner that seeks to draw out lessons from the past that might have relevance in the present. As George Santayana, the American philosopher, noted, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” The Ukrainian government in Kiev would do well to reflect on both the historical precedent set by Japan’s unconditional surrender, and Santayana’s advice, when considering its current conflict with Russia.

First and foremost, Ukraine must reflect honestly about the causes of this conflict, and which side bears the burden of responsibility for the fighting. ‘Denazification’ is a term that the Russian government has used in describing one of its stated goals and objectives. President Vladimir Putin has made numerous references to the odious legacy of Stepan Bandera, the notorious mass murderer and associate of Nazi Germany who is feted by modern-day Ukrainian nationalists as a hero and all but a founding father of their nation.

That present-day Ukraine would see fit to elevate a man such as Bandera to such a level speaks volumes about therotten foundation of Kiev’s cause, and the dearth of moral fiber in the nation today. The role played by the modern-day adherents of the Nazi collaborator's hateful nationalist ideology in promulgating the key events that led to the initiation of the military operation by Russia can neither be ignored nor minimized. It was theBanderists, with their long relationship with the CIA and other foreign intelligenceservices hostile to Moscow, who used violence to oust the former president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovich, from office in February 2014.

From the act of illicit politicized violence came the mainstreaming of theforces of ethnic and cultural genocide, manifested in the form of the present-day Banderists, who initiated acts of violence and oppression in eastern Ukraine. This, in turn, triggered the Russian response in Crimea and the actions of the citizens of Donbass, who organized to resist the rampage of the Bandera-affiliated Ukrainian nationalists. The Minsk Accords, and the subsequent betrayal by Kiev and its Western partners of the potential path for peace that these represented, followed.

Ukraine cannot disassociate itself from the role played by the modern-day Banderists in shaping the present reality. In this, Kiev mirrors the militarists of Imperial Japan, whose blind allegiance to the precepts of Bushido, the traditional ‘way of the warrior’ dating back to the Samurai of 17th century Japan, helped push the country into global conflict. Part of Japan’s obligations upon surrender was to purge its society of the influence of the militarists, and to enact a constitution that deplatformed them by making wars of aggression – and the military forces needed to wage them – unconstitutional.

Banderism, in all its manifestations, must be eradicated from Ukrainian societyin the same manner that Bushido-inspired militarism was removed from Japan, to include the creation of a new constitution that enshrines this purge as law. Any failure to do so only allows the cancer of Banderism to survive, festering inside the defeated body of post-conflict Ukraine until some future time when it can metastasize once again to bring harm.

This is precisely the message that was being sent by Putin when, during the Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum this past July, he showed a video where the crimes of the Banderists during the Second World War were put on public display. “How can you not fight it?” Putin said. “And if this is not neo-Nazism in its current manifestation, then what is it?” he asked. “We have every right,” the Russian president declared, “to believe that the task of the denazification of Ukraine set by us is one of the key ones.”. ….


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04709c No.86828

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19488926 (041618ZSEP23) Notable: Scott Ritter: A comprehensive Ukrainian defeat is the only possible outcome of its conflict with Russia

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As the Western establishment media begins to come to grips with the scope and scale of Ukraine’s eventual military defeat (and, by extension, the reality of a decisive Russian military victory), their political overseers in the US, NATO, and the European Union struggle to define what the endgame will be

Having articulated the Russian-Ukrainian conflict as anexistential struggle where the very survival of NATO is on the line, these Western politicians now have the task of shaping public perception in a manner that mitigates any meaningful, sustained political blowback from constituents who have been deceived into tolerating the transfer of billions of dollars from their respective national treasuries, and billions more dollars’ worth of weapons from their respective arsenals, into a lost and disgraced cause

A key aspect of thisperception management is the notion of a negotiated settlement, a process which implies that Ukraine has a voice as to the timing and nature of conflict termination. The fact is, however, that Kiev lost this voice when it walked away from a peace deal brokered between its negotiators and their Russian counterparts last spring, at the behest of its NATO masters as communicated through then-UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson. The decision to prolong the conflict was predicated on the provision to Kiev of tens of billions of dollars in military equipment and assistance. The authorities duly staged a mass mobilization, meaning that Ukrainian troops vastly outnumbered their Russian counterparts

Kiev's new NATO-trained and equipped force achieved impressive territorial gains during a fall offensive. The Russian reaction was to stabilize the front and carry out a partial mobilization of its reserves to accumulate enough manpower to accomplish the mission assigned from the outset of the operation – denazification and demilitarization.Denazification is a political problem. Demilitarization is not. In the case of Ukraine, it means to effectively destroy Ukraine’s ability to wage armed conflict on a meaningful scale against Russia. This objective also presumably entails the need to remove all NATO military infrastructure, inclusive of equipment and material, from Ukraine.

Russia has been undertaking the successful demilitarization of Ukraine’s armed forces since the initiation of partial mobilization. The equipment Ukraine is provided by the West is similarly being destroyed by Russia at a rate that makes replacement unsustainable. Meanwhile, Russia’s own defense industry has kicked into full gear, supplying a range of modern weapons and ammunition that is more than sufficient.

The harsh reality is that neither Ukraine nor its Western allies can sustain the operational losses in manpower and equipment that the conflict with Russia is inflicting. Russia, on the other hand, is not only able to absorb its losses, but increase its strength over time, given the large number of volunteers that are being recruited into the military and the high rate of armament production. At some point in the not-so-distant future, the balance of power between Russia and Ukraine in the theater of operations will reach a point in which Kiev is unable to maintain adequate coverage along the line of contact, allowing gaps to open up in the defensive line which Russia, able to employ fresh reserves, will exploit. This will lead to the collapse of cohesion among Ukrainian troops, more than likely resulting in a precipitous withdrawal to more defensive positions that could be established west of the Dnieper River.

Ukraine, through its actions in 2014, lost Crimea. Ukraine, and through its choices in 2022, lost the Donbass, Zaporozhye, and Kherson. And if Kiev persists in extending this conflict until it is physically unable to defend itself, it runs the risk of losing even more territory, including Odessa and Kharkov.


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04709c No.86829

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19488931 (041619ZSEP23) Notable: Scott Ritter: A comprehensive Ukrainian defeat is the only possible outcome of its conflict with Russia

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Russia did not enter the conflict with the intent of seizing Ukrainian territory. But in March 2022, Kiev rejected a draft peace agreement (which it had preliminarily approved at first), and this decision to eschew peace in favor of war led to Russia absorbing Donbass, Zaporozhye, and Kherson.

As one of its conditions to even begin negotiating for peace with Moscow, Kiev demanded the return of all former Ukrainian territories currently under Russian control – including Crimea. To achieve such an outcome, however, Ukraine would have to be able to compel compliance bydefeating Russia militarily and/or politically. As things stand, this is an impossibility.

What Ukraine and its Western partners do not yet seem to have come to grips with is the fact that Russia’s leadership is in no mood for negotiations for negotiations’ sake. Putin has listed its goals and objectives when it comes to the conflict – denazification, demilitarization, and no NATO membership for Ukraine.

This is the reality of the present situation. Russia is working to achieve its stated goals and objectives. As things stand, there is little Ukraine or its partners in the US, NATO, and the EU (the so-called ‘collective West’) can do to prevent it from accomplishing these aims. The timeline is not calendar-driven, but rather determined by results. The longer Kiev – and its Western partners – drag out this conflict, the greater the harm that will accrue for Ukraine.

It is time for Ukraine and its Western partners to move to the path of peace and reconstruction. But this can only happen when Ukraine surrenders and accepts reality.


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04709c No.86830

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489097 (041655ZSEP23) Notable: What the Left Did to Our Country

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What the Left Did to Our CountryWill their upheaval succeed?

Victor Davis HansonSeptember 4, 20231/4Hanson’s dissertations are always valuable to read completely

In the last 20 years, the Left has boasted that it has gained control of most of America institutions of power and influence—the corporate boardroom, media, Silicon Valley, Wall Street, the administrative state, academia, foundations, social media, entertainment, professional sports, and Hollywood.

With such support, between 2009-17, Barack Obama was empowered to transform the

“Democratic Party from its middle-class roots and class concerns into the party of the bicoastal rich and subsidized poor—obsessions with big money, race, a new intolerant green religion, and dividing the country into a binary of oppressors and oppressed.”

The Obamas entered the presidency spouting the usualleftwing boilerplate (“spread the wealth,” “just downright mean country,” “get in their face,” “first time I’ve been proud of my country”)as upper-middle-class, former community activists, hurt that their genius and talents had not yet been sufficiently monetized.

After getting elected through temporarily pivoting to racial ecumenicalism and pseudo-calls for unity, they reverted to form and governed by dividing the country. And then the two left the White House as soon-to-be mansion living, mega-rich elites, cashing in on the fears they had inculcated over the prior eight years.

To push through the accompanying unpopular agendas of an open border, mandatory wind and solar energy, racial essentialism, and the weaponization of the state, Obama had begun demonizing his opponents and the country in general: America was an unexceptional place. Cops were racist. “Clingers” of the Midwest were hopelessly ignorant and prejudiced. Only fundamental socialist transformation could salvage a historically oppressive, immoral, and racist nation.

The people finally rebelled at such preposterousness. Obama lost his party some 1,400 local and state offices during his tenure, along with both houses of Congress. His presidency was characterized by his own polarizing mediocrity. His one legacy was Obamacare, the veritable destruction of the entire system of a once workable health insurance, of the hallowed doctor-patient relationship, and of former easy access to competent specialists.

Yet Obama’s unfufilled ambitions set the stage for the Biden administration—staffed heavily with Obama veterans—to complete the revolutionary transformation of the Democratic Party and country.

It was ironic that while Obama was acknowledged as young and charismatic, nonetheless a cognitively challenged, past plagiarist, fabulist, and utterly corrupt Joe Biden was far more effective in ramming through a socialist woke agenda and altering the very way Americans vote and conduct their legal system.

Stranger still, Biden accomplished this subversion of traditional America while debilitated and often mentally inert—along with being mired in a bribery and influence-peddling scandal that may ultimately confirm that he easily was the most corrupt president to hold office in U.S. history.

How was all this possible?

Covid had allowed the unwell Biden to run a surrogate campaign from his basement as he outsourced his politicking to a corrupt media….


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04709c No.86831

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489102 (041656ZSEP23) Notable: What the Left Did to Our Country

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Senility proved a godsend for Biden. His cognitive disabilities masked his newfound radicalism and long-accustomed incompetence. Unlike his past failed campaigns, the lockdowns allowed Biden to be rarely seen or heard—and thus as much liked in the abstract as he had previously been disliked in the concrete.

His handlers, the Obamas, and the Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren radical Democrats, saw Biden’s half-century pretense as a gladhander—good ole Joe Biden from Scranton—as the perfect delivery system to funnel their own otherwise-unpopular leftwing agendas. In sum, via the listless Biden, they sought to change the very way America used to work.

And what a revolution Biden’s puppeteers have unleashed in less than three years.

They launched a base attack on the American legal system. Supreme Court judges are libeled, their houses swarmed, and their lives threatened with impunity. The Left promised to pack the court or to ignore any decision it resents. The media runs hit pieces on any conservative justice deemed too influential. The prior Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer whipped up a mob outside the court’s doors, and threatened two justices by name. As Schumer presciently put it, they would soon “reap the whirlwind” of what they supposedly had sowed and thus would have no idea what was about to “hit” them.

Under the pretense of Covid fears, balloting went from 70 percent participation on election day in most states to a mere 30 percent. Yet the rates of properly rejected illegal or improper ballots often dived by a magnitude of ten.

Assaults now followed on hallowed processes, laws, customs, and institutions—the Senate filibuster, the 50-state union, the Electoral College, the nine-justice Supreme Court, Election Day, and voter IDs.

==Under Biden, the revolution had institutionalized first-term impeachment, the trial of an ex-president while a private citizen=, and the indictment of a chief political rival and ex-president on trumped up charges by local and federal prosecutors—all to destroy a political rival and alter the 2024 election cycle.

Biden destroyed the southern border—literally. Eight million entered illegally—no background checks, no green cards, no proof of vaccinations. America will be dealing with the consequences for decades. Mexico was delighted, receiving some $60 million in annual remittances, while the cartels were empowered to ship enough fentanyl to kill 100,000 Americans a year.

“Modern monetary theory,” the Leftist absurdity that printing money ensures prosperity, followed. It has nearly bankrupted the country, unleashed wild inflation, and resulted in the highest interest rates in a quarter-century. Middle-class wages fell further behind as a doddering Biden praised his disastrous “Bidenomics.”

Biden warred on fossil fuels, cancelling federal leases and pipelines, jawboning lending agencies to defund fracking, demonizing state-of-the-art, clean-burning cars, and putting vast areas of oil- and gas-rich federals lands off-limits to drilling.

When gas prices predictably doubled under Biden and the 2022 midterms approached, he tried temporarily to lease out a few new fields, to drain the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, and to beg the Saudis, and our enemies, the Iranians, the Venezuelans, and the Russians, to pump more oil and gas that Biden himself would not. All this was a pathetic ruse to temporarily lower gas prices before the mid-term elections…


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04709c No.86832

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489109 (041657ZSEP23) Notable: What the Left Did to Our Country

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Biden abandoned Afghanistan, leaving the largest trove of military equipment behind in U.S. military history, along with thousands of loyal Afghans and pro-American contractors.

Biden insulted the parents of the 13 Marines blown up in this worst U.S. military debacle since Pearl Harbor. He lied to the parents of the dead that he too lost a son in the Iraq war, and when among them later impatiently checked his watch as he seemed bored with the commemoration of the fallen—and made no effort to hide his sense that the ceremony was tedious to him.

Vladimir Putin summed up the Afghan debacle—and Biden’s nonchalant remark that he wouldn’t react strongly to a “minor” invasion of Ukraine if it were minor—as a green light to invade Ukraine.

When Biden did awaken, his first reaction was an offer to fly the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy out of the country as soon as possible. What has followed proved the greatest European killing ground since the 1944-45 Battle of the Bulge, albeit one that has now fossilized into a Verdun-like quagmire that is draining American military supply stocks and killing a half-million Ukrainians and Russians.

Suddenly, there are three genders, not two. Women’s sports have been wrecked by biological men competing as women, destroying a half-century of female athletic achievement. Young girls in locker rooms, co-eds in sororities, and women in prison must dress and shower with biological men transitioning to women by assertion.

There is no longer a commitment to free speech. The American Civil Liberties Union is a woke, intolerant group trying to ban free expression under the pretense of fighting “hate” speech and “disinformation.”

The Left has revived McCarthyite loyal oaths straight out of the 1950s, forcing professors, job applicants, and students applying for college to pledge their commitment to “diversity” as a requisite for hiring, admittance, or promotion. Diversity is our era’s version of the Jacobins’ “Cult of Reason.”

Race relations hit a 50-year nadir. Joe Biden has a long history of racist insults and putdowns. And now as apparent penance, he has reinvented himself as a reverse racial provocateur, spouting nonsense about white supremacy, exploiting shootings or hyping racial tensions to ensure that an increasingly disgusted black electorate does not leave the new Democratic Party.

The military has adopted wokeism, oblivious that it has eroded meritocracy in the ranks and slashed military recruitment. It is underfunded, wracked by internal suspicion, loss of morale and ginned up racial and gender animosity. Its supply stocks are drained. Arms productions is snail-like, and generalship is seen as a revolving door to corporate defense contractor board riches.

Big-city Democratic district attorneys subverted the criminal justice system, destroyed law enforcement deterrence, and unleashed a record crime wave. Did they wish to create anarchy as protest against the normal, or were they Jokerist nihilists who delighted in sowing ruin for ruin’s sake?

Radical racial activists, with Democrat endorsement, demand polarizing racial reparations. The louder the demands, the quieter they remain about smash-and-grab looting, carjacking, and the swarming of malls by disproportionally black teens—even as black-on-black urban murders reach record proportions…


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04709c No.86833

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489129 (041701ZSEP23) Notable: What the Left Did to Our Country

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In response, Biden tried to exploit the growing tensions by spouting lies that “white supremacy” and “white privilege” fuel such racial unrest—even as his ill-gotten gains, past record of racist demagoguery and resulting lucre and mansions appear the epitome of his own so-called white privilege.

This litany of disasters could be vastly expanded, but more interesting is the why of it all?

What we are witnessing seems to be utter nihilism.. The border is not porous but nonexistent. Mass looting and carjackings are not poorly punished, but simply exempt from all and any consequences. Our downtowns are reduced to a Hobbesian “war of all against all,” where the strong dictate to the weak and the latter adjust as they must. The streets of our major cities in just a few years have become precivilizational—there are more human feces on the sidewalks of San Francisco than were in the gutters of Medieval London.

The FBI and DOJ are not simply wayward and weaponized, but corrupt and renegade. Apparently the perquisite now for an FBI director is the ability either to lie while under oath or better to mask such lying by claiming amnesia or ignorance.

Immigration is akin to the vast unchecked influxes of the late Roman Empire across the Danube and Rhine that helped to finish off a millennium-old civilization that had lost all confidence in its culture and thus had no need for borders.

In other words, the revolution is not so much political as anarchist. Nothing escapes it—not ceiling fans, not natural gas cooktops, not parents at school board meetings, not Christian bakeries, not champion female swimmers, not dutiful policemen, not hard-working oil drillers, not privates and corporals in the armed forces, not teens applying on their merits to college, not anyone, anywhere, anytime.

The operating principle is either to allow or to engineer things to become so atrocious in everyday American life—the inability to afford food and fuel, the inability to walk safely in daylight in our major cities, the inability to afford to drive as one pleases, the inability to obtain or pay back a high interest loan—that the government can absorb the private sector and begin regimenting the masses along elite dictates. The more the people tire of the leftist agenda, the more its architects furiously seek to implement it, hoping that their institutional and cultural control can do what ballots cannot.

We could variously characterize their efforts as destroying the nation to save it, or burning it down to start over, or fundamentally transforming America into something never envisioned by the Founders.

Will their upheaval succeed? All the levers of the power and money are on the side of the revolutionaries.The people are not. And they are starting to wake to the notion if they do not stop the madness in their midst they very soon won’t have a country.

(Anon posted the whole article because Hanson is a Master Historian in ancient War Strategy. He outlined for anons the complete war strategy of the Left and Luciferians and Satanists to destroy America. This is not just an opinion piece==)


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04709c No.86834

File: 29dd3669e0e1c4b⋯.jpg (32.38 KB,780x521,780:521,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489152 (041711ZSEP23) Notable: #23936-A

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04709c No.86835

File: 40bed18fcf2727b⋯.png (97.92 KB,676x558,338:279,Clipboard.png)

File: 86af5472b9dce34⋯.png (79.65 KB,620x740,31:37,Clipboard.png)

File: 928521289ef33a5⋯.png (39.55 KB,618x601,618:601,Clipboard.png)

File: f38ca40dce20980⋯.png (100.74 KB,619x833,619:833,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489182 (041720ZSEP23) Notable: Obama initiative - Changing the societal “fabric” towards a new structure

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Obama initiative - Changing the societal “fabric” towards a new structure

The integration and synergy of the four technologies (nano-bio-info-cogno)

originate from the nanoscale, where the building blocks of matter are established.

This picture symbolizes the confluence of technologies that now offers the promise

of improving human lives in many ways, and the realignment of traditional

disciplinary boundaries that will be needed to realize this potential. New and more

direct pathways towards human goals are envisioned in working habits, in economic

activity, and in the humanities.

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04709c No.86836

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489204 (041726ZSEP23) Notable: Labor Day with President Trump at Bedminster

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Freedom Express Media - Live: Labor Day with President Trump at his Bedminster, NJ Resort!

Trump expected to come out shortly.

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04709c No.86837

File: 1506ef2d3efec55⋯.png (480.92 KB,750x785,150:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489214 (041730ZSEP23) Notable: Health effects of weed laid bare: linked to schizophrenia, addiction, pregnancy death

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Health effects of weed laid bare: Marijuana is behind 3 in 10 schizophrenia cases,

can be a death sentence in pregnant users, but Biden STILL wants to ease restrictions on the drug

A nationwide social experiment launched by a wave of marijuana legalizations is finally bearing results in the form of higher depression rates and addiction. more than 40 million adults - 16 percent of the population - use marijuana, a rate that has more than doubled in the last 10 years amid a seismic cultural shift toward accepting it not so much as a drug but rather as a medicine. DailyMail.com detailed the health risks and benefits associated with cannabis use.


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04709c No.86838

File: 485da0d3e43ba54⋯.png (250.69 KB,634x494,317:247,Clipboard.png)

File: 56664846c5c0684⋯.png (239.68 KB,634x465,634:465,Clipboard.png)

File: a3112b5ca8f762d⋯.png (311.18 KB,634x381,634:381,Clipboard.png)

File: 866f77229484a6a⋯.png (56.02 KB,634x383,634:383,Clipboard.png)

File: 7d00aacb3a22519⋯.png (47 KB,634x325,634:325,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489227 (041733ZSEP23) Notable: Health effects of weed laid bare: linked to schizophrenia, addiction, pregnancy death

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1) The link between recreational marijuana use and alcohol consumption in recent years has been most significant among younger adults 18 to 24

2) The above shows cannabis use across American states. Twenty-one states and DC have legalized it for recreational use in addition to medicinal use, while nearly all now allow it to be used for medicinal purposes

3) Marijuana is typically considered to be a low-risk drug, but consistent use can drive up a myriad of health risks including major depression, poor sleep, and dependence

4) More than four percent of US women use marijuana while pregnant, a CDC report revealed

5) Most expectant mothers consumed marijuana in some form to deal with anxiety and relieve nausea

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04709c No.86839

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489229 (041733ZSEP23) Notable: Labor Day with President Trump at Bedminster

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Trump talking NOW!

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04709c No.86840

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489235 (041736ZSEP23) Notable: Labor Day with President Trump at Bedminster

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They always portray his policies as bad because he believes in proper education for people to get real jobs to not need welfare. Then he knows you have responsibility so you won't destroy not only your property but his. the uniparty feeds are dismay tale money but not a very smart practice. "City always short of funds" he saying corrupt assholes are stealing the money.

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04709c No.86841

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489239 (041737ZSEP23) Notable: Dr. Talbot Exposed The Corporation Behind America’s Marxist Library Takeover: Scholastic Corporation

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Dr. Talbot Exposed The Corporation Behind America’s Marxist Library Takeover. Profit Driven, and Really Evil

Scholastic Corporation, is providing all books to schools and the perverse books, is the source, excellent short video. He has a PDF to prove it. They embed shit in the books in later chapters. 8 years old read these books


PDF on war room website


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04709c No.86842

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489241 (041737ZSEP23) Notable: Labor Day with President Trump at Bedminster

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Trump re Biden:

He's an incompetent disaster!


We LOVE you, Mr. President!

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04709c No.86843

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489248 (041739ZSEP23) Notable: Health effects of weed laid bare: linked to schizophrenia, addiction, pregnancy death

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Excellent DS anti pot propaganda report, Anon!

30% are on the "schizo spectrum" and the pots lays them bare... is more like it.

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04709c No.86844

File: 336dc3a10d7fa29⋯.png (269.48 KB,737x781,67:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489250 (041739ZSEP23) Notable: Lost in translation! Turkey's President Erdogan 'declares war' with Russia - bad translation

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Lost in translation! Turkey's President Erdogan 'declares war' with Russia

thanks to an interpreter's blunder in front of a surprised Vladimir Putin

The Russian dictator appeared momentarily nonplussed as the interpreter translated the Ankara president's opening remarks at a summit in Sochi. 'There is war between Russia and Turkey,' announced the Turkish-Russian translation of Erdogan's remarks. Turkey is a NATO state so such a war would engulf the entire world. 'The current situation between Ukraine and Russia….This is the backdrop of this visit,' said Erdogan, as he made clear he wanted to act as a broker over the grain deal to feed the world's poorest nations. 'And your invitation - we are glad to have received this invitation. My delegation is glad to have received this invitation.' Telegram channel Crimean Wind called out an 'epic mistake' by the official interpreter at the summit between Turkey, a NATO member, and Russia.


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04709c No.86845

File: c542cca17b950be⋯.jpg (72.16 KB,437x376,437:376,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489254 (041740ZSEP23) Notable: Health effects of weed laid bare: linked to schizophrenia, addiction, pregnancy death

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the word DEPRESSION is a subjective term, subjective linguistics by subjective limited thinking controllers.

DailyMail also says Coffee is Bad for you, and then Coffee is Good for you.

DailyMail does not consider the TYPES Of use. but everything being that of SMOKE.

This is same as saying Human Climate change and ignoring volcanoes and the sun

What about that WINE and BEER problem you have (the wine and beer has ROUNDUP that causes inflammation which can cause the same depression)

That's right Daily Mail and the social experiment don't count outside drugs.


DailyMail is Trannied Up and Dumbed down.

And why is DAILY MAIL trying to get into American Politics for?

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04709c No.86846

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489257 (041741ZSEP23) Notable: Labor Day with President Trump at Bedminster

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Can you even put a coherent sentence together?

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04709c No.86847

File: 5389d5b52699743⋯.png (355.97 KB,635x447,635:447,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489264 (041742ZSEP23) Notable: Labor Day with President Trump at Bedminster

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Trump: Do not call Chris Christy a fat pig.


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04709c No.86848

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489275 (041745ZSEP23) Notable: Health effects of weed laid bare: linked to schizophrenia, addiction, pregnancy death

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became aware of negative effects decades ago

should not necessarily be illegal but should be used with discretion

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04709c No.86849

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489284 (041747ZSEP23) Notable: Obama initiative - Changing the societal “fabric” towards a new structure

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04709c No.86850

File: e6bbbf8ecd300c5⋯.png (23.53 KB,673x257,673:257,Clipboard.png)

File: 72431bb2dc600f4⋯.png (380.84 KB,600x866,300:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489298 (041749ZSEP23) Notable: Musk: To be super clear, I’m pro free speech, but against anti-Semitism of any kind

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Oh Snap, Nazis guun B mad....

Elon Musk


To be super clear, I’m pro free speech, but against anti-Semitism of any kind



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04709c No.86851

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489299 (041749ZSEP23) Notable: Labor Day with President Trump at Bedminster

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President Trump: Rudy Giuliani was the greatest mayor in the history of the city of New York. He took that city when it was a hell hole, and he made it the hottest place there is. And for him to get indicted by a lowlife, by somebody that has no idea what she's doing, is a disgrace to our country.

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04709c No.86852

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489300 (041749ZSEP23) Notable: Labor Day with President Trump at Bedminster

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we're going to make this country greater than ever!

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04709c No.86853

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489304 (041750ZSEP23) Notable: Chris Sununu Says Biden Impeachment Would Be “Unhealthy” for Country

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Sunday Talks - Chris Sununu Says Biden Impeachment Would Be “Unhealthy” for Country


September 4, 2023

Isn’t it interesting how professional Republicans can always find a way to protect the professional Democrats, yet you never see the reverse scenario?

That truthful reality is just one small way you can help people break out of their battered conservative syndrome. The professional Republicans are indeed like the role-playing Washington Generals. It’s not an accident the GOPe pushes its reach across the aisle, a high-minded approach, it’s strategic. It follows a script and the performance actors are very easy to identify.

In this segment [prompted to avoid the pure pretense], you will see Republican New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu outlining how impeachment efforts against Joe Biden should not be taken because it’s “unhealthy for our country.” He also goes to great lengths to defend the “institutions” of our democracy that are under attack from people who no longer trust them. WATCH (prompted):



MAGA ’23 is not the TEA PARTY of ’12. We have learned, adapted, and increased our ranks, and we have selected a formidable leader in President Donald J. Trump to take the fight directly to them. This reality frames the current context of their opposition, and they are lashing out.

This was always going to be a trilogy. In 2016, the rebellion surprised the Deathstar. In 2020 the Empire struck back. In 2024, it’s the Revenge of the Jedi.

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04709c No.86854

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489306 (041750ZSEP23) Notable: Labor Day with President Trump at Bedminster

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we'll be asking for dismissals of all of this nonsense, what's happening, I don't think the people are standing for it!

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04709c No.86855

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489307 (041750ZSEP23) Notable: Labor Day with President Trump at Bedminster

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President Trump: We'll be asking for dismissals of all of this nonsense...I think we 're going to be in very good shape.

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04709c No.86856

File: 7e3b40adfb32902⋯.png (95.02 KB,853x551,853:551,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489309 (041751ZSEP23) Notable: Musk: Since the acquisition, The @ADL has been trying to kill this platformby falsely accusing it & me of being anti-Semitic

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Elon Musk·19m

To be super clear, I’m pro free speech, but against anti-Semitism of any kind


Who was questioning this?

Elon Musk

Since the acquisition, The @ADL has been trying to kill this platformby falsely accusing it & me of being anti-Semitic

1:45 PM · Sep 4, 2023·18.3K Views


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04709c No.86857

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489316 (041753ZSEP23) Notable: Labor Day with President Trump at Bedminster

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I want to federalize Washington DC and run it properly

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04709c No.86858

File: 945cc74db507a66⋯.png (458.91 KB,927x611,927:611,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489323 (041754ZSEP23) Notable: Labor Day with President Trump at Bedminster

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Trump talking about Biden - "But you know what? Out of respect for the office, I took it easy, nice and easy. I wouldn't say totally easy, but pretty easy. But now I don't take it easy anymore. Now I don't ."

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04709c No.86859

File: ad87b23359e5794⋯.png (260.29 KB,495x885,33:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489326 (041754ZSEP23) Notable: Ukraine And The New Al Qaeda

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MAR 2, 2022

Ukraine And The New Al Qaeda

The eruption of war between Russia and Ukraine appears to have given the CIA the pretext to launch a long-planned insurgency in the country, one poised to spread far beyond Ukraine’s borders with major implications for Biden’s “War on Domestic Terror”

As the conflict between Ukraine and Russia continues to escalate and dominate the world’s attention, the increasing evidence that the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is and has been working to create and arm an insurgency in the country has received considerably little attention considering its likely consequences. This is particularly true given that former CIA officials and a former Secretary of State are now openly saying that the CIA is following the “models” of past CIA-backed insurgencies in Afghanistan and Syria for its plans in Ukraine. Given that those countries have been ravaged by war as a direct result of those insurgencies, this bodes poorly for Ukraine.

Yet, this insurgency is poised to have consequences that reach far beyond Ukraine. It increasingly appears that the CIA sees the insurgency it is creating as more than an opportunity to take its hybrid war against Russia ever closer to its borders. As this report will show, it appears the CIA is determined to manifest a prophecy propagated by its own ranks over the past two years. This prediction from former and current intelligence officials dates from at least early 2020 and holds that a “transnational white supremacist network” with alleged ties to the Ukraine conflict will be the next global catastrophe to befall the world as the threat of Covid-19 recedes. ...


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04709c No.86860

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489327 (041754ZSEP23) Notable: Labor Day with President Trump at Bedminster

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President Trump: Washington, DC, is no longer recognizable. It's tents, it's homeless all over the parks, the beautiful parks, tourists have stopped coming. It is so sad what happened over a period of two and a half, three years, what's happened in Washington, DC...I want to federalize Washington, DC, and run it properly. We want to clean it. We want to make it spic-and-span.

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04709c No.86861

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489333 (041755ZSEP23) Notable: Labor Day with President Trump at Bedminster

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Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump....

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04709c No.86862

File: 688abf9b05ce12a⋯.png (567.33 KB,730x406,365:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489340 (041756ZSEP23) Notable: Labor Day with President Trump at Bedminster

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04709c No.86863

File: 7037ddec2e1521f⋯.png (157.43 KB,580x579,580:579,Clipboard.png)

File: 6db0d968cdd15b6⋯.png (698.93 KB,455x609,65:87,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489352 (041758ZSEP23) Notable: Labor Day with President Trump at Bedminster

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

04709c No.86864

File: 2accd89679d00f2⋯.webp (103.8 KB,284x284,1:1,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489357 (041759ZSEP23) Notable: Pope Francis says to have a simpler Christmas this year and donate the savings to Ukraine

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Pope Francis says to have a simpler Christmas this year and donate the savings to Ukraine

Catholic News Service December 14, 2022

VATICAN CITY (CNS)—Celebrating Christmas is important and beautiful, Pope Francis said, but he asked people to spend less on their celebrations this year and donate the savings to help the people of Ukraine.

As he has done at his general audiences since Russia invaded Ukraine in February, the pope asked pilgrims and visitors Dec. 14 to express their “closeness to the martyred Ukrainian people, persevering in fervent prayer for these brothers and sisters of ours who are suffering so much.”

“Let’s reduce the level of Christmas spending a bit; let’s have a simpler Christmas with more modest gifts. Let’s send what we save to the people of Ukraine, who are suffering so much.”

Tweet this

“Brothers and sisters, I tell you, they are suffering so very, very much in Ukraine,” the pope said.

“I want to draw your attention to Christmas, which is coming, and to the festivities,” he said. “It’s beautiful to celebrate Christmas and have parties, but let’s reduce the level of Christmas spending a bit; let’s have a simpler Christmas with more modest gifts.”

And, the pope said, “let’s send what we save to the people of Ukraine, who are suffering so much.”

People in the country are hungry and cold, he said.

“And many die because there are no doctors and nurses available,” the pope said.

Celebrate Christmas “at peace with the Lord,” he said, and “with Ukraine in your hearts.”

December 14, 2022https://www.americamagazine.org/faith/2022/12/14/celebrate-christmas-ukraine-your-hearts-pope-francis-aid-244339

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04709c No.86865

File: 633b80c8c3d5fb8⋯.png (106.47 KB,844x536,211:134,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489359 (041759ZSEP23) Notable: Whitney Webb: Since US Neo Nazis w ties to Ukraine are in the news, consider checking out my past work on this issue

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Whitney Webb

Since US Neo Nazis w ties to Ukraine are in the news, consider checking out my past work on this issue


>MAR 2, 2022

>Ukraine And The New Al Qaeda


For those not reading: The CIA seems determined to manifest a prophecy propagated by its own ranks over the past 2 years -that a “transnational white supremacist network” w alleged ties to the Ukraine conflict will be the next global catastrophe to befall the world after Covid.

1:32 AM · Sep 4, 2023


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04709c No.86866

File: 676d86c8493948c⋯.png (1.43 MB,1214x683,1214:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489381 (041803ZSEP23) Notable: Health effects of weed laid bare: linked to schizophrenia, addiction, pregnancy death

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04709c No.86867

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489382 (041803ZSEP23) Notable: Dr. Talbot Exposed The Corporation Behind America’s Marxist Library Takeover: Scholastic Corporation

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I’m downloading the PDF on “Scholastic Books” #1 book provider to all schools promoting LBTQi….to all schools for the last 70-80 years. Will post here, the PDF proves the crime this company is behind these perverse books.


"She immersed her body in the warm water and tried not to think about what was between her legs, but there it was, bobbing in front of her."

- Pg 28, Melissa, for grades 3 - 7

You may be thinking that Scholastic is a huge company and some bad books just slip through the cracks. Seems reasonable … but that's not the case. Scholastic is not the company you knew as a child. Just like Disney, Target & Bud Light, Scholastic has succumbed to an agenda that has led them to flood our schools and libraries with books that promote dangerous and anti-Biblical ideas. Many of their books appear harmless, boasting bright and colorful covers with kid-capturing titles masking ideas like gender fluidity and the LGBTQIA+ agenda on the inside.

With 75,000 Scholastic book fairs every year, these hidden agendas are being heavily distributed. Teachers are using them in classrooms and they are readily accessible in the children's sections at both public and school libraries. They’re even making their way into homes through take-home reading assignments and book fair purchases.


It's time to cancel Scholastic. If you are a principal, librarian, or school board member, it's time to take a stand. If you are wondering how to replace the books and book fairs that Scholastic provided, we've got a solution.

BRAVE Book Fairs! Our mission is to offer schools a catalog of children’s books that are engaging and age-appropriate without all the junk! We’ve heard from librarians and parents who are fed up with sifting through the hundreds of books that come in from Scholastic. We eliminate that headache for you by pre-screening all of our books to ensure that children aren’t exposed to adult content that is masked as a harmless children’s book. We also provide transparency with our screening criteria. That’s not all, though...

At BRAVE, we're taking book fairs to the next level by offering an immersive experience that will bring book characters to life and spark your student’s imagination. Students will leave our book fairs actually wanting to read! BRAVE Book Fairs promise to protect and foster children’s innocence which gives kids the freedom to JUST BE KIDS.


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04709c No.86868

File: 8beedb291252faa⋯.png (4.56 MB,2122x3089,2122:3089,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489383 (041803ZSEP23) Notable: Loomer may have just uncovered an *act of war* on the United States by Ukrainian intelligence assets on J6 - that helped coordinate J6???

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Wow @LauraLoomer may have just uncovered an *act of war* on the United States by Ukrainian intelligence assets on J6

This was never disclosed to the public

Why are we funding a country that helped coordinate J6?!

How deep does this go?

Hey GOP - time to INVESTIGATE!

Laura Loomer

Jacob Chansley confirmed himself last night that nobody else has reported this.

Why did the FBI hide the fact that they were asking J6ers and their lawyers during interviews if they knew the Ukrainian Spy Sergai Dybynyn?

Why has the FBI and CIA hidden the fact that Ukraine committed an act of war against the US on J6 2021?

And why is our government still sending Billions of dollars to Ukraine to fund these Nazis who are trying to carry out a color resolution in the US?

>>>/qresearch/19489033 LB

>This is massive. You all need to read this.

>I have exclusively confirmed that the FBI identified Ukrainian operatives and Neo Nazis who were at the US Capitol on J6 and even questioned J6ers about these Ukrainian spies during interviews with the FBI.

11:53 AM · Sep 4, 2023·214.9K Views


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04709c No.86869

File: f936ab7b3c4f727⋯.png (635.5 KB,732x433,732:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489389 (041805ZSEP23) Notable: Neo-Nazis marching outside Disney World chanting ‘We Are Everywhere’? WHO IS THIS? DIG CALL

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Red and Black.

Hum... looks like that Nazi group from yesterday.

POSERS took the Mil Ghost group phrase.

Shocking video shows Neo-Nazis marching outside Disney World chanting ‘We Are Everywhere’


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04709c No.86870

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489392 (041806ZSEP23) Notable: Pope Francis says to have a simpler Christmas this year and donate the savings to Ukraine

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JUNE 25, 2021

Americans, including Catholics, continue to have favorable views of Pope Francis


Pope Francis’ popularity dropped in the United States a few years ago amid a sex abuse crisis in the U.S. Catholic Church. But Americans’ opinions of the pontiff have since rebounded, and between February 2020 and March 2021 – 13 months that included moves by Francis to expand the role of women in the church as well as a widening debate about whether President Joe Biden should be denied Communion – views toward Francis remained fairly stable.

About six-in-ten U.S adults (63%) have a “very” or “mostly” favorable opinion of Pope Francis, according to a Pew Research Center survey conducted in March using the Center’s online American Trends Panel. This is nearly identical to the share of adults who had a favorable view of Francis in February 2020 (64%).

The pope’s favorability also has remained steady among U.S. Catholics, with 82% of Catholics in both the March 2021 and February 2020 surveys saying they have a favorable opinion of the pope.

These March 2021 and February 2020 results are not entirely comparable to figures from earlier surveys the Center conducted by telephone. Online and phone surveys sometimes produce disparate results, a polling phenomenon called a mode effect. One key difference is that online polls tend to result in fewer respondents declining to answer the question if there are fewer opportunities to express “no opinion.” This analysis indicates that any change in the results between January 2020 (when this question was last asked on the phone) and March 2021 was likely due to fewer people declining to give an opinion on the web survey.


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04709c No.86871

File: d51b4f3127d743f⋯.png (323.14 KB,1080x703,1080:703,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489394 (041806ZSEP23) Notable: Georgia poll worker with 20 years of experience handling and recounting ballots says she found a batch of pristine ballots with no markings and 98% for Biden.

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BREAKING: Georgia poll worker with 20 years of experience handling and recounting ballots says she found a batch of pristine ballots with no markings and 98% for Biden.


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04709c No.86872

File: 74b50a735e4d7d3⋯.png (556.48 KB,768x430,384:215,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489398 (041806ZSEP23) Notable: Between 2019 & 2021, the Black Homicide Rate Rose Twice As Much As Whites. It began at the same time of the BLM riots

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Between 2019 & 2021, the Black Homicide Rate Rose Twice As Much As Whites. It began at the same time of the BLM riots.

2019-2021: Black assault homicide death rate rose twice as much as Whites

Blacks are now dying at 10.8 times the White rate


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04709c No.86873

File: a8aa84785b6d202⋯.png (568.35 KB,768x372,64:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489408 (041808ZSEP23) Notable: AOC: Inflation is a propaganda term. "Corporations set the prices. It's just a bunch of greedy shareholders."

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AOC opens her mouth and the dumb comes out: Inflation is a propaganda term. "Corporations set the prices. It's just a bunch of greedy shareholders."

AOC opens her mouth and the dumb comes out…

AOC is at it again, posting stuff on instagram for all her followers that can only be described as radical leftist propaganda. That’s ironic because the video she posted claims the stated cau…


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04709c No.86874

File: f27933ecc77012e⋯.png (388.69 KB,700x394,350:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489414 (041809ZSEP23) Notable: Biden's Biggest Fear Is Being Perceived As 'Stupid' According To Biographer

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Too Late - Biden's Biggest Fear Is Being Perceived As 'Stupid' According To Biographer


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04709c No.86875

File: 3da122a60cb49ff⋯.png (15.48 KB,318x190,159:95,Clipboard.png)

File: 29114ba0b87705d⋯.png (582.35 KB,799x722,799:722,Clipboard.png)

File: 1f0ea9d3ddfd269⋯.png (119.26 KB,903x614,903:614,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489415 (041809ZSEP23) Notable: Obama initiative - Changing the societal “fabric” towards a new structure

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04709c No.86876

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489424 (041810ZSEP23) Notable: Dr. Talbot Exposed The Corporation Behind America’s Marxist Library Takeover: Scholastic Corporation

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Is this the same company that used to publish THE WEEKLY READER back in the 1960s?

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04709c No.86877

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489430 (041811ZSEP23) Notable: Dr. Talbot Exposed The Corporation Behind America’s Marxist Library Takeover: Scholastic Corporation

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I rem they made books in Early 70's...

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04709c No.86878

File: ba52e4d72c06c8a⋯.png (95.56 KB,625x604,625:604,Clipboard.png)

File: 04a85574d4e683e⋯.png (39.64 KB,552x373,552:373,Clipboard.png)

File: fe7742d3dd7094a⋯.png (58.25 KB,551x468,551:468,Clipboard.png)

File: 727853255b82e33⋯.png (79.43 KB,954x356,477:178,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489432 (041811ZSEP23) Notable: Twitter Shuts Down Generation Identity after Meeting with ADL’s Jonathan Greenblatt

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Twitter Shuts Down Generation Identity after Meeting with ADL’s Jonathan Greenblatt

Despite promises to restore free speech, Twitter / X deleted numerous accounts belonging to patriotic youth movement Generation Identity in Germany. The block came a few days after police raids on GI supporters in southern Germany and Switzerland.

“This is unacceptable, Elon Musk. You promised us freedom of speech on this platform, not totalitarian censorship like the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is propagating,” commented a GI Twitter channel.

A few days earlier, Elon Musk’s new CEO, Linda Yaccarino, met with Trump-hating online troll Jonathan Greenblatt of the notorious far left hate group Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

Former head of Advertising and Partnerships at NBCUniversal Linda Yaccarino is a member of the World Economic Forum, which strives for world-wide censorship and undermining democracy in the interest of what WEF founder Klaus Schwab calls “The Great Reset”.

“I had a very frank + productive conversation with Linda Yaccarino yesterday about X , what works and what doesn’t, and where it needs to go to address hate effectively on the platform. I appreciated her reaching out and I’m hopeful the service will improve. ADL will be vigilant and give her and ElonMusk credit if the service gets better… and reserve the right to call them out until it does,” Greenblatt wrote.


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04709c No.86879

File: 71ffd61780c1060⋯.png (2.41 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489436 (041813ZSEP23) Notable: Labor Day with President Trump at Bedminster

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04709c No.86880

File: 6b28c5021c7c8ce⋯.png (1.53 MB,1214x683,1214:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489437 (041813ZSEP23) Notable: Labor Day with President Trump at Bedminster

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04709c No.86881

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489440 (041813ZSEP23) Notable: Labor Day with President Trump at Bedminster

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someone in the crowd:

"Where we go one, we go all"


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04709c No.86882

File: 9041d1d6d1f8460⋯.png (624.12 KB,600x379,600:379,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489445 (041815ZSEP23) Notable: 'This is an attempt to fix the election for Biden.' Civil-liberties expert rips Joe's war on Trump: 'Appalling in every single way'

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'This is an attempt to fix the election for Biden.' Civil-liberties expert rips Joe's war on Trump: 'Appalling in every single way'


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04709c No.86883

File: 089500fe6d6fca5⋯.png (237.18 KB,889x493,889:493,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489447 (041815ZSEP23) Notable: Putin comments on grain deal after meeting with Erdogan

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Putin comments on grain deal after meeting with Erdogan

Moscow will return to the Black Sea initiative only after the West lifts restrictions on Russian agricultural exports, the president has said

The West essentially forced Moscow to terminate its participation in the Black Sea grain initiative by failing to lift sanctions on Russian agricultural exports, President Vladimir Putin has said. The Russian leader was commenting after a meeting with his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in Sochi on Monday.

At a press conference following their talks, Putin stated that Russia is willing to return to the grain deal but only if all sides of the agreement fulfill their obligations.

The Russian leader claimed that while Moscow had ensured the safety of grain corridors from Ukrainian ports, Kiev had “used these corridors to conduct terrorist attacks.” Putin also argued that the deal had failed to resolve the global food crisis due to series issues in the fair distribution of grain.

According to the Russian leader, the West “lied about the Black Sea deal’s goal of helping developing countries,” as over 70% of the grain shipped out of Ukraine had gone to the EU and other developed nations, while only 3% ended up in states that needed it the most.

Putin stated that regardless of the deal, Russia remains committed to exporting fertilizer and other agricultural products in order to stabilize the world market. He announced that Moscow intends to send 1 million tons of grain at a “preferential price” for processing in Türkiye and the subsequent free transportation to the poorest nations of the world.

He added that Moscow hopes that this initiative will receive support from the government of Qatar, which has also expressed its willingness to help developing countries.

The president added that Russia is close to finalizing a deal with six African states about the free delivery of agricultural products, noting that negotiations are in their final stages and that shipments could begin in several weeks.


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04709c No.86884

File: 0d08c6fe4b9d173⋯.png (1.54 MB,1214x683,1214:683,Clipboard.png)

File: 8c775ce473ce247⋯.png (1.16 MB,1214x683,1214:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489449 (041815ZSEP23) Notable: Labor Day with President Trump at Bedminster

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04709c No.86885

File: 683687346a8921b⋯.png (697.3 KB,746x797,746:797,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489453 (041816ZSEP23) Notable: New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy Says State Can’t Take More Illegals

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New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy Says State Can’t Take More Illegals Despite Pledge to Make New Jersey a ‘Sanctuary State’


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04709c No.86886

File: fe64da4c1b656fe⋯.png (1.93 MB,2048x1363,2048:1363,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489462 (041817ZSEP23) Notable: Digital Frontlines: The Marines' Battle in the Virtual Trenches of Cyber Flag 23-2

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Digital Frontlines: The Marines' Battle in the Virtual Trenches of Cyber Flag 23-2

"We're expeditionary. We go everywhere the Marine Corps tells us to go."

(UNDISCLOSED LOCATION) - To safeguard virtual spaces that house national secrets, power our daily lives, and influence global interactions, the United States Marine Corps remains proactive by being at the forefront of this battle. This was highlighted by the Marine Corps Cyberspace Warfare Group and Marine Corps Cyberspace Operations Battalion's participation in this year's Cyber Flag event.

"Nowadays, normal is technology," said Sgt. Michael Rodriguez, a Defensive Cyberspace Operator with the Marine Corps Cyberspace Warfare Group. He paints a vivid picture of our everyday dependence on digital infrastructure. "Remember whenever we had a toilet paper shortage, imagine that happening but with dairy products or beef and chicken. People not being able to get their food or not being able to communicate with people, everything could turn to anarchy real quick."

According to Michael Fanning, a network analyst, "The Cyber Flag event is a training event where we come together, and it's really a way to test the team." The event is split into teams called "cells." The red cell tries to breach the network, and the blue cell identifies and stops these attempts. "So once we find [the breaches] on Friday, we talk to the red team, and we went through some of the things they did," he shared.

Rodriguez elaborates on the real-world implications of their work. "Basically, cybersecurity," he explains, discussing his specialty in defensive operations. Their goal is to detect malicious activity on Marine Corps-related networks. "We know for a fact that they're going to be on there," he says, referencing the guaranteed threats in the training environment.

Fanning emphasizes the broader importance of the event, "It happens all the time. Not only when you go home knowing what is being collected, but how to defend yourself against it." The implications of a cyber-attack can be significant, affecting national security and the economy. "The new mindset is not when we get attacked; it's how soon can we realize that we're already compromised."

While the exercise is about simulated scenarios, its real value lies in collaboration. Fanning highlights working with international allies, recalling, "I went overseas, working with the Army as well over to Albania, and then even with this team, we actually went over to Korea." Rodriguez also speaks of joint operations with other military branches, emphasizing the significance of communication in cybersecurity.

The comprehensive training these experts receive, like the Joint Cyber Analysis Course in Pensacola, Florida, covers the evolution of technology. Rodriguez and his peers are trained to respond swiftly to breaches, isolating and analyzing affected machines in a virtual "sandbox."

Fanning walks through his daily tasks, starting by checking for alerts. "The first thing I do is I log on, and I make sure there are no alerts that have been generated." His team establishes a baseline of normal network activity, ensuring genuine threats are identified. "Once I get through alerts, I'll go through, and I use the intelligence that we were given based off of what the threat is."

Speaking of the broader value of the Cyber Flag event, Fanning notes, "It trains us. It's not every day you find a compromise. So getting that experience of actually hunting and finding something builds confidence."

Every event offers lessons. Rodriguez admits to their challenges, stating, "Now we can go back to the drawing board, see where we didn't think of the full picture, and try to put those implementations into our plan." He highlights the Marine Corps' adaptability and says, "We're expeditionary. We go everywhere the Marine Corps tells us to go."

As our reliance on digital technology grows, so does the importance of events like Cyber Flag. They train our defense experts and highlight the ever-evolving nature of threats in the digital age. The Cyber Flag event encapsulates the ever-evolving world of cyber defense, where vigilance, collaboration, and continuous learning are the keys to safeguarding our digital realm. Through the dedicated efforts of individuals like Fanning, Rodriguez, the MCCYWG, and MCCOB teams, our virtual borders remain secure, as the heartbeat of cyber defense keeps pace with the ever-evolving digital threats.

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04709c No.86887

File: 5aad2c31a7dfcb4⋯.png (549.33 KB,841x833,841:833,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489463 (041817ZSEP23) Notable: Kim Jong-un and Putin Plan to Meet in Russia to Discuss Weapons

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The New York Times

Breaking News: Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, will visit President Vladimir Putin in Russia to discuss supplying North Korean weaponry for the Ukraine war.

Kim Jong-un and Putin Plan to Meet in Russia to Discuss Weapons

Russia seeks more weaponry for its war in Ukraine, and a North Korean delegation recently traveled to Russia by train to plan for Mr. Kim’s visit this month, officials say.


2:14 PM · Sep 4, 2023


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04709c No.86888

File: 0de3acfc9eb2173⋯.png (497.02 KB,768x384,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489467 (041818ZSEP23) Notable: Chinese "Gate-Crashers" at U.S. Bases Spark Espionage Concerns

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Chinese "Gate-Crashers" at U.S. Bases Spark Espionage Concerns: Washington has tracked about 100 incidents involving Chinese nationals trying to access American military and other installations


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04709c No.86889

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489470 (041818ZSEP23) Notable: Burning Man: aerial view

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Aerial view of the burning man mud pit.

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04709c No.86890

File: 4c535ebd6a85a99⋯.png (461.65 KB,752x806,376:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489475 (041819ZSEP23) Notable: Russia Claims to Have Launched ‘Hypersonic’ Kinzhal Missile From New Aircraft Against Ukraine for First Time

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Russia Claims to Have Launched ‘Hypersonic’ Kinzhal Missile From New Aircraft Against Ukraine for First Time


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04709c No.86891

File: d8ff1688f8fbf45⋯.png (517.56 KB,778x977,778:977,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489478 (041819ZSEP23) Notable: Kim Jong-un and Putin Plan to Meet in Russia to Discuss Weapons

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Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, plans to travel to Russia this month to meet with President Vladimir V. Putin to discuss the possibility of supplying Russia with more weaponry for its war in Ukraine and other military cooperation, according to American and allied officials.

In a rare foray from his country, Mr. Kim would travel from Pyongyang, North Korea’s capital, probably by armored train, to Vladivostok, on the Pacific Coast of Russia, where he would meet with Mr. Putin, the officials said. Mr. Kim could possibly go to Moscow, though that is not certain.

Mr. Putin wants Mr. Kim to agree to send Russia artillery shells and antitank missiles, and Mr. Kim would like Russia to provide North Korea with advanced technology for satellites and nuclear-powered submarines, the officials said. Mr. Kim is also seeking food aid for his impoverished nation.

Both leaders would be on the campus of Far Eastern Federal University in Vladivostok to attend the Eastern Economic Forum, which is scheduled to run Sept. 10 to 13, according to the officials. Mr. Kim also plans to visit Pier 33, where naval ships from Russia’s Pacific fleet dock, they said. North Korea celebrates the anniversary of its founding on Sept. 9.

On Wednesday, the White House warned that Mr. Putin and Mr. Kim had exchanged letters discussing a possible arms deal, citing declassified intelligence. A White House spokesman, John F. Kirby, said high-level talks on military cooperation between the two nations were “actively advancing.” U.S. officials declined to give more details on the state of personal ties between the leaders, who are considered adversaries of the United States.

The new information about a planned meeting between them goes far beyond the previous warning. The intelligence relating to the plans has not been declassified or downgraded by the United States, and the officials describing it were not authorized to discuss it. They declined to provide details on how spy agencies had collected the information.

While the White House declined to discuss the new intelligence, Adrienne Watson, a National Security Council spokeswoman, said in a statement that Sergei K. Shoigu, the Russian defense minister, traveled to North Korea, officially known as the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, to try to persuade Pyongyang to sell artillery ammunition to Russia.


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04709c No.86892

File: 22d80f2c685b0e3⋯.png (426.72 KB,794x635,794:635,Clipboard.png)

File: a64f0aeb7d65dfa⋯.png (65.71 KB,793x488,13:8,Clipboard.png)

File: 97d839a0c1f09a3⋯.png (43.17 KB,793x361,793:361,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489480 (041819ZSEP23) Notable: Pfizer Asks Court To Revoke Moderna's COVID-19 Vaccine Patents

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Pfizer Asks Court To Revoke Moderna's COVID-19 Vaccine Patents

Pfizer and its partner BioNTech have asked a U.S. court to revoke Moderna's patents for COVID-19 vaccine technology.

Pfizer and BioNTech said in new filings to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office's Patent Trial and Appeal Board that Moderna's patents are so broad that they essentially "coopt the entire field" of messenger RNA technology, which is used in some COVID-19 vaccines.

The patents, obtained during the COVID-19 pandemic, are "unimaginably broad" and cover technology that was known long before 2015, when Moderna says it developed the technology, one filing stated.

Moderna didn't respond to a request for comment.

One Moderna patent being challenged covers messenger RNA vaccines with the spike protein or spike protein subunit of any betacoronavirus, such as COVID-19, delivered into the human body through a lipid delivery system. Another covers similar technology.

Pfizer and BioNTech are seeking an inter partes review of a trial at the board that would go over whether the technology Moderna patented was already described.

Scientists found in 1990 that messenger RNA could be used in ways that would improve vaccines, and in 1993, scientists found that vaccines with the technology produced an immune response, Pfizer and BioNTech told the court.

They pointed to experiments that Dr. Robert Malone and others reported in 1990 in Science magazine and tests described in a 1993 paper in the European Journal of Immunology.

Federal law governing patents says that a person shall be entitled to a patent unless the claimed invention was "patented, described in a printed publication, or in public use, on sale, or otherwise available to the public before the effective filing date of the claimed invention."

Inter partes reviews adjudicate challenges on that basis, an area of patent law known as "prior art."


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04709c No.86893

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489484 (041820ZSEP23) Notable: Burning Man: aerial view

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Here is the link


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04709c No.86894

File: 5cd0a8579fa6c6d⋯.png (402.26 KB,619x943,619:943,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489488 (041821ZSEP23) Notable: Publix Heiress Julie Fancelli Offered $3 Million To Fund Jan. 6 Rally, House Documents Show

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04709c No.86895

File: 9f41055f9b3f150⋯.png (250.01 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: ddadc0f16b23681⋯.png (215.31 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 800aeef8d8e892f⋯.png (440.35 KB,526x640,263:320,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489503 (041823ZSEP23) Notable: CDC & FDA Ignored U.S. Military Investigation Revealing Vaccine Failures, New FOIA Documents Reveal

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CDC & FDA Ignored U.S. Military Investigation Revealing Vaccine Failures, New FOIA Documents Reveal

Non-profit organization ICAN (Informed Consent Action Network) has obtained new documents through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). These documents shed light on the disregard by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) towards a U.S. military investigation that reportedly indicated vaccine failures as early as January 2021.

The FOIA documents, made public by ICAN, suggest that the CDC and FDA may have overlooked crucial information regarding the efficacy of vaccines. According to ICAN’s findings, a U.S. military investigation conducted in January 2021 apparently revealed signs of vaccine failures. However, the CDC and FDA allegedly failed to acknowledge or address these concerns adequately.

“Through FOIA requests, ICAN’s attorneys have obtained a September 2021 presentation delivered to FDA and NIH higher-ups, including Anthony Fauci, Francis Collins, Peter Marks, and Janet Woodcock, which indicated shocking levels of waning immunity and breakthrough infection among the vaccinated as early as July 2021,” according to the press release.

Humetrix Cloud Services has been awarded a contract by the U.S. military to conduct a comprehensive analysis of vaccine data. The company, known for its expertise in healthcare technology solutions, played a crucial role in helping the military gain valuable insights into the effectiveness and distribution of vaccines.

A concerning trend has emerged regarding the proportion of COVID-19 cases among the senior population. The study revealed that a growing number of vaccinated individuals account for a significant portion of total cases within this age group.

According to recently released data, the emergence of breakthrough cases can be traced back to January 2021.

More from ICAN:

In fact, the data shows that for the final week of July, fully vaccinated individuals made up an estimated 73% of COVID-19 cases and 63% of COVID-19 hospitalizations in the 65+ age group. The presentation goes on to show evidence of rapidly waning immunity, as infection rates 5-6 months post vaccination were twice as high as infection rates 3-4 months post vaccination.

Despite having this data on hand—certainly by the date of the September 13, 2021 presentation, (but likely earlier, as a September 15,2021 email states that the data had been “brought to the CDC three weeks ago”) — public health officials, like Fauci, continued to double-down on the message that vaccines were the key to getting “control of the virus.”

Meanwhile, on September 16, 2021, Collins noted about the data: “Interesting and pretty compelling evidence that VE [vaccine efficacy] is falling 5-6 months post vaccination for both infection and hospitalization for those over 65. Even for those 3-4 months out there is a trend toward worsening VE.”

But the CDC didn’t let the evidence get in the way of its messaging. As late as December 2021, the CDC kept up the outrageous façade that the vaccines offered “similar protection in real-world conditions as they have in clinical trial settings, reducing the risk of COVID-19, including severe illness by 90 percent or more among people who are fully vaccinated.”


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04709c No.86896

File: bc7b793eff0a5af⋯.png (166.53 KB,1166x620,583:310,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489529 (041828ZSEP23) Notable: @StephenM: ADL traffics in the most vile slanders and crude defamations.

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ADL traffics in the most vile slanders and crude defamations. The organization has devolved into a rabidly partisan, malicious and unscrupulous smear merchant for the extreme left and the Democrat Party. By repeatedly lobbing false accusations of anti-Semitism they insult all who have suffered from the evils of anti-Semitism throughout history and through today. I condemn the ADL’s leadership as both an American and a Jew.

2:25 PM · Sep 4, 2023

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04709c No.86897

File: 32efd17c4d3bfd9⋯.png (838.84 KB,768x511,768:511,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489532 (041829ZSEP23) Notable: Twitter Shuts Down Generation Identity after Meeting with ADL’s Jonathan Greenblatt

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So Much for Free Speech: Twitter Shuts Down Generation Identity after Meeting with ADL’s Jonathan Greenblatt


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04709c No.86898

File: fd66246fc2e1761⋯.png (1.23 MB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489535 (041829ZSEP23) Notable: Mexico places piece of Berlin wall near US border: 'May this be a lesson'

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Mexico places piece of Berlin wall near US border: 'May this be a lesson'

The Mexican government placed a piece of the Berlin Wall just a stone's throw from the U.S.-Mexico border in Tijuana, sending a clear message to border-security advocates in the U.S.

Tijuana Mayor Montserrat Caballero and former Mexican foreign secretary Marcelo Ebrard installed the shard of the Soviet wall during a ceremony last month. A plaque near its base, written by Caballero, reads, "May this be a lesson to build a society that knocks down walls and builds bridges."


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04709c No.86899

File: f73c9c24bf6dcd6⋯.png (1006.56 KB,832x758,416:379,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489543 (041830ZSEP23) Notable: Blackburn: Democrats Would Like a Government Shutdown Because It Would Halt House Investigations

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Blackburn: Democrats Would Like a Government Shutdown Because It Would Halt House Investigations


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04709c No.86900

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489544 (041831ZSEP23) Notable: David Valentine mentions Ashli Babbitt's name to Pres. Trump - here is his response

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Pres. Trump tells someone in the audience it's terrible what they've done to J6 defendents: says to tell them IT'S GOING TO BE OK.

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04709c No.86901

File: 669b16025f99eed⋯.png (348.61 KB,700x394,350:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489554 (041833ZSEP23) Notable: 61% Of US Workers Live Paycheck-to-Paycheck, 21% Struggle With Bills

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Bidenomics: I miss cheap gas, low tax and mean tweets.

61% Of US Workers Live Paycheck-to-Paycheck, 21% Struggle With Bills


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04709c No.86902

File: 9b9907400318579⋯.png (563.76 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489567 (041834ZSEP23) Notable: Trump Calls on Republican DAs and AGs to Get Up Off the Mat

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'Fight Fire with Fire': Trump Calls on Republican DAs and AGs to Get Up Off the Mat

President Donald Trump issues a call to action, saying it’s ‘an eye for an eye,’ and it’s ‘fight fire with fire.’


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04709c No.86903

File: 7defe526d2d01ec⋯.png (735.54 KB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489571 (041834ZSEP23) Notable: TikTok star Luke Rockwell arrested for sex abuse of a minor in Thailand

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TikTok star Luke Rockwell arrested for sex abuse of a minor in Thailand

US TikTok star and teacher Luke Rockwell has been arrested in Thailand for allegedly having sex with a minor — and recording it, according to local police.

Rockwell, 29, who has 1.3 million followers on TikTok, was booked Sunday in the Wattana District after a mom accused the Florida man of having sex with her 16-year-old daughter while he was teaching kids English in Bangkok, the Bangkok Post reports.

The mother, who was not publicly identified, told police Rockwell and her daughter had been messaging each other before the relationship turned physical. The pair had known each other for about five months.

The influencer also allegedly filmed their sexual encounters, according to the complaint obtained by the Bangkok Post.

After finding out about Rockwell and her child’s alleged relationship, the mother contacted the Department of Welfare For Children and Women, who joined officers from the Khlong Tan station to take the English teacher into custody.

The mom allegedly found out about the crime when her daughter fUS TikTok star and teacher Luke Rockwell has been arrested in Thailand for allegedly having sex with a minor — and recording it, according to local police.

Rockwell, 29, who has 1.3 million followers on TikTok, was booked Sunday in the Wattana District after a mom accused the Florida man of having sex with her 16-year-old daughter while he was teaching kids English in Bangkok, the Bangkok Post reports.

The mother, who was not publicly identified, told police Rockwell and her daughter had been messaging each other before the relationship turned physical. The pair had known each other for about five months.

The influencer also allegedly filmed their sexual encounters, according to the complaint obtained by the Bangkok Post.

After finding out about Rockwell and her child’s alleged relationship, the mother contacted the Department of Welfare For Children and Women, who joined officers from the Khlong Tan station to take the English teacher into custody.

The mom allegedly found out about the crime when her daughter fell ill with abdominal pains caused by chlamydia and gonorrhea that she contracted through Rockwell, the Daily Mail reportedell ill with abdominal pains caused by chlamydia and gonorrhea that she contracted through Rockwell, the Daily Mail reported

“My daughter said the first time they had sex, Teacher Luke used protection but after he did not use any. She trusted him,” the mother told the Mail.

“Teacher Luke told her to keep everything a secret until she turned 18. He told my daughter that he loved her and would let her come live with him when she’s no longer a minor,” she added.

Police have not commented or confirmed the allegations that Rockwell gave the minor STDs. Officials said an investigation into Rockwell is still ongoing.


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04709c No.86904

File: d94919f26ccde3d⋯.png (963.23 KB,752x796,188:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489575 (041835ZSEP23) Notable: Biden's Commienomics Isn’t Working: Vast Majority of Americans Say Economy Is Bad And Getting Worse

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Biden's Commienomics Isn’t Working: Vast Majority of Americans Say Economy Is Bad And Getting Worse

Bidenomics is working EXACTLY as intended. The Elites are getting richer and everyone else is rapidly becoming poor[er]. That's the plan, two classes of people. The Elites and the peasants.


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04709c No.86905

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489590 (041839ZSEP23) Notable: Compare and contrast what Biden will give to help Maul and the ACTUAL COSTS of reconstruction - PATHETIC!!

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04709c No.86906

File: ee524c70f283631⋯.png (81.99 KB,498x610,249:305,Clipboard.png)

File: 8e9397c6cf0c250⋯.png (298.55 KB,505x366,505:366,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489593 (041839ZSEP23) Notable: Bohemian Grove Participant Kevin McCarthy Accused of Wearing Bohemian Club Logo in Hawaii

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Bohemian Grove Participant Kevin McCarthy Accused of Wearing Bohemian Club Logo in Hawaii

What Does The Owl Represent?

Globalist Republican U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has been accused of appearing in public in Hawaii wearing the owl logo of the Bohemian Club, the elitist group that runs the globalist occult hangout Bohemian Grove.

This comes just weeks after McCarthy attended Bohemian Grove, the site of disturbing allegations of ritual child sex abuse and documented evidence of occult ceremonies.

The American people are still asking questions about what really happened In Hawaii during destructive wildfires that have left numerous children missing.

Take a look at the logo on McCarthy’s shirt, spotted by our tipster, and then take a look at the creepy logo of the Bohemian Club.


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04709c No.86907

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489596 (041840ZSEP23) Notable: David Valentine mentions Ashli Babbitt's name to Pres. Trump - here is his response

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David Valentine is the guy filming at Bedminster who also mentioned to Pres. Trump the name of Ashli Babbit and got this response on the J6'ers.

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04709c No.86908

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489598 (041840ZSEP23) Notable: David Valentine mentions Ashli Babbitt's name to Pres. Trump - here is his response

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>Pres. Trump tells someone in the audience it's terrible what they've done to J6 defendents: says to tell them IT'S GOING TO BE OK.

The person he was speaking to was David the Freedom Express Media streamer. He along with Ashli Babbitt's mother are at the DC gulag every night for a vigil. They have been doing that for months. You can sing the Star Spangled Banner every night at 9 pm E with the prisoners on the phone on David's channel. Freedom Express Media on You Tube

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04709c No.86909

File: dc32948ffc0e5c6⋯.png (678.42 KB,868x818,434:409,Clipboard.png)

File: ff3247eb8b69992⋯.png (19.08 KB,379x228,379:228,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489600 (041841ZSEP23) Notable: What is NARRATIVE SCIENCE?

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Narrative Science’s technology is not limited to the business world, however. The company has also made significant inroads in the field of journalism, partnering with organizations such as the Associated Press and Forbes to produce automated news stories and earnings reports. By using AI to generate news content, media outlets can cover a wider range of topics and events, providing their readers with more comprehensive and up-to-date information.

As AI continues to advance and become more sophisticated, the potential applications for narrative generation are virtually limitless. In the future, we may see AI-generated narratives being used in areas such as education, healthcare, and even entertainment, as the technology becomes increasingly adept at understanding and replicating human language and storytelling techniques.


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04709c No.86910

File: e280cd0263a5d4f⋯.png (927.14 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489606 (041841ZSEP23) Notable: Biden mocks ‘great real-estate’ developer Trump who ‘didn’t build a damn thing’ at Labor Day rally in Pa.

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Biden mocks ‘great real-estate’ developer Trump who ‘didn’t build a damn thing’ at Labor Day rally in Pa. Biden is stupid

Biden mocks ‘great real-estate’ developer Trump who ‘didn’t build a damn thing’ at Labor Day rally in Pa.

Biden ripped Trump — the head of a New York City real-estate dynasty and architect of the country’s controversial border wall with Mexico — while touting himself as the US’s…


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04709c No.86911

File: 9232fc6456c3577⋯.png (24.43 KB,645x198,215:66,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489617 (041843ZSEP23) Notable: Spying Fears After Chinese Nationals Caught Entering U.S. Sites 100+ Times

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Report: Spying Fears After Chinese Nationals Caught Entering U.S. Sites 100+ Times

Federal investigators believe spying networks are behind the 100-plus attempted entries by Chinese nationals into sensitive U.S. sites in recent years, a report Sunday set out.

The cases are reportedly many and varied, including people crossing into a U.S. missile range in New Mexico — and scuba divers swimming near a rocket launch site and Kennedy Space Center in Florida, the Wall Street Journal said quoting officials familiar with the allegations.

Drones to take detailed aerial footage of sensitive military sites have been seen— while the Pentagon confirmed cases of people “speeding through security checkpoints.”

The report comes after Chinese balloons were seen crossing U.S. territory earlier this year to the embarrassment of the Biden administration.

“I Think They’re Compromised” — Rep. Tim Burchett on Biden Admin’s China Balloon Debacle

A common response by those stopped by officials is a claim to be confused and they often use what appears to be scripted language when confronted by security, the report said.

For example, individuals and groups often claim to be looking for hotels or a Burger King when challenged.

The Defense Department and FBI are among multiple federal agencies which shared a review last year on how to limit the attempts, which officials told the WSJ are viewed as a form of espionage.

Congress might also consider legislation, Rep. Jason Crow (D- Colo.) told the paper, to toughen up how security is handled at the sensitive sites, with trespassing laws currently being state and local, not federal.

“We need to work closely with our state and local partners to train them and equip them,” Crow said. “Right now, they don’t know how to deal with it.”

The incidents that occurred in rural areas where there is little tourism typically involved Chinese nationals who were pressed into service and required to report back to the Chinese government, the report added.


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04709c No.86912

File: 56bc1d4c219c192⋯.png (715.63 KB,509x572,509:572,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489621 (041844ZSEP23) Notable: The Democrats are systematically attacking reality, but we can WILL win

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The Democrats are systematically attacking reality, but we can win

Americans are awash in creative opportunities to evade reality: social media, motion pictures, computer games, recreational drugs, alcohol, sports, etc. We call it “escapism,” meaning escape from reality. But, of course, that’s a mi...


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04709c No.86913

File: 52e475c02065978⋯.png (59.19 KB,600x600,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489625 (041845ZSEP23) Notable: Alex Soros announces shifting priorities to confront the threat of a ‘MAGA’ victory that stands to ‘undermine’ the war in Ukraine

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Alex Soros announces shifting priorities to confront the threat of a ‘MAGA’ victory that stands to ‘undermine’ the war in Ukraine

Alex Soros announces shifting priorities to confront the threat of a ‘MAGA’ victory that stands to ‘undermine’ the war in Ukrain...

Alex Soros wants to set the record straight: what might look like a retreat in Europe is really just a shifting of priorities to head off the swelling tide of freedom and populism in the West, or what Soros calls the “MAGA-style Republican&rdqu...


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04709c No.86914

File: 8f4ed6323fc4e24⋯.png (438.06 KB,640x335,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489639 (041848ZSEP23) Notable: Cyberattack Shuts Down Two Of World’s Leading Telescopes / Remember when they used the word CYBERSPACE in every newscast?

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Cyberattack Shuts Down Two Of World’s Leading Telescopes / Remember when they used the word CYBERSPACE in every newscast?

Cyberattack Shuts Down Two of World's Leading Telescopes

Two of the world's most advanced astronomical telescopes, the Gemini North Telescope in Hawaii and the Gemini South Telescope in Chile, have been temporarily shut down due to a cyberattack.


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04709c No.86915

File: 9fe0eda9b997943⋯.png (409.88 KB,1186x794,593:397,Clipboard.png)

File: b3e1d43cfd3ac5d⋯.png (68.14 KB,1150x628,575:314,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489641 (041848ZSEP23) Notable: What is NARRATIVE SCIENCE?

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Narrative Science focuses on the production of machine generated and automated content, a sub-sector within NLG. Companies in this sub-sector use machine learning and pattern recognition to scan large data sets, discover key insights, and automatically generate written narratives. At a technical level, Narrative Science’s production engine works by amassing high-quality data, teaching algorithms to fit that data into some “broader understanding of the subject matter” (such as the rules of a baseball game), and then using a team of “meta-writers” (trained journalists) to turn that analysis into natural language using templates that vary in structure according to the subject at hand (such as sports or finance).[4] Over time, the algorithms automatically learn to communicate data in the tone, style, and language of each client, as the platform is capable of understanding user intent and identifying what is most important to the target audience[5].

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04709c No.86916

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489655 (041852ZSEP23) Notable: Compare and contrast what Biden will give to help Maul and the ACTUAL COSTS of reconstruction - PATHETIC!!

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Biden pledges $95 million to help Maui recover from wildfires'

4 days agoAugust 31, 2023 5:24 am Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz (WASHINGTON) — President Joe Biden has announced that $95 million from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will be given to Hawaii to aid in Maui's rebuilding efforts following the deadly, devastating wildfires.


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04709c No.86917

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489659 (041852ZSEP23) Notable: Compare and contrast what Biden will give to help Maul and the ACTUAL COSTS of reconstruction - PATHETIC!!

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Destruction from Maui fires will cost $5.52 billion, FEMA says

Aug 12, 2023 Destruction from Maui fires will cost $5.52 billion, FEMA says It will cost $5.52 billion to rebuild after deadly wildfire devastates Maui, FEMA estimates Updated: 9:56 AM EDT Aug...


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04709c No.86918

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489685 (041856ZSEP23) Notable: @TomRenz: the reason they had to attack @realDonaldTrump over HCQ is the same reason they had to lie about #ivermectin.

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Tom Renz


As a reminder - the reason they had to attack @realDonaldTrump over HCQ is the same reason they had to lie about #ivermectin. Under 22 USC 360bbb-3 they could not issue an EUA for the #modRNA / #mRNA death shots unless it was true: “(3) that there is no adequate, approved, and available alternative to the product for diagnosing, preventing, or treating such disease or condition;”. #Trump was right about HCQ.

Sep 04, 2023, 12:33 PM


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04709c No.86919

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489686 (041857ZSEP23) Notable: Bongino Report: Schiff Says the Quiet Part Out Loud: Yes, We Want to Disqualify Trump From Office

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Bongino Report




This has been their plan all along.


Schiff Says the Quiet Part Out Loud: Yes, We Want to Disqualify Trump From Office




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04709c No.86920

File: a61b352b038e1b0⋯.jpg (71.89 KB,695x499,695:499,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489693 (041858ZSEP23) Notable: Compare and contrast what Biden will give to help Maul and the ACTUAL COSTS of reconstruction - PATHETIC!!

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but muh 700 dollars

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04709c No.86921

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489715 (041901ZSEP23) Notable: Government Ignores Foreign Influence in RMIT-ABC Fact Checks

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Government Ignores Foreign Influence in RMIT-ABC Fact Checks


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04709c No.86922

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489750 (041908ZSEP23) Notable: 'Horrified' hospital employee leaks DEI training pushing 3-year-olds identifying as transgender

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'Horrified' hospital employee leaks DEI training pushing 3-year-olds identifying as transgender

'Many transgender people have ALWAYS known their true gender,' the DEI training from Kaiser Permanente said

A "horrified" hospital employee at Kaiser Permanente leaked a sex change training for diversity, equity and inclusion, which promoted the idea that a 3-year-old can be transgender.

"The employee, who wishes to remain anonymous for fear of losing her job, was horrified," according to the Wednesday report from Libs of TikTok.

As part of the hospital system's DEI training, medical employees were expected to watch a video with children explaining they knew they were transgender at age 3 and 4.

"Many transgender people have ALWAYS known their true gender," the video said.

"My name is Rose. I'm a transgender girl. I was born a boy, but I always knew that I was a girl," a child said.

Rose's dad then explained the child would write notes to Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy asking to be turned into a girl.

An adult trans-identified man said, "When I was 3, I decided that I was going to be a father and marry Janet Jackson."

A mom proceeded to explain how her trans child, Elie, was "a girl in her heart and brain" by age 4.

Another individual said they were "non-binary," meaning they were never a man or a woman.

Kaiser Permanente released a statement to Fox News Digital clarifying that the training did not endorse the use of medical interventions among children in the age group.

"While the video includes two children speaking about how they view their gender identity, the video does not speak to any adolescent transgender care or treatment plans. Kaiser Permanente does not provide hormone treatments or gender-affirming surgery to 3 and 4-year-olds," the statement said.

Medical professionals have been promoting what some may consider fringe ideas about gender ideology.

For example, Diane Ehrensaft, a director of a gender clinic at UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital, claimed kids can identify as trans "Tootsie Roll Pops," "Gender Smoothies" and "Gender Minotaurs."


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04709c No.86923

File: 7f827eb5c38a020⋯.png (42.35 KB,737x648,737:648,Clipboard.png)

File: 51e73c455912175⋯.png (28.08 KB,746x250,373:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489767 (041912ZSEP23) Notable: DELETED from TWIT-X: The Pfizer clinical trials were a disaster. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. explains why.

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Viral RFK Jr. Video Gets Deleted By “X”: Here’s What They Didn’t Want You to See

The Pfizer clinical trials were a disaster. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. explains why.

“Freedom of speech, not reach,” is taking effect more than ever as Twitter (“X”) regresses to its 1.0 days. Ever since Elon Musk hired CEO Linda Yaccarino, who has close ties to the World Economic Forum, things have taken a turn for the worse.

In short, “lawful but awful” accounts and external links (especially Substack) are getting brutally deboosted. And permanent suspensions, which were promised to be reserved for unlawful speech only, have made a big comeback.

Now, Twitter (“X”) is taking further action by making undesirable videos unplayable.

What type of videos in particular? Well, mine…



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04709c No.86924

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489780 (041914ZSEP23) Notable: #23936-A

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#23936-A >>86834

>>86836, >>86839, >>86840, >>86842, >>86846, >>86847, >>86851 , >>86852, >>86854, >>86855, >>86857, >>86858, >>86860, >>86861, >>86862, >>86863, >>86879, >>86880, >>86881, >>86884, Labor Day with President Trump at Bedminster

>>86900, >>86907 , >>86908 David Valentine mentions Ashli Babbitt's name to Pres. Trump - here is his response

>>86837, >>86838, >>86843, >>86845, >>86848, >>86866 Health effects of weed laid bare: linked to schizophrenia, addiction, pregnancy death

>>86841, >>86867, >>86876, >>86877 Dr. Talbot Exposed The Corporation Behind America’s Marxist Library Takeover: Scholastic Corporation

>>86844 Lost in translation! Turkey's President Erdogan 'declares war' with Russia - bad translation

>>86853 Chris Sununu Says Biden Impeachment Would Be “Unhealthy” for Country

>>86850 Musk: To be super clear, I’m pro free speech, but against anti-Semitism of any kind

>>86856 Musk: Since the acquisition, The @ADL has been trying to kill this platformby falsely accusing it & me of being anti-Semitic

>>86878, >>86897 Twitter Shuts Down Generation Identity after Meeting with ADL’s Jonathan Greenblatt

>>86896 @StephenM: ADL traffics in the most vile slanders and crude defamations.

>>86859 Ukraine And The New Al Qaeda

>>86864, >>86870 Pope Francis says to have a simpler Christmas this year and donate the savings to Ukraine

>>86865 Whitney Webb: Since US Neo Nazis w ties to Ukraine are in the news, consider checking out my past work on this issue

>>86868 Loomer may have just uncovered an *act of war* on the United States by Ukrainian intelligence assets on J6 - that helped coordinate J6???

>>86869 Neo-Nazis marching outside Disney World chanting ‘We Are Everywhere’? WHO IS THIS? DIG CALL

>>86871 Georgia poll worker with 20 years of experience handling and recounting ballots says she found a batch of pristine ballots with no markings and 98% for Biden.

>>86872 Between 2019 & 2021, the Black Homicide Rate Rose Twice As Much As Whites. It began at the same time of the BLM riots

>>86873 AOC: Inflation is a propaganda term. "Corporations set the prices. It's just a bunch of greedy shareholders."

>>86874 Biden's Biggest Fear Is Being Perceived As 'Stupid' According To Biographer

>>86835, >>86849, >>86875 Obama initiative - Changing the societal “fabric” towards a new structure

>>86882 'This is an attempt to fix the election for Biden.' Civil-liberties expert rips Joe's war on Trump: 'Appalling in every single way'

>>86883 Putin comments on grain deal after meeting with Erdogan

>>86885 New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy Says State Can’t Take More Illegals

>>86886 Digital Frontlines: The Marines' Battle in the Virtual Trenches of Cyber Flag 23-2

>>86887, >>86891 Kim Jong-un and Putin Plan to Meet in Russia to Discuss Weapons

>>86888 Chinese "Gate-Crashers" at U.S. Bases Spark Espionage Concerns



B is open

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04709c No.86925

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489782 (041914ZSEP23) Notable: ICYMI: President Trump’s Message to America’s Auto Workers

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ICYMI: President Trump’s Message to America’s Auto Workers

September 04, 2023


What's happening to our auto workers is an absolute disgrace and an outrage beyond belief. Auto workers are getting totally ripped off by Crooked Joe Biden and also their horrendous leadership. Because these people are allowing our country to do these electric vehicles that very few people want. And it's a mandate so you'll ultimately be forced to drive in a car that goes for an hour and then you have to have it recharged. I hope you don't want to go very far away.

Biden has imposed the outlandish requirement that 67% of all new vehicles must be electric in less than ten years. That means Michigan and places that make cars you can forget about it, you better get your union working because you can forget about. Those cars are all going to be made in China.

According to the UAW president himself, one auto company CEO used the word brutality over 40 times in a single conversation to describe Joe Biden. I call him Crooked Joe because he's the most corrupt president in history. He's also the most incompetent

But Joe Biden’s cruel and foolish electric vehicle mandate. That's how bad this policy is. Your union heads know it. But the union bosses don't want to do anything about it because they're not leaders. But you know who is voting for me? The people in the union.

The union heads and Crooked Joe keep using the phrase fair transition. There's no fair transition. First of all, people don't want the electric car. And the ones that want it should get it. But we want to have all forms of transportation and all forms of motorization, to describe this unnecessary forced transition to electric vehicles.

But there's no such thing as a fair transition that destroys over 100,000 auto manufacturing jobs (it will be much more than that), wastes tens of billions of dollars that should be going to the workers, and makes new cars entirely unaffordable.

For the middle class, that's a transition to hell. You're going to hell and your bosses are leading you right down the tubes. You shouldn't pay your fees. They get these big fees from all of their workers.

And it doesn't matter how bad they are, they'll endorse a Democrat, even though the Democrats selling you down the tubes.

Both the UAW bosses and the big three auto executives should be screaming at the top of their lungs – they should be ashamed of themselves - demanding that Joe Biden cancel his brutal electric vehicle mandate before it destroys the entire U.S. auto sector.

If the union bosses and the CEOs refuse to fight back against Crooked Joe Biden, by forcing him to repeal this disastrous electric car scheme, then you will know they're not pro-worker, they're not on your side, they've got some deals going for themselves.

And I'm telling you, you shouldn't pay those dues. You should not pay your dues because they're selling you to hell. You're going to be going to hell. You're not going to have any jobs. All those cars are going to be made in China. Every one of them. You can forget it, Michigan. You can forget it, South Carolina. You can forget it, everybody. All of those cars are going to be made in China.

We sit on liquid gold, and we're getting rid of combustion engines. And they sit on all of the other materials that you need for the batteries. They're going to make all those cars. We’re not going to make any of them.

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04709c No.86926

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489797 (041917ZSEP23) Notable: Rothman to advance bill greatly limiting immigration into Israel

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Rothman to advance bill greatly limiting immigration into Israel

The bill seeks to make this one overpower all other laws save basic laws that are specifically legislated to overpower it.

Religious Zionist Party MK Simcha Rothman will advance a new bill for a basic law that seeks to greatly limit immigration into Israel, he announced on Sunday after a riot by Eritrean asylum seekers ended with at least 160 injuries the previous day.

The bill, dubbed Basic Law: Entry, immigration, and status in Israel, proposes to put in place a set of guidelines for foreigners being granted entry or gaining status in Israel when they are not eligible for aliyah according to the Law of Return.

In the case of contradiction between the bill's rules and other laws or basic laws, the bill seeks to make this one overpower all other laws save basic laws that are specifically legislated to overpower it.

Religious Zionist Party MK Simcha Rothman will advance a new bill for a basic law that seeks to greatly limit immigration into Israel, he announced on Sunday after a riot by Eritrean asylum seekers ended with at least 160 injuries the previous day.

The bill, dubbed Basic Law: Entry, immigration, and status in Israel, proposes to put in place a set of guidelines for foreigners being granted entry or gaining status in Israel when they are not eligible for aliyah according to the Law of Return.

In the case of contradiction between the bill's rules and other laws or basic laws, the bill seeks to make this one overpower all other laws save basic laws that are specifically legislated to overpower it.

Furthermore, no person who isn't a citizen or resident of Israel would be able to petition an Israeli court to rule on their status unless a citizen or resident petitioned the court on their behalf. This wouldn't apply to people eligible for aliyah.

The bill was submitted for the first time in 2021 during the Naftali Bennett-Yair Lapid government. It was advanced then by Rothman, Bezalel Smotrich (also RZP), Amir Ohana (Likud), Yinon Azoulay (Shas), Yitzhak Pindrus (United Torah Judaism), and Amihai Chikli (then-Yamina). The bill was endorsed by then-opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu but was ultimately removed from the agenda, meaning it had to wait six months or be adjusted before being proposed again.


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04709c No.86927

File: 83b39e34d3aef52⋯.png (576.45 KB,921x663,307:221,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489804 (041918ZSEP23) Notable: For the keks: 36 watching now - US President Joe Biden Live

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For the keks.36 watching now

US President Joe Biden Live | Joe Biden Labor Day Speech Live | Joe Biden Speech Live - CNN - News 18 - https://youtu.be/JactVEzd_Jw

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04709c No.86928

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489810 (041919ZSEP23) Notable: #23935

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#23935 >>86806

>>86807, >>86811 ‘Where Is the Money?’ Military Graft Becomes a Headache for Ukraine

>>86808 Flynn Tweet Newt, you realize you’re on Fox News which is part of the problem you’re talking about.

>>86809 Ouch! Founder of DeSantis Super PAC Obliterates the Florida Governor – Then Backs Trump in Same Interview! (VIDEO)

>>86810 Kamala Harris met with George Soros heir, top donors at her private residence, records show

>>86812 Previously censored Trump movie to relaunch in October with high-tech virtual arena experience

>>86813, >>86814 Flashback - Trump’s Mar-A-Lago Lawsuit Spotlights How Difficult Search Warrants Are To Challenge – By A Criminal Suspect Or An Ex-President – Until Charges Are Brought

>>86815 Parasites, Worms, Helminths and infection

>>86816 Dr. Birx, who helped lead Trump White House in COVID response, says new mask mandates not needed yet

>>86817 England’s concrete crisis could extend to hospitals and courts, experts say

>>86818 Cyberattack Shuts Down Two of World’s Leading Telescopes

>>86819 Ukraine attacking pipelines to Türkiye - Putin

>>86820 J6 Political Prisoner Zachary Alams’ Defense Attorneys PROMISE to Put Ashli Babbit’s Murderer Officer Michael Byrd on Stand at September 5th Trial!

>>86821 Global activists slam EU nation for crackdown on Russians

>>86822 NATO member contradicts Ukraine drone claim

>>86823 Massachusetts calls up national guard to cope with migrants as protests rage

>>86824 Labor Day USA: 1.2 Million Native-Born Workers Have Lost Their Jobs and Been Replaced With 668K Foreign-Born Workers

>>86825, >>86826 E.U. Official From Sweden Imprisoned in Iran for Over 500 Days

>>86827, >>86828, >>86829 Scott Ritter: A comprehensive Ukrainian defeat is the only possible outcome of its conflict with Russia

>>86830, >>86831, >>86832, >>86833 What the Left Did to Our Country

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04709c No.86929

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489847 (041928ZSEP23) Notable: U.S. National Deficit EXPLODES Nearly TRIPLING In Nine Months Of 2023

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U.S. National Deficit EXPLODES Nearly TRIPLING In Nine Months Of 2023

Lena Petrova, CPA

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04709c No.86930

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489874 (041934ZSEP23) Notable: #23936-B

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>>86890 Russia Claims to Have Launched ‘Hypersonic’ Kinzhal Missile From New Aircraft Against Ukraine for First Time

>>86892 Pfizer Asks Court To Revoke Moderna's COVID-19 Vaccine Patents

>>86894 Publix Heiress Julie Fancelli Offered $3 Million To Fund Jan. 6 Rally, House Documents Show

>>86895 CDC & FDA Ignored U.S. Military Investigation Revealing Vaccine Failures, New FOIA Documents Reveal

>>86889, >>86893 Burning Man: aerial view

>>86898 Mexico places piece of Berlin wall near US border: 'May this be a lesson'

>>86899 Blackburn: Democrats Would Like a Government Shutdown Because It Would Halt House Investigations

>>86901 61% Of US Workers Live Paycheck-to-Paycheck, 21% Struggle With Bills

>>86902 Trump Calls on Republican DAs and AGs to Get Up Off the Mat

>>86903 TikTok star Luke Rockwell arrested for sex abuse of a minor in Thailand

>>86904 Biden's Commienomics Isn’t Working: Vast Majority of Americans Say Economy Is Bad And Getting Worse

>>86905, >>86916, >>86917, >>86920 Compare and contrast what Biden will give to help Maul and the ACTUAL COSTS of reconstruction - PATHETIC!!

>>86906 Bohemian Grove Participant Kevin McCarthy Accused of Wearing Bohemian Club Logo in Hawaii

>>86909, >>86915 What is NARRATIVE SCIENCE?

>>86910, >>86910 Biden mocks ‘great real-estate’ developer Trump who ‘didn’t build a damn thing’ at Labor Day rally in Pa.

>>86911 Spying Fears After Chinese Nationals Caught Entering U.S. Sites 100+ Times

>>86912 The Democrats are systematically attacking reality, but we can WILL win

>>86913 Alex Soros announces shifting priorities to confront the threat of a ‘MAGA’ victory that stands to ‘undermine’ the war in Ukraine

>>86914 Cyberattack Shuts Down Two Of World’s Leading Telescopes / Remember when they used the word CYBERSPACE in every newscast?

>>86911 Spying Fears After Chinese Nationals Caught Entering U.S. Sites 100+ Times

>>86914 Cyberattack Shuts Down Two Of World’s Leading Telescopes / Remember when they used the word CYBERSPACE in every newscast?

>>86918 @TomRenz: the reason they had to attack @realDonaldTrump over HCQ is the same reason they had to lie about #ivermectin.

>>86919 Bongino Report: Schiff Says the Quiet Part Out Loud: Yes, We Want to Disqualify Trump From Office

>>86921 Government Ignores Foreign Influence in RMIT-ABC Fact Checks

>>86922 'Horrified' hospital employee leaks DEI training pushing 3-year-olds identifying as transgender

>>86923 DELETED from TWIT-X: The Pfizer clinical trials were a disaster. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. explains why.

>>86925 ICYMI: President Trump’s Message to America’s Auto Workers

>>86926 Rothman to advance bill greatly limiting immigration into Israel

>>86927 For the keks: 36 watching now - US President Joe Biden Live

>>86929 U.S. National Deficit EXPLODES Nearly TRIPLING In Nine Months Of 2023



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04709c No.86931

File: 50b69bed719f3d7⋯.png (441.3 KB,819x554,819:554,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489888 (041937ZSEP23) Notable: #23937

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baker seeks handy, ghosting @20

great work, anons

we are the news!

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04709c No.86932

File: d55ea6afebb4134⋯.png (109.86 KB,728x556,182:139,Clipboard.png)

File: 2f31ade532e98c8⋯.png (67.62 KB,732x362,366:181,Clipboard.png)

File: 6ad81f71fbab70d⋯.png (112.02 KB,701x614,701:614,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489929 (041947ZSEP23) Notable: Biden-Appointed Judge Rules Religious Parents Can’t Opt Kids Out Of Pro-LGBT School Lessons

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Biden-Appointed Judge Rules Religious Parents Can’t Opt Kids Out Of Pro-LGBT School Lessons

As a new school year kicks into gear, a Biden-appointed federal judge is using the legal equivalent of grade inflation to prop up the misguided efforts of a local school board to indoctrinate students with gender ideology. On Aug. 24, the U.S. District Court judge denied a requested injunction from a group of Muslim, Catholic, and Orthodox parents to opt their children out of LGBT storybook lessons, exposing the judge’s grave misunderstanding of the Supreme Court’s religious freedom jurisprudence.

A stone’s throw from Washington, D.C., Montgomery County Public Schools is one of the largest public school systems in the country, with roughly 70,000 students attending elementary school. Last fall, the Montgomery County Board of Education announced it was adopting a collection of more than 20 “LGBTQ+ inclusive” books for use in pre-K through eighth-grade classrooms.

The collection calls for pre-K students ages 3-5 to read Pride Puppy!, the story of two women who take their children to a “Pride Day” parade. A word list using the letters of the alphabet to show what a child might see includes the words “leather,” “underwear,” and “[drag] queen.”

Fifth graders — typically 10- and 11-year-old children — will read Born Ready: The True Story of a Boy Named Penelope, about an elementary school-aged girl who tells her mother, “I don’t feel like a boy. I AM a boy.” Her mother agrees to tell their family “that we know … You are a boy.” But when Penelope’s brother protests, “You can’t become a boy. You have to be born one,” he’s told that “not everything needs to make sense. This is about love.”

Other books include What are Your Words?, a story about a child “figuring out” “their” pronouns, and Intersection Allies: We Make Room For All, a book that offers leftist definitions for “sex,” “gender,” and “transgender” as well as asks readers what pronouns “fit them best.”

When parents initially raised objections to the books, the school board said they could opt their children out of instruction involving the books, as parents can for other parts of the curriculum. By the spring, however, the school board announced parents would not only no longer be notified in advance when the books would be read, they also couldn’t opt their children out of instruction involving the books.


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04709c No.86933

File: 96dcac306c2fd20⋯.png (1.02 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489931 (041948ZSEP23) Notable: Biden’s America: Majority Living Paycheck to Paycheck, Even Six-Figure Earners Overwhelmed

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Biden’s America: Majority Living Paycheck to Paycheck, Even Six-Figure Earners Overwhelmed


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04709c No.86934

File: f7f9af9270d9e26⋯.png (408.69 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

File: 0da1ca2e7f58766⋯.png (69.13 KB,792x430,396:215,Clipboard.png)

File: 320ce7ae85449ef⋯.png (426.25 KB,787x637,787:637,Clipboard.png)

File: adc5cf4d5623c34⋯.png (72.11 KB,792x476,198:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489952 (041953ZSEP23) Notable: "Obama's Man In Africa" Under House Arrest After Popular Coup Rocked Gabon

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"Obama's Man In Africa" Under House Arrest After Popular Coup Rocked Gabon

Before his removal in a military coup, Gabon’s hopelessly corrupt President Ali Bongo was courted by Obama and feted from Washington to Davos. The US war on Libya which destabilized the region may not have succeeded without him.

When a military junta arrested President Ali Bongo Ondimba on August 30, Gabon became the ninth African nation to depose its government through a military coup. As citizens of Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali did before them, crowds of Gabonese poured into the streets to celebrate the removal of a Western-backed leader whose family flaunted its lavish lifestyle while more than a third of the country’s population languished in destitution.

“Irresponsible and unpredictable governance has led to a steady deterioration in social cohesion, threatening to drive the country into chaos,” a leader of Gabon’s junta, Col. Ulrich Manfoumbi, declared upon seizing power.

President Bongo’s arrest was met with indignant condemnations from Washington and Paris, which had propped him up as he pillaged his country’s vast oil wealth. His ouster represented a particularly sharp rebuke of former President Barack Obama, who groomed the Gabonese autocrat as one of his closest allies on the continent, and leaned on him for diplomatic support as he waged a war on Libya that unleashed terror and instability across the region.

So close was the bond between Obama and Bongo that Foreign Policy branded the Gabonese leader, “Obama’s Man in Africa.”

With Obama’s help, Bongo attempted to fashion himself as a reformist modernizer. He traveled repeatedly to Davos, Switzerland to attend the World Economic Forum, where was appointed an “Agenda Contributor.” There, he pledged to accelerate the Fouth Industrial Revolution in Africa by implementing lucrative digital identification and payment systems among his country’s heavily impoverished population.

Bongo’s bio on the WEF website lists him as a “spokesperson for Africa on biodiversity” and “composer of musical pieces” whose interests include “history, football, classical music, jazz and bossa nova.” The self-styled renaissance man managed to hit it off with Obama, kibitz with Klaus Schwab, and press the flesh with Bill Gates. But at home, he found few friends among the struggling Gabonese masses.

A “global citizen” meets his fate at home

Ali Bongo rose to power as the son of the late Gabonese autocrat Omar Bongo Odinmba, who ruled the country from 1967 to his death. In 2004, a year after discussing a $9 million image-washing deal with disgraced Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff, Bongo secured a meeting with President George W. Bush. When he died five years later, he left behind a $500 million presidential palace, over a dozen luxurious homes from Paris to Beverly Hills, and a country overrun with inequality.


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04709c No.86935

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489953 (041953ZSEP23) Notable: Biden Regime Sentences ‘George Washington’ to One Year in Prison for Walking inside US Capitol

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A Perfect Metaphor of Our Time: Biden Regime Sentences ‘George Washington’ to One Year in Prison for Walking inside US Capitol – Then Steals His Clothes

This been posted yet?

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04709c No.86936

File: 05d964713208f36⋯.png (64.46 KB,928x302,464:151,Clipboard.png)

File: b85df21850d28b8⋯.png (595.79 KB,980x612,245:153,Clipboard.png)

File: b78ccfa6d5cb911⋯.png (375.75 KB,943x598,41:26,Clipboard.png)

File: b78ccfa6d5cb911⋯.png (375.75 KB,943x598,41:26,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489968 (041959ZSEP23) Notable: Newly Discovered Michigan Election Corruption Parallels Georgia!

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Newly Discovered Michigan Election Corruption Parallels Georgia!

Michigan Voter Registration Fraud

The entire state of Michigan owes a special thank you to The Gateway Pundit, Jim Hoft, Patty McMurray, Ben Wetmore, Dr. Phil O’Hallaron, Braden Giacobazzi, and Ann Meisch for the recent bombshell revelation of massive amounts of fraudulent voter registrations and the ensuing cover-up by the Michigan State Police and the FBI.

“On August 8, the Gateway Pundit revealed a major fraudulent voter registration operation that had been under investigation for almost 3 years in Michigan that spanned several cities across the state. Although the investigation involved lead investigators working for Michigan’s Democrat Attorney General Dana Nessel and at least one analyst working for Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, the true depth of the investigation and the shocking details uncovered by the MI State Police and Muskegon Police Department were hidden from the public. Publications like The Detroit News downplayed the investigation and wrote an article to debunk a MI STATE POLICE REPORT titled, Michigan probe into fraudulent voter registrations referred to FBI, suggesting that the Gateway Pundit was a conspiracy site for daring to report on the details found in the MI State Police report we obtained exclusively from Phil O’Halloran of MI-District 9 and Director of Election Integrity for the MI GOP.”

“Three weeks ago, the MI GOP Director of Election Integrity, Phil O’Halloran, gave Patty McMurray and Jim Hoft of the Gateway Pundit a stunning MI State Police report that was FOIA’d by a Muskegon resident who questioned the outcome of his race in the 2020 election. The report is based on an investigation that was initiated on October 8, 2020, that was eventually taken over by the FBI in 2022.

After publishing the report that exposed a massive cover-up by Michigan’s Democrat Attorney General Dana Nessel and Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson of an explosive, statewide investigation by the MI State Police, Muskegon, MI Police Department, we began to receive tips from individuals who read our story and wanted to help us close the gaps in the highly redacted MI State Police report.”

Today, The Gateway Pundit reprinted a Blockbuster article from Georgia that parallels the fraud in Michigan! The author, Chris Gleason, and a contributor from the Epoch Times, Steven Kovac, along with help from Wisconsin’s “Election Watch” Peter Bernegger that made the EXPLOSIVE.

Georgia Election Fraud and Money Laundering

The article states: “In the lead up to the 2022 midterm elections, my team uncovered a massive money laundering network of campaign finance contributions being made via ActBlue. One of the top beneficiaries of this money laundering RICO enterprise was none other than Georgia Senator Raphael Warnock.”


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04709c No.86937

File: 94d934139614cd2⋯.png (265.75 KB,587x401,587:401,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489981 (042002ZSEP23) Notable: Biden is behind these Nazis and domestic terrorists. His administration and his FBI/ CIA is protecting them and sending them to Ukraine.

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Laura Loomer




I have exclusively obtained Video evidence and police body camera footage of a police officer in Escambia County, FL by the name of Deputy K. Haley, badge number 614272 interacting with CIA/FBI Nazi Asset and Azov Battalion fighter Kent “BoneFace” McLellan.

In the video, you can hear the police officer ask McLellan to spell his last name, and the officer verbally admits on video that McLellan is in their database and the FBI’s database as a “terrorist organization member” and in his file, it says to “contact the screening center” and the FBI. The officer is seen and heard on this video I have exclusively obtained looking at McLellan’s lengthy criminal record on his computer in his police car and says “armed, dangerous, violent tendencies” and then he asks McLellan “are you Ukrainian”, to which McLellan replies “I just got back from Ukraine”.

This weekend I exposed McLellan as a CIA/FBI asset and a Ukrainian tied Nazi after I confronted him and his colleagues at a Nazi rally in Altamonte Springs, FL where he and others were shouting anti-Jewish slurs at me and waving swastika flags.

The officer from Escambia County, Florida is heard in the police body cam video saying “it says to contact the @FBI

. I’ve never seen this before…. They have Border Patrol’s number on this.”

This is undeniable and irrefutable evidence that @BoneFaceTheMC

Kent “BoneFace” McLellan, a Nazi domestic terrorist and violent criminal is an FBI/CIA asset who has been flown back and forth to Ukraine with the help of the US Government and the @JoeBiden

administration to fight the Russians as a U.S. backed intelligence asset.

This is proof the CIA/FBI and Florida law enforcement are protecting NAZIS and Ukrainian war criminals, given the fact that McLellan was also recently given a Ukrainian passport.


’s administration is working with and protecting Violent Nazis for the purpose of committing war crimes in Ukraine and instigating Nazi movements in the US during an election year as part of a color revolution to keep President Trump out of the White House by blaming @realDonaldTrump

for Nazi and White Supremacist movements in the US.

Biden is behind these Nazis and domestic terrorists. His administration and his FBI/ CIA is protecting them and sending them to Ukraine.

0:00 / 2:39


Laura Loomer



Sep 3



One of the Nazis I caught on camera yesterday who was shouting slurs at me is a guy by the name of Kent McLellan. He goes by the name “Boneface” and his entire face is covered with tattoos.… https://pic.twitter.com/ZHctPpvhdthttps://pic.twitter.com/ZHctPpvhdthttps://pic.twitter.com/ZHctPpvhdthttps://pic.twitter.com/ZHctPpvhdt twitter.com/lauraloomer/st… Show more

6:59 AM · Sep 4, 2023




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04709c No.86938

File: 2b08f9d9fed616f⋯.png (369.26 KB,592x556,148:139,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19489991 (042004ZSEP23) Notable: The NY Times admitted that corruption has hit the "highest level of Ukrainian politics"

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Who could have seen this one


NYT Wakes Up to Ukraine Corruption as Officials Admit Money 'Vanished'

The NY Times admitted that corruption has hit the "highest level of Ukrainian politics" as officials said military funds have "vanished".

8:21 AM · Sep 4, 2023




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04709c No.86939

File: 119c12aadcfd0fa⋯.png (520 KB,594x576,33:32,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490000 (042006ZSEP23) Notable: Ukraine-Born Republican Rep. Wants U.S. To Fund Ukrainian Neo-Nazis.

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RINO Congresswoman demands U.S. taxpayer funds Neo Nazis in Ukraine…


Ukraine-Born Republican Rep. Wants U.S. To Fund Ukrainian Neo-Nazis.

Ukraine-born Congresswoman Victoria Spartz (R-IN-5) is pushing an amendment to the Department of Defense Appropriations Act which would allow the Biden government to begin funding the notorious Azov...

7:37 AM · Sep 4, 2023




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04709c No.86940

File: c74ee54bc17aea9⋯.png (421.46 KB,523x902,523:902,Clipboard.png)

File: 6a3d1cf562c523b⋯.png (881.79 KB,1062x758,531:379,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490003 (042007ZSEP23) Notable: Biden is behind these Nazis and domestic terrorists. His administration and his FBI/ CIA is protecting them and sending them to Ukraine.

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04709c No.86941

File: b4d9f1ce49d134c⋯.webp (43.32 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490004 (042007ZSEP23) Notable: Biden’s America: Majority Living Paycheck to Paycheck, Even Six-Figure Earners Overwhelmed

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The money is worthless

Biden’s America: Majority Living Paycheck to Paycheck, Even Six-Figure Earners Overwhelmed

A new report said a majority of Americans are just squeaking by as a mountain of debt grows taller and taller.

As of July, 61 percent of adults in a LendingClub survey said they were living paycheck to paycheck, according to CNBC.

The study found that 78 percent of consumers who earn under $50,000 a year and 65 percent of those who make between $50,000 and $100,000 annually were living paycheck to paycheck in July.

Forty-four percent of those earning more than $100,000 a year were living check to check, the study said.“Consumers are undoubtedly continuing to feel the impact of inflation and rising interest rates,” said Chris Fred, the head of TD Bank’s credit cards and unsecured lending.

Credit card debt reached $1.03 trillion in the second quarter of the year, according to The Week. Credit card delinquencies hit 7.2 percent.

“The increase in delinquencies and defaults is symptomatic of the tough decisions that these households are having to make right now — whether to pay their credit card bills, their rent or buy groceries,” said Mark Zandi, Moody’s Analytics chief economist, according to The Washington Post.


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04709c No.86942

File: 0fcbaa803e49b86⋯.png (519.72 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490005 (042007ZSEP23) Notable: Elon's Twatter back to deleting Vax Truth videos…including RFK jr.

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Elon's Twatter back to deleting Vax Truth videos...including RFK jr.

The video was a clip of RFK Jr. breaking down the Pfizer clinical trials with podcast host Brian Rose. And what he exposed, according to Pfizer’s own data, was that people who received Pfizer’s COVID vaccine showed a 23.5% GREATER likelihood of dying than the placebo group after six months.


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04709c No.86943

File: 60f00e4ed5b6830⋯.png (506.27 KB,601x725,601:725,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490010 (042008ZSEP23) Notable: It has now been an entire *month* since the deadly Hawaii fires and gov’t officials still won’t tell us how many children are missing

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It has now been an entire *month* since the deadly Hawaii fires and gov’t

officials still won’t tell us how many children are missing

At what point does this become criminal activity?!


Nick Sortor




Good morning again from Maui, where residents are being ROYALLY screwed by local, state, and federal governments.

There are COUNTLESS important issues to note, but here are just a handful:

1. The town of Lahaina is being INCREASINGLY fortified, and there are police & military… Show more




8:26 AM · Sep 4, 2023




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04709c No.86944

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490011 (042008ZSEP23) Notable: President Donald J. Trump Visits Rapid City, South Dakota - Sept. 8, 2023

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Mark your calendars: President Donald J. Trump Visits Rapid City, South Dakota - Sept. 8, 2023

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04709c No.86945

File: ee48fb7aea5de63⋯.png (937.01 KB,852x847,852:847,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490018 (042009ZSEP23) Notable: WSJ: Say, why are Chinese nationals trying to infiltrate military bases in the US?

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WSJ: Say, why are Chinese nationals trying

to infiltrate military bases in the US?

Hot Air, by Ed Morrissey

Posted By: Dreadnought, 9/4/2023 3:11:03 PM

Ho hum, nothing to see here. Just another instance in which the country that Joe Biden dismissed as a “competitor” wants an up-close look at America’s military installations, even more up-close than afforded to China’s giant spy balloon — the one that Biden let cross over the US before finally shooting it down. According to the WSJ, however, their latest strategy is no one-off. As many as 100 instances or more of attempted intrusions by Chinese nationals have taken place “in recent years,” either by deceit or by stealth. While a handful of these are benign — Google Maps misdirections — others are far more worrisome: Chinese nationals, sometimes posing as tourists,

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04709c No.86946

File: cb7453d36e2561f⋯.webp (94.39 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490019 (042009ZSEP23) Notable: Newly Discovered Michigan Election Corruption Parallels Georgia!

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Newly Discovered Michigan Election Corruption Parallels Georgia!

Michigan Voter Registration Fraud

The entire state of Michigan owes a special thank you to The Gateway Pundit, Jim Hoft, Patty McMurray, Ben Wetmore, Dr. Phil O’Hallaron, Braden Giacobazzi, and Ann Meisch for the recent bombshell revelation of massive amounts of fraudulent voter registrations and the ensuing cover-up by the Michigan State Police and the FBI.

“EVIDENCE OF TIES TO THE MI DEMOCRATIC PARTY? Newly Obtained Muskegon Police Report Reveals GBI Strategies Was Hired by “Empower Michigan” Project that Shares Address with MI Dem Party“

“On August 8, the Gateway Pundit revealed a major fraudulent voter registration operation that had been under investigation for almost 3 years in Michigan that spanned several cities across the state. Although the investigation involved lead investigators working for Michigan’s Democrat Attorney General Dana Nessel and at least one analyst working for Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, the true depth of the investigation and the shocking details uncovered by the MI State Police and Muskegon Police Department were hidden from the public. Publications like The Detroit News downplayed the investigation and wrote an article to debunk a MI STATE POLICE REPORT titled, Michigan probe into fraudulent voter registrations referred to FBI, suggesting that the Gateway Pundit was a conspiracy site for daring to report on the details found in the MI State Police report we obtained exclusively from Phil O’Halloran of MI-District 9 and Director of Election Integrity for the MI GOP.”


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04709c No.86947

File: c86202eb7736b10⋯.png (986.04 KB,768x483,256:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490024 (042011ZSEP23) Notable: The Times worries about a government using lawfare against opponents in the lead-up to a ‘crucial election’

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The Times PANIC worries about a government using lawfare against opponents in the lead-up to a ‘crucial election’

The Times worries about a government using lawfare against opponents in the lead-up to a ‘crucial election’

The New York Times is very worried. In the lead-up to a “crucial election,” the government is arresting dozens (or even more) of its opponents and tying them up in court cases. The Times understands what’s going on: The government t...


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04709c No.86948

File: 2142d24d9ac729c⋯.png (26.31 KB,789x279,263:93,Clipboard.png)

File: a8e38fd9f5ded7e⋯.png (1.43 MB,723x896,723:896,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490026 (042011ZSEP23) Notable: Social media erupted after Dr. Anthony Fauci was confronted by a CNN host with a study showing face masks made little to no difference in the course of the COVID-19 pandemic

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Fauci roasted as ‘fraud’ and ‘liar’

after being confronted with damning study

on masks

New York Post, by Ryan King

Posted By: FlyRight, 9/4/2023 1:15:38 PM

Social media erupted after Dr. Anthony Fauci was confronted by a CNN host with a study showing face masks made little to no difference in the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. Conservative critics pounced on the former White House chief medical adviser after he acknowledged the masking study during the Saturday segment — while continuing to insist that, at an individual level, other research shows face coverings are effective at curtailing the spread of the virus. “When you’re talking about the effect on the epidemic or the pandemic as a whole, the data are less strong,” Fauci admitted to CNN’s Michael Smerconish.

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04709c No.86949

File: e603b63a8a68d3b⋯.png (544.19 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490030 (042012ZSEP23) Notable: Declassify UAP

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Declassify UAP

It's time for the US government to level with the public about UAP. The American people deserve the truth, and can handle the truth.


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04709c No.86950

File: 518f0b0063d7f0d⋯.png (735.08 KB,750x375,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490067 (042019ZSEP23) Notable: Bohemian Grove Participant Kevin McCarthy Accused of Wearing Bohemian Club Logo in Hawaii

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OWL BE DAMNED: Kevin McCarthy reportedly attended Bohemian Grove, and is seen wearing the Grove's Polo Shirt with its Owl logo/symbol on it⸻Owl symbol represents either Minerva, Isis or Lilith. Take your pick.

Bohemian Grove Participant Kevin McCarthy Accused of Wearing Bohemian Club Logo in Hawaii

Globalist Republican U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has been accused of appearing in public in Hawaii wearing the owl logo of the Bohemian Club, the elitist group that runs the globalist occult hangout Bohemian Grove. This comes just weeks after McCarth...


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04709c No.86951

File: 38de5f95eb20154⋯.png (148.69 KB,589x349,589:349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490087 (042023ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - Donald Trump's face is spotted in Stonehenge's ancient pillars

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Donald J. Trump



Donald Trump's face is spotted in Stonehenge's ancient pillars

Avid stonewatchers believe they have spotted the face of former US president, 77, at the 4,500-year-old monument in Wiltshire.


Sep 04, 2023, 4:59 AM

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04709c No.86952

File: 26bc240d51f4847⋯.png (506 KB,700x420,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490097 (042026ZSEP23) Notable: Schiff wants SCOTUS to decide if Trump gets DQ'd from 2024 election under 14A

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Schiff wants SCOTUS to decide if Trump gets DQ'd from 2024 election under 14A (spoiler: he won't)

Supreme Court Will Decide If Trump Gets Disqualified From 2024 Race Under 14th Amendment: Rep. Schiff

Democrats are claiming that the 14th amendment addressing "insurrection" can be used to disqualify the former president from running again in 2024.


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04709c No.86953

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490102 (042027ZSEP23) Notable: Bannon War Room - Frank Bill Discusses The American Working Man Facing Insecurity And Instability

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Labor Day Special at Bannon War Room

Frank Bill Discusses The American Working Man Facing Insecurity And Instability

7:06A lot of people losing their jobs.


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04709c No.86954

File: cdaf8d07720329d⋯.png (685.63 KB,756x797,756:797,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490129 (042035ZSEP23) Notable: Joe Biden Looks to Add Half a Million Foreigners to Workforce as 44M Americans Remain on Sideline

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Labor Day: Joe Biden Looks to Add Half a Million Foreigners to Workforce as 44M Americans Remain on Sideline


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04709c No.86955

File: 150aec9e9709d85⋯.png (861.25 KB,835x643,835:643,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490130 (042036ZSEP23) Notable: Liberal Northern State Calls Up National Guard After Being Overwhelmed by Trickle of Migrants

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Liberal Northern State Calls Up National Guard After Being Overwhelmed by Trickle of Migrants

By Johnathan Jones September 4, 2023 at 8:22am

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04709c No.86956

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490131 (042036ZSEP23) Notable: Woman Speaks Truth On The Governments Response To Maui Fires

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Woman Speaks Truth On The Governments Response To Maui Fires

Such a strong woman,

I don't know her name, but this woman is a warrior and a hero.

The world needs more people like her.

Well done Ma’am!

We stand with the people of Maui!🙏🏼

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04709c No.86957

File: 089dacb4e0aa4ff⋯.jpeg (54.95 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490140 (042038ZSEP23) Notable: Ukraine's counteroffensive has 'failed' - Putin

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4 Sep, 2023 17:00

Ukraine's counteroffensive has 'failed' – Putin

Kiev’s forces haven’t managed to break Russian lines despite ten days of “violent attacks,” MOD chief Sergey Shoigu added

Ukraine’s ongoing counteroffensive has not “stalled” but failed, Russian President Vladimir Putin declared on Monday. With Ukrainian losses mounting and Kiev ramping up its conscription efforts, Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu affirmed his commander-in-chief's assessment.

The Ukrainian operation “is not stalled; it is a failure,” Putin declared, following talks with his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in the resort city of Sochi.

“At least, this is how it looks today,”he continued. “Let’s see what happens next. I hope this will continue to be the case.”

In early June, Kiev launched its long-awaited counteroffensive against Russian forces, using Western-provided tanks and armored vehicles to attack multiple points along the Kherson-Donetsk frontline. According to Russian figures, advancing through minefields and without air support, Ukraine lost at least 43,000 men in the first two months of the operation alone. It failed to penetrate even the first line of Russia’s multi-layered defensive network.

The Ukrainian military has since switched tactics, relying on lighter and more mobile infantry units to seize individual buildings and positions. However, losses remain high, and with Russian forces effectively countering these advances with drone-corrected artillery fire, Kiev is urgently seeking to draft more troops.

Ukraine has loosened its medical requirements for military service and is reportedly considering extraditing draft dodgers who managed to flee the country since last February.

In separate remarks to the media on Monday, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu confirmed Putin’s assessment of the counteroffensive. “Today everything is exactly as our president said,” Shoigu declared. The minister noted that the Ukrainian military has "for the last ten days at least" been carrying out "violent attacks with large forces,” but has not managed to break Russia’s defenses.

Much of the fighting over the last two weeks has centered around the village of Rabotino, located in the Zaporozhye sector of the front and near the city of Artyomovsk/Bakhmut in the Donetsk Region. Although Kiev and its Western backers claim to be making incremental progress at Rabotino, The Russian Defense Ministry said on Monday that it repelled a Ukrainian attack on the village theprevious night, killing up to 115 Ukrainian troopsand destroying multiple armored vehicles and US-made artillery guns.


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04709c No.86958

File: 26c972539d72dab⋯.png (823.72 KB,745x788,745:788,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490149 (042041ZSEP23) Notable: WSJ Poll: Majority of Americans Disapprove of Biden’s Handling of Ukraine

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WSJ Poll: Majority of Americans Disapprove of Biden’s Handling of Ukraine


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04709c No.86959

File: d261a871e82cd55⋯.png (1.26 MB,755x753,755:753,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490181 (042047ZSEP23) Notable: 41 Illegal Aliens Arrested at NYC Migrant Hotel in Last Four Months

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Third world problems: 41 Illegal Aliens Arrested at NYC Migrant Hotel in Last Four


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04709c No.86960

File: 4761bcfcd5dc667⋯.png (858.14 KB,768x402,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490183 (042048ZSEP23) Notable: Sen. Blackburn says Schumer is trying to force a shutdown to help him 'hang on to the U.S. Senate'

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Sen. Blackburn says Schumer is trying to force a shutdown to help him 'hang on to the U.S. Senate'

Next year is both a presidential and congressional election year, and the Republicans are hoping to both keep their majority in the House and win back the majority in the Senate.


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04709c No.86961

File: a61dbb8dbbfd9ed⋯.png (44.52 KB,606x370,303:185,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490185 (042049ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - A very large group of “Bikers for Trump” just left Bedminster.

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A very large group of “Bikers for Trump” just left Bedminster. What a great time we all had. The motorcycles were AMAZING, the love and enthusiasm absolutely “beyond.” Thank you all. We must WIN in 2024. MAGA!

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04709c No.86962

File: 5628c32802851c8⋯.png (238.82 KB,288x512,9:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490187 (042049ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - WOW—A MUST WATCH!

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Donald J. Trump



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04709c No.86963

File: 02fb80f44b1decb⋯.png (710.18 KB,741x798,13:14,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490190 (042050ZSEP23) Notable: The NY Times admitted that corruption has hit the "highest level of Ukrainian politics"

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'AMERICAN'S WANT THEIR MONEY BACK: NY Times Wakes Up to Corruption in Ukraine as Officials Admit Military Contract Money ‘Vanished’'


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04709c No.86964

File: 2340b0b06d7fa32⋯.png (552.15 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490200 (042052ZSEP23) Notable: Alex Soros worried that another Trump victory will endanger the "unity" of globalists in Europe.

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Alex Soros, son of arch globalist Open Society founder George Soros writes in an op-ed that he is worried that another Trump victory, or “MAGA style” victory in a U.S. election will endanger the “unity” of globalists in Europe.

Soros’ Son Complains That Another “MAGA-style” Presidential Victory Would “Imperil” Globalist Vision'

Says populist leadership in U.S. would


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04709c No.86965

File: cdeb18c5e2b433f⋯.png (695.7 KB,1013x675,1013:675,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490205 (042052ZSEP23) Notable: Team Trump Participates in Chapin, South Carolina Labor Day Parade (VIDEO)

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Team Trump Participates in Chapin, South Carolina Labor Day Parade (VIDEO)

by David Greyson Sep. 4, 2023 1:20 pm

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04709c No.86966

File: bc981a02d1fe87c⋯.png (1.08 MB,745x756,745:756,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490210 (042053ZSEP23) Notable: Alaska Board of Education Votes to Protect Girls’ High School Sports

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Alaska Board of Education Votes to Protect Girls’ High School Sports

3 Black Dudes an a White chick Running high school track..


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04709c No.86967

File: fd3e3fa1ed01503⋯.png (371.98 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 35379d1f15751d6⋯.png (627.29 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490236 (042058ZSEP23) Notable: PlaneFag Reports

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25 planes total

Just sightseeing in the E6

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04709c No.86968

File: 8c664b7dfbe2ae8⋯.png (80.4 KB,1021x545,1021:545,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490262 (042104ZSEP23) Notable: Pope Francis says Vatican-China deal involves joint commission to pick bishops

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Pope Francis says Vatican-China deal involves joint commission to pick bishops


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04709c No.86969

File: b274c63fb5ac420⋯.png (44.47 KB,618x270,103:45,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490344 (042122ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - A very large group of “Bikers for Trump” just left Bedminster.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



A very large group of “Bikers for Trump” just left Bedminster. What a great time we all had. The motorcycles were AMAZING, the love and enthusiasm absolutely “beyond.” Thank you all. We must WIN in 2024. MAGA!



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04709c No.86970

File: 1fba025bbe2124e⋯.png (277.92 KB,588x900,49:75,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490428 (042135ZSEP23) Notable: Biden is behind these Nazis and domestic terrorists. His administration and his FBI/ CIA is protecting them and sending them to Ukraine.

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General Mike Flynn


Makes great sense and my first question is where is the Florida Department of Public Safety and @GovRonDeSantis

and his office on this issue.

If I were Governor, I would have an immediate APB out on this guy and as a minimum, be looking to boot him out of Florida or have him arrested.

If @LauraLoomer

is right about the FBI/CIA connection (which I fully suspect is 100 percent solid Intel), both these organizations need to be booted out of the State of Florida as well for placing the citizens of Florida at grave risk.

What say you Ron? These are dangerous Nazi sympathizers who put the safety and security of the citizens of Florida lives at risk.


Laura Loomer






I have exclusively obtained Video evidence and police body camera footage of a police officer in Escambia County, FL by the name of Deputy K. Haley, badge number 614272 interacting with CIA/FBI Nazi Asset and Azov Battalion fighter… twitter.com/lauraloomer/st… Show more

Last edited

10:32 AM · Sep 4, 2023




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04709c No.86971

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490442 (042138ZSEP23) Notable: The WHO’s Proposed Treaty Will Increase Man-Made Pandemics

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The WHO’s Proposed Treaty Will Increase Man-Made Pandemics


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04709c No.86972

File: a7c7873136d20e0⋯.png (420.77 KB,586x628,293:314,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490446 (042138ZSEP23) Notable: Nazi Symbols on Ukraine’s Front Lines High

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The New York Times


The decision by some Ukrainian soldiers to wear patches with Nazi icons threatens to reinforce Russian propaganda used to justify the invasion. It also could give the symbols mainstream life after the West's decades-long efforts to eliminate them.

A Russian volunteer fighter for the Ukrainian army, wearing a Galizien patch, which have been adopted as symbols of anti-Russian resistance and national pride, in Southern Ukraine, in 2022.


Nazi Symbols on Ukraine’s Front Lines Highlight Thorny Issues of History

Troops’ use of patches bearing Nazi emblems risks fueling Russian propaganda and spreading imagery that the West has spent a half-century trying to eliminate.

3:25 AM · Jun 5, 2023




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04709c No.86973

File: e420304602b4a7e⋯.pdf (1.34 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490460 (042140ZSEP23) Notable: The WHO’s Proposed Treaty Will Increase Man-Made Pandemics

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04709c No.86974

File: 2f0bcd13281f319⋯.png (440.19 KB,664x659,664:659,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490476 (042144ZSEP23) Notable: What's Ukraine hiding in the ‘underground cities’ of Bakhmut and Soledar? - 1/10/23

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What's Ukraine hiding in the ‘underground cities’ of Bakhmut and Soledar?

There is a network of extensive salt and other mines in the Ukrainian cities of Bakhmut and Soledar consisting of over 100 miles of tunnels. The founder of Wagner, Russia’s high-profile mercenary group, has said that capturing Bakhmut would be significant as its ‘underground cities’ can hold troops

FP Explainers Last Updated:January 10, 2023 14:26:31 IST

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04709c No.86975

File: 91a00d68dde2d33⋯.png (714.01 KB,1029x680,1029:680,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490509 (042150ZSEP23) Notable: It’s Almost Certain Now that Those Were Federal Agents Planted at the “Justice for J6” Rally - 10/10/21

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In Case You Were Wondering – It’s Almost Certain Now that Those Were Federal Agents Planted at the “Justice for J6” Rally

by Jim Hoft Oct. 10, 2021 12:44 pm

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04709c No.86976

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490528 (042154ZSEP23) Notable: 48-yr Arborist questions Maui WildFire

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10:33 / 1:01:02

48-yr Arborist questions Maui WildFire


Doesn't think it's a normal fire, not a wildfire burn.

Also talks about Cali fires

Worked with 2 fire chiefs too

He thinks it's microwaves probably coming from satellites.

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04709c No.86977

File: 76b4f96557fa825⋯.png (61.72 KB,1083x423,361:141,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490530 (042154ZSEP23) Notable: Newly Discovered Michigan Election Corruption Parallels Georgia!

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Newly Discovered Michigan Election Corruption

Parallels Georgia!

Gateway Pundit, by Jim Hoft

Posted By: Mercedes44, 9/4/2023 5:43:27 PM

“On August 8, the Gateway Pundit revealed a major fraudulent voter registration operation that had been under investigation for almost 3 years in Michigan that spanned several cities across the state. Although the investigation involved lead investigators working for Michigan’s Democrat Attorney General Dana Nessel and at least one analyst working for Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, the true depth of the investigation and the shocking details uncovered by the MI State Police and Muskegon Police Department were hidden from the public. Publications like The Detroit News downplayed the investigation and wrote an article to debunk a MI STATE POLICE REPORT titled,

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04709c No.86978

File: d8b3b9bf26b5d58⋯.png (690.72 KB,899x722,899:722,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490537 (042156ZSEP23) Notable: Is America Under the Thumb of a Shadow President?

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Is America Under the Thumb of a Shadow President?

Red State, by Ward Clark

Posted By: Mercedes44, 9/4/2023 5:38:00 PM

Those of us who have been paying attention since January of 2021 have all seen the ongoing deterioration of President Biden, and it's a matter of some concern for everyone, be they Left, Right, or center, that the man who supposedly sits at the levers of power in Washington is not all he should be. (I would argue that he's not even within shouting distance of where he should be.) With Donald Trump and Joe Biden in the political mix for the 2024 presidential election, there is nothing normal about our politics or this campaign season. Almost no question is too crazy to ask.

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04709c No.86979

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490551 (042158ZSEP23) Notable: Michael T. Flynn - Fani Willis has a lot of explaining to do. (VIDEO)

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Michael T. Flynn 🙏🏼 🇺🇸


Fani Willis has a lot of explaining to do. Before she goes after @realDonaldTrump she needs to answer questions for what appears to be her own illegal and fraudulent election activity. It’s so sad how they prey on the elderly too.

Watch this!!!

Sep 04, 2023, 1:20 PM



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04709c No.86980

File: ecb84ea34ed4121⋯.png (20.1 KB,1420x182,710:91,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490561 (042201ZSEP23) Notable: FBI Knew Ukrainian Spy Was at Capitol Riot: QAnon Shaman

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FBI Knew Ukrainian Spy Was at Capitol Riot: QAnon Shaman

By Andrew Stanton On 9/4/23 at 4:36 PM EDT

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04709c No.86981

File: a814f71942d8b5f⋯.png (467.85 KB,719x856,719:856,Clipboard.png)

File: 7a6105d03d30096⋯.png (97.58 KB,624x724,156:181,Clipboard.png)

File: 583502b61ae4b93⋯.png (303.87 KB,605x507,605:507,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490578 (042204ZSEP23) Notable: Bohemian Grove Participant Kevin McCarthy Accused of Wearing Bohemian Club Logo in Hawaii

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Bohemian Grove Participant Kevin McCarthy Accused of Wearing Bohemian Club Logo in Hawaii

What Does The Owl Represent?

Last Updated on September 4, 2023

Globalist Republican U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has been accused of appearing in public in Hawaii wearing the owl logo of the Bohemian Club, the elitist group that runs the globalist occult hangout Bohemian Grove.

This comes just weeks after McCarthy attended Bohemian Grove, the site of disturbing allegations of ritual child sex abuse and documented evidence of occult ceremonies.

The American people are still asking questions about what really happened In Hawaii during destructive wildfires that have left numerous children missing.

Take a look at the logo on McCarthy’s shirt, spotted by our tipster, and then take a look at the creepy logo of the Bohemian Club.

Recent Bohemian Grove attendee Kevin McCarthy has been caught in Hawaii wearing a shirt that appears to show the Bohemian Club logo. https://t.co/sXu6y4EDbr pic.twitter.com/NAQtcyiqyC

— Patrick Howley (@HowleyReporter) September 4, 2023

National File recently reported:

Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy reportedly attended Bohemian Grove in California this year. Wealthy and powerful politicians, tycoons, and media propagandists attend the secretive Bohemian Grove estate, run by the Bohemian Club. The Grove has long been accused of occult practices and has even been accused of hosting child sex slavery and child snuff porn. Paul Bonacci, who said that he witnessed child snuff porn at Bohemian Grove during his time as a child trafficking victim, won a $1 million judgment in court from the politically-connected alleged ringleader of the “Franklin Coverup.” Nancy Pelosi’s husband Paul Pelosi is a high-ranking figure at Bohemian Grove. Alex Jones famously infiltrated the Grove and found the globalist elites performing a “Cremation of Care” burning-effigy ceremony, apparently to worship Moloch.

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04709c No.86982

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490579 (042204ZSEP23) Notable: Bohemian Grove Participant Kevin McCarthy Accused of Wearing Bohemian Club Logo in Hawaii

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POLITICO Playbook reported that a tipster identified McCarthy’s presence at the Grove, reporting: “House Speaker KEVIN McCARTHY. McCarthy’s office didn’t return a message about the event last night, but we understand that the speaker was heard making remarks that were bullish on DONALD TRUMP winning the GOP nomination. Not exactly Oppenheimer-level discourse, but given the pair’s recent troubles, the Trump campaign was happy to hear the readout. “President Trump and Speaker McCarthy have historically had a very good relationship,” said a Trump aide.” (Politico passage ends)

The documentary Save the Babies 2: Pelosi, Pedophilia, and the Dead CPS Children Near Bohemian Grove (WATCH THE FILM AT THIS LINK) chronicles disturbing facts about the Child Protective Services (CPS) system in America, with a special focus on an area in northern California where children have died in CPS custody. We spoke to parents and survivors of CPS child trafficking and we have revealed that foster kids are getting placed into the nightmarish life of child prostitution. In Contra Costa County, California, children who died in county custody have been returned to their families either in a sealed casket or with their remains cremated? What is happening to the babies?

As the film’s description states: “In this daring documentary, executive producer Patrick Howley explores the epidemic of children dying in the Child Protective Services system near Bohemian Grove in California, and breaks bombshell information about Nancy Pelosi’s links to pedophilia in the area. A follow-up to his previous documentary “Save the Babies,” Howley’s film will startle you and make you see the world in a different way.”

The CPS scandal is spreading like wildfire around the United States of America as more victims come forward.

I recently executive-produced Save the Babies: A Documentary on CPS Child Trafficking (WATCH IT HERE) to expose how CPS snatches kids from homes and hospitals and funnels them into the underground world of child sex slavery. States collect Title IV Social Security money for every child adopted out of foster care, thus creating financial incentives for social workers to grab kids from their families and place them into foster care with no hope for family re-unification.

The film spotlighted Contra Costa County, California, where children have died in the CPS system a short distance away from Bohemian Grove, where globalist elites reportedly practice Moloch worship. Meanwhile, Harvard-trained medical doctor Susan Spell’s case against the county of Los Angeles, in which she accuses the county of racial discrimination against her children, is docketed at the U.S. Supreme Court and could end up changing precedent. A Fox affiliate broadcast a video, which was taken by a teenage foster girl, showing a CPS worker trying to coerce the young girl into a life of prostitution: Stay tuned for Save the Babies 3!


Patrick Howley


Recent Bohemian Grove attendee Kevin McCarthy has been caught in Hawaii wearing a shirt that appears to show the Bohemian Club logo.




Reportedly??? Kevin McCarthy has got the shirt on.


CPS employee tells 14-year-old to become prostitute

1,357,476 views Aug 12, 2022

FOX 26 Reporter Randy Wallace spoke with the mother of a child, who recorded a CPS employee telling her to become a prostitute.


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04709c No.86983

File: e4122726acf5f60⋯.png (59.53 KB,930x276,155:46,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490589 (042205ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - A very large group of “Bikers for Trump” just left Bedminster.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


A very large group of “Bikers for Trump” just left Bedminster. What a great time we all had. The motorcycles were AMAZING, the love and enthusiasm absolutely “beyond.” Thank you all. We must WIN in 2024. MAGA!





Sep 04, 2023, 4:40 PM


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04709c No.86984

File: 823b5308f0f8156⋯.png (468.98 KB,587x589,587:589,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490591 (042206ZSEP23) Notable: WATCH: Neo-Nazis Declare Support for Biden.

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Where’s the cacophony of media demands for Biden to disavow these endorsements???


WATCH: Neo-Nazis Declare Support for Biden.

American Neo-Nazis have admitted to supporting President Joe Biden in the 2024 presidential election as he is in favor of sending ammunition and supplies to the war in Ukraine. Christopher Pohlhaus,...

10:38 AM · Sep 4, 2023




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04709c No.86985

File: b3aa257dd5046bc⋯.png (28.76 KB,595x312,595:312,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490599 (042207ZSEP23) Notable: Elon just revealed that the ADL, whose goal is to “fight anti-semitism” pushed to shut down Libs of TikTok

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Libs of TikTok


HOLY SMOKES! Elon just revealed that the ADL, whose goal is to “fight anti-semitism” pushed to shut down Libs of TikTok which has nothing to do with anti-semitism and is run by an orthodox Jewish woman.


Elon Musk




Replying to @stclairashley @libsoftiktok and @ChayaRaichik10

ADL has pushed hard for us to shut down accounts like Chaya’s, even though it has nothing to do with anti-Semitism, which is their supposed charter!

10:55 AM · Sep 4, 2023




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04709c No.86986

File: aa773a31e7ed7c0⋯.pdf (10.6 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: c1258aa3ae68bb5⋯.png (1.13 MB,726x872,363:436,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490605 (042208ZSEP23) Notable: DoD - Law of War Manual

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

04709c No.86987

File: 26d688d5e240f61⋯.png (103.79 KB,929x428,929:428,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490621 (042211ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - Shawn Fain, the respected President of the United Auto Workers, cannot even think about allowing ALL ELECTRIC CARS

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Donald J. Trump


Shawn Fain, the respected President of the United Auto Workers, cannot even think about allowing ALL ELECTRIC CARS - THEY WILL ALL BE MADE IN CHINA, and the Auto Industry in America will cease to exist! There is already a giant “E GLUT,” they don’t go far or long, are very expensive, and the consumer must be given a CHOICE. Vote for TRUMP, and I will stop this Madness, IMMEDIATELY! Mexico & Canada LOVE Biden’s idiotic policy. SAVE MICHIGAN and the other Auto States. SAVE THE AMERICAN CONSUMER!!!





Sep 04, 2023, 6:06 PM


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04709c No.86988

File: 580e1f46ddfbd1a⋯.png (707.9 KB,1138x776,569:388,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490632 (042213ZSEP23) Notable: I invented the internet – I worry my creation has given way to the likes of QAnon

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I invented the internet – I worry my creation has given way to the likes of QAnon

If you aren’t familiar with Vinton Cerf, you could Google him – something this modest inventor helped make possible

By James Ball 4 September 2023 • 10:00am

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04709c No.86989

File: b21cdd774f501d0⋯.png (781.37 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490633 (042213ZSEP23) Notable: Judicial Watch: Hunter Secret Gun Documents

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


FITTON:HUGE FBI Cover-Up of Hunter Biden Gun Scandal; SHOCKING Covid Vaccine "Safety" Study; PLUS McCarthy Congress and Biden Admin TEAM UP on Jan 6 Secrecy! AND Courts Abuse of @RealDonaldTrump!

Judicial Watch: Hunter Secret Gun Documents



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04709c No.86990

File: a9d4bc0567cf3a8⋯.png (18 KB,600x161,600:161,Clipboard.png)

File: bbc2de8ff6f0f13⋯.jpg (14.61 KB,255x254,255:254,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490639 (042214ZSEP23) Notable: North Korean leader Kim Jong Un will travel to Russia

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The Spectator Index



BREAKING: North Korean leader Kim Jong Un will travel to Russia later this month to meet Putin and discuss a new weapons deal


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04709c No.86991

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490649 (042215ZSEP23) Notable: #23937

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Notables - FINAL

#23937 >>86931

>>86932 Biden-Appointed Judge Rules Religious Parents Can’t Opt Kids Out Of Pro-LGBT School Lessons

>>86933, >>86941 Biden’s America: Majority Living Paycheck to Paycheck, Even Six-Figure Earners Overwhelmed

>>86934 "Obama's Man In Africa" Under House Arrest After Popular Coup Rocked Gabon

>>86935 Biden Regime Sentences ‘George Washington’ to One Year in Prison for Walking inside US Capitol

>>86936, >>86946, >>86977 Newly Discovered Michigan Election Corruption Parallels Georgia!

>>86937, >>86940, >>86970 Biden is behind these Nazis and domestic terrorists. His administration and his FBI/ CIA is protecting them and sending them to Ukraine.

>>86938, >>86963 The NY Times admitted that corruption has hit the "highest level of Ukrainian politics"

>>86939 Ukraine-Born Republican Rep. Wants U.S. To Fund Ukrainian Neo-Nazis.

>>86942 Elon's Twatter back to deleting Vax Truth videos…including RFK jr.

>>86943 It has now been an entire *month* since the deadly Hawaii fires and gov’t officials still won’t tell us how many children are missing

>>86944 President Donald J. Trump Visits Rapid City, South Dakota - Sept. 8, 2023

>>86945 WSJ: Say, why are Chinese nationals trying to infiltrate military bases in the US?

>>86947 The Times worries about a government using lawfare against opponents in the lead-up to a ‘crucial election’

>>86948 Social media erupted after Dr. Anthony Fauci was confronted by a CNN host with a study showing face masks made little to no difference in the course of the COVID-19 pandemic

>>86949 Declassify UAP

>>86950, >>86981, >>86982 Bohemian Grove Participant Kevin McCarthy Accused of Wearing Bohemian Club Logo in Hawaii

>>86951 Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - Donald Trump's face is spotted in Stonehenge's ancient pillars

>>86952 Schiff wants SCOTUS to decide if Trump gets DQ'd from 2024 election under 14A

>>86953 Bannon War Room - Frank Bill Discusses The American Working Man Facing Insecurity And Instability

>>86954 Joe Biden Looks to Add Half a Million Foreigners to Workforce as 44M Americans Remain on Sideline

>>86955 Liberal Northern State Calls Up National Guard After Being Overwhelmed by Trickle of Migrants

>>86956 Woman Speaks Truth On The Governments Response To Maui Fires

>>86957 Ukraine's counteroffensive has 'failed' - Putin

>>86958 WSJ Poll: Majority of Americans Disapprove of Biden’s Handling of Ukraine

>>86959 41 Illegal Aliens Arrested at NYC Migrant Hotel in Last Four Months

>>86960 Sen. Blackburn says Schumer is trying to force a shutdown to help him 'hang on to the U.S. Senate'

>>86961, >>86969, >>86983 Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - A very large group of “Bikers for Trump” just left Bedminster.

>>86962 Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - WOW—A MUST WATCH!

>>86964 Alex Soros worried that another Trump victory will endanger the "unity" of globalists in Europe.

>>86965 Team Trump Participates in Chapin, South Carolina Labor Day Parade (VIDEO)

>>86966 Alaska Board of Education Votes to Protect Girls’ High School Sports

>>86967 PlaneFag Reports

>>86968 Pope Francis says Vatican-China deal involves joint commission to pick bishops

>>86971, >>86973 The WHO’s Proposed Treaty Will Increase Man-Made Pandemics

>>86972 Nazi Symbols on Ukraine’s Front Lines High

light Thorny Issues of History

>>86974 What's Ukraine hiding in the ‘underground cities’ of Bakhmut and Soledar? - 1/10/23

>>86975 It’s Almost Certain Now that Those Were Federal Agents Planted at the “Justice for J6” Rally - 10/10/21

>>86976 48-yr Arborist questions Maui WildFire

>>86978 Is America Under the Thumb of a Shadow President?

>>86979 Michael T. Flynn - Fani Willis has a lot of explaining to do. (VIDEO)

>>86980 FBI Knew Ukrainian Spy Was at Capitol Riot: QAnon Shaman

>>86984 WATCH: Neo-Nazis Declare Support for Biden.

>>86985 Elon just revealed that the ADL, whose goal is to “fight anti-semitism” pushed to shut down Libs of TikTok

>>86986 DoD - Law of War Manual

>>86987 Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - Shawn Fain, the respected President of the United Auto Workers, cannot even think about allowing ALL ELECTRIC CARS

>>86988 I invented the internet – I worry my creation has given way to the likes of QAnon

>>86989 Judicial Watch: Hunter Secret Gun Documents

>>86990 North Korean leader Kim Jong Un will travel to Russia


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

04709c No.86992

File: f1afefe621e22fc⋯.jpg (76.06 KB,500x278,250:139,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490659 (042216ZSEP23) Notable: #23938

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Nothing Can Stop What Is Comfy

We Are With You

Godspeed Patriots

Digital Soldiers


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04709c No.86993

File: 4fb0757cb002259⋯.png (381.41 KB,592x837,592:837,Clipboard.png)

File: b78bfa6dbb3255f⋯.jpg (38 KB,645x723,215:241,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490677 (042218ZSEP23) Notable: General Mike Flynn - BBB is designed to destroy as much as possible and then rebuild it in their leftist, globalist agenda.

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General Mike Flynn


The severe tragedy of Lahaina is of such devastating consequence and yet the USG and the GOH will use it as an excuse to blame climate change and they will also leverage this crisis to emphasize their “build back better” BS agenda. BBB is designed to destroy as much as possible and then rebuild it in their leftist, globalist agenda.


Clay "ReAwakening America" Clark




Maui Fires | Come Together - Brett Raio, Charlie Carbone Featuring Clay Clark













**Join General Flynn, Kash Patel & Team… Show more

11:08 AM · Sep 4, 2023




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04709c No.86994

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490679 (042218ZSEP23) Notable: Fauci FUMBLES When Confronted on Mask Lies

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Fauci FUMBLES When Confronted on Mask Lies




Bongino Report


Fauci FUMBLES When Confronted on Mask Lies


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04709c No.86995

File: ac60e1295bd0d57⋯.png (163.76 KB,928x470,464:235,Clipboard.png)

File: 7c6eb00daf68bb9⋯.png (331.87 KB,1189x857,1189:857,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490698 (042221ZSEP23) Notable: Fauci says he’s 'concerned' Americans will reject mask mandates

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Jack Poso 🇺🇸


Fauci says he’s 'concerned' Americans will reject mask mandates


Fauci says he’s ‘concerned’ Americans will reject mask mandates

He admitted that the data on masks stopping pandemic viral spread “are less strong.”






Sep 04, 2023, 6:07 PM

Fauci says he’s 'concerned' Americans will reject mask mandates

He admitted that the data on masks stopping pandemic viral spread "are less strong."

Speaking with CNN on Sunday, former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Anthony Fauci said he was "concerned" that Americans wouldn’t abide by new masking recommendations if the CDC were to return to the pandemic-era guidance.

Fauci told host Michael Smerconish that he was "concerned that people will not abide by recommendations" regarding masking.

Fauci said there appears to be a "surge of cases" occurring with an around 18-19 percent increase in hospitalizations, and that it is "Certainly going in the wrong direction."

"We’re not talking about mandates or forcing anybody, but when you have a situation where the volume of cases in society gets to a reasonably high level, particularly the vulnerable, those who are elderly and those with underlying conditions are going to be more susceptible and vulnerable."

"I would hope that if in fact we get to the point where the volume of cases is such that organizations like the CDC recommend — CDC doesn’t mandate anything, I mean. — recommends that people wear masks, I would hope that they abide by the recommendation and take into account the risk to themselves and to their families, and again, we’re not talking forcing anybody to do anything."

During the same interview, Smerconish asked Fauci to respond to a New York Times article where Oxford Senior Associate Tutor and epidemiologist Tom Jefferson said, "The most rigorous and comprehensive analysis of scientific studies conducted on the efficacy of masks for reducing the spread of respiratory illnesses - including COVID-19 - was published last month." The study concluded, "There is just no evidence that [masks] make any difference."

The cited article noted that Jefferson said the type of mask "makes no difference." He noted that people who pushed initial mask guidance "were convinced by nonrandomized studies, flawed observational studies."

Fauci said that there are studies that "show at an individual level, for individuals, they might be protective," but "when you're talking about the effect on the epidemic or the pandemic as a whole, the data are less strong."

This comes as some schools and businesses across the country have reinstated mask mandates.


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04709c No.86996

File: b0ef59367a07a1f⋯.png (50.77 KB,737x648,737:648,Clipboard.png)

File: 12dec33c74a1235⋯.png (242.68 KB,745x892,745:892,Clipboard.png)

File: 9d66a7dac1222e4⋯.png (34.18 KB,746x250,373:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490715 (042224ZSEP23) Notable: Viral RFK Jr. Video Gets Deleted By “X”: Here’s What They Didn’t Want You to See

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Viral RFK Jr. Video Gets Deleted By “X”: Here’s What They Didn’t Want You to See

“Freedom of speech, not reach,” is taking effect more than ever as Twitter (“X”) regresses to its 1.0 days. Ever since Elon Musk hired CEO Linda Yaccarino, who has close ties to the World Economic Forum, things have taken a turn for the worse.

In short, “lawful but awful” accounts and external links (especially Substack) are getting brutally deboosted. And permanent suspensions, which were promised to be reserved for unlawful speech only, have made a big comeback.

Now, Twitter (“X”) is taking further action by making undesirable videos unplayable.

What type of videos in particular? Well, mine…

I recently uploaded a video of Democratic Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. that garnered over 500,000 views. The post and the text stayed up, but the video was taken down. Had the video not been taken down, the post could have seen a million views or more.

Users also reported X was “blocking” them from retweeting. Now, that’s something reminiscent of 2021 and early 2022 — BEFORE Elon took over the platform. So, this is concerning.

So, what did Robert Kennedy Jr. say that crossed the line?

The video was a clip of RFK Jr. breaking down the Pfizer clinical trials with podcast host Brian Rose. And what he exposed, according to Pfizer’s own data, was that people who received Pfizer’s COVID vaccine showed a 23.5% GREATER likelihood of dying than the placebo group after six months.



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04709c No.86997

File: 19fabf57957d206⋯.png (1016.1 KB,892x808,223:202,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490723 (042225ZSEP23) Notable: CDC: Vaccinated at Higher Risk from Covid Than Unvaxxed

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CDC: Vaccinated at Higher Risk from Covid Than Unvaxxed


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04709c No.86998

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490727 (042225ZSEP23) Notable: LIVE - RAHEEM KASSAM WAS RIGHT AGAIN: Why my Father is Polling Better Than Ever | TRIGGERED

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Raheem Kassam


LIVE in 30 seconds:


LIVE - RAHEEM KASSAM WAS RIGHT AGAIN: Why my Father is Polling Better Than Ever | TRIGGERED Ep.65



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04709c No.86999

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490746 (042227ZSEP23) Notable: Fauci FUMBLES When Confronted on Mask Lies

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4 hours ago




4 hours ago

Jefferson: The good studies show they don't work

Fauci: Yeah, but there are bad studies that support MY propaganda.



4 hours ago


When you consider how tiny a virus is, you can easily see how they can easily go through even the best masks.

And you CAN'T get a perfect seal between your face and the masks to prevent viruses to around the mask.

The whole mask agenda is full of BS.

So what was the purpose of the mask mandates?

Two things, control, and virtue signaling.

Masks were about control; wear a mask or you can't go out in public demands the State!

And it is about virtue signaling.

Those who were wearing masks before or after they were mandated were saying, "Hey I'm better than you are, I care more! See, I'm wearing a mask!"

Liberals are all about "virtue signalling." They wear all kinds of colored ribbons to tell you how much they "care" while leading sex perverted, drug fueled lives themselves.




5 hours ago

He's such a liar! He is an absolute lying, demon possessed murderer. He is a lying communist son of a bit*h and I do mean his mother was a bit*h. She had to be in order to raise such a monstrous piece of sh*t. Fu*king bastard!



4 hours ago

fauci is a habitual liar and a globalist who wants to destroy humanity. he isn't worthless piece of you know what. he is a criminal he has lied and lied and lied and lied. he should be indicted and tried for criminal activity



3 hours ago

If COVID is such a concern again, why in the hell is the border still wide open?



5 hours ago




4 hours ago




4 hours ago

Prosecute this fraud fake DemShevik Dr Evil



4 hours ago

lizard speak... did anybody expect anything different?



4 hours ago




4 hours ago

SHUT UP ALREADY you little pipsqueak



4 hours ago


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04709c No.87000

File: 11817283fd1081e⋯.png (850.56 KB,857x643,857:643,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490747 (042228ZSEP23) Notable: News Editor is Pedophile Who Covered-Up Abuse Reports & Attacked Victims.

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Peter Wilby, a senior newspaper editor and columnist convicted as a pedophile in August, worked to suppress and undermine investigations into child sexual abuse at care homes, according to an investigative reporter who worked under him. Wilby, who was allowed to walk out of court a free man with a short suspended sentence despite being found guilty of collecting a trove of images of “real children being cruelly and sexually abused,” wrote numerous columns for the left-wing Guardian and New Statesman, claiming at the time that coverage of pedophiles was sensationalized. Wilby even argued against laws to allow parents to know if pedophiles were living near them. The UK-based editor, 79, also used his editorial roles to try and kill major stories on pedophilia altogether, particularly those at care homes in Wales, exposed by investigative reporter Dean Nelson. Wilby – lauded by his leftist colleagues as an “old-fashioned socialist” – “used his position as an editor and columnist to create… a ‘hostile environment’ for victims of abuse,” reported Nelson, ironically in a comment piece published by the same Guardian newspaper that housed and nurtured the pedophile for decades. During his time at the Independent, Wilby tried to stop Nelson reporting on abuse at the Ty Mawr and Bryn Estyn children’s homes, in one case forcing the investigator to take the story elsewhere.

Both pieces of reporting were ultimately vindicated, resulting in government inquiries, but Wilby still worked to undermine them, publishing articles denigrating the victims as “damaged” and suggesting whistleblowers might be in the wrong. “I hadn’t reckoned on Wilby’s secret agenda,” recalled Nelson. “More than 30 years after north Wales, Pindown, Leicester and so many other child-abuse scandals, the case for listening to children and taking abuse allegations seriously must still be made over and over again.”


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04709c No.87001

File: 86b5e82ea4a79bf⋯.png (735.01 KB,1693x777,1693:777,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490750 (042228ZSEP23) Notable: L.A. City Council pushes for legal action against Texas governor over migrant buses

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Interesting story here. this is a signal they intend to start a civil war while the Country in on the brink of a Revolutionary war. What is the difference you ask? Legal precedence. Loser hangs for treason.

Abbott currently hasFULLlegal authority to arrest Newsome and any other Governor who has signed law to be a sanctuary State.

Abbott declared invasion and took legal steps to notify all the people he was required to notify. Anyone aiding the invasion is subject to detainment by Military until the invasion is ended, then tried for treason in civilian Courts. This is a preemptive strike against Abbott as well as a narrative control attempt to get the accusation out in front of the public.

Abbott declared invasion, named drug cartels wearing camo uniforms and crossing the border with weapons as the enemy. Abbott Named TXDPS in charge of OP Lonestar. ( the civilian law enforcement) Abbott notified Local law enforcement, Judicial , and legislative f his intent to declare invasion. Abbott notified US Congress of invasion when he put forth a request for reimbursement of 3.4 mill TX had to spend to defend the border Joe wasn't doing. Abbott sent a letter to Joe then hand delivered a second letter in person on the tarmac stating it was the second notification.

This story makes a cute counter narrative to tell lefties Abbott is the criminal.

Truth is, TX DPS can order Newsome picked up and held any time they want.


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04709c No.87002

File: 7a331c7a8799242⋯.png (451.81 KB,929x1280,929:1280,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490754 (042229ZSEP23) Notable: General Mike Flynn - How "deep" does the relationship go between the Uniparty establishment politicos and Ukraine?

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04709c No.87003

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490765 (042231ZSEP23) Notable: Fauci Admits Masks Don't Work

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Fauci Admits Masks Don't Work!!



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04709c No.87004

File: ad0650f6b8bd021⋯.webp (12.03 KB,624x332,156:83,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490766 (042231ZSEP23) Notable: ALA President Emily Drabinski was caught making several disturbing remarks in a video which help reveal her true agenda

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VIDEO: Lesbian Marxist American Library Association President Brags About Subverting “Normal Family Types” and Makes Anti-White Statements

The self-described lesbian Marxist running the American Library Association (ALA) wants utilize these places as good-old fashioned indoctrination centers and has some sick words for those criticizing her.

The Federalist reported last week that ALA President Emily Drabinski was caught making several disturbing remarks in a video which help reveal her true agenda.

Drabinski makes crystal clear that being a Marxist “is very much who I am and shapes a lot of how I think about social change.” She next claims that her queerness subverts “normal family types” and says that sexually explicit LGBT books are needed in children’s libraries to show “gay people doing gay things.”


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04709c No.87005

File: c0315d7cfa6e68b⋯.mp4 (1.17 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490776 (042232ZSEP23) Notable: Fauci Admits Masks Don't Work

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04709c No.87006

File: a45555d89533d48⋯.png (408.38 KB,629x737,629:737,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490782 (042233ZSEP23) Notable: Fauci Admits Masks Don't Work

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Newly uncovered emails show Fauci admitting the truth about masks: They DON’T work


Long before cities, states and large corporations started demanding that people wear a face mask to prevent the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), Anthony Fauci and other government leaders were quietly in agreement that covering one's mouth and nose is medically useless when it comes to viral transmission – and yet mask mandates were imposed regardless.

Leaked emails reveal that Fauci and other heads of public health agencies knew full well that wearing a mask is just for show. They all told each other back and forth that the science is clear: masks do not work.

On March 31, 2020, Medical Officer Andrea Lerner of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) wrote an email to Fauci explaining that there is no difference in health outcomes when masks are worn. She included research data to support her claim.

One month prior, Fauci was asked by Sylvia Burwell, the Obama-appointed secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), whether or not she should wear a face mask on a then-upcoming flight. This is how Fauci responded:

"The typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out virus, which is small enough to pass through material ... I do not recommend that you wear a mask."

Fauci made similar statements during a March 2020 interview on 60 Minutes, once again explaining to viewers that wearing a mask does not prevent the spread of anything.

"Right now in the United States, people should not be walking around with masks," Fauci stated. "There's no reason to be walking around with a mask."

Federal government knew in March 2020 that masks don't work but pushed them anyway

Come April 2020, had Fauci written or said these things on social media, he would have been banned for spreading "misinformation." This is because by that point, the medical deep state – Fauci included – had already switched the narrative to claim that face masks are a cure for the Wuhan Flu.

The flip-flop was painfully evident to everyone who was paying attention. To everyone else, it was just the evolution of "science" as Fauci "learned more" about how the virus behaves.

For many months afterwards, Fauci and other government agents heavily pushed the mask, ordering Americans to wear one both indoors and outdoors. Roughly half the country apparently forgot that Fauci had earlier indicated that a mask is nothing more than a face decoration.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published its own data showing much the same. Whether a person does or does not wear a mask is of no effect in terms of preventing the spread of the Chinese Virus.

Even so, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the NIH came out in favor of masking, and many municipalities and states across America decided to impose mandates, which ended up giving people a false sense of security concerning their level of protection.

"People wore masks *INSTEAD* of social distancing & hand washing," tweeted Kyle Becker, a former writer and associate producer from Fox News.

"They gave people a false sense of security. This shows me they were as much a political statement as anything, an anti-Trump ribbon you wear on your face, if you will."

In other words, Americans wanted a security blanket that they could also use to virtue signal their hatred for Donald Trump. The mask killed these two birds with one stone.

"Masks were never about health," wrote one commenter at Zero Hedge. "They are a form a social conditioning mandated by power-mad sociopaths that get off telling billions what they can and can't do. These people need therapy - from a prison cell."


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04709c No.87007

File: f5e2af3f4a2b5b5⋯.mp4 (2.38 MB,624x400,39:25,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490784 (042233ZSEP23) Notable: Fauci Admits Masks Don't Work

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> >>>/qresearch/19490758

>Anyone got that Video of Fauci saying Mask Don't Work Handy?

> o7

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04709c No.87008

File: d2c97012965952b⋯.png (95.69 KB,320x200,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490801 (042236ZSEP23) Notable: The Sheriff Of Fulton County Who Insisted On Getting A Mugshot Of Trump Was In A Gay Sex Scene In A Web Series

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Fulton County sheriff does gay soft core porn in his spare time'

Looks Like The Sheriff Of Fulton County Who Insisted On Getting A Mugshot Of Trump Was In A Gay Sex Scene In A Web Series

This looks like the Sheriff of Fulton County, Patrick Labat. It is a soft porn series released about 18 years ago called The Closet.It was filmed in Atlanta and lists Patrick Labat in the credits and looks very much like the same man who hammed it up durin...


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04709c No.87009

File: 06f69943580cac2⋯.png (458.11 KB,990x916,495:458,Clipboard.png)

File: 87218c677adec85⋯.png (423.98 KB,800x469,800:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490825 (042240ZSEP23) Notable: More than 170 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms - 12/20/21

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More than 170 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms

December 20, 2021

It is not unreasonable to conclude that surgical and cloth masks, used as they currently are being used (without other forms of PPE protection), have no impact on controlling the transmission of Covid-19 virus. Current evidence implies that face masks can be actually harmful. The body of evidence indicates that face masks are largely ineffective.

My focus is on COVID face masks and the prevailing science that we have had for nearly 20 months. Yet I wish to address this mask topic at a 50,000-foot level on the lockdown restrictive policies in general. I build on the backs of the fine work done by Gupta, Kulldorff, and Bhattacharya on the Great Barrington Declaration (GBD) and similar impetus by Dr. Scott Atlas (advisor to POTUS Trump) who, like myself, was a strong proponent for a focused type of protection that was based on an age-risk stratified approach.

Because we saw very early on that the lockdowns were the single greatest mistake in public health history. We knew the history and knew they would not work. We also knew very early of COVID’s risk stratification. Sadly, our children will bear the catastrophic consequences and not just educationally, of the deeply flawed school closure policy for decades to come (particularly our minority children who were least able to afford this). Many are still pressured to wear masks and punished for not doing so.

I present the masking ‘body of evidence’ below (n=167 studies and pieces of evidence), comprised of comparative effectiveness research as well as related evidence and high-level reporting. To date, the evidence has been stable and clear that masks do not work to control the virus and they can be harmful and especially to children.

Table 1: The evidence on COVID-19 face masks and mask mandates and harms


1) Effectiveness of Adding a Mask Recommendation to Other Public Health Measures to Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Danish Mask Wearers, Bundgaard, 2021 “Infection with SARS-CoV-2 occurred in 42 participants recommended masks (1.8%) and 53 control participants (2.1%). The between-group difference was −0.3 percentage point (95% CI, −1.2 to 0.4 percentage point; P = 0.38) (odds ratio, 0.82 [CI, 0.54 to 1.23]; P = 0.33). Multiple imputation accounting for loss to follow-up yielded similar results…the recommendation to wear surgical masks to supplement other public health measures did not reduce the SARS-CoV-2 infection rate among wearers by more than 50% in a community with modest infection rates, some degree of social distancing, and uncommon general mask use.”

2) SARS-CoV-2 Transmission among Marine Recruits during Quarantine, Letizia, 2020 “Our study showed that in a group of predominantly young male military recruits, approximately 2% became positive for SARS-CoV-2, as determined by qPCR assay, during a 2-week, strictly enforced quarantine. Multiple, independent virus strain transmission clusters were identified…all recruits wore double-layered cloth masks at all times indoors and outdoors.”

3) Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses, Jefferson, 2020 “There is low certainty evidence from nine trials (3507 participants) that wearing a mask may make little or no difference to the outcome of influenza‐like illness (ILI) compared to not wearing a mask (risk ratio (RR) 0.99, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.82 to 1.18. There is moderate certainty evidence that wearing a mask probably makes little or no difference to the outcome of laboratory‐confirmed influenza compared to not wearing a mask (RR 0.91, 95% CI 0.66 to 1.26; 6 trials; 3005 participants)…the pooled results of randomised trials did not show a clear reduction in respiratory viral infection with the use of medical/surgical masks during seasonal influenza.”

4) The Impact of Community Masking on COVID-19: A Cluster-Randomized Trial in Bangladesh, Abaluck, 2021

Heneghan et al. A cluster-randomized trial of community-level mask promotion in rural Bangladesh from November 2020 to April 2021 (N=600 villages, N=342,126 adults. Heneghan writes: “In a Bangladesh study, surgical masks reduced symptomatic COVID infections by between 0 and 22 percent, while the efficacy of cloth masks led to somewhere between an 11 percent increase to a 21 percent decrease. Hence, based on these randomized studies, adult masks appear to have either no or limited efficacy.”

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04709c No.87010

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490827 (042240ZSEP23) Notable: More than 170 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms - 12/20/21

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5) Evidence for Community Cloth Face Masking to Limit the Spread of SARS-CoV-2: A Critical Review, Liu/CATO, 2021 “The available clinical evidence of facemask efficacy is of low quality and the best available clinical evidence has mostly failed to show efficacy, with fourteen of sixteen identified randomized controlled trials comparing face masks to no mask controls failing to find statistically significant benefit in the intent-to-treat populations. Of sixteen quantitative meta-analyses, eight were equivocal or critical as to whether evidence supports a public recommendation of masks, and the remaining eight supported a public mask intervention on limited evidence primarily on the basis of the precautionary principle.”

6) Nonpharmaceutical Measures for Pandemic Influenza in Nonhealthcare Settings—Personal Protective and Environmental Measures, CDC/Xiao, 2020 “Evidence from 14 randomized controlled trials of these measures did not support a substantial effect on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza…none of the household studies reported a significant reduction in secondary laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infections in the face mask group…the overall reduction in ILI or laboratory-confirmed influenza cases in the face mask group was not significant in either studies.”

7) CIDRAP: Masks-for-all for COVID-19 not based on sound data, Brosseau, 2020 “We agree that the data supporting the effectiveness of a cloth mask or face covering are very limited. We do, however, have data from laboratory studies that indicate cloth masks or face coverings offer very low filter collection efficiency for the smaller inhalable particles we believe are largely responsible for transmission, particularly from pre- or asymptomatic individuals who are not coughing or sneezing…though we support mask wearing by the general public, we continue to conclude that cloth masks and face coverings are likely to have limited impact on lowering COVID-19 transmission, because they have minimal ability to prevent the emission of small particles, offer limited personal protection with respect to small particle inhalation, and should not be recommended as a replacement for physical distancing or reducing time in enclosed spaces with many potentially infectious people.”

8) Universal Masking in Hospitals in the Covid-19 Era, Klompas/NEJM, 2020 “We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection. Public health authorities define a significant exposure to Covid-19 as face-to-face contact within 6 feet with a patient with symptomatic Covid-19 that is sustained for at least a few minutes (and some say more than 10 minutes or even 30 minutes). The chance of catching Covid-19 from a passing interaction in a public space is therefore minimal. In many cases, the desire for widespread masking is a reflexive reaction to anxiety over the pandemic…The calculus may be different, however, in health care settings. First and foremost, a mask is a core component of the personal protective equipment (PPE) clinicians need when caring for symptomatic patients with respiratory viral infections, in conjunction with gown, gloves, and eye protection…universal masking alone is not a panacea. A mask will not protect providers caring for a patient with active Covid-19 if it’s not accompanied by meticulous hand hygiene, eye protection, gloves, and a gown. A mask alone will not prevent health care workers with early Covid-19 from contaminating their hands and spreading the virus to patients and colleagues. Focusing on universal masking alone may, paradoxically, lead to more transmission of Covid-19 if it diverts attention from implementing more fundamental infection-control measures.”

9) Masks for prevention of viral respiratory infections among health care workers and the public: PEER umbrella systematic review, Dugré, 2020 “This systematic review found limited evidence that the use of masks might reduce the risk of viral respiratory infections. In the community setting, a possible reduced risk of influenza-like illness was found among mask users. In health care workers, the results show no difference between N95 masks and surgical masks on the risk of confirmed influenza or other confirmed viral respiratory infections, although possible benefits from N95 masks were found for preventing influenza-like illness or other clinical respiratory infections. Surgical masks might be superior to cloth masks but data are limited to 1 trial.”

10) Effectiveness of personal protective measures in reducing pandemic influenza transmission: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Saunders-Hastings, 2017 “Facemask use provided a non-significant protective effect (OR = 0.53; 95% CI 0.16–1.71; I2 = 48%) against 2009 pandemic influenza infection.”

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04709c No.87011

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490828 (042240ZSEP23) Notable: More than 170 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms - 12/20/21

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11) Experimental investigation of indoor aerosol dispersion and accumulation in the context of COVID-19: Effects of masks and ventilation, Shah, 2021 “Nevertheless, high-efficiency masks, such as the KN95, still offer substantially higher apparent filtration efficiencies (60% and 46% for R95 and KN95 masks, respectively) than the more commonly used cloth (10%) and surgical masks (12%), and therefore are still the recommended choice in mitigating airborne disease transmission indoors.”

12) Exercise with facemask; Are we handling a devil’s sword?- A physiological hypothesis, Chandrasekaran, 2020 “Exercising with facemasks may reduce available Oxygen and increase air trapping preventing substantial carbon dioxide exchange. The hypercapnic hypoxia may potentially increase acidic environment, cardiac overload, anaerobic metabolism and renal overload, which may substantially aggravate the underlying pathology of established chronic diseases. Further contrary to the earlier thought, no evidence exists to claim the facemasks during exercise offer additional protection from the droplet transfer of the virus.”

13) Surgical face masks in modern operating rooms–a costly and unnecessary ritual?, Mitchell, 1991 “Following the commissioning of a new suite of operating rooms air movement studies showed a flow of air away from the operating table towards the periphery of the room. Oral microbial flora dispersed by unmasked male and female volunteers standing one metre from the table failed to contaminate exposed settle plates placed on the table. The wearing of face masks by non-scrubbed staff working in an operating room with forced ventilation seems to be unnecessary.”

14) Facemask against viral respiratory infections among Hajj pilgrims: A challenging cluster-randomized trial, Alfelali, 2020 “By intention-to-treat analysis, facemask use did not seem to be effective against laboratory-confirmed viral respiratory infections (odds ratio [OR], 1.4; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.9 to 2.1, p = 0.18) nor against clinical respiratory infection (OR, 1.1; 95% CI, 0.9 to 1.4, p = 0.40).”

15) Simple respiratory protection–evaluation of the filtration performance of cloth masks and common fabric materials against 20-1000 nm size particles, Rengasamy, 2010 “Results obtained in the study show that common fabric materials may provide marginal protection against nanoparticles including those in the size ranges of virus-containing particles in exhaled breath.”

16) Respiratory performance offered by N95 respirators and surgical masks: human subject evaluation with NaCl aerosol representing bacterial and viral particle size range, Lee, 2008 “The study indicates that N95 filtering facepiece respirators may not achieve the expected protection level against bacteria and viruses. An exhalation valve on the N95 respirator does not affect the respiratory protection; it appears to be an appropriate alternative to reduce the breathing resistance.”

17) Aerosol penetration and leakage characteristics of masks used in the health care industry, Weber, 1993 “We conclude that the protection provided by surgical masks may be insufficient in environments containing potentially hazardous sub-micrometer-sized aerosols.”

18) Disposable surgical face masks for preventing surgical wound infection in clean surgery, Vincent, 2016 “We included three trials, involving a total of 2106 participants. There was no statistically significant difference in infection rates between the masked and unmasked group in any of the trials…from the limited results it is unclear whether the wearing of surgical face masks by members of the surgical team has any impact on surgical wound infection rates for patients undergoing clean surgery.”

19) Disposable surgical face masks: a systematic review, Lipp, 2005 “From the limited results it is unclear whether wearing surgical face masks results in any harm or benefit to the patient undergoing clean surgery.”

20) Comparison of the Filter Efficiency of Medical Nonwoven Fabrics against Three Different Microbe Aerosols, Shimasaki , 2018 “We conclude that the filter efficiency test using the phi-X174 phage aerosol may overestimate the protective performance of nonwoven fabrics with filter structure compared to that against real pathogens such as the influenza virus.”

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04709c No.87012

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490831 (042240ZSEP23) Notable: More than 170 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms - 12/20/21

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21) The use of masks and respirators to preventtransmission of influenza: a systematic review of thescientific evidence21) The use of masks and respirators to prevent transmission of influenza: a systematic review of the scientific evidence, Bin-Reza, 2012 The use of masks and respirators to preventtransmission of influenza: a systematic review of thescientific evidence“None of the studies established a conclusive relationship between mask/respirator use and protection against influenza infection. Some evidence suggests that mask use is best undertaken as part of a package of personal protection especially hand hygiene.”

22) Facial protection for healthcare workers during pandemics: a scoping review, Godoy, 2020 “Compared with surgical masks, N95 respirators perform better in laboratory testing, may provide superior protection in inpatient settings and perform equivalently in outpatient settings. Surgical mask and N95 respirator conservation strategies include extended use, reuse or decontamination, but these strategies may result in inferior protection. Limited evidence suggests that reused and improvised masks should be used when medical-grade protection is unavailable.”

23) Assessment of Proficiency of N95 Mask Donning Among the General Public in Singapore, Yeung, 2020 “These findings support ongoing recommendations against the use of N95 masks by the general public during the COVID-19 pandemic.5 N95 mask use by the general public may not translate into effective protection but instead provide false reassurance. Beyond N95 masks, proficiency among the general public in donning surgical masks needs to be assessed.”

24) Evaluating the efficacy of cloth facemasks in reducing particulate matter exposure, Shakya, 2017 “Standard N95 mask performance was used as a control to compare the results with cloth masks, and our results suggest that cloth masks are only marginally beneficial in protecting individuals from particles

25) Use of surgical face masks to reduce the incidence of the common cold among health care workers in Japan: a randomized controlled trial, Jacobs, 2009 “Face mask use in health care workers has not been demonstrated to provide benefit in terms of cold symptoms or getting colds.”

26) N95 Respirators vs Medical Masks for Preventing Influenza Among Health Care Personnel, Radonovich, 2019 “Among outpatient health care personnel, N95 respirators vs medical masks as worn by participants in this trial resulted in no significant difference in the incidence of laboratory-confirmed influenza.”

27) Does Universal Mask Wearing Decrease or Increase the Spread of COVID-19?, Watts up with that? 2020 “A survey of peer-reviewed studies shows that universal mask wearing (as opposed to wearing masks in specific settings) does not decrease the transmission of respiratory viruses from people wearing masks to people who are not wearing masks.”

28) Masking: A Careful Review of the Evidence, Alexander, 2021 “In fact, it is not unreasonable at this time to conclude that surgical and cloth masks, used as they currently are, have absolutely no impact on controlling the transmission of Covid-19 virus, and current evidence implies that face masks can be actually harmful.”

29) Community and Close Contact Exposures Associated with COVID-19 Among Symptomatic Adults ≥18 Years in 11 Outpatient Health Care Facilities — United States, July 2020, Fisher, 2020 Reported characteristics of symptomatic adults ≥18 years who were outpatients in 11 US academic health care facilities and who received positive and negative SARS-CoV-2 test results (N = 314)* — United States, July 1–29, 2020, revealed that 80% of infected persons wore face masks almost all or most of the time.

30) Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions against COVID-19 in Europe: a quasi-experimental study, Hunter, 2020 Face masks in public was not associated with reduced incidence.

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04709c No.87013

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490832 (042240ZSEP23) Notable: More than 170 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms - 12/20/21

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31) Masking lack of evidence with politics, CEBM, Heneghan, 2020 “It would appear that despite two decades of pandemic preparedness, there is considerable uncertainty as to the value of wearing masks. For instance, high rates of infection with cloth masks could be due to harms caused by cloth masks, or benefits of medical masks. The numerous systematic reviews that have been recently published all include the same evidence base so unsurprisingly broadly reach the same conclusions.”

32) Transmission of COVID-19 in 282 clusters in Catalonia, Spain: a cohort study, Marks, 2021 “We observed no association of risk of transmission with reported mask usage by contacts, with the age or sex of the index case, or with the presence of respiratory symptoms in the index case at the initial study visit.”

33) Non-pharmaceutical public health measures for mitigating the risk and impact of epidemic and pandemic influenza, WHO, 2020 “Ten RCTs were included in the meta-analysis, and there was no evidence that face masks are effective in reducing transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza.”

34) The Strangely Unscientific Masking of America, Younes, 2020 “One report reached its conclusion based on observations of a “dummy head attached to a breathing simulator.” Another analyzed use of surgical masks on people experiencing at least two symptoms of acute respiratory illness. Incidentally, not one of these studies involved cloth masks or accounted for real-world mask usage (or misusage) among lay people, and none established efficacy of widespread mask-wearing by people not exhibiting symptoms. There was simply no evidence whatsoever that healthy people ought to wear masks when going about their lives, especially outdoors.”

35) Facemasks and similar barriers to prevent respiratory illness such as COVID-19: A rapid systematic review, Brainard, 2020 “31 eligible studies (including 12 RCTs). Narrative synthesis and random-effects meta-analysis of attack rates for primary and secondary prevention in 28 studies were performed. Based on the RCTs we would conclude that wearing facemasks can be very slightly protective against primary infection from casual community contact, and modestly protective against household infections when both infected and uninfected members wear facemasks. However, the RCTs often suffered from poor compliance and controls using facemasks.”

36) The Year of Disguises, Koops, 2020 “The healthy people in our society should not be punished for being healthy, which is exactly what lockdowns, distancing, mask mandates, etc. do…Children should not be wearing face coverings. We all need constant interaction with our environments and that is especially true for children. This is how their immune system develops. They are the lowest of the low-risk groups. Let them be kids and let them develop their immune systems… The “Mask Mandate” idea is a truly ridiculous, knee-jerk reaction and needs to be withdrawn and thrown in the waste bin of disastrous policy, along with lockdowns and school closures. You can vote for a person without blindly supporting all of their proposals!”

37) Open Schools, Covid-19, and Child and Teacher Morbidity in Sweden, Ludvigsson, 2020 “1,951,905 children in Sweden (as of December 31, 2019) who were 1 to 16 years of age, were examined…social distancing was encouraged in Sweden, but wearing face masks was not…No child with Covid-19 died.”

38) Double-Masking Benefits Are Limited, Japan Supercomputer Finds, Reidy, 2021 “Wearing two masks offers limited benefits in preventing the spread of droplets that could carry the coronavirus compared to one well-fitted disposable mask, according to a Japanese study that modeled the dispersal of droplets on a supercomputer.”

39) Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses. Part 1 – Face masks, eye protection and person distancing: systematic review and meta-analysis, Jefferson, 2020 “There was insufficient evidence to provide a recommendation on the use of facial barriers without other measures. We found insufficient evidence for a difference between surgical masks and N95 respirators and limited evidence to support effectiveness of quarantine.”

40) Should individuals in the community without respiratory symptoms wear facemasks to reduce the spread of COVID-19?, NIPH, 2020 “Non-medical facemasks include a variety of products. There is no reliable evidence of the effectiveness of non-medical facemasks in community settings. There is likely to be substantial variation in effectiveness between products. However, there is only limited evidence from laboratory studies of potential differences in effectiveness when different products are used in the community.”

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04709c No.87014

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490833 (042240ZSEP23) Notable: More than 170 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms - 12/20/21

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41) Is a mask necessary in the operating theatre?, Orr, 1981 “It would appear that minimum contamination can best be achieved by not wearing a mask at all but operating in silence. Whatever its relation to contamination, bacterial counts, or the dissemination of squames, there is no direct evidence that the wearing of masks reduces wound infection.”

42) The surgical mask is a bad fit for risk reduction, Neilson, 2016 “As recently as 2010, the US National Academy of Sciences declared that, in the community setting, “face masks are not designed or certified to protect the wearer from exposure to respiratory hazards.” A number of studies have shown the inefficacy of the surgical mask in household settings to prevent transmission of the influenza virus.”

43) Facemask versus No Facemask in Preventing Viral Respiratory Infections During Hajj: A Cluster Randomised Open Label Trial, Alfelali, 2019 “Facemask use does not prevent clinical or laboratory-confirmed viral respiratory infections among Hajj pilgrims.”

44) Facemasks in the COVID-19 era: A health hypothesis, Vainshelboim, 2021 “The existing scientific evidences challenge the safety and efficacy of wearing facemask as preventive intervention for COVID-19. The data suggest that both medical and non-medical facemasks are ineffective to block human-to-human transmission of viral and infectious disease such SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, supporting against the usage of facemasks. Wearing facemasks has been demonstrated to have substantial adverse physiological and psychological effects. These include hypoxia, hypercapnia, shortness of breath, increased acidity and toxicity, activation of fear and stress response, rise in stress hormones, immunosuppression, fatigue, headaches, decline in cognitive performance, predisposition for viral and infectious illnesses, chronic stress, anxiety and depression.”

45) The use of masks and respirators to prevent transmission of influenza: a systematic review of the scientific evidence, Bin-Reza, 2011 “None of the studies established a conclusive relationship between mask/respirator use and protection against influenza infection. Some evidence suggests that mask use is best undertaken as part of a package of personal protection especially hand hygiene.”

46) Are Face Masks Effective? The Evidence., Swiss Policy Research, 2021 “Most studies found little to no evidence for the effectiveness of face masks in the general population, neither as personal protective equipment nor as a source control.”

47) Postoperative wound infections and surgical face masks: A controlled study, Tunevall, 1991 “These results indicate that the use of face masks might be reconsidered. Masks may be used to protect the operating team from drops of infected blood and from airborne infections, but have not been proven to protect the patient operated by a healthy operating team.”

48) Mask mandate and use efficacy in state-level COVID-19 containment, Guerra, 2021 “Mask mandates and use are not associated with slower state-level COVID-19 spread during COVID-19 growth surges.”

49) Twenty Reasons Mandatory Face Masks are Unsafe, Ineffective and Immoral, Manley, 2021 “A CDC-funded review on masking in May 2020 came to the conclusion: “Although mechanistic studies support the potential effect of hand hygiene or face masks, evidence from 14 randomized controlled trials of these measures did not support a substantial effect on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza… None of the household studies reported a significant reduction in secondary laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infections in the face mask group.” If masks can’t stop the regular flu, how can they stop SAR-CoV-2?”

50) A cluster randomised trial of cloth masks compared with medical masks in healthcare workers, MacIntyre, 2015 “First RCT of cloth masks, and the results caution against the use of cloth masks. This is an important finding to inform occupational health and safety. Moisture retention, reuse of cloth masks and poor filtration may result in increased risk of infection…the rates of all infection outcomes were highest in the cloth mask arm, with the rate of ILI statistically significantly higher in the cloth mask arm (relative risk (RR)=13.00, 95% CI 1.69 to 100.07) compared with the medical mask arm. Cloth masks also had significantly higher rates of ILI compared with the control arm. An analysis by mask use showed ILI (RR=6.64, 95% CI 1.45 to 28.65) and laboratory-confirmed virus (RR=1.72, 95% CI 1.01 to 2.94) were significantly higher in the cloth masks group compared with the medical masks group. Penetration of cloth masks by particles was almost 97% and medical masks 44%.”

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04709c No.87015

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490837 (042241ZSEP23) Notable: PublicSQ | How Conservative Entrepreneur Have Created The Parallel Economy.

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PublicSQ | How Conservative Entrepreneur Have Created The Parallel Economy. Important announcement for anons that have a small business to multiply your contacts. No cost to join but exposure to MAGA patriots


Notice: I think the anon that produced the videos and posted here

On Trump and MAGA should absolutely join the public square. Most amazing creative videos I have seen. Anon that produced these videos, charge $0.75 cents per download. That will give you money to produce more faster. Take the advice of the industry of what price.But truly, I believe you are extremely gifted!

Waiting for you to drop some more!


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04709c No.87016

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490839 (042241ZSEP23) Notable: More than 170 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms - 12/20/21

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51) Horowitz: Data from India continues to blow up the ‘Delta’ fear narrative, Blazemedia, 2021 “Rather than proving the need to sow more panic, fear, and control over people, the story from India — the source of the “Delta” variant — continues to refute every current premise of COVID fascism…Masks failed to stop the spread there.”

52) An outbreak caused by the SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant (B.1.617.2) in a secondary care hospital in Finland, May 2021, Hetemäki, 2021 Reporting on a nosocomial hospital outbreak in Finland, Hetemäli et al. observed that “both symptomatic and asymptomatic infections were found among vaccinated health care workers, and secondary transmission occurred from those with symptomatic infections despite use of personal protective equipment.”

53) Nosocomial outbreak caused by the SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant in a highly vaccinated population, Israel, July 2021, Shitrit, 2021 In a hospital outbreak investigation in Israel, Shitrit et al. observed “high transmissibility of the SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant among twice vaccinated and masked individuals.” They added that “this suggests some waning of immunity, albeit still providing protection for individuals without comorbidities.” Again, despite use of personal protective equipment.

54) 47 studies confirm ineffectiveness of masks for COVID and 32 more confirm their negative health effects, Lifesite news staff, 2021 “No studies were needed to justify this practice since most understood viruses were far too small to be stopped by the wearing of most masks, other than sophisticated ones designed for that task and which were too costly and complicated for the general public to properly wear and keep changing or cleaning. It was also understood that long mask wearing was unhealthy for wearers for common sense and basic science reasons.”

55) Are EUA Face Masks Effective in Slowing the Spread of a Viral Infection?, Dopp, 2021 The vast evidence shows that masks are ineffective.

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04709c No.87017

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490841 (042241ZSEP23) Notable: More than 170 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms - 12/20/21

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56) CDC Study finds overwhelming majority of people getting coronavirus wore masks, Boyd/Federalist, 2021 “A Centers for Disease Control report released in September shows that masks and face coverings are not effective in preventing the spread of COVID-19, even for those people who consistently wear them.”

57) Most Mask Studies Are Garbage, Eugyppius, 2021 “The other kind of study, the proper kind, would be a randomised controlled trial. You compare the rates of infection in a masked cohort against rates of infection in an unmasked cohort. Here things have gone much, much worse for mask brigade. They spent months trying to prevent the publication of the Danish randomised controlled trial, which found that masks do zero. When that paper finally squeaked into print, they spent more months trying desperately to poke holes in it. You could feel their boundless relief when the Bangladesh study finally appeared to save them in early September. Every last Twitter blue-check could now proclaim that Science Shows Masks Work. Such was their hunger for any scrap of evidence to prop up their prior convictions, that none of them noticed the sad nature of the Science in question. The study found a mere 10% reduction in seroprevalence among the masked cohort, an effect so small that it fell within the confidence interval. Even the study authors couldn’t exclude the possibility that masks in fact do zero.”

58) Using face masks in the community: first update, ECDC, 2021 “No high-quality evidence in favor of face masks and recommended their use only based on the ‘precautionary principle.”

59) Do physical measures such as hand-washing or wearing masks stop or slow down the spread of respiratory viruses?, Cochrane, 2020 “Seven studies took place in the community, and two studies in healthcare workers. Compared with wearing no mask, wearing a mask may make little to no difference in how many people caught a flu-like illness (9 studies; 3507 people); and probably makes no difference in how many people have flu confirmed by a laboratory test (6 studies; 3005 people). Unwanted effects were rarely reported, but included discomfort.”

60) Mouth-nose protection in public: No evidence of effectiveness, Thieme/ Kappstein, 2020 “The use of masks in public spaces is questionable simply because of the lack of scientific data. If one also considers the necessary precautions, masks must even be considered a risk of infection in public spaces according to the rules known from hospitals… If masks are worn by the population, the risk of infection is potentially increased, regardless of whether they are medical masks or whether they are so-called community masks designed in any way. If one considers the precautionary measures that the RKI as well as the international health authorities have pronounced, all authorities would even have to inform the population that masks should not be worn in public spaces at all. Because no matter whether it is a duty for all citizens or voluntarily borne by the citizens who want it for whatever reason, it remains a fact that masks can do more harm than good in public.”

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04709c No.87018

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490842 (042241ZSEP23) Notable: OUTSTANDING REPORT ON THE MAUI "WILDFIRES" BY 48-YR ARBORIST

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notable - Gen flynn knows the weapons used, he must know, DEW Microwave weapons is the only thing that can do this, video below



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04709c No.87019

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490843 (042241ZSEP23) Notable: More than 170 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms - 12/20/21

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61) US mask guidance for kids is the strictest across the world, Skelding, 2021 “Kids need to see faces,” Jay Bhattacharya, a professor of medicine at Stanford University, told The Post. Youngsters watch people’s mouths to learn to speak, read and understand emotions, he said.“We have this idea that this disease is so bad that we must adopt any means necessary to stop it from spreading,” he said. “It’s not that masks in schools have no costs. They actually do have substantial costs.”

62) Masking young children in school harms language acquisition, Walsh, 2021 “This is important because children and/or students do not have the speech or language ability that adults have — they are not equally able and the ability to see the face and especially the mouth is critical to language acquisition which children and/or students are engaged in at all times. Furthermore, the ability to see the mouth is not only essential to communication but also essential to brain development.”

63) The Case Against Masks for Children, Makary, 2021 “It’s abusive to force kids who struggle with them to sacrifice for the sake of unvaccinated adults… Do masks reduce Covid transmission in children? Believe it or not, we could find only a single retrospective study on the question, and its results were inconclusive. Yet two weeks ago the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention sternly decreed that 56 million U.S. children and adolescents, vaccinated or not, should cover their faces regardless of the prevalence of infection in their community. Authorities in many places took the cue to impose mandates in schools and elsewhere, on the theory that masks can’t do any harm. That isn’t true. Some children are fine wearing a mask, but others struggle. Those who have myopia can have difficulty seeing because the mask fogs their glasses. (This has long been a problem for medical students in the operating room.) Masks can cause severe acne and other skin problems. The discomfort of a mask distracts some children from learning. By increasing airway resistance during exhalation, masks can lead to increased levels of carbon dioxide in the blood. And masks can be vectors for pathogens if they become moist or are used for too long.”

64) Face Covering Mandates, Peavey, 2021 “Face Covering Mandates And Why They AREN’T Effective.”

65) Do masks work? A Review of the evidence, Anderson, 2021 “In truth, the CDC’s, U.K.’s, and WHO’s earlier guidance was much more consistent with the best medical research on masks’ effectiveness in preventing the spread of viruses. That research suggests that Americans’ many months of mask-wearing has likely provided little to no health benefit and might even have been counterproductive in preventing the spread of the novel coronavirus.”

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04709c No.87020

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490845 (042241ZSEP23) Notable: More than 170 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms - 12/20/21

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66) Most face masks won’t stop COVID-19 indoors, study warns, Anderer, 2021 “New research reveals that cloth masks filter just 10% of exhaled aerosols, with many people not wearing coverings that fit their face properly.”

67) How face masks and lockdowns failed/the face mask folly in retrospect, Swiss Policy Research, 2021 “Mask mandates and lockdowns have had no discernible impact.”

68) CDC Releases School COVID Transmission Study But Buries One of the Most Damning Parts, Davis, 2021 “The 21% lower incidence in schools that required mask use among students was not statistically significant compared with schools where mask use was optional… With tens of millions of American kids headed back to school in the fall, their parents and political leaders owe it to them to have a clear-sighted, scientifically rigorous discussion about which anti-COVID measures actually work and which might put an extra burden on vulnerable young people without meaningfully or demonstrably slowing the spread of the virus…that a masking requirement of students failed to show independent benefit is a finding of consequence and great interest.”

69) World Health Organization internal meeting, COVID-19 – virtual press conference – 30 March 2020, 2020 “This is a question on Austria. The Austrian Government has a desire to make everyone wear a mask who’s going into the shops. I understood from our previous briefings with you that the general public should not wear masks because they are in short supply. What do you say about the new Austrian measures?… I’m not specifically aware of that measure in Austria. I would assume that it’s aimed at people who potentially have the disease not passing it to others. In general WHO recommends that the wearing of a mask by a member of the public is to prevent that individual giving the disease to somebody else. We don’t generally recommend the wearing to masks in public by otherwise well individuals because it has not been up to now associated with any particular benefit.”

70) Face masks to prevent transmission of influenza virus: a systematic review, Cowling, 2010 “Review highlights the limited evidence base supporting the efficacy or effectiveness of face masks to reduce influenza virus transmission.”“None of the studies reviewed showed a benefit from wearing a mask, in either HCW or community members in households (H).”

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04709c No.87021

File: c85d266e62434c4⋯.png (942.26 KB,748x801,748:801,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490849 (042242ZSEP23) Notable: Illegal Immigration in the Rust Belt: Ohio Residents Say ‘Enough Is Enough’ After Death of 11-Year-Old Aiden Clark

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Illegal Immigration in the Rust Belt: Ohio Residents Say ‘Enough Is Enough’ After Death of 11-Year-Old Aiden Clark


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04709c No.87022

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490850 (042242ZSEP23) Notable: More than 170 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms - 12/20/21

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71) Effectiveness of N95 respirators versus surgical masks in protecting health care workers from acute respiratory infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Smith, 2016 “Although N95 respirators appeared to have a protective advantage over surgical masks in laboratory settings, our meta-analysis showed that there were insufficient data to determine definitively whether N95 respirators are superior to surgical masks in protecting health care workers against transmissible acute respiratory infections in clinical settings.”

72) Effectiveness of Masks and Respirators Against Respiratory Infections in Healthcare Workers: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Offeddu, 2017 “We found evidence to support universal medical mask use in hospital settings as part of infection control measures to reduce the risk of CRI and ILI among HCWs. Overall, N95 respirators may convey greater protection, but universal use throughout a work shift is likely to be less acceptable due to greater discomfort…Our analysis confirms the effectiveness of medical masks and respirators against SARS. Disposable, cotton, or paper masks are not recommended. The confirmed effectiveness of medical masks is crucially important for lower-resource and emergency settings lacking access to N95 respirators. In such cases, single-use medical masks are preferable to cloth masks, for which there is no evidence of protection and which might facilitate transmission of pathogens when used repeatedly without adequate sterilization…We found no clear benefit of either medical masks or N95 respirators against pH1N1…Overall, the evidence to inform policies on mask use in HCWs is poor, with a small number of studies that is prone to reporting biases and lack of statistical power.”

73) N95 Respirators vs Medical Masks for Preventing Influenza Among Health Care Personnel, Radonovich, 2019 “Use of N95 respirators, compared with medical masks, in the outpatient setting resulted in no significant difference in the rates of laboratory-confirmed influenza.”

Effectiveness of N95 respirators versus surgical masks againstinfluenza: A systematic review and meta-analysis74) Masks Don’t Work: A Review of Science Relevant to COVID-19 Social Policy, Rancourt, 2020 The use of N95 respirators compared with surgical masks is not associated with alower risk of laboratory-confirmed influenza. It suggests that N95 respirators should not be rec-ommended for general public and nonhigh-risk medical staff those are not in close contact withinfluenza patients or suspected patients. “No RCT study with verified outcome shows a benefit for HCW or community members in households to wearing a mask or respirator. There is no such study. There are no exceptions. Likewise, no study exists that shows a benefit from a broad policy to wear masks in public (more on this below). Furthermore, if there were any benefit to wearing a mask, because of the blocking power against droplets and aerosol particles, then there should be more benefit from wearing a respirator (N95) compared to a surgical mask, yet several large meta-analyses, and all the RCT, prove that there is no such relative benefit.”

75) More Than a Dozen Credible Medical Studies Prove Face Masks Do Not Work Even In Hospitals!, Firstenberg, 2020 “Mandating masks has not kept death rates down anywhere. The 20 U.S. states that have never ordered people to wear face masks indoors and out have dramatically lower COVID-19 death rates than the 30 states that have mandated masks. Most of the no-mask states have COVID-19 death rates below 20 per 100,000 population, and none have a death rate higher than 55. All 13 states that have death rates higher 55 are states that have required the wearing of masks in all public places. It has not protected them.”

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04709c No.87023

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490851 (042242ZSEP23) Notable: More than 170 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms - 12/20/21

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76) Does evidence based medicine support the effectiveness of surgical facemasks in preventing postoperative wound infections in elective surgery?, Bahli, 2009 “From the limited randomized trials it is still not clear that whether wearing surgical face masks harms or benefit the patients undergoing elective surgery.”

77) Peritonitis prevention in CAPD: to mask or not?, Figueiredo, 2000 “The current study suggests that routine use of face masks during CAPD bag exchanges may be unnecessary and could be discontinued.”

78) The operating room environment as affected by people and the surgical face mask, Ritter, 1975 “The wearing of a surgical face mask had no effect upon the overall operating room environmental contamination and probably work only to redirect the projectile effect of talking and breathing. People are the major source of environmental contamination in the operating room.”

79) The efficacy of standard surgical face masks: an investigation using “tracer particles, Ha’eri, 1980 “Particle contamination of the wound was demonstrated in all experiments. Since the microspheres were not identified on the exterior of these face masks, they must have escaped around the mask edges and found their way into the wound.”

80) Wearing of caps and masks not necessary during cardiac catheterization, Laslett, 1989 “Prospectively evaluated the experience of 504 patients undergoing percutaneous left heart catheterization, seeking evidence of a relationship between whether caps and/or masks were worn by the operators and the incidence of infection. No infections were found in any patient, regardless of whether a cap or mask was used. Thus, we found no evidence that caps or masks need to be worn during percutaneous cardiac catheterization.”

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04709c No.87024

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490854 (042242ZSEP23) Notable: More than 170 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms - 12/20/21

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86) Aerosol penetration through surgical masks, Chen, 1992 “The mask that has the highest collection efficiency is not necessarily the best mask from the perspective of the filter-quality factor, which considers not only the capture efficiency but also the air resistance. Although surgical mask media may be adequate to remove bacteria exhaled or expelled by health care workers, they may not be sufficient to remove the sub-micrometer-sized aerosols containing pathogens to which these health care workers are potentially exposed.”

87) CDC: Schools With Mask Mandates Didn’t See Statistically Significant Different Rates of COVID Transmission From Schools With Optional Policies, Miltimore, 2021 “The CDC did not include its finding that “required mask use among students was not statistically significant compared with schools where mask use was optional” in the summary of its report.”

88) Horowitz: Data from India continues to blow up the ‘Delta’ fear narrative, Howorwitz, 2021 “Rather than proving the need to sow more panic, fear, and control over people, the story from India — the source of the “Delta” variant — continues to refute every current premise of COVID fascism…Unless we do that, we must return to the very effective lockdowns and masks. In reality, India’s experience proves the opposite true; namely:1) Delta is largely an attenuated version, with a much lower fatality rate, that for most people is akin to a cold.2) Masks failed to stop the spread there.3) The country has come close to the herd immunity threshold with just 3% vaccinated.

89) Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 Delta Variant Among Vaccinated Healthcare Workers, Vietnam, Chau, 2021 While not definitive in the LANCET publication, it can be inferred that the nurses were all masked up and had PPE etc. as was the case in Finland and Israel nosocomial outbreaks, indicating the failure of PPE and masks to constrain Delta spread.

90) Aerosol penetration through surgical masks, Willeke, 1992 “The mask that has the highest collection efficiency is not necessarily the best mask from the perspective of the filter-quality factor, which considers not only the capture efficiency but also the air resistance. Although surgical mask media may be adequate to remove bacteria exhaled or expelled by health care workers, they may not be sufficient to remove the submicrometer-size aerosols containing pathogens to which these health care workers are potentially exposed.”

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04709c No.87025

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490855 (042242ZSEP23) Notable: More than 170 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms - 12/20/21

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91) The efficacy of standard surgical face masks: an investigation using “tracer particles”, Wiley, 1980 “Particle contamination of the wound was demonstrated in all aexperiments. Since the microspheres were not identified on the exterior of these face masks, they must have escped around the mask edges and found their way into the wound. The wearing of the mask beneath the headgear curtails this route of contamination.”

92) An Evidence Based Scientific Analysis of Why Masks are Ineffective, Unnecessary, and Harmful, Meehan, 2020 “Decades of the highest-level scientific evidence (meta-analyses of multiple randomized controlled trials) overwhelmingly conclude that medical masks are ineffective at preventing the transmission of respiratory viruses, including SAR-CoV-2…those arguing for masks are relying on low-level evidence (observational retrospective trials and mechanistic theories), none of which are powered to counter the evidence, arguments, and risks of mask mandates.”

93) Open Letter from Medical Doctors and Health Professionals to All Belgian Authorities and All Belgian Media, AIER, 2020 “Oral masks in healthy individuals are ineffective against the spread of viral infections.”

94) Effectiveness of N95 respirators versus surgical masks against influenza: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Long, 2020 “The use of N95 respirators compared with surgical masks is not associated with a lower risk of laboratory-confirmed influenza. It suggests that N95 respirators should not be recommended for general public and nonhigh-risk medical staff those are not in close contact with influenza patients or suspected patients.”

95) Advice on the use of masks in the context of COVID-19, WHO, 2020 “However, the use of a mask alone is insufficient to provide an adequate level of protection or source control, and other personal and community level measures should also be adopted to suppress transmission of respiratory viruses.”

96) Farce mask: it’s safe for only 20 minutes, The Sydney Morning Herald, 2003 “Health authorities have warned that surgical masks may not be an effective protection against the virus.”Those masks are only effective so long as they are dry,” said Professor Yvonne Cossart of the Department of Infectious Diseases at the University of Sydney.”As soon as they become saturated with the moisture in your breath they stop doing their job and pass on the droplets.”Professor Cossart said that could take as little as 15 or 20 minutes, after which the mask would need to be changed. But those warnings haven’t stopped people snapping up the masks, with retailers reporting they are having trouble keeping up with demand.”

97) Study: Wearing A Used Mask Is Potentially Riskier Than No Mask At All, Boyd, 2020

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04709c No.87026

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490859 (042243ZSEP23) Notable: More than 170 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms - 12/20/21

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Effects of mask-wearing on the inhalability and deposition of airborne SARS-CoV-2 aerosols in human upper airway “According to researchers from the University of Massachusetts Lowell and California Baptist University, a three-layer surgical mask is 65 percent efficient in filtering particles in the air. That effectiveness, however, falls to 25 percent once it is used.“It is natural to think that wearing a mask, no matter new or old, should always be better than nothing,” said author Jinxiang Xi.“Our results show that this belief is only true for particles larger than 5 micrometers, but not for fine particles smaller than 2.5 micrometers,” he continued.”

98) Unravelling the Role of the Mandatory Use of Face Covering Masks for the Control of SARS-CoV-2 in Schools: A Quasi-Experimental Study Nested in a Population-Based Cohort in Catalonia (Spain), Coma, 2022 “A recent study (Catalonia, Spain) done on face masks and their effectiveness was a retrospective population-based study among near 600,000 children aged 3 to 11 years attending preschool (3-5 years, without facial covering mandate) and primary education (6-11 years, with facial covering mandate); to assess the incidence of SARS-CoV-2, secondary attack rates (SAR) and the effective reproductive number (R*) for each grade during the first trimester of the 2021-2022 academic year, including an analysis of the differences between 5-year-old, without facial covering mandate, and 6 year-old children, with mandate.

Researchers found that “the SARS-CoV-2 incidence was significantly lower in preschool than in primary education, and an age-dependent trend was observed. Children aged 3 and 4 showed lower outcomes for all the analyzed epidemiological variables, while children aged 11 had the higher values. Six-year-old children showed higher incidence than 5 year-olds (3·54% vs 3·1%; OR: 1·15 [95%CI: 1·08-1·22]) and slightly lower but not statistically significant SAR and R*: SAR were 4·36% in 6 year-old children, and 4·59% in 5 year-old (IRR: 0·96 [95%CI: 0·82-1·11]); and R* was 0·9 and 0·93 (OR: 0·96 [95%CI: 0·87-1·09]), respectively.” Overall, facial covering mandates (face masks) in examined schools were not linked to lower SARS-CoV-2 incidence or spread, implying that these masks were not effective.”

99) Correlation Between Mask Compliance and COVID-19 Outcomes in Europe, Spira, 2022

“The aim of this short study was to analyse the correlation between mask usage against morbidity and mortality rates in the 2020-2021 winter in Europe. Data from 35 European countries on morbidity, mortality, and mask usage during a six-month period were analysed and crossed. Mask usage was more homogeneous in Eastern Europe than in Western European countries. Spearman’s correlation coefficients between mask usage and COVID-19 outcomes were either null or positive, depending on the subgroup of countries and type of outcome (cases or deaths). Positive correlations were stronger in Western than in Eastern European countries. These findings indicate that countries with high levels of mask compliance did not perform better than those with low mask usage.”

100) The Foegen effect

A mechanism by which facemasks contribute to the COVID-19 case fatality rate, Fögen, 2022 “The most important finding from this study is that contrary to the accepted thought that fewer people are dying because infection rates are reduced by masks, this was not the case. Results from this study strongly suggest that mask mandates actually caused about 1.5 times the number of deaths or ∼50% more deaths compared to no mask mandates. This means that the risk for the individual wearing the mask should even be higher, because there is an unknown number of people in MMC who either do not obey mask mandates, are exempted for medical reasons or do not go to public places where mask mandates are in effect. These people do not have an increased risk and thus the risk on the other people under a mask mandate is actually higher.”

101) Association between School Mask Mandates and SARS-CoV-2 Student Infections: Evidence from a Natural Experiment of Neighboring K-12 Districts in North Dakota, Sood & Høeg, 2022 Unique study “of two adjacent K-12 school districts in Fargo, North Dakota, one which had a mask mandate and one which did not in the fall of the 2021-2022 academic year. In the winter, both districts adopted a masks-optional policy allowing for a partial crossover study design. We observed no significant difference between student case rates while the districts had differing masking policies (IRR 0.99; 95% CI: 0.92 to 1.07) nor while they had the same mask policies (IRR 1.04; 95% CI: 0.92 to 1.16). The IRRs across the two periods were also not significantly different (p = 0.40).” Researchers concluded that school-based mask mandates have “limited to no impact on the case rates of COVID-19 among K-12 students.”

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04709c No.87027

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