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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

b01e28 No.51569 [Last50 Posts]

29AUG23 to 31AUG23


Re-Posts of notables

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Post last edited at

b01e28 No.84775

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19450849 (290053ZAUG23) Notable: Child Sex Predators Live Near You and Most of Them are Leaders of Your Community

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Child Sex Predators Live Near You and Most of Them are Leaders of Your Community

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b01e28 No.84776

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19450853 (290053ZAUG23) Notable: Gates-funded group finds 34% of Americans think COVID shots have killed thousands

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Gates-funded group finds 34% of Americans think COVID shots have killed thousands

The survey also found that 31% of Americans believe it is 'definitely' or 'probably' true that ivermectin is an effective treatment for COVID,

that's way past critical mass, which is less than 10% iirc. press the advantage!


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b01e28 No.84777

File: c1a6b328caec5f2⋯.mp4 (2.08 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19450856 (290054ZAUG23) Notable: On “Triggered With Don Jr.,” I asked @DonaldJTrumpJr if his Dad had plans to regularly post to X soon. Listen to his answer.

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On “Triggered With Don Jr.,” I asked @DonaldJTrumpJr if his Dad had plans to regularly post to X soon. Listen to his answer.


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b01e28 No.84778

File: 7c92d5a483c0c11⋯.png (125.59 KB,733x938,733:938,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19450918 (290104ZAUG23) Notable: House Republicans move closer to impeachment inquiry

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AUGUST 28, 2023 / 6:29 PM

House Republicans move closer to impeachment inquiry


House Republicans are moving closer to opening an impeachment inquiry after the transcribed interviews and public testimony earlier this summer by two IRS whistleblowers regarding the government's handling of its investigation into President Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden.

The whistleblower testimony about the probe was a "game changer" according to a senior GOP aide, who told CBS News that with what House Republicans believe is significant new evidence uncovered by their committee investigators, the "momentum is going toward opening an impeachment inquiry."

The aide said September would be a pivotal month, with the anticipated testimony of Attorney General Merrick Garland before the House Judiciary Committee. Garland is expected to be pressed by Republicans about apparent discrepancies in statements about the authority held by then-U.S. Attorney David Weiss to bring charges in the five-year investigation of Hunter Biden.

White House spokesperson Ian Sams said, "This baseless impeachment exercise would be a disaster for congressional Republicans, and don't take our word for it: just listen to the chorus of their fellow Republicans who admit there is no evidence for their false allegations and that pursuing such a partisan stunt will 'backfire.'"

Garland and the two IRS whistleblowers — supervisory agent Gary Shapley and case agent Joseph Ziegler — disagree over whether then-U.S. Attorney David Weiss had the ultimate authority to bring charges in the five-year probe.

In June, Garland had said that Weiss would be able "to make a decision to prosecute any way in which he wanted to and in any district in which he wanted to."

But in August, Garland said Weiss had informed him that his investigation had reached a stage where he believed his work should continue as special counsel, and he then asked for the designation. Garland said he concluded it was "in the public interest" to appoint Weiss special counsel, giving him expanded powers to continue the probe, in light of the "extraordinary circumstances" of the case.

Since the whistleblowers' testimony in July, the House GOP-led Ways and Means Committee has also subpoenaed two senior IRS officials with direct knowledge of the October 2022 meeting during which IRS whistleblower Shapley alleged Weiss had said he did not have the ultimate authority to bring charges and had been denied special counsel status.

The Republican chairman of the committee, Rep. Jason Smith, sent letters to Michael Batdorf, identified as an IRS director of field operations, and Darrell Waldon, an IRS special agent in charge, asking them to appear for transcribed interviews in early September. ...


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b01e28 No.84779

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19450956 (290111ZAUG23) Notable: Fentanyl takes lives at the Navy’s boot camp base

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Fentanyl takes lives at the Navy’s boot camp base

As America grapples with a fentanyl crisis, multiple junior sailors have died from the drug aboard the base that houses the Navy’s boot camp in recent years, and investigators have been probing efforts to smuggle drugs onto the installation, including through the U.S. mail system, since at least 2020, according to records obtained by Navy Times.

Two other sailors are facing criminal charges in connection to one of those deaths, records show.

The Navy’s law enforcement agency launched at least five separate investigations into “illicit/controlled substances” being mailed to servicemembers at Naval Station Great Lakes, Illinois, in the second half of 2020 alone, according to Naval Criminal Investigative Service records.

Those substances include fentanyl, cocaine and the opioids hydrocodone and oxycodone, as well as the hallucinogen LSD, Xanax and THC, the psychoactive component in marijuana.

“Numerous service members have been interviewed and related the illicit substances were being sent via the US mail and/or in re-packaged food containers,” according to a December 2020 NCIS investigative summary report.

These incidents and sailor deaths, which the Navy has not publicized and which have not been reported before, raise questions about how young sailors have been able to use and distribute drugs there.


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b01e28 No.84780

File: 7cf14c8e98439c6⋯.mp4 (1.57 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 0409a4d4c19be01⋯.mp4 (1001.3 KB,750x414,125:69,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19450964 (290113ZAUG23) Notable: The TRUMP flashes gold. Just an observation

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With Trumps last 2 Truths... The MUST WATCH video, and the preview, the preview had a different "I am Donald J Trump and I approve this message" fadeout. The TRUMP flashes gold. Just an observation

Gold fadeout preview


Long Vid, Normal fadeout


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b01e28 No.84781

File: 47b8040bced0523⋯.png (828.73 KB,866x765,866:765,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19450969 (290113ZAUG23) Notable: Law Group Sues National Archives Demanding Federal Agency Turn Over 5,400 Biden Pseudonym Emails

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Law Group Sues National Archives Demanding

Federal Agency Turn Over 5,400 Biden Pseudonym Emails

Daily Wire, by Brandon Drey

Posted By: Imright, 8/28/2023 8:17:57 PM

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is being sued to turn over approximately 5,400 emails connected to then-Vice President Joe Biden’s pseudonym accounts to forward government information and business with his son, Hunter Biden, and others. Southeastern Legal Foundation (SLF) filed a federal lawsuit against the agency on Monday after NARA officials confirmed with other sources that Biden used three personal pseudonym email accounts under the names Robin Ware, Robert L. Peters, and JRB Ware but has since “dragged its feet and still has not produced a single email,” the law group said in a news release.

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b01e28 No.84782

File: 5b51b32ed303b9a⋯.png (391.3 KB,759x427,759:427,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19450970 (290114ZAUG23) Notable: The TRUMP flashes gold. Just an observation

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b01e28 No.84783

File: c748c1679adf478⋯.png (511.08 KB,591x627,197:209,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19450980 (290116ZAUG23) Notable: Key Player in Biden Documents Removal Was Caught Up in Bill Clinton-Era Chinagate Scandal

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Miranda Devine


🚨 Massive story by ⁦@paulsperry_

⁩ ⁦⁩ Biden's document scandal is “potentially more serious than just mishandling state secrets... It could mushroom into a counterespionage case involving China and national security”.


Key Player in Biden Documents Removal Was Caught Up in Bill Clinton-Era Chinagate Scandal

By Paul Sperry, RealClearInvestigationsJune 8, 2023 The custodian of Joe Biden’s vice presidential records, a key witness in his classified documents probe, was caught up in another documents s

10:43 AM · Aug 28, 2023




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b01e28 No.84784

File: 455f22f259e10ae⋯.png (244.39 KB,423x484,423:484,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19451032 (290125ZAUG23) Notable: 'Ban the Jab' movement grows as multiple Florida county committees push to outlaw Covid vaccines

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NEW: 'Ban the Jab' movement grows as multiple Florida county committees push to outlaw Covid vaccines


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b01e28 No.84785

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19451063 (290130ZAUG23) Notable: FOIA Results: $11 Million to Bribe OB-GYNs to Lie to Mothers About Safety of mRNA-Vaccines

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FOIA Results: $11 Million to Bribe OB-GYNs to Lie to Mothers About Safety of mRNA-Vaccines

It's Biblical.

" They redacted over 50%, but they entered a contract that I have termed, the “covenant of death” [the phrase is from Isaiah 28]. I have started a Substack, on this covenant of death between HHS and CDC, and the American College of OB/GYN along with probably all the other influencers."

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b01e28 No.84786

File: 83ed3d47bb6488e⋯.png (378.53 KB,1020x653,1020:653,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19451081 (290133ZAUG23) Notable: Summer Blockbuster The Movie

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Summer Blockbuster The Movie


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b01e28 No.84787

File: 7507dfd5db8dede⋯.png (244.35 KB,461x814,461:814,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19451089 (290134ZAUG23) Notable: Anon Theory - Q Drop 2347 (Trump Mug Shot)

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6'3" +215 = 17

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b01e28 No.84788

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19451167 (290145ZAUG23) Notable: #238888

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Notables - FINAL

#23888 >>84756

>>84757 Presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswany reportedly made a billion swindling investors into buying an Alzheimer’s drug that didn’t work.

>>84758, >>84760, >>84762 Led @fema, @USACEHQ QA reps are wking keep lights, water flowing following #MauiFires

>>84759 The clowns are at it, over at Wikipedia

>>84761 Poland’s War Studies University has reportedly suffered a breach in which sensitive defense data was stolen

>>84763 President Trump SLAMS Far Left DC Judge, Jack Smith and January 6 Committee “Lowlifes” – Will Appeal January 6 Trial Date Set for March 4

>>84764, >>84773 Planefag Reports

>>84765 Atlas V rocket to launch Space Force's 'watchdog' satellite Silent Barker on Aug. 29.

>>84766 ChatGPT Topples Joe Biden’s ‘House of Cards’

>>84767 Concealed Health Issues of 5,000 Pilots Affecting Their Ability to Fly: Report

>>84768 How China Spreads Communism EVERYWHERE - China Uncensored


>>84770 A Comprehensive List Of Obama’s Worst Executive Orders

>>84771 AN EX-CIA officer has revealed his belief that non-human intelligence is currently living alongside us

>>84772 Hawaiian Electric Company Admits Downed Power Lines Caused Morning Blaze In Lahaina, Refutes Maui Fire Lawsuit Claims

>>84775 Child Sex Predators Live Near You and Most of Them are Leaders of Your Community

>>84776 Gates-funded group finds 34% of Americans think COVID shots have killed thousands

>>84777 On “Triggered With Don Jr.,” I asked @DonaldJTrumpJr if his Dad had plans to regularly post to X soon. Listen to his answer.

>>84778 House Republicans move closer to impeachment inquiry

>>84779 Fentanyl takes lives at the Navy’s boot camp base

>>84780, >>84782 The TRUMP flashes gold. Just an observation

>>84781 Law Group Sues National Archives Demanding Federal Agency Turn Over 5,400 Biden Pseudonym Emails

>>84783 Key Player in Biden Documents Removal Was Caught Up in Bill Clinton-Era Chinagate Scandal

>>84784 'Ban the Jab' movement grows as multiple Florida county committees push to outlaw Covid vaccines

>>84785 FOIA Results: $11 Million to Bribe OB-GYNs to Lie to Mothers About Safety of mRNA-Vaccines

>>84786 Summer Blockbuster The Movie

>>84787 Anon Theory - Q Drop 2347 (Trump Mug Shot)


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b01e28 No.84789

File: 8a4bbe3a6ba3229⋯.jpg (34.48 KB,361x361,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19451178 (290148ZAUG23) Notable: #23889

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Welcome to the Global War

Information Warfare

Digital Soldiers


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b01e28 No.84790

File: 142f96c3c3ddfcd⋯.png (395.86 KB,608x645,608:645,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19451230 (290154ZAUG23) Notable: Joe Biden: “Domestic Terrorism Rooted in White Supremacy is the Greatest Terrorist Threat We Face in the Homeland”

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Joe Biden: “Domestic Terrorism Rooted in White Supremacy is the Greatest Terrorist Threat We Face in the Homeland”

The same intelligence community that determined the Hunter Biden laptop story was ‘Russian disinformation’ has determined that ‘white supremacy’ is the greatest terrorist threat Americans face.

The greatest threat Americans face is the US intelligence community.

“The U.S. intelligence community has determined that domestic terrorism rooted in white supremacy is the greatest terrorist threat we face in the homeland.”


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b01e28 No.84791

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19451233 (290155ZAUG23) Notable: FBI Killed ‘100% Disabled Veteran,’ Complete Media Silence.

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No national media has covered this. BREAKING: FBI Killed ‘100% Disabled Veteran,’ Complete Media Silence. On Aug 16, 2023. No one knows this


You gotta ask yourself why the FBI did this? They are escalating to the complete Gestapo and no one can know why!



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b01e28 No.84792

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19451293 (290207ZAUG23) Notable: A rescue helicopter crashed into a Florida apartment complex, killing fire captain and a resident

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Broward Sheriff's helicopter crashes into Pompano Beach apartment building, 2 KILLED

Not sure who it belonged to atm

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b01e28 No.84793

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19451314 (290212ZAUG23) Notable: A rescue helicopter crashed into a Florida apartment complex, killing fire captain and a resident

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A rescue helicopter crashed into a Florida apartment complex, killing fire captain and a resident

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) — A medical rescue helicopter caught fire and broke apart shortly after takeoff Monday before crashing into an apartment complex near Fort Lauderdale, killing a paramedic captain on board and a resident on the ground, authorities said.

Two others on board and two other people at the apartment complex were injured.

Broward County Fire-Rescue Capt. Terryson Jackson, 49, and a woman died when the Broward Sheriff’s Office helicopter crashed through the complex’s roof after taking off from Pompano Beach Airpark at about 8:45 a.m., Sheriff Gregory Tony said. He said the four injured were taken to the hospital and are expected to survive.

Jackson was a 19-year veteran of the department.

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b01e28 No.84794

File: 9c8592b9eb1213b⋯.jpg (132.28 KB,986x555,986:555,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19451325 (290213ZAUG23) Notable: Majority of Oregon Residents Support Repealing Law That Decriminalized Hard Drugs

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ON SECOND THOUGHT: Majority of Oregon Residents Support Repealing Law That Decriminalized Hard Drugs

A majority of people living in Oregon would like to repeal the law that decriminalized hard drugs, new polling has found.

The simple truth is that rampant drug abuse is connected to many of the other major problems in the state.

Homeless camps are essentially open-air drug markets and have only increased their numbers in recent years. Drugs are also connected to theft as many addicts resort to crime to support their drug habit.

Repealing this law would be a good start to correcting some of these problems.


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b01e28 No.84795

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19451369 (290219ZAUG23) Notable: Jon Voight - My fellow Americans, this is a Civil War. And, this is a time we must stand for Truths

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Jon Voight



10:13 PM · Aug 28, 2023


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b01e28 No.84796

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19451380 (290221ZAUG23) Notable: Darren Beattie on the Attempt to Prevent President Trump from Running for Reelection / Iconic Mugshot

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This should be titled “Man, the RINOS are so fucked!”

Darren Beattie on the Attempt to Prevent President Trump from Running for Reelection



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b01e28 No.84797

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19451384 (290222ZAUG23) Notable: Darren Beattie on the Attempt to Prevent President Trump from Running for Reelection / Iconic Mugshot

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Darren Beattie Discusses Iconic Mugshot of President Trump



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b01e28 No.84798

File: b7799252927882a⋯.mp4 (8.03 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 72f32845231d088⋯.png (348.84 KB,791x698,791:698,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19451398 (290224ZAUG23) Notable: Jon Voight - My fellow Americans, this is a Civil War. And, this is a time we must stand for Truths

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>Jon Voight



..This is now a war...

My fellow Americans, this is a Civil War. And, this is a time we must stand for Truths


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b01e28 No.84799

File: abd2a1e2cdc30e0⋯.jpg (22.52 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19451422 (290227ZAUG23) Notable: California sues school district that requires informing parents if children change gender identity

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California sues school district that requires informing parents if children change gender identity

"We will stand our ground and protect our children with all we can because we are not breaking the law. Parents have a constitutional right in the upbringing of their children. Period," Chino Valley Unified President Sonja Shaw said.

The State of California is suing a school district over its requirement that schools notify parents if their children change their preferred pronouns or gender identity.

The Chino Valley Unified School District requires that schools inform parents within three days of learning that a student seeks treatment consistent with a different gender than the one on their record, ABC News reported. The state contends that such a policy will potentially compromise the student wellbeing.

"For far too many transgender children and gender nonconforming youth, school serves as their only safe haven — a place away from home where they can find validation, safety, privacy. We have to protect that," Attorney General Rob Bonta said.

The school district, meanwhile, contends that its policy is not illegal and provides ample protections for students by requiring that cases in which the school believes a student may face danger be referred to law enforcement or social services.


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b01e28 No.84800

File: 690816ca76fb6d2⋯.png (205.98 KB,496x571,496:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19451460 (290232ZAUG23) Notable: Neely released video of Big Pharma Vivek in ‘04 trying to figure out which Democrat candidate to vote for

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Neely released video of Big Pharma Vivek in ‘04 trying to figure out which Democrat candidate to vote for

He would go on to apply for & receive a Soros fellowship in law school

He never registered as a Republican

But now he wants to be the GOP nominee?


adhi 🌏

10:30 PM · Aug 28, 2023


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b01e28 No.84801

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19451471 (290233ZAUG23) Notable: Biden to ask US Congress to fund new Covid vaccine

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Biden to ask US Congress to fund new Covid vaccine

The US president said it was likely everybody would be “recommended” to take the new shot

US President Joe Biden has announced that he plans to request additional funding from Congress to develop a new Covid-19 vaccine, adding that it is likely everybody will be encouraged to take the new shot.

Speaking to reporters on Friday, the president was asked if the White House was planning a response to a reported uptick in Covid cases. The US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had previously announced a 21.6% increase in Covid-related hospitalizations and a 21.4% increase in Covid-related deaths in recent weeks. The numbers are, however, still far below the levels seen during the pandemic.

Biden responded by stating that he has already signed off on a proposal to have Congress fund a new vaccine “that is needed, that’s necessary, that works.”

“It will likely be recommended everybody get it no matter whether they’ve gotten it before or not,” he added.

The president’s announcement comes after CNN suggested last week that people should mask up again as the US Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) warned of a surge in coronavirus cases and new variants.

“If you’re at high risk of serious illness or death from Covid-19, it’s time to dust off those N95 masks and place them snugly over your nose and mouth to protect yourself from a recent uptick of the virus,” CNN wrote, citing “a growing number of experts.”

On August 17, the CDC announced on X, formerly Twitter, that it was tracking a new “highly mutated lineage of the virus that causes Covid-19” called BA.2.86. The agency said it had detected the virus in the US, Denmark, the UK, and Israel.

The WHO confirmed on the same day that the BA.2.86 variant was “under monitoring” due to the large number of mutations it carries, but noted that only a handful of sequences of the variant had been reported so far.

The organization reiterated its calls for better surveillance, sequencing, and reporting of Covid cases, but did not call for any mask mandates or lockdowns.

Nevertheless, some institutions in the US – such as the Morris Brown College in Atlanta, Georgia, several hospitals in New York, and the Lionsgate film studios – have already begun to reinstate mask requirements for anyone on their premises.


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b01e28 No.84802

File: 4f8fd809845295e⋯.png (426.85 KB,721x923,721:923,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19451488 (290236ZAUG23) Notable: Trump chief of staff Meadows says actions laid out in Georgia indictment were part of his job

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August 28, 2023 Updated 9:02 PM EDT

Trump chief of staff Meadows says actions laid out in Georgia indictment were part of his job

ATLANTA (AP) — Mark Meadows testified in court Monday that actions detailed in a sweeping indictment that accuses him of participating in an illegal conspiracy to overturn then-President Donald Trump’s 2020 election loss were all part of his job as White House chief of staff.

The extraordinary testimony — from a former top presidential aide who now faces charges alongside his old boss — came in the first courtroom skirmish in a case that’s likely to have many. Meadows’ claims were part of his argument that the case should be moved from a state court to federal court. U.S. District Judge Steve Jones did not immediately rule.

As Trump was consumed by claims of widespread election fraud in the weeks after his 2020 loss, Meadows said, it was difficult to focus on the things they needed to be doing to wind down the presidency. As a result, Meadows said, he took actions to determine whether the allegations were true, including actions prosecutors allege were improper.

Meadows said he didn’t believe he did anything that was “outside my scope as chief of staff.” ...


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b01e28 No.84803

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19451501 (290238ZAUG23) Notable: Bradley Thayer Give His Assessment of the Biden Regimes Strategy in China

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Bradley Thayer Give His Assessment of the Biden Regimes Strategy in China


The US wants to save China’s economy and we will pay for it! This is to save the Old Regime by trying to rescue with the CCP, and the stock market Oligarchs in bed with them. That are not at all supporting the US

Very important short video to listen to this!


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b01e28 No.84804

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19451506 (290239ZAUG23) Notable: Argentina Seeks Deal to Dump the Dollar, Use Chinese Yuan to Pay Brazil

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Argentina Seeks Deal to Dump the Dollar, Use Chinese Yuan to Pay Brazil

Argentine Economy Minister Sergio Massa is in Brazil on Monday to discuss the details of an agreement with radical leftist President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva that would allow Argentina to pay for Brazilian imports using the Chinese yuan instead of the U.S. dollar, the Argentina state-run Télam news agency reported.

Both Argentina and Brazil’s leftist governments have made significant efforts throughout the year to decouple themselves from the U.S. dollar and replace it with the Chinese yuan in their trading operations with China.

Argentina, under departing leftist President Alberto Fernández, is currently enduring a dire economic situation that has nearly depleted its U.S. dollar foreign reserves. The country signed an agreement with the Chinese Communist Party in April to stop using dollars to pay for Chinese imports and embrace the yuan instead. Argentina has also begun to pay its over $40 billion debt to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in yuan in favor of the dollar as of June.

In March, Brazil signed a similar agreement with China to discard the U.S. dollar and embrace the yuan in bilateral trade.

According to Télam, Massa — who is also the Argentine leftist government’s presidential candidate in the upcoming October election — will discuss the agreement’s details with Lula on Monday afternoon. Massa will also reportedly hold a meeting with Brazilian Finance Minister Fernando Haddad prior to his encounter with Lula.

If signed, Argentina will be able to pay for Brazilian imports using yuan obtained from a currency swap line that Argentina set up with China. The swap, initially secured in November, was renewed for an additional three-year period and expanded from its initial $5 billion to $10 billion in June. Brazilian Finance Minister Haddad explained that the mechanism to be used is a direct conversion from the yuan to the real by the state-owned Banco do Brasil that will amount to up to $140 million.

Brazilian exporters can have some flow of sales of their products with 100 percent guarantee,” Haddad said last week. “For Brazil, there is no problem, because the exchange rate will be made with the yuan per [Brazilian] real and this also assures the National Treasury that there is no risk of default.”

While Argentina is Brazil’s third largest business partner after China and the United States, it is the main buyer of Brazilian industrialized products, representing 4.6 percent of Brazil’s total exports in 2022.

Télam further reported that the proposal of paying for Brazilian imports in yuan came from the Brazilian government. According to the Argentine state-owned news agency, the agreement will seek to “maintain the rhythm of income of Brazilian inputs that are essential for the national industry,” while also “optimizing” the amount of limited U.S. dollar foreign reserves that the Argentine Central Bank has at its disposal. Last week, the IMF’s executive board completed its fifth and sixth reviews of its program with Argentina, issuing an immediate disbursement of approximately $7.5 billion to the South American nation.

The Argentine economy minister and leftist presidential candidate will also reportedly discuss with both Lula and Haddad matters pertaining to Argentina’s upcoming adhesion to the China-led BRICS economic and security bloc expected on January 1, 2024. BRICS — a coalition initially made up of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa — announced it would accept requests to join from six countries last week: Argentina. Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. Lula, representing Brazil, was the biggest proponent of Argentina’s inclusion in the China-led bloc.

Massa will also reportedly discuss other bilateral matters with Lula and Haddad, such as the opening of agricultural markets, the tender for the second section of the Néstor Kirchner Gas Pipeline between both countries and matters pertaining to the administration and maintenance of the International Bridge of Integration, which connects the Brazilian town of São Borja with the Argentine city of Santo Tomé, among other topics.


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b01e28 No.84805

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19451607 (290255ZAUG23) Notable: ‘The West has become a victim of its own propaganda’ – Austrian colonel

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‘The West has become a victim of its own propaganda’ – Austrian colonel

Markus Reisner said many Westerners had overestimated the fighting power of Ukrainian troops

Ukrainian troops are not super-soldiers who can continue tirelessly without sufficient weapons, contrary to their portrayal in Western propaganda, Austrian Colonel Markus Reisner has warned.

The military expert, who served as commander of the Austrian contingents in Mali and Kosovo, argued that it was unrealistic to expect miracles on the front line while Kiev’s backers fail to provide the country with enough hardware for an effective offensive.

In an interview with Germany’s ZDF TV channel on Friday, Reisner said: “The problem is [that] we are the victims of our own propaganda, I tell it like it is bluntly.”

He explained that “at the start of the war, we talked ourselves into believing that the Ukrainian soldiers with the German Panzerfausts [grenade launchers] in their hands were containing the Russians.”

Reisner noted that those forces had continuously been worn down since then, with the West providing only between 50% and 60% of what the Ukrainian top brass was asking for to launch an offensive of its own.

According to the Austrian colonel, Kiev has made the most of what is available to it, but is lacking “crucial elements, such as, for example, a functional air force.”

He added that the slow progress of the Ukrainian offensive is giving Russian forces an opportunity to set up new defense lines some distance away from the current front line.

In the absence of any significant success, the US media have already begun looking for a scapegoat for the counteroffensive’s apparent failure, but the high expectations were unrealistic in the first place, Reisner said.

Meanwhile, the Wall Street Journal, citing anonymous officials in Washington, reported last week that the US was unlikely to give Ukraine “anywhere near the same level” of military aid in 2024 compared to this year.

The media outlet also claimed that Washington believes it has provided Kiev with enough military hardware and equipment to breach Russian defenses.

According to the paper, American military officials are urging their Ukrainian colleagues to stick to the NATO tactics they were shown ahead of the summer counteroffensive. The Ukrainians’ refusal to do so is reportedly the source of growing frustration among US top brass.


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b01e28 No.84806

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19451638 (290259ZAUG23) Notable: Another Killing Field Discovered in Cartel-Controlled Border City in Mexico

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Another Killing Field Discovered in Cartel-Controlled Border City in Mexico

Authorities and human rights activists found another cartel-connected killing field located just south of the Texas-Mexico border. Cartel gunmen are believed to have incinerated an unknown number of victims. The discovery of the killing field and several clandestine mass graves come at a time when Tamaulipas government officials publicly claim that crime is down under their watch.

Late last week, a group from the Amor Por Los Desaparecidos search party found a series of incinerated human remains in a rural community south of Reynosa, Tamaulipas. The searchers found what appeared to be several burn sites with charred fragments of human remains on the floor. The cartel killing field is off a rural road called La Retama near the highway that connects Reynosa and San Fernando.

The site is believed to have been used by the Gulf Cartel to dispose of the bodies of their victims. It is unknown how many bodies were incinerated in that area. However, as Breitbart Texas reported, in prior years, the Gulf Cartel has had several clandestine crematoriums in operation, some even inside homes in populated areas.

In addition to the cartel killing field, search parties have found at least three other clandestine gravesites in recent weeks in various parts of the city.

The discovery of cartel killing-fields and clandestine gravesites comes at a time when Mexican officials and authorities claim that crime is decreasing, even though Reynosa is ground zero for a fierce cartel turf war that began in late April.

In 2016, Breitbart Texas reported on a similar cartel killing field in the border city of Matamoros, where Gulf Cartel gunmen incinerated a large number of victims. At the time, the Tamaulipas government tried to cover up the case and claimed they could not tell if the bone fragments were human or animal. By 2021, government officials confirmed that the remains were human, but the number of victims killed and disposed of remains unknown.


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b01e28 No.84807

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19451645 (290300ZAUG23) Notable: Neocon Nikki Haley Passionately Defends Biden’s War in Ukraine, Plus: Julian Assange’s Father, John Shipton, on Ending Son’s Political Persecution

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6-hours ago

Neocon Nikki Haley Passionately Defends Biden’s War in Ukraine,

Plus: Julian Assange’s Father, John Shipton, on Ending Son’s Political Persecution


Glenn Greenwald



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b01e28 No.84808

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19451656 (290302ZAUG23) Notable: Woman Who Escaped Communist China Under Mao Reacts to Trump Arrest – Sounds Alarm About ‘Cultural Revolution’ In America (VIDEO)

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Woman Who Escaped Communist China Under Mao Reacts to Trump Arrest – Sounds Alarm About ‘Cultural Revolution’ In America (VIDEO)

Xi Van Fleet escaped from communist China, but not before witnessing the horrors of life under Mao Zedong, who was responsible for the deaths of millions of people, mostly by starvation.

When she looks at what the left is doing to Trump, she has a warning for America. She says this is just what China’s ‘Cultural Revolution’ looked like.

She accuses the left of being Marxists and says that no one is safe because they will eventually come for everyone.

XI VAN FLEET: I lived through the most brutal communist regime in China and I witnessed a lot, and now I recount one of the darkest moments I witnessed is the day when the former president of the United States was indicted and mugshot in Georgia prison. I have to say I think America is quickly becoming a communist country and our rule of law has been turned into what Marxists call proletarian dictatorship. The party in power is after its political opposition and it is not just the president, but people like activists are now in jail, as political prisoners in the free country of the United States.

Forget about Donald Trump, what is happening in America is that the party in power is abusing their power and going after any opposition, Now it is Donald Trump and MAGA, but eventually, it is everybody because a communist regime does not tolerate any opposition, any dissenting voice. So they are coming after all of us, including those who are cheering now for Trump’s indictment and think they are on the winning team. They are not. We all will become victims if we let them succeed.

I really have a word for everybody, including the conservatives: learn a little bit about history and about the Cultural Revolution. What’s happening here is a repeat.

The left doesn’t see what they are doing as dangerous, despite the warnings of history.

And Ms. Van Fleet is right. This is a repeat.


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b01e28 No.84809

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19451674 (290306ZAUG23) Notable: Trump's Golf Trick

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5:54 PM · Aug 28, 2023·206.6K Views


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b01e28 No.84810

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19451682 (290308ZAUG23) Notable: Trump's Golf Trick

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What a bad ass

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b01e28 No.84811

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19451683 (290309ZAUG23) Notable: Maui Officials Reveal Cause of the Devastating Wildfires – Blowing Up Leftist Democrats’ “Climate Change” Narrative

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Maui Officials Reveal Cause of the Devastating Wildfires – Blowing Up Leftist Democrats’ “Climate Change” Narrative

The cause of the catastrophic wildfires that have likely killed thousands of innocent Hawaiians has reportedly been identified. In the process, it completely blows up the Democrats’ climate change narrative.

As Fox News reported, officials in Maui said the fires were caused by downed power lines and failures by the state’s main power utility company.

Due to these facts, the government of Maui County, Hawaii has filed a lawsuit against the Hawaii Electric Company and its subsidiaries for neglecting to properly power down live electrical equipment amid a red flag windstorm earlier this month.

Because of this occurrence, downed power lines operated by the utility company sparked the series of deadly fires on the island.

Maui County released the following statement regarding the lawsuit:

The lawsuit alleges that the Defendants acted negligently by failing to power down their electrical equipment despite a National Weather Service Red Flag Warning on August 7th.

The lawsuit further alleges HECO’s energized and downed power lines ignited dry fuel such as grass and brush, causing the fires. The lawsuit also alleges failure to maintain the system and power grid, which caused the systemic failures starting three different fires on August 8th.

Moreover, Maui County said HECO had a duty “to properly maintain and repair the electric transmission lines, and other equipment including utility poles associated with their transmission of electricity, and to keep vegetation properly trimmed and maintained so as to prevent contact with overhead power lines and other electric equipment.”

These facts revealed in this lawsuit pour cold water on the claims by national and Hawaii state Democrats that the fires were caused by “climate change.”

As Cristina Laila previously reported, Hawaii Governor Josh Green went on CBS’s “Face the Nation” last week and blamed climate change for amplifying the fires.

White House clean energy “czar” John Podesta not only blamed climate change for the devastating wildfires, but he touted the so-called Inflation Reduction Act as a solution.

John Podesta Blames Climate Change for Maui Fire, Touts Inflation Reduction Act as Solution pic.twitter.com/TMomJBCtSX

— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) August 16, 2023

Far-left Missouri Congresswoman Cori Bush demanded Joe Biden declare a climate emergency.

Devastating fires in Maui, a tropical storm in California, Canada is burning, a historic heat dome over the central US — all just this week.

Our planet is not ok. The climate crisis is here.

It’s time for @POTUS to declare a climate emergency.

— Cori Bush (@CoriBush) August 23, 2023

According to Fox News, Illinois Senator Dick Durbin, The Senate Majority Whip, said the wildfires were a “devastating view of our planet as we fail to adequately address the climate crisis.”

Do not expect any apologies coming from these ghouls who sought to capitalize on the tragedy before families had a chance to heal. They will wait for the next crisis and try to ensure it does not go to waste.


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b01e28 No.84812

File: 4642ddbc3f78994⋯.png (876.5 KB,1366x661,1366:661,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19451695 (290310ZAUG23) Notable: Why Twisting The 14th Amendment To Get Trump Won’t Hold Up In Court

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Interesting take from johnJohn Yoo, lawyer,


If it were obvious that Trump had committed insurrection, Congress should have convicted him in the two weeks between Jan. 6 and Inauguration Day. Instead, the House impeached Trump for indictment to insurrection but the Senate acquitted him.

(so is that why Jack Smith didn't indict him? potential double jeopardy?)

You know John Yoo from Trump calling him in to consult on some super secret Presidential issues.


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b01e28 No.84813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19451702 (290312ZAUG23) Notable: Former FBI Contractor Charged With Child Sex Crimes

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SICK: Former FBI Contractor Charged With Child Sex Crimes

A former FBI contractor allegedly forced over a dozen minors into sending him explicit content through various social media apps.

Brett Janes, 26, of Virginia was charged with two counts of sexual exploitation of children, one count of receipt of child pornography, one count of coercion and enticement, and a count of producing child sexual abuse content.

Janes was arrested after the father of one of the 13-year-old victims contacted the police.

According to court documents, Janes allegedly told minors over Discord and video game chat rooms that he worked for a U.S. intelligence agency.

Janes then would coerce the young boys in the chat rooms to send him explicit material, and if the boys refused, he then proceeded to threaten to commit suicide

FBI contractor allegedly coerced minors into sending explicit images, and other sexual acts https://t.co/eyqXl3rGWg

— NEWS MAKER (@NEWS_MAKER) August 28, 2023

Per Fox News:

A retired FBI contractor allegedly coerced nearly a dozen minors into sharing explicit content and engaging in sexual acts over social media, according to federal authorities.

Brett Janes, 26, of Arlington, Virginia, is charged with two counts of sexual exploitation of children and production of child sexual abuse material, one count of attempted coercion and enticement, and one count of receipt of child pornography after the father of one 13-year-old victim contacted police.

Janes contacted the 13-year-old boy, identified as minor victim 1 (MV1) in a federal complaint, through a video game called Valorant and through Discord, an instant messaging platform.

The FBI in recent years has been plagued with sexual abuse scandals.

Last year the Gateway Pundit reported 65-year-old FBI employee Robert Alexander Smith was arrested for sexually abusing children in Utah.


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b01e28 No.84814

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19451718 (290315ZAUG23) Notable: Biden Admin Says Border is Closed — Migrant Releases in Texas Continue

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Biden Admin Says Border is Closed — Migrant Releases in Texas Continue

EAGLE PASS, Texas — The Biden administration continues releasing migrants in the Texas border town of Eagle Pass. This is despite repeated claims by the administration that the border is “not open.”

Despite repeated social media messaging by President Biden’s Department of Homeland Security advising the public, “The U.S. border is not open to unlawful migration,” more than two hundred migrants unlawfully entered the United States in the border town of Eagle Pass by daybreak. Also, in contrast to the assertion, Customs and Border Protection-contracted buses continue to release migrants into the United States at a local non-government shelter.

Breitbart Texas posted along the Rio Grande in the early morning hours on Sunday and witnessed several groups of migrants crossing from Coahuila, Mexico, into the United States near the heart of Eagle Pass. Within hours, Breitbart captured video of migrant families being released by CBP officials to pursue asylum claims within the United States rather than facing the stern consequences posted in warnings on DHS/CBP social media.

The video (top of page) shows one bus arriving at the shelter to unload nearly 50 migrants — mostly families with small children. The FEMA-funded Mission Border Hope Shelter aids the migrants with temporary shelter and travel to the interior of the United States. Breitbart Texas observed the CBP-contracted bus arrive shortly after daybreak on Sunday. According to a source within CBP, not authorized to speak to the media, the buses release migrants daily, without exception, to ease overcrowding at a nearby migrant processing facility.

According to the CBP source, Eagle Pass leads the nation in the apprehension of large migrant groups. The agency classifies a large group as more than 100 migrants crossing in a single event. Just before daybreak, Border Patrol agents arrested one group of migrants numbering 158 north of the city. Breitbart Texas observed one group of nearly 30 migrants crossing the Rio Grande arm in arm to avoid drowning.

During the first three weeks of August, Del Rio Sector (which includes Eagle Pass) agents apprehended nearly 20,000 migrants, according to unofficial numbers received from a law enforcement source.

On Saturday, CBP released its latest social media post advising the public and the migrant community that the border is not open. The agency releases similar messages almost daily that highlight the consequences of illegal migration, warning, “Individuals and families who arrive will be subject to removal and non-citizens can be returned to their country of origin.” However, the practice of “catch and release” continues daily in Eagle Pass and other border communities.

Despite witnessing the migrant group crossings and the CBP migrant releases at the non-government shelter on Sunday, the social media messaging by CBP urges readers to ignore other sources of information, emphasizing, “Individuals should rely on official U.S. government information, not social media rumors or other unofficial sources.”

The CBP source tells Breitbart Texas there is an effort to conduct removals according to the messaging, but the resources dedicated to the effort are overwhelmed by the number of migrants crossing daily. “The migrants are crossing around the clock all across the southwest border; our removal operations for those who are not from Mexico cannot keep up,” the source explained. “It’s release them or deal with severe overcrowding at our facilities.”

By mid-day Sunday, flight tracking software showed no international ICE Air removal flights being operated. Three domestic flights were underway or completed by noon on Sunday. The repatriation flights are conducted by Swift Air LLC, part of the iAero group — a private company under contract to ICE to transport migrants within the United States and fly international repatriation flights.


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b01e28 No.84815

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19451737 (290318ZAUG23) Notable: 17 Migrants Make Boat Landing on Florida Beach

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WATCH: 17 Migrants Make Boat Landing on Florida Beach

Miami Sector Border Patrol agents responded to the scene of an illegal migrant boat landing near Jupiter, Florida, on Friday. A video shows the migrants jumping off the boat and running onto the beach.

A video posted on X, formerly Twitter, shows a boat being pursued by a helicopter beaching on the shoreline in Jupiter on Friday. The video shows the migrants jumping out of the boat and running away, and onlookers watched and shot cell phone videos.

Miami Sector Chief Patrol Agent Walter Slosar reported his agents responded to the scene. The agents apprehended 17 migrants. The agents identified the migrants as citizens of Haiti (16) and Bahama (1).

WPTV NBC5 reported that the migrant smuggling incident was initially interdicted by a Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office marine unit. The law enforcement crew intercepted the migrant-filled boat east of the Jupiter inlet.

The marine unit reported the smuggling boat’s captain, later identified as Bazaeluis Francois, age 30, by ramming his boat into the sheriff’s office boat. The collision damaged two engines on the craft.

Sheriff’s Office deputies arrested Francois on suspicion of human smuggling, federal officials told the local NBC affiliate.


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b01e28 No.84816

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19451757 (290321ZAUG23) Notable: Todd Callender: Covid is a Military Operation and Always Has Been

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Todd Callender: Covid is a Military Operation and Always Has Been


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b01e28 No.84817

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19451943 (290358ZAUG23) Notable: #23889

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Notables - FINAL

#23889 >>84789

>>84790 Joe Biden: “Domestic Terrorism Rooted in White Supremacy is the Greatest Terrorist Threat We Face in the Homeland”

>>84791 FBI Killed ‘100% Disabled Veteran,’ Complete Media Silence.

>>84792, >>84793 A rescue helicopter crashed into a Florida apartment complex, killing fire captain and a resident

>>84794 Majority of Oregon Residents Support Repealing Law That Decriminalized Hard Drugs

>>84795, >>84798 Jon Voight - My fellow Americans, this is a Civil War. And, this is a time we must stand for Truths

>>84796, >>84797 Darren Beattie on the Attempt to Prevent President Trump from Running for Reelection / Iconic Mugshot

>>84799 California sues school district that requires informing parents if children change gender identity

>>84800 Neely released video of Big Pharma Vivek in ‘04 trying to figure out which Democrat candidate to vote for

>>84801 Biden to ask US Congress to fund new Covid vaccine

>>84802 Trump chief of staff Meadows says actions laid out in Georgia indictment were part of his job

>>84803 Bradley Thayer Give His Assessment of the Biden Regimes Strategy in China

>>84804 Argentina Seeks Deal to Dump the Dollar, Use Chinese Yuan to Pay Brazil

>>84805 ‘The West has become a victim of its own propaganda’ – Austrian colonel

>>84806 Another Killing Field Discovered in Cartel-Controlled Border City in Mexico

>>84807 Neocon Nikki Haley Passionately Defends Biden’s War in Ukraine, Plus: Julian Assange’s Father, John Shipton, on Ending Son’s Political Persecution

>>84808 Woman Who Escaped Communist China Under Mao Reacts to Trump Arrest – Sounds Alarm About ‘Cultural Revolution’ In America (VIDEO)

>>84809, >>84810 Trump's Golf Trick

>>84811 Maui Officials Reveal Cause of the Devastating Wildfires – Blowing Up Leftist Democrats’ “Climate Change” Narrative

>>84812 Why Twisting The 14th Amendment To Get Trump Won’t Hold Up In Court

>>84813 Former FBI Contractor Charged With Child Sex Crimes

>>84814 Biden Admin Says Border is Closed — Migrant Releases in Texas Continue

>>84815 17 Migrants Make Boat Landing on Florida Beach

>>84816 Todd Callender: Covid is a Military Operation and Always Has Been


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b01e28 No.84818

File: bb68f3eff69d780⋯.jpeg (393.26 KB,1800x1084,450:271,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19451953 (290400ZAUG23) Notable: #23890

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The Whole World Is Watching

You Are The News Now

We are Q

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b01e28 No.84819

File: 53eff367c88ca93⋯.png (594.76 KB,764x817,764:817,Clipboard.png)

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File: 940efdef5396d6d⋯.png (375.47 KB,760x659,760:659,Clipboard.png)

File: 0e3ea53180859d8⋯.png (608.86 KB,765x858,255:286,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19451991 (290404ZAUG23) Notable: “Children Are The Most Valuable Product”: How Human Trafficking Has Become Another Export Item For Ukraine

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“Children Are The Most Valuable Product”: How Human Trafficking Has Become Another Export Item For Ukraine

Ukraine has long been a hub for pediatric “black” transplantology and human trafficking, and the military conflict certainly accelerated this distasteful trade. Yet the sale of children for organs in Ukraine did not begin yesterday.

The first cases were recorded as long ago as the 1990s. At that time, an organized criminal group (OCG) from Lvov sold children abroad, for their organs. This was organized by the doctor of the emergency hospital, Bogdan Fedak. It is thought that 130 babies were sent abroad, with each child estimated to be worth one million dollars. The typical ploy was to falsely inform women that their child had died at birth, after which the child would be issued with a fake death certificate, and smuggled out of the country. Fedak was sentenced to two years in prison in 1997, but he was released as a result of an amnesty. After his release, he was reemployed in a hospital, and even chaired the health committee in the Verkhovna Rada.

18 years later, in 2005, there were reports of missing babies in Kharkov. Prior to that, body parts from two newborn children had been found in the city pediatric morgue. The mothers of the babies filed complaints that the hospital staff had taken their children immediately after birth, and had later told them that the children had been born dead. A Swiss parliamentarian, Ruth-Gabi Vermot-Mangold, was send to Ukraine from the Council of Europe, in order to investigate. She said that she saw evidence that at least four or five newborns were missing. The true number of children missing on the territory of Ukraine will most likely never be known.


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b01e28 No.84820

File: 64d55817beb79e6⋯.png (124.73 KB,798x546,19:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19452003 (290408ZAUG23) Notable: Biden Admin Blames New York's Migrant Crisis On Hochul, Adams

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Biden Admin Blames New York's Migrant Crisis On Hochul, Adams

The Biden administration blamed Democratic leaders in New York for problems associated with its migrant crisis, Politico reported Monday.

Democratic New York Gov. Kathy Hochul previously asked the Biden administration for expedited work permits, additional funds to help migrants go to school, help erecting more shelters, reimbursements for deploying the national guard and payment for future costs of the deployments. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas sent letters Monday to Hochul and Democratic New York City Mayor Eric Adams outlining how they need to fix their migrant crisis, according to Politico, which obtained copies of the letters.

“The structural issues include governance and organization of the migrant operations, including issues of authority, structure, personnel, and information flow,” Mayorkas wrote. “The operational issues include the subjects of data collection, planning, case management, communications, and other aspects of day-to-day operations.”

The Biden administration wants New York leaders to improve data collection, communication with the migrants and improve information provided about the work authorization process and the need to apply for asylum, according to Politico, which cited an official familiar with the recommendations.

“We are hopeful that our recommendations will equip the city to take additional steps to improve the migrant operations and maximize the value of our continued partnership and your support,” Mayorkas added.

Mayorkas said the administration already offered several housing options to Hochul that included a hangar in John F. Kennedy airport and the Floyd Bennett Field, according to Politico. The Department of Interior (DOI) sent a lease on Aug. 21 to both New York City and the state to create a temporary shelter at Floyd Bennett Field — a discussion that is taking place in person, he said.

“We look forward to hearing from the city and state on the viability of these sites,” Mayorkas wrote.

“DOI seeks to finalize that lease as soon as you are ready,” he continued.

Many of the sites offered by the federal government are far from New York City, where most of the migrants are residing, Hochul Spokesperson Avi Small told Politico. Meanwhile, the Biden administration cannot fulfill Hochul’s request for expedited work permits with current restrictions.


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b01e28 No.84821

File: b12e3f93ad9fe9d⋯.png (617.94 KB,1169x647,1169:647,Clipboard.png)

File: 6e38ac048d3eb9c⋯.png (624.5 KB,1034x742,517:371,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19452033 (290412ZAUG23) Notable: far-left Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo announced she will be taking a leave of absence to seek treatment for clinical depression.

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Rumors Swirl That Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo Will Resign After Checking Into Treatment Facility for Depression – Feds Now Investigating Her Bid-Rigging!

Earlier this month far-left Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo announced she will be taking a leave of absence to seek treatment for clinical depression.

“Based on my doctor’s recommendation, I checked myself into an out-of-state facility to receive inpatient treatment in late July,” the corrupt Democrat said in a statement.

She continued, “It is important for me personally and professionally to confront this issue swiftly, so I will be taking temporary leave from the office while I am receiving treatment.”

Hidalgo said she hopes to resume her normal schedule by early September.

However, as September approaches, rumors are swirling that Lina Hidalgo might resign as her office is embroiled in a bid-rigging scandal.

Lina Hidalgo and her staffers were implicated in a no-bid contract scandal.

Lina Hidalgo’s top three staffers were indicted in April 2022 after prosecutors expanded the investigation into an $11 million ‘vaccine outreach contract’ awarded to one of the judge’s political cronies.

While Hidalgo was threatening to jail and fine people for violating her Covid rules, she was secretly trying to award one of her political cronies an $11 million ‘vaccine outreach’ contract.

Hidalgo ultimately panicked and canceled the $11 million vaccine contract after questions were raised that it was with a one-person firm with no experience.

Hidalgo’s Chief of Staff Alex Triantaphyllis and Policy Director Wallis Nader along with co-defendant Aaron Dunn were charged with misuse of official information and tampering with government documents in connection with the canceled vaccine outreach contract.


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b01e28 No.84822

File: 1758795a2aeca2c⋯.jpg (128.92 KB,720x1105,144:221,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e24ae4ebc73a823⋯.jpg (62.56 KB,911x927,911:927,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a8611206fd15b67⋯.jpg (88.59 KB,720x651,240:217,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e367a7cdb211d52⋯.jpg (131.34 KB,2048x940,512:235,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19452082 (290428ZAUG23) Notable: Trump has no record? What the hell is going on? / Booking Number

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Trump has no record? What the hell is going on?

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b01e28 No.84823

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19452129 (290437ZAUG23) Notable: How Vivek Ramaswamy Became A Billionaire - Forbes

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How Vivek Ramaswamy Became A Billionaire - Forbes

7 days agoAt 38 years old, the biotech investor and "anti-woke" warrior is worth more than $950 million. His net worth was over $1 billion about a week ago, making him one of the 20 youngest billionaires in...


Vivek Ramaswamy - Wikipedia

[31] [26] At that time, Ramaswamy was already wealthy from his involvement in the finance, pharmaceutical, and biotech industries; he said in 2023 that he had a net worth of around $15 million before graduating from law school. [27] Business career Early caree


How Vivek Ramaswamy made a fortune before pivoting to politics

May 14, 2023The flush of cash highlighted Axovant's then-29-year-old CEO, Vivek Ramaswamy, whose jump from hedge fund analyst to biotech executive attracted headlines and put his net worth in the hundreds of...

On the Board of Biotech?

He may be a plant? Connections with Soros?

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b01e28 No.84824

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19452149 (290443ZAUG23) Notable: The Media Try to Inflate Biden’s Stock

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The Media Try to Inflate Biden’s Stock


August 28, 2023

Gerard Baker

‘High-definition video shows Biden’s eyes open, blinking during speech”

No, that is not a headline from the Babylon Bee, the right-leaning satirical site that once got banned by the pre-Elon Musk Twitter for breaching gender ideology. It is from the pages of USA Today last week.

The paper that used to be everybody’s favorite purveyor of pie charts and pop culture ran a fact-checking exercise about President Biden’s visit to Maui in the wake of the wildfires there.

Some critics had mischievously accused the president of falling asleep during a gathering with residents because, well, he’s 80 and tires easily, and his eyes were closed.

But the paper’s journalists left no stone unturned to find the truth. After rigorous scrutiny of the video, they determined that Mr. Biden had actually been awake.

You can picture the scene: a team of expensively educated reporters and editors closeted for hours in a video suite, endlessly replaying the images from Maui on the latest high-tech machines. Suddenly, a triumphant shout goes up: “There! I saw it. He blinked!”

A less partial observer might conclude that if we need high-definition video to be certain that the president’s eyes are “open, blinking” while he performs his duties, we have a problem more serious than mean-spirited conservatives making fun of him.

To be fair to the USA Today investigators, they were far from the only ones to rush to the president’s defense. At least 10 news outlets ran a similar fact-checking exercise. Many devoted more space to debunking the Sleepy Joe story than they did to recording the numerous verbal gaucheries Mr. Biden visited on the bereaved and homeless people of the island, such as likening the catastrophe to a fire at his house some years back in which he said he “almost lost my wife, my ’67 Corvette, and my cat.”


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b01e28 No.84825

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19452151 (290443ZAUG23) Notable: The Media Try to Inflate Biden’s Stock

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Thirty years ago, during the early phases of Japan’s financial collapse, the government in Tokyo resorted to extreme measures to uphold the collapsing stock prices. The scheme, which included the use of public funds to buy stocks, was dubbed a Price-Keeping Operation, or PKO, in punning homage to the various peace-keeping operations in which Japanese troops were starting to participate at the time.

The media and their many friends in the wider culture are now embarked on a Biden-Keeping Operation.

Media bias is nothing new, but this goes further. For almost four years there has been a concerted, sustained and so far successful effort by supposedly independent media organizations to elect, defend and preserve in office the nation’s leading Democrat. It is immanent throughout the coverage of this president and mostly takes the form of misrepresenting reality by willfully ignoring or suppressing anything that undermines him—what we might call journalism of omission.

The juxtaposition of the attention given to the Hawaiian fact-check with the effort to look past the many infelicities of the president’s island misadventure is a small example of the Biden-Keeping Operation. Press coverage of the handling of the aftermath of natural disasters can damage presidential reputations, as George W. Bush discovered with Hurricane Katrina in 2005. But this BKO has involved much more substantive, sinister dishonesty.

It began with his presidential campaign, in which, under the excuse of Covid, he was left to run for the most important office in the world largely immune to the normal rules of campaign media scrutiny.

The omission shifted to outright suppression at the end of the campaign with the determined effort, fully prosecuted by most of the big news organizations to ignore, discredit and suppress the New York Post’s story about Hunter Biden’s laptop. These efforts were abetted by the major technology platforms, which censored not only the story itself but the newspaper that broke it.

The campaign of omission continued into the presidency. Only occasionally have we been given glimpses of the president’s frailties, and I suspect this is mainly because other Democrats are voicing concerns about his re-election chances.

The most important work news organizations do is investigative—exposing nefarious or incompetent behavior by institutions and individuals.

It is almost impossible to envisage things that don’t happen because no one makes them happen. But in this case we have a very clear picture of what the consequences of this sustained journalism of omission would have been. Imagine if the Republicans hadn’t won control of the House last November and conducted their own investigations. It’s highly unlikely that any of the metastasizing story we are learning about Mr. Biden and his son’s business dealings would have come out—no whistleblowers, no questionable prosecutorial leniency, no (grudging) expansion of the probe.

The press would have left well alone.


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b01e28 No.84826

File: 456e92a55626a27⋯.png (84.23 KB,1554x620,777:310,Clipboard.png)

File: 8f7ec8572905c2d⋯.mp4 (11.22 MB,1068x598,534:299,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19452212 (290511ZAUG23) Notable: Sui Juris and State Nationals

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Reading Trump's lawsuit against Hillary and cabal and this stuck out to me. Anon is learning State National, and they sign lots of things,SUI JURIS.Meaning: "of ones own right."

Here is a clip of David Straight explaining wat Sui Juris is. "One who has all the rights to which a free man is entitled. One who is not under the power of another as a slave, a minor, and the like"

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b01e28 No.84827

File: 4a3a79633002879⋯.png (1021.88 KB,1079x2076,1079:2076,Clipboard.png)

File: 4f96d2fe9088a9a⋯.png (227.83 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19452267 (290528ZAUG23) Notable: Trump has no record? What the hell is going on? / Booking Number

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you know the thing ... DoD ip

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b01e28 No.84828

File: 5a5f67df4627120⋯.mp4 (2.53 MB,1074x606,179:101,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 456e92a55626a27⋯.png (84.23 KB,1554x620,777:310,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19452282 (290532ZAUG23) Notable: Sui Juris and State Nationals

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Also potentially relevant; since Trump & Hillary are listed as Sui Juris, here's a clip of David Straight *claiming* Hillary & Trump are both State Nationals...

Both clips from his Out of Babylon pt 1 video (55:00min mark)


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b01e28 No.84829

File: aa359315c3bd364⋯.png (52.02 KB,758x504,379:252,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19452338 (290552ZAUG23) Notable: Sui Juris and State Nationals

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better yet


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b01e28 No.84830

File: cf849793de0ff6e⋯.png (379.78 KB,875x662,875:662,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19452353 (290603ZAUG23) Notable: Recent Mask Mandates Lifted Amid Pushback

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Recent Mask Mandates Lifted Amid Pushback


Very promising. No more fear-signaling bullshit.

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b01e28 No.84831

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19452377 (290615ZAUG23) Notable: Sui Juris and State Nationals

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b01e28 No.84832

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19452914 (291047ZAUG23) Notable: #23891

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Old dough


E Baker out

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b01e28 No.84833

File: d678c28a837c328⋯.png (447.27 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19452987 (291122ZAUG23) Notable: The First Published Detoxification Protocol to Help Clear Spike Protein from Cells and Tissues.

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The First Published Detoxification Protocol to Help Clear Spike Protein from Cells and Tissues.

“People who took the vaccines for the first time took an injection of foreign genetic material that produced spike protein in their body for an uncontrolled duration [of] time and quantity,” says Dr. Peter McCullough, who adds “Many of you still have the spike protein in your cells and your tissues.” “Every study that’s looked at this has actually identified this central issue. The human body does not seem to have enzymes that can break down this protein like it could any other natural protein and have us get rid of it.”

However, Dr. McCullough explains that there is a detoxification protocol that allows individuals to proactively address the issue head-on by using three natural substances, nattokinase, bromelain, and curcumin, “to help the body clear this very dangerous protein from [their] cells and tissues.”

”Although the protocol has not yet been scientifically validated through double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trials, Dr. McCullough argued that clinical observations indicate a positive impact.



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b01e28 No.84834

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19453081 (291208ZAUG23) Notable: CISA Director Fireside Chat, Jen Easterly, Director, CISA Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)

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8:30 AM EDT

CISA Director Fireside Chat, Jen Easterly, Director, CISA

Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)



CISA Director Jen Easterly Remarks at 2023 Chemical Security Summit

Cibersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Director Jen Easterly speaks at the 2023 Chemical Security Summit.


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b01e28 No.84835

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19453087 (291208ZAUG23) Notable: 8:34 AM EDT SILENTBARKER / NROL-107 Launch National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) and U.S. Space Force with United Launch Alliance

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8:34 AM EDT


National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) and U.S. Space Force with United Launch Alliance






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b01e28 No.84836

File: 7e1569fbb8eea84⋯.png (74.46 KB,638x609,22:21,Clipboard.png)

File: c936ef37f351f85⋯.png (53.64 KB,652x624,163:156,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19453094 (291209ZAUG23) Notable: Blacks law and international law define human as Homo sapiens.

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>>84816 (lb)

>Todd Callender: Covid is a Military Operation and Always Has Been

Same attorney who stated the vaxxed are no longer human, Homo Sapien, but are now a permanently genetically altered Homo Borgenesis.

Taking the two statements together, by Callendar's assessment, the US military and DARPA intentionally, permanently modified much of humanity into a new species, NOT protected by laws, Constitution, or international human rights.

Blacks law and international law define human as Homo sapiens.







Human Beings Law and Legal Definition

"Biologically, they are classified as hominidsof the species Homo sapiens, which are a primate species of mammal with a highly developed brain."


1 U.S. Code § 8 - “Person”, “human being”, “child”, and “individual” as including born-alive infant

(a)In determining the meaning of any Act of Congress, or of any ruling, regulation, or interpretation of the various administrative bureaus and agencies of the United States, the words “person”, “human being”, “child”, and “individual”, shall include every infantmember of the species homo sapienswho is born alive at any stage of development.

(b)As used in this section, the term “born alive”, with respect toa member of the species homo sapiens, means the complete expulsion or extraction from his or her mother of that member, at any stage of development, who after such expulsion or extraction breathes or has a beating heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, or definite movement of voluntary muscles, regardless of whether the umbilical cord has been cut, and regardless of whether the expulsion or extraction occurs as a result of natural or induced labor, cesarean section, or induced abortion.

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b01e28 No.84837

File: 70bf807dbad6f6c⋯.png (1.63 MB,1170x1337,1170:1337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19453110 (291213ZAUG23) Notable: Yevgeny Prigozhin is alive and plotting his revenge on Putin after body double was killed in plane assassination plot…

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>plot twist

Yevgeny Prigozhin is alive and plotting his revenge on Putin after body double was killed in plane assassination plot, Russian analyst claims


▶️ Prigozhin is 'alive, well, and free after body double was killed in plane crash'

▶️ A Putin critic claims Wagner chief will reveal himself to be alive later this year

Prigozhin is 'alive, well, and free' in an unnamed country, according to Dr Valery Solovey, even as Russia stages his funeral which Vladimir Putin is refusing to attend.

The astonishing assertion holds that Prigozhin cheated an assassination bid sanctioned by Putin and drawn up by his security council.

Prigozhin is now plotting his revenge, says the political analyst, a former professor at Moscow's prestigious Institute of International Relations [MGIMO], a training school for spies and diplomats.

Dr Solovey accuses the Russian authorities of lying over Prigozhin's DNA being found at the crash site in Tver region, while being aware the bid to kill the Wagner supremo had failed because a body double - which the warlord was known to use - got on the plane in his place.

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b01e28 No.84838

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19453125 (291216ZAUG23) Notable: New Hampshire Secretary of State Backs Down, ‘Not Seeking’ to Remove Trump from Ballot

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"New Hampshire Secretary of State Backs Down, ‘Not Seeking’ to Remove Trump from Ballot"


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b01e28 No.84839

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19453138 (291220ZAUG23) Notable: (Video) Details into the shadiness and corruption surrounding Maui's Police

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- Details into the shadiness and corruption surrounding Maui's Police

sauce... https://www.bitchute.com/video/VrXh0n4cdlA6/

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b01e28 No.84840

File: 5b06ae3a14dcf45⋯.png (1.24 MB,1915x931,1915:931,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19453260 (291255ZAUG23) Notable: PF reporting - P8's across America today? Why is a maritime surveillance plane being flown en masse into CONUS?

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P8's across America today?

For what?

Why is a maritime surveillance plane being flown en masse into CONUS?


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b01e28 No.84841

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19453305 (291302ZAUG23) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 08/29/2023

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We are LIVE - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 08/29/2023



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b01e28 No.84842

File: add5b21170d354f⋯.png (120.05 KB,688x367,688:367,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19453311 (291303ZAUG23) Notable: Email Reveals Hunter Biden Was Notified of Official Government Call Between Poroshenko and Joe Biden in Message Sent to “Robert L. Peters”…

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Unearthed Email Reveals Hunter Biden Was Notified of Official Government Call Between Poroshenko and Joe Biden in Message Sent to “Robert L. Peters” – Proves Bidens Were Secretly Working Family Business Deals Together While Joe was VP


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b01e28 No.84843

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19453332 (291308ZAUG23) Notable: PF reporting - P8's across America today? Why is a maritime surveillance plane being flown en masse into CONUS?

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Training Tuesday cross country navex.

Possible weather avoidance? Storm rolling in?

Click check NOAA & NEXRAD in maps.

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b01e28 No.84844

File: e965db7703bb068⋯.png (1.49 MB,1911x932,1911:932,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19453368 (291317ZAUG23) Notable: PF reporting - P8's across America today? Why is a maritime surveillance plane being flown en masse into CONUS?

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Thanks anon.

All but one with no callsign which is typical in my experience.

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b01e28 No.84845

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19453421 (291328ZAUG23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day - Unusual Spiral Galaxy M66 from Webb, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Aug 29, 2023

Unusual Spiral Galaxy M66 from Webb

Why isn't spiral galaxy M66 symmetric? Usually, density waves of gas, dust, and newly formed stars circle a spiral galaxy's center and create a nearly symmetric galaxy. The differences between M66's spiral arms and the apparent displacement of its nucleus are all likely caused by previous close interactions and the tidal gravitational pulls of nearby galaxy neighbors M65 and NGC 3628. The galaxy, featured here in infrared light taken by the James Webb Space Telescope, spans about 100,000 light years, lies about 35 million light years distant, and is the largest galaxy in a group known as the Leo Triplet. Like many spiral galaxies, the long and intricate dust lanes of M66 are seen intertwined with the bright stars and intergalactic dust that follow the spiral arms.


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b01e28 No.84846

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19453521 (291351ZAUG23) Notable: Microsoft signs new partnership with AI and data analytics startup, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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Microsoft signs new partnership with AI and data analytics startup

August 29, 2023

WASHINGTON — Microsoft announced Aug. 29 a five-year agreement to provide cloud-computing resources to Synthetaic, a startup that uses artificial intelligence to analyze data from space and air sensors.

Wisconsin-based Synthetaic made news earlier this year after it used artificial intelligence and Planet Labs’ satellite imagery archive to independently track the Chinese spy balloon’s path across the United States before it was shot down.

Synthetaic’s AI product — the Rapid Automatic Image Categorization (RAIC) tool — was built on Microsoft Azure cloud. Under the new agreement, Microsoft will provide Synthetaic access to nearly 1 million hours of cloud compute resources, the company said.

Processing more data

Synthetaic will work with Microsoft Azure Space on “new solutions to process geospatial, static and video imagery for national security, disaster response, and environmental and sustainability operations,” said Corey Jaskolski, Synthetaic founder and CEO.

“AI has the power to unlock an enormous amount of information and insights in the vast quantities of data collected by government and organizations around the world,” said Jason Zander, executive vice president of strategic missions and technologies at Microsoft.

“Through this partnership with Synthetaic, we are combining our latest advances in AI with their data analytics tools to help expand our understanding of our world,” Zander said.

The RAIC data analysis tool will be made available to government agencies through the Microsoft Azure Government Cloud, the company said. “Agencies can leverage AI while meeting the high security and compliance standards necessary for sensitive government data.”


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b01e28 No.84847

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19453525 (291352ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT - These Indictments and lawsuits are all part of my political opponents campaign plan. #ElectionInterference, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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b01e28 No.84848

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19453560 (291402ZAUG23) Notable: The CIA knows a lot about other nations' space programs. You can too with its new 'World Factbook' update, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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The CIA knows a lot about other nations' space programs. You can too with its new 'World Factbook' update

Aug 28, 2023

The CIA wants to share what it knows about world space programs. Some of what it knows, anyway.

The United States Central Intelligence Agency, better known as the CIA, has released a new entry in its World Factbook that catalogues the programs and milestones of space agencies around the world. Over 90 countries and the European Union are represented in the new Space Programs section of the agency's factbook, spanning from Algeria to Zimbabwe.

A CIA spokesperson told Space.com that, due to the increased visibility of space programs around the world, there is a need for the agency to provide "sound, reliable background information" for use by students of all ages, journalists, academics or anyone else looking for a "deep dive into a country and its space program."

The Space Programs factbook includes how much each nation spends on its space program, based on available spending estimates and budget information. The resource also includes brief listings on individual countries' key activities, both historical and current.

All of the information in the new factbook section is unclassified and publicly available, and has been gathered together from open sources. Still, it might be surprising to some readers to learn which nations do, in fact, have a space program, the CIA spokesperson added. Nicaragua, for example, a country not commonly associated with spaceflight, pledged to spend over $250 million on a communications satellite with Chinese funding in 2013, according to the factbook.

The new Space Programs section is the first new appendix added to the CIA World Factbook since 2021. Its addition coincides with the 80th anniversary of the factbook's predecessor publication.

The agency's spokesperson said the CIA's Space Programs appendix is a "living document" that is expected to be updated weekly, but the agency hopes to be able to include more frequent updates in the future.



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b01e28 No.84849

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19453570 (291404ZAUG23) Notable: National Archives reveals it has 5,400 Biden emails in which the president potentially used FAKE NAMES, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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1 of 4

National Archives reveals it has 5,400 Biden emails in which the president potentially used FAKE NAMES to forward government information and discuss business with son Hunter

NARA has acknowledged holding around 5,400 emails, electronic records, and documents suggesting President Biden used pseudonyms while Obama's VP

The existence of the emails came to light in response to a Freedom of Information Act request submitted in June 2022

Emails are connected to the aliases Robin Ware, Robert L. Peters, and JRB Ware — all pseudonyms the 80-year-old president was known to utilize while serving


UPDATED: 08:19 EDT, 29 August 2023

President Joe Biden may have used pseudonyms in nearly 5,400 emails, electronic records and documents when he was vice president, a bombshell letter from the National Archives and Records Administration reveals.

The trove of communications was confirmed after the Southeastern Legal Foundation (SLF) filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) for emails connected to aliases allegedly used by Biden, including Robin Ware, Robert L. Peters, and JRB Ware.

Republicans have been demanding the release of the emails they say could show Biden used the names to discuss foreign business with his son and share information on countries where he was doing deals.

The White House has insisted Biden was never in business with his son, and vice presidents and high-level government officials often use pseudonyms to prevent being inundated with spam and emails from the public.

At the time, the Obama administration dismissed criticism the communications were 'secret' because they were all archived.

But the sheer volume of emails raises questions over whether then-VP Biden broke the 'absolute wall' he said he maintained between the 'the personal and private, and the government'.

Emails from Hunter's laptop also reveal business partners referred to Biden as the 'big guy'.

The SLF submitted the FOIA request in June 2022 and the results appear to confirm that Biden was using the emails connected to the aliases.

Biden used various private email addresses from which he sometimes sent, received and forwarded government correspondence.

The names are all pseudonyms that Biden was known to use while he served as Vice President under Barack Obama from 2009 to 2017 and were used on emails that were about both official and family business.

The Southeastern Legal Foundation took legal action against NARA on Monday to secure the records' release.

The Foundation alleges that the documents might potentially demonstrate instances where President Biden forwarded government information and discussed government matters with his son, Hunter Biden, together with other individuals.

'All too often, public officials abuse their power by using it for their personal or political benefit. When they do, many seek to hide it. The only way to preserve governmental integrity is for NARA to release Biden's nearly 5,400 emails to SLF and thus the public.

'The American public deserves to know what is in them,' Kimberly Hermann, SLF general counsel, said in a statement.

The Southeastern Legal Foundation also accuses NARA of using delaying tactics ever since the initial FOIA request was filed more than 14 months ago.

No specific emails have been provided despite NARA acknowledging their existence.

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b01e28 No.84850

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19453587 (291407ZAUG23) Notable: National Archives reveals it has 5,400 Biden emails in which the president potentially used FAKE NAMES, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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>>84849 1 of 4

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The SLF submitted the FOIA request in June 2022 and the results appear to confirm that Biden was using the emails connected to the aliases.

Biden used various private email addresses from which he sometimes sent, received and forwarded government correspondence.

The names are all pseudonyms that Biden was known to use while he served as Vice President under Barack Obama from 2009 to 2017 and were used on emails that were about both official and family business.

The Southeastern Legal Foundation took legal action against NARA on Monday to secure the records' release.

The Foundation alleges that the documents might potentially demonstrate instances where President Biden forwarded government information and discussed government matters with his son, Hunter Biden, together with other individuals.

'All too often, public officials abuse their power by using it for their personal or political benefit. When they do, many seek to hide it. The only way to preserve governmental integrity is for NARA to release Biden's nearly 5,400 emails to SLF and thus the public.

'The American public deserves to know what is in them,' Kimberly Hermann, SLF general counsel, said in a statement.

The Southeastern Legal Foundation also accuses NARA of using delaying tactics ever since the initial FOIA request was filed more than 14 months ago.

No specific emails have been provided despite NARA acknowledging their existence.

'We have performed a search of our collection for Vice Presidential records related to your [June 9, 2022] request and have identified approximately 5,138 email messages, 25 electronic files and 200 pages of potentially responsive records that must be processed in order to respond to your request,' Stephannie Oriabure, director of NARA's archival operations division, wrote to the Southeastern Legal Foundation on in June 2022, the lawsuit revealed.

Earlier this month, Kentucky Republican James Comer, Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, demanded unredacted records from NARA, that similarly showed President Biden's use of a pseudonym during his vice presidency.

On that occasion, the purpose was to look into the role the former vice president played in his son's international business dealings.

Previously released emails from Hunter Biden's laptop indicated President Biden used the email address 'Robert.L.Peters@pci.gov' during his time as Vice President.

The emails also revealed correspondence between his aide and Hunter Biden over Joe Biden's daily schedule.

For at least four weeks in 2016, a worker in the Office of the Vice President, John Flynn, would send Biden his daily schedule to his private email address, Robert.L.Peters@pci.gov while copying in Hunter.

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b01e28 No.84851

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19453597 (291409ZAUG23) Notable: National Archives reveals it has 5,400 Biden emails in which the president potentially used FAKE NAMES, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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>>84849 1 of 4

>>84850 2 of 4

3 of 4

There were 10 such e-mails which were copied to Hunter between May 18 and June 15, 2016.

The Robert Peters e-mail address used a @pci.gov domain. The service had been labeled as problematic by the DNS Institute's Domain Name System security report in 2020.

One email from Flynn to being sent to Joe, a.k.a Robert Peters, from May 2016 which was also cc'd to Hunter schedules '8.45am prep for 9am phonecall with Pres Poroshenko' who was the Ukrainian president.

At the time, Hunter was being paid $83,333 a month to sit on the board of corrupt Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings Ltd.

He had started working for Burisma in 2014 and finally departed two months after his father left the office of vice president.

Just months earlier, in December 2015, Biden had threatened Poroshenko that he would withhold $1 billion in US aid unless he fired Ukraine's top prosecutor Viktor Shokin, who was investigating the owner of Burisma, Mykola Zlochevsky.

Shokin was widely accused of corruption and removed from office in March 2016.

State Department officials are said to have attempted to raise concerns with directly with Biden about Hunter's involvement with Burisma but the complaints were rebuffed.

Another forwarded email from Joe Biden using one of his alias private emails, RobinWare456@gmail.com, saw him write to both Hunter and his brother Beau, who was the Delaware attorney general, on March 26, 2012.

The forwarded e-mail was from Deputy Secretary of State (and now current Secretary of State) Antony Blinken.

The email was from the US Ambassador to Ukraine John Tefft: 'Beau visited Kyev [Ukraine] on the Friday and gave a talk on corruption at the Hyatt . . . then attended reception at the residence where he met many young Ukrainian lawyers. We received many compliments on his presentation and for simply a frank discussion of a problem that still bedevils this country.'

Hunter started working for Burisma Holdings, the Ukrainian gas company, in 2014.

He earned $83,333-a-month from Burisma until two months after Biden left office.

He was referred to as 'the big guy' and described in an email from a Ukrainian executive at Burisma which suggested he'd gotten access to him through Hunter.

It raised serious questions because the executive was also being investigated by a Ukrainian prosecutor who was ousted after Joe leveraged $1billion in American aide money to get him out.

President Biden has in the past denied ever offering access to him or the White House to any of Hunter's business associates.

Biden has long claimed there was complete separation between his family's business activities and his vice presidential responsibilities but Rep. Comer said that evidence appears to suggest otherwise.

'Joe Biden has stated there was 'an absolute wall' between his family's foreign business schemes and his duties as Vice President, but evidence reveals that access was wide open for his family's influence peddling,' Comer said in a statement on August 17.

'The National Archives must provide these unredacted records to further our investigation into the Biden family's corruption,' he added.

One concerning May 2016 email referenced in Comer’s letter and previously reported by DailyMail.com shows White House staffers sent Joe’s schedule, including a call with then-Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko, to Joe’s secret email ‘Robert L. Peters’.

The staffer, John Flynn, also inexplicably copied Hunter, who was working for allegedly corrupt Ukrainian gas firm Burisma at the time, on the email.

White House staffers copied Hunter on a total of 10 emails to Joe’s alias addresses, records from his laptop show.

Joe and Hunter appeared to use the then-VP’s secret email to discuss government business in another incident in June 2014.

Hunter used his Rosemont Seneca consultancy email address to write to his father on June 23, 2014 about the employment of then-deputy White House counsel John McGrail.

‘Before you fill position pls talk to me — J. McGrail very much wants to serve as detail fr treasury,’ Hunter wrote.

‘Re Johnny call me right away Dad,’ Joe wrote back from the email robinware456@gmail.com.

McGrail was promoted to VP’s counsel the following year, then got his desired move to the Treasury as Senior Counsel in January 2017. He is currently Counselor to the Under Secretary for Domestic Finance at the department, according to his LinkedIn account.

Senators Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson have been asking for unredacted records from NARA regarding Joe’s alias emails since 2021.

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b01e28 No.84852

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19453611 (291411ZAUG23) Notable: National Archives reveals it has 5,400 Biden emails in which the president potentially used FAKE NAMES, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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>>84849 1 of 4

>>84850 2 of 4

>>84851 3 of 4

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In their letters they cited the Presidential Records Act which requires POTUS to provide copies of all communications involving government business, whether on personal email addresses or not, to the National Archives.

Comer has now also joined the push. In his August 17 letter to NARA, he pointed out that the emails challenge Joe’s previous claim that while VP he had ‘an absolute wall between the personal and private, and the government’.

‘Evidence reveals that access was wide open for his family’s influence peddling,’ Comer said in a statement last week.

‘We already have evidence of then-Vice President Biden speaking, dining, and having coffee with his son’s foreign business associates. We also know that Hunter Biden and his associates were informed of then-Vice President Biden’s official government duties in countries where they had a financial interest.

‘The National Archives must provide these unredacted records to further our investigation into the Biden family’s corruption.’

Other emails show Secretary of State Antony Blinken wrote to Joe using his alias addresses while acting as National Security Advisor to then-VP Joe.

Blinken forwarded a March 26 2012 email from Ukraine ambassador John Tefft to Joe’s ‘Robin Ware’ address, describing a speech given by Beau to Ukrainian members of parliament in Kyiv on the topic of corruption.

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b01e28 No.84853

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19453649 (291420ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump My Poll numbers are UP

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My Poll numbers are UP since the very boring, record setting low (ratings!), Debate. Leading by BIG numbers. I made the right decision, and broke all records with the Tucker Carlson Interview!


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b01e28 No.84854

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19453661 (291421ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump My Poll numbers are UP

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Insert something BIG is about to drop, drop

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b01e28 No.84855

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19453686 (291427ZAUG23) Notable: #23891

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#23891 >>84832

>>84833 The First Published Detoxification Protocol to Help Clear Spike Protein from Cells and Tissues.

>>84834 CISA Director Fireside Chat, Jen Easterly, Director, CISA Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)

>>84835 8:34 AM EDT SILENTBARKER / NROL-107 Launch National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) and U.S. Space Force with United Launch Alliance

>>84837 Yevgeny Prigozhin is alive and plotting his revenge on Putin after body double was killed in plane assassination plot…

>>84838 New Hampshire Secretary of State Backs Down, ‘Not Seeking’ to Remove Trump from Ballot

>>84839 (Video) Details into the shadiness and corruption surrounding Maui's Police

>>84840, >>84843, >>84844 PF reporting - P8's across America today? Why is a maritime surveillance plane being flown en masse into CONUS?

>>84841 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 08/29/2023

>>84842 Email Reveals Hunter Biden Was Notified of Official Government Call Between Poroshenko and Joe Biden in Message Sent to “Robert L. Peters”…

>>84845 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day - Unusual Spiral Galaxy M66 from Webb

>>84836 Blacks law and international law define human as Homo sapiens.

>>84846 Microsoft signs new partnership with AI and data analytics startup

>>84847 PDJT - These Indictments and lawsuits are all part of my political opponents campaign plan. #ElectionInterference

>>84848 The CIA knows a lot about other nations' space programs. You can too with its new 'World Factbook' update

>>84853, >>84854 @realDonaldTrump My Poll numbers are UP

>>84849, >>84850, >>84851, >>84852 National Archives reveals it has 5,400 Biden emails in which the president potentially used FAKE NAMES



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b01e28 No.84856

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19453702 (291429ZAUG23) Notable: #23892

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#23892 https://fullchan.net/?3815c63085a52919#49Pg2MfXu1ewK5rmFKtyGGyUx57khuyMcX8hPQPULbgi

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b01e28 No.84857

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19453719 (291432ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump·14h A MUST WATCH-MAGA!!! “SUMMER BLOCKBUSTER-THE MOVIE”, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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b01e28 No.84858

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19453749 (291439ZAUG23) Notable: Anti-Defamation League identifies trends in violent extremism

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Anti-Defamation League identifies trends in violent extremism

By Brianne Roesser City of Buffalo

PUBLISHED 5:00 PM ET Aug. 28, 2023

As the latest racially-motivated mass shooting unfolded Saturday in Jacksonville, Florida, many experienced déjà vu.

“My first reaction was that this was Buffalo again,” said Scott Richman, the New York/New Jersey regional director of the Anti-Defamation League.

Following the Jan. 6, 2020 Capitol riot, the ADL launched its P.R.O.T.E.C.T. Plan to counter extremism and domestic terrorism. Richman said data collected tracing incidents from white supremacist propaganda to acts of terror show patterns in the beliefs of the perpetrators.

“That violent extremism is by and large coming from right-wing extremists,” said Richman.

Talk about lumping a group of people together, Projection much?

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b01e28 No.84859

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19453848 (291501ZAUG23) Notable: National Archives Won’t Give Up 5,400 Emails Allegedly Sent by Biden Under Pseudonym

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National Archives Won’t Give Up 5,400 Emails Allegedly Sent by Biden Under Pseudonym

By Katabella Roberts




In its announcement, the Southeastern Legal Foundation said it initially filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request (pdf) to the archives for President Biden's emails in 2021, at which point NARA responded that "because it did not take custody of then-vice president’s records until January 20, 2017, the emails could not be made public until January 20, 2022."

Therefore, the legal group renewed its FOIA in 2022, it said.

Following that renewed request, NARA allegedly told the nonprofit that it had performed a search of its collection of vice presidential records and identified "approximately 5,138 email messages, 25 electronic files and 200 pages of potentially responsive records that must be processed in order to respond to your request."

However, the agency noted that FOIA requests are "subject to the provisions of NARA regulations" under which it is required to "notify the representatives of the former President and the incumbent President and the former Vice President prior to the release of any Vice Presidential records."

Those regulations could add, at a minimum, an extra 60 days until the records could be produced, according to the lawsuit.

However, the Southeastern Legal Foundation claims NARA has yet to hand over a single one of the alleged emails, prompting it to file the latest lawsuit urging the agency to release the documents.

"More than 430 days have passed since Defendant acknowledged receipt of the FOIA request on June 22, 2022. Defendant has failed to meet the statutory requirement to make the records promptly available," the lawsuit states. "Accordingly, SLF files this lawsuit to compel Defendant to comply with FOIA."

Chairman of the Full Committee on Oversight and Accountability Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.) speaks during a hearing with an IRS whistleblowers about the criminal investigation of President Joe Biden's son in Congress in Washington on July 19, 2023. (Madalina Vasiliu/The Epoch Times)

Chairman of the Full Committee on Oversight and Accountability Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.) speaks during a hearing with an IRS whistleblowers about the criminal investigation of President Joe Biden's son in Congress in Washington on July 19, 2023. (Madalina Vasiliu/The Epoch Times)

"All too often, public officials abuse their power by using it for their personal or political benefit. When they do, many seek to hide it. The only way to preserve governmental integrity is for NARA to release Biden’s nearly 5,400 emails to SLF and thus the public. The American public deserves to know what is in them,” Kimberly Hermann, Southeastern Legal Foundation general counsel, said in a statement announcing the lawsuit.

A spokesperson for NARA declined to comment when contacted by The Epoch Times.


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b01e28 No.84860

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19453861 (291505ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump·14h A MUST WATCH-MAGA!!! “SUMMER BLOCKBUSTER-THE MOVIE”

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[MIRROR] TRUMP TRUTH > Summer Blockbuster - The Movie "A Must Watch - MAGA!!!"

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b01e28 No.84861

File: 3487461c8aa38d9⋯.png (21.44 KB,549x465,183:155,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19453863 (291505ZAUG23) Notable: End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493

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End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000025

IT WAS ALL LIES! 99% of 'Covid Deaths' NOT Primarily Caused By Virus, CDC Data Shows


The Western World Is About To Deliver Some Very Bad News To Its Young Adults


Young people are about to pay the hardest price for decades of bad policy and governmental debt insolvency.

Tucker Carlson Apologizes To Hungary On Behalf Of America, Slams Disgusting US Ambassador Over Lack Of Diplomacy


"The point of diplomacy is not to hector other nations for its own sake," said Carlson. "To show up in someone else's country and scream at them because they're different from you." "And so for a creep like David Pressman, who is not a diplomat - who's a political activist and Biden donor - to show up in your country and lecture you about your culture, and threaten you because you do things differently from the way they do things where he lives... hurts the United States and is a grave embarrassment to me as an American, and an outrage to me as someone who pays his salary. It's disgusting."

MY COMMENT: Thank you Tucker Carlson for being brave enough to stand up for America's interests and exposing the corrupt trash running our country.

Love Him Or Hate Him. Donald J. Trump Will Forever Be An American Icon.


National Archives Acknowledges 5,400 Biden Pseudonym Emails, Faces Lawsuit For Their Release


Judge Rules Kari Lake Lawsuit Seeking Mail-In Ballot Signatures Will Go To Trial


Mentally Ill Transgender Males Are Raping Inmates In Women's Prisons


State-run AI Bots May Eventually Flood The Internet With Garbage & Trash


MY COMMENT: Probably already happening covertly today. Know where the decent information resides, learn how to detect the bots and ignore them. Keep offline backups of media content you desire too, as a way to preserve content of value from being scrubbed or hidden from you. I've already told people do not expect the internet to hold much value in the future as corporations & governments will most definitely find ways to ruin our experience.

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b01e28 No.84862

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19453879 (291512ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump·14h A MUST WATCH-MAGA!!! “SUMMER BLOCKBUSTER-THE MOVIE”

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Downlod here


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b01e28 No.84863

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19453884 (291514ZAUG23) Notable: Mysterious Black Curtain and “Special Police” Spotted Around Maui’s Ground Zero (Video), MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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Mysterious Black Curtain and “Special Police” Spotted Around Maui’s Ground Zero (Video)


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b01e28 No.84864

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19453908 (291522ZAUG23) Notable: When Govt becomes Corrupt We the people have an Obligation to Revolt

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When Govt becomes Corrupt

We the people have an Obligation to Revolt


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b01e28 No.84865

File: 3ef914ae28df953⋯.mp4 (10.99 MB,490x888,245:444,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19453934 (291530ZAUG23) Notable: @JonVoight Stand Video (Attached Vid Not Related)

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b01e28 No.84866

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19453952 (291536ZAUG23) Notable: @repandybiggsaz Please join me in praying for Leader Scalise’s swift recovery.

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Please join me in praying for Leader Scalise’s swift recovery.

God bless @SteveScalise!

Blood Cancer

>took the shot?

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b01e28 No.84867

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19453956 (291536ZAUG23) Notable: The McCandless brothers drilled the first well on Maui for Pioneer Mill Company in 1883

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Secret Hidden Tunnels found 300' below Maui, Hawaii

The McCandless brothers drilled the first well on Maui for Pioneer

Mill Company in 1883



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b01e28 No.84868

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19453961 (291538ZAUG23) Notable: @repandybiggsaz Please join me in praying for Leader Scalise’s swift recovery.

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He was also shot in 2017.

Steve Scalise diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a type of blood cancer

House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) said Tuesday that he has been diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a "very treatable blood cancer" — and intends to keep working during treatment.

The big picture: Scalise — who overcame near-fatal injuries after being shot during a congressional baseball practice — plays a key role in scheduling the House floor and keeping the conference on the same page while facing a narrow majority.

This is a breaking news story and will be updated.


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b01e28 No.84869

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19453962 (291539ZAUG23) Notable: @TomFitton ALICE IN WONDERLAND: Today, in a mockery of the American justice system

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alice in wonderland :


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b01e28 No.84870

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19453964 (291539ZAUG23) Notable: @JackPosobiec ANNOUNCING: Today on Human Events Kevin Sorbo

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ANNOUNCING: Today on Human Events

Kevin Sorbo

2p ET




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b01e28 No.84871

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19453987 (291544ZAUG23) Notable: @RepMTG An impeachment inquiry is just asking the question

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An impeachment inquiry is just asking the question, do you think we should inquire about impeachment?

What the hell is wrong with Republicans that we can’t ask this question to lay out the case for impeachment to the American people?


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b01e28 No.84872

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19453996 (291545ZAUG23) Notable: Trump to be arraigned on Sept. 6 in Georgia case

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Trump to be arraigned on Sept. 6 in Georgia case


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b01e28 No.84873

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454030 (291549ZAUG23) Notable: Maui dig, literally. They had a boring machine on Maui in the 50's, what othe tunnels were dug

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Maui dig, literally. They had a boring machine on Maui in the 50's, what othe tunnels were dug?

Maui Travel Update: Maui is open, but not West Maui. Support Maui by visiting local businesses.

Learn More

Shaka Guide


The Nu'uanu Pali Tunnel on Maui / User Avriette on en.wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Nu'uanu Pali Tunnel on Maui / User Avriette on en.wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons




The Pali Tunnel: The 5-Mile Tunnel Through Maui

The Pali Tunnel: The 5-Mile Tunnel Through Maui

Shaka Guide

Shaka Guide

Listen to audio sample:

Have you seen the tunnel that connects the west side of Maui to the rest of the island? This is the only tunnel on the entire island, and it ‘s one of the few places you can honk your horn without people giving you stink-eye.

On Maui, it’s customary to honk as you pass through the tunnel. No one is really sure how the tradition got started, but people still do it to this day. Maybe it has to do with the unique echo effect. So, anyway, honk if you love Maui, I guess!

Before the tunnel was built, the old road followed the cliff face and was so curvy it was often called “the amalfi drive of Maui,” referring to the winding cliff-side road in Italy that the Romans built. If you look above the current road, or into the valleys, you can still see the remnants of the old road.

In 1950, workers began blasting and grading a new, less dangerous, highway over the pali, creating the tunnel. The work was called “operation puka-in-the-pali” which means “operation hole-in-the-cliff,” as workers blasted through 315 feet of tough volcanic rock. When they finished, the tunnel - and over 5 miles of honoapi’ilani highway - were ready for public use. The tunnel opened in 1951, and was the first tunnel on a public highway in Hawaii. The road follows the same path today.


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b01e28 No.84874

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454036 (291550ZAUG23) Notable: US warns Russia about questioning diplomats

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29 Aug, 2023 13:50

US warns Russia about questioning diplomats

The State Department says it expects Moscow to respect its obligations under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations

Plans by Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) to question two employees of the US embassy in Moscow is an attempt to “intimidate and harass” American citizens, Washington has said.

“Russia is obligated under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations to treat diplomats with due respect and to take all appropriate steps to prevent any attack on their person, freedom, or dignity,” US State Department spokesman

Matthew Miller said in a statement on Monday.

Washington expects Moscow to fulfill its commitments under the convention in relation to the current case, he added.

“We strongly protest the Russian security services’ attempts – furthered by Russia’s state-controlled media – to intimidate and harass our employees,” Miller said. (KEK "strongly")

On Monday, the FSB announced summonses had been issued for two American diplomats, David Bernstein and Jeffery Sillin, who work at the US embassy in Moscow. The security agency said it’s looking to question the men as witnesses in the case of Russian citizen Robert Shonov, who is facing treason charges.

Shonov, who worked at the now-defunct US consulate in the city of Vladivostok in the country’s Far East, was detained in May on suspicion of illegally acting as a confidential informant for Washington. If found guilty, Shonov, now in his early 60s, could face up to eight years in prison.

In a video released by the FSB, Shonov acknowledged his guilt, saying he had acted on directions from Bernstein and Sillin, who first approached him in September 2022. The consulate in Vladivostok was shut down in 2020 as part of a series of tit-for-tat restrictions imposed by Washington and Moscow.

The suspect said the US diplomats had wanted him to provide them with information about potential new recruits, who were dissatisfied with the policies of the Russian government. They were also interested in intelligence about Moscow’s special military operation in Ukraine and mobilization in the country, he added.

In his statement, Miller described the accusations against Shonov as being “wholly without merit.” The Russian citizen had been “employed by a company contracted to provide services to the US embassy in Moscow in strict compliance with Russia’s laws and regulations,” he said.

When approached by Russian outlet RBK, the US embassy in Moscow said it had yet to receive a summons for Bernstein and Sillin from the Russian authorities. According to the mission, its staff only learned about the FSB’s plans to question the diplomats from the media.

(Interesting that the SeeEyeAye was recruiting spies all over social media and the last year and a half, and we know the State Department is part of the IC community especially that agency, that’s why Pompeo was transferred from the CIA to head the state department, so these “diplomats” were recruiting. Everyone that is a diplomat for their countries are well known to be spies, they joke about it. They all do it.)


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b01e28 No.84875

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454041 (291552ZAUG23) Notable: The streets are talking.

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This is great. The streets are talking.


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b01e28 No.84876

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454051 (291554ZAUG23) Notable: Maui dig, literally. They had a boring machine on Maui in the 50's, what othe tunnels were dug

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By admin | July 28, 2023


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b01e28 No.84877

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454054 (291554ZAUG23) Notable: Maui dig, literally. They had a boring machine on Maui in the 50's, what othe tunnels were dug

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Taking a Swim UNDER the Island of Maui 600' down

The plantation also moved to reduce its reliance on steampowered pumps, replacing steam pumps A and B at Lahaina with electric pumps

in July and September 1925, respectively.



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b01e28 No.84878

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454065 (291556ZAUG23) Notable: @DonaldJTrumpJr Libs are attempting to bring back mask mandates & other extreme measures., MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Screenshot_20230829_105148_Brave.jpg

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We can't post screenshots anymore?


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b01e28 No.84879

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454067 (291556ZAUG23) Notable: Hawaii Property Ownership Explained | Fee Simple vs Leasehold

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Hawaii Property Ownership Explained | Fee Simple vs Leasehold

By Hawaii Life

June 14, 2019

Fee Simple vs Leasehold

Most people only know of one type of real estate ownership; fee simple, also known as freehold. Hawaii and a few other states have another form of ownership known as leasehold. The difference in these two types of land tenure is very different and affects the value of the real estate. It is important to know the difference, especially if you’re buying real estate in a leasehold state.


A leasehold interest is created when a fee simple land-owner (Lessor) enters into an agreement or contract called a ground lease with a person or entity (Lessee). A Lessee rents the land from the Lessor for the rights of use and enjoyment of the land much as one buys fee simple rights; however, the leasehold interest differs from the fee simple interest in several important respects. First, the buyer of leasehold real estate does not own the land; they only have a right to use the land for a pre-determined amount of time. Second, if leasehold real estate is transferred to a new owner, the use of the land is limited to the remaining years covered by the original lease. At the end of the predetermined period, the land may legally revert back to the Lessor, and is called reversion. At the end of the lease term, many lessors and lessees have agreed on either a new lease or the Lessor may agree to sell the land to the Lessee. In the case of a condominium depending on the provisions of any surrender clause in the lease, the buildings and other improvements on the land may also revert to the lessor. Finally, the use, maintenance, and alteration of the leased premises are subject to any restrictions contained in the lease.


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b01e28 No.84880

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454129 (291608ZAUG23) Notable: @SebGorka I would like to see the FBI raid Adam Schiff’s house!

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I would like to see the FBI raid Adam Schiff’s house!


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b01e28 No.84881

File: ca451d5a9e346d6⋯.mp4 (15.65 MB,480x480,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454148 (291611ZAUG23) Notable: Contaminated Gas in Florida MP4

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Who the hell is using Citgo gas, that shit is from Venezuela!

Oh yeah, Biden is acting pResident.

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b01e28 No.84882

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454155 (291613ZAUG23) Notable: @elisestefanik I joined Bret Baier on @FoxNews to discuss the disastrous illegal immigration crisis in New York

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I joined Bret Baier on @FoxNews to discuss the disastrous illegal immigration crisis in New York caused by Joe Biden, Kathy Hochul, and Eric Adams as well as our Republican plan to end this crisis by securing our border.


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b01e28 No.84883

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454187 (291617ZAUG23) Notable: New York City is preparing for the next #Lockdown, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: 4Yy_oTgChFiLA0Q_mp4.mp4

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National File


#VIDEO: New York City is preparing for the next #Lockdown…

‘Do your part - stay 6 feet apart’ demands the NYPD

This video was recorded THIS MORNING

(from yesterday)

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b01e28 No.84884

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454207 (291619ZAUG23) Notable: FOIA Results: $11 Million to Bribe OB-GYNs to Lie to Mothers About Safety of mRNA-Vaccines, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Web_capture_29_8_2023_11196_https_www_shtfplan_com.jpeg

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FOIA Results: $11 Million to Bribe OB-GYNs to Lie to Mothers About Safety of mRNA-Vaccines

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b01e28 No.84885

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454225 (291621ZAUG23) Notable: Covid to blame for just 1% of weekly deaths from all causes across the US, CDC data shows

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Covid to blame for just 1% of weekly deaths from all causes across the US, CDC data shows

In other words 99% of all reported Covid deaths were NOT caused by Covid.

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b01e28 No.84886

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454243 (291625ZAUG23) Notable: Rumors are strong in political circles that Ron DeSanctimonious...

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Donald J Trump




Rumors are strong in political circles that Ron DeSanctimonious, whose Presidential run is a shambles, and whose poll numbers have absolutely crashed, putting him 3rd and 4th in some states, will be dropping out of the Presidential race in order to run, in Florida, against Rick Scott for Senate. Now that’s an interesting one, isn’t it?

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b01e28 No.84887

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454254 (291627ZAUG23) Notable: Gab @repmtg The matrix is breaking. I serve on the COVID Committee. It’s time to finally address COVID with the truth.

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>hi MTG


Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene




The matrix is breaking.

I serve on the COVID Committee.

It’s time to finally address COVID with the truth.

There was always an agenda.


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b01e28 No.84888

File: 6513766b1bf258d⋯.png (147.44 KB,363x480,121:160,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454274 (291631ZAUG23) Notable: Dig Tucker Carlson's background / history.

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Was wondering about Tucker Carlson's background / history.

Remember Coldby...see attached.

So I checked out Tucker's wiki...I know:


It says Tucker's father became the director of Voice of America, president of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and U.S. ambassador to the Seychelles...this screams CIA.

also...After college, Carlson tried to join the Central Intelligence Agency, but his application was denied, after which he decided to pursue a career in journalism with the encouragement of his father, who advised him that "they'll take anybody"

If his application was accepted...ya think they'd tell us?

Anyway...did the white hats set him free or are they using him to get their message out?

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b01e28 No.84889

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454286 (291635ZAUG23) Notable: Hi-Rez - Rich Men North Of Richmond (Rap Remix)

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Hi-Rez - Rich Men North Of Richmond (Rap Remix)

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b01e28 No.84890

File: 13a154542836ef9⋯.jpg (114.18 KB,721x715,721:715,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454289 (291635ZAUG23) Notable: : VOID-FICTION. ForTheClaimOfTheLife.com

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b01e28 No.84891

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454328 (291643ZAUG23) Notable: Brain worms, oh my

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lions tigers and

brain worms, oh my


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b01e28 No.84892

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454365 (291652ZAUG23) Notable: US Govt accrues $100M in DEBT HOURLY

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US Govt accrues $100M in DEBT HOURLY


Dam Son

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b01e28 No.84893

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454404 (291658ZAUG23) Notable: @MayorRudyGiuliani BOMBSHELL REPORT: The National Archives and Records Administration

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BOMBSHELL REPORT: The National Archives and Records Administration—the organization behind the phony Trump classified documents case—has been concealing the fact that they're in possession of 5,400 emails and documents that potentially show Joe Biden using pseudonyms during his vice presidency.


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b01e28 No.84894

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454416 (291700ZAUG23) Notable: @SpeakerMcCarthy @SteveScalise is a dear friend, and anyone who knows him knows he’s a faith-filled fighter

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@SteveScalise is a dear friend, and anyone who knows him knows he’s a faith-filled fighter who can overcome any obstacle that stands in his way. I spoke with him today and he's in good spirits, as nothing—not a gunshot and certainly not cancer—will stop him from accomplishing what he sets his mind to.


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b01e28 No.84895

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454419 (291701ZAUG23) Notable: @MTG - WE WANT TRUMP!!!

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A year ago, Georgia - my home state, was one of the only states I was concerned about. My friend Matt Gaetz kept reassuring me, “wait until Ron is tested and on stage.”

Now DeSantis support has dried up harder than Joe Biden’s cold blooded America last heart.

Georgia is solidly Trump country!!!

Of course our good ole boy establishment “Republicans” will continue their Trump Derangement Syndrome America last globalist agenda, but the people are making it clear.



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b01e28 No.84896

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454434 (291703ZAUG23) Notable: @BonginoReport IRS Whistleblower Exposes How Biden Admin Blocked Key Witnesses Testifying Against Hunter

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IRS Whistleblower Exposes How Biden Admin Blocked Key Witnesses Testifying Against Hunter


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b01e28 No.84897

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454440 (291704ZAUG23) Notable: @DanScavino who do you believe will be the National Defender of Life in 2024

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Of the following candidates, who do you believe will be the National Defender of Life in 2024 and be the best advocate for the unborn?*



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b01e28 No.84898

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454458 (291707ZAUG23) Notable: Rep. Elise Stefanik pushes GOP border legislation as NYC battles migrant crisis

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Rep. Elise Stefanik pushes GOP border legislation as NYC battles migrant crisis


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b01e28 No.84899

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454462 (291708ZAUG23) Notable: #23892

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#23892 >>84856

>>84857, >>84860, >>84862 @realDonaldTrump·14h A MUST WATCH-MAGA!!! “SUMMER BLOCKBUSTER-THE MOVIE”

>>84858 Anti-Defamation League identifies trends in violent extremism

>>84859 National Archives Won’t Give Up 5,400 Emails Allegedly Sent by Biden Under Pseudonym

>>84861 End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493

>>84863 Mysterious Black Curtain and “Special Police” Spotted Around Maui’s Ground Zero (Video)

>>84864 When Govt becomes Corrupt We the people have an Obligation to Revolt

>>84865 @JonVoight Stand Video (Attached Vid Not Related)

>>84866, >>84868 @repandybiggsaz Please join me in praying for Leader Scalise’s swift recovery.

>>84867 The McCandless brothers drilled the first well on Maui for Pioneer Mill Company in 1883

>>84869 @TomFitton ALICE IN WONDERLAND: Today, in a mockery of the American justice system

>>84870 @JackPosobiec ANNOUNCING: Today on Human Events Kevin Sorbo

>>84871 @RepMTG An impeachment inquiry is just asking the question

>>84872 Trump to be arraigned on Sept. 6 in Georgia case

>>84873, >>84876, >>84877 Maui dig, literally. They had a boring machine on Maui in the 50's, what othe tunnels were dug

>>84874 US warns Russia about questioning diplomats

>>84875 The streets are talking.

>>84878 @DonaldJTrumpJr Libs are attempting to bring back mask mandates & other extreme measures.

>>84879 Hawaii Property Ownership Explained | Fee Simple vs Leasehold

>>84880 @SebGorka I would like to see the FBI raid Adam Schiff’s house!

>>84881 Contaminated Gas in Florida MP4

>>84882 @elisestefanik I joined Bret Baier on @FoxNews to discuss the disastrous illegal immigration crisis in New York

>>84883 New York City is preparing for the next #Lockdown

>>84884 FOIA Results: $11 Million to Bribe OB-GYNs to Lie to Mothers About Safety of mRNA-Vaccines

>>84885 Covid to blame for just 1% of weekly deaths from all causes across the US, CDC data shows

>>84886 Rumors are strong in political circles that Ron DeSanctimonious...

>>84887 Gab @repmtg The matrix is breaking. I serve on the COVID Committee. It’s time to finally address COVID with the truth.

>>84888 Dig Tucker Carlson's background / history.

>>84889 Hi-Rez - Rich Men North Of Richmond (Rap Remix)

>>84890 : VOID-FICTION. ForTheClaimOfTheLife.com

>>84891 Brain worms, oh my

>>84892 US Govt accrues $100M in DEBT HOURLY

>>84893 @MayorRudyGiuliani BOMBSHELL REPORT: The National Archives and Records Administration

>>84894 @SpeakerMcCarthy @SteveScalise is a dear friend, and anyone who knows him knows he’s a faith-filled fighter

>>84895 @MTG - WE WANT TRUMP!!!

>>84896 @BonginoReport IRS Whistleblower Exposes How Biden Admin Blocked Key Witnesses Testifying Against Hunter

>>84897 @DanScavino who do you believe will be the National Defender of Life in 2024

>>84898 Rep. Elise Stefanik pushes GOP border legislation as NYC battles migrant crisis



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b01e28 No.84900

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454474 (291710ZAUG23) Notable: #23893

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#23893 https://fullchan.net/?facb36289b885a4f#7kKuDRB4K67b1pmQghcX1gPG8JtEmDEw4sVqxGVTezwX

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b01e28 No.84901

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b01e28 No.84902

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454504 (291715ZAUG23) Notable: OPTICS

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b01e28 No.84903

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b01e28 No.84904

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454513 (291716ZAUG23) Notable: TRENDS

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Total Truths: 865


Total Truths: 1.25k


Total Truths: 543


Total Truths: 1.01k


Total Truths: 292


Total Truths: 4.56k


Total Truths: 54


Total Truths: 3.67k


Total Truths: 3.17k


Total Truths: 208


Total Truths: 2.43k


Total Truths: 345


Total Truths: 99


Total Truths: 790


Total Truths: 498


Total Truths: 62


Total Truths: 1.19k

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b01e28 No.84905

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454516 (291717ZAUG23) Notable: TRENDS

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b01e28 No.84906

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454520 (291718ZAUG23) Notable: OPTICS

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b01e28 No.84907

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454528 (291720ZAUG23) Notable: Press Secretary Buckwheat

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Press Briefing by Press Secretary Buckwheat

Link HOT


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b01e28 No.84908

File: 3fdd7d60b57f3bd⋯.jpg (147.67 KB,720x1174,360:587,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ef1c560d9f25fe9⋯.mp4 (2.91 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454544 (291723ZAUG23) Notable: THIS IS SOMETHING CONNECTED TO THE MISSING CHILDREN OF MAUI AFTER THE FIRES

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If that many school busses were missing after the fires


Credits - ChameleonCentilion

#SaveTheChildren #Hawaii #hawaiifires #LahainaFires #MauiFires #lahaina #Maui


this could be a smoking gunwhere are the school buses?

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b01e28 No.84909

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454580 (291728ZAUG23) Notable: @POTUS No senior should have to overpay for life-saving drugs to pad Big Pharma’s pockets., MISSING MEDIA/FILES: IMG_6385.jpeg, IMG_6386.jpeg

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b01e28 No.84910

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454611 (291735ZAUG23) Notable: -Image Server IssuesNEW ( BO )

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Informed 8kun admins about image problems, in case they don't already know.

Usually they do. Been re-doing the servers, likely this is related.

Will keep the board informed if there's news.

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b01e28 No.84911

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454632 (291738ZAUG23) Notable: Bitcoin rises to $27,400 after Grayscale wins lawsuit against SEC., MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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JUST IN — Bitcoin rises to $27,400 after Grayscale wins lawsuit against SEC.

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b01e28 No.84912

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454643 (291741ZAUG23) Notable: FOIA Request Number 2022-0113-F Referenced here, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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>>84859 pb

FOIA Request Number 2022-0113-F

Referenced here


Page 4 FOIA is still active

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b01e28 No.84913

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454707 (291755ZAUG23) Notable: @adamschiff Look who I met out in the campaign trail DOGCOMMS, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: DA5D49FC_24D7_4098_9CE2_85CB3ABED20A.jpeg, 35ED0370_8AD3_4C0D_98C5_370BE58AF3DE.jpeg

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Schiff Dawg Comms + Boot

Latest “Democracy Dogs” from Melonhead. Check the boot in the background.


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b01e28 No.84914

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454727 (291801ZAUG23) Notable: @TomFitton ALICE IN WONDERLAND: Today, in a mockery of the American justice system

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The judge said that because in the judge's mind, the outcome had been determined BEFORE the Grand Jury convened.

pulled from notables:

Tom Fitton


ALICE IN WONDERLAND: Today, in a mockery of the American justice system, a federal court judge suggested that Trump should have prepared for his defense in a criminal trial as soon as a grand jury was empaneled a year ago!

Last edited

5:48 PM · Aug 28, 2023












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b01e28 No.84915

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454730 (291802ZAUG23) Notable: @SarahPalinUSA - Meme of the Thread, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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b01e28 No.84916

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454742 (291804ZAUG23) Notable: Hunter Biden Was Notified of Official Government Call Between Poroshenko and Joe Biden, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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Unearthed Email Reveals Hunter Biden Was Notified of Official Government Call Between Poroshenko and Joe Biden in Message Sent to “Robert L. Peters” – Proves Bidens Were Secretly Working Family Business Deals Together While Joe was VP

On May 26, 2016, Hunter Biden was included in an email regarding Joe Biden’s upcoming call with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko.

The call was scheduled for 9 AM on May 27, with an 8:45 advanced prep.

Joe Biden has repeatedly denied he had any involvement with Hunter Biden’s business deals. And, yet, here we have proof that Hunter and Joe Biden were included on the same email about an upcoming phone call with the Ukrainian president.

House Oversight Committee Chairman previously reported on two emails sent from Biden-aide John Flynn to then Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden on May 27, 2016 and June 15, 2016.

This email released today by The Gateway Pundit is from May 26, 2016 and was sent to Joe Biden’s secret email account.

The email was sent to Joe Biden’s secret account where he used the pseudonym “Robert L. Peters.”

Via XRVision.

The call took place on May 27 with Joe Biden.

The readout to the official government call on May 27, 2016, was published on the Barack Obama White House website.

This email came from Hunter Biden’s laptop computer that he abandoned at a Delaware computer shop via XRVision.

This interaction confirms that:

** Joe Biden and Hunter Biden were working together in their international bribery scheme and illicit business deals in Ukraine.

** Joe Biden lied about not having any involvement in Hunter Biden’s business deals.

** Joe Biden was hiding these communications from the public and government watchdogs.

This should make it easy for the Republicans to push for charges against the Biden family.


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b01e28 No.84917

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454743 (291804ZAUG23) Notable: Jean-Pierre/Reporter Transcripts

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Reporter: How it is possible that an ISIS sympathizer is sneaking people into this country? [referring to CNN report]

Jean-Pierre: The intelligence alerted to a human smuggling network. We moved fast and successfully to disrupt it.

Reporter: When you say you disrupted it; are you saying you know where all of the people this ISIS sympathizer snuck into the country are?

Jean-Pierre:If I can answer the question...intelligence alerted us of this human smuggling network...we are grateful to the law enforcement for their quick work...smugglers have been detained overseas, including one linked to the foreign terrorist organization. There is no sign that anyone moved by the smuggling network has terrorism connections..people brought here by smuggling network are being subject to extra vetting and are all in removal preceding...this is a White House that is committed to making sure that we are protecting our homeland and also protecting the American people.

Reporter: We've seen human smuggling networks operated by the cartels for years. Why the sudden urgency with this one?

Jean-Pierre: We always have, we have always and will be vigilant here when it comes to making sure we are protecting the homeland.

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b01e28 No.84918

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454755 (291808ZAUG23) Notable: Potatoe & his Hoe bout to go LIVE

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Potatoe & his Hoe bout to goLIVE


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b01e28 No.84919

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454798 (291815ZAUG23) Notable: Michigan’s Dirty Voter Rolls Reveal 50,000 Voter Registrants Have ILLEGAL Addresses #CleanTheVoterRolls

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Michigan’s Dirty Voter Rolls Reveal 50,000 Voter Registrants Have ILLEGAL Addresses

This article, part of MI Fair Elections ongoing series on the Qualified Voter File (QVF), addresses the importance of an accurate, complete address when registering or reregistering to vote.

According to Michigan law, voter registrants are required to provide their residential and mailing addresses. An applicant’s residence consists of the location where they live and sleep, so it cannot be a post office or similar facility that deals with delivering mail or packages. Registrants are required to include the necessary information for them to receive mail, including street and number or rural route and box number and apartment number, if any. The law enables each registrant to receive documents for voting in-person or absentee and other official mailed communications. Access to accurate mailing and residential information is necessary for election officials to help ensure free and fair elections.

So, why are approximately 50,000 Michigan registrants recorded at illegal addresses of record?

Michigan law, MCL 168.495 requires registrants to provide their residence address, including street and number or rural route and box number and apartment number, if any.

Many types of residences have multiple people living at the same street number and street name. Due to the size of some of these facilities, including apartment complexes, manufactured home sites, and college dorms, the U.S. postal service be unable to deliver a voter registrant’s mail without further specifics like apartment numbers, lots numbers, and dorm rooms or mailboxes.

In East Lansing, at The Landings of Chandler Crossing, a primarily student housing apartment complex that can house more than 1,500 residents. The mailing address for all residents is 16789 Chandler Rd, followed by a residence extension indicating the apartment number. At The Landings, each apartment is subdivided into as many as four separate bedroom and bath areas, each with its own unique lease. For this reason, the apartment address is further indicated with a letter designation for the room after the apartment number, for example, 1221A, 813B, or 323C.

Lacking this level of designation, a mail carrier would find it virtually impossible to deliver mail reliably to its intended recipient. An example of a correct address at The Landings is 16789 Chandler Rd, Apt 1221A.

Dormitories also require a residence extension. Room addresses at the six-story Holmes Hall at Michigan State University indicate the floor and have East and West wing designations. Timely and accurate delivery of mail cannot happen without the residence extension included in the address.

Michigan’s official voter rolls, called the Qualified Voter File or QVF, contain approximately 50,000 registrants recorded as living in multi-unit housing units but lacking a residential extension number. How these ineligible registrations occurred or why the Secretary of State’s office is failing to address the problem remains unclear. But one thing is clear: These registrations violate the law, and absentee ballots cannot be delivered to them.

Michigan’s membership in the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) was sold to the public as a system to help clean voter rolls. If ERIC, a third-party, private organization that refuses to respond to FOIAs, is doing its job, why, after four years of membership, are Michigan’s rolls cluttered with more ineligible registrations than ever?

Through the efforts of election integrity groups like Michigan Fair Elections, volunteers are examining the voter rolls in their own communities and working with their local clerks to identify registration anomalies.

Checkmyvote.org, a database system developed by two talented volunteers, provides free online access to public information on voter registrants in Michigan’s 83 counties. Each month, CMV obtains the Qualified Voter File from the Secretary of State’s office. Then the Check My Vote (CMV) team analyzes and compares various aspects of Michigan’s QVF files with the goal of cleaning the rolls and keeping them clean.

Checkmyvote.org provides this comparative data to election integrity groups and individuals in counties throughout Michigan. In addition to helping groups and individuals identify and remedy their counties’ issues, CMV enables analysts in MFE’s Soles to the Rolls program and other organizations to compare the various month’s data and evaluate their progress in helping clerks clean the voter rolls.


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b01e28 No.84920

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454839 (291822ZAUG23) Notable: Jack Shit's Mar-a-Lago obstruction case against Trump is based on an emailed "emoji" related to security camera footage that was never actual destroyed

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DEVELOPING: Jack Smith's Mar-a-Lago obstruction case against Trump is based on an emailed "emoji" related to security camera footage that was never actual destroyed, according to legal insiders


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b01e28 No.84921

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454874 (291826ZAUG23) Notable: https://protrumpnews.com/

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b01e28 No.84922

File: bc15ba363950cb1⋯.jpg (14.64 KB,233x255,233:255,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454875 (291826ZAUG23) Notable: Image Issues? Become a Premium member today to make images appear again.

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Become a Premium member today to make images appear again.

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b01e28 No.84923

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454877 (291827ZAUG23) Notable: Russia Charges US Consulate Worker With Gathering Intel About Ukraine War

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Russia Charges US Consulate Worker With Gathering Intel About Ukraine War

Authorities in Russia have charged a former U.S. consulate worker with collecting intel about the war in Ukraine among other related issues for Washington diplomats.

In a statement on Aug. 28, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB) said it “stopped the illegal activities” of Robert Robertovich Shonov, a former employee of the U.S. Consulate General in Vladivostok, and charged him with “cooperation on a confidential basis with a foreign state.”

The country’s main domestic security agency added that Mr. Shonov, a Russian citizen, is accused of collecting information about the “special military operation” in Ukraine, mobilization processes in the region of Russia, as well as problems and the assessment of their influence on protest activities of the population in the leadup to Russia’s 2024 presidential elections.

Moscow launched its invasion of Ukraine last February.

The FSB, which is Russia’s successor agency to the Soviet Union’s KGB, noted that Mr. Shonov was charged under a new article of Russian law that criminalizes “cooperation on a confidential basis with a foreign state, international or foreign organization to assist their activities clearly aimed against Russia’s security.”

Kremlin critics have said the formulation is so broad it can be used to punish any Russian citizen who has foreign connections. It carries a prison sentence of up to eight years.

The FSB also named two other diplomats in the political department in the U.S. embassy in Moscow, Jeffrey Cillin and David Bernstein, who allegedly instructed Mr. Shonov to collect the intel. The agency said that it’s planning to question the two American diplomats.

Mr. Shonov’s arrest was first reported by Russia’s state news agency TASS in May, but Kremlin authorities provided little details on what prompted the arrest at the time.

According to Russian news reports, he was being held in Moscow’s Lefortovo prison.

Washington Responds

Responding to the FSB’s latest announcement, a spokesperson for the U.S. Department of State said in a statement on Aug. 28 that the allegations against Mr. Shonov “are wholly without merit.”

“As we have stated previously, Mr. Shonov was employed by a company contracted to provide services to the U.S. Embassy in Moscow in strict compliance with Russia’s laws and regulations. Russia’s targeting of Mr. Shonov under the ‘confidential cooperation’ statute only highlights the increasingly repressive actions the Russian government is taking against its own citizens,” Matthew Miller said in the statement.


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b01e28 No.84924

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454883 (291827ZAUG23) Notable: Obama Judge looking to Fani to find caselaw to help him keep the case in State Court

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Obama Judge looking to Fani to find caselaw to help him keep the case in State Court when statutes are clear. Bet this is a Friday late dump if the Judge has to rule in favor of Meadows. It then becomes a shit show of partial tried in Federal Court / State Court. Walt should be justified to have his brought into military Court as he was a Navy Senior Petty Officer at the time.

Matt Beebe


Reminder: there is very little hard guidance on what factors a Judge should consider with regard to the disposition of a case in a removal proceeding beyond the basic threshold question. It's largely uncharted territory — he's within his rights to partially remand and/or sever the case.

Difficult to see where that's justified given that there are multiple federal questions presented and the core question of whether Meadows' conduct was entirely job-related or not is a huge one.

Matt Beebe


Judge Jones asks the parties in the Georgia v. Meadows case to provide supplemental briefs. Expect DA Fanni Willis to twist the law into an even tighter pretzel in her response; removal statute is pretty cut & dry, so it should be concerning to Meadows that the Judge is hedging.


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b01e28 No.84925

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454889 (291828ZAUG23) Notable: Majority stake purchase in Runbeck by a Toma company is good for election integrity?

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John Thaler·2h

Arizona Daily Independent suggests that the majority stake purchase in Runbeck by a Toma company is good for election integrity. One wonders what drugs this paper is smoking. Here’s my comment. (REPORT TO THE GOVERNOR will have lots to say about Toma and conflicts of interest).

11:52 AM · Aug 29, 2023


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b01e28 No.84926

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454891 (291828ZAUG23) Notable: George W. Bush slips and says "to invade IRAQ." instead of invade Ukraine, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Screenshot_20230829_103509_Firefox.png

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George W. Bush - when attacking Putin ("the decision of ONE PERSON [to invade Ukraine]) instead slips and says "to invade IRAQ."


Invading Iraq, of course, was his doing.

You can just see him with that ever present smirk saying, "Well, we were in Afghanistan already, looking for the evil Bin Laden, so why not topple Saddam Hussein in Iraq while we're at it" - under the phony weapons of mass destruction" charade"(using an accomplished Black military man to deliver the final push for the manufactured narrarive). After all, Saddam created a mosaic of Bush's father, GHWB, in tiles underfoot at the entrance of a heavily trafficked building - a supreme insult to some in Arabic cultures it is - to see the bottom of a person's foot, let alone be trod upon by it. Didn't that invite his own destruction and the deaths of hundreds of thousands? [Sarcasm]

Yet here he was, GWB, attacking Putin over Putin's actions in what he reportedly believes is a legitimate territorial dispute and slipping into a historical reference to his own actions vis-a-vis Iraq.

Poetic justice?

Freudian slip?

Controlled opposition?

Then be mumbled something about 75 (his age).


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b01e28 No.84927

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454911 (291831ZAUG23) Notable: Image Issues? Become a Premium member today to make images appear again., MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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Keep it free Jim

We are fucking broke babe

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b01e28 No.84928

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454912 (291832ZAUG23) Notable: Labour Party Councillor Charged with Child Grooming Offences in Scotland

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Labour Party Councillor Charged with Child Grooming Offences in Scotland

A senior Labour Party politician in Scotland has reportedly been charged on child grooming charges.

David Graham, a senior councillor representing Buckhaven, Methil and Wemyss Villages and a member of the Fife Council cabinet, was reportedly arrested by Police Scotland last week.

The left-wing Labour Party councillor, who also served as a member of Fife’s National Health Service (NHS) board, has since been charged with child grooming charges and suspended from the party, the BBC reports.

Commenting, the head of Fife Council’s of legal and democratic services, Lindsay Thomson said: “Councillor Graham was charged with an offence and has been suspended by the Labour party.

“He has stepped down from his council appointments pending the outcome of the investigation. No further comment can be made by the council during a live police investigation.

Graham, 41, was first elected as a councillor in 2012 and has since taken up roles with the Fife Community Safety Partnership and the Fife Alcohol & Drug Partnership. He also served as the spokesperson for health and social care for the Fife Council cabinet. Previously the politician worked as a parliamentary assistant to Labour Party Member of Scottish Parliament (MSP) Claire Baker.

A Police Scotland spokesman said: “A 41-year-old man has been arrested and charged in relation to grooming offences following an investigation in Fife.

“He has been released on an undertaking to appear at Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court at a later date. Further enquiries are ongoing.”


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b01e28 No.84929

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454917 (291832ZAUG23) Notable: @MaricopaGOP Call to Urge Chair Jeff DeWit to Withdraw the AZGOP from Presidential Preference Election by FRIDAY

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Maricopa County Republican Committee MCRC


Urge AZGOP Chair Jeff DeWit NOW to Withdraw the AZGOP from a Government-Run AZ Presidential Preference Election by THIS FRIDAY, September 1st, 5pm!

Email NOW! Chairman@AZGOP.com

MUST-SEE VIDEO HERE: https://rumble.com/v3ctnxs-final-2.0.html


1:01 PM · Aug 29, 2023


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b01e28 No.84930

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454933 (291835ZAUG23) Notable: Trump was never interviewed by a federal agent? (Jack Smith's USC 1001)

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DEVELOPING: Legal insiders say Jack Smith's USC 1001 false statement charges against Trump will be tossed since Trump was never even interviewed by a federal agent


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b01e28 No.84931

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454935 (291835ZAUG23) Notable: FAKE NEWS BLACKLIST 2022

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the British media is majority left-wing including BBC. All the TV news channels are leftie. Few newspapers stay center Right (Express, Mail, and telegraph) but the Times, Guardian and FT are all left-wing.



The New York Times

The Washington Post


NBC News


CBS News

ABC News

Salon .com

The Huffington Post

Rolling Stone

BBC News

Sky News

Financial Times


New York Daily News

L.A. Times

USA Today

US News & World Report




Business Insider

Daily Beast


Yahoo News

Daily Kos

Young Turks




Raw Story

New Yorker



Think Progress

Media Matters


Center For American Progress

Little Green Footballs

The Economist

VOX VOXMEDIA (not Harry Vox)

The Hill


NorthJersey .com

thecommonsenseshow .com

GlobalDisinformationIndex .org







Reddit owner

UK Parliment




The Nation











thestar .com .my

Blackbird .AI

FireEye Inc

ALPHABET (owners)





The Atlantic




The Daily Caller

Scientific American

Arizona Republic

Veterans Today


Scientific American




Google (owners)

The Atlantic Counci


National Geographic

Hope Not Hate






Health .com


VOA voanews


Nina Jankowicz

humanitywhole.wordpress .com

nature .com


Q v2.0


Pope Francis

Dailymail News

crikey .com.au


Tampa Bay Times



Boston Herald

60 Minutes

The New Yorker


TRIBEL (owners)


Columbia Journalism School

TNI Trusted News Initiative

AFP Agence France-Presse


The Telegraph

The Times of Israel

Scott Ritter / Napolitano

mediabiasfactcheck . com

LawAndCrime . com

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b01e28 No.84932

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454953 (291838ZAUG23) Notable: New details revealed on intel specialist found dead near Pentagon

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New details revealed on intel specialist found dead near Pentagon

An intelligence specialist who was found dead in a Pentagon parking lot earlier this year died from a self-inflicted gunshot, investigators said.

The Army’s Criminal Investigation Division (CID) determined that Master Sgt. Juan Paulo Ferrer Bordador – who was found dead on March 14 in a vehicle near the Pentagon – shot himself in the chest.

Bordador was an intelligence senior sergeant for the Joint Staff when he died, officials said.

“The investigation into the tragic death of Master Sgt. Juan Paulo Ferrer Bordador … was concluded July 25,” a CID spokesperson said, according to Stars and Stripes. “The investigation by Army CID and the autopsy conducted by the Armed Forces Medical Examiner both concluded the cause of death was a contact gunshot wound to chest, and the manner of death was suicide.”

Bordador worked for the Joint Staff security office as the noncommissioned officer in charge of the Technical Surveillance Countermeasure program.

According to his obituary, Bordador enlisted in the United States Army as a Counterintelligence and Force Protection Special Agent after the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.

“His military service took him to many parts of the world, from countries like Japan, Germany, Korea, Iraq, Russia, Israel, Canada, Belgium, France and more. While stationed in Okinawa, Japan he met his wife, Mayumi in 2014. He settled down with her in Severn, Maryland where he built a home for all of his children. JP was a devoted father, a loving husband, a dedicated son, a wonderful brother, and a thoughtful friend.”

An update from the Pentagon earlier this year showed suicide rates among active-duty military personnel rose 25% in the first quarter of 2023 compared to the same period last year.

“Every death by suicide is a tragedy that impacts our people, our military units, and our readiness,” Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin previously said. “We have the most technologically advanced military in the world, but our service members are our most important resource as a fighting force. Mental health wellness and suicide prevention remain critical aspects to our success.”

Service members and veterans in need of immediate help can reach out to the Veterans Crisis Line by dialing 988 and pressing “1,” or text 838255, or visit VeteransCrisisLine.net.


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b01e28 No.84933

File: 5bf26e9c2f46f45⋯.png (61.13 KB,704x414,352:207,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454956 (291839ZAUG23) Notable: Image Issues? Become a Premium member today to make images appear again.

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b01e28 No.84934

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454964 (291842ZAUG23) Notable: MICHAEL YON: 85,000 MISSING CHILDREN IS LOW…A LOT ARE PASSING THROUGH WALMART TRAFFICKING HUB

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b01e28 No.84935

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19454992 (291848ZAUG23) Notable: US announces new $250 mln package of assistance to Ukraine including HIMARS rounds

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US announces new $250 mln package of assistance to Ukraine including HIMARS rounds

It is noted that this package contains important capabilities to help Ukraine on the battlefield

The US has announced a new $250 million package of assistance to Ukraine including HIMARS and artillery rounds, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a statement.

"Today we are announcing the next package of military assistance to aid Ukraine as it defends its territory and protects its people. This package contains important capabilities to help Ukraine on the battlefield. It includes AIM-9M missiles for air defense, munitions for High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems, 155mm and 105mm artillery ammunition, mine-clearing equipment, Javelin and other anti-armor systems and rockets, over 3 million rounds of small arms ammunition, ambulances," he said.

The package is valued at $250 million, according to the statement.


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b01e28 No.84936

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19455030 (291855ZAUG23) Notable: Deported Eight Times, Migrant Sex Offender with Vast Criminal Record Enters U.S. Again

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Deported Eight Times, Migrant Sex Offender with Vast Criminal Record Enters U.S. Again

In a disturbing case that illustrates the gravity of the security lapses along the southwest border, an illegal immigrant sex offender with an extensive criminal record and previously deported eight times was caught entering the country yet again through Mexico. His name is Elvis Cristian Hernandez-Ayala and the U.S. Border Patrol recently caught him trying to bypass a checkpoint in Falfurrias, Texas. Agents arrested the 37-year-old criminal migrant and three others as they walked through a ranch not far from the border.

When Hernandez-Ayala was further vetted authorities confirmed he had been previously removed from the United States eight times following convictions for felony possession of a controlled substance, driving while intoxicated and sexual assault. A few days ago, a Trump appointed federal judge in Texas, David S. Morales, sentenced Hernandez-Ayala to 37 months in federal prison for returning to the U.S. without permission, the Department of Justice (DOJ) revealed in an announcement that says the migrant pleaded guilty. In the document the DOJ writes that Hernandez-Ayala was on supervised release for a prior illegal re-entry conviction and that he also got slapped with a 12-month prison sentence for that violation.

During the criminal migrant’s most recent court hearing, federal prosecutors presented evidence about Hernandez-Ayala’s frequent illegal re-entries and what the DOJ calls a “troubling criminal history,” that includes convictions for sexual assault involving the rape of another illegal alien in a stash house. Hernandez-Ayala is expected to be transferred to a yet to be determined federal prison to serve his sentence. As if it needs to be spelled out, the DOJ writes in its recent announcement that, because Hernandez-Ayala is “not a U.S. citizen, he is expected to face removal proceedings” following his imprisonment. Based on his history and the famously porous southern border, Hernandez-Ayala will likely return.

A growing number of illegal immigrants that enter the U.S. through Mexico have criminal records like Hernandez-Ayala. In fact, in the last few years the figure has surged dramatically. In 2021 the Border Patrol arrested twice as many criminal aliens during a six-month period alone than in all of the previous year. Among them were 982 convicted of possessing illegal drugs or trafficking, 576 convicted of assault, battery, and domestic violence, 832 guilty of driving under the influence, 381 convicted of burglary, robbery, larceny, theft, and fraud, 265 sex offenders and 162 guilty of Illegal weapons possession, transport, and trafficking. The government stats also reveal that thousands of the criminal aliens arrested in the first half of the fiscal year were previously deported after illegal entry or illegal reentry just like Hernandez-Ayala.

A few years earlier, federal authorities disclosed that over 90% of illegal aliens arrested in the U.S. had criminal convictions or pending charges. They included 56,000 assaults and thousands of sex crimes, robberies, homicides and kidnappings. Many had “extensive criminal histories with multiple convictions,” according to a report issued by Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE). The 123,128 illegal aliens arrested by the agency’s Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) in 2019 had an alarming 489,063 criminal convictions and pending charges, according to agency records. That translates to an average of four crimes per alien, highlighting the “recidivist nature” of the arrested migrants, the agency points out, noting that sanctuary cities nationwide greatly impeded its public safety efforts by shielding even the most violent illegal aliens from deportation.


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b01e28 No.84937

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19455077 (291903ZAUG23) Notable: FOOD SUPPLY ATTACK, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Capture_2023_08_29_14_54_01.png

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This is not a good thing

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b01e28 No.84938

File: 2b6add37b2f342c⋯.mp4 (230.4 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19455082 (291905ZAUG23) Notable: CALL TO MEME #bidencrimefamily

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b01e28 No.84939

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19455099 (291909ZAUG23) Notable: Reminder: FEMA and FCC Plan Nationwide Emergency Alert Test for Oct. 4, 2023

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b01e28 No.84940

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19455101 (291909ZAUG23) Notable: California school holds segregated 'playdate' to exclude white students

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California school holds segregated 'playdate' to exclude white students

"Come hang out while we get a chance to know each other and build our community as we kick off this schoolyear."

An elementary school in California's San Francisco Bay Area sparked outrage after it arranged a Playdate Social for students that is exclusively for those who are "black," "brown," or "API," standing for Asian and Pacific Islander. White students were excluded from the mixer.

The event was hosted by the Equity & Inclusion Committee at Chabot Elementary School in Oakland, California.

"If your family identifies as Black, Brown, or API or are a parent/caregiver of a Black, Brown, or API student. Come hang out while we get a chance to know each other and build our community as we kick off this schoolyear," the event invite states.

"Feel free to bring a ball, game, or snack/drinks to share (but no pressure there will be fun games, light snacks, and drinks available," event invite reads.

Below the description, a small caption says that it was "Hosted by Equity & Inclusion Committee," and is followed by an email address for the group.

One person who said they are a parent at the school blasted the event on Reddit.

“I dunno about others, but I’m genuinely upset about what ultimately boils down to a 'No whites allowed' playdate,” said the Reddit user, who posted the event graphic online. In other comments, the user said the event invite was "emailed to all the parents," and that they are "particularly impassioned by this BECAUSE of how backwards it is."

He added, "I am firmly against racial segregation in any form, and think this is the kind of event that pulls more people AWAY from the cause they are likely trying to promote."

The Reddit user also appeared to suggest that such events are pushing regular people to become more politically conservative, writing, "I know people who have literally gone full blown conservative/Trumpers because of shit like this, which is in large part why I think I have such a visceral reaction to this event."

Another user noted that "the worst part" is that these types of events are primarily "fueled by extreme white left of liberal 'woke' people" who "feel they can speak for poc" (people of color).


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b01e28 No.84941

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19455134 (291913ZAUG23) Notable: CLAIM: Pfizer BRIBED over 400 “independent” medical organizations

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CLAIM: Pfizer BRIBED over 400 “independent” medical organizations and nonprofits to propagate alleged false narratives about their so-called vaccine

When crimes against humanity were escalated in March 2020 under the guise of a never-ending “national emergency,” the federal government provided an endless stream of money for multinational organizations that have a history of felonious conduct (vaccine manufacturers). These endless funds have been used, not to develop safe and effective treatments, prophylactics, and immunizations for a rapidly mutating bioweapon. Instead, these funds have largely been used to bribe doctors, medical schools, media outlets, nonprofits, “independent” organizations, and civil liberties groups into propagating false and misleading narratives about an mRNA genetic “therapy” that turned out to be a weapon system in disguise.

Chicago Urban League took $100,000 bribe from Pfizer, betrayed the people they pretend to protect

Across American society, medical and civil rights groups broadly and unilaterally supported so-called “covid-19 vaccines” and a barrage of unlawful mandates. It turns out that this broad support for medical fraud and segregation was because Pfizer bribed over 400 medical institutions, organizations, and associations to do their dirty work.

For instance, when Chicago Urban League President Karen Freeman-Wilson went on television to push vaccine mandates for all of Chicago’s employees, she dismissed serious concerns that the mandates would disproportionately harm the Black community. “The health and safety factor here far outweighs the concern about shutting people out or creating a barrier,” Freeman-Wilson said on WTTW in August 2021.

Earlier that year, the Chicago Urban League had received $100,000 grant (bribe) from Pfizer, for a “project” requiring the organization to promote “vaccine safety and effectiveness.” She felt compelled to mandate “the health and safety” for all because she had been paid to propagate this lie. Even though Pfizer knew their so-called vaccine didn’t work and wasn’t safe, they had the funds they needed to make prostitutes out of medical organizations and even civil rights groups.

The Chicago Urban League was bought off by Pfizer to betray the very residents of Chicago they pretend to protect. Moreover, the League typically discloses its corporate donors, but this time they did not disclose the funding they got from Pfizer in their “partners” section on their website. Similarly, Freeman-Wilson did not disclose her conflict of interest with Pfizer when she publicly called for unlawful vaccine mandates for all of Chicago’s workforce.

“Independent” Organizations that fought for vaccine passports and mandates were bought off by the vaccine industry

Pfizer has listed all the organizations that they bribed in their US Medical, Scientific, Patient and Civic Organization Funding Report. According to their own financial records, Pfizer provided special funding to nonprofit and trade organizations that lobbied in favor of government policies that sought to mandate covid-19 vaccines.

For instance, the Immunization Partnership, a public health nonprofit in Houston, Texas, took a $35,000 bribe from Pfizer in 2021 for “legislative advocacy.” Instead of addressing the debilitating side effects from Pfizer’s covid jab and its inability to confer immunization, the nonprofit peddled Pfizer’s lies and even publicly attacked legislation in Texas that went on to block vaccine passports and municipal vaccine mandates. The Immunization Partnership claimed that the bills “erode the vital role of our state’s public health and medical experts in combating this pandemic.” Two years later, it is organizations like Immunization Partnership that verifiably sold out to medical fraud and deception, and participated in a variety of human rights abuses, to ultimately erode the public’s confidence in medical and public health experts.


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b01e28 No.84942

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19455142 (291915ZAUG23) Notable: @DiamondandSilk Would you be Okay with Joe Biden around your children?

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Would you be Okay with Joe Biden around your children?


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b01e28 No.84943

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19455158 (291918ZAUG23) Notable: China still getting hammered Heavy rains, floods maroon China, thousands evacuated; more downpours expected #3GorgeDam, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Screenshot_2023_08_29_141615.png

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China still getting hammered

Heavy rains, floods maroon China, thousands evacuated; more downpours expected


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b01e28 No.84944

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19455181 (291921ZAUG23) Notable: Ba'al is everywhere?, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: The_ancient_statues_of_Ba_al_are_everywhere_Look_around_You_will_start_to_see_them_x8AKiawxSCDf.mp4

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The ancient statues of Ba'al are everywhere

sauce... https://www.bitchute.com/video/x8AKiawxSCDf/

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b01e28 No.84945

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19455188 (291922ZAUG23) Notable: Illegal Alien, Freed into U.S. from Border, Charged with Killing 11-Year-Old Aiden Clark

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Illegal Alien, Freed into U.S. from Border, Charged with Killing 11-Year-Old Aiden Clark


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b01e28 No.84946

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19455206 (291924ZAUG23) Notable: @TomFitton WHERE IS CONGRESS!

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b01e28 No.84947

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19455223 (291927ZAUG23) Notable: @ilpresidento BRING IT ON!!!

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b01e28 No.84948

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19455274 (291937ZAUG23) Notable: -Image Server IssuesNEW ( BO )

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imgur and link back

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b01e28 No.84949

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19455280 (291938ZAUG23) Notable: #23893

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#23893 >>84900

>>84901, >>84902, >>84903, >>84906 OPTICS

>>84904, >>84905 TRENDS

>>84907 Press Secretary Buckwheat


>>84909 @POTUS No senior should have to overpay for life-saving drugs to pad Big Pharma’s pockets.

>>84911 Bitcoin rises to $27,400 after Grayscale wins lawsuit against SEC.

>>84912 FOIA Request Number 2022-0113-F Referenced here

>>84913 @adamschiff Look who I met out in the campaign trail DOGCOMMS

>>84914 @TomFitton ALICE IN WONDERLAND: Today, in a mockery of the American justice system

>>84915 @SarahPalinUSA - Meme of the Thread

>>84916 Hunter Biden Was Notified of Official Government Call Between Poroshenko and Joe Biden

>>84917 Jean-Pierre/Reporter Transcripts

>>84918 Potatoe & his Hoe bout to go LIVE

>>84919 Michigan’s Dirty Voter Rolls Reveal 50,000 Voter Registrants Have ILLEGAL Addresses #CleanTheVoterRolls

>>84920 Jack Shit's Mar-a-Lago obstruction case against Trump is based on an emailed "emoji" related to security camera footage that was never actual destroyed

>>84921 https://protrumpnews.com/

>>84923 Russia Charges US Consulate Worker With Gathering Intel About Ukraine War

>>84924 Obama Judge looking to Fani to find caselaw to help him keep the case in State Court

>>84925 Majority stake purchase in Runbeck by a Toma company is good for election integrity?

>>84926 George W. Bush slips and says "to invade IRAQ." instead of invade Ukraine

>>84928 Labour Party Councillor Charged with Child Grooming Offences in Scotland

>>84929 @MaricopaGOP Call to Urge Chair Jeff DeWit to Withdraw the AZGOP from Presidential Preference Election by FRIDAY

>>84930 Trump was never interviewed by a federal agent? (Jack Smith's USC 1001)


>>84932 New details revealed on intel specialist found dead near Pentagon


>>84935 US announces new $250 mln package of assistance to Ukraine including HIMARS rounds

>>84936 Deported Eight Times, Migrant Sex Offender with Vast Criminal Record Enters U.S. Again


>>84938 CALL TO MEME #bidencrimefamily

>>84939 Reminder: FEMA and FCC Plan Nationwide Emergency Alert Test for Oct. 4, 2023

>>84940 California school holds segregated 'playdate' to exclude white students

>>84942 @DiamondandSilk Would you be Okay with Joe Biden around your children?

>>84941 CLAIM: Pfizer BRIBED over 400 “independent” medical organizations

>>84943 China still getting hammered Heavy rains, floods maroon China, thousands evacuated; more downpours expected #3GorgeDam

>>84944 Ba'al is everywhere?

>>84945 Illegal Alien, Freed into U.S. from Border, Charged with Killing 11-Year-Old Aiden Clark

>>84946 @TomFitton WHERE IS CONGRESS!

>>84947 @ilpresidento BRING IT ON!!!

>>84910 BO Informed 8kun admins about image problems, in case they don't already know.

>>84922, >>84927, >>84933 Image Issues? Become a Premium member today to make images appear again.

>>84948 IF IMAGE OR CAP IS IMPORTANT imgur and link back


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b01e28 No.84950

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19455332 (291947ZAUG23) Notable: PF Reports, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Screen_Shot_2023_08_29_at_2_39_42_PM.png

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B52 crossing over into Canada...not sure why my image didn't post the first time...

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b01e28 No.84951

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19455351 (291951ZAUG23) Notable: Democrats Aren’t ‘Interfering’ In 2024 Election With Trump Trial, They’re Blatantly Rigging It

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Democrats Aren’t ‘Interfering’ In 2024 Election With Trump Trial, They’re Blatantly Rigging It

News broke Monday that U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan, the judge overseeing the Jan. 6-related case against Donald Trump in Washington, D.C., set a March 4, 2024, trial date for the former president.

It just so happens that March 4 is the day before Super Tuesday, when more than a dozen states, from California to Texas to Virginia, will hold Republican primary elections. What a coincidence!

What this means is that Trump, the Republican front-runner by a wide margin, will not be able to campaign ahead of the most important date on the GOP primary calendar. It also means he’ll likely be tied up in court a week later on March 12, when four more states hold primary elections.

But this isn’t merely election “interference,” it’s a naked attempt to rig the 2024 election. The timing here is important, because not only will Trump be pulled off the campaign trail at a crucial time, he will almost certainly be convicted over the summer. After all, the jury in this case will be drawn from a pool that voted 92 percent for Joe Biden. No matter how outlandish and unconstitutional the charges are, no matter how utterly politicized the process is, a D.C. jury is going to convict Trump.

A summer 2024 conviction sets up the real play here, which is for blue states and counties to remove Trump from the ballot, citing a faulty and blatantly lawless reading of the 14th Amendment. Assuming Trump wins the GOP primary, this will leave Republicans with no candidate on the ballot across vast swaths of the country heading into the fall. Even if the Supreme Court steps in, if Democrats time it just right it will be too late to send out corrected, lawful ballots in time for Election Day.

Whatever one thinks of Trump’s post-2020 election challenges — whether they were legitimate, delusional, or downright treasonous — they were nothing compared to what Democrats are trying to pull here.

Consider the timeline alone. How on earth could a case involving millions of documents and hundreds of witnesses be ready for trial by March? And how does Trump already have a trial date set in his Jan. 6-related case when dozens of other Jan. 6 defendants have been rotting away in federal prison for years now?

One lawyer for Jan. 6 defendants explained on Twitter that he had a “relatively simple” Jan. 6 case that was indicted in late March in D.C., and at a recent status hearing dates were discussed for a trial in March or April 2024: “So I get a year between indictment and trial in a one-defendant relatively straight-forward J6 case. And Trump gets 8 months in a case with 12 million pages of discovery and well over 100 witnesses.”

The whole thing is a naked abuse of power — a violation of Trump’s Sixth Amendment right to effective assistance of counsel, to say nothing of his free speech rights, which DOJ Special Counsel Jack Smith is trying to criminalize.

The Obama-appointed Judge Chutkan, who has a penchant for handing down harsher sentences for Jan. 6 cases than what federal prosecutors recommended, has already betrayed her politically motivated bias in this case. Her claim that Trump would get “no more or less deference than any other defendant” is contradicted by her observation that because Trump has “considerable resources” he is “not entitled to unlimited preparation time.”


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b01e28 No.84952

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19455356 (291952ZAUG23) Notable: PF Reports

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B52 over the border, just southeast of "Brandon", Canada

C/S 00000000


Squawking 7014


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b01e28 No.84953

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19455366 (291955ZAUG23) Notable: Marine veteran Sarah Feinberg who tried to stop Booz Allen defense contractor from defrauding taxpayers is awarded $69 MILLION of the $377 million

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Marine veteran Sarah Feinberg who tried to stop Booz Allen defense contractor from defrauding taxpayers is awarded $69 MILLION of the $377 million restitution the firm is ordered to pay under little-known law

Marine veteran Sarah Feinberg who tried to stop Booz Allen defense contractor from defrauding taxpayers is awarded $69 MILLION of the $377 million restitution the firm is ordered to pay under little-known law

Sarah Feinberg, 39, (main) was working as a financial analyst at Booz Allen Hamilton when she discovered the firm was overcharging the U.S. Government to the tune of $100 million a year. The military contractor last week settled to pay the United States $377 million to resolve the allegations - and Feinberg and her lawyers received $69 million for her part, thanks to the little-known qui tam procedure. The qui tam move allows an insider to sue on behalf of the U.S. and then recover between 15 and 30 percent of any settlement or judgment. Of the $69 million settlement, Feinberg was personally awarded $40 million for reporting her employer's alleged behavior - $12 million of which she intends to donate to charity. 'I've got three kids, and I tell them, "doing the right thing is the right thing, no matter what the outcome is," she said. The former Marine said she spent nine months trying to convince older, mostly male executives at the company to stop what she told them was fraud but bosses reportedly called it a 'gray zone' and claimed Defense Department auditors were 'too stupid' to figure it out and demand repayment.


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b01e28 No.84954

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19455367 (291954ZAUG23) Notable: C40 Leadership Standards 2021-2024, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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C40 Leadership Standards 2021–2024:

Plan. City has adopted a resilient and inclusive climate action plan aligned with the 1.5˚C ambition of the Paris Agreement, and updates it regularly;

Deliver. In 2024, city remains on track to deliver its climate action plan, contributing to increased resilience, equitable outcomes and halving C40’s overall emissions by 2030;

Mainstream. City uses the necessary financial, regulatory and other tools at their disposal to address the climate crisis and mainstreams their equitable climate targets into the most impactful city decision-making processes;

Innovate. City innovates and starts taking inclusive and resilient action to address emissions beyond the direct control of the city government, such as associated with goods and services consumed in their city;

Lead. Mayor and the city demonstrate global climate leadership and inspire others to act in support of the Paris Agreement.

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b01e28 No.84955

File: 062ac787d0fc687⋯.jpg (39.32 KB,705x305,141:61,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19455414 (292005ZAUG23) Notable: US announced $250 million security aid package for Ukraine

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BREAKING: US announced $250 million security aid package for Ukraine


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b01e28 No.84956

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19455426 (292008ZAUG23) Notable: Milley: US Forces Will Remain in the Middle East for Years to Come

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US General Mark Milley: US Forces Will Remain in the Middle East for Years to Come

America’s top general said that Washington plans to maintain its force posture in the Middle East. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. Mark Milley stressed the region’s “significant” importance to America’s foreign policy.

In an interview with Jordan’s Al-Mamlaka TV on Thursday, Milley said,

“I can’t imagine that the United States would ever walk away from the Middle East. I think we’ll remain committed for many, many years and decades to come.”

“We have very close friendships and partnerships. And we want to make sure that the region is stable. Obviously, the region is a primary source of oil and energy resources for other parts of the world.” Milley added that the region is “very important and very significant to the United States for a lot of reasons.”

For decades, Washington has used its military in an attempt to control the Middle East. The US has spent trillions of dollars and killed millions of people in dozens of military campaigns conducted over the last 30 years.

The wars have failed to accomplish America’s stated goals: to bring peace, stability and democracy to the Middle East. Instead, Washington’s wars and financing of various militaries have stoked sectarian tensions. Additionally, the US has armed a multitude of tyrannical governments, enabling them to brutally oppress their citizens.

Washington currently has thousands of soldiers in various countries across the region, including hundreds of troops in Syria. Milley said,

“There are still fighters in small groups in and around Syria and around Iraq…and if we were to somehow suddenly withdraw, [Islamic State] could reconstruct themselves. So the situation is much, much better than it was.” He continued, “But it still requires a level of commitment. So we’ve got some modest amount of forces in Syria and we’ve got forces in Iraq.”

However, American troops in Iraq and Syria often find themselves in conflict with forces supporting the Syrian government, not jihadists. Additionally, American warplanes in Syria have regularly had near misses with Russian fighter jets.


Forever wars

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b01e28 No.84957

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19455446 (292011ZAUG23) Notable: Aussie: 'Tradie', 46, on parole for child sex charges was allowed to live NEXT DOOR to a daycare centre and a kid's playground where he's accused of filming himself raping a 14-year-old girl, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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Billy Smith: 'Tradie', 46, on parole for child sex charges was allowed to live NEXT DOOR to a daycare centre and a kid's playground where he's accused of filming himself raping a 14-year-old girl in a public toilet

Teenage girl was allegedly raped at Sydney park

A man on parole for child sex offences was allowed to live next door to a kid's playground where he is accused of filming himself raping a 14-year-old girl in a public toilet.

Billy Smith, 46, has been charged with multiple child sex offences including aggravated sexual intercourse child aged under-16, using a child aged over-14 to make child abuse material and producing child abuse material.

Smith allegedly took the cognitively impaired girl into a toilet block and sexually assaulted her at Pole Depot Park in Penshurst in Sydney's south between 7:30am and 8:30am on Monday.

Police launched a manhunt to find him after the girl reported the alleged assault.

Smith is a registered sex offender and was on parole serving a prison sentence for similar offences at the time of the alleged crime.

He had been released from jail back in May but was permitted to live in a unit block next door to a daycare centre and the children's park where the attack is alleged to have occurred, according to court documents.

Police attended the park a short time after the girl made the report, established a crime scene and arrested Smith at his unit about 5pm Monday.

NSW Police on Tuesday released a photo of Smith donning hi-vis work gear and handcuffs while he was being escorted away by officers.

Detectives allege Smith not only raped the teenager but also filmed the alleged assault.

He was taken to Kogarah Police Station and also charged with breaching a prohibition order relating to the parole matter.

Smith spent the night in custody and appeared in Sutherland Local Court on Tuesday, where he was formally refused bail.

He will remain behind bars until his next court appearance in Downing Centre Local Court on October 26.


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b01e28 No.84958

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19455457 (292013ZAUG23) Notable: ‘Bring it’: Adm. Aquilino open to greater directed-energy trials

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‘Bring it’: Adm. Aquilino open to greater directed-energy trials


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b01e28 No.84959

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19455529 (292021ZAUG23) Notable: More than 100 ex-Clarence Thomas clerks sign letter defending his integrity

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More than 100 ex-Clarence Thomas clerks sign letter defending his integrity

The group outlined Thomas's professional and personal history and acknowledged his impact on their on lives.

By Ben Whedon

Updated: August 29, 2023 - 3:43pm

More than 100 former clerks for Supreme Court Associate Justice Clarence Thomas have signed on to a letter defending his integrity and judicial independence amid ongoing criticism of him over his longstanding relationship with a GOP megadonor.

Earlier this year, reports highlighted Harlan Crow's financing of joint luxury vacations with the Thomases, which the justice did not disclose. Thomas has denied any wrongdoing. Additional reporting revealed that Crow had paid for the education of one of their relatives.

"As his law clerks, we offer this response. Different paths led us to our year with Justice Thomas, and we have followed different paths since," they wrote, according to Fox News. "But along the way, we all saw with our own eyes the same thing:His integrity is unimpeachable. And his independence is unshakable, deeply rooted seven decades ago as that young child who walked through the door of his grandparents’ house for a life forever changed."

The group outlined Thomas's professional and personal history and acknowledged his impact on their on lives.

"His grandfather's sayings become our sayings. His chambers become our chambers – a place fueled by unstoppable curiosity and unreturned library books, all to get every case just right," they continued. "And yet, the stories most often told of Justice Thomas are not these. The Justice is ever the subject of political headlines taking aim at his character, his judicial philosophy, his marriage, even his race. They attempt to write over his actual story."

Scrutiny of Thomas, along with recent reports involving Associate Justice Samuel Alito, has fueled calls from the political left to reform the Supreme Court and to require that it formulate ethics guidelines regarding disclosures.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has defended Thomas amid the push for reform legislation and asserted that Chief Justice John Roberts is able to adequately address any ethics issues.

"Look, the Supreme Court, in my view, can’t be dictated to by Congress. I think the chief justice will address these issues," he said in June. "Congress should stay out of it, because we don’t, I think, have the jurisdiction to tell the Supreme Court how to handle the issue."


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b01e28 No.84960

File: 93b6051b316b9e4⋯.jpg (106.5 KB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19455534 (292021ZAUG23) Notable: Jim Jordan on Tuesday wrote to White House chief of staff Jeff Zients and Attorney General Merrick Garland demanding that the pair account for reports that a staffer in special counsel Jack Smith's office repeatedly met with Biden White House officials.

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House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan on Tuesday wrote to White House chief of staff Jeff Zients and Attorney General Merrick Garland demanding that the pair account for reports that a staffer in special counsel Jack Smith's office repeatedly met with Biden White House officials.

Jordan contended that contact between the White House and the office of an officially independent prosecutor pursuing multiple cases against President Joe Biden's chief political opponent had called the probe's integrity into question. Smith has brought two cases against former President Donald Trump related to his alleged mishandling of classified documents and his efforts to challenge the 2020 presidential election results.


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b01e28 No.84961

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19455540 (292023ZAUG23) Notable: Aussie: More than 100 students and staff at University of Sydney victims of sexual assault, harassment

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More than 100 students and staff at University of Sydney victims of sexual assault, harassment

A leading Australian university has revealed it received 121 reports of sexual misconduct last year.

More than 100 staff and students from the University of Sydney reported sexual misconduct last year, according to an inaugural annual report.

The University of Sydney report, released on Monday, revealed it had received 121 reports of sexual misconduct in 2022, including 74 cases of sexual assault and 47 cases of sexual harassment.

Referrals for sexual harassment had increased by 105 per cent, while sexual assault referrals had increased by 34 per cent in 2022 compared to 2021; a rise that aligned with the return of students to campus after the Covid-19 pandemic.

Of the 121 incidents reported, 55 were categorised as “university-related conduct”, meaning it either happened on campus, or during university activities (at an event, student exchange, or internships), or was perpetrated by a student or staff member.

Another 66 incidents were categorised as “non-university related conduct”, meaning those which had “no connection” to the university beyond it being reported by a student or staff member.

The report is part of the university’s commitment to “increased transparency and accountability” in addressing issues of sexual misconduct on campus and within the university community.

Australian universities have been under pressure to improve their handling of sexual misconduct in the years since the Australian Human Rights Commission’s landmark Change the Course report in 2017.

Alarmingly, by 2022, the high rates of sexual violence perpetrated at campuses around the country had barely shifted according to the National Student Safety Survey (NSSS).

The NSSS – which was a key recommendation of the report and was commissioned by peak body Universities Australia in 2021 – found one in six students had been sexually harassed since starting university, while one in 20 students had been sexually assaulted since commencing their studies.

In response to the 2017 report, all 39 Australian universities promised to be transparent about their handling of sexual harm on campus; but as of April this year, the Australian Human Rights Institute found 29 of them either weren’t reporting them in an accessible way, or at all.

University of Sydney Vice Chancellor Mark Scott told the Nine newspapers the university’s report reaffirmed the institution’s commitment to improve support for victim-survivors, “given the considerable doubt surrounding the university’s efforts in this area”.


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b01e28 No.84962

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19455598 (292030ZAUG23) Notable: More than 100 ex-Clarence Thomas clerks sign letter defending his integrity, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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Copy of the Clerks letter in defense of Judge Clarence Thomas


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b01e28 No.84963

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19455632 (292036ZAUG23) Notable: Lobbying spending 'shattered' records last year. These are the top spenders, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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Lobbying spending 'shattered' records last year. These are the top spenders

New York may face fiscal trouble in the next few years, but its lobbying industry is healthier than ever. Lobbying spending soared to $331 million in 2022, “shattering” previous records, according to a report released Monday by the state’s ethics commission.

muh paywall: https://www.crainsnewyork.com/politics/new-york-lobbying-spending-hit-record-331m-2022-top-spenders

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b01e28 No.84964

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19455639 (292038ZAUG23) Notable: Aussie: Former FOI boss drops some truth bombs about his old agency

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Former FOI boss drops some truth bombs about his old agency

Anyone who wandered into the Senate hearing on Australia’s freedom-of-information regime on Tuesday must have thought they’d entered some ghastly Utopia-style nightmare. And that’s even by Senate hearing standards.

In what is surely a public servant dummy spit for the ages, ex-FOI commissioner Leo Hardiman spoke of a culture of gaslighting, incompetence and resistance to reform that may actually wring a few drops of sympathy from anyone who’s ever waited on the other end of an FOI request.

When Hardiman quit the FOI commission in March, less than a year into the gig, he mentioned its whopping FOI request backlog and measly resources.

Turns out his budget was so tight, a frugal Hardiman was forced to catch the bus from Sydney every time he needed to visit Canberra. (Having repeatedly made that infamous trek up in the Hume in a Murrays bus, CBD really does sympathise.)

“Ridiculous was the word used,” Hardiman told senators on Tuesday. News would come nearly every day of another government cash splash (or expensive jet trip if you’re a certain Defence minister), and here was Hardiman, asking for just “a few million bucks”.

Not only were the purse strings tight, but what few staff Hardiman had were constantly diverted to obscure side tasks, he said. That included a revolving door of “process changes” that staff saw as a push by their overlords to “progress a narrative something was being done” when it wasn’t. Not to mention, “cycles of panic” that rippled down from on high related to Senate estimates hearings – or even more terrifying – fronting notorious FOI warrior Senator Rex Patrick. There was so much staff turnover, some spent most of their time onboarding newbies, Hardiman said.

Australia’s FOI regime is notoriously brutal. Take this case in 2018 when one concerned punter, requesting documents on “what happens when the Queen dies” was made to wait five years – after the Queen had actually died – only to be told the single document they’d requested was “unavailable”.

When the ex-commissioner tried to push through reform to fix things, a “flabbergasted” Hardiman said he was told not to involve himself in the running of his own commission.

Candidates must be knocking down the door.

Still, the suitably flustered government officials who had to follow Hardiman’s act at the hearing said they’d been “surprised” by the commissioner’s resignation. A new appointment “will be finalised in the coming months”.

Candidates must be knocking down the door.

But, as for the requests for information senators levelled at those government reps on Tuesday, it will surprise no one to hear that often the answers were “unavailable”.

Expect a response in three to five … years?


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b01e28 No.84965

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19455660 (292040ZAUG23) Notable: Shocked by Niger coup, Victoria Nuland appeared “desperate” during Africa tour, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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Shocked by Niger coup, Victoria Nuland appeared “desperate” during Africa tour

A veteran South African official detailed meeting with an unprepared and “desperate” Acting Deputy Secretary of State, Victoria Nuland, begging for local help rolling back the popular coup in Niger. The recent BRICS conference might give Nuland even more to fret about.

When US Acting Deputy Secretary of State, Victoria Nuland, traveled to South Africa on July 29, her reputation as a blunt instrument of Washington’s hegemonic interests preceded her.

According to a veteran South African official who attended meetings with the senior US diplomat in Pretoria, however, Nuland and her team were demonstrably unprepared to grapple with recent developments on the African continent — particularly the military coup that removed Niger’s pro-Western government hours before she launched her multi-stop tour of the region.

“In over 20 years working with the Americans, I have never seen them so desperate,” the official told The Grayzone, speaking on the condition of anonymity.

Pretoria was well aware of Nuland’s hawkish reputation, but when she arrived in Pretoria, the official described her as “totally caught off guard” by winds of change engulfing the region. The July putsch that saw a popular military junta come to power in Niger followed military coups in Mali and Burkina Faso that were similarly inspired by mass anti-colonial sentiment.

Though Washington has so far refused to characterize developments in the Nigerien capital of Niamey as a coup, the South African source confirmed that Nuland sought South Africa’s assistance in responding to regional conflicts, including in Niger, where she emphasized that Washington not only held significant financial investments, but also maintained 1,000 of its own troops. For Nuland, the realization that she was negotiating from a position of weakness was likely a rude awakening.

Serving both parties and advancing empire, one regime change op at a time

Throughout the past decade and a half, Victoria Nuland has established herself as one of the most heavy-handed – and effective – agents of Western-directed regime change ops within the State Department. As the wife of the arch-neoconservative strategist, Robert Kagan, who advised both Republican presidential contender, Mitt Romney, and Democrat, Hillary Clinton, Nuland embodied the interventionist consensus that prevailed across both parties in the pre-Trump era. In fact, her first high-level job came under the watch of Vice President Dick Cheney, when he appointed her to serve as his deputy chief of staff.

When Nuland returned to government as a Russia specialist in Obama’s State Department, she spearheaded the covert campaign to destabilize Ukraine, driving the 2014 Maidan Coup that sparked the country’s ensuing civil conflict and, ultimately, a Western proxy war with Russia that rages to this day.

“Since Ukraine’s independence in 1991, the United States has supported Ukrainians as they build democratic skills and institutions,” Nuland, then Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs, boasted during a December 2013 talk before the US-Ukraine Foundation in Kiev, flanked by a promotional panel for the Chevron corporation.

“We’ve invested over five billion dollars to assist Ukraine in these and other goals,” she continued, articulating Washington’s support for what she described as Ukraine’s “European aspirations.”

Nuland repeated the unintentionally revealing boast during a 2014 interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour.


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b01e28 No.84966

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19455697 (292046ZAUG23) Notable: Taibbi: YouTube Demonetizes Montage Of Election-Denying Dems Under "Dangerous Organizations" Policy, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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Taibbi: YouTube Demonetizes Montage Of Election-Denying Dems Under "Dangerous Organizations" Policy

When you know you’re being censored, you can protest. But what to do about silent editorial punishment, dished without announcement, by tech platforms that appear to be learning fast how to avoid public outcry?

A year ago, this site had to throw a public fit to resolve a preposterous controversy involving videographer Matt Orfalea and YouTube. The issue centered around the above video, “‘Rigged’ Election Claims, Trump 2020 vs. Clinton 2016,” which despite total factual accuracy was cited under its “Elections Misinformation” policy. YouTube in July of last year demonetized Orf’s entire channel over his content, saying “we think it violates our violent criminal organizations policy.”


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b01e28 No.84967

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19455698 (292048ZAUG23) Notable: Dozens of Freight Trains, Including At Least 15 Carrying Hazardous Materials, Have Derailed Since East Palestine

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Dozens of Freight Trains, Including At Least 15 Carrying Hazardous Materials, Have Derailed Since East Palestine

On March 4, a Union Pacific train in Ogden, Utah released magnesium chloride. On March 8, a CSX train spilled diesel fuel into a West Virginia river. On March 30, a BNSF train crashed and burst into flames, igniting ethanol and forcing midnight evacuations in Minnesota. On June 26, molten asphalt spilled into the Yellowstone River in Montana after a bridge collapsed. And in a four-day span in July, freight trains in Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Montana, and Wisconsin, all with hazardous materials on board, derailed.

These were just a few of the 59 freight train derailments in the six months following the East Palestine disaster that were significant enough to be reported in local or national news, according to data compiled by Motherboard. Fifteen of those derailments involved cars with hazardous materials. By contrast, there were 33 freight train derailments reported in local and national media in the six months prior to East Palestine, which thrust freight rail safety issues into the national spotlight. (Part of this difference is probably attributable to the attention the East Palestine disaster got, making outlets more likely to cover derailments.) Motherboard did not include passenger rail derailments or derailments caused by extreme weather or vehicles on the tracks in the data.

By: MikeRivero


Posted on: Aug 29 10:53

(not linking to vice bro)

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b01e28 No.84968

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19455769 (292107ZAUG23) Notable: Grassley X - 43 consecutive yrs of my #99countymeetings U kno what I hv to celebrate with, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: 20230829_150414.jpg

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43 consecutive yrs of my #99countymeetings U kno what I hv to celebrate with

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b01e28 No.84969

File: 216140697f5024b⋯.jpg (647.69 KB,1768x2208,221:276,Clipboard.jpg)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19455802 (292117ZAUG23) Notable: New Tapes coming out about Biden which will reportedly cause him to drop out.

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"Timing is Everything"

New Tapes coming out about Biden which will reportedly cause him to drop out.


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b01e28 No.84970

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19455842 (292125ZAUG23) Notable: Muslim call to prayer can now be broadcast publicly in New York City without a permit, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: asx.png

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First Minneapolis, now NYC

Muslim call to prayer can now be broadcast publicly in New York City without a permit.

The Muslim call to prayer will ring out more freely in New York City under guidelines announced Tuesday by Mayor Eric Adams, which he said should foster a spirit of inclusivity.

Under the new rules, Adams said, mosques will not need a special permit to publicly broadcast the Islamic call to prayer, or adhan, on Fridays and at sundown during the holy month of Ramadan. Friday is the traditional Islamic holy day, and Muslims break their fast at sunset during Ramadan.

The police department’s community affairs bureau will work with mosques to communicate the new guidelines and ensure that devices used to broadcast the adhan are set to appropriate decibel levels, Adams said.


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b01e28 No.84971

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19455850 (292127ZAUG23) Notable: JIMMY DORE: Government Installs BLACK FENCING Encircling Lahaina!

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JIMMY DORE: Government Installs BLACK FENCING Encircling Lahaina!

9 min

posted 2 hrs ago

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b01e28 No.84972

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19455851 (292126ZAUG23) Notable: PF Reports, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: TEAL73_HurricaneHunter.png

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leeeroy jeeenkins.....



Flyin' into the Storm at 10,0000 ft

Squawking 7271

hope the cap posts. if not, check her out!

pretty neat.


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b01e28 No.84973

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19455857 (292128ZAUG23) Notable: FBI scrambling to track OVER A DOZEN of Uzbek nationals who entered US with help of ISIS-linked smuggler..

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Chuck Callesto



BREAKING REPORT: FBI scrambling to track OVER A DOZEN of Uzbek nationals who entered US with help of ISIS-linked smuggler..

Aug 29, 2023 · 2:29 PM UTC


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b01e28 No.84974

File: aa4e5331c015ec9⋯.png (149.24 KB,629x821,629:821,Clipboard.png)

File: 260d50eb66e3fb7⋯.png (77.79 KB,618x651,206:217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19455869 (292131ZAUG23) Notable: Want their full attention? Convention of the States, call for one

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Want their full attention?

Convention of the States, call for one

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b01e28 No.84975

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19455881 (292134ZAUG23) Notable: First-Ever Spike Detox Protocol Appears in US Medical Journal: Here’s How You Can Get Better, Per Dr. Peter McCullough

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First-Ever Spike Detox Protocol Appears in US Medical Journal: Here’s How You Can Get Better, Per Dr. Peter McCullough

• Nattokinase: 2000 fibrin units (100 milligrams) orally twice a day without food

• Bromelain: 500 milligrams orally once a day without food

• Curcumin: 500 milligrams orally twice a day (nano, liposomal, or with piperine additive suggested)

Read/share the full breakdown of the detoxification protocol here:


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b01e28 No.84976

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19455894 (292137ZAUG23) Notable: More than 1,600 scientists, including two Nobel laureates, declare climate 'emergency' a myth

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More than 1,600 scientists, including two Nobel laureates, declare climate 'emergency' a myth

The global coalition of scientists say that politics and a journalistic frenzy has propelled a doomsday climate change hysteria. The signatories also ask other scientists to "address uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions of global warming."

Updated: August 29, 2023 - 10:36am

A coalition of 1,609 scientists from around the world have signed a declaration stating “there is no climate emergency” and that they “strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic net-zero CO2 policy” being pushed across the globe. The declaration does not deny the harmful effect of greenhouse gasses, but instead challenges the hysteria brought about by the narrative of imminent doom.

The declaration, put together by the Global Climate Intelligence Group (CLINTEL), was made public this month and urges that “Climate science should be less political, while climate policies should be more scientific.”

CLINTEL is an independent foundation that operates in the fields of climate change and climate policy. CLINTEL was founded in 2019 by emeritus professor of geophysics Guus Berkhout and science journalist Marcel Crok.

“Scientists should openly address uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions of global warming, while politicians should dispassionately count the real costs as well as the imagined benefits of their policy measures,” the declaration says.

Of the 1,609 scientists who have signed the declaration, two signatories are Nobel Prize laureates. The most recent to sign is Nobel Prize winner Dr. John F. Clauser, winner of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics. In an announcement from CLINTEL, Clauser is quoted as saying "Misguided climate science has metastasized into massive shock-journalistic pseudoscience. In turn, the pseudoscience has become a scapegoat for a wide variety of other unrelated ills. It has been promoted and extended by similarly misguided business marketing agents, politicians, journalists, government agencies, and environmentalists."

The underlying report that engendered the declaration lays out a series of statements challenging many of the common climate claims. For example, one of the most common claims – and repeated without question by many – is that the earth will soon pass "tipping points that will lead to catastrophic environmental damage, including dangerous sea level rise, entire species going extinct, and even greater suffering in many nations, especially the poorest."

The sense of immediate crisis has been repeated constantly by mainstream media, including The New York Times, which said flatly, "Earth is likely to cross a critical threshold for global warming within the next decade."

In 2009, former vice president Al Gore famously predicted that "the Arctic would be ice-free by 2013." Gore had three years earlier published "An Inconvenient Truth" the subtitle of which was "The Planetary Emergency of Global Warming and What We Can Do About It." A documentary film based on the book earned $24,146,161 in gross receipts that year.

Celebrity activist Greta Thunberg tweeted in 2018 – five years after Gore's doomsday prediction – that "climate change will wipe out all of humanity unless we stop using fossil fuels over the next five years."

Last week, John Kerry, President Biden's ", saying that "scientists who have spent a lifetime tracking this human-made crisis described themselves as 'alarmed' and 'terrified.' As one said unequivocally, “we are now in uncharted territory.”

"So now, humanity is inexorably threatened by humanity itself—by those seducing people into buying into a completely fictitious alternative reality where we don’t need to act and we don’t even need to care," Kerry added.

The signatories to the CLINTEL declaration say that global warming is “far slower than predicted,” and that “inadequate models” often guide climate policy.

The CLINTEL declaration comes at a time when recent claims abound that natural disasters such as the wildfires in Maui and Canada, the heatwaves across the globe and other events are driven by climate change. The declaration goes on to challenge the ever-ready blame on climate change, stating “There is no statistical evidence that global warming is intensifying hurricanes, floods, droughts and suchlike natural disasters, or making them more frequent.”

As President Biden and countless world leaders push heavily for net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 the scientists assert that this is not only “unrealistic,” but harmful to world economies.

“There is no climate emergency. Therefore, there is no cause for panic and alarm. We strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic net-zero CO2 policy proposed for 2050,”the paper reads, proposing “adaptation instead of mitigation.”


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b01e28 No.84977

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19455919 (292142ZAUG23) Notable: Swarm of drones attacks airport in Russian city near NATO state - governor (RT)

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Swarm of drones attacks airport in Russian city near NATO state – governor

Unconfirmed reports spoke of a drone attack on Pskov, close to the Estonian border

The Russian city of Pskov, near the territory of NATO members Estonia and Latvia, was reportedly under attack by a swarm of drones in the early hours of Wednesday. There was no official confirmation, but videos showing an explosion and air defenses lighting up the night sky are making rounds on social media.

According to several Russian Telegram channels, over a dozen drones have targeted the Pskov airport and the air defenses were engaging additional UAVs. Social media footage showed what looked like an explosion, accompanied by the sound of small arms fire.

The Russian outlet Readovka claimed about 15 Ukrainian drones targeted the Pskov airport and were shot down, including with small arms fire. Something appeared to have crashed or exploded at the airport, and emergency services responded to the scene. There were no reports of casualties.

The Mash Telegram channel reported that one of the drones may have struck a fuel depot and set it on fire, causing “thick black smoke” to rise above the city.

Pskov is about 700 kilometers north of Ukraine, but only 30 kilometers from the Estonian border. Latvia is about 60 kilometers southwest. Both are NATO member states. To reach the city, drones launched from Ukraine would have to fly over eastern Belarus.


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b01e28 No.84978

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19455952 (292149ZAUG23) Notable: A jury determined Tuesday that pro-life activist Lauren Handy and her associates are guilty of violating federal law by obstructing access to an abortion clinic, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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Jury Reaches Verdict In Major Pro-Life Case

A jury determined Tuesday that pro-life activist Lauren Handy and her associates are guilty of violating federal law by obstructing access to an abortion clinic, according to WUSA9, a local media outlet.

Handy, along with activists John Hinshaw, Heather Idoni, Will Goodman and Herb Geraghty, was charged in March 2022 by the Department of Justice for violating the Freedom of Access To Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, which “prohibits threats of force, obstruction and property damage intended to interfere with reproductive health care services,” according to the law. The trial began on Aug. 16 and after nearly two days of deliberating, the jury determined that Handy, Hinshaw, Idoni, Goodman and Geraghty were guilty on all counts, WSUA9 reported.

“We are, of course, disappointed with the outcome,” Martin Cannon, senior counsel with the Thomas More Society, said in a prepared statement. “Ms. Handy has been condemned for her efforts to protect the lives of innocent pre-born human beings, something she should never have been arrested for. We are preparing an appeal and will continue to defend those who fight for life against a Biden Department of Justice that seems intent on prosecuting those who decry abortion and present it as it is—the intentional killing of children in utero.”

The jury found each defendant guilty of two counts of conspiracy against rights and violating the FACE Act, according to WUSA9. Handy and the others now face a potential “maximum sentence of of 11 years in prison, three years of supervised release and a fine of up to $350,000,” according to the DOJ.

In 2020, Handy gained access to the Washington Surgi-Clinic in Washington, D.C., by reportedly scheduling an appointment under the name “Hazel Jenkins,” according to WUSA9. Handy and several other activists then proceeded to chain and rope off the entrance to the clinic in order to prevent abortions from taking place.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Sanjay Patel argued during the trial that the whole event, which he called an “invasion” and a “blockade,” was orchestrated by Handy, according to WUSA9. The judge had to remind the gallery on multiple occasions to not interfere with the jury or speak with witnesses, according to WUSA9. One individual attempted to make the sign of the cross at a witness and said “Hail Mary” to her in a hallway.

Attorneys with the Thomas Moore Society wanted to make the argument that she was acting out of a desire to defend unborn children. U.S. District Court Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly, however, said in her decision on Aug. 7 that the claim was not “legally viable” and that she would not condone citizens donning a “vigilante’s hood.”


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b01e28 No.84979

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19455953 (292149ZAUG23) Notable: Kyle Rittenhouse Sued by Estate of Criminal He Shot in Self-Defense, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Web_capture_29_8_2023_164918_https_texasscorecard_com.jpeg

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Kyle Rittenhouse Sued by Estate of Criminal He Shot in Self-Defense


EXCLUSIVE: Kyle Rittenhouse Sued by Estate of Criminal He Shot in Self-Defense

The estate of Joseph Rosenbaum has filed a lawsuit on the third anniversary of the Kenosha incident.

OOn August 25, 2020, 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse shot three men, killing two, in self-defense during a Black Lives Matter protest in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Now, the estate of Joseph Rosenbaum is suing Rittenhouse, Kenosha officials, local Sheriff’s departments, the City of Kenosha, the City of West Allis, and several counties for “compensatory and punitive damages” for the “wrongful death” of Rosenbaum.

During the Kenosha incident, Rosenbaum confronted and chased Rittenhouse, eventually throwing a sack of items at him. According to witness testimony, Rosenbaum reached for Rittenhouse’s gun. Rittenhouse then fired four times, killing Rosenbaum. Ultimately, Rosenbaum’s death set off a chain of events that led to another death and injury as Rittenhouse protected himself from a mob of protestors.

During Rittenhouse’s trial, Rosenbaum’s fiancee testified to his extensive mental health issues. It was also uncovered that Rosenbaum spent most of his adult life in prison for sexual contact with five preteen boys.

Rittenhouse was acquitted of all criminal charges in 2021 and has since moved to Texas.

“These lawsuits are making it harder and harder for me to move on with my life,” Rittenhouse told Texas Scorecard. “It is extremely difficult to go outside without fear of being harassed or assaulted because of the lies spread in these lawsuits. No one should have to continue to defend the fact that they acted in self defense.”

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b01e28 No.84980

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19455983 (292155ZAUG23) Notable: DOJ foia library just released 22 pages of fairly interesting (but overly redacted) documents regarding the @GenFlynn and @RogerJStoneJr prosecutions, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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DOJ foia library just released 22 pages of fairly interesting (but overly redacted) documents regarding the @GenFlynn and @RogerJStoneJr prosecutions, and political cases generally near the end of the Trump Administration.

Link here: https://www.justice.gov/d9/2023-08/08.25.23.%20-%20Various%20Records%20Including%20Re%20Jessie%20Liu%20-%20Supplemental.pdf


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b01e28 No.84981

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456030 (292203ZAUG23) Notable: Chutkan RIGS 2024 Trump Trial; GOP to DEFUND Trump Prosecutions; Congress Investigates GARLAND

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Chutkan RIGS 2024 Trump Trial; GOP to DEFUND Trump Prosecutions; Congress Investigates GARLAND

Robert Gouveia

sauce: spam link

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b01e28 No.84982

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456033 (292203ZAUG23) Notable: PF Reports

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there was one E6 west bound just off the coast of CA a few minutes ago.

dropped off ADSB now.

there is a KC-10A in the vicinity of Sacramento, CA.

BATES64 is the call sign

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b01e28 No.84983

File: 9b22d17609bff9d⋯.jpg (39.32 KB,180x281,180:281,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456185 (292235ZAUG23) Notable: New book: The Social Science of QANON - says it's CUTTING-EDGE, WOW!

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A new book is coming...

Book description

QAnon has emerged as the defining conspiracy group of our times, and its far-right conspiracies are extraordinary for their breadth and extremity. Bringing together scholars from psychology, sociology, communications, and political science, this cutting-edge volume uses social science theory to investigate aspects of QAnon. Following an introduction to the 'who, what, and why' of QAnon, Part I focuses on the psychological characteristics of QAnon followers and the group's methods for recruiting and maintaining these followers. Part II includes chapters at the intersection of QAnon and society, arguing that society has constructed QAnon as a threat and the social need to belong motivates its followers. Part III discusses the role of communication in promoting and limiting QAnon support, while Part IV concludes by considering the future of QAnon. The Social Science of QAnon is vital reading for scholars and students across the social sciences, and for legal and policy professionals.


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b01e28 No.84984

File: 956dc567316c3f3⋯.pdf (79.14 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456193 (292235ZAUG23) Notable: Standard Hotels Parent Elevates President Amber Asher to CEO

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yall think this is pedopeter@pci.gov?


rom: BOONE Laurence [http://redirect.state.sbuflurl=mailto:laurence.boone@elysee.frl

Sent: Sunday, November 15, 2015 05:21 PM

To: Tom Scholar dUKCM.onmicrosoft.com>; Lars-Hendrik Röller gbk.bund.de>, Atkinson,

Caroline; apalazzochidit' analanochigi.it>; @presidencia.gob.es' { lapiesidencia.gob.es>

Cc: Gesa Miehe-Nordmeyer • .,bk.bundA TECLAlieed gelysee.fr>.; Wylie, Allison; Bersdn,

Caroline; Mortlock, David; Aks, Matthew; Macfar uhar Rory EOPpci.gov>; Armando Varricchio

@governo.it>; Colette Morris cabinetoffice.gov.uk>; Creon Bbtler


Subject: RE : RE : E : E : E : E : E : phrase propos& apres nego avec l'Arabie saoudite et la presidence

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b01e28 No.84985

File: 4f81208fdf142b6⋯.png (105.08 KB,978x436,489:218,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456196 (292236ZAUG23) Notable: Standard Hotels Parent Elevates President Amber Asher to CEO

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> Macfar uhar Rory EOPpci.gov>;

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b01e28 No.84986

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456206 (292240ZAUG23) Notable: Greg Kelly claims he has an incriminating tape of Biden

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b01e28 No.84987

File: 351cfdf42806cec⋯.mp4 (3.7 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456207 (292240ZAUG23) Notable: @US_SpaceCom Space enables our way of life & is essential to national security.

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U.S. Space Command


Space enables our way of life & is essential to national security. As #USSPACECOM celebrates its 4th birthday, we continue to take an innovative approach to operations – leveraging capabilities across the Joint Force & #AlliesAndPartners to ensure there is #NeverADayWithoutSpace

4:30 PM · Aug 29, 2023


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b01e28 No.84988


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...Scraped from last bread. Take 'em or leave 'em.


#23894 >>>/qresearch/19455295

>>84950, >>84952, >>84972, >>84982 PF Reports

>>84955 US announced $250 million security aid package for Ukraine

>>84959, >>84962 More than 100 ex-Clarence Thomas clerks sign letter defending his integrity

>>84960 Jim Jordan on Tuesday wrote to White House chief of staff Jeff Zients and Attorney General Merrick Garland demanding that the pair account for reports that a staffer in special counsel Jack Smith's office repeatedly met with Biden White House officials.

>>84968 Grassley X - 43 consecutive yrs of my #99countymeetings U kno what I hv to celebrate with

>>84969 New Tapes coming out about Biden which will reportedly cause him to drop out.

>>84974 Want their full attention? Convention of the States, call for one

>>84977 Swarm of drones attacks airport in Russian city near NATO state - governor (RT)

>>84978 Jury Reaches Verdict In Major Pro-Life Case

>>84980 DOJ foia library just released 22 pages of fairly interesting (but overly redacted) documents regarding the @GenFlynn and @RogerJStoneJr prosecutions


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b01e28 No.84989

File: f6e3e67c347f1c2⋯.png (358.37 KB,609x587,609:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456246 (292246ZAUG23) Notable: ‘Painkiller’ Producer Peter Berg Explains How the Sackler Family Created the Opioid Epidemic

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Chief Nerd


‘Painkiller’ Producer Peter Berg Explains How the Sackler Family Created the Opioid Epidemic

“These are some evil human beings”


11:03 AM · Aug 29, 2023




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b01e28 No.84990

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456250 (292247ZAUG23) Notable: Nigerian National Sentenced to Prison for International Scheme That Defrauded Elderly U.S. Victims

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Nigerian National Sentenced to Prison for International Scheme That Defrauded Elderly U.S. Victims

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

A dual U.K.-Nigerian national who was extradited to the United States from the United Kingdom was sentenced to 90 months in prison for his role in a transnational inheritance fraud scheme. With today’s sentencing, all three defendants who were extradited from the United Kingdom in connection with this matter have been sentenced.


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b01e28 No.84991

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456255 (292248ZAUG23) Notable: House Repubs Launch Investigation Into Jack Smith’s Office Meeting with Biden WH Officials

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House Republicans Launch Investigation Into Jack Smith’s Office Meeting with Biden White House Officials


Another circle jerk that will go for years then quietly be shutdown

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b01e28 No.84992

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456261 (292249ZAUG23) Notable: EPA curtails protections for more than 60% of currently protected wetlands

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EPA announces new waters rule after Supreme Court decision weakening protections

8/29/23 12:44 PM ET

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Tuesday announced a new rule that could curtail protections from more than 60 percent of protected lands, in response to a May Supreme Court ruling that curtailed which waters are subject to federal Clean Water Act protections.

The revised Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule breaks from longstanding federal waters protections to require that protected wetlands have a clearer link to waterways like oceans and rivers.


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b01e28 No.84993

File: b405d854e3ac450⋯.png (61.61 KB,678x464,339:232,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456262 (292249ZAUG23) Notable: Kim Jong Un tells North Korea to be ready for WAR with the US - Daily Mail

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Kim Jong Un tells North Korea to be ready

for WAR with the US: Dictator claims military

exercises are a rehearsal for an invasion

and calls American, Japanese and South

Korean leaders 'gang bosses'

PA Media (UK), by Staff

Posted By: Imright, 8/29/2023 6:46:49 PM

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has called for his military to be constantly ready for combat to thwart rivals' plots to invade his country, state media said on Tuesday. It came as the U.S., South Korea and Japan held a trilateral naval exercise to deal with North Korea's evolving nuclear threats. The U.S. and South Korean militaries have been separately holding summer bilateral exercises since last week. North Korea views such U.S.-involved training as an invasion rehearsal, though Washington and its partners maintain their drills are defensive.

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b01e28 No.84994

File: f69e01288d72246⋯.png (559.98 KB,1303x747,1303:747,Clipboard.png)

File: cd1515241282b20⋯.png (152.31 KB,956x1268,239:317,Clipboard.png)

File: e18ea077afd9b14⋯.png (105.13 KB,1133x360,1133:360,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456263 (292249ZAUG23) Notable: Standard Hotels Parent Elevates President Amber Asher to CEO

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>yall think this is pedopeter@pci.gov?



hmmm this looks interdasting

> http://grimrattler.com/

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President Clinton, 212-348-8882

Sec. Clinton, 202-236-5546

Sen. Dodd, 202-728-0418

Sen. Reid, 702-997-9969

Sen. Mcconnell, 202-997-9969

Denis McDonough, 202-503-5900

Gov. Markell, 302-270-4943

Sen. Carper, 202-236-5481

Sen. Durbin, 217-836-5725

Rep. Pelosi, 415-517-1745

Sen. Leahy, 202-359-4619

Sen. Joe Manchin, 304-993-0414

Sen. Coons, 302-354-4647

Rep. Chris Van Hollen, 240-988-1130

Rep. Steny Hoyer, 202-225-0030

Rep. Dutch Ruppersburger, 202-225-0030

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, 954-993-3524

Rep. John Carney, 302-379-3079

AG Loretta Lynch, 917-856-3865

Sec. Tom Vilsack, 202-213-9120

Sec. Tom Perez, 202-631-2394

Sec. Anthony Foxx, 202-308-0336

Sec. Arnie Duncan, 202-315-8357

Sec. Gina McCarthy, 202-596-0247

Fmr Rep. Eric Cantor, 804-212-603











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b01e28 No.84995

File: b0ff79f9bcee25d⋯.png (37.46 KB,1270x304,635:152,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456273 (292251ZAUG23) Notable: Dennis Prager: Why Young Americans Are Not Taught about Evil

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Why Young Americans Are Not Taught about Evil

Townhall, by Dennis Prager

Posted By: 4250Luis, 8/29/2023 5:52:16 PM

Most of our schools teach almost nothing of importance, and nothing is more important than the study of good and evil. In the United States today, nearly all schools, from elementary through graduate, concentrate on teaching about racism, sexism, preferred pronouns, homophobia, transphobia, LGBTQIA+, climate change, diversity, equity, inclusiveness and white guilt. In other words, most of our educational institutions, including the most prestigious, do not educate.

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b01e28 No.84996

File: 55b3de430b05714⋯.png (458.29 KB,590x571,590:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456277 (292252ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump Will Hold Rally with ‘Monumental Leaders’ in South Dakota Next Week

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The Gateway Pundit


Breaking: President Trump Will Hold Rally with ‘Monumental Leaders’ in South Dakota Next Week via @gatewaypundit


Breaking: President Trump Will Hold Rally with 'Monumental Leaders' in South Dakota Next Week | The...

President Trump will hold a rally with “Monumental Leaders” next week on Friday, September 8, in Rapid City.

10:45 AM · Aug 29, 2023




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b01e28 No.84997

File: 7420c5d1d8c7ca6⋯.png (283.84 KB,594x873,66:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456286 (292253ZAUG23) Notable: Hunter Biden helped coordinate a plan to shut down Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin's investigation into Burisma.

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Collin Rugg


JUST IN: Hunter Biden helped coordinate a plan to shut down Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin's investigation into Burisma.

After Shokin launched new investigations into Burisma, the gas company turned to Hunter for help.

Hunter then linked Burisma up with former Clinton administration officials who would work on behalf of Burisma to "close down for any cases/pursuits against [Burisma owner Zlochevsky] in Ukraine."

The ex-Clinton officials, who operated as a Washington DC consultancy company named Blue Star Strategies, were then hired by Burisma in late 2015.

Their job was to lobby State Department officials to protect Burisma.

The chain of events line up with Congressional testimony where Archer claimed Hunter Biden called Joe Biden to intervene in Shokin's investigation.

"I think they were getting pressure and they requested Hunter help them with some of that pressure," Archer said.

"The request is like, 'Can DC help? There weren't specific, you know, 'Can the Big Guy help?' It was always this amorphous, 'Can we get help in DC?'"

By the time March of 2016 rolled around, Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1B unless Ukraine fired Shokin... which they followed through with.

So... Hunter Biden helped craft the plan to get Shokin fired and his father later had Shokin fired but if you suggest that these two are connected, you are a conspiracy theorist.


Daily Mail US

10:48 AM · Aug 29, 2023




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b01e28 No.84998

File: 267533a0babef3f⋯.png (325.27 KB,597x521,597:521,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456295 (292254ZAUG23) Notable: Poso: “They all lied. Every single one of them” re Covid vaxxes

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Jack Poso 🇺🇸


“They all lied. Every single one of them.” @JackPosobiec

points out how we have been lied to about the COVID vaccine from the beginning.



10:46 AM · Aug 29, 2023




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b01e28 No.84999

File: 5a6874d6bcfe03d⋯.png (19.54 KB,589x239,589:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456311 (292258ZAUG23) Notable: Denver to pay $4.7 million to BLM protesters who violated emergency curfew during 2020 riots

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Oilfield Rando


The government subsidizes what it wants more of.






Denver to pay $4.7 million to BLM protesters who violated emergency curfew during 2020 riots http://dlvr.it/SvLs8Q

10:09 AM · Aug 29, 2023




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b01e28 No.85000

File: d2b6c6a3cabab82⋯.png (24.83 KB,600x278,300:139,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456329 (292300ZAUG23) Notable: Men accused of "aggravated homosexuality" in Uganda; they allegedly raped an elderly man/a child

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Matt Walsh


One of them is accused of raping a disabled man and the other allegedly raped a child. CNN has omitted this information from the headline.


Square profile picture





Two men in Uganda are facing separate charges of “aggravated homosexuality,” an offense punishable by death under the country’s controversial new anti-gay laws https://cnn.it/3YWYx0n

10:11 AM · Aug 29, 2023




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b01e28 No.85001

File: c7d2a2b2057f7b8⋯.png (49.68 KB,1302x651,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456342 (292303ZAUG23) Notable: Federal revenue falls $416 billion from this time last year despite passage of IRA

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Federal revenue falls $416 billion from

this time last year despite passage of IRA

Just the News, by Nicholas Ballasy

Posted By: Beardo, 8/29/2023 12:58:13 PM

Federal revenue dropped $416 billion compared to this time last year, according to recently released U.S. Treasury Department data, despite the Democrats’ passage of their $780 billion Inflation Reduction Act last year. The legislation, which President Biden signed in August 2022, contained a 15% minimum corporate income tax, which still hasn't been fully implemented by the IRS. Experts at the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget and the Tax Foundation told Just the News that most of the revenue raising provisions in the IRA have not taken effect yet but they likely won't raise much revenue given the price-tag of the energy-related tax credits in the bill.

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b01e28 No.85002

File: 5d6e01b208e021f⋯.mp4 (4 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456343 (292303ZAUG23) Notable: Tucker Carlson Reveals Feds HACKED His Signal Account to Snoop About Potential Putin Interview

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Tucker Carlson Reveals Feds HACKED His Signal Account to Snoop About Potential Putin Interview


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b01e28 No.85003

File: ae81316f0999afd⋯.jpg (310.83 KB,1080x1902,180:317,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456344 (292303ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: Crooked Joe Biden is INCOMPETENT!

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Crooked Joe Biden is INCOMPETENT!

6:54pm et


So now that I have full subpoena power because of the FREEDOM OF SPEECH sham indictment by Crooked Joe Biden…

6:56pm et


Doesn’t the Washington Post remember when they were forced to do a major retraction of a story…

6:57pm et


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b01e28 No.85004

File: b8ce4de6e5471fc⋯.png (467.55 KB,597x882,199:294,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456368 (292307ZAUG23) Notable: According to the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, an estimated $280 BILLION of COVID aid was stolen by criminals inside and outside of the US

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Charlie Kirk


BREAKING: According to the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, an estimated $280 BILLION of COVID aid was stolen by criminals inside and outside of the US.

Organized crime rings & foreigners in Russia, China, & Nigeria are suspected to have stolen at least half of the funds intended for struggling Americans suffering under lockdowns and forced business closures.


5:18 AM · Aug 29, 2023




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b01e28 No.85005

File: fbf7475940ceb4a⋯.png (492.07 KB,861x4018,3:14,Clipboard.png)

File: 63c271d049393c1⋯.mp4 (8.11 MB,272x152,34:19,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 3b2f1a73de0fea8⋯.png (975.51 KB,904x2672,113:334,Clipboard.png)

File: aef85bd8ad9f229⋯.png (1.23 MB,1446x3193,1446:3193,Clipboard.png)

File: 8532a506bf7ac1f⋯.png (432.37 KB,507x1702,507:1702,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456369 (292308ZAUG23) Notable: MAUI: Nani Medeiros is the person who has total say about housing policy on Maui under the Emergency Proclamation (EP) by Gov Josh Green

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Nani Medeiros DIGG

She is the person who has total say about housing policy on Maui under the Emergency Proclamation (EP) by Josh Green on July 17, 2023.


Critical thinking | effective analysis | partnered with collaborative, flexible solutions. My experience in strategic development, public policy, fiscal analysis, non-profit advocacy, legislative affairs, and coalition building are invaluable assets to organizations with clear, purpose-driven public policy missions. I bring a passionate commitment to any cause I endeavor for.

Worked for HomeAid Hawaii, Hawai‘i Primary Care Association, Housing Hawaii


Josh Green Names Longtime Advocate To Be New Hawaii Housing Chief

....The money from Bezos’ Day 1 Families Fund went to groups focused on addressing family homelessness in the islands, with $2.5 million going to Family Promise of Hawaii on Oahu and $5 million to Maui service provider Ka Hale A Ke Ola Homeless Resource Centers. They were among 40 organizations in the U.S. that received grants, which totaled more than $123 million.


Lawmaker apologizes for comparing housing chief to the devil, but doubles down on DHHL criticism

Feb. 1, 2023


“Nani has nothing or no knowledge about Hawaiian people. I don’t care if she says she’s Hawaiian. Just remember now, the devil also was an angel. Remember that. So just because you’re Hawaiian doesn’t mean you have the passion for the people,” he said during the meeting."


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b01e28 No.85006

File: a46b54541106207⋯.png (35.08 KB,602x453,602:453,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456373 (292309ZAUG23) Notable: FBI collecting DNA profiles at the same rate as China?

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Laura Loomer


Scary. How long before the FBI starts entrapping people they don’t like by placing their DNA at the scene of crimes?

DNA databases are sketchy as hell. I refuse to take any type of ancestry test for this very reason.

The government would love to be able to frame dissidents.


Ken Klippenstein




The FBI is now collecting DNA profiles at the same rate as China. Its database contains 21 million profiles — equivalent to 7% of the US.

“When we’re talking about rapid expansion like this, it’s getting us ever closer to a universal DNA database"


7:58 AM · Aug 29, 2023




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b01e28 No.85007

File: 270a1bfc31339a8⋯.png (46.13 KB,1042x363,1042:363,Clipboard.png)

File: e252f7e03d18eda⋯.png (97.84 KB,1189x391,1189:391,Clipboard.png)

File: 3a383bbf3430d61⋯.png (73.93 KB,784x444,196:111,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456376 (292310ZAUG23) Notable: Standard Hotels Parent Elevates President Amber Asher to CEO

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Displaying Contact amber.asher@standardhotels.com


Email: amber.asher@standardhotels.com

Domain: @standardhotels.com



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Viewing Email: 20160819-130208_123322.eml [22.7KB]

Date / Time: August 19th, 2016 9:02 AM

From: 'clifford mendelson'

Content: TEXT/HTML


Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to personally thank you all for coming to my party!!!!! For the people who were not able to attend you were definitely missed.

If anyone took pictures or videos at the party could you please email them to me, so I can create a 50th birthday album.

Thanks so much!!

PS below is a photo for those of you who couldn’t make it.

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b01e28 No.85008

File: eb7a136222dff01⋯.png (28.64 KB,734x282,367:141,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456384 (292311ZAUG23) Notable: 'Shakedown': Los Angeles politician sentenced to 42 months on corruption charges, latest in city scandals

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'Shakedown': Los Angeles politician sentenced

to 42 months on corruption charges, latest

in city scandals

USA Today, by James Powell & Thai Nguyen

Posted By: Beardo, 8/29/2023 12:46:44 PM

Former Los Angeles City Council Member and Los Angeles County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas was sentenced to 42 months in prison on conspiracy, bribery as well as mail and wire fraud convictions on Monday. Ridley-Thomas was convicted in March for a scheme that was executed with former University of Southern California School of Social Work Dean Marilyn Louise Flynn wherein the then County Supervisor sent the school county contracts (snip) As a part of the scheme, Ridley-Thomas sought post-graduate admission, a full scholarship and employment for his son, Sebastian, who was the subject of an internal sexual harassment investigation by the California State Assembly where he had resigned as a representative.

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b01e28 No.85009

File: 8f2e19c62405ac0⋯.png (345.47 KB,592x545,592:545,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456419 (292315ZAUG23) Notable: House Majority Leader Steve Scalise Diagnosed with Blood Cancer

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House Majority Leader Steve Scalise Diagnosed with Blood Cancer.


House Majority Leader Steve Scalise Diagnosed with Blood Cancer.

Republican House Majority Leader Steve Scalise announced Tuesday that he has been diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a type of blood cancer. “After a few days of not feeling like myself this past week,...

7:55 AM · Aug 29, 2023




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b01e28 No.85010

File: cd1f92e340c00c9⋯.png (25.16 KB,598x391,26:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456421 (292315ZAUG23) Notable: HRC ranting about "gun violence"

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b01e28 No.85011

File: 7ccd8d0a4c0d76d⋯.png (707.81 KB,703x806,703:806,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456453 (292320ZAUG23) Notable: Associated Press Coverage of Courts, Climate Bankrolled by Dozens of Left-Wing Foundations

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Associated Press Coverage of Courts, Climate

Bankrolled by Dozens of Left-Wing Foundations

Washington Free Beacon, by Chuck Ross

Posted By: Beardo, 8/29/2023 12:12:47 PM

The Associated Press, the country's top wire service, is now bankrolled in part by millions of dollars from left-wing foundations, including one founded by "1619 Project" author Nikole Hannah-Jones. The news organization last year announced a series of "partnerships" to subsidize reporters covering climate change, race, and democracy. A review of the donor roster shows that the vast majority fund left-wing political causes, while none are supporters of conservative initiatives.

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b01e28 No.85012

File: 9c123e1441a71c5⋯.png (345.17 KB,594x549,66:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456479 (292325ZAUG23) Notable: Tucker: "The Biden administration blew up Nord Stream… It was the biggest act of industrial sabotage in history, the largest manmade CO2 emission in history, and an attack on Germany."

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: "The Biden administration blew up Nord Stream... It was the biggest act of industrial sabotage in history, the largest manmade CO2 emission in history, and an attack on Germany."


🅰pocalypsis 🅰pocalypseos 🇷🇺 🇨🇳 🅉

7:06 AM · Aug 29, 2023




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b01e28 No.85013

File: aab35b5c057e3a5⋯.png (1.12 MB,1202x901,1202:901,Clipboard.png)

File: 2d68e16d9814169⋯.gif (938.22 KB,400x152,50:19,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456488 (292327ZAUG23) Notable: PF on storm tracker plane

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Headed back into the Eye.

Still level at 10,000

Squawking 7271


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b01e28 No.85014

File: d950de33dac4671⋯.jpg (22.67 KB,923x630,923:630,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456495 (292327ZAUG23) Notable: Trump unveils plan to boost domestic medicine production

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Trump unveils plan to boost domestic medicine production

"This is not just a public health crisis, it's a national security crisis," he declared.

President Donald Trump on Tuesday unveiled a plan to stimulate domestic production of medicines and end pharmaceutical shortages that has persisted through the Biden administration.

In the latest Agenda 47 policy video, Trump highlighted the 295 active drug shortages that occurred in 2022 alone. He further highlighted American reliance on Chinese production of most major medicines.

"This is not just a public health crisis, it's a national security crisis," he declared.

To address the issue, Trump vowed that the country would "phase in tariffs and import restrictions to bring back production of all essential medicines to the United States of America."

He further vowed to reissue an executive order from 2020 that President Joe Biden rescinded. Executive Order 13944 required that federal agencies buy medicine and medical devices made in the United States.

"This is a matter of tremendous urgency. American lives are on the line, and it will be one of my top priorities as President. It will also create countless new American jobs," Trump asserted.


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b01e28 No.85015

File: ade6886d70dcb88⋯.png (103.51 KB,615x785,123:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456498 (292328ZAUG23) Notable: All aircraft on the installation have been evacuated/secured in preparation for #HurricaneIdalia

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MacDill AFB


All aircraft on the installation have been evacuated/secured in preparation for #HurricaneIdalia . During the evacuation, the 50th ARS recorded St. Elmo’s fire, a weather phenomenon in which luminous plasma is created in an atmospheric electric field.

9:37 AM · Aug 29, 2023




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b01e28 No.85016

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456509 (292329ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump Will Hold Rally with ‘Monumental Leaders’ in South Dakota Next Week

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Monumental Leaders Rally with President Trump

Friday, Sep. 08, 2023

5:30PM MT

Event Details

South Dakota Republican Party Chairman John Wiik announced President Donald J. Trump will join the South Dakota Republican Party’s Monumental Leaders rally.

“Our Monumental Leaders rally just got 45 times better as we look forward to hearing from the original America First leader, President Donald Trump,” said Chairman Wiik. “President Trump accomplished so much for our country during his time in office. As the leading presidential candidate, he can inspire our Republican Party to even greater heights.”


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b01e28 No.85017

File: e8d91e8b892c6f5⋯.mp4 (4.54 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456512 (292330ZAUG23) Notable: Tucker: "The Biden administration blew up Nord Stream… It was the biggest act of industrial sabotage in history, the largest manmade CO2 emission in history, and an attack on Germany."

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b01e28 No.85018

File: 580633678535bc3⋯.webp (38.22 KB,800x432,50:27,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456528 (292332ZAUG23) Notable: ACLU Files Lawsuit Against Indiana For Banning Inmate Sex-Changes — on Behalf of Man Who Murdered 11-Month-Old Stepdaughter

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ACLU Files Lawsuit Against Indiana For Banning Inmate Sex-Changes — on Behalf of Man Who Murdered 11-Month-Old Stepdaughter

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has filed a lawsuit against the state of Indiana for banning sex change surgeries for inmates on behalf of a man who murdered his 11-month-old stepdaughter.

The lawsuit was filed on behalf of Jonathan C. Richardson, who is serving 55 years in prison for the 2001 murder.

“The lawsuit alleges that the law enacted in April violates the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment and the 14th Amendment’s equal protection clause,” according to a report from the Associated Press.

“Indiana Code § 11-10-3-3.5(a), denies medically necessary surgical care, including vaginoplasties and orchiectomies, to transgender prisoners because of their status as transgender persons,” the lawsuit claims. “This unwarranted and intentional discrimination against Plaintiff and other transgender prisoners, because of their transgender status, violates equal protection.”

The ACLU referred to sex change surgeries as “life-saving” medical care.


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b01e28 No.85019

File: 3aef530fe65b535⋯.png (324.47 KB,589x475,31:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456536 (292333ZAUG23) Notable: Biden is sending Ukraine ANOTHER security assistance package

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The Post Millennial


Biden is sending Ukraine ANOTHER security assistance package

6:15 AM · Aug 29, 2023




$250 million


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b01e28 No.85020

File: 6c1d4b02cf4595f⋯.png (224.27 KB,495x443,495:443,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456556 (292336ZAUG23) Notable: Biden is sending Ukraine ANOTHER security assistance package

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>Biden is sending Ukraine ANOTHER security assistance package

And not a peep from the RINOs in congress and the Senate?

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b01e28 No.85021

File: 525f02b8a1cddb5⋯.png (489.98 KB,769x654,769:654,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456560 (292336ZAUG23) Notable: At least two dead as 'unprecedented’ 450 wildfires scorch Louisiana

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At least two dead as ‘unprecedented’

450 wildfires scorch Louisiana

New York Post, by Melissa Koenig

Posted By: tisHimself, 8/29/2023 11:01:17 AM

At least two people have died in “unprecedented” wildfires that have ravaged Louisiana in recent weeks. An elderly woman was pronounced dead Sunday after a brush fire spread to a shed in St. Tammany Parish, just north of New Orleans, and earlier this month, a man died in Franklinton when his home and surrounding property caught fire. The blazes were just two of more than 450 wildfires that have scorched thousands of acres in southwest Louisiana in recent weeks during record-breaking temperatures and severe drought conditions.

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b01e28 No.85022

File: 924196400bc8ec0⋯.png (1.21 MB,1081x1590,1081:1590,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456563 (292336ZAUG23) Notable: Standard Hotels Parent Elevates President Amber Asher to CEO

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Standard Hotels Parent Elevates President Amber Asher to CEO

Cameron Sperance, Skift

October 11th, 2021 at 7:30 AM EDT

There’s finally a woman in the top job at a major hotel company.

Standard International selected Amber Asher, who has worked as the company’s president and general counsel, as its next CEO. Asher replaces Amar Lalvani, who was CEO for eight years and will now serve as executive chairman at the company behind brands like Standard Hotels and Bunkhouse.

Asher’s ascent to the top leadership position at Standard comes at a time when the company is throttling forward with global growth plans while also navigating the continued challenges and uncertainty of the pandemic recovery.

“What we’ve been working on for the last probably five years is our global growth, but I think we really solidified a lot of that, especially even in the last 18 months,” Asher said in an interview with Skift ahead of the announcement. “We’ve signed multiple deals in different places, so what we’ve been really focusing on — besides just growing generally Bunkhouse, Standard, and our new brand Peri — is really bringing these amazing projects to life and what those are going to be.”

Discussions began this summer regarding Asher taking over for Lalvani, she said. Asher is slated to officially become CEO on Oct. 25.

She joined The Standard ten years ago as an executive vice president and general counsel and has been involved in some of its most high-profile deals, including the 2013 majority stake sale of the company. Hotelier Andre Balazs spun out The Standard from his property company, creating Standard International in the process.

Asher was also involved in the company’s purchase of the majority stake of Texas-based Bunkhouse Group, the formation of Standard’s One Night booking app, and the investment deal with Bangkok-based real estate group Sansiri, which is now the company’s largest shareholder. She also negotiated all the company’s contracts for new hotel developments.

Brand Buildup

The legal and development background will certainly come in handy for the growing company: There are roughly 20 hotels across Standard’s three brands, and Asher thinks that number could easily get to 50.

“We have a real push with our team that’s been with us a long time to say, ‘Let’s go to more places, or let’s even do more Standards in places where we already are,’” she added.

The Standard team recently announced plans for two new properties in Thailand, including a Bangkok hotel that will be the company’s Asia flagship, as well as a hotel in Ibiza, Spain. The international growth is the launch of a 10-hotel expansion that will see the brand expand to markets like Singapore, Melbourne, Lisbon, Dublin, Brussels, and Las Vegas

Standard has been a rare success story for a smaller hotel company remaining independent at a time when companies like Marriott and Hyatt keep pushing the bigger-is-better agenda with brand takeovers. While not ruling out a takeover at some point, Asher appears committed to continuing the company’s independent growth trajectory.

“What’s going to happen between now or in five years, I think that’s still open to us,” she said. “We have an amazing shareholder base with Sansiri that supports our growth and is in no rush to say, ‘Oh, we need to be bought by a big brand.’”

Making History

Asher’s new job is a major step forward for the hotel industry and having more women in the C-suite. Organizations like the American Hotel & Lodging Association and the Castell Project reported in the past how bleak representation was for females in the industry’s executive levels.

The odds of a woman reaching the executive leadership level were one women to 5.9 men in 2019, according to a Castell Project report. That rate barely changed a year later.

Women were reported to be finalists in recent CEO searches at Marriott International and BWH Hotel Group, but neither company chose a woman for the top job. The significance of Asher’s new role isn’t lost on her.

“I’m proud and excited to be in this position. Hopefully, it will help to mentor and bring other women into senior roles,” she said. “I’m humbled by it, but I’m excited, and I’m energized. I feel like the future is bright.”

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b01e28 No.85023

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456564 (292337ZAUG23) Notable: ACLU Files Lawsuit Against Indiana For Banning Inmate Sex-Changes — on Behalf of Man Who Murdered 11-Month-Old Stepdaughter

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ACLU Files Lawsuit Against Indiana For Banning Inmate Sex-Changes — on Behalf of Man Who Murdered 11-Month-Old Stepdaughter

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has filed a lawsuit against the state of Indiana for banning sex change surgeries for inmates on behalf of a man who murdered his 11-month-old stepdaughter.

The lawsuit was filed on behalf of Jonathan C. Richardson, who is serving 55 years in prison for the 2001 murder.

“The lawsuit alleges that the law enacted in April violates the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment and the 14th Amendment’s equal protection clause,” according to a report from the Associated Press.

“Indiana Code § 11-10-3-3.5(a), denies medically necessary surgical care, including vaginoplasties and orchiectomies, to transgender prisoners because of their status as transgender persons,” the lawsuit claims. “This unwarranted and intentional discrimination against Plaintiff and other transgender prisoners, because of their transgender status, violates equal protection.”

The ACLU referred to sex change surgeries as “life-saving” medical care.

The Daily Caller News Foundation reports, “Indiana prosecutors charged Richardson with the murder of his 11-month-old stepdaughter in October 2002, after police discovered evidence that he had strangled her to death when he was left to watch her alone in September 2001, according to court documents. He initially claimed that he had found the girl dead in her crib, but later told an officer that, ‘Well all I know is I killed the little f***ing b*h.'”

Richardson has been in a male prison since 2002, but has a clemency hearing in September. He now uses the name “Autumn Cordellioné” and has been on hormone replacement therapy since 2020.

“Richardson applied for sex-change documents in August 2022, but the court denied his request after he failed to appear for a hearing regarding the case, according to court records,” the Daily Caller report says. “He allegedly attempted suicide, engages in self-harm and experiences severe emotional distress because he cannot transition, the lawsuit claimed.”


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b01e28 No.85024

File: 70b1a6acf0ea3ed⋯.mp4 (13.8 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456569 (292337ZAUG23) Notable: Trump unveils plan to boost domestic medicine production

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Trump just told Glenn Beck that he will have no choice but to "lock them up" since they are doing that exact same thing to him.

"The answer is you have no choice because they are doing it to us."

He then goes on at the end of this interview:

"We're going to make America great again. You watch. It's going to happen fast. It's going to happen fast."

The stage is being set.

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b01e28 No.85025

File: 8ffd6a8275f3182⋯.png (25.99 KB,466x189,466:189,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456572 (292338ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: I will be doing Videos on TRUTH Social that will be discussing many subjects

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Donald J. Trump


I am pleased to inform you that, periodically, I will be doing Videos on TRUTH Social that will be discussing many subjects in many timeframes. You will be able to choose the Video and Policy that you like, and may want to reply to on TRUTH Social. Enjoy!

Aug 29, 2023, 7:31 PM


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b01e28 No.85026

File: 9d57de2031509ea⋯.png (45.86 KB,1055x267,1055:267,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456573 (292338ZAUG23) Notable: Unearthed Email Reveals Hunter Biden Was Notified of Official Government Call Between Poroshenko and Joe Biden - Proves Bidens Were Secret Working Family Business Deals Together While Joe was VP

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TGP Exclusive: Unearthed Email Reveals

Hunter Biden Was Notified of Official

Government Call Between Poroshenko and

Joe Biden in Message Sent to “Robert

L. Peters” – Proves Bidens Were Secretly

Working Family Business Deals Together

While Joe was VP

Gateway Pundit, by Jim Hoft

Posted By: Imright, 8/29/2023 10:58:40 AM

On May 26, 2016, Hunter Biden was included in an email regarding Joe Biden’s upcoming call with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko. The call was scheduled for 9 AM on May 27, with an 8:45 advanced prep. Joe Biden has repeatedly denied he had any involvement with Hunter Biden’s business deals. And, yet, here we have proof that Hunter and Joe Biden were included on the same email about an upcoming phone call with the Ukrainian president. House Oversight Committee Chairman previously reported on two emails sent from Biden-aide John Flynn to then Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden on May 27, 2016 and June 15, 2016.

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b01e28 No.85027

File: b30ebde268d198d⋯.png (274.31 KB,994x863,994:863,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456595 (292341ZAUG23) Notable: Federal Grand Jury in Louisville IN Returns Four Indictments Charging 34 Defendants

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Federal Grand Jury in Louisville Returns Four Indictments Charging 34 Defendants

34 Louisville and Southern Indiana residents in four indictments involving methamphetamine, fentanyl, and firearms offenses.


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b01e28 No.85028

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456601 (292342ZAUG23) Notable: The Most Interesting Trump Video You Will Ever See

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The Most Interesting Trump Video You Will Ever See


video from article below

Why Did President Trump Just ReTruth This?


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b01e28 No.85029

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456620 (292346ZAUG23) Notable: #23894

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merged notes, TY NOTE COLLECTORS


>>84950, >>84952, >>84972, >>84982 PF Reports

>>84951 Democrats Aren’t ‘Interfering’ In 2024 Election With Trump Trial, They’re Blatantly Rigging It

>>84953 Marine veteran Sarah Feinberg who tried to stop Booz Allen defense contractor from defrauding taxpayers is awarded $69 MILLION of the $377 million

>>84954 C40 Leadership Standards 2021-2024

>>84955 US announced $250 million security aid package for Ukraine

>>84956 Milley: US Forces Will Remain in the Middle East for Years to Come

>>84957 Aussie: 'Tradie', 46, on parole for child sex charges was allowed to live NEXT DOOR to a daycare centre and a kid's playground where he's accused of filming himself raping a 14-year-old girl

>>84958 ‘Bring it’: Adm. Aquilino open to greater directed-energy trials

>>84959, >>84962 More than 100 ex-Clarence Thomas clerks sign letter defending his integrity

>>84960 Jim Jordan on Tuesday wrote to White House chief of staff Jeff Zients and Attorney General Merrick Garland demanding that the pair account for reports that a staffer in special counsel Jack Smith's office repeatedly met with Biden White House officials.

>>84961 Aussie: More than 100 students and staff at University of Sydney victims of sexual assault, harassment

>>84963 Lobbying spending 'shattered' records last year. These are the top spenders

>>84964 Aussie: Former FOI boss drops some truth bombs about his old agency

>>84965 Shocked by Niger coup, Victoria Nuland appeared “desperate” during Africa tour

>>84966 Taibbi: YouTube Demonetizes Montage Of Election-Denying Dems Under "Dangerous Organizations" Policy

>>84967 Dozens of Freight Trains, Including At Least 15 Carrying Hazardous Materials, Have Derailed Since East Palestine

>>84968 Grassley X - 43 consecutive yrs of my #99countymeetings U kno what I hv to celebrate with

>>84969 New Tapes coming out about Biden which will reportedly cause him to drop out.

>>84970 Muslim call to prayer can now be broadcast publicly in New York City without a permit

>>84971 JIMMY DORE: Government Installs BLACK FENCING Encircling Lahaina!

>>84973 FBI scrambling to track OVER A DOZEN of Uzbek nationals who entered US with help of ISIS-linked smuggler..

>>84974 Want their full attention? Convention of the States, call for one

>>84975 First-Ever Spike Detox Protocol Appears in US Medical Journal: Here’s How You Can Get Better, Per Dr. Peter McCullough

>>84976 More than 1,600 scientists, including two Nobel laureates, declare climate 'emergency' a myth

>>84977 Swarm of drones attacks airport in Russian city near NATO state - governor (RT)

>>84978 A jury determined Tuesday that pro-life activist Lauren Handy and her associates are guilty of violating federal law by obstructing access to an abortion clinic

>>84979 Kyle Rittenhouse Sued by Estate of Criminal He Shot in Self-Defense

>>84980 DOJ foia library just released 22 pages of fairly interesting (but overly redacted) documents regarding the @GenFlynn and @RogerJStoneJr prosecutions

>>84981 Chutkan RIGS 2024 Trump Trial; GOP to DEFUND Trump Prosecutions; Congress Investigates GARLAND


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b01e28 No.85030

File: d946e9947bb6abb⋯.png (215.57 KB,754x855,754:855,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456621 (292346ZAUG23) Notable: Executive Charged in International Oil and Gas Trading Bribery and Money Laundering Scheme

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Executive Charged in International Oil and Gas Trading Bribery and Money Laundering Scheme


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b01e28 No.85031

File: 3a30a4208b8ec04⋯.png (175.46 KB,472x478,236:239,Clipboard.png)

File: a6d7343713fe0ee⋯.mp4 (14.81 MB,470x470,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456629 (292348ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT rt Watters: “The Biden White House was much more involved in the Mar-a-Lago raid than we ever realized."

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Donald J. Trump


Jesse Watters: “The Biden White House was much more involved in the Mar-a-Lago raid than we ever realized. All of the evidence now suggests Joe Biden was personally behind the prosecution of Donald Trump and the timing of his trial, in order to interfere with the election.”

Aug 29, 2023, 7:09 PM


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b01e28 No.85032

File: 91d2efed4e75f04⋯.png (1.57 MB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 4dce80ae25464d1⋯.png (685.42 KB,1920x1012,480:253,Clipboard.png)

File: fab423f8f41320c⋯.png (2.89 MB,1920x1219,1920:1219,Clipboard.png)

File: fb6775ea61e7869⋯.png (1.13 MB,1024x698,512:349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456631 (292348ZAUG23) Notable: PF on storm tracker plane

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All other aircraft wisely flying around the hurricane.


Just got in from work. Anyone seen Kermit, Miss Piggy, or Gonzo today?

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b01e28 No.85033

File: 93be57eaa84a0df⋯.png (912.95 KB,900x506,450:253,Clipboard.png)

File: 2a208fc561c1c57⋯.png (444.78 KB,632x905,632:905,Clipboard.png)

File: c115aa04b40e02f⋯.png (87.8 KB,578x872,289:436,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456694 (292358ZAUG23) Notable: Over 1,600 Scientists Sign ‘No Climate Emergency’ Declaration

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Over 1,600 Scientists Sign ‘No Climate Emergency’ Declaration

International scientists have jointly signed a declaration dismissing the existence of a climate crisis and insisting that carbon dioxide is beneficial to Earth, contrary to the popular alarmist narrative.

“There is no climate emergency,” the Global Climate Intelligence Group (CLINTEL) said in its World Climate Declaration (pdf), made public in August. “Climate science should be less political, while climate policies should be more scientific. Scientists should openly address uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions of global warming, while politicians should dispassionately count the real costs as well as the imagined benefits of their policy measures.”

A total of 1,609 scientists and professionals from around the world have signed the declaration, including 321 from the United States.

The coalition pointed out that Earth’s climate has varied as long as it has existed, with the planet experiencing several cold and warm phases. The Little Ice Age only ended as recently as 1850, they said.

“Therefore, it is no surprise that we now are experiencing a period of warming,” the declaration said.

Warming is happening “far slower” than predicted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

“Climate models have many shortcomings and are not remotely plausible as policy tools,” the coalition said, adding that these models “exaggerate the effect of greenhouse gases” and “ignore the fact that enriching the atmosphere with CO2 is beneficial.” For instance, even though climate alarmists characterize CO2 as environmentally-damaging, the coalition pointed out that the gas is “not a pollutant.”

Carbon dioxide is “essential” to all life on earth and is “favorable” for nature. Extra CO2 results in the growth of global plant biomass while also boosting the yields of crops worldwide.

CLINTEL also dismissed the narrative of global warming being linked to increased natural disasters like hurricanes, floods, and droughts, stressing that there is “no statistical evidence” to support these claims.



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b01e28 No.85034

File: bd484de644f27c2⋯.jpg (346.8 KB,1080x1566,20:29,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456701 (300000ZAUG23) Notable: IDALIA update

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Hurricane Idalia grows to Category 2 storm, continues north toward Florida landfall


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b01e28 No.85035

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456712 (300004ZAUG23) Notable: Pastor John Amanchukwu was silenced and removed from a Florida school board meeting for reading a book featuring p*rnographic material that is available in the schools

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Pastor John Amanchukwu was silenced and removed from a Florida school board meeting for reading a book featuring p*rnographic material that is available in the schools.

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b01e28 No.85036

File: 9bdeb96be29ccda⋯.png (555.08 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456722 (300005ZAUG23) Notable: Wisconsin Supreme Court chief justice accuses liberal majority of staging ‘coup’

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Wisconsin Supreme Court chief justice accuses liberal majority of staging ‘coup’

The conservative chief justice of the Wisconsin Supreme Court on Monday told the new liberal majority in a scathing email that they had staged a "coup" and conducted an "illegal experiment" when they voted to weaken her powers and fire the director of state courts.

Chief Justice Annette Ziegler, in two emails obtained by The Associated Press, said that firing and hiring a new state court director was illegal and ordered interim state court director Audrey Skwierawski to stop signing orders without her knowledge or approval.

"You are making a mess of the judiciary, the court and the institution for years to come," Ziegler wrote to her fellow justices and Skwierawski. "This must stop. ... I have no confidence in the recent hostile takeover and the chaotic effect it has had on the court, staff, and the overall stable functioning of the courts."


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b01e28 No.85037

File: f704da7561d6e4b⋯.png (762.13 KB,1919x1011,1919:1011,Clipboard.png)

File: a8727d9b56f8ba4⋯.png (1.91 MB,1500x870,50:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456730 (300007ZAUG23) Notable: PF on storm tracker plane

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Call sign TONER71. USN E-6B Mercury 164405. ADS-B switched on sitting on the ramp at Tinker AFB. Squawk 3252. Probable pre-flight checks underway. VQ-3 Ironman Squadron TACAMO

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b01e28 No.85038

File: 11336dd66848cb8⋯.png (625.04 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456799 (300017ZAUG23) Notable: Biden will observe 9/11 in Alaska instead of the traditional NYC, Virginia or Pennsylvania events

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PEDO JOE will be Hiding Out in Alaska on the Anniversary of 9/11

Biden will observe 9/11 in Alaska instead of the traditional NYC, Virginia or Pennsylvania events

The White House says President Joe Biden will observe next month's 22nd anniversary of the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil at an Alaska military base with service members and their families.


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b01e28 No.85039

File: e7b6ec92e56bc94⋯.png (133 KB,471x406,471:406,Clipboard.png)

File: 1a96c20cf11bdee⋯.mp4 (1.16 MB,472x402,236:201,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456814 (300019ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: Doesn’t the Washington Post remember when they were forced to do a major retraction of a story…

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Donald J. Trump


Doesn’t the Washington Post remember when they were forced to do a major retraction of a story…

Aug 29, 2023, 6:57 PM



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b01e28 No.85040

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456833 (300022ZAUG23) Notable: #23895-A

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#23895-A >>84983

>>84983 New book: The Social Science of QANON - says it's CUTTING-EDGE, WOW!

>>84986 Greg Kelly claims he has an incriminating tape of Biden

>>84987 @US_SpaceCom Space enables our way of life & is essential to national security.

>>84989 ‘Painkiller’ Producer Peter Berg Explains How the Sackler Family Created the Opioid Epidemic

>>84990 Nigerian National Sentenced to Prison for International Scheme That Defrauded Elderly U.S. Victims

>>84991 House Repubs Launch Investigation Into Jack Smith’s Office Meeting with Biden WH Officials

>>84992 EPA curtails protections for more than 60% of currently protected wetlands

>>84993 Kim Jong Un tells North Korea to be ready for WAR with the US - Daily Mail

>>84995 Dennis Prager: Why Young Americans Are Not Taught about Evil

>>84996, >>85016 President Trump Will Hold Rally with ‘Monumental Leaders’ in South Dakota Next Week

>>84997 Hunter Biden helped coordinate a plan to shut down Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin's investigation into Burisma.

>>84998 Poso: “They all lied. Every single one of them” re Covid vaxxes

>>84999 Denver to pay $4.7 million to BLM protesters who violated emergency curfew during 2020 riots

>>85000 Men accused of "aggravated homosexuality" in Uganda; they allegedly raped an elderly man/a child


>>85001 Federal revenue falls $416 billion from this time last year despite passage of IRA

>>85002 Tucker Carlson Reveals Feds HACKED His Signal Account to Snoop About Potential Putin Interview

>>85003 PDJT: Crooked Joe Biden is INCOMPETENT!

>>85004 According to the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, an estimated $280 BILLION of COVID aid was stolen by criminals inside and outside of the US

>>85005 MAUI: Nani Medeiros is the person who has total say about housing policy on Maui under the Emergency Proclamation (EP) by Gov Josh Green

>>85006 FBI collecting DNA profiles at the same rate as China?

>>85008 'Shakedown': Los Angeles politician sentenced to 42 months on corruption charges, latest in city scandals

>>85009 House Majority Leader Steve Scalise Diagnosed with Blood Cancer

>>85010 HRC ranting about "gun violence"



B is open

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85041

File: 7ea16e770e2e90a⋯.png (152.36 KB,472x383,472:383,Clipboard.png)

File: 30d4dbea5c77366⋯.mp4 (1.75 MB,472x382,236:191,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456862 (300027ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: Why isn’t the DOJ raiding Crooked Joe Biden?

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Donald J. Trump


Why isn’t the DOJ raiding Crooked Joe Biden?

Aug 29, 2023, 8:04 PM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85042

File: 9961851eeb4ec79⋯.jpg (387.77 KB,840x2289,40:109,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c296a02ca54f887⋯.jpg (984.18 KB,1768x2208,221:276,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456864 (300027ZAUG23) Notable: Professor shot by student who studied in Wuhan was working on nanorobots within cells.

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Professor shot by student who studied in Wuhan was working on nanorobots within cells.

Would China have any motivation to kill this man?





Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85043

File: 5544a4371be962f⋯.png (143 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456879 (300030ZAUG23) Notable: Russian air defenses repel more drone raids

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Russian air defenses repel more drone raids – MOD

Multiple Ukrainian UAVs were downed over Russia’s Bryansk, Orel and Kaluga regions

The Russian military has prevented a series of attempted Ukrainian drone strikes, with three unmanned aircraft shot down in the border region of Bryansk and another one intercepted over Oryol, some 200 kilometers from the Ukrainian border, the Defense Ministry in Moscow said early on Wednesday.

Russian air defense units prevented an “attempt by the Kiev regime to carry out a terrorist attack by airplane-type UAVs on Russian infrastructure” shortly after midnight, the military said in a brief statement.

Around 2am, another drone was detected and downed over Kaluga region, southwest of Moscow, the Defense Ministry added in another statement.

There were no injuries in Bryansk, according to Governor Aleksander Bogomaz, who said on his Telegram channel that all emergency services are already working at the scene.

Earlier, the Russian aviation authority had announced the emergency closure of airspace over the Tula, Ryazan, Kaluga and parts of Moscow Region, following explosions at an airfield in northwestern Russia.

At least 10 drones had attacked Pskov, according to the regional governor. Some were brought down by air defenses, but the others reportedly caused damage to four Il-76 transport aircraft. There were no reports of casualties.

Pskov is about 700 kilometers north of Ukraine, but only 30 kilometers from the Estonian border. Latvia is about 60 kilometers southwest. Both are NATO member states. To reach the city, drones launched from Ukraine would have to fly over eastern Belarus.

Ukraine has previously used “drone swarms” to attack Crimea, but has not sent more than a handful of UAVs in the direction of Moscow, where they caused minor property damage to the city’s financial district. The Kremlin had dismissed the attacks as an “act of desperation,” intended to distract from Kiev’s failure on the battlefield.


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b01e28 No.85044

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456908 (300036ZAUG23) Notable: #23895-B

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>>85011 Associated Press Coverage of Courts, Climate Bankrolled by Dozens of Left-Wing Foundations

>>85012, >>85017 Tucker: "The Biden administration blew up Nord Stream… It was the biggest act of industrial sabotage in history, the largest manmade CO2 emission in history, and an attack on Germany."

>>85013, >>85025, >>85032, >>85037 PF on storm tracker plane

>>85014, >>85024 Trump unveils plan to boost domestic medicine production

>>85015 All aircraft on the installation have been evacuated/secured in preparation for #HurricaneIdalia

>>85018, >>85023 ACLU Files Lawsuit Against Indiana For Banning Inmate Sex-Changes — on Behalf of Man Who Murdered 11-Month-Old Stepdaughter

>>85019, >>85020 Biden is sending Ukraine ANOTHER security assistance package

>>85021 At least two dead as 'unprecedented’ 450 wildfires scorch Louisiana

>>85022, >>84984, >>84985, >>84994, >>85007 Standard Hotels Parent Elevates President Amber Asher to CEO

>>85025 PDJT: I will be doing Videos on TRUTH Social that will be discussing many subjects

>>85026 Unearthed Email Reveals Hunter Biden Was Notified of Official Government Call Between Poroshenko and Joe Biden - Proves Bidens Were Secret Working Family Business Deals Together While Joe was VP

>>85027 Federal Grand Jury in Louisville IN Returns Four Indictments Charging 34 Defendants

>>85028 The Most Interesting Trump Video You Will Ever See

>>85030 Executive Charged in International Oil and Gas Trading Bribery and Money Laundering Scheme

>>85031 PDJT rt Watters: “The Biden White House was much more involved in the Mar-a-Lago raid than we ever realized."

>>85030 Executive Charged in International Oil and Gas Trading Bribery and Money Laundering Scheme

>>85033 Over 1,600 Scientists Sign ‘No Climate Emergency’ Declaration

>>85034 IDALIA update

>>85035 Pastor John Amanchukwu was silenced and removed from a Florida school board meeting for reading a book featuring p*rnographic material that is available in the schools

>>85036 Wisconsin Supreme Court chief justice accuses liberal majority of staging ‘coup’

>>85038 Biden will observe 9/11 in Alaska instead of the traditional NYC, Virginia or Pennsylvania events

>>85039 PDJT: Doesn’t the Washington Post remember when they were forced to do a major retraction of a story…

>>85041 PDJT: Why isn’t the DOJ raiding Crooked Joe Biden?

>>85042 Professor shot by student who studied in Wuhan was working on nanorobots within cells.

>>85043 Russian air defenses repel more drone raids


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b01e28 No.85045

File: 731f61893bd6ba2⋯.png (99.38 KB,478x429,478:429,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456918 (300037ZAUG23) Notable: DA Fani Willis seeks Oct.#23896

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baker seeks handy ghosting @20

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b01e28 No.85046

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456983 (300051ZAUG23) Notable: Florida National Guard Activated as Hurricane Idalia Approaches

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Florida National Guard Activated as Hurricane Idalia Approaches

Aug. 29, 2023

The Florida National Guard has been fully activated with a mobilization of over 3,000 guardsmen in position across the state for preparedness and response efforts, and an additional 1,800 guardsmen are on their way to the state, said Pentagon Deputy Press Secretary Sabrina Singh, who held a news conference this afternoon.


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b01e28 No.85047

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19456985 (300052ZAUG23) Notable: AIM-9M Missiles, $250 Million in Additional Security Assistance Headed for Ukraine

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AIM-9M Missiles, $250 Million in Additional Security Assistance Headed for Ukraine

Aug. 29, 2023

With the presidential drawdown authority package announced today, the U.S. has committed more than $43 billion in security assistance to Ukraine since the beginning of Russia's invasion in February 2022.


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b01e28 No.85048

File: 93e77be66b4ff9c⋯.png (225.83 KB,598x717,598:717,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19457001 (300055ZAUG23) Notable: @DonaldJTrumpJr Don't be 23 trial for all 19 defendants in Fulton County election fraud case

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Donald Trump Jr.


Don't be fooled - There's no bigger fraud in the US Senate than Joe Manchin.

He pretends to be a Pro-Trump moderate whenever he has an election coming up in West Virginia, but when it actually matters, he always does exactly what Chuck Schumer and the Dems tell him to do in DC!!


Square profile picture

Senate Republicans




Chuck Schumer and Joe Manchin are trying to erase Joe Manchin’s history of Trump bashing to save his political career. Not going to work Joe!

#WVSen twitter.com/politicopress/…




5:22 AM · Aug 29, 2023




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b01e28 No.85049

File: b4bed25f819fc43⋯.png (286.98 KB,595x490,17:14,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19457004 (300056ZAUG23) Notable: @libsoftiktok Duke Health is offering employees a “safe space” to process their feelings about North Carolina banning sex change surgeries for minors.

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Libs of TikTok


SCOOP: Duke Health is offering employees a “safe space” to process their feelings about North Carolina banning sex change surgeries for minors.

Some doctors are very sad that young, confused minors won’t be able to get their healthy body parts chopped off!


5:43 AM · Aug 29, 2023




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b01e28 No.85050

File: 1a7c0dad69b55f7⋯.png (292.16 KB,601x580,601:580,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19457011 (300058ZAUG23) Notable: Can you remember this happening with other fires? Something is being covered up obviously

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Real Ben Garrison Cartoons


Can you remember this happening with other fires? Something is being covered up obviously


Mysterious Black Curtain and "Special Police" Spotted Around Maui’s Ground Zero (Video) | The...

Volunteer reporter Geoff Cygnus who has been reporting exclusively on the aftermath of Maui after deadly fires razed the island, has released a new video that shows a massive black curtain that has...

5:19 AM · Aug 29, 2023




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b01e28 No.85051

File: 876c9bd9f3043f2⋯.png (384.9 KB,588x854,42:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19457017 (300100ZAUG23) Notable: This is the filth they want our children exposed to in our school libraries.

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Lisa Mei


This is the filth they want our children exposed to in our school libraries.

We have R-rated movies that require audiences under 17 to be accompanied by a guardian or parent, and NC-17 movies where no one under 17 is admitted because in the view of the Rating Board, most parents would consider the content patently too adult for their children 17 and under,

but books like these are not only available, but are often highlighted and promoted by these schools.


Libs of TikTok




GRAPHIC: A parent read from the pornographic book “All Boys Aren’t Blue” available to students in @RoundRockISD.

The book discusses two boys having s*x including bl*wjobs and an*l s*x in graphic detail.

This is the type of content they’re giving your kids to read in school.

5:28 AM · Aug 29, 2023




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b01e28 No.85052

File: c517a08f2c25f2f⋯.png (387.79 KB,601x497,601:497,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19457026 (300102ZAUG23) Notable: Wow. Gold star father DESTROYS incompetent coward Joe Biden.

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The Post Millennial


Wow. Gold star father DESTROYS incompetent coward Joe Biden.


Dylan Housman

1:54 PM · Aug 29, 2023




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b01e28 No.85053

File: 331cae4b13e1851⋯.png (1.18 MB,1190x886,595:443,Clipboard.png)

File: dd89b265b6e6412⋯.png (536.43 KB,643x391,643:391,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19457044 (300105ZAUG23) Notable: Remember the original Star Trek episode when Kirk found the planet's dictator was a potato figurehead puppet that wasn't even lucid?

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Real Ben Garrison Cartoons


Remember the original Star Trek episode when Kirk found the planet's dictator was a potato figurehead puppet that wasn't even lucid? Sounds too familiar.


6:05 AM · Aug 29, 2023




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b01e28 No.85054

File: dcc08c9c9c08ca8⋯.png (39.69 KB,661x316,661:316,Clipboard.png)

File: db4b2eadf0761f6⋯.png (253.33 KB,600x330,20:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19457084 (300109ZAUG23) Notable: Gay Biden doctor donates blood to mark new FDA rule that finally allows millions more homosexual men to become donors

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Gay Biden doctor donates blood to mark

new FDA rule that finally allows millions

more homosexual men to become donors

Daily Mail (UK), by Alexa Lardieri

Posted By: Imright, 8/29/2023 8:56:58 PM

In honor of the reversal of the ban on gay men donating blood, a former policy advisor under President Joe Biden will roll up his sleeve and give what he has to offer. Dr. Robert Goldstein, former senior policy advisor at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from 2021 to 2023 and a gay man, will donate blood Tuesday alongside his old mentor Dr Rochelle Walensky, former director of the CDC. Dr Goldstein, now the commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, has never been able to make the life-saving donation because he is a gay man, and up until May 2023, was forbidden from giving blood

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b01e28 No.85055

File: 02b208b38ea3e47⋯.png (47.54 KB,1320x368,165:46,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19457101 (300110ZAUG23) Notable: Oberlin College coach: 'Felt like I was burned at the stake' over opinion on trans athletes in women's sports

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Oberlin College coach: 'Felt like I was

burned at the stake' over opinion on trans

athletes in women's sports

Fox News, by Ryan Gaydos

Posted By: JunkYardDog, 8/29/2023 7:58:11 PM

Oberlin College women’s lacrosse head coach Kim Russell broke her silence about transgender inclusion in women’s sports in a documentary for the Independent Women’s Forum on Tuesday. Russell, who became the head coach of the Yeowomen before the start of the 2019 season, talked about how administrators and her players ridiculed her after she posted on her personal social media account a message about Lia Thomas winning an NCAA Championship in the 500 in 2022. In the video, Russell reposted a headline sarcastically congratulating then-Virginia swim star Emma Weyant for the victory over Thomas, a transgender female

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b01e28 No.85056

File: 752df349c8da813⋯.png (182.12 KB,596x609,596:609,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19457110 (300111ZAUG23) Notable: Runbeck Election Services in Phoenix Defies Public Records Request in Ongoing Investigation by Arizona Legislators

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Square profile picture

The Gateway Pundit


Runbeck Election Services in Phoenix Defies Public Records Request in Ongoing Investigation by Arizona Legislators – Subpoenas May be Issued via @gatewaypundit


Runbeck Election Services in Phoenix Defies Public Records Request in Ongoing Investigation by...

Arizona State Representative Alex Kolodin recently told The Gateway Pundit that legal action may be taken against Runbeck Runbeck Election Services’ failure to comply with public records request...

4:04 AM · Aug 29, 2023




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b01e28 No.85057

File: fbafc07339e2d30⋯.png (24.27 KB,603x312,201:104,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19457121 (300113ZAUG23) Notable: In Canada, a man who raped and impregnated his disabled daughter has received zero jail time

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Lara Logan


It already has.


Charlie Kirk




In Canada, a man who raped and impregnated his disabled daughter has received zero jail time, after the judge found that, as an African, his "constrained circumstances" led to "diminished moral culpability."

This sort of twisted, race-first logic for everything is what the left… Show more

1:58 PM · Aug 29, 2023




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b01e28 No.85058

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19457123 (300114ZAUG23) Notable: Hollywood & Time-Technology - John B Wells LIVE

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Live at the bottom of the hour. Tonight's guest preview photo is kek. Sorry JBW.

Hollywood & Time-Technology - John B Wells LIVE

John B. Wells - Caravan to Midnight

141K subscribers

99 watching now Started streaming 12 minutes ago UNITED STATES

#CTM Tonight

Topic: Hollywood & Time-Technology

Start: 8:30pm CDT

• Matt deMille

Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/z8zh...

X & Gab: @MattdeMille

Listen Links:

AM/FM Radio



https://zutalk.com/ (live & archives)



Speak Free Radio





(QR does not allow URL shortener links, see YT page for link)










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b01e28 No.85059

File: 7d3acae8f229966⋯.png (662.76 KB,1051x740,1051:740,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19457133 (300115ZAUG23) Notable: Buckwheat Gives Unsettling Answer on ISIS Smuggling People Into the Country

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KJP Gives Unsettling Answer on ISIS Smuggling

People Into the Country

Townhall, by Katie Pavlich

Posted By: Imright, 8/29/2023 7:21:43 PM

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre was cornered at the daily briefing Tuesday about why the Biden administration allowed an ISIS-sympathizer to smuggle people illegally into the United States. Jean Pierre couldn't account for where all of the individuals connected to the smuggler are and attempted to reassure Americans illegal immigrants who "fit the profile" will be given extra scrutiny. (X Video) The comments come after an alarming report shows countless individuals are missing and unaccounted for.

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b01e28 No.85060

File: 07a3e3750b086bc⋯.png (148.88 KB,596x382,298:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19457147 (300116ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Biden, Prosecuting His Chief Rival for 2024, Criminalizes Politics

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Donald J. Trump



Biden, Prosecuting His Chief Rival for 2024, Criminalizes Politics

This pseudo-judicial assassination attempt on Trump contrasts starkly with the Get Out of Jail Free cards for Secretary Clinton and President Biden for…


Aug 29, 2023, 10:37 AM

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b01e28 No.85061

File: 364b13a39a718de⋯.png (12.06 KB,588x161,84:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19457171 (300118ZAUG23) Notable: Only 1% of US homes changed ownership this year, the lowest share in at least a decade

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Only 1% of US homes changed ownership this year, the lowest share in at least a decade, per Redfin, $RDFN.

3:01 AM · Aug 29, 2023




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b01e28 No.85062

File: 1afb88493102fc3⋯.png (236.32 KB,544x449,544:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19457177 (300119ZAUG23) Notable: Wide Spread Fuel Contamination in Florida. Hours before Hurricane Idalia makes landfall @CITGO

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Wide Spread Fuel Contamination in Florida. Hours before Hurricane Idalia makes landfall @CITGO

distributed millions of gallons of gasoline contaminated with diesel leaving vehicles & generators inoperable. Affected gas stations lie dead center to the hurricane projected path.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85063

File: b78f09ef7bbbb35⋯.png (164.06 KB,1090x719,1090:719,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19457193 (300121ZAUG23) Notable: The City of Sydney and City of Melbourne have been relying heavily on cheap Chinese and Turkish carbon offsets to get to net zero.

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The City of Sydney and City of Melbourne have been relying heavily on cheap Chinese and Turkish carbon offsets to get to net zero. Does it make sense to pay foreign governments for projects which they would operate regardless?

The City of Sydney is relying on lower-cost overseas carbon credits to maintain its carbon-neutral certification. Most of the carbon credits that the city relied on in 2022 came from a Turkish wind farm and those in 2021 from a solar project in China.

Effectively, ratepayers of Australia’s most densely populated local council are paying a Chinese government corporation to keep the Three Gorges dam running in central China, as well as wind turbines spinning in Turkey.

The projects in question produce offsets in a way that the Clean Energy Regulator doesn’t recognise for Australian Certified Carbon Units (ACCU).

ACCUs are Australia’s gold standard carbon credits used to meet government-mandated emissions reduction targets. There is no recognised methodology for ACCUs to be produced from renewable energy generation.

In 2022, 62% of offsets came from the Kavakli Wind Power Plant located in Turkey’s Balikesir Province. An additional 17% came from wetland conservation projects in Indonesia, and clean burning cookstoves in Nepal.

In 2021, 89% of the City of Sydney’s offsets, some 11,549 tons worth of carbon dioxide, were sourced from the Three Gorges New Energy 100MW Solar Power Project located in Gansu, Central China.

The solar power project is run by the Chinese state-owned China Three Gorges Corp.

How it works

Audrey van Herwaarden, a corporate environmental performance analyst at the Australian Conservation Foundation, said “The difference is that there are carbon offsets which are additional offsets and there are carbon offsets which are avoidance offsets.”

“Offsets produced from renewable energy projects are avoidance credits. They are offsets from a project, such as a renewable project like a solar farm, which avoids emissions from fossil fuel generation.”

It doesn’t appear as though the program that the City of Sydney relied upon in 2021, the Three Georges Solar project, needed any assistance from the international carbon market. In 2021, the state-owned company raised $US3.5 billion by issuing 8.571 billion shares.

A spokesperson for the city of Sydney told MWM “We have been measuring, reducing and offsetting all of our operational greenhouse gas emissions since 2007. In 2011, the City was certified carbon neutral by the Australian Government and was the first local government in Australia to be carbon neutral.

The latest data shows organisational emissions were 77% below 2006 levels. This was achieved through energy savings, fuel switching and renewable energy and does not include offsets. We are on track to achieving our target to reduce emissions by 80% by 2025.”


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b01e28 No.85064

File: 8fe1d64c7242f16⋯.png (120.05 KB,602x900,301:450,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19457209 (300123ZAUG23) Notable: Nadler (D-NY) in 2004: "If someone were deliberately hacking these machines, could steal millions of votes, and no one would know it…

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Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) in 2004: "If someone were deliberately hacking these machines, you could steal millions of votes, and no one would know it...

We've documented a machine in this county that recorded 11,000 extra votes for Bush. In that county, there was counting Kerry votes for Bush...

These machines are hackable.

A dishonest employee of the vendor, or a dishonest employee of a local board of elections, or simply someone who knows electronics, and has a computer at home, could hack into these machines and put in secret instructions to disregard every 20th Democratic vote.

Or add 10% to the Kerry or Bush vote or whatever, and you might not even know it...

There was one county where on some local race or some referendum, they lost 4500 votes, the machine hiccuped, and 4500 people didn't have the votes counted...

We have all these professors and these computer experts telling us that the encryption algorithms aren't sufficient.

That the protections aren't sufficient.

They are proprietary data, so they're kept secret, so we don't really know."

Full thread below. 🧵👇

4:20 PM · Aug 28, 2023




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b01e28 No.85065

File: 1067b60da110a4d⋯.png (335.42 KB,580x821,580:821,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19457261 (300131ZAUG23) Notable: @X22Report

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Truth Details


X22 Report



Aug 29, 2023, 1:37 PM

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b01e28 No.85066

File: c5c2009fd1e5fe2⋯.png (300.95 KB,595x647,595:647,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19457290 (300134ZAUG23) Notable: @libsoftiktok Duke Health is offering employees a “safe space” to process their feelings about North Carolina banning sex change surgeries for minors.

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Libs of TikTok


Georgia district @SCCPSS

defends offering kids gay porn like “Gender Queer” in school, claims it “promotes intellectual freedom”


is the superintendent. Would be a shame if everyone tagged her and asked why she wants kids to read gay porn!


BREAKING: Georgia district defends offering kids porn, says it "promotes intellectual freedom"

After a great win for students and families in Cobb County, we reached out to Savannah-Chatham County Public School System for comment about the sexual and pornographic themed books they provide to...

Last edited

3:33 AM · Aug 29, 2023




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b01e28 No.85067

File: 5e4071a102c59e6⋯.png (453.15 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 15893fbf19b0f08⋯.png (232.77 KB,508x514,254:257,Clipboard.png)

File: da805c0a439272f⋯.png (396.81 KB,865x921,865:921,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19457300 (300136ZAUG23) Notable: First COVID Deaths Were Fully Jabbed, Australian State Records Reveal

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First COVID Deaths Were Fully Jabbed, Australian State Records Reveal

In light of a court case launched by a group of doctors challenging the Queensland government's COVID-19 vaccination mandates, records have revealed that the first deaths in the Australian state were individuals who were fully vaccinated.

A list of the state’s first 183 COVID-19 deaths from the pandemic's start on March 13, 2020, until Jan. 27, 2022, produced by Queensland’s chief health officer in an affidavit, indicates it was known to authorities as early as Jan. 2022 that the vaccines may not be preventing deaths.

The list shows that the first locally acquired COVID-19 death was one in their 80s and another in their 30s, with both having received two doses of the vaccine in December 2021 and January 2022, respectively.

While Queensland recorded seven deaths early in the pandemic, these cases were acquired outside of the state and before vaccine rollouts began.

Queensland's border opened in December 2021 after 80 percent of the state population vaccination was reached. By Dec. 31, 2021, nearly 90 percent of the population over 16 were fully vaccinated.

Queensland's Workplace Mandates

The case, which was launched against the state, calls for the September 2021 directive requiring employees in public health and aged-care facilities to be vaccinated against COVID-19 to be revoked.

A specialist from the case, psychiatrist Peter Parry, said that in the three decades of his career, he had never been subject to disciplinary action until now.

“I graduated from medical school 40 years ago and in all that time have never had a single complaint about me presented to a medical board or AHPRA,” he said.

The reason he chose to decline the COVID-19 vaccines was because these are “not normal vaccines.”

“We hope, by bringing evidentiary material and expert witness testimonies before the Supreme Court, that the Justices will look at the evidence and rule in our favour. If successful, large numbers of experienced nurses, allied health, and doctors will be able to return to assist an overstretched Queensland public health system,” he added.

In addition to enforced work mandates, Premier Annastacia Palazczuk barred the unvaccinated from accessing services and freedoms such as hospitals, disability services, aged care, libraries, and hospitality venues.

This was enforced by proof of vaccination requirements at venues, which the Queensland government said was to keep Queenslanders safe.



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b01e28 No.85068

File: 1664d2cb90b8e88⋯.png (160.79 KB,414x508,207:254,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19457347 (300142ZAUG23) Notable: 2023 Cities Participating in Smart Cities Connect

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2023 Cities Participating in Smart Cities Connect (https://spring.smartcitiesconnect.org/about/who.html


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b01e28 No.85069

File: 1d775a4e7e74416⋯.png (214.58 KB,1287x851,1287:851,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19457364 (300144ZAUG23) Notable: 2023 Cities Participating in Smart Cities Connect

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b01e28 No.85070

File: 261911abd952660⋯.png (216.76 KB,411x574,411:574,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19457389 (300147ZAUG23) Notable: Hungarian PM Calls Trump's Arrest a Communist Thing to Do

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NEW: Hungarian PM Calls Trump's Arrest a Communist Thing to Do

"To use the justice system against the political opponent. In Hungary, I think it's impossible to imagine. That was done by the communists. It's a very communist methodology to do that."

Watch the full video + more clips in the link below:


Follow @VigilantFox

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b01e28 No.85071

File: 644643d60980034⋯.png (708.48 KB,700x420,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19457449 (300155ZAUG23) Notable: DA Fani Willis seeks Oct.#23896

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DA Fani Willis seeks Oct. 23 trial for all 19 defendants in Fulton County election fraud case

District Attorney Seeks Oct. 23 Trial for All 19 Defendants in Fulton County Election Case

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis is reiterating her request for an Oct. 23 trial date for former President Donald Trump and 18 others charged in the ongoing Georgia election case.


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b01e28 No.85072

File: 9788528c4b816e6⋯.png (1.12 MB,1170x1628,585:814,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19457460 (300156ZAUG23) Notable: >>9457486 Colorado school board votes to allow Jaiden to wear “Don’t Tread on Me” patch on school grounds. Victory for the 1A

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BREAKING: Colorado school board votes to allow Jaiden to wear “Don’t Tread on Me” patch on school grounds. Victory for the 1st Amendment!

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b01e28 No.85073

File: 32c0b3ed3e34ad7⋯.png (33.63 KB,785x316,785:316,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19457472 (300157ZAUG23) Notable: NYC migrant shelter neighbor says he’s a prisoner in my own neighborhood,’ after cops install surveillance cameras outside his house

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NYC migrant shelter neighbor says he’s

‘a prisoner in my own neighborhood,’

after cops install surveillance cameras

outside his house

New York Post, by Kevin Sheehan & Jorge Fitz-Gibbon

Posted By: AltaD, 8/29/2023 7:21:09 PM

A Staten Island man who lives next door to a controversial school-turned-migrant shelter says cops seem more focused on keeping tabs on residents than the site as police beefed up security in the area Tuesday. Scott Herkert, 53, told The Post he was baffled as he watched city workers install surveillance cameras outside his house Tuesday — rather than the shelter at the former St. John Villa Academy in Arrochar that has already sent hundreds of ticked-off locals to the street in protest. “I’m in a fishbowl,” he said. “I don’t recognize my country anymore. They’re doing things in secret, and now I’m the one under a microscope for standing up

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b01e28 No.85074

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19457486 (300159ZAUG23) Notable: Colorado school board votes to allow Jaiden to wear “Don’t Tread on Me” patch on school grounds. Victory for the 1A

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b01e28 No.85075

File: fe5784938b0dd12⋯.png (988.22 KB,817x788,817:788,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19457524 (300203ZAUG23) Notable: Buckwheat on Ukraine Funding Endangering Disaster Funding: Both ‘Are Incredibly Important’ for Biden and Americans

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Jean-Pierre on Ukraine Funding Endangering Disaster Funding: Both ‘Are Incredibly Important’ for Biden and Americans



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b01e28 No.85076

File: 6d2c06eca0dbd7f⋯.png (374.43 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 12e6a9aceaaeba4⋯.png (608.15 KB,748x826,374:413,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19457536 (300206ZAUG23) Notable: Big Banks, BlackRock, Pfizer Back Hochul Plan to Have Americans Bail Out New York for Illegal Immigration

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Unholy Alliance: Big Banks, BlackRock, Pfizer Back Hochul Plan to Have Americans Bail Out New York for Illegal Immigration

Democrat-Corporate Alliance: Big Banks, BlackRock, Pfizer Back Hochul Plan to Have Americans Bail Out New York for Illegal Immigration

The nation’s biggest banks on Wall Street, investment firms, and pharmaceutical companies are among a number of multinational corporations throwing their support behind a plan from New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) that would have American taxpayers bail out the sanctuary state for an illegal immigration influx.


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b01e28 No.85077

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19457541 (300207ZAUG23) Notable: Can Text Messages Sway More Black Parents to Vaccinate Teens for HPV? Rutgers Gets $600k Grant to Find Out

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Can Text Messages Sway More Black Parents to Vaccinate Teens for HPV? Rutgers Gets $600k Grant to Find Out

(Isn't Rutgers the same school that would "disenroll" students who refuse the COVID injections?)

The effort described in the story sounds truly racist.

"The proposal justifies the research based on the premise that black adolescents have the lowest rates of HPV vaccination relative to other racial and ethnic groups. But even the meta-analysis the application cites to support this claim said data supporting it are inconclusive.

And recent CDC data actually show Black adolescents have higher rates of HPV vaccination initiation and follow-through than white or Hispanic adolescents."

Blacks having "too many" babies or something? Prior to the COVID injections, the HPV injections seemed to be the worst vaccines, apparently causing autoimmunity and infertility.

"More than 80 lawsuits against Merck are pending in federal court for vaccine injuries associated with its Gardasil HPV vaccine."

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b01e28 No.85078

File: 0cae18d4452e477⋯.png (787.09 KB,768x384,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19457546 (300208ZAUG23) Notable: FBI Hoovering Up DNA at a Pace That Rivals China, Holds 21 Million Samples and Counting

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FBI Hoovering Up DNA at a Pace That Rivals China, Holds 21 Million Samples and Counting

The FBI wants to double its budget for cataloging “the rapidly increasing number of DNA samples collected by the U.S.”


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b01e28 No.85079

File: 8f230c670bd5a1b⋯.png (721 KB,600x450,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19457553 (300209ZAUG23) Notable: Voters Prioritize Border Security Over Ukraine War—By a 2-to-1 margin

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Voters Prioritize Border Security Over Ukraine War—By a 2-to-1 margin, voters believe controlling the U.S. border is more important than helping Ukraine fight Russia.

Voters Prioritize Border Security Over Ukraine War

By a 2-to-1 margin, voters believe controlling the U.S. border is more important than helping Ukraine fight Russia.


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b01e28 No.85080

File: 7d9d48679fb30c3⋯.png (540.28 KB,600x450,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19457567 (300212ZAUG23) Notable: 36% of Democrats Want Newsom to Challenge Biden

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change of batter incomingbig mike killed chef so he's out

36% of Democrats Want Newsom to Challenge Biden—Many voters – including more than a third of Democrats – want California Gov. Gavin Newsom to challenge President Joe Biden for the 2024 Democratic presidential nomination .

36% of Democrats Want Newsom to Challenge Biden

Many voters – including more than a third of Democrats – want California Gov. Gavin Newsom to challenge President Joe Biden for the 2024 Democratic presidential nomination .


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b01e28 No.85081

File: 408e005a0a10799⋯.png (1.46 MB,1552x1286,776:643,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19457587 (300216ZAUG23) Notable: "I LOVE TENNESSEE!" - President Donald J. Trump

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"I LOVE TENNESSEE!" - President Donald J. Trump, August 29,2023



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b01e28 No.85082

File: 658d5fef9a8acc7⋯.png (525.84 KB,700x420,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19457628 (300223ZAUG23) Notable: Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves refuses to implement CoViD 2024 mask mandates

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Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves refuses to implement CoViD 2024 mask mandates

'Never Going Back': Governor Refuses to Implement COVID Mask Mandates

Amid chatter about the possible return of COVID-19 mask mandates, at least one governor said that they will not return to his state under any circumstances.


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b01e28 No.85083

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19457640 (300225ZAUG23) Notable: Meteorologist Andy Hill - live Hurricane Idalia coverage

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Meteorologist Andy Hill - live Hurricane Idalia coverage


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b01e28 No.85084

File: 28e94d86371fd0e⋯.png (534.61 KB,700x420,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19457669 (300231ZAUG23) Notable: DA Fani Willis seeks Oct.#23896

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Republicans Say Trump Trial Date Before Super Tuesday Is 'Blatant' Election Interference

Republicans and former President Donald Trump criticized U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan’s scheduling the trial date for the former president's case a day before Super Tuesday 2024.


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b01e28 No.85085

File: 35b9ee2a2cd71e0⋯.webp (19.66 KB,700x400,7:4,Clipboard.webp)

File: a2003783993a94c⋯.jpg (822.16 KB,1440x3040,9:19,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19457715 (300246ZAUG23) Notable: New Navajo Class to be christened

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85086

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19457734 (300251ZAUG23) Notable: #23896

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#23896 >>85045

>>85046 Florida National Guard Activated as Hurricane Idalia Approaches

>>85047 AIM-9M Missiles, $250 Million in Additional Security Assistance Headed for Ukraine

>>85048 @DonaldJTrumpJr Don't be fooled - There's no bigger fraud in the US Senate than Joe Manchin.

>>85049, >>85066 @libsoftiktok Duke Health is offering employees a “safe space” to process their feelings about North Carolina banning sex change surgeries for minors.

>>85050 Can you remember this happening with other fires? Something is being covered up obviously

>>85051 This is the filth they want our children exposed to in our school libraries.

>>85052 Wow. Gold star father DESTROYS incompetent coward Joe Biden.

>>85053 Remember the original Star Trek episode when Kirk found the planet's dictator was a potato figurehead puppet that wasn't even lucid?

>>85054 Gay Biden doctor donates blood to mark new FDA rule that finally allows millions more homosexual men to become donors

>>85055 Oberlin College coach: 'Felt like I was burned at the stake' over opinion on trans athletes in women's sports

>>85056 Runbeck Election Services in Phoenix Defies Public Records Request in Ongoing Investigation by Arizona Legislators

>>85057 In Canada, a man who raped and impregnated his disabled daughter has received zero jail time

>>85058 Hollywood & Time-Technology - John B Wells LIVE

>>85059 Buckwheat Gives Unsettling Answer on ISIS Smuggling People Into the Country

>>85060 @realDonaldTrump Biden, Prosecuting His Chief Rival for 2024, Criminalizes Politics

>>85061 Only 1% of US homes changed ownership this year, the lowest share in at least a decade

>>85062 Wide Spread Fuel Contamination in Florida. Hours before Hurricane Idalia makes landfall @CITGO

>>85063 The City of Sydney and City of Melbourne have been relying heavily on cheap Chinese and Turkish carbon offsets to get to net zero.

>>85064 Nadler (D-NY) in 2004: "If someone were deliberately hacking these machines, could steal millions of votes, and no one would know it…

>>85065 @X22Report

>>85067 First COVID Deaths Were Fully Jabbed, Australian State Records Reveal

>>85068, >>85069 2023 Cities Participating in Smart Cities Connect

>>85070 Hungarian PM Calls Trump's Arrest a Communist Thing to Do

>>85071, >>85084 DA Fani Willis seeks Oct. 23

>>85072, >>85074 Colorado school board votes to allow Jaiden to wear “Don’t Tread on Me” patch on school grounds. Victory for the 1A

>>85073 NYC migrant shelter neighbor says he’s a prisoner in my own neighborhood,’ after cops install surveillance cameras outside his house

>>85075 Buckwheat on Ukraine Funding Endangering Disaster Funding: Both ‘Are Incredibly Important’ for Biden and Americans

>>85076 Big Banks, BlackRock, Pfizer Back Hochul Plan to Have Americans Bail Out New York for Illegal Immigration

>>85077 Can Text Messages Sway More Black Parents to Vaccinate Teens for HPV? Rutgers Gets $600k Grant to Find Out

>>85078 FBI Hoovering Up DNA at a Pace That Rivals China, Holds 21 Million Samples and Counting

>>85079 Voters Prioritize Border Security Over Ukraine War—By a 2-to-1 margin

>>85080 36% of Democrats Want Newsom to Challenge Biden

>>85081 "I LOVE TENNESSEE!" - President Donald J. Trump

>>85082 Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves refuses to implement CoViD 2024 mask mandates

>>85083 Meteorologist Andy Hill - live Hurricane Idalia coverage

>>85085 New Navajo Class to be christened


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85087

File: 3535d5e6cdbacf4⋯.png (842.75 KB,1125x858,375:286,Clipboard.png)

File: 6714022b65fd22e⋯.png (957.38 KB,1214x683,1214:683,Clipboard.png)

File: 651b60bb12a623b⋯.jpeg (700.52 KB,1500x996,125:83,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3d0034e08174179⋯.jpg (43.31 KB,688x508,172:127,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e9886d32f130968⋯.png (3.96 MB,1814x1200,907:600,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19457751 (300255ZAUG23) Notable: #23897

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Baker needs off hand, will tap @20

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b01e28 No.85088

File: 30ca1ca1c1ee03c⋯.mp4 (3.41 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19457774 (300301ZAUG23) Notable: Viktor Orban on DJT - President Trump Thanks Viktor Orbán

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Thank you Viktor Orbán!

10:02pm ET


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b01e28 No.85089

File: b1431afd3899244⋯.png (153.13 KB,661x881,661:881,Clipboard.png)

File: 0389e4ba5df4587⋯.png (385.9 KB,652x413,652:413,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19457830 (300315ZAUG23) Notable: Tiffany Gomas returns to the air as she flies into LAX wearing same tank top and earrings as in-flight meltdown

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Tiffany Gomas returns to the air as she flies into LAX wearing same tank top and earrings as in-flight meltdown (but STILL refuses to reveal what she saw on the plane)

Tiffany Gomas, 38, was spotted by TMZ Monday at LAX after flying in from Dallas

Gomas told the outlet she had a 'little bit of anxiety' about flying again

The 'crazy plane lady' also hinted at the potential for a tell-all interview

By HOPE SLOOP FOR DAILYMAIL.COM Hope Sloop, kek! Is she a listless vessel?

UPDATED: 17:14 EDT, 29 August 2023

The woman behind the 'he is not real' airplane video has been spotted flying again - before teasing she is preparing for a tell-all interview.

Tiffany Gomas, 38, first gained notoriety in July after being filmed freaking out and accusing a 'motherf***' at the back of the plane of being 'not real.'

The 'crazy plane lady' was caught at LAX Monday by TMZ, who asked her about the video and what it was like to be back in an airport after her July outburst.

'Little bit of anxiety but it's been good,' said Gomas, who was seen wearing her now infamous hoop earrings, slicked back hair, and tank top.

In the weeks since the video was posted, Gomas has been on a mission to rehab her image as she also experienced a major uptick in social media followers.

'One moment doesn't define you; but it can define your purpose,' she shared on Instagram last week with her nearly 100,000 followers.

In terms of her viral meltdown, the Texas marketing executive played coy and revealed that she could not share too many details on the incident.

'I mean, thanks for asking that,' she said when asked about what she saw. 'But I have been told that I cannot comment on that right now. So, I'm sorry.'

The question asked by TMZ has prevailed among those on social media as many have wondered what exactly Gomas saw that made her flip out.

Later on in the nearly two-minute interaction, the outlet once again asked if she could at least give some insight to her outburst.

She refused but did share that something had made her uneasy and that she was committed to getting off the American Airlines flight.

'I was distressed, I was getting off the plane no matter what, I just probably didn't need to make the scene that I made,' she said. 'I was getting off that plane.'

As for when she plans to finally address the viral video and what she saw on the plane, Gomas said plans are in the works for a tell-all interview.

'The rate it's going, I feel like it's going to have to happen. So yes, there will be - there's some things in the works, mostly nonprofit charity stuff,' she shared.

Despite that admission, the now infamous plane passenger said she has done everything she can to avoid the media in the weeks after the incident.

'I've been trying to lay low for the most part but reporters wouldn't let that happen. Like, I was somewhat strong-armed into speaking,' she said.

Gomas had been flying to Florida on July 4 weekend when she decided that the plane was unsafe, loudly demanding everyone on the flight evacuate.



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b01e28 No.85090

File: 1b6b3f7e76e26a2⋯.png (791.1 KB,664x838,332:419,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19457832 (300316ZAUG23) Notable: Tiffany Gomas returns to the air as she flies into LAX wearing same tank top and earrings as in-flight meltdown

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Tiffany Gomas returns to the air as she flies into LAX wearing same tank top and earrings as in-flight meltdown (but STILL refuses to reveal what she saw on the plane)

Tiffany Gomas, 38, was spotted by TMZ Monday at LAX after flying in from Dallas

Gomas told the outlet she had a 'little bit of anxiety' about flying again

The 'crazy plane lady' also hinted at the potential for a tell-all interview

By HOPE SLOOP FOR DAILYMAIL.COM Hope Sloop, kek! Is she a listless vessel?

UPDATED: 17:14 EDT, 29 August 2023

Official documents say she was not willing to leave the plane and had to be removed by American Airlines staff following the outburst.

After the video went viral, the Texas resident gained more than 100,000 followers on social media and launched an effort to recoup her image.

In an apology video posted in early August, Gomas referred to herself as 'the crazy plane lady,' which she called 'her very worst moment.'

She continued: 'As you know, I have been unwilling to speak on the viral video, but I do finally feel that it's time.'

'I apologize and take accountability for my actions, they were uncalled for,' she wrote on Twitter after the video took off.

In August, Gomas spoke with DailyMail.com and called her actions 'unacceptable.'

'Distressed or not, I should have been in control of my emotions, and that was not the case,' Gomas said over the phone.

'My use of profanity was completely unnecessary and I want to apologize to everyone who was on that plane, especially those who had children,' she said.

Passengers on Flight 1009 from Dallas Fort Worth to Orlando that day were forced to deplane after Gomas suggested the plane was not safe.

Staff also de-boarded the flight and re-screen the aircraft and passengers.

Gomas's meltdown was apparently sparked by an argument with a relative with whom she accused of stealing her Airpods.

'The female then started claiming the aircraft was not safe and did not want the aircraft to leave due to her believing it would not make it to its destination,' the police report states.

'Due to the statements the flight attendants felt the aircraft needed to be rescreened. [The airline manager] explained that the passenger was denied boarding and they wanted her escorted to the public side.'

After her viral meltdown, Gomas allegedly assaulted a man in an airplane terminal as video shows her speaking with cops from inside the airport.

Video shows a bald man in a blue button-down shirt and grey slacks describing Gomas' alleged attack in the terminal.

'I was just sitting right here, and she just come and [makes shoving motion] pushing me and she [left],' the man, who has not been identified, told police.

In that incident, the man said he was pushed in the chest by Gomas but the attack came out of nowhere, having never before interacted with the woman.

Gomas seemed surprised and scoffed at the accusation in a separate video.

'Wait, I assaulted someone? I'm 5-feet 2-inches, 120 pounds. Could I hurt you? How tall are you?'

The officer responds: 'You could go to jail for it. You could get ticketed for it,' the officer adds.

The victim declined to press charges.



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b01e28 No.85091

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19457863 (300327ZAUG23) Notable: Jekyll Island Conference

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So cmfy.

Dasting, when you think Georgia.

End the Fed.


Trump able to present shit in court.

Dasting to also look at the past.

Federal Reserve.

Jekyll Island ties right into all us anins have known for years, the big picture, 40K view.



Federal Reserve


Cabal elites

GA, where shit started, where it may end

Either way, GA is no accident for Trump

Jekyll Island is located off the coast of the U.S. state of Georgia, in Glynn County. It is one of the Sea Islands and one of the Golden Isles of Georgia barrier islands. The island is owned by the State of Georgia and run by a self-sustaining, self-governing body.

In the late 1800s, Jekyll Island became an exclusive hunting club for families with names like Rockefeller, Morgan, Vanderbilt, Pulitzer, and Baker.

The Meeting at Jekyll Island

November 20, 1910–November 30, 1910

A secret gathering at a secluded island off the coast of Georgia in 1910 laid the foundations for the Federal Reserve System.

In November 1910, six men – Nelson Aldrich, A. Piatt Andrew, Henry Davison, Arthur Shelton, Frank Vanderlip and Paul Warburg – met at the Jekyll Island Club, off the coast of Georgia, to write a plan to reform the nation’s banking system. The meeting and its purpose were closely guarded secrets, and participants did not admit that the meeting occurred until the 1930s. But the plan written on Jekyll Island laid a foundation for what would eventually be the Federal Reserve System.



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b01e28 No.85092

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19457902 (300338ZAUG23) Notable: Jekyll Island Conference

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Centuries old conflict decided on St. Simons Island.

Georgia's fate was decided in 1742 when Spanish and British forces clashed on St. Simons Island. Fort Frederica's troops defeated the Spanish, ensuring Georgia's future as a British colony. Today, the archeological remnants of Frederica are protected by the National Park.

Centuries old conflict decided on St. Simons Island.

Georgia's fate was decided in 1742 when Spanish and British forces clashed on St. Simons Island. Fort Frederica's troops defeated the Spanish, ensuring Georgia's future as a British colony. Today, the archeological remnants of Frederica are protected by the National Park.


The Horton House tabby ruins stand as a sentinel to the founding of Fort Frederica. ... which became the forerunner of the Federal Reserve System.


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b01e28 No.85093

File: 52bd05c5c90296d⋯.mp4 (14.28 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19457911 (300341ZAUG23) Notable: Tiffany Gomas returns to the air as she flies into LAX wearing same tank top and earrings as in-flight meltdown

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was thinking that too, but similar, and they are spectacular. just a hint of side boob seen here

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b01e28 No.85094

File: 53dd2270b6a2858⋯.jpg (193 KB,1598x744,799:372,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19457937 (300348ZAUG23) Notable: Hurricane Idalia now predicted to be Cat 4 at landfall.

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Hurricane Idalia now predicted to be Cat 4 at landfall.


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b01e28 No.85095

File: d1adb7bf78884d3⋯.png (162.75 KB,600x337,600:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458014 (300409ZAUG23) Notable: French President Criticizes BRICS Expansion: “World fragmentation and confrontation against the U.S.”

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French President Criticizes BRICS Expansion: “World fragmentation and confrontation against the U.S.”

French President Emmanuel Macron has expressed concern over the expansion of the BRICS group, stating that the addition of new members to the bloc could lead to “world fragmentation.”

The French President went on to warn that the expansion of the BRICS would add a new chapter to the ongoing confrontation between China and the US. Macron made the remarks during a meeting with ambassadors on Monday, 28.

During the recent BRICS summit in Johannesburg on August 22-24, several new countries joined the bloc, including Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Ethiopia, and Iran. With the addition of these new members, the group now represents nearly 40% of the world’s gross domestic product (GDP).

The expansion of the BRICS grouping poses a potential threat to the United States, primarily because of the support that Iran and other authoritarian countries are likely to receive as they integrate with Western nations in the group.

Macron expressed:

“The expansion of BRICS shows an intention to build an alternative global order to the existing one, which is seen as too Western. All this takes place in the context of the ongoing confrontation between the United States and China, which also violates international law and the accepted order in the field of international trade.”

Asserting that the new configuration of BRICS could pose a risk of weakening Europe, Macron declared his intention to have discussions with all partners to avert this scenario.

Macron’s statement reflects a sense of concern shared by some global powers following the expansion of the BRICS group.


Rothschild's bitch and granny fucker has his panties in a bunch

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b01e28 No.85096

File: 0a8cdd53466816d⋯.png (157.26 KB,673x759,673:759,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458043 (300415ZAUG23) Notable: The Tasmanian child sexual abuse commission of inquiry has referred more than 100 people to Tasmania Police and child protection since it began.

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The Tasmanian child sexual abuse commission of inquiry has referred more than 100 people to Tasmania Police and child protection since it began.

The commission's president revealed the numbers at the final hearing in Hobart of the Commission of Inquiry into the Tasmanian Government's Responses to Child Sexual Abuse in Institutional Settings.

The commission focused on the Launceston General Hospital, Ashley Youth Detention Centre, out of home care and public schools.

"Although we believe that children are now safer in Tasmanian institutions than was the case in the past, more work needs to be done," commission president Marcia Neave said.

"We have continued to hear examples of poor systems, practices and cultures within government institutions even as our inquiry has drawn to a close."

Ms Neave said the commission had referred more than 100 people to police and child protection during the 29 months of the inquiry.

She said it was also the commission's view that the Ashley Youth Detention Centre should be closed as a "matter of urgency", and improving the safety of children in youth detention and out of home care should be a priority.

Ms Neave said the Tasmanian government's response to allegations and incidents of child sexual abuse since 2000 had too often been inadequate.

"While we saw pockets of good practice, this was often a result of the initiative and good judgement of individuals rather than something encouraged or enforced by a broader system.

"More commonly, institutions did not recognise sexual abuse for what it was and failed to act decisively to manage risks and investigate complaints."

The report, which contains 75 findings and 191 recommendations, is expected to be tabled in parliament on September 26, which will mean it will be publicly available.

"Preventing and effectively responding to child sexual abuse will require changes to laws and policies and also to social and institutional cultures and individual beliefs, attitudes and practices," Ms Neave said.

"If the necessary changes are not made children will continue to be subjected to child sexual abuse in these institutions," Ms Neave said.


Child Sex Abuse in Government facility by Gov workers

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b01e28 No.85097

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458064 (300421ZAUG23) Notable: French President Criticizes BRICS Expansion: “World fragmentation and confrontation against the U.S.”

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Notice the date, Macron wanted invited to the party

General Research #23331 >>>/qresearch/19001992

13 Jun, 2023 15:58

Macron asks for invitation to BRICS summit - media

The French president would be the first Western leader to sit in on the gathering of emerging economies

French President Emmanuel Macron has asked South African President Cyril Ramaphosa for an invitation to the upcoming BRICS summit in Pretoria, French newspaper L’Opinion reported on Monday.Macron’s recent attempts to win over his African counterparts have fallen flat.

He raised the possibility of attending the summit during a phone call with Ramaphosa earlier this month, L’Opinion stated, citing sources in the Elysee palace.

According to one “well-informed” source, Ramaphosa was non-committal. “Presence at this summit was mentioned during the conversation between the two leaders, but Pretoria gave no indication of whether or not to extend this meeting to other international leaders,” the source said.

If Macron were to attend the summit,he would be the first leader of a G7 nation to do so. BRICS leaders and Macron apparently share a desire to overhaul the global financial and geopolitical order, with Macron hosting a conference in Paris next week aimed at overhauling the financial system to better benefit the developing world. Ramaphosa is due to attend the conference, and a cordial meeting between him and Macron could set the stage for the French president to make history in Pretoria.

However,Macron’s relations with the rest of the BRICS bloc- Brazil, Russia, India, and China –are fractious at best, and Paris has sent mixed messages to these nations. For example, Macron has called for peace negotiations in Ukraine and put himself forward as a potential mediator, yet has backed a Ukrainian-drafted peace plan that Russia categorically rejects, while continuing to send heavy weapons to Kiev.

Likewise, Macron has asserted that Europe must not follow the US into a confrontation with China, and has opposed the opening of a controversial NATO liaison office in Japan.

However, he signed a joint communique with other G7 leaders last month labeling China “the greatest challenge to global security and prosperity in our time,” a position identical to that of the US.

Meanwhile in Africa, Macron’s condemnations of Russia have irritated France’s former colonies on the continent, who see Russia as a more reliable partner than their former master.

Since the term was first coined in 2001, BRICS has grown from an acronym into an informal alliance that has overtaken the US-led G7 bloc in its share of global GDP, has its own development bank, and counts Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Argentina among 19 prospective members.


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b01e28 No.85098

File: ee9a82ac9a85a63⋯.png (906.05 KB,693x1480,693:1480,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458180 (300448ZAUG23) Notable: Anon Theory from QResearch Found on TruthSocial

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b01e28 No.85099

File: cabc7211fb371ed⋯.jpg (223.47 KB,720x1085,144:217,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9742f884dd1b42d⋯.jpg (197.94 KB,1164x884,291:221,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458198 (300453ZAUG23) Notable: Hurricane Idalia now predicted to be Cat 4 at landfall.

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URGENT: Hurricane #Idalia is now expected to become an extremely dangerous Category 4 hurricane when it makes landfall in Florida

If you are in its path you need to get out of there!


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b01e28 No.85100

File: 0345d50d3bfcc72⋯.png (537.77 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458223 (300500ZAUG23) Notable: DOJ tells Jordan FBI subpoenas can't 'be enforced,' warns Hunter Biden inquiry 'ongoing'

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OK WE HAVE A CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS: The executive branch (DOJ::FBI) is telling legislative branch (Congress::Jim_Jordan) that Jim Jordan's subpoenas of FBI are "not enforceable". The DOJ just undermined constitutional checks and balances by saying "no" to Congress.

DOJ tells Jordan FBI subpoenas can't 'be enforced,' warns Hunter Biden inquiry 'ongoing'

EXCLUSIVE — The Department of Justice informed the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday night that it would not cooperate with subpoenas for two FBI agents involved in the department's investigation of Hunter Biden because of the committee's stipulations f...


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b01e28 No.85101

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458243 (300504ZAUG23) Notable: Colton Moore: "We have Legislative authority to call the State Troopers and bring these people in"

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Colton Moore: "We have Legislative authority to call the State Troopers and bring these people in"


Georgia politicians are the laziest politicians ever, they keep their business's going, spend a few hours a week in the senate, but they don't want to to work for a righteousness cause, they get to eat their cake and keep the money rolling in.

Why do you think Kemp's daughter's boyfriend,( BTW the grandson of the one of the most honored Govs here in GA, Sonny Perdue-that was a high powered hit), was killed in the election contest. (personally I think it was the crew out of ARK because GA under KEMP agreed to continue human and child trafficking). Anons at the time, showed the pipeline in the in the south.

They killed, "a much more respected grandson of the prior governor" to send a message, you can't follow through on any of your promises, and any support of Trump will effect a lot more then your mentor's grandson. (not to mention Kemp is totally owned by China along with with SOS).

Sorry but Colton does not understand that our lawmakers are indebted to the corporations, the expect and want a free ride in GA, the mafia reinforces it, and the Clintons still run the show.He seriously has to get protection now, if he doesn't have it now.

I read an article that Colton Moore opposers in the Senate are saying "he is just trying to raise funds for himself", these are his allies! You thought corruption in NY, ARK or AZ was bad, live here!I truly hope to God he gets them to move, and God provides miracles but he's fighting against the status quo that has been around forever


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b01e28 No.85102

File: 488460d8192dc08⋯.png (707.84 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458276 (300512ZAUG23) Notable: This Fall the Docket will be hot grounds against the Deep State

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This Fall the Docket will be hot grounds against the Deep State

Three Supreme Court cases that could shake up the administrative state

The major theme of the coming Supreme Court term is administrative law. Once obscure, this body of statutes, rules, and cases governing the structure and conduct of the federal government’s administrative agencies gained public attention through recent eye...


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b01e28 No.85103

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458296 (300518ZAUG23) Notable: VoterGA to Reveal Misconduct in Fani Willis Indictment of 19 Political Adversaries

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VoterGA to Reveal Misconduct in Fani Willis Indictment of 19 Political Adversaries


VoterGA holds a press conference to thoroughly examine the indictment

obtained by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis who claims that 19

of her political adversaries were part of a criminal racketeering conspiracy.

The press conference illustrates how Georgia law was misapplied for

political purposes throughout the 41-count indictment.

Garland Favorito debunks election myths, identifies numerous cases of fraud, errors and irregularities in Georgia’s past two general elections and explains to a standing room only crowd of 150 Georgia Republicans how legislative action is required to protect our 2024 elections from previous failures.


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b01e28 No.85104

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458318 (300523ZAUG23) Notable: Political Prisoner Harrison Floyd To Be Freed Today

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BREAKING: Political Prisoner Harrison Floyd To Be Freed Today



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b01e28 No.85105

File: b6cdd6604b71761⋯.png (721.27 KB,700x394,350:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458384 (300544ZAUG23) Notable: "Baltimore Is A Totally Corrupt Hell Hole": Mystery Surrounds $800 Million Covid Funds For "Learning Loss"

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"Baltimore Is A Totally Corrupt Hell Hole": Mystery Surrounds $800 Million Covid Funds For "Learning Loss"


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b01e28 No.85106

File: bc32ff9317cb612⋯.png (201.21 KB,768x384,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458388 (300546ZAUG23) Notable: Call to Dig - A Draconian New Law Snuck Through This Month

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A Draconian New Law Snuck Through This Month That Institutes Extreme Censorship of the Internet on a Global Basis

The Internet just changed forever, but most people living in the United States don’t even realize what just happened.



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b01e28 No.85107

File: 83a08b00c1db04c⋯.png (3.26 MB,1170x2532,195:422,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458447 (300605ZAUG23) Notable: Gabon military officers claim power, say election lacked credibility

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= Gabon military officers claim power, say election lacked credibility==

Television announcement comes shortly after state election body announces incumbent Ali Bongo had won a third term as president.

30 Aug 2023

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b01e28 No.85108

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458497 (300619ZAUG23) Notable: #23897

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#23897 >>85087

>>85088 Viktor Orban on DJT - President Trump Thanks Viktor Orbán

>>85089, >>85090, >>85093Tiffany Gomas returns to the air as she flies into LAX wearing same tank top and earrings as in-flight meltdown

>>85091, >>85092 Jekyll Island Conference

>>85094, >>85099 Hurricane Idalia now predicted to be Cat 4 at landfall.

>>85095, >>85097 French President Criticizes BRICS Expansion: “World fragmentation and confrontation against the U.S.”

>>85096 The Tasmanian child sexual abuse commission of inquiry has referred more than 100 people to Tasmania Police and child protection since it began.

>>85098 Anon Theory from QResearch Found on TruthSocial

>>85100 DOJ tells Jordan FBI subpoenas can't 'be enforced,' warns Hunter Biden inquiry 'ongoing'

>>85101 Colton Moore: "We have Legislative authority to call the State Troopers and bring these people in"

>>85102 This Fall the Docket will be hot grounds against the Deep State

>>85103 VoterGA to Reveal Misconduct in Fani Willis Indictment of 19 Political Adversaries

>>85104 Political Prisoner Harrison Floyd To Be Freed Today

>>85105 "Baltimore Is A Totally Corrupt Hell Hole": Mystery Surrounds $800 Million Covid Funds For "Learning Loss"

>>85106 Call to Dig - A Draconian New Law Snuck Through This Month

>>85107 Gabon military officers claim power, say election lacked credibility

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b01e28 No.85109

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458513 (300624ZAUG23) Notable: #23897

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#23897 >>85087

>>85088 Viktor Orban on DJT - President Trump Thanks Viktor Orbán

>>85089, >>85090, >>85093 Tiffany Gomas returns to the air as she flies into LAX wearing same tank top and earrings as in-flight meltdown

>>85091, >>85092 Jekyll Island Conference

>>85094, >>85099 Hurricane Idalia now predicted to be Cat 4 at landfall.

>>85095, >>85097 French President Criticizes BRICS Expansion: “World fragmentation and confrontation against the U.S.”

>>85096 The Tasmanian child sexual abuse commission of inquiry has referred more than 100 people to Tasmania Police and child protection since it began.

>>85098 Anon Theory from QResearch Found on TruthSocial

>>85100 DOJ tells Jordan FBI subpoenas can't 'be enforced,' warns Hunter Biden inquiry 'ongoing'

>>85101 Colton Moore: "We have Legislative authority to call the State Troopers and bring these people in"

>>85102 This Fall the Docket will be hot grounds against the Deep State

>>85103 VoterGA to Reveal Misconduct in Fani Willis Indictment of 19 Political Adversaries

>>85104 Political Prisoner Harrison Floyd To Be Freed Today

>>85105 "Baltimore Is A Totally Corrupt Hell Hole": Mystery Surrounds $800 Million Covid Funds For "Learning Loss"

>>85106 Call to Dig - A Draconian New Law Snuck Through This Month

>>85107 Gabon military officers claim power, say election lacked credibility

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b01e28 No.85110

File: 5dd09b7749bdc6e⋯.png (569.23 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458506 (300621ZAUG23) Notable: #23898

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Incoming Baker Please Self Confirm

Godspeed Patriots

Digital Soldiers


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b01e28 No.85111

File: f2a6eea2c4b4ec2⋯.png (283.87 KB,1676x526,838:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458521 (300626ZAUG23) Notable: PF

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>just caught you this time you sneaky slut

US F35 squawked 7700 in Japan


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b01e28 No.85112

File: 2248f4b4618f6e8⋯.png (145.75 KB,1133x371,1133:371,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458522 (300626ZAUG23) Notable: United States District Judge Steve Jones today ordered a hearing on my motion to remove the Fani Willis indictment to Federal Court.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

An update on the Georgia case: United States District Judge Steve Jones today ordered a hearing on my motion to remove the Fani Willis indictment to Federal Court.

6:42 PM · Aug 29, 2023



Steve C. Jones/Office

Judge of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia since 2011

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b01e28 No.85113

File: 24ecf4ada994720⋯.png (230.51 KB,496x585,496:585,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458545 (300633ZAUG23) Notable: Pete Buttigieg and Big Pharma Vivek both getting called to ask questions on MSNBC?! What's going on?

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Ok what the hell is going on

Pete Buttigieg and Big Pharma Vivek both getting called to ask questions on MSNBC?!

Both running for President in their late 30s?!

Both getting money from the Soros family?!

Something strange going on here…


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b01e28 No.85114

File: ccc923999e664ef⋯.png (86.52 KB,338x432,169:216,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458554 (300636ZAUG23) Notable: Hackers shut down 2 of the world's most advanced telescopes

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Hackers shut down 2 of the world's most advanced telescopes

It's unclear exactly what the nature of the cyberattacks were or from where they originated.

Some of the world's leading astronomical observatories have reported cyberattacks that have resulted in temporary shutdowns.

The National Science Foundation's National Optical-Infrared Astronomy Research Laboratory, or NOIRLab, reported that a cybersecurity incident that occurred on Aug. 1 has prompted the lab to temporarily halt operations at its Gemini North Telescope in Hawaii and Gemini South Telescope in Chile. Other, smaller telescopes on Cerro Tololo in Chile were also affected.

"Our staff are working with cybersecurity experts to get all the impacted telescopes and our website back online as soon as possible and are encouraged by the progress made thus far," NOIRLab wrote in a statement on its website on Aug. 24.

This isn't the first time that astronomical observatories have been the target of cyberattacks. In Oct. 2022, hackers disrupted operations at the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) in Chile, and NASA has been the victim of cyberattacks for years. In 2021, the agency was affected by the worldwide SolarWinds breach that NASA leadership called a "big wakeup call" for cybersecurity.


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b01e28 No.85115

File: 876e23af4d36555⋯.png (6.04 MB,1640x2360,41:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458578 (300641ZAUG23) Notable: PF

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Wonder where this beast is going

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b01e28 No.85116

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458586 (300650ZAUG23) Notable: Gabon military declares ‘end of current regime’ - AFP

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Gabon military declares ‘end of current regime’ – AFP

French journalists have reported the sound of gunfire in the capital, Libreville

A group of uniformed Gabonese soldiers have appeared on national television to announce the dissolution of all state institutions and the cancellation of the country’s disputed elections, after longtime leader Ali Bongo was declared the winner of last week’s presidential race.

The soldiers delivered a live address early on Wednesday morning, stating they would “defend peace by putting an end to the current regime” while claiming to speak on behalf of the “Committee for the Transition and Restoration of Institutions,” AFP news agency reported.

A spokesman for the group denounced the “irresponsible, unpredictable governance” of President Ali Bongo, claiming his 14 years in office had resulted in a “deterioration in social cohesion that risks leading the country into chaos.”

Following the address, journalists with AFP also reported the sound of gunfire in Gabon’s capital, Libreville, though it is unclear whether clashes were underway.

According to the Gabonese Elections Centre, Bongo won the recent presidential election with just over 64% of the vote, beating his top rival Albert Ondo Ossa by a wide margin in a single-round ballot.

Bongo first took power in 2009, and faced another military coup attempt in 2019, when armed military officers took hostages and announced the creation of a similar “National Restoration Council” to “restore democracy in Gabon.” The mutiny was quickly put down and resulted in few casualties, however.

The Central African nation of Gabon, with a population of 2.3 million, shares borders with Cameroon, the Republic of the Congo and Equatorial Guinea. It was a colony of France before gaining independence in 1960.

A military coup occurred in another former French colony, Niger, in late July. The situation in the West African state remains tense, with the regional ECOWAS bloc considering a Paris-backed intervention to reinstate the deposed president, Mohamed Bazoum. Mali and Burkina Faso – where the militaries also took power in recent years – have vowed to defend Niger’s new government from outside forces.


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b01e28 No.85117

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458589 (300652ZAUG23) Notable: Russian air defenses repel coordinated drone raids

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Russian air defenses repel coordinated drone raids – MOD

Ukrainian UAVs were downed over Russia’s Bryansk, Orel, Kaluga, Ryazan and Moscow regions

Around 2am, another drone was detected and downed over Kaluga region, southwest of Moscow, the Defense Ministry added in another statement.

At 2:30am a plane-type unmanned aerial vehicle was downed in Ryazan region.

At about 3:30am, another Ukrainian UAV was intercepted and crashed over the territory of the Moscow region. The hostile UAV was downed while heading towards the Russian capital, Moscow mayor Sergey Sobyanin said, adding that it caused no damage or injuries on the ground.

At 4am yet another UAV was downed over Ryazan region, according to the Defense Ministry.

At 8:30am, Bryansk Region governor Aleksander Bogomaz reported another incident, saying that two drones tried targeting a TV tower in the city of Bryansk. Both aircraft were shot down by air defenses, he wrote on Telegram, adding that the fires at their crash sites have already been extinguished.

Earlier, the Russian aviation authority had announced the emergency closure of airspace over the Tula, Ryazan, Kaluga and parts of Moscow Region, following explosions at an airfield in northwestern Russia.


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b01e28 No.85118

File: d1ebd99a532ce26⋯.png (535.47 KB,715x754,55:58,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458592 (300655ZAUG23) Notable: Republican Ramaswamy doubles back on US military aid to Israel

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Republican Ramaswamy doubles back on US military aid to Israel

After urging the US to cut aid to Israel last week,Ramaswamy told an Israeli paper that he wouldn't cut the aid if elected.

Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy will consider enlarging US military aid to Israel if elected, he told Israel Hayom on Wednesday after he previously said that the aid should be cut.

He told Israel Hayom that US military aid to Israel is actually beneficial for both nations.

"The reality is that the three billion in aid that we give to Israel is a tiny drop in the bucket for the US military budget," he said. "A lot of that work is done here in the United States of America. It's actually accretive to the US and our interests. And so, in a certain way, it would be silly for us to want to skimp or cut that when in fact, it's not just in Israel's interest, but that's in our own interest, even nationally, in building our industrial base."

"It's actually accretive to the US and our interests."

Vivek Ramaswamy

He added that the US won't cut the aid until Israel says it doesn't need it anymore.

Ramaswamy urged the US to cut the aid last week

The Republican candidate sparred with fellow candidate Nikki Haley in a debate last week over the issue of aid. At the time, Ramaswamy said it was important to cut the aid because the relations between Israel and the US weren't a "business relationship" but a friendship.


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b01e28 No.85119

File: 7c6004792274c7d⋯.jpg (132.8 KB,720x797,720:797,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458607 (300706ZAUG23) Notable: Newsmax host Greg Kelly claims an audio tape containing “incontrovertible evidence of Joe Biden's corruption” exists

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BREAKING: Newsmax host Greg Kelly claims an audio tape containing “incontrovertible evidence of Joe Biden's corruption” exists and will be released to the public in the coming weeks.

Big if true.


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b01e28 No.85120

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458613 (300710ZAUG23) Notable: How Hackers Can Target Voting Machines

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11-Year-Old Hacks Into Replica U.S. Voting Website In 10 Minutes | TIME

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b01e28 No.85121

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458615 (300712ZAUG23) Notable: How Hackers Can Target Voting Machines

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How Hackers Can Target Voting Machines | NBC News Now

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b01e28 No.85122

File: 418039f9620d0df⋯.png (801.28 KB,768x429,256:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458617 (300713ZAUG23) Notable: Roger Ailes’ Widow Says Murdochs Don’t Love or Understand America ‘Because They Weren’t Born Here’

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OREIGNERS: Roger Ailes’ Widow Says Murdochs Don’t Love or Understand America ‘Because They Weren’t Born Here’


Roger Ailes’ Widow Says Murdochs Don’t Love or Understand America ‘Because They Weren’t Born Here’'''

Beth Ailes, the widow of late Fox News CEO Roger Ailes, claimed Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch neither love nor understand America "because they weren't born here."


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b01e28 No.85123

File: 8d556f1708b455b⋯.png (635.41 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458618 (300714ZAUG23) Notable: Rachel Maddow Worries Trump Will Be ‘Probably President for Life’ if He Wins in 2024

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Rachel Maddow Worries Trump Will Be ‘Probably President for Life’ if He Wins in 2024 (Video)

MSNBC host notes that in the current political moment, "far right politics is coinciding with far right violence" The post Rachel Maddow Worries Trump Will Be ‘Probably President for Life’ if He Wins in 2024

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b01e28 No.85124

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458620 (300714ZAUG23) Notable: Rachel Maddow Worries Trump Will Be ‘Probably President for Life’ if He Wins in 2024

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b01e28 No.85125

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458635 (300723ZAUG23) Notable: Donald Trump interview with Glenn Beck

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Donald Trump interview with Glenn Beck

August 29, 2023

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b01e28 No.85126

File: cf5e4ccac9245b9⋯.png (148.06 KB,500x267,500:267,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458650 (300729ZAUG23) Notable: Study proves Pfizer's Covidiot vaxx causes VAIDS in children

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Study proves Pfizer's Covidiot vaxx causes VAIDS in children.

Pfizer's COVID Vaccine Causes VAIDS in Children, Study Proves

Vaccinated Children Become Susceptible to Bacterial and Fungal Infections


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b01e28 No.85127

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458695 (300748ZAUG23) Notable: Georgia State Election Board Chair William Duffey behind stonewalling investigations into election fraud

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Georgia State Election Board Chair William Duffey behind stonewalling investigations into election fraud


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b01e28 No.85128

File: 6bc9d244992496e⋯.png (206.29 KB,517x412,517:412,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458702 (300752ZAUG23) Notable: South Africa: 5 Years from Gun Control to Genocide

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South Africa: 5 Years from Gun Control to Genocide

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b01e28 No.85129

File: 7ae39948f0a44d8⋯.png (374.66 KB,437x505,437:505,Clipboard.png)

File: 3b46caf1144afca⋯.png (298.23 KB,437x334,437:334,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458703 (300752ZAUG23) Notable: New: The Gadsden Flag Kid Just Secured Total Victory

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Take Note Guys...This Is How It's DONE!

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b01e28 No.85130

File: af43964d736f033⋯.png (276.54 KB,1680x526,840:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458739 (300812ZAUG23) Notable: PF

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BLOOD40 Black Hawk having a long look at Honolulu


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b01e28 No.85131

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458743 (300814ZAUG23) Notable: Many climate change scientists do not agree that global warming is happening

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BMJ. 1998 Apr 11; 316(7138): 1164. 

 doi: 10.1136/bmj.316.7138.1164

PMCID: PMC1112950

PMID: 9552965

Many climate change scientists do not agree that global warming is happening

Gregory Gardner, Locum general practitioner

Author information Copyright and License information PMC Disclaimer

editor—The apocalyptic tone that Smith adopted in relation to the environment bears little relation to reality.1 In his editorial Smith asserts, “virtually all scientists agree that global warming is happening.” Global warming is now joining the list of “what everyone knows.”

Whether most scientists outside climatology believe that global warming is happening is less relevant than whether the climatologists do. A letter signed by over 50 leading members of the American Meteorological Society warned about the policies promoted by environmental pressure groups. “The policy initiatives derive from highly uncertain scientific theories. They are based on the unsupported assumption that catastrophic global warming follows from the burning of fossil fuel and requires immediate action. We do not agree.”2 Those who have signed the letter represent the overwhelming majority of climate change scientists in the United States, of whom there are about 60. McMichael and Haines quote the 1995 report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which is widely believed to “prove” that climate change induced by humans has occurred.3 The original draft document did not say this. What happened was that the policymakers’ summary (which became the “take home message” for politicians) altered the conclusions of the scientists. This led Dr Frederick Seitz, former head of the United States National Academy of Sciences, to write, “In more than sixty years as a member of the American scientific community ... I have never witnessed a more disturbing corruption of the peer-review process than the events that led to this IPCC report.”4

Policymaking should be guided by proved fact, not speculation. Most members of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change believe that current climate models do not accurately portray the atmosphere-ocean system. Measurements made by means of satellites show no global warming but a cooling of 0.13°C between 1979 and 1994.5 Furthermore, since the theory of global warming assumes maximum warming at the poles, why have average temperatures in the Arctic dropped by 0.88°C over the past 50 years?5

Go to:


1. Smith R. Climate change: decision time in Kyoto. BMJ. 1997;315:1326. . (22 November.) [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

2. Michaels P. Conspiracy, consensus or correlation? What scientists think about the ‘popular vision’ of global warming. World Climate Review. 1993;1:11. [Google Scholar]

3. McMichael AJ, Haines A. Global climate change: the potential effects on health. BMJ. 1997;315:805–809. [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

4. Seitz F. Major deception on global warning. Wall Street Journal 1996 June 12;section A:16(col 3).

5. Balling RC. Global warming: messy models, decent data and pointless policy. In: Bailey R, editor. The true state of the planet. New York: Free Press; 1995. pp. 83–107. [Google Scholar]

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b01e28 No.85132

File: 0575e28ce27fbbe⋯.png (1.28 MB,898x1255,898:1255,Clipboard.png)

File: e1683b9e60f5468⋯.png (32.7 KB,668x469,668:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458787 (300829ZAUG23) Notable: Days of Day 2023, a Fan Event Celebrating Days of Our Lives - Q Drop on same

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Day of Days 2023

Aug 29 post on Twitter/x from soap opera "Days of our Lives" about Day of Days upcoming event.


Q mentioned that in Drop 647: [D]ay of [D]ays

Side note, for soap opera "As the World Turns", there were 12 drops:

1226, 1211, 1210, 1083, 847, 846, 772, 586, 522, 432, 315, 288

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b01e28 No.85133

File: bc7e65b6a9c8263⋯.png (662.6 KB,744x496,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458838 (300850ZAUG23) Notable: Special Counsel Assigned to Hunter Biden Investigation David Weiss Worked Closely With Older Biden Bros from 2007....

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Special Counsel Assigned to Hunter BidenInvestigation David Weiss Worked Closely With Hunter Biden’s Brother Beau - Leading Rep...

According to The Washington Post, Weiss worked “hand-in-glove” with the older Biden brother from 2007...


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b01e28 No.85134

File: 2847cd902cce29f⋯.png (924.44 KB,768x410,384:205,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458844 (300852ZAUG23) Notable: Swarms of teens wreaked havoc at S Bay shopping center, one cop put in a chokehold; union pushes for more cops

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After Boston Police officers were assaulted by teens and one cop was put in a chokehold, a ‘plea to parents’; police union...

After swarms of teenagers wreaked havoc at the South Bay shopping center and in Downtown Crossing, allegedly assaulting police officers and putting one in a chokehold, Boston’s top cop…



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b01e28 No.85135

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458850 (300853ZAUG23) Notable: Willis may have overplayed her hand by including Meadows

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Jonathan Turley: The most interesting takeaway from the hearing is that Willis may have overplayed her hand by including Meadows. In doing so, she may have created the strongest avenue for removal. If Meadows succeeds, it strengthens the case for others to seek removal.


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b01e28 No.85136

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458860 (300857ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT rt of Orban clip from Tucker interview

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Donald J. Trump


Thank you Viktor Orbán!

Aug 29, 2023, 10:02 PM


Donald J. Trump: Thank you Viktor Orbán!



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b01e28 No.85137

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458868 (300859ZAUG23) Notable: LIVE IDALIA

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b01e28 No.85138

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458873 (300900ZAUG23) Notable: LIVE IDALIA

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LIVE -Major Hurricane Idalia Coverage With Storm Chasers In The Eye

- Live Weather Channel...

25,444 watching now

Started streaming 11 minutes ago


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b01e28 No.85139

File: d6a35798d6930b9⋯.png (1.05 MB,1024x909,1024:909,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458891 (300906ZAUG23) Notable: Trump "Mugshot" and Golden Mean

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b01e28 No.85140

File: 536a8659caaadcf⋯.png (467.06 KB,901x755,901:755,Clipboard.png)

File: e96001edc1eac74⋯.png (157.99 KB,887x435,887:435,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458900 (300910ZAUG23) Notable: Mark Levin: The Democratic Party only cares about power

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Donald J. Trump




Mark Levin: The Democratic Party only cares about power | Fox News Video

Fox News host Mark Levin issues a warning regarding the 'police state' under the Biden administration on 'Life, Liberty & Levin.'

Aug 30, 2023, 12:00 AM

FOX sucks shit, cant copy or paste anything, this will be the last time I post anything from FOX.

Needs to be rumble.

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b01e28 No.85141

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458911 (300914ZAUG23) Notable: Mark Levin: The Democratic Party only cares about power

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Mark Levin: This Is An Abuse Of The Justice System!

Mark Levin: “What the American people are seeing here is an abuse of the justice system. And judges, at least the judge in D.C., the judge in Manhattan, and we’ll see about Georgia, are going along with it. In other words, they are allowing their courtrooms to be used to interfere with an election and to deny Trump and other defendants their due process rights. This is very, very importan




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b01e28 No.85142

File: 8abe143885c166f⋯.jpg (145.25 KB,720x1214,360:607,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 311a1a6bf948f75⋯.mp4 (1.73 MB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458915 (300915ZAUG23) Notable: MacDill AFB: All aircraft on the installation have been evacuated/secured in preparation for #HurricaneIdalia

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All aircraft on the installation have been evacuated/secured in preparation for #HurricaneIdalia . During the evacuation, the 50th ARS recorded St. Elmo’s fire, a weather phenomenon in which luminous plasma is created in an atmospheric electric field.

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b01e28 No.85143

File: 4d5c1691a095dd7⋯.png (379.34 KB,675x680,135:136,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458922 (300920ZAUG23) Notable: Post-Indictment Poll: Donald Trump Holds Enormous Lead over GOP Rivals in Georgia, Ron DeSantis’s Slide Continues

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Post-Indictment Poll: Donald Trump Holds Enormous Lead over GOP Rivals in Georgia, Ron DeSantis’s Slide Continues

Former President Donald Trump is closing in on 60 percent of support among likely Republican primary voters in Georgia and towers over the rest field, according to a poll taken after his indictment in Fulton County.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution poll, conducted by the School of Public & International Affairs (SPIA) at the University of Georgia, finds that 57 percent of likely primary voters support Trump for his third consecutive nomination. He gained six points of support since the SPIA’s April poll when he pinged at 51 percent.

Georgia 2024: Trump holds 42-point lead for Republican Nomination

Trump 57% (+7)

DeSantis 15% (-15)

Pence 4% (+2)

Ramaswamy 3%

Scott 3% (+2)

Haley 3% (-1)

Christie 2% (+2)

Suarez 1%

[Change vs April]@ajc / @UGA_SPIA | 807 LV | 8/16-23https://t.co/3MUfPjVS4B pic.twitter.com/7pdGu5FRn6

— InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2022) August 29, 2023

The survey was taken between August 16 and 23 after Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’s office secured an indictment against Trump, as well as campaign aides and lawyers, alleging they committed multiple crimes in their challenge of the 2020 election.

The 45th president sits 42 points ahead of his nearest competitor, Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), who is at 15 percent and has seen his support collapse from when it registered at 30 percent in April’s survey.

No other candidate breaks double digits. Former Vice President Mike Pence takes four percent of the response, followed by entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, former Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC), and Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), who tie at three percent apiece.

From there, two percent support former Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ), while one percent back Miami Mayor Francis Suarez, who suspended his campaign on Tuesday, and no other candidate garners a percent. Another 14 percent of the respondents are undecided. Of note, Breitbart News rounded each candidate’s total to the nearest decimal point.

The survey also gauges how serious GOP primary voters perceive Willis’s case against Trump to be, with 31 percent saying “not serious at all.” Another 13 percent say it is “not too serious.” Conversely, 27 percent call the charges very serious,” and 23 percent view them as “somewhat serious.” Seven percent are undecided and did not weigh in.

Trump faces 13 charges in the case, including a Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) charge, while the 18 co-defendants were collectively hit with 41 counts. The maximum penalty for Trump in this case, if convicted on all charges, is 76.5 years in prison. He also faces two federal cases headed up by Special Counsel Jack Smith and another in New York State. He has pleaded not guilty in each instance.

The poll sampled 807 likely GOP primary voters and has a margin of error of ± 3.4 percentage points.


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b01e28 No.85144

File: c0b92f12ca1fe3e⋯.png (401.43 KB,1239x829,1239:829,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458926 (300922ZAUG23) Notable: Gingrich: Natl Archives finds Trump's material quickly but misses 5400 email from VP Biden

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85145

File: c1bc9bc43d4580a⋯.png (201.13 KB,906x742,453:371,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458931 (300924ZAUG23) Notable: Over 100 Former Clerks Come to Defense of Justice Clarence Thomas Following Relentless Attacks by Democrats

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Over 100 Former Clerks Come to Defense of Justice Clarence Thomas Following Relentless Attacks by Democrats

For months, Democrats have been engaged in an effort to delegitimize the U.S. Supreme Court.

They have taken special aim at conservative Justice Clarence Thomas, using a smear campaign intended to attack his integrity.

Now over 100 former clerks have come to Thomas’ defense, co-signing a letter in response to the claims.

Over 100 former clerks of Justice Thomas sign open letter defending his integrity, independence

Over 100 former clerks of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas wrote an open letter defending him after recent news articles accused him of bending court ethics, saying that his “integrity is unimpeachable” and “his independence is unshakable.”

“As his law clerks, we offer this response. Different paths led us to our year with Justice Thomas, and we have followed different paths since. But along the way, we all saw with our own eyes the same thing: His integrity is unimpeachable,” the letter reads.

“And his independence is unshakable, deeply rooted seven decades ago as that young child who walked through the door of his grandparents’ house for a life forever changed,” they wrote.

The 112 signatories on the letter include current solicitors general, general counsels, partners at litigation firms and law professors. Three circuit court judges also signed the letter: David Stras on the 8th Circuit, Jim Ho of the 5th Circuit, and Allison Rushing, 4th Circuit.

The lawyers described Justice Thomas’ upbringing, having “descended from West African slaves and born to a young mother, not more than 20, in segregated Georgia.”

The left’s attacks on Thomas are shameful, and everyone knows why they’re doing it.

This man has not violated any ethics. Democrats are trying to destroy him so they can replace him with one of their own. It’s as simple as that.

“The picture they paint of the Court and the man for whom we worked bears no resemblance to reality.”https://t.co/1BOpQl4xrz

— MAGA PATRIOT TGM (TERI) (@udreams30) August 30, 2023

Clarence Thomas is only guilty of being a black conservative. Over 100 former clerks of Justice Thomas sign letter defending his integrity, independencehttps://t.co/1BsWWrttHa

— Itsallright (@Itsallright68) August 29, 2023

The fact that there is now a conservative majority on the Supreme Court is driving Democrats absolutely bonkers.

Expect their ridiculous attacks to continue.


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b01e28 No.85146

File: c3503ae30fdd8d7⋯.png (851.79 KB,878x833,878:833,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458958 (300935ZAUG23) Notable: New: The Gadsden Flag Kid Just Secured Total Victory

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New: The Gadsden Flag Kid Just Secured

Total Victory

Red State, by Bonchie

Posted By: Dreadnought, 8/30/2023 12:37:09 AM

On Monday, the story of a Colorado child being booted from school for having a Gadsden Flag patch on his backpack went viral. As RedState reported, school officials claimed the flag was prohibited because it had its "origins in slavery." Twelve-year-old Jaiden, who attends The Vanguard School in Colorado Springs, found himself in trouble with his teachers after he wore a backpack that featured a patch of the Gadsden flag. He was kicked out of class and his mother was called into the office to discuss the wrong Jaiden had done. According to one of the school staff, the famous flag wasn't allowed

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b01e28 No.85147

File: 47a80ee046a4ff5⋯.png (391.87 KB,599x649,599:649,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458980 (300943ZAUG23) Notable: DeSantis Reinstates Suspended Affordable Housing Director

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Laura Loomer


DeSantis Reinstates Suspended Affordable Housing Director

Looks like ⁦@GovRonDeSantis

⁩ is desperate to spin the narrative about the Housing crisis that is going to be created in FL this week after the Hurricane as a result of his failed leadership!


DeSantis Reinstates Suspended Affordable Housing Director

Mike DiNapoli is back in the office after Gov. Ron DeSantis reinstated the suspended affordable housing director. DiNapoli faces allegations of creating a hostile work environment, and had been...

3:15 PM · Aug 29, 2023




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b01e28 No.85148

File: a8ae12a6bef946a⋯.png (337.72 KB,593x588,593:588,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458996 (300950ZAUG23) Notable: Mom sues school for hiding daughter's gender change after she later ran away and was sex-trafficked

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Fox News


Mom sues school for hiding daughter's gender change after she later ran away and was sex-trafficked: suit


Mom sues school for hiding daughter's gender change after she later ran away and was sex-traffick...

A Virginia mom sued the Appomattox County School Board and district staff for allegedly concealing her daughter's gender transition in school. The girl later ran away from home and was sex-trafficked.

12:28 PM · Aug 29, 2023




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b01e28 No.85149

File: 066aee40c216032⋯.png (482.92 KB,595x897,595:897,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459003 (300951ZAUG23) Notable: Biden targets 10 drugs for gov't price controls - expect shortages, less innovation, etc.

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Tom Fitton


BREAKING: Biden targets 10 drugs for gov't price controls and pharma companies with confiscatory taxes if they don't play ball. Expect shortages, less innovation, etc. with this Castro-style gov't command and control.


Square profile picture

The White House




Today, the Biden-Harris Administration is announcing the first 10 drugs selected for Medicare price negotiation.

Seniors paid $3.4 billion in out-of-pocket costs for these 10 drugs in 2022. President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act is working to bring down those costs.

The Biden-Harris Administration Announces First Set of Drugs Selected for Medicare Price Negotiation 1. Eliquis 2. Jardiance 3. Xarelto 4. Januvia 5. Farxiga 6. Entresto 7. Enbrel 8. Imbruvica 9. Stelara 10. Fiasp; Fiasp FlexTouch; Fiasp PenFill; NovoLog; NovoLog FlexPen; NovoLog PenFill

12:28 PM · Aug 29, 2023




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b01e28 No.85150

File: 8d563a68bb6833f⋯.png (415.79 KB,1676x533,1676:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459059 (301017ZAUG23) Notable: PF

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UK Trainer squawking 7700


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b01e28 No.85151

File: c7af2f4a50ded9e⋯.png (466.96 KB,661x656,661:656,Clipboard.png)

File: 3c4746f31e9d383⋯.png (1.04 MB,1013x1313,1013:1313,Clipboard.png)

File: a48fff5fb35284e⋯.png (92.8 KB,837x807,279:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459061 (301018ZAUG23) Notable: Donald Trump interview with Glenn Beck

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Trump just told Glenn Beck that he will have no choice but to "lock them up" since they are doing that exact same thing to him.

"The answer is you have no choice because they are doing it to us."

He then goes on at the end of this interview:

"We're going to make America great again. You watch. It's going to happen fast. It's going to happen fast."

Clean and swift.

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b01e28 No.85152

File: 0c3829afdb0d730⋯.jpg (247.14 KB,800x800,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459067 (301023ZAUG23) Notable: Biden targets 10 drugs for gov't price controls - expect shortages, less innovation, etc.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Looks like Biden is targeting the drug competition, killing off the little players so the major drug company can monopolize the drug market.

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b01e28 No.85153

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459073 (301027ZAUG23) Notable: Megyn Kelly warns Fox News not to sue Tucker; Bongino: What does he have on FOX?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dan Bongino


What does Tucker Carlson have on them? 🤔

Aug 29, 2023, 6:29 PM


Megyn Kelly sends message warning Fox News not to sue Tucker Carlson




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b01e28 No.85154

File: 59c7e17d351ae7b⋯.png (60.68 KB,1422x1040,711:520,Clipboard.png)

File: 12e92ad908fc6e3⋯.jpg (683.05 KB,828x1117,828:1117,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4376ff087fee34b⋯.png (442.28 KB,868x482,434:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459084 (301031ZAUG23) Notable: The Constitutional Republic known as America is now almost entirely held together by the courage & intellect of Justice Clarence Thomas

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The Constitutional Republic known as America is now being almost entirely held together by the courage and intellect of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas

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b01e28 No.85155

File: a3fb8f6f4da1ca5⋯.mp4 (7.85 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 61e7e9770a99a60⋯.mp4 (6.31 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459090 (301034ZAUG23) Notable: The Constitutional Republic known as America is now almost entirely held together by the courage & intellect of Justice Clarence Thomas

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His biopic movie promo, and some words of advice on being humble.

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b01e28 No.85156

File: 9163bcc018ea9f3⋯.png (1.21 MB,1257x1077,419:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459103 (301037ZAUG23) Notable: Few Answers So Far in Stabbing Death of NHGOP Activist

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>Alex Talcott's wife is a TheRapist?



Few Answers in Stabbing Death of NHGOP Activist



Few Answers in Stabbing Death of NHGOP Activist

Posted to Politics August 28, 2023 by Damien Fisher

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Authorities are offering few details about what happened last weekend when GOP lawyer Alex Talcott was stabbed in the neck and killed, a story that has rocked his fellow Republicans across the state.

Police found Talcott, 41, dead inside his Bennett Road home in Durham during the early morning hours Saturday after being called there, according to statements released by the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office. The official autopsy confirmed on Sunday that Talcott’s death was a homicide.

No one has been taken into custody since Attorney General John Formella’s Sunday statement, though investigators seem to know who killed Talcott. And whoever the killer might be, it is possible they may not face charges in the killing.

“The parties involved in the incident have been identified, and based on the information known to investigators, there is no danger to the public. The investigation into Talcott’s death is ongoing and includes whether the person who stabbed Talcott acted in self-defense.”

Under New Hampshire law, a person may claim self-defense when faced with an aggressor who reasonably poses a deadly threat to that person or a third party. If self-defense is deemed justified, criminal charges are not filed.

Matt Mowers, who’s been both a GOP consultant and candidate, knew Talcott well, and he told NHJournal the news “left us all shocked.” Mowers took to social media after the news broke:

“Incredibly sad news. Alex and I were just talking the other day. He was the kind of friend who was there for you in the tough times as well as the good times.”

Talcott lived at the home with his wife, Kristin Talcott, and their three young children. Kristin Talcott did not respond to a message left by NHJournal.

Kristin and Alex Talcott both graduated from Dartmouth College. Alex Talcott entered corporate law and was CEO of New Constellation Capital Residential Real Estate and Venture Capital Investing. He also worked as an adjunct business law and finance instructor at the University of New Hampshire Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics for many years.

A long-time GOP activist, Alex Talcott unsuccessfully ran for state representative in 2022. He was remembered fondly by many in the state party, including former House Speaker William O’Brien, state director of the New Hampshire chapter of the Republican National Lawyers Association.

O’Brien told NBC 10 Boston that Talcott was a skilled lawyer and advocate.

“Within the RNLA, his leadership was unwavering in promoting our shared values, ensuring every member felt empowered and well-prepared,” O’Brien said. “We will forever honor Alex’s selfless dedication and profound contributions to our shared vision of liberty through legal processes.”

Talcott was also one of the regulars on the GOP’s Election Day legal response team.

Chris Ager, chairman of the New Hampshire Republican State Committee and Alex Talcott’s friend, told WMUR that Talcott was always ready to pitch in on behalf of the party.

“He came to me many times just asking, ‘Hey Chris, how can I help?’ Never asking for anything in return. He was that kind of person. We’re really going to miss him a lot,” Ager said.

Alex Talcott won accolades from his UNH students on Rate My Professor, who considered his class easy.

“Easy A! two exams. don’t have to go to lectures even though you should cus their [sic] interesting and he gives very good advice! You know he is a smart guy and super personable. Take any of his classes!” one student wrote.

Kristin Talcott built a career as a clinical social worker and therapist. She taught graduate-level social work classes at Simmons College and built her own practice specializing in anxiety, depression, and helping people with trauma. The couple have two daughters and a son.

The investigation into Alex Talcott’s death is active. Formella’s office has not said when the investigation’s results will be released.

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b01e28 No.85157

File: c39bfa39d740657⋯.png (433.05 KB,1091x767,1091:767,Clipboard.png)

File: 9163bcc018ea9f3⋯.png (1.21 MB,1257x1077,419:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459105 (301038ZAUG23) Notable: Few Answers So Far in Stabbing Death of NHGOP Activist

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>Alex Talcott's wife is a TheRapist?


and it looks like shes the prime suspect.

NH DOJ immediately planted the self-defense seed.


News Release

For Immediate Release

August 27, 2023


Michael S. Garrity, Director of Communications

michael.s.garrity@doj.nh.gov | (603) 931-9375

Peter Hinckley, Senior Assistant Attorney General

Peter.Hinckley@doj.nh.gov | (603) 657-4904

Update on Suspicious Death Investigation in Durham, New Hampshire

Concord, NH – Attorney General John M. Formella, New Hampshire State Police Executive Major Matthew S. Shapiro, and Deputy Chief David Holmstock of the Durham Police Department announce that an autopsy was conducted today on Alexander Talcott (age 41) of Durham, New Hampshire, who was pronounced deceased in his home early Saturday morning during an incident currently under active investigation.

New Hampshire Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Jennie V. Duval has determined that the cause of Mr. Talcott's death was a stab wound to the neck. The manner of death is homicide. As used by the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, homicide is defined as the killing of one person by another.

The parties involved in the incident have been identified and based on the information known to investigators there is no danger to the public.

The investigation into Mr. Talcott's death is ongoingand includes whether the person who stabbed Mr. Talcott acted in self-defense.

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b01e28 No.85158

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459119 (301043ZAUG23) Notable: Biden targets 10 drugs for gov't price controls - expect shortages, less innovation, etc.

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Listed the drugs - looked 'em up - layperson shorthand of what the drugs do.

Then sorted by activity.

1. Eliquis - blocks the activity of certain clotting substances in the blood.

2. Jardiance - controls blood sugar

3. Xarelto - treats or prevents blood clots

4. Januvia - controls blood sugar

5. Farxiga - controls blood sugar

6. Entresto - blood pressured med

7. Enbrel - fights infection for people w/autoimmune diseases

8. Imbruvica - fights blood cancer (mantle cell lymphoma)

9. Stelara - immunosuppresent (autoimmune diseases)

10. Fiasp; Fiasp FlexTouch; Fiasp PenFill; NovoLog; NovoLog FlexPen; NovoLog PenFill - Fast Acting Insulin

Circulatory System

1. Eliquis - blocks the activity of certain clotting substances in the blood.

3. Xarelto - treats or prevents blood clots

6. Entresto - blood pressured med


2. Jardiance - controls blood sugar

4. Januvia - controls blood sugar

5. Farxiga - controls blood sugar

10. Fiasp; Fiasp FlexTouch; Fiasp PenFill; NovoLog; NovoLog FlexPen; NovoLog PenFill - Fast Acting Insulin

Cancer/Autoimmune Disease

7. Enbrel - fights infection for people w/autoimmune diseases

8. Imbruvica - fights blood cancer (mantle cell lymphoma)

9. Stelara - immunosuppresent (autoimmune diseases)

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b01e28 No.85159

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459139 (301051ZAUG23) Notable: Biden targets 10 drugs for gov't price controls - expect shortages, less innovation, etc.

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Ha! they are pulling all the anti-clot and immunosuppressant drugs...interesting...



Almost every pharma drug has an analog in Nature. Pharma goes to Nature, finds something that works, synthesizes the molecule that is the active, patents that, and goes to town.

The good news is that there will be a God Given Natural way to attack whatever they throw at us.

For instance, with covid, blocking ACE2 is a way to defeat the virus. Licorice, wormwood, CBA-A, THC-a all BLOCK ACE2 and are preventative.

No matter what, we got this anons...

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b01e28 No.85160

File: b0fbe7136de4e1c⋯.gif (1.61 MB,350x350,1:1,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459148 (301053ZAUG23) Notable: New: The Gadsden Flag Kid Just Secured Total Victory

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It pre-dates the Betsy Ross flag.

The flag is named for Christopher Gadsden, a South Carolina delegate to the Continental Congress and brigadier general in the Continental Army who designed the flag in 1775 during the American Revolution. He gave the flag to Commodore Esek Hopkins, and it was unfurled on the main mast of Hopkins' flagship USS Alfred on December 20, 1775. Two days later, Congress made Hopkins commander-in-chief of the Continental Navy. He adopted the Gadsden banner as his personal flag, flying it from the mainmast of the flagship while he was aboard. The Continental Marines also flew the flag during the early part of the war.

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b01e28 No.85161

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459163 (301058ZAUG23) Notable: New: The Gadsden Flag Kid Just Secured Total Victory

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The Gadsden Flag Kid Just Secured Total Victory


In a very surprising turn of events, the members of the school board called an emergency meeting and affirmed their respect for the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. In doing so, they also decided that the Gadsden patch is a valuable part of American history and that Jaiden may keep it on his backpack if he so chooses.

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b01e28 No.85162

File: 16c99343204eeac⋯.png (80.13 KB,1045x808,1045:808,Clipboard.png)

File: 5b2988e822eeab0⋯.png (16.24 KB,437x234,437:234,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459211 (301113ZAUG23) Notable: LIVE IDALIA

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>Power outage map for FL

Gettin bad quickly

Looks like it will hit just under a Cat4

being at 125 rn.

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b01e28 No.85163

File: 7ba5bf446b6668c⋯.mp4 (1.22 MB,884x518,442:259,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459237 (301124ZAUG23) Notable: LIVE IDALIA

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85164

File: b0c39cc82896a23⋯.png (1.18 MB,1366x587,1366:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459238 (301125ZAUG23) Notable: LIVE IDALIA

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Not sure how accurate this site is but I'm not seeing any wind reading over about 85mph.


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b01e28 No.85165

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459242 (301128ZAUG23) Notable: Maui - It's All Just A Big Coincidence

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Maui - It's All Just A Big Coincidence.



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b01e28 No.85166

File: a8b6e8bfe27a79b⋯.png (1.61 MB,1116x898,558:449,Clipboard.png)

File: ff4099995914722⋯.png (1.42 MB,987x898,987:898,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459251 (301132ZAUG23) Notable: LIVE IDALIA

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Birds Eye View

SkyVector reporting winds at surface around 75knots towards the eye.



TEAL71 Super Hercules

Hurrican Huntin' at 10,0000ft

Squawking 2456


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b01e28 No.85167

File: 1a7c0dad69b55f7⋯.png (292.16 KB,601x580,601:580,Clipboard.png)

File: c63c8e6cb7385c2⋯.jpg (175.88 KB,880x495,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459286 (301142ZAUG23) Notable: Maui - It's All Just A Big Coincidence

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85168

File: f0626757392170a⋯.png (280.25 KB,974x641,974:641,Clipboard.png)

File: b461bcfabecf428⋯.png (144.84 KB,868x302,434:151,Clipboard.png)

File: 707291e55288f67⋯.png (238.4 KB,995x474,995:474,Clipboard.png)

File: 30a4a7f50f487da⋯.png (67.83 KB,723x353,723:353,Clipboard.png)

File: da972f501660b53⋯.png (40.44 KB,724x323,724:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459297 (301145ZAUG23) Notable: Directed Energy Weapons & Targeted Individual Patents

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Directed Energy Weapons & Targeted Individual Patents

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b01e28 No.85169

File: e0a2c60c7e0e0e1⋯.pdf (112.73 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459300 (301147ZAUG23) Notable: Directed Energy Weapons & Targeted Individual Patents

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85170

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459309 (301149ZAUG23) Notable: #23898

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#23898 >>85110

>>85111, >>85115, >>85130, >>85150 PF

>>85112 United States District Judge Steve Jones today ordered a hearing on my motion to remove the Fani Willis indictment to Federal Court.

>>85113 Pete Buttigieg and Big Pharma Vivek both getting called to ask questions on MSNBC?! What's going on?

>>85114 Hackers shut down 2 of the world's most advanced telescopes

>>85116 Gabon military declares ‘end of current regime’ - AFP

>>85117 Russian air defenses repel coordinated drone raids

>>85118 Republican Ramaswamy doubles back on US military aid to Israel

>>85119 Newsmax host Greg Kelly claims an audio tape containing “incontrovertible evidence of Joe Biden's corruption” exists

>>85121, >>85120 How Hackers Can Target Voting Machines

>>85122 Roger Ailes’ Widow Says Murdochs Don’t Love or Understand America ‘Because They Weren’t Born Here’

>>85123, >>85124 Rachel Maddow Worries Trump Will Be ‘Probably President for Life’ if He Wins in 2024

>>85125, >>85151 Donald Trump interview with Glenn Beck

>>85126 Study proves Pfizer's Covidiot vaxx causes VAIDS in children

>>85127 Georgia State Election Board Chair William Duffey behind stonewalling investigations into election fraud

>>85128 South Africa: 5 Years from Gun Control to Genocide

>>85146, >>85161, >>85129, >>85160 New: The Gadsden Flag Kid Just Secured Total Victory

>>85131 Many climate change scientists do not agree that global warming is happening

>>85132 Days of Day 2023, a Fan Event Celebrating Days of Our Lives - Q Drop on same

>>85133 Special Counsel Assigned to Hunter Biden Investigation David Weiss Worked Closely With Older Biden Bros from 2007....

>>85134 Swarms of teens wreaked havoc at S Bay shopping center, one cop put in a chokehold; union pushes for more cops

>>85135 Willis may have overplayed her hand by including Meadows

>>85136 PDJT rt of Orban clip from Tucker interview

>>85137, >>85138, >>85162, >>85163, >>85164, >>85166 LIVE IDALIA

>>85142 MacDill AFB: All aircraft on the installation have been evacuated/secured in preparation for #HurricaneIdalia

>>85139 Trump "Mugshot" and Golden Mean

>>85140, >>85141 Mark Levin: The Democratic Party only cares about power

>>85143 Post-Indictment Poll: Donald Trump Holds Enormous Lead over GOP Rivals in Georgia, Ron DeSantis’s Slide Continues

>>85144 Gingrich: Natl Archives finds Trump's material quickly but misses 5400 email from VP Biden

>>85145 Over 100 Former Clerks Come to Defense of Justice Clarence Thomas Following Relentless Attacks by Democrats

>>85147 DeSantis Reinstates Suspended Affordable Housing Director

>>85148 Mom sues school for hiding daughter's gender change after she later ran away and was sex-trafficked

>>85149, >>85158, >>85159, >>85152 Biden targets 10 drugs for gov't price controls - expect shortages, less innovation, etc.

>>85153 Megyn Kelly warns Fox News not to sue Tucker; Bongino: What does he have on FOX?

>>85154, >>85155 The Constitutional Republic known as America is now almost entirely held together by the courage & intellect of Justice Clarence Thomas

>>85156, >>85157 Few Answers So Far in Stabbing Death of NHGOP Activist

>>85165, >>85167 Maui - It's All Just A Big Coincidence

>>85168, >>85169 Directed Energy Weapons & Targeted Individual Patents



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b01e28 No.85171

File: d05dc7c4f26779e⋯.png (319.99 KB,621x662,621:662,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459316 (301151ZAUG23) Notable: #23899

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baker seeking handoff, ghosting @20

TY anons for your contributions.

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b01e28 No.85172

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459366 (301207ZAUG23) Notable: Doctor Warns that 75% of People with Vax-Induced Myocarditis Will Be Dead in 10 Years

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Doctor Warns that 75% of People with Vax-Induced Myocarditis Will Be Dead in 10 Years

Dr. Shoemaker exposed that myocarditis, including vaccine-induced myocarditis, has a 75% death rate over 10 years. He said myocarditis has increased from about one case per million people to a rate as high as 150,000 cases per million. Cardiologist Peter McCullough said that two studies showed that said that 2.5% of people who took multiple COVID shots have heart damage. He explained how a scar from heart damage caused by COVID vaccines can cause death.



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b01e28 No.85173

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459371 (301209ZAUG23) Notable: Maryland School District Prepares for Alien Invasion

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Maryland School District Prepares for Alien Invasion

A woman who was identified as a teacher in Anne Arundel County, Maryland made a TikTok video expressing her incredulity that her school district provided a protocol to deal with an alien invasion during a teachers’ meeting for safety. Anne Arundel County contains the state capital of Annapolis and Fort Meade, which is home not only to the National Security Agency, but also to the US Cyber Command and other defense agencies at the US Army post there.



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b01e28 No.85174

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459372 (301209ZAUG23) Notable: Gabon coup live

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The military of Gabon seized power in the country and announced the dissolution of the current government.

The country's borders are closed until further notice.

By a happy coincidence, Gabon is also a former French colony that has reserves of uranium, oil and gas.

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b01e28 No.85175

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459373 (301209ZAUG23) Notable: @JamesOKeefeIII If you’re a veteran and you’ve been asked to wear a mask inside the VA please send us your video of your interaction.

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CALLING ALL VETS: If you’re a veteran and you’ve been asked to wear a mask inside the VA please send us your video of your interaction.

I’ll publish it at OMG and confront them for comment.

Upload here: https://okeefemediagroup.com/submit-a-tip-or-story/


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b01e28 No.85176

File: bcdf9a7b317a537⋯.png (489.19 KB,607x381,607:381,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459375 (301210ZAUG23) Notable: anon practice bun / Face masks cause cognitive damage from lack of Oxygen/ CO2 poisoning - breathing back your own stale air.

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Explosive New Study Finds Face Masks May Increase Stillbirths and Cognitive Decline in Kids

A new study by by German researchers has concluded that face masks can cause carbon dioxide poisoning when worn even for short periods and may have contributed significantly to stillbirths when worn by pregnant women, as well as testicular dysfunction and cognitive decline in children, among other destructive health issues. Stillbirths have risen 28% to 33% worldwide. The scientists also noted that research indicates “reduced verbal, motor, and overall cognitive performance of two full standard deviations in scores in children born during the pandemic.”



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b01e28 No.85177

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459379 (301211ZAUG23) Notable: Did Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) Cause the Maui Fires?

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Did Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) Cause the Maui Fires?

There is confusion about the cause of the Maui fires. Hawaii Electric claims it cut the power to prevent fire six hours before the wildfires raged, and the company is suing Maui County. There are curious burn patterns as trees were left intact while houses burned; and cars that were hundreds of yards from the fires were torched. An independent transparent investigation of the fires is needed.



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b01e28 No.85178

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459383 (301212ZAUG23) Notable: EU approves updated COVID vaccine r/t: (lb)

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CDC Advisers Set to Vote on Updated COVID Vaccines Next Month

By Reuters Staff

August 28, 2023

(Reuters) - A panel of independent advisers to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will meet next month to make recommendations on updated COVID-19 vaccines ahead of the fall season, according to a U.S. government website on Friday.


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b01e28 No.85179

File: 360b9dc8521c738⋯.png (498.25 KB,750x678,125:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459398 (301215ZAUG23) Notable: anon practice bun / Man arrested in Lahaina for going back to visit his destroyed home.

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Interesting. If a link is wanted then pipe up.

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b01e28 No.85180

File: c73e38babd80812⋯.png (234.76 KB,1670x519,1670:519,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459429 (301221ZAUG23) Notable: Brazilian VIP jet squawking 7700

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Brazilian VIP jet squawking 7700


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b01e28 No.85181

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459430 (301221ZAUG23) Notable: 3 killed in Osprey Crash Aussie land

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Out of the 23 Marines injured in the Osprey crash near the coast of Australia, over 3 have been killed due to the crash, the rest are hospitalized, according to a statement published by Australian police.

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b01e28 No.85182

File: 5f41de58733f4d0⋯.png (836.6 KB,750x1334,375:667,Clipboard.png)

File: 41786acf54649d5⋯.jpeg (567.1 KB,1920x1920,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 06d0aa18b4b2271⋯.jpeg (423.26 KB,1920x1920,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e1606ecaf80af3f⋯.jpeg (811.25 KB,1920x1920,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459447 (301223ZAUG23) Notable: 3 killed in Osprey Crash Aussie land

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b01e28 No.85183

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459463 (301230ZAUG23) Notable: Did Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) Cause the Maui Fires?

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>I dunno that I buy the DEW idea.

Most helpful vid to the Maui Fires ... prolly not DEW.

Jim Lee BACKDRAFT: Maui Fire Facts and Fiction




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b01e28 No.85184

File: 83d51d26f3a27dd⋯.mp4 (2.98 MB,848x560,53:35,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459496 (301236ZAUG23) Notable: anon practice bun / Trump Meme Video "f around and find out"

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b01e28 No.85185

File: 0d2e726b9c73faa⋯.jpeg (43.29 KB,680x428,170:107,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459498 (301237ZAUG23) Notable: anon practice bun / Australia killing public via alleged "healthcare"

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>The Australian healthcare system has morphed into the deathware system.

Can confirm. Worked in NSW public health system in IT, fully remote for 3 years. The whole time I was trying to hire more people for my teams but we could not get anyone because the pay was shit compared to the market. Then the mandates came, forget even hiring the shit ones we didn't want before the mandates, we fought as best we could, but we lost all our best people. I played malicious compliance for as long as possible but eventually quit to run for parliament. Could not be re-hired (they broke the law on that one, surprise, surprise) and been adrift and struggling since then. Have had to go to hospital for pancreatitis since, spent DAYS in triage hooked up to a drip and morphine, watching and chatting with paramedics spending 6 hour shits sitting around with their patients on stretchers in the hall, ignored P1 or whatever they called it, 1 after another. Stories about how every hospital in a 500KM radius is fucked and in the same state. Daily have ambo choppers 3-4 times coming over. God help you if you actually need urgent care these days, you are fucked.

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b01e28 No.85186

File: a5f810743fd4500⋯.png (77.79 KB,1920x947,1920:947,Clipboard.png)

File: 39885d8f1417b30⋯.png (3.62 KB,428x37,428:37,Clipboard.png)

File: d1b47ecbce9abbd⋯.jpg (31.12 KB,864x649,864:649,Clipboard.jpg)

File: dd34b7c041eee39⋯.jpg (82.21 KB,1200x660,20:11,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459501 (301237ZAUG23) Notable: anon practice bun / are Deep State using street markers to code for round-up? Q drop related.

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and Updates (finished cleanouts )

the road construction is the key to the Map in my opinion

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b01e28 No.85187

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459547 (301246ZAUG23) Notable: Gabon coup live

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Gabon coup live: President under house arrest as soldiers annul election

30 Aug 2023


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b01e28 No.85188

File: 3993a0874e87774⋯.png (21.84 KB,333x439,333:439,Clipboard.png)

File: ed2e231de5d4678⋯.png (782.49 KB,783x749,783:749,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459562 (301250ZAUG23) Notable: Gabon coup live

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>Gabon coup live

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b01e28 No.85189

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459612 (301303ZAUG23) Notable: LIVE - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

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LIVE - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 08/30/2023



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b01e28 No.85190

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459651 (301311ZAUG23) Notable: NASCAR Bans White Applicants From ‘Diversity Internship’

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‘Blatantly Illegal:’ NASCAR Bans White Applicants From ‘Diversity Internship’


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b01e28 No.85191

File: da3c16d725502a9⋯.png (514.83 KB,1080x1268,270:317,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459665 (301315ZAUG23) Notable: How convenient that every ’cause’ listed is on the Left wing agenda

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Quick read article and well worth it.

How convenient that every ’cause’ listed is on the Left wing agenda. No mention of Black crime which far outstrips some of the “causes” cited. Half of “gun violence” stats are due to suicide.

Without guns people bent on suicide would find other means. Drugs pouring over open borders which have caused huge numbers of fatalities (largely from fentanyl) also not mentioned.

Clearly the people behind this “study” are political operatives. Not what they are passing themselves off to be.


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b01e28 No.85192

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459673 (301318ZAUG23) Notable: ICYMI: The Gadsden Flag Kid Just Secured Total Victory

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The Gadsden Flag Kid Just Secured Total Victory

In a very surprising turn of events, the members of the school board called an emergency meeting and affirmed their respect for the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. In doing so, they also decided that the Gadsden patch is a valuable part of American history and that Jaiden may keep it on his backpack if he so chooses.


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b01e28 No.85193

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459690 (301322ZAUG23) Notable: Voters choose MAGA: Spend on US border, not Ukraine

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Voters choose MAGA: Spend on US border, not Ukraine

In the latest Rasmussen Reports survey shared with Secrets, likely voters also said the border disaster created by President Joe Biden’s pro-illegal immigrant policies is a “crisis” by nearly 3-to-1.


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b01e28 No.85194

File: 438e34ce2ec48b5⋯.png (1.02 MB,1116x755,1116:755,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459692 (301323ZAUG23) Notable: It’s become a stink at the U.S. Open: a pungent marijuana smell

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court 17, eh.

NEW YORK (AP) — It’s become a stink at the U.S. Open: a pungent marijuana smell that wafted over an outer court, clouded the concentration of one of the world’s top players and left the impression there’s no place left to escape the unofficial scent of the city.

While the exact source of the smell remained a mystery Tuesday, one thing was clear: Court 17, where eighth-seeded Maria Sakkari complained about an overwhelming whiff of pot during her first-round loss, has become notorious among players in recent years for its distinctive, unmistakable odor.

“Court 17 definitely smells like Snoop Dogg’s living room,” said Alexander Zverev, the tournament's 12th-seeded man who won his opening match on the court Tuesday. “Oh my God, it’s everywhere. The whole court smells like weed.”Stung by stories in the wake of Sakkari’s match Monday that made it appear the U.S. Open's stands are the sporting equivalent of a Phish concert, the United States Tennis Association conducted its own investigation, of sorts, to weed out the source of the smell. Spokesman Chris Widmaier said the USTA questioned officials and reviewed video of the midday match and found “no evidence” anyone was smoking pot in the stands of Court 17, leading to speculation it may have come from Corona Park just outside the gates of the intimate stadium court.


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b01e28 No.85195

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459712 (301329ZAUG23) Notable: U.S. job growth slowed sharply to 177,000 in August, below expectations

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U.S. job growth slowed sharply to 177,000 in August, below expectations, ADP says

The firm reported Wednesday that private employers added 177,000 jobs in August, well below the revised total of 371,000 added in July. Economists surveyed by Dow Jones were expecting 200,000 jobs added in August.

ADP also reported that pay growth slowed for workers who changed jobs and those who stayed in their current positions.


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b01e28 No.85196

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459727 (301333ZAUG23) Notable: Federal revenue falls $416 billion from this time last year despite passage of IRA

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Federal revenue falls $416 billion from this time last year despite passage of IRA

Federal revenue dropped $416 billion compared to this time last year, according to recently released U.S. Treasury Department data, despite the Democrats’ passage of their $780 billion Inflation Reduction Act last year.


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b01e28 No.85197

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459758 (301344ZAUG23) Notable: TUCKER INTERVIEW WITH VIKTOR ORBAN OF HUNGRY

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Tucker Carlson Interviews Hungary's Viktor Orbán

169,291 views 30 Aug 2023


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b01e28 No.85198

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459765 (301346ZAUG23) Notable: ICYMI: The Gadsden Flag Kid Just Secured Total Victory

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Colorado middle-schooler kicked out of class for ‘Don’t tread on me’ patch that teacher claims originated with slavery

The child also had multiple patches of semi-automatic guns on his backpack.

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b01e28 No.85199

File: 9c290de2ebbbdf3⋯.png (302.51 KB,825x541,825:541,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459781 (301351ZAUG23) Notable: Hurricane Idalia made landfall Wednesday morning in the Florida Big Bend as a Category 3 hurricane with 125 mph sustained winds

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Hurricane Idalia makes landfall in Florida Big Bend with warnings of ‘catastrophic damage’

BY SARAH FORTINSKY - 08/30/23 8:02 AM ET

Hurricane Idalia made landfall Wednesday morning in the Florida Big Bend as a Category 3 hurricane with 125 mph sustained winds, the National Hurricane Center said while warning of the possibility of “catastrophic damage.”

“Extremely dangerous Category 3 Hurricane #Idalia makes landfall in the Florida Big Bend. Maximum sustained winds were estimated to be 125 mph. Catastrophic storm surge and damaging winds ongoing,” the center wrote in an update at 7:45 a.m. ET.

The storm briefly became a Category 4 storm early Wednesday morning, reaching maximum sustained winds of 130 mph by 5 a.m. ET. The hurricane center’s 7 a.m. update, however, showed a slight dip to 125 mph sustained winds, bringing Idalia down to a Category 3 storm. A subsequent 8 a.m. ET update brought the maximum sustained winds down slightly to 120 mph, still a Category 3 storm.

The National Hurricane Center, however, stressed that the storm’s downgrade did not change the “catastrophic” threat posed by Idalia.

“This change in wind speed does not diminish the threat of catastrophic storm surge and damaging winds,” its 7 a.m. update read, with forecasters warning of a “catastrophic storm surge” and “destructive winds occurring in the Florida Big Bend region.”

The 8 a.m. ET update showed Idalia about 10 miles south-southeast of Perry, Florida.

Storm surges remained a serious threat as the high tide threatened to inundate coastal areas. Many residents on the coast of Florida had been ordered or advised to evacuate ahead of the storm.

“Water levels along the coast of the Florida Big Bend continue to rise rapidly,” the hurricane center warned.

“The combination of storm surge and tide will cause normally dry areas near the coast to be flooded by rising waters moving inland from the shoreline,” it added, saying water levels reaching 16 feet above ground were possible from the Wakulla/Jefferson County line to Yankeetown.

The center said the storm is expected to weaken now that it’s made landfall, but it still is likely to be a hurricane as it heads across Florida and southern Georgia later Wednesday.

Idalia is forecast to be a tropical storm when it nears the coasts of northeastern South Carolina and North Carolina on Wednesday night and Thursday, the latest update read.

Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina have all issued states of emergency, allowing officials to provide aid more effectively without going through bureaucratic processes.

Updated at 9:03 a.m. ET

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b01e28 No.85200

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459793 (301355ZAUG23) Notable: anon practice bun

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Notables So Far

#23899 >>85171

>>85172 Doctor Warns that 75% of People with Vax-Induced Myocarditis Will Be Dead in 10 Years

>>85173 Maryland School District Prepares for Alien Invasion

>>85175 @JamesOKeefeIII If you’re a veteran and you’ve been asked to wear a mask inside the VA please send us your video of your interaction.

>>85177, >>85183 Did Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) Cause the Maui Fires?

>>85178 CDC Advisers Set to Vote on Updated COVID Vaccines Next Month

>>85180 Brazilian VIP jet squawking 7700

>>85182, >>85181 3 killed in Osprey Crash Aussie land

>>85187, >>85174, >>85188 Gabon coup live

>>85189 LIVE - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>85190 NASCAR Bans White Applicants From ‘Diversity Internship’

>>85191 How convenient that every ’cause’ listed is on the Left wing agenda

>>85192 ICYMI: The Gadsden Flag Kid Just Secured Total Victory

>>85193 Voters choose MAGA: Spend on US border, not Ukraine

>>85194 It’s become a stink at the U.S. Open: a pungent marijuana smell

>>85195 U.S. job growth slowed sharply to 177,000 in August, below expectations

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b01e28 No.85201

File: 596f161a2631583⋯.png (148.75 KB,849x497,849:497,Clipboard.png)

File: 3dac1d4136d8066⋯.png (205.46 KB,399x342,7:6,Clipboard.png)

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File: 7d1ed1860d991be⋯.png (183.27 KB,395x307,395:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459831 (301407ZAUG23) Notable: Hurricane Idalia made landfall Wednesday morning in the Florida Big Bend as a Category 3 hurricane with 125 mph sustained winds

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Hurricane Idalia crashes into Florida as a ‘catastrophic’ storm: live updates

BY THEHILL.COM - 08/30/23 9:29 AM ET

Hurricane Idalia made landfall Wednesday morning as an “extremely dangerous” Category 3 hurricane in the Big Bend region of Florida.

The storm hit land at 7:45 a.m., according to the National Hurricane Center, with maximum sustained winds of 125 mph at Keaton Beach in Taylor County. As it has moved inland, it has lost some intensity, now at Category 2 with 110 mph sustained winds.

Forecasters predict storm surge of 12-16 feet above ground level and “destructive waves” as the storm makes landfall.

The predicted path of the storm crosses into southeast Georgia quickly after landfall, then following up the southern coast of South Carolina by the early hours of Thursday.

Follow along here for updates all day.

Zeke Pierce rides his paddle board down the middle of a flooded Bayshore Blvd in downtown in Tampa, Fla. (AP Photo/Chris O'Meara)

BY THEHILL.COM - 08/30/23 9:29 AM ET

Georgia encourages residents to seek shelter

Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security urged residents to seek shelter Wednesday morning ahead of Hurricane Idalia's arrival in the state.

“Emergency shelters are open in several Georgia counties in advance of idalia. If you live in a mobile home or inadequate housing seek substantial shelter as soon as possible,” the agency tweeted.

The hurricane made landfall in Florida, and its trajectory had it heading into southeast Georgia later Wednesday.

The National Hurricane Center in its 9 a.m. Wednesday update said Florida's Big Bend region is experiencing 'catastrophic' storm surge.

NOAA radar have maximum sustained winds around 110 mph, putting Idalia at the top end of a Category 2 storm on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale.

The center reported that a weather station atop a tower near Perry, Fla., recorded a wind gust of 81 mph.

Over 200K without power

Over 200,000 Florida households were without power, as Hurricane Idalia moved inland on Wednesday morning. The Category 4 storm made landfall around 7:45 a.m. in Big Bend.

According to PowerOutage.us, almost 216,000 households in Florida were experiencing a power outage.


Third Florida hurricane in 12 months

Hurricane Idalia is the third tropical cyclone to make landfall in Florida in 12 months.

Hurricane Ian made landfall as a Category 4 storm Sept. 28 in Cayo Costa, bringing destruction to southwest Florida as it hit with maximum sustained winds of 155 mph.

Hurricane Nicole hit Florida as a late-season Category 1 storm on Nov. 10. It made landfall near Vero Beach.

'Unprecedented event'

The National Weather Service in Tallahassee has deemed Idalia “an unprecedented event” in Florida's Big Bend region because no “major hurricanes have ever moved through the Apalachee Bay.”

High water reaches down Gulf Coast to Tampa

National Hurricane Center Director Michael Brennan told CNN on Wednesday morning that impacts from Idalia were widespread on Florida's Gulf Coast, with significant winds and rising water levels in the Big Bend region.

“Significant life threatening storm surge is going to continue here for several more hours,” he said. “We're seeing elevated water levels all the way down into the Tampa Bay region, still with significant inundation there. So we're just

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b01e28 No.85202

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459833 (301407ZAUG23) Notable: Hurricane Idalia made landfall Wednesday morning in the Florida Big Bend as a Category 3 hurricane with 125 mph sustained winds

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starting to see the impacts ramp up now as the value moves inland across North Florida, southeastern Georgia real later today and into tonight we're going to see significant impacts all the way up into the Carolinas during the day tomorrow.”

Not evacuating makes 'a hazardous situation': DeSantis

Florida residents living in vulnerable coastal areas were ordered to pack up and leave as Idalia gained strength in the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico. And those who didn’t were warned to find a safe place while the storm moves through.

Gov. Ron DeSantis commented Wednesday morning on the residents of Cedar Key who had opted to stay:

“I think that it's, it's a hazardous situation. If you end up with storm surge that even approaches that 16 feet, the chance of surviving that is not great.”

DeSantis noted the state would be launching rescue efforts once the storm passes, as needed. “… Hopefully it's not necessary, hopefully they knew what they were doing and they have a spot.”

Landfall as a Category 3 storm

“Extremely dangerous Category 3 Hurricane idalia makes landfall in the Florida Big Bend. Maximum sustained winds were estimated to be 125 mph. Catastrophic storm surge and damaging winds ongoing,” the National Hurricane Center wrote in an update at 7:45 a.m. EDT.

Landfall expected within the hour

At 7:20 a.m., the National Weather Service in Tallahassee said Idalia is "nearing landfall north of Steinhatchee, Florida” and will make landfall within the hour.

Hurricane force Wind gusts are expected to move inland and into Georgia this morning.

“Just south of the likely landfall location, gauges at Cedar Key are showing storm surge is rapidly increasing water levels, despite low tide. With high tide (~3.5ft above low tide) early this afternoon, and increasing onshore winds, expect life threatening surge to rapidly increase across the Big Bend this morning.”

DeSantis on Trump: 'Not my concern'

In an early morning press conference, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a 2024 Republican presidential candidate, was asked about former President Trump, a Florida resident who a reporter pointed out had not commented yet on Idalia.

“It's not my concern,” the governor replied. “My concern is protecting the people of Florida being ready to go and and we've done that.”

DeSantis warns Florida: 'Do not go outside'

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, in a press conference early Wednesday, urged caution as Idalia chugged toward the state: “Do not go outside in the midst of the storm.”

He noted that calm conditions could mean the eye of Idalia was passing over, “and those conditions will change very, very quickly. So wherever you are, hunker down and don't take anything for granted here, this is a very, very powerful storm.”


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b01e28 No.85203

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459849 (301410ZAUG23) Notable: General Michael Flynn | PBD Podcast | Ep. 300

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General Michael Flynn | PBD Podcast | Ep. 300

Today General Michael Flynn joins the PBD Podcast. Michael Thomas Flynn is a retired United States Army lieutenant general who was the 24th U.S. National Security Advisor for the first 22 days of the Trump administration.


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b01e28 No.85204

File: 03d5e9856cc70e0⋯.jpg (52.34 KB,733x404,733:404,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459861 (301415ZAUG23) Notable: Oversight Committee Seeks Flight Logs For Every Time Hunter Biden Used Air Force Two To Further The Family Business

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Oversight Committee Seeks Flight Logs For Every Time Hunter Biden Used Air Force Two To Further The Family Business


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b01e28 No.85205

File: dec82b031321689⋯.png (362.73 KB,1672x519,1672:519,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459872 (301417ZAUG23) Notable: PF US 737 in Dallas joining the 7700 club

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US 737 in Dallas joining the 7700 club


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b01e28 No.85206

File: 13b4bd54d69b121⋯.png (377.9 KB,2550x3300,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: 542c8566a20ad62⋯.png (227.21 KB,2550x3300,17:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459874 (301418ZAUG23) Notable: Oversight Committee Seeks Flight Logs For Every Time Hunter Biden Used Air Force Two To Further The Family Business

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Recent reporting indicates that, as VP, Joe Biden abused Air Force Two by allowing his son Hunter to tag along to AT LEAST 15 COUNTRIES to sell “The Brand” to enrich the Biden family. Hunter would regularly schedule business meetings while traveling abroad with the VP according to emails from his laptop.

Given this development and testimony from Devon Archer that then-VP Biden met with at least one of Hunter Biden’s associates in Beijing while visiting on official business,




are calling on the National Archives to provide documents, communications, and manifests related to then-VP Biden’s misuse of Air Force Two and Marine Two.


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b01e28 No.85207

File: eaa4f45363c3f0d⋯.png (941.2 KB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459904 (301424ZAUG23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Full Moons of August

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Aug 30, 2023

Full Moons of August

Near perigee, the closest point in its almost moonthly orbit, a Full Moon rose as the Sun set on August 1. Its brighter than average lunar disk was captured in this dramatic moonrise sequence over dense cloud banks along the eastern horizon from Ragusa, Sicily. Illuminating night skies around planet Earth it was the second supermoon of 2023. Yet again near perigee, the third supermoon of 2023 will also shine on an August night. Rising as the Sun sets tonight this second Full Moon in August will be known to some as a Blue Moon, even though scattered sunlight gives the lunar disk a reddened hue. Defined as the second full moon in a calendar month, blue moons occur only once every 2 or 3 years. That's because lunar phases take 29.5 days, almost a calendar month, to go through a complete cycle. Tonight an August Blue Moon will find itself beside bright planet Saturn.


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b01e28 No.85208

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459913 (301426ZAUG23) Notable: Massachusetts website, HD.4420 is "An act modernizing firearms laws."

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for all of you following the civil war in Boston's progressive dictatorship:

the Mayor is said to have gone on another vacation and to not have informed the head of the city council that he's in charge while she is gone. and she supposedly didn't say when she's returning.

"Boston Mayor Wu leaves town without telling council president he’s in charge, source says "


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b01e28 No.85209

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459948 (301434ZAUG23) Notable: Did Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) Cause the Maui Fires?

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The behavior of the Hahaina fire is just bizarre.

This was uploaded by a guy who has a house in the center of the destruction, and was allowed to go back in finally, and he filmed the bizarre behavior. I mean a plastic cover on a plastic security button thingy, burnt to a crisp, lying on the ground, nothing else touched. Cars with pools of melted aluminum sitting next to cars untouched. Fucking demonic shit man.


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b01e28 No.85210

File: d4848434fb66a46⋯.png (178.32 KB,829x811,829:811,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459957 (301438ZAUG23) Notable: Massachusetts website, HD.4420 is "An act modernizing firearms laws."

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I knew after the Fallse Flag shooting at the parade last weekend they were going to push for more gun control. Look at this Mass law they want to vote on with their crooked machines.

From one end of Massachusetts to the other, particularly in the more rural areas, there is a smattering of lawn signs calling for the defeat of Massachusetts HD.4420.

What is HD.4420, and what drives some people to organize in opposition to it?

According to the 193rd General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts website, HD.4420 is "An act modernizing firearms laws." The proposed legislation from Rep. Michael S. Day (D-Stoneham) was assigned to the House Judiciary Committee for discussion this fall.

A Senate version of the legislation is before the Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security.

Guns America Digest calls HD.4420 a "draconian gun bill" that "plans to reshape the Commonwealth's gun laws."

Gun Owners of America calls HD.4420, "The worst anti-Second Amendment omnibus bill in the whole nation." The group says, "Their bill, HD.4420, would ban more firearms than any other state in the entire country."

Massachusetts House Speaker Ronald Mariano had hoped to advance the legislation before the legislature's summer recess. In a statement obtained by State House News Service, Mariano told lawmakers, "While the House's commitment to pursuing a comprehensive update remains steadfast, a new legal landscape will be the greatest threat to those efforts."

Mariano further stated, "That is why the House believes that we must thoroughly evaluate all of the proposals made in [the legislation] over the summer and that House members must have the chance to continue to speak with their constituents and provide feedback."

Massachusetts is LAST in gun violence per 100,000 people


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b01e28 No.85211

File: b0957de869ade8f⋯.png (630.41 KB,450x676,225:338,Clipboard.png)

File: ff630d80a4314a1⋯.png (786.2 KB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459971 (301442ZAUG23) Notable: What Comes After Amen…

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What Comes After Amen…

August 29, 2023 | Sundance

A few days ago, I wrote an allegory, “Rise Up Old Mules“, with the full intention of reviewing comments and following up the next day to see if people still held the knowledge of coded writing.

An allegory is a literary work that makes extensive use of symbolism in order to communicate a broader moral or meaning.Nearly every aspect of an allegory—from characters, to objects, to dialogue, to settings, to major plot events—can typically be interpreted as having a secondary, symbolic meaning that fits into the allegory’s broader meaning.

In the writing of our forefathers, and even many writings long before and a few still today, allegories were/are used to convey messages publicly that are interpreted with a silent understanding. They were/are essentially coded messages from rebels, insurgent dissidents, in various societies who were working within the boundaries of government review.

You may have vague reference points from similar formats of communication that took place in various prisoner of war camps. How do POWs communicate when their captors are constantly monitoring their activity? The never spoken language of POW’s in a prison camp has a similar allegorical communication style.

The best allegories communicate from a factual reference point about subject matter, but thenweave the current context or power conflictwithin it so as not to attract the understanding of censors, monitors or those in power who seek to stop any form of communication that is against the interests of the oppressive regime.

It is a communication style lost over time as successive generations no longer taught or had need for the skillset to understand the implied message. However, in this modern era where six corporations control all media; where there is direct collaboration between the government censors and social media platforms over content; where arbiters of acceptable speech under the auspices of “disinformation review panels” are now deployed using both human review and automated intelligence; it is worthwhile revisiting the old ways to understand a method of discussing rebellion in public.

There is one big benefit to the deployment of AI search spiders crawling all over the internet to analyze and identify subversive speech.AI cannot detect allegorical writing patterns, it never will. Current AI sweeps, crawls and searches are based on human inputs to create the pattern context the AI is launched to discover.

Y’all know, I test weird stuff in the tech communication space just to probe how effective the new mechanics are, andcreate strategies around their constructs. Allegorical writing was designed to communicate subversive information in the sunlight of public presentation.

Historically, human censors could not see the implied meaningin allegorical communication, and the content itself – if correctly structured – carries an inherent deniability.

From my review, about half (+/-) CTH readers understood the implied meaning, about half did not. Approximately 10% were absolutely clueless, and a few even found the inverse meaning within the story. Approximately half of the CTH audience picking up the implications within an allegory is much better than I expected, much better. This is an interesting outcome, although given the high intelligence and specific demographics of the CTH family it makes sense.

My point is this: teach your friends and family, especially the younger family members, how to understand coded public messaging and what context frames the cornerstone of how it is delivered.

The old ways are going to be important if a few strategically placed voices are going to be forced to mount a successful counterinsurgency against an entire UniParty system, that aligns with an oppressive regime.

Mules = soldiers.

Exceptional Mules = special forces.

Collars = rifles.

The silent wise men at auction = leadership (think founding fathers).

The fields = the battles.

The farmers = YOU!

[Perhaps Re-Read Old Mules With New Eyes}


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b01e28 No.85212

File: b79b21a089d14c7⋯.jpg (328.63 KB,1079x1527,1079:1527,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459987 (301447ZAUG23) Notable: 2017 Biohackers Encoded Malware in a Strand of DNA

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Biohackers Encoded Malware in a Strand of DNA

Researchers planted a working hacker exploit in a physical strand of DNA.

WHEN BIOLOGISTS SYNTHESIZE DNA, they take pains not to create or spread a dangerous stretch of genetic code that could be used to create a toxin or, worse, an infectious disease. But one group of biohackers has demonstrated how DNA can carry a less expected threat—one designed to infect not humans nor animals but computers.

In new research they plan to present at the USENIX Security conference on Thursday, a group of researchers from the University of Washington has shown for the first time that it’s possible to encode malicious software into physical strands of DNA, so that when a gene sequencer analyzes it the resulting data becomes a program that corrupts gene-sequencing software and takes control of the underlying computer. While that attack is far from practical for any real spy or criminal, it's one the researchers argue could become more likely over time, as DNA sequencing becomes more commonplace, powerful, and performed by third-party services on sensitive computer systems. And, perhaps more to the point for the cybersecurity community, it also represents an impressive, sci-fi feat of sheer hacker ingenuity.

“We know that if an adversary has control over the data a computer is processing, it can potentially take over that computer,” says Tadayoshi Kohno, the University of Washington computer science professor who led the project, comparing the technique to traditional hacker attacks that package malicious code in web pages or an email attachment. “That means when you’re looking at the security of computational biology systems, you’re not only thinking about the network connectivity and the USB drive and the user at the keyboard but also the information stored in the DNA they’re sequencing. It’s about considering a different class of threat.”

A Sci-Fi Hack

For now, that threat remains more of a plot point in a Michael Crichton novel than one that should concern computational biologists. But as genetic sequencing is increasingly handled by centralized services—often run by university labs that own the expensive gene sequencing equipment—that DNA-borne malware trick becomes ever so slightly more realistic. Especially given that the DNA samples come from outside sources, which may be difficult to properly vet.

If hackers did pull off the trick, the researchers say they could potentially gain access to valuable intellectual property, or possibly taint genetic analysis like criminal DNA testing. Companies could even potentially place malicious code in the DNA of genetically modified products, as a way to protect trade secrets, the researchers suggest. "There are a lot of interesting—or threatening may be a better word—applications of this coming in the future," says Peter Ney, a researcher on the project.

Regardless of any practical reason for the research, however, the notion of building a computer attack—known as an "exploit"—with nothing but the information stored in a strand of DNA represented an epic hacker challenge for the University of Washington team. The researchers started by writing a well-known exploit called a "buffer overflow," designed to fill the space in a computer's memory meant for a certain piece of data and then spill out into another part of the memory to plant its own malicious commands.

But encoding that attack in actual DNA proved harder than they first imagined. DNA sequencers work by mixing DNA with chemicals that bind differently to DNA's basic units of code—the chemical bases A, T, G, and C—and each emit a different color of light, captured in a photo of the DNA molecules. To speed up the processing, the images of millions of bases are split up into thousands of chunks and analyzed in parallel. So all the data that comprised their attack had to fit into just a few hundred of those bases, to increase the likelihood it would remain intact throughout the sequencer's parallel processing

Moar: https://www.wired.com/story/malware-dna-hack/

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b01e28 No.85213

File: fd87d1027e204d3⋯.png (24.28 KB,592x243,592:243,Clipboard.png)

File: 1115eb813592e49⋯.png (795.22 KB,1066x875,1066:875,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19459999 (301449ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump “1 big thing: Trump wins”

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“1 big thing: Trump wins”


EST 10:41


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b01e28 No.85214

File: f274f44c685b41b⋯.mp4 (7.02 MB,320x458,160:229,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460001 (301449ZAUG23) Notable: Civil Rights Lawyer dropping some TRUTHS!!!

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Civil Rights Lawyer dropping some TRUTHS!!!

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b01e28 No.85215

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460005 (301449ZAUG23) Notable: Civil Rights Lawyer dropping some TRUTHS!!!

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b01e28 No.85216

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460017 (301452ZAUG23) Notable: If you own stock in Digital World Acquisition Corp. (DWAC), please ensure you vote IMMEDIATELY on DWAC’s proposal to extend its deadline to complete a merger with Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG)

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Filed by Digital World Acquisition Corp.

Pursuant to Rule 425 under the Securities Act of 1933

and deemed filed pursuant to Rule 14a-12

under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Subject Company: Digital World Acquisition Corp.

Commission File No.: 001-40779

Date: August 24, 2023

Subject line: Urgent update for DWAC stockholders

Dear Friend,

If you own stock in Digital World Acquisition Corp. (DWAC), please ensure you vote IMMEDIATELY on DWAC’s proposal to extend its deadline to complete a merger with Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG), which operates the Truth Social platform. DWAC stockholders who have questions about the vote can call Alliance Advisors at 877-728-4996.

DWAC stockholders have until Tuesday, September 5, at 10:00 a.m. ET to cast their vote. Extending DWAC’s deadline is a crucial step towards completing a merger with TMTG—and preventing DWAC’s dissolution. If you are a DWAC stockholder who believes in Truth Social’s mission to reopen the Internet and give people their voices back, we strongly urge you to vote TODAY.


The Truth Social Team


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b01e28 No.85217

File: 2a0addc429c8744⋯.png (1.05 MB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460022 (301452ZAUG23) Notable: Hackers shut down 2 of the world's most advanced telescopes

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Hackers shut down 2 of the world's most advanced telescopes

Aug 29, 2023

Some of the world's leading astronomical observatories have reported cyberattacks that have resulted in temporary shutdowns.

The National Science Foundation's National Optical-Infrared Astronomy Research Laboratory, or NOIRLab, reported that a cybersecurity incident that occurred on Aug. 1 has prompted the lab to temporarily halt operations at its Gemini North Telescope in Hawaii and Gemini South Telescope in Chile. Other, smaller telescopes on Cerro Tololo in Chile were also affected.

"Our staff are working with cybersecurity experts to get all the impacted telescopes and our website back online as soon as possible and are encouraged by the progress made thus far," NOIRLab wrote in a statement on its website on Aug. 24.

It's unclear exactly what the nature of the cyberattacks were or from where they originated. NOIRLab points out that because the investigation is still ongoing, the organization will be cautious about what information it shares about the intrusions.

"We plan to provide the community with more information when we are able to, in alignment with our commitment to transparency as well as our dedication to the security of our infrastructure," the update added.

The cyberattacks on NOIRLab's facilities occurred just days before the United States National Counterintelligence and Security Center (NCSC) issued a bulletin advising American space companies and research organizations about the threat of cyberattacks and espionage.

Foreign spies and hackers "recognize the importance of the commercial space industry to the U.S. economy and national security, including the growing dependence of critical infrastructure on space-based assets," the bulletin stated. "They see US space-related innovation and assets as potential threats as well as valuable opportunities to acquire vital technologies and expertise."

This isn't the first time that astronomical observatories have been the target of cyberattacks. In Oct. 2022, hackers disrupted operations at the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) in Chile, and NASA has been the victim of cyberattacks for years. In 2021, the agency was affected by the worldwide SolarWinds breach that NASA leadership called a "big wakeup call" for cybersecurity.


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b01e28 No.85218

File: 0731dde7bd04a4c⋯.png (213.23 KB,597x497,597:497,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460023 (301453ZAUG23) Notable: Tucker Carlson says he has no respect for politicians in Washington, says they are all “stupid” and uses Dr. Fauci as proof.

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Collin Rugg


Tucker Carlson says he has no respect for politicians in Washington, says they are all “stupid” and uses Dr. Fauci as proof.

Millions of Americans agree 🔥

“We always talk about Washington… We don't think they're smart. Both of us think they're stupid, and we don't think that because we saw it on the internet.”

“We think that because we live next to them for 35 years, I have no respect for them at all. Nothing. They have done works.”

“Like I literally wouldn't hire Anthony Fauci to do anything other than apply for government grants. That's the only thing he's good at.”

“I would not hire him to run a business. I would not hire him to cure my cold. I wouldn't have him give my wife a pedicure. He's not qualified. Like these people are not impressive. That's the actual truth.”


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b01e28 No.85219

File: b5f6307c11f187e⋯.png (254.55 KB,531x603,59:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460028 (301454ZAUG23) Notable: Ever wonder where USS Constitution's 1906 Guns are today?

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Ever wonder where USS Constitution's 1906 Guns are today?

For more information check out this article from USS Constitution Museum's website: https://ussconstitutionmuseum.org/2016/03/17/1906-guns/


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b01e28 No.85220

File: 8b0308cdf0935b2⋯.png (536.7 KB,536x700,134:175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460047 (301458ZAUG23) Notable: End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000027

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End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000027

The Internet just changed forever, but most people living in the United States don’t even realize what just happened. A draconian new law known as the “Digital Services Act” went into effect in the European Union on Friday, and it establishes an extremely strict regime of Internet censorship that is far more authoritarian than anything we have ever seen before. From this point forward, hordes of European bureaucrats will be the arbiters of what is acceptable to say on the Internet. If they discover something that you have said on a large online platform that they do not like, they can force that platform to take it down, because someone in Europe might see it.



Most public schools teach almost nothing of importance, and nothing is more important than the study of good and evil. In the United States today, nearly all schools, from elementary through graduate, concentrate on teaching about racism, sexism, preferred pronouns, homophobia, transphobia, LGBTQIA+, climate change, diversity, equity, inclusiveness and white guilt. In other words, most of our educational institutions, including the most prestigious, do not educate.


Dozens of Freight Trains, Including At Least 15 Carrying Hazardous Materials, Have Derailed Since East Palestine


MY COMMENT: The economic sabotage of the United States has kicked into HIGH GEAR! These maniac WEF/Davos/Bilderberg scum want their "Great Reset" to "Build Back Better" and these ideological terrorists are willing to destroy everything to do just that!!!

Eco-terrorism: 450 'Wildfires' [ARSON ATTACKS!] Scorch Louisiana Leaving Untold Dead


MY COMMENT: Cut back trees near your home if you live near wooded areas. Create a large buffer zone around your home so you can not be easily burned out. Have preps stocked in advance to fight fires.



Shocking footage out of Maui shows a police vehicle presumably on its way to block residents of Lahaina, Hawaii, from escaping as deadly wildfires raged.

Britain's Climate Change Committee (CCC) has urged millions of Britons to not heat their homes in the evening to help the government hit its net zero target. No, they aren't urging elites to ditch their private jets for commercial, or not to burn 1,000 of fuel taking the yacht out for a jaunt. Chris Stark, head of the CCC, wants ordinary citizens to turn off their electric heaters (heat pumps) at night as part of a wider drive to deliver "emissions savings," which includes a shift away from gas boilers - which Chris, a hypocrite, still has.


Military Seizes Power In OPEC Nation Gabon As Wave Of Coups Sweep Africa


Hungary's Orbán Warns Tucker Carlson Another World War Is Knocking On The Door


MY COMMENT: This is all staged by governments to cull the unwanted citizenry! DO NOT FIGHT THEIR WARS!

Did This 1980s Movie Script Writer Know Humanity's End Game 40 Years Ago?


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b01e28 No.85221

File: 9da6d545d8af392⋯.jpg (324.52 KB,880x613,880:613,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460051 (301458ZAUG23) Notable: anon practice bun

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practice bun.

>>85172 Myocarditis victims have shorter lifespans.

>>85173 is alien abduction cover for stealing children, as in the old days "the faeries"

>>85176 Face masks cause cognitive damage from lack of Oxygen/ CO2 poisoning - breathing back your own stale air.

>>85179 Man arrested in Lahaina for going back to visit his destroyed home.

>>85184 Trump Meme Video "f around and find out"

>>85185 Australia killing public via alleged "healthcare"

>>85186 are Deep State using street markers to code for round-up? Q drop related.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85222

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460092 (301506ZAUG23) Notable: #23899

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#23899 >>85171

>>85172 Doctor Warns that 75% of People with Vax-Induced Myocarditis Will Be Dead in 10 Years

>>85173 Maryland School District Prepares for Alien Invasion

>>85175 @JamesOKeefeIII If you’re a veteran and you’ve been asked to wear a mask inside the VA please send us your video of your interaction.

>>85177, >>85183, >>85209 Did Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) Cause the Maui Fires?

>>85178 CDC Advisers Set to Vote on Updated COVID Vaccines Next Month

>>85180 Brazilian VIP jet squawking 7700

>>85182, >>85181 3 killed in Osprey Crash Aussie land

>>85187, >>85174, >>85188 Gabon coup live

>>85189 LIVE - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>85190 NASCAR Bans White Applicants From ‘Diversity Internship’

>>85191 How convenient that every ’cause’ listed is on the Left wing agenda

>>85192, >>85198 ICYMI: The Gadsden Flag Kid Just Secured Total Victory

>>85193 Voters choose MAGA: Spend on US border, not Ukraine

>>85194 It’s become a stink at the U.S. Open: a pungent marijuana smell

>>85195 U.S. job growth slowed sharply to 177,000 in August, below expectations

>>85196 Federal revenue falls $416 billion from this time last year despite passage of IRA


>>85199, >>85201, >>85202 Hurricane Idalia made landfall Wednesday morning in the Florida Big Bend as a Category 3 hurricane with 125 mph sustained winds

>>85203 General Michael Flynn | PBD Podcast | Ep. 300

>>85204, >>85206 Oversight Committee Seeks Flight Logs For Every Time Hunter Biden Used Air Force Two To Further The Family Business

>>85205 PF US 737 in Dallas joining the 7700 club

>>85207 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Full Moons of August

>>85210, >>85208 Massachusetts website, HD.4420 is "An act modernizing firearms laws."

>>85211 What Comes After Amen…

>>85212 2017 Biohackers Encoded Malware in a Strand of DNA

>>85213 @realDonaldTrump “1 big thing: Trump wins”

>>85214, >>85215 Civil Rights Lawyer dropping some TRUTHS!!!

>>85216 If you own stock in Digital World Acquisition Corp. (DWAC), please ensure you vote IMMEDIATELY on DWAC’s proposal to extend its deadline to complete a merger with Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG)

>>85217 Hackers shut down 2 of the world's most advanced telescopes

>>85218 Tucker Carlson says he has no respect for politicians in Washington, says they are all “stupid” and uses Dr. Fauci as proof.

>>85219 Ever wonder where USS Constitution's 1906 Guns are today?

>>85220 End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000027

>>85221 anon practice bun


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b01e28 No.85223

File: 7cb4c5b2feb65f5⋯.png (1.72 MB,1200x819,400:273,Clipboard.png)

File: 3f552435400562a⋯.png (626.25 KB,1080x662,540:331,Clipboard.png)

File: 5c526144051d69b⋯.jpg (61.84 KB,660x768,55:64,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460106 (301509ZAUG23) Notable: #23900-B

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Baker can continue or defer

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b01e28 No.85224

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460122 (301510ZAUG23) Notable: Trump Truth Storm With Articles, post em anons

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Donald J. Trump






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b01e28 No.85225

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460125 (301511ZAUG23) Notable: Trump Truth Storm With Articles, post em anons

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Donald J. Trump





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b01e28 No.85226

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460127 (301511ZAUG23) Notable: Trump Truth Storm With Articles, post em anons

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Donald J. Trump






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b01e28 No.85227

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460128 (301511ZAUG23) Notable: Trump Truth Storm With Articles, post em anons

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Donald J. Trump






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b01e28 No.85228

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460131 (301512ZAUG23) Notable: Trump Truth Storm With Articles, post em anons

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Donald J. Trump






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b01e28 No.85229

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460140 (301512ZAUG23) Notable: Trump Truth Storm With Articles, post em anons

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Donald J. Trump






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b01e28 No.85230

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460145 (301513ZAUG23) Notable: Trump Truth Storm With Articles, post em anons

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Donald J. Trump






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b01e28 No.85231

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460148 (301513ZAUG23) Notable: Trump Truth Storm With Articles, post em anons

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Donald J. Trump






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b01e28 No.85232

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460149 (301514ZAUG23) Notable: Trump Truth Storm With Articles, post em anons

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Donald J. Trump






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b01e28 No.85233

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460152 (301514ZAUG23) Notable: Trump Truth Storm With Articles, post em anons

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump






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b01e28 No.85234

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460155 (301514ZAUG23) Notable: Trump Truth Storm With Articles, post em anons

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Donald J. Trump






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b01e28 No.85235

File: 70b1a6acf0ea3ed⋯.mp4 (13.8 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)


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>sauce that statement


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b01e28 No.85236

File: ae6d69454930675⋯.png (609.98 KB,878x1169,878:1169,Clipboard.png)

File: faba3a498885e6e⋯.png (663.78 KB,888x1155,296:385,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460192 (301520ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump 2021 Kemp letter ACKNOWLEDGING the existence of election inconsistencies in Georgia.

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Donald J. Trump

Aug 30, 2023, 11:16 AM


Aug 30, 2023, 11:16 AM


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b01e28 No.85237

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460200 (301521ZAUG23) Notable: EU approves updated COVID vaccine r/t: (lb)

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>>85178 (lb) CDC Advisers Set to Vote on Updated COVID Vaccines Next Month

EU approves updated COVID vaccine


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b01e28 No.85238

File: 3db853140da569f⋯.png (254.86 KB,692x976,173:244,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460203 (301521ZAUG23) Notable: ICYMI: Trump on Jack Smith’s Superseding Indictment: ‘This Is Harassment’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

July 27, 2023

Exclusive Video — Trump on Jack Smith’s Superseding Indictment: ‘This Is Harassment’

BEDMINSTER, New Jersey — Former President Donald Trump told Breitbart News exclusively here on Thursday night that Special Counsel Jack Smith’s latest action, a superseding indictment bringing more charges against him, is “harassment.”

Trump, who made the comments during a nearly hourlong exclusive on-camera interview at his golf club here, is now facing additional charges from Democrat President Joe Biden’s Justice Department. In addition, a third defendant, Carlos De Oliveira—Mar-a-Lago’s head of maintenance—now also faces charges, joining Trump and Trump valet Walt Nauta. Trump said the Presidential Records Act should protect him, and bashed the DOJ for coming after him but ignoring Biden. Trump argued the way Biden handled documents was reckless.

“I just heard it as I’m sitting down. This is harassment. This is election interference,” Trump said when asked to respond to the superseding indictment and additional charges. “I’m protected by the Presidential Records Act totally. It shouldn’t even be a case. It’s not a criminal case. Where’s Biden with all the documents? He’s got 20 times, 30 times the documents I have, and he has not made it easy for them either. He has been hiding boxes. They’re sending boxes to Chinatown. Boxes are being sent to Chinatown, and yet China is paying them millions of dollars. You explain that one. You don’t even hear about it. All you hear about is Trump. No, this is a two-tier system of injustice. That’s what we have. We have a sick country. Our country is very sick right now. We have a failing nation and it’s a very sad thing to watch.”

Trump’s interview with Breitbart News, which was long-scheduled, came moments after the Special Counsel’s office unveiled the superseding indictment, which added additional charges against Trump and Nauta and introduced De Oliveira as a defendant. The central new allegation is that the Special Counsel claims Trump and the others sought to delete Mar-a-Lago security footage in the summer of 2022. ...


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b01e28 No.85239

File: 909a363ce8f7d6a⋯.png (33.13 KB,807x245,807:245,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460210 (301522ZAUG23) Notable: ICYMI: Trump on Jack Smith’s Superseding Indictment: ‘This Is Harassment’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


>Exclusive Video — Trump on Jack Smith’s Superseding Indictment: ‘This Is Harassment’

Aug 30, 2023, 11:16 AM


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b01e28 No.85240

File: 40eede794014137⋯.png (367.75 KB,858x1198,429:599,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460213 (301524ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump National Polls

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Donald J. Trump

Aug 30, 2023, 11:16 AM


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b01e28 No.85241

File: 5ad777c13ec156a⋯.png (309.73 KB,628x538,314:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460218 (301524ZAUG23) Notable: Sick Judge delays sentencing Proud Boy until September 5th.

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Sick Judge delays sentencing Proud Boy until September 5th.

Maybe they need time to find out what Greg Kelly is talking about before they go any further with this?


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b01e28 No.85242

File: 46f44e0c23dbb3c⋯.png (263.39 KB,535x923,535:923,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460222 (301525ZAUG23) Notable: ICYMI: Ted Cruz: Trump Indictment Is Election Tampering for 2024

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Thursday, 27 July 2023 08:59 AM EDT

Ted Cruz: Trump Indictment Is Election Tampering for 2024

Democrats "hate democracy" and are "deathly afraid" that voters will elect former President Donald Trump to return to the White House, so they are pushing for him to be indicted on various charges to keep that from happening, Sen. Ted Cruz tells Newsmax.

"They are trying to use the machinery of law enforcement to prosecute him," the Texas Republican said on Newsmax's "Eric Bolling The Balance" on Wednesday night. "I think these indictments are a disgrace."

Trump last week said he got a letter from special counsel Jack Smith to inform him that he is the target of the federal investigation into the Jan. 6, 2021 events at the Capitol.

The letter comes after Trump was charged and pleaded not guilty in June to a 37-count federal indictment in connection with his handling of presidential documents. ...


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b01e28 No.85243

File: c5b6236744d497a⋯.png (2.35 MB,1282x1265,1282:1265,Clipboard.png)

File: 25c4866105bc6cc⋯.png (1.07 MB,1862x1189,1862:1189,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460224 (301526ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump House Speaker Nancy Pelosi impeached President Donald Trump in January for her own negligence.

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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi impeached President Donald Trump in January for her own negligence.

NWO code in plain sight.



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b01e28 No.85244

File: 2453659b9b9f5a5⋯.png (268.7 KB,815x575,163:115,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460229 (301526ZAUG23) Notable: ICYMI: Ted Cruz: Trump Indictment Is Election Tampering for 2024

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


>Ted Cruz: Trump Indictment Is Election Tampering for 2024

Aug 30, 2023, 11:16 AM


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b01e28 No.85245

File: c35fcd94e06025a⋯.png (270.94 KB,894x1018,447:509,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460234 (301527ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump GOP post debate polls

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Donald J. Trump

Aug 30, 2023, 11:17 AM


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b01e28 No.85246

File: da44bb8210a2f42⋯.png (835.04 KB,1000x500,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460237 (301528ZAUG23) Notable: Zelensky tells Lindsay Graham Ukraine will hold elections if US, Europe foot the bill

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Zelensky tells Lindsay Graham Ukraine will hold elections if US, Europe foot the bill

• by: Jessica Barshis

• 08/28/2023

Ukrainian President Zelensky is causing waves in the West again after the revelation that the US and EU would have to fund any potential Ukrainian election next year. Zelensky sat down for an interview with journalist Natalia Moseychuk on Sunday to discuss his reasoning and logistics.

Because of the ongoing war with Russia, Ukraine is currently under martial law due to the war. Under Ukranian law, elections cannot be held during that time. Zelensky said that it would be possible to hold an election so long as the ability to vote in elections needs to be ensured for all citizens, including those residing on European soil to evade the conflict as well as military personnel.

Zelensky stated, “We need every vote. We won't be able to say for ourselves that this was a very democratic election. We need a legitimate choice. We need this choice to be made by society. So that it does not divide our people. We need the military to be able to vote. They are defending this democracy today, and not giving them this opportunity because of the war is unfair. I was against the elections only because of this issue.”

Because of these circumstances, a huge portion of Ukrainian voting would need to take place abroad, mostly in Europe. With that, comes a substantial cost that Zelensky claims cannot come from credit or from the country’s other budgets being used for the war.

Zelensky reported that he had discussions about this with Republican Senator Lindsay Graham. “I told him: if the United States and Europe give us financial support... if the parliamentarians realize that we need to do this, then let's quickly change the legislation and, most importantly, let's take risks together.”

The Ukrainian President then speaks on the importance of maintaining election integrity during this process, explaining that ample staff would need to be deployed to these out-of-country polling locations.

He said, “Observers should be in the trenches. I told [Graham]: observers must be sent to the frontline so that the elections are legitimate for us and for the whole world. And this is absolutely fair.”

Zelensky had made statements earlier this year that no Ukranian elections would be held until the war with Russia is over. He also said that the war will not end until Russia relinquishes Crimea, which they gained during a 2014 invasion.

In May, he told The Washington Post, “If we have martial law, we cannot have elections. The constitution prohibits any elections during martial law. If there is no martial law, then there will be. Well, the law says that according to the constitution of Ukraine, after martial law ends, I think, in 90 days, elections are held. It’s something like that. I don’t remember actually."

He is referencing the martial law renewal cycle which happens every 90 days. The current invocation will expire on November 15, but will likely stay in place for the duration of the war. He walked back his claim that no elections can be held under martial law on Sunday, insinuating he would consider it only with the help and money of allied countries and with the guarantee that every Ukrainian citizen would have the ability to vote.

"We need help from Europe here, because Ukrainians today are mostly in the European Union. Polling stations must be opened there so that people can come. 7 million people have to vote. We do not have such infrastructural capacities - we need to provide appropriate opportunities there.” Zelensky continued, “How will the military be able to vote? Show me the infrastructure. No one has shown it yet. How will people abroad be able to vote? No one has shown me. There is a way out. I am ready for it. I am talking about this publicly now, I told him. I have no secrets," he said.

The interview was published by the Ukrainian President’s office.


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b01e28 No.85247

File: 581bd60f59a7fae⋯.png (329.21 KB,524x872,131:218,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460243 (301529ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump GOP post debate polls

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Aug. 24, 2023 10:30 am

WAYNE ROOT:The Biggest Winners of GOP Debate Night: Trump, Trump, Trump and Trump. Assist to Vivek. And the Biggest Loser: The Out of Touch GOP

We learned several things from the GOP debate last night.

Donald J. Trump was the biggest winner- by a mile.

First, he won by not showing up and having to lower himself to fight the entire gang of also-rans who want his old job. Big win for just making that brilliant decision.

Second, by not participating, Trump won by taking all the attention away from the competition. Most of America’s conservative voters didn’t show up. They instead watched “Trump on Twitter”- thereby depriving anyone on that stage of making up ground on Trump’s 40-point-plus lead.

Third, I predicted only days ago that “Trump on Twitter” would destroy the GOP debate ratings. Trump did not disappoint. Well over 170 million watched Tucker interview Trump on Twitter. More people watched Trump than voted in the 2020 election! Amazing.

Fourth, Trump won the biggest prize of all – he got revenge on Fox News. Trump on Twitter defeated the most powerful cable TV news network in America. Or at least it used to be. Now it’s a shell of its former pro-Trump, pro-Tucker self.

Trump and Tucker together have destroyed Fox News. Stick a fork in Fox. The arrogant EU-raised Murdoch sons have no clue what real American conservatives think. This story will be studied in Business School for decades to come: How two spoiled brats ran daddy’s dynasty into the ground in record time with “Trump Derangement Syndrome.” ...


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b01e28 No.85248

File: 71f24ee19ed3e01⋯.png (243.27 KB,825x563,825:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460251 (301530ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump GOP post debate polls

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


>The Biggest Winners of GOP Debate Night: Trump, Trump, Trump and Trump. Assist to Vivek. And the Biggest Loser: The Out of Touch GOP

Aug 30, 2023, 11:27 AM


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b01e28 No.85249

File: 619d27830d22a78⋯.png (376.21 KB,919x953,919:953,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460258 (301532ZAUG23) Notable: ICYMI: RASHEED WALTERS: The Case For Donald Trump

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May 31, 2023

RASHEED WALTERS: The Case For Donald Trump

For many in the Republican Party, Ronald Reagan, the 40th President of the United States, is not only revered as a great leader but also as the party’s godfather. Unfortunately, Millennials, Gen Z, and Gen X were either not old enough or born to truly appreciate the magnitude of Reagan.

After Reagan’s presidency, the only other Republican presidents were the father-and-son neoconservative duo of George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush. As a result of the warmongering policies of both Bush administrations, the United States became embroiled in a never-ending war in the Middle East, one in which it had no business participating, and the Republican Party lost a large number of potential voters, especially among young people. This was due in large part to the failed policies of both Bush administrations, and the Republican Party’s transition from the party of the common man and woman to the party of the globalists, neocons, and elite.

The uniparty of America-last Democrats and Republicans dominated our politics, and the groans, moans, and pain of the American people continued to fall on the uniparty’s deaf ears. Until 2015, when billionaire businessman Donald Trump descended down a golden escalator and announced his intention to run for president of the United States. ...


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b01e28 No.85250

File: 96ff801ddc755f3⋯.png (243.61 KB,833x513,833:513,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460267 (301533ZAUG23) Notable: ICYMI: RASHEED WALTERS: The Case For Donald Trump

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Donald J. Trump


>RASHEED WALTERS: The Case For Donald Trump

Aug 30, 2023, 11:23 AM


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b01e28 No.85251

File: febd8e7ab9a44d2⋯.png (461.61 KB,862x977,862:977,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460280 (301535ZAUG23) Notable: ICYMI: Ron DeSantis and His PAC Appear to Have Purchased An Iowa Endorsement, But Will Bribery Be Enough To Resurrect His Campaign?

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JUL 24, 2023

Ron DeSantis and His PAC Appear to Have Purchased An Iowa Endorsement, But Will Bribery Be Enough To Resurrect His Campaign?

Did Ron DeSantis bribe an anti-Trump, Iowa conservative figure for his support in the 2024 GOP primary?

Despite trailing in every poll reported by Five Thirty Eight, failing Presidential candidate Ron DeSantis appears to not be giving up on trying to win Iowa. He recently received the endorsement of Bob Vander Plaats, President and CEO of The Family Leader, a socially conservative organization in Iowa. Vander Plaats has a history of working against Donald Trump, having endorsed Ted Cruz for President in 2015. In 2020, Vander Plaats, who has unsuccessfully run for Governor of Iowa three times (2002, 2006, 2010) invited Democrat candidates to speak in front of his organization, but not Donald Trump. ...


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b01e28 No.85252

File: c5d86010bf64f2e⋯.png (294.75 KB,841x582,841:582,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460285 (301536ZAUG23) Notable: ICYMI: Ron DeSantis and His PAC Appear to Have Purchased An Iowa Endorsement, But Will Bribery Be Enough To Resurrect His Campaign?

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Donald J. Trump


>Ron DeSantis and His PAC Appear to Have Purchased An Iowa Endorsement, But Will Bribery Be Enough To Resurrect His Campaign?

Aug 30, 2023, 11:30 AM


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b01e28 No.85253

File: c1f5dfbbf6c4160⋯.png (546.26 KB,898x954,449:477,Clipboard.png)

File: 604854adcef9a66⋯.png (357.6 KB,672x828,56:69,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460290 (301537ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Bob had to change course?

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Donald J. Trump

Bob had to change course?

Aug 30, 2023, 11:30 AM


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b01e28 No.85254

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460293 (301538ZAUG23) Notable: Australia's first female PM can't say what a woman is

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Australia's first female PM can't say what a woman is

by: Katie Daviscourt 08/27/2023

Australia's first female PM can't say what a woman is

The first female Prime Minister of Australia, Julia Gillard, was unable to define the term "woman" after being asked to do so during a women's advancement event at the Governor's House in Adelaide on Friday.

Biddy O'Loughlin, a musician and member of Women's Rights Network Australia, asked Gillard, "What is a woman? And do you agree with Queensland's Attorney General Minister for Women, Shannon Fentimen, that trans women are women? And with the UK's leader of the Labour Party, Kier Starmer, that some women have a penis?"

Instead of providing the factual definition that a woman is a biological female, Gillard claimed that as long as an individual identifies as a woman through their "mind and soul" telling them that they are, than community members need to treat their decision with "love, inclusion, and respect."

"I think we've just got to move away from all of that and just come at least once again from first principles and say to ourselves, 'We as a community, full of people with diverse stories and diverse life experiences, amongst that rich diversity...There are a number of people who genuinely believe that they are trapped in the wrong body, and they want to be recognized as the gender that their mind and soul has always told them that they are," Gillard said during the event.

"And that doesn't go one way. It goes both ways... People who have transitioned from being men to being women and women who have transitioned to being men. And I think we've just got to say like we want to show everybody else in the community love inclusion and respect, we should do that," she concluded.

The inability to define the term "woman" has become a worldwide phenomenon, as progressive left-leaning politicians and lawmakers choose to replace science with virtue signals to appeal to the far-left activist class. In the United States, one of the most notable incidents of the inability to provide the standard definition of the term woman came when Senator Marsha Blackburn asked then-nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson to define the word during Joe Biden's Supreme Court confirmation hearings.

Australian leaders are getting worse and worse with every cycleIt's become the penal colony it started out as.


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b01e28 No.85255

File: eee087a72aac418⋯.png (384.32 KB,657x960,219:320,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460302 (301539ZAUG23) Notable: Nancy Pelosi Owns January 6

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DECEMBER 16, 2021

Nancy Pelosi Owns January 6

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi impeached President Donald Trump in January for her own negligence. As demonstrators flocked to the nation’s capital for a day of protest — some peaceful, some not — the ignored possibility of unrest chalked up to an intelligence failure was even predicted by the Capitol Hill parking attendants.

“Due to the possibility of large scale public protests, access to the Capitol plaza will be restricted,” read an email from the House Parking Team on the eve of the riot. “For the safety and security of personnel on the House campus, we ask that staff strongly consider parking in the Cannon and Longworth House Underground Garages.”

But Pelosi and her team in charge of Capitol security had no idea to prepare for the possibility of turmoil? Worse, reporting shows the speaker’s office deliberately left the Capitol vulnerable.

Four days after the riot, former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund, who resigned his post in the aftermath, told The Washington Post his request for pre-emptive reinforcement from the National Guard ahead of Jan. 6 was turned down. Sund said House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving, overseen by Pelosi, thought the guard’s deployment was bad “optics” two days before the raid. Pelosi and House Democrats had previously condemned the presence of federal troops in the nation’s capital to quell the violent mobs overrunning the city in the name of social justice. ...


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b01e28 No.85256

File: 4f5f0532911f0fa⋯.png (204.03 KB,833x462,119:66,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460305 (301540ZAUG23) Notable: Nancy Pelosi Owns January 6

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Donald J. Trump


>Nancy Pelosi Owns January 6

Aug 30, 2023, 11:21 AM


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b01e28 No.85257

File: e797d857b413a3c⋯.png (389.67 KB,796x814,398:407,Clipboard.png)

File: 6b8d1d4ba0b152f⋯.png (315.39 KB,665x765,133:153,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460316 (301541ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump GOP post debate polls

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Donald J. Trump

Aug 30, 2023, 11:39 AM


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b01e28 No.85258

File: a20a413007ef067⋯.png (192.51 KB,634x829,634:829,Clipboard.png)

File: 93c055e49e350b0⋯.png (167.11 KB,552x829,552:829,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460327 (301542ZAUG23) Notable: Q star, stars r/t: lb, lb, lb

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Donald J. Trump

Kirk was a real Movie “Star.” Not many left today. They are mostly woke and weak!

Aug 30, 2023, 11:37 AM


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b01e28 No.85259

File: f6693520e8fca55⋯.png (322.97 KB,800x1040,10:13,Clipboard.png)

File: d42e09fe1931226⋯.png (218.21 KB,589x836,31:44,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460331 (301544ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump National Polls

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Donald J. Trump

Aug 30, 2023, 11:20 AM


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b01e28 No.85260

File: 7910828633199fe⋯.png (1.03 MB,1170x1727,1170:1727,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460334 (301544ZAUG23) Notable: PF GTMO844 returning to Florida

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GTMO844 returning to Florida


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b01e28 No.85261

File: 0f66b106171c3ee⋯.png (531.61 KB,698x790,349:395,Clipboard.png)

File: 8b38f9990c5bef6⋯.png (413.26 KB,609x770,87:110,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460341 (301545ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Moar indictments, Moar votes per focus groups

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Donald J. Trump

Aug 30, 2023, 11:19 AM


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b01e28 No.85262

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460342 (301545ZAUG23) Notable: Kiev turns down peace advice from NATO country leader-Orban

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30 Aug, 2023 14:34

Kiev turns down peace advice from NATO country leader

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has urged the US to drop its “bad policy” of military confrontation with Russia and seek peace

The Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has lashed out at Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, after he reiterated his stance that there can be no military victory for Ukraine and that the US needs to stop arming Kiev and seek peace with Russia instead.

Officials in Kiev “have been worried that Viktor Orban had not urged stopping weapon supplies to Ukraine and legitimizing the Russian aggression for some time,” Oleg Nikolayenko said somewhat sarcastically in a Facebook post on Wednesday, reacting to the Hungarian leader’s remarks.

“Ukraine does not sell out its territories or its sovereignty. And neither will the world,” the Ukrainian diplomat added.

Orban has long maintained that the West was making a mistake by pursuing military confrontation with Russia in Ukraine. He reiterated this assessment during an interview with US journalist Tucker Carlson, which he published on Wednesday on X (formerly Twitter).

Carlson asked Orban about his opinion of the Ukraine conflict and whether NATO had provoked it, which is the perception of the former Fox News star host. The Hungarian leader suggested that Ukraine could have been brought into NATO in 2008, when the possibility was raised by the US against Russian objections.

“Russia was not strong enough to stop it, so there was a real chance at the time to integrate the Ukrainians into NATO. But it was rejected” by European allies, he said.Now Russia is stronger, so “the window of opportunity is not open anymore.” The US-led bloc “cannot afford” having Ukraine as a member bordering a hostile Russia, Orban argued.

“We should make a deal with the Russians on a new security architecture to provide security, sovereignty to Ukraine, but not membership in NATO,” he urged.

The Ukraine policy promoted by NATO is aligned with the US approach, which seeks to “crush” Russia with Ukrainian hands, Orban explained, adding that this “bad strategy” has not worked and should be dropped in favor of peace talks, which, he pointed out, is what Budapest has been advocating since the start of the conflict.

Kiev is losing its troops, including ethnic Hungarians, and will run out of manpower long before Moscow does, the prime minister estimated. But if any Western nation were to put boots on the ground in Ukraine, it would be a direct Western war with Russia resulting in a world war, he warned

(I can't wait for the day that all Ukraine's so called allies, drop Zelensky and Ukraine like the plaque, and they never help them again.)


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b01e28 No.85263

File: 115d2685730c5b0⋯.png (835.79 KB,500x759,500:759,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460346 (301546ZAUG23) Notable: Q star, stars r/t: lb, lb, lb

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i am Spartacus

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b01e28 No.85264

File: a890df8f38dbd2f⋯.png (526.28 KB,792x982,396:491,Clipboard.png)

File: 95a241391f1a4e2⋯.png (363.58 KB,610x800,61:80,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460348 (301546ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump follow @JeffClarkUS and @russvought

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Donald J. Trump

Aug 30, 2023, 11:19 AM


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b01e28 No.85265

File: 71033db971ed696⋯.png (296.88 KB,926x3216,463:1608,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460366 (301548ZAUG23) Notable: Q star, stars r/t: lb, lb, lb

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Yeah that's totally code

Time stamp

Too many "Star" drops to search because it pulls up so many other words with star in it.

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b01e28 No.85266

File: e7a5c89596a45e8⋯.png (361.78 KB,594x1322,297:661,Clipboard.png)

File: a2575c2ed68db04⋯.png (189.3 KB,482x882,241:441,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460367 (301548ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump GOP post debate polls

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Donald J. Trump

Aug 30, 2023, 11:19 AM


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b01e28 No.85267

File: e0ad18c5f248322⋯.png (24.61 KB,280x157,280:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460394 (301552ZAUG23) Notable: Russian warplanes sink Ukrainian speedboats in Black Sea, near Snake Island, which was heavily contested early in the conflict

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30 Aug, 2023 11:15

Russian warplanes sink Ukrainian speedboats in Black Sea – Moscow

The attacks took place near Snake Island, which was heavily contested early in the conflict

Russian warplanes destroyed two Ukrainian military speedboats and their crews in the northern part of the Black Sea in separate strikes on Wednesday, the Defense Ministry has said.

First, the ministry reported that a Russian Su-30 fighter jet had sunk a speedboat to the east of Snake Island, near the Ukrainian port of Odessa and Romanian territorial waters.

A few hours later, it issued another short statement, announcing the elimination of a second Ukrainian motorboat by a Su-24 bomber west of the same island.

Overnight, Moscow also reported sinking “four military speedboats carrying a landing force of Ukrainian special operatives, numbering up to 50 men” at an undisclosed location in the Black Sea.

Last week, the Defense Ministry published footage of what it said was a Russian fighter jet destroying a US-made speedboat carrying a Ukrainian amphibious team near Snake Island.

Russian forces captured the small island of just 0.17 sq km in the initial days of the conflict with Ukraine.

t the time, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky claimed that border guards defending the territory had died as heroes while facing overwhelming Russian forces. However, it later emerged that they had opted to surrender.

Snake Island was heavily contested during the early months of fighting between Russia and Ukraine, changing hands on at least two occasions.

Moscow announced a troop withdrawal from the island in June 2022, describing it as a goodwill gesture in response to claims that it was preventing grain from being shipped out of Ukraine.

Despite attaching symbolic significance to the location, Ukraine has not been able to re-establish a military presence on Snake Island due to Russian warships and planes operating in the area.

(Someday Russia is going to tire of the terrorism and do something more drastic. Ukraine lost the war, so they revert back to constant terrorism.)


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b01e28 No.85268

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460416 (301558ZAUG23) Notable: Wildfires break out near major Russian resort city, the popular Black Sea resort.

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30 Aug, 2023 13:36

Wildfires break out near major Russian resort city (VIDEO)

The mayor of Gelendzhik says more than 400 people are involved in attempts to put out fires that have spread to over 100 hectares

Authorities in the city of Gelendzhik in Russia’s Krasnodar Region have introduced the highest level of fire-hazard warning and are asking locals to help battle raging wildfires that have broken outnear the popular Black Sea resort.

The fire initially started on Tuesday near the district of Kupriyanov Schel and covered an area of about 1.5 hectares. Despite firefighters being deployed and a Mi-8 helicopter dropping 5 tons of water on the blaze throughout the night, it continued to spread.

The local administration has issued a message on its official Telegram channel asking all Gelendzhik residents who have experience fighting forest fires, and have equipment such as knapsacks and extinguishers, to help battle the flames.

On Wednesday morning, Gelendzhik mayor Aleksey Bogodistov reported on Telegram that the wildfires had spread to 118 hectares and that over 80 vehicles and 441 people, including a number of local volunteers, were attempting to extinguish them. He also stated that two BE-200 amphibious aircraft and two MI-8 helicopters were operating at the scene.

“Today, more than 120 tons of water have already been dropped by helicopters on the fires. Extinguishing continues in difficult conditions with strong winds with gusts of up to 30 meters per second and difficult terrain,” the regional department of the Emergencies Ministry reported.

It was noted that efforts to extinguish the fires are being complicated by hot, dry weather and the fact that the flames are spreading up a steep mountain slope.

However, officials claim that there is currently no threat to any settlements or economic facilities.

Avialesookhrana, a state company responsible for monitoring wildfires in Russia, has suggested that the initial cause of the fire was human negligence and a violation of forest fire safety rules.The Emergencies Ministry press service also supported the theory that a human factor had played a role in the outbreak of the fire.

“There was no threat, no abnormal heat. We have declared high fire hazard classes – the fourth and fifth, and introduced a special fire regime, we have dry hot weather, of course, a human factor is assumed,” an agency spokesperson said.

The regional Ministry of Natural Resources has said it is too early to assess the environmental damage from the fires, but noted that its employees will start work at the scene as soon as the flames are put out.

The head of Russia’s Federal Forestry Service has stated that emergency workers expect to localize and eliminate the fires by Wednesday evening.


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b01e28 No.85269

File: 5d5b7bb2cba021f⋯.png (262.29 KB,1920x668,480:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460418 (301559ZAUG23) Notable: PF A pair of German TRIGGERS

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A pair of German TRIGGERS



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b01e28 No.85270

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460435 (301604ZAUG23) Notable: Passing the Baton 2017

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Note: Gen Flynn also mentioned the term presidential findings, will update this with further notes. He also mentions the meeting on the 5th Jan 2017 between obama, biden, clapper, brennan and others.


America's National Security Transition: Passing the Baton



1,879 views 10 Jan 2017

At Passing the Baton 2017, outgoing National Security Advisor Susan Rice delivered remarks and shook hands with her successor designate, Lt. General Michael Flynn.

As the United States prepares to inaugurate its 45th president, the U.S. Institute of Peace again held its Passing the Baton conference—a review, during the transition between administrations, of global challenges confronting our nation. USIP convened Cabinet-level and other senior foreign policy and national security figures from the outgoing and incoming administrations as part of two days of meetings January 9 and 10. They were joined by top officials from previous administrations, thought leaders and other foreign policy experts.

Watch other discussions from Passing the Baton 2017:

• Passing the Baton 2017

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b01e28 No.85271

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460438 (301605ZAUG23) Notable: psychological warfare no pause, no play

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psychological warfare no pause, no play

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b01e28 No.85272

File: 581ee88eb90d3d5⋯.png (124.68 KB,627x321,209:107,Clipboard.png)


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>>85235 NOTABLE AF

Glen Beck: You said in 2016 you know, ugh "lock her up" and then when you became president you said we don't do that in America, that's just not the right thing to do" ..that's what they're doing do you ever regret not locking her up and if you're President again will you lock people up?


Read it / Listen to it again: THE ANSWER IS YOU HAVE NO CHOICE

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b01e28 No.85273

File: fe164ce48656fc8⋯.png (644.48 KB,878x1169,878:1169,Clipboard.png)

File: 5f6fb182c5db468⋯.png (708.49 KB,888x1155,296:385,Clipboard.png)

File: 8b562de168d680f⋯.png (204.91 KB,770x2000,77:200,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460459 (301612ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump 2021 Kemp letter ACKNOWLEDGING the existence of election inconsistencies in Georgia.

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Kemp letter ACKNOWLEDGING the existence of electioninconsistenciesin Georgia.



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b01e28 No.85274

File: 2a8569183e71fec⋯.mp4 (1.02 MB,360x270,4:3,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 011147742405c7b⋯.mp4 (8.65 MB,338x238,169:119,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460464 (301613ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump 2021 Kemp letter ACKNOWLEDGING the existence of election inconsistencies in Georgia.

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The "risk limiting audit" was not conducted statewide as some Democrats screetch.

It was done in a selected area and still turned up duplicate ballot images.

Had the RLA been done wider, the larger issue of scanned ballots being done twice, caught on camera, could have changed the outcome of the election.

In Fulton County it was caught on camera TWICE, both at State Farm Arena.

And the infamous ballots suitcases video.

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b01e28 No.85275

File: b63a0b7535dea69⋯.png (488.75 KB,894x1115,894:1115,Clipboard.png)

File: e2a865433e40713⋯.png (254.29 KB,595x806,595:806,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460515 (301628ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump GA polls

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Donald J. Trump

Aug 30, 2023, 11:18 AM


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b01e28 No.85276

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460525 (301630ZAUG23) Notable: Buckwheat up

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12:45 PM EDT

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room, The White House




White House Daily Briefing

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre briefs reporters and responds to questions on the Biden administration’s policy agenda.


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b01e28 No.85277

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460530 (301631ZAUG23) Notable: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Gives Midday 12:30 PM EDT Update on Hurricane Idalia

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Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Gives Midday 12:30 PM EDT

Update on Hurricane Idalia

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis provides an update on Hurricane Idalia.


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b01e28 No.85278

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460532 (301632ZAUG23) Notable: US prepares drone swarm ‘hellscape’ for China

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30 Aug, 2023 04:52

US prepares drone swarm ‘hellscape’ for China

The Pentagon hopes to field thousands of UAVs in several domains over the next two years

The US military has launched a program to develop “drone swarm” technology, the Pentagon’s number-two official has said, suggesting the new systems are intended for a future conflict with China.

Speaking at a National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) conference in Washington, DC on Monday, Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks outlined the weapons program, dubbed “Replicator,” which aims to deploy thousands of UAVs simultaneously on the land, sea and air.

The official said that while the US military still benefits from systems that are “large, exquisite, expensive and few,” it has been slower to adopt platforms which are “small, smart, cheap and many,” such as small, easily-produced drones. She argued that the Chinese military has superior “mass” over US forces – “more ships; more missiles; more people” – and stressed the need to overcome that advantage with innovative weapons systems.

”We’ll counter the [People’s Liberation Army’s] mass with mass of our own, but ours will be harder to plan for, harder to hit, and harder to beat,” Hicks said, adding that while Beijing was “relatively slow and lumbering” during the Cold War, it has since developed forces to “blunt the operational advantages we’ve enjoyed for decades.”

To reclaim those advantages, Hicks said the Replicator program would work to field “multiple thousands” of UAVs across several domains, hoping to complete the project within two years.

Though Hicks shared few other details about the initiative, Admiral John Aquilino, who leads the US Indo-Pacific Command, said the drones would be helpful in a future conflict with the People’s Republic, as they could strike a large number of targets spread over a wide area.

“Here's a metric for me: 1,000 targets for 24 hours,” Aquilino said, adding that his command has worked with DARPA to create systems that will collect and integrate targeting data for an entire theater faster than before, through a program named “Assault Breaker II.”

“The components in INDOPACOM have been experimenting now for the last five to 10 years with many of those unmanned capabilities. Those will be an asymmetric advantage. So operational concepts that we are working through are going to help amplify our advantages in this theater…there's a term, hellscape, that we use,” the admiral continued, referring to a potential war with China.

Earlier this year, the US, UK and Australian militaries held a joint “capabilities trial” to show off new AI-powered drone systems, which were deployed as a “collaborative swarm to detect and track military targets,” according to the Pentagon. While it is unclear exactly how artificial intelligence will factor into the Replicator program, the three allies have placed increasing focus on Beijing in the Indo-Pacific, vowing to develop and deploy new military capabilities in the region to counter China


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b01e28 No.85279

File: 88676b5bb2bd50d⋯.jpg (48.59 KB,640x449,640:449,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460542 (301636ZAUG23) Notable: End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000028

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End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000028

Mutually Assured Destruction Is The Only Solution to Political Lawfare


Unlike the Cold War, American leftists already launched a first strike. The first four assaults arrived in the form of criminal indictments of former President Donald Trump by the Manhattan (New York) District Attorney, United States Department of Justice, and Fulton County (Georgia) District Attorney. The lawfare battle is already underway. To counter the threat, restore balance, and achieve a semblance of rational deterrence, red state attorneys general and district attorneys must turn their metaphorical launch keys and deploy similar lawfare tactics against Democrat politicians.

Bolshevik Biden Looks To Prevent Future Presidents From Ending Ukraine War


Russia Warns “Predictions Of Apocalypse Are Getting Closer”


NATO Leader Proclaims “Trump Is The Man To Save World”


Political Prisoner Donald J. Trump Warns The World Joe Biden's Regime Will Lead America Into Another Global War


The Armed Forces of Gabon have seized power in that African country, canceled the election results, and dissolved "democratic" institutions of the government, claiming the election was fraudulent and the government totally corrupt.


The Military in Gabon declared that the current regime has been dissolved, all borders closed until further notice.

Joe Biden Was Planning Another Plandemic/Scamdemic To Lockdown America To Steal Another Election


This Is The Reason HAARP Weather Modification Has Been Used To Ruthlessly Target Florida


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b01e28 No.85280

File: 7018519f14336eb⋯.png (110.88 KB,531x439,531:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460565 (301641ZAUG23) Notable: US embassy in Haiti urges citizens to leave the country as soon as possible

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JUST IN - US embassy in Haiti urges citizens to leave the country as soon as possible


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b01e28 No.85281

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460588 (301646ZAUG23) Notable: End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000028

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Pastebin link only lasts one full year. I did archive it.

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000001-28


End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000001-28


Pastebin link only lasts one full year. I did archive it.

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b01e28 No.85282

File: b93406784ddfd28⋯.png (344.98 KB,529x513,529:513,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460600 (301650ZAUG23) Notable: @SurfaceWarriors 🔥Fire Drill aboard @USSMakinIsland👨‍🚒

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🔥Fire Drill aboard



Sailors participate in fire drills in order to demonstrate proper hose handling, personnel accountability and shipboard firefighting capability. Makin Island is homeported in San Diego.


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b01e28 No.85283

File: dfaf930d276bb23⋯.png (291.31 KB,535x525,107:105,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460631 (301656ZAUG23) Notable: US fights new Titanic recovery expedition arguing wreck is gravesite

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US fights new Titanic recovery expedition arguing wreck is gravesite | Just The News


Someone afraid of the truth?

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b01e28 No.85284

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460671 (301705ZAUG23) Notable: Nancy Pelosi Owns January 6

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Alexandra Pelosi on Being With Mother Nancy Pelosi on Jan. 6 Attack | The View

Dec 15, 2022

The journalist, filmmaker and daughter of Nancy Pelosi tells "The View" about the making of her documentary "Pelosi in the House" and shares an update on her father after he was violently attacked.


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b01e28 No.85285

File: a767a3accfd85bb⋯.png (5.18 KB,344x98,172:49,Clipboard.png)

File: 5faf8660e4e3d3c⋯.png (269.97 KB,1627x1389,1627:1389,Clipboard.png)

File: 91e4a6c4c37bc9e⋯.png (4.89 KB,322x86,161:43,Clipboard.png)

File: dd7d3524269ca0b⋯.png (170.67 KB,1653x1366,1653:1366,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460674 (301706ZAUG23) Notable: Q star, stars r/t: lb, lb, lb

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> >>85258, >>85263, >>85265 @realDonaldTrump Kirk was a real Movie “Star.” Not many left today. They are mostly woke and weak!

The anon in third link above said too many words have "star" in them.

Just tested qalerts.app search interface, and can inform:

1. Putting quotes around a word gets zero results, it appears it is also searching for the quotes.

2. Putting spaces around a word gets results, and there are only two for " star ".

3. Anon also notes that this will miss some instances of the bare word "star" if is has any punctuation before or after it. A regex search would be preferable, but doesn't seem they support it: https://qalerts.app/posts/help/

Picrels are results for " star " (spaces before and after in search string, no quotes though).

Also did " stars " which came back with only two results as well.

Hope this helps.

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b01e28 No.85286

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460682 (301707ZAUG23) Notable: A Maui Teacher Testifies at Emergency Maui County Council Meeting

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- A Maui Teacher Testifies at Emergency Maui County Council Meeting

sauce... https://www.bitchute.com/video/jT8oFD2AMFxB/

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b01e28 No.85287

File: b7799252927882a⋯.mp4 (8.03 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460715 (301713ZAUG23) Notable: Jon Voight Stand

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Jon Voight



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b01e28 No.85288

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460717 (301713ZAUG23) Notable: Jon Voight Stand

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on Voight Slams Biden Admin’s ‘Disgusting Scheme’ Against Trump: ‘This Is a Civil War’

The current administration is a “corrupt mob” perpetrating a “disgusting scheme” against former President Donald Trump, according to Academy Award-winning actor Jon Voight, who warned of a “civil war” taking place against “all of us.”

In a slightly over two-minute clip posted Tuesday, the Hollywood legend — featured against the backdrop of an American flag — began by questioning if we have become a “nation of destructive behavior.”

Warning that “this is now a war — a war against all of us,” Voight blasted the Biden administration, which he described as “a corrupt mob,” as well as the Obama administration which “fuels the cycle.”

Warning that the “corrupt behavior” against former President Donald Trump is “the most disgusting scheme to try and keep him down,” the actor described the “horror” as he highlighted how the current system “allows criminals to steal from department stores, and all they say is to watch and not do anything and this is okay; to sit and allow these monsters to destroy hard-working designers and retailers — my God.”

“My fellow Americans, this is a civil war, and this is the time that we must stand for truths,” he warned. “If we don’t see this, you, your children, grandchildren, sisters, brothers will all pay the price for this default.”

“Let us not beg, let us not steal, but allow God’s truths to be yours and mine,” he added. “Let us not hide our pride, but allow God’s greatest truths to show the way.”

WATCH — Jon Voight: Pray for Trump’s Vindication “We Will Prevail” Against “The Evil Ones”:


>Jon Voight



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b01e28 No.85289

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460747 (301718ZAUG23) Notable: Bill White: Brain Kemp's "Disgrace" To Georgia For Allowing The Political Persecution Of Trump

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Bill White: Brain Kemp's "Disgrace" To Georgia For Allowing The Political Persecution Of Trump

Talks about Trump and what has happened to GA, since former mayor, Lance Bottoms fired the cops that shot a guy that refused to stop. After that 1,000 cops quit and now the crime is out of control in ATL. He sites statistics you are more likely to get shot in ATL then in Chicago now

(btw Lance Bottom's father was a black panther too, and she is now the Communications director at the WH)


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b01e28 No.85290

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460760 (301721ZAUG23) Notable: IDALIA MEGA STORM SURGE with Hurricane hammering Cedar Key, Florida

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IDALIA MEGA STORM SURGE with Hurricane hammering Cedar Key, Florida


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b01e28 No.85291

File: f4afd61fc415634⋯.png (736.5 KB,916x635,916:635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460769 (301722ZAUG23) Notable: Judge Rules Rudy Giuliani Is Liable For Defaming Georgia Election Workers

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Judge Rules Rudy Giuliani Is Liable For Defaming Georgia Election Workers


Fucking retarded

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b01e28 No.85292

File: 04a94a4581cbfd1⋯.png (561.34 KB,608x986,304:493,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460782 (301725ZAUG23) Notable: Israeli Commander of the cyber department of the Mamram unit has been assassinated but IDF calls it an "accident".

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Iran Observer


Israeli Commander of the cyber department of the Mamram unit has been assassinated but IDF calls it an "accident".



Are you not entertained?

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b01e28 No.85293

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460797 (301727ZAUG23) Notable: Bill White: Brain Kemp's "Disgrace" To Georgia For Allowing The Political Persecution Of Trump

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He reveals that Fani Willis had to ask Gov Kemp to prosecute Trump because it was on Capitol grounds, so he gave his go ahead and do it.

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b01e28 No.85294

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460799 (301728ZAUG23) Notable: Israeli Commander of the cyber department of the Mamram unit has been assassinated but IDF calls it an "accident".

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Iran Observer


Iran busted 4 terrorist-Zion networks in 4 provinces of Iran.

14 terrorists, and the discovery and confiscation of 43 powerful ready-to-explode bombs, other destructive cells affiliated with the same terrorist organization have been identified and targeted.



and now?

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b01e28 No.85295

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460848 (301737ZAUG23) Notable: GBI Strategies Flew Election Workers To Michigan From Georgia

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The Gateway Pundit: GBI Strategies Flew Election Workers To Michigan From Georgia



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b01e28 No.85296

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460855 (301738ZAUG23) Notable: Buckwheat up

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Jean-Pierre went way out of her way to avoid answering if Biden would be staying in Washington this weekend; reporter just mentioned his schedule has him back at Rehoboth Beach.

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b01e28 No.85297

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460858 (301739ZAUG23) Notable: LIVE Tampa traffic webcams Hurricane Idalia

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LIVE Tampa traffic webcams

Hurricane Idalia


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b01e28 No.85298

File: 7eaa66781200c69⋯.png (442.76 KB,990x669,330:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460859 (301739ZAUG23) Notable: George Webb joins Peter Duke to discuss Ramaswamy's amazing investment track record and connections to Les Wexner and George Soros.

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George Webb joins Peter Duke to discuss Ramaswamy's amazing investment track record and connections to Les Wexner and George Soros.


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b01e28 No.85299

File: 7a5159b1dae6524⋯.jpg (108.83 KB,720x854,360:427,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6d811538c2f8cad⋯.mp4 (3.65 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460861 (301740ZAUG23) Notable: McConnell appeared to freeze again while taking questions from reporters in Covington, Kentucky

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Turtle Alert!!!


BREAKING: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell appeared to freeze again while taking questions from reporters in Covington, Kentucky

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b01e28 No.85300

File: 9ee54630af0ed94⋯.gif (720.7 KB,500x375,4:3,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460874 (301743ZAUG23) Notable: McConnell appeared to freeze again while taking questions from reporters in Covington, Kentucky

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b01e28 No.85301

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460880 (301745ZAUG23) Notable: IDALIA MEGA STORM SURGE with Hurricane hammering Cedar Key, Florida

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Ryan Hall, Y’all

LIVE weather coverage of Hurricane Idalia


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b01e28 No.85302

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460906 (301749ZAUG23) Notable: Levell: Fani Willis Has Created "Dark Cloud" Over Atlanta, Forever Staining Fulton County

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Bruce Levell: Fani Willis Has Created "Dark Cloud" Over Atlanta, Forever Staining Fulton County


Fani Willis grew up in CA and Washington DC. It was the lefts promise and goal to turn GA blue, so they infiltrate it with haters of a state that believes in conservatism, this is their major goal, too important to the cause of America

We used to have massive transplants, is now decreasing overall. Fortunately we have determined red counties, but ATL, has the biggest population, ATL has the majority of the poor and black and intentionally uneducated. Look up the Dekalb county school scandal. More blacks are arrested and in jail, and the black leaders don't care.

Willis gets more donations outside of the state of GA, in a major way


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b01e28 No.85303

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460908 (301750ZAUG23) Notable: Buckwheat up

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Jean-Pierre: We are hosting Governor Hochul today here at the White House to continue our close collaboration, and to underscore all the ways in which this administration has supported communities who are hosting asylum seekers, and ways we are working together to increase access to work authorization.

[in New York, work authorization will allow the illegals to vote in thirty days]

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b01e28 No.85304

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460915 (301752ZAUG23) Notable: resident delivers remarks on the whole-of-government response and recovery efforts on Maui, Hawaii and the ongoing response from the federal government to Hurricane Idalia

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1:45 PM EDT

The President delivers remarks on the whole-of-government response and recovery efforts on Maui, Hawaii and the ongoing response from the federal government to Hurricane Idalia

Roosevelt Room, The White House




President Remarks on Federal Response to Maui Wildfires and Hurricane Idalia

President Biden gives remarks on the federal response and recovery efforts following the wildfires on Maui and the ongoing response to Hurricane Idalia.


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b01e28 No.85305

File: cb87eeb9ec2fcfd⋯.png (1.65 MB,1170x1337,1170:1337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460916 (301752ZAUG23) Notable: Traumatized student who survived Parkland school massacre is now caught up in UNC mass shooting?????

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>but of course

Traumatized student who survived Parkland school massacre is now caught up in UNC mass shooting


'Forced to relive the grief of a gunman on my campus': Traumatized student who survived Parkland school massacre is now caught up in UNC mass shooting where postgrad Tailei Qi 'killed' his professor Zijie Yan

▶️ Bella Miller was a freshman at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in 2018

▶️ She studies at University North Carolina where professor was shot dead Monday

A University of North Carolina student who survived the Parkland School massacre in 2017 has told of her pain after her place of study played host to yet another shooting.

Bella Miller, a student athlete at UNC, was a freshman at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida in February 2018 when former pupil Nikolas Cruz slaughtered 17 children and teachers in one of America's deadliest high school shootings.

She went on to pursue higher education and athletics at Michigan State University as a gymnast, before announcing in 2021 that she had transferred to UNC to join their athletic roster.

But Bella is now forced to come to terms with another shooting on her school campus after fellow UNC student Tailei Qi was charged with the first degree murder of his academic advisor, Zijie Yan.

The 34-year-old grad student was studying for his PhD before the alleged murder on Monday that forced fellow UNC students to leap out of classroom windows to avoid the bullets.

'Is this really happening to me again? During my freshman year of HS, my Parkland community lost 17 angels,' Bella wrote on social media site X.

'Today, I am having to relive the grief and unease of a shooter on my campus once again. My heart goes out to my Chapel Hill family today. I know how hard these times can be.'

It is unclear whether Miller was present on campus in Parkland or UNC at the time of the shootings.

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b01e28 No.85306

File: 7af5b4b2fc76971⋯.png (674.47 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 8e847fa4139749c⋯.jpg (45.08 KB,800x346,400:173,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460966 (301800ZAUG23) Notable: Another Trump presidency will spark a constitutional and economic crisis, warns billionaire investor George Soros

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Another Trump presidency will spark a constitutional and economic crisis, warns billionaire investor George Soros

George Soros expects a economic crisis if Donald Trump regains the White House.

He told Project Syndicate the US would face both a constitutional, and economic, crisis.

Some commentators fear a recession following the Federal Reserve's rapid rate rises.



Truth is a force of nature.

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b01e28 No.85307

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460988 (301804ZAUG23) Notable: #23900-A

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#23900-A >>85223

>>85224, >>85225, >>85226, >>85227, >>85228, >>85229, >>85230, >>85231, >>85232, >>85233, >>85234 Trump Truth Storm With Articles, post em anons

>>85236, >>85273, >>85274 @realDonaldTrump 2021 Kemp letter ACKNOWLEDGING the existence of election inconsistencies in Georgia.

>>85237 EU approves updated COVID vaccine r/t: >>85178 (lb)

>>85238, >>85239 ICYMI: Trump on Jack Smith’s Superseding Indictment: ‘This Is Harassment’

>>85240 @realDonaldTrump National Polls

>>85241 Sick Judge delays sentencing Proud Boy until September 5th.

>>85242, >>85244 ICYMI: Ted Cruz: Trump Indictment Is Election Tampering for 2024

>>85243 @realDonaldTrump House Speaker Nancy Pelosi impeached President Donald Trump in January for her own negligence.

>>85245, >>85247, >>85248, >>85257, >>85266 @realDonaldTrump GOP post debate polls

>>85246 Zelensky tells Lindsay Graham Ukraine will hold elections if US, Europe foot the bill

>>85249, >>85250 ICYMI: RASHEED WALTERS: The Case For Donald Trump

>>85251, >>85252 ICYMI: Ron DeSantis and His PAC Appear to Have Purchased An Iowa Endorsement, But Will Bribery Be Enough To Resurrect His Campaign?

>>85253 @realDonaldTrump Bob had to change course?

>>85254 Australia's first female PM can't say what a woman is

>>85255, >>85256, >>85284 Nancy Pelosi Owns January 6

>>85258, >>85263, >>85265 @realDonaldTrump Kirk was a real Movie “Star.” Not many left today. They are mostly woke and weak!

>>85259 @realDonaldTrump National Polls

>>85260 PF GTMO844 returning to Florida

>>85261 @realDonaldTrump Moar indictments, Moar votes per focus groups

>>85262 Kiev turns down peace advice from NATO country leader-Orban

>>85264 @realDonaldTrump follow @JeffClarkUS and @russvought

>>85267 Russian warplanes sink Ukrainian speedboats in Black Sea, near Snake Island, which was heavily contested early in the conflict

>>85268 Wildfires break out near major Russian resort city, the popular Black Sea resort.

>>85269 PF A pair of German TRIGGERS


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b01e28 No.85308

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19460994 (301806ZAUG23) Notable: #23900

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#23900-B >>85223

>>85270 Passing the Baton 2017

>>85271 psychological warfare no pause, no play


>>85275 @realDonaldTrump GA polls

>>85276, >>85296, >>85303 Buckwheat up

>>85277 Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Gives Midday 12:30 PM EDT Update on Hurricane Idalia

>>85278 US prepares drone swarm ‘hellscape’ for China

>>85279, >>85281 End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000028

>>85280 US embassy in Haiti urges citizens to leave the country as soon as possible

>>85282 @SurfaceWarriors 🔥Fire Drill aboard @USSMakinIsland👨‍🚒

>>85283 US fights new Titanic recovery expedition arguing wreck is gravesite

>>85285 Q star, stars r/t: >>85258 lb, >>85263 lb, >>85265 lb

>>85286 A Maui Teacher Testifies at Emergency Maui County Council Meeting

>>85287, >>85288 Jon Voight Stand

>>85289, >>85293 Bill White: Brain Kemp's "Disgrace" To Georgia For Allowing The Political Persecution Of Trump

>>85290, >>85301 IDALIA MEGA STORM SURGE with Hurricane hammering Cedar Key, Florida

>>85291 Judge Rules Rudy Giuliani Is Liable For Defaming Georgia Election Workers

>>85292, >>85294 Israeli Commander of the cyber department of the Mamram unit has been assassinated but IDF calls it an "accident".

>>85295 GBI Strategies Flew Election Workers To Michigan From Georgia

>>85297 LIVE Tampa traffic webcams Hurricane Idalia

>>85298 George Webb joins Peter Duke to discuss Ramaswamy's amazing investment track record and connections to Les Wexner and George Soros.

>>85299, >>85300 McConnell appeared to freeze again while taking questions from reporters in Covington, Kentucky

>>85302 Levell: Fani Willis Has Created "Dark Cloud" Over Atlanta, Forever Staining Fulton County

>>85304 resident delivers remarks on the whole-of-government response and recovery efforts on Maui, Hawaii and the ongoing response from the federal government to Hurricane Idalia

>>85305 Traumatized student who survived Parkland school massacre is now caught up in UNC mass shooting?????

>>85306 Another Trump presidency will spark a constitutional and economic crisis, warns billionaire investor George Soros


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b01e28 No.85309

File: 5af0867007a987c⋯.jpg (205.11 KB,1587x1056,529:352,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 37a51069dd0664a⋯.png (24.6 KB,663x300,221:100,Clipboard.png)

File: 4dfa479e9fc80d8⋯.png (15.61 KB,697x300,697:300,Clipboard.png)

File: 6883b480bd31d47⋯.png (55.8 KB,934x512,467:256,Clipboard.png)

File: 526a383f05e6f84⋯.jpg (100.08 KB,650x433,650:433,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461033 (301812ZAUG23) Notable: #23901-A

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b01e28 No.85310

File: 74c9518b371d2be⋯.png (1.1 MB,768x465,256:155,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461059 (301816ZAUG23) Notable: Food Prices Set To Increase ‘Above’ Historical Average: Govt Analysis

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Food Prices Set To Increase ‘Above’ Historical Average: Govt Analysis


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b01e28 No.85311

File: 62e597b85d03dff⋯.png (985.69 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461062 (301817ZAUG23) Notable: Pentagon Officials Worked To Finalize Climate Plan During Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal

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Idiots: In the midst of the Biden administration’s disastrous military withdrawal from Afghanistan, top Pentagon officials were working to get the Secretary of Defense to sign a major climate change initiative

Pentagon Officials Worked To Finalize Climate Plan During Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal, Emails Show


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b01e28 No.85312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461065 (301817ZAUG23) Notable: Buckwheat continued

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Reporter: Eric Adams, the New York mayor, is saying about these migrants in New York City, 'any plan that does not include stopping the flow at the border is a failed plan', so why aren't you guys stopping the flow at the border?

Jean-Pierre: We are stopping the flow at the border. What [Biden] has been able to do on his own without the help of republicans in congress, something he had to do on his own, again, because republicans refuse to give the funding necessary to deal with the broken immigration system...[Biden] has put a plan that is indeed stopping, slowing down the flow of unlawful migration...without the help of republicans.

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b01e28 No.85313

File: ac63ee7dfdb257f⋯.png (639.37 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461078 (301819ZAUG23) Notable: John Birch Society: Get Them OUT! Rescuing Our Kids from Public Schools

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John Birch Society Presentation — There is only one answer to the mortal threat of government “education.” Get them out.

Get Them OUT! Rescuing Our Kids from Public Schools

Researcher, author, and teacher Alex Newman exposes how the globalists, utopians, socialist, totalitarians and the UN are using public schools to undermine freedom and Christianity.


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b01e28 No.85314

File: 8d9567f4431bb0d⋯.png (568.3 KB,768x402,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461083 (301820ZAUG23) Notable: Gas Prices Are Up 63 Cents a Gallon So Far This Year

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Gas Prices Are Up 63 Cents a Gallon So Far This Year

Gas rises 63 cents a gallon in 2023 as gloomy data casts doubt on rosy ‘Bidenomics’ tour

Is "Bidenomics" working? The White House says "yes," but fiscal experts are saying "hey, not so fast.”


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b01e28 No.85315

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461088 (301822ZAUG23) Notable: Harrison Floyd Joins WarRoom Shortly After Fani Willis' Released Him

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BREAKING: Harrison Floyd Joins WarRoom Shortly After Fani Willis' Released Him


He is limited on what he can say. He says he was targeted because he knew what happened in 2020, and they fumbled the cover up. He said his arrest was a tactic they use a lot the, "negro wake up call" if they don't stay in line and vote democrat. The super majority of blacks vote democratic, because the left carried it over when slaves were freed, and that started to vote and run a republican. Harrison at the end, he is not going to stop, he will expose what he knows and it's a lot.

Bannon asks why it took so long to get out of jail: he hesitantly says, "I'm a black man in GA", that's all I can say. In other words, they use this as a tool to keep the negros in line and on the plantation.

As we’ve seen that mugshot and it being in GA, woke up the black men, and they will not go back to sleep now, especially in GA.


Georgiajail and prison stats (these stats are specific to GA, that’s why the Hood is behind Trump)

Updated: August 21, 2023 6:55 PM UTC

Recent national declines in incarceration mask significant differences in jail and prison population and admission trends across states and regions. Use the data below to explore how incarceration varies across Georgia along key incarceration metrics.

Search for a county


Change in the total number of people behind bars since 1970.


Percent of the jail population held pretrial.


Number of times people are sent to local jails annually.

Jail and Prison Incarceration Jail and Prison Incarceration

Although the terms “jail” and “prison” are commonly used interchangeably, there are important differences. Jails are locally run facilities that primarily hold unconvicted people who have been arrested and are awaiting a resolution to their case. Many people are in jail simply because they cannot afford to pay bail, fines, or fees. Other people are in jail serving shorter sentences for misdemeanor or low-level felony convictions, or are locked up for violating probation or other forms of supervision. In some states, jails also hold people serving state prison sentences, as well as people being held for federal authorities. Prisons are state or federal institutions where people who have been convicted of crimes are sent to serve sentences of imprisonment. Since around one in three incarcerated people nationwide are held in jails, incarceration must be measured using numbers that represent people in both jails and prisons.

Racial Disparities in Incarceration

The gap between incarceration rates for Black and white people has narrowed in recent years.However, people of color―and Black people in particular―are still incarcerated at strikingly higher ratesthan white people in jails and prisons across the country. Black people are treated more harshly than white people at every stage of the criminal legal process, causing disproportionate harm to their communities. The bar graphs below show the proportion of people in prison who are from each racial group against that group’s share of the general resident population.


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b01e28 No.85316

File: 7125e9fb1c68f79⋯.png (817.46 KB,1188x719,1188:719,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461091 (301822ZAUG23) Notable: New Hampshire Republican Activist Found Stabbed to Death in His Home Mr. Talcott

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New Hampshire Republican Activist Found Stabbed to Death in His Home

“Alex was an exceptionally skilled champion for the rule of law and the importance of fair and honest elections.”

"The investigation into Mr. Talcott’s death is ongoing and includes whether the person who stabbed Mr. Talcott acted in self-defense."


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b01e28 No.85317

File: 237543e100ad9e6⋯.png (611.85 KB,768x359,768:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461092 (301822ZAUG23) Notable: Commiefornia: LA Authorities Released Robbery Suspect Just One Day Before She Allegedly Committed Another Heist

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Commiefornia: LA Authorities Released Robbery Suspect Just One Day Before She Allegedly Committed Another Heist

An LA woman who allegedly participated in a smash-and-grab robbery on Aug. 12 had just been released on cashless bail on Aug. 11, court records showed.


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b01e28 No.85318

File: a7fc5fb537b5582⋯.png (654.21 KB,640x335,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461093 (301822ZAUG23) Notable: House Republicans Launch Probe into Maui Fire

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Americans 'Deserve Answers': House Republicans Launch Probe into Maui Fire

Comer announced that his committee will be investigating the federal government's response to the wildfires in Maui that were the deadliest in the nation's history in over a century.


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b01e28 No.85319

File: 0d6e64535b674a9⋯.mp4 (5.85 MB,576x576,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461095 (301823ZAUG23) Notable: UK #IDONOTCOMPLY

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sauce... https://twitter.com/WallStreetApes/status/1695951801508601994

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b01e28 No.85320

File: f217e343e75a179⋯.png (766 KB,745x802,745:802,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461096 (301823ZAUG23) Notable: Cornel "Black Bernie" West Says the Democrat Party is Unable to Meet Needs of the Poor

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‘Beyond Redemption:’ Cornel "Black Bernie" West Says the Democrat Party is Unable to Meet Needs of the Poor


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b01e28 No.85321

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461098 (301824ZAUG23) Notable: GA House Member Mesha Mainor Calls Out Fani's Politicization Of Her Office For Personal Gain

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GA House Member Mesha Mainor Calls Out Fani's Politicization Of Her Office For Personal Gain


She switched from Democrat to Republican recently


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b01e28 No.85322

File: 90d15e92ae6e5bc⋯.png (198.75 KB,492x473,492:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461116 (301828ZAUG23) Notable: Senate Minority Leader Glitches Hard In Shocking Second Incident

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McConnell Malfunctions: Senate Minority Leader Glitches Hard In Shocking Second Incident


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b01e28 No.85323

File: a41cda0863d7f26⋯.png (245.01 KB,600x337,600:337,Clipboard.png)

File: f0c79b359617565⋯.png (317.43 KB,540x548,135:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461132 (301832ZAUG23) Notable: Democrat Megadonor Sentenced in Maui County Bribery Case

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CORRUPTION RUNS DEEP IN MAUI: Democrat Megadonor Sentenced in Maui County Bribery Case

Democrat megadonor Milton Choy of Hawaii was sentenced to three years in prison for being involved in a multi-million dollar bribery scheme that involved both state and county officials.

Honolulu District Court Judge Derrick Watson sentenced Choy, the founder of H2O Process Systems, to a 41-month sentence along with three years of supervised release.

Choy was found guilty in September after an investigation revealed he spent “more than $2 million over the course of six years bribing Stewart Stant, the former director of Maui’s Department of Environmental Management, in exchange for more than $19 million in no-bid contracts.”

Besides bribing Stant, Choy also bribed former Hawaii state lawmakers J. Kalani English and Ty Cullen who have been found guilty and sentenced to Federal prison for Honest Services Wire Fraud.


Honolulu businessman Milton Choy was sentenced to more than three years in prison for his involvement in a Maui County bribery case.

On Tuesday, Aug. 29, in Honolulu Federal Court, Choy was sentenced to 41 months in prison with three years of supervised release.

Choy is the owner and manager of H20 Process Systems, LLC and had offered bribes to Maui County officials, including Stewart Stant, an agent for Maui County’s Department of Environmental Management. The bribes had taken place between October 2012 and December 2018.

Throughout the case, Choy had been cooperative with law enforcement investigators and Michael Green, Choy’s lawyer, stated that Choy has agreed to cooperate until the very end. Both the prosecution and the judge acknowledged that because of Choy’s ongoing cooperation, they were able to bring corrupt officials to justice.

According to KHON 2, Milton and his affiliates have donated well over $300,000 in “legal” donations to various democratic officials campaigns.

Donation records recorded by Open Secrets reveal Choy donated to political PACs outside of the state of Hawaii too.

In October of 2018, Choy donated $10,000 to the Democratic Party of California.


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b01e28 No.85324

File: cb632b88bbcbc4f⋯.mp4 (2.96 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461140 (301834ZAUG23) Notable: When a class of kids rebelled against Pride Day at school

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End Wokeness


Perhaps my favorite moment of the year:

When a class of kids rebelled against Pride Day at school, refused to wear clothes with colors, and chanted “my pronouns are USA”

School officials totally freaked out

2:26 AM · Aug 30, 2023


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b01e28 No.85325

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461142 (301835ZAUG23) Notable: The Biden Regime's Gonna Shut Down Their Own Regime. Roger Ailes wife speak about FOX and what happened to the network

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Bannon: The Biden Regime's Gonna Shut Down Their Own Regime. Roger Ailes wife speak about FOX and what happened to the network



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b01e28 No.85326

File: 960dc6445e05a16⋯.png (359.07 KB,566x507,566:507,Clipboard.png)

File: 38ee67f701b1e89⋯.png (215.4 KB,521x642,521:642,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461144 (301835ZAUG23) Notable: Alabama Lawmaker Charged With Felony Voter Fraud After Allegedly Voting in District Where He Does Not Live

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Alabama Lawmaker Charged With Felony Voter Fraud After Allegedly Voting in District Where He Does Not Live

An Alabama state lawmaker was arrested on Tuesday evening on felony voter fraud charges.

Madison County Alabama jail records reveal Republican state representative David Cole of Huntsville was arrested on voter fraud charges that allege he voted in a district where he did not live.

After Rep. Cole’s arrest, Alabama’s House Speaker Nathaniel Ledbetter issued a statement saying, “In recent years, the Alabama House has prioritized legislation that promotes election integrity, and we believe that any allegation of fraud must be addressed regardless of the party, public official, or candidate involved.”

Previously, Libertarian candidate Elijah Boyd filed an election challenge in civil court against Rep. Cole that claimed Cole lives outside of Alabama’s District 10.

Per The Associated Press:

An Alabama legislator was arrested Tuesday on felony voter fraud charges accusing him of voting in a district where he did not live.

Republican Rep. David Cole of Huntsville was arrested on charges of voting in an unauthorized location, according to Madison County Jail records. The details of the charge were not immediately available in court records, but the arrest comes after accusations that Cole did not live in the district in which he was elected.

Cole, a doctor and Army veteran, was elected to the House of Representatives last year.

Voter fraud is a Class C felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison. The Alabama attorney general’s office is prosecuting the case against Cole, a spokeswoman confirmed.


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b01e28 No.85327

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461150 (301836ZAUG23) Notable: Alabama Lawmaker Charged With Felony Voter Fraud After Allegedly Voting in District Where He Does Not Live

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> Cole, a doctor and Army veteran, was elected to the House of Representatives last year.

frist take: "show me the man and I'll show you the crime."

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b01e28 No.85328

File: 4a71de1cbab3a0c⋯.png (196.43 KB,615x666,205:222,Clipboard.png)

File: 513c3efed7d4b56⋯.mp4 (1.34 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: bdfab136ba5f296⋯.mp4 (2.29 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461161 (301839ZAUG23) Notable: Senate Minority Leader Glitches Hard In Shocking Second Incident

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But WHY is he running for re-election? He needs to get the fuck out so we can begin fighting back.

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b01e28 No.85329

File: baa0d5f9aa2ae9d⋯.png (802.86 KB,1024x700,256:175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461167 (301840ZAUG23) Notable: Arizona Firm Operated by Arizona House Speaker Ben Toma’s Brother Acquires Majority Stake in Runbeck Election Services - Company Runs Early Voting in Maricopa County

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Arizona Firm Operated by Arizona House Speaker Ben Toma’s Brother Acquires Majority Stake in Runbeck Election Services – Company Runs Early Voting in Maricopa County

An Arizona investment firm closely linked to Arizona House Speaker Ben Toma has acquired a majority stake in Runbeck Election Services, the third-party company that is contracted for mail-in ballots in Maricopa County elections.

Toma has come under fire in the past when it was discovered that Runbeck President And COO Jeff Ellington chairs a company affiliated with Toma’s Family.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported on the shady connection between Runbeck and Ben Toma in the aftermath of the stolen Arizona midterm election that was riddled with corruption.

Many questions surround what really goes on at the secretive far-left private company that is running elections in Maricopa County.

Runbeck could currently be facing potential legal action from Arizona legislators over a refusal to comply with public records requests related to a legislative investigation. Kari Lake’s attorneys are also suing Runbeck for public records related to Lake’s lawsuit against the stolen election. However, State Rep. Alex Kolodin says he is “cautiously optimistic” that this will no longer be needed.

Arizona Daily Independent reports:

Lincoln Shields, a subsidiary of Black Mountain Investment Company, acquired a majority stake in Runbeck Election Services on August 18, 2023, according to their recent announcement. The transaction will provide Runbeck with a capital infusion the company says will allow it to expand its services and offerings.

Black Mountain is an Arizona based investment firm involved in a number of different sectors of the economy. Its CEO is Mihai Toma, whose family escaped the communists in Romania. Toma’s brother Ben serves as Arizona’s Speaker of the House, and has been a vocal advocate for election integrity measures, including several he introduced himself to improve both the transparency and accountability of Arizona’s elections process. Both Speaker Toma and Senate President Warren Petersen have also supported the legal challenges launched by 2022 Attorney General nominee Abe Hamadeh.

“This is obviously good news for election reformers, because you’ve got this family that knows what the radical left is all about, and they are going to be in a position to safeguard and hopefully improve an important part of the election process.” said one excited Arizona election observer. “Imagine how bad you would feel if George Soros bought the company. Now flip it 180 degrees because the opposite just happened. That’s how good you should feel.”

Arizona State Rep Alex Kolodin, who is leading the charge in obtaining elections records from Runbeck, told The Gateway Pundit, “I am cautiously optimistic about the potential for this change in ownership to translate into meaningful actions that make Runbeck’s processes more transparent and secure.”

Republican voters and politicians must leverage Toma’s involvement in the company and push him to clean Runbeck up. However, this could mean Arizona never gets rid of mail-in ballots.

Contact Arizona House Speaker Ben Toma to demand transparency and answers from Runbeck.


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b01e28 No.85330

File: 8be8bda3e53ceb6⋯.png (148.42 KB,500x448,125:112,Clipboard.png)

File: 5ab7839d18b4c3b⋯.png (162.79 KB,500x573,500:573,Clipboard.png)

File: 7339da6810856d7⋯.png (48.7 KB,843x433,843:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461176 (301842ZAUG23) Notable: Millions Of Brits Told Not To Heat Homes At Night As Part Of 'Net Zero' Climate Goals

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Millions Of Brits Told Not To Heat Homes At Night As Part Of 'Net Zero' Climate Goals

Britain's Climate Change Committee (CCC) has urged millions of Britons to not heat their homes in the evening to help the government hit its net zero target.

No, they aren't urging elites to ditch their private jets for commercial, or not to burn 1,000 of fuel taking the yacht out for a jaunt. Chris Stark, head of the CCC, wants ordinary citizens to turn off their electric heaters (heat pumps) at night as part of a wider drive to deliver "emissions savings," which includes a shift away from gas boilers - which Chris, a hypocrite, still has.

Contained in a document on "behavior change," the CCC recommended that Britons instead "pre-heat" their houses in the afternoons when electricity use is lower, and would theoretically save families money.

"There is significant potential to deliver emissions savings, just by changing the way we use our homes," reads the CCC's sixth "carbon budget" paper, which lays out how the UK should reduce its emissions between 2033-37.

"Where homes are sufficiently well insulated, it is possible to pre-heat ahead of peak times, enabling access to cheaper tariffs which reflect the reduced costs associated with running networks and producing power during off-peak times."

Critics boil

"The grid is already creaking and daft ideas like this show just how much worse it will become," Andrew Montford, the director of Net Zero Watch, told The Telegraph. "It's clear that renewables are a disaster in the making. We now need political leaders with the courage to admit it."

And according to Tory MP Craig Mackinlay, head of his party's Net Zero Scrutiny group, "It is becoming clear that adherence to judicable Carbon Budgets and edicts coming from the CCC are developing into farce."

"The Climate Change Act 2008 will require amendment to free us from madcap and impractical targets foisted upon the population by long departed politicians.

"This latest advice to freeze ourselves on cold evenings merely shows the truth that the dream of plentiful and cheap renewable energy is a sham.

"I came into politics to improve all aspects of my constituents’ lives, not make them colder and poorer," he told The Telegraph.

Lower bills?


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b01e28 No.85331

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461180 (301843ZAUG23) Notable: John Amanchukwu: The Left Conducting "Mental Rape" To Rob Children Of Their Innocence

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John Amanchukwu: The Left Conducting "Mental Rape" To Rob Children Of Their InnocenceBlack man stopped from reading pornographic books from the library in front of the school board.



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b01e28 No.85332

File: 7204c3c37f57381⋯.png (705.01 KB,500x921,500:921,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461183 (301844ZAUG23) Notable: Former NYT CEO Mark Thompson To Lead CNN

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Former NYT CEO Mark Thompson To Lead CNN

Warner Bros. Discovery has appointed Mark Thompson as the next CEO and chairman of CNN, and will take the reins just as the 2024 presidential race kicks into high gear.

On Wednesday, the company announced that Thompson, who was knighted by Jimmy Savile pal King Charles earlier this year, will replace outsted CEO Chris Licht - who oversaw the mass firings of various woke talking heads in an attempt to restore credibility to the Russiagate hoax-peddling propaganda outlet.

"There isn’t a more experienced, respected or capable executive in the news business today than Mark, and we are thrilled to have him join our team and lead CNN Worldwide into the future," said Warner CEO David Zaslav in a Wednesday press release. Thompson will report to Zaslav, while a leadership team that has been in place since Licht's departure will continue in their roles, Deadline reports.

He will face immediate pressing issues, including CNN’s latest attempt to venture into streaming with the pending debut of CNN Max. That portal, to be part of the WBD streaming service Max, will feature the CNN International live feed as well as new programming from CNN talent. The network has made several previous dives into the streaming arena, and will be trying to catch up to its rivals. MSNBC had a hub on Peacock’s premium tier, while Fox News has the subscription streaming service Fox Nation. All of the major broadcast networks also have their own ad-supported services.

At The New York Times, where served as president and CEO from 2012 to 2020, Thompson is credited with dramatically increasing digital subscriptions and more than doubling digital revenues, as the media outlet became one of the success stories of the transition from print. Among other things, the Times established digital brands like the podcast The Daily and features content like Wirecutter. -Deadline

Thompson, a 40-year news veteran, has had quite the interesting career path, hopping from the BBC to the Guardian, and then to the NY Times, where he served as its CEO from 2012 to 2020.

"I couldn’t be more excited about the chance to join CNN after years of watching it and competing against it with a mixture of admiration and envy. The world needs accurate trustworthy news now more than ever and we’ve never had more ways of meeting that need at home and abroad. Where others see disruption, I see opportunity. I can’t wait to roll up my sleeves and get down to work with my new colleagues to build a successful future for CNN," Thompson said in a statement.

We can't wait to see what he does with the Fake News Network...


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b01e28 No.85333

File: 89486dde2e938bd⋯.png (103.74 KB,600x463,600:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461185 (301844ZAUG23) Notable: Massive gaslighting! Parental Rights bills recast as “Educational Intimidation” by #UniteAgainstBookBans partner

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Dan Kleinman of SafeLibraries®


Massive gaslighting! Parental Rights bills recast as “Educational Intimidation” by #UniteAgainstBookBans partner


as it creates and repeats its #EducationalIntimidation lie so people will believe it. Media @eBARnews spreads the lie.

#parenting #moms #dads #edchat


PEN America



Aug 29

A new PEN America report documents how efforts to restrict what students learn and read—cloaked under the banner of "parental rights"—are largely aimed at putting the #LGBTQ community and other marginalized groups back into an educational closet. https://ebar.com/story.php?ch=news&sc=news&id=327902

11:50 AM · Aug 30, 2023



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b01e28 No.85334

File: b880bd0c41b460c⋯.png (123.28 KB,547x651,547:651,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461190 (301844ZAUG23) Notable: Archbishop of Berlin allows ‘blessings’ of same-sex unions, citing Pope Francis and Abp. Fernandez

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Archbishop of Berlin allows ‘blessings’ of same-sex unions, citing Pope Francis and Abp. Fernandez

In a letter addressed to priests, deacons, and all pastoral employees of his diocese, Heiner Koch said that he would tolerate the decision of pastors to bless same-sex unions and not take 'disciplinary action' against them.


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b01e28 No.85335

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461200 (301846ZAUG23) Notable: Biden Looks to Prevent Future President From Ending Ukraine War

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Biden Looks to Prevent Future President From Ending Ukraine War

The US and its allies are negotiating deals with Ukraine for long-term military support that could be hard for a future president to exit

The Biden administration is working to reach a deal with Ukraine for long-term military support to keep backing the war with Russia that would be difficult for a future president to exit, The Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday.

The effort is part of a commitment made by G7 nations at the recent NATO summit in Vilnius to negotiate their own bilateral security deals with Ukraine. Besides the G7 nations, 18 other countries have agreed to provide long-term military support for Kyiv.

The idea of the long-term commitment is to show Russia that it can’t wait out the Biden administration. The Journal report reads: “Western officials are looking for ways to lock in pledges of support and limit future governments’ abilities to backtrack, amid fears in European capitals that Donald Trump, if he recaptures the White House, would seek to scale back aid.”

Trump, who escalated US involvement in Ukraine during his term by taking the step to provide Javelin missiles, has said he would end the Ukraine war within “24 hours” if elected in 2024. The former president is the current frontrunner for the Republican nomination.

The Journal report acknowledged that the Biden administration could not legally bind a future president from exiting a deal with Ukraine, but Republican hawks in Congress could make it difficult. During his time as president, Trump withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal, but the majority of Republicans in Congress supported exiting the agreement.

A US official told the Journal that one proposal being considered for Ukraine would be a memorandum of understanding (MOU), which would not require congressional approval. President Biden has previously floated the idea of an “Israel model” for Ukraine. The US provides Israel with $3.8 billion in military aid each year under a 10-year MOU but does not provide mutual defense guarantees. The Journal report said that French officials have suggested military aid commitments for Ukraine should be over a four-year period.


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b01e28 No.85336

File: 3702989a444b7d5⋯.mp4 (9.53 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461202 (301847ZAUG23) Notable: A new study reveals an estimated 3,678 teens underwent gender-transition surgeries between 2016-2020.

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Family Research Council


"It's quite a shocking statistic." A new study reveals an estimated 3,678 teens underwent gender-transition surgeries between 2016-2020.

Dr. Quentin Van Meter gives an overview of the JAMA Network study.

12:58 PM · Aug 30, 2023


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b01e28 No.85337

File: f653671c1383826⋯.png (1.47 MB,820x897,820:897,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461213 (301848ZAUG23) Notable: BREAKING NEWS UPDATE still stuck on pause Senator Mcconnell was quoted as saying, " For the KEKS!

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still stuck on pause

Senator mcconnell was quoted as saying, " "

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b01e28 No.85338

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461227 (301850ZAUG23) Notable: resident continued

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Mr. Biden: I don't think anybody can deny the impact of a climate crisis anymore. Just look around. Historic floods, I mean historic floods, more intense droughts, extreme heat, significant wildfires have caused significant damage like we've never seen before. Not only throughout the Hawaiian Islands..but in Canada and other parts of the world. We've never seen this much fire.

[translation = we've never had to start this many fires before in order to push our agenda]

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b01e28 No.85339

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461232 (301851ZAUG23) Notable: UK Parliament Declares Taiwan an ‘Independent Country’ as Top Diplomat Travels to Communist China

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UK Parliament Declares Taiwan an ‘Independent Country’ as Top Diplomat Travels to Communist China

The House of Commons has once again upstaged the Conservative government on Communist China, declaring on Wednesday that Taiwan is indeed an “independent country” as Foreign Secretary James Cleverly landed in Beijing.

In a direct repudiation of the CCP’s so-called “One China Policy”, a report published by Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee stated that “Taiwan is already an independent country, under the name Republic of China (ROC)”.

Since the Chinese Civil War, Beijing has maintained that there can only be one sovereign nation with the name ‘China’, the communist People’s Republic of China (PRC) of the mainland. With waning support from the West, Chiang Kai-Shek’s nationalists fled from Mao Zedong’s Red Army to the island of Taiwan in 1949 where it continued its Republic of China government, a descendent of which is still in power to this day. The island has also maintained an independent military, culture, currency, and written language from the communist mainland.

Although the CCP has never ruled over Taiwan, like other territories in the region, it has attempted to justify its claims to the island on questionable history, maintaining the questionable notion that China has controlled Taiwan for two millennia. The Foreign Affairs Committee noted, however, that while historical governments such as the Manchu Empire exerted control over the island, it was still for the most part self-governing even then.

Despite this, Beijing’s ‘One China’ policy has been the international status quo since U.S. President Jimmy Carter officially recognised the PRC communist government in 1978 and broke off official relations with Taiwan. The move from the “Mother of Parliaments” in Westminster to break with the mollycoddling policy towards the CCP is therefore not insignificant.

Stating that Taiwan’s sovereignty is “only lacking greater international recognition,” the Foreign Affairs Committee said: “Taiwan possesses all the qualifications for statehood, including a permanent population, a defined territory, government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other states.”


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b01e28 No.85340

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461241 (301852ZAUG23) Notable: Peter Navarro Responds to Use of Executive Privilege in Contempt Case

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AUGUST 30, 2023

2:05 PM

Former Trump Adviser Responds to Use of Executive Privilege in Contempt Case

Peter Navarro, former adviser to President Trump and director of the White House Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, responded to a federal judge’s decision to not allow the use of executive privilege as defense in his contempt case related to the January 6 investigation. He said his actions were constitutional and expected his case to go to the Supreme Court. close

Video not available at this time


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b01e28 No.85341

File: dd851230373879b⋯.png (712.98 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461252 (301853ZAUG23) Notable: Pope Francis Calls on Nations to ‘End the Era of Fossil Fuel’

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Pope Francis Calls on Nations to ‘End the Era of Fossil Fuel’

Pope Francis has doubled down in his personal war on fossil fuels while condemning “extreme practices” such as fracking.

It is time world leaders to “listen to science and institute a rapid and equitable transition to end the era of fossil fuel,” the pontiff urges in his message for the Feast of Creation, to be celebrated on September 1.

It is “absurd to permit the continued exploration and expansion of fossil fuel infrastructures,” he insists. “Let us raise our voices to halt this injustice towards the poor and towards our children, who will bear the worst effects of climate change.”

“The unrestrained burning of fossil fuels and the destruction of forests are pushing temperatures higher and leading to massive droughts,” the pope declares, a product of “consumerist greed, fueled by selfish hearts.”

Moreover, he states, “predatory industries are depleting and polluting our freshwater sources through extreme practices such as fracking for oil and gas extraction, unchecked mega-mining projects, and intensive animal farming.”

As he has declared on other occasions, Francis insists that “richer nations have contracted an ‘ecological debt’ that must be paid” to poorer nations.

“Let us heed our call to stand with the victims of environmental and climate injustice, and to put an end to the senseless war against creation,” he exhorts.

Let us repent of our “ecological sins,” he urges, that “harm the world of nature and our fellow men and women.”

What Francis does not note in his message is the fact that cheap, abundant fossil fuels are a hugely important factor in economic development and one of the key reasons there are prosperous nations in the first place.

“One of the most evil things you can do to a poor person is take away his freedom to improve his fate,” Forbes observed several years ago, and this is exactly what happens in a push “for massive restrictions on the energy of opportunity: fossil fuel energy.”

“A brief history of development in the last three decades makes it clear that cheap, plentiful, reliable energy from fossil fuels is a winning formula for development and massive improvements in human life,” the article noted, citing the examples of China and India.


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b01e28 No.85342

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461260 (301855ZAUG23) Notable: resident continued

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Mr. Biden: Today, I'm announcing that ninety-five million dollars from the bi-partisan infrastructure law is on the way to Hawaii to harden the ground power. Harden the grid...funding will be used for stronger and better poles...it means burying the lines that transmit the electricity underground. It means clearing trees and brush around these wires. And this money is going to pay for technology, technology like smart meters, that can tell you where the problem actually is when the line goes down.

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b01e28 No.85343

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461275 (301856ZAUG23) Notable: Mike Davis Joins War Room to Discuss Dems Election Interference for Trump Campaign

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Mike Davis Joins War Room to Discuss Dems Election Interference for Trump Campaign


Blacks typically vote 95% for democrats, but after this stunt Trump is rising in the black vote, he's already at 10%, if he gets to 20%, it will be a big deal.


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b01e28 No.85344

File: 1c21d23dd9c606b⋯.png (144.63 KB,691x686,691:686,Clipboard.png)

File: 7251025d298201f⋯.png (120.55 KB,672x538,336:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461308 (301900ZAUG23) Notable: Farmers Insurance lays off 2,400 workers as insurers pull back from California

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Farmers Insurance lays off 2,400 workers as insurers pull back from California

Farmers Insurance, one of the nation’s largest property and casualty insurers, is laying off 2,400 workers, representing 11% of its total workforce.

The Los Angeles-based company cited a need to reduce operational costs and focus on “long-term sustainable profitability” in an announcement Monday to explain the job cuts.

This has been a chaotic year for the California insurance market, and this isn’t the first dramatic move that Farmers, the second-largest home and auto insurer in California, has made in recent months.

In July, the company announced that it was not planning on accelerating its growth in the state, and would keep writing new policies at the same pace as before. In a typical year, this would not constitute news — but in 2023, it amounted to a shot across the bow for homeowners, builders and state regulators.

State Farm, the top home insurer in the state, had announced in May that it was hitting pause on writing new home insurance policies in the state, saying that rising construction costs from inflation, ballooning reinsurance fees and growing wildfire risks were making it difficult to add more policies. Allstate, sixth largest in the state, hit pause last year. Farmers’ announcement was an admission that it didn’t intend to fill the void left by its competitors’ pullback.

“Given the existing conditions of the insurance industry and the impact they are having on our business, we need to take decisive actions today to better position Farmers for future success,” Raul Vargas, president and chief executive of Farmers Group, said in the layoff announcement Monday. “As our industry continues to face macroeconomic challenges, we must carefully manage risk and prudently align our costs with our strategic plans for sustainable profitability.”

The “existing conditions” and “macroeconomic challenges” that Vargas refers to are the same rising costs for reconstruction and risk of severe weather events, including fires, floods and tropical storms, that State Farm pointed to earlier this year. Those factors also have driven up the costs of the reinsurance policies that insurance companies take out to cover their own losses in case of major catastrophic events.


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b01e28 No.85345

File: 712755102171945⋯.png (2.48 MB,1201x1119,1201:1119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461335 (301902ZAUG23) Notable: U.S. Government Funds Study to Target Black Girls to Receive More Doses of the Deadly Gardasil Vaccine that Causes Infertility

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U.S. Government Funds Study to Target Black Girls to Receive More Doses of the Deadly Gardasil Vaccine that Causes Infertility

Brenda Baletti of Children’s Health Defense (CHD) is reporting today that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is funding research at Rutgers University on how to increase uptake of the human papillomavirus (HPV) Gardasil vaccine among Black adolescents, with a $600,000 three-year grant which will be administered by the National Cancer Institute (NCI).

CHD allegedly received this information via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is funding research at Rutgers University on how to increase uptake of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine among Black adolescents, documents obtained by Children’s Health Defense (CHD) via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request revealed.

HHS awarded the $600,000, three-year, grant, which will be administered by the National Cancer Institute (NCI), to Racquel Elizabeth Kohler, Ph.D.

It is one of nearly 50 grants identified by CHD in June — totaling more than $40 million — awarded by HHS to universities, healthcare systems and departments of public health to increase HPV vaccine uptake among adolescents.

The grant fits into a broader research program across HHS, including at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), to dedicate hundreds of millions of dollars toward creating “culturally tailored” strategies to increase vaccine uptake among “vaccine-hesitant” communities of color.

Kohler’s research seeks to overcome vaccine “hesitancy” by developing text messages, or “tailored interventions,” to send to Black families following an HPV vaccine recommendation by their provider.

The project hypothesizes that follow-up tailored text messages will increase vaccine confidence and motivate Black parents to vaccinate their children. (Full article.)

We have extensively covered the deep corruption surrounding this horrible vaccine publishing hundreds of articles including heartbreaking personal stories of girls and young women who have died or been permanently crippled from the HPV vaccines.

A search on the Health Impact News network for “HPV vaccine” will return over 500 articles over the past decade.

French physician Dr. Dalbergue, who worked for Merck, the pharmaceutical company that produces Gardasil, previously stated that he thought the Gardasil vaccine would become the greatest medical scandal of all time. (Source.)

But that was in 2014, long before the COVID scandal became the greatest medical scandal of all time starting in 2020.

Gardasil is linked to heart disease (POTS) and many autoimmune diseases, as well as premature menopause, or “Primary Ovarian Failure.”


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b01e28 No.85346

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461339 (301903ZAUG23) Notable: Paganism in the Spotlight: Only Two Religions with Peter Jones

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Paganism in the Spotlight: Only Two Religions with Peter Jones

Western culture has adopted worldviews that are no longer friendly to Christianity. How did this happen? In this message, Peter Jones examines the “new spirituality” that is prominent in our society and how it became so influential.


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b01e28 No.85347

File: 21ddd4698232a24⋯.png (280.77 KB,576x507,192:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461361 (301906ZAUG23) Notable: 19461715 PDJT: To every COVID tyrant who wants to take away our Freedom, hear these words—WE WILL NOT COMPLY!

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To every COVID tyrant who wants to take away our Freedom, hear these words—WE WILL NOT COMPLY!

2:25pm ET


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b01e28 No.85348

File: 2ba392c507ecb81⋯.png (268.93 KB,574x508,287:254,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461366 (301907ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: Do not despair, and do not lose hope—Our vindication will come on Election Day 2024!

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Do not despair, and do not lose hope—Our vindication will come on Election Day 2024!

2:40pm ET


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b01e28 No.85349

File: 573ad64813fc1c6⋯.png (117.76 KB,686x886,343:443,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461378 (301908ZAUG23) Notable: California Pays Nonprofit Encouraging Kids To Identify As ‘Foxgender,’ Teaching Schools To Hide It

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California Pays Nonprofit Encouraging Kids To Identify As ‘Foxgender,’ Teaching Schools To Hide It

The state of California has awarded a nine-year grant to a group that encourages students to identify as a wide variety of bizarre genders, including “foxgender,” and teaches school districts how to hide it from parents.

The California Department of Public Health has awarded a total of $2.3 million to a nonprofit called Gender Spectrum for activities such as developing “concrete strategies for applying the lens of gender diversity to school practices,” according to an investigation from the watchdog group OpenTheBooks.

The grant is intended for Gender Spectrum to conduct a “rigorous evaluation” of whether its own programs work.

Among those programs is the development of a six-page form for students to submit school districts their pronouns and whether school staff needs to hide their use of those pronouns from their parents.

“It’s not always the case that caregivers are supportive of their child’s gender, their gender journey, in that case, if parents are not supportive or if the child is not out, that’s not necessarily someone who will be part of the gender support team,” said Director of Training Carla Pena at the group’s annual Gender Spectrum Family Conference last year.

Naomi Cruz, the group’s manager of family and educational programming, gave a presentation at the conference called “Intro to Neoidentities and Neopronouns.” The presentation said pronouns may “describe gender as a personal, aesthetic, synesthetic, or head-space oriented experience.” They include “noun genders” like “foxgender, moongender, and rockgender,” and even “emojiself pronouns,” such as “:)self.”

Cruz said “foxself” describes someone who identifies with “aspects of a fox, whether that’s their appearance, their personality, or how they’re viewed in society.”

“Our youth are becoming more and more independent regarding their self expression. Instead of trying to fit into premade boxes, they’re using their unique identities and forms of expression to create terminology to describe themselves,” the presentation said.

The presentation said that youth are on a “gender journey” and their genders will likely change over time, but that parents should “affirm” those identities — unless, of course, those identifies appropriate a “racial, ethnic, religious or disability group they are not part of.”

In that case, parents should say, “I understand that this term means something to you, but perhaps we can create another term or another pronoun that also has a meaning to you, but isn’t specific to a certain racial, ethnic, or other group where there are closed identities and pronouns.”

It is unclear why youth do not have to gain permission from foxes before appropriating them.

Though Gender Spectrum wants to push its programs on children across the country, it appears to have taken down its website after it attracted attention.


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b01e28 No.85350

File: f063e281067a45a⋯.png (1.03 MB,768x1024,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461402 (301911ZAUG23) Notable: Congressmen Visit Rebel-Controlled Syria, Meet with al-Qaeda Linked Group, Republican Congressmen Ben Cline, Scott Fitzgerald, and French Hill

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Congressmen Visit Rebel-Controlled Syria, Meet with al-Qaeda Linked Group

Three Congressmen traveled to a region of Syria controlled by Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), an offshoot of al-Qaeda. The Congressional delegation met with several Syrians who were suffering and blamed President Bashar al-Assad for poor living conditions.

Republican Congressmen Ben Cline, Scott Fitzgerald, and French Hill spent about thirty minutes inside rebel-held Syrian territory on Sunday morning, according to the Washington Post. The State Department limited the travel of the Representatives over security concerns.

The short visit to Syria included stops at the Bab al-Salama border post and a hospital in the Aleppo district. The region is controlled by HTS, which the Office of the Director of National Intelligence says “evolved from Jabhat al-Nusra, or “Nusra Front,” al-Qeada’s former branch in Syria.”

HTS hopes to overthrow Assad to establish a “government guided by a fundamentalist interpretation of Islamic law.” Additionally, the DNI admits the group uses common terror tactics such as suicide bombings.

Still, Congressman Hill voiced support for HTS’s desire to overthrow Assad. “The Assad regime’s production and distribution of [illegal drugs] is threatening regional societies and financially fueling Assad’s reign of terror, which must be stopped,” he said while in Syria. “The Syrian people have endured more than a decade of war, murder, and torture. It is imperative that nations across the globe, including the United States, work together to provide humanitarian aid to the Syrian people and to counter the Assad regime.”

However, Washington’s decade-long policy of attempting to overthrow Assad’s government has led to the intense suffering of the Syrian people. During the Obama administration, the CIA armed and funded rebel groups opposing Assad. The program fueled the insurgency and led to the rise of the Islamic State and other jihad groups in Syria, such as HTS and Nusra.

Syria has been heavily targeted by American sanctions. The economic warfare against Damascus has caused widespread suffering of the Syrian people. Earlier this year, after a massive earthquake struck Syria, the White House refused to lift sanctions on Damascus, preventing crucial aid from reaching victims.

Congressman Hill went on to call on other countries in the Middle East to refuse to normalize their relationship with Damascus. Doing so would boost Syria’s economic ties in the region and the living standards of the Syrian people.

While in Syria, the Congressmen met with members of the White Helmets. Through the Syrian war, the group has operated as a public relations management firm for jihadist groups, like Nusra.


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b01e28 No.85351

File: 0c21300092785a0⋯.png (132.94 KB,777x744,259:248,Clipboard.png)

File: a62a614d4819951⋯.png (132.58 KB,791x633,791:633,Clipboard.png)

File: efe42a2a28aa8a4⋯.png (323.14 KB,599x782,599:782,Clipboard.png)

File: e114c464ee88ef6⋯.png (398.4 KB,578x794,289:397,Clipboard.png)

File: 38f40861ec329ca⋯.png (202.17 KB,779x831,779:831,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461432 (301916ZAUG23) Notable: Gofundme has indefinitely frozen donations to The Grayzone “due to some external concerns.”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Gofundme has indefinitely frozen donations to The Grayzone “due to some external concerns.” The company’s actions follow a campaign of repression against our personnel by the British and Ukrainian governments.

Here is what you can do to support The Grayzone: if you have already donated, demand a refund from Gofundme here. Then contribute to us at our new, trustworthy crowdfunder here. Further instructions are below.

The Silicon Valley-based crowdfunding site Gofundme has informed The Grayzone that it has frozen all money raised in our recent fundraiser “due to some external concerns.” Our initiative was devoted to providing independent journalists Wyatt Reed, Kit Klarenberg, and Alex Rubinstein with long-term positions.

On August 19, when we demanded to know why Gofundme had refused to authorize the transfer of the funds we raised, a member of the site’s Trust and Safety Team identifying themselves simply as “Sabrina” emailed the Grayzone the following statement:

“Our number one goal here is ensuring that the money from GoFundMe fundraisers always gets to the right place, so we really appreciate you helping us to make sure GoFundMe is a safe place to give.

Due to some external concerns, we need to review your fundraiser to make sure it complies with our Terms of Service. Please keep in mind that our processes are followed to ensure your own safety.

I’ll keep you updated as soon as possible.”


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b01e28 No.85352

File: af72774bc1c1202⋯.png (280.65 KB,573x511,573:511,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461440 (301917ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: This is a new low in Presidential Politics. To the Democrats, I say, “be careful what you wish for.”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This is a new low in Presidential Politics. To the Democrats, I say, “be careful what you wish for.”

3:12pm ET


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b01e28 No.85353

File: 326ec45c46483e6⋯.png (270.58 KB,574x477,574:477,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461450 (301919ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: WE WILL WIN!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


3:07pm ET


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b01e28 No.85354

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461455 (301920ZAUG23) Notable: Giuliani loses Georgia election workers' defamation lawsuit by default

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Giuliani loses Georgia election workers' defamation lawsuit by default

The judge also ordered Giuliani to pay the plaintiffs' attorneys fees totaling tens of thousands of dollars.

Former Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani lost by default Wednesday in a defamation lawsuit filed by two Georgia election workers and a judge imposed sanctions on him in the case.

In a scathing 57-page ruling, federal Judge Beryl Howell criticized Giuliani for not producing evidence as required for the case filed by election workers Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, resulting in the default loss.

The judge also ordered Giuliani to pay the plaintiffs' attorneys fees totaling tens of thousands of dollars.

The ruling follows Giuliani's concession in July that he made "false" and "defamatory" statements about the election workers.

The former New York mayor is already facing financial difficulties due to his numerous legal battles.

In addition to the civil case filed by Freeman and Moss, Giuliani has been criminally charged in Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis' probe of his alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election in Georgia.


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b01e28 No.85355

File: d0b8ea5c3742bc7⋯.png (278.18 KB,571x507,571:507,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461468 (301922ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: This is a political persecution—The people get it. THANK YOU GEORGIA!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This is a political persecution—The people get it. THANK YOU GEORGIA!

2:52pm ET


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b01e28 No.85356

File: 0b2ff984a07d1c1⋯.png (51.5 KB,584x304,73:38,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461477 (301923ZAUG23) Notable: I am President Barack Obama's BIG BROTHER - I believe it's time we TALKED @TuckerCarlson

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I am President Barack Obama's BIG BROTHER

I believe it's time we TALKED @TuckerCarlson



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b01e28 No.85357

File: 70367566f0078bd⋯.png (280.35 KB,579x504,193:168,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461481 (301924ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: Every young American deserves to know that they are the heirs to an incredible History!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Every young American deserves to know that they are the heirs to an incredible History!

2:31pm ET


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b01e28 No.85358

File: 0faf96e0ec70a58⋯.png (277.28 KB,577x482,577:482,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461489 (301926ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: What’s happening to our Auto Workers is an absolute disgrace!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

What’s happening to our Auto Workers is an absolute disgrace!

2:14pm ET


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b01e28 No.85359

File: d506aeaf1bd94e8⋯.png (289.21 KB,577x508,577:508,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461494 (301927ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: This month marks the 2-year anniversary of the most embarrassing event in the History of our Country.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This month marks the 2-year anniversary of the most embarrassing event in the History of our Country.

1:50pm ET


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b01e28 No.85360

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461498 (301927ZAUG23) Notable: Judge finds defrocked Cardinal McCarrick not competent to stand trial in sex abuse case

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Judge finds defrocked Cardinal McCarrick not competent to stand trial in sex abuse case

August 30, 2023

A Massachusetts judge on Wednesday found defrocked a Roman Catholic cardinal not competent to stand trial in a sex abuse case.

Cardinal Theodore McCarrick – formerly of the church's Washington, D.C., dioceses – was charged with sexually assaulting a teenage boy in Massachusetts decades ago, according to ABC News


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b01e28 No.85361

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461501 (301927ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: Biden's DOJ will not comply with subpoenas for 2 FBI agents in Hunter Biden case

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Biden's DOJ will not comply with subpoenas for 2 FBI agents in Hunter Biden case

The DOJ said the subpoenas "lack legal effect and cannot constitutionally be enforced."

On Tuesday night, the House Judiciary Committee was informed by Biden’s Department of Justice that it would not be cooperating with subpoenas issued to two FBI agents involved in investigations into Hunter Biden over limits set forth for their depositions.

In a letter obtained by the Washington Examiner, DOJ Assistant Attorney General Carlos Uriarte told committee Chairman Jim Jordan that the subpoenas "lack legal effect and cannot constitutionally be enforced" because Jordan had prohibited DOJ lawyers from being in attendance at the depositions.

"The subpoenas issued by the Committee prohibit the attendance of agency counsel at appearances by two FBI employees where the Committee has indicated it will ask questions regarding information they learned within the scope of their official duties, including regarding the ongoing criminal investigation," Uriarte reportedly wrote.

Uriarte said that compelling testimony from FBI Baltimore Field Office special agents Thomas Sobocinski and Ryeshia Holley was "premature" because the DOJ has been open to continuing "discussions" with Jordan.

The rules set by Jordan align with House rules, which prohibit department counsel at depositions.

The DOJ and committee could still negotiate to have the duo appear voluntarily, with DOJ lawyers instead of being made to come forth in a deposition.

Uriarte reportedly warned throughout the letter that the DOJ’s investigation into Hunter Biden, led by the recently appointed special counsel David Weiss, was still ongoing and that information could be limited during that time.

He said that concerns about sharing nonpublic information about the current investigation "are heightened while a matter is open and investigative steps, prosecutorial decisions, or judicial proceedings are ongoing. As Mr. Weiss and his office have repeatedly stated, his investigation remains ongoing."

This comes in response to the committee sending out four subpoenas, two to the FBI agents, and an additional two to IRS agents, IRS Director of Field Operations Michael T Batdorf and IRS special agent in charge Darrell J Waldon.

Jim Jordan and Jason Smith said that the four agents have knowledge of a meeting that took place on October 7, 2022, in which David Weiss allegedly said he was not the "deciding person" on whether charges would be filed against Hunter Biden, despite being the top prosecutor in the case.

Waldon, Sobocinski, and Holley were said to have attended the October meeting, while Batdorf had "direct knowledge" of the meeting after receiving an email from Shapley detailing what had happened.

Smith and Jordan allege that the investigation into Hunter Biden has been 'purposefully slow-walked" based on testimony by two former IRS agents.


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b01e28 No.85362

File: 0ca7f6f56fca326⋯.png (282.62 KB,575x483,25:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461503 (301927ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: I defeated 100% of the ISIS CALIPHATE!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I defeated 100% of the ISIS CALIPHATE!

1:30pm ET


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b01e28 No.85363

File: a8edde1223217a6⋯.png (1.04 MB,1189x3266,1189:3266,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461507 (301928ZAUG23) Notable: There's an Empower Michigan outfit who are on the climate grift

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>85295 GBI Strategies Flew Election Workers To Michigan From Georgia

There's an Empower Michigan outfit who are on the climate grift.They are part of a big network of commie orgs.

all the usuals



Sierra Club

blah blah

they would have the networking and the runs to hire people from out of state.


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b01e28 No.85364

File: 7b33f386872bce6⋯.png (272.38 KB,581x478,581:478,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461517 (301930ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: We were leaving Afghanistan with Dignity and Strength!

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We were leaving Afghanistan with Dignity and Strength!

1:21pm ET


There are more keep going?

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b01e28 No.85365

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461521 (301931ZAUG23) Notable: Judge finds defrocked Cardinal McCarrick not competent to stand trial in sex abuse case

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

the same story from the Boston Herald



in a coat room at Wellesley College!

"Judge rules former Catholic Cardinal Theodore McCarrick not competent to stand trial on teen sexual abuse charges"

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b01e28 No.85366

File: 9d37ea57c3affec⋯.png (285.46 KB,575x515,115:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461522 (301931ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: Crooked Joe Biden’s only campaign strategy is Indicting me—That’s all they can do!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Crooked Joe Biden’s only campaign strategy is Indicting me—That’s all they can do!

1:05pm ET


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b01e28 No.85367

File: 344d4e60dd3e2ba⋯.png (2.11 MB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461523 (301931ZAUG23) Notable: Dozens Arrested in Argentina-led Operation Against Sexual Exploitation of Minors

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Dozens Arrested in Argentina-led Operation Against Sexual Exploitation of Minors

Argentina coordinated on Monday an international operation to dismantle networks that have produced and transmitted child sexual abuse material at home and abroad. This is the first action of its kind created and led by Buenos Aires.

"Operation International Partners for Children (Operación Internacional Aliados Por la Infancia)" resulted in 61 simultaneous raids in Argentina and 89 raids in Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, the United States, Panama, Paraguay, and Puerto Rico.

In Argentina alone, 46 people were arrested and more than 700 technological devices related to illicit activities were seized, including notebooks, tablets, cell phones, storage devices, video game consoles, firearms, and ammunition, among other items. A total of 33 captures were recorded in the other South American countries.

“The operation involved the participation of almost all the country's security forces. Argentine Federal Police, National Gendarmerie, Argentine Naval Prefecture, City Police, Buenos Aires Police, and the provincial police of each district,” stated the Public Prosecutor's Office of Argentina.

The investigation was carried out through the ICACCOPS platform (Internet Crimes Against Children Child On-line Protection System), which is used to verify the trafficking of child sexual exploitation material on peer-to-peer (P2P) platforms.

By using this platform, the investigators were able to identify the IP addresses associated with suspected child sexual exploitation material, which made it possible to locate the owners and addresses of those involved.

"This is the first international action conceived and coordinated by Argentina to combat the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents. It was achieved thanks to the joint work carried out by the authorities of the U.S. Embassy in Argentina, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (H.S.I.), and the Public Prosecutor's Office of the CABA", stated the Public Prosecutor's Office of Argentina.


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b01e28 No.85368

File: 24f34699e5649b2⋯.png (75.51 KB,509x289,509:289,Clipboard.png)

File: 9e83ca470ef2602⋯.png (179.57 KB,653x449,653:449,Clipboard.png)

File: 2492b66da5d61ad⋯.png (351.21 KB,1290x766,645:383,Clipboard.png)

File: e99ad7f4c1c0070⋯.png (24.74 KB,343x212,343:212,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461526 (301932ZAUG23) Notable: There's an Empower Michigan outfit who are on the climate grift

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>There's an Empower Michigan outfit who are on the climate grift

Some fag dude named KimHunterrunning an Empower Michigan webinar.

>Hunter becomes the hunted

also include Donele Wilkins

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b01e28 No.85369

File: 247b724e44bbba0⋯.png (283.86 KB,579x484,579:484,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461532 (301933ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: Crooked Joe Biden is a Manchurian Candidate!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Crooked Joe Biden is a Manchurian Candidate!

12:51pm ET


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b01e28 No.85370

File: d4d5c9afa05b30f⋯.png (1.67 MB,1926x1427,1926:1427,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461544 (301935ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: This is a new low in Presidential Politics. To the Democrats, I say, “be careful what you wish for.”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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b01e28 No.85371

File: 18fe32a116e0bcf⋯.png (280.84 KB,668x544,167:136,Clipboard.png)

File: f4524735019f310⋯.mp4 (10.25 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461546 (301936ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: I WILL APPEAL!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump




Aug 30, 2023, 3:21 PM


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b01e28 No.85372

File: 0c462f152a240c4⋯.png (18.15 KB,716x198,358:99,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461548 (301936ZAUG23) Notable: There's an Empower Michigan outfit who are on the climate grift

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



An address for Empower Michigan found on a pdf for IRS delinquents


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b01e28 No.85373

File: eb6c43115581199⋯.png (168.81 KB,1158x525,386:175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461556 (301937ZAUG23) Notable: There's an Empower Michigan outfit who are on the climate grift

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>found on a pdf for IRS delinquents



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b01e28 No.85374

File: 7429bc925b0f341⋯.png (284.78 KB,580x483,580:483,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461558 (301938ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: New Polls just out—Leading by BIG numbers!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New Polls just out—Leading by BIG numbers!

12:37pm ET


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b01e28 No.85375

File: 40b6e610228a6b6⋯.mp4 (9.05 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 6d0d7d07d6c11f7⋯.png (274.75 KB,671x535,671:535,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461565 (301938ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: Rupert Murdoch is a Globalist, I am AMERICA FIRST!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump

Rupert Murdoch is a Globalist, I am AMERICA FIRST!



Aug 30, 2023, 3:32 PM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85376

File: da24fc378e2dd2c⋯.mp4 (11.56 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 5df3c99313cd937⋯.png (301.89 KB,665x561,665:561,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461577 (301941ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: America is no longer America, but we are going to Make our Country Great Again!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump

America is no longer America, but we are going to Make our Country Great Again!



Aug 30, 2023, 3:26 PM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85377

File: 84580b829491a51⋯.png (851.99 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461580 (301941ZAUG23) Notable: Kidnappers Caught in the Act: Heroic Truck Driver Rescues “Approximately 15” Children Trapped in Padlocked Cages in Pickup Truck

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


ty bakes

Kidnappers Caught in the Act: Heroic Truck Driver Rescues “Approximately 15” Children Trapped in Padlocked Cages in the Back of Pickup Truck (VIDEO)


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b01e28 No.85378

File: 4de2a247eef3e00⋯.png (933.89 KB,975x922,975:922,Clipboard.png)

File: a06c17d6debf4a5⋯.png (625.34 KB,992x889,992:889,Clipboard.png)

File: 1c9c8400faf5a10⋯.png (666.39 KB,1008x832,63:52,Clipboard.png)

File: 37694f86d87b403⋯.png (707.85 KB,999x771,333:257,Clipboard.png)

File: e6095d6e66a333d⋯.png (666.62 KB,1002x920,501:460,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461588 (301942ZAUG23) Notable: Multiple Family Members or Couples Suffering COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries or Sudden Deaths.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Multiple Family Members or Couples Suffering COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries or Sudden Deaths.

No One Is Willing to Report It, Entire Families Are Being Wiped Out


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b01e28 No.85379

File: 73e18d803bc8ef6⋯.mp4 (8.25 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 1242c0f1c6e5f46⋯.png (293.53 KB,680x537,680:537,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461591 (301943ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: BIDEN IS BEING IMPOSSIBLE!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

__Donald J. Trump




Aug 30, 2023, 3:37 PM


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b01e28 No.85380

File: cd428da6ae21ea4⋯.png (323.6 KB,628x465,628:465,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461599 (301944ZAUG23) Notable: BIDEN: "I don't think anybody can deny the impact of the climate crisis anymore. Just look around."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BIDEN: "I don't think anybody can deny the impact of the climate crisis anymore. Just look around."


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85381

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461638 (301953ZAUG23) Notable: Dozens Arrested in Argentina-led Operation Against Sexual Exploitation of Minors

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kidnappers Caught in the Act: Heroic Truck Driver Rescues “Approximately 15” Children Trapped in Padlocked Cages in the Back of Pickup Truck

In a spine-chilling incident, a vigilant truck driver, who goes by the name Michael, became a hero by alerting authorities about a deeply unsettling situation.

Michael was parked in a rest area off I-10 in a border state when he witnessed a pick-up truck pull up nearby. A man and woman proceeded to unlock a padlocked cage beneath a tarp in the back of the truck, from which they released several children.

According to the video uploaded by the truck driver, the kidnappers were seen ushering the children into and out of a bathroom at the rest area before locking them back into the cage.

“I’m sitting at a rest area. This truck pulls up, opens up the back. It’s like a cage-looking thing… That guy and this lady have a whole bunch of kids in the back of that truck… And then they take the padlock off, raise the tarp, and all these kids come out the back, and they’re forcing them into the bathroom,” Michael said.

“When they coming back out, they were pushing the kids back in there, locked them back in there, and pulled the f-cking tarp down.”

The truck driver’s instincts kicked in as he noticed the children were being pushed into the bathroom and then locked back into padlocked cages under a tarp in the back of the pick-up truck. Recognizing that something was wrong, he decided to call 911.

“I called 911… I don’t know what’s going on. I’m not real big on calling the cops, but when it comes to kids and their safety and with all this human trafficking and all this crap going on in the world, not cool. So I call the cops just to be on the safe side,” Michael added.

The truck driver describes how the kidnappers started to take off when they saw him on the phone.

“They see me on the phone. They’re watching me in the mirror the whole time. They f-cking take off,” said Michael.

“The cops on the phone with me told me to follow them as close as you can, as much as you can until we get units out,” he said. Despite not being able to keep up with the fleeing vehicle due to his truck’s limitations, he managed to provide valuable information that enabled law enforcement to locate and stop the kidnappers.

“They finally caught up to them because I couldn’t keep up with them. My truck only goes seven. They catch up to them, they pull them over,” Michael recounted. Child services were subsequently called to the scene.


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b01e28 No.85382

File: 8dc4af8ccdb2f08⋯.png (147.89 KB,1051x548,1051:548,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461644 (301954ZAUG23) Notable: Beef Company CEO Warns of Government Attacks on Real Beef - “This Is About The Administrative Deep State…”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Beef Company CEO Warns of Government Attacks on Real Beef – “This Is About The Administrative Deep State…”

The globalist elites and their puppets in our government want the people eating lab-grown meat instead of the real stuff. What was once a conspiracy theory is being openly discussed by groups like the World Economic Forum and people like Bill Gates.

Now, our own government is trying to make their vision of a cow-free world a reality under the guise of climate change prevention.

This is one of the biggest reasons Prepper All Naturals launched Whole Cows this year.

Prepper All Naturals CEO Jason Nelson, a disabled veteran, has been fighting tyranny abroad for his entire adult life. Now, he’s fighting what he believes to be growing tyranny coming from our own federal government as it pertains to food security.

“This isn’t even about your elected officials,” Nelson said. “This is about the administrative Deep State, those unelected career bureaucrats who answer to the globalists, not the people.”

With the push for “cultured beef” growing in intensity and spreading across the globe, Whole Cows specializes in high-quality beef that is shelf-stable for decades. Nelson believes that the ongoing plan of the globalists is to control the food supply by limiting access to animals raised on a pasture.


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b01e28 No.85383

File: ae00a4acc979bad⋯.mp4 (5.91 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

File: b63a0b7535dea69⋯.png (488.75 KB,894x1115,894:1115,Clipboard.png)

File: cee8312a7ecf5ef⋯.png (1.07 MB,834x1706,417:853,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461651 (301955ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: WOW!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump




Aug 30, 2023, 3:01 PM


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b01e28 No.85384

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461674 (301958ZAUG23) Notable: French Soldiers In Niger Told To 'Pack Bags And Go Home'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

French Soldiers In Niger Told To 'Pack Bags And Go Home'; Women Rally Against France In Niamey

Hindustan Times

5.91M subscribers




524 views 30 Aug 2023 #niger #france #frencharmy

Hundreds of Niger women rallied in front of a French military base in Niamey with kitchen utensils and brooms demanding the departure of French soldiers from the country. Despite a military coup last month, some 1,500 French soldiers are still present in Niger while France has refused to shut its diplomatic mission in the country despite tensions with the military rulers. Watch.

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b01e28 No.85385

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461687 (302000ZAUG23) Notable: Notable bun of 8/30 5y deltas with 3 delta day posts that need to be looked at. Call to DIG/SOLVE/SAUCE / “GCHQ Bude sent DISTRESS SIG 8:09 EST NSA NO MORE.”

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b01e28 No.85386

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461689 (302001ZAUG23) Notable: Notable bun of 8/30 5y deltas with 3 delta day posts that need to be looked at. Call to DIG/SOLVE/SAUCE / “Main frequency bands TERMINATED. #Goodbye”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Main frequency bands TERMINATED.


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b01e28 No.85387

File: ce3b8ea7c58a221⋯.png (444.81 KB,892x778,446:389,Clipboard.png)

File: f532b5df36ba00e⋯.png (569.79 KB,976x970,488:485,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461710 (302003ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: America is no longer America, but we are going to Make our Country Great Again!

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19th POTUS

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b01e28 No.85388

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461713 (302003ZAUG23) Notable: Notable bun of 8/30 5y deltas with 3 delta day posts that need to be looked at. Call to DIG/SOLVE/SAUCE / “BIG BIRD-9 NOW OFFLINE

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b01e28 No.85389

File: e0c98123a9707e6⋯.png (164.01 KB,294x571,294:571,Clipboard.png)

File: 5fd3e79e880c4d1⋯.png (16.5 KB,406x222,203:111,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461716 (302004ZAUG23) Notable: U.S. 4th Fleet orders U.S. Navy ships in the area to sortie on Aug. 29, 2023, ahead of Hurricane Idalia.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sorting out the sortie! 🔙 🔜

Sailors prepare USS Delbert D. Black (DDG 119) to leave its homeport, Naval Station Mayport, as Commander, U.S. 4th Fleet orders U.S. Navy ships in the area to sortie on Aug. 29, 2023, ahead of Hurricane Idalia.



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b01e28 No.85390

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461730 (302007ZAUG23) Notable: CYBERSECURITY ADVISORY

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Identification and Disruption of QakBot Infrastructure

Release Date

August 30, 2023

Alert Code AA23-242A


The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) are releasing this joint Cybersecurity Advisory (CSA) to disseminate QakBot infrastructure indicators of compromise (IOCs) identified through FBI investigations as of August 2023. On August 25, FBI and international partners executed a coordinated operation to disrupt QakBot infrastructure worldwide. Disruption operations targeting QakBot infrastructure resulted in the botnet takeover, which severed the connection between victim computers and QakBot command and control (C2) servers. The FBI is working closely with industry partners to share information about the malware to maximize detection, remediation, and prevention measures for network defenders.


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b01e28 No.85391

File: d0ef234fe34cf8d⋯.mp4 (11.71 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

File: be0ba3b04fdbd4f⋯.png (402.82 KB,788x773,788:773,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461750 (302011ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: The Security Tapes from Mar-a-Lago that evil and sinister prosecutor, Deranged Jack Smith, “leaked” or otherwise stated were deleted or altered were, in fact, NOT deleted or altered.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump

The Security Tapes from Mar-a-Lago that evil and sinister prosecutor, Deranged Jack Smith, “leaked” or otherwise stated were deleted or altered were, in fact, NOT deleted or altered.




Aug 30, 2023, 3:42 PM


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b01e28 No.85392

File: 6a7ed0323574439⋯.png (440.16 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461754 (302012ZAUG23) Notable: Tucker Carlson Fears ‘We’re Speeding Toward’ Trump ‘Assassination’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tucker Carlson Fears ‘We’re Speeding Toward’ Trump ‘Assassination’


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b01e28 No.85393

File: 074e4e1f0af05dc⋯.png (103.35 KB,544x578,16:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461763 (302014ZAUG23) Notable: Biden(Obama) Inc investigating Musk on yet another thing

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Biden(Obama) Inc investigating Musk on yet another thing



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b01e28 No.85394

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461767 (302015ZAUG23) Notable: #23901-A

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#23901-A >>85309

>>85310 Food Prices Set To Increase ‘Above’ Historical Average: Govt Analysis

>>85311 Pentagon Officials Worked To Finalize Climate Plan During Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal

>>85312 Buckwheat continued

>>85313 John Birch Society: Get Them OUT! Rescuing Our Kids from Public Schools

>>85314 Gas Prices Are Up 63 Cents a Gallon So Far This Year

>>85315 Harrison Floyd Joins WarRoom Shortly After Fani Willis' Released Him

>>85316 New Hampshire Republican Activist Found Stabbed to Death in His Home Mr. Talcott

>>85317 Commiefornia: LA Authorities Released Robbery Suspect Just One Day Before She Allegedly Committed Another Heist

>>85318 House Republicans Launch Probe into Maui Fire


>>85320 Cornel "Black Bernie" West Says the Democrat Party is Unable to Meet Needs of the Poor

>>85321 GA House Member Mesha Mainor Calls Out Fani's Politicization Of Her Office For Personal Gain

>>85322, >>85328 Senate Minority Leader Glitches Hard In Shocking Second Incident

>>85323 Democrat Megadonor Sentenced in Maui County Bribery Case

>>85324 When a class of kids rebelled against Pride Day at school

>>85325 The Biden Regime's Gonna Shut Down Their Own Regime. Roger Ailes wife speak about FOX and what happened to the network

>>85326, >>85327 Alabama Lawmaker Charged With Felony Voter Fraud After Allegedly Voting in District Where He Does Not Live

>>85329 Arizona Firm Operated by Arizona House Speaker Ben Toma’s Brother Acquires Majority Stake in Runbeck Election Services - Company Runs Early Voting in Maricopa County

>>85330 Millions Of Brits Told Not To Heat Homes At Night As Part Of 'Net Zero' Climate Goals

>>85331 John Amanchukwu: The Left Conducting "Mental Rape" To Rob Children Of Their Innocence

>>85332 Former NYT CEO Mark Thompson To Lead CNN

>>85333 Massive gaslighting! Parental Rights bills recast as “Educational Intimidation” by #UniteAgainstBookBans partner

>>85334 Archbishop of Berlin allows ‘blessings’ of same-sex unions, citing Pope Francis and Abp. Fernandez

>>85335 Biden Looks to Prevent Future President From Ending Ukraine War

>>85336 A new study reveals an estimated 3,678 teens underwent gender-transition surgeries between 2016-2020.

>>85337 BREAKING NEWS UPDATE still stuck on pause Senator Mcconnell was quoted as saying, " For the KEKS!

>>85338, >>85342 resident continued



B is open

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b01e28 No.85395

File: 7feb946f339b255⋯.mp4 (2.52 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 2f279207579f90b⋯.png (374 KB,788x652,197:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461777 (302016ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT: America is becoming a Banana Republic!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump

America is becoming a Banana Republic!



Aug 30, 2023, 3:46 PM


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b01e28 No.85396

File: 16375b3ce42f81d⋯.png (378.53 KB,809x638,809:638,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461801 (302020ZAUG23) Notable: Tesla’s Top Secret ‘Project 42’ Is Reportedly an All-Glass House Being Made for Elon Musk

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Tesla’s Top Secret ‘Project 42’ Is Reportedly an All-Glass House Being Made for Elon Musk



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b01e28 No.85397

File: ccc26e2e5f21506⋯.png (260.73 KB,1005x871,15:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461816 (302024ZAUG23) Notable: Five Charged in Alleged Firearms Trafficking and Money Laundering Conspiracy to Smuggle Guns Illegally to Mexico

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Five Charged in Alleged Firearms Trafficking and Money Laundering Conspiracy to Smuggle Guns Illegally to Mexico


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85398

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461827 (302026ZAUG23) Notable: U.S. 4th Fleet orders U.S. Navy ships in the area to sortie on Aug. 29, 2023, ahead of Hurricane Idalia.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>USS Delbert D. Black (DDG 119)

"..to sortie on Aug 29, 2023, ahead of Hurricane Idalia"

USS Delbert D Black is a Destroyer.


In naval terminology, a destroyer is a fast, maneuverable, long-endurance warship intended to escort larger vessels in a fleet, convoy, or battle group and defend them against powerful short-range attackers.

At the start of the 21st century, destroyers are the global standard for surface-combatant ships, with only two nations (the United States and Russia) officially operating the heavier cruisers, with no battleships or true battlecruisers remaining.[note 1] Modern guided-missile destroyers are equivalent in tonnage but vastly superior in firepower to cruisers of the World War II era, and are capable of carrying nuclear-tipped cruise missiles. At 510 feet (160 m) long, a displacement of 9,200 tons, and with an armament of more than 90 missiles,[5] guided-missile destroyers such as the Arleigh Burke class are actually larger and more heavily armed than most previous ships classified as guided-missile cruisers. The Chinese Type 055 destroyer has been described as a cruiser in some US Navy reports due to its size and armament.[6]


Why was DDG119 in/around FL during Hurricane Idalia?

What was their purpose?

What did they ultimately do?

Where is this ship now?

Where's a shipfag when you need one?

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b01e28 No.85399

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461838 (302028ZAUG23) Notable: #23901-B

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>85347, 19461715 PDJT: To every COVID tyrant who wants to take away our Freedom, hear these words—WE WILL NOT COMPLY!

>>85348 PDJT: Do not despair, and do not lose hope—Our vindication will come on Election Day 2024!

>>85352, >>85370 PDJT: This is a new low in Presidential Politics. To the Democrats, I say, “be careful what you wish for.”

>>85353 PDJT: WE WILL WIN!

>>85355 PDJT: This is a political persecution—The people get it. THANK YOU GEORGIA!

>>85357 PDJT: Every young American deserves to know that they are the heirs to an incredible History!

>>85358 PDJT: What’s happening to our Auto Workers is an absolute disgrace!

>>85359 PDJT: This month marks the 2-year anniversary of the most embarrassing event in the History of our Country.

>>85361 PDJT: Biden's DOJ will not comply with subpoenas for 2 FBI agents in Hunter Biden case

>>85362 PDJT: I defeated 100% of the ISIS CALIPHATE!

>>85364 PDJT: We were leaving Afghanistan with Dignity and Strength!

>>85366 PDJT: Crooked Joe Biden’s only campaign strategy is Indicting me—That’s all they can do!

>>85369 PDJT: Crooked Joe Biden is a Manchurian Candidate!


>>85374 PDJT: New Polls just out—Leading by BIG numbers!

>>85375 PDJT: Rupert Murdoch is a Globalist, I am AMERICA FIRST!

>>85376, >>85387 PDJT: America is no longer America, but we are going to Make our Country Great Again!


>>85383 PDJT: WOW!

>>85391 PDJT: The Security Tapes from Mar-a-Lago that evil and sinister prosecutor, Deranged Jack Smith, “leaked” or otherwise stated were deleted or altered were, in fact, NOT deleted or altered.

>>85395 PDJT: America is becoming a Banana Republic!



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b01e28 No.85400

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461843 (302029ZAUG23) Notable: #23901-C

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>85339 UK Parliament Declares Taiwan an ‘Independent Country’ as Top Diplomat Travels to Communist China

>>85340 Peter Navarro Responds to Use of Executive Privilege in Contempt Case

>>85341 Pope Francis Calls on Nations to ‘End the Era of Fossil Fuel’

>>85343 Mike Davis Joins War Room to Discuss Dems Election Interference for Trump Campaign

>>85344 Farmers Insurance lays off 2,400 workers as insurers pull back from California

>>85345 U.S. Government Funds Study to Target Black Girls to Receive More Doses of the Deadly Gardasil Vaccine that Causes Infertility

>>85346 Paganism in the Spotlight: Only Two Religions with Peter Jones

>>85349 California Pays Nonprofit Encouraging Kids To Identify As ‘Foxgender,’ Teaching Schools To Hide It

>>85350 Congressmen Visit Rebel-Controlled Syria, Meet with al-Qaeda Linked Group, Republican Congressmen Ben Cline, Scott Fitzgerald, and French Hill


>>85356 I am President Barack Obama's BIG BROTHER - I believe it's time we TALKED @TuckerCarlson

>>85360, >>85365 Judge finds defrocked Cardinal McCarrick not competent to stand trial in sex abuse case

>>85361 Biden's DOJ will not comply with subpoenas for 2 FBI agents in Hunter Biden case

>>85351 Gofundme has indefinitely frozen donations to The Grayzone “due to some external concerns.”

>>85354 Giuliani loses Georgia election workers' defamation lawsuit by default

>>85363, >>85368, >>85372, >>85373 There's an Empower Michigan outfit who are on the climate grift

>>85367, >>85381 Dozens Arrested in Argentina-led Operation Against Sexual Exploitation of Minors

>>85377 Kidnappers Caught in the Act: Heroic Truck Driver Rescues “Approximately 15” Children Trapped in Padlocked Cages in Pickup Truck

>>85378 Multiple Family Members or Couples Suffering COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries or Sudden Deaths.

>>85380 BIDEN: "I don't think anybody can deny the impact of the climate crisis anymore. Just look around."

>>85382 Beef Company CEO Warns of Government Attacks on Real Beef - “This Is About The Administrative Deep State…”

>>85384 French Soldiers In Niger Told To 'Pack Bags And Go Home'


>>85393 Biden(Obama) Inc investigating Musk on yet another thing

>>85392 Tucker Carlson Fears ‘We’re Speeding Toward’ Trump ‘Assassination’

>>85396 Tesla’s Top Secret ‘Project 42’ Is Reportedly an All-Glass House Being Made for Elon Musk

>>85397 Five Charged in Alleged Firearms Trafficking and Money Laundering Conspiracy to Smuggle Guns Illegally to Mexico

>>85389, >>85398 U.S. 4th Fleet orders U.S. Navy ships in the area to sortie on Aug. 29, 2023, ahead of Hurricane Idalia.


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b01e28 No.85401

File: c2b4a113a690faa⋯.png (93.49 KB,382x214,191:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461849 (302030ZAUG23) Notable: #23902

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



baker ready for a BREAK, ghosting @20

TY anons for your contributions.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85402

File: 0241ca914de0c0a⋯.mp4 (5.91 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 6118ba1809af6cd⋯.png (393.5 KB,795x642,265:214,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461884 (302038ZAUG23) Notable: DJT - Does anybody really believe I lost Georgia? I DON’T!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump

Does anybody really believe I lost Georgia? I DON’T!



Aug 30, 2023, 4:30 PM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85403

File: d157187d96517ff⋯.mp4 (6.08 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 80364d5da48d87d⋯.png (400.37 KB,801x655,801:655,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461903 (302043ZAUG23) Notable: DJT - WE CANNOT LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump




Aug 30, 2023, 4:24 PM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85404

File: bcd6c20bc9824ec⋯.mp4 (7.69 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 20f7c4c71e96620⋯.png (416.61 KB,816x723,272:241,Clipboard.png)


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump




Aug 30, 2023, 4:17 PM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85405

File: 25b436f62af80dc⋯.mp4 (6.79 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 872eb1c5cfd779f⋯.png (411.33 KB,800x701,800:701,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461922 (302047ZAUG23) Notable: DJT - Three years ago we had the safest Border in History—Today it is the WORST!!!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump

Three years ago we had the safest Border in History—Today it is the WORST!!!



Aug 30, 2023, 4:13 PM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85406

File: cd7fde060fbd0af⋯.png (79.07 KB,812x494,406:247,Clipboard.png)

File: aafd10defd9ca24⋯.png (242.54 KB,458x545,458:545,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461925 (302048ZAUG23) Notable: NEW: GOP senators request the US education secretary to investigate "Chinese Communist Party influence in American K-12 schools"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


NEW: GOP senators request the US education secretary to investigate "Chinese Communist Party influence in American K-12 schools" after alarming new report

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85407

File: 8ff9e00373d92a1⋯.png (296.19 KB,1010x934,505:467,Clipboard.png)

File: cd7fde060fbd0af⋯.png (79.07 KB,812x494,406:247,Clipboard.png)

File: aafd10defd9ca24⋯.png (242.54 KB,458x545,458:545,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461935 (302049ZAUG23) Notable: NEW: GOP senators request the US education secretary to investigate "Chinese Communist Party influence in American K-12 schools"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



NEW: GOP senators request the US education secretary to investigate "Chinese Communist Party influence in American K-12 schools" after alarming new report

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85408

File: 70157a349a105af⋯.mp4 (9.38 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 2b8f8a8ced56308⋯.png (410.37 KB,801x635,801:635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461936 (302050ZAUG23) Notable: DJT - We are going to MAKE ATLANTA GREAT AGAIN!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump




Aug 30, 2023, 4:07 PM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85409

File: 4e1cf7985dc16f5⋯.mp4 (4.04 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 9fe501065e87e36⋯.png (400.41 KB,807x642,269:214,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461944 (302051ZAUG23) Notable: DJT - Republicans, I hope you’re watching!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump

Republicans, I hope you’re watching!



Aug 30, 2023, 4:43 PM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85410

File: 2b2e9ec108bc18c⋯.png (2.64 MB,1170x1884,195:314,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461951 (302053ZAUG23) Notable: Today, @SecDef designated and @POTUS approved Ms. Wendy Noble to serve as NSA's 20th Deputy Director

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Today, @SecDef designated and @POTUS approved Ms. Wendy Noble to serve as NSA's 20th Deputy Director and senior civilian leader, becoming the third woman in the 70-plus year history of NSA to hold this position.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85411

File: 494a9f520cf1a06⋯.mp4 (7.19 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 815e0da6e4995ff⋯.png (415.2 KB,818x699,818:699,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461957 (302054ZAUG23) Notable: DJT - Highly respected Georgia State Senator Colton Moore deserves the thanks & congratulations of everyone.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump

Highly respected Georgia State Senator Colton Moore deserves the thanks & congratulations of everyone.



Aug 30, 2023, 4:38 PM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85412

File: 1858e7664c78057⋯.jpeg (334.02 KB,1470x1492,735:746,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461958 (302054ZAUG23) Notable: They are going to JFK Trump (?)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

They are going to JFK Trump.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85413

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461968 (302055ZAUG23) Notable: “This Is Spreading Like A Cancer!” | Anti-ULEZ Vigilante Justifies Camera Destruction

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

“This Is Spreading Like A Cancer!” | Anti-ULEZ Vigilante Justifies Camera Destruction


545K subscribers




127,894 views 30 Aug 2023 #talktv #talkradio #ulez

London has become the world’s largest pollution charging area after the ultra-low emission zone was expanded to include the whole of the capital.

Captain Gatso of the anti-ULEZ group The Blade Runners defends their destruction of cameras across London as justified as "the only person feeling the long arm of the law is the motorist."

“When you're under attack, you have to take defensive offensive action.”

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b01e28 No.85414

File: 3f4ccb73628b4e9⋯.mp4 (12.63 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 6fe5b336103f422⋯.png (408.64 KB,788x649,788:649,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461973 (302056ZAUG23) Notable: DJT - BILL BARR IS BAD FOR FOX!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump




Aug 30, 2023, 4:50 PM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85415

File: b47e2bbd8df1bc7⋯.png (92.85 KB,811x479,811:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461979 (302057ZAUG23) Notable: DJT - Our hearts go out to everyone impacted by Hurricane Idalia. I urge everyone to listen to your local officials, heed all warnings, and prioritize the safety of yourself and your loved ones.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump

Our hearts go out to everyone impacted by Hurricane Idalia. I urge everyone to listen to your local officials, heed all warnings, and prioritize the safety of yourself and your loved ones.

I’ve witnessed the courage, strength, and spirit of the great people of Florida many times over the years! Together, they will recover and rebuild, but in the meantime, be safe. Love and respect to everyone. God bless you all!

Aug 30, 2023, 4:04 PM


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b01e28 No.85416

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461988 (302058ZAUG23) Notable: “This Is Spreading Like A Cancer!” | Anti-ULEZ Vigilante Justifies Camera Destruction

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

ULEZ will cause 'something similar to ANARCHY' fears Richard Tice 'I've never seen anger like it'


1.01M subscribers




55,442 views 30 Aug 2023 #richardtice #ULEZ #sadiqkhan

'ULEZ signs are illegal and this man is simply not telling the truth.'

Leader of Reform UK, Richard Tice, explains why he believes the ULEZ expansion will cause 'something similar to anarchy' as he has 'never seen this level of anger before.

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b01e28 No.85417

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461994 (302059ZAUG23) Notable: “This Is Spreading Like A Cancer!” | Anti-ULEZ Vigilante Justifies Camera Destruction

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>ULEZ will cause 'something similar to ANARCHY' fears Richard Tice 'I've never seen anger like it'

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85418

File: 6bdddf56bf106c2⋯.mp4 (9.73 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 16f906887aa8791⋯.png (424.55 KB,816x709,816:709,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19461996 (302100ZAUG23) Notable: DJT - The Debate on FoxNews was one of the lowest rated EVER, if not THE LOWEST. It showed that many of those participating are “second tier” and merely “pretenders to the throne.”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump

The Debate on FoxNews was one of the lowest rated EVER, if not THE LOWEST. It showed that many of those participating are “second tier” and merely “pretenders to the throne.”



Aug 30, 2023, 3:59 PM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85419

File: d9cfcb2d67fddc3⋯.mp4 (4.17 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 79eab15cfd8ae53⋯.png (416.07 KB,807x728,807:728,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19462011 (302103ZAUG23) Notable: DJT - My interview with Tucker Carlson has turned out to be the single most watched Video and Interview in HISTORY—Such a great honor!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump

My interview with Tucker Carlson has turned out to be the single most watched Video and Interview in HISTORY—Such a great honor!



Aug 30, 2023, 3:51 PM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85420

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19462109 (302120ZAUG23) Notable: Former Trump Adviser Responds to Use of Executive Privilege in Contempt Case

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6:04 PM ET | C-SPAN

Former Trump Adviser Responds to Use of Executive Privilege in Contempt Case

Peter Navarro, former adviser to President Trump and director of the White House Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, responds to a federal judge’s decision to not allow the use of executive privilege as defense in his contempt case.


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b01e28 No.85421

File: 51193f8c5824f4c⋯.jpg (109.74 KB,753x604,753:604,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19462123 (302123ZAUG23) Notable: Goldman Sachs used Chinese state funds to buy US, UK firms: report

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Goldman Sachs used Chinese state funds to buy US, UK firms: report


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85422

File: b14fa9c6060b60e⋯.jpg (29.4 KB,733x208,733:208,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19462133 (302126ZAUG23) Notable: Sam Bankman-Fried could have FTX fraud trial delayed

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sam Bankman-Fried could have FTX fraud trial delayed


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85423

File: fda93c9f45d0724⋯.jpg (106.93 KB,474x795,158:265,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19462141 (302128ZAUG23) Notable: Thank you ⁦@SecRaimondo - for your consequential visit to Beijing and Shanghai. We at U.S. Mission China applaud your defense of our national security on technology issues, strong advocacy for U.S. firms in China and opening new channels of communication with the PRC.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Thank you ⁦


⁩ for your consequential visit to Beijing and Shanghai. We at U.S. Mission China applaud your defense of our national security on technology issues, strong advocacy for U.S. firms in China and opening new channels of communication with the PRC.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85424

File: 937efc5a3c3be93⋯.png (1.01 MB,1173x849,391:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19462189 (302141ZAUG23) Notable: Kidnappers Caught in the Act: Heroic Truck Driver Rescues “Approximately 15” Children Trapped in Padlocked Cages

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kidnappers Caught in the Act: Heroic Truck Driver Rescues “Approximately 15” Children Trapped in Padlocked Cages

Will Fox news report this? CNN?


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85425

File: 9e2ce07394d2b71⋯.png (401.71 KB,597x452,597:452,Clipboard.png)

File: fd651bdbc3f3adf⋯.png (102.96 KB,233x266,233:266,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19462226 (302149ZAUG23) Notable: TheGeorgeHQ - 🇺🇸🦅

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





0:01 / 0:37

5:58 PM · Aug 29, 2023




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85426

File: d14052fb9665f58⋯.png (14.55 KB,601x214,601:214,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19462312 (302205ZAUG23) Notable: Malik Obama - I am President Barack Obama's BIG BROTHER. I believe it's time we TALKED @TuckerCarlson

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Malik Obama


I am President Barack Obama's BIG BROTHER

I believe it's time we TALKED @TuckerCarlson


7:48 AM · Aug 30, 2023




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85427

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19462370 (302213ZAUG23) Notable: Biden Crime Family Update with Hunter Laptop Report Author Garrett Ziegler

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Biden Crime Family Update with Hunter Laptop Report Author Garrett Ziegler

Robert Gouveia



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85428

File: 14e7adc4b465d94⋯.png (2.66 MB,1625x1605,325:321,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19462549 (302241ZAUG23) Notable: PF observation

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PF observation

A dozen Apache headed westbound approximately 31 miles north of US/MX border in NM. First 5 around 2 p.m.

Another 7 around 3 p.m.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85429

File: d38103de0859d80⋯.png (197.97 KB,539x463,539:463,Clipboard.png)

File: d8dd79d51d782d2⋯.jpg (14.92 KB,474x248,237:124,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19462631 (302254ZAUG23) Notable: #23902

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#23902 >>85401

>>85402 DJT - Does anybody really believe I lost Georgia? I DON’T!



>>85405 DJT - Three years ago we had the safest Border in History—Today it is the WORST!!!

>>85406, >>85407 NEW: GOP senators request the US education secretary to investigate "Chinese Communist Party influence in American K-12 schools"

>>85408 DJT - We are going to MAKE ATLANTA GREAT AGAIN!

>>85409 DJT - Republicans, I hope you’re watching!

>>85410 Today, @SecDef designated and @POTUS approved Ms. Wendy Noble to serve as NSA's 20th Deputy Director

>>85411 DJT - Highly respected Georgia State Senator Colton Moore deserves the thanks & congratulations of everyone.

>>85412 They are going to JFK Trump (?)

>>85413, >>85416, >>85417 “This Is Spreading Like A Cancer!” | Anti-ULEZ Vigilante Justifies Camera Destruction


>>85415 DJT - Our hearts go out to everyone impacted by Hurricane Idalia. I urge everyone to listen to your local officials, heed all warnings, and prioritize the safety of yourself and your loved ones.

>>85418 DJT - The Debate on FoxNews was one of the lowest rated EVER, if not THE LOWEST. It showed that many of those participating are “second tier” and merely “pretenders to the throne.”

>>85419 DJT - My interview with Tucker Carlson has turned out to be the single most watched Video and Interview in HISTORY—Such a great honor!

>>85420 Former Trump Adviser Responds to Use of Executive Privilege in Contempt Case

>>85421 Goldman Sachs used Chinese state funds to buy US, UK firms: report

>>85422 Sam Bankman-Fried could have FTX fraud trial delayed

>>85423 Thank you ⁦@SecRaimondo - for your consequential visit to Beijing and Shanghai. We at U.S. Mission China applaud your defense of our national security on technology issues, strong advocacy for U.S. firms in China and opening new channels of communication with the PRC.

>>85424 Kidnappers Caught in the Act: Heroic Truck Driver Rescues “Approximately 15” Children Trapped in Padlocked Cages

>>85425 TheGeorgeHQ - 🇺🇸🦅

>>85426 Malik Obama - I am President Barack Obama's BIG BROTHER. I believe it's time we TALKED @TuckerCarlson

>>85427 Biden Crime Family Update with Hunter Laptop Report Author Garrett Ziegler

>>85428 PF observation


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85430

File: f6109a124e79e89⋯.png (1.46 MB,650x1040,5:8,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19462655 (302306ZAUG23) Notable: #23903

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Back up Baker Signing off

Bread is Open

Same Dough

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85431

File: 601624533e83407⋯.png (1.69 MB,1294x1455,1294:1455,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19462656 (302306ZAUG23) Notable: Tucker: people at CNN who I know for a fact are doing that exact thing. They're reading government propaganda from the intel agencies knowingly…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Tucker Carlson: "It's very, very common and I can think of a number of people at CNN who I know for a fact are doing that exact thing. They're reading government propaganda from the intel agencies knowingly...I know that is true, I'm not speculating at all."


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85432

File: b072c86cfe3b1c1⋯.png (268.56 KB,973x188,973:188,Clipboard.png)

File: 0b38b70295ef551⋯.png (4.96 KB,405x91,405:91,Clipboard.png)

File: ccda95b840502c9⋯.png (71.87 KB,405x475,81:95,Clipboard.png)

File: e7b2ce6701b78ff⋯.png (167.57 KB,666x122,333:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19462659 (302306ZAUG23) Notable: @1stMAW_Marines Shooters!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#Marines with MAG 24 participate in an Intramural Marksmanship Competition at Kaneohe Bay Range Training Facility, Marine Corps Base Hawaii.

U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Clayton Baker


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b01e28 No.85433

File: 2b1715fe84bc4f2⋯.mp4 (1.59 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19462662 (302307ZAUG23) Notable: Tucker: people at CNN who I know for a fact are doing that exact thing. They're reading government propaganda from the intel agencies knowingly…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85434

File: be56a1f8565e5a9⋯.png (1.54 MB,1299x1251,433:417,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19462667 (302308ZAUG23) Notable: Tucker: "In 2008 it became really clear that Barack Obama had been having sex with men and smoking crack…"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tucker Carlson: "In 2008 it became really clear that Barack Obama had been having sex with men and smoking crack..."


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85435

File: 2b903ab528c42eb⋯.png (305.19 KB,1126x186,563:93,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19462669 (302308ZAUG23) Notable: @1stMAW_Marines Shooters!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


add it up

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85436

File: 81e49b6e5c56bf2⋯.png (81.41 KB,367x129,367:129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19462680 (302311ZAUG23) Notable: @1stMAW_Marines Shooters!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


7:00 =1900 = 10



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85437

File: a534d6bcfa3b4b4⋯.png (121.94 KB,745x976,745:976,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19462713 (302318ZAUG23) Notable: Iowa Poll: Donald Trump holds commanding lead in first test of 2024 Republican caucus field

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

AUG 21, 2023

Iowa Poll: Donald Trump holds commanding lead in first test of 2024 Republican caucus field

Donald Trump's lead among likely Republican caucusgoers grew 5 points after his indictment in Georgia, according to the new Des Moines Register/NBC News/Mediacom Iowa Poll

Donald Trump holds a commanding lead over the rest of the 2024 Republican presidential field in Iowa — and a more than 2-to-1 lead over his closest rival, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis — with about five months to Caucus Day, a new Des Moines Register/NBC News/Mediacom Iowa Poll shows.

The poll of Iowa’s likely Republican caucusgoers comes as the former president grapples with the fallout of a fourth criminal indictment and a pack of other top contenders prepares to gather for a high-stakes GOP presidential debate in Milwaukee on Wednesday.

Among those likely caucusgoers, 42% say they plan to support Trump — a lead of 23 percentage points over DeSantis, who is at 19%. U.S. Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina follows in third place with 9%. ...


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b01e28 No.85438

File: 049baba80a7bb20⋯.png (738.58 KB,685x992,685:992,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19462724 (302320ZAUG23) Notable: Iowa Poll: Donald Trump holds commanding lead in first test of 2024 Republican caucus field

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


>Iowa Poll: Donald Trump holds commanding lead in first test of 2024 Republican caucus field

Aug 30, 2023, 5:46 PM


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b01e28 No.85439

File: 1062d0d9f83603a⋯.png (208.9 KB,625x923,625:923,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19462733 (302322ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Trump Can Prove It

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

August 18, 2023

Trump Can Prove It

Establishment politicians and mainstream media have fought harder than on any other issue to convince the public that voter fraud is a conspiracy theory. But unconstitutional changes to state election laws, unsupervised ballot drop boxes, voting machine errors, mathematically improbable voter turnout, and other examples of outright voter fraud that were denied a chance to be presented in court between the 2020 election and Biden's inauguration can't simply be chalked up as coincidental. All those things occurring simultaneously make the fraud seem coordinated.

In response to the most recent indictments, Trump's attorneys indicated they finally have a platform to "fully re-litigate every single issue that occurred during the 2020 election," of which there were many. The most important issue in America may finally get its due.

Trump's 2016 victory was fueled by flipping the states of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania from blue to red. Pennsylvania and Michigan had not voted for a Republican in a general election since 1988, while Wisconsin hadn't voted for one since 1984. Those three states delivered Trump the necessary electoral votes to become president. It also sent a signal that blue strongholds were no longer a "given" after the people of those states were fed up with delivering victories for politicians who never went on to deliver results for them.

In addition to "Hillary Clinton's blue wall," Arizona and Georgia were also viewed as potential swing states that Trump needed to retain as previous Republican nominees did to have any chance at victory. Twenty sixteen made it clear that those states would again decide the 2020 election. Suspiciously, after America was forced to anxiously await the results for days following election night, those five states all "flipped" to Biden despite Trump outpacing his record 2016 turnout by even greater margins.

Even as mathematically improbable-without-being-previously-counted percentages of ballots favoring Biden continued pouring in on November 4, Georgia secretary of state Brad Raffensperger concluded that with voter turnout already exceeding the 2016 total by 400 thousand votes, and Trump leading by over 105 thousand votes with just 2% of the vote left to count, there simply were not enough outstanding votes for Biden to win the state. ...


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b01e28 No.85440

File: d1056ee10f235aa⋯.png (178.02 KB,757x506,757:506,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19462738 (302323ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Trump Can Prove It

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Donald J. Trump


>Trump Can Prove It

Aug 30, 2023, 5:44 PM


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b01e28 No.85441

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19462739 (302324ZAUG23) Notable: "Unfortunately it's a worldview children are getting when they go into public libraries" and he talks about the doctor just nominated to run the NIH

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Tom Jones: "Unfortunately it's a worldview children are getting when they go into public libraries" and he talks about the doctor just nominated to run the NIH

Seriously almost unbelievable the incompetent and corrupt the people they put in charge.

The “women pervert running the federal Library association== is more than radical



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b01e28 No.85442

File: f8e485859003667⋯.png (260.4 KB,574x917,82:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19462750 (302325ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Jason Miller to Newsmax: Debate Will 'Spotlight' DeSantis' Failures

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AUG 30, 2023

Jason Miller to Newsmax: Debate Will 'Spotlight' DeSantis' Failures

Jason Miller, senior adviser to former President Donald Trump, told Newsmax on Monday that Wednesday's Republican presidential primary debate will "spotlight" the failures of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' campaign.

"I think what this is really going to put the spotlight on this week is the fact that this DeSantis reboot 4.0 is not going so well," Miller said on "Newsline." "We see the CBS national numbers, Trump leading [DeSantis] 62-16, the Iowa numbers out this morning have President Trump leading [DeSantis] 42-19. ...


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b01e28 No.85443

File: 723f7fcbad640c1⋯.png (278.88 KB,743x521,743:521,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19462754 (302326ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Jason Miller to Newsmax: Debate Will 'Spotlight' DeSantis' Failures

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Donald J. Trump


>Jason Miller to Newsmax: Debate Will 'Spotlight' DeSantis' Failures

Aug 30, 2023, 5:41 PM


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b01e28 No.85444

File: 4cea4f0f36ac04c⋯.png (286.68 KB,569x935,569:935,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19462765 (302328ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Georgia's Indictment of Trump is a Partisan Political Hit Job

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Aug 21, 2023

Georgia's Indictment of Trump is a Partisan Political Hit Job

How is it a criminal enterprise to challenge the results of a razor-thin election?

How is it a criminal enterprise if the first amendment protects it?

The sweeping 98-page document charges Former President Trump and nineteen others with various felony charges for actions that occurred in the frenetic time immediately following the 2020 Presidential Election, an election Trump officially lost by the slimmest of margins: 0.23% and 11,779 votes.

For those of us who live here in Georgia, there was a palpable feeling that something was wrong. This was the first election where we had ballot drop-off boxes spread all over with nobody keeping an eye on them. There were daily reports of ballot harvesting in nursing homes. There were mysterious water leaks where the votes were being counted, poll watchers were reporting a lack of access to the count, and the counting seemed to stop and start for no apparent reason. Cynics suspected the pauses were meant to figure out how many votes Joe Bide still needed to carry Georgia.

Once Georgia was officially called for Joe Biden, President Trump, and his team immediately cried foul and began looking for ways to challenge and even overturn the election. There did not seem to be a coherent legal strategy to get into court and challenge the election. However, one lawsuit filed in Fulton County sought to challenge 147,000 absentee ballots to see if any were illegitimate. The plaintiff was not Donald Trump. This suit alleged evidence of fraudulent ballots and improper ballot counting in Fulton County. Nine Georgia voters filed it. These voters never had their day in court because the judge dismissed the case without hearing the Plaintiff’s evidence on the grounds that they “lacked standing.” ...


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b01e28 No.85445

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19462768 (302329ZAUG23) Notable: Body Language: Viktor Orban, The World Right Now

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Body Language: Viktor Orban, The World Right Now


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b01e28 No.85446

File: 7710d42057f7d80⋯.png (114.68 KB,757x382,757:382,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19462775 (302329ZAUG23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Georgia's Indictment of Trump is a Partisan Political Hit Job

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Donald J. Trump


>Georgia's Indictment of Trump is a Partisan Political Hit Job

Aug 30, 2023, 5:34 PM


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b01e28 No.85447

File: e10aaffa332bd61⋯.png (851.24 KB,863x916,863:916,Clipboard.png)

File: 0a19d2063f04f54⋯.png (724.07 KB,863x871,863:871,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19462782 (302331ZAUG23) Notable: "Thank you to Mike Lindell and his entire team for bringing together Election Integrity experts to hold the GOP accountable."

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Hello from Mike Lindell,

The Republican National Committee (RNC) just passed 10 new resolutions calling for the protection of our elections, and the end of voting manipulation schemes! This resolution is the direct result of your financial and prayer support of the Lindell Legal Offense Fund (LLOF).

This "Return to Excellence in American Voting" is power-packed and we could not have asked for anymore. Here are a few highlights:

This is an empty text component.The RNC will support Paper Ballot, hand count, single day, precinct level, voter ID elections!

No more expanded time periods for early or vote-by-mail - which have turned Election Day into a never-ending election season.

The RNC supports voter ID laws and calls on states to pass laws to ensure every voter is verified to be the actual voter!

States and counties will be supported as they move away from easily manipulated electronic voting machines!

No more unwatched, pop-up ballot drop boxes! This resolution ends the Democrat-sponsored, Zuckerberg..

Paid-for, ballot harvesting System that helped steal the 2020 election in states like Georgia!

The Election Resolution:

Even my friend Charlie Kirk gave us a shout-out saying:

"Thank you to Mike Lindell and his entire team for bringing together Election Integrity experts to hold the GOP accountable."

Arizona Republican Committeeman Tyler Boyer added,

"This resolution clears the path for Republicans everywhere, in every state, county and city, to hold elected officials accountable to the clear position of the Republican Party. No election manipulation by the left can be aided by Republicans and any move in opposition to these statements is opposition to the national Republican Party's official position."

All of these 10 resolutions are directly the result of your giving and praying for a return to sanity in our country!

This key win lays the groundwork in the run-up to the 2024 national elections! Thanks to you we are turning this country around-we have hope and we now have a HUGE WIN.

God Bless,

Mike Lindell

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b01e28 No.85448

File: 262188aaa07c45b⋯.png (1.31 MB,1170x1258,585:629,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19462786 (302332ZAUG23) Notable: TRUMP WILL BE ON PHONE W/ JUST THE NEWS TOMORROW AT 6PM EST

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not sure if live or not but here's hoping



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b01e28 No.85449

File: fe8563fe4e89d28⋯.png (386.47 KB,534x489,178:163,Clipboard.png)

File: d766b09f735fe8e⋯.png (42.51 KB,407x592,11:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19462816 (302336ZAUG23) Notable: @3d_Marine_Div Our #Marines with 3d Battalion, 5th Marines, 4th Marine Regiment, and Republic of Korea Marines fire Daewoo K2C1 rifles and M4 carbines during Korea Marine Exercise Program

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Our #Marines with 3d Battalion, 5th Marines, 4th Marine Regiment, and Republic of Korea Marines fire Daewoo K2C1 rifles and M4 carbines during Korea Marine Exercise Program 23.3 in the Republic of Korea.


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b01e28 No.85450

File: e47562820e85152⋯.png (446.25 KB,660x689,660:689,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19462863 (302345ZAUG23) Notable: Arkansas escapee captured

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b01e28 No.85451

File: 19725f4a3181ebd⋯.webp (51.42 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19462882 (302348ZAUG23) Notable: Fitness Influencer Larissa Borges Dies Suddenly From Double Cardiac Arrest.

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Fitness Influencer Larissa Borges Dies Suddenly From Double Cardiac Arrest.

A 33-year-old Brazilian fitness influencer has died from double cardiac arrest.

Larissa Borges was hospitalized in Gramado on August 20th after suffering from cardiac arrest.

Borges spent a week in a coma but died shortly after suffering cardiac arrest for a second time.

“The pain of losing someone so young, just 33 years old, and so kind, is overwhelming,” Borges’ relatives wrote in an Instagram post announcing her death. “Our hearts are broken, and the longing we will feel is indescribable.”

The family said that she “fought courageously” for her life.


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b01e28 No.85452

File: d64db02889eec6b⋯.png (11.11 KB,285x285,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19462931 (302357ZAUG23) Notable: DEMS USE OVER A HALF BILLION NM TAXPAYER DOLLARS TO UNDERWRITE A SOLAR PLANT

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"Maxeon Solar may be as desperate as Santa Fe Democrats. The Motley Fool website listed three reasons Maxeon Solar stocks recently dropped precipitately,” … missed badly on revenue; management forecasts continued weak sales in Q3, and probably Q4. At the same time, Maxeon is building even more production capacity in a fragile demand environment.” With NM’s 0.6-billion-dollar contribution and Albuquerque’s Industrial Revenue Bonds (guaranteed by Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act), Maxeon has almost zero investment in New Mexico."




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b01e28 No.85453

File: e6410fc20b5f2ce⋯.png (529.5 KB,662x922,331:461,Clipboard.png)

File: 3e30638ba732de0⋯.png (173.94 KB,643x466,643:466,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19462935 (302358ZAUG23) Notable: Arkansas escapee captured

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b01e28 No.85454

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19462948 (310001ZAUG23) Notable: Borrell calls for intensified EU training of Ukrainian conscripts

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30 Aug, 2023 21:18

Borrell calls for intensified EU training of Ukrainian conscripts

The EU needs to train an additional 10,000 Ukrainian troops by the end of the year, the bloc’s foreign-policy chief has said

EU nations should raise the target for the Ukrainian troops training mission, the bloc’s top diplomat Josep Borrell said on Wednesday, following an informal meeting of its defense ministers. Member states need to train an additional 10,000 Ukrainian conscripts by the end of the year, the official added.

The training of Ukrainian service personnel in the EU “has been implemented at an unprecedented speed,” Borrell told the media in the Spanish city of Toledo. As many as 25,000 soldiers had been prepared for battle as part of the EU Military Assistance Mission (EUMAM), he said, adding that the bloc is on course to reach the stated target of 30,000 trained Ukrainian soldiers by the end of October.

“I am always saying that ‘we need to do more and faster’,” the EU’s top diplomat said, adding that he suggested the objective for the mission be raised to 40,000 Ukrainian soldiers trained before the end of the year.

Member states should also focus on “specialized training for smaller groups and for command capacities," Borrell said. Brussels is also exploring the “possibility” of including F-16 pilot training in the project, he told journalists, adding that “our mission should be also able to contribute to the training of these pilots for these planes.”

The EU nations will also have to spend billions of euros to ensure Kiev’s security in the coming years, the official said, adding that a special “Ukraine Assistance Fund for the period 2024-2027” needed to be created, to “ensure the sustainability of our military assistance.”

The fund should amount to €5 billion ($5.46 billion) every year, according to Borrell. He called it a “core element of our long-term contribution to the security of Ukraine,” adding that the sum should be seen as a ceiling rather than a target and it would be “much better,” if the EU could spend less.

The “security” funding should also come separately from EU efforts to provide Kiev’s troops with munitions, as part of what the foreign-policy chief called “the three-track ammunition initiative.” The bloc had already spent about €1.1 billion ($1.2 billion) to supply Ukrainian forces with some 224,000 rounds of ammunition and about 2,300 missiles by the end of May.

Brussels has also signed a “framework agreement” with arms industries for member states to “pass common orders,” the official said, adding that the EU Commission needs to focus on ramping up industrial capacities to produce more arms “in Europe.”

Borrell’s words come amid a continuing Ukrainian offensive that has not brought any tangible results in the two months since its launch. Kiev’s forces have suffered heavy losses in the operation, despite its Western backers supplying it with hundreds of heavy equipment pieces, including tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, and armored personnel carriers.

(So desperate, they are)


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b01e28 No.85455

File: bdcb78f2485400b⋯.png (136.29 KB,749x628,749:628,Clipboard.png)

File: 2723b423a9eedb6⋯.png (2.2 MB,1135x1128,1135:1128,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19462953 (310002ZAUG23) Notable: Merrick Garland's DOJ is suing Elon Musk because he's only hiring citizens and permanent residents.

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Merrick Garland's DOJ is suing Elon Musk because he's only hiring citizens and permanent residents.

Merrick Garland's DOJ only hires citizens.


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b01e28 No.85456

File: ac9a80530675d5e⋯.png (395.53 KB,557x662,557:662,Clipboard.png)

File: 08d5fcbd1d243fd⋯.png (200.62 KB,537x719,537:719,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19462967 (310005ZAUG23) Notable: Arizona Secretary of State Says He’s Figuring Out Whether or Not to Disqualify Trump From 2024 Ballot

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REPORT: Arizona Secretary of State Says He’s Figuring Out Whether or Not to Disqualify Trump From 2024 Ballot

Arizona Secretary of State and former cartel lawyer Adrian Fontes is reportedly questioning President Trump’s eligibility for the 2024 election in Arizona as he faces politicized indictments from the Biden Regime and upcoming trial dates.

This news comes after Katie Hobbs told a reporter that President Trump should be prosecuted by Arizona for challenging the 2020 presidential election.

The DOJ, Marxist DAs, and crooked state officials are working overtime to put Trump in prison to cover up for the Biden Crime Family and the failed Biden Administration and keep Trump out of the White House.

The accusation raised by Arizona’s Secretary of State is that President Trump “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” and is no longer eligible to hold office. This argument failed in a 2022 election lawsuit to disqualify Rep. Andy Biggs, Rep. Paul Gosar, and Trump-Endorsed Secretary of State candidate Mark Finchem from appearing on the midterm ballot.

Democrats know they can’t win on the ballot, so they cheat.

“We need to know who is eligible, and this is of incredible national interest,” Fontes said, according to an NBC report. Fontes also said last year that the certification of candidates in the 2024 Presidential Election “will ultimately end up in court.”

The Kari Lake campaign tweeted:

This is what happens when your state government is captured by radicals

They will destroy “our democracy” under the pretense of saving it


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b01e28 No.85457

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19462978 (310007ZAUG23) Notable: Canada Issues 2SLGBTQI+ "Travel Advisory" For The U.S., Whatever That Means

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Canada Issues 2SLGBTQI+ "Travel Advisory" For The U.S., Whatever That Means

The genius bureaucrats in Canada have issued either a "LGBTQ2S+" or "2SLGBTQI+" travel advisory for the United States, depending on which news source you pull your information from and which acronym is popular this week.

The country has "updated its international travel advisories to warn members of the LGBTQ+ community that they may face discrimination if they travel to some places in the United States," according to CTV News.

The advisory was put into place after at least 18 U.S. states "passed laws that limit or ban certain things relevant to the community, including gender-affirming medical care for minors and teaching about sexual orientation in schools".

We don't get it. So in other words, be careful driving on a highway in Florida, because you can't pull over and give your minor child a sex change?

The travel advisory follows the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's warning in May about "threats of violence" against the LGBTQ+ community. There's been no word on whether or not the Homeland Security warning included the "2S" and "I" portions of Canada's acronym.

"Some states have enacted laws and policies" that affect LGBTQ+ travellers, Global Affairs Canada said Tuesday. The warning "doesn't specify which states, or which of their laws or customs, are of concern," CTV added.

"Carefully consider whether you are comfortable visiting a destination where the laws and social customs affecting (LGBTQ+) people differ from those in Canada," the Canadian government warns.

Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland said Tuesday: "Even as we work hard on that government-to-government relationship, every Canadian government, very much including our government, needs to put at the centre of everything we do the interests and the safety of every single Canadian and every single group of Canadians."

Recall back in May the NAACP issued a travel advisory for the state of Florida, stating: "Florida is openly hostile toward African Americans, people of color and LGBTQ+ individuals. Before traveling to Florida, please understand that the state of Florida devalues and marginalizes the contributions of, and the challenges faced by African Americans and other communities of color."

In an accompanying statement, the 114-year-old organization said the travel advisory "comes in direct response to Governor Ron DeSantis' aggressive attempts to erase Black history and to restrict diversity, equity, and inclusion programs in Florida schools."



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b01e28 No.85458

File: 503b350023f7326⋯.png (504.57 KB,600x583,600:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463043 (310018ZAUG23) Notable: @GovRonDeSantis Just two months after the first graduation of @FLStateGuard soldiers in 75 years, they've been called up We thank them

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>Cummins unit



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b01e28 No.85459

File: 31244d1acefbd6f⋯.png (398.67 KB,529x549,529:549,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463056 (310021ZAUG23) Notable: @1stMAW_Marines Shooters!

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#Marines with MAG 24 participate in an Intramural Marksmanship Competition at Kaneohe Bay Range Training Facility, Marine Corps Base Hawaii.

U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Clayton Baker


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b01e28 No.85460

File: f5c85fb72afd7ac⋯.png (286.09 KB,983x919,983:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463059 (310022ZAUG23) Notable: MS-13 and Mexican Mafia Leader Sentenced to More than 17 Years for an International Drug Conspiracy

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MS-13 and Mexican Mafia Leader Sentenced to More than 17 Years for an International Drug Conspiracy


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b01e28 No.85461

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463074 (310024ZAUG23) Notable: "Docs Offer Glimpse Inside Censorship Industrial Complex"

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"Docs Offer Glimpse Inside Censorship Industrial Complex"

"But the advisory committee members met often and worked so closely with their government handlers that the federal liaison to the committee regularly offered members his personal cell phone and even reminded them to use the committee’s Slack channel. Your average concerned citizen doesn’t have a Homeland Security bureaucrat on speed dial."

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b01e28 No.85462

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463085 (310026ZAUG23) Notable: Garrett Ventry On President Trump's Poll Numbers: "Donald Trump has a stranglehold here"

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Garrett Ventry On President Trump's Poll Numbers: "Donald Trump has a stranglehold here"



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b01e28 No.85463

File: 34b769fc5ee76b9⋯.png (236.65 KB,532x512,133:128,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463096 (310029ZAUG23) Notable: @USPacificFleet USS Pearl Harbor (LSD 52) - arriving!

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USS Pearl Harbor (LSD 52) - arriving!

Yesterday the ship arrived to San Fernando City, La Union, #Philippines🇵🇭 in support of #PacificPartnership2023, mooring next to Republic of #Korea🇰🇷 Navy ship Cheon Ja Bong (LST-687), also participating in the mission.


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b01e28 No.85464

File: dab2960024ba1dd⋯.png (396.62 KB,1013x507,1013:507,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463149 (310040ZAUG23) Notable: Japanese PM eats ‘Fukushima lunch’

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Japanese PM eats ‘Fukushima lunch’

Fumio Kishida consumed fish sashimi from the area in an effort to dispel concerns over the release of treated radioactive wastewater


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b01e28 No.85465

File: ea34dbda8409382⋯.png (524.5 KB,1798x1900,899:950,Clipboard.png)

File: ab447f96d809c2b⋯.png (693.59 KB,1944x2084,486:521,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463172 (310043ZAUG23) Notable: U.S. DOE plans to amend school regulations to focus attention on 'ancestry discrimination'

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U.S. DOE plans to amend school regulations to focus attention on 'ancestry discrimination'

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85466

File: 24c4406d3d33fe4⋯.jpg (324.47 KB,1080x1753,1080:1753,Clipboard.jpg)

File: fd87f6149eb067d⋯.jpg (241.35 KB,1080x1337,1080:1337,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463241 (310053ZAUG23) Notable: @mrddmia Dear President Trump: Your wish is my command.

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🇺🇸 Mike Davis 🇺🇸




Dear President Trump:

Your wish is my command.

Acting Attorney General

1/20/2025 - 2/10/2025


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b01e28 No.85467

File: 52389d5f90b8106⋯.png (104.6 KB,1061x705,1061:705,Clipboard.png)

File: 1cc60f81bc6e955⋯.png (263.89 KB,529x790,529:790,Clipboard.png)

File: e27b0b36594cb6d⋯.png (191.82 KB,1062x875,1062:875,Clipboard.png)

File: d825dc78f4cfd3e⋯.png (288.1 KB,967x792,967:792,Clipboard.png)

File: 99618e4fe9268f3⋯.png (37.28 KB,1053x263,1053:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463268 (310058ZAUG23) Notable: America First Legal Obtains Over 1,000 Emails Between VP Biden and Rosemont Seneca: Mockingbird Media Collusion, Favors for Friends, and More

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America First Legal Obtains Over 1,000 Emails Between VP Biden and Rosemont Seneca: Mockingbird Media Collusion, Favors for Friends, and More

It seems more and more evident that Joe Biden flat out lied to the American people on the 2020 debate stage, among other times, when he said he had no association with his son’s business.

The Gateway Pundit has previously reported on emails from Hunter’s laptop revealed by Jon Herold of Badlands Media that outlined negotiations between Hunter Biden’s firm, Rosemont Seneca, former Clinton aide Sally Painter’s Blue Star Strategies, and Burisma’s Vadym Pozharskyi in which Pozharskyi expressed his “final goals” for their agreement:

“…to formulate a list of deliverables, including, but not limited to: a concrete course of actions, incl. meetings/communications resulting in high-ranking US officials in Ukraine (US Ambassador) and in US publicly or in private communication/comment expressing their “positive opinion” and supportof Nikolay/Burisma to the highest level of decision makers here in Ukraine.“

That email thread also disclosed that Pozharskyi would wire a $60,000 retainer “today” and asked “BS”, likely Blue Star, to countersign their agreement.

Just a few weeks later, Joe Biden flew to Ukraine for the infamous “son-of-a-bitch was fired” meeting with then Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko.

This is, of course, a drop in the bucket of evidence that has come to light suggesting that both Joe and Hunter Biden are acting as foreign agents with their deals between Ukrainian companies, Russian oligarchs and politicians, and the Chinese Communist Party, among others.

And now there’s more…

Today, America First Legal (AFL) disclosed in a press release that they have obtained “over 1,000 emails between Rosemont Seneca and the Office of the Vice (OVP) President” from the National Archives via a lawsuit. AFL started the thread on X by saying “the sheer volume of emails exchanged between Hunter and his associates at Rosemont Seneca and the Office of the Vice President is telling in itself.”

The White House asserted executive privilege to withhold 200 emails because “release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors.” So the American people cannot know what is in those emails but a private business that has no direct role in the U.S. government is acceptable as a party to these emails? If the emails below are what they could release, we are all dying to know what they can’t!


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b01e28 No.85468

File: f4d9bd7eb2101a0⋯.jpg (514.42 KB,4096x4096,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463286 (310100ZAUG23) Notable: Japanese PM eats ‘Fukushima lunch’

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85469

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463297 (310102ZAUG23) Notable: Frying Pan Shoals Light Tower located approximately 39 miles southeast of Southport, North Carolina and 32 miles from Bald Head Island

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live cam

Frying Pan Shoals Light Tower located approximately 39 miles southeast of Southport, North Carolina and 32 miles from Bald Head Island, North Carolina. The Frying Pan Tower is a privately owned surplus Coast Guard Light Station located 34 miles off the coast of North Carolina that is being restored.

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b01e28 No.85470

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463338 (310109ZAUG23) Notable: APD reports multiple violations, 17 arrests in Sex Offender Compliance Check

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APD reports multiple violations, 17 arrests in Sex Offender Compliance Check

The Amarillo Police Department on Wednesday released results from its annual Sex Offender Compliance Check, including one out-of-state warrant leading to an arrest and minor children taken into custody by a state agency.

APD recently coordinated the compliance check of all registered sex offenders in Amarillo. During a two-week period in August, a total of 697 addresses were checked. APD said a total of 28 reports were generated for various law violations, and 17 individuals were arrested for failure to comply with registration requirements, including one with an immigration hold.

Detectives from the Special Victim’s Unit (SVU), officers from the Proactive Criminal Enforcement Unit (PACE), and the U.S. Marshalls were involved in the operation, police said.

APD said the current number of registered sex offenders in Amarillo is 682.

Officers learned that seven offenders had absconded before the operation began.

As a part of this operation, on Aug. 18, the U.S. Marshals in Randall County located and arrested Thomas Golding, who had a warrant out of Twin Falls, Idaho, for sexual abuse of a child under 16. While making the arrest, the Marshals discovered there were minor children in the home. The Department of Health and Human Services (DHS) took custody of the children. Police said that investigation is ongoing, and further charges are possible.


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b01e28 No.85471

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463356 (310112ZAUG23) Notable: LIVE - Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy 'Game Night'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

LIVE - Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy 'Game Night'- 08/30/2023



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b01e28 No.85472

File: 226d502d2695b7e⋯.png (665.58 KB,867x835,867:835,Clipboard.png)

File: c3a5d8d41a11c41⋯.png (1.8 MB,1621x1080,1621:1080,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463367 (310117ZAUG23) Notable: As Idalia hit Florida, all of NOAA’s hurricane-hunting planes were grounded due to a generator failure

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As Idalia hit Florida, all of NOAA’s hurricane-hunting planes were grounded

Story by Allyson Chiu, Dino Grandoni, Jason Samenow

As Hurricane Idalia rapidly approached Florida’s Big Bend region early Wednesday morning, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration had to ground its last remaining “hurricane hunter” plane due to a generator failure.

Dubbed Miss Piggy, the plane is one of three aircraft operated by NOAA that can collect storm data essential to forecasters. In the 24 hours before Idalia slammed into Florida, it was the only NOAA-operated aircraft available to provide the federal agency’s National Hurricane Center with data on the storm, according to one former senior NOAA official and one current employee, who spoke on the condition of anonymity due to the issue’s sensitivity.

Asked about the matter Wednesday, NOAA confirmed the plane’s technical problems.

The two other planes were undergoing repairs. After days of flying into Idalia, Miss Piggy, too, was sidelined — unable to carry out the early-morning flight requested by the Hurricane Center as the storm was set to make landfall. Instead, an Air Force plane that had also been asked to fly provided data on the storm, two current employees said.

The planes’ troubles have raised concerns about the availability of one key forecasting tool ahead of what’s shaping up to be an active hurricane season. While the Hurricane Center has other ways of gathering information, experts say forecasters rely heavily on these planes for data that helps inform watches, warnings and evacuation decisions.

In addition to the flights, NOAA said it used a variety of tools to track Idalia’s path toward Florida, including satellites and the National Weather Service’s network of radars. “NOAA has numerous observing platforms on and in the ocean this season,” said Scott Smullen, an agency spokesman.

It’s still unclear whether the Hurricane Center’s forecast suffered for having only one NOAA plane flying into Idalia as it advanced toward shore. Some experts noted that predictions about the system’s path have been accurate, and flying planes is less important as storms near shore, where they can be tracked by ground-based radars. But had the planes been unavailable earlier, it could have hurt the accuracy of forecasts, they said.

“It’s like a World Cup soccer game, and you have one goalie, and you play him every moment of every game,” one of the current NOAA officials said. “It’s a very high risk that he gets hurt, and the impact when he does that — you lose the World Cup.” 1/3


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b01e28 No.85473

File: adc3a17344b3ed2⋯.png (1.04 MB,1621x1080,1621:1080,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463371 (310117ZAUG23) Notable: As Idalia hit Florida, all of NOAA’s hurricane-hunting planes were grounded due to a generator failure

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Hurricane hunters

Aside from Miss Piggy, NOAA operates another Lockheed WP-3D Orion called Kermit and a Gulfstream IV-SP named Gonzo.

The Lockheed planes, known as P-3s, punch through the eyewalls of hurricanes to gather the data forecasters need to make accurate predictions about the intensity and trajectory of hurricanes.

“They’re made to fly through nasty weather, and fly really low and be very rugged,” said Mark Luther, an oceanographer at the University of South Florida. “They’re very sturdy aircraft.”

To paint a picture of a storm, scientists aboard the planes drop probes to measure wind direction and speed, pressure, humidity and temperature as they descend to the sea, transmitting that information back to the aircraft. The planes also have a tail Doppler radar system, or TDR, located near the back that measures precipitation and winds, creating a three-dimensional “CAT scan” that can show forecasters where the strongest winds are, how far they extend out from the storm center and where the most intense rainfall occurs, according to NOAA.

Gonzo, the Gulfstream jet, flies higher than the P-3s and gathers data on storms from the upper atmosphere.

The three planes are approaching the end of their life spans. The P-3s, for instance, have been in service since the 1970s, while the Gulfstream jet has been operating since the mid-1990s. While they have been retrofitted and repaired, flying through a hurricane can be grueling — for both the crews and the planes.

“They’re going to have to be retired by 2030, if not sooner,” the former senior NOAA official said. “It really depends on how many flights they do. So if we have a couple active seasons, they’re going to hit their end of life a lot sooner.”

In its 2022 aircraft plan, NOAA specified an “operational requirement” to procure four C-130 planes. The new aircraft would replace the two P-3s in service along with another one that was decommissioned in 2018, and provide the agency with “one additional aircraft to meet the expanding airborne data requirements and objectives,” according to the plan. 2/3


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b01e28 No.85474

File: 2c3de8112b7694a⋯.png (2.01 MB,1628x1080,407:270,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463378 (310118ZAUG23) Notable: As Idalia hit Florida, all of NOAA’s hurricane-hunting planes were grounded due to a generator failure

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Tracking Idalia

The most important time for gathering data from deep inside a hurricane is two or four days out, when officials are making decisions about warnings, said James Franklin, a former NOAA hurricane specialist.

The information collected by the hurricane-hunting planes is “extraordinarily valuable” for forecasting, said Steven Morey, an oceanographer at Florida A&M University. “If they don’t get quality data to assimilate in their analysis runs, then there’s going to be a degradation in the forecasts,” he said.

As Idalia moved through the Gulf of Mexico gathering strength, Miss Piggy and Gonzo, along with Air Force C-130s, flew missions that fed data back to the Hurricane Center. Kermit, grounded with a maintenance issue, did not fly the entire time before the storm moved ashore, one of the current NOAA employees said.

The Gulfstream jet flew missions through Monday evening, according to NOAA’s Smullen.

With two alternating crews, the sturdy P-3 was able to maintain regular monitoring flights into the storm as it approached Florida, the NOAA employee said. But early Wednesday morning, the battered plane was grounded.

Smullen confirmed that one of the agency’s P-3 planes had been “conducting back-to-back, round-the-clock research missions for 11 of the past 12 days on Hurricanes Franklin and Idalia, [and] experienced a mechanical issue, forcing the cancellation of a mission this morning to collect data on Hurricane Idalia.”

Jeff Masters, a former flight meteorologist for NOAA, said the airplane data is more critical when storms are farther from shore. “The loss of the P-3 data is not a big issue in this case, since the hurricane was close to landfall at the time and was being well sampled by land-based radar,” he said.

And the Hurricane Center did receive data as the storm came ashore from the Air Force flight that had also been requested.

Still, Masters said, “It is fortunate that the P-3 did not go out of service a day or two before landfall, when such data is extremely valuable for model predictions.”

NOAA has stopped its flights now that Idalia has moved over land, Smullen said, noting that the agency deploys the aircraft only when the storm’s center is over water.

Both P-3 planes are expected to return to service by next week, he added, while the Gulfstream is undergoing maintenance to fix a flight control mechanism.

Still, the recent plane troubles have heightened concerns among some as the agency braces for more hurricanes this year and beyond.

“We’re not out of the woods,” the NOAA employee said, noting that the peak of this hurricane season is probably still coming. “We’re just getting started.” 3/3


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b01e28 No.85475

File: 120d67870fc7b1e⋯.png (632.51 KB,1079x1098,1079:1098,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463380 (310118ZAUG23) Notable: so far he's posted 24 videos in a row T-minus 24?

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so far he's posted 24 videos in a row

T-minus 24?

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b01e28 No.85476

File: 64f9b21643e2c42⋯.png (73.06 KB,915x476,915:476,Clipboard.png)

File: b1fc799397da433⋯.png (203.47 KB,840x817,840:817,Clipboard.png)

File: e20332e3ef42d60⋯.png (175.91 KB,711x840,237:280,Clipboard.png)

File: 10eb46ec93c3a03⋯.png (108.51 KB,926x866,463:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463386 (310119ZAUG23) Notable: DOJ Press Release Bears Questions: Did FBI/DOJ Search 200,000 U.S. and 700,000 Worldwide Computers Without A Warrant, What Really Happened and Why?

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DOJ Press Release Bears Questions: Did FBI/DOJ Search 200,000 U.S. and 700,000 Worldwide Computers Without A Warrant, What Really Happened and Why?

A Department of Justice press release from 29 Aug 23 indicates that the DOJ and FBI accessed, possibly searched and then altered [removed] contents from 200,000 U.S. and 700,000 worldwide computers: Qakbot Malware Disrupted in International Cyber Takedown. Examination of the facts and circumstances bears the question of whether or not DOJ/FBI violated protected rights of U.S. computer owners.

Moreover, the analysis bears further questions about intent, design, false flag operations and cover-up operations that appear to be the norm in AG Merrick Garland’s DOJ.

From the DOJ press release [emphasis added],

The Justice Department today announced a multinational operation involving actions in the United States, France, Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Romania, and Latvia to disrupt the botnet and malware known as Qakbot and take down its infrastructure. The Qakbot malicious code is being deleted from victim computers, preventing it from doing any more harm. The Department also announced the seizure of approximately $8.6 million in cryptocurrency in illicit profits.

The action represents the largest U.S.-led financial and technical disruption of a botnet infrastructure leveraged by cybercriminals to commit ransomware, financial fraud, and other cyber-enabled criminal activity.

The Qakbot malware primarily infects victim computers through spam email messages containing malicious attachments or hyperlinks. Once it has infected a victim computer, Qakbot can deliver additional malware, including ransomware, to the infected computer. Qakbot has been used as an initial means of infection by many prolific ransomware groups in recent years, including Conti, ProLock, Egregor, REvil, MegaCortex, and Black Basta. The ransomware actors then extort their victims, seeking ransom payments in bitcoin before returning access to the victim computer networks. These ransomware groups have caused significant harm to businesses, healthcare providers, and government agencies all over the world.

Does installing an uninstaller that causes a computer to search and locate the malware it’s being instructed to purge constitute an illegal search without a warrant and does it require advance advisement and consent?

How likely is it that Qakbot is actually a product of or threaded back to the western intelligence community?


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b01e28 No.85477

File: 10eb46ec93c3a03⋯.png (108.51 KB,926x866,463:433,Clipboard.png)

File: a5cac345ba16215⋯.png (94.19 KB,921x740,921:740,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463388 (310120ZAUG23) Notable: DOJ Press Release Bears Questions: Did FBI/DOJ Search 200,000 U.S. and 700,000 Worldwide Computers Without A Warrant, What Really Happened and Why?

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85478

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463429 (310127ZAUG23) Notable: @23903

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#23903 >>85430

>>85431, >>85433 Tucker: people at CNN who I know for a fact are doing that exact thing. They're reading government propaganda from the intel agencies knowingly…

>>85434 Tucker: "In 2008 it became really clear that Barack Obama had been having sex with men and smoking crack…"

>>85432, >>85459, >>85435, >>85436 @1stMAW_Marines Shooters!

>>85437, >>85438 Iowa Poll: Donald Trump holds commanding lead in first test of 2024 Republican caucus field

>>85440, >>85439 @realDonaldTrump Trump Can Prove It

>>85441 "Unfortunately it's a worldview children are getting when they go into public libraries" and he talks about the doctor just nominated to run the NIH

>>85443, >>85442 @realDonaldTrump Jason Miller to Newsmax: Debate Will 'Spotlight' DeSantis' Failures

>>85446, >>85444 @realDonaldTrump Georgia's Indictment of Trump is a Partisan Political Hit Job

>>85445 Body Language: Viktor Orban, The World Right Now

>>85447 "Thank you to Mike Lindell and his entire team for bringing together Election Integrity experts to hold the GOP accountable."


>>85449 @3d_Marine_Div Our #Marines with 3d Battalion, 5th Marines, 4th Marine Regiment, and Republic of Korea Marines fire Daewoo K2C1 rifles and M4 carbines during Korea Marine Exercise Program

>>85451 Fitness Influencer Larissa Borges Dies Suddenly From Double Cardiac Arrest.


>>85453, >>85450 Arkansas escapee captured

>>85454 Borrell calls for intensified EU training of Ukrainian conscripts

>>85455 Merrick Garland's DOJ is suing Elon Musk because he's only hiring citizens and permanent residents.

>>85456 Arizona Secretary of State Says He’s Figuring Out Whether or Not to Disqualify Trump From 2024 Ballot

>>85457 Canada Issues 2SLGBTQI+ "Travel Advisory" For The U.S., Whatever That Means

>>85458 @GovRonDeSantis Just two months after the first graduation of @FLStateGuard soldiers in 75 years, they've been called up We thank them

>>85460 MS-13 and Mexican Mafia Leader Sentenced to More than 17 Years for an International Drug Conspiracy

>>85461 "Docs Offer Glimpse Inside Censorship Industrial Complex"

>>85462 Garrett Ventry On President Trump's Poll Numbers: "Donald Trump has a stranglehold here"

>>85463 @USPacificFleet USS Pearl Harbor (LSD 52) - arriving!

>>85464, >>85468 Japanese PM eats ‘Fukushima lunch’

>>85465 U.S. DOE plans to amend school regulations to focus attention on 'ancestry discrimination'

>>85466 @mrddmia Dear President Trump: Your wish is my command.

>>85467 America First Legal Obtains Over 1,000 Emails Between VP Biden and Rosemont Seneca: Mockingbird Media Collusion, Favors for Friends, and More

>>85469 Frying Pan Shoals Light Tower located approximately 39 miles southeast of Southport, North Carolina and 32 miles from Bald Head Island

>>85470 APD reports multiple violations, 17 arrests in Sex Offender Compliance Check

>>85471 LIVE - Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy 'Game Night'

>>85472, >>85473, >>85474 As Idalia hit Florida, all of NOAA’s hurricane-hunting planes were grounded due to a generator failure

>>85475 so far he's posted 24 videos in a row T-minus 24?

>>85476, >>85477 DOJ Press Release Bears Questions: Did FBI/DOJ Search 200,000 U.S. and 700,000 Worldwide Computers Without A Warrant, What Really Happened and Why?


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b01e28 No.85479

File: 97d158e6d4a98a5⋯.jpg (149.52 KB,631x575,631:575,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6caecaf68d18523⋯.png (514.21 KB,688x589,688:589,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463435 (310129ZAUG23) Notable: #23904

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can continue or defer, ballers call it

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85480

File: 9a6e318e32019cc⋯.png (168.5 KB,1039x915,1039:915,Clipboard.png)

File: 289207d459eef0f⋯.png (80.9 KB,1044x913,1044:913,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463459 (310134ZAUG23) Notable: Corrupt Obama Judge Finds Rudy Giuliani Guilty Because He Didn’t Turn Over Devices the FBI Confiscated from His Home

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Corrupt Obama Judge Finds Rudy Giuliani Guilty Because He Didn’t Turn Over Devices the FBI Confiscated from His Home

Rudy Giuliani was found guilty by Obama-appointed U.S. District Court Judge Beryl Howell in Washington DC because he didn’t turn over devices that the FBI took from his home.

Far-left Politico reported:

A federal judge ruled Wednesday that Rudy Giuliani is legally liable for defaming two Georgia election workers who became the subject of conspiracy theories related to the 2020 election that were amplified by Donald Trump in the final weeks of his presidency. In an unsparing, 57-page ruling, U.S. District Court Judge Beryl Howell said Giuliani had flagrantly violated her orders to preserve and produce relevant evidence to the election workers, Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, resulting in a “default” judgment against him. She also ordered him to pay Freeman and Moss “punitive” damages for failing to fulfill his obligations.


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b01e28 No.85481

File: 8d4a33655ee2db6⋯.png (472.22 KB,1439x1012,1439:1012,Clipboard.png)

File: 3ac41bec7b3613b⋯.png (2.41 MB,1920x1168,120:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463463 (310137ZAUG23) Notable: PF BF nose currents

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USMC V-22 Osprey 168675 flying low around the shores of Maui. Dead bodies tend to float after being in the water for a period amount of time.

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b01e28 No.85482

File: 74dc928045b9304⋯.png (85.46 KB,401x378,401:378,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463469 (310138ZAUG23) Notable: PF BF nose currents

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if he was looking for dead bodies he'd be flying around Lahaina.

He's not.

He's flying around the nearby island that anons suspect of being a ground-based DEW station

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b01e28 No.85483

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463473 (310139ZAUG23) Notable: California mom gets $100K settlement from school district who transitioned child behind her back

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California mom gets $100K settlement from school district who transitioned child behind her back

'You don't know what they're teaching in schools anymore. Just be active in your kid’s lives and don't be scared to speak up.'


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85484

File: bfd9e3ee690be7c⋯.png (155.82 KB,699x806,699:806,Clipboard.png)

File: db068bcc3c35b15⋯.png (164.02 KB,693x913,63:83,Clipboard.png)

File: 5eec5cb367358b4⋯.png (74.88 KB,678x388,339:194,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463485 (310142ZAUG23) Notable: CDC Responds to Mask Mandate Claims

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CDC Responds to Mask Mandate Claims

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has responded to speculation that the agency could be bringing back mask mandates on public transportation or in federal officials.

A spokesperson for the CDC told The Epoch Times on Aug. 29 that COVID-19 hospital admission levels “are currently low for more than 96 percent” of the United States, but that the agency recommended that transportation workers, travelers, passengers, and others get the COVID-19 vaccine “before they travel.”

“Anyone may choose to wear a mask in crowded or poorly ventilated indoor areas, including on public transportation and in transportation hubs at any time,” the CDC spokesperson said.

The agency also doesn’t currently have any mandate in effect, and the “CDC’s advice for individual and community actions around COVID-19 are tied to hospital admission levels,” the spokesperson said.

Earlier this week, a CDC spokesperson told NBC News that there have been no agency discussions about bringing back mask mandates, which comes as a handful of hospitals and offices around the country started reimposing them this month. There has also been speculation that federal officials may bring back mandates or even push for lockdowns, similar to what happened in 2020.

At the same time, the CDC hasn’t issued any updated guidelines regarding mask mandates on its website.

About a week ago, a report from Alex Jones’s InfoWars claimed that a high-level Transportation Security Administration (TSA) official, who wasn’t named, informed him that lockdowns and mandates would be coming back in the fall. That person cited discussions among agency officials as the basis for his claims.

However, a spokesperson for the TSA told The Epoch Times on Aug. 25 that those claims are false and that the agency “does not have any new requirements and there has not been any meeting on the topic.”

While the “TSA has authority to impose mask-related requirements to implement mask orders from the CDC related to transportation systems,” the “TSA is not imposing mask-related requirements at this time,” the agency stated.

Benjamin Haynes, a spokesperson for the CDC, told The Associated Press at about the same time that reports of upcoming lockdowns are “utterly false.”

Over the past several weeks, COVID-19 hospitalizations have been on the rise across the country, according to CDC data. Despite the increase, it’s among the lowest levels of hospitalization recorded since the start of the pandemic in early 2020.

“An upswing is not a surge; it’s not even a wave,” Dr. Shira Doron, the chief infection control officer for Tufts Medicine, told ABC News last week. “What we’re seeing is a very gradual and small upward trajectory of cases and hospitalizations, without deaths really going along, which is great news.”


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b01e28 No.85485

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463488 (310142ZAUG23) Notable: PF BF nose currents

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Come to think of it. What about currents?

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b01e28 No.85486

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463527 (310150ZAUG23) Notable: this why we keep up with ebo T

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bezos peepee caught exposing GAHYnigg tranny cult neighbor on jutube

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b01e28 No.85487

File: 2ca34534de3857a⋯.jpg (55.82 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3498e560b62cf33⋯.jpg (41.25 KB,720x540,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8aef9cc19d7054f⋯.png (210.3 KB,500x445,100:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463537 (310152ZAUG23) Notable: this why we keep up with ebo T

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85488

File: dbde9d5b3d007fd⋯.jpeg (661.66 KB,1599x1780,1599:1780,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7c249a03f0b6d03⋯.jpeg (149.62 KB,894x718,447:359,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463546 (310157ZAUG23) Notable: Trump dropped 31 vids on TS today/Q/24 in row/T-24 is Sept 1 2024

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85489

File: fd98319315a9f6c⋯.png (355.49 KB,548x761,548:761,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463549 (310158ZAUG23) Notable: "I have now published the largest autopsy study ever in that circumstance where someone dies suddenly after Vaccination. And the answer is - 73.9% of the time,

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dr. Peter McCullough:

"I have now published the largest autopsy study ever in that circumstance where someone dies suddenly after Vaccination. And the answer is - 73.9% of the time, it's directly due to the Vaccine if they've taken it."


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b01e28 No.85490

File: 72aa11e8d8466c4⋯.png (313.05 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

File: 0785f8ee71cf663⋯.png (396.77 KB,1920x968,240:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463564 (310203ZAUG23) Notable: PF BF nose currents

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


CG cutter in the area


Surf report has animated image


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b01e28 No.85491

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463578 (310207ZAUG23) Notable: Donald Trump interview with Glenn Beck- August 29, 2023

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald Trump interview with Glenn Beck- August 29, 2023


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b01e28 No.85492

File: 178ebe480f2356a⋯.png (282.55 KB,494x355,494:355,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463586 (310211ZAUG23) Notable: They're just going to skip that part where people were Dying to Justify Masking, Vaxxing & Lockdowns & Just go Straight to Masking, Vaxxing & Lockdowns

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

They're just going to skip that part where people were Dying to Justify Masking, Vaxxing & Lockdowns

& Just go Straight to Masking, Vaxxing & Lockdowns

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b01e28 No.85493

File: 11d9510be92195b⋯.png (311.47 KB,1505x807,1505:807,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463593 (310213ZAUG23) Notable: Trump dropped 31 vids on TS today/Q/24 in row/T-24 is Sept 1 2024

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>85475 pb so far he's posted 24 videos in a row T-minus 24?

Facebook Sept 03.

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b01e28 No.85494

File: 045a7c8ca4946c1⋯.png (21.88 KB,481x449,481:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463601 (310216ZAUG23) Notable: Trump dropped 31 vids on TS today/Q/24 in row/T-24 is Sept 1 2024

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


T-minus leads to @jack again

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b01e28 No.85495

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463603 (310217ZAUG23) Notable: RT just posted a long vid without any dialog of a super moon over the TEMPLE OF POSEIDON at Cape Sounion, Greece. Fun fact: Russia has those long range ocean torpedos called Poseidons.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A couple of breds back an anon posted about a cult of POSEIDON being discovered by archeologists in Greece.

RT just posted a long vid without any dialog of a super moon over the TEMPLE OF POSEIDON at Cape Sounion, Greece.


The vid focuses on the water, the moon and the Temple of Poseidon, god of the seas and storms.

Fun fact: Russia has those long range ocean torpedos called Poseidons.

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b01e28 No.85496

File: 906f70c46a8e1dd⋯.png (114.39 KB,478x1395,478:1395,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463615 (310221ZAUG23) Notable: Trump dropped 31 vids on TS today/Q/24 in row/T-24 is Sept 1 2024

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


T-minus 24hrs = Sep 01

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b01e28 No.85497

File: fa7eb1f7c7eeb1e⋯.png (491.38 KB,1442x1011,1442:1011,Clipboard.png)

File: 38b82ca21a081a4⋯.png (1.3 MB,1200x826,600:413,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463626 (310223ZAUG23) Notable: PF BF nose currents

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

SPAR28 arriving Honolulu. Wonder what VIPs are on it.

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b01e28 No.85498

File: f037ded270cfaff⋯.jpg (92.76 KB,667x680,667:680,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463635 (310227ZAUG23) Notable: End Times News

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000030

Hey Young Americans, Were Those Massive Student Loans Really Worth It?


MY COMMENT: All you got was a radical left government with a collapsing economy. Will the liberal arts and social justice rewards save you from poverty?

Nordstrom Closes Shop In San Fransico As Dollar Stores Lock Up Merchandise


Other major retailers in the area, including Old Navy Whole Foods, AT&T, Anthropologie, AmazonGo, Office Depot, and Saks Off Fifth Avenue, closed earlier this summer. Remaining stores have been forced to lock up their stock to deter shoplifters.

Massive Teen Hordes Swarm Two California Malls: Beatings, Gunfire and Stabbing Ensue


Chicago News Crew Robbed At Gunpoint While Reporting On String Of Robberies


The Three Phases Of Covid ‘Vaccine’ Death, What Most Of The Vaxxed Have For A Future


#DoNotComply & Stick Your Vaccines Up Your Ass Is Going Viral On Social Media, Everywhere!


Tucker Carlson Warns America Could Be In The Middle Of A World War By Next Year


Putin suffers his worst night of bombardment since invading Ukraine: Zelensky's drones blast four military transport planes and six Russian regions are hit - but Kyiv also suffers 'massive' missile attack.


Russian military aircraft were damaged and civilian aviation was disrupted in the drone attacks, Russian officials said, citing Pskov, Bryansk, Kaluga, Orlov, Ryazan and Moscow regions as targeted, as well as Russian-occupied Crimea.

BRICS Nations Have Already Begun To Dump The US Dollar For Oil Trade


The modern left’s assault on free speech is perhaps the most terrifying element of the madness we have succumbed to for the simple reason that democracy is meaningless without it.


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b01e28 No.85499

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463641 (310229ZAUG23) Notable: End Times News

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000001-28



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b01e28 No.85500

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463676 (310236ZAUG23) Notable: this why we keep up with ebo T

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

royal bastard cucked at oprahs

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b01e28 No.85501

File: e1d1b22aa14c550⋯.mp4 (11.24 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463678 (310237ZAUG23) Notable: 'Don't consent""Don't comply"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


This is why.

He just changed History.

He just gave the order to all his followers, which are millions.

'Don't consent""Don't comply"


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b01e28 No.85502


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b01e28 No.85503

File: ea24709c4b00529⋯.png (3.47 MB,3379x1825,3379:1825,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463831 (310306ZAUG23) Notable: QClock August 29, 2023 - Dear Patriot. We hear you.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

QClock August 29, 2023 - Dear Patriot. We hear you.

*Nice little U.S. Military clock proof for the shills.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85504

File: 2904bfe88370fbd⋯.png (230.82 KB,479x476,479:476,Clipboard.png)

File: 9f9f4587c5edc34⋯.mp4 (15.2 MB,320x180,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463917 (310322ZAUG23) Notable: @JamesOKeefeIII Police bodycam footage shows NJ School Board officials calling police on citizens they don’t recognize who look “TRUMPISH!” Police colluded with school officials to scan license plates of all attendees who looked 'different'.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

James O'Keefe


BREAKING: Police bodycam footage shows NJ School Board officials calling police on citizens they don’t recognize who look “TRUMPISH!” Police colluded with school officials to scan license plates of all attendees who looked 'different'.

POLICE: 'I don't answer to journalists.'

10:35 PM · Aug 30, 2023


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b01e28 No.85505

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463929 (310326ZAUG23) Notable: General Michael Flynn | PBD Podcast | Ep. 300

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


General Michael Flynn | PBD Podcast | Ep. 300

PBD Podcast

1.31M subscribers

184K views Streamed 14 hours ago PBD Podcast

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b01e28 No.85506

File: 6cc5d0eb1a4982d⋯.png (631.56 KB,972x1173,324:391,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463939 (310329ZAUG23) Notable: @USNationalGuard Today, more than 1,300 National Guard members in 11 states are supporting wildfire response missions.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Today, more than 1,300 National Guard members in 11 states are supporting wildfire response missions.

Read more about the


's wildfire response: https://ngpa.us/26700

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b01e28 No.85507

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19463947 (310331ZAUG23) Notable: Sharp increase in coronavirus infections in Germany

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

looks like Germany is returning to mandatory masking

Sharp increase in coronavirus infections in Germany

Germany Tamino Dreisam


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b01e28 No.85508

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19464248 (310447ZAUG23) Notable: #23904

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Finally Final

#23904 >>85479

>>85481, >>85482, >>85485, >>85490, >>85497 PF BF nose currents

>>85480 Corrupt Obama Judge Finds Rudy Giuliani Guilty Because He Didn’t Turn Over Devices the FBI Confiscated from His Home

>>85483 California mom gets $100K settlement from school district who transitioned child behind her back

>>85484 CDC Responds to Mask Mandate Claims

>>85488, >>85493, >>85494, >>85496 Trump dropped 31 vids on TS today/Q/24 in row/T-24 is Sept 1 2024

>>85489 "I have now published the largest autopsy study ever in that circumstance where someone dies suddenly after Vaccination. And the answer is - 73.9% of the time,

>>85491 Donald Trump interview with Glenn Beck- August 29, 2023

>>85492 They're just going to skip that part where people were Dying to Justify Masking, Vaxxing & Lockdowns & Just go Straight to Masking, Vaxxing & Lockdowns

>>85495 RT just posted a long vid without any dialog of a super moon over the TEMPLE OF POSEIDON at Cape Sounion, Greece. Fun fact: Russia has those long range ocean torpedos called Poseidons.

>>85498, >>85499 End Times News

>>85500, >>85487, >>85486 this why we keep up with ebo T

>>85501 'Don't consent""Don't comply"


>>85503 QClock August 29, 2023 - Dear Patriot. We hear you.

>>85504 @JamesOKeefeIII Police bodycam footage shows NJ School Board officials calling police on citizens they don’t recognize who look “TRUMPISH!” Police colluded with school officials to scan license plates of all attendees who looked 'different'.

>>85505 General Michael Flynn | PBD Podcast | Ep. 300

>>85506 @USNationalGuard Today, more than 1,300 National Guard members in 11 states are supporting wildfire response missions.

>>85507 Sharp increase in coronavirus infections in Germany


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b01e28 No.85509

File: aba7d532ba4aa95⋯.png (622.89 KB,500x749,500:749,Clipboard.png)

File: 147a734e2122217⋯.png (80.3 KB,568x219,568:219,Clipboard.png)

File: 321ceda84d68015⋯.png (517.67 KB,800x533,800:533,Clipboard.png)

File: 3c1d69f4371d989⋯.jpg (1.12 MB,4096x4096,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b2144bd730a2040⋯.jpg (147.5 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19464265 (310451ZAUG23) Notable: #23905

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Baker taps @20

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b01e28 No.85510

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19464317 (310459ZAUG23) Notable: Ex-Middlesex deputy charged with threatening to destroy Plymouth courthouse

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Ex-Middlesex deputy charged with threatening to destroy Plymouth courthouse . . ."


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b01e28 No.85511

File: b9c8fe61b4f4d4c⋯.png (1.43 MB,1480x1236,370:309,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19464337 (310504ZAUG23) Notable: On Wednesday’s episode of Saturday Night Live alums Dana Carvey and David Spade’s “Fly on the Wall” podcast, it was revealed that Hillary Clinton was upset with Julia Sweeney’s SNL impression of a teenaged Chelsea Clinton.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[Phil Hartman]

On Wednesday’s episode of Saturday Night Live alums Dana Carvey and David Spade’s “Fly on the Wall” podcast, it was revealed that Hillary Clinton was upset with Julia Sweeney’s SNL impression of a teenaged Chelsea Clinton.

The former Secretary of State “wrote a letter” to SNL creator Lorne Michaels about the sketch, which aired on the show in 1993.


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b01e28 No.85512

File: cb1b990289e0775⋯.png (610.53 KB,1048x979,1048:979,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19464342 (310505ZAUG23) Notable: Anon read this message several times over. With the capitalization of Video and Policy, all I see is…Choose the VP that you like

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Thank you baker

Anon read this message several times over. With the capitalization of Video and Policy, all I see is…

Choose the VP that you like

Trump is always talking about the Presidency as belonging to “WE” the People. I suppose that gives us all a say in this decision?

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b01e28 No.85513

File: e8eec309e7dfdb9⋯.jpg (200.15 KB,720x1206,40:67,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 23d8beb605643f8⋯.mp4 (1.73 MB,920x720,23:18,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19464440 (310526ZAUG23) Notable: Did Joe Biden Just Confirm The Lahaina, Maui Hawaii Fires Were Planned?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Did Joe Biden Just Confirm The Lahaina, Maui Hawaii Fires Were Planned?

BIDEN: “I appointed Bob Fenn, one of the nation's leading emergency managers — who's been on the ground in Hawaii since BEFORE THE FIRES erupted as our chief federal response coordinator to lead our long-term recovery on Maui.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b01e28 No.85514

File: 8eae3f430b4d38f⋯.png (479.71 KB,1218x939,406:313,Clipboard.png)

File: 7d3b95ecb6345a0⋯.png (63.87 KB,790x931,790:931,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19464785 (310745ZAUG23) Notable: A new map of China's national borders has sparked protests from governments in Asia after its boundaries drew in the territories of its neighbors—including a small chunk of Russia.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A new map of China's national borders has sparked protests from governments in Asia after its boundaries drew in the territories of its neighbors—including a small chunk of Russia.

The map, published on Monday by China's Ministry of Natural Resources, lays claim to disputed land on its southern border with India and encompasses all of Taiwan. Off its southern coast, Beijing's so-called "dashed line" captures huge tracts of the South China Sea, where islands, reefs and maritime zones are contested by half a dozen countries.

Beijing's longstanding territorial claims on its periphery aren't new. Under Chinese leader Xi Jinping, however, China has employed its growing hard power to consolidate its ambitions. In recent years, its neighbors have also faced the ramped-up presence of the Chinese coast guard.


Clepto Culture

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b01e28 No.85515

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19464798 (310752ZAUG23) Notable: Should Elon Musk release all the information X has on the Maui Fires?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Should Elon Musk release all the information X has on the Maui Fires?


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b01e28 No.85516

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19464891 (310854ZAUG23) Notable: "Let Staten Island Secede" - Fights & Confrontations at Migrant Protest in Staten Island

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Let Staten Island Secede" - Fights & Confrontations at Migrant Protest in Staten Island

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b01e28 No.85517

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19464895 (310856ZAUG23) Notable: FBI Director Christopher Wray Announces Major Operation Targeting the Qakbot Botnet

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


FBI Director Christopher Wray Announces Major Operation Targeting the Qakbot Botnet

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b01e28 No.85518

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19464935 (310923ZAUG23) Notable: FIREFIGHTER WHISTLEBLOWER: MAUI ATTACK NOT A WILDFIRE

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b01e28 No.85519

File: 7f283b142501815⋯.png (652.18 KB,805x539,115:77,Clipboard.png)

File: df848de1cbf1710⋯.png (679.48 KB,871x537,871:537,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19464968 (310947ZAUG23) Notable: FIREFIGHTER WHISTLEBLOWER: MAUI ATTACK NOT A WILDFIRE

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b01e28 No.85520

File: 4d21308b5662dbc⋯.png (698.33 KB,862x581,862:581,Clipboard.png)

File: 829f980ed78304f⋯.png (634.02 KB,806x580,403:290,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19464977 (310952ZAUG23) Notable: FIREFIGHTER WHISTLEBLOWER: MAUI ATTACK NOT A WILDFIRE

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b01e28 No.85521

File: 6a6190539e510b3⋯.png (758.7 KB,934x576,467:288,Clipboard.png)

File: 40bd245b339f13d⋯.png (700.7 KB,865x623,865:623,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19464984 (310956ZAUG23) Notable: FIREFIGHTER WHISTLEBLOWER: MAUI ATTACK NOT A WILDFIRE

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b01e28 No.85522

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19464993 (311007ZAUG23) Notable: FIREFIGHTER WHISTLEBLOWER: MAUI ATTACK NOT A WILDFIRE

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Firefighter Whistleblower: Maui Attack NOT A Wildfire

yt mirror

soon to be deleted


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b01e28 No.85523

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19465037 (311041ZAUG23) Notable: Tucker Carlson on His Interview with Trump, FOX Firing & America's Future

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==Tucker Carlson on His Interview with Trump, FOX Firing & America's Future


full interview


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b01e28 No.85524

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19465104 (311117ZAUG23) Notable: #23905

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final bun for #23905

ty collector

#23905 >>85509

>>85510 Ex-Middlesex deputy charged with threatening to destroy Plymouth courthouse

>>85511 On Wednesday’s episode of Saturday Night Live alums Dana Carvey and David Spade’s “Fly on the Wall” podcast, it was revealed that Hillary Clinton was upset with Julia Sweeney’s SNL impression of a teenaged Chelsea Clinton.

>>85512 Anon read this message several times over. With the capitalization of Video and Policy, all I see is…Choose the VP that you like

>>85513 Did Joe Biden Just Confirm The Lahaina, Maui Hawaii Fires Were Planned?

>>85514 A new map of China's national borders has sparked protests from governments in Asia after its boundaries drew in the territories of its neighbors—including a small chunk of Russia.

>>85515 Should Elon Musk release all the information X has on the Maui Fires?

>>85516 "Let Staten Island Secede" - Fights & Confrontations at Migrant Protest in Staten Island

>>85517 FBI Director Christopher Wray Announces Major Operation Targeting the Qakbot Botnet

>>85518, >>85519, >>85520, >>85521, >>85522 FIREFIGHTER WHISTLEBLOWER: MAUI ATTACK NOT A WILDFIRE

>>85523 Tucker Carlson on His Interview with Trump, FOX Firing & America's Future

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b01e28 No.85525

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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