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Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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0fa912 No.51573 [Last50 Posts]

07SEP23 to 10SEP23


Re-Posts of notables

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79b999 No.87779

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506751 (071644ZSEP23) Notable: Fulton County Lawfare Madness on Full Display - Courtroom Video

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Fulton County Lawfare Madness on Full Display – Courtroom Video

September 6, 2023 | Sundance |

As long as you remember that Lawfare is the legal construction of a media narrative intended to sway public opinion, then the madness happening in Fulton County, GA, reconciles. [At the bottom of this outline is video from the courtroom]

Earlier today, Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee said it seems unrealistic to expect all of the pre-trial issues to be resolved before the established trial date of October 23rd for Sidney Powell and Kenneth Chesebro. Both Powell and Chesebro have demanded speedy trials; however, the case is essentially a Rico conspiracy case and none of the accused defendants can split away from the group of 19 as a whole.

If a single state defendant successfully argues in another court that their case should be transferred to a different jurisdiction (perhaps federal), orif a single state defendant is successful splitting away from the group of 19, then the entire conspiracy case collapses. This is the ridiculousness of the construct.

Today, lawyers for both Sidney Powell and Kenneth Chesebro reminded the judge they do not know each other, have never met each other, and have no idea what connection is being applied to them as they are being accused of conspiring together. It would be hard to imagine a conspiracy between two people who have never met, never communicated and don’t know each other; alas this is the madness in Fulton County.

As noted by Politico, “Prosecutors said the distinction in the charges Powell and Chesebro face is immaterial since they’re both charged with conspiring toward the same unlawful goal: keeping Trump in power despite his defeat in the 2020 election.” So, wanting Trump to remain in office is the connection that creates the conspiracy.

According to the Lawfare logic as explained today in court, any of the 73 million Trump voters are therefore guilty of conspiring to keep President Donald Trump in office, and subject to future arrest and detention. Yes, this is Lawfare madness.

Even Judge McAfee seemed to admit the madness before him when he said, “it could potentially even be a six-month turnaround just for the 11th Circuit to come up with a decision,” referring to the Atlanta-based federal appeals court that would handle appeals from individuals claiming the state has no jurisdiction.

“Where does that leave us in the middle of a jury trial?” the judge asked, althoughhe also seemed to concur that Powell and Chesebro have a right under Georgia law to have their trials start next month as they have demanded. [link]

(There may be one honest judge in Fulton County)



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79b999 No.87780

File: 84901c0b5c3038a⋯.png (24.74 KB,711x546,237:182,Clipboard.png)

File: af3d9b209d38409⋯.png (53.92 KB,492x594,82:99,Clipboard.png)

File: 3fa9cc24789cbbb⋯.png (100.22 KB,499x486,499:486,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506782 (071649ZSEP23) Notable: Heliofant and their I Pet Goat II hosted on the site are no longer online.

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Heliofant and their I Pet Goat II hosted on the site are no longer online.


{Matt} $XRPatriot



‼️I’ve shared this before from

I Pet Goat 2


Look at the 9 on the back left of the photo

And the 2 and 3 under the wings

Add that to all VKs posts over the last 5 years, where he’s told us over and over 2023 was the year

I believe this month is it.

I know you guys are prepped physically.

Please be prepared spiritually and reconnect with our Father if you have not.

Christ is our King. That’s all that matters and being strong spiritually is the only thing that is going to matter



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79b999 No.87781

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506790 (071650ZSEP23) Notable: Heliofant and their I Pet Goat II hosted on the site are no longer online.

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79b999 No.87782

File: 595af7da11209e2⋯.png (851.12 KB,810x3538,405:1769,Clipboard.png)

File: 20c9a8801487358⋯.png (349.17 KB,822x2310,137:385,Clipboard.png)

File: 2a0523f1b3392b0⋯.png (33.87 KB,554x323,554:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506801 (071651ZSEP23) Notable: McKinsey and sustainability - ADL - recruitment and promotions - supply chain - MEOTEC and more in Don Leslie's January consultancy newsletter

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McKinsey and sustainability - ADL - recruitment and promotions - supply chain - MEOTEC and more in Don Leslie's January consultancy newsletter


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79b999 No.87783

File: 5d86eedac476806⋯.png (988.4 KB,853x1765,853:1765,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506818 (071654ZSEP23) Notable: CHINESE USE FAKE A.I ACCOUNTS FOR ELECTION INTERFERENCE

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*Note the infiniti trippps :-)


Here's what we know from Microsoft researchers:

1. Chinese hackers used generative A.I technology to "mimic U.S. voters.”

2. Fake accounts posed as Americans, used U.S. locations and political slogans

3. One example depicts the Statue of Liberty holding an assault rifle with the caption: "Everything is being thrown away. THE GODDESS OF VIOLENCE."

4. Attack resembles China's Ministry of Public Security, but the Chinese embassy refuted the claims.

5. Facebook and 𝕏/Twitter were among the platforms impacted

6. The discovery raises concerns about foreign interference ahead of the 2024 U.S. presidential election.

This news comes hours after Microsoft admitted Chinese hackers hacked their engineer’s data, and used that to access a U.S official’s emails.

A few weeks ago, I also reported on Chinese cyber attacks on U.S infrastructure, as well as a web of fake accounts by the Chinese to spread misinformation, uncovered by Meta.

Is China attacking the 2024 elections?

9:52 AM · Sep 7, 2023·78K Views

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79b999 No.87784

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506846 (071657ZSEP23) Notable: Five year delta here Desperate people do desperate things.

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Mitch McConnell Says, “The Things That People Saw Happen to Me, Really Didn’t Happen”

September 6, 2023 | Sundance |

Sticking to the advance narrative as promoted by the DC machinery that is relying on Mitch McConnell to preserve, protect and defend the graft that is represented by the business of DC politics, Mitch McConnell delivered remarks today about his cognitive mental health.

During his statement McConnell says, “the things that people saw happening to me, really didn’t happen.” Now, let’s get back to the primary concern issue of sending more money to Ukraine. The DC laundry operation needs our full support. WATCH:

There are trillions at stake.

(Wow, the whole charade to “Get Trump” falls apart if McConnell is no longer there to bribe senators. The major corruption in the Senate could be revealed.This is what desperation looks like!)



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79b999 No.87785

File: df9693d1d850610⋯.png (488.9 KB,787x739,787:739,Clipboard.png)

File: 70bd6225ad8a112⋯.png (73.43 KB,723x495,241:165,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506878 (071703ZSEP23) Notable: McKinsey and sustainability - ADL - recruitment and promotions - supply chain - MEOTEC and more in Don Leslie's January consultancy newsletter

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Clinton’s new tactics, McKinsey’s secret $5bn fund and when fashion meets high-tech whimsy

‘Clinton is playing on Trump’s territory. He will always come back with something worse’

McKinsey’s secret investment arm One of the world's most influential consulting firms operates a secretive internal investment arm that manages the fortunes of its past and present partners, raising questions over possible conflicts of interest between its investment strategies and its clients’ needs. The fund has generated hundreds of millions of dollars in profits for its clients over three decades, and has made money in 24 of the past 25 years. (FT)

continued... https://www.ft.com/content/979dbbd0-2b35-11e6-bf8d-26294ad519fc

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79b999 No.87786

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506881 (071703ZSEP23) Notable: Five year delta here Desperate people do desperate things.

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Five year delta here


07-Sep-2018 3:49:40 PM EDT




Desperate people do desperate things.

It is during this period of time that surveillance pays off.

When does a BIRD sing?


28-AUG-2018 (TUE)


28-Aug-2018 8:43:54 PM EDT







Desperate to SHELTER.

Define 'Shelter'.

A place giving temporary protection from bad weather or danger.


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79b999 No.87787

File: 2e48b19a68615b0⋯.png (318.78 KB,668x702,334:351,Clipboard.png)

File: 04339bca0f77b44⋯.png (46.3 KB,725x625,29:25,Clipboard.png)

File: a37c81eb5464b90⋯.png (468.88 KB,738x723,246:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506910 (071709ZSEP23) Notable: McKinsey and sustainability - ADL - recruitment and promotions - supply chain - MEOTEC and more in Don Leslie's January consultancy newsletter

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The value of one consulting firm's federal contracts has skyrocketed under the Trudeau government

The cost of McKinsey's contracts has spiked 30-fold since the Harper years

continued... https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/mckinsey-immigration-consulting-contracts-trudeau-1.6703626

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79b999 No.87788

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506926 (071711ZSEP23) Notable: Michigan SOS Caught Sending And Accepting Fraudulent Voter Registrations

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BREAKING: Michigan SOS Caught Sending And Accepting Fraudulent Voter Registrations


It seems the cabal playbook is being revealed everywhere!


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79b999 No.87789

File: 3a6f7c585bd817c⋯.jpeg (263.31 KB,877x771,877:771,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7ec2e97665e9038⋯.jpeg (464.76 KB,960x1533,320:511,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 12f88ef0ceeffe6⋯.jpeg (617.53 KB,960x1631,960:1631,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: db389b41a370ba2⋯.jpeg (570.95 KB,960x1490,96:149,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6e7416a26231071⋯.jpeg (496.58 KB,960x1600,3:5,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506930 (071712ZSEP23) Notable: anon research and analysis of covid origin

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Now that we’re seeming to be heading right back into ‘covid season’ again I decided to go back and read some old articles on all the Covid articles from back when it emerged and throughout focusing on DJTs words and repeated emphasizing on certain phrases and claims which then lead me to search into why he continued to say 1917 instead of 1918 and also why he made a hard pivot from calling it the coronavirus or Covid until on a tweet from 3/18/20 he started calling it the ‘China Virus’ and emphasizing that it ‘came from China and was a “plague” - never to call it Covid ever again after. So what I find was this article from National Geographic from 2014 where they mention it actually started in 1917 and that they had been searching for the origin but had a theory about Chinese workers on quarantine trains coming from Canada AND even more interesting is that they talk about digging up and searching for samples of the plague to pin down where the origin was… putting some puzzle pieces together in my own way I think it might be possible they found the “plague” in the soil in China or one of the autopsies mentioned, took it to the wuhan lab to modify it and recreated how they ended WWI which was exactly what they did to Trump to get him out of office and kill his booming economy - ending Trumps war on them. There’s more in these articles that I think all should read but I feel those is what DJT has been trying to get up to look into and connect with the [election interference] - China interfered and manipulated our presidential elections with a plague.



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79b999 No.87790

File: a268c2f03c5d99c⋯.png (262.2 KB,581x1094,581:1094,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506931 (071713ZSEP23) Notable: McKinsey and sustainability - ADL - recruitment and promotions - supply chain - MEOTEC and more in Don Leslie's January consultancy newsletter

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What is McKinsey, and is it a shadow government that secretly runs Canada?

FIRST READING: France, South Africa and the United States have all accused the high-priced consultancy of wielding opaque influence on state power


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79b999 No.87791

File: a9308dfc333b43e⋯.png (272.57 KB,598x393,598:393,Clipboard.png)

File: 8e7adb60b76d7be⋯.mp4 (3.56 MB,576x294,96:49,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 142674056eca4d1⋯.png (26.08 KB,608x272,38:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506936 (071714ZSEP23) Notable: Twit TRENDS: "Trump or Death"

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TRENDS: "Trump or Death"


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79b999 No.87792

File: 9cb9d620e7b0c21⋯.png (2.34 MB,1200x799,1200:799,Clipboard.png)

File: 02cdbe75f0d035d⋯.png (1.97 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 57b07764a301bf0⋯.png (5.61 MB,1920x1280,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 219a88a9d73a557⋯.png (2.3 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506942 (071715ZSEP23) Notable: Archaeologists discover 1,000-year-old mummy in Peru

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Archaeologists discover 1,000-year-old mummy in Peru

September 7, 2023, 7:03 AM

LONDON Archaeologists have discovered a 1,000-year-old mummy believed to be of an adult individual - in Peru's capital, Lima.

The mummy, which was discovered at the Huaca Pucllana archaeological site in the upscale Miraflores neighborhood, was found alongside two ceramic vessels and textiles.

The discovery becomes the latest in a string of ancient discoveries made in Peru this year.

"I find it quite interesting that right in the heart of Miraflores, in the middle of the city, surrounded by modern buildings and constructions, an important site is still preserved," said lead archaeologist Mirella Ganoza.

Ganoza noted the mummy had long hair and was found seated with bent legs. The remains of the ancient figure were also found with its jaw and long hair still preserved.

The mummy is thought to date back to 1,000 A.D, belonging to the Yschsma culture, inhabitants of whom lived south of Lima.

"This discovery helps to complement the information we know about the Ychsma culture so far," said Ganoza.

The discovery is the latest in string of century-old discoveries of mummies and pre-Hispanic remains made in Lima, including the discovery in June on a hilltop of a mummy found surrounded by cocoa leaves.

In March, a Peruvian man was arrested and charged for illegal possession of historical patrimony after he was found in a possession of a mummy believed to be 600 to 800 years old in his cooler delivery bag.

The Huaca Pucllana site is viewed as a Pandora's Box and archaeologists anticipate that many more artifacts could be found.


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79b999 No.87793

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506944 (071716ZSEP23) Notable: Steve Friend Previews Report Revealing How FBI Chooses American Informants And Target Citizens

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Steve Friend Previews Report Revealing How FBI Chooses American Informants And Target Citizens


Lots of info on them


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79b999 No.87794

File: 247c79670efeee6⋯.png (627.52 KB,1008x1205,1008:1205,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506954 (071717ZSEP23) Notable: McKinsey and sustainability - ADL - recruitment and promotions - supply chain - MEOTEC and more in Don Leslie's January consultancy newsletter

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Pete Buttigieg releases list of McKinsey clients

Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg on Tuesday released the names of nine clients he worked with during his three years at the elite consulting firm McKinsey, shedding light on years of his career that he had come under pressure to make public in recent days.

Buttigieg’s campaign said those clients were: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, the Canadian supermarket chain Loblaws, Best Buy, the Natural Resources Defense Council, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Energy, the Energy Foundation, the US Postal Service, and the US Department of Defense.

continued..... https://www.cnn.com/2019/12/10/politics/pete-buttigieg-mckinsey-clients/index.html

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79b999 No.87795

File: 13f7c225110fe13⋯.png (844.76 KB,818x595,818:595,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506970 (071722ZSEP23) Notable: CHINESE USE FAKE A.I ACCOUNTS FOR ELECTION INTERFERENCE

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Here is a sauce to go with that


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79b999 No.87796

File: 0ea8bf22be01a59⋯.png (302 KB,535x755,107:151,Clipboard.png)

File: 8830040330b7844⋯.mp4 (767.94 KB,638x360,319:180,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506977 (071723ZSEP23) Notable: NYC Mayor Eric Adams issues one of the most dire and dramatic warnings yet on how illegals swarming the city "will destroy New York City":

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NYC Mayor Eric Adams issues one of the most dire and dramatic warnings yet on how illegals swarming the city "will destroy New York City":


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79b999 No.87797

File: fd904457579d6f8⋯.png (1.1 MB,1155x1005,77:67,Clipboard.png)

File: d7ee24640dc58be⋯.png (118.42 KB,1188x580,297:145,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506985 (071724ZSEP23) Notable: McKinsey and sustainability - ADL - recruitment and promotions - supply chain - MEOTEC and more in Don Leslie's January consultancy newsletter

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Boston Consulting and bonus kings McKinsey tell Senate to rack off. What’s the scam?

Tax dodgers Boston Consulting Group and McKinsey Australia have declined to appear before the Senate inquiry into consultants (the PwC tax leaks inquiry). What’s the scam?


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79b999 No.87798

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507000 (071726ZSEP23) Notable: McKinsey and sustainability - ADL - recruitment and promotions - supply chain - MEOTEC and more in Don Leslie's January consultancy newsletter

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How McKinsey has influenced companies and governments behind the scenes for decades

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79b999 No.87799

File: 603bae3cf020385⋯.png (392.5 KB,526x640,263:320,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507026 (071730ZSEP23) Notable: It's #BeerLoversDay! During WWII, a 12-ounce draft at the Camp Pendleton beer garden cost only 10 cents

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It's #BeerLoversDay! During WWII, a 12-ounce draft at the Camp Pendleton beer garden cost only 10 cents compared to 25 cents off base. Marines drank so much discounted beer that Southern California ran out of paper cups. Pendleton had to resort to filling canteens for 15 cents.


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79b999 No.87800

File: 253db87189a9f6d⋯.png (139.02 KB,1028x850,514:425,Clipboard.png)

File: dbb7961243e9b86⋯.png (88.95 KB,1021x564,1021:564,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507071 (071738ZSEP23) Notable: Kari Lake WRECKS Katie Hobbs and Other Corrupt Officials Who Colluded With Twitter to Interfere in Midterm Election During AZ House Hearing

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Kari Lake WRECKS Katie Hobbs and Other Corrupt Officials Who Colluded With Twitter to Interfere in Midterm Election During AZ House Hearing on Big Tech Election Interference

Arizona’s rightful Governor, Kari Lake, spoke out urging Arizona legislators to take immediate action against election interference on Tuesday at the Arizona House Committee on Oversight, Accountability, and Big Tech hearing.

The Ad Hoc Committee was formed to investigate treasonous government officials and their involvement with big tech companies to suppress Arizonans and interfere with elections.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, The committee held a hearing aimed at “protect[ing] Arizonans’ constitutional rights, including their rights to free speech guaranteed by the U.S. and Arizona Constitutions.”

This comes after it was reported that Katie Hobbs was colluding with Twitter to censor critics and election information in the days following the stolen 2020 election. The evidence of this comes from the Missouri v. Biden case, where the Legendary Gateway Pundit Jim Hoft is a key plaintiff.

Hobbs used her government email to ask far-left Twitter to shut her critics up over a 2017 tweet, where she called Trump supporters “neo nazis,” and other tweets related to elections as she prepared to run for Governor. This helped Katie Hobbs rig the election under the guise of combatting so-called disinformation or speech she didn’t like.

Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer was also caught colluding with federal agencies like CISA to censor The Gateway Pundit’s reporting on Maricopa County elections and others for criticizing elections.

Dr. Robert Epstein and James Kerwin gave expert testimony during the hearing about big tech’s influence on elections across the country and what government officials can do about it. Google and other tech companies have manipulated elections for years with biased search algorithms, content promotion, and deplatforming of conservative voices. Government officials are also exploiting this power and bias to manipulate elections.

Kari Lake later gave an outstanding speech on the importance of election integrity and our duty to uphold the Constitution.

Lake called the current situation in the United States “a fast-track toward globalism, and frankly, Marxism.”

She isn’t wrong. Under Joe Biden and his handlers following the stolen 2020 election, millions have illegally crossed the southern border to be transported across the country and receive free food, clothing, and shelter.

America’s economy has crashed, and a majority of Americans are now living paycheck-to-paycheck.

The Biden Regime and radical left prosecutors are indicting the leading candidate for President in 2024 in an attempt to jail him before the election.

This all started with the COVID-19 hoax and the stolen 2020 election.


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79b999 No.87801

File: 45cd1b220413b97⋯.png (180.63 KB,600x450,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 94a256037bbe0c3⋯.png (63.92 KB,1027x482,1027:482,Clipboard.png)

File: 047d8f5ff5de89f⋯.png (354.46 KB,1052x803,1052:803,Clipboard.png)

File: 2c5d4835ae0179a⋯.png (181.89 KB,1060x928,265:232,Clipboard.png)

File: 2adc5e546d7aa06⋯.png (186.5 KB,600x420,10:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507098 (071742ZSEP23) Notable: Michigan SOS Caught Sending And Accepting Fraudulent Voter Registrations

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IT WAS NOT JUST GBI STRATEGIES! Multiple MI Clerks Reported Receiving Late Voter Registrations – Include Photos from MI SOS Jocelyn Benson’s Office Marked “PPE” – Delivered Only ONE Day Before Election – What’s Going On?

Last week, we reported about a whistleblower who shared a Facebook page Michigan clerks used to discuss issues they faced related to elections. The conversations we found between city and county clerks and, in at least one case, a top election official working for MI SOS Jocelyn Benson appear to be very telling of how Michigan’s dishonest Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson really runs her elections.

On August 1, 2020, only three days before the August 4 Primary Election in Michigan, a Michigan city clerk asked fellow clerks if they were also getting “last minute voter registrations from SOS Jocelyn Benson’s Bureau of Elections.

“Anyone else getting emails of last-minute voter registrations from the Bureau of Election? I have to wonder what’s going on, I received one today, and the only information on the voter registration was an address…nothing else, no date, no name, no signature, absolutely nothing but an address. What did they expect me to do with it, and why bother sending it?”

“We got 34 of them at 10 pm on Friday. Most dated back to mid-June and early July.”

“Yet we, as clerks, are expected to respond to requests within 24 hours of receiving them. smh”

“Me too! Four of them dated back in early July – so we have deadlines, but the Secretary of State doesn’t??”

One clerk responded, “Yep, dating back until 6/18 last one was sent at 1:12 am!

Since the clerk had a time stamp on when she received the voter registrations, it’s likely she received them by email from the SOS’s Dept. of Elections.

Another clerk revealed that she just got a “Federal Post Card Application dated and postmarked June 30″sent to her county. Keep in mind, these registrations were for the election taking place the NEXT day, yet the registrations were postmarked June 30th. What was the reason for dumping all of these registrations on city clerks on the day before the election?

“Same here – got 4 via email” said another clerk.


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79b999 No.87802

File: c4cbbddf9a94650⋯.png (273.83 KB,530x646,265:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507105 (071743ZSEP23) Notable: @NASA Swift observatory, scientists have discovered a black hole in a distant galaxy repeatedly nibbling on a Sun-like star

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Cosmic noms 🍽️

Using our Swift observatory, scientists have discovered a black hole in a distant galaxy repeatedly nibbling on a Sun-like star, consuming a rate of about three Earth-masses of star material on each pass. Dig in: https://go.nasa.gov/3PrADHg


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79b999 No.87803

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507135 (071749ZSEP23) Notable: THIS WEEK ON THE HIGHWIRE

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Dane Wigginton is going to be on "The HighWire" sounds like the Maui fires will be mentioned, too. Starts in about 10 minutes.


"Every Thursday, 11am PT (2pm ET) #GlobalWarming #ClimateChange #WarOnTrees #COVIDVax #VaccineInjury #DrBrianHooker #DaneWigington #Wildfires #Geoengineering #Chemtrails #DelBigtree #EP336"

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79b999 No.87804

File: b78631f56415a91⋯.png (1.33 MB,1424x1484,356:371,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507137 (071749ZSEP23) Notable: McKinsey and sustainability - ADL - recruitment and promotions - supply chain - MEOTEC and more in Don Leslie's January consultancy newsletter

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How McKinsey infiltrated the world of global public health

The Gates Foundation brought billions of dollars to the sector — and a business-friendly ethos consultants could exploit.


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79b999 No.87805

File: 8b7cb461878a56e⋯.png (118.67 KB,500x305,100:61,Clipboard.png)

File: b0808835477272e⋯.png (280.34 KB,507x523,507:523,Clipboard.png)

File: 14645618ba2998c⋯.png (105.31 KB,859x787,859:787,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507144 (071750ZSEP23) Notable: McCarthy Faces House Revolt Over Biden's Latest Multi-Billion Slush Fund For Ukraine, Stonewalled Impeachment Inquiry

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McCarthy Faces House Revolt Over Biden's Latest Multi-Billion Slush Fund For Ukraine, Stonewalled Impeachment Inquiry

As we head into another episode of "shutdown theatre" where Republicans throw scat before caving to the Democrats at the 11th hour, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is once again facing an internal revolt from Freedom Caucus members over the Biden administration's $40 billion supplemental spending request - which includes $24 billion more for Ukraine - which many want separated from other aspects of the bill.

What's more, 'Uniparty' McCarthy has also received a clear warning from Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) and others, that he also needs to launch an impeachment inquiry into President Biden over his family's foreign business dealings, or his job may be on the line.

"I worked very hard in January to develop a toolkit for House Republicans to use in a productive and positive way. I don’t believe we’ve used those tools as effectively as we should have," Gaetz told conservative radio host Todd Starnes, alluding to the drawn-out negotiations which saw McCarthy elected Speaker by slim margins. "That means forcing votes on impeachment. And if Speaker McCarthy stands in our way, he may not have the job long," Gaetz added.

McCarthy notably chose not to launch an impeachment inquiry with the stroke of a pen - and has instead opted to force the House into a full vote on the matter, which won't likely succeed thanks to the GOP's thin margins in the chamber and the number of loyal uniparty Republicans who won't jeopardize control in 2024.

Former President Donald Trump has even called on Congressional Republicans to make Ukraine aid conditional on launching a Biden impeachment inquiry.


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79b999 No.87806

File: a3a0f5bf0f7bee3⋯.png (12.21 KB,531x147,177:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507147 (071751ZSEP23) Notable: U.S. repositioning troops and equipment in Niger, withdrawing some non-essential personnel, officials tell Reuters

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JUST IN - U.S. repositioning troops and equipment in Niger, withdrawing some non-essential personnel, officials tell Reuters


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79b999 No.87807

File: 51cc08346e7de80⋯.png (155.05 KB,1024x779,1024:779,Clipboard.png)

File: 901c867c15e370b⋯.png (132.61 KB,1026x841,1026:841,Clipboard.png)

File: 301cc9007493f9e⋯.png (141.58 KB,1059x912,353:304,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507157 (071753ZSEP23) Notable: CDC Committed $1.8 Billion for Pediatric COVID-19 Vaccines in June, Anticipates 20 Million Doses by September

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CDC Committed $1.8 Billion for Pediatric COVID-19 Vaccines in June, Anticipates 20 Million Doses by September

Natalie Winters, Co-Host and Executive Editor of Steve Bannon’s War Room, recently revealed that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has inked a $1.8 billion deal for 20 million pediatric COVID-19 vaccines. What raises eyebrows is that the contract was preemptively organized in June 2023.

“The CDC is set to purchase 20 million pediatric COVID-19 vaccines worth over $1.8 billion. The order was preemptively organized in June predicting a “surge” in September,” Winters on her X (formerly Twitter) on Thursday.

According to the contract, the CDC performed a “needs assessment” in July 2023, stating that approximately 16.75 million pediatric COVID-19 vaccines were required. This was a 15% increase from the vaccine amounts available in contracts awarded in June. However, the CDC didn’t leave time for open competition, citing “compressed timeframes” and “urgent need” as reasons.

One must question the intuition or data that led the CDC to such a well-timed prediction. The agency moved to finalize these contracts before even assessing the exact vaccine needs for September.

The CDC’s own documentation acknowledges the lack of competition in sourcing these vaccines. It indicates that “this compressed timeframe was created by several factors,” giving them inadequate time to open the contracts for competitive bidding.

From the contract:

CDC’s three pediatric COVID-19 vaccine contracts were established to support the priority pediatric populations served by the Section 317 and VFC programs following the commercialization of COVID-19 vaccines, which is projected to occur in September 2023 following the end of the federal government’s national response vaccine program.

CDC’s July 2023 COVID-19 vaccine needs assessment established that approximately 16.75 million doses of pediatric COVID-19 vaccines were needed by CDC’s immunization awardee programs. This quantity exceeded the amount of pediatric vaccine available on CDC’s COVID-19 vaccine contracts, as awarded in June 2023, by approximately 15%. To address the unmet need, CDC modified two of its three pediatric COVID-19 vaccine contracts to increase the maximum ordering quantities on each contract.

The agency was unable to conduct even a limited competition because of the compressed timeframe under which the agency had to put these two modifications into place. This compressed timeframe was created by several factors.

First, CDC must begin the process of determining the appropriate funding obligation for each of these pediatric COVID-19 contracts in early August 2023 so sufficient funding is available upon the start of ordering in September 2023. Without an increase in the maximum ordering quantity for the two COVID-19 contracts, CDC cannot finalize its plan to allocate funding required for each contract to meet immunization awardee demands, per the July 2023 needs assessment.


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79b999 No.87808

File: 5d338710a5e059d⋯.png (481.13 KB,530x567,530:567,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507197 (071759ZSEP23) Notable: @I_Corps Not that kind of jam 🍓

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Not that kind of jam 🍓

#Soldiers in 2IBCT


deploy the Modular Adaptive Transmission System (VMAX) during the Jungle FTX to locate, monitor & jam RF emitters in real time during #SuperGarudaShield ❌📡


📸: SFC Austin Berner





Mil working on jamming the FEMA frequency broadcast on 10/4?

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79b999 No.87809

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507202 (071759ZSEP23) Notable: Justice Department on Thursday released the results of a report finding that the state of New Jersey "failed" veterans in two state-run nursing homes during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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The Justice Department on Thursday released the results of a report finding that the state of New Jersey "failed" veterans in two state-run nursing homes during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The veterans were placed in "serious risk of harm" during the COVID pandemic in the New Jersey Veterans Memorial Homes at Menlo Park and Paramus because facility leadership did not implement safety policies such as asking and handwashing, the Justice Department said in a 43-page report.

The conditions were so abhorrent that they violated the U.S. Constitution's 14th Amendment, officials said, citing how the residents faced "unreasonable harm and risk due to inadequate infection control practices and inadequate medical care."

For example, before the COVID pandemic, about 100 residents died in each of the veterans homes every year. "In April 2020 alone, 98 Menlo Park residents and 92 Paramus residents died, of all causes," the Justice Department also said.

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79b999 No.87810

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507221 (071802ZSEP23) Notable: Bannon: Pence Failed His Constitutional Duty On January 6th And COVID-19 Task Force.

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Bannon: Pence Failed His Constitutional Duty On January 6th And COVID-19 Task Force. Holier than thou Pence makes his position clear, he is a enemy of MAGA now

Pence talking about Reagan, reminds Bannon ofthe 1980’s are calling for you. Kek



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79b999 No.87811

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507227 (071803ZSEP23) Notable: Texas Senate Impeachment Trial of State Attorney General Ken Paxton, Day 3, Part 3

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2:10 PM ET

Texas Senate Impeachment Trial of State Attorney General Ken Paxton, Day 3, Part 3

The Texas State Senate debates articles of impeachment against state Attorney General Ken Paxton, who was impeached in May in the state’s legislature over accusations of misconduct, including bribery and obstruction of justice.


LIVE - Day 3 Impeachment Trial of Attorney General Warren Kenneth Paxton, Jr. - 9/7/23

Right Side Broadcasting Network


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79b999 No.87812

File: 554b78bbd4615bb⋯.png (85.6 KB,553x1253,79:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507258 (071809ZSEP23) Notable: Kent R. “Boneface” McLellan was a NO SHOW today at the Deland Courthouse where he was supposed to have an arraignment today

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Laura Loomer



Kent R. “Boneface” McLellan was a NO SHOW today at the Deland Courthouse where he was supposed to have an arraignment today at 1:30 pm EST for a May 20, 2023 arrest in Volusia County, FL for burglary with assault & battery.

Inside the courtroom, the judge recognized that McLellan was a no show and the state prosecutor asked the judge for “a pass” for McLellan.

Additionally, two muscular men who looked like federal agents went into the courtroom to speak to the bailiff before the doors were open to the public. They were overheard saying “Kent”, before the Bailiff let them inside the courtroom.

The two men who looked like agents left after speaking to the bailiff and they didn’t stay for court.

>Usually, if you’re a no show for an arraignment, a bench warrant is issued for your arrest by the judge in front of the court room. But no warrant was issued after McLellan failed to show up, and the state Prosecutor asked for a pass.

>Why would a state prosecutor give “a pass” to a domestic terrorist who was charged with assault and battery in May? And why didn’t the judge issue a Warrant for his arrest?

Looks like those 2 men “handled things” for Kent before court today.

I sent an undercover source to the arraignment today to document all of this and can prove everything I posted above.

The only people who get passes and get excused by a judge for not showing up for arraignments are feds, confidential informants and federal assets.

This keeps getting spicier and spicier by the day.

What is the


administration hiding?



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79b999 No.87813

File: 9857d5dbe9865db⋯.png (291.71 KB,529x535,529:535,Clipboard.png)

File: c94572ff85e2b31⋯.webp (7 MB,540x299,540:299,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507273 (071813ZSEP23) Notable: @USDISA With #Thunderdome your devices should work faster and more efficiently

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With #Thunderdome your devices should work faster and more efficiently, providing you a better user experience because of network routing optimization and a reduced number of required security applications.

This is just one benefit.


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79b999 No.87814

File: ba8212d382b3d6d⋯.png (577.31 KB,730x495,146:99,Clipboard.png)

File: a0b317256bff963⋯.png (762.62 KB,730x535,146:107,Clipboard.png)

File: 091b9cd72263e52⋯.png (66.29 KB,810x602,405:301,Clipboard.png)

File: 5c5b8b5a7703957⋯.png (960.49 KB,1173x454,1173:454,Clipboard.png)

File: 0a797845a383891⋯.png (49.93 KB,870x413,870:413,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507274 (071813ZSEP23) Notable: @OfficialFtSill We stays bringing the HEAT 🔥

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79b999 No.87815

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507303 (071818ZSEP23) Notable: #23957

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#23957 >>87755

>>87756 End Times News

>>87757 Governor Newsom Increases California National Guard Presence at the Border To Crack Down on Fentanyl Smugglers

>>87758 NYC jail barge Vernon C. Bain Center to close; detainees, staff moving from Bronx to Rikers Island, other lockups

>>87759 Tucker/Sinclair X views?


>>87761 Biden Regime Gives $2,200 of Taxpayer Money Per Illegal Immigrant Family Each Month

>>87762 World Council for Health exposes evil

>>87763 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day The Large Cloud of Magellan

>>87764 U.S. FDA Approves Merck’s ERVEBO® (Ebola Zaire Vaccine, Live) for Use in Children 12 Months of Age and Older


>>87766 @NCSCgov Many U.S. cities have “sister” partnerships with foreign cities. While these city-to-city agreements may bring economic benefits, they can also be exploited by foreign governments


>>87768 Ford Gives Raise to 8,000 UAW Workers Ahead of Strike Deadline/pre election pay off

>>87769 @1stCavalryDiv Next week is Cav Week. DM us your photos and videos of your teams' activities

>>87770 Trump says he was 'not allowed' to fire Fauci, but doctor 'wasn’t a big player' in administration

>>87771 Germany recorded almost 205,000 initial asylum applications by the end of August, Syrians, Afghans, and Turks

>>87773 Kremlin warns US over plan to hand Russian assets to Ukraine/$5.4 million in frozen funds

>>87774 US military scrubs hypersonic missile test launch from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station

>>87775 Paxton Impeachment Trial - Texas Attorney Tony Buzbee Cuts Right to the Heart of it, The Bush Family Influence

>>87776 @780thC Google’s Threat Analysis Group shares an update on security researcher targeting by North Korean threat

>>87777 President Trump Takes Commanding 50 Point Primary Lead at 62% - Gains Largest Polling Lead Against Biden 42/37

>>87779 Fulton County Lawfare Madness on Full Display - Courtroom Video

>>87780, >>87781 Heliofant and their I Pet Goat II hosted on the site are no longer online.

>>87782, >>87785, >>87787, >>87790, >>87794, >>87797, >>87798, >>87804 McKinsey and sustainability - ADL - recruitment and promotions - supply chain - MEOTEC and more in Don Leslie's January consultancy newsletter


>>87786, >>87784 Five year delta here Desperate people do desperate things.

>>87788, >>87801 Michigan SOS Caught Sending And Accepting Fraudulent Voter Registrations

>>87789 anon research and analysis of covid origin

>>87791 Twit TRENDS: "Trump or Death"

>>87792 Archaeologists discover 1,000-year-old mummy in Peru

>>87793 Steve Friend Previews Report Revealing How FBI Chooses American Informants And Target Citizens

>>87796 NYC Mayor Eric Adams issues one of the most dire and dramatic warnings yet on how illegals swarming the city "will destroy New York City":

>>87799 It's #BeerLoversDay! During WWII, a 12-ounce draft at the Camp Pendleton beer garden cost only 10 cents

>>87800 Kari Lake WRECKS Katie Hobbs and Other Corrupt Officials Who Colluded With Twitter to Interfere in Midterm Election During AZ House Hearing

>>87802 @NASA Swift observatory, scientists have discovered a black hole in a distant galaxy repeatedly nibbling on a Sun-like star


>>87805 McCarthy Faces House Revolt Over Biden's Latest Multi-Billion Slush Fund For Ukraine, Stonewalled Impeachment Inquiry

>>87806 U.S. repositioning troops and equipment in Niger, withdrawing some non-essential personnel, officials tell Reuters

>>87807 CDC Committed $1.8 Billion for Pediatric COVID-19 Vaccines in June, Anticipates 20 Million Doses by September

>>87808 @I_Corps Not that kind of jam 🍓

>>87809 Justice Department on Thursday released the results of a report finding that the state of New Jersey "failed" veterans in two state-run nursing homes during the COVID-19 pandemic.

>>87810 Bannon: Pence Failed His Constitutional Duty On January 6th And COVID-19 Task Force.

>>87811 Texas Senate Impeachment Trial of State Attorney General Ken Paxton, Day 3, Part 3

>>87812 Kent R. “Boneface” McLellan was a NO SHOW today at the Deland Courthouse where he was supposed to have an arraignment today

>>87813 @USDISA With #Thunderdome your devices should work faster and more efficiently

>>87814 @OfficialFtSill We stays bringing the HEAT 🔥


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.87816

File: 0de4260476eddb5⋯.jpg (81.45 KB,640x563,640:563,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c398980ccd7caf4⋯.png (539.49 KB,720x515,144:103,Clipboard.png)

File: 0f71e61fb60616f⋯.gif (3.39 MB,480x480,1:1,Clipboard.gif)

File: 9857d5dbe9865db⋯.png (291.71 KB,529x535,529:535,Clipboard.png)

File: 7cb4c5b2feb65f5⋯.png (1.72 MB,1200x819,400:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507317 (071820ZSEP23) Notable: #23958

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Baker needs off hand, will tap @20

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.87817

File: 8b921250c5ca9aa⋯.png (1.06 MB,1000x647,1000:647,Clipboard.png)

File: 40356ca5dcc0c2a⋯.png (347.25 KB,581x636,581:636,Clipboard.png)

File: 91a41e4216003b2⋯.png (166.49 KB,400x317,400:317,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507351 (071826ZSEP23) Notable: GLITCH THE MATRIX - TURN OFF YOUR PHONE WHENEVER POSSIBLE

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Mobile devices, the internet, your browsing habits, even how you hold your cell phone.

- It records and stores everything you say

- It records and stores every document, text, picture and conversation

- It tracks everywhere you go

- It tracks everything you do online

- It tracks where you spend you money, what you spend it on

- It predicts what you will do next with incredible accuracy

- It creates and stores 3D maps of your surroundings

- It knows all of the intimate details of your life

Good advice: whenever possible, do not use your device, do not take it with you, leave it near a fan so all they get from you is useless white noise.

"More people on Earth have access to phones than access to running water."

Smart Phones

















Mobile Apps









Web Sites









Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.87818

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507354 (071827ZSEP23) Notable: Frankie Stockes: McCarthy’s “Lying To The American People” - McCarthy Finally Making Good on J6 Footage Promises

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Must WatchFrankie Stockes: McCarthy’s “Lying To The American People” About January 6th, his spending, his failure on impeachment, he’s lying and working with Bidan to cover up the truth of Jan 6, etc


EXCLUSIVE: Under Pressure, McCarthy Indicates Finally Making Good on J6 Footage Promises

Rep. Matt Gaetz has been leading the way. Will McCarthy follow?

Frankie Stockes

Last Updated on September 7, 2023

GOP Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy has indicated that he will finally make good on his speakership campaign promise to release J6 footage to the American People, after refusing to do so for months. McCarthy’s apparent change of heart comes on the heels of immense pressure from America First voters and Reps. like Matt Gaetz, who spoke exclusively with National File on the issue.

Recent reports have indicated that Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) is planning to release U.S. Capitol security and body camera footage taken during the J6 demonstrations to the public. Public access will apparently not come by way of one large-scale release but will begin with the release of footage that’s been requested by journalists and J6 defendants, with additional hours of footage being published to a public access archive over the course of time.

More than 41,000 hours of J6 footage, which many believe will blow the federal government’s J6 narrative out of the water when released, are in the possession of the U.S. House of Representatives led by Speaker Kevin McCarthy, who reportedly has the power to unilaterally release all of it at any time.

McCarthy promised during his speakership campaign to release the footage but up until now has refused to do so, aside from providing limited access to corporate media.

The sudden change in McCarthy’s J6 footage policy comes amid widespread blowback against his speakership, in which he has failed to deliver on numerous campaign promises, sparking calls for Representatives to replace him by way of the Motion to Vacate, which was forced back into the House Rules package earlier this year by conservatives in an effort to hold McCarthy accountable.

Last week, Freedom Caucus Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) blasted McCarthy in a social media post on several points, including his broken promise to release J6 footage, writing that House conservatives “are going to have to seize the initiative and make some changes” if McCarthy’s leadership does not rapidly improve.

Gaetz spoke with National File on reports that McCarthy is finally planning to release the J6 footage, saying that while the development is “productive”, the Speaker has a long way to go.

“It’s productive that McCarthy has signaled a change in position on the J6 tapes after my social media post,” Rep. Gaetz exclusively told National File.

“But we will measure success by actions, not promises.”

“And there is much more to do,” Gaetz added. “This may be moving the ball one yard. Ninety-nine to go,” he said.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.87819

File: fd946dbf0e0a3db⋯.png (185.98 KB,499x744,499:744,Clipboard.png)

File: 1178417e4c327ba⋯.png (166.12 KB,509x577,509:577,Clipboard.png)

File: 8528a7134499c6b⋯.png (291.4 KB,864x765,96:85,Clipboard.png)

File: d4ae30c2453813a⋯.png (36.88 KB,866x317,866:317,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507355 (071827ZSEP23) Notable: The Origin Of The ADL

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The Origin Of The ADL

The ADL describes its mission this way,

To stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all

But as Zero Hedge noted in yesterday's article, conservative Jews such as Chaya Raichik, who runs the popular Libs of TikTok X account, have found themselves in the ADL's sights as well. And as Elon Musk pointed out on Wednesday, ADL launched an advertiser boycott of Twitter as soon as he bought the company, when he had not yet changed anything about the site.

The case that sparked the growth of the ADL is instructive here, particularly since the organization just brought it up, causing a minor controversy on Elon Musk's site.

Remembering Leo Frank

Leo Frank, who was Jewish, was the manager of a pencil factory in Georgia where a 13 year old employee (labor laws were different then) named Mary Phagan was found strangled to death. Frank was tried and found guilty of the murder, and sentenced to death. After numerous appeals, the governor of Georgia commuted Frank's sentence from death to life imprisonment. Following that, a group of outraged Georgians broke Frank out of prison and lynched him.

Last month, the ADL commemorated the anniversary of Frank's death with post quoted below (z"l is an abbreviation of a Hebrew phrase meaning "of blessed memory").

One of Elon Musk's innovations was adding "Community Notes" to posts on X, where designated users can offer factual corrections to tweets. A community note questioned the ADL's use of "unjustly convicted", noting there was copious evidence at the time of Frank's guilt. Clicking on their post now, it appears the ADL successfully made that note disappear.

Was Frank Guilty?

The software entrepreneur, researcher, and editor Ron Unz (himself Jewish), addressed that question in a very long post on his site earlier this year ("American Pravda: The Leo Frank Case and the Origins of the ADL"). His short answer was "yes", but below is a brief excerpt elaborating on that answer. Following that, we'll close with a new update on that biotech trade we discussed here recently.

After mentioning a commemoration of the centennial of the ADL's founding, Unz writes [emphasis mine],

In the past, Frank’s name and story would have been equally vague in my mind, only half-remembered from my introductory history textbooks as one of the most notable early KKK victims in the fiercely anti-Semitic Deep South of the early twentieth century. However, not long before seeing that piece on the ADL I’d read Albert Lindemann’s highly-regarded study The Jew Accused, and his short chapter on the notorious Frank case had completely exploded all my preconceptions.

First, Lindemann demonstrated that there was no evidence of any anti-Semitism behind Frank’s arrest and conviction, with Jews constituting a highly-valued element of the affluent Atlanta society of the day, and no references to Frank’s Jewish background, negative or otherwise, appearing in the media prior to the trial. Indeed, five of the Grand Jurors who voted to indict Frank for murder were themselves Jewish, and none of them ever voiced regret over their decision. In general, support for Frank seems to have been strongest among Jews from New York and other distant parts of the country and weakest among the Atlanta Jews with best knowledge of the local situation.

Furthermore, although Lindemann followed the secondary sources he relied upon in declaring that Frank was clearly innocent of the charges of rape and murder, the facts he recounted led me to the opposite conclusion, seeming to suggest strong evidence of Frank’s guilt. When I much more recently read Lindemann’s longer and more comprehensive historical study of anti-Semitism, Esau’s Tears, I noticed that his abbreviated treatment of the Frank case no longer made any such claim of innocence, perhaps indicating that the author himself might have also had second thoughts about the weight of the evidence.


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79b999 No.87820

File: 589a8257d06f87e⋯.png (325.56 KB,633x380,633:380,Clipboard.png)

File: bdcd0e639033e9c⋯.png (167.14 KB,656x816,41:51,Clipboard.png)

File: 997af565365d066⋯.png (89.74 KB,651x472,651:472,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507364 (071829ZSEP23) Notable: Which smart appliances are the worst offenders re spying on you?

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The household appliances spying on YOU: How doorbells, smart speakers, TVs and washing machines capture and share private data with firms such as Google and TikTok - so which are worst offenders?

Household amenities are sharing private info with big tech firms such as Google

Everyday devices like smart speakers, doorbell cameras, TVs and even washing machines are spying on families, it has been revealed.

Research shows that standard household amenities are capturing and sharing private information with big tech firms such as Google, as well as Amazon, Facebook and TikTok.

It is believed the firms and their business partners are using the information to target people with advertising on smartphones and other devices.

The findings by Which? found companies appear to gather far more data than is needed for the product to function.

Google Nest smart home products, which include security cameras, smart speakers, doorbell cameras, heating control systems, gather a huge amount of location information on people who connect via smartphones using its Android operating system.

By contrast, these same Nest products gather much less information when the users connect to them via Apple's iPhones.

Which? said: 'It is not known why this additional data is collected. However, Google's primary business is advertising and marketing, whereas Apple currently focuses on selling hardware.'

Experts looked at what information the devices require to set up an account, what data permissions their apps request and what activity marketing companies are tracking on people's products.

Smart speakers are only supposed to listen when you want them to, but this is not always the extent of data collection.

For example, Bose smart speakers share user data with Meta, the parent company of Facebook.

Ezviz smart cameras and doorbells, which are sold by major retailers including Argos, had by far the most active tracking software.

This included sharing information with TikTok's business marketing unit, as well as Pangle, which is a leading video advertising platform, Huawei, Google and Meta.


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79b999 No.87821

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507366 (071829ZSEP23) Notable: THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI Movie

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THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCIMovie based on the 2021 RFK jr book "The Real Anthony Fauci".

"2022 The Real Anthony Fauci - Everyone Deserves To Know The Truth. Different experts make a stand against today's putatively criminal and harmful health system,

focusing on Anthony Fauci and his role in the shaping of the AIDS and COVID-19 epidemics."




https://www.bwfund.org/ Borroughs Wellcome Fund - Notice the 2 "L"'s.

https://www.bwfund.org/about/board/ Board of Directors



https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_J._Muglia President and CEO

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wellcome_Trust Preceding Trust

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Wellcome Original Founder

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Hallett_Dale Original Founder

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GSK_plc GlaxoSmithKline plc

https://archny.org/ Archdiocese of New York


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gate_of_Heaven_Cemetery_(Hawthorne,_New_York) Gate of Heaven Catholic Cemetary

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79b999 No.87822

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507379 (071832ZSEP23) Notable: Azerbaijan Pursues ‘Elimination of the Entire Christian Population’

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Azerbaijan Pursues ‘Elimination of the Entire Christian Population and Its Churches’ in Nagorno-Karabakh

The congressional Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, chaired by Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ), held a hearing Wednesday to discuss the plight of Armenian Christians trapped by an Azerbaijani blockade in the contested Nagorno-Karabakh region. The commission heard testimony from experts who said Azerbaijan’s actions clearly constituted genocide, with complicity from Turkey and the Islamist forces it has dispatched into the region.

Nagorno-Karabakh is a mountainous territory about the size of Delaware in Azerbaijan that has been inhabited by Armenians for centuries. The Azerbaijanis are mostly Muslims, while the Armenians are Christian.

The Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh fought an unsuccessful war of secession in 1994 following the collapse of the Soviet Union, then remained as a semi-autonomous colony supported by the Armenian state.

Sporadic clashes over the years erupted into a full-blown war in 2020, which concluded with a cease-fire brokered by Russia in November of that year. Azerbaijan was generally seen as victor in the conflict, as Armenia was required to hand over control over some border territories.

Fighting broke out again in late 2022 despite the presence of Russian peacekeepers. Both the Armenians and Azeris accused each other of violating cease-fire terms with unprovoked ground attacks and artillery barrages.

In December 2022, Azerbaijan began blockading a road known as the Lachin Corridor, the only land route between the Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh and the nation of Armenia. The blockade was initially launched by a group of self-professed “environmental activists” to protest illegal mining operations, but testimony at the Human Rights Commission on Wednesday made it clear they were actually agents of Azerbaijan.

Testifying before the commission on Wednesday was Luis Moreno Ocampo, a former prosecutor for the International Criminal Court (ICC) who published a report in August about the Lachin Corridor blockade. Ocampo’s report said the blockade was Azerbaijan’s attempt to use “starvation as a means of genocide.”

“There are no crematories and there are no machete attacks. Starvation is the invisible genocide weapon. Without immediate dramatic change, this group of Armenians will be destroyed in a few weeks,” Ocampo warned in August.

Ocampo explained to the Human Rights Commission that there are essentially two types of genocide: murderous violence with weapons, and deliberate efforts to create conditions that will wipe out an entire population. He said the Lachin blockade was clearly an example of the latter, as it deprives the Nagorno-Karabakh Armenians of food, gas, electricity, and medicine. The Azeris have blocked the Red Cross from reaching the Armenians, and even turned back Russian peacekeepers.

“This is an ongoing genocide. It is happening now,” he said. “There is no doubt that genocidal intentions are there.”

Ocampo rendered harsh judgment against Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliev, as did the commission’s other expert witness, Georgetown University adjunct professor David L. Philips. Both said Aliev was well aware of the humanitarian crisis created by the Lachin blockade.

“The responsible person is clearly President Aliev. No doubt, no doubt,” Ocampo said.

Philips said Aliev’s goal was “elimination of the entire Christian population and its churches.”

“There is no doubt that genocidal intentions are there,” Ocampo said.

Philips extensively quoted remarks from Aliev and his top officials that indicated their resolve to wipe out the Armenian population of Nagorno-Karabakh once and for all.

“The language used by President Aliev and his officials leaves no question of their genocidal intentions,” he said, noting that Aliev has worked to “dehumanize” the Armenians among his own people and pave the way for their destruction.

Philips added that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and some of his top officials, including Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan and Defense Minister Hulusi Akar, are “culpable” for the impending genocide because they have assisted Azerbaijani forces. Akar was succeeded as defense minister in June 2023 by Yasar Guler, who does not appear any more favorably disposed toward the Armenians.


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79b999 No.87823

File: 3199162956beb44⋯.png (260.14 KB,813x468,271:156,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507412 (071840ZSEP23) Notable: Ed Dowd on Bigtree: Rise in children deaths since covid vaxxing

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This is kinda interesting. Del Bigtree just got done using Larry and Obama in an example. Like maybe he's suggesting some distraction.


Pic sort of related.

Do vaccines "distract" the immune system?

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79b999 No.87824

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507417 (071840ZSEP23) Notable: from 6 mos ago: 'Chinese satellite lasers recorded over Hawaii'

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"'Chinese satellite lasers recorded over Hawaii'"

KHON2 News

266K subscribers

2M views 6 months ago

Japanese and local astronomers said a Chinese satellite has been caught on video beaming down green lasers over the Hawaiian Islands.

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79b999 No.87825

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507418 (071840ZSEP23) Notable: Loomer: Dropping my expose of @RonDeSantis in the next 30 minutes.

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here we go..


Laura Loomer




Dropping my expose of @RonDeSantis in the next 30 minutes.

Wait till you see what type of LIE I recently caught him in. Totally disgraceful, and shocking!

Subscribe to my Substack so you can get it first!

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79b999 No.87826

File: 2f79762d0572674⋯.png (430.54 KB,640x400,8:5,Clipboard.png)

File: dcf4990798c33af⋯.png (75.46 KB,653x722,653:722,Clipboard.png)

File: dce08481f5a4f8e⋯.png (527.86 KB,638x795,638:795,Clipboard.png)

File: 497518ce4b2e2c0⋯.png (84.95 KB,669x755,669:755,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507427 (071842ZSEP23) Notable: ADL chief: Musk a great innovator, but he engages with users espousing antisemitism

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ADL chief: Musk a great innovator, but he engages with users espousing antisemitism

After lawsuit threat, Jonathan Greenblatt vents frustration at mogul spreading ‘age-old tropes’ blaming Jews for hatred against them

Days after Elon Musk threatened to sue the Anti-Defamation League for billions of dollars and amplified a hashtag spread by white supremacists, the ADL’s CEO praised Musk’s business acumen but called his behavior “frustrating” and said he was spreading “age-old tropes” around blaming Jews for antisemitism.

“I’ve always tried to treat Elon and everyone at the company with respect and forthright manner and a constructive approach. I would do that again,” Greenblatt told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency on Wednesday.

“The truth is that he has been, Elon Musk, a great innovator in some respects, in many respects in his business pursuits,” Greenblatt said. “That’s why it’s all the more frustrating to see him engaging online with users who are espousing antisemitism and hate.”

Greenblatt’s comments came some 36 hours after Musk fired off a stream of posts on X, the social media platform he owns and renamed from Twitter, in which he accused the ADL of trying to tank the platform by encouraging an ad boycott against it.

Amid those posts, Musk directly engaged with a white supremacist on the platform and liked a post that included the hashtag #BanTheADL, which grew popular among antisemitic users. The ADL said in a statement that neo-Nazi marchers in Florida last weekend chanted “Ban the ADL.”

Musk also tweeted that he is “pro free speech, but against anti-Semitism of any kind” and that he would remove the ADL from the platform only if it broke the law.

Multiple times, Greenblatt made clear that the ADL does not see itself as right-wing or left-wing, and compared the hashtag #BanTheADL to the hashtag #DropTheADL, which represented a campaign in 2020 by progressive nonprofits to discourage partnership with the ADL.

But as the group’s surveys have documented a rising tide of antisemitism, Greenblatt said the recent hashtag is dangerous because it could motivate attacks not just against the ADL but against Jews.


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79b999 No.87827

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507429 (071843ZSEP23) Notable: JudicialWatch Poll - DJT indictments are election interference?

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Judicial Watch ⚖️


Do you think the


indictments are election interference?

POLLyou know what to do.

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79b999 No.87828

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507446 (071847ZSEP23) Notable: Sabrina Singh briefs reporters at the Pentagon on the ongoing response to the Maui wildfires and other issues

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Defense Department Briefing

Deputy Defense Department Spokesperson Sabrina Singh briefs reporters at the Pentagon on the ongoing response to the Maui wildfires and other issues.


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79b999 No.87829

File: 6da22f9c7645c3e⋯.png (658.59 KB,686x813,686:813,Clipboard.png)

File: 12efb20f672cda8⋯.png (58.29 KB,686x395,686:395,Clipboard.png)

File: d9a03dfecd5763b⋯.png (99.59 KB,708x615,236:205,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507491 (071855ZSEP23) Notable: Netanyahu and Zelensky speak amid Israeli-Ukrainian tensions

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Netanyahu and Zelensky speak amid Israeli-Ukrainian tensions

Ukraine has long complained about lukewarm Israeli support as it defends itself against Russia’s invasion of its country, a war that is now in its second year.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke with his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky for the first time in nine months on Thursday evening amid growing tensions between the two countries.

Ukraine has long complained about lukewarm Israeli support as it defends itself against Russia’s invasion of its country, a war that is now in its second year.

In recent months it has complained in particular about Israel’s treatment of Ukrainian refugees seeking to enter the Jewish state. It has warned that this could impact its handling of the thousands of religious Israelis who plan to make their annual pilgrimage to the Ukrainian city of Uman to pray at the grave of Rabbi Nachman of Bretslov.

“During our call, @Netanyahu and I discussed how to ensure that the visa-free functions fully for Ukrainian citizens, as well as how to secure the safety of Hasidic Jews on their yearly pilgrimage to Uman,” Zelensky said.


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79b999 No.87830

File: 440b38ada9bbb42⋯.png (408.74 KB,1000x748,250:187,Clipboard.png)

File: ff2a29df8b59eeb⋯.png (1.35 MB,1794x758,897:379,Clipboard.png)

File: f77266803a12ee7⋯.png (154.3 KB,556x915,556:915,Clipboard.png)

File: e558cd11beeb502⋯.png (31.92 KB,687x315,229:105,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507512 (071901ZSEP23) Notable: Judge Finds Trump Guilty BEFORE Trial in E. Jean Carroll Defamation Case, Jury Will Only Decide Damages

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Judge Finds Trump Guilty BEFORE Trial in E. Jean Carroll Defamation Case, Jury Will Only Decide Damages

Former President Donald Trump was effectively declared guilty before trial on Wednesday in New York by a biased Clinton-appointed judge in a second defamation lawsuit brought against him by E. Jean Carroll.

From CNBC, "Trump suffers big loss in E. Jean Carroll defamation case, judge says he's liable":

A federal judge on Wednesday ruled that Donald Trump is civilly liable for defamatory statements he made about writer E. Jean Carroll in 2019 when she went public with claims he had raped her decades earlier.

Judge Lewis Kaplan, as part of that ruling, said the upcoming trial for Carroll's lawsuit against Trump will only deal with the question of how much the former president should pay her in monetary damages for defaming her.

Normally, a jury would determine at trial whether a defendant is liable for civil damages claimed by a plaintiff.

But Kaplan found that Carroll was entitled to a partial summary judgment on the question of Trump's liability in the case.

He cited the fact that jurors at a trial in a separate but related lawsuit in May found that Trump sexually abused Carroll in a New York department store in the mid-1990s, and defamed her in statements he made when he denied her allegation last fall.

Carroll's lawyers argued, and Kaplan agreed, that the jury's verdict in that case effectively settled the legal question of whether Trump had defamed her in similar comments he made about Carroll in 2019.

"The truth or falsity of Mr. Trump's 2019 statements therefore depends like the truth or falsity of his 2022 statement on whether Ms. Carroll lied about Mr. Trump sexually assaulting her," Kaplan wrote in his 25-page decision in U.S. District Court in Manhattan.

"The jury's finding that she did not therefore is binding in this case and precludes Mr. Trump from contesting the falsity of his 2019 statements," Kaplan wrote.

Carroll's main lawyer in these cases is Roberta A. Kaplan and the judge in both cases is Lewis A. Kaplan. Roberta A. Kaplan and Carroll's suit was financed by billionaire LinkedIn co-founder and Democrat megadonor Reid Hoffman, who the WSJ reported earlier this year visited Jeffrey Epstein at his "Pedophile Island" and spent a night at his New York City townhouse.


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79b999 No.87831

File: 261fa6cbea80bb9⋯.png (181.01 KB,894x842,447:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507521 (071902ZSEP23) Notable: Biden Bars Oil Exploration on 13 Million Acres of Arctic Wilderness

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Drill, Baby, NOT! Biden Bars Oil Exploration on 13 Million Acres of Arctic Wilderness

Joe Biden enraged environmentalists in March when he gave the go-ahead to allow the $8 billion Willow Project to drill on Arctic land. The greenies felt that Biden had betrayed a campaign promise of “no new drilling, period” on federal lands.

They needn’t have worried. Biden has never wavered from his goal of destroying the fossil fuel industry, nor has he ever deviated from his position that the U.S. will be weaned off of fossil fuels even if it costs tens of thousands of jobs and an untold amount of pain to consumers.

The Biden administration announced that it would prohibit drilling on 13 million acres of the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska. Furthermore, the administration is canceling all drilling leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

“We have a responsibility to protect this treasured region for all ages,” Biden said in a statement. “Canceling all remaining oil and gas leases issued under the previous administration in the Arctic Refuge and protecting more than 13 million acres in the western Arctic will help preserve our Arctic lands and wildlife, while honoring the culture, history, and enduring wisdom of Alaska Natives who have lived on these lands since time immemorial.”

The administration has just empowered Saudi Arabia, Russia, and the rest of OPEC+, which just announced yesterday that the cut in production that is driving the price rise at American pumps will continue through the end of the year. Benchmark Brent crude traded Tuesday above $90 a barrel after trading at $75-85 bbl for the last year.

New York Times:

Deirdre Shelly, campaigns director for the Sunrise Movement, said young people remained angry about the Willow decision and that the new Arctic protections did not make up for it. But she did praise the new announcements as “exactly the sort of thing young people and people in the climate movement want to see from the president.”

Yet the decision carries some political risk, because oil prices are on the rise and Republicans are accusing Mr. Biden of harming the country’s energy independence, despite the fact that United States oil production is poised to break records this year.


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79b999 No.87832

File: a7cc32920d14fc3⋯.png (456.16 KB,532x495,532:495,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507549 (071908ZSEP23) Notable: LA judge sentences ‘That ’70s Show’ actor Danny Masterson to 30 years to life

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JUST IN - Los Angeles judge sentences ‘That ’70s Show’ actor Danny Masterson to 30 years to life in prison for rapes of 2 women - AP


Some good news

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79b999 No.87833

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507556 (071909ZSEP23) Notable: Ron DeSantis Fabricated GOP Debate Story About Meeting an “Angel Mom”

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EXCLUSIVE: Ron DeSantis Fabricated GOP Debate Story About Meeting an “Angel Mom”, Falsely Claims Gold Star Mother’s Son Died From Taking Drugs Laced With Fentanyl


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79b999 No.87834

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507560 (071910ZSEP23) Notable: Ken Paxton’s legal team is currently shredding Texas RINOs who impeached him…

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Ken Paxton’s legal team is currently shredding Texas RINOs who impeached him…

As you’re probably aware, Republican RINOs in the Texas House have impeached Ken Paxton, arguably the most popular and effective Attorney General in the nation. Paxton was laser focused on challenging the Biden administration at every turn — and not through empty rhetoric or heated tweets — but through old-fashioned, traditional litigation. Naturally, the GOP establishment united to take him down. The silver lining is that, so far, Paxton has secured the backing of eight out of the ten Texas Senators he’ll need to overcome this unjust political witch hunt.

Gateway Pundit:

There’s an impeachment going on in the Texas legislature now. Attorney General Ken Paxton is being targeted on allegations of bribery and such.

But the case also has been described as largely political by critics and as the proceedings begin, he already has support from eight of the 10 state senators he would need to be cleared.

That’s the number who voted that most of the case should be thrown out because the events happened before his most recent election.

He was voted to trial in the state Senate by a vote in the state House, and is facing 16 counts related to misuse of his office.

A commentary from WND columnist Andy Schlafly charged that the case was an “ambush impeachment” and an “undemocratic assault on the will of voters.”

They had returned him to the AG’s office by some 800,000 votes last year.

And there’s additional good news. Paxton’s legal team is effectively dismantling the Regime RINOs who are protecting Biden and attempting to bring down Paxton.

Just one example how the @KenPaxtonTX legal team tore apart the sham impeachment. #txlege #PaxtonImpeachment pic.twitter.com/cwLxZPRHb9

— Luke Macias (@lukemaciastx) September 7, 2023

This entire impeachment farce reeks of the same kind of political weaponization directed at President Trump. The moment anyone poses a real threat to the uni-party regime, politicians from both sides start circling the wagons. We’re watching this unfold with both President Trump and Ken Paxton. Remember, these RINOs aren’t committed to an America First agenda. They’re globalists whose objectives align seamlessly with left-wing tyrants, and they’ll go to any lengths to protect their own. The bottom line is this: we won’t truly win until we cleanse the party of these disloyal dirtbags.


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79b999 No.87835

File: 88c16550a3b51fc⋯.png (870.51 KB,1920x2805,128:187,Clipboard.png)

File: 929d2f20f49b21b⋯.png (237.43 KB,1920x973,1920:973,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507604 (071918ZSEP23) Notable: Ukraine will use depleted uranium shells responsibly - Pentagon

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Ukraine will use depleted uranium shells responsibly – Pentagon

The United States is confident that Ukrainians will use depleted uranium ammunition responsibly.

Source: European Pravda, citing Sabrina Singh, US Department of Defence spokeswoman, in an interview with CNN

Details: Commenting on reports of the provision of depleted uranium shells to Kyiv even before the Pentagon announced this, she stressed that these ammunitions are standard for tanks used by the United States and which Ukraine will receive.

"We have absolute confidence that the Ukrainians will use them responsibly as they fight to take back their sovereign territory," Singh said.




US expected to announce depleted uranium munitions for Ukraine, official says


Deputy Pentagon press secretary Sabrina Singh told CNN on Wednesday that the US is confident the Ukrainians would use the munitions responsibly if and when they are provided.

“I’m not going to get ahead of any announcements that the Pentagon hasn’t made yet today, but what I will say is these rounds are standard use in the tanks that not only the US uses, but that we will be providing the Ukrainians. And if they are included in the packages that are coming forward today or in the coming weeks, we have absolute confidence that the Ukrainians will use them responsibly as they fight to take back their sovereign territory in the east and the north, as well,” she said.


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79b999 No.87836

File: e6a32132aaa5f0b⋯.png (10.12 KB,528x131,528:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507612 (071919ZSEP23) Notable: Nancy Pelosi is considering another run for office: Politico report

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NEW - Nancy Pelosi is considering another run for office: Politico report


They have no new replacements, their handlers will not let them leave office.

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79b999 No.87837

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507648 (071925ZSEP23) Notable: Judge Joe Brown WRECKS Trump Charges With Receipts

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THEY CAN’T STOP IT NOW! Judge Joe Brown WRECKS Trump Charges With Receipts

Devin Gibson

951K subscribers

22K views 1 hour ago #trump #donaldtrump #judgejoebrown

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79b999 No.87838

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507691 (071931ZSEP23) Notable: Mike Lindell: Lawsuit To Ban Arizona Voting Machines Move Up In Arizona Court

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Mike Lindell: Lawsuit To Ban Arizona Voting Machines Move Up In Arizona Court. This is GOOD News! They are taking it to 9th Circuit if appeals in Az this coming Monday. Will be live streamed on Lindell TV Monday and Tuesday


The DS is still trying to bankrupt him and his company, its pretty serious anons! He supports 100s of employees! Prayers up


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79b999 No.87839

File: 7627e13fc1f3370⋯.png (413.91 KB,1059x1187,1059:1187,Clipboard.png)

File: 6f8c4bfdc86c2bf⋯.png (738.46 KB,680x668,170:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507693 (071931ZSEP23) Notable: Christie questions Trump's sanity

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79b999 No.87840

File: 890706e0ac93472⋯.png (26 KB,598x319,598:319,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507696 (071932ZSEP23) Notable: Pope Francis' creepy tweet

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Pope Francis


When we seek first the kingdom of God, cultivating our a right relationship with the Lord, humanity and Creation, then justice and peace can flow like a never-failing stream of pure water, nourishing humanity and all creatures. #SeasonOfCreation


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79b999 No.87841

File: 77bf303a052861a⋯.jpg (98.86 KB,720x731,720:731,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d1faa88ebcad354⋯.jpg (26.75 KB,854x423,854:423,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507709 (071934ZSEP23) Notable: Biden admin announces $600 million additional security assistance for Ukraine

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BREAKING: Biden admin announces $600 million additional security assistance for Ukraine


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79b999 No.87842

File: b83789bfae181c5⋯.png (114.18 KB,789x700,789:700,Clipboard.png)

File: 6f4d33e2c4ba61e⋯.png (313.81 KB,777x913,777:913,Clipboard.png)

File: 5c119f4b1061651⋯.png (31.02 KB,799x199,799:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507755 (071941ZSEP23) Notable: REVOLVER: Barack Obama: A shadowy, cryptic figure who was quietly groomed to become the president…

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Barack Obama: A shadowy, cryptic figure who was quietly groomed to become the president…

Who is Barack Obama? Surprisingly, not many people can answer that question in depth. While the media offers plenty of narratives about who he’s supposed to be, delving into his past hits a dead end. Conversations with those who claim to have known him in his earlier years yield nothing but cryptic, shadowy descriptions. The enigma surrounding the man — known at times as Barry Soetoro — has been going on since he first splashed onto the scene.

Here’s a 2009 blast from the past from the Western Journal to jog your memory:

Most Americans don’t realize we have elected a president whom we know very little about.

Researchers have discovered that Obama’s autobiographical books are little more than PR stunts, as they have little to do with the actual events of his life. The fact is we know less about President Obama than perhaps any other president in American history and much of this is due to actual efforts to hide his record. This should concern all Americans.

A nation-wide network of researchers has sprung up to attempt to fill in the blanks, but at every opportunity Obama’s high-priced lawyers have built walls around various records or simply made them disappear. It is estimated that Obama’s legal team has now spent well over $1.4 million dollars blocking access to documents every American should have access to. The question is why would he spend so much money to do this?

The president who campaigned for a more ―open government‖ and ―full disclosure‖ will not unseal his medical records, his school records, his birth records or his passport records. He will not release his Harvard records, his Columbia College records, or his Occidental College records—he will not even release his Columbia College thesis.

All his legislative records from the Illinois State Senate are missing and he claims his scheduling records during those State Senate years are lost as well. In addition, no one can find his school records for the elite K-12 college prep school, Punahou School, he attended in Hawaii. What is he hiding? Well, for starters, some of these records will shed light on his citizenship and birth.

For example, Obama’s application to Punahou School – now mysteriously missing – would likely contain a birth certificate. And, according to attorney Gary Kreep, ―his Occidental College records are important as they may show he attended there as a foreign exchange student.

Indeed, Obama used his Indonesian name ―Barry Soetoro‖ while attending Occidental. Kreep has filed lawsuits challenging Obama’s eligibility to be president and as part of his lawsuit he requested Obama’s records from Occidental. However, Obama’s lawyers quickly moved to stop Occidental from honoring this request.


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79b999 No.87843

File: 5ac569323e6ff54⋯.png (2.27 MB,1320x1420,66:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507780 (071945ZSEP23) Notable: LA judge sentences ‘That ’70s Show’ actor Danny Masterson to 30 years to life

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‘That ’70s Show’ Star Danny Masterson Gets 30 Years to Life in Prison for Rape of Two Women


Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Charlaine F. Olmedo handed down the sentence to the 47-year-old Masterson after hearing statements from the women about the trauma they experienced and the suffering caused by the disturbing memories in the years since.

The actor, who has been in custody since May, sat in court wearing a suit. Masterson watched the women without visible reaction as they spoke.

“When you raped me, you stole from me,” said one woman who Masterson was convicted of raping in 2003. “That’s what rape is, a theft of the spirit.”

“You are pathetic, disturbed and completely violent,” she said. “The world is better off with you in prison.”

The other woman Masterson was found guilty of raping said he “has not shown an ounce of remorse for the pain he caused.” She told the judge, “I knew he belonged behind bars for the safety of all the women he came into contact with. I am so sorry, and I’m so upset. I wish I’d reported him sooner to the police.”

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79b999 No.87844

File: 975de0b91f1d1ba⋯.png (222.02 KB,740x861,740:861,Clipboard.png)

File: 1f962c73388fee7⋯.png (210.67 KB,751x820,751:820,Clipboard.png)

File: c2a2a77eec10c8d⋯.png (222.02 KB,763x905,763:905,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507855 (071959ZSEP23) Notable: Multiple Foreign Nationals Charged in Connection with Trickbot Malware and Conti Ransomware Conspiracies

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Multiple Foreign Nationals Charged in Connection with Trickbot Malware and Conti Ransomware Conspiracies


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79b999 No.87845

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507864 (072001ZSEP23) Notable: Alex Newman –The Deep State's vision for a New World Order is rapidly advancing through the new mechanism known as BRICS

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Alex Newman -The Deep State's vision for a New World Order is rapidly advancing through the new mechanism known as BRICS, with each of those BRICS governments and regimes serving as an anchor in a broader regional government. This regionalism is just an interim step on the way to globalism, according to a strategy outlined by people like Henry Kissinger and Klaus Schwab.

Late last month, the governments of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa met in Johannesburg for the BRICS summit. They are working quickly to increase trade in their own currencies and roll out central bank digital currencies on the road to potentially setting up a BRICS currency. These are major developments on the road toward the New World Order, Alex warns.


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79b999 No.87846

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507873 (072003ZSEP23) Notable: THE SHELL GAME: ALL THE CRIMINAL ELEMENTS NAMED IN THESE ARTICLES.

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if not yet notable



Anons have found a gold mine


*This case is still open.* MARCH 2023


The Betrayal and Cover-Up by the U.S. Government of the

Union Bank of Switzerland-Terrorist Threat Finance Connection

To Booz Allen Hamilton and U.S. Central Command

A Whistleblowing Report

First ten minutes look good




*This case is still open.* MARCH 2023


The Betrayal and Cover-Up by the U.S. Government of the

Union Bank of Switzerland-Terrorist Threat Finance Connection

To Booz Allen Hamilton and U.S. Central Command

A Whistleblowing Report

First ten minutes look good

referenced 'too big to jail'' article below



the 86 page document naming names

referenced this:

Gangster Bankers: Too Big to Jail – Rolling Stone


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79b999 No.87847

File: 86d09739b0a264d⋯.png (916.93 KB,876x787,876:787,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507877 (072003ZSEP23) Notable: WHO Sounds Alarm Over New Covid Wave

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HERE WE GO: WHO Sounds Alarm Over New Covid Wave Coming For Brandon'sDark Winter


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79b999 No.87848

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507881 (072004ZSEP23) Notable: "What Is the Impact of the COVID-19 "Vaccine" at the Level of the Entire Planet?

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"What Is the Impact of the COVID-19 "Vaccine" at the Level of the Entire Planet?

How does it affect humanity's population of 8 billion people including newborn children as well as the unborn?

I have examined the data at a World level. It boggles the mind. Over a two-year period starting in mid-December 2020, more than 12.9 billion vaccine doses were administered across 184 countries (Bloomberg, September 21, 2022, see graph below). Emanuel Garcia rightfully says that the "evidence is there. It is overwhelming".

MICHEL CHOSSUDOVSKY—The COVID-19 Vaccine Applied at the Level of the Entire Planet. It's a Criminal Undertaking

To save lives, it is important that the COVID-19 vaccine be canceled and discontinued worldwide, without delay


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79b999 No.87849

File: f1a5dd69a22b29b⋯.png (300.05 KB,700x420,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507887 (072005ZSEP23) Notable: Trump Calls on Big Pharma to Disclose All Vaccine Side Effect Data

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Trump Calls on Big Pharma to Disclose All Vaccine Side Effect Data

Former President Donald Trump insists pharmaceutical companies should disclose all COVID-19 vaccine side effect data: "We’re all in this together."


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79b999 No.87850

File: 4f2005af0e94e94⋯.png (103.96 KB,804x449,804:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507898 (072007ZSEP23) Notable: While Weiss Pinky Swears He’ll Indict Soon, Hunter Biden Claims Cushy Gun Deal Still Grants Immunity

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While Weiss Pinky Swears He’ll Indict Soon, Hunter Biden Claims Cushy Gun Deal Still Grants Immunity

Now-Special Counsel David Weiss assured a Delaware federal court on Wednesday that an indictment against Hunter Biden would be forthcoming by month’s end. Meanwhile, Hunter Biden’s attorney told the same federal court his client continues to abide by the terms of a pretrial diversion agreement, representing that agreement as a done deal and the gun case over.

The dueling status reports filed late Wednesday follow presiding Judge Maryellen Noreika’s order last week directing the parties to provide her with an update on the case following the implosion of the plea agreement.

The plea deal between Delaware U.S. Attorney Weiss and Hunter Biden collapsed soon after the July 26, 2023, hearing at which Noreika questioned the parties on the interaction between the plea agreement on the two misdemeanor tax counts and a separate pretrial diversion agreement designed to resolve a separate felony gun offense. The judge was particularly concerned that the pretrial diversion agreement included a provision granting wide-ranging immunity to Hunter Biden, far beyond the gun charge, and ordered the parties to provide supplemental briefing on a variety of issues.

After Noreika continued the hearing, according to documents filed by Weiss in federal court, the parties “reached an impasse,” leaving the government to believe the case could not be resolved short of trial. Because “venue,” meaning the proper location for a trial, for the tax cases did not lie in Delaware but rather Washington, D.C., or the central district of California, Weiss moved to dismiss those charges against Hunter Biden “without prejudice,” so he could refile them later in the proper jurisdiction. Weiss also sought and obtained special counsel status from Attorney General Merrick Garland and permission to file charges in other jurisdictions.

Conversely, because Delaware was the proper venue for the gun charge, Weiss did not dismiss that charge. It remains pending before Judge Noreika, albeit on “information” and not an indictment.

While the federal government can charge a crime by information with a defendant’s consent, Hunter Biden’s agreement to waive his constitutional right to indictment by a grand jury was contained in the pretrial diversion agreement, and the government maintains that agreement is not valid. So if it is not valid, as the government maintains, then neither was Hunter’s waiver. Accordingly, to prosecute Hunter Biden on the gun felony, Special Counsel Weiss must obtain a grand jury indictment against the president’s son.

Late Wednesday, Weiss promised to do just that, writing in a status report to the court that “[t]he Government intends to seek the return of an indictment” by Sept. 29, 2023, which is when the indictment must be returned to abide by the Speedy Trial Act, a federal statute that requires the government to meet certain deadlines in prosecuting a crime.

In response to Noreika’s order, counsel for Hunter Biden also filed a status report late Wednesday. The one-page status report filed on behalf of the president’s son merely reiterated the defense’s position that the parties had executed a diversion agreement to resolve the felony gun charge and that the agreement remains in effect.

Whether the pretrial diversion agreement is valid and enforceable will be the ultimate issue in this case — and possibly in other criminal cases Weiss seeks to bring against Hunter Biden given the breadth of the immunity provided.


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79b999 No.87851

File: bfe61ace7fb80a4⋯.png (672 KB,700x420,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507903 (072008ZSEP23) Notable: FDA Refuses to Provide COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Data to US Senator

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EXCLUSIVE: FDA Refuses to Provide COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Data to US Senator

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is refusing to provide COVID-19 vaccine safety data to a U.S. senator.


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79b999 No.87852

File: 181f6e8c8cfbcf7⋯.png (990.91 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507906 (072009ZSEP23) Notable: US ends virus hunting project due to fears it could ignite pandemic

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US quietly shuts down $125million USAID project to find novel viruses in Asia and Africa due to fears it could ignite a pandemic

US ends virus hunting project due to fears it could ignite pandemic

US officials are shutting down a $125million project to hunt for new viruses due to fears it could spark a pandemic. DEEP VZN was launched in October 2021 with the aim of finding novel pathogens.


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79b999 No.87853

File: c36004da234aadc⋯.png (203.54 KB,562x629,562:629,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507920 (072012ZSEP23) Notable: End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000042

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End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000042

Mayor Eric Adams, Who Once Supported Open Borders, Says Migrant Crisis Will Destroy New York City


He's not wrong. So why would he support the open border policy in the first place!?

Looks Like Obamacare & Operation Warp Speed Failed To Lower Health Insurance Costs


BEWARE: Modern Vehicles Are Spying On Americans, Stealing Data For Governments


Steve Friend Previews Report Revealing How FBI Chooses American Informants And Target Citizens


Beware Of Fed Traps, There Are Bloodthirsty Demons Waiting For Any Opportunity To Gulag Political Opposition


The HAARP geo-terrorists are now engineering superstorms during each and every hurricane season, and then targeting specific communities, cities and states in order to impose a new order of rules & regulations, or set of zoning laws and even land grabs in the aftermath of the pervasive and profound destruction. Which makes most of these cataclysmic superstorms false flag geo-terrorist operations, where Mother Nature is blamed for what is actually a man-made event.


MY COMMENT: They want to HAARP and arson as many American victims they can to force them to live in THESE new dystopian slave cities: https://www.theorganicprepper.com/smart-cities/

MY COMMENT: Get preparations ready to mitigate any 'natural' disaster BEFORE one comes your way and start stashing weapons and other essentials like MREs around your private property, you might need resources if there is a crisis nearby. NEVER trust government recommendations to re-locate, they will and are stealing private properties!!!

Clandestine US Bio-weapons Lab in Ukraine Held About 1,000 Trans-genic Animals



Russia Unhappy With Armenia For Hosting Joint US Military Exercises


Elon Musk Reveals Extremely Powerful ADL CEO Sought To Shake Him Down For "Donations"


Pay us money or we will make up lies about you and extort you!

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79b999 No.87854

File: 94cc3d0bc95d878⋯.png (943.54 KB,760x760,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507922 (072012ZSEP23) Notable: Poll: Donald Trump Holds 39-Point Lead in California Republican Primary

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Poll: Donald Trump Holds 39-Point Lead in California Republican Primary


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79b999 No.87855

File: e9999219470a7b0⋯.png (1.01 MB,576x768,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507940 (072016ZSEP23) Notable: Former CDC Director Walensky Acted Against CDC's Own Advisory Panel To Recommend Covid Booster Shots

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Former CDC Director Walensky Acted Against CDC's Own Advisory Panel To Recommend Covid Booster Shots; House Select Subcommittee Chair Warns It Could Happen Again - Who the HELL are these people??? Time to let the law sites fly!!

Former CDC Director Walensky Acted Against CDC's Own Advisory Panel To Recommend Covid Booster Shots; House Select Subcommittee ...

The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic said that former CDC Director Walensky "acted against the CDC's own vaccine advisory panel" when she recommended COVID-19 booster shots for healthy, low-risk Americans.


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79b999 No.87856

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507945 (072017ZSEP23) Notable: Mayor Adams warns migrant crisis will ‘destroy’ NYC, rips Biden for failing to help

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Mayor Adams warns migrant crisis will ‘destroy’ NYC, rips Biden for failing to help

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79b999 No.87857

File: 48bda448bedced3⋯.png (1.68 MB,1176x1150,588:575,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507956 (072018ZSEP23) Notable: A jury has found Peter Navarro *guilty* of two counts of criminal contempt of Congress for defying the Jan. 6 select committee.

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BREAKING: A jury has found Peter Navarro *guilty* of two counts of criminal contempt of Congress for defying the Jan. 6 select committee.


A federal jury is now weighing the fate of former Trump White House adviser Peter Navarro on charges that he refused a demand from the House Jan. 6 select committee to produce documents and testimony.

Navarro faces two counts of criminal contempt of Congress for what prosecutors say was brazen defiance of the panel’s effort to obtain evidence about his knowledge and involvement in Donald Trump’s bid to subvert the 2020 election. Each charge carries a maximum of one year in prison.


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79b999 No.87858

File: dc4431ac2cb78bc⋯.png (102.97 KB,1040x731,1040:731,Clipboard.png)

File: 06094ca9e717553⋯.png (131.44 KB,1021x905,1021:905,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507979 (072021ZSEP23) Notable: Arizona Dem Lawmaker Says Free Speech is “VERY DANGEROUS” During Committee Hearing on Protecting Free Speech

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Arizona Dem Lawmaker Says Free Speech is “VERY DANGEROUS” During Committee Hearing on Protecting Free Speech

Arizona House Democrat Cesar Aguilar called free speech “very dangerous” at a legislative hearing Tuesday when confronting an expert witness about why the First Amendment doesn’t allow censorship.

As the Gateway Pundit reported, the new Arizona House Ad Hoc Committee on Oversight, Accountability, and Big Tech held a hearing on September 5, to investigate free speech violations by big tech companies and government officials like former Secretary of State Katie Hobbs.

This new committee was formed after illegitimate governor Katie Hobbs was caught censoring her critics and accurate reports of fraud in the 2020 election on Twitter. This is just one of the many ways they cheated in all recent elections!

Psychologist and founder of the American Institute of Behavioral Research and Technology (AIBRT), Dr. Robert Epstein, and Senior Counsel for the Mountain States Legal Foundation, James Kerwin, both gave presentations to the House Members during the Comittee’s investigation to develop legislation to hold these crooks accountable.

Epstein gave a presentation to the Committee titled “The Impact of Big Tech’s Election Interference and How We Can Stop It.”

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, The Maricopa County Republican Committee (MCRC) announced a partnership with Dr. Epstein’s AIBRT nonprofit, which is undertaking a massive investigation into Google’s election interference through biased search algorithms and content promotion. Arizona was one of the states where his team researched election interference by “Google, Bing, Yahoo, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and more,” Epstein said in an interview, leading up to the 2022 midterm election. These platforms likely influenced millions of voters in the 2022 election.

In the summer of 2020, Epstein also testified as an expert to Congress that Google was manipulating voters “on a massive scale.” He is renowned for his research into search manipulation, government collusion, and election interference by tech companies.

The Gateway Pundit reported that Kari Lake later gave a powerful speech to the Committee about her stolen election, where 60% of voting machines failed Republican Election Day voters, and demanded they take action to protect free speech.


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79b999 No.87859

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507993 (072023ZSEP23) Notable: Oversight Chair James Comer on Lou Dobbs Podcast Names Joe Biden as Biden Crime Family Leader

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“There’s Already Enough Evidence to Point to Joe Being the Ringleader – This Is Very Organized Criminal Activity” – Oversight Chair James Comer on Lou Dobbs Podcast Names Joe Biden as Biden Crime Family Leader

Oversight Chairman James Comer, for the first time told Lou Dobbs on Thursday that he believes Joe Biden himself is the ‘ringleader’ of the crime family.

Comer is also looking at RICO charges against the Biden Crime family – real RICO charges not the fake ones like the charges Fani Willis threw at President Trump.

Oversight Chairman James Comer: This is an investigation of Joe Biden and it’s getting closer and closer to Joe every day. I mean, I could make the argument that there’s already enough evidence to point to Joe being the ringleader of this, not just knowing, not just lying about it, but being the ring leader, Lou.

And when I said RICO – you look, this is organized. You don’t create 20 shell companies. You don’t have this mile array of transfers between shells that the banks quickly identified as money laundering. You don’t have an associate, someone that you were in business with to be part of the first wire transfer if you weren’t organized. And the way they used the pseudonyms they did to disguise that Joe Biden was in on the communications. The coordination between the Biden shady business schemes and the government, everything was organized. This is very organized criminal activity.

Here is James Comer’s interview with The Great Lou Dobbs from earlier today.


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79b999 No.87860

File: 513d91f6dc2e9ca⋯.png (638.14 KB,768x384,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507998 (072024ZSEP23) Notable: US gas prices soar to their highest seasonal level in a decade even as the summer driving season comes to a close

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US Gas Prices Soar To Their Highest Seasonal Level In A Decade, even as summer driving comes to a close. The national average for a gal of gas rose to $3.80, notching the 2nd-highest level ever. Rising crude-oil prices driven by production cuts are largely to blame, So Biden Blocks US Oil Drilling.

US gas prices soar to their highest seasonal level in a decade even as the summer driving season comes to a close

The national average for a gallon of gas climbed to $3.80, notching the second-highest level ever, per AAA.


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79b999 No.87861

File: 33281ff0f84521d⋯.png (491.24 KB,768x384,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19508010 (072025ZSEP23) Notable: Big Tech and U.S. Government Using AI to Censor Posts on Social Media

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Big Tech and U.S. Government Using AI to Censor Posts on Social Media That Counter Their Fake Narratives

From ChatGPT undermining the American education system to voice-cloning scammers stealing hundreds of thousands from unsuspecting victims, we have witnessed


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79b999 No.87862

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19508018 (072026ZSEP23) Notable: A jury has found Peter Navarro *guilty* of two counts of criminal contempt of Congress for defying the Jan. 6 select committee.

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Former Trump aide Peter Navarro found guilty of contempt of Congress for not complying with Jan. 6 committee subpoena


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79b999 No.87863

File: 7b8d7425502bb09⋯.png (862.17 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19508023 (072027ZSEP23) Notable: Oversight Chair James Comer on Lou Dobbs Podcast Names Joe Biden as Biden Crime Family Leader

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“There’s Already Enough Evidence to Point to Joe Being the Ringleader – This Is Very Organized Criminal Activity” – Oversight Chair James Comer on Lou Dobbs Podcast Names Joe Biden as Biden Crime Family Leader

"There's Already Enough Evidence to Point to Joe Being the Ringleader - This Is Very Organized Criminal Activity" - Oversight Ch...

Oversight Chairman James Comer, for the first time told Lou Dobbs on Thursday that he believes Joe Biden himself is the ‘ringleader’ of the crime family.


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79b999 No.87864

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19508032 (072028ZSEP23) Notable: Texas Senate Impeachment Trial of State Attorney General Ken Paxton

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Texas Senate Impeachment Trial of State Attorney General Ken Paxton, Day 3, Part 4

The Texas State Senate debates articles of impeachment against state Attorney General Ken Paxton, who was impeached in May in the state’s legislature over accusations of misconduct, including bribery and obstruction of justice.


LIVE - Day 3 Impeachment Trial of Attorney General Warren Kenneth Paxton, Jr. - 9/7/23

Right Side Broadcasting Network


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79b999 No.87865

File: 7f3304c605eccf0⋯.png (777.76 KB,1320x807,440:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19508061 (072032ZSEP23) Notable: Organ Harvesting in Ukraine

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79b999 No.87866

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19508116 (072042ZSEP23) Notable: Peter Navarro Comments to Reporters After Guilty Verdict in Contempt of Congress Trial

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Peter Navarro Comments to Reporters After Guilty Verdict in Contempt of Congress Trial

Peter Navarro, a former aide in the Trump administration speaks to reporter after being found guilty on two counts of contempt of Congress.


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79b999 No.87867

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19508135 (072045ZSEP23) Notable: #23958

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Notables - FINAL

#23958 >>87816


>>87818 Frankie Stockes: McCarthy’s “Lying To The American People” - McCarthy Finally Making Good on J6 Footage Promises

>>87819 The Origin Of The ADL

>>87820 Which smart appliances are the worst offenders re spying on you?


>>87822 Azerbaijan Pursues ‘Elimination of the Entire Christian Population’

>>87823 Ed Dowd on Bigtree: Rise in children deaths since covid vaxxing

>>87824 from 6 mos ago: 'Chinese satellite lasers recorded over Hawaii'

>>87825 Loomer: Dropping my expose of @RonDeSantis in the next 30 minutes.

>>87826 ADL chief: Musk a great innovator, but he engages with users espousing antisemitism

>>87827 JudicialWatch Poll - DJT indictments are election interference?

>>87828 Sabrina Singh briefs reporters at the Pentagon on the ongoing response to the Maui wildfires and other issues

>>87829 Netanyahu and Zelensky speak amid Israeli-Ukrainian tensions

>>87830 Judge Finds Trump Guilty BEFORE Trial in E. Jean Carroll Defamation Case, Jury Will Only Decide Damages

>>87831 Biden Bars Oil Exploration on 13 Million Acres of Arctic Wilderness

>>87832, >>87843 LA judge sentences ‘That ’70s Show’ actor Danny Masterson to 30 years to life

>>87833 Ron DeSantis Fabricated GOP Debate Story About Meeting an “Angel Mom”

>>87834 Ken Paxton’s legal team is currently shredding Texas RINOs who impeached him…

>>87835 Ukraine will use depleted uranium shells responsibly - Pentagon

>>87836 Nancy Pelosi is considering another run for office: Politico report

>>87837 Judge Joe Brown WRECKS Trump Charges With Receipts

>>87838 Mike Lindell: Lawsuit To Ban Arizona Voting Machines Move Up In Arizona Court

>>87839 Christie questions Trump's sanity

>>87840 Pope Francis' creepy tweet

>>87841 Biden admin announces $600 million additional security assistance for Ukraine

>>87842 REVOLVER: Barack Obama: A shadowy, cryptic figure who was quietly groomed to become the president…

>>87844 Multiple Foreign Nationals Charged in Connection with Trickbot Malware and Conti Ransomware Conspiracies

>>87845 Alex Newman –The Deep State's vision for a New World Order is rapidly advancing through the new mechanism known as BRICS


>>87847 WHO Sounds Alarm Over New Covid Wave

>>87848 "What Is the Impact of the COVID-19 "Vaccine" at the Level of the Entire Planet?

>>87849 Trump Calls on Big Pharma to Disclose All Vaccine Side Effect Data

>>87850 While Weiss Pinky Swears He’ll Indict Soon, Hunter Biden Claims Cushy Gun Deal Still Grants Immunity

>>87851 FDA Refuses to Provide COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Data to US Senator

>>87852 US ends virus hunting project due to fears it could ignite pandemic

>>87853 End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000042

>>87854 Poll: Donald Trump Holds 39-Point Lead in California Republican Primary

>>87855 Former CDC Director Walensky Acted Against CDC's Own Advisory Panel To Recommend Covid Booster Shots

>>87856 Mayor Adams warns migrant crisis will ‘destroy’ NYC, rips Biden for failing to help

>>87857, >>87862 A jury has found Peter Navarro *guilty* of two counts of criminal contempt of Congress for defying the Jan. 6 select committee.

>>87858 Arizona Dem Lawmaker Says Free Speech is “VERY DANGEROUS” During Committee Hearing on Protecting Free Speech

>>87859, >>87863 Oversight Chair James Comer on Lou Dobbs Podcast Names Joe Biden as Biden Crime Family Leader

>>87860 US gas prices soar to their highest seasonal level in a decade even as the summer driving season comes to a close

>>87861 Big Tech and U.S. Government Using AI to Censor Posts on Social Media

>>87864 Texas Senate Impeachment Trial of State Attorney General Ken Paxton

>>87865 Organ Harvesting in Ukraine

>>87866 Peter Navarro Comments to Reporters After Guilty Verdict in Contempt of Congress Trial


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79b999 No.87868

File: e4c73e1c2c82b7f⋯.jpg (101.35 KB,1015x665,29:19,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19508145 (072046ZSEP23) Notable: #23959

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Where We Go One, We Go All

Together You Are Stronger



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79b999 No.87869

File: 340f9cb62b97c5b⋯.png (268.92 KB,986x899,34:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19508221 (072058ZSEP23) Notable: Former Cherokee Charter Academy schoolteacher and her husband sentenced for child pornography offenses

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Former Cherokee Charter Academy schoolteacher and her husband sentenced for child pornography offenses


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79b999 No.87870

File: b8384f1dbdfa0a8⋯.png (431.58 KB,500x500,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 26f3c980c3d33e6⋯.png (425.02 KB,755x704,755:704,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19508222 (072059ZSEP23) Notable: Minnesota Democrat Who Vowed to ‘Dismantle’ Police Calls for More Action on Crime After Being Violently Carjacked

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Minnesota Democrat Who Vowed to ‘Dismantle’ Police Calls for More Action on Crime After Being Violently Carjacked

A leader in Minnesota’s Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party was beaten and carjacked in front of her young children, leading her to call for more action against violent crime — after previously saying she would work “to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department.”

Shivanthi Sathanandan, the party’s second vice chair, detailed the harrowing carjacking outside her Minneapolis home in a Wednesday post on Facebook.

“Four very young men, all carrying guns, beat me violently down to the ground in front of our kids,” Sathanandan wrote of the Tuesday run-in, in a post that included a photo of her bloodied face.

“This is the face of a mother who just had the sh– beaten out of her,” the post continued. “A mother whose only thought was, ‘let me run far enough and fight hard enough so that my kids have a chance to get away.’”

Sathanandan wrote that the assault left her with a broken leg, cuts to her head, bruises across her body — and “rage” in her heart.

“These men knew what they were doing,” wrote Sathanandan. “I have NO DOUBT they have done this before. Yet they are still on OUR STREETS.”

“We need to get illegal guns off of our streets, catch these young people who are running wild creating chaos across our city and HOLD THEM IN CUSTODY AND PROSECUTE THEM,” she continued in part. “REMEMBER ME when you are thinking about supporting letting juveniles and young people out of custody to roam our streets instead of HOLDING THEM ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR ACTIONS.”

Sathanandan went on to thank loved ones, colleagues and responders — including officers from the local police precinct and department Chief Brian O’Hara.

While some commenters wished Sathanandan well, many, however, were quick to question her call for law and order in light of a previous Facebook post from June 2020 in which she voiced intent to bring down the very department that came to her aid.

“We are going to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department,” Sathanandan wrote in part in that post, which was made less than two weeks after an officer from that department killed detainee George Floyd by kneeling on his neck.

Floyd’s slaying sparked sometimes destructive demonstrations both in Minneapolis and across the nation, as well as a large-scale push for police reform. The officer who knelt on Floyd’s neck, Derek Chauvin, was fired, convicted of charges including murder and sentenced to more than two decades behind bars.

Minneapolis has seen about 3% more assaults in 2023 compared to the same point last year, according to crime statistics current through Wednesday.

The number of carjackings over the same period, however, has been nearly halved, according to the same statistics.

Local outlet KSTP reported Thursday that police later found Sathanandan’s vehicle abandoned, but had yet to publicly release any information on the suspects.

“I am heartbroken at the news of Shivanthi’s attack," said Minnesota DFL Chairman Ken Martin in a statement to KSTP. "It is my sincere hope that the people who assaulted Shivanthi are quickly brought to justice and face punishment commensurate with the severity of their crimes."

"My heart goes out to Shivanthi and her family and I hope their recovery from such a horrifying experience is as swift as possible.”


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79b999 No.87871

File: f031560fea41728⋯.png (371.1 KB,768x428,192:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19508257 (072104ZSEP23) Notable: Dem Ploys to Deny, Overturn GOP Presidential Wins Revealed in New Trump Ad

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Dem Ploys to Deny, Overturn GOP Presidential Wins Revealed in New Trump Ad. Democrats deny elections — it’s a First Amendment right.

Dem Ploys to Deny, Overturn GOP Presidential Wins Revealed in New Trump Ad

Democrats challenged the GOP presidential election in 1960 and 1968, and have tried to overturn every Republican win in 23 years.


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79b999 No.87872

File: 069f7f93e7b1878⋯.png (119.53 KB,976x883,976:883,Clipboard.png)

File: e5003546d16bad1⋯.png (104.26 KB,973x903,139:129,Clipboard.png)

File: ba2234b0bc631b4⋯.png (193.22 KB,1001x632,1001:632,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19508259 (072105ZSEP23) Notable: 21 Charged in Federal Indictment Following Takedown of Armed International Drug Trafficking and Dog Fighting Rings in Central Indiana

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21 Charged in Federal Indictment Following Takedown of Armed International Drug Trafficking and Dog Fighting Rings in Central Indiana


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79b999 No.87873

File: 14a5673f0dd74d9⋯.png (268.87 KB,994x850,497:425,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19508265 (072106ZSEP23) Notable: Five Men Charged with Using New York Diamond District Companies as Fronts to Illegally Move More Than $600 Million

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Five Men Charged with Using New York Diamond District Companies as Fronts to Illegally Move More Than $600 Million


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79b999 No.87874

File: 0e9a400e62654c9⋯.png (370.81 KB,650x366,325:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19508304 (072111ZSEP23) Notable: Anti-Defamation League CEO Insinuates That Elon Musk Is Engaging in Antisemitic 'Scapegoating'

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Anti-Defamation League CEO Insinuates That Elon Musk Is Engaging in Antisemitic 'Scapegoating'


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79b999 No.87875

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19508315 (072114ZSEP23) Notable: Barack Obama: A shadowy, cryptic figure who was quietly groomed to become the president…. 1/2

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Barack Obama: A shadowy, cryptic figure who was quietly groomed to become the president…. ==1/2

Who is Barack Obama? Surprisingly, not many people can answer that question in depth. While the media offers plenty of narratives about who he’s supposed to be, delving into his past hits a dead end. Conversations with those who claim to have known him in his earlier years yield nothing but cryptic, shadowy descriptions. The enigma surrounding the man — known at times as Barry Soetoro — has been going on since he first splashed onto the scene.

Here’s a 2009 blast from the past from the Western Journal to jog your memory:

Most Americans don’t realize we have elected a president whom we know very little about.

Researchers have discovered that Obama’s autobiographical books are little more than PR stunts, as they have little to do with the actual events of his life. The fact is we know less about President Obama than perhaps any other president in American history and much of this is due to actual efforts to hide his record. This should concern all Americans.

A nation-wide network of researchers has sprung up to attempt to fill in the blanks, but at every opportunity Obama’s high-priced lawyers have built walls around various records or simply made them disappear. It is estimated that Obama’s legal team has now spent well over $1.4 million dollars blocking access to documents every American should have access to. The question is why would he spend so much money to do this?

The president who campaigned for a more ―open government‖ and ―full disclosure‖ will not unseal his medical records, his school records, his birth records or his passport records. He will not release his Harvard records, his Columbia College records, or his Occidental College records—he will not even release his Columbia College thesis.

All his legislative records from the Illinois State Senate are missing and he claims his scheduling records during those State Senate years are lost as well. In addition, no one can find his school records for the elite K-12 college prep school, Punahou School, he attended in Hawaii. What is he hiding? Well, for starters, some of these records will shed light on his citizenship and birth.

For example, Obama’s application to Punahou School – now mysteriously missing – would likely contain a birth certificate. And, according to attorney Gary Kreep, ―his Occidental College records are important as they may show he attended there as a foreign exchange student.

Indeed, Obama used his Indonesian name ―Barry Soetoro‖ while attending Occidental. Kreep has filed lawsuits challenging Obama’s eligibility to be president and as part of his lawsuit he requested Obama’s records from Occidental. However, Obama’s lawyers quickly moved to stop Occidental from honoring this request.

Even today, the enigma surrounding Barry remains a point of interest, particularly because many speculate that Obama is finally enjoying his “third term,” which President Trump disrupted in 2016. Renewed curiosity about Obama’s mysterious years at Harvard Law has been sparked by an interesting article from Gateway Pundit. Here’s what Jeff Clark, former U.S. Assistant Attorney General, had to say in a post shedding yet more light on the murky details of Obama’s past:…


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79b999 No.87876

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19508324 (072116ZSEP23) Notable: Barack Obama: A shadowy, cryptic figure who was quietly groomed to become the president…. 1/2

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Great interview by @gatewaypundit of lawyer Andrew Schlafly, son of the legendary Phyllis Schlafly.

Particularly interesting are the parts where Andrew tells of being on the Harvard Law Review with Obama, virtually never seeing the guy, never seeing him work much on the law review (presidents/editors in chief of major law reviews typically work like dogs), and being able to say in retrospect that Obama was essentially coddled as he was seemingly being groomed for future high office.

Obama’s years at Occidental College and Columbia also remain murky.

Nothing about Obama is normal. And before he emerged to give his charismatic DNC Convention speech (even I thought so at the time), it’s not because of objectively grounded high achievement, but because of unusual surroundings or external circumstances — Hawaii, Kenya, Indonesia, ties to Frank Marshall Davis the famous communist, shuttling between colleges, special treatment in law school, “community organizing” in Chicago, Jeremiah Wright’s Marxist church, and on and on.


In the piece from Gateway Pundit, Andrew Schlafly had this to say about his time spent with Barack Obama on the Harvard Law Review:

We were on the Harvard Law Review together but Barack was often absent, particularly for someone who became the president of the publication as promoted by liberals. Some in our Harvard class never even met him, and none of his close advisers was from our class. He was very careful about what he said and did, despite being in a student environment where people spoke and acted freely. It is obvious in retrospect that he was being groomed back then by liberals to become president of the country. Everything was so staged for the student Barack.

The Law Review is supposed to be a scholarly publication, but Barack seemed to have little interest in that. Ordinarily the head of a publication is an always-working, roll-up-your-sleeves, never-sleep type of person, but not Barack as this appeared to be just a credential to obtain for a liberal political ambition.

Perhaps Obama was just busy with other things at the time?

It’s intriguing how these left-wing sensations seem to emerge from nowhere, lacking political experience but bursting onto the scene with remarkable fire and fanfare. Take AOC, for example. She started as an activist bartender from Brooklyn, and now she’s being groomed for a future presidential run. It’s as though the left has some sort of “factory” that magically churns out these mega-marketable and uber-electable political figurines, all perfectly designed to push the country closer and closer to Marxism.

(I wish Russia would release their whole dossier on O. That would be funny)


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79b999 No.87877

File: aaaffd97fd85877⋯.png (884.61 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19508341 (072118ZSEP23) Notable: The ADL And Media Should Be Prosecuted For Conspiracy

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The ADL and the media routinely conspire to defraud the public, one junk ‘anti-hate’ study at a time. They should be prosecuted.

The ADL And Media Should Be Prosecuted For Conspiracy

The ADL and the media routinely conspire to defraud the public, one junk 'anti-hate' study at a time. They should be prosecuted.


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79b999 No.87878

File: 9eadf9bd9800ee9⋯.webp (78.53 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19508347 (072120ZSEP23) Notable: California City Takes Bold Stance Pro-Freedom Stance with Late Night Vote to Ban COVID Mandates

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California City Takes Bold Stance Pro-Freedom Stance with Late Night Vote to Ban COVID Mandates

Local governments can and must fight back against the most brazen tyranny of our age.

According to KTTV, the city council of Huntington Beach, California, voted 4-3 early Wednesday morning to ban COVID-19 mandates in the city. The ban applies to both mask and vaccine mandates.

The city council meeting did not adjourn until 2:48 a.m., and the KTTV did not indicate why. No doubt the contentious subject and narrow vote help explain the prolonged meeting.

Mayor Pro Tem Gracey Van Der Mark introduced a declaration that mask mandates in 2020 and 2021 “unnecessarily limited the freedoms of the citizens of Huntington Beach — even those who were not around anyone who tested positive for COVID-19 or at risk of any exposure.”

Bravo to those four brave souls on the Huntington Beach City Council.

Why a Veteran-Owned Freeze-Dried Beef Company Unabashedly Embraces an America First Worldview

Indeed, the only part of Van Der Mark’s declaration to which one might object is the phrase “even those.” After all, mask mandates have no legitimacy regardless of an individual’s exposure to COVID-19.


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79b999 No.87879

File: 157e8cb2ec21fdf⋯.png (922.33 KB,1376x889,1376:889,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19508376 (072125ZSEP23) Notable: New Trump vid. - Energy related

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New Trump vid. - Energy related

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79b999 No.87880

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19508395 (072127ZSEP23) Notable: Former intel operative Tony Shaffer tells Jack Posobiec 'Ukrainians have maybe three weeks left to win'

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EXCLUSIVE: Former intel operative Tony Shaffer tells Jack Posobiec 'Ukrainians have maybe three weeks left to win'

by: Jessica Barshis 09/06/2023

Jack Posobiec broke down the revelations currently happening about the Ukrainian war with former defense intel operative, Tony Shaffer, on his podcast Wednesday.

Posobiec brought up the fact that Tony Blinken made a surprise trip to Ukraine today and refreshed the audience about the events that have happened the past couple days including Zelensky firing his defense ministerand the arrest of Igor Kolomoisky for fraud. He noted that not only are these arrests being made because of corruption, but also because of a failed counteroffensive against Russia.

Shaffer concurred, “It's not about corruption. It's about the fact that the Western directed, Western planned, Western executed, I would often even go so far as to say, the offensive has failed.”

He stated that “Ukrainians have maybe three weeks left to win, they're not going to win.”

He explained his theory with the fact that the wet season in Ukraine is going to come within the next three weeks.

Man, it's going to be like Burning Man with tanks if you can picture that,”he quipped.

Shaffer clarified that “all of these firings are more related to the failure to show any progress to the West regarding the offensive,” specifically the United States, rather than corruption.

“They're all corrupt. Ukraine was the most corrupt nation in Europe before the war, [and] all of a sudden they became saints… And I think it's very clear that Blinken tried to throw more money at it simply as a Hail Mary, trying to get them to do something at some point against the Russians. And I just don't think it's going to work.”

Posobiec posited that the effort currently being made by the US to prevent further conflict in the war is a “two-prong approach.” He referenced an article in The Nation that hinted at DC considering negotiations with the Russians. He asked, “Did Tony Blinken go over there and possibly hand Zelensky a list of demands to basically saying, ‘Look, this is what you're going to have to give up’?”

Shaffer responded, “I think that there were demands, I don't know what those demands were. At this point, the issue of negotiation is the only option other than complete defeat.”

He clarified that he is in no way in favor of the Russians or pro-Putin.

“What I'm saying is the numbers are all in the Russians' favor. They dominate the battlefield, no matter how much high tech we give Ukraine, you're just not going to overwhelm the Russians' ability to adapt to overcome that technology. They're learning a great deal about how we would fight which is, I think, something we need to be paying attention to. Shaffer concluded, “And more importantly, it's just a numbers game… Ukraine does not have any potential to prevail based on, simply, the manpower numbers, and the losses they've suffered over the past 18 months.”

“And so the alternative to negotiation is watching the Russians, at the time of their choosing, return to the offensive and start taking whole parts of Ukraine back because Ukraine is out of gas, and no amount of Ukrainian work is going to prevent it. The only way you would see this is by a third party, a NATO or some other nation coming in with its manpower. And I don't think anybody's willing to do that at this point.”


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79b999 No.87881

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19508446 (072139ZSEP23) Notable: CDC Confirms WEF-Touted Meat Allergy Is Rapidly Spreading Across America

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CDC Confirms WEF-Touted Meat Allergy Is Rapidly Spreading Across America

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has confirmed that a syndrome that causes deadly meat allergies in humans is rapidly spreading across the United States.

The syndrome has previously been touted by the World Economic Forum (WEF) as a way to force the public into giving up meat and dairy products to “fight climate change.”

The CDC has just issued a warning after recording a “steep increase in cases” of the same mysterious syndrome being spread by ticks.

The sudden increase in cases of Alpha-Gal Syndrome (AGS), which has already caused millions of Americans to become allergic to red meat and dairy, is proliferating across the United States just months after a World Economic Forum advisor admitted the global elite were looking at using AGS to cause meat allergies in humans to “fight climate change.”

AGS, an increasingly prevalent food allergy, renders individuals hypersensitive to red meat and various dairy products, posing a significant health risk to affected individuals.

Typically, AGS is contracted following a Lone Star tick bite, as outlined by the Mayo Clinic. During the bite, a sugar molecule known as alpha-gal is transferred into the victim’s body.

This introduction of alpha-gal prompts an immune system response, resulting in various degrees of allergic reactions to red meat, including beef, pork, and lamb.

Furthermore, AGS can also trigger adverse reactions to dairy products and gelatins, further complicating the dietary choices for those afflicted.

In severe instances, AGS-induced allergies have proven to be life-threatening, underscoring the gravity of the condition.

Regrettably, there is currently no known cure for AGS, and the allergies it provokes are irreversible. The sole recourse for affected individuals is to strictly abstain from the consumption of meat and dairy products.

The CDC’s alert serves as a stark reminder of the growing concern surrounding AGS and underscores the importance of public awareness and vigilance in managing this potentially life-altering condition.

“A rare meat allergy from tick bites is rising and may have already impacted as many as 450,000 people,” the CDC warns.

The federal health agency confirms that the CDC has recorded a “steep increase in cases of alpha-gal syndrome (AGS).”

According to the CDC, the rapidly increasing cases of AGS are an “emerging public health concern.”


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79b999 No.87882

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19508482 (072146ZSEP23) Notable: Elon Musk personally intervened to stop a Ukrainian attack on Crimea last year due to fears of a nuclear war

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7 Sep, 2023 18:13

Musk ordered shutdown of Starlink in Crimea – CNN

Ukrainian sea drones reportedly lost signal as they approached Crimea to attack the Russian fleet

Elon Musk personally intervened to stop a Ukrainian attack on Crimea last year due to fears of a nuclear war, CNN reported on Thursday, quoting an excerpt from the upcoming biography of the SpaceX and Tesla founder.

As Ukrainian drones approached the Crimean coast, they “lost connectivity and washed ashore harmlessly,” according to the book by Walter Isaacson, scheduled to be published next week.

Musk had secretly ordered SpaceX engineers to shut off the Starlink signal near Crimea, according to this account, concerned that Russia might use nuclear weapons in reaction to what he described as a “mini-Pearl Harbor.”

Ukrainian Digital Transformation Minister Mikhail Fedorov then begged Musk to turn the signal back on via text messages, outlining the capabilities of the sea drones. Musk said no, explaining that Ukraine “is now going too far and inviting strategic defeat” by attacking Crimea.

The abortive drone strike was first reported by the New York Times in July, but did not include details of the exchange with Fedorov.

SpaceX has donated more than 20,000 Starlink terminals to Kiev since February 2022, with the intention of providing internet access and communications to civilians. The systems were weaponized almost immediately, however, leading to Musk having to explain himself to both Moscow and Washington.

“How am I in this war?” Isaacson quotes Musk as saying during one of their conversations. “Starlink was not meant to be involved in wars. It was so people can watch Netflix and chill and get online for school and do good peaceful things, not drone strikes.”

Following the attempted attack on Crimea, Musk told the Pentagon that Starlink would not continue donating its services to Ukraine. When this was leaked to CNN, Musk publicly reversed course, tweeting that “we’ll just keep funding Ukraine govt for free.”

“The Pentagon had a $145 million check ready to hand to me, literally,” SpaceX president Gwynne Shotwell told Isaacson. “Then Elon succumbed to the bullshit on Twitter and to the haters at the Pentagon who leaked the story.”

SpaceX eventually got the US and some EU governments to pay for another 100,000 satellite dishes for Ukraine in early 2023, according to the biography. Musk has since said thatSpaceX would not “enable escalation of a conflict that may lead to WWIII,” including the use of Starlink for long-range drone strikes.

Musk has yet to comment on the latest excerpt from Isaacson’s book. On Wednesday, he described another excerpt published by TIME magazine, dealing with AI, as “not quite how I would tell the story, but very accurate for an observer who only saw part of the puzzle.”

Isaacson is a former editor of TIME, a professor of history at Tulane University, and the biographer of Benjamin Franklin, Albert Einstein, Henry Kissinger and Steve Jobs.


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79b999 No.87883

File: 430342a5b1c9cea⋯.png (370.61 KB,640x335,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19508502 (072153ZSEP23) Notable: Biden administration cancels remaining oil and gas leases in Alaska's Arctic Refuge - Breitbart

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BIDEN FUCKS OVER AMERICAN'S AGAIN: The Biden administration has canceled the remaining seven oil and gas leases in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, overturning sales held in the Trump administration.

Biden administration cancels remaining oil and gas leases in Alaska's Arctic Refuge - Breitbart

The Biden administration has canceled the remaining seven oil and gas leases in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, overturning sales held in


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79b999 No.87884

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19508509 (072154ZSEP23) Notable: Ex-Zelensky sponsor charged with $250-million fraud

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7 Sep, 2023 20:02

Ex-Zelensky sponsor charged with $250-million fraud

Billionaire Igor Kolomoysky has been accused of illegally seizing funds from a bank to consolidate his ownership of the lender

Ukrainian oligarch Igor Kolomoysky was charged with embezzlement on Thursday. Ukraine’s National Anticorruption Bureau (NABU) has accused the businessman, whose backing is thought to have helped Vladimir Zelensky secure the country’s presidency, of illegally taking funds from a bank he controlled to further increase his share in the lending institution’s authorized capital.

According to a NABU statement published on Telegram, Kolomoysky, together with five other suspects, took a total of more than 9.2 billion hryvnias ($250 million) from Ukrainian lender PrivatBank back in 2015 to finance his dealings. The billionaire, who was the ultimate beneficial owner of the bank at that time, forced PrivatBank to pay this sum to a specific company he controlled, under the pretext of supposedly buying out its own bonds at an inflated cost, the statement said.

The funds were then used to finance Kolomysky’s offshore company and increase his share in PrivatBank’s authorized capital, the authorities said. The NABU did not name the oligarch’s suspected accomplices.

Last week, the billionaire faced suspicion of laundering and siphoning off more than $13 million from Ukraine. The Ukrainian security service (SBU) said at that time that he had legalized more than 500 million hryvnias ($13.5 million) by “transferring it abroad, while using the infrastructure of banking institutions controlled by him.” The Ukrainian officials also said at that time that Kolomoysky was suspected of fraud, and legalization of property obtained by criminal means.

The oligarch was arrested last Saturday and a court has ordered that he be detained for two months. A Ukrainian court then set bail at 509 million hryvnia ($13.8 million). The billionaire’s legal team said he would not post bail immediately and would appeal the ruling on his arrest instead. An appeal is expected to be heard later in September.

Kolomoysky came to prominence in Ukraine in 2014, when he was appointed governor of the southeastern Dnepropetrovsk Region in the wake of the Maidan coup. He was dismissed a year later amid a conflict with then-Ukrainian President Pyotr Poroshenko.

In 2016, the Ukrainian authorities nationalized Kolomoysky’s PrivatBank, which was declared a major threat to the Ukrainian financial system amid allegations of massive fraud.

The businessman is still widely considered to have played a prominent role in Vladimir Zelensky’s rise to power. The current Ukrainian president was a comedian whose show was hosted by a Kolomoysky-controlled media holding. The billionaire has admitted he “wanted” Zelensky to become president but has denied close ties to him.

(These arrests are just to take off all the leaders in Ukraine, to give NATO the impression Kiev is reducing the corruption. It’s well known Ukraine’s National Anticorruption Bureau (NABU) is as corrupt as all others. They are the Stasi for the government. This is the second time Kolomoysky has been arrested in the past year. Its a ruse that continues)


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79b999 No.87885

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19508519 (072156ZSEP23) Notable: MASK TOXICITY - German study exposes dangers of CO2 re-breathing

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German study exposes dangers of CO2 re-breathing

"The Kisielinski Study (https://www.cell.com/heliyon/pdf/S2405-8440(23)01324-5.pdf)

A German team, led by an Independent Surgeon in private practice, published a large review of MASK use during COVID-19 pandemic.

It has 172 references.

Summary of key findings:

4.5 billion people (58%) were confronted with a “mask obligation”

Fresh air has 0.04% CO2

Wearing masks more than 5 minutes: 1.4 to 3.2% CO2

Carbon Dioxide Re-breathing

Surgical mask after 30 min = 2.8-3.2% CO2 (U.Butz, 2005 (https://nbn-resolving.org/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:91-diss20050713-2027575920))

N95 after 1 min = 0.9% CO2 (T.Blad, 2020 (https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1177/1535676020947284))

N95 after 5 min = 1.28% to 3.52% (Sinkule, 2013 (https://academic.oup.com/annweh/article/57/3/384/230992?login=false))

N95 after 60 min = 2.8-3.2% (Roberge, 2010)

Acute CO2 Toxicity:

10 min of 2.5-3.5% CO2 increases cerebral blood flow by 100% = headaches

hyperventilation, metabolic changes (acidosis)

Chronic CO2 Toxicity (animal studies):

0.3% CO2 - irreversible neuron damage, neuron destruction, increased anxiety, impaired learning and memory (rat studies)

0.5% CO2 - testicular toxicity in adolescents (rat studies show diminished fertility in rat testes after one 4hr exposure at 2.5% CO2)

0.8% CO2 - stillbirths (safety level set by US Navy for female submarine crew, due to rat studies showing fetal malformations, post implantation loss, lower probability of viable fetuses)



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79b999 No.87886

File: 66b90d438a6dc94⋯.png (450.57 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19508527 (072157ZSEP23) Notable: GOP Investigators Threaten Hunter Biden with Congressional Testimony If He Withholds Leaked Court Docs

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GOP Investigators Threaten Hunter Biden with Congressional Testimony If He Withholds Leaked Court Docs

Sept. 7, 2023

Republican House investigators threatened Hunter Biden with testifying before Congress if he refuses to provide leaked court documents about his defunct plea deal with U.S. prosecutor David Weiss, according to a letter reviewed by Breitbart News.

In a Wednesday letter from House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY), Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan (R-OH), and Ways and Means Chair Jason Smith (R-MO) to Hunter Biden’s legal representatives, the Republican chairmen demanded the information, given the documents were leaked to the New York Times and Politico, thereby negating any alleged duty of confidentiality.


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79b999 No.87887

File: 0be08f9fb40d7f1⋯.png (642.29 KB,640x335,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19508537 (072159ZSEP23) Notable: Democrats Try to Slip Amnesty for Millions of Illegals into DHS Funding Bill

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Democrats Try to Slip Amnesty for Millions of Illegal Aliens into DHS Funding Bill...not today satan.....not today

Democrats Try to Slip Amnesty for Millions of Illegals into DHS Funding Bill

House Democrats are attempting to slip an amnesty for millions of illegal aliens into a year-end DHS funding bill, Breitbart News has learned.


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79b999 No.87888

File: 50dae3f48840247⋯.png (526.46 KB,634x323,634:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19508569 (072204ZSEP23) Notable: “They asked me to LIE about President Trump in order to indict him,” Enrique Tarrio exclusively told the Gateway Pundit.

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ENRIQUE TARRIO TELLS ALL AFTER SENTENCING- “The FEDS Asked Me To LIE About President Trump In Order To Indict Him!!” AUDIO!! Plus TWITTER SPACE with Tarrio this Friday at 8 PM EST!

ENRIQUE TARRIO TELLS ALL AFTER SENTENCING- "The FEDS Asked Me To LIE About President Trump In Order To Indict Him!!" AUDIO!!

“They asked me to LIE about President Trump in order to indict him,” Enrique Tarrio exclusively told the Gateway Pundit.


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79b999 No.87889

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19508577 (072206ZSEP23) Notable: Monumental Leaders Rally with President Trump: Doors Open 2:30pm - 9/8/23

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September 8, 2023

5:00 PM EDT

Monumental Leaders Rally with President Trump

Right Side Broadcasting Network - Please note: the start time is subject to change as the event timeline is updated.




Monumental Leaders Rally with President Trump: Doors Open 2:30pm

South Dakota Republican Party






Campaign 2024: Fmr. President Trump Speaks at South Dakota GOP Rally

2024 Republican presidential candidate and former President Donald Trump is the keynote speaker at the Monumental Leaders Rally hosted by the South Dakota Republican Party.


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79b999 No.87890

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19508586 (072207ZSEP23) Notable: President Donald J. Trump to Visit the Iowa v. Iowa State Football Game - 9/9/23

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September 9, 2023

1:45 PM EDT

President Donald J. Trump to Visit the Iowa v. Iowa State Football Game

Right Side Broadcasting Network


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79b999 No.87891

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19508639 (072218ZSEP23) Notable: DJT Jr TRIGGERED - BIDEN POLLING DISASTER, HUNTER INDICTMENT FINALLY?

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Don Jr.

Live now


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79b999 No.87892

File: f5fc8aa98efa3a8⋯.png (235.76 KB,600x651,200:217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19508652 (072221ZSEP23) Notable: Egypt wanted a limited war, Mossad reveals in declassified Yom Kippur docs

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The Jerusalem Post



The Mossad on Thursday initiated its own declassification of history for the first time, relating to before, during, and after the 1973 Yom Kippur War.

As part of a ceremony conducted by Mossad Director David Barnea, and with a number of former Mossad chiefs and senior officials in attendance, the spy agency released a book called Some day, when it can be revealed.

The title is taken from a statement made by then-prime minister Golda Meir to then-Mossad chief Zvi Zamir. The book presents original internal Mossad cables, summaries, photos, and other materials not revealed before in their entirety.

According to Zamir’s real-time notes from October 1971, after he revealed to Meir aspects of then-Egyptian president Anwar Sadat’s strategy as leaked by the Mossad’s top spy, “the Angel,” Meir said to him, “Some day, when it can be revealed, you and your team will get a prize.”



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79b999 No.87893

File: 358b6a28bf5e128⋯.png (36.57 KB,717x360,239:120,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19508653 (072221ZSEP23) Notable: Press Release: Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Foreign Interference in or Undermining Public Confidence in United States Elections / EO13848 extended for another year

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Press Release: Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Foreign Interference in or Undermining Public Confidence in United States Elections


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79b999 No.87894

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19508691 (072228ZSEP23) Notable: Agenda47: America Must Have the #1 Lowest Cost Energy and Electricity on Earth

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Agenda47: America Must Have the #1 Lowest Cost Energy and Electricity on Earth


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79b999 No.87895

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19508708 (072231ZSEP23) Notable: Texas Senate Impeachment Trial of State Attorney General Ken Paxton

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6:30PM ET

Texas Senate Impeachment Trial of State Attorney General Ken Paxton, Day 3, Part 5

The Texas State Senate debates articles of impeachment against state Attorney General Ken Paxton, who was impeached in May in the state’s legislature over accusations of misconduct, including bribery and obstruction of justice.


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79b999 No.87896

File: 0c27b05ae3badea⋯.png (122.6 KB,1111x864,1111:864,Clipboard.png)

File: 973aa4d955be4eb⋯.png (62.34 KB,896x846,448:423,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19508833 (072249ZSEP23) Notable: PlaneFag Reports

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REG: 20-46080

East bound out of JBA McGuire

Climbing through 15,000

Squawking 1733

STEAM69 in Trail

REG: 20-46074

Squawking 1020

unsure if these are steamed 'Taters.

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79b999 No.87897

File: bcec521d2a2e45b⋯.jpg (252.8 KB,694x845,694:845,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4493775a6875a86⋯.jpg (169.28 KB,830x900,83:90,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19508883 (072258ZSEP23) Notable: Anon's Pornography Digs

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"Psychological Operations" "Non linear war" "Information War" "Unrestricted War"

Psychological operations are by far the most potent weapons in warfare, and psycho-social effects of these weapon may develop slowly, certainly over decades or longer. Often a change is so gradual as to be almost imperceptible, and when we do notice we take it to be natural. The change is always negative, always portrayed as beneficial, a social step forward. One example.

Porno was and is a high priority mob/CIA social subversion project.

In the 1950s the US Post office employed hundreds of agents to police the mails. Pornography was seized regularly.

Freedom of speech arguments prevailed in our courts and allowed the cult/mob to take us from no-sexual- material-goes-through -the-US mail in the 1950s to Deep Throat opens in regular theaters and drive-ins in 1972.

Masturbation was declared by 'experts' to be harmless and pornography was said to be wholesome and natural sexual expression of delight in the beauty of the opposite sex and to offer a safe outlet to perverts who might otherwise rape children.

Porn was marketed and promoted professionally. When Meyer said "We're bigger than US Steel," in the 1950s he was being modest. That the former mob business "went legit" is another way of saying our entire culture adopted a ruthless efficient and extractive economy that has no concern for destructive effects on the host population.

US porn was a NY based, Gambino family business, run by Robert DiBernadino partnered with the Cleveland porno distributor and dildo manufacturer Reuben Sturman. The two men controlled almost all the print and film/video porno produced and distributed in the US and worldwide � with exception of honeypots like Playboy magazine which was C_A controlled from Langley. The idea that the 50s were staid and uptight is myth. This was a planned psychological attack, it created a hyper sexualized culture where media is perfused with overt and subliminal imagery and people count orgasms and leave the driving to the Uber.


Pop culture is an entirely artificial medium. It was and is engineered to control purchasing habits, regulate our mental capacity, our morality and guide our choices for the future by controlling the range of possibilities we are aware of.

Information Operations or "psyops" use our powerful innate drives or instincts against us.

Our reproductive drive is among our most powerful. When we are sexually aroused we do not think clearly and are more vulnerable to hypnotic induction techniques which alter our belief systems, slowly, over time, in ways we are not consciously aware of. The population is kept in a perpetual state of low key sexual arousal. Promiscuity is promoted etc.

Pornography, promoted as naturally healthy, harmless and a safe outlet for sexuality, is not. It is part of the comprehensive social subversion and social control operation intended to weaken and distract our attention from the looting of the US treasury, the infiltration of financial, judicial, legislative, and regulatory systems.

The pedovore cult controls all media content and distribution infrastructure, including porno.

Our civilization rests on the integrity of an information distribution system controlled by entirely corrupt individuals, uniformly devoted to the enslavement and/or destruction of human beings.

Some may recall that Gambino wiseguy Robert (DiB) DiBernardo the Gambino family's czar of pornography, including, disturbingly, child pornography who was made to disappear on Gambino boss John Gotti’s orders, played a role in the 1984 presidential election.

Porn is good for you












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79b999 No.87898

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19508903 (072302ZSEP23) Notable: #23959

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Notables - FINAL

#23959 >>87868

>>87869 Former Cherokee Charter Academy schoolteacher and her husband sentenced for child pornography offenses

>>87870 Minnesota Democrat Who Vowed to ‘Dismantle’ Police Calls for More Action on Crime After Being Violently Carjacked

>>87871 Dem Ploys to Deny, Overturn GOP Presidential Wins Revealed in New Trump Ad

>>87872 21 Charged in Federal Indictment Following Takedown of Armed International Drug Trafficking and Dog Fighting Rings in Central Indiana

>>87873 Five Men Charged with Using New York Diamond District Companies as Fronts to Illegally Move More Than $600 Million

>>87874 Anti-Defamation League CEO Insinuates That Elon Musk Is Engaging in Antisemitic 'Scapegoating'

>>87875, >>87876 Barack Obama: A shadowy, cryptic figure who was quietly groomed to become the president…. 1/2

>>87877 The ADL And Media Should Be Prosecuted For Conspiracy

>>87878 California City Takes Bold Stance Pro-Freedom Stance with Late Night Vote to Ban COVID Mandates

>>87879 New Trump vid. - Energy related

>>87880 Former intel operative Tony Shaffer tells Jack Posobiec 'Ukrainians have maybe three weeks left to win'

>>87881 CDC Confirms WEF-Touted Meat Allergy Is Rapidly Spreading Across America

>>87882 Elon Musk personally intervened to stop a Ukrainian attack on Crimea last year due to fears of a nuclear war

>>87883 Biden administration cancels remaining oil and gas leases in Alaska's Arctic Refuge - Breitbart

>>87884 Ex-Zelensky sponsor charged with $250-million fraud

>>87885 MASK TOXICITY - German study exposes dangers of CO2 re-breathing

>>87886 GOP Investigators Threaten Hunter Biden with Congressional Testimony If He Withholds Leaked Court Docs

>>87887 Democrats Try to Slip Amnesty for Millions of Illegals into DHS Funding Bill

>>87888 “They asked me to LIE about President Trump in order to indict him,” Enrique Tarrio exclusively told the Gateway Pundit.

>>87889 Monumental Leaders Rally with President Trump: Doors Open 2:30pm - 9/8/23

>>87890 President Donald J. Trump to Visit the Iowa v. Iowa State Football Game - 9/9/23


>>87892 Egypt wanted a limited war, Mossad reveals in declassified Yom Kippur docs

>>87893 Press Release: Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Foreign Interference in or Undermining Public Confidence in United States Elections / EO13848 extended for another year

>>87894 Agenda47: America Must Have the #1 Lowest Cost Energy and Electricity on Earth

>>87895 Texas Senate Impeachment Trial of State Attorney General Ken Paxton

>>87896 PlaneFag Reports

>>87897 Anon's Pornography Digs


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79b999 No.87899

File: 63038d4a77b9fac⋯.png (194.3 KB,512x276,128:69,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19508909 (072303ZSEP23) Notable: #23960

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Nothing Can Stop What Is Comfy

As The World Turns

Operators Live


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79b999 No.87900

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19508951 (072312ZSEP23) Notable: Your Car is Spying on You MORE than Smart Home Devices and Cell Phones

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Your Car is Spying on You MORE than Smart Home Devices and Cell Phones

Apparently the data collected can even include genetic information!

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79b999 No.87901

File: 4bad74b2a2780f9⋯.png (762.44 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19508985 (072319ZSEP23) Notable: Minnesota Liberal Politician Who Campaigned to 'Dismantle the Police Department' Falls Victim to Carjacking and Assault

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>looks fayk

Minnesota liberal gets beaten & carjacked by "Those Other People of Color"

Minnesota Liberal Politician Who Campaigned to 'Dismantle the Police Department' Falls Victim to Carjacking and Assault - Now Ca...

Shivanthi Sathanandan, a vice chair of the Minnesota DFL Party and a vocal advocate for defunding the police, has found herself on the receiving end of the crime she once believed could be solved through social programs.


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79b999 No.87902

File: 7fb95dd4e48d082⋯.png (569.63 KB,640x335,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19508998 (072321ZSEP23) Notable: NYC Mayor Says Migrant Crisis Began with 'Madman Down in Texas' Busing Program

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NYC Mayor Says Migrant Crisis Began with.....BIden? Nope.. Adams blames the . ‘Madman Down in Texas’ Busing Program.........

NYC Mayor Says Migrant Crisis Began with 'Madman Down in Texas' Busing Program

New York City Mayor Eric Adams shifted the blame on his expanding migrant crisis to a "madman down in Texas."


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79b999 No.87903

File: 178527c9c728d3c⋯.png (672.71 KB,650x434,325:217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19509040 (072327ZSEP23) Notable: Military Command Was Going to Screen 'Sound of Freedom.' Then the Military Times Got Involved.

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Military Command Was Going to Screen 'Sound of Freedom.' Then the Military Times Got Involved.


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79b999 No.87904

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19509100 (072339ZSEP23) Notable: Expert Arborist of 50yrs on the California and Maui Fires

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Expert Arborist of 50yrs on the California and Maui Fires


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79b999 No.87905

File: abe031927423d9b⋯.jpg (180.47 KB,1440x1545,96:103,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19509114 (072342ZSEP23) Notable: Executive Order 13848 - Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Foreign Interference in or Undermining Public Confidence in United States Elections

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Press Release: Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Foreign Interference in or Undermining Public Confidence in United States Elections

On September 12, 2018, by Executive Order 13848, the President declared a national emergency pursuant to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) to deal with the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States constituted by the threat of foreign interference in or undermining public confidence in United States elections.

Although there has been no evidence of a foreign power altering the outcomes or vote tabulation in any United States election, foreign powers have historically sought to exploit America’s free and open political system.  In recent years, the proliferation of digital devices and internet-based communications has created significant vulnerabilities and magnified the scope and intensity of the threat of foreign interference.  The ability of persons located, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States to interfere in or undermine public confidence in United States elections, including through the unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure or the covert distribution of propaganda and disinformation, continues to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States.  For this reason, the national emergency declared on September 12, 2018, must continue in effect beyond September 12, 2023.  Therefore, in accordance with section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am continuing for 1 year the national emergency declared in Executive Order 13848 with respect to the threat of foreign interference in or undermining public confidence in United States elections.

This notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted to the Congress.

                             JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR.


September 7, 2023.


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79b999 No.87906

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19509155 (072349ZSEP23) Notable: Musk ordered shutdown of Starlink in Crimea – CNN

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Musk ordered shutdown of Starlink in Crimea – CNN

Ukrainian sea drones reportedly lost signal as they approached Crimea to attack the Russian fleet

Elon Musk personally intervened to stop a Ukrainian attack on Crimea last year due to fears of a nuclear war, CNN reported on Thursday, quoting an excerpt from the upcoming biography of the SpaceX and Tesla founder.

As Ukrainian drones approached the Crimean coast, they “lost connectivity and washed ashore harmlessly,” according to the book by Walter Isaacson, scheduled to be published next week.

Musk had secretly ordered SpaceX engineers to shut off the Starlink signal near Crimea, according to this account, concerned that Russia might use nuclear weapons in reaction to what he described as a “mini-Pearl Harbor.”

Ukrainian Digital Transformation Minister Mikhail Fedorov then begged Musk to turn the signal back on via text messages, outlining the capabilities of the sea drones. Musk said no, explaining that Ukraine “is now going too far and inviting strategic defeat” by attacking Crimea.

The abortive drone strike was first reported by the New York Times in July, but did not include details of the exchange with Fedorov.

SpaceX has donated more than 20,000 Starlink terminals to Kiev since February 2022, with the intention of providing internet access and communications to civilians. The systems were weaponized almost immediately, however, leading to Musk having to explain himself to both Moscow and Washington.

“How am I in this war?” Isaacson quotes Musk as saying during one of their conversations. “Starlink was not meant to be involved in wars. It was so people can watch Netflix and chill and get online for school and do good peaceful things, not drone strikes.”

Following the attempted attack on Crimea, Musk told the Pentagon that Starlink would not continue donating its services to Ukraine. When this was leaked to CNN, Musk publicly reversed course, tweeting that “we’ll just keep funding Ukraine govt for free.”

“The Pentagon had a $145 million check ready to hand to me, literally,” SpaceX president Gwynne Shotwell told Isaacson. “Then Elon succumbed to the bullshit on Twitter and to the haters at the Pentagon who leaked the story.”

SpaceX eventually got the US and some EU governments to pay for another 100,000 satellite dishes for Ukraine in early 2023, according to the biography. Musk has since said that SpaceX would not “enable escalation of a conflict that may lead to WWIII,” including the use of Starlink for long-range drone strikes.

Musk did not react to the CNN story until later in the day, when he posted on X (formerly Twitter) to clarify what happened.

“SpaceX did not deactivate anything,” Musk said. Ukraine had requested activation of the Starlink signal “all the way to Sevastopol. The obvious intent being to sink most of the Russian fleet at anchor,” he explained. “If I had agreed to their request, then SpaceX would be explicitly complicit in a major act of war and conflict escalation.”

Isaacson is a former editor of TIME, a professor of history at Tulane University, and the biographer of Benjamin Franklin, Albert Einstein, Henry Kissinger and Steve Jobs.


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79b999 No.87907

File: 3eb2c5b195a4ae9⋯.png (1022.99 KB,1086x1655,1086:1655,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19509200 (072358ZSEP23) Notable: Trump notifies Georgia court he 'may seek removal of prosecution to federal court'

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BREAKING: Trump notifies Georgia court he 'may seek removal of prosecution to federal court'


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79b999 No.87908

File: db75876971c9a72⋯.png (821.89 KB,768x651,256:217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19509259 (080010ZSEP23) Notable: Military Command Was Going to Screen 'Sound of Freedom.' Then the Military Times Got Involved.

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U.S. Southern Command Cancels ‘Sound Of Freedom’ Screenings

'Two showings of the Sound of Freedom have been canceled by the military’s United States Southern Command, or SOUTHCOM, at its headquarters in Doral, Florida.


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79b999 No.87909

File: 17a79809903a4f3⋯.png (979.71 KB,768x553,768:553,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19509266 (080012ZSEP23) Notable: Tucker is Outing Obama as Gay. But Everyone is Missing the Big Story.

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Tucker is Outing Obama as Gay. But Everyone is Missing the Big Story. I’m Obama’s College Classmate.

Tucker is Outing Obama as Gay. But Everyone is Missing the Big Story.

I’ve always had Obama’s number. I understand what makes him tick. I understand his goals.


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79b999 No.87910

File: 06285a47f9baa35⋯.png (648.03 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 14c77d0b1907778⋯.png (502.97 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: fdaddc4cf6f779e⋯.png (545.31 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 0b4ed9b5abf0981⋯.png (608.74 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19509312 (080019ZSEP23) Notable: PlaneFag Reports

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And. Something. Columbian

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79b999 No.87911

File: c21ef0816d71d52⋯.png (920.34 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19509314 (080019ZSEP23) Notable: Miami school board rejects LGBTQ+ history month proposal after bitter, 13-hour meeting

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Miami school board rejects LGBTQ+ history month proposal after bitter, 13-hour meeting

More than 70 speakers signed up to address the Florida board before a final vote of 5-3 ultimately sank the plan.


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79b999 No.87912

File: 27710179293aea3⋯.png (277.92 KB,598x550,299:275,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19509358 (080027ZSEP23) Notable: A ceremony to float out an advanced submarine fitted with tactical nuclear weapons was held in North Korea

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A ceremony to float out an advanced submarine fitted with tactical nuclear weapons was held in North Korea, the Voice of Korea radio station reported:







False alarm, go back to your combat stations.

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79b999 No.87913

File: ed6731a018af3b2⋯.png (857.1 KB,937x534,937:534,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19509396 (080036ZSEP23) Notable: Manifesto leads to man’s arrest for various child sex crimes in Florida, Kansas, police say

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GRAPHIC: Manifesto leads to man’s arrest for various child sex crimes in Florida, Kansas, police say

A 24-page manifesto and confession to authorities in Florida led to one man’s arrest for hundreds of child sex crimes that span decades.

The Topeka Police Department has confirmed to WIBW that detectives recently assisted the Stuart Police Department in Florida with an investigation into a case that covered hundreds of child sex crimes, some of which took place in Kansas.

The Stuart Police Department said on Aug. 26 that they arrested James Leonard Ward-Nichols, 61, as a result of their extensive investigation, which remains ongoing.

Police reported Ward-Nichols admitted to being in possession of child pornography and to have confessed to crimes that span decades and occurred across the nation.

An arrest affidavit obtained by WIBW indicated that at about 1:30 p.m. Aug. 26, Ward-Nichols called first responders to turn himself in and confess to various crimes.

When law enforcement officials arrived, Ward-Nichols told them he had committed a crime at a local Walmart on Aug. 29, 2015, in which he indecently exposed and pleasured himself in front of several children. When asked if he would come to the station for further questioning he stated, “I was kind of expecting that.”

Once in the police interview room, police noted that Ward-Nichols confessed that “a whole bunch of child pornography” was harbored on his laptops that were in police custody by that time. He also said he had forwarded his confession to various news outlets.

As law enforcement officials reviewed the laptop, they said Ward-Nichols also confessed to owning a storage unit in Topeka with more hard drives full of child porn. He said he downloaded his masses of pornography from various sites on the dark web.

In Ward-Nichols’ typed confession, also obtained by WIBW, he noted a storage locker in Topeka contains hours of footage of him pleasuring himself next to a playground in Lawrence, Kansas, near a Montessori school. He said he had specifically chosen his housing in Lawrence to do so.

This was not his only crime in Kansas, according to the document. Between 2000 and 2006 and again between 2013 and 2014, Ward-Nichols said he also stole Bibles from and desecrated a small church in Alta Vista. He also claimed to have pleasured himself inside dozens of Dollar Generals in Kansas, Missouri, Colorado and other states.

In his manifesto, Ward-Nichols confessed that he led a church youth group himself and that he had confessed these crimes between 1997 and 2009 to a now-deceased priest at a Catholic church in Kansas City.

The confession contains more information detailing crimes that happened in New Jersey, Colorado, Arizona and more.

As of Wednesday, Ward-Nichols remains behind bars in Florida with no bond listed.


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79b999 No.87914

File: 526841b9c7d426b⋯.png (392.16 KB,598x547,598:547,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19509409 (080039ZSEP23) Notable: Interpol has data on over 130,000 terrorists and their accomplices

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6 Sep, 22:04

Interpol has data on over 130,000 terrorists and their accomplices

MOSCOW, September 7. /TASS/. The Interpol database has information about more than 130,000 terrorists and their accomplices, as well as fingerprint cards and DNA of 665,000 people, whose traces were retrieved from sites of terror attacks, Valery Kalachev, chief of the National Central Bureau of Interpol of the Russian Interior Ministry, said in an interview with TASS.

"As of the end of last year, Interpol’s data store held data on more than 130,000 people involved in terrorist activities, as well as on persons assisting them. Apart from that, the databases contain identification data (dactocards and DNA) for 665,000 people, whose traces were retrieved from sites of terrorism-related crimes," he said.



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79b999 No.87915

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19509429 (080043ZSEP23) Notable: Dr. Miriam Grossman: How the Transgender Movement Happened

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>Miriam Grossman

She's very good.



Most replayed


0:35 / 1:08:23

Dr. Miriam Grossman: How the Transgender Movement Happened


Aug 23 2023

Miriam Grossman MD is a psychiatrist and specialist in child and adolescent psychiatry. Her practice currently focuses on gender-distressed young people and their parents. Dr Grossman features in the Daily Wire’s ‘What Is A Woman?’ documentary. She is the author of five books including ‘You’re Teaching My Child WHAT?’ - a critique of modern American sex education - and, most recently, ‘Lost in Trans Nation: A Child Psychiatrist's Guide Out of the Madness’

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79b999 No.87916

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19509446 (080046ZSEP23) Notable: RESIDENT BIDEN AKA PEDO PETE WOULD PREFER YOU NEVER SEE THIS

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79b999 No.87917

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19509448 (080047ZSEP23) Notable: Western countries hatching Interpol plot against Moscow – official

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7 Sep, 2023 22:42

Western countries hatching Interpol plot against Moscow – official

‘Unfriendly’ nations are trying to expel Russia from the international police cooperation body, its head of the national bureau has said

Some Interpol members have been plotting to remove Russia from the international police cooperation body for political reasons, the head of Russia’s National Central Bureau of Interpol, Major General of the Police Valery Kalachev, told TASS on Thursday.

When Moscow launched its military campaign in Ukraine, a “group of nations” started to plan its exclusion, the general claimed, adding that this procedure is not even envisioned by the organization’s charter. “We are aware that some behind-the-scenes debates are still continuing in several unfriendly nations,” he said, adding that these actions go against Interpol’s rules.

“Interpol is a … purely professional police organization,” Kalachev explained, adding that Article 3 of its charter “strictly prohibits [it] from interfering in or engaging in any activities of a political, military, religious or racial nature.”

So far, Moscow has successfully resisted any pressure within the organization and managed to “keep a high level of cooperation with its foreign partners,” the general assured. Kalachev admitted, however, that the EU was increasingly reluctant to work with Russia in this regard since the start of the conflict between Moscow and Kiev.

“EU nations refused to hand over a total of around 100 criminals in 2022 and 2023,”he revealed, adding that Poland is the least cooperative nation in this regard, as it alone turned down ten requests by the Russian Interpol bureau.

The general believes that such actions are primarily detrimental to the security and wellbeing of the EU nations themselves. “In defiance of common sense, they let our criminals stay on their [territory], putting their citizens at risk and placing an additional burden on their law enforcement agencies,”Kalachev said. The “short-sighted” political course of the elites in these nations “hurts their citizens’ interests, including economic and property ones,” he added.

Russia is actively cooperating with Interpol in fighting terrorism, organized crime, and drug trafficking, the head of the national bureau declared, and the organization sometimes remains the “only information sharing channel”for national law enforcement agencies amid the “difficult foreign policy situation.”

Moscow makes use of Interpol’s special notifications system to warn foreign law enforcement agencies in other countries about potentially dangerous individuals that might arrive while involved in terrorist activities.

Speaking on the 100th anniversary of the organization’s creation, Kalachev also called on the international police community to engage in “constructive” international dialogue and jointly combat threats ranging from terrorism to cybercrime.

(Remember when Putin called Trump and notified him of a threat? And they started working with each other quite a bit!)


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79b999 No.87918

File: 71f6ac83c2e5620⋯.png (610.05 KB,768x722,384:361,Clipboard.png)

File: 1a798b5ab4da158⋯.png (171.45 KB,781x832,781:832,Clipboard.png)

File: 4fd1a54f4856473⋯.png (514.91 KB,793x735,793:735,Clipboard.png)

File: 6f7c7c23b6066b9⋯.png (135.08 KB,782x609,782:609,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19509565 (080109ZSEP23) Notable: Ukraine’s ‘biggest arms supplier’ orchestrated 2014 Maidan massacre, witnesses say

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Ukraine’s ‘biggest arms supplier’ orchestrated 2014 Maidan massacre, witnesses say

Once denounced by Zelensky as a “criminal,” gun runner Serhiy Pashinksy has become the top private supplier of arms to Ukraine. Eyewitness testimony has fingered Pashinsky as the architect of a bloody false flag operation which propelled the 2014 Maidan coup and plunged the country into civil war.

Years before emerging as Kiev’s top private weapons trafficker, ex-legislator Serhiy Pashinsky played a key role in the 2014 US-backed coup which toppled Ukraine’s democratically-elected president and set the stage for a devastating civil war. Though the notoriously corrupt former Ukrainian parliamentarian was condemned by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy as a “criminal” as recently as 2019, a lengthy exposé by the New York Times has now identified Pashinsky as the Ukrainian government’s “biggest private arms supplier.”

Perhaps predictably, the report makes no mention of evidence implicating Pashinsky in the 2014 massacre of 70 anti-government protesters in Kiev’s Maidan Square, an incident which pro-Western forces used to consummate their coup d’etat against then-President Viktor Yanukovych.

In an August 12 report on Ukraine’s new weapons-sourcing strategy, the New York Times alleged that “out of desperation,” Kiev had no option but to adopt increasingly amoral tactics. The shift, they say, has driven up prices of lethal imports at an exponential rate, “and added layer upon layer of profit-making” for the benefit of unscrupulous speculators like Pashinsky.

According to the Times, the strategy is simple: Pashinksy “buys and sells grenades, artillery shells and rockets through a trans-European network of middlemen,” then “sells them, then buys them again and sells them once more”:

“With each transaction, prices rise – as do the profits of Mr. Pashinsky’s associates – until the final buyer, Ukraine’s military, pays the most,” the Times explained, adding that while using multiple brokers may technically be legal, “it is a time-tested way to inflate profits.”

As the seemingly endless supply of cash from Western taxpayers provides a bonanza for arms manufacturers such as Raytheon and Northrop Grumman, it similarly benefits war profiteers like Pashinsky. His company, Ukrainian Armored Technology, “reported its best year ever last year, with sales totaling more than $350 million” — a whopping 12,500% increase from its $2.8 million in sales the year before the war.

Pashinsky is not the only racketeer benefitting from the elimination of anti-corruption measures in wartime Ukraine. Several suppliers previously placed on an official blacklist after they “ripped off the military” are now free to sell again, according to the Times investigation. The outlet downplayed this as an unfortunate, but ultimately necessary measure.

“In the name of rushing weapons to the front line, leaders have resurrected figures from Ukraine’s rough-and-tumble past and undone, at least temporarily, years of anticorruption [sic] policies,” the Times asserted, describing “the re-emergence of figures like Mr. Pashinsky” as “one reason the American and British governments are buying ammunition for Ukraine rather than simply handing over money”:

“European and American officials are loath to discuss Mr. Pashinsky, for fear of playing into Russia’s narrative that Ukraine’s government is hopelessly corrupt and must be replaced.”


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79b999 No.87919

File: bb01af13d087d6f⋯.png (119.06 KB,1058x873,1058:873,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19509608 (080117ZSEP23) Notable: Fani Willis Lashes Out at Jim Jordan For Launching Investigation Into Her Trump RICO Case

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Fani Willis Lashes Out at Jim Jordan For Launching Investigation Into Her Trump RICO Case, Accuses Him of Trying to Obstruct a Criminal Proceeding

Fulton County DA Fani Willis lashed out at Rep. Jim Jordan for launching an investigation into her Trump RICO case.

Last month House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan launched an investigation into whether Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis coordinated with federal officials during her years-long probe into Trump and his associates.

Fani Willis hit President Trump and 18 others with RICO and conspiracy charges for daring to challenge the 2020 election.

A Fulton County grand jury last month returned a 41-count indictment which included RICO and conspiracy charges against Trump.

Fani Willis criminalized the First Amendment and likely coordinated with officials in Washington.

“Ms. Willis’s indictment and prosecution implicate substantial federal interests, and the circumstances surrounding her actions raise serious concerns about whether such actions are politically motivated,” Jim Jordan wrote.

Willis began her investigation into Trump in February 2021 yet she waited until the 2024 election season was in full swing to charge the former president and current leading GOP candidate.

“The timing of this prosecution reinforces concerns about your motivation. In February 2021, news outlets reported that you directed your office to open an investigation into President Trump.

Indeed, sometime on or around February 11, 2021, your office purportedly sent a letter to several Republican officials in Georgia, requesting that they preserve documents relating to a “matter . . . of high priority” that your office was investigating. Yet, you did not bring charges until two-and-a-half years later, at a time when the campaign for the Republican presidential nomination is in full swing,” Jordan wrote in the letter reviewed by The Gateway Pundit.

Fani Willis accused Jim Jordan of interfering with her criminal case.

“Your attempt to invoke congressional authority to intrude upon and interfere with an active criminal case in Georgia is flagrantly at odds with the Constitution. … There is absolutely no support for Congress purporting to second guess or somehow supervise an ongoing Georgia criminal investigation and prosecution,” Fani Willis said, according to Politico.


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79b999 No.87920

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19509682 (080137ZSEP23) Notable: Musk ‘the last adequate mind’ in America – Medvedev

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8 Sep, 2023 01:29

Musk ‘the last adequate mind’ in America – Medvedev

The businessman was smart not to allow Kiev use his Starlink service to target Crimea, Russia’s ex-president said

Former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev has praised billionaire Elon Musk for refusing to allow Ukraine to use his Starlink satellite communications network for attacks on a Russian naval base in Crimea. The statement came after CNN published excerpts from Walter Isaacson’s book about Musk, where he detailed the rationale behind the businessman’s decision.

“If what Isaacson has written in his book is true, then it looks like Musk is the last adequate mind in North America,” Medvedev, who is currently deputy chair of Russia’s Security Council, wrote on his English-language account on X (formerly known as Twitter) on Thursday.

=“Or, at the very least, in gender-neutral America, he is the one with the balls”, the official added.

According to excerpts from Isaacson’s book, quoted by CNN, Musk secretly ordered his engineers to disable Starlink service near Crimea last year to sabotage a planned Ukrainian attack on Russia’s Black Sea Fleet. “Starlink was not meant to be involved in wars. It was so people can watch Netflix and chill and get online for school and do good peaceful things, not drone strikes,” Musk reportedly said.

After the CNN story appeared online, Musk took to X to explain that he had denied Kiev’s “emergency request” to activate Starlink all the way to the port city of Sevastopol, which hosts a Russian naval base. “If I had agreed to their request, then SpaceX would be explicitly complicit in a major act of war and conflict escalation,” Musk wrote.

The businessman donated around 20,000 Starlink kits to Ukraine after Russia launched its military operation in the neighboring state in February 2022. Musk has since advocated for a peaceful resolution of the conflict, drawing ire from both Ukrainian and Western officials.


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79b999 No.87921

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19509722 (080145ZSEP23) Notable: #23960

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#23960 >>87899

>>87900 Your Car is Spying on You MORE than Smart Home Devices and Cell Phones

>>87901 Minnesota Liberal Politician Who Campaigned to 'Dismantle the Police Department' Falls Victim to Carjacking and Assault

>>87902 NYC Mayor Says Migrant Crisis Began with 'Madman Down in Texas' Busing Program

>>87903, >>87908 Military Command Was Going to Screen 'Sound of Freedom.' Then the Military Times Got Involved.

>>87904 Expert Arborist of 50yrs on the California and Maui Fires

>>87905 Executive Order 13848 - Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Foreign Interference in or Undermining Public Confidence in United States Elections

>>87906 Musk ordered shutdown of Starlink in Crimea – CNN

>>87907 Trump notifies Georgia court he 'may seek removal of prosecution to federal court'

>>87909 Tucker is Outing Obama as Gay. But Everyone is Missing the Big Story.

>>87910 PlaneFag Reports

>>87911 Miami school board rejects LGBTQ+ history month proposal after bitter, 13-hour meeting

>>87912 A ceremony to float out an advanced submarine fitted with tactical nuclear weapons was held in North Korea

>>87913 Manifesto leads to man’s arrest for various child sex crimes in Florida, Kansas, police say

>>87914 Interpol has data on over 130,000 terrorists and their accomplices

>>87915 Dr. Miriam Grossman: How the Transgender Movement Happened


>>87917 Western countries hatching Interpol plot against Moscow – official

>>87918 Ukraine’s ‘biggest arms supplier’ orchestrated 2014 Maidan massacre, witnesses say

>>87919 Fani Willis Lashes Out at Jim Jordan For Launching Investigation Into Her Trump RICO Case

>>87920 Musk ‘the last adequate mind’ in America – Medvedev

How's My Driving?

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79b999 No.87922

File: 0e2c569b23d0704⋯.jpg (84.61 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19509732 (080146ZSEP23) Notable: #23961

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And Gentlemen, I say to you... You are the best that the World has to offer


Godspeed Patriots


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79b999 No.87923

File: 516886564edd5b5⋯.mp4 (2.22 MB,720x858,120:143,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19509763 (080150ZSEP23) Notable: Former Canadian ambassador to Israel worked for Black Cube, an Israeli intelligence firm

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Former Canadian ambassador to Israel worked for Black Cube, an Israeli intelligence firm

Controversial private sector company composed of ex-members of the Mossad, other Israeli intelligence agencies

Black Cube made headlines in 2017 when it was discovered that Hollywood film executive Harvey Weinstein had hired it to dig up information on the women accusing him of sexual assault, and on the journalists pursuing the story.

In Canada, Black Cube has been criticized by an Ontario court for attempting to discredit a judge by trying to get him to make antisemitic comments in secretly recorded meetings.

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79b999 No.87924

File: a539ba1e7f527b1⋯.png (1.81 MB,1777x630,1777:630,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19509790 (080155ZSEP23) Notable: Nine year old Swedish girl, Luna, left brain-damaged after being savagely raped, beaten, and strangled by a Muslim migrant

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Nine year old Swedish girl, Luna, left brain-damaged after being savagely raped, beaten, and strangled by a Muslim migrant


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79b999 No.87925

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19509829 (080204ZSEP23) Notable: Accuser Admits He and Seven Bush Allied Cohorts Secretly Went to FBI to Report Ken Paxton Without any Evidence of Wrongdoing

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Accuser Admits He and Seven Bush Allied Cohorts Secretly Went to FBI to Report Ken Paxton Without any Evidence of Wrongdoing

September 7, 2023 | Sundance |

People are discovering why I have said for several years that Texas is a Red State citizenry led by a majority of Blue cloaked politicians. The establishment republicans are thick in Texas, led by the Bush tribe and Karl Rove. The exact same group that supports the con that is Ron DeSantis.

The third day of the Senate impeachment trial of Attorney General Ken Paxton continues today with the group of deputy attorneys in his office (the Bush Clan) admitting they went running to the FBI for investigative support against Paxton, despite having no evidence of wrongdoing. WATCH:

Notice how all of the AG office witnesses look exactly like George P Bush? They are clones.

Paxton’s crime was easily defeating George P Bush, which triggered all of the corrupt GOPe appointees, bureaucrats and politicians.



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79b999 No.87926

File: 1fa96837222e990⋯.png (149.7 KB,1012x914,506:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19509837 (080206ZSEP23) Notable: DHS Allocates $20 Million to Black Colleges and Universities and LGBTQIA+ Organizations for Violence and Terrorism Prevention

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DHS Allocates $20 Million to Black Colleges and Universities and LGBTQIA+ Organizations for Violence and Terrorism Prevention

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has announced a hefty sum of $20 million in grants awarded through the Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention (TVTP) Grant Program for Fiscal Year 2023.

The TVTP Grant Program, administered by the DHS Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships (CP3) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), aims to help local communities strengthen their abilities to combat targeted violence and terrorism.

DHS said that 41% of this year’s grant recipients are devoted to underserved populations, including one Historically Black College and University (HBCU), seven Minority Serving Institutions (MSI), one organization serving indigenous/Native American persons, one organization serving the LGBTQIA+ community, and five organizations serving rural communities.

Critics are concerned that the grant program may skew disproportionately against conservatives or be leveraged to target them.

One X user commented, “No, no you don’t. It’s a grift. Your targeting a political party is what you’re doing for your masters.”

Another wrote, “The only terrorism Americans have to fear is coming from the FBI, IRS, ATF, DHS, and the US Marshals.”

“Still no border wall…and this is the best you can do?” another wrote.

From the press release:

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced the award of 34 grants, totaling $20 million, through the Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention (TVTP) Grant Program for Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23). The TVTP Grant Program, administered by the DHS Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships (CP3) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), is the sole U.S. federal government grant program dedicated to helping local communities develop and strengthen their capabilities in combatting targeted violence and terrorism.

The TVTP Grant Program provides financial assistance to eligible applicants in local communities across the country to develop targeted violence and terrorism prevention programming in their communities, pilot innovative prevention approaches, and identify prevention best practices that can be replicated in communities nationwide.

“As the recent racially-motivated shooting in Jacksonville made painfully clear, targeted violence and terrorism can impact any community, anywhere,” said Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro N. Mayorkas. “The Department of Homeland Security is committed to confronting this threat. Through the partnership and collaboration this grant program helps build, the Department will continue to work with communities to prevent such abhorrent targeted acts from occurring.”



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79b999 No.87927

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19509880 (080214ZSEP23) Notable: Thirteen Presidential Libraries Express Concern for the State of Democracy in Joint Statement

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Thirteen Presidential Libraries Express Concern for the State of Democracy in Joint Statement

Elaine Mallon7 Sep 2023

Organized by David J. Kramer, the executive director of the George W. Bush Institute, 13 presidential libraries signed a joint statement expressing their concern about the state of democracy in the United States.

This is the first time that the libraries have rallied together to make a public declaration on the nation’s state of affairs, the Associated Press (AP) reported.

The document acknowledges that while the U.S. is a country of diverse backgrounds and viewpoints, citizens are all bound together by the principles listed in the Declaration of Independence regarding the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

“We are a country rooted in the rule of law, where the protection of the rights of all people is paramount,” the statement reads.

The letter states how crucial it is for elected officials to lead with the nation’s democratic ideals in mind, but it does not call out any individuals.

“This, in turn, will help to restore trust in public service,” the statement continues. “The rest of us must engage in civil dialogue; respect democratic institutions and rights; uphold safe, secure, and accessible elections; and contribute to local, state, or national improvement.”

The thirteen libraries, dating back to Herbert Hoover’s presidency, call upon the United States to support “civility and respect in public discourse” whether it is an election year or not.

In addition, the letter states it is in the nation’s best interest to support democracies overseas, for it contributes to the United States’ own prosperity at home.

“But that interest is undermined when others see our own house in disarray,” the statement reads. “The world will not wait for us to address our problems, so we must both continue to strive toward a more perfect union and help those abroad looking for U.S. leadership.”

The statement is signed by the Obama Foundation, the George W. Bush Presidential Center, the Clinton Foundation, the George & Barbara Bush Foundation, the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute, the Carter Center, the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation, the Richard Nixon Foundation, the LBJ Foundation, the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation, the Truman Library Institute, the Roosevelt Institute, and the Hoover Presidential Foundation.

(This is desperation, now presidential libraries are attacking Trump. Kek)


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79b999 No.87928

File: 214274c4a8149c2⋯.png (313.45 KB,828x834,138:139,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19509886 (080215ZSEP23) Notable: @Elon: There was an emergency request from government authorities to activate Starlink all the way to Sevastopol - Had I agreed, SpaceX would be complicit in act of war

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Musk averting WW3

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79b999 No.87929

File: 380454e41d99651⋯.jpeg (71.92 KB,787x900,787:900,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19509911 (080219ZSEP23) Notable: Trump's Executive Order 13848 has been extended for another year - Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

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Trump’s Executive Order 13848

HAS BEEN EXTENDED for another year.


Chess not checkers.

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79b999 No.87930

File: e6c43e5b1388de3⋯.png (407.56 KB,1575x535,315:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19509914 (080219ZSEP23) Notable: PF reports: US tanker RAKE72 squawking 7600 over Spain (lost comms with tower)

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US tanker RAKE72 squawking 7600 over Spain


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79b999 No.87931

File: a999d63096c15ed⋯.png (543.6 KB,636x382,318:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19509918 (080220ZSEP23) Notable: Megyn Kelly's first interview with Donald Trump in seven years will air next week

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Megyn Kelly's first interview with Donald Trump in seven years will air next week - as she teases it's 'going to be spicy'

Megyn Kelly's first interview with Trump in seven years next week

Megyn Kelly will host her first interview in seven years with former President Donald Trump next week - and viewers can expect the highly anticipated conversation to get 'spicy.'


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79b999 No.87932

File: 60689fa825ed818⋯.jpeg (54.72 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19509926 (080221ZSEP23) Notable: ‘Sound of Freedom’ Dominates with Number 1 Spot in 18 Latin American Countries

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‘Sound of Freedom’ Dominates with Number 1 Spot in 18 Latin American Countries

Simon Kent7 Sep 2023

The anti-trafficking drama Sound of Freedom is breaking geographical boundaries just as effectively as it assails the box office with the Angel Studios’ production now dominating in 18 Latin American countries.

The Jim Caviezel-led film deals with the horrors of human trafficking, and that universal theme has attracted nearly two million viewers from Mexico City to Caracas and more during the opening weekend, a press release from Angel Studios seen by The Wire sets out.

“The domestic box office performance on ‘SOUND OF FREEDOM’ has been an incredible success story, but some industry experts have argued our film would not be able to translate this success overseas,” Jared Geesey, Chief Distribution Officer at Angel Studios, said.

“We’re grateful to our fans for proving them wrong, and making us the number one movie in Latin America,” he added. “We’re seeing packed theaters, standing ovations, widespread enthusiasm, and strong word-of-mouth from Buenos Aires to Mexico City to Bogota to Caracas, Lima, and beyond.”

“We set a goal of reaching 2 million in advance ticket sales—which took a full week in the US—and reached that goal in just four days in Latin America,” Geesy continued. “This film is fast-becoming a global movement for change.”

The charge into the Latin America market follows a triumphant summer for the work that hails from the same studio responsible for the popular faith-based television series The Chosen.

As Breitbart News reported, near the end of August it had pulled in an an astonishing $178 million at the domestic U.S. box office alone.

This tops Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny ($174 million), Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One ($165 million), Transformers: Rise of the Beasts ($157 million), Fast X ($146 million), The Flash ($108 million), and Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves ($93 million).

Currently, Sound of Freedom is the 9th biggest moneymaker of the year. Number eight is John Wick: Chapter 4, with $187 million. In its 7th weekend of release, Sound of Freedom cleared $2.6 million.

The good news does not stop there.

Sound of Freedom has already announced distribution plans in foreign countries outside the Latin America market, with those it has already arrived in showing huge promise.

The movie became the number one film in New Zealand on opening weekend and is in the number two spot in Australia after it opened in both countries on August 24, the press release noted.


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79b999 No.87933

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19509931 (080223ZSEP23) Notable: Trump's Executive Order 13848 has been extended for another year - Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

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79b999 No.87934

File: 3f2fb2059a970dd⋯.png (234.7 KB,700x420,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19510015 (080241ZSEP23) Notable: GOP House Committee Report Accuses Mayorkas of Emboldening Cartels at Border

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SPICY! GOP House Homeland Security Committee report accuses Mayorkas of emboldening cartels at border

GOP House Committee Report Accuses Mayorkas of Emboldening Cartels at Border

The report accuses Mr. Mayorkas of allowing for the cartels to seize the southern border.


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79b999 No.87935

File: 454938f12c367da⋯.png (2.51 MB,1284x2778,214:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19510059 (080247ZSEP23) Notable: @Elon: There was an emergency request from government authorities to activate Starlink all the way to Sevastopol - Had I agreed, SpaceX would be complicit in act of war

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No wonder Biden Admin hates Elon… He won’t help them start WW3

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79b999 No.87936

File: 26cf371554234b9⋯.png (2.16 MB,1463x1621,1463:1621,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19510086 (080251ZSEP23) Notable: AI/photoshopped Michigan Supreme Court judge? - 2021

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Cori E. Barkmanis a new Dem appointed judge, is as lovely as a photoshop angel


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79b999 No.87937

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19510125 (080256ZSEP23) Notable: ‘Accusation Of Treason’: GOP Sen. Mike Lee Torches Secretary Of The Navy For Attacking Tommy Tuberville

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‘Accusation Of Treason’: GOP Sen. Mike Lee Torches Secretary Of The Navy For Attacking Tommy Tuberville

(WTH is wrong with the military under Bidan?)


Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro urged Tuberville to relent his hold on military nominations over the Pentagon’s abortion policy, arguing America’s military readiness and reputation has eroded during an unusual public interview alongside the secretaries of the Air Force and Army, which aired on CNN Tuesday. Tuberville is protesting a Pentagon policy he believes is inconsistent with the spirit, if not the letter, of the law, but “for that he was accused by the secretary of the United States Navy of aiding and abetting communists,” Lee said in a floor speech.

“These are not fighting words, these words are tantamount to an accusation of treason,” Lee said, referring to Del Toro’s remarks. “These are not appropriate. These are way over the line.”

On Tuesday, Del Toro told CNN, “Born in a communist country, I would never have imagined that one of our own senators would be aiding and abetting communist and other autocratic regimes around the world.” Del Toro was born in Cuba.

“This is having a real negative impact and will continue to have an impact on our combat readiness,” Del Toro said.

Tuberville began refusing to give his consent for bloc military promotions in March to protest against the Pentagon’s then-new policy of funding out-of-state travel and authorizing official leave time for service members seeking abortions. The decades-old Hyde Amendment prohibits the federal government from covering abortions except in rare cases.

“We’re the only branch that gets to make the law,” Lee said.

Tuberville’s hold affects nearly 300 military nominations, of which 86 are in the Navy, the Pentagon said Wednesday. Of the total, 22 pertain to positions within Indo-Pacific Command’s area of responsibility.

In theory, the Senate could vote on each nominee one-by-one and bypass the requirement for unanimous consent for bloc promotions, a process that would consume hours for each vote. When asked if the Senate would vote on the nominee for Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman, Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York said it was the Republicans’ problem and “we’re not going to shift the burden to Democrats.”


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79b999 No.87938

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19510153 (080302ZSEP23) Notable: Catholic Priest Who Says “You Can’t Be Catholic and Democrat” Says “Pope Francis Is Not the Pope”

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Catholic Priest Who Says “You Can’t Be Catholic and Democrat” Says “Pope Francis Is Not the Pope”

Fr. James Altman, the priest behind the viral video, “You cannot be Catholic and a Democrat”. He now has released another video claiming “Pope Francis is not the Pope”.

Father James Altman is an inspiring Roman Catholic priest who has dedicated his life to serving God and spreading the message of the Gospel. Originally from the Diocese of Marquette, Father Altman was an attorney who had a family practice in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, when he answered the call to the priesthood. Graduating from the University of St. Mary of the Lake’s Mundelein Seminary outside Chicago, Father Altman was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Jerome E. Listecki at the Cathedral of St. Joseph the Workman on June 28, 2008.

Following ordination, his first assignment was as chaplain and teacher at Assumption High School and associate pastor at Our Lady Queen of Heaven, both in Wisconsin Rapids. He moved to Ss. Peter and Paul, Wisconsin Rapids, on March 1, 2009. One year later he was appointed the parish’s administrator and installed as pastor by Bishop Callahan on Dec. 19, 2010.

Fr. Altman gained worldwide recognition after filming the now viral video entitled, “You cannot be Catholic & a Democrat”

In 2021 Fr. Altman was put on administrative leave from his position as pastor of St. James the Less in La Crosse, Wisconsin by Bishop Callahan pending the outcome of a Canon law case filed with the Vatican. Despite facing censorship from Church leaders, Father Altman remains steadfast in his commitment to the Gospel and the teachings of the Catholic Church. He has inspired many Catholics across the country to embrace a more robust and unapologetic witness to the Gospel and continues to inspire people of all faiths with his powerful message of hope, love, and redemption.



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79b999 No.87939

File: 13ac17edd29ac15⋯.png (178.46 KB,990x731,990:731,Clipboard.png)

File: e90c88826903073⋯.png (232.45 KB,715x2188,715:2188,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19510167 (080305ZSEP23) Notable: The president of a Japanese boy band company resigns and apologizes for founder’s sex abuse

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The president of a Japanese boy band company resigns and apologizes for founder’s sex abuse

TOKYO (AP) — The head of a powerful Japanese talent agency resigned Thursday and made an apology punctuated by repeated, lengthy bows, nine days after an internal investigation concluded that its founder had sexually abused hundreds of young performers over decades.

Julie Keiko Fujishima announced she was stepping down as president of Johnny & Associates, the agency founded by her late uncle Johnny Kitagawa, and promised to contribute to a compensation fund from her own fortune.

“This is what my uncle committed, and as a niece, I want to take responsibility,” Fujishima said solemnly.

Fujishima said the alleged sex abuse had really happened and that she would stay on the company’s board to see through a victim compensation program.

A group of men who accused Kitagawa of raping them as children said they were pleased the company apologized, but some had reservations.


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79b999 No.87940

File: fa6d9cb529e890e⋯.png (660.54 KB,680x699,680:699,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19510187 (080310ZSEP23) Notable: Robert F. Kennedy Jr facing DNC hardball

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr facing DNC hardball: "They’ve made rules that if any candidate sets foot in the state of Iowa or sets foot in the state of New Hampshire, then none of the votes that are cast for that candidate will be tallied."


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79b999 No.87941

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19510209 (080315ZSEP23) Notable: Judge reverses decision on Trump election interference case

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Federal District Judge Tanya Chutkan, who is presiding over the election interference case against former President Donald Trump in Washington, revoked an earlier approval of a motion after lawyers representing President Trump said court rules weren't followed.

On Sept. 5, prosecutors on special counsel Jack Smith's team asked the judge to allow documents to be filed under seal but allow redacted versions of the documents on the public docket. That is routine in cases that may involve classified or otherwise sensitive information.

Judge Chutkan approved the motion.

paywall removed proxy = https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theepochtimes.com%2Fus%2Fwashington-judge-reverses-decision-on-motion-after-trump-attorneys-say-she-broke-court-rules-5487109%3Frs%3DSHRNCMMW

source; https://www.theepochtimes.com/us/washington-judge-reverses-decision-on-motion-after-trump-attorneys-say-she-broke-court-rules-5487109?rs=SHRNCMMW

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79b999 No.87942

File: c9077cd9f46986a⋯.png (994 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19510212 (080315ZSEP23) Notable: Hunter Biden claims he was ‘embarrassed’ by laptop in deposition — but still denies it or contents are his

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Hunter Biden claims he was ‘embarrassed’ by laptop in deposition — but still denies it or contents are his

The First Son provided confusing and often contradictory testimony under oath during a deposition related to a defamation action brought by John Paul Mac Isaac, who accuses Hunter of falsely insist…


din du nuffin hunter'

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79b999 No.87943

File: 4c148bbbac37fc0⋯.png (1.65 MB,1609x1243,1609:1243,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19510216 (080317ZSEP23) Notable: Rothschild family art collection pieces to be sold in New York, October 11-13

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Why are they selling?

That's not something those types typically do.


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79b999 No.87944

File: b0b1795e756339c⋯.png (900.77 KB,880x808,110:101,Clipboard.png)

File: e9ba13a2bd6befb⋯.png (50.84 KB,646x484,323:242,Clipboard.png)

File: 725f4e07d77f00d⋯.png (17.54 KB,611x166,611:166,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19510281 (080332ZSEP23) Notable: Rothschild family art collection pieces to be sold in New York, October 11-13

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>Why are they selling?

"All of the Estate’s proceeds from the most significant charitable auction in history will be directed to a dozen philanthropies Peggy and David Rockefeller supported during their lifetimes, for the benefit of continuing scientific research, higher education, support for the arts, sustainable economic development, and land conservation initiatives, among others."


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79b999 No.87945

File: 59405169d66f4b6⋯.png (669.09 KB,700x394,350:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19510331 (080343ZSEP23) Notable: Former FTX CEO Ryan Salame To Forfeit $1.5 Billion, Pleads Guilty To Federal Campaign Finance And Money-Transmitting Crimes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Former FTX CEO To Forfeit $1.5 Billion, Pleads Guilty To Federal Campaign Finance And Money-Transmitting Crimes (also he likes 10 dudes + 1 fugly sex)


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.87946

File: 6efe927f50ecd94⋯.png (271.21 KB,1080x657,120:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19510421 (080412ZSEP23) Notable: Peter Navarro: Guilty. I’m doing my duty to God, country, the Constitution, and my commander-in-chief. Standing tall thanks for your prayers.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Peter Navarro after his Contempt of Congress verdict: Guilty. I’m doing my duty to God, country, the Constitution, and my commander-in-chief. Standing tall thanks for your prayers.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.87947

File: 1031ecac4436fa7⋯.png (7.45 MB,4096x4096,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19510428 (080414ZSEP23) Notable: QClock September 07, 2023 - History Will Judge You Well

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

QClock September 07, 2023 - History Will Judge You Well

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.87948

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19510511 (080438ZSEP23) Notable: #23961

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#23961 >>87922

>>87923 Former Canadian ambassador to Israel worked for Black Cube, an Israeli intelligence firm

>>87924 Nine year old Swedish girl, Luna, left brain-damaged after being savagely raped, beaten, and strangled by a Muslim migrant

>>87925 Accuser Admits He and Seven Bush Allied Cohorts Secretly Went to FBI to Report Ken Paxton Without any Evidence of Wrongdoing

>>87926 DHS Allocates $20 Million to Black Colleges and Universities and LGBTQIA+ Organizations for Violence and Terrorism Prevention

>>87927 Thirteen Presidential Libraries Express Concern for the State of Democracy in Joint Statement

>>87928, >>87935 @Elon: There was an emergency request from government authorities to activate Starlink all the way to Sevastopol - Had I agreed, SpaceX would be complicit in act of war

>>87929, >>87933 Trump's Executive Order 13848 has been extended for another year - Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

>>87930 PF reports: US tanker RAKE72 squawking 7600 over Spain (lost comms with tower)

>>87931 Megyn Kelly's first interview with Donald Trump in seven years will air next week

>>87932 ‘Sound of Freedom’ Dominates with Number 1 Spot in 18 Latin American Countries

>>87934 GOP House Committee Report Accuses Mayorkas of Emboldening Cartels at Border

>>87936 AI/photoshopped Michigan Supreme Court judge? - 2021

>>87937 ‘Accusation Of Treason’: GOP Sen. Mike Lee Torches Secretary Of The Navy For Attacking Tommy Tuberville

>>87938 Catholic Priest Who Says “You Can’t Be Catholic and Democrat” Says “Pope Francis Is Not the Pope”

>>87939 The president of a Japanese boy band company resigns and apologizes for founder’s sex abuse

>>87940 Robert F. Kennedy Jr facing DNC hardball

>>87941 Judge reverses decision on Trump election interference case

>>87942 Hunter Biden claims he was ‘embarrassed’ by laptop in deposition — but still denies it or contents are his

>>87943, >>87944 Rothschild family art collection pieces to be sold in New York, October 11-13

>>87945 Former FTX CEO Ryan Salame To Forfeit $1.5 Billion, Pleads Guilty To Federal Campaign Finance And Money-Transmitting Crimes

>>87946 Peter Navarro: Guilty. I’m doing my duty to God, country, the Constitution, and my commander-in-chief. Standing tall thanks for your prayers.

>>87947 QClock September 07, 2023 - History Will Judge You Well



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79b999 No.87949

File: ddbd69d9059441c⋯.jpg (48.58 KB,630x421,630:421,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19510521 (080440ZSEP23) Notable: #23962

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dog needs a run

ghost protocols activated


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79b999 No.87950

File: 9a748f5c0dd7a74⋯.png (182.93 KB,1071x801,119:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19510690 (080539ZSEP23) Notable: Elon Musk Reveals "Extremely Powerful" ADL CEO Sought To Shake Him Down For Donations

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Elon Musk Reveals "Extremely Powerful" ADL CEO Sought To Shake Him Down For Donations


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79b999 No.87951

File: 21fe7a75df56999⋯.png (782.5 KB,768x493,768:493,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19510729 (080555ZSEP23) Notable: California violates the 2nd amendment by passing a law to put an 11% tax on guns, ammo and gun manufacturing

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

California violates the 2nd amendment by passing a law to put an 11% tax on guns, ammo and gun manufacturing.

California lawmakers approve 11% tax for guns and ammunition, bill now heads to Newsom

The tax, which would match the highest imposed by the federal government on guns, would pay for school safety improvements.


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79b999 No.87952

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19510742 (080600ZSEP23) Notable: Megyn Kelly Drops Vaccine Injury Bombshell, Regrets Getting COVID Shot

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Megyn Kelly Drops Vaccine Injury Bombshell, Regrets Getting COVID Shot

Megyn Kelly, a veteran journalist and podcaster, said Wednesday that she deeply regrets getting the COVID-19 vaccine because she believes she has suffered a vaccine injury.

Ms. Kelly said that she regrets getting vaccinated and then boosted, saying she doesn't think it was necessary—and that a doctor told her that an autoimmune condition she developed after getting the shot may be related to the vaccine.

“I regret getting the vaccine even though I’m a 52-year-old woman because I don’t think I needed it,” Ms. Kelly said during a Sept. 6 episode of her podcast "The Megyn Kelly Show."

“I think I would have been fine. I had got COVID many times, and it was well past when the vaccine was doing what it was supposed to be doing,” she added.

“For the first time, I tested positive for an autoimmune issue at my annual physical. And I went to the best rheumatologist in New York, and I asked her, do you think this could have to do with the fact that I got the damn booster and then got COVID within three weeks? And she said yes. Yes. I wasn’t the only one she’d seen that with,” Ms. Kelly said.

Her current vaccine regret stands in contrast to remarks she made in April 2021, when she said she had "zero qualms" about getting the shot.

“Am getting the [Johnson & Johnson] vaccine this [weekend]. Have zero qualms [because] have spent a life immersed in a media obsessed with fear-mongering that is often irresponsible and untrue. Do what your doctor tells you to do and ignore everyone else,” she said in a post on X, formerly Twitter.

Ms. Kelly's expression of regret at getting the shot comes amid reports linking spike protein-based COVID-19 vaccines to skin problems, a dull ringing in the ears known as tinnitus, visual impairments, blood clotting, and even death. ...


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79b999 No.87953

File: 5ef4462c858024a⋯.jpeg (85.63 KB,785x1024,785:1024,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d07313d246b5a28⋯.jpeg (58.03 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19510772 (080617ZSEP23) Notable: Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Foreign Interference in or Undermining Public Confidence in United States Elections

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things bout to get spicy?


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79b999 No.87954

File: 3b90ec99eeb8934⋯.png (929.77 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19510776 (080618ZSEP23) Notable: Utah's Special Election Sees Pro-Biden Republican Facing Defeat

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Utah's Special Election Sees Pro-Biden Republican Facing Defeat

Americans For Logic Over Emotions is an independent America-First news and entertainment source. - Utah's Special Election Sees Pro-Biden Republican Facing Defeat


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79b999 No.87955

File: 021b2f73bc2024e⋯.png (1.35 MB,1080x3306,180:551,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19510795 (080626ZSEP23) Notable: A List of American Taxpayer Funds sent to Ukraine since the start of the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A List of American Taxpayer Funds sent to Ukraine since the start of the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict:


"The daughter of Alexander Sapon, the head of the Ukrainian draft board, was on vacation in Los Angeles this weekend.

Ukrainian Government oligarchs have managed to send their skank daughters to travel the world on fancy yachts.

Now you know where that 70% of US Funding went that was “unaccounted for”"


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79b999 No.87956

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19510849 (080647ZSEP23) Notable: OUSD Board Meeting - September 7, 2023 - The board just PASSED the parental rights item. 3 board members left the meeting before the vote.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

OUSD Board Meeting - September 7, 2023

The board just PASSED the parental rights item. 3 board members left the meeting before the vote.

Vote about at last 6 min of vid

California lefties not going to be happy about this! kek

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79b999 No.87957

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19510880 (080658ZSEP23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: The Biden Administration wants to now make our Army Tanks all Electric so that, despite the fact that they will not be able to go very far...

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Donald J. Trump




The Biden Administration wants to now make our Army Tanks all Electric so that, despite the fact that they will not be able to go very far, fewer pollutants will be released into the air.



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79b999 No.87958

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19510881 (080658ZSEP23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: We just sent $520,000,000 to Ukraine to “make their energy cleaner.”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


We just sent $520,000,000 to Ukraine to “make their energy cleaner.”

Sep 08, 2023, 2:46 AM


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79b999 No.87959

File: fe082563574d50a⋯.png (292.83 KB,573x435,191:145,Clipboard.png)

File: 66b63aaf2d1254c⋯.png (1.02 MB,1080x1376,135:172,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511017 (080905ZSEP23) Notable: EVERYTHING THE CHINESE CCP IS DOING IN AMERICA IS WORKING

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Destroyed energy sector

Stolen White House

Boatloads of Fentanyl

100% open borders

Control our politicians

Mutilating our children

Elections stolen with impunity

Largest consumers of porn

Spy's buying up FARMLAND

Unleashing another pandemic

Illegal to be a patriot

Turned California into a toilet

The list is too extensive to continue.



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79b999 No.87960

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511019 (080908ZSEP23) Notable: South Africa ‘held to ransom’ over Covid vaccine deals - NGO

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

South Africa ‘held to ransom’ over Covid vaccine deals – NGO

The country was the victim of “gross profiteering” by Big Pharma during the pandemic, a report has claimed

An investigation into South Africa’s procurement of Covid-19 vaccines has found that the country’s health officials purchased supplies from global pharmaceutical companies at inflated prices compared to many Western nations.

The Health Justice Initiative (HJI), an independent body formed during the pandemic to monitor the South African healthcare system’s handling of the crisis, said during a news conference this week that the government was “bullied” into accepting unfavorable vaccine deals via one-sided “ransom negotiations.”

“The [vaccine] contracts contain unusually hefty demands and conditions, including secrecy, a lack of transparency, and very little leverage against late or no delivery of supplies or inflated prices,” the HJI said in a statement on Tuesday. It added that this system led to “gross profiteering” and an “inability to plan properly in a pandemic.”

The terms agreed by South Africa’s government with companies such as Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson for the purchase of Covid-19 vaccines were the subject of a legal challenge by the HJI last month under the country’s Promotion of Access to Information Act.

A Pretoria court subsequently ruled in favor of the HJI, compelling the South African government to release the vaccine contracts in the interest of transparency and accountability.

The documents detailed that South Africa was liable for vaccine payments of $734 million. The terms of the agreements included no guarantees of a timely delivery or penalties for late arrival. It was also found that Johnson & Johnson charged South Africa $10 per dose of its vaccine – some $1.50 more than EU countries paid.

“The country was forced to overpay for vaccines, paying 33% more than the African Union price from the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine and paying the Serum Institute of India 2.5 times more for a generic version of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine compared to the United Kingdom,” the HJI said.

The group claimed that the government’s practices throughout the pandemic “signals a dangerous precedent for future pandemic readiness,” and that “we were bullied into unfair and undemocratic terms in contracts that were totally one-sided. Put simply, pharmaceutical companies held us to ransom.”

According to publicly available data, South Africa has recorded 102,595 deaths from Covid-19 since the start of the pandemic. As of May 2023, approximately 65% of South Africans have received a vaccine against the virus.


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79b999 No.87961

File: c3ab850c10593fe⋯.png (518.16 KB,596x769,596:769,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511099 (081019ZSEP23) Notable: Gov. Henry McMaster: I can assure the people of South Carolina we will not have mask mandates, we will not close schools, and we will not lock down.

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Gov. Henry McMaster


As talks of mask mandates and closures kick up across the country, I can assure the people of South Carolina we will not have mask mandates, we will not close schools, and we will not lock down.

3:07 AM · Sep 7, 2023




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79b999 No.87962

File: 38dadfab4e6a974⋯.png (23.77 KB,805x210,23:6,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511116 (081026ZSEP23) Notable: House committee says Mayorkas ‘enriched the cartels’ after second phase of Republican-led investigation

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House committee says Mayorkas ‘enriched

the cartels’ after second phase of Republican-led investigation

BizPac Review, by Jennie Taer

Posted By: Imright, 9/8/2023 1:02:36 AM

The House Homeland Security Committee released the findings of the second part of their probe Thursday into Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, finding he “enriched the cartels,” according to a copy of the report obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation. Under Mayorkas’ leadership as DHS secretary, cartels have gained more control over the southern border and smuggled more individuals and contraband across it, according to the report. The first phase of House Homeland Security Chairman Mark Green’s probe focused on Mayorkas’ alleged “dereliction” of his duty as secretary of DHS.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.87963

File: 26ccb34aad55bab⋯.png (40.06 KB,1257x277,1257:277,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511119 (081027ZSEP23) Notable: Chicago's O'Hare Airport used as a migrant shelter as crisis overwhelms city: 'Like a scene from Mad Max'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Chicago's O'Hare Airport used as a migrant

shelter as crisis overwhelms city: 'Like

a scene from Mad Max'

Fox News, by Elizabeth Heckman

Posted By: Imright, 9/8/2023 12:58:50 AM

Chicago leaders are facing backlash over hundreds of migrants being housed at O'Hare International Airport, one of the nation's busiest airports. Chicago reporter William Kelly joined "Fox & Friends" Thursday to discuss what the city has been experiencing as a result of the influx of migrants. More than 400 migrants are reportedly being housed in a section of the airport, hidden from public view behind black curtains, up from 31 at the beginning of August.

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79b999 No.87964

File: 00f3aeab35a0f56⋯.png (67.01 KB,658x462,47:33,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511137 (081033ZSEP23) Notable: NYC's $4.7BN migrant bill is equal to cost of critical services like sanitation, parks and fire department Combined

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Revealed: NYC's $4.7BN migrant bill is

equal to cost of critical services like

sanitation, parks and fire department

Combined - as Mayor Eric Adams warns crisis

will destroy the city, with schools already overwhelmed

Daily Mail (UK), by Germania Rodriguez Poleo

Posted By: Imright, 9/7/2023 8:13:35 PM

New York City's migrant crisis will cost the city more than $4billion this fiscal year if the situation continues - as mayor Eric Adams warned the influx of asylum seekers could destroy the city. Despite mayor Adams' cries for help from the state and federal government, the city has not received aid to cover the extra costs, so the $4.7billion would come from the city's budget. That amount is equal to the budgets for the city's sanitation, fire and parks departments combined. More than 110,000 asylum seekers have arrived in the city since the Spring of 2022, with over currently 10,000 arriving every month, and about 1,000 every single day.

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79b999 No.87965

File: fc01c103a31b6d4⋯.png (324.35 KB,581x819,83:117,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511145 (081036ZSEP23) Notable: Lara Logan on J6 series of stories...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Lara Logan


For months we’ve been working on a series of stories about January 6th. I did not expect to meet so many extraordinary people in ordinary places who traveled all the way to Washington DC on January 6th, some of whom had never seen the capitol in their lives. You probably don’t know their names or their faces and that’s by design. I learned so many things I did not expect and I was reminded why I still fight to go beyond the headlines and false narratives and find the truth that lies in the rest of the story...the parts you weren’t told.


Truth In Media





It's hard to find the truth these days, and it's needed now more than ever.

@laralogan has traveled across America to bring you the truth about the events of January 6, 2021.

Don't miss her latest series, "The Rest of the Story", coming soon on X and @SovrenMedia!👇

5:23 PM · Sep 7, 2023




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79b999 No.87966

File: 68e3c0a0bfc5d5f⋯.png (423.65 KB,596x666,298:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511148 (081037ZSEP23) Notable: Lara Logan on J6 series of stories...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Lara Logan


I’m told…..More people should pay closer attention to the Clinton Foundation Civil Tax Case.


Michael Rae Khoury




Military Intelligence has control of The Clinton Foundation Tax Documents — which are still under seal in IRS CIVIL Tax Court… 👀

Now why would that be? 🤔

N.C.S.W.I.C. 💯


2:26 PM · Sep 7, 2023




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79b999 No.87967

File: 697a878a7ff1b95⋯.png (198.49 KB,596x731,596:731,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511151 (081038ZSEP23) Notable: Lara Logan on J6 series of stories...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Lara Logan


The ADL is a hate organization. They hurt those they claim to represent.





Sep 6

The ADL categorizes "Anti-Antifa Images," "White Lives Matter," and "It's Okay To Be White" as hate symbols.

Why does the ADL support Antifa, which has been linked to far-left violent riots across the nation?

"It's Okay To Be White" and "White Lives Matter" are hate symbols?


2:09 PM · Sep 7, 2023




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79b999 No.87968

File: c75b3e068b71b6a⋯.png (392.33 KB,601x558,601:558,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511161 (081042ZSEP23) Notable: BOMBSHELL in Ken Paxton Impeachment Trial: A “whistleblower” says he reported Paxton to the FBI with NO EVIDENCE!

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Emerald Robinson ✝️


RIP: Texas GOP


Brandon Waltens




BOMBSHELL in Ken Paxton Impeachment Trial:

A “whistleblower” says he reported Paxton to the FBI with NO EVIDENCE!

12:26 PM · Sep 7, 2023




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79b999 No.87969

File: 1ea612c71a1d280⋯.png (385.35 KB,594x674,297:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511201 (081102ZSEP23) Notable: Truckers are sounding the alarm that Joe Biden's new rule will decimate America's food supply, yet he refuses to listen.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Attorney General Andrew Bailey


Truckers are sounding the alarm that Joe Biden's new rule will decimate America's food supply, yet he refuses to listen.

We're forcing him to take notice.

I've filed suit with 19 states to HALT his overreaching regulation.


Trucker warns Biden's EPA regulations would be 'catastrophic' for the American food supply

A trucking executive warns the American supply chain would be 'dead in the water' if the industry ground to a halt as a result of Biden admin green energy policies.

4:25 AM · Sep 7, 2023




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79b999 No.87970

File: a0ebcf6a8d93a6b⋯.png (588.24 KB,591x702,197:234,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511215 (081110ZSEP23) Notable: Wall Street Apes w/CAP: The amount of money the Joe Biden Admin authorized for Ukraine yesterday could have given $140,119.76 to each of the Lahaina victims

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Wall Street Apes


The amount of money the Joe Biden Administration authorized for Ukraine yesterday could have given $140,119.76 to each of the Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii victims…

But of course, it’s going to Ukraine.

6uild 6ack 6etter


1:26 AM · Sep 7, 2023




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79b999 No.87971

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511325 (081202ZSEP23) Notable: #23962

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

final bun for #23962

hold yer laties tight... it's closing time

czech em

#23962 >>87949

>>87950 Elon Musk Reveals "Extremely Powerful" ADL CEO Sought To Shake Him Down For Donations

>>87951 California violates the 2nd amendment by passing a law to put an 11% tax on guns, ammo and gun manufacturing

>>87952 Megyn Kelly Drops Vaccine Injury Bombshell, Regrets Getting COVID Shot

>>87953 Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Foreign Interference in or Undermining Public Confidence in United States Elections

>>87954 Utah's Special Election Sees Pro-Biden Republican Facing Defeat

>>87955 A List of American Taxpayer Funds sent to Ukraine since the start of the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict

>>87956 OUSD Board Meeting - September 7, 2023 - The board just PASSED the parental rights item. 3 board members left the meeting before the vote.

>>87957 DJT TS w/CAP: The Biden Administration wants to now make our Army Tanks all Electric so that, despite the fact that they will not be able to go very far...

>>87958 DJT TS w/CAP: We just sent $520,000,000 to Ukraine to “make their energy cleaner.”


>>87960 South Africa ‘held to ransom’ over Covid vaccine deals - NGO

>>87961 Gov. Henry McMaster: I can assure the people of South Carolina we will not have mask mandates, we will not close schools, and we will not lock down.

>>87962 House committee says Mayorkas ‘enriched the cartels’ after second phase of Republican-led investigation

>>87963 Chicago's O'Hare Airport used as a migrant shelter as crisis overwhelms city: 'Like a scene from Mad Max'

>>87964 NYC's $4.7BN migrant bill is equal to cost of critical services like sanitation, parks and fire department Combined

>>87965, >>87966, >>87967 Lara Logan on J6 series of stories...

>>87968 BOMBSHELL in Ken Paxton Impeachment Trial: A “whistleblower” says he reported Paxton to the FBI with NO EVIDENCE!

>>87969 Truckers are sounding the alarm that Joe Biden's new rule will decimate America's food supply, yet he refuses to listen.

>>87970 Wall Street Apes w/CAP: The amount of money the Joe Biden Admin authorized for Ukraine yesterday could have given $140,119.76 to each of the Lahaina victims

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79b999 No.87972

File: f107c916ff0c708⋯.png (1.06 MB,896x717,896:717,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511370 (081214ZSEP23) Notable: #23963-B

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morn'n baker requesting handoff - call the ball baker

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79b999 No.87973

File: 3db113f42fc88b5⋯.png (21.27 KB,602x270,301:135,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511377 (081216ZSEP23) Notable: Those huge orange-sky causing wildfires in Quebec? Arson.

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Amazing Polly's Sword Sharpener


Those huge orange-sky causing wildfires in Quebec?



Square profile picture

The Globe and Mail




Quebec man, 37, charged with arson in connection with wildfires in province’s north https://theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-quebec-man-37-charged-with-arson-in-connection-with-wildfires-in/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter

12:57 AM · Sep 8, 2023




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79b999 No.87974

File: 1fbebf9e6a595bd⋯.png (256.89 KB,589x584,589:584,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511381 (081218ZSEP23) Notable: Those huge orange-sky causing wildfires in Quebec? Arson.

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The Globe and Mail


Quebec man, 37, charged with arson in connection with wildfires in province’s north


Quebec man, 37, charged with arson in connection with wildfires in province’s north

Quebec suspect allegedly started a series of small fires earlier this summer that were quickly extinguished

11:02 AM · Sep 7, 2023




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79b999 No.87975

File: 9ce47382877b1fb⋯.png (624.92 KB,825x1319,825:1319,Clipboard.png)

File: 76b0f28fa36f429⋯.png (617.34 KB,834x1081,834:1081,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511393 (081224ZSEP23) Notable: Greenwald amazed by Marc Lamont Hill's defense of ADL - more ADL news

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Andrew Ross Sorkin asks Jonathan Greenblatt if he was seeking to have a role at X or shaking down for donations to the ADL (like he did to Adidas and the Brooklyn Nets) and he responds by saying that's an "anti-Semitic trope."

Elon: "Because the answer is “Yes!” regarding seeking donations, hence JG’s refusal to answer the question. JG instead went on the attack, implying that Sorkin, despite being Jewish, is somehow an anti-Semite just for asking a basic conflict-of-interest question!"



By JG's own logic, every time he criticizes Musk for anything, that's anti-white trope.

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79b999 No.87976

File: eee68f9da931bc5⋯.png (198.61 KB,407x624,407:624,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511398 (081225ZSEP23) Notable: Teachers Are Being Decimated by TURBO Cancers After COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

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Teachers Are Being Decimated by Aggressive and Metastatic Cancers After COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

By Dr. William Makis

"Oncologists cannot continue to ignore this new phenomenon of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Induced Turbo Cancer, forever."


Follow @Vigilant_News

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79b999 No.87977

File: 8dc83b8ab9c4dda⋯.png (777.98 KB,841x1367,841:1367,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511414 (081230ZSEP23) Notable: Greenwald amazed by Marc Lamont Hill's defense of ADL - more ADL news

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Marc Lamont Hill:

"Elon Musk’s attack on the ADL is dangerous, dishonest, and deeply antisemitic. He has turned this platform into an unprofitable, white supremacist cesspool. Instead of taking accountability, he has chosen to not-so-subtly scapegoat Jews, which invites violence from his Nazi base"

Glenn Greenwald:

"The ADL played a major role in having you fired by publicly branding you an anti-Semite. Watching you now go to bat for them and doing exactly the same thing to the ADL's critics volunteering to stand up and call the ADL's critics anti-Semitic is just wild."


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79b999 No.87978

File: 305c6403ea66948⋯.png (219.62 KB,413x354,7:6,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511416 (081231ZSEP23) Notable: Senator J.D. Vance- No More Mask Mandates- End the Panic, more on COVID variant push

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Senator J.D. Vance- No More Mask Mandates- End the Panic

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79b999 No.87979

File: 2e51f0c5e679c5c⋯.webp (247.32 KB,2000x1334,1000:667,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511427 (081235ZSEP23) Notable: Senator J.D. Vance- No More Mask Mandates- End the Panic, more on COVID variant push

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Noted Germophobe Howard Stern Reportedly Getting Into Fights With His Wife Over Fear of New COVID Variant

It seems as though the COVID pandemic broke Howard Stern.

The famous shock-jock has made it clear in recent years that he is terrified of getting COVID, to the point where he began doing his radio show from his Long Island home, rather than venturing in to New York City.

His second wife, who is younger than him, apparently does not share his neurosis and this is causing friction between the two. ‘Neurotic, paranoid’ Howard Stern says his fear of COVID is causing fights with wife Beth Ostrosky

Radio host Howard Stern recently admitted that his paranoia over a new strain of COVID-19 has gotten him into a fight with his wife.

During a Wednesday segment of his Sirius XM radio show, the shock jock conceded that he’s paranoid and “neurotic,” especially when it comes to the virus, and noted that his wife, Beth Ostrosky Stern, is less so. As he explained, this has led to tension and arguments with her as media outlets have been warning about a new coronavirus strain and his wife wants to go out and socialize.

The topic came up when a guest caller asked the radio host whether he thought it was risky to return to the studio for his show amid the new warnings about another COVID-19 outbreak.

Stern admitted the fear of getting sick has been weighing on him and his relationship


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79b999 No.87980

File: de8ee45fc7c0bff⋯.png (296.41 KB,650x700,13:14,Clipboard.png)

File: ac3034ab563a45e⋯.png (363.51 KB,820x499,820:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511430 (081236ZSEP23) Notable: Ethical Skeptic on "Covid" stats

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whew. when will it end.

Week 34 2023 Ages 0 - 24

All Non-Covid/Long Covid Natural Cause Excess Mortality = 43.3% (12-sigma)

- not overdoses/accidents/obesity/diet

- not Long Covid

- Not Covid

A very special date of onset....



Sep 7 at 23:48


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79b999 No.87981

File: 3491853d097118e⋯.png (210.54 KB,410x634,205:317,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511432 (081236ZSEP23) Notable: The GA RICO indictment details how the Defend the Atlanta Forest extremist group allegedly had access to millions of dollars to buy ammo, surveillance equipment, legal aid

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The Georgia state RICO indictment details how the Defend the Atlanta Forest extremist group allegedly had access to millions of dollars to buy ammunition, surveillance equipment, and to fund legal aid for arrested co-conspirators. They use @/ATLSolFund to crowdfund on Twitter/X. The Fund is run by the 501(c)(3) nonprofit, Network for Strong Communities. Marlon Scott Kautz, Savannah D. Patterson & Adele Maclean were charged with money laundering. #Antifa https://thepostmillennial.com/andy-ngo-reports-everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-61-antifa-linked-stop-cop-city-suspects-indicted-on-rico-charges?utm_campaign=64470

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79b999 No.87982

File: 7ddedb772671646⋯.png (254.48 KB,410x504,205:252,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511442 (081239ZSEP23) Notable: Senator J.D. Vance- No More Mask Mandates- End the Panic, more on COVID variant push

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These Schools Across the US Have Brought Back Mask Mandates

READ: https://health.breakingheadlines.news/SsOHsu


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79b999 No.87983

File: f23c1b390b75a18⋯.png (535.58 KB,1119x907,1119:907,Clipboard.png)

File: e6e248ff2363737⋯.png (279.67 KB,512x666,256:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511446 (081241ZSEP23) Notable: PF

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REG: 92-9000

Approaching Pakistan / India border


Squawking 7710


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79b999 No.87984

File: 52f399036d21f9b⋯.png (474.18 KB,415x628,415:628,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511454 (081242ZSEP23) Notable: Protect your children! STOP POSTING THEM ON YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA

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STOP POSTING THEM ON YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA. Their safety is more important than likes or social status.

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79b999 No.87985

File: 2f4466d6f41a830⋯.jpeg (601.21 KB,1125x1917,125:213,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d867b4262bb6c0c⋯.jpeg (620.83 KB,1125x1770,75:118,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511477 (081247ZSEP23) Notable: Warning: Biden's policies on drilling on Fed lands is going to cause massive increases in energy costs for Americans

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79b999 No.87986

File: 50654f1136772d6⋯.png (265.6 KB,1170x626,585:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511493 (081250ZSEP23) Notable: Space Force announces new mission statement

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Space Force announces new mission statement

Published Sept. 6, 2023

Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs


The Space Force has announced its new mission statement - “secure our Nation’s interests in, from, and to space.”

This new statement was designed to better reflect the vital functions Guardians perform in service to the United States.

“We did not hire a corporate marketing team to develop a catch phrase. Nor did generals sit around a table in the Pentagon debating what the statement should be,” said Chief of Space Operations Gen. Chance Saltzman. “Our mission statement was sourced from a Guardian-driven process.”

Understanding Guardians were best positioned to choose the words that would describe their shared mission, Saltzman solicited input from the force in May. Within two weeks, 135 responses were received from units and individual Guardians.

In July, officer, enlisted and civilian Guardians from four field commands and major commands participated in a series of eight focus groups to provide feedback and further shape the verbiage that now serves as the Space Force mission statement.

“This is our mission statement; these are your words,” Saltzman said.

Each portion of the statement was chosen to represent a key aspect of the Space Force mission that the president, Congress and the American people have charged Guardians with executing.

“Secure” refers to the Space Force’s formative purpose to contest, and when directed, control the space domain on behalf of the nation and joint force.

“Our Nation’s interests” represents Guardians’ focus on protecting the security and prosperity the U.S. derives from space. It also serves as a reminder that space activities are essential to the American way of life.

“In, from, and to space” references the three core functions of the Space Force, which include securing the Nation’s interests:

In space, through space superiority activities that protect the joint force and nation from space and counterspace threats.

From space, by delivering global mission operations like satellite communications, positioning, navigation and timing, and missile warning activities.

To space, by assured space access through the service’s launch, range and control network infrastructure.

“Our mission statement is a call to action that concisely encapsulates our purpose and identity as Guardians and members of the profession of arms,” Saltzman said.

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79b999 No.87987

File: dac7a5a6ec22604⋯.png (68.21 KB,1390x816,695:408,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511501 (081254ZSEP23) Notable: Greenwald amazed by Marc Lamont Hill's defense of ADL - more ADL news

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They're an organization pushing PROGRESSIVE ideology, they're not about stopping anti-semitism. Pushing grooming in schools, abortion, open borders, they are a powerful group pushing 'radical left' ideology.

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79b999 No.87988

File: b3610c2e8ac5fe6⋯.png (184.45 KB,419x401,419:401,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511513 (081300ZSEP23) Notable: Secy Of Ed Miguel Cardona Releases Song Playlist For Education Bus Tour w/Music Focused on Sex, Drugs And More…

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Secretary Of Education Miguel Cardona Releases Song Playlist For Education Bus Tour Featuring Explicit Music Focused Around Sex, Drugs And More...


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79b999 No.87989

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511517 (081301ZSEP23) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/08/2023

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Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/08/2023



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79b999 No.87990

File: fb7dac6c44932b6⋯.png (472.34 KB,412x670,206:335,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511518 (081301ZSEP23) Notable: Megyn Kelly on Why She Regrets Getting the COVID vax

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Megyn Kelly on Why She Regrets Getting the COVID Vaccine After Developing an ‘Autoimmune Issue’

“For the first time, I tested positive for an autoimmune issue at my annual physical. And I went to the best Rheumatologist in New York, and I asked her, do you think this could have to do with the fact that got the damn booster and then got COVID within three weeks? And she said yes. Yes. I wasn't the only one she'd seen that with.”



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79b999 No.87991

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511526 (081304ZSEP23) Notable: Texas can keep Rio Grande floating barriers for now, appeals court rules

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Texas can keep Rio Grande floating barriers for now, appeals court rules

Texas can keep its floating buoy barrier in the Rio Grande in place — at least for now, a federal appeals court ruled on Thursday.

The 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals temporarily halted District Court Judge David Ezra’s Wednesday order for Texas to remove the thousand-foot-long barrier put in place by Republican Gov. Greg Abbott earlier this year in an effort to deter smugglers and migrants from crossing the river border with Mexico.


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79b999 No.87992

File: f537c9eb13728fa⋯.png (220.12 KB,414x474,69:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511532 (081306ZSEP23) Notable: Dr. Robt Epstein: without Google's interference in Kari Lake's campaign, she would have WON Arizona by 3.4 points

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Leading up to our election, Google's search results showed ONLY negative coverage of our campaign

Dr. Robert Epstein says, "Without Google's interference in that election, it means that Kari Lake would have won by at least 3.4 % instead of "losing" by 0.6%"

We MUST put a stop to Big Tech's interference in our elections

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79b999 No.87993

File: e25474d276bc117⋯.png (283.24 KB,600x807,200:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511536 (081309ZSEP23) Notable: Sean McHugh Sentenced to 6.5 Years in Prison After Ray Epps Knocked Down His Mother

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Sean McHugh Sentenced to 6.5 Years in Prison After Ray Epps Knocked Down His Mother When Epps Was Hurling Giant Metal Sign at Police on J6 – Yet, Ray Epps Walks Free Today – Please Help Sean Below!

by Jim Hoft Sep. 7, 2023 8:20 pm

Sean McHugh was found guilty in a DC kangaroo court earlier this year for assaulting, impeding, or interfering with violent police officers on January 6.

On Thursday Sean McHugh was sentenced to six and one-half years in prison. It was another outrageous sentencing against another unlucky Trump supporter.

** Please donate to Sean McHugh and his young family here.

The Gateway Pundit has covered Sean McHugh’s story previously before his trial.

McHugh has spent 28 months in jail since his arrest by the Biden FBI.In a previous interview with Kelly Wilde for The Gateway Pundit Sean McHugh said that there is more video of law enforcement pushing innocent women and elderly people down, shooting rubber bullets that left holes in people’s faces, and bloody scenes from officers’ point-blank violence.

“I know it’s kind of explicit, but these are the things that people need to have access to,” McHugh said.

Video has been withheld that even defendants do not know about, like this gruesome one from Victoria White:

New Bodycam video withheld from me pic.twitter.com/IItrAVmctc

— 🎗Victoria White 🎗 (@Vis4Victorious) January 19, 2023

McHugh previously told The Gateway Pundit he wants the CCTV footage of Ray Epps to be made public.

As previously reported, Epps brought McHugh and multiple others into the fray that day.

Sealed footage McHugh has seen shows Epps forcefully shoving a large metal sign into a line of police officers—activity prosecutors have labeled a felony assault of an officer with a deadly weapon.Anyone who touched the sign —“an enormous battering ram,” according to prosecutors— was denied bond and subject to lengthy prison sentences: Charles “Brad” Smith (41 months), Marshall Neefe (41 months), Thomas Hamner (30 months), Howard Richardson (46 months), Alan Byerly (34 months), Jose Padilla (held 25 months) and Jonathan Copeland.Although many were trying to avoid being hit by it themselves, Epps clearly shoves the sign so hard that it knocks McHugh’s mom to the ground.

McHugh was charged with touching the sign but not Ray Epps who was the one hurling the sign at police.McHugh, seen in plaid backing away at the 11 second mark of this Twitter video, has been denied bond for two years with this charge while Epps walks free:

As @FreeStateWill reported in December, Ray Epps was one of the members of the crowd who helped lift up a large Trump sign and push it into the line of police officers on the West Side of the Capitol around 1:40 pm

(original video by Just Another Channel and Savanah Hernandez) pic.twitter.com/T0jE9rZksw

— Stephen Horn (@stephenehorn) March 30, 2022

“His body language is much different than my mother and I. We’re getting knocked over by the sign. My knees are not bent, I don’t have both hands on the sign, I’m not charging. I’m actually to the side of it, trying to prevent it from getting knocked over by him,” McHugh said.

Yet Epps, bizarrely “orchestrating it,” —twice breaching police lines, repeatedly urging others to commit crimes, and caught lying under oath— gets a free pass.

With prosecutors lying to the court, blaming upload errors, withholding evidence and more, defendants are relying more and more on citizen journalists who have already broken major stories despite limited access.In the interview, McHugh mentions Gary McBride, a citizen journalist whose investigative work has been invaluable to the Jan 6 defendants —most of whom have no investigator working for them at all, and rely on prosecutors to ethically fulfill their disclosure obligations. (Did you choke on your coffee when you read that?)

Imagine being on trial in the fight of your life, looking out into courtroom, seeing no one and feeling so alone.


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79b999 No.87994

File: 5abd1132bb2000f⋯.png (120.97 KB,414x514,207:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511538 (081310ZSEP23) Notable: Huntington Beach City Council narrowly voted Wednesday to approve a declaration to ban COVID restrictions/mandates

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HUNTINGTON BEACH, Calif. - The Huntington Beach City Council narrowly voted Wednesday to approve a declaration to ban universal mask and COVID-19 vaccine mandates in the city.

The declaration passed with a 4-3 vote. The meeting adjourned at 2:48 a.m.



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79b999 No.87995

File: 201512dca261201⋯.png (699.48 KB,1351x645,1351:645,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511539 (081310ZSEP23) Notable: Press Forward coalition Will Award More Than $500 Million to Revitalize Local News

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Press Forward Will Award More Than $500 Million to Revitalize Local News

September 7, 2023 | Press Release

A national coalition of donors catalyzes local news and information for stronger communities.

-Initial Press Forward partners are The Archewell Foundation, Carnegie Corporation of New York, Community Foundation for the Land of Lincoln, Democracy Fund, Ford Foundation, Mary W. Graham, Glen Nelson Center at American Public Media Group, Heising-Simons Foundation, Henry Luce Foundation, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Joyce Foundation, KFF, Knight Foundation, The Lenfest Institute for Journalism, Lumina Foundation, McKnight Foundation, Outrider Foundation, Rita Allen Foundation, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Skyline Foundation, and Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

“We have a moment to support the reimagination, revitalization, and rapid development of local news. We are prepared to support the strongest ideas and seed new ones; build powerful networks; and invest in people, organizations, and networks with substantial resources,” said John Palfrey, president of the MacArthur Foundation. “The philanthropic sector recognizes the need to strengthen American democracy and is beginning to see that progress on every other issue, from education and healthcare to criminal justice reform and climate change, is dependent on the public’s understanding of the facts.”

While philanthropic support for journalism has grown over the past decade, overall giving to local news falls short of what is needed. Press Forward funders are ready to move from individual grantmaking strategies to a shared vision and coordinated action that ensures individuals are informed and engaged on issues that affect their everyday lives.

Press Forward partners have identified the following priorities and have committed to making grants in one or more of these four areas of focus:


There is a growing movement of community-focused journalism across the nation that is shifting how the critical stories of our time are being told. We need to make bold investments in local news organizations and the networks that support and grow them.


We need to scale the infrastructure required to support a thriving independent local news sector, expanding shared services and tools—from legal support to membership programs.


We must move resources to newsrooms and organizations that are improving diversity of experience and thought along with the availability of accurate and responsive news and information in historically underserved communities and economically challenged news deserts.


We need new frameworks and robust coalitions to advance policy ideas that expand access to news and information while strengthening the First Amendment and protecting the editorial independence of local journalists. Investments in nonpartisan public policy development, analysis, and advocacy are needed at the local, state, and national levels.

Press Forward is independent of ideology and plans to work with More Perfect, a bipartisan initiative that is advancing five interrelated democracy goals, one of which is Access to Trusted News and Information.

“Press Forward is an audacious effort to fortify a key pillar of American democracy, a healthy and independent free press,” said John Bridgeland, CEO of More Perfect. “Local news provides critical information, knits communities together, and keeps public officials accountable, all of which are essential to a thriving democracy.”

The Miami Foundation will serve as the fiscal sponsor for Press Forward and will manage a pooled fund and coordinate aligned grantmaking on behalf of participating funders. It will hire a small staff who will focus on growing and supporting funder engagement and learning and help advance the goals of the initiative.

Some funders are expected to make exemplary aligned grants before the end of the year; most will begin grantmaking in 2024. Donors will make grants from the pooled fund in 2024.

Organizations interested in Press Forward can sign up for updates to learn more about applying for future grants. Press Forward welcomes and continues to invite additional funders to enhance nonprofit, public, and for-profit news and information.


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79b999 No.87996

File: da8c584a9d97965⋯.png (56.75 KB,233x175,233:175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511578 (081323ZSEP23) Notable: US Oil and Gas Association President calls Jean-Pierre 'Baghdad Barbie' for lying about gas price policy

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US Oil and Gas Association President calls Jean-Pierre 'Baghdad Barbie' for lying about gas price policy


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79b999 No.87997

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511594 (081327ZSEP23) Notable: LIVE Hurricane Lee updates

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Mikes Weather Page is LIVE- if anyone wants an update to Hurricane Lee.


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79b999 No.87998

File: 8a82d4d635c7c87⋯.jpeg (64.11 KB,706x307,706:307,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ffddca7c1d93cbe⋯.jpeg (241.04 KB,1068x479,1068:479,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511605 (081329ZSEP23) Notable: Sundance: Biden Cancels Previously Issued ANWR Oil and Gas Leases in Alaska

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Biden Cancels Previously Issued ANWR Oil and Gas Leases in Alaska

September 7, 2023 | Sundance |

24 hours before Joe Biden announced he was cancelling all previously issued oil and gas leases in Alaska’s ANWR region,Saudi Arabia and Russia announced oil production limits would continue. Oil prices spiked near $100/bbl and then Joe Biden amplifies the problem by cancelling previously sold oil and gas leases.

There’s no other way to look at the timing here, other thanto accept this is Joe Biden intentionally driving up the cost of domestic energy in the U.S. and creating as much pain as possible.

(Reuters) – Sept 6 (Reuters) – The U.S. Interior Department on Wednesday said it would cancel oil and gas leases in a federal wildlife refuge that were bought by an Alaska state development agency in the final days of former President Donald Trump’s term.

President Joe Biden, a Democrat, has pledged to protect the 19.6 million-acre (7.9 million-hectare) Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) for polar bears and caribou.

“As the climate crisis warms the Arctic more than twice as fast as the rest of the world, we have a responsibility to protect this treasured region for all ages,” he said in a statement.

Trump’s Republican administration had issued the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) seven leases a day before Biden’s inauguration.

Environmentalists praised the decision, but it was lambasted by a Republican Senator from Alaska, where officials have sought to open up drilling in the reserve to secure jobs and revenues for the state.

The government also said it would forbid new leasing on more than 10 million acres in the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska, a 23-million-acre area on the state’s North Slope that is the largest undisturbed public land in the United States. (read more)

WHITE HOUSE – […] Canceling all remaining oil and gas leases issued under the previous administration in the Arctic Refuge and protecting more than 13 million acres in the Western Arctic will help preserve our Arctic lands and wildlife, while honoring the culture, history, and enduring wisdom of Alaska Natives who have lived on these lands since time immemorial. From day one, I have delivered on the most ambitious climate and conservation agenda in our country’s history. But there is more to do… (link)


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79b999 No.87999

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511612 (081334ZSEP23) Notable: Ex-Sheriff’s Deputy in Mississippi Pleads Guilty To 31 Counts Of Evidence Tampering

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Ex-Sheriff’s Deputy Pleads Guilty To 31 Counts Of Evidence Tampering

John OyewaleSeptember 08, 2023

A former Leake County, Mississippi, sheriff’s deputy pleaded guilty to a roughly two-year-long, 31-count charge of drug evidence tampering Tuesday.

Moore, 40, of Carthage, was arrested and charged with 31 counts of evidence tampering following a lengthy internal investigation involving multiple drug evidence submissions made to the Leake County Sheriff’s Office, according to a statement. The investigation, conducted by the Mississippi Forensics Laboratory and the Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics, also included an audit of the office’s evidence vault.

Moore was swiftly arrested on Oct. 31, 2022, in connection with the evidence tampering,

“Every case that he was involved in, rightfully so, was dismissed … These folks had a second chance to be able to get their life straight,” Sheriff Randy Atkinson said, 16 WAPT Newsreported.

Leake County police have since changed the drug evidence process by creating an evidence drop-off box, according to 16 WAPT News. “If you go to a bank and do a drop box, that’s what we’ve got now. It’s a drop box that they drop it into, and it’s no way of retrieving it,” Atkinson reportedly said.

Atkinson hoped that Moore’s sentencing would serve as a warning to drug offenders in the county and that nobody was above the law, per the statement.

(What about the leaders and others that knew about it?)


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79b999 No.88000

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511614 (081334ZSEP23) Notable: Missouri man faces October trial for J6 charges; one of 33 from Missouri?

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Versailles man faces October trial in Jan. 6 Capitol riot

There's a 10/17 in the story. Quote: "Jackson set a pretrial hearing for 11:30 a.m. Oct. 13 and a bench trial to begin at 9:30 a.m. Oct. 17. "

33 Missourians are facing legal proceedings for J6, apparently.

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79b999 No.88001

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511624 (081337ZSEP23) Notable: VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: What Game Is Hunter Biden Playing?

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VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: What Game Is Hunter Biden Playing?

Victor Davis Hanson1/2

September 07, 2023

What shameless act or felonious activity was not evidenced on Hunter Biden’s laptop? Racist attitudes toward Asians? Soliciting prostitution? Felonious use of drugs? Photographed nudity and perverse sex? Admissions to illicit foreign shakedowns?

Hunter all but accused his own father, President Joe Biden, of also being on the foreign take: “I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family … Unlike Pop I won’t make you give me half your salary.”

Hunter’s alleged felonies range from bribery to tax evasion. That he has not yet been prosecuted for anything is scandalous. His exemption is attributable only to Attorney General Merrick Garland’s likely weaponized directives to federal prosecutors to downgrade or forget altogether felony charges against Hunter.

So given such wild behavior, why would not Hunter tone it down, stop the global grifting, cease the reckless behavior — and quit redirecting attention to the likely illegal acts of his father, the president?

Why did not Hunter early on just settle the child support suit filed by his paramour Lunden Roberts? Why haggle over money for his own daughter?

Hunter instead outrageously claimed near poverty. That excuse was hilarious given he flies on private jets and pays nearly $16,000 a month to rent a house in tony, celebrity-ridden Malibu.

Why did Hunter ever get involved with a performance stripper in the first place after his past widely publicized liaisons with prostitutes? Why also with his own widowed sister-in-law?

Given Hunter has little or no experience or training in high-stakes international finance and investment — and thus has no market value as an investor or broker. But he was infamous for translating that nothingness into millions in lucre due solely to his ability to monetize the influence of then-Vice President Joe Biden.

So why now when under 24/7 scrutiny, would Hunter dare recreate himself as an “artist,” by blowing through straws in his mouth?

His amateurish canvasses somehow have sold for up to $500,000 a pop. Both Biden donors and gamers saw their buys of such mediocre art as gambits either to meet with or profit from his father, Joe Biden.

But would not his painting grift only bring greater prosecutorial scrutiny and greater embarrassment to the president?…


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79b999 No.88002

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511631 (081338ZSEP23) Notable: VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: What Game Is Hunter Biden Playing?

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Hunter Biden’s attorneys sought to leverage federal prosecutors into agreeing to drop their charges — by threatening to call in as a pro-Hunter witness President Joe Biden himself and thereby likely invoke a constitutional crisis!

In such a scenario, the president under oath would be forced to lie again that he had no knowledge of or involvement in Hunter’s illegal behavior. Or if he admitted the truth that he did, he would thus contradict years of his adamant denials.

Why would Hunter put his father and president in such a publicity circus?

Hunter has lost an incriminating laptop by abandoning it at a repair shop. He has forgotten his crack pipe in a rental car. His illegally registered handgun turned up in a trash dumpster near a school.

So would not the carefree Hunter insist that all the Bidens in the spotlight remain extra careful never to abandon incriminating drugs — especially in the White House.

Yet in a West Wing first, recently cocaine was found lost in an entrance vestibule. Various media outlets claimed it belonged to someone in the “Biden family orbit.”

One of two things explain the continuous reckless behavior of wayward son Hunter Biden:

One, he is either still on drugs or so suffers from past addiction that he has lost all common sense and judgment, and simply cannot control his behavior.

Or, two, Hunter is an embittered, angry son. As the Biden bagman for foreign shakedown cash, he did the dirty work and most risked the legal exposure that made all the Bidens rich.

Yet, instead of familial praise — or so the broke Hunter seems to whine on his laptop –Hunter gets no respect from those he enriched.

And now he, not they, might first go to jail.

As a result, does his continuous recklessness send a not so-subtle reminder to all the Bidens — his father the “Big Guy” especially?

That is, Hunter is not going to take the fall. He will not end up in prison for decades while the other exempt Bidens continue to enjoy their ill-gotten riches, due to Hunter’s imaginative cons.

No wonder the first family for months moved Hunter into the White House and put him on Air Force One.

Is it now, “Keep Hunter close and self-important — or else”?


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79b999 No.88003

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511647 (081342ZSEP23) Notable: LIVE: President Biden Arrives in India for G20 Summit

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Live now

President Biden Arrives in India for G20 Summit

President Biden Arrives in New Delhi, India, for the G20 Summit.



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79b999 No.88004

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511654 (081343ZSEP23) Notable: Missouri man faces October trial for J6 charges; one of 33 from Missouri?

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>Versailles man faces October trial in Jan. 6 Capitol riot

sauce -


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79b999 No.88005

File: 99e6edc5aea4bbb⋯.jpeg (69.8 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511673 (081347ZSEP23) Notable: US using Ukraine to weaken EU - ex-French president

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8 Sep, 2023

US using Ukraine to weaken EU – ex-French president

If Kiev is accepted into the bloc, Washington’s sway over Europe will increase dramatically, Nicolas Sarkozy has said

Former French president Nicolas Sarkozy has spoken out against Ukraine’s accession to the EU and NATO, arguing that the move would not bring peace to Europe and would chip away at the continent’s independence.

Speaking to France 5 TV broadcaster on Wednesday, Sarkozy reiterated his calls for a compromise between Moscow and Kiev, noting that theconflict had already claimed the lives of around half a million of people, most of whom were Ukrainian.

“But we continue because in the Boulevard Saint-Germain they are very brave in terms of sending young Ukrainians to die,” he added, referring to the street that has gained a reputation as a venue for fiery political debates among French intellectuals.

While denouncing Russia as an “aggressor” in the conflict, Sarkozy said he believed that Ukraine’s accession to NATO and the EU – which Kiev has been seeking for many years – would not lead to peace. “Because if you bring Ukraine into Europe, you strengthen American Europe as the Eastern European countries are dominated by the US,” he noted.

According to Sarkozy, while Ukraine essentially expresses America’s wishes because it is heavily reliant on Washington’s military assistance, the same is not true for relations between Washington and Paris. “France has a unique voice… and does not align itself with American interests,” he said.

While reiterating that he wants France to support Ukraine, Sarkozy said he believes that Ukraine should eventually receive security guarantees fromthe West but must remain neutraland continue toserve as a “bridge between the Slavic world of Russia and us.”

“We cannot continue to wage war by simply saying: ‘More weapons, more deaths, more resistance.’ How do you get out of this?” he asked.

He claimed that the Ukraine conflict benefits only China, which he said is gaining clout by courting its partners in the BRICS economic group, and the US, which is profiting from arms sales and higher prices for liquefied natural gas.

Last week, Sarkozy suggested that any compromise with Moscow would involve recognizing Crimea as part of Russia, a statement that triggered outrage in Kiev, with Mikhail Podoliak, an aide to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, calling the proposal “criminal,” and accusing Sarkozy of complicity in organizing “genocide and war.”


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79b999 No.88006

File: c3a9cdeab203a3a⋯.png (1.77 MB,1485x758,1485:758,Clipboard.png)

File: 9f108c49fa34efd⋯.png (2.17 MB,1781x718,1781:718,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511691 (081350ZSEP23) Notable: Maui’s neglected grasslands caused Lahaina fire to grow with deadly speed

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Maui’s neglected grasslands caused Lahaina fire to grow with deadly speed

'''Visual analysis retraces how the grasslands blazed. Landowners and the government have done little to address the well-known problem.

LAHAINA, Hawaii — The hills above Lahaina’s historic downtown have been surrounded by nonnative grasses for more than a century.'''

The grasses — relics of the sugar cane plantations in the area that largely shuttered in 1999 — dried out the landscape. They grew taller after winter rains. Brushfires would sweep through and the species adapted and regrew, crowding out native grasses and moving close to homes. Locals who live surrounded by these fields say they rarely saw anyone come to manage the vegetation.

[Why Hawaii’s wildfires are so devastating — and ‘predictable’]

Then on Aug. 8, power lines fell near one of these flammable fields, whipping fire down the hills, in a sequence of events that would lead to one of the deadliest wildfires in U.S. history.

Story continues below advertisement


A Washington Post investigation found that the inferno that burned Lahaina town to the ground began on a fallow, unmanaged plot of land on a hill north of downtown, and the geographic spread and density of the nonnative grasses were key elements to creating a fast-moving, uncontrollable fire.

The comprehensive retracing is based on a review of topographic maps, satellite imagery, videos recorded by eyewitnesses and tax parcel data, as well as interviews with area residents and experts in fire, ecology and botany. It shows how powerful winds blowing in a southwesterly direction pushed the flames down hills through massive fields of overgrown vegetation — feeding a fire that would consume propane tanks, melt steel and kill at least 115 people, though the toll is expected to rise.

The Post’s investigation reveals that despite years of repeated warnings of fire risk, weak code enforcement and a lack of government resources have hampered meaningful action to manage the grasses.

Story continues below advertisement


The fields where the fires started and spread are primarily owned by three parties: Kamehameha Schools, also known as the Bishop Estate, an educational trust that is one of the state’s largest private land owners; the state of Hawaii; and Peter Martin, a prominent local developer.

While grasses aren’t the only factor — other elements have been the subject of lawsuits, including emergency preparedness, the electrical grid and water scarcity — the Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources said in an email to The Post that West Maui is at a high risk for wildfire because of invasive grasses, many of which “lack active management.”

“The town was basically surrounded by a powder keg waiting to go off with a spark,” said David Bowman, a professor of pyrogeography and fire science at the University of Tasmania.

What happened on Maui could be repeated across the Hawaiian islands, where much of the land has similarly large, fallow fields of nonnative grasses.


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79b999 No.88007

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511697 (081351ZSEP23) Notable: Maui’s neglected grasslands caused Lahaina fire to grow with deadly speed

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Muh grass fire melted muh car

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79b999 No.88008

File: 95a95c7f547e51b⋯.jpeg (63.45 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511701 (081352ZSEP23) Notable: Pope would ‘cheat’ Ukraine - top Zelensky aide

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8 Sep, 2023

Pope would ‘cheat’ Ukraine – top Zelensky aide

Mikhail Podoliak reiterated claims that the pontiff was “pro-Russian” and implied that Moscow had bribed the Vatican

Kiev will not accept mediation from Pope Francis in the conflict with Moscow, because the “pro-Russian” pontiff would betray Ukraine, a senior aide to President Vladimir Zelensky has declared.

Mikhail Podoliak renewed his critique of the Catholic leader in an interview with national media published on Friday. He previously branded thePope an “instrument of Russian propaganda”for telling Russian Catholics they should cherish their nation’s history.

“There is no sense discussing a mediator titled the Pope, when he has a pro-Russian position that is absolutely obvious to everyone by now,”Podoliak said, claiming the Vatican would “cheat Ukraine and justice” should its intercession be allowed.

The Ukrainian official alleged that contrary to the Vatican’s stated position, the Pope is “promoting war.” He suggested looking “into investments made by Russia into the Vatican Bank” for a possible explanation, referring to the financial institution formally named the Institute for the Works of Religion.

Podoliak has previously accused other foreign institutions of taking Russian bribes. The International Olympic Committee became one such target in January, after it reversed a blanket ban on Russian athletes, and said they should be allowed to compete under a neutral flag.

The remarks made by the pontiff have hurt the Catholic cause and the reputation of the Holy See, Podoliak maintained, citing a caricature that a Polish magazine published. Wprost displayed a picture of the Pope riding in his famous glass-sided car, attached to a Russian armor platform.

Zelensky’s aide described Poland as “pretty much the most Catholic nation, except the Vatican,” and argued thatPope Francis“has shown that he is no expert in politics andcontinues to reduce the influence of Catholicism in the word to zero.”

The Pope urged his Russian audience in a virtual speech last month to be proud of their country’s great history and culture. Moscow said it appreciated the sentiment, while Kiev labeled it as supporting Russia’s supposed imperial ambitions. The Vatican has refuted the Ukrainian interpretation of the speech.

(Nothing is lowest enough or outrageous for Nazis. Watch the triggered response in EU.)


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79b999 No.88009

File: 517302763c78228⋯.png (120.14 KB,574x619,574:619,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511703 (081352ZSEP23) Notable: Hochul and Peekaboo (AG James) trying for free rein on Covid Quarantine Camps

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Hochul and Peekaboo still trying for free rein on Quarantine Camps

If all else fails and their crime spree gets cornered, they can always do some mass round-ups?

Of course honest /s/ Hochul who stole the election for power, like her leader Biden, can be trusted no to abuse such power.

P.S. She announced that all Trump followers should leave NYC "You are not Wanted. You are not New Yorkers. Leave." she commanded.

Sure she's really trustworthy.

Hochul and AG James trying to bring back

Quarantine Camps!

New York Governor Kathy Hochul and Attorney General Letitia James are trying to bring back quarantine camps in New York even though a Supreme Court Judge declared the scheme "absurd" and blatantly unconstitutional. The Governor and James want to restore the power to seize anyone suspected, no evidence required, of being exposed to a communicable disease, which includes everybody at all times in the age of COVID, and hold them for an indefinite period of time, with no legal path for people to get out of detention!

Join us at the Office of Attorney General Letitia James who will argue to reinstate the Quarantine Camp Regulation in the 4th District Appellate Division next Wednesday in Rochester.

Join us to protest this authoritarian power grab!

See a powerful video about the Hochul and James plan here:


Adam Clyton Powell Jr., State Office Building

163 W. 125th Street, Harlem, NYC

Take the D, A, 2, 4, 5, or 6 to train 125th Street

Friday, Sept. 8, Noon

Bring friends, family and signs

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79b999 No.88010

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511704 (081353ZSEP23) Notable: Texas Senate Impeachment Trial of State Attorney General Ken Paxton, Day 4

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September 8, 2023

10:00 AM EDT

Texas Senate Impeachment Trial of State Attorney General Ken Paxton, Day 4

The Texas State Senate debates articles of impeachment against state Attorney General Ken Paxton, who was impeached in May in the state’s legislature over accusations of misconduct, including bribery and obstruction of justice.


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79b999 No.88011

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511708 (081353ZSEP23) Notable: 10 AM Swamp Bun / 10 AM Swamp Bun

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September 8, 2023

10:00 AM EDT

National Intelligence Director & Other Officials at Cybersecurity Summit

Top cyber officials, including National Intelligence Director Avril Haines, gather with industry leaders to discuss cyber threats and national security at the 14th annual Billington CyberSecurity Summit in Washington, DC.


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79b999 No.88012

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511709 (081353ZSEP23) Notable: 10 AM Swamp Bun / 10 AM Swamp Bun

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September 8, 2023

10:00 AM EDT

Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen H. Hicks The deputy secretary provides remarks at 10 a.m. EDT at the annual Pentagon employee's 9/11 observance ceremony in the Pentagon Center Courtyard.

Department of Defense





Pentagon September 11 Staff Memorial Observance

Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks and other officials participate in the annual September 11 staff memorial observance at the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia.


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79b999 No.88013

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511712 (081354ZSEP23) Notable: 10 AM Swamp Bun / 10 AM Swamp Bun

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September 8, 2023

10:00 AM EDT

Can’t See It, Can’t Shoot It - Why We Require Overhead Persistent Sensors: Army Lt. Gen. Daniel L. Karbler, commanding general, U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command, speaks at 10 a.m. EDT

Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance



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79b999 No.88014

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511715 (081355ZSEP23) Notable: Multiple Foreign Nationals Charged re Trickbot Malware and Conti Ransomware Conspiracies

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Kek, 2009 news?

That was a weak attempt to pretend the other 99.99999% of your posts are something other than unsauced spam.

Like this more recent news


Three indictments in three different federal jurisdictions have been unsealed charging multiple Russian cybercrime actors involved in the Trickbot malware and Conti ransomware schemes.

According to court documents and public reporting, Trickbot, which was taken down in 2022, was a suite of malware tools designed to steal money and facilitate the installation of ransomware. Hospitals, schools, and businesses were among the millions of Trickbot victims who suffered tens of millions of dollars in losses. While active, Trickbot malware, which acted as an initial intrusion vector into victim computer systems, was used to support various ransomware variants, including Conti. Conti was a ransomware variant used to attack more than 900 victims worldwide, including victims in approximately 47 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and approximately 31 foreign countries. According to the FBI, in 2021, Conti ransomware was used to attack more critical infrastructure victims than any other ransomware variant.

“The Justice Department has taken action against individuals we allege developed and deployed a dangerous malware scheme used in cyberattacks on American school districts, local governments, and financial institutions,” said Attorney General Merrick B. Garland. “Separately, we have also taken action against individuals we allege are behind one of the most prolific ransomware variants used in cyberattacks across the United States, including attacks on local police departments and emergency medical services. These actions should serve as a warning to cybercriminals who target America’s critical infrastructure that they cannot hide from the United States Department of Justice.”

“Today’s announcement shows our ongoing commitment to bringing the most heinous cyber criminals to justice – those who have devoted themselves to inflicting harm on the American public, our hospitals, schools, and businesses,” said FBI Director Christopher Wray. “Cyber criminals know that we will use every lawful tool at our disposal to identify them, tirelessly pursue them, and disrupt their criminal activity. We, alongside our federal and international partners, will continue to impose costs through joint operations no matter where these criminals may attempt to hide.”

“The defendants charged in these three indictments across three different jurisdictions allegedly used their cyber knowledge and capabilities to victimize people and businesses around the world without regard for the damage they caused,” said Acting Assistant Attorney General Nicole M. Argentieri of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division. “These indictments should serve as a reminder that no matter a cybercriminal’s location, we will identify and pursue them by doing everything in our power to ensure they face the consequences of their actions.”

“Conti ransomware was used to exploit our financial systems and target hundreds of innocent victims,” said Special Agent in Charge William Mancino of the U.S. Secret Service’s Criminal Investigative Division. “The Secret Service will continue to work with our local, state, and federal law enforcement partners to investigate cybercriminals and bring offenders to justice.”

As detailed below, a federal grand jury in the Northern District of Ohio returned an indictment charging Maksim Galochkin, aka Bentley; Maksim Rudenskiy, aka Buza; Mikhail Mikhailovich Tsarev, aka Mango; Andrey Yuryevich Zhuykov, aka Defender; Dmitry Putilin, aka Grad and Staff; Sergey Loguntsov, aka Begemot and Zulas; Max Mikhaylov, aka Baget; Valentin Karyagin, aka Globus; and Maksim Khaliullin, aka Maxfax, Maxhax, and Kagas, all Russian nationals, with conspiring to use the Trickbot malware to steal money and personal and confidential information from unsuspecting victims, including businesses and financial institutions located in the United States and around the world, beginning in November 2015.

A federal grand jury in the Middle District of Tennessee returned an indictment charging Galochkin, Rudenskiy, Tsarev, and Zhuykov with conspiring to use Conti ransomware to attack businesses, nonprofits, and governments in the United States beginning in 2020 and continuing through June 2022.

A federal grand jury in the Southern District of California returned an indictment charging Galochkin in connection with the Conti ransomware attack on Scripps Health on May 1, 2021.

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79b999 No.88015

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511717 (081355ZSEP23) Notable: 10 AM Swamp Bun

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>>88013, >>88012, >>88010, >>88011 10 AM Swamp Bun

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79b999 No.88016

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511731 (081357ZSEP23) Notable: Germany delivers sobering missile update to Ukraine

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8 Sep, 2023

Germany delivers sobering missile update to Ukraine

Deliveries of Taurus rockets “is not something that can be done quickly,” Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has said

Ukraine should not hope for expedited deliveries of long-range missiles from Berlin, which it has been requesting for months, as such a step should be extremely well thought-out, Germany’s Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said in an interview on Friday.

Speaking to the Funke media group, Baerbock pointed out that the supply of Taurus missiles “is not something that can be done quickly.” As with the Leopard tanks and IRIS-T air defense systems that Germany has already sent to Ukraine, “every detail has to be worked out beforehand.”

The minister nonetheless described Kiev’s request for missiles that carry a 500-kilogram warhead and have a range of about 500 kilometers as “more than understandable,”explaining that Ukraine needs to hit Russian supply lines in the rear to make progress on the battlefield.

When asked whether Germany could reprogram its missiles to prevent Ukraine from targeting Russian territory, Baerbock said that “other partners also have similar questions and found solutions.”

While Ukraine has already received long-range missiles from the UK and France, which it has used to attack civilian infrastructure in Donbass and Crimea – Germany has so far been reluctant to join the effort. Explaining this stance, Chancellor Olaf Scholz has said thatUkrainian attacks deep into Russia could trigger a major escalation, while other officials in Berlin pointed out that the US has also been unwilling to make a similar commitment.

Last month, however, Der Spiegel reported that Scholz was in talks with arms manufacturer MBDA regarding possibly modifying the Taurus to include a target-programming limitation. Around the same time, Ukrainian MP Egor Chernev claimed that key German parliamentary factions had “reached a consensus” on delivering Taurus missiles.

The German public, however, does not seem inclined to support the delivery, according to several polls. A recent ARD-DeutschlandTrend survey put support for the shipments of long-range missiles to Ukraine at just 36%, with 52% strongly opposed.


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79b999 No.88017

File: 7cc3c57f87a7569⋯.png (79.81 KB,621x565,621:565,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511746 (081401ZSEP23) Notable: The Death of Informed Consent - American Thinker

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The Death of Informed Consent

American Thinker, by Stella Paul

Posted By: Judy W., 9/8/2023 8:23:13 AM

Here's what never happened in the hospital during COVID: a doctor sat down next to a patient and said, "You have a choice. We can give you Remdesivir, which killed 53% of the patients in an Ebola trial. It was so bad the trial had to be shut down.' (Snip) Or we can give you ivermectin, a safe and effective drug that's been successfully used for decades, and send you home. Which do you prefer?" The reason that conversation never happened is that it would have cost the hospital too much money.

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79b999 No.88018

File: 388be7fba557e18⋯.png (350.03 KB,606x791,606:791,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511757 (081405ZSEP23) Notable: LIVE Hurricane Lee updates

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Tracy Beanz


I am NOT fear-mongering. As someone who has grown up with hurricanes their ENTIRE LIFE, all I am saying is have your bag and plan ready. The weather is pretty unpredictable, and we are very far out for model confidence.

Just be prepared. That is a PSA, not FEAR.


Jim Cantore




Even though almost all of the ensemble blend members don't touch the USA, its all about the trends at this point versus actual individual operational model output. Therefore, lets watch how the some of these western players shake out. The farther west we go the harder it is to… Show more


12:02 AM · Sep 8, 2023




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79b999 No.88019

File: 9a152a6b0a7026a⋯.jpeg (366.75 KB,1704x1525,1704:1525,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511758 (081406ZSEP23) Notable: Uncle Sam’s Making Me Take The Covid Jab To Become An American Citizen

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New US Citizens required to get the jab


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79b999 No.88020

File: 15bb6324c2d9fae⋯.png (392.48 KB,901x533,901:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511759 (081406ZSEP23) Notable: Larry Sinclair DIG updates

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In Tucker's interview, Larry Sinclair repeated the same story of Five Star Limo & the driver, P. Singh Multani. The Radical Islamic network of bin Talal, Tony Rezko, Sohale Siddiqi, and Multani.

Is there an Islamic terror network mixed in here? You have financiers, bag men, college "party" connections overseas, and a bodyguard?

Could Singh Multani have been Obama's assigned bodyguard? Well, I dug this interesting article up in India concerning Islamic terror network aligned with Pak ISI. The suspect on the run is a Singh Multani, Jaswinder, part of the Sikhs For Justice (SFJ) terror group.

I'm sure Singh Multani is a common name in India. Just poking around. But remember that Obama's limo driver was an illegal.


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79b999 No.88021

File: 1554a6b9c2105e0⋯.png (695.81 KB,752x3464,94:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511772 (081409ZSEP23) Notable: Uncle Sam’s Making Me Take The Covid Jab To Become An American Citizen

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Uncle Sam’s Making Me Take The Covid Jab To Become An American Citizen

Nearly a million legal immigrants became American citizens last year, the third-highest number in history. One angle missing from the news coverage:Every single one of those immigrants was required, as a precondition of citizenship, to get a Covid booster.


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79b999 No.88022

File: fd9e37e91008bd6⋯.png (117.89 KB,644x652,161:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511773 (081410ZSEP23) Notable: LIVE Hurricane Lee updates

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is it going to make a sharp right turn on the 11th?

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79b999 No.88023

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511786 (081413ZSEP23) Notable: Larry Sinclair DIG updates

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All 3 Homosexual Members Of Obama’s Trinity Church Murdered Within 6 Weeks.

In late May, Wash. DC-based investigative journalist Wayne Madsen had a bombshell revelation about Obama’s membership in a Chicago gay club, Man’s Country. Madsen also reported on Obama’s sexual relationships with other men, including named D.C. politicians and Donald Young, the openly-gay choir-director of the church in Chicago of which Obama was a member for some 20 years — Jeremy Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ black liberation theology.

Obama’s relationship with Young was confirmed by Larry Sinclair, who claims to have had two sex-cocaine trysts with Obama.

There were two other openly gay men in Wright’s church: Larry Bland and Nate Spencer. In late 2007, as Obama began his ascent to be the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee, in a span of 1½ months, all three men “conveniently” died:

Bland was murdered execution-style on November 17, 2007;

Young was murdered execution-style on December 24, 2007;

Spencer reportedly died of septicemia, pneumonia, and HIV on December 26, 2007. (Death certificates of Bland and Young, HERE.)

Now, Young’s elderly mother is speaking out about her suspicions that her son was murdered to protect Obama’s reputation and assure his political future as President.

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79b999 No.88024

File: 8119c221ec41296⋯.png (168.73 KB,1170x1065,78:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511801 (081417ZSEP23) Notable: MUSK was requested to activate Starlink all the way to Sevastopol: "If I had agreed to their request, then SpaceX would be explicitly complicit in a major act of war and conflict escalation"

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Might have been a revealing display of Russian ASAT capabilities.

ELON: There was an emergency request from government authorities to activate Starlink all the way to Sevastopol.

The obvious intent being to sink most of the Russian fleet at anchor.

If I had agreed to their request, then SpaceX would be explicitly complicit in a major act of war and conflict escalation.

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79b999 No.88025

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511807 (081418ZSEP23) Notable: MUSK was requested to activate Starlink all the way to Sevastopol: "If I had agreed to their request, then SpaceX would be explicitly complicit in a major act of war and conflict escalation"

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79b999 No.88026

File: 6d907e45ef21869⋯.png (46.05 KB,947x586,947:586,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511818 (081421ZSEP23) Notable: MUSK was requested to activate Starlink all the way to Sevastopol: "If I had agreed to their request, then SpaceX would be explicitly complicit in a major act of war and conflict escalation"

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Old but related.


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79b999 No.88027

File: a159e8dedf64048⋯.png (234.79 KB,604x598,302:299,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511820 (081421ZSEP23) Notable: ZH - US Intel Official: Media Misleading Americans About Ukraine's Battlefield Success

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US Intel Official: Media Misleading Americans About Ukraine's Battlefield Success


US Intel Official: Media Misleading Americans About Ukraine's Battlefield Success

The official told Hersh no matter how committed Kyiv is to the war effort, the goals are unattainable. "Zelensky will never get his land back," he said.

3:00 AM · Sep 8, 2023




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79b999 No.88028

File: 66ed01da7e8c13b⋯.png (283.57 KB,1069x611,1069:611,Clipboard.png)

File: cbf0289d55633a0⋯.png (2.83 MB,1014x6473,1014:6473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511843 (081427ZSEP23) Notable: Oklahoma School Hires Drag Queen Principal Once Arrested For Child Porn, Drugs

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HTF Did U Miss This!?

A “drag” performer arrested 22 years ago for possessing both child pornography and illicit drugs has been hired to be the school principal of an Oklahoma City elementary school, and the school district is defending its decision.

Oklahoma School Hires Drag Queen Principal Once Arrested For Child Porn, Drugs


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79b999 No.88029

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511857 (081430ZSEP23) Notable: under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act, pharmaceutical companies are shielded from liability from vaccine injuries until December 2024.

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this seems Yuge:

under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act, pharmaceutical companies are shielded from liability from vaccine injuries until December 2024. So once that sunsets, then they can be held liable for any type of vaccine injuries


THURSDAY, SEP 07, 2023 - 02:40 PM

Authored by Tom Ozimek via The Epoch Times,

Former President Donald Trump told former Michigan gubernatorial candidate Tudor Dixon in a recent conversation on her podcast that pharmaceutical companies have an "obligation to be honest" about vaccine side effects and should disclose all relevant data on vaccine harms.

President Trump and Ms. Dixon discussed a range of issues in an episode on the Tudor Dixon Podcast last week, ranging from corruption allegations against President Joe Biden to claims of weaponization of federal agencies against the former president.

"This is the most corrupt president in history," President Trump alleged, referring to his successor in the Oval Office.

"And the most incompetent at the same time. It's pretty incredible," President Trump added, insisting that the various criminal charges that have been levied against him are attempts to interfere in the 2024 election.

At one point in the discussion, Ms. Dixon asked about President Biden’s announcement to fund a new COVID-19 vaccine.

“He wants everyone to get this vaccine,” Ms. Dixon said.

“And we’re hearing about a lot of complaints from vaccine injured. To say a lot is an understatement."

There have been reports linking spike protein-based COVID-19 vaccines to skin problems, a dull ringing in the ears known as tinnitus, visual impairments, blood clotting, and even death.

Studies have also revealed a number of other issues affecting vaccinated children. For example, one recent study, published in the journal Frontiers in Immunology, shows that the mRNA-based vaccine for COVID-19 reduced children's immune responses to other infections, making them more prone to getting sick after coming into contact with other pathogens.

Another study published by Circulation showed that some children who experienced heart inflammation after COVID-19 vaccination had scarring on their hearts months later.

'We’re All In This Together'

Ms. Dixon then asked President Trump about vaccine data transparency, citing reports of various adverse events, including heart inflammation and blood clots.

"Numerous pharmaceutical companies have refused to release their data on vaccine side effects," she said.

"But we’ve seen cases of myocarditis, blood clots, and heart attacks; they’re all increasing. The research has never been released.”

She then asked if President Trump would “demand that the vaccine companies, that the pharmaceutical companies release their vaccine data to the public so that we can see what they’re actually seeing about the side effects of this vaccine?”

President Trump replied by saying that pharmaceutical companies "should do that," adding that "we’re all in this together, and they should be doing that."

In context of President Biden's remarks about funding a new COVID-19 vaccine, the former president said that "anything new has got to be looked at very carefully."

He then reiterated the point that pharmaceutical companies should release any data on vaccine side effects.

"They should be made public immediately. People should understand that, and they should know what research is showing," President Trump said.

>Ms. Dixon then noted that under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act, pharmaceutical companies are shielded from liability from vaccine injuries until December 2024.

>"So once that sunsets, then they can be held liable for any type of vaccine injuries, will you tell these companies that they must be honest about what has happened with this vaccine?" Ms. Dixon asked.

President Trump replied by saying that the companies would be wrong to withhold any information on vaccine harms.

“They have to be honest with the numbers, the facts, and they have an obligation to be honest,” he said, “And if they are going to hold back, that means they’re holding back something that’s not good.”

“We’ll stand for them in many ways,” President Trump said of people who suffered vaccine injuries.


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79b999 No.88030

File: e137fbb6a4329a7⋯.png (12.29 KB,586x156,293:78,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511874 (081434ZSEP23) Notable: Grand jury called for indicting Senators Graham, Perdue, Loeffler in Trump Georgia election case

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Insider Paper


BREAKING: Grand jury called for indicting Senators Graham, Perdue, Loeffler in Trump Georgia election case

3:27 AM · Sep 8, 2023




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79b999 No.88031

File: 3c4172d09f78dbe⋯.png (943.54 KB,1155x2775,77:185,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511898 (081439ZSEP23) Notable: Here's a sample of what comes up when you search on DDG on "Covid" and "news"

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Here's a sample of what comes up when you search on DDG on "Covid" and "news":

It's time to think about flu, COVID-19 and RSV vaccines. When to get shots, how to afford them

COVID-19 Is Mutating In Deer. That Could Become a Problem for People

COVID on the rise in Tri-Cities. RSV and flu cases could bring a triple threat

Demand for at-home Covid-19 tests is high, but don’t expect a shortage anytime soon

COVID spike has GOP fighting over mask mandates and bans. The White House wants no part of it.

Covid is surging again—you may want to mask up in these 3 scenarios, says infectious diseases doctor


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79b999 No.88032

File: cd149a470e27113⋯.png (157.01 KB,594x609,198:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511904 (081441ZSEP23) Notable: Grand jury called for indicting Senators Graham, Perdue, Loeffler in Trump Georgia election case

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Techno Fog


The Fulton County Grand Jury went insane -

Voting to indict Lindsey Graham, Michael Flynn, David Perdue, and Kelly Loeffler "with respect to the national effort to overturn the 2020 presidential election"

Perdue and Loeffler (and many others) would have faced RICO charges.



3:25 AM · Sep 8, 2023




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79b999 No.88033

File: d6030f19d3617d4⋯.png (701.86 KB,852x1701,284:567,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511925 (081445ZSEP23) Notable: Former Canadian ambassador to Israel worked for Black Cube, an Israeli intelligence firm

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Former Canadian ambassador to Israel worked for Black Cube, an Israeli intelligence firm

Social Sharing






Controversial private sector company composed of ex-members of the Mossad, other Israeli intelligence agencies

Brigitte Bureau · CBC News · Posted: May 21, 2021 4:00 AM EDT | Last Updated: May 21, 2021

Then-Canadian ambassador to Israel Vivian Bercovici shakes hands with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during former prime minister Stephen Harper's trip to Israel in 2014. (The Canadian Embassy in Israel)

Vivian Bercovici, Canada's former ambassador to Israel, worked for the Israeli intelligence firm Black Cube after her diplomatic tenure ended, Radio-Canada has learned.

Black Cube is a controversial private sector company composed of ex-members of the Mossad and other Israeli intelligence agencies.

Messages addressed to a potential Black Cube client from Bercovici in 2019, obtained by Radio-Canada/CBC, contain references to her former occupation as an ambassador.

Black Cube made headlines in 2017 when it was discovered that Hollywood film executive Harvey Weinstein had hired it to dig up information on the women accusing him of sexual assault, and on the journalists pursuing the story.

In Canada, Black Cube has been criticized by an Ontario court for attempting to discredit a judge by trying to get him to make antisemitic comments in secretly recorded meetings.

Bercovici was appointed ambassador by then-prime minister Stephen Harper in January 2014. She was removed from her post by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in June, 2016.

In one of the messages Bercovici sent a potential Black Cube client in 2019, she says she can provide a wide range of services, such as undercover surveillance, finding hidden information about third parties' personal lives and tracing bank accounts and assets.

In other messages, she writes that she works for Black Cube, that she would be one of the people personally supervising all operational matters and that Black Cube believes it can help the client achieve their objective. Although she was not ambassador at the time, the messages make it clear she had held that position.

Radio-Canada/CBC has chosen not to reveal the contents of all the messages to protect the identity of the person who shared them.

These messages were provided to Radio-Canada/CBC as Bercovici and some of her supporters — including Sen. Linda Frum, a personal friend — were accusing Radio-Canada/CBC of antisemitism in previous reporting on the former ambassador.

Bercovici, who lives in Israel, did not provide answers to our questions — even at the end of a deadline extended at the request of her lawyer William McDowell of the Toronto law firm Lenczner Slaght.

Radio-Canada/CBC has asked Bercovici, among other things, when she started working for Black Cube and if she's still working for the company.

Through its lawyer, Black Cube denies that Bercovici has ever worked for them.

"Black Cube has never employed Ms. Vivian Bercovici, whether directly, as an employee, contractor or consultant, or indirectly, through any subsidiary or third party," wrote their lawyer, Jonathan Abrams, of the U.K. law firm Gregory Abrams Davidson Solicitors.

"We would stress that Black Cube's operations and methodologies are backed by highly respected expert legal opinions in every jurisdiction in which it operates, ensuring that Black Cube's activities are in full compliance with applicable laws in those jurisdictions," Abrams added.

Black Cube has offices in Tel Aviv, London and Madrid.

Black Cube also threatened to sue Radio-Canada/CBC if it published this story.


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79b999 No.88034

File: 88fc6e917e142fd⋯.png (1.61 MB,1024x827,1024:827,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511929 (081446ZSEP23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Star Factory Messier 17

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Sep 8, 2023

Star Factory Messier 17

Sculpted by stellar winds and radiation, the star factory known as Messier 17 lies some 5,500 light-years away in the nebula-rich constellation Sagittarius. At that distance, this 1/3 degree wide field of view spans over 30 light-years. The sharp composite, color image highlights faint details of the region's gas and dust clouds against a backdrop of central Milky Way stars. Stellar winds and energetic light from hot, massive stars formed from M17's stock of cosmic gas and dust have slowly carved away at the remaining interstellar material, producing the cavernous appearance and undulating shapes. M17 is also known as the Omega Nebula or the Swan Nebula.


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79b999 No.88035

File: 3b99c3c45a48f9f⋯.png (301.72 KB,491x477,491:477,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511940 (081448ZSEP23) Notable: Former Canadian ambassador to Israel worked for Black Cube, an Israeli intelligence firm

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>Black Cube also threatened to sue Radio-Canada/CBC if it published this story.


Targeting a judge

Black Cube has carried out controversial operations in Canada in the past.

One was an undercover sting operation to discredit a Toronto judge who had ruled against its client, Catalyst Capital Group, a private investment company. Radio-Canada/CBC has no indication that Bercovici participated in this operation.

In 2017, Catalyst hired Tamara Global Holdings, an Israeli investigation and security firm, which in turn retained the services of Black Cube and Psy Group, an Israeli intelligence firm that no longer exists.

Those companies were hired to assist Catalyst in its legal dispute with a rival company.

One of the goals of the vast undercover operation they organized was to attack the reputation of Judge Frank Newbould, who had rendered a decision against Catalyst in a commercial legal dispute.

Using a false identity, a Black Cube agent met with Judge Newbould and tried to get him to make anti-Jewish comments during secretly recorded meetings.

"Basically we're trying to prove that he's a racist, a depraved anti-Semite, and trying to find information that could paint him in as negative a light as possible," wrote a Psy Group agent to a Black Cube agent, according to an Ontario Superior Court of Justice ruling that was made public in March 2021.

The recent court decision revealed new details about the activities of these intelligence companies in Canada. But the fact that Tamara Global Holdings acted as an intermediary between Catalyst, Black Cube and Psy Group has been public knowledge since at least 2018.

Black Cube's ethical standards

Tamara Global's principal is Yossi Tanuri, a former commander of an elite unit of the Israeli Defense Forces, according to his biographical notes.

Tanuri was also director general of the Jewish Federations of Canada-UIA from 2004 to 2019.

Asked if it was aware of Tanuri's involvement with these intelligence companies while he was its director general, the Jewish Federations of Canada-UIA did not respond. Tanuri also did not reply to Radio-Canada's emails.

Radio-Canada also reached out to Sen. Frum, who has been a member of the board of directors of Jewish Federations of Canada-UIA since 2017. When Tanuri left the organization in 2019, his going-away party was held at Frum's house.

Frum said she was not aware of Tanuri's involvement with Black Cube while he was director general of the organization. She said she had no reaction to his involvement with Black Cube and Psy Group, as described in the recent court ruling.

Asked if she knew that Bercovici has worked for Black Cube, Frum replied, "I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about."

"Black Cube is dangerous because it does not abide by ethical rules," said Avner Barnea, an academic and expert in private-sector intelligence.

Reached in Israel, Barnea said Black Cube "does not even come close" to the ethical standards established by the international association Strategic and Competitive Intelligence Professionals, which he serves as an advisory board member.

On its website, Black Cube presents itself as "a select group of veterans from the Israeli elite intelligence units that specializes in tailored solutions to complex business and litigation challenges."

Barnea said that some of Black Cube's activities might be permissible for a government intelligence agency — but are unacceptable for a private business.

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79b999 No.88036

File: 22d0ebc3313384a⋯.png (211.64 KB,414x697,414:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511942 (081449ZSEP23) Notable: Dark to Light: Paxton Impeachment is CRAZY

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Dark to Light: Paxton Impeachment is CRAZY

It is an important Friday show as we talk about a number of topics, from immigration to J6. We also focus a fair amount of time on the absolutely INSANE Paxton impeachment hearing - you have to hear it to believe it.

Also, please pay close attention to Hurricane Lee if you are on the East Coast. Better to be prepped for nothing than not prepped at all. From Liberty Safe to Mayor Eric Adams, we have it all in today's show.

Go here for all of the updates you will need on Lee: https://spaghettimodels.com/


For one-time donations to UncoverDC:


Also, check out http://QuiteFrankly.tv for Frank's nightly show and more information on how to follow and support him!

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79b999 No.88037

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511948 (081449ZSEP23) Notable: Former Canadian ambassador to Israel worked for Black Cube, an Israeli intelligence firm

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The mysterious letter

Radio-Canada/CBC's inquiry into Bercovici and Black Cube started with a mysterious letter.

In January 2021, Radio-Canada/CBC reported on a letter signed by Bercovici and addressed to a Toronto businessman and Liberal supporter named Alan Bender.

In that November 2019 letter, Bercovici offers to drop her lawsuit against the Government of Canada as a way of thanking Bender for saving her life.

The letter was sent by an anonymous source, but Radio-Canada was able to confirm it was written by Bercovici.

In 2018, Bercovici launched a lawsuit against the federal government alleging, among other things, that the Trudeau government acted in bad faith when it terminated her diplomatic appointment and that she had not been properly compensated for her pension benefits.

The lawsuit has now been settled and is covered by a non-disclosure agreement.

In a phone interview with Radio-Canada in January, Bender, an international mediator, said he was asked by important political figures — including one from Israel — to intervene to help Bercovici.

Bender said he did save Bercovici's life — along with her professional and personal reputation — but didn't want to give any details. Bercovici declined to comment at the time.

Radio-Canada reached out to Bender again to ask if the alleged threat on Bercovici's life had anything to do with her Black Cube activities. Bender would not comment.

Some of Bercovici's decisions and expenses during her tenure as an ambassador raised eyebrows in the Department of Foreign Affairs — something she herself acknowledged in her lawsuit.

Bercovici had insisted on renting private office space outside of the embassy, a move deemed highly unusual by high ranking officials. Radio-Canada/CBC is not naming these sources because they were not authorized to speak publicly about the issue.

Weinstein defends use of private investigators who allegedly tried to silence accusers

International undercover agents target Toronto-based digital rights group Citizen Lab

The rental of office space at 22 Rothschild boulevard in Tel Aviv was approved by Foreign Affairs, as Bercovici's lawyer has previously noted.

Bercovici, Sen. Frum and others, including some Jewish organizations, have criticized Radio-Canada/CBC for quoting unnamed sources in its reporting, saying the sources were smearing Bercovici with the antisemitic canard of dual-loyalty.

Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel than to the interests of their own nations is one aspect of antisemitism cited in the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance's definition of antisemitism, which was adopted by the Government of Canada in 2019.

However, the concerns raised by the officials Radio-Canada spoke to were related to the nature of some of the former ambassador's behaviour and decisions, which they said were highly unusual for a senior diplomat. During those interviews, none of the officials demonstrated any antisemitic sentiment.

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79b999 No.88038

File: 311d97750974cc3⋯.png (16.64 KB,594x184,297:92,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511957 (081453ZSEP23) Notable: AZ Senator Sonny Borrelli declared a statewide ban on electronic voting machines after, last year, he claimed almost one million votes were uncounted in the 2020 Arizona election.

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Leading Report


BREAKING: AZ Senator Sonny Borrelli declared a statewide ban on electronic voting machines after, last year, he claimed almost one million votes were uncounted in the 2020 Arizona election.

11:19 AM · Sep 7, 2023




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79b999 No.88039

File: c5208dbc1d5b68b⋯.png (491.81 KB,620x413,620:413,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511966 (081455ZSEP23) Notable: Former Canadian ambassador to Israel worked for Black Cube, an Israeli intelligence firm

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Catalyst offered up to $11-million to Israeli firm that launched sting on Ontario judge

Toronto’s Catalyst Capital Group Inc. agreed to pay up to US$11-million to an Israeli private investigation company in an arrangement that led to a sting designed to discredit an Ontario judge, according to court documents.

Black Cube, based in Tel Aviv, is composed of former members of the Israeli Defence Forces and the Mossad, Israel’s national intelligence agency. Its operatives were hired as subcontractors by a security company called Tamara Global, which Catalyst itself had hired in the summer of 2017 as it prepared to appeal a court decision issued by Justice Frank Newbould of the Ontario Superior Court, according to the documents.

Black Cube was promised a US$1.5-million base fee, and up to US$11-million in total, after potential bonuses. “Catalyst was the party ultimately paying Black Cube’s fees,” according to a recent court ruling in a lengthy, multipronged lawsuit between Catalyst, a private equity company, and West Face Capital, one of its rivals.

Catalyst has been locked in a legal battle with West Face for years, dating back to the sale of WIND Mobile in 2014. Both companies had tried to buy the startup wireless provider, but it was West Face that prevailed. The purchase triggered the first of multiple lawsuits from Catalyst, and West Face has since countersued. Forty parties are now involved in one capacity or another.

The lawsuits have brought connections between Catalyst and Black Cube to light, but the latest decision disclosed new details of their relationship. Catalyst has tried to keep the details private by arguing that Black Cube provided “litigation support,” and therefore the relevant documents should fall under solicitor-client privilege or litigation privilege.

In a January ruling unsealed this week, Justice Cary Boswell of the Ontario Superior Court rejected much of that argument, paving the way for the details to become part of the public record. However, Black Cube sought approval to redact any reference in any document that identified any of its agents, because its business model depends on operating undercover. Justice Boswell said the request “essentially amounts to a publication ban,” and while it delayed the unsealing, he did not oblige.

It is “a little rich for a party to raise concerns about privacy interests when their business model involves lying to others in the hopes that they may inadvertently disclose otherwise private and confidential information,” he wrote, adding, “I have no doubt that Black Cube understands that if you live by the sword, you die by the sword.”

Catalyst appealed the ruling, which kept any publication in limbo. That appeal has now been dismissed. The litigation between Catalyst and its rival West Face is continuing, and even more details of Black Cube’s actions are likely to come out as more documents are filed into the public record.

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79b999 No.88040

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511967 (081455ZSEP23) Notable: Former Canadian ambassador to Israel worked for Black Cube, an Israeli intelligence firm

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The January ruling itself contains new details, such as the fees that Catalyst was willing to pay Black Cube. It also discloses that Catalyst was ultimately behind multiple undercover sting operations. One of them targeted Justice Newbould, who used to be the lead judge of the Commercial Court in Toronto and who ruled against Catalyst in 2016. Another targeted current and former employees of West Face.

The court documents also allege that a second company, Psy-Group, whose operatives are also said to be former members of the Mossad or the intelligence branch of the Israeli Defence Forces, was hired to help carry out the operations. Its “mission priorities,” according to an e-mail referenced in the court documents, were to discredit West Face Capital and to “(indirectly) discredit Newbould.”

As part of the Newbould operation, a Black Cube operative approached the then-retired judge in 2017 and posed as a potential arbitration client seeking to hire Justice Newbould at the arbitration practice he had joined. The two met at Justice Newbould’s office and arranged to have dinner together later that evening.

The goal, according to the court documents, was to “dupe him into making utterances that might embarrass him,” while being privately recorded.

On Sept. 18, 2017, the same day as the dinner, “Arik” from Psy-Group e-mailed “Guy” from Black Cube and discussed the sting operation, according to the court documents, writing: “Basically we’re trying to prove that he’s a racist, a depraved anti-Semite, and trying to find information that could paint him in as negative a light as possible.”

Catalyst founding partner Newton Glassman has said he was not aware of the sting operation on Justice Newbould, and that he did not authorize it. Mr. Glassman’s counsel has also said they do not approve of it having been done.

Catalyst has since launched a lawsuit against Black Cube, saying that the operatives did not undertake their investigations in a professional manner, and instead acted recklessly and negligently.

In January Justice Boswell wrote there was “nothing in the judgment of Justice Newbould that would suggest he was biased, a racist or a depraved anti-Semite. The sting perpetrated on him was unvarnished random virtue testing or worse.”

In an e-mailed statement from spokesperson Dan Gagnier, Catalyst wrote that it played no role “in the means by which the tapes of Justice Newbould were obtained.” However, the company believes “it is imperative that there be an objective review of the contents of the tapes and that the public be entitled to judge the content on its own, without interference.”

Justice Boswell questioned Catalyst’s claims that it didn’t know the sting operations were being conducted, saying that even for Catalyst, US$11-million “is a big number.”

“A natural inference is that the payor of such a significant sum will want to know what it is they are paying for. How else will they know if the fees are reasonable? The alternative is that they do not want to know. Actual knowledge and willful blindness are close cousins.”

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79b999 No.88041

File: 0db4c2df7404632⋯.png (382.86 KB,872x724,218:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511969 (081455ZSEP23) Notable: Hunter Biden consulted Joe's best friend Ted Kaufman about Ukrainian politics THREE days before joining Burisma board in 2014

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Hunter Biden consulted Joe's best friend Ted Kaufman about Ukrainian politics THREE days before joining Burisma board in 2014, emails reveal

April 2014 emails obtained by DailyMail.com show Hunter discussed Ukrainian politics with Joe's best friend Ted Kaufman three days before joining Burisma

Around the same time Hunter also emailed business partner Devon Archer a detailed analysis of how US policy and geopolitics could affect his new employer

The president's son proposed strategies including cozying up to candidate Petro Poroshenko and a lobbying campaign of US officials by his then-law firm

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79b999 No.88042

File: 36d8771e1d40a3a⋯.png (622.88 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19511991 (081501ZSEP23) Notable: Redwire BioFabrication Facility Successfully Prints First Human Knee Meniscus on ISS

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Redwire BioFabrication Facility Successfully Prints First Human Knee Meniscus on ISS, Paving the Way for Advanced In-Space Bioprinting Capabilities to Benefit Human Health

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (September 7, 2023) – Redwire Corporation (NYSE: RDW), a leader in space infrastructure for the next generation space economy, announced today that it has successfully 3D bioprinted the first human knee meniscus on orbit using its upgraded 3D BioFabrication Facility (BFF) on the International Space Station (ISS). This milestone opens the door to improved treatments for meniscal injuries, one of the most common injuries for U.S. Service Members.

“This is a groundbreaking milestone with significant implications for human health,” said Redwire Executive Vice President John Vellinger. “Demonstrating the ability to successfully print complex tissue such as this meniscus is a major leap forward toward the development of a repeatable microgravity manufacturing process for reliable bioprinting at scale.”

The print returned to Earth onboard the SpaceX Crew-6 Mission for analysis following successful print operations in July. Before returning to Earth, the print was cultured for 14 days on the ISS in Redwire’s Advanced Space Experiment Processor (ADSEP). The print was conducted as part of the BFF-Meniscus-2 Investigation with the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Center for Biotechnology (4D Bio3), a biomedical research center that explores and adapts promising biotechnologies for warfighter benefit. The investigation was conducted by NASA astronauts Frank Rubio, Warren “Woody” Hoburg, and Stephen Bowen, and UAE astronaut Sultan Al Neyadi.

BFF is part of Redwire’s growing portfolio of technologies and innovative on-orbit capabilities enabling human spaceflight missions and commercial microgravity research and development in low-Earth orbit (LEO). Redwire has developed 20 research facilities for the ISS with 10 currently operating on station to deliver world-leading research. In July, Redwire announced plans to open a 30,000 square foot, state-of-the-art microgravity payload development facility with a mission operations center at the Novaparke Innovation & Technology Campus in Floyd County, Indiana, as the company looks to increase production of critical technologies enabling human spaceflight missions and commercial microgravity research and development in LEO.

On the upcoming SpaceX CRS-29 resupply mission to the ISS in November, Redwire will be launching microgravity research payloads focused on pharmaceutical drug development and regenerative medicine, including an experiment in bioprinting cardiac tissue.


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79b999 No.88043

File: 2e5b89d380d1434⋯.png (1.23 MB,594x879,198:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512003 (081503ZSEP23) Notable: @ChuckGrassley My morning glories are blooming right now but only for a few hrs each day

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Chuck Grassley


My morning glories are blooming right now but only for a few hrs each day


3:09 AM · Sep 8, 2023




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79b999 No.88044

File: aee5181702b1157⋯.png (963.98 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512005 (081503ZSEP23) Notable: Relativity Space expands presence at NASA’s Stennis Space Center

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Relativity Space expands presence at NASA’s Stennis Space Center

September 7, 2023

Launch vehicle company Relativity Space is growing its footprint at NASA’s Stennis Space Center in Mississippi by leasing an Apollo-era test stand to support development of its Terran R rocket.

The company announced Sept. 7 that it signed an agreement with Stennis to lease the A-2 test stand at the center. Relativity will pay $2.76 million to lease the test stand for seven years, with an option to extend the lease an additional 10 years.

The A-2 test stand was built in the 1960s for testing of the second stage of the Saturn 5 rocket, then used for Space Shuttle Main Engine tests through most of the shuttle program. It was mothballed nearly a decade ago after brief use testing the J-2X engine intended for the Ares rockets NASA had planned to develop for the Constellation program.

Relativity said it will refurbish the stand to support vertical testing of the reusable first stage of its Terran R rocket, increasing the engine thrust it can support from 650,000 to 3.3 million pounds-force. The company said the stand will enable a faster pace of testing of the stage.

“Exclusive access to these rare, national-asset facilities through partnership with NASA uniquely enables Relativity to develop a world-class launch vehicle,” Tim Ellis, chief executive of Relativity, said in a statement.

Relativity has been using other facilities at Stennis for several years, testing engines both for its original Terran 1 small launch vehicle and the larger Terran R. The company announced in October 2022 plans to build new test stands, office buildings and a vehicle hangar at Stennis. Relativity says it plans to invest $267 million overall on developing its facilities at Stennis, but did not disclose how much of that would go to the refurbishment of the A-2 test stand.

The A-2 test stand adds 30 acres to its footprint at Stennis, which now totals 298 acres. The company is the largest commercial tenant at the center.

“This increased footprint is a testament to Relativity’s continued progress in the commercial space arena,” said Rick Gilbrech, director of Stennis, in an agency statement. “It also is a testament to the value of NASA Stennis and our test complex infrastructure in supporting commercial space endeavors.”

Relativity announced in April it was retiring its Terran 1 rocket after a single launch in March that failed to reach orbit so it could focus on the Terran R, a medium- to heavy-lift vehicle with a reusable first stage. The Terran R is scheduled to make its first launch as soon as 2026.


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79b999 No.88045

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512067 (081518ZSEP23) Notable: Atlas V rocket rolled to pad for 2nd time for 'Silent Barker' spysat launch

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Atlas V rocket rolled to pad for 2nd time for 'Silent Barker' spysat launch

Sep 7, 2023

Liftoff is scheduled for 8:51 a.m. ET on Saturday (Sept. 9).

An Atlas V rocket and its spysat payload are back on the launch pad again.

United Launch Alliance (ULA) rolled the Atlas V — which is topped with multiple classified payloads for "Silent Barker," a joint mission of the U.S. Space Force and the National Reconnaissance Office — out to Space Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida today (Sept. 7)

The rocket is scheduled to launch on Saturday (Sep. 9) at 8:51 a.m. EDT (1251 GMT). You can watch it live here at Space.com, courtesy of ULA.

It was the second rollout in support of Silent Barker: The Atlas V first made the trek to the pad on Aug. 25 ahead of a planned Aug. 29 liftoff.

That attempt, however, was called off due to the effects of Tropical Storm Idalia. And, to protect the rocket and its hush-hush payloads from the maelstrom, ULA rolled the Atlas V back to its vertical integration facility at Cape Canaveral on Aug. 28.

Silent Barker will send multiple satellites up to keep an eye on activity in geosynchronous orbit (GEO), which lies about 22,200 miles (35,700 kilometers) above Earth.

At that altitude, satellites orbit Earth in the same amount of time it takes our planet to complete one rotation. That means they "hover" over the same patch of ground, making GEO a population destination for telecommunications and Earth-observation craft.

We don't know how many satellites Silent Barker will loft, or what exactly they will do. But one of their mission objectives is to "deter aggression," Space Force officials have said.

"A huge element of deterrence is the ability for the adversary to know what we can and cannot see," Space Force Lt. General Michael Guetlein, commander of Space Systems Command, said in a teleconference with reporters on Aug. 28. "So we actually want our competitors to know that we have eyes in GEO and that we can see what's happening in GEO."



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79b999 No.88046

File: 79a38f2c6d76b78⋯.png (1.27 MB,1324x870,662:435,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512070 (081519ZSEP23) Notable: ‘Polysexual’ and ‘amalgagender’ are among Dictionary.com’s newest words

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‘Polysexual’ and ‘amalgagender’ are among Dictionary.com’s newest words

The online dictionary added over 500 words and phrases this year, including several relating to LGBTQ identity and relationships.

Sept. 6, 2023, 8:05 AM SST / Updated Sept. 6, 2023, 9:27 AM SST

By Isabela Espadas Barros Leal

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79b999 No.88047

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512093 (081524ZSEP23) Notable: #23963-A

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#23963-A >>87972

>>87983 PF

>>87976 Teachers Are Being Decimated by TURBO Cancers After COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

>>87978, >>87979, >>87982 Senator J.D. Vance- No More Mask Mandates- End the Panic, more on COVID variant push

>>87994 Huntington Beach City Council narrowly voted Wednesday to approve a declaration to ban COVID restrictions/mandates

>>87980 Ethical Skeptic on "Covid" stats

>>88009 Hochul and Peekaboo (AG James) trying for free rein on Covid Quarantine Camps


>>87973, >>87974 Those huge orange-sky causing wildfires in Quebec? Arson.

>>87977, >>87975, >>87987 Greenwald amazed by Marc Lamont Hill's defense of ADL - more ADL news

>>87981 The GA RICO indictment details how the Defend the Atlanta Forest extremist group allegedly had access to millions of dollars to buy ammo, surveillance equipment, legal aid

>>87984 Protect your children! STOP POSTING THEM ON YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA

>>87998 Sundance: Biden Cancels Previously Issued ANWR Oil and Gas Leases in Alaska

>>87985 Warning: Biden's policies on drilling on Fed lands is going to cause massive increases in energy costs for Americans

>>87996 US Oil and Gas Association President calls Jean-Pierre 'Baghdad Barbie' for lying about gas price policy

>>87986 Space Force announces new mission statement

>>87988 Secy Of Ed Miguel Cardona Releases Song Playlist For Education Bus Tour w/Music Focused on Sex, Drugs And More…

>>87989 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/08/2023

>>87990 Megyn Kelly on Why She Regrets Getting the COVID vax

>>87991 Texas can keep Rio Grande floating barriers for now, appeals court rules

>>87992 Dr. Robt Epstein: without Google's interference in Kari Lake's campaign, she would have WON Arizona by 3.4 points

>>87993 Sean McHugh Sentenced to 6.5 Years in Prison After Ray Epps Knocked Down His Mother

>>87995 Press Forward coalition Will Award More Than $500 Million to Revitalize Local News

>>87997, >>88018, >>88022 LIVE Hurricane Lee updates

>>87999 Ex-Sheriff’s Deputy in Mississippi Pleads Guilty To 31 Counts Of Evidence Tampering

>>88000, >>88004 Missouri man faces October trial for J6 charges; one of 33 from Missouri?

>>88001, >>88002 VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: What Game Is Hunter Biden Playing?

>>88003 LIVE: President Biden Arrives in India for G20 Summit

>>88005 US using Ukraine to weaken EU - ex-French president

>>88006, >>88007 Maui’s neglected grasslands caused Lahaina fire to grow with deadly speed

>>88010 Texas Senate Impeachment Trial of State Attorney General Ken Paxton, Day 4

>>88008 Pope would ‘cheat’ Ukraine - top Zelensky aide

>>88014 Multiple Foreign Nationals Charged re Trickbot Malware and Conti Ransomware Conspiracies

>>88015 10 AM Swamp Bun

>>88016 Germany delivers sobering missile update to Ukraine


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.88048

File: 849771d58fcc5da⋯.jpg (78.97 KB,900x1600,9:16,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512137 (081538ZSEP23) Notable: EP 79: What do Nixon, Kennedy, and Trump have in common? (George, October 1996)

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George®️ Magazine


EP 79: What do Nixon, Kennedy, and Trump have in common? (George, October 1996)

The "lifers" make important political decisions and, in turn, harm our country. What did Nixon, Kennedy, and Trump have in common? Watch and find out! "GEORGE" was the brainchild of JFK Jr. in the mid 1990s- 2000s. The articles provide insights, astonishing coincidences to current events.




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79b999 No.88049

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512192 (081550ZSEP23) Notable: #23963-B

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#23963-B >>87972

>>88017 The Death of Informed Consent - American Thinker

>>88019, >>88021 Uncle Sam’s Making Me Take The Covid Jab To Become An American Citizen

>>88020, >>88023 Larry Sinclair DIG updates

>>88024, >>88025, >>88026 MUSK was requested to activate Starlink all the way to Sevastopol: "If I had agreed to their request, then SpaceX would be explicitly complicit in a major act of war and conflict escalation"

>>88027 ZH - US Intel Official: Media Misleading Americans About Ukraine's Battlefield Success

>>88028 Oklahoma School Hires Drag Queen Principal Once Arrested For Child Porn, Drugs

>>88029 under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act, pharmaceutical companies are shielded from liability from vaccine injuries until December 2024.

>>88030, >>88032 Grand jury called for indicting Senators Graham, Perdue, Loeffler in Trump Georgia election case

>>88031 Here's a sample of what comes up when you search on DDG on "Covid" and "news"

>>88033, >>88035, >>88037, >>88039, >>88040 Former Canadian ambassador to Israel worked for Black Cube, an Israeli intelligence firm

>>88034 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Star Factory Messier 17

>>88036 Dark to Light: Paxton Impeachment is CRAZY

>>88038 AZ Senator Sonny Borrelli declared a statewide ban on electronic voting machines after, last year, he claimed almost one million votes were uncounted in the 2020 Arizona election.

>>88041 Hunter Biden consulted Joe's best friend Ted Kaufman about Ukrainian politics THREE days before joining Burisma board in 2014

>>88042 Redwire BioFabrication Facility Successfully Prints First Human Knee Meniscus on ISS

>>88043 @ChuckGrassley My morning glories are blooming right now but only for a few hrs each day

>>88044 Relativity Space expands presence at NASA’s Stennis Space Center

>>88045 Atlas V rocket rolled to pad for 2nd time for 'Silent Barker' spysat launch

>>88046 ‘Polysexual’ and ‘amalgagender’ are among Dictionary.com’s newest words

>>88048 EP 79: What do Nixon, Kennedy, and Trump have in common? (George, October 1996)


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.88050

File: 8b3b31e2b8fa1bd⋯.jpg (30.71 KB,316x324,79:81,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0f2584d02663122⋯.png (204.5 KB,410x512,205:256,Clipboard.png)

File: ba07c1078cb95c7⋯.png (76.19 KB,878x448,439:224,Clipboard.png)

File: aeac9ddb75e1550⋯.png (691.02 KB,719x516,719:516,Clipboard.png)

File: da69a4256edd10c⋯.jpg (201.58 KB,627x977,627:977,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512208 (081553ZSEP23) Notable: #23964

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.88051

File: ec8fe97c94ce941⋯.pdf (557.91 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512266 (081607ZSEP23) Notable: UN report 2016: Ukraine Indiscriminate killing of civilians and soldiers whistle blowers

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UN report 2016: Ukraine Indiscriminate killing of civilians and soldiers whistle blowers

UN report on 2014-16 killings in Ukraine highlights “rampant impunity” Killings in Ukraine

14 July 2016

Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Human Rights Council Begins Urgent Debate on Situation of Human Rights in Ukraine Stemming from the Russian Aggression

Russian | Ukranian

GENEVA/KYIV (14 July 2016) – A new UN reportreleased Thursday describes the widespread killings that have taken place in Ukraine since January 2014 and highlights the very limited accountability that has taken place.

The report, which was prepared by the United Nations Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine*, states that the armed conflict in certain districts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, “fuelled by the inflow of foreign fighters and weapons from the Russian Federation, accounts for the majority of violations of the right to life in Ukraine over the last two years,” claiming up to 2,000 civilian lives.Close to 90 per cent of conflict-related civilian deaths have resulted from indiscriminate shelling of residential areas.

Nobody has taken responsibility for any civilian deaths caused by the conduct of hostilities, the report says, adding that some of the killings may amount to war crimes and/or crimes against humanity.

In general, it concludes, “impunity for killings remains rampant, encouraging their perpetuation and undermining prospects for justice.”

The 20-page report, which has an additional 31-page annex describing more than 60 specific cases, focuses mainly on cases of alleged killings of civilians, and people otherwise protected under international humanitarian law, in the conflict zone while no armed hostilities were taking place in the immediate vicinity of the incidents.

Significant numbers of people, includingcivilians, have also been summarily executed or died in custody, with most such killings occurring in 2014 and early 2015. According to the report, armed groups mainly executed individuals who had, or were believed to have, vocal ‘pro-unity’ views or to support Ukrainian forces,while Ukrainian forces targeted people based on their alleged affiliationwith, or support for, armed groups, or for their “separatist” or “pro-Russian” views.

Numerous allegations of executions of Ukrainian soldiers and elements of armed groups who had surrendered or were hors de combat have also been reported, although the full scale of the phenomenon is hard to assess, the report says.

The report notes that there was a widespread lack of discipline inhastily assembled armed groups and within the Ukrainian forces, which included many rapidly mobilized soldiers and volunteer battalions. A significant number of people known to be criminals also joined one side or the other. These factors led to “an unbridled rule of the gun with armed men readily resorting to violence towards civilians, especially to those who ‘disobeyed’ their orders.”

The Government has investigated and prosecuted some perpetrators of summary executions from its own ranks, the report says. In some cases, however, investigations are slow or “protracted deliberately so that alleged perpetrators are provided with opportunities to escape justice.”

Dozens of people have also died while in custody in the territories controlled by the armed groups. Allegations concerning the death of people in Government custody have also been received, with =most deaths allegedly caused by torture and ill-treatment==, or by inadequate or lack of medical assistance.

The report also documents killings within thearmed groups and Government forces. This includes at least121 cases of “intentional homicide” of Ukrainian servicemen, some of whom were whistle-blowers who revealed the misconduct of Ukrainian forces in the conflict zone. Armed groups have, in some cases, resorted to execution as a punishment for crimes or disciplinary acts for misconduct in their own ranks.

The report also highlights the large number of deaths that occurred during mass assemblies, especially during the Maidan and Odesa events for which accountability has so far remained very limited.

The report also highlights the violence that took place on 2 May 2014, in Odesa, during which 48 people died as a result of clashes between ‘pro-unity’ and ‘pro-federalism’ groups.

The lack of accountability remains widespread in Ukraine, despite efforts by the Government to bring perpetrators from its own ranks to justice and the pre-trial investigations by the Office of the Chief Military Prosecutor into cases of killing, torture and ill-treatment by members of the armed groups of the self-


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79b999 No.88052

File: c54ef73a8c4fbde⋯.png (465.34 KB,678x381,226:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512271 (081608ZSEP23) Notable: California Aims to Spread Its Gun Control Laws Across US through a Constitutional Convention

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California Aims to Spread Its Gun Control Laws Across US through a Constitutional Convention

There is a danger that any Article V constitutional convention could lead to a runaway convention that would nullify many of the Constitution’s limitations on government power and interference. A constitutional convention requires two thirds of the states to join.

At the behest of Governor Gavin Newsom, California lawmakers have introduced a resolution applying to Congress to call a federal constitutional convention (Con-Con) to propose amendments to the US Constitution, specifically one that would severely neuter the Second Amendment. The California Senate has already voted in favor of gun-control Con-Con resolution SJR 7. The resolution now heads to the Assembly for consideration, and will be fully enacted if it passes on September 14.



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79b999 No.88053

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512281 (081611ZSEP23) Notable: Scientist Explains How Governments Control the Weather

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deep state pretend scientist

Scientist Explains How Governments Control the Weather

Theoretical physicist Dr. Michio Kaku said that the government can control the weather. He said that eight states practice some form of weather modification. He gave a number of examples, including Operation Popeye, a top-secret program during the Vietnam War to seed the clouds with silver iodide crystals to accelerate the monsoon season and wash the Viet Cong away. In 2008, during the Olympics, China seeded the clouds in order to have it rain outside of the Olympics. Many countries have weather modification programs. The economy, trade, war and everything else is dependent on the weather. Dr. Kaku said that the US is experimenting with trillion-watt lasers that are pulsed and produce more energy in a split second than all of the nuclear energy plants on Earth. It only lasts for a brief second of time, but in that brief moment, raindrops can be created.



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79b999 No.88054

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512286 (081612ZSEP23) Notable: Elon Musk Says He May Sue the ADL, But a Critic Warns It Could Be a Ploy to Usher in Digital ID

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Elon Musk Says He May Sue the ADL, But a Critic Warns It Could Be a Ploy to Usher in Digital ID

Elon Musk is considering suing the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) for defamation, as the leftist organization characterized him and Twitter, now known as X, as anti-Semitic. Musk said the ADL has pressured his advertisers and has cost him $22 billion. The hashtag #bantheADL began trending on X by people opposed to censorship because the ADL has actively promoted online censorship. A critic warned that while Musk appears to be standing up to the ADL to protect free speech, there is another agenda lurking in the background. Musk’s ultimate goal is to expand Twitter/X into an all-encompassing digital ID system that is used for everything from communications to finance, and to require digital ID to participate in the network.



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79b999 No.88055

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512295 (081616ZSEP23) Notable: Scientist Explains How Governments Control the Weather

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vidya forya ifya can stand listening to mr. kaku


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79b999 No.88056

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512323 (081626ZSEP23) Notable: A Proclamation on World Suicide Prevention Day, 2023

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A Proclamation on World Suicide Prevention Day, 2023

SEPTEMBER 08, 2023

On World Suicide Prevention Day, we hold all those affected by suicide close in our hearts — the Americans we have lost to this public health problem, the loved ones who mourn their heart-wrenching losses, and all the families and professionals working to support those in crisis. Though we recognize there is no single cause or single solution to suicide, we know that access to support and treatment can save lives. My Administration remains committed to expanding suicide prevention programs to reach every community in our Nation and ensuring all Americans can receive the care and support they deserve.


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79b999 No.88057

File: ff6597dcbbcd32d⋯.png (832.15 KB,1214x683,1214:683,Clipboard.png)

File: b06b66e5094cd30⋯.png (1.02 MB,1214x683,1214:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512324 (081626ZSEP23) Notable: Scientist Explains How Governments Control the Weather

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79b999 No.88058

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512333 (081630ZSEP23) Notable: 🦅🇺🇸Friday Night Live Special🇺🇸🦅TRUMP RALLY MOUNT RUSHMORE! A LIVE COVERAGE & LIVE DECODE GRASSHOPPER SPECIAL!

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🦅🇺🇸Friday Night Live Special🇺🇸🦅


Grasshopper & Special Friends.

Join us For this Historic Event while we Watch the Rally Live together and Decode Trump Crumbs as they drop live on air!



1163 days since DJT was at Mount Rushmore.

Mirror mirror


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79b999 No.88059

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512418 (081652ZSEP23) Notable: “Save Our Children”/NYC schools/immigrants everywhere

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“Save Our Children” Burden... this one will stop you in your tracks.

Kristin Kelly

19.4K subscribers

4.2K views 2 years ago #BurdenWorld #Burden #HipHop

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79b999 No.88060

File: b78ab71adb8a1bc⋯.jpg (146.39 KB,720x814,360:407,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ceb63ef777c0115⋯.jpg (1.37 MB,3000x2000,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 66f69d745271f37⋯.jpg (1.39 MB,3000x2000,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512422 (081653ZSEP23) Notable: Hello, Delhi!

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Hello, Delhi!

It's great to be in India for this year's G20.

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79b999 No.88061

File: aa17f594273d6da⋯.jpeg (222.18 KB,2000x1392,125:87,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 2f4a69af738f623⋯.jpeg (108.6 KB,891x618,297:206,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512432 (081655ZSEP23) Notable: Hello, Delhi!

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79b999 No.88062

File: 251682875c8b288⋯.mp4 (9.85 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

File: d761fc0d866f460⋯.png (162.4 KB,604x568,151:142,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512444 (081657ZSEP23) Notable: “Save Our Children”/NYC schools/immigrants everywhere

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>>>/qresearch/19511726 LB


Shawn Farash ❌🐻


This woman is either from Queens or Staten Island. Oh and she's also a legend. For a second, I thought @ScottLoBaido



I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸




New Yorker says it as it is! 🔥🔥🔥

2:42 AM · Sep 8, 2023



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79b999 No.88063

File: f19116664fc43e1⋯.jpg (204.22 KB,720x1111,720:1111,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512445 (081657ZSEP23) Notable: Hello, Delhi!

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Whos this guy , with a young girl dressed very adult like

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79b999 No.88064

File: a62678170e221da⋯.jpeg (412.19 KB,1109x1183,1109:1183,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512468 (081705ZSEP23) Notable: Piglosi reelection pitch

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79b999 No.88065

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512471 (081706ZSEP23) Notable: @realdonaldtrump gab The Georgia Grand Jury report has just been released. It has ZERO credibility and badly taints Fani Willis and this whole political Witch Hunt.

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>they wanted to indict anybody who happened to be breathing at the time



Donald J Trump




The Georgia Grand Jury report has just been released. It has ZERO credibility and badly taints Fani Willis and this whole political Witch Hunt. Essentially, they wanted to indict anybody who happened to be breathing at the time. It totally undermines the credibility of the findings, and badly hurts the Great State of Georgia, whose wonderful and patriotic people are not happy with this charade of an out of control “prosecutor” doing the work of, and for, the DOJ. ELECTION INTERFERENCE!

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79b999 No.88066

File: 0bbc53257d14de1⋯.png (1.57 MB,1006x706,503:353,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512476 (081707ZSEP23) Notable: Piglosi reelection pitch

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"advance San Francisco values"

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79b999 No.88067

File: afd1044adc45a71⋯.png (305.94 KB,598x587,598:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512485 (081711ZSEP23) Notable: Apple releases major security update to counter Israeli firm NSO’s Pegasus spyware??

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The Times of Israel


Apple releases major security update to counter Israeli firm NSO’s Pegasus spyware


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79b999 No.88068

File: ed297ce028069c9⋯.jpg (64.57 KB,600x600,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512501 (081716ZSEP23) Notable: End Times News

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End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000043

TREASON: US Climate Czar Announces War Effort To Shut Down American Food Supply


TREASON: DOD & FEMA Pre-Convened In Hawaii The SAME DAY As Fire, Setting The Stage For Mass Murder


Watch Chicago Negros Complaining About Illegal Immigrants Sucking Up All Public Welfare Funds


Are they beginning to understand why Donald Trump wanted to build a southern border wall?

Just Imagine, This Is What Texas Has To Put Up With Every Single Day For The Last Decade


Fulton County Kangaroo Court Stocked With Trump Haters Persecute 38 Other Republican Officials On Bogus Charges


They are using January 6th as an excuse to go after ANYONE they hate, regardless if they had anything to do with the protests. Unprecedented and fully unconstitutional political persecution.

ENRIQUE TARRIO TELLS ALL AFTER SENTENCING: The FEDS Asked Me To LIE About President Trump In Order To Indict Him


Corrupt FDA Refuses To Provide COVID-19 Vaccine 'Safety' Data To US Senator


HINT: There is no safety data! It's all a FRAUD. Grift and corruption. Nothing safe about it!

Cracks Appear In US Deep State As Insiders Warn Negotiations With Russia The Only Way Out


Western Pressure On Russia Balancing On Edge Of Direct Military Conflict


Russia Preparing For Another Large Offensive Against Ukraine




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79b999 No.88069

File: 7c5bfcb401b0acb⋯.jpg (133.3 KB,720x954,40:53,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 70a3027d4dc4553⋯.mp4 (7.94 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512511 (081719ZSEP23) Notable: Hello, Delhi!

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Biden greets his new toy, these disgusting fucks pawn off their children for prizes


Biden greets disgraced former LA mayor (and current ambassador to India) Eric Garcetti, his daughter, and other dignitaries on the tarmac after landing in India.

He did not take questions.

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79b999 No.88070

File: afd1044adc45a71⋯.png (305.94 KB,598x587,598:587,Clipboard.png)

File: 09fc67454f6507b⋯.png (409.66 KB,600x681,200:227,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512526 (081722ZSEP23) Notable: Georgia special grand jury recommended election case charges for Graham, 2 ex-senators

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Georgia special grand jury recommended election case charges for Graham, 2 ex-senators

Report shows indictments were supported for individuals who weren't ultimately charged, including Kelly Loeffler, David Perdue, ex-Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn


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79b999 No.88071

File: 747707056f5216c⋯.png (534.41 KB,899x726,899:726,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512531 (081723ZSEP23) Notable: Piglosi reelection pitch

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Nancy Pelosi, 83, Announces 2024 Reelection Bid

Posted By: Dreadnought, 9/8/2023 12:51:59 PM

Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced Friday that she is running for reelection in 2024 to continue representing her California district in the House after she stepped down from her leadership role following two decades in the post. “Now more than ever our City needs us to advance San Francisco values and further our recovery,” The 83-year-old lawmaker wrote on X. “Our country needs America to show the world that our flag is still there, with liberty and justice for ALL. That is why I am running for reelection — and respectfully ask for your vote. -Nancy.”

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79b999 No.88072

File: 2f94bd9fc87ca89⋯.png (33.59 KB,1202x285,1202:285,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512539 (081725ZSEP23) Notable: BLM radical wins Des Moines city council seat, takes six months off, then resigns

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BLM radical wins Des Moines city council

seat, takes six months off, then resigns

Post Millennial (Ottawa, Canada), by Katie Daviscourt

Posted By: Beardo, 9/8/2023 11:55:29 AM

A radical Black Lives Matter activist who won a seat on the Des Moines city council in an upset victory has resigned from her position after failing to show up to work for six months. Indira Sheumaker, the former city council member who self-identifies as a "queer feminine," didn't show up to any city council meetings or workshops since March 6, nor did she communicate her absence. (snip) Sheumaker has stated in the past (that) she suffers from clinical anxiety and depression, which increased during COVID-19 isolation. In 2022, Sheumaker also took a leave of absence to focus on her mental health.

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79b999 No.88073

File: 760a4b323ae3109⋯.jpeg (69.4 KB,640x683,640:683,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ba3044687db8c69⋯.jpeg (62.42 KB,990x419,990:419,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 1fab6d76978245b⋯.jpeg (594.99 KB,1293x1384,1293:1384,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 130f09061964cae⋯.jpeg (1.34 MB,1313x1875,1313:1875,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a791bfb63add551⋯.jpeg (153.94 KB,1200x740,60:37,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512540 (081725ZSEP23) Notable: Georgia special grand jury recommended election case charges for Graham, 2 ex-senators

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Was PDJT part of #OperationClassified or Just #DigitalSoldiers™️


The Fulton County Grand Jury went insane -

Voting to indict Lindsey Graham, Michael Flynn, David Perdue, and Kelly Loeffler "with respect to the national effort to overturn the 2020 presidential election"

Perdue and Loeffler (and many others) would have faced RICO charges.

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79b999 No.88074

File: 215252b8785510a⋯.png (365.1 KB,603x801,67:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512548 (081727ZSEP23) Notable: Florida Man Nazi

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Laura Loomer




Dropping a new bombshell in 15 minutes. #NazisForBiden


Laura Loomer



Sep 6



Another interesting fact about the body camera footage I released this weekend is the fact that one of the responding officers in Escambia County who is seen in the video responding to Boneface is Sergeant Mike Hoyland.

I have learned that Mike Hoyland is… twitter.com/lauraloomer/st… Show more




6:01 AM · Sep 8, 2023




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79b999 No.88075

File: d99dbc3ea4affbb⋯.png (37.05 KB,602x425,602:425,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512553 (081729ZSEP23) Notable: @GenFlynn It’s time to ground ourselves, clear the deck of all the noise, and pay close attention to the situation at hand because if we don’t, we’re likely to lose our country…

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General Mike Flynn


It’s time to ground ourselves, clear the deck of all the noise, and pay close attention to the situation at hand because if we don’t, we’re likely to lose our country…And We can be sure of one thing: the same ruling establishment that lost two wars in the Middle East, thrown billions of dollars at a corrupt regime in Ukraine to wage a proxy war against a nuclear power on its borders, crippled U.S. energy production, opened our borders to criminals, terrorists, and spies, has proven their worthlessness for peace and prosperity in America. They’re flying blind and leading the country into a hurricane destined to do untold damage.

Become a CHAMPION today at:


5:05 AM · Sep 8, 2023




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79b999 No.88076

File: b906faddea28253⋯.png (754.09 KB,590x897,590:897,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512562 (081733ZSEP23) Notable: Sound of Freedom producer Eduardo Verastegui, devout Catholic, has announced his decision to run for the pres of Mexico

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Sachin Jose


The anti-human trafficking movie Sound of Freedom producer Eduardo Verastegui, who is a devout Catholic, has announced his decision to run for the presidency of Mexico in the coming election. Eduardo is pro-life, pro-traditional family, and anti-Communist.


Eduardo Verástegui

4:01 PM · Sep 7, 2023




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79b999 No.88077

File: fb80994336929ad⋯.png (360.47 KB,562x526,281:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512565 (081733ZSEP23) Notable: “I Need to Look at Other Alternatives” - DNC is Cheating Robert Kennedy, Jr.

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“I Need to Look at Other Alternatives” – DNC is Cheating Robert Kennedy, Jr. in Primaries to Favor Biden – Kennedy Needs to “Win Almost 80% of All the States” Under Undemocratic System

In an interview on “Forbes Newsroom” with Diane Brady, 2024 Democratic Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. accused the Democratic National Committee (DNC) of undermining the democratic process by enacting rules aimed at preventing a fair primary election. According to Kennedy, the DNC’s moves make it impossible for any candidate, including himself, to challenge Joe Biden.

Kennedy highlighted that the DNC had shifted the Iowa primary and had instituted rules that penalize candidates who campaign in certain states.

“If any candidate sets foot in the state of Iowa or New Hampshire, none of the votes that are cast for that candidate will be tallied,” Kennedy said. He added that the DNC is considering rules that would also nullify votes cast for him in states like Georgia if he campaigns in New Hampshire.

“They’ve made rules that if any candidate sets foot in the state of Iowa or sets foot in the state of New Hampshire, then none of the votes that are cast for that candidate will be tallied. In other words, any delegate that I win in New Hampshire or Iowa would go instead to the President. And now they’re trying to change it so that if I campaign in New Hampshire that none of the votes cast for me in Georgia will count. That’s significant because it’s hard to win the nomination without Georgia,” RFK Jr. said.

According to Kennedy, the DNC’s control over super delegates and automatic delegates makes it virtually insurmountable for any candidate other than Biden to secure the nomination. Kennedy pointed out that he would need to win almost 80% of all states to outmaneuver Biden, assuming Biden only wins 20% of the vote.

“If you add up all the super-delegates that they control, and all of the automatic delegates that just go to the party, I would have to win almost 80% of all the states,” RFK Jr. said.

“It’s pretty clear that the DNC does not want a primary,” said Kennedy. “They’re effectively disenfranchising the Democratic voters from having any choice in who becomes president or who becomes the Democratic nominee.”

Kennedy expressed that such actions from the DNC serve to confirm the growing sentiment among Americans that democracy is broken and the political system is rigged. “We live in a time in American history when a lot of Americans think that democracy is broken,” said Kennedy. “And unfortunately, the DNC is taking steps that confirm that outlook.”

When Brady asked Kennedy about his future strategy, he stated that if the DNC continues its rigging, he would need to look for alternative routes to victory.

“If the DNC is going to rig it so that it is simply impossible for anybody to challenge President Biden, then I need to look at other alternatives because I can’t go back to the people support me and to my donors… I need to show them a road to victory,” said Kennedy Jr.

“What kind of alternatives would you be exploring Mr. Kennedy,” asked Brady.

“I don’t know exactly because I want to see what the DNC does,” RFK Jr.

“I want to see if they make it a fair contest. And I’m not asking that it be 100% fair, but I’m asking that there at least be a chance that it be plausible for somebody else to win other than their chosen anointed candidate,” he added.


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79b999 No.88078

File: ac3a6caacf5d303⋯.png (786.38 KB,724x1024,181:256,Clipboard.png)

File: b41bebe3745e76b⋯.png (781.08 KB,724x1024,181:256,Clipboard.png)

File: a9f0dd604ae8040⋯.png (1.5 MB,719x1024,719:1024,Clipboard.png)

File: a0608bae884b9f0⋯.png (1.03 MB,723x1024,723:1024,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512570 (081735ZSEP23) Notable: Is September 11 The Real Date Of The Lord Jesus Christ's Birth???

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Is September 11 The Real Date Of The Lord Jesus Christ's Birth?


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.88079

File: 7ab31446c4f8c0c⋯.png (279.57 KB,1035x906,345:302,Clipboard.png)

File: 93a2aa758bc815c⋯.png (75.33 KB,1083x576,361:192,Clipboard.png)

File: 23d8ce5294026fe⋯.png (172.88 KB,579x637,579:637,Clipboard.png)

File: ec5b39eeb59b2fb⋯.png (89.45 KB,696x882,116:147,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512576 (081736ZSEP23) Notable: AZ: Hamadeh Files Notice of Appeal for Race Called by 280 Votes

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Final Judgement in Abe Hamadeh’s Stolen Election Lawsuit Signed By Incompetent Judge Months After Ruling on Case – Hamadeh Files Notice of Appeal for Race Called by 280 Votes

After months of delay and reminders from both parties in the case, Mohave County Superior Court Judge Lee F. Jantzen finally signed a Final Judgment rejecting Abe Hamadeh’s lawsuit against the rigged midterm election in Arizona.

The order dismissing the lawsuit was given in May.

The Final Judgment signing came only after both parties filed a Joint Motion for Entry of Final Judgement and spelled out a mutually agreed ruling. Now that the final order is officially signed by the Judge, Hamadeh’s attorneys were finally able to file a Notice of Appeal against the bogus ruling, and he can continue fighting against the rigged election and corrupt trial court Judge.

Read the full Notice of Appeal here.

Hamadeh’s race was decided by 280 votes after a “significant miscount” of hundreds of votes was discovered in rural Pinal County’s recount results. It is the closest race in Arizona, with over 2.5 million votes cast.

The newly discovered evidence of uncounted ballots and voter disenfranchisement across the state was intentionally withheld by Katie Hobbs at Abe’s first trial. Additionally, “Maricopa did not provide provisional ballot information until after trial, information that had it been timely provided, we would have been able to address those problems we found at trial,” said Hamadeh attorney Jen Wright.

During Hamadeh’s new trial in May, the spineless Judge dismissed the evidence and voter testimony that thousands of votes remain wrongfully uncounted due to wrongfully canceled voter registrations.

Voting machine failures at 60% of polling locations also disenfranchised thousands of Republican election-day voters in a race called by less than 300 votes! How the hell do you call this a fair election?

The Gateway Pundit recently reported on incompetent Judge Lee F. Jantzen’s impediment to Hamadeh’s lawsuit with his clumsy failures and late rulings.

When Jantzen recently attempted to release his final order denying Abe’s case in the Superior Court, he reportedly screwed it up again, leaving matters pending and “resulting in an ‘unfinal’ final order,” further delaying Abe’s nine-month long legal battle against the election.

This happened over a month after Jantzen’s July trial ruling against Hamadeh, which also came nearly 60 days after the trial. As The Gateway Pundit reported, Jantzen has a history of incompetence that interferes with court cases. He was recently publicly reprimanded by the Arizona Commission on Judicial Conduct for failing to issue a ruling within 60 days in a separate case but still collecting salary after declaring that he had no pending matters. This conduct violates the Arizona Rules of Supreme Court and Arizona Statute.


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79b999 No.88080

File: 6261b303364307b⋯.png (387.01 KB,604x578,302:289,Clipboard.png)

File: a8292e2dfb19349⋯.png (1.22 MB,1251x761,1251:761,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512577 (081736ZSEP23) Notable: Quebec man charged with arson after allegedly setting wildfires, causing evacuations

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The Post Millennial


Quebec man charged with arson after allegedly setting wildfires, causing evacuations


Quebec man charged with arson after allegedly setting wildfires, causing evacuations

As of September nearly 15,000 square kilometres of forests have been destroyed, and countless people displaced.

5:50 AM · Sep 8, 2023




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79b999 No.88081

File: d039fd96e673140⋯.png (228.05 KB,740x368,185:92,Clipboard.png)

File: eb596c50291c399⋯.png (119.11 KB,1051x848,1051:848,Clipboard.png)

File: b419dee8d39a55d⋯.png (135.19 KB,1071x920,1071:920,Clipboard.png)

File: 3498012dc0980db⋯.png (195.5 KB,1058x926,529:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512621 (081749ZSEP23) Notable: WA State Democrat Controlled Legislature and Secretary of State keep Changing Election Statutes and Policies

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WA State Democrat Controlled Legislature and Secretary of State keep Changing Election Statutes and Policies making it Easier to Cheat

Until July 2023, the public could get any WA State county’s most updated list of registered voters via Public Records Request. E.g., for Skagit County it would normally take between 3 hours to 3 days to have the list emailed from the elections dept. The list is constantly being updated each day in all 39 counties.

However, now the public is prohibited from getting these daily updated lists. The whole process is now centralized and controlled by the state due to new state law 5459 in coordination with the Secretary of State (SOS). If you want a county registered voter list, you will only get a monthly update on the first of each month. 30- day windows are now plenty of time for nefarious actors (undetected) to add or remove “registered” voters if needed in an election, even as a safety back-up “credit line” – which according to many data analysts is happening all around the country.


We should not be surprised about this lack of transparency. Last year Stuart Holmes, the WA State SOS Deputy of Elections, amended WAC 434-335-260 (effective July 2022) making 3rd party audits impossible: Decertification of voting systems and vote tabulating systems. To read:

(i) County auditors shall not provide physical, electronic, or internal access to third parties seeking to copy and/or conduct an examination of state-certified voting systems, or any components of such systems including, but not limited to: Voting software and systems, tabulators, scanners, counters, automatic tabulating equipment, voting devices, servers, ballot marking devices, paper ballot printers, portable memory media devices, and any other hardware, software, or devices being used as part of the voting system.

And if the county auditor does have a third-party audit? Then…

(ii) those pieces of voting equipment will be considered no longer secure or reliable to use in subsequent elections. And it will be treated as a security breach under RCW 29A.12.180 and the office of the Secretary of State can decertify the use of the system or component.

In other words, our voting systems are now closed to the public, just trust us…


Also, last year the WA State SOS made several very troubling amendments to statutes, changing the definition of a Cast Vote Record (CVR) to be a “ballot” – and mandating that copies of CVRs used during Risk Limiting Audits be destroyed within 10 days of the certification of the election.


As used in this rule, unless stated otherwise:

(5) “Cast vote record” or “CVR” means a record of all ((votes))voter markings produced by a single voter on a ballot card, presented in electronic form, and is defined as a ballot in accordance with RCW 29A.04.008.

434-261-116 Preparing for a risk-limiting audit.

(7) Comparison audit uploads.)) at the time the unofficial results are produced. (8) Copies of cast vote records used during the risk-limiting audit will be destroyed no later than 10 days following county certification.

This clearly violates Federal Laws 52 USC 20701 and 42 USC 1974, which requires all election records to be kept for 22 months, and violates State Laws RCW 29A.60.110, WAC 434-262-200 and WAC 434-261-045.


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79b999 No.88082

File: aae48d7f940d776⋯.png (34.69 KB,835x297,835:297,Clipboard.png)

File: d4b7d356d733e71⋯.png (1.41 MB,1482x941,1482:941,Clipboard.png)

File: abb7fea9fbc3cf0⋯.png (270.05 KB,623x938,89:134,Clipboard.png)

File: a167402f59b671a⋯.png (380.9 KB,594x704,27:32,Clipboard.png)

File: dd75d79472fc291⋯.png (48.42 KB,812x366,406:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512637 (081752ZSEP23) Notable: Covid Quarantine Camps

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>>88009 Hochul and Peekaboo (AG James) trying for free rein on Covid Quarantine Camps


Global COVID-19

Updated Jan. 24, 2023


Watch: Tucker Carlson Interviews Senator Forced Into COVID Camp Despite Multiple Negative Tests

By Elizabeth Stauffer December 10, 2021 at 2:53pm



Friday, September 8, 2023

2 years ago

Kay Smythe

New York Legislation Provides for Indefinite Detention of Unvaccinated at Governor’s Whim.


December 19, 2021

The New York legislature is poised to hand massive power to the governor

By Andrea Widburg


Jenna Ellis




James Lindsay, lawful but awful



Dec 18, 2021

Covid concentration camp bill incoming.


7:57 PM · Dec 18, 2021


Joe Rogan On New York Covid Detention, Adverse Events, Big Pharma, and Monoclonal Antibodies


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79b999 No.88083

File: 8348a05f076d0a7⋯.png (2.16 MB,2360x1640,59:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512643 (081754ZSEP23) Notable: Ca Earthquake near Mt Shasta today 5.0

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Ca Earthquake near Mt Shasta today



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79b999 No.88084

File: f8d3128ec51f78a⋯.png (553.4 KB,900x506,450:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512645 (081756ZSEP23) Notable: Piglosi reelection pitch

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Nancy Pelosi Announces She’s Running for Reelection

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), the 83-year-old previous speaker of the House, announced on Sept. 8 she is running for reelection.

“Now more than ever our City needs us to advance San Francisco values and further our recovery. Our country needs America to show the world that our flag is still there, with liberty and justice for ALL. That is why I am running for reelection — and respectfully ask for your vote,” posted Ms. Pelosi on X, formerly Twitter.

Ms. Pelosi would be 86 years old at the conclusion of her 20th term.

Ms. Pelosi has served in Congress since June 2, 1987, representing San Francisco, a left-wing California city. She won in a special election to succeed the late Rep. Sheila Burton (D-Calif.). She has been speaker twice, between 2007 and 2011 and between 2019 and 2023—the first female in the position, which is second in line to the presidency. She announced last year that she would retire from House Democrat leadership. Ms. Pelosi has since taken on the ceremonial title of speaker emerita.

“Scripture teaches us that for everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven,” said Ms. Pelosi, a Catholic, on the House floor announcing her transition from leadership to back-bencher. “My friends, no matter what title you all, my colleagues, have bestowed upon me — speaker, leader, whip — there is no greater official honor for me than to stand on this floor and to speak for the people of San Francisco.

“This I will continue to do as a member of the House, speaking for the people of San Francisco, serving the great state of California and defending our Constitution.”

“For me, the hour has come for a new generation to lead the Democratic caucus that I so deeply respect,” she added. “And I am grateful that so many are ready and willing to shoulder this awesome responsibility.”

Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) succeeded Ms. Pelosi as the leader of the House Democrats, who have a new leadership team this Congress with, in addition to Mr. Jeffries, House Minority Whip Katherine Clark (D-Mass.) and House Democrat Caucus Chairman Pete Aguilar (D-Calif.).

During her time as speaker, Ms. Pelosi helped marshal the Affordable Care Act, economic stimulus measures, COVID relief measures, the Inflation Reduction Act, the CHIPS and Science Act, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, and Respect for Marriage Act. She has drawn the ire of Republicans and conservatives for her policy positions and for leading the two impeachments of former President Donald Trump including the one following the Jan. 6 breach of the U.S. Capitol.


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79b999 No.88085

File: f88a780d65c4221⋯.png (309.09 KB,692x912,173:228,Clipboard.png)

File: 939c3d2bc07b5ca⋯.png (56.27 KB,773x205,773:205,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512652 (081758ZSEP23) Notable: Fauci’s NIH Used CCP-Owned Messaging App.

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Fauci’s NIH Used CCP-Owned Messaging App.

U.S. government employees at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) communicated about official government business using WeChat – the Chinese Communist-run social media and instant messaging app. The revelation from emails obtained by the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic raises concerns that Chinese intelligence may have had access to sensitive U.S. government communications.

Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio), who chairs the select subcommittee, has given the NIH until September 21st to hand over a tranche of documents and emails from NIH contractors and employees – including Anthony Fauci – so that it can be determine to what extent the government health agency was compromised by the use of WeChat.

Emails made public by the select subcommittee appears to show a senior NIH official instruct another agency employee to use WeChat to communicate with a Chinese scientist during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether Fauci used WeChat himself or knew of its use by agency employees is of particular concern to Wenstrup, who called the matter a “national security threat.”


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79b999 No.88086

File: 7a541dee2a25380⋯.png (923.51 KB,1110x694,555:347,Clipboard.png)

File: 1467f981baa3232⋯.png (16.85 KB,869x174,869:174,Clipboard.png)

File: ddd0f9fdd508779⋯.png (1.07 MB,1070x762,535:381,Clipboard.png)

File: 5dcdb5d1a896da2⋯.png (190.16 KB,606x904,303:452,Clipboard.png)

File: bf1bbfc851354f4⋯.png (188.2 KB,701x198,701:198,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512667 (081801ZSEP23) Notable: Covid Quarantine Camps

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Dec 19, 2021


Holy crap.

New York state is trying to officially enact Covid Concentration Camps.

Get out of there, @ericmetaxas!


Legal Authorities for Isolation and Quarantine



Consent Factory


How much more glaringly totalitarian does the New Normal have to get before prominent "independent journalists" grow a pair of balls and call it what it is?


7:37 AM · Jan 5, 2022


Bill Filed In Washington Would Authorize ‘Strike Force’ To ‘Involuntarily Detain’ Unvaccinated Families – Zoom Meeting on Proposed Agenda on Jan. 12, ’22 …UPDATE: WA Releases Statement

by Alicia Powe Jan. 8, 2022 8:20 pm


Poll Finds Close To Half Of Democratic Voters Want COVID Internment Camps For The Unvaxx'd

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Monday, Jan 17, 2022 - 05:25 AM

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.88087

File: 013e2414a27b277⋯.png (93.79 KB,635x633,635:633,Clipboard.png)

File: a07e56dc15ffa2a⋯.png (745.83 KB,597x899,597:899,Clipboard.png)

File: f022138e418610a⋯.png (321.65 KB,1904x940,476:235,Clipboard.png)

File: 479010cf28202ec⋯.png (16.42 KB,865x177,865:177,Clipboard.png)

File: afbc79c04c4a6b7⋯.png (52.44 KB,659x382,659:382,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512694 (081810ZSEP23) Notable: Covid Quarantine Camps

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January 20, 2022

After COVID, Never Again

By J.B. Shurk


Annastacia Palaszczuk


Welcome to Wellcamp’s newly appointed Quarantine Commissioner - Queensland Fire and Emergency Services Assistant Commissioner Joanne Greenfield 👏

She has been appointed to oversee the operations of the Toowoomba Wellcamp facility, which will welcome arrivals from February.


7:58 PM · Jan 19, 2022


WAC 246-100-040

Procedures for isolation or quarantine.


Authoritarian Madness: The Slippery Slope From Lockdowns To Concentration Camps

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Friday, Jan 28, 2022 - 05:40 PM


Inside Dan Andrews' MASSIVE $200million quarantine hub for unvaccinated travellers which is set to open on Monday - just as restrictions end and Covid case numbers plummet

The 22-hectare quarantine facility will open to unvaxxed travellers on Monday

Guests will be given three meals a day and will be allowed to go on balconies

Police will roam the grounds at all times and the week-long stay won't be free

It comes as Victoria recorded 6,280 new Covid-19 cases and 20 deaths

By Eliza Mcphee For Daily Mail Australia

Updated: 07:55 EDT, 19 February 2022



Del Bigtree


WHAT WOULD YOU DO if your six year old son or daughter tested positive for COVID19 and was taken from your home to a quarantine center by Ventura Health Authorities? This SHOCKING VIDEO demands that you plan ahead. #BeBrave #HistoryRepeating

9:05 AM · May 6, 2020

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79b999 No.88088

File: 0fb32c1b09f1e3b⋯.png (452.69 KB,534x540,89:90,Clipboard.png)

File: 77baec0fb5c91a4⋯.png (74.66 KB,320x266,160:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512696 (081810ZSEP23) Notable: @NavalInstitute North Korea announced Friday that it has launched a “tactical nuclear attack submarine" capable of "both preemptive and retaliatory strikes, modified Soviet-era Romeo-class sub

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North Korea announced Friday that it has launched a “tactical nuclear attack submarine" capable of "both preemptive and retaliatory strikes." Analysts believe the Hero Kim Kun Ok is a modified Soviet-era Romeo-class sub that lacks the capabilities North Korea is claiming.


Something seems off.

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79b999 No.88089

File: a55d89250583e7e⋯.mp4 (11.42 MB,880x640,11:8,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512703 (081812ZSEP23) Notable: Bomb threat at Arlington National Cemetery

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Bomb threat at Arlington National Cemetery

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.88090

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512717 (081817ZSEP23) Notable: Niger gives US ambassador 48 hours to leave country

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Niger gives US ambassador 48 hours to leave country - AFP

Niger has given the US ambassador to the country 48 hours to leave, AFP reported on Friday.

The new US Ambassador to Niger Kathleen FitzGibbon only arrived in the capital, Niamey, earlier this month.


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79b999 No.88091

File: 5738e17449726ee⋯.png (143.69 KB,604x588,151:147,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512718 (081817ZSEP23) Notable: The Department of Health and Human Services is preparing new contracts for hundreds of millions of COVID-19 tests.

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Emerald Robinson ✝️


Here comes the tyranny again. Just as I warned you. It’s the end of America. The Biden regime is seizing power permanently.


Natalie Winters



Sep 7

The Department of Health and Human Services is preparing new contracts for hundreds of millions of COVID-19 tests.



7:15 AM · Sep 8, 2023




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79b999 No.88092

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512729 (081821ZSEP23) Notable: “Save Our Children”/NYC schools/immigrants everywhere

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The Migrant Crisis Just Hit NYC Schools

As a former resident of the New York metro area I cannot express the depths of keks I’m enjoying.

It was cool until they have to foot the bill.


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79b999 No.88093

File: 3378bf53aff7f64⋯.jpg (188.6 KB,1279x1002,1279:1002,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512742 (081826ZSEP23) Notable: Niger gives US ambassador 48 hours to leave country

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she has a BA from a California school and speaks French.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.88094

File: 4e6297fda044369⋯.png (261.93 KB,472x266,236:133,Clipboard.png)

File: 639254ff0e461d8⋯.png (277.82 KB,590x332,295:166,Clipboard.png)

File: e2e645221f608d3⋯.jpg (5.45 KB,277x182,277:182,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512751 (081830ZSEP23) Notable: Bomb threat at Arlington National Cemetery

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>Here comes the tyranny again. Just as I warned you. It’s the end of America. The Biden regime is seizing power permanently.

T - 3 Days till the 22nd Anniversary of 911,

They must surrender or perish. This is not a game. God can touch anyone, few can withstand.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.88095

File: c65a18ac8a3b5cf⋯.png (197.33 KB,560x545,112:109,Clipboard.png)

File: f9272aafa4f3be1⋯.png (325.17 KB,590x596,295:298,Clipboard.png)

File: a2fbaccff744103⋯.png (116.83 KB,817x865,817:865,Clipboard.png)

File: c5683555ac49917⋯.png (128.46 KB,827x832,827:832,Clipboard.png)

File: 14c929d544888b5⋯.png (24.3 KB,780x192,65:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512755 (081832ZSEP23) Notable: The problem with Trump’s excuse on Fauci runs much deeper than COVID/food for thought, with a grain of salt

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The problem with Trump’s excuse on Fauci runs much deeper than COVID

It’s hard to blame people for buying into the false COVID narratives in March 2020 or for thinking the vaccines were safe and effective when they came out in January 2021. The problem is with people like Trump who, despite mounds of evidence, continue to ignore the truth and place people around him who do not represent his movement. His excuses for not firing Fauci are a glimpse not just into his failed COVID response that lasted through January 2021 (and that he still defends today), but into the entire “shallow state” problem of his administration and his chaotic, inconsistent, and undisciplined way of governing.

Trump has consistently defended his decision not to fire Fauci as being a victim of civil service laws precluding him from doing so. Putting aside the bizarre admission that he never tried to challenge these laws in so many other situations, his excuse misses the main point. The destruction of our country at the hands of Fauci was not so much a result of his position as a “deep state” operative at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases but of being elevated as a top White House official and spokesman for the president on the top issue of our time, along with other leftists such as Deborah Birx and Surgeon General Jerome Adams, along with Pfizer shill Scott Gottlieb.

For months, we begged and beseeched Trump and his allies to cease and desist from his policies and listen to the plethora of other voices with impressive credentials who shredded the Fauci/Birx narrative. Indeed, after initially appearing on several of our Blaze Media shows, Dr. Scott Atlas piqued the interest of the president and was selected as a White House adviser in August.

“Well, it’s better late than never,” we thought, but we were too optimistic about finally deep-sixing COVID fascism. Instead, in what had become endemic of the chaos in the White House on so many other issues, Trump essentially told Atlas to “fight it out with Tony and Debbie” rather than speaking with one voice. Again, this is a shallow state problem. As Dr. Atlas recently said, “There is no separation between what Trump said and did … and what the Fauci/Birx policy was.”

Thus, for the remainder of his presidency, Trump, while often issuing conflicting statements himself, allowed Fauci and Birx to run the show. Months later, they even featured Fauci in a campaign ad with Trump wearing masks. It wasn’t just a matter of Fauci declaring five weeks into the lockdown, “He has never overruled me,” but even in the final hours of the administration, Trump allowed Fauci and Birx to pressure the heck out of red states and demand that they impose lockdowns and masks. On January 10, 2021, at least 8-9 months after everyone knew these policies were immoral and unscientific, the White House was hounding DeSantis to shut down Florida. Here is the memo officials sent out as some inside and outside the administration were literally trying to engage in a coup against Trump himself.


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79b999 No.88096

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512767 (081836ZSEP23) Notable: “Save Our Children”/NYC schools/immigrants everywhere

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Sadly most New Yorkers are also victims of this invasion and do not want it and want the border to be secured and immigration to be regulated.

the victims of the bad governance of NYC don't deserve this.

the people who cause the problems are secure in their homes and mansions and protected by police, etc.

if you think that Adams cares you may be correct, or, it might just be another case of 'start a fire, then yell 'we need more money to put out fires'.

in Massachusetts the state supposedly now has a 'right to lodging' law and the Governor has decided to call the National Guard to allow the enabling of housing all the new people into expensive lodging.

an audit of the costs and who owns the lodging and who profits from the money flow probably will not happen but there are some strange money flows with lodging in Mass where money spent at a hotel also funds the graft of the 'convention center authority'.

also supposedly locals were told to leave one rent-by-the month location in Yarmouth, (where long term workers got a good rate) and the rates were jacked up. And then the place was said to be next on the list of where homeless (meaning new arrivals) would be lodged at the expense of the Commonwealth.

I can find sauce for this but I think I read about it on Brietbart a few days ago, where locals in Yarmouth were protesting and got the housing assignment of those needing lodging (at state expense) to that Yarmouth locale halted:

here is the story on that:

"Massachusetts: Migrants Will Not Be Housed at Yarmouth Resort"


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79b999 No.88097

File: ad76965b718c4d9⋯.png (76.64 KB,280x157,280:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512775 (081838ZSEP23) Notable: US spies see new Ukrainian defense minister as ‘even more corrupt’

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8 Sep, 2023 14:27

US spies see new Ukrainian defense minister as ‘even more corrupt’ – Seymour Hersh

Rustem Umerov “made a fortune” supervising the sale of government property, the American journalist has reported

Ukrainian Defense Minister Rustem Umerov is “even more corrupt” than his predecessor Aleksey Reznikov, American journalist Seymour Hersh reported on Thursday, citing an anonymous US intelligence official.

Reznikov was dismissed by Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky earlier this week, with Umerov confirmed as his replacement on Wednesday. Reznikov and his subordinates have been implicated in numerous graft scandals, including a scheme by which his ministry purchased substandard winter uniforms for inflated prices from a Turkish supplier owned by a Ukrainian contact.

“The new guy is even more corrupt,” Hersh quoted a “knowledgeable US intelligence official” as saying. “He ran the sale of government property and made a fortune. Has a huge villa in Majorca.”

The source claimed that Umerov’s name was not on a list of 35 corrupt officials allegedly presented to Zelensky by CIA Director William Burns in January. Zelensky fired a host of senior officials and administrators after meeting Burns, although Reznikov defied media speculation to stay in his post. The existence of Burns’ list was first revealed by Hersh in April.

“The list was not a telephone book of crooks; just the ones receiving US military and economic financing,” Hersh’s source said on Thursday. The statement backs up earlier claims that Zelensky’s purge was carried out at Washington's request, with the US seemingly keen to stop the misappropriation of its aid.

Umerov’s appointment was welcomed by the Western media. Prior to taking over Reznikov’s post, Umerov had served as head of Ukraine’s state property agency, where the Washington Post said he “gained praise for instituting massive audits and weeding out alleged corruption and misappropriation of funds.”

However, Umerov and two of his former deputies at the agency are currently the subject of a corruption investigation, Ukrainian media reported on Wednesday.

Citing court documents, news site Comments.ua claimed that the High Anti-Corruption Court (VAKS) of Ukraine opened the probe in August after receiving reports thatUmerov had obstructed an embezzlement investigation and covered up the sale of electricity below market prices by Tsentrenergo, Ukraine’s only state-owned electricity-generating company.

Summing up the shakeup at the Defense Ministry in Kiev, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova stated on Wednesday that Zelensky had “fired one defense minister over corruption but would not launch an investigation and instead appointed another minister, who is being investigated for corruption.”


Why has Ukraine’s high-profile defense minister been fired and who’s the new man replacing him?

Both Aleksey Reznikov and Rustem Umerov have been hit by scandals, but the latter is perhaps more useful in other respects. According to experts, these scandals will not influence Zelensky’s decision to appoint Umerov, whose ethnic origin makes him a symbolic figure for Ukraine.

A convenient figure

Umerov is a representative of the Crimean Tatar ethnic group and a Muslim. He was born in 1982 in Samarkand, but grew up in and built a career in Ukraine. In 2007, he was among the organizers of the Crimean Tatar Community, and in 2011-2013 was co-founder and president of the Crimean Development Fund. He was also the deputy head of the Permanent Delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. From February to April 2022, he was a member of Kiev’s delegation during the failed Russian-Ukrainian peace negotiations.

Bezpalko believes that Umerov was selected for the post of defense minister based on the relevance of his background and his loyalty:

“He is a Crimean Tatar, which symbolizes Ukraine’s claims to Crimea. He collaborated with the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, which is banned in Russia.He was literally grown out of a test tube of pro-Western and anti-Russian ideology – this is his main and probably only important quality. He is very loyal and very manageable – an ideal candidate for making any decisions in the current situation. Though by and large, in Ukraine politicians have little say in anything,” the expert said.


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79b999 No.88098

File: 21ad3bb23abb1ad⋯.png (196.22 KB,411x377,411:377,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512788 (081845ZSEP23) Notable: Mimsy opines on pandora's box

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Sen. Lindsay Graham on Georgia Grand Jury wanting to indict a sitting US Senator for raising concerns about election integrity: "We are opening Pandora’s Box here."


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79b999 No.88099

File: 1f57342698d0ea7⋯.png (72.54 KB,280x157,280:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512789 (081846ZSEP23) Notable: Ukraine seeks to blow up gas pipelines to Türkiye – Lavrov

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8 Sep, 2023 15:06

Ukraine seeks to blow up gas pipelines to Türkiye – Lavrov

Kiev’s backers are turning a blind eye to Ukraine’s attempts to attack Russia’s Black Sea energy infrastructure, the foreign minister has said

Russia’s ‘TurkStream’ and ‘Blue Stream’ pipelines, which deliver natural gas to Türkiye and parts of Europe, are under threat from Kiev, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Friday during a visit to Bangladesh. Moscow has reason to believe that Ukraine might be plotting attacks on the underwater infrastructure, the foreign minister stated.

Kiev’s forces tried to attack Russian military ships patrolling the waters near the ‘TurkStream’ and ‘Blue Stream’ connectors, Lavrov claimed, adding that Russia has “launched patrols to these areas of the Black Sea, since there is information that there are attempts to blow up [the pipelines] just as the Nord Stream was blown up.”

Now, “everyone” is demanding Russia consent to Ukraine’s agricultural exports under the Black Sea grain deal Moscow suspended in July, according to Lavrov. Russia is “not forbidding it … but we will not let them [the Ukrainians] through the humanitarian corridors,” he added, explaining that Kiev’s troops used these routes “to launch both surface and undersea vessels to attack not just our military ships, but civilian ones as well.”

Lavrov maintained that the attacks by Ukraine are ignored by Kiev’s backers and various international bodies. “No one is leading any real investigation” into it, he said, adding that the relevant authorities only claim that “national bodies are dealing with this issue” but “no information is provided.”

The minister’s words came just days after Russian President Vladimir Putin also claimed that the Russian ships guarding the Black Sea pipelines were “constantly under attack” and these attacks were “directed” from Ukraine’s ports. He also cited these attacks – as well as Kiev’s use of Black Sea humanitarian corridors for military purposes – as one of the reasons Russia suspended its participation in the grain deal, also known as the Black Sea Initiative.

Earlier, Moscow conceded that it would consider returning to the deal if the West were to fulfill its obligations and lift sanctions on Russian fertilizer and other agricultural products. Putin made his statements during a meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Sochi. The Kremlin then clarified that the president was only referring to attacks on the Russian vessels and not on the pipelines themselves.

The Russian Defense Ministry reported in May that it had repelled a Ukrainian attack on a vessel that guards the undersea infrastructure.


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79b999 No.88100

File: 10142b466401582⋯.png (382.23 KB,622x406,311:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512798 (081849ZSEP23) Notable: Hello, Delhi!

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79b999 No.88101

File: fadc77ffe321e08⋯.png (26.91 KB,598x316,299:158,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512805 (081851ZSEP23) Notable: Schiffty Schifft Schitts

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Adam Schiff


Jim Jordan’s efforts to use the House Judiciary Committee to interfere with the prosecutions of Trump in NY, GA, and by DOJ, are as abusive of the congressional process as they are destructive of the justice system.

They are another prime example of the GOP’s endless and bottomless obedience to their corrupt leader.



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79b999 No.88102

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512813 (081854ZSEP23) Notable: 10 human traffickers arrested during multiagency operation targeting sex trafficking of minors

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10 human traffickers arrested during multiagency operation targeting sex trafficking of minors

HOUSTON — On Sept. 8, Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Houston, FBI Houston, the Houston Police Department and partner agencies from the Human Trafficking Rescue Alliance announced the results of a multiagency operation that ran from Aug. 28 through Sept. 7 and targeted known human traffickers involved in the sex trafficking of minors in an area of Houston known as “the Bissonnet Track.”

Ten human traffickers were arrested during the operation, including four documented gang members and six gang associates. All 10 individuals were arrested pursuant to federal arrest warrants and are charged with various crimes such as sex trafficking of minors, sex trafficking of minors by force and conspiracy to sex traffic minors.

“The sex trafficking of minors, and human trafficking as a whole, is one of the fastest growing criminal enterprises in the U.S.,” said HSI Houston Special Agent in Charge Mark Dawson. “Approximately one-quarter of all individuals who are being trafficked for sex in the U.S. are minors. Human trafficking organizations target minors and other vulnerable or marginalized populations because they are easier to manipulate and control. By working together with our partner agencies from the Human Trafficking Rescue Alliance to combat this growing problem, we are better postured to disrupt and dismantle the organizations behind the sex trafficking of minors and connect the victims with the services they need to recover.”

“Numerous young girls will no longer be raped, sexually exploited and beaten by the individuals arrested during this operation thanks to the efforts made by our partners at the Houston Police Department, the U.S. Marshals Service, Homeland Security Investigations and the agencies who make up the Human Trafficking Rescue Alliance,” said FBI Houston acting Special Agent in Charge David Martinez. “Tragically, hundreds more underage sex trafficking victims won’t be rescued because we do not know about them. Without the public’s help, tormented sex trafficking victims remain in the clutches of manipulative criminals who seek only to enrich themselves at the expense of vulnerable juveniles.”

“I want to thank all of our task force partners, and especially the men and women of HPD's Vice Division Human Trafficking Unit and Westside Patrol Division for their hard work and phenomenal job on a successful operation,” said HPD Chief Troy Finner. “The partnership and collaboration among our agencies are instrumental in dismantling of criminal organizations. We will continue to do everything within our power to find these perpetrators and hold them accountable to the fullest extent of law to protect our community.”

In addition to the criminal arrests, HSI Houston and its Human Trafficking Rescue Alliance partners identified nine minor victims and three adult victims, and they were offered support and recovery services.

“Sex traffickers often rely on physical and sexual abuse, threats of harm, economic and psychological manipulation, and cruelty to force their victims to engage in commercial sex,” added Dawson. “As a result, victims are often left with physical and emotional scars that they must carry with them for the rest of their lives. To better confront these realities of human trafficking, we integrate trauma-informed victim support services throughout our criminal investigations to aid victims in their recovery.”

Among the Human Trafficking Rescue Alliance partner agencies that participated in the operation included HSI Houston, FBI Houston, the Houston Police Department, the Harris County Sheriff’s Office, the U.S. Marshals Service, the Texas Juvenile Justice Department’s Office of Inspector General, and various other state and local law enforcement agencies.


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79b999 No.88103

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512821 (081859ZSEP23) Notable: New Zealand beat England in Cricket 297-291

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For anyone who might care, New Zealand beat England in Cricket 297-291.

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79b999 No.88104

File: de488e6b277019b⋯.png (392.55 KB,859x812,859:812,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512833 (081906ZSEP23) Notable: Sound of Freedom producer Eduardo Verastegui, devout Catholic, has announced his decision to run for the pres of Mexico

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79b999 No.88105

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512840 (081908ZSEP23) Notable: The problem with Trump’s excuse on Fauci runs much deeper than COVID/food for thought, with a grain of salt

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Trying to get Trump between a rock & a hard place, is going to backfire on them. I suspect.

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79b999 No.88106

File: e399fdbc02c1458⋯.png (264.36 KB,672x372,56:31,Clipboard.png)

File: 9367663c9c4b513⋯.png (91.37 KB,527x868,17:28,Clipboard.png)

File: 6f662a5d64a5f17⋯.png (76.19 KB,515x799,515:799,Clipboard.png)

File: 66ba93a219ac30b⋯.png (81.14 KB,524x832,131:208,Clipboard.png)

File: 296a802dc27554c⋯.png (75.27 KB,510x770,51:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512843 (081908ZSEP23) Notable: The Disturbing Origins of Chinese Communism And The Deepening Chinese-‘Israeli’ Ties Of Today/C_A/MOS

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The Disturbing Origins of Chinese Communism And The Deepening Chinese-‘Israeli’ Ties Of Today

You wouldn’t know it upon first glance, but China and the Jews are chum-chum-chummy. It’s a historical relationship that goes back to the very inception of Chinese communism. In a July 9th, 2012 piece entitled “A Jew In Mao’s China” by Laura Goldman for “The Schmooze” of the Jewish Daily Forward, she revealed, “In fact, 85 to 90% of the foreigners helping the Chinese at the time of the Communist takeover were Jewish. This included the daughter of the founder of the brokerage firm Goldman Sachs, who left the comfort of her Park Avenue home to assist the Chinese.” In conjunction with these startling anomalies, the US ZOG had a base in Tianjin from 1945-1947. Tianjin was home to a sizable Jewish community, particularly Russian communists. It was from the Tianjin base that the Dixie Mission of the OSS trained, financed and armed none other than Mao Zedong and his merry band of “revolutionaries” to fight the Japanese–which, contrary to popular opinion, weren’t “imperialists” nor “warmongers” but rather, liberators of Brown and Yellow peoples colonized by the ZOGs of Europe. That however is another story for another time.

The OSS itself was a den of Jewish and Judeophilic intriguers, set up for the sole purpose of infiltrating and ultimately destroying Germany and Japan. There were a multitude of Jewish operatives who were brought into the fold strictly because of their Jewishness and connections with businessmen and bankers in Europe who also sought the downfall of the Axis Powers. Leading this effort in organizing, coordination and recruitment was Nahum Amber Bernstein, the lawyer for the genocidal Jewish Agency and preeminent funder of the Haganah. Another key OSS operative was the notorious Major Louis Mortimer Bloomfield, a wealthy Montreal-based lawyer who was also connected to the Haganah as well as a main player in Permindex, the shadowy Jewish-dominated corporation that helped murder President John F. Kennedy. These are the types who the Chinese communists took assistance from. No dignity whatsoever as just a few decades earlier, the Sassoon family, known as the Iraqi-Jewish Rothschilds, crippled large swathes of the Chinese population with opium addiction. All of this, as well as what is about to be discussed, is extremely relevant as the Chinese-‘Israeli’ relationship of today unfolds at an increasingly expansive rate. Now allow us to delve into Red China’s Jewish patrons. And founders.

Grigori Naumovich Voitinsky (birthname: Zarkhin) – Russian Jew. One of the founders of Soviet Sinology. Handler of Chen Duxiu. Cofounder of the Chinese Communist Party, which he and his colleagues established in 1920. Bolshevik. The process of forming the party in its nascent stages can mostly be attributed to his strategic thinking. Bolshevik propaganda was disseminated through the Shanghai Chronicle–which he managed. He can indeed be identified as the godfather of Chinese communism as well as other branches of communism in the Asian world.


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79b999 No.88107

File: d8de51a516014e2⋯.mp4 (4.51 MB,750x1334,375:667,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 392d7a82adcd167⋯.mp4 (10.96 MB,750x1334,375:667,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512863 (081912ZSEP23) Notable: Covid Quarantine Camps

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>>88009 pb

>Hochul and Peekaboo (AG James) trying for free rein on

Covid Quarantine Camps

Because this is the lockdown where the use of force has been authorized, according to Todd Callender, and this is the one where they want to put us into prison camps. Since we flip everything around on them, I wonder if use of force has been authorized n will be used for the mass riots, etc n they round up all the pinkos and put them in there instead. They wanted to go door to door and force inject us too, so I wonder if they go door to door n grab all the commies or something.

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79b999 No.88108

File: db0d620fbe97c0e⋯.png (435.17 KB,650x366,325:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512879 (081918ZSEP23) Notable: THE TRUE BIG LIE: Alrighty then! Katie Porter would like you to know Biden's economy is doing GREAT actually For The Keks!

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THE TRUE BIG LIE: Alrighty then! Katie Porter would like you to know Biden's economy is doing GREAT actually


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79b999 No.88109

File: 201ecd79a023b5f⋯.png (362.08 KB,673x706,673:706,Clipboard.png)

File: fa5e3e79e03323f⋯.png (711.6 KB,634x868,317:434,Clipboard.png)

File: 60f12a57ac66ca3⋯.png (523.13 KB,634x476,317:238,Clipboard.png)

File: 16de287f5007075⋯.png (516.77 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512881 (081918ZSEP23) Notable: Bourke Street, Melbourne: One person killed and five injured after car mows down crowd

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Bourke Street, Melbourne: One person killed and five injured after car mows down crowd

One person dead and five injured after three-car collision

Male driver, 26, has been arrested at scene on Bourke Street

One person has died and at least five have been injured after a car mowed down a crowd of pedestrians on Bourke Street in Melbourne.

It's understood the male driver ploughed through a tram stop and struck three pedestrians before colliding with two other vehicles on Russell Street.

The crash, which happened on the corner of Bourke and Russell Street at about 6.30pm on Friday, saw a white Toyota collide with a Hyundai and a grey Mazda.

A 26-year-old from Melton West was arrested, with the Toyota driver seen perched on the roof of his car just moments before police swooped.

Two officers are seen pulling the man, wearing all-white, off the roof and onto the ground before bundling him towards a waiting police car in handcuffs.

Superintendent Zorka Dunstan said the driver was known to police for 'mental health interactions'.

She confirmed five people had been injured - three pedestrians in the vicinity of the tram lines and two people inside the grey Mazda, which was an Uber.

The driver of the Hyundai was killed in the collision, with the superintendent sending her condolences to their loved ones.

Supt Dunstan said police had ruled out terrorism as a potential motive.


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79b999 No.88110

File: 44540da8ec08a80⋯.png (169.24 KB,840x1522,420:761,Clipboard.png)

File: 6eb2fed4b0b81ee⋯.mp4 (14.28 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: a272cc8c1f76ec2⋯.png (74.22 KB,1357x928,1357:928,Clipboard.png)

File: 3f4a82bee3242a3⋯.jpeg (85.94 KB,1220x1554,610:777,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512887 (081919ZSEP23) Notable: GcMAF Thread #3 GcMAF is the 'on switch' to the entire immune system

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GcMAF Thread #3


GcProtein which the body converts into GcMAF, gets destroyed by nagalase.

GcProtein/GcMAF Thread #1: https://gab.com/Predestination/posts/109809532871532694

GcProtein/GcMAF Thread #2: https://gab.com/Predestination/posts/110278595403336061

GcProtein/GcMAF Thread #3: https://gab.com/Predestination/posts/110743068570733041

GcMAF is the 'on switch' to the entire immune system. An immune system that can eradicate cancer, tumors, viruses and their diseases, bacteria and other pathogens.

Stress can even cause the body to release nagalase into the bloodstream.


Over 80 holitistic doctors have been murdered, not because they were successfully treating people with cancer, autism and other diseases with GcMAF, but these doctors found that BIG PHARMA were pumping our bodies full of vaccines with nagalase into our bodies, to cause cancer, and other awful diseases (Autism, MS, Parkinsons, Lupus..).

Video: GcMAF Activation, I compiled 3 threads, containing videos, PDF files, graphs, other documents... and more. YOUr IMMUNE SYSTEM was the cure all along, THEREFORE, the EUA for the 'rona jab was illegal as a cure existed, the immune system

Video #2, Cancer cells destroyed by GcMAF

GcMAF has 20 actions on cancer... GcMAF and your immune system can eradicate numerous diseases

https://gcmaf.se/diseases-treated-gcmaf/ (many diseases, cancers, and tumors and more treated by GcMAF

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79b999 No.88111

File: 0003722682e2ea9⋯.png (1.06 MB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512888 (081919ZSEP23) Notable: Did NYC just kneecap Airbnb? "The city is treating our private property as the city's housing stock."

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New York City's 38,500 Airbnb listings are now illegal. "Short-term rentals [30 days or under] are only permitted if the host is staying in the same unit or apartment as the guests, and there are no more than two guests staying with the host," says the city. Plus $145 fee to register the rental.

Did NYC just kneecap Airbnb?

"The city is treating our private property as the city's housing stock."


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79b999 No.88112

File: 7ca6d4ac29cb696⋯.png (193.61 KB,590x1463,590:1463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512947 (081935ZSEP23) Notable: New Trump Posts polls

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>>88050 TYB!

2 New Trump Post


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79b999 No.88113

File: 2ae6a9054275c47⋯.png (113.11 KB,483x500,483:500,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512952 (081936ZSEP23) Notable: New Trump Posts polls

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79b999 No.88114

File: 0273b50052f4220⋯.png (172.34 KB,477x774,53:86,Clipboard.png)

File: ab9d32d3658c59c⋯.png (124.21 KB,468x738,26:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512955 (081938ZSEP23) Notable: New Trump Posts polls

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Funny story, 2 Trump RT just prior

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.88115

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512967 (081943ZSEP23) Notable: The Department of Health and Human Services is preparing new contracts for hundreds of millions of COVID-19 tests.

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Recall on Medical Test Kits After Illegal Chinese-Owned Manufacturing Plant in California Found with Biohazards

"The FDA issued a warning about several of the test kits produced in the lab, and Universal Meditech issued a recall of tests that had already been sent to distributors, but not for tests that have already reached consumers."

"but not for tests that have already reached consumers."

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79b999 No.88116

File: 1f513651ccda67f⋯.png (455.48 KB,611x599,611:599,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512979 (081948ZSEP23) Notable: @BoSnerdley White House: Funds for Maui and Fla. to be withheld unless Congress approves more money for Ukraine

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Bo Snerdley


White House: Funds for Maui and Fla. to be withheld unless Congress approves more money for Ukraine https://bizpacreview.com/2023/09/08/white-house-funds-for-maui-and-fla-to-be-withheld-unless-congress-approves-more-money-for-ukraine-1394105/

via @BIZPACReview


White House: Funds for Maui and Fla. to be withheld unless Congress approves more money for Ukraine

Karine Jean-Pierre declines to discuss 'hypotheticals' regarding Biden administration's tying of U.S. disaster relief to more aid for Ukraine

4:18 AM · Sep 8, 2023




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79b999 No.88117

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512998 (081950ZSEP23) Notable: #23964

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#23964 >>88050

>>88051 UN report 2016: Ukraine Indiscriminate killing of civilians and soldiers whistle blowers

>>88052 California Aims to Spread Its Gun Control Laws Across US through a Constitutional Convention

>>88053, >>88055, >>88057 Scientist Explains How Governments Control the Weather

>>88054 Elon Musk Says He May Sue the ADL, But a Critic Warns It Could Be a Ploy to Usher in Digital ID

>>88056 A Proclamation on World Suicide Prevention Day, 2023


>>88059, >>88062, >>88092, >>88096 “Save Our Children”/NYC schools/immigrants everywhere

>>88060, >>88061, >>88063, >>88069, >>88100 Hello, Delhi!

>>88064, >>88066, >>88071, >>88084 Piglosi reelection pitch

>>88065 @realdonaldtrump gab The Georgia Grand Jury report has just been released. It has ZERO credibility and badly taints Fani Willis and this whole political Witch Hunt.

>>88067 Apple releases major security update to counter Israeli firm NSO’s Pegasus spyware??

>>88068 End Times News

>>88070, >>88073 Georgia special grand jury recommended election case charges for Graham, 2 ex-senators

>>88072 BLM radical wins Des Moines city council seat, takes six months off, then resigns

>>88074 Florida Man Nazi

>>88075 @GenFlynn It’s time to ground ourselves, clear the deck of all the noise, and pay close attention to the situation at hand because if we don’t, we’re likely to lose our country…

>>88076, >>88104 Sound of Freedom producer Eduardo Verastegui, devout Catholic, has announced his decision to run for the pres of Mexico

>>88077 “I Need to Look at Other Alternatives” - DNC is Cheating Robert Kennedy, Jr.

>>88078 Is September 11 The Real Date Of The Lord Jesus Christ's Birth???

>>88079 AZ: Hamadeh Files Notice of Appeal for Race Called by 280 Votes

>>88080 Quebec man charged with arson after allegedly setting wildfires, causing evacuations

>>88081 WA State Democrat Controlled Legislature and Secretary of State keep Changing Election Statutes and Policies

>>88082, >>88086, >>88087, >>88107 Covid Quarantine Camps

>>88083 Ca Earthquake near Mt Shasta today 5.0

>>88085 Fauci’s NIH Used CCP-Owned Messaging App.

>>88088 @NavalInstitute North Korea announced Friday that it has launched a “tactical nuclear attack submarine" capable of "both preemptive and retaliatory strikes, modified Soviet-era Romeo-class sub

>>88089, >>88094 Bomb threat at Arlington National Cemetery

>>88090, >>88093 Niger gives US ambassador 48 hours to leave country

>>88091, >>88115 The Department of Health and Human Services is preparing new contracts for hundreds of millions of COVID-19 tests.

>>88095, >>88105 The problem with Trump’s excuse on Fauci runs much deeper than COVID/food for thought, with a grain of salt

>>88097 US spies see new Ukrainian defense minister as ‘even more corrupt’

>>88098 Mimsy opines on pandora's box

>>88099 Ukraine seeks to blow up gas pipelines to Türkiye – Lavrov

>>88101 Schiffty Schifft Schitts

>>88102 10 human traffickers arrested during multiagency operation targeting sex trafficking of minors

>>88103 New Zealand beat England in Cricket 297-291

>>88106 The Disturbing Origins of Chinese Communism And The Deepening Chinese-‘Israeli’ Ties Of Today/C_A/MOS

>>88108 THE TRUE BIG LIE: Alrighty then! Katie Porter would like you to know Biden's economy is doing GREAT actually For The Keks!

>>88109 Bourke Street, Melbourne: One person killed and five injured after car mows down crowd

>>88110 GcMAF Thread #3 GcMAF is the 'on switch' to the entire immune system

>>88111 Did NYC just kneecap Airbnb? "The city is treating our private property as the city's housing stock."

>>88112, >>88113, >>88114 New Trump Posts polls

>>88116 @BoSnerdley White House: Funds for Maui and Fla. to be withheld unless Congress approves more money for Ukraine


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79b999 No.88118

File: dac7a5a6ec22604⋯.png (68.21 KB,1390x816,695:408,Clipboard.png)

File: 94d087c408a8b30⋯.png (266.73 KB,981x769,981:769,Clipboard.png)

File: 00c535ae7fab94e⋯.png (1017.44 KB,1164x1048,291:262,Clipboard.png)

File: 692e1566459b21e⋯.png (311.07 KB,1875x787,1875:787,Clipboard.png)

File: 0f91b713ffc2acc⋯.png (663.41 KB,764x853,764:853,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513015 (081953ZSEP23) Notable: #23965

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Baker needs off, will tap @20

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79b999 No.88119

File: 6eec7f49bb23e70⋯.png (250.48 KB,503x536,503:536,Clipboard.png)

File: fd089530ab04b79⋯.png (224.15 KB,503x523,503:523,Clipboard.png)

File: e8a48d84b6fa1f3⋯.png (383.86 KB,555x831,185:277,Clipboard.png)

File: c197383915d71c0⋯.png (407.54 KB,549x862,549:862,Clipboard.png)

File: 4a0c705189fbe83⋯.png (200.64 KB,543x793,543:793,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513036 (081956ZSEP23) Notable: "Fraudulent" WaPo Disinformation Study, David Frum, And ADL Propaganda To Silence Dissent

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Greenwald Exposes "Fraudulent" WaPo Disinformation Study, David Frum, And ADL Propaganda To Silence Dissent

Journalist Glenn Greenwald has once again dissected a load of establishment propaganda disguised as legitimate reporting - this time shredding a new, and fraudulent, "disinformation study" from the Washington Post. And of course, Greenwald has receipts.

The study, which was sponsored by the European Union 'with an Omidyar-funded group' accuses Twitter (X) of facilitating "pro-Russia propaganda" by failing to censor more.

"The EU-led study insisted that Elon Musk’s new Twitter policies, and those of other Big Tech platforms, help spread Russian propaganda –– by which they mean that Musk's reduction of political censorship on the site, and the "failure" of Big Tech generally to censor upon command, is "dangerous,"" according to Greenwald.

Greenwald then opines on the hypocrisy of people who "constantly march under the banner of “saving democracy” and “pro-democracy” and “saving the West from authoritarianism” when in reality their central project is to eliminate free speech in the digital age."


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79b999 No.88120

File: 687054a3ef90aee⋯.png (471.96 KB,563x673,563:673,Clipboard.png)

File: d281fec713707b9⋯.png (306.66 KB,551x528,551:528,Clipboard.png)

File: 2f968ef9cb6c236⋯.png (772.63 KB,1031x818,1031:818,Clipboard.png)

File: 86dc73c48b81901⋯.png (45.47 KB,1036x348,259:87,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513043 (081958ZSEP23) Notable: California Passes Bill: Judges have Authority to Remove Child from Parents for Refusing to “Affirm” Their Kid’s Gender

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California Assembly Passes Controversial Bill Granting Judges Authority to Remove Child Custody from Parents for Refusing to “Affirm” Their Kid’s Gender Identity: Newsom to Make Final Decision

California Assembly passed AB 957, a controversial bill that will grant judges the authority to remove child custody from parents who refused to affirm their kids’ gender identity.

Ashley Zavala, California Capitol Correspondent, broke the news, highlighting the rift between the Republicans and Democrats over the bill’s stipulations.

“California lawmakers send Gov. Gavin Newsom a proposed law that would require judges to consider a parents affirmation of their child’s identity in custody cases,” she wrote.

Republicans argued that judges already possess the discretionary power to consider all aspects of a child’s well-being, including gender identity, when ruling on custody cases. The Democrats, on the other hand, argued that a parent’s affirmation of a child’s gender identity is crucial for the child’s mental and emotional health.

Parents affirm their children. Typically it happens when their gender identity matches their biological gender. But when it doesn’t, the affirmation starts to wane… Our duty as parents is to affirm our children,” said Democrat California State Rep. Lori Wilson.

The proposed law cleared the Assembly after some final tweaks and has already been given the nod by the Senate. All that’s left now is for Governor Gavin Newsom to either sign or veto the bill.

Parents in California should seriously think about leaving now.

A.B. 957 originally passed the California State Assembly back on May 3. As the Daily Signal reported on Friday, Assembly Member Lori Wilson, D-Suisun City, wrote the bill and introduced it on Feb. 14.

But the State Senator Scott Wiener, a CHILDLESS man who co-authored the legislation, amended it in California’s State Senate on June 6.


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79b999 No.88121

File: b9f17b57bf907a1⋯.png (719.31 KB,864x625,864:625,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513044 (081958ZSEP23) Notable: Biden Blows $25M Pro-Abortion Election Ads.

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1 hour ago

Pulse Wires



Biden Blows $25M Pro-Abortion Election Ads.

President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign is set to launch a new digital ad campaign targeting former President Donald Trump and other Republican presidential candidates for their so-called “hardline” abortion stances. The ad buy comes as Biden’s poll numbers have declined, with voters becoming increasingly concerned about his age and lagging enthusiasm amongst Democrats.

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79b999 No.88122

File: c16e595b4a31d8b⋯.png (387.94 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513053 (082000ZSEP23) Notable: The Real Reason The Government Panned Ivermectin

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The real reason the government panned ivermectin

During COVID, there were allegedly no treatments available, according to the FDA and CDC. Even through a number of front-line doctors were having success with ivermectin and HCQ, the CDC and FDA put real barriers in place for working docto...


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79b999 No.88123

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513060 (082001ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: Trump Impeachment Lawyer David Schoen Explains Again How 14th Amend. Will NOT Keep Trump Off Ballot 5:05

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Donald J. Trump


“Trump Impeachment Lawyer David Schoen Explains Again How 14th Amend. Will NOT Keep Trump Off Ballot”

Sep 08, 2023, 2:39 AM


Trump Impeachment Lawyer David Schoen Explains Again How 14th Amend. Will NOT Keep Trump Off Ballot




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79b999 No.88124

File: 16bb74bf3fc5ab9⋯.png (885.49 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513119 (082009ZSEP23) Notable: California Passes Bill: Judges have Authority to Remove Child from Parents for Refusing to “Affirm” Their Kid’s Gender

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We The People revoke the power we delegated to Gov so they have no say so in this whatsoever anymore.

BREAKING: California Assembly passes bill allowing judges to award custody to parent that will allow child to undergo sex change

The bill now heads to Governor Gavin Newsom’s desk for his signature.


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79b999 No.88125

File: fedcf8de8d5fe9a⋯.png (2.68 MB,1482x899,1482:899,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513121 (082009ZSEP23) Notable: All Roads Lead To Obama, Renegade, [DS] Will Be Brought To Justice

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Ep 3158b - All Roads Lead To Obama, Renegade, [DS] Will Be Brought To Justice

X22 Report

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79b999 No.88126

File: c87b46273ea6250⋯.png (213.81 KB,1199x876,1199:876,Clipboard.png)

File: ab5c3003b839332⋯.png (303.68 KB,650x587,650:587,Clipboard.png)

File: 4258e0005e39c7a⋯.jpg (262.17 KB,1279x1280,1279:1280,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513142 (082011ZSEP23) Notable: Case Report: GcMAF Treatment in a Patient with Multiple Sclerosis

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Case Report: GcMAF Treatment in a Patient with Multiple Sclerosis

*Figure 1.

Effects of GcMAF in a patient with MS. (a): Prior to treatment (September 17, 2014). Wheelchair-bound for 4 years. (b), (c) and (d): After 6 weeks of treatment (October 31, 2014). The patient was able to stand up, walk and climb stairs with assistance for the first time. (e): After 3 months of treatment (December 12, 2014). He was undergoing walking rehabilitation and using walking sticks. (f): At the present time, he was able to peddle on an exercise bike.

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79b999 No.88127

File: 9f47cecc628dac3⋯.png (398.3 KB,563x706,563:706,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513171 (082015ZSEP23) Notable: Case Report: GcMAF Treatment in a Patient with Multiple Sclerosis

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among other things as SV40 and more.. you know.. to kill us.

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79b999 No.88128

File: 3466d9633b6fd13⋯.png (581.47 KB,671x724,671:724,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513192 (082018ZSEP23) Notable: Donald Trump Heads to South Dakota Three Years After Famous Mount Rushmore Speech

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Donald Trump Heads to South Dakota Three

Years After Famous Mount Rushmore Speech

Breitbart Politics, by Hanna Bleau

Posted By: Imright, 9/8/2023 3:55:19 PM

Former President Donald Trump is heading to South Dakota as the Republican frontrunner on Friday — a significant move, as he last stopped there in 2020 during the coronavirus pandemic, defying critics and delivering a speech at Mount Rushmore. Trump is set to visit Rapid City, South Dakota, on Friday, attending what has been described as a fundraiser for the state Republican Party. Chairperson of the South Dakota GOP John Wiik said of the attendance of high-profile figures such as Trump, “They’re doing this out of the kindness of their hearts.”

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79b999 No.88129

File: 3e05e542ff4debb⋯.png (687.81 KB,1049x819,1049:819,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513222 (082026ZSEP23) Notable: Left-Wing Organizations to Spend Over $500 Million in Campaign to Influence

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Left-Wing Organizations to Spend Over

$500 Million in Campaign to Influence

Local Media

American Greatness, by Eric Lendrum

Posted By: Imright, 9/8/2023 3:26:29 PM

On Thursday, a group of 22 left-wing organizations announced the formation of a coalition that vows to spend over $500 million in a campaign to influence local media outlets. As the Daily Caller reports, the new coalition, “Press Forward,” claims to be “independent of ideology” despite the overwhelmingly left-wing biases in many of the groups. The coalition pledges to “close longstanding inequities in journalism coverage and practice,” according to a statement from the group. Pointing to recent declines in local media, such as the shuttering of roughly 2,500 newspapers since 2005, Press Forward plans to put the $500 million into grants that will support local media outlets, provide them with resources,

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79b999 No.88130

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513224 (082027ZSEP23) Notable: CIA Front Preparing Color Revolution in Indonesia ‘The Jokowi Effect’?

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Leaked: CIA Front Preparing Color Revolution in Indonesia

Documents passed anonymously to MintPress News reveal the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a notorious CIA front, is laying the foundations for a color revolution in Indonesia.

In February 2024, citizens will elect their President, Vice President, and both legislative chambers. Current maverick leader Joko Widodo, widely beloved by Indonesians, is ineligible for a third term, and NED is preparing to seize power in the wake of his departure. This operation is conducted despite the leaks indicating Jakarta’s foremost intelligence agency has expressly warned U.S. officials to stay put.

The paper trail is a stunning insight into how NED operates behind the scenes, from which obvious inferences can be drawn about its activities elsewhere, past and present. By the organization’s own reckoning, it operates in over 100 countries and disperses in excess of 2,000 grants every year. In Indonesia, these sums have helped extend the Endowment’s tendrils into various NGOs, civil society groups, and, most crucially, political parties and candidates across the ideological spectrum.

This broad spread bet goes some way to ensuring U.S. assets, one way or another, will emerge victorious next February. However, a veritable army of NED operatives on the ground is also primed to challenge, if not overturn, the results should the wrong people win. Personal grants – in other words, bribes – from the Endowment have already secretly been distributed to Indonesians for staging anti-government protests.

What skullduggery NED has in store for election day isn’t certain, although sparks are assured to fly. At the very least, these documents amply reinforce what Endowment cofounder Allen Weinstein openly admitted in 1991:

A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA.”

‘The Jokowi Effect’

Joko Widodo – popularly known as Jokowi – is something of a rockstar. The first Indonesian leader not drawn from the country’s established political or military elite since its hard-won independence from the Dutch in 1949, he was born and raised in a riverside slum in Surakarta. From there, he fought to become mayor of his hometown in 2005, then governor of Jakarta in 2012, then President two years later.

Every step of the way, Widodo has battled bureaucracy and corruption while pursuing programs to deliver universal healthcare, economic growth, radical infrastructure development, and material improvements to the lives of average citizens. Such is his domestic popularity that analysts routinely speak of the “Jokowi Effect.” After the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle named him their presidential candidate in 2014, their vote share leaped 30% in that year’s legislative election.

Widodo’s candidacy also reportedly stimulated Indonesia’s stock market and Rupiah currency due to his sparkling political and economic record. One might think burnishing the country’s finances to such a degree through sheer force of personality would make him an ideal leader from Washington’s perspective. Yet, the President has also prioritized “protecting Indonesia’s sovereignty” and limiting overseas influence in Jakarta. Moreover, he pursues an intensely independent foreign policy, much to the U.S. Empire’s chagrin.

Widodo has encouraged leaders of Muslim states to reconcile and pushed for Palestinian independence. His Foreign Minister visits Palestine but refuses to establish diplomatic relations with Israel. He has also distributed sizable aid to oppressed Muslims abroad. Most egregiously, since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, he flew to both countries and urged their leaders to seek peace. When Jakarta hosted the G20 Summit that year, he invited not only Zelensky but Putin to attend despite fierce Western criticism.


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79b999 No.88131

File: 8544c80f1ff7bcf⋯.png (96.6 KB,887x416,887:416,Clipboard.png)

File: 0230c5e04b845c6⋯.jpg (103.41 KB,1024x682,512:341,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513238 (082028ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: PAGE 2: Crew also sued me on emoluments at my recently sold

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Donald J. Trump


PAGE 2: Crew also sued me on emoluments at my recently sold, and very beautiful, D.C. hotel, and LOST BIG. These are bad Radical Left people and groups that use the Injustice Department as though it were their own. Lisa Monaco does whatever they tell her to do. They play her like a fiddle. So bad for our once great Country. They will have major liability for what they are doing to America! It is, working with Deranged Jack Smith & others, ELECTION INTERFERENCE at a level never seen before. MAGA!

Sep 08, 2023, 4:24 PM


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79b999 No.88132

File: b4aaa76c1563885⋯.png (652.35 KB,887x744,887:744,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513240 (082029ZSEP23) Notable: WH Struggles to Explain Biden Inventing Imaginary Daughter in Bill Richardson Condolence Statement

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Watch: WH Struggles to Explain Biden Inventing

Imaginary Daughter in Bill Richardson

Condolence Statement

Red State, by Nick Arama

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 9/8/2023 2:27:11 PM

We've seen Joe Biden and his team get a lot of things wrong during his time in office. A lot of those things have grievously harmed us from resulting in 13 young Americans being killed during the Afghanistan withdrawal to the economic policy mistakes that are affecting all Americans with crippling Bidenflation and high interest rates.Democrats are always touting Biden as supposedly the "empathetic" one. My colleague Sister Toldjah wrote a great piece earlier about how CNN tried to push a piece about the "decency" of Joe Biden. But indeed, some of his worst moves have been in dealing with people and tragedy when,

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79b999 No.88133

File: ca83f28a1f2bfeb⋯.jpeg (273.37 KB,1407x442,1407:442,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513241 (082029ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: Migrants pouring into our Country are DESTROYING our Cities and States

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Donald J. Trump


The Migrants pouring into our Country are DESTROYING our Cities and States. This is an invasion the likes of which has never been seen before. It is a Death Wish for America! I will fix it IMMEDIATELY upon re-entering Office (along with so much else!). MAGA!

Sep 08, 2023 at 10:59 AM


along with so much else

The phrase ‘along with so much else’ appears 1 time on 8kun qresearch with a link to a New York Times article shared on yahoo.




Infiltration instead of invasion. Destroy a country from the inside out

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79b999 No.88134

File: f14e17ad6cef54d⋯.png (146.96 KB,661x339,661:339,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513264 (082032ZSEP23) Notable: WH Struggles to Explain Biden Inventing Imaginary Daughter in Bill Richardson Condolence Statement

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yeah. Holding MAUI hostage while routing the records of 'aina and 'ohana clown has worse intentions as they draw their straight lines across esoteric belief systems they just exterminated off the map.


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79b999 No.88135

File: 5e830362ff52997⋯.png (105.37 KB,618x1204,309:602,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513293 (082037ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: Migrants pouring into our Country are DESTROYING our Cities and States

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.88136

File: fd7c37855ed4774⋯.jpg (29.69 KB,624x351,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513315 (082039ZSEP23) Notable: Greg Abbott Considers a Blatantly Unconstitutional Plan, Forcing Illegal Aliens to Remain in Texas

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Governor Greg Abbott Fires Warning As Biden Regime Considers Blatantly Unconstitutional Plan Forcing Illegal Aliens to Remain in Texas

The Biden regime is finally taking action to address the illegal alien crisis after New York City Mayor Eric Adams warned the invasion would destroy New York City. But instead of shipping the invaders back, they are considering a blatantly unconstitutional plan forcing them to stay in Texas, as The Gateway Pundit reported earlier Friday.


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79b999 No.88137

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513369 (082047ZSEP23) Notable: Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) received seven leases

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US Oil and Gas Association pres calls Jean-Pierre 'Baghdad Barbie' for lying about gas price policy

"There's a vast disconnect between what they say in those White House press briefings about energy and what the reality actually is," Stewart said.

President of the U.S. Oil and Gas Association Tim Stewart referred to White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre as "Baghdad Barbie" for saying that the Biden administration is taking steps to lower gas prices.

"She's just sort of a Baghdad Barbie, isn't she?" Stewart said on the "John Solomon Reports" podcast. "So I think our response is, 'Yeah. You show us that list of the actions you're taking to lower gas prices, and we'll show you our list of things that you have taken to increase gasoline prices.'"

Two of the major criticisms of the Biden administration have been high inflation and high gas prices, with gas being as much as $5.35 in states like California according to AAA.


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79b999 No.88138

File: 5d12f38657d4f97⋯.mp4 (10.82 MB,480x360,4:3,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 4103191ab8c4843⋯.mp4 (782.21 KB,372x360,31:30,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513379 (082049ZSEP23) Notable: Case Report: GcMAF Treatment in a Patient with Multiple Sclerosis

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Video #1 Dr. David Noakes Autism and GcMAF

Video #2: Macrophage repair A macrophage (Green) repairs two vascular ends of a blood vessel (red)

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79b999 No.88139

File: bcf70116e9307ec⋯.pdf (556.54 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 99452d39c58e9d1⋯.png (406.35 KB,720x520,18:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513389 (082051ZSEP23) Notable: 2006 USAID REPORT ON UKRAINE CORRUPTIONPDF ATTACHED

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2006 USAID REPORT ON UKRAINE CORRUPTIONPDF ATTACHED== KEK, the most corrupt US Agency writing a report on Ukraine Corruption.

Ukraine’s Corruption Syndrome

A country’s political-economic dynamics strongly influence the degree and nature of corruption in that country. The way corruption manifests itself differs from country to country depending upon the ways that people seek and use wealth and power, the strengths or weaknesses of the state, and political and social institutions that sustain and restrain these processes. Differences in these factors give rise to several major syndromes of corruption.4

On the basis of Ukrainian expert evaluations that were supported by interviews with additional specialists in Ukraine, our analysis characterizes corruption in Ukraine as fitting into the Elite Cartels syndrome (described in the text box below). The implications of being in this syndrome play out later in this report in terms of the kinds of programmatic options likely to be effective in reducing corruption in Ukraine.

In Elite Cartel countries such as Ukraine, top political and business figures collude behind a façade of political competition and colonize both the state apparatus and sections of the economy. From the early 1990s, powerful officials in government and politics acquired and privatized key economic resources of the state. As well, shadowy businesses, allegedly close to organized crime, became powerful economic forces in several regions of the country.5

Over the course of the past decade, these business groupings – or clans – as they became called, grew into major financial-industrial structures that used their very close links with and influence over government, political parties, the mass media and the state bureaucracy to enlarge and fortify their control over the economy and sources of wealth. They used ownership ties, special privileges, relations with government and direct influence over the courts and law enforcement and regulatory organizations to circumvent weaknesses in governmental institutions. Their tactics and their results can be viewed as a clear exercise of state and regulatory capture.

A recent report by the World Bank6 refers to this clan-based Elite Cartel syndrome in Ukraine as a “closed insider economy” that can be an obstacle to future sustainable economic growth and integration into the EU and world economy. It hinders fair competition, encourages under-the-table deals and collusion between state officials and business, promotes rent-seeking behaviors, discourages foreign investment, and decreases adaptability over time.

Elite Cartels Corruption Syndrome Defined

Elite Cartels are extended networks linking diverse elites who share a strong stake in the status quo and in resisting political and economic competitors. Such competition, in most cases, is intensifying at least gradually. Elites in the cartel may include politicians, party leaders, bureaucrats, media owners, military officers and business people—in both private and, often, parastatal sectors—in various combinations. Corruption will be moderate to extensive, but tightly controlled from above, with the spoils shared among (and binding together) members of the elite network. Leaders of nominally competing political parties may share corrupt benefits and power among themselves, again as a way of minimizing competition. Elite cartel systems are often marked by ineffective legislatures, extensive state power in the economy, politicization of development policy and banking, and a process of mutual “colonization” among business, political parties, and the bureaucracy.

Elite cartel corruption underwrites a kind of de facto political stability and policy predictability, partially compensating for moderately weak official institutions; as a result, international investors may find the situation tolerable or even attractive. Elite Cartels may be an attractive alternative to more disruptive kinds of corruption in the short to middle term, but it delays democratization and/or the growth of genuine political competition, while the shared interests of interlinked elites may make for inflexible policy and reduced adaptation over the longer term. Elite cartel corruption often features large and complex corrupt deals, frequently marked more by collusion than outright theft or violence, orchestrated from above, and closed to outsider elites.

- Michael Johnston, Syndromes of Corruption: Wealth, Power, and Democracy (New York:

Cambridge University Press, 2005


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79b999 No.88140

File: 5084a19f28b2fa7⋯.png (432.75 KB,610x742,305:371,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513397 (082052ZSEP23) Notable: @ObamaMalik: Out The Bag Folks (Cap 2:14)

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Malik Obama


Out The Bag Folks

8:56 AM · Sep 8, 2023




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79b999 No.88141

File: 5e347ea6076a65a⋯.png (696.64 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513405 (082053ZSEP23) Notable: Nathan Wade Fulton County Prosecutor’s Law Firm Sends ‘Uninvited And Improper’ Mailer To Republican He Helped Indict

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Fulton County Prosecutor’s Law Firm Sends ‘Uninvited And Improper’ Mailer To Republican He Helped Indict

Prosecutor's Firm Sends 'Improper' Mailer To Elector He's Charging

The law firm of the Fulton County special prosecutor sent a solicitation to an indicted Republican he helped file charges against.


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79b999 No.88142

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513409 (082054ZSEP23) Notable: Case Report: GcMAF Treatment in a Patient with Multiple Sclerosis

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GcMAF the cure for Cancer and Disease

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79b999 No.88143

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513410 (082054ZSEP23) Notable: 2006 USAID REPORT ON UKRAINE CORRUPTIONPDF ATTACHED

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USAID is corrupt.






Now continue.

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79b999 No.88144

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513416 (082054ZSEP23) Notable: 2006 USAID REPORT ON UKRAINE CORRUPTIONPDF ATTACHED

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OECD.ORG Corruption tracking and reports going back to 2003.It's quite weird that the EU and the West is considering this country for the EU and NATO when they seem never to make progress on Anti-corruption.

Ukraine - Anti-corruption reforms

Ukraine is one of the countries participating in the OECD Anti-corruption Network for Eastern Europe and Central Asia (OECD/ACN). Established in 1998, the OECD/ACN provides a regional forum for the promotion of anti-corruption activities, exchange of information, elaboration of best practices and donor coordination.

Monitoring and progress reports for Ukraine

The Istanbul Anti-Corruption Action Plan is a sub-regional peer-review programme launched in 2003 under the aegis of the OECD/ACN to support anti-corruption reforms through country reviews and continuous monitoring of participating countries’ implementation of recommendations to assist in the implementation of the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) and other international standards and best practice.

Download monitoring and progress reports published for Ukraine to date:

Pilot 5th round monitoring report, 2022 English

4th round monitoring report, 2018. Chapter: Prevention and Prosecution of Corruption in State-Owned Enterprises English

4th round monitoring report, 2017 English

3rd round monitoring report, 2015 English | Russian

2nd round monitoring report, 2010 English | Russian

1st round monitoring report, 2006 English | Russian

Recommendations, 2004 English | Russian | Ukrainian

Progress updates

- March 2019 English

- July 2018 English

- NGO update September 2016 Russian

- September 2016 English

- October 2015 English

- October 2014 English

- April 2014 English

- September 2013 Russian

- February 2012 English | Russian

- September 2011 Russian

- March 2010 English | Russian

- September 2007 English | Russian

- June 2006 English | Russian

- October 2005 English | Russian

- December 2004 English | Russian

Ukraine Anti-corruption Projects

In November 2014 in line with the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the OECD and Ukraine, the OECD launched a country-specific project to support Ukraine in its anti-corruption agenda. The project aims to strengthen legal and institutional capacity to effectively detect, investigate and prosecute high-profile and complex corruption in Ukraine.

Read more


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79b999 No.88145

File: 47b951348476df1⋯.png (932.11 KB,748x792,17:18,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513439 (082058ZSEP23) Notable: Mexico’s Navy (SEMAR) arrested Rocky Cruz Fuentes, the Gulf Cartel’s top enforcers in the border city of Reynosa

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Mexican Marines Arrest Top Gulf Cartel Enforcer in City near Texas Border


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79b999 No.88146

File: 8cc7ef46c04d00f⋯.mp4 (5.86 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513466 (082100ZSEP23) Notable: 9/23/23 ? (Predictive programming Sept 23 A warning for what? Cap 2:20)

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79b999 No.88147

File: 61c64804d0b217f⋯.png (807.91 KB,755x797,755:797,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513469 (082100ZSEP23) Notable: GET THE JAB Immediately AND DO NOT BOYCOTT US: Update Your Apple iPhone and iPad Immediately to Avoid ‘Zero-Click’ Spyware Attack

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GET THE JAB IMMEDIALTY AND DO NOT BOYCOTT US: Update Your Apple iPhone and iPad Immediately to Avoid ‘Zero-Click’ Spyware Attack


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79b999 No.88148

File: 16876c60ea8c606⋯.mp4 (12.32 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513518 (082109ZSEP23) Notable: @ObamaMalik: Out The Bag Folks (Cap 2:14)

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79b999 No.88149

File: 4de776436b71b64⋯.jpeg (518.06 KB,892x7691,892:7691,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513525 (082110ZSEP23) Notable: EARTH EX: Black Sky exercises follow HSEEP guidelines September 14, 2023

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September 14, 2023

11 – 12:15 EST


In its first five years of operation, EARTH EX became the world’s largest all-sector, international Black Sky exercise, with thousands of participants and corporate and government partners in more than 40 nations, spanning every continent and major land mass. The team that brought you EARTH EX is now bringing a new opportunity to be involved in a live EARTH EX event, and we are upgrading the platform to a completely new level.

EARTH EX live:

The EARTH EX Team is developing a new way to experience EARTH EX using a live multi-sector exercise with audience involvement. Watch subject matter experts from different sectors discuss their concerns and approaches to dealing with a large-scale scenario that impacts them all and how each has cross-sector concerns or an ability to help another sector solve their issues.

The audience can pose questions or suggestions to any sector or participant, and the exercise players can answer in an interactive discussion. Each scenario will be focused on a region-wide disaster taken from the headlines or the range of possibilities we face today in our interconnected society.

Register to attend our EARTH EX Live event here >>

EARTH EX Reboot:

Raising the Bar for Disaster Planning Exercises. Building on its remarkable five-year beginning, the EARTH EX team is now working on a major upgrade. With feedback from exercise participants and partners, EIS Council is reimagining the exercise to add new capabilities that will greatly expand its functionality. When complete, the upgrade will make EARTH EX a completely new, first-of-its-kind, highly engaging interactive experience, ready for the next five years and beyond.

The Reboot team:

We engaged a unique, creative team to bring in highly advanced new ideas and opportunities for EARTH EX. The full Council staff was joined by many stakeholders and advisors for upgrade planning, including the IDEAS Orlando team with its world-class experience in developing some of the most advanced, creative and complex exercise platforms ever deployed.

2023-4 Organization-Focused Exercises:

In parallel with the EARTH EX upgrade, we are now hosting a series of online Black Sky Exercises based on previous EARTH EX exercises. These are available and FREE to play at any time, focusing on scenarios that include a wide range of disasters and risks elevating concerns worldwide, including the following scenarios. Click the links to register and play:


EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse)


Extreme Flooding

We also offer Custom-designed or personalized facilitation of Black Sky exercises (in your facility or online).

Important Note: These exercises all meet the requirements of the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program

To learn more or arrange for a personalized exercise and our 2023-24 exercises, reach out to us.


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79b999 No.88150

File: 31718099021beba⋯.png (995.58 KB,758x761,758:761,Clipboard.png)

File: 9897b73e524814f⋯.png (132.92 KB,680x397,680:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513531 (082111ZSEP23) Notable: Donald Trump Holds Majority Iowa 2024: Trump holds 37-point lead

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Poll: Donald Trump Holds Majority of Support in Iowa GOP Caucus

Iowa 2024: Trump holds 37-point lead for Republican Nomination

• Trump — 51% (+37)

• DeSantis — 14%

• Haley — 10%

• Ramaswamy — 9%

@Civiqs/ISU | 434 LV | 9/2-7 | ±5.8%



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79b999 No.88151

File: fceffec09931bcc⋯.jpg (11.68 KB,255x129,85:43,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513533 (082112ZSEP23) Notable: EARTH EX: Black Sky exercises follow HSEEP guidelines September 14, 2023

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What to Expect

An engaging webinar with worldwide experts where YOU can be a part of the exercise.

Who Should Play EARTH EX?

Everyone – there is an Individual and Family Functional Area that is perfect for everyone to participate. Six additional functional areas support in-depth play for organizations, businesses, and government agencies. Within those six areas, thirty-eight unique lanes address nearly all of the functions that make up the modern, highly interconnected, and interdependent world.



Themes include developing situational awareness, recognizing the implications of a terrorist attack on the grid and the cascading consequences that may occur.

EARTH EX Evaluation

EARTH EX black Sky exercises are self-assessed, self-evaluated exercise opportunities. Black Sky exercises are currently free to play.

Each person or organization will evaluate their level of play and readiness.

EARTH EX Preparation

EARTH EX offers optional pre-play training workshops to maximize exercise productivity.

Grants and Certificates

EARTH EX black sky exercises follow HSEEP guidelines and are perfect for meeting EMPG exercise requirements. Everyone that completes the exercise and the survey will receive a certificate of completion. EARTH EX Black Sky exercises are currently free to play:

Crisis readiness

for our interconnected world

In 2021 over 12,000 participants engaged in EARTH EX, many playing multiple times and multiple lanes.

Playing EARTH EX

EARTH EX is a highly adaptable and flexible exercise built to support virtual play.

Uniquely configured, EARTH EX is excellent as an individual exercise. EARTH EX can also drive group play such as a section or team.

With local facilitation, it can drive significant organizational elements like an emergency operations center or corporate boardroom discussion.

EARTH EX provides all of the information needed to support these environments, including User and Facilitator Guides.


While EARTH EX offers “Come As You Are”, no preparation exercise play, participants are encouraged to take advantage of these pre-play optional training workshops.

EARTH EX Functional Areas

The EARTH EX design supports cross-sector awareness using customized injects to advance play. Participants can sign up and play one or more of the exercise areas listed below.

Individuals and Families

Leaders and Communities

Government Functions

Medical and Health Care Functions

Critical Infrastructure – Utility Functions

Private Sector and Financial Functions

Communications and IT Operations

Organization-Focused Exercises

In parallel with the EARTH EX® upgrade, we are now hosting a series of online Black Sky Exercises based on previous EARTH EX exercises. These are available FREE to play at any time,focusing on scenarios that include a wide range of the disasters and risks elevating concerns, worldwide, including: Cyber, EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse), Megafires, Extreme Flooding and Custom-designed or personalized facilitation Black Sky exercises (in your facility or online).


EMP(Electromagnetic Pulse)


Extreme Flooding

All exercises are focused on the following objectives to drive learning.

Improving planning for actions in response to a catastrophic event

Refining and developing restoration priorities and support concepts

Educating about the tools and capabilities required

Developing internal and external future training and support requirements

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79b999 No.88152

File: 0baaf273d924801⋯.mp4 (5.13 MB,480x360,4:3,Clipboard.mp4)

File: aaffeea3e269ce2⋯.mp4 (4.46 MB,480x360,4:3,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513537 (082113ZSEP23) Notable: Case Report: GcMAF Treatment in a Patient with Multiple Sclerosis

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Cancer cells destroyed by First Immune GcMAF (gcmaf.eu)

Cancer cells turned back into healthy cells by First Immune GcMAF gcmaf.eu

even without macrophages to conduct phagocytosis, the GcMAF was able to turn cancer cells back into healthy cells.

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79b999 No.88153

File: 204cada7f09b653⋯.pdf (269.6 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 2ee5bbe3cdfa390⋯.png (166.03 KB,636x744,53:62,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513570 (082117ZSEP23) Notable: Case Report: GcMAF Treatment in a Patient with Multiple Sclerosis

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PDF Files:




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79b999 No.88154

File: b1ab2f6e98643bf⋯.png (102.91 KB,911x456,911:456,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513575 (082117ZSEP23) Notable: Enrique Tarrio Tells All Tonight In Gp Twitter Space At 8 Pm Est! “The Feds Asked Me To Lie About President Trump To Indict Him!”

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79b999 No.88155

File: 1905da745c73cc5⋯.png (543.83 KB,640x700,32:35,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513576 (082118ZSEP23) Notable: Mexico’s Navy (SEMAR) arrested Rocky Cruz Fuentes, the Gulf Cartel’s top enforcers in the border city of Reynosa

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During the operation, three helicopters with snipers circled the area, providing air cover. At the same time, authorities carried out a second raid to throw off gunmen trying to respond to rescue their leader. At the time of the operation, authorities also rescued a woman that El Roque had kidnapped and had with him at his stash house.

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79b999 No.88156

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513602 (082121ZSEP23) Notable: Mexico’s Navy (SEMAR) arrested Rocky Cruz Fuentes, the Gulf Cartel’s top enforcers in the border city of Reynosa

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Four people were killed Monday in a shootout with Mexican marines in the border city of Matamoros, triggering an alert to shelter in place from the U.S. consulate in the city across the Rio Grande from Brownsville, Texas.

The clash occurred during an operation related to the investigation of a kidnapping. It said four civilians were killed. Authorities recovered guns and radios. No marines were injured.



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79b999 No.88157

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513606 (082121ZSEP23) Notable: EARTH EX: Black Sky exercises follow HSEEP guidelines September 14, 2023

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Didn't Gen Flynn says something about a Beautiful Black Sky?

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79b999 No.88158

File: 2134652e2f4d9e9⋯.png (157.06 KB,760x380,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513610 (082123ZSEP23) Notable: In their continued pursuit to weaponize EVERY government agency against their opponents, Biden’s FAA is now blocking Elon Musk’s next SpaceX test flight

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In their continued pursuit to weaponize EVERY government agency against their opponents, Biden’s FAA is now blocking Elon Musk’s next SpaceX test flight.

FAA says SpaceX has more to do before Starship can fly again

The federal regulator says SpaceX must implement 63 corrective actions.


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79b999 No.88159

File: 51e95fc453321d0⋯.jpg (57.12 KB,1024x820,256:205,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513629 (082125ZSEP23) Notable: EARTH EX: Black Sky exercises follow HSEEP guidelines September 14, 2023

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you think they are convening forty nations to 'scare YOU'? unlikely.

Event 201 was not to scare you.

Cyber Polygon was not to scare you.

All three of these events would go by unknown if not for anons. They are not publicly promoting any of this shit which is what they would be if they wanted to 'fear monger'.

Additionally, anons do not 'fear'. We observe, report, connect, share. Without emotion nor bias.

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79b999 No.88160

File: 97316bd46f0cc2d⋯.png (455.34 KB,609x650,609:650,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513672 (082133ZSEP23) Notable: Russia strikes meeting on Ukraine and NATO officers

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Arthur Morgan


The Turks wrote that as a result of a strike by an X-50 cruise missile on the #KrivoyRog police department, where a meeting of #Ukrainian security forces and #NATO officers was taking place, 40 people were killed and 60 were injured



Probably asked about asylum.

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79b999 No.88161

File: fcaee8bca052de6⋯.png (133.66 KB,463x610,463:610,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513688 (082135ZSEP23) Notable: @ObamaMalik: Out The Bag Folks (Cap 2:14)

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I thought Malik may have been trolling anons all along. Now a few days back I read a thread by Fletch17 that sealed it for me. It's very detailed.

Sauce to top post:


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79b999 No.88162

File: 63d933feca1da65⋯.png (970.56 KB,768x421,768:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513705 (082137ZSEP23) Notable: WE THE PEOPLE FAFO WIN: Judge Rules NYC Teachers Who Refused Covid Shots Must Get Jobs Back with Full Backpay

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WE THE PEOPLE FAFO WIN: Judge Rules NYC Teachers Who Refused Covid Shots Must Get Jobs Back with Full Backpay

Teachers in New York City, who were fired for refusing to comply with Covid vaccine mandates, must be given their jobs back and awarded full backpay, a judge has ruled.


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79b999 No.88163

File: 26d084dc6825d65⋯.png (335.33 KB,600x633,200:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513712 (082138ZSEP23) Notable: Shannon Brandt who murdered Cayler Ellingson for being a Republican was sentenced today to 5 years in prison.

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Libs of TikTok


Shannon Brandt who murdered Cayler Ellingson for being a Republican was sentenced today to 5 years in prison.

Shannon reportedly told 911 that Cayler was part of a “Republican extremist group.”

Meanwhile Republicans are getting jailed for 17 years for tearing down a fence.



10:17 AM · Sep 8, 2023




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79b999 No.88164

File: d8c600e57bb5de9⋯.png (697.63 KB,768x449,768:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513719 (082139ZSEP23) Notable: The Swamp Is Trying to Cancel Nearly 4.3 Million Votes

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The Swamp Is Trying to Cancel Nearly 4.3 Million Votes

During Donald Trump’s norm-shattering 2016 campaign, he famously promised to “drain the swamp,” referring to the concentration of power and the penchant for corruption among Washington’s political elite...


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79b999 No.88165

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513773 (082149ZSEP23) Notable: @ObamaMalik: Out The Bag Folks (Cap 2:14)

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lots of juicy bits in this link. whole family are puppets


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79b999 No.88166

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513820 (082155ZSEP23) Notable: #23965

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>>88123 Donald J. Trump: Trump Impeachment Lawyer David Schoen Explains Again How 14th Amend. Will NOT Keep Trump Off Ballot 5:05

>>88131 Donald J. Trump: PAGE 2: Crew also sued me on emoluments at my recently sold

>>88133, >>88135 Donald J. Trump: Migrants pouring into our Country are DESTROYING our Cities and States

>>88150 Donald Trump Holds Majority Iowa 2024: Trump holds 37-point lead

>>88128 Donald Trump Heads to South Dakota Three Years After Famous Mount Rushmore Speech

>>88154 Enrique Tarrio Tells All Tonight In Gp Twitter Space At 8 Pm Est! “The Feds Asked Me To Lie About President Trump To Indict Him!”

>>88125 All Roads Lead To Obama, Renegade, [DS] Will Be Brought To Justice

>>88140, >>88148, >>88161, >>88165 @ObamaMalik: Out The Bag Folks (Cap 2:14)

>>88119 "Fraudulent" WaPo Disinformation Study, David Frum, And ADL Propaganda To Silence Dissent

>>88120, >>88124 California Passes Bill: Judges have Authority to Remove Child from Parents for Refusing to “Affirm” Their Kid’s Gender

>>88121 Biden Blows $25M Pro-Abortion Election Ads.

>>88122 The Real Reason The Government Panned Ivermectin

>>88126, >>88127, >>88152, >>88153, >>88142, >>88138 Case Report: GcMAF Treatment in a Patient with Multiple Sclerosis

>>88129 Left-Wing Organizations to Spend Over $500 Million in Campaign to Influence

>>88130 CIA Front Preparing Color Revolution in Indonesia ‘The Jokowi Effect’?

>>88132, >>88134 WH Struggles to Explain Biden Inventing Imaginary Daughter in Bill Richardson Condolence Statement

>>88136 Greg Abbott Considers a Blatantly Unconstitutional Plan, Forcing Illegal Aliens to Remain in Texas

>>88137 Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) received seven leases


>>88141 Nathan Wade Fulton County Prosecutor’s Law Firm Sends ‘Uninvited And Improper’ Mailer To Republican He Helped Indict

>>88145, >>88155, >>88156 Mexico’s Navy (SEMAR) arrested Rocky Cruz Fuentes, the Gulf Cartel’s top enforcers in the border city of Reynosa

>>88147 GET THE JAB Immediately AND DO NOT BOYCOTT US: Update Your Apple iPhone and iPad Immediately to Avoid ‘Zero-Click’ Spyware Attack

>>88149, >>88151, >>88157, >>88159 EARTH EX: Black Sky exercises follow HSEEP guidelines September 14, 2023

>>88158 In their continued pursuit to weaponize EVERY government agency against their opponents, Biden’s FAA is now blocking Elon Musk’s next SpaceX test flight

>>88146 9/23/23 ? (Predictive programming Sept 23 A warning for what? Cap 2:20)

>>88160 Russia strikes meeting on Ukraine and NATO officers

>>88162 WE THE PEOPLE FAFO WIN: Judge Rules NYC Teachers Who Refused Covid Shots Must Get Jobs Back with Full Backpay

>>88163 Shannon Brandt who murdered Cayler Ellingson for being a Republican was sentenced today to 5 years in prison.

>>88164 The Swamp Is Trying to Cancel Nearly 4.3 Million Votes

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79b999 No.88167

File: ef574f65cdd1386⋯.png (254.12 KB,500x504,125:126,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513841 (082157ZSEP23) Notable: #23966

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79b999 No.88168

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513863 (082202ZSEP23) Notable: migrants, my grants, my money

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my grants

my money

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79b999 No.88169

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513892 (082208ZSEP23) Notable: migrants, my grants, my money

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79b999 No.88170

File: b3578984d02014b⋯.png (459.64 KB,886x854,443:427,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513904 (082209ZSEP23) Notable: Mark Levin: Wonderful Life

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Mark Levin


Wonderful Life, Liberty & Levin on Fox at 8 PM eastern! Don’t miss it! You can set your DVR to record the show if you can’t watch it live!

Sep 08, 2023, 5:41 PM


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79b999 No.88171

File: 94785512563594a⋯.png (504.59 KB,768x329,768:329,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513905 (082210ZSEP23) Notable: IRS only going after smaller businesses Millionaires 1,600

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COMMIE IRS Announces Crackdown On 1,600 Millionaires Who Allegedly Owe At Least $250,000 Each In Back Taxes

The COMMIE IRS announced a crackdown targeting 1,600 millionaires and 75 large business partnerships, the AP reported.


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79b999 No.88172

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513907 (082210ZSEP23) Notable: Mark Levin: Wonderful Life

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Biden Crime Family and DOJ, Sunday on Life, Liberty & Levin



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79b999 No.88173

File: 521efccb24ee559⋯.png (895.81 KB,1147x888,31:24,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513945 (082215ZSEP23) Notable: LIVE LINK: PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP VISITS RAPID CITY, SOUTH DAKOTA – SEPT. 8, 2023

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written by RSBN Studio August 30, 2023

This event will mark the first time President Trump will be in South Dakota since the Mount Rushmore Fireworks Celebration in 2020.

Sept. 8, 2023 at 5:00 pm ET Please note: the start time is subject to change as the event timeline is updated.


LIVE - LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Visits Rapid City, South Dakota - Sept. 8, 2023



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79b999 No.88174

File: e87dbf780c3df75⋯.png (423.79 KB,600x404,150:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513975 (082219ZSEP23) Notable: 83-Year-Old Pelosi Announces Reelection Bid with Ridiculous Statement

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83-Year-Old Pelosi Announces Reelection Bid with Ridiculous Statement

By Cristina Laila Sep. 8, 2023 4:20 pm

83-year-old Nancy Pelosi on Friday announced she is running for reelection.

Pelosi announced her reelection bid with a ridiculous statement.

“Now more than ever our City needs us to advance San Francisco values and further our recovery,” Pelosi said on X. “Our country needs America to show the world that our flag is still there, with liberty and justice for ALL. That is why I am running for reelection — and respectfully ask for your vote.”

Now more than ever our City needs us to advance San Francisco values and further our recovery. Our country needs America to show the world that our flag is still there, with liberty and justice for ALL. That is why I am running for reelection — and respectfully ask for your vote.…

— Nancy Pelosi (@TeamPelosi) September 8, 2023

Why a Veteran-Owned Freeze-Dried Beef Company Unabashedly Embraces an America First Worldview

Pelosi is one of the most wicked women to ever serve in Congress. She was first elected to Congress in 1987.

She served two terms as House Speaker, shredded the Constitution, and spearheaded the slap-dash Trump impeachment scam.

On May 27, 2020, the House held its first ‘proxy vote’ since Congress first met in 1789 thanks to Nancy Pelosi.

71 Democrats voted ‘by proxy’ in its first vote since the adoption of its party-line rule.

In 2020, ONE Democrat in Maryland voted SEVEN TIMES on legislation in Congress in districts he didn’t even represent.

For more than two years Nancy Pelosi unilaterally extended her unconstitutional proxy voting scheme.

Pelosi cited Covid and said that a “public health emergency is in effect” in her announcement extending proxy voting through the end of 2022.

In January House Speaker Kevin McCarthy officially ended Pelosi’s unconstitutional proxy voting scheme.



the images of pelosi need to be in focus and sharp, these blurred out photos are deceptive, like pelosi

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79b999 No.88175

File: c64cb30753c5a38⋯.png (270.2 KB,488x260,122:65,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513978 (082220ZSEP23) Notable: Golden Orb Found at The Bottom of The Ocean Mystifies Scientists

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Golden ORB Alert

Golden Orb Found at The Bottom of The Ocean Mystifies Scientists

It's not entirely clear what the mysterious orb might be. Initial suggestions from the researchers conducting the livestream of the dive included an egg casing from a mystery species, a dead sponge, or a coral.

"I don't know what to make of that," said one of the researchers on the 30 August livestream.

"It's definitely got a big old hole in it, so something either tried to get in or tried to get out," another speculated.


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79b999 No.88176

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19513982 (082221ZSEP23) Notable: GA State Senator Colton Moore: GA Senators Are Feeling The Pressure From YOU, Keep Pushing.

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GA State Senator Colton Moore: GA Senators Are Feeling The Pressure From YOU, Keep Pushing. Kemp called Colton a grifter and a scammer


Bannons War Room



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79b999 No.88177

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19514003 (082224ZSEP23) Notable: Cuba arrests 17 for trafficking young men to fight for Russia in Ukraine

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Cuba arrests 17 for trafficking young men to fight for Russia in Ukraine

By Nelson Acosta

September 8, 20238:17 AM EDT

HAVANA, Sept 7 (Reuters) - Cuban authorities said they had arrested 17 people on charges related to a ring of human traffickers that allegedly lured young Cuban men to serve in the Russian military amid the Ukraine conflict.

Cuba earlier this week revealed authorities were working to "neutralize and dismantle" the network, which it said operated both on Cuban soil and in Russia.

"As a result of the investigations, 17 people have been arrested so far, among them the internal organizer of these activities," Cesar Rodriguez, a colonel with Cuba´s interior ministry, said late on Thursday on a TV program.

Rodriguez did not name any of those accused of participating in the ring, but said the group´s leader relied on two people residing on the island to recruit Cubans to fight for hire on behalf of Russia in Ukraine.

Prosecutor Jose Luis Reyes said those involved in the scandal could be punished with up to 30 years in prison, a life sentence or the death penalty, depending on the severity and type of crimes, which range from human trafficking, fighting as a mercenary and hostile action against a foreign state.

Russia, which has strong political ties with communist-run Cuba, has long been an important destination for Cuban migrants seeking to escape economic stagnation at home.

Russian President Vladimir Putin last year signed a decree allowing foreigners signing up for service in the Russian army to receive citizenship via a fast-track procedure.

Cuba says it has no part in the war in Ukraine, and that it rejects the use of its citizens as mercenaries.


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79b999 No.88178

File: 1d673bd1e0512db⋯.png (208.81 KB,590x531,10:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19514006 (082225ZSEP23) Notable: Dan Bongino:“Police State.” And remember, are you next?

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Dan Bongino


THIS is what I’ve been busy working on with Dinesh. I’m proud to show you the trailer for “Police State.”

And remember, are you next? 👇🏻


Kyle Seraphin

11:21 AM · Sep 8, 2023




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79b999 No.88179

File: b2d84a4b2360c53⋯.png (795.89 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19514072 (082232ZSEP23) Notable: FOIA Turns Up Zilch On The ‘Full Authority’ Garland Claims He Gave Weiss Over Hunter Biden

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EXCLUSIVE: FOIA Turns Up Zilch On The ‘Full Authority’ Garland Claims He Gave Weiss Over Hunter Biden

SEPTEMBER 07, 2023

The ‘documents that weren’t’ provide more evidence that Attorney General Merrick Garland misled Congress.

Emails obtained by the Heritage Foundation following a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, and shared exclusively with The Federalist, reveal a glaring gap in the documentation maintained by the Delaware U.S. attorney’s office: There is nothing memorializing the authority Attorney General Merrick Garland claims he gave U.S. Attorney David Weiss for the Hunter Biden investigation.

For more than a year, Garland represented to Congress that Weiss held ultimate authority over the Hunter Biden investigation — which the eventual appointment of Weiss as special counsel contradicted. But now there is more evidence — or rather a lack of evidence — indicating the claimed authority was always a charade.

The Friday before the long holiday weekend, the DOJ provided the Heritage Foundation with the second batch of documents it was ordered by a federal court to produce in response to Heritage’s FOIA lawsuit. This installment concluded the DOJ’s production of the non-exempt documents in Weiss’s custody which concerned his authority for investigating Hunter Biden. But none of the documents produced addressed Weiss’s authority or any authority promised by Garland.

Mike Howell, the director of the Heritage Oversight Project and a co-plaintiff in the FOIA lawsuit against the DOJ, stressed the significance of this omission to The Federalist.

“The DOJ lives on paper.” Anything as important as granting Weiss ultimate authority over an investigation or promising to give him authority to bring charges in another venue, if necessary, “would have been written down,” Howell explained. To Howell, this last batch of documents constitutes an admission by Garland that “there was nothing written down at the DOJ and sent to Weiss, indicating Weiss had any of the authority that Garland claimed he did.”

“We’re beginning to understand why Biden’s DOJ is throwing everything and the kitchen sink at us to fight the release of these records in federal court, all paid for by the taxpayers of course,” Howell told The Federalist.

While the DOJ withheld some documents from the production, claiming various exemptions from FOIA, it is difficult to fathom what FOIA exemption would permit the DOJ to withhold a communication granting Weiss the authority Garland publicly discussed on multiple occasions. When asked why Garland had not memorialized his supposed grant of ultimate authority to Weiss, the DOJ did not respond to The Federalist’s inquiry.

The lack of any materials documenting such authority raises more questions about the statements both Garland and Weiss made to Congress. As far back as April 26, 2022, the attorney general told Tennessee Sen. Bill Hagerty that the “Hunter Biden’s investigation … is being run by and supervised by the United States attorney for the District of Delaware,” and that Weiss “is in charge of that investigation.”

Then on March 1, 2023, Garland unequivocally testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee, in response to questioning by Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley, that “the U.S. attorney in Delaware has been advised that he has full authority … to bring cases in other jurisdictions if he feels it’s necessary.”

Garland maintained that position even after IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley testified that during an Oct. 7, 2022, meeting, “Weiss stated that he is not the deciding person on whether charges are filed.” Specifically, after news broke of the whistleblower’s testimony, Garland said during a press conference that Weiss was assured he could “make a decision to prosecute any way in which he wanted to and in any district in which he wanted to.”


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79b999 No.88180

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19514073 (082233ZSEP23) Notable: FOIA Turns Up Zilch On The ‘Full Authority’ Garland Claims He Gave Weiss Over Hunter Biden

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Weiss would later write to Congress to confirm Garland’s position, stating:

I want to make clear that, as the Attorney General has stated, I have been granted ultimate authority over this matter, including responsibility for deciding where, when, and whether to file charges and for making decisions necessary to preserve the integrity of the prosecution, consistent with federal law, the Principles of Federal Prosecution, and Departmental regulations.

After the transcript of Shapley’s testimony was released, however, Weiss would walk back his claims by clarifying that what he meant was that Garland had promised him that he would be granted ultimate authority to make charging decisions — not quite the same thing as having that ultimate authority.

Either way, one would presume that if Garland had granted Weiss full authority over the Hunter Biden investigation and promised to authorize him to file charges in other venues, there’d be some documentation to back up the claim. But there was none in the FOIA production.

Of course, after the sweetheart plea deal — footsied out between one of Weiss’s top assistant U.S. attorneys, Lesley Wolf, and Hunter’s attorneys — imploded, Garland named Weiss special counsel. So the federal prosecutor now has the requisite authority to charge the president’s son in whatever district he wants.

But that belated appointment isn’t a grant of absolution for misleading Congress, which is precisely what appears to have happened. And the documents that weren’t suggest as much.



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79b999 No.88181

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19514074 (082233ZSEP23) Notable: LIVE LINK: PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP VISITS RAPID CITY, SOUTH DAKOTA – SEPT. 8, 2023

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LIVE LINK:President Donald J. Trump Visits Rapid City, South Dakota - Sept. 8, 2023



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79b999 No.88182

File: 95e9d5ae564ed5b⋯.png (173.76 KB,1368x914,684:457,Clipboard.png)

File: 47b43824cfcda75⋯.png (333.06 KB,939x849,313:283,Clipboard.png)

File: ec75911a7432b1a⋯.png (303.51 KB,938x772,469:386,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19514088 (082234ZSEP23) Notable: Role of Cardiac Macrophages on Cardiac Inflammation, Fibrosis and Tissue Repair

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Role of Cardiac Macrophages on Cardiac Inflammation, Fibrosis and Tissue Repair

PDF file: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7824389/pdf/cells-10-00051.pdf

...Therefore, in this review, we discuss the role of cardiac macrophages on cardiac inflammation, tissue repair, regeneration and fibrosis.

You have macrophages that are nestled up within the cardiac cells, along with your cardiomyocytes, which both aid in a healthy heartbeat and rhythm. Your macrophages can repair your heart tissueafter a heart attack

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79b999 No.88183

File: f9648e4df4d53f3⋯.png (109.51 KB,590x467,590:467,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19514161 (082243ZSEP23) Notable: Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

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Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

Good News Friday: 09/08/23

Dear Patriots,

Even a short week seems long these days as we wrestle with the lies of the left.

But, do not despair, there is some good news.

1- A big win in Arizona. Warrior Kari Lake has never given up her war on election fraud.

The National Pulse

Court Rules AZ Used Illegal Signature-Verification in Elections.

2- Thank you Senator Vance for stepping up to protect all Americans from the tyranny of masks. Masks do nothing but serve as a symbol of fear and submission. If you re so inclined call your Senators and demand they join this bill.


Sen. JD Vance to force vote on bill banning federal government from reimposing mask mandates

3- We do not think the Democrats realize the extent of the contents of their Pandora’s Box.

Read more about the people who have been charged in an article by warrior Andy Ngo.

The Blaze

Georgia’s Republican AG announces indictment of 61 leftists under the RICO statute used just weeks ago against Trump

4- The situation with illegals and our open boarder is absolutely untenable. Due to Biden policy, the entire country in a dangerous position.

And yet, we admit to a little smugness seeing how Democrat politicians in California and New York, who declared their domains as Sanctuary Cities/States are reacting to reality.

Democrat policies NEVER work. This is a good lesson for all of Americas: voting for any Democrat will bring misery.

If you have not heard the Mayor of New York ranting about illegals in his city, you can catch it here.

Daily Signal

Protests Erupt in Blue Cities Over Illegal Immigrants as Leftists Reap What They Sow

5- It has not been often that we could look to Mexico for inspiration.

Biz Pac Review

Mexican parents take mandated textbooks tainted with ‘virus of communism’ and set them ablaze!

6- We are happy for reinstated warrior Dr. Littell. He stood firm and now can help other doctors face down the leftist Covid-CCP zealots.

The Epoch Times

Florida Doctor Reinstated After Losing Board Certification for Criticizing COVID-19 Vaccines

7- We are sorry that Megyn Kelly is unwell due to the Covid-CCP injections. But we are glad that she can use her platform to tell this story. After all, she used her platform to advocate FOR the injections, back in the day.

The National Pulse

Megyn Kelly Regrets COVID Shot, Confirming Autoimmune Condition.



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79b999 No.88184

File: 58af0f52f7733f3⋯.png (243.22 KB,1325x922,1325:922,Clipboard.png)

File: ff6433e69bcd84d⋯.jpeg (193.1 KB,747x948,249:316,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5758254c6a7cd05⋯.jpeg (187.4 KB,748x1325,748:1325,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19514279 (082258ZSEP23) Notable: Macrophages as tools and targets in cancer therapy M2 especially can aid in cancer development as they are pro-tumor

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Macrophages as tools and targets in cancer


PDF File: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41573-022-00520-5.pdf

Some macrophages, M2 especially can aid in cancer development as they are pro-tumor. M1's are anti-tumor.

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79b999 No.88185

File: a6ae8eaf6d1a1a0⋯.png (211.59 KB,1348x919,1348:919,Clipboard.png)

File: 24e9b3344eedcd9⋯.png (180.28 KB,753x777,251:259,Clipboard.png)

File: a0f9bc4c5892def⋯.png (216.85 KB,751x759,751:759,Clipboard.png)

File: 06a1884d2872f79⋯.png (308.08 KB,748x825,68:75,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19514317 (082305ZSEP23) Notable: Macrophages as tools and targets in cancer therapy M2 especially can aid in cancer development as they are pro-tumor

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Targeting macrophages: a novel treatment strategy in solid tumors

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79b999 No.88186

File: 68a4530648d665e⋯.png (323.82 KB,588x728,21:26,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19514388 (082313ZSEP23) Notable: Special Counsel found malware on the Arizona election ballot printers!

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Bad Kitty Unleashed 🦁💪🏻


🚨🚨🚨 Holy cow a Special Counsel found malware on the Arizona election ballot printers!

How did they get malware inside 223 vote center printers? Unless they came with it?


Kari Lake War Room




.@KariLake Attorney Kurt Olsen: "We found evidence of malware put on the printers used at 223 vote centers & those printers are what caused the Election Day chaos...

There were over 7,000 ballot rejections every 30 minutes, beginning at 6:30 AM all the way through 8:00 PM when… Show more

11:54 AM · Sep 8, 2023




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79b999 No.88187

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19514391 (082314ZSEP23) Notable: LIVE LINK: PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP VISITS RAPID CITY, SOUTH DAKOTA – SEPT. 8, 2023

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LIVE LINK: President Donald J. Trump Visits Rapid City, South Dakota - Sept. 8, 2023



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79b999 No.88188

File: 23f0e438deadad4⋯.png (2.15 MB,1079x1302,1079:1302,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19514435 (082319ZSEP23) Notable: Notable transphobic meme

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Trans kids surgeries makes perfect sense

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79b999 No.88189

File: 70e8c7b1c2b7b17⋯.png (535.22 KB,1079x1306,1079:1306,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19514479 (082325ZSEP23) Notable: The Biden Administration is now considering ankle monitors to keep illegals from leaving Texas.

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The Biden Administration is now considering ankle monitors to keep illegals from leaving Texas.


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79b999 No.88190

File: 9f42e3387d43cc0⋯.png (300.86 KB,533x496,533:496,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19514508 (082332ZSEP23) Notable: President Donald J. Trump Visits Rapid City, South Dakota President Donald J. Trump Visits Rapid City, South Dakota

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>President Donald J. Trump Visits Rapid City, South Dakota

Looks like punisher. Maybe not.

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79b999 No.88191

File: 69e1e0fc1429482⋯.png (955.15 KB,1052x615,1052:615,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19514535 (082340ZSEP23) Notable: Jonathan Turley shreds GA grand jury report for having 'focus and restraint of a drive by shooting'

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Jonathan Turley shreds GA grand jury report for having 'focus and restraint of a drive by shooting'

A special grand jury in Georgia has released its report showing they recommended indictments against everybody except Santa Claus and Ryan Seacrest (and maybe a few others).

''he special grand jury that investigated efforts by Donald Trump and others to overturn Georgia’s 2020 election results recommended indictments against twice as many people as the 19 ultimately charged by prosecutors, leaving South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham among those not indicted.

The grand jurors’ report released Friday showed they recommended charges against 39 people, including Graham, former U.S. Sens. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue of Georgia and former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn.

Released at the request of the special grand jury, the report provides insight into one of the most expansive investigations into Trump, who is also facing two federal indictments along with unrelated state charges in New York City.

George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley has spotted more wild overreach:

Jonathan Turley




The final report for Special Purpose Grand Jury is chilling in recommendations to indict Sen. Graham and former senators Purdue and Loeffler as well as others who engaged in clearly protected political speech...

8:16 AM · Sep 8, 2023

The attempt to make political speech (from one side) illegal is loud and clear:

Jonathan Turley


Sep 8, 2023




The final report for Special Purpose Grand Jury is chilling in recommendations to indict Sen. Graham and former senators Purdue and Loeffler as well as others who engaged in clearly protected political speech...

Jonathan Turley




While the report exonerates the Fulton County District Attorney's office, one has to wonder where these members got the idea that it could indict figures like Graham and Purdue for political speech...

8:18 AM · Sep 8, 2023


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79b999 No.88192

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19514545 (082343ZSEP23) Notable: RE: N9253N Vs GJBL: Listen very very carefully 1:13 mark

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N9253N Vs GJBL

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79b999 No.88193

File: 74f84ede5912cef⋯.png (446.3 KB,595x575,119:115,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19514547 (082344ZSEP23) Notable: Walmart Pay Cuts For New Hires Indicates Economic Downturn Has Arrived

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Walmart Pay Cuts For New Hires Indicates Economic Downturn Has Arrived


Walmart Pay Cuts For New Hires Indicates Economic Downturn Has Arrived

Walmart's moves "signal the industry where things are either headed or what they should be considering... "

12:20 PM · Sep 8, 2023




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79b999 No.88194

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19514560 (082348ZSEP23) Notable: RE: N9253N Vs GJBL: Listen very very carefully 1:13 mark

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Listen very very carefully 1:13 mark

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79b999 No.88195

File: 511aa2363c32bca⋯.png (698.79 KB,658x673,658:673,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19514563 (082348ZSEP23) Notable: Biden to Cancel Alaska Oil, Gas Leases Issued Under Trump, despite...

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Biden to Cancel Alaska Oil, Gas Leases

Issued Under Trump

Breitbart Politics, by Sean Moran

Posted By: Imright, 9/8/2023 7:02:02 PM

President Joe Biden’s Interior Department said it would cancel the oil and gas leases issued in the latter days of President Donald Trump’s administration. Biden has said he would move to protect roughly 19.6 million acres in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) for polar bears and caribou. “As the climate crisis warms the Arctic more than twice as fast as the rest of the world, we have a responsibility to protect this treasured region for all ages,” Biden said in a written statement. Trump issued the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) seven leases right before Biden’s inauguration. The move is part of a larger strategy by which Biden

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79b999 No.88196

File: 28f795de6f16cb6⋯.png (213.15 KB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 9cf76e25885a619⋯.png (679.79 KB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19514571 (082350ZSEP23) Notable: GEOENGINEERING TO SAVE US FROM SOLAR RADIATION, I feel safer already.

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I feel safer already.

Sounds like a Gates initiative.

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79b999 No.88197

File: 049d4c15bb4b854⋯.png (811.27 KB,740x1024,185:256,Clipboard.png)

File: 84cba981fc41916⋯.png (539.06 KB,919x622,919:622,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19514578 (082352ZSEP23) Notable: LA School District Launches Virtual Gay Club for Kindergarten Through Age 11 Students

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They’re Sexualizing Children: LA School District Launches Virtual Gay Club for Kindergarten Through Age 11 Students

They’re sexualizing the kids.

They’re forcing them to think about sex – in kindergarten.

How is this beneficial to the child or society in any way?

The Los Angeles Unified School District is launching a gay club for kindergarten students through age 11 students.


The club will meet virtually after school via Zoom.

It’s for the kids.

Never Forget — Barack Obama was behind the push to teach sex education to little children back in 2007.

Back in July 2007, as The Gateway Pundit reported at the time, Barack Obama gave a speech to Planned Parenthood where he pushed teaching sex education to little kindergarteners.

The media mostly hid this from the American public.

To his credit, John McCain confronted Obama on his legislation to teach kindergarteners sex education back in 2008.

Today you have to go to the WayBack Machine to read more about this shocking radical proposal.

Via ABC News Blog from The Wayback Machine.

ABC News’ Teddy Davis and Lindsey Ellerson Report: Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., told Planned Parenthood Tuesday that sex education for kindergarteners, as long as it is “age-appropriate,” is “the right thing to do.”

“I remember Alan Keyes . . . I remember him using this in his campaign against me,” Obama said in reference to the conservative firebrand who ran against him for the U.S. Senate in 2004. Sex education for kindergarteners had become an issue in his race against Keyes because of Obama’s work on the issue as chairman of the health committee in the Illinois state Senate.

“‘Barack Obama supports teaching sex education to kindergarteners,'” said Obama mimicking Keyes’ distinctive style of speech. “Which — I didn’t know what to tell him (laughter).”

“But it’s the right thing to do,” Obama continued, “to provide age-appropriate sex education, science-based sex education in schools.”


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79b999 No.88198

File: be3d3964c2732f9⋯.png (61.86 KB,680x737,680:737,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19514583 (082353ZSEP23) Notable: New Mexico's Democrat Governor Pedo kid fucker Just decreed gun possession illegal - Timcast

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Commies NEVER STOP fucking over Americans UNTILL WE STOP them: New Mexico's Democrat Governor Pedo kid fucker Just decreed gun possession illegal

New Mexico's Democrat Governor Just decreed gun possession illegal

Holy fuck


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79b999 No.88199

File: 5f3eb221489866e⋯.png (117.46 KB,913x680,913:680,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19514599 (082357ZSEP23) Notable: Attorney General Bailey Joins 17 States Protecting Children from Lewd and Obscene Behavior

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AG Bailey seems to be getting some things done.


Attorney General Bailey Joins 17 States Protecting Children from Lewd and Obscene Behavior


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79b999 No.88200

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19514619 (090002ZSEP23) Notable: Biden to Cancel Alaska Oil, Gas Leases Issued Under Trump, despite...

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>Biden has said he would move to protect roughly 19.6 million acres in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) for polar bears and caribou.

Polar bears are not endangered.


Alaska caribou numbers are declining in some areas - one biologist thinks it's because of more rain which seal in vegetation.'


In Washington state, the release of WOLVES may be responsible for the decline.


That's from a quick dig.

Wonder what would turn up with a deeper dig....

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79b999 No.88201

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19514623 (090003ZSEP23) Notable: Complete OG version of "The Star-Spangled Banner"showing spelling and punctuation

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Complete version of "The Star-Spangled Banner"showing spelling and punctuation

from Francis Scott Key's manuscript in the Maryland Historical Society collection.

O say can you see, by the dawn's early light,

What so proudly we hail'd at the twilight's last gleaming,

Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight

O'er the ramparts we watch'd were so gallantly streaming?

And the rocket's red glare, the bomb bursting in air,

Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there,

O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave

O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep

Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes,

What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep,

As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?

Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam,

In full glory reflected now shines in the stream,

'Tis the star-spangled banner - O long may it wave

O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

And where is that band who so vauntingly swore,

That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion

A home and a Country should leave us no more?

Their blood has wash'd out their foul footstep's pollution.

No refuge could save the hireling and slave

From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave,

And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave

O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

O thus be it ever when freemen shall stand

Between their lov'd home and the war's desolation!

Blest with vict'ry and peace may the heav'n rescued land

Praise the power that hath made and preserv'd us a nation!

Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,

And this be our motto - "In God is our trust,"

And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave

O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.


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79b999 No.88202

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19514642 (090007ZSEP23) Notable: #23966

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#23966 >>88167


>>88186 How did they get malware inside 223 vote center printers? Unless they came with it?

>>88168, >>88169 migrants, my grants, my money

>>88171 IRS only going after smaller businesses Millionaires 1,600

>>88170, >>88172 Mark Levin: Wonderful Life

>>88174 83-Year-Old Pelosi Announces Reelection Bid with Ridiculous Statement

>>88175 Golden Orb Found at The Bottom of The Ocean Mystifies Scientists

>>88176 GA State Senator Colton Moore: GA Senators Are Feeling The Pressure From YOU, Keep Pushing.

>>88177 Cuba arrests 17 for trafficking young men to fight for Russia in Ukraine

>>88178 Dan Bongino:“Police State.” And remember, are you next?

>>88179, >>88180 FOIA Turns Up Zilch On The ‘Full Authority’ Garland Claims He Gave Weiss Over Hunter Biden

>>88182 Role of Cardiac Macrophages on Cardiac Inflammation, Fibrosis and Tissue Repair

>>88183 Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

>>88184, >>88185 Macrophages as tools and targets in cancer therapy M2 especially can aid in cancer development as they are pro-tumor

>>88186 Special Counsel found malware on the Arizona election ballot printers!

>>88188 Notable transphobic meme

>>88189 The Biden Administration is now considering ankle monitors to keep illegals from leaving Texas.

>>88190 President Donald J. Trump Visits Rapid City, South Dakota>>88190 President Donald J. Trump Visits Rapid City, South Dakota

>>88191 Jonathan Turley shreds GA grand jury report for having 'focus and restraint of a drive by shooting'

>>88192, >>88194 RE: N9253N Vs GJBL: Listen very very carefully 1:13 mark

>>88193 Walmart Pay Cuts For New Hires Indicates Economic Downturn Has Arrived

>>88195, >>88200 Biden to Cancel Alaska Oil, Gas Leases Issued Under Trump, despite...


>>88197 LA School District Launches Virtual Gay Club for Kindergarten Through Age 11 Students

>>88198 New Mexico's Democrat Governor Pedo kid fucker Just decreed gun possession illegal - Timcast

>>88199 Attorney General Bailey Joins 17 States Protecting Children from Lewd and Obscene Behavior

>>88201 Complete OG version of "The Star-Spangled Banner"showing spelling and punctuation


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79b999 No.88203

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19514680 (090013ZSEP23) Notable: #23967

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>baker seeking handoff

President Donald J. Trump Visits Rapid City, South Dakota - Sept. 8, 2023



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79b999 No.88204

File: a767421c984e46d⋯.jpg (786.15 KB,1767x1708,1767:1708,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19514772 (090027ZSEP23) Notable: Why is this brazilian Dr advocating measuring the cock size of children?

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Why is this brazilian Dr advocating measuring the cock size of children?


Brazil is a hot zone.


Dig into books anons.


Harder to dig.

No online trail

To the anons Brasileiros.

Tenho muito mais que disso.

Pesquisa Andressa Urach e o filho dela.

Nao deixa isso chegar nos EUA.

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79b999 No.88205

File: f44cd85c8c985c7⋯.png (20.16 KB,600x338,300:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19514778 (090028ZSEP23) Notable: New Mexico Governor bans carrying guns in Albuquerque WITH OR WITHOUT PERMITS.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Constitution? What Constitution. New Mexico Governor bans carrying guns in Albuquerque WITH OR WITHOUT PERMITS.

Governor bans carrying guns in Albuquerque after 11-year-old killed

Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham on Friday announced a new public health order that, she said, will ban people from carrying firearms, either open or concealed, in Albuquerque and throughout Bernalillo


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79b999 No.88206

File: 73636da18b6374b⋯.pdf (367.08 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 4dd95ed7fd6468e⋯.pdf (136.01 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 24e826f2f9b5463⋯.pdf (168 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: b292a6b50c57503⋯.pdf (8.12 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: fd57a19ef0f623f⋯.pdf (582.09 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19514802 (090033ZSEP23) Notable: Potentially notable PDFs

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"Look swordy, we can't do Great Awakening stuff/panQakes/rockin' out & partying HARD NIGHTSHIFT, save the world vibes, "God bless you, and protect you from harm on this day..."

WHY? Because I won't stop taking my medicines? I won't "let go" of SHEILD? I won't "get a job?" I won't "go to the dentist?" I won't jerk off when the spook-glow-N1G1-PHAGBOTs tell me too? KEKEKEK! I feel like the whole world has gone completely mad, besides the ones who are holding the line with me, like a band of SUPER HERO DIGITAL MAGAMEN/WINWOMEN!

Don't the normies, and those who are just beginning to learn about our ways of congregating and working together on so many levels simultaneously, worldwide; see that we are doing this not for fame, or money AT ALL, or for some political agenda, or because we want to become lazy and weak sexCHEATgods that did it all while mooching off our compliant & vaccinated RoboFamilies, who look at us like we're all some eZombies from AltRight FaggotLand!

As I remind myself, this is still a day to thank God that we're all still here, able to talk to one another, share art, and music, and news that we are collaboratively aggregating as a single unit, that is becoming more obvious by the day, the dirty little secret but not as secret anymore, #1 NEWS SOURCE! Why? There's no spin for our NETWORK to get kickbacks for, no sponsors to massage and asskiss, no corruption to abide by and obey or we get snuffed, and the people are FINALLY NOTICING!



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79b999 No.88207

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19514830 (090039ZSEP23) Notable: New study shows just how Facebook's algorithm shapes conservative and liberal bubble

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What are planes?

What is autism?

Blind for context?


FB, 55?


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79b999 No.88208

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19514840 (090040ZSEP23) Notable: CALLING ALL MEMERS, GET IN HERE

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Anons let’s give the whole wide world a meme good Night Shift, we got it all an the all the viewers and msm don’t

Lights on

Carpet bomb all memes

Deck em pretty

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79b999 No.88209

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19514885 (090049ZSEP23) Notable: Meet the fine human beings who gave themselves immunity from prosecution under the corporate state model

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Did you know they gave themselves immunity from prosecution under the corporate state model? They even said they need immunity to operate!

Diplomatic and Consular Immunity




IMF Immunity To enable the Fund to fulfill the functions with which it is entrusted, the status, immunities, and privileges set forth in this Article shall be accorded to the Fund in the territories of each member.


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79b999 No.88210

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19514928 (090055ZSEP23) Notable: Rothschild Business Papers

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Business Papers (held in France)Held by the Archives Nationales du Monde du Travail, Roubaix, FranceThe Trustees of The Rothschild Archive London are responsible for the collection of business records of the Paris House. In 1972, the French Rothschild family deposited the archives of de Rothschild Frères with the Archives Nationales de France in Paris. These papers were subsequently transferred to the Archives Nationalesdu Monde du Travail in Roubaix, France. In 1999, with the creation of The Rothschild Archive Trust, the Trustees of the Rothschild Archive assumed responsibility for these deposited papers; the collection remains atRoubaix.



Business Papers (held in London)Papers of the Correspondence Department include correspondence with Rothschild agents worldwide. This global network enabled the Rothschilds to profit from the most up-to-date business and political information, and social news. The agents operated in a semi-independent role, acting on behalf of the Rothschilds in securing local business deals, and reporting on markets and prospects. The Correspondence Department also includes important series of letters between the Rothschild businesses, and series of special subject correspondence concerning loans and other business matters.


Welcome to the Guide to the Collections of The Rothschild Archive



Controller Houses Of The East India Company


The Rothschild Plan To Develop India


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79b999 No.88211

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19514964 (090101ZSEP23) Notable: Night Owl News With Dee, Orlando, Dame, Ox, Bizznizzy & Len 'Fun Friday Free For All'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Night Owl News With Dee, Orlando, Dame, Ox, Bizznizzy & Len 'Fun Friday Free For All'- 09/08/2023



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79b999 No.88212

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19514973 (090102ZSEP23) Notable: Bannon: Newsom Fears MAGA Because Of YOU! You are getting more powerful every day

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Bannon: Newsom Fears MAGA Because Of YOU! You are getting more powerful every day, and Trump knows this. He knows its becoming more powerful than him. Which is a good thing because after his second term, we need an America First leader into the future. Americans are taking back and realizing their power as true citizens in the US!

Stop Giving to Companies That Hate You!


You may not like Bannon, but he always seems to slip in a clue, and has excellent points! We are powerful when joined together as patriots!


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79b999 No.88213

File: a7fce6df20cc3ba⋯.png (35.21 KB,802x324,401:162,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19515001 (090110ZSEP23) Notable: Top 10% of Richest Americans Own About 90% of Stocks on US Markets - Report

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Know the enemy

Top 10% of Richest Americans Own About 90% of Stocks on US Markets - Report




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79b999 No.88214

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19515067 (090123ZSEP23) Notable: POTUS IS LIVE, HELLO RAPID CITY!

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.88215

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19515140 (090131ZSEP23) Notable: President Trump: "We have turned into a banana republic"

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President Trump: They're mutilating our children. Who would imagine that someone would say that?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.88216

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19515141 (090132ZSEP23) Notable: President Trump: "They're looting our middle class and mutilating our children. Who would imagine that someone would say that?"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PDJT: "They are looting our middle class and mutilating our children..."

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79b999 No.88217

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19515147 (090132ZSEP23) Notable: President Trump: Under Crooked Joe…our country is being destroyed under this man.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: Under Crooked Joe...our country is being destroyed under this man.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.88218

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19515177 (090135ZSEP23) Notable: President Trump: Since Joe Biden took office, culmulitive inflation has reached almost twenty percent.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: Since Joe Biden took office, culmulitive inflation has reached almost twenty percent.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.88219

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19515205 (090139ZSEP23) Notable: President Trump: Biden is an economic arsonist

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biden is an economic arsonist

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79b999 No.88220

File: 4f7465e3d7bde16⋯.jpg (58.96 KB,300x300,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19515247 (090143ZSEP23) Notable: President Trump: Biden is an economic arsonist

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


He did say it didn't he?

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79b999 No.88221

File: b30cb7c2b0b7e44⋯.jpg (94.33 KB,679x471,679:471,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19515248 (090143ZSEP23) Notable: President Trump: Biden is an economic arsonist

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.88222

File: 2a9906233c08c2c⋯.png (389.52 KB,601x539,601:539,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19515296 (090149ZSEP23) Notable: The Governor of South Dakota, @KristiNoem — has just (officially) endorsed @realDonaldTrump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



The Governor of South Dakota, @KristiNoem

—has just endorsed @realDonaldTrump

for POTUS. Watch 45’s remarks, live on @RSBN


: https://rumble.com/v3fnvme-live-president-donald-j.-trump-visits-rapid-city-south-dakota-sept.-8-2023.html

2:42 PM · Sep 8, 2023




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79b999 No.88223

File: 36dad5fd529d0dc⋯.png (194.68 KB,363x402,121:134,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19515299 (090149ZSEP23) Notable: President Trump: I said.. teleprompter? (KEK)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I said.. teleprompter?


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.88224

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19515329 (090154ZSEP23) Notable: #23967

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#23967 >>88203


>>88219, 19515236, >>88220, >>88221 President Trump: Biden is an economic arsonist

>>88215, >>88216 President Trump: "They're looting our middle class and mutilating our children. Who would imagine that someone would say that?"

>>88215 President Trump: "We have turned into a banana republic"

>>88217 President Trump: Under Crooked Joe…our country is being destroyed under this man.

>>88218 President Trump: Since Joe Biden took office, culmulitive inflation has reached almost twenty percent.

>>88223 President Trump: I said.. teleprompter? (KEK)


>>88204 Why is this brazilian Dr advocating measuring the cock size of children?

>>88205 New Mexico Governor bans carrying guns in Albuquerque WITH OR WITHOUT PERMITS.

>>88206 Potentially notable PDFs

>>88207 New study shows just how Facebook's algorithm shapes conservative and liberal bubble

>>88209 Meet the fine human beings who gave themselves immunity from prosecution under the corporate state model

>>88210 Rothschild Business Papers

>>88211 Night Owl News With Dee, Orlando, Dame, Ox, Bizznizzy & Len 'Fun Friday Free For All'

>>88212 Bannon: Newsom Fears MAGA Because Of YOU! You are getting more powerful every day

>>88213 Top 10% of Richest Americans Own About 90% of Stocks on US Markets - Report

>>88222 The Governor of South Dakota, @KristiNoem — has just (officially) endorsed @realDonaldTrump


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79b999 No.88225

File: 8019b54a6ffb602⋯.png (377.54 KB,596x534,298:267,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19515405 (090204ZSEP23) Notable: James Watkins, Revolution Radio 7 pm PDT

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James Watkins


Revolution Radio SBTS September 8, 2023

James Watkins


Revolution Radio SBTS September 8, 2023

2:58 PM · Sep 8, 2023




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79b999 No.88226

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19515482 (090212ZSEP23) Notable: #23968

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>baker seeking handoff

President Donald J. Trump Visits Rapid City, South Dakota - Sept. 8, 2023LIVE



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79b999 No.88227

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19515542 (090218ZSEP23) Notable: I'm being indicted for YOU! three times

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I'm being indicted for YOU!

three times

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79b999 No.88228

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19515552 (090220ZSEP23) Notable: President Trump: Joe Biden is a Manchurian Candidate.. You know what that means, don't you?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Biden is a manchurian candidate

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.88229

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19515554 (090220ZSEP23) Notable: President Trump: Joe Biden is a Manchurian Candidate.. You know what that means, don't you?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: Joe Biden is a Manchurian Candidate...he is toally controlled by China and other countries that paid him off.

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79b999 No.88230

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19515556 (090220ZSEP23) Notable: President Trump: Joe Biden is a Manchurian Candidate.. You know what that means, don't you?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


....totally controlled by other countries who paid him off

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79b999 No.88231

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19515563 (090221ZSEP23) Notable: President Trump: We will fight together, we will win together, and then we will seek justice together

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: We will fight together, we will win together, and then we will seek justice together.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.88232

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19515572 (090222ZSEP23) Notable: President Trump: Never forget, our enemies want to stop us because we are the only ones who can stop them

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: Never forget, our enemies want to stop us because we are the only ones who can stop them.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.88233

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19515585 (090223ZSEP23) Notable: Their reign will be over, and America will be a free nation once again

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Their reign will be over, and America will be a free nation once again.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.88234

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19515586 (090223ZSEP23) Notable: President Trump: I promise you this, if you put me back in the White House, their reign will be over, and we will be a free nation once again

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: I promise you this, if you put me back in the White Hosue, their reign will be over, and we will be a free nation once again.

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79b999 No.88235

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19515611 (090226ZSEP23) Notable: President Trump: The United States could use a good auditor

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: The United States could use a good auditor.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.88236

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19515612 (090226ZSEP23) Notable: President Trump: The United States could use a good auditor

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

country could use a good auditor

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79b999 No.88237

File: 122ec74e72aed3e⋯.jpg (14.26 KB,505x384,505:384,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19515629 (090228ZSEP23) Notable: President Trump: The United States could use a good auditor

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.88238

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19515647 (090232ZSEP23) Notable: We've gotten to the point where even CNN has called out Fauci (Cap 16:31)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Darren Beattie: "We've gotten to the point where even CNN has called out Fauci"! Darren is always brilliant and interesting! Banana Republic, the US has become a “Shithole” with seven others

We are in a worst position than our typical Banana Republic!



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79b999 No.88239

File: f457689ae982229⋯.jpeg (66.48 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19515711 (090239ZSEP23) Notable: Britain sends warplanes to ‘deter Russian strikes’

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9 Sep, 2023

Britain sends warplanes to ‘deter Russian strikes’

The aircraft would watch over the safety of grain ships in the Black Sea

Britain has dispatched military planes to protect grain ships coming from Ukraine as the future of the UN-backed deal to provide a safe passage for the exports of agricultural produce remains uncertain after its suspension by Russia.

“We will use our intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance to monitor Russian activity in the Black Sea, call out Russia if we see warning signs that they are preparing attacks on civilian shipping or infrastructure,” the UK government said in a statement on Friday.

“As part of these surveillance operations, RAF aircraft are conducting flights over the area to deter Russia from carrying out illegal strikes against civilian vessels transporting grain,” the statement read.

The Russian Defense Ministry warned earlier thatall vessels entering Ukrainian ports would be “treated as potential deliveries of military cargo.”

Moscow suspended the rain deal in July, arguing that Western countries had failed to hold up their end of the bargain by not removing obstacles to the shipment of Russian agricultural produce and fertilizers. Although Western sanctions do not target such exports directly, Russian officials said restrictions on their country’s banking sphere and logistics effectively hamper the deliveries of Russian goods.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said after a meeting with his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, on Monday that Moscow would immediately return to the deal once its demands are met. Erdogan told reporters that consultations with the UN were underway in hope of reviving the arrangement.

Reuters reported on Friday that Rosselkhozbank,Russia’s main agricultural lender, might be allowed to gain access to the SWIFT international banking system in the near future. Russian top banks were removed from SWIFT last year as part of sanctions placed on Moscow over its military operation in Ukraine.


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79b999 No.88240

File: b67ba3324c14212⋯.png (579.29 KB,673x750,673:750,Clipboard.png)

File: dc1ab14907d194b⋯.mp4 (6.09 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19515730 (090241ZSEP23) Notable: Treasonous NM gov is confused. Nobody can suspend Rights ever. Unalienable means they are unalienable (Cap 1:45)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Treasonous NM gov is confused. Nobody can suspend Rights ever. Unalienable means they are unalienable.

The Governor of New Mexico has just declared the 1st & 2nd Amendment “does not exist” due to an “emergency.”

Under this legal theory *all* of our “rights” are essentially eliminated.

Watch the most evil & tyrannical 60 seconds you’ve ever heard from a politician:


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79b999 No.88241

File: ee82ddce1a92dc4⋯.png (362.55 KB,960x1280,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19516154 (090358ZSEP23) Notable: Doroshenko extradition request, you say? (AWAITING SAUCE)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.88242

File: 63df9f2418dcc95⋯.webp (34.98 KB,1536x864,16:9,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19516175 (090404ZSEP23) Notable: Heels-up Harris Asserts She’s Ready to Assume Presidential Duties if Biden’s Health Takes a Turn for the Worse (VIDEO)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kamala Harris Asserts She’s Ready to Assume Presidential Duties if Biden’s Health Takes a Turn for the Worse (VIDEO)

In a recent interview, Kamala Harris, the least popular vice president in modern history, signaled that she’s ready to step up to the plate—or rather, the Resolute Desk—if President Biden’s health takes a turn for the worse.

If Biden steps down for health reasons—or for a much-needed nap—what can we expect from a Harris presidency?

Feeble Joe Biden skipped the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit in Jakarta, Indonesia this year so he sent Kamala Harris there instead.

Kamala Harris, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau all arrived in Jakarta on Tuesday to attend the ASEAN Summit.

As The BRICS Countries Stockpile Gold And Americans Scramble to Protect Themselves, A Faith-Based Company Shows Them How

Biden is so weak that he can’t even fulfill his duties to meet with world leaders. Kamala Harris has to fill in for him.

Harris sat down for an interview with the Associated Press to discuss foreign policy and the US’s commitment to Southeast Asian nations.


Bidens health just started improving, since she was quoted saying that.

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79b999 No.88243

File: 99d19f48f019797⋯.jpg (145.56 KB,720x981,80:109,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bbac6fe2d7264fc⋯.jpg (245.67 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 83f6580eea7dbdd⋯.jpg (137.6 KB,720x910,72:91,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19516224 (090432ZSEP23) Notable: @TuckerCarlson Meet Javier Milei in Buenos Aires. Enemy of the Washington Post and probably the next president of Argentina

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Javier Milei in Buenos Aires. Enemy of the Washington Post and probably the next president of Argentina.

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79b999 No.88244

File: 67bc6c08270f612⋯.png (2.12 MB,1080x1661,1080:1661,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19516225 (090433ZSEP23) Notable: The ONLY person in this race who will put America back on its foundation is @realDonaldTrump .

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The ONLY person in this race who will put America back on its foundation is @realDonaldTrump .

He has my full and complete endorsement. I will do everything in my power to help him win to save this great country.


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79b999 No.88245

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19516423 (090520ZSEP23) Notable: #23968

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>>88227 I'm being indicted for YOU! three times

>>88228, >>88228, >>88229, >>88230 President Trump: Joe Biden is a Manchurian Candidate.. You know what that means, don't you?

>>88231 President Trump: We will fight together, we will win together, and then we will seek justice together

>>88232 President Trump: Never forget, our enemies want to stop us because we are the only ones who can stop them

>>88233 Their reign will be over, and America will be a free nation once again

>>88234 President Trump: I promise you this, if you put me back in the White House, their reign will be over, and we will be a free nation once again

>>88235, >>88236, >>88237 President Trump: The United States could use a good auditor

>>88238 We've gotten to the point where even CNN has called out Fauci (Cap 16:31)

>>88244 The ONLY person in this race who will put America back on its foundation is @realDonaldTrump .

>>88240 Treasonous NM gov is confused. Nobody can suspend Rights ever. Unalienable means they are unalienable (Cap 1:45)

>>88239 Britain sends warplanes to ‘deter Russian strikes’

>>88241 Doroshenko extradition request, you say? (AWAITING SAUCE)

>>88242 Heels-up Harris Asserts She’s Ready to Assume Presidential Duties if Biden’s Health Takes a Turn for the Worse (VIDEO)

>>88243 @TuckerCarlson Meet Javier Milei in Buenos Aires. Enemy of the Washington Post and probably the next president of Argentina

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79b999 No.88246

File: 1f6b9cae65f478e⋯.jpg (251.75 KB,1000x731,1000:731,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19516468 (090526ZSEP23) Notable: #23969

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Q Research General #23969: There Rain Will Be Over, And America Will Be A Free Nation Once Again? Edition

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79b999 No.88247

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19516517 (090535ZSEP23) Notable: Hundreds dead after powerful earthquake strikes Morocco

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

296 dead after powerful earthquake strikes Morocco

The tremors were felt in several large cities, including Rabat and Marrakesh

...Morocco’s National Institute of Geophysics measured the earthquake at 7.0 magnitude, with the epicenter in Al Haouz Province....


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79b999 No.88248

File: 0ecac4881c225fe⋯.png (312.53 KB,700x394,350:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19516521 (090537ZSEP23) Notable: The New Authoritarian Agenda Revealed (Globalism Rebranded)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Globalism Rebranded: “Council for Inclusive Capitalism.” aka CIS...Remember When People Used to Say that Global Governance by Elitists was a Paranoid Fantasy...a Conspiracy Theory?

The New Authoritarian Agenda Revealed (Globalism Rebranded)

The group, headed by[[[Lynn Forester de Rothschild]]], is the culmination of decades of various globalist agendas combined to represent the ultimate proof of conspiracy.

Remember when people used to say that global governance by elitists was a paranoid fantasy?

Well, now it’s openly admitted reality.

TheCICis intimately tied to institutions like the World Economic Forum (WEF), the United Nations and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), but it is primarily an attempt to link all these organizations more closely to the corporate world in an open display of cooperation. The group pushes the spread of what they call “Stakeholder Capitalism.” This is the notion that international corporations are obligated to engage in social engineering. That’s another way of saying that corporations are required to manipulate citizens and governments with economic punishments and rewards.

We witnessed this agenda in action during the Covid lockdowns and the rush to enforce vaccine passports. These efforts would not have been possible without the cooperation of major corporate chains working hand-in-hand with national governments. Luckily, the strategy failed as local governments and the public fought back.

We have also seen stakeholder capitalism on display in the push for Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) guidelines among major companies. Most readers are probably familiar with ESG at this point, but keep in mind, the public was oblivious to the terminology until the past 2 years. Globalists have been developing ESG rules since 2005. As Klaus Schwab of the WEF notes in his book Stakeholder Capitalism:

The most important characteristic of the stakeholder model today is that the stakes of our system are now more clearly global. Economies, societies, and the environment are more closely linked to each other now than 50 years ago. The model we present here is therefore fundamentally global in nature, and the two primary stakeholders are as well.

…What was once seen as externalities in national economic policy making and individual corporate decision making will now need to be incorporated or internalized in the operations of every government, company, community, and individual. The planet is thus the center of the global economic system, and its health should be optimized in the decisions made by all other stakeholders.


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79b999 No.88249

File: 203f6cc7eab100b⋯.png (619.5 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19516529 (090540ZSEP23) Notable: Britain sends warplanes to ‘deter Russian strikes’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Happening PANIC: UK sends fighter jets to the Black Sea to fight Russia.

Britain sends warplanes to ‘deter Russian strikes’

The UK said its aircraft would monitor grain deliveries from Ukraine


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79b999 No.88250

File: 92ceff7dc7629d2⋯.png (246.18 KB,638x528,29:24,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19516538 (090543ZSEP23) Notable: NOT SAUCED - United reporting a level 4 passenger disruption on ACARS. Level 4 = Attempted or actual breach of the flight crew compartment

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

United reporting a level 4 passenger disruption on ACARS. Level 4 = Attempted or actual breach of the flight crew compartment.

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79b999 No.88251

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19516552 (090549ZSEP23) Notable: Retired doctor Scott Burke busted with guns and drugs on his yacht in Nantucket lives in exclusive Florida enclave

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Retired doctor Scott Burke busted with guns and drugs on his yacht in Nantucket lives in exclusive Florida enclave

A retired Colorado doctor (Anthony Burke, 69) arrested on drug and gun charges when police raided his luxury yacht lives in an exclusiveFlorida enclave filled with 'strange people' who have 'more money than God


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79b999 No.88252

File: 66c52fe9fdd8153⋯.png (562.61 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19516574 (090600ZSEP23) Notable: German Health Authorities Say They Have Yet to Evaluate Covid Vaccine Adverse Events Because There Are Too Many of Them

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Moronic German Health Authorities Say They Have Yet to Evaluate Covid Vaccine Adverse Events Because There Are *** TOO MANY *


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79b999 No.88253

File: 1279d4afba070cf⋯.png (93.37 KB,290x335,58:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19516631 (090626ZSEP23) Notable: Facebook’s MIT Lab manages elections

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Elections tied up in courts for four plus years past the election


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79b999 No.88254

File: 4c72c3a6cd57314⋯.png (593.74 KB,800x530,80:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19516640 (090630ZSEP23) Notable: G20 summit in India: updates

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G20 summit in India: Live updates

09 September 2023

06:17 GMT

Sending a strong message amid the debate over India potentially changing its name to Bharat, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has opened the summit of G20 leaders with the name plate in front of him readingBharat


Prime Minister Narendra Modi identified as leader representing Bharat at G20 meet

The government has used 'Bharat', a name used in the Constitution for the country along with India, in several official G20 documents


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79b999 No.88255

File: 6566ff0d9345c8a⋯.png (516.95 KB,640x335,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19516745 (090722ZSEP23) Notable: Disney Losing Streak: Shares Down 27 Percent in Last 12 Months, Off More Than 60 Percent Since Pandemic High

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Disney Losing Streak: Shares Down 27 Percent in Last 12 Months, Off More Than 60 Percent Since Pandemic High

The Walt Disney Company is on a losing streak as it enters the final months of 2023, with its shares way down as it battles a non-stop series of bad new cycles that have hammered investor confidence in the once formidable studio. For the last 12 months, th...


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79b999 No.88256

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19516757 (090725ZSEP23) Notable: Rachel Alexander Dissects Dems Playbook To Take Legal Action Against MAGA Leadership

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Rachel Alexander Dissects Dems Playbook To Take Legal Action Against MAGA LeadershipLawfare is Marc Elias, and vice versa with democrats



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79b999 No.88257

File: d7772ac1f48efe2⋯.jpg (11.55 KB,255x255,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19516767 (090730ZSEP23) Notable: Alice? School shooters - LEO tie

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So whats the deal with the school shooters?

How do these kids end up as mass murders?

They litterally ask them to help.........

So in the following MSM report, a man was "asked" to LARP an active shooter for a drill at a hospital. Being a helpfull guy, he aggreed to participate, but what happened next nearly became a nightmare.

The Police turned up, and being "unaware" that a drill was taking place, they immediatly identified him as the gunman, and proceed to arrest him at gun point.

They were very, very lucky not to be killed by the cops, who thought that a real shooting was taking place.


So this got me digging......dig dig dig, and what I found is truly shocking.

The way it works is as follows.

These guys, "ALICE Training" contact a school about conducting a live shooter drill, and the school agrees.



So now they ask the teachers to identify some loner kid, who likes guns, and they ask them to participate as the gunman. ALICE also has an AI programm that scours social media to find "incriminating" posts, stuff that the media can run with, to vilify the kids involved.

They get a loner, because society views them as freaks, so it's not necessay to ask why he did it, they just dismiss them as weirdo, crazies etc.

So this kid does what hes asked to do, they probably make hime feel good, that he's helping to save lives etc, so they cooperate, and they walk in, do thier thing and everyone has a great time, and lots of training has made the world a safer place.

They are told to LARP a shooting, and then wait in the cafe, or library, or staff room, at the end. Look at all of the SS vids, and you will this.

But this is the problem.

They, the school, and Alice, deliberatly OMIT TO NOTIFY LEO.

These are called "unannounced" training exercises, and it doesnt take a lot of thought to realise the implications of this.

The cops turn up, guns blazing.........

Now you would obviuosly assume that this is very unusual, the potential for loss of live is too great, and that no-one would really do that, right?



















They set these kids up, the cops walk in, and kill the kids, thinking they are actual shooters, or they jail them for life, and all they did was cooperate.

EVERY ONE of these school shootings is a clown OP.

And ALICE TRAINING is behind it all.

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79b999 No.88258

File: c9deb867f3c429d⋯.png (163.22 KB,667x825,667:825,Clipboard.png)

File: ed173ba4ef1d05e⋯.png (423.46 KB,634x797,634:797,Clipboard.png)

File: 6597d89762688bc⋯.png (478.16 KB,634x427,634:427,Clipboard.png)

File: 20e637be0632ccf⋯.png (587.13 KB,684x542,342:271,Clipboard.png)

File: 2c76105aedeead4⋯.png (604.73 KB,671x897,671:897,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19516788 (090740ZSEP23) Notable: Shocking bodycam footage shows moment Florida federal drug prosecutor Joseph Ruddy offers cops his business card during DUI crash

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Joseph Ruddy

Shocking bodycam footage shows moment Florida federal drug prosecutor Joseph Ruddy offers cops his business card during DUI crash

Joseph Ruddy, 59, was captured handing his Justice Department business card to cops to avoid being charged in a hit-and-run on July 4th

The federal drug prosecutor was found urinated on himself and hunched over his pickup truck when police arrived at the his home in Tampa, Florida

Ruddy has been charged with driving under the influence with property damage and is expected to appear in court on September 27

By Dolores Chang For Dailymail.Com

Published: 10:57 EDT, 8 September 2023 | Updated: 11:07 EDT, 8 September 2023

A prolific tough-on-drugs Florida prosecutor tried to offer cops his business card to avoid being arrested for driving drunk after sideswiping an SUV over the Fourth of July.

Joseph Ruddy, 59, a federal prosecutor, was stopped by cops outside his home in Tampa. During his arrest, he was too drunk to stand up straight and had his Justice Department business card clutched in his hand.

When officers arrived at Ruddy's home in the suburb of Temple Terrace, they found him hunched over his pickup, holding his keys and using the vehicle for support, the police report said.

Officers noted that he had urinated on himself, was unable to walk without help and failed a field sobriety test.

Ruddy has been charged with driving under the influence with property damage. His blood-alcohol level tested at 0.17%, twice the legal limit. He could now face up to a year in prison.

Despite being charged, Ruddy remained on the job for two months, representing the United States in court as recently as last week to notch another win for the sprawling task force he helped create two decades ago targeting cocaine smuggling at sea.

He is credited with designing Operation Panama Express (PANEX), a task force contributing more than 90% of U.S. Coast Guard drug interdictions at sea. The average sentence for smugglers picked up at sea and prosecuted in Tampa, where Ruddy worked, was longer than any other court in the country.


Ruddy designed the Operation Panama Express(PANEX), a task force contributing more than 90% of U.S. Coast Guard drug interdictions at sea. The average sentence for smugglers picked up at sea and prosecuted in Tampa, where Ruddy worked, was longer than any other court in the country

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79b999 No.88259

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19516801 (090747ZSEP23) Notable: For the Keks - Lumpy Pillows

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79b999 No.88260

File: 592af8d41a86d37⋯.png (133.43 KB,292x230,146:115,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19516834 (090801ZSEP23) Notable: St. Louis Mayor Announces Plans to Outlaw AR-15s, AK-47s and Military-Style Weapons - Hopes Criminals Will Comply

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HERE WE GO AGAIN: St. Louis Mayor Announces Plans to Outlaw AR-15s, AK-47s and Military-Style Weapons – Hopes Criminals Will Comply. REALLY? SHE HOPES NONCRIMINALS COMPLY, cunt


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79b999 No.88261

File: e33274a62527178⋯.png (892.41 KB,768x428,192:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19516840 (090805ZSEP23) Notable: Accepting COVID Dictates Has Consequences - New Mexico Democrat Governor Now Uses Same "Public Health Emergency" To Ban Firearms

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Accepting COVID Dictates Has Consequences - New Mexico Democrat Governor Now Uses Same "Public Health Emergency" To Ban Firearms...

This, THIS RIGHT THE F**K HERE, is exactly what you, me, and everyone with a logical brain was talking about back in 2020 and 2021 when the various state governors were using “Public Health Emergency” declarations to rule by unilateral fiat and remove cons...


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79b999 No.88262

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19516842 (090806ZSEP23) Notable: Encore - Trump Rally SD

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Trump Rally South Dakota

OK, it’s obvious Kristi Noem may be the next VP

I’m not in agreement, so we shall see! Deadpan delivery l!

Go to 15: 00 and watch for yourselves. As anons have researched, there’s something off there. PS: her arms are too skinny, just saying!


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79b999 No.88263

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19516878 (090826ZSEP23) Notable: Encore - Trump Rally SD

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Trump in south dakota - 8th Sept 2023

LIVE: Donald Trump Holding Rally in Rapid City, SD...



Trump takes stage at 9.25pm

DJT: well we have to say hello rapid city.

Djt: I am very honoured to recieve your nomination.

djt: 3 years ago i made that speech (mount rushmore).

djt: I call hillary beautiful, gave that name, crooked to biden.

djt: bidenomics has done moar damage than 5 worst presidents.

djt: in a little over a year, we can bring out country back.

djt: under biden every family is 88k worse off

djt: we are heading to a great depression. i have never said this

before, but if it is going to happen, let it happen under biden

i will straighten it out very quickly.

djt: biden says he is a good golfer he says he is a 6 handicap.

that his a lie.

djt: we are submitting to china, we send billions to china and

we cannot help hawaii

djt: i am the only person who lost money well serviving. it cost me

billions dollars and it was worth every single penny. i even gave

away my salary.

djt: you do not mind if i go off the telepromoter for a second do you

djt: look at the fake news, they are evil.

djt: i am going to be indicted, then they say don't endict him anymore.

djt: i said that the election was rigged and stolen. they indicted me

for free speech, everyone knows it was rigged and stolen.

djt: he is the worst president, grossly incompentent, he has

no idea what he is doing.

djt: great thing about the internet is you see a lot of things.

my mind is the same as your mind. we see what is happening.

djt: desantis strongly opposed the help for the farmers i got them 28 billion

djt: it ain't over till it is over, the great yogi bear the great


djt: president abi of japan said i knew you would come to me. he knew

the japan deals were terrible.

djt: unlike the establishment globalists and they are globalist

they want to destroy our country.

djt: i have a big voice, if you get indicted you go home

and resign and fight the indictmens, the indictments make people

quit, that won't happen with me.

djt: durham did a great report, horowitz was a great report.

durham took too long.

djt: Joe biden is a manchurian candidate, you know what that is.

he is controlled by china and many other countries.

djt: we fight together, we win togather and than we will seek

justice togather. (crowd roars)

djt:because of the internet, human trafficking especially

women trafficking is the largest in the world ever.

djt: who the hell is telling biden he has a great body, go to

the beach everyday.

djt: Agenda 47: russia v ukraine settled before i even get into

office. millions of people have died, the numbers are wrong.

i will prevent ww3. nobody else will prevent it. i will

obliberate the deep state.i will seal up our borders. i will

go after the judges and d.a's who have destroyed the justice system.

when i will re-elected i will begin the largest deportation operation

in america.

djt: the house is working hard, but the senate is a disaster

under mitch, the senaters need to get tougher.

djt: congressional republics just cut off the money if they

bring back covid restrictions and masks.

djt: i will terminate every green new deal, electric vehicles will

be made in china, american cars will be finished

djt: i will sign a law keeping any child transgenderideologiy

in the usa, can you believe i have to say that.

djt: i will secure our 2nd amendment, it is under attack.

djt: I will secure our elections, one day, paper ballets and voter i.d's

djt: together we are taking on vicious forces ever seen. this is your


djt: music starts: nation in decline 11.01pm (wwg1 wga)

djt: we are a nation where banks are collepsing, interest rates

rising.we are begging for oil yet we have moar oil under our feet.

we just heard saudi arabic will be reducing their old production.

we are nation where our leaders are wanting electric vehicles.

they want to make our army tanks all electric. all made in china.

we are a nation who want to make our fighter planes with green

restrictions. we allowed russia to kill hundreds of millions of 7

ukrainians. we have fake news, 51 intelligent agents who lied

about the hunter laptop. 2024 is our final battle. we will drive

out the globlist and we will drain the swamp.

the great silent majority is rising like never before.

togather will make america great again.


dough below for notes above


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79b999 No.88264

File: e59607d08d17b03⋯.png (807.15 KB,975x529,975:529,Clipboard.png)

File: 57f6c835a464960⋯.png (995.73 KB,1007x501,1007:501,Clipboard.png)

File: 6ccebf17cd84e40⋯.png (36.65 KB,646x274,323:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19516978 (091010ZSEP23) Notable: Inside the White House Situation Room after a $50 MILLION makeover

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Inside the White House Situation Room

after a $50 MILLION makeover

Daily Mail (UK), by Wills Robinson

Posted By: Imright, 9/9/2023 5:15:23 AM

It's one of the defining photos in the history of the White House. A tense Barack Obama leans forward and stares at the screen showing every heart-stopping moment of the Navy SEAL raid on 9/11 mastermind Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan. Moments later, the room erupts as military commanders confirm the Al Qaeda leader has been shot and killed - and May 1, 2011, becomes a day America will never forget.Now, that conference room has been removed as part of a $ 50 million makeover to the secretive Situation Room in the West Wing basement. Construction workers dug five feet below the secure 5,500-square-foot complex to install cutting-edge wiring and upgrade

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79b999 No.88265

File: 34919b403338013⋯.png (763.83 KB,870x812,15:14,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19516982 (091016ZSEP23) Notable: Accepting COVID Dictates Has Consequences - New Mexico Democrat Governor Now Uses Same "Public Health Emergency" To Ban Firearms

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New Mexico Governor Declares Emergency,

'Suspends' Gun Rights in Shocking Move

Red State, by Bonchie

Posted By: Dreadnought, 9/9/2023 12:35:57 AM

New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham declared a public health emergency over "gun violence" on Thursday following the death of an 11-year-old boy. On Friday, she took the unprecedented step of "suspending" gun rights in Albuquerque, the state's largest city, with the possibility of other cities following suit. Gov. Lujan Grisham declared gun violence a public health emergency Thursday, following the murder of an 11-year-old boy on his way home from an Isotopes game Wednesday night. That case, combined with several other violent cases involving children, sparked the decision. The new public health order is effective Friday, Sept. 8. After 30 days, they will evaluate

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79b999 No.88266

File: 4a4a73dc9b25ec5⋯.png (182.83 KB,412x494,206:247,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517027 (091058ZSEP23) Notable: Megyn Kelly Reveals Why She Regrets Taking the COVID Vaccine

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🔴 Megyn Kelly Reveals Why She Regrets Taking The COVID Vaccine, Medical Issue She Discovered After

Might want to read this again.


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79b999 No.88267

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517037 (091106ZSEP23) Notable: Megyn Kelly Reveals Why She Regrets Taking the COVID Vaccine

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This Is What Happens When You Don’t Jab Kids: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Data

Children in the vaccinated population were found to be a staggering 30 times more likely to have allergic rhinitis compared to the unvaccinated children.

A similar story followed for other conditions. Vaccinated children in Mawson’s study were found to be 3.9 times more likely to have allergies, 4.2 times more likely to have ADHD, 4.2 times more likely to have autism, 2.9 times more likely to have eczema, 5.2 times more likely to have a learning disability, and 3.7 times more likely to have a neurodevelopmental disorder compared to the unvaccinated children.


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79b999 No.88268

File: fd71acd59fbcfe6⋯.png (990.17 KB,992x558,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517281 (091237ZSEP23) Notable: Judge denies Mark Meadows' bid to remove his Georgia election case to federal court

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Judge denies Mark Meadows' bid to remove his Georgia election case to federal court

A federal judge has denied former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows' bid to move his Fulton County election interference case to federal court.

"Having considered the arguments and the evidence, the Court concludes that Meadows has not met his burden," Judge Steve Jones wrote in a 49-page order filed Friday.


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79b999 No.88269

File: 3f7e1079f1cc585⋯.png (371.66 KB,400x400,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517291 (091240ZSEP23) Notable: #23970

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But still shitposting 07

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79b999 No.88270

File: fd71acd59fbcfe6⋯.png (990.17 KB,992x558,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517319 (091248ZSEP23) Notable: Judge denies Mark Meadows' bid to remove his Georgia election case to federal court

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Judge denies Mark Meadows' bid to remove his Georgia election case to federal court

Meadows filed notice that he intends to appeal the ruling from Judge Jones.

September 8, 2023

Mark Meadows' bid to move his Fulton County election interference case to federal court.

"Having considered the arguments and the evidence, the Court concludes that Meadows has not met his burden," Judge Steve Jones wrote in a 49-page order.

Meadows has already filed notice with the court that he intends to appeal the ruling from Judge Jones to the eleventh circuit.

The notice of appeal came just hours after he lost his bid to remove the case to federal court.

Meadows had sought to have his case moved based on a federal law that calls for the removal of criminal proceedings brought in state court to the federal court system when someone is charged for actions they allegedly took as a federal official acting "under color" of their office.


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79b999 No.88271

File: 95854cebc50fe0e⋯.png (278.08 KB,581x590,581:590,Clipboard.png)

File: 118fd52656b2b52⋯.png (629.2 KB,1044x443,1044:443,Clipboard.png)

File: 9665615ca0e62df⋯.png (104.84 KB,510x255,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: bd07ba2220f95e5⋯.png (321.98 KB,469x1816,469:1816,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517323 (091249ZSEP23) Notable: Moar Trump speech

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all pb




Potus channeling some Frank Fig



should have never happened. equivalent to eighty eight thousand dollars taken away from


every family in America88,000 from every family.


under Biden the budget deficit. is exploding. and set to more than double this


year alone. You know, we were Doing something with oil and energy, and making


a lot of money. We were going to make so much money. we were going to pay off our debt. We're going to lower taxes, still further.


manufacturing is contracted. now. 10 months in a row and monthly job reports have been revised. downward.


every single month. of 2023 every single month they've gone down.


The fact is were probably heading into a Great Depression. Something I've never said before,


publicly, I've saying it in your State. I hate to. I hate hate to that this is the state I have to say


it but you know. I don't believe I've ever said that before. It's a hell of a statement to make and I


hate to make it. The only question is whether or not it will be during the remaining months of the


budget. Administration if it's going to happen, let it happen if it's going to happen, let it be


during Joanna and we'll come in and we'll straighten this sucker around. I'd rather have it.


or will the next president? have to bear the brunt of what? Biden is done to our country? He's


done such damage to our country. and I don't want to be the next Herbert Hoover. you know, who


Herbert Hoover was the Great Depression. He was the president Depression. He beginning of the Great Depression. but I won't


let that happen. I will never let that happen. that I can tell you. Yuri


Sep 08, 2020 1:46:22 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 19abcb No. 10566765


History repeats itself (today).



Compare & Contrast

Then v Now


Then: methods of violent intimidation deployed by SA

Now: methods of violent intimidation deployed by Antifa?

Then: battles raged in the streets [book burning, flag burning, destruction, hate, anti-police, etc]

Now: battles raging in the streets controlled by [D] party sympathizers [anti-republic]?

Then: physical assaults of political opponents

Now: physical assaults of political opponents?

Then: voter intimidation in National and local elections

Now: voter intimidation in National and local elections [coming 11.3]?

Then: project anti-fascist platform: reality: conform/obey strong-arm tactics deployed to silence opposing views

Now: project anti-fascist platform: reality: conform/obey strong-arm tactics deployed to silence opposing views?

Then: radical anti-capitalistic platform (socialism)

Now: radical anti-capitalistic platform (socialism) push?

Then: force economic destruction as recruiting [division] tactic to drive enlistment rate

Now: [D] party gov/mayor(s) close state(s) force economic hardships [C19]?

Then: SA carried out unchecked street violence against Jews and Nazi opponents

Now: [D] gov/mayor(s) carried out unchecked [deliberate non_prosecution orders 24-hour release] of Antifa rioters arrested [street violence – block-by-block takeover(s)]?

[D] gov/mayor(s) release of violent criminals [many thousands] from prison(s) under guise of C19?


Use of propaganda by Nazi Germany

Use of propaganda by MSDNC / Social Media (control of narrative – terminate opposing message (censorship-kill))

Soros history

Assault on America.

Ask yourself, why are [D] party leaders refusing to condemn the violence?

Ask yourself, why are [D] party leaders refusing to seek a unified republic?


Was the Nazi party ever truly destroyed (eradicated)?

Did the belief carry-on [re-deployed]?


Background of Soros?


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79b999 No.88272

File: 1ce785e5fd04ec4⋯.png (29.49 KB,741x297,247:99,Clipboard.png)

File: 41f1bdbf61b9041⋯.png (614.63 KB,666x777,6:7,Clipboard.png)

File: 7669cb0e1a1addc⋯.png (592.75 KB,693x950,693:950,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517343 (091255ZSEP23) Notable: Goldflinch for the keks!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.88273

File: 3c74c8d6a96ba4b⋯.png (220.47 KB,863x742,863:742,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517370 (091303ZSEP23) Notable: "I Don't Give A F***": Top Maryland Education Official Caught Using Encrypted Msg App As Grade Scandal Deepens

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"I Don't Give A F***": Top Maryland Education Official Caught Using Encrypted Msg App As Grade Scandal Deepens


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.88274

File: da7e7d29e0ec847⋯.jpeg (269.93 KB,1170x1908,65:106,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 52035307c613a85⋯.jpeg (425 KB,1170x2374,585:1187,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4a50eea099fba21⋯.jpeg (455.55 KB,1170x2374,585:1187,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517384 (091308ZSEP23) Notable: Morocco earthquake live news: At least 820 killed in quake near Marrakesh

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Morocco earthquake live news: At least 820 killed in quake near Marrakesh

A powerful earthquake of magnitude 6.8 has struck Morocco, according to the US Geological Survey (USGS).

At least 820 killed and 672 injured, according to Moroccan state media.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.88275

File: d9254fe434f3c17⋯.png (275.55 KB,596x620,149:155,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517389 (091310ZSEP23) Notable: NM Gov. receives OATH OF OFFICE swearing to UPHOLD the constitution of The United States. FF: Grisham declares “No constitutional right, in my view, is intended to be absolute.".

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Chuck Callesto


FLASHBACK: NM Gov. receives OATH OF OFFICE swearing to UPHOLD the constitution of The United States and the state of NM.

PRESENT DAY: NM Gov. Michelle Grisham declares “No constitutional right, in my view, is intended to be absolute.".

Elections matter, Grisham LIED under oath.

2:05 AM · Sep 9, 2023




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79b999 No.88276

File: a06a89aede9be39⋯.png (177.91 KB,590x700,59:70,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517392 (091312ZSEP23) Notable: The Albuquerque Police Department releases a weak-worded statement overnight that essentially says they will support the unconstitutional, gun-grabbing insanity dictated to them by Queen Michelle.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Citizen Free Press


The Albuquerque Police Department releases a weak-worded statement overnight that essentially says they will support the unconstitutional, gun-grabbing insanity dictated to them by Queen Michelle.

New Mexico is a dirt state where American freedoms are trampled by communists.


Albuquerque Police Department




Chief Medina sent the following message to APD officers about the governor's state order on gun possession.


2:02 AM · Sep 9, 2023




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79b999 No.88277

File: dbc7a9e33a9269c⋯.png (236.85 KB,591x500,591:500,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517396 (091313ZSEP23) Notable: Tarrio Drops Bombshell - Names Top Biden DOJ Attorneys Who Tried to Coerce Him to Sign False Statements and Lie on Trump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Gateway Pundit


BREAKING: Proud Boys Leader Enrique Tarrio Drops Bombshell – Names Top Biden DOJ Attorneys Who Tried to Coerce Him to Sign False Statements and Lie on Trump – Here They Are…


BREAKING: Proud Boys Leader Enrique Tarrio Drops Bombshell - Names Top Biden DOJ Attorneys Who Tried to Coerce Him to Sign…

On Thursday The Gateway Pundit’s Cara Castronuovo reported that Biden officials asked him to lie about President Trump in order to indict him!

The Gateway Pundit

Sep 09, 2023, 2:04 AM

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79b999 No.88278

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517410 (091320ZSEP23) Notable: Morocco earthquake live news: At least 820 killed in quake near Marrakesh

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Morocco earthquake live news: At least 820 killed in quake near Marrakesh

Hearing over 1000 killed, over 1000 injured as of now. Dug a bit, and stumbled on this tid bit!

MAP Agency


Established in 1959, MAP is the Moroccan national news agency.It has more than 300 journalists and correspondents in Morocco and around the world.


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79b999 No.88279

File: c949efa806b59f5⋯.png (1.15 MB,1214x683,1214:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517411 (091320ZSEP23) Notable: 9:23

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>>/qresearch/19515069, >>>/qresearch/19515071, >>>/qresearch/19515118, >>>/qresearch/19515156, >>>/qresearch/19515169, >>>/qresearch/19515385 ALL PB

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.88280

File: 14aa68748939d1b⋯.jpg (85.99 KB,960x1179,320:393,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517413 (091320ZSEP23) Notable: Cow's milk rayciss/white supremacists

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.88281

File: cfd82f871abc810⋯.gif (150.5 KB,399x399,1:1,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517425 (091325ZSEP23) Notable: Goldflinch for the keks!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Quiet here today.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.88282

File: bd0ee9e427abbe5⋯.png (549.65 KB,584x714,292:357,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517434 (091326ZSEP23) Notable: @ChuckGrassley Ever wonder why kernels hv dents in them? #cornwatch

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Chuck Grassley


Ever wonder why kernels hv dents in them? #cornwatch

2:21 AM · Sep 9, 2023




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79b999 No.88283

File: 252368d0bb18245⋯.png (627.62 KB,676x599,676:599,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517435 (091326ZSEP23) Notable: Morocco earthquake live news: At least 820 killed in quake near Marrakesh

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




There's moar to this Moracco Quake than meets the eye.

There's those colors again.

Red and Black


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79b999 No.88284

File: cf05c883fd5042a⋯.png (234.78 KB,625x598,625:598,Clipboard.png)

File: 44822b35cc9ac54⋯.png (260.34 KB,682x826,341:413,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517438 (091326ZSEP23) Notable: Cow's milk rayciss/white supremacists

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





I don't even find this shit funny anymore. Fuck man.

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79b999 No.88285

File: 041038495dea3d1⋯.png (606.12 KB,597x542,597:542,Clipboard.png)

File: 8937cd3277382da⋯.png (2.9 MB,1175x856,1175:856,Clipboard.png)

File: 77a04e36be4c9eb⋯.png (740.21 KB,964x513,964:513,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517484 (091334ZSEP23) Notable: Biden announces new shipping, rail and tech project that would include India, Europe, Saudis AND Israel

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Daily Mail US


Biden announces new shipping, rail and tech project that would include India, Europe, Saudis AND Israel: President hails 'big deal' and shakes MBS' hand after botching Saudi crown prince's name https://trib.al/hqyifPS


2:22 AM · Sep 9, 2023






Wheel of the chariot of the sun, Konark Sun Temple. ?

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79b999 No.88286

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517490 (091335ZSEP23) Notable: US Army Intelligence Support Activity (USAISA), also known as ISA, The Activity, GREY FOX

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Intelligence Support Activity

US Army Intelligence Support Activity (USAISA), also known as ISA, The Activity, GREY FOX and, in recent times, the Mission Support Activity (MSA), is a top secret Army intelligence unit. The Activity grew out of the need for specialized intel support for US Special Operations that was highlighted by the failed US attempt to rescue American hostages from Iran in 1980

Intelligence Support Activity - Role

The Activity's primary role is to gather actionable intelligence in order to pave the way for special operations undertook by units such as Delta Force (known as 'operational preparation of the battlespace'). The forms of intelligence gathered by the Activity include:

HUMINT (HUMan INTellgence)

Intel gathered through eyes and ears on the ground, both directly and through agents run by the Activity.. An example would be having ISA operatives, working undercover, do a recce of a suspected terrorist's safe house, finding routes in and out, looking for blind spots, assessing the numbers and dispositions of hostile forces etc. The ISA also cultivates and runs agents in order to infiltrate organisations and gather intelligence.

SIGINT (SIGnals INTelligence)

monitoring and tracking radio communications e.g. finding a hostage by homing in on the kidnapper's cell phones or tracking a terrorist organisation through its communications network.

Intelligence Support Activity - Organization

The Activity is thought to made up of around 300 operators and is under the command of JSOC (Joint Special Operations Command).

The unit is organized into several elements




the 'knob turners', who monitor and track radio, cell phone and other electronic communications


the HUMINT element runs agents, carries out reconnaisance, prepares safe houses, transport, plans and proves infil/exfil routes etc.

Direct Action

Delta Force-trained soldiers who act as the unit's 'shooters'.

Since its inception, the Activity has been providing invaluable intelligence and support to many United States operations.


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79b999 No.88287

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517500 (091337ZSEP23) Notable: #23969

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#23969 >>88246

>>88247 Hundreds dead after powerful earthquake strikes Morocco

>>88248 The New Authoritarian Agenda Revealed (Globalism Rebranded)

>>88249 Britain sends warplanes to ‘deter Russian strikes’

>>88250 NOT SAUCED - United reporting a level 4 passenger disruption on ACARS. Level 4 = Attempted or actual breach of the flight crew compartment

>>88251 Retired doctor Scott Burke busted with guns and drugs on his yacht in Nantucket lives in exclusive Florida enclave

>>88252 German Health Authorities Say They Have Yet to Evaluate Covid Vaccine Adverse Events Because There Are Too Many of Them

>>88253 Facebook’s MIT Lab manages elections

>>88254 G20 summit in India: updates

>>88255 Disney Losing Streak: Shares Down 27 Percent in Last 12 Months, Off More Than 60 Percent Since Pandemic High

>>88256 Rachel Alexander Dissects Dems Playbook To Take Legal Action Against MAGA Leadership

>>88257 Alice? School shooters - LEO tie

>>88258 Shocking bodycam footage shows moment Florida federal drug prosecutor Joseph Ruddy offers cops his business card during DUI crash

>>88259 For the Keks - Lumpy Pillows

>>88260 St. Louis Mayor Announces Plans to Outlaw AR-15s, AK-47s and Military-Style Weapons - Hopes Criminals Will Comply

>>88261, >>88265 Accepting COVID Dictates Has Consequences - New Mexico Democrat Governor Now Uses Same "Public Health Emergency" To Ban Firearms

>>88262, >>88263 Encore - Trump Rally SD

>>88264 Inside the White House Situation Room after a $50 MILLION makeover

>>88266, >>88267 Megyn Kelly Reveals Why She Regrets Taking the COVID Vaccine

>>88268 Judge denies Mark Meadows' bid to remove his Georgia election case to federal court


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79b999 No.88288

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517518 (091341ZSEP23) Notable: Morocco earthquake live news: At least 820 killed in quake near Marrakesh

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- CCTV captures the moment that the devastating 6.9 earthquake hits Morocco with reportedly at least 820 people killed and 672 injured

sauce... https://www.bitchute.com/video/DVPGXDvB4ro2/

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79b999 No.88289

File: c52a11799c98dc5⋯.png (929.6 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517527 (091342ZSEP23) Notable: US Army Intelligence Support Activity (USAISA), also known as ISA, The Activity, GREY FOX

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



he goes missing during a mission to Outer Heaven with his last transmission being a cryptic message simply saying "Metal Gear"

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79b999 No.88290

File: 1b722f38385c96e⋯.png (97.63 KB,408x421,408:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517546 (091348ZSEP23) Notable: Elon Musk Trolls Obama with 'Pizzagate' Meme After Tucker Interviews Barack's Alleged Gay Lover

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Elon Musk Trolls Obama with 'Pizzagate' Meme After Tucker Interviews Barack's Alleged Gay Lover

READ: http://w-j.co/s/46c14

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.88291

File: 8022e7001ee5bd5⋯.png (426.65 KB,432x624,9:13,Clipboard.png)

File: e89825dba410876⋯.png (3.21 MB,1393x2321,1393:2321,Clipboard.png)

File: c7c9cfd9f2698cb⋯.mp4 (6.48 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 57882b24768c69c⋯.png (449.77 KB,554x653,554:653,Clipboard.png)

File: 714aaf41ef72135⋯.jpg (79.04 KB,720x641,720:641,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517550 (091349ZSEP23) Notable: @ChuckGrassley Ever wonder why kernels hv dents in them? #cornwatch

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



> #cornwatch

Isn't Potus going to Iowa today?


Final stage of the ear maturing

Still got too much moisture in it

probably wait couple moar weeks to harvest

when they do if it's 20%, 18 or 20 % moisture, we'll have to artificially dry it

with LP Gas

pic related in eastern timestamp

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79b999 No.88292

File: cade3675ce23625⋯.png (1.2 MB,598x863,598:863,Clipboard.png)

File: b2af802deecbb00⋯.png (1.23 MB,593x888,593:888,Clipboard.png)

File: 53f97b447ea9221⋯.png (327.85 KB,628x519,628:519,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517571 (091353ZSEP23) Notable: hanging baskets/ morning glories

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Nigel Farage


Very pleased with my hanging baskets this year. 🌸


10:08 PM · Sep 8, 2023





Chuck Grassley


My morning glories are blooming right now but only for a few hrs each day


3:09 AM · Sep 8, 2023




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79b999 No.88293

File: 9f0d68c5974a595⋯.png (267.57 KB,403x484,403:484,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517580 (091355ZSEP23) Notable: The Albuquerque Police Department releases a weak-worded statement overnight that essentially says they will support the unconstitutional, gun-grabbing insanity dictated to them by Queen Michelle.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Police work for a city to enforce their rules; hired just like you'd get a kid for MickeyDs.

Sheriffs are elected officials who swear to uphold the Constitution. It is them who have to deny to enforce an unconstitutional edict. They should do so publicly.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.88294

File: d72ab1e1ba0ce43⋯.png (272.91 KB,588x701,588:701,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517611 (091401ZSEP23) Notable: NM Gov. receives OATH OF OFFICE swearing to UPHOLD the constitution of The United States. FF: Grisham declares “No constitutional right, in my view, is intended to be absolute.".

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

How soon can this person be removed from office?


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.88295

File: e96689de05c8460⋯.png (112.4 KB,926x1120,463:560,Clipboard.png)

File: 2afb65837117d9f⋯.png (70.68 KB,926x630,463:315,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517614 (091402ZSEP23) Notable: hanging baskets/ morning glories

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Flower's and Gardens

(thinking about Pansy, what is that slang for? KEK)

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79b999 No.88296

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517626 (091404ZSEP23) Notable: hanging baskets/ morning glories

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>hanging baskets

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.88297

File: d3187298916e961⋯.png (943.9 KB,906x685,906:685,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517639 (091408ZSEP23) Notable: The Swamp Is Trying to Cancel Nearly 4.3 Million Votes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Swamp Is Trying to Cancel Nearly 4.3

Million Votes

PJ Media, by Darrell Frost

Posted By: Hazymac, 9/9/2023 9:15:39 AM

During Donald Trump’s norm-shattering 2016 campaign, he famously promised to “drain the swamp,” referring to the concentration of power and the penchant for corruption among Washington’s political elite and bureaucratic class. The highlight of this effort was probably when Trump sacked FBI Director James Comey a few months after he became president, ostensibly for botching the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private server and leaked emails, though it was really an attempt by Trump—as he admitted—to quash the agency’s investigation into frivolous claims of Russian election interference. That decision was the tipping point in the events that led to the appointment of Robert Mueller as special counsel

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.88298

File: 6bd04ae7d73534e⋯.png (388.79 KB,593x712,593:712,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517657 (091414ZSEP23) Notable: Lee has lost a lot of its “umph” & has been downgraded to a Cat 3 hurricane

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Ryan Hall, Y’all


Lee has lost a lot of its “umph” & has been downgraded to a Cat 3 hurricane. It’ll get roaring again soon before it makes its turn to the north & then weakens again.

I’ll have an update on where this thing’s going soon.


Last edited

1:59 AM · Sep 9, 2023




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79b999 No.88299

File: a4e386594a3d3c9⋯.png (849.71 KB,753x790,753:790,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517666 (091415ZSEP23) Notable: NM: Crotch grab claim paid off/how many?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.88300

File: 0aedee261eecc1f⋯.png (506.89 KB,601x551,601:551,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517670 (091417ZSEP23) Notable: NYC kids being used to rob businesses like modern day ‘Oliver Twist’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


New York Post


NYC kids being used to rob businesses like modern day ‘Oliver Twist’ https://trib.al/K27xe9c


3:07 AM · Sep 9, 2023




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79b999 No.88301

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517672 (091418ZSEP23) Notable: New Mexico governor dismisses protesters as ‘QAnon lizard people’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


New Mexico governor dismisses protesters as ‘QAnon lizard people’


“I know it’s going to be loud, and I just have to say I’m sorry that we picked the same location that the QAnon lizard people meeting was at,” she said, laughing.

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79b999 No.88302

File: d8ed359fb3f3a75⋯.jpeg (270.84 KB,1284x801,428:267,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c4cf8d9ce015d7b⋯.jpeg (52.61 KB,850x400,17:8,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517686 (091421ZSEP23) Notable: @usarmy "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."

- Napoleon Bonaparte #quote


#Watching & #Winning

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79b999 No.88303

File: 4f6bc84be571d73⋯.png (329.78 KB,1080x713,1080:713,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517701 (091425ZSEP23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Comet Nishimura Grows

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Sep 9, 2023

Comet Nishimura Grows

Comet Nishimura is growing. More precisely, the tails C/2023 P1 (Nishimura) are growing as it nears the Sun. Discovered only last month, the comet is already near naked eye brightness as it now moves inside the Earth's orbit. The comet will be nearest the Earth next week, but nearest the Sun the week after on September 17. Speculation holds that expelled ice and dust from Comet Nishimura's last visit to the inner Solar System may have created the Sigma Hydrids meteor shower which peaks yearly in December. If so, then this meteor shower may become more active, refreshed with new comet debris. Pictured, Comet Nishimura was captured from Edgewood, New Mexico, USA four nights ago, showing a long ion tail structured by interactions with the Sun's wind. Look for this comet near your eastern horizon just before sunrise for the next few mornings, but very near your western horizon just after sunset next week as its coma continues to brighten and its tails continue to grow.


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79b999 No.88304

File: bf681cc161f3857⋯.png (1.16 MB,1054x783,1054:783,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517706 (091427ZSEP23) Notable: NM: Crotch grab claim paid off/how many?

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Holy crap, this bitch is really evil.

We already knew that New Mexico’s child protective services and Governor Lujan Grisham’s staff were using encrypted messaging apps that automatically deleted messages to bypass open record laws.

Now, a new lawsuit reported by KRQE, alleges that Lujan Grisham’s “Child, Youth, and Families Department (CYFD) covered up the death of a four-year-old.”

How so?

“CYFD managers directed the investigator to erase her notes before entering them in the official CYFD system,” said Crecca. Those attorneys believe all the pictures were destroyed. “She had all of that evidence on her phone,” said Rachel Berenson, attorney. Attorneys say the caseworker turned that phone in and it was reset to factory settings.”

Heartbreaking and tragic.


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79b999 No.88305

File: d05c785c1a2e401⋯.png (479.48 KB,640x335,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517729 (091437ZSEP23) Notable: Jim Jordan: Fulton Co. DA ‘Interfering with a Federal Election’ — ‘Out of Control’

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Jim Jordan: Fulton Co. DA ‘Interfering with a Federal Election’ — ‘Out of Control’

During a preview of an interview set to air on Sunday’s broadcast of FNC’s “Life, Liberty & Levin,” Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) laid out an argument that Fulton County, GA District Attorney Fani Willis was interfering with the 2024 presidential election.


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79b999 No.88306

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517789 (091452ZSEP23) Notable: LIVE: President Donald J. Trump to Visit the Iowa v. Iowa State Football Game - 9/9/23 1:45 PM ET.

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LIVE: President Donald J. Trump to Visit the Iowa v. Iowa State Football Game - 9/9/23

Join RSBN LIVE from Des Moines, IA as President Donald J. Trump visits the University of Iowa vs. Iowa State University Football Game. Coverage is expected to begin at 1:45 PM ET.

Sep. 9, 2023 at 1:45 pm ET.

Note, times are subject to change.


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79b999 No.88307

File: 4440eccf33c98a5⋯.png (216.4 KB,511x466,511:466,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517791 (091452ZSEP23) Notable: NM: Crotch grab claim paid off/how many?

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> New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan paid $150K to settle crotch grab claim

$150K vs $62.5K

How many claims were there?

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79b999 No.88308

File: f836ad6af90f9ad⋯.png (1.29 MB,1549x790,1549:790,Clipboard.png)

File: 961ea9e8c9a68e6⋯.png (1.28 MB,1525x642,1525:642,Clipboard.png)

File: 2953f2656399382⋯.png (165.23 KB,1351x923,1351:923,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517803 (091455ZSEP23) Notable: HITLER'S NWO PDF FROM THE BRITISH LIBRUARY FROM 1940 WHICH MENTIONS THE B.I.S

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Note: Interesting archive anon saved from a few years ago, anon going to have some pots and read through it, hopefully making notes and screenshots along the way.

thought anon would post for anons who are autistic and like to cross reference with their sources and archives.

source below.

plus one confirmation of Dr Jacobsson economic advisor for the b.i.s



british libruary hitler nwo archive



dr jacobsson from the image taken from the british libruary archive and his record from the b.i.s website. both sourced


Biographical note: Per Jacobsson (1894-1963), former Economic Adviser

Per JacobssonPer Jacobsson was Economic Adviser of the BIS from September 1931 until October 1956.

He was a member of the Economic and Financial Section of the Secretariat of the League of Nations in Geneva from 1920 to 1928. He was Secretary-General to the Swedish Economic Defence Council in 1929-30, and an external member of the Irish Banking Commission (1934-38).

Mr Jacobsson passed away in May 1963 while in office as Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund. Every second year, the Per Jacobsson Lecture is held in his memory at the BIS.

Mr Jacobsson was educated in law and economics at Uppsala University.

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79b999 No.88309

File: 9bc50f28a1f4b1c⋯.jpeg (1.56 MB,2224x1348,556:337,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517836 (091502ZSEP23) Notable: Marrakesh earthquake map

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Earthquake near Marrakesh


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79b999 No.88310

File: 37427141c37a56d⋯.png (984.35 KB,900x1280,45:64,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517846 (091505ZSEP23) Notable: ABC says Trump promises revenge if elected (but then it's ABC)

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👀 Elon Musk (https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1700393195308216384) - Increasingly appealing


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79b999 No.88311

File: d5464ee8549b5af⋯.jpg (172.26 KB,720x1193,720:1193,Clipboard.jpg)

File: eb725f6a0bfe73e⋯.mp4 (2.45 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517853 (091507ZSEP23) Notable: Mike Lindell calling the lawyer deposing him an asshole for mocking his "lumpy pillows"

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Mike Lindell calling the lawyer deposing him an asshole multiple times for mocking his “lumpy pillows” is the energy we all need through 2024 & beyond

Stop respecting people who only want to tear down our country & our perfect pillows

Promocode DCDraino

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79b999 No.88312

File: 2c5206968c00a6a⋯.jpeg (621.85 KB,1854x1377,206:153,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517869 (091510ZSEP23) Notable: Albuquerque mayor: APD is not responsible for enforcing the governor's ban

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We will not Comply…

Mayor Tim Keller


We welcome meaningful solutions and additional resources to fight crime in Albuquerque.APD is not responsible for enforcing the governor's ban,our officers will continue to enforce all criminal laws, combat gun violence, and push for needed justice in our city.


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79b999 No.88313

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517898 (091519ZSEP23) Notable: More on B.I.S

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Anyone grab the Clip of Trump saying, "Nothing's gonna happen, right? A lot of people feel that. We can't have that." From Rushmore last night?

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79b999 No.88314

File: 4cdf739a3f2834f⋯.jpeg (765.09 KB,1118x703,1118:703,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517907 (091521ZSEP23) Notable: Sheriff John Allen Bernalillo has "reservations" about anti-gun proclamation from NM gov

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Sheriff John Allen Bernalillo

However, as the elected Sheriff, I have reservations regarding this order. While I understand and appreciate the urgency, the temporary ban challenges the foundation of our Constitution, which I swore an oath to uphold. I am wary of placing my deputies in positions that could lead to civil liability conflicts, as well as the potential risks posed by prohibiting law-abiding citizens from their constitutional right to self-defense.


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79b999 No.88315

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517922 (091526ZSEP23) Notable: Foer: Biden Trimmed Back Plans to Get Kids Back in School During COVID, Partially to Avoid Conflict with Unions

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Foer: Biden Trimmed Back Plans to Get Kids Back in School During COVID, Partially to Avoid Conflict with Unions


On Friday’s broadcast of CNN’s “The Lead,” Franklin Foer, Staff Writer at The Atlantic and author of “The Last Politician: Inside Joe Biden’s White House and the Struggle for America’s Future,” discussed his reporting on President Joe Biden and stated that Biden “certainly trimmed his sails very early in his administration about getting kids back to school” during the coronavirus pandemic and did so in part to avoid conflict with American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten.

Host Jake Tapper asked, “In your book, you touch on the price for peace, right? That Biden made with Randi Weingarten, the head of one of the nation’s largest teachers’ unions on his promise, his campaign promise on getting kids back to school during COVID. ‘For the sake of avoiding conflict, especially conflict with an ally, the Biden administration trimmed its goal of returning kids to school to a fraction of what had been promised on the campaign trail…He was in effect conceding that for thousands of students, the rest of the school year would be lost to the pandemic.’ So, it’s kind of an under-the-table deal. He’s known for deal-making. And so, he got his peace, but, like, at what cost?”

Foer responded, “Yeah. Well, I’m not sure it was a deal per se. I think he was navigating a very complicated situation in the country where teachers were on the verge of strike in Chicago. There was a lot of unrest. There was a lot of anxiety everywhere. And so, he was navigating a very, very tricky issue. A lot of his campaign promises in that regard were probably overblown about some of the ease of pulling off some of the promises that he made. But he certainly trimmed his sails very early in his administration about getting kids back to school.”


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79b999 No.88316

File: dd0cf6a250451f0⋯.png (587.44 KB,999x1017,111:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 60092f3bdfd7755⋯.png (1.03 MB,1171x708,1171:708,Clipboard.png)

File: 63bb70e05c1fc9b⋯.png (1.25 MB,1114x675,1114:675,Clipboard.png)

File: 037472c8695e5c9⋯.png (1.21 MB,1152x696,48:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517962 (091536ZSEP23) Notable: Steps where Jesus walked and healed a blind man unearthed for first time in 2,000 years

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1 OF 2

Steps where Jesus walked and healed a blind man unearthed for first time in 2,000 years

New archeological discovery unearths steps into the Pool of Siloam

By Brianna Herlihy Fox News

Published September 7, 2023 9:40am EDT


Sacred religious site where Jesus healed blind man excavated

The City of David Foundation's Ze’ev Orenstein has the latest on the good news on 'Fox & Friends.'

A new excavation project in Jerusalem has unearthed steps unseen in over 2,000 years at a place where the New Testament records Jesus as having healed a blind man.

The Israel Antiquities Authority, the Israel National Parks Authority and the City of David Foundation early this year announced that the Pool of Siloam, a biblical site cherished by Christians and Jews, will be open to the public for the first time in 2,000 years in the near future.

In recent weeks, archeologists achieved significant progress in the excavation, unearthing some eight steps descending into the Pool which had not been seen in 2,000 years — around the time when Jesus walked the earth.

"The ongoing excavations within the City of David — the historic site of Biblical Jerusalem — particularly of the Pool of Siloam and the Pilgrimage Road, serve as one of the greatest affirmations of that heritage and the millennia-old bond Jews and Christians have with Jerusalem," Ze’ev Orenstein, director of International Affairs - City of David Foundation, told Fox News Digital.

"Not simply as a matter of faith, but as a matter of fact," he added.

The City of David Foundation is a non-profit organization established in 1986, "dedicated to the preservation and development of the City of David and its environs, and is committed to connecting people of all faiths and backgrounds to ancient Jerusalem."

"The half-mile running through the City of David, from the Pool of Siloam in the south, continuing along the Pilgrimage Road, up to the footsteps of the Western Wall, Southern Steps and Temple Mount, represents the most significant half-mile on the planet," Orenstein said.

"There is no half-mile anywhere on Earth which means more to more people — not to millions, but to billions — than the half-mile that is the City of David," he added.

The pool was first built roughly 2,700 years ago as part of Jerusalem's water system in the eighth century B.C. The construction unfolded during the reign of King Hezekia as cited in the Bible in the Book of Kings II, 20:20, according to the two Israeli agencies and the City of David Foundation.

According to estimates, the Pool of Siloam passed through many stages of construction and reached the size of 1.25 acres. According to a passage in the Gospel of John, Jesus restored the sight of a man born blind at the Pool of Siloam.

A small section of the pool, which has been fully excavated, has been accessible to the public for several years. The vast majority of the pool is being excavated and will either be opened piecemeal or once the entire site is unearthed.

Rev. Johnnie Moore, president of the Congress of Christian Leaders, told Fox News Digital in January that, "In the Pool of Siloam, we find evidence of history preserved for us, revealed at just the right time."

"Theologically, it affirms Scripture, geographically it affirms scripture, and politically it affirms Israel’s unquestionable and unrivaled link to Jerusalem. Some discoveries are theoretical. This one is an undeniable. It is proof of the story of the Bible and of its people, Israel," he said.

A stroke of luck revealed the pool in 2004, when infrastructure work carried out by the Hagihon water company uncovered some of the pool’s steps. The Israel Antiquities Authority, under supervision of professors Roni Reich and Eli Shukron, launched a survey. As a result, the northern perimeter, as well as a small section of the eastern perimeter of the Pool of Siloam, were uncovered.


"Whether in the halls of the United Nations, ongoing efforts by Palestinian leadership, or on university campuses, Jerusalem's Biblical heritage is under assault," said Orenstein.

Orenstein noted that in few years' time, visitors to the City of David will be able to witness the factual history for themselves and "see with their own eyes, touch with their own hands, and walk with their own feet upon the very stones their ancestors walked thousands of years ago, as they made their way to Jerusalem on pilgrimage."

Fox News Digital's Benjamin Weinthal contributed to this report.

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79b999 No.88317

File: c55d95d316fa868⋯.png (655.94 KB,1141x701,1141:701,Clipboard.png)

File: 6bd8f84505ee2c0⋯.png (1.2 MB,1911x1406,1911:1406,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19517995 (091543ZSEP23) Notable: Steps where Jesus walked and healed a blind man unearthed for first time in 2,000 years

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>>88316 1 OF 2

2 OF 2

Actually, the complete article is in post #1.

These are just images.

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79b999 No.88318

File: f66df52c99fe0fb⋯.png (649.85 KB,1443x1013,1443:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: 6571bcf9d3d5902⋯.png (411.25 KB,960x679,960:679,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19518006 (091546ZSEP23) Notable: pf

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USAF V-22 Osprey just coming up on ADS-B between Dimmit and Muleshoe, Texas. Likely due to holding below 10,000 feet and sparse ADS-B Exchange Network coverage out in that area. PF is going guess up out of Cannon AFB in Clovis, New Mexico. But cannot say for certain.

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79b999 No.88319

File: 37427141c37a56d⋯.png (984.35 KB,900x1280,45:64,Clipboard.png)

File: f41276df77e3db0⋯.png (786.29 KB,804x561,268:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19518052 (091555ZSEP23) Notable: Updated Dough

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79b999 No.88320

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19518123 (091618ZSEP23) Notable: #23970

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tyvm collector

#23970 >>88269

>>88318 pf

>>88270 Judge denies Mark Meadows' bid to remove his Georgia election case to federal court

>>88271 Moar Trump speech

>>88272, >>88281 Goldflinch for the keks!

>>88273 "I Don't Give A F***": Top Maryland Education Official Caught Using Encrypted Msg App As Grade Scandal Deepens

>>88274, >>88278, >>88283, >>88288 Morocco earthquake live news: At least 820 killed in quake near Marrakesh

>>88275, >>88294 NM Gov. receives OATH OF OFFICE swearing to UPHOLD the constitution of The United States. FF: Grisham declares “No constitutional right, in my view, is intended to be absolute.".

>>88276, >>88293 The Albuquerque Police Department releases a weak-worded statement overnight that essentially says they will support the unconstitutional, gun-grabbing insanity dictated to them by Queen Michelle.

>>88277 Tarrio Drops Bombshell - Names Top Biden DOJ Attorneys Who Tried to Coerce Him to Sign False Statements and Lie on Trump

>>88279 9:23

>>88280, >>88284 Cow's milk rayciss/white supremacists

>>88282, >>88291 @ChuckGrassley Ever wonder why kernels hv dents in them? #cornwatch

>>88285 Biden announces new shipping, rail and tech project that would include India, Europe, Saudis AND Israel

>>88286, >>88289 US Army Intelligence Support Activity (USAISA), also known as ISA, The Activity, GREY FOX

>>88290 Elon Musk Trolls Obama with 'Pizzagate' Meme After Tucker Interviews Barack's Alleged Gay Lover

>>88292, >>88295, >>88296 hanging baskets/ morning glories

>>88297 The Swamp Is Trying to Cancel Nearly 4.3 Million Votes

>>88298 Lee has lost a lot of its “umph” & has been downgraded to a Cat 3 hurricane

>>88299, >>88304, >>88304, >>88307 NM: Crotch grab claim paid off/how many?

>>88300 NYC kids being used to rob businesses like modern day ‘Oliver Twist’

>>88301 New Mexico governor dismisses protesters as ‘QAnon lizard people’

>>88302 @usarmy "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."

>>88303 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Comet Nishimura Grows

>>88305 Jim Jordan: Fulton Co. DA ‘Interfering with a Federal Election’ — ‘Out of Control’

>>88306 LIVE: President Donald J. Trump to Visit the Iowa v. Iowa State Football Game - 9/9/23 1:45 PM ET.


>>88309 Marrakesh earthquake map

>>88310 ABC says Trump promises revenge if elected (but then it's ABC)

>>88311 Mike Lindell calling the lawyer deposing him an asshole for mocking his "lumpy pillows"

>>88312 Albuquerque mayor: APD is not responsible for enforcing the governor's ban

>>88313 More on B.I.S

>>88314 Sheriff John Allen Bernalillo has "reservations" about anti-gun proclamation from NM gov

>>88315 Foer: Biden Trimmed Back Plans to Get Kids Back in School During COVID, Partially to Avoid Conflict with Unions

>>88316, >>88317 Steps where Jesus walked and healed a blind man unearthed for first time in 2,000 years


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79b999 No.88321

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19518129 (091620ZSEP23) Notable: Dough

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updated dough


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79b999 No.88322

File: ed79f1e2bc79b78⋯.png (585.06 KB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: 79d74511c8c46a0⋯.png (512.21 KB,1920x1015,384:203,Clipboard.png)

File: 0a3563d4cdcc8bb⋯.png (24.84 KB,982x359,982:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19518136 (091621ZSEP23) Notable: Planefag reports: Back from Australia via Hawaii. Call sign SPAR10.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Back from Australia via Hawaii. Call sign SPAR10. 05-4613. Hex ID AE189A. Unknown with Hex ID AE189B. Also shows to be 05-4613 in database lookup.


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79b999 No.88323

File: c98cf2cb2d032eb⋯.png (347.74 KB,610x623,610:623,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19518160 (091626ZSEP23) Notable: Why are they suddenly saying old cement is dangerous? Because this is Build Back Better time in the Great Reset!!

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Amazing Polly's Sword Sharpener


Why are they suddenly saying old cement is dangerous? Because this is Build Back Better time in the Great Reset!!

>>>"New ‘smart’ cement mixtures could turn buildings into batteries"

A concrete building and bridge


New ‘smart’ cement mixtures could turn buildings into batteries - Lancaster University

Buildings, bridges, street lamps and even curb-stones could be turned into cheap batteries with the discovery of new cement mixtures.

4:41 AM · Sep 9, 2023




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79b999 No.88324

File: 921eda12c1ade9d⋯.png (251.77 KB,412x519,412:519,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19518172 (091629ZSEP23) Notable: Three members of the Louisiana Public Service Commission punt on protecting our power grid from foreign threats

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Three members of the Louisiana Public Service Commission punt on protecting our power grid from foreign threats

Meanwhile commissioners Craig Greene, Davante Lewis and Foster L. Campbell all voted to allow components from Communist China, the Russian Federation, the Democratic People’s Republic of North Korea and the Islamic Republic of Iran to be used in Louisiana’s critical infrastructure and power grid.


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79b999 No.88325

File: 56fa90662969871⋯.png (350.41 KB,936x2286,52:127,Clipboard.png)

File: 536cf9c6c480f82⋯.png (221.38 KB,880x1908,220:477,Clipboard.png)

File: 0eb6aac256d1650⋯.png (243.08 KB,887x1951,887:1951,Clipboard.png)

File: 049642f85ed118a⋯.png (256.27 KB,891x2022,297:674,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19518178 (091630ZSEP23) Notable: Mass social manipulation through cinema as relayed by a self-reported insider

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.88326

File: 7456f51b33f6867⋯.jpg (79 KB,486x619,486:619,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1ad0191c11de9ec⋯.png (835.45 KB,1080x691,1080:691,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19518204 (091636ZSEP23) Notable: THE CCP & CORRUPTED AMERICANS ARE DEFINITELY DESTROYING THE USA FROM THE INSIDE OUT

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Destroyed energy sector

Stolen White House

Boatloads of Fentanyl

100% open borders

Control our politicians

Mutilating our children

Elections stolen with impunity

Largest consumers of porn

Spy's buying up FARMLAND

Unleashing another pandemic

Illegal to be a patriot

The list is too extensive to continue.



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79b999 No.88327

File: 584191a404e8faa⋯.png (716.46 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19518231 (091641ZSEP23) Notable: VIRGIN GALACTIC COMPLETES FOURTH SUCCESSFUL SPACEFLIGHT IN FOUR MONTHS

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Sep 7, 2023

ORANGE COUNTY, Calif. – Virgin Galactic Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: SPCE) (“Virgin Galactic” or the “Company”) today announced the completion of its second private astronaut flight, ‘Galactic 03.’ The mission flew three of Virgin Galactic’s first customers.

‘Galactic 03’ was Virgin Galactic’s fourth successful spaceflight in the past four months, and the third flight of Virgin Galactic’s inaugural commercial spaceflight season. The flight followed the Company’s first research mission in June and first private astronaut mission in August.

Onboard ’Galactic 03’:

Astronaut 014 Ken Baxter from the United States of America

Astronaut 015 Timothy Nash from South Africa

Astronaut 016 Adrian Reynard from the United Kingdom

“What a thrilling day for our three new private astronauts and the entire team at Virgin Galactic. It’s an honor to see our ‘Galactic 03’ crew realize their lifelong dreams of spaceflight as they inspire our manifest of Future Astronauts. Each successful flight shows how powerful and personally transformative space travel can be, and we look forward to scaling our operations and making space travel more accessible to people around the world.”


The Company will now proceed with post-flight inspections and analysis in preparation for the next commercial space mission, ‘Galactic 04,’ which is planned for early October.



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79b999 No.88328

File: 02164895dfd0cbb⋯.png (433.02 KB,600x512,75:64,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19518245 (091644ZSEP23) Notable: 'Consumers are lost forever': Bud Light sales remain 30% down since Dylan Mulvaney

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Daily Mail US


'Consumers are lost forever': Bud Light sales remain 30% down since Dylan Mulvaney marketing debacle six months ago - as industry expert warns decline could be 'quasi-permanent' https://trib.al/HqgSiY4


4:37 AM · Sep 9, 2023




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79b999 No.88329

File: 60a6c9982630ae3⋯.png (329.54 KB,1170x1740,39:58,Clipboard.png)

File: 4b48f1f66ad9559⋯.png (214.84 KB,1170x1333,1170:1333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19518252 (091645ZSEP23) Notable: Ramaswamy: Swamp-class “advisors” have duped Presidents from Reagan to Trump into believing that the White House needs Congress to fire federal employees & shut down regulatory agencies.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Swamp-class “advisors” have duped Presidents from Reagan to Trump into believing that the White House needs Congress to fire federal employees & shut down regulatory agencies. That view is wrong. Next Wednesday, I will lay out detailed plans for shutting down *five* major federal agencies using executive authority under *existing* statutes. We will reduce federal employees by 75%, shut down redundant agencies, & rescind >50% of federal regulations which fail to meet the West Virginia v. EPA standard. This is the single most powerful lever to unleash the U.S. economy. All that’s required is a U.S. President with sufficient spine & knowledge to act.

11 AM EST at the America First Policy Institute Headquarters in Washington D.C. on Wednesday, September 13. We’re taking this movement to the next level.


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79b999 No.88330

File: 786f8d10ef86c59⋯.png (736.91 KB,892x1060,223:265,Clipboard.png)

File: 89173dd55d6ec8b⋯.jpg (7.4 MB,3414x4096,1707:2048,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4afbbaeed1fa68b⋯.jpg (61.93 KB,589x432,589:432,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19518548 (091738ZSEP23) Notable: They've been starting fires for a long time / Schiff in 1982 being trained as seasonal fire fighter for the US Forestry Svc.

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They've been starting fires for a long time.

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79b999 No.88331

File: 98756557bd6f7e4⋯.png (2.34 MB,3456x1663,3456:1663,Clipboard.png)

File: 1aabbe49f87a2ec⋯.png (166.93 KB,2080x595,416:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19518554 (091740ZSEP23) Notable: GRAPHICS: September 9, 2023 - The World Cannot Swallow The Truth / 8chan/kun IP web

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

September 9, 2023 - The World Cannot Swallow The Truth

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79b999 No.88332

File: 4a375eceee9e181⋯.png (941.48 KB,1457x641,1457:641,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19518561 (091741ZSEP23) Notable: GRAPHICS: September 9, 2023 - The World Cannot Swallow The Truth / 8chan/kun IP web

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Oh gurrrrrrrl what this?


>"A phone call to an Internet provider in Oregon on Sunday evening was all it took to briefly sideline multiple websites related to 8chan/8kun — a controversial online image board linked to several mass shootings — and QAnon, the far-right conspiracy theory which holds that a cabal of Satanic pedophiles is running a global child sex-trafficking ring and plotting against President Donald Trump. "

Kinda being proven right?


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79b999 No.88333

File: ff4e4eeed60aa1d⋯.png (317.99 KB,1620x2160,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19518578 (091744ZSEP23) Notable: PDJT EO Flashback: Executive Order on Protecting American Monuments, Memorials, and Statues and Combating Recent Criminal Violence

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Obviously, this guy has NEVER read

PDJT Executive Orders

Executive Order on Protecting American Monuments, Memorials, and Statues and Combating Recent Criminal Violence


Issued on: June 26, 2020



By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Purpose. The first duty of government is to ensure domestic tranquility and defend the life, property, and rights of its citizens. Over the last 5 weeks, there has been a sustained assault on the life and property of civilians, law enforcement officers, government property, and revered American monuments such as the Lincoln Memorial. Many of the rioters, arsonists, and left-wing extremists who have carried out and supported these acts have explicitly identified themselves with ideologies — such as Marxism — that call for the destruction of the United States system of government.

Anarchists and left-wing extremists have sought to advance a fringe ideology that paints the United States of America as fundamentally unjust and have sought to impose that ideology on Americans through violence and mob intimidation. They have led riots in the streets, burned police vehicles, killed and assaulted government officers as well as business owners defending their property, and even seized an area within one city where law and order gave way to anarchy. During the unrest, innocent citizens also have been harmed and killed.

These criminal acts are frequently planned and supported by agitators who have traveled across State lines to promote their own violent agenda. These radicals shamelessly attack the legitimacy of our institutions and the very rule of law itself.


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79b999 No.88334

File: 5e33bcb2a753933⋯.jpeg (348.27 KB,1560x1175,312:235,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19518661 (091804ZSEP23) Notable: Graphic: Grassley Corny Viva LP comms

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Grassley Corny Viva LP comms


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79b999 No.88335

File: 2b03e0dcb3a65fd⋯.png (55.22 KB,474x774,79:129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19518681 (091809ZSEP23) Notable: A List of American Taxpayer Funds sent to Ukraine since the start of the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.88336

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19518683 (091810ZSEP23) Notable: A List of American Taxpayer Funds sent to Ukraine since the start of the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Joey Mannarino



A List of American Taxpayer Funds sent to Ukraine since the start of the

Russian-ukrainian Conflict:

2/20/2023 $500 Million

2/23/2023 SIO Billion

2/24/2023 $2 Billion

3/3/2023 $400 Million

3/20/2023 $350 Million

4/04/2023$2.6 Billion

4/19/2023 $325 Million

5/08/2023$1.2 Billion

5/18/2023 $3 Billion

5/19/2023 $375 Million

5/19/2023 $40 Billion

5/31/2023 $300 Million

6/09/2023$2.1 Billion

6/13/2023 $325 Million

6/16/2023 $205 Million

6/20/2023$6.2 Billion

6/26/2023 $500 Million

07/07/2023 $800 Million

07/18/2023$1.3 Billion

07/21/2023 $400 Million

08/13/2023 $13 Billion

08/15/2023 $200 Million

08/29/2023 $250 Million

09/05/2023 $125 Million

09/06/2023 $1 Billion

09/07/2023 $600 Million

Mind you, these are just the ones we're publicly aware of.

Congress is expected to pass another $24 billion package soon.

And yet, the uniparty says we haven't done enough.

Last edited 4:00 PM sep 7, 2023 1.3M

V iews


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79b999 No.88337

File: a86868639345896⋯.png (613.04 KB,974x1042,487:521,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19518749 (091828ZSEP23) Notable: The 250th anniversary of the Navy’s founding on 13 October 1775 will be marked with an unprecedented floating display of Navy history brought together on the Delaware.

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The 250th anniversary of the Navy’s founding on 13 October 1775 will be marked with an unprecedented floating display of Navy history brought together on the Delaware.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.88338

File: 903c25fbbb42121⋯.png (23.02 KB,922x293,922:293,Clipboard.png)

File: 366ac2ff31c7195⋯.png (1.89 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 13558fbc2da5755⋯.png (1.64 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19518798 (091836ZSEP23) Notable: Cyclones vs Storm [I]owa vs[I]owa State

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[I]owa vs[I]owa State

[9] [9]

Cyclones > Storm

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79b999 No.88339

File: 5e233c097e00651⋯.png (755.13 KB,994x949,994:949,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19518805 (091837ZSEP23) Notable: Delightfully strange: Mystery ‘golden egg’ found on ocean floor

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NEW: Delightfully strange: Mystery ‘golden egg’ found on ocean floor

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79b999 No.88340

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19518813 (091839ZSEP23) Notable: Delightfully strange: Mystery ‘golden egg’ found on ocean floor

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Delightfully strange: Mystery ‘golden egg’ found on ocean floor

AFPSeptember 8, 2023 12:53 pm

Delightfully strange: Mystery 'golden egg' found on ocean floorSource: Video Screenshot

A golden egg, or an alien, on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean?

American scientists have discovered a mysterious dome-shaped specimen deep on the Alaskan seafloor, but nobody knows for sure what it is.

Ocean researchers using a remotely operated survey vehicle were amazed last week when they spotted the strange item on a rock about 3,300 meters (two miles) deep in the Gulf of Alaska.

It is over 10 centimeters (4 inches) in diameter and had a small tear near its base.

“As cameras zoomed in, scientists were stumped as to its identification, with initial thoughts ranging from a dead sponge attachment, to coral, to an egg casing,” the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said in a statement.

“Invoking almost fairytale-like imagery, the specimen has since been dubbed a ‘golden orb’ and even a ‘golden egg,'” the agency added.

“Isn’t the deep sea so delightfully strange?” wondered Sam Candio, an NOAA Ocean Exploration coordinator.

As theories swirled on social media, including that of it being an alien egg, scientists extracted their August 30 discovery from the ocean floor to analyze it in a laboratory setting.

“While we were able to collect the ‘golden orb’ and bring it onto the ship, we still are not able to identify it beyond the fact that it is biological in origin,” NOAA said.

It remains unclear if the golden dome is associated with a known species, a new species, or represents an unknown life stage of an existing one, according to Candio.

“While somewhat humbling to be stumped by this finding, it serves as a reminder of how little we know about our own planet and how much is left to learn and appreciate about our ocean,” he added.

The dive was part of an expedition in the Gulf of Alaska to explore deepwater habitats.

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79b999 No.88341

File: 4df620fc54af0ab⋯.png (29 KB,922x293,922:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19518816 (091839ZSEP23) Notable: Cyclones vs Storm [I]owa vs[I]owa State

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Cyclones vs Storm

[I]owa vs[I]owa State

[9] [9]

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79b999 No.88342

File: 485de6b7ad2ed43⋯.gif (1.98 MB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19518849 (091849ZSEP23) Notable: #23971

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>>88321 Dough

>>88319 Updated Dough

>>88322 Planefag reports: Back from Australia via Hawaii. Call sign SPAR10.

>>88323 Why are they suddenly saying old cement is dangerous? Because this is Build Back Better time in the Great Reset!!

>>88324 Three members of the Louisiana Public Service Commission punt on protecting our power grid from foreign threats

>>88325 Mass social manipulation through cinema as relayed by a self-reported insider



>>88328 'Consumers are lost forever': Bud Light sales remain 30% down since Dylan Mulvaney

>>88329 Ramaswamy: Swamp-class “advisors” have duped Presidents from Reagan to Trump into believing that the White House needs Congress to fire federal employees & shut down regulatory agencies.

>>88330 They've been starting fires for a long time / Schiff in 1982 being trained as seasonal fire fighter for the US Forestry Svc.

>>88331, >>88332 GRAPHICS: September 9, 2023 - The World Cannot Swallow The Truth / 8chan/kun IP web

>>88333 PDJT EO Flashback: Executive Order on Protecting American Monuments, Memorials, and Statues and Combating Recent Criminal Violence

>>88334 Graphic: Grassley Corny Viva LP comms

>>88336, >>88335 A List of American Taxpayer Funds sent to Ukraine since the start of the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict

>>88337 The 250th anniversary of the Navy’s founding on 13 October 1775 will be marked with an unprecedented floating display of Navy history brought together on the Delaware.

>>88340, >>88339 Delightfully strange: Mystery ‘golden egg’ found on ocean floor

>>88341, >>88338 Cyclones vs Storm [I]owa vs[I]owa State

Finals @700ish / Bakering

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79b999 No.88343

File: c737fea96b33423⋯.png (1.72 MB,845x1126,845:1126,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19518877 (091854ZSEP23) Notable: #23973

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baker taps in 20

New Baker / Note Taker, Please Step Up

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79b999 No.88344

File: 9debe7963a7e75e⋯.png (60.59 KB,842x265,842:265,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19518922 (091904ZSEP23) Notable: POTUS Throws a spiral with the members of the Alpha Gamma Ro Agriculture Fraternity House today, prior to the Iowa State game

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"Call the ball." Q post #4360


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79b999 No.88345

File: 476e48832604248⋯.mp4 (14.83 MB,620x350,62:35,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19518940 (091909ZSEP23) Notable: POTUS Throws a spiral with the members of the Alpha Gamma Ro Agriculture Fraternity House today, prior to the Iowa State game

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.88346

File: d3ae0a0ac1af1e1⋯.mp4 (486.08 KB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19518947 (091910ZSEP23) Notable: Biden is an economist arsonist - biden is incinerating American wealth at a rate never seen before

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biden is an economist arsonist - biden is incinerating American wealth at a rate never seen before


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79b999 No.88347

File: cb1473b07b47ecc⋯.png (1.13 MB,1088x818,544:409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19518953 (091911ZSEP23) Notable: Gender dysphoria in children: puberty blockers study draws further criticism

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Pro-Trans Group Links Ohio Amendment To

‘LGBT Rights,’ Confirming Conservative

Warnings It Will Let Kids Get Sterilizing Surgeries

The Federalist, by Jordan Boyd

Posted By: Harlowe, 9/9/2023 1:46:53 PM

Radical LGBT activist group Human Rights Campaign endorsed an amendment on the Ohio ballot this fall, even linking it to “LGBTQ+ rights,” after leftists and their allies in the corporate media spent months insisting the amendment had nothing to do with gender experiments. The constitutional amendment in question, which voters will decide on in November, would enshrine abortion up until birth in the Ohio Constitution and also override parental consent laws for gender-dysphoric minors seeking irreversible surgeries and disfiguring hormone injections.

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79b999 No.88348

File: 52c5b4555d65398⋯.mp4 (10.29 MB,640x336,40:21,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19518970 (091914ZSEP23) Notable: POTUS Throws a spiral with the members of the Alpha Gamma Ro Agriculture Fraternity House today, prior to the Iowa State game

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POTUSThrows a spiral

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79b999 No.88349

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19518977 (091916ZSEP23) Notable: POTUS Throws a spiral with the members of the Alpha Gamma Ro Agriculture Fraternity House today, prior to the Iowa State game

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he threw 11 footballs

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79b999 No.88350

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19518994 (091919ZSEP23) Notable: Gender dysphoria in children: puberty blockers study draws further criticism

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>disfiguring hormone injections

they aren't just disfiguring, they are destructive

body cells and systems of each sex are designed for that sex and the hormonal balance of that sex

Why for example FtoM transitioners have their UTERUS begin to disintegrate after a few years, which is life threatening - and also have pain in their throats when their larynx gets too big to fit properly in a female-sized throat

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79b999 No.88351

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19518999 (091920ZSEP23) Notable: Gender dysphoria in children: puberty blockers study draws further criticism

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and their bones literally start dissolving

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79b999 No.88352

File: 023ac9387d5347f⋯.png (1.2 MB,1439x1005,1439:1005,Clipboard.png)

File: cae4c1b2165deac⋯.png (551.07 KB,838x564,419:282,Clipboard.png)

File: 4438c3b53d018b6⋯.png (555.34 KB,584x475,584:475,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519009 (091922ZSEP23) Notable: PF Reports

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Call sign BARF49. USN E-6B Mercury 164407. kek. Dunno wassup. Flight profile doesn't seem to indicate Vomit Comet types of g loading/unloading.

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79b999 No.88353

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519032 (091927ZSEP23) Notable: CharlieKirk - NM Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham thinks she can unilaterally suspend the the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

If NM Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham thinks she can unilaterally suspend the the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens because she declares an "emergency," then someone should do us all a favor, suspend her rights and arrest her.

Or she could just do us all a favor and resign.

She's not fit to serve.


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79b999 No.88354

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519035 (091927ZSEP23) Notable: Gender dysphoria in children: puberty blockers study draws further criticism

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I know puberty blockers cause significant bone loss, don't know about the effects of hormone treatment. We barely know the full implications but guessing life spans will be significantly shortened from all these "treatments."

Gender dysphoria in children: puberty blockers study draws further criticism

BMJ 2019; 366 doi:


(Published 20 September 2019)

Close examination of existing studies indicates that use of puberty blockers in transgender young people commonly results in loss of bone mineral density.

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79b999 No.88355

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519039 (091928ZSEP23) Notable: ICYMI - DWAC shareholders voted to extend to Sept 2024 the time within which DWAC has to complete its "initial acquisition."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

ICYMI - DWAC shareholders voted to extend to Sept 2024 the time within which DWAC has to complete its "initial acquisition."

Press Release:

"Digital World Acquisition Corp. Announces Board’s Decision to Extend the Deadline to Complete Initial Business Combination

"Miami, FL, September 7, 2023 —

"Digital World Acquisition Corp. (Nasdaq: DWAC) (“Digital World” or the “Company”) announced today that the Company’s Board of Directors (the “Board”) extended the date by which the Company has to complete its initial business combination from September 8, 2023 to December 8, 2023 (the “Extension”). The Extension is the first of four three-month extensions permitted under the Company’s Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation, as amended, and provides the Company with additional time to complete its initial business combination as determined by the Board.

"About Digital World Acquisition Corp.

"Digital World Acquisition Corp. (Nasdaq:DWAC) is a special purpose acquisition company formed for the purpose of effecting a merger, capital stock exchange, asset acquisition, stock purchase, reorganization or similar business combination with one or more businesses. To learn more, visit www.dwacspac.com.



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79b999 No.88356

File: 695d572d149e018⋯.jpg (86.83 KB,1468x1270,734:635,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519074 (091937ZSEP23) Notable: PF Reports

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.88357

File: 452c7ca08c8050a⋯.png (294.91 KB,565x461,565:461,Clipboard.png)

File: 3a749155b991531⋯.png (260.13 KB,569x600,569:600,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519075 (091937ZSEP23) Notable: Death Toll Jumps to Over 1,000 in Morocco After 6.8 Earthquake Strikes

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Death Toll Jumps to Over 1,000 in Morocco After 6.8 Earthquake Strikes

Over 1,000 people have died, and at least 1,204 have been injured, after a 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit Morocco late Friday night.

The death toll is still expected to rise as rescuers work their way into mountainous areas that are harder to reach.

Most deaths were near the historic Marrakech city and the five provinces closest to the epicenter, but tremors were felt as far away as Portugal and Algeria.

The earthquake struck at 11:11 p.m., and an aftershock hit 19 minutes later.

“The quake brought down walls made from stone and masonry not designed to withstand quakes, covering whole communities with rubble and leaving residents picking their way precariously through remains. Rescuers worked through the night to find survivors buried in the dusty ruins,” the Associated Press reports.

The report added, “A tent typically used for celebrations was being erected for shelter in the square of the impoverished mountain community of Moulay Brahim, where homes made of clay and brick were largely left uninhabitable. Fathers sobbed into phones telling loved ones about losing their children. Bodies covered with blankets lay in the health center next to a mosque as doctors pulled shards from people’s feet and treated surface wounds.”


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79b999 No.88358

File: 3a7656c7011ed4f⋯.png (274.99 KB,565x429,565:429,Clipboard.png)

File: aa4007937fda133⋯.png (481.39 KB,578x717,578:717,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519079 (091939ZSEP23) Notable: New Mexico Sheriff Tells Tyrannical Governor He Will Not Comply with Temporary New Mexico Gun Ban

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New Mexico Sheriff Tells Tyrannical Governor He Will Not Comply with Temporary New Mexico Gun Ban

On Friday, New Mexico’s tyrannical Democrat Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham declared gun violence a public health emergency in response to the shooting deaths of a thirteen-year-old girl on July 28, a five-year-old girl on August 14, and an eleven-year-old boy on September 6.

Grisham temporarily suspended open and concealed carry laws in Bernalillo County effective immediately.

This action directly infringes upon law-abiding citizens’ Constitutional right to bear arms. The Governor has carved out exceptions for licensed security guards and law enforcement officers.

She wants to take away your rights to protect the criminals with illegal guns.

In response to the unconstitutional order Sheriff John Allen from Bernalillo County north of Albuquerque announced he will not comply with the unconstitutional order.


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79b999 No.88359

File: 5a5f54e3611991d⋯.png (470.2 KB,598x549,598:549,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519086 (091940ZSEP23) Notable: Two Transgender Dudes Destroy Female Competitors in Illinois State Cycling Championships

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The Gateway Pundit


Two Transgender Cyclists Destroy Female Competitors in Illinois State Championships via @gatewaypundit


Two Transgender Cyclists Destroy Female Competitors in Illinois State Championships | The Gateway...

7:05 AM · Sep 9, 2023




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79b999 No.88360

File: 74f0f7a6885b35e⋯.png (37.78 KB,560x207,560:207,Clipboard.png)

File: 906bd88a74496dc⋯.png (36.57 KB,577x246,577:246,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519094 (091942ZSEP23) Notable: Federal Appeals Court Rules Biden Admin and FBI Coerced Social Media Platforms Into Censorship — Violating First Amendment!

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Federal Appeals Court Rules Biden Admin and FBI Coerced Social Media Platforms Into Censorship — Violating First Amendment

A federal appeals court has ruled that the Biden administration, health officials, and the FBI pressured social media companies to censor posts related to COVID-19, Hunter Biden, and elections — violating the First Amendment.

The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling upholds a lower court’s ruling prohibiting many government officials, including the Biden administration, from contacting social media companies about content moderation.

Former Missouri Attorney General and current US Senator Eric Schmitt, along with Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry, filed the lawsuit (Missouri v. Biden) in May 2022. Jim Hoft, the founder of the Gateway Pundit, was subsequently added as a plaintiff in the case.

The Washington Examiner reports, “The district judge had placed a preliminary injunction in July prohibiting the defendants, including President Joe Biden, United States Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra, and former chief medical adviser Anthony Fauci, from contacting social media companies over content it believes to be misinformation.”

“The Fifth Circuit has upheld the district court’s order in our free speech case, Missouri v. Biden, enjoining the White House, Surgeon General, CDC, & FBI from violating the First Amendment rights of millions of Americans,” Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey posted on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, on Friday.

Bailey added, “The First Amendment remains intact.”

“Missouri v. Biden was originally filed by Sen. Eric Schmitt (R-MO) when he was attorney general of Missouri. The lawsuit alleges that the federal government is influencing social media companies to violate First Amendment free speech rights held by a platform’s users,” the Examiner report added.

The Biden administration has ten days to request the Supreme Court review the case.


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79b999 No.88361

File: 4da5a7f27a81902⋯.png (473.05 KB,586x558,293:279,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519098 (091943ZSEP23) Notable: New Mexico Sheriff Tells Tyrannical Governor He Will Not Comply with Temporary New Mexico Gun Ban

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Square profile picture

The Post Millennial


New Mexico sheriff REFUSES to enforce governor's ban on carrying guns, says it’s unconstitutional


New Mexico sheriff REFUSES to enforce governor’s ban on carrying guns, says it’s unconstitutional

“As the elected Sheriff, I have reservations regarding this order.”

6:32 AM · Sep 9, 2023




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79b999 No.88362

File: 89d1c9e83eb5990⋯.png (824.33 KB,900x506,450:253,Clipboard.png)

File: f4cb0a3ad63eb95⋯.png (477.91 KB,615x410,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: a46e5caab808143⋯.png (168.35 KB,700x895,140:179,Clipboard.png)

File: 8bc35361f6a276d⋯.png (56.94 KB,696x339,232:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519124 (091950ZSEP23) Notable: US Website Hit With Cyberattacks After Releasing Testimony on CCP’s Forced Organ Harvesting

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US Website Hit With Cyberattacks After Releasing Testimony on CCP’s Forced Organ Harvesting

A New York-based research group became the target of malicious cyberattacks almost immediately after publishing testimony of a whistleblower doctor’s encounter with a Falun Gong practitioner who had her kidney removed against her will in China. The woman was a victim of the communist regime’s forced organ harvesting and perished not long after her conversation with the doctor, according to the whistleblower.

In April 2019, Zhang Xiuqin, 46, briefly survived an operation to remove one of her kidneys and relayed her experience to a doctor at a key military hospital in Harbin, the capital of China’s northernmost province Heilongjiang.

The whistleblower doctor, who is unnamed to protect her safety, provided a video recording of this conversation to the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG), a New York-based nonprofit dedicated to tracking the regime’s forced organ harvesting abuse. The organization published a transcript of the recording, as well as a transcript of the doctor’s testimony on July 17.

The doctor said she observed injuries covering Ms. Zhang’s body, an open wound on her stomach, the site of the kidney extraction, and another open wound near her liver area. Only one of her kidneys was harvested. Ms. Zhang, the doctor believed, had likely suffered from severe abuses that battered most of her organs including her liver, rendering them unfit for transplant.

Hours after the testimony’s release, WOIPFG suffered its most severe cyberattack to date over its two decades of existence.

Falun Gong, a spiritual practice involving moral teachings centered on the values of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance, as well as meditative exercises, has been the target of a bloody persecution perpetuated by the Chinese Communist Party for the past 24 years.

An independent tribunal in 2019 concluded that the faith’s adherents were the principal source for the regime’s state-sanctioned forced organ harvesting, a practice that occurs on a “significant scale.”

The denial of service attack sporadically shut down the organization’s website for an entire week. This sustained attack revealed the amount of resources the communist regime was willing to deploy to silence the issue, said WOIPFG’s lead researcher Dr. Wang Zhiyuan.

Beijing authorities had reacted quickly, Dr. Wang learned from his contact in China.

On the night of the testimony’s release, which was daytime in Beijing, the Ministry of Public Security, China’s top police authority, ordered its bureau in Heilongjiang, the region where the military hospital is located, to probe the matter, Dr. Wang was told by his source. The head office would also send someone over to Harbin city to receive the report.

“They were definitely afraid,” Dr. Wang told The Epoch Times. “Just think about how fast they reacted.”

“If they didn’t do anything wrong, why so agitated? They could have used the media as an outlet to attack us and put the matter to an end. But they dared not breathe a word in public.”

Dr. Torsten Trey, executive director of the Washington-based medical ethics advocacy group, Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting, saw the matter in the same light.

“Hacking usually comes with a purpose. In a commercial setting, it is about financial gains or intellectual property theft. None of the above would apply,” he told The Epoch Times.


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79b999 No.88363

File: 04da0ff197a6767⋯.mp4 (5 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519139 (091952ZSEP23) Notable: Biden is an economist arsonist - biden is incinerating American wealth at a rate never seen before

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12:32 - 13:51

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79b999 No.88364

File: de2b1f99e4bf49d⋯.png (281.57 KB,560x437,560:437,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519156 (091956ZSEP23) Notable: Emmanuel Macron left red-faced at Rugby World Cup as thousands of fans boo him

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Emmanuel Macron left red-faced at Rugby World Cup as thousands of fans boo him

The French President was booed by thousands of rugby fans as he addressed the crowd.

Express Premium Banner

Emmanuel Macron left red-faced at Rugby World Cup as thousands of fans boo him

The French President was booed by thousands of rugby fans as he addressed the crowd.

By Sam Ormiston

19:52, Fri, Sep 8, 2023 | UPDATED: 20:36, Fri, Sep 8, 2023



Emmanuel Macron meets French team before Rugby World Cup

Emmanuel Macron has been left red-faced this evening after being booed by thousands of rugby fans in France.

The French President received a frosty reception as he addressed the crowds at the Stade de France to mark the opening of the 2023 Rugby World Cup.

The divisive figure was speaking ahead of the first match - France v New Zealand - which started at 8.15 BST.

The skies above the French capital city were illuminated by an impressive fireworks display during the opening ceremony.

But this wasn't enough to cheer up some fans - who shouted and booed as Macron addressed them before the highly anticipated clash.


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79b999 No.88365

File: bc662b0af738a48⋯.png (652.43 KB,904x1135,904:1135,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519161 (091957ZSEP23) Notable: Things than make you go 'hmmm'

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79b999 No.88366

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519191 (092002ZSEP23) Notable: Prince Andrew Accused of Sexually Abusing Children in Ukraine

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Prince Andrew Accused of Sexually Abusing Children in Ukraine

While everyone was distracted by the mainstream media’s latest news cycles, Prince Andrew was accused of sexually abusing a 12-year-old girl and a 10-year-old boy during a diplomatic visit to Ukraine earlier this year.

TV9 News India reports Jeffrey Epstein’s close friend Prince Andrew was part of the delegation that visited the war-torn country during British Foreign Minister James Cleverley’s visit earlier this year.

But rather than reporting on the credible allegations coming out of Ukraine against Prince Andrew, the media have done everything they can to cover up the scandal, protect the abusers and ensure the global child sex trafficking network, which is worth hundreds of billions of dollars per year, remains an open secret.


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79b999 No.88367

File: 55c298f65896744⋯.jpg (236.4 KB,1611x1815,537:605,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8aeb7e616f846a8⋯.png (206.02 KB,779x589,41:31,Clipboard.png)

File: 8c594da10b740b1⋯.jpg (80.95 KB,452x460,113:115,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519230 (092009ZSEP23) Notable: Biden is an economist arsonist - biden is incinerating American wealth at a rate never seen before

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notable Trump quote

"Joe Biden is traveling around the country saying he's an economic genius. In fact, he's actually aneconomic arsonistand BuyDoneOmics isincineratingAmerican wealth at a level never seen before. It's aninfernoof inflation, taxation, submission and failure. We submit, everyone says "what is submission?" You're submitting to Chyna you're submitting to all these countries we're pouring money out of our country.We can't take care of our own country. We can't help HAWAIIbut we send billions and billions and billions to other countries."

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79b999 No.88368

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519232 (092009ZSEP23) Notable: New Mexico state reps call for impeachment of governor over firearms suspension in Albuquerque

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New Mexico state reps call for impeachment of governor over firearms suspension in Albuquerque

"We can and will force a vote on this," Rep. Block wrote on X, the platform previously called Twitter.

New Mexico State Representatives Stefani Lord (R-22) and John Block (R-51) called for the impeachment of Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham Saturday after she declared a public health emergency over gun violence.

"This emergency order violates the Governor's oath to protect and defend the rights of New Mexicans and is illegal in nature," Lord wrote in a press release shared on X, the platform previously called Twitter.

"The legislature has a duty to intervene when the government is overstepping boundaries, and Governor Grisham's order and comments disqualify her from continuing her tenure as governor," the release continued.

On Thursday, Grisham issued an executive order declaring a public health emergency over gun violence. On Friday, she suspended open and concealed carry of firearms in the city of Albuquerque for a 30-day period.

She issued the order following the shooting of an 11-year-old boy outside a baseball stadium, according to The Associated Press.

Grisham anticipates legal challenges to the order, which applies to New Mexican regions that exceed a certain violent crime threshold.

"We can and will force a vote on this," Block wrote on X. "There is no escaping We The People and our rights that have been infringed upon."


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79b999 No.88369

File: abf9c91c5e30591⋯.png (314.07 KB,622x526,311:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519243 (092011ZSEP23) Notable: Watch "2000 Mules" free this Friday September 8 through Sunday September 10 on Xwitter

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Was the 2020 election the "most secure in US history"? My film "2000 Mules" reveals the evidence, so you can make up your own mind.

Watch it free this Friday September 8 through Sunday September 10 only on X. Watch here!


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79b999 No.88370

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519278 (092017ZSEP23) Notable: Trump hosts $100,000-per-plate fundraiser for Rudy Giuliani

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Trump hosts $100,000-per-plate fundraiser for Rudy Giuliani

Giuliani’s son, Andrew, said the event was expected to raise over $1 million.

On Thursday evening, 2024 GOP frontrunner Donald Trump held a $100,000-per-plate fundraiser at his Bedminster, New Jersey golf club, for former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who has been charged alongside Trump in the state of Georgia.

The event was held to raise money for Giuliani’s legal fees, with Giuliani’s son, Andrew, saying in a radio interview that the event was expected to raise more than $1 million, according to the Associated Press.

The younger Giuliani also revealed that Trump plans to hold another fundraiser event at his Palm Beach Mar-a-Lago club in the fall or early winter.

“So that will be very helpful,” he said on WABC radio. Still, he said, “It won’t be enough to get through this.”

Andrew Giuliani also created the Giuliani Defense PAC to raise funds for his father, and allies have been raising additional funds through The Rudy Giuliani Freedom Fund.

Giuliani turned himself in earlier this month at Fulton County jail, pleading not guilty in the alleged attempts to overturn the election case from District Attorney Fani Willis.

Giuliani was indicted on 13 counts, including violation of the Georgia Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO).

Speaking after he was booked at the Fulton County Jail, Giuliani said, "This indictment is a travesty. This is an attack on the American people."


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79b999 No.88371

File: 7a698e87b43ea30⋯.png (729.44 KB,1131x759,377:253,Clipboard.png)

File: b199d0ffc292246⋯.png (103.2 KB,590x928,295:464,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519302 (092023ZSEP23) Notable: Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham was using the Signal Message app.

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Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham was using the Signal Message app.

A Searchlight New Mexico investigation has found that over the past year, the CYFD used the secure text messaging app Signal to discuss a wide range of official business, including the state’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the care of children in state custody and concerns about private contractors. Department leadership then set many of those communications to automatically delete, rendering them forever inaccessible to attorneys, members of the public and journalists.

Searchlight also found that the Office of the Governor and the state’s Department of Information Technology supported the systematic deletion of messages, according to emails and policy guidance obtained through an Inspection of Public Records Act (IPRA) request. Legal experts warn that it is likely to impede investigations into the agency, cripple the ability of attorneys to represent children in state custody, and could violate the New Mexico Public Records Act’s rules on retention of documents.

The CYFD’s use of Signal is currently under investigation by the office of state Attorney General Hector Balderas, following an earlier Searchlight report detailing the agency’s routine deletion of encrypted messages. House Republicans asked Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham to provide a report detailing “whether her office staff and/or cabinet level staff have been using data encryption and data dumping.”


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79b999 No.88372

File: fb56c7bfa10fd2b⋯.mp4 (5.72 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519306 (092023ZSEP23) Notable: Sarah Huckabee: $250 million off the income tax, offer $150 in one-time tax relief to about 1m middle class tax payers …"

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Sarah Huckabee:

"I called a special session of the legislature to give immediate tax relief to Arkansans.

We’ll shave $250 million off the income tax, offer $150 in one-time tax relief to about 1m middle class tax payers ..."

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79b999 No.88373

File: 0bcf294d1dbadd8⋯.png (337.54 KB,1062x930,177:155,Clipboard.png)

File: 0c727678f7916f7⋯.png (117.09 KB,865x762,865:762,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519316 (092025ZSEP23) Notable: Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 - SIGN THE PETITION BELOW! Democrats are trying to disqualify President Trump from being on the ballot.

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Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅



Democrats are trying to disqualify President Trump from being on the ballot.

“By the clear terms of the 14th Amendment, “[Trump] should be disqualified from holding office” -Adam Schiff.

They’re terrified that President Trump will beat Biden, so they are running to the courts to prevent Americans from having the choice.

If we don’t stop them now, every Republican will face this same attack.




See who they want to ban from the ballot now.


Sep 09, 2023, 8:21 AM


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79b999 No.88374

File: d102640d2e39ff1⋯.png (1.79 MB,1170x878,585:439,Clipboard.png)

File: de525b87502668a⋯.png (850.43 KB,859x873,859:873,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519328 (092026ZSEP23) Notable: Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 - @realDonaldTrump with the members of the Alpha Gamma Ro Agriculture Fraternity House today, prior to the Iowa vs. Iowa State game…

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Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅


@realDonaldTrump with the members of the Alpha Gamma Ro Agriculture Fraternity House today, prior to the Iowa vs. Iowa State game…

Sep 09, 2023, 4:15 PM


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79b999 No.88375

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519336 (092030ZSEP23) Notable: Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 @realDonaldTrump arrives at Jack Trice Stadium for the Iowa vs. Iowa State game…

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Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅


9/9/2023 — @realDonaldTrump arrives at Jack Trice Stadium for the Iowa vs. Iowa State game…

Sep 09, 2023, 4:17 PM


President Trump walking through the massive crowd, Jack Trice Stadium for the Iowa State game



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79b999 No.88376

File: 89bb750bc2e2bca⋯.png (599.05 KB,860x843,860:843,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519340 (092031ZSEP23) Notable: FBI, HHS Stonewalling Congress Over Illegal Chinese COVID Lab In California

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FBI, HHS Stonewalling Congress Over Illegal Chinese COVID Lab In California

The Chairman of the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic has threatened to subpoena the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) after they refused to produce information on an illegal Chinese lab that was "caught red-handed conducting dangerous research related to COVID-19 and other deadly diseases without a license by FBI agents and California officials."

In Thursday letters to the agencies (FBI letter, HHS letter), Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-OH) noted their failure to respond to prior requests for information, and says that if they fail to comply with oversight, "we will be forced to evaluate the use of the compulsory process."

The letter also puts the agencies on notice that the Subcommittee may request that employees sit for voluntary transcribed interviews.

As we previously noted, the lab was found in what was thought to be a empty storage building in Reedley, California - located in the central San Joaquin Valley.



FBI, HHS Stonewalling Congress Over Illegal Chinese COVID Lab In California

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Saturday, Sep 09, 2023 - 10:40 AM

The Chairman of the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic has threatened to subpoena the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) after they refused to produce information on an illegal Chinese lab that was "caught red-handed conducting dangerous research related to COVID-19 and other deadly diseases without a license by FBI agents and California officials."

Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-OH), Chairman of the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic

In Thursday letters to the agencies (FBI letter, HHS letter), Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-OH) noted their failure to respond to prior requests for information, and says that if they fail to comply with oversight, "we will be forced to evaluate the use of the compulsory process."

The letter also puts the agencies on notice that the Subcommittee may request that employees sit for voluntary transcribed interviews.

As we previously noted, the lab was found in what was thought to be a empty storage building in Reedley, California - located in the central San Joaquin Valley.

It was only discovered after a local code enforcement officer noticed a garden hose poking out a back wall of the building, according to YourCentralValley.

Public Health staff also observed blood, tissue and other bodily fluid samples and serums; and THOUSANDS of vials of unlabeled fluids and suspected biological material.

Additionally they found 900 genetically engineered mice, engineered to catch and carry COVID-19, living in “inhumane” conditions.

773 of the mice had to be euthanized, and officials found another 178 mice already dead.

“This is an unusual situation. I’ve been in government for 25 years. I’ve never seen anything like this,” said Reedley City Manager Nicole Zieba.

Even county health officials were left in shock.

“I’ve never seen this in my 26-year career with the County of Fresno,” said Assistant Director of the Fresno County Department of Public Health Joe Prado.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tested the substances and detected at least 20 potentially infectious agents, including coronavirus, HIV, hepatitis and herpes, according to a Health and Human Services letter dated June 6.

Agents also found thousands of package boxes - many with shipping labels from China. Below is a photo included in court documents in California.


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79b999 No.88377

File: 358243a56b5a2a2⋯.png (208.92 KB,1080x1786,540:893,Clipboard.png)

File: e07f253bea043b9⋯.png (220.55 KB,1080x502,540:251,Clipboard.png)

File: d9c4dadde03f168⋯.png (103.43 KB,1116x893,1116:893,Clipboard.png)

File: 7825aa173f8f293⋯.pdf (8.82 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519415 (092049ZSEP23) Notable: RE: PROJECT MKIULTRA, THE CIA'S PROGRAM = JOSEPH R. BIDEN, JR., Delaware

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>>/qresearch/19516682 (pb)

>>>/qresearch/19516690 (pb)


(Established by S. Res. 400, 94th Cong., 2d sess.)

DANIEL K. INOUYE, Hawaii, Chairman

BARRY GOLDWATER, Arizona, Vice Chairman









JOSEPH R. BIDEN, JR., Delaware

JOHN H. CHAFEE, Rhode Island

ROBERT MORGAN, North Carolina


GARY HART, Colorado



ROBERT C. BYRD, West Virginia, Ex Officio fember.

HOWARD H. BAKER, JR., Tennessee, Ex Officio Member

WILLIAM G. MILLER, Staff Director

EARL D. EISENHOWER, Minority Staff Director

AUDREY H. HATRY, Chief Clerk

>it's real

>thats fucking crazy. this needs to be a



>ctrl f "biden"

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79b999 No.88378

File: 1a12c0e81a6c797⋯.png (616.41 KB,1440x1011,480:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519428 (092052ZSEP23) Notable: PF Reports

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Took off from NAS Kingsville then looks to have done a touch and go at Corpus Christi International. Call sign BLZR261. No type ID. Low altitude flight profile. Hex ID AE6294 does not decode in databases. Could be anything. Even might be a newly minted F-35.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.88379

File: 5f8a1cd7276bb5d⋯.png (1.15 MB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519455 (092059ZSEP23) Notable: Maui Man Files Landmark Wrongful Death Suit Against Multiple Parties Over Wildfires

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Father Files Landmark Wrongful Death SuitAgainst Multiple Parties Over Maui Wildfires: ‘Risk Was Not Theoretical’ citing increasingly dangerous land management practices on Maui & increasing fire danger “actively discussed among governmental officials, utilities, & informed academics."

Father Files Landmark Wrongful Death Suit Against Multiple Parties Over Maui Wildfires: 'Risk Was Not Theoretical'

A father who lost his daughter in the devastating Maui wildfires is filing suit against multiple defendants.


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79b999 No.88380

File: 3741ac7e4fbf3e3⋯.png (1.1 MB,1000x796,250:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519468 (092101ZSEP23) Notable: Liberty Safes new mascot

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Liberty Safes new mascot

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.88381

File: 7860bd6b6ef82a8⋯.png (648.42 KB,636x382,318:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519480 (092105ZSEP23) Notable: Russia threatens criminal charges against NASA astronaut, Serena Auñón-Chancellor, who the nation claims drilled a hole in its Soyuz MS-09 vehicle that was docked with the ISS in 2018.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

You stupid bitch.

Russia threatens criminal charges against NASA astronaut

Russia's space agency can now take legal action against NASA's Serena Auñón-Chancellor, who the nation claims drilled a hole in its Soyuz MS-09 vehicle that was docked with the ISS in 2018.


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79b999 No.88382

File: 1e609a9b24a3fe4⋯.png (505.44 KB,623x857,623:857,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519505 (092110ZSEP23) Notable: Texas had to ask permission to exceed the Biden regime's "Green agenda limits" today so that it could avoid rolling blackouts -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

HERE WE GO: Texas had to ask permission to exceed the Biden regime's "Green agenda limits" today so that it could avoid rolling blackouts - TX had the capacity to produce the power, but they had to beg for permission to generate it.


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79b999 No.88383

File: 4861a8b7329faa9⋯.png (966.36 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519570 (092122ZSEP23) Notable: Biden Knows He Is Using Illegal Immigrants To Hurt His Enemies - thefederalist

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The White House is aware that sanctuary city mayors can’t tolerate the real-life consequences of the Democratic party’s policies.

Biden Knows He Is Using Illegal Immigrants To Hurt His Enemies

The White House is aware that sanctuary city mayors can’t tolerate the real-life consequences of the Democratic party’s policies.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.88384

File: af2416c317ab643⋯.png (771.35 KB,1920x1011,640:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519601 (092126ZSEP23) Notable: PF Reports

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Yep, it left North Island NAS San Diego as SPAR65 with hex ID AE10B3. Then switched the hex ID to AE10B4 unidentifed for flight over open water. Might switch back as it approaches the Hawaiian islands.

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79b999 No.88385

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519639 (092131ZSEP23) Notable: #23972

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#23972 >>88343

>>88360 Federal Appeals Court Rules Biden Admin and FBI Coerced Social Media Platforms Into Censorship — Violating First Amendment!

>>88348, >>88345, >>88349, >>88344 POTUS Throws a spiral with the members of the Alpha Gamma Ro Agriculture Fraternity House today, prior to the Iowa State game

>>88373 Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 - SIGN THE PETITION BELOW! Democrats are trying to disqualify President Trump from being on the ballot.

>>88374 Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 - @realDonaldTrump with the members of the Alpha Gamma Ro Agriculture Fraternity House today, prior to the Iowa vs. Iowa State game…

>>88375 Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 @realDonaldTrump arrives at Jack Trice Stadium for the Iowa vs. Iowa State game…

>>88340, >>88339 Shiny distraction discovered at the bottom of the ocean

>>88352, >>88356, >>88378, >>88384 PF Reports

>>88354, >>88351, >>88350, >>88347 Gender dysphoria in children: puberty blockers study draws further criticism

>>88353 CharlieKirk - NM Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham thinks she can unilaterally suspend the the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens

>>88355 ICYMI - DWAC shareholders voted to extend to Sept 2024 the time within which DWAC has to complete its "initial acquisition."

>>88357 Death Toll Jumps to Over 1,000 in Morocco After 6.8 Earthquake Strikes

>>88358, >>88361 New Mexico Sheriff Tells Tyrannical Governor He Will Not Comply with Temporary New Mexico Gun Ban

>>88359 Two Transgender Dudes Destroy Female Competitors in Illinois State Cycling Championships

>>88362 US Website Hit With Cyberattacks After Releasing Testimony on CCP’s Forced Organ Harvesting

>>88364 Emmanuel Macron left red-faced at Rugby World Cup as thousands of fans boo him

>>88365 Things than make you go 'hmmm'

>>88366 Prince Andrew Accused of Sexually Abusing Children in Ukraine

>>88367, >>88363, >>88346 Biden is an economist arsonist - biden is incinerating American wealth at a rate never seen before

>>88368 New Mexico state reps call for impeachment of governor over firearms suspension in Albuquerque

>>88369 Watch "2000 Mules" free this Friday September 8 through Sunday September 10 on Xwitter

>>88370 Trump hosts $100,000-per-plate fundraiser for Rudy Giuliani

>>88371 Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham was using the Signal Message app.

>>88372 Sarah Huckabee: $250 million off the income tax, offer $150 in one-time tax relief to about 1m middle class tax payers …"

>>88376 FBI, HHS Stonewalling Congress Over Illegal Chinese COVID Lab In California


>>88379 Maui Man Files Landmark Wrongful Death Suit Against Multiple Parties Over Wildfires

>>88380 Liberty Safes new mascot

>>88381 Russia threatens criminal charges against NASA astronaut, Serena Auñón-Chancellor, who the nation claims drilled a hole in its Soyuz MS-09 vehicle that was docked with the ISS in 2018.

>>88382 Texas had to ask permission to exceed the Biden regime's "Green agenda limits" today so that it could avoid rolling blackouts -

>>88383 Biden Knows He Is Using Illegal Immigrants To Hurt His Enemies - thefederalist


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79b999 No.88386

File: 476e48832604248⋯.mp4 (14.83 MB,620x350,62:35,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519656 (092134ZSEP23) Notable: #23973

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



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79b999 No.88387

File: 29ea1e2d16c8213⋯.png (742.3 KB,768x402,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519674 (092138ZSEP23) Notable: . Gov Grisham suspends 2nd amendment in NM - backlash building, even from the Dems!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New Mexico state reps call for impeachment of governor over firearms suspension in Albuquerque - We need a hell of a lot more of this!

'''New Mexico state reps call for impeachment of governor over firearms suspension in Albuquerque

"We can and will force a vote on this," Rep. Block wrote on X, the platform previously called Twitter.'''


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79b999 No.88388

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519685 (092140ZSEP23) Notable: President Donald J. Trump Visit to Iowa v. Iowa State Football Game

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

LIVE: President Donald J. Trump to Visit the Iowa v. Iowa State Football Game - 9/9/23

RSBN Live again.


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79b999 No.88389

File: 189eebabc4b8d48⋯.png (382.12 KB,600x308,150:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519686 (092140ZSEP23) Notable: Dems Rebut 2020 Rigging Accusations By Rigging 2024! Dems Rebut 2020 Rigging Accusations By Rigging 2024!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dems Rebut 2020 Rigging Accusations By Rigging 2024! Democrats seek to Impeach a Private Citizen holding no federal office for the purpose of disqualifying him for federal office in the future. The people most insistent on the purity of the 2020 election work feverishly on rigging the 2024 election.

Dems rebut 2020 rigging accusations by rigging 2024

(AMERICAN SPECTATOR) - he people most insistent on the purity of the 2020 election work feverishly on rigging the 2024 election. It makes one wonder. This anti-democratic effort includes interpreting the suffrage-expanding 14th Amendment to deny suffrage ...


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79b999 No.88390

File: ac2282a12719dd2⋯.png (661.46 KB,650x432,325:216,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519690 (092141ZSEP23) Notable: So far, Maui police have released the names of 55 of the dead. Of those, 22 were in their 70s, with another 13 in their 60s. There was ONE listed victim under the age of 10.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

nothing to see hear

The number of people missing following devastating Maui wildfires has dropped to 66

The Aug. 8 firestarted in the hills abovethe historic oceanfront town. Within hours it spread through single-family homes and apartment buildings, quaint city streets, art galleries and restaurants, destroying more than 2,000 structures. Dozens of people fled to the ocean seeking refuge from the flames. The blaze is estimated to have caused $5.5 billion in damage.

The new tally of 66 people still missing represents a significant drop from a week earlier, when authorities said 385 remained unaccounted for.

So far, Maui police have released the names of 55 of the dead. Of those, 22 were in their 70s, with another 13 in their 60s. There wasone listed victim under the age of 10.

With about half the deceased still unidentified, Green said he expected there to be significant overlap between the names on the missing list and remains that have already been recovered. Therefore, he said, he did not expect the death toll to rise considerably.


(so 650 missing children has dropped to a dozen or two and only 1 child dead?)

another dasting fact is in the pre-published F&F book (now blackholed) listed the ENTIRE death toll as 6 in Maui.

what kind of math is this?

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79b999 No.88391

File: 4861a8b7329faa9⋯.png (966.36 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519692 (092141ZSEP23) Notable: The White House is aware that sanctuary city mayors can’t tolerate the real-life consequences of the Democratic party’s policies.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The White House is aware that sanctuary city mayors can’t tolerate the real-life consequences of the Democratic party’s policies.

Biden Knows He Is Using Illegal Immigrants To Hurt His Enemies

The White House is aware that sanctuary city mayors can’t tolerate the real-life consequences of the Democratic party’s policies.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

79b999 No.88392

File: ab4972568e8ecf0⋯.png (754.06 KB,1140x783,380:261,Clipboard.png)

File: ab4972568e8ecf0⋯.png (754.06 KB,1140x783,380:261,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519696 (092141ZSEP23) Notable: President Donald J. Trump Visit to Iowa v. Iowa State Football Game

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Fuck You #$%^- PDJT 1:01

25 second mark



slowed it down to .25 speed, cannot work out what he said...

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79b999 No.88393

File: ffe0c4dd5eb8e25⋯.png (527.57 KB,640x335,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519701 (092142ZSEP23) Notable: Gov Grisham suspends 2nd amendment - responses from others too

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

e don't need no stinking Bill of Rights. NM governor "Suspends 2nd A rights".

NM Governor Issues Order Suspending Concealed Carry for Self-Defense

Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham issued an order suspending, for 30 days, state residents' rights to carry guns for self-defense in Albuquerque.


crazy eyes

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79b999 No.88394

File: a87bf61eac828d9⋯.png (2.16 MB,1288x3293,1288:3293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519707 (092143ZSEP23) Notable: Q Clock today: Thy Will be Done.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

4TH QUARTER, Patriots.

We fight together.

On the clock.

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79b999 No.88395

File: 920fdd907796ff2⋯.png (12.19 KB,1138x171,1138:171,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519710 (092144ZSEP23) Notable: . Gov Grisham suspends 2nd amendment in NM - backlash building, even from the Dems!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


will never happen and that is the problem the state is compromised just look at the make up of the legislature there.


so how do people fight back in the states when the state governments are treasonous as well. Sure bring up the vote but every single commie fuck along I assume some rino fucks would side with her. Even if a sheriff arrested her, it would still require a corruption justice dept to prosecute her and that would never happen. New Mexico might become the first state to fall under military occupation. Because even though people say they will not enforce it, then either this just backfired or there is something else they have planned for that state.

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79b999 No.88396

File: f6c3c3657ca38cd⋯.png (760.19 KB,768x421,768:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519711 (092144ZSEP23) Notable: LOL fuck them. Democrats Demand Fani Willis Charge Jim Jordan for Investigating Corruption

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

LOL fuck them. Democrats Demand Fani Willis Charge Jim Jordan for Investigating Corruption

Democrats Demand Fani Willis Charge Jim Jordan for Investigating Corruption - Slay News

Democrats are outraged that House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) is investigating suspected corruption in the Georgia case against President Donald Trump, and are demanding retaliation.


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79b999 No.88397

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519717 (092144ZSEP23) Notable: Soros backed Governor, and Soros backed DA. How many more times must we hear Soros?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Soros backed Governor, and Soros backed DA. How many more times must we hear Soros?


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79b999 No.88398

File: ba82831cc1a4aec⋯.png (955.61 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519740 (092147ZSEP23) Notable: Once-posh Beverly Hills now littered with CLOSED STORES amid California crime wave

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Once-posh Beverly Hills now littered with CLOSED STORES amid California crime wave

The once-posh city of Beverly Hills, made popular by the “Beverly Hills 90210” TV series, is now dying – with barren retail spaces replacing luxury retailers. The New York Post reported about the city’s decline, citing footage posted by the user “Nostalgic...


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79b999 No.88399

File: f9196aa5243aa6c⋯.png (845.76 KB,768x384,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519761 (092150ZSEP23) Notable: How They Plan on Moving EVERYONE Into “Smart Cities” Before 2030

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

AMERICAN'S SAY FUCK THAT, WE ARE COMING FOR YOU DEEP STATE EVIL FUCKS: Food, Energy, and Money: How They Plan on Moving EVERYONE Into “Smart Cities” Before 2030

“Smart Cities,” which are very similar to “15-Minute Cities,” are no longer theoretical. The infrastructure is already being implemented across the globe and plans are in the works to move us into them. Most of our audience will say they would never partic...


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79b999 No.88400

File: a30bddaacc299bb⋯.png (355.24 KB,640x335,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519773 (092152ZSEP23) Notable: Green Fail: Government Offshore Wind Farm Auction Attracts Zero Bids

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Green Fail: Government Offshore Wind Farm Auction Attracts Zero Bids

No new UK offshore wind projects were bought at a government auction as the sector was shunned as unviable even with taxpayer subsidies.


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79b999 No.88401

File: 12d602f03edefe5⋯.mp4 (3.7 MB,384x288,4:3,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519809 (092156ZSEP23) Notable: DJ TRUMP IS THE GREATEST MEDIA HIJACKER PROTEST "ACTIVIST" OF ALL TIME

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/19519572 lb

he's a GREAT ACTOR, but the tears aren't acting. And that's not the kind of acting he was trained in, anyway.

the "snake" is a funny. It's about the Liberals and how they feel compassionate toward criminals, So they invite them in, take care of them, then get stung / stabbed in the back.

Happen to a famous Liberal writer, he "adopted" a murderer, who happened to be a good writer, Got him out of prison by petitioning, befreinded him. Then the guy murdered someone again, once out.

Turn your back on a thief and they will stab you in the back.

Liberals forgive too much, the wrong people. Trump will not.

There's a lot of crappy crisis actors out there and DJT ain't one of them.

People think fake is real; they are so used to fake. So when something is real, they fail to trust it. It confuses the. They don't know what it is. It's strange because they are used to only lies. They can't recognize truth anymore. That's from deliberate Propaganda and social engineering; which the public;s been put through.

Naturally, shills on here invert everything.

We can agree he's a great actor, though. But his love for his Country is way less than an act.

These evil people spend 24 / 7 trying to take him down.

For what? So they can fit-in with the "in crowd?" And not get harassed by the bullys who guard the crooks?

Total cowards.


and he, and the crowd who follows him, (which is MASSIVE), just may save our Country.


good news

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79b999 No.88402

File: 781f20ca30e769f⋯.png (66 KB,1084x246,542:123,Clipboard.png)

File: 096f753ec6f51b1⋯.png (877.85 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519823 (092158ZSEP23) Notable: ICC Lead Prosecutor: We Will Prosecute Cyber ‘War Crimes’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

ICC Lead Prosecutor: We Will Prosecute Cyber ‘War Crimes’

In an article published last month in Foreign Policy Analytics, Karim Khan – the lead prosecutor at the International Criminal Court (ICC), based in the Hague – declared that his office will now be investigating and potentially prosecuting “war crimes” committed in cyberspace. This comes after Joe Biden ordered his administration to begin sharing evidence of alleged Russian war crimes committed in Ukraine with the ICC.

Khan wrote that his office will investigate cyber crimes that possibly violate the Rome Statute. “Cyber warfare does not play out in the abstract. Rather, it can have a profound impact on people’s lives… Attempts to impact critical infrastructure such as medical facilities or control systems for power generation may result in immediate consequences for many, particularly the most vulnerable. Consequently, as part of its investigations, my Office will collect and review evidence of such conduct.”

On Thursday, Washington and London sanctioned 11 people allegedly affiliated with Trickbot, a Russian hacking group accused of targeting businesses and government infrastructure, as well as hospitals, during the coronavirus pandemic. A US Treasury statement describes the individuals as “key actors involved in management and procurement” for Trickbot, which is claimed to be connected with Russian intelligence.

Lindsay Freeman – the director of technology, law, and policy at Berkely’s Human Rights Center – explained that the ICC’s remit extends beyond hackers themselves to the command structure above them, which could lead to charges against higher level military officers or Russian President Vladimir Putin himself. The ICC issued an arrest warrant for Putin, he has been accused of kidnapping, and unlawfully deporting to Russia, thousands of Ukrainian children as well as teenagers.

According to a report in Wired, Khan’s office confirmed the new cybercrime mandate with the outlet. “The Office considers that, in appropriate circumstances, conduct in cyberspace may potentially amount to war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide, and/or the crime of aggression.” The spokesperson continued, “…such conduct may potentially be prosecuted before the Court where the case is sufficiently grave.”

Disinformation, vaguely defined, is listed as one of Khan’s concerns in his article, “We are likewise mindful of the misuse of the internet to amplify hate speech and disinformation, which may facilitate or even directly lead to the occurrence of atrocities.” He suggests the ICC could prosecute people for leaking confidential information as well, writing “disinformation, destruction, the alteration of data, and the leaking of confidential information may obstruct the administration of justice at the ICC and, as such, constitute crimes within the ICC’s jurisdiction that might be investigated or prosecuted.”

It is noted, in the Wired report, that Kiev is currently conducting its own investigation into Russian “war crimes carried out via cyberattacks.” Evidence collected as part of the Ukrainian government’s investigation could also be provided to the ICC’s prosecutors to assist with their cases.

Regarding the legal precedent, Bobby Chesney – director of the Strauss Center for International Security and Law at the University of Texas Law School – says “I don’t think anyone who’s serious about international law would dispute that there are at least some circumstances in which intentional harm to civilians can be carried out through cyber means in a way that qualifies as an attack” that violates the Rome Statute’s principle that warring parties distinguish between military targets and civilians. Neither Russia, Ukraine, nor the United States, are parties to the Rome Statute.

Last June, Gen. Paul Nakasone, the head of US Cyber Command, revealed to Sky News that Washington has been aiding Ukraine by conducting “offensive” cyber-attacks against Russia. Nakasone said the US has “conducted a series of operations across the full spectrum; offensive, defensive, information operations” aimed at Russia, without offering more details.

Ukraine formally joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s Cyber Defense Center earlier this year. Biden has previously warned that cyber conflicts are liable to start a real war with Russia and China. “If we end up in a war, a real shooting war with a major power, it’s going to be as a consequence of a cyber breach of great consequence.”


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79b999 No.88403

File: 70ea70a1b1fadc4⋯.png (231.18 KB,886x494,443:247,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519831 (092200ZSEP23) Notable: . Gov Grisham suspends 2nd amendment in NM - backlash building, even from the Dems!

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BREAKING: New Mexico Governor BANS Guns For 30 Days Under The Guise Of ‘Public Health’

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79b999 No.88404

File: 731f321e522955c⋯.png (354.89 KB,672x800,21:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519840 (092201ZSEP23) Notable: . Gov Grisham suspends 2nd amendment in NM - backlash building, even from the Dems!

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"I'm willing to do anything and everything. No constitutional right, in my view, is intended to be absolute."

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79b999 No.88405

File: 425c03b57cb5bf3⋯.png (377.05 KB,1920x1012,480:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519843 (092201ZSEP23) Notable: PF

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>>88384 last bread

>Yep, it left North Island NAS San Diego as SPAR65 with hex ID AE10B3. Then switched the hex ID to AE10B4 unidentifed for flight over open water. Might switch back as it approaches the Hawaiian islands.

Waiting for hex ID switch back and return of SPAR65 call sign. Any anon have an idea who the VIP passenger(s) might be?

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79b999 No.88406

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519850 (092202ZSEP23) Notable: CLOWN WORLD: Biden pledging $520 million for Ukraine “clean energy” while sending them depleted uranium weapons

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CLOWN WORLD: Biden pledging $520 million for Ukraine “clean energy” while sending them depleted uranium weapons

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79b999 No.88407

File: 9a8f10714a73c38⋯.png (2.1 MB,1235x1930,247:386,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519860 (092204ZSEP23) Notable: Donald Trump creates the very first MyPillow pillow

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Donald Trump creates the very first MyPillow pillow. Historians say that Mike Lindell needed the best pillow scientist to design the MyPillow pillow, so he reached out to the most brilliant pillow scientist he knew, Donald Trump.

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79b999 No.88408

File: d3d06b189557d9a⋯.png (192.75 KB,857x956,857:956,Clipboard.png)

File: 685a475b514c49e⋯.png (182.03 KB,880x682,40:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519876 (092207ZSEP23) Notable: Tom Renz: A personal note about righting for freedom

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Tom Renz


I wrote this for my brothers and sisters that believe in freedom and stand against corruption. We stand together or we fall. #WeThePeople are the key to #freedom & protecting our #Constitution but we have to fight - peacefully and with wisdom - but without fear or hesitation. I hope this is meaningful. #Truth #MAGA #usa #GodWins #freedom #SaveAmerica


A Personal Note About Fighting the Fight for Freedom

When I write and share things on Substack and elsewhere I trying to tie things to issues relevant to the fight. For those that don’t know the fight is a term I generally use to describe the collective…

Sep 09, 2023, 3:30 PM


A Personal Note About Fighting the Fight for Freedom


SEP 9, 2023

When I write and share things on Substack and elsewhere I trying to tie things to issues relevant to the fight. For those that don’t know the fight is a term I generally use to describe the collective fight for freedom and against tyranny and corruption - election fraud, COVID, CBDCs, climate change fraud, etc. In this stack I’m going to make things more personal on my end. I hate sharing things about myself but the entire basis of what my approach is to put it all out there, lead with integrity, and recognize that I will frequently fail but continue to try with a true heart. With that I want to share that my goal is to let my brothers and sisters that are considering going the fight know what it looks like and some of the things you deal with when you are just a regular guy that gives himself entirely to the fight for God, family, country, and freedom.

The first thing I want to put out there is the strange line I walk in terms of being someone that never wanted to be known and someone that has to provide an example to others like me as to how to fight.There is only one way to lead effectively and that is to lead with your heart. This means that if you are disingenuous or fake people will figure that out so you need to put it out there for real. For a private person to share their actual heart with the world is not easy because it will be attacked directly and, frankly, if you’re not strong it will destroy you (I’ve been close several times). That said, it’s been my experience that when I tell God I’m about to fall off the edge he backs me up (I’ll discuss the necessity of faith in the fight in the future).

Leading with your heart and standing for all you believe does another thing. It makes you powerful. I ONLY fight for things I believe in to my core. I hate liars and, while I fall short as a man, a Christian, and even as a warrior frequently the drive to stand for what I believe has been strong enough to overcome my injured pride when my enemies (and sometimes friends) jam those shortcomings down your throat.

Of equal importance the fact that I fight from the heart creates another strange situation - anger and pain. I suppose anger is one of my Christian shortcomings but I have it and it usually stems from pain. It hurts when I see bad things happening to good people, when friends and allies fall short, when I fail, and when I fail my family, friends, allies, and God. The hurt can shut you down or you can use it to fight twice as hard. I do the latter and I’m my experience that is the defining difference between a warrior and someone that isn’t.

Anger is an important thing to understand if your going all in on the fight because you WILL experience it a LOT. Jesus didn’t do much anger (turned the tables of the money changers) but it’s not something I can stop when I see injustice so I do my best to use it correctly. When we talk about anger from a warrior’s perspective you have to understand that the reason athletes and commentators talk so much about heart in a sport (boxing, football, etc.) isthat the person our team playing with all their heart has a HUGE advantage over someone going through the motions. This helps make me effective because the people I fight are doing so for money or power - I’m fighting FOR a cause and with anger over injustice.

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79b999 No.88409

File: dc00d2fdb2870dc⋯.png (666.6 KB,989x976,989:976,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519879 (092207ZSEP23) Notable: Who wrote Biden's speech?

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Who wrote Biden's speech?

“The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salam, excuse me, Mohammed bin Salman... and since he’s not speaking today… Maybe he is speaking today. I had a note he wasn’t speaking. Any rate, I’m gonna stop there.”

From RNC Research

1:10 PM · Sep 9, 2023·103.1K Views

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79b999 No.88410

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519880 (092207ZSEP23) Notable: Tom Renz: A personal note about righting for freedom

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That being said, anger can easily become a dangerous two-sided blade. Channeling righteous indignation can make you strong and able to withstand attacks but if you lose control of it you will fall in your mission, or worse, become the thing you are fighting. In plain terms this means that if you truly want to be an effective warrior for good you have to put it all in and remain strong enough to never lose control or sight of what you are really fighting for.

The other side of the anger, pain, and bad things that are part of the fight are the rewards for fighting.The single most rewarding aspect of fighting is the pure peace you feel through the turmoil that stems from knowing that you are doing good things to help people.There is simply no better feeling in the world than knowing that your work is in service of God and others and is about giving people the freedom to make their lives better.Ultimately - this trumps everything.

I’m continuing to fight and all these things are very personal and internal things I think about and deal with on a daily basis. I’m fighting evil - people that would poison children, try and steal freedom, people that lie and attack good men for personal gain, and those that sow division and hate for their own ends - and that means that on a personal level I deal with an immense amount of pain and anger.

If you join me in the fight you will have to decide your level of commitment. Everyone can pray and share. That takes very little and helps a lot. I have given everything I have. There’s no privacy, it’s hard as hell in my family, there’s no funding or resources, half the world hates you, and there is never peace. It’s absolutely worth it and I’ll never stop. Know that if you commit fully you will experience the same.

I don’t expect you will see many articles like this because warriors don’t typically share because it opens you for more attacks and most don’t see the value in baring your soul and giving your enemies a larger target. I understand that but also believe that my role of this fight necessitates me doing the one thing I never wanted to do - to open myself publicly to any arrows my enemies want to fire so I can show that God will stand with his people and so they will not fall. Privately I’ve talked with many of my friends that are heroes in the fight and I think they may explain it differently but feel very similarly.

A final note and prayer: to my brothers and sisters in freedom, regardless of what you look like or how you live or believe, there are things worth giving EVERYTHING for. God, our children’s future, and freedom are top on the list. We must remain peaceful and wise but we also must fight with all we have to preserve or regain the freedom inherent to all humanity. May God provide us all the courage to fight and the wisdom to fight well.


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79b999 No.88411

File: 2fd509e0b251671⋯.png (358.49 KB,560x630,8:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519883 (092208ZSEP23) Notable: Biden, Biden, Biden

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79b999 No.88412

File: 506b5c8cd701496⋯.png (368.83 KB,560x898,280:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519894 (092209ZSEP23) Notable: Biden, Biden, Biden

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79b999 No.88413

File: 85f2d7788c0cd5b⋯.png (527.46 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: fd049d40b8c4f13⋯.png (47.5 KB,817x57,43:3,Clipboard.png)

File: dedfc12c808313f⋯.png (386.3 KB,412x569,412:569,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519898 (092209ZSEP23) Notable: Only ONE of the founding fathers signed ALL 4 of our founding documents: Roger Sherman

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Only ONE of the founding fathers signed ALL 4 of our founding documents.

Roger Sherman

Roger Sherman was a representative from Ct. in all of the sessions of the Continental Congress and played a major role in creating all 4 of our founding documents

-Articles of Association 1774

-Declaration of Independence 1776

-Articles of Confederation 1781

-United States Constitution 1789


where is the Roger Sherman Museum you may be wondering?

Never has been one. They did throw this together in some unrelated building in 2018 tho to pretend they care.


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79b999 No.88414

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519904 (092210ZSEP23) Notable: MASK SENSE OR NONSENSE: Business owners are wearing masks again in NYC James O'Keefe investigates

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Mastertroller looking for Weedroller James O'Keefe is a national treasure


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79b999 No.88415

File: a4c3b6e4d5a9381⋯.png (719.97 KB,1110x594,185:99,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519921 (092214ZSEP23) Notable: Oil prices are surging again, but this time Biden has way less ammunition to bring them down

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Oil prices are surging again, but this

time Biden has way less ammunition to

bring them down

Markets Insider, by Jason Ma

Posted By: NorthernDog, 9/9/2023 6:06:43 PM

Oil prices are surging again, but the Biden administration's biggest weapon for bringing them down has much less ammunition. Last year, the federal government drained 180 million barrels from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve as oil prices soared in the aftermath of Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the turmoil in energy markets that followed. Flooding the market with all that supply helped bring oil prices down — and helped cool inflation, which had shot up as well. Earlier this year, the administration took some steps to start refilling the SPR. But while it has ticked up slightly, the level remains near

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79b999 No.88416

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519947 (092219ZSEP23) Notable: Julie Kelly: Mike Pence Is Rewriting His Role In January 6th

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Julie Kelly: Mike Pence Is Rewriting His Role In January 6th

Pence is a fucking Coward



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79b999 No.88417

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519977 (092223ZSEP23) Notable: Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton's state Senate trial is falling apart

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Good “inside baseball” summary of the Ken Paxton Witch Trial:

“September 9, 2023

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton's state Senate trial is falling apart”

By Amil Imani

Read more:


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79b999 No.88418

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519986 (092225ZSEP23) Notable: Julie Kelly: Mike Pence Is Rewriting His Role In January 6th

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Kek, Bannon says Mike Pence have an unctuous voice

He’s so right!




Excessively ingratiating or insincerely earnest

Containing or composed of oil or fat.

Having the quality or characteristics of oil or ointment; slippery.

Ken Buck is a betrayer and doesn’t believe there were problems with 2020 electionpass it on!

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79b999 No.88419

File: 7d3451c799ebdcd⋯.png (223.08 KB,411x505,411:505,Clipboard.png)

File: 348e4d018330ed7⋯.png (692.65 KB,690x471,230:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519987 (092225ZSEP23) Notable: New Mexico state reps call for impeachment of governor over firearms suspension in Albuquerque

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BREAKING🔥: New Mexico state reps call for impeachment of governor over firearms suspension in Albuquerque

"We can and will force a vote on this," Rep. Block wrote on X, the platform previously called Twitter.

READ (https://justthenews.com/government/local/new-mexico-state-reps-call-impeachment-governor-over-firearms-suspension)

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79b999 No.88420

File: 9c6a5623319c4c2⋯.jpg (199.98 KB,846x398,423:199,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 172cfbe394f8edd⋯.jpg (619.04 KB,1079x1086,1079:1086,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519989 (092225ZSEP23) Notable: President Donald J. Trump Visit to Iowa v. Iowa State Football Game

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79b999 No.88421

File: 3e59ac7ddbe4d4c⋯.png (199.66 KB,411x380,411:380,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19519994 (092226ZSEP23) Notable: . Gov Grisham suspends 2nd amendment in NM - backlash building, even from the Dems!

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​ (https://www.westernjournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/gun-3.jpg)Emergency Health Order Suspends 2nd Amendment Rights for Citizens Effective Immediately

READ: https://saferead.org/AFAH


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79b999 No.88422

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520012 (092228ZSEP23) Notable: Julie Kelly: Mike Pence Is Rewriting His Role In January 6th

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Anons listen to this,Julie is revealing Pence’s dishonest participation in approving the 2020 elections. She said he was collaborating with others to kick Trump out

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79b999 No.88423

File: 15af4ddabb54e39⋯.png (51.05 KB,596x681,596:681,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520014 (092228ZSEP23) Notable: @GenFlynn These vaccines were planned well before early 2020 and so was the entire COVID nightmare.

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General Mike Flynn


This is heartbreaking and yet, being done intentionally. It is not about our health. It is about depopulation, control, building wealth for the wrong reasons and gaining more and more power over our lives (and millions still do not want to believe it because it is so unbelievable).

These vaccines were planned well before early 2020 and so was the entire COVID nightmare.

I’m so sorry for your plight, but these stories have to be told and we have to use them to inform others and to help us all fight back.

God knows we need strong leaders back in charge of the United States of America.

The people we have in charge currently are intentionally destroying the country.






True Story.

When the vaccine came out my husband's employer suggested the vaccine. Encouraged and even gave incentives for taking it. Then it became mandated for everybody that was a district manager and up. (My husband is a store manager.) They were forced to wear masks if… Show more

10:06 AM · Sep 9, 2023




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79b999 No.88424

File: f263eb675e8818c⋯.png (543.72 KB,560x692,140:173,Clipboard.png)

File: b7d87c4338ff22d⋯.mp4 (944.59 KB,378x360,21:20,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520017 (092228ZSEP23) Notable: Kamala celebrate Hip Hop in garrish rainbow colors & hot pink jeans

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Chris D. Jackson


I just ❤️ this video of Vice President Harris getting down today at the 50th anniversary of Hip Hop celebration at the Vice President's residence! 🎶

5:38 PM · Sep 9, 2023


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79b999 No.88425

File: 69dfe84beabb71a⋯.png (409.39 KB,593x873,593:873,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520034 (092230ZSEP23) Notable: Ryan Vasser, the junior lawyer who reported AG @KenPaxtonTX to the FBI w/o any evidence

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Move over Adam Kinzinger - we got a new crybaby Deep Stater!😭

This is Ryan Vasser, the junior lawyer who reported AG @KenPaxtonTX

to the FBI w/o any evidence

Ken fired him for insubordination and referred to him as “rogue”

Ryan’s said that hurt his feefees😢

Too much soy!





Sep 8

This should be the defining clip for the entire Ken Paxton impeachment farce

Junior lawyers in the AG office with ties to the Bush cartel secretly reported the elected Attorney General to the FBI without any evidence of a crime

And they just admitted it under oath

Clown show

0:01 / 0:58

8:08 AM · Sep 9, 2023




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79b999 No.88426

File: 154f8c6d19eeea4⋯.png (309.1 KB,560x600,14:15,Clipboard.png)

File: b0ed57d1d33a53a⋯.mp4 (1.04 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520037 (092230ZSEP23) Notable: Trump flipping burgers… KEK

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Trump flipping burgers...


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79b999 No.88427

File: 0e408355491ee2a⋯.png (247.33 KB,595x868,85:124,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520044 (092231ZSEP23) Notable: . Gov Grisham suspends 2nd amendment in NM - backlash building, even from the Dems!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




BREAKING NEWS: New Mexico State Representatives Stefani Lord and John Block are calling for the Impeachment of New Mexico Governor Michelle Grisham after her EO that violates the 2nd Amendment rights of citizens.

In the letter they state "I have a newsflash for the Governor: The Second Amendment is an absolute right, and so is my authority to impeach you for violating your oath to New Mexico and the United States."

It’s nice to finally see some Republicans fighting back!


10:11 AM · Sep 9, 2023




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79b999 No.88428

File: a6a0855053cc814⋯.png (3.25 MB,3448x1830,1724:915,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520055 (092232ZSEP23) Notable: Q Clock today: Thy Will be Done.

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QClock September 9, 2023 - Thy Will Be Done.

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79b999 No.88429

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520056 (092232ZSEP23) Notable: Biden makes up stories: now he's lying about 6 handicap KEK

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IT'S TRUE!!!😂😂😂

Joe Biden lying about 6 handicap



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79b999 No.88430

File: f1f8e8a5384f547⋯.png (222.41 KB,590x605,118:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520057 (092232ZSEP23) Notable: . Gov Grisham suspends 2nd amendment in NM - backlash building, even from the Dems!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Catturd ™


The memo has been sent out ... the New Mexico Governor overreached, this could destroy us in 2024, end this quickly.

This is panic backtracking.


End Wokeness





Holy sh*t is hell freezing over?



11:01 AM · Sep 9, 2023




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79b999 No.88431

File: 12f59caa3d3781e⋯.png (19.85 KB,555x262,555:262,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520061 (092233ZSEP23) Notable: Biden, Biden, Biden

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President Biden


I am deeply saddened by the loss of life and devastation caused by the earthquake in Morocco.

The United States stands by Morocco and my friend King Mohammed VI at this difficult moment. And, my Administration is ready to provide any necessary assistance for the Moroccan people.

6:30 PM · Sep 9, 2023


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79b999 No.88432

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520069 (092234ZSEP23) Notable: Q from lawyer to Mike L: "Why did you call me an ambulance chaser?" FOR KEKS

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79b999 No.88433

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520086 (092236ZSEP23) Notable: Mike Davis Reacts To Grand Jury Report Detailing An Additional 20 Indictments

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Mike Davis Reacts To Grand Jury Report Detailing An Additional 20 Indictments



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79b999 No.88434

File: ee1dcca31f60bb3⋯.png (605.92 KB,608x700,152:175,Clipboard.png)

File: 0925d09bde0b6b5⋯.png (562.15 KB,651x384,217:128,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520094 (092236ZSEP23) Notable: It’s mid-September and our country is burning down

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Joey Mannarino


It’s mid-September and our country is burning down: inflation rages, an economic depression looms, illegal immigration tears us apart at the seams.

Joe Biden is somewhere sleeping and Kamala Harris is dancing to Q-Tip at a backyard party.

Hopefully she doesn’t get too drunk & go OG Throat Goat on someone!

Last edited

10:04 AM · Sep 9, 2023




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79b999 No.88435

File: 87030256a793477⋯.png (225.37 KB,595x703,595:703,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520106 (092237ZSEP23) Notable: . Gov Grisham suspends 2nd amendment in NM - backlash building, even from the Dems!

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Leftist Congressman Ted Lieu and erudite scholar David Hogg apparently received their marching orders pertaining to the New Mexico Governor’s gun ban by edict:

“There is no such thing as a state public health emergency except to the US Constitution”

While I obviously agree with them for possibly the 1st time ever, it’s a bit strange they used the exact same verbiage

Insider polls must be showing a big dip for Dem voters!



10:34 AM · Sep 9, 2023




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79b999 No.88436

File: f6a1cd0bb8b95ed⋯.png (23.33 KB,598x278,299:139,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520119 (092239ZSEP23) Notable: . Gov Grisham suspends 2nd amendment in NM - backlash building, even from the Dems!

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Dan Bongino


Am I imagining this? Is this real? 👇🏻


Ted Lieu




I support gun safety laws. However, this order from the Governor of New Mexico violates the U.S. Constitution. No state in the union can suspend the federal Constitution. There is no such thing as a state public health emergency exception to the U.S. Constitution. twitter.com/cnnpolitics/st…

8:57 AM · Sep 9, 2023




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79b999 No.88437

File: f1f8e8a5384f547⋯.png (222.41 KB,590x605,118:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520120 (092239ZSEP23) Notable: . Gov Grisham suspends 2nd amendment in NM - backlash building, even from the Dems!

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I tend to think these things are soooo absurd that they are being forced to do them to destroy themselves from the inside https://twitter.com/catturd2/status/1700630419698340262

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79b999 No.88438

File: 8885a39b9de8ea8⋯.png (221.87 KB,595x476,5:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520147 (092241ZSEP23) Notable: . Gov Grisham suspends 2nd amendment in NM - backlash building, even from the Dems!

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Washington Examiner


GOP presidential candidates slam New Mexico governor's gun carry ban


GOP presidential candidates slam New Mexico governor's gun carry ban

Two Republican presidential candidates are going after Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham's (D-NM) executive action to ban the right to carry firearms in public for 30 days in the Albuquerque area.


Sep 09, 2023, 6:59 AM

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79b999 No.88439

File: aebf0985bb9388a⋯.png (165.82 KB,410x526,205:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520161 (092243ZSEP23) Notable: . Gov Grisham suspends 2nd amendment in NM - backlash building, even from the Dems!

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New Mexico Governor is threatened with *IMPEACHMENT* after her suspension of constitutional rights for a 'public health emergency'


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79b999 No.88440

File: 937363f1c50d083⋯.png (325.38 KB,589x793,589:793,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520199 (092247ZSEP23) Notable: . Gov Grisham suspends 2nd amendment in NM - backlash building, even from the Dems!

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Wall Street Silver


This has to be challenged in the courts. If we allow a left wing governor to so easily dispose of the 2nd amendment at will, then they will take this to the next level and keep testing where that line is.

Hopefully the NRA or another advocacy group in this area will immediately step in and get an injunction against this.


End Wokeness




New Mexico Governor Grisham:

The government has “additional powers” to suspend any part of the Constitution in the name of a health emergency

Now she’s invoking that power to eliminate 2nd Amendment rights

This is a test run. You have been warned.

7:58 AM · Sep 9, 2023




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79b999 No.88441

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520241 (092251ZSEP23) Notable: Caroline Wren: Never Never Never Mike Rogers.

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Caroline Wren: Never Never Never Mike Rogers. absolutely agreed



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79b999 No.88442

File: e970fff8bc61c27⋯.png (70.55 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520255 (092252ZSEP23) Notable: Second Challenger 2 tank destroyed in Ukraine ­

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9 Sep, 2023 21:45

Second Challenger 2 tank destroyed in Ukraine – media

The Russian troops have “declared open season” on the British-made armor, a local civic movement leader has said

The Russian forces have successfully hit the second Challenger 2 tank out of 14 heavy equipment pieces that London supplied to Kiev, the Russian media reported on Saturday, citing a local civic movement head from the Zaporozhye Region.

The heavy armor was supposedly rendered inoperable after it took just one hit with a Russian Kornet anti-tank missile, Vladimir Rogov, the leader of the ‘We are together with Russia’ movement told RIA Novosti.

“The British-[made] tanks have seen an open season declared on them,” Rogov said, adding that the second such tank was destroyed by the Russian airborne troops. The weapons supplied by the UK “burn just as well as any other Western equipment,” Rogov pointed out, adding that the fate of such equipment “is not to be envied.” The activist did not name his sources for the information.

Neither Kiev, nor Moscow have officially commented on the reported development so far. London, which confirmed the destruction of the first Challenger 2 tank in Ukraine earlier this week, did not provide any comments either.

The first British-made tank was also reportedly hit by a Russian Kornet missile. The Kornet system is a man-portable anti-tank guided missile, which can also be mounted on a vehicle. Some of its modifications are capable of destroying main battle tanks and other armored vehicles equipped with explosive reactive armor at a distance of up to 10 kilometers.

On Wednesday, a video of the first Challenger 2 tank being supposedly struck by such a missile surfaced on social media. The tank had completely burned out as a result of the hit, the footage showed.

At that time, British Secretary of Defense Grant Shapps said that “there can be material losses” in a conflict zone and London “accepts that.” He also told journalists that the UK does not plan to send additional tanks to Kiev to replace the losses.

The UK sent some 14 Challenger 2 tanks to Ukraine earlier this year as part of a massive Western military assistance effort, which mostly included variants of German-made Leopard 2 tanks. The supplies were intended for the much-touted Ukrainian counteroffensive that was eventually launched in early June.

Since then, the Ukrainian troops have barely managed to bring about any changes to the frontlines while suffering heavy losses both in personnel and equipment. As of September 5, 2023, Kiev lost some 66,000 troops and 7,600 pieces of heavy weaponry in its summer operation, according to Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu

(KEK, Russians love to rub it in!)


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79b999 No.88443

File: f4e158ff56e8017⋯.png (255.8 KB,606x522,101:87,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520268 (092254ZSEP23) Notable: MASK SENSE OR NONSENSE: Business owners are wearing masks again in NYC James O'Keefe investigates

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James O'Keefe


NYC MASK SENSE OR NONSENSE: Business owners are wearing masks again in NYC and @okeefemedia

investigates the “logic” and legitimacy of reasons behind the masks.

9:26 AM · Sep 9, 2023




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79b999 No.88444

File: 1e1959715d4cccf⋯.png (181.9 KB,926x784,463:392,Clipboard.png)

File: 4eb18181c45ff69⋯.png (333.01 KB,763x665,109:95,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520271 (092254ZSEP23) Notable: . Gov Grisham suspends 2nd amendment in NM - backlash building, even from the Dems!

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🇺🇸 Mike Davis 🇺🇸


Don't be fooled.

The New Mexico Governor Michelle's announcement was a trial balloon.

By today's Democrats (Marxists).

To see how far they could push.

To take away our God-given rights.

They walked through an open door with COVID lockdowns.

Because people were paralyzed by propaganda and the resulting fear.

And Big Government, Big Tech, and Big Media colluded to silence anyone who dared to question.

Like me. Several times.




New Mexico’s Governor is convinced that her duty to the Constitution is “not absolute.


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79b999 No.88445

File: e3afb994cd022c3⋯.png (591.34 KB,589x881,589:881,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520280 (092256ZSEP23) Notable: CA Senator Scott Weiner: These are some of the TRANS & PEDO bills he is responsible for

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End Wokeness


This is CA Senator Scott Weiner. These are some of the bills he is responsible for:

AB 957 (just passed): Punishes parents who don’t “affirm” their child’s trans identity

SB 107: Removes an out-of-state child from their parents if the child travels to California to obtain gender transition procedures

SB 145: Reduced penalty for offenders who sodomize chiIdren as young as 14

SB 866: Allows kids to consent to medical decisions without parental knowledge

SB 239: Reduces the penalty for knowingly giving AIDS without informing them

SB 132: Requires prisons to put males in female prisons if they claim to feel like a woman




8:55 AM · Sep 9, 2023




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79b999 No.88446

File: 21b241f49e580b7⋯.png (426.98 KB,600x584,75:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520298 (092258ZSEP23) Notable: jsolomonReports: Brian Kemp takes a jab at Trump

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John Solomon


Brian Kemp takes a jab at Trump, saying he opposed re-opening Georgia in 2020 during the pandemic | Just The News

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp | Getty Images


Brian Kemp takes a jab at Trump, saying he opposed re-opening Georgia in 2020 during the pandemic

"While he listened to Fauci & parroted media talking points, I listened to hardworking Georgians," Kemp wrote.

8:17 AM · Sep 9, 2023




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79b999 No.88447

File: c01899ddf5dcef8⋯.png (92.38 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520350 (092305ZSEP23) Notable: Ukraine will be ready to join EU in two years - Kiev

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9 Sep, 2023

Ukraine will be ready to join EU in two years – Kiev

The country might be accepted into NATO even sooner than that, Deputy Prime Minister Olga Stefanishina has said

Ukraine should be ready to become an EU member in the next two years, Deputy Prime Minister Olga Stefanishina told Voice of America on Friday. As Kiev’s official responsible for “European and Euro-Atlantic integration,” she says her nation is one of the “best prepared” for such a step.

“I believe that two years would be enough for full preparedness,” Stefanishina said, when asked about Ukraine’s EU prospects. She also vowed to do “10 times more than we do now” to achieve the goal once the conflict with Moscow ends. However, the minister admitted that the timeline would ultimately be determined by the “course of war.”

According to Stefanishina, Ukraine remains one of the “best prepared [nations] for the EU accession” since it is “a big part of the European economy” even in the midst of armed conflict. The country is one of the EU’s “top 20” import partners and the Ukrainian domestic market is “the biggest” on the territory of Europe, she stated.

At the same time, she admitted that Ukraine’s economic role in the EU would remain largely agricultural. “With all those agricultural lands… there can be no reality, in which Ukraine stops being an agrarian country,” she said.

The bloc itself has been in no rush to accept Kiev into its ranks. EU officials have refused to set specific timelines for Ukraine’s accession, saying that it must first address issues such as rampant corruption and introduce comprehensive legal reforms. In 2022, France said that the process might eventually take years.

In early September, Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg warned that fast-tracking membership for Ukraine would spell “geostrategic disaster” since it would show that some nations are “more equal than others.” Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy also said on Friday that accepting the ex-Soviet republic into both the EU and NATO would increase Washington’s sway over the EU dramatically.

Kiev might also join NATO even sooner than the EU, Stefanishina proposed, saying that the US-led military bloc would be happy to have a member with “one of the strongest armies” after, she said, it beats Moscow. The minister admitted, though, that Ukraine’s accession to the alliance is a “political decision,” while still maintaining that this decision was “taken in Vilnius,” which hosted the latest NATO summit.

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky produced a scandal at the meeting in mid-July, when he condemned NATO for what he called “indecisiveness” over a lack of a clear roadmap for Kiev’s membership. He allegedly angered US officials to the extent that they briefly considered withdrawing Ukraine’s invitation to the bloc. Then British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace also criticized Kiev over its lack of gratitude for Western military aid, explaining that the US and its allies were “not Amazon.”


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79b999 No.88448

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520402 (092311ZSEP23) Notable: #23973

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#23973 >>88343

>>88427, >>88438, >>88444, >>88435 New Mexico State Representatives Stefani Lord and John Block are calling for the Impeachment of New Mexico Governor Michelle Grisham after her EO that violates the 2nd Amendment rights of citizens.

>>88388, >>88392 President Donald J. Trump Visit to Iowa v. Iowa State Football Game

>>88389 Dems Rebut 2020 Rigging Accusations By Rigging 2024!Dems Rebut 2020 Rigging Accusations By Rigging 2024!

>>88390 o far, Maui police have released the names of 55 of the dead. Of those, 22 were in their 70s, with another 13 in their 60s. There was ONE listed victim under the age of 10.

>>88391 The White House is aware that sanctuary city mayors can’t tolerate the real-life consequences of the Democratic party’s policies.

>>88393 Gov Grisham suspends 2nd amendment - responses from others too

>>88396 LOL fuck them. Democrats Demand Fani Willis Charge Jim Jordan for Investigating Corruption

>>88397 Soros backed Governor, and Soros backed DA. How many more times must we hear Soros?

>>88398 Once-posh Beverly Hills now littered with CLOSED STORES amid California crime wave

>>88399 How They Plan on Moving EVERYONE Into “Smart Cities” Before 2030

>>88400 Green Fail: Government Offshore Wind Farm Auction Attracts Zero Bids

>>88400 Green Fail: Government Offshore Wind Farm Auction Attracts Zero Bids


>>88402 ICC Lead Prosecutor: We Will Prosecute Cyber ‘War Crimes’

>>88413 Only ONE of the founding fathers signed ALL 4 of our founding documents, Roger Sherman

>>88416 Mike Pence Is Rewriting His Role In January 6th: a fucking Coward

>>88419 New Mexico state reps call for impeachment of governor over firearms suspension in Albuquerque

>>88423 @GenFlynn These vaccines were planned well before early 2020 and so was the entire COVID nightmare.

>>88426 Trump flipping burgers… KEK

>>88447 Ukraine will be ready to join EU in two years – Kiev


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79b999 No.88449

File: a177ba7069d280b⋯.jpg (552.87 KB,793x582,793:582,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520415 (092313ZSEP23) Notable: #23974

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baker haz ghosted

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79b999 No.88450

File: d7fc30453fb3659⋯.png (706.18 KB,1178x591,1178:591,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520508 (092327ZSEP23) Notable: Morroco EQ death count up

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At least 2,012 people died and another 2,059 were injured in the 6.8 magnitude earthquake that struck Morocco Friday night, according to the latest figures released by the country's interior ministry


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79b999 No.88451

File: 5db8bf06d36464b⋯.png (502.93 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520526 (092329ZSEP23) Notable: Huckabee Sanders Declares No Lockdowns, School Closures, or COVID-19 Masks and Vaccines Mandates

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Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders Takes Stand on Personal Freedoms: Declares No Lockdowns, School Closures, or COVID-19 Masks and Vaccines Mandates

Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders Takes Stand on Personal Freedoms: Declares No Lockdowns, School Closures, or COVID-19 M...


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79b999 No.88452

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520528 (092329ZSEP23) Notable: The Right View with Lara Trump & Dr. Peter McCullough

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The Right View with Lara Trump & Dr. Peter McCullough 9/7/23




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79b999 No.88453

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520542 (092331ZSEP23) Notable: A Personal Note About Fighting the Fight for Freedom

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Tom Renz


I wrote this for my brothers and sisters that believe in freedom and stand against corruption. We stand together or we fall. #WeThePeople are the key to #freedom & protecting our #Constitution but we have to fight - peacefully and with wisdom - but without fear or hesitation. I hope this is meaningful. #Truth #MAGA #usa #GodWins #freedom #SaveAmerica


A Personal Note About Fighting the Fight for Freedom

When I write and share things on Substack and elsewhere I trying to tie things to issues relevant to the fight. For those that don’t know the fight is a term I generally use to describe the collective…

Sep 09, 2023, 3:30 PM


A Personal Note About Fighting the Fight for Freedom


SEP 9, 2023

When I write and share things on Substack and elsewhere I trying to tie things to issues relevant to the fight. For those that don’t know the fight is a term I generally use to describe the collective fight for freedom and against tyranny and corruption - election fraud, COVID, CBDCs, climate change fraud, etc. In this stack I’m going to make things more personal on my end. I hate sharing things about myself but the entire basis of what my approach is to put it all out there, lead with integrity, and recognize that I will frequently fail but continue to try with a true heart. With that I want to share that my goal is to let my brothers and sisters that are considering going the fight know what it looks like and some of the things you deal with when you are just a regular guy that gives himself entirely to the fight for God, family, country, and freedom.

The first thing I want to put out there is the strange line I walk in terms of being someone that never wanted to be known and someone that has to provide an example to others like me as to how to fight.== There is only one way to lead effectively and that is to lead with your heart. This means that if you are disingenuous or fake people will figure that out so you need to put it out there for real. For a private person to share their actual heart with the world is not easy because it will be attacked directly and, frankly, if you’re not strong it will destroy you (I’ve been close several times). That said, it’s been my experience that when I tell God I’m about to fall off the edge he backs me up (I’ll discuss the necessity of faith in the fight in the future).

Leading with your heart and standing for all you believe does another thing. It makes you powerful. I ONLY fight for things I believe in to my core. I hate liars and, while I fall short as a man, a Christian, and even as a warrior frequently the drive to stand for what I believe has been strong enough to overcome my injured pride when my enemies (and sometimes friends) jam those shortcomings down your throat.

Of equal importance the fact that I fight from the heart creates another strange situation - anger and pain. I suppose anger is one of my Christian shortcomings but I have it and it usually stems from pain. It hurts when I see bad things happening to good people, when friends and allies fall short, when I fail, and when I fail my family, friends, allies, and God. The hurt can shut you down or you can use it to fight twice as hard. I do the latter and I’m my experience that is the defining difference between a warrior and someone that isn’t.

Anger is an important thing to understand if your going all in on the fight because you WILL experience it a LOT. Jesus didn’t do much anger (turned the tables of the money changers) but it’s not something I can stop when I see injustice so I do my best to use it correctly. When we talk about anger from a warrior’s perspective you have to understand that the reason athletes and commentators talk so much about heart in a sport (boxing, football, etc.) is ==that the person our team playing with all their heart has a HUGE advantage over someone going through the motions. This helps make me effective because the people I fight are doing so for money or power - I’m fighting FOR a cause and with anger over injustice.

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79b999 No.88454

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520544 (092331ZSEP23) Notable: A Personal Note About Fighting the Fight for Freedom

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That being said, anger can easily become a dangerous two-sided blade. Channeling righteous indignation can make you strong and able to withstand attacks but if you lose control of it you will fall in your mission, or worse, become the thing you are fighting. In plain terms this means that if you truly want to be an effective warrior for good you have to put it all in and remain strong enough to never lose control or sight of what you are really fighting for.

The other side of the anger, pain, and bad things that are part of the fight are the rewards for fighting.The single most rewarding aspect of fighting is the pure peace you feel through the turmoil that stems from knowing that you are doing good things to help people.There is simply no better feeling in the world than knowing that your work is in service of God and others and is about giving people the freedom to make their lives better.Ultimately - this trumps everything.

I’m continuing to fight and all these things are very personal and internal things I think about and deal with on a daily basis. I’m fighting evil - people that would poison children, try and steal freedom, people that lie and attack good men for personal gain, and those that sow division and hate for their own ends - and that means that on a personal level I deal with an immense amount of pain and anger. ==

If you join me in the fight you will have to decide your level of commitment. Everyone can pray and share. That takes very little and helps a lot. I have given everything I have. There’s no privacy, it’s hard as hell in my family, there’s no funding or resources, half the world hates you, and there is never peace. It’s absolutely worth it and I’ll never stop. Know that if you commit fully you will experience the same.

I don’t expect you will see many articles like this because warriors don’t typically share because it opens you for more attacks and most don’t see the value in baring your soul and giving your enemies a larger target. I understand that but also believe that my role of this fight necessitates me doing the one thing I never wanted to do - to open myself publicly to any arrows my enemies want to fire so I can show that God will stand with his people and so they will not fall. Privately I’ve talked with many of my friends that are heroes in the fight and I think they may explain it differently but feel very similarly.

A final note and prayer: to my brothers and sisters in freedom, regardless of what you look like or how you live or believe, there are things worth giving EVERYTHING for. God, our children’s future, and freedom are top on the list. We must remain peaceful and wise but we also must fight with all we have to preserve or regain the freedom inherent to all humanity. May God provide us all the courage to fight and the wisdom to fight well.


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79b999 No.88455

File: 3b0dca4489b36ed⋯.png (369.67 KB,596x703,596:703,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520579 (092337ZSEP23) Notable: The Governor of New Mexico has just declared the 1st & 2nd Amendment “does not exist” due to an “emergency.” constitutionality?

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Thomas Massie


She’s nuts, but she’s taking what the tyrants did during COVID (forced jabs, travel bans, closed businesses, suppressed speech - with no laws passed) to the next level.


Benny Johnson





The Governor of New Mexico has just declared the 1st & 2nd Amendment “does not exist” due to an “emergency.”

Under this legal theory *all* of our “rights” are essentially eliminated.

Watch the most evil & tyrannical 60 seconds you’ve ever heard from a politician:

12:14 PM · Sep 9, 2023




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79b999 No.88456

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520580 (092337ZSEP23) Notable: Biden ATF Harassed and Stalked Florida Gun Shop Owner after He Testified to Congress About the Agency

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Biden ATF Harassed and Stalked Florida Gun Shop Owner after He Testified to Congress About the Agency

Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL) accused the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives of retaliating against a Florida whistleblower.

Biden’s ATF harassed and stalked Chris Smith, a Florida gun shop owner who testified before Congress on the weaponization of the ATF.

The ATF has been harassing and raiding gun shops at an unprecedented rate under the Biden Regime.

Rep. Gaetz said shortly after Chris Smith testified on the weaponization of the ATF in June, ATF agents showed up at his store ‘Gulf Coast Gun’ unannounced looking to inspect a manufacturer’s license.

“After Chris’ testimony at my Field Hearing on the Weaponization of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, ATF agents showed up at his business unprompted to inspect a manufacturer’s license he has held for only six months: Given Chris has not yet used the license, the agents had nothing to inspect and had no choice but to leave,” Gaetz wrote, according to the letter obtained by the Washington Examiner.

Why a Veteran-Owned Freeze-Dried Beef Company Unabashedly Embraces an America First Worldview

“The ATF had previously audited Chris’ retail license within the last year, and it follows that given the ATF is forbidden from auditing the same business twice in one year, the only excuse the ATF had to harass Chris further was to audit a new, unused manufacturer’s license,” Gaetz said.

“The local ATF agent admitted that he had no records Chris was using the license, but nevertheless received a direct order to audit Chris’ new license,” Gaetz said.

Gaetz said ATF agents stalked Smith and even showed up unannounced at his store manager’s home.

“In addition to this violation of federal law, the ATF showed up uninvited to the home of Christian O’Brien, Chris’ store manager, without making an appointment, as he does not have business hours,” he wrote. “Christian does not sell any firearms or perform any business on behalf of Gulf Coast Gun. Christian was not home at the time, so the agents called him and told him: ‘Don’t worry, we know where you work.’ This kind of stalking is unwarranted and creepy.”

Gaetz asked ATF Director Steven Dettelbach to answer a series of questions related to the agency’s actions against Smith and O’Brien.


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79b999 No.88457

File: 388f2f26dcb8d9d⋯.png (405.19 KB,621x478,621:478,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520610 (092343ZSEP23) Notable: Morroco EQ death count up

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79b999 No.88458

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520621 (092345ZSEP23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Having a great time in Iowa!

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Donald J. Trump


Having a great time in Iowa!

Sep 09, 2023, 6:24 PM




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79b999 No.88459

File: 0ae38424c8761c8⋯.png (44.72 KB,1285x279,1285:279,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520622 (092345ZSEP23) Notable: 'My Worst Nightmare': Thousands of Illegal Immigrants Flood NYC Schools on First Day

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'My Worst Nightmare': Thousands of Illegal

Immigrants Flood NYC Schools on First Day

Townhall, by Leah Barkoukis

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 9/9/2023 7:04:37 PM

It wasn’t back-to-school as normal this week in the Big Apple. Schools in the city were pushed beyond capacity due to more than 21,000 newly enrolled illegal immigrants entering the education system. On Thursday, the line to get inside Newcomers High School in Long Island City wrapped around the block and forced some students to a facility across the street because the building’s max capacity had been reached. “They should have worked this out two days ago!” a frustrated teacher told the New York Post. One student, 14-year-old George Kara Lekas, talked to the Post about the chaotic scene as he and his classmates had to wait

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79b999 No.88460

File: a124e97b6145770⋯.png (102.8 KB,627x776,627:776,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520626 (092346ZSEP23) Notable: An Eyewitness on the Border

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An Eyewitness on the Border

American Thinker, by Leo W. Banks

Posted By: Imright, 9/9/2023 7:39:53 PM

I’ve reported on the Arizona-Mexico border for a long time, and recently published a novel about a ranching family battling a drug cartel trying to take over their ranch. But for on-the-ground grit and realism, it’s hard to match the account of a Border Patrol agent who works the line every day. Early last month, a friend began sending me emails written by an agent who risks losing his job if his identity becomes public. But what this whistleblower sees every day is endangering the country he loves, and he has to speak out. Here’s part of his email for August 12:

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79b999 No.88461

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520627 (092347ZSEP23) Notable: The Governor of New Mexico has just declared the 1st & 2nd Amendment “does not exist” due to an “emergency.” constitutionality?

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New Mexico Governor’s suspension order of right to carry triggers constitutionality questions

New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham issued an emergency order Friday suspending the right to carry firearms in public across Albuquerque and the surrounding county for at least 30 days in response to a wave of deadly shootings.

The firearms suspension is classified as an emergency public health order and applies to open and concealed carry in most public places, ranging from city sidewalks to urban recreational parks.

The restriction is tied to a threshold for violent crime rates currently only met by metropolitan Albuquerque. Police and licensed security guards are exempt from the temporary ban.

Under the order, residents may still transport their firearms to some private sites, such as a gun range or gun store, provided the firearm has a trigger lock or some other container or mechanism making it impossible to discharge.

The action set off questions by New Mexico law enforcement officials, supporters of gun control and Second Amendment advocates as to whether Ms. Lujan Grisham‘s move was constitutional.

“I support gun safety laws. However, this order from the Governor of New Mexico violates the U.S. Constitution. No state in the union can suspend the federal Constitution,” said Rep. Ted Lieu, California Democrat on X, the platform previously known as Twitter. “There is no such thing as a state public health emergency exception to the U.S. Constitution.”

Gun control activist David Hogg posted on X, “I support gun safety but there is no such thing as a state public health emergency exception to the U.S. Constitution.”

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79b999 No.88462

File: d2293298d97fc23⋯.jpg (504.59 KB,1365x2048,1365:2048,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520656 (092354ZSEP23) Notable: Psychological Operations Ball Nov 18 2023 Fayetteville, NC

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U going?

Not sure I'll be able to crash the party alone

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79b999 No.88463

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520663 (092356ZSEP23) Notable: Rand Paul Blasts Pentagon For Role In Niger, Demands To Know How Many Boots On Ground

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Rand Paul Blasts Pentagon For Role In Niger, Demands To Know How Many Boots On Ground

Sen. Rand Paul has sent a letter to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin demanding to know more about the Pentagon's role in Niger, which recently underwent a coup wherein Niger's US-trained military overthrow the democratically elected US-backed president.

Naturally, the senator from Kentucky has some questions. The letter was sent Tuesday and subsequently obtained by Politico. Among Paul's chief aims is to assess just how many American troops are still in Niger, which is now being ruled by a junta, which includes Brig. Gen. Moussa Salaou Barmou, who received training by elite US forces.

"Under what authorities, and or what purpose did U.S. forces provide training to Moussa Salaou Barmou or any other Nigerien forces and coup leaders who overthrew President Mohamed Bazoum," Paul asked in the letter.

He's further demanding to know which specific Niger forces were beneficiaries of US security aid and support, and where US-supplied equipment went.

"Is the Department of Defense concerned that any current recipients of funds, training, equipment or other kinds support ... is currently engaged in human rights violations or engaged in human rights violations in the last ten years," Paul wrote.

The stakes couldn't be higher, given the potential for broader regional war with foreign forces (including the French) in the middle, as Responsible Statecraft's Kelly Vlahos points out:

There are 1,016 U.S. troops still in Niger — a virtual powderkeg of political and military unrest since an armed junta overthrew its president and locked him and his family in the basement of the government palace in late July.

As a result, regional governments under the banner of ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) is threatening to intervene militarily until the still-imprisoned leader is restored to office. The coup leaders have responded by rallying the people to their cause, as well as other armed juntas in the region.

Below are a couple more pointed questions from the letter, which seem to allude remotely to the recent Afghan pullout fiasco:

How many countries is the U.S. military operating in under the 2001 AUMF? How many are operating under Sections 333 and 127e of the U.S Code, and who specifically is receiving aid and training in those countries? How much money went to Niger?

Aside from the tragic deaths of four American soldiers in October 2017 in an ambush, how many service members have come under fire in Niger since 2013? Under what authorities are being used to keep a U.S. military footprint there now?

It should be noted that coup leaders like Brig. Gen. Barmou weren't just trained by the Pentagon in Africa, but in his case he attended military schooling at Fort Benning, Georgia and the National Defense University in Washington, D.C.

"As citizens of a Constitutional republic," Sen. Paul concluded in his letter, "Americans must be informed of hostilities involving the Armed Forces so that the people can participate in national debates over war and peace."


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79b999 No.88464

File: 60378976983f648⋯.jpg (176.56 KB,720x1226,360:613,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b53ee8da6843785⋯.mp4 (4.14 MB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520692 (100003ZSEP23) Notable: Kamala Harris threw a party at her house today to observe 50 years of hip-hop/Unrelated: the "border czar's" one and only visit to the border was 806 days ago.

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PRIORITIES: Kamala Harris threw a party at her house today to observe 50 years of hip-hop.

Unrelated: the "border czar's" one and only visit to the border was 806 days ago.


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79b999 No.88465

File: c7c59f4f31992ca⋯.png (1.15 MB,1280x549,1280:549,Clipboard.png)

File: 31e9148f210877c⋯.png (350.46 KB,556x453,556:453,Clipboard.png)

File: 3ba74d5c4d5f8a6⋯.png (100.95 KB,799x451,799:451,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520732 (100008ZSEP23) Notable: US Pushes Bidenomics To The World During Weekend Summit For Global Powers

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US Pushes Bidenomics To The World During Weekend Summit For Global Powers

President Joe Biden’s signature economic policy, dubbed “Bidenomics,” is being pushed onto other countries this weekend as the president heads to the G20 summit in India.

Biden traveled to New Delhi, India, on Thursday, where he is attending the G20 summit — a gathering of 19 major countries and the European Union — to discuss issues related to global cooperation, according to statements made in a briefing Tuesday from Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan. Sullivan emphasized that Biden would be championing his economic policy at the summit, pushing other countries, particularly developing nations, to adopt the same approach.

“Here at home, President Biden has worked to rebuild the American economy, as you’ve all heard him say, from the bottom up and the middle out by making smart investments in the industries of the future while tackling climate change and empowering workers,” Sullivan said at a press briefing. “We think countries around the world, too, can benefit from a similar type of approach and that we can help them as well by mobilizing investment to support them in tackling the challenges that they face.”

Biden signed the American Rescue Plan in March 2021 as a part of his economic policy, which was designed to deliver $1.9 trillion in economic relief from the COVID-19 pandemic. The bill included stimulus checks for individuals, debt bailouts for state and local governments, funding for vaccines and health care-related costs and more.

“The essence of Bidenomics is a highly expansionary budget policy that former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers has described as the most irresponsible budget policy in the last 40 years,” Desmond Lachman, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “This policy contributed importantly to a surge in inflation to a multi-decade high. That in turn has forced the Federal Reserve to slam on the monetary policy brakes which could be setting us up for a recession next year.”

Under Biden’s watch, inflation skyrocketed to a peak of 9.1% in June 2022 following high spending, which slowly retreated to 3.0% in June, ticking up to 3.2% in July, still above the Federal Reserve’s target rate of 2%. To combat inflation, the Fed has raised its federal funds rate 11 times since March 2022, bringing the current rate into a range of 5.25% and 5.50%.

“Bidenomics is hardly worthy of copying,” Lachman told the DCNF. “We must hope that the other G-20 countries resist the siren calls for excessive budget spending. If not, the world economy will be in big trouble.”

Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act, a key component of Bidenomics, in August 2022, approving around $750 billion in new spending, with nearly $370 billion of that directed toward fighting climate change through green initiatives.


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79b999 No.88466

File: ec606bfa09252d7⋯.png (196.64 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 8cbc2719c599038⋯.png (194.46 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520743 (100011ZSEP23) Notable: Has the Western Medical System turned Murderous?

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Assassins in white coats

I don't care who thinks they are in charge

They all let this go on


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79b999 No.88467

File: e0ccdda9fbcda19⋯.png (1.38 MB,1456x699,1456:699,Clipboard.png)

File: 6aebf54356345f3⋯.png (380.77 KB,823x960,823:960,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520744 (100011ZSEP23) Notable: The Who of the "5Ws"

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The Who of the "5Ws"

The IRS is the first of several agency pictorial directories we will publish.

SEP 9, 2023

The news this summer surrounding the U.S. pResident & his family has been dominated by the testimony & exhibits produced by Gary Shapley, a Supervisory Special Agent (SSA) from the IRS. Shapley was one of the lead agents of the “Sportsman” investigation, a code name which the FBI created for the federal inquiry into the U.S. pResident’s degenerate & corrupt second son.

Marco Polo takes the final clause of the First Amendment more seriously than perhaps any group in America - it is essential that we petition our Government for a redress of grievances. To properly do that, you need to know not only names but also faces, backgrounds, biases, etc of the feds involved. To that end, we present below our first rundown of who precisely at the IRS was/is involved in this total fiasco and miscarriage of justice:


Next up: The DOJ, then the FBI, & finally the US Attorney's office in Delaware.

[As always, we are attentive to — and abide by — 18 USC § 119.]

-Garrett Ziegler








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79b999 No.88468

File: 3c300c4af7e8133⋯.png (317.84 KB,536x473,536:473,Clipboard.png)

File: 213a32532dea77a⋯.png (272.87 KB,554x518,277:259,Clipboard.png)

File: e860e125cc6f1ac⋯.png (228.21 KB,640x500,32:25,Clipboard.png)

File: 3ade27cf45c9bc1⋯.png (380.17 KB,613x614,613:614,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520751 (100012ZSEP23) Notable: Communists Disrupt California School Board Meeting on Parental Rights

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WATCH – ‘Overthrow This System’: Communists Disrupt California School Board Meeting on Parental Rights

A school board meeting got heated when communists went up against parents’ rights activists Thursday in Orange County, California.

The Orange Unified School Board was about to pass a parental notification policy that makes it a requirement for staff members to tell parents when their child “identifies” as “transgender,” Fox News reported Saturday.

However, members of the Revolutionary Communist Party became boisterous, which turned into shouting coming from both groups.

Officers eventually escorted the communists from the meeting, and video footage shows one of the moments when things grew tense and loud:

“As part of the Revolutionary Communists we actually are here to say that this policy, and even having the discussion about changing the words in this policy and trying to reach across the aisle with fascism is just completely the wrong term,” one of the communists told listeners from the podium:

We are getting organized for a real revolution to get rid of this system, to get to a whole society and world where LGBT people are actually treated and viewed as full human beings. Any kind of trying to negotiate with any of these fascists in the room, on the board, is illegitimate. And any decent people who actually want to fight for the humanity of LGBT people should be getting organized for revolution to overthrow this whole system that gave birth to this white supremacy and this male supremacy. We have a constitution after the revolution that would replace the U.S. Constitution that would actually uphold the rights of LGBT people and not have to negotiate all of the ugly terms that are being said right now in society.


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79b999 No.88469

File: ffbb51921e88b3c⋯.png (382.73 KB,591x556,591:556,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520753 (100012ZSEP23) Notable: THOUSANDS Line Up Chanting “USA” as President Trump Departs Iowa State Football Stadium

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Square profile picture

The Gateway Pundit


WATCH: THOUSANDS Line Up Chanting “USA” as President Trump Departs Iowa State Football Stadium via @gatewaypundit


WATCH: THOUSANDS Line Up Chanting "USA" as President Trump Departs Iowa State Football Stadium |...

1:09 PM · Sep 9, 2023




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79b999 No.88470

File: f809752cc680771⋯.jpg (100.53 KB,1080x1073,1080:1073,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 78cb535fd988af2⋯.jpg (110.44 KB,1079x1166,1079:1166,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6a4f8af64acf017⋯.jpg (70.04 KB,720x727,720:727,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520755 (100013ZSEP23) Notable: Has the Western Medical System turned Murderous?

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79b999 No.88471

File: 64e522b306f1cf3⋯.png (17.91 KB,555x201,185:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520782 (100019ZSEP23) Notable: Best is yet to come bun

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ICYMI (lb)

Here is also a post from Obama about this same subject and has a q quote in it....I wonder if he is saying that's the first and more to come of those

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79b999 No.88472

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520791 (100021ZSEP23) Notable: Explosive new footage proves Voice/Treaty link to UNDRIP agenda!

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SMOKING GUN - Explosive new footage proves Voice/Treaty link to UNDRIP agenda!

Pauline Hanson's Please Explain

Megan Davis, a key architect of Albanese's risky and divisive Voice, says all the quiet parts out loud in this shocking newly uncovered footage.

"At the core of Uluru is treaty."

"We now have a benchmark for treaty negotiations in the form of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP)"

"A political Voice is needed first to do hard work that is needed to underpin treaty making."

"It will COMPEL the Commonwealth to have us at the table."

"It was meant to give us control of the IAS (Indigenous Advancement Strategy) money and the funds that they took away after the abolition of ATSIC."


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79b999 No.88473

File: a54f4af7550acd9⋯.png (27.55 KB,598x428,299:214,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520799 (100022ZSEP23) Notable: Part-time jobs have grown by over 1 million, while full-time jobs dropped by 670,000.

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Kari Lake


Part-time jobs have grown by over 1 million, while full-time jobs dropped by 670,000.

The median weekly earnings for Americans is down 2.1%

Americans have to work twice as hard to compensate for @JoeBiden

's failures.


More Americans Taking Second Jobs, Part-Time Work As Inflation Continues To Rage

Americans are needing to take up part-time work and even get second jobs as worsening economic conditions like high inflation have degraded wages.

1:12 PM · Sep 9, 2023




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79b999 No.88474

File: 264bf8e15f870c9⋯.png (26.15 KB,519x376,519:376,Clipboard.png)

File: a3fdde08d6b4728⋯.png (34.86 KB,519x478,519:478,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520801 (100023ZSEP23) Notable: Best is yet to come bun

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79b999 No.88475

File: 53fbf892edbb588⋯.png (171.46 KB,600x867,200:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520805 (100024ZSEP23) Notable: The Governor of New Mexico has just declared the 1st & 2nd Amendment “does not exist” due to an “emergency.” constitutionality?

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🇺🇸 Mike Davis 🇺🇸


Don't be fooled.


's announcement was a trial balloon.

By today's Democrats (Marxists).

To see how far they could push.

To take away our God-given rights.

They walked through an open door with COVID lockdowns.

Because people were paralyzed by propaganda and the resulting fear.

And Big Government, Big Tech, and Big Media colluded to silence anyone who dared to question.

Like me. Several times.

And Republican politicians and judges were cowards.

For years.

Never again.

Marxists only respect power.

We must earn power.

And crush them.


Square profile picture





New Mexico’s Governor is convinced that her duty to the Constitution is “not absolute.”

1:20 / 3:50

10:49 AM · Sep 9, 2023




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79b999 No.88476

File: 854b02eb622e595⋯.png (353.31 KB,510x303,170:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520810 (100025ZSEP23) Notable: New Mexico Sheriff Tells Tyrannical Governor He Will Not Comply with Temporary New Mexico Gun Ban

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New Mexico Sheriff Tells Tyrannical Governor He Will Not Comply with Temporary New Mexico Gun Ban

On Friday, New Mexico’s tyrannical Democrat Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham declared gun violence a public health emergency in response to the shooting deaths of a thirteen-year-old girl on July 28, a five-year-old girl on August 14, and an eleven-year-old...


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79b999 No.88477

File: 9fd5112dfdd1bbd⋯.png (365.06 KB,597x762,199:254,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520812 (100025ZSEP23) Notable: NM: Cops, you better police your own if you want us to back you.

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Kurt Schlichter


Cops will enforce this.

Cops, you better police your own if you want us to back you.


Frog Capital




These orders "go into effect immediately"

New Mexico adding extra police officers to enforce.

How does a police officer enforce an unconstitutional order?


6:20 AM · Sep 9, 2023




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79b999 No.88478

File: 25035f1448dcbc8⋯.png (761.5 KB,768x421,768:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520816 (100026ZSEP23) Notable: "Covid mRNA Shots Have Triggered VAIDS Epidemic???

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Horror: "Covid mRNA Shots Have Triggered VAIDS Epidemic, Study Warns" - Studies in Children, Adults

Covid mRNA Shots Have Triggered VAIDS Epidemic, Study Warns

Scientists are raising the alarm after a new study shows that Covid mRNA vaccines are responsible for a global epidemic of vaccine-acquired immune deficiencies (VAIDS).


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79b999 No.88479

File: 0f84c2c6e645a50⋯.png (478.14 KB,598x535,598:535,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520822 (100027ZSEP23) Notable: Best is yet to come bun

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79b999 No.88480

File: fdd2894b5e1629b⋯.png (311.65 KB,593x609,593:609,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520825 (100029ZSEP23) Notable: The Governor of New Mexico has just declared the 1st & 2nd Amendment “does not exist” due to an “emergency.” constitutionality?

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>Sheriff fails to keep his Oath.

This is how revolutions start.: Arizona House Democrats are cheering on New Mexico's governor for ignoring the constitution

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79b999 No.88481

File: c8af2003ec5a1b7⋯.png (120.27 KB,250x187,250:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520841 (100030ZSEP23) Notable: Best is yet to come bun

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mini bun on it

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79b999 No.88482

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520846 (100031ZSEP23) Notable: G20 Announces Plan For Digital Currencies & Digital ID's

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G20 Announces Plan For Digital Currencies & Digital ID's


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79b999 No.88483

File: 966288d345732aa⋯.png (795.76 KB,768x449,768:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520847 (100031ZSEP23) Notable: Atlanta's Mind-Numbing 24-Page Guide to 'Inclusive Language'

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Atlanta's Mind-Numbing 24-Page Guide to 'Inclusive Language'

Inclusive language, like the tax code, is only understood by the elites. It gives them power over those who don't understand taxes/wokeness.


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79b999 No.88484

File: 7f90265ec4e9c77⋯.mp4 (3.32 MB,630x360,7:4,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 106f70da1b9b108⋯.mp4 (10.87 MB,198x340,99:170,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520860 (100033ZSEP23) Notable: Communists Disrupt California School Board Meeting on Parental Rights

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79b999 No.88485

File: 735fdc7aec8709d⋯.mp4 (1.8 MB,638x360,319:180,Clipboard.mp4)

File: e266d1acd2d4f2e⋯.mp4 (1.76 MB,584x270,292:135,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 0256e4a6a9b464e⋯.mp4 (2.65 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520869 (100034ZSEP23) Notable: Communists Disrupt California School Board Meeting on Parental Rights

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79b999 No.88486

File: f9d14b400e51979⋯.png (521.89 KB,779x823,779:823,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520878 (100035ZSEP23) Notable: The Governor of New Mexico has just declared the 1st & 2nd Amendment “does not exist” due to an “emergency.” constitutionality?

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Guns and Gear

‘Impeach And Remove’: Legal Experts, Conservatives Bash Dem Gov’s Gun Ban

Homeland Security Secretary Kelly Holds Meeting With Members Of Congress

(Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)

Daily Caller News Foundation logo

Nick Pope


September 09, 2023 10:07 AM ET

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79b999 No.88487

File: 4cca51c12be79de⋯.png (648.49 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520890 (100038ZSEP23) Notable: Impeach Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham

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Impeach Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham.To the Honorable Legislators of the state of New Mexico, In accordance with the Constitution of the state of New Mexico, Article II Bill of Rights, Section 16; Treason against the state shall consist only in levying war against it, adhering to its enemies

Sign the Petition

To the Honorable Legislators of the state of New Mexico,In accordance with the Constitution of the state of New Mexico, Article II Bill of Rights, Section 16;Treason against the state shall consist only in levying war against it, adhering to its enemies, o...


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79b999 No.88488

File: 52de4599e1978bf⋯.png (602.52 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520915 (100043ZSEP23) Notable: Impeach Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham

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New Mexico officials call for governor’s impeachment after firearms restriction

Democratic governor’s emergency order restricts carrying firearms for at least 30 days amid spate of gun violence


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79b999 No.88489

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520932 (100046ZSEP23) Notable: Dave Brat: The Republican Party Has Been Ossified With Its Bow To The Donor Class

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Dave Brat: The Republican Party Has Been Ossified With Its Bow To The Donor Class

I love Dave Brat, we are not a democracy, we are a Republic! Fuck them all!



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79b999 No.88490

File: b7d83c10daa4d7c⋯.png (1.32 MB,1456x699,1456:699,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520943 (100048ZSEP23) Notable: The Who of the "5Ws"

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The Who of the "5Ws"

SEP 9, 2023

The IRS is the first of several agency pictorial directories we will publish.

The news this summer surrounding the U.S. pResident & his family has been dominated by the testimony & exhibits produced by Gary Shapley, a Supervisory Special Agent (SSA) from the IRS. Shapley was one of the lead agents of the “Sportsman” investigation, a code name which the FBI created for the federal inquiry into the U.S. pResident’s degenerate & corrupt second son.

Marco Polo takes the final clause of the First Amendment more seriously than perhaps any group in America - it is essential that we petition our Government for a redress of grievances. To properly do that, you need to know not only names but also faces, backgrounds, biases, etc of the feds involved. To that end, we present below our first rundown of who precisely at the IRS was/is involved in this total fiasco and miscarriage of justice: media.marcopolousa.org/pdf/irsdirectory.pdf

Next up: The DOJ, then the FBI, & finally the US Attorney's office in Delaware.

[As always, we are attentive to — and abide by — 18 USC § 119.]

-Garrett Ziegler




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79b999 No.88491

File: 0a1f8689782a482⋯.png (367.58 KB,1437x1013,1437:1013,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520969 (100053ZSEP23) Notable: PF update

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>>88405 last bred


Found it. Landed Hickam AFB as SPAR 065.

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79b999 No.88492

File: 7f74f932e11a27f⋯.mp4 (1.27 MB,464x848,29:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520975 (100054ZSEP23) Notable: Yep, Walmart adds moar pick up spaces

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>Michigan Walmart is getting ready for plandemic part 2


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79b999 No.88493

File: aeb831ba2580089⋯.png (676.9 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19520999 (100101ZSEP23) Notable: The Governor of New Mexico has just declared the 1st & 2nd Amendment “does not exist” due to an “emergency.” constitutionality?

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GOV Grisham "is throwing up a middle finger to the Constitution and the Supreme Court,” Dudley Brown, president of the gun-rights group, said in a statement. Gun-rights group sues Lujan Grisham over emergency order banning firearms in public

Gun-rights group sues Lujan Grisham over emergency order banning firearms in public

The lawsuit claims the governor's order, announced Friday after the shooting deaths of several children, is unconstitutional.


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79b999 No.88494

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19521014 (100105ZSEP23) Notable: TRUTH ABOUT THE KLU KLUX KLAN THAT YOU DIDN'T KNOW!

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Half And Jai

345K subscribers

52K views 1 day ago #justhalf #simplyjai #HalfAndJai

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79b999 No.88495

File: 0acf4ea74b28306⋯.png (651.48 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19521016 (100105ZSEP23) Notable: Man who displays ‘F—k Biden’ signs arrested by Henrico Police

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FUCK JOE BIDEN...FJB, FJB, FJB!!!! here we GO: Man who displays ‘F—k Biden’ signs arrested by Henrico Police

A Charles City man who has made it his mission for several years to promote his hatred of President Joe Biden with obscene signs in highly visible spots throughout Metro Richmond, while championing his efforts to thousands of YouTube followers as exercises...


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79b999 No.88496

File: 145ec446fa2d100⋯.png (1.06 MB,1040x1280,13:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19521022 (100106ZSEP23) Notable: Impeach Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham

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DO IT!!!!!! Rep Stephani Lord starting impeachment of NM Governor

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79b999 No.88497

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19521037 (100110ZSEP23) Notable: Alex DeGrasse Explains The Major Congressional Redistricting Battles

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Alex DeGrasse Explains The Major Congressional Redistricting Battles


Marc Elias was raised from hell


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79b999 No.88498

File: 575087df18bb520⋯.png (350.19 KB,555x465,37:31,Clipboard.png)

File: ad0886893d180b2⋯.mp4 (938.99 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19521046 (100111ZSEP23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump at Jack Trice Stadium in Ames, Iowa—for the Iowa vs. Iowa State🏈game…

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Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅


.@realDonaldTrump at Jack Trice Stadium in Ames, Iowa—for the Iowa vs. Iowa State🏈game…

8:52 PM · Sep 9, 2023

from Ames, IA·


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79b999 No.88499

File: 1c7e7fc4684121c⋯.png (161.19 KB,595x871,595:871,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19521096 (100119ZSEP23) Notable: Impeach Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham

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Square profile picture

National Association for Gun Rights


New Mexico Governor Michelle Grisham just declared a "gun violence public emergency" and BANNED the public carry of guns in Albuquerque and the surrounding county by executive order.




11:43 AM · Sep 9, 2023




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79b999 No.88500

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19521111 (100123ZSEP23) Notable: US court orders Argentina to pay $16 billion over oil firm takeover

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US court orders Argentina to pay $16 billion over oil firm takeover

The ruling wraps up a years-long legal battle waged by former YPF investors backed by the world’s largest litigation finance provider

A US federal judge has entered a $16 billion judgment in favor of former shareholders of energy company YPF, who were backed by Burford Capital, in a case against the government of Argentina.

The dispute, arising from the country’s takeover of a majority stake in the oil and gas company in 2012, ended in defeat for the Argentine government, which has been ordered to pay $8.4 billion in damages and $7.6 billion in interest to two defunct investors in YPF, Petersen and Eton Park.

Shares in Burford Capital, a litigation finance powerhouse that largely funded the plaintiffs’ claims, soared 28% in US trading shortly after the decision was published on Friday.

The Argentine government called the ruling “unprecedented and erroneous” in a statement, adding that it would appeal.

“This case over the rights of former shareholders of an Argentine company under the Argentine company’s bylaws does not belong in a US court,” the statement reads.

Buenos Aires seized control of 51% of YPF in 2012 after accusing its majority shareholder, Spanish company Repsol SA, of failing to invest sufficient resources in oil production. In 2014, the parties reached an agreement under which the Spanish firm received compensation of $5 billion.

Burford Capital later purchased the defunct companies that owned 25% of YPF shares before the nationalization.

“We will continue to defend energy sovereignty and our state company YPF against vulture funds,” Argentine government spokeswoman Gabriela Cerruti posted on X (formerly Twitter).


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79b999 No.88501

File: c4b7698707fe233⋯.png (361.39 KB,595x504,85:72,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19521122 (100124ZSEP23) Notable: These are the books that the left are defending.

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Sarah Fields


These are the books that the left are defending.



1:36 PM · Sep 9, 2023




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79b999 No.88502

File: b6860ddbb2e7304⋯.png (1.14 MB,1441x1013,1441:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: c8c4385d6f93948⋯.jpg (32.84 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7af81a83ac35eb1⋯.png (996.77 KB,1021x754,1021:754,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19521128 (100125ZSEP23) Notable: PF update

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Up from Offutt AFB. Call sign KUSHA56. Squawk 3632. USN E-6B Merucry 164405. VQ-3 Ironman squadron.


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79b999 No.88503

File: fa882663ce4f5ef⋯.png (1.04 MB,1240x697,1240:697,Clipboard.png)

File: 7db5b5f4c9743a7⋯.png (316.6 KB,1003x868,1003:868,Clipboard.png)

File: 5d1e779a69a009a⋯.png (237.7 KB,1020x844,255:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19521137 (100127ZSEP23) Notable: What’s in the G20 leaders’ declaration?

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What’s in the G20 leaders’ declaration?

The document focuses heavily on climate and sustainability issues, and addresses the conflict in Ukraine


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79b999 No.88504

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19521150 (100129ZSEP23) Notable: #23975

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#23975 >>88449

>>88491, >>88502 PF update

>>88450, >>88457 Morroco EQ death count up

>>88451 Huckabee Sanders Declares No Lockdowns, School Closures, or COVID-19 Masks and Vaccines Mandates

>>88452 The Right View with Lara Trump & Dr. Peter McCullough

>>88453, >>88454 A Personal Note About Fighting the Fight for Freedom

>>88455, >>88461, >>88475, >>88480, >>88486, >>88493 The Governor of New Mexico has just declared the 1st & 2nd Amendment “does not exist” due to an “emergency.” constitutionality?

>>88456 Biden ATF Harassed and Stalked Florida Gun Shop Owner after He Testified to Congress About the Agency

>>88458 @realDonaldTrump Having a great time in Iowa!

>>88459 'My Worst Nightmare': Thousands of Illegal Immigrants Flood NYC Schools on First Day

>>88460 An Eyewitness on the Border

>>88462 Psychological Operations Ball Nov 18 2023 Fayetteville, NC

>>88463 Rand Paul Blasts Pentagon For Role In Niger, Demands To Know How Many Boots On Ground

>>88464 Kamala Harris threw a party at her house today to observe 50 years of hip-hop/Unrelated: the "border czar's" one and only visit to the border was 806 days ago.

>>88465 US Pushes Bidenomics To The World During Weekend Summit For Global Powers

>>88466, >>88470 Has the Western Medical System turned Murderous?

>>88467, >>88490 The Who of the "5Ws"

>>88468, >>88484, >>88485 Communists Disrupt California School Board Meeting on Parental Rights

>>88469 THOUSANDS Line Up Chanting “USA” as President Trump Departs Iowa State Football Stadium

>>88472 Explosive new footage proves Voice/Treaty link to UNDRIP agenda!

>>88473 Part-time jobs have grown by over 1 million, while full-time jobs dropped by 670,000.

>>88476 New Mexico Sheriff Tells Tyrannical Governor He Will Not Comply with Temporary New Mexico Gun Ban

>>88477 NM: Cops, you better police your own if you want us to back you.

>>88478 "Covid mRNA Shots Have Triggered VAIDS Epidemic???

>>88481 Best is yet to come bun

>>88482 G20 Announces Plan For Digital Currencies & Digital ID's

>>88483 Atlanta's Mind-Numbing 24-Page Guide to 'Inclusive Language'

>>88487, >>88488, >>88496, >>88499 Impeach Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham

>>88489 Dave Brat: The Republican Party Has Been Ossified With Its Bow To The Donor Class

>>88492 Yep, Walmart adds moar pick up spaces


>>88495 Man who displays ‘F—k Biden’ signs arrested by Henrico Police

>>88497 Alex DeGrasse Explains The Major Congressional Redistricting Battles

>>88498 @realDonaldTrump at Jack Trice Stadium in Ames, Iowa—for the Iowa vs. Iowa State🏈game…

>>88500 US court orders Argentina to pay $16 billion over oil firm takeover

>>88501 These are the books that the left are defending.

>>88503 What’s in the G20 leaders’ declaration?


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79b999 No.88505

File: ec2fde9896f8923⋯.png (2.25 MB,943x1200,943:1200,Clipboard.png)

File: ba65a46fe27e2a3⋯.jpg (96.8 KB,714x980,51:70,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5d0b0db3dc6487a⋯.jpg (101.53 KB,888x499,888:499,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e9de9cee9a1ac2b⋯.png (2.08 MB,858x1200,143:200,Clipboard.png)

File: b24803ed0fa527a⋯.jpg (195.47 KB,1000x564,250:141,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19521163 (100131ZSEP23) Notable: #23975

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Baker needs off hand, will tap @20

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79b999 No.88506

File: df372e4cf69cc38⋯.png (238.74 KB,602x568,301:284,Clipboard.png)

File: bfd78846b442db3⋯.mp4 (2.25 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19521200 (100136ZSEP23) Notable: I have never seen this January 6th DC Capitol Police brutality video before, have you?

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>>>/qresearch/19521162 (pb)

Veritas Nunquam Perit


I have never seen this January 6th DC Capitol Police brutality video before, have you?

Sure would be a shame it if went viral


Micki Witthoeft

4:13 PM · Nov 26, 2021



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79b999 No.88507

File: 509a15884e14d2d⋯.png (1 MB,768x575,768:575,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19521215 (100140ZSEP23) Notable: The Fall-Out from COVID-19 Continues: Rackovan v Penn State

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The Fall-Out from COVID-19 Continues: Rackovan v Penn State. The firing of Zack Rackovan from his job at Penn State is to understand that The Entire System Has Gone Completely Off The Rails! Zackovan believes no one should be mandated to inject an unknown, experimental substance into one’s body...

The Fall-Out from COVID-19 Continues: Rackovan v Penn State

Penn State fired Zack Rackovan for not complying with COVID-19 mandates, rejecting his religious exemption and ignoring his protected rights'


He is appalled at the idea that someone can be fired in America because of an experimental shot or religious beliefs. He also knows that Penn State is not alone in its draconian policies. “It’s not just Penn State. It’s now the government and most of our educational institutions across the country” that are stomping on Constitutional rights. Rackovan continued, “I feel like they should have respected my constitutional right to refuse. I shouldn’t have even been in that position. This was an experimental shot. It was a medical experiment to which I should have just been able to say, ‘No thank you.'”

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79b999 No.88508

File: 1ad88bec735120b⋯.png (198.1 KB,600x600,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19521231 (100144ZSEP23) Notable: Discrimination, Excommunication, and Indoctrination

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Discrimination, Indoctrination, and Excommunication. DIE, the acronym for so-called Diversity, Equity & Inclusion that has infiltrated and infected American society, is like so many things in Biden’s America, the exact opposite of what it claims to be. DEI is used to bring on a Totalitarian Future..

Discrimination, Excommunication, and Indoctrination

DEI, the acronym for so-called Diversity, Equity and Inclusion that has infiltrated and infected American society, is like so many things in Biden’s America, the exact opposite of what it claims to be.Diversity as practiced in contemporary ...


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79b999 No.88509

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19521235 (100145ZSEP23) Notable: FBI’s killing of Utah man prompts questions from neighbors

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FBI’s killing of Utah man prompts questions from neighbors

Residents ask if Craig Robertson, who could ‘barely get around’ but posted threats against Biden, ‘warranted that kind of response’

A clearer picture is emerging of the 75-year-old Utah man shot dead by the FBI after they tried to serve a search warrant hours before Joe Biden arrived in the state on a re-election campaign swing.

But questions are also being asked as to whether Craig Robertson was a “credible threat”, as the FBI claims, or as neighbors in Provo, Utah, have described to local media as a man harboring anti-government views who walked with a cane and liked to bluster and tell big stories, especially on social media.

Robertson had posted threats against the president, including asking whether Utah would become famous “as the place a sniper took out Biden the Marxist”. He’d also urged Utah residents to fire their guns into the air when Air Force One arrived, the Deseret News reported.

Late last month Robertson posted a message: “Hey FBI, you still monitoring my social media? Checking so I can be sure to have a loaded gun handy in case you drop by again.”

On 6 August, three days before Biden’s visit, according to a 37-page federal complaint, Robertson posted: “I hear Biden is coming to Utah. Digging out my old ghillie suit and cleaning the dust off the M24 sniper rifle.”

The legal complaint alleged interstate threats, threats against the president, and influencing, impeding and retaliating against federal law enforcement officers by threat, Robertson represented a “willful true threat to kill or cause injury to President Biden”.

He had also made threats against a whole host of familiar liberal politicians and officials including California governor Gavin Newsom, US attorney general Merrick Garland, Vice-President Kamala Harris and New York’s progressive district attorney Alvin Bragg.

CBS News reported it was told by law enforcement that the man had engaged FBI agents in a gunfight when they attempted to serve a warrant.

A neighbor told the Deseret News that he witnessed several unmarked vehicles block the street early on Wednesday and heard agents shout: “Craig Robertson, please come out with your hands up” before flash grenades were heard.

The neighbor, Cooper Robinson, said he then heard “shouting and some yelling, I couldn’t pick out what they were saying. But at some point I did hear five shots fired.”

Nyla Rollins, another neighbor, estimated that 50 agents were involved. “They called for my neighbor … to come out. And he’s like, ‘I’m not coming out [expletive].’ And then I didn’t hear anything after that,” Rollins told the News.

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79b999 No.88510

File: 944eafcda21ee21⋯.png (54.95 KB,591x378,197:126,Clipboard.png)

File: 921bdd82fdc7c45⋯.png (89.58 KB,586x539,586:539,Clipboard.png)

File: 0a42edfb6bfaad9⋯.png (70.28 KB,555x565,111:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19521236 (100145ZSEP23) Notable: QUANTUM-READINESS

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79b999 No.88511

File: 2abef0dcaaf5b71⋯.png (915.71 KB,768x614,384:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19521241 (100145ZSEP23) Notable: Race to Be Trump’s Running Mate Begins as Noem Endorses Him

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Norm endorses Trump and looking to be his VP running mate. Is it a good fit?

Race to Be Trump’s Running Mate Begins as Noem Endorses Him

Donald Trump’s resilience in polls of the Republican presidential primary field is shifting attention to what, for the moment at least, is the only truly competitive national race for 2024: the contest to be his running mate. Speculation over Trump’s poten...


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79b999 No.88512

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19521249 (100147ZSEP23) Notable: FBI’s killing of Utah man prompts questions from neighbors

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Who was Craig Robertson? What we know about the armed Trump supporter shot dead in Utah FBI raid

The Utah man shot dead by FBI agents Wednesday morning after making online assassination threats to President Biden and other top Democrats was a staunch Donald Trump supporter, Air Force veteran, Second Amendment advocate and twice-widowed father of three adult children.

Craig Deleeuw Robertson, 75, was reportedly armed when federal agents arrived at his doorstep around 6:15 a.m. to serve both an arrest and search warrant of his home in Provo, south of Salt Lake City, just hours before Biden was to arrive in the state.

Robertson was facing counts of interstate threats, a threat against the president and influencing, impeding and retaliating against federal law enforcement officers by threat before he was killed.

The registered Republican and self-proclaimed “MAGA Trumper” wrote online Sunday that he heard Biden was coming to Utah so he was digging out his camouflage hunting suit and “cleaning the dust off the M24 sniper rifle.”

Robertson had a collection of firearms that he frequently showed off in photos posted to his social media profiles, where he described himself as an “Air Force Vietnam Era vet, retired welding inspector, gunsmith and woodworker. NRA Life Member, 2A advocate and owner of many AR rifles + many other rifles, shotguns, and handguns.”

“As Patrick Henry said, so shall I: ‘GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH.’,” the veteran added.

Robertson’s profile photo on Facebook was an image of him wearing a helmet, goggles and face cover as he pointed a gun with its green laser sight on. Another picture showed him holding up a large rifle while another featured all his guns lined up.

He had a collection of at least 20 guns, according to Travis Lee Clark, a community member who knew Robertson from working at their local church ward together — but added that that wasn’t out of the ordinary for the area.

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79b999 No.88513

File: dcba741721f2963⋯.png (125.72 KB,389x529,389:529,Clipboard.png)

File: 9dd3583a0ee8d4f⋯.mp4 (2.14 MB,392x532,14:19,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19521260 (100149ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump TruthSocial - Great meeting “Grill Team Six” this afternoon. Thank you!

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Donald J. Trump


Great meeting “Grill Team Six” this afternoon. Thank you!

Sep 09, 2023, 9:34 PM


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79b999 No.88514

File: 0a53dedd4ec8f3f⋯.png (422.97 KB,592x586,296:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19521309 (100157ZSEP23) Notable: More than 215,000 illegals reported by Border Patrol crossing southern border in August

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John Solomon


More than 215,000 illegals reported by Border Patrol crossing southern border in August | Just The News

Migrants at southern border, El Paso, Texas, Dec. 22, 2022 | ALLISON DINNER/AFP via Getty Images


More than 215,000 illegals reported by Border Patrol crossing southern border in August

CBP doesn’t publicly report gotaway data. The data was obtained by The Center Square.

2:52 PM · Sep 9, 2023




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79b999 No.88515

File: ba017740856c4b8⋯.mp4 (1.66 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19521433 (100213ZSEP23) Notable: Xi Jinping Is Done With the Established World Order

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Xi Jinping Is Done With the Established World Order

Snubbing the G20 is just the beginning. China wants to replace it.

The world’s most powerful leaders gathered in New Delhi for the year’s premier diplomatic event—the G20 summit—but China’s Xi Jinping deemed it not worth his time. His absence sends a stark signal: China is done with the established world order.

Ditching the summit marks a dramatic turn in China’s foreign policy. For the past several years, Xi has apparently sought to make China an alternative to the West. Now Xi is positioning his country as a full-on opponent—ready to align its own bloc against the United States, its partners, and the international institutions they support.

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79b999 No.88516

File: 174bd8da79f316c⋯.jpg (190.59 KB,1908x1146,318:191,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19521456 (100216ZSEP23) Notable: New Mexico governor paid 150k settlement to staffer for grabbing his dick

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New Mexico governor paid 150k settlement to staffer for grabbing his dick

Settlement (2021) https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10084065/amp/New-Mexico-Governor-pays-150-000-settle-sexual-harassment-claim-former-campaign-spokesman.html

Death Threats (2022):


Dead at age 40, no foul play (2023)


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79b999 No.88517

File: 7d1dcfca60483c9⋯.png (388.09 KB,600x514,300:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19521467 (100217ZSEP23) Notable: Notetaker Bun / Five injured by car plowing into pro-democracy protesters on Tel Aviv highway

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Five injured by car plowing into pro-democracy protesters on Tel Aviv highway



Fuck. The FBI attacked Israel!

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79b999 No.88518

File: ffe051ab225c7b1⋯.png (266.64 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19521483 (100218ZSEP23) Notable: Notetaker Bun / Laxative shortage sweeps US as diet and work habits leave stores 'literally running out'

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SHILLS be like Oh crap: Laxative shortage sweeps US as diet and work habits leave stores 'literally running out'

Laxative shortage sweeps US as diet and work habits leave stores 'literally running out'

Laxatives are the latest pharmaceutical product to be added to the list of drug shortages in the United States as more people are struggling to find constipation-relieving products on store shelves.


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79b999 No.88519

File: 94ff4610a508446⋯.png (255.29 KB,600x514,300:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19521504 (100221ZSEP23) Notable: Notetaker Bun / IDF soldiers enter Arab Israeli city against guidelines, throw stun grenade, clash with residents

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IDF soldiers enter Arab Israeli city against guidelines, throw stun grenade, clash with residents




When the law enforcement officer does not obey the law. Then it's time to stop paying taxes and buy Arms.

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79b999 No.88520

File: 94ac67a7e893b5e⋯.png (862.1 KB,1000x664,125:83,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19521510 (100222ZSEP23) Notable: Notetaker Bun / A Deep Dive Into US Navy’s Epic Shipbuilding Failure

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A Deep Dive Into US Navy’s Epic Shipbuilding Failure

y Joaquin Sapien (ProPublica) In July 2016, warships from more than two dozen nations gathered off the coasts of Hawaii and Southern California to join the United States in the world’s largest naval exercise. The United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Japan, South Korea and others sent hundreds of destroyers, aircraft carriers and warplanes. They streamed in long lines across the ocean, symbols of power and prestige.

The USS Freedom had its own special place within the armada. It was one of a new class of vessels known as littoral combat ships. The U.S. Navy had billed them as technical marvels — small, fast and light, able to combat enemies at sea, hunt mines and sink submarines.

In reality, the LCS was well on the way to becoming one of the worst boondoggles in the military’s long history of buying overpriced and underperforming weapons systems. Two of the $500 million ships had suffered embarrassing breakdowns in previous months. The Freedom’s performance during the exercise, showing off its ability to destroy underwater mines, was meant to rejuvenate the ships’ record on the world stage. The ship was historically important too; it was the first LCS built, the first in the water, commissioned just eight years prior.

Also Read: US Navy Is Both Decommissioning And Building More Of This Failed Ship by John Konrad

But like the LCS program’s reputation, the Freedom was in bad shape. Dozens of pieces of equipment on board were undergoing repairs. Training crews for the new class of ships had proven more difficult than anticipated. The sailors aboard the Freedom had not passed an exam demonstrating their ability to operate some of the ship’s most important systems.

As the day to launch approached, the pressure mounted. Top officers visited the ship repeatedly. The Freedom’s sailors understood that theirs was a “no fail mission” with “‘no appetite’ to remain in port,” according to Navy documents obtained by ProPublica.

The Freedom’s Capt. Michael Wohnhaas consulted with his officers. Despite crippling problems that had left one of the ship’s engines inoperable, he and his superiors decided the vessel could rely on its three others for the exercise.


It gets WAY worse

Billions and billions for Navy Ships that dont work....That the Navy does not want,

Lobbyist and politicians destroy the ship building industry.


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79b999 No.88521

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19521533 (100226ZSEP23) Notable: Notetaker Bun / Elon Musk Call Obama A Pedophile! Reeeee!

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Elon Musk Call Obama A Pedophile! Reeeee!


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79b999 No.88522

File: f04fe4af321b0a8⋯.jpg (63.15 KB,720x369,80:41,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19521544 (100227ZSEP23) Notable: Notetaker Bun / Obama: .....Best is Yet to Come

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Congratulations to US Open champion, @CocoGauff! We couldn’t be prouder of you on and off the court - and we know the best is yet to come.


Best is yet to come

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79b999 No.88523

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19521547 (100227ZSEP23) Notable: Paul Hutchinson: Trafficker Character in the Sound of Freedom Based on His Undercover Work

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Paul Hutchinson: Trafficker Character in the Sounds of Freedom Based on His Undercover Work


192,204 views Aug 26, 2023

Modern Wisdom Episodes

Paul Hutchinson is an entrepreneur, former fund manager and undercover operative known for his role in rescuing trafficked children depicted in the film the Sound of Freedom. Transitioned from a career in real estate asset management to dismantling some of the world’s largest child sex trafficking rings.

The first time, he rented an private island to rescue around 100 children. Very dangerous, very traumatic, he saw the minor children as they were delivered ("all virgins"). Did 70 rescue missions until it became too much, decided to public instead (FOUR MONTHS AGO).

Talks about the INCREDIBLE BARRIERS ERECTED to keep The Sounds of Freedom from reaching the public and how they got around those barriers.

00:00 Paul’s Background

04:19 How Big is the Issue of Child Trafficking?

08:00 The Biggest Consumers of Child Trafficking

11:25 Why Paul Was Perfectly Equipped to Be an Operative

14:03 The Chilling Story of Paul’s First Operation

26:35 What It’s Like for Armed Forces to Storm the Operation

31:40 Living the Life of an Underground Operative

34:10 The Most Dangerous Situations Paul has Faced

39:04 The Significant Weight of Being an Operative on Life

43:47 Why The Sound of Freedom Has Attracted Controversy

48:36 Meeting Terrifying People with Terrifying Wealth

55:00 The Current State of Global Child Sex Trafficking

58:57 How Individuals Can Help

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79b999 No.88524

File: 14ed7cfdf21d1c9⋯.png (304.92 KB,600x532,150:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19521554 (100228ZSEP23) Notable: Notetaker Bun / Pro-Israel Democrat Torres: Ben Gvir a ‘despicable disgusting dangerous demagogue’

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The Times of Israel



Pro-Israel Democrat Torres: Ben Gvir a ‘despicable disgusting dangerous demagogue’


The jews are losing grip on the black population.

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79b999 No.88525

File: a5e9d58898df28d⋯.png (364.78 KB,600x532,150:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19521644 (100242ZSEP23) Notable: Notetaker Bun / Residents reel after earthquake leaves Marrakesh’s historic Jewish quarter in ruin

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The Times of Israel



Residents reel after earthquake leaves Marrakesh’s historic Jewish quarter in ruin


Quake Forces.

Sounds cool.

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79b999 No.88526

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19521652 (100243ZSEP23) Notable: Notetaker Bun / Michael Wood, Lincoln County Sheriff: Responding to NM Second amendment decree

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Lincoln County Sheriff's Office


In response to the Governor's recent effort to disarm law abiding citizens in New Mexico, I offer the following message to the citizens of Lincoln County, New Mexico....

Attached is but ONE of my Oaths of Office that have been on file in the Lincoln County Courthouse for years. There is NO expiration date and No declaration that I will support unconstitutional mandates or health orders.

The Constitution will remain intact in Lincoln County, New Mexico...SO HELP ME GOD!

~Michael Wood, Lincoln County Sheriff~

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79b999 No.88527

File: 9340d2f7b5d32cf⋯.png (1.35 MB,1439x1015,1439:1015,Clipboard.png)

File: efb40edf3ee13a9⋯.png (2.16 MB,1215x909,135:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19521690 (100248ZSEP23) Notable: PlaneFag Reports

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Call sign FAG104. Guatemala Military Bell 212.

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79b999 No.88528

File: c200734727d346d⋯.png (168.27 KB,600x565,120:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19521725 (100251ZSEP23) Notable: At present, an air raid warning is in place in Ukraine’s capital Kiev

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t least six explosions were heard in the Ukrainian capital of Kiev in the early hours of Sunday, eyewitnesses said.

At present, an air raid warning is in place in Ukraine’s capital Kiev and a number of other regions:



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79b999 No.88529

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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