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87ab0f No.51572 [Last50 Posts]

04SEP23 to 07SEP23


Re-Posts of notables

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87ab0f No.87028

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490861 (042243ZSEP23) Notable: More than 170 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms - 12/20/21

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102) Medical Masks Versus N95 Respirators for Preventing COVID-19 Among Health Care Workers, Loeb, 2022 Researchers found that both the surgical masks and the N95 fitted COVID masks do not stop infection as in both trial arms (non-inferiority multi-center trial), participants got infected; moreover, there was no difference between the surgical masks and the N95 fitted masks in terms of stopping infection. “In the intention-to-treat analysis, RT-PCR–confirmed COVID-19 occurred in 52 of 497 (10.46%) participants in the medical mask group versus 47 of 507 (9.27%) in the N95 respirator group (hazard ratio [HR], 1.14 [95% CI, 0.77 to 1.69]). There were 47 (10.8%) adverse events related to the intervention reported in the medical mask group and 59 (13.6%) in the N95 respirator group.”

103) Lack of correlation between school mask mandates and paediatric COVID-19 cases in a large cohort, Chandra, 2022 “Successfully replicated the original result using 565 counties; non-masking counties had around 30 additional daily cases per 100,000 children after two weeks of schools reopening. However, after nine weeks, cases per 100,000 were 18.3 in counties with mandates compared to 15.8 in those without them (p = 0.12). In a larger sample of 1832 counties, between weeks 2 and 9, cases per 100,000 fell by 38.2 and 37.9 in counties with and without mask requirements, respectively (p = 0.93). The association between school mask mandates and cases did not persist in the extended sample. Observational studies of interventions are prone to multiple biases and provide insufficient evidence for recommending mask mandates.”

104) Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses (Review), Jefferson, 2023 Ten studies took place in the community, and two studies in healthcare workers. Compared with wearing no mask in the community studies only, wearing a mask may make little to no difference in how many people caught a flu-like illness/COVID-like illness (9 studies; 276,917 people); and probably makes little or no difference in how many people have flu/COVID confirmed by a laboratory test (6 studies; 13,919 people). Unwanted effects were rarely reported; discomfort was mentioned.

N95/P2 respirators

Four studies were in healthcare workers, and one small study was in the community. Compared with wearing medical or surgical masks, wearing N95/P2 respirators probably makes little to no difference in how many people have confirmed flu (5 studies; 8407 people); and may make little to no difference in how many people catch a flu-like illness (5 studies; 8407 people), or respiratory illness (3 studies; 7799 people). Unwanted effects were not well-reported; discomfort was mentioned.

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87ab0f No.87029

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490862 (042243ZSEP23) Notable: CDC: Vaccinated at Higher Risk from Covid Than Unvaxxed

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The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has stated that Americans who have received mRNA shots for Covid are now at a higher risk of infection from new variants of the virus than those who are unvaccinated.

The CDC quietly made the damning admission in an update on its guidance regarding newly emerging variants of Covid.

The update comes as Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration appears to be preparing to bring back Covid lockdowns, masking, and vaccine mandates as the critical 2024 approaches, despite the pandemic being over.

The health agency issued the update in response to the BA.2.86 Covid variant.

Responding to reports about the variant, the CDC published the “Risk Assessment Summary for SARS CoV-2 Sublineage BA.2.86.”


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87ab0f No.87030

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490865 (042243ZSEP23) Notable: More than 170 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms - 12/20/21

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1) Mask mandate and use efficacy for COVID-19 containment in US States, Guerra, 2021 “Calculated total COVID-19 case growth and mask use for the continental United States with data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. We estimated post-mask mandate case growth in non-mandate states using median issuance dates of neighboring states with mandates…did not observe association between mask mandates or use and reduced COVID-19 spread in US states.”

2) These 12 Graphs Show Mask Mandates Do Nothing To Stop COVID, Weiss, 2020 “Masks can work well when they’re fully sealed, properly fitted, changed often, and have a filter designed for virus-sized particles. This represents none of the common masks available on the consumer market, making universal masking much more of a confidence trick than a medical solution…Our universal use of unscientific face coverings is therefore closer to medieval superstition than it is to science, but many powerful institutions have too much political capital invested in the mask narrative at this point, so the dogma is perpetuated. The narrative says that if cases go down it’s because masks succeeded. It says that if cases go up it’s because masks succeeded in preventing more cases. The narrative simply assumes rather than proves that masks work, despite overwhelming scientific evidence to the contrary.”

3) Mask Mandates Seem to Make CCP Virus Infection Rates Climb, Study Says, Vadum, 2020 “Protective-mask mandates aimed at combating the spread of the CCP virus that causes the disease COVID-19 appear to promote its spread, according to a report from RationalGround.com, a clearinghouse of COVID-19 data trends that’s run by a grassroots group of data analysts, computer scientists, and actuaries.”

4) Horowitz: Comprehensive analysis of 50 states shows greater spread with mask mandates, Howorwitz, 2020

Justin Hart “How long do our politicians get to ignore the results?… The results: When comparing states with mandates vs. those without, or periods of times within a state with a mandate vs. without, there is absolutely no evidence the mask mandate worked to slow the spread one iota. In total, in the states that had a mandate in effect, there were 9,605,256 confirmed COVID cases over 5,907 total days, an average of 27 cases per 100,000 per day. When states did not have a statewide order (which includes the states that never had them and the period of time masking states did not have the mandate in place) there were 5,781,716 cases over 5,772 total days, averaging 17 cases per 100,000 people per day.”

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87ab0f No.87031

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490866 (042243ZSEP23) Notable: More than 170 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms - 12/20/21

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5) The CDC’s Mask Mandate Study: Debunked, Alexander, 2021 “Thus, it is not surprising that the CDC’s own recent conclusion on the use of nonpharmaceutical measures such as face masks in pandemic influenza, warned that scientific “evidence from 14 randomized controlled trials of these measures did not support a substantial effect on transmission…” Moreover, in the WHO’s 2019 guidance document on nonpharmaceutical public health measures in a pandemic, they reported as to face masks that “there is no evidence that this is effective in reducing transmission…” Similarly, in the fine print to a recent double-blind, double-masking simulation the CDC stated that “The findings of these simulations [supporting mask usage] should neither be generalized to the effectiveness …nor interpreted as being representative of the effectiveness of these masks when worn in real-world settings.”

6) Phil Kerpin, tweet, 2021

The Spectator “The first ecological study of state mask mandates and use to include winter data: “Case growth was independent of mandates at low and high rates of community spread, and mask use did not predict case growth during the Summer or Fall-Winter waves.”

7) How face masks and lockdowns failed, SPR, 2021 “Infections have been driven primarily by seasonal and endemic factors, whereas mask mandates and lockdowns have had no discernible impact”

8) Analysis of the Effects of COVID-19 Mask Mandates on Hospital Resource Consumption and Mortality at the County Level, Schauer, 2021 “There was no reduction in per-population daily mortality, hospital bed, ICU bed, or ventilator occupancy of COVID-19-positive patients attributable to the implementation of a mask-wearing mandate.”

9) Do we need mask mandates, Harris, 2021 “But masks proved far less useful in the subsequent 1918 Spanish flu, a viral disease spread by pathogens smaller than bacteria. California’s Department of Health, for instance, reported that the cities of Stockton, which required masks, and Boston, which did not, had scarcely different death rates, and so advised against mask mandates except for a few high-risk professions such as barbers….Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on mask use, generally more reliable than observational studies, though not infallible, typically show that cloth and surgical masks offer little protection. A few RCTs suggest that perfect adherence to an exacting mask protocol may guard against influenza, but meta-analyses find little on the whole to suggest that masks offer meaningful protection. WHO guidelines from 2019 on influenza say that despite “mechanistic plausibility for the potential effectiveness” of masks, studies showed a benefit too small to be established with any certainty. Another literature review by researchers from the University of Hong Kong agrees. Its best estimate for the protective effect of surgical masks against influenza, based on ten RCTs published through 2018, was just 22 percent, and it could not rule out zero effect.”

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87ab0f No.87032

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490869 (042244ZSEP23) Notable: More than 170 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms - 12/20/21

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1) Corona children studies: Co-Ki: First results of a German-wide registry on mouth and nose covering (mask) in children, Schwarz, 2021 “The average wearing time of the mask was 270 minutes per day. Impairments caused by wearing the mask were reported by 68% of the parents. These included irritability (60%), headache (53%), difficulty concentrating (50%), less happiness (49%), reluctance to go to school/kindergarten (44%), malaise (42%) impaired learning (38%) and drowsiness or fatigue (37%).”

2) Dangerous pathogens found on children’s face masks, Cabrera, 2021 “Masks were contaminated with bacteria, parasites, and fungi, including three with dangerous pathogenic and pneumonia-causing bacteria.”

3) Masks, false safety and real dangers, Part 2: Microbial challenges from masks, Borovoy, 2020/2021 “Laboratory testing of used masks from 20 train commuters revealed that 11 of the 20 masks tested contained over 100,000 bacterial colonies. Molds and yeasts were also found. Three of the masks contained more than one million bacterial colonies… The outside surfaces of surgical masks were found to have high levels of the following microbes, even in hospitals, more concentrated on the outside of masks than in the environment. Staphylococcus species (57%) and Pseudomonas spp (38%) were predominant among bacteria, and Penicillium spp (39%) and Aspergillus spp. (31%) were the predominant fungi.”

4) Preliminary report on surgical mask induced deoxygenation during major surgery, Beder, 2008 “Considering our findings, pulse rates of the surgeon’s increase and SpO2 decrease after the first hour. This early change in SpO2 may be either due to the facial mask or the operational stress. Since a very small decrease in saturation at this level, reflects a large decrease in PaO2, our findings may have a clinical value for the health workers and the surgeons.”

5) Mask mandates may affect a child’s emotional, intellectual development, Gillis, 2020 “The thing is we really don’t know for sure what the effect may or may not be. But what we do know is that children, especially in early childhood, they use the mouth as part of the entire face to get a sense of what’s going on around them in terms of adults and other people in their environment as far as their emotions. It also has a role in language development as well… If you think about an infant, when you interact with them you use part of your mouth. They are interested in your facial expressions. And if you think about that part of the face being covered up, there is that possibility that it could have an effect. But we don’t know because this is really an unprecedented time. What we wonder about is if this could play a role and how can we stop it if it would affect child development.”

6) Headaches and the N95 face-mask amongst healthcare providers, Lim, 2006 “Healthcare providers may develop headaches following the use of the N95 face-mask.”

7) Maximizing Fit for Cloth and Medical Procedure Masks to Improve Performance and Reduce SARS-CoV-2 Transmission and Exposure, 2021, Brooks, 2021 “Although use of double masking or knotting and tucking are two of many options that can optimize fit and enhance mask performance for source control and for wearer protection, double masking might impede breathing or obstruct peripheral vision for some wearers, and knotting and tucking can change the shape of the mask such that it no longer covers fully both the nose and the mouth of persons with larger faces.”

8) Facemasks in the COVID-19 era: A health hypothesis, Vainshelboim, 2021 “Wearing facemasks has been demonstrated to have substantial adverse physiological and psychological effects. These include hypoxia, hypercapnia, shortness of breath, increased acidity and toxicity, activation of fear and stress response, rise in stress hormones, immunosuppression, fatigue, headaches, decline in cognitive performance, predisposition for viral and infectious illnesses, chronic stress, anxiety and depression.”

9) Wearing a mask can expose children to dangerous levels of carbon dioxide in just THREE MINUTES, study finds, Shaheen/Daily Mail, 2021 “European study found that children wearing masks for only minutes could be exposed to dangerous carbon dioxide levels…Forty-five children were exposed to carbon dioxide levels between three to twelve times healthy levels.”

10) How many children must die? Shilhavy, 2020 “How long are parents going to continue masking their children causing great harm to them, even to the point of risking their lives? Dr. Eric Nepute in St. Louis took time to record a video rant that he wants everyone to share, after the 4-year-old child of one of his patients almost died from a bacterial lung infection caused by prolonged mask use.”

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87ab0f No.87033

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490878 (042245ZSEP23) Notable: More than 170 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms - 12/20/21

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11) Medical Doctor Warns that “Bacterial Pneumonias Are on the Rise” from Mask Wearing, Meehan, 2021 “I’m seeing patients that have facial rashes, fungal infections, bacterial infections. Reports coming from my colleagues, all over the world, are suggesting that the bacterial pneumonias are on the rise…Why might that be? Because untrained members of the public are wearing medical masks, repeatedly… in a non-sterile fashion… They’re becoming contaminated. They’re pulling them off of their car seat, off the rear-view mirror, out of their pocket, from their countertop, and they’re reapplying a mask that should be worn fresh and sterile every single time.”

12) Open Letter from Medical Doctors and Health Professionals to All Belgian Authorities and All Belgian Media, AIER, 2020 “Wearing a mask is not without side effects. Oxygen deficiency (headache, nausea, fatigue, loss of concentration) occurs fairly quickly, an effect similar to altitude sickness. Every day we now see patients complaining of headaches, sinus problems, respiratory problems and hyperventilation due to wearing masks. In addition, the accumulated CO2 leads to a toxic acidification of the organism which affects our immunity. Some experts even warn of an increased transmission of the virus in case of inappropriate use of the mask.”

13) Face coverings for covid-19: from medical intervention to social practice, Peters, 2020 “At present, there is no direct evidence (from studies on Covid19 and in healthy people in the community) on the effectiveness of universal masking of healthy people in the community to prevent infection with respiratory viruses, including Covid19. Contamination of the upper respiratory tract by viruses and bacteria on the outside of medical face masks has been detected in several hospitals. Another research shows that a moist mask is a breeding ground for (antibiotic resistant) bacteria and fungi, which can undermine mucosal viral immunity. This research advocates the use of medical / surgical masks (instead of homemade cotton masks) that are used once and replaced after a few hours.”

14) Face masks for the public during the covid-19 crisis, Lazzarino, 2020 “The two potential side effects that have already been acknowledged are: (1) Wearing a face mask may give a false sense of security and make people adopt a reduction in compliance with other infection control measures, including social distancing and hands washing. (2) Inappropriate use of face mask: people must not touch their masks, must change their single-use masks frequently or wash them regularly, dispose them correctly and adopt other management measures, otherwise their risks and those of others may increase. Other potential side effects that we must consider are: (3) The quality and the volume of speech between two people wearing masks is considerably compromised and they may unconsciously come closer. While one may be trained to counteract side effect n.1, this side effect may be more difficult to tackle. (4) Wearing a face mask makes the exhaled air go into the eyes. This generates an uncomfortable feeling and an impulse to touch your eyes. If your hands are contaminated, you are infecting yourself.”

15) Contamination by respiratory viruses on outer surface of medical masks used by hospital healthcare workers, Chughtai, 2019 “Respiratory pathogens on the outer surface of the used medical masks may result in self-contamination. The risk is higher with longer duration of mask use (> 6 h) and with higher rates of clinical contact. Protocols on duration of mask use should specify a maximum time of continuous use, and should consider guidance in high contact settings.”

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87ab0f No.87034

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490882 (042245ZSEP23) Notable: More than 170 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms - 12/20/21

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16) Reusability of Facemasks During an Influenza Pandemic, Bailar, 2006 “After considering all the testimony and other information we received, the committee concluded that there is currently no simple, reliable way to decontaminate these devices and enable people to use them safely more than once. There is relatively little data available about how effective these devices are against flu even the first time they are used. To the extent they can help at all, they must be used correctly, and the best respirator or mask will do little to protect a person who uses it incorrectly. Substantial research must be done to increase our understanding of how flu spreads, to develop better masks and respirators, and to make it easier to decontaminate them. Finally, the use of face coverings is only one of many strategies that will be needed to slow or halt a pandemic, and people should not engage in activities that would increase their risk of exposure to flu just because they have a mask or respirator.”

17) Exhalation of respiratory viruses by breathing, coughing, and talking, Stelzer-Braid, 2009 “The exhaled aerosols generated by coughing, talking, and breathing were sampled in 50 subjects using a novel mask, and analyzed using PCR for nine respiratory viruses. The exhaled samples from a subset of 10 subjects who were PCR positive for rhinovirus were also examined by cell culture for this virus. Of the 50 subjects, among the 33 with symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections, 21 had at least one virus detected by PCR, while amongst the 17 asymptomatic subjects, 4 had a virus detected by PCR. Overall, rhinovirus was detected in 19 subjects, influenza in 4 subjects, parainfluenza in 2 subjects, and human metapneumovirus in 1 subject. Two subjects were co-infected. Of the 25 subjects who had virus-positive nasal mucus, the same virus type was detected in 12 breathing samples, 8 talking samples, and in 2 coughing samples. In the subset of exhaled samples from 10 subjects examined by culture, infective rhinovirus was detected in 2.”

18) [Effect of a surgical mask on six minute walking distance], Person, 2018 “Wearing a surgical mask modifies significantly and clinically dyspnea without influencing walked distance.”

19) Protective masks reduce resilience, Science ORF, 2020 “The German researchers used two types of face masks for their study – surgical masks and so-called FFP2 masks, which are mainly used by medical personnel. The measurements were carried out with the help of spiroergometry, in which patients or in this case the test persons exert themselves physically on a stationary bicycle – a so-called ergometer – or a treadmill. The subjects were examined without a mask, with surgical masks and with FFP2 masks. The masks therefore impair breathing, especially the volume and the highest possible speed of the air when exhaling. The maximum possible force on the ergometer was significantly reduced.”

20) Wearing masks even more unhealthy than expected, Coronoa transition, 2020 “They contain microplastics – and they exacerbate the waste problem…”Many of them are made of polyester and so you have a microplastic problem.” Many of the face masks would contain polyester with chlorine compounds: “If I have the mask in front of my face, then of course I breathe in the microplastic directly and these substances are much more toxic than if you swallow them, as they get directly into the nervous system,” Braungart continues.”

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87ab0f No.87035

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490884 (042246ZSEP23) Notable: More than 170 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms - 12/20/21

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21) Masking Children: Tragic, Unscientific, and Damaging, Alexander, 2021 “Children do not readily acquire SARS-CoV-2 (very low risk), spread it to other children or teachers, or endanger parents or others at home. This is the settled science. In the rare cases where a child contracts Covid virus it is very unusual for the child to get severely ill or die. Masking can do positive harm to children – as it can to some adults. But the cost benefit analysis is entirely different for adults and children – particularly younger children. Whatever arguments there may be for consenting adults – children should not be required to wear masks to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Of course, zero risk is not attainable – with or without masks, vaccines, therapeutics, distancing or anything else medicine may develop or government agencies may impose.”

22) The Dangers of Masks, Alexander, 2021 “With that clarion call, we pivot and refer here to another looming concern and this is the potential danger of the chlorine, polyester, and microplastic components of the face masks (surgical principally but any of the mass-produced masks) that have become part of our daily lives due to the Covid-19 pandemic. We hope those with persuasive power in the government will listen to this plea. We hope that the necessary decisions will be made to reduce the risk to our populations.”

23) 13-year-old mask wearer dies for inexplicable reasons, Corona Transition, 2020 “The case is not only causing speculation in Germany about possible poisoning with carbon dioxide. Because the student “was wearing a corona protective mask when she suddenly collapsed and died a little later in the hospital,” writes Wochenblick.Editor’s Review: The fact that no cause of death was communicated nearly three weeks after the girl’s death is indeed unusual. The carbon dioxide content of the air is usually about 0.04 percent. From a proportion of four percent, the first symptoms of hypercapnia, i.e. carbon dioxide poisoning, appear. If the proportion of the gas rises to more than 20 percent, there is a risk of deadly carbon dioxide poisoning. However, this does not come without alarm signals from the body. According to the medical portal netdoktor, these include “sweating, accelerated breathing, accelerated heartbeat, headaches, confusion, loss of consciousness”. The unconsciousness of the girl could therefore be an indication of such poisoning.”

24) Student Deaths Lead Chinese Schools to Change Mask Rules, that’s, 2020 “During the month of April, three cases of students suffering sudden cardiac death (SCD) while running during gym class have been reported in Zhejiang, Henan and Hunan provinces. Beijing Evening News noted that all three students were wearing masks at the time of their deaths, igniting a critical discussion over school rules on when students should wear masks.”

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87ab0f No.87036

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490886 (042246ZSEP23) Notable: More than 170 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms - 12/20/21

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25) Blaylock: Face Masks Pose Serious Risks To The Healthy, 2020 “As for the scientific support for the use of face mask, a recent careful examination of the literature, in which 17 of the best studies were analyzed, concluded that, “ None of the studies established a conclusive relationship between mask/respirator use and protection against influenza infection.”1 Keep in mind, no studies have been done to demonstrate that either a cloth mask or the N95 mask has any effect on transmission of the COVID-19 virus. Any recommendations, therefore, have to be based on studies of influenza virus transmission. And, as you have seen, there is no conclusive evidence of their efficiency in controlling flu virus transmission.”

26) The mask requirement is responsible for severe psychological damage and the weakening of the immune system, Coronoa Transition, 2020 “In fact, the mask has the potential to “trigger strong psychovegetative stress reactions via emerging aggression, which correlate significantly with the degree of stressful after-effects”.

Prousa is not alone in her opinion. Several psychologists dealt with the mask problem — and most came to devastating results. Ignoring them would be fatal, according to Prousa.”

27) The physiological impact of wearing an N95 mask during hemodialysis as a precaution against SARS in patients with end-stage renal disease, Kao, 2004 “Wearing an N95 mask for 4 hours during HD significantly reduced PaO2 and increased respiratory adverse effects in ESRD patients.”

28) Is a Mask That Covers the Mouth and Nose Free from Undesirable Side Effects in Everyday Use and Free of Potential Hazards?, Kisielinski, 2021 “We objectified evaluation evidenced changes in respiratory physiology of mask wearers with significant correlation of O2 drop and fatigue (p

29) Is N95 face mask linked to dizziness and headache?, Ipek, 2021 “Respiratory alkalosis and hypocarbia were detected after the use of N95. Acute respiratory alkalosis can cause headache, anxiety, tremor, muscle cramps. In this study, it was quantitatively shown that the participants’ symptoms were due to respiratory alkalosis and hypocarbia.”

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87ab0f No.87037

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490887 (042246ZSEP23) Notable: More than 170 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms - 12/20/21

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30) COVID-19 prompts a team of engineers to rethink the humble face mask, Myers, 2020 “But in filtering those particles, the mask also makes it harder to breathe. N95 masks are estimated to reduce oxygen intake by anywhere from 5 to 20 percent. That’s significant, even for a healthy person. It can cause dizziness and lightheadedness. If you wear a mask long enough, it can damage the lungs. For a patient in respiratory distress, it can even be life threatening.”

31) 70 doctors in open letter to Ben Weyts: ‘Abolish mandatory mouth mask at school’ – Belgium, World Today News, 2020 “In an open letter to the Flemish Minister of Education Ben Weyts (N-VA), 70 doctors ask to abolish the mandatory mouth mask at school, both for the teachers and for the students. Weyts does not intend to change course. The doctors ask that Minister Ben Weyts immediately reverses his working method: no mouth mask obligation at school, only protect the risk group and only the advice that people with a possible risk profile should consult their doctor.”

32) Face masks pose dangers for babies, toddlers during COVID-19 pandemic, UC Davis Health, 2020 “Masks may present a choking hazard for young children. Also, depending on the mask and the fit, the child may have trouble breathing. If this happens, they need to be able to take it off,” said UC Davis pediatrician Lena van der List. “Children less than 2 years of age will not reliably be able to remove a face mask and could suffocate. Therefore, masks should not routinely be used for young children…“The younger the child, the more likely they will be to not wear the mask properly, reach under the mask and touch potentially contaminated masks,” said Dean Blumberg, chief of pediatric infectious diseases at UC Davis Children’s Hospital. “Of course, this depends on the developmental level of the individual child. But I think masks are not likely to provide much potential benefit over risk until the teen years.”

33) Covid-19: Important potential side effects of wearing face masks that we should bear in mind, Lazzarino, 2020 “Other potential side effects that we must consider, however, are 1) The quality and volume of speech between people wearing masks is considerably compromised and they may unconsciously come closer2) Wearing a mask makes the exhaled air go into the eyes. This generates an impulse to touch the eyes. 3) If your hands are contaminated, you are infecting yourself, 4) Face masks make breathing more difficult. Moreover, a fraction of carbon dioxide previously exhaled is inhaled at each respiratory cycle. Those phenomena increase breathing frequency and deepness, and they may worsen the burden of covid-19 if infected people wearing masks spread more contaminated air. This may also worsen the clinical condition of infected people if the enhanced breathing pushes the viral load down into their lungs, 5) The innate immunity’s efficacy is highly dependent on the viral load. If masks determine a humid habitat where SARS-CoV-2 can remain active because of the water vapour continuously provided by breathing and captured by the mask fabric, they determine an increase in viral load (by re-inhaling exhaled viruses) and therefore they can cause a defeat of the innate immunity and an increase in infections.”

34) Risks of N95 Face Mask Use in Subjects With COPD, Kyung, 2020 “Of the 97 subjects, 7 with COPD did not wear the N95 for the entire test duration. This mask-failure group showed higher British modified Medical Research Council dyspnea scale scores and lower FEV1 percent of predicted values than did the successful mask use group. A modified Medical Research Council dyspnea scale score ≥ 3 (odds ratio 167, 95% CI 8.4 to >999.9; P = .008) or a FEV1 999.9; P = .001) was associated with a risk of failure to wear the N95. Breathing frequency, blood oxygen saturation, and exhaled carbon dioxide levels also showed significant differences before and after N95 use.”

35) Masks too dangerous for children under 2, medical group warns, The Japan Times, 2020 “Children under the age of 2 shouldn’t wear masks because they can make breathing difficult and increase the risk of choking, a medical group has said, launching an urgent appeal to parents as the nation reopens from the coronavirus crisis…Masks can make breathing difficult because infants have narrow air passages,” which increases the burden on their hearts, the association said, adding that masks also raise the risk of heat stroke for them.”

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87ab0f No.87038

File: 00b3fb533f15f7e⋯.png (17.34 KB,554x303,554:303,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490889 (042246ZSEP23) Notable: Elon Musk - To clear our platform’s name on the matter of anti-Semitism, it looks like we have no choice but to file a defamation lawsuit against the Anti-Defamation League

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Elon Musk


To clear our platform’s name on the matter of anti-Semitism, it looks like we have no choice but to file a defamation lawsuit against the Anti-Defamation League … oh the irony!

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87ab0f No.87039

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490890 (042246ZSEP23) Notable: More than 170 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms - 12/20/21

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36) Face masks can be problematic, dangerous to health of some Canadians: advocates, Spenser, 2020 “Face masks are dangerous to the health of some Canadians and problematic for some others…Asthma Canada president and CEO Vanessa Foran said simply wearing a mask could create risk of an asthma attack.”

37) COVID-19 Masks Are a Crime Against Humanity and Child Abuse, Griesz-Brisson, 2020 “The rebreathing of our exhaled air will without a doubt create oxygen deficiency and a flooding of carbon dioxide. We know that the human brain is very sensitive to oxygen depravation. There are nerve cells for example in the hippocampus, that can’t be longer than 3 minutes without oxygen – they cannot survive. The acute warning symptoms are headaches, drowsiness, dizziness, issues in concentration, slowing down of the reaction time – reactions of the cognitive system. However, when you have chronic oxygen depravation, all of those symptoms disappear, because you get used to it. But your efficiency will remain impaired and the undersupply of oxygen in your brain continues to progress. We know that neurodegenerative diseases take years to decades to develop. If today you forget your phone number, the breakdown in your brain would have already started 20 or 30 years ago…The child needs the brain to learn, and the brain needs oxygen to function. We don’t need a clinical study for that. This is simple, indisputable physiology. Conscious and purposely induced oxygen deficiency is an absolutely deliberate health hazard, and an absolute medical contraindication.”

38) Study shows how masks are harming children, Mercola, 2021 “Data from the first registry to record children’s experiences with masks show physical, psychological and behavioral issues including irritability, difficulty concentrating and impaired learning.Since school shutdowns in spring 2020, an increasing number of parents are seeking drug treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) for their children.Evidence from the U.K. shows schools are not the super spreaders health officials said they were; measured rates of infection in schools were the same as the community, not higher.A large randomized controlled trial showed wearing masks does not reduce the spread of SARS-CoV-2.”

39) New Study Finds Masks Hurt Schoolchildren Physically, Psychologically, and Behaviorally, Hall, 2021

https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-124394/v2 “A new study, involving over 25,000 school-aged children, shows that masks are harming schoolchildren physically, psychologically, and behaviorally, revealing 24 distinct health issues associated with wearing masks…Though these results are concerning, the study also found that 29.7% of children experienced shortness of breath, 26.4% experienced dizziness, and hundreds of the participants experiencing accelerated respiration, tightness in chest, weakness, and short-term impairment of consciousness.”

40) Protective Face Masks: Effect on the Oxygenation and Heart Rate Status of Oral Surgeons during Surgery, Scarano, 2021 “In all 20 surgeons wearing FFP2 covered by surgical masks, a reduction in arterial O2 saturation from around 97.5% before surgery to 94% after surgery was recorded with increase of heart rates. A shortness of breath and light-headedness/headaches were also noted.”

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87ab0f No.87040

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490892 (042246ZSEP23) Notable: More than 170 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms - 12/20/21

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41) Effects of surgical and FFP2/N95 face masks on cardiopulmonary exercise capacity, Fikenzer, 2020 “Ventilation, cardiopulmonary exercise capacity and comfort are reduced by surgical masks and highly impaired by FFP2/N95 face masks in healthy individuals. These data are important for recommendations on wearing face masks at work or during physical exercise.”

42) Headaches Associated With Personal Protective Equipment – A Cross-Sectional Study Among Frontline Healthcare Workers During COVID-19, Ong, 2020 “Most healthcare workers develop de novo PPE-associated headaches or exacerbation of their pre-existing headache disorders.”

43) Open letter from medical doctors and health professionals to all Belgian authorities and all Belgian media, The American Institute of Stress, 2020 “Wearing a mask is not without side effects. Oxygen deficiency (headache, nausea, fatigue, loss of concentration) occurs fairly quickly, an effect similar to altitude sickness. Every day we now see patients complaining of headaches, sinus problems, respiratory problems, and hyperventilation due to wearing masks. In addition, the accumulated CO2 leads to a toxic acidification of the organism which affects our immunity. Some experts even warn of increased transmission of the virus in case of inappropriate use of the mask.”

44) Reusing masks may increase your risk of coronavirus infection, expert says, Laguipo, 2020 “For the public, they should not wear facemasks unless they are sick, and if a healthcare worker advised them.”For the average member of the public walking down a street, it is not a good idea,” Dr. Harries said.”What tends to happen is people will have one mask. They won’t wear it all the time, they will take it off when they get home, they will put it down on a surface they haven’t cleaned,” she added.Further, she added that behavioral issues could adversely put themselves at more risk of getting the infection. For instance, people go out and don’t wash their hands, they touch parts of the mask or their face, and they get infected.”

45) What’s Going On Under the Masks?, Wright, 2021 “Americans today have pretty good chompers on average, at least relative to most other people, past and present. Nevertheless, we do not think enough about oral health as evidenced by the almost complete lack of discussion regarding the effect of lockdowns and mandatory masking on our mouths.”

46) Experimental Assessment of Carbon Dioxide Content in Inhaled Air With or Without Face Masks in Healthy ChildrenA Randomized Clinical Trial, Walach, 2021 “A large-scale survey in Germany of adverse effects in parents and children using data of 25 930 children has shown that 68% of the participating children had problems when wearing nose and mouth coverings.”

47) NM Kids forced to wear masks while running in 100-degree heat; Parents are striking back, Smith, 2021 “Nationally, children have a 99.997% survival rate from COVID-19. In New Mexico, only 0.7% of child COVID-19 cases have resulted in hospitalization. It is clear that children have an extremely low risk of severe illness or death from COVID-19, and mask mandates are placing a burden upon kids which is detrimental to their own health and well-being.”

48) Health Canada issues advisory for disposable masks with graphene, CBC, 2021 “Health Canada is advising Canadians not to use disposable face masks that contain graphene. Health Canada issued the notice on Friday and said wearers could inhale graphene, a single layer of carbon atoms. Masks containing the toxic particles may have been distributed in some health-care facilities.”

49) COVID-19: Performance study of microplastic inhalation risk posed by wearing masks, Li, 2021

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87ab0f No.87041

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490899 (042247ZSEP23) Notable: More than 170 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms - 12/20/21

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Is graphene safe?

“Wearing masks considerably reduces the inhalation risk of particles (e.g., granular microplastics and unknown particles) even when they are worn continuously for 720 h. Surgical, cotton, fashion, and activated carbon masks wearing pose higher fiber-like microplastic inhalation risk, while all masks generally reduced exposure when used under their supposed time (

50) Manufacturers have been using nanotechnology-derived graphene in face masks — now there are safety concerns, Maynard, 2021 “Early concerns around graphene were sparked by previous research on another form of carbon — carbon nanotubes. It turns out that some forms of these fiber-like materials can cause serious harm if inhaled. And following on from research here, a natural next-question to ask is whether carbon nanotubes’ close cousin graphene comes with similar concerns.Because graphene lacks many of the physical and chemical aspects of carbon nanotubes that make them harmful (such as being long, thin, and hard for the body to get rid of), the indications are that the material is safer than its nanotube cousins. But safer doesn’t mean safe. And current research indicates that this is not a material that should be used where it could potentially be inhaled, without a good amount of safety testing first…As a general rule of thumb, engineered nanomaterials should not be used in products where they might inadvertently be inhaled and reach the sensitive lower regions of the lungs.”

51) Masking young children in school harms language acquisition, Walsh, 2021 “This is important because children and/or students do not have the speech or language ability that adults have — they are not equally able and the ability to see the face and especially the mouth is critical to language acquisition which children and/or students are engaged in at all times. Furthermore, the ability to see the mouth is not only essential to communication but also essential to brain development.“Studies show that by age four, kids from low-income households will hear 30 million less words than their more affluent counterparts, who get more quality face-time with caretakers.” (https://news.stanford.edu/news/2014/november/language-toddlers-fernald-110514.html).”

52) Dangerous pathogens found on children’s face masks, Rational Ground, 2021 “A group of parents in Gainesville, FL, sent 6 face masks to a lab at the University of Florida, requesting an analysis of contaminants found on the masks after they had been worn. The resulting report found that five masks were contaminated with bacteria, parasites, and fungi, including three with dangerous pathogenic and pneumonia-causing bacteria. Although the test is capable of detecting viruses, including SARS-CoV-2, only one virus was found on one mask (alcelaphine herpesvirus 1)…Half of the masks were contaminated with one or more strains of pneumonia-causing bacteria. One-third were contaminated with one or more strains of meningitis-causing bacteria. One-third were contaminated with dangerous, antibiotic-resistant bacterial pathogens. In addition, less dangerous pathogens were identified, including pathogens that can cause fever, ulcers, acne, yeast infections, strep throat, periodontal disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and more.”

53) Face mask dermatitis” due to compulsory facial masks during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: data from 550 health care and non-health care workers in Germany, Niesert, 2021 “The duration of wearing masks showed a significant impact on the prevalence of symptoms (p

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87ab0f No.87042

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490900 (042247ZSEP23) Notable: More than 170 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms - 12/20/21

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54) Effect of Wearing Face Masks on the Carbon Dioxide Concentration in the Breathing Zone, AAQR/Geiss, 2020 “Detected carbon dioxide concentrations ranged from 2150 ± 192 to 2875 ± 323 ppm. The concentrations of carbon dioxide while not wearing a face mask varied from 500–900 ppm. Doing office work and standing still on the treadmill each resulted in carbon dioxide concentrations of around 2200 ppm. A small increase could be observed when walking at a speed of 3 km h–1 (leisurely walking pace)…concentrations in the detected range can cause undesirable symptoms, such as fatigue, headache, and loss of concentration.”

55) Surgical masks as source of bacterial contamination during operative procedures, Zhiqing, 2018 “The source of bacterial contamination in SMs was the body surface of the surgeons rather than the OR environment. Moreover, we recommend that surgeons should change the mask after each operation, especially those beyond 2 hours.”

56) The Damage of Masking Children Could be Irreparable, Hussey, 2021 “When we surround children with mask-wearers for a year at a time, are we impairing their face barcode recognition during a period of hot neural development, thus putting full development of the FFA at risk? Does the demand for separation from others, reducing social interaction, add to the potential consequences as it might in autism? When can we be sure that we won’t interfere with visual input to the face recognition visual neurology so we don’t interfere with brain development? How much time with stimulus interference can we allow without consequences? Those are all questions currently without answers; we don’t know. Unfortunately, the science implies that if we mess up brain development for faces, we may not currently have therapies to undo everything we’ve done.”

57) Masks can be Murder, Grossman, 2021 “Wearing masks can create a sense of anonymity for an aggressor, while also dehumanizing the victim. This prevents empathy, empowering violence, and murder.” Masking helps remove empathy and compassion, allowing others to commit unspeakable acts on the masked person.”

58) London high school teacher calls face masks an ‘egregious and unforgivable form of child abuse, Butler, 2020 “In his email, Farquharson called the campaign to legislate mask wearing a “shameful farce, a charade, an act of political theatre” that’s more about enforcing “obedience and compliance” than it is about public health. He also likened children wearing masks to “involuntary self-torture,” calling it “an egregious and unforgivable form of child abuse and physical assault.”

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87ab0f No.87043

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490901 (042247ZSEP23) Notable: Greenpeace Co-Founder, Dr. Patrick Moore: ‘Net Zero’ Would Kill at Least 50% of the Population

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Greenpeace Co-Founder, Dr. Patrick Moore: ‘Net Zero’ Would Kill at Least 50% of the Population


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87ab0f No.87044

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490902 (042247ZSEP23) Notable: More than 170 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms - 12/20/21

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59) UK Government Advisor Admits Masks Are Just “Comfort Blankets” That Do Virtually Nothing, ZeroHedge, 2021 “As the UK Government heralds “freedom day” today, which is anything but, a prominent government scientific advisor has admitted that face masks do very little to protect from coronavirus and are basically just “comfort blankets…the professor noted that “those aerosols escape masks and will render the mask ineffective,” adding “The public were demanding something must be done, they got masks, it is just a comfort blanket. But now it is entrenched, and we are entrenching bad behaviour…all around the world you can look at mask mandates and superimpose on infection rates, you cannot see that mask mandates made any effect whatsoever,” Axon further noted, adding that “The best thing you can say about any mask is that any positive effect they do have is too small to be measured.”

60) Masks, false safety and real dangers, Part 1: Friable mask particulate and lung vulnerability, Borovoy, 2020 “Surgical personnel are trained to never touch any part of a mask, except the loops and the nose bridge. Otherwise, the mask is considered useless and is to be replaced. Surgical personnel are strictly trained not to touch their masks otherwise. However, the general public may be seen touching various parts of their masks. Even the masks just removed from manufacturer packaging have been shown in the above photos to contain particulate and fiber that would not be optimal to inhale… Further concerns of macrophage response and other immune and inflammatory and fibroblast response to such inhaled particles specifically from facemasks should be the subject of more research. If widespread masking continues, then the potential for inhaling mask fibers and environmental and biological debris continues on a daily basis for hundreds of millions of people. This should be alarming for physicians and epidemiologists knowledgeable in occupational hazards.”

61) Medical Masks, Desai, 2020 “Face masks should be used only by individuals who have symptoms of respiratory infection such as coughing, sneezing, or, in some cases, fever. Face masks should also be worn by health care workers, by individuals who are taking care of or are in close contact with people who have respiratory infections, or otherwise as directed by a doctor. Face masks should not be worn by healthy individuals to protect themselves from acquiring respiratory infection because there is no evidence to suggest that face masks worn by healthy individuals are effective in preventing people from becoming ill.”


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87ab0f No.87045

File: a9c6172910d3d03⋯.png (74.81 KB,855x570,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490919 (042249ZSEP23) Notable: Fauci Admits Masks Don't Work

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Fauci Finally Admits in New Interview That Masks Don't Work

The truth comes out

Ian Miller

Apr 25, 2023

Over the past three years, Dr. Fauci has been the face of masks and their associated mandates.

Fauci initially told the public, confidently, that masks were ineffective and unnecessary. In doing so, he followed years of scientific evidence and research that confirmed masks were ineffective when worn by the general population.


If Masks Work, Why Didn't We Plan to Use Them?

For many in today’s world, “believe in science” has become a quasi-religious mantra. Masks are the rosary beads, Fauci is the pope, the CDC is the Church, the World Health Organization is Vatican City, and guidance from both organizations is the Bible. Think I’m exaggerating? Just look at what happened with corporations and Governors after the CDC adjus…

Read more

2 years ago · 26 likes · 8 comments · Ian Miller

But just a few weeks later, with no new randomized controlled trials, no new data or evidence to justify it, he completely flip flopped.

Masks instantly became a vitally important, necessary tool to prevent the spread of COVID. First, he claimed that they were meant as source control, to stop people from infecting others.

Then, he said that masks were protective for the wearer as well. All based on low quality evidence that intellectually honest observers would safely disregard.

After reality continually proved him wrong, he then moved to recommending that the public should wear two masks.

He provided no evidence for that claim, only that it was "common sense" and would "likely" be more effective.

Fauci defended indefinite mandates, saying he disagreed with people who believed masking should be a choice. He defended forcibly masking children, based on nothing but his immense desire to compel behavior.

But now that mandates are over and he's moved on to the next phase of his career, profiteering from his objectively disgraceful performance during the pandemic, the truth can be told, apparently.

Anthony Fauci wears a mask while speaking to members of the media before an event on the Biden administration's Covid-19 response in the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington, D.C., U.S., on Thursday, Jan. 21, 2021. Photographer: Al Drago/Bloomberg via Getty Images

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87ab0f No.87046

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490921 (042250ZSEP23) Notable: Fauci Admits Masks Don't Work

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Fauci Always Blames Others

The New York Times in their role as one of Fauci's chief promoters, has previously given him the opportunity for him to defend himself.


Despite Demonstrable, Repetitive Mistakes, No One on Earth Thinks More Highly of Anthony Fauci Than Anthony Fauci

It should come as no surprise that Dr. Anthony Fauci is profoundly proud of himself. He manages to steadfastly refuse to admit his mistakes despite mountains of evidence that we’ve come to learn. Namely, but not limited to data accumulating in stark contradiction his assertions that…

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8 months ago · 88 likes · 13 comments · Ian Miller

While the interviewer, David Wallace-Wells did push back on Fauci at times, the discussion mostly serves as a vehicle for Fauci to criticize states, politicians and individuals for not listening to his advice.

But when people say, “Fauci shut down the economy” — it wasn’t Fauci.

For example, Fauci expresses exasperation and inaccuracies about death rates between Republicans and Democrats. Naturally, he blames it on poor vaccination rates and political divisiveness.

"I mean, only 68 percent of the country is vaccinated. If you rank us among both developed and developing countries, we do really poorly. We’re not even in the top 10. We’re way down there. And then: Why do you have red states that are unvaccinated and blue states that are vaccinated? Why do you have death rates among Republicans that are higher than death rates among Democrats and independents? It should never ever be that way when you’re dealing with a public-health crisis the likes of which we haven’t seen in over a hundred years," Fauci said.

Fauci: The divisiveness was palpable, just in trying to get a coherent message across of following fundamental public-health principles. I understand that there will always be differences of opinion among people saying, “Well, what’s the cost-benefit balance of restriction or of masks?” But when you have fundamental arguments about things like whether to get vaccinated or not — that is extraordinary.

Yet after the slightest disagreement from Wallace-Wells suggesting that it may not have made much difference considering poor results across the world regardless of political situation, Fauci then immediately contradicts his own previous answer.

Fauci: Yeah, you’re probably onto something there, David. I remember a public conversation I was having about the importance of a very effective degree of preparedness — how much it will allow you to escape significant damage from an outbreak. And I remember saying, depending on the transmissibility, morbidity and mortality of a particular pathogen, that sometimes no matter how well you are prepared, you are going to get a lot of hurt. This was one of those outbreaks. And you’re absolutely right. When you look around, nobody did great, except maybe one or two countries. Most everybody did poorly. Even those countries that had no political divisiveness the way we had, they did poorly. There were gaps and inadequacies in both preparedness and response that varied among different nations.

It’s enough to make your head spin.

This, of course, ignores that highly vaccinated countries with vastly different political systems have seen explosions in COVID-related and all cause deaths despite much higher compliance.

New Zealand, for example, with one of the world's highest vaccination and booster rates, saw all cause mortality skyrocket in 2022. The population adjusted rate was by far the highest it'd been in the previous 20 years, regardless of vaccination.


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87ab0f No.87047

File: 097b104fb4207ce⋯.png (2.03 MB,1161x742,1161:742,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490926 (042250ZSEP23) Notable: Ron Paul: Will BRICS Smash the Dollar?

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Ron Paul: Will BRICS Smash the Dollar?


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87ab0f No.87048

File: a64f7a238b7fd7b⋯.png (182.95 KB,593x416,593:416,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490937 (042251ZSEP23) Notable: The Left's Latest Crazy Plan To Keep Trump Off The Ballot

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Pretty sure many states have select rules for write in Presidential candidates. AZ you can't even vote for a republican if you don't have it as your party, they are skewing the rules in so many ways that Patriots are unaware.



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87ab0f No.87049

File: 9430f3da87a6975⋯.png (919.07 KB,768x694,384:347,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490958 (042255ZSEP23) Notable: Delaware Judge Orders DOJ & Hunters Lawyers to Hand Over Gun Indictment

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Delaware Judge Orders DOJ & Hunters Lawyers to Hand Over Gun Indictment

Defense attorneys have claimed a ‘diversion agreement’ shielding President Joe Biden's son from prosecution on the gun charge is still in place...

Secret Service Involvement & FOIA: Reports suggested the Secret Service was on-scene when authorities investigated Halley Biden discarding Hunter’s gun. The agency denies involvement. ATF refused to answer FOIA requests related to the gun charge, citing “privacy interests.”


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87ab0f No.87050

File: 2989cf28ef6724f⋯.png (934.34 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19490978 (042258ZSEP23) Notable: American Thinker - MAGA vs. the DoJ

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=MAGA vs. the DoJ

Along with all its other efforts to hamstring Donald Trump’s legal defense in the D.C. case, the DoJ has dumped 12.8 million documents on Trump’s defense team, leaving them without adequate time to prepare before the March court date. Thi...


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87ab0f No.87051

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491092 (042317ZSEP23) Notable: Burning Man CEO Marian Goodell

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Burning Man CEO Marian Goodell

qresear.ch: "goodell"

Interesting connection between the CEO of burning man and Stem Cell research. Marian and Margaret Goodall are sisters.

Margaret ("Peggy") A. goodell (born March 23, 1965) is an American scientist working in the field of stem cell research. goodell is Chair of the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology[1] at Baylor College of Medicine, Director of the Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine (STaR) Center,[2] and a member of the National Academy of Medicine.[3] She is best known for her discovery of a novel method to isolate adult stem cells.[4]

goodell has been on the faculty of Baylor College of Medicine since 1997 as a member of the Center for Cell and Gene Therapy, and the Departments of Pediatrics, Molecular and Human Genetic, and Immunology.[5] She holds the Vivian L. Smith Chair in Regenerative Medicine, and has received numerous awards for excellence in teaching and research.[6][7]

goodell is Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Keystone Symposia, a former President of the International Society for Experimental Hematology, and has served on the board of the International Society for Stem Cell Research. She has also served as the chair of the Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine committee for the American Society of Hematology. She is an Associate Editor for Blood[8] and serves on the editorial boards of Cell Stem Cell and PLOS Biology.

goodell grew up in Bryan, Ohio with sisters Marian (a founding member and CEO of the Burning Man Project[16]), Martha (a management consultant), and Melly (a physician). She is the daughter of Joe goodell, former CEO of American Brass Company, and niece of Grace goodell, professor of International Development at The Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies. She lives in Houston, Texas with her husband and three daughters.






Grace goodell is Marian goodell's aunt.

Grace E. goodell is a retired professor of International Development at The Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies in Washington, DC.[1] goodell received her Ph.D. in anthropology from Columbia University, where she studied under Conrad Arensberg. She has been a visiting scholar at the Australian National University and at the Harvard Institute for International Development, a fellow in law and development at the Harvard Law School, and a fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. goodell was previously the Director of the Program on Social Change and Development at Johns Hopkins; this program had an approach to grassroots development that was unique among all renowned graduate level foreign affairs schools in the United States. During her tenure she started the Heartland Center for Leadership Development, a community development leadership training program for inner-city Washington, D.C.

Her principal work was The elementary structures of political life : rural development in Pahlavi Iran, Oxford University Press, 1966; according to WorldCat, it is held in 302 libraries [2]


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87ab0f No.87052

File: 8131a25da02a73d⋯.png (179.59 KB,589x450,589:450,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491105 (042319ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - Steve Bannon Defines This Historic Moment

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Wow, so interesting! https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/must-see-steve-bannon-defines-this-historic-moment/


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87ab0f No.87053

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491125 (042323ZSEP23) Notable: Mike Ryan - WHO Executive Director - Confronted In Ireland - VAX DEATHS

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- Mike Ryan - WHO Executive Director - Confronted In Ireland - VAX DEATHS

sauce... https://www.bitchute.com/video/o64IFfSq7C63/

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87ab0f No.87054

File: 298f9257e0dbe29⋯.png (141.62 KB,1287x570,429:190,Clipboard.png)

File: 0423d3b49737d7b⋯.png (2 MB,1021x1006,1021:1006,Clipboard.png)

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File: 89d29eee22670d8⋯.png (1.56 MB,1170x817,1170:817,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491203 (042334ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - Almost all legal scholars have voiced opinions that the 14th Amendment has no legal basis or standing relative to the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election.

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Donald J. Trump


Almost all legal scholars have voiced opinions that the 14th Amendment has no legal basis or standing relative to the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election. Like Election Interference, it is just another “trick” being used by the Radical Left Communists, Marxists, and Fascists, to again steal an Election that their candidate, the WORST, MOST INCOMPETENT, & MOST CORRUPT President in U.S. history, is incapable of winning in a Free and Fair Election. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

Sep 04, 2023, 7:14 PM


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87ab0f No.87055

File: f27086ec5d0a466⋯.png (401.52 KB,640x335,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491208 (042334ZSEP23) Notable: Los Angeles County Health Officials Open to Reimposing Mask Mandates in Future

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15minuteCity: Los Angeles County Health Officials Open to Reimposing Mask Mandates in Future

Los Angeles County Health officials are open to reimposing mask mandates, Barbara Ferrer said during a press conference last week.


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87ab0f No.87056

File: 325fc65230b5c49⋯.png (993.81 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491212 (042335ZSEP23) Notable: House Republicans Unveil Instructions To Access January 6 Capitol Footage

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House Republicans Unveil Instructions To Access January 6 Capitol Footage


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87ab0f No.87057

File: 9d2d962433adc63⋯.png (280.26 KB,1284x538,642:269,Clipboard.png)

File: 84f95c1cbf1798d⋯.png (405.68 KB,827x896,827:896,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491229 (042338ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - SCREAMING Mark Levin Unloads Seven-Minute Tirade After Trump Indictment: ‘This! Is! An Insurrection!’

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Donald J. Trump



SCREAMING Mark Levin Unloads Seven-Minute Tirade After Trump Indictment: ‘This! Is! An Insurrection!’

Fox News host Mark Levin went absolutely ballistic on Thursday night after the Department of Justice indicted former President Donald Trump.






Sep 04, 2023, 7:02 PM


SCREAMING Mark Levin Unloads Seven-Minute Tirade After Trump Indictment: ‘This! Is! An Insurrection!’

Fox News host Mark Levin went absolutely ballistic on Thursday night after the Department of Justice indicted former President Donald Trump.

Trump was indicted on seven counts in federal court in the Southern District of Florida, including illegal retention of classified documents, obstruction, and conspiracy. The material was retrieved by FBI agents when they executed a search warrant at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida last August.

The former president denied wrongdoing in a video released on Thursday night.

Appearing as a guest on Hannity, Levin went on a seven-minute tirade against the indictment and screamed parts of his monologue.

“President Trump is 76 years old,” he began calmly. “If the Department of Justice gets its way, he will die in federal prison. Just by one of these counts – conspiracy to obstruct justice, which has a 20-year maximum sentence. This is a disgusting, disgusting mark on American history, for the future to come by these bandits in the White House, by the Democrat party. They don’t play fair anymore.”

Levin called the indictment a scheme to prevent Trump, who is a 2024 presidential candidate, from ascending to the White House again. he slammed Attorney General Merrick Garland and Special Counsel Jack Smith, the latter of whom is leading the probe against Trump

“They want to take control of the country,” he continued. “They want one-party rule. And they have used the Department of Justice and the FBI to get what they want. Merrick Garland is a mob lawyer. That’s what he is. Jack Reed [sic] rogue, Soviet-style prosecutor.”

He went on to yell, “This is a documents case!” and ask, “Is this some kind of a sick joke on the American people?!”

Levin was just getting warmed up. He then cited the fact that one of the charges originates with the Espionage Act:

I don’t want to hear from the legal analysts, the technicalities about false statements and obstruction. This should never have been a criminal case! Willful retention of documents! Well, what’s the un-willful retention of documents mean? They’re throwing all these process crimes and all these crimes that grow out of the criminal investigation against Trump!

What did he do with the documents? Did he sell them to the enemy? No! That’s why we have an Espionage Act, not to trip up a president. What did he do?! Did he burn them all?! No! The government has all the documents back! So there is no violation of the Presidential Records Act at this point! But they throw the book at him?!

Levin then called the special counsel a “jerk” and scoffed at the idea Garland was siloed from Smith’s investigation.

“He made the decision to indict the former president and they made the decision to interfere in this election!” Levin continued. “You wanna talk about an insurrection?! This! Is! An insurrection! And that’s exactly what’s going on here!

Levin proclaimed President Joe Biden “the crookedest crook that’s ever been in the Oval Office.”


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87ab0f No.87058

File: 4199972dd7541a6⋯.png (215.05 KB,548x508,137:127,Clipboard.png)

File: ad4d186f7f8b26b⋯.png (55.87 KB,592x483,592:483,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491260 (042344ZSEP23) Notable: ALA President Emily Drabinski was caught making several disturbing remarks in a video which help reveal her true agenda

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It is a blatantly obvious and self-evident truth that politics and pornography have no place in our children’s libraries. Yet a shocking investigation by AAF has revealed that the president of the American Library Foundation Emily Drabinski, a self-described Marxist, wants to do just that.

Our investigation reveals statements made by Drabinski saying that the “subversion” of traditional family structures is part of her “queerness,” claimed that libraries have an obligation to provide books about “gay people doing gay things,” ripped concerned parents as an “angry, white mob,” and claimed that “it becomes difficult to think about laws as something” that “needs to be complied with.” These are just a few of the radical and dangerous statements we found.

It’s hard to think of anything more important than protecting our children. We encourage you to read our full report here, and share with as many people as you can.


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87ab0f No.87059

File: f72f8b637e432d7⋯.png (555.87 KB,822x537,274:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491283 (042347ZSEP23) Notable: Israel sees 30% spike in daily COVID cases, Health Ministry says

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Israel sees 30% spike in daily COVID cases, Health Ministry says

However, the number of hospitalized patients has decreased in recent days.

The Health Ministry instructed hospitals in Israel to begin conducting PCR tests on new patients for the next week due to a recent rise in novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) cases on Monday.

Last week, 136 new cases were reported on average each day, compared to 104 new cases each day two weeks earlier, according to data from the Health Ministry. Meanwhile, the number of hospitalized patients with COVID-19 decreased in recent days, with 42 patients in serious condition and 20 in moderate condition as of Sunday.

The Health Ministry noted that most of the cases in Israel are being tested with home tests or non-lab tests, making it harder for officials to track infection rates. The decision to require PCR tests in hospitals will allow health officials to more effectively track the infection rates.

Health officials keeping an eye on BA.2.86 variant

The increase in cases comes as health officials across the world track the spread of the BA.2.86 variant (colloquially referred to as "Pirola") of the coronavirus.

Samson Assuta Ashdod University Hospital announced on Monday that BA.2.86 accounted for over 16% of cases in Israel as of Sunday night based on Health Ministry data.Health officials keeping an eye on BA.2.86 variant

The increase in cases comes as health officials across the world track the spread of the BA.2.86 variant (colloquially referred to as "Pirola") of the coronavirus.

Samson Assuta Ashdod University Hospital announced on Monday that BA.2.86 accounted for over 16% of cases in Israel as of Sunday night based on Health Ministry data.


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87ab0f No.87060

File: f0972f18cec8f0a⋯.png (701.31 KB,700x420,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491285 (042347ZSEP23) Notable: Judge Dismisses 3rd Attempt to Block Washington State 'Assault Weapons' Ban

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Washington ~ Thurston County Superior Court Judge Allyson Zipp dismisses 3rd attempt to block state's "assault Weapons" ban

Judge Dismisses 3rd Attempt to Block Washington State 'Assault Weapons' Ban

The Second Amendment Foundation previously called the law "absurd


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87ab0f No.87061

File: 8b810e1adaf6957⋯.png (480.25 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491296 (042350ZSEP23) Notable: NYT Wakes Up to Ukraine Corruption as Officials Admit Money 'Vanished'

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NYT Wakes Up to Ukraine Corruption as Officials Admit Money 'Vanished'

4 Sep 2023

In a potential signal of shifting attitudes on how the war in Ukraine is covered in the legacy media, the New York Times is starting to slowly acknowledge the endemic corruption that has been a defining feature of the former Soviet state as officials have admitted that money for military contracts has “vanished”.

Following the dismissal of Ukrainian Defence Minister Oleksii Reznikov amid a slew of corruption scandals surrounding the war effort against Russia, the New York Times acknowledged that the “enduring challenge of corruption in Ukraine” has “emerged as a rare area of criticism of President Volodymyr Zelensky’s leadership.”

Although Reznikov has yet to be tied with any of the corruption scandals personally, the Times went on to admit that the resignation has “elevated the issue to the highest level of Ukrainian politics”. Unnamed Ukrainian officials even told the paper that some funds intended for military contracts “failed to produce weaponry or ammunition and that some money has vanished,” while claiming that the issue was merely confined to the early days of the war.


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87ab0f No.87062

File: b060d19fd5e142d⋯.png (262.62 KB,919x505,919:505,Clipboard.png)

File: 63f1b3b81f686fe⋯.png (377.21 KB,867x772,867:772,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491338 (042356ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - Steve Bannon Defines This Historic Moment

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MUST SEE… Steve Bannon Defines This Historic Moment: “For Only The Third Time In History, The Nation’s Destiny Is Tied To One Man – Donald Trump”

Steve Bannon delivered the most important monologue of his life on Friday morning following the arrest of President Donald John Trump on Thursday night by a rogue District Attorney.

Steve captured the moment like no one else can.

Steve Bannon: President Trump as I say, my theory of this case is quite simple.

Only twice in this providential entity we call the United States of America, this nation against all odds that was created and built upon the shoulders of the most extraordinary collection of individuals in mankind’s history that did this. Over, I don’t know, hundreds of years. Really, essentially, yes, our leaders at certain times, like during the Revolution and other periods, were incredibly well educated men of the enlightenment. Back in the Revolution, incredibly educated, you could tell this by the documents. Then you had in the Civil War someone like Lincoln, who was self educated, right?

Remember Lincoln for most of his life really had the plays and sonnets of Shakespeare, the King James version of the Bible and I think Plutarch’s lives of the Noble Romans and Greeks were really what he was able to self educate himself. I think later Euclid’s Geometry and others as he got more intense in his thirties and forties to really stop being a laborer and become a lawyer. Extraordinary individuals. Only twice in this Republic’s history has the fate of the individual been inextricably linked with the destiny of this Republic.

And that’s where we are today. And that’s one of the reasons the left goes out of the way, they go out of the way, saying, “This is a cult of Trump.” This is a cult of nothing. There’s no cult of Trump about this.

If you can pull back up for a moment, that photo, what they call the mug shot, and just look at that. At first, when it first came up, I actually thought it was a painting. I mean, think of the pressure somebody’s under and delivering the moment. This is about the ability to grab the moment. That is what leaders do. They grab the moment when it happens. This is you saw on the stage the other night, Ron DeSantis and all you simps out there, and I said this now for a long time, and everybody that abandoned Trump and went there is just you need to have the right stuff. Part of the ‘right stuff’ is knowing how to own the room. And you own the room by you step into the moment and you grab it by the throat.

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87ab0f No.87063

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491341 (042357ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - Steve Bannon Defines This Historic Moment

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You either have that or you don’t. Ron DeSantis just doesn’t have it. He’s not going to be president of the United States. So everything around that and all the Murdochs, and this is why I’m on the Murdochs and what they’re trying to do here, because it’s self evident to people that know him. Yet they’ve spent now billions of dollars in TV time to try to promote him to thwart Trump. Why? Because Trump cannot be controlled. Think about it for a second. Just step back, pull the camera back for a minute. Two impeachments, four indictments, now almost what, 700 years in prison, 90 some indictments.

You see them cackling on MSNBC in the New York Times newsrooms. They want him to serve that time.

Don’t doubt for a second. They want him to die in prison.

I want you to put that in a context of the sweep of American history. Think about that for a second. What was Donald Trump’s crime? And Donald Trump to them has an unforgivable crime that he should die in prison. And as Nicolle Wallace was cackling the other day on the show, when she’s so happy about the conditions inside of the Fulton County Jail, about how horrific it is, they want him to suffer like that. They want him to die like that. This is why Tucker Carlson look, Tucker Carlson is a very smart guy. Tucker Carlson tucker Carlson is also a guy. If you watch his show, tucker’s not into clickbait. Tucker’s not throwing stuff. He’s not a wise guy, as Trump would say. He’s not a wise guy. Tucker asked very important questions that can lead to other things.

The two most important parts of Tucker’s interview tonight was about Trump’s potential assassination of Trump, or violence against Trump, and then ended about a civil war of which Sarah Palin then reinforced last night. That’s what they’re trying to bait us into. Remember, they want the death of Trump. They want his memory to be expunged. They want him to become a non-person. Was this not what Rupert Murdoch told people that we have that have told people the famous story? He wanted Trump to become a non-person? Back in January of 2021 did the war room in this audience, the core audiences at the time, did you believe that when everybody abandoned him on the 20 January, when the Air Force One took off for the last time to go back to Florida. And around the war room on Capitol Hill, you had hundreds of troops that were deployed, National Guard that were deployed, full up armored, and all the Republicans ran and left and hid and abandoned.

We didn’t. Why? Why was that? Very simple. What Trump represents is a taking the country to the next level. Remember these figures that they like General Washington and Lincoln, they go, oh, they united the country. No, they did not unite the country until their actions were complete. They were quite divisive. We say how could General Washington be divisive? Only a relative handful of people actually fought in the revolution. Remember, the Declaration of Independence is incredible. It is a divinely inspired document, but it is just a document. It inspires people. It laid out the argument for the founding of the country and the breaking off of the empire. But it took eight years of a quite brutal war that at any time we could have lost and folded in, or we wouldn’t be an independent country. That was Washington.

And you don’t think he was divisive? How many people signed up for the Continental Army, how many people showed up for the militias? How many times did he become within an inch of losing it all? But to keep that small embattled army intact, which was the point of the exercise, he was quite divisive at the time until he won. And then he brought the country together and then the foundational elements of the Constitution and his presidency in his second term, and most importantly, walking away at the end of the second term – laid the whole foundational element from the French and Indian War all the way to that divisive and then unity.

Unity through victory.

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87ab0f No.87064

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491343 (042357ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - Steve Bannon Defines This Historic Moment

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Lincoln, same thing. Lincoln was a minority president even as the popular vote> If you add up the popular vote with the four candidates with Lincoln, I think Lincoln got 41% of the vote. Popular vote. Popular vote overwhelmingly won the electoral vote but the popular vote, I think there are five states. There are five states he did not receive a vote. Not an electoral vote. A vote. And then the trial of fire of this country in a civil war of which so many times it could have cratered. And only and remember, he puts out a controversial memo, one they still refer to to his cabinet in August of 1864 when it looks like they’re going to be defeated by his former general, McClellan, who’s run against him as a peace Democrat to bring the country together. What did McClellan want to do? He wanted to unite the country. They want to bring the country together. They want to bring the country to bear. They want the country unified. And Lincoln tells his cabinet, hey, you know, it’s looking pretty grim because it doesn’t look like we’re going to take this one. So I want to have a plan that we have to figure out how to finish this conflict before we turn it over in March. And quite frankly, the way it’s actually written, people actually question was he going to turn it over in March of 1865? That’s the controversy about the memo to the Cabinet… It was only the fall of Atlanta by General Sherman and then the troops, the overwhelming support of Lincoln by the Union Army that swept him to a massive victory note in history. He didn’t even run as a Republican. It was so controversial. They ran as a unity party. I think it was called the New Union Party. He had a Democrat as his running mate. They got rid of Hannibal Hamlin in Maine, the Republican, and put Johnson on. Remember East Tennessee, those Appalachian folks down there never loved the aristocracy in the South. That was it. The second time Lincoln wins and through victory then brings the country together.

This is Trump – only the third time in history inextricably linked in an individual’s fate with the destiny of the country.

And now it’s more obvious than ever. And why is that? Because Trump understood that the elites in this country had become globalist and they had put the interest of international entities, international capital markets, and international players above the American citizens and the nation itself. That’s his unforgivable crime.

In their eyes, he needs death in prison. You don’t think if you went to Morning Joe this morning, you went to all those people, Joy Ann Reed, they want to serve all 700 years and have his memory totally expunged as a black mark in American history. It is exactly the opposite.

And that’s why I have said from day one, there’s nothing to compromise about. There is no coming together. Just like in the Revolution and the Civil War, one side is going to win and one side is going to lose. And the side that wins will then do what they do. And that side is going to be us. As sure as the turning of the Earth, it will be us, because it can’t be any other way. And remember, this only stops when we say it stops.

Always remember that. Only when you decide that it’s over, is it over. And that’s what they hate and they can’t take it. They don’t have the grit, they don’t have the toughness. They determination. They don’t have, wait for it, the right stuff.

Is Trump perfect? No, he is far from perfect. He is a quite imperfect vessel. He is a quite imperfect instrument. And his imperfections actually are strengths, because this is not about a cult or looking for a messiah. We have a Messiah. We have one today. We don’t need another. We need an instrument. And Trump is that instrument. Think about it for a second. Not just when he came down the escalator in 2015. He had absolutely no incentive when he went back to Mar-a-Lago to do this again. And in fact, if he had just built his business and gone his way, they would have celebrated and none of this would have happened. None of the indictments would have happened. None of the shutting down of his businesses would have happened. None of the trying to put his kids and his family and everybody in a bankruptcy would have happened. None of that would happen. He made a conscious decision to come back and do it again.

And this is why his fate is inextricably linked with the destiny of this republic.

Because, trust me, at the end of this fight, we’re going to be one thing or the other. We’re either going to be the republic that was bequeathed to us, a constitutional republic by the rule of law that was bequeathed to us, are we’re going to be something quite different.

Sheer brilliance. Thank you, Steve. Thank you for defining this moment in history.


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87ab0f No.87065

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491346 (042358ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - Steve Bannon Defines This Historic Moment

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Donald J. Trump


Wow, so interesting!


MUST SEE... Steve Bannon Defines This Historic Moment: "For Only The Third Time In History, The Nation's Destiny Is Tied…

Steve Bannon delivered the most important monologue of his life on Friday morning following the arrest of President Donald John Trump on Thursday night by a rogue District Attorney.

Sep 04, 2023, 7:04 PM


Bannon: For Only The Third Time In History, The Nation's Destiny Is Tied To One Man - Donald Trump




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87ab0f No.87066

File: 58b0bf344681308⋯.png (708.31 KB,650x433,650:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491349 (042358ZSEP23) Notable: American Library Association President Says Libraries Should Be ‘Sites of Socialist Organizing’

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WHAT THE FUCK: American Library Association President Says Libraries Should Be ‘Sites of Socialist Organizing’


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87ab0f No.87067

File: 0babc7df44b62de⋯.png (518.92 KB,768x280,96:35,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491381 (050003ZSEP23) Notable: Lawyer for Virgin Islands Reveals JPMorgan Flagged Over a Billion in Financial Transactions with Jeffrey Epstein Related to Sex Trafficking

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Lawyer for Virgin Islands Reveals JPMorgan Flagged Over a Billion in Financial Transactions with Jeffrey Epstein Related to Sex Trafficking

Lawyer for Virgin Islands Reveals JPMorgan Flagged Over a Billion in Financial Transactions with Jeffrey Epstein Related to Sex ..

That’s BILLION, with a “B”. According to recently revealed court transcripts, in the US Virgin Islands lawsuit against JPMorgan, in the aftermath of Epstein’s death the massive bank reported over $1 billion in suspicious activity reports to the U.S. Trea...


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87ab0f No.87068

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491383 (050004ZSEP23) Notable: Chinese nationals posing as tourists attempt to breach US military sites, according to FBI report

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Chinese nationals posing as tourists attempt to breach US military sites, according to FBI report

A spokesperson told the Wall Street Journal that the Chinese nationals got unauthorized access to military bases by speeding through security checkpoints

The FBI and Pentagon have tracked more than 100 incidents of Chinese nationals posing as tourists in an attempt to breach U.S. military bases, according to reports.

Multiple government officials told the Wall Street Journal the nationals were detected at a U.S. missile range in New Mexico and in Florida close to a U.S. government rocket launch site.

A spokesperson told the outlet l the Chinese nationals got unauthorized access to military bases by speeding through security checkpoints.

Some of the nationals attempted to get past security guards at Fort Wainwright, Alaska. According to the Journal, they told the guards that they had reservations for a commercial hotel on the base.

Colorado Democrat Rep. Jason Crow told the outlet that the House may consider federal legislation due to the growing security concerns of these incidents. The majority of trespassing laws are dealt with at the state level and not federal.

One official said the shrugging off of these incidents would not be given to Americans if they were caught doing the same thing in China.


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87ab0f No.87069

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491389 (050004ZSEP23) Notable: Liberal Hivemind - Judge rules Trump CANNOT BE REMOVED

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Judge rules Trump CANNOT BE REMOVED!! [[[They're]]] furious...

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87ab0f No.87070

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491407 (050007ZSEP23) Notable: #23938

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Notables - FINAL

#23938 >>86992

>>86993 General Mike Flynn - BBB is designed to destroy as much as possible and then rebuild it in their leftist, globalist agenda.

>>86994, >>86999 Fauci FUMBLES When Confronted on Mask Lies

>>86995 Fauci says he’s 'concerned' Americans will reject mask mandates

>>86996 Viral RFK Jr. Video Gets Deleted By “X”: Here’s What They Didn’t Want You to See

>>86997, >>87029 CDC: Vaccinated at Higher Risk from Covid Than Unvaxxed

>>86998 LIVE - RAHEEM KASSAM WAS RIGHT AGAIN: Why my Father is Polling Better Than Ever | TRIGGERED

>>87000 News Editor is Pedophile Who Covered-Up Abuse Reports & Attacked Victims.

>>87001 L.A. City Council pushes for legal action against Texas governor over migrant buses

>>87002 General Mike Flynn - How "deep" does the relationship go between the Uniparty establishment politicos and Ukraine?

>>87003, >>87005, >>87006, >>87007, >>87045, >>87046 Fauci Admits Masks Don't Work

>>87004, >>87058 ALA President Emily Drabinski was caught making several disturbing remarks in a video which help reveal her true agenda

>>87008 The Sheriff Of Fulton County Who Insisted On Getting A Mugshot Of Trump Was In A Gay Sex Scene In A Web Series

>>87009, >>87010, >>87011, >>87012, >>87013, >>87014, >>87016, >>87017, >>87019, >>87020, >>87022, >>87023, >>87024, >>87025, >>87026, >>87028, >>87030, >>87031, >>87032, >>87033, >>87034, >>87035, >>87036, >>87037, >>87039, >>87040, >>87041, >>87042, >>87044 More than 170 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms - 12/20/21

>>87015 PublicSQ | How Conservative Entrepreneur Have Created The Parallel Economy.


>>87021 Illegal Immigration in the Rust Belt: Ohio Residents Say ‘Enough Is Enough’ After Death of 11-Year-Old Aiden Clark

>>87038 Elon Musk - To clear our platform’s name on the matter of anti-Semitism, it looks like we have no choice but to file a defamation lawsuit against the Anti-Defamation League

>>87043 Greenpeace Co-Founder, Dr. Patrick Moore: ‘Net Zero’ Would Kill at Least 50% of the Population

>>87047 Ron Paul: Will BRICS Smash the Dollar?

>>87048 The Left's Latest Crazy Plan To Keep Trump Off The Ballot

>>87049 Delaware Judge Orders DOJ & Hunters Lawyers to Hand Over Gun Indictment

>>87050 American Thinker - MAGA vs. the DoJ

>>87051 Burning Man CEO Marian Goodell

>>87052, >>87062, >>87063, >>87064, >>87065 Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - Steve Bannon Defines This Historic Moment

>>87053 Mike Ryan - WHO Executive Director - Confronted In Ireland - VAX DEATHS

>>87054 Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - Almost all legal scholars have voiced opinions that the 14th Amendment has no legal basis or standing relative to the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election.

>>87055 Los Angeles County Health Officials Open to Reimposing Mask Mandates in Future

>>87056 House Republicans Unveil Instructions To Access January 6 Capitol Footage

>>87057 Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - SCREAMING Mark Levin Unloads Seven-Minute Tirade After Trump Indictment: ‘This! Is! An Insurrection!’

>>87059 Israel sees 30% spike in daily COVID cases, Health Ministry says

>>87060 Judge Dismisses 3rd Attempt to Block Washington State 'Assault Weapons' Ban

>>87061 NYT Wakes Up to Ukraine Corruption as Officials Admit Money 'Vanished'

>>87066 American Library Association President Says Libraries Should Be ‘Sites of Socialist Organizing’

>>87067 Lawyer for Virgin Islands Reveals JPMorgan Flagged Over a Billion in Financial Transactions with Jeffrey Epstein Related to Sex Trafficking

>>87068 Chinese nationals posing as tourists attempt to breach US military sites, according to FBI report

>>87069 Liberal Hivemind - Judge rules Trump CANNOT BE REMOVED


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87ab0f No.87071

File: e63237f30ed2062⋯.png (589.54 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491425 (050010ZSEP23) Notable: #23939

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Welcome To The Global War




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87ab0f No.87072

File: 708a55b28ab9e84⋯.png (258.79 KB,869x550,79:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491451 (050014ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - MUST SEE… Steve Bannon Defines This Historic Moment: "For Only The Third Time In History, The Nation's Destiny Is Tied…

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Donald J. Trump


Wow, so interesting!


MUST SEE... Steve Bannon Defines This Historic Moment: "For Only The Third Time In History, The Nation's Destiny Is Tied…

Steve Bannon delivered the most important monologue of his life on Friday morning following the arrest of President Donald John Trump on Thursday night by a rogue District Attorney.

Sep 04, 2023, 7:04 PM


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87ab0f No.87073

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491453 (050014ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - MUST SEE… Steve Bannon Defines This Historic Moment: "For Only The Third Time In History, The Nation's Destiny Is Tied…

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Bannon: For Only The Third Time In History, The Nation's Destiny Is Tied To One Man - Donald Trump




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87ab0f No.87074

File: d71e2a2b3a5d06b⋯.png (377.64 KB,875x778,875:778,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491456 (050014ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - MUST SEE… Steve Bannon Defines This Historic Moment: "For Only The Third Time In History, The Nation's Destiny Is Tied…

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MUST SEE… Steve Bannon Defines This Historic Moment: “For Only The Third Time In History, The Nation’s Destiny Is Tied To One Man – Donald Trump”

Steve Bannon delivered the most important monologue of his life on Friday morning following the arrest of President Donald John Trump on Thursday night by a rogue District Attorney.

Steve captured the moment like no one else can.

Steve Bannon: President Trump as I say, my theory of this case is quite simple.

Only twice in this providential entity we call the United States of America, this nation against all odds that was created and built upon the shoulders of the most extraordinary collection of individuals in mankind’s history that did this. Over, I don’t know, hundreds of years. Really, essentially, yes, our leaders at certain times, like during the Revolution and other periods, were incredibly well educated men of the enlightenment. Back in the Revolution, incredibly educated, you could tell this by the documents. Then you had in the Civil War someone like Lincoln, who was self educated, right?

Remember Lincoln for most of his life really had the plays and sonnets of Shakespeare, the King James version of the Bible and I think Plutarch’s lives of the Noble Romans and Greeks were really what he was able to self educate himself. I think later Euclid’s Geometry and others as he got more intense in his thirties and forties to really stop being a laborer and become a lawyer. Extraordinary individuals. Only twice in this Republic’s history has the fate of the individual been inextricably linked with the destiny of this Republic.

And that’s where we are today. And that’s one of the reasons the left goes out of the way, they go out of the way, saying, “This is a cult of Trump.” This is a cult of nothing. There’s no cult of Trump about this.

If you can pull back up for a moment, that photo, what they call the mug shot, and just look at that. At first, when it first came up, I actually thought it was a painting. I mean, think of the pressure somebody’s under and delivering the moment. This is about the ability to grab the moment. That is what leaders do. They grab the moment when it happens. This is you saw on the stage the other night, Ron DeSantis and all you simps out there, and I said this now for a long time, and everybody that abandoned Trump and went there is just you need to have the right stuff. Part of the ‘right stuff’ is knowing how to own the room. And you own the room by you step into the moment and you grab it by the throat.

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87ab0f No.87075

File: b2d1699ec89810f⋯.jpg (49.7 KB,680x383,680:383,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 97f376ee25b25fb⋯.png (333.18 KB,769x691,769:691,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491457 (050014ZSEP23) Notable: RIP JOSH AKA THE DIRTY TRUTH

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& I hadn't been able to get a hold of


for a couple days & I was able to track down the name of his nursing home & found out that last night he was found unresponsive & they tried everything they could to bring him back, but they couldn't. He went home to be with Jesus last night.

I personally verified this with his nurse & was given the go ahead to post by the DON of his nursing home so that everybody knows.

We are unbelievably saddened & heartbroken. I will miss him so very much. I don't even know what to say...
















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87ab0f No.87076

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491458 (050014ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - MUST SEE… Steve Bannon Defines This Historic Moment: "For Only The Third Time In History, The Nation's Destiny Is Tied…

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You either have that or you don’t. Ron DeSantis just doesn’t have it. He’s not going to be president of the United States. So everything around that and all the Murdochs, and this is why I’m on the Murdochs and what they’re trying to do here, because it’s self evident to people that know him. Yet they’ve spent now billions of dollars in TV time to try to promote him to thwart Trump. Why? Because Trump cannot be controlled. Think about it for a second. Just step back, pull the camera back for a minute. Two impeachments, four indictments, now almost what, 700 years in prison, 90 some indictments.

You see them cackling on MSNBC in the New York Times newsrooms. They want him to serve that time.

Don’t doubt for a second. They want him to die in prison.

I want you to put that in a context of the sweep of American history. Think about that for a second. What was Donald Trump’s crime? And Donald Trump to them has an unforgivable crime that he should die in prison. And as Nicolle Wallace was cackling the other day on the show, when she’s so happy about the conditions inside of the Fulton County Jail, about how horrific it is, they want him to suffer like that. They want him to die like that. This is why Tucker Carlson look, Tucker Carlson is a very smart guy. Tucker Carlson tucker Carlson is also a guy. If you watch his show, tucker’s not into clickbait. Tucker’s not throwing stuff. He’s not a wise guy, as Trump would say. He’s not a wise guy. Tucker asked very important questions that can lead to other things.

The two most important parts of Tucker’s interview tonight was about Trump’s potential assassination of Trump, or violence against Trump, and then ended about a civil war of which Sarah Palin then reinforced last night. That’s what they’re trying to bait us into. Remember, they want the death of Trump. They want his memory to be expunged. They want him to become a non-person. Was this not what Rupert Murdoch told people that we have that have told people the famous story? He wanted Trump to become a non-person? Back in January of 2021 did the war room in this audience, the core audiences at the time, did you believe that when everybody abandoned him on the 20 January, when the Air Force One took off for the last time to go back to Florida. And around the war room on Capitol Hill, you had hundreds of troops that were deployed, National Guard that were deployed, full up armored, and all the Republicans ran and left and hid and abandoned.

We didn’t. Why? Why was that? Very simple. What Trump represents is a taking the country to the next level. Remember these figures that they like General Washington and Lincoln, they go, oh, they united the country. No, they did not unite the country until their actions were complete. They were quite divisive. We say how could General Washington be divisive? Only a relative handful of people actually fought in the revolution. Remember, the Declaration of Independence is incredible. It is a divinely inspired document, but it is just a document. It inspires people. It laid out the argument for the founding of the country and the breaking off of the empire. But it took eight years of a quite brutal war that at any time we could have lost and folded in, or we wouldn’t be an independent country. That was Washington.

And you don’t think he was divisive? How many people signed up for the Continental Army, how many people showed up for the militias? How many times did he become within an inch of losing it all? But to keep that small embattled army intact, which was the point of the exercise, he was quite divisive at the time until he won. And then he brought the country together and then the foundational elements of the Constitution and his presidency in his second term, and most importantly, walking away at the end of the second term – laid the whole foundational element from the French and Indian War all the way to that divisive and then unity.

Unity through victory.

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87ab0f No.87077

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491459 (050015ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - MUST SEE… Steve Bannon Defines This Historic Moment: "For Only The Third Time In History, The Nation's Destiny Is Tied…

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Lincoln, same thing. Lincoln was a minority president even as the popular vote> If you add up the popular vote with the four candidates with Lincoln, I think Lincoln got 41% of the vote. Popular vote. Popular vote overwhelmingly won the electoral vote but the popular vote, I think there are five states. There are five states he did not receive a vote. Not an electoral vote. A vote. And then the trial of fire of this country in a civil war of which so many times it could have cratered. And only and remember, he puts out a controversial memo, one they still refer to to his cabinet in August of 1864 when it looks like they’re going to be defeated by his former general, McClellan, who’s run against him as a peace Democrat to bring the country together. What did McClellan want to do? He wanted to unite the country. They want to bring the country together. They want to bring the country to bear. They want the country unified. And Lincoln tells his cabinet, hey, you know, it’s looking pretty grim because it doesn’t look like we’re going to take this one. So I want to have a plan that we have to figure out how to finish this conflict before we turn it over in March. And quite frankly, the way it’s actually written, people actually question was he going to turn it over in March of 1865? That’s the controversy about the memo to the Cabinet… It was only the fall of Atlanta by General Sherman and then the troops, the overwhelming support of Lincoln by the Union Army that swept him to a massive victory note in history. He didn’t even run as a Republican. It was so controversial. They ran as a unity party. I think it was called the New Union Party. He had a Democrat as his running mate. They got rid of Hannibal Hamlin in Maine, the Republican, and put Johnson on. Remember East Tennessee, those Appalachian folks down there never loved the aristocracy in the South. That was it. The second time Lincoln wins and through victory then brings the country together.

This is Trump – only the third time in history inextricably linked in an individual’s fate with the destiny of the country.

And now it’s more obvious than ever. And why is that? Because Trump understood that the elites in this country had become globalist and they had put the interest of international entities, international capital markets, and international players above the American citizens and the nation itself. That’s his unforgivable crime.

In their eyes, he needs death in prison. You don’t think if you went to Morning Joe this morning, you went to all those people, Joy Ann Reed, they want to serve all 700 years and have his memory totally expunged as a black mark in American history. It is exactly the opposite.

And that’s why I have said from day one, there’s nothing to compromise about. There is no coming together. Just like in the Revolution and the Civil War, one side is going to win and one side is going to lose. And the side that wins will then do what they do. And that side is going to be us. As sure as the turning of the Earth, it will be us, because it can’t be any other way. And remember, this only stops when we say it stops.

Always remember that. Only when you decide that it’s over, is it over. And that’s what they hate and they can’t take it. They don’t have the grit, they don’t have the toughness. They determination. They don’t have, wait for it, the right stuff.

Is Trump perfect? No, he is far from perfect. He is a quite imperfect vessel. He is a quite imperfect instrument. And his imperfections actually are strengths, because this is not about a cult or looking for a messiah. We have a Messiah. We have one today. We don’t need another. We need an instrument. And Trump is that instrument. Think about it for a second. Not just when he came down the escalator in 2015. He had absolutely no incentive when he went back to Mar-a-Lago to do this again. And in fact, if he had just built his business and gone his way, they would have celebrated and none of this would have happened. None of the indictments would have happened. None of the shutting down of his businesses would have happened. None of the trying to put his kids and his family and everybody in a bankruptcy would have happened. None of that would happen. He made a conscious decision to come back and do it again.

And this is why his fate is inextricably linked with the destiny of this republic.

Because, trust me, at the end of this fight, we’re going to be one thing or the other. We’re either going to be the republic that was bequeathed to us, a constitutional republic by the rule of law that was bequeathed to us, are we’re going to be something quite different.

Sheer brilliance. Thank you, Steve. Thank you for defining this moment in history.


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87ab0f No.87078

File: ec5b10f812ff157⋯.png (635.6 KB,1227x1012,1227:1012,Clipboard.png)

File: 2c7c367664a79e7⋯.png (370.13 KB,700x467,700:467,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491475 (050017ZSEP23) Notable: Chinese Gate-Crashers at U.S. Bases Spark Espionage Concerns

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Chinese Gate-Crashers at U.S. Bases Spark Espionage Concerns

Washington has tracked about 100 incidents involving Chinese nationals trying to access American military and other installations

Updated Sept. 4, 2023 5:21 pm ET

WASHINGTON—Chinese nationals, sometimes posing as tourists, have accessed military bases and other sensitive sites in the U.S. as many as 100 times in recent years, according to U.S. officials, who describe the incidents as a potential espionage threat.

The Defense Department, FBI and other agencies held a review last year to try to limit these incidents, which involve people whom officials have dubbed gate-crashers because of their attempts—either by accident or intentionally—to get onto U.S. military bases and other installations without proper authorization. They range from Chinese nationals found crossing into a U.S. missile range in New Mexico to scuba divers swimming in murky waters near a U.S. government rocket-launch site in Florida.

The incidents, which U.S. officials describe as a form of espionage, appear designed to test security practices at U.S. military installations and other federal sites. The incidents that occurred in rural areas where there is little tourism typically involved Chinese nationals who were pressed into service and required to report back to the Chinese government, the report added, citing officials familiar with the practice.

Concern over the base intrusions comes amid rising U.S.-China tensions, which spiked after a Chinese balloon overflew the U.S. earlier this year carrying what officials said was surveillance equipment. The incidents also cast a light on concerns that Beijing is using nontraditional means to gather intelligence on U.S. soil, whether through proximity to bases or through Chinese-produced commercial equipment that could be used to spy.

Officials at the White House and the Department of Homeland Security declined to comment, and the Pentagon only responded broadly to the issue. Government officials referred queries to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which said it wouldn’t comment on the issue.

The Chinese Embassy in Washington challenged the U.S. view of the incidents. “The relevant claims are purely ill-intentioned fabrications,” said Liu Pengyu, a spokesperson with the embassy. “We urge the relevant U.S. officials to abandon the Cold War mentality, stop groundless accusations, and do more things that are conducive to enhancing mutual trust between the two countries and friendship between the two peoples.”

The incidents are concerning enough that Congress might look at legislation on the issue, according to Rep. Jason Crow (D., Colo.). Crow, a member of the intelligence committee, said lawmakers are concerned that some of these cases fall between the cracks, because most trespassing laws are state and local, and not federal.

“We need to work closely with our state and local partners to train them and equip them,” he said. “Right now, they don’t know how to deal with it.”

Some incursions are benign, such as those involving people who say they are following Google Maps to direct them to the nearest McDonalds or Burger King, which happens to be on a nearby military base. Others appeared to be more troubling, people familiar with the review said.

Officials described incidents in which Chinese nationals say they have a reservation at an on-base hotel. In a recent case, a group of Chinese nationals claiming they were tourists, tried to push past guards at Fort Wainwright, Alaska, saying they had reservations at a commercial hotel on the base. The base is home to the Army’s 11th Airborne Division, which is focused on Arctic warfare. 1/2


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87ab0f No.87079

File: 68081647a98a535⋯.png (145.85 KB,741x424,741:424,Clipboard.png)

File: 5714c28892c5510⋯.png (486.77 KB,987x688,987:688,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491504 (050024ZSEP23) Notable: National Archives Misses Deadline to Turn Over Biden Pseudonym Emails He Used for Illicit Business Deals with Foreign Officials

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National Archives Misses Deadline to Turn Over Biden Pseudonym Emails He Used for Illicit Business Deals with Foreign Officials

The National Archives recently confirmed through a FOIA response that they found 5,138 email messages and 25 electronic files pertaining to the known Joe Biden pseudonym accounts robinware456@gmail.com, JRBWare@gmail.com and Robert.L.Peters@pci.gov.

The National Archives put the request into a queue by the date it was received.

The conservative group Southeastern Legal Foundation received the response to their request with the National Archives in August.

Joe Biden has repeatedly denied he had any involvement with Hunter Biden’s business deals. And, yet, here we have proof that Hunter and Joe Biden were included on the same email about an upcoming phone call with the Ukrainian president.

House Oversight Committee Chairman previously reported on two emails sent from Biden-aide John Flynn to then Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden on May 27, 2016 and June 15, 2016.

FOX News this weekend reported that the National Archives missed their deadline to turn over Joe Biden’s pseudonym emails to the House Oversight Committee.

The National Archives have decided to give more time to Biden and Obama to pick and choose which emails to release – a favor not offered to President Trump during any of his garbage investigations.

FOX News: While Nara the National Archives did not meet Comer’s specific parameters by the deadline, the agency did cooperate by forwarding on the information to the President himself. A spokesperson for House Oversight Committee says the committee has spoken with the National Archives about Comer’s request. The National Archives officials have indicated that they have sent some of the records to representatives for former President Obama and Joe Biden for their approval to be released. President Biden promised the most transparent administration in history, and we fully expect him to approve the release of those records. However, a source for the National Archives tells Fox there are certain restrictions in the Freedom of Information Act process for issues such as national security and law enforcement.

And beyond that hurdle, emails from the Biden vice presidency still fall under the Presidential Records Act from the Obama administration. Julie, as you mentioned last week, a group called the Southeastern Legal Foundation filed this lawsuit for emails with aliases. They received a reply from the National Archives in June of 2022, but 14 months later, they are still in the public queue assigned. This may take a bit before these emails become public, if they become public at all. Julie all right, you know what?

According to Comer’s office, comer gave the National Archives until last Thursday, the 31 August, to turn over detail information about Biden’s pseudonym emails.


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87ab0f No.87080

File: ddd9c7b07c7e365⋯.png (341.61 KB,442x437,442:437,Clipboard.png)

File: 562350d14903b63⋯.png (379.93 KB,388x395,388:395,Clipboard.png)

File: 33277c49e0399bd⋯.png (20.81 KB,595x332,595:332,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491522 (050028ZSEP23) Notable: RIP JOSH AKA THE DIRTY TRUTH

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Brenden Dilley


I have awful news to share, and I wish I could do so in a more dignified manner.

We lost one of the best patriots in the MAGA movement Saturday night when @AKA_RealDirty

(Josh) was found unresponsive in his bed.

I am still waiting to find out about funeral arrangements.


1:04 PM · Sep 4, 2023




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87ab0f No.87081

File: f6bc5532a6c1921⋯.png (339.37 KB,640x335,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491523 (050028ZSEP23) Notable: Democrat Eric Swalwell Calls for Buyback of All AR-15s

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Epic Fartsmell: Ban and buy back all “assault rifles”. Eric fears your AR-15.

Democrat Eric Swalwell Calls for Buyback of All AR-15s

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) used a Monday post on X to call for a buyback of AR-15s and firearms that Democrats refer to as "assault weapons."


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87ab0f No.87082

File: 3c04894d23160f3⋯.png (756.48 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491525 (050029ZSEP23) Notable: Founder of DeSantis Super PAC Obliterates the Florida Governor - Then Backs Trump in Same Interview!

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Ouch! Founder of DeSantis Super PAC Obliterates the Florida Governor - Then Backs Trump in Same Interview!

Republican Strategist John Thomas, the FOUNDER of the DeSantis Super PAC just went on News Nation and dropped a bomb!


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87ab0f No.87083

File: 9708bd3ff64b0c4⋯.png (201.87 KB,601x631,601:631,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491530 (050030ZSEP23) Notable: RIP JOSH AKA THE DIRTY TRUTH

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The Dirty Truth (Josh)


It’s hard to believe in 2013 on this TV show there was a massive outbreak of #Coronavirus. It’s even more shocking that #Hydroxychloroquine was the drug that save the day.

5:48 PM · Aug 2, 2020

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87ab0f No.87084

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491545 (050033ZSEP23) Notable: Founder of DeSantis Super PAC Obliterates the Florida Governor - Then Backs Trump in Same Interview!

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Founder of the DeSantis Super PAC Now BACKS TRUMP!



Republican Strategist, John Thomas -the guy who FOUNDED the DeSantis Super PAC - destroys Ron and explains why he is now backing Trump:

“Retail politicking, charisma, charm, discipline, being able to conduct yourself in a likable manner… DeSantis just hasn’t had it…

I haven’t seen really an articulated message of why DeSantis is different than Trump… Why would you go for the cheap knockoff when you can have the OG version?”

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87ab0f No.87085

File: 6ca55a4c7313e0e⋯.png (257.53 KB,557x951,557:951,Clipboard.png)

File: 1fe3793185f5a17⋯.png (674.94 KB,590x821,590:821,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491549 (050034ZSEP23) Notable: RIP JOSH AKA THE DIRTY TRUTH

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The Dirty Truth


Join me on Patreon, subscribe star, PayPal, or Venmo. I Watch the news so you don’t have to and post short clips.

THANK YOU so much for the support!!






Aug 14, 2022, 2:35 AM

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87ab0f No.87086

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491567 (050037ZSEP23) Notable: Bongino Goes on EPIC RANT over RACIAL DIVIDE in Politics

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“They Keep on Poking the Bear”, should be the title

Bongino Goes on EPIC RANT over RACIAL DIVIDE in Politics



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87ab0f No.87087

File: 9ae581502bf827e⋯.png (170.79 KB,556x597,556:597,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491582 (050040ZSEP23) Notable: PlaneFag Reports

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These two headed on the same course.

No info pops up either?


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87ab0f No.87088

File: d7b842bffc69d68⋯.png (390.76 KB,592x587,592:587,Clipboard.png)

File: dc5ca0d30390f78⋯.png (63.33 KB,264x271,264:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491587 (050041ZSEP23) Notable: RIP JOSH AKA THE DIRTY TRUTH

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The Dirty Truth (Josh)


Good morning #Maga!

3:18 AM · Aug 2, 2020

See Ya in the next life Brother

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87ab0f No.87089

File: 89bb58a08c64fd6⋯.png (725.05 KB,631x1498,631:1498,Clipboard.png)

File: 24a184cd8a5c316⋯.png (2.76 MB,1284x1365,428:455,Clipboard.png)

File: 87f1da2d8176128⋯.png (466.37 KB,680x650,68:65,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491591 (050043ZSEP23) Notable: X vs ADL / Elon Musk Threatens to Sue the ADL

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>are the ADL really 'commies'?

X has records of ADL correspondence



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87ab0f No.87090

File: 42a319df70c2346⋯.png (505.73 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491603 (050046ZSEP23) Notable: National Archives Misses Deadline to Turn Over Biden Pseudonym Emails He Used for Illicit Business Deals with Foreign Officials

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National Archives Misses Deadline to Turn Over Biden Pseudonym Emails He Used for Illicit Business Deals with Foreign Officials

National Archives Misses Deadline to Turn Over Biden Pseudonym Emails He Used for Illicit Business Deals with Foreign Officials ...

The National Archives recently confirmed through a FOIA response that they found 5,138 email messages and 25 electronic files pertaining to the known Joe Biden pseudonym accounts robinware456@gmail.com, JRBWare@gmail.com and Robert.L.Peters@pci.gov.



quit online bitching and let them fucking know how your feel!! don't get mad at me, GET MAD AT THEM!!!

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87ab0f No.87091

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491610 (050048ZSEP23) Notable: FBI Whistleblower: The Enemy Within

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FBI Whistleblower: The Enemy Within

In this exclusive interview, Turning Point USA sits down with former FBI Special Agent, John Guandolo. This crucial conversation sheds light on the undiscussed network of jihadists and communists that have worked together to undermine America at its root for decades. From 9/11, to the Las Vegas shooting, to January 6, the Mar-a-Lago raid, Ray Epps, and the NSA – John tells truths that American intelligence agencies have long sought to deprive every American citi


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87ab0f No.87092

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491614 (050049ZSEP23) Notable: Lawyer for Virgin Islands Reveals JPMorgan Flagged Over a Billion in Financial Transactions with Jeffrey Epstein Related to Sex Trafficking

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Lawyer for Virgin Islands Reveals JPMorgan Flagged Over a Billion in Financial Transactions with Jeffrey Epstein Related to Sex Trafficking

September 4, 2023 | Sundance

That’s BILLION, with a “B”. According to recently revealed court transcripts, in the US Virgin Islands lawsuit against JPMorgan, in the aftermath of Epstein’s death the massive bank reported over $1 billion in suspicious activity reports to the U.S. Treasury.

Attorney for USVA, Mimi Liu, outlined details to Judge Jed Rakoff in U.S. District Court in Manhattan last Thursday. According to the astonishing revelations, the entire financial relationship between Jeffrey Epstein and JPMorgan was centered around payments for sex trafficking. There was no other business between the two entities in the 16 years of Epstein’s use of the bank. All of the Epstein account transactions were based around his sex trafficking operation.

Additionally, in the aftermath of Epstein’s death, JPMorgan then reported at least $1 billion worth of transactions under the auspices of “suspicious activity.” This certainly looks like what lawyer Mimi Liu called in court, “covering their ass.”

[VIA CNBC] – JPMorgan Chase notified the Treasury Department of more than $1 billion in transactions related to “human trafficking” by Jeffrey Epstein dating back 16 years after the notorious sex predator killed himself in 2019, a lawyer for the U.S. Virgin Islands told a federal judge at a hearing.

“Epstein’s entire business with JPMorgan and JPMorgan’s entire business with Epstein was human trafficking,” Mimi Liu, an attorney for the Virgin Islands, told Judge Jed Rakoff in U.S. District Court in Manhattan on Thursday, according to a transcript reviewed by CNBC.

Liu cited the bank’s notification to the Treasury Department as she argued that Rakoff should issue a summary judgment against JPMorgan.

The huge bank is being sued by the Virgin Islands government for allegedly facilitating sex trafficking by Epstein of young women when he was a JPMorgan customer from 1998 through 2013. (read more)

This certainly puts some semblance of scale to the issues around Epstein and his exploitation of the sex industry to his high profile and powerful clients. The full scale is obviously unknown; however, if JPMorgan is reporting $1 billion in transactions that might be considered risk for them, we can only guess at the amount of the total transaction through the bank.

Keep in mind, JPMorgan already agreed to pay the Epstein Victims $290 million {GO DEEP} to make the victim issues go away. What the hell is the scale of the full banking network if this amount of money is being used to throw a bag over it?

Pulling back to the 30,000-foot view, how the bank was operating certainly does start to make the shadows in the background become more visible. After all, the U.S. government relied on JPMorgan to stabilize the banking sector recently. And, when you overlay the influence of the BIG BANKS on domestic politics, and contrast in parallel with their assistance for corrupt activity like Epstein, suddenly the catchphrase “too big to fail” takes on an entirely new meaning.

Many of us have always said the top of the corrupt pyramid is banks, global financial institutions and multinationals. The activity of the political industry takes place below the power structure of the financial system. The banks control the politicians. The banks control almost everything, and are the benefactors for the DNC, RNC, RGA, etc. etc.

This is the apex circle of influence, where Jeffrey Epstein operated in concert with the banks – who then facilitated his operations and were regulated by Epstein’s clients.


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87ab0f No.87093

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491616 (050050ZSEP23) Notable: Bill Mitchell Gets Destroyed by Loomer in Trump vs DeSantis Debate

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Bill Mitchell Gets Destroyed by Loomer in Trump vs DeSantis Debate


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87ab0f No.87094

File: 4d6f71a0d260b54⋯.png (243.04 KB,713x692,713:692,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491639 (050055ZSEP23) Notable: Musk Confirms Current Status of Ad Twitter Revenue

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Musk Confirms Current Status of Ad Twitter Revenue

September 4, 2023 | Sundance | 38 Comments

The issues around the Twitter platform (X Corp) are important for several reasons, including the anticipated tech moves around the 2024 election.

Many people are holding up Elon Musk as a tech figurehead who might just be able to push back against the tide of totalitarianism. However, a more realistic look at Musk shows he is participating in the control space just as much as any other platform. Additionally, Musk has threat and influence vectors just like any other person or social media company. The most obvious influence vector is the cost of operating his X platform.

Earlier today Musk outlined the current status of Twitter revenue generation. The baseline here is the prior peak of revenue for the company, which was around $3.8 billion, prior to Musk acquisition. Musk shares today that revenue is down 60% from that point.

That would put current revenue around $1.52 billion/yr.

Service on debt is around $1.25 billion/yr. Amazon and Goggle services around $1 billion/yr. That’s an operational loss of around $1.6 billion/yr when you factor in subscription revenue. In essence, Twitter loses around $130 million every month.

With the latest revelations we shared about the financial position of Twitter {Go Deep on FINANCIALS}, all of the moves now underway make sense. Musk was on track to hit a date in/around October of this year where Twitter would be insolvent. If you had read those previous “Go Deep” links, you will easily see the problem. Musk needs another infusion of cash, and he is limited on his Tesla stock as an option.

The use of Enhanced Artificial Intelligence to control information and communication is a subject that too few people understand. This is why I have spent time trying to share information so that people can see into the future of their internet reality. Everything will change.

As you should know by now, the X platform (Twitter) is designed to produce a different user experience based on “definitions” of the user. The definitions are applied by the platform, to create unique identifying characteristics of the user. The result is that each user gets a completely different platform experience, based on their definitions.

“Twitter is a different platform for each user.” Repeat that phrase as often as needed to understand the evolution of what is coming to the American internet.

You might ask, how is applying all of these granular definitions even possible? The answer is through the use of AI. Humans will no longer be assigning the definitions of you; an autonomous system will take on the job of assigning the definitions. Now, keep referencing the word “definitions,” because that is your identity and gateway pass into the platform content. If you carry a particular definition, you will be blocked, throttled, shadow-banned or experience friction applied to your user id.

Remember when Elon Musk restricted users and claimed it was because the platform content was being “scraped” by organizations who were using the content to train their Enhanced AI systems? Remember, Musk saying that, and expressing his concern? Well, now the platform is telling users in a new X Corp privacy policy, that X corp itself is going to do exactly the thing Musk said he abhorred.


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87ab0f No.87095

File: b67121a94a4b3c9⋯.png (1.06 MB,1180x600,59:30,Clipboard.png)

File: 93fd8e84e7fcd0c⋯.png (317.86 KB,1456x1104,91:69,Clipboard.png)

File: 3f0ff4e0c3c41ba⋯.png (94.65 KB,1420x358,710:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491649 (050058ZSEP23) Notable: COVID-19 Vaccine Induced Injuries and Government Compensation

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COVID-19 Vaccine Induced Injuries and Government Compensation

SEP 4, 2023

I don’t think I need to interpret the abstract below for this audience, as most of you are very educated on the subject of the toxicities associated with these jabs - just read the bolded text in the concluding paragraphs.


Biomedicines 2023 Vol. 11 Issue 8


The COVID-19 pandemic caused much illness, many deaths, and profound disruption to society. The production of 'safe and effective' vaccines was a key public health target. Sadly, unprecedented high rates of adverse events have overshadowed the benefits. This two-part narrative review presents evidence for the widespread harms of novel product COVID-19 mRNA and adenovectorDNA vaccines and is novel in attempting to provide a thorough overview of harms arising from the new technology in vaccines that relied on human cells producing a foreign antigen that has evidence of pathogenicity.

This first paper explores peer-reviewed data counter to the 'safe and effective' narrative attached to these new technologies. Spike protein pathogenicity, termed 'spikeopathy', whether from the SARS-CoV-2 virus or produced by vaccine gene codes, akin to a 'synthetic virus', is increasingly understood in terms of molecular biology and pathophysiology. Pharmacokinetic transfection through body tissues distant from the injection site by lipid-nanoparticles or viral-vector carriers means that 'spikeopathy' can affect many organs.

The inflammatory properties of the nanoparticles used to ferry mRNA; N1-methylpseudouridine employed to prolong synthetic mRNA function; the widespread biodistribution of the mRNA and DNA codes and translated spike proteins, and autoimmunity via human production of foreign proteins, contribute to harmful effects.

This paper reviews autoimmune, cardiovascular, neurological, potential oncological effects, and autopsy evidence for spikeopathy. With many gene-based therapeutic technologies planned, a re-evaluation is necessary and timely.

And then we have this little truth bomb.

Adverse events following COVID-19 mRNA vaccines: A systematic review of cardiovascular complication, thrombosis, and thrombocytopenia


Immun Inflamm Dis 2023 Vol. 11 Issue 3 Pages e807

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Since publishing successful clinical trial results of mRNA coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccines in December 2020, multiple reports have arisen about cardiovascular complications following the mRNA vaccination.

This study provides an in-depth account of various cardiovascular adverse events reported after the mRNA vaccines' first or second dose including pericarditis/myopericarditis, myocarditis, hypotension, hypertension, arrhythmia, cardiogenic shock, stroke, myocardial infarction/STEMI, intracranial hemorrhage, thrombosis (deep vein thrombosis, cerebral venous thrombosis, arterial or venous thrombotic events, portal vein thrombosis, coronary thrombosis, microvascular small bowel thrombosis), and pulmonary embolism.

METHODS: A systematic review of original studies reporting confirmed cardiovascular manifestations post-mRNA COVID-19 vaccination was performed. Following the PRISMA guidelines, electronic databases (PubMed, PMC NCBI, and Cochrane Library) were searched until January 2022. Baseline characteristics of patients and disease outcomes were extracted from relevant studies.

RESULTS: A total of 81 articles analyzed confirmed cardiovascular complications post-COVID-19 mRNA vaccines in 17,636 individuals and reported 284 deaths with any mRNA vaccine. Of 17,636 cardiovascular events with any mRNA vaccine, 17,192 were observed with the BNT162b2 (Pfizer-BioNTech) vaccine, 444 events with mRNA-1273 (Moderna).

Thrombosis was frequently reported with any mRNA vaccine (n = 13,936), followed by stroke (n = 758), myocarditis (n = 511), myocardial infarction (n = 377), pulmonary embolism (n = 301), and arrhythmia (n = 254). Stratifying the results by vaccine type showed that thrombosis (80.8%) was common in the BNT162b2 cohort, while stroke (39.9%) was common with mRNA-1273 for any dose.


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87ab0f No.87096

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491653 (050058ZSEP23) Notable: COVID-19 Vaccine Induced Injuries and Government Compensation

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The time between the vaccination dosage and the first symptom onset averaged 5.6 and 4.8 days with the mRNA-1273 vaccine and BNT162b2, respectively. The mRNA-1273 cohort reported 56 deaths compared to the 228 with BNT162b2, while the rest were discharged or transferred to the ICU.

CONCLUSION: Available literature includes more studies with the BNT162b2 vaccine than mRNA-1273. Future studies must report mortality and adverse cardiovascular events by vaccine types.

(Caveat: In the USA, the inoculations were unequally distributed and the formulations of the initial shot and the booster were not the same. So, it is difficult to compare adverse event frequencies and even the adverse events).

The article above documents cardiovascular complications post-COVID-19 mRNA vaccines in 17,636 individuals and reported 284 deaths with any mRNA vaccine. This is just those cases found in the literature.

In a recent Epoch Times Article, Senator Ron Johnson - one of the few people in government actually tracking the VAERS system reports:

Mr. Johnson "Sadly, we passed two milestones on VAERS. Over 1 million advisers events and over 21,000 deaths, 30 percent of those deaths occurred on day 0, 1, or 2 following vaccination.

"When will federal agencies start being transparent with Americans? Why do they continue to ignore early treatment?" he concluded.

So how much compensation has the US government paid out and to how many people?

Table 4. CICP Claims Compensated (Fiscal Years 2010 – 2023)

The US Government Health Resources and Services Administration Data as of August 1, 2023 is below.

This table displays the alleged countermeasure, alleged injury, and amount of compensation paid for each compensated CICP claim filed between Fiscal Years 2010 through 2023. Data is current through August 1, 2023.

The chart has been clipped to show COVID-19 vaccine compensation paid by the US Government (the full chart can be viewed at this link):

COVID-19 vaccine compensation:

That is it folks. A grand total of four people have been compensated. The government has paid out a total of $8,592.55 for the entire injury compensation program. Which is an average of $2,148. per person.

This is sickening.

Beyond sickening. This is infuriating.

In the documented peer reviewed literature (above), there are 17,636 individuals with cardiovascular adverse events (and an unknown number of other adverse events) and 284 deaths.

The VAERS reports shows over 1 million adverse events and over 21,000 deaths. Which evidently only four of those adverse events been investigated by the US government and paid out on. The other 999,996 adverse events have not been assessed yet…

These are real people, who are unable to work. Who have suffered terrible injuries. Young adults who have damaged hearts. Other people who have lost family members and our government is making a mockery of their ruined lives. They are mocking the families of people who have died from these inoculations.

There are no words to express how disgusting this is. Where is Congress? Why is there no investigation into this scandal?

Why is there no public outcry?

What do we have do to to wake people up?



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87ab0f No.87097

File: c0784449a86d829⋯.mp4 (1.88 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: c0ffbf6c4c14414⋯.png (122.4 KB,928x534,464:267,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491668 (050101ZSEP23) Notable: ADL - Former President Trump also delivered remarks that were in character but still dangerous - 3/7/23

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Yet another Radical Communist Front Group. They proudly wear it as badge of honor, arrogant thug fuks.

ADL @ADL Former President Trump also delivered remarks that were in character but still dangerous. His claims about expelling warmongers, driving out globalists, casting out communists, and throwing off those who hate our country echo classic #antisemitic rhetoric. 2:32 PM · Mar 7, 2023

·https://twitter.com/ADL/status/1633188817598398464 archive.is/h0rtq https://twitter.com/ADL

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87ab0f No.87098

File: 0dfae024b9bc434⋯.png (109.35 KB,593x569,593:569,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491690 (050105ZSEP23) Notable: Jill Biden tested positive for covid

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Greg Price


BREAKING: Jill Biden tested positive for covid


1:56 PM · Sep 4, 2023




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87ab0f No.87099

File: 516bea043f2186a⋯.png (309.87 KB,590x603,590:603,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491694 (050106ZSEP23) Notable: X vs ADL / Elon Musk Threatens to Sue the ADL

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The Gateway Pundit


Elon Musk Threatens to Sue the ADL and Release Communications Between ADL and Other Groups Pushing to Censor Twitter-X Accounts via @gatewaypundit


Elon Musk Threatens to Sue the ADL and Release Communications Between ADL and Other Groups Pushing...

Elon Musk on Labor Day tweeted out that he will consider releasing communications by the Anti-Defamation League, a hard-core anti-First Amendment organization, that has pushed -X for years to crack...

1:41 PM · Sep 4, 2023




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87ab0f No.87100

File: 5b9c09c078cf768⋯.jpg (105.36 KB,720x838,360:419,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491697 (050107ZSEP23) Notable: Jill Biden tested positive for covid

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BREAKING: Jill Biden has tested positive for Covid-19

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87ab0f No.87101

File: 5bbdeb8f350a080⋯.png (22.11 KB,595x301,85:43,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491706 (050108ZSEP23) Notable: #TheADLFiles showing the ADL’s requests to ban and censor X accounts will be released next week

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Libs of TikTok


BREAKING: #TheADLFiles showing the ADL’s requests to ban and censor X accounts will be released next week! 👀


Elon Musk




Replying to @libsoftiktok

That’s for sure.

Might take until next week, as we’re short-staffed this week.

12:19 PM · Sep 4, 2023




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87ab0f No.87102

File: 61b9cd5de98b1ab⋯.png (161.74 KB,587x876,587:876,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491712 (050109ZSEP23) Notable: Rasmussen Reports - Preliminary AZ Senate Forensic Ballot Audit Findings - over 200,000 'non-conforming' 2020 ballots / Georgia: Court claim total of 'non-conforming' 2020 ballots still locked up - "nearly 150,000."

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Rasmussen Reports


Arizona: Preliminary AZ Senate Forensic Ballot Audit Findings - over 200,000 'non-conforming' 2020 ballots

Georgia: Court claim total of 'non-conforming' 2020 ballots still locked up - "nearly 150,000."

Pop Quiz: Who (legally) prints ballots for both Maricopa & Fulton County?



Rasmussen Reports



Apr 15

AZ 2020 Counterfeit Ballot Exhibits: Be kind and share?

- Maricopa County 2020 Ballot official paper standard

- Voter-volunteer ballot hand-examination findings

- Maricopa County official response on issue

- Further AZ Senate ballot analysis






1:11 PM · Sep 4, 2023




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87ab0f No.87103

File: d5c1d817744fe6e⋯.png (79.2 KB,779x467,779:467,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491728 (050112ZSEP23) Notable: The ACLU Is Once More on the Side of Convicted Killers Identifying as Trans

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The ACLU Is Once More on the Side of Convicted

Killers Identifying as Trans

Townhall, by Rebecca Downs

Posted By: Imright, 9/4/2023 6:44:50 PM

Back in June, the ACLU lamented that the state of Florida did not provide "medically necessary gender-affirming care" to Duane Owen before he was executed. He had killed and raped a 14-year-old and then also committed murder again, years later. The ACLU is at it again coming to the defense of a male inmate who claims to be transgender, this time in Indiana. (X's) The latest lamentation about transgender inmates is just as tone deaf as the one from earlier this year. In late August, the Indiana chapter announced it was suing the Indiana Department of Correction (IDOC) for denying surgery to a biological male,

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87ab0f No.87104

File: a63f7fcdd017faf⋯.png (564 KB,895x650,179:130,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491734 (050114ZSEP23) Notable: End of the Line for Truth Social? Merger Woes Threaten Trump's Media Platform

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End of the Line for Truth Social? Merger

Woes Threaten Trump's Media Platform

Red State, by Jeff Charles

Posted By: Dreadnought, 9/4/2023 6:03:11 PM

Truth Social might be in a bit of trouble. And when I say a bit of trouble, I mean the platform could be shutting down altogether if the stars do not align. The company, established in October 2021, is reportedly on the brink of collapse due to its troubles merging with Digital World Acquisition Corp. The platform was meant to become a tech behemoth worth up to $1.7 billion. But with the deal in jeopardy, this might not come to fruition: When former president Donald Trump’s media start-up announced in October 2021 that it planned to merge with a Miami-based company called Digital World Acquisition, the deal was an instant stock-market hit.

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87ab0f No.87105

File: dd2e585c1452e2b⋯.png (576.76 KB,997x991,997:991,Clipboard.png)

File: 85f991adda8531b⋯.png (681.68 KB,634x677,634:677,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491757 (050118ZSEP23) Notable: Texas ranchers 'DEFEAT' Chinese billionaire who bought swathes of neighboring land to build huge wind farm - but could Beijing maintain backdoor access?

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Texas ranchers 'DEFEAT' Chinese billionaire who bought swathes of neighboring land to build huge wind farm - but could Beijing maintain backdoor access?

Sun Guangxin owns 7 percent of all land in Val Verde County after buying more than 130,000 acres for an estimated $110million between 2016 and 2018

The billionaire, who has extensive ties to the Chinese state, sparked national security fears with a plan to build a wind farm that would plug into the grid

He is now thought to have sold the land following opposition from local ranchers, but there are concerns Sun has retained an interest in the property


UPDATED: 09:38 EDT, 4 September 2023

Texas ranchers are on the brink of booting out a Chinese billionaire who has bought more than 130,000 acres of farmland in the state, sparking fears over national security, DailyMail.com can reveal.

Sun Guangxin, who has extensive ties with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), paid an estimated $110million for swathes of Texan real estate between 2016 and 2018 in an unprecedented foreign land grab in the Lone Star State.

But DailyMail.com understands he has now sold the most controversial part of his portfolio, a 15,000-acre ranch that included plans for a 46-turbine wind farm, and is planning to offload the rest of his vast Texan empire.

Opponents of the wind farm claim it would provide the former Chinese military captain access to the state electric grid, presenting a potential risk to energy security given Sun's well-documented loyalty to the Chinese state.

The fight is far from over, however, with campaigners claiming ongoing dealings could allow the billionaire to retain an interest in the property, providing Beijing with a backdoor to critical state infrastructure.

DailyMail.com can also reveal that a report written by former CIA officials alleged Sun would likely be considered an agent of the Chinese state by US authorities due to his close ties with the CCP and its military - and that his proposed wind farm could present a threat to national security.

It claimed the site, which is a mere 30 miles from a major US Air Force base, would also provide espionage opportunities for Beijing.

When DailyMail.com visited Val Verde County, a wild and desolate stretch of terrain in West Texas where Sun has amassed his property empire, it found locals united in anger at how a potentially hostile foreign actor had ever been allowed to set up camp in the heart of their community.

'We're all red-blooded Americans,' Dallas Barrington, a Texan attorney and rancher, said. 'That means we believe in America - and that we stand up against enemies of the state.'



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87ab0f No.87106

File: b1548b99a5031c7⋯.png (913.49 KB,634x646,317:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491768 (050119ZSEP23) Notable: Texas ranchers 'DEFEAT' Chinese billionaire who bought swathes of neighboring land to build huge wind farm - but could Beijing maintain backdoor access?

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A battle for the heart of America

The fight for Val Verde County is being played out across the country.

Earlier this month, DailyMail.com revealed that Chinese-owned companies now own more than $2billion of US farmland, up from just $162million a decade ago.

It comes amid wider concerns over CCP infiltration into American society, which was thrown into sharp relief when a suspected Chinese spy balloon was shot down over the Atlantic coast.

The CCP has a stake in 383,935 acres of American agricultural land as of December 2021, according to the latest figures released by the US Department of Agriculture.

But an astonishing 34 percent of that is owned by Sun, 61, who has an estimated net worth of $2.9billion, thanks largely to his controlling stake in Guanghui Group, an energy, automotive and real estate firm based in his home province of Xinjiang.

Through Brazos Highlands and another group subsidiary, Harvest Texas LLC, Sun controls nearly 7 percent of all land in Val Verde County.

The working-class son of a shoemaker began his business career in the late 1980s when he opened a seafood restaurant and other entertainment ventures, including a karaoke bar, swimming pool and bowling alley in Urumqi, the capital city of Xinjiang.

He used these venues to wine and dine the officials who frequented them, according to Eurasian Crossroads: A History of Xinjiang, a book by Georgetown professor James A. Millward.

Indeed, support of party officials has been crucial to his success, according to the intelligence report seen by DailyMail.com.

Sun established Guanghui Group in 1989 during the early years of privatization in China, when businessmen used political connections to gain access to state-owned enterprises.

This is likely how the firm gained access to the Chinese energy sector, the report claims.

But Sun's interest in the US could be gleaned from his westernized hobbies.

The energy mogul rides a Harley Davidson and is an avid basketball fan. He even owns the Xinjiang Flying Tigers, a Chinese Basketball Association team.

Sun is also a keen hunter and in 2006 spent more than $100,000 on a hunting trip to Tanzania, bringing back exotic trophies including a leopard, lion, elephant and cheetah, the intelligence officials said.

It is a blood sport he has since enjoyed at his sprawling hunting cabins in Texas.



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87ab0f No.87107

File: 16d321e8686837e⋯.png (259.65 KB,634x425,634:425,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491772 (050120ZSEP23) Notable: Texas ranchers 'DEFEAT' Chinese billionaire who bought swathes of neighboring land to build huge wind farm - but could Beijing maintain backdoor access?

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A wild and dangerous place

Val Verde County, flanked by the Pecos and Devils Rivers, is home to around 50,000 people, the small town of Del Rio, and dozens of family-owned hunting ranches.

The conservation hotspot also provides a critical migratory corridor for monarch butterflies, bats, hundreds of bird species, and a growing number of black bears.

The Seven Oaks Ranch - named after the 400-year-old oak tree that towers over its three-bedroom living quarters - has been in the Walker family for three generations since 1934.

Brothers Wayne, 55, and Philip Walker, 51, inherited it when their father, Kelly, who passed away in 2020. Wayne and Dallas Barrington are co-managing directors.

Philip, who has won several awards for his conservation work alongside his brother, described Seven Oaks as 'one of the last wild and scenic areas in the state of Texas'.

'It can be dangerous, but it's also incredibly beautiful,' he said.

Far removed from civilization and home comforts, the ranch can be an inhospitable place.

Philip joked he had a hard enough time convincing his London-born wife to enjoy the eerie silence that comes from its remote location.

So, it is fair to say he and his family were stunned when they heard the neighboring property, Carma Ranch, had been bought by a Chinese billionaire in 2018.

But their ire was ignited when Sun, via his US company GH America, proposed a mammoth wind farm that would see 46 turbines, some up to 700 feet tall, tower over a landscape largely untouched by mankind.

Opposition to the Blue Hills Wind Development first formed along environmental lines.

Conservation groups, including The Nature Conservancy Texas, The Devils River Conservancy, Bat Conservation International and the North American Butterfly Association, lobbied against the plans, arguing it would ravage ecotourism and cause untold damage to migratory pathways of bats, birds and butterflies.

Unique among these natural treasures is Fern Cave at Monarch Ranch, a prehistoric geological formation home to the largest bat roost in the US.

Although no official count has been completed, the ranch manager, Doug Meyer, 31, estimates that several million Mexican free-tailed bats live in the cave, before flying out en masse to hunt every night in a spectacular vortex.

But Meyer fears the population could be 'decimated' by the turbines, which would stand directly in their flight paths.

The proposed 700-foot structures would dwarf even some of the biggest landmarks in the US, including the 554-foot Washington Monument.

James King, a local realtor who owns a ranch on the Pecos River and founded the Lower Pecos Landowners Group in opposition to the project, said: 'It's like, not only do they want to put it in my face, they want to stick it in my eye.'



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87ab0f No.87108

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491775 (050121ZSEP23) Notable: Q - The Plan to Save the World

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Great to know, o7

Josh's Patriotism and Legacy of spreading truth has marked this world.

And I hope beyond.

Q if you can wipe those bad ones permanently, I hope you can keep the good ones?

Q - The Plan to Save the World (1080p60)



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87ab0f No.87109

File: 2e4ccdfed38a7db⋯.png (623.16 KB,634x383,634:383,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491780 (050122ZSEP23) Notable: Texas ranchers 'DEFEAT' Chinese billionaire who bought swathes of neighboring land to build huge wind farm - but could Beijing maintain backdoor access?

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A threat to national security

But it was fears over national security that jolted state politicians into action.

A privately-commissioned report written in 2019 by former intelligence officials, shared with DailyMail.com, suggested Sun's close ties to the CCP could provide Beijing an opportunity to leverage his business interests for national security objectives.

Indeed, Guanghui Group's website boasts of its resolute support for the party leadership and its work on 'party-building' among staff, for which it has received numerous awards, the report claims.

The firm states that it is guided by '[Chinese President] Xi Jinping Thought', while around half of its senior team are former CCP, People's Liberation Army (PLA) or government leaders, the former intelligence officials say.

Their report also raised concerns over the project's proximity to Laughlin Air Force Base, which is used to train US pilots, noting that spy cameras could be placed on top of the turbines to surveil the camp.

Sun's personal allegiance to the CCP was drilled into him during his nine years in the PLA, China's main military force, in which he saw active combat in the 1979 Sino-Vietnamese war and rose to the rank of captain, according to Millward's book.

Millward noted Sun 'intensified his cultivation' of political connections after he was 'accused of paying bribes' in 1993.

Sun opened a branch of the CCP within his own company and has employed many former army officers in top corporate positions, Millward wrote.

'This is not a normal Chinese conglomerate company trying to diversify its global business interest,' Wayne Walker told DailyMail.com.

'This is a former Chinese military captain who came in and bought 130,000 acres of land very near our border, and within, you know, a few dozen miles of an Air Force base.'

It is not known whether action was taken based on the intelligence report, but Texas Governor Greg Abbott certainly appeared to share its concerns.

In 2021, he signed the Lone Star Infrastructure Act, which prevented firms associated with 'hostile nations', including China, from accessing the state infrastructure.



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87ab0f No.87110

File: 3db107935f93e81⋯.png (713.65 KB,634x478,317:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491799 (050124ZSEP23) Notable: Texas ranchers 'DEFEAT' Chinese billionaire who bought swathes of neighboring land to build huge wind farm - but could Beijing maintain backdoor access?

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Has the sun set over Texas?

But if locals thought that was the end of the matter, they were sadly mistaken.

Around eight months after the bill was signed, GH America sold the rights to develop the wind farm to Babcock & Wilcox, an energy firm based in Ohio, for $11million, according to an asset purchase agreement seen by DailyMail.com.

The deal included the option to buy the underlying land for $22million.

The US firm never did, however, and the rights were instead sold onto Spanish energy firm Greenalia in June last year.

The deal was worth $15million, Forbes reported, meaning Babcock & Wilcox may have made $4million profit in just five months.

The same report suggested Greenalia had not yet exercised its option to buy the land itself for a further $22million, meaning the development of the wind farm would still be in breach of the Lone Star Infrastructure Act.

By maintaining ownership of the land the project is situated on, the Chinese would still have access to and control of the site.

However, DailyMail.com has seen a deed dated July 20 indicating that GH America has now sold the land to Greenalia.

But realtors such as King and others suggested the Spaniards grossly overpaid and are at a loss to explain why it would pay such a sum.

'That's the million dollar question,' Wayne Walker said. 'If it doesn't make sense, there's got to be something else going on here.'

Several sources suggested Sun may have struck a similar deal to the one he sealed at his luxurious headquarters, Morning Star Ranch, where he still collects royalties from a wind farm run by French firm Akuo Energy.

Greenalia said it could not comment on the deals struck with GH America due to confidentiality agreements, but a spokesman added its work on the Blue Hills project would 'comply with all legal and environmental requirements and take into account 'the different sensitivities existing in the territory'.

GH America did not respond when contacted by DailyMail.com.

The uncertainty threatens to overshadow what could mark a significant victory for Val Verde County ranchers.

But whether Chinese, Spanish, or American owned, they remain staunchly opposed to the idea of a wind farm in Val Verde County on environmental grounds.

Conservationists insist that while they support renewable energy solutions, there are other, more suitable locations available than the one proposed for Blue Hills.

Wayne Walker, himself a wind developer, said it was 'not a conventional NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) argument', because Blue Hills was simply 'a bad project'.

The fear is that if it appears Chinese interest in the wind farm has been withdrawn, the political will to stop the development will also fade.

'This is the essence of Texas,' Barrington said, looking out to a full moon rising over the border fence separating Seven Oaks, Cole and Carma Ranch, as the Texan sun set behind him. 'The question is: do we keep it, or do we destroy it?'



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87ab0f No.87111

File: be9a686397ecfa5⋯.png (169.33 KB,854x753,854:753,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491825 (050131ZSEP23) Notable: Founder of DeSantis Super PAC Obliterates the Florida Governor - Then Backs Trump in Same Interview!

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Abandon Ship!! Former DeSantis Super PAC Co-Chair Denounces the Florida Governor’s Presidential Bid

By Brian Lupo Sep. 4, 2023 7:07 pm

Earlier today, The Gateway Pundit reported that DeSantis Super PAC founder John Thomas admits DeSantis’s “failure to launch” after they “drafted” DeSantis to run because they believed “he’s got the stuff.” Thomas said President Trump has run a “nearly flawless campaign” and that “we are revers[ing] course to get behind Donald Trump”. Thomas joins a trio esteemed members of DeSantis-supporting PACs that seem to be gun-shy of the Florida Governor’s chances as funding is drying up in the DeSantis camp after laying off staff in July after “rapidly burning through cash.”

“Ready For Ron” PAC Former Co-Chair Flips

On Sunday, Ed Rollins, the former co-chair of the “Ready for Ron” PAC said:

“No one in the Republican primaries is going to beat, defeat President Trump. He has a strong, solid base. It’s gotten stronger as he’s gone through these terrible indictments. The fact that he’s been indicted on 91 counts is just absurd.”

Rollins did shy away from the DeSantis campaign in July when he called DeSantis a “flawed candidate“. Rollins, who was once a consultant for Ronald Reagan in 1984, previously headed the Great America PAC in support of President Trump until flipping sides for “Team DeSantis.”

As The BRICS Countries Stockpile Gold And Americans Scramble to Protect Themselves, A Faith-Based Company Shows Them How

“Never Back Down” PAC Grifts for Another $50 Million- 60 Days Left to Win

Additionally, DeSantis sympathizers from the “Never Back Down” PAC Chris Jankowski (CEO), Kristin Davison (COO), and Jeff Roe (chief strategist) participated in a presentation in an effort to grift another $50 million by years end for the failing candidate. Then they need another $50 million by the end of March. In Leaked audio from the event, Jankowski can be heard telling donors “I’m not worried about the second $50M. We need the first $50M.” The trio blamed their shortcomings on lack of media exposure and called for the rallying of 100,000 Iowans to caucus for DeSantis.

From the National Pulse:

Jeff Roe, DeSantis’s Never Back Down PAC chief strategist, also admitted to donors the campaign has just 60 days to defeat former President Donald Trump and that the Super PAC would need an additional $50 million before the second Republican primary debate on September 27th.

Never Back Down has also halted its paid door-knocking efforts in Super Tuesday primary states, as well as in the critical early state of Nevada. The SuperPAC’s cost cutting moves come as it shifts resources into Iowa – including a nearly $12 million ad-buy announced earlier this week.

Roe told donors: “If you have an education, if you have higher income, if you read the Bible and if you go to church regularly, you happen to be a DeSantis supporter.”

CNN revealed that the Never Back Down team has derived a “DeSantis index” to determine the likelihood of someone backing DeSantis in his campaign. They also offered some more insight into the campaign event that took place just before the debate late last month:

Roughly 60 donors attended the fundraising lunch, hosted at a DoubleTree hotel blocks away from the debate venue, sources familiar with the event details told CNN. Among the attendees was Dallas businessman Roy Bailey, the former co-chair of the Trump campaign’s finance committee who has since changed allegiances.

Davison told CNN Thursday “every investor wants to see how you get to the final round and how you win, and almost all the donors left confident that that we had a clear path to victory to help the governor win.”

“Investors”. As in “expecting a return-on-investment”? Perhaps this was the logic of the individuals who gave Ron DeSantis tragically awful advice to run against the man who made him Governor of Florida in the first place. Shame. He would have been a “shoo-in” in 2028.

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87ab0f No.87112

File: 939ac39f191bc85⋯.png (556.49 KB,874x767,874:767,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491834 (050134ZSEP23) Notable: Founder of DeSantis Super PAC Obliterates the Florida Governor - Then Backs Trump in Same Interview!

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Founder of DeSantis Super PAC Obliterates the Florida Governor – Then Backs Trump in Same Interview

Republican Strategist John Thomas, the FOUNDER of the DeSantis Super PAC just went on News Nation and dropped a bomb! Thomas told News Nation that DeSantis lacks all of the qualities that make a good candidate – charm, charisma, discipline, being likeable – and he is now backing Trump.

John Thomas: I, along with a lot of grassroots supporters and major donors, said, okay, let’s draft DeSantis, encourage him to run for president, because we think he’s got the stuff.

Except there was one problem, Adrian. It’s that when Governor DeSantis did end up launching, he had a failure to launch, and he’s never recovered. And while he may be a great governor, he’s not ready for the national stage, and we don’t think that he’s ready to beat Joe Biden.

And on the flip side, Adrian, we think that Donald Trump, in spite of all of his legal challenges, has honestly run nearly a flawless effort with strategic ad spends against his opponent, DeSantis, good messaging choices that really I hadn’t seen in 2016 or 2020. So for all of those reasons, we all reversed course to get behind Donald Trump, not just because we think he’s going to be the nominee, but honestly, we think he’s the best person to beat Joe Biden in the general.


…Looking back, it seems quite clear, right, that DeSantis might not be ready for prime time. Was it was a risk? Certainly. And it was a miscalculation on our behalf, thinking that sometimes, and we’ve seen this in other cases what makes somebody good for one office? The skills don’t directly translate to another. For instance, when you’re running for governor or Congress, oftentimes the main skills you need are ability to raise money and roll television ads. When you run for president, yes, of course, that’s important. But retail politicking, charisma, charm, discipline, being able to conduct yourself in a likable manner on television interviews, those are all equal, if not more important, than your ability to roll the TV ads. And DeSantis just hasn’t had it. And then the last thing I would say, Adrian, is like, there are some basic failure launch mechanics, for instance, choosing to launch on Twitter spaces. Of course, I don’t fault the governor. Nobody could have known that system was broken, but the governor blew it in the sense of he didn’t even have a simulcast video stream for new television stations to cover it.

That is just brutal.

Ron DeSantis is finished. Maybe he can come back in 2028 but it will be tough. It’s too bad he believed all of those strategists who were blowing smoke up his behind.

As Tucker Carlson said – Trump’s emergence is the “most significant thing” in US politics “in 100 years.”


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87ab0f No.87113

File: 70494d7aa576c2d⋯.png (58.41 KB,581x405,581:405,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491835 (050134ZSEP23) Notable: Chinese Gate-Crashers at U.S. Bases Spark Espionage Concerns

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Chinese gatecrashers at US bases raise espionage concerns -WSJ

Chinese nationals, sometimes posing as tourists, have accessed military bases and sensitive sites in the U.S. as many as 100 times in recent years, the Wall Street Journal reported on Sunday, citing U.S. officials who described the incidents as potential espionage threats.

The Defense Department, FBI and other agencies held a review last year to try to limit these incidents that involved gatecrashers because of their attempts to get into U.S. military bases without proper authorization, the WSJ report said.

The gatecrashers ranged from Chinese nationals found crossing into a U.S. missile range in New Mexico to scuba divers swimming in murky waters near a U.S. government rocket launch site in Florida, according to the report.

September 3, 20238:57 PM MSTUpdated a day ago


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87ab0f No.87114

File: 1a2a7914baa93d7⋯.mp4 (5.96 MB,854x386,427:193,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491836 (050135ZSEP23) Notable: Rosanne goes off about Nazis in Ukraine

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87ab0f No.87115

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491837 (050135ZSEP23) Notable: Founder of DeSantis Super PAC Obliterates the Florida Governor - Then Backs Trump in Same Interview!

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Brutal! Founder of DeSantis Super PAC Obliterates Ron - Then Backs Trump in Same Interview!



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87ab0f No.87116

File: 9f34a0b6ef463f3⋯.jpg (113.33 KB,750x500,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491876 (050144ZSEP23) Notable: End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000033

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End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000033

BEWARE: US Military Using AI Programs To Spread Government Propaganda On Social Media


This flies against their oath to protect our Constitutional rights but it seems anything goes in the USSA today.

GOP RINO Vivek Ramaswamy Calls For Social Media Bans For Kids, Digital Mark of the Beast ID System To Go Online


A proposal that would require the introduction of digital IDs and would face First Amendment challenges.

US Sanctions Fail Again: Huawei Unveils New Smartphone With Its Own Advanced Chip




Doctors, Nurses and Pharmacists will be banned from leaving Ukraine in three weeks time.

America Will Not Collapse All At Once: The Collapse Will Be Slow Motion Increasingly Brutal Decline


Home Insurers Cut "Natural Disasters" From Policies Over Arson Risks, Welcome To Hell


Will the United States even be a country worth living in a decade from now?

Illegals Invading Our Country Obviously Do Not Care About American Laws Or Citizens


Israel Plans To Deport All African Migrants


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has called for plans to immediately deport Blacks out of Israel and back to Africa. He also wants the migrants involved in the demonstration to be deported immediately.

Expiration Dates For Billions Of Vaxxed Souls Nearing


The fact that the vaxed have AIDS, and very little reserve strength left to respond immunologically to much of anything, is one of the biggest factors that is gong to do them in.

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87ab0f No.87117

File: 0ac888d3d4f640f⋯.jpeg (433.65 KB,1713x1377,571:459,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491908 (050149ZSEP23) Notable: God Bless Easton. Little Patriot

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Busy day not sure if this was posted already.

God Bless Easton.


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87ab0f No.87118

File: ddac527a0d725e5⋯.png (361.21 KB,910x513,910:513,Clipboard.png)

File: 4f0f55052b9298e⋯.mp4 (8.75 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491927 (050154ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - Trump's Untold Tales Of Kindness

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Our President Truthed a piece by a talented Journalist today, and (extremely) jaded anon ripped Mr. Cooper because of having seen it reported on a Kept-Unknown network years ago. With the likes of faux currently in the process of trickling out bits & pieces of this & that years-old info, I took it out on this writer, as well:

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump https://dcenquirer.com/in-2007-trump-gifted-10k-to-a-hero-that-saved-a-student-with-a-seizure-from-nyc-train-tracks

Trump's Untold Tales Of Kindness: In 2007, Trump Gifted $10K To The 'Hero Of Harlem' After He Saved Epileptic Student From NYC Train Tracks Sep 04, 2023, 12:04 PM

Mr. Cooper writes that he is going to profile other (Citizen, pre-POTUS years) Trump Kindnesses in future pieces, which reminded anon of the old Pearson Sharp Reports, thus the harsh reaction earlier. For background, VID (4:57) is just a small sampling of what The Invisible Network was reporting on since PDJT was campaigning back in ’16.  All of anon’s relatives = faux viewers, therefore all they could ever do was rip our President; Call him “Mussolini” and a “stupid” talker because of having ZERO clue about anything he’d refer to (noname’s a BIGGIE, and so are the bushes…) ZERO clue regarding ANYTHING. Hatred of media eats me alive. Probably need therapy, kek. NO TV. Only watch POTUS rallies on OAN’s App. As much as I like Bannon, won’t even listen to him online. NO time for “commentary” by ANYONE anymore. Checking out who POTUS posts is the closest it gets to commentary.

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87ab0f No.87119

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491933 (050155ZSEP23) Notable: Bohemian Grove T-shit Kevin McCarthy

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Speaker McCarthy Slams Reporter Who Suggests Climate Change Is To Blame For Natural Disasters



Bohemian Grove T-shit Kevin McCarthy

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87ab0f No.87120

File: e5a2b1394d478d7⋯.jpg (64.57 KB,500x500,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491970 (050203ZSEP23) Notable: God Bless Easton. Little Patriot

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87ab0f No.87121

File: 13bb99a4e8dc9b2⋯.png (753.38 KB,421x636,421:636,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19491993 (050207ZSEP23) Notable: God Bless Easton. Little Patriot

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>God Bless Easton.

For Easton.


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87ab0f No.87122

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19492041 (050214ZSEP23) Notable: The AFP has charged 877 alleged offenders with more than 7,000 child abuse offences since the launch of the AFP-led Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation (ACCCE) five years ago.

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The AFP has charged 877 alleged offenders with more than 7,000 child abuse offences since the launch of the AFP-led Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation (ACCCE) five years ago.

Marking the anniversary of the ACCCE, the AFP and key stakeholders have reflected on the children they have removed from harm, the perpetrators who have been sentenced before courts and the prevention work delivered for the public.

Reports of online child sexual exploitation to the ACCCE have increased by more than 180 per cent since it launched in 2018.

AFP Commander ACCCE and Human Exploitation Commander Helen Schneider said the increased number of reports – 40,232 in the past financial year, up from 14,285 reports five years ago - reflected the scale of the horrific crime around the world.

The ACCCE was created with a vision to keep children free from exploitation and a mission to be coordinated and connected with partners to counter online child exploitation.

It brings together specialist expertise and skills in a central hub, supporting investigations into child sexual abuse and developing prevention strategies focused on creating a safer online environment.

Since its inception in September 2018, the ACCCE has been instrumental in the AFP’s fight to combat the exploitation of children and has contributed to significant success including:

Removing 637 children from harm;

Identifying 570 victims;

Charging 877 alleged offenders with 7,029 offences;

Triaging 135,385 reports, that have resulted in 2,565 referrals to law enforcement in Australia; and

Developing 115 relationships with key stakeholders.

The ACCCE marks its anniversary each year at the time of National Child Protection Week, which this year commenced on Sunday (3 September) and aims to raise awareness of child protection.

Commander Schneider said members of the ACCCE were proud of the contributions they were making to protect children around the world from harm and bring to justice anyone involved in their exploitation.


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87ab0f No.87123

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19492093 (050220ZSEP23) Notable: Kyiv court orders detention of Israeli-Ukrainian oligarch on corruption charges

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Kyiv court orders detention of Israeli-Ukrainian oligarch on corruption charges

Igor Kolomoisky to be held for two months for alleged fraud and money-laundering; defense lawyers say he will appeal detention but won’t post bail of nearly $14 million

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87ab0f No.87124

File: 5096f3d2e8a32c8⋯.png (707.58 KB,721x471,721:471,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19492098 (050221ZSEP23) Notable: More than 100 child sex charges laid against six Queensland men, 15,000 cases referred to child safety since July 2022

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More than 100 child sex charges laid against six Queensland men, 15,000 cases referred to child safety since July 2022

Six Queensland men have been charged with more than 100 child sex offences following extensive investigations by taskforce Argos detectives.

Detective Acting Superintendent Glen Donaldson said the alleged offences committed by the men were "extremely serious, and in some cases truly shocking".

As part of the investigation, a 46-year-old Fortitude Valley man was charged with more than 20 child sex offences and is accused of photographing children in public toilets as well as running a hidden network inside a child exploitation website.

A 44-year-old Beerwah man was taken into custody accused of 62 offences, including making child exploitation material.

An Upper Kedron man, 42, and a Cairns man, 39, were charged with using a carriage service to access child exploitation material.

A 22-year-old Albion man was charged with grooming a child and making exploitation material and police allege a 26-year-old man from Carina, used social media to attempt to meet a child.

All of the men charged are due to face court in the coming weeks.

Detective Acting Superintendent Donaldson said the offences involved children as young as infants, toddlers, and up to 17 years old.

"The maximum penalty for some of these offences is 20 years imprisonment," he said.

"This is probably every parent's worst nightmare."

Detective Acting Superintendent Donaldson said the 22-year-old Albion man charged with grooming a child and making exploitation material had written down his "fantasies".

"This offender discussed the rape of children online and has written down child sex fantasies, which are truly shocking," he said.

Detective Acting Superintendent Donaldson said the men involved were in well known groups.

"They all know each other so the less information that gets out, the more assistance Argos has in continuing to penetrate these networks," he said.

"This is still an active investigation.

"Obviously, these offenders love watching the news to see what Argos is doing so I have to be very careful in what I can say," he said.

He could not provide information on the men's occupations but said none of them had blue cards.


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87ab0f No.87125

File: 881bda5c699bfc4⋯.png (744.4 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19492112 (050223ZSEP23) Notable: Unfit to Serve? Obesity Epidemic Creating Recruitment Woes, National Security Risk – Biden's DEI Policies Don't Help

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Too many fat kids in America are causing the recruiting crisis. Then if they do get in they'll do dumb crap such as exercising their biceps wrong as seen in the photo. Physical therapist say you shouldn't do bicep curls that way because it'll cause injury.

Unfit to Serve? Obesity Epidemic Creating Recruitment Woes, National Security Risk – Biden's DEI Policies Don't Help

As Joe Biden's Pentagon worries about "white supremacy" and woke training, the military can't seem to find many new recruits.


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87ab0f No.87126

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19492186 (050235ZSEP23) Notable: #23939

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Notables - FINAL

#23939 >>87071

>>87072, >>87073, >>87074, >>87076, >>87077 Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - MUST SEE… Steve Bannon Defines This Historic Moment: "For Only The Third Time In History, The Nation's Destiny Is Tied…

>>87075, >>87080, >>87083, >>87085, >>87088 RIP JOSH AKA THE DIRTY TRUTH

>>87078, >>87113 Chinese Gate-Crashers at U.S. Bases Spark Espionage Concerns

>>87079, >>87090 National Archives Misses Deadline to Turn Over Biden Pseudonym Emails He Used for Illicit Business Deals with Foreign Officials

>>87081 Democrat Eric Swalwell Calls for Buyback of All AR-15s

>>87082, >>87084, >>87111, >>87112, >>87115 Founder of DeSantis Super PAC Obliterates the Florida Governor - Then Backs Trump in Same Interview!

>>87086 Bongino Goes on EPIC RANT over RACIAL DIVIDE in Politics

>>87087 PlaneFag Reports

>>87089, >>87099 X vs ADL / Elon Musk Threatens to Sue the ADL

>>87091 FBI Whistleblower: The Enemy Within

>>87092 Lawyer for Virgin Islands Reveals JPMorgan Flagged Over a Billion in Financial Transactions with Jeffrey Epstein Related to Sex Trafficking

>>87093 Bill Mitchell Gets Destroyed by Loomer in Trump vs DeSantis Debate

>>87094 Musk Confirms Current Status of Ad Twitter Revenue

>>87095, >>87096 COVID-19 Vaccine Induced Injuries and Government Compensation

>>87097 ADL - Former President Trump also delivered remarks that were in character but still dangerous - 3/7/23

>>87098, >>87100 Jill Biden tested positive for covid

>>87101 #TheADLFiles showing the ADL’s requests to ban and censor X accounts will be released next week

>>87102 Rasmussen Reports - Preliminary AZ Senate Forensic Ballot Audit Findings - over 200,000 'non-conforming' 2020 ballots / Georgia: Court claim total of 'non-conforming' 2020 ballots still locked up - "nearly 150,000."

>>87103 The ACLU Is Once More on the Side of Convicted Killers Identifying as Trans

>>87104 End of the Line for Truth Social? Merger Woes Threaten Trump's Media Platform

>>87105, >>87106, >>87107, >>87109, >>87110 Texas ranchers 'DEFEAT' Chinese billionaire who bought swathes of neighboring land to build huge wind farm - but could Beijing maintain backdoor access?

>>87108 Q - The Plan to Save the World

>>87114 Rosanne goes off about Nazis in Ukraine

>>87116 End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000033

>>87117, >>87120, >>87121 God Bless Easton. Little Patriot

>>87118 Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - Trump's Untold Tales Of Kindness

>>87119 Bohemian Grove T-shit Kevin McCarthy

>>87122 The AFP has charged 877 alleged offenders with more than 7,000 child abuse offences since the launch of the AFP-led Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation (ACCCE) five years ago.

>>87123 Kyiv court orders detention of Israeli-Ukrainian oligarch on corruption charges

>>87124 More than 100 child sex charges laid against six Queensland men, 15,000 cases referred to child safety since July 2022

>>87125 Unfit to Serve? Obesity Epidemic Creating Recruitment Woes, National Security Risk – Biden's DEI Policies Don't Help


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87ab0f No.87127

File: 1a634bce3358422⋯.jpg (107.91 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19492192 (050237ZSEP23) Notable: #23940

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Can Continue or Defer, Kitchen is Open to Hand Offs

As The World Turns



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87ab0f No.87128

File: 47bde84e963567d⋯.png (528.88 KB,700x394,350:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19492256 (050251ZSEP23) Notable: Fauci Squirms As CNN Anchor Confronts Him With Data Showing Masks Don't Work

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Watch: Fauci Squirms As CNN Anchor Confronts Him With Data Showing Masks Don't Work


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87ab0f No.87129

File: 1557c29a47e9f63⋯.png (797.85 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19492260 (050251ZSEP23) Notable: New Zealand PM says "There was no compulsory vaccination. People made their own choices." We have the receipts, pal.

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GASLIGHTING: New Zealand PM says "There was no compulsory vaccination. People made their own choices." We have the receipts, pal.

New Zealand PM says "There was no compulsory vaccination. People made their own choices." We have the receipts, pal.

The next step for the tyrants was always to say that you had a choice.


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87ab0f No.87130

File: 1644ff30d0ff61d⋯.png (461.03 KB,636x382,318:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19492263 (050253ZSEP23) Notable: Musk to file defamation lawsuit against the Anti-Defamation League

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Elon Musk sues the Anti-Defamation League for $22 BILLION for 'trying to kill X by falsely accusing it and me of being anti-Semitic': X owner sets up huge defamation battle with group

Musk to file defamation lawsuit against the Anti-Defamation League

Elon Musk claims that he is going to sue the Anti-Defamation League for defamation as he believes the organization is falsely accusing him and X of being anti-Semitic.


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87ab0f No.87131

File: b926fe40c1ee4fb⋯.webp (31.61 KB,834x449,834:449,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19492264 (050253ZSEP23) Notable: Gold Star Moms Slam Joe Biden Over His Response to the Loss of Their Loved Ones in Afghanistan Suicide Bombing (VIDEO)

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Gold Star Moms Slam Joe Biden Over His Response to the Loss of Their Loved Ones in Afghanistan Suicide Bombing (VIDEO)

Three Gold Star moms who lost their children in the suicide bombing during the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan appeared on ABC News this weekend and slammed Biden’s response to their loss.

One of the mothers describes Biden telling her about his son Beau and trying to compare the loss of his son to theirs, which is not a fair comparison at all.

One of them describes the outrage at seeing Biden check his watch as the remains of the soldiers were received.

Sgt. Nicole Gee was the Marine whose image has become the symbol of American humanity. Gee was photographed cradling a baby in her arms. She died “doing a job she loved.” But when Nicole came home, her mother-in-law said, that when it came to “people in suits,” things felt disingenuous and hollow. The casket containing Marine Cpl. Humberto Sanchez was at Dover Air Force Base as well. His grieving mom was at Dover. Joe Biden greeted Mrs. Sanchez by calling her “Ms. Lopez.”

Why did he do such an awful thing—such a disrespectful error? I have a theory. One of the fallen Marines was named Lopez. His first name was “Hunter.” Joe Biden was thinking of another son. Not the sons of Mrs. Sanchez and Mrs. Lopez but his own son Hunter. Biden then, predictably, launched into his usual conflation about his other son, Beau. He “knew” how “Ms. Lopez” felt because his son Beau was a soldier, and Beau died in the GWT (Global War on Terrorism), too. Of course, he hadn’t. That is a lie. Mrs. Sanchez was mortified. Of course, Biden didn’t know how she felt. Her son died in the service of his nation. He died helping others. Mrs. Sanchez correctly said Biden was with his son when Beau died in a hospital bed. Mrs. Sanchez added what we all feel and often say: “It was all about him.” It’s always about Joe Biden.

Staff Sgt. Darin Hoover’s mom was even more pointed. She couldn’t stand the president. She wouldn’t even meet with him. The Hoover family retreated to a room to escape Biden’s lies about Beau and his phony empathy. Her daughter and the sister of Staff Sgt. Hoover was also at Dover. She yelled at Biden, “Burn in Hell.”


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87ab0f No.87132

File: 9ea46103cbb745f⋯.png (459.16 KB,891x676,891:676,Clipboard.png)

File: 7dc07cba88a6a52⋯.png (221.85 KB,876x899,876:899,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19492283 (050256ZSEP23) Notable: Lawyer for Virgin Islands Reveals JPMorgan Flagged Over a Billion in Financial Transactions with Jeffrey Epstein Related to Sex Trafficking

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Lawyer for Virgin Islands Reveals JPMorgan Flagged Over a Billion in Financial Transactions with Jeffrey Epstein Related to Sex Trafficking


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87ab0f No.87133

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19492324 (050306ZSEP23) Notable: Spike Detox protocol for getting better

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Spike Detox Goes Mainstream: First-Ever Protocol Appears in U.S. Medical Journal

Here's the published protocol for getting better:

• Nattokinase: 2000 fibrin units (100 milligrams) orally twice a day without food

• Bromelain: 500 milligrams orally once a day without food

• Curcumin: 500 milligrams orally twice a day (nano, liposomal, or with piperine additive suggested)

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87ab0f No.87134

File: e64e255cbe886ba⋯.png (94.66 KB,674x592,337:296,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19492353 (050314ZSEP23) Notable: Attackers accessed UK military data through high-security fencing firm's Windows 7 rig

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Attackers accessed UK military data through high-security fencing firm's Windows 7 rig

The risk of running obsolete code and hardware was highlighted after attackers exfiltrated data from a UK supplier of high-security fencing for military bases. The initial entry point? A Windows 7 PC.

While the supplier, Wolverhampton-based Zaun, said it believed that no classified information was downloaded, reports indicated that attackers were able to obtain data that could be used to gain access to some of the UK's most sensitive military and research sites.

The LockBit Ransom group conducted the attack on the company's network, and Zaun admitted the group may have exfiltrated 10GB of data. The company also confessed that the attack might have reached its server beyond the Windows 7 entry point.

"We do not believe that any classified documents were stored on the system or have been compromised," the company said, which will be tremendously reassuring to agencies that use the company's services. Zaun also said it had notified the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) as well as the UK's Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) regarding the breach.

In a statement, Zaun said: "We are aware of an attack upon our servers by the Lockbit [sic] Ransom group at the beginning of August. Our cyber-security systems closed the attack before they could encrypt any files on the server. However, it has become apparent that LockBit was able to download some data from our system, which has now been published on the Dark Web."

Zaun specializes in high-security perimeter fencing. It isn't a government-approved security contractor, although is approved for government use via the Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure (CPNI). The fact it has fallen victim to a cyberattack and had data downloaded is a reminder for enterprises and organizations to be vigilant regarding every link in the supply chain.


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87ab0f No.87135

File: 1cbcc876d66442b⋯.png (356.39 KB,500x591,500:591,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19492354 (050314ZSEP23) Notable: Soros Foundation Worries Trump Win Will in 2024 and 'Imperil' Globalism

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PANIC: Soros worries Trump will win in 2024 & imperil globohomoism

Soros Foundation Worries Trump Win Will in 2024 and 'Imperil' Globalism

George Soros's foundation is worried that former President Donald Trump will win in the 2024 election and undermine globalist "unity."



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 878872 No.8952145 📁

Apr 28 2020 18:34:42 (EST)

How does Soros comm [secure] w/ DNC leaders?



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 No.99 📁

Dec 7 2019 12:17:34 (EST)

Where is George Soros?


Who else recently traveled to Ukraine?

PANIC is real.




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87ab0f No.87136

File: 16c92d4c3df8856⋯.png (732.92 KB,768x449,768:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19492362 (050316ZSEP23) Notable: Biden’s Numbers Are Really, Really Bad

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Oye, Biden’s Numbers Are Really, Really Bad

Seriously, it’s hard to believe Joe Biden hasn’t dropped out of the 2024 presidential race yet.His numbers are really that bad.According to a new poll from the Wall Street Journal, a large majority...


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87ab0f No.87137

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19492419 (050328ZSEP23) Notable: Dr. Robert Malone: The phone call that changed my life.

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Dr. Robert Malone: The phone call that changed my life.




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87ab0f No.87138

File: 12667d5e117d08e⋯.png (353.29 KB,1211x521,1211:521,Clipboard.png)

File: 8e8de2cef11e293⋯.png (1.66 MB,1216x820,304:205,Clipboard.png)

File: e98e519e775da29⋯.png (663.08 KB,1169x579,1169:579,Clipboard.png)

File: 95fa7e101d44257⋯.png (710.67 KB,861x775,861:775,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19492427 (050331ZSEP23) Notable: Libertad was founded in June 2017 to serve as the strategic investment arm of the Mossad.

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Interesting, never heard of this before.



"Libertad was founded in June 2017 to serve as the strategic investment arm of the Mossad. We aim to strengthen the organization's existing technological backbone, extend its scope of action and encourage mutually beneficial cooperation with the high-tech industry. To date, the fund has invested successfully in a number of companies, and has established extensive contacts in the ecosystem

We invest in entrepreneurs and promising start-ups focused on frontier, visionary technologies. In return, we do not require shareholding in the company but are granted a non-commercial, non-exclusive license for the use of the company's IP, developed at the time of engagement with the fund

Aiming for our portfolio companies to succeed and thrive, we encourage and assist them in strategic issues, including connecting them to various spheres of the ecosystem"


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87ab0f No.87139

File: 653ade60fadb171⋯.png (914.66 KB,990x1754,495:877,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19492438 (050335ZSEP23) Notable: Multiple firefighters are battling a massive Hazardous Chemical Warehouse fire

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🚨#BREAKING: Multiple firefighters are battling a massive Hazardous Chemical Warehouse fire

📌#Queens | #Newyork

Currently, multiple firefighters and other authorities are on the scene of a massive four-alarm hazardous warehouse chemical fire in Queens, New York. This incident is unfolding at the U.S. Department of Transportation building. Firefighters have reported the presence of dangerous materials within the building, including high-pressure tanks, diesel fuels, kerosene, gasoline, welding tanks, and other hazardous materials. Officers are actively working to evacuate people from the area for their safety.

11:29 PM · Sep 4, 2023

from Queens, NY·9,226 Views

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87ab0f No.87140

File: d7a956086ec4e59⋯.png (1.1 MB,1080x1369,1080:1369,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19492440 (050337ZSEP23) Notable: Elon Musk: The Facebook caved to far left pressure groups and now allows them to silently dictate policy in exchange for ad money

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Elon Musk: The Facebook caved to far left pressure groups and now allows them to silently dictate policy in exchange for ad money


SPARKS flying.....

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87ab0f No.87141

File: 0e8a1f8c656ecf4⋯.png (470.75 KB,555x1231,555:1231,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19492455 (050340ZSEP23) Notable: The First Published Detoxification Protocol to Help Clear Spike Protein from Cells and Tissues.

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Dr. McCullough details a detox protocol

"I published the very first detoxification protocol for people who've had multiple rounds of covid or vaccines or both"

Dr. Peter McCullough

link to the paper


full interview below


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87ab0f No.87142

File: 246e3665d9ce878⋯.png (390.19 KB,1154x797,1154:797,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19492459 (050342ZSEP23) Notable: The First Published Detoxification Protocol to Help Clear Spike Protein from Cells and Tissues.

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The First Published Detoxification Protocol to Help Clear Spike Protein from Cells and Tissues.

“People who took the vaccines for the first time took an injection of foreign genetic material that produced spike protein in their body for an uncontrolled duration [of] time and quantity,” says Dr. Peter McCullough, who adds “Many of you still have the spike protein in your cells and your tissues.” “Every study that’s looked at this has actually identified this central issue. The human body does not seem to have enzymes that can break down this protein like it could any other natural protein and have us get rid of it.”

However, Dr. McCullough explains that there is a detoxification protocol that allows individuals to proactively address the issue head-on by using three natural substances, nattokinase, bromelain, and curcumin, “to help the body clear this very dangerous protein from [their] cells and tissues.”

”Although the protocol has not yet been scientifically validated through double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trials, Dr. McCullough argued that clinical observations indicate a positive impact.

No Therapeutic Trials Have Been Planned

Dr. McCullough said that he had been messaging the scientific community and the public for several weeks about an approach addressing the burden of Spike protein in tissues and organs in the human body that is largely responsible for “post-COVID and vaccine injury syndromes.”

”Why?” “It’s because this protein is not natural,” argues McCullough.

The effects of the unnatural Spike protein have been devastating.

Professional basketball player Óscar Cabrera Adames collapsed mid-game in 2021.

He blamed vaccine-induced myocarditis for the incident.

Two years later, he unfortunately died during a stress test

at a health center in the Dominican Republic.

The vaccines have left about 15% of those who’ve taken them with some form of a medical problem,” according to McCullough, who rightly says, “That is a huge number, […] “Now, fortunately, about a third of people who took the vaccine; have had no side effects whatsoever, and they appear to be exhibiting no side effects emerging. So, if one took the shot and they’re perfectly fine, didn’t even have a sore arm, they’re extremely unlikely now to develop a problem,”

It is people who developed an initial reaction and were sick for a few days or weeks afterward that McCullough says he “worries about” because of the “late development of myocarditis and cardiac arrest even two years after the vaccine” and “Blood clots have been seen to have developed even two years after the vaccine”

Is There a Prevention?

However, the doctor argues that there is a prevention to the spike protein, “Three words” he says “Base Spike Detoxification.” and explains that it is the very first detoxification protocol that was “the very first” published in the U.S. medical literature, namely, the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons.

Nattokinase, Bromelain, and Curcumin

“The Health Benefits of Nattokinase”: explore.globalhealing.com

Nattokinase: An enzyme derived from the fermentation of soy. It has been traditionally used in Japan for its supposed cardiovascular benefits. Preclinical trials show it degrades the Spike protein.

Bromelain: A set of enzymes derived from pineapple stems, approved by the FDA as a topical treatment for wounds. Like nattokinase, it has also been shown to accelerate the clearance of Spike proteins.

Curcumin: The active compound in turmeric, widely used for its anti-inflammatory properties. It also mitigates further damage from the Spike protein.

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87ab0f No.87143

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19492460 (050342ZSEP23) Notable: The First Published Detoxification Protocol to Help Clear Spike Protein from Cells and Tissues.

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The Spikeprotein Protocol

The recommended doses in the protocol are as follows, per Dr. McCullough’s Substack:

• Nattokinase: 2000 fibrin units (100 milligrams) orally twice a day without food

• Bromelain: 500 milligrams orally once a day without food

• Curcumin: 500 milligrams orally twice a day (nano, liposomal, or with piperine additive suggested).

Dr. McCullough recommended taking this treatment triad for at least three months for anyone suffering from or worried about post-COVID or vaccine syndromes, but he also suggested that those who have received multiple injections may need to take it for twelve months or longer.

Clinical Observations and Limitations

In Dr. McCullough’s clinical observations, “patients indeed are getting better on this approach.” He said he has observed people experience relief from symptoms such as numbness, tingling, heart racing, headaches, and loss of senses under this protocol. However, these observations have not yet been supported by large-scale scientific trials.“

Despite a billion-dollar investment in long COVID research by the Biden administration, not a single dollar of funding has been directed toward researching vaccine injuries. So, it won’t be the government but dissenting doctors, like Dr. McCullough, who will be leading the way in discovering optimal treatments and management for vaccine injuries, says Vigilant News

Safety Concerns

“The main safety caveats are bleeding and allergic reactions, both of which are manageable. It is our experience that both nattokinase and bromelain can be used in addition to antiplatelet and anticoagulant drugs with physician monitoring,” wrote Dr. McCullough on his Substack page.

Overall, “Base Spike Detoxification” looks promising. and ”Bromelain, curcumin, and nattokinase are available over the counter at just about any health food store or pharmacy.

The full manuscript is linked and serves as your reference. While we are seeing case examples of improvement, we aim to collaborate with others as we did with the McCullough Protocol, to demonstrate clinical effectiveness of Base Spike Detoxification as a fundamental strategy for a large number of individuals who have suffered long-term consequences from SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 vaccination.


Dr Peter McCullough on Substack

Click to access mccullough.pdf


Vigilant News ( – sponsored article promoting a product).


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87ab0f No.87144

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19492461 (050342ZSEP23) Notable: The First Published Detoxification Protocol to Help Clear Spike Protein from Cells and Tissues.

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First-Ever Spike Detox Protocol Appears in Medical Journal: Here’s How You Can Get Better



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87ab0f No.87145

File: 331d2a79187e690⋯.png (835.69 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19492492 (050349ZSEP23) Notable: Vivek Ramaswamy disagrees with Nikki Haley's proposed mental competency tests after McConnell's second 'freezing'

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Vivek RINOswampy disagrees with Nikki Haley's proposed mental competency tests after McConnell's second 'freezing'

Vivek RINOswampy disagrees with Nikki Haley's mental competency tests

Presidential hopeful Vivek RINOswampy said he doesn't think there should be mental competency tests for lawmakers despite the recent slew of health issues with members of Congress.


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87ab0f No.87146

File: c6f40f1e8045c1a⋯.png (303.01 KB,862x889,862:889,Clipboard.png)

File: 071018f21383b7c⋯.png (332.19 KB,844x875,844:875,Clipboard.png)

File: d9968240ff263ac⋯.png (323.02 KB,810x865,162:173,Clipboard.png)

File: e556ccccdd71cd1⋯.png (227.62 KB,833x902,833:902,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19492497 (050350ZSEP23) Notable: Clinical Rationale for SARS-CoV-2 Base Spike Protein Detoxification in Post COVID-19 and Vaccine Injury Syndromes

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90 Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons Volume 28 Number 3 Fall 2023

Clinical Rationale for SARS-CoV-2 Base Spike Protein Detoxification in Post COVID-19 and Vaccine Injury Syndromes


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87ab0f No.87147

File: ebc913ff229986f⋯.mp4 (6.27 MB,966x504,23:12,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19492508 (050351ZSEP23) Notable: David Straight Out of Babylon Part 3 (capped 53:20)

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David Straight talking about protecting your children by patenting the DNA of the children (in the context of protecting them from Child Protective Services and from signing your children over to the State via the Birth Certificate Scam).

Protect your DNA

"We need to get Trust documents on our children... We've gotten children back to their fathers by patenting the DNA of their children as uniquely created biological property of the father... Right now the Counties hold true Title to your children"

David Straight Out of Babylon Part 3 (capped 53:20)


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87ab0f No.87148

File: 0074b446bb4dc9d⋯.mp4 (8.22 MB,1080x1080,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19492528 (050357ZSEP23) Notable: Spike Detox protocol for getting better

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87ab0f No.87149

File: 8c5a236a8e1856d⋯.png (1.13 MB,1049x696,1049:696,Clipboard.png)

File: 78f503805f6ed37⋯.png (912.01 KB,1045x685,209:137,Clipboard.png)

File: 67abb64a59d5ef3⋯.png (1.03 MB,1044x695,1044:695,Clipboard.png)

File: 960d9d5ae7e1bbc⋯.png (1.25 MB,1038x690,173:115,Clipboard.png)

File: 12cc4bf0451cdc3⋯.png (1.34 MB,1041x696,347:232,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19492542 (050400ZSEP23) Notable: Some behind the scenes pictures from 3 years ago when Donald Trump successfully negotiated an agreement between Kosovo and Serbia.

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A few behind the scenes pictures in honor of the 3rd Anniversary of Donald Trump’s successful Washington Agreement between Kosovo and Serbia.

We started with President Thaci representing Kosovo - until Jack Smith indicted him because he didn’t want Trump to have success in the Balkans


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87ab0f No.87150

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19492544 (050401ZSEP23) Notable: President Trump has had enough of this smart ass NPR reporter.

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President Trump has had enough of this smart ass NPR reporter.




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87ab0f No.87151

File: 9f63be2885b2933⋯.png (119.15 KB,833x457,833:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19492548 (050402ZSEP23) Notable: Some behind the scenes pictures from 3 years ago when Donald Trump successfully negotiated an agreement between Kosovo and Serbia.

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Richard Grenell

Some behind the scenes pictures from 3 years ago when Donald Trump successfully negotiated an agreement between Kosovo and Serbia.


10:52 PM · Sep 4, 2023


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87ab0f No.87152

File: d2734251a6ef8a0⋯.png (56.64 KB,898x355,898:355,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19492570 (050407ZSEP23) Notable: Dan Scavino - REST IN PEACE, The Dirty Truth (@RealDirty)

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Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅


REST IN PEACE, The Dirty Truth (@RealDirty) 🙏🏼🙏🏼🇺🇸

Devin Nunes





Sad News… @RealDirty Truth was the best. We will miss him 🙏

Sep 04, 2023, 10:59 PM


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87ab0f No.87153

File: d7f465afb1d5c5c⋯.png (20.47 KB,552x416,69:52,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19492586 (050412ZSEP23) Notable: Elon To Sue ADL for Defamation/Advertiser Loss

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Elon To Sue ADL for Defamation/Advertiser Loss

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87ab0f No.87154

File: e2fac3bc1aa8748⋯.png (45.47 KB,772x447,772:447,Clipboard.png)

File: 595d51fe014bcd4⋯.png (71.46 KB,751x791,751:791,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19492600 (050415ZSEP23) Notable: NSO Group and its parent company, Q Cyber, create, market, and sell spyware and provide technical assistance and consulting to government clients that contract with them to use their spyware

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How about this Trademark kek


Description of Mark

The mark consists of a stylized letter "Q" gradually shading from dark to light from top to bottom, with a series of shaded partial triangles appearing within the "Q" on a dark square background.

Goods and Services

Downloadable computer software in the field of communication surveillance for use in tracking law enforcement targeted individuals, and computer hardware in the field of communication surveillance

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87ab0f No.87155

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19492606 (050416ZSEP23) Notable: Former vice president at Pfizer, Dr. Mike Yeadon: The so-called "pandemic" was planned and co-ordinated in advance

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Lara Logan reposted

Wide Awake Media

Former vice president at Pfizer, Dr. Mike Yeadon: The so-called "pandemic" was planned and co-ordinated in advance, by unelected globalist bodies like the WHO and WEF, as a pretext to deliberately depopulate the planet via lethal mRNA injections:

"We're facing something much worse than an alleged virus. The injuries to people from these so called vaccines... I wish I could tell you that it was accidental, but it wasn't accidental. I'm convinced that these injections have been made to injure people, to maim and kill deliberately."

Source: https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/events/truth-be-told-rally-march-25/truth-be-told-march-25/

For more content like this, visit: https://wide-awake-media.com


7:44 AM · Sep 3, 2023·734.3K Views


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87ab0f No.87156

File: 7aa9e82db531a40⋯.mp4 (13.04 MB,1078x536,539:268,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19492609 (050417ZSEP23) Notable: David Straight Out of Babylon Part 3 (capped 53:20)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

David Straight on the Gitmo Trials/Hillary, Brennan, Podesta, HUMA

"President Trump designated Gitmo for trials, Guam for trials, and Tera del fige(?) for trials. The trials have been going on since September 30th. 30 News reporters got a lottery ticket and their down at Gitmo and watching the trials. When it gets reported on, everyone will know. Until then nobody knows. I’ve got the court transcripts from Hillary’s trial. The evidence we pulled out from Rockford Illinois, John Brennan was just tried, and so was Podesta. Huma Abedin is being tried right now, she turned states evidence on Hillary.

I got an opportunity to meet an admiral of the United States Navy, who is the Chief Judge at Gitmo. It’s Admrl Crandal(?) I found that very prophetic and I cried for days. He had the privilege of trying Hillary."

Out of Babylon Part 3 (Capped 2:06:35)


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87ab0f No.87157

File: 861a65e341a90bd⋯.png (506.22 KB,909x761,909:761,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19492619 (050418ZSEP23) Notable: NSO Group and its parent company, Q Cyber, create, market, and sell spyware and provide technical assistance and consulting to government clients that contract with them to use their spyware

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Trademark owned by OSY Technologies



"NSO’s government ties have also made a cameo in ongoing inquiries into the Trump campaign. Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, the former Trump campaign and White House adviser, served as an advisory board member to OSY Technologies, an NSO Group offshoot based in Luxembourg, from May 2016 until January 2017. According to financial disclosure forms, Flynn received $40,280 for work completed while he was working for the Trump campaign, and just prior to his ill-fated stint as President Trump’s national security adviser. Flynn also provided consulting work to Francisco Partners, the San Francisco private equity firm that owns NSO Group, for “less than $100,000,” Francisco’s general counsel told the Times."

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87ab0f No.87158

File: 1ece6dbfdf13a3d⋯.png (66.78 KB,850x442,25:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19492643 (050422ZSEP23) Notable: NSO Group and its parent company, Q Cyber, create, market, and sell spyware and provide technical assistance and consulting to government clients that contract with them to use their spyware

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As reported in May 2019, WhatsApp identified and shortly thereafter fixed a vulnerability that allowed attackers to inject commercial spyware on to phones simply by ringing the number of a target’s device.

Today Oct 29th, WhatsApp is publicly attributing the attack to NSO Group, an Israeli spyware developer that also goes by the name Q Cyber Technologies.

NSO Group / Q Cyber Technologies’ flagship spyware, which is usually branded as Pegasus but which may have other names (including Q Suite), is among some of the most sophisticated spyware available on the market and can infiltrate both iOS and Android devices. To monitor a target, a Pegasus operator uses multiple vectors and tactics (see: ‘How Do Infections Happen?’), including zero-day exploits and deception, to penetrate security features in popular operating systems and silently install Pegasus without the user’s knowledge or permission.


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87ab0f No.87159

File: 8f0305edca8709b⋯.png (343.93 KB,1917x521,1917:521,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19492644 (050422ZSEP23) Notable: PlaneFag Reports

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US C17 sitting on the deck in Japan wants us to know something. Squawking 7700 for a while now


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87ab0f No.87160

File: 4ba189c1b69e0ca⋯.png (85.12 KB,908x811,908:811,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19492660 (050426ZSEP23) Notable: NSO Group and its parent company, Q Cyber, create, market, and sell spyware and provide technical assistance and consulting to government clients that contract with them to use their spyware

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NSO Group and its parent company, Q Cyber, create, market, and sell spyware and

provide technical assistance and consulting to government clients that contract with them to use their spyware. Often, these clients were known authoritarian regimes working with NSO Group to use its spyware to target anyone who poses a perceived “threat” to the reigning power. Targeted persons deemed “threats” include not just criminals, but also activists, humanitarians, dissidents, and journalists. Unfortunately, the nefarious use of the spyware does not stop there—NSO Group technology is also used to track the friends, family members, and loved ones of anyone the client deems suspicious


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87ab0f No.87161

File: f88b97c6c72623e⋯.png (1.61 MB,1114x3428,557:1714,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19492728 (050445ZSEP23) Notable: Major GOP women's group opens door to biological men joining

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Major GOP women's group opens door to biological men joining

One state chapter nominated gender-confused man for 'Woman of the Year'

It appears even a major Republican women’s group is having a hard time answering the modern culture-war question: “What is a woman?”

The National Federation of Republican Women, or NFRW, faces a backlash among its members, mainly in red states, for stonewalling a grassroots campaign to put the organization on record as limiting its voting membership to biological females, WND has learned.

Its national leadership has rejected a proposed bylaws amendment for consideration at the organization’s upcoming biennial conference in Oklahoma City later this month. The proposal, published in full below, effectively would bar gender-confused men living as “trans women” from joining the NFRW as voting members and leaders.

NFRW President Eileen Sobjack, on advice from the organization’s attorney, reportedly fears a costly lawsuit and told state leaders that “addressing this issue would end us. I will not let this issue be our demise,” ...


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87ab0f No.87162

File: 3b6093922798ff3⋯.png (192.18 KB,562x664,281:332,Clipboard.png)

File: 1f1410791e014be⋯.png (216.61 KB,560x617,560:617,Clipboard.png)

File: 678d78635335421⋯.mp4 (1.01 MB,320x566,160:283,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19492738 (050448ZSEP23) Notable: Head of the Defamation League (fka ADL) Jonathan Greenblatt called @TuckerCarlson an “obvious antisemite”

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ALX 🇺🇸


Head of the Defamation League (fka ADL) Jonathan Greenblatt called


an “obvious antisemite” and demanded he be deplatformed from X.

Should Tucker #SueTheADL for defamation too?


Elon Musk


Tucker is welcome to join our suit

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87ab0f No.87163

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19492881 (050542ZSEP23) Notable: CLASSIC DEM LOGIC: Elon Musk Accused Of Antisemitism For Suing The ADL For Accusing Him Antisemitism

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

CLASSIC DEM LOGIC: Elon Musk Accused Of Antisemitism For Suing The ADL For Accusing Him Antisemitism

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87ab0f No.87164

File: 093a2109bff0382⋯.png (249.59 KB,600x459,200:153,Clipboard.png)

File: fb704fe4d9dc274⋯.jpg (52.81 KB,639x548,639:548,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19492923 (050559ZSEP23) Notable: ADL led a campaign in 2020 that squeezed $60 billion in market cap from Mark Zuckerberg in just two days

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Ashley St. Clair



ADL led a campaign in 2020 that squeezed $60 billion in market cap from Mark Zuckerberg in just two days


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87ab0f No.87165

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19492975 (050628ZSEP23) Notable: #23940

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Notables - FINAL

#23940 >>87127

>>87128 Fauci Squirms As CNN Anchor Confronts Him With Data Showing Masks Don't Work

>>87129 New Zealand PM says "There was no compulsory vaccination. People made their own choices." We have the receipts, pal.

>>87130 Musk to file defamation lawsuit against the Anti-Defamation League

>>87131 Gold Star Moms Slam Joe Biden Over His Response to the Loss of Their Loved Ones in Afghanistan Suicide Bombing (VIDEO)

>>87132 Lawyer for Virgin Islands Reveals JPMorgan Flagged Over a Billion in Financial Transactions with Jeffrey Epstein Related to Sex Trafficking

>>87133, >>87148 Spike Detox protocol for getting better

>>87134 Attackers accessed UK military data through high-security fencing firm's Windows 7 rig

>>87135 Soros Foundation Worries Trump Win Will in 2024 and 'Imperil' Globalism

>>87136 Biden’s Numbers Are Really, Really Bad

>>87137 Dr. Robert Malone: The phone call that changed my life.

>>87138 Libertad was founded in June 2017 to serve as the strategic investment arm of the Mossad.

>>87139 Multiple firefighters are battling a massive Hazardous Chemical Warehouse fire

>>87140 Elon Musk: The Facebook caved to far left pressure groups and now allows them to silently dictate policy in exchange for ad money

>>87141, >>87142, >>87143, >>87144 The First Published Detoxification Protocol to Help Clear Spike Protein from Cells and Tissues.

>>87145 Vivek Ramaswamy disagrees with Nikki Haley's proposed mental competency tests after McConnell's second 'freezing'

>>87146 Clinical Rationale for SARS-CoV-2 Base Spike Protein Detoxification in Post COVID-19 and Vaccine Injury Syndromes

>>87147, >>87156 David Straight Out of Babylon Part 3 (capped 53:20)

>>87149, >>87151 Some behind the scenes pictures from 3 years ago when Donald Trump successfully negotiated an agreement between Kosovo and Serbia.

>>87150 President Trump has had enough of this smart ass NPR reporter.

>>87152 Dan Scavino - REST IN PEACE, The Dirty Truth (@RealDirty)

>>87153 Elon To Sue ADL for Defamation/Advertiser Loss

>>87154, >>87157, >>87158, >>87160 NSO Group and its parent company, Q Cyber, create, market, and sell spyware and provide technical assistance and consulting to government clients that contract with them to use their spyware

>>87155 Former vice president at Pfizer, Dr. Mike Yeadon: The so-called "pandemic" was planned and co-ordinated in advance

>>87159 PlaneFag Reports

>>87161 Major GOP women's group opens door to biological men joining

>>87162 Head of the Defamation League (fka ADL) Jonathan Greenblatt called @TuckerCarlson an “obvious antisemite”

>>87163 CLASSIC DEM LOGIC: Elon Musk Accused Of Antisemitism For Suing The ADL For Accusing Him Antisemitism

>>87164 ADL led a campaign in 2020 that squeezed $60 billion in market cap from Mark Zuckerberg in just two days


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87ab0f No.87166

File: 74e29f22b0c0bed⋯.png (269.67 KB,565x448,565:448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19492979 (050630ZSEP23) Notable: #23941

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Kitchen Is Vacant, Step Up

Godspeed Patriots

Digital Soldiers


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87ab0f No.87167

File: a0832e16d765535⋯.mp4 (5.06 MB,426x672,71:112,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19492990 (050634ZSEP23) Notable: Queens,NY #BREAKING: Multiple firefighters are battling a massive Hazardous Chemical Warehouse fire

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🚨#BREAKING: Multiple firefighters are battling a massive Hazardous Chemical Warehouse fire

#Queens | #Newyork

Currently, multiple firefighters and other authorities are on the scene of a massive four-alarm hazardous warehouse chemical fire in Queens, New York. This incident is unfolding at the U.S. Department of Transportation building. Firefighters have reported the presence of dangerous materials within the building, including high-pressure tanks, diesel fuels, kerosene, gasoline, welding tanks, and other hazardous materials. Officers are actively working to evacuate people from the area for their safety.


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87ab0f No.87168

File: 3a740aa20f3eb19⋯.png (167.81 KB,1016x557,1016:557,Clipboard.png)

File: 8129818652a3dfb⋯.png (149.05 KB,1003x558,1003:558,Clipboard.png)

File: 30effda2a11f0fb⋯.png (97.88 KB,1013x399,1013:399,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19493020 (050655ZSEP23) Notable: ZeroHedge: Elite Pedophilia And The Propaganda Machine - The Final Chapter - Towards Ascension

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Elite Pedophilia And The Propaganda Machine, Part 4: The Final Chapter - Towards Ascension

We end with an in-depth discussion of the phenomenon of ritual abuse, in all its gruesome and pervasive glory. Case reports from all over the world, spanning decades are illustrated and it is shown that this global phenomenon has been going on, largely unchanged, for millennia.

Previous posts in this series:

The Apocalypse of Yajnavalkya: Part 1

The Apocalypse of Yajnavalkya: Part 2

The Apocalypse of Yajnavalkya: Part 3

The High Places of Baal

You have now read, oh Seeker of Truth, of the atrocities committed in the ancient Punic religion, atrocities that included cannibalism and the widespread sacrifice of children. Do you think these practices could be stopped with the destruction of Phoenicia and Carthage? In fact, the abominations of the Nephilim and their descendants continue to this day, though under a different guise, hidden underground, away from the public eye. The ritual sacrifices once made in the name of Cronus are now made in the name of Satan, but they are one and the same entity, also referred to in the Judeo-Christian Bible as Baal.

The elements of these satanic ceremonies remain the same as they were many millennia ago: ritual murder, ritual cannibalism, and ritual sex, often ritual rape. Though repugnant to God, these practices remain an important part of the Punic religious groups’ initiation ceremonies, reaching even to the high circles of Hollywood. Consider actress Megan Fox, who spoke candidly on camera about engaging in mutual blood drinking “for ritual purposes” with her boyfriend, an act specifically condemned by God.1 Actress Angelina Jolie spoke of such rituals, describing how she was tied down and apparently tortured and potentially raped as part of an initiation ceremony. She praised this act of surrendering, saying, “You’ll be able to heal once you’re beaten,” and that it is not to be confused with sadomasochism; this is something darker, something deeper. Though many celebrities participated in the same ceremony, as evidenced by the “most amazing compromising pictures of people” she claims to possess, Jolie wished she could have filmed the ritual to encourage different celebrities to try it.2

Fox and Jolie both give first-hand, eye-witness accounts of rituals that follow the traditional Punic rites of blood sacrifice and strange sex acts, rituals that apparently occur at the highest levels of Hollywood and employ photographs and sex tapes as a mechanism of control, not unlike Epstein’s pedophilia ring. In Asclepius, Chapter 21, Hermes Trismegistus speaks of the sacredness of sex and its compelling forces. He states that

the performance of this sweet and vital mystery takes place in secret lest the divinity of Nature that arises from the union of sex were compelled by the mocking and ignorant to feel ashamed if the act were performed openly; much worse still, if it were seen by the enemies of religion.3

By making members perform these acts publicly and by recording them, these cults maintain a level of control over their participants. They use this control to further their own goals and maintain secrecy.

Yet the true horror is that these occult rituals are also performed on small children, again as a way to control their minds and make them tools of their captors. One study proved that such rituals, unchanged for millennia, are still being conducted in the modern day, to demoralize and brainwash children into doing what they are told. Subjects of the study gave gruesome and horrifying accounts of blood drinking, rape, ritual murder, and cannibalism. One patient recalled a ritual when she was four or five, where a brother and a sister were placed on a table at the center of the ritual and forced to perform oral sex on each other, before being cut open, cooked, and eaten.4

In 1994, the conservative government of the United Kingdom sponsored an official report that declared the practice of ritual abuse to be a myth. That report fell under heavy criticism, and in February of the year 2000, the UK Department of Health granted psychiatrists Valerie Sinason and Rob Hale £22,000 to research the same phenomenon and provide evidence of its existence.


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87ab0f No.87169

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19493030 (050659ZSEP23) Notable: Oprah and the Rock asked the wrong person for money

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Citizen Free Press




Oprah and the Rock asked the wrong person for money


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87ab0f No.87170

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19493108 (050753ZSEP23) Notable: ZeroHedge: Elite Pedophilia And The Propaganda Machine - The Final Chapter - Towards Ascension

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fixed archive link

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87ab0f No.87171

File: 283b7369dc78f56⋯.jpg (328.52 KB,1080x971,1080:971,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19493121 (050759ZSEP23) Notable: Anons spitball on possible 9/30 shutdown and Q

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Didnt Q say 10 days darkn3ss would happen at shutdown?

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87ab0f No.87172

File: bf6aeafc6f43c39⋯.jpg (168.35 KB,1066x910,41:35,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19493128 (050802ZSEP23) Notable: Anons spitball on possible 9/30 shutdown and Q

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87173

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19493169 (050821ZSEP23) Notable: They are talking to conspiracy theorists now: Hawaii Digital Government Summit 2023

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Look, they are talking to conspiracy theorists now:

Hawaii Digital Government Summt 2023 (25th Sept 2023)

"Note: Misleading social media posts have been circulating falsely asserting that the Hawaii Digital Government Summit, which is held in Honolulu each year, is aimed at transforming Maui into the first smart island. These claims are incorrect and do not align with the summit's annual focus. The event is designed to facilitate collaboration among public and private sector IT professionals, encouraging the exchange of best practices and innovative solutions to enhance the support and services provided to the constituents they serve. Read More

While our event does not take place in Maui, our hearts are with all those affected by the recent wildfire. We encourage you to support the Maui community through the various available channels linked here."


one link leads to;

Conspiracy theories falsely tie Maui wildfires to ‘smart cities’ and tech conferences


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87ab0f No.87174

File: 16addb2be7c5d9e⋯.png (1.53 MB,2508x1516,627:379,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19493171 (050821ZSEP23) Notable: They are talking to conspiracy theorists now: Hawaii Digital Government Summit 2023

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forgot pic

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87ab0f No.87175

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19493200 (050832ZSEP23) Notable: ZeroHedge: Elite Pedophilia And The Propaganda Machine - The Final Chapter - Towards Ascension

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Elite Pedophilia And The Propaganda Machine, Towards Ascension

Part 1:

An unavoidable connection one makes when exploring the deep-state are its ties with child trafficking rings and sexual abuse. The downfall of Jeffrey Epstein brought this issue into the limelight, but few people truly know how long stuff like this has been going on. It’s a difficult topic that many authors are reluctant to tackle for their own safety and sanity.

Part 2


Part 3


Part 4


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87ab0f No.87176

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19493230 (050851ZSEP23) Notable: re Musk and ADL: Don’t bury the lead, Musk is going bankrupt if he doesn’t get earnings up.

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>>87130 Musk to file defamation lawsuit against the Anti-Defamation League PN

==Don’t bury the lead, Musk is going bankrupt if he doesn’t get earnings up. Great strategy for large settlement to reduce his debt and retraction of label.)

Elon Musk sues the Anti-Defamation League for $22 BILLION for 'trying to kill X by falsely accusing it and me of being anti-Semitic': X owner sets up huge defamation battle with group

By Hope Sloop For Dailymail.Com Updated 02:23 EDT 05 Sep 2023

Elon Musk claims he is going to sue the Anti-Defamation League for defamation

Musk blamed the ADL for lost advertising revenue since he purchased Twitter

The billionaire claims the ADL has accused him and 'X' of being anti-Semitic

Elon Musk is threatening to sue the Anti-Defamation League for 'roughly $22billion' for trying to destroy X by accusing him and the social media giant of being anti-Semitic.

In a series of tweets sent out Monday night, Musk, 52, said he plans to launch a lawsuit against the ADL 'to clear our platform's name on the matter of anti-Semitism.'

'It looks like we have no choice but to file a defamation lawsuit against the Anti-Defamation League … oh the irony!' the billionaire wrote.

He added: 'In our case, they would potentially be on the hook for destroying half the value of the company, so roughly $22 billion.'

In May, it was reported that the app's value had fallen to one-third of what it was when Musk purchased it in October - from $45 billion to $15 billion in six months.

Musk's battle with the ADL began Monday morning when he called out the organization for being responsible for the company's quickly falling profits

'Since the acquisition, The @ADL has been trying to kill this platform by falsely accusing it & me of being anti-Semitic,' he wrote in an initial tweet.

'Our US advertising revenue is still down 60 per cent, primarily due to pressure on advertisers by @ADL (that's what advertisers tell us), so they almost succeeded in killing X/Twitter,' his tweet continued.

In a separate tweet, he shared that he believes the ADL is responsible for as much as 50 percent of Twitter's fallen value - 'roughly $22 billion,' according to Musk.

Earlier in the day, Musk responded to a tweet from X News Daily sharing that X's advertising revenue in the US is down by around 60 percent.

The account shared that the advertising revenue decrease is a 'significant factor behind X's continuing issues with achieving profitability.'

Musk purportedly believes that the ADL has urged advertisers not to use X over Musk's relaxing of rules around hate speech and harassment.

Some Jewish users online have claimed to see an uptick in anti-Semitic tweets that go unpunished by Musk and anyone else at X.

In response to the accusations of rampant anti-Semitism on the platform, the Chief Twit vehemently denied letting hate speech run free on his app.

'To be super clear, I'm pro free speech, but against anti-Semitism of any kind,' he wrote in a tweet.

Even with his ongoing battle, Musk said he has no plans to ban ADL from X.

Following his barrage of tweets about the organization, a movement to '#BanTheADL' has emerged from some of Musk's most devoted followers.

The CEO has engaged with tweets that are part of the movement but clarified online that he has no intention to ban them anytime soon.

'Despite the immense harm ADL has done to X/Twitter, they still will not be banned in this platform,unless they break the law,' he shared.

(If Musk wins the lawsuit, it will prove they broke the law so ADL will retract and settle asap, they won’t want to go through the lawsuit. Tricky strategy)


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87ab0f No.87177

File: 4e4d476ee42ab28⋯.png (542.24 KB,842x1280,421:640,Clipboard.png)

File: dcb65b2e07ea878⋯.png (59.91 KB,368x234,184:117,Clipboard.png)

File: 5abb5a5b9fa1e84⋯.mp4 (2.63 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19493236 (050853ZSEP23) Notable: Thomas Massie: witchcraft caused inflation (kek)

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That CR they signed requires 1% cut across the board for the new fiscal year, beginning 01 OCT.

Massie rolled those motherfuckers.


“It would be, I think, irresponsible not to plan for a 1 percent cut at this point, because the usual outcome of Congress is a stalemate,” Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) said in an interview Friday.

“Listen, we need to avoid getting blamed for a shutdown a year from now,” Massie recalled telling GOP colleagues in a meeting last November. “And here’s how we do it.”

When McCarthy struggled to get enough GOP votes to win the speaker’s gavel in January, Massie extracted a promise from the incoming speaker to support this provision as part of McCarthy’s broader secret deal with the far right.

“If it comes to pass — that the bill that Joe Biden signed causes every department to get a real 1 percent cut — that is a vindication of my vote for the debt-limit deal,” he said.

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87ab0f No.87178

File: f64a75873977886⋯.jpg (35.49 KB,1170x1049,1170:1049,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19493253 (050904ZSEP23) Notable: Israeli Intelligence tries to infiltrate Twitter spaces on ADL files and is caught in real time

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HAPPENING HAPPENING, MOSSAD CAUGHT TRYING TO SOW LIES ABOUT THE #bantheADL TREND ON TWITTER, Israeli Intelligence tries to infiltrate Twitter spaces on ADL files and is caught in real time. Immediately leaves the chat and deletes her account.

Recording: https://twitter.com/KeithWoodsYT/status/1698867716247982381?s=20

Screens: https://twitter.com/KeithWoodsYT/status/1698852533186277460?s=20

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87ab0f No.87179

File: 9143f4ca17e5115⋯.jpg (609.37 KB,1080x1559,1080:1559,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19493254 (050905ZSEP23) Notable: Fireball streaks skies DC and NY, causes sonic boom

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87ab0f No.87180

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19493259 (050909ZSEP23) Notable: Fireball streaks skies DC and NY, causes sonic boom

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the sauce, you know..


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87ab0f No.87181

File: a67bd14d7f9d961⋯.png (1.57 MB,1991x1197,1991:1197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19493315 (050945ZSEP23) Notable: Laura Loomer Identifies Leader of “Goyim Defense League” With Ties to the ADL

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Floodgates opening.

Laura Loomer Identifies Leader of “Goyim Defense League” With Ties to the ADL


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87ab0f No.87182

File: cda492b12629040⋯.mp4 (3.72 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19493319 (050948ZSEP23) Notable: Laura Loomer Identifies Leader of “Goyim Defense League” With Ties to the ADL

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


One of the Nazis who I caught on camera yesterday at the Nazi rally in Altamonte Springs, FL has been working with the CIA by his own admission to help recruit Nazis to fight in Ukraine where he himself fought alongside “Right Sector” and “Azov Battalion” with help from the CIA.

The Nazi rally in Florida yesterday is directly tied to the CIA and FBI and law enforcement sources have told me FBI agents were undercover at this rally.

Here is another video of Florida Nazi Kent “Boneface” McLellan saying the CIA helped him get to Ukraine years ago to fight alongside “Right Sector”, a Ukrainian Neo Nazi group that was propped up by the CIA in an effort to combat Russia.

He was one of the Nazis I spotted yesterday in Altamonte Springs, FL where he was waving a swastika flag, doing Roman salutes and saying “heil Hitler”, and shouting anti-Jewish slurs at me alongside his fellow Nazi friends.

He was arrested by the FBI in Florida in 2012 for planning what they called an act of domestic terrorism against minorities. He also reportedly served time in for prison for physically assaulting and beating immigrants.

Two years after he was arrested/ detained by the FBI, he was placed in touch with the CIA who helped him travel to Ukraine in 2014.

He obtained a Ukrainian passport in 2022.

How is he walking the streets of Florida?

Is he still working with the CIA and FBI?

Also, why is


allowing for the CIA to plant Nazis all over Florida in staged appearances which are then used by the media to falsely accuse Right wingers of being Nazis?

This guy is a Democrat deep state operative who is on video admitting that the CIA Helped him get to Ukraine and join a Nazi militia.


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87ab0f No.87183

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19493321 (050948ZSEP23) Notable: Bill Maher just leveled woke progressive w/ a damning comparison

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👀 Bill Maher Just Leveled Woke Progressives With the Most Damning Comparison Ever. Liberal vs Wokism

The Vigilant Fox

2:04 minutes


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87ab0f No.87184

File: e032719ec542410⋯.png (964.15 KB,1215x1355,243:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19493331 (050952ZSEP23) Notable: Laura Loomer Identifies Leader of “Goyim Defense League” With Ties to the ADL

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Not only is Jon Minadeo, the leader of the Nazi group “Goyim Defense League” (GDL) a failed rapper, but he could very well be a child predator as well.

Here is a video of him using


to communicate with a minor. In the video, he tells the underage girl that she should get a swastika tattoo. Then he as a nearly 40 year old man lifts his shirt up and shows the young girl his Nazi tattoo.

He used Omegle to target children and he tries to recruit teenagers online into the Neo Nazi movement.

Is he a pedophile? Really makes you wonder what’s on his hard drive.

This is predator behavior.


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87ab0f No.87185

File: f611cbe1322db21⋯.png (389.38 KB,590x640,59:64,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19493340 (050956ZSEP23) Notable: @JackPosobiec: @AKA_RealDirty was a tireless patriot for our nation.

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Tommy (Currently in my Oppenheimer era)


So it was this guy and not Josh peck.


Jack Poso 🇺🇸




RIP Josh

@AKA_RealDirty was a tireless patriot for our nation. His faith was never once shaken, no matter what was thrown at him




4:26 PM · Sep 4, 2023




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87ab0f No.87186

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19493357 (051004ZSEP23) Notable: Bill Maher just leveled woke progressive w/ a damning comparison

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Joe Rogan and Bill Maher Get into a Heated Debate About Biden and Trump. If anyone thinks Bill Maher is objective and not completely subject to TDS, watch thisthe real insanity of Trump comes out. He repeats whatever he’s ordered to say about Trump. Rogan unfortunately doesn’t really challenge him, and changes the subject. Whataboutism

1:90 minutes

It’s like Maher is somewhat objective at times, but gets immediately possessed with demons when Trump is mentioned


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87ab0f No.87187

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19493514 (051059ZSEP23) Notable: Russian MOD estimates Ukraine's casualties: some 66,000 troops and 7,600 pieces of heavy weaponry

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5 Sep, 2023

Russian MOD estimates Ukraine's counteroffensive casualties

Kiev has lost some 66,000 troops and 7,600 pieces of heavy weaponry in three months, Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has said

Ukraine has suffered heavylosses during three months of its summercounteroffensive against Russia but has failed to achieve its goals at any part of the front line, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has reported.

Kiev’s forces have lost more than 66,000 troops and over 7,600 heavy weapons since launching their push in early June, the Russian official estimated on Tuesday.

Despite the “colossal” cost in manpower and equipment, the Ukrainian government continues its operation because it desperately needs to show some kind of success to its Western sponsors, Shoigu also claimed.

The most tense situation remains in Zaporozhye Region, where Kiev deployed brigades from its strategic reserves that had been trained with the help of Western instructors, the minister said.

He provided details about Russian military units involved in repelling Ukrainian attacks in various directions before describing Kiev’s counteroffensive as a failure. In an attempt to obfuscate this reality, “Ukrainian militants are attacking civilian objects and tout those terrorist attacks as military victories,” Shoigu alleged.

The defense minister was speaking at a government meeting with Russian military leaders.

The minister’s last update of this type was in late July and put Ukrainian losses at some 20,800 troops and 2,200 pieces of weaponry.

Kiev does not disclose statistics about its military losses but Ukrainian officials have acknowledged that their counteroffensive was proceeding poorer than had been hoped, and is being waged at a serious cost to the army.


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87ab0f No.87188

File: 01e87780391aafc⋯.jpg (131.01 KB,720x755,144:151,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 574c610acfc4880⋯.mp4 (6.29 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19493560 (051113ZSEP23) Notable: Ukraine TV covering the Capitol... The channel is owned by TRK Lux media [uk] which is controlled by...

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Can anybody explain this to me?

Ukraine TV covering the Capitol...

@LauraLoomer @wooz_news


Ukrainian Nazis mixed in with the J6 crowd

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87ab0f No.87189

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19493613 (051137ZSEP23) Notable: Gary Wright, ‘Dream Weaver’ singer, dies at 80

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"Gary Wright, ‘Dream Weaver’ singer, dies at 80: report"


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87ab0f No.87190

File: 4073ca322f34703⋯.png (466.88 KB,1644x827,1644:827,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19493634 (051149ZSEP23) Notable: Ukraine TV covering the Capitol... The channel is owned by TRK Lux media [uk] which is controlled by...

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That TV Station:

The channel is owned by TRK Lux media [uk] which is controlled by Kateryna Kit-Sadova (the wife of Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadovyi).

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87ab0f No.87191

File: cb245ed044faf40⋯.png (278.02 KB,1181x697,1181:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19493713 (051215ZSEP23) Notable: TX AG Ken Paxton impeachment trial starts at 9CST

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Paxton impeachment trial starts at 9CST


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87ab0f No.87192

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19493742 (051227ZSEP23) Notable: #23941

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

final bun o' fun #23941

put'n this bred to bed

roll'n into tuesday

#23941 >>87166

>>87167 Queens,NY #BREAKING: Multiple firefighters are battling a massive Hazardous Chemical Warehouse fire

>>87168, >>87170, >>87175 ZeroHedge: Elite Pedophilia And The Propaganda Machine - The Final Chapter - Towards Ascension

>>87169 Oprah and the Rock asked the wrong person for money

>>87171, >>87172 Anons spitball on possible 9/30 shutdown and Q

>>87173, >>87174 They are talking to conspiracy theorists now: Hawaii Digital Government Summit 2023

>>87176 re Musk and ADL: Don’t bury the lead, Musk is going bankrupt if he doesn’t get earnings up.

>>87177 Thomas Massie: witchcraft caused inflation (kek)

>>87178 Israeli Intelligence tries to infiltrate Twitter spaces on ADL files and is caught in real time

>>87179, >>87180 Fireball streaks skies DC and NY, causes sonic boom

>>87181, >>87182, >>87184 Laura Loomer Identifies Leader of “Goyim Defense League” With Ties to the ADL

>>87185 @JackPosobiec: @AKA_RealDirty was a tireless patriot for our nation.

>>87183, >>87186 Bill Maher just leveled woke progressive w/ a damning comparison

>>87187 Russian MOD estimates Ukraine's casualties: some 66,000 troops and 7,600 pieces of heavy weaponry

Ghost Grab

>>87188, >>87190 Ukraine TV covering the Capitol... The channel is owned by TRK Lux media [uk] which is controlled by...

>>87189 Gary Wright, ‘Dream Weaver’ singer, dies at 80

>>87191 TX AG Ken Paxton impeachment trial starts at 9CST

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87ab0f No.87193

File: 267a260334af63a⋯.png (714.61 KB,640x478,320:239,Clipboard.png)

File: 567d24f973b2c18⋯.png (1.02 MB,1200x799,1200:799,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19493763 (051234ZSEP23) Notable: #23942

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morn'n baker requesting handoff - call the ball baker

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87ab0f No.87194

File: e952c421e879395⋯.jpg (264.77 KB,720x1424,45:89,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e964a275199e4e9⋯.jpg (231.41 KB,707x1040,707:1040,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19493804 (051246ZSEP23) Notable: coverage of Ken Paxton impeachment hearing

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There's a saying in Texas:

'''As Texas goes, so goes the nation."

Pay attention, anons.

Listen here:



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87ab0f No.87195

File: 8cc7ef46c04d00f⋯.mp4 (5.86 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19493824 (051252ZSEP23) Notable: Sept 23, 2023; Hollywood predictive programming and the Equinox

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What’s the deal with 9/23?

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87ab0f No.87196

File: 33964ee9b059f3e⋯.png (74.86 KB,686x186,343:93,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19493833 (051254ZSEP23) Notable: Sept 23, 2023; Hollywood predictive programming and the Equinox

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The fall equinox and the first day of autumn arrives on Saturday, September 23, 2023, at 02:50 A.M. EDT in the Northern Hemisphere. The equinox occurs at the same moment worldwide.

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87ab0f No.87197

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19493851 (051304ZSEP23) Notable: Sept 23, 2023; Hollywood predictive programming and the Equinox

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First Day of "The FALL"

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87ab0f No.87198

File: 9739936e459bcd4⋯.png (745.36 KB,1135x1280,227:256,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19493879 (051309ZSEP23) Notable: steve bannon w/CAP: Reality.Sets.In…Panic.Ensues

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87199

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19493882 (051309ZSEP23) Notable: Sept 23, 2023; Hollywood predictive programming and the Equinox

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- Rosh Hashanah: September 15-17

- Yom Kippur: September 24-25

NOTE: Messianic Jews (born-again Christians) observe these dates, too

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87ab0f No.87200

File: 1768b086efd0a9c⋯.png (1.67 MB,1920x2560,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 08be94c8c04e39d⋯.mp4 (76.54 KB,380x380,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19493934 (051323ZSEP23) Notable: Amateur stargazers capture a space rock smashing into Jupiter

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Amateur stargazers capture a space rock smashing into Jupiter

Sep 4, 2023

The gas giant is hit by space rocks 12-60 times annually, but astronomers have seldom recorded these fleeting impacts.

A cosmic rock collided with Jupiter in the last week of August, unleashing a brief flash of light that was captured by Earth-based telescopes.

The Japan-based network of telescopes, primarily consisting of the Organized Autotelescopes for Serendipitous Event Survey (OASES) and the Planetary Observation Camera for Optical Transient Surveys (PONCOTS), successfully detected this visible impact.

Reportedly, an amateur astronomer was able to catch this rather brief collision on the gas giant.

MASA Planetary Log, an amateur astronomer account on the X social networking platform (previously known as Twitter), shared a video capturing the impact event that occurred on August 28 at 12:45 p.m. Eastern Time (1:45 a.m. local Japan time on August 29).

Other amateur astronomers on X corroborated the same hit, describing the observation of a bright flash, which is believed to have been caused by a small comet or asteroid.

More investigation is needed to ascertain the exact size and type of object, and if it belonged to our solar system or not.

Not a new phenomenon

While it's not uncommon for stray objects to collide with Jupiter, capturing the collision as it happens at the precise moment is a relatively rare event. This occurrence has been recognized for decades.

Jupiter is occasionally battered by rogue comets or asteroids due to its enormous size and exceptionally strong gravitational pull. Moreover, Jupiter's gravitational influence reaches into the asteroid belt, situated between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Consequently, asteroids within the belt could experience altered orbits, potentially bringing them into close proximity to the planet and increasing the likelihood of collisions.

Some experts believe that the massive size of Jupiter is what protects Earth from frequent collisions with rogue space rocks, thereby allowing life to flourish. The planet either absorbs these objects that approach the solar system or flings them further away from Earth. Otherwise, these objects pose a big threat to Earth and other inner planets.

Thanks for being the savior, Jupiter.

Other recorded impacts

According to a 2013 research, the gas giant potentially experiences impacts from space rocks around 12 to 60 times each year.

Nevertheless, astronomers have had limited opportunities to document these brief, momentary impacts. The most recent documented impact occurred in September 2021.

But probably the most well-documented instance occurred in 1994 when fragments of the Shoemaker-Levy 9 comet crashed with Jupiter with the force equivalent to 300 million atomic bombs.

On March 24, 1993, astronomers Carolyn and Eugene M. Shoemaker, along with David Levy, discovered this comet. Interestingly, it was the first comet discovered to be circling a planet, and not the Sun. “The effect of Jupiter's tidal forces had already torn the celestial body apart and, eventually, the fragments collided with Jupiter between July 16 and 22, 1994,” mentioned NASA in an old statement.

The comet had been orbiting Jupiter for over a decade when it was smashed into 20 pieces by the planet's tremendous gravity one day. The Hubble Space Telescope documented and captured this famous impact event on Jupiter.


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87ab0f No.87201

File: ea5ccc210b0ab59⋯.png (258.11 KB,537x385,537:385,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19493939 (051325ZSEP23) Notable: FBI Created 3,200 J6 “Playing Cards” to Identify and Surveil Americans who Attended J6 Protests - They Are Using SAME SYSTEM to Target Trump Supporters…

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EXCLUSIVE: FBI Created 3,200 J6 “Playing Cards” to Identify and Surveil Americans who Attended J6 Protests – They Are Using SAME SYSTEM to Target Trump Supporters that They Used to Target America’s Enemies and Saddam’s Henchmen in Iraq War (VIDEO)


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87ab0f No.87202

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19494014 (051343ZSEP23) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/05/2023

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LIVE - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/05/2023



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87ab0f No.87203

File: 3d2cb17dc55fa97⋯.png (226.17 KB,551x825,551:825,Clipboard.png)

File: 3a73c253302fc55⋯.mp4 (468.29 KB,720x900,4:5,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19494029 (051347ZSEP23) Notable: Aliens? UFOs? What is the celestial phenomenon behind Turkey’s green sky?

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Aliens? UFOs? What is the celestial phenomenon behind Turkey’s green sky?

September 5, 2023

New Delhi: On the night of September 2, Turkey was treated to an extraordinary celestial event that left spectators in awe. A stunning meteor graced the skies, casting vibrant green streaks of light as it traversed the heavens. This captivating event unfolded over the eastern regions of Erzurum City and Gumushane Province, painting the night sky an eerie shade of green. Videos of this rare meteoric spectacle swiftly flooded social media, capturing the mesmerizing moment that lit up the entire horizon.

The green meteor phenomenon

The meteor, with its mesmerizing green luminance, stood out as a remarkable natural phenomenon. Its brilliance was so intense that it virtually turned the night sky into a vibrant canvas of emerald hues. Observers were left spellbound by the sheer splendor of this celestial visitor.

Awe-inspiring video footage

Videos shared on social media platforms quickly gained attention, offering a glimpse into the breathtaking spectacle. Among these videos was a remarkable clip recorded by a passerby at a children’s park. The video encapsulated a child’s innocent delight as they played, only for the sky to suddenly burst into vivid green illumination as the meteor passed overhead.

A rare and captivating event

Events of this nature, where meteors illuminate the night sky in such a vivid manner, are relatively uncommon. The sheer beauty and rarity of this spectacle left many across Turkey and beyond in awe.

Joining the meteor watch

Meteor enthusiasts and sky gazers were thrilled by the event, coming together to celebrate the wonder of the cosmos. The green meteor event served as a reminder of the limitless wonders that the universe holds and the sheer beauty that can grace our skies when we least expect it.

As the videos of this stunning meteor event continue to circulate on social media, it remains a testament to the natural wonders that unfold above us, providing moments of awe and inspiration for all who have the opportunity to witness them.


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87ab0f No.87204

File: ffab3d1d69f6785⋯.png (717.52 KB,634x820,317:410,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19494070 (051356ZSEP23) Notable: FBI Created 3,200 J6 “Playing Cards” to Identify and Surveil Americans who Attended J6 Protests - They Are Using SAME SYSTEM to Target Trump Supporters…

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"Eric Clark:You click on that card and it gives you sort of their statistics, so to say. Like, maybe some clips of footage that they plan on using, maybe the special agents investigating surveillance schedule even. Like the days and times that they plan on surveilling these people. And all this, which I wouldn’t discuss, but it is all there. And also sort of to this main file was all their requests for funding the FBI"

Jim Hoft: "... The government has labeled protesters who went through open doors and were welcomed by police as enemies of the state. So I think Americans need to wake up to that because they’re now labeling fellow Americans as enemies of this government, and we have Republicans and Democrats both giving them funding to do very, very concerning, Eric. It’s outrageous, actually."

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87ab0f No.87205

File: 32960f5f592741e⋯.png (590.64 KB,740x550,74:55,Clipboard.png)

File: 1918836751cd928⋯.png (1003.45 KB,779x1102,41:58,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19494087 (051401ZSEP23) Notable: Seoul unveils hidden space beneath Seoul Plaza for first time in 40 years

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Seoul unveils hidden space beneath Seoul Plaza for first time in 40 years

Updated : 2023-09-05 22:15

The Seoul Metropolitan Government is set to unveil a hidden space beneath Seoul Plaza, Friday, to the public for the first time in 40 years.

This concealed space, spanning 3,182 square meters, lies beneath the nation's first underground shopping area and alongside City Hall Station on Seoul Metro lines 1 and 2. The purpose and origin of this space remain unknown.

According to the city government, the space's appearance has not been altered since its original construction 40 years ago, thereby making it easier to open to the public.

The semiweekly guided tours ― available only on Fridays and Saturdays ― will run until Sept. 23, and will take place four times a day.

Additionally, Seoul will be collecting ideas from citizens on how to utilize the hidden space. Based on the suggestions, the city government will determine how to use and develop the underground space in the near future.

The program is part of Seoul's project to innovate subterranean spaces around the capital, transforming subway stations into attractions that reflect new trends and the characteristics of their localities.

The project, announced in January, is currently underway with projects at four different subway stations including City Hall Station.

Yeouinaru Station on Line 5, for instance, will be transformed into a runners-themed station by March next year, featuring a dashboard on the wall displaying running records. People can input their own running records for a designated course onto this dashboard as well.

The city is slated to host a b-boying performance at Sindang Station on lines 2 and 6 in October, reflecting the street culture of Generation Z. Munjeong Station on Line 8 is under review to create a spot for activities such as futsal or climbing.

"Our goal is to transform underground spaces in the city, including City Hall Station, into areas that reflect the lifestyles of citizens and enhance their appeal as new and exciting destinations in Seoul," said Hong Sun-ki, chief of the Seoul Metropolitan Government's Urban Space Planning Division.


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87ab0f No.87206

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19494144 (051414ZSEP23) Notable: #23942

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morn'n baker has to jet - wurkfaggn calls

breddy is ghost

but i'll leave anons w/ a bun

up to date as of this post

#23942 >>87193

>>87194 coveage of Ken Paxton impeachment hearing

>>87195, >>87196, >>87197, >>87199 Sept 23, 2023; Hollywood predictive programming and the Equinox

>>87198 steve bannon w/CAP: Reality.Sets.In...Panic.Ensues

>>87200 Amateur stargazers capture a space rock smashing into Jupiter

>>87201, >>87204 FBI Created 3,200 J6 “Playing Cards” to Identify and Surveil Americans who Attended J6 Protests - They Are Using SAME SYSTEM to Target Trump Supporters...

>>87202 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy – 09/05/2023

>>87203 Aliens? UFOs? What is the celestial phenomenon behind Turkey’s green sky?

>>87205 Seoul unveils hidden space beneath Seoul Plaza for first time in 40 years

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87ab0f No.87207

File: 4cc4c7590c84f49⋯.png (627.91 KB,2132x1044,533:261,Clipboard.png)

File: 1b00ecba3e39a49⋯.png (1.97 MB,1042x1744,521:872,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19494150 (051415ZSEP23) Notable: Bulgaria: State of Emergency in the Southern Black Sea Coast - Floods and Damages

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never seen before in this region:

Bulgaria: State of Emergency in the Southern Black Sea Coast - Floods and Damages


Floods in Bulgaria: Fully Cut Out of due to Destroyed Bridges are Ahtopol, Varvara, Sinemorets and Rezovo


Bulgarians use Fuckbook rather then twitler, i don't have neither, but can still see the posts

pic: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=831959685205936&set=a.565798005155440&type=3&ref=embed_post

vid: https://www.facebook.com/meteobulgaria/videos/304146912172696/?ref=embed_video&t=0

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87ab0f No.87208

File: 614a7333a805962⋯.png (1.1 MB,1052x592,263:148,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19494153 (051416ZSEP23) Notable: Photographer captures rare 'gigantic jets' of upside-down lightning blasting out of Atlantic hurricane

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Photographer captures rare 'gigantic jets' of upside-down lightning blasting out of Atlantic hurricane

Sep 5, 2023

On Aug. 20, Puerto Rico-based photographer Frankie Lucena was taking pictures of a passing storm system that would soon evolve into the ongoing Hurricane Franklin, when a rare phenomenon of nature flashed before his eyes: Several enormous bolts of lightning, blasting straight upward out of a storm cloud and stopping just below the edge of space.

Upward-moving lightning bolts like these are known as gigantic jets. They are the rarest and most powerful type of lightning, occurring as few as 1,000 times a year and packing more than 50 times the power of a typical lightning bolt. The upside-down bolts can climb more than 50 miles (80 kilometers) above Earth's surface, touching the bottom of the ionosphere, the vast layer of electrically charged particles where the top of Earth's atmosphere meets the bottom of outer space. (Space technically begins at 62 miles, or 100 km, above sea level, while the ionosphere stretches from roughly 50 to 400 miles, or 80 to 640 km, above sea level.)

While rare, gigantic jets are not an unfamiliar sight during Atlantic hurricane season, gigantic jets are reported most frequently in tropical regions, especially during rapidly intensifying tropical storms like Franklin, according to an August 2022 study in the journal Science Advances.

Still, scientists have known about the phenomenon for only about 20 years, and much about it remains a mystery, including why the bolts shoot upward into the sky rather than slashing down to the ground. The gargantuan upward-flying bolts may be the result of some kind of blockage that prevents lightning from escaping through the bottom of the cloud, the authors of the 2022 study wrote, but the exact mechanism is still unknown.

There may be more chances to observe and study the bolts this year, as Atlantic hurricane season has just begun in full force. Franklin has since moved north toward Bermuda, intensifying into the first major hurricane of the 2023 season, according to the National Weather Service. While experts warn of potentially life-threatening rip currents along the East Coast of the United States, Hurricane Franklin is not currently forecast to make landfall.

On Aug. 30, Hurricane Idalia made landfall in Florida as a Category 2 storm, resulting in at least two confirmed deaths. The storm is being fueled by off-the-charts ocean temperatures, which have broken every record since satellite measurements began in the 1980s. The record-high temperatures have resulted from a combination of human-caused climate change and an El Niño event, which is forecast to substantially exceed the last strong event in early 2016.


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87ab0f No.87209

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19494154 (051416ZSEP23) Notable: coverage of Ken Paxton impeachment hearing

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Article listed all involved: The people accusing him seem to have employment complaints because they fired them in retaliation of reporting to the FBI.I would have imagined they would have reported this to the Lt Gov before going to the FBI.And why wouldn’t he fire them if they were not loyal to office and to the State, but dragged in the FBI, seems like another dirty trick from Bidan Admin and Agency.

Anons do you know the legal process in state for this matter, it just seems strange to go to the FBI first?

Who’s who in the Ken Paxton impeachment trial, from key participants to potential witnesses

The suspended attorney general has been ordered to appear in the Texas Senate chamber to answer to 16 allegations of misconduct that were approved by the House in May.


SEPT. 1, 2023



A diagram showing key players in the Ken Paxton impeachment trial.

The Texas Tribune is your source for in-depth reporting on the Ken Paxton impeachment trial. Readers make that possible. Support authoritative Texas journalism with a donation now.

State Attorney General Ken Paxton has been ordered to appear before the Texas Senate to answer to 16 of 20 articles of impeachment that were overwhelmingly approved by the Texas House in May. That vote left Paxton suspended from office without pay.

The trial before the Texas Senate

The trial is set to begin Sept. 5 in the Senate chamber, with Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick serving as presiding officer, or judge. Twelve House impeachment managers, working with prominent Texas attorneys, form the prosecution. Paxton’s defense team also includes well-known Texas lawyers. All senators are required to attend to serve as jurors, although under Senate rules. Paxton’s wife, Sen. Angela Paxton, is not allowed to participate in deliberations or vote on “any matter, motion or question.”…


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87ab0f No.87210

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19494225 (051431ZSEP23) Notable: steve bannon w/CAP: Reality.Sets.In…Panic.Ensues

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Bannon on war room coveringPaxton and what a sham Moscow show trial and lawfare is going after the second tier of Trump, his allies in AG state offices.

TX Senate is more responsive to the people, the house is not. Grassroots putting a lot of pressure on the Senate. Lots of prayers for Paxton and the Senate, really important. Guaranteed Soros and other billionaires like Bushs are behind this!

London Times today say: Biden is losing the black vote in a big way! Because of this persecution of Trump

Live streaming now: I can’t embed the live stream, link below


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87ab0f No.87211

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19494227 (051431ZSEP23) Notable: President Trump Addresses Vaccine Adverse Events for the First Time - Calls on Big Pharma to Disclose Safety Data Immediately

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Has this been posted yet?


President Trump Addresses Vaccine Adverse Events for the First Time – Calls on Big Pharma to Disclose Safety Data Immediately (VIDEO)

Not related but on my mind: If this "vaccine" turns out to be "self-spreading" then those people who did not take a dose but got exposed anyway would have massive lawsuits. Also, f the vaccine was the bioweapon then a lot of people have just engaged in massive crimes against humanity.

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87ab0f No.87212

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19494264 (051438ZSEP23) Notable: What plague will be next? This guy offers evidence it's Marburg - vid

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💥(3) 5G, 18MHZ, 1-MIN PULSES💥

🗣️We know that Marburg is not particularly contagious, but it has an extraordinarily high rate of fatality, and we know the mechanism by which this will be released.

That is, inside of these shots that people already received, inside the lipid nanoparticles, the hydrogel, there exist pathogens inside of the particles that have not yet opened. Those pathogens are chimeric. They include E. coli, Marburg, Ebola, Staphylococcus, and Brewer's yeast, amongst others.

We know that upon the broadcast from the 5G system that is now employed across the United States, and the world for that matter, when they broadcast an 18 gigahertz signal for one minute, three different times as a pulse, it will cause those lipid nanoparticles to swell and release these pathogenic contents, thereby causing a Marburg epidemic that they've already spent the money on.

It's already done. The Marburg epidemic, for purposes of law, has happened, and now we just need the actual disaster to happen.

There's actually worse parts to it than that, including the 1P36 gene deletion that effectively will turn those poor people into zombies. As odd as that sounds, our government's preparing for that.

But the FEMA have already put out zombie commercials, preparedness guidelines and con ops on that, correct?


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87ab0f No.87213

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19494271 (051438ZSEP23) Notable: House Republicans have launched a series of congressional inquiries into Hunter business dealings

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The Bidan regime stealing War Room from Trump Team and Bannon from London Times

White War Room to Fight Biden Impeachment

House Republicans have launched a series of congressional inquiries into the business dealings of President Biden’s son, Hunter

David Charter, Washington

Monday September 04 2023, 9.40pm, The Times

The White House has established a war room as it launches an aggressive counteroffensive against House Republicans calling for an impeachment inquiry into President Biden.

Some two dozen lawyers, legislative experts and communications staff are being deployed, it is understood, as the administration gears up for a high-stakes showdown heading into a critical election year.

Kevin McCarthy, a Republican and the House Speaker, has signalled that he could begin an impeachment inquiry targeting Biden over his alleged foreign business dealings when Congress returns this week. Any move to impeach would mark a dramatic escalation in the party’s investigations into Biden and his son Hunter that some Republicans fear could backfire on the party at the ballot box next year.

The White House is already signalling…

Can’t get the whole article.


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87ab0f No.87214

File: 096d86fc17f7271⋯.jpg (144.87 KB,720x661,720:661,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a4b6856db3f56ea⋯.jpg (413.66 KB,2048x1536,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

File: af69ce7b6107ff7⋯.jpg (467.7 KB,1864x1535,1864:1535,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19494274 (051439ZSEP23) Notable: EndWokeness: “We just want to be left alone”

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“We just want to be left alone”

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87ab0f No.87215

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19494383 (051503ZSEP23) Notable: coverage of Ken Paxton impeachment hearing

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LIVE - LIVE: Impeachment Trial of Attorney General Warren Kenneth Paxton, Jr. - 9/5/23

Right Side Broadcasting Network


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87ab0f No.87216

File: b64595df67b89d1⋯.png (558.06 KB,600x337,600:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19494392 (051506ZSEP23) Notable: ‘Royally Screwed’ by Government: Hawaii Victims ‘Getting Desperate’

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‘Literally being arrested for visiting their own homes’

‘Royally Screwed’ by Government: Hawaii Victims ‘Getting Desperate’


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87ab0f No.87217

File: 1d972d621992386⋯.png (191.37 KB,564x613,564:613,Clipboard.png)

File: 8f211c93bdbadb5⋯.png (1.06 MB,1895x1068,1895:1068,Clipboard.png)

File: 3f6c1f63d62d4e1⋯.png (230.2 KB,555x675,37:45,Clipboard.png)

File: 9022876a3dd9f49⋯.mp4 (6.38 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19494464 (051519ZSEP23) Notable: Alert: Ex-Wikipedia Co-Founder Says Site Hijacked by US Intelligence for ‘Info Warfare’

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Alert: Ex-Wikipedia Co-Founder Says Site Hijacked by US Intelligence for ‘Info Warfare’

Sep. 5, 2023 7:15 am

Wikipedia co-founder, Lawrence Mark Sanger, has accused U.S. intelligence agencies of manipulating the online encyclopedia for nearly two decades.

In an interview with Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald, Sanger claimed that Wikipedia had become a tool of “control” in the hands of the U.S. establishment, which includes the CIA, FBI, and other intelligence agencies.

“We do have evidence that … even as early as … 2008 … that CIA and FBI computers were used to edit Wikipedia,” Sanger stated during the interview.

“Do you think that they stopped doing that back then?”

Sanger’s claims shed light on the alleged infiltration of Wikipedia by intelligence agencies and a perceived ideological shift on the platform. “Just how did we get to a point where ‘truth’ is tied to a particular ideology?” Sanger asked.

Sanger highlighted the “gradual change” he observed in Wikipedia’s content over the years, noting that by 2006 to 2008, articles related to controversial topics in science, such as global warming and certain drugs, began to exhibit what he described as an “over-the-top bias.”

“Then I started noticing around 2010 to 2015 that articles on like Eastern medicine and holistic medicine … were so obviously biased,” Sanger continued, suggesting a bias towards Western ideas. “It really got over the top … between 2013 and 2018,” he added.

By the time of the Trump administration, Wikipedia’s perceived bias had intensified, and Sanger claimed that “no encyclopedia to my knowledge has been as biased as Wikipedia has been.”

Greenwald agreed that the emergence of the Trump administration had a significant impact, stating that the “liberal establishment narrative” aimed at countering then President Donald Trump appeared to have influenced Wikipedia’s content.

Sanger also expressed concern about the abandonment of Wikipedia’s “original neutrality policy” by what he termed as “rank and file Wikipedians,” who he claimed now took cues from liberal media outlets like “CNN, MSNBC, and The New York Times.”

A notable revelation from Sanger was that Wikipedia had officially declared that “80 percent of the major sources of news on the right to be unreliable.”

He believed that Wikipedia became a target for weaponization between 2005 and 2015, with “information warfare … conducted online.” He pointed out that websites like Wikipedia played a central role in this conflict.

Sanger recommended other online encyclopedias such as Ballotpedia and Conservapedia as potential alternatives to Wikipedia, even though he noticed that these do not rank well on Google.

Greenwald, who had previously supported the Obama administration, was no stranger to what he referred to as the “weaponization” of “new information tools.”

He had been targeted with political attacks and weaponized propaganda due to his involvement in whistleblower Edward Snowden’s release of U.S. government secrets.

Sanger’s revelations aligned with findings from a programming student named Virgil Griffith, who first published evidence of CIA and FBI activity on Wikipedia in 2007.

Griffith had developed a program, called Wikiscanner, that could trace the location of computers used to edit Wikipedia articles, according to a 2007 Reuters report.

The CIA and FBI were found to have edited numerous articles, removing incriminating information, Huffington Post reported in 2008.

Trending: Burning Man Descends Into Chaos, Attendees Turn on Each Other as They Desperately Try to Flee Muddy Hellhole, Chris Rock Escapes in Back of Fan’s Truck (VIDEO)

For instance, the CIA used its computers to remove casualty counts from the Iraq War, while the FBI removed images of Guantanamo Bay and edited articles on various subjects.

Sanger concluded that intelligence agencies either paid influential individuals to advance their agendas or developed their own personnel within the intelligence community to manipulate Wikipedia content to their advantage.


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87ab0f No.87218

File: 99fdd335d309c31⋯.png (147.54 KB,843x788,843:788,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19494522 (051532ZSEP23) Notable: Stephen Miller: Speaking as a Jew:ADL is NOT a Jewish organization.It is an ultra-left activist org that pushes radical [everything]

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Stephen Miller

Speaking as a Jew:ADL is NOT a Jewish organization.It is an ultra-left activist org that pushes radical transgenderism, border erasure, police dismantlement, and the demolition of free speech—deploying rank slander, bullying and character assassination to achieve its aims.

These views and tactics are expressly contrary to sacred Jewish and biblical teaching.

When justly criticized, ADL and its defenders falsely claim anti-Semitism, thereby diminishing all past and present victims of anti-Semitism.

In fact, conflating criticism of ADL with criticism of Jews is itself an anti-Semitic trope.

Bottom line: ADL is a disreputable organization that has gravely undermined Jewish interests and is worthy of the strongest condemnation.

10:52 AM · Sep 5, 2023


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87ab0f No.87219

File: 9942c6a6b34c4c3⋯.png (107.5 KB,363x478,363:478,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19494623 (051556ZSEP23) Notable: #23943

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partial notes for #23942


bread ghosted

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87ab0f No.87220

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19494649 (051605ZSEP23) Notable: Trump’s Life Is In Danger, And The Media Laughs It Off (Ep. 2081) - 09/05/2023

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Trump’s Life Is In Danger, And The Media Laughs It Off (Ep. 2081) - 09/05/2023

Todays show! Covid hysteria coming.


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87ab0f No.87221

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19494651 (051605ZSEP23) Notable: Mark Meadows pleads not guilty to Georgia charges of trying to steal 2020 election

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Mark Meadows pleads not guilty to Georgia charges of trying to steal 2020 election

Mark Meadows, the former White House chief of staff, pleaded not guilty in a court filing posted Tuesday in the court docket to Georgia racketeering charges alleging he tried to help Trump steal the 2020 election.

Meadows and 18 co-defendants headed by Donald Trump were indicted in Fulton County on Aug. 14 on a combined 41 charges. By entering a plea through a court filing, he avoided needing to appear Wednesday at a scheduled arraignment hearing. Meadows remains free on $100,000 bond pending trial.

Meadows acknowledged he has discussed the charges with his lawyer, James Durham, and waived his right to an arraignment hearing. He filed the document Friday and it was posted Tuesday.

Meadows continues to fight to move his case from Fulton County Superior Court to federal court by arguing his former federal job should protect him from state level charges. Four co-defendants who are also asking to move their cases to federal court − former assistant attorney general Jeffrey Clark, Georgia Republican Party Chairman David Shafer, state Sen. Shawn Still and Cathy Latham − have also pleaded not guilty to their charges and waived their hearings.

Other co-defendants whose not guilty pleas were posted Tuesday were John Eastman, Michael Roman and Harrison Floyd. The pleas were filed during the Labor Day holiday weekend and posted publicly in the docket Tuesday.

Co-defendants who previously filed written pleas of not guilty and waived their rights to a hearing included Trump, Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, Ray Smith, Robert Cheeley, Trevian Kutti, Kenneth Chesebro, Jenna Ellis, Scott Hall and Stephen Lee each filed written pleas.

The only co-defendant whose plea has not yet been posted in the court docket is Misty Hampton.

Meadows is trying to have his case moved from Fulton County Superior Court to federal court based by arguing he was a federal official at the time and the actions alleged in the indictment were part of his official duties. But U.S. District Judge Steve Jones told Meadows to enter a plea if he hadn't reached a decision by the arraignment deadline Sept. 6.

Besides the racketeering count charged against all defendants, Meadows was charged with soliciting Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to violate his oath of office.

Meadows participated in Trump's call on Jan. 2, 2021, urging Raffensperger to “find” the votes he needed to win the state. By that point, Trump had tried to call him 18 times and Raffensperger had avoided taking the calls, according to the House investigation.

“I just want to find 11,780 votes,” Trump said during the call. “Give me a break. You know, we have that in spades already.”

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY


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87ab0f No.87222

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19494664 (051608ZSEP23) Notable: Joe Scarborough Unleashes Minutelong Tirade Over Biden-Trump Poll Result

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Joe Scarborough Unleashes Minutelong Tirade Over Biden-Trump Poll Result

MSNBC’sJoeScarborough had a lot to say after a new Wall Street Journal poll showed former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden tied in a potential rematch for the White House in 2024.

In a poll matchup excluding other candidates, Trump and Biden were tied with 46% each, with the remaining 8% of respondents undecided.

“You’ve got46%of Americans supporting a guy who’s been indicted four times,” Scarborough said on Tuesday’s “Morning Joe” of the current Republican front-runner.

“Indicted for stealing nuclear secrets. Indicted for stealing war plans. Called a rapist by a New York judge, saying that what he did was was was akin to rape,” the host continued, rattling off some of Trump’s alleged offenses. “You’ve got a guy that’s being charged for his illegal payoffs to porn stars. I mean, we could go down the list.”

Scarborough proceeded to do so, listing the former president’s misdeeds in a rant lasting over a minute.

“A guy who started a riot on January the 6th, an insurrection. Had ’fake electors,′ had this fraudulent scheme to steal votes from millions and millions of Americans in seven swing states,” he continued. “I mean, I could go on: Called the Republican secretary of state in Georgia and said, steal enough votes for me, find enough votes so I can steal Georgia.”

“Forty-six percent of Americans are voting for the guy who said he would terminate the Constitution to get back into power,” Scarborough concluded.

His guest, Washington Post commentator Eugene Robinson, said the numbers were “unbelievable.”

He said the poll should indicate to Democrats that “this is going to be a close election. They can’t take anything for granted.”

“And they better get cracking now because there’s a real risk,” Robinson added. “And I can’t believe I’m saying this: There’s a risk that Donald Trump could return to the White House.”



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87ab0f No.87223

File: 8991b24ad557d62⋯.png (3.15 MB,2560x6815,512:1363,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19494684 (051613ZSEP23) Notable: FBI Identified Ukrainian Operatives and Neo Nazis at U.S. Capitol on Jan 6: Laura Loomer

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FBI Identified Ukrainian Operatives and Neo Nazis at U.S. Capitol on Jan 6: Laura Loomer

>According to Loomer’s investigation, the U.S. Capitol may have been “penetrated by Ukrainian spies,” suggesting a significant lapse in domestic security.

>Expressing deep concern, she asserts, “This means the US Capitol was penetrated by Ukrainian spies and the US Government and FBI have still not arrested these people or made the public aware of foreign penetration.”

>Furthermore, she alleges, “This is an act of war by Ukraine against the United States, and yet the US Government has sent $200 BILLION to Ukraine in the last 2 years.”

>Loomer’s report delves into what she believes to be a deeper conspiracy, implicating the CIA in orchestrating a “color revolution” in the U.S, utilizing both Ukrainian and American Nazis.


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87ab0f No.87224

File: ccd8ce792fd33b0⋯.png (280.34 KB,600x592,75:74,Clipboard.png)

File: 11445dc20797652⋯.jpg (134.33 KB,1122x1128,187:188,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19494712 (051617ZSEP23) Notable: Vladimir Putin claimed in an interview that Western powers installed Zelensky as Ukraine's president to mask the glorification of Nazism.

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The Jerusalem Post



Vladimir Putin claimed in an interview that Western powers installed Zelensky as Ukraine's president to mask the glorification of Nazism.




Revelation 2:9 King James Version

9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.




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87ab0f No.87225

File: 0205f5197f29ffe⋯.jpg (124.04 KB,720x812,180:203,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d5e13f49125268f⋯.jpg (60.59 KB,744x496,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19494735 (051625ZSEP23) Notable: Troubling ‘US Open bug’ taking down top tennis players....hmmm

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Soooo a mystery illness, and they aren't blaming COVID?....yet.

what is this new bug?


Troubling ‘US Open bug’ taking down top tennis players

Even the top players in tennis are no match for this bug.

A mystery “US Open bug” is making the rounds among star athletes at this year’s tournament, resulting in shocking upsets and withdrawals as the athletes struggle to fight on the court through coughing fits and stomach aches.

I’m a zombie because I have a flu,” Tunisian tennis star Ons Jabeur, 29, said at a news conference on Thursday after defeating Linda Noskova in three sets.

The No. 5 seed was visibly unwell during the match, and was seen coughing and sometimes even struggling to reach the ball on difficult shots.

“I’m taking a lot of medicine,” the No. 5 seed admitted at the conference, adding that she “basically took every medication” the tournament doctors could offer.

Jabeur – who was upset by Zheng Qinwen of China over the weekend – is one of many players felled by the so-called “US Open bug” since the tournament opened at the USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center on Aug. 28.

Ons Jabeur struggled through three sets on Thursday.

I got the us open bug.. in a way still feels like I’m in the tournament but at home,” Tennys Sandgren, 32, who failed to advance past the qualifiers, tweeted on Thursday.

“Def a bug going around [at the Open,” he added in a separate post.

Also on Thursday, Polish player Hubert Hurkacz,  26, struggled on the court and was treated by medical staff before ultimately falling to Jack Draper, the New York Times reported.

During the match, sniffs, coughs, and other signs of illness were heard throughout the tennis grounds, the outlet added.

Dominic Thiem collapsed over the net due to stomach issues on the court last week.Getty Images

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87ab0f No.87226

File: 4cdd00c03666fe2⋯.jpeg (394.12 KB,1170x1072,585:536,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 021b4e4dfb11224⋯.jpeg (281.52 KB,1170x731,1170:731,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19494760 (051633ZSEP23) Notable: POSO: supports Flynn all the way

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87ab0f No.87227

File: 510202009e95ad0⋯.png (1.36 MB,1183x887,1183:887,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19494767 (051635ZSEP23) Notable: Insurance firm denies service to UK figure over ‘political views’

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Insurance firm denies service to UK figure over ‘political views’

'God help us all'

Swiss insurance firm Swiss Re denied a business loan to politician Richard Tice over his political views, a report said Monday.

Tice applied for the loan last year, but a recently disclosed financial document shows the company denied Tice for being a “reputational risk” citing his leadership of the Right-leaning party Reform UK.

“I’m a man who’s made money, brought in investment and created jobs in this country. If that’s how they think of people who are successful businessmen then God help us all,” said Tice, who blamed “wokeness” for Swiss Re’s decision.


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87ab0f No.87228

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19494808 (051646ZSEP23) Notable: Sundance: Lawyer for Virgin Islands Reveals JPMorgan Flagged Over a Billion in Financial Transactions with Jeffrey Epstein Related to Sex Trafficking

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Lawyer for Virgin Islands Reveals JPMorgan Flagged Over a Billion in Financial Transactions with Jeffrey Epstein Related to Sex Trafficking

September 4, 2023 | Sundance

That’s BILLION, with a “B”. According to recently revealed court transcripts, in the US Virgin Islands lawsuit against JPMorgan, in the aftermath of Epstein’s death the massive bank reported over $1 billion in suspicious activity reports to the U.S. Treasury.

Attorney for USVA, Mimi Liu, outlined details to Judge Jed Rakoff in U.S. District Court in Manhattan last Thursday. According to the astonishing revelations, the entire financial relationship between Jeffrey Epstein and JPMorgan was centered around payments for sex trafficking. There was no other business between the two entities in the 16 years of Epstein’s use of the bank. All of the Epstein account transactions were based around his sex trafficking operation.

Additionally, in the aftermath of Epstein’s death, JPMorgan then reported at least $1 billion worth of transactions under the auspices of “suspicious activity.” This certainly looks like what lawyer Mimi Liu called in court, “covering their ass.”

[VIA CNBC] – JPMorgan Chase notified the Treasury Department of more than $1 billion in transactions related to “human trafficking” by Jeffrey Epstein dating back 16 years after the notorious sex predator killed himself in 2019, a lawyer for the U.S. Virgin Islands told a federal judge at a hearing.

“Epstein’s entire business with JPMorgan and JPMorgan’s entire business with Epstein was human trafficking,” Mimi Liu, an attorney for the Virgin Islands, told Judge Jed Rakoff in U.S. District Court in Manhattan on Thursday, according to a transcript reviewed by CNBC.

Liu cited the bank’s notification to the Treasury Department as she argued that Rakoff should issue a summary judgment against JPMorgan.

The huge bank is being sued by the Virgin Islands government for allegedly facilitating sex trafficking by Epstein of young women when he was a JPMorgan customer from 1998 through 2013. (read more)

This certainly puts some semblance of scale to the issues around Epsteinand his exploitation of the sex industry to his high profile and powerful clients.The full scale is obviously unknown; however, if JPMorgan is reporting $1 billion in transactions that might be considered risk for them, we can only guess at the amount of the total transaction through the bank.

Keep in mind, JPMorgan already agreed to pay the Epstein Victims $290 million {GO DEEP} to make the victim issues go away. What the hell is the scale of the full banking network if this amount of money is being used to throw a bag over it?

Pulling back to the 30,000-foot view, how the bank was operating certainly does start to make the shadows in the background become more visible. After all, the U.S. government relied on JPMorgan to stabilize the banking sector recently. And, when you overlay the influence of the BIG BANKS on domestic politics, and contrast in parallel with their assistance for corrupt activity like Epstein, suddenly the catchphrase “too big to fail” takes on an entirely new meaning.

Many of us have always said the top of the corrupt pyramid is banks, global financial institutions and multinationals. The activity of the political industry takes place below the power structure of the financial system. The banks control the politicians. The banks control almost everything, and are the benefactors for the DNC, RNC, RGA, etc. etc.

This is the apex circle of influence, where Jeffrey Epstein operated in concert with the banks– who then facilitated his operations and were regulated by Epstein’s clients.

(When is the US gov going to be honest on their complicity they had with Epstein, and this banker is telling the world he reported it. He will be targeted next. It always happens. This guy needs to get to a safe place now. Dead bankers are in the news too much.)


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87ab0f No.87229

File: edaac8c4c99a73c⋯.png (281.17 KB,600x507,200:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19494817 (051649ZSEP23) Notable: Whoopi Goldberg absent on ‘The View’ with alleged COVID infection..

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Chuck Callesto



JUST IN: Whoopi Goldberg absent on ‘The View’ with alleged COVID infection..




>They’re turning on each other.

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87ab0f No.87230

File: d972ae30248b2e1⋯.png (86.46 KB,569x855,569:855,Clipboard.png)

File: 9f2d9cbfca2ab78⋯.png (181.3 KB,516x848,129:212,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19494847 (051655ZSEP23) Notable: CMz: Why is Trump supporting Vivek?

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5:33 AM · Sep 5, 2023 36.5K Views

Why is Trump supporting Vivek?

"Game theory" acts as an analytical tool to decode the complexities of political maneuverings, offering an objective perspective to decision-making processes.

It could be compared to a chess game where players must strategize, balance their moves based on opponents' possible responses, and adapt quickly to changing circumstances.

The 2024 Presidential Primary puts Trump and Vivek on the same strategic chessboard.

The most intriguing move so far has been Trump's support of Vivek, his leading competition. Trump's positive comments about Vivek continues to raise eyebrows unless examined through a game theory lens.

Trump is currently battling several legal indictments, with a distinct possibility that more charges could be added that potentially invoke the 14th Amendment.

Invoking the 14th Amendment would prevent Trump from running for President if convicted for insurrection.

Therefore, despite Trump being the preferred candidate in almost every poll, Trump's support of Vivek should be viewed as an intelligent risk-mitigation strategy. Vivek offers Trump a lifeline, promising a pardon should he be convicted, thus providing insurance against Jack Smith's unconstitutional crusade.

Vivek, though gaining popularity, still lags behind Trump. However, his pledge to pardon Trump could eventually draw in Trump's endorsement if legal battles overwhelm Trump.

An unexpected alliance between Trump and Vivek may appear paradoxical at first glance, but it reveals a well-thought-out chesslike strategy upon closer inspection.

Both Trump's support of Vivek and Vivek's support of Trump demonstrate the two politician's leveraged game theory strategies for navigating the complex political primary.

As a fervent Trump supporter since 2015, I have stood firm in the face of political turbulence and persecution, aligning my support with Trump's vision and principles. Simultaneously, I have begun to openly support both Trump and his trump card - Vivek.

As staunch supporters of Trump, we should perceive this not as divided loyalty but as a tactical measure.

From a game theory perspective, Trump's support of Vivek is a skillfully calculated chess move, guaranteeing control of the game even amidst indictments, political persecution, and looming convictions.

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87ab0f No.87231

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19494872 (051701ZSEP23) Notable: WH Daily briefing 1 pm

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September 5, 2023

1:00 PM EDT

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan

The White House





White House Daily Briefing

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre briefs reporters and responds to questions on the Biden administration’s policy agenda. She is joined by National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan to preview President Biden’s upcoming G20 summit trip.


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87ab0f No.87232

File: 026b1e85c8f0967⋯.webp (32.53 KB,928x560,58:35,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19494896 (051706ZSEP23) Notable: ‘I Wonder What Obama Knew About his VP’s Corrupt Business Schemes?’

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‘I Wonder What Obama Knew About his VP’s Corrupt Business Schemes?’

Biden’s scandals now engulfing ex-president

There are multiple scandals about millions of dollars of foreign interest money being paid to members of the Biden family, a list that appears to be growing every day.

Those are linked to Joe Biden’s official actions such as his demand that Ukrainian officials fire a prosecutor investigating corruption at Burisma, which was paying first son Hunter Biden a million dollars a year.

As The BRICS Countries Stockpile Gold And Americans Scramble to Protect Themselves, A Faith-Based Company Shows Them How

And many more.

Now the questions are engulfing former President Barack Obama, according to a report at Just the News.

“I think that one question I have is, I wonder what President Obama knew about his vice president’s corrupt business schemes with his son,” Rep. James Comer, the chief of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee, told the publication.

Added former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, “None of this could have happened without his active knowledge. It’s just not possible. So what you have is Obama weaponizing the Justice Department, breaking down the rule of law, establishing a defense for any left winger who wants to be corrupt, and at the same time, using the government to launch attacks on Donald Trump, because they’re so frightened of him.”

Gingrich’s comments came during an interview on the John Solomon Reports podcast.

He continued, “And I think it’s the totality of this, which is going to have to be investigated. And it’s vastly more we’re going to discover that there’s an entire system of corruption, lawlessness, and weaponization that is far beyond Joe Biden.”

In fact, it was during Obama’s White House tenure that the weaponization of the federal government became obvious, with the IRS attacks on conservatives and Christians.



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87ab0f No.87233

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19494906 (051709ZSEP23) Notable: Trump’s Life Is In Danger, And The Media Laughs It Off (Ep. 2081) - 09/05/2023

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The Media is endangering Trump’s life by lying: Go to 43:27 minutes in the video, to the danger to Trump is real, and listen for quite a while, on the threat matrix on Trump.

Bongino says a bunch of people have reached out to him from inside sources says some Secret Service in top levels are not taking the threats seriously.

He has various sources that told him because the leaders are not going to ramp up his protection.

Pray for Trump. I hope to God the team in the shadows are there and is multiplied 100x.

Listen anons, I know he’s bombastic but he fervently wants Trump to be protected.

An anon posted this am that the SS was there just to monitor Trump. Now that makes sense.


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87ab0f No.87234

File: ee20f4c77fa8ca8⋯.png (401.24 KB,600x592,75:74,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19494930 (051720ZSEP23) Notable: Commander of the Chechen Special Forces: Ukrainian forces have lost "60-70%" of their Western-supplied equipment, and have lost more than 40,000 soldiers since the counteroffensive began.

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Commander of the Chechen Special Forces 🇷🇺:

Ukrainian forces have lost "60-70%" of their Western-supplied equipment, and have lost more than 40,000 soldiers since the counteroffensive began.



brothers morale very high

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87ab0f No.87235

File: 402846487fcc990⋯.png (46.46 KB,617x382,617:382,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19494940 (051722ZSEP23) Notable: VigilantFox: Two days ago, I jumped too soon on a Burning Man story concerning text messages about an "Ebola-like" illness

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I appreciate this in our ranks

@VigilantFox · 1h

Two days ago, I jumped too soon on a Burning Man story concerning text messages about an "Ebola-like" illness. After further review, the origin of the story was highly suspicious, so I retracted the article. Sorry. I am committed to ensuring higher accuracy in future reporting.

10:29 AM · Sep 5th, 2023


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87ab0f No.87236

File: 0513457c12d4b44⋯.jpg (48.35 KB,1024x537,1024:537,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19494945 (051723ZSEP23) Notable: President Trump Addresses Vaccine Adverse Events for the First Time - Calls on Big Pharma to Disclose Safety Data Immediately

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President Trump Addresses Vaccine Adverse Events for the First Time – Calls on Big Pharma to Disclose Safety Data Immediately

“Joe Biden just announced that he’s going to be funding a new vaccine. He wants everyone to get this vaccine,” said Dixon.

“And we’re hearing about a lot of complaints from vaccine injured, to say a lot. It’s like an understatement. Numerous pharmaceutical companies have refused to release their data on vaccine side effects. But we’ve seen cases of myocarditis, blood clots, and heart attacks. They’re all increasing. The research has never been released.”

“So will you demand that the vaccine companies, that the pharmaceutical companies release their vaccine data to the public so that we can see what they’re actually seeing about the side effects of this vaccine?” asked Dixon.

In response to Dixon’s concerns, Trump advocated for complete transparency from big pharma and vowed that we are all in this fight together.

“Well, they should do that. We’re all in this together, and they should be doing that,” said Trump.

>skipping ahead

... Trump emphasized the importance of holding these companies accountable.

“They have to be honest with the numbers, the facts, and they have an obligation to be honest,” he said, “And if they are going to hold back, that means they’re holding back something that’s not good.”


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87ab0f No.87237

File: d97c8cd7c316f39⋯.png (23.79 KB,600x184,75:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19494973 (051732ZSEP23) Notable: Prince Andrew's files in relation to Jeffrey Epstein will not be released until 2065

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Ryan Fournier



Prince Andrew's files in relation to Jeffrey Epstein will not be released until 2065, meaning he would be 105 and likely dead.

This world loves protecting predators and pedophiles.

Sep 5, 2023 · 3:07 PM UTC



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87ab0f No.87238

File: 4f011811252830c⋯.png (215.3 KB,1196x1058,26:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19494978 (051733ZSEP23) Notable: ALL United Airlines flights across America have been halted due to "computer issues"

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>ALL United Airlines flights across America have been halted.

>"Computer issues."

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87ab0f No.87239

File: 5466357eabc21e2⋯.jpg (38.1 KB,522x538,261:269,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19494984 (051734ZSEP23) Notable: Metallica postpones Arizona concert after lead singer James Hetfield tests positive for COVID-19

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Got you on that already, Anon. Saw this yesterday..

Metallica postpones Arizona concert after lead singer James Hetfield tests positive for COVID-19

https:// www.foxnews.com/entertainment/metallica-postpones-arizona-concert-lead-singer-james-hetfield-tests-positive-covid-19

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87ab0f No.87240

File: 40a87984d0e0a58⋯.png (792.91 KB,1196x844,299:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19494999 (051737ZSEP23) Notable: Benny Johnson: James Comer subpoenas Mayorkas, Secret Service over tip-off of 2020 Hunter Biden tax probe interview

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>BREAKING: James Comer subpoenas Mayorkas, Secret Service over tip-off of 2020 Hunter Biden tax probe interview

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87ab0f No.87241

File: 32d4c54d2fa5764⋯.png (14.62 KB,623x140,89:20,Clipboard.png)

File: 32d4c54d2fa5764⋯.png (14.62 KB,623x140,89:20,Clipboard.png)

File: f7d7781136ee0fd⋯.png (261.78 KB,825x514,825:514,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495013 (051740ZSEP23) Notable: DIG on the "Goyim Defense League": Jon Minadeo, Jon Tanner

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Jon Tanner?

Jon Minadeo

in Petaluma, CA (California)

1 FREE public record found for Jon Minadeo in Petaluma, CA.

FastPeopleSearch results include contact information such as addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses for Jon Minadeo. Discover any aliases as well as possible relatives and associates of Jon Minadeo. Review address history and property records.

Jon Minadeo

Goes By Jon Tanner

San Rafael, CA


>>87181, >>87182, >>87184 Laura Loomer Identifies Leader of “Goyim Defense League” With Ties to the ADL

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87ab0f No.87242

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495038 (051745ZSEP23) Notable: Kiev spent $17.6 million on faulty drones, report reveals

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5 Sep, 2023

Kiev spent $17.6 million on faulty drones, report reveals

A Ukrainian company managed to supply only one airworthy drone out of a batch of 55 ordered by Kiev, investigative outlet reports

A drone-manufacturing company has failed to deliver on a lucrative contract with the country’s military, Ukrainian investigative outlet Bihus.info reported on Tuesday. Ukrainian Aviation Systems (UAS) failed to meet a deadline to provide the military with 55 HAWK reconnaissance drones in mid-August, delivering just four units, of which just one was deemed airworthy.

The HAWK drone is a small winged reconnaissance UAV capable of reaching speeds of up to 55 kilometers per hour (34mph), according to UAS. Each unit costs more than 14.5 million hryvnas (nearly $400,000), while the whole contract is worth 807 million hryvnas or almost $22 million, with at least $17.6 million paid to the company in advance, according to Bihus.info.

Reporters with the outlet attended ill-fated trials of the drones, during which only one unit managed to show decent performance and was accepted by the military. One of the drones repeatedly lost connection to ground control mid-flight, while another lost its wings and crashed. A third unit failed to take off at all, the outlet reported.

UAS is linked to Borislav Rosenblat, a former MP and close associate of former Ukrainian President Pyotr Poroshenko. Rosenblat has repeatedly been involved in various corruption scandals, ending up being stripped of his mandate in 2017 amid an investigation into illegal amber mining and trade.

Following the botched HAWK trials, the company managed to supply another 11 drones of the type to the military, according to Rosenblat. It was not immediately clear whether the newer drones fared any better during trials or whether any trials were even held, Bihus.info noted.

UAS secured its first contract to supply nine HAWK drones to Kiev in 2018. The actual delivery, however, occurred only after the conflict between Russia and Ukraine broke out, as the manufacturer and the military had been locked in a legal battle over missed deadlines and the inflated costs of the UAVs, the outlet noted. The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense told the outlet that it had received no negative feedback on the drones amid the conflict.

The questionable record of the company had not become an obstacle to the new major contract for 55 more drones. The contract then caused a split within the UAS itself, its trademark and administrative parts ended up being controlled by Rosenblat while actual manufacturing units were run by company co-founder Konstantin Pozhidayev. The internal conflict had allegedly been sparked by a dispute over the drones’ inflated costs, which included a 30% kickback offered by Rosenblat to defense ministry officials, Bihus.info’s report continues.

The internal spat also led to changes to the HAWK drones, later units being built using new components. According to Bihus.info, Rosenblat acknowledged the changes, arguing they were actually an “upgrade.”During mid-August trials, the businessman admitted the company had only 12 complete HAWK units in its stock, with components to build around 18 others, falling well short of the pre-ordered 55 units. He blamed the situation on the anti-corruption probe into UAS, which has had its assets frozen. Thus far, the HAWK debacle has not invoked any repercussions from the Defense Ministry, with the delivery deadline simply shifting to October.

(Wasted money to insiders in Ukraine. Peanuts compared the leaders that bought real estate in foreign countries)


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87ab0f No.87243

File: 34b1aed51b0cff1⋯.png (415.56 KB,557x433,557:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495056 (051748ZSEP23) Notable: Vaccinated And Boosted Whoopi Goldberg Absent from ‘The View’ Due to COVID-19 For the Third Time

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Vaccinated And Boosted Whoopi Goldberg Absent from ‘The View’ Due to COVID-19 For the Third Time

n the latest push for the liberal COVID narrative, “The View” co-host Whoopi Goldberg is absent from the show due to her third bout of COVID-19. This comes just one day after the White House announced that First Lady Jill Biden also tested positive for the virus. Both are fully vaccinated and boosted, yet here we are.

“As you can see, Whoopi is not here. She has COVID. Yes, it’s back, it’s back. But she’s on the mend. She’s on the tail end and she’ll probably be back this week,” Joy Behar announced.

Last year, Goldberg had returned to the show wearing a shirt that said, “Over It,” and talked about her “rough” time with the virus—despite being “boosted within an inch of her life.”

The View co-host Whoopi Goldberg returned to the set of the long-running ABC daytime talk show last November and spoke about her recent bout of COVID, her second this year despite being vaxxed and boosted. Goldberg said her COVID illness was “rough” in contrast to those who downplay their COVID illnesses while praising the vaccines and boosters. Goldberg joked that she was “boosted within an inch of (her) life.”


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87ab0f No.87244

File: d819452aa80bfb6⋯.png (729.66 KB,904x704,113:88,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495057 (051748ZSEP23) Notable: DIG on the "Goyim Defense League": Jon Minadeo, Jon Tanner

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> Jon Minadeo

‘You’re ruining my life’: I knocked on the door of an antisemitic internet hatemonger. Here’s what happened

An antisemitic flyer left for residents of the Old Town neighborhood outside of Napa. The flyer lists Jews in the Biden administration. This sheet and another like it, was left at certain homes on Feb. 24, 2022

Press Democrat journalist Phil Barber (left) conducted his interview with Jon Minadeo II (right)in Minadeo's parked car on March 3, 2022. Image from Minadeo's website.

An antisemitic flyer left for residents of the Old Town neighborhood outside of Napa. The flyer lists Jews in the Biden administration. This sheet and another like it, was left at certain homes on Feb. 24, 2022

Press Democrat journalist Phil Barber (left) conducted his interview with Jon Minadeo II (right) in Minadeo's parked car on March 3, 2022. Image from Minadeo's website.

Slide 1 of 2

Press Democrat journalist Phil Barber (left) conducted his interview with Jon Minadeo II (right) in Minadeo's parked car on March 3, 2022. Image from Minadeo's website.



March 19, 2022

I had a story about 80% written on the afternoon of March 3. It was a follow-up to The Press Democrat’s recent coverage of Jon Minadeo II, the Petaluma man who posts long screeds defaming and denigrating Jews on his GoyimTV website.

Read about the impact of antisemitic hate speech in the North Bay Jewish community here.

He’s the guy who created the antisemitic flyers that have recently shown up on sidewalks and porches in a number of Bay Area neighborhoods, most recently Napa on Feb. 24.

I wrote about those flyers, and we published a subsequent story that explored the fear that hate speech generates in a community and why law enforcement is unable to do much about it. For this latest story, I talked to Minadeo’s aunt, and to several other people who knew him to try and get a better picture of him.

Before filing, I needed to take one more stab at speaking to Minadeo himself. I had made a previous attempt, but found out later I had the wrong residence.

I can’t say I was looking forward to making his acquaintance. But if I was planning to build a profile in print using other people’s characterizations, I felt I had a journalistic obligation to at least give Minadeo a chance to speak for himself.

This time I visited a triplex not far from downtown Petaluma. In a secluded spot behind the building, up a steep flight of concrete stairs, I rang the doorbell.

The front door opened, and behind the screen door was a man dressed casually in T-shirt and sweats. His neatly trimmed beard andcentral-castinghaircut — shaved short on the sides, hanging longer in back — were immediately familiar.

This was the guy I had watched in so many online videos, the ones in which he wove conspiracy theories vilifying Jews, called them slurs that my editors won’t let me say here, and managed to sprinkle in mocking impressions of gay and Black people, too.

“You’re ruining my life,” Jon Minadeo II said to me.

I would argue he set in motion a cascade of events that may well be ruining his life. But there we were.

Minadeo asked if he could record our conservation. I said yes. I asked him if I also could record. He said yes.

Moments later, I was in the midst of a 45-minute interaction with the man who was spawning so much outrage in Sonoma County. I sat shotgun in Minadeo’s parked car while he reclined in the driver’s seat and vaped up a storm.

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87ab0f No.87245

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495059 (051749ZSEP23) Notable: #23842

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#23942 >>87193

>>87194, >>87209, >>87215 coverage of Ken Paxton impeachment hearing

>>87195, >>87196, >>87197, >>87199 Sept 23, 2023; Hollywood predictive programming and the Equinox

>>87198, >>87210 steve bannon w/CAP: Reality.Sets.In…Panic.Ensues

>>87200 Amateur stargazers capture a space rock smashing into Jupiter

>>87201, >>87204 FBI Created 3,200 J6 “Playing Cards” to Identify and Surveil Americans who Attended J6 Protests - They Are Using SAME SYSTEM to Target Trump Supporters…

>>87202 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/05/2023

>>87203 Aliens? UFOs? What is the celestial phenomenon behind Turkey’s green sky?

>>87205 Seoul unveils hidden space beneath Seoul Plaza for first time in 40 years


>>87207 Bulgaria: State of Emergency in the Southern Black Sea Coast - Floods and Damages

>>87208 Photographer captures rare 'gigantic jets' of upside-down lightning blasting out of Atlantic hurricane

>>87211 President Trump Addresses Vaccine Adverse Events for the First Time - Calls on Big Pharma to Disclose Safety Data Immediately

>>87212 What plague will be next? This guy offers evidence it's Marburg - vid

>>87213 House Republicans have launched a series of congressional inquiries into Hunter business dealings

>>87214 EndWokeness: “We just want to be left alone”

>>87216 ‘Royally Screwed’ by Government: Hawaii Victims ‘Getting Desperate’

>>87217 Alert: Ex-Wikipedia Co-Founder Says Site Hijacked by US Intelligence for ‘Info Warfare’

>>87218 Stephen Miller: Speaking as a Jew:ADL is NOT a Jewish organization.It is an ultra-left activist org that pushes radical [everything]

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87ab0f No.87246

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495069 (051751ZSEP23) Notable: 2:00 PM EDT Pentagon Press Secretary Air Force Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder briefs the media

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September 5, 2023

2:00 PM EDT

Pentagon Press Secretary Air Force Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder briefs the media in the Pentagon Briefing Room (2D972) at 2 p.m. EDT

Department of Defense





Defense Department Briefing

Defense Department Spokesman Brigadier General Pat Ryder briefs reporters at the Pentagon.


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87ab0f No.87247

File: 702f3ef038805ea⋯.jpeg (60.67 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495073 (051752ZSEP23) Notable: Corruption undermining Ukraine’s defense - EU country president

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5 Sep, 2023

Corruption undermining Ukraine’s defense – EU country president

Lithuania’s Gitanas Nauseda has said scandals are affecting the West’s willingness to supply Kiev with weapons

Corruption scandals in Ukraine are severely damaging its international reputation and its defense capabilities, Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda has warned, claiming that Western leaders are having a harder time justifying further weapons shipments to Kiev.

Speaking to Lithuania’s LRT broadcaster on Tuesday, Nauseda said that since the countries supporting Ukraine are democratic states, it means they must take into account “their society’s mood and their voters’ opinion.”

“Imagine the situation: voters in one of the states see that there are very visible corruption scandals in the aid-directed country,” he went on, adding that “this is a huge reputational blow for this state.”

Last month, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky sacked the regional military officials responsible for the country’s conscription campaign following a string of corruption scandals.

Ukrainian authorities launched 112 criminal cases over illegal schemes that allowed draftees to be deemed unfit for military service in exchange for bribes.

The Ukrainian leader also pledged to “cleanse” the country of corrupt lawmakers and officials.

Speaking to US state-funded broadcaster Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) around the same time, Ukrainian Finance Minister Sergey Marchenko claimed that Kiev’s Western backers are “ready to accept that we may have corruption.” Citing his own “experience” and a “gut feeling,” Marchenko insisted that the problem is at its lowest level in two decades.

Ukraine has been plagued by rampant corruption for years despite successive governments’ efforts to combat the issue. According to Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index, as of 2022, the country ranked 116th out of 180.

In late July, the US State Department released a report saying that “corruption in the Ukrainian government and private sector poses risks to the effectiveness of US foreign assistance over the longer run.” (They knew this in the beginning!)

Over the past few months, reports by several media outlets have alleged that corrupt military officials are stealing part of the Western defense aid and selling it on the black market.

(Ukraine is sent more money for every innocent soldier they conscript and throw into the house of death. And leaders spend it on their families and real estate. They’ve never had it so good till Biden stole the 2020 election!)


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87ab0f No.87248

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495075 (051753ZSEP23) Notable: Anon thinks Q accounts have been taken off TS: if true, needs SAUCE, DIG CALL

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Appears Q groups have been taken off Truth

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87ab0f No.87249

File: 572e1d54f7afa55⋯.png (318.69 KB,800x600,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495076 (051753ZSEP23) Notable: DIG on the "Goyim Defense League": Jon Minadeo, Jon Tanner

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>Jon Tanner


>Jon Minadeo II (right)

I didn’t feel unsafe. The people I had interviewed described Minadeo as more of an insatiable attention seeker than an angry brawler. At no time during our interaction was he even remotely threatening.

In fact, I would say Minadeo went out of his way to appear courteous (to me, anyway) and reasoned. To be chummy.

That doesn’t mean I wasn’t uneasy. When Minadeo fixed his smartphone into its perch in order to capture video — I was concerned he would somehow use our conversation in his propaganda network.

I was right on that count. Within 36 hours, he had posted our interview, advertising it with a reference to a “slanderous journalist” who’d showed up unannounced.

Minadeo seemed candid with me on details of his life, andhe confirmed a few things his acquaintances had told me.

He said, for instance, that he had dropped out of classes at Novato High School in the early 2000s and wound up getting his GED; thathe voted for Bernie Sandersin a presidential race, andattended the inauguration of Barack Obama;that while he hadn’t personally distributed antisemitic flyers in neighborhoods around the Bay Area recently, he had indeed done the dirty work during a similar campaign in Santa Rosa in 2019.

On other points, Minadeo was more evasive. One of them was how he supports himself. Sources say he has rarely held a steady job since leavingDinucci’s, the landmark Valley Ford restaurant owned by his grandmother, following a rupture in the family. Minadeo said he does some construction work.

He wouldn’t state how much money he makes from advertising, merchandise sales and donations attached to his online stream. With about 3,300 followers, it probably isn’t much.

I have been interested in Minadeo’s evolution from small-time actor and rapper to antisemitic provocateur. When I asked him about it, he framed that development as dogged education, describing himself almost as the Bob Woodward or Carl Bernstein of shadowy Jewish crimes.

Of course, most of the incidents he cites are distortions of real events, if not outright fabrications.

It started, Minadeo said, when he began looking into the chemical company Monsanto. Or maybe it was when he got into acting and discovered the religious affiliation of media moguls. Or was it in solidarity with the people of Palestine? His story was fluid.

This was how we spent most of our time, with Minadeo citing reams of “evidence” of a nefarious worldwide conspiracy. But I had no desire to debate him. Nor am I particularly interested in analyzing his points now. All of them have been thoroughly debunked for anyone who isn’t in the tiniest and most toxic of echo chambers.

Minadeo called his examples “pattern-recognizing.” I call them fantasies, or at least cherry-picking.

I’ll offer one example here. It’s from one of the flyers that led me to this strange moment — the one that trumpeted “EVERY SINGLE ASPECT OF THE BIDEN ADMINISTRATION IS JEWISH” and offered, as proof, mug shots of 12 prominent people surrounding the president, along with their roles.

Put aside for a moment an obvious retort, that Jews should rightfully be proud of their individual success stories after centuries of persecution. Let’s just analyze what Minadeo was positing.

Related Stories

Mike Burwen at his Petaluma home on Friday, March 18, 2022. Burwen says he's done with the Petaluma guy who is spreading anti-Jewish propaganda. (John Burgess/The Press Democrat)

How North Bay Jews are confronting antisemitic hate speech

I do believe all 12 of the men and women on the flyer are Jews. But if every single aspect of Biden’s team is Jewish, how convenient to leave out the 18 members of the cabinet who, in fact, are gentiles. Or all four of the United States’ senior military leaders. Or President Joe Biden, who of course is Catholic.

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87ab0f No.87250

File: 89b2ece8996a1d1⋯.png (663.73 KB,1196x920,13:10,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495079 (051753ZSEP23) Notable: Biden will start wearing a mask again

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>BREAKING: @whitehouse

says President @JoeBiden

will start wearing a mask again after First Lady @DrBiden

tested positive for COVID. He will remove his mask when he's socially distanced from others. He is abiding by CDC guidelines. WATCH

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87ab0f No.87251

File: de9af3beeb24622⋯.png (153.97 KB,321x386,321:386,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495080 (051754ZSEP23) Notable: DIG on the "Goyim Defense League": Jon Minadeo, Jon Tanner

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>Minadeo was more evasive. One of them was how he supports himself

If that argument falls apart so easily, why even bother with an outlandish assertion like “Jews control 96% of American media?”

For the most part, my interview with Minadeo was a repetitive game of cat and mouse. He constantly worked to highlight his more mainstream-sounding views.

He said his main problem with Jews is that they are overrepresented in positions of leadership. He advocated for free speech, noting that several countries have outlawed Holocaust denial (Minadeo believes the number of Jews killed by Adolf Hitler’s regime was far smaller than the accepted estimate of 6 million). And he decried Israel’s treatment of Palestinians.

I would attempt to point out the videos he hosts on his site go far beyond what he was telling me in the car. In the virtual setting, Minadeo does Nazi salutes, talks about “these f**king Jews and their fking schemes,” and tars not just ruthless CEOs, but every member of a faith, and a cultural heritage, that may count 20 million worldwide.

When I brought that up, Minadeo would pivot to another fringe theory or worn-out trope.

The other theme I tried hard to center was the potential for harm freighted in Minadeo’s words. He replied over and over that he preaches nonviolence.

But antisemitic incidents are on the rise in America. The Anti-Defamation League, which has been counting them since 1979, reports that 2019 and 2020 were two of the three worst years it has tracked. It hasn’t tallied 2021 yet.

Jews are living in fear, again — or maybe they’ve never stopped.

As Minadeo denied culpability for encouraging violence, I thought of Jeff Renfro, owner of the Yoga Hell studio in Petaluma. Renfro told me he took his gun out of storage and loaded it for the first time in ages after he fired Minadeo’s girlfriend, because you never know who Minadeo’s followers are.

I thought of Michéle Samson, president of Congregation Shir Shalom in Sonoma, describing how she finds herself watching a dear old lady during worship services and wondering if she’d have the strength to lift the woman out of a window if the synagogue were attacked.

I also thought of my own family. My mother was Jewish, so I am Jewish. I don’t practice the religion, but I lost relatives to the German death camps. My Uncle Louis, now deceased, begged his children never to get tattoos; to him, tattoos were numbers inked onto arms at Auschwitz.

I was surprised Minadeo didn’t ask me about my religion. Maybe he assumed. When he posted the video of our interview, he included a Star of David emoji in the description. Of course, that might simply have been his way of insinuating I’m controlled by the Jews in those spooky shadows of mainstream media.

Anyway, I kept asking Minadeo: Do you not take some responsibility for the terror one of your followers, juiced up on your theories and implications, might inflict on innocent Jews?

“I do not want, and do not ever endorse violence,” he would answer.

Especially violence against Minadeo, perhaps. He said he was assaulted by a Jewish man during a stunt in Florida, and that his neighbor’s apartment was vandalized “by Antifa” during one of Minadeo’s trips to Texas. He claimed he’ll probably have to leave Petaluma because things are growing so uncomfortable for him. He also claimed he was threatened after the first Press Democrat story about him was published.

“I’m scared for my life, man,” Minadeo said. “You gotta understand, a lot of people are willfully ignorant. And those people can be dangerous.”

Scared for his life? Willful ignorance? Dangerous people? He seemed oblivious to the obvious irony of his statements.

Minadeo clearly wants to live in two worlds simultaneously. In one, he goes about his business in Petaluma, running errands and drinking microbrews like any typical dude. In the other, he’s an internet hatemonger, basking in applause from racists and avowed Nazis who gleefully riff on burning Jews in ovens.

The truth is that Minadeo can no longer be both those people, not in Petaluma. And he has already made his choice.

You can reach Phil Barber at 707-521-5263 or phil.barber@pressdemocrat.com.


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87ab0f No.87252

File: 27f042d72bebc0c⋯.jpeg (96.81 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 251d96f0787a2a8⋯.png (87.65 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495097 (051758ZSEP23) Notable: Ukraine spending $100 million a day on conflict - defense minister

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4 Sep, 2023 16:02

Ukraine spending $100 million a day on conflict – defense minister

Volunteers have provided only around 3% of war supplies during the hostilities, Aleksey Reznikov has said, rejecting corruption allegations

Kiev has been spending around $100 million a day on the conflict with Russia, the outgoing Ukraine Defense Minister Aleksey Reznikov has said. The official made the remarks in an interview with state-run media outlet Ukrinform, published on Monday, in which he rejected corruption allegations and defended the ministry’s procurement policies during his tenure.

Reznikov also dismissed the claims that the country’s military has been largely supplied by volunteers and crowdfunding, stating such take was simply “unfair,” given that the government has been spending some $100 million daily on the conflict.

“I know all the budgets spent on supplies for the army – those provided by volunteers and officially by the state.I can tell you that supplies from volunteers from February 24, 2022 to date are 3% of everything that went to the war,” Reznikov stated.

Reznikov claimed that thecorruption scandals around the militaryand “labels” eagerly handed out by critics have already scared businessmen away from working with the defense ministry.

“I routinely meet with large associations, speak at their forums, and they say: it is not comfortable for us to strike contracts with the Ministry of Defense or other state institutions because law enforcement agencies immediately begin to bother us and seize our accounts,” the minister stated.

“Everywhere you look, everyone is corrupt, there are no decent people in the world,”he added, suggesting that the ministry’s critics universally see their activities as a “crusade”against “rear rats” and “corruptors” within the ministry.

The outgoing minister assumed his post in November 2021, shortly before the conflict between Russia and Ukraine broke out. His tenure has been marred by multiple corruption scandals, with the ministry repeatedly accused of procuring equipment and foodstuffs from the military at abnormally high prices.

Reznikov’s interview comes after Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky announced on Sunday his plan to sack Reznikov, seeking to replace him with the current head of the State Property Fund of Ukraine, Rustem Umerov.

Explaining his decision, the president said the Defense Ministry “needs new approaches and new formats of interaction both with the military and society as a whole.” On Monday, Reznikov officially offered his resignation, with the country’s parliament now set to consider it and decide on Umerov’s candidacy.


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87ab0f No.87253

File: 3943a461fd623ea⋯.png (37.36 KB,788x260,197:65,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495098 (051758ZSEP23) Notable: Putin Tells Erdogan Russia Will Rejoin Grain Deal If Sanctions Eased, SWIFT Reconnected

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Putin Tells Erdogan Russia Will Rejoin Grain Deal If Sanctions Eased, SWIFT Reconnected

Monday's meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan appeared to produce little of significant substance, but Putin took the opportunity to make his demands known as Turkey is attempting to restore the original UN-backed Black Sea Grain Initiative deal.

Putin laid out that his country would would be fine with returning to the deal if sanctions against Russia’s agricultural industry are lifted. "I would like to confirm again our position of principle: we will be ready to consider the opportunity of reviving the grain deal. I told [Erdogan] today again, and will do this immediately after all arrangements set in it on lifting of restrictions on Russian agricultural exports are fulfilled," Putin said following dialogue with the Turkish leader in Sochi.

He stressed Russia's return is contingent on the West signing a memorandum to facilitate Russian food and fertilizer exports. "We will do this as soon as all the agreements on lifting restrictions on the export of Russian agricultural products are fully implemented."

Crucial to this, and key to the demand, is to have the Russian Agricultural Bank (Rosselkhozbank) reconnected to the SWIFT payment system. This was mentioned days ago when it was revealed there's a new UN proposed package on the table, still under negotiation.

Sources in Turkey's Anadolu said among the most important elements of the package include "the connection of the European subsidiary of the Russian Agricultural Bank (Rosselkhozbank) to the SWIFT system and the unblocking of frozen assets of Russian companies producing fertilizers in Europe." This would also involve the necessary of lifting of restrictions on ship insurance and access to currently banned ports.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova issued a weekend statement saying, "The new package of UN proposals regarding the 'grain initiative' provides for the reconnection of Rosselkhozbank to SWIFT and the unfreezing of assets of Russian companies... Earlier, all this was also 'conditional', but it never came into effect."


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87ab0f No.87254

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495101 (051759ZSEP23) Notable: The Tudor Dixon Podcast: An Exclusive Interview with President Donald Trump

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The Tudor Dixon Podcast: An Exclusive Interview with President Donald Trump

The Tudor Dixon Podcast


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87ab0f No.87255

File: 45d7c2756f69369⋯.png (153.87 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495111 (051802ZSEP23) Notable: FAA lifts brief nationwide ground stop for United Airlines

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FAA lifts brief nationwide ground stop for United Airlines


Hmm, the FAA issued the ground stop not United Airlines.

Reminds me of Q mentioning measures to stop people fleeing and retain them in the US.

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87ab0f No.87256

File: d486f7120c0443e⋯.png (81.5 KB,951x368,951:368,Clipboard.png)

File: 6dd7c6daf60fd80⋯.png (34.63 KB,916x182,458:91,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495115 (051803ZSEP23) Notable: Michigan Clerk Explains Broken Election Laws, How Jocelyn Benson’s Office Insisted Illegal Voter Be Allowed to Register and Cast Vote in 2020

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Michigan Clerk Explains Broken Election Laws, How Jocelyn Benson’s Office Insisted Illegal Voter Be Allowed to Register and Cast Vote in 2020

Baldwin Township is a small Michigan jurisdiction with just 1,600 residents, and a smaller number of voters. So when a fake registration was filed to vote in 2020 by a Canadian citizen, Clerk Cathy Pittsley knew that it wasn’t a real voter and she had the time to investigate and determine the voter wasn’t real.

“The first danger sign was that I could never get ahold of them, by phone or mail.”

“They didn’t have any ID, they didn’t have any serious proof they lived in the district, and they certainly had nothing to show that they had met the basic legal requirements to be considered a resident or a voter,” Pittsley told the Gateway Pundit. “There were all these red flags, but they were responding over email.”


“She said all of her identification had burned up in a fire five years ago, and when I looked up the address she provided as her residence, it wasn’t in the tax records, utility records, it didn’t show up anywhere. Since this is a small town, I decided to do my own investigation.”

Pittsley went out to the address provided and found that it was an empty field. There was a dilapidated storage building that clearly hadn’t been in use over the last 30 years she said. There was nowhere that someone could conceivably live. “There wasn’t even a driveway. I can’t find any record of anyone paying taxes at this address. No signature provided so there’s nothing to check their ballot against, and no ID.”

So Clerk Pittsley told the prospective voter that, according to state law, there was nothing she could do without some proof of residence or proper identification.

Within the hour she had received a threatening call from the Secretary of State however. Far-left Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, who oversees Michigan’s elections, was having her deputies in the Bureau of Elections threaten Pittsley to have the prospective voter registered immediately.

“They gave me four hours to have her registered, or else. I didn’t think this was a fight worth having.” After pressure from the Secretary of State’s office she was forced to register the voter.



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87ab0f No.87257

File: b7d7e03629d4f81⋯.png (135.76 KB,532x482,266:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495121 (051805ZSEP23) Notable: BREAKING: North Korea to pay ‘price’ if it supplies Russia arms - White House

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BREAKING: North Korea to pay ‘price’ if it supplies Russia arms - White House

READ: https://insiderpaper.com/north-korea-to-pay-price-if-it-supplies-russia-arms-white-house/


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87ab0f No.87258

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495140 (051809ZSEP23) Notable: Ukraine has ‘assassination directorate’ - ex-security chief

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5 Sep, 2023


Ukraine has ‘assassination directorate’ – ex-security chief

Kiev decided it was not enough to imprison Russian ‘collaborators’ and that they had to be eliminated, Valentin Nalivaichenko has claimed

The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has a dedicated assassination program responsible for taking out Russian “collaborators,” the former head of the agency, Valentin Nalivaichenko, has claimed in aninterview with The Economist.

According to the former official, the special SBU divisiondates back to at least 2015 and was formed from the elite fifth counterintelligence directorate, after Ukraine’s leaders at the time decided that imprisoning people was not enough. (Nina Jankowicz was training them at that time.)

“We reluctantly came to the conclusion that we needed to eliminate people,” Nalivaichenko told the British magazine.

The Economist noted that the unit has been linked to the assassinations of Donbass commanders such as Mikhail Tolstykh, aka ‘Givi’, who was killed in a rocket attack in 2017, Arsen Pavlov, aka ‘Motorola’, who was blown up in an elevator in 2016, and Aleksandr Zakharchenko, the first head of the Donetsk People’s Republic, who was killed in a restaurant bombing in 2018.

Ukrainian intelligence insiders also reportedly told the outlet that theSBU’s fifth directorate currently plays a “central role”in operations against Russia, and that it has carried out attacks such as bombing the Crimean Bridge.

According to The Economist, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky is “understood to authorize the most controversial operations,”while other decisions are often delegated.

Since the conflict between Russia and Ukraine broke out in February last year, Kiev’s security services are believed to have been responsible for several high-profile killings of Russian journalists and public officials. These include the August 2022 car bomb assassination of Darya Dugina – the daughter of Russian philosopher Aleksandr Dugin – and the killing of military blogger Maxim Fomin (also known as Vladlen Tatarsky) in a bomb attack in St. Petersburg in April of this year.

Several of the Ukrainian insiders interviewed by The Economist admitted that they weredisturbed by the targeting of “mid-level”targets. “It makes me uncomfortable,” one former SBU fifth-directorate officer said, claiming that some killings were designed to “impress the president rather than bring victory any closer.” The former spy also admitted concerns thatKiev’s assassination campaign appears to be “driven by impulse rather than logic,” the outlet said.

Moscow has repeatedly accused Ukraine of adopting terrorist tactics, and has criticized its Western backers for allegedly turning a blind eye to its activities.


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87ab0f No.87259

File: c13bc634e4fb955⋯.png (685.4 KB,760x590,76:59,Clipboard.png)

File: 99c0b7d2364524e⋯.png (77.43 KB,745x518,745:518,Clipboard.png)

File: b70c3ff831ba734⋯.png (55.45 KB,732x438,122:73,Clipboard.png)

File: 00aabe52c58ec38⋯.png (46.76 KB,726x263,726:263,Clipboard.png)

File: 30f741106c65b62⋯.png (67.76 KB,730x463,730:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495157 (051813ZSEP23) Notable: "Empire Of Drugs": Taliban's Eradication Of Opium Reveals Harsh Reality Of U.S. Occupation Of Afghanistan

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"Empire Of Drugs": Taliban's Eradication Of Opium Reveals Harsh Reality Of U.S. Occupation Of Afghanistan

For the entirety of the 20 year US occupation, Afghanistan was the primary source for 90% of the world's heroin. In just over a year the Taliban has nearly eradicated Afghani heroin production, raising serious questions about the US role in facilitating the global drug trade.

The Taliban government in Afghanistan – the nation that until recently produced 90% of the world’s heroin – has drastically reduced opium cultivation across the country. Western sources estimate an up to 99% reduction in some provinces. This raises serious questions about the seriousness of U.S. drug eradication efforts in the country over the past 20 years. And, as global heroin supplies dry up, experts tell MintPress News that they fear this could spark the growing use of fentanyl – a drug dozens of times stronger than heroin that already kills more than 100,000 Americans yearly.


It has already been called “the most successful counter-narcotics effort in human history.” Armed with little more than sticks, teams of counter-narcotics brigades travel the country, cutting down Afghanistan’s poppy fields.

In April of last year, the ruling Taliban government announced the prohibition of poppy farming, citing both their strong religious beliefs and the extremely harmful social costs that heroin and other opioids – derived from the sap of the poppy plant – have wrought across Afghanistan.

It has not been all bluster. New research from geospatial data company Alcis suggests that poppy production has already plummeted by around 80% since last year. Indeed, satellite imagery shows that in Helmand Province, the area that produces more than half of the crop, poppy production has dropped by a staggering 99%. Just 12 months ago, poppy fields were dominant. But Alcis estimates that there are now less than 1,000 hectares of poppy growing in Helmand.


It has already been called “the most successful counter-narcotics effort in human history.” Armed with little more than sticks, teams of counter-narcotics brigades travel the country, cutting down Afghanistan’s poppy fields.

In April of last year, the ruling Taliban government announced the prohibition of poppy farming, citing both their strong religious beliefs and the extremely harmful social costs that heroin and other opioids – derived from the sap of the poppy plant – have wrought across Afghanistan.

It has not been all bluster. New research from geospatial data company Alcis suggests that poppy production has already plummeted by around 80% since last year. Indeed, satellite imagery shows that in Helmand Province, the area that produces more than half of the crop, poppy production has dropped by a staggering 99%. Just 12 months ago, poppy fields were dominant. But Alcis estimates that there are now less than 1,000 hectares of poppy growing in Helmand.


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87ab0f No.87260

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495171 (051816ZSEP23) Notable: Mira Tereda — The Ukrainian Child Trafficking Ring the US Govt and Media Continue to Ignore

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Podcast — Mira Tereda — The Ukrainian Child Trafficking Ring the US Govt and Media Continue to Ignore

Mira Terada is a distinguished international human rights activist and writer, who once suffered as a political prisoner in the US.

In this compelling episode of the Free Thought Project podcast, we sit down with Mira Terada, a distinguished international human rights activist and writer, who once suffered as a political prisoner in the US. With profound insight, Mira delves into the troubling revelations surrounding the trafficking of disabled Ukrainian children in Spain and the concerning complicity of various entities, up to and including those inside the United States.

We also touch upon the disconcerting Myrotvorets website, while dissecting the alarming realities of trafficking, the stark media silence, and the unsettling indifference from major global players. Join us in this enlightening discussion as we strive to bring light to these pressing issues.


Mira's Foundation to Battle Injustice website and link to their investigation: https://fondfbr.ru/en/articles/ukraine-children-spain-trafficking-en/

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87ab0f No.87261

File: eaa65f68697ea9a⋯.png (223.44 KB,600x550,12:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495176 (051817ZSEP23) Notable: HRC: The former guy was all talk. Biden's actually getting results.

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Hillary Clinton



The former guy was all talk. Biden's actually getting results.


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87ab0f No.87262

File: 6ebd19012f2248f⋯.png (854.36 KB,771x633,257:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495183 (051820ZSEP23) Notable: DIG on the "Goyim Defense League": Jon Minadeo, Jon Tanner

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>Jon Tanner?

> Jon Minadeo




>restaurant owned by his grandmother,


>Minadeo was more evasive. One of them was how he supports himself

A golden anniversary for Dinucci’s of Valley Ford

The current owners celebrated their 50th anniversary Saturday of running the restaurant.

Slide 6 of 16

Jeanne Garcia, right, chatswith her son Joel Minadeo at Dinucci's Italian Dinners in Valley Ford, California, on Thursday, May 31, 2018. (Alvin Jornada / The Press Democrat)



June 5, 2018

Stepping into Dinucci’s Italian Dinners is like stepping back in time.

Owners of the Valley Ford landmark found a recipe for success decades ago, and they’re not messing with it.

The longtime restaurant hasn’t changed much since 1968 when Betty and Eugene Wagner packed up their family and moved from Vallejo to the Sonoma County countryside to take ownership of Dinucci’s, where family-style dining and old-time hospitality are staples.

This week the Wagner family marks 50 years as proprietors of Dinucci’s.

It’s a milestone that recognizes hard work, dedication, family unity and an appreciation for down-home comfort food - Italian style - served in generous portions in a casual dining room replete with checkerboard tablecloths, vintage photos, memorabilia and hundreds of decorative liquor decanters lining the walls.

“We’re not trendy. We’re down to earth and our food is down to earth. There’s nothing too fancy (on the menu) that you can’t pronounce, except maybe linguini,” said Jeanne Garcia, who was a teenager when her late parents bought the restaurant from Henry and Mabel Dinucci, who’d owned the place since 1939.

The two-story building was constructed in 1908 as the Depot Hotel by the Barboni family of Occidental, who welcomed train passengers back when the railroad came through the tiny town.

Steeped in history

The building has a rich history and a resident ghost believed to be the apparition of a young man reportedly stabbed to death on the premises in the 1940s.

“His spirit is not settled,” Garcia said. “He’s a great ghost. He’s not a scary one.”

The ghost is just one of many curiosities at Dinucci’s. A pair of expansive moose antlers hangs in the dining room; a coal burner from an old caboose draws attention; an ashtray collection is on display; and dozens of abalone shells are attached to the ceiling across from the long bar that was shipped around Cape Horn in one piece.

The abalone shells are not for aesthetics. Instead, Eugene Wagner used them to help acoustics. “I’m telling you,” his daughter said, “he was thrifty.”

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87ab0f No.87263

File: fd9f0ac7d2dde1d⋯.png (31.29 KB,786x208,393:104,Clipboard.png)

File: 2b447d4571584f0⋯.png (1.86 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495184 (051821ZSEP23) Notable: DIG on the "Goyim Defense League": Jon Minadeo, Jon Tanner

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>with her son Joel Minadeo at Dinucci's Italian Dinners in Valley Ford, California,

Today she and her husband, Enrique Garcia, own and operate Dinucci’s, with help from family members. The Garcias’ 21-year-old daughter, Geena Garcia-Wagner, manages the business.Fourth-generation family member Jasmine Minadeo assists in the kitchen; at 14, she’s the youngest family member carrying on her great-grandparents’ legacy.

Secret family recipes

The food, of course, is the main attraction at Dinucci’s, and the minestrone gets top billing. With a recipe perfected by the Wagners over time, the soup is especially popular with coastal travelers who typically buy a gallon to go. Several years back, members of the Los Angeles Police Department preordered 20 gallons of takeout minestrone when they were visiting the area.

The recipe “is a family secret,” Jeanne Garcia said, “and it will be until we’re all gone.” She’ll only say Dinucci’s uses the freshest ingredients, like produce from family-?owned Imwalle Gardens in Santa Rosa, a vendor for 50 years.

Dinucci’s menu includes steak, poultry, seafood and pasta prepared by Enrique Garcia, who shadowed Eugene Wagner in the kitchen.

A Bolognese sauce heavy with meat also was perfected by the Wagners and remains a staple of many dishes, like baked lasagna. The chicken cacciatore follows the recipe developed decades ago by Mabel Dinucci. Dinner entrees include soup, salad, bread and an antipasto plate, all old-school Italian.

Several tables are designated for regulars, with carved wooden signs hanging at select locations: “The Spaletta Table,” “Bill’s Table,” “Blaine and Christine” and “VIP.”

Celebrities from athletes to movie stars have discovered Dinucci’s, with Joe Montana, George Seifert, John Travolta and Clint Eastwood among them.

Actress Tippi Hedren, known for her role in Alfred Hitchcock’s Bodega Bay-based film “The Birds,” has been there, too.

When artists Christo and his wife, Jeanne-Claude, erected the Running Fence along stretches of coastal Sonoma and Marin counties in 1976, they’d dine at Dinucci’s.

“He’d come here and have lunch and the place would fill up,” said Don Wagner, the youngest of Betty and Eugene Wagner’s four children.

He said the real credit goes to local residents who supported his parents as they got started in the restaurant business, relying on word of mouth to bring in patrons.

His father, who’d had a career as a heavy construction equipment mechanic before buying Dinucci’s, insisted all 110 seats in the dining room would fill up once people had a taste of what was on the menu.

“In the slow times, the locals kept us alive,” Wagner said.

“There were rough times in the beginning.” Some patrons even placed bets the family wouldn’t succeed, he said.

Wagner recalls a time during his youth “that was before 911 and I was taught to call the sheriff if the Hell’s Angels showed up.”

Laidback atmosphere

Things today “are mellow,” said his brother-in-law, Enrique Garcia. Bar patrons and diners are mostly local farmers and ranchers, or travelers heading to and from the nearby coast.

Wagner, along with his sister, Jeanne Garcia, and their siblings, Joe Wagner and Dolores Hanson, at various times helped their parents in the family business, as have extended family.

In the early days, Jeanne Garcia said, “You could throw a bowling ball through the place and not hit anyone.”

Eventually, the restaurant began to thrive. Geena Garcia-Wagner is hopeful the nostalgic destination will continue to draw diners for generations to come.

“I just appreciate the history here and would like to carry that on forever,” she said. “The locals appreciate it almost as much as we do.”

The odds aren’t always favorable in the restaurant industry, the family said, and challenges can be compounded working with family members.

“That’s hard to do,” Enrique Garcia said, proud to share in 50 years of the Wagner family’s success.


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87ab0f No.87264

File: ea6728e3ad2fefc⋯.png (286.29 KB,523x657,523:657,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495187 (051821ZSEP23) Notable: "Israeli Intel Agent Infiltrates Twitter Space to Promote ADL Censorship" - True? DIG CALL

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Israeli Intel Agent Infiltrates Twitter Space to Promote ADL Censorship

A dual citizen of Canada and Israel who promotes the ADL's censorship campaign left a Twitter space and deleted her account after she was called out for her Israeli intel ties.

A former Canadian Ambassador to Israel with deep ties to Israeli intelligence deleted her Twitter account after she was caught infiltrating a Twitter space for the purpose of promoting the Anti-Defamation League’s censorship policies.

Vivian Bercovici, a former Canadian Ambassador to Israel who holds dual Canadian-Israeli citizenship infiltrated Mario Nawfal’s ADL Files Twitter space to back the ADL’s censorship regime program that the far-left Jewish pressure group is trying to enforce on social media. After claiming that she was the victim of people saying “all kinds of horrible things” to her “because I’m Jewish,” Bercovici was called out by Substack writer Keith Woods as an Israeli intelligence officer.

“I have been accused of all kinds of horrible things personally because I’m Jewish,” said Bercovici, claiming that her Twitter messages are full of people attacking her for her dual Canadian and Israeli citizenship and telling her that she “can’t be trusted.”

“Well Vivian, I have a question,” Woods interjected. “If we’re talking about conflict of interest, is it true you work for an Israeli intelligence firm called Black Cube?”

Bercovici attempted to deny her Israeli intelligence work, which is detailed on her Wikipedia profile, before abruptly exiting the space and deleting her account.


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87ab0f No.87265

File: 8240746b3b5a86b⋯.png (86.05 KB,911x566,911:566,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495188 (051821ZSEP23) Notable: ALL United Airlines flights across America have been halted due to "computer issues"

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United Airlines issues a ground stop for flights nationwide due to a 'systemwide technology issue'

nited Airlines has issued a nationwide ground stop, the company confirmed with Insider.

All United flights are being held at their departure airports due to a "systemwide technology issue."

The airline is currently investigating the issue, a spokesperson for the company said.


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87ab0f No.87266

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495205 (051825ZSEP23) Notable: DIG on the "Goyim Defense League": Jon Minadeo, Jon Tanner

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Child Labor laws say that a business cannot hire a person younger than a certain age.

But family businesses are different. You can't tell a family that their own kid can't work at their business.

So what does the Government do?

Try to destroy Family businesses.

Rip the kids away from their parents and sentence them to the Child Prisons called Public Schools where they are subjected to Communist Propaganda & Brainwashing.

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87ab0f No.87267

File: e04eebf5d2ff163⋯.png (376.16 KB,568x533,568:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495213 (051827ZSEP23) Notable: Biden Pentagon Leaders Call Access to Abortion ‘Critical and Necessary’

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Biden Pentagon Leaders Call Access to Abortion ‘Critical and Necessary’

Biden Pentagon leaders call the policy to fund travel and time off for troops seeking abortions “critical and necessary” in an op-ed aimed at increasing pressure on Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) — who has blocked blanket confirmation in the Senate of a slew of military officer promotions over the policy.

Civilian leaders of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Space Force write in the Washington Post:

These officers and the millions of service members they lead are the foundation of America’s enduring military advantage. Yet this foundation is being actively eroded by the actions of a single U.S. senator, Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.), who is blocking the confirmation of our most senior military officers.

“After the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, this policy is critical and necessary to meet our obligations to the force,” they argue. They also say it is “putting our national security at risk.”

After Dobbs v. Jackson overturned Roe v. Wade, the Biden Pentagon, in February, enacted a policy to pay for the travel and accommodation of troops and their family members seeking abortions if they are based in a state where they can not get one.

Tuberville argues that the policy violates the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits taxpayer dollars from funding abortions except in the cases of rape, incest, or if the mother’s life is at risk. He has said he would drop his block if the Biden administration rescinds its policy or can get it enacted into law, not via defense secretary order.

Senate Democrats can still confirm the promotions individually but not all at once via unanimous consent due to Tuberville’s block. Nonetheless, the Biden administration has refused to go down that route and set a precedent that would eat up time on the Senate floor. It has also refused to rescind its policy despite claiming that not having confirmed leaders hurts national security.

“They say it’s hurting readiness. It’s really not. Nobody leaves their position until it’s filled. So there’s no readiness problem,” said Tuberville in a recent interview with Center Point TV.

He continued:

The problem we’re having, right now, with our military is they can’t recruit. We’re behind in the Air Force, in the Navy, Army, they’re way behind in recruiting — nobody wants to join the military because of all these woke policies that Secretary Austin and Joe Biden are putting in place.


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87ab0f No.87268

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495214 (051829ZSEP23) Notable: Sacked Ukrainian defense minister reveals total value of Western military aid

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The problem with this estimates are, that Ukrainians are not taught to count, specifically so they can justify corruption

3 Sep, 2023 22:55

Sacked Ukrainian defense minister reveals total value of Western military aid

Aleksey Reznikov has estimated the direct defense assistance to Kiev at $100 billion so far

Ukraine’s Western backers have given Kiev at least$100 billion worth of weapons– including more than $50 billion from the US alone – since Russia’s military operation in Ukraine began, outgoing Defense Minister Aleksey Reznikov has said.

Reznikov revealed the aid estimate in an interview published on Sunday by state-run media outlet Ukrinform, in which he defended the effectiveness of his ministry’s procurements. The article was posted on the same day that Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky announced that he planned to replace Reznikov because the Defense Ministry needs “new approaches and new formats of interaction, both with the military and society as a whole.”

Reznikov said his aid estimate includes the value of weapons, ammunition, and other military equipment given to Ukraine, as well as Western financial contributions for military purposes. (Doesn’t include government salaries, pensions funds, nor does that what USAID gives them for multiple pet projects)

His tenure as defense minister has been marred by multiple corruption scandals, primarily involving the procurement of equipment and foodstuffs for the country’s military at abnormally inflated prices.

However, in the interview, he insisted that his ministry, which has relied primarily on funding from other countries, rather than Ukraine’s own defense budget, has been spending the money effectively and has been able to provide for all the military needs “cheaply”enough.

“Using the legal procedures during martial law, under a shortened procedure, we entered into contracts with everyone and everything we needed,” he claimed, insisting that the amount of “problematic” contracts was only around 2.7%. “Therefore, if we calculate the efficiency of the use of budget funds, then what we provide in the army, we provided cheaply.”

Western aid to Kiev could potentially decline sharply in the years ahead. The EU reportedly plans to set up a Ukraine military fund that will provide €5 billion ($5.4 billion) annually over the next four years for weaponry and training. US aid will likely be far lower than this year in 2024, the Wall Street Journal reported late last month, citing unidentified officials in Washington.

Some Republicans in Congress and two of the party’s top 2024 presidential candidates – former President Donald Trump and biotech billionaire Vivek Ramaswamy – have called for halting Ukraine aid and ending the conflict through a negotiated peace agreement with Moscow.

Reznikov suggested that reform efforts at the Ukrainian Defense Ministry should be carried out with Europe and NATO in mind. “Ukraine’s membership in NATO would be a very serious step toward building the architecture of our new security – in fact, a guarantee of security against a future offensive and attack by Russia,” he said.

The outgoing defense minister added that to deter Moscow from seeking revenge, “we need to be a member of a powerful security alliance, and NATO is just such an alliance. There is nothing better on planet Earth.” (Ukraine will be a perpetual welfare case in NATO, not to mention the biggest money laundering country perhaps on the planet!Ukraine has a misguided perception that they are wanted as allies!They can’t be that naive?)

Moscow has repeatedly warned that deliveries of weapons to Ukraine by the US and its European allies only prolongs the fighting and increases the risk of a direct confrontation between Russia and NATO. According to Russian officials, the supply of arms and training to Kiev’s troops, as well as intelligence-sharing, means that Western nations are already de-facto parties to the conflict.


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87ab0f No.87269

File: b187504ce659b3d⋯.png (296.73 KB,485x376,485:376,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495217 (051829ZSEP23) Notable: Anon thinks Q accounts have been taken off TS: if true, needs SAUCE, DIG CALL

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kek, I'm there & no not of any Q groups being taken off. The group thing is dumb anyway & is fairly new, unless the post meant accounts but I think it's bs

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87ab0f No.87270

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495249 (051836ZSEP23) Notable: Sauce from FLETC.gov re Huffman's appointment as Director.

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Huffman - who oversaw the largest invasion of U.S. history "retired" in a shakeup after his boss Ortiz's testimony before Congress in June of 2023 ("crisis" at border, new app to facilitate illegal crossings, and CBP transportation of illegal crossers all over U.S.) - now rewarded(?) with appointment as FLETC Director.


Statement from Secretary of Homeland Security Mayorkas on the Retirement of FLETC Director Thomas J. Walters and the Appointment of Benjamine “Carry” Huffman as FLETC Director:

“The long and distinguished career of Tom Walters ... The Department will miss him.... I am pleased to announce that Benjamine ‘Carry’ Huffman will assume the role of FLETC Director effective September 24, 2023."

“For more than three decades, Mr. Huffman served our nation with the U.S. Border Patrol and U.S. Customs and Border Protection, including as Deputy Chief of the El Paso Sector; Chief of the Strategic Planning and Analysis Directorate at Border Patrol Headquarters; the Executive Assistant Commissioner of Enterprise Services for CBP; and, since January 2022, as the Acting Chief Operating Officer for CBP.”

Mr. Huffman will ensure that the FLETC trainings and curricula will continue to reflect the changing nature of the homeland security threat landscape' and keep our workforce and local law enforcement ever equipped for mission.”


What the foregoing announcement omits is:

Huffman served asActing Deputy Commissioner of the U.S. Border Patrolduring the recent invasion until June of 2023.


In June of 2023 - just a few months ago:

"U.S. Customs and Border Protection Acting Deputy Commissioner Benjamine “Carry” Huffman and U.S. Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz are both retiring at the end of the month after serving for 38 and 32 years, respectively."...

"Their retirements come as they end their careers overseeing the greatest number of illegal entries at the southern and northern borders in United States history.

"In the last few months of their tenure, the number of illegal border crossers totaled more than the individual populations of eight U.S. states. The number of known or suspected terrorists apprehended illegally entering U.S. borders was also a major concern during their tenure."

It was because of Ortiz’s testimony during a deposition in a lawsuit filed by Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody that the American people were first made aware of a Biden administration plan to release illegal foreign nationals en masse into the United States instead of detaining and deporting them in accordance with federal law.

"Ortiz also testified that Biden administration policies were causing illegal border crossings, and that there is a crisis at the southern border."

"It was under Huffman’s tenure that a new mobile app was launched to expand access for entry, the first of its kind in U.S. history. Moody also sued over this and other policies, winning more than once in federal court. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton also sued to halt the use of the app and the policy of releasing illegal foreign nationals into the U.S. with immigration court dates three to four years out."


This is what appears to be a written statement presented as Huffman's testimony before Congress on June 6, 2023.


"Benjamine ‘Carry’ Huffman will assume the role of Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers director effective September 24 as FLETC Director Tom Walters is retiring.

"The FLETC director oversees all operations related to the development and delivery of collaborative law enforcement training for more than 95 federal partner organizations across four FLETC domestic training sites; for state, local, and tribal departments throughout the U.S.; and outside the nation’s borders through international training and capacity-building efforts.


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87ab0f No.87271

File: ec636f36d88d0aa⋯.png (133.33 KB,903x484,903:484,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495262 (051839ZSEP23) Notable: Bucharest Denies Ukrainian Claim That Russian Drone Hit Romania

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Bucharest Denies Ukrainian Claim That Russian Drone Hit Romania

Russia launched strikes on a Ukrainian port on the Danube River, which acts as a border between Romania and Ukraine

NATO member Romania has strongly denied a Ukrainian claim that a Russian drone detonated in Romanian territory during an overnight bombardment on one of Ukraine’s ports on the Danube River.

Ukrainian Foreign Ministry spokesman Oleg Nikolenko made the claim on Facebook. He said that according to Ukraine’s state border service, a Russian drone “fell and detonated on the territory of Romania” during an attack on the Ukrainian port of Izmail.

“This is yet another confirmation that Russia’s missile terror poses a huge threat not only to Ukraine’s security, but also to the security of neighboring countries, including NATO member states,” Nikolenko said.

Romania’s Defense Ministry quickly refuted the claim. “The Ministry of National Defense categorically denies information from the public space regarding a so-called situation that occurred during the night of September 3 to 4 in which Russian drones allegedly fell on the national territory of Romania,” it said.

The Romanian Defense Ministry added that “at no time did the means of attack used by the Russian Federation generate direct military threats to the national territory or the territorial waters of Romania.”

Russian attacks in the region risk an escalation as the Danube River acts as a border between Ukraine and Romania. The Ukrainian port of Izmail that was targeted is just across the river from NATO territory.

Ukrainian officials have previously made unfounded claims about Russian munitions hitting NATO territory. Last year, when a Ukrainian air defense missile hit Poland and killed two people, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenksy and his top aides claimed it was a Russian missile in an effort to get NATO to intervene directly.


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87ab0f No.87272

File: f070448cf9a6aa9⋯.png (55.72 KB,891x484,81:44,Clipboard.png)

File: 48600c34264c0ff⋯.png (116.61 KB,1292x2612,323:653,Clipboard.png)

File: 26e80fdf42b34a4⋯.png (469.51 KB,1354x952,677:476,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495277 (051843ZSEP23) Notable: DIG on the "Goyim Defense League": Jon Minadeo, Jon Tanner

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>Central Casting





1 Emails Found For Jon Tanner In San Rafael, CA:




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87ab0f No.87273

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495291 (051845ZSEP23) Notable: #23943

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#23943 >>87219

>>87220, >>87233 Trump’s Life Is In Danger, And The Media Laughs It Off (Ep. 2081) - 09/05/2023

>>87221 Mark Meadows pleads not guilty to Georgia charges of trying to steal 2020 election

>>87222 Joe Scarborough Unleashes Minutelong Tirade Over Biden-Trump Poll Result

>>87223 FBI Identified Ukrainian Operatives and Neo Nazis at U.S. Capitol on Jan 6: Laura Loomer

>>87224 Vladimir Putin claimed in an interview that Western powers installed Zelensky as Ukraine's president to mask the glorification of Nazism.

>>87225 Troubling ‘US Open bug’ taking down top tennis players....hmmm

>>87226 POSO: supports Flynn all the way

>>87227 Insurance firm denies service to UK figure over ‘political views’

>>87228 Sundance: Lawyer for Virgin Islands Reveals JPMorgan Flagged Over a Billion in Financial Transactions with Jeffrey Epstein Related to Sex Trafficking

>>87229 Whoopi Goldberg absent on ‘The View’ with alleged COVID infection..

>>87230 CMz: Why is Trump supporting Vivek?

>>87231 WH Daily briefing 1 pm

>>87232 ‘I Wonder What Obama Knew About his VP’s Corrupt Business Schemes?’

>>87234 Commander of the Chechen Special Forces: Ukrainian forces have lost "60-70%" of their Western-supplied equipment, and have lost more than 40,000 soldiers since the counteroffensive began.

>>87235 VigilantFox: Two days ago, I jumped too soon on a Burning Man story concerning text messages about an "Ebola-like" illness

>>87236 President Trump Addresses Vaccine Adverse Events for the First Time - Calls on Big Pharma to Disclose Safety Data Immediately

>>87237 Prince Andrew's files in relation to Jeffrey Epstein will not be released until 2065

>>87239 Metallica postpones Arizona concert after lead singer James Hetfield tests positive for COVID-19

>>87240 Benny Johnson: James Comer subpoenas Mayorkas, Secret Service over tip-off of 2020 Hunter Biden tax probe interview

>>87238, >>87265 ALL United Airlines flights across America have been halted due to "computer issues"

>>87255 FAA lifts brief nationwide ground stop for United Airlines

>>87241, >>87244, >>87249, >>87251, >>87262, >>87263, >>87266, >>87272 DIG on the "Goyim Defense League": Jon Minadeo, Jon Tanner

>>87242 Kiev spent $17.6 million on faulty drones, report reveals

>>87243 Vaccinated And Boosted Whoopi Goldberg Absent from ‘The View’ Due to COVID-19 For the Third Time

>>87246 2:00 PM EDT Pentagon Press Secretary Air Force Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder briefs the media

>>87247 Corruption undermining Ukraine’s defense - EU country president

>>87248, >>87269 Anon thinks Q accounts have been taken off TS: if true, needs SAUCE, DIG CALL

>>87250 Biden will start wearing a mask again

>>87252 Ukraine spending $100 million a day on conflict - defense minister

>>87253 Putin Tells Erdogan Russia Will Rejoin Grain Deal If Sanctions Eased, SWIFT Reconnected

>>87254 The Tudor Dixon Podcast: An Exclusive Interview with President Donald Trump

>>87256 Michigan Clerk Explains Broken Election Laws, How Jocelyn Benson’s Office Insisted Illegal Voter Be Allowed to Register and Cast Vote in 2020

>>87257 BREAKING: North Korea to pay ‘price’ if it supplies Russia arms - White House

>>87258 Ukraine has ‘assassination directorate’ - ex-security chief

>>87259 "Empire Of Drugs": Taliban's Eradication Of Opium Reveals Harsh Reality Of U.S. Occupation Of Afghanistan

>>87260 Mira Tereda — The Ukrainian Child Trafficking Ring the US Govt and Media Continue to Ignore

>>87261 HRC: The former guy was all talk. Biden's actually getting results.

>>87264 "Israeli Intel Agent Infiltrates Twitter Space to Promote ADL Censorship" - True? DIG CALL

>>87267 Biden Pentagon Leaders Call Access to Abortion ‘Critical and Necessary’

>>87268 Sacked Ukrainian defense minister reveals total value of Western military aid

>>87271 Bucharest Denies Ukrainian Claim That Russian Drone Hit Romania


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87ab0f No.87274

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495323 (051854ZSEP23) Notable: Sauce from FLETC.gov re Huffman's appointment as Director.

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Sauce from FLETC.gov re Huffman's appointment as Director.


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87ab0f No.87275

File: af2c5b776368ef6⋯.png (512.71 KB,765x510,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495328 (051854ZSEP23) Notable: United Airlines lifts nationwide ground stop after computer glitch

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United Airlines lifts nationwide ground stop after computer glitch

United Airlines issued a nationwide ground stop for less than an hour today due to a computer issue.

“We are experiencing a systemwide technology issue and are holding all aircraft at their departure airports,” the airline said in a statement about 12:45 p.m. “Flights that are already airborne are continuing to their destination as planned.”

Shortly after 1 p.m., United said: "We have identified a fix for the technology issue, and flights have resumed. We’re working with impacted customers to help them reach their destinations as soon as possible."

This is the second ground stop this year due to a computer malfunction. Southwest Airlines had a ground stop April 18 that delayed nearly 2,000 flights nationwide.


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87ab0f No.87276

File: ca2efa16898378f⋯.webp (56.51 KB,1024x646,512:323,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495331 (051854ZSEP23) Notable: Vaccinated And Boosted Whoopi Goldberg Absent from ‘The View’ Due to COVID-19 For the Third Time

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IT BEGINS: Vaccinated And Boosted Whoopi Goldberg Absent from ‘The View’ Due to COVID-19 For the Third Time (VIDEO)

In the latest push for the liberal COVID narrative, “The View” co-host Whoopi Goldberg is absent from the show due to her third bout of COVID-19. This comes just one day after the White House announced that First Lady Jill Biden also tested positive for the virus. Both are fully vaccinated and boosted, yet here we are.

“As you can see, Whoopi is not here. She has COVID. Yes, it’s back, it’s back. But she’s on the mend. She’s on the tail end and she’ll probably be back this week,” Joy Behar announced.


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87ab0f No.87277

File: 2f1f25ec7158a88⋯.png (52.36 KB,564x561,188:187,Clipboard.png)

File: 1692739865ca5c5⋯.png (226.2 KB,600x200,3:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 6c691b72643e86b⋯.png (193.42 KB,400x400,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495333 (051854ZSEP23) Notable: Speaking as a Jew: ADL is NOT a Jewish organization. It is an ultra-left activist org that pushes radical transgenderism, border erasure, police dismantlement, and the demolition of free speech—deploying rank slander, bullying and character assassination to achieve its aims.

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Speaking as a Jew: ADL is NOT a Jewish organization. It is an ultra-left activist org that pushes radical transgenderism, border erasure, police dismantlement, and the demolition of free speech—deploying rank slander, bullying and character assassination to achieve its aims.

These views and tactics are expressly contrary to sacred Jewish and biblical teaching.

When justly criticized, ADL and its defenders falsely claim anti-Semitism, thereby diminishing all past and present victims of anti-Semitism.

In fact, conflating criticism of ADL with criticism of Jews is itself an anti-Semitic trope.

Bottom line: ADL is a disreputable organization that has gravely undermined Jewish interests and is worthy of the strongest condemnation.

10:52 AM · Sep 5, 2023


Stephen Miller


Senior Advisor to President Trump | Founder, America First Legal


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87ab0f No.87278

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495344 (051857ZSEP23) Notable: U.S. Senate considering the nomination of Philip Jefferson to be Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors for a term of four years.

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September 5, 2023

3:00 PM EDT

U.S. Senate: Senate Session

The Senate returns from its summer recess to consider the nomination of Philip Jefferson to be Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors for a term of four years.


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87ab0f No.87279

File: 1ed122ab00ec124⋯.png (247.16 KB,547x655,547:655,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495351 (051857ZSEP23) Notable: Is this a recording in the series that@dbongino was alluding to? Talk about a plot to overthrow the duly elected President DJT!

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Holy shite! 😳

Is this a recording in the series that


was alluding to?

Clapper is dishing some serious, serious dirt on Ryan, Romney, and Pence.

Talk about a plot to overthrow the duly elected President DJT! Heads must roll!!


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87ab0f No.87280

File: c15451d01042dd6⋯.jpg (183.97 KB,950x1081,950:1081,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495385 (051905ZSEP23) Notable: Shareholders agree to give DWAC up to an additional 12 months to finalize its plans with Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG)

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Truth got an extension with the vote today.

Get fucked, not going anywhere.

Digital World shareholders vote to extend time for deal with Trump media company

From the article: "... enough shareholders agreed to give DWAC up to an additional 12 months to finalize its plans with Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG)"


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87ab0f No.87281

File: 4f066cfd304eae8⋯.jpg (28.76 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495411 (051913ZSEP23) Notable: For the fourth year in a row, Illinois tops the list of states where Americans are fleeing as residents struggle with high taxes, crime and a soft economy

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For the fourth year in a row, Illinois tops the list of states where Americans are fleeing as residents struggle with high taxes, crime and a soft economy, according to a new report from the moving company Allied Van Lines.

Since 2019, Illinois has consistently had more outbound moves than inbound moves with Allied than any other state, according to the moving company's latest U.S. Migration report.

For the past four years in Illinois, more than 65% of all interstate moves involved residents leaving the state compared to less than 35% of moves that involved people coming to Illinois.


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87ab0f No.87282

File: 10ce07a89e67286⋯.png (230.3 KB,1450x466,725:233,Clipboard.png)

File: a75d66313d672a6⋯.png (246.03 KB,379x364,379:364,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495423 (051916ZSEP23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump RT Saul Alinsky reference.

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Q+ retruthsSaul Alinskyreference.


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87ab0f No.87283

File: 29dd3669e0e1c4b⋯.jpg (32.38 KB,780x521,780:521,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495448 (051925ZSEP23) Notable: #23944

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87ab0f No.87284

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495453 (051927ZSEP23) Notable: President Biden Awards the Medal of Honor to Captain Larry L. Taylor, United States Army, for Conspicuous Gallantry The White House

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September 5, 2023

3:30 PM EDT

President Biden Awards the Medal of Honor to Captain Larry L. Taylor, United States Army, for Conspicuous Gallantry

The White House




White House Medal of Honor Ceremony - U.S. Army Retired Captain Larry Taylor

Then First Lieutenant Larry L. Taylor distinguished himself by acts of gallantry and intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty while serving with Troop D (Air), 1st Squadron, 4th Cavalry, 1st Infantry Division, on June 18, 1968, near the village of Ap Go Cong, Republic of Vietnam.







Medal of Honor Ceremony for Army Captain Larry Taylor

President Biden awards the Medal of Honor to Ret. U.S. Army Capt. Larry L. Taylor for conspicuous gallantry during a helicopter rescue of four members of a reconnaissance team during the Vietnam War.


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87ab0f No.87285

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495454 (051927ZSEP23) Notable: Israeli citizens caught smuggling explosives from Jordan for Islamic Jihad

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Israeli citizens caught smuggling explosives from Jordan for Islamic Jihad

Terrorist groups in the West Bank and abroad have intensified efforts to smuggle explosives over Israel's borders.

Two Israeli citizens from the Tulkarm area were arrested while smuggling firearms and explosives for the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist movement from Jordan in early August, the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) said on Tuesday.

The two were identified as Samer Farid Ghanam Knoh and Osama Nissim Ghazi Harouf, the latter of whom is known for his connections to terrorist operatives.

Another unnamed individual from the same area was arrested as well.

On August 3, Knoh and Harouf were caught smuggling firearms and explosives at the Jordanian border, with four handguns and four explosive devices found in their possession.

A photo of the devices showed that the explosive devices were MON-50 anti-personnel mines (similar to a Claymore mine) produced in Russia and Bulgaria. It is unclear where the weapons were being sourced from.


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87ab0f No.87286

File: 1443261bb26f240⋯.png (105.33 KB,479x592,479:592,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495461 (051928ZSEP23) Notable: UN committee releases exhaustive study on the legality of Israel’s occupation

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UN committee releases exhaustive study on the legality of Israel’s occupation

“The study is the most comprehensive and persuasive analysis of why the Israel occupation has now become illegal,” says former UN Special Rapporteur Michael Lynk. “It will be the intellectual and political touchstone on Palestine and international law for some time.”


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87ab0f No.87287

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495464 (051929ZSEP23) Notable: Where and when to see the October 2023 annular eclipse

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Do anons recall there is an eclipse coming up in October?


Where and when to see the October 2023 annular eclipse

This fall, viewers along a narrow path can see a perfect ring of light in the daytime sky.

"Those with a sense of irony might choose to view the annular eclipse from the village of Corona (4 minutes 36 seconds of annularity). Or perhaps you have a sense of humor and would enjoy the festivities in Roswell (4 minutes 30 seconds), where, in 1947, a “flying disc” supposedly crashed north of the city."

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87ab0f No.87288

File: 332ca49471aa8f4⋯.png (113.8 KB,855x446,855:446,Clipboard.png)

File: b018cc4f9c2fb8c⋯.png (142.71 KB,861x583,861:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495481 (051932ZSEP23) Notable: US Court rules against Internet Archive and, in doing so, against digital collections in all libraries

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US Court rules against Internet Archive and, in doing so, against digital collections in all libraries

The Internet Archive, like hundreds of US libraries, is a non-profit institution. Yet a court ruling in mid-August has sided with publishers’ commercial interests to disallow non-profit organisations from lending books.

But there’s a significant catch – the protections afforded to the Internet Archive and all libraries under the first sale doctrine. The Internet Archive intend to appeal the court’s decision.

The lawsuit hinges on the question of whether e-books are books, subject to the existing laws governing the sale of books, or whether the publishers can redefine e-books as temporary, rental-only media – a new class of unownable goods, like streaming-only films from Disney or subscription-only software from Microsoft. But libraries must have the option to buy and own their books – all their books, including e-books – and own them absolutely.

This threat to the ownership of books is what makes the ongoing publishers’ lawsuit against the Internet Archive politically dangerous and in an altogether different way from earlier challenges and amendments to copyright law. At a time of increasing book bannings and attacks on libraries, public schools and universities, it is not safe for democracy, or for our cultural posterity, to leave an “on/off” switch for library books in the hands of corporate publishers.

In the summer of 2020, Hachette, Penguin Random House, HarperCollins, and Wiley accused the Internet Archive of “mass-scale copyright infringement” because of the way the Internet Archive’s Open Library loans its e-books to patrons. The publishers’ objective had been to forbid the Open Library to loan any of their in-copyright books as e-books.

Last September more than a thousand writers signed an open letter in support of the Internet Archive and digital ownership rights for libraries.


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87ab0f No.87289

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495483 (051932ZSEP23) Notable: Uniparty cultists attempting to frame Texas AG Paxton.

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Why is Ken Paxton, Texas AG, being impeached? Why is he REALLY being Impeached?

Effort to impeach Ken Paxton, led by fellow Republicans, sets off political earthquake in Texas

Updated: May 26, 2023 https://www.texastribune.org/2023/05/25/ken-paxton-impeach-republican-earthquake/

Attorney General Ken Paxton was impeached. Here’s how that process works in Texas.

Updated: May 27, 2023 https://www.texastribune.org/2023/05/25/texas-impeachment-attorney-general-ken-paxton/

Texas House committee issues 20 articles of impeachment against Attorney General Ken Paxton

Updated: May 25, 2023 https://www.texastribune.org/2023/05/25/ken-paxton-impeachment-investigation/

Texas AG Ken Paxton impeached, suspended from duties; will face Senate trial

The House voted 121-23 to suspend the attorney general and refer him to the Senate for trial on charges of bribery, abuse of office and obstruction. It was the first such impeachment since 1975.

by Zach Despart and James Barragán May 27, 2023 Updated: 3 hours ago


Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

MISSING IN ACTION! Where is the Governor of Texas on his Attorney General’s Impeachment?

May 27, 2023, 8:28 PM https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/110443476069885

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

So this is the RINO who is responsible for the Impeachment of a just re-Elected Attorney General of Texas who has done an outstanding job? What is our Country coming to?

Citizen Free Press@CitizenFreePress May 20

Texas House of Representatives Speaker Dade Phelan was either very drunk last night or suffering from a medical condition.

May 27, 2023, 5:50 PM https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/11044285614112

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

The RINO Speaker of the House of Texas, Dade Phelan, who is barely a Republican at all and failed the test on voter integrity, wants to impeach one of the most hard working and effective Attorney Generals in the United States, Ken Paxton, who just won re-election with a large number of American Patriots strongly voting for him. You would think that any issue would have been fully adjudicated by the voters of Texas, especially when that vote was so conclusive….

May 27, 2023, 1:33 PM https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/110441844700908

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

….I love Texas, won it twice in landslides, and watched as many other friends, including Ken Paxton, came along with me. Hopefully Republicans in the Texas House will agree that this is a very unfair process that should not be allowed to happen or proceed—I will fight you if it does. It is the Radical Left Democrats, RINOS, and Criminals that never stop. ELECTION INTERFERENCE! Free Ken Paxton, let them wait for the next election!

May 27, 2023, 1:33 PM https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/110441843862377

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87ab0f No.87290

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495485 (051933ZSEP23) Notable: Beau Biden Had Larry SinClair LOCKED UP After 2008 Press Conference | Scandal Coverup!

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>re sinclair rabbit hole


OH MY LORD! Beau Biden Had Larry SinClair LOCKED UP After 2008 Press Conference | Scandal Coverup!


122K subscribers

9.6K views 4 hours ago

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87ab0f No.87291

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495486 (051933ZSEP23) Notable: Uniparty cultists attempting to frame Texas AG Paxton.

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AG Paxton Investigates Texas Bar Foundation for Facilitating Mass Influx of Illegal Aliens

May 06, 2022 | Press Release | Immigration

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has opened an investigation into the Texas Bar Foundation for its possibly aiding and abetting the mass influx of illegal aliens. The investigation is based on credible complaints filed by U.S. Congressman Troy Nehls (TX-22) and members of the public.

The Texas Bar Foundation is alleged to have knowingly given donations to entities that encourage, participate in, and fund illegal immigration at the Texas-Mexico border, and potentially using taxpayer dollars received from the State Bar of Texas, which appoints the Foundation’s trustees. If true, this is likely an improper use of charitable funds because the funds are diverted from their intended—and potentially unlawful—purpose.

The Attorney General is granted broad powers under the Texas Constitution and by statute to investigate charities to ensure they are operating for the public benefit and in compliance with state law.

“Unfortunately, at the very time that our state is facing an unprecedented border crisis and our brave men and women are serving Texas in Operation Lone Star, it appears that the liberal State Bar’s handpicked cronies are misusing charitable funds to make the situation even worse,” stated Attorney General Paxton, “I will not let this illegal behavior continue any further. Thank you to Congressman Nehls and other concerned citizens for bringing this to my attention.”


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87ab0f No.87292

File: a9d4d098fc71a51⋯.png (706.1 KB,1196x880,299:220,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495487 (051933ZSEP23) Notable: Man who claims he had sex with Barack Obama in 1999 tells his story to Tucker.

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>A man who claims he had sex with Barack Obama in 1999 tells his story.

>Wednesday. 6pm ET.

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87ab0f No.87293

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495491 (051934ZSEP23) Notable: Uniparty cultists attempting to frame Texas AG Paxton.

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Abbott accuses NGOs of illegal activity on the border; Paxton to investigate

Hogan Gore Austin American-Statesman Dec 19, 2022

“In light of these reports, I am calling on the Texas Attorney General’s Office to initiate an investigation into the role of NGOs in planning and facilitating the illegal transportation of illegal immigrants across our borders,” Abbott said, adding that he is ready to craft legislative solutions aimed at solving the border crisis and the role of NGOs that Paxton’s office proposes.

Paxton swiftly replied to Abbott’s call saying he will launch the investigation, and pledging to take action against organizations found violating the law. He called what’s happening at the southern border “an invasion,” and placed the majority of the blame on the Biden administration.

“The Biden Administration bears the responsibility for the accompanying rise in crime, cartel activity, and lethal drugs like fentanyl flooding into communities throughout our nation,” Paxton said. “Some non-governmental organizations (NGOs) may be aiding and abetting this invasion.”


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87ab0f No.87294

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495493 (051934ZSEP23) Notable: Uniparty cultists attempting to frame Texas AG Paxton.

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Republicans accuse Catholic Charities of breaking the law in its border response

Kevin Clarke December 15, 2022

Catholic Charities USA officials pushed back strongly against allegations from Republican House of Representatives members that its humanitarian responses to the U.S. border crisis were potentially criminal acts.

In a statement released on Dec. 15, C.C.U.S.A. said those accusations were “both fallacious and factually inaccurate. Our life-saving humanitarian work neither violates federal laws nor endangers communities.”

“The ministry of care provided to migrants by Catholic Charities has been ongoing, across multiple administrations, since our founding in 1910,” the agency said.

“To care for people who are at-risk, including vulnerable people on the move, is a part of the fabric of the global Catholic Church and is mandated by the gospel.”


Catholic Charities Under Siege

by Kristine Christlieb • ChurchMilitant.com • December 17, 2022

House Republicans and TX bearing down hard

The months-long surge of illegal immigrants on America's southern border has gone beyond crisis mode, and Catholic Charities has been at the center of it.

Church Militant's Kristine Christlieb briefs us on how the Catholic nonprofit may be profiting illegally from the migration catastrophe.

As Church Militant and the Lepanto Institute have been reporting for years, illegal immigration is a cash cow for nonprofit giant Catholic Charities.

Four Republican members of Congress plus the state of Texas are hot on the charity's trail, both claiming some of its immigration activities may be illegal.

Wednesday, in a letter addressed to the organization's Virginia headquarters, Congressmen Lance Gooden and Jake Ellzey of Texas, Andy Biggs of Arizona and Tom Tiffany of Wisconsin ordered the charity to "preserve all information related to any expenditures submitted for reimbursement from the federal government related to migrants encountered at the southern border."

The Congressmen promise an investigation, saying, "Catholic Charities is violating federal law and regulations, placing migrants and American communities at risk, and subjecting local communities to unreasonable burdens."


Catholic immigrant advocates reject claims of facilitating illegal crossings

By John Lavenburg Dec 17, 2022

NEW YORK – Immigrant advocacy organizations in Texas say they have not yet been contacted by state Attorney General Ken Paxton after he pledged to launch an investigation this week, at the request of the governor, into the alleged role of non-governmental organizations in illegal border crossings.

Joan Rosenhauer, the executive director of Jesuit Refugee Service, said in a statement to Crux that “accusations like this can create a false narrative, which can be damaging, about the work NGOs are doing at the border and ultimately cause harm to asylum-seekers and organizations serving them.”

The same day Abbott called for an investigation, Catholic Charities USA received a letter from four House representatives requiring it to “preserve all information related to any expenditures submitted for reimbursement from the federal government related to migrants encountered at the southern border.”

The letter is signed by Republican House representatives Lance Gooden of Texas, Tom Tiffany of Wisconsin, Jake Ellzey of Texas, and Andy Biggs of Arizona.

They allege in the letter that border NGOs “profit off of exploiting [U.S.] immigration laws,” and fuel the rise of migrants crossing the border.

Catholic Charities USA denied the allegations.


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87ab0f No.87295

File: 30927247a52092e⋯.mp4 (8.28 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495522 (051941ZSEP23) Notable: Man who claims he had sex with Barack Obama in 1999 tells his story to Tucker.

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Larry Sinclair, this is sure to wake some normies that had no clue about Obummer.


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87ab0f No.87296

File: 5fd74f0388139f2⋯.jpeg (393.57 KB,1295x969,1295:969,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495523 (051941ZSEP23) Notable: In politics, Big tent or catch-all party is used in reference to a political party's policy of permitting or encouraging a broad spectrum of views among its members.

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Big tent

In politics, Big tent or catch-all party is used in reference to a political party's policy of permitting or encouraging a broad spectrum of views among its members. This is in contrast to other parties that defend a determined ideology and seek voters who adhere to that ideology and convince people towards it.


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87ab0f No.87297

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495528 (051943ZSEP23) Notable: Netenyahoo to deport every single African asylum seeker, how ironic.

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Netenyahoo to deport every single African asylum seeker, how ironic.

*cough* ADL *cough*


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87ab0f No.87298

File: 28fd723f183075d⋯.png (1.3 MB,1000x1051,1000:1051,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495540 (051945ZSEP23) Notable: It's not really a "wildfire" if it's started by an arsonist…

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It's not really a "wildfire" if it's started by an arsonist...


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87ab0f No.87299

File: c034261c9399a87⋯.png (30.39 KB,584x342,292:171,Clipboard.png)

File: 9ecdb5de8a5cb66⋯.png (90.69 KB,1140x617,1140:617,Clipboard.png)

File: d118bd74f539d08⋯.png (68.78 KB,813x472,813:472,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495548 (051947ZSEP23) Notable: Muh Marburg Virus to be “released” in October 2023.

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From Attorney Todd Callender:

Marburg Virus is baked into the shots and will be activated by three 1 minute pulse waves at 18GHz from the 5G towers all over the country.

The government has been preparing for this for years now and it will be “released” in October 2023.



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87ab0f No.87300

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495557 (051949ZSEP23) Notable: #23943

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#23943 >>87219

>>87220, >>87233 Trump’s Life Is In Danger, And The Media Laughs It Off (Ep. 2081) - 09/05/2023

>>87221 Mark Meadows pleads not guilty to Georgia charges of trying to steal 2020 election

>>87222 Joe Scarborough Unleashes Minutelong Tirade Over Biden-Trump Poll Result

>>87223 FBI Identified Ukrainian Operatives and Neo Nazis at U.S. Capitol on Jan 6: Laura Loomer

>>87224 Vladimir Putin claimed in an interview that Western powers installed Zelensky as Ukraine's president to mask the glorification of Nazism.

>>87225 Troubling ‘US Open bug’ taking down top tennis players....hmmm

>>87226 POSO: supports Flynn all the way

>>87227 Insurance firm denies service to UK figure over ‘political views’

>>87228 Sundance: Lawyer for Virgin Islands Reveals JPMorgan Flagged Over a Billion in Financial Transactions with Jeffrey Epstein Related to Sex Trafficking

>>87229 Whoopi Goldberg absent on ‘The View’ with alleged COVID infection..

>>87230 CMz: Why is Trump supporting Vivek?

>>87231 WH Daily briefing 1 pm

>>87232 ‘I Wonder What Obama Knew About his VP’s Corrupt Business Schemes?’

>>87234 Commander of the Chechen Special Forces: Ukrainian forces have lost "60-70%" of their Western-supplied equipment, and have lost more than 40,000 soldiers since the counteroffensive began.

>>87235 VigilantFox: Two days ago, I jumped too soon on a Burning Man story concerning text messages about an "Ebola-like" illness

>>87236 President Trump Addresses Vaccine Adverse Events for the First Time - Calls on Big Pharma to Disclose Safety Data Immediately

>>87237 Prince Andrew's files in relation to Jeffrey Epstein will not be released until 2065

>>87239 Metallica postpones Arizona concert after lead singer James Hetfield tests positive for COVID-19

>>87240 Benny Johnson: James Comer subpoenas Mayorkas, Secret Service over tip-off of 2020 Hunter Biden tax probe interview

>>87238, >>87265 ALL United Airlines flights across America have been halted due to "computer issues"

>>87255 FAA lifts brief nationwide ground stop for United Airlines

>>87241, >>87244, >>87249, >>87251, >>87262, >>87263, >>87266, >>87272 DIG on the "Goyim Defense League": Jon Minadeo, Jon Tanner

>>87242 Kiev spent $17.6 million on faulty drones, report reveals

>>87243 Vaccinated And Boosted Whoopi Goldberg Absent from ‘The View’ Due to COVID-19 For the Third Time

>>87246 2:00 PM EDT Pentagon Press Secretary Air Force Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder briefs the media

>>87247 Corruption undermining Ukraine’s defense - EU country president

>>87248, >>87269 Anon thinks Q accounts have been taken off TS: if true, needs SAUCE, DIG CALL

>>87250 Biden will start wearing a mask again

>>87252 Ukraine spending $100 million a day on conflict - defense minister

>>87253 Putin Tells Erdogan Russia Will Rejoin Grain Deal If Sanctions Eased, SWIFT Reconnected

>>87254 The Tudor Dixon Podcast: An Exclusive Interview with President Donald Trump

>>87256 Michigan Clerk Explains Broken Election Laws, How Jocelyn Benson’s Office Insisted Illegal Voter Be Allowed to Register and Cast Vote in 2020

>>87257 BREAKING: North Korea to pay ‘price’ if it supplies Russia arms - White House

>>87258 Ukraine has ‘assassination directorate’ - ex-security chief

>>87259 "Empire Of Drugs": Taliban's Eradication Of Opium Reveals Harsh Reality Of U.S. Occupation Of Afghanistan

>>87260 Mira Tereda — The Ukrainian Child Trafficking Ring the US Govt and Media Continue to Ignore

>>87261 HRC: The former guy was all talk. Biden's actually getting results.

>>87264 "Israeli Intel Agent Infiltrates Twitter Space to Promote ADL Censorship" - True? DIG CALL

>>87267 Biden Pentagon Leaders Call Access to Abortion ‘Critical and Necessary’

>>87268 Sacked Ukrainian defense minister reveals total value of Western military aid

>>87271 Bucharest Denies Ukrainian Claim That Russian Drone Hit Romania

>>87270, >>87274 Sauce from FLETC.gov re Huffman's appointment as Director.

>>87275 United Airlines lifts nationwide ground stop after computer glitch

>>87276 Vaccinated And Boosted Whoopi Goldberg Absent from ‘The View’ Due to COVID-19 For the Third Time

>>87277 Speaking as a Jew: ADL is NOT a Jewish organization. It is an ultra-left activist org that pushes radical transgenderism, border erasure, police dismantlement, and the demolition of free speech—deploying rank slander, bullying and character assassination to achieve its aims.

>>87278 U.S. Senate considering the nomination of Philip Jefferson to be Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors for a term of four years.

>>87279 Is this a recording in the series that@dbongino was alluding to? Talk about a plot to overthrow the duly elected President DJT!

>>87280 Shareholders agree to give DWAC up to an additional 12 months to finalize its plans with Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG)

>>87281 For the fourth year in a row, Illinois tops the list of states where Americans are fleeing as residents struggle with high taxes, crime and a soft economy

>>87282 @realDonaldTrump RT Saul Alinsky reference.


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87ab0f No.87301

File: 1a71b72980951d7⋯.gif (534.14 KB,400x300,4:3,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495565 (051950ZSEP23) Notable: Man who claims he had sex with Barack Obama in 1999 tells his story to Tucker.

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the spin on this is going to be hilarious, Tuck will be called a conspiracy theorist because of this now, and engaging in hurtful and dangerous conspiracy theories. He will be denounced by fox also and gaslit because of his little internet show. and how dare he have an interview with Trump. But it will post a interesting question, and also push the question. Was Obama ashamed of being gay? Will that force the question about him being married to a samscranch also.

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87ab0f No.87302

File: 3601f9d7a50e4fb⋯.png (329.25 KB,590x457,590:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495606 (051955ZSEP23) Notable: KJP: "We encourage Americans to get those vaccines. We know that these vaccines work, right?"

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KJP: "We encourage Americans to get those vaccines. We know that these vaccines work, right?"


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87ab0f No.87303

File: 32a626b23f68bb3⋯.png (410.77 KB,598x616,299:308,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495625 (051957ZSEP23) Notable: Team Ron is already running cover for Obama. Probably because Ron is a faggot himself and will be exposed at some point.

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Team Ron is already running cover for Obama. Probably because Ron is a faggot himself and will be exposed at some point.


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87ab0f No.87304

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495665 (052004ZSEP23) Notable: LEAK: Jack Smith to Indict Trump Again - Special Counsel Investigates Fundraising, Breach of Voting Machines

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LEAK: Jack Smith to Indict Trump Again – Special Counsel Investigates Fundraising, Breach of Voting Machines

Special Counsel Jack Smith is gearing up to indict President Trump out of DC again, according to a new report by CNN.

Jack Smith has expanded his investigation into Trump’s effort to challenge the 2020 election and is focusing on Trump’s fundraising efforts.

President Trump raised millions of dollars after the 2020 election to investigate rampant Democrat vote fraud.

Jack Smith is also investigating how the money was used to inspect the voting machines.

A non-profit run by Sidney Powell hired forensic investigators to inspect voting machines in four swing states: Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Arizona.

Fulton County DA Fani Willis indited Trump and 18 of his associates on similar charges of computer trespass for daring to look at the voting machines.

CNN reported:

Special counsel Jack Smith is still pursuing his investigation into efforts to overturn the 2020 election a month after indicting Donald Trump for orchestrating a broad conspiracy to remain in power, a widening of the probe that raises the possibility others could still face legal peril.

Questions asked of two recent witnesses indicate Smith is focusing on how money raised off baseless claims of voter fraud was used to fund attempts to breach voting equipment in several states won by Joe Biden, according to multiple sources familiar with the ongoing investigation.

In both interviews, prosecutors have focused their questions on the role of former Trump lawyer Sidney Powell.

According to invoices obtained by CNN, Powell’s non-profit, Defending the Republic, hired forensics firms that ultimately accessed voting equipment in four swing states won by Biden: Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Arizona.

Jack Smith indicted Trump on 37 federal counts in Miami in June.

Trump was charged with 31 counts of willful retention of national defense information and 6 other process crimes stemming from his conversations with his lawyer.

Walt Nauta, a Mar-a-Lago aide, was indicted along with President Trump as a co-conspirator.

Last month Jack Smith hit Trump with 3 additional charges in the investigation into classified documents stored at Mar-a-Lago.

The superseding indictment, filed in the Southern District of Florida, claims Trump was part of a scheme to delete security footage from Mar-a-Lago.

Earlier this month Trump was hit with 4 counts in Jack Smith’s January 6 case up in DC: Conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, and conspiracy against rights.


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87ab0f No.87305

File: a8f765859fc7126⋯.png (658.98 KB,963x617,963:617,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495685 (052006ZSEP23) Notable: White House Says Joe Biden Will Start Wearing Mask Again After Jill Biden Tests Positive for COVID-19

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White House Says Joe Biden Will Start Wearing Mask Again After Jill Biden Tests Positive for COVID-19

In a move that amplifies the narrative of a never-ending COVID-19 crisis, the White House announced on Monday that Jill Biden has tested positive for the virus while vacationing in Delaware. Despite being double-vaccinated and twice-boosted, Mrs. Biden is experiencing “only mild symptoms.” As a result, Joe Biden has reverted to wearing a mask, even though he has tested negative for the virus and mask won’t work.

“This evening, the First Lady tested positive for COVID-19. She is currently experiencing only mild symptoms. She will remain at their home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware,” according to Elizabeth Alexander, Jill Biden’s Communications Director.

In a follow-up statement, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre confirmed that Joe Biden tested negative for the virus on Monday evening and on Tuesday.

“Following the First Lady’s positive test for COVID-19, President Biden was administered a COVID test this evening. The President tested negative. The President will test at a regular cadence this week and monitor for symptoms,” said Pierre.

Karine Jean-Pierre, during a press briefing Tuesday, informed the public that President Biden will be donning a mask while indoors and around people. This decision comes in alignment with CDC guidance on COVID-19 safety measures, fueling speculation on whether this is a precursor to renewed nationwide mandates and restrictions.

“President Biden tested negative last night for COVID-19 and tested negative again today. He is not experiencing any symptoms as far as the steps he is taking,” said Karine Jean-Pierre.

“Since the President was with the First Lady yesterday, he will be masking while indoors and around people in alignment with CDC guidance, and as has been the practice in the past, the President will remove his mask when sufficiently distanced from others indoors and while outside as well.”


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87ab0f No.87306

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495706 (052008ZSEP23) Notable: Georgia Attorney General announces RICO charges against 61 Antifa terror suspects

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Georgia Attorney General announces RICO charges against 61 Antifa terror suspects

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87ab0f No.87307

File: 8657f8713d5f80e⋯.png (311.03 KB,553x450,553:450,Clipboard.png)

File: 3850e1f37166193⋯.png (173.17 KB,536x598,268:299,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495715 (052009ZSEP23) Notable: House Oversight Chairman James Comer Subpoenas Secret Service, DHS Chief Mayorkas Over Tip-Off of Hunter Biden Interview

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House Oversight Chairman James Comer Subpoenas Secret Service, DHS Chief Mayorkas Over Tip-Off of Hunter Biden Interview

House Oversight Chairman James Comer on Tuesday issued 6 subpoenas related to the rigged Hunter Biden investigation.

“Comer sent a total of six subpoenas Tuesday— one directed to Secretary Mayorkas for documents; and five for depositions—two to Secret Service officials and three to DHS officials.” Fox News reported.

4 Subpoenas to DHS that require the production of documents and communications about our request and three depositions with DHS employees.

2 Subpoenas to the Secret Service requiring two Secret Service employees to appear for depositions.

“The Department of Justice initiated the Biden family coverup, and now DHS, under the leadership of Secretary Mayorkas, is complicit in it.” the Oversight Committee said on Tuesday.

“IRS whistleblowers provided testimony regarding misconduct during the Hunter Biden criminal investigation, including FBI Headquarters tipping off Secret Service Headquarters and the Biden transition team about the planned Hunter Biden interview. Following these actions, the interview of Hunter Biden did not occur.” they said.

“These allegations were backed up by the former FBI supervisory special agent who was assigned to interview Hunter Biden.” House Republicans said. “After months of obstruction by DHS and the Secret Service, James Comer is issuing six subpoenas.”


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87ab0f No.87308

File: 94dea3a2fba52c2⋯.png (12.35 KB,379x202,379:202,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495716 (052009ZSEP23) Notable: Man who claims he had sex with Barack Obama in 1999 tells his story to Tucker.

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And he's got an interview with Malik Obama (Barry's big bro) kek

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87ab0f No.87309

File: 1b244548b752a13⋯.png (377.19 KB,600x489,200:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495746 (052013ZSEP23) Notable: NYT appalled by people maskless at the beach

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87ab0f No.87310

File: f60e317282bb50b⋯.png (1.57 MB,1174x1184,587:592,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495751 (052014ZSEP23) Notable: USNS Comfort (T-AH-20) Mercy-class hospital ship leaving Norfolk, Virginia

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USNS Comfort (T-AH-20) Mercy-class hospital ship leaving Norfolk, Virginia - September 5, 2023


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87ab0f No.87311

File: 2912059d25931a6⋯.png (455.66 KB,861x777,41:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495753 (052014ZSEP23) Notable: LEAK: Jack Smith to Indict Trump Again - Special Counsel Investigates Fundraising, Breach of Voting Machines

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LEAK: Jack Smith to Indict Trump Again – Special Counsel Investigates Fundraising, Breach of Voting Machines

Special Counsel Jack Smith is gearing up to indict President Trump out of DC again, according to a new report by CNN.

Jack Smith has expanded his investigation into Trump’s effort to challenge the 2020 election and is focusing on Trump’s fundraising efforts.

President Trump raised millions of dollars after the 2020 election to investigate rampant Democrat vote fraud.

Jack Smith is also investigating how the money was used to inspect the voting machines.

A non-profit run by Sidney Powell hired forensic investigators to inspect voting machines in four swing states: Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Arizona.

Fulton County DA Fani Willis indited Trump and 18 of his associates on similar charges of computer trespass for daring to look at the voting machines.

CNN reported:

Special counsel Jack Smith is still pursuing his investigation into efforts to overturn the 2020 election a month after indicting Donald Trump for orchestrating a broad conspiracy to remain in power, a widening of the probe that raises the possibility others could still face legal peril.

Questions asked of two recent witnesses indicate Smith is focusing on how money raised off baseless claims of voter fraud was used to fund attempts to breach voting equipment in several states won by Joe Biden, according to multiple sources familiar with the ongoing investigation.

In both interviews, prosecutors have focused their questions on the role of former Trump lawyer Sidney Powell.

According to invoices obtained by CNN, Powell’s non-profit, Defending the Republic, hired forensics firms that ultimately accessed voting equipment in four swing states won by Biden: Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Arizona.

Jack Smith indicted Trump on 37 federal counts in Miami in June.

Trump was charged with 31 counts of willful retention of national defense information and 6 other process crimes stemming from his conversations with his lawyer.

Walt Nauta, a Mar-a-Lago aide, was indicted along with President Trump as a co-conspirator.

Last month Jack Smith hit Trump with 3 additional charges in the investigation into classified documents stored at Mar-a-Lago.

The superseding indictment, filed in the Southern District of Florida, claims Trump was part of a scheme to delete security footage from Mar-a-Lago.

Earlier this month Trump was hit with 4 counts in Jack Smith’s January 6 case up in DC: Conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, and conspiracy against rights.


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87ab0f No.87312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495755 (052015ZSEP23) Notable: Man who claims he had sex with Barack Obama in 1999 tells his story to Tucker.

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was looking for confirmation..

found this guys dig



still reading into it.

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87ab0f No.87313

File: d57bd19c86633e7⋯.jpg (132.83 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495761 (052015ZSEP23) Notable: NYT appalled by people maskless at the beach

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These people have been on the beach since 1999

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87ab0f No.87314

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495763 (052016ZSEP23) Notable: Beau Biden Had Larry SinClair LOCKED UP After 2008 Press Conference | Scandal Coverup!

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>pretty sure that dude testified before and his story was instantly shut down

It was 2008 no one heard about it because back then the msm had utter control (web still was in infancy in a way)


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87ab0f No.87315

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495770 (052017ZSEP23) Notable: MTG appalled at the factually wrong and completely out of touch letter written by Freedom Caucus member Rep. Ken Buck about the treatment of J6 defendants.

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene




I’m appalled at this factually wrong and completely out of touch letter written by Freedom Caucus member Rep. Ken Buck about the treatment of J6 defendants.

First off, Mr. Buck passed the buck on voting to object on Jan 6, 2021 and certified Joe Biden’s election so we know he does not support President Trump.

Ken Buck has also been vocally against impeachment inquiry on Joe Biden, shockingly completely unwilling to even ask the question in spite of the overwhelming evidence proving Joe Biden abused his power with involvement in his son’s foreign business deals.

And Ken Buck wrote a book called “Drain the Swamp”??

So he’s currently on record now supporting Joe Biden’s election, against impeachment inquiry of Joe Biden, and IN FAVOR AND SUPPORT of Biden’s DOJ persecution of J6’ers!

I am 1 of only 2 members of congress that went in the DC Jail in 2021, Rep. Louie Gohmert is the other.

I witnessed unusually cruel punishment of J6 defendants.

I can personally vouch the grave concerns expressed by Mr. Watkins and supported by the Colorado GOP are true.

Here is our full report about the DC jail and human rights abuses and constitutional violations against PRETRIAL J6 defendants.

Written by myself and then Congressman Ghomert.


Louie Ghomert was a federal judge before he was a member of congress. He was also appalled at the conditions we found pretrial J6 defendants in.

To our horror, all the things we had heard turned out to be true.

Later I led the Oversight committee to another visit to the DC jail again.

Neither time did Ken Buck go with us, and to my knowledge has never been to the DC Jail.

Ken Buck’s letter to Mr. Watkins of the El Paso County GOP appeared to show full support of Biden’s Weaponized Government and a total disconnect from the cruel reality of J6 defendants and the American people.

Draining the swamp means impeaching criminal politicians, stopping a communist weaponized government, and objecting to stolen elections.

Not apologizing for communists abusing their power to persecute their political enemies.


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87ab0f No.87316

File: 36467f49662d1c4⋯.png (265.46 KB,860x518,430:259,Clipboard.png)

File: 9f83ca113decf14⋯.png (743.55 KB,1010x877,1010:877,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495777 (052017ZSEP23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump “Three Years Later, Trump Deserves A Nobel Peace Prize For The Abraham Accords”

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Donald J. Trump


“Three Years Later, Trump Deserves A Nobel Peace Prize For The Abraham Accords”

Trump Deserves A Peace Prize For The Abraham Accords

On Sept. 15, 2020, President Trump ushered in a new era of peace and collaboration in the Middle East without a single bullet fired.






Sep 05, 2023, 3:04 PM


Three Years Later, Trump Deserves A Nobel Peace Prize For The Abraham Accords


SEPTEMBER 05, 2023

On Sept. 15, 2020, President Trump ushered in a new era of peace and collaboration in the Middle East without a single bullet fired.

This month, the world will celebrate the three-year anniversary of President Donald Trump’s Abraham Accords.

While the Obama administration and others said Trump’s bold decision to keep his campaign promise and move the United States Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, the eternal capital of Israel, would cause war in the Middle East, just the opposite happened. Many of these individuals said the same when the framework of the Abraham Accords was initially announced, but just as they were wrong before, they were wrong once again.

On Sept. 15, 2020, President Trump ushered in a new era of peace and collaboration in the Middle East among Israel, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco without a single bullet fired. Imagine that: Peace was achieved through America leading with strength, without any wars started, when the experts said the opposite would happen.

Furthermore, Trump and his administration provided the metaphorical runway and jet fuel for long-standing relationships among the Israelis, Bahrainis, and Emiratis that had been held in the darkness to take off into the light for the world to see, which has led to tremendous economic and societal expansion. As commercial ties grow, so will the strength of the bonds between the countries and their people.

Per the Abraham Accords Peace Institute, trade between the countries saw a major increase from 2021 to 2022, coming in at $3.37 billion in 2022, an 82 percent increase from 2021! Bahrain is set to utilize Israeli solar technology as a result of the Abraham Accords, and earlier this year, the Abrahamic Family House opened its doors to the world in Abu Dhabi. The center encompasses three separate houses of worship — a mosque, a church, and a synagogue, as well as shared spaces for gathering and dialogue. Based on these economic and societal indicators, the Abraham Accords have been a major success thus far.

Both authors have seen firsthand how Israel is liked and respected in the Arab world, which never would have happened if not for the Abraham Accords. Having served as a U.S. Army Reserve captain and intelligence officer in Saudi Arabia during the historic peace accords, Abraham Hamadeh had a unique experience serving in the Middle East, with Syrian ancestry and Arabic language skills allowing for much more personal interactions with Saudi Arabia’s security apparatus’ leadership — and they’re ready for peace.

A Jewish American who is an outspoken supporter of the world’s only Jewish state, Israel, Bryan Leib has enjoyed relationships and friendships with Arabs in America and throughout the Middle East, especially Saudis and Emiratis, for years that predate the Abraham Accords.

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87ab0f No.87317

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495779 (052018ZSEP23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump “Three Years Later, Trump Deserves A Nobel Peace Prize For The Abraham Accords”

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When President Joe Biden took office in January 2021 he had a prime opportunity to expand the Abraham Accords but unfortunately did not. The Biden administration took great pains not to acknowledge the Abraham Accords in the first year of his presidency, and that has created a chilling effect in the Middle East. Meanwhile, the Biden administration’s decision to reorient America’s foreign policy toward appeasement with the Islamic Republic of Iran while largely ignoring America’s closest allies has been a catastrophic mistake.

As this three-year anniversary approaches, we applaud the courageous leaders Trump assembled to achieve this historic peace in the Middle East. Surely had it been Biden or anyone else, the Nobel Peace Prize Foundation would have already awarded its highest honor for the Abraham Accords. Its failure to reward these historic agreements and Trump with the honor only damages the credibility of the Nobel Foundation. Peace shouldn’t be political, especially in a world where it’s hard to come by.

Looking forward, we both agree that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is most likely the next Arab-majority country to officially make a peace or normalization agreement with Israel, but the chances the inept Biden administration will be the broker are slim. The leaders and people of Israel and Saudi Arabia may have to wait for Trump to get back into the White House to broker their peace agreement.

Or perhaps it will happen naturally sooner than we think. A plane carrying Israelis home from the Seychelles was forced to make an emergency landing in Saudi Arabia before flying back to Tel Aviv on Aug. 29. As ABC News reported, “The passengers told the Associated Press their experience in Jeddah was pleasant, with some Saudis even greeting them in Hebrew.”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took to social media to express his “deep appreciation” to the Saudi government for its treatment of Israelis. In a sign of respect, Netanyahu sent out the post in Arabic.

In many ways, our America First agenda can be achieved through leading on the world stage with strong diplomacy and supporting our like-minded allies throughout the world. America First doesn’t mean America alone, and the Abraham Accords is just one example that proves it.


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87ab0f No.87318

File: f1eb284137ec0b3⋯.png (286.31 KB,844x713,844:713,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495800 (052021ZSEP23) Notable: ‘I Wonder What Obama Knew About his VP’s Corrupt Business Schemes?’

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‘I Wonder What Obama Knew About his VP’s Corrupt Business Schemes?’

Biden’s scandals now engulfing ex-president

There are multiple scandals about millions of dollars of foreign interest money being paid to members of the Biden family, a list that appears to be growing every day.

Those are linked to Joe Biden’s official actions such as his demand that Ukrainian officials fire a prosecutor investigating corruption at Burisma, which was paying first son Hunter Biden a million dollars a year.

And many more.

Now the questions are engulfing former President Barack Obama, according to a report at Just the News.

“I think that one question I have is, I wonder what President Obama knew about his vice president’s corrupt business schemes with his son,” Rep. James Comer, the chief of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee, told the publication.

Added former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, “None of this could have happened without his active knowledge. It’s just not possible. So what you have is Obama weaponizing the Justice Department, breaking down the rule of law, establishing a defense for any left winger who wants to be corrupt, and at the same time, using the government to launch attacks on Donald Trump, because they’re so frightened of him.”

Gingrich’s comments came during an interview on the John Solomon Reports podcast.

He continued, “And I think it’s the totality of this, which is going to have to be investigated. And it’s vastly more we’re going to discover that there’s an entire system of corruption, lawlessness, and weaponization that is far beyond Joe Biden.”

In fact, it was during Obama’s White House tenure that the weaponization of the federal government became obvious, with the IRS attacks on conservatives and Christians.

Solomon’s report pointed out the irony of claims from Obama’s aide, Valerie Jarrett, late in his presidency. That was that “The president prides himself on the fact that his administration hasn’t had a scandal and he hasn’t done something to embarrass himself.”

She, of course, later went to work for Biden, with his “jaw-dropping pattern of secret emails with fake account names, [who] weaponized the U.S. Department of Justice against political foes, and [was entangled] with tens of millions of dollars in foreign money and other ethical conflicts.”

Issue on point regarding Biden: “When elected vice president, earned roughly $230,000 a year. By the time he left the Blair House, Forbes and others estimated his current net worth as $9 million.”

Biden’s scandals as president include revelations that his family took in tens of millions of dollars from foreign interests, there is an FBI report on a trusted confidential source’s report of $5 million bribes to Joe and Hunter Biden, how Joe Biden often would join his son’s business meetings by telephone and more.

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87ab0f No.87319

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495804 (052021ZSEP23) Notable: ‘I Wonder What Obama Knew About his VP’s Corrupt Business Schemes?’

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Comer told “Just the News, No Noise” that it was toward the end of Biden’s vice presidency, during which he’d “really had no role,” that he “suddenly wanted to be a foreign policy expert in all the corrupt countries around the world.”

It was because he and his family were in it for the profits, and he “was using his son Hunter, as the front man for that,” the report said.

Obama’s own most famous scandals included that IRS campaign to target conservatives and Christians, the infamous “Fast & Furious” gun-running operations that supplied weapons to Mexican drug cartels and the horrible loss of American lives in Benghazi in 2012.

Just the News listed the most troubling issues as members of Congress consider an impeachment inquiry into Biden.

“Last week, a Freedom of Information Act filed by Just the News and the Southeastern Legal Foundation revealed the National Archive has 5,400 emails under three Joe Biden pseudonym accounts, the first concrete evidence the current president used private email for government business. The Archives is refusing to release the emails, prompting a further lawsuit,” the report said.

Some of those emails provided to Hunter Biden sensitive government information.

Secondly, there is Biden’s “weaponization” of law enforcement that dates back as least as far as then-CIA chief John Brennan briefing Obama on Hillary Clinton’s scheme for the 2016 election to try to link Donald Trump to Russia.

“Special Counsel John Durham concluded in a report that the allegations were ‘hogwash’ with no merit and yet the government knew they were unfounded and kept investigating for years,” Just the News reported.

Also, the fact that “Hunter Biden, his uncle and associates solicited business fees from foreign interests specifically for profit, including from Russia, Romania, Ukraine and China, as his father oversaw policy in those countries as Obama’s vice president,” the report explained.

The report charged, “It becomes clearer every day that documents may show that there was a virus of corruption in the White House long before President Biden took office.”

Copyright 2023 WND News Center


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87ab0f No.87320

File: c2a8c58250c4038⋯.png (538.03 KB,871x748,871:748,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495819 (052024ZSEP23) Notable: FBI Created 3,200 J6 “Playing Cards” to Identify and Surveil Americans who Attended J6 Protests - They Are Using SAME SYSTEM to Target Trump Supporters that They Used to Target America’s Enemies and Saddam’s Henchmen in Iraq Wa

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==FBI Created 3,200 J6 “Playing Cards” to Identify and Surveil Americans who Attended J6 Protests – They Are Using SAME SYSTEM to Target Trump Supporters that They Used to Target America’s Enemies and Saddam’s Henchmen in Iraq War (VIDEO)

During the 2003 invasion of Iraq by the United States-led coalition, the United States Department of Defense released a set of playing cards with the names and faces of the most-wanted Iraqi members of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein’s government, including high-ranking members of his Baath Party and family members including his two sons.

The US Department of Defense used these playing cards to identify and capture America’s enemies, the dangerous members of Saddam Hussein’s inner circle.

This was a clever way the DOD thought up to target, capture or kill America’s enemies.

Fast forward to today…

J6 defendant Eric Clark in a recent interview with Mel Hawley.

In May 2021, the FBI arrested Eric Douglas Clark, a Marine veteran from Louisville, Kentucky. The FBI spent tens of thousands of dollars in resources to track down, spy on, surveil, and arrest Eric for the crime of walking inside the US Capitol on January 6th and peacefully leaving the US Capitol minutes later. Eric told The Gateway Pundit he saw no violence that day the entire time he was inside the US Capitol.

** Please help J6er Eric Clark, an innocent man, as he continues to battle the Biden regime and their baseless charges against him.

During our discussion, Eric Clark dropped a bomb that left us stunned.

Eric Clark, who has had access to the original 14,000 hours of government footage from January 6, told us about the clandestine system the government is using to identify the Americans who innocently walked into the US Capitol on January 6th — Government playing cards!

Representation of FBI’s 3200 ‘playing cards’ they used to target Saddam’s henchmen in Iraq War.

According to Eric, the FBI has created approximately 3,200 “playing cards” to identify and target the enemies of the regime.

Eric Clark: The FBI, they have this facial recognition software. It’s called baseball. So when they spit in their photos, their video, and they set their parameters, it spits out what’s called “baseball cards.”

So I’m in this database, and I’m looking through these baseball cards, and there’s about 3,200 people in there. And among those 3200 people are all the people we know that have so far been arrested.

Jim Hoft: Wow! So they have 3200 baseball cards that they spit out?

Eric Clark: Approximately, 3200 baseball cards. I didn’t count them. But going by the number of pages and number of cards on each page, I think it’s fair to say approximately 3200.

Jim Hoft: Wow. That is unbelievable. Yeah. And each one is an individual. It’s a specific individual.

Eric Clark: You click on that card and it gives you sort of their statistics, so to say. Like, maybe some clips of footage that they plan on using, maybe the special agents investigating surveillance schedule even. Like the days and times that they plan on surveilling these people. And all this, which I wouldn’t discuss, but it is all there. And also sort of to this main file was all their requests for funding the FBI

Jim Hoft: That’s really big, Eric. I hadn’t heard. Okay. But these cards, it’s reminiscent of the Iraq playing cards that the FBI created during the Iraq War, and those were, of course, the enemies of America at the time, and they put out all these playing cards. So now you’re saying that it appears that now they have the same sort of a system for patriotic Americans that they’re after and will be arresting. Very, very concerning… The government has labeled protesters who went through open doors and were welcomed by police as enemies of the state. So I think Americans need to wake up to that because they’re now labeling fellow Americans as enemies of this government, and we have Republicans and Democrats both giving them funding to do very, very concerning, Eric. It’s outrageous, actually.

The US government is labeling ordinary Americans as enemies of the state!

Please Note: We already know the FBI-DOJ will deny they are using “baseball cards” to identify Americans from January 6. We will not play semantics and word games with these people. The truth is the truth.


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87ab0f No.87321

File: f7a82ee44ce73d3⋯.png (528.46 KB,859x767,859:767,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495860 (052029ZSEP23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump “TRUMP EXPANDS LEAD OVER GOP RIVALS”

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Donald J. Trump



“Right now you’re seeing a Donald Trump dominated race, and Donald Trump’s getting stronger.”

Sep 05, 2023, 3:06 PM



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87ab0f No.87322

File: 088f8e724118e0c⋯.png (41.72 KB,788x319,788:319,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495861 (052029ZSEP23) Notable: Sidney Powell Alleges Falsehoods In Georgia Trump Indictment

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Sidney Powell Alleges Falsehoods In Georgia Trump Indictment

Lawyer and former prosecutor Sidney Powell alleged false claims in the indictment against former President Donald Trump in Georgia.

Ms. Powell, who’s a co-defendant in the case, contradicted several claims in the indictment in an Aug. 30 court filing, asking for her case to be tried separately from the other 18 defendants, including President Trump.

Most of the charges don’t involve her and those that do “fatally depend on demonstrably false premises,” the filing said.

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis alleged in the Aug. 14 indictment that Ms. Powell participated in a racketeering conspiracy by tampering with election machines and computers and stealing data from them.

She “entered into a contract” with data forensic company SullivanStrickler and “caused” its employees to copy data from election equipment in Coffee County, Georgia, after the 2020 election, the indictment said.

In fact, Ms. Powell asserted, that though her name was printed on the SullivanStrickler contract, she never signed it.

“There was no contract for SullivanStrickler to conduct forensic imaging of the Coffee County Voting Systems,” her filing said.

“Ms. Powell signed no such contract. … Ms. Powell did not plan or organize the Coffee County trip. … Ms. Powell did not request SullivanStrickler to undertake that project,” it said.

As for the breach of the equipment, the firm claimed in a separate lawsuit that its employees believed they were authorized to copy the data. They said at least one Coffee County election official was present during their work.

“A unanimous Coffee County Election Board gave permission for the forensic inspection, and nothing was stolen,” the Powell filing said.


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87ab0f No.87323

File: 44b0e179929d2f8⋯.png (771.38 KB,888x1155,296:385,Clipboard.png)

File: 600122c878130e5⋯.png (843.05 KB,885x1161,295:387,Clipboard.png)

File: 6fadff41fc0fa0d⋯.png (806.77 KB,880x1166,40:53,Clipboard.png)

File: 92fe1c36877ef76⋯.png (706.9 KB,888x1156,222:289,Clipboard.png)

File: e76f5fc1f687f81⋯.png (323.38 KB,1096x954,548:477,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495962 (052046ZSEP23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump “TRUMP EXPANDS LEAD OVER GOP RIVALS”

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Trump’s Momentum Toward 2024 Is a Case of the Office Seeking the Man

It’s getting difficult to see anyone breaking his lock on the Republican nomination.


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87ab0f No.87324

File: 299de3b0310a8cc⋯.png (520.95 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495964 (052046ZSEP23) Notable: uk-government-tracks-journalists-that-make-freedom-of-information-requests

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This sounds like a challenge

Ok...im in

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87ab0f No.87325

File: a474626f1e05660⋯.png (726.02 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495969 (052047ZSEP23) Notable: curcumin-in-turmeric-starves-cancer-cells-to-death.html

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87ab0f No.87326

File: 264c7b66a0a9616⋯.png (441.13 KB,744x946,372:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495972 (052047ZSEP23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump “TRUMP EXPANDS LEAD OVER GOP RIVALS”

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In a 2024 Run, Trump Has the Constitution on His Side

The raid on Trump’s home foreshadows a clash between not only prosecutors and the 45th president but the Constitution and federal law.

The FBI’s raid on Mar-a-Lago is shrouded in secrecy, but a possible outcome that could upend the landscape of American politics has come into view: If President Trump is found guilty of criminally mishandling documents, he could face disqualification from office.

The raid on Mr. Trump’s home and the possible prosecution of the man himself has foreshadowed a clash not only between prosecutors and the 45th president but also one between the Constitution and federal law over who holds the power to set qualifications for becoming president.

That was raised on Twitter by a prominent Democrat, lawyer Marc Elias, who pointed to 18 U.S. Code § 2071, which mandates that anyone who “willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys” protected documents “shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States.”

Mr. Elias would go on to “recognize the legal challenge that application of this law to a president would garner (since qualifications are set in Constitution). But the idea that a candidate would have to litigate this is during a campaign is in my view a ‘blockbuster in American politics.’”

While cautioning that we do not yet know if the statute above is in fact the one underwriting the warrant, a law professor, Joshua Blackman, tells the Sun that he reads it as referring to “bureaucrats” or other “appointed officials,” not elected officials, whose qualifications are rooted in the Constitution.

If the case were pressed against Mr. Trump, that litigation would turn on whether the qualifications laid out in Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the Constitution — that the president must be a natural-born citizen of the United States, be at least 35 years old, and have been a resident of the United States for 14 years — can be augmented by lawmakers.

This is not the first time in recent memory that a link has been drawn between the disposition of records and eligibility to move into the Oval Office. In 2016, a one-time judge and attorney general, Michael Mukasey, mused that Hillary Clinton, then in the throes of controversy over the use of a private server during her time as secretary of state, might be barred if convicted.

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87ab0f No.87327

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495977 (052047ZSEP23) Notable: Video shot by Lahaina residents show roadblocks during fire evacuations, what knocked down ALL THOSE POWERLINES??

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Video shot by Lahaina residents appears to show roadblocks during fire evacuations

435K views 3 days ago


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87ab0f No.87328

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495978 (052048ZSEP23) Notable: Philadelphia Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw resigns for position at Port Authority of NY and NJ

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Drug Smuggling.

Drug Smuggling.


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87ab0f No.87329

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495986 (052049ZSEP23) Notable: Video shot by Lahaina residents show roadblocks during fire evacuations, what knocked down ALL THOSE POWERLINES??

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I thought it was well known that the line-crews were turning people back, probably not understanding it was to their doom.

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87ab0f No.87330

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495988 (052049ZSEP23) Notable: Video shot by Lahaina residents show roadblocks during fire evacuations, what knocked down ALL THOSE POWERLINES??

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What knocked down the power lines???

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87ab0f No.87331

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19495998 (052051ZSEP23) Notable: Biden's Fake Names And Companies Are Quite Disturbing: Rep Jason Smith

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US President Joe Biden has decided to nominate former treasury secretary Jack Lew to be the country’s next ambassador to Israel, a White House spokesperson told The Times of Israel on Tuesday.

Having served on former president Barack Obama’s cabinet and as his White House chief of staff, the 68-year-old Lew would be the most distinguished political appointee to fill the sensitive post in Jerusalem.


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87ab0f No.87332

File: 71a808468490754⋯.png (257.59 KB,931x523,931:523,Clipboard.png)

File: b7480b143c9bbab⋯.png (557.21 KB,931x523,931:523,Clipboard.png)

File: fae90a3de4c40cb⋯.png (379.96 KB,922x872,461:436,Clipboard.png)

File: 3cd75a91fa4ce03⋯.png (88.33 KB,1159x618,1159:618,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496011 (052053ZSEP23) Notable: Philadelphia Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw resigns for position at Port Authority of NY and NJ

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Philadelphia's police commissioner Danielle Outlaw, to resign, mayor confirms

Philadelphia's first black female police commissioner, Danielle Outlaw, will leave her post in late September.

Outlaw assumed the post in February 2020 and will depart on Sept. 22 to assume a position with the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Fox News reported.

"Commissioner Outlaw has worked relentlessly for three and a half years during an unprecedented era in our city and a number of crisis situations, and she deserves praise for her commitment to bring long-overdue reform to the Department after years of racism and gender discrimination prior to her appointment," Mayor Jim Kenney announced. "We wish her success in her new position and thank Commissioner Outlaw for her dedication to serve the residents of Philadelphia."

Kenney went on to tout Outlaw's record gun seizures and point to a decline in certain violent crimes during her tenure. Fox highlighted that while homicides are down 21% from the same period in 2021, the city has still seen higher homicide figures than in the years prior to her time in office.

First Deputy Commission John Stanford will fill the role of interim police commissioner.


Philadelphia police commissioner resigns amid crime wave

Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw will leave her position on Sept. 22, Philadelphia's mayor says


Danielle Outlaw


Danielle M. Outlaw - Police Commissioner


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87ab0f No.87333

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496032 (052057ZSEP23) Notable: Biden's Fake Names And Companies Are Quite Disturbing: Rep Jason Smith

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Mr. Producer



Biden's Fake Names And Companies Are Quite Disturbing: Rep Jason Smith


Biden's Fake Names And Companies Are Quite Disturbing: Rep Jason Smith




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87ab0f No.87334

File: e03bcfcbc3b92d4⋯.png (225.33 KB,891x729,11:9,Clipboard.png)

File: d9cb2bb62d2e5d2⋯.png (298.63 KB,645x375,43:25,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e9d81c59013431⋯.jpg (94.75 KB,685x481,685:481,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496058 (052102ZSEP23) Notable: Jack Smith suffers court setback over access to Rep. Scott Perry's phone

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Jack Smith suffers court setback over access to Rep. Scott Perry's phone

Special counsel Jack Smith was partially impeded by a federal appeals court over his bid to access seized cellphone data from Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA) as part of the investigation into Donald Trump and interference in the 2020 election.

A three-judge panel on the U.S. Circuit Court for the District of Columbia overruled part of a lower court's decision that would have given Smith's team of prosecutors access to much of the data sought on Perry's phone, according to multiple outlets. The ruling remained under seal as of Tuesday afternoon.

Read further

The judges on the panel included Neomi Rao, a Trump appointee, who wrote the main opinion. Rao was joined by Judge Karen LeCraft Henderson, who was nominated by President George H.W. Bush, and Judge Greg Katsas, who is also a Trump appointee.

Howell initially wrote that Perry's efforts to investigate alleged election fraud in the 2020 election, which included communications with the executive branch, deemed those contacts unprotected by speech or debate immunity.

FBI agents seized the cellphone last August while Perry was on vacation with his family. He accused the DOJ at the time of launching a partisan effort against him, noting the timing of the raid on Trump's home that took place just days before. The phone seizure took place months before Attorney General Merrick Garland's Nov. 18 appointment of Smith to oversee the Trump investigation, which eventually landed four charges against the former president after a grand jury handed up a four-count indictment on Aug. 2.

Perry filed a civil complaint against the DOJ, seeking to prevent the agency from searching his phone but dropped the lawsuit in October.

Smith's team can attempt to appeal Tuesday's order to the Supreme Court. The three-judge panel gave the parties a week to indicate whether they believe any portions of the ruling need to remain under seal.

Perry was supported in an amicus brief filed by House Republicans that remains under seal as well.

The Washington Examiner contacted an attorney for Perry and the special counsel's office.


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87ab0f No.87335

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496064 (052103ZSEP23) Notable: GA State Senator Moore: Georgian Republicans Going Full RINO By Protecting Fani Willis

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GA State Senator Moore: Georgian Republicans Going Full RINO By Protecting Fani Willis


The GA senators are trying to block from defunding Willis. They say just let it play out, they are on Kemp’s side. Most were in on it.

(Brandon Beech my senator was beaten up by them. GA is the location of the headquarters of the Southern Mafia Rail Line. It goes through ARK not said in this video)


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87ab0f No.87336

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496079 (052105ZSEP23) Notable: Uniparty cultists attempting to frame Texas AG Paxton.

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MAGA Vs. The Bush Elite In Texas | MAGA Must Step Up For Ken Paxton



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87ab0f No.87337

File: efe7206cd8ea43d⋯.png (92.17 KB,898x457,898:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496089 (052106ZSEP23) Notable: Letitia James asks for legal sanctions against Trump in $250 million lawsuit

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Letitia James asks for legal sanctions against Trump in $250 million lawsuit

New York Attorney General Letitia James requested legal sanctions against former President Donald Trump and the co-defendants who are tied to a $250 million lawsuit against Trump's organization.

James asked a judge for the sanctions, which amount to $20,000, in court documents Tuesday. She claimed the former president has made the same legal argument five times, despite the argument being rejected by the courts three times and being referred to as "frivolous." The two that have not been denied have not been ruled on yet because they were filed last month.

read further

James is seeking $250 million in damages for the case overall, but Trump's attorneys vehemently denied the charges or any wrongdoing on the former president's part. Trump's two oldest sons, Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump, are also named in the sanction request with other prominent players in the family's company.

Despite a couple of attempts to dismiss the case, a trial on the civil case will begin on Oct. 2.


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87ab0f No.87338

File: d63d6ab70db3df5⋯.png (270.49 KB,600x584,75:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496095 (052107ZSEP23) Notable: @Jerusalem_Post Over 37,000 alien species are rapidly spreading across the globe due to human activities, and this number continues to surge.

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The Jerusalem Post



Over 37,000 alien species are rapidly spreading across the globe due to human activities, and this number continues to surge.



ayy lmao

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87ab0f No.87339

File: d3c50ab54feec35⋯.png (21.7 KB,600x206,300:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496118 (052111ZSEP23) Notable: New authorities of Niger have allegedly raised the export prices of uranium

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does anyone have a real sauce for this?


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87ab0f No.87340

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496154 (052118ZSEP23) Notable: Was the Oprah & The Rock's video they've made about the People's Fund of Maui just a Distraction?

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- Was the Oprah & The Rock's video they've made about the People's Fund of Maui just a Distraction?

sauce... https://www.bitchute.com/video/pwBk5NxFCuJj/

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87ab0f No.87341

File: d1fc516ee5b33d0⋯.png (42.59 KB,892x275,892:275,Clipboard.png)

File: a9d6255913b6541⋯.png (363.79 KB,760x747,760:747,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496163 (052119ZSEP23) Notable: Man who claims he had sex with Barack Obama in 1999 tells his story to Tucker.

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Benny Johnson


Tucker: "This Man Had Sex and Smoked Crack With Obama - Then Something Really Evil Happened..."


Sep 05, 2023, 4:40 PM

Tucker: "This Man Had Sex and Smoked Crack With Obama - Then Something Really Evil Happened..."



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87ab0f No.87342

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496208 (052125ZSEP23) Notable: Larry Loomer: CIA Recruit Connected To Ukraine CAUGHT At Nazi Rally In Florida

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Loomer: CIA Recruit Connected To Ukraine CAUGHT At Nazi Rally In Florida



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87ab0f No.87343

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496209 (052125ZSEP23) Notable: Alarming New, And Old Evidence Of Covid Vax Harm Emerges As Politicians & Media Begin Push For More Vaxxes

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Alarming New Evidence Of Covid Vax Harm Emerges As Politicians & Media Begin Push For More Vaxxes - 25 Historical Books Prove Vaxxes Have Been Killing People For 200 Years

'“I can conclusively say that vaccination is the biggest fraud in medical history,” Trung Nguyen wrote. '

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87ab0f No.87344

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496226 (052128ZSEP23) Notable: Man who claims he had sex with Barack Obama in 1999 tells his story to Tucker.

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SECURITYJUN 19, 2008 2:31 PM

Bloggers Get Obama Accuser Hauled Off in Handcuffs

Liberal bloggers have made their first arrest. A Minnesota man trying to get mainstream exposure for his claims that he once enjoyed sex and cocaine with Barack Obama made a scheduled appearance at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. Wednesday, and was promptly picked up by law enforcement on an out-of-state warrant. Larry Sinclair, […]


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87ab0f No.87345

File: 4ae4194b2a8cb61⋯.jpg (808.11 KB,3327x2063,3327:2063,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496206 (052125ZSEP23) Notable: #23945

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Twice Bakered Dough


>last bread notes ETA 20 minutes

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87ab0f No.87346

File: f650866b9bd0a97⋯.png (457.67 KB,671x715,61:65,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496240 (052130ZSEP23) Notable: ADL going DOWN!!

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Twitter/X Suffers 60% Decline in U.S. Advertising Revenue, Elon Musk Points Finger at Left-Wing ADL


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87ab0f No.87347

File: ac66a8d1218dbf2⋯.png (10.03 KB,400x400,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496245 (052132ZSEP23) Notable: Larry Sinclair DIG

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Larry Sinclair, 46, was allowed to deliver his presentation to the smattering of reporters in attendance before deputy U.S. Marshals quietly led him away in handcuffs, Sinclair's lawyer confirmed Thursday. Already burdened with a long rap sheet, Sinclair was wanted on a criminal warrant in Delaware.


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87ab0f No.87348

File: 30318fc7fb193c1⋯.png (527.15 KB,800x1280,5:8,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496247 (052133ZSEP23) Notable: ADL going DOWN!!

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ADL about to get burnt by Elon 🔥


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87ab0f No.87349

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496251 (052133ZSEP23) Notable: [How] China MESSED Up California

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China MESSED Up California

Newsom continues to sign agreements with China's minister of environment to reach a 'carbon neutrality'. However, China just wants the free publicity of looking green - without actually having to be green. We know that because, while China virtue-sginals in saying its goal is to peak carbon emissions by 2030 - they actually approved the equivalent of two new coal plants - per week, in 2022.


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87ab0f No.87350

File: 5c9c4cdfc15a6e1⋯.jpg (300.08 KB,1080x1214,540:607,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496272 (052136ZSEP23) Notable: PDJT: The highly partisan January 6th Committee of political Hacks and Thugs has been found to have DELETED & DESTROYED all evidence and findings of [J6]

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The highly partisan January 6th Committee of political Hacks and Thugs has been found to have DELETED & DESTROYED all evidence and findings of the recently ended Committee of TRUMP persecution and hatred. This is a highly illegal act to, among other things, protect Crazy Nancy Pelosi for her grossly incompetent, or intentional, actions regarding her weak and inadequate response to security measures taken at the Capitol, for which she was responsible. This evidence is now criminally destroyed!



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87ab0f No.87351

File: 0651edc2c72b93f⋯.png (1.53 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496291 (052139ZSEP23) Notable: Tucker Carlson Drops Bombshell Trailer That Barack Obama Doesn't Want You to See

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👀 Tucker Carlson Drops Bombshell Trailer That Barack Obama Doesn't Want You to See

The man who claims he slept with Obama in 1999 tells his story:

"It definitely wasn't Barack's first time [sleeping with a man], and I would almost be willing to bet you it wasn't his last."


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87ab0f No.87352

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496293 (052140ZSEP23) Notable: Dr. Peter McCullough: Childhood Transgenderism Is Driven by Autism Linked to Vaccines

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Dr. Peter McCullough: Childhood Transgenderism Is Driven by Autism Linked to Vaccines

Dr. Peter McCullough opposes children transitioning to the opposite sex because surgery often cannot be reversed, and, after a month, even the hormones cannot be reversed. He said that transgenderism is driven by autism and is rising in lockstep with autism that is linked to vaccines. He reported that 1 in every 36 individuals is affected by autism. A large number of autistic children are now entering puberty and some have gender dysphoria and ambiguity, and they are suggestible. Dr. McCullough questions the fairness of having an autistic child undergo permanent gender change. 80% of the children who receive transgender treatments become sterile.


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87ab0f No.87353

File: 3edbca00e43a875⋯.png (432.33 KB,556x337,556:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496305 (052141ZSEP23) Notable: Judge Condemns J6 Capitol Protester Joe Biggs to 17 Years in Prison for Shaking Bike Fence

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Judge Condemns J6 Capitol Protester Joe Biggs to 17 Years in Prison for Shaking Bike Fence

Former InfoWars reporter Joe Biggs, a Proud Boys leader, father, and two-time Purple Heart recipient, received a 17-year prison sentence for taking down a bike fence that was declared a ‘government facility’ in order to enhance his sentence to ‘terrorism’ that adds extra time. Biggs received the second longest sentence given to a J6 protester; Oathkeeper leader Stewart Rhodes received and 18-year sentence. Both Rhodes and Biggs were convicted of seditious conspiracy.

Meanwhile, Ray Epps, a man who was caught on video orchestrating a mob on January 5th and then apparently spearheaded the charge on January 6th, hasn’t faced any charges whatsoever.



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87ab0f No.87354

File: 9397f23e076fcc1⋯.png (224.35 KB,440x315,88:63,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496310 (052142ZSEP23) Notable: Study Shows Thousands of American Children Underwent Gender Transition

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Study Shows Thousands of American Children Underwent Gender Transition

A study identified 48,019 Americans of all ages who had undergone some form of gender dysphoria-related surgery in the US between 2016 and 2019. Nearly 4,000 of those were between the ages of 12 and 18. People who were 18, the age of adulthood, were included in the study; therefore, the study is unclear about how many of the study participants were legally children when they were given the surgeries. Of the 3,678 patients between 12 and 18, a total of 3,215, or 87.4%, had a breast or chest procedure. Another 405 of that age cohort underwent genital transition surgery. The data stopped in 2019, and the medical movement to transition children has dramatically increased since that point.

A critic said, “The reality is that trans is not a civil rights movement. It’s an industry that’s mutilating and sterilizing the next generation of Americans for profits.”



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87ab0f No.87355

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496311 (052143ZSEP23) Notable: Warroom: Neo Nazis want Bidan, hate Trump! Warroom remembers Joshua Cremean AKA Dirty Truth

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Neo Nazis want Bidan, hate Trump! Bannon Predicts Motion To Vacate Speaker McCarthy: “It’s All Been A Lie”



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87ab0f No.87356

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496329 (052145ZSEP23) Notable: FBI Created 3,200 J6 “Playing Cards” to Identify and Surveil Americans who Attended J6 Protests.

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FBI Created 3,200 J6 “Playing Cards” to Identify and Surveil Americans who Attended J6 Protests. Targeting American Citizens not neo nazis from Ukraine!



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87ab0f No.87357

File: 629cc8209af74a6⋯.png (277.15 KB,600x607,600:607,Clipboard.png)

File: 37b64eaeada66c2⋯.png (38.48 KB,762x498,127:83,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496336 (052146ZSEP23) Notable: Ex-Mossad chief Shabtai Shavit dies at 84

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Ex-Mossad chief Shabtai Shavit dies at 84

From starting his career as an intelligence collection officer in Iran in 1964 to becoming the head of Mossad, Shavit's legacy will be remembered.


Sep 5, 2023 · 9:30 PM UTC




Red October next.

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87ab0f No.87358

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496340 (052147ZSEP23) Notable: RE: Joe Scarborough Tirade

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11989212 p

looks like qresear.ch dumps histories because there were extensive digs on this sick subject that seem to have slipped down a memory hole.

>>87222 n Joe Scarborough Unleashes Minutelong Tirade Over Biden-Trump Poll Result

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87ab0f No.87359

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496343 (052148ZSEP23) Notable: RE: Joe Scarborough Tirade

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87ab0f No.87360

File: 00a2ce4b14c71a2⋯.jpg (87.82 KB,1080x1809,40:67,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4915ef4a2db70fa⋯.jpg (100.91 KB,1080x1884,90:157,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8bd62b51954dce2⋯.jpg (120.59 KB,1080x1788,90:149,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496346 (052149ZSEP23) Notable: Matthew Bachman a forme Guardian Ad Litem (Child Trafficking Courts) of Tampa, Florida is rebuilding Maui??

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Matthew Bachman a forme Guardian Ad Litem (Child Trafficking Courts) of Tampa, Florida is rebuilding Maui??



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87ab0f No.87361

File: 430ca33b5a9503a⋯.webp (8.62 KB,740x416,185:104,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496349 (052149ZSEP23) Notable: Trump’s daily statements threaten to prejudice jury pool in D.C. elections case, prosecutors warn

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Trump’s daily statements threaten to prejudice jury pool in D.C. elections case, prosecutors warn

“Daily” statements by former President Donald Trump “threaten to prejudice the jury pool” in the federal case where he is charged with crimes related to trying to reverse his loss in the 2020 election, prosecutors said Tuesday.

Prosecutors made that claim as they pushed back on a call by Trump’s lawyers to allow a three-week briefing process for Judge Tanya Chutkan to decide whether “every ordinary” court filing that refers to sensitive materials should be placed on the court’s public docket.

“Such a requirement would grind litigation in this case to a halt, which is particularly infeasible given the pressing matters before the Court — including the defendant’s daily extrajudicial statements that threaten to prejudice the jury pool in this case, as described in the Government’s motion,” prosecutors from the office of special counsel Jack Smith wrote.


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87ab0f No.87362

File: 670652f7cfe448c⋯.png (34.62 KB,785x203,785:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496366 (052152ZSEP23) Notable: RE: Joe Scarborough Tirade

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87ab0f No.87363

File: 63792c30dfdbfb0⋯.jpeg (193.09 KB,1170x580,117:58,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496370 (052153ZSEP23) Notable: FBI Knew Ukrainian Spy with Azov ties Was at Capitol Riot: QAnon Shaman

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

FBI Knew Ukrainian Spy Was at Capitol Riot: QAnon Shaman

Jacob Chansley, known as the "QAnon Shaman," claimed the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) knew that an alleged Ukrainian spy participated in the riot at the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021.

Chansley, who was sentenced to 41 months in prison over his involvement in the January 6 riot but was released earlier this year, said in an interview with conservative activist Laura Loomer that the FBI questioned him about the presence of Sergai Dybynyn, an alleged Ukrainian spy with reported ties to the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion, which has risen to prominence amid the Russia-Ukraine war.


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87ab0f No.87364

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496372 (052153ZSEP23) Notable: NEW: Brent oil jumps above $90 for first time since November

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

NEW: Brent oil jumps above $90 for first time since November

READ: https://insiderpaper.com/brent-oil-jumps-above-90-for-first-time-since-november/


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87ab0f No.87365

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496385 (052154ZSEP23) Notable: Warroom: Neo Nazis want Bidan, hate Trump! Warroom remembers Joshua Cremean AKA Dirty Truth

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The WarRoom Remembers Joshua Cremean AKA Dirty TruthGod Bless his soul, may he do greater works in heaven



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87ab0f No.87366

File: d7cd66e05318786⋯.png (33.67 KB,588x271,588:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496397 (052156ZSEP23) Notable: Condolences from Scavino, Kash, Nunes, intheMatrixxx, Redpill78 for Josh, The Dirty Truth

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅


REST IN PEACE, The Dirty Truth (@RealDirty) 🙏🏼🙏🏼🇺🇸


Devin Nunes




Sad News… @RealDirty Truth was the best. We will miss him 🙏

Sep 04, 2023, 3:59 PM

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87ab0f No.87367

File: 26b469400c4c1e2⋯.png (416.75 KB,587x727,587:727,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496402 (052157ZSEP23) Notable: Condolences from Scavino, Kash, Nunes, intheMatrixxx, Redpill78 for Josh, The Dirty Truth

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Kash Patel


It is with a profoundly heavy heart I write this post about our dear friend Josh’s, @RealDirty, passing. This amazing American did more for our country with his mind and fingertips than most do in an entire lifetime with their whole body.

At the appropriate time, The K$H Foundation will be honoring Josh, we will send details.

Until then, lets remember this great patriot by lighting up the Truth Social skies w/his brilliant posts and clips.

Good by my friend, Rest in Peace ever more. 🇺🇸🏴‍☠️👍🏽

Sep 04, 2023, 11:07 PM

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87ab0f No.87368

File: f729c672f029322⋯.png (61.91 KB,580x482,290:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496408 (052158ZSEP23) Notable: Condolences from Scavino, Kash, Nunes, intheMatrixxx, Redpill78 for Josh, The Dirty Truth

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Devin Nunes


Sad News… @RealDirty Truth was the best. We will miss him 🙏


Believe Media




There has been a great loss in our #TruthSocial community.

@RealDirty is a legend.

He held court with political commentators from major publications and with names such as @LeeSmith @Kash and @DevinNunes despite the fact that his HQ was a nursing home in WV where he required full time care.

Anyone who came into contact with him felt his warm sense of humor.

He passed over the weekend. Details as they come available.💔 #KashKrew

Sep 04, 2023, 2:02 PM

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87ab0f No.87369

File: 22c5b0a6e6f1d99⋯.png (1.14 MB,734x3260,367:1630,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496413 (052159ZSEP23) Notable: ADL going DOWN!!

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87ab0f No.87370

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496420 (052200ZSEP23) Notable: DeSantis becomes only governor to reject millions in federal aid for Biden’s climate agenda

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look at it

DeSantis becomes only governor to reject millions in federal aid for Biden’s climate agenda

The Florida governor's stand throws a wrench into the Biden administration's plans to remake the states in their green image.


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87ab0f No.87371

File: 209bc60b8bac247⋯.jpeg (396.96 KB,1170x799,1170:799,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496421 (052200ZSEP23) Notable: Though he was not at the Capitol riot,Enrique Tarrio was sentenced to 22 years in jail

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Breaking: Though he was not at the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, former Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio was convicted by a jury of seditious conspiracy and obstructing official proceedings. He has been sentenced to 22 years in prison, the longest for anyone charged over Jan. 6.


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87ab0f No.87372

File: c2d409e5dd026b8⋯.png (540.74 KB,604x858,302:429,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496443 (052203ZSEP23) Notable: The Govt is Continuing to SHAMELESSLY MISLEAD the People of Maui About the Number of Missing People

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Nick Sortor


🚨 The Government is Continuing to SHAMELESSLY MISLEAD the People of Maui About the Number of Missing People

Want to know how many people are still missing after the Lahaina fires? Well, good luck.


Just a few days ago, Green said "the numbers have dropped down into the double digits." This is NOT TRUE.

He added there are "less than 50 active missing person cases," but provided NO details as to what that means—and the only people allowed to ask him questions are his mainstream media friends.


One day after Gov. Green's statement, the FBI completely contradicted him. As of now, there are actually **385 people on the government’s “official” missing persons list.

They said 245 people had been found and were removed from the list.

This brought the number down from 388 to 143.



That's a net change of just 3.


— Almost an ENTIRE MONTH since the fire, and officials are STILL giving families practically NO real information.

What are your thoughts?


Or are they just TOTALLY incompetent?




9:10 AM · Sep 5, 2023




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87ab0f No.87373

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496444 (052203ZSEP23) Notable: Labor Work Force Down 17% From 1960s - false reporting on unemployment for DECADES

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False reporting on Unemployment for decades

Social Disaster | Labor Work Force Down 17% From 1960s



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87ab0f No.87374

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496448 (052203ZSEP23) Notable: #23944

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#23944 >>87283

>>87306 Georgia Attorney General announces RICO charges against 61 Antifa terror suspects

>>87333, >>87331 Biden's Fake Names And Companies Are Quite Disturbing: Rep Jason Smith

>>87284 President Biden Awards the Medal of Honor to Captain Larry L. Taylor, United States Army, for Conspicuous Gallantry The White House

>>87285 Israeli citizens caught smuggling explosives from Jordan for Islamic Jihad

>>87286 UN committee releases exhaustive study on the legality of Israel’s occupation

>>87287 Where and when to see the October 2023 annular eclipse

>>87288 US Court rules against Internet Archive and, in doing so, against digital collections in all libraries

>>87289, >>87291, >>87293, >>87294, >>87336 Uniparty cultists attempting to frame Texas AG Paxton.

>>87290, >>87314 Beau Biden Had Larry SinClair LOCKED UP After 2008 Press Conference | Scandal Coverup!

>>87292, >>87295, >>87301, >>87308, >>87312, >>87341, >>87344 Man who claims he had sex with Barack Obama in 1999 tells his story to Tucker.

>>87296 In politics, Big tent or catch-all party is used in reference to a political party's policy of permitting or encouraging a broad spectrum of views among its members.

>>87297 Netenyahoo to deport every single African asylum seeker, how ironic.

>>87298 It's not really a "wildfire" if it's started by an arsonist…

>>87299 Muh Marburg Virus to be “released” in October 2023.

>>87302 KJP: "We encourage Americans to get those vaccines. We know that these vaccines work, right?"

>>87303 Team Ron is already running cover for Obama. Probably because Ron is a faggot himself and will be exposed at some point.

>>87304, >>87311 LEAK: Jack Smith to Indict Trump Again - Special Counsel Investigates Fundraising, Breach of Voting Machines

>>87305 White House Says Joe Biden Will Start Wearing Mask Again After Jill Biden Tests Positive for COVID-19

>>87307 House Oversight Chairman James Comer Subpoenas Secret Service, DHS Chief Mayorkas Over Tip-Off of Hunter Biden Interview

>>87309, >>87313 NYT appalled by people maskless at the beach

>>87310 USNS Comfort (T-AH-20) Mercy-class hospital ship leaving Norfolk, Virginia

>>87315 MTG appalled at the factually wrong and completely out of touch letter written by Freedom Caucus member Rep. Ken Buck about the treatment of J6 defendants.

>>87316, >>87317 @realDonaldTrump “Three Years Later, Trump Deserves A Nobel Peace Prize For The Abraham Accords”

>>87318, >>87319 ‘I Wonder What Obama Knew About his VP’s Corrupt Business Schemes?’

>>87320 FBI Created 3,200 J6 “Playing Cards” to Identify and Surveil Americans who Attended J6 Protests - They Are Using SAME SYSTEM to Target Trump Supporters that They Used to Target America’s Enemies and Saddam’s Henchmen in Iraq Wa

>>87321, >>87323, >>87326 @realDonaldTrump “TRUMP EXPANDS LEAD OVER GOP RIVALS”

>>87322 Sidney Powell Alleges Falsehoods In Georgia Trump Indictment

>>87324 uk-government-tracks-journalists-that-make-freedom-of-information-requests

>>87325 curcumin-in-turmeric-starves-cancer-cells-to-death.html

>>87327, >>87329, >>87330 Video shot by Lahaina residents show roadblocks during fire evacuations, what knocked down ALL THOSE POWERLINES??

>>87328, >>87332 Philadelphia Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw resigns for position at Port Authority of NY and NJ

>>87334 Jack Smith suffers court setback over access to Rep. Scott Perry's phone

>>87335 GA State Senator Moore: Georgian Republicans Going Full RINO By Protecting Fani Willis

>>87337 Letitia James asks for legal sanctions against Trump in $250 million lawsuit

>>87338 @Jerusalem_Post Over 37,000 alien species are rapidly spreading across the globe due to human activities, and this number continues to surge.

>>87339 New authorities of Niger have allegedly raised the export prices of uranium

>>87340 Was the Oprah & The Rock's video they've made about the People's Fund of Maui just a Distraction?

>>87342 Larry Loomer: CIA Recruit Connected To Ukraine CAUGHT At Nazi Rally In Florida

>>87343 Alarming New, And Old Evidence Of Covid Vax Harm Emerges As Politicians & Media Begin Push For More Vaxxes


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87ab0f No.87375

File: a5a2fa8e8ce878a⋯.png (151 KB,592x809,592:809,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496451 (052204ZSEP23) Notable: The Govt is Continuing to SHAMELESSLY MISLEAD the People of Maui About the Number of Missing People

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Wall Street Apes


BREAKING: It Seems The Government Is Lying About The REAL Number Of Missing Kids In The Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii Fires 🚨

1757 kids have not re-enrolled in school. WHY NOT?! That data points towards a MAJOR discrepancy in what we’re being told as far as potentially missing children

DEWs, Direct Energy Weapons

#Hawaii #Maui #MauiFires #Lahaina #LahainaFires #DEWs #DirectedEnergyWeapons

9:37 AM · Sep 5, 2023




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87ab0f No.87376

File: 758afcf8bba961e⋯.png (291.22 KB,996x914,498:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496457 (052205ZSEP23) Notable: 59 Charged with Illegal Trafficking & other offenses in Cleveland

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59 Charged with Illegal Trafficking, Possession, and Use of Firearms, Drug Trafficking, and Conspiracy as a Result of Summer Violent Crime Reduction Effort in Cleveland


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87ab0f No.87377

File: 35d4b5f494ff749⋯.png (381.87 KB,598x666,299:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496458 (052205ZSEP23) Notable: So the gangbanger DA's dead-beat dad was shacking up with Angela Davis?

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Emerald Robinson ✝️


So the gangbanger DA's dead-beat dad was shacking up with a commie afro-queen domestic terrorist?

Fulton County is run by the lowest dregs of society.


Mike Gonzalez



Sep 4

Angela Davis' shadow over politics today is stunning. Not only is she mentor to the BLM activists who transform society. Turns out that Davis, the bootlicker of all communist dictators, was a live-in lover of Trump prosecutor Fani Willis' dad. https://nypost.com/2023/09/01/trump-prosecutor-fani-willis-father-was-top-black-panther/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=nypost_sitebuttons

via @nypost



10:10 AM · Sep 5, 2023




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87ab0f No.87378

File: 07b258e317eb1b9⋯.png (772.94 KB,808x567,808:567,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496473 (052206ZSEP23) Notable: There Is No Insurrection Case against Trump

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There Is No Insurrection Case against Trump

National Review, by Andrew C. McCarthy

Posted By: zoidberg, 9/5/2023 4:45:42 PM

You know insurrection is a crime, right? Just to recap, under Section 2383 of the federal criminal code, a person is guilty of a felony, punishable by up to ten years’ imprisonment, if he incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto. And why do we need a refresher on this? Because the Department of Justice has been investigating Donald Trump and the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot for nearly three years, yet no insurrection charges have ever been brought against Trump or anyone else.

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87ab0f No.87379

File: f21eaecdda759ff⋯.png (546.47 KB,803x784,803:784,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496481 (052207ZSEP23) Notable: House Oversight Subpoenas Mayorkas, Secret Service For Allegedly Tipping Off Biden Team About Hunter Interview

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House Oversight Subpoenas Mayorkas, Secret

Service For Allegedly Tipping Off Biden

Team About Hunter Interview

Daily Caller, by James Lynch

Posted By: Imright, 9/5/2023 4:00:05 PM

The House Oversight Committee on Tuesday subpoenaed the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Secret Service for documents and testimony related to allegations the Secret Service tipped off Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential transition team to investigators’ plans to interview Hunter Biden. House Oversight subpoenaed DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for documents and three DHS employees for depositions before the Committee. The committee also subpoenaed two Secret Service officials for depositions related to testimony from two IRS whistleblowers and a former FBI agent, alleging Secret Service agents tipped off the Biden transition team in December 2020 regarding an upcoming Hunter Biden interview.

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87ab0f No.87380

File: 589ade0f1c23515⋯.png (506.08 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 008ddd7beffb884⋯.png (329.29 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 98988f9b60693d9⋯.png (633.58 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 76da0d4fa746496⋯.png (692.22 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496484 (052208ZSEP23) Notable: PF

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Misspelling decoy ?

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87ab0f No.87381

File: 365e55ab14903a5⋯.png (433.86 KB,594x576,33:32,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496488 (052208ZSEP23) Notable: LEAK: Jack Smith to Indict Trump Again?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Gateway Pundit


LEAK: Jack Smith to Indict Trump Again – Special Counsel Investigates Fundraising, Breach of Voting Machines via @gatewaypundit


LEAK: Jack Smith to Indict Trump Again - Special Counsel Investigates Fundraising, Breach of Voting...

Special Counsel Jack Smith is gearing up to indict President Trump out of DC again, according to a new report by CNN.

8:49 AM · Sep 5, 2023




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87ab0f No.87382

File: ef41150c2cb457c⋯.png (1002.19 KB,597x872,597:872,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496500 (052209ZSEP23) Notable: ADL going DOWN!!

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Jonathan Greenblatt, the CEO of the ADL and a highly partisan Democrat who previously served in the Clinton and Obama administrations, now weaponizes accusations of racism and hate speech to silence populists, conservatives, and political opponents of the Democratic Party.

Do you see how that works?


8:32 AM · Sep 5, 2023




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87ab0f No.87383

File: 261dcc276fd3325⋯.png (340.21 KB,594x535,594:535,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496505 (052210ZSEP23) Notable: Joe Biden just WALKED OUT of a Medal of Honor award ceremony BEFORE it was over. Even the press was stunned.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Brick Suit


Joe Biden just WALKED OUT of a Medal of Honor award ceremony BEFORE it was over.

Even the press was stunned.

Is it time for Joe to step down?


9:52 AM · Sep 5, 2023




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87ab0f No.87384

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496506 (052211ZSEP23) Notable: Larry Sinclair DIG

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> Already burdened with a long rap sheet

He absolutely had a long rap sheet. He's been open and honest about that from the beginning. But to him, that had nothing to do with Obama's statements about his drug use. When O ran for President, and Larry heard his statements, knowing they were false, because he gave him a blow job in the back seat of a car while Obama was smoking an 8 balls, he said he couldn't let that stand and, for lack of a better term, kek, came out about it. Many people don't know that Obama actually went to Larry's hotel room the next night, or night after. Yeah. God is letting it ALL out! Bring it!

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87ab0f No.87385

File: 91212aa4ebdf913⋯.png (175.34 KB,841x719,841:719,Clipboard.png)

File: 4fdb0f51a6acbd4⋯.png (196.47 KB,851x880,851:880,Clipboard.png)

File: 11b418ed64df7e9⋯.png (187.1 KB,853x844,853:844,Clipboard.png)

File: eabc6c042e1323a⋯.png (131.53 KB,820x553,820:553,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496511 (052211ZSEP23) Notable: FBI Lies About ‘Highly Credible’ Source Claims Were Leaked To NYT And Spoonfed To Weiss

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FBI Lies About ‘Highly Credible’ Source Claims Were Leaked To NYT And Spoonfed To Weiss

Emails obtained by the Heritage Foundation following a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, and shared exclusively with The Federalist, reveal that lies leaked to The New York Times about the origins of damning evidence implicating Hunter and Joe Biden in a bribery scandal were fed to Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss.

As I previously detailed, The New York Times reported those lies in its Dec. 11, 2020, article, “Material from Giuliani Spurred a Separate Justice Depart. Pursuit of Hunter Biden” — just a week after Americans first learned of the investigation of the now-president’s son. The Times’ reporting was “replete with falsehoods and deceptive narratives,” but “Americans just didn’t know it at the time.”

However, earlier this year, thanks to “whistleblower revelations and statements by former Attorney General William Barr,” the country learned that the Times’ claims — that evidence implicating the Bidens was derived from Giuliani — were false. Rather, a separate investigation had uncovered reporting from a “highly credible” FBI confidential human source (CHS) implicating Hunter and Joe Biden in a bribery scandal.

Now the FOIA-produced emails reveal even more: The FBI lies, laundered through The New York Times, were fed directly to Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss.

The Emails

The never-before-seen emails provided late last week by the Department of Justice to the Heritage Foundation and its Oversight Project director, Mike Howell, in response to a court order, included an email thread revealing how the Times story landed in Weiss’s lap.

“Ladies, here you have attached the NYT’s story ‘Material from Giuliani Spurred a Separate Justice Depart. Pursuit of Hunter Biden’ which posted a bit ago. Link here,” a Dec. 11, 2020, 6:44 p.m. email from the FBI Office of Public Affairs’ National Press Office read.

The names of the two email recipients were redacted. But the “(PG) (FBI)” and “(BA) (FBI)” coding suggests the National Press Office had forwarded the Times’ article, which spun evidence obtained by the Pittsburgh office as originating from Giuliani disinformation, to the Pittsburgh FBI office and the Baltimore FBI office — which provided support for the Delaware U.S. attorney’s office.

Within two hours of the FBI’s National Press Office sharing the false narrative about evidence of Biden family corruption, the link had been forwarded to a variety of Baltimore FBI agents, from there to Weiss’s top deputies Lesley Wolf and Shawn Weede, and further on by Weede to fellow Assistant U.S. Attorney Shannon Hanson and Weiss. Weiss himself then forwarded the Times article to another member of the Delaware U.S. attorney’s office, whose name was redacted in the FOIA-provided documents.

Given the sweetheart deal Weiss’s top Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf later tried to gift to Hunter Biden, this latest revelation raises the question of whether (and, if so, when) Weiss’s staff informed him of the CHS’s reporting that Burisma paid $5 million each in bribes to both Hunter Biden and Joe Biden.

These questions are now more important than ever because the just-released emails show Weiss’s staff sharing with him The New York Times’ false reporting that portrayed evidence coming from the Pittsburgh FBI office as sourced solely to Rudy Giuliani. But that’s not true — not by a long shot. At a minimum, Wolf and others in the Delaware office knew that — but Weiss might not have.


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87ab0f No.87386

File: 86a22f5a5260c29⋯.png (359.33 KB,597x576,199:192,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496516 (052212ZSEP23) Notable: Larry Sinclair DIG

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Tracy Beanz


Larry is 100% legit. He’s a dear friend. His story is the real deal.


Tucker Carlson




A man who claims he had sex with Barack Obama in 1999 tells his story.

Wednesday. 6pm ET.

10:12 AM · Sep 5, 2023




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87ab0f No.87387

File: c1c0edf714c45c6⋯.png (174.19 KB,598x857,598:857,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496544 (052216ZSEP23) Notable: @RepJamesComer: After months of obstruction by @DHSgov, and the U.S. Secret Service, I am issuing six subpoenas today.

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Rep. James Comer



After months of obstruction by @DHSgov

and the U.S. Secret Service, I am issuing six subpoenas today.


will continue to fight for transparency and accountability on behalf of the American people.

Read for more👇


Square profile picture

Oversight Committee





The Department of Justice initiated the Biden family coverup, and now DHS, under the leadership of Secretary Mayorkas, is complicit in it.

IRS whistleblowers provided testimony regarding misconduct during the Hunter Biden criminal investigation, including… Show more



6:40 AM · Sep 5, 2023




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87ab0f No.87388

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496552 (052217ZSEP23) Notable: Anon opines on Paxton impeachment Day 1

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1st day of Paxton impeachment is a shit show. LT Gov. Patrick is not doing himself any favors here. He is not qualified to make legal rulings and doesn't belong sitting there. Wonder why the TX Supreme Court Chief Justice isn't doing it.

1st witness has not brought light to any evidence but set the stage for 8 of them in the office either had a holier than thou attitude and sabotaged Paxton in a mob mentality group or Paxton did something wrong. So far my opinion is they created a toxic environment and mutiny. This lawyer, who finds himself so talented, completely sucks as a witness. All day wasted to hear him pass Judgement on Paxton for stupid opinions. I don't foresee anything of substance coming from him as it is typical to come out with a bang. Unless he has something in the first 15 minutes tomorrow, I will probably tune out until next witness.

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87ab0f No.87389

File: 1a9d9cc99c5e540⋯.png (96.31 KB,631x696,631:696,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496558 (052217ZSEP23) Notable: Rules of engagement for the war of words

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Rules of engagement for the war of words

American Thnker, by D. Parker

Posted By: rememberwhen, 9/5/2023 3:01:02 PM

How did the fascist left get the right to decree the meaning of every bloody word in the dictionary? If there’s one thing every nation’s socialist left has been good at, it’s propaganda and wordplay. Joseph Goebbels, Saul Alinsky, and others were masters at the art of lying with language. (Imagining with amusement, leftists out there losing their collective minds over the fact that we just dared to compare their hero to Saul Alinsky or the other way around, but I digress.) Let’s face it, the far left has weaponized the King’s English against our individual liberties and rights....

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87ab0f No.87390

File: 7452d0a181c5b66⋯.png (325.17 KB,598x663,46:51,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496566 (052218ZSEP23) Notable: "We're measuring just how much of an impact our food choices have on our emissions" - Mayor of New York

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Wall Street Silver


It's happening ... 🔊 … sound on

"We're measuring just how much of an impact our food choices have on our emissions" - Mayor of New York

Remember folks we are the carbon they want to reduce.

Ht Clown Plant HQ YT


7:29 AM · Sep 5, 2023




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87ab0f No.87391

File: 9a78c557394bf39⋯.png (298.19 KB,853x720,853:720,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496569 (052219ZSEP23) Notable: FBI Created 3,200 J6 “Playing Cards” to Identify and Surveil Americans who Attended J6 Protests.

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EXCLUSIVE: FBI Created 3,200 J6 “Playing Cards” to Identify and Surveil Americans who Attended J6 Protests – They Are Using SAME SYSTEM to Target Trump Supporters that They Used to Target America’s Enemies and Saddam’s Henchmen in Iraq War (VIDEO)


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87ab0f No.87392

File: e76c66eb1c0ab15⋯.png (253.33 KB,586x878,293:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496574 (052219ZSEP23) Notable: A DC area elementary school is reinstating a mask mandatefor third graders over a few kids testing positive for covid

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Josh Hawley


Never again


Clay Travis




A DC area elementary school — Montgomery County, Maryland — is reinstating a mask mandate — N95’s — for third graders over a few kids testing positive for covid. Here’s the letter. They’re coming with masks for your kids again. Get ready. Read this insanity.


7:10 AM · Sep 5, 2023




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87ab0f No.87393

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496577 (052220ZSEP23) Notable: Though he was not at the Capitol riot,Enrique Tarrio was sentenced to 22 years in jail

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Anyone read the Transcripts from the case? Did they finally redact all of their private messages from WhatsApp and Signal? The ones that Kellye SoRelle wanted erased.

Tarrio: ‘I am not a political zealot’

Before he was sentenced, Tarrio apologized for the “pain and suffering” that law enforcement, legislators, and others suffered on January 6, and vowed to have “nothing to do with politics, groups, activism or rallies.”

“I have always tried to hold myself to a higher standard and I failed,” he said. “I held myself morally above others, and this trial has shown me how wrong I was.”

Standing before the judge in an orange jumpsuit, Tarrio said that he “spent the last year and a half trying to figure out how I ended up at this podium. On November 3, 2020, something that I never expected happened – my candidate lost. I felt like something was personally stolen from me. Every media channel that I turned to told me I was justified.”

But, Tarrio said, he was against the violence that erupted at the Capitol: “I am not a political zealot. Inflicting harm or changing the outcome of the election was not my goal.”

Prosecutor Conor Mulroe slammed Tarrio, saying that the Proud Boys leader had a “toxic ability to control others” and was the “leader of this conspiracy” that “targeted our entire system of government.”

Mulroe described Tarrio as someone with a “toxic ability to control others” who “increased his own fame and stature by fanning the flame of violence, political violence.”

“These are men who would never strap a bomb to their chest or sign up for a training camp, but they are thrilled by the notion of traveling from city to city and beating their advisories senseless in a street fight,” Mulroe said.

The Proud Boys organization, led by Tarrio, “were not just a drop in the bucket” when it comes to the violence on January 6, Mulroe said. The group “had an integral role in that first breach” at the Capitol, Mulroe said. “The actions of that group were absolutely pivotal on January 6 and followed directly the plotting and planning of Enrique Tarrio.”

Tarrio’s lawyer Sabino Jauregui fiercely fought additional terrorism sentencing penalties Tuesday, saying that “it was not his intention to bring down the United States government, or overthrow the United States government.”

“My client is no terrorist,” Jauregui said. “My client is a misguided patriot. That’s what my client is. This is not some foreign national waging war against the United States – he thought he was saving this country, saving this republic.”


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87ab0f No.87394

File: 0bc51a6c9bc0c48⋯.png (144.38 KB,603x736,603:736,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496580 (052220ZSEP23) Notable: Re jobs: Once you become legal, you’ll be punished.

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Lara Logan


Once you become legal, you’ll be punished.


Collin Rugg



Sep 4

BIDENOMICS: Zero Hedge reports that 1.2 million American born workers have been replaced by nearly 700k foreign born workers.

Bidenomics: America last.

As Biden continues to tout his economy, the data says otherwise.

The July jobs estimate was revised 30,000 lower and the June… Show more


7:37 AM · Sep 5, 2023




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87ab0f No.87395

File: d9ee1ba7bb62216⋯.png (391.67 KB,585x580,117:116,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496587 (052221ZSEP23) Notable: Biden Will Start Wearing Mask Again After Jill Biden Tests Positive for COVID-19

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Square profile picture

The Gateway Pundit


HERE WE GO: White House Says Joe Biden Will Start Wearing Mask Again After Jill Biden Tests Positive for COVID-19 via @gatewaypundit


HERE WE GO: White House Says Joe Biden Will Start Wearing Mask Again After Jill Biden Tests...

In a move that amplifies the narrative of a never-ending COVID-19 crisis, the White House announced on Monday that Jill Biden has tested positive for the virus while vacationing in aware.

8:05 AM · Sep 5, 2023




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87ab0f No.87396

File: d304cb23e8b6151⋯.png (370.1 KB,594x675,22:25,Clipboard.png)

File: 294d127cefbb83d⋯.png (349.85 KB,475x304,25:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496600 (052223ZSEP23) Notable: Biden Will Start Wearing Mask Again After Jill Biden Tests Positive for COVID-19

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Emerald Robinson ✝️


Here comes the tyranny! The Biden regime is going to run the entire COVID playbook again: lockdowns, masks, booster mandates, everything.

Do not comply.


Kyle Becker




Biden is wearing a mask again.

The fix is in. They are bringing back Covid hysteria for the election

6:59 AM · Sep 5, 2023




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87ab0f No.87397

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496610 (052225ZSEP23) Notable: Cuba Busts "Human Trafficking Network" To Ship Cubans To Russia's Frontlines

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Cuba Busts "Human Trafficking Network" To Ship Cubans To Russia's Frontlines

On Tuesday, the Foreign Ministry of Cuba said it has 'neutralized' and 'dismantled' a human trafficking network that operates from Russia to recruit Cubans to the Russian frontlines to fight against Ukraine.

"Cuba faces human trafficking operations for the purpose of military recruitment," the ministry said, adding:

"The Ministry of the Interior detected and is working on the neutralization and dismantling of a human trafficking network that operates from Russia to incorporate Cuban citizens living there, and even some from Cuba, into the military forces participating in war operations in Ukraine. Attempts of this nature have been neutralized and criminal proceedings have been initiated against people involved in these activities."

The ministry said, "Cuba is not part of the war in Ukraine," and denounced "any form of human trafficking for the purpose of recruitment or mercenarism for Cuban citizens to use arms against any country."

Bloomberg said this comes one week after two Cuban teenagers told YouTube influencer Alain Paparazzi Cubano that Russia scammed them under the impression they would work construction jobs but instead ended up on the frontlines digging trenches and were not paid.

"We are 19-year-old boys, we are in Russia supposedly for a contract, but everything has been a scam, a hoax," they told YouTuber Cubano.

"They told us that (we were going) for the construction, to fix the houses devastated by the war, trenches, rubble. Everything has been a scam," they said.

"They haven't paid us, we don't have passports, we don't have documents. They kept everything as soon as we got here," they said.

"We have been to more than seven Russian cities, in the hospitals that we arrived they do the same tests, nobody knows about us," they complained.

Russia's Foreign Affairs Ministry has yet to comment on Cuba's claim, but it comes at a period when the country has experienced a historic population decline due to low birth rates, high emigration, and losses in the war in Ukraine.


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87ab0f No.87398

File: c7b28c54f14b2b8⋯.png (377.92 KB,823x626,823:626,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496627 (052227ZSEP23) Notable: LEAK: Jack Smith to Indict Trump Again?

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ANOTHER LEAK: Jack Smith to Indict Trump Again – Special Counsel Investigates Fundraising, Breach of Voting Machines


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87ab0f No.87399

File: d939f3cd2f0696d⋯.png (186.91 KB,598x786,299:393,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496639 (052229ZSEP23) Notable: Renz: Get the jab - get #COVID

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Tom Renz


The corrupt CDC has admitted that the modRNA / mRNA COVID may increase your likelihood of catching the new variant. Get the jab - get #COVID. The reality is that the jabs cause autoimmune issues that make you more susceptible to COVID and a host of other things (VAIDS anyone). It destroys your natural immune system… but don’t worry Bill Gates & his WEF allies will have a vaccine for that. #CDC #modRNA #mRNA #COVID19 #WEF #BillGates #VAIDS @VigilantFox
















7:43 AM · Sep 5, 2023




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87ab0f No.87400

File: 0de3e5a81df1fac⋯.png (296.97 KB,595x604,595:604,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496652 (052230ZSEP23) Notable: ADL going DOWN!!

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Jack Poso 🇺🇸


Important to understand that @ElonMusk

isn't only calling out the ADL, they are at the lead of "Stop Toxic Twitter" Coalition bc of grants by Pierre Omidyar

Others: Brock's Media Matters, Color of Charge, Center for Countering Digital Hate, GLAAD, MoveOn, Podesta's CAP


6:50 AM · Sep 5, 2023




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87ab0f No.87401

File: c005e9bdb47ff4e⋯.png (42.14 KB,1216x339,1216:339,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496657 (052230ZSEP23) Notable: Biden admin quietly reverses Trump-era rule, bans transporting fossil fuels by train

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Biden admin quietly reverses Trump-era

rule, bans transporting fossil fuels by train

Fox News, by Thomas Catenacci

Posted By: JunkYardDog, 9/5/2023 1:35:23 PM

The Biden administration quietly rescinded a Trump-era regulation allowing companies to transport liquefied natural gas (LNG) via rail in a victory for environmental groups. In a federal filing Friday ahead of the holiday weekend, the Department of Transportation's Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) formally suspended the 2020 authorization of LNG transportation in rail tank cars. The rule will remain in effect until either a permanent rule regarding LNG rail tank car transportation is proposed and finalized — a process that may take several months — or June 30, 2025.

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87ab0f No.87402

File: 3e3600d16f1842c⋯.jpg (59 KB,612x490,306:245,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ad1c0a6c9c61af0⋯.jpg (52.93 KB,534x612,89:102,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9b723af1eadf5e3⋯.jpg (24.23 KB,612x345,204:115,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496663 (052231ZSEP23) Notable: So the gangbanger DA's dead-beat dad was shacking up with Angela Davis?

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Murder suspect Angela Yvonne Davis, 26, is led by federal ag

UNITED STATES - OCTOBER 13: Murder suspect Angela Yvonne Davis, 26, is led by federal agents through lobby of FBI headquarters on E. 69th St. Angela was the object of a two-month nationwide search after she was charged with murder and kidnaping in a shootout at California courthouse in which judge and three others were killed. Agents staked out the Howard Johnson Motor Lodge on W. 51st St. and took Angela without a struggle. She was on the FBI's 10-most-wanted list., Angela Davis (Photo by Carmine Donofrio/NY Daily News Archive via Getty Images)


Angela Davis' Family

Mr. and Mrs. Frank B.F. Davis and Ben Davis, the parents and brother of activist Angela Davis, are shown in photos placed in New York files in 1971. Ben David [SIC] is a cornerback for the Cleveland Browns. (Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)


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87ab0f No.87403

File: ce8e75048584ff7⋯.png (199.35 KB,612x744,51:62,Clipboard.png)

File: 042a18da425d2d7⋯.png (120.24 KB,490x275,98:55,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496718 (052238ZSEP23) Notable: Protesters in Chad take to the streets after the death of a Chadian soldier in an altercation with a French soldier.

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Lord Bebo



🇹🇩 🇫🇷 Protesters in Chad take to the streets after the death of a Chadian soldier in an altercation with a French soldier.

There is no official reaction from the authorities of Chad and France at the moment.


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87ab0f No.87404

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496724 (052239ZSEP23) Notable: BIDEN WH RELIED ON FOREIGN “DISINFO” ACTIVISTS TO PRESSURE FB TO CENSOR AMERICANS

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Internal FB docs recently obtained by




show the Biden Admin and foreign activists wanted Americans censored.

🧵 Thread:

6:17 PM · Sep 5, 2023

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87ab0f No.87405

File: 937251b93eb438f⋯.png (47.05 KB,629x379,629:379,Clipboard.png)

File: 2bf97373073b70a⋯.png (551.57 KB,650x496,325:248,Clipboard.png)

File: 48e323f4f8a5c01⋯.png (375.57 KB,328x544,41:68,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496728 (052240ZSEP23) Notable: Gates buys 1.7mil shares of Bud Light's parent company

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87ab0f No.87406

File: 9c7112df626ef91⋯.png (731.84 KB,1172x1186,586:593,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496757 (052244ZSEP23) Notable: BIDEN WH RELIED ON FOREIGN “DISINFO” ACTIVISTS TO PRESSURE FB TO CENSOR AMERICANS

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The latest edition of Facebook Files is HERE! The White House relied on a foreign group, the Center for Countering Digital Hate, to collude with Big Tech and censor Americans. Here’s my latest for @townhallcom, which has also been targeted by the CCDH!


House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) has been exposing how Big Tech colluded with the federal government to censor Americans for months with the release of the Facebook Files. The latest reveals involvement from the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), which also targeted Townhall.

Here is what we now know about CCDH, which targeted Townhall and other conservative accounts, including individuals and outlets alike.

As it turns out, the Biden White House relied on foreign "disinfo" activists to pressure Facebook to censor Americans. Worse, it turns out the group supposedly targeting disinformation had their facts wrong. Facebook knew it, too.

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87ab0f No.87407

File: e8d88ea4a5cb8a1⋯.png (546.98 KB,600x338,300:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 821852d9f4f58a1⋯.png (174.88 KB,443x563,443:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496788 (052249ZSEP23) Notable: India Gears up for Its First Manned Space Mission - But First, They Will Send Humanoid Robot Vyommitra

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After the Moon Landing and the Solar Probe Launch, India Gears up for Its First Manned Space Mission – But First, They Will Send Humanoid Robot Vyommitra

Sep. 5, 2023 3:20 pm

After the historic Chandrayaan-3 soft landing on the Lunar south pole with the subsequent scientific rover mission, and the launch of the Solar probe Aditya-L1, the Indian Space Agency (ISRO) is NOT resting on its laurels.

but rather is doubling down on cementing its status as Planet Earth’s newest space superpower, with a much more risky challenge: a manned space mission.

“The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) is getting ready to launch the first Gaganyaan mission, with Vyommitra, a female-looking space-faring humanoid robot as its first tester.

[…] Last week, Union minister Jitendra Singh updated the public on India’s first manned space trip, revealing that trials for the project would begin in October. He said the project’s second phase will involve the launch of a female humanoid robot called ‘Vyommitra’ into space.

[…] The launch of Gaganyaan, the first mission to send humans into space, is planned for 2024. The original launch date for the mission was 2022. However, it was pushed back because of the COVID-19 pandemic.”

An Indian astronaut, Wing Commander Rakesh Sharma, already went to space, as a cosmonaut aboard a Russian spacecraft.

“The Gaganyaan project aims to launch a three-person crew on a three-day voyage in a 400-kilometer orbit and bring them safely back to Earth. The team will touch down in the Indian Ocean on their return trip.”

To accomplish this new level of space missions, ISRO will modify the current LVM-3 rocket and it will become a ‘Human-Rated Launch Vehicle’ (HRLV), capable of carrying a crew module and the Indian astronauts to space.

IndiaToday reported:

“Rajarajan, Director of the Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SHAR), explained in an exclusive interview with IndiaToday that the primary role of the HRLV will be to transport the crew module and orbital module into space, placing them in a 400 km circular orbit.

‘LVM3 will be called HRLV as we are human rating the vehicle. All the systems will be developed with the most margin of safety against failure. Along with this, we will have to make sure that the crew escape system should take away the crew module to a safe distance in case of any anomaly in any stages’,” Rajarajan said.”

All systems will have a ‘high safety margin against failure’, and a crew escape system will be implemented. The idea is that that the crew module can be safely ejected away from the rocket, in case of any ‘anomalies’.

“Rajarajan also discussed the infrastructure requirements for the mission, stating that a separate facility is being established for the preparation of the orbital module, which includes the crew module, the service module, and the crew escape system.”

ISRO is willç begin testing using the L-40 engine in October. But before any humans step into the capsule and risk their lives, a friendly helping hand will be given by a humanoid robot ‘space friend’.

DQ India reported:

“Vyommitra is a half-humanoid robot resembling humans. […] Vyommitra is named after the Sanskrit words ‘Vyoma’ which means ‘space’ and ‘Mitra’ meaning ‘friend’. It embodies the aspirations of India’s space program to explore the cosmos alongside human companions.”

Vyommitra is ‘a mission in itself’.

“In preparation for India’s maiden [manned] spaceflight mission, Vyommitra will be a part of the uncrewed Gaganyaan mission. During her space endeavor, she will be responsible for executing some vital tasks that include: microgravity Experiments, monitoring module parameters, etc.

[…] Vyommitra will test systems and procedures that will be employed during manned missions ensuring their effectiveness. It will contribute to improving the safety of future manned mission.”


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87ab0f No.87408

File: 37a58a97bb088c3⋯.png (221.49 KB,744x496,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496851 (052259ZSEP23) Notable: Former Chris Christie aide arrested on child sex abuse, porn charges: report

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Former Chris Christie aide arrested on child sex abuse, porn charges: report

A one-time aide to former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie was arrested this month for allegedly paying for a photo of a 6-year-old girl being sexually abused.

Kevin Tomafsky, 41, was nabbed Aug. 15 after a grand jury indicted him in July on multiple child sexual abuse charges, according to court reports obtained by the New Jersey Globe.

Tomafsky had been under investigation since October 2022, when Snapchat reported the uploading of alleged child sex abuse to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, which was then sent to the Gloucester County Prosecutor’s office.

Tomafsky allegedly received a photo on the app of a young girl engaging in oral sex with an adult after the Gloucester prosecutor’s office reviewed records supplied by Snapchat, the outlet reported.

When authorities executed a search warrant in December in the house Tomafsky shares with his mother, they allegedly found less than 1,000 items of child sexual abuse materials.

Tomafsky was reportedly charged with engaging in sexual conduct with a child, conspiracy to endanger the welfare of a child, permitting a child to engage in pornography and the possession of child pornography.

A second individual was charged with six criminal accounts, including knowingly committing the act of sexual penetration on the 6-year-old and photographing a child engaging in a sex act.

Citing three sources, the second suspect was identified by the Globe as the victim’s father.

Tomafsky is currently being held at the Salem County Correctional Facility in Mannington.

According to the outlet, the alleged child predator was employed by the Christie administration from 2010 through 2012. He worked in the scheduling office, managing surrogates that represented the governor at events.

He then was hired for 11 months as a government and community relations representative at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey — at the recommendation of Christie’s office.

Tomafsky’s latest string of jobs included legislative director for Assemblyman Sam Fiocchi (R-Vineland) and president of the Washington Township Republican Club, while also working on Republican political campaigns.

He was working at an undisclosed government job until Friday, when he resigned.


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87ab0f No.87409

File: 626f7af9bb93aff⋯.png (24.8 KB,603x284,603:284,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496852 (052259ZSEP23) Notable: @BarnettforAZ Do not comply, tell the government to kick rocks

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Josh Barnett-AZ


Do not comply and move your business into the Private as a private membership Association, and tell the government to kick rocks


Jack Poso 🇺🇸




I don't know who needs to hear this but Alex Jones told us he had TSA sources saying COVID measures would be returned by mid-September and now Jill Biden has tested positive of COVID on Sept 5th

5:17 AM · Sep 5, 2023




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87ab0f No.87410

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496862 (052301ZSEP23) Notable: 26 Georgians arrested on sexual exploitation charges

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Greater Decatur resident one of 26 Georgians arrested on sexual exploitation charges

A Greater Decatur resident is one of 26 Georgians who were recently arrested as part of an investigation into child sexual exploitation.

Zachary Mitchell Allen, 40, was arrested in Gwinnett County and is accused of enticing a child for indecent purposes and obscene internet contact with a child. He has bonded out of jail, records show. Attempts to reach Allen or his attorney for comment were unsuccessful. The Gwinnett County Police declined to confirm Allen’s arrest and arrest records were corroborated via an open records request to the Gwinnett County Sheriff’s Office.

According to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, 24 agencies that are part of the Georgia Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force participated in the operation.

“Operation Sneaky Peach was a statewide, multi-jurisdictional coordinated effort by all agencies involved to identify and arrest individuals involved in technology facilitated crimes against children,” a press release from GBI says. “Operation Sneaky Peach involved three months of planning and included both proactive and reactive cases investigated by the GBI and affiliate agencies with the Georgia ICAC Task Force. Proactive investigations consisted of targeting peer-to-peer network users sharing Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM), commonly known as child pornography, and undercover chat investigations targeting those that communicate with and arrange to meet what is believed to be a child for the purpose of engaging in sexual acts. Reactive investigations consisted of working CyberTips received from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children that involved the possession, distribution, and/or manufacturing of CSAM.”

Police agencies executed 34 residential search warrants as part of the operation.

“Digital forensic investigators previewed 296 electronic devices on scene and seized 281 electronic devices to include cellular phones, tablets, computers, hard drives, and various electronic data storage devices,” the press release says. “Operation Sneaky Peach identified 30 children that were residing in households where online child sexual exploitation was occurring. Four of those arrested during Operation Sneaky Peach admitted to current or prior hands-on sexual offenses against a child.”

In addition to the 26 adults arrested, one of those arrested was a minor and was charged as a juvenile, the GBI’s press release says.

“More arrests may be forthcoming in this investigation once complete forensic processing of the seized electronic devices have occurred,” the GBI’s press release says.

Allen’s arrest follows another recent child exploitation arrest involving a Decatur resident.

The Georgia Bureau of Investigation arrested and charged Jamison Parker, 37, of Decatur, on Aug. 17. Parker is accused of sexual exploitation of children. The Decatur Police Department helped the GBI execute the search warrant in this case.

A spokesperson for the GBI says Parker is facing three counts of sexual exploitation of children.

Parker lives in the 200 block of Ponce de Leon Place, according to a spokesperson for Decatur Police. Parker has been released from jail, according to county records. Attempts to reach Parker or his attorney were unsuccessful.

For more information about that story, click here.

The GBI says the public can submit tips anonymously.


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87ab0f No.87411

File: 0913f708d154a13⋯.png (687.31 KB,813x629,813:629,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496863 (052301ZSEP23) Notable: Fauci Knew NIH Funded Wuhan’s Gain-of-Function Research as Pandemic Began

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Fauci Knew NIH Funded Wuhan’s Gain-of-Function

Research as Pandemic Began, Email Reveals

National Review, by David Zimmerman

Posted By: Dreadnought, 9/5/2023 1:13:17 PM

Despite his claims to the contrary, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, knew by January 2020 that his agency was funding gain-of-function research of novel coronaviruses in Wuhan, China. A newly released email obtained by the investigative public-health non-profit U.S. Right to Know revealed that Fauci knew the extent of the Chinese coronavirus research before the pandemic broke out in the U.S.. In a January 27, 2020, email, Fauci received talking points from an aide regarding Wuhan Institute of Virology research that was being funded by the disease division of the National Institutes of Health. The former chief medical adviser to the president

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87ab0f No.87412

File: 2fdf1541396fa6f⋯.png (163.25 KB,585x881,585:881,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496880 (052302ZSEP23) Notable: @EmeraldRobinson Today, they started up the COVID simulation again in Israel.

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Emerald Robinson ✝️


Today, they started up the COVID simulation again in Israel.

Remember: it’s the Great Reset.


Dr. Eli David




🚨 Breaking: Israel Ministry of Health orders all hospitals to conduct PCR Covid tests for all admitted patients 🤯

Here we go again...


11:40 AM · Sep 5, 2023




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87ab0f No.87413

File: 7e18637ad08b0b7⋯.png (488.76 KB,595x570,119:114,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496896 (052304ZSEP23) Notable: Over 60 Antifa Militants Indicted Under RICO For Atlanta ‘Cop City’ Protests and Attacks on Police Officers

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The Gateway Pundit


Over 60 Antifa Militants Indicted Under RICO For Atlanta ‘Cop City’ Protests and Attacks on Police Officers via @gatewaypundit


Over 60 Antifa Militants Indicted Under RICO For Atlanta 'Cop City' Protests and Attacks on Police...

Over 60 Antifa militants have been indicted under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act over the Atlanta “Cop City” riots and attacks on officers.

10:45 AM · Sep 5, 2023




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87ab0f No.87414

File: 7b50edb0b31f3c2⋯.png (785.57 KB,817x450,817:450,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496905 (052305ZSEP23) Notable: ADL going DOWN!!

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Libs of TikTok: The ADL tried to deplatform

me on X after defaming me, and now Elon

Musk plans to expose them

Human Events, by Chaya Raichik

Posted By: AltaD, 9/5/2023 1:00:49 PM

The Anti-Defamation League was founded in 1910 with an explicit mission "to stop the defamation of the Jewish people, and to secure justice and fair treatment for all," but in recent years they have completely gone off the rails. In recent years though, it seems the ADL simply attacks anyone who doesn’t go along with the far-left agenda. The ADL targeted me, a young conservative Jewish woman, for speaking out against wokeness, far-left indoctrination of children, and the medical mutilation of minors under the guise of gender ideology. (Snip) The ADL came after the ad revenue on the site by pressuring advertisers

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87ab0f No.87415

File: 2fb3ff557a7fb06⋯.png (176.88 KB,413x594,413:594,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496921 (052307ZSEP23) Notable: Condolences from Scavino, Kash, Nunes, intheMatrixxx, Redpill78 for Josh, The Dirty Truth

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My heart breaks. You were a true fighter, “Real Dirty.” May we all take your lead in this fight against tyranny by exposing TRUTH!! You did this with Aces, brother!

RIP, fren!!! 🫡🙏🇺🇸

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87ab0f No.87416

File: 3dd6724f560bcac⋯.png (254.65 KB,599x558,599:558,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496929 (052308ZSEP23) Notable: Philadelphia police commissioner resigns amid crime wave

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Philadelphia police commissioner resigns amid crime wave


Philadelphia police commissioner resigns amid crime wave

Philadelphia Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw is leaving the department later in September to take on a new leadership position at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.

3:26 AM · Sep 5, 2023




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87ab0f No.87417

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496965 (052315ZSEP23) Notable: #23945

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#23945 >>87345

>>87346, >>87369, >>87382, >>87348, >>87400, >>87414 ADL going DOWN!!

>>87347, >>87384, >>87386 Larry Sinclair DIG

>>87349 [How] China MESSED Up California

>>87350 PDJT: The highly partisan January 6th Committee of political Hacks and Thugs has been found to have DELETED & DESTROYED all evidence and findings of [J6]

>>87351 Tucker Carlson Drops Bombshell Trailer That Barack Obama Doesn't Want You to See

>>87352 Dr. Peter McCullough: Childhood Transgenderism Is Driven by Autism Linked to Vaccines

>>87353 Judge Condemns J6 Capitol Protester Joe Biggs to 17 Years in Prison for Shaking Bike Fence

>>87354 Study Shows Thousands of American Children Underwent Gender Transition

>>87355, >>87365 Warroom: Neo Nazis want Bidan, hate Trump! Warroom remembers Joshua Cremean AKA Dirty Truth

>>87356, >>87391 FBI Created 3,200 J6 “Playing Cards” to Identify and Surveil Americans who Attended J6 Protests.

>>87357 Ex-Mossad chief Shabtai Shavit dies at 84

>>87360 Matthew Bachman a forme Guardian Ad Litem (Child Trafficking Courts) of Tampa, Florida is rebuilding Maui??

>>87361 Trump’s daily statements threaten to prejudice jury pool in D.C. elections case, prosecutors warn

>>87358, >>87362, >>87359 RE: Joe Scarborough Tirade

>>87363 FBI Knew Ukrainian Spy with Azov ties Was at Capitol Riot: QAnon Shaman

>>87364 NEW: Brent oil jumps above $90 for first time since November

>>87366, >>87367, >>87368, >>87415 Condolences from Scavino, Kash, Nunes, intheMatrixxx, Redpill78 for Josh, The Dirty Truth

>>87370 DeSantis becomes only governor to reject millions in federal aid for Biden’s climate agenda

>>87371, >>87393 Though he was not at the Capitol riot,Enrique Tarrio was sentenced to 22 years in jail

>>87372, >>87375 The Govt is Continuing to SHAMELESSLY MISLEAD the People of Maui About the Number of Missing People

>>87373 Labor Work Force Down 17% From 1960s - false reporting on unemployment for DECADES

>>87376 59 Charged with Illegal Trafficking & other offenses in Cleveland

>>87378 There Is No Insurrection Case against Trump

>>87379 House Oversight Subpoenas Mayorkas, Secret Service For Allegedly Tipping Off Biden Team About Hunter Interview

>>87380 PF

>>87381, >>87398 LEAK: Jack Smith to Indict Trump Again?

>>87383 Joe Biden just WALKED OUT of a Medal of Honor award ceremony BEFORE it was over. Even the press was stunned.

>>87385 FBI Lies About ‘Highly Credible’ Source Claims Were Leaked To NYT And Spoonfed To Weiss

>>87387 @RepJamesComer: After months of obstruction by @DHSgov, and the U.S. Secret Service, I am issuing six subpoenas today.

>>87388 Anon opines on Paxton impeachment Day 1

>>87389 Rules of engagement for the war of words

>>87390 "We're measuring just how much of an impact our food choices have on our emissions" - Mayor of New York

>>87392 A DC area elementary school is reinstating a mask mandatefor third graders over a few kids testing positive for covid

>>87394 Re jobs: Once you become legal, you’ll be punished.

>>87395, >>87396 Biden Will Start Wearing Mask Again After Jill Biden Tests Positive for COVID-19

>>87397 Cuba Busts "Human Trafficking Network" To Ship Cubans To Russia's Frontlines

>>87399 Renz: Get the jab - get #COVID

>>87401 Biden admin quietly reverses Trump-era rule, bans transporting fossil fuels by train

>>87377, >>87402 So the gangbanger DA's dead-beat dad was shacking up with Angela Davis?

>>87403 Protesters in Chad take to the streets after the death of a Chadian soldier in an altercation with a French soldier.


>>87405 Gates buys 1.7mil shares of Bud Light's parent company

>>87407 India Gears up for Its First Manned Space Mission - But First, They Will Send Humanoid Robot Vyommitra

>>87408 Former Chris Christie aide arrested on child sex abuse, porn charges: report

>>87409 @BarnettforAZ Do not comply, tell the government to kick rocks

>>87410 26 Georgians arrested on sexual exploitation charges

>>87411 Fauci Knew NIH Funded Wuhan’s Gain-of-Function Research as Pandemic Began

>>87412 @EmeraldRobinson Today, they started up the COVID simulation again in Israel.

>>87413 Over 60 Antifa Militants Indicted Under RICO For Atlanta ‘Cop City’ Protests and Attacks on Police Officers

>>87416 Philadelphia police commissioner resigns amid crime wave

last call

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87ab0f No.87418

File: 41a489c922d3875⋯.png (187.95 KB,376x417,376:417,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19496987 (052319ZSEP23) Notable: #23946

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baker seeking handy, will ghost @20

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87ab0f No.87419

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19497009 (052321ZSEP23) Notable: Freedom Convoy lawyers REJECT portrayal of protest against Trudeau Covid lockdowns as an ‘occupation' during first day of trial

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Freedom Convoy lawyers REJECT portrayal of protest against Trudeau Covid lockdowns as an ‘occupation' during first day of trial

"It's a ridiculous characterization. It's complete hyperbole and absolutely unnecessary."

Lawyers for Tamara Lich and Chris Barber put Crown Counsel Tim Radcliffe on alert Tuesday as both said they will not tolerate the Freedom Convoy protest being called "an occupation."

Lich and Barber are charged with mischief, counseling others to commit mischief, intimidation and obstructing police as leaders of the Freedom Convoy that polarized residents of Ottawa in February 2022 and arguably began to rollback Covid-19 mandates.

When asked why he so strongly objected to the use of the word occupation, Lich's lawyer, Lawrence Greenspon, told The Post Millennial. "It's a ridiculous characterization. It's complete hyperbole and absolutely unnecessary."

The courtroom was packed full of media and Freedom Convoy supporters. Speaking to TPM before the trial began, Lich said she could not comment on the trial itself at this time but allowed that she was "ready for the long month ahead" and said she was confident in ultimate victory.

Justice Heather Perkins-McVey is the presiding judge. Her first order of business was to secure a second large-screen television in order to ensure everyone could view the video evidence.

Crown counsel Radcliffe in his opening statement called the Freedom Convoy protest "anything but peaceful" and insisted the trial was not about the political beliefs of Lich and Barber but was focused on "the means" that both used to achieve their goals.

The Crown plans to call 22 witnesses, including former Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson, who repeatedly blasted the Freedom Convoy for setting up "bouncy castles" for the children of protesters to use.

A video played by the Crown on Tuesday showed a peaceful protest and one lane of traffic open into the city of Ottawa on the first day of the protest in late January 2022.

Much of the morning was spent on routine legal housekeeping as both the prosecution and defense discussed how testimony would unfold over the expected 16-day trial.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau refused to meet with any of the Freedom Convoy protesters during their protest in Ottawa. The protesters were a multi-racial group of truckers and others opposed to the Covid-19 mandates that forced many people to get the vaccine in order to work.

Trudeau characterized the group as racists and misogynists. "There is a small fringe minority in this country that is lashing out with racist, misogynist attacks. The vast majority of Canadians aren't represented by them," he said at the time.

He invoked the draconian Emergencies Act on Feb. 14 – martial law legislation that had not been used since its creation in 1988.

The trial continues Wednesday.


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87ab0f No.87420

File: c24cbfb1a91a31b⋯.png (1.13 MB,743x798,743:798,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19497014 (052322ZSEP23) Notable: Austin Cops Tell ‘Unfortunate’ Robbery Victims to Dial Non-Emergency Number amid Rampant Crime

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Austin Cops Tell ‘Unfortunate’ Robbery Victims to Dial Non-Emergency Number amid Rampant Crime


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87ab0f No.87421

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19497017 (052323ZSEP23) Notable: BIDEN: "That includes our Secretary of the, of the mil— of the defense, Aust— uh, Secretary Austin…"

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BIDEN: "That includes our Secretary of the, of the mil— of the defense, Aust— uh, Secretary Austin..."


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87ab0f No.87422

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19497037 (052326ZSEP23) Notable: Canada Tries Leaders of Anti-Vaccine Protest That Jammed Ottawa

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Canada Tries Leaders of Anti-Vaccine Protest That Jammed Ottawa

Two key organizers of the 2022 trucker protest argued that their efforts were a form of free speech, as prosecutors asserted that “this case is not about their political views.”

A criminal trial opened on Tuesday for two Canadians who were key organizers of the trucker convoy that paralyzed the country’s capital, Ottawa, for nearly a month in early 2022, upturning the lives of many residents and creating economic hardship for local businesses and workers.

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87ab0f No.87423

File: ad547dfcceaaf9d⋯.png (168.94 KB,528x539,48:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19497049 (052328ZSEP23) Notable: @NASA’s SpaceX Crew-7 launches

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Up, up and away!

A Falcon 9 rocket carrying


’s SpaceX Crew-7 launches from Space Launch Complex 39A at


, Fla.


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87ab0f No.87424

File: a0905e425d1d0f6⋯.png (18.88 KB,526x162,263:81,Clipboard.png)


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87ab0f No.87425

File: ccdff800fce8cda⋯.jpg (152.51 KB,640x640,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19497149 (052350ZSEP23) Notable: >Muhburg Virus datefagging intensifies

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1. Charles Leiber, Harvard scientist w/ multiple nanotech patents, including interfacing with EMF tech remotely, worked at Wuhan institute of Virology for $50K/mo, before being the only US citizen thus far arrested for crimes related to Covid.

2. Attorney Todd Calendar states:

Marburg Virus is baked into the shots and will be activated by three 1 minute pulse waves at 18GHz from the 5G towers all over the country.

The government has been preparing for this for years now and it will be “released” in October 2023.


3. Dr. Rashid Buttar says the same



4. September is CDC Preparedness Month


5. OCTOBER 4 - FCC and FEMA are doing a nationwide ssystem alert to all devices, via wireless networks (aka 5G)



6. "Burning Man" has seeded the idea and possibility of a Level 4 filovirus being spread...

7. The WHO/UN will Declare the Zero Draft Pandemic treaty in NYC 'two weeks' prior to Oct 4, at the beginning of FALL, Sept 20.

these facts paint quite a clear and specific picture, no?

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87ab0f No.87426

File: d8b3e3fa82c0714⋯.png (1.06 MB,1441x1012,131:92,Clipboard.png)

File: 662d7d3ba2b90c6⋯.jpg (71.03 KB,500x992,125:248,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 75a35788d520590⋯.png (211.87 KB,1782x591,594:197,Clipboard.png)

File: fb93da6b16f37ec⋯.png (823.94 KB,1024x677,1024:677,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19497218 (060002ZSEP23) Notable: PF: Radical Ventures LLC = Mark Cuban

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Radical Ventures LLC = Mark Cuban


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87ab0f No.87427

File: 7e21a6b211a1062⋯.jpeg (239.19 KB,1170x939,390:313,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19497232 (060003ZSEP23) Notable: Anthony Weiner and Jon Stewart used to be roommates. Very strange.

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I’m doing a dig on Anthony Weiner, (sigh, I know. I’m bored.) and I ran into this little nugget…

Anthony Weiner and Jon Stewart used to be roommates.

Very strange.


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87ab0f No.87428

File: 38935d8ef7c0ce3⋯.png (502.17 KB,600x375,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19497254 (060007ZSEP23) Notable: 'I wonder what Obama knew about his VP's corrupt business schemes?' Biden's scandals now engulfing ex-president - anyone seen the GOP?

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'I wonder what Obama knew about his VP's corrupt business schemes?' Biden's scandals now engulfing ex-president - anyone seen the GOP?


'I wonder what Obama knew about his VP's corrupt business schemes?''''

There are the scandals about millions of dollars of foreign interest money being paid to members of the Biden family, a list that appears to be growing every day.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87429

File: 74dae54c55f5453⋯.png (145.12 KB,598x626,299:313,Clipboard.png)

File: 20d53dd304f2a97⋯.png (389.9 KB,1004x566,502:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19497420 (060028ZSEP23) Notable: Heavy rain, DEADLY flooding in Istanbul.

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Lord Bebo


🇹🇷 Heavy rain flooding in Istanbul.

According to authorities, two people have already died from it.





Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87430

File: 98bcc18d397d345⋯.png (980.26 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19497432 (060029ZSEP23) Notable: KJP asked by reporters about the national deficit doubling, she's got nothing. Suggests the reporters try to get an economist to explain it.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

KJP asked by reporters about the national deficit doubling, she's got nothing. Suggests the reporters try to get an economist to explain it.

White House refuses to explain why deficit is doubling: ‘Talk to an economist’

The Biden rep brushed off statistics indicating the federal deficit is on track to double this year, blaming the tenuous situation on “volatile” factors — but then refusing to be …


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87431

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19497474 (060034ZSEP23) Notable: Intel-rich interview ties COVID-19 to In-Q-Tel, Burisma, Metabiota, etc.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Intel-rich interview ties COVID-19 to In-Q-Tel, Burisma, Metabiota, etc.


This thread goes with it.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87432

File: a78d96a59b16662⋯.png (142.9 KB,845x604,845:604,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19497549 (060044ZSEP23) Notable: 'That Is Crap': Biden, Xi Had Heated Argument Over Alleged Biolabs In Ukraine, Book Says

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

'That Is Crap': Biden, Xi Had Heated Argument Over Alleged Biolabs In Ukraine, Book Says

President Joe Biden had a heated argument with Chinese President Xi Jinping over alleged biolabs in Ukraine, causing the U.S. president to lose “his cool,” according to a new book about the White House.

Biden and Xi had a conversation in March of 2022 after the U.S. gathered intelligence indicating that China was potentially going to supply Russia with arms during its war with Ukraine, according to Franklin Foer’s book, “The Last Politician: Inside Joe Biden’s White House and the Struggle for America’s Future.” After Biden warned Xi that providing Russia with arms would have consequences, the Chinese president pressed Biden on the potential presence of U.S. labs developing biological and chemical weapons in Ukraine, the book claims.

“You know better than that, this is crap,” Biden told Xi after he pressed about the biolabs. “Stop mouthing nonsense Russian talking points: I know you know that, so give me a break.”

Biden and Xi had kept the pretense that they “were old friends,” though tension between the two countries continues to grow, Foer writes. The interaction over Russia receiving Chinese supplies and alleged biolabs in Ukraine was the most heated argument the pair had ever had, the book claims.

Penguin Press, the publisher of Foer’s book, states that the book draws on “unparalleled access to the tight inner circle of advisers who have surrounded Biden for decades,” as Foer’s information predominately comes from anonymous sources. Foer notes in his book that he reports on Biden “from a close distance” through “several hundred interviews with his White House inner circle, his cabinet, his old friends and members of Congress.”


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87ab0f No.87433

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19497569 (060046ZSEP23) Notable: DEA takes $8500 from man with no suspicion of crime under Civil Asset Forfeiture. Man wins in court but it costs him $15000 in legal fees.

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DEA takes $8500 from man with no suspicion of crime under Civil Asset Forfeiture. Man wins in court but it costs him $15000 in legal fees.

Our government is completely lawless.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87434

File: 90b8b46b0c44d6b⋯.png (714.81 KB,1438x931,1438:931,Clipboard.png)

File: 32cbd8aca8e29c1⋯.png (772.46 KB,1440x931,1440:931,Clipboard.png)

File: 1476fd824529687⋯.png (1.21 MB,1436x935,1436:935,Clipboard.png)

File: 3f48820b154ce07⋯.png (364.77 KB,1435x930,287:186,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19497650 (060058ZSEP23) Notable: PF: RQ-4 Global Hawk Drone probably out of NAS Patuxent traveled SW to the Texas border.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

RQ-4 Global Hawk Drone probably out of NAS Patuxent traveled SW to the Texas border.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87435

File: d5f1ce6584618d8⋯.png (112.16 KB,873x927,97:103,Clipboard.png)

File: e175cba55812afc⋯.png (59.87 KB,855x463,855:463,Clipboard.png)

File: f63e1d360a7ee4d⋯.png (270.54 KB,616x785,616:785,Clipboard.png)

File: 31d9ce26bd18ffe⋯.png (205.79 KB,617x759,617:759,Clipboard.png)

File: 8c84f03fb8b52a3⋯.png (694.17 KB,949x853,949:853,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19497655 (060058ZSEP23) Notable: CDC Repeatedly Advised People With Post-Vaccination Conditions To Get More Doses

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

CDC Repeatedly Advised People With Post-Vaccination Conditions To Get More Doses

A network composed of experts from inside and outside the U.S. government repeatedly recommended that people who suffered adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination receive additional shots, even when the experts could not rule out the vaccines as the cause of the events, documents obtained by The Epoch Times show.

The network, the Clinical Immunization Safety Assessment (CISA) Project, is run by a doctor who has received extensive funding from pharmaceutical giants, including the top two COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers, according to other records.

In one example, CISA was presented with records showing a 63-year-old woman experienced chronic kidney disease, with symptoms including kidney swelling, after receiving a second dose of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine.

CISA subject matter experts (SMEs) said that the diagnosis could not be definitively confirmed without a kidney biopsy but that they still felt comfortable using a causality algorithm for the presumed diagnosis developed in part by Dr. Kathryn Edwards, CISA's principal investigator.

Applying the algorithm to the case resulted in an "indeterminate" designation, or an inability to rule out the vaccine causing the problem, in part because there was no evidence of other causes. But that inability did not stop the program from recommending additional shots.

"Weighing the potential risks of COVID-19 vaccination and the benefits of preventing COVID-19, the SMEs provided their opinion that the patient should receive future COVID-19 vaccinations," the Feb. 24, 2023, letter to the patient's doctor stated.

At the time, the effectiveness of the vaccines against symptomatic infection had been shown to start low and wane quickly, while protection against severe disease began higher but also rapidly dropped.

After the woman received her next shot, the CISA experts said, the doctor should check in on her to see if she experienced recurrent hematuria, or blood in her urine.

"Although the CDC’s subject matter experts claim to have no idea if inflammation of the kidneys in a 63-year-old woman was caused by the mRNA COVID-19 biological, they tell the attending physician to go ahead and give the woman another COVID shot. That amounts to a challenge/re-challenge experiment on a sick woman without informed consent," Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center, told The Epoch Times in an email.

"Government officials admitting ignorance about a biological product’s potential side effects but directing a doctor to risk a patient’s life by continuing to inject the product into a patient, who already has suffered an injury following use of that product, is immoral," she added. "We expect and deserve government health officials to adhere to a higher professional and ethical standard of care."



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87436

File: 7114699b5df37fe⋯.gif (1.98 MB,400x250,8:5,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19497665 (060100ZSEP23) Notable: There are trillions at stake, NO PRESSURE, MITCH

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==DC Doctors Say Mitch McConnell Shows No Evidence of Seizure Disorders, Parkinsons or TIA=

September 5, 2023 | Sundance |

Nothing to see here, according to doctors paid by Washington DC to monitor the health of the politicians in charge of our nation. Despite the series of cognitive episodes and freezing on camera, Mitch McConnell is mentally fit, healthy and recovering from his slip and fall.Yep, that’s their story and they’re sticking to it.

As requested by those in charge who want to assure the public not to believe their eyes, capitol physician Brian Monahan sent a letter to Senator McConnell outlining the medical evaluations following two episodes, in which the Senate minority leader stopped talking for roughly 30 seconds in a media availability.

In the letter to McConnell, Dr Monahan recommended “no changes in treatment protocols” for his recovery from an earlier fall that left McConnell with a concussion.

There are trillions at stake!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87437

File: 8852ac53f684e41⋯.png (1.4 MB,959x793,959:793,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19497682 (060103ZSEP23) Notable: The only known photos from the White House's 2009 "Alice in Wonderland" party

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87438

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19497724 (060109ZSEP23) Notable: #23946

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#23946 >>87418

>>87419 Freedom Convoy lawyers REJECT portrayal of protest against Trudeau Covid lockdowns as an ‘occupation' during first day of trial

>>87420 Austin Cops Tell ‘Unfortunate’ Robbery Victims to Dial Non-Emergency Number amid Rampant Crime

>>87421 BIDEN: "That includes our Secretary of the, of the mil— of the defense, Aust— uh, Secretary Austin…"

>>87422 Canada Tries Leaders of Anti-Vaccine Protest That Jammed Ottawa

>>87423 @NASA’s SpaceX Crew-7 launches


>>87425 >Muhburg Virus datefagging intensifies

>>87426 PF: Radical Ventures LLC = Mark Cuban

>>87427 Anthony Weiner and Jon Stewart used to be roommates. Very strange.

>>87428 'I wonder what Obama knew about his VP's corrupt business schemes?' Biden's scandals now engulfing ex-president - anyone seen the GOP?

>>87429 Heavy rain, DEADLY flooding in Istanbul.

>>87430 KJP asked by reporters about the national deficit doubling, she's got nothing. Suggests the reporters try to get an economist to explain it.

>>87431 Intel-rich interview ties COVID-19 to In-Q-Tel, Burisma, Metabiota, etc.

>>87432 'That Is Crap': Biden, Xi Had Heated Argument Over Alleged Biolabs In Ukraine, Book Says

>>87433 DEA takes $8500 from man with no suspicion of crime under Civil Asset Forfeiture. Man wins in court but it costs him $15000 in legal fees.

>>87434 PF: RQ-4 Global Hawk Drone probably out of NAS Patuxent traveled SW to the Texas border.

>>87435 CDC Repeatedly Advised People With Post-Vaccination Conditions To Get More Doses

>>87436 There are trillions at stake, NO PRESSURE, MITCH

>>87437 The only known photos from the White House's 2009 "Alice in Wonderland" party


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87439

File: 4ca7dbfc0360f8a⋯.jpg (123.68 KB,595x516,595:516,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19497775 (060116ZSEP23) Notable: #23947

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>baker has ghosted at this time

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87440

File: 9485d05750a17dd⋯.png (548.77 KB,673x673,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19497849 (060124ZSEP23) Notable: Africa Climate Summit Hears Calls for Carbon Tax on World’s Richest Nations

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Africa Climate Summit Hears Calls for

Carbon Tax on World’s Richest Nations

Breitbart, by Simon Kent

Posted By: mc squared, 9/5/2023 12:26:00 PM

Economic success must have a price and a global tax on carbon emissions can help redress Africa’s chronically low Gross Domestic Product (GDP) rates, Kenya’s President William Ruto declared Tuesday as the first Africa Climate Summit began. He pointed to “climate change” driven by successful, dynamic economies in Europe, North America and Asia, as a drain on Africa’s economic progress and it’s time to have a global conversation about a carbon tax on the world’s richest nations. “Those who produce the garbage refuse to pay their bills,” Ruto said, according to AP, echoing others who have also called for carbon tax impositions

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87441

File: 09f15359e940c33⋯.png (22.54 KB,1040x244,260:61,Clipboard.png)

File: fb33a590be51650⋯.png (1.06 MB,749x544,749:544,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19497856 (060125ZSEP23) Notable: Consistent Signs of Erosion in Black and Hispanic Support for Biden

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Consistent Signs of Erosion in Black and

Hispanic Support for Biden

New York Times, by Nate Cohen

Posted By: Dreadnought, 9/5/2023 11:21:29 AM

President Joe Biden is underperforming among nonwhite voters in New York Times/Siena College national polls over the last year, helping to keep the race close in a hypothetical rematch against former President Donald Trump. On average, Biden leads Trump by just 53% to 28% among registered nonwhite voters in a compilation of Times/Siena polls from 2022 and 2023, which includes over 1,500 nonwhite respondents.//snip//Democrats have lost ground among nonwhite voters in almost every election over the last decade, even as racially charged fights over everything from a border wall to kneeling during the national anthem might have been expected to produce the exact opposite result.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87442

File: 58fc0df7ec66f68⋯.png (588.43 KB,1441x1013,1441:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: b2c9b4ee4b63c54⋯.png (286.69 KB,1441x1013,1441:1013,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19497866 (060127ZSEP23) Notable: PF Reports

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87443

File: 89e85a49c71baaa⋯.png (366.65 KB,606x624,101:104,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19497874 (060129ZSEP23) Notable: Laura Loomer finally gets to meet the LEGEND (Kash Patel) himself

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Laura Loomer


I finally got to meet the LEGEND himself. 😍

Be sure you get Kash Patel’s new book: “Government Gangsters”

We were so happy to host Kash in The Villages today @Villagers4Trump

for his first speaking engagement on his book tour.

We love our Trump loyalists! #MAGA #Trump2024

2:00 PM · Sep 5, 2023




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87ab0f No.87444

File: 019c489e5c5ad9c⋯.png (402.78 KB,605x552,605:552,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19497886 (060131ZSEP23) Notable: Sep 8, 2018 Drinking young blood could prevent age-related diseases, study reveals

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Sky News


Drinking young blood could prevent age-related diseases, study reveals

Drinking young blood could prevent age-related diseases, a new study suggests


Young blood an elixir that prevents age-related diseases, study reveals

Blood factors obtained from young beings can improve late-life health in animals and put an end to age-related diseases.

5:33 AM · Sep 8, 2018

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87ab0f No.87445

File: b080ce70fa1b6af⋯.png (187.94 KB,411x591,137:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19497899 (060134ZSEP23) Notable: If you missed it this morning, I broke down the current state of affairs…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


If you missed it this morning, I broke down the current state of affairs including what attacks we can expect next because their COVID narrative is failing so miserably.

The situation becomes more dire as we get closer to holding the criminals accountable, and people must understand what could come next and prepare accordingly.

Watch here: https://banned.video/watch?id=64f7afe4ead8b1c4842844fe

Follow @zeeemedia

Website (https://zeeemedia.com/new-interview-page/) | Gettr (https://gettr.com/user/mariazeee) | Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/maria.zeee/?hl=en) | Rumble (https://rumble.com/user/mariazeee)

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87ab0f No.87446

File: 5143da46501bca3⋯.png (166.65 KB,592x742,296:371,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19497912 (060135ZSEP23) Notable: @CodeMonkeyZ: When Musk took over Twitter/X and allowed many of us back on….

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When Musk took over Twitter/X and allowed many of us back on, the recommendation algorithm changed and there are now some very vague rules in place such as "freedom of speech, not reach" and "lawful but awful".

It took a while to get used to these new changes, and my posting style has certainly changed along with it.

Instead of short quips and fiery observations, I have been writing more long-form exposes and creating short documentaries.

Today I was approved for Twitter/X subscriptions.

Not quite sure how I will be using the subscription model yet - anybody have a suggestion of what kind of content would be best suited for a subscription feed?


1:12 PM · Sep 5, 2023




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87ab0f No.87447

File: 0a3bdc44ce591ab⋯.png (446.29 KB,1439x911,1439:911,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19498103 (060203ZSEP23) Notable: PF Reports

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UAL worldwide right now.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87448

File: f5c2d13ce67209c⋯.png (239.38 KB,600x568,75:71,Clipboard.png)

File: ca1fdaa3abd1da2⋯.png (542.49 KB,666x482,333:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19498155 (060210ZSEP23) Notable: “For the first time in 4 years, I was able to take my daughter to her first day of school. Happy.”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87449

File: 6b41625b1ce7829⋯.png (187.51 KB,500x334,250:167,Clipboard.png)

File: 75982ec87d67f47⋯.png (332.78 KB,512x573,512:573,Clipboard.png)

File: 3349b29bd27e20a⋯.png (1.2 MB,689x1107,689:1107,Clipboard.png)

File: 517a07929da71ce⋯.png (96.07 KB,653x444,653:444,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19498168 (060212ZSEP23) Notable: Corrupt Billionaire Behind Zelensky's Rise To Fame & Power Arrested

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Corrupt Billionaire Behind Zelensky's Rise To Fame & Power Arrested



TUESDAY, SEP 05, 2023

With an estimated fortune of just under $1.7 billion, Ihor Kolomoisky is among Ukraine's top five richest citizens. Over the weekend he was arrested by Ukraine authorities on an array of fraud and money laundering charges, at a sensitive moment the government is trying to show the world it can tackle deeply rooted corruption.

A Saturday statement from the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) said that the billionaire, referred to as the "de facto owner of a large financial and industrial group" – had allegedly tried to launder over 500 million Ukrainian hryvnia ($13.5 million) by "transferring it abroad, while using the infrastructure of banking institutions controlled by him."

A Kyiv court has ordered him to pretrial detention for two months amid an ongoing investigation, with bail having been set at a whopping $14 million.

Importantly, The New York Times in its Tuesday coverage of Kolomoisky's arrest highlighted that he was an early major backer of now President Volodymyr Zelensky who had a hand in bringing him to power. He's also widely believed to have funded extremist private militia armies at various times.

Writes the NY Times: "His business interests have included oil and banking, and he was once considered a patron of Mr. Zelensky, a former comedian whose popular shows were broadcast on Mr. Kolomoisky’s television channel before he successfully ran for the presidency."

And further very revealing details are included in the Times report as follows:

Suspicions of corruption and embezzlement have dogged Mr. Kolomoisky for years. In 2017, he left Ukraine for Switzerland and Israel after the government of then-President Petro O. Poroshenko seized a bank he co-owned and accused him of a large-scale fraud that threatened to destabilize Ukraine’s economy.

He returned in 2019 after Mr. Zelensky’s defeat of Mr. Poroshenko, raising fears that his ties to the new president would help him regain his economic and political clout.

So naturally, Western mainstream press is now presenting this as a "big fish" prosecution showing Zelensky is getting "tough" and finally going gloves-off on exposing long-standing corruption.

The timing is also interesting given Zelensky just sacked his own defense minister, an announcement which came the same weekend as billionaire Kolomoisky's arrest. "This week, parliament will be asked to make a personnel decision … I have decided to replace the minister of defense of Ukraine. Oleksii Reznikov has gone through more than 550 days of full-scale war," Zelensky said over the weekend.

And guess who was degrees of separation away from Hunter Biden, related to shady Bursima relationships? "Besides being connected through the Burisma energy giant, Hunter Biden did business with Igor Kolomoisky's bank," one prior report reads.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87450

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19498239 (060222ZSEP23) Notable: Masons Celebrate 75th Mount Rushmore's 75th Anniversary

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Masons Celebrate 75th Mount Rushmore's 75th Anniversary


National Treasure, The Freemasons, Mt. Rushmore, and The Statue of Liberty


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87451

File: ec0695dcfe04074⋯.png (254.16 KB,879x694,879:694,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19498479 (060258ZSEP23) Notable: This is the Clown responsible in part for the circus in DC

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


This is the Clown responsible in part for the circus in DC

Send in the memes

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87452

File: 00924f77eb91c91⋯.png (3.49 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19498630 (060326ZSEP23) Notable: Ebake Activated

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ebake Activated

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87453

File: ec0695dcfe04074⋯.png (254.16 KB,879x694,879:694,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19498642 (060328ZSEP23) Notable: #23948

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>last bread needs to be collected

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87454

File: ab63531160443d8⋯.gif (1.21 MB,500x200,5:2,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19498720 (060359ZSEP23) Notable: #23947 posted in #23948

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Here ya go.

#23947 >>87439

>>87440 Africa Climate Summit Hears Calls for Carbon Tax on World’s Richest Nations

>>87441 Consistent Signs of Erosion in Black and Hispanic Support for Biden

>>87442, >>87447 PF Reports

>>87443 Laura Loomer finally gets to meet the LEGEND (Kash Patel) himself

>>87444 Sep 8, 2018 Drinking young blood could prevent age-related diseases, study reveals

>>87445 If you missed it this morning, I broke down the current state of affairs...

>>87446 @CodeMonkeyZ: When Musk took over Twitter/X and allowed many of us back on....

>>87448 “For the first time in 4 years, I was able to take my daughter to her first day of school. Happy.”

>>87449 Corrupt Billionaire Behind Zelensky's Rise To Fame & Power Arrested

>>87450 Masons Celebrate 75th Mount Rushmore's 75th Anniversary

>>87451 This is the Clown responsible in part for the circus in DC

>>87452 Ebake Activated

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87455

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19498806 (060428ZSEP23) Notable: Rothschild family’s private collection could fetch $30m in unprecedented New York sales at Christie’s

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Seems the Puppet Masters are not doing so well

Rothschild family’s private collection could fetch $30m in unprecedented New York sales at Christie’s

The autumn auctions will mark the first dedicated sales in North America tied to the powerful banking family


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87ab0f No.87456

File: c3119fc7d1aa2ec⋯.jpg (166.9 KB,1500x923,1500:923,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19498814 (060431ZSEP23) Notable: #23948

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Caught up to date dough


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87ab0f No.87457

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19498938 (060521ZSEP23) Notable: EXCLUSIVE LAURA LOOMER INVESTIGATION

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Laura Loomer



I have conducted an investigation and I believe that for the sake of National Security, public interest and now my own personal safety I need to immediately release and publish what I have uncovered about the United States Government’s involvement in recruiting violent American Nazis, White Supremacists, and domestic terrorists and turning them into mercenaries and confidential informants in Ukraine to fight against Russians and kill civilians.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87458

File: 48cd7ae4ef55cf6⋯.mp4 (3.29 MB,350x344,175:172,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19498966 (060530ZSEP23) Notable: REPORTED: Oprah Hired A Private Firefighting Team To Protect Her Land PRIOR TO THE FIRES

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Wall Street Apes


I’ve Been Searching For This Video! This Video Gets Immediately Banned Every Time It Gets Put Back Up

Check Out These Oprah “Coincidences” With The Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii Fires

REPORTED: Oprah Hired A Private Firefighting Team To Protect Her Land PRIOR TO THE FIRES 🚨

“We were so concerned about what was happening in Maui. You're so concerned about what's happening in Maui that you somehow managed to hire a private firefighting team to protect your land before the fire started. You're so concerned about what's happening in Maui that instead of taking some of that land and housing even a small portion of those displaced people, you've hired a private security team to keep them off your land. You're so concerned about Maui that you simply haven't had time to denounce any of the shady real estate deals which are robbing people of everything they have.

You know, like the ones you were involved in that helped you acquire that land for pennies on the dollar of what it was actually worth. You're so concerned about Maui that instead of taking what would amount to a year salary for you and four or five of your billionaire friends, which could be used to rebuild the entire place in a matter of months, you're jumping on social media and asking the American public, most of whom can't afford to pay their rent right now, to do it for you. You're so concerned about Maui that it's more important that you get social media points than that you help.”

DEWs, Direct Energy Weapons

#Hawaii #Maui #MauiFires #Lahaina #LahainaFires #DEWs #DirectedEnergyWeapons


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87ab0f No.87459

File: 29ca53a27520662⋯.png (210.17 KB,598x578,299:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19499016 (060604ZSEP23) Notable: Space Launch Delta 45 - 45 launches down, with the 46th already in the books!

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87460

File: 4ad2dc9432cfdca⋯.png (324.87 KB,598x564,299:282,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19499026 (060615ZSEP23) Notable: D.o.D. - NEWS: Senate Confirmation Still in Limbo for 301 Military Leaders

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Department of Defense 🇺🇸


NEWS: Senate Confirmation Still in Limbo for 301 Military Leaders


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87ab0f No.87461

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19499033 (060624ZSEP23) Notable: Australian lawmakers head to US to lobby against efforts to extradite WikiLeaks founder Assange

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Australian lawmakers head to US to lobby against efforts to extradite WikiLeaks founder Assange

Updated 12:55 AM EDT, September 5, 2023


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87ab0f No.87462

File: 9d316e96ef91cf5⋯.png (296.24 KB,556x792,139:198,Clipboard.png)

File: 806a5fb2dc67659⋯.mp4 (5.3 MB,480x850,48:85,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19499042 (060640ZSEP23) Notable: Emergency manager on the ground in Hawaii BEFORE THE FIRES ERUPTED to lead long term recovery

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𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖘™️


Emergency manager on the ground in Hawaii BEFORE THE FIRES ERUPTED to lead long term recovery.

Watch this 👇🏼

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87ab0f No.87463

File: 7bd7d74d360ede2⋯.png (784.64 KB,692x800,173:200,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19499238 (060933ZSEP23) Notable: California Dems Could Remove Visitation Rights for 'Non-Affirming' Parents

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California Dems Could Remove Visitation

Rights for 'Non-Affirming' Parents

Washington Free Beacon, by Susannah Luthi

Posted By: Beardo, 9/6/2023 1:54:21 AM

California Democrats are threatening the visitation rights of divorced or separated parents who don’t "affirm" their gender-confused child’s identity under a last-minute change to a proposal meant to protect children from abusers. (snip) Neither bill defines what "affirmation" means, leaving it to judges to decide if it includes irreversible puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and genital surgeries. Nor does it specify what age a child should be before his or her preferred identity should be unquestioningly "affirmed." (snip) The revamped parental visitation bill puts "non-affirming" parents in the same league as abusers—

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87ab0f No.87464

File: f8797a07b215e07⋯.png (466.62 KB,591x592,591:592,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19499255 (060949ZSEP23) Notable: “mOsT vOtEs eVeR” President can’t even get 1,500 people to buy books about him.

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“mOsT vOtEs eVeR” President can’t even get 1,500 people to buy books about him. 🤔🤔🤔


Books on Biden Are Bombing.

The book industry has seen significantly lower sales during the Biden presidency compared to the Trump era. Books about former President Donald Trump sold millions of copies, but those focused on...

10:08 AM · Sep 5, 2023




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87ab0f No.87465

File: a12e8d03279ae68⋯.png (188.24 KB,658x912,329:456,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19499288 (061011ZSEP23) Notable: More than HALF of CDC staff leave to work for Big Pharma and 'revolving door' of workers at public agency makes it vulnerable to corruption, report warns

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More than HALF of CDC staff leave to work for Big Pharma and 'revolving door' of workers at public agency makes it vulnerable to corruption, report warns

Over a third of people appointed to the HHS leave to take jobs in private sectors

Republican presidents were more likely to appoint people directly from industry

READ MORE: 'Patient influencers' are being paid by big pharma


UPDATED: 17:37 EDT, 5 September 2023

More than half of Centers for Disease Control (CDC) staff go on to work for big pharma, a first-of-its-kind report has found.

The analysis found that, between 2004 and 2020, 54 percent of workers who left the agency for another job moved into the private health sector.

At the same time, a significant number of new staff hired by government health agencies come directly from private drug firms.

Researchers from the University of Southern California and Harvard University who published the report said this 'revolving door' between federal workers and private healthcare companies has made government agencies vulnerable to corruption.

The study leader called to expand federal 'cooling off' laws — which prohibit former government employees from immediately lobbying on behalf of private organizations.


The researchers looked at the career histories of 766 people appointed to HHS between 2004 and 2020 who occupied political appointments, including agency heads, senior-level administrators and their aides.

They used the United States Government Policy and Supporting Positions, also known as the Plum Book, which is published every four years after each presidential election and lists all positions in the federal government.

They used the book to collect the names of all HHS employees occupying appointed positions. They then manually searched LinkedIn to see where each person worked in the two years before and two years after their HHS appointment.

They found that 15 percent had been employed in private industry immediately before their appointment in government.

Almost a third (32 percent) left their HHS role for industry.

Industry was the most common next destination after working at HHS, rather than other jobs in government, nonprofit and academia.

In 2015, former Medicare chief Marilyn Tavenner was hired as the new CEO of America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) — a national trade organization of health insurance companies.

Ms Tavenner previously worked as the chief administrator at the Centers for Medicare and Medicare Services between 2013 and 2015.

Her appointment to AHIP in 2015 came just a few months after the health insurance industry also hired former Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz, a Pennsylvania Democrat, to head up Better Medicare Alliance — a research group that supports the private health insurance option Medicare Advantage.

Meanwhile, the former head of Eli Lilly between 2012 and 2017, Alex Azar, made the jump into government to serve as the HHS secretary from 2018 to 2021 under President Trump.

A 2012 investigation by Sunlight Foundation found that, on average, a chief of staff at Capitol Hill could increase their earnings by 40 percent by moving into the private sector.

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87ab0f No.87466

File: cd94c4b23781be1⋯.png (353.98 KB,593x492,593:492,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19499303 (061021ZSEP23) Notable: KariLake - WATCH: My FULL Testimony on Katie Hobbs & Stephen Richer’s Collusion with Big Tech to Influence Arizona’s Elections

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Kari Lake


🚨WATCH: My FULL Testimony on Katie Hobbs & Stephen Richer’s Collusion with Big Tech to Influence Arizona’s Elections

11:32 AM · Sep 5, 2023




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87ab0f No.87467

File: 4c6fe6168b6da3b⋯.png (50.2 KB,663x372,221:124,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19499330 (061033ZSEP23) Notable: Bill Gates bets on Bud Light's comeback as tech mogul buys 1.7MILLLION shares

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Bill Gates bets on Bud Light's comeback as tech mogul buys 1.7MILLLION shares of disgraced brand's parent company after Dylan Mulvaney partnership tanked value

The Microsoft founder, 67, acquired the shares via his Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust during the second quarter of this year

Gates also invested $939.87million in Heineken stock at the onset of the Bud Light controversy after their disastrous partnership with Dylan Mulvaney

By Claudia Aoraha, Senior Reporter For Dailymail.Com

Updated: 17:14 EDT, 5 September 2023

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87ab0f No.87468

File: f37ed7be9d2a569⋯.png (320.12 KB,851x751,851:751,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19499363 (061044ZSEP23) Notable: Kash - Remember that time the FBI leaked false information under Comey/McAbe/Strzok to the fake news mafia...

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Kash Patel


Remember that time the FBI leaked false information under Comey/McAbe/Strzok to the fake news mafia and used it to justify a bogus fisa warrant against @realDonaldTrump - they’ve done it again. Wrays FBI leaked info to the all mighty NYTrash, who in turn fed it Special Counsel Weiss, the guy investigating Hunter. Just like during Russia Gate, this ‘intel’ has been proven totally false. #GovernmentGangsters

Impeach Wray n Garland

Sep 06, 2023, 6:13 AM


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87ab0f No.87469

File: 689a631554b59f1⋯.png (805.75 KB,1063x865,1063:865,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19499366 (061045ZSEP23) Notable: Kash - Remember that time the FBI leaked false information under Comey/McAbe/Strzok to the fake news mafia...

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FBI Lies About ‘Highly Credible’ Source Claims Were Leaked To NYT And Spoonfed To Weiss

The emails confirm David Weiss and his top deputies were fed the false New York Times story — which raises the question: Which FBI agent fed the Times the lies?

Emails obtained by the Heritage Foundation following a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, and shared exclusively with The Federalist, reveal that lies leaked to The New York Times about the origins of damning evidence implicating Hunter and Joe Biden in a bribery scandal were fed to Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss.

As I previously detailed, The New York Times reported those lies in its Dec. 11, 2020, article, “Material from Giuliani Spurred a Separate Justice Depart. Pursuit of Hunter Biden” — just a week after Americans first learned of the investigation of the now-president’s son. The Times’ reporting was “replete with falsehoods and deceptive narratives,” but “Americans just didn’t know it at the time.”

However, earlier this year, thanks to “whistleblower revelations and statements by former Attorney General William Barr,” the country learned that the Times’ claims — that evidence implicating the Bidens was derived from Giuliani — were false. Rather, a separate investigation had uncovered reporting from a “highly credible” FBI confidential human source (CHS) implicating Hunter and Joe Biden in a bribery scandal.

Now the FOIA-produced emails reveal even more: The FBI lies, laundered through The New York Times, were fed directly to Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss.

The Emails

The never-before-seen emails provided late last week by the Department of Justice to the Heritage Foundation and its Oversight Project director, Mike Howell, in response to a court order, included an email thread revealing how the Times story landed in Weiss’s lap.

“Ladies, here you have attached the NYT’s story ‘Material from Giuliani Spurred a Separate Justice Depart. Pursuit of Hunter Biden’ which posted a bit ago. Link here,” a Dec. 11, 2020, 6:44 p.m. email from the FBI Office of Public Affairs’ National Press Office read.

The names of the two email recipients were redacted. But the “(PG) (FBI)” and “(BA) (FBI)” coding suggests the National Press Office had forwarded the Times’ article, which spun evidence obtained by the Pittsburgh office as originating from Giuliani disinformation, to the Pittsburgh FBI office and the Baltimore FBI office — which provided support for the Delaware U.S. attorney’s office.

Within two hours of the FBI’s National Press Office sharing the false narrative about evidence of Biden family corruption, the link had been forwarded to a variety of Baltimore FBI agents, from there to Weiss’s top deputies Lesley Wolf and Shawn Weede, and further on by Weede to fellow Assistant U.S. Attorney Shannon Hanson and Weiss. Weiss himself then forwarded the Times article to another member of the Delaware U.S. attorney’s office, whose name was redacted in the FOIA-provided documents.

Given the sweetheart deal Weiss’s top Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf later tried to gift to Hunter Biden, this latest revelation raises the question of whether (and, if so, when) Weiss’s staff informed him of the CHS’s reporting that Burisma paid $5 million each in bribes to both Hunter Biden and Joe Biden.

These questions are now more important than ever because the just-released emails show Weiss’s staff sharing with him The New York Times’ false reporting that portrayed evidence coming from the Pittsburgh FBI office as sourced solely to Rudy Giuliani. But that’s not true — not by a long shot. At a minimum, Wolf and others in the Delaware office knew that — but Weiss might not have.

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87ab0f No.87470

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19499368 (061045ZSEP23) Notable: Kash - Remember that time the FBI leaked false information under Comey/McAbe/Strzok to the fake news mafia...

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The Background

As The Federalist previously reported, contrary to the Times’ reporting, in the run-up to the 2020 election, then-Attorney General William Barr directed the Western District of Pennsylvania to serve as an intake office for any evidence related to Ukraine. U.S. Attorney Scott Brady was then charged with screening the evidence to ensure disinformation did not reach the other offices handling investigations related to Hunter Biden or Ukraine.

While some of the evidence Brady’s team screened came from Giuliani, agents also independently discovered a separate line of intel originating from a “highly credible” CHS who had worked under the Obama administration. Agents interviewed that CHS in late June 2020 and memorialized the CHS’s reporting in an FD-1023 form.

Americans would later learn the contents of that FD-1023 when a whistleblower informed Sen. Chuck Grassley’s office of its existence. Then, after FBI Director Christopher Wray dragged his feet in responding to congressional inquiries, Grassley released a minimally redacted copy of the unclassified document to the public.

The unredacted portions of the FD-1023 confirmed Giuliani had nothing to do with the sourcing of the intel. On the contrary, according to the form, the longtime CHS had personally conversed with Mykola Zlochevsky, the owner of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma, and the company’s CFO Vadim Pojarskii.

The FD-1023 memorialized explosive reporting from the CHS, including the following:

Pojarskii claimed Hunter Biden was paid to serve on Burisma’s board of directors to “protect us, through his dad, from all kinds of problems.”

Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin was investigating Burisma, but Zlochevsky told the CHS that “Hunter will take care of all of those issues through his dad.”

Zlochevsky told the CHS he had been coerced to pay bribes of $5 million each to Hunter Biden and Joe Biden.

After Trump’s election in 2016, Zlochevsky expressed dissatisfaction with Trump’s victory, but then told the CHS that “Shokin had already been fired, and no investigation was currently going on.”

Zlochevsky told the CHS he had 17 recordings of the Bidens but had never paid Joe Biden directly.

The “Big Guy” moniker was used to refer to Joe Biden — a significant detail because the CHS interview predated the public release of material contained on Hunter Biden’s laptop, including information that established the “Big Guy” was one of Joe Biden’s nicknames.

Burisma discussed purchasing a U.S.-based oil and gas company for approximately $20-$30 million.

When news first broke of the FD-1023 and its damning indictment of the Bidens, Democrats and their paramours in the press tried to bury the story with a one-two punch. First, they framed the evidence as originating from Giuliani and part of a foreign disinformation operation. Grassley’s release of the actual FD-1023 destroyed that narrative.

Second, they falsely represented to the American public that Brady had already investigated the FD-1023 and closed the investigation as meritless. But as The Federalist first reported, that claim was blatantly false.

“It’s not true. It wasn’t closed down,” Barr told The Federalist after Democrat Rep. Jamie Raskin falsely claimed that “the former attorney general and his ‘handpicked prosecutor’ had ended an investigation into a confidential human source’s allegation that Joe Biden had agreed to a $5 million bribe.”

“On the contrary,” Barr told The Federalist, “it was sent to Delaware for further investigation.”

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87ab0f No.87471

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19499369 (061045ZSEP23) Notable: Kash - Remember that time the FBI leaked false information under Comey/McAbe/Strzok to the fake news mafia...

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More Questions

Now we reach the crux of the matter: Who in Delaware knew of the FD-1023’s existence, its sourcing to a “highly credible confidential human source,” and that, as The Federalist previously reported, several details contained in the FD-1023 had already been corroborated prior to the handoff to Delaware? The Pittsburgh office had briefed the Delaware office on the document and its conclusion that it “bore indicia of credibility.”

A source familiar with the Pittsburgh brief of the Delaware office confirmed to The Federalist that in addition to agents from the Pittsburgh and Baltimore FBI field offices, Lesley Wolf attended the briefing on the FD-1023 and was informed of those details. Weiss, however, was not present for the briefing. Nor, as we previously learned, were the IRS agents-turned-whistleblowers included in the briefing.

The Federalist has also learned from a source with knowledge of the matter that the Delaware U.S. attorney’s office kept the Hunter Biden laptop secret from the Pennsylvania-based U.S. attorney’s office, which surely limited the investigators’ ability to assess the credibility of the evidence it was screening for disinformation.

Nonetheless, through its independent investigation of the CHS’s reporting, Pittsburgh corroborated several details of the FD-1023 and briefed Wolf on those details, telling her they believed the CHS’s information warranted further investigation.

But did Wolf tell that to Weiss? Did anyone tell that to Weiss? Or did Weiss’s team, after sharing The New York Times’ false narrative that Brady was on a political witch hunt of the Bidens and demanding an investigation into Giuliani disinformation, remain mum? Or did Weiss know about the FD-1023 and do nothing?

The emails don’t answer those questions, but they do confirm that Weiss and his top deputies were fed the Times story. Which leads to a final question: Which FBI agent(s) fed the Times the lies?


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87ab0f No.87472

File: 09d48100277ed44⋯.jpeg (109.4 KB,1200x748,300:187,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19499425 (061106ZSEP23) Notable: #23948

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

...Last call @ 710, baking .


#23948 >>87453, >>87456

>>87455 Rothschild family’s private collection could fetch $30m in unprecedented New York sales at Christie’s


>>87458 REPORTED: Oprah Hired A Private Firefighting Team To Protect Her Land PRIOR TO THE FIRES

>>87459 Space Launch Delta 45 - 45 launches down, with the 46th already in the books!

>>87460 D.o.D. - NEWS: Senate Confirmation Still in Limbo for 301 Military Leaders

>>87461 Australian lawmakers head to US to lobby against efforts to extradite WikiLeaks founder Assange

>>87462 Emergency manager on the ground in Hawaii BEFORE THE FIRES ERUPTED to lead long term recovery

>>87463 California Dems Could Remove Visitation Rights for 'Non-Affirming' Parents

>>87464 “mOsT vOtEs eVeR” President can’t even get 1,500 people to buy books about him.

>>87465, >>>/qresearch/19499325 More than HALF of CDC staff leave to work for Big Pharma and 'revolving door' of workers at public agency makes it vulnerable to corruption, report warns

>>87466 KariLake - WATCH: My FULL Testimony on Katie Hobbs & Stephen Richer’s Collusion with Big Tech to Influence Arizona’s Elections

>>87467 Bill Gates bets on Bud Light's comeback as tech mogul buys 1.7MILLLION shares

>>87468, >>87469, >>87470, >>87471 Kash - Remember that time the FBI leaked false information under Comey/McAbe/Strzok to the fake news mafia...

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87473

File: 8f2583052c09e08⋯.png (893.75 KB,845x675,169:135,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19499442 (061111ZSEP23) Notable: #23949

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87474

File: 7119d83bac8f06a⋯.png (225.58 KB,909x508,909:508,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19499465 (061119ZSEP23) Notable: HERE WE FUCKIN GO - Harris says she's ready to step into role of president if Biden is unwell: 'May have to take over'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Fox News


Harris says she's ready to step into role of president if Biden is unwell: 'May have to take over' foxnews.com/politics/harris-sa



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87ab0f No.87475

File: 4a7162b2be3fef3⋯.jpeg (317.79 KB,1536x1507,1536:1507,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19499488 (061132ZSEP23) Notable: Strange semblance

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Repost from LB

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87476

File: 7fff84bff6d4d6c⋯.png (517.67 KB,817x889,817:889,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19499491 (061134ZSEP23) Notable: Scoop: House Republicans warn of McCarthy leadership challenge

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2 hours ago - Politics & Policy

Scoop: House Republicans warn of McCarthy leadership challenge

House GOP lawmakers are signaling potential moves against Speaker Kevin McCarthy during leadership's frantic September push.

Why it matters: McCarthy is going to have to dodge multiple landmines to retain his gavel, with Congress having until Sept. 30 to pass legislation to avoid a government shutdown.

Pressure is rising against McCarthy himself, with renewed suggestions that a motion may be called for a floor vote on his speakership.

Rep. Tim Burchett (R-Tenn.) told Axios: "I think it's [motion to vacate] in the back of everybody's mind … If somebody brings that it wouldn't take much, you know, it just takes a couple of votes."

A single member can call a motion to vacate, and only a few Republicans would have to vote with Democrats to remove McCarthy with a majority vote.

Some House Republicans are using these threats as leverage to launch an impeachment inquiry against President Biden.

"When we get back to Washington in the coming weeks, we have got to seize the initiative. That means forcing votes on impeachment. And if Kevin McCarthy stands in our way, you may not have the job long," Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fl.) said during an appearance on The Todd Starnes Show.

Between the lines: Multiple GOP sources told Axios that not all conservatives are on the same page on a spending plan, with some supportive of a stopgap funding bill — called a continuing resolution (CR) — if certain concessions are met, including funding for border security.

"I'm not seeing a coherent strategy," a senior GOP lawmaker told Axios.

"I've been picking up chatter that they want to do a motion to vacate if we do a CR, but a lot of people want a CR to get more time and to attach HR 2."

HR2 is the sweeping border security legislation House Republicans passed earlier this year.

The big picture: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has cautioned that the cuts proposed by House conservatives are unlikely to make it through the upper chamber.

"The Speaker and the president reached an agreement which I supported in connection with raising the debt ceiling to set spending levels for next year," he said last week.

"The House then turned around and passed spending levels that were below that level. Without stating an opinion about that, that's not going to be replicated in the Senate."

Health issues faced by lawmakers and their relatives have also begun to spark concerns among members that personal crises could hinder their ability to pass legislation.

"We've got a four seat majority and we've got some other people that have family health problems, some that have their own health problems," one member noted on the difficulties of getting bills passed.


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87ab0f No.87477

File: 140ea4267e15f5d⋯.png (829.82 KB,1080x1223,1080:1223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19499493 (061136ZSEP23) Notable: Scoop: House Republicans warn of McCarthy leadership challenge

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Frank Luntz's boyfriend may get to boot, let's hope he does.


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87ab0f No.87478

File: dc2e0ab10540359⋯.png (116.24 KB,797x543,797:543,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19499502 (061142ZSEP23) Notable: Scoop: House Republicans warn of McCarthy leadership challenge

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McCarthy’s Time as Speaker May Be Coming to an End: Report

Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy is facing stiff opposition to the latest spending bill and might have to risk his speakership by compromising with Democrats to get it passed, according to reports.

The California Republican had a rocky road to confirmation as speaker when he suffered 14 failed votes before finally winning a majority of his caucus to take the speaker’s gavel in January.

McCarthy also has faced many calls to step down during his short time heading the lower chamber of Congress.

But the fight over the coming vote on the budget bill is shaping up as a particularly perilous time for the speaker, according to CNN.

One issue that has put McCarthy’s position in jeopardy was the “move to vacate” provision he accepted to become the speaker. That rule allows a single Republican to bring a move to remove him from the speaker’s chair, making him far less safe in the role than any previous occupant of the seat.

Now, the conservatives in the House GOP caucus are saying the provision is very much on the table if McCarthy compromises too much with Democrats on the budget, according to CNN’s Manu Raju and Melanie Zanona.

Rep. Mike Simpson of Idaho told the outlet that if McCarthy gives the Democrats and President Joe Biden too much in budget negotiations, the conservatives will bring the vacate motion to the floor.

“The challenge for McCarthy, and I’ll be real honest with you, is that if he works with the Democrats, obviously, the Democrats are not going to do it for free,” Simpson said. “They want something. So, it’s going to be a compromise — one of those really bad words in Washington for some reason. Then you’re going to find a resolution introduced on the floor to vacate the chair.”


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87ab0f No.87479

File: 0749ca876340570⋯.png (276.85 KB,1715x1381,1715:1381,Clipboard.png)

File: 385cebb262255fa⋯.png (935.59 KB,1338x1053,446:351,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19499673 (061222ZSEP23) Notable: Q+ retruth: JUST IN: Trump Calls On Big Pharma To Release Jab Safety Data :fire::bangbang::bangbang:

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Q+ retruth: JUST IN: Trump Calls On Big Pharma To Release Jab Safety Data 🔥‼️‼️


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87ab0f No.87480

File: 6f6c6bc292817e8⋯.png (742.83 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19499675 (061223ZSEP23) Notable: Proud Boys’ Enrique Tarrio Receives Record 22-Year Prison Sentence for Capitol Riots

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Proud Boys’ Enrique Tarrio Receives Record 22-Year Prison Sentence for Capitol Riots


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87ab0f No.87481

File: 9b62ad824f5e266⋯.png (37.43 KB,856x237,856:237,Clipboard.png)

File: ab569f442af8a4b⋯.png (507.34 KB,874x860,437:430,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19499728 (061236ZSEP23) Notable: CEO of @Rumble - A new highway has emerged, a highway that will protect the free and open internet. #RumbleCloud

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CEO of @Rumble

Chris Pavlovski


A new highway has emerged, a highway that will protect the free and open internet. #RumbleCloud

Sep 06, 2023, 8:15 AM


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87ab0f No.87482

File: 3fd4dab1723c482⋯.png (619.02 KB,1080x1426,540:713,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19499733 (061239ZSEP23) Notable: LIFELONG CRIMINAL ANDREW WEISSMANN SHOULD BE THE GUY GETTING 22 YEARS IN PRISON

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Former Assistant U.S. Attorney Andrew Weissmann said Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Deadline” that it was highly likely former President Donald Trump will get a “significant” jail sentence after Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio was sentenced to 22 years for charges including seditious conspiracy.

Anchor Nicolle Wallace said, “Twenty-two years, the longest sentence so far in the Department’s January 6 prosecutions. Your reaction?”

Weissman said, “Judge Kelly, in sentencing him, made various statements, clearly quite moved, saying that, ‘January 6, it can’t happen again,’ and repeated, ‘It can’t happen again,’ that the strongest message has to be sent in reference to Tarrio.”

He added, “This is not a good thing for Donald Trump. I have said this repeatedly. It’s obviously just a prediction, but for the judges in D.C. like Judge Chutkan, who have seen all January 6 cases, the leaders of the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers doing significant time. The idea that the general, the person who you have pointed out who is alleged to have led this and for whom they were acting, the idea that Donald Trump will not be sentenced to jail if he is convicted seems remote to me because the judges are living through this and seeing all these other defendants. And it’s an insult to the rule of law that people who are underlings would get this sentence and the leader would not.”


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87ab0f No.87483

File: 544d26ec1aaf82a⋯.jpg (537.55 KB,1080x1473,360:491,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19499755 (061246ZSEP23) Notable: Fire Control Technician 2nd Class Jeremy Kirkmeyer was identified as the sailor killed in the crash on Friday.

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Fire Control Technician 2nd Class Jeremy Kirkmeyer was identified as the sailor killed in the crash on Friday.


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87ab0f No.87484

File: b3b3e1935f17c95⋯.png (285.75 KB,412x544,103:136,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19499799 (061258ZSEP23) Notable: They’re not even trying to hide it—Sacramento politicians want to take away your voice.

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"They’re not even trying to hide it—Sacramento politicians want to take away your voice. #AB421 seeks to weaken your power to hold a referendum on the actions of the Legislature—one of the few remaining checks the People have over radical politicians in Sacramento. I will always strongly oppose efforts like this."


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87ab0f No.87485

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19499807 (061300ZSEP23) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy – 09/06/2023

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Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/06/2023



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87ab0f No.87486

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19499811 (061302ZSEP23) Notable: Lahaina Fires updates. They said WHAT?? - TOP OFFICIALS DENY RESPONSIBILITY

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Lahaina Fires updates. They said WHAT?? - TOP OFFICIALS DENY RESPONSIBILITY

Sept 5 2023

Tracy, Brush Junkie


- Tracy normally focuses on makeup

- But she was born and raised in Hawaii so has unique insights into the Maui situation.

- This video is the FIFTH of a series she started doing a few days ago, popped up on my phone today bc of similar searches.

Mayor Bissen, General Hara, Police Chief Pelletier and AG Anne E. Lopez Deny Responsibility for Inaction, Lack of Response in Maui fires

Mayor Bissen and General Kenneth Hara gave a PRESSER last week:



- They were asked to resign but won't unless the Gov asks them to.

Richard Bissen, Mayor of Maui County

- Bissen claims he didn't know how bad it was but fire started around 9 am, people weren't jumping in the water until around 5 pm. How likely is that?

- We know his officers BARRICADED citizens into Lahaina, said they were acting "under orders."

- Tracy has a list of all the times he LIED - about why there were barricades, other lies.

- When asked who was in charge, said he didn't know.

Major General Kenneth Hara

- Could have called in the military to help rescue people but didn't.

- He also said didn't know it was that bad, that nobody told him. Also said fire moved too fast even tho it took ALL DAY.

- Said there was disinfo, misinfo, malinfo - Terry reminds us the malinfo doesn't mean it's wrong just INCONVENIENT.

Chief of Police John Pelletier, Maui Police Dept

- sworn in as Chief of Police in 2021. Came from La Vegas, where he was the incident commander during Mandalay Bay shooting in 2017.

- Police Chief gets voted in by a COMMISSION, not the public. Unanimously voted in.

- They waived a law requriing the police chief be in residence for a minimum of a year.

- Hawaii culture: you don't just waltz in, must be there a long time to be part of the community.

- Police Chief gets paid a lot more in Maui - $132000, he gets $205,000. than say LA. Big step up for Las Vegas position.

- Incident with his personal secy,Terry Jones. Feb 24, 2022. She died after someone stole her purse in the middle of the night. She chased them in a car and crashed into a tree. Died at the scene. Suspicious circumstances.

Who put Pelletier up for that position???

Atty General Anne Lopez

- Will there be criminal charges brought against anyone?

- NO, they just want to "move forward."

Tracy asks:


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87ab0f No.87487

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19499815 (061303ZSEP23) Notable: Lahaina Fires updates. They said WHAT?? - TOP OFFICIALS DENY RESPONSIBILITY

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National reporter confronts Mayor Bissen, leaders, over lack of communication in Lahaina fire

A press conference updating the wildfire response effort on Maui turned confrontational after a national reporter challenged Mayor Richard Bissen and Maj. Gen Kenneth Hara on a perceived lack of communication as to the gravity of the situation unfolding in Lahaina on Aug. 8.

I think this presser was held about a week ago.


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87ab0f No.87488

File: 94c10ea0693aca1⋯.jpg (221.17 KB,720x1185,48:79,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4e9789d90577b74⋯.jpg (146.89 KB,720x932,180:233,Clipboard.jpg)

File: adc39914e4a752a⋯.jpg (107.75 KB,523x930,523:930,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19499820 (061305ZSEP23) Notable: Big Mike hiding out in Spain while the country finds out Barack is a homo

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Big Mike hiding out in Spain while the country finds out Barack is a homo


Michelle Obama dons funky shirt with seashell tassels over her bathing suit as she steps out in Mallorca while enjoying an island vacation with pals

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87ab0f No.87489

File: c9ef92012dbf874⋯.png (85.27 KB,760x426,380:213,Clipboard.png)

File: 9ccae5160f2e37f⋯.png (67.32 KB,847x500,847:500,Clipboard.png)

File: 8786f6549cfff60⋯.png (81.06 KB,724x422,362:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19499853 (061317ZSEP23) Notable: Blinken visited Ukraine’s capital

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U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken visited Ukraine’s capital, where he was expected to announce more than $1 billion in new American funding in a display of Washington’s unflagging support for Kyiv’s fight.


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87ab0f No.87490

File: 30a25752873c543⋯.png (325.12 KB,1192x907,1192:907,Clipboard.png)

File: 5d828232172e9bf⋯.jpg (20.46 KB,474x315,158:105,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19499884 (061326ZSEP23) Notable: PF Reports

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ANOLE31 (E6 Mercury)

West bound out of Tinker AFB, just west of Amarillo.


Squawking 0540


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87ab0f No.87491

File: 4f1709a0e89829a⋯.jpeg (48.45 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19499892 (061328ZSEP23) Notable: Ukrainian MPs approve new defense minister

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6 Sep, 2023 10:49

Ukrainian MPs approve new defense minister

President Zelensky had announced cabinet reshuffle last Sunday

Ukrainian MPs approve new defense minister

Ukrainian MPs voted on Wednesday to confirm Rustem Umerov as the new defense minister. President Vladimir Zelensky announced his candidacy in the past week, while also declaring he wanted then-head of the department, Aleksey Reznikov, to step down.

The country’s lawmakers supported the nominee overwhelmingly, with no votes cast against Umerov and a single abstention, according to Ukrainian media.

Several corruption scandals rocked the Defense Ministry under Reznikov’s leadership, though the man himself until last week had defied multiple predictions of imminent sacking.

Umerov, who is 41 and a businessman, and who previously headed the State Property Fund, was perceived by domestic media as a safe pick for Zelensky, as the president seeks to convince Kiev’s foreign sponsors –and the Ukrainian public– that his pledges to eradicate graft by officials are sincere. (What does he know about running the Defense Dept?)

The official previously served as an MP and was also part of the Ukrainian delegation to failed peace talks with Russia in Minsk.He is an alumnus of the US State Department’s Future Leaders Exchange program.

Kiev’s replacement of minister of defense camejust as US Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived thereon Wednesday for a two-day visit. It is the first such trip to Ukraine by a US official of this seniority since Kiev launched its counteroffensive against Russia in early June.

Ahead of his meetings with senior Ukrainian officials, Blinken praised progress made so far and pledged long-term support for Kiev. But Western media reports, citing insiders in the US government, said Washington was frustrated with the way the Ukrainian leadership was conducting the operation.

Earlier this week, the Russian military updated its estimate of the price paid by the Ukrainian army in its assaults. Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said that Kiev had lost over 66,000 soldiers and more than 7,600 units of heavy weaponry trying to breach Russian defensive lines.

Reznikov’sfuture career remains unclear at the moment. Sources in Ukraine have suggested that hemay be appointed Kiev’s next ambassador to the UK. Zelensky sacked Vadim Pristayko as the head of the diplomatic mission in London in July, after the envoy criticized the president’s tone in responding to criticism by foreign governments.

Earlier that month, the Ukrainian leader was chastised by some Western officials for not showing gratitude to nations sponsoring Kiev in its conflict against Russia and, in an apparent response,released a video in which he said “thank you” for the aid 47 times in less than ten minutes.

(The US State Dept now officially runs Ukraine, along with the SeeEyeAye! Kek)


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87ab0f No.87492

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19499905 (061332ZSEP23) Notable: "They're blocking you from seeing the truth in Maui"

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"They're blocking you from seeing the truth in Maui"

Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris


22 minutes.

389,428 views Aug 30, 2023 #redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris

It’s been 22 days since a massive fire destroyed the town of Lahaina on Maui… 2,000 homes incinerated, hundreds of people killed and all in an area largely owned and lived in by long time native islanders. What is really going on here?

Why are drones being blocked, residents arrested when they try to return home? Why are 2,000 kids missing? If you want to donate to help the people of Maui you can do so by texting the word "mahalo" to 53-555 and 100% of the money will go to help the victims.

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87ab0f No.87493

File: 4d0c3ae8d7ba642⋯.png (42.7 KB,755x381,755:381,Clipboard.png)

File: 562cd81f1ff2387⋯.png (148.07 KB,1071x817,1071:817,Clipboard.png)

File: e8c4ef7ead1add2⋯.jpg (85.99 KB,750x500,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19499929 (061338ZSEP23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump: “Digital World Acquisition Corp. Announces Voting Results of Special Meeting to Approve the Extension Amendment”

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Donald J. Trump


“Digital World Acquisition Corp. Announces Voting Results of Special Meeting to Approve the Extension Amendment”

—> sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/18



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87ab0f No.87494

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19499939 (061341ZSEP23) Notable: Texas Senate Impeachment Trial of State Attorney General Ken Paxton, Day 2

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Texas Senate Impeachment Trial of State Attorney General Ken Paxton, Day 2

The Texas State Senate debates articles of impeachment against state Attorney General Ken Paxton, who was impeached in May in the state’s legislature over accusations of misconduct, including bribery and obstruction of justice.


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87ab0f No.87495

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19499944 (061342ZSEP23) Notable: DC meetings today

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10:00 AM EDT

U.S. Senate: U.S. Senate

The Senate will continue work on the nomination of Federal Reserve Board of Governors member Philip Jefferson to be Vice Chair for a term of four years.


10:00 AM EDT

Hearings to Examine AUKUS, Focusing on a Generational Opportunity to Deepen Our Security Partnerships With Australia and the United Kingdom

Senate Foreign Relations Committee



The Honorable Jessica Lewis

Assistant Secretary

Bureau of Political Military Affairs

United States Department of State

Washington, D.C.


The Honorable Mara E. Karlin, PhD

Performing the Duties of the Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Policy

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy, Plans, and Capabilities

United States Department of Defense

Washington, D.C.


The Honorable Kin Moy

Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary

Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs

United States Department of State

Washington, D.C.






Defense & State Department Officials Testify on Australia-U.K.-U.S. Partnership

State and Defense Department officials testify on the Australia-U.K.-U.S. security partnership before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.


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87ab0f No.87496

File: 57425fb83b08884⋯.png (43.93 KB,400x268,100:67,Clipboard.png)

File: 906ece9f53771cc⋯.png (26.88 KB,600x200,3:1,Clipboard.png)

File: a7f0e1a2956a2be⋯.png (645.39 KB,540x698,270:349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19499951 (061344ZSEP23) Notable: So Liberty Safe has access codes to everyone's safe that they will give the feds when requested?

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So Liberty Safe has access codes to everyone's safe that they will give the feds when requested

Sep 06, 2023, 8:33 AM





Liberty Safe is America's #1 heavy-duty home and gun safe manufacturer. Join the more than two million homeowners who have found the peace of mind that comes from owning a Liberty Safe. When buying a safe, people shop at Liberty because of the quality, reliability, and service received. Read more than 32,000 reviews online, and you'll see why our home and gun safe brand has a 98% customer satisfaction rating. There is nothing like owning a Liberty Safe with value and features at a great price. If you have been in the market to buy a strong security vault, you have come to the right place.




1199 West Utah Avenue

Payson, Utah 84651


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87ab0f No.87497

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19499959 (061347ZSEP23) Notable: Larry Sinclair June 30, 2012 Speech on Biden Crime Family; Sinclair has YT channel

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Larry Sinclair

June 30, 2012 Speech

Biden Crime family


and more


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87ab0f No.87498

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19499964 (061350ZSEP23) Notable: Larry Sinclair June 30, 2012 Speech on Biden Crime Family; Sinclair has YT channel

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Larry Sinclair has a youtube channel

2023 Sinclair Reports article related videos are published here. SR and Lawrence Sinclair are credentialed Investigative Journalists with USPA News Agency and German Daily News. While our Primary focus is on Immigration, Political and Legal reporting we cover anything news worthy from a perspective not seen much anymore, where the straight facts are presented so you can make your own decision as it relates to you and your life.

Some videos published here will include our own experiences at times as to what we encounter on a day to day basis as well.

©2012-2023 Lawrence Sinclair-Sinclair-Reports


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87ab0f No.87499

File: 87b603ac7da5edb⋯.png (285.92 KB,1200x798,200:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19499979 (061357ZSEP23) Notable: Chinese Ceres-1 rocket reaches orbit with first sea launch

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Chinese Ceres-1 rocket reaches orbit with first sea launch

September 5, 2023

HELSINKI — China’s Galactic Energy conducted its first sea launch early Wednesday, also marking a ninth successive successful launch for the commercial company.

The Ceres-1 solid rocket lifted off from a transport erector launcher on a mobile sea platform off the coast of Haiyang, Shandong province, at 5:34 a.m. Eastern (0934 UTC) Sept. 5.

Aboard were four satellites for Guodian Gaoke, a commercial firm constructing its Tianqi low-Earth orbit narrow-band Internet of Things constellation.

The launch carried Tianqi satellites 21-24, with the spacecraft targeting an 800-kilometer-altitude orbit. The satellites are equipped with chemical propulsion systems allowing orbital maneuvers. Guodian Gaoke has 21 satellites in orbit and aims to complete the 38-satellite constellation in 2024.

Galactic Energy dubbed the launch “The Little Mermaid” in a Rocket Lab-style mission naming.

Ceres-1 has a diameter of 1.4 meters, a length of about 20 meters, a mass at take-off of about 33 tons and a liquid propellant upper stage. It can deliver 400 kg to low Earth orbit (LEO) or 300 kg to a 500-kilometer-altitude sun-synchronous orbit (SSO). This was the first launch to 800 kilometers.

China’s Eastern sea launch spaceport in Haiyang facilitated the launch. The mobile rocket launch barge designated DE FU 15002 was used for the launch.

Haiyang has now supported launches of state-owned Long March 11 solid rockets and the spinoff Jielong-3 rocket. Another startup, Orienspace, is currently targeting December for its first ever launch, using Haiyang.

Orienspace’s Gravity-1 consists of three solid stages and four side boosters. The rocket will have the capability to lift around 6,500 kilograms of payload to LEO, or 3,700 kilograms to 700-km SSO.

Haiyang spaceport could support liquid launchers in the future and is part of a wider expansion of spaceports in China to help ease a bottleneck in access to space, and provide greater launch flexibility and redundancy. It could potentially reduce the risk from falling rocket debris associated with Chinese launches from inland spaceports.

Tuesday’s Ceres-1 launch was a hot launch. Long March 11 launches from the Yellow Sea have been cold launches.

Galactic Energy was founded in early 2018 by former employees of the state-owned China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT). With support of the national military-civil fusion strategy, the firm launched its first Ceres-1 solid rocket in November 2020. This made it only the second private Chinese launch firm to place a satellite in orbit, following iSpace in 2019.

A single launch followed a year later, with a pair of launches performed in 2022. The company is now ramping up its launch rate, launching five times in 2023, including four since July 22.

The company is also preparing for the first launch of its Pallas-1 kerosene-liquid oxygen launcher. The reusable two-stage Pallas-1 will be capable of carrying 5,000 kilograms to LEO or 3,000 kilograms to 700-km SSO. It raised $200 million for reusable launch vehicle development in early 2022.

Galactic Energy stated at the China Commercial Aerospace Forum in Wuhan in July this year that it is targeting Q3 next year for the Pallas-1 test flight. The company plans a first flight including recovery of the first stage using landing legs for 2025.

Space Pioneer (Tianlong-2) and Landspace (Zhuque-2) earlier this year became the first Chinese commercial firms to reach orbit with liquid propellant rockets. These successes mark a jump in Chinese commercial payload capacity, as well as launch vehicle complexity.

China’s commercial launch sector has also grown in terms of launch rate and diversity in 2023. Six firms — Galactic Energy, iSpace, Landspace, Space Pioneer and state-owned spinoffs CAS Space and Expace have all reached orbit this year. This group have already launched 11 times this year, surpassing the total of 10 missions accrued by Expace, CAS Space, China Rocket, Galactic Energy and iSpace (one failure) in 2022.



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87ab0f No.87500

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19499986 (061359ZSEP23) Notable: Paxton peachmint trial link and update

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Paxton peachmint trial link https://senate.texas.gov/av-live.php

We start where we left off last night. Both sides were supposed to deal with exhibit issues outside court and first order of business is to address Paxton's privilege claims that should have been done before this started as it came up in objections several times. Then back on the stand is Holier Than Thou Boi who will probably tell us how unworthy of the job Paxton was/is and it is really him and his other 7 "whistleblowers" I think are mutiny conspirators . We will continue hearing this Narcist tell us how Christian he is.

So far, Paxton's side seems like a caged tiger ready to be cut loose. I expect some combativeness at cross. 2nd chair lawyer is typical Texan and a show all of himself. Tells persona stories and uses idioms and long winded phrases similar to Senator John Kennedy. Hoep to enjoy more from him today

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87ab0f No.87501

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19499993 (061401ZSEP23) Notable: Larry Sinclair June 30, 2012 Speech on Biden Crime Family; Sinclair has YT channel

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Larry Sinclair 2012 rare interview on dc radio station

parts 1-7








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87ab0f No.87502

File: aad06086f93259d⋯.png (665.88 KB,900x506,450:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500014 (061405ZSEP23) Notable: 2023 Multilateral Coordination Board Joint Statement

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2023 Multilateral Coordination Board Joint Statement

September 5, 2023

The International Space Station Multilateral Coordination Board met Wednesday, Aug. 23, to review the operational status of the microgravity laboratory.

The board members welcomed the commitments by the United States, Japan, Canada, and member states of ESA (European Space Agency) to extend the International Space Station operations through 2030, as well as Russia’s commitment to extend operations through 2028. The members confirmed the readiness of the International Space Station partnership to continue working together to advance microgravity research on this unique orbiting laboratory and to ensure the safe operation of the space station.

During the meeting, the board underlined the role of the International Space Station in providing an environment to develop and test technologies and engineering solutions in support of long-term space exploration, as well as serving as a proving ground for an increase in the commercialization of low Earth orbit. The members also discussed respective plans and priorities for operations in low Earth orbit, including utilization goals and the importance of interoperability standards for enabling technical cooperation in space.


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87ab0f No.87503

File: 3caaed1b1221275⋯.jpg (157.7 KB,720x1239,240:413,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 05e970118dbfc28⋯.mp4 (1.43 MB,464x848,29:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500015 (061405ZSEP23) Notable: Head of the Ukrainian draft board's daughter posting a video of her vacation in LA & Miami

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Fucking scum


The daughter of the head of the Ukrainian draft board of the Chernihiv region, Alexander Sapon, posting a video of her vacation in Los Angeles and Miami.

American taxpayers money at work.....


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87ab0f No.87504

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500061 (061419ZSEP23) Notable: MTG Wants to Impeach D.C. DA for Not Letting Jan. 6 Rioters Skate Not Giving J6 Protesters a Fair Shake

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MTG Wants to Impeach D.C. DA for Not Letting Jan. 6 Rioters Skate

Democrats called out Republican hypocrisy on crime during a House Oversight hearing on Wednesday

Nikki McCann RamirezMay 16, 2023

Democrats called out Republican hypocrisy on crime during a House Oversight hearing on Wednesday

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) says she will introduce articles of impeachment against D.C. District Attorney Matthew Graves, accusing him of “maliciously prosecuting at least 1000 people from Jan. 6,” and not “real criminals.”

“The time for weaponizing the Department of Justice needs to come to an end,” Greene said during a Wednesday House OversightCommittee hearing on rising crime rates within the nation’s capital.

“Because you refuse to prosecute real criminals — that are violating all the crimes here in Washington, D.C. — and you want to talk about D.C. residents, they are victims of your abuse of power. And because of that, I am introducing articles of impeachment on you, Mr. Graves.”

Under Graves’ leadership, in 2022 the D.C. superior court declined to prosecute 67 percent of cases that would have been tried before the court. Graves says that while the number of declined cases has increased, violent felonies are still being prosecuted. Graves told The Washington Post that part of the reason cases were being dismissed was the lack of accreditation for D.C.’s crime lab, and increased scrutiny of arrests now that the use of bodycam footage is widely enforced.

While Republicans in the hearing lambasted Graves, Democrats took the opportunity to point out the disorder within the Republican caucus.

Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-Texas) called out Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-Fla.) when she raised the issue of sexual assault. “I am so excited that my colleagues across the aisle care about sexual abuse considering that the front runner [for the Republican presidential nomination] has just been found liable of sexual abuse,” Crockett said, referring to a New York jury’s ruling that former President Trump was financially liable for sexual battery against author E. Jean Carroll.

“This may mean that finally, some folk will back off from supporting him because we don’t support sexual abusers in this chamber,” Crockett quipped.

Rep. Melanie Stansbury (D-N.M.) pointed outthat while lawmakers were “here talking about crime,” Rep. George Santos (R-N.Y.) is “walking around the Capitol voting,” while facing 13 criminal counts of fraud in New York.

Democrats also questioned the sincerity of Greene and her GOP colleagues’ concern about crime in the district when they so vehemently defended rioters who stormed the Capitol and attacked law enforcement officials on Jan. 6.

Rep. Daniel Goldman (D-N.Y.) told the committee that it was “odd” to hear Republicans “talk so much this week about ‘backing the blue’ when they also defend so many of the January 6th defendants who violently attacked the Capitol.”

“It’s particularly rich hearing accusations from my Republican colleagues that anyone is ‘soft on crime’ considering the fact that a number of them have been to the D.C. jail to defend those violent criminals,” Goldman said.

(Too bad Rolling Stone used to decent articles on revealing corruption, now they are part of the cover up)


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87ab0f No.87505

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500064 (061419ZSEP23) Notable: Japan will launch SLIM moon lander and space telescope today after delays.

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Japan will launch SLIM moon lander and space telescope today after delays.

Japan will shoot for the moon on Wednesday (Sept. 6).

The Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) is planning to launch its Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM) mission, along with a space telescope called XRISM, on Wednesday at 7:42 p.m. EDT (2342 GMT; 8:42 a.m. Thursday Japan time).

You can watch it live here at Space.com, courtesy of JAXA. Coverage will start at 7:10 p.m. EDT (2310 GMT; 8:10 a.m. Japan time).

The launch has been delayed multiple times by bad weather, most recently on Aug. 28.

SLIM and XRISM will launch from Tanegashima Space Center atop Japan's H2-A rocket. SLIM's lunar landing, which is expected to occur four to six months from now, will be Japan's second attempt in recent months to put hardware on the moon's surface. An effort by the Tokyo-based company ispace failed during its landing try on April 25.

Also flying on the H-2A is the X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission (XRISM) mission, which aims to scrutinize the universe in X-rays. That spacecraft is a collaboration involving JAXA, NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA).

SLIM is a small moon mission with big aims. The probe aims to demonstrate accurate lunar landing techniques with a precise touchdown. The mission plan calls for a landing no more than 328 feet (100 m) from a target inside the moon's Shioli Crater.

From there, the lander will examine the environment surrounding it in Shioli Crater, a 984-foot-wide (300 m) impact feature inside Mare Nectaris. The area is roughly at 13 degrees south latitude and 25 degrees east longitude, on the near side of the moon facing Earth.

If SLIM makes it safely to the surface, Japan will become just the fifth country to do so after the former Soviet Union, the United States, Japan and India. India just joined the group with the historic Aug. 23 touchdown of its Chandrayaan-3 rover-lander duo. (Other countries have made attempts, including Russia, whose Luna-25 lander recently crashed following an unsuccessful maneuver on Aug. 19.)



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87ab0f No.87506

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500105 (061433ZSEP23) Notable: US forcing ‘fight to last Ukrainian’ - Kremlin

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6 Sep, 2023 13:19

US forcing ‘fight to last Ukrainian’ – Kremlin

Dmitry Peskov made the remark amid media reports that the US is set to unveil another defense aid package for Kiev

The US is intent on “waging a war to the last Ukrainian,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has claimed following reports that Washington is planning to provide more weapons to Kiev. He insisted that theadditional aid would not change the course of the conflict.

“We have many times heard statements that[the US] is going to continue helping Kiev as long as necessary,” Peskov told reporters on Wednesday.

This meansWashington will “further keep Ukraine effectively at war and wage this war to the last Ukrainian, sparing no expense,”he added.

Peskov said American military supplies would not change the way Russia’s military campaign is being conducted in the neighboring country.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived in Ukraine for an unannounced two-day tour on Wednesday – the first such visit since the start of the Ukrainian counteroffensive in early June.

“We want to make sure that Ukraine has what it needsnot only to succeed on the counteroffensive, but [also] in the long term,”he stated following his arrival in Kiev.

Earlier, a State Department official told journalists on the trip that the secretary of state would likely announce a new $1 billion assistance package, as reported by Reuters.

The Russian Defense Ministry claimed this week that Kiev had suffered “colossal” losses during its summer campaign, with more than 66,000 troops killed and over 7,600 heavy weapons destroyed.

Speaking following talks with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Sochi on Monday, President Vladimir Putin declared that Kiev’s attempts to breach Russian defenses had failed.

Meanwhile, there has been growing opposition among US lawmakers to the continuation of military assistance for Ukraine at current levels, as well as calls for more oversight.

Last month, US President Joe Biden asked Congress to authorize $24 billion in additional spending for Ukraine.

(Why don’t the Ukrainian civilians have a problem with the statement “down to that last Ukrainian?” They probably do but Ukraine eliminated any independent media, only state media allowed.)


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87ab0f No.87507

File: baa9ec8d02f82c7⋯.png (381.92 KB,634x400,317:200,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500124 (061438ZSEP23) Notable: The world's UFO hotspots are revealed

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The world's UFO hotspots are revealed - as Pentagon chief admits hundreds of mysterious objects have been spotted 'all over the world'

UPDATED: 07:50 EDT, 5 September 2023

- Hotspot map released to the new website of the US government's UFO office

- Remote mountain village in Japan is described as a hotspot for UFO sightings

The US government is notoriously secretive when it comes to sharing what it knows about extraterrestrial life.

But in a possible bid for transparency, the Department of Defense has released a new document disclosing the 'world's UFO hotspots'.

It includes a map disclosing where the most sightings of unidentified objects have been recorded, based on reports between 1996 and 2023.

The map comes shortly after a Pentagon chief admitted that hundreds of mysterious objects have been spotted 'all over the world.'

Dr Sean Kirkpatrick, director of the Pentagon's All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), said: 'We see these ['metallic orbs'] all over the world, and we see these making very interesting apparent manoeuvres.'

The map reveals Nagasaki and Hiroshima in Japan, the east and west coasts of the US including California, as well as parts of the Middle East are all hotspots for UFO sightings.

Revealing that Japan and a region of the Middle East – including Iraq and Syria – are UFO hotspots may surprise enthusiasts who commonly associate sightings with the US.

In particular, the map identifies a region in the south-west of the country, covering the cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima – which were famously the targets of US nuclear strikes in 1945.

Another one of the Japanese hotspots is the small community of Iinomachi in Fukushima Prefecture, which has been referred to as 'UFO Town'.

Iinomachi has been decked out with extraterrestrial-themed decorations in an effort to drawn fans and promote itself as a 'home to aliens'.

It is also the base of a research institute called the International UFO Lab, opened in 2021 and headed by alien enthusiast Takeharu Mikami.

In June this year, the International UFO Lab released six images of 'likely UFOs', the Japan Times reported, taken in Kobe and Fukushima among other regions.

They were narrowed down from a total of 494 reports it received from people in Japan and abroad in one year, although most appeared to be of drones, birds or just reflections.

The US government's map features in a five-page document called 'UAP Reporting Trends', published on the new website of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), a dedicated UFO department formed in July last year.



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87ab0f No.87508

File: 5275869e70a50dd⋯.jpg (322.27 KB,1080x1476,30:41,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500134 (061439ZSEP23) Notable: So Liberty Safe has access codes to everyone's safe that they will give the feds when requested?

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Tyb Where's the heat?

10 vehicles of feds + Liberty Safe

REPORT 🚨 America’s top gun safe manufacturer, Liberty Safe, gave the FBI an access code to a safe owned by someone who was present at the January 6, 2021.


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87ab0f No.87509

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500148 (061443ZSEP23) Notable: The Media Wants Us to Know That Jill Biden Has COVID - The Primary Election Variant

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The Media Wants Us to Know That Jill Biden Has COVID – The Primary Election Variant

September 5, 2023 | Sundance |

Does anyone really care?I mean, HIPAA laws prohibit the public display of health information. So, when the people behind the wife of Joe Bidenwant to proclaim that she has the newest and fashionable variant of COVID, there’s generally a narrative engineering reason for it.

I’m sure Jill Biden will not be the last to promote their infected status, there’s certain to be a line of Hollywood and pop culture figures enlisted in the useful narrative. However,it will be interesting to see just how many people play along this time.

WASHINGTON DC – First lady Jill Biden tested positive for Covid-19 Monday evening and is “currently experiencing only mild symptoms,” according to the White House.

The first lady, 72, will remain at her home in Rehoboth Beach, Del., her communications director Elizabeth Alexander said in a statement. She has been vaccinated and received boosters. (read more)

CNN steps in with the narrative enhancement, “Jill Biden’s diagnosis comes amid renewed attention to Covid-19 as the world approaches the fourth virus season since the coronavirus arrived on the scene. US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data from earlier in the summer showed a slight increase in hospital admissions, emergency department visits, and positive Covid-19 tests – although not nearly as high as in past summers.”


I talked to someone the other day that was still very pissed they had taken 3 jabs and still got covid. One of the last in the country that didn’t say, “at least I didn’t die”!

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87ab0f No.87510

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500177 (061454ZSEP23) Notable: So Liberty Safe has access codes to everyone's safe that they will give the feds when requested?

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Morman territory the birth place of Mormanism


specifically invited by Trump

In July 2018, Liberty Safe was recognized by the White House and invited to its “Made in America” event

Founded in 1988, Liberty Safe began operating out of a single storage unit. Over the past 30 years, the company has grown from a small facility to a 205,000 square foot facility in Payson, Utah, and can produce more than 500 safes a day. As of 2018, they claim to have sold over 2 million safes during this first 30 years of


Payson is a city in Utah County, Utah, United States. It is part of the Provo–Orem Metropolitan Statistical Area. The population was 21,101 at the 2020 census.[3]


Pioneers from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints led by James Edward Pace Jr. first settled what is now Payson, Utah.[4] On Sunday, October 20, 1850, Pace with his family and the families of John Courtland Searle and Andrew Jackson Stewart, totaling 16 settlers in all, arrived at their destination on Peteetneet Creek.[5][6]

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87ab0f No.87511

File: 8327f5ee644a33f⋯.png (679.79 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

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File: d868f1bde96f786⋯.png (519.72 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500186 (061456ZSEP23) Notable: PF Reports

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Who is going to Miami

And who is going away ?

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87ab0f No.87512

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500296 (061524ZSEP23) Notable: #23949

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#23949 >>87473

>>87474 HERE WE FUCKIN GO - Harris says she's ready to step into role of president if Biden is unwell: 'May have to take over'

>>87475 Strange semblance

>>87476, >>87477, >>87478 Scoop: House Republicans warn of McCarthy leadership challenge

>>87479 Q+ retruth: JUST IN: Trump Calls On Big Pharma To Release Jab Safety Data :fire::bangbang::bangbang:

>>87480 Proud Boys’ Enrique Tarrio Receives Record 22-Year Prison Sentence for Capitol Riots

>>87481 CEO of @Rumble - A new highway has emerged, a highway that will protect the free and open internet. #RumbleCloud


>>87483 Fire Control Technician 2nd Class Jeremy Kirkmeyer was identified as the sailor killed in the crash on Friday.

>>87484 They’re not even trying to hide it—Sacramento politicians want to take away your voice.

>>87485 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy – 09/06/2023

>>87486, >>87487 Lahaina Fires updates. They said WHAT?? - TOP OFFICIALS DENY RESPONSIBILITY

>>87492 "They're blocking you from seeing the truth in Maui"

>>87488 Big Mike hiding out in Spain while the country finds out Barack is a homo

>>87490, >>87511 PF Reports

baker change

>>87489 Blinken visited Ukraine’s capital

>>87491 Ukrainian MPs approve new defense minister

>>87493 @realDonaldTrump: “Digital World Acquisition Corp. Announces Voting Results of Special Meeting to Approve the Extension Amendment”

>>87494 Texas Senate Impeachment Trial of State Attorney General Ken Paxton, Day 2

>>87495 DC meetings today

>>87496, >>87508, >>87510 So Liberty Safe has access codes to everyone's safe that they will give the feds when requested?

>>87497, >>87501, >>87498 Larry Sinclair June 30, 2012 Speech on Biden Crime Family; Sinclair has YT channel

>>87499 Chinese Ceres-1 rocket reaches orbit with first sea launch

>>87500 Paxton peachmint trial link and update

>>87502 2023 Multilateral Coordination Board Joint Statement

>>87503 Head of the Ukrainian draft board's daughter posting a video of her vacation in LA & Miami

>>87504 MTG Wants to Impeach D.C. DA for Not Letting Jan. 6 Rioters Skate Not Giving J6 Protesters a Fair Shake

>>87505 Japan will launch SLIM moon lander and space telescope today after delays.

>>87506 US forcing ‘fight to last Ukrainian’ - Kremlin

>>87507 The world's UFO hotspots are revealed

>>87509 The Media Wants Us to Know That Jill Biden Has COVID - The Primary Election Variant



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87ab0f No.87513

File: ccd1a16587e8fe8⋯.png (226.71 KB,598x695,598:695,Clipboard.png)

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File: c278a5ccc9781bc⋯.png (270.3 KB,472x502,236:251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500309 (061527ZSEP23) Notable: #23950

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baker seeking handoff, ghosting @20


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87ab0f No.87514

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500313 (061528ZSEP23) Notable: 'Patient influencers' are being paid by big pharma to mislead TikTok and Instagram followers about drugs for HIV, Parkinson's and migraines

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'Patient influencers' are being paid by big pharma to mislead TikTok and Instagram followers about drugs for HIV, Parkinson's and migraines, experts warn==1/2

• Researchers interviewed 26 patient influencers, mainly 'mico-influencers'

• More than half had collaborated with a pharmaceutical company in some way

• Maker of 'miracle' weight loss jab Wegovy 'bribed pharmacists'

By Caitlin Tilley, Health Reporter For Dailymail.Com Updated: 12:38 EDT, 21 March 2023

So-called 'patient influencers' are being paid by big pharmaceutical companies to make content that might mislead their TikTok and Instagram followers, experts warn. With trust in pharmaceutical companies decreasing, drug makers are cashing in on real patients turned social media influencers to spread the word about their products.

An influx of posts on TikTok and Twitter has put drugs such as weight-loss shots Ozempic and Wegovy in the spotlight, leading some to take it without a doctor's prescription. The Ozempic and Wegovy hashtags are among the most popular for pharmaceutical drugs on TikTok. Many patients share their experiences using the drugs and promote its weightloss, though not all reviews are entirely positive. Videos range from hundreds of thousands to millions of views

Research by the University of Colorado published this week in the Journal of Medical Internet Research found that patients who later become social media influencers often offer prescription drug advice to their followers and have close links with drugmakers.

Erin Willis, lead study author and associate professor of advertising, public relations and media design, said the practice 'raises ethical questions'.Ms Willis interviewed 26 patient influencers between March and April 2022 with conditions including lupus, fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s disease, asthma, HIV, celiac disease, chronic migraines and perimenopause.

• The majority were 'micro-influencers' with between 1,000 and 40,000 followers.

• These people are generally cheaper for advertisers to work with than celebrities with a larger following.

• More than half (69 percent) had collaborated with a pharmaceutical company in some way.

• These include serving on advisory boards, speaking to physicians and researchers or communicating with key audiences.

• Some 15 percent of the interviewees said they shared new releases from pharmaceutical companies with their followers if the information was relevant.

• Twelve percent read medical studies and shared the results simply with their online audience.

• Disseminating this information was not prompted by sponsorships or payments from the drug company — the influencers said they were doing it because 'they wanted to be credible to their followers'.

• One participant said: 'I feel like I have a unique skill set where I’m not trained in the neuroscience of migraine, but I can read peer-reviewed research and get the gist of it, minus the really technical sort-of-science-y parts.'

• The study paper said: 'The patient influencers wanted to be an accurate, trustworthy source for their followers and did not ever want to mislead other patients.' But some were paid to post content for pharmaceutical companies.


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87ab0f No.87515

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500328 (061532ZSEP23) Notable: 'Patient influencers' are being paid by big pharma to mislead TikTok and Instagram followers about drugs for HIV, Parkinson's and migraines

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The patient influencers used were also a curated sample provided by Health Union, a digital health company, which Ms Willis acknowledged meant they were likely to be on the responsible side.

Ms Willis saidsocial media users will frequently fail to recognize the difference between a sponsored adand a genuine, personal post.

She said: 'Health literacy and digital literacy are both concerningly low in this country.

The fact that patients with no medical training are broadly sharing drug information should alarm us.'

• Multiple participants said followers often private message them to get more in-depth information about dosage and side effects.

• Direct-to-consumer (DTC) drug advertising has been popular since it first began in the 1980s.

• Still only legal in the US and New Zealand, it enables drug companies to target consumers directly instead of only going through doctors.

• Roughly half of the patients who ask their doctor about a drug after seeing an advert on TV get given it.

• Elon Musk credited the popular diet drug Wegovy with making him 'fit, ripped and healthy' and said he lost almost 30lbs (13.6kg) while taking it

DTC drug advertising is a booming market, and has grown almost five-fold from 1997 to 2016.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) mandates that influencers disclose if they have been paid by using hashtags such as #ad or #sponsored, and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has regulations on the sorts of things that can be said on social posts.

However, these are open to interpretation, and features such as videos, disappearing content and direct messages can be tough to keep a handle on. Ms Willis said regulators need to ensure they are monitoring all the new platforms. She said: 'This is happening, with or without regulation, and people should be aware of it.'

Among Wegovy's famous users is tech mogul Elon Musk. He credited the drug with making him 'fit, ripped and healthy' and said he lost almost 30lbs (13.6kg) while taking it.

He revealed that he was using it in October last year when a fan asked what the secret was to his new slimmed-down appearance. 'Fasting', Musk, 51, replied before adding: 'And Wegovy'.

• Novo Nordisk, manufacturers of Ozempic and Wegovy, told DailyMail.com: 'We do not currently work with any influencers to share their experience taking Wegovy or Ozempic through their personal social media channels. Any social media content sponsored by Novo Nordisk is identified and labeled as such.

• 'All Novo Nordisk sponsored content is consistent with approved labeling and with all applicable laws and regulations governing the promotion of our products.'


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87ab0f No.87516

File: a2a18a74de730f2⋯.png (716.71 KB,586x914,293:457,Clipboard.png)

File: 53f97b447ea9221⋯.png (327.85 KB,628x519,628:519,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500354 (061540ZSEP23) Notable: Why is the Biden Regime funding Nazi death squads in Ukraine and rewarding domestic terrorists who participate in war crimes?

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Laura Loomer



When will the media report on this? And when will @joebiden



release a statement?

Why is the Biden Regime funding Nazi death squads in Ukraine and rewarding domestic terrorists who participate in war crimes?

The United States Government is EXPORTING NAZISM.


Laura Loomer





I have conducted an investigation and I believe that for the sake of National Security, public interest and now my own personal safety I need to immediately release and publish what I have uncovered about the United States… twitter.com/lauraloomer/st… Show more


4:08 AM · Sep 6, 2023




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87ab0f No.87517

File: cb18b98a42fc6a3⋯.png (334.41 KB,594x594,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500393 (061548ZSEP23) Notable: J6 Flight Attendant Goes on the Offense After Colleagues Attempt to Put Her on ‘No-Fly’ List for Attending Trump Speech

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Square profile picture

The Gateway Pundit


EXCLUSIVE: J6 Flight Attendant Goes on the Offense After Colleagues Attempt to Put Her on ‘No-Fly’ List for Attending Trump Speech via @gatewaypundit


EXCLUSIVE: J6 Flight Attendant Goes on the Offense After Colleagues Attempt to Put Her on 'No-Fly'...

On January 6th, 2021, Alaina Trocano joined hundreds of thousands of peaceful Americans to hear President Donald Trump in Washington, DC and exercise her First Amendment rights.

3:01 AM · Sep 6, 2023




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87ab0f No.87518

File: 0349ceef81d1d49⋯.png (183.33 KB,412x488,103:122,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500401 (061549ZSEP23) Notable: The FDA is set to authorize a new Covid booster as early as this week

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The FDA is set to authorize a new Covid booster as early as this week


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87ab0f No.87519

File: 6be54f7a81e3e1b⋯.png (250.9 KB,408x490,204:245,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500407 (061551ZSEP23) Notable: The FDA is set to authorize a new Covid booster as early as this week

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New Covid booster shots to be rolled out next WEDNESDAY - but just 17% of Americans got the last one


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87ab0f No.87520

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500431 (061557ZSEP23) Notable: Impaired parasympathetic function in long-COVID postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome - a case-control study

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2023 Sep 6;9(1):19.

doi: 10.1186/s42234-023-00121-6.

Impaired parasympathetic function in long-COVID postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome - a case-control study


Purpose: Eighty percent of patients infected by SARS-CoV-2 report persistence of one symptom beyond the 4-week convalescent period. Those with orthostatic tachycardia and orthostatic symptoms mimicking postural tachycardia syndrome, they are defined as Long-COVID POTS [LCP]. This case-control study investigated potential differences in autonomic cardiovascular regulation between LCP patients and healthy controls.



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87ab0f No.87521

File: ecfe76f6be95ee3⋯.mp4 (2.38 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500445 (061559ZSEP23) Notable: Why is the Biden Regime funding Nazi death squads in Ukraine and rewarding domestic terrorists who participate in war crimes?

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87ab0f No.87522

File: bc7b4047b458107⋯.png (214.08 KB,415x418,415:418,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500451 (061601ZSEP23) Notable: Now They May Come After Trump for Copyright Violation After Mug Shot Backfires

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Now They May Come After Trump for Copyright Violation After Mug Shot Backfires

READ: http://w-j.co/s/2ae5a

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87ab0f No.87523

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500460 (061602ZSEP23) Notable: Paxton trial/ Paxton investigates

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They do not want you talking about this…

AG Paxton Investigates Texas Bar Foundation for Facilitating Mass Influx of Illegal Aliens

May 06, 2022 | Press Release | Immigration

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has opened an investigation into the Texas Bar Foundation for its possibly aiding and abetting the mass influx of illegal aliens. The investigation is based on credible complaints filed by U.S. Congressman Troy Nehls (TX-22) and members of the public.

The Texas Bar Foundation is alleged to have knowingly given donations to entities that encourage, participate in, and fund illegal immigration at the Texas-Mexico border, and potentially using taxpayer dollars received from the State Bar of Texas, which appoints the Foundation’s trustees. If true, this is likely an improper use of charitable funds because the funds are diverted from their intended—and potentially unlawful—purpose.

The Attorney General is granted broad powers under the Texas Constitution and by statute to investigate charities to ensure they are operating for the public benefit and in compliance with state law.

“Unfortunately, at the very time that our state is facing an unprecedented border crisis and our brave men and women are serving Texas in Operation Lone Star, it appears that the liberal State Bar’s handpicked cronies are misusing charitable funds to make the situation even worse,” stated Attorney General Paxton, “I will not let this illegal behavior continue any further. Thank you to Congressman Nehls and other concerned citizens for bringing this to my attention.”


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87ab0f No.87524

File: 8768150ecb0024b⋯.png (289.84 KB,552x549,184:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500462 (061603ZSEP23) Notable: VP Harris represents the United States at the ASEAN Summit in Indonesia

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VP Harris represents the United States at the ASEAN Summit in Indonesia after President Biden decided to skip it. What do you hope the outcome will be?


RNC Research

11:04 AM · Sep 6, 2023



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87ab0f No.87525

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500473 (061604ZSEP23) Notable: Paxton trial/ Paxton investigates

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Abbott accuses NGOs of illegal activity on the border; Paxton to investigate

Hogan Gore Austin American-Statesman Dec 19, 2022

“In light of these reports, I am calling on the Texas Attorney General’s Office to initiate an investigation into the role of NGOs in planning and facilitating the illegal transportation of illegal immigrants across our borders,” Abbott said, adding that he is ready to craft legislative solutions aimed at solving the border crisis and the role of NGOs that Paxton’s office proposes.

Paxton swiftly replied to Abbott’s call saying he will launch the investigation, and pledging to take action against organizations found violating the law. He called what’s happening at the southern border “an invasion,” and placed the majority of the blame on the Biden administration.

“The Biden Administration bears the responsibility for the accompanying rise in crime, cartel activity, and lethal drugs like fentanyl flooding into communities throughout our nation,” Paxton said. “Some non-governmental organizations (NGOs) may be aiding and abetting this invasion.”


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87ab0f No.87526

File: 4610185f6f8ab19⋯.png (213.18 KB,564x471,188:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500474 (061604ZSEP23) Notable: Federal judge rules Trump liable in second E. Jean Carroll defamation case

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BREAKING: Federal judge rules Trump liable in second E. Jean Carroll defamation case. Now, jury will only need to decide how much money Donald Trump will have to pay her. As expected, this is the headline on virtually all left-leaning outlets. Your reaction.

11:58 AM · Sep 6, 2023



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87ab0f No.87527

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500482 (061608ZSEP23) Notable: Ukraine’s Zelenskyy brings home Azovstal commanders from Turkey/Russia not habby

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Ukraine’s Zelenskyy brings home Azovstal commanders from Turkey

Russia denounces the soldiers’ return, accusing Kyiv and Ankara of violating a prisoner exchange deal under which the men were to remain in Turkey until the end of the war.


Azov Brigade commander, Lieutenant Colonel Denys "Redis" Prokopenko, who recently returned to Ukraine after being released from Russian captivity, met with the personnel and announced his return to service.

"While in captivity, I said that for me this war will not end until we return our last fighter from captivity and restore the borders of Ukraine to the state of 1991. I am a soldier. I am not interested in any other areas of activity, except military affairs. My heart, my soul, my body belong to Azov," Prokopenko said, the press service of Azov posted on Telegram.


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87ab0f No.87528

File: 94e9478618f2020⋯.png (554.43 KB,708x674,354:337,Clipboard.png)

File: 5c12cc75827c83e⋯.png (63.38 KB,983x620,983:620,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500488 (061609ZSEP23) Notable: The FDA is set to authorize a new Covid booster as early as this week

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present day/3 years ago this day...

NEW: WHO warns of ‘concerning’ Covid trends ahead of winter

READ: https://insiderpaper.com/who-warns-of-concerning-covid-trends-ahead-of-winter/


1:36 p.m. ET, September 6, 2020

"We all want a vaccine," Biden campaign adviser says

From CNN's Deanna Hackney

Biden campaign senior adviser Symone Sanders was on Fox News this morning to discuss the development of the coronavirus vaccine.

Sanders said the Biden camp would support a Covid-19 vaccine that is ready before the election and threw out a hypothetical end of October date.

"We all want a vaccine," Sanders said, "the question is how will it be distributed?"

A President that couldn't effectively manage personal protective equipment distribution can't be trusted to do the same with a life-saving vaccine, she said.


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87ab0f No.87529

File: 3bf34292408cc9d⋯.png (1005.59 KB,897x676,69:52,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500524 (061616ZSEP23) Notable: Over 60 Domestic Terrorists Face RICO Charges Over Protests Against 'Cop City'

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Over 60 Domestic Terrorists Face RICO

Charges Over Protests Against 'Cop City'

PJ Media, by Chris Queen

Posted By: Hazymac, 9/6/2023 10:53:20 AM

There’s been a lot of talk lately about Georgia’s Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) statute, mainly because of Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’ use of it to target Donald Trump and 18 others for prosecution. The state’s RICO act is broader than the federal equivalent, which is why Willis has tried tying multiple offenses to it in order to try to nail the former president. It turns out that prosecutors can use RICO for actual crimes and not just for left-wing political persecution. Georgia’s Attorney General Chris Carr is using the statute to charge over 60 individuals in conjunction with the domestic terrorism that has taken place over

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87ab0f No.87530

File: d09b7cfe1603869⋯.png (449.83 KB,1068x549,356:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500533 (061618ZSEP23) Notable: Blinken in Kiev on Surprise Visit, Brings $ 1 Billion of Your Money to Keep Meat Grinder Going

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Blinken in Kiev on Surprise Visit, Brings

$ 1 Billion of Your Money to Keep Meat

Grinder Going

Gateway Pundit, by Richard Abelson

Posted By: DW626, 9/6/2023 10:15:40 AM

“During his two-day visit, which will see Blinken stay overnight in Ukraine for the first time since Russia’s invasion in February 2022, he is likely to announce a new US aid package worth over US$1 billion, a senior State Department official said during a press briefing on the trip”, according to Ukrainska Pravda. Blinken will meet with his Ukrainian counterpart Dmytro Kuleba, and President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, The Guardian reports. On the weekend, Zelensky fired Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov over corruption charges, replacing him with Crimean Tartar Rustem Umerov, in a move Jack Posobiec interpreted as designed to justify an attack on primarily Russian-speaking Crimea

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87ab0f No.87531

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500564 (061625ZSEP23) Notable: Blinken in Kiev on Surprise Visit, Brings $ 1 Billion of Your Money to Keep Meat Grinder Going

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Secretary Blinken’s Travel to Ukraine




Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken arrived in Ukraine today to meet with senior Ukrainian officials and demonstrate the United States’ unwavering commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, and democracy, especially in the face of Russia’s aggression. While in Ukraine, Secretary Blinken will meet with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal, and Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba to discuss Ukraine’s ongoing counteroffensive and future recovery and reconstruction efforts. The Secretary will address Ukraine’s energy, security, and humanitarian needs, and make announcements about how the United States can continue supporting Ukraine in these areas.


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87ab0f No.87532

File: 185168be036dcc9⋯.png (2.26 MB,976x1200,61:75,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500592 (061630ZSEP23) Notable: Dead Sea reveals four 1,900-year-old Roman swords in cave

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87ab0f No.87533

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500598 (061630ZSEP23) Notable: Dead Sea reveals four 1,900-year-old Roman swords in cave

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Dead Sea reveals four 1,900-year-old Roman swords in cave


By David Gritten


4 hours ago

By David Gritten

BBC News

A cache of four excellently preserved Roman swords have been discovered by Israeli researchers in a cave overlooking the Dead Sea.

Three of the 1,900-year-old weapons, whose iron blades are 60-65cm long (24-26in), were still in wooden scabbards.

They were found in a near-inaccessible crevice by a team photographing an ancient inscription on a stalactite.

Archaeologists believe the swords were hidden by Judean rebels after they were seized from the Roman army as booty.

"This is a dramatic and exciting discovery, touching on a specific moment in time," Eli Escusido, director of the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA), said in a statement.

Mr Escusido said that the dry desert climate around the Dead Sea enabled the preservation of artefacts that would not survive elsewhere in Israel.

"This is a unique time capsule, whereby fragments of scrolls, coins from the Jewish Revolt, leather sandals, and now even swords in their scabbards, sharp as if they had only just been hidden away today."

Fifty years ago, a stalactite with an incomplete ink inscription written in ancient Hebrew script was found in a small cave high on a cliff above the Dead Sea, north of the En Gedi oasis in eastern Israel.

Archaeologist Dr Asaf Gayer of Ariel University, geologist Boaz Langford of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and photographer Shai Halevi of the IAA recently went to the cave with the aim of using multispectral photography to decipher parts of the inscription not visible to the naked eye.

While on the upper level of the cave, Dr Gayer spotted a well-preserved Roman pilum, or javelin, in a narrow crevice. He also found worked wood in a nearby niche that turned out to be parts of the swords' scabbards.

The researchers reported the discovery and returned with another team to carry out a survey of all the crevices in the cave, during which the swords were uncovered.

The three swords that were still in their wooden scabbards were identified as Roman spatha, or long swords, while the fourth, shorter weapon was identified as a ring-pommel sword.

They had well-fashioned handles made of wood or metal.

Leather strips and pieces of wood and metal belonging to them were also found.

"It looked a bit like a pile of books. But - swords!" said archaeologist Oriya Amichay. "Sure, we know the story from history. But to see such a find is to look history in the face."

Archaeologists say the hiding of the swords and pilum in the cave suggests that the weapons were taken by Judean rebels from Roman soldiers as booty or from the battlefield.

They were then purposefully hidden for reuse, possibly during the second major Jewish revolt against the Roman Empire in Judea - the Bar Kochba Revolt (132AD-135AD).

"We are just beginning the research on the cave and the weapon cache discovered in it, aiming to try to find out who owned the swords, and where, when, and by whom they were manufactured," said Dr Eitan Klein, a director of the Judean Desert Survey Project.

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87ab0f No.87534

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500637 (061636ZSEP23) Notable: Dead Sea reveals four 1,900-year-old Roman swords in cave

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The four swords were discovered shoved into a small fissure in a cave near Ein Gedi National Park, near the Dead Sea. The cave is already well-known to archaeologists, as it contains a stalactite with a fragmentary ink inscription written in ancient Hebrew script characteristic of the First Temple period.

Recently, Dr. Asaf Gayer of Ariel University, geologist Boaz Langford of Hebrew University, and Israel Antiquities Authority photographer Shai Halevi returned to the cave to photograph the stalactite with multispectral photography, which can decipher additional parts of the inscription not visible to the naked eye. While inside the cave, Gayer spotted an extremely well-preserved Roman pilum — a shafted weapon — in a deep, narrow crack in the rock. He also found pieces of carved wood in an adjacent niche that turned out to be parts of the swords’ scabbards.

The researchers reported the find to the Israel Antiquities Authority and returned to the site with the Judean Desert Archaeological Survey Team, which is conducting a multi-year comprehensive survey of more than 800 caves in the Judean Desert to find and preserve archaeological remains before they are looted.

It was then that they discovered the four swords, three of which were found with the blades still inside their scabbards. Researchers also found ornate handles made of wood and metal with leather strips nearby. The arid climate in the Judean Desert helps preserve fragile artifacts that might otherwise be lost to the ravages of time, including materials such as leather and wood, which are rarely found in wetter parts of the country.

Three of the swords are Roman spatha swords, with blades 60 to 65 centimeters (23.5 to 25.5 inches) long. The fourth weapon, a ring-pommel sword, is shorter, with a 45-centimeter (18-inch) blade. The swords likely belonged to Roman soldiers and were stolen by Judean rebels who hid them in a cave either for later use or to avoid being caught with them.


“The blades have been preserved so well, they look like they could be picked up and used right now, even 2,000 years after they were forged,” said Langford. “You just realize that you are touching history, because here you are touching a find whose story you know.”

The Bar Kochba revolt, from 132 to 135 CE, also called the Second Jewish Revolt, was a Jewish rebellion against Roman rule in Judea led by rebel leader Simon Bar Kochba. Archaeologists believe the swords were likely hidden in the crevices inside the cave sometime during the revolt, as it was dangerous for Jews to be found with Roman weapons.

“This is a very rare and unique find on an international level that will shed light on the last moments of the war between the Jewish rebels and the Roman army at the time of the Bar Kochba revolt,” said Klein.


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87ab0f No.87535

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500640 (061636ZSEP23) Notable: Dead Sea reveals four 1,900-year-old Roman swords in cave

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‘A unique time capsule’

The cave survey is being undertaken by the IAA in cooperation with the Archaeology Department of the Civil Administration in Judea and Samaria, and has been funded in part by the Ministry of Jerusalem Affairs and Heritage. Each body allocated about a third of the project budget.

Earlier this year, archaeologists carrying out the Judean Desert cave surveys discovered a rare half-shekel coin minted by the Bar Kochba underground economy.

The cave survey started in 2017 and helped archaeologists discover at least 20 new caves they had not previously known. In 2021, archaeologists announced that one of the caves contained previously undiscovered fragments of the Dead Sea Scrolls, some 60 years after the last pieces of the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered.

Following the discovery of the swords, archaeologists carried out an extensive excavation of the cave, discovering artifacts from the Chalcolithic period (around 6,000 years ago) and the Roman period (around 2,000 years ago). At the entrance to the cave, researchers found a Bar Kochba bronze coin from the time of the revolt that could help pinpoint the dates when the weapons were hidden.

“This is a dramatic and exciting discovery, touching on a specific moment in time,” said Eli Escusido, director of the Israel Antiquities Authority.

Noting that not all are aware that the dry climatic conditions in the Judean Desert enable the preservation of artifacts that do not survive in other parts of the country, Escusido called the area a “unique time capsule” where it is possible to find “fragments of scrolls, coins from the Jewish Revolt, leather sandals — and now even swords in their scabbards, sharp as if they had only just been hidden away today.”

Responsibly covering this tumultuous time

As The Times of Israel’s political correspondent, I spend my days in the Knesset trenches, speaking with politicians and advisers to understand their plans, goals and motivations.

I'm proud of our coverage of this government's plans to overhaul the judiciary, including the political and social discontent that underpins the proposed changes and the intense public backlash against the shakeup.

~ Carrie Keller-Lynn, Political Correspondent


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87ab0f No.87536

File: 5c2612397ede63f⋯.png (9.15 KB,180x150,6:5,Clipboard.png)

File: 8bd62b51954dce2⋯.jpg (120.59 KB,1080x1788,90:149,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4915ef4a2db70fa⋯.jpg (100.91 KB,1080x1884,90:157,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 00a2ce4b14c71a2⋯.jpg (87.82 KB,1080x1809,40:67,Clipboard.jpg)

File: da3f257e0978047⋯.jpg (749.41 KB,1512x1397,1512:1397,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500669 (061642ZSEP23) Notable: Matthew Bachman is the Head of Habitat for Humanity, placed in charge of planning and rebuilding after Maui Firesdiggz

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Matthew Bachman is the Head of Habitat for Humanity, placed in charge of planning and rebuilding after Maui Fires. Bachman was the Guardian Ad Litem [Court ran Child Trafficking] in Tampa, Florida. Matthew Bachman is a native of Elkhart, Indiana. He graduated from Memorial High School. Note: Elkhart, Indiana is known for being the RV Capital of the World as well as big in Manufactured Housing. An Industry that has been plagued with supply shortages as well as layoffs.

Their Symbolism are blatant. The actual filename to the [kaipukukuifellows] is literally labeled -"KIK-Logo-2019-littleguy-





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87ab0f No.87537

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500670 (061642ZSEP23) Notable: PROJECT SNO+ | DARKSIDE-50

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The End Is Near

3 of 7 Project Live.

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87ab0f No.87538

File: ef9c6881cdb83ff⋯.png (754.19 KB,991x1086,991:1086,Clipboard.png)

File: 30a2c25229ed4e6⋯.png (2.16 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: a25c475ed3df5c4⋯.png (3.02 MB,1600x816,100:51,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500684 (061646ZSEP23) Notable: The number of people under 50 diagnosed with cancer has surged worldwide in the last three decades but it is not fully clear why,

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NEW - The number of people under 50 diagnosed with cancer has surged worldwide in the last three decades but it is not fully clear why, a study said on Wednesday.

8:45 AM · Sep 6, 2023 ·22.3K Views

September 6, 2023 6:10 am

The number of people under 50 diagnosed with cancer has surged worldwide in the last three decades but it is not fully clear why, a study said on Wednesday.

Cases of cancer among people aged 14 to 49 rose by nearly 80 percent, from 1.82 million to 3.26 million, between 1990 to 2019, according to the study published in the journal BMJ Oncology.

While experts cautioned that some of that increase was explained by population growth, previous research has also indicated that cancer is becoming more commonly diagnosed among under-50s.

The international team of researchers behind the new study pointed to poor diet, smoking and alcohol as major risk factors underlying cancer in the age group.

But “the increasing trend of early-onset cancer burden is still unclear,” they added.

A little over one million people under 50 died of cancer in 2019, up 28 percent from 1990, the study said.

The deadliest cancers were breast, windpipe, lung, bowel and stomach cancers, according to the study.

Breast cancer was the most commonly diagnosed over the three decades.

But the cancers that rose the fastest were of the nasopharynx, where the back of the nose meets the top of the throat, and prostate.

Liver cancer meanwhile fell by 2.9 percent a year.

– Causes remain ‘elusive’ –

The researchers used data from the 2019 Global Burden of Disease Study, analysing the rates of 29 different cancers in 204 countries.

The more developed the country, the more likely it was to have a higher rate of under-50s diagnosed with cancer, the study said.

This could suggest that wealthier countries with better healthcare systems catch cancer earlier, but only a few nations screen for certain cancers in people under 50, the study added.

As well as poor diet, smoking and drinking, genetic factors, physical inactivity and obesity could also contribute to the trend, the study said.

Modelling predicted that the number of global cancer cases in under 50s will rise a further 31 percent by 2030, mostly among people aged 40-49.

The researchers acknowledged that cancer data from different countries varied greatly, with developing nations potentially under-reporting cases and deaths.

Experts not involved in the study said the slower increase in deaths compared to cases was likely due to improvements in early detection and treatment.

Dorothy Bennett, a researcher at the University of London, pointed out that the world’s population grew by roughly 46 percent between 1990 and 2019, accounting for some of the increasing cases.

Two doctors at Queen’s University Belfast, Ashleigh Hamilton and Helen Coleman, said it was “crucial” to work out what was behind the increasing cases.

“Full understanding of the reasons driving the observed trends remains elusive, although lifestyle factors are likely contributing, and novel areas of research such as antibiotic usage, the gut microbiome, outdoor air pollution and early life exposures are being explored,” they said in an editorial linked to the study.

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87ab0f No.87539

File: 5cad00ee70dc664⋯.png (291.59 KB,397x289,397:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500716 (061653ZSEP23) Notable: Most Straws, Especially ‘Eco-Friendly’ Paper Straws, Contain Cancer-Causing Chemical

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Study: Most Straws, Especially ‘Eco-Friendly’ Paper Straws, Contain Cancer-Causing Chemical

A growing number of US states and foreign countries have banned sale of drinking straws and other single-use plastic products. Plant-based straws have become popular alternatives. A European study states that most straws contain ‘forever chemicals’ that can take thousands of years to break down and have been linked to cancers, thyroid, and liver problems. Researchers studied 39 different brands of straws and found that 90% of the paper ones contained chemicals known as poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). They found that 80% of bamboo straws and 75% of plastic straws were tainted with PFAS.

None of the stainless steel straws that were tested contained PFAS.

The Environmental Working Group published a list of products that have zero intentionally added PFAS or PFCs — link here.



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87ab0f No.87540

File: d7413f860a573b9⋯.png (257.08 KB,309x323,309:323,Clipboard.png)

File: 2aa14ef82962b1d⋯.png (1.08 MB,724x1024,181:256,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500726 (061655ZSEP23) Notable: Matthew Bachman is the Head of Habitat for Humanity, placed in charge of planning and rebuilding after Maui Firesdiggz

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"We won’t understand or realize the profound effects that Ka Ipu Kukui has had on Maui until the concepts we’ve learned start to become evident in our everyday life. That’s when we’ll know that we have helped shape the future of Maui.”

>– Kainoa Horcajo

>Hawaiian Cultural Director at the Grand Wailea Resort and 2010 Ka Ipu Kukui Fellow


>Ka Ipu Kukui educates, cultivates and inspires emerging leaders to contribute to a thriving future for Maui Nui.


>Maui Nui’s enlightened leaders perpetuate a vibrant and balanced community.


>As we develop values-based leaders, we are guided by the practice of aloha and these key principles:

>Kūpono – to be honest, forthright and respectful.

>Mālama – to take care of, to nurture and to protect.

>Kōkua – to be helpful and work cooperatively with and for others without expectations.

>Ho’o hano – to conduct yourself with integrity and honor in all you do.

>Ho’o kaulike – to be balanced in how we live and act.

>Ka Ipu Kukui

>Ka Ipu Kukui Fellows is a year-long leadership development program uniquely designed for community-identified current and future leaders of Maui Nui. The curriculum specifically addresses the many challenges that face Maui Nui and provides participants unfiltered access to a variety of key individuals and locations on Maui.

>Each month, the program’s content focuses on the multiple perspectives of Maui’s different challenges. Through these monthly learning opportunities known as Halawai, participants develop a holistic appreciation and understanding of these unique challenges, ultimately arriving at a more informed framework and a more enhanced network to better address Maui Nui’s challenges in the future.

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87ab0f No.87541

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500728 (061655ZSEP23) Notable: Paxton trial/ Paxton investigates

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>>>/qresearch/19500337 cross exam is absolutely worth watching.

Holier Than Thou Boi is getting shredded!

You tube link if you want to watch and pause or go back!HIGHLY RECOMMEND


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87ab0f No.87542

File: 4c0225c0321950c⋯.png (288.49 KB,479x314,479:314,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500730 (061656ZSEP23) Notable: Over 60 Domestic Terrorists Face RICO Charges Over Protests Against 'Cop City'

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Atlanta: 60+ Facing RICO Charges for Violent Protests against Huge Police Training Facility

A total of 61 people have been charged with violating Georgia’s Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act following violent protests over Atlanta’s controversial new $90 million, 381-acre, police and fire training facility that they call ‘Cop City’. Several of the defendants are also facing separate charges of domestic terrorism; attempted arson in the first degree; and money laundering.

Defendants, known as Atlanta Forest, have been linked to Antifa and are part of a “self-identified coalition and enterprise of militant anarchists, eco-activists and community organizers,” who are also “anti-police,” the indictment alleges. They believe that the facility will further militarize police and cause environmental damage.

Other opponents to the facility are pursuing a referendum to cancel the lease approved by the City Council. More than 35,000 signatures have been collected to stop “Cop City” on an upcoming ballot, but they need over 70,000 signatures.



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87ab0f No.87543

File: 885d1196261e4ef⋯.jpg (345.48 KB,720x934,360:467,Clipboard.jpg)

File: be3788e1e3c0382⋯.jpg (284.75 KB,717x930,239:310,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500734 (061657ZSEP23) Notable: PORT ARTHUR, TEXAS - Fire contained, BASF TotalEnergies reports. Port Arthur blaze leads collapsed tower, evacuation of employees

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Port Arthur; where a large portion of the fuel (you) use is refined.

PORT ARTHUR, TEXAS - Fire contained, BASF TotalEnergies reports. Port Arthur blaze leads collapsed tower, evacuation of employees.

On Tuesday at approximately 10:45 a.m., a fire occurred in the pyrolysis gasoline unit at the BASF TotalEnergies Petrochemicals site in Port Arthur. Company officials said as of 11:55 a.m. Tuesday, the pyrolysis tower collapsed. Out of an abundance of caution, employees not directly involved in resolving the incident were evacuated at approximately 12:20 p.m.


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87ab0f No.87544

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500735 (061657ZSEP23) Notable: Paxton trial/ Paxton investigates

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87ab0f No.87545

File: 244cf569740877e⋯.jpeg (380.5 KB,750x909,250:303,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500746 (061659ZSEP23) Notable: Canadian media company CTV if finding new ways to spread disinformation. Linking Freedom Convoy to the murder of a Muslim family.

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Canadian media company CTV if finding new ways to spread disinformation. Linking Freedom Convoy to the murder of a Muslim family. https://twitter.com/CTVNews/status/1699361953695645971

The man accused of killing four members of a Muslim family pleaded not guilty to charges; Freedom Convoy leaders are in court.

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87ab0f No.87546

File: 5248a238497e269⋯.jpg (47.36 KB,240x291,80:97,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500815 (061715ZSEP23) Notable: Matthew Bachman is the Head of Habitat for Humanity, placed in charge of planning and rebuilding after Maui Firesdiggz

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10-Year Discipline History:


Law School:

Stetson University College of Law, 2007

State Courts:



Bachman Legal P.A.

Firm Size:


Firm Position:

Private Law Practice

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87ab0f No.87547

File: aa420edbbd7bad2⋯.png (250.65 KB,472x633,472:633,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500831 (061717ZSEP23) Notable: The DoD’s All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office launched a website with videos & photos on unidentified anomalous phenomena, UAP,

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The DoD’s All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office launched a website with videos & photos on unidentified anomalous phenomena, UAP, as they’re declassified & approved for public release. It will also have FAQs & links to official reports & other resources: https://aaro.mil


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87ab0f No.87548

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500856 (061721ZSEP23) Notable: Matthew Bachman is the Head of Habitat for Humanity, placed in charge of planning and rebuilding after Maui Firesdiggz

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87ab0f No.87549

File: b92b799a8503ce6⋯.png (190.63 KB,532x519,532:519,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500858 (061722ZSEP23) Notable: @NSAGov Happy birthday NRO! #WeAreTheIC

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Pursuant to Executive Order 12333,


provides collection capabilities and related data processing in support of the Intelligence Community, including NSA, the Department of Defense, and other U.S. Government needs. Happy birthday NRO! #WeAreTheIC


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87ab0f No.87550

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500877 (061727ZSEP23) Notable: Matthew Bachman is the Head of Habitat for Humanity, placed in charge of planning and rebuilding after Maui Firesdiggz

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"Crucible of light

Ka Ipu Kukui Fellows is a nonprofit, community-based program created to identify and develop young leaders in Maui County. Ka ipu kukui translates to crucible of light. It is this light that shines in each and every one of us who is willing to make a difference in our environment, in our community, and in our lives."



"About us

Ka Ipu Kukui Fellows is a nonprofit, community-based program created to identify and develop young leaders in Maui County.

Ka ipu kukui translates to crucible of light. It is this light that shines in each and every one of us who is willing to make a difference in our environment, in our community, and in our lives.

Maui Nui occupies a special place in the state, country, and world. However, as Maui Nui residents, we face many challenges that could erode the unique splendor of our islands. Ka Ipu Kukui Fellows is a year-long program designed to train community-identified future leaders.

A Decisions Maui and Focus Maui Nui initiative, the Ka Ipu Kukui Fellows program was conceived to promote and develop future leaders through a community-based program designed to address planning for Maui Nui’s future.

Each month, the program’s content focuses on the multiple perspectives of Maui’s different challenges. Through these monthly learning opportunities known as Halawai, participants develop a holistic appreciation and understanding of these unique challenges, ultimately arriving at a more informed framework and a more enhanced network to better address Maui Nui’s challenges in the future.

Announcing the 2023 Ka Ipu Kukui Fellows! We are excited to see what the year will bring for this year’s cohort!

From top to bottom: Ted Anderson, Steven Baptiste-Santana, Stephen Bennett, Keapo Bissen, Allison Cleghorn, Patty Copperfield, Kanoelani Davis, Serena Fukushima, Courtney Ikawa, Lauren Matsushita, Lin McEwan, Lauren Nelson, Jason Strahn, Theo Stiller, RoAnn Viloria, and Jayson Watts.

Here’s the link to read their bios:" https://lnkd.in/gDZmUZgP

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87ab0f No.87551

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500880 (061727ZSEP23) Notable: "Tropical Storm Lee close to hurricane strength, forecast to explode to Category 4 by weekend "

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Here come another one!

"Tropical Storm Lee close to hurricane strength, forecast to explode to Category 4 by weekend "


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87ab0f No.87552

File: f6e0b8d0d452e0a⋯.gif (8.39 KB,128x126,64:63,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500895 (061730ZSEP23) Notable: PRESIDENT TRUMP LIVE ON HUGH HEWITT SHOW

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87ab0f No.87553

File: 9097f4b705ec6b3⋯.png (158.21 KB,528x487,528:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500896 (061731ZSEP23) Notable: One potential advantage of a #microreactor is it could be made in a factory and transported where needed.

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One potential advantage of a #microreactor is it could be made in a factory and transported where needed. But there are also challenges. Our white paper examines these challenges and will be the focus of a meeting on Sept 11. https://nrc.gov/pmns/mtg?do=details&Code=20230975#AdvancedReactorReady


There may be an internet blackout... but our power grids will be functional one way or another.

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87ab0f No.87554

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500907 (061733ZSEP23) Notable: RISE OF THE SYNTHETIC HUMAN

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Scientists grow whole model of human embryo, without sperm or egg


Courtesy of the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel


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87ab0f No.87555

File: 195bb3a9fd163ca⋯.png (512.77 KB,768x421,768:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500939 (061740ZSEP23) Notable: Climate Scientist Admits Omitting 'Full Truth' from 'Global Warming' Study to Fit Green Agenda Narrative

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Climate Scientist Admits Omitting 'Full Truth' from 'Global Warming' Study to Fit Green Agenda Narrative

A celebrated climate scientist has admitted to intentionally omitting the "full truth" from a published study paper on "global warming" to make the results align with the globalist green agenda.


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87ab0f No.87556

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500946 (061742ZSEP23) Notable: Fulton County court holds hearing on 2020 election subversion case

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WATCH: Fulton County court holds hearing on 2020 election subversion case


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87ab0f No.87557

File: dc5954f33b46360⋯.png (127.3 KB,531x465,177:155,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500980 (061748ZSEP23) Notable: ICYMI: OE announced updates to its $15M “Energy Storage Demonstration and Validation” FOA last week.

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ICYMI: OE announced updates to its $15M “Energy Storage Demonstration and Validation” FOA last week.

Read more here 👉 https://energy.gov/oe/articles/us-department-energy-updates-15-million-energy-storage-funding-opportunity


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87ab0f No.87558

File: 666656a7aab6f4d⋯.png (268.72 KB,1002x574,501:287,Clipboard.png)

File: dd2a148176b2c81⋯.jpg (57.67 KB,800x500,8:5,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 640410dd165b6e7⋯.jpeg (1.64 MB,892x9714,446:4857,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19500999 (061752ZSEP23) Notable: Charles Lieber patents

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all in Charles Lieber patents.



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87ab0f No.87559

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501007 (061754ZSEP23) Notable: Vaccine injury compensation programs overwhelmed as congressional reform languishes

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I bet no one saw this article last year!

Vaccine injury compensation programs overwhelmed as congressional reform languishes==1/2/

One program covers nearly three times as many vaccines today as it did when it was created three decades ago. Despite bipartisan calls for change, Congress has failed to act. Patient advocates, attorneys and the pharmaceutical industry fear that without drastic reforms, the already over-burdened standard Vaccine Injury Compensation Program could collapse.

By Lauren Gardner06/01/2022

A pair of federal programs compensating people who suffer injuries from vaccines and pandemic treatments are now facing so many claims that thousands of people may not receive payment for their injuries any time soon.

The first program, meant for standard vaccines, such as measles and polio, has too little staff to handle the number of reported injuries, and thousands of patients are waiting years for their cases to be heard.

A second program designed for vaccines and other treatments created or used during pandemics has seen unsustainable growth.Between 2010 and 2020, the Countermeasure Injury Compensation Program received 500 complaints. In the two years since Covid-19 appeared, it has received over 8,000 complaints.

More than 5,000 of those are directly related to the Covid-19 vaccines, with injuries ranging from a sore shoulder to death, according to the Health Resources and Services Administration. An additional 3,000 complaints related to everything from drugs and devices to the failure of hospital staff to limit infection spread have also been filed.

Yet the pandemic fund has paid zero claims, in part because officials are waiting for people to submit detailed medical records and documentation to back up their allegations. “Compensation determinations are made based on individual case reviews, and the statute sets a very high standard that a claimant must meet to be eligible for compensation,” HRSA spokesperson David Bowman said.

Should Covid-19 shots become routine once the pandemic ends, alleged injuries would eventually be handled by the already over-burdened standard Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Patient advocates, attorneys and the pharmaceutical industry fear that without drastic reforms, that program could collapse.

Despite bipartisan calls for change, Congress has failed to act, frustrating those who say that the VICP — which covers nearly three times as many vaccines today as it did when it was created three decades ago — is overwhelmed.

There are fears those optics could fuel vaccine hesitancy if the public mistakes the situation as too many injuries flooding the program, when in fact the number of vaccines covered by the program has grown without a commensurate increase in resources.

“The cost of this program failing will be like throwing kerosene on the antivax fire,” said Renee Gentry, director of George Washington University’s Vaccine Injury Litigation Clinic. Covid-19 shots have proven to be safe for the overwhelming majority of people, but injuries do occur, as they do for all vaccines. Allergic reactions are possible, and some specific adverse events have been associated with the shots, such as myocarditis and pericarditis after messenger RNA vaccination, and thrombosis with thrombocytopenia after receiving the Johnson & Johnson shot.

“The Covid vaccine injuries are still rare, but there are some very significant injuries that have destroyed lives,” Gentry said. “It’s frustrating to tell those people who did everything right … that they get nothing for that.”


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87ab0f No.87560

File: b06bc8b96ac09ba⋯.jpeg (537.71 KB,892x3136,223:784,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501014 (061755ZSEP23) Notable: Charles Lieber patents

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>Charles Lieber patents.


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87ab0f No.87561

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501024 (061757ZSEP23) Notable: Vaccine injury compensation programs overwhelmed as congressional reform languishes

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1/2The government won't pay the claims....hmm on Covid shots

Vaccine injury compensation programs overwhelmed as congressional reform languishes

Congress created the national Vaccine Injury Compensation Program in 1986, partly as a means to avoid lawsuits against vaccine makers and health care providers amid fears that litigation could deter drug companies from producing vaccines and dampen consumer confidence in immunizations.

The program originally covered six routine childhood vaccinations, including measles and polio. But it’s grown to include 16 vaccines — including influenza shots, which tens of millions of people receive every year — without commensurate growth in staff or money needed to handle the additional claims.

The current backlog of cases is more than two years long, said Susan Steinman, senior director of policy and senior counsel at American Association for Justice, which lobbies for plaintiffs’ lawyers. There were 2,057 VICP petitions filed in fiscal 2021.

“It’s not supposed to take longer than actually going to court,” Steinman said. “We have this program backward right now.”

VICP is funded by a 75-cent excise tax on each dose of the 16 CDC-recommended vaccines and currentlyhas nearly $4.3 billion on hand. Congress must also appropriate money from the fund to cover Department of Justice attorneys’ and the federal claims court’s work to process claims, in addition to the claims themselves.

Meanwhile, the CICP was created in 2010 to cover vaccines, medications and devices developed in response to a public health emergency. Injured patients and their survivors must submit a request for compensation within one year of receiving the vaccine or drug to HRSA, including medical documentation of the injury or death, with one opportunity for reconsideration if their initial petition is denied.

HHS just accepts or denies the claims, there’s no judicial review, and there’s very little information about why things have been denied,” said Christina Ciampolillo, president of the Vaccine Injured Petitioners Bar Association.

A novel vaccine has never been transferred from the pandemic program to VICP — the H1N1 flu shot that debuted after that flu season began became part of the next season’s annual vaccine cocktail.

Should the Covid-19 vaccines become routinely recommended by the CDC — and be approved by the FDA for all age groups — it’s unclear how and when they’d be shuffled under the VICP umbrella.

“We think it’s very important to make sure the program is robust and patients’ claims get filed and heard in a timely fashion, and part of that is about adequate staffing and resources in the U.S. government,” said Phyllis Arthur, vice president for infectious diseases and diagnostics policy at the Biotechnology Innovation Organization.


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87ab0f No.87562

File: 5b594cf93895586⋯.png (891.26 KB,701x768,701:768,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501033 (061758ZSEP23) Notable: UK councils to declare bankruptcy. Systemic collapse taking place.

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UK councils to declare bankruptcy. Systemic collapse taking place.


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87ab0f No.87563

File: 0ee259dbe91477e⋯.jpg (128.67 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501059 (061805ZSEP23) Notable: End Times News

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End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000039

INSANITY! American Cities Ordered To PAY Rioters Who Helped Destroy Those Very Cities


Brown Shirts of USSA Still Hunting Down Peaceful Protesters


Brown Shirts Throwing Everything At Donald Trump Including The Kitchen Sink To Rig and Steal 2024 Election


Operation Warp Speed Shill Trump Finally Calls For Clot Shot Manufactures To Release Safety Data


White House Peddled Obvious Foreign Lies To Suppress Truth About Deadly Clot Shot Mass Murder


Avoid All Budweiser Brands, Bill Gates Will Poison The Beer!


China Bans Govt Officials From Using Apple iPhones (NSA Backdoored Spyware)


India Set To Become New Manufacturing Centre In The World


US Launches Unarmed ICBM To Test Nuclear Capabilities Amid Tensions With North Korea


Russian General Warns The World To Be Prepared For Coming Nuclear War


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87ab0f No.87564

File: 71e58212db609ac⋯.png (15.56 KB,533x195,41:15,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501061 (061805ZSEP23) Notable: Sam Bankman-Fried has lost his bid to be freed immediately from a Brooklyn jail so he could prepare better for his criminal trial

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BREAKING: Sam Bankman-Fried has lost his bid to be freed immediately from a Brooklyn jail so he could prepare better for his criminal trial, less than a month away, over the collapse of his FTX cryptocurrency exchange


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87ab0f No.87565

File: eec6382842405b9⋯.png (408.53 KB,529x568,529:568,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501076 (061810ZSEP23) Notable: @OfficialFtSill Seize the high ground! It’s a better place to operate tactically and morally.

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Seize the high ground! It’s a better place to operate tactically and morally. ⛰️

#FiresStrong #TeamSill




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87ab0f No.87566

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501117 (061818ZSEP23) Notable: #23950

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#23950 >>87513

>>87514, >>87515 'Patient influencers' are being paid by big pharma to mislead TikTok and Instagram followers about drugs for HIV, Parkinson's and migraines

>>87516, >>87521 Why is the Biden Regime funding Nazi death squads in Ukraine and rewarding domestic terrorists who participate in war crimes?

>>87517 J6 Flight Attendant Goes on the Offense After Colleagues Attempt to Put Her on ‘No-Fly’ List for Attending Trump Speech

>>87518, >>87519, >>87528 The FDA is set to authorize a new Covid booster as early as this week

>>87520 Impaired parasympathetic function in long-COVID postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome - a case-control study

>>87522 Now They May Come After Trump for Copyright Violation After Mug Shot Backfires

>>87523, >>87525, >>87544, >>87541 Paxton trial/ Paxton investigates

>>87524 VP Harris represents the United States at the ASEAN Summit in Indonesia

>>87526 Federal judge rules Trump liable in second E. Jean Carroll defamation case

>>87527 Ukraine’s Zelenskyy brings home Azovstal commanders from Turkey/Russia not habby

>>87529, >>87542 Over 60 Domestic Terrorists Face RICO Charges Over Protests Against 'Cop City'

>>87530, >>87531 Blinken in Kiev on Surprise Visit, Brings $ 1 Billion of Your Money to Keep Meat Grinder Going

>>87533, >>87532, >>87534, >>87535 Dead Sea reveals four 1,900-year-old Roman swords in cave

>>87536, >>87540, >>87546, >>87548, >>87550 Matthew Bachman is the Head of Habitat for Humanity, placed in charge of planning and rebuilding after Maui Firesdiggz


>>87538 The number of people under 50 diagnosed with cancer has surged worldwide in the last three decades but it is not fully clear why,

>>87539 Most Straws, Especially ‘Eco-Friendly’ Paper Straws, Contain Cancer-Causing Chemical

>>87543 PORT ARTHUR, TEXAS - Fire contained, BASF TotalEnergies reports. Port Arthur blaze leads collapsed tower, evacuation of employees

>>87545 Canadian media company CTV if finding new ways to spread disinformation. Linking Freedom Convoy to the murder of a Muslim family.

>>87547 The DoD’s All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office launched a website with videos & photos on unidentified anomalous phenomena, UAP,

>>87549 @NSAGov Happy birthday NRO! #WeAreTheIC

>>87551 "Tropical Storm Lee close to hurricane strength, forecast to explode to Category 4 by weekend "


>>87553 One potential advantage of a #microreactor is it could be made in a factory and transported where needed.


>>87555 Climate Scientist Admits Omitting 'Full Truth' from 'Global Warming' Study to Fit Green Agenda Narrative

>>87556 Fulton County court holds hearing on 2020 election subversion case

>>87557 ICYMI: OE announced updates to its $15M “Energy Storage Demonstration and Validation” FOA last week.

>>87559, >>87561 Vaccine injury compensation programs overwhelmed as congressional reform languishes

>>87560, >>87558 Charles Lieber patents

>>87562 UK councils to declare bankruptcy. Systemic collapse taking place.

>>87563 End Times News

>>87564 Sam Bankman-Fried has lost his bid to be freed immediately from a Brooklyn jail so he could prepare better for his criminal trial

>>87565 @OfficialFtSill Seize the high ground! It’s a better place to operate tactically and morally.


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87ab0f No.87567

File: 382a6667756d24a⋯.jpg (42.95 KB,288x425,288:425,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a5ef8d0e354c71b⋯.png (1.53 MB,1080x1591,1080:1591,Clipboard.png)

File: de1806a5ec1b604⋯.jpg (66.94 KB,882x846,49:47,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7ddc257d65690a0⋯.jpg (78.91 KB,500x832,125:208,Clipboard.jpg)

File: fa1109998cf613d⋯.png (726.74 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501132 (061820ZSEP23) Notable: #23951-A

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Baker will tap @20

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87ab0f No.87568

File: e104d58ced31fce⋯.png (225.09 KB,410x476,205:238,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501148 (061822ZSEP23) Notable: FDA PLANS TO OK UPDATED COVID BOOSTERS AS EARLY AS FRI

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Biden's Press Secretary Says New 'Updated' COVID Shots are On the Way in September

Wait for it... 🤣



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87ab0f No.87569

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501178 (061829ZSEP23) Notable: RE: Patriot act. I did not get to vote on this…. Did you ?

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Thanks bakes

Patriot act

Gives them the power to lock up anyone

They deem as a domestic terrorist

Indefinitely and with out any other charges

Gives them power to snoop on all your electronic devices for said threats

I did not get to vote on this ....

Did you ?

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87ab0f No.87570

File: 55704be2302baa7⋯.png (362.08 KB,1044x698,522:349,Clipboard.png)

File: fbb048bb37cdeb8⋯.png (53.71 KB,1062x348,177:58,Clipboard.png)

File: 10ca405fe6e1f9c⋯.png (299.45 KB,550x767,550:767,Clipboard.png)

File: d0ec147fd8ea16b⋯.png (1.07 MB,934x1200,467:600,Clipboard.png)

File: e7fc42bc6e2d5bb⋯.png (1.2 MB,900x1200,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501194 (061834ZSEP23) Notable: “Voter Identity Theft” Arizona's signature matching process found UNLAWFUL in court

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“Voter Identity Theft” – Arizona Judge Defines Voter Registration Record, Rules that Mail-In Ballot Signatures Have Been Compared Illegally!

A Yavapai County judge last week ruled in favor of the Arizona Free Enterprise Club and Restoring Integrity and Trust in Elections in a recent lawsuit that seeks to prohibit the Arizona Secretary of State from enforcing illegal election procedures relating to mail-in ballot signature verification.

Judge John Napper rejected the Motions to Dismiss filed by Secretary of State Adrian Fontes, a former cartel lawyer, and Mi Familia Vota, a Democrat nonprofit. A status conference has been set for Tuesday, September 19, 2023 at 9:00 a.m.

The Judge notes in his order,

“The Court finds the Special Action states claim upon which relief can be granted. The Court finds the Plaintiffs have correctly defined registration record. The 2019 EPM creates a process that contradicts the plain language of A.R.S. §16-550(A). Therefore, this portion of the EPM and the instruction from the Secretary do ‘not have the force of law.'”

This is how they steal elections in Arizona. Hundreds of thousands of fraudulent ballots are trafficked or inserted with no chain of custody documentation, and someone forges a signature. Sometimes, all it takes is a random scribble on the affidavit.

Under the current Arizona Elections Procedures Manual, when a signature is accepted on a mail-in ballot envelope or a voter uses an in-person polling place touch screen signature log, it is added to the voter’s “registration record” to be used for future reference. Many voters were seen with similar affidavit signatures in consecutive elections that do not match other signatures on their voter registrations or past affidavits. County Recorders just need to cheat consistently with the same bullsh*t signatures.

This new ruling will require voter registration forms to be used for signature verification, as opposed to previously accepted fraudulent mail-in ballots and other signature forms. “Documents are a part of the ‘registration record’ only if they involve the voter’s ‘registration,'” the Judge stated.

The order continues, “Registering to vote is not the same as voting. Applying the plain and obvious meaning of ‘registration,’ the legislature intended for the recorder to attempt to match the signature on the outside of the envelope to the signature on the documents the putative voter used to register.”

Napper concluded, saying, “The language of the statute is clear and unambiguous.”

However, in the last two elections in Maricopa County, hundreds of thousands of signatures were discovered to be “verified” in just a few seconds each. A true comparison of signatures, as required by law, takes much, much longer to do properly. Unscrupulous election employees have been caught not even looking at the signatures. At least one employee simply approved tens of thousands of ballots in a matter of seconds each without looking to verify their accuracy. Mail-in ballots cannot be trusted for free and fair elections.

The Gateway Pundit also reported on an exclusive analysis of a small sample of 2022 election mail-in ballot signatures. Roughly ten percent of the signatures were clear forgeries!


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87ab0f No.87571

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501197 (061835ZSEP23) Notable: Clinton Judge Says Trump Liable For Defamatory Statements He Made About E. Jean Carroll

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Clinton Judge Says Trump Liable For Defamatory Statements He Made About E. Jean Carroll

Judge Lewis Kaplan, a Clinton appointee, ruled that Trump is liable for defamatory statements he made about E. Jean Carroll after she accused him of rape.

In May Manhattan jury reached a verdict in the E. Jean Carroll rape/defamation case.

In 2019, E. Jean Carroll alleged Donald Trump raped her in a Bergdorf Goodman dressing room in the 1990s.

Trump has denied the allegations and called E. Jean Carroll a “whack job” who’s “not my type.”

The jury found Trump sexually abused and defamed Carroll and ordered him to pay $5 million in damages.

Trump blasted E. Jean. Carroll during a CNN town hall in May.

“What kind of a woman meets somebody and brings them up and within minutes you’re playing hanky-panky in a dressing room?” Trump said, adding the accusation was a ‘fake’ and ‘made-up story.’

She went after Trump again and Judge Lewis Kaplan agreed with E. Jean Carroll’s lawyers and said Trump is liable for his statements.

The trial will begin on January 15, 2024.

CNBC reported:

A federal judge on Wednesday ruled that Donald Trump is liable for defamatory statements he made about the writer E. Jean Carroll in 2019 when she went public with claims he had raped her decades earlier.

Judge Lewis Kaplan, as part of that ruling, said that the upcoming trial for Carroll’s civil lawsuit against Trump will only deal with the question of how much the former president should pay her in monetary damages for defaming her.

Normally, a jury would determine at trial whether a defendant is liable for civil damages claimed by a plaintiff.

But Kaplan found that Carroll was entitled to a partial summary judgment on the question of Trump’s liability in the case because jurors at a trial in a separate, but related lawsuit in May found that Trump had sexually abused Carroll in a New York department store in the mid-1990s, and had defamed in statements he made as he denied her allegation last fall.


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87ab0f No.87572

File: abfdc0fd16d7084⋯.png (270.87 KB,603x469,9:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501211 (061837ZSEP23) Notable: Deepstate previously used Jack Smith to prosecute the Kosovo President, and he's still in jail.

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So the deepstate used this Jack Ass Smith to prosecute the Kosovo President and he's still in jail. WTF

“Did DOJ Prosecutor Targeting Trump Frame a European President?”



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87ab0f No.87573

File: 2cb05805f35e8ed⋯.png (354.54 KB,1024x571,1024:571,Clipboard.png)

File: bc9cae5a20d8ae4⋯.png (479.5 KB,588x806,294:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501212 (061838ZSEP23) Notable: Gun Safe Manufacturer ‘Liberty Safe’ Gives FBI Access Code to a Protestor’s Safe Who Was Arrested at Gunpoint Due to Involvement in January 6th Capitol Event

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Gun Safe Manufacturer ‘Liberty Safe’ Gives FBI Access Code to a Protestor’s Safe Who Was Arrested at Gunpoint Due to Involvement in January 6th Capitol Event

Liberty Safe, a renowned manufacturer of gun safes, is drawing scrutiny after complying with an FBI request to provide the combination to a safe owned by Nathan Hughes, who was present in the January 6, 2021 Capitol event.

Keith and Kevin Hodge, known as the Hodgetwins or Conservative Twins, broke the news, revealing that their friend Hughes was arrested in Fayetteville, Arkansas on Wednesday, August 30. The duo pointed out the contrast between the treatment of Hughes and the members of groups like BLM and Antifa, questioning the motivations behind such disparate actions.

According to the Hodgetwins, Nathan Hughes was raided by the FBI and arrested at gunpoint over his involvement in the January 6th Capitol event that occurred more than two and a half years ago.

“On the morning of August 30th, 2023, I was swarmed by 3 vehicles of heavily armed FBI agents and arrested with rifles pointed at me. I was booked and taken to a government facility where they made me give them DNA samples,” said Hughes in his GiveSendGo.

At the same time, the FBI raided Hughes’s house and disconnected his security cameras, and disabled his internet. Nathan Hughes’s girlfriend, who had recently suffered a miscarriage, was also held at gunpoint and handcuffed.

Not only did they turn off his security cameras and his internet, but the FBI also called the manufacturer of Hughes’s gun safe. The company willingly provided the safe’s passcode to the FBI after receiving proof of a valid warrant.

“At the same time, my home was raided by 10+ vehicles filled with armed FBI agents. They ordered my girlfriend Taylor out of the house with her hands up and had rifles pointed at her too. They put her in handcuffs, unplugged our home security cameras, and turned our house upside down searching it. A bunch of stuff from electronics to clothes was taken and we can’t find one of our security cams. They called the manufacturer of my Liberty Safe, got the pass code from them, and got into it too. Thank God our dogs weren’t harmed,” said Hughes.


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87ab0f No.87574

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501223 (061841ZSEP23) Notable: DA Fani Willis EXPOSED in Money Laundering SCANDAL - GWP

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DA Fani Willis EXPOSED in Money Laundering SCANDAL

A stunning investigation has revealed controversial links between Fani Willis and a comprehensive network of election fraud and money laundering. The consequences of her involvement are expected to have major implications on the political arena.

The Mayor of Roselle Park, Joseph Signorello, reportedly launched an ambush on James O’Keefe subsequent to the latter’s exposure of school board officials who had summoned the police on individuals who appeared to be supporters of former US President Donald Trump.

Nazis were marching in Florida over the weekend & burning man gets flooded in what some are calling an act of God.


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87ab0f No.87575

File: 947a929b8a23d57⋯.png (304.39 KB,1021x655,1021:655,Clipboard.png)

File: 5bbd5948fb5c809⋯.png (124.47 KB,1049x926,1049:926,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501235 (061844ZSEP23) Notable: Fulton County Board of Comissioners Denies GOP Nominee Who Brought to Light 20,000 Duplicate Registrations and Filed 10,000 Complaints

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Fulton County Board of Comissioners Denies GOP Nominee Who Brought to Light 20,000 Duplicate Registrations and Filed 10,000 Complaints

Georgia’s Fulton County has come under the national spotlight once again after District Attorney Fani Willis brought racketeering charges against President Trump, Rudy Giulliani, Sidney Powell, Jenna Ellis and others. The indictments are over an alleged (and legal) “breach” of election equipment and what she insists are “false” claims of election fraud, among other charges. Some of those charged were simply lawyers representing clients, which is now apparently illegal in Joe Biden’s ‘Amerika’.

Despite the Mockingbird Media’s claims that courts have dismissed all of President Trump and his allies’ claims of election fraud, very few, if any, of the cases actually made it to an evidentiary hearing. Yet, the term “false” and “baseless” is often heralded by the Mockingbird outlets in a misrepresentation of the claimed evidence, similar to their infatuation with the term “insurrection” despite not one single J6er being charged under 18 USC 2383.

The Mockingbird Media once again has deemed themselves the “Arbiters of Truth” despite a long steady record of deceit.

The Gateway Pundit has repeatedly brought to light questions that, in any other industry, would warrant further transparent investigations, such as non-profits working in Fulton County precincts with access to Georgia’s election software on their personal computers, Fulton County admitting to deleting ballot images, or a wild discrepancy in the hand-count audit that was discovered by citizen investigators, referred by Governor Kemp, and resulted in a Consent Agreement entered into by the Fulton County Board of Elections and the State Election Board.


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87ab0f No.87576

File: adaf647ecd480bc⋯.png (216.93 KB,477x632,477:632,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501242 (061848ZSEP23) Notable: The U.S. operates the largest fleet of reactors in the world and it just got bigger with the recent addition of Vogtle Unit 3.

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The U.S. operates the largest fleet of reactors in the world and it just got bigger with the recent addition of Vogtle Unit 3.

Meet the nation's newest reactor 👇


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87ab0f No.87577

File: fb23c1af11a33c0⋯.jpg (83.38 KB,720x405,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501244 (061848ZSEP23) Notable: OBIDEN RAPE TESTIMONY ON STEW PETERS

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Imagine Deleting Memes & Posts Aimed at Destroying the People Who Would Rape, Mutilate, and Kill OUR Children. Whether it be through, Abortion, LGBT Bullshit, Pedophilia, or Other, Satanists want less Humans.

Pick a Side. We Ride.













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87ab0f No.87578

File: 595d8c9d6c66588⋯.png (10.26 KB,532x127,532:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501245 (061849ZSEP23) Notable: FDA PLANS TO OK UPDATED COVID BOOSTERS AS EARLY AS FRI

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87ab0f No.87579

File: e0c5f600645ddfc⋯.png (723.79 KB,1131x650,87:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501254 (061850ZSEP23) Notable: Hearings to examine after apprehension, focusing on tracing DHS responsibilities after Title 42.

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>>87567 TYB!


Hearings to examine after apprehension, focusing on tracing DHS responsibilities after Title 42.


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87ab0f No.87580

File: acec6ff3005073d⋯.png (757.47 KB,634x476,317:238,Clipboard.png)

File: ab9f0a10631bdbc⋯.png (547.91 KB,634x357,634:357,Clipboard.png)

File: 9b503d2be040b40⋯.png (498.56 KB,634x357,634:357,Clipboard.png)

File: 794cf371267b9d3⋯.png (537.95 KB,634x357,634:357,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501267 (061853ZSEP23) Notable: Tow-truck driver suffers 'medical episode' and hits school bus head-on in Pennsylvania highway crash, Nearly FIFTY children and two adults rushed to hospital

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Nearly FIFTY children and two adults rushed to hospital after tow-truck driver suffers 'medical episode' and hits school bus head-on in Pennsylvania highway crash

The driver of the truck is thought to have had an episode behind the wheel

Both drivers were taken to hospital after suffering 'moderate' injuries

Parents of the children were able to collect them from the hospital

Nearly fifty children and two adults have been rushed to hospital following a collision in Pennsylvania.

A school bus carrying 49 children collided with a flatbed tow truck in Luzerne County at around 8am on Route 115.

The driver of the truck, Edward Steinmann, 28, is believed to have suffered a medical issue while traveling along the road.

Police say this caused them to cross over the road and strike the bus head-on, with the driver taken to Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center.

Suzanne Ent, 53, who was driving the bus, was also taken to hospital to be checked over for her injuries.

Both drivers are understood to have suffered 'moderate' injuries in the incident, with a secondary bus arriving on scene to take the kids to the hospital.

The children suffered 'minor injuries', but were still taken to the medical center as a precaution.

Pennsylvania State Police have confirmed that the children were on their way to Bear Creek Community Charter School for their second day of school.

All of the children were aged between five to 14, and are all in grades kindergarten to eight.

The parents of the children have been notified, and were able to collect them from the hospital. A probe into the crash is still ongoing.

In a statement, the Pennsylvania State Police said: 'Although this was an unfortunate event we are grateful there were no serious injuries.

'We wish everyone a speedy recovery. We'd like to thank the good citizens who stopped to render aid.'

Route 115 is closed from Laurel Run Road to East Mountain Boulevard while crews work the scene.

Jim Smith, CEO of Bear Creek Community Charter School added that he wanted to thank all the responding agencies to the 'unfortunate incident along the highway.

He said: 'I'd also like to reinforce that the parents, bystanders and school staff rallied to support the students. I am looking forward to the results of the ongoing investigation.

'We thank the police and STA and the bus company blessed with a phenomenal level of cooperation among all entities that showed through today.'

bus number 45

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87ab0f No.87581

File: adfab6003055c67⋯.png (46.74 KB,493x257,493:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501277 (061856ZSEP23) Notable: Newsweek Covers for FBI, Ukrainian Spy Who Penetrated Capitol on J6

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Newsweek Covers for FBI, Ukrainian Spy Who Penetrated Capitol on J6

Ukrainian neo-Nazi spy Sergai Dybynyn hasn't been arrested for his actions on J6, but actual Americans are languishing in prison with no trial for doing less.

It appears Newsweek is spinning a narrative for the Deep State after Loomer exposed Ukrainian Spies with connections to the Azov Battalion were involved in J6. Newsweek downplayed Loomer’s reporting, writing, “Photographs of Dybynyn[the Ukrianan spy] at the riot have been used by some conservatives to push conspiracy theories about January 6, though these theories have not been proven and have been dismissed by many experts.” This quote from Newsweek is interesting because countless American citizens have been arrested for peacefully trespassing on J6, yet Mr. Dybynyn has not been arrested, despite photos showing him trespassing on Capitol grounds during J6.

Loomer rightfully criticized Newsweek posting on X, “Of course Operation Mockingbird Media @Newsweek has to downplay what I just exclusively exposed to soften the blow about the @FBI concealing the fact that a Ukrainian spy penetrated the US Capitol on J6 and a J6er was interrogated over it. It was suspected before that Ukrainians were at the Capitol, but I exposed that the FBI privately confirmed it during an interrogation of a US citizen who was jailed over J6.”

Even more odd is Mr. Dybynyn took photos with the J6 Shaman known as Jake Anglei. Most J6ers associated with Mr. Angeli have been arrested. However, Mr. Dybynyn has not. Loomer’s post then explained her conversation with Mr. Anglei, “They completely fail to mention that I broke this story. It wasn’t a passive interview, it is a monumental investigation that I conducted and exposed by talking to Jacob Chansley privately, not on a public interview as Newsweek is claiming. The information is 100% confirmed and @AmericaShaman can confirm. He can also confirm that this wasn’t public until I reported it.”

“There was no public interview. Newsweek is characterizing it this way to downplay my investigation.”

Loomer’s post ended with her criticizing Newsweek for distorting the facts, writing that “Newsweek needs to issue a clarification because they are acting like this is a passive admission when this is a major investigation that I conducted and broke, and it was not in a public interview. They are distorting the facts.”


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87ab0f No.87582

File: 01428c596fe5e07⋯.png (491.64 KB,1284x1296,107:108,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501308 (061901ZSEP23) Notable: Liberty Safe Dig

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__Shit you cannot make up for $500, Alex!

Liberty Safe CEO is named 'Joe Fail


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87ab0f No.87583

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501318 (061903ZSEP23) Notable: Liberty Safe Dig

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Mormon company, makes sense they would work with the Feds.

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87ab0f No.87584

File: c763c7207064731⋯.png (72.39 KB,591x781,591:781,Clipboard.png)

File: f98f8291508eacf⋯.png (166.36 KB,621x648,23:24,Clipboard.png)

File: 8d21f4ac1800df3⋯.png (610.89 KB,2550x3300,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: d7a5912a9a00f91⋯.png (544.14 KB,2550x3300,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: 705646d37a09f2b⋯.png (534.42 KB,2550x3300,17:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501324 (061905ZSEP23) Notable: Joe Biden's Office Colluded With Hunter's Business Associate On Burisma Inquiries, House Oversight Says

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Joe Biden's Office Colluded With Hunter's Business Associate On Burisma Inquiries, House Oversight Says

Then-Vice President Joe Biden’s office worked with Hunter Biden’s business associate to respond to media inquiries about Ukrainian energy firm Burisma in December 2015, according to the House Oversight Committee.

The committee wrote a letter to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) on Wednesday, requesting all documents and information related to Hunter Biden’s business associates’ communication with the vice president’s office from Joe Biden’s tenure.

House Oversight’s letter singles out Hunter Biden’s former business associates Eric Schwerin, Devon Archer, Vuk Jeremic, Rob Walker and Jeffrey Cooper in its request.

On Dec. 4, 2015, Schwerin wrote an email to then-VP Biden communications staffer Kate Bedingfield with statements for the White House to give journalists who were looking into Hunter Biden’s relationship with Burisma ahead of Joe Biden’s trip to Ukraine. Bedingfield informed Schwerin the “VP signed off on this,” according to emails reviewed by House Oversight.


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87ab0f No.87585

File: 3630c8eb53cabb6⋯.png (390.99 KB,602x733,602:733,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501325 (061905ZSEP23) Notable: @CBSNews obtains letter to Hunter Biden legal team for records detailing contacts with DOJ over failed plea deal. @Jim_Jordan

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Catherine Herridge


NEW: .@CBSNews

obtains letter to Hunter Biden legal team for records detailing contacts with DOJ over failed plea deal. @Jim_Jordan



argue privilege now void. Seeking comment Hunter Biden’s team. “Given that these disclosures have been made to two media outlets and this information has been widely publicized, no basis exists to withhold these documents and communications from the Committees, including on the basis of any purported duty of confidentiality, work product, or other privilege interest.” + “Should you refuse to provide the Committee with the requested information because of any purported privilege, the Committee may need to seek testimony from you and/or Hunter Biden regarding the disclosure of these documents and communications…”





7:38 AM · Sep 6, 2023




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87ab0f No.87586

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501326 (061905ZSEP23) Notable: Liberty Safe Dig

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if there are states that have laws about locking up guns, and if those states have hard punishment for those who don't, then my quess is the way to get at this fake-safe company is to have their safes decertified in those states that require a lock up of guns.

and thus all the owners of those safes could 'class action' against this company and demand a refund and damages.

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87ab0f No.87587

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501327 (061905ZSEP23) Notable: Globalist Scheme to Reduce Population to One Billion People + Our "SATANIC Leaders" Ceded National Sovereignty at 1992 "Earth Summit"

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"2015: Former Malaysian PM Warns of Globalist Scheme to Reduce Population to One Billion People."


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87ab0f No.87588

File: 979341b626f08c2⋯.png (81.16 KB,783x601,783:601,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501359 (061912ZSEP23) Notable: Google unveils new “fact-checking tools” meant to censor and keep independent media out of search results

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Google unveils new “fact-checking tools” meant to censor and keep independent media out of search results

Google may have just announced a worldwide ban on independent and alternative media outlets with its new "fact-checking tools."

In a short video, LaToya Drake, head of North American affairs at the Google News Initiative, announced the rollout of new tools the Big Tech company claims will help people "verify and tell news stories" and "improve information quality."

The Google News Initiative will "work with publishers and journalists to fight misinformation" and features two new tools for so-called fact-checking: the fact-check explorer and the claim review.

"[The fact-check explorer] allows you to easily browse and search for fact-checks from reputable fact-checking organizations around the world," explained Drake. "Google's fact-check explorer is designed to facilitate the work of fact-checkers, journalists and researchers in discovering what has and hasn't been debunked all over the globe. Think of this as a search engine for your fact checks that can help you determine fact from fiction."

To support the fact-check explorer is claim review, a system that allows fact-checkers to "ensure that fact-checked information is prominently featured and easy to find."

Google's new censorship tools part of globalist plan to control free flow of information online

The Google News Initiative's new tools were made in partnership with the United Nations, the World Health Organization (WHO) and several other globalist organizations and are primarily meant as a censorship tool.

Some of the main targets of the new fact-checking tool will be criticisms regarding Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) statistics, the World Bank, the Federal Bureau of Investigation's crime statistics, as well as information on globalist efforts to create a one-world government.

Google's new algorithms are also designed to censor from its search engine any criticisms of the following topics:

Information on PhamGKB, an online database with information on the impact of human genetic variation on drug response

Statistics on global warming provided by the UN-led International Panel on Climate Change

Any other topic the WHO selects

Carbon emissions reports from the UN's Energy Statistics Database

Greenhouse gas reports published by the Environmental Protection Agency

The Anheuser-Busch Baldwinsville Brewery

Stanford University's DeepSolar project


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87ab0f No.87589

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501366 (061913ZSEP23) Notable: Prince Andrew files to remain secret until 2065; UK government rejects Freedom of Information request

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Prince Andrew files to remain secret until 2065; UK government rejects Freedom of Information request

Secret documents regarding Prince Andrew will be kept sealed until 2065 after a royal family biographer's Freedom of Information request was rejected by the U.K. government.

According to multiple outlets, biographer Andrew Lownie sought documents regarding the disgraced prince, who was forced to resign from his government role after he was pictured having a meeting with Jeffrey Epstein, who had just served 18 months for sex crimes.

Prince Andrew was the U.K.'s special representative for trade and industry from 2001 to 2011, according to Express.

The delay in the files' release would mean that the prince would have to live to be 105 years old in order to be around to witness the document dump, a rule that is reportedly customary with the royal family.

Documents reportedly must remain sealed away from public view until 105 years after the birth of the individual in question, for the purpose of protecting royal family members from scrutiny and even to “preserve the mystique," the National Pulse reported.

The royal family is given special treatment in terms of the release of information. The Times reported that records from the U.K.'s national archives are usually kept secret for 20 years.

The biographer questioned the "culture of secrecy" and said it is "often the default position" of the royal family. “It does seem quite extreme," Lownie said.

The royals should be "subject to scrutiny" as everyone else is, the biographer went on.

“We are in the absurd position that Prince Harry can reveal the most intimate details of royal life from months ago for personal commercial gain and Royal households currently brief against each other, yet historians cannot look at files,” Lownie continued.

Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan Markle, have been famously mocked over their consistent requests for privacy despite publishing books, releasing podcasts, and going on press junkets in the United States.

"Many questions remain about his role as trade envoy, a public appointment paid for by the taxpayer, and his associations with figures such as Jeffrey Epstein," Lownie explained. "There is also a strong public interest in knowing, for example, who is paying for his security now he is no longer a working royal."

Despite the unofficial excommunication, Prince Andrew still lives at a royal lodge with his ex-wife, where he has lived for 20 years.


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87ab0f No.87590

File: e7f11e7cc3ac597⋯.png (1005.5 KB,680x722,340:361,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501379 (061916ZSEP23) Notable: Mauritanian Invader Crossings Increase 6,000 Percent from Last Year, Egyptians – 1,400 Percent

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Mauritanian Invader Crossings Increase 6,000 Percent from Last Year, Egyptians – 1,400 Percent


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87ab0f No.87591

File: c70a60d04516b6d⋯.png (44.37 KB,843x377,843:377,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501380 (061916ZSEP23) Notable: Alabama Governor Demands Answers Surrounding Libraries With 'Sexually Suggestive' Books for Children

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Alabama Governor Demands Answers Surrounding Libraries With 'Sexually Suggestive' Books for Children

By Elizabeth Weibel September 6, 2023 at 12:59pm

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87ab0f No.87592

File: f24de8f7938deab⋯.png (231.4 KB,665x804,665:804,Clipboard.png)

File: b36b527525b1519⋯.png (120.62 KB,664x662,332:331,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501381 (061916ZSEP23) Notable: More than HALF of CDC staff leave to work for Big Pharma and 'revolving door' of workers at public agency makes it vulnerable to corruption, report warns

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More than HALF of CDC staff leave to work for Big Pharma and 'revolving door' of workers at public agency makes it vulnerable to corruption, report warns

Over a third of people appointed to the HHS leave to take jobs in private sectors

Republican presidents were more likely to appoint people directly from industry

More than half of Centers for Disease Control (CDC) staff go on to work for big pharma, a first-of-its-kind report has found.

The analysis found that, between 2004 and 2020, 54 percent of workers who left the agency for another job moved into the private health sector.

At the same time, a significant number of new staff hired by government health agencies come directly from private drug firms.

Researchers from the University of Southern California and Harvard University who published the report said this 'revolving door' between federal workers and private healthcare companies has made government agencies vulnerable to corruption.

The study leader called to expand federal 'cooling off' laws — which prohibit former government employees from immediately lobbying on behalf of private organizations.

The report also found that over a third of people appointed to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) leave to take jobs in the healthcare private sector, as do 53 percent of employees at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

The HHS is the branch of the US government that deals with health, and the CDC is one of its major components.

Currently, government ex-employees must wait one year after leaving these health agencies before lobbying or having 'any communication to or appearance before any officer or employee of their former agency on behalf of anyone seeking official action.'

This was set up to prevent people from 'switching sides' on a matter they worked on during their government role.

But the new report says the laws don't go far enough.

The researchers looked at the career histories of 766 people appointed to HHS between 2004 and 2020 who occupied political appointments, including agency heads, senior-level administrators and their aides.


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87ab0f No.87593

File: 6c1d121114adc5b⋯.png (219.23 KB,413x407,413:407,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501390 (061918ZSEP23) Notable: KJP claims Joe Biden left the ceremony early yesterday to avoid close contact.

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KJP claims Joe Biden left the ceremony early yesterday to avoid close contact.

Joe Biden was literally a foot away from the Captain.

Make it make sense. 🤡

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87ab0f No.87594

File: d1c7f0425af266b⋯.png (258.12 KB,600x361,600:361,Clipboard.png)

File: 2cbddbe75265787⋯.jpg (73.06 KB,542x361,542:361,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2c0e58c7a4b3b02⋯.png (4.02 KB,335x61,335:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501392 (061918ZSEP23) Notable: THE ROCKEFELLERS AND THE UNICORN

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87ab0f No.87595

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501395 (061919ZSEP23) Notable: China bans iPhones for gov’t officials at work: Report

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China bans iPhones for gov’t officials at work: Report

China has reportedly ordered central government officials not to use Apple’s iPhones or other devices produced by foreign brands for work.

According to The Wall Street Journal, sources familiar with the ban said Chinese officials were recently given the instructions in meetings or chat groups as part of China’s effort to reduce the country’s reliance on technology produced by foreign countries.

While The Wall Street Journal said it is unclear how widespread the government orders are, the messages were communicated to government employees at various central government regulators.

China’s ban could have a major impact on foreign technology brands in the country, especially Apple. According to The Wall Street Journal, Apple currently dominates high-end smartphone sales in China, with roughly 19% of the company’s revenue stemming from the Chinese economy.

While China has restricted certain officials from using Apple’s iPhones for government work in the past, sources told The Wall Street Journal that the government’s order has now been expanded. The move reflects similar bans in the United States against government officials using TikTok and Huawei Technologies.

The Wall Street Journal reported that Chinese President Xi Jinping has been pushing for increased government control over digital activities and information for years as both China and the United States have placed an emphasis on national security. The Chinese government unveiled an update in July for its anti-espionage law, giving the government even more control over digital activities.

Instead of relying on foreign brands of technology, the Chinese government has placed an emphasis on utilizing computers and software developed by Chinese companies that can be more easily controlled by Beijing.

In the past, Apple has been able to navigate the technology tension between the United States and China, thriving in both markets. Most of Apple’s products are currently assembled in China, with the company employing millions of people in China. According to The Wall Street Journal, Apple has also remained in compliance with China’s regulations on digital freedom by removing thousands of apps from the company’s app store that were deemed illegal by Chinese officials.


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87ab0f No.87596

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501397 (061919ZSEP23) Notable: THE ROCKEFELLERS AND THE UNICORN

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87ab0f No.87597

File: 4840fe275071319⋯.png (619.52 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501403 (061921ZSEP23) Notable: Fulton judge denies attempts by Kenneth Chesebro & Sidney Powell to separate speedy trials from the other 17 defendants

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Fulton judge denies attempts by Kenneth Chesebro & Sidney Powell to separate speedy trials from the other 17 defendants. Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee set an Oct. 23 trial date. Chesebro & Powell had said their cases were different & they wanted to be tried separately.

Fulton judge denies attempts by Chesebro, Powell to separate trials

A Fulton County judge on Wednesday denied attempts by two lawyers charged in a sprawling election interference case to be tried separately from each other.


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87ab0f No.87598

File: 3809ec11a435a92⋯.png (73.27 KB,853x329,853:329,Clipboard.png)

File: af3591e9f2af8ba⋯.jpg (111.8 KB,1024x628,256:157,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2269caffa80c3bf⋯.jpg (146.72 KB,1156x889,1156:889,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501416 (061924ZSEP23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump For 7 years Mike Pence only spoke well of me. Now he’s decided to go to the “Dark Side.”

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Donald J. Trump


For 7 years Mike Pence only spoke well of me. Now he’s decided to go to the “Dark Side.” Why didn’t he do this years before, just like why didn’t DOJ and Deranged Jack Smith bring these Fake Indictments three years ago. Why did they wait until the middle of my Campaign where I am beating DeSanctimonious and all others badly, and beating Biden in almost every Poll?

Sep 06, 2023, 3:05 PM


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87ab0f No.87599

File: 6ee3dda42561a36⋯.png (418.22 KB,651x764,651:764,Clipboard.png)

File: 7b7b1208c2e12cf⋯.png (76.24 KB,645x691,645:691,Clipboard.png)

File: c80e4e57f3a28b2⋯.png (588.68 KB,674x745,674:745,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501430 (061926ZSEP23) Notable: Former Mossad chief Pardo says Israel enforcing ‘apartheid’ system in West Bank

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Former Mossad chief Pardo says Israel enforcing ‘apartheid’ system in West Bank

Ex-spymaster, now an outspoken critic of his former boss PM Netanyahu, warns Israel faces existential danger if it doesn’t decide borders with Palestinians

A former head of the Mossad intelligence agency told The Associated Press on Wednesday that Israel is enforcing an “apartheid” system in the West Bank, joining a tiny but growing list of retired officials to endorse an idea that remains largely on the fringes of Israeli discourse and international diplomacy.

Tamir Pardo becomes the latest former senior official to compare Israel’s treatment of Palestinians in the West Bank to apartheid, a reference to the system of racial separation in South Africa that ended in 1994.

Leading rights groups in Israel and abroad and Palestinians have accused Israel and its 56-year military rule of the West Bank of morphing into an apartheid system that they say gives Palestinians second-class status and is designed to maintain Jewish hegemony from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.

A handful of former Israeli leaders, diplomats and security officials have warned that Israel risks becoming an apartheid state, but Pardo’s language was even more blunt.

“There is an apartheid state here,” he said in an interview. “In a territory where two people are judged under two legal systems, that is an apartheid state.”


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87ab0f No.87600

File: d91255369aa912b⋯.png (91.55 KB,831x415,831:415,Clipboard.png)

File: 17b2010b04d76cc⋯.png (700.22 KB,689x1491,689:1491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501431 (061926ZSEP23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Was just watching Mike Pence make up stories about me, which are absolutely false. I never said for him to put me before the Constitution

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Donald J. Trump


Was just watching Mike Pence make up stories about me, which are absolutely false. I never said for him to put me before the Constitution—I don’t talk that way, and wouldn’t even think to suggest it. Mike failed badly on calling out Voter Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election, and based on the fact that he is at approximately 2% in the Polls, with no money or support, he obviously did the wrong thing. His advisors have led him down a very bad path!

Sep 06, 2023, 3:05 PM


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87ab0f No.87601

File: 997c0dd3b9498e8⋯.png (528.57 KB,605x652,605:652,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501437 (061927ZSEP23) Notable: @TrueTheVote RITEUSA announces lawsuit win demanding an end to corrupt processes used in Arizona elections.

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True the Vote


BREAKING!🚨 Bill Barr’s RITEUSA issues press release acknowledging illegal Arizona Ballot Signature Verification Process used in 2020 and 2022. RITEUSA announces lawsuit win demanding an end to corrupt processes used in Arizona elections.



Last edited

7:42 AM · Sep 6, 2023




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87ab0f No.87602

File: 4077893ee16e435⋯.png (813.91 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501466 (061933ZSEP23) Notable: Eco-friendly paper coffee cups are just as toxic as plastic ones and may be linked to birth defects and other health problems, similar finding with disposable straws

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Eco-friendly paper coffee cups are just as toxic as plastic ones and may be linked to birth defects and other health problems - just a week after similar finding with disposable straws

Paper coffee cups found to be just as toxic as plastic, study finds

The dangers stem from the thin plastic coating meant to keep paper cups water resistant. Scientists found that these plastic coatings 'contain hundreds of different chemicals'


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87ab0f No.87603

File: 1392ba03843944e⋯.png (33.55 KB,341x475,341:475,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501469 (061933ZSEP23) Notable: Liberty Safe Dig

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Archive sauce didn't work for anon, don't like Wiki but it's there.


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87ab0f No.87604

File: cd4d29898d16109⋯.png (26.04 KB,593x370,593:370,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501479 (061935ZSEP23) Notable: “Voter Identity Theft” Arizona's signature matching process found UNLAWFUL in court

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Catturd ™




Kari Lake





A court just found that Arizona's signature matching process is UNLAWFUL.

The court said the “statute is clear & unambiguous” requiring “the recorder to review the voter’s registration card” & not other documents with the voter’s signature.

[Judge] further noted,… Show more

6:55 AM · Sep 6, 2023




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87ab0f No.87605

File: 9dda7f6171bb5a4⋯.png (436.63 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501509 (061941ZSEP23) Notable: George and Alex Soros's nonprofit network is partnering on a new "Abolition School" that trains activists to eliminate police and prisons

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George and Alex Soros's nonprofit network is partnering on a new "Abolition School" that trains activists to eliminate police and prisons - W.E.B Du Bois Movement School for Abolition & Reconstruction held its 1st training sessions in August

Soros-backed group partners on 'Abolition School' to train activists to eradicate police, prisons

A group bankrolled by liberal billionaire George Soros is aiding a newly launched "Abolition School" to train activists on how to dismantle police and prisons.


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87ab0f No.87606

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501511 (061941ZSEP23) Notable: Disney Neo-Nazis were 'paid actors' - US congressman

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Disney Neo-Nazis were 'paid actors' - US congressman

The ADL issued a statement condemning Congressman Mills' comments.

Florida Representative Cory Mills took to X on September 4th to state his belief that recent antisemitic events were fake and had been carried out by "paid actors."

The congressman posted, "I wholeheartedly condemn any racist or anti-Semitic hatred, or harassment in our communities in Central Florida."

"I will continue to push policies that support and protect our Jewish friends, and our ally, Israel.

"While I believe the recent events were orchestrated with paid actors, and should be investigated by Congress for USG involvement, it still reminds us of the bigotry and hatred in America that we must root out."

I wholeheartedly condemn any racist or anti-Semitic hatred, or harassment in our communities in Central Florida.I will continue to push policies that support and protect our Jewish friends, and our ally, Israel. While I believe the recent events were orchestrated with paid…

— Rep. Cory Mills (@RepMillsPress) September 4, 2023

While the congressman does not explicitly mention which "recent events" he believes were orchestrated, a recent Neo-Nazi rally took place at Disney World in Mills' district.

As the Jerusalem Post reported on September 4, Neo-Nazis attacked a Jewish journalist with antisemitic slurs and chanted "Jews will not replace us!"

Condemnations of Mills' comments

Mills' comments were condemned by the Anti-Demation League who wrote "The two white supremacist demonstrations in the Orlando area were not staged or populated by paid actors. We are facing a significant rise in extremism and antisemitism, and it is frankly outrageous to claim otherwise."

The two white supremacist demonstrations in the Orlando area were not staged or populated by paid actors. We are facing a significant rise in extremism and antisemitism, and it is frankly outrageous to claim otherwise. pic.twitter.com/25BcyQHXCn

— ADL (@ADL) September 6, 2023


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87ab0f No.87607

File: 9e769ee5f7a2047⋯.png (700.41 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501518 (061942ZSEP23) Notable: Democrats Expected To Oppose Republican-Led Legislation Banning Return Of Forced Masking

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Democrats Expected To Oppose Republican-Led Legislation Banning Return Of Forced Masking

Dems Expected To Oppose Bill Banning Return Of Mask Mandates

The bill is a response to the renewed push across the country to usher in another round of Covid tyranny as virus cases spike.


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87ab0f No.87608

File: 03d36e2141ced51⋯.png (712.74 KB,700x394,350:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501524 (061943ZSEP23) Notable: Greece Floods As Potential "Medicane" Wreaks Havoc

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Rare Mediterranean cyclone strikes Greece, dumps 20 inches of rain and sparks widespread flooding. They've really got the weather weapons cranked up these days.

Greece Floods As Potential "Medicane" Wreaks Havoc


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87ab0f No.87609

File: 058ba327b67fd5c⋯.jpg (203.39 KB,708x799,708:799,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501530 (061945ZSEP23) Notable: Liberty Safe Dig

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>Mormon company

Liberty Safe


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87ab0f No.87610

File: a1a279d3e64b132⋯.jpg (199.84 KB,1079x686,1079:686,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501560 (061951ZSEP23) Notable: Only 24 days until the next US government shutdown!

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24 days :)

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87ab0f No.87611

File: a445ec246abd82a⋯.png (309.02 KB,600x596,150:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501626 (062006ZSEP23) Notable: Putin & Crown Prince & PM Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud expresses satisfaction with the development of diverse bilateral cooperation

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MFA Russia 🇷🇺



🇷🇺🇸🇦📞 President Vladimir #Putin & Crown Prince & PM Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud had a telephone conversation, expressed satisfaction with the development of diverse bilateral cooperation, reviewed topical issues related to further deepening cooperation.



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87ab0f No.87612

File: 9a76ea27a9a06e8⋯.jpg (7.7 KB,374x135,374:135,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f373f1c01214a34⋯.gif (1.36 MB,480x300,8:5,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501636 (062009ZSEP23) Notable: @TrueTheVote RITEUSA announces lawsuit win demanding an end to corrupt processes used in Arizona elections.

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>BREAKING!🚨 Bill Barr’s RITEUSA issues press release acknowledging illegal Arizona Ballot Signature Verification Process used in 2020 and 2022. RITEUSA announces lawsuit win demanding an end to corrupt processes used in Arizona elections.


stealth bomber inbound


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87ab0f No.87613

File: 836b3eec78e7d2c⋯.png (501.23 KB,612x445,612:445,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501642 (062011ZSEP23) Notable: Globalist Scheme to Reduce Population to One Billion People + Our "SATANIC Leaders" Ceded National Sovereignty at 1992 "Earth Summit"

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Our "Leaders" Ceded National Sovereignty at 1992 "Earth Summit"

Like the COVID hoax, climate change is a flimsy pretext to impose a globalist communist tyranny. At the Rio Earth Summit in 1992, almost 200 countries worldwide agreed to disenfranchise their citizens and join the climate change psy op designed to enslave, rob and cull humanity.

"The First Global Revolution: A Report to the Club of Rome (1991)," reads "In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine, and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself."

"A key achievement of the 1992 conference was the establishment of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) established in part as an international environmental treaty to combat "dangerous human interference with the climate system" and to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere. It was signed by 154 states at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED). By 2022, the UNFCCC had 198 parties. Its supreme decision-making body, the Conference of the Parties (COP) meets annually to assess progress in dealing with climate change.


"A key achievement of the 1992 conference was the establishment of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) established in part as an international environmental treaty to combat "dangerous human interference with the climate system" and to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere. It was signed by 154 states at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED). By 2022, the UNFCCC had 198 parties. Its supreme decision-making body, the Conference of the Parties (COP) meets annually to assess progress in dealing with climate change.


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87ab0f No.87614

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501665 (062016ZSEP23) Notable: US gun sales top 1 million for 49 consecutive months

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US gun sales top 1 million for 49 consecutive months

The heightened number of gun sales comes even as the Biden administration tries to crack down on firearms.


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87ab0f No.87615

File: 0af7eac18aa5499⋯.jpg (113.57 KB,1080x937,1080:937,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501675 (062018ZSEP23) Notable: Trucker and Sinclair 6pm, 5 year delta: Enjoy the show tonight.

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5 year delta

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87ab0f No.87616

File: c7071847398915c⋯.png (184.67 KB,783x721,783:721,Clipboard.png)

File: 160bce11d79514d⋯.png (226.83 KB,775x590,155:118,Clipboard.png)

File: 18c143a70a1091e⋯.png (183.37 KB,778x801,778:801,Clipboard.png)

File: 7b81c487dd3a41c⋯.png (180.92 KB,799x817,799:817,Clipboard.png)

File: a85b99bdf087db5⋯.png (268.37 KB,781x843,781:843,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501699 (062022ZSEP23) Notable: Fifty Years Ago: Chile, September 11, 1973: The Ingredients of a Military Coup - Global Research

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Fifty Years Ago: Chile, September 11, 1973: The Ingredients of a Military Coup - Global Research

Half a century ago on September 11, 1973, the Chilean military led by General Augusto Pinochet, crushed the democratically elected Unidad Popular government of Salvador Allende.

The objective was to replace a progressive, democratically elected government by a brutal military dictatorship.

The military coup was supported by the CIA. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger played a direct role in the military plot.1

In the weeks leading up to the coup, US Ambassador Nathaniel Davis and members of the CIA held meetings with Chile’s top military brass together with the leaders of the National Party and the ultra-right nationalist front Patria y Libertad. While the undercover role of the Nixon administration is amply documented, what is rarely mentioned in media reports is the fact that the military coup was also supported by a sector of the Christian Democratic Party.

Patricio Aylwin, who was elected Chile’s president in 1989, became head of the DC party in the months leading up to the September 1973 military coup (March through September 1973). Aylwin was largely instrumental in the break down of the “Dialogue” between the Unidad Popular government and the Christian Democrats. His predecessor Renan Fuentealba, who represented the moderate wing of the Christian Democratic Party (PDC), was firmly against military intervention. Fuentealba favored a dialogue with Allende (la salida democratica). He was displaced from the leadership of the Party in May 1973 in favor of Patricio Aylwin.

The DC Party was split down the middle, between those who favored “the salida democratica”, and the dominant Aylwin-Frei faction, which favored “a military solution”. 2

On 23 August, the Chilean Camera de Diputados drafted a motion, to the effect that the Allende government “sought to impose a totalitarian regime”. Patricio Aylwin was a member of the drafting team of this motion. Patricio Aylwin believed that a temporary military dictatorship was “the lesser of two evils.”3

This motion was adopted almost unanimously by the opposition parties, including the DC, the Partido Nacional and the PIR ( Radical Left).

The leadership of the Christian Democratic Party including former Chilean president Eduardo Frei, had given a green light to the Military. Unquestionably, US intelligence must have played an undercover role in the change of leadership in the PDC.

And continuity in the “Chilean Model” heralded as an “economic success story” was ensured when, 16 years later, Patricio Aylwin was elected president of Chile in the so-called transition to democracy in 1989.

At the time of the September 11 coup, I was Visiting Professor of Economics at the Catholic University of Chile (Instituto de Economia, Universidad Catolica de Chile). In the hours following the bombing of the Presidential Palace of La Moneda, the new military rulers imposed a 72-hour curfew.


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87ab0f No.87617

File: 0d7a7701e0b6390⋯.png (432.35 KB,768x384,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501718 (062026ZSEP23) Notable: Georgia Attorney General indicts 61 violent leftwing activists under the same RICO statute used against Trump

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THIS IS HOW WE WIN: Georgia Attorney General indicts 61 violent leftwing activists under the same RICO statute used against Trump

Georgia's Republican AG announces indictment of 61 leftists under the RICO statute used just weeks ago against Trump

In a controversial move, Democratic Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis charged former President Donald Trump last month under Georgia's Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act. It appears Willis, the proud daughter of a top Black Panthers...'


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87ab0f No.87618

File: dd20c5690c655a2⋯.mp4 (7.43 MB,568x320,71:40,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501722 (062027ZSEP23) Notable: OBIDEN RAPE TESTIMONY ON STEW PETERS

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87ab0f No.87619

File: 745551ab05091a5⋯.png (289.5 KB,590x546,295:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501724 (062027ZSEP23) Notable: @CodeMonkeyZ Proof that VP Biden's office under the Obama admin colluded with Hunter Biden's business was just announced today.

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Proof that VP Biden's office under the Obama admin colluded with Hunter Biden's business was just announced today.

Like clockwork, Jack Smith has a new indictment ready.




9:01 AM · Sep 6, 2023




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87ab0f No.87620

File: 2262cca5d24dfee⋯.mp4 (7.25 MB,568x320,71:40,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501728 (062028ZSEP23) Notable: OBIDEN RAPE TESTIMONY ON STEW PETERS

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87ab0f No.87621

File: 0e7494848898534⋯.mp4 (7.3 MB,568x320,71:40,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501740 (062031ZSEP23) Notable: OBIDEN RAPE TESTIMONY ON STEW PETERS

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87ab0f No.87622

File: e1b3d08fb92a7f3⋯.mp4 (7.26 MB,568x320,71:40,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501745 (062033ZSEP23) Notable: OBIDEN RAPE TESTIMONY ON STEW PETERS

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87ab0f No.87623

File: 319cd0e93141954⋯.png (2.19 MB,2160x1620,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 214b5dabb4a4f12⋯.jpeg (1.4 MB,2160x1620,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501747 (062034ZSEP23) Notable: Prosecutors seeking new indictment for Hunter Biden this month

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Prosecutors seeking new indictment for Hunter Biden before end of September


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87ab0f No.87624

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501755 (062035ZSEP23) Notable: Prosecutors seeking new indictment for Hunter Biden this month

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Updated 3:12 PM CDT, September 6, 2023


WASHINGTON (AP) — Federal prosecutors plan to ask a grand jury to indict President Joe Biden’s son Hunter by the end of the month, according to court documents filed Wednesday.

The exact charges the president’s son would face were not immediately clear,but appeared related to a gun possession charge in which he was accused of having a firearm while being a drug user. He has also been under investigation by federal prosecutors for his business dealings.

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87ab0f No.87625

File: e07c6418d7e482b⋯.mp4 (7.24 MB,568x320,71:40,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501757 (062035ZSEP23) Notable: OBIDEN RAPE TESTIMONY ON STEW PETERS

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87ab0f No.87626

File: 05c74c5348522cc⋯.mp4 (7.01 MB,568x320,71:40,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501760 (062035ZSEP23) Notable: OBIDEN RAPE TESTIMONY ON STEW PETERS

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87ab0f No.87627

File: ef3fa95938f11e9⋯.png (63.32 KB,657x459,73:51,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501767 (062037ZSEP23) Notable: Republicans say emails sent on day Biden's son promised to 'get help from DC' to ease corruption probe prove 'collusion'

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Hunter Biden associate worked with White

House office on a response to explain

his Burisma work: Republicans say emails

sent on day Biden's son promised to 'get

help from DC' to ease corruption probe

prove 'collusion'

Daily Mail (UK), by Kelly Laco

Posted By: Imright, 9/6/2023 1:28:54 PM

Hunter Biden's former associate's emails with then-Vice President's staff from 2015 detail a closely coordinated relationship that blurred the line between official government work and the Biden family business and may be evidence of 'collusion,' say Republicans. The GOP is ramping up its investigation into the Biden family's decades-long 'influence peddling scheme' as lawmakers eye opening a potential impeachment inquiry into the sitting president over his connections to his son's foreign business operations. They are narrowing in on a series of emails between Eric Schwerin, a close business associate of Hunter's at his investment firm Rosemont Seneca, and then-VP staffer Kate Bedingfield in December 2015 regarding Hunter's Ukraine ties.

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87ab0f No.87628

File: cc8282784a0f63c⋯.png (31.53 KB,894x240,149:40,Clipboard.png)

File: e5b6abc0c458e56⋯.png (73.63 KB,880x328,110:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501779 (062039ZSEP23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Has been Ann Coulter is a Stone Cold Loser!!!

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Ann CoulterDonald J. Trump


Page 2: Has been Ann Coulter is a Stone Cold Loser!!!

Sep 06, 2023,4:05PM


Donald J. Trump


Ann Coulter, the washed up political “pundit” who predicted my win in 2016, then went unbearably crazy with her demands and wanting to be a part of everything, to the consternation of all, has gone hostile and angry with every bit of her very “nervous” energy. Like many others, I just didn’t want her around - She wasn’t worth the trouble!

Sep 06, 2023,3:20PM


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87ab0f No.87629

File: 75a808be2b5da00⋯.png (581.49 KB,768x402,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501816 (062045ZSEP23) Notable: Georgia Secretary of State Raffensperger says he can't keep Trump off the ballot in 2024

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Georgia Secretary of State Raffensperger says he can't keep Trump off the ballot in 2024

"Anyone who believes in democracy must let the voters decide," -Raffensperger


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87ab0f No.87630

File: 8e275218386b7ba⋯.png (489.09 KB,784x957,784:957,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501817 (062045ZSEP23) Notable: Did DOJ Prosecutor Targeting Trump Frame a European President? | Full Video

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Did DOJ Prosecutor Targeting Trump Frame a European President? | Full Video


Biden’s Justice Department has tapped Jack Smith to lead its ongoing efforts to hobble Donald Trump at election time. Smith is known to have brought down other GOP presidential candidates in the past. But he went after big game abroad, too. And now European leaders are demanding justice for the president that Smith sent to jail on questionable charges.

In this controversial new episode of Over the Target, former US Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell reveals to Lee Smith the shocking background of the man designated to get Trump.


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87ab0f No.87631

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501824 (062047ZSEP23) Notable: The Curious Case of the Spreading Red Meat Allergy.

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The Curious Case of the Spreading Red Meat Allergy.

Some of the cases were on Long Island. Is it a coincidence that Long Island is near Plum Island?

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87ab0f No.87632

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501901 (062100ZSEP23) Notable: Part 3: Added portion of Politico Vaccine Program PN

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>>87559 (You), >>87561 (You) Vaccine injury compensation programs overwhelmed as congressional reform languishes PN

Part 3Added portion of Politico Vaccine Program

Vaccine injury compensation programs overwhelmed as congressional reform languishes

06/01/2022 05:00 AM EDT

A handful of bills introduced in the House and Senate would revamp both programs, but advocates are focused on two measures — one, H.R. 3655 (117) to overhaul the VICP, and another, H.R. 3656 (117) to automatically impose the excise tax that funds the program on any new vaccines the HHS secretary adds to the vaccine injury table.Currently, Congress must act for the tax to be collected on any new immunization added to the schedule.

The broader VICP reform legislation, an effort led byRep. Lloyd Doggett (D-Texas)in the House, would set a minimum number of special masters appointed to the court that hears vaccine injury claims, requiring a minimum of 10 compared to the current maximum of eight.

The legislation would change the amount of time the HHS secretary has to add a vaccine to the injury table from two years to six months and would ensure the table covers vaccines routinely recommended by the CDC to adults as well as children and pregnant people.

It also would increase the maximum amount of compensation for vaccine injuries and deaths from $250,000 to $600,000 for 2021, a figure that could be adjusted for inflation in later years.

Doggett, who leads the House Ways and Means Health Subcommittee, indicated in a statement to POLITICO that some Republicans are holding up progress on the measure, which hecosponsored with retiring GOP Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan. (Upton the traitor)

A Republican aide suggested the bill’s potential price tag is to blame. But CBO hasn’t released an estimate for the bill, agency spokesperson Deborah Kilroe said, adding that the office is legally required to conduct a formal cost estimate after a bill is reported out of a congressional committee. Neither bill has advanced out of Energy and Commerce or Ways and Means.

Pennsylvania Democratic Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pa.) is working on a similar legislative effort to automate the VICP excise tax and to clarify how Covid-19 vaccines would transition from the CICP to the VICP.

“We don’t really know how the process works or what it would look like,” a Casey aide said.

The senator is still working on the measure, the aide added, including finding bipartisan cosponsors that could help increase the chances of the bill moving on some legislative vehicle this session. Those options are few, with a bipartisan and bicameral effort to reauthorize FDA’s medical product user fees already well underway. An omnibus spending package could also carry the measures.

The bills’ advocates say ensuring the programs work well is critical to bolstering public confidence in U.S. vaccination programs, so people know that, in the rare case they experience a serious adverse event post-immunization, they can be compensated for their pain.

As the U.S. moves closer to transitioning away from the public health emergency, Doggett said, the longstanding injury compensation program for vaccines must be ready to handle Covid-related claims.

The system could easily be crushed by the new burdenif the existing backlog is not quickly addressed and the program modernized,” he said.


(If anon research those in House and Senate pushing this for gov to take on more financial burden, especially on Covid vaccine, instead of on Pharma, it will be almost guaranteed they are lobbied or paid by pharma to push this.)

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87ab0f No.87633

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501906 (062102ZSEP23) Notable: #23951-A

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#23951-A >>87567

>>87598 @realDonaldTrump For 7 years Mike Pence only spoke well of me. Now he’s decided to go to the “Dark Side.”

>>87600 @realDonaldTrump Was just watching Mike Pence make up stories about me, which are absolutely false. I never said for him to put me before the Constitution

>>87628 @realDonaldTrump Has been Ann Coulter is a Stone Cold Loser!!!

>>87601, >>87612 @TrueTheVote RITEUSA announces lawsuit win demanding an end to corrupt processes used in Arizona elections.

>>87604, >>87570 “Voter Identity Theft” Arizona's signature matching process found UNLAWFUL in court


>>87574 DA Fani Willis EXPOSED in Money Laundering SCANDAL - GWP

>>87575 Fulton County Board of Comissioners Denies GOP Nominee Who Brought to Light 20,000 Duplicate Registrations and Filed 10,000 Complaints

>>87577, >>87618, >>87620, >>87621, >>87622, >>87625, >>87626 OBIDEN RAPE TESTIMONY ON STEW PETERS

>>87584 Joe Biden's Office Colluded With Hunter's Business Associate On Burisma Inquiries, House Oversight Says

>>87588 Google unveils new “fact-checking tools” meant to censor and keep independent media out of search results

>>87589 Prince Andrew files to remain secret until 2065; UK government rejects Freedom of Information request

>>87597 Fulton judge denies attempts by Kenneth Chesebro & Sidney Powell to separate speedy trials from the other 17 defendants

>>87607 Democrats Expected To Oppose Republican-Led Legislation Banning Return Of Forced Masking

>>87615 Trucker and Sinclair 6pm, 5 year delta: Enjoy the show tonight.

>>87617 Georgia Attorney General indicts 61 violent leftwing activists under the same RICO statute used against Trump

>>87619 @CodeMonkeyZ Proof that VP Biden's office under the Obama admin colluded with Hunter Biden's business was just announced today.

>>87623, >>87624 Prosecutors seeking new indictment for Hunter Biden this month

>>87627 Republicans say emails sent on day Biden's son promised to 'get help from DC' to ease corruption probe prove 'collusion'

>>87569 RE: Patriot act. I did not get to vote on this…. Did you ?

>>87571 Clinton Judge Says Trump Liable For Defamatory Statements He Made About E. Jean Carroll

>>87572 Deepstate previously used Jack Smith to prosecute the Kosovo President, and he's still in jail.

>>87630 Did DOJ Prosecutor Targeting Trump Frame a European President? | Full Video

>>87629 Georgia Secretary of State Raffensperger says he can't keep Trump off the ballot in 2024

>>87610 Only 24 days until the next US government shutdown!

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87ab0f No.87634

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501907 (062102ZSEP23) Notable: #23951-B

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#23951-B >>87567

>>87573 Gun Safe Manufacturer ‘Liberty Safe’ Gives FBI Access Code to a Protestor’s Safe Who Was Arrested at Gunpoint Due to Involvement in January 6th Capitol Event

>>87582, >>87583, >>87586, >>87603, >>87609 Liberty Safe Dig

>>87576 The U.S. operates the largest fleet of reactors in the world and it just got bigger with the recent addition of Vogtle Unit 3.

>>87579 Hearings to examine after apprehension, focusing on tracing DHS responsibilities after Title 42.

>>87580 Tow-truck driver suffers 'medical episode' and hits school bus head-on in Pennsylvania highway crash, Nearly FIFTY children and two adults rushed to hospital

>>87581 Newsweek Covers for FBI, Ukrainian Spy Who Penetrated Capitol on J6

>>87587 Blinken Makes Surprise Visit to Kyiv, to Announce Another Round of Cash for Ukraine

>>87585 @CBSNews obtains letter to Hunter Biden legal team for records detailing contacts with DOJ over failed plea deal. @Jim_Jordan

>>87590 Mauritanian Invader Crossings Increase 6,000 Percent from Last Year, Egyptians – 1,400 Percent

>>87591 Alabama Governor Demands Answers Surrounding Libraries With 'Sexually Suggestive' Books for Children

>>87592 More than HALF of CDC staff leave to work for Big Pharma and 'revolving door' of workers at public agency makes it vulnerable to corruption, report warns

>>87593 KJP claims Joe Biden left the ceremony early yesterday to avoid close contact.

>>87595 China bans iPhones for gov’t officials at work: Report


>>87599 Former Mossad chief Pardo says Israel enforcing ‘apartheid’ system in West Bank

>>87602 Eco-friendly paper coffee cups are just as toxic as plastic ones and may be linked to birth defects and other health problems, similar finding with disposable straws

>>87605 George and Alex Soros's nonprofit network is partnering on a new "Abolition School" that trains activists to eliminate police and prisons

>>87606 Disney Neo-Nazis were 'paid actors' - US congressman

>>87608 Greece Floods As Potential "Medicane" Wreaks Havoc

>>87611 Putin & Crown Prince & PM Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud expresses satisfaction with the development of diverse bilateral cooperation

>>87613, >>87587 Globalist Scheme to Reduce Population to One Billion People + Our "SATANIC Leaders" Ceded National Sovereignty at 1992 "Earth Summit"

>>87614 US gun sales top 1 million for 49 consecutive months

>>87616 Fifty Years Ago: Chile, September 11, 1973: The Ingredients of a Military Coup - Global Research

>>87631 The Curious Case of the Spreading Red Meat Allergy.

>>87632 Part 3: Added portion of Politico Vaccine Program PN

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87ab0f No.87635

File: 0ba75cd4000795e⋯.png (474.07 KB,720x693,80:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501914 (062104ZSEP23) Notable: #23952

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87ab0f No.87636

File: 7448bedbc300677⋯.png (538.97 KB,765x427,765:427,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501942 (062108ZSEP23) Notable: ‘Done Playing Role in … Political Theater’: State’s entire fishing advisory board resigns in protest against offshore wind farms

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‘Done Playing Role in … Political Theater’: State’s entire fishing advisory board resigns in protest against offshore wind farms

Every member of the Rhode Island Fisherman’s Advisory Board resigned on Friday in protest against the offshore wind farm projects being developed along the state’s coastline.

All nine members of the fishing regulatory board quit after the Coastal Resources Management Council approved an 84-turbine Sunrise Wind project last week.

Since President Biden signed an executive order in 2021 to double offshore wind development by 2030, the Rhode Island CRMC has approved five projects.

In a letter to the CRMC executive director, Jeff Willis, the fishing advisory board members stated that they refuse to participate in the process, accusing the CRMC of making “deference to offshore wind developers its top priority regardless of the requirements of the Ocean [Special Area Management Plan].”

"I think Rhode Island seriously needs to rethink, does it want to be the Ocean State," Meghan Lapp, a member of FAB, told WJAR-TV. "Or do you want to be the Windmill State?"

FAB chair Lanny Dellinger shared the letter in ecoRI News’ opinion piece titled “Fisherman’s Advisory Board Done Playing Role in CRMC’s Political Theater.”

“We as members of the FAB thought that the purpose of FAB/CRMC review was to ensure that offshore wind projects conformed to the requirements and restrictions of the Ocean SAMP. We were wrong. The Ocean SAMP process has been reduced to mere political theater, to which we refuse to lend any further credence by our presence,” FAB’s letter stated.

The advisory board claimed that the approval process had “become a mockery of what the Ocean SAMP was designed to accomplish.”

FAB accused the CRMC of not taking its regulatory role seriously and instead “advanc[ing] a policy agenda of offshore wind development above all else.” The board further stated that the CRMC had failed to consider “the cost to the environment, or the impacts to Rhode Island’s fishing industry.”

Fishermen worry that the offshore wind project will cause significant disruptions to commercial fishing. Additionally, critics continue to speculate whether the offshore wind farms are linked to the recent surge in whale deaths.

“We will not allow our names to be connected in any way to Council approvals now amounting to wholesale ocean destruction. Rhode Island is supposed to be the Ocean State, not the Windmill State,” the board concluded.

The CRMC replied to FAB in a Friday statement, noting it was “disappointed to learn of the resignation of the FAB members.”

“The FAB has provided valuable information and insight to the CRMC for its federal consistency reviews of offshore wind energy projects,” the state agency continued. “While unfortunate, these resignations do not affect the CRMC’s review scope, obligations and timelines. … CRMC remains hopeful that the Rhode Island fishing community will continue to participate in the public process for reviewing offshore wind energy projects, as well as any other projects affecting the fishery resources of the State.”


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87ab0f No.87637

File: 330e55e836ea0da⋯.png (598.36 KB,759x732,253:244,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501946 (062109ZSEP23) Notable: LeBron James Spotted In Saudi Arabia … Weeks After Joking He'd Play There

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LeBron James Spotted In Saudi Arabia ... Weeks After Joking He'd Play There

9/6/2023 9:15 AM PT

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87ab0f No.87638

File: 81f34e821dca298⋯.png (822.65 KB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501951 (062110ZSEP23) Notable: At least 32 killed in Sudan Army strikes on Tuesday - activists

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At least 32 killed in Sudan Army strikes on Tuesday - activists

At least 32 civilians were killed and dozens injured in artillery strikes by the Sudanese Army on Tuesday, one of the highest tolls from a single day of fighting since conflict broke out in April, the activist group, Emergency Lawyers, said, Reuters reports.

Rights activists and residents say the regular army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces that are fighting for control of the country have fired missiles into populated areas, incurring hundreds of civilian casualties in the capital, Khartoum, and other cities.

While the RSF holds most of the ground in Khartoum and the cities of Omdurman and Bahri that make up the wider capital, the Army has an edge in heavier artillery and aircraft.

The strike on Tuesday took place in the Ombada neighbourhood in western Omdurman, the statement released on Wednesday said, a neighbourhood that has seen several deadly strikes.

Earlier this week, military sources said the Army had deployed large numbers of ground troops in Omdurman and was preparing for a large operation to attempt to cut off the RSF’s main supply route into the capital from the Darfur region.

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At least 32 civilians were killed and dozens injured in artillery strikes by the Sudanese Army on Tuesday, one of the highest tolls from a single day of fighting since conflict broke out in April, the activist group, Emergency Lawyers, said, Reuters reports.

Rights activists and residents say the regular army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces that are fighting for control of the country have fired missiles into populated areas, incurring hundreds of civilian casualties in the capital, Khartoum, and other cities.

While the RSF holds most of the ground in Khartoum and the cities of Omdurman and Bahri that make up the wider capital, the Army has an edge in heavier artillery and aircraft.

The strike on Tuesday took place in the Ombada neighbourhood in western Omdurman, the statement released on Wednesday said, a neighbourhood that has seen several deadly strikes.

Earlier this week, military sources said the Army had deployed large numbers of ground troops in Omdurman and was preparing for a large operation to attempt to cut off the RSF’s main supply route into the capital from the Darfur region.

Sudan: US envoy describes atrocities as ‘reminiscent’ of Darfur 2004

Local volunteers reported that 19 people had been killed in army strikes on Ombada on Sunday. Residents say large numbers fled the Ombada neighbourhood on Wednesday.

The RSF has also been accused by activists and residents of damaging homes by firing anti-aircraft missiles and other artillery, as well as looting and occupying civilian neighbourhoods.

“The use of heavy and light artillery in areas packed with civilians is a war crime … and reflects a disregard for their lives,” the Emergency Lawyers, who are pro-democracy legal activists, said on Wednesday.

They said the Army and RSF would be brought to justice.

The factions, who fell out over internationally-backed plans to integrate their forces during a transition to democracy, have denied responsibility for strikes that have killed civilians.

The United States on Wednesday sanctioned the deputy head of the RSF for involvement in human rights abuses by his troops, and had previously sanctioned companies linked to both sides.


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87ab0f No.87639

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501970 (062113ZSEP23) Notable: Police Shooting Of Black Pregnant Woman In Ohio Could Unleash New BLM Protests, Mayhem

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Police Shooting Of Black Pregnant Woman In Ohio Could Unleash New BLM Protests, Mayhem

As we have been documenting, now that the country is poised to enter a highly charged 2024 presidential election season (likely Biden v. Trump again), the following dictates and trends are 'suddenly' making a comeback...

renewed push for Covid vaccine booster?: Check

masks coming back to public spaces and children's schools?: Check

new MSM claims of Russia laundering propaganda through independent media sources?: Check

BLM and race-fueled riots in major American cities?...

This last one appears imminent, or at least just potentially around the corner, following a tragic police shooting incident of an unarmed black pregnant woman in an Ohio suburb, who immediately succumbed to her wounds.

The police body-cam footage of the killing is quickly going viral and gaining national attention, leading to intense local protests... local that is, for now.

Axios and others have documented fresh protests of increasing intensity in the township outside of Columbus where it occurred: "Police body camera footage showing a Blendon Township officer fatally shooting a pregnant Black woman has once again thrust local law enforcement into the national spotlight."

21-year old Ta'Kiya Young died after an officer fired multiple shots through her moving car windshield at almost point blank range. She was seven months pregnant.

Kroger employees had called police to the location, accusing her of theft of alcohol. She died on the scene after the August 24 incident. But police released footage from two officer body-cams last Friday, which is now going viral.

After watching the video, Young's family called the shooting a "hateful act" and "avoidable" - while demanding that the officer who pulled the trigger be swiftly indicted for murder. Young's unborn daughter also died when the mother expired due to the gunshot wounds.

As an internal investigation proceeds, it seems the likely defense of the officer who pulled the trigger will be to say that he was being assaulted by a deadly weapon (namely the accelerating vehicle itself). According to local media:

In a statement on Friday, the department said the first officer, who did not fire his weapon, had his arm and hand inside the driver's window when Young accelerated, making him a victim of misdemeanor assault. The second officer, who fired his weapon, was hit by the vehicle and a victim of attempted vehicular assault, the statement said.

...On Friday, Belford said the officer who did not fire his weapon has returned from administrative leave and is back on patrol duty.

Forbes has featured a fuller video of the lead-up, with law enforcement analysis:


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87ab0f No.87640

File: e17c4550630472f⋯.png (12.54 KB,596x173,596:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501985 (062117ZSEP23) Notable: Texas Must Remove Border Barrier at Biden’s Request, Judge Alan Ezra Says

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Insider Paper



9:57 AM · Sep 6, 2023




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87ab0f No.87641

File: 33d37d2e693e89e⋯.png (399.21 KB,1019x900,1019:900,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501987 (062117ZSEP23) Notable: 6 Ways Jack Smith’s Latest Indictment Is Legally Flawed And Politically Shady

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6 Ways Jack Smith’s Latest Indictment Is Legally Flawed And Politically Shady


AUGUST 03, 2023


Jack Smith, in his rush to ‘get Trump,’ has done serious violence to our constitutional order and Bill of Rights.

Jack Smith’s latest indictment against President Trump seeks to criminalize political speech and taking incorrect legal advice. Americans of all political stripes should be furious and deeply concerned by the course Smith has set this country on.

I have reviewed the new Trump indictment closely, and sadly, it is exactly what we have come to expect from Smith’s team — a highly political document, riddled with legal and factual infirmities. This indictment should have never been brought to a grand jury in the first place. Moreover, its timing, particularly in light of Smith’s statements and actions in the Trump documents case, is so highly suspect that it casts a political pall over the whole case.

The Indictment

Smith’s indictment contains four counts against Trump.

The first, brought under 18 U.S.C. § 371, alleges that Trump conspired to defraud the United States “by using knowingly false claims of election fraud to obstruct federal government function by which those results are collected, counted and certified.”

The second and third allege conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding and the actual or attempted obstruction of an official proceeding, both in violation of subsections of 18 U.S.C. § 1512.

The fourth alleges that Trump committed a “conspiracy against rights,” by knowingly conspiring to deprive Americans of their right to vote and have their votes counted, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 241.

Having read the indictment, having followed Jan. 6-related cases closely, having read extensive news coverage, and having spoken to others with experience in this area of the law, I do not believe any of these charges can fairly be proven beyond a reasonable doubt in front of a fair judge and jury. Additionally, I expect that were this case to reach the Supreme Court, the court would reject Smith’s theories of liability on all or at least some of these counts, as it did unanimously with his prosecution of former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell.

Smith and his team did a real disservice to the cause of justice by bringing this indictment.

1. Trump’s State of Mind

In the Trump documents case, we’ve already seen how thorny issues of intent can be. There, many of us have argued that, in light of the president’s rights and responsibilities under the Presidential Records Act, it is essentially impossible for Jack Smith to prove that Trump knowingly violated the Espionage Act subsection charged.

Here, we have a similar issue. For all four of these charges, Smith needs to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Trump knew his claims about election integrity were false, and that he knew the legal theories his team advanced were not viable.

Not just that these claims were false, not just that Trump might have known that they were false, or that Trump should have known that they were false. If Trump did not actually know his claims were false and the theories he was advancing were wrong, then I do not see how he can be found guilty of any of the four charges in the indictment.

While Smith points to a few statements Trump allegedly made to others at various stages of his election challenges where he impliedly (if you squint hard enough) appears to concede defeat, the overwhelming gravamen of Trump’s statements and actions indicate he believed that his claims — both factual about the conduct of the election and legal about potential remedies — were true. Considering the record as a whole, how does one go about proving Trump didn’t believe his own arguments?

Moreover, three of these counts charge conspiracy. For those counts, Smith likely has to prove that Trump’s alleged co-conspirators also knew the claims they were advancing were false. And that Trump and his alleged co-conspirators all agreed, knowing that the claims were false, to press ahead anyway. Given the list of co-conspirators, their activities during the time period in question, and the interactions between them and Trump that have already been made public, I think the opposite is likely the case.

In short, proving the requisite intent on the part of Trump and his alleged co-conspirators on all of these charges is likely impossible, at least in front of a fair jury in a fair courtroom. This indictment should never have been brought.

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87ab0f No.87642

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501988 (062117ZSEP23) Notable: 6 Ways Jack Smith’s Latest Indictment Is Legally Flawed And Politically Shady

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2. Criminalizing Political Speech

Others have made this point publicly already, so I won’t belabor it. To put it simply, Jack Smith’s theory of the case necessarily requires criminalizing political speech. This is core, protected activity under the First Amendment, and the legal implications are truly scary for our democracy.

Is any public challenge to a certified federal election a criminal act? In Jack Smith’s telling, the answer is probably yes. At what point do election challenges become criminal? Based on Jack Smith’s theory of the case, the answer to that is entirely unclear, meaning that the very fact that this indictment was brought may have a deeply chilling effect on protected speech in years to come.

Hillary Clinton, Stacey Abrams, and many, many others have claimed for years that their elections were stolen from them. Abrams continued her efforts to challenge her defeat to Brian Kemp long after the results were clear. Andrew Jackson claimed John Quincy Adams cheated him out of the election of 1824. After the 2000, 2004, and 2016 elections, Democrats attempted to interfere with the electoral count process. Did those actions constitute a conspiracy against rights under § 241? Under Jack Smith’s theory of the case, I think the answer is unclear, but possible.

Taking political speech and political acts of this sort and shoehorning them into criminal statutes that have never before been used in this way is terrifying. Political candidates should not live in fear of prosecution by their political opponents for stating their views about their elections.

Jack Smith, in his rush to “get Trump,” has done serious violence to our constitutional order and Bill of Rights.

3. Proving Trump’s Specific Intent

Section 241 is a statute that was originally designed to deal with violence against black voters by the Ku Klux Klan, and other similar efforts to deprive people of their constitutional rights. Jack Smith’s use of it here is outrageous on its face, designed to inflame perhaps more than anything else. But there are also serious legal issues that Smith and his team seem to have been willing to ignore in terms of the statute’s applicability to the facts alleged.

In United States v. Guest, the Supreme Court grappled with the constitutionality of this statute, facing an argument that it was unconstitutionally vague and overbroad. The Supreme Court ultimately held that the statute was constitutional, but only because of the heightened intent requirements that follow from it being a conspiracy statute. In the Supreme Court’s words, “[a] specific intent to interfere with the federal right [at issue] must be proved” on the part of the alleged conspirators. Only because of that specific intent requirement was the prosecution in that case allowable, and was the statute itself deemed to pass constitutional muster.

Eight years later, in Anderson v. United States, the Supreme Court addressed the applicability of § 241 to a scheme to cast fake votes for federal, state, and local candidates in West Virginia. The court cautioned that “[i]t is established that since the gravamen of the offense under § 241 is conspiracy, the prosecution must show that the offender acted with a specific intent to interfere with the federal rights in question.” Furthermore, the court stated that “special care” was warranted in assessing this intent, because “charges of conspiracy are not to be made out by piling inference upon inference, thus fashioning … a dragnet to draw in all substantive crimes.”

To prove his case, it’s not enough for Jack Smith to prove that Trump and his alleged co-conspirators sought to overturn certified election results — he needs to prove they acted with specific intent to deprive people of the right to have their votes counted. This cannot be established by inference, under binding Supreme Court precedent. Smith needs evidence that Trump’s intent was specifically to deprive people of their right to have their votes counted.

On the face of the indictment and public record, it doesn’t appear he has anything close to meeting this high bar.

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87ab0f No.87643

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501990 (062117ZSEP23) Notable: 6 Ways Jack Smith’s Latest Indictment Is Legally Flawed And Politically Shady

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4. Proving a Fraud Conspiracy

Section 371 is a statute that criminalizes defrauding the federal government or interfering in lawful functions of government. Its origins are in the tax fraud context, and it was originally cabined closely to property fraud against the federal government. Even after the statute was expanded, though, the Supreme Court has urged caution throughout the statute’s history that a conspiracy charge relating to the obstruction of governmental functions must be premised on the use of “deceit, craft or trickery, or at least by means that are dishonest,” as was decided in Hammerschmidt v. United States. “Open defiance” of the law, for example, cannot give rise to a § 371 charge.

Courts have consistently held that obtaining a conviction under this statute requires both the existence of an agreement to achieve an unlawful objective, as well as deliberate, knowing, and specific intent to participate in that agreement.

Smith’s theory is that Trump and his alleged co-conspirators conspired to “defeat the lawful federal government function by which the results of the presidential election are collected, counted, and certified by the federal government.” But in light of the requirements for proving fraud conspiracy under § 371, Smith needs to show that Trump and his team knew their theories were groundless when they promoted them to state legislators and other decision-makers in the electoral count process and encouraged those officials to take various official actions. And that Trump and his team agreed this was the plan — promoting theories they knew were groundless, based on facts that they knew were false, to these legislators and officials.

The fact that Trump received advice to the contrary just doesn’t cut it, from a legal perspective, when it comes to proving a fraud conspiracy under § 371. This charge appears to be dead on arrival from a legal perspective.

5. Misapplication of Obstruction Law

Section 1512 was originally enacted as part of the Sarbanes Oxley Act in 2002, intended to deal with the fallout from the Enron collapse and investigations. Subsection (c), under which Trump has been charged, deals primarily with destroying evidence in advance of judicial proceedings or legislative inquiries, but it also contains a catchall provision that criminalizes corruptly “obstructing” an official proceeding.

The Biden DOJ has used this catchall provision, controversially, to prosecute Jan. 6 defendants, and two of the counts in this new indictment track this theory — that Trump’s activities and statements constituted an obstruction of an official proceeding, namely the electoral count process.

This is an issue that is expected to come before the Supreme Court sooner rather than later. In a sharply divided panel opinion this April, the D.C. Circuit allowed § 1512 charges to proceed against three Jan. 6 defendants. But it did so only on the basis that, in the words of Judge Justin Walker’s decisive concurrence, the act’s requirement of a “corrupt” mental state on the part of the defendants sharply delimited its scope. In Walker’s view, to convict under this statute, a defendant must have acted with the specific intent “to procure an unlawful benefit either for himself or for some other person.” (Judge Katsas dissented and would have dismissed the charges entirely).

Under this reading of the statute, it is not enough that Trump (and, in the case of the conspiracy charge, his alleged co-conspirators) called for protests. It is not enough that Trump tried to prevent the certification of the election or the counting of electoral votes. Trump could have burned down the Capitol personally and that wouldn’t necessarily meet this high bar. He must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt to have done what he did to procure a benefit for himself that he knew to be unlawful. As with the other statutes discussed above, this is a very high bar to meet, and the facts as presented simply do not support this charge.

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87ab0f No.87644

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501993 (062118ZSEP23) Notable: 6 Ways Jack Smith’s Latest Indictment Is Legally Flawed And Politically Shady

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6. Perfectly Timing the Trial for Election Season

As he did with his original indictment in the documents, Jack Smith accompanied his announcement of charges yesterday with a cynical call for a “speedy trial.” More than anything else, Smith’s insistence that these cases that he is bringing should be tried at the height of a presidential election adds fuel to the fire of Trump’s expressed view that the special counsel is waging a political campaign against him, not a valid legal investigation.

There is simply no reason why this case needs to be litigated now, as opposed to two years ago, or as opposed to after the presidential election in 2024. In the documents case, Smith followed his speedy trial call with a voluminous discovery production consisting of close to a million pages of documentary evidence, nine months of video recordings, and terabytes of data to be analyzed by Trump’s defense team. He then proceeded to file a superseding indictment adding new charges and a new defendant. That case was either ready for trial at the time it was brought, or it wasn’t, but Smith can’t have it both ways — his public statements and court filings amount to a gaslighting of the federal court and indeed of the American people.

In this case, the timing concerns are even more severe. The facts at issue date back to 2020 and the first few days of 2021. President Trump has already been impeached and acquitted for the same conduct he now faces these criminal charges for. Trump is now running to be president again (and winning in many polls).

Inserting this case into the presidential election season has all the appearances of an attempt by Smith to substitute the judgment of his office, a single judge, and 12 D.C. jurors for the millions of Americans who would otherwise have had the opportunity to weigh these facts, alongside all the other political considerations that go into a presidential election. These millions of Americans will likely be faced with a choice to vote for Smith’s boss, Joe Biden, or his likely opponent, Donald Trump.

Prosecuting a political opponent during a presidential election in this manner smacks of banana republic politics.


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87ab0f No.87645

File: b7a9550cb6d1fa4⋯.png (682.62 KB,883x696,883:696,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19501995 (062118ZSEP23) Notable: Meet the Avowed Marxist Who Decides What Books Go in Your School Library

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Meet the Avowed Marxist Who Decides What

Books Go in Your School Library

PJ Media, by Stephen Green

Posted By: Hazymac, 9/6/2023 4:57:29 PM

Emily Drabinski, a self-described Marxist, is president of the American Library Association (ALA) and says that “public education needs to be a site of socialist organizing. Libraries really do, too.” Rogue journalist — and I mean that as a huge compliment — Karlyn Borysenko just spent three days “undercover at the largest socialist conference in the country” and brought back hidden audio recordings that might do Project Veritas and O’Keefe Media Group founder James O’Keefe proud. Saying that “it’s all fun and games until someone infiltrates a socialism conference,” Borysenko snuck into the Socialism 2023 conference at the Chicago Hyatt Regency over the weekend — complete with the obligatory purple hair,

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87ab0f No.87646

File: d91d5472ab28a6d⋯.png (91.83 KB,1183x812,169:116,Clipboard.png)

File: e960f598b0b4d4a⋯.png (510.49 KB,790x527,790:527,Clipboard.png)

File: 5567865666a98d2⋯.png (344.73 KB,1221x917,1221:917,Clipboard.png)

File: fa590e4b2e22233⋯.png (455.35 KB,865x544,865:544,Clipboard.png)

File: 39d2195888c2d1c⋯.png (494.45 KB,878x552,439:276,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502012 (062121ZSEP23) Notable: Donald Trump: The Real Victim of the Russiagate Hoax Wasn't Me. It Was the American People

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Donald Trump: The Real Victim of the Russiagate Hoax Wasn't Me. It Was the American People | Opinion

ON 7/31/23 AT 2:29 PM EDT

The report by Special Counsel John Durham makes clear beyond a shred of doubt that the Russia Hoax was the most atrocious weaponization of our government in American history. It was a crime like no other.

Seven years ago, I ran for office taking on all the most corrupt forces and entrenched interests in our nation's capital. My agenda was an existential threat to a Washington establishment that got rich and powerful bleeding America dry.

I vowed to stop mass illegal immigration, terminate globalist trade deals, end the sellout of our country to Communist China, stand up to the permanent bureaucracy and the corporate media, and break the neocon addiction to endless foreign wars.

In response, an unelected cabal in the senior ranks of our government, in concert with their chosen candidate, Hillary Clinton, and their allies in the media, launched the de-facto coup attempt known as the Russia Hoax.

Their goal was to prevent my election, and failing that, to throw me out of office or sabotage my presidency, undercut my agenda in Congress, block my domestic reforms, and interfere with my foreign policy.

For nearly three years, they carried out a massive disinformation campaign and lawless persecution based on the monstrous lie that I was a traitor to my country.

These Deep State plotters spied on my campaign. They forged false evidence to get illegal surveillance warrants and smear innocent people through leaks to the media. They offered $1 million for a fictitious dossier written by a foreign spy to try to frame me with treason. They shattered countless lives.

The Durham Report proves that the key figures involved knew from the start that the Russia Collusion conspiracy theory was a lie. The FBI launched their witch hunt without a scrap of legitimate evidence—and when they came upon exonerating information time after time, they covered it up and kept the hoax going forward.

The sickness was driven from the very top. FBI Director James Comey constantly pressured agents for more surveillance and warrants, demanding to know over and over "Where is the FISA, where is the FISA?"

Barack Obama and Joe Biden were in on it, too. They were briefed in August 2016 on reports that Clinton planned to "vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by the Russian Security Services."

They knew the truth, yet they put our country through hell.

As savage and cruel as the Russia Hoax was for me, my family, my staff, and so many innocent bystanders, the real victims were the American People.

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87ab0f No.87647

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502021 (062122ZSEP23) Notable: Donald Trump: The Real Victim of the Russiagate Hoax Wasn't Me. It Was the American People

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The destruction this hoax caused to America is almost incalculable. It subverted our democracy, it threatened our security, and it endangered our freedom.

At a critical moment when we should have been reducing tensions with Russia, the Russia Hoax stoked mass hysteria that helped drive Russia straight into the arms of China.

Instead of having a better relationship with Russia as I worked to build, we now have a proxy war with Russia, fueled in part by the lingering fumes of Russiagate delirium. Ukraine has been utterly devastated. Untold numbers of people have been killed. And we could very well end up in World War III.

As the Twitter Files have proven, the Radical Left establishment also used the Russia Hoax to attack freedom of speech. They built a sprawling domestic censorship regime under the guise of combatting so-called "Russian disinformation"—which they quickly defined to include any content they did not like.

The intelligence community, the media, and the Silicon Valley tech companies then deployed this very pretext, "Russian disinformation," to censor the Biden corruption scandal in 2020—censorship orchestrated, as we now know, by the Biden campaign.

In one poll last year, 79 percent of Americans following the story about Hunter Biden's sordid laptop said truthful coverage of that wrongly censored story would have changed the outcome of the election. Our country is now paying a very steep price.

Perhaps most dangerous of all, the Russia Hoax normalized the weaponization of law enforcement against the Left's political enemies. The Radical Democrats and their media partners now cheer as Biden's DOJ demands the FBI investigate parents at school board meetings, deploys heavily armed teams to arrest pro-life activists, and pursues an all-out persecution of Joe Biden's leading opponent for the presidency.

These corrupted agencies have interfered in every election since 2016—and they are interfering in the 2024 election before our very eyes.

There must be a reckoning. Accountability now lies in the hands of the voters. The Durham Report has made the stakes abundantly clear, and now the choice is ours: either the Deep State destroys America, or we destroy the Deep State.

Donald J. Trump was the 45th President of the United States.

The views expressed in this article are the writer's own.


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87ab0f No.87648

File: 6cd17db7aa1a145⋯.png (914.86 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502029 (062125ZSEP23) Notable: Hunter Biden indictment later this month will be for gun charges. Resulting in either a fine or 10 years in prison.

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Hunter Biden will be indicted on gun charges later this month, DOJ says. And who cares since his worst case scenario is a fine. Never any real consequences for the Leftists in Clown World USA

Hunter Biden will be indicted on gun charges later this month, DOJ says

Hunter Biden will face a new federal grand jury indictment on gun charges by the end of the month, the Justice Department revealed in a court filing.


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87ab0f No.87649

File: ae497dc36291b2a⋯.png (605.63 KB,636x382,318:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502035 (062126ZSEP23) Notable: Hunter Biden indictment later this month will be for gun charges. Resulting in either a fine or 10 years in prison.

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=Federal prosecutors plan to indict Hunter Biden by the end of the month: Bombshell court filing says president's son likely faces GUN charges that could land him in prison for up to 10 years =

'Federal prosecutors plan to indict Hunter Biden by end of September


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87ab0f No.87650

File: 87ca7d4822f98b8⋯.png (572.79 KB,600x380,30:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502039 (062127ZSEP23) Notable: Feds seek prison time for talk-show host for ripping stolen 2020 election

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Feds seek prison time for talk-show host for ripping stolen 2020 election 'Regime wants to treat every Trump supporter like this. They want to jail us all'

Feds seek prison time for talk-show host for ripping stolen 2020 election

Infowars host Owen Shroyer pleaded guilty in June to a single Class A Misdemeanor of Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building or Grounds on January 6, 2021.


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87ab0f No.87651

File: e81c1bcab4b2942⋯.png (1.53 MB,1166x1356,583:678,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502048 (062128ZSEP23) Notable: Biden Rejects Proposed Conditions for Plea Deals in Sept. 11 Case

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NEWS NOW: President Biden has stepped aside on the question of a plea deal in the 9/11 case. It's now between prosecutors and the defendants on whether they can reach agreement to trade life in prison in exchange for admitting to their roles in the plot.

The accused plotters had sought promises of no solitary confinement and treatment for torture that only an administration could provide. After a year and half, Mr. Biden, on a recommendation of Defense Secretary Austin, refused to sign off.


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87ab0f No.87652

File: 40e862890d738f6⋯.png (268.32 KB,812x623,116:89,Clipboard.png)

File: 18baa559b37ec7e⋯.png (59.65 KB,1130x564,565:282,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502052 (062129ZSEP23) Notable: Trump spittin 17's in old Nixon letter

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Trump Truthed this article about 13 letters between him and Richard Nixon. But look what was in one of Trump's Letters....

Trump responded: "Your counsel on offensive linemen is exactly correct. For Herschel Walker to have gained 1700 yards with almost no line is incredible."

Mutual admiration between Nixon and Trump revealed in letters archived at presidential library in Yorba Linda



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87ab0f No.87653

File: 50cd5fc924c6ce2⋯.png (921.72 KB,1024x673,1024:673,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502060 (062131ZSEP23) Notable: Biden Rejects Proposed Conditions for Plea Deals in Sept. 11 Case

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Please post the original sauce, Carol

Biden Rejects Proposed Conditions for Plea Deals in Sept. 11 Case

Five Guantánamo detainees accused of aiding the attacks wanted a promise of care for torture-related trauma and to avoid solitary confinement.


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87ab0f No.87654

File: a3f7b8966dc3202⋯.png (722.85 KB,768x384,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502084 (062135ZSEP23) Notable: The city of Denver just agreed to pay out $4.7 million to 300 BLM rioters arrested in 2020.

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FUCK ANTIFA AND BLM: American cities ordered to give over $68 million to Antifa, BLM agitators after 2020 riots caused $2 BILLION in damage

American cities ordered to give over $68 million to Antifa, BLM agitators after 2020 riots caused $2 BILLION in damage

These cases in major cities alone amount to over $68 million. From May 26 and June 8 of 2020, between $1 and 2 billion in damages were caused in 20 states.


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87ab0f No.87655

File: dd18a2e833ebfc0⋯.png (2.42 MB,1200x1033,1200:1033,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502090 (062136ZSEP23) Notable: Texas Must Remove Border Barrier at Biden’s Request, Judge Alan Ezra Says

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Hi Mike, please post the original sauce, or else baker will continue dead-naming you

Texas Must Remove Border Barrier at Biden’s Request, Judge Says

(Bloomberg) - A federal judge ordered Texas to temporarily remove a controversial floating barrier in the Rio Grande while the Biden administration pursues its lawsuit seeking a permanent ban on buoys the state installed to help prevent illegal crossings from Mexico.

Under a Wednesday order from US District Judge Alan Ezra, Republican Governor Greg Abbott and other Texas officials are also prohibited from building any new structures in the river without approval from the federal government.


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87ab0f No.87656

File: ce4d698ab2162d5⋯.png (735.79 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502121 (062141ZSEP23) Notable: Nissan, Kia collect data on drivers’ ‘sexual activity’ and ‘sex lives’: privacy watchdog

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Nissan, Kia collect data on drivers’ ‘sexual activity’ and ‘sex lives’: privacy watchdog

Your car may be keeping tabs on your “sex drive.” Car makers Nissan and Kia collect data on their drivers’ “sexual activity” and “sex lives” — and ma…


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87ab0f No.87657

File: b57c95c37cc6177⋯.png (590.1 KB,768x455,768:455,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502132 (062142ZSEP23) Notable: ARKANCIDED: YouTube Punishes Channel For ‘Harmful And Dangerous’ Video Quoting Hillary Clinton

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ARKANCIDED: YouTube Punishes Channel For ‘Harmful And Dangerous’ Video Quoting Hillary Clinton

YouTube Punishes 'Dangerous' Video Quoting Hillary Clinton

A YouTube spokesman did not answer The Federalist's question of exactly what information in the video was 'demonstrably false.'


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87ab0f No.87658

File: a1bda982bc1a39a⋯.png (34.67 KB,588x454,294:227,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502179 (062149ZSEP23) Notable: The city of Denver just agreed to pay out $4.7 million to 300 BLM rioters arrested in 2020.

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Charlie Kirk


NEW—The city of Denver just agreed to pay out $4.7 million to 300 BLM rioters arrested in 2020.

Philadelphia is paying out more than $9 million. New York is doling out $13 million. Overall, more than $80 million is going to be paid out across 20+ U.S. cities.

BLM burned our police stations and looted our stores. Now, they're looting the public coffers.

When you reward and subsidize criminality, you'll get even more of it. Who could have predicted that Democrat cities would become crime-infested, drug-riddled hellscapes? And what do you think will happen the next time the Democrat base gets the signal to riot?

10:45 AM · Sep 6, 2023




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87ab0f No.87659

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502208 (062153ZSEP23) Notable: Reminder of PROOF That Rothschilds Patented Covid-19 Biometric Tests in 2015 and 2017.

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Found this in my notes from 2021:

Nov 15

Proof That Rothschilds Patented Covid-19 Biometric Tests in 2015 and 2017.

Both were filed and updated years ago, but they were SCHEDULED to be made public in September 2020. This is sufficient evidence that they knew in 2015 what’s going to happen in September 2020!

First Registration: Netherlands, Oct. 13, 2015 -


Second Registration: USA, Oct. 13, 2015-


So how did Mr. Richard A. Rothschild know to create a system and method for testing for a disease that didn’t exist, and know exactly how the disease will be called, including the year in which the disease will be discovered?


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87ab0f No.87660

File: 3d17158ebada937⋯.png (137.07 KB,847x535,847:535,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502216 (062155ZSEP23) Notable: ICYMI: Great interview of @realDonaldTrump by Hugh Hewitt

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🇺🇸 Mike Davis 🇺🇸


Great interview of @realDonaldTrump by Hugh Hewitt:


Donald Trump On His Trials and His Campaign


President Trump joined me this morning:




HH: Pleased to welcome back to the program former President Donald Trump. Mr. President, welcome. Good to have you back.

DT: Good morning.

HH: I want to begin on a light subject. We’re approaching the 50th anniversary of the Battle of the Sexes where Bobby Riggs and Billie Jean King played each other. Remember that, September of 1973, Mr. President?

DT: I do. I do.

HH: Were you pulling for Bobby, or were you pulling for Billie Jean at that time?


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87ab0f No.87661

File: 3d17158ebada937⋯.png (137.07 KB,847x535,847:535,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502232 (062158ZSEP23) Notable: GOP Debate Crowd Watched Trump’s Interview On Their Phones Instead Of The Debate

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What are you searching for?

HILARIOUS: GOP Debate Crowd Watched Trump’s Interview On Their Phones Instead Of The Debate


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87ab0f No.87662

File: 13305194ae3f752⋯.png (617.03 KB,603x871,9:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502242 (062159ZSEP23) Notable: @LASchools is having a “Rainbow Club” for kids as young as 4 years old where they can come ask questions and learn about LGBTQ+

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Libs of TikTok



is having a “Rainbow Club” for kids as young as 4 years old where they can come ask questions and learn about LGBTQ+

They’re after your kids.


6:13 AM · Sep 6, 2023




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87ab0f No.87663

File: c4ac2dea314d818⋯.png (493.3 KB,599x583,599:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502243 (062200ZSEP23) Notable: Prominent Scientist Admits To Pushing "Preapproved" Climate Change Narrative To Get Papers Published

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Prominent Scientist Admits To Pushing "Preapproved" Climate Change Narrative To Get Papers Published


Prominent Scientist Admits To Pushing "Preapproved" Climate Change Narrative To Get Papers Published

“Editors of these journals have made it abundantly clear... they want climate papers that support certain preapproved narratives...”

10:25 AM · Sep 6, 2023




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87ab0f No.87664

File: 89ed3cdf64c73ac⋯.png (207.51 KB,414x432,23:24,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502253 (062203ZSEP23) Notable: Evidence there were definitely Ukrainian media teams on the scene at the US Capitol covering January 6.

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Evidence there were definitely Ukrainian media teams on the scene at the US Capitol covering January 6.

No conspiracy “theory”.

Thread https://x.com/inthematrixxx/status/1699106165546721571?s=46&t=Dw6Ys0GJo0YK16hCtVdhrA

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87ab0f No.87665

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502255 (062203ZSEP23) Notable: Warner's harrowing Lahaina fire story

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My brother Warner's Lahaina fire story


Moving but harrowing account.

90 minutes

after getting people outta the fire, he brought in supplies - convoys of water, gas, food

was able to get cops to let him thru

when you hear him speak, can see why

he said, 'at times like this, you see, who is what'

"Our operation was based on OLAHA"

"my concern was saving our people"

ps He got his whole family out but his house was burned in the fire

Comment after video:

This needs to be seen by more people. This is one of the most detailed stories. It gave me a real idea of what happened & where everything was blocked.

It also shows both sides of mankind. This man is a hero.

Thank you for getting this out there.

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87ab0f No.87666

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502260 (062204ZSEP23) Notable: Tucker / Sinclair Gaybama interview

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Tucker Carlson


Ep. 22 Larry Sinclair says he had a night of crack cocaine-fueled sex with Barack Obama, and that Obama came back for more the next day. Assess for yourself. Here’s our interview.

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87ab0f No.87667

File: 288a9c6e895eaf7⋯.png (287.05 KB,409x494,409:494,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502262 (062204ZSEP23) Notable: U.S. Gives Ukraine Armor-Piercing Rounds In $175 Million Package As Sec. Blinken Announces $1 Billion During Kyiv Visit

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U.S. Gives Ukraine Armor-Piercing Rounds In $175 Million Package As Sec. Blinken Announces $1 Billion During Kyiv Visit https://breaking911.com/u-s-gives-ukraine-armor-piercing-rounds-in-175-million-package-as-secretary-blinken-announces-1-billion-during-kyiv-visit/

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87ab0f No.87668

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502270 (062205ZSEP23) Notable: Tucker / Sinclair Gaybama interview

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Made it to ZH!



"It Definitely Wasn't Barack's First Time": Obama's Crack-Fueled Gay Tryst Accuser Speaks Out



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87ab0f No.87669

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502305 (062211ZSEP23) Notable: Tucker / Sinclair Gaybama interview

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tucker sinclair is on now

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87ab0f No.87670

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502343 (062218ZSEP23) Notable: Texas must move buoy barrier deployed to halt migrant river crossings, judge rules

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Texas must move buoy barrier deployed to halt migrant river crossings, judge rules

The buoy barrier is one of several efforts by Texas to combat the surge in illegal migration across the southern border under the Biden administration.

U.S. District Judge David Ezra

A federal judge on Wednesday ordered Texas to relocate a floating barrier compromised of large buoys that Austin had deployed to curb migrant crossings via the Rio Grande.

The state installed the barrier in earlier July, prompting a rapid challenge from the Department of Justice and protests from the Mexican government.

U.S. District Judge David Ezra of Texas ordered that the state move the barrier to the river bank by Sept. 15, the Associated Press reported. The state is likely to appeal.

The buoy barrier is one of several efforts by Texas to combat the surge in illegal migration across the southern border under the Biden administration. Republican Gov. Greg Abbott has also begun busing migrants to left-wing sanctuary cities in a bid to highlight Washington's lax approach to border enforcement.

Moreover, other states have contributed their national guardsmen to bolster Texas's Operation Lone Star, Austin's unilateral effort to address the migrant crisis in the face of perceived federal apathy.


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87ab0f No.87671

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502347 (062219ZSEP23) Notable: Mexican Supreme Court decriminalizes abortion nationwide

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Mexican Supreme Court decriminalizes abortion nationwide

Wednesday's decision follows a 2021 ruling from the court that permitted state officials to regulate the procedure.

The Mexican Supreme Court on Wednesday issued a sweeping ruling that decriminalized abortion nationwide, determining that to attach penalties to the procedure "violate[d] the human rights of women."

Wednesday's decision follows a 2021 ruling from the court that permitted state officials to regulate the procedure, according to the New York Times.

Prior to the ruling, abortion was legal in 12 of the nation's 32 states. The outlet observed that the decision "effectively makes abortion legally accessible in all" of the Mexican states.

The largely Roman Catholic country has traditionally been restrictive of abortions rights, but joins other Latin American nations such as Argentina in expanding abortion access in recent years.

The Argentine legislature approved legislation to legalize abortion in late 2020, despite the pleas of Pope Francis I, a native of the country.


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87ab0f No.87672

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502355 (062220ZSEP23) Notable: A PR firm has been manipulating the Rotten Tomatoes movie scores for over 5 years by paying critics directly

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Culture Crave 🍿


A PR firm has been manipulating the Rotten Tomatoes movie scores for over 5 years by paying critics directly





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87ab0f No.87673

File: e4f05a37e05b5fd⋯.png (623.91 KB,590x526,295:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502481 (062244ZSEP23) Notable: @nypost Rothschild family treasures to be sold in historic auction, highlighting this chalice-thing with a dragon-snake at its base

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New York Post


Rothschild family treasures to be sold in historic auction https://trib.al/zriOwyG


10:22 AM · Sep 6, 2023




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87ab0f No.87674

File: 9ff2ad4019ccdb8⋯.png (438.79 KB,767x1024,767:1024,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502504 (062250ZSEP23) Notable: @nypost Rothschild family treasures to be sold in historic auction, highlighting this chalice-thing with a dragon-snake at its base

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NY post appear to be highlighting this chalice-thing with a dragon-snake at its base

denton aanenson

1 hour ago

Bygone era of opulence? Are you joking? they just got better at hiding it.

Fred Funkhauser

49 minutes ago

Spoils of wars they financed. Yay

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87ab0f No.87675

File: da51a2bfefed9c6⋯.png (503.23 KB,720x571,720:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502506 (062250ZSEP23) Notable: How Iceland beat the 1% (image)

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That's not the only reason!

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87ab0f No.87676

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502510 (062251ZSEP23) Notable: Why was Donald Young, choir master at former Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s Church and 2 other young black men MURDERED in 2007?

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Donald Young, choir master at former Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s Church and 2 other young black men MURDERED

Setting the stage (cleaning) for obama's rise to power

The bombshell may involve the murder of Donald Young, a 47-year-old choir master at former Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ-the same congregation that Obama has attended for the past 20 years. Two other young black men that attended the same church-Larry Bland and Nate Spencer-were also murdered execution style with bullets to the backs of their heads-all within 40 days of each other, beginning in November 2007. All three were openly homosexual.

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87ab0f No.87677

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502513 (062251ZSEP23) Notable: Trump DC indictment: 45 pages, Trump GA indictment: 98 pages

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Manhatten Indictment: Alvin Bragg




16 Page Indictment

13 Page Statement of Facts

34 Felony counts falsifying business records/Stormy Daniels

Miami Indictment: Jack Smith



49 Pages

37 Federal Counts handling Classified Documents

Trump DC Indictment: Jack Smith



45 Pages

4 Charges January 6th

Trump GA Indictment: Fani Willis



98 Pages

41 Charges Racketeering and Election Subversion

Mugshot: 6'3 215lbs

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87ab0f No.87678

File: 11e81a46214dcd0⋯.jpeg (423.45 KB,1114x1567,1114:1567,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502584 (062305ZSEP23) Notable: New Covid booster shots to be approved in just TWO DAYS, sources suggest - but only [17%] of Americans got the last one

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New Covid booster shots to be approved in just TWO DAYS, sources suggest - but only 17% of Americans got the last one

FDA is set to approve the vaccinations for use as early as this Friday

CDC director could sign off on the shots next Wednesday, making them available

READ MORE: Why BA.2.86 Covid strain is just another 'scariant'


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87ab0f No.87679

File: 4a93e087e505119⋯.png (77.87 KB,819x717,273:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502655 (062319ZSEP23) Notable: All Texas Department of Criminal Justice Prisons Placed on Lockdown Until Further Notice

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All Texas Department of Criminal Justice Prisons Placed on Lockdown Until Further Notice


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87ab0f No.87680

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502664 (062319ZSEP23) Notable: BREAKING HUGE: “Voter Identity Theft” – Arizona Judge Defines Voter Registration Record, Rules that Mail-In Ballot Signatures Have Been Compared Illegally!

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BREAKING HUGE: “Voter Identity Theft” – Arizona Judge Defines Voter Registration Record, Rules that Mail-In Ballot Signatures Have Been Compared Illegally! – ORDER INCLUDED

By Jordan Conradson Sep. 6, 2023 12:00 pm


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87ab0f No.87681

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502679 (062322ZSEP23) Notable: #23952

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#23952 >>87635

>>87680 BREAKING HUGE: “Voter Identity Theft” – Arizona Judge Defines Voter Registration Record, Rules that Mail-In Ballot Signatures Have Been Compared Illegally!

>>87640, >>87655 Texas Must Remove Border Barrier at Biden’s Request, Judge Alan Ezra Says

>>87641, >>87642, >>87643, >>87644 6 Ways Jack Smith’s Latest Indictment Is Legally Flawed And Politically Shady

>>87646, >>87647 Donald Trump: The Real Victim of the Russiagate Hoax Wasn't Me. It Was the American People

>>87648, >>87649 Hunter Biden indictment later this month will be for gun charges. Resulting in either a fine or 10 years in prison.

>>87650 Feds seek prison time for talk-show host for ripping stolen 2020 election

>>87652 Trump spittin 17's in old Nixon letter

>>87653, >>87651 Biden Rejects Proposed Conditions for Plea Deals in Sept. 11 Case

>>87660 ICYMI: Great interview of @realDonaldTrump by Hugh Hewitt

>>87659 Reminder of PROOF That Rothschilds Patented Covid-19 Biometric Tests in 2015 and 2017.

>>87667 U.S. Gives Ukraine Armor-Piercing Rounds In $175 Million Package As Sec. Blinken Announces $1 Billion During Kyiv Visit

>>87664 Evidence there were definitely Ukrainian media teams on the scene at the US Capitol covering January 6.

>>87673, >>87674 @nypost Rothschild family treasures to be sold in historic auction, highlighting this chalice-thing with a dragon-snake at its base

>>87675 How Iceland beat the 1% (image)

>>87677 Trump DC indictment: 45 pages, Trump GA indictment: 98 pages

>>87678 New Covid booster shots to be approved in just TWO DAYS, sources suggest - but only [17%] of Americans got the last one

>>87636 ‘Done Playing Role in … Political Theater’: State’s entire fishing advisory board resigns in protest against offshore wind farms

>>87637 LeBron James Spotted In Saudi Arabia … Weeks After Joking He'd Play There

>>87638 At least 32 killed in Sudan Army strikes on Tuesday - activists

>>87639 Police Shooting Of Black Pregnant Woman In Ohio Could Unleash New BLM Protests, Mayhem

>>87645 Meet the Avowed Marxist Who Decides What Books Go in Your School Library

>>87654, >>87658 The city of Denver just agreed to pay out $4.7 million to 300 BLM rioters arrested in 2020.

>>87656 Nissan, Kia collect data on drivers’ ‘sexual activity’ and ‘sex lives’: privacy watchdog

>>87657 ARKANCIDED: YouTube Punishes Channel For ‘Harmful And Dangerous’ Video Quoting Hillary Clinton

>>87661 GOP Debate Crowd Watched Trump’s Interview On Their Phones Instead Of The Debate

>>87662 @LASchools is having a “Rainbow Club” for kids as young as 4 years old where they can come ask questions and learn about LGBTQ+

>>87663 Prominent Scientist Admits To Pushing "Preapproved" Climate Change Narrative To Get Papers Published

>>87665 Warner's harrowing Lahaina fire story

>>87666, >>87668, >>87669 Tucker / Sinclair Gaybama interview

>>87670 Texas must move buoy barrier deployed to halt migrant river crossings, judge rules

>>87671 Mexican Supreme Court decriminalizes abortion nationwide

>>87672 A PR firm has been manipulating the Rotten Tomatoes movie scores for over 5 years by paying critics directly

>>87676 Why was Donald Young, choir master at former Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s Church and 2 other young black men MURDERED in 2007?

>>87679 All Texas Department of Criminal Justice Prisons Placed on Lockdown Until Further Notice


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87ab0f No.87682

File: 167017924c99366⋯.png (460.71 KB,568x635,568:635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502697 (062324ZSEP23) Notable: #23953

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>seeking handoff

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87ab0f No.87683

File: b52618cceefa769⋯.png (72.09 KB,563x347,563:347,Clipboard.png)

File: 0cd1494663d8aee⋯.png (38.05 KB,558x159,186:53,Clipboard.png)

File: 8a01b7ea74da7cf⋯.png (132.06 KB,1118x285,1118:285,Clipboard.png)

File: 70c42d7a03473bb⋯.png (37.49 KB,566x140,283:70,Clipboard.png)

File: 176307d03ddaf41⋯.png (61.94 KB,549x279,61:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502753 (062335ZSEP23) Notable: 4am talking points delivered early muh con artist

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4am talking points delivered early

muh con artist

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87ab0f No.87684

File: 1b19badbf4e040a⋯.png (128.32 KB,1282x377,1282:377,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502798 (062341ZSEP23) Notable: “The Biden family’s apparent self-enrichment involves five family members: Hunter, son-in-law Howard, brothers James and Frank, and sister Valerie.

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“The Biden family’s apparent self-enrichment involves five family members: Joe’s son Hunter, son-in-law Howard, brothers James and Frank, andsister Valerie.

How five members of Joe Biden’s family got rich through his connections


Valerie Biden


Pic Related:I'm not sure why I saved this as a screenshot and I don't remember where I found it, but I came across it today.

From: Valerie Biden

To: Missy Smith

CC: Beau Biden, Hunter Biden, Missy Owens (Valerie Biden’s daughter)

Joe mentioned last night the beau or hunt might want Fr. Collins on the alter.

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87ab0f No.87685

File: 0fcaad71e789bf7⋯.png (448.35 KB,598x609,598:609,Clipboard.png)

File: 08511e02390e0bf⋯.png (65.39 KB,667x374,667:374,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502848 (062349ZSEP23) Notable: Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba served US Secretary of State Blinken French fries at McDonald's in Kiev./war is hell

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Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba served US Secretary of State Blinken French fries at McDonald's in Kiev.

The parties discussed the future of Ukraine.


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87ab0f No.87686

File: 889559f1cb27dda⋯.png (386.78 KB,475x697,475:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502881 (062354ZSEP23) Notable: Ten years ago today, our LADEE launch to the Moon from @NASA_Wallops

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Some days you're the rocket. Some days you're the frog. #WednesdayThoughts

Ten years ago today, our LADEE launch to the Moon from


leapt into internet history when a remote camera captured this image of liftoff, and an airborne frog. https://go.nasa.gov/3ErbGp0


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87ab0f No.87687

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502898 (062357ZSEP23) Notable: "Everything that we do is to in the end, win in court because that's where we're headed," Comer

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Lead congressional investigator into the Biden family says they are 'headed to court' over records

"Everything that we do is to in the end, win in court because that's where we're headed," Comer said

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) says that the committee is prepared for legal battles in their investigation of the alleged Biden family scandals and plans ultimately to win in court.

"Everything that we do is to, in the end, win in court because that's where we're headed," Comer said on the Wednesday edition of the "Just the News, No Noise" TV show. "We're headed to court over bank records, documents, correspondents and a lot of other things."

On Wednesday, Comer requested deeper access to records in the Biden family probe held by the National Archives, while pointedly warning that America's historical agency is threatening to withhold some evidence as "personal."

He requested in the letter to Archivist Colleen Shogan access to a collection of memos the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) has released in redacted form titled “Records on Hunter Biden, James Biden, and Their Foreign Business Dealings" under the Presidential Records Act (PRA).

"The National Archives knew when I requested correspondence pertaining to Ukraine-they knew the names were used, but they didn't tell us," Comer said. "They've already got a lot of explaining to do with their behavior."

He said that if they end up in court, the committee will have done everything right.

"Everything we do is focused on winning in court," Comer explained. "When we believe that someone will fight us-we're trying to make the case when we go to the judge and say 'we requested two different times this information. They refuse to provide it now. That's why we're suing them.' A lot of times, if you just go straight to the subpoena, I've read rulings where they said, 'Well, you didn't give them enough time' or the National Archives would say 'we didn't have enough time to process the information.' Obviously, they're stalling."


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87ab0f No.87688

File: ff80190d665df51⋯.png (1.34 MB,1200x1177,1200:1177,Clipboard.png)

File: c462822af3bc3c9⋯.png (1.53 MB,1200x858,200:143,Clipboard.png)

File: 674d83a148d078e⋯.png (1.13 MB,1200x640,15:8,Clipboard.png)

File: a9dd4dfe739650a⋯.png (680.75 KB,1200x509,1200:509,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502902 (062358ZSEP23) Notable: Outstanding Level II Electromagnetic Warfare Unit of the Year

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SSC Rapid Reaction Branch receives Air Force Electronic Warfare Award for crisis response support for Commander, U.S. Space Command; named Outstanding Level II Electromagnetic Warfare Unit of the Year

Sept. 5, 2023

Satellite launches and space capability acquisition for joint warfighters might be two of Space Systems Command’s (SSC) more well-known missions. Think deeper and just imagine all the different teams and professional skill sets it takes to for SSC to develop and deliver the systems and architectures required to protect our nation’s place in space against adversarial threats.

One such team is the Rapid Reaction Branch (RRB). Part of SSC’s Space Domain Awareness and Combat Power directorate, the RRB is an acquisition unit unlike any other in the DoD. Its mission is to field quick reaction capabilities in response to Combatant Commanders’ urgent operational needs for the U.S. Air and Space Forces. The Branch drastically reduces capability development and fielding timelines ranging from multiple years down to months or even weeks.

In addition to developing exquisite operationally relevant capabilities, the organic high-caliber multi-functional Branch builds secure operating facilities from the ground up in the most austere of locations. Their use of streamlined acquisition authorities and a flexible funding construct enables success in providing concepts of operations; tactics, techniques and procedures development; operator training and certification; and ensuring system sustainment for the DoD’s most urgent missions.

SSC’s RBB was recently recognized for its efforts in advising the Commander, U.S. Space Command (CDRUSSPACECOM) on six crisis response options in support of Operation ZODIAC ENDEAVOR, The Branch unit executed two overseas missions to develop, test, train and deploy a $5 million space electromagnetic warfare quick reaction capability in less than 60 days from requirement.

Amidst ongoing contingency ops, the RBB quickly responded to changes in the operational environment, delivering critical software updates and in-field reprogramming actions that increased mission utility by 92%. To ensure usability and effectiveness, they integrated a 10-member space operator quick reaction force from Space Delta 3 to provide system, checklist and training feedback 70% early to plan. As part of this effort, then trained 35 additional crew members on more than 100 hours of advanced academic and hands-on material with real-time analytics to ensure the members’ readiness for this four-star “No Fail” mission. Additionally, the RBB drove a paradigm shift in the space electromagnetic warfare targeting process, which enabled the synchronization of non-kinetic fires across five joint platforms.

SSC’s RBB was awarded the Air Force Electronic Warfare’s Outstanding Level II Electromagnetic Warfare (EW) Unit of the Year. Selected from 47 nominees across the Department of the Air Force, the RRB was the only acquisition unit to be awarded across the 15 awards program categories and was one of only two U.S. Space Force winners.

Capt. Malia Stephens, SSC chief of operations and sustainment and one of the RBB project leads who fielded capability last year, said, “Delivering a mission overseas was one of the most rewarding experiences because we led every step of the process from development, test, hardware set-up and checkout, to operator training and operational acceptance. Our success was further enabled by our in-house team of government representatives and contractors, all of whom are passionate and motivated to deliver unique capabilities and stretch towards the next hard challenge.”

The RRB closely partners with Combatant Command planners and operational users to ensure research and development efforts are aligned with emerging threats. They capitalize on this close relationship to anticipate operational needs and optimize effectiveness of their innovative solutions, ranging from standalone analysis tools to major weapon system modifications and one-of-a-kind quick reaction capabilities. Last year, they researched more than 30 adversary technologies, prioritizing capability requirements across a $20 million internal research and development budget in collaboration with military service and interagency partners to close Operations Plan gaps for eight Combatant Commands. According to Capt. Tyler Murray, RBB chief of development, “All of this is made possible by a mission focused and badge-less workforce whose number one priority is to get capability to field at the speed of need.”


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87ab0f No.87689

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502903 (062358ZSEP23) Notable: Outstanding Level II Electromagnetic Warfare Unit of the Year

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It doesn’t stop there. The RRB also has an in-house lead development test organization (LDTO) with decades of electromagnetic warfare test experience to ensure quick response capabilities are adequately and accurately verified on the rapid timelines required of each unique mission. Systems are placed into operations immediately upon delivery, which means it is vital that the tests are as relevant and realistic as possible. This requirement can take RBB’s test team to wherever a system is being developed and operated.

Within one month of his arrival to the RRB last year, SSC chief of test, Maj. John Sebes, shared how he was supporting testing outside the contiguous United States. Sebes said, “Our team takes great pride in the unique mission of the RRB and the capabilities we deliver. This shows through the rigor used to evaluate our systems, ensuring we deliver a useful capability to the operational teams.”

In addition to supporting the RRB’s quick reaction mission, the RBB’s LDTO serves on integrated test teams for programs of record across the Space Electromagnetic Warfare enterprise. Their efforts contribute to the success for Space Systems Command and Space Rapid Capabilities Office programs valued more than $1.5B.

In the past five years, the RRB has successfully responded to seven urgent operations needs with nine quick response capabilities supporting five Combatant Commanders. SSC’s RRB is also the only Air Force unit to have successfully fulfilled an urgent operation need within the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff-mandated two years, according to a recent Air Force Audit Agency review.

The Air Force Electronic Warfare Annual Awards Program (AFEWAAP) recognizes individuals and units’ efforts that further electronic warfare operations that contribute to advances in the Air and Space Force and throughout the Department of Defense. Categories for the 2022 AFEWAAP include identification/solution of significant EW problems, threats and vulnerabilities, creation/development of innovative training, education and awareness, and mission accomplishment/success resulting from the application of EW.



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87ab0f No.87690

File: 3e671f101e3e33c⋯.png (157.01 KB,680x383,680:383,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502908 (062359ZSEP23) Notable: Arizona Court Rules Against State's 'Unlawful Signature Matching Process'

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Election Integrity Win: Arizona Court Rules Against State's 'Unlawful Signature Matching Process'

September 5, 2023

A court just found that Arizona's signature matching process is UNLAWFUL.

The court said the “statute is clear & unambiguous” requiring “the recorder to review the voter’s registration card” & not other documents with the voter’s signature.

The judge further noted, “There is no ambiguity in the statute or process."


Read the ruling issued by the Superior Court for the County of Yavapai backing RITE’s argument that


needs to update the Arizona elections manual to comply with state law.


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87ab0f No.87691

File: b70cf49eed94bd2⋯.png (873.43 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502937 (070002ZSEP23) Notable: Space Force announces new mission statement, “secure our Nation’s interests in, from, and to space.”

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Space Force announces new mission statement

Sept. 6, 2023

The Space Force has announced its new mission statement - “secure our Nation’s interests in, from, and to space.”

This new statement was designed to better reflect the vital functions Guardians perform in service to the United States.

“We did not hire a corporate marketing team to develop a catch phrase. Nor did generals sit around a table in the Pentagon debating what the statement should be,” said Chief of Space Operations Gen. Chance Saltzman. “Our mission statement was sourced from a Guardian-driven process.”

Understanding Guardians were best positioned to choose the words that would describe their shared mission, Saltzman solicited input from the force in May. Within two weeks, 135 responses were received from units and individual Guardians.

In July, officer, enlisted and civilian Guardians from four field commands and major commands participated in a series of eight focus groups to provide feedback and further shape the verbiage that now serves as the Space Force mission statement.

“This is our mission statement; these are your words,” Saltzman said.

Each portion of the statement was chosen to represent a key aspect of the Space Force mission that the president, Congress and the American people have charged Guardians with executing.

“Secure” refers to the Space Force’s formative purpose to contest, and when directed, control the space domain on behalf of the nation and joint force.

“Our Nation’s interests” represents Guardians’ focus on protecting the security and prosperity the U.S. derives from space. It also serves as a reminder that space activities are essential to the American way of life.

“In, from, and to space” references the three core functions of the Space Force, which include securing the Nation’s interests:

In space, through space superiority activities that protect the joint force and nation from space and counterspace threats.

From space, by delivering global mission operations like satellite communications, positioning, navigation and timing, and missile warning activities.

To space, by assured space access through the service’s launch, range and control network infrastructure.

“Our mission statement is a call to action that concisely encapsulates our purpose and identity as Guardians and members of the profession of arms,” Saltzman said.


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87ab0f No.87692

File: 2b69c686a6f5490⋯.png (1.47 MB,1536x827,1536:827,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502943 (070003ZSEP23) Notable: Prosecutors Will Seek to Indict Hunter Biden This Month

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Prosecutors Will Seek to Indict Hunter Biden This Month

September 6, 2023

Hunter Biden’s indictment will be sought by Special Counsel David Weiss by September 29.

The government and the younger Biden’s legal team have traded accusations in recent weeks over the collapse of two previously negotiated agreements that would have ended a protracted investigation into his tax and business dealings. Weiss’s statement, made in an update to the federal court in Delaware, confirmed that prosecutors are moving forward with a criminal case against the younger Biden.

Biden had anticipated that he would agree to other conditions and enter a guilty plea to two misdemeanor tax counts in order to avoid prosecution on a gun charge and avoid jail time, The Wall Street Journal reported.

Instead, the agreement fell apart during a court hearing in July, attempts to save it came to a standstill, and Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed David Weiss of Delaware as a special counsel to carry on the investigation.

Weiss stated in the brief filing that the government was required to obtain a grand jury indictment by Friday, September 29 due to the legal clock being set in motion by the initial filing of the case.

“The Government intends to seek the return of an indictment in this case before that date,” the filing said.



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87ab0f No.87693

File: be8cf0178e137d8⋯.png (1.44 MB,792x3497,792:3497,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502958 (070005ZSEP23) Notable: Remember The Three Homosexual Members of Obama’s Church Murdered within 40 days?

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by Volubrjotr

Remember The Three Homosexual Members of Obama’s Church Murdered within 40 days?

obama erotica

Three Members of Obama’s Church Killed

Investigator close to case believes there’s more to the brutal murders than mainstream press is letting on.

By Victor Thorn

Is a Barack Obama bombshell lurking in the shadows, waiting to derail one of the biggest Cinderella stories in recent history?

While most political prognosticators in the mainstream press presume that Obama is the presumptive Democratic nominee for president, they still wonder aloud if Hillary Clinton (or some other entity) has something up their sleeve.

green gay obama

3 Gay Men Executed Within 40 days Trinity Black Rage Church

The bombshell may involve the murder of Donald Young, a 47-year-old choir master at former Rev. Jeremiah Wright‘s Trinity United Church of Christ—the same congregation that Obama has attended for the past 20 years. Two other young black men that attended the same church—Larry Bland and Nate Spencer—were also murdered execution style with bullets to the backs of their heads—all within 40 days of each other, beginning in November 2007. All three were openly homosexual.

What links this story to Barack Obama is that, according to an acquaintance of Obama, Larry Sinclair, Obama is a closet bisexual with whom he had sexual and drug-related encounters in November 1999.

Further, Sinclair claims that Obama was friendly with at least two of these deceased parishioners, and that choir director Donald had contacted him shortly before being murdered from multiple gunshot wounds on December 23, 2007.

These killings are receiving a number of different reactions. Mike Parker, reporting for CBS in Chicago, wrote, “Activists fear gay African-Americans are being targeted for murder,” while Marc Loveless of the Coalition for Justice and Respect queries, “Are we under attack? Is this a serial killer?”


Larry & Bambam in the back seat of Sinclair's Limousine

An even more sinister aspect of this case is being investigated. According to Sinclair in an affidavit to the Chicago Police Department, Donald Young had informed him that he and Barack Obama were “intimate” with each other. Sinclair, it should be noted, declared on a January 18, 2008, YouTube video that on two separate occasions in November 1999, he engaged in sexual acts with Obama, and that Obama smoked crack cocaine—once in a limousine and the other time at a hotel in Gurnee, Ill.

Sinclair has also asked: why would Young—whom he had never met—initiate these calls by contacting him on cell phone numbers known only in the Obama camp? Further, a private investigator connected to the Chicago Police Department told the Globe, “Donald Young was silenced because of something he knew about Obama. Donald was in a position where he heard a lot of things and saw a lot of things concerning Barack.”

Another questionable Obama associate is openly homosexual. That person is Stanford law professor Lawrence Lessig, who was listed during the 2008 campaign as being part of Obama’s “technology initiative.”

In April, Lessig showed a video at a Google seminar entitled Jesus Christ: The Musical where “Jesus Christ lip-syncs Gloria Gaynor’s late 1970s disco hit I Will Survive during which he strips down to just a diaper, effeminately struts along a city street, and finally gets run over by a speeding bus.”Kerry and the boys

Are three murders within the span of 40 days among members of America’s most discussed church—one run by the controversial Rev. Jeremiah Wright—enough to arouse the suspicions of Chicago law enforcement officials and members of the national media?

Or, as Sinclair wrote in a May 18 email, was the murder of Young “made to look similar to other recent murders as to make it look as if it were a hate crime” because he had become a political liability?

One can only hope that this isn’t the beginning of another body count eerily reminiscent of that associated with Bill and Hillary Clinton.


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87ab0f No.87694

File: 7531b5aefeade48⋯.png (1.18 MB,1206x1085,1206:1085,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19502975 (070008ZSEP23) Notable: Remember The Three Homosexual Members of Obama’s Church Murdered within 40 days?

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>By Victor Thorn

muh snopes

Victor pissed off the Killary and the Husseins

Clinton Researcher Victor Thorn Reportedly Found Dead

The author of "books exposing the Clintons, 9/11, and questioning official Holocaust figures" reportedly took his own life.

Snopes Staff

Published Aug 5, 2016

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87ab0f No.87695

File: 44b65a86f8c4509⋯.png (959.19 KB,1439x1012,1439:1012,Clipboard.png)

File: c8c4385d6f93948⋯.jpg (32.84 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 074ee49707fe2cd⋯.jpg (822.92 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19503020 (070016ZSEP23) Notable: PF updates

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USN E-6B 163918. Call sign DOLL31. Squawk 4122. Headed offshore for comms with missile boats.

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87ab0f No.87696

File: c68dcb3ec60bfe7⋯.jpg (187.06 KB,1080x1157,1080:1157,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19503046 (070021ZSEP23) Notable: Go back and watch the FAKE 2020 inauguration. It was 100% filmed on 2 different days.?????

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87697

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19503055 (070022ZSEP23) Notable: Go back and watch the FAKE 2020 inauguration. It was 100% filmed on 2 different days.?????

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>87696 Here is a little red pill for those that aren't aware yet.

Go back and watch the FAKE 2020 inauguration. It was 100% filmed on 2 different days.

Shoes changed. People appeared and dissapeared.

US Marshalls were seen directing traffick on people with names as big as Nancy Pelosi.

This is very simple to research and confirm for yourself.

If you decide to do so. And you find the truth. I would personally like to welcome you to the digital army.

Now, spread truth like wild fire.


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87ab0f No.87698

File: 464e86276ded11e⋯.jpeg (75.69 KB,1128x483,376:161,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19503088 (070027ZSEP23) Notable: ‘Stacy on the Right’ Interviews the 45th President of the United States

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Stacey on the Right interview with Donald J. Trump.Why did she introduce him as Donald J. Trump Jr?Good interview, very uplifting

‘Stacy on the Right’ Interviews the 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump (AUDIO)

by Jim Hoft Sep. 6, 2023

Stacy Washington recently interviewed President Donald Trump to chat about his family, what drives him to continue on in the face of such evil opposition, as well as a lighthearted discussion of his favorite things.

Decorated Air Force Veteran Stacy Washington is the author of the book “Eternally Cancel Proof: A Guide for Courageous Christians Navigating the Political Battlefront” and host of Stacy on the Right, on Patriot Channel 125, airing 9 pm to midnight ET, Monday through Friday on SiriusXM.

Stacy served as co-chairwoman of the Project 21 National Advisory Council of the National Center for Public Policy Research. Stacy served as Co-Chair of Black Voices for Trump, and a Board Member of Veterans for Trump.…

Go to this link to listen, she seems to not be on Rumble or Youtube. The audio is on GWP



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87ab0f No.87699

File: 9fa552bbab655e7⋯.png (933.34 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 13d79834cea914f⋯.png (808.23 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: caf46fcc4b52ba9⋯.png (462.06 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 47bc0bc5ac90444⋯.png (585.25 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19503100 (070028ZSEP23) Notable: PF updates

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Diff Squwak from e6


Coop x2

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87ab0f No.87700

File: efa356767da6b62⋯.png (232.05 KB,591x792,197:264,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19503121 (070031ZSEP23) Notable: At least 12 FBI informants and 3 undercover agents stitched together the group and plot to kidnap Governor Whitmer.

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has done some of the best reporting on the case.

At least 12 FBI informants and 3 undercover agents stitched together the group and plot to kidnap Governor Whitmer.






Julie Kelly 🇺🇸



Dec 28, 2022

Replying to @julie_kelly2

Reminder at least 12 informants worked with numerous FBI handlers, undercover agents for months to stitch group together.

*FBI invented a militia

*FBI organized meetings, field training

*FBI planned "recon" trips to Whitmer cottage

*FBI created encrypted group chats

11:09 AM · Sep 6, 2023




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87ab0f No.87701

File: 0e4e9016fa21231⋯.png (114.2 KB,596x866,298:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19503126 (070032ZSEP23) Notable: Elon Musk trolls Barack Obama with pedophile codes found in the Podesta E-mails!

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BOOM: Elon Musk trolls Barack Obama with pedophile codes found in the Podesta E-mails!

Musk wrote “Dominoes Effect” with a pizza emoji in a post with a meme about Obama’s alleged drug-fueled gay orgy. “Dominos” and “pizza” are code words found in the Podesta E-mails. “Dominos” is believed to be a code word referencing a sex act, and the word pizza is a pedophile code word commonly used by child sex predators. Also, pizza emojis are also used by child sex predators as pedophile code as confirmed by the Wall Street Journal earlier this year.

On Dec. 12, 2015, creepily billionaire “philanthropist” Herb Sandler sent an e-mail with the subject “cheese” to John and Mary Podesta that concluded with this: “Ps. Do you think I’d do better playing dominos on cheese or pasta?”

On May 14, 2009, Fred Burton, the chief security officer at Stratfor, sent an e-mail to Don Kuykendall with others cc’d, released via Wikileaks’ Global Intelligence files. The e-mail read: “I think Obama spent about $65,000 of the tax-payers money flying in pizza/dogs from Chicago for a private party at the White House not long ago, assume we are using the same channels?”

Looks like Elon has gone down the Pizzagate rabbit-hole! 🐇

We’re getting closer. 🔥

#BathhouseBarry #SpaceManGood




Elon Musk




Dominoes Effect 🍕


Last edited

1:09 PM · Sep 6, 2023




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87ab0f No.87702

File: c8d27c8c162dc6c⋯.png (272.62 KB,600x580,30:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19503134 (070033ZSEP23) Notable: Greenblatt is on a damage control tour, insisting the only purpose of his "small non-profit" is to protect Jewish people from violence. What does promoting LGBT to kids have to do with protecting Jews?

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Keith Woods


Jonathan Greenblatt is on a damage control tour, insisting the only purpose of his "small non-profit" is to protect Jewish people from violence.

What does promoting LGBT to kids have to do with protecting Jews? Or labelling @libsoftiktok

a promoter of "Anti-LGBTQ+ extremism"?





12:12 PM · Sep 6, 2023




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87ab0f No.87703

File: e033b6a70adf238⋯.png (1.01 MB,1174x948,587:474,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19503153 (070037ZSEP23) Notable: Elon Musk trolls Barack Obama with pedophile codes found in the Podesta E-mails!

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here's elon's post from an hour ago

Dominoes Effect 🍕


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87ab0f No.87704

File: 5e0bdd4f64e2b8c⋯.png (72.89 KB,405x333,45:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19503165 (070040ZSEP23) Notable: Ottawa Hospital reinstates mask mandate

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​ (https://mr.cdn.ignitecdn.com/client_assets/thepostmillennial_com/media/picture/64f8/e74d/f57c/cd7c/2718/cecc/original_Ottawa.jpg?1694033741)BREAKING: Ottawa Hospital reinstates mask mandate amid new Covid scare

FULL STORY: https://fightingthecommies.com/SLI

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87ab0f No.87705

File: 3c953d1b4edbe35⋯.png (62.48 KB,835x510,167:102,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19503173 (070041ZSEP23) Notable: Obama's Alleged Male Lover Posts Video Before Bombshell Interview with Tucker: '15 Years of Hell'

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Obama's Alleged Male Lover Posts Video Before Bombshell Interview with Tucker: '15 Years of Hell'

By Froilan Bersamina September 6, 2023 at 4:52pm

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87ab0f No.87706

File: 275f5c78b702cda⋯.png (360.61 KB,792x1346,396:673,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19503231 (070050ZSEP23) Notable: Remember The Three Homosexual Members of Obama’s Church Murdered within 40 days?

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There's a reason 7 of 9 has a serious case of TDS

How the Jeri Ryan scandal gives us Barack Obama

Joel Amos

October 21, 2008 at 12:01pm EDT

Could actress Jeri Ryan be one of the reasons Barack Obama is weeks away from possibly becoming America’s next president?

Yes, actually!

It was Jeri Ryan’s husband, Jack, who was running for Senate in 2004 against Barack Obama in Illinois.

Jack Ryan was a formidable candidate, but a sex scandal involving his wife Jeri would derail his Senatorial dreams and illuminate those of Obama.

It was late in the campaign and the Republicans had no one set to run against Obama after his history-making speech at the Democratic National Convention. The Republicans would eventually run Alan Keys, who lost to Obama in a landslide.

Jeri Ryan divorced her husband in 1999 because of numerous reasons, but the foremost was the way he alledgedly treated her. It was said that the Senator-wanna-be took his wife to sex clubs across the world and forced her to perform acts while he watched. Ryan has denied ever taking part in these activities.

Eventually, Jeri would grow tired of this lifestyle and break free. But it was when a reporter sued to have the files of their custody hearing in Illinois that the news broke about their supposed sex club adventures and Jack’s candidacy was buried – even five years later.

Could he have beaten Barack Obama? It is hard to say. He never got the chance.

But what is clear is that Senator Obama could not have even attempted to run for president if he had a more measured foe in his 2004 Senate run. Thanks to actress Jeri Ryan and her custody battle, Obama was a shoe-in. Well, thanks to that reporter.


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87ab0f No.87707

File: e6561c235923ff2⋯.jpg (49.64 KB,510x490,51:49,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5aff0c2bc838b38⋯.png (115.88 KB,375x775,15:31,Clipboard.png)

File: dac7a5a6ec22604⋯.png (68.21 KB,1390x816,695:408,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19503272 (070056ZSEP23) Notable: Greenblatt is on a damage control tour, insisting the only purpose of his "small non-profit" is to protect Jewish people from violence. What does promoting LGBT to kids have to do with protecting Jews?

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Musk: Jonathan at ADL kicked off a massive Twitter boycott campaign less than a week after the acquisition closed. Literally nothing had changed about the site. Our US revenue is still 60% down from that campaign, but slowly improving.

Musk just confirmed the ADL is THE DEFAMATION LEAGUE.


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87ab0f No.87708

File: cbe12a335c36d42⋯.png (214.7 KB,618x823,618:823,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19503275 (070056ZSEP23) Notable: Operation Underground Railroad @OURrescue Matt Osborne, former CIA and current President and COOat O.U.R., will be hosting our exclusive live Q&A

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Operation Underground Railroad


Matt Osborne, former CIA and current President and COOat O.U.R., will be hosting our exclusive live Q&A Hot Seat on September 7th at 11 am! Don't miss this unique opportunity to have your most controversial questions answered! Join us! RSVP here: https://fb.me/e/37RRKvzxO



Many questions..

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87ab0f No.87709

File: a0c2a4b85d5b5f5⋯.png (512.57 KB,733x728,733:728,Clipboard.png)

File: 2228f1f2af09e2f⋯.png (464.5 KB,745x732,745:732,Clipboard.png)

File: 5ceb2cb821b68a3⋯.png (488.43 KB,737x558,737:558,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19503277 (070056ZSEP23) Notable: National Archive digitizes thousands of UFO records

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National Archive digitizes thousands of UFO records

Updated: SEP 5, 2023 / 08:56 PM CDT

The records from previous investigations have been available in person

Documents include video from the famous Roswell incident in 1947

It's not clear how many UFO documents remain classified

(NewsNation) — Congress and citizens around the nation are taking a renewed interest in UFOs as documents from previously classified investigations are being brought to light.

NewsNation got an exclusive look at once-secret government records now being made available as the National Archives has been working to bring old paper records online.

The records include images dating back decades, like a 1950s amateur sketch of egg-shaped discs flying over the Baltimore night sky. The sighting was seen by a whole neighborhood over two hours and remains unexplained decades later.

Another black and white photo from 1969 shows what looks like an alien spaceship straight out of a sci-fi movie. It was later determined to be a rare type of cloud.

So far this year, the National Archives has digitized tens of thousands of pages related to UFOs. The effort starts in the stacks and then moves to a lab. An employee preps the materials for the camera, and they end up on your computer screen.

Some documents include a look into previous government investigations like Project Blue Book.

“Project Blue Book was a U.S. Air Force program from 1947 to 1969, which was responsible for receiving documenting and investigating UFO reports,” said Chris Naylor, research services executive.

There are also records from the famous Roswell incident. Original films, once only available at an archives facility just outside Washington, D.C., are now transformed into digital video that can be played anywhere.

The once-clandestine Air Force video supporting the official government conclusion that the 1947 discovery of debris in New Mexico was from Air Force tests of covert weather balloons is one of many records being brought online.

Tens of thousands of government UFO records are expected to be available online by 2024.

“So when we identified this project this year, the first step was to identify the records in our holdings that relate to UFOs. And to determine the scope. And with that, to begin the digitization of the records that were not already digitized from our holdings. And based on that analysis, our goal is to have those records digitized by the end of this year,” Naylor said.

The documents already online can be viewed by searching “UFO” in the National Archives online catalog.

This is just a small sample of the government’s UFO reports. The ones in recent years have been collected and investigated by the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office, a department inside the Pentagon.

It’s unclear how many UFO reports are still classified.



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87ab0f No.87710

File: d23c9f5034b65ff⋯.png (283.07 KB,517x500,517:500,Clipboard.png)

File: 84b223f85c7eb5b⋯.png (75.57 KB,947x422,947:422,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19503325 (070104ZSEP23) Notable: Greenblatt is on a damage control tour, insisting the only purpose of his "small non-profit" is to protect Jewish people from violence. What does promoting LGBT to kids have to do with protecting Jews?

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The ADL knew ahead of anybody else how Twitter's new owner would be in a unique position to expose the Government censorship apparatus leaning heavily on Twitter to suppress accounts that dared to resist or question or expose the official fake narratives on a host of subjects.


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87ab0f No.87711

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19503330 (070104ZSEP23) Notable: Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy 'Game Night'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy 'Game Night'-08/06/2023



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87ab0f No.87712

File: 8f70638f8b9f4c8⋯.png (334.19 KB,599x583,599:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19503351 (070107ZSEP23) Notable: CIA & FBI Using Azov Battalion Nazi On U.S. Soil, Kent “BoneFace” McLellan

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Laura Loomer


CIA & FBI Using Azov Battalion Nazi On U.S. Soil: Laura Loomer EXPOSES Kent “BoneFace” McLellan ⁦@realstewpeters


CIA & FBI Using Azov Battalion Nazi On U.S. Soil: Laura Loomer EXPOSES Kent “BoneFace” McLellan –...

The FEDS have been caught using informants to defame and sabotage the America First movement. Investigative journalist Laura Loomer is here to discuss her bombshell report exposing the CIA and FBI...

2:03 PM · Sep 6, 2023




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87ab0f No.87713

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19503359 (070109ZSEP23) Notable: New ATF Proposed Rule to Reclassify Sales If you sell EVEN ONE firearm for a profit, the ATF will classify you as a dealer.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New ATF Proposed Rule to Reclassify Sales

If you sell EVEN ONE firearm for a profit, the ATF will classify you as a dealer.


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87ab0f No.87714

File: 28df91d6a61057c⋯.png (297.59 KB,612x588,51:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19503437 (070120ZSEP23) Notable: US Southern Command cancels 'Sound of Freedom' screenings

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John Solomon


US Southern Command cancels 'Sound of Freedom' screenings | Just The News

movie theater | Dhaqi Ibrohim/Getty Images


US Southern Command cancels 'Sound of Freedom' screenings

Released on July 4, the film is based on the true story of Department of Homeland Security Agent Tim Ballard, who left his post to rescue the victims of child human-and-sex trafficking.

1:31 PM · Sep 6, 2023




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87ab0f No.87715

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19503458 (070123ZSEP23) Notable: #23953

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#23953 >>87682

>>87695, >>87699 PF updates

>>87683 4am talking points delivered early muh con artist

>>87684 “The Biden family’s apparent self-enrichment involves five family members: Hunter, son-in-law Howard, brothers James and Frank, and sister Valerie.

>>87685 Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba served US Secretary of State Blinken French fries at McDonald's in Kiev./war is hell

>>87686 Ten years ago today, our LADEE launch to the Moon from @NASA_Wallops

>>87687 "Everything that we do is to in the end, win in court because that's where we're headed," Comer

>>87688, >>87689 Outstanding Level II Electromagnetic Warfare Unit of the Year

>>87690 Arizona Court Rules Against State's 'Unlawful Signature Matching Process'

>>87691 Space Force announces new mission statement, “secure our Nation’s interests in, from, and to space.”

>>87692 Prosecutors Will Seek to Indict Hunter Biden This Month

>>87693, >>87694, >>87706 Remember The Three Homosexual Members of Obama’s Church Murdered within 40 days?

>>87697, >>87696 Go back and watch the FAKE 2020 inauguration. It was 100% filmed on 2 different days.?????

>>87698 ‘Stacy on the Right’ Interviews the 45th President of the United States

>>87700 At least 12 FBI informants and 3 undercover agents stitched together the group and plot to kidnap Governor Whitmer.

>>87701, >>87703 Elon Musk trolls Barack Obama with pedophile codes found in the Podesta E-mails!

>>87702, >>87707, >>87710 Greenblatt is on a damage control tour, insisting the only purpose of his "small non-profit" is to protect Jewish people from violence. What does promoting LGBT to kids have to do with protecting Jews?

>>87704 Ottawa Hospital reinstates mask mandate

>>87705 Obama's Alleged Male Lover Posts Video Before Bombshell Interview with Tucker: '15 Years of Hell'

>>87708 Operation Underground Railroad @OURrescue Matt Osborne, former CIA and current President and COOat O.U.R., will be hosting our exclusive live Q&A

>>87709 National Archive digitizes thousands of UFO records

>>87711 Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy 'Game Night'

>>87712 CIA & FBI Using Azov Battalion Nazi On U.S. Soil, Kent “BoneFace” McLellan

>>87713 New ATF Proposed Rule to Reclassify Sales If you sell EVEN ONE firearm for a profit, the ATF will classify you as a dealer.

>>87714 US Southern Command cancels 'Sound of Freedom' screenings


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87716

File: f6a139679e3612a⋯.png (394.18 KB,600x468,50:39,Clipboard.png)

File: 8f2eb9470a2a0da⋯.png (305.11 KB,1043x899,1043:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 895087aba9da43c⋯.png (377.96 KB,567x612,63:68,Clipboard.png)

File: 678d5093924ce75⋯.jpeg (112.96 KB,914x474,457:237,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 77e5dc1e46e5707⋯.png (202.82 KB,474x373,474:373,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19503473 (070125ZSEP23) Notable: #23954

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Baker needs off hand, will tap @20

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87717

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19503518 (070132ZSEP23) Notable: Whistleblower concerns about Hunter Biden firms first surfaced in spring 2015, SEC memos show

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Whistleblower concerns about Hunter Biden firms first surfaced in spring 2015, SEC memos show


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87718

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19503534 (070134ZSEP23) Notable: Whistleblower concerns about Hunter Biden firms first surfaced in spring 2015, SEC memos show

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Whistleblower concerns about Hunter Biden firms first surfaced in spring 2015, SEC memos show

Banking whistleblowers first began raising alarms about Hunter Biden’s business deals as long ago as Spring 2015 while his father was still serving as vice president, flagging what they feared were “suspicious” transactions and “fraudulent" schemes. One of the bankers became so concerned he eventually escalated his concerns to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) only a few days before Donald Trump won the presidency in 2016, according to documents provided to Congress and obtained by Just the News.

“Due diligence on involved parties reveals less than clean records,” a Morgan Stanley investment bank compliance presentation from May 2015 stated, specifically providing a dossier about Hunter Biden’s background, his expulsion from the Navy, his association with the Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings and photos of the future first son with Barack Obama and Joe Biden.

You can view that presentation here.



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87ab0f No.87719

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19503614 (070143ZSEP23) Notable: Bruce Springsteen postpones concerts in Pittsburgh due to medical issues

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Bruce Springsteen postpones concerts in Pittsburgh due to medical issues

According to a Facebook post, Springsteen has postponed eight shows scheduled for September due to medical issues.

Springsteen is being treated for symptoms of peptic ulcer disease, and his doctors advised him to postpone his September shows.


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87ab0f No.87720

File: daa98da108b7636⋯.png (406.63 KB,577x645,577:645,Clipboard.png)

File: c1a1a6e35549da4⋯.png (356.9 KB,584x705,584:705,Clipboard.png)

File: d428f9fc4e401b2⋯.png (313.34 KB,293x773,293:773,Clipboard.png)

File: 632054ecde61487⋯.png (121.5 KB,214x323,214:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19503760 (070205ZSEP23) Notable: I gathered property records for the 19 different states that the @ADL has a regional office established……

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I gathered property records for the 19 different states that the @ADL

has a regional office established.

The report reveals that in the state of Connecticut, the ADL shares an office space with the FBI.

They also share an office space with the United Nations in New York.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87721

File: 16702da26612c01⋯.png (193.71 KB,535x409,535:409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19503806 (070214ZSEP23) Notable: THANK YOU NIKKI HALEY! DonaldJTrump.com

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Can other anon embed if poss?

Donald J. Trump




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87ab0f No.87722

File: 8ac092d918a84ea⋯.png (342.92 KB,598x602,299:301,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19503820 (070216ZSEP23) Notable: Who rents the FBI Building to the FBI in Cleveland? Ukrainian Criminal Billionaire Igor Kolomoisk

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Who rents the FBI Building to the FBI in Cleveland? Ukrainian Criminal Billionaire Igor Kolomoisky


I wonder if they also had an office in Cleveland.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87723

File: b2e53e522579c78⋯.png (366.81 KB,731x919,731:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19503874 (070224ZSEP23) Notable: Huckabee: 2024 will be last election ‘decided by ballots rather than bullets’ if Trump loses over legal cases

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Hill - Wed, September 6, 2023 at 2:19 PM MDT

Huckabee: 2024 will be last election ‘decided by ballots rather than bullets’ if Trump loses over legal cases

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) on Wednesday said 2024 will be the last election “decided by ballots rather than bullets” if former President Trump doesn’t win the presidential race because of his various legal battles.

In the latest episode of his show on TBN, Huckabee argued the legal woes now facing Trump are part of a politically motivated scheme from the Biden administration, an argument touted by many in the former president’s orbit.

“If these tactics end up working to keep Trump from winning or even running in 2024, it is going to be the last American election that will be decided by ballots rather than bullets,” Huckabee warned in his opening monologue.

Huckabee accused President Biden and his team of trying “to make sure that Donald Trump is not his opponent in 2024″ and “to destroy Trump in the courthouse rather than at the ballot box.” He also alleged the Justice Department, the IRS and the FBI are “conspiring to hide the Biden family crimes, while all the time being obsessed with charging Donald Trump with crimes.”

As Trump campaigns for the White House in 2024 — after losing his reelection bid in 2020 to Biden — he’s been faced with multiple indictments on federal and state charges in courthouses across the country.

The former president now faces charges related to attempts to overturn the 2020 election results and to his handling of classified documents following two DOJ investigations. In Manhattan, he faces charges related to 2016 hush-money payments to adult film actress Stormy Daniels. And in Georgia, he’s been charged in relation to efforts to overturn the 2020 election results in the state.

Although polling has indicated the various legal battles have actually boosted Trump in the GOP primary, some have argued they should be disqualifying.

Huckabee, who unsuccessfully ran for the Republican presidential nomination in 2008 and 2016, went on to laud Trump, who has long polled as the front-runner of the GOP field.

“I know that there are a dozen or so other Republican candidates wanting to be the GOP nominee next year, and most of them were on the stage last week to audition for the job. But if you watched what was more a game show than a substantive debate, you realize none of them have the gravitas of Donald Trump,” Huckabee said.

Trump did not participate in the Republican National Committee’s first presidential debate last month.


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87ab0f No.87724

File: aa7c5a32acd4f39⋯.mp4 (5.97 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19503883 (070225ZSEP23) Notable: THANK YOU NIKKI HALEY! DonaldJTrump.com

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87725

File: e54834e3a9821af⋯.mp4 (1.81 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: ab5146c32a18ba7⋯.mp4 (3.95 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19503892 (070226ZSEP23) Notable: Keep it together. Don't fall for the divide the society and conquer because the enemy is not of flesh and bone…..

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Keep it together. Don't fall for the divide the society and conquer because the enemy is not of flesh and bone but of the richest most powerful organizations that have ever unified like the beats of the sea using the language of the devil to achieve it, which is the lie.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87726

File: 539b019b257f6a3⋯.mp4 (12.24 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19504340 (070410ZSEP23) Notable: Keep it together. Don't fall for the divide the society and conquer because the enemy is not of flesh and bone…..

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87727

File: 5c137ed609dc31f⋯.png (464.66 KB,538x389,538:389,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19504399 (070429ZSEP23) Notable: #23955

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will collect lb notes


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87728

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19504442 (070449ZSEP23) Notable: #23954 posted in #23955

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


oof..... i shoulda checked this first before I got what I did.

#23954 >>87716

>>87717, >>87718 Whistleblower concerns about Hunter Biden firms first surfaced in spring 2015, SEC memos show

>>87719 Bruce Springsteen postpones concerts in Pittsburgh due to medical issues

>>87720 I gathered property records for the 19 different states that the @ADL has a regional office established......

>>87721, >>87724 THANK YOU NIKKI HALEY! DonaldJTrump.com

>>87722 Who rents the FBI Building to the FBI in Cleveland? Ukrainian Criminal Billionaire Igor Kolomoisk

>>87723 Huckabee: 2024 will be last election ‘decided by ballots rather than bullets’ if Trump loses over legal cases

>>87725, >>87726 Keep it together. Don't fall for the divide the society and conquer because the enemy is not of flesh and bone.....

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87729

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19504491 (070507ZSEP23) Notable: Latest on the Georgia election interference case (Trump and 18 defendants)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Latest on the Georgia election interference case (Trump and 18 defendants)


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87730

File: 6108476f2fff103⋯.png (267.97 KB,598x599,598:599,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19504553 (070526ZSEP23) Notable: Justice Robert Jackson once wrote that “The Constitution is not a suicide pact.”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Adam Schiff


Justice Robert Jackson once wrote that “The Constitution is not a suicide pact.”

If Mark Meadows’ attempts to overturn the 2020 election are somehow within the job description of a federal chief of staff, then it becomes exactly that.




So much Panic right now.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87731

File: 52f5df1d7f207e8⋯.png (510.53 KB,1153x756,1153:756,Clipboard.png)

File: d361925a9ae0a6e⋯.png (923.05 KB,1161x1201,1161:1201,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19504584 (070537ZSEP23) Notable: ADL's cozy relationship with the FBI and United Nations - and FBI's cozy relationship with Igor Kolomoisky

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

repost from lb:

I gathered property records for the 19 different states that the @ADL has a regional office established. The report reveals that in the state of Connecticut, the ADL shares an office space with the FBI. They also share an office space with the United Nations in New York.



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87ab0f No.87732

File: 7fd0f2df201c88f⋯.png (715.7 KB,1006x824,503:412,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19504592 (070539ZSEP23) Notable: ADL's cozy relationship with the FBI and United Nations - and FBI's cozy relationship with Igor Kolomoisky

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Who rents the FBI Building to the FBI in Cleveland? Ukrainian Criminal Billionaire Igor Kolomoisky


I wonder if they also had an office in Cleveland.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87733

File: 9a4fe5078486fb9⋯.png (799.57 KB,1194x2298,199:383,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19504603 (070541ZSEP23) Notable: Huckabee: 2024 will be last election ‘decided by ballots rather than bullets’ if Trump loses over legal cases

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Huckabee: 2024 will be last election ‘decided by ballots rather than bullets’ if Trump loses over legal cases

Wed, September 6, 2023

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) on Wednesday said 2024 will be the last election “decided by ballots rather than bullets” if former President Trump doesn’t win the presidential race because of his various legal battles.

In the latest episode of his show on TBN, Huckabee argued the legal woes now facing Trump are part of a politically motivated scheme from the Biden administration, an argument touted by many in the former president’s orbit.

“If these tactics end up working to keep Trump from winning or even running in 2024, it is going to be the last American election that will be decided by ballots rather than bullets,” Huckabee warned in his opening monologue.

Huckabee accused President Biden and his team of trying “to make sure that Donald Trump is not his opponent in 2024″ and “to destroy Trump in the courthouse rather than at the ballot box.” He also alleged the Justice Department, the IRS and the FBI are “conspiring to hide the Biden family crimes, while all the time being obsessed with charging Donald Trump with crimes.”


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87734

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19504750 (070622ZSEP23) Notable: #23955

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#23955 >>87727 @300

>>87729 Latest on the Georgia election interference case (Trump and 18 defendants)

>>87730 Justice Robert Jackson once wrote that “The Constitution is not a suicide pact.”

>>87731, >>87732 ADL's cozy relationship with the FBI and United Nations - and FBI's cozy relationship with Igor Kolomoisky

>>87733 Huckabee: 2024 will be last election ‘decided by ballots rather than bullets’ if Trump loses over legal cases

baker OUT, bread is ghosted

if anything's missing, nom it for next baker

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87ab0f No.87735

File: 986575d865e7bce⋯.png (487.82 KB,904x350,452:175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19505209 (071101ZSEP23) Notable: #23956

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



shillz are gonna hate today

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87ab0f No.87736

File: d0de89c822ce4f2⋯.jpeg (32.19 KB,240x126,40:21,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19505219 (071107ZSEP23) Notable: Senator Rand Paul Not Buying Capitol Doctor's Explanation For Mitch McConnell's 'Freezing' Episodes. he got the dehydrations

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Senator Rand Paul Not Buying Capitol Doctor's Explanation For Mitch McConnell's 'Freezing' Episodes

A Capitol physician suggested McConnell is experiencing small seizures due to dehydration.

“I have consulted with Leader McConnell and conferred with his neurology team. After evaluating yesterday’s incident, I have informed Leader McConnell that he is medically clear to continue with his schedule as planned. Occasional lightheadedness is not uncommon in concussion recovery and can also be expected as a result of dehydration,” Capitol physician Brian Monahan said in a statement last Thursday.

Senator Rand Paul is not buying it.

“I think it’s an inadequate explanation to say this is dehydration… Well, I practiced medicine for 25 years and it doesn’t look like dehydration to me, it looks like a focal neurologic event,'” Rand Paul said to reporters on Tuesday.


Sen. Rand Paul does not buy the "dehydration" explanation for Mitch McConnell's "freezing" event.

“I think it’s an inadequate explanation to say this is dehydration… Well, I practiced medicine 25 years and it doesn’t look like dehydration to me, it looks like a focal… pic.twitter.com/dNp65GeHbs

— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) September 6, 2023

Posted last bread re-post for new eyes

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87ab0f No.87737

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19505228 (071112ZSEP23) Notable: Taking a Swim UNDER the Island of Maui 600' down

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


part 2 1k views 7 years old

Taking a Swim UNDER the Island of Maui 600' down

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87ab0f No.87738

File: 2f7a870f917b4bc⋯.png (160.66 KB,377x284,377:284,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19505229 (071113ZSEP23) Notable: Taking a Swim UNDER the Island of Maui 600' down

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/19505171 (pb)

Start at 3:45. He says "Down into the bowels of Maui".

Pic related.

There was a note on the screen at one point mentioning another video with a 600' tunnel.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87739

File: 81bddf589e49450⋯.png (755.42 KB,839x1280,839:1280,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19505230 (071113ZSEP23) Notable: Mike Huckabee: If Trump Doesn’t Win, 2024 Will Be Last Election ‘Decided by Ballots Rather Than Bullets’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mike Huckabee: If Trump Doesn’t Win, 2024 Will Be Last Election ‘Decided by Ballots Rather Than Bullets’


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87740

File: 311da8834b0098f⋯.png (850.01 KB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19505293 (071144ZSEP23) Notable: Six Republicans File Lawsuit to Remove Trump from 2024 Ballot in Colorado

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Six Republicans File Lawsuit to Remove Trump from 2024 Ballot in Colorado


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87741

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19505379 (071208ZSEP23) Notable: Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks' Remarks: "Unpacking the Replicator Initiative" at the Defense News Conference

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks' Remarks: "Unpacking the Replicator Initiative" at the Defense News Conference (As Delivered)

Sept. 6, 2023 Arlington, Virginia


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87ab0f No.87742

File: 678180e7bc65bbc⋯.png (391.52 KB,559x577,559:577,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19505434 (071227ZSEP23) Notable: Jim Ferguson w/CAP: Good God! Is Britain really going to jail people who disagree with net zero? #WEF2030Agenda...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jim Ferguson


Good God! Is Britain really going to jail people who disagree with net zero? #WEF2030Agenda #Sunak and his #WEF friend #Starmer both agree Brits should be forced to comply with #NetZero and if people refuse they should be fined and sent to prison. #UK



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87ab0f No.87743

File: ec66d71a8244101⋯.jpg (53.83 KB,1125x605,225:121,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 78a7adfd03928b5⋯.png (69.48 KB,451x528,41:48,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19505446 (071230ZSEP23) Notable: Wall Street Silver w/CAP: Real Estate Industry in Panic Mode: 45% Drop in Home Purchases – Bigger Than '08! Home sales are now down 31% in 2023.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Wall Street Silver


Real Estate Industry in Panic Mode:

45% Drop in Home Purchases – Bigger Than '08! Home sales are now down 31% in 2023.

Without transactions, many jobs that are commission oriented are seeing huge declines in incomes. Real estate agents, mortgage brokers, title insurance, home inspectors. All of the various categories are entering a depressions from lack of transactions.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87744

File: b7e5f1b6ac16b47⋯.jpeg (832.88 KB,1369x834,1369:834,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19505484 (071240ZSEP23) Notable: "Trump or DEATH" Flag dropped at Yankees stadium during National Anthem 'God Bless America' as Detroit Tigers play New York Yankees

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#HappeningNow HUGE"Trump or DEATH"Flag dropped at Yankees stadium during National Anthem 'God Bless America' as Detroit Tigers play New York Yankees


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87ab0f No.87745

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19505546 (071300ZSEP23) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/07/2023

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/07/2023



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87ab0f No.87746

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19505691 (071321ZSEP23) Notable: 'Armenian Christians facing genocide again.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

'Armenian Christians facing genocide again.

The congressional Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, chaired by Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ), held a hearing Wednesday to discuss the plight of Armenian Christians trapped by an Azerbaijani blockade in the contested Nagorno-Karabakh region. The commission heard testimony from experts who said Azerbaijan’s actions clearly constituted genocide, with complicity from Turkey and the Islamist forces it has dispatched into the region.

Nagorno-Karabakh is a mountainous territory about the size of Delaware in Azerbaijan that has been inhabited by Armenians for centuries. The Azerbaijanis are mostly Muslims, while the Armenians are Christian.

The Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh fought an unsuccessful war of secession in 1994 following the collapse of the Soviet Union, then remained as a semi-autonomous colony supported by the Armenian state.


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87ab0f No.87747

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19505854 (071345ZSEP23) Notable: 10:00 AM Senate Bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

10:00 AM EDT

Hearings to Examine Perspectives on Challenges in the Property Insurance Market and the Impact on Consumers

Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee



Mr. Douglas Heller

Director Of Insurance

Consumer Federation of America


Mr. Jerry Theodorou

Policy Director, Finance, Insurance And Trade

the R Street Institute





Policy Advocates Testify on Challenges in Property Insurance Markets

Policy advocates, including the Consumer Federation of America’s director of insurance, testify before the Senate Banking Committee on challenges in the property insurance market.


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87ab0f No.87748

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19505858 (071346ZSEP23) Notable: 10:00 AM Senate Bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

10:00 AM EDT

Implementing IIJA: Perspectives on The Drinking Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Act, Part II

Senate Environment and Public Works Committee



The Honorable Elizabeth Biser


North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality


Kishia L. Powell

General Manager & CEO

Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC Water)


Eric Volk

Executive Director

North Dakota Rural Water Systems Association





Hearing on Water Infrastructure & Public Works

Local and state officials testify on the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and its impact on drinking water, wastewater, and public works projects before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.


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87ab0f No.87749

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19505861 (071346ZSEP23) Notable: 10:00 AM Senate Bun

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10:00 AM EDT

Full Committee Hearing to Examine Recent Advances in Artificial Intelligence and the Department of Energy’s Role in Ensuring U.S. Competitiveness and Security in Emerging Technologies

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee



10:00 AM EDT

Hearings to Examine the Nominations of Robert G. Taub, of New York, to Be a Commissioner of the Postal Regulatory Commission, and Tanya Monique Jones Bosier, Danny Lam Hoan Nguyen, and Kenechukwu Onyemaechi Okocha, Each to Be an Associate Judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia

Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee



The Honorable David M. Turk

Deputy Secretary

U.S. Department of Energy


Dr. Rick L. Stevens

Associate Laboratory Director - Computing, Environment and Life Sciences (CELS)

Argonne National Laboratory


Ms. Anna B. Puglisi

Senior Fellow - Center for Security and Emerging Technology (CSET)

Georgetown University


Mr. Andrew Wheeler

Fellow & Vice President - Hewlett Packard Labs and HPC & AI Advanced Development

Hewlett Packard Enterprise





Hearing on AI Breakthroughs & U.S. Competitiveness

Energy Department Deputy Secretary David Turk testifies on U.S. competitiveness amid recent advances in artificial intelligence. He’s joined by leaders in academia, industry, and science before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee.


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87ab0f No.87750

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19505864 (071346ZSEP23) Notable: 10:00 AM Senate Bun

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10:00 AM EDT

Executive Business Meeting

Senate Judiciary Committee



Rebecca C. Lutzko, to be United States Attorney for the Northern District of Ohio


April M. Perry, to be United States Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois




10:00 AM EDT

Hearings to Examine Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Priorities for the Western Hemisphere

Senate Foreign Relations Committee



The Honorable Brian Nichols

Assistant Secretary of State, Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs

United States Department of State

Washington, D.C.


The Honorable Marcela Escobari

Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean

United States Agency for International Development

Washington, D.C.


The Honorable Todd Robinson

Assistant Secretary, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs

United States Department of State

Washington, D.C.





State Dept. Officials Testify on Latin America & Caribbean

State Department officials testify before a Senate Foreign Relations subcommittee on the 2024 budget for Latin American and Caribbean countries.


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87ab0f No.87751

File: 545a8f4485c0d9e⋯.jpeg (223.71 KB,2360x804,590:201,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 35e024c19600cd2⋯.jpeg (212.8 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506033 (071415ZSEP23) Notable: Mike Huckabee: If Trump Doesn’t Win, 2024 Will Be Last Election ‘Decided by Ballots Rather Than Bullets’

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

87ab0f No.87752

File: 79c90cf28ae9c74⋯.mp4 (4.35 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: aaf8976d7804958⋯.png (67.71 KB,744x423,248:141,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506214 (071452ZSEP23) Notable: Bret Weinstein Explains How the mRNA Vaccine Platform Can Cause Autoimmune Issues

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Bret Weinstein Explains How the mRNA Vaccine Platform Can Cause Autoimmune Issues

"The fact that there is no targeting of those mRNA's, so that they can land in any cell, means that every time you attempt to vaccinate somebody with that technology you are inviting an autoimmune attack on the tissue that happens to pick up the lipid nanoparticle."


Looks like the slow kids in the back of the class are starting to catch on ;)

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87ab0f No.87753

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506280 (071504ZSEP23) Notable: Moscow responds to Pentagon sending uranium ammo to Kiev

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7 Sep, 2023 14:05

Moscow responds to Pentagon sending uranium ammo to Kiev

Washington will have to answer for the consequences of using such munitions, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov warns

The Pentagon’s delivery of depleted uranium (DU) projectiles to Ukraine will have dire consequences for future generations, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov has said. His comments came after Washington announced the delivery of an unspecified number of 120mm DU rounds to Ukraine as part of a new military aid package.

“This is very bad news,” Peskov explained during a press conference on Thursday, noting that the use of such munitions in Yugoslavia in the past has led to “galloping” increases in the number of people suffering from cancer and other diseases, which has been confirmed by international organizations.

“The consequences become noticeable in subsequent generations,” the spokesperson stated, adding that “the same situation will inevitably occur in Ukrainian territories where [DU munitions] will be used.”

Peskov insisted that all of the responsibility would lie entirely with US leaders who made the decision to supply Kiev’s forces with such munitions.

Prior to announcing the delivery of the controversial rounds on Wednesday, Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh claimed that these rounds were “standard use”in American tanks and that Washington had “absolute confidence that the Ukrainians will use them responsibly.”

Earlier this year, the UK also sent Kiev a shipment of DU shells to be used with its Challenger 2 tanks, sparking outrage in Moscow. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said at the time that such deliveries would be “taking this escalation to a new and very serious stage.” Russia’s embassy in London also accused the West of being willing toturn Ukraine into “not only an anti-Russian military shooting range, but also a radioactive landfill.”

The deliveries of DU rounds to Ukraine have also been met with condemnation from the United Nations, which has repeatedly objected to the use of such munitions anywhere in the world, but this warning has had no effect on the deliveries.

Meanwhile, both London and Washington have repeatedly rejected all concerns about the potential consequences of using these toxic rounds and have dismissed reports stating that the use of such munitions has led to increase in cancer and birth defects in places like Iraq and Serbia.

(The MIC death cult don’t care who they kill, even in allied countries!)


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87ab0f No.87754

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506339 (071516ZSEP23) Notable: #23956

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final bun for #23956

shillz got bounced

czech em and hold yer laties tight

#23956 >>87735

>>87736 Senator Rand Paul Not Buying Capitol Doctor's Explanation For Mitch McConnell's 'Freezing' Episodes. he got the dehydrations

>>87739, >>87751 Mike Huckabee: If Trump Doesn’t Win, 2024 Will Be Last Election ‘Decided by Ballots Rather Than Bullets’

>>87737, >>87738 Taking a Swim UNDER the Island of Maui 600' down

>>87740 Six Republicans File Lawsuit to Remove Trump from 2024 Ballot in Colorado

>>87741 Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks' Remarks: "Unpacking the Replicator Initiative" at the Defense News Conference

>>87742 Jim Ferguson w/CAP: Good God! Is Britain really going to jail people who disagree with net zero? #WEF2030Agenda...

>>87743 Wall Street Silver w/CAP: Real Estate Industry in Panic Mode: 45% Drop in Home Purchases – Bigger Than '08! Home sales are now down 31% in 2023.

>>87744 "Trump or DEATH" Flag dropped at Yankees stadium during National Anthem 'God Bless America' as Detroit Tigers play New York Yankees

>>87745 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/07/2023

>>87746 'Armenian Christians facing genocide again.

>>87749, >>87748, >>87747, >>87750 10:00 AM Senate Bun

>>87752 Bret Weinstein Explains How the mRNA Vaccine Platform Can Cause Autoimmune Issues

>>87753 Moscow responds to Pentagon sending uranium ammo to Kiev

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87ab0f No.87755

File: c2afa5b31d2807f⋯.png (739.05 KB,1007x316,1007:316,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506360 (071518ZSEP23) Notable: #23957

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morn'n baker requesting handoff - call the ball baker

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87ab0f No.87756

File: c146fef512002e8⋯.jpeg (32.86 KB,239x255,239:255,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506390 (071525ZSEP23) Notable: End Times News

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End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000041

Apple Stocks Tumble As China Broadens iPhone Ban


BRICS Nations Tease New Currency Note For Global Trade


The fact that currency design is already underway shows how serious the rest of the world has become at replacing the US Dollar to avoid meddling in their affairs by the United States.

A city in Wyoming has been overwhelmed with a growing number of homeless people, who have damaged a local hotel that would require millions of dollars to fix and left hundreds of pounds of human feces in the downtown area, according to its mayor.


“It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen. It’s third-world country stuff happening in Casper, Wyoming,”

Treason And Land Theft Is Happening After Maui Arson Attacks, As Residents Forced Into Bankruptcy, Provided No Aid


Good morning again from Maui, where residents are being ROYALLY SCREWED by local, state and federal governments.

Bitcoin Up 365,999% Since "Economic Expert" Paul Krugman Dismissed It At $7 Exactly 12 Years Ago


Like all other State propagandists, they're wrong or outright lying!

US Government Plans To Spam The Internet With Garbage AI Propaganda


Megyn Kelly Says She Regrets Getting COVID Clot Shot After Developing An Autoimmune Issue


A GIANT fireball erupted close to Vladimir Putin’s war command headquarters after kamikaze drones blasted a Russian city. A state of emergency was declared in Rostov-on-Don, which lies near Russian-occupied Ukraine.


A Mad Max Scenario May Become The Globalists' End Game


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87ab0f No.87757

File: 0922d714cd35e26⋯.png (392.65 KB,971x1632,971:1632,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506410 (071530ZSEP23) Notable: Governor Newsom Increases California National Guard Presence at the Border To Crack Down on Fentanyl Smugglers

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Governor Newsom Increases California National Guard Presence at the Border To Crack Down on Fentanyl Smugglers

Sep 07, 2023

WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW: Cracking down on illegal drugs — including fentanyl —being smuggled into California, Governor Newsom is increasing the number of California National Guard service members deployed to interdict drugs at U.S. ports of entry along the border by approximately 50%.

SAN YSIDRO –– Building on California’s $1 billion investment to tackle the fentanyl and opioid crisis, today Governor Gavin Newsom announced he is increasing the deployment of California National Guard (CalGuard) service members by approximately 50% from 40 to 60 soldiers at the four U.S. ports of entry along the U.S.-Mexico border to support the interdiction of illicit drugs, including fentanyl. The Governor’s expansion enables CalGuard to further support U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) narcotic search operations, including through the operation of a vehicle X-ray system used for detecting the transportation and concealment of narcotics. This increased deployment builds on Governor Newsom’s prior expansion of CalGuard-supported operations that last year led to a 594% increase in seized fentanyl in the state. Last year, CalGuard’s efforts helped law enforcement seize 28,765 lbs of fentanyl in California, an amount with an estimated street value of more than $230 million.

WHAT GOVERNOR NEWSOM SAID: “Fentanyl is a deadly poison ripping families and communities apart. California is cracking down — and today we’re going further by deploying more CalGuard service members to combat this crisis and keep our communities safe.”

Over 150 Americans die every day from overdoses and poisonings related to synthetic opioids like fentanyl. As part of Governor Newsom’s Master Plan for Tackling the Fentanyl and Opioid Crisis, CalGuard is supporting federal, state, and local law enforcement counter-narcotic investigations and operations through analytics, reconnaissance, and interdiction efforts. As of July 1, CalGuard helped seize over 11,760 lbs of fentanyl so far this year. The additional service members being deployed will support CalGuard’s existing partnership with CBP to interdict illegal drugs and develop informational analysis on organized criminal activity. CalGuard’s statewide efforts are funded through a $30 million investment proposed by Governor Newsom and enacted in the state budget to expand the department’s existing drug interdiction efforts and deepen integration and support to High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTA) programs.

A majority of fentanyl is smuggled into the U.S. at ports of entry by U.S. citizens, not by migrants seeking asylum, according to the Department of Homeland Security.

Since 2019, Governor Newsom has invested over $1 billion to crack down on opioid trafficking and enforce the law, combat overdoses, support those with opioid use disorder, and raise awareness about the dangers of opioids. The Governor’s Master Plan for Tackling the Fentanyl and Opioid Crisis provides a comprehensive framework to deepen the impact of these investments — including through a CalRx effort where California will allocate $30 million to support partners in developing, manufacturing, procuring, and/or distributing a naloxone nasal product under the CalRx label. With today’s announcement, coupled with California’s extensive abatement, enforcement, and treatment efforts outlined in the Master Plan, the state is saving lives and improving public safety.

B-roll footage and photos featuring a recent visit by Governor Newsom to the San Ysidro Port of Entry are available for download and use by producers and members of the media.


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87ab0f No.87758

File: 17345332c76dc95⋯.png (372.65 KB,1020x563,1020:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506412 (071531ZSEP23) Notable: NYC jail barge Vernon C. Bain Center to close; detainees, staff moving from Bronx to Rikers Island, other lockups

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NYC jail barge Vernon C. Bain Center to close; detainees, staff moving from Bronx to Rikers Island, other lockups

Leonard GreeneSeptember 5, 2023 at 11:18 p.m.


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87ab0f No.87759

File: 63899fb7ff9b600⋯.png (710.76 KB,1196x880,299:220,Clipboard.png)

File: 2f2e35149a54664⋯.png (654.66 KB,1196x880,299:220,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506429 (071535ZSEP23) Notable: Tucker/Sinclair X views?

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Twitter, X, Elon up to their old tricks...

the Teaser video Tucker posted has 69 million views


But the actual interview only has 14.5 million views...wtf


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87ab0f No.87760

File: 053e95b42772be6⋯.png (326.02 KB,598x500,299:250,Clipboard.png)

File: 4a3a1f2f343c06a⋯.png (137.64 KB,598x575,26:25,Clipboard.png)

File: 2309e898080c846⋯.png (287.95 KB,598x622,299:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506430 (071535ZSEP23) Notable: IMPEACH JOE BIDEN Memes

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87ab0f No.87761

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506433 (071536ZSEP23) Notable: Biden Regime Gives $2,200 of Taxpayer Money Per Illegal Immigrant Family Each Month

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Outrageous! Border Patrol Agent Reveals Biden Regime Gives $2,200 of Taxpayer Money Per Illegal Immigrant Family Each Month, Plus a Plane Ticket, Housing, Food, Free Medical Services (VIDEO)

Will this backfire? What happens when everyone realizes it is better to be "illegal"? Is LAWFUL not LEGAL? Obviously American tax dollars are not needed by whatever is calling itself the "government" in DC. They can and will print whatever is needed, though it is obvious how that will end.

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87ab0f No.87762

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506434 (071536ZSEP23) Notable: World Council for Health exposes evil

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Dr John Campbell

World Council for Health exposes evil

World Council for Health exposes slavery, medical crimes, sex and pedophile crimes around the world.


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87ab0f No.87763

File: cd2ff9c621db1aa⋯.png (2.32 MB,1024x988,256:247,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506458 (071542ZSEP23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day The Large Cloud of Magellan

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Sep 7, 2023

The Large Cloud of Magellan

The 16th century Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan and his crew had plenty of time to study the southern sky during the first circumnavigation of planet Earth. As a result, two fuzzy cloud-like objects easily visible to southern hemisphere skygazers are known as the Clouds of Magellan, now understood to be satellite galaxies of our much larger, spiral Milky Way galaxy. About 160,000 light-years distant in the constellation Dorado, the Large Magellanic Cloud is seen in this sharp galaxy portrait. Spanning about 15,000 light-years or so, it is the most massive of the Milky Way's satellite galaxies and is the home of the closest supernova in modern times, SN 1987A. The prominent patch above center is 30 Doradus, also known as the magnificent Tarantula Nebula, a giant star-forming region about 1,000 light-years across.


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87ab0f No.87764

File: 31f7817a4399e3e⋯.png (22.67 KB,855x369,95:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506488 (071550ZSEP23) Notable: U.S. FDA Approves Merck’s ERVEBO® (Ebola Zaire Vaccine, Live) for Use in Children 12 Months of Age and Older

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U.S. FDA Approves Merck’s ERVEBO® (Ebola Zaire Vaccine, Live) for Use in Children 12 Months of Age and Older


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87ab0f No.87765

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506592 (071615ZSEP23) Notable: TRUTH SOCIAL TRENDS

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Total Truths: 486


Total Truths: 524


Total Truths: 173


Total Truths: 234


Total Truths: 147


Total Truths: 1.12k


Total Truths: 2.21k


Total Truths: 1.14k


Total Truths: 199


Total Truths: 3.61k


Total Truths: 735


Total Truths: 43


Total Truths: 134


Total Truths: 2.13k


Total Truths: 3.01k


Total Truths: 764

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87ab0f No.87766

File: 6c1218a130aa89b⋯.png (330.51 KB,530x593,530:593,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506598 (071617ZSEP23) Notable: @NCSCgov Many U.S. cities have “sister” partnerships with foreign cities. While these city-to-city agreements may bring economic benefits, they can also be exploited by foreign governments

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Many U.S. cities have “sister” partnerships with foreign cities. While these city-to-city agreements may bring economic benefits, they can also be exploited by foreign governments to advance their own geopolitical interests & malign influence in the U.S. https://dni.gov/files/NCSC/documents/SafeguardingOurFuture/No_3_FINAL_NCSC_Safeguarding_Our_Future_-_City_to_City_Foreign_Partnerships_19_June_2020.pdf


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87ab0f No.87767

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506610 (071618ZSEP23) Notable: 18 POST TRUMP TRUTH STORM JUST DROPPED

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87ab0f No.87768

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506613 (071619ZSEP23) Notable: Ford Gives Raise to 8,000 UAW Workers Ahead of Strike Deadline/pre election pay off

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Ford Gives Raise to 8,000 UAW Workers Ahead of Strike Deadline

The raises lift the pay of the workers by $9,000 a year.

We're going to see a lot of this up to 11/24 as the left wing pre-pays their minions.

It does trickle back to you.

Company X gives union members and others pay raises.

IRS lets company X off the hook for equivalent corporate tax revenue $.

US taxpayers who vastly outnumber union pukes are on the hook for the lost revenue from many Company's.

Redistrubuting your wealth to left wing voters.

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87ab0f No.87769

File: a36eb69a494e7d8⋯.png (477.37 KB,475x687,475:687,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506637 (071623ZSEP23) Notable: @1stCavalryDiv Next week is Cav Week. DM us your photos and videos of your teams' activities

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Next week is Cav Week. DM us your photos and videos of your teams' activities for a chance to be highlighted on the division Facebook page.

#beallyoucanbe | #FirstTeam | #LiveTheLegend | #WeAreTheCav |





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87ab0f No.87770

File: 339ef7b056fa817⋯.jpg (18.78 KB,480x480,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506639 (071624ZSEP23) Notable: Trump says he was 'not allowed' to fire Fauci, but doctor 'wasn’t a big player' in administration

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Trump says he was 'not allowed' to fire Fauci, but doctor 'wasn’t a big player' in administration

"Dr. Fauci would tell me things, and I wouldn’t do them, in many cases," Trump said.

a "big player" in his administration.

Radio host Hugh Hewitt asked Trump during an interview Wednesday why he kept Fauci, who has since retired, in the government during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"First of all, you’re not allowed. He’s civil service, and you’re not allowed to fire him. But forget that, because I don’t necessarily go by everything. But Dr. Fauci would tell me things, and I wouldn’t do them, in many cases," Trump responded. "But also, he wasn’t a big player in my administration. Dr. Fauci became a big player in the administration of Biden."

Giving some examples of how he disagreed with Fauci, he said the doctor started out as a "radical no-masker" and later "became a super radical masker."

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention did not consider recommending that the public cover their faces with masks until late March 2020, even though evidence for their effectiveness was sparse at the time. A major concern early in the pandemic was that Americans would hoard medical supplies such as masks, preventing healthcare workers from accessing them.


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87ab0f No.87771

File: 737418f80328ca8⋯.png (13.51 KB,527x180,527:180,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506650 (071626ZSEP23) Notable: Germany recorded almost 205,000 initial asylum applications by the end of August, Syrians, Afghans, and Turks

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NEW - Germany recorded almost 205,000 initial asylum applications by the end of August, 77 percent more than in the previous year.

Main nationalities are Syrians, Afghans, and Turks, WELT reports.


Germany will cease to exist

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87ab0f No.87772

File: 1492a7256135af3⋯.png (346.63 KB,458x778,229:389,Clipboard.png)

File: 2708df1bab7eff8⋯.png (1005.01 KB,842x1219,842:1219,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506653 (071627ZSEP23) Notable: 18 POST TRUMP TRUTH STORM JUST DROPPED

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87ab0f No.87773

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506654 (071627ZSEP23) Notable: Kremlin warns US over plan to hand Russian assets to Ukraine/$5.4 million in frozen funds

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7 Sep, 2023

Kremlin warns US over plan to hand Russian assets to Ukraine

Washington has pledged to provide Kiev with $5.4 million in frozen funds

Moscow considers the blocking, seizure or retention of its state assets and reserves, as well as those of its citizens, to be illegal, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Thursday.

He was responding to a question during a press briefing about a promise by the US to transfer frozen Russian funds to Ukraine.

Any attempts to use funds blocked by the US and its European allies will eventually lead to legal action, Peskov warned, adding that “none of the cases of such illegal retention will be left without attention.”

“Claims that they have managed to find legitimate grounds for the continuation of this illegality are nonsense,” he declared.

The remarks came after US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who arrived in Ukraine on Wednesday, announced plans to provide Kiev with $5.4 million in assets seized from sanctioned Russian businessmen. The funds are part of a new $1 billion support package and will be directed to aid Ukrainian veterans of the military conflict, according to the US official.

“For the first time, we are transferring to Ukraine assets seized from sanctioned Russian oligarchs, which will now be used to support Ukrainian military veterans. Those who have enabled Putin’s war of aggression should pay for it,” Blinken stated at a joint press conference with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba.

The US has reportedly provided Ukraine with more than $43 billion in aid since the outbreak of hostilities in February 2022.

For some time, Washington has been investigating ways to use frozen Russian assets to cover the cost of reconstruction in Ukraine after the conflict. TheUS Justice Departmenthas launched adedicated unit called KleptoCaptureto help enforce sanctions on Russian government officials and businessmen, targeting their yachts, jets, real estate, and other assets.

Meanwhile, Peskov noted that lawsuits over immobilized Russian funds were already underway in many countries with some entrepreneurs achieving success “including in appealing against illegal actions of an investigative nature and illegal searches conducted against them.”

Moscow has repeatedly called Western attempts to confiscate frozen Russian assets as “barbarism” and “theft”, threatening to respond in kind, if necessary.


DOJ proves they will steal anyone’s rights, life and money, not just Americans.

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87ab0f No.87774

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506670 (071629ZSEP23) Notable: US military scrubs hypersonic missile test launch from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station

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US military scrubs hypersonic missile test launch from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station

Sep 7, 2023

A planned test launch of a new hypersonic missile system was scrubbed Wednesday (Sept. 6).

Navigational warnings announcing the closure of Atlantic Ocean airspace east of Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida appeared earlier in the week that suggested a test launch would take place between Sept. 6 and Sept. 8.

On Wednesday (Sept. 6), the Department of Defense gave a statement to Florida Today confirming the planned test was, in fact, canceled. No reason for the cancellation was given. "On Sept. 6, the Department planned to conduct a flight test at the Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Florida, to inform our hypersonic technology development. As a result of pre-flight checks, the test did not occur," a Pentagon spokesperson told Florida Today.

Despite the cancellation, the Department of Defense spokesperson told Florida Today that the test was still useful in providing data for the program moving forward. "The Department was able to successfully collect data on the performance of the ground hardware and software that will inform the continued progress toward fielding offensive hypersonic weapons. Delivering hypersonic weapons remains a top priority for the Department."

As Ars Technica reported, the scrubbed launch was likely a test of the U.S. Army's Long Range Hypersonic Weapon (LRHW), a land-based missile system. In March 2023, a similar test was likewise planned and scrubbed; that cancellation appeared to have been caused by a battery issue, The War Zone reported. A U.S. Army statement from later that month confirmed that the new hypersonic weapon system was deployed to Cape Canaveral at the time.

Photographers along Florida's Space Coast captured images on Wednesday (Sept. 6) of what appears to be a LRHW launcher stationed at Space Launch Complex 46 on the eastern trip of Cape Canaveral, although it's hard to say for certain what the hardware might be.

The U.S. Army's LRHW consists of a solid-fuel rocket booster and a hypersonic glide vehicle (HGV). Its rocket booster is designed to propel the system to an optimal altitude and speed before deploying the HGV to fly on its own.

As its name implies, this class of hypersonic vehicles can glide towards its target at speeds at or above Mach 5 while retaining high levels of maneuverability. Some HGVs are able to execute abrupt maneuvers in flight, zig-zagging towards their target, making them difficult to track and intercept.

The U.S. Navy is developing its own sea-launched version of the system known as Conventional Prompt Strike. In a 2020 statement, the Pentagon's public affairs stated that the new missiles will be able to "strike targets hundreds and even thousands of miles away, in a matter of minutes, to defeat a wide range of high-value targets."

Developing and fielding this class of weapons is one of the Pentagon's "highest technical research and engineering priorities," the statement adds.


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87ab0f No.87775

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506679 (071631ZSEP23) Notable: Paxton Impeachment Trial - Texas Attorney Tony Buzbee Cuts Right to the Heart of it, The Bush Family Influence

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Paxton Impeachment Trial – Texas Attorney Tony Buzbee Cuts Right to the Heart of it, The Bush Family Influence

September 7, 2023 | Sundance

As the second day of the impeachment trial of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton took place, his lawyer Tony Buzbee brought immediate sunlight onto the motives of those who want Paxton removed.

Ken Paxton defeated George P Bush in the primary race. The Bush clan and professional republicans in the Texas political circle were not happy.

Jeff Mateer was the Asst. AG when Paxton took office; Mateer is part of the professional republican apparatus who did not like Paxton, and Mator became a whistleblower against his boss. In this soundbite Tony Buzbee puts the timeline of activity in front of Mateer, including the date thatGeorge P Bush reactivated his law license. WATCH:



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87ab0f No.87776

File: 83a7dd7d14d65b6⋯.png (86.76 KB,531x552,177:184,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506696 (071633ZSEP23) Notable: @780thC Google’s Threat Analysis Group shares an update on security researcher targeting by North Korean threat

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Google’s Threat Analysis Group shares an update on security researcher targeting by North Korean threat actors. https://blog.google/threat-analysis-group/active-north-korean-campaign-targeting-security-researchers/



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87ab0f No.87777

File: b17e9921006f7c1⋯.jpeg (290.12 KB,1344x896,3:2,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5048b7692f242b0⋯.jpeg (222.86 KB,1289x721,1289:721,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506715 (071638ZSEP23) Notable: President Trump Takes Commanding 50 Point Primary Lead at 62% - Gains Largest Polling Lead Against Biden 42/37

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President Trump Takes Commanding 50 Point Primary Lead at 62% – Gains Largest Polling Lead Against Biden 42/37

September 7, 2023 | Sundance

Premise Polling conducted by 538 Project [DATA HERE] shows President Donald Trump with a commanding 50-point lead over the rest of the field. President Trump holds 62% of primary voters, while Ron DeSantis shrinks even further to 12%. This poll, along with all the state polls show a similar trend pattern. President would win all the delegates in the key primary states.

In a head-to-head matchup with only Trump and DeSantis, President Trump crushes the Florida Governor 67% to 24%. The demographics are again consistent with Trump dominating every subset of voter and DeSantis holding tepid support from rich white men over 55, with graduate degrees who say they don’t follow politics.

This poll reflects an almost identical outcome to the Wall Street Journal polling released a few days ago.

Additionally, in this poll President Trump is easily beating Joe Biden 42/37, while Joe Biden beats Ron DeSantis 35/33.

There are too many aligned datapoints now showing almost identical outcomes. This reality is likely why DeSantis PAC senior official Jeff Roe recently said the next 30 to 60 days were do or die for the DeSantis operation. They are simply running out of money.


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87ab0f No.87778

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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