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Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

9ecc4c No.51542 [Last50 Posts]

17JUN23 to 20JUN23


Re-Posts of notables

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Post last edited at

9ecc4c No.64498

File: f487c07f1d6ecfc⋯.png (438.75 KB,667x596,667:596,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19021996 (171533ZJUN23) Notable: Strzok: ‘Donald Trump Is a Counterintelligence Nightmare Still to This Day’

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Strzok: ‘Donald Trump Is a Counterintelligence

Nightmare Still to This Day’

Breitbart Clips, by Pam Key

Posted By: Imright, 6/17/2023 9:24:07 AM

Former FBI agent Peter Strzok said Friday on MSNBC’s “Deadline” that former President Donald Trump was a “counterintelligence nightmare still to this day” while discussing his classified document indictment. Strzok said, “I’d say Donald Trump is a counterintelligence nightmare still to this day. It reminds me back when all our kids were toddlers, and you’d have to go to a long car ride, and you say OK, take your little backpack, go to your room, pick two toys that you’re going to put in there and go on the road and then you’re going to play with it. For Trump, these things are shiny baubles. They are like Shaq’s shoe,

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9ecc4c No.64499

File: 402fe1a9d21d4c1⋯.png (613.89 KB,793x625,793:625,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19022038 (171542ZJUN23) Notable: Biden & Co. keep funding Palestinian terror — in defiance of Congress

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Biden & Co. keep funding Palestinian terror

— in defiance of Congress

New York Post, by Sander Gerber

Posted By: Imright, 6/17/2023 8:46:29 AM

US Permanent Representative to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield rightly condemned in a recent speech Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’ antisemitic statements that equated Israelis to the Nazis. With no sense of the irony, she then called for foreign aid to the very same PA he continues to lead, 18 years into his four-year term. An even more distressing irony: President Joe Biden recently launched a first-ever National Strategy To Counter Antisemitism amid a spike in Jew-hatred, yet at the same time — in defiance of Congress’ intent — his team continues to provide material support for the PA, even as it

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9ecc4c No.64500

File: 380f27d0028e3dd⋯.png (84.71 KB,297x223,297:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19022043 (171543ZJUN23) Notable: OTD on this date in 1885 when the Statue of Liberty arrived at New York Harbor

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Statue of Liberty Dedicated Oct. 28, 1886


President Grover Cleveland dedicated the Statue of Liberty as a gift from the people of France on what is now known as Liberty Island in New York Harbor.

On this date in 1886, President Grover Cleveland dedicated the Statue of Liberty as a gift from the people of France on what is now known as Liberty Island in New York Harbor. The 151-foot statue, designated as a national monument in 1924 and restored for its centennial in 1986, serves as a universal symbol of freedom and democracy.

Congress authorized the placement of the venture in 1877. William Tecumseh Sherman, a Civil War hero, chose the site in keeping with the wishes of the sculptor, Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, who consulted Gustave Eiffel, the designer of the Eiffel Tower, to deal with the complex structural issues.

An agreement stipulated that Americans were to fund the 154-foot granite pedestal and foundation while the French would take responsibility for the statue itself. However, money problems on both sides of the Atlantic delayed the project. In France, a lottery helped raise funds, while in the United States, the money came from theatrical benefits, art shows, auctions, and prize fights.

The statue, made of copper sheeting hung on an iron framework, depicts a robed woman holding a torch. The flame of the torch is coated in gold leaf. Its classical appearance is derived from Libertas, the Roman goddess of freedom from slavery, oppression, and tyranny. Seven spikes on the crown evoke the Seven Seas and the seven continents. Lady Liberty’s torch signifies enlightenment. She holds a tablet that represents knowledge and notes the date of the Declaration of Independence: July 4, 1776.

In the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, the statue has remained closed to the public. The National Park Service maintains that fire regulations and potential evacuation problems, rather than the threat of a terrorist attack, make it necessary to keep it shut. The 10-story pedestal and museum, however, are open to visitors.

Source: www.StatueofLiberty.org

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9ecc4c No.64501

File: 47ebb411cc89d7b⋯.png (770.35 KB,675x726,225:242,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19022058 (171548ZJUN23) Notable: Dodgers Honor Anti-Catholic Drag Queens in Front of a Near Empty Stadium

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WATCH: Dodgers Honor Anti-Catholic Drag

Queens in Front of a Near Empty Stadium

Breitbart, by Dylan Gwinn

Original Article

Posted By: Hazymac, 6/17/2023 8:44:39 AM

To say there were more reporters in attendance than fans when the Dodgers honored the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence at Dodger Stadium Friday night, would not be a major exaggeration. Sister Unity and Sister Dominia stood to represent the “Sisters” and receive their Community Heroes Award as the public address announcer made the announcement official in front of what appeared to be roughly 50 fans – at least two of which were loudly booing – and assembled media. [Tweet] Meanwhile, outside the stadium, thousands of pro-Catholic demonstrators protested and, at one point, even blocked one of the main entrances to the stadium. The protest drew the support of non-Catholics as well.

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9ecc4c No.64502

File: a921c44e078c2d5⋯.png (313.83 KB,1071x508,1071:508,Clipboard.png)

File: 49b8475732ff2d2⋯.png (493.47 KB,783x733,783:733,Clipboard.png)

File: c8996a6f81f21ba⋯.png (97.46 KB,718x407,718:407,Clipboard.png)

File: 658a17e7d01b5f3⋯.png (400.45 KB,585x351,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19022099 (171556ZJUN23) Notable: PF Update

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PlaneFag CONUS/Indo-Pac activity- Elon back to Austin from Paris, Mr and Mrs Potato at Philly, Nightwatch heading over to Asia, SAM update'

N628TS G650Elon Muskheading to Austin Int'l from a Paris departure after visiting with Macron yesterday and Italian PM Meloni on Thursday

Mr. and Mrs.Potato in 92-9000 747 (VC-25) went to Philadelphia Int'l for some photo ops (I-95 collapse) and then a union rally and as per usual bails 'to Delaware' after that- Dover AFB then to ghey beach (Rehoboth) so you've got Potato and kneepads with the weekend vanishing act

Joe Biden arrives in Philadelphia to tour I-95 collapse site and hold a 2024 election rally



RAF RRR4031 and RRR4040 A400ms heading WN and WS from Ottawa and Halifax departures respectively

PAT104 C560 WS from Davison Army Airfield depart

VANDL99 E-4B Nightwatch heading WN from an Offutt AFB depart-arrived as ORDER66 last night from a JBA departure

ANLET81 E-6B Mercury departted Kirtland AFB after arriving yesterday as JIGGS95 from Pax River

Mexi Po-po XCOPF 727 heading WN and probably to Tijuana (FAM3526 737 was there 2x yesterday)

>>64406 pb

from last night

SAM163 C-32A returned to JBA from it's LAX departure last night


SAM200 C-32A stopped at JB Elmendorf after leaving late from JBA last night and heading towards Japan-prolly Yokota AB

>>64410 pb

DRIP36 AFSOC C-32B decided to spend the night at Travis AFB and is still there and NARAD98 has returned to Travis from Tinker AFB after leaving last night as DROP36 arrived at Travis

The Legacy of Narad Muni


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9ecc4c No.64503

File: ffe33953014deea⋯.jpeg (549.18 KB,1170x1828,585:914,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a0f17342285ff1b⋯.jpeg (762.11 KB,1170x1410,39:47,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19022111 (171558ZJUN23) Notable: PF Update

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Who could this be…?

AF 1 or 2? Neither?

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9ecc4c No.64504

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19022145 (171607ZJUN23) Notable: REPORT: Largest Catholic Healthcare System In America Is Performing Transgender Surgeries on Children and Providing Other “Gender Affirming” Care Services

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dodger stadium though!

Largest Catholic Healthcare System In America Is Performing Transgender Surgeries on Children and Providing Other “Gender Affirming” Care Services

By Cullen Linebarger Jun. 13, 2023 5:20 pm Credit: Daily Caller/Sasin Tipchai

A watchdog organization is alleging that one of America’s most prominentCatholic health systemsis betraying morality and mutilating innocent children. The Epoch Times was the first to report on the story.

The Lepanto Institute published a 64 page report claiming thatCommon Spirit Health, the largest “Catholic” health system in the country, is providing transgender surgeries for minors and other “gender-affirming” care services including hormone therapies puberty blockers. Abortions are also being performed.

This is all in direct contradiction to Catholic Church teachings on these issues, which have remained consistent for decades.

They provided the report exclusively to The Epoch Times, which was the first website to report on the story.

Common Spirit is a giant non-profit health system with more than 1,000 care sites and 140 hospitals across 21 states. The Media Research Center also points out that one of the hospitals in the network, St. Francis Memorial Hospital, even has a “Gender Institute” where they reportedly perform gender reassignment surgeries.

Conservatives Are Looking For Ways To Boycott and Move Spending Away From Woke Corporations – Here Is One Way To Do It

Here is what the Lepanto Institute report states:

Included in the list of surgical procedures provided by CommonSpirit’s Saint Francis Memorial Hospital are facial and body reconstructive surgeries to make the individual appear to be more masculine or feminine, genital reconstruction procedures, vocal alteration surgeries, and a host of other abominations.

The transgender craze has seized the world by the throat and is choking the life out of the bedrock of civilization: the family. And this is happening right under the nose of the Vatican.

President Michael Hichborn, the author of the report, told the Epoch Times he is saddened by his findings. He explained to the website he hopes those who claim to be Catholics will start to line up with the Churches teachings.

Other findings by Hichborn show that CommonSpirit Health covers sex change operations and other trans surgeries in its employee benefits package.

In addition to performing sex-change operations, CommonSpirit provides employee benefits that cover sex-change operations, transgender hormone treatments, and even puberty blockers for kids.

Hichborn also revealed thatthe hospital system answers directly to the Vatican. The report states that CommonSpirit Health benefits from being part of the Catholic Church via religious tax exemptions and is a subsidiary of the Catholic Healthcare Federation.

Don’t count on Vatican officials to distance themselves from this madness, however. They care more aboutopen borders and liberation theology.


Catholic hospitals linked to transgender surgeries & abortions



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9ecc4c No.64505

File: fbff7cc1e815b74⋯.png (67.01 KB,301x167,301:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19022169 (171612ZJUN23) Notable: Mike Pence: Donald Trump has been 'walking away' from conservative principles

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Mike Pence: Donald Trump has been 'walking away' from conservative principles

Former Vice President Mike Pence on Friday criticized former President Donald Trump's position on abortion and the national debt, accusing his old boss of drifting away from conservative principles.

"Look, in 2016, Donald Trump promised to govern as a conservative," Pence said in an interview with NBC News’ Chuck Todd to air in full Sunday on “Meet the Press.” "But he makes no such promise today. Not only has he been walking away from a clear commitment to the right to life, but, look, we have a national debt the size of our nation’s economy.

"Donald Trump’s position on the national debt is identical to Joe Biden’s," he said. "And to me the Republican Party has to be the party of growth and fiscal responsibility and reform."

The party needs to be "straight with the American people about the magnitude of this national debt," Pence added.

A spokesperson for the Trump campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Saturday.

More at: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/mike-pence-trump-walking-away-conservative-principles-rcna89869

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9ecc4c No.64506

File: ebc754c6c6f6c7c⋯.jpg (42.69 KB,620x372,5:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19022172 (171612ZJUN23) Notable: At least 41 people dead after IS-linked attack on Uganda school

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Uganda: "Militants linked to Islamic State reportedly killed at least 41 people and abducted others in an attack on a school in western Uganda, police have said. Authorities did not say how many people had been abducted by the attackers, members of the rebel group Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) that has pledged allegiance to IS. The assailants attacked Lhubirira secondary school in the western town of Mpondwe late on Friday, near the border with the Democratic Republic of the Congo, police said. Police did not say how many of the dead were schoolchildren.

The ADF rebels launched their insurgency against President Yoweri Museveni in the 1990s from an initial base in the Rwenzori mountains. In April, the ADF attacked a village in eastern DRC, killing at least 20 people."


US President Joe Biden demanded the “immediate repeal” of Uganda’s severe anti-gay law and will consider sanctions or other penalties against the African country and its leadership.


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9ecc4c No.64507

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19022184 (171614ZJUN23) Notable: Ron DeSantis Compares Himself to a Disciple of Jesus Christ

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Ron DeSantis Compares Himself to a Disciple of Jesus Christ

June 16, 2023 | Sundance |

Yeah, he really did that. Folks, I’m not sharing this to be snarky about Ron DeSantis per se’, this isn’t actually his messaging. It’s worth looking at this through the prism of who is operating the management, branding and communication effort. This level of ridiculousreligious pandering is stunningly identical to Ted Cruzin the early 2016 GOP nomination.

The DeSantiscampaignknows they need totarget evangelical and faith-basedvoters. Put a group of people who are not actually centered on the principles of faith in charge of a political campaign, tell them they need to appeal to faith-based voters, and this is exactly what you get.

The DeSantis campaign organizes what should be an interview with friendly allies in the Christian Broadcasting Network. [Full Interview Here] CBN’s David Brody then interviews Ron DeSantis asking himwhat historic figures he would associate himself with. DeSantis’s answer is so far beyond pandering cringe, it makes you seriously wonder who constructed this messaging for him [likely, Jeff Roe]. WATCH:

Grandma’s rules apply to me providing any further commentary on the issue, but wow – just wow.

That campaign must be under so much external pressure from the GOPe donors, it’s unreal to watch.

(He should have answered, Judas Iscariot!That would be the honest answer. This is funny, but not funny at all. Could you imagine the gasps from the audience at home?)



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9ecc4c No.64508

File: 4a93be8f85a6901⋯.jpg (50.23 KB,320x240,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19022285 (171638ZJUN23) Notable: For the KEKS

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9ecc4c No.64509

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19022307 (171643ZJUN23) Notable: Bill Gates Announces $168 Million to Develop Next-Generation Malaria Vaccine

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So was the PATH to destruction is a GATES thing...

Wasn't he responsible for unleashing GMO Mosquito's here too?

Is this why he went to ChYnA? Get to check in on his Profit Labs?

Bill Gates Announces $168 Million to Develop Next-Generation Malaria Vaccine

NEW YORK – Bill Gates announced today that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will provide $168.7 million toPATHfor its Malaria Vaccine Initiative to develop vaccines for malaria – a disease that kills thousands of African children every day.

The PATH Malaria Vaccine Initiative (MVI) is working with GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals to develop a first-generation vaccine candidate, known as RTS,S, which could become the first-ever approved malaria vaccine. With the new grant announced today, MVI will support the development of next-generation vaccines that could provide even greater and longer-lasting protection.

“I’m very hopeful that the malaria vaccine currently in advanced testing will be proven effective, but that will just be the first step,” said Gates, co-chair of the Gates Foundation. “Now it’s time to develop a new generation of vaccines that are even more effective, and could someday help eradicate malaria altogether.”

Gates announced the new funding at the UN Millennium Development Goals Malaria Summit, a meeting of heads of state, CEOs, UN officials, and other leaders. At the event, the Roll Back Malaria Partnership launched the Global Malaria Action Plan, a comprehensive global strategy to fight malaria. The Gates Foundation grant and other commitments announced today will help address key priorities in the ActionPlan.


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9ecc4c No.64510

File: 61afcde1f4632a8⋯.png (118.38 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 5c47c881d6dd821⋯.png (383.79 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19022338 (171652ZJUN23) Notable: PF Update

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This is fun

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9ecc4c No.64511

File: 0faec61eea8ecd1⋯.jpeg (60.86 KB,509x490,509:490,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 2637a130499e0fe⋯.jpeg (144.95 KB,1536x1027,1536:1027,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19022353 (171658ZJUN23) Notable: Harvard Harris GOP Poll, DeSantis Going the Wrong Way – President Trump Pushing 60% With GOP Voters

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Harvard Harris GOP Poll, DeSantis Going the Wrong Way – President Trump Pushing 60% With GOP Voters

June 16, 2023 | Sundance |

The best laid plans of Sea Island Rats are falling apart, as theDeSantis operation cries desperatelyfor help from theU.S. Dept of Justice and Republican National Committee.

According to the latest Harvard-Harris poll of GOP voters {DATA HERE}, since he made his official launch, Ron DeSantis is losing ground. Not surprisingly this was exactly what we predicted would happen once the bloom came off the ruse.

Things don’t get any better for Ron DeSantis if all the candidates drop out and leave him and Trump in a head-to-head matchup.President Trump jumps to 67%, and Ron DeSantis holds at 33% with all of the GOPe support coalesced. The familiar 4:1 ratio surfaces again.


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9ecc4c No.64512

File: abac4fb81f8f876⋯.png (370.61 KB,602x510,301:255,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19022385 (171707ZJUN23) Notable: Two peas (vegetables) in a pod.

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Juanita Broaddrick


Two peas (vegetables) in a pod.


RNC Research

5:57 AM · Jun 17, 2023




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9ecc4c No.64513

File: 532a98b2fef0882⋯.png (403.92 KB,584x559,584:559,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19022428 (171714ZJUN23) Notable: CROOKED JOE BIDEN pressed deranged Jack Smith to do this FAKE INDICTMENT

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Donald J. Trump


CROOKED JOE BIDEN pressed deranged Jack Smith to do this FAKE INDICTMENT on me in order to take the pressure off the fact that they caught Joe Biden stealing FIVE MILLION DOLLARS, and that’s just the beginning!

Jun 17, 2023, 3:38 AM

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9ecc4c No.64514

File: 66706c279d0c3f0⋯.png (645.77 KB,828x896,207:224,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19022494 (171729ZJUN23) Notable: The making of the Unabomber: How Ted Kaczynski was radicalized as a 16-year-old prodigy math student at Harvard when he was used as a human guinea pig for the CIA's sinister Project MK-Ultra

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The making of the Unabomber:

How Ted Kaczynski was radicalized as a 16-year-old prodigy math student at Harvard when he was used as a human guinea pig for the CIA's sinister Project MK-Ultra

* In the wake of Unabomber Ted Kaczynski's suicide on June 10, a little-known aspect of his life has emerged from his time as at Harvard University

* It suggests he was used as a guinea pig in the CIA's atrocious brainwashing program known as MK-Ultra

* Years later, Kaczynski was later diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia after he went on a 17-year-long bombing rampage that claimed the lives of three people and injured 23 others

Just a few blocks east of Harvard sits an unassuming three-story Victorian apartment house that to the casual observer is nothing of note.

But in 1958, No. 8 Prescott Street's most notorious tenant moved into a gloomy single room dormitory on the first floor. His name was Theodore 'Ted' Kaczynski, a brilliant but timid 16-year-old math prodigy that would later become infamously known by his nom de guerre — 'the Unabomber.'

Now, in the wake of Kaczynski's suicide on June 10 at the age of 81, a sinister little-known aspect of his life has emerged from his time as an undergraduate at Harvard University, that suggests his involvement in the CIA's atrocious brainwashing program known as MK-Ultra.

Led by a maniacal psychologist named Dr. Henry Murray, Kaczynski was one of 22 coeds subjected to, in Murray's own words, 'vehement, sweeping, and personally abusive' mock interrogations between 1958 and 1962.

Patients were dosed with potent mind-altering drugs, subjected to extremes of temperature and sound, high and low pressure, oxygen, food and sleep deprivation, strapped to electroshock machines and forcefully interrogated under a blazing spotlight for hours at a time.

While very little is known of the clandestine experiment and the potential effect it had on Kaczynski during his formative years; it is well known that he eventually retreated to the wilderness of Montana in 1971, where he began a 17-year-long bombing campaign that resulted in three deaths, 23 injuries and the longest and most costly manhunt in American history that spanned two decades.

In the years since his 1996 arrest, there has been no shortage of discourse dedicated to understanding Kaczynski's unique criminal profile.

Could an esteemed institution known for nurturing some of the greatest minds, also unwittingly have served as a breeding ground for dark experimentation?

Could Kaczynski's harrowing experience in the MK-Ultra program, combined with his already fragile psychological state, set the stage for his eventual radicalization from lonely boy genius to lethal domestic terrorist. ...


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9ecc4c No.64515

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19022542 (171743ZJUN23) Notable: Flashback to Italygate

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DoD investigated "Italygate" conspiracy theory per Trump request

Jun 23, 2022 - Politics & Policy Julia Shapero


Meadows Pressed Justice Dept. to Investigate Election Fraud Claims

Emails show the increasingly urgent efforts by President Trump and his allies during his last days in office to find some way to undermine, or even nullify, the election results.


Rep. Scott Perry played key role in promoting false claims of fraud

By Jacqueline Alemany, Emma Brown and Amy Gardner

Updated June 23, 2022 at 9:55 p.m. EDT|Published June 23, 2022 at 7:49 p.m. EDT



'Italygate' Conspiracy Pusher Was Fired by CIA

The former CIA man at the heart of “Italygate,” the pro-Trump, Qanon-fueled conspiracy theory that satellites and military technology were used to steal the...



Defense Secretary Called Italy To Debunk Ridiculous 'Italygate' Conspiracy Theory

An MSNBC panel discusses the nationally embarrassing revelation in the fifth January 6th hearing that U.S. Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller was made...



Katie Phang Talks Me Through Today's “Italygate” Testimony

I work during the day and so didn't get to follow the J6 Committee Hearing as closely as I should, and when I did get home there was the scurrilous SCOTUS...


The Washington Post

Rep. Scott Perry played key role in promoting false claims of fraud

Of all the fantastical false claims of fraud and vote manipulation in the 2020 presidential election, “Italygate” was one of the most extreme. And Rep.


Yahoo News

Defense secretary called Italy to debunk ridiculous 'Italygate' conspiracy theory

An MSNBC panel discusses the nationally embarrassing revelation in the fifth January 6th hearing that U.S. Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller was made...


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9ecc4c No.64516

File: f0cd0fa0e1a52a3⋯.png (1.01 MB,836x996,209:249,Clipboard.png)

File: c4913dae246c630⋯.png (732.56 KB,1172x1668,293:417,Clipboard.png)

File: a7d8ba68a526843⋯.png (433 KB,956x596,239:149,Clipboard.png)

File: 21c92a13404a701⋯.png (926.19 KB,966x932,483:466,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19022546 (171743ZJUN23) Notable: Flashback to Italygate

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9ecc4c No.64517

File: a9f5dcd232f3cf9⋯.png (582.3 KB,727x652,727:652,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19022547 (171743ZJUN23) Notable: Big Pharma Is Bleeding Horseshoe Crabs Dry to Meet Growing Demand for Vaccines

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Anons seen this yet? worth the read, imo? The crabs have "blue blood" and the test their blood is apparently used for does have a synthetic replacement. How does a crab with half it's blood drained, plus from the pic it looks like part of its body cut away survive to return to the wild?

The horseshoe crab is a "keystone" species?!

'Lab technicians pierce their hearts and drain up to half their blood before releasing the animals back into the sea.'

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9ecc4c No.64518

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19022550 (171744ZJUN23) Notable: Flashback to Italygate

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The truth is mind blowing and cannot fully be exposed. #5

The truth is mind blowing and cannot fully be exposed. These people are evil. #6

The truth would sound so outrageous most Americans would riot, revolt, reject, etc. #29

The truth is mind blowing and cannot fully be exposed. These people are evil. #91

The complete picture would put 99% of Americans (the World) in a hospital. #111

The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital. It must be controlled. #142

20% public. 80% private. The world would otherwise collapse. #189

80% dark ops necessary. 20% public for justice. #190

The world cannot handle the truth. This pill cannot be swallowed by most. #199

The world cannot swallow the truth. #213

We were inspired by anons here to make our efforts more public. Find the exchange 2 days ago. Feel proud! #299

We listened. Find the exchange. No coincidences. #405

Correct exchange. Anon(s) changed our mind re: Private / Public. We are listening. Highest priorty. Have faith. #409

Could you sleep if you knew the truth about EVERYTHING? #487

TRUTH belongs with the PEOPLE. #512

PUBLIC. We LISTENED [20/80 />/ 40/60]. #527

SHOW the WORLD the TRUTH. #532

Set the TRUTH FREE. #630


Can we simply arrest the opposition w/o first exposing the TRUTH? #666

You are missing the connections. Continue to build the MAP. MAP provides the KEY. KEY spreads the TRUTH. TRUTH shines LIGHT. #764

We can guide but you must organically uncover the TRUTH #777

What you see is 2%. #832

We are here to UNITE and provide TRUTH. #854

Truth will shock the WORLD. #928

Truth is Freedom. Truth is logic. #1043

Be loud. Be heard. Fight for TRUTH. #1496

"Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma. #3721


Some things are better left untold [cov]. Public truths of some events force wars. WWIII prevent. #4021

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9ecc4c No.64519

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19022687 (171827ZJUN23) Notable: MY BROTHER GEORGE doors open 3pm FILM starts 3:15 [2:18min] Premier UNDER ST MARKS THEATER & LIVE STREAM [ 94 St.Marks btwn 1st Ave & ave A NYC June 17th 2023 ]

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streaming vid at three.

some history on the C-a deep state shenanigans.


Can explain why and how left turned sour on USA




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9ecc4c No.64520

File: 3d0d5c238ef7d45⋯.png (399.65 KB,1162x618,581:309,Clipboard.png)

File: 93939039d3fff94⋯.png (113.83 KB,681x405,227:135,Clipboard.png)

File: d5c28c5a385c807⋯.png (461.43 KB,725x389,725:389,Clipboard.png)

File: 3ea2b7dbdf66e47⋯.png (137.16 KB,231x261,77:87,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19022744 (171841ZJUN23) Notable: PF Update

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>>64502 lb

PlaneFag: CONUS/Europe/Indo-Pac activity'''

N628TS G650Elon Muskstopped at Detroit on way back to Austin Int'l

SHADY00 and 06 MC-12W Libertys left Reno Int'l after an overnight

Mexi Po-Po XCOPF 727 left Tijuana Int'l after a ground stop

PAT104 C560 left San Antonio int'l after a ground stop

CABAL72 KC-135 tanker took off from MCAS Miramar (o7) while CABAL73 KC-135 tanker went off shore from Travis AFB heading WS

RAF RRR4040 A400m departed St. Paul /Minneapolis Int'l WS with RRR4031 A400m headed to Calgary Int'l

RAF RRR2171 A330 EN from Belize City depart

RCH4118 C-17 Globemaster WN from JBA (equipment for VIP visits) and RCH839 C-5 Galaxy inbound to CONUS from a Ramstein AFB depart earlier today

VANDL99 E-4B Nightwatch froze in position over BC so it's heading to Elmendorf or it will have some tankers arrive to refuel it for it's Pacific crossing

Cap #2

SAM200 C-32A landed at Yokota AB, Japan


Over in Yerp we have another stop and drop at Rzsesow Airport, Poland by French AF CTM1052 A330


Not kneepads-that AC that arrived at LAX as AF2 from Denver left last night back to JBA as SAM163 she is in LA for the next few days

>>64406 pb

SAM200 left JBA late last night

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9ecc4c No.64521

File: b1d546738cc5ad2⋯.png (370.83 KB,825x838,825:838,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19022752 (171843ZJUN23) Notable: PF Update

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>Not kneepads-that AC that arrived at LAX as AF2 from Denver left last night back to JBA as SAM163 she is in LA for the next few days


trackin' (yesterday)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9ecc4c No.64522

File: 99cfe3dfcbd5ab6⋯.png (367.54 KB,1024x615,1024:615,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19022808 (171903ZJUN23) Notable: It Begins: 20 Heavily Armed IRS and ATF Agents Raid Great Falls Gun Store, Seize Firearm Purchase Records

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20 Heavily Armed IRS and ATF Agents Raid Great Falls Gun Store, Seize Firearm Purchase Records

In an unprecedented move, twenty armed Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) agents carried out a raid on a gun store in Great Falls, Montana, seizing all Form 4473 – documents that record buyer’s information during firearms transactions.

Tom Van Hoose, owner of Highwood Creek Outfitters, alleges that he has been under constant surveillance by state and federal agencies for over two years, KRTV reported.

On Wednesday, the gun shop owner reported an unexpected visit from 20 heavily armed IRS and ATF agents at his store.

The agents reportedly arrived at the shop early in the morning, as Van Hoose was opening for the day.

“We have now confirmed that both the IRS and the ATF were at Highwood Creek Outfitters in Great Falls around 7 am this morning. Both the IRS and ATF would not say why they were there,” KMON Radio reported.

“A spokeswoman for the IRS would only say they were there on official IRS business. The ATF says it was providing assistance to the IRS. We attempted to enter the store today and were stopped by agents at the door who would only say that the gun store is closed and will reopen tomorrow,” the news outlet added.

According to Hoose, the federal scrutiny began two years ago and has involved various agencies, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Occupational Safety & Health Administration, the Department of Homeland Security, and now, the Internal Revenue Service.

“They must think we’re making a fortune in the gun business to investigate us like this, assuming we’re hiding thousands, hundreds of thousands, even millions of dollars. However, anyone familiar with gun business profit margins would know that’s not the case,” Van Hoose told MTN News.

Van Hoose claims that he was simply told his business had been reported, although he remains in the dark about who reported it or why. He believes the whole episode was politically motivated.

“I can only assume that it’s because of the style of weapons that we have and the press that’s so against them,” said Van Hoose. “The current administration seems to be hell bent on getting those guns out of the hands of average Americans.”

The day’s operations were disrupted, leading to a significant loss of revenue.

“I had about 30 minutes to operate, making just a single $16 sale,” Hoose said.

Highwood Creek Outfitters is America’s largest online firearms and accessories mall, according to its website. The store is known for selling what Van Hoose calls “fun guns,” including AR-15’s and AK-47s.


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9ecc4c No.64523

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19022811 (171903ZJUN23) Notable: BIDEN BRIBERY SCANDAL, Plus Donald Trump Goes on Offense K. Guilfoyle

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PN>>64435 The fake news is melting down over alleged audio of Donald Trump - @DevinNunes explains what you're not being told

Here’s the video Kimberly Guilfoyle

Streamed on: Jun 15, 4:06 pm EDT

BIG NEWS ON BIDEN BRIBERY SCANDAL, Plus Donald Trump Goes on Offense, Live w/ Devin Nunes & Monica Crowley | Ep.31

Devin comes in at 5:00 minutes and she interview with him and it goes to 26:55 minutesfor those that don’t want to listen for an hour.

1 hour 10 minutes

Nunes says regarding the Trump raid: The archivist was called into congress and he confirmed he made a criminal referral to DOJ. When congress asked what were these documents about?His answer was: one was the letter to Trump from Obama (tradition), the other was a letter from Kim Jung Un!That was it! Further the NARA is civil not criminal, so the DOJ should never have bern introduced. NARA should have taken Trump to court civilly to get those 2 documents.

Devin says a lot of democrats are running a shadow campaign because they all know Bidan will not be president again, health issues or all the bribery stuff will all come out if they actually get the audio tapes, etc.

Nunes said he talked to those who voted against the censure of Schitt and found out the issue.The republicans that voted against it, wanted to do this right way, to not get it overturned and according to the constitution and they thought the fine was unconstitutional.So Luna is rewriting it, removing the fine and they bring this up for a vote next week again.

Kimberly calls Don Jr her fiancé, while talking about Schitt who wanted him tried for treason.

It was an informative interview and Devin is still in the know.


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9ecc4c No.64524

File: 5808990fa0b0589⋯.png (307.8 KB,566x489,566:489,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19022818 (171905ZJUN23) Notable: Exclusive: The DHS Used A Hacker Convicted Of Owning Child Sexual Abuse Material As A Source

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FBI and DHS Used Foreign National Convicted Pedophile to Catch Murder for Hire Suspect

An exclusive report from Forbes uncovered that the FBI used a Department of Homeland Security source who was previously convicted of a “child sexual abuse material crime.”

In the investigative report, it was revealed a woman by the name of Julia Coda who went by the online name Bonfire was arrested after she allegedly went on a dark web hitman-for-hire-site to offer thousands to anyone willing to murder a Louisiana man who Coda believed kidnapped her late sister’s daughter.

Unknown to Coda at the time, the site was a scam that took people’s money and also fed details to federal investigators.

A search warrant obtained by Forbes which led to Coda’s arrest revealed the government received evidence from a DHS source from a foreign national who is a convicted pedophile.

In the warrant, however, it makes no mention of the DHS source being previously convicted of having child exploitation materials but rather they simply label the source as an “HSI Source.”

In 2021, a person going by the username Bonfire offered to pay thousands to have a Louisiana man killed on a dark web hitman-for-hire site. They wanted it to look like an accidental drug overdose. But Bonfire was unwittingly walking into two traps. Not only was the site a scam — where the admins simply took users’ money and provided no hitmen — but it had also been hacked. Details of Bonfire’s illicit purchase were going to be passed along to federal investigators.

This is all according to a search warrant unearthed by Forbes, which detailed an investigation into the woman believed by the FBI to be behind the Bonfire persona: Julia Coda, a Los Angeles hairdresser and beautician school founder, who is accused of ordering the assassination on the target because she believed he had forcefully kidnapped her niece following the death of Coda’s sister earlier in 2021. Coda has pleaded not guilty and declined to comment.

Core to the government’s warrant is evidence provided by a hacker who’d breached the hitman-for-hire site. But this hacker has their own dark past. Acquired as far back as 2018 as a source by the Department of Homeland Security Investigations agency, they had been previously convicted of crimes related to child sexual abuse material in a foreign country, according to the search warrant.


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9ecc4c No.64525

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19022821 (171907ZJUN23) Notable: Biden lays down NATO warning for Ukraine

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Biden lays down NATO warning for Ukraine

Kiev has to meet the alliance’s standards before it can join the US-led bloc, President Joe Biden says

Ukraine will not have an “easy” entry into the US-led NATO alliance and will be required to meet the “same standards” as any other member of the bloc, US President Joe Biden has declared. His remarks come amid reports of a simplified procedural plan for Kiev, tabled by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

“They’ve got to meet the same standards. So we’re not going to make it easy,” Biden told reporters near Washington on Saturday.

His statement comes in the aftermath of a meeting he had with Stoltenberg, who was hosted at the White House this Tuesday. At the meeting, the NATO chief reportedly floated a plan to simplify the accession process for Ukraine, arguing that Kiev had already made significant progress toward membership.

Under his scheme, the country would not have been required to complete a so-called “membership action plan” (MAP), usually imposed by the US-led bloc on applicants. While other Eastern European members of the bloc went through this procedure before being admitted, the most recent addition, Finland, was spared the process.

Multiple US media reports had suggested Biden appeared to be “open” to the plan and had even provisionally supported it. At the same time, other reporting on the subject suggested Biden had another scheme for Ukraine in mind. For instance, the New York Times reported the US administration was reluctant to ever grant Ukraine full NATO membership, pushing instead for the ‘Israel model,’ which would mean a time-limited commitment to maintain the flow of Western weapons to a designated country.

Joining NATO has been a top talking point for pro-Western Ukrainian politicians for decades already, yet little to no progress has actually been made on that path. The pace has seemingly picked up amid the ongoing conflict between Moscow and Kiev – triggered, among other things, by U


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9ecc4c No.64526

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19022839 (171912ZJUN23) Notable: Feds Quietly Drop 5 Charges Against SBF in Multi-Billion Dollar FTX Scam Including Allegation He Bribed Chinese – SBF Is the Democrat Party’s Second Largest Donor

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Feds Quietly Drop 5 Charges Against SBF in Multi-Billion Dollar FTX Scam Including Allegation He Bribed Chinese – SBF Is the Democrat Party’s Second Largest Donor

Crypto giant FTX went bankrupt last year, the company losing billions of dollars overnight.

FTX owner Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) was the second biggest donor to Democrats in the 2022 midterms.

In early January Sam Bankman-Fried pleaded not guilty to all 8 counts related to the collapse of his crypto Ponzi scheme. SBF pleaded not guilty in New York federal court Tuesday to eight charges related to the collapse of his former crypto exchange FTX and hedge fund Alameda Research.

SBF was indicted on eight counts, including charges of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and securities fraud, individual charges of securities fraud and wire fraud, money laundering and conspiracy to avoid campaign finance regulations.

In January the attorney for FTX testified in court that the co-founder of the crypto company used a secret backdoor to launder money to Alameda Research, a sister company. Caroline Ellison, SBF’d ex girlfriend and Alameda CEO admitted she and Sam Bankman-Fried conspired to mislead FTX investors and customers.

On Thursday federal prosecutors announced they would drop several charges against this major Democrat donor.

ABC reported:

Federal prosecutors in New York said they would drop several criminal charges, at least for now, against disgraced crypto executive Sam Bankman-Fried if the judge agrees to try him later on those charges.

The offer to sever five of the 13 charges followed a ruling earlier this week in the Bahamas that allows Bankman-Fried to challenge the additional charges.

A prosecutor said during a hearing Thursday it was uncertain when the Bahamas would decide whether to consent to the new charges, which included bank fraud and an allegation Bankman-Fried bribed the Chinese.

“Severing those counts seems to be appropriate given the developments in the Bahamas this week,” the prosecutor, Nathan Rehn, said.


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9ecc4c No.64527

File: 36287c25a0e6332⋯.png (146.26 KB,600x315,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19022842 (171914ZJUN23) Notable: Barack Obama Proposes “Digital Fingerprints” to Help the Regime Combat What They Deem as Online “Misinformation”

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Barack Obama Proposes “Digital Fingerprints” to Help the Regime Combat What They Deem as Online “Misinformation”

Barack Obama has proposed the implementation of “digital fingerprints” online to assist the regime in regulating viewpoints that are not aligned with their agenda.

The proposition was made during an appearance on “The Axe Files,” a CNN Audio podcast hosted by David Axelrod, his former senior White House adviser.

During the interview, Axelrod brought up the “misinformation, disinformation, and deepfakes,” particularly those directed at Obama.

“As I’ve told people, because I was the first digital president when I left office, I was probably the most recorded filmed photographed human in history, which is kind of a weird thing,” Obama said.

Obama claimed that this collection had provided a rich source of raw material for the creation of manipulated content.

“Usually all the deep fakes start with like some version of Obama doing something, dancing, saying dirty limericks or whatever. Right. That technology’s here now,” Obama said.

Obama expressed concern about the next election cycle. If the government doesn’t control what they call “misinformation,” or opinions that oppose them, it could impact the election results.

Recall, current Secretary of State Tony Blinken was reportedly behind the effort to put together a list of government intel leaders to claim that the Hunter Biden laptop was “Russian disinformation” to help Biden with his election.

In addition, Obama spread the false claim that then-candidate Donald Trump conspired with Russia to secure his victory in 2016.

Obama advocated for the development of watermarking or digital fingerprint technology to tell apart true news from false news.

“And the need for us, for the general public, I think to be more discriminating consumers of news and information, the need for us to overtime develop technologies to create watermarks or digital fingerprints so we know what is true and what is not true,” he said.

“There’s a whole bunch of work that’s going to have to be done there, but in the short term, it’s really going to be up to the American people to kind of say.”

More from FOX News:

Obama and Axelrod went on to say that today many consumers are only viewing information from sources they are predisposed to agree with and will likely believe what they see.

“Obviously, we saw that during the vaccination stuff. So, I am concerned about it,” added Obama, referring to the COVID vaccine. “And I think the best we’re going to be able to do is to constantly remind people that this is out there.”

The former president said he thinks most people are now aware that “not everything that pops up on your phone is true,” but cautioned misinformation can be used to discourage people from voting by characterizing the system as rigged and corrupt.

“That can oftentimes advantage the powerful,” said Obama. “And I am worried about that kind of cynicism developing even further during the course of this next election.”


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9ecc4c No.64528

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19022845 (171916ZJUN23) Notable: #23357

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#23357 >>64494 lb

>>64495 Internet services down glimpse 48 down/degraded

>>64496, >>64500

OTD on this date in 1885 when the Statue of Liberty arrived at New York Harbor

>>64498 Strzok: ‘Donald Trump Is a Counterintelligence Nightmare Still to This Day’

>>64499 Biden & Co. keep funding Palestinian terror — in defiance of Congress

>>64501 Dodgers Honor Anti-Catholic Drag Queens in Front of a Near Empty Stadium

>>64502, >>64503, >>64510

PF Update

>>64504 REPORT: Largest Catholic Healthcare System In America Is Performing Transgender Surgeries on Children and Providing Other “Gender Affirming” Care Services

>>64505 Mike Pence: Donald Trump has been 'walking away' from conservative principles

>>64506 At least 41 people dead after IS-linked attack on Uganda school

>>64507 Ron DeSantis Compares Himself to a Disciple of Jesus Christ

>>64508 For the KEKS

>>64509 Bill Gates Announces $168 Million to Develop Next-Generation Malaria Vaccine

>>64511 Harvard Harris GOP Poll, DeSantis Going the Wrong Way – President

Trump Pushing 60% With GOP Voters

>>64512 Two peas (vegetables) in a pod.

>>64513 CROOKED JOE BIDEN pressed deranged Jack Smith to do this FAKE INDICTMENT

>>64514 The making of the Unabomber: How Ted Kaczynski was radicalized as a 16-year-old prodigy math student at Harvard when he was used as a human guinea pig for the CIA's sinister Project MK-Ultra

>>64515, >>64516, >>64518 Flashback to Italygate

>>64517 Big Pharma Is Bleeding Horseshoe Crabs Dry to Meet Growing Demand for Vaccines

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9ecc4c No.64529

File: 749120dba2df073⋯.png (372.37 KB,1038x919,1038:919,Clipboard.png)

File: 1d0746181c6ddf5⋯.png (403.06 KB,1066x925,1066:925,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19022850 (171917ZJUN23) Notable: Ukrainian Head of Intelligence Is Missing – General Budanov Hasn’t Been Seen in 17 Days – Russian Media Says He Was Wounded, Evacuated to Germany – Kiev Denies, Putin Confirms Attack on GRU Headquarters

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Ukrainian Head of Intelligence Is Missing – General Budanov Hasn’t Been Seen in 17 Days – Russian Media Says He Was Wounded, Evacuated to Germany – Kiev Denies, Putin Confirms Attack on GRU Headquarters

General Kyrylo Oleksiyovych Budanov is a Ukrainian military leader who has been the chief of the Main Directorate of Intelligence (GRU) of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine since August 2020.

Budanov has been one of the most outspoken and high-profile Ukrainian officials during the war, but now he has vanished from sight as the Counteroffensive peters out.

For weeks, the rumors that he was dead of seriously injured have spread like fire in the Russian Telegram channels, and now Russian mainstream media is starting to report it too.

RIA Novosti:

“According to the information received by the Russian security forces from sources in the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine, it became known that Kirill Budanov was injured during a Russian strike on the building of the Main Intelligence Directorate located on Rybalsky Island in Kiev on the morning of May 29. ‘A Russian missile flew into the neighboring office with Budanov’, he said.

[…] Budanov managed to be pulled out from under the rubble, after which he was evacuated by an air ambulance helicopter of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the Rzeszow military base in Poland, and from there – by a C-21A aircraft of the 86th air medical evacuation unit specially arrived from the Ramstein airbase. US Air Force squadrons were delivered to Berlin. A record of the flight of this American aircraft was also preserved in the data of the Flightaradar service, which confirms the words of the source.”

The RIA Novosti source says he is now in serious condition, being treated at the Bundeswehr hospital in Berlin, at 13 Scharnhorststrasse.

The GRU chef is a highly controversial figure who has publicly admitted to be ordering Russian propagandists – that is, civilians.

Newsweek reported:

“The head of Ukraine’s military intelligence service has said in an interview that Kyiv has assassinated Russian propagandists.

[…] Among the more high-profile incidents was last August’s car-bomb killing of Darya Dugina, the journalist daughter of Aleksandr Dugin, an ideologue known as ‘Putin’s philosopher’.

More recently, the prominent military blogger Vladlen Tatarsky was killed by an explosion at a Saint Petersburg café in April, and earlier this month pro-Kremlin writer Zakhar Prilepin was injured in car-bomb attack.

[…] Though he didn’t give more details about Ukraine’s involvement in any Russian propagandists’ deaths, Budanov [stated] that ‘there have been well-publicized cases everyone knows about, thanks to the media coverage’.”


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9ecc4c No.64530

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19022866 (171920ZJUN23) Notable: PN Security Analysis of Georgia’s ImageCast X Ballot Marking Devices

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PN>>64440 ICYMI: Halderman Report Released in Georgia - Confirms Votes Can Be Altered Through Defective Dominion Voting Machines

Lindell and Howse discovered the release of the Halderman Report minutes after hosting a TV show in which they called again for its release. The next hour they returned to the airwaves with a sense of joy and astonishment at the news of the release.

Halderman report link, too big to post PDF


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9ecc4c No.64531

File: 7d7db2bddede568⋯.png (226.52 KB,833x891,833:891,Clipboard.png)

File: d9e000535f59add⋯.png (199.79 KB,845x823,845:823,Clipboard.png)

File: eac1044f673ba0e⋯.png (71.78 KB,831x304,831:304,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19022881 (171924ZJUN23) Notable: Congress Restricts Funding of Chinese, Russian Labs, But Loopholes Remain

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Congress Restricts Funding of Chinese, Russian Labs, But Loopholes Remain

More than three years after the U.S. stopped sending taxpayer dollars to fund coronavirus experiments on bats in China, 27 Chinese laboratories – including some run by the Chinese Communist Party – are still eligible for U.S. government funding for research on animals, according to a new review of Congressional Research Service data provided to Iowa Republican Sen. Joni Ernst.

The ongoing debate over COVID’s origins, including U.S. intelligence agencies’ belief that the virus likely or could have leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, has spurred far more Washington scrutiny of U.S. funding of various research programs in China and Russia. Over the last year, Congress has broadened the effort, working to limit or altogether end U.S. financial support for research projects in all countries regarded as foreign adversaries.

In late May, an analysis by Ernst and the watchdog group Open the Books found that the American research institutes had sent Chinese and Russian entities at least $1.3 billion in U.S. taxpayer dollars over five years for various programs, including several at the Wuhan lab, as well as experiments forcing cats to run on treadmills in Russia and a gender-equality New Yorker cartoon exhibition in Beijing.

The CRS data showed that $490 million in U.S. grants and contracts were paid to Chinese entities, while another $780 million went to Russian entities. Before Ernst’s efforts, the Government Accountability Office estimated that the U.S. sent just $48 million to Chinese entities over the five-year period examined, from 2017 to 2021.

Another outside group, the White Coat Waste Project, which seeks to end government-funded animal experiments and first exposed the U.S. financing of the coronavirus research in Wuhan, has since reviewed all the U.S.-funded research programs over that five-year period.

A White Coat Waste review of the CRS data, released to RealClearPolitics this week, found that the University of Illinois spent $123,552 of a $1.6 million NIH grant on a Kremlin-linked project at a Russian fur farm that killed foxes, and that the University of Southern California channeled $576,453 of a $1.9 million NIH grant to China’s Peking University for deadly experiments on mice.

It also showed that Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen’s Seattle-based Allen Institute sent $993,000 of a $64.7 million NIH grant to Wuhan’s Huazhong University of Science and Technology for a deadly experiment on baby mice. In addition, Emory University shipped $515,418 of a $38.6 million Health and Human Services contract to the CCP-linked Harbin Veterinary Research Institute, which houses one of China’s dangerous high-containment bio-agent labs.

The experiments at Harbin involved dangerous avian flu viruses collected from China’s wet markets being forced into mice and guinea pigs and efforts to supercharge viruses to make them more transmissible.

Ernst believes the $1.3 billion she uncovered is likely the floor, not the ceiling, for what she describes as “pointless projects” in China and Russia because federal agencies do not follow the trail of tax dollars overseas. To ensure Congress knows where all its funding ends up, Ernst has introduced a bill requiring all U.S. funding for organizations in China and Russia to be tracked to its final destination and disclosed. Rep. Mike Gallagher, a Wisconsin Republican who chairs the China Select Committee, has authored a House version of the measure.


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9ecc4c No.64532

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19022890 (171927ZJUN23) Notable: PN Security Analysis of Georgia’s ImageCast X Ballot Marking Devices

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Five pages of Halderman Redacted Report

• Overview

• Principal Findings

• Proof of Concept attacks

• Main Conclusions

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9ecc4c No.64533

File: d2bd207c99f760f⋯.png (153.19 KB,707x765,707:765,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19022910 (171931ZJUN23) Notable: Meta Lowers Minimum Age of Quest Headsets in Bid to Lure Children Into VR

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Meta Lowers Minimum Age of Quest Headsets in Bid to Lure Children Into VR

Facebook parent company Meta announced plans to enable children as young as 10 years old to enter virtual reality through its Meta Quest headset later this year, despite a recent advisory warning social media can negatively impact the mental health and well-being of children.

“Today we’re announcing changes to give families even more ways to use and enjoy Meta Quest. Starting later this year, parents will be able to set up parent-managed Meta accounts for Meta Quest 2 and 3 for their children ages 10—12,” the company stated in a blog post on Friday.

The policy change will lower the minimum age for a Quest account from 13 years old in order to allow preteens to immerse themselves in a virtual world filled with digital avatars and other technological fabrications.

In its blog post, Meta said that parents will play a pivotal role in creating and managing their children’s accounts for the Quest 2 and Quest 3 headsets, and promised that preteens’ access will be limited to “age-appropriate” apps deploying virtual reality, or VR.

“We’ll require preteens to get their parent’s approval to set up an account, which will give parents control over the apps their preteens download from our app store,” the company said. “When parents share their preteen’s age with us, we’ll use this information to provide age-appropriate experiences across our app store. For example, we’ll only recommend age-appropriate apps.”

Meta also revealed that they’re working closely with developers to “bring more age-appropriate apps and games” to the platform in the coming months for the updated age bracket.

The Mark Zuckerberg-owned company’s push to lower the minimum age in a bid to lure preteens into a virtual world comes amid debate over potential health consequences linked to social media use and wireless device radiation.

For years, both Facebook and Instagram have been under fire for using tactics that get children hooked on social media at a young age, undercutting their real-life relationships with friends and families while exposing them to the risk of online bullying and abuse by sexual predators.

Mounting Concern

Last month, U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy called upon tech companies and lawmakers to take steps to protect children from the potentially harmful mental and emotional effects of too much exposure to social media.


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9ecc4c No.64534

File: 6e767cbbb36dc66⋯.png (94.43 KB,836x442,418:221,Clipboard.png)

File: 3064fa1b262fbc0⋯.png (205.36 KB,845x910,13:14,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19022942 (171938ZJUN23) Notable: EXCLUSIVE: Chinese Intel Arm Quietly Operates ‘Service Centers’ In 7 US Cities

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Chinese Intel Arm Quietly Operates ‘Service Centers’ In 7 US Cities

A Chinese intelligence agency quietly operates “service centers” in seven American cities, all of which have had contact with Beijing’s national police authority, according to state media reports and government records reviewed by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) United Front Work Department (UFWD) — which at least one U.S. government commission has characterized as a “Chinese intelligence service” — operates so-called “Overseas Chinese Service Centers” (OCSCs) that are housed within various U.S.-based nonprofits. OCSCs were ostensibly set up to promote Chinese culture and assist Chinese citizens living abroad, according to Chinese government records.

State media reports, Chinese government records and social media posts show that during a 2018 trip to China, U.S.-based OCSC representatives met with Ministry of Public Security (MPS) officials. During the meeting, state security officials demonstrated how they’re leveraging new technology to conduct “cross-border remote justice services” overseas.

MPS is China’s national police authority and has been referred to as “China’s FBI” by China experts. The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) says MPS also conducts covert “intelligence and national security operations far beyond China’s borders,” including “illicit, transnational repression schemes” on U.S. soil.


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9ecc4c No.64535

File: 0bfb9092e5f2b65⋯.png (311.98 KB,561x539,51:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19022949 (171940ZJUN23) Notable: EUROPE - Hate Speech Law to ‘Restrict Freedom’ for the ‘Common Good’, Claims Irish Senator

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Hate Speech Law to ‘Restrict Freedom’ for the ‘Common Good’, Claims Irish Senator

Impending hate speech legislation is about “restricting freedom” for the “common good”, the chairwoman of the Irish Green Party said this week.

Appearing before the Irish Senate (Seanad) this week, Green Party chairwoman Pauline O’Reilly admitted that the intention of proposed legislation to further curtail speech in Emerald Isle is intended to “restrict freedom”, but in an Orwellian turn attempted to convince the public that this would somehow be in their interests.

“When one thinks about it, all law and all legislation is about the restriction of freedom. This is exactly what we are doing here. We are restricting freedom but we are doing it for the common good,” Senator O’Reilly said.

“Throughout our Constitution one can see that while one has rights they are restricted for the common good. Everything needs to be balanced.

“If a person’s views on other people’s identities make their lives unsafe and insecure, and cause them such deep discomfort that they cannot live in peace, our job as legislators is to restrict those freedoms for the common good.

“Social media has fuelled hatred but it has also put on display for all of us the dirty, filthy, underbelly of hatred in Irish society. That hatred has always existed.”

The Criminal Justice (Incitement to Violence or Hatred and Hate Offences) Bill 2022, which is still being debated by Irish lawmakers, has become highly controversial, with Twitter chief Elon Musk recently branding the bill as a “massive attack against freedom of speech”.

The legislation would criminalise large swaths of speech, including “incitement to violence or hatred against” against people with “protected characteristics”, as well as “condoning, denying or grossly trivialising genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and crimes against peace.”

The hate speech law would also controversially allow the government to jail citizens for merely possessing supposedly offensive material. Under the current form of the bill, anyone found in possession of so-called hateful material would be subject to up to one year in prison.

Speaking against the bill, Senator Rónán Mullen warned that the legislation would curtail free speech and be used as a weapon to target political dissent.

“We are in a society dominated by cancel culture where people are frequently accused of being haters for expressing points of view that are not hate but simply robust expressions of opinion,” Mullen said.

“When the social media mob is on the rampage, the Garda and the prosecution service will have little choice but to pursue the Graham Linehans and JK Rowlings of Irish society for robustly expressing their points of view.”

The independent Senator went on to say: “Freedom of expression is a fundamental human right. Without it, there is no free exchange of ideas at all levels within society. In short, there is no democracy. That is why we use the term ‘fundamental’.”


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9ecc4c No.64536

File: 6915f0f14974120⋯.png (474.95 KB,1187x837,1187:837,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19022972 (171945ZJUN23) Notable: Canada attempting to expand EUTHANASIA program to allow assisted suicide of the mentally ill

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Canada attempting to expand EUTHANASIA program to allow assisted suicide of the mentally ill

The country’s euthanasia program, known as Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID), contains provisions for its expansion to eventually allow people in Canada with mental illness to petition the government to be allowed to commit suicide.

This proposed expansion has come under fire, prompting the government to delay its expansion to March 17, 2024 – with the delay supposedly providing the Liberal Party-led government with more time to “prepare” for the law’s expansion.

Long before the deadline approaches, conservative members of parliament (MPs) and advocacy organizations are already hard at work to make sure that MAID’s expansion is blocked and the legal euthanasia bill itself is, eventually, overturned.

In the Canadian House of Commons, the country’s lower house, Conservative MP Ed Fast recently submitted Bill C-314, “An Act to amend the Criminal Code (medical assistance in dying),” to prevent MAID’s expansion to include the mentally ill.

In statements made in parliament during Bill C-314’s second reading on May 17, Fast warned that the Canadian government is expanding MAID “to include more and more defenseless Canadians, most particularly those living with disabilities.”

“What is equally disturbing is that the Liberal government has also signaled its intention to extend the so-called ‘treatment option’ to minor children,” warned Fast. “That would arguably make Canada the most expansive, most liberal assisted suicide jurisdiction in the world.”

“Canadians have a right to conclude that the Liberal government has gone too far and too fast in its zeal to implement and expand the scope of assisted death,” he added. “My bill will reverse this momentum and repeal the government’s decision to extend MAID to the mentally ill. It will put a full stop to the expansion of assisted suicide to mentally disordered persons.”

Alex Schadenberg of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition (EPC) warned that the biggest issue with expanding MAID to include the mentally ill is that the people with mental health concerns do not have “the same level of capacity to make a decision about themselves or the mental illness.”

Further, MAID does not answer how people with mental health problems have an “irremediable disease,” which is supposedly the main metric for allowing euthanasia. “How could you say that someone with a mental illness has an irremediable mental condition?” asked Schadenberg.


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9ecc4c No.64537

File: 2c33dc8e0de455f⋯.png (425.2 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19022987 (171947ZJUN23) Notable: Texas Sheriff Charges Border City Councilwoman from Mexico After Federal Judge Dismissed Drug Charge

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Texas Sheriff Charges Border City Councilwoman from Mexico After Federal Judge Dismissed Drug Charge

A Texas sheriff arrested and charged a Reynosa, Tamaulipas, city councilwoman on state drug possession charges after a U.S. federal judge dismissed the federal charge and ordered her release. Federal authorities arrested the Mexican border city politician after finding more than 42 kilograms of cocaine inside her vehicle.

Brooks County Sheriff’s Office deputies took Denisse Martinez Ahumada into custody after she was released from federal custody. Court documents revealed that a justice of the peace in Brooks County ordered she be held without bond on the charge of Possession of a Controlled Substance. After the hearing, authorities booked Ahumada into the Hidalgo County Jail.

The state charges against Ahumada come just one day after U.S. Magistrate Judge Juan Alanis in McAllen, Texas, dismissed the federal charges against her. Court documents revealed that the judge ruled there was no probable cause in the case.

As Breitbart Texas reported, federal authorities arrested Ahumada after U.S. Border Patrol agents found 42 kilograms of cocaine in her vehicle at the U.S. Highway 281 Falfurrias Border Patrol Checkpoint. A criminal complaint filed by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration revealed that during questioning by U.S. Border Patrol agents, she claimed to have previously transported drugs.

However, the information from the criminal complaint was not supported by the testimony of DEA Agent Nicholas Landsman during the hearing, Dave Hendricks from the Progress Times reported. During the hearing, the agent revealed that Ahumada’s vehicle set off a law enforcement alert, and after being referred to a secondary inspection area, agents x-rayed the vehicle and found the drugs.

The agent testified that Ahumada had been threatened in Mexico into moving a loaded vehicle, the Progress Times reported. The woman reportedly drove to Monterrey and then drove back to Reynosa one day before her arrest in Falfurrias. However, during the hearing, defense attorney Samuel Reyes got the agent to confirm that Ahumada apparently did not know that the vehicle contained cocaine when authorities found the drugs. Prosecutors tried to allege that a reasonable person knew that there was something illegal, however, based on the information Alaniz ruled that there was no probable cause and dismissed the charges.

Ahumada is a city councilwoman in the Mexican border city of Reynosa, her arrest caused much controversy in Mexico as various political parties used it to attack each other.


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9ecc4c No.64538

File: 38fc4e10ca126c6⋯.png (1.74 MB,1268x1034,634:517,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023008 (171950ZJUN23) Notable: PF Update

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USCG with another C130 load of shills for Gitmo...


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9ecc4c No.64539

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023016 (171952ZJUN23) Notable: Twitter hit with $250 million copyright infringement lawsuit from music publishers

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Twitter hit with $250 million copyright infringement lawsuit from music publishers

A coalition of music publishers, including Universal Music Publishing Group, Warner Chappell Music and Sony Music Publishing, is suing Twitter over “massive copyright infringement” involving the companies’ respective music catalogs.

Seventeen music publishers, who hold the rights to music from artists including Drake, Taylor Swift and Adele, filed the joint lawsuit in Tennessee federal court. They seek more than $250 million in damages.

Elon Musk’s X Corp, which owns Twitter, is the sole defendant.

“Twitter stands alone as the largest social media platform that has completely refused to license the millions of songs on its service,” David Israelite, chief executive of the National Music Publishers’ Association, said in a statement. “Twitter knows full well that music is leaked, launched, and streamed by billions of people every day on its platform. No longer can it hide behind the (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) and refuse to pay songwriters and music publishers.”

Israelite accused Twitter of platforming leaked music, copyrighted music videos and other material. Under DMCA rules, Twitter and other social media websites are protected against copyright strikes over user-uploaded material, provided they work to remove infringing material and punish the offending users.

However, the lawsuit argues Twitter has failed to do so.

“Twitter further claims that it expeditiously removes content in response to valid claims, nearly always within hours of initial reports, if not in minutes,” the lawsuit reads. “But the reality is that Twitter routinely ignores known repeat infringers and known infringements, refusing to take simple steps that are available to Twitter to stop these specific instances of infringement of which it is aware.”

The 17 publishers suing Twitter are ABKCO Music, Anthem Entertainment, Big Machine Music, BMG Rights Management, Concord, Hipgnosis, Kobalt, Mayimba, Peer, Reservoir Media Management, Sony Music Publishing, Spirit Music Group, the Royalty Network, Ultra Music Publishing, Universal Music Group Publishing, Warner Chappell and Wixen.

In response to questions about the lawsuit, Twitter’s press department sent an auto-reply of the poop emoji.

Twitter has long drawn the ire of music publishers, even before Musk purchased the site in October 2022. In a 2020 hearing before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Subcommittee, the Recording Industry Association of America accused Twitter of taking no action to stop “industrial scale piracy” on its website.

According to The New York Times, Twitter had recently considered licensing music from the three major labels but talks fell through after Musk assumed control of the company.


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9ecc4c No.64540

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023019 (171953ZJUN23) Notable: Zelensky Slams Trump for Saying He Would End the War in Ukraine

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Zelensky Slams Trump for Saying He Would End the War in Ukraine

The Ukrainian leader admitted that there was an ongoing civil war prior to the Russian invasion

In an interview with NBC News, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky attacked former President Donald Trump’s pledge to end the war. He argued that if Kiev does not defeat Moscow, Russia will attack a NATO member state and force the US into a direct conflict.

Zelensky was asked about Trump’s claim he would immediately engage the Kremlin in talks and bring the war to a negotiated settlement. "Are they ready to start a war to send their children? Are they ready to die?" he said in the interview that was published on Thursday. "If Russia occupies Ukraine, they will move on to the Baltic countries, to Poland, to any NATO country, and in that particular case the U.S. will have to choose between dismantling NATO or fighting."

Kiev and hawks in Washington have asserted that Ukraine is a bulwark, protecting members of NATO from Moscow’s expansionist ambitions. However, there is no evidence that the Kremlin eyes attacking another country. Russian President Vladimir Putin views Ukraine as a unique security threat to his county and says seizing territory protects Moscow against the expanding NATO alliance.

Ukraine hopes to be added as a member of the alliance once the war is over. “We need an invitation, and it needs to be clear that after this war, if we are ready, and if the Ukraine army is ready to NATO standards, then after the war we will be invited to join.” Zelensky continued, “It’s very important to hear the truth and not tell us lies.”

In 2008, Ukraine was told it would one day receive full NATO membership. At the time, Moscow denounced the proposal, saying it violated red lines and, from the Russian perspective, would create a significant security threat.

Despite the Russian objections, NATO maintains its doors are open to new members, but Ukraine does not currently meet the requirements. As Kiev is currently at war with Moscow, admitting Ukraine into the alliance will put NATO in direct confrontation with Russia.

At times, Kiev appears to be frustrated with NATO refusing to make a formal commitment to Ukraine. Zelensky is threatening to sit out a coming meeting of the North Atlantic alliance in July because Ukraine will not receive a pledge to become a member at the end of the war.

Zelensky went on to slam Trump, claiming he was unable to end the war in Ukraine while he was in office. "Why didn’t he do that earlier? He was president when the war was going on here," he explained. "I think he couldn’t do that. I think there are no people today in the world who could just have a word with Putin and end the war."

The statement appears to be an admission from Zelensky that the war in Ukraine began before the Russian invasion in 2022. Prior to the Russian invasion, Ukraine was embroiled in an eight-year-long civil war. Washington and NATO justify their support for Kiev by saying the Russian invasion was "unprovoked."

The Minsk Accords were agreed to by Ukraine, Russia, Germany and France with the intention of ending the civil war. However, Zelensky was unable to get neo-nazi paramilitaries fighting for Ukraine to comply with the agreement. In the days before the Russian invasion, there was a surge in fighting between Ukrainian forces and rebels in the Donbas region.


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9ecc4c No.64541

File: d25034a36ed1bff⋯.jpeg (490.09 KB,892x5175,892:5175,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023041 (171956ZJUN23) Notable: The Rockefeller Foundation and World Health Organization Announce Partnership To Expand Global Pandemic Preparedness in Era of Climate Change

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those scenarios were from 2010, this is today.....



The Rockefeller Foundation and World Health Organization Announce Partnership To Expand Global Pandemic Preparedness in Era of Climate Change


US$ 5M investment will accelerate priority projects of the WHO Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence to drive global collaboration in genomic surveillance, adoption of data tools for pathogen detection, and assessment of climate-aggravated outbreak threats

GENEVA | May 23, 2023 – The Rockefeller Foundation and the World Health Organization (WHO) have announced a new partnership to strengthen the WHO Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence. As part of the collaboration, the Foundation is investing US$ 5M in partners working with WHO to cultivate global networks for pathogen detection and strengthen pandemic preparedness capabilities, including broadening surveillance for diseases worsened by rising temperatures and extreme weather.

Established in 2021, WHO Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence facilitates a global collaboration of partners from multiple sectors to address future pandemic and epidemic risks with better access to data, better analytical capacities, and better tools and insights for decision-making. The partnership with The Rockefeller Foundation will accelerate these efforts with catalytic funding and technical assistance.

“The Covid-19 pandemic underscored that disease surveillance, collaboration between stakeholders, and data sharing were absolutely essential ingredients for health security – and the global community was unprepared,” said Dr. Chikwe Ihekweazu, WHO Assistant Director-General and head of the WHO Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence. “With the increasing threats from climate change, we are excited to partner with The Rockefeller Foundation to usher in a new era of global collaboration in pandemic intelligence.”

The Rockefeller Foundation will support projects under the WHO Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence’s stewardship, including:

Scaling global capacity for genomic surveillance through the newly launched International Pathogen Surveillance Network.

Developing a digital platform in partnership with Data.org, to enable real-time communication and collaboration between public health analysts and researchers across the globe to scale evidence-based, field-tested epidemic tools.

Developing user-centered product strategies for existing WHO epidemic intelligence solutions to better support global public health agencies.

Improving outbreak detection through the Global.health data science initiative, in partnership with the University of Oxford and Boston Children’s Hospital, among others.

“Climate change is increasing both the risk of another global pandemic and the need to collaborate and share data,” said Dr. Rajiv Shah, President of The Rockefeller Foundation. “Fortunately, the WHO Pandemic Hub is already making us smarter and safer by helping track threats, find solutions, and connect countries and continents. We’re proud to partner with the Hub to expand its focus on preventing pandemics fueled by climate change.”

The announcement builds on The Rockefeller Foundation’s 75-year history of collaboration with WHO – including US$ 27M in grants over the last two decades – and its legacy of support for global pandemic preparedness and response. In October 2020, the Foundation announced a US$ 1B investment to catalyze a more inclusive, green recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic. In January 2022, The Rockefeller Foundation was admitted as a non-State actor in official relations with WHO.

The Rockefeller Foundation launched the partnership with the WHO Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence on May 23, 2023, at the sidelines of the 76th World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland.

About The Rockefeller Foundation

The Rockefeller Foundation is a pioneering philanthropy built on collaborative partnerships at the frontiers of science, technology, and innovation that enable individuals, families, and communities to flourish. We work to promote the well-being of humanity and make opportunity universal and sustainable. Our focus is on scaling renewable energy for all, stimulating economic mobility, and ensuring equitable access to health care and nutritious food. For more information, sign up for our newsletter at rockefellerfoundation.org and follow us on Twitter @RockefellerFdn.

Media Contact

Davina Dukuly

The Rockefeller Foundation


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9ecc4c No.64542

File: c0c8838c2a94d23⋯.png (312.35 KB,722x732,361:366,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023056 (171959ZJUN23) Notable: The Rockefeller Foundation and World Health Organization Announce Partnership To Expand Global Pandemic Preparedness in Era of Climate Change

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And from 1974...

How Rockefeller Nurtured and Controlled the ZPG Plan for Depopulation

"August 5 (IPS) - IPS previously has reported the pioneering efforts during the 1950 s of John D. Rockefeller III and his fellow Zero PopUlation Growth (ZPG) activist, Hugh Moore, in funding and directing the PopUlation Council and the International Planned Parenthood Federation respectively. Together their work won grudging acceptance for the idea of population control among key layers - the medical profession, potential donors, public figures, the mass media. Thus, they built a worldwide institutional framework of research, training, and clinical institutions."

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9ecc4c No.64543

File: 848671a63ddbc06⋯.png (1004.16 KB,969x778,969:778,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023090 (172007ZJUN23) Notable: Democrat Politician’s Wife Allegedly Helped Facilitate Epstein’s Sex Crimes: Report

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Democrat Politician’s Wife Allegedly

Helped Facilitate Epstein’s Sex Crimes: Report

Daily Wire, by Ryan Saavedra

Posted By: Beardo, 6/17/2023 12:19:05 PM

The wife of a Democrat politician in the U.S. Virgin Islands is accused of helping Jeffrey Epstein facilitate his alleged sex trafficking scheme. (snip) The bank said that de Jongh ran Epstein’s business operations on the island while her husband was the governor and helped him deal with local politicians and law enforcement. (snip) She allegedly asked Epstein to make political donations to the congressional campaign of Democrat Stacey Plaskett, who was later elected to U.S. Congress as a delegate.

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9ecc4c No.64544

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023093 (172008ZJUN23) Notable: Biden claims spy balloon was 'more embarrassing' for China, suggests it wasn't 'intentional'

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Biden claims spy balloon was 'more embarrassing' for China, suggests it wasn't 'intentional'

Secretary of State Antony Blinken is currently visiting China

President Biden on Saturday claimed that a Chinese spy balloon that drifted across the U.S. and caused a major international incident was "more embarrassing than it was intentional" by the communist regime.

The president also said he hopes to talk to China's President Xi Jinping about how the U.S. and Beijing can "get along."

Biden was asked whether Secretary of State Antony Blinken can ease tensions with China as part of his trip to the country. Biden, in response, raised the issue of the balloon, which flew over the U.S. in February until it was shot down off the coast of South Carolina.

"China has some legitimate difficulties unrelated to the United States, and I think one of the things that balloon caused was not so much that it got shot down, but I don't think the leadership knew where it was, knew what it was in it and what was going on," he said.

"I think it was more embarrassing than it was intentional," he said.

The incident led to intense criticism of the administration from a number of Republicans, who said it should have been shot down much earlier, and caused Blinken to postpone a planned trip to China. The administration had cited safety concerns about shooting down the heavy object over populated areas.

An NBC News report in April said that the spy balloon was able to gather intelligence from several sensitive American military sites. The Pentagon later said it could not confirm that there was any real-time transmission of data. The Chinese have said that the balloon's movements were accidental.


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9ecc4c No.64545

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023098 (172009ZJUN23) Notable: FBI arrests Michigan man for allegedly planning mass attack on synagogue

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FBI arrests Michigan man for allegedly planning mass attack on synagogue

Seann Pielia, 19, now faces charges of transmitting a communication containing a threat to injure another individual.

A teenager from Pickford, Michigan, was arrested on Friday by the FBI after expressing explicit neo-Nazi and antisemitic beliefs online, including allegedly planning a deadly assault at a local synagogue, according to local news sites.

Seann Pietila, 19, now faces charges of transmitting a communication containing a threat to injure another individual, according to the United States Attorney's Office for the Western District of Michigan.

The criminal complaint states that Pietila engaged in conversations on Instagram where he expressed strong hatred towards the Jewish population, voiced support for neo-Nazis and idolized previous mass shooters.

"Antisemitic threats and violence against out Jewish communities - or any other group for that matter - will not be tolerated in the Western District of Michigan,"

US Attorney Mark Totten

Law enforcement officers executed a search warrant at his residence and discovered a cache of weapons, including firearms, a Nazi flag, a ghillie suit, gas masks and military sniper/survival manuals.

During the search, authorities also found a message on Pietila’s phone in the Notes app that identified a synagogue in East Lansing along with a date and a list of equipment. The FBI took immediate action upon receiving a report about threatening online communications, leading them to link the messages to Pietila.


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9ecc4c No.64546

File: 8385991074d154a⋯.png (1.21 MB,1446x916,723:458,Clipboard.png)

File: 7dc824ee4f8f8c5⋯.png (1.21 MB,1443x937,1443:937,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023151 (172021ZJUN23) Notable: PF Update

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Not sure who may be on the B742

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9ecc4c No.64547

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023180 (172025ZJUN23) Notable: Biden's DOJ demands judge issue gag order on Trump in seized documents case

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Biden's DOJ demands judge issue gag order on Trump in seized documents case

The order demands that the 31 DOJ documents to be used in the case “shall not be disclosed to the public or the news media, or disseminated on any news or social media platform” unless otherwise given permission from the court.

Biden's Department of Justice (DOJ) demanded that a Florida court issue a gag order on Trump in regard to the ongoing investigation of the documents seized at Mar-a-Lago.

The suggested order will be reviewed by Judge Bruce Reinhart, who was also involved in the approval of the original raid on Mar-a-Lago. This will prevent Trump from speaking publicly about any documentation in the case.

The order demands that the 31 DOJ documents to be used in the case “shall not be disclosed to the public or the news media, or disseminated on any news or social media platform” unless otherwise given permission from the court.

The order allows Trump the ability to access the DOJ documents for the case only while he is "under the direct supervision of Defense Counsel or a member of Defense Counsel’s staff."

Copies of the documents may not be retained by Trump, however, "[d]efendants may take notes regarding Discovery Materials taking will be permitted." In addition to this, any "such notes shall be stored securely by Defense Counsel,” the DOJ wrote.

The agency said the documents “include information pertaining to ongoing investigations” which could be used in other cases against people involved who have yet to be charged.

The filing indicates he will still have access to the documents that he was storing at Mar-a-Lago during the case. Some of these were labeled classified.

A recent Harris poll found that 55% of Americans said the indictment was politically motivated. This same poll concluded that 72% of Americans believe that Hillary Clinton mishandled classified information and 65% thought the same about President Biden.

A similar order was placed on Trump in the Manhattan trial involving Stormy Daniels and filed by New York district attorney Alvin Bragg. New York state prosecutors made the request in the case as it involves a 34-count indictment of the former president.


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9ecc4c No.64548

File: 299d40950cca7eb⋯.jpeg (73.31 KB,640x644,160:161,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023216 (172031ZJUN23) Notable: The Nazi Connection Op. Paperclip

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> "whaaat? you want to kill yourself now? Your government will happily assist you". Literally Nazis.

Literally Nazis.

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9ecc4c No.64549

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023230 (172035ZJUN23) Notable: US biolabs in Ukraine still on Russian legislators’ radar — FC deputy speaker

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US biolabs in Ukraine still on Russian legislators’ radar — FC deputy speaker

According to Konstantin Kosachev, the work on the issue continues and more pieces of evidence have been piling up

ST. PETERSBURG, June 16. /TASS/. The investigation into the work of US biolaboratories in Ukraine continues, as ever more evidence comes to light, the upper house’s speaker, Konstantin Kosachev, who co-chaired the parliamentary commission probing into US biolaboratories in Ukraine, told the media on Friday.

"The parliamentary investigation in accordance with federal law was completed within one year. After that, we in the Federation Council and the deputies of the State Duma, all those who took part in this investigation, have continued to work on the dossier," Kosachev said.

He added that an inter-faction group had been set up in the State Duma. Efforts in this direction continue at the inter-committee level in the Federation Council, too.

"The work continues. No doubt about that. Even more pieces of evidence have been piling up. If at some stage we find it necessary to pool our efforts again or to present the results of this work to the public in some other way, of course that will be done," he concluded.

Russia has repeatedly drawn attention to Washington's military-biological activities in the CIS and in Ukraine. In March 2022, a parliamentary commission was created to investigate the establishment of biolaboratories on the territory of Ukraine by US specialists.

Earlier, the Russian Defense Ministry said that a special military operation had uncovered facts of the Kiev regime's emergency cleanup of the traces of the US-funded military and biological program in Ukraine. Information was received from employees of Ukrainian biolaboratories about the urgent elimination of especially dangerous pathogens of plague, anthrax, tularemia, cholera and other deadly diseases on February 24 last year.


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9ecc4c No.64550

File: 6a63cce0c4ae6fd⋯.jpeg (86.1 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023247 (172043ZJUN23) Notable: South African president’s security detail prevented from going to Russia

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17 Jun, 2023 15:24

South African president’s security detail prevented from going to Russia

Hungary refused to let the aircraft into its airspace after Polish authorities blocked dozens of South African security personnel

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has had to travel to Russiawithout dozens of his bodyguards, after authorities at Warsaw airport denied entry to a planeload of security personneland members of the press pooland Hungary then refused to let the plane enter its airspace.

One of the journalists told RT on Saturday thatBudapest’s decision did not affect Ramaphosa’s visit to St. Petersburg. The head of state is already in Russia, having arrived separately with a smaller contingent.

South African reporter Queenin Masuabi confirmed the situation in a Twitter post, saying: "our government have been unable to secure access [to] Hungarian airspace." She added that "members of the Presidential Protection Unit, along with journalists, will not be traveling to Russia."

On Thursday, the Polish Border Security Service denied members of Ramaphosa’s security team, consisting of more than 100 personnel, along with 20 reporters, permission to disembark from their plane at the capital's Chopin Airport.

According to one of the journalists stranded on board, who spoke to RT, Polish officials had demanded that members of the South African Presidential Protection Services (PPS)surrender their weapons, claiming that they did not have the correct permits to bring them into the country.

One member of the team was even reportedly strip-searched by Polish police, despite holding a diplomatic passport.

"That’s never happened before in all the years of travel by the PPS. This is now a diplomatic row," the reporter told RT, describingthe "hostile welcome" as completely unexpected.

Another journalist on the plane said Polish authorities allowed the delegation toleave the aircraft on Friday after a more-than-24-hour wait.

Ramaphosa’s head of security, Major General Wally Rhoode, accused Warsaw of attempting to sabotage Pretoria’s efforts to secure a truce between Ukraine and Russia.

Polish authorities, in turn, insisted that Ramaphosa’s delegation chose not to disembark from the plane of their own accord. The Polish Foreign Ministry clarified that the flight had been delayed after discovering "dangerous materials" and "undeclared individuals" on board.

As a result, Ramaphosa had totravel to Kiev without members of his security detailon Friday. The South African head of state, along with senior officials from Senegal, Egypt, Zambia and the Comoros, met with President Vladimir Zelensky in the Ukrainian capital.

They put forward a roadmap aimed at a cessation of hostilities between Kiev and Moscow, which the Ukrainian leadership treated without much enthusiasm.

On Saturday, the African Peace Mission arrived in St. Petersburg for talks with President Vladimir Putin.

(Pretty much a guarantee the Poland & EU forced Hungary to do this. Poland really does not want peace in Ukraine. And EU countries aredisrespecting African countries because they’ve been kicking out EU “peacekeepers and military” and are welcoming in Russia. Its retaliation mostly from Macron because his forces were kicked out of most countries in Africa. This is seriously going to backfire on Poland and others.)


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9ecc4c No.64551

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023259 (172047ZJUN23) Notable: The Nazi Connection Op. Paperclip

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CIA - NAZI Connection after WWII

a 60 Minutes segment from 1982


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9ecc4c No.64552

File: e192d99550f6723⋯.jpeg (112.35 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023269 (172051ZJUN23) Notable: Pentagon program hunts those who ‘embarrass’ its generals

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Holy Fucking Shit

17 Jun, 2023 15:23

Pentagon program hunts those who ‘embarrass’ its generals – Intercept

A new system is capable of pinpointing the ‘exact location’ of anyone who could cause reputational damage to its charges

A secretive division of the Pentagon is now tasked with protecting its high-ranking officialsnot only from assassination and other bodily harm,but also from negative portrayals on social media, according to a procurement documentobtained by The Intercept and published on Saturday.

While military records officially state the US Army Protective Services Battalion protects its charges from “assassination, kidnapping, injury orembarrassment,” this now includes monitoring social media for “direct, indirect, and veiled” threats, as well as identifying “negative sentiment” about individuals like Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley, according to the document, which is dated September. (So that means memes too! I guess Milley didn’t like the memes of him.)

The document describes theprogram as “a reliable social media threat mitigation service” with an “Open-Source Web based tool-kit with advanced capabilities to collect publicly available information (PAI).” Beyond thedata from Twitter’s “firehose,” 4Chan, Reddit, YouTube, VK, Discord, Telegram, and the like, “PAI”also includes a wealth of commercially acquired information from surveillance firms andprivate contractors like Dataminr,other data brokers, and unscrupulous smartphone apps and advertisers.

All this would be apparentlycombined with geo-fencing capabilities and actual cellular location data, allowing for near-exact pinpointing of the location of thesupposedly “signal-rich discussions from elicit threat-actor communities” – keeping in mind that the “threats” discussed in the procurement documentpotentially include unkind tweets about current and retired generals.

The entirety of this information hoard –including CCTV feeds, radio stations, personal records, even individuals’ webcams– would be accessible through a “universal search selector,” according to the document.

The document specified theneed for a two-way stream, requiring the contractor to maintain “the anonymity and security needed to conduct publicly accessible information research through misattribution” by “using various egress points globally to mask their identity.” Thecontract was given to SEWP Solutions LLC, described as the only company capable of “tunnel[ing] into specific countries/citieslike Moscow, Russia or Beijing, China and come out on a host nation internet domain.”

The procurementdocument specifies that it does not want the Pentagon advertisingits interest in violating the online and, potentially, physical privacy ofthose it deems threats to the reputation of generals retired and current. It is stamped “Controlled Unclassified Information”/FEDCON, meaning it is not meant to be seen by those outside the federal government and contractor system.

The revelation that still more intrusive powers are being sought by the national security state has outraged privacy advocates. “Expressing ‘positive or negative sentiment towardsa senior high-risk individual’ cannot be deemed sufficient grounds for government agencies to conduct surveillance operations, even going as far as ‘pinpointing the exact locations’ of individuals,” Ilia Siatitsa of Privacy International told The Intercept.

“The ability to express opinions, criticize, make assumptions, or form value judgments – especially regarding public officials – is a quintessential part of democratic society.”


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9ecc4c No.64553

File: 08ed2b895ead3a9⋯.jpeg (126.87 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023301 (172101ZJUN23) Notable: Ukraine drone attack on Russian oil pipeline to EU failed, official says

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17 Jun, 2023 13:15

Ukraine drone attack on Russian oil pipeline to EU failed, official says

Russian air defenses shot down three UAVs near a pumping station, says governor of Bryansk Region, which borders Ukraine

Ukrainian drones haveattempted to strike the Druzhba pipelinethat delivers Russian oil to several European countries, Bryansk Region governor Alexander Bogomaz has said. He added that the attack was thwarted by Russian air defenses.

On his Telegram channel on Saturday, Bogomaz wrote: “Last night, air defense units of theRussian armed forces… repelledthe Ukrainian military’s attack on the oil-pumping station ‘Druzhba’.” According to the official, a total of three UAVs were brought down.

Last month, the Washington Post claimed, citing leaked Pentagon documents, that back in February Ukrainian President VladimirZelensky had suggestedto Deputy Prime Minister Yulia Sviridenko thatKiev “should just blow up the [Druzhba] pipeline,” which pumps oil to Hungary and other states.

According to the report,Zelensky described the destruction of “Hungarian [Prime Minister] Viktor Orban’s industry” as one of his goals.

While Zelensky dismissed the allegations as “fantasies,” Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto several days later accused Kiev of “virtually attacking Hungary’s sovereignty” by supposedly plotting to undermine the security of Budapest’s energy supply.

Around that same time, a loading station of the Druzhba oil pipeline in Bryansk Region was shelled by Ukrainian forces, with three fuel storage tanks, all of them empty, damaged as a result.

In March,Transneft, the pipelineoperator, reported thatseveral drones had dropped explosivesin the vicinity of an oil-pumping station. Multiple incidents of shelling had taken place before that as well.

TheDruzhba (Friendship) pipeline is one of the largest oil-transport networks in the world, spanning some 4,000 kilometers (2,485 miles) and transporting oil from Russia to Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Austria and Germany.

Bryansk Region, which is adjacent to Ukraine, has repeatedly been targeted by cross-border strikes.

In March, a Ukraine-based neo-Nazi unit conducted a sortie into the region.

(The US, SeeEyeAye and EU are supporting a Nazi terrorist country)


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9ecc4c No.64554

File: 9a6a52700881fd4⋯.png (1.01 MB,1430x924,65:42,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023315 (172104ZJUN23) Notable: PF Update

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I have been watching the two orange plane icons for a couple hours and their position hasn't changed. They show to at a -900 FT in elevation and in the ocean.

So they are probably sitting on a carrier. That gives us two possible carriers.

Any BoatFags looking at this?

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9ecc4c No.64555

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023320 (172105ZJUN23) Notable: Westchester County DA Ends Investigation Into Trump Golf Course

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Westchester County DA Ends Investigation Into Trump Golf Course

Westchester County District Attorney Mimi Rocah, a Democrat, said in a statement on June 15 that her office had closed the case against Trump after an investigation that was conducted “objectively, and independent of politics, party affiliation and personal or political beliefs.”

Her office did not file charges against Trump or the Trump Organization.

Trump applauded Rocah’s decision, writing on his Truth Social account that ending the investigation “WAS THE HONORABLE THING TO DO IN THAT I DID NOTHING WRONG.”


Rocah began investigating Trump in 2021, in an effort to decide whether the former president or his company had misled authorities about the value of the Trump National Golf Club Westchester to pay less on property taxes.

According to The New York Times, Rocah’s office subpoenaed records from the golf course and the town of Ossining in 2021. Ossining handles the course’s taxes.

Trump had previously called Rocah’s investigation a “witch hunt.”

“The Club’s request for a review of its tax assessments was amicably resolved earlier this year and signed off by the Town Board, the Town Assessor, Special Counsel for the Town (who determined the settlement to be both ‘appropriate and in the best interests of the Town of Ossining’), the Briarcliff Manor School District, the Office of the Westchester County Attorney and the Westchester County Supreme Court judge presiding over the matter,” a spokesperson for the Trump Organization told The Hill via email.

“Accordingly, the suggestion that anything was inappropriate is completely false and incredibly irresponsible. The witch hunt continues,” the statement added.

Meanwhile, Trump is facing a separate lawsuit in New York. In September 2022, New York Attorney General Letitia James filed a civil lawsuit against Trump, the Trump Organization, Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump, Eric Trump, and Donald Trump’s business associates over alleged fraud. The lawsuit claims that the Trump Organization deceived insurers, lenders, and tax officials by allegedly inflating the value of its assets.

The case is set to go to trial in October. However, James recently said her case could be delayed by the Department of Justice’s prosecution against the former president over his alleged mishandling of classified documents.

On June 13, at a federal court in Miami, Trump entered a not-guilty plea to 37 felony charges in the classified document case.

Rocah talked about her decision to close down her case against Trump in an interview with CBS on Thursday.

“I think it’s really important, more important than ever in our country, to make sure that people understand that we have independent prosecutors, we have a justice system that operates independent of politics,” Rocah told the outlet. “I can stand here and proudly say that I’m one of those prosecutors, and I look at every subject of any investigation, every organization that’s a subject of an investigation, the same way.”


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9ecc4c No.64556

File: 4dc8fb7d65063f0⋯.png (380.63 KB,599x646,599:646,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023358 (172111ZJUN23) Notable: Biden claims spy balloon was 'more embarrassing' for China, suggests it wasn't 'intentional'

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Washington Examiner


“I think one of the things that balloon caused, not so much that it got shot down, but I don’t think leadership knew where it was and knew what was in it,” Biden told reporters on Saturday. “I think it was more embarrassing than it was intentional.”

U-2 spy plane Chinese balloon


Biden says Chinese surveillance balloon was ‘more embarrassing than it was intentional’

President Joe Biden sought to ease concerns about tensions between the United States and China, especially as Secretary of State Antony Blinken heads to Beijing over the weekend with the goal of...

10:01 AM · Jun 17, 2023




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9ecc4c No.64557

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023394 (172116ZJUN23) Notable: #23358

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>>64519 MY BROTHER GEORGE doors open 3pm FILM starts 3:15 [2:18min] Premier UNDER ST MARKS THEATER & LIVE STREAM [ 94 St.Marks btwn 1st Ave & ave A NYC June 17th 2023 ]

>>64520, >>64521, >>64538, >>64546, >>64554 PF Update

>>64522 It Begins: 20 Heavily Armed IRS and ATF Agents Raid Great Falls Gun Store, Seize Firearm Purchase Records

>>64523 BIDEN BRIBERY SCANDAL, Plus Donald Trump Goes on Offense K. Guilfoyle

>>64524 Exclusive: The DHS Used A Hacker Convicted Of Owning Child Sexual Abuse Material As A Source

>>64525 Biden lays down NATO warning for Ukraine

>>64526 Feds Quietly Drop 5 Charges Against SBF in Multi-Billion Dollar FTX Scam Including Allegation He Bribed Chinese – SBF Is the Democrat Party’s Second Largest Donor

>>64527 Barack Obama Proposes “Digital Fingerprints” to Help the Regime Combat What They Deem as Online “Misinformation”

>>64529 Ukrainian Head of Intelligence Is Missing – General Budanov Hasn’t Been Seen in 17 Days – Russian Media Says He Was Wounded, Evacuated to Germany – Kiev Denies, Putin Confirms Attack on GRU Headquarters

>>64531 Congress Restricts Funding of Chinese, Russian Labs, But Loopholes Remain

>>64530, >>64532 PN Security Analysis of Georgia’s ImageCast X Ballot Marking Devices

>>64533 Meta Lowers Minimum Age of Quest Headsets in Bid to Lure Children Into VR

>>64534 EXCLUSIVE: Chinese Intel Arm Quietly Operates ‘Service Centers’ In 7 US Cities

>>64535 EUROPE - Hate Speech Law to ‘Restrict Freedom’ for the ‘Common Good’, Claims Irish Senator

>>64536 Canada attempting to expand EUTHANASIA program to allow assisted suicide of the mentally ill

>>64537 Texas Sheriff Charges Border City Councilwoman from Mexico After Federal Judge Dismissed Drug Charge

>>64539 Twitter hit with $250 million copyright infringement lawsuit from music publishers

>>64540 Zelensky Slams Trump for Saying He Would End the War in Ukraine

>>64541, >>64542 The Rockefeller Foundation and World Health Organization Announce Partnership To Expand Global Pandemic Preparedness in Era of Climate Change

>>64543 Democrat Politician’s Wife Allegedly Helped Facilitate Epstein’s Sex Crimes: Report

>>64544, >>64556 Biden claims spy balloon was 'more embarrassing' for China, suggests it wasn't 'intentional'

>>64545 FBI arrests Michigan man for allegedly planning mass attack on synagogue

>>64547 Biden's DOJ demands judge issue gag order on Trump in seized documents case

>>64548, >>64551 The Nazi Connection Op. Paperclip

>>64549 US biolabs in Ukraine still on Russian legislators’ radar — FC deputy speaker

>>64550 South African president’s security detail prevented from going to Russia

>>64552 Pentagon program hunts those who ‘embarrass’ its generals

>>64553 Ukraine drone attack on Russian oil pipeline to EU failed, official says

>>64555 Westchester County DA Ends Investigation Into Trump Golf Course

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9ecc4c No.64558

File: 6d414e2ec5f08ef⋯.jpg (32.09 KB,666x360,37:20,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023429 (172119ZJUN23) Notable: Dough

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9ecc4c No.64559

File: 67ac95dcf482e54⋯.png (11.38 KB,255x140,51:28,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023461 (172125ZJUN23) Notable: Next Trump Rally: June 29 - July 2, 2023 (stay tuned) - in Philly

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Aren't there tanks roaming the streets of Philly?

Here's the Trump Rally Schedule for June/July:

Upcoming Rallies & Events

June/July 2023

[SPEECH] Trump Speaks at 2023 Joyful Warriors National Summit

Sponsor: Moms For Liberty

When:June 29 – July 2, 2023

Time: To be determined

Where: Philadelphia, PA

Tickets: Available Here

Live Stream: Coming soon

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9ecc4c No.64560

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023469 (172127ZJUN23) Notable: New Jersey Department of Education Reports 4,200 Percent Increase in Students Claiming to be ‘Nonbinary’ in Four Years

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Educators need quick trial then the rope

New Jersey Department of Education Reports 4,200 Percent Increase in Students Claiming to be ‘Nonbinary’ in Four Years

The number of New Jersey students claiming to be “nonbinary” has increased by over 4,200 percent in four years, according to figures released by the state’s Department of Education.

The number of students in pre-kindergarten through senior year claiming to be “nonbinary” increased from 16 to 675 from 2019 to 2022, according to the data.

Eight of those children are in preschool.

“In the 2019–2020 school year, of those 16 nonbinary students, 10 were in high school. The youngest was in second grade, state records show,” the Epoch Times reports. “In the 2020–2021 school year, there were 85 nonbinary students; the two youngest two were in pre-kindergarten classes. By the 2021–2022 school year, that number had soared to 376 nonbinary students, with eight in pre-kindergarten.”

During the 2022–2023 school year, 41 students claiming to be “nonbinary” were in 5th grade or below.

“Almost every culture of which we have any record has taught girls to be women and boys to be men,” child development psychologist Leonard Sax told the outlet. “We don’t do that. Instead, we undermine that. And the results are not good. And we’re seeing an explosion in anxiety and depression among American kids.”

Sax explained that if children are taught that being transgender or nonbinary is normal, they will assume it really is.

“Kids are not born knowing what normal is, and they need to be taught,” he said. “It’s not hardwired.”

The child development psychologist believes that if schools are teaching that gender is “fluid,” more kids will start to believe that they are transgender or nonbinary — and they will be more anxious and depressed because of it.

“Problematizing gender identity is child abuse,” he said. “It’s causing kids to be uncertain where they should be constant. And it clearly leads to a greatly increased risk of anxiety and depression.”


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9ecc4c No.64561

File: 1b88e6d5309d187⋯.png (184.25 KB,378x598,189:299,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023474 (172128ZJUN23) Notable: Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus officially announced the launch of “global digital health certification network”

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"On Monday, United Nations (UN) World Health Organization (WHO) director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus officially announced the launch of his globalist body’s long-awaited “global digital health certification network,” which in many ways looks like it could be part of the prophesied Mark of the Beast."


Follow @zeeemedia

Website (https://zeeemedia.com/new-interview-page/) | Gettr (https://gettr.com/user/mariazeee) | Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/maria.zeee/?hl=en) | Rumble (https://rumble.com/user/mariazeee)

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9ecc4c No.64562

File: 4c584a4509cd168⋯.png (627.75 KB,900x827,900:827,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023507 (172135ZJUN23) Notable: James O'Keefe: A profound realization occurs to those who were blind but then see.

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James O'Keefe

A profound realization occurs to those who were blind but then see.

5:33 PM · Jun 17, 2023


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9ecc4c No.64563

File: 4a23f22a6f0ba0f⋯.png (9.1 MB,4096x4096,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023508 (172135ZJUN23) Notable: QClock June 16, 2023 Skunk Bay, Light, Relativity, Time & God

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>>64413 (pb) (me)

Updated below:

QClock June 16, 2023 -

v2 Skunk Bay, Light, Relativity, Time & God

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9ecc4c No.64564

File: c7699623f38be74⋯.png (153.95 KB,386x420,193:210,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023544 (172141ZJUN23) Notable: Sundance: Hotorwitz - Confidentail Pfizer doc shows the company observed 1.6mil adverse events

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9ecc4c No.64565

File: 42518edc1f0212d⋯.png (61.47 KB,751x455,751:455,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023549 (172143ZJUN23) Notable: O'Keefe on whistleblowers

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>>>/qresearch/19022358 PB

James O'Keefe

The whistleblower is the last man. Not Nietzsche’s last man, who wants a comfortable existence, but Orwell’s last man in 1984.

The whistleblower is not just tortured but exposed and sacrificed so that others might see what it costs to be an individual in this benighted world. - C. Fred Alford.

RIP Dan Ellsberg

12:44 PM · Jun 17, 2023


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9ecc4c No.64566

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023566 (172149ZJUN23) Notable: Reporter Incurs Ted Cruz's Explosive Wrath At Border

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*big yawn and stretch*




https://www.churchmilitant.com/news/article/catholic-charities-under-siegeCatholic Charities Under SiegeHouse Republicans and TX bearing down hard




12/25/22 (Sun) Christmas Day

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

On this very cold but beautiful Christmas Day, look at our Nation NOW on the Southern Border compared to only a short time ago during the Trump Administration.

We had the most SECURE Border in our history, versus the “horror show” that that is happening now, with record setting numbers of people, many of them hardened Criminals (including Killers, Human Traffickers and Drug Dealers), POURING INTO OUR COUNTRY at a rate the likes of which we have never seen before. The USA is dyingfrom within!!!


'That's A Ridiculous And Silly Question!': Reporter Incurs Ted Cruz's Explosive Wrath At BorderPart I

Yesterday, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) snapped at a reporter during a press briefing on the southern border.

Forbes Breaking News 1.78M subscribers 55,740 views May 12, 2023


TED CRUZ "Our NGO's are overwhelmed" "the situation is unsustainable"

REPORTER#1 "and how long have you been in Office?"

REPORTER#2 "Come on, man. This has been going on for 20 years."

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.153 📁 1881

Aug 15 2018 00:10:19 (EST)

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.152 📁

Aug 15 2018 00:01:13 (EST)



[Read very carefully]


"Child trafficking victims who’ve spent their formative years servicing the carnal desires of men, often foreigners, who are three, four, five or six times their age. Their madam tells me that many of their

customers are western humanitarian workerswho’ve come here to help rebuild Haiti after the recent run of natural disasters."

The more you know…



Russia had about 277,000 NGOs in 2008.[15] India is estimated to have had about 2 million NGOs in 2009 (approximately one per 600 Indians), many more than the number of the country's primary schools and health centers.[16][17]

The United States, by comparison, has approximately 1.5 million NGOs.[18]

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9ecc4c No.64567

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023592 (172155ZJUN23) Notable: Roseanne Barr Podcast

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Roseanne's first episode.

The Roseanne Barr Podcast

Silenced for so long, Roseanne comes roaring back with her feisty attitude and blows the top off her disdain of Hollywood, politicians, brainwashed Americans and the fat acceptance movement.

Great ending:

"81 Million votes is nothing to sneeze at. God Bless Joe Biden. May he get what's coming to him from those eighty-one million votes he got." Roseanne Barr 55:00

51,837 views Jun 15, 2023


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9ecc4c No.64568

File: 6d8d0f6afdf750f⋯.png (496.49 KB,1018x949,1018:949,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023596 (172155ZJUN23) Notable: Pentagon program hunts those who ‘embarrass’ its generals - Intercept

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They're coming for your Miley memes boys!

Pentagon program hunts those who ‘embarrass’ its generals – Intercept

>A new system is capable of pinpointing the ‘exact location’ of anyone who could cause reputational damage to its charges


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9ecc4c No.64569

File: 890d23a42410d99⋯.png (1.33 MB,1289x1536,1289:1536,Clipboard.png)

File: 5fa1d4f2531f8f4⋯.png (206.46 KB,425x408,25:24,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023603 (172157ZJUN23) Notable: Doc provdes that COVIDs likely "Patient Zero" Ben Hu was receiving US tax $ from @NIH & @USAID (Via EcoHealth) for #GainOfFunction expts at Wuhan lab

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We've got the receipts:

Here is the NIH document obtained via a 2021 WCW lawsuit proving that COVIDs likely "Patient Zero" Ben Hu was receiving US tax $ from




(Via EcoHealth) for #GainOfFunction animal experiments at the Wuhan lab


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9ecc4c No.64570

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023608 (172159ZJUN23) Notable: Largest Catholic Healthcare System In America Is Performing Transgender Surgeries on Children

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Largest Catholic Healthcare System In America Is Performing Transgender Surgeries on Children and Providing Other “Gender Affirming” Care Services

By Cullen Linebarger Jun. 13, 2023 5:20 pm Credit: Daily Caller/Sasin Tipchai

A watchdog organization is alleging that one of America’s most prominentCatholic health systemsis betraying morality and mutilating innocent children. The Epoch Times was the first to report on the story.

The Lepanto Institute published a 64 page report claiming thatCommon Spirit Health, the largest “Catholic” health system in the country, is providing transgender surgeries for minors and other “gender-affirming” care services including hormone therapies puberty blockers. Abortions are also being performed.

This is all in direct contradiction to Catholic Church teachings on these issues, which have remained consistent for decades.

They provided the report exclusively to The Epoch Times, which was the first website to report on the story.

Common Spirit is a giant non-profit health system with more than 1,000 care sites and 140 hospitals across 21 states. The Media Research Center also points out that one of the hospitals in the network, St. Francis Memorial Hospital, even has a “Gender Institute” where they reportedly perform gender reassignment surgeries.

Conservatives Are Looking For Ways To Boycott and Move Spending Away From Woke Corporations – Here Is One Way To Do It

Here is what the Lepanto Institute report states:

Included in the list of surgical procedures provided by CommonSpirit’s Saint Francis Memorial Hospital are facial and body reconstructive surgeries to make the individual appear to be more masculine or feminine, genital reconstruction procedures, vocal alteration surgeries, and a host of other abominations.

The transgender craze has seized the world by the throat and is choking the life out of the bedrock of civilization: the family. And this is happening right under the nose of the Vatican.

President Michael Hichborn, the author of the report, told the Epoch Times he is saddened by his findings. He explained to the website he hopes those who claim to be Catholics will start to line up with the Churches teachings.

Other findings by Hichborn show that CommonSpirit Health covers sex change operations and other trans surgeries in its employee benefits package.

In addition to performing sex-change operations, CommonSpirit provides employee benefits that cover sex-change operations, transgender hormone treatments, and even puberty blockers for kids.

Hichborn also revealed thatthe hospital system answers directly to the Vatican. The report states that CommonSpirit Health benefits from being part of the Catholic Church via religious tax exemptions and is a subsidiary of the Catholic Healthcare Federation.

Don’t count on Vatican officials to distance themselves from this madness, however. They care more aboutopen borders and liberation theology.


Catholic hospitals linked to transgender surgeries & abortions



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9ecc4c No.64571

File: dd438d5e88ada4b⋯.png (455.42 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023613 (172200ZJUN23) Notable: Suicide & Homicide Rates Among Young Americans At Decade High

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Suicide & Homicide Rates Among Young Americans At Decade High

Suicide and homicide rates among young people in the U.S. have reached levels not seen in decades, new numbers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show.

Among those 10 to 24 years old, 11 suicides and 10.7 homicides per 100,000 people occurred in 2021.

As Statista's Katharina Buchholz shows in the chart below, suicide rates in the age group have been hitting new records every year since 2017, while for homicides, 2021 marks the highest rate since 1997.

However, homicide rates for Americans aged 10 to 24 are still lower today than in the early 1990s, when they hit a high of 16.3 per 100,000 individuals in 1993.

Suicide and homicide are the second and third most common causes of death for the age group after unintentional injury.

According to CNN, poisonings are common in suicides by younger children and they rose dramatically in the Covid-19 pandemic.

Many suicides and homicides in the U.S. are carried out with guns, which made them the cause of 1 in 5 childhood and teen deaths overall in 2021. Guns as a cause of death overtook car accidents in 2020 for children and teens.


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9ecc4c No.64572

File: 7f0d0f150bd28f6⋯.png (293.72 KB,599x785,599:785,Clipboard.png)

File: c08bcea3a837fa1⋯.mp4 (3.12 MB,480x716,120:179,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023619 (172201ZJUN23) Notable: Military landing in suburban neighbors in Larksper California. Massive military movements being reported in multiple states, ANONS DIG

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BREAKING NEWS! Military landing in suburban neighbors in Larksper California. Massive military movements being reported in multiple states. Anyone have more info on this, please post below. My contact that sent this video is local military and says it is NOT a drill.


Can this be verified?

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9ecc4c No.64573

File: 5355ae91fefc6ce⋯.mp4 (2.44 MB,720x1150,72:115,Clipboard.mp4)

File: d7e74f38dc75a6e⋯.png (222.25 KB,599x712,599:712,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023655 (172207ZJUN23) Notable: Tank group on the highway in Idaho falls, airplanes in San Diego

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Tank group on the highway in Idaho falls


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9ecc4c No.64574

File: 05ccda3b8cb2c8e⋯.png (373.44 KB,609x761,609:761,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023678 (172211ZJUN23) Notable: Tank group on the highway in Idaho falls, airplanes in San Diego

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juanwick 🟧👾


I captured this video about a week ago.

Northern San Diego area

8:39 AM · Jun 17, 2023




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9ecc4c No.64575

File: f8c80a1c76c0c97⋯.png (531.17 KB,603x688,603:688,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023686 (172212ZJUN23) Notable: @elonmusk: When you pick up a snail and put it somewhere else

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Elon Musk


Or a social media media company


10:47 AM · Jun 17, 2023




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9ecc4c No.64576

File: 9bb48161dc896e9⋯.png (325.31 KB,904x656,113:82,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023705 (172216ZJUN23) Notable: Sundance: DOJ Closes Pence Classified Doc Investigation

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DOJ Closes Pence Classified Doc Investigation – Mary McCord Weighs in on Anticipated DOJ Action in Trump Case

This is a little long and very boring, but people keep asking.. lol

If there is one corrupt DC player who has escaped scrutiny for her corrupt endeavors, it would be Mary McCord. More than any other Lawfare operative within Main Justice, Mary McCord sits at the center of every table in the manufacturing of cases against Donald Trump. {GO DEEP}

Mary McCord was acting head of the DOJ-NSD when the Carter Page FISA application was submitted. After leaving the DOJ-NSD, McCord became head of the Nadler/Schiff impeachment staff. McCord was the organizer of the Vindman CIA whistleblower during impeachment effort #1, and it was Mary McCord’s former NSD lawyer turned Intelligence Community Inspector General, Michael Atkinson, who changed the rules for whistleblowing in the CIA -a request made by McCord- to permit anonymity.

Mary McCord was the person who went to the White House with Deputy AG Sally Yates to carry out the DOJ justice scheme to remove National Security Advisor Mike Flynn. McCord was also selected by a seriously sketchy FISA Judge Boasberg to be the amicus for the court clouding the issues with the FBI and fraudulent information to the FISC. Mary McCord also worked with the congressional team on the second impeachment effort, and it was Mary McCord who went to work for J6 Committee Chairman Bennie Thomspon to frame the J6 case and narrative.

To say that Mary McCord is deeply and professionally attached to the lawfare effort to target Donald Trump would be an understatement.

Today, as a Lawfare contributor to MSNBC, and while discussing the dropping of the investigation in the Pence classified documents case, McCord said she can see no way the DOJ doesn’t indict Donald Trump for the Mar-a-Lago classified documents. “I don’t think it’s realistic to think that the DOJ would avoid, from here on out through the 2024 election, taking any kind of legal action against Trump or those in his inner circle,” says McCord. WATCH:


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9ecc4c No.64577

File: 84150f8752c6c90⋯.jpeg (113.95 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023743 (172221ZJUN23) Notable: UK military considering ‘gender-neutral’ titles

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17 Jun, 2023 13:33

UK military considering ‘gender-neutral’ titles

Terms like ‘rifleman’ or ‘guardsman’ could be things of the past under a new UK military proposal

The UK’s armed forces are considering a proposal to remove gender-specific terms like rifleman or guardsman from the titles of its various ranks and toreplace these with less masculine ones, according to measures being appraised by British army chief Patrick Sanders.

The potential switch, which would uproot centuries of army tradition, comes amid a review into “terms and terminology” and has reportedly come under consideration aftersome female soldiersexpressed to Sanders that they felt excluded by male-dominated phraseology in the army. (Ban women that complain about pronouns that would solve the problem)

“The army is proud of its heritage and traditions, which have contributed to making it an effective fighting force over its long history,”an army spokesperson said in comments published by the Times on Friday. “Our people give the British Army a unique edge and we value every soldier equally.”

The change, if it takes effect, wouldalso apply to the British Navy, potentially making redundant such terms as ‘midshipman’ and ‘seaman.’ It remains unclear what, if any, are the proposed replacements might be for the current army and navy titles.

Despite the proposal having originated from within the ranks of female soldiers, itdoesn’t appearas though theresolutionbehind it isunanimous. One female member of the armed forces, a corporal in the Rifles regiment, said this week, according to the Daily Mail, that she had earned her title: “Don't’ you dare take my rank of rifleman, I’m proud of it.”(Good for this soldier)

Another soldier, an anonymous male, told the Times that he was unconcerned by how female soldiers may or may not want to be titled, describing theissue as “culture-war nonsense.”

The British Army has recently fallen short on targets of female representation within its ranks. Speaking in a recent interview, Sanders said that this has led to “precisely these conversations” about inclusivity. “If you want to tap into people’s potential, people have to feel they can be themselves.”(that’s stupid, they are soldiers not various independent beings, they have to work together and get over this shit)

The proposal, which remains under consideration by Sanders and with a final decision expected soon, follows similar measures undertaken by the Royal Air Force (RAF). Last year, theRAF removed the last of its gender-specific ranks by replacing ‘aircraftsman’ with ‘air specialist.’

(Whatever happened to the mighty Kingdom of England? Sad!)


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9ecc4c No.64578

File: 91d3b93e9031786⋯.png (680.4 KB,899x791,899:791,Clipboard.png)

File: e18179871c7073c⋯.png (17.48 KB,255x255,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023747 (172222ZJUN23) Notable: Planefag: KECK231 out of Macarthur Airport

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Out of Long Island MacArthur

Currently on the ground at Philadelphia International

Squawk 2776

not likely to be squawkin' on a mission...




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9ecc4c No.64579

File: 13f1a18c71ac663⋯.png (837.58 KB,1031x458,1031:458,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023756 (172223ZJUN23) Notable: Tank group on the highway in Idaho falls, airplanes in San Diego

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>Tank group on the highway in Idaho falls

Self-propelled artillery. M109 155mm.

The M109 was, is and will be probably for years still, the most prolific self-propelled howitzer outside the Soviet Union.


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9ecc4c No.64580

File: b5d32b082843cbc⋯.png (63.49 KB,618x716,309:358,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023779 (172226ZJUN23) Notable: Planefag: KECK231 out of Macarthur Airport

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9ecc4c No.64581

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023819 (172232ZJUN23) Notable: Greenwald: The Greatness of Daniel Ellsberg

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The Greatness of Daniel Ellsberg

Glenn Greenwald

Streamed on: Jun 16, 7:33 pm EDT


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9ecc4c No.64582

File: 544e6fe1cb3f46a⋯.png (182.85 KB,491x912,491:912,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023850 (172237ZJUN23) Notable: Ex-Trump lawyer turned witness against him loses bid for release from probation

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Ex-Trump lawyer turned witness against him loses bid for release from probation

NEW YORK (AP) — Former President Donald Trump’s onetime personal lawyer and the key witness against him in his New York state criminal prosecution lost his bid Friday for early release from probation following a three-year prison sentence after federal prosecutors said he’s lying again.

U.S. District Judge Jesse M. Furman in Manhattan cited Michael Cohen’s recent comments in a book and television appearance as reasons to conclude that early release from court supervision would not ensure rehabilitation and deterrence from future crimes.

The credibility of Cohen — who served as Trump’s personal lawyer from his early 2017 inauguration until his 2018 arrest — will be scrutinized if a jury ever hears the state criminal case filed against Trump over payments Cohen says he made on Trump’s behalf to silence two women who claimed they had affairs with Trump before the Republican became president.

In court papers, federal prosecutors highlighted Cohen’s recent public comments in arguing against early release from probation rules that, among other things, restrict his travel, subject him to visits and scrutiny from a probation officer and ban him from owning firearms.

Prosecutors say Cohen falsely wrote in a book that he did not engage in tax fraud, that the charges were “all 100 percent inaccurate” and that he was “threatened” by prosecutors to plead guilty. They noted that under oath at his plea hearings he admitted the crimes and said he was not threatened or forced to plead guilty. They said he also lied in a March television interview. ...


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9ecc4c No.64583

File: e094bb950b7fbd1⋯.png (350.92 KB,607x684,607:684,Clipboard.png)

File: 98ede9b35954bef⋯.png (1.04 MB,1025x1254,1025:1254,Clipboard.png)

File: 0a7361d265e2fb8⋯.jpg (43.57 KB,759x422,759:422,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023899 (172246ZJUN23) Notable: The first people to catch the novel coronavirus, were 3 researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in China,

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The Jerusalem Post


The first people to catch the novel coronavirus, which has severely impacted the world, were three researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in China, according to a report this week that cited US government sources.

#COVID | #China | #report



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9ecc4c No.64584

File: 97063e5a50d1166⋯.jpeg (569.65 KB,822x1395,274:465,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023927 (172252ZJUN23) Notable: Feds Quietly Drop Charges against Democrat Donor SBF in Multi-Billion Dollar FTX Scam

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9ecc4c No.64585

File: 8b9f73c431b94ae⋯.jpg (157.87 KB,720x874,360:437,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023935 (172253ZJUN23) Notable: Feds Quietly Drop Charges against Democrat Donor SBF in Multi-Billion Dollar FTX Scam

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Feds Quietly Drop Charges against Democrat Donor SBF in Multi-Billion Dollar FTX Scam

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9ecc4c No.64586

File: 8b591ac5319258e⋯.png (3.97 MB,2398x1472,1199:736,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19023959 (172257ZJUN23) Notable: TRUMP RALLY IN SOUTH CAROLINA SATURDAY JULY 1 AT 1PM EST

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9ecc4c No.64587

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19024030 (172307ZJUN23) Notable: The importance of blood donation: a message from creepy WHO Director General Tedros

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The importance of blood donation: a message from the WHO Director General

World Health Organization (WHO)

1.6K views 3 days ago


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9ecc4c No.64588

File: 18b45fbfbdda48d⋯.png (395.57 KB,1170x636,195:106,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19024045 (172310ZJUN23) Notable: Joe Rogan offers $100K to charity if vax peddler will debate RFK Jr. on his show.

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Peter, if you claim what RFKjr is saying is “misinformation” I am offering you $100,000.00 to the charity of your choice if you’re willing to debate him on my show with no time limit.


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9ecc4c No.64589

File: 9039cd108a7ca1c⋯.png (373.23 KB,598x588,299:294,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19024055 (172311ZJUN23) Notable: US Naval Institute: "Bounce" the cat was mascot of USS Chicago in 1905 / "Dead Cat Bounce" & #1905

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U.S. Naval Institute


"Bounce" the cat was mascot of USS Chicago in 1905. He briefly became a national celebrity after newspapers reported that he had been trained to stand at attention on his hind legs and salute with his tiny paw whenever "The Star-Spangled Banner" was performed.




>History is amazing


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9ecc4c No.64590

File: 881f4c94a7c7563⋯.jpg (44.96 KB,478x578,239:289,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19024064 (172313ZJUN23) Notable: US Naval Institute: "Bounce" the cat was mascot of USS Chicago in 1905 / "Dead Cat Bounce" & #1905

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9ecc4c No.64591

File: 96ad9cdaa670dd5⋯.jpeg (133.6 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19024066 (172313ZJUN23) Notable: Russia to open Jerusalem embassy branch

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16 Jun, 2023 18:28

Russia to open Jerusalem embassy branch

The announcement of the new office bolsters Israel’s efforts to legitimize the city internationally as its capital

Russia plans to establish a branch of its Israeli embassy in Jerusalem, the Foreign Ministry revealed on Friday. The new outpost, which an official statement described as a “==branch office of the Consular Section of the Russian Embassy in Israel=,” cements Moscow’s claim to the land on which it is situated.

Located on the corner of King George and Ma’alot streets in downtown Jerusalem, the property – currently a parking lot – will feature a residence for Russian diplomats as well as a conference hall, the Foreign Ministry confirmed, describing the agreement it signed with Jerusalem last month as a “diplomatic achievement.”

“We believe that this step fully serves the interests of further strengthening friendly multifaceted relations between Russia and Israel, as well as goes in line with our country’s unchanging course towards a fair Middle East settlement,” the Russian Embassy said in a statement on Friday.

Russia claims ownership of dozens of properties in Jerusalem, some of which are mired in long-running legal disputes. While Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu had promised the best-known of these, the Alexander Courtyard, to Russia, his decision was overruled in court in 2022. The situation remains unresolved despite a personal request by Russian President Vladimir Putin to former PM Naftali Bennett last year.

Since theUS moved its Israeli embassyfrom the internationally-recognized capital Tel Aviv to the disputed city ofJerusalem in 2018, ahandful of countrieshave also transferred their embassies there, including Guatemala and Honduras, with several more promising to follow suit.

Hungary is said to be in the processof expanding its Jerusalem trade office to embassy status, which would make it the first EU country to do so, though the government has neither confirmed nor denied that claim by Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen.

While Israel has gone to great lengths to avoid being seen as choosing sides in the conflict in Ukraine, the country has voted with Kiev on UN resolutions and contributed humanitarian and defensive aid. Thus far, it has stopped short of supplying actual weapons systems to Ukraine, however.


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9ecc4c No.64592

File: f61ed868a835e95⋯.png (48.14 KB,936x256,117:32,Clipboard.png)

File: dbc5267332e06c1⋯.png (19.85 KB,953x159,953:159,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19024079 (172315ZJUN23) Notable: US Naval Institute: "Bounce" the cat was mascot of USS Chicago in 1905 / "Dead Cat Bounce" & #1905

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9ecc4c No.64593

File: 2afdc64cf385695⋯.png (73.49 KB,994x923,14:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19024122 (172322ZJUN23) Notable: 🚨 Finland’s new government cracks down on immigration

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NEW 🚨 Finland’s new government cracks down on immigration

Finland‘s new coalition government, which includes the far-right Finns Party, on Friday announced plans to crack down on immigration with the far-right heading the interior ministry.

“I am delighted that together with our negotiating partners we have agreed on an immigration package that can rightly be called a paradigm shift,” Finns Party leader Riikka Purra told reporters alongside her government partners.

Purra, whose anti-immigration party came second in the April elections with their highest support ever, said that until now “Finland has been the only Nordic country with a looser immigration policy.”

“This changes now,” she added.

The government on Friday said it aimed to halve the number of refugees the Nordic country receives through the UN refugee agency from 1,050 a year to 500.

It also aims to establish separate social security benefit systems for immigrants and permanent residents which experts say potentially clash with the constitution.

Conditions for obtaining permanent residency and citizenship will also be tightened, Purra added, with new requirements on language skills and longer periods of residence.

Residence permits granted under international protection “will become temporary and their duration will be reduced to the EU minimum,” Purra said, adding that they will in future be “withdrawn if a person is on holiday in their country of origin”.

The government also plans to crack down on street gangs, aiming to increase penalties for gang activity and introduce new legislation that makes street gang activity a separate aggravating offence.

The gangs were a major election topic for the Finns Party, who highlighted neighbouring Sweden‘s challenges with gang shootings and bombings, laying the blame on immigrants.

In 2021, around 8.5 percent of Finland’s population, or 470,000 people, were of foreign origin.

Future Prime Minister Petteri Orpo appears to have had to concede on the immigration crackdown in order to secure support for his six-billion-euro austerity plan.

“We’ve had to make cuts and savings even where we felt bad. But at the same time we are making sure that tomorrow will be better,” Orpo said.

Finland’s debt-to-GDP ratio has risen from 64 percent in 2019 to 73 percent, which Orpo aims to address with significant cuts to spending.

“We cannot put our heads in the sand. There is no more money,” he said.

Unlike the other government parties, the eurosceptic Finns Party campaigned for a hard line on immigration, sparking conflicts in the arduous negotiations to form a government that lasted nearly two months following April’s general election.

The far-right clashed specifically with their future government ally Swedish People’s Party (RKP), which views immigrants as vital in combatting the country’s ageing population.

“I am sure that every party has had to accept things that it would not promote or that it would even oppose,” RKP leader Anna-Maja Henriksson said.

ETLA research institute in February said Finland would need to triple net immigration to address low birthrates and an ageing populace.

In the April elections, the Social Democrats led by outgoing Prime Minister Sanna Marin fell to third place with 43 seats, behind the National Coalition Party on 48 seats and the far right’s 46.

The four right-wing government parties hold 108 seats out of 200 in parliament.

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9ecc4c No.64594

File: e0072910ca151f4⋯.jpeg (47.48 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19024129 (172324ZJUN23) Notable: Joe Biden: Stabilizer Braces Make Pistols Shoot ‘Higher Caliber’ Bullets

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The Patholigical Liar Drops Another Load of BSJoe Biden: Stabilizer Braces Make Pistols Shoot ‘Higher Caliber’ Bullets

AWR Hawkins17 Jun 2023

President Joe Biden boasted of his executive push for the new Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) AR-pistol stabilizer brace rule andclaimed the braces make pistols shoot “higher caliber” bulletsduring the Safer Communities Summit Friday.

Biden talked at length about thegun control Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) helped him passin mid-summer 2022, then talked about his executive action against guns that the Democrats refer to as “ghost guns.”

Breitbart News noted that executive action on “ghost guns” resulted in an ATF rule thatreclassified “partially complete pistol frames” so that they are considered “firearms.”

Biden then talked about the ATF stabilizer brace rule, saying, “We’ve made it harder for people to buy stabilizer braces.Put a pistol on a brace, and it turns it into a gun.” (What to fuck is he saying?)

Moreover, he claimed, “[The brace] makes it where you can have a higher caliber bullet coming out of that gun.”

Actually, an AR-pistol is a gun in and of itself. Astabilizer brace is simply a piece of plastic that can be attached to the rear of the gun to help stabilize the pistol when target shooting. The braces were first developed tohelp wounded combat vetssteady a pistol, so they could continue to enjoy shooting sports despite their battlefield injuries.

A stabilizer brace does not impact or change the action or caliber of the AR-pistol.


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9ecc4c No.64595

File: 95491dfb817f237⋯.png (1.31 MB,1183x775,1183:775,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19024142 (172329ZJUN23) Notable: #23359

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>>64558 Dough

>>64559 Next Trump Rally: June 29 – July 2, 2023 (stay tuned) - in Philly

>>64560 New Jersey Department of Education Reports 4,200 Percent Increase in Students Claiming to be ‘Nonbinary’ in Four Years

>>64561 Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus officially announced the launch of “global digital health certification network”

>>64562 James O'Keefe: A profound realization occurs to those who were blind but then see.

>>64563 QClock June 16, 2023 Skunk Bay, Light, Relativity, Time & God

>>64564 Sundance: Hotorwitz - Confidentail Pfizer doc shows the company observed 1.6mil adverse events

>>64565 O'Keefe on whistleblowers

>>64566 Reporter Incurs Ted Cruz's Explosive Wrath At Border

>>64567 Roseanne Barr Podcast

>>64568 Pentagon program hunts those who ‘embarrass’ its generals – Intercept

>>64569 Doc provdes that COVIDs likely "Patient Zero" Ben Hu was receiving US tax $ from @NIH & @USAID (Via EcoHealth) for #GainOfFunction expts at Wuhan lab

>>64570 Largest Catholic Healthcare System In America Is Performing Transgender Surgeries on Children

>>64571 Suicide & Homicide Rates Among Young Americans At Decade High

>>64572 Military landing in suburban neighbors in Larksper California. Massive military movements being reported in multiple states, ANONS DIG

>>64573, >>64574, >>64579 Tank group on the highway in Idaho falls, airplanes in San Diego

>>64575 @elonmusk: When you pick up a snail and put it somewhere else

>>64576 Sundance: DOJ Closes Pence Classified Doc Investigation

Baker Change

>>64577 UK military considering ‘gender-neutral’ titles

>>64578, >>64580 Planefag: KECK231 out of Macarthur Airport

>>64582 Ex-Trump lawyer turned witness against him loses bid for release from probation

>>64583 The first people to catch the novel coronavirus, were 3 researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in China,

>>64581 Greenwald: The Greatness of Daniel Ellsberg

>>64585, >>64584 Feds Quietly Drop Charges against Democrat Donor SBF in Multi-Billion Dollar FTX Scam


>>64587 The importance of blood donation: a message from creepy WHO Director General Tedros

>>64588 Joe Rogan offers $100K to charity if vax peddler will debate RFK Jr. on his show.

>>64589, >>64592, >>64590 US Naval Institute: "Bounce" the cat was mascot of USS Chicago in 1905 / "Dead Cat Bounce" & #1905

>>64591 Russia to open Jerusalem embassy branch

>>64593 🚨 Finland’s new government cracks down on immigration

>>64594 Joe Biden: Stabilizer Braces Make Pistols Shoot ‘Higher Caliber’ Bullets


Bread Ghosted At Top, Note Taker / Baker, Please Stand Up

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9ecc4c No.64596

File: d84a2d0d21b7a84⋯.png (131.62 KB,474x318,79:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19024180 (172335ZJUN23) Notable: Dough.

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New Baker / Notetaker, Please Step up!

New Baker / Notetaker, Please Step up!

New Baker / Notetaker, Please Step up!

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9ecc4c No.64597

File: ea82289d3604f5b⋯.png (217.79 KB,588x590,294:295,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19024238 (172343ZJUN23) Notable: Ongoing tornado near Hamlin, TX.

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Joel Christopherson


Ongoing tornado near Hamlin, TX. #txwx

7:28 PM · Jun 17, 2023


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9ecc4c No.64598

File: 5b1689b9f8ce6ed⋯.png (309.39 KB,604x687,604:687,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19024280 (172351ZJUN23) Notable: FBI remembers "Kansas City Massacre."

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#OTD 90 years ago four law enforcement officers and a federal prisoner were killed in what became known as the "Kansas City Massacre." After this deadly attack, Congress granted #FBI agents the authority to make arrests and carry firearms.


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9ecc4c No.64599

File: c3f62f581f203e4⋯.png (251.26 KB,557x524,557:524,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19024285 (172353ZJUN23) Notable: Gavin Newsom's 17s.

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I see some 17's...

Gavin Newsom


71% of the GDP in America is from blue counties.

7 of the top 10 dependent states are red states.

We’re subsidizing red states. Progressive economic policies work.

9:38 AM · Jun 17, 2023


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9ecc4c No.64600

File: 79d52883f7ee802⋯.png (168.96 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: e46e39311c3c79d⋯.png (413.29 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19024295 (172354ZJUN23) Notable: TD bank direct deposits delayed.

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The FIAT must have a new muffler



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9ecc4c No.64601

File: 43c216dd6dc36a1⋯.png (14.74 KB,394x290,197:145,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19024342 (180003ZJUN23) Notable: FBI remembers "Kansas City Massacre."

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9ecc4c No.64602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19024348 (180004ZJUN23) Notable: We see an odds ratio of 5 when comparing autism in vaxxed vs. unvaxxed.

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If vaccines don't cause autism, then how do you explain all this evidence?

"A large clinical pediatric practice I am personally very familiar with has eschewed the use of all vaccines and acetaminophen and achieved a zero autism rate over the past 25 years even though autism rates were skyrocketing in adjacent clinics"

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9ecc4c No.64603

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19024353 (180005ZJUN23) Notable: Gavin Newsom's 17s.

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>71% of the GDP in America is from blue counties.

>7 of the top 10 dependent states are red states.

Why is he comparing counties to states? A shift in units is usually a sign.

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9ecc4c No.64604

File: 5028afc593fcd29⋯.png (22.82 KB,591x290,591:290,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19024448 (180019ZJUN23) Notable: FBI remembers "Kansas City Massacre."

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9ecc4c No.64605

File: 3453f5762d26857⋯.png (661.58 KB,1008x1009,1008:1009,Clipboard.png)

File: 470bd4a2b97945a⋯.png (565.13 KB,835x626,835:626,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19024452 (180019ZJUN23) Notable: Toyota Claims Solid State Battery Breakthrough That Will Give EVs 932 Mile Range.

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Toyota Claims Solid State Battery Breakthrough That Will Give EVs 932 Mile Range

Tyler Durden's Photo


SATURDAY, JUN 17, 2023 - 08:15 AM

The next iteration in the world of electric vehicles is getting closer...at least, if Toyota's claims are accurate.

The legacy automaker is now claiming it has "found a technological breakthrough that will allow it to bring solid state batteries to market as early as 2027," according to PC Mag.

Chief Technology Officer Hiroki Nakajima said this week: "We found quality material. We'll keep up with the rest of the world and definitely put it to practical use."

As Samsung notes, a solid state battery "has higher energy density than a Li-ion battery that uses liquid electrolyte solution. It doesn’t have a risk of explosion or fire, so there is no need to have components for safety, thus saving more space. Then we have more space to put more active materials which increase battery capacity in the battery."

The report notes that the next key is going to be mass production, stating that the batteries will hit the market in 2027 or 2028, giving its vehicles 745 miles of range to start.

Then the plans move to a 932 mile range and a less-than-10 minute charging time. For a quick comparison, the article notes that right now the Tesla Model Y has a "maximum 330-mile range and 15-minute charging via Tesla Supercharger".

Toyota is just one of many automakers looking to commercialize the technology and the technology is still years away. In the interim, Toyota is using a new, low-cost "bipolar" lithium iron phosphate that the company says can result in a 20% increase in range and 40% reduction in cost.

But still, all roads eventually lead to solid state. And for Toyota, PC Mag predicts that once the technology is perfected, the brand will relaunch with Lexus its flagship electric vehicle brand.

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9ecc4c No.64606

File: c9aefa58cd5be36⋯.png (15.21 KB,547x173,547:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19024554 (180033ZJUN23) Notable: @elonmusk: Accounts will be suspended.

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Elon Musk


Accounts that try to game our verification system with non-sequitur self-promotion or advertise in a misleading way will be suspended

7:08 PM · Jun 17, 2023


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9ecc4c No.64607

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19024568 (180035ZJUN23) Notable: @elonmusk: Accounts will be suspended.

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>advertise in a misleading way

Like IRS agents who claim to have the right to enter your property without a warrant?

→ >>64488 PB

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9ecc4c No.64608

File: 01689323572832d⋯.png (399.96 KB,547x560,547:560,Clipboard.png)

File: a33713f90035037⋯.png (132.85 KB,1920x1200,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19024658 (180049ZJUN23) Notable: Today is Joe and Jill Biden’s 46th wedding anniversary.

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Happy Anniversary, Joe & Jill! Enjoy!

Seung Min Kim


Today is Joe and Jill Biden’s 46th wedding anniversary. He proposed to her five times before she said “yes”


Joe Biden Proposed Five Times Before His Wife Jill Said Yes

Joe Biden may have a flourishing bromance with Barack Obama, but his bond with wife Jill Biden is even sweeter. Here, a look into their love story, including their engagement and wedding.

9:07 AM · Jun 17, 2023


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9ecc4c No.64609

File: d556869af0a0ae7⋯.png (59.43 KB,397x516,397:516,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19024692 (180054ZJUN23) Notable: Today is Joe and Jill Biden’s 46th wedding anniversary.

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9ecc4c No.64610

File: 5a4c2712e82c4dd⋯.mp4 (2.34 MB,640x368,40:23,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 291e8f1e7b1d6a1⋯.png (532.75 KB,1086x488,543:244,Clipboard.png)

File: 1fba1fc7e7e1ae4⋯.png (56.57 KB,688x471,688:471,Clipboard.png)

File: 23e921c94acc097⋯.mp4 (3.36 MB,736x1280,23:40,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 828dd43fcca4a6f⋯.png (1.61 MB,3060x1203,1020:401,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19024716 (180058ZJUN23) Notable: Bill Gates Meets China President Xi Jinping in Beijing Before Blinken Trip.

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(((a.i.))) powered ethnic cleansing = anti-nature = the death of the non-(((inbred))).

NEW - China's Xi tells Bill Gates: "You are the first American friend I’ve met in Beijing this year."

Gates says he "is very excited to be back."




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9ecc4c No.64611

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19024719 (180059ZJUN23) Notable: Today is Joe and Jill Biden’s 46th wedding anniversary.

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"Jill Biden (then Jacobs) was divorced and still a college student at the time, and on their first date, she admittedly had doubts about their compatibility. "I was a senior, and I had been dating guys in jeans and clogs and T-shirts, he came to the door and he had a sport coat and loafers, and I thought, 'God, this is never going to work, not in a million years.' He was nine years older than I am!" The SLOTUS shared. "But we went out to see A Man and a Woman at the movie theater in Philadelphia, and we really hit it off. When we came home ... he shook my hand good night ... I went upstairs and called my mother at 1:00 a.m. and said, 'Mom, I finally met a gentleman.'"

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9ecc4c No.64612

File: 8949dba61a9968e⋯.png (370.79 KB,592x685,592:685,Clipboard.png)

File: 02231cb7ee21bee⋯.png (438.07 KB,552x714,92:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19024772 (180109ZJUN23) Notable: DC Comic Book About Gay Superhero Couple Features Sex Scenes.

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DC Comic Book About Gay Superhero Couple Features Sex Scenes, Child at Pride Parade

A DC comic book about a same-sex superhero couple features sex scenes and a child at a Pride parade.

The latest installment of “Midnighter and Apollo” is part of DC Pride 2023, a collection of comic books featuring gay and transgender stories, including the relationship between Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn.

“Let the the whole world know — the bigots, the cowards, and the kids who need it… Show them that our love is real. Show them that it’s powerful. We’ll never back down, and we’re not afraid of fighting back,” DC Comics tweeted, quoting the new Midnighter and Apollo comic.


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9ecc4c No.64613

File: ecacfa7cda3c6e7⋯.png (461.02 KB,1349x632,1349:632,Clipboard.png)

File: c9bd3adf02ec417⋯.png (302.61 KB,729x417,243:139,Clipboard.png)

File: 45e1e8a3cc1facd⋯.png (592.89 KB,650x395,130:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19024778 (180110ZJUN23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS update.

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>>64520 pb

PlaneFag CONUS update

Those 2 CABAL tankers 72/73 (73 is a DC-10 and 72 is a KC-135) went to Hickam AFB from MCAS Miramar and Travis AFB respectively


Potato's AC returned to JBA after he and Mrs Potato got dropped off at Dover AFB from Philadelphia (I-95 photo ops) earlier today

KECK231 C-17 Globemaster went to Dover AFB from MCA Quantico-departed Philadelphia Int'l earlier after leaving Long Island MacArthur Airport (this is Potato's equipment from earlier today

back to Cap#1

N628TS G650 Elon Musk returned to Austin from it's Paris depart and Detroit ground stop

The SHADYS 00/06 MC-12W Libertys arrived at Nashville, TN-John C. Tune Airport (on the west siiide) from Reno Int'l depart and overnight

Mexi AF FAM3526 737 (green dot) has departed Juarez after about 70m on the ground-it came in from it's home base of Santa Lucia AB (NE of Mexico City)

The 727 (XCOPF) had it's stop at Tijuana Int'l and back at Mex City int'l

RAF RRR4040 A400m went to MCAS Yuma

RCH4118 C-17 Globemaster went to JB McChord from it's JBA depart earlier

ANLET81 E-6B Mercury returned to Kirtland and doing roundies just west of White Sands over the Continental Divide Wilderness Study Area

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9ecc4c No.64614

File: e35f65615597cbe⋯.png (226.29 KB,711x747,79:83,Clipboard.png)

File: 58fae035c1c7a7f⋯.png (378.25 KB,1028x999,1028:999,Clipboard.png)

File: ca5fb268c7c0f80⋯.png (824.36 KB,842x1219,842:1219,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19024793 (180111ZJUN23) Notable: Massie helped destroy the Tea Party and now he’s trying to destroy MAGA.

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Massie helped destroy the Tea Party and now he’s trying to destroy MAGA

He protects Adam Schiff while mocking MAGA voters

=He voted w/Democrats to raise the debt ceiling==

There are a lots of GOP frauds who pose with guns to fool voters

Eyes open to this wolf in sheep’s clothing


[Massie is one of them]

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9ecc4c No.64615

File: 89e06467f3c68b1⋯.png (3.86 MB,3200x1800,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19024799 (180114ZJUN23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS update.

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9ecc4c No.64616

File: f3695126df8d98e⋯.png (519.77 KB,775x573,775:573,Clipboard.png)

File: ea9b0d9d5d34285⋯.png (22.3 KB,310x626,155:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19024813 (180117ZJUN23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS update.

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(AFSOC?) C-146A WOLFHOUND Northbound out of Boise, Gowen Field (NG)

FL 230

Squawking 0506


>>64580 (LB)

>>64578 (LB)



P_pers x 2


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9ecc4c No.64617

File: 099e9b1b9778061⋯.png (623.96 KB,500x852,125:213,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19024836 (180120ZJUN23) Notable: @DrBiden: "How did you get this number?"

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Dr. Jill Biden


"How did you get this number?"

Those were the first words I spoke to Joe when he called me out of the blue on a Saturday in 1975.

I’ll be speaking tonight at the #DemConvention. I hope you’ll tune in!

12:50 PM · Aug 18, 2020


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9ecc4c No.64618

File: 6bb27a22faa0e87⋯.png (519.27 KB,783x758,783:758,Clipboard.png)

File: 7aec72c80392bd0⋯.mp4 (536.61 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19024915 (180139ZJUN23) Notable: @StephenM: The state of Biden’s America.

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The state of Biden’s America.


Guys, we just got John Fetterman introducing Joe Biden. It went exactly as you expected. If the Lincoln-Douglas debates represented the pinnacle of American democracy Biden-Fetterman represents the all time bottom.



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9ecc4c No.64619

File: a68a3a4f46e2020⋯.webp (42.32 KB,960x540,16:9,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19024936 (180143ZJUN23) Notable: Viral Video Hypes Fear Of ‘Military Movements’ In California.

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(When Forbes report this, things are going on, seems like a lot of Bullshit to me. What about all the other sitings in other states)

Viral Video Hypes Fear Of ‘Military Movements’ In California For Absolutely No Reason

Matt Novak

Jun 17, 2023,05:57pm EDT

Viral video trying to suggest military helicopters in California are some nefarious plot.

Have you seen a video going viral about “military movements” in California, trying to suggest that some kind of war against everyday Americans is about to take place? The hype is completely manufactured nonsense. And experts say the kinds of military aircraft pictured are normal for any presidential visit—something that’s happening in Northern California this coming week.

The viral video, which has been shared on Twitter by a “verified” account named Derek Broes, includes a sensationalist caption that viewers are witnessing something that’s “NOT a drill.”

“BREAKING NEWS! Military landing in suburban neighbors [sic] in Larksper [sic] California. Massive military movements being reported in multiple states. Anyone have more info on this, please post below. My contact that sent this video is local military and says it is NOT a drill,” Broes tweeted on Saturday.

Incredibly, the video has over 750,000 views on Twitter alone at the time of this writing. But, as several experts on military aircraft have pointed out on Twitter, there’s nothing exceptional about the Marine helicopters in the video. They’re typically used for moving around the President, support staff, journalists, and security detail.

“HMX-1 MV-22s that ferry around WH staff and press pool. Absolutely nothing abnormal here,” Tyler Rogoway, the editor in chief of The War Zone tweeted on Saturday.

Broes, the person who’s spreading this video online, misspells the town name Larkspur, which is just north of San Francisco. And while I couldn’t independently confirm the aircraft are actually in that area and that it was taken today, it would make perfect sense that Marine helicopters would be near San Francisco right now.

In fact, President Joe Biden is visiting the region on Monday to drum up support among business leaders in the tech community. Biden is scheduled to meet with LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman and Microsoft CTO Kevin Scott on Monday in Los Gatos, according to the Mercury News. Others have pointed out the helicopters in the San Francisco Bay area without resorting to fear-mongering.

And it’s not exactly like military aircraft are unknown in California, even when there’s no presidential visit imminent. California is home to 32 U.S. military bases and regularly has aircraft zipping around. But that hasn’t stopped this semi-anonymous Twitter user from hyping up the existence of military vehicles in the western U.S. Pointing out that it’s not unusual to see these kinds of aircraft hasn’t been persuasive to whoever is behind the Derek Broes account.…


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9ecc4c No.64620

File: d6d5a540a6aef24⋯.png (608.72 KB,1800x1421,1800:1421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19025010 (180206ZJUN23) Notable: #23361

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9ecc4c No.64621

File: ccfe8e04d81c6c0⋯.png (43.55 KB,668x323,668:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19025013 (180207ZJUN23) Notable: Blinken in Beijing

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Blinken in Beijing: Secretary of State

lands in China on mission to cool boiling

tensions in highest-level US diplomatic

visit since Biden took office

Associated Press, by Staff

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 6/17/2023 9:08:11 PM

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived in Beijing early Sunday on a high-stakes diplomatic mission to try to cool exploding US-China tensions that have set many around the world on edge. Blinken was to begin two days of talks with senior Chinese officials in the afternoon. He is the highest-level American official to visit China since President Joe Biden took office and the first secretary of state to make the trip in five years. The trip comes after he postponed plans to visit in February over a Chinese spy balloon that was shot down after drifting over the US, further inflaming tensions between DC and Beijing.

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9ecc4c No.64622

File: f6f3e4e706206ff⋯.png (493.42 KB,1053x613,1053:613,Clipboard.png)

File: 58c62269ce4c6a2⋯.png (116.46 KB,628x304,157:76,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19025025 (180210ZJUN23) Notable: 4,200 Percent Increase in Students Claiming to be ‘Nonbinary’ in Four Years in NJ

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New Jersey Department of Education Reports

4,200 Percent Increase in Students Claiming

to be ‘Nonbinary’ in Four Years

Gateway Pundit, by Cassandra MacDonald


Posted By: Imright, 6/17/2023 8:57:42 PM

The number of New Jersey students claiming to be “nonbinary” has increased by over 4,200 percent in four years, according to figures released by the state’s Department of Education. The number of students in pre-kindergarten through senior year claiming to be “nonbinary” increased from 16 to 675 from 2019 to 2022, according to the data. Eight of those children are in preschool. “In the 2019–2020 school year, of those 16 nonbinary students, 10 were in high school. The youngest was in second grade, state records show,” the Epoch Times reports. “In the 2020–2021 school year, there were 85 nonbinary students; the two youngest two were in pre-kindergarten classes.

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9ecc4c No.64623

File: 0048c2f243c4d8c⋯.png (463.05 KB,667x706,667:706,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19025033 (180213ZJUN23) Notable: Donald Trump: Any Republican Voting Against Schiff’s Censure ‘Should Immediately Be Primaried’

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Donald Trump: Any Republican Voting Against

Schiff’s Censure ‘Should Immediately

Be Primaried’

Posted By: Imright, 6/17/2023 4:48:59 PM

Former President Donald Trump on Friday called for any Republican voting against the censure of Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) to be primaried. Trump posted on Truth Social:Anna Paulina Luna is a STAR. She never gives up, especially in holding total lowlifes like Adam “Shifty” Schiff responsible for their lies, deceit, deception, and actually putting our Country at great risk, for which he should be imprisoned! He is a Leaker and a Scoundrel. Any Republican voting against his CENSURE, or worse, should immediately be primaried. There are plenty of great candidates out there!

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9ecc4c No.64624

File: 52ee1ca7aa7f857⋯.png (240.66 KB,575x418,575:418,Clipboard.png)

File: 742b47733f20727⋯.png (260.88 KB,546x423,182:141,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19025049 (180217ZJUN23) Notable: Karine Jean-Pierre calls herself a 'historic figure,' who 'cannot fail'

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'Some people come up to me crying': Karine Jean-Pierre calls herself a 'historic figure,' who 'cannot fail'

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre called herself a "historic figure," who "cannot fail" in recent interviews with correspondents assigned to cover the White House.

This week, Jean-Pierre gave an interview to theGrio – a self-described media network "focused on the African American community" and to amplify "black culture."

Gerren Keith Gaynor – a White House Correspondent for theGrio – interviewed Jean-Pierre for an article on the site titled: "Karine Jean-Pierre talks having ‘swag’ and the hardest job in the White House."

Jean-Pierre told Gaynor, "Ron Klain, the former chief of staff, used to say to me, 'You have the hardest job in this building.'" She added, "It is not for everyone."

Gaynor wrote, "Speaking for the president sometimes includes defending him and his record when challenged by the press or others. Though it’s a position one could easily find daunting, Jean-Pierre acknowledged that her confidence, or as theGrio puts it, her 'swag' in the role has grown over time."

The glowing article says Jean-Pierre "often spends hours preparing for briefings with her team of 12 staffers and Biden-Harris administration officials to craft messaging to White House reporters and, by proxy, the American people."

Jean-Pierre proclaimed that she is a "historic figure."

The White House secretary declared, "This is a historic administration. I'm a historic figure, and I certainly walk in history every day."

Jean-Pierre said she represents "the black community, the Caribbean community, the LGBTQ community" as White House press secretary, adding, "And it is incredibly important to me that I do that well."

Jean-Pierre said of the LGBTQ community, "This is a community that we love, and we make it very clear that this is a community that we’re going to fight for."

In another friendly interview with a White House correspondent, Jean-Pierre said she "cannot fail."

April Ryan, another White House correspondent for theGrio, said to Jean-Pierre, "You are fighting every day. How do you fight and still remain composed and fight in the midst of people trying to erase you and people trying to make you feel like you should not be there?"

Jean-Pierre responded, "Because I have to. I have to. We are so stereotyped. And I cannot fail. It’s not an option."

"It is so important for black women to lead. It is so important for us to be in those positions. It’s so important for people, other people, to see us in those positions," Jean-Pierre said at the "Black Women Lead" conference on Wednesday, according to The Hill.

Jean-Pierre asserted that the LGBTQ community is "literally" under attack.

"There’s a lot of things happening in this country, a lot of things. It is unprecedented. It is scary," she said. "We are in Pride month where the LGBTQ+ community is under attack, literally. We just mentioned all the communities that I represent: black, queer, immigrant, and it is tough. It is tough being at the podium and having to talk about these issues that affect everything that I am."

Jean-Pierre claimed, "Some people come up to me crying. Some people come up to me and just say thank you. I don’t even — some people even say I don’t even know what you say at the podium but just seeing you it’s just amazing. It’s the pride. It’s the pride. It’s the pride and never thinking we would get here.”


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9ecc4c No.64625

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19025061 (180219ZJUN23) Notable: Putin reveals details of draft treaty on Ukraine’s neutrality

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Putin reveals details of draft treaty on Ukraine’s neutrality

The Russian president has shown the documents from the failed peace negotiations with Kiev

Putin reveals details of draft treaty on Ukraine’s neutrality

Moscow and Kiev agreed on the general terms of Ukraine’s neutrality and security guarantees during the peace negotiations in March 2022, but Kiev then abruptly discarded the documents its delegation had already signed, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Saturday.

During a meeting with a group of African leaders in St. Petersburg, Putin showed for the first time the draft documents that were being discussed by the Russian and Ukrainian emissaries in Türkiye more than a year ago.

According to Putin, the document titled the Treaty on the Permanent Neutrality and Security Guarantees for Ukraine had been signed by the Ukrainian delegation.

The draft stipulates that Ukraine must enshrine “permanent neutrality” in its Constitution. Russia, the US, Britain, China, and France are listed as guarantors.

The addendum to the draft, also shown by Putin, outlines both Russian and Ukrainian proposals regarding the size of Ukraine’s standing army during peacetime, as well as its equipment. Moscow proposed to cap the number of military personnel at 85,000 and the number of the National Guard members at 15,000. Kiev, meanwhile, proposed that its Armed Forces have up to 250,000 troops.

Moscow suggested that Ukraine should be allowed to have 342 tanks, 1,029 armored vehicles, 96 multiple rocket launchers, 50 combat aircraft, and 52 “auxiliary” aircraft. Kiev, meanwhile, was in favor of having 800 tanks, 2,400 armored vehicles, 600 multiple rocket launchers, 74 combat aircraft, and 86 “auxiliary” aircraft.

The sides also exchanged proposals on capping Ukraine’s mortars, anti-tank weapons, and anti-air missile systems, among other equipment.

The negotiations effectively broke down in the spring of 2022 shortly after Ukrainian officials accused Russian troops of killing civilians in several small cities around Kiev. The allegations were made immediately after Russian soldiers had withdrawn from the areas outside the Ukrainian capital in what the Kremlin described at the time as “a goodwill gesture.” Moscow has since repeatedly denied committing atrocities in Ukraine.

Speaking on Saturday, Putin said that Ukraine was responsible for sabotaging the negotiations. “After we pulled our troops away from Kiev – as we had promised to do – the Kiev authorities … had tossed [their commitments] into the dustbin of history,” he said. “They abandoned everything.”

“Where are the guarantees that they will not walk away from agreements in the future?” Putin said. “However, even under such circumstances, we have never refused to conduct negotiations.”

The African delegation, which included the presidents of South Africa, Senegal, and Zambia, and the prime minister of Egypt, arrived in Moscow following the meeting with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky in Kiev on Friday. South African President Cyril Ramaphosa presented a nine-point roadmap to end the hostilities, calling on both sides to de-escalate.

Zelensky, meanwhile, reiterated Kiev’s position that negotiations can commence only after Moscow surrenders Crimea, which voted to join Russia in 2014, and four other regions that did the same following referendums in September 2022. Putin argued on Saturday that the acquisition of territories by Russia was “flawless in terms of international law and the UN Charter.” He added that Moscow had the right to intervene in order to protect the people of Donbass, who opposed the 2014 coup in Kiev.

Ukraine dropped all discussions about a possible neutrality last year and has since formally applied to join NATO.


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9ecc4c No.64626

File: 453202407c569c1⋯.png (2.27 MB,1242x2688,207:448,Clipboard.png)

File: dfeee9c61baa131⋯.jpeg (344.16 KB,1241x1543,1241:1543,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 93d9a548e8fa13d⋯.jpeg (251.07 KB,1241x1448,1241:1448,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8e8418ca8decc64⋯.jpeg (280.4 KB,1242x1289,1242:1289,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 9a524836e68a228⋯.jpeg (269.52 KB,1241x1342,1241:1342,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19025087 (180222ZJUN23) Notable: Military on the move across multiple states?

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9ecc4c No.64627

File: da7b49f19408907⋯.png (1.18 MB,860x910,86:91,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19025098 (180224ZJUN23) Notable: Mom Speaks Out About Societal Pressure Pushing Teens Towards Transgenderism

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Mom Speaks Out About Societal Pressure Pushing Teens Towards Transgenderism

A 'non-partisan' issue has caused 'a whole generation of amazing kids' to lose their way

Pronouns on a jacket. (Lauren DeCicca/Getty Images)

Pronouns on a jacket. (Lauren DeCicca/Getty Images)

Shawn Lin

Sean Tseng

By Shawn Lin and Sean Tseng

June 16, 2023Updated: June 17, 2023

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9ecc4c No.64628

File: 58f47a87342929b⋯.png (201.67 KB,383x487,383:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19025104 (180225ZJUN23) Notable: BREAKING: Joe Rogan challenges vaccine enthusiast Peter Hotez to debate RFK Jr on ‘misinformation’

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BREAKING: Joe Rogan challenges vaccine enthusiast Peter Hotez to debate RFK Jr on ‘misinformation’


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9ecc4c No.64629

File: f8a0d99fdfac438⋯.png (94.64 KB,386x559,386:559,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19025115 (180227ZJUN23) Notable: BREAKING: Joe Rogan challenges vaccine enthusiast Peter Hotez to debate RFK Jr on ‘misinformation’

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Elon has entered the chat 🍿



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9ecc4c No.64630

File: 25b90581247ae87⋯.png (182.46 KB,383x594,383:594,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19025145 (180233ZJUN23) Notable: Feds drop 5 charges against SBF

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🤡 F”ing”🌎


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9ecc4c No.64631

File: 78b96cd78db9df7⋯.png (19.31 KB,604x281,604:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19025161 (180235ZJUN23) Notable: Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton ACQUITTED of fraud charges

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Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton ACQUITTED of fraud charges


Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton acquitted of fraud charges

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton was acquitted of civil charges of securities fraud brought against him by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

1:28 PM · Jun 17, 2023





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9ecc4c No.64632

File: 0a1a591c83ea1d4⋯.mp4 (2.59 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: cc9b76f860eb111⋯.png (251.86 KB,746x809,746:809,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19025164 (180235ZJUN23) Notable: Glenn Greenwald - The most important and revealing television moment of the last decade

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Stephen Miller Retweeted

Glenn Greenwald

The most important and revealing television moment of the last decade:

Glenn Greenwald·Sep 1, 2021

In early 2017, Chuck Schumer accidentally admitted to Rachel Maddow that a powerful Deep State runs DC, warning Trump that the CIA would destroy him if he defied them. Yet media servants insisted no such thing exists. Watch:

12:48 PM · Jun 17, 2023·634.9K Views


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9ecc4c No.64633

File: a631fce4383fd4c⋯.mp4 (6.38 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 09ec34557579db8⋯.mp4 (2.24 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: ed147e8f0640315⋯.png (457.25 KB,699x737,699:737,Clipboard.png)

File: a63cf1d61d21e46⋯.png (1.6 MB,1280x1193,1280:1193,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19025165 (180236ZJUN23) Notable: Who nixed the treaty between Russia & Ukraine?

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🇷🇺🇺🇦🕊📃— Video: During the session with the African Delegation, Russian President Vladimir Putin showed the African leaders a copy of the agreed-upon draft agreement between Russia and Ukraine in March 2022.

The agreement puts regulations on Ukrainian Armed Forces and says that Ukraine must adopt a Permanent Diplomatic Neutrality

Putin told the African Delegation that Russia withdrew troops from Kyiv/Kiev and Chernihiv in accordance with the treaty.

However, after that happened Ukraine "on the orders of Washington, threw this treaty into the dustbin of history."

At that time it was openly reported that the person responsible for the fall of the agreements was the then Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Boris Johnson who convinced the Ukrainian President Zelensky not to accept the agreements and continue the fight.

Videos translated by Lord Bebo (https://t.me/myLordBebo/1246)


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9ecc4c No.64634

File: 14c40deb3c3c348⋯.mp4 (1.73 MB,512x848,32:53,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 7a5abc2075d44a9⋯.mp4 (7.3 MB,714x836,357:418,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 828dd43fcca4a6f⋯.png (1.61 MB,3060x1203,1020:401,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19025182 (180240ZJUN23) Notable: What will Macron, Sunak, Duda and Biden say? Zelensky is cheating on them…

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🇺🇦🤡 What will Macron, Sunak, Duda and Biden say? Zelensky is cheating on them...



💢 HUGE 🚨 Vucic and Zelensky have a verbal altercation outside of the second meeting of the European Political Community at Mimi Castle in Bulboaca, Moldova.


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9ecc4c No.64635

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19025214 (180245ZJUN23) Notable: Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton ACQUITTED of fraud charges

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Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton was acquitted of civil charges of securities fraud brought against him by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. The SEC says Paxton encouraged investors to give money in a misleading and unlawful way to McKinney-based Software company Servergy while serving as a state legislator.

In a 29-page ruling written by United States District Judge Amos Mazzant III, Mazzant acknowledged that Paxton “actively recruited investors” for Servergy without telling said investors that he would be profiting from commissions he would receive from their investments. However, the judge says that the action is only legally relevant if the undisclosed information “renders [a] statement false or misleading,”

According to the lawsuit, Paxton raised $840,000 from investors for Servergy, in exchange for 100,000 shares of the company’s stock from its chief executive officer at the time, William Mapp III. Paxton’s attorneys said he was not required to register with the SEC because he was not an “investment adviser representative.” The ruling will not affect the outcome of the similar state criminal charges that Paxton faces on the same issues. The SEC gave no indication of how they will respond on this matter.

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9ecc4c No.64636

File: cb6cebd223c38f7⋯.webp (13.49 KB,536x380,134:95,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19025264 (180255ZJUN23) Notable: #23360

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Some LB notes:

#23360: Out Of The Darkeness & Into The Light

>>64596 Dough.

>>64597 Ongoing tornado near Hamlin, TX.

>>64598, >>64601, >>64604 FBI remembers "Kansas City Massacre."

>>64599, >>64603 Gavin Newsom's 17s.

>>64600 TD bank direct deposits delayed.

>>64602 We see an odds ratio of 5 when comparing autism in vaxxed vs. unvaxxed.

>>64605 Toyota Claims Solid State Battery Breakthrough That Will Give EVs 932 Mile Range.

>>64606, >>64607 @elonmusk: Accounts will be suspended.

>>64608, >>64609, >>64611 Today is Joe and Jill Biden’s 46th wedding anniversary.

>>64610 Bill Gates Meets China President Xi Jinping in Beijing Before Blinken Trip.

>>64612 DC Comic Book About Gay Superhero Couple Features Sex Scenes.

>>64613, >>64616, >>64615 PlaneFag CONUS update.

>>64617 @DrBiden: "How did you get this number?"

>>64614 Massie helped destroy the Tea Party and now he’s trying to destroy MAGA.

>>64618 @StephenM: The state of Biden’s America.

>>64619 Viral Video Hypes Fear Of ‘Military Movements’ In California.

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9ecc4c No.64637

File: f144550dce9dcd9⋯.png (878.74 KB,860x849,860:849,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19025266 (180256ZJUN23) Notable: You’re Likely Eligible for Part of a $23 Million Google Settlement

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You’re Likely Eligible for Part of a $23 Million Google Settlement

A Google sign is seen at the company's office in San Francisco, Calif., on April 12, 2023. (Jeff Chiu/AP Photo)

A Google sign is seen at the company's office in San Francisco, Calif., on April 12, 2023. (Jeff Chiu/AP Photo)

Tom Ozimek

By Tom Ozimek

June 17, 2023Updated: June 17, 2023

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9ecc4c No.64638

File: 81d5617c3509415⋯.png (143.23 KB,382x501,382:501,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19025302 (180305ZJUN23) Notable: Dr. Peter Hotez exclusively promotes vaccines while disregarding the importance of exercise, vitamins, and healthy eating habits

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.@JoeRogan says it's maddening that Dr. Peter Hotez exclusively promotes vaccines while disregarding the importance of exercise, vitamins, and healthy eating habits:

"There was zero going on with him. He walks occasionally. He eats junk food. He wasn't taking vitamins."



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9ecc4c No.64639

File: 976aa74c518e67f⋯.mp4 (4.05 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: e065f8be043be17⋯.png (276.02 KB,609x910,87:130,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19025344 (180314ZJUN23) Notable: Robert Kennedy elaborates on why it's difficult for some to question the vaccines

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James O'Keefe Retweeted

Green Lives Matter @Ultrafrog17

Robert Kennedy elaborates on why it's difficult for some to question the vaccines: It threatens their entire world view. If the authorities in our world were lying about something so insidious, then what else are they deceiving us about?

"Mark Twain said, It's easier to fool a man than to persuade him that he's been fooled. Ego, it threatens their world view. There is so many things that are threatening about believing the counter narrative because then can I trust my doctor? Can I trust the authorities? Can I trust my country? It's really just the entire cosmology around which we've weaved and constructed our lives. You have to start questioning everything. And I understand why people don't want to do that."

This is exactly why the plandemic backfired: It caused so many to awaken from their slumber despite those who refuse to think critically.

Once they begin questioning everything, the brainwashing begins to subside.

There is no going back.

Last edited

5:14 PM · Jun 15, 2023·1.3M Views


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9ecc4c No.64640

File: 467e8ef942a04de⋯.png (166.25 KB,672x393,224:131,Clipboard.png)

File: 720bd5fd2c5f17a⋯.png (260.55 KB,646x342,17:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19025446 (180337ZJUN23) Notable: PF reports

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>>64520 pb

SAM200 C-32A departed Yokota AB and headed to BeijingBlinkenand then goes to London after this stop

Secretary Blinken’s Trip to the People’s Republic of China and the United Kingdom

Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken will travel to Beijing, the People’s Republic of China (PRC), and London, the United Kingdom, June 16-21.

While in Beijing, Secretary Blinken will meet with senior PRC officials where he will discuss the importance of maintaining open lines of communication to responsibly manage the U.S.-PRC relationship. He will also raise bilateral issues of concern, global and regional matters, and potential cooperation on shared transnational challenges. In London, the Secretary will attend the Ukraine Recovery Conference to help mobilize international support from the public and private sector to help Ukraine recover from Russia’s brutal and ongoing attacks. While there, he will also meet with counterparts from the United Kingdom, Ukraine, and other partners and allies.


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9ecc4c No.64641

File: a54e5577e8b686b⋯.png (1.43 MB,1068x960,89:80,Clipboard.png)

File: 8c5815237e378fb⋯.png (1.07 MB,738x950,369:475,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19025507 (180353ZJUN23) Notable: PF reports

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Looks like California's ground ops have a new friend. I hope the exercises are going well for everyone.

Stars and Stripes Forever ...bitchez.

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9ecc4c No.64642

File: b427e86819b9b11⋯.png (394.49 KB,687x919,687:919,Clipboard.png)

File: a9583b7957a21dc⋯.png (87.53 KB,671x476,671:476,Clipboard.png)

File: f20793e7164cc7f⋯.png (120.43 KB,640x838,320:419,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19025522 (180359ZJUN23) Notable: New Details Emerge on US Government Spying on Americans

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New Details Emerge on US Government Spying on Americans

New details have emerged on the U.S. government spying on citizens following the release of a bombshell report showing that intelligence agencies have bought vast troves of sensitive information on Americans from businesses that harvest people’s data.

Over the years, private data collection services have accumulated commercially available information (CAI), which encompasses highly-revealing data on millions of American citizens, including location, smartphone, and web browsing data.

While much of this commercially available data is anonymous, it can be “deanonymized” and used to identify people, according to a recent report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), released on June 9.

U.S. intelligence agencies have admitted to buying large quantities of this information and are able to tap it for valuable intelligence on unsuspecting Americans, per the report.

The report warned that a lack of standards and procedures around obtaining and handling this data by spy agencies poses risks to people’s privacy and even safety.

In a new development following the release of the report, Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines said that she has established a panel to make recommendations about how spy agencies can use this information.

“Given the increasing volume of data that is commercially available, I established a Senior Advisory Group Panel on Commercially Available Information and asked them to make recommendations to the Intelligence Community (IC) regarding how and under what circumstances the IC should use commercially available information, and in particular, to reflect on the existing framework for ensuring the protection of privacy and civil liberties,” Haines said in a June 14 statement.

Haines added that her office—and the intelligence community more broadly—are now considering the report’s key recommendations and working to implement them.

Growing Threat

The report represents the first known attempt by the government to carry out a comprehensive assessment of how federal agencies obtain and use commercially available data on Americans, which is often collected without their knowledge.

“In a way that far fewer Americans seem to understand, and even fewer of them can avoid, CAI includes information on nearly everyone that is of a type and level of sensitivity that historically could have been obtained” only by targeted intelligence gathering capabilities, such as court-authorized search warrants, wiretaps, and surveillance, the report states.

Its publication follows a request by Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) for Haines to review all commercial data purchases by intelligence agencies.

“I appreciate that DNI Haines kept her word to stand-up this review group and then to publish the results of their work,” Wyden said in a statement.

The report was authored by an advisory panel, whose identity has been redacted.

The key takeaway from the report is that commercially available information is an increasingly powerful asset for use in intelligence—and that it poses a growing threat to privacy, individual liberties, and even personal safety.

Even though commercially available information may be anonymous, the report warns that it’s often possible to “deanonymize” it and so identify the individuals it pertains to. This information could then be used to “cause harm to an individual’s reputation, emotional well-being, or physical safety.”

If the data falls into the wrong hands, it could easily be used to “facilitate blackmail, stalking, harassment, and public shaming,” the report warns.


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9ecc4c No.64643

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19025533 (180403ZJUN23) Notable: Fact Sheet: 2023 DoD Cyber Strategy

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Fact Sheet: 2023 DoD Cyber Strategy


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9ecc4c No.64644

File: b35dd190f4a4dcc⋯.png (61.74 KB,737x421,737:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19025565 (180414ZJUN23) Notable: Secret list of journos pushing propaganda on behalf of govn't has been revealed

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I didn't click their PDF.. just sayin. Just ME.


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9ecc4c No.64645

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19025571 (180416ZJUN23) Notable: Military on the move across multiple states?

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BREAKING NEWS! Military landing in suburban neighbors in Larksper California. Massive military movements being reported in multiple states. Anyone have more info on this, please post below. My contact that sent this video is local military and says it is NOT a drill.


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9ecc4c No.64646

File: 257e4d29ec1f29d⋯.png (637.03 KB,1198x922,599:461,Clipboard.png)

File: d13c998720ed671⋯.png (489.66 KB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: f0e08b71594ff2f⋯.png (389.67 KB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19025589 (180427ZJUN23) Notable: Marine helicopter squadron that carries president, vice president stops in Amarillo

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see the paint jobs? kinda look shiny, huh? not so good for combat.

Kamala Harris trying to impress her peeps back in CA

Marine helicopter squadron that carries president, vice president stops in Amarillo

by Jamie Burch, ABC 7 NewsThu, June 15th 2023, 11:40 AM CDT

AMARILLO, Texas (KVII) — One of the Marine helicopter squadrons that carry the president and vice president of the United States stopped in Amarillo.

The four HMX-1 Ospreys arrived at Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport on Wednesday night.

According to a source at the airport, the helicopters were refueled and took off at 10 a.m. Thursday.

The crews would not say where the helicopters were headed.

But its possible they were going to Colorado since Vice President Kamala Harris will be in Denver on Friday.

When the vice president is on one of the helicopters, it has the call sign of Marine Two (or Marine One if the president is also on board).

The other three helicopters serve as decoys.

The HMX-1 Ospreys also also used to transport heads of state, Department of Defense officials, and other VIPs as directed by the Marine Corps and White House Military Office.


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9ecc4c No.64647

File: cb128178f69f8cd⋯.png (1.69 MB,1170x2532,195:422,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19025604 (180435ZJUN23) Notable: 4D ultrasound test can show a dynamic picture

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While 3D ultrasound tests can only visualize the three dimensions of an ultrasound picture, a 4D ultrasound test can show a dynamic picture. This is a fetus in the womb scanned with a 4D ultrasound

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9ecc4c No.64648

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19025618 (180441ZJUN23) Notable: The real Thomas Massie?

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The REAL Thomas Massie




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9ecc4c No.64649

File: 6dedb9ecb4e3d29⋯.png (235.4 KB,860x980,43:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19025662 (180502ZJUN23) Notable: Location of Ron DeSantis Sacramento Breakfast Fundraiser Revealed

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Location of Ron DeSantis Sacramento Breakfast Fundraiser Revealed

Host ‘committee’ short on prominent names

California Republicans have been wondering where presidential candidate Ron DeSantis would host his fundraiser ever since the visit was announced late last month. Now we know—and it’s a bit of an eyebrow raiser.

The California Globe is exclusively reporting that the Florida governor will be holding his “roundtable breakfast” on Monday morning at the Del Paso Country Club. While the Del Paso is perfectly lovely, an event of this kind, in which guests are being asked to pony up $3300 each, is typically held in the more intimate setting of the private home of a prominent Republican.

What’s more, max-out events are nearly always hosted by large committees of bold-faced political names. Getting one’s name on the invitation is part of the reward for putting the arm on one’s wealthy friends. In this case, however, there’s only one heavy hitter named on the invitation—host Steve Eggert-, the founder of the real estate development company Anton DevCo and a board member at Stanford’s Hoover Institution.

These are swell credentials, but hardly the murderer’s row of Republican bigs one would expect to see atop an invitation of a candidate who has been positioned as the favorite of the donor class.

An invitation to an October 2021 event in Sacramento aimed at re-taking the majority in the House, for example, featured the Eggerts alongside political black belt Jeff Randle, Sacramento Republic FC chairman Kevin Nagle, Kings minority owner Phil Oates and other GOP bigs.

The fact that the Eggerts are hosting this event solo, and doing so at a club rather than their home, has raised eyebrows among California GOP donors. One mentioned to California Globe, “They asked everyone to put their name to this and no one would. Of all the local GOP fundraisers, all refused to put their name to it or host it at their homes.” It’s unclear whether the “they” who did the asking refers to the DeSantis campaign or to the Eggerts. On Saturday evening, California Globe emailed Mr. Eggert for comment and will update this story with his response if he chooses to send one.

Ron DeSantis has been publicly feuding with Gavin Newsom as the two big-state governors jockey to be seen as leaders of their respective parties. Their policies during the pandemic couldn’t have contrasted more sharply, with California featuring some of the strictest vaccine and mask mandates and longest lasting shutdowns while Florida featured a much less restrictive regime. A major study in The Lancet found that Florida actually performed better than California and many other states, when adjusting for age and other health characteristics.

More recently, the governors have come to social media blows over Florida financing flights that delivered several planeloads of migrants from Texas to Sacramento.

By Ken Kurson, June 17, 2023 9:12 pm


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9ecc4c No.64650

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19025682 (180516ZJUN23) Notable: France hit by rare ‘very strong’ earthquake

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France hit by rare ‘very strong’ earthquake

Seismologists say Friday’s ‘quake was the biggest to affect the region in more than fifty years

Several parts of western France were shaken on Friday evening by the biggest earthquake to affect the region in a half-century, prompting the evacuation of some 170 people from the town of La Laigne and damaging several buildings across the locale.

The earthquake, which seismologists say registered between 5.2 and 5.8 on the Richter scale, was felt between Rennes in the EU country’s north-west and Bordeaux in the south-west. It occurred at approximately 6:30 pm on Friday.

Several homes, schools and churches were damaged in the rare quake, which is the strongest to have hit the region since 1972. Earthquakes with a magnitude above five are rare in France, with the most recent one occurring in November 2019. ...

“It is an unusual earthquake on our territory,” Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne said while on a visit in the north of the country. ...


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9ecc4c No.64651

File: 3c053571032730b⋯.png (317.73 KB,1065x677,1065:677,Clipboard.png)

File: 62343c6c70c2d2b⋯.png (485.74 KB,744x496,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: e130627ee0d7b99⋯.png (507.59 KB,772x842,386:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19025715 (180533ZJUN23) Notable: Karen Gilbert, his deputy, got sanctioned by a court and fired from a prosecutor post for egregious misconduct - are there any PHOTOS of her on the net?

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Mike Davis 🇺🇸


Jack Smith, Garland’s special counsel, got reversed 8-0 by the Supreme Court in 2016 for a bogus conviction of a GOP politician.

Now we learn Karen Gilbert, his deputy, got sanctioned by a court and fired from a prosecutor post for egregious misconduct.


Top Trump prosecutor Karen Gilbert has checkered past: ‘Sorry sack of lies’

A top prosecutor in the classified documents case against former President Trump was once cited for unethical behavior in a federal drug case, court records show.

Karen Gilbert, 59, who now has a leading role in Special Counsel Jack Smith’s prosecution of former President Trump, was forced to resign as chief of the narcotics section of the Miami U.S. Attorney’s office for her role in secretly taping a defense lawyer in 2009, court papers show.

The case involved Dr. Ali Shaygan, a Florida family medicine physician, who faced 141 counts of illegally dispensing pain medication. In June 2007, James Brendan Downey, a patient of Shaygan, died days after receiving a methadone prescription from Shaygan.

The feds also accused Shaygan of handing out other controlled drugs like Xanax, hydrocodone, and Roxicodone,

Gilbert, and her then-colleague Sean Cronin, suspected witness tampering on the part of the defense. And so without approval from the local U.S. Attorney at the time, R. Alexander Acosta, Gilbert, and Cronin authorized a wiretap of Shaygan’s lawyer — which ultimately yielded nothing.

Shaygan, who was acquitted on all counts, says Gilbert has no business being a federal prosecutor.

“I have no reason to believe that she will behave ethically in any circumstance,” he said. “I do not find it appropriate for her to still be employed by the Department of Justice.”

He added: “She was a sorry sack of lies.”

In a sharply critical 50-page decision — which described Gilbert and her team as acting in “bad faith” and with “gross negligence” — U.S. District Judge Alan Gold ordered the government to pay Shaygan $601,795 in legal fees.

“The government acknowledges and deeply regrets that it made serious mistakes,” the Department of Justice said in court papers.

Gilbert has also come under fire for a history of political donations to Democratic candidates for federal office, including more than $2,000 to the presidential campaigns of President Biden and former President Obama, according to Federal Election Commission records.

Earlier this week Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) sent a letter to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland demanding the names of all the people working in Smith’s office on the Trump case.

“It should be obvious that doing due diligence in vetting an office that has apparently done no vetting of its own personnel, or worse, might affirmatively be seeking to staff with sanctioned lawyers and partisan hatchet-men (and women), is an entirely appropriate purpose and one small reason I am requesting this information,” Gaetz wrote.



Can anon please help? I dont do social media, is she on linkedin, fb or twitter?


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9ecc4c No.64652

File: 0c4e0a38b9dca6f⋯.png (319.44 KB,1284x614,642:307,Clipboard.png)

File: 6d762ba8b28ca5d⋯.png (368.16 KB,2048x947,2048:947,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e82fb448c08063⋯.png (268.75 KB,2048x718,1024:359,Clipboard.png)

File: f2adc31170ef3dc⋯.png (75.3 KB,2048x286,1024:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19025726 (180538ZJUN23) Notable: Karen Gilbert, his deputy, got sanctioned by a court and fired from a prosecutor post for egregious misconduct - are there any PHOTOS of her on the net?

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Two local Florida Federal Attorneys are on Jack Smith’s team. Karen Gilbert, a Biden donor who once stepped down for secretly recording a defense attorney’s client conversations, and Michael Thakur, a prolific Dem donor who donated to Andrew Gillum and Barack Obama.



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9ecc4c No.64653

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19025747 (180554ZJUN23) Notable: Kash breaks down the case - including Karen Gilbert's past

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Kash Patel breaks down the case.

This is outstanding.

Holy sh*t - that background on Karen Gilbert!!



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9ecc4c No.64654

File: 2208d9a9c92286e⋯.png (50.24 KB,300x100,3:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19025789 (180620ZJUN23) Notable: #23362

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e-baker out as baker, will collect pb notes and post below

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9ecc4c No.64655

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19025847 (180652ZJUN23) Notable: IRS raid in Great Falls, MT

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IRS raid in Great Falls, MT

" ... agents confiscated all the 4473 forms, none of which contain any financial information; instead, the IRS now has access to these forms with sensitive personal details of every customer who purchased a firearm... "

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9ecc4c No.64656

File: 736e01ba26bd888⋯.png (416.94 KB,634x948,317:474,Clipboard.png)

File: 7e02068ee935632⋯.png (2.65 MB,1660x1532,415:383,Clipboard.png)

File: 5386a4a32d8cd01⋯.jpg (85.73 KB,597x900,199:300,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5084177c1ee4cc9⋯.png (107.19 KB,1067x745,1067:745,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19025865 (180707ZJUN23) Notable: For Easton… and on this Father's Day, for Easton's Dad

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For Easton... and on this Father's Day, for Easton's Dad. God bless you and yours, in Jesus' name.

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9ecc4c No.64657

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19025903 (180727ZJUN23) Notable: #23361

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#23361 >>64620

>>64621 Blinken in Beijing

>>64622 4,200 Percent Increase in Students Claiming to be ‘Nonbinary’ in Four Years in NJ

>>64623 Donald Trump: Any Republican Voting Against Schiff’s Censure ‘Should Immediately Be Primaried’

>>64624 Karine Jean-Pierre calls herself a 'historic figure,' who 'cannot fail'

>>64625 Putin reveals details of draft treaty on Ukraine’s neutrality

>>64626, >>64645 Military on the move across multiple states?

>>64627 Mom Speaks Out About Societal Pressure Pushing Teens Towards Transgenderism

>>64628, >>64629 BREAKING: Joe Rogan challenges vaccine enthusiast Peter Hotez to debate RFK Jr on ‘misinformation’

>>64630 Feds drop 5 charges against SBF

>>64631, >>64635 Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton ACQUITTED of fraud charges

>>64632 Glenn Greenwald - The most important and revealing television moment of the last decade

>>64633 Who nixed the treaty between Russia & Ukraine?

>>64634 What will Macron, Sunak, Duda and Biden say? Zelensky is cheating on them…

>>64637 You’re Likely Eligible for Part of a $23 Million Google Settlement

>>64638 Dr. Peter Hotez exclusively promotes vaccines while disregarding the importance of exercise, vitamins, and healthy eating habits

>>64639 Robert Kennedy elaborates on why it's difficult for some to question the vaccines

>>64640, >>64641, >>64642 PF reports

>>64642 New Details Emerge on US Government Spying on Americans

>>64643 Fact Sheet: 2023 DoD Cyber Strategy

>>64644 Secret list of journos pushing propaganda on behalf of govn't has been revealed

>>64646 Marine helicopter squadron that carries president, vice president stops in Amarillo

>>64647 4D ultrasound test can show a dynamic picture

>>64648 The real Thomas Massie?

>>64649 Location of Ron DeSantis Sacramento Breakfast Fundraiser Revealed

>>64650 France hit by rare ‘very strong’ earthquake

>>64651, >>64652 >>64653 Karen Gilbert, his deputy, got sanctioned by a court and fired from a prosecutor post for egregious misconduct - are there any PHOTOS of her on the net?

>>64653 Kash breaks down the case - including Karen Gilbert's past

Tired baker signing out.

Good night, anons.


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9ecc4c No.64658

File: 4a325110652087e⋯.png (12.33 KB,444x169,444:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 64d4d29a0287c09⋯.png (20.82 KB,444x282,74:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19025969 (180806ZJUN23) Notable: Pandora's Box Q drops #4888 & #4395

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Pandora's Box Q drops #4888 & #4395

1:15 Rumble video of Trump talking about Pandora's Box after his most recent indictment in Miami. https://rumble.com/v2ud858-theyve-opened-up-pandoras-box.html

Embedding video in next post.

A "Pandora's box" is a metaphor in our modern languages, and the proverbial phrase refers to a source of endless complications or trouble arising from a single, simple miscalculation. Pandora's story comes to us from ancient Greek mythology, specifically a set of epic poems by Hesiod, called the Theogony and Works and Days. Written during the 7th century BC, these poems relate how the gods came to create Pandora and how the gift Zeus gave her ultimately ends the Golden Age of humankind.


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9ecc4c No.64659

File: b6bb01205b41fef⋯.png (1.73 MB,1618x836,809:418,Clipboard.png)

File: 442e191c73c69ca⋯.png (667.51 KB,1448x1698,724:849,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19025986 (180816ZJUN23) Notable: Planefag

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One military flight visible on ADSB, a C17 under callsign TEDDY44, squawk 3363


It made me laugh because it made me picture Obama in lingerie

-but if you go to drop 3363, maybe it's not so funny anymore.

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9ecc4c No.64660

File: 3f1b2dc9e7e908d⋯.png (668.72 KB,678x712,339:356,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026092 (180913ZJUN23) Notable: Report: VP Kamala Harris to Promote Aborting Babies in Dobbs Anniversary Speech

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Report: VP Kamala Harris to Promote Aborting

Babies in Dobbs Anniversary Speech

Breitbart Politics, by Katherine Hamilton

Posted By: Imright, 6/18/2023 3:11:09 AM

Vice President Kamala Harris will mark the first anniversary of the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade by traveling to North Carolina and rallying pro-abortion activists as the state prepares to enact its own law protecting unborn babies. A White House official told The Hill this week that Harris will travel to Charlotte to deliver a “major speech” focused on contrasting the Biden administration’s pro-abortion efforts with Republicans’ efforts to pass supposedly “extreme legislation.” Harris is also expected to reiterate the White House’s support of a federal law codifying the so-called “right” to abortion. According to the report:

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9ecc4c No.64661

File: 9ceae053c392899⋯.png (26.09 KB,595x208,595:208,Clipboard.png)

File: 35b372020aeb301⋯.png (465.12 KB,509x624,509:624,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026104 (180920ZJUN23) Notable: John Solomon: Patients regretting sex-change ops, suing doctors poses legal challenges for health care industry

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John Solomon


Patients regretting sex-change ops, suing doctors poses legal challenges for health care industry | Just The News justthenews.com/politics-polic

Jun 17, 2023, 5:56 PM

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9ecc4c No.64662

File: ede565e726c2769⋯.png (141.66 KB,598x751,598:751,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026117 (180928ZJUN23) Notable: Elon Musk still challenging Dr Peter Hotez to go on Joe Rogan for debate

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9ecc4c No.64663

File: 13fa285d16691a2⋯.png (19.5 KB,500x231,500:231,Clipboard.png)

File: 365b40464ddb6d4⋯.png (20.21 KB,500x245,100:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026118 (180928ZJUN23) Notable: Elon Musk hits back at Potato

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Joe Biden


It’s about time the super-wealthy start paying their fair share.

9:48 PM · Jun 17, 2023


Elon Musk


Please give him the password, so he can do his own tweets. Please, I’m begging you!

11:12 PM · Jun 17, 2023


Elon Musk


In all seriousness, I agree that we should make elaborate tax-avoidance schemes illegal, but acting upon that would upset a lot of donors, so we will see words, but no action.

Those who will actually be forced to carry the burden of excess government spending are lower to middle income wage earners, as they cannot escape payroll tax.

11:25 PM · Jun 17, 2023


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9ecc4c No.64664

File: 59d211f798e4862⋯.png (607.98 KB,710x736,355:368,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026122 (180929ZJUN23) Notable: IRS raid in Great Falls, MT

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9ecc4c No.64665

File: a110c531ce5b1de⋯.png (686.88 KB,683x900,683:900,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026136 (180934ZJUN23) Notable: Nature.com callin on UN to confront "anti-vax agression," by Dr. Peter Hotez 2021

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COVID vaccines: time to confront anti-vax aggression

Halting the spread of the coronavirus will require a high-level counteroffensive against new destructive forces.

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9ecc4c No.64666

File: 1aca990fa31d7a2⋯.png (182.81 KB,380x497,380:497,Clipboard.png)

File: fdcac32c60ef74f⋯.png (609.02 KB,599x747,599:747,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026150 (180941ZJUN23) Notable: Steve Bannon: Obama Deeply Worried About ‘Deep Fakes’, ‘Misinformation’… Calls for ‘Digital Fingerprint’

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Steve Bannon: Obama Deeply Worried About ‘Deep Fakes’, ‘Misinformation’… Calls for ‘Digital Fingerprint’….



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9ecc4c No.64667

File: d8a24121918af6e⋯.png (41.06 KB,881x310,881:310,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026220 (181012ZJUN23) Notable: The International Committee of the Red Cross faces the most serious crisis in its history

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Global issues

The International Committee of the Red Cross faces the most serious crisis in its history

The Swiss humanitarian organization, struggling with its budget, is preparing to lay off at least 1,800 staff members. Questions are being asked about the institution's governance.

By Serge Enderlin(Geneva (Switzerland) correspondent)

Published on June 6, 2023, at 5:19 am (Paris), updated on June 6, 2023, at 7:57 am

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9ecc4c No.64668

File: 9bdb38447d3dead⋯.jpg (136.62 KB,887x316,887:316,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026223 (181014ZJUN23) Notable: >>1902628 Schumann Resonance

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9ecc4c No.64669

File: 6b2974d576ebe5d⋯.png (25.03 KB,892x211,892:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026245 (181026ZJUN23) Notable: South Carolina GOP votes to move back their 2024 primary

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South Carolina GOP votes to move back their 2024 primary: Sources

Party leaders hope change brings more exposure to state in days before primary

ByWill McDuffie and Isabella Murray

June 17, 2023, 5:44 PM

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9ecc4c No.64670

File: 9461bf670e24416⋯.png (274.16 KB,1035x523,1035:523,Clipboard.png)

File: ab26b89a430f5f6⋯.png (288.56 KB,909x919,909:919,Clipboard.png)

File: 3aec22e07896c45⋯.png (633.68 KB,807x516,269:172,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ee9a3555ea808e⋯.png (990.88 KB,768x932,192:233,Clipboard.png)

File: 4b258877276273d⋯.png (782.25 KB,1024x587,1024:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026271 (181035ZJUN23) Notable: Elon Musk Uses Team DeSantis Twitter “Community Notes” to Undermine Trump

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Devin Nunes



@realDonaldTrump and I have been very vocal in our support for #twitter #elonmusk being retuned to a #Freespeech platform. No idea if this report is true but it’s quite disturbing…

Jun 11, 2023, 10:41 PM


Info Wars and Billionaire Motives – Elon Musk Uses Team DeSantis Twitter “Community Notes” to Undermine Trump

June 3, 2023 | Sundance | 381 Comments

People often ask me why I seem to highlight datapoints and background events that do not trend to the media-driven narrative priority of the moment. The answer is simple; everything is connected to the next thing that happens. If you do not outline the originating point, the accurate reference is missed when needed.

This approach is why I have focused significant research on Elon Musk’s financial situation with Twitter {GO DEEP}.

The issue of Twitter’s financial status speaks to the motives of Musk that later surface – like his relationship with Fox News billionaire Rupert Murdoch. Once you see the connections, suddenly everything makes sense. Musk and Murdoch have intersecting interests.

Elon Musk is in desperate need of revenue for his social media platform Twitter. By his own admissions, Twitter is currently in the red on an annual basis between $1.5 to $4.0 billion; that may go as high as $5 billion, depending on what happens over the next six months. Currently losing $100 million/mo, Musk is limited on how much he can pull from his other companies to support Twitter, and with $1.5 billion in debt service alone on the $12.5 billion borrowed for the Twitter purchase, Musk needs an income stream quickly.

Advertising revenue has dropped 50%. This is the motive for Musk to hire Linda Jaccarino, the former head of NBC Universal advertising, to bring urgently needed revenue to a platform currently considered too extreme for the DEI-minded corporate advertising executives. Musk is also captive to contracts with Bezos’ Amazon (AWS) and Google cloud services for platform data processing support. Those very expensive contracts – $1 billion and $2 billion respectively – do not expire until 2025.

In short, Musk needs revenue. For Twitter, this reality drives his decision-making. Enter, Rupert Murdoch.

Billionaire media mogul Rupert Murdoch owns Fox News, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Post and Harper Collins book publishing.

Murdoch wants to control the outcome of the 2024 election and strongly supports Ron DeSantis on behalf of his Wall Street allies.

Murdoch financed DeSantis through the Harper Collins book deal, and Murdoch has turned his media outlets into advanced PR for the DeSantis campaign.

The Murdoch media approach includes lengthy and friendly broadcast Fox News appearances, interviews and pundit advocacy, while the print side spins favorable stories. The Wall Street Journal and New York Post are doing the same. It is a full-court press to support DeSantis on behalf of the interests of Murdoch et al. Keep in mind, the RNC has given Fox News control over the kickoff GOP debate.

♦The Alliance of Interests – Elon Musk needs money; this is not in question. Rupert Murdoch, supporting Ron DeSantis, wants control of the 2024 election outcome; also, this is not in question. These two facets form the baseline of a common interest.

Elon Musk launches the DeSantis campaign via Twitter Spaces – not accidental. Musk then uses his platform control mechanisms to amplify DeSantis and counteract the strong and visible platform support for Donald Trump. What outlet pushes the narrative that flows from the operation? Rupert Murdoch.

NEW YORK POST – Donald Trump’s 2024 election campaign’s claims are already being hit with Twitter’s new “community notes,” which fact-check or offer context to dubious posts. In May alone, Team Trump and their surrogates were slapped with community notes on at least seven occasions — and were often cited for posting flat-out lies. (read more)

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9ecc4c No.64671

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026273 (181036ZJUN23) Notable: Elon Musk Uses Team DeSantis Twitter “Community Notes” to Undermine Trump

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Christina Pushaw is a registered foreign agent working for the DeSantis campaign.

Ms. Pushaw went from working in Ukraine, for Volodymyr Zelenskyy, directly to working in Florida as Ron DeSantis’ press secretary.

Pushaw was the person who gathered the “influence operation” over the past two years on behalf of the DeSantis 2024 operation. That operation was visible in 2022, denied in 2022, then finally admitted two weeks ago.

Now working for the DeSantis campaign, Christina Pushaw – a fellow traveler from the George Soros network and schooling – has organized the same type of influence campaign used in Ukraine to support Zelenskyy, only this time she is exploiting social media and specifically Twitter. This is why she spent so much time recruiting ‘influencers’ in 2021 and 2022, and even tried to deny she was doing it.

Put it all together, and what you see is Rupert Murdoch as the financial lifeline (with a common interest) for Elon Musk who desperately needs money that does not and cannot come from his other businesses (Tesla, SpaceX etc.).

Murdoch, supporting DeSantis, also had a problem he was willing to remove on his Fox News network. Musk needs content providers as he needs a way to increase his viewership and money. Murdoch axes Tucker Carlson. Where does Carlson surface? Twitter! [NOTE: Except now I think Carlson has caught on to the play.]

The Twitter platform has now evolved to become the influence operation for Team DeSantis- with groundwork seeded by Pushaw. The throttling of pro-MAGA, and boosting of pro-Meatball, is now becoming increasingly obvious.

The Twitter ‘Community Notes’ issue is simply a very visible reflection of what people have been talking about for several weeks. This is why it was loaded into the media cannon on Rupert’s platform, The New York Post. Everything is connected to everything else, and once you see the strings on these marionettes you can never return to that moment in the performance when you did not see them.

Musk needs revenue; this is not in question. The question is now, how urgently?

The alliance between Rupert Murdoch and Elon Musk isn’t a conspiracy or wild imagining, it is simply the logical outcome to a common interest. Elon needs money, Rupert wants DeSantis and control of the 2024 election. Everything else is a matter of mutually aligned support.

♦Last point – My long-standing suspicion is, the people who organized Ron DeSantis appear to have convinced the governor to run in 2024 by telling him that Lawfare was going to take down Donald Trump. That’s why his handlers pushed the Florida governor into a bunker after the August 2022 FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago, and then relaunched the national campaign immediately thereafter. {Go Deep}

Ron DeSantis appears to have enrolled in their agenda under the assumption that he would NOT have to actually run against Donald Trump, but would instead be able to just pick up the MAGA base after Trump was removed from the 2024 campaign by Lawfare operations. Pushed to accept this prediction by a wife desperate for her own sense of power, DeSantis appears to have believed the DC connected team that made these assurances. Now both Ron, and to a lesser extent, Jill, are stuck hoping they are not wrong.

Rolling the dice on a bet against Donald Trump is never a good career strategy. Factually, that approach has been proven bad-bad, ju-ju for anyone who tried.

Keep in mind, all the never-Trumpers and gleeful influencers who saw the dollar signs and joined on to DeSantis bandwagon, are hitched to the same outcome.

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9ecc4c No.64672

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026275 (181036ZJUN23) Notable: Elon Musk Uses Team DeSantis Twitter “Community Notes” to Undermine Trump

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They are in a mutually assured destruction (MAD) situation. If the Deep State and Lawfare doesn’t take out Donald Trump, their DeSantis operation goes over the edge into the bottomless pit of irrelevancy.

Thus, the DeSantis campaign, and everyone attached to the support thereof, will become increasingly desperate as Lawfare starts failing.


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9ecc4c No.64673

File: 9dfe630e55659b6⋯.png (19.71 KB,886x179,886:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026286 (181040ZJUN23) Notable: Lying Legacy Media helped murder millions

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By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Saturday Night Post)

Professor Mark Crispin Miller (MCM) teaches media studies at New York University (NYU) and is an expert in propaganda. Dr. Miller says just about everything concerning Covid was a “propaganda masterpiece.” This masterpiece was a murder, disability and sterilization program with more than 675 million CV19 bioweapon injections in America alone, according to the CDC. Could they have pulled off the murder of millions with the CV19 bioweapon/vax without the Lying Legacy Media (LLM)? Dr. Miller says, “Oh, absolutely not. . . . Let me quibble a little bit the term the ‘legacy media’ by which you mean the New York Times, the Washington Post, the TV networks and so on. It’s what we often call the mainstream media or maybe it’s better to call them the corporate media because they are less and less mainstream and more and more eccentric. It isn’t only those outlets that were all unanimous in pushing the Corona virus panic, the masking cult, the vaccination drive and so on, but also the ‘Left’ Press. I wrote for them years ago and appeared on ‘Democracy Now’ as a guest. The ‘Left’ Press has been almost impossible to distinguish from the New York Times and the rest of them. This helps us understand why and how so many people fell for this.”

The Cv19 bioweapon injection lie was not a one-off event. Propaganda in America has been going on for a long time. A turning point for lying to the country was what happened in the aftermath of the JFK assassination in Dallas, Texas in 1963. MCM explains, “There was the smashing success of the CIA’s drive to make ‘conspiracy theory’ the phrase of choice, to dismiss inconvenient notions, to dismiss taboo ideas. . . . In 1967 . . . the CIA sent out its memo ‘1035-960.’ It’s online and anyone can find it. It instructed all the CIA station chiefs worldwide to use their propaganda assets and friends in the media . . . to start attacking the writings of these few investigators who started to raise really good questions about the Warren Report, concerning the assassination of JFK in Dallas. . . . Their problem was people pointing out the Warren Report was completely incredible. It was laughable. . . . The Executive Summary of the Warren Report didn’t seem to bear any resemblance to information in the other volumes. There were all kinds of contradictions within it, and it didn’t make any sense. They were basically calling for a new commission. What did the CIA do? It got its people to mount a covert propaganda drive where politicians and journalists started to take potshots at these critics. They called them ‘conspiracy theorists.’ This term was never used before 1967 . . . and what it meant was you are crazy. . . . There were many (CIA) talking points in this memo. One was you were echoing communist propaganda and that kind of thing. This was a wildly successful operation, and it did not stop. . . . That phrase would continue to be used and was used after the assassination of Bobby Kennedy. It was used after Martin Luther King’s assassination. It was used during Iran Contra. . . . conspiracy theory, conspiracy theory, it was used certainly after 9/11 . . . .and now if you quarrel with an outcome in an election, you are a conspiracy theorist. . . . To be called a conspiracy theorist is a form of mockery. It’s the whole tin foil hat thing. You are kind of crazy.”

MCM says building a propaganda network over decades had to happen for the widespread acceptance of the CV19 bioweapon/vax. MCM says, “The conspiracy propaganda drive is one thing that had to have happened for the covid nightmare to be successfully realized.”

MCM says there is come good news and that is the LLM or ‘corporate’ media is losing power dramatically. MCM predicts there will be so many deaths and disabilities from the CV19bioweapon/vax people will wake up, and “It will be impossible to keep this going.”

In closing, MCM says, “We need an accounting. We need justice. This is too atrocious for words. . . . To the extent we take pleasure in others’ suffering, we are maintaining division. As long as we are divided, we are screwed. This is the oldest trick in the imperial playbook. ‘Divide and conquer’ . . . . This is a key to their continued success. We have to stop going after each other’s throats. . . . We should be going after their throats.”


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9ecc4c No.64674

File: 3884e94d5783d6c⋯.png (34.65 KB,996x342,166:57,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026291 (181043ZJUN23) Notable: How Palantir is helping hospitals with tasks that used to require spreadsheets and whiteboards

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How Palantir is helping hospitals with tasks that used to require spreadsheets and whiteboards

Published Sat, Jun 17 20238:00 AM EDT


Ashley Capoot


The company is perhaps best known for its work with the U.S. government’s defense and intelligence agencies, but despite its high-profile customers in government, Sankar said Palantir works to tackle hard challenges across a variety of industries, including health care — a field that experts widely believe is in crisis.

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9ecc4c No.64675

File: e423ce9ff1b7c12⋯.png (296.77 KB,863x560,863:560,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026304 (181048ZJUN23) Notable: Family Groups And LGBT Activist Uniting Against Bill That Could Make Pedophiles A Protected Class

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Family Groups And LGBT Activist Uniting Against Bill That Could Make Pedophiles A Protected Class

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Saturday, Jun 17, 2023 - 03:45 PM

Authored by Jackson Elliott via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

In an unlikely alliance, Christian family values groups and an LGBT activist have signed a petition against a proposed Connecticut bill they say could make pedophiles a protected sexual minority.

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9ecc4c No.64676

File: ace0da82452a24a⋯.png (373.3 KB,757x819,757:819,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026312 (181053ZJUN23) Notable: TNZ: Pres. Biden Ends Speech w/ 'God Save the Queen' … Um, Sir … QE2 is Dead

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Pres. Biden Ends Speech w/ 'God Save the Queen' ... Um, Sir ... QE2 is Dead 💀

6/17/2023 3:24 PM PT

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9ecc4c No.64677

File: 213e6584354bf31⋯.png (852.32 KB,893x699,893:699,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026330 (181101ZJUN23) Notable: PJMedia: Celebrate Good Times, Come On! Patriotic Boycotts Cost Woke Corporations $28 BILLION In Market Value

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Celebrate Good Times, Come On! Patriotic Boycotts Cost Woke Corporations $28 BILLION In Market Value

By Robert Spencer 6:07 PM on June 17, 2023

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9ecc4c No.64678

File: b03c7e3b6050f6f⋯.png (929.84 KB,887x736,887:736,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026341 (181106ZJUN23) Notable: The Science™ Engineers Self-assembling Nanoparticles for HIV Vaccines

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The Science™ Engineers Self-assembling Nanoparticles for HIV Vaccines

By Ben Bartee 6:22 PM on June 17, 2023

The pharmaceutical industry has generated a new, apparently viable biotechnology product under the auspices of combatting HIV: self-assembling nanoparticles.

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9ecc4c No.64679

File: 2234efd64deaba9⋯.png (70.46 KB,598x351,46:27,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026343 (181106ZJUN23) Notable: Elon Musk still challenging Dr Peter Hotez to go on Joe Rogan for debate

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9ecc4c No.64680

File: 747dd5067cb4a46⋯.png (44.62 KB,770x547,770:547,Clipboard.png)

File: 1ae68c1e9f6e95d⋯.png (744.42 KB,840x408,35:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026350 (181108ZJUN23) Notable: ABC Uses 11-Year Old To Justify Access To Puberty Blockers

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ABC Uses 11-Year Old To Justify Access To Puberty Blockers

Alex Christy

June 17th, 2023 12:14 PM

Text to Speech



Font Size

ABC reporter Alex Presha rolled out an 11-year old on Saturday’s Good Morning America to condemn Ohio for considering a bill that would make it “illegal for doctors to prescribe gender-affirming care for trans minors.”

Presha reported that the move comes as “Columbus is preparing to welcome an estimated 700,000 people to its annual Pride parade while a battle is brewing just blocks away at the Ohio State House over the future of trans rights” where “The Republican-controlled state legislature is considering a number of bills impacting trans youth. One called HB-68 would make it illegal for doctors to prescribe gender-affirming care for trans minors including prescribing puberty blockers or hormones.”

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9ecc4c No.64681

File: 29e2b0e697a7a4e⋯.png (299.33 KB,598x794,299:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026376 (181121ZJUN23) Notable: Elon Musk still challenging Dr Peter Hotez to go on Joe Rogan for debate

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9ecc4c No.64682

File: 3eacd949d4eb5be⋯.mp4 (778.35 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026397 (181130ZJUN23) Notable: The Science™ Engineers Self-assembling Nanoparticles for HIV Vaccines

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>combatting HIV: self-assembling nanoparticles

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9ecc4c No.64683

File: 17bfa4dc0ce4d53⋯.png (23.19 KB,1361x239,1361:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026438 (181143ZJUN23) Notable: Biden admin giving universities, businesses $135 million to push 'net-zero' climate agenda

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Biden admin giving universities, businesses $135 million to push 'net-zero' climate agenda

Biden previously vowed to cut U.S. carbon emissions in half by 2030.

Updated: June 16, 2023 - 3:56pm

“America’s industrial sector serves as the engine of the U.S. economy…

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9ecc4c No.64684

File: 54c057e2abac777⋯.png (241.81 KB,679x382,679:382,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026482 (181156ZJUN23) Notable: Meet the man in charge of Ukraine's national memory

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Anton Drobowycz, head of the Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance, stated in an interview with the Glavcom website that until the Polish side renovates the facility in honor of the OUN-UPA on Mount Monastyrz and does not start renovating other facilities of this type in Poland, there will be no consent to the search and exhumation of Poles.

Drobowycz had earlier become famous for the opinion that talking about the genocide of Poles in Volhynia was a "misunderstanding".

How does this relate to the recent statement @mareksuski in @RadioWNET, where he argued about the alleged breakthrough in the matter of exhumation? Will the rulers tell us what the truth is?

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9ecc4c No.64685

File: 5bf7078ac0298c1⋯.png (1.02 MB,1025x480,205:96,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026505 (181203ZJUN23) Notable: Meet the man in charge of Ukraine's national memory

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>Anton Drobowycz


Meet the man in charge of Ukraine's national memory

What is “national memory” – and how should we (re)interpret it? An interview with Anton Drobovych, new director of Ukraine’s Institute of National Memory.

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9ecc4c No.64686

File: fc0a49715741b9e⋯.png (390.92 KB,385x691,385:691,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026545 (181220ZJUN23) Notable: Gen Flynn: Happy Father’s Day to all men of faith who love and cherish their children. Time to “Stand up, Step up, and Speak up!” We have a country to save

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Happy Father’s Day to all men of faith who love and cherish their children.

Time to “Stand up, Step up, and Speak up!”

We have a country to save.

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9ecc4c No.64687

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026552 (181222ZJUN23) Notable: #23362

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Notables are NOT Endorsements

#23362 >>64654

>>64655, >>64664 IRS raid in Great Falls, MT

>>64656 For Easton… and on this Father's Day, for Easton's Dad

>>64658 Pandora's Box Q drops #4888 & #4395

>>64659 Planefag

>>64660 Report: VP Kamala Harris to Promote Aborting Babies in Dobbs Anniversary Speech

>>64661 John Solomon: Patients regretting sex-change ops, suing doctors poses legal challenges for health care industry

>>64662, >>64679, >>64681 Elon Musk still challenging Dr Peter Hotez to go on Joe Rogan for debate

>>64663 Elon Musk hits back at Potato

>>64665 Nature.com callin on UN to confront "anti-vax agression," by Dr. Peter Hotez 2021

>>64666 Steve Bannon: Obama Deeply Worried About ‘Deep Fakes’, ‘Misinformation’… Calls for ‘Digital Fingerprint’

>>64667 The International Committee of the Red Cross faces the most serious crisis in its history

>>64668, >>>/qresearch/1902628 Schumann Resonance

>>64669 South Carolina GOP votes to move back their 2024 primary

>>64670, >>64671, >>64672 Elon Musk Uses Team DeSantis Twitter “Community Notes” to Undermine Trump

>>64673 Lying Legacy Media helped murder millions

>>64674 How Palantir is helping hospitals with tasks that used to require spreadsheets and whiteboards

>>64675 Family Groups And LGBT Activist Uniting Against Bill That Could Make Pedophiles A Protected Class

>>64676 TNZ: Pres. Biden Ends Speech w/ 'God Save the Queen' … Um, Sir … QE2 is Dead

>>64677 PJMedia: Celebrate Good Times, Come On! Patriotic Boycotts Cost Woke Corporations $28 BILLION In Market Value

>>64678, >>64682 The Science™ Engineers Self-assembling Nanoparticles for HIV Vaccines

>>64680 ABC Uses 11-Year Old To Justify Access To Puberty Blockers

>>64683 Biden admin giving universities, businesses $135 million to push 'net-zero' climate agenda

>>64684, >>64685 Meet the man in charge of Ukraine's national memory

>>64686 Gen Flynn: Happy Father’s Day to all men of faith who love and cherish their children. Time to “Stand up, Step up, and Speak up!” We have a country to save

Note Taker going to bake

Hold goodies for next bread please

might be a lag

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9ecc4c No.64688

File: ec390a8016a955e⋯.jpg (121.44 KB,1000x656,125:82,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026569 (181227ZJUN23) Notable: #23363

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Bread is still ghosted

Bakers and Note Takers please step up

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9ecc4c No.64689

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026624 (181243ZJUN23) Notable: Low-quality Fuel Returned to Iran

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Iran trying to sell shit quality oil to anyone they can? That's a new level of desperation.

Low-quality Fuel Returned to Iran

KABUL (BNA) The Afghanistan National Standards Authority (ANSA) says that 5 tankers of low-quality oil returned to Iran in Nimroz, today, Saturday.


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9ecc4c No.64690

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026633 (181248ZJUN23) Notable: Rare Schumann event

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Magnetic Pole Shift, Volcano Danger, Solar Watch | S0 News June.18.2023



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9ecc4c No.64691

File: 6cb8077d1364793⋯.png (788.21 KB,782x695,782:695,Clipboard.png)

File: 0da971eac64f426⋯.jpeg (24.49 KB,474x311,474:311,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026644 (181254ZJUN23) Notable: Planefag

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Westbound out of Joint Base Andrews

Climbing through 10,000

Squawking 0550


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9ecc4c No.64692

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026645 (181255ZJUN23) Notable: (2019) Schumer: Intelligence Agencies ‘Have Six Ways From Sunday Of Getting Back At You’

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Schumer: Intelligence Agencies ‘Have Six Ways From Sunday Of Getting Back At You’

While the left and the Never Trump right may march into the ballot box in 2020 convinced the president committed treason, the rest of the country see yet another Deep State sting.

Yesterday, the mainstream media and Democrats continued to push the Ukraine Purse Strings Hoax, with Rep. Adam Schiff, chair of the House Intelligence Committee, ad-libbing a fictional account of President Trump’s conversation with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky. Schiff’s telling of the July 2019 conversation cast Trump as the blackmailer-in-chief who threatened to cut aid to Ukraine unless Zelensky took down the son of presidential hopeful and former vice president Joe Biden.

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9ecc4c No.64693

File: f6411efa543ad9b⋯.png (513.89 KB,599x538,599:538,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026649 (181256ZJUN23) Notable: Dan Scavino Delta: GAME. ON.

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Daniel Scavino Jr. added a new photo to the album: Official White House Photos — at The White House.

erSnsopotdtt42122uh1e2g0g100cghc7,cui3l 0au0u92 2m14645nm9fJ ·

6|17|2020 — GAME. ON.


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9ecc4c No.64694

File: b9565eaac6a1aba⋯.mp4 (11.71 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026657 (181259ZJUN23) Notable: 'Dr.' Peter Hotez

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9ecc4c No.64695

File: fc5097a260e3338⋯.pdf (1.48 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026659 (181300ZJUN23) Notable: Murder by Injection

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>>>/qresearch/19026211 LB


Or... download your version the way you want (kindle, torrent, Daisy)


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9ecc4c No.64696

File: 38a0f5eaff4714e⋯.png (272.06 KB,901x660,901:660,Clipboard.png)

File: 75c3b6eb094e618⋯.png (221.65 KB,727x767,727:767,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026661 (181301ZJUN23) Notable: DJT ReTruthed DC Draino: Thomas Massie helped destroy the Tea Party and now he’s trying to destroy MAGA

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>>64614 pb

Donald J. Trump ReTruthed






Massie helped destroy the Tea Party and now he’s trying to destroy MAGA

He protects Adam Schiff while mocking MAGA voters

He voted w/Democrats to raise the debt ceiling

There are a lots of GOP frauds who pose with guns to fool voters

Eyes open to this wolf in sheep’s clothing


This shows me that the note taker and or baker has no sense of what is going on because these posts are failing to make the notables.

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9ecc4c No.64697

File: d365c8a57242b42⋯.png (389.12 KB,598x877,598:877,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026677 (181306ZJUN23) Notable: Hunter Biden sent his banking documentation to a Maltese auction house owner

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Hunter Biden sent his banking documentation to a Maltese auction house owner — who was later arrested for money laundering Burisma funds — to open an account at a bank that was subsequently shut down for money laundering, all in a country known for money laundering.

Emails from the Biden laptop reveal a newly discovered Hunter Biden Maltese bank account opened by Burisma that coincides with the $10 million bribery allegations involving Biden and Burisma, as reported by an FBI source.


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9ecc4c No.64698

File: ca4ebc1305bbd0c⋯.png (217.15 KB,872x557,872:557,Clipboard.png)

File: d14eeaae4135710⋯.png (65.79 KB,979x586,979:586,Clipboard.png)

File: ffcfca2b2e16753⋯.png (140.07 KB,882x693,14:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026686 (181309ZJUN23) Notable: DARPA bun

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DARPA aka the USgovt/US mil contracted pfizer/moderna/etc to craft the mrna gene editing technologies in 2013- posted and noted here many times.

>>20346 (pb)

>>>/qresearch/18402860 (pb)

>>22379 (pb)

>>22380 (pb)

>>22381 (pb)

>>>/qresearch/13710921 (pb)

>>>/qresearch/13710809 (pb)

now lets tie DARPA to the Rockefeller Foundation which scenario'd a pandemic called 'Lock Step' in May 2010

>>>/qresearch/19023021 (pb)

>>>/qresearch/19023020 (pb)

>>64541 (pb)

>>64542 (pb)

>>>/qresearch/19023080 (pb)

Here is Rick A. Bright, PhD


Rick Bright is formerly the Chief Executive Officer of the Pandemic Prevention Institute (PPI) at The Rockefeller Foundation. Dr. Bright lead the development of the Foundation’s pandemic data-to-action platform that integrates modern technology, data analytics and global partners to help the world detect, prevent, and mitigate pandemic threats to achieve containment as quickly as possible.

Prior to this role, he served as theDeputy Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response and the Director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority(BARDA), in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Dr. Bright has also gained extensive experience in the biotechnology industry where he served in senior leadership and executive management roles. He has held senior scientific leadership positions in non-governmental organizations where he championed innovative vaccine development and expanded vaccine manufacturing capacity to multiple developing countries. He also spent a decade in vaccine, therapeutics, and diagnostics development at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. For this work, Dr. Bright received the Charles C. Shepard Science Award for Scientific Excellence.

Dr. Bright sits on the Executive Board of the New York Academy of Sciences’ International Science Reserve and serves as an international subject matter expert in biodefense, emergency preparedness and response, pharmaceutical innovation, vaccine, drug and diagnostics development. He also served as an advisor to the Biden Administration, World Health Organization, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) and the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering & Medicine Forum on Microbial Threats. Dr. Bright is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and serves as a Sr. Fellow at the Foreign Policy Association.

Dr. Bright received a Ph.D. in Immunology and Molecular Pathogenesis from Emory University and a B.S. magna cum laude in Biology and Physical Sciences from Auburn University at Montgomery.


In July 2005, at the hearings before the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, the first CEO and Director of the center, Tara O'Toole, MD, MPH, has pointed to center's role as the "BioDARPA" (i.e. "biomedical DARPA").


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9ecc4c No.64699

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026687 (181309ZJUN23) Notable: Murder by Injection

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"Pfizer has been a “habitual offender,” persistently engaging in illegal and corrupt marketing practices, bribing physicians and suppressing adverse trial results. Since 2002 the company and its subsidiaries have been assessed $3 billion in criminal convictions, civil penalties and jury awards."

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9ecc4c No.64700

File: 0496dbbf7da15f5⋯.png (364.84 KB,940x732,235:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026700 (181312ZJUN23) Notable: DARPA bun

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And here is Victoria Coleman


Chief Executive Officer, AtlasAI

Victoria Coleman is the CEO of Atlas AI, a public benefit corporation bringing world class AI solutions to sustainable development. She is a member of the Defense Science Board,the Chair of DARPA’s Microsystems Exploratory Council, a Senior Fellow at the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, a member of Lockheed Martin’s Technology Advisory Group and a member of Santa Clara University’s Advisory Board for the Department of Computer Engineering. She serves as Senior Advisor to the Director of the Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS) at UC Berkeley.

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9ecc4c No.64701

File: 1646c4f69736a79⋯.jpeg (641.3 KB,892x3673,892:3673,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026711 (181315ZJUN23) Notable: DARPA bun

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DARPA Successfully Transitions Synthetic Biomanufacturing Technologies to Support National Security Objectives


Living Foundries: 1000 Molecules program testing and evaluation partners from three military branches to continue advanced technology development

Launched in 2010, DARPA’s Living Foundries program aimed to enable adaptable, scalable, and on-demand production of critical, high-value molecules by programming the fundamental metabolic processes of biological systems to generate a vast number of complex molecules. These molecules were often prohibitively expensive, unable to be domestically sourced, and/or impossible to manufacture using traditional synthetic chemistry approaches. As a proof of concept, DARPA intended to produce 1,000 molecules and material precursors spanning a wide range of defense-relevant applications including industrial chemicals, fuels, coatings, and adhesives.

Divided into two parts – Advanced Tools and Capabilities for Generalizable Platforms (ATCG) and 1000 Molecules – the Living Foundries program succeeded not only in meeting its programmatic goals of producing 1000 molecules as a proof-of-concept, but pivoted in 2019 to expand program objectives to working with military mission partners to test molecules for military applications. The performer teams collectively have produced over 1630 molecules and materials to-date, and more importantly, DARPA is transitioning a subset of these technologies to five military research teams from Army, Navy, and Air Force labs who partnered with the agency on testing and evaluation over the course of the program.

“Biologically-produced molecules offer orders-of-magnitude greater diversity in chemical functionality compared to traditional approaches, enabling scientists to produce new bioreachable molecules faster than ever before,” noted Dr. Anne Cheever, Living Foundries program manager. “Through Living Foundries, DARPA has transformed synthetic biomanufacturing into a predictable engineering practice supportive of a broad range of national security objectives.”

The Living Foundries teams used a range of technologies and strategies to address significant synthetic biology challenges as outlined below:

The Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division (NAWCWD) team led by Dr. Ben Harvey in collaboration with Amyris, Inc. and Zymergen developed tools and technologies for producing high-performance chemicals and materials useful in a variety of military applications. NAWCWD converted precursor molecules into high energy density fuels, energetic materials, thermostable polymers, and high-performance composites. These technologies will be further developed through the Office of Naval Research (ONR) Bioengineering and Biomanufacturing Program, the ONR Advanced Energetics Manufacturing Pipeline, The Wright Brothers Institute/AFRL Synthetic Biology Challenge, and the Bioindustrial Manufacturing and Design Ecosystem (BioMADE).

United States Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Chemical Biological Center (DEVCOM CBC) team (Drs. Greg Peterson, Jared DeCoste, and Vipin Rastogi) are developing filters, fabrics, and decontaminating wipes to combat chemical and biological weapons agents using biologically templated materials from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. This technology will undergo further testing and development at DEVCOM CBC as part of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency multifunctional material program.

Air Force Research Laboratory’s Materials and Manufacturing Directorate (AFRL RX) team, led by Drs. Nick Godman and Tod Grusenmeyer, produced laser eye protection goggles using bio-derived molecules developed by Zymergen. This technology will be transferred to the Personnel Protection Team in AFRL RX for testing and evaluation.

AFRL Aerospace Systems Directorate (AFRL RQ) team (Drs. Oscar Ruiz, Don Phelps, and Paul Wrzesinski) is testing fuels developed by NAWCWD using biologically produced molecules from Amyris, Inc. for use in military aircraft and will work with the Navy on additional development efforts.

DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory team (Drs. Joshua Orlicki, Anthony Clay, John La Scala, and Robert Jensen) formulated adhesives for evaluation to potentially attach armor to vehicles and polymers for 3D printing applications using technologies developed by Amyris and Zymergen. ARL will continue development of these technologies.

“Several biologically produced molecules within the 1000 Molecules Program have intriguing molecular characteristics for development of advanced polymers,” noted John La Scala, Chief of the Manufacturing Sciences and Technology Branch at DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory. “These unique compounds have potential for use in durable adhesives for armor and other ground vehicle structural applications and high-performance composites for aircraft and missile applications.”


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9ecc4c No.64702

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026712 (181315ZJUN23) Notable: DARPA bun

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All of these technologies transitioned to the military branch they support, and at least one spin-off company has been launched for bio-templated materials for batteries and chemical filtration. Additional industrial partnerships are still being considered in the areas of sustainable fuels, marine epoxies, electronic composites, adhesives and coatings, among others.

“Capability delivery is fundamentally a team sport,” said Rear Adm. Scott Dillon, Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division commander, “and we need diverse and capable teams from government partners like DARPA, industry, and academic collaborators to ensure our warfighters have the decisive advantage. I’m excited to see where our future partnerships will take us.”

# # #

2 of 2

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9ecc4c No.64703

File: c37795dbe788a6f⋯.jpeg (607.84 KB,892x3472,223:868,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026716 (181317ZJUN23) Notable: DARPA bun

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DARPA and the Brain Initiative


The White House announced the BRAIN initiative in April 2013. Today, the initiative is supported by several federal agencies as well as dozens of technology firms, academic institutions, scientists and other key contributors to the field of neuroscience. DARPA is supporting the BRAIN initiative through a number of programs, continuing a legacy of DARPA investment in neurotechnology that extends back to the 1970s. An article in our 60th anniversary magazine provides an overview of the agency's recent research aimed at expanding the frontiers of the field and enabling powerful, new capabilities.

Electrical Prescriptions (ElectRx)

The ElectRx program aims to help the human body heal itself through neuromodulation of organ functions using ultraminiaturized devices, approximately the size of individual nerve fibers, which could be delivered through minimally invasive injection.

Work Begins to Support Self-Healing of Body and Mind

ElectRx Has the Nerve to Envision Revolutionary Therapies for Self-Healing

President Obama Highlights New DARPA Program Aimed at Developing Novel Therapies Customized to Individual Patients

Hand Proprioception and Touch Interfaces (HAPTIX)

The HAPTIX program aims to create fully implantable, modular and reconfigurable neural-interface microsystems that communicate wirelessly with external modules, such as a prosthesis interface link, to deliver naturalistic sensations to amputees.

Neuroscience of Touch Supports Improved Robotic and Prosthetic Interfaces

HAPTIX Starts Work to Provide Prosthetic Hands with Sense of Touch

By Restoring Sense of Touch to Amputees, HAPTIX Seeks to Overcome Physical and Psychological Effects of Upper Limb Loss

Neural Engineering System Design (NESD)

The NESD program aims to develop an implantable neural interface able to provide unprecedented signal resolution and data-transfer bandwidth between the brain and the digital world.

Towards a High-Resolution, Implantable Neural Interface

Bridging the Bio-Electronic Divide

Neuro Function, Activity, Structure and Technology (Neuro-FAST)

The Neuro-FAST program seeks to enable unprecedented visualization and decoding of brain activity to better characterize and mitigate threats to the human brain, as well as facilitate development of brain-in-the loop systems to accelerate and improve functional behaviors. The program has developed CLARITY, a revolutionary tissue-preservation method, and builds off recent discoveries in genetics, optical recordings and brain-computer interfaces.

Researchers Identify Conductor of Brain’s Neural Orchestra & Begin to Decode the Score

Advanced CLARITY Method Offers Faster, Better Views of Entire Brain

Next-Generation Nonsurgical Neurotechnology (N3)

The N3 program aims to develop a safe, portable neural interface system capable of reading from and writing to multiple points in the brain at once. Whereas the most advanced existing neurotechnology requires surgical implantation of electrodes, N3 is pursuing high-resolution technology that works without the requirement for surgery so that it can be used by able-bodied people.

Six Paths to the Nonsurgical Future of Brain-Machine Interfaces

Nonsurgical Neural Interfaces Could Significantly Expand Use of Neurotechnology

Reliable Neural-Interface Technology (RE-NET) (Archived)

The RE-NET program seeks to develop the technologies needed to reliably extract information from the nervous system, and to do so at a scale and rate necessary to control complex machines, such as high-performance prosthetic limbs.

Minimally Invasive “Stentrode” Shows Potential as Neural Interface for Brain

Atom-width Graphene Sensors Could Provide Unprecedented Insights into Brain Structure and Function

New Nerve and Muscle Interfaces Aid Wounded Warrior Amputees


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9ecc4c No.64704

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026719 (181317ZJUN23) Notable: DARPA bun

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Restoring Active Memory (RAM)

The RAM program aims to develop and test a wireless, fully implantable neural-interface medical device for human clinical use. The device would facilitate the formation of new memories and retrieval of existing ones in individuals who have lost these capacities as a result of traumatic brain injury or neurological disease.

Progress in Quest to Develop a Human Memory Prosthesis

Targeted Electrical Stimulation of the Brain Shows Promise as a Memory Aid

Restoring Active Memory Program Poised to Launch

Restoring Active Memory – Replay (RAM Replay)

The RAM Replay program will investigate the role of neural “replay” in the formation and recall of memory, with the goal of helping individuals better remember specific episodic events and learned skills. The program aims to develop novel and rigorous computational methods to help investigators determine not only which brain components matter in memory formation and recall, but also how much they matter.

DARPA Aims to Accelerate Memory Function for Skill Learning

Revolutionizing Prosthetics

The Revolutionizing Prosthetics program aims to continue increasing functionality of DARPA-developed arm systems to benefit Service members and others who have lost upper limbs. The dexterous hand capabilities developed under the program have already been applied to small robotic systems used to manipulate unexploded ordnance, reducing the risk of limb loss among Soldiers.

DARPA Helps Paralyzed Man Feel Again Using a Brain-Controlled Robotic Arm

Neurotechnology Provides Near-Natural Sense of Touch

From Idea to Market in Eight Years, DARPA-Funded DEKA Arm System Earns FDA Approval

Systems-Based Neurotechnology for Emerging Therapies (SUBNETS)

The SUBNETS program seeks to create implanted, closed-loop diagnostic and therapeutic systems for treating neuropsychological illnesses.

Breakthroughs Inspire Hope for Treating Intractable Mood Disorders

Journey of Discovery Starts toward Understanding and Treating Networks of the Brain

SUBNETS Aims for Systems-Based Neurotechnology and Understanding for the Treatment of Neuropsychological Illnesses

Targeted Neuroplasticity Training (TNT)

The TNT program seeks to advance the pace and effectiveness of cognitive skills training through the precise activation of peripheral nerves that can in turn promote and strengthen neuronal connections in the brain. TNT will pursue development of a platform technology to enhance learning of a wide range of cognitive skills, with a goal of reducing the cost and duration of the Defense Department’s extensive training regimen, while improving outcomes.

TNT Researchers Set Out to Advance Pace and Effectiveness of Cognitive Skills Training

Boosting Synaptic Plasticity to Accelerate Learning

2 of 2

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9ecc4c No.64705

File: 1e4937376c7ae29⋯.png (714.04 KB,1191x968,1191:968,Clipboard.png)

File: 01ad8e562bcbc0a⋯.png (63.95 KB,1025x436,1025:436,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026726 (181319ZJUN23) Notable: DJT ReTruthed: Indictment Backfires on Biden - Americans rally to Trump in new Harvard-Harris poll…

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Donald J. Trump



Revolver News



Indictment BACKFIRES on Biden: Americans rally to Trump in new Harvard-Harris poll... he's crushing Biden or Kamala and DeSantis sinks to 14 percent...


Jun 18, 2023, 8:10 AM


Indictment BACKFIRES on Biden: Americans rally to Trump in new Harvard-Harris poll… he’s crushing Biden or Kamala and DeSantis sinks to 14 percent…

June 16, 2023 ( ago)

The Joe Biden regime may have pushed Trump into the populist sweet spot where nothing can hurt him. This is known as the “People’s Champion” effect, where regime attacks on a target only feed into the impression among the people that the target is truly fighting for them against the system. Alternately, some may not like Trump but empathize with his plight, and others may simply want to troll a Regime they view as corrupt. In any case, it leads to poll results like these:

🚨 NATIONAL POLL: Harvard/Harris


(R) Trump: 45% (+6)

(D) Biden: 39%

(R) DeSantis: 41% (+1)

(D) Biden: 40%



• Trump — 59% (+45)

• DeSantis — 14%

• Pence — 8%

• Haley — 4%

• Ramaswamy — 3%

• Scott — 2%

• Christie — 2%

Harris (B) | 06/14-15 | 2,090 RV pic.twitter.com/z8Qo4HLowH

— InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2022) June 16, 2023

The people see right through the phony indictment “Boxes” sham:

Harvard Harris Poll:

— 55% of Americans say Trump's indictment is politically motivated, (including 83% of Republicans and 55% of Independents)

— 56% consider Trump's federal indictment to be an interference by the Justice Department in the 2024 Elections pic.twitter.com/9UtnV0UtD2

— InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2022) June 16, 2023

President Trump is also crushing Kamala “The Cackler” in this Harvard-Harris poll.

🇺🇲 2024 Presidential Election Poll

(R) Trump: 45% (+6)

(D) Biden: 39%

(R) Trump: 47% (+7)

(D) Harris: 40%


(R) DeSantis: 41% (+1)

(D) Biden: 40%

(R) DeSantis: 42% (+2)

(D) Harris: 40%

Harvard/Harris | 06/14-15 | 2,090 RV https://t.co/cSNJEpkd9s pic.twitter.com/WY4Ad3bHZ1

— InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2022) June 16, 2023

In this Harvard-Harris poll, DeSantis has actually sunk down to 14 percent in the wake of Trump sucking up all the media attention and gaining the empathy of the people.

Harvard/Harris Poll: Trump Posts Biggest Lead Yet Over DeSantis

• Trump — 59% (+45)

• DeSantis — 14%

• Pence — 8%

• Haley — 4%

• Ramaswamy — 3%

• Scott — 2%

• Christie — 2%


• Trump — 67% (+34)

• DeSantis — 33%

June 14-15 | RVshttps://t.co/cSNJEpkd9s pic.twitter.com/iydlznUxLM

— InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2022) June 16, 2023

RFK is highly popular with the People as well — just not with the brainwashed liberal Democrat masses. Chris Christie, Hillary Clinton, and Mitch McConnell are loathed.

Harvard/Harris Poll:

Net popularity amongst 🇺🇲 public

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. +21

Elon Musk +9

Tim Scott +9

V. Ramaswamy +8

Ron DeSantis +5

Nikki Haley + 4

Donald Trump -3

Gavin Newsom -10

Joe Biden -11

AOC -12

Chris Christie: -16

Hillary Clinton: -17

Mitch McConnell: -24 pic.twitter.com/av1fH11Gsk

— InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2022) June 16, 2023

The full poll results are here in PDF form.

A second poll released today shows similar results to the Harvard-Harris poll.



(R) Trump: 45% (+3)

(D) Biden: 42%

(D) Biden: 42% (+2)

(R) DeSantis: 40%



Trump — 56% (+41)

DeSantis — 15%

Haley — 4%

Scott — 3%

Ramaswamy — 3%@wearebigvillage | RVs | 06/09/14https://t.co/4T2mBJn4vq pic.twitter.com/VrNQejoZUU

— InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2022) June 16, 2023


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9ecc4c No.64706

File: d5900d29c77260e⋯.png (296.23 KB,1024x760,128:95,Clipboard.png)

File: 8b93d957bc3d531⋯.jpg (11.26 KB,255x235,51:47,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026732 (181321ZJUN23) Notable: Planefag

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Eastbound and down out of Guantanamo Bay Cuba


Squawking 0315


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9ecc4c No.64707

File: 008e73bfd9e0822⋯.mp4 (6.48 MB,336x480,7:10,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026734 (181322ZJUN23) Notable: Based Dime

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Trump retruthed this


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9ecc4c No.64708

File: 351c14743d4ba1a⋯.png (429.02 KB,641x811,641:811,Clipboard.png)

File: 56d02c9171e3cdb⋯.png (637.58 KB,1344x962,672:481,Clipboard.png)

File: cc21e20738defe5⋯.png (317.42 KB,622x822,311:411,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026735 (181323ZJUN23) Notable: DJT ReTruthed: Indictment must be immediately withdrawn by the Injustice Department, with apology!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump ReTruthe

Donald J. Trump



Indictment must be immediately withdrawn by the Injustice Department, with apology!


Judicial Watch


“The Presidential Records Act allows the president to decide what records to return and what records to keep at the end of his presidency. And the National Archives and Records Administration can’t do anything about it. I know because I’m the lawyer who lost the ‘Clinton sock drawer' case,” Senior Attorney Michael Bekesha in WSJ. READ:


JUNE 14, 2023



Trump’s Boxes and Clinton’s Sock Drawer

From WSJ:

Although the indictment against Donald Trump doesn’t cite the Presidential Records Act, the charges are predicated on the law. The indictment came about only because the government thought Mr. Trump took records that didn’t belong to him, and the government raided his house to find any such records.

This should never have happened. The Presidential Records Act allows the president to decide what records to return and what records to keep at the end of his presidency. And the National Archives and Records Administration can’t do anything about it. I know because I’m the lawyer who lost the “Clinton sock drawer” case.

Read more here… https://www.wsj.com/articles/clintons-sock-drawer-and-trumps-indictment-documents-pra-personal-files-13986b28


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9ecc4c No.64709

File: 007c1785fcc23a9⋯.png (183.64 KB,602x548,301:274,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026736 (181323ZJUN23) Notable: @NavalInstitute: MIDWAY film

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#OTD in 1976, the film MIDWAY premiered. While historians felt the movie was a fairly accurate portrayal of events, many film critics charged that it was full of clichés and relied too much on stock footage. Which was the better movie: MIDWAY (1976) or MIDWAY (2019)?


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9ecc4c No.64710

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026744 (181326ZJUN23) Notable: 250 cities worldwide held on cyber ransom?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

250 cities worldwide under ransom. Anyone heard anything about this? No idea who this guy even is but here's where I come to get to the bottom of shit. So let's go.


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9ecc4c No.64711

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026749 (181328ZJUN23) Notable: DJT ReTruthed: ICYMI Monday - Kari on 2020

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump ReTruthed






ICYMI Monday - Kari on 2020: “Nobody believes for 1 second that Joe Biden won… You do not lose 17 out of 18 bellwether counties and win…. You do not win only 16% of counties across America and somehow get the most votes in American history…

We know bullshit when we see it, right?” 💯



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9ecc4c No.64712

File: 986f6b1028e0dcf⋯.jpg (57.84 KB,460x530,46:53,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026754 (181328ZJUN23) Notable: Russian Kamikazi Lancet drones appear to be easily destroying all of the NATO equipment that we are sending to Ukraine

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Russian Kamikazi Lancet drones appear to be easily destroying all of the NATO equipment that we are sending to Ukraine.

This is what happened to billions of $$ in equipment sent.


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9ecc4c No.64713

File: 4c24dc5c6043a28⋯.png (1.32 MB,1106x928,553:464,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026760 (181330ZJUN23) Notable: DJT ReTruthed: The Coward 20 voted to protect Adam Schiff so we posted their names & numbers on Twitter

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump ReTruthed






Dear future RINOs

The Coward 20 voted to protect Adam Schiff so we posted their names & numbers on Twitter

It’s been retweeted over 23,000 times w/over 1 million views on a single tweet

That doesn’t even account for other posts on Twitter & Truth

We aren’t playing around anymore



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9ecc4c No.64714

File: 092edae64878a6b⋯.png (316.46 KB,582x878,291:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026773 (181334ZJUN23) Notable: Based Dime

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Donald J. Trump ReTruthed


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9ecc4c No.64715

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026778 (181335ZJUN23) Notable: Mounting evidence Canada trained Ukrainian extremists, gov't needs to be held to account

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"they did not denounce the unit’s neo-Nazi beliefs...their main concern was that media would expose that the meeting had taken place"


Mounting evidence Canada trained Ukrainian extremists, gov't needs to be held to account

With mounting evidence pointing to the Canadian Armed Forces having trained members of Ukraine’s military who are also reported to be part of extremist groups, experts say Ottawa needs to strongly bolster its investigation and vetting of the soldiers it trains and arms in the embattled country.

The Department of National Defence promised a thorough review of Canada’s mission in Ukraine after CTVNews.ca approached them for comment in October 2021, regarding a report from George Washington University that found extremists in the Ukrainian military were bragging about being trained by Canadians as part of Operation UNIFIER.

The group in question – which calls itself Military Order Centuria, or simply Centuria, has links to the far-right Azov movement.

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9ecc4c No.64716

File: 04d6938b380f7ce⋯.png (236.75 KB,564x423,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026783 (181337ZJUN23) Notable: Mounting evidence Canada trained Ukrainian extremists, gov't needs to be held to account

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Canadian officials who met with Ukrainian unit linked to neo-Nazis feared exposure by news media

A year before the meeting, Canada’s Joint Task Force Ukraine produced a briefing on the Azov Battalion, acknowledging its links to Nazi ideology.

Canadian officials who met with members of a Ukrainian battalion linked to neo-Nazis didn’t denounce the unit, but were instead concerned the media would expose details of the get-together, according to newly released documents.

The Canadians met with and were briefed by leaders from the Azov Battalion in June 2018. The officers and diplomats did not object to the meeting and instead allowed themselves to be photographed with battalion officials despite previous warnings that the unit saw itself as pro-Nazi. The Azov Battalion then used those photos for its online propaganda, pointing out the Canadian delegation expressed “hopes for further fruitful co-operation.”

After a journalist asked the Canadian Forces about the Azov social media postings, officers scrambled to come up with a response, according to documents obtained by this newspaper through Access to Information law.

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9ecc4c No.64717

File: 36514aa5690a110⋯.jpg (436.72 KB,993x1200,331:400,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026798 (181341ZJUN23) Notable: Rare Schumann event

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Never seen it do that before. Also that dark spot at 17.

Fun times ahead lads.

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9ecc4c No.64718

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026803 (181342ZJUN23) Notable: DJT ReTruthed DC Draino: Thomas Massie helped destroy the Tea Party and now he’s trying to destroy MAGA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The REAL Thomas Massie, Pass it along


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9ecc4c No.64719

File: abcbac15153f367⋯.png (444.88 KB,1023x779,1023:779,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026809 (181343ZJUN23) Notable: DJT ReTruthed DC Draino: Thomas Massie helped destroy the Tea Party and now he’s trying to destroy MAGA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Joe Dan Gorman


Did you realize Thomas Massie was one of the RINOs that fought President Trump on #TheWall?

Meet the real Thomas…

A true-bue Mitch McConnell disciple that hates Trump with a passion.

courtesy of the great #MaxEvans


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9ecc4c No.64720

File: 0320cd67917b8cf⋯.png (44.43 KB,1006x453,1006:453,Clipboard.png)

File: be50016f4555a87⋯.png (91.08 KB,1068x693,356:231,Clipboard.png)

File: 72602dcd80a318b⋯.png (84.87 KB,1024x647,1024:647,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026825 (181346ZJUN23) Notable: Devin Nunes is asking the question

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Devin Nunes is asking the question

Devin Nunes


😳 Not sure this ends well???

#elonmusk #twitter #titter

Elon is the greatest!

No brain chips for me!

Who’s Elon?

5,384 people

1 day left

Mr. Producer



Elon Musk’s Brain Chip Neuralink Will Begin Human Device Implantation This Year


Jun 17, 2023, 9:34 PM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9ecc4c No.64721

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026842 (181352ZJUN23) Notable: Qpost Deltas for June 18: Thin Blue Line | Difficult truths | Sessions / Huber | Tarmac | Amanda Renteria | Devin Nunes | [J C] | Elon / Tesla (cars exploding) | Full Moon

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Qpost Deltas for June 18: Thin Blue Line | Difficult truths | Sessions / Huber | Tarmac | Amanda Renteria | Devin Nunes | [J C ] | Elon / Tesla (cars exploding) | Full Moon


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9ecc4c No.64722

File: bee9fef480860ca⋯.mp4 (9.96 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026845 (181352ZJUN23) Notable: Russian Kamikazi Lancet drones appear to be easily destroying all of the NATO equipment that we are sending to Ukraine

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9ecc4c No.64723

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026849 (181353ZJUN23) Notable: Elon Musk’s Brain Chip Neuralink Will Begin Human Device Implantation This Year

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Elon Musk’s Brain Chip Neuralink Will Begin Human Device Implantation This Year




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9ecc4c No.64724

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026857 (181355ZJUN23) Notable: Devin Nunes: Two-Tiered Justice System with Lee Smith and Margot Cleveland

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Devin Nunes

Streamed on: Jun 16, 3:06 pm EDT

Two-Tiered Justice System with Lee Smith and Margot Cleveland



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9ecc4c No.64725

File: 1b710c39a942c9f⋯.png (466.98 KB,493x385,493:385,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026865 (181357ZJUN23) Notable: Rare Schumann event

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

wtf is up with the Schumann?

this is quite unusually unusual


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9ecc4c No.64726

File: 40ca456de2814ae⋯.png (46.28 KB,640x238,320:119,Clipboard.png)

File: 55c2bb0712af619⋯.jpg (37.4 KB,420x670,42:67,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026877 (181359ZJUN23) Notable: Devin Nunes is asking the question

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Elon Musk must be affiliated with this as well. DARPA & Musk

Just like Lifelog, Fuckeburg and Faceplant.

Trump highlighted it too.

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9ecc4c No.64727

File: 16cf7447905677e⋯.png (16.74 KB,557x206,557:206,Clipboard.png)

File: c49e2974e766aeb⋯.png (200.94 KB,553x494,553:494,Clipboard.png)

File: d93b26f69f54c14⋯.png (25.34 KB,555x327,185:109,Clipboard.png)

File: 3a28ad50f79b7d7⋯.png (76.85 KB,553x786,553:786,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026887 (181401ZJUN23) Notable: Planefag

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Squawking 0550

Qposts: #55, #550


Qposts: #221, #122 (mirror)

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9ecc4c No.64728

File: d76c1336e8ea2ee⋯.png (778.4 KB,976x1028,244:257,Clipboard.png)

File: e72977e1f363d3b⋯.png (20.01 KB,670x156,335:78,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026892 (181401ZJUN23) Notable: DJT ReTruthed: Indictment Backfires on Biden - Americans rally to Trump in new Harvard-Harris poll…

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The view of the case appears to be worsening. Now there is less than a majority viewing the indictment as well-founded and justified. The poll shows that 83% of Republicans and 55% of Independents view the indictment as a political exercise...


June 18, 2023

Harvard Poll: 55 Percent of the Public View the Trump Indictment as “Politically Motivated”

A Harvard/Harris poll is bad news for Attorney General Merrick Garland and the Justice Department. The poll shows that 55% of Americans believe Trump’s indictment is politically motivated and 56% believe that it constitutes election interference. The poll captures the level of distrust for the Justice Department and further demonstrates what I described yesterday as the failure of Merrick Garland at the midpoint of his tenure as Attorney General.

The view of the case appears to be worsening. Now there is less than a majority viewing the indictment as well-founded and justified. The poll shows that 83% of Republicans and 55% of Independents view the indictment as a political exercise. Not only do 56 percent view it as election interference but only 44 percent see it as “the fair application of the law”:

The poll is also bad news for Biden. Some 65 percent believe Biden “mishandled” classified material while 72 percent take that view with Clinton’s email scandal.

The Justice Department and the media appear to have “lost the room” with the American people. They are primarily appealing to Democrats who (at 80%) support the indictment.

The FBI and the Justice Department made this perception worse through continual leaks to the media and allegedly staging the photo above after the raid on Mar-a-Lago.

By his own measure, Garland has failed to restore the credibility and trust in the Justice Department. It now appears worse than when his predecessor, Bill Barr, was in office.

It is also an indictment of the media. After years of “advocacy journalism” and biased reporting, the public now tunes out the media. This is a strong indictment with troubling allegations and evidence. Yet, it does not matter because the media long ago lost much of the country with one-sided, unrelenting coverage.

It also means that this case could conceivably never see a jury unless Special Counsel Jack Smith succeeds in pushing for a speedy trial before the election. A majority of the public now supports a pardon for Trump if he is convicted. With these polls, the pressure of other Republican candidates to pledge a pardon is likely to increase. Indeed, as suggested in another column, Biden may want to consider a pledge to commute any sentence to try to defang this building election issue.

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9ecc4c No.64729

File: 34af6d9693a0b3b⋯.png (1.19 MB,960x960,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026919 (181407ZJUN23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day June 18, 2023: Saturn's Northern Hexagon

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

June 18, 2023

Saturn's Northern Hexagon

Why would clouds form a hexagon on Saturn? Nobody is sure. Originally discovered during the Voyager flybys of Saturn in the 1980s, nobody has ever seen anything like it anywhere else in the Solar System. Acquiring its first sunlit views of far northern Saturn in late 2012, the Cassini spacecraft's wide-angle camera recorded this stunning, false-color image of the ringed planet's north pole. The composite of near-infrared image data results in red hues for low clouds and green for high ones, giving the Saturnian cloudscape a vivid appearance. This and similar images show the stability of the hexagon even 20+ years after Voyager. Movies of Saturn's North Pole show the cloud structure maintaining its hexagonal structure while rotating. Unlike individual clouds appearing like a hexagon on Earth, the Saturn cloud pattern appears to have six well defined sides of nearly equal length. Four Earths could fit inside the hexagon. Beyond the cloud tops at the upper right, arcs of the planet's eye-catching rings are tinted bright blue.


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9ecc4c No.64730

File: b5a2b5ad00c7836⋯.png (1.5 MB,1728x714,288:119,Clipboard.png)

File: e24da403e5ae44f⋯.png (663.8 KB,708x543,236:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026937 (181412ZJUN23) Notable: Rare Schumann event

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EXTRA LARGE screenshot

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9ecc4c No.64731

File: acd92ef932d5bc8⋯.png (435.41 KB,744x496,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 031dfec68f489bc⋯.png (427.73 KB,744x496,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: adee4e62f6acabb⋯.png (710.97 KB,768x537,256:179,Clipboard.png)

File: cbac56244715b22⋯.png (561.1 KB,744x496,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: eda4b7bdfb185b5⋯.png (623.13 KB,744x494,372:247,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026951 (181415ZJUN23) Notable: ICYMI: Turkish man knocked down basement wall to find 2,000-year-old underground city

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Turkish man knocked down basement wall to find 2,000-year-old underground city - after chasing his chickens through a hole

June 15, 2023

A Turkish homeowner chasing his chickens through a hole in his basement during renovations came across an abandoned underground Turkish city that once housed 20,000 people.

In an effort to recapture his escaping poultry, the unidentified man knocked down the wall in the 1960s to reveal a dark tunnel leading to the ancient city of Elengubu, known today as Derinkuyu.

Derinkuyu, burrowed more than 280 feet beneath the Central Anatolian region of Cappadocia, is the largest excavated underground city in the world and is believed to connect to more than 200 smaller, separate underground cities that were discovered in recent decades, Turkish guides told the BBC.

Inside the subterranean city — whose entrances connect to more than 600 private homes in the modern, surface-level region of Cappadocia — researchers found 18 levels of tunnels containing dwellings, dry food storage, cattle stables, schools, wineries, and even a chapel.

The city was also equipped with a ventilation system that supplied its residents with fresh air and water.

“Life underground was probably very difficult,” the guide, identified as Suleman, told the outlet.

“The residents relieved themselves in sealed clay jars, lived by torchlight, and disposed of dead bodies in [designated] areas.”

The exact date the impressive city was built remains contested, but ancient writings dating back to 370 BC indicate Derinkuyu was in existence.

The city was likely originally used to store goods but was then used as a bunker to escape from foreign invaders — the dimly lit hallways were intentionally built narrow and low so intruders would be forced to stoop and enter in single file.

The doors connecting each level were blocked by half-ton boulders only moveable from the inside that contained a small hole that allowed residents to spear the confined trespassers.

Though it remains a mystery who the architects were, researchers believe the Hittites — a Bronze Age Anatolian people — “may have excavated the first few levels in the rock when they came under attack from the Phrygians around 1200 BCE,” A. Bertini, an expert in Mediterranean cave dwellings, wrote in his 2010 essay on regional cave architecture.

The Phrygian invaders, an Indo-European-speaking empire that ruled Anatolia for 600 years, are credited with building the bulk of the city in the centuries before Derinkuyu changed hands several more times, including between the Persians, Christians and Cappadocian Greeks.

The city likely reached its peak population of 20,000 during the 7th-century Islamic raids on the Christian Byzantine Empire, the BBC reported.

After 2,000 years of use, Derinkuyu was finally abandoned in 1923 by the Cappadocian Greeks, who faced defeat in the Greco-Turkish war and escaped to Greece.


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9ecc4c No.64732

File: 26964fd67bbb61a⋯.png (328.15 KB,680x383,680:383,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026953 (181415ZJUN23) Notable: British media protected pro-war serial sex pest Nick Cohen for decades

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British media protected pro-war serial sex pest Nick Cohen for decades

Pro-war pundit Nick Cohen’s sexual abuse accusations were well-known in British media for years. Yet his friends at the Guardian, Financial Times and Private Eye kept them under wraps while Cohen’s lawyers threatened potential accusers.

The New York Times has published a devastating investigation revealing that for 20 years, the former Guardian/Observer writer Nick Cohen sexually harassed and abused female journalists with the full knowledge of his employers, coworkers, and British media more widely.


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9ecc4c No.64733

File: 78e8bcc4cf0e786⋯.png (14.04 KB,553x253,553:253,Clipboard.png)

File: 085eb9211f97914⋯.png (17.75 KB,550x232,275:116,Clipboard.png)

File: 89a25ea35645e7f⋯.png (76.64 KB,555x992,555:992,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026982 (181422ZJUN23) Notable: Planefag

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9ecc4c No.64734

File: 47fd9627bcf4081⋯.png (372.02 KB,1464x940,366:235,Clipboard.png)

File: 8b7a42526d32a30⋯.jpg (197.41 KB,900x719,900:719,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19026983 (181422ZJUN23) Notable: Shooting unfolded near Beyond Wonderland music festival at Gorge Amphitheatre in Washington

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Faux News

"Shooting near Washington amphitheatre leaves at least 2 dead, 3 wounded; suspect arrested."

-Shooting unfolded near Beyond Wonderland music festival at Gorge Amphitheatre in Washington



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9ecc4c No.64735

File: 010a2397983dbe7⋯.png (408.78 KB,549x604,549:604,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027013 (181430ZJUN23) Notable: Ghislaine Maxwell in the background of this JonBenét Ramsey photo?

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People think Ghislaine Maxwell is in the background of this JonBenét Ramsey photo

Maxwell is also being 'connected' to the Madeleine McCann case.


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9ecc4c No.64736

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027020 (181431ZJUN23) Notable: (London Real) Plandemic: The Great Awakening

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Plandemic: The Great Awakening FULL MOVIE



Premiered Jun 10, 2023

The Great Awakening is the third installment of the Plandemic series. This documentary experience assembles forbidden puzzle pieces to reveal the big picture of what’s really happening in America and beyond. The Great Awakening is intended to be a lighthouse to guide us out of the storm and into a brighter future.

101K views 7 days ago #LondonRealTV #LondonReal #BrianRose

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9ecc4c No.64737

File: 60d0811426743e8⋯.png (492.31 KB,519x389,519:389,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027034 (181434ZJUN23) Notable: Ghislaine Maxwell in the background of this JonBenét Ramsey photo?

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She's eerily similar looking to Heather Roark, the one Spielberg and that other pedophile killed.

Seriously thinking the Matrix only had a specific amount of sequences in the human experiment operation. Doppelgangers/Clones...

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9ecc4c No.64738

File: 30b1eca28cb1346⋯.png (472.72 KB,662x825,662:825,Clipboard.png)

File: ed9610c27ed60d8⋯.png (1.17 MB,1300x951,1300:951,Clipboard.png)

File: 12c8ca82ed99c17⋯.png (2.48 MB,2048x1357,2048:1357,Clipboard.png)

File: 7e4fae1b71cc9d0⋯.png (1.14 MB,1300x951,1300:951,Clipboard.png)

File: ba2c35c13783bed⋯.png (465.56 KB,608x680,76:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027093 (181447ZJUN23) Notable: Ghislaine Maxwell in the background of this JonBenét Ramsey photo?

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9ecc4c No.64739

File: 28ea2d030b9b293⋯.png (569.85 KB,756x568,189:142,Clipboard.png)

File: 68aa3ebcaf22c2f⋯.png (507.43 KB,1024x682,512:341,Clipboard.png)

File: 81f57f8d9d96e9c⋯.png (579.32 KB,1024x682,512:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027095 (181448ZJUN23) Notable: 20 injured, 1 killed at massive Illinois Juneteenth celebration

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20 injured, 1 killed at massive Illinois Juneteenth celebration

June 18, 2023

At least one person was killed and 20 were injured after gunfire broke out Sunday morning during a massive Juneteenth celebration held in the Chicago suburb of Willowbrook.

At least 200 teens and young adults were gathered in a parking lot for a Juneteenth celebration when dozens of gunshots rang around 12:30 a.m., according to WSL-TV.

When the gun smoke cleared, 20 people had been shot, one of them fatally, DuPage County Sheriff’s Office officials told the outlet.

Two others were in critical condition, fire officials told WBBM-TV.

Most of those who were shot suffered from what authorities called “graze wounds,” authorities reportedly said.

The shooting took place around 12:30 a.m. in a parking lot on Route 83 near Honey Suckle Lane, Battalion Chief Joe Ostrander with the Tri-State Fire Protection District told the local outlets.

“It was supposed to be like a Juneteenth celebration; we just started hearing shooting, so we dropped down until they stopped. They just kept going. After that, we literally scattered away,” witness Markeshia Avery said, according to the ABC affiliate.

A massive police presence remained on the scene into the early morning hours. Debris and trash were left at the scene following the massive party that turned violent.

“We were all just out, and, next thing you know shots just kept going off; everybody ran, and it was chaos,” witness Craig Lotcie said.

It was unclear what led to the shooting and local authorities did not immediately respond to a Post inquiry.

Their investigation is ongoing.


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9ecc4c No.64740

File: 2a0da3fa63b65d8⋯.png (117.55 KB,698x256,349:128,Clipboard.png)

File: 892200104588b0c⋯.png (475.56 KB,1101x649,1101:649,Clipboard.png)

File: d09da0502b42b8e⋯.mp4 (6.83 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: fe316d93d4217e0⋯.png (1.47 MB,2296x984,7:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 0ff0daf3f72858c⋯.jpg (82.67 KB,933x445,933:445,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027104 (181450ZJUN23) Notable: Devin Nunes is asking the question

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"It's a conveyor belt of children being forced through the system...Where are the 80,000+ children this administration has lost?!"

Sen. Hawley reveals that HHS employees are being "FORCED OUT" for raising concerns of child safety.



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9ecc4c No.64741

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027166 (181505ZJUN23) Notable: Devin Nunes is asking the question

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That leads to qpost #392 about missing children.



43 qposts with 'mend' so a bigger dig on that required to find some correlations.


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9ecc4c No.64742

File: 630d8c9f700f436⋯.png (299.65 KB,746x737,746:737,Clipboard.png)

File: 923f8d972856804⋯.jpg (420.13 KB,710x400,71:40,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027171 (181506ZJUN23) Notable: Planefag

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South bound, Climbing through FL200, out of KCOS

Squawking 0647






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9ecc4c No.64743

File: 0541f611a14d975⋯.png (867.07 KB,1188x941,1188:941,Clipboard.png)

File: 5f5d807d025bfca⋯.png (191.72 KB,968x470,484:235,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027181 (181509ZJUN23) Notable: DJT ReTruthed: Joe Rogan finally comes all the way around on voting for Trump…

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Donald J. Trump ReTruthed


Revolver News



Joe Rogan finally comes all the way around on voting for Trump…


Joe Rogan finally comes all the way around on voting for Trump…

Joe Rogan recently spilled the beans that he has come all the way around on voting for Trump and will gladly pull the lever for the 45th president rather than vote for President Biden.

Daily Mail:

‘Bleeding heart liberal’ Joe Rogan is so turned off by President Biden’s performance that he says he would rather vote for Trump in 2024.

Speaking on his podcast, Rogan said Biden is ‘mentally gone’ and that Americans now have to rely on his ‘sideshow of diversity’ administration to make the decisions.

He used the example of Sam Brinton – the non-binary, luggage-stealing energy department official – as an example.

‘I would vote for Trump before I’d vote for Biden. Just cause I think with Biden, like he’s gone!

The video clip of Joe Rogan saying he will vote for Trump over Biden was actually released back in March, but it flew under the radar for many people. So, we decided to share it again for those who missed it or simply want to rewatch it. Despite not being a Trump supporter, Rogan presents some really insightful political and common-sense arguments that are definitely worth watching again.

BOOOM!!! JOE ROGAN KNOWS!!! pic.twitter.com/khUuTID8WO

— il Donaldo Trumpo (@PapiTrumpo) June 16, 2023

Recent polls consistently show that a majority of Americans are really concerned about Joe Biden’s competence. Throughout his “presidency,” there have been recurring questions regarding his mental well-being. And you can see why – just the other day, Biden went flailing off-script and announced the construction of an 8,000-mile train extending across the Indian Ocean.

BIDEN: "We have plans to build a railroad from the Pacific all the way across the Indian Ocean" pic.twitter.com/p3yvuaupsF

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) June 15, 2023

Most Americans see Biden as a confused old man wandering aimlessly around a nursing home. Despite this, our propaganda media and politicians in Washington (on both sides of the aisle) often portray Joe as this entirely composed, amazing leader. All while we the people watch this man stammering, stumbling, and looking totally lost nearly every single day.

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9ecc4c No.64744

File: 2bb54e05ade29d6⋯.png (30.92 KB,553x509,553:509,Clipboard.png)

File: 9dfe97700e10ada⋯.png (54.57 KB,554x472,277:236,Clipboard.png)

File: 430e3acef17041a⋯.png (14.2 KB,554x212,277:106,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027201 (181512ZJUN23) Notable: Planefag

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9ecc4c No.64745

File: ae6dfd9b6a313f7⋯.png (231.41 KB,631x571,631:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027213 (181514ZJUN23) Notable: Mike Tyson Posts Interview With RFK Jr On Rumble After YouTube Censorship

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In a bold move against YouTube’s content censorship, Mike Tyson, the former heavyweight boxing champion, has taken the gloves off. Tyson’s “Hotboxin’ With Mike Tyson” posted an interview with US Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Rumble, a growing video-sharing platform that respects free speech, after tech giant YouTube removed the original video.

Context: YouTube took down a podcast interview between Tyson and Kennedy that had been on the platform since 2020. The takedown happened this month and was noticed by video journalist Matt Orfalea. Additionally, another interview featuring Kennedy, this time with comedian Theo Von, vanished from YouTube around the same period.

The Numbers: The Tyson-Kennedy podcast boasted nearly 500,000 views, and the Von-Kennedy interview racked up almost 250,000. The removal highlights the content’s popularity and brings content regulation policies and freedom of speech into the spotlight.

YouTube’s Take: The video giant cited a violation of its community guidelines as the trigger for the takedown but remained mum on specifics. This ambiguity has stirred up speculations among onlookers trying to piece together the puzzle behind the removal.

The Timing and the Theories: The clock ticks curiously. The videos have been gathering dust on YouTube for nearly three years without repercussions. The takedown coincides with Kennedy’s presidential run for 2024, sparking whispers of political motives. Another theory ties the removal to YouTube’s stance against COVID-19 “misinformation.” However, the timing remains unexplained, considering the videos were published during the pandemic’s peak.

Kennedy’s Claim: In his talk with Tyson, Kennedy dropped a bombshell, claiming the CIA had a hand in his father’s assassination. This adds another twist in the tale of possible reasons for the video takedown.

Switching Rings: Tyson’s jab at YouTube’s censorship takes the form of a migration to Rumble. Rumble is emerging as a haven for creators looking for less stringent content policies. Tyson’s move underlines a simmering trend among creators to seek refuge outside the clutches of traditional social media behemoths.

Bigger Picture: Tyson throwing down the gauntlet marks a chapter in the tome of the ongoing global dialogue on digital censorship and the monopolistic might of tech juggernauts like YouTube. Big names are starting to use alternative platforms. The incident demands answers on the transparency of content regulation and the potential manipulation of platforms for political clout, especially during an election season.


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9ecc4c No.64746

File: e796eae03b5a742⋯.png (764.65 KB,750x1068,125:178,Clipboard.png)

File: 8894cfa4dd28216⋯.png (277.17 KB,504x832,63:104,Clipboard.png)

File: 5309cb219d5305b⋯.png (360.03 KB,724x733,724:733,Clipboard.png)

File: 41a6bdb287f654a⋯.png (943.75 KB,722x777,722:777,Clipboard.png)

File: 14cc529f72bdc46⋯.jpg (46.27 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027216 (181515ZJUN23) Notable: Devin Nunes is asking the question

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'mending fences' = 'opening borders' for (((globalists)))

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9ecc4c No.64747

File: c659185d79ca731⋯.jpg (470.85 KB,1200x2000,3:5,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027221 (181517ZJUN23) Notable: COVID 19 origin disclosure due on June 20th

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COVID 19 origin disclosure due today deadline

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9ecc4c No.64748

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027329 (181537ZJUN23) Notable: COVID 19 origin disclosure due on June 20th

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It's on the 20th unless I am missing some detail.


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9ecc4c No.64749

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027345 (181541ZJUN23) Notable: COVID 19 origin disclosure due on June 20th

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90 days. thought there was Sunday deadline

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9ecc4c No.64750

File: 9e1d18904c853f1⋯.png (17.49 KB,557x270,557:270,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027358 (181543ZJUN23) Notable: Dan Scavino Delta: GAME. ON.

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Upcoming delta.

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9ecc4c No.64751

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027362 (181543ZJUN23) Notable: #23363

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#23363 >>64688

>>64721 Qpost Deltas for June 18: Thin Blue Line | Difficult truths | Sessions / Huber | Tarmac | Amanda Renteria | Devin Nunes | [J C] | Elon / Tesla (cars exploding) | Full Moon

>>64689 Low-quality Fuel Returned to Iran

>>64691, >>64727, >>64706, >>64733, >>64742, >>64744 Planefag

>>64692 (2019) Schumer: Intelligence Agencies ‘Have Six Ways From Sunday Of Getting Back At You’

>>64693, >>64750 Dan Scavino Delta: GAME. ON.

>>64694 'Dr.' Peter Hotez

>>64695, >>64699 Murder by Injection

>>64696, >>64718, >>64719 DJT ReTruthed DC Draino: Thomas Massie helped destroy the Tea Party and now he’s trying to destroy MAGA

>>64697 Hunter Biden sent his banking documentation to a Maltese auction house owner

>>64698, >>64700, >>64701, >>64702, >>64703, >>64704 DARPA bun

>>64705, >>64728 DJT ReTruthed: Indictment Backfires on Biden - Americans rally to Trump in new Harvard-Harris poll…

>>64707, >>64714 Based Dime

>>64708 DJT ReTruthed: Indictment must be immediately withdrawn by the Injustice Department, with apology!

>>64709 @NavalInstitute: MIDWAY film

>>64710 250 cities worldwide held on cyber ransom?

>>64711 DJT ReTruthed: ICYMI Monday - Kari on 2020

>>64712, >>64722 Russian Kamikazi Lancet drones appear to be easily destroying all of the NATO equipment that we are sending to Ukraine

>>64713 DJT ReTruthed: The Coward 20 voted to protect Adam Schiff so we posted their names & numbers on Twitter

>>64715, >>64716 Mounting evidence Canada trained Ukrainian extremists, gov't needs to be held to account

>>64720, >>64726, >>64740, >>64741, >>64746 Devin Nunes is asking the question

>>64723 Elon Musk’s Brain Chip Neuralink Will Begin Human Device Implantation This Year

>>64724 Devin Nunes: Two-Tiered Justice System with Lee Smith and Margot Cleveland

>>64725, >>64730, >>64717, >>64690 Rare Schumann event

>>64729 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day June 18, 2023: Saturn's Northern Hexagon

>>64731 ICYMI: Turkish man knocked down basement wall to find 2,000-year-old underground city

>>64732 British media protected pro-war serial sex pest Nick Cohen for decades

>>64734 Shooting unfolded near Beyond Wonderland music festival at Gorge Amphitheatre in Washington

>>64735, >>64737, >>64738 Ghislaine Maxwell in the background of this JonBenét Ramsey photo?

>>64736 (London Real) Plandemic: The Great Awakening

>>64739 20 injured, 1 killed at massive Illinois Juneteenth celebration

>>64743 DJT ReTruthed: Joe Rogan finally comes all the way around on voting for Trump…

>>64745 Mike Tyson Posts Interview With RFK Jr On Rumble After YouTube Censorship

>>64747, >>64748, >>64749 COVID 19 origin disclosure due on June 20th


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9ecc4c No.64752

File: 9b1e1fb2660dd5d⋯.png (122.56 KB,1154x1267,1154:1267,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027379 (181546ZJUN23) Notable: #23364

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9ecc4c No.64753

File: 4cebe05cb302f23⋯.png (110.79 KB,1200x797,1200:797,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027434 (181558ZJUN23) Notable: CONGRESS Make Evidence in Biden Corruption Probe Public, Top Democrat Tells FBI

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Make Evidence in Biden Corruption Probe Public, Top Democrat Tells FBI

By Tom Ozimek

June 17, 2023Updated: June 17, 2023

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), the leading Democrat on the House Oversight Committee, has asked the FBI to make public evidence that would confirm that President Joe Biden is not under federal investigation for bribery.

On Friday, Raskin wrote a letter (pdf) to FBI Director Christopher Wray, asking him to confirm in writing the non-classified information provided to himself and Comer at the briefing.

“The statements made by the FBI are critical to fully assess the credibility and validity of the double hearsay allegations set forth in the Form FD-1023,” Raskin wrote, requesting that the FBI “reiterate in writing” and provide by June 23 the evidence the agency has provided to him and Comer.

Raskin suggested the reason he’s asking for the public disclosure of the evidence is to confirm that Biden is not under investigation by the FBI on bribery allegations and so to counter claims made by Comer that the agency may, in fact, be continuing its FD-1023 investigation.

“At no point during the briefing did the FBI state or suggest in any way that ‘Joe Biden is currently under investigation for bribery,'” Raskin wrote, citing Comer’s words from a June 11 interview on Fox News.


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9ecc4c No.64754

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027448 (181602ZJUN23) Notable: Constitutional Currency and The Coming Banking Collapse

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Constitutional Currency and The Coming Banking Collapse


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9ecc4c No.64755

File: ece585a5e5ff08f⋯.jpeg (356.92 KB,1242x2138,621:1069,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027478 (181609ZJUN23) Notable: Dr. Mark Crispin Miller on substack, has an ongoing post of all the “sudden deaths” from many countries and list all the persons. Many have “no cause of death reported”

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Dr. Mark Crispin Miller on substack, has an ongoing post of all the “sudden deaths” from many countries and list all the persons. Many have “no cause of death reported”


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9ecc4c No.64756

File: b2fef5fc5627591⋯.jpeg (954.51 KB,1170x1824,195:304,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027528 (181620ZJUN23) Notable: PF Eyes on the Skyz

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NICE21 out of Pease Air National Guard base/airport

Circling over Delaware


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9ecc4c No.64757

File: d68c52cb0e527e1⋯.png (3.17 MB,1074x7433,1074:7433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027534 (181623ZJUN23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Indictment BACKFIRES on Biden

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FULL CAP from DJT's TRUTH link


Jun 18, 2023, 8:10 AM


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9ecc4c No.64758

File: 75dad0fa081f518⋯.png (358.82 KB,747x621,83:69,Clipboard.png)

File: c043bd774b3df25⋯.png (16.35 KB,744x370,372:185,Clipboard.png)

File: c7f4cf12faaa947⋯.png (180.94 KB,474x237,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027536 (181623ZJUN23) Notable: PF Eyes on the Skyz

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Northwest bound out of PHX


Squawking 1523


>>>/qresearch/1762746 (PB, Long ago)



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9ecc4c No.64759

File: 9a7635f67ae2467⋯.jpeg (789.64 KB,1170x1826,585:913,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027542 (181624ZJUN23) Notable: PF Eyes on the Skyz

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KECK221 out of DC


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9ecc4c No.64760

File: 5e43815637a464b⋯.png (78.51 KB,896x1077,896:1077,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027548 (181626ZJUN23) Notable: Let em know you are offended

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Anon walked through a Stop and Shop recently and heard LGBTQ ad.

Wrote this letter as a result.

Feel free to add your voices.

"Target" acquired.

Love, anon.

								Stop and Shop Corporate Headquarters

								1385 Hancock St

								Quincy, MA 02169

								United States




To Whom It May Concern:

I recently shopped at the Stop and Shop in LOCAL CITY.

While walking through the store, I heard an LGBTQ ad play over the intercom.

This is offensive to me, and I mentioned it to the manager.

Why is it offensive?

Because the “T” part means “transgender” which means, cutting body parts off to pretend one is the opposite sex.

Body parts do not regrow.

This is institutionalized torture of our youth.

And you are supporting it financially and with speech.

You should reverse course before it is too late.

								Govern yourselves accordingly,

								MY NAME

Cc: Stop and Shop



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9ecc4c No.64761

File: b89a7029aee99ef⋯.jpeg (802.07 KB,1125x1469,1125:1469,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027561 (181628ZJUN23) Notable: Pompeo never misses a holiday to shoutout to anons! Happy Father’s Day, Mike!

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17 beats.

Pompeo never misses a holiday to shoutout to anons! Happy Father’s Day, Mike!


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9ecc4c No.64762

File: d3327df1d293ab9⋯.png (862.32 KB,1355x691,1355:691,Clipboard.png)

File: 5e7643c894a3268⋯.png (485.83 KB,754x395,754:395,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027569 (181629ZJUN23) Notable: PF Eyes on the Skyz

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PlaneFag CONUS Activty-SAM EN from Paso Robles, CA (not a usual destination) some C-17s moving VIP equipment around, SHADY ISR left Nashville, GRZLY USMC C560 left Peterson (was at Amarillo yesterday along with a SHADY-see below)and Potato tanker over ghey beach

SAM970 G5 EN from Paso Robles, CA Muni Airport overnightarrived from Hickam ARFB depart yesterday

This AC left JBA on 0612 and went to Lake Charles, LA then to Mather Airport (Sacto, CA) for a fuel stop and then on to Hickam AFB where it departed from yesterday

KECK221 C-17 Globemaster WS from JBA over Colorado at present and left JBa earlier this morning-usually this is VIP equipment-looks like it's heading to SFO >>64691 lb

RCH3289 C-17 also west from JBA-same thing here (VIP equipment) and it left Travis AFB earlier today as TEDDY44 >>64659 pb

The SHADYs 00/06 06 MC-12W Libertys left Nashville (John Tune airport after an overnight stay ES SHADY00 had an additional stop at Amarillo yesterday (first one on friday with 06) before arriving at Nashville

GRZLY39 C560 departed Peterson AFB heading back to MCAS Miramar-this AC was at Amarillo yesterday (Pantex Plant on the eastern outskirts of Amarillo-those SHADYs also had a stop there on Friday)...this left Gulfport, MS late on 0616 and stopped at New Orleans Int'l for the night and departed east to Wilmington S.C. for about an hour and on to Amarillo for another stop of a little less than 1h and on to Peterson

This is related to the attempt to pin a D.O.E "hack" on muh Russians as the Pantex Plant is located just east of Amarillo


And they actually have a tanker over Potato 'at Ghey Beach' today-did not yesterday NICE21 KC-46 Pegasus out of Portsmouth, N.H. (Pease ANGB)

As usual 'No Public Events Scheduled'-must have tired him out yesterday-and Fetterneck still can't wear a suit


RAF RRR4031 A400m east from Calgary Int'l-arrived yesterday from Ottawa Int'l depart

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9ecc4c No.64763

File: 8eed009099be65b⋯.png (209.54 KB,711x472,711:472,Clipboard.png)

File: 03601eaa56f67d3⋯.png (631.16 KB,721x521,721:521,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027621 (181638ZJUN23) Notable: PF Eyes on the Skyz

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DUNE13 has a 'date' (an eventual refuel) with the P-8 Poseidon heading south from Whidbey NAS


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9ecc4c No.64764

File: af578221f0632f8⋯.png (67.32 KB,780x481,60:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027628 (181639ZJUN23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Indictment BACKFIRES on Biden

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above CAP is:

Indictment BACKFIRES on Biden: Americans rally to Trump in new Harvard-Harris poll… he’s crushing Biden or Kamala and DeSantis sinks to 14 percent…

From attached TRUTH

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9ecc4c No.64765

File: cb03dcef6db35cd⋯.png (4.71 MB,1528x5278,764:2639,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027641 (181643ZJUN23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Indictment BACKFIRES on Biden

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June 10, 2023

Trump Was Right About Russia

President Trump’s instincts, insight and intuition were especially accurate on eight major policy issues:

▶ U.S. domestic energy production

▶ Trade agreements

▶ Border security

▶ Manufacturing repatriation

▶ Defense, national security, and space

▶ Education

▶ The Middle East (Israel and Iran)

▶ Russia

Each of the eight policy areas could take up a lengthy essay, and each was grounded in an essential American patriotism and pragmatism; all are connected by holding a priority in U.S. national interests. They share an overlapping relationship and are mutually reinforcing. They should also not be associated only with Trump, but with anyone who shares a similar policy outlook, because above all else they rest on a “Realpolitik” (meaning, a realistic, clear-headed approach to getting things done in a productive, sensible way, versus ideology and theory). I’d like to single out and discuss just one of these critical policy areas: Russia. ...


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9ecc4c No.64766

File: f0d28a9330cc1c7⋯.png (349.71 KB,792x729,88:81,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027681 (181650ZJUN23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump brought peace to the Middle East, North Korea stopped missile testing, and Russia wasn’t at war with Ukraine.

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President @realDonaldTrump brought peace to the Middle East, North Korea stopped missile testing, and Russia wasn’t at war with Ukraine.

President Trump was a peace president for America and the world!


Jun 18, 2023, 11:02 AM


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9ecc4c No.64767

File: 3320ca4bd216d8f⋯.png (616.79 KB,1045x803,95:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027709 (181655ZJUN23) Notable: Obama's Suggested Plans To Combat 'Misinformation' Should Scare Us All

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Obama's Suggested Plans To Combat 'Misinformation'

Should Scare Us All

Townhall.com, by Sarah Arnold

Posted By: DW626, 6/18/2023 12:52:50 PM

Former President Obama wants the government to be able to track and hunt down Americans by their fingerprints if they dare spread so-called "misinformation." During an interview with podcast host David Axelrod, Obama called for implementing "digital fingerprints" as a mandatory online requirement to combat misinformation. The Democrat suggested the government needs a way to track and identify people who spread so-called "misinformation" online. The CNN podcaster claimed he has seen "misinformation, disinformation, [and] deep fakes" targeting the former president, which Obama agreed with

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9ecc4c No.64768

File: 71193a08fcb87a3⋯.png (95.34 KB,627x667,627:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027715 (181656ZJUN23) Notable: Epstein’s Death Wasn’t The First Time The Feds Told An Unlikely Prisoner ‘Suicide' Story

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Epstein’s Death Wasn’t The First Time

The Feds Told An Unlikely Prisoner ‘Suicide' Story

American Thinker, by Mark Adams

Posted By: DW626, 6/18/2023 10:37:16 AM

Last January, Tucker Carlson featured a segment that challenged the theory that Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide. He was not alone. Many doubt the official narrative. What the doubters don’t realize is how the press used the cover-up of a 1995 brutal prison homicide to facilitate the cover-up of Epstein’s (very likely) homicide. On August 21, 1995, Kenneth Michael Trentadue was found dead in his allegedly suicide-proof cell at the Federal Transfer Center in Oklahoma City. Pieces of his skull were missing in three different places. There were deep bruises underneath his arms, including bruises shaped like a person’s fingertips running along his biceps. His knuckles were deeply bruised and swollen.

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9ecc4c No.64769

File: 66b600b57739d13⋯.png (484.12 KB,817x844,817:844,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027727 (181700ZJUN23) Notable: Chinese Intel Arm Quietly Operates ‘Service Centers’ In 7 US Cities

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Exclusive: Chinese Intel Arm Quietly Operates

‘Service Centers’ In 7 US Cities

Daily Caller, by Philip Lenczycki

Posted By: Imright, 6/18/2023 8:20:34 AM

A Chinese intelligence agency quietly operates “service centers” in seven American cities, all of which have had contact with Beijing’s national police authority, according to state media reports and government records reviewed by the Daily Caller News Foundation. The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) United Front Work Department (UFWD) — which at least one U.S. government commission has characterized as a “Chinese intelligence service” — operates so-called “Overseas Chinese Service Centers” (OCSCs) that are housed within various U.S.-based nonprofits. OCSCs were ostensibly set up to promote Chinese culture and assist Chinese citizens living abroad, according to Chinese government records.

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9ecc4c No.64770

File: 7f05221ec3c6e2c⋯.png (194 KB,825x452,825:452,Clipboard.png)

File: 9559ccdc3ac80d5⋯.png (1.09 MB,1098x705,366:235,Clipboard.png)

File: 3d5d9898dde158e⋯.png (205.26 KB,484x275,44:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027733 (181702ZJUN23) Notable: PF Eyes on the Skyz

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PlaneFag Europe/Med activity

SPAR14 C-40C departed Stockholm, Sweden after arriving on 0615-departed late on 0615

Swedish AF SVF667 G4 WS from Stockholm Int'l

Israel AF IAF411 707 Re'em tanker heading to Ramstein from Nevatim AB departure

French AF CTM0009 Falcon 7x arrived at Tunis from Paris

Brazilian AF BRS04 A319 left Paris-will stop at Cabo Verde for a refuel then back to Brasilia

Croatia AF 9ACRO WN from Zagreb depart

RAF RRR2837 A330 left Copenhagen Int'l and heading back to RAF Brize Norton

As a reminder NATO started Air Defender 2023 on June 12..it lasts until June23it is potential air cover for Ukraine's "Spring Offensive" masquerading as an exercise imo


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9ecc4c No.64771

File: c487db614301976⋯.png (88.04 KB,630x638,315:319,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027734 (181702ZJUN23) Notable: It’s Not Just the FBI: The IRS goes into ‘Beast Mode’

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It’s Not Just the FBI: The IRS goes

into ‘Beast Mode’

American Thinker, by Clarice Feldman

Posted By: Hazymac, 6/18/2023 7:36:14 AM

We have seen for some time how off-the-rails the FBI has become, a danger to a free society. More and more evidence now shows it’s not just the FBI. Every federal employee with a badge and gun seems to think he’s a law unto himself. This week the spotlight is on the IRS, and the Congress has to step up and rein the agency in. While Matt Taibbi was testifying before Congress on the administration’s extensive censoring of social media content, the IRS appeared at his door, ostensibly to question him about his taxes, but obviously to intimidate him for showing up government censorship. "Mr. Taibbi has told Mr. Jordan’s committee that

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9ecc4c No.64772

File: ffdd52aff3b9aa6⋯.png (75.65 KB,267x189,89:63,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027739 (181703ZJUN23) Notable: Frank Luntz Needs to Retire

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Spoiler Alert: Putz

Frank Luntz Needs to Retire


June 18, 2023, By J.B. Shurk

Overrated political pollster Frank Luntz admitted last week that he was wrong to prematurely dismiss a Trump comeback. "Not only can Donald Trump win the GOP primary again, but he can also win the presidency again," Luntz tweeted.

Luntz has always struck me as a pretend statistician whose real role is to shill for whatever the Republican side of the Uniparty needs voters to support. He peddles Deep State lies to ordinary Americans as truth. He wears a bad toupee, eats his feelings, and is more believable as Chris Farley's "man in a van down by the river" than House Speaker McCarthy's former landlord. Still, as unexceptional as Luntz is at polling, he's the go-to guy for Club D.C. when the ruling class needs to brainwash normal people. Of course, our unpopular policies are popular; Frank Luntz says they are, and he is Science...and Mathematics! Cringe.

I still remember watching Luntz sitting in the front row of Stephen Colbert's 2016 Election Night show solemnly insisting through most of the evening that Donald Trump had no chance of winning. The whole spectacle was intended to be a celebratory yuk-fest for leftists to pat themselves on the backs for being so righteous and brilliant while sticking it to Trump voters and laughing at their misery. Why a supposedly Republican-leaning pollster would have found enjoyment sitting through a Hillary Clinton coronation reveling in Republican grief is beyond me — unless these Republican-ishy squishes are perhaps Uniparty agents and conservative in name only! Could it be?

Anyway, President Trump was winning one battleground state after the next (this was before full-on mail-in-ballot election-rigging), Colbert's pluck had turned to tears, and the polling man from the van down by the river was still insisting that Hillary Clinton was certain to win. He looked like some mad fool standing on the top deck of the Titanic in the North Atlantic wondering why anyone would abandon ship for such a tiny leak. It's just a little bit of ice, Luntz kept insisting. What's the big deal?

Colbert didn't mean for the night to be funny, but it was downright hilarious. It was the closest thing to the kind of genius the Monty Python boys regularly created back in the days before Europe and America declared war on free speech. Wimpy Stephen's confident tough-guy shtick melted before the cameras. Democrat voters in the live studio audience gnashed their teeth, grimaced, and cried. And there sat ol' Frank, still shaking his head and predicting Clinton's victory. Sheesh, when the Deep State says the fix is in, paid propagandists to expect their compromised opinions to look like sophisticated punditry!

So when the guy who resembles a street vendor selling Chicago Red Hots tells the world that Donald Trump can win again, we're less interested in his "expert" opinion than the reason he has been paid to announce his opinion. In this case, it appears that Sloppy Frank has been sent out to sound the alarm that Trump's threat to the swamp is real and will require even more aggressive countermeasures than the banana republic indictments that the Department of (in)Justice has already deployed. As The Sydney Morning Herald warns apocalyptically, "Leading US pollster Frank Luntz says Donald Trump can re-win the presidency and that if that happens, US democracy could collapse."

To make sure that the globe's über-elite take action before the 2024 presidential election becomes a 2016 sequel, Less-than-Frank went into a screechy-sweaty-panic mode during the...


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9ecc4c No.64773

File: afdb0acaf441797⋯.jpeg (36.42 KB,620x413,620:413,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027744 (181704ZJUN23) Notable: It’s Not Just the FBI: The IRS goes into ‘Beast Mode’

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The IRS Makes Another House Call

The House GOP wants to know about the case of the talented ‘Bill Haus.’

By The Editorial Board

June 16, 2023 6:52 pm ET

Democrats and the media are deriding the House GOP’s probe into abuses by government agencies. But we’re glad Republicans are on the case, in particular regarding the Internal Revenue Service.

In a Friday letter to IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel, House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan demands answers about abizarre and disturbing IRS house call. The letter recounts that on April 25 a Marion, Ohio, taxpayer received a visit from a man who claimed his name was “Bill Haus” and worked in the IRScriminal division.

Mr. Haus said he needed to talk to her about an estate for which she was the fiduciary. She let him in despite having received no prior IRS communication. Mr. Haus claimed she had not properly filled out estate forms and owed the IRS “a substantial amount.” Only when the taxpayer presented proof of paying all taxes on the estate did the agent reveal thathis visit wasn’t about the estateat all. It was about several supposed delinquent tax returns related to the decedent of the estate. (So the IRS is collecting taxes owed by the dead through the fiduciary, evil!)

The letter says the taxpayer called herattorney, who insisted Mr. Hausleave the house, only to be told by Mr. Haus: “I am an IRS agent,I can be at and go into anyone’s house at any time I want to be.

Mr. Haus finally left, butnot before threateningto freeze the taxpayer’s assets and put a lien on her house if she didn’t satisfy the balance in a week. Fearing a scam, she called the local police, who ran Mr. Haus’s license plate to verify his identity.

When an officer called Mr. Haus, Mr. Haus identified himself as an IRS agent but said Haus wasn’t his real name. He hadused an alias. The officer, also suspecting a scam, warned that if he returned to the taxpayer’s homehe’d be arrested.

Mr. Haus then filed a complaintagainst the Marion police officer with the Treasury Department inspector general.

The House letter says the taxpayer on May 4 spoke with Mr. Haus’ssupervisor, who clarified that sheowed nothingand said—in the understatement of the year—that “things never should have gotten this far.” Yet the following day, the taxpayer received a letter—addressed to the decedent—stating that the decedent was delinquent on several 1040 filings. This was the first and only mail notification the taxpayer received.

The taxpayer was again told by the supervisor that nothing was owed and was notified on May 30 that the case was closed.

If true, this is something else. An agent of the Treasury, wielding the power oftax enforcement, shows up unannounced at ataxpayer’s home. He lies about his identity and his purpose to get inside, then threatens the taxpayer with punishment if she doesn’t pay a tax bill that she doesn’t owe. The IRS agent leaves only after an intervention by her lawyer, and when local police call the agent he sics the Treasury Department on the officer.

Mr. Jordan wants all IRS documents and communication related to this episode, and Mr. Werfel can’t be allowed to stonewall. This is the second report of an IRS house call since March, when another T-man visited journalist Matt Taibbi at home on the day he was away testifying to Congress on government abuse.

What the hell is going on over there? What in IRS workplace culture gives agents the belief they can do this? Democrats bestowed $80 billion on the IRS last year to empower people like “ Bill Haus. ” Republicans clawed back some of it in the recent debt-ceiling bill, but an IRS that makes threatening house calls deserves to have it all clawed back.

(This is what McCarthy allowed when he fucking caved to Bidan on the budget.Fuck Kevin McCarthy!)


Get the word out anons that are social mediaNo One should let IRS or ATF in their homes and call the local police and or Sheriff’s immediately

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9ecc4c No.64774

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027745 (181705ZJUN23) Notable: Frank Luntz Needs to Retire

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To make sure that the globe's über-elite takes action before the 2024 presidential election becomes a 2016 sequel, Less-than-Frank went into screechy-sweaty-panic-mode during the Margaret Thatcher conference at the Center for Policy Studies in London. In an interview with Australia's newspaper of record, Luntz hyperventilated, "It's now conceivable that in 2024 the country comes apart." Ooh, but his opinion must represent Science!, so he added numbers: "We have a 15-percent likelihood of that destroying American democracy depending on what happens." Yikes, at least we have an 85% chance of saving democracy! — whatever that is.

"NATO is in jeopardy," Luntz continued. "Ukraine will no longer receive American support. Our legal system will be in jeopardy — I don't want to contemplate it." Don't worry, Frank. The D.C. Deep State won't ever give up on forever-wars. As for our legal system being in jeopardy — hahahahaha — that ship sailed long ago once the American people could see with their own eyes the federal government's rampant political persecution and the reality of two-tiered "justice" under a one-party State. Can't put the toothpaste back into that depleted tube.

Needless to say, Luntz's 180-degree flip-flop from his own "expert" opinion of just last year, when he confidently predicted that Trump is toast, came off more like a barely-disguised call to arms begging for more foreign election interference, left-wing shock troop mobilization, and World Economic Forum funding. For the global "elites," taking down Trump is even more vital than saving Ukraine. To beat back Russia, we must first beat back the guy we framed as a Russian agent! Globalists, Antifa terrorists, warmongers, and child-groomers, for the sake of One World Government, unite! It is as if Luntz went to London to rally the English-speaking peoples against their Trumpian foe — except Luntz comes off, at best, as Shakespeare's fat, vain Falstaff and certainly nothing like King Henry V!

It is always bewildering to watch Luntz and his ilk claim that any Trump election victory will mean the end of "democracy." Are democratic elections self-defeating? Should we pre-emptively end "democracy" in order to save it from the people who might inadvertently destroy it? Quick, someone fetches a dictator who would be willing to rule over Americans until they accept Luntz's officially sanctioned "truths." As he says, "That's how voters vote correctly." Americans will be granted the privilege of "representation" in government only if they choose candidates first vetted and approved by the Deep State! Wait, what?

Newspeak doublethink is tough.

If Luntz were honest, he would admit that it is not Trump who poses a threat to America's system of government, but rather all the Deep State saboteurs, foreign interlopers, and Antifa domestic terrorists who refuse to let ordinary Americans have their say.

It was the Intelligence Community and (in)Justice Department, after all, that conspired with Hillary Clinton's campaign to polarize an already divided nation with fraudulent claims that Donald Trump was neck-deep in international espionage as a Russian spy. It was Democrat liars such as Adam Schiff who blamed Hillary's election loss on Russian bots. It was RINO liars such as Mitt Romney who inexplicably blamed Joe Biden's Ukraine bribery scandals on President Trump. It was Antifa and Black Lives Matter that laid siege to the White House and burned down cities across the country. It was the politicized American intelligence agencies and their press corps marionettes that covered up Biden family corruption. It was a cabal of election manipulators who induced fear over COVID to implement a mail-in ballot (s)election with scant security. It was a bloc of social media companies that censored Americans from reporting on the 2020 election fraud. It was congressional Robespierres such as Liz Cheney who called for patriotic J6 election protesters to be treated as "insurrectionists" and "terrorists." It is Merrick Garland's DOJ faction that has hunted down and imprisoned Trump supporters. It is the Biden junta that now seeks to lock up President Trump for life.

Luntz might not care who set the country on fire, but the rest of America knows.


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9ecc4c No.64775

File: 1e9ff9a272b43be⋯.jpeg (744.88 KB,892x4962,446:2481,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027749 (181706ZJUN23) Notable: US grain merchants Bunge, Viterra to merge to create giant

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US grain merchants Bunge, Viterra to merge to create giant

The deal, unprecedented in size in the sector, will make a trading giant and is likely to reduce competition.

Brazil corn

The deal is unprecedented in size in the global agriculture sector [File: Marcelo Rodrigues Teixeira/Reuters]

United States grains merchants Bunge and Glencore-backed Viterra are merging to create an agricultural trading giant worth about $34bn including debt, the companies have said, in a deal that will likely draw close regulatory scrutiny.

The deal, announced on Tuesday, brings the combined company closer in global scale to leading rivals Archer-Daniels-Midland and Cargill. It values Bunge and Viterra at about $17bn each. Bunge shareholders, however, will own about 70 percent of the company because Bunge will pay for a significant chunk of the deal with cash.

The deal is unprecedented in size in the global agriculture sector. It comes after Bunge posted record adjusted profits in 2022, benefitted from tight global grain supplies due to Russia’s war on Ukraine.

Bunge shares rose by more than 2 percent.

Under the deal, Viterra shareholders will get about 65.6 million shares of Bunge stock, carrying a value of about $6.2bn, and about $2bn in cash.

Bunge will also assume $9.8bn of Viterra’s debt, according to a joint statement.

Viterra shareholders will own 30 percent of the combined company following the deal’s expected close in mid-2024.

“The companies are highly complementary,” Bunge CEO Greg Heckman told the Reuters news agency. “The way the assets and teams fit together, the strategic merit is one that we’ve looked at for years … Things just finally aligned.”

Bunge is already the world’s largest oilseed processor and analysts say it and Viterra’s crushing businesses could face regulatory scrutiny in Canada, Argentina and elsewhere.

Canada’s antitrust regulator will review the planned merger, a spokesperson for the regulator said in a statement. Argentina’s competition bureau has not yet received formal notification of the merger, a government source said.

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The US Department of Justice and antitrust regulators in the European Union did not respond to requests for comment.

Last year, Bunge was the largest corn and soybean exporter from Brazil, the world’s top source of the staple crops for making animal feed and biofuels, according to data from shipping agent Cargonave. Viterra was the third-largest corn exporter and seventh soybean shipper.

In the US, Viterra’s business of buying and selling grain expanded via its purchase of Gavilon last year. The merger will enhance Bunge’s grain exporting and oilseed processing businesses in the US, the world’s second-largest corn and soy exporter, where it has a smaller presence than ADM and Cargill.

The deal also expands Bunge’s physical grain storage and handling capacity in major wheat exporter Australia. The company currently operates just two grain elevators and a port terminal in the western part of the country. Viterra has 55 storage sites in South Australia and Victoria and six bulk grain export terminals.

Sustained annual earnings of $4bn are “a very reasonable target” for the company after the merger, John Neppl, Bunge’s chief financial officer, told Reuters.

Reduced competition

Bunge’s management team, led by CEO Heckman who took the top role in 2019 when the company itself was a takeover target, will oversee the combined entity.

Heckman oversaw a portfolio review that led Bunge to scale back or sell underperforming operations such as South American sugar and Mexican wheat milling and invest in its core edible oils business. The company reported record earnings last year after a string of quarterly losses in 2018. Heckman previously led Gavilon from 2008 to 2015.


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9ecc4c No.64776

File: 26875b9fb705378⋯.png (977.95 KB,1248x848,78:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027751 (181707ZJUN23) Notable: 2 years ago The Right View with Lara Trump and Dan Scavino

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Lara Trump

2 years ago

The Right View with Lara Trump and Dan Scavino


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9ecc4c No.64777

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027753 (181707ZJUN23) Notable: US grain merchants Bunge, Viterra to merge to create giant

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The Consumer Federation of America said the deal would reduce competition for farmers’ crops and consolidate processing of oilseeds used to make plant-based foods as well as biofuel at a time the White House is broadly trying to promote competition in the economy.

“Further concentration seems likely to harm consumers and the businesses, like plant-based food manufacturers, that rely on these commodities,” said Thomas Gremillion, director of food policy for the Federation.

Bunge said it plans to repurchase $2bn of its stock to enhance accretion from the deal to adjusted profit. The deal is being backed by a financing commitment of $7bn from Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC).

Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) and British Columbia Investment Management Corp said they have agreed to support the deal, indicating that all Viterra shareholders are on board. CPPIB said it would own 12 percent of the combined company.

In Ukraine, the world’s top sunflower producer and largest supplier of sunflower oil, a combined Bunge-Viterra would have three oilseed processing plants across the country’s south and east – in Kharkiv, Dnipro and Mykolaiv.

Acquiring Viterra would bring Bunge’s revenue, which was $67.2bn in 2022, more in line with that of ADM, which registered sales of nearly $102bn last year.


2 of 2

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9ecc4c No.64778

File: fea04229db55da6⋯.png (505.52 KB,598x520,23:20,Clipboard.png)

File: a4a1c799c6d48b5⋯.png (394.13 KB,527x305,527:305,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027771 (181709ZJUN23) Notable: 2 years ago The Right View with Lara Trump and Dan Scavino

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See new Tweets


Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅


Happy Birthday, President Trump!


9:09 AM · Jun 14, 2021


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9ecc4c No.64779

File: cc203e5e4a8015b⋯.png (256.98 KB,597x429,199:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027784 (181711ZJUN23) Notable: 2 years ago The Right View with Lara Trump and Dan Scavino

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Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅


OHIO — 7 DAYS!!! #MAGA🇺🇸🦅


Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅

12:40 PM · Jun 19, 2021


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9ecc4c No.64780

File: 87b2aa3347bf2e1⋯.png (350.43 KB,860x475,172:95,Clipboard.png)

File: 54706a13ef5fe78⋯.png (136.92 KB,262x360,131:180,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027793 (181712ZJUN23) Notable: Senator puts hold on arms sale to Hungary for slow-walking Sweden's NATO membership/James Risch (R-ID)

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Senator puts hold on arms sale to Hungary for slow-walking Sweden's NATO membership


Karen Townsend 1:01 PM on June 18, 2023

Senator James Risch (R-ID), the ranking Republican on the Foreign Relations Committee, placed a hold on an arms sale to Hungary last week to punish the country’s leadership for its refusal to approve NATO membership for Sweden. This is a rare move for the senator and shows the priority some are placing on expanding NATO before a major summit in July.

Risch is putting the brakes on a $735 million U.S. arms sale to Hungary. The sale includes 24 HIMARS rocket launcher batteries, and more than 100 rockets and pods, plus associated parts and support. Risch has grown impatient with Hungary. “

Simple enough. Hungary has buddied up with Turkey over the NATO membership of Sweden. Both are slow-walking approval of Sweden’s application to join NATO. Risch has the clout to make his move. The chair and ranking members of the Senate and House foreign affairs committees are tasked with giving clearance and approval before the sale is publicly noticed by the State Department. The State Department is unable to move forward in the sale process as long as Risch’s hold is in place.

Time is dwindling before the next big meeting. There is a NATO summit scheduled for next month in Lithuania. Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s government is dragging its feet in presenting Sweden’s membership to the Hungarian parliament for a vote of approval.

“For some time now, I have directly expressed my concerns to the Hungarian government regarding its refusal to move forward a vote for Sweden to join NATO,” the Idaho Republican said in a statement. “Given promises that were made to me and others last year that this vote would be done, and the fact that it is now June and still not done, I decided that the sale of new U.S. military equipment to Hungary will be on hold. Hungary should take the actions necessary to allow Sweden into the alliance, and soon.

Although not required, the executive branch usually respects an informal “hold” on weapons exports by any one of the four Democratic and Republican leaders on the Senate and House foreign affairs panels. The holds sometimes remain in place for months or even years.

Once a hold is lifted, the arms sale can be formally notified to Congress and — assuming no legislation is passed by the House and the Senate to block it — officially approved.

In order for a new member to be admitted to NATO, all members of the alliance must agree on the admission. Hungary and Turkey are the two hold-outs on Sweden. Finland and Sweden applied at the same time after Putin invaded Ukraine. Finland has been admitted. The White House is voicing its support to get the process completed.


[debt ceiling vote]

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9ecc4c No.64781

File: adf38744e112623⋯.png (66.26 KB,594x854,297:427,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027801 (181714ZJUN23) Notable: Chinese Intel Arm Quietly Operates ‘Service Centers’ In 7 US Cities

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See new Tweets


Emerald Robinson ✝️



Jun 18, 2021

So the head of Chinese counter intel efforts in America has defected to USA. He's in the hands of DIA right now. His name is Dong Jingwei.

He's provided DIA with the contents of Hunter Biden's laptop.

He has confirmed that a THIRD of all Chinese students in US are spies.

Emerald Robinson ✝️



Jun 18, 2021

According to multiple media outlets, this high level Chinese detector gave info to DIA:

1) Financial records on US govt officials & business people who took money from CCP.

2) US citizens who gave intel to China.

3) Names of Chinese spies currently in USA.

Emerald Robinson ✝️



Jun 18, 2021

According to Townhall & Red State, Dong "has extremely embarrassing and damaging information about our intelligence community" in the data he has given to DIA.

Emerald Robinson ✝️


CCP defector Dong has also provided DIA with:

4) early studies on COVID.

5) computer models of how COVID would spread & damage assessments to USA & Western nations.

6) Financial records of orgs that funded COVID & other bio weapons research.

6:23 AM · Jun 18, 2021


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9ecc4c No.64782

File: 1e05b48351ca74f⋯.png (104.14 KB,592x717,592:717,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027815 (181717ZJUN23) Notable: Chinese Intel Arm Quietly Operates ‘Service Centers’ In 7 US Cities

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Anon members - D.I.A has it all

Dong Jingwei (Chinese: 董经纬; pinyin: Dǒng Jīngwěi; born November 18, 1963) is a Chinese politician who has served as vice minister of the Chinese Ministry of State Security (MSS) since 2018. Prior to that he served as the agency's chief of counterintelligence.

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9ecc4c No.64783

File: 448af6bcf7f1258⋯.png (474.08 KB,742x812,53:58,Clipboard.png)

File: 5f831ac97d495e0⋯.jpg (20.87 KB,255x238,15:14,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027889 (181736ZJUN23) Notable: PF Eyes on the Skyz

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EMPTY C/S up again

AFSOC Dornier

Westbound out of Norfolk International Airport

Squawking 3606

racking my brian on that c/s last night...

knew them as MAGMA, once upon a time



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9ecc4c No.64784

File: bad18d419495b29⋯.pdf (545.88 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027891 (181737ZJUN23) Notable: Cleveland Clinic Study Confirms Negative Efficacy of Covid Vaccine: Boosted 33% MORE Likely to Get Covid

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Cleveland Clinic Study Confirms Negative Efficacy of Covid Vaccine: Boosted 33% MORE Likely to Get Covid


ry: Among 48 344 working-aged Cleveland Clinic employees, those not “up-to-date” on COVID19 vaccination had a lower risk of COVID-19 than those “up-to-date”. The current CDC definition

provides a meaningless classification of risk of COVID-19 in the adult population.


Background. The CDC recently defined being “up-to-date” on COVID-19 vaccination as having

received at least one dose of a COVID-19 bivalent vaccine. The purpose of this study was to compare the

risk of COVID-19 among those “up-to-date” and “not up-to-date” on COVID-19 vaccination.

Methods. Employees of Cleveland Clinic in employment when the COVID-19 bivalent vaccine first

became available, and still employed when the XBB lineages became dominant, were included.

Cumulative incidence of COVID-19 since the XBB lineages became dominant was compared across the

”up-to-date” and “not up-to-date” states, by treating COVID-19 bivalent vaccination as a time-dependent

covariate whose value changed on receipt of the vaccine. Risk of COVID-19 by vaccination status was

also compared using multivariable Cox proportional hazards regression adjusting for propensity to get

tested for COVID-19, age, sex, and phase of most recent prior SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Results. COVID-19 occurred in 1475 (3%) of 48 344 employees during the 100-day study period.

The cumulative incidence of COVID-19 was lower in the “not up-to-date” than in the “up-to-date” state.

On multivariable analysis, not being “up-to-date” with COVID-19 vaccination was associated with lower

risk of COVID-19 (HR, 0.77; 95% C.I., 0.69-0.86; P-value, <0.001). Results were very similar when those

65 years and older were only considered “up-to-date” after receiving 2 doses of the bivalent vaccine.

Conclusions. Since the XBB lineages became dominant, adults “not up-to-date” by the CDC definition

have a lower risk of COVID-19 than those “up-to-date” on COVID-19 vaccination, bringing into question

the value of this risk classification definition.

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9ecc4c No.64785

File: 5cbf63372fac97e⋯.png (579.51 KB,809x363,809:363,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027906 (181741ZJUN23) Notable: US grain merchants Bunge, Viterra to merge to create giant

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just like the banking system...consolidate everything in the hands of a few

Viterra is backed by mining/trading conglomerate Glencore whose founder, Mark Rich was famously pardoned by Clinton in the last few minutes of his second term in a flurry of about 1000 pardons

The Ups and Downs in the Life of Glencore Founder Mark Rich


Bill Clinton’s pardon of fugitive Marc Rich continues to pay big


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9ecc4c No.64786

File: 38fd5467c43ec61⋯.png (692.21 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027910 (181742ZJUN23) Notable: At Least 21 Shot at Juneteenth Celebration in Gun-Controlled Illinois

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At Least 21 Shot at Juneteenth Celebration in Gun-Controlled Illinois

18 Jun 2023

At least 21 people were shot, one of them fatally, at a Juneteenth celebration in gun-controlled Illinois on Sunday morning around 12:30 a.m.

CNN reported the shooting occurred “in a parking lot in Willowbrook, about 21 miles west of Chicago.”

FOX 32 pointed out two of the wounded remain in critical condition.

FOX News noted DuPage County Sheriff’s Deputy Chief Eric Swanson indicated that deputies patrolling the area near the parking lot heard the gunshots and responded.

Swanson said, “The motive behind this incident is unclear and this is still an active investigation.”

No information has been released on the number of shooters involved in the incident.

Illinois has a red flag law, an “assault weapons” ban, a “high capacity” magazine ban, a 72-hour waiting period, and a gun owner licensing requirement via the Firearm Owners Identification (FOID) card system, among other controls.


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9ecc4c No.64787

File: 960c20284da0060⋯.png (305.01 KB,662x373,662:373,Clipboard.png)

File: d7bce06f60bc253⋯.png (112.96 KB,349x144,349:144,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027913 (181742ZJUN23) Notable: EV charging cables cut off and stolen from chargers in Oakland

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EV charging cables cut off and stolen from chargers in Oakland

OAKLAND, Calif. - Vandals sliced through thick cables at an Oakland electric vehicle charging station, leaving drivers powerless.

Nearly a dozen charging cables are missing from the EVgo charging station at 409 Washington Street near Jack London Square. The chargers have been out of commission for at least a week.

"I think it’s very crazy," said Aleksi Virtapuro who was visiting from Finland. "Why would somebody do something like that?"

The charging cables and components were stolen and the exposed wires near the top of the charging units have since been wrapped in black electrical tape.

The Oakland Police Department did not have any incident reports of vandalism at the site, but EVgo said it did alert local police.

Some drivers suspect the draw may be the metal contained inside the cables. Reports across the country document thieves targeting the EV charging cables for copper.

"I think it’s ludicrous," said EV driver Andre Ferguson of Oakland. "It’s absolutely disgusting. This is a bad situation."

Even the surveillance video cameras’ wiring at the charging station appeared to be tampered with.


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9ecc4c No.64788

File: c16d2c4bf25e749⋯.png (504.21 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: c84f66ea3dae645⋯.png (1.08 MB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027963 (181750ZJUN23) Notable: At Least 21 Shot at Juneteenth Celebration in Gun-Controlled Illinois

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At Least 21 Shot at Juneteenth Celebration in Gun-Controlled Illinois

At least 21 people were shot, one of them fatally, at a Juneteenth celebration in gun-controlled Illinois on Sunday morning around 12:30 a.m.

CNN reported the shooting occurred “in a parking lot in Willowbrook, about 21 miles west of Chicago.”

OX News noted DuPage County Sheriff’s Deputy Chief Eric Swanson indicated that deputies patrolling the area near the parking lot heard the gunshots and responded.

Swanson said, “The motive behind this incident is unclear and this is still an active investigation.”

No information has been released on the number of shooters involved in the incident.


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9ecc4c No.64789

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027995 (181759ZJUN23) Notable: PF Eyes on the Skyz

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KECK221 just landed at San Francisco International Airport

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9ecc4c No.64790

File: e10c6501dd5dce3⋯.png (428.49 KB,390x692,195:346,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028010 (181803ZJUN23) Notable: Macron booed from the stands of the Stade de France

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🇫🇷 Macron booed from the stands of the Stade de France

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9ecc4c No.64791

File: 67cb124aceace96⋯.png (107.17 KB,1030x659,1030:659,Clipboard.png)

File: 56c4a506c4ec5aa⋯.png (458.1 KB,1189x933,1189:933,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028014 (181804ZJUN23) Notable: ICYMI: Jay Bratt is the senior DOJ official who ran the illegal raid on Trump to take his declassified and damning Crossfire Hurricane presidential records.

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Mike Davis



Jay Bratt is the senior DOJ official who ran the illegal raid on Trump to take his declassified and damning Crossfire Hurricane presidential records.

Bratt (allegedly) threatened Trump codefendant’s attorney over potential DC judicial slot.


Lawyer for Trump valet in Mar-a-Lago documents case alleges misconduct

Exclusive: The lawyer said in letter that prosecutors brought up his application to become judge when seeking valet’s cooperation


Lawyer for Trump valet in Mar-a-Lago documents case alleges misconduct

Exclusive: The lawyer said in lettThe lawyer for Donald Trump’s valet, under scrutiny in the Mar-a-Lago documents investigation, has submitted court papers describing a meeting at which a top federal prosecutor brought up his application to be a judge when they tried to gain the valet’s cooperation last year, according to three people familiar with the matter.

The allegation, described in a letter filed under seal with the chief US judge in Washington, James Boasberg, could affect the investigation just as prosecutors are considering whether to bring charges.

Even though prosecutors have no control over the success of judicial applications, the fact that it was raised in the context of trying to persuade a lawyer for a witness to recommend cooperating could give the appearance of coercion in one of the justice department’s most high-profile cases.

At issue is an incident that took place last year, around November, when prosecutors were trying to gain the cooperation of valet Walt Nauta, who has been under scrutiny because prosecutors suspected he helped the former president conceal classified documents that had been subpoenaed.

Nauta had already spoken to prosecutors in the investigation when they called his lawyer Stanley Woodward and summoned him to a meeting at justice department headquarters for an urgent matter that they were reluctant to discuss over the phone, the letter said.

When Woodward arrived at the conference room, he was seated across from several prosecutors working on the investigation, including the chief of the counterintelligence section, Jay Bratt, who explained that they wanted Nauta to cooperate with the government against Trump, the letter said.

Nauta should cooperate with the government because he had given potentially conflicting testimony that could result in a false statements charge, the prosecutors said according to the letter. Woodward is said to have demurred, disputing that Nauta had made false statements.

Bratt then turned to Woodward and remarked that he did not think that Woodward was a “Trump guy” and that “he would do the right thing”, before noting that he knew Woodward had submitted an application to be a judge at the superior court in Washington DC that was currently pending, the letter said.

The allegation, in essence, is that Bratt suggested Woodward’s judicial application might be considered more favorably if he and his client cooperated against Trump. The letter was filed after Trump’s lawyers submitted a motion on Monday seeking grand jury transcripts, because of what they viewed as potential misconduct.

The justice department’s characterization of the meeting is unclear – a spokesperson declined to comment – though a more innocent explanation for the exchange could be, for instance, that Bratt was genuinely surprised to see the application and raised it as an aside.

Prosecutors also regularly collect background information about lawyers they meet with, including prior interactions with the justice department and cases they have argued, and it is not unusual for them to make small talk with defense lawyers about other projects they are involved in.

The extent of any potential impact to the case is similarly unclear, since it does not appear to have directly affected any testimony Nauta gave to prosecutors, and Bratt would not have the ability to influence such an application, which is handled by the White House counsel’s office.

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9ecc4c No.64792

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028015 (181804ZJUN23) Notable: ICYMI: Jay Bratt is the senior DOJ official who ran the illegal raid on Trump to take his declassified and damning Crossfire Hurricane presidential records.

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The extent of any potential impact to the case is similarly unclear, since it does not appear to have directly affected any testimony Nauta gave to prosecutors, and Bratt would not have the ability to influence such an application, which is handled by the White House counsel’s office.

“Even if it’s true, it would not rise to the level of prosecutorial misconduct,” former US attorney Joyce Vance said. “Prosecutors don’t have any influence over judicial applications and all the parties to the conversation would have known that.”

But the exchange is said to have unnerved Woodward, who recounted the exchange to associates after leaving the meeting. He also promptly informed the justice department at the time they would have no further communications unless Nauta was getting charged or an immunity deal.

The development comes as prosecutors formally told Trump’s lawyers last week that the former president had been designated a “target” in the criminal investigation into his handling of national security information and obstruction of justice, the Guardian previously reported.

The move – the clearest sign yet that Trump is on course to be indicted – dramatically raises the stakes for Trump, as the investigation nears its conclusion after taking evidence before a grand jury in Washington and a previously unknown grand jury in Florida.

Trump’s lawyers were sent a “target letter” days before they met on Monday with the special counsel and the senior career official in the deputy attorney general’s office, where they asked prosecutors not to charge the former president in part because of potential misconduct.

The development comes as prosecutors have obtained evidence of criminal conduct occurring at Mar-a-Lago and decided that any indictments should be charged in the southern district of Florida, where the resort is located, rather than in Washington, according to people familiar with the matter.

To that end, prosecutors last month started issuing subpoenas to multiple Trump aides that compelled them to testify before a new grand jury in Florida, impaneled around the time that the grand jury in Washington stopped taking new evidence, the Guardian previously reported.er that prosecutors brought up his application to become judge when seeking valet’s cooperation


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9ecc4c No.64793

File: e0c096a51422e96⋯.png (283.26 KB,872x462,436:231,Clipboard.png)

File: 9a919a848fcc76e⋯.png (299.55 KB,581x535,581:535,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028025 (181806ZJUN23) Notable: PF Eyes on the Skyz

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KECK221 C-17 Gloebmaster did go to San Francisco Int'l (SFO) with DUNE13 KC-135 tanker crossing the SF Bay Area Peninsula

GRZLY39 C560 arrived at San Luis Obispo Muni Airport (SAM970 left from Paso Robles just up the road earlier)-cap #2

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9ecc4c No.64794

File: ddca74b2baf8599⋯.png (668.96 KB,730x573,730:573,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028070 (181816ZJUN23) Notable: Rebellion Spreads as Catholic School Students Reject 'Pride' on Their Campus

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Rebellion Spreads as Catholic School Students Reject 'Pride' on Their Campus

A second incident of young people spontaneously rising up against “Pride Month” celebrations in their school occurred on June 8 in Toronto, Canada. The drama started at the end of May, when the York Catholic District School Board (YCDSB ) voted against a proposal to fly the hideous “Progressive Pride” flag at its headquarters in June. This led to a supposedly student-organized walkout and demonstration across the district’s schools. But for the second time this “Pride,” students opposed to having sexualized Leftist dogma forced into their school stood up to it.

LGBTQetc. activists had been trying to break into the Catholic school district for a long time. The “YCDSB Gender, Sexuality and Catholic Education Committee” was formed last year, and in March 2023, it presented a report to the Trustees. “It had recommended the flag be flown at the centre, which is the board’s primary office in Aurora,” reported Canadian state media, CBC. The committee “also recommended the board release a statement in support of the LGTBQ community and standing against hate. It also urged a group be created to support LGBTQ students and encourage students to report instances of bullying.” In other words, they wanted a Catholic school district to get with the pro-LGBTQ program.


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9ecc4c No.64795

File: 92564218cdc161d⋯.png (1.06 MB,1356x1700,339:425,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028078 (181818ZJUN23) Notable: HOMAN: What if Greenwich Schools Were Biased in Favor Of Conservatives?

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HOMAN: What if Greenwich Schools Were Biased in Favor Of Conservatives?


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9ecc4c No.64796

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028130 (181827ZJUN23) Notable: #23364

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#23364 >>64752

>>64756, >>64758, >>64759, >>64762, >>64763, >>64770, >>64783, >>64789, >>64793 PF Eyes on the Skyz

>>64753 CONGRESS Make Evidence in Biden Corruption Probe Public, Top Democrat Tells FBI

>>64754 Constitutional Currency and The Coming Banking Collapse

>>64755 Dr. Mark Crispin Miller on substack, has an ongoing post of all the “sudden deaths” from many countries and list all the persons. Many have “no cause of death reported”

>>64757, >>64764, >>64765 @realDonaldTrump Indictment BACKFIRES on Biden

>>64760 Let em know you are offended

>>64761 Pompeo never misses a holiday to shoutout to anons! Happy Father’s Day, Mike!

>>64766 @realDonaldTrump brought peace to the Middle East, North Korea stopped missile testing, and Russia wasn’t at war with Ukraine.

>>64767 Obama's Suggested Plans To Combat 'Misinformation' Should Scare Us All

>>64768 Epstein’s Death Wasn’t The First Time The Feds Told An Unlikely Prisoner ‘Suicide' Story

>>64769, >>64781, >>64782 Chinese Intel Arm Quietly Operates ‘Service Centers’ In 7 US Cities

>>64771, >>64773 It’s Not Just the FBI: The IRS goes into ‘Beast Mode’

>>64772, >>64774 Frank Luntz Needs to Retire

>>64775, >>64777, >>64785 US grain merchants Bunge, Viterra to merge to create giant

>>64776, >>64778, >>64779 2 years ago The Right View with Lara Trump and Dan Scavino

>>64780 Senator puts hold on arms sale to Hungary for slow-walking Sweden's NATO membership/James Risch (R-ID)

>>64784 Cleveland Clinic Study Confirms Negative Efficacy of Covid Vaccine: Boosted 33% MORE Likely to Get Covid

>>64786, >>64788 At Least 21 Shot at Juneteenth Celebration in Gun-Controlled Illinois

>>64787 EV charging cables cut off and stolen from chargers in Oakland

>>64790 Macron booed from the stands of the Stade de France

>>64791, >>64792 ICYMI: Jay Bratt is the senior DOJ official who ran the illegal raid on Trump to take his declassified and damning Crossfire Hurricane presidential records.

>>64794 Rebellion Spreads as Catholic School Students Reject 'Pride' on Their Campus

>>64795 HOMAN: What if Greenwich Schools Were Biased in Favor Of Conservatives?


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9ecc4c No.64797

File: a4a1c799c6d48b5⋯.png (394.13 KB,527x305,527:305,Clipboard.png)

File: 7fba1def2704099⋯.png (2.3 MB,1280x935,256:187,Clipboard.png)

File: 272dc92a84768ce⋯.jpg (2.37 MB,5315x5315,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028143 (181830ZJUN23) Notable: #23365

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Baker needs off hand, self claim after @20

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9ecc4c No.64798

File: 0cf69a26ac48113⋯.jpeg (851.14 KB,1627x958,1627:958,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028215 (181848ZJUN23) Notable: PF reports

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CONGO 41-48 over Houston. Haven’t seen a formation like this before. Any other anon??

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9ecc4c No.64799

File: 60650fb6d0d1b37⋯.png (85.82 KB,867x670,867:670,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028216 (181849ZJUN23) Notable: People 'Up To Date' With COVID-19 Vaccines More Likely To Be Infected: Surprise surprise

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People 'Up To Date' With COVID-19 Vaccines More Likely To Be Infected: Study

Vaccinated people who received one of the updated bivalent vaccines had a higher risk of becoming infected when compared to people who had not—a group that included both vaccinated and unvaccinated people—researchers with the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio found.

The higher risk held even after adjusting for factors such as age and job location.

“This study highlights the challenges of counting on protection from a vaccine when the effectiveness of the vaccine decreases over time as new variants emerge that are antigenically very different from those used to develop the vaccine,” Dr. Nabin Shrestha and other researchers said.

The Omicron XBB subvariant became dominant in the United States in January. The bivalent vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer target BA.4 and BA.5, in addition to the old Wuhan strain.

The study, published on the medRxiv server (pdf) on June 12 ahead of peer review, included 48,344 employees of the Cleveland Clinic, 47 percent of whom had evidence of prior infection. Employees were included if they were employed in the fall of 2022, when the bivalent vaccines first became available, and were still employed when the XBB strain and its lineages became dominant. The study covered Jan. 29, 2023, to May 10, 2023. People whose age and sex weren’t available were excluded.

Analyzing the vaccine effectiveness with a Simon-Makuch hazard plot, the researchers treated each employee as “not up to date.” When a worker received a bivalent dose, they started counting as “up to date.” Employees stopped being counted if they were fired.

During the study period, 1,475, or 3 percent of clinic employees, became infected.

Being “not up to date” was associated with a lower risk of infection, with an unadjusted hazard ratio of 0.78 and an adjusted hazard ratio of 0.77. A hazard ratio under one means a smaller risk of infection.

Researchers did not provide vaccine effectiveness estimates because they did not calculate how many of the infected employees were unvaccinated, Shrestha told The Epoch Times via email. Most employees, 87 percent, had received at least one dose of a vaccine.

The Cleveland Clinic has been offering employees tests and vaccinations throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. The health care nonprofit started offering bivalent vaccine doses on Sept. 12, 2022, shortly after it was cleared by regulators and recommended for virtually all vaccinated people by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).


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9ecc4c No.64800

File: a97f0dd790ed803⋯.jpeg (1.33 MB,1621x1620,1621:1620,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028229 (181852ZJUN23) Notable: PF reports

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Ugh! Apologies. Should have included this air rat info.

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9ecc4c No.64801

File: 31a80648fbd7459⋯.png (211.79 KB,500x282,250:141,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028235 (181852ZJUN23) Notable: 'Double-Talking' Vaccine Scientist Refuses To Debate RFK Jr. Despite $1.5 Million Charity Pot

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'Double-Talking' Vaccine Scientist Refuses To Debate RFK Jr. Despite $1.5 Million Charity Pot

With Dr. Fauci having exited stage left, the MSM's has anointed a new vax-peddling talking head - Dr. Peter Hotez.

Last week, podcast giant Joe Rogan had Hotez on his show, where he proceeded to badmouth anti-vax presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr. - before telling Rogan that he'd be 'uncomfortable' debating him.


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9ecc4c No.64802

File: 8889eee8f6a049b⋯.png (41.49 KB,792x347,792:347,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028236 (181852ZJUN23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!!!

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Donald J. Trump


Jun 18, 2023, 2:37 PM


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9ecc4c No.64803

File: fc0a49715741b9e⋯.png (390.92 KB,385x691,385:691,Clipboard.png)

File: e9fcf755a1f9cef⋯.jpeg (255.48 KB,1293x774,431:258,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: aa69bde4094b8df⋯.jpeg (1.21 MB,1620x1694,810:847,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028238 (181853ZJUN23) Notable: Gen Flynn on Fathers Day

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>>64686 lb.


Happy Father’s Day to all men of faith who love and cherish their children.

Time to “Stand up, Step up, and Speak up!”

We have a country to save.


Trump’s wild ‘I will always capitalize Country’ claim is meme gold

Where did this come from?

Andrew Wyrich Andrew Wyrich Internet Culture Posted on Oct 19, 2018 Updated on May 21, 2021, 3:41 am CDT

President Donald Trump, seemingly out of nowhere, exclaimed on Twitter on Friday morning that he will “always” capitalize the word “country” when referring to the United States.

“When referring to the USA, I will always capitalize the word Country!” the president The president is known for his odd use of capitalization in his tweets. As Business Insider points out, Trump routinely capitalizes “border,” “military,” and yes, even “country.”

While his capitalization habits have been dissected, the president has also made a number of typos in his tweets–”covfefe,” “council,” and “marine core,” some of the most eye-catching.

The sheer oddness of the tweet quickly brought reactions from people on Twitter.

Others took the “when referring to” part of Trump’s tweet and applied it to other things.


When referring to former American boy band *NSYNC I will always include the asterisk.

— Luke (@stennes_)

October 19, 2018

Of course, the president claiming that he always capitalizes “country” in his tweets is not correct.

Here are just a few recent examples where Trump wrote “country” (referring to the United States) and did not capitalize it:



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9ecc4c No.64804

File: 6de64e5ca964d4a⋯.mp4 (11.59 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 5429a230a16a7d8⋯.png (281.96 KB,789x702,263:234,Clipboard.png)

File: 6ea1bcd993cac2e⋯.png (191.23 KB,738x710,369:355,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028247 (181855ZJUN23) Notable: Jon Voight: Believe

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Jon Voight


Jun 18, 2023, 9:56 AM


2:44 PM · Jun 18, 2023


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9ecc4c No.64805

File: 939bfc268a5d65f⋯.png (317.29 KB,995x653,995:653,Clipboard.png)

File: bb40eb9e19e5b49⋯.jpg (202.24 KB,1280x1280,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028248 (181855ZJUN23) Notable: PF reports

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Tracking CONGO/A Line

Flight of 8 BE40's

East bound out of Randolph AFB











any storms forecast in the area?

sometimes they reposition for incoming bad WX


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9ecc4c No.64806

File: a3dc43667906214⋯.png (84.46 KB,1024x796,256:199,Clipboard.png)

File: dcf14cd7b2b4d91⋯.png (482.1 KB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

File: 64e9f14286c8c34⋯.png (68.45 KB,1033x771,1033:771,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028253 (181856ZJUN23) Notable: Bill Gates-Funded Covid Vaccine Approved for Public Use by UK Regulatory Agency

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Bill Gates-Funded Covid Vaccine Approved for Public Use by UK Regulatory Agency

The SKYCovion COVID-19 vaccine, developed in South Korea with $3.6 million in funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, recently received regulatory approval from the United Kingdom’s Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).

“SK bioscience, a global innovative vaccine and biotech company committed to promoting human health from prevention to cure, has announced today the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has granted Marketing Authorization (MA) for SK bioscience’s COVID-19 vaccine SKYCovion™ (brand name in Korea: SKYCovione™) as a primary series for strong immunization to prevent COVID-19 caused by SARS-CoV-2 in individuals 18 years of age and older,” according to the news release.

Once a vaccine receives Marketing Authorization, it can be marketed and distributed to the public.

It becomes the 8th COVID-19 vaccine authorized by the UK’s independent medicines regulator.

SKYCovion is a nanoparticle vaccine, utilizing a piece of the SARS-CoV-2 virus spike protein along with GlaxoSmithKline’s AS03 adjuvant technology – “an additional ingredient designed to trigger a stronger immune response.”

The vaccine allegedly met the required safety, quality, and effectiveness standards set by the MHRA. This approval has triggered concerns from several scientists, notably British professor Norman Fenton, according to SLAY News.

The MHRA has pointed out that the duration of protection offered by the SKYCovion vaccine remains unknown, and no protection is expected after the initial dose. Furthermore, there is currently no data regarding its safety and efficacy for immunocompromised individuals.

There is also no research regarding its effects on pregnant women or whether the vaccine is excreted in breast milk. The patient information leaflet indicates that the vaccine should not be administered to women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

To date, SKYCovion has not undergone any carcinogenicity or genotoxicity studies, nor has it been tested for interchangeability with vaccines from other manufacturers. While the vaccine has been licensed for conditional authorization for those over 18, Professor Fenton is pushing for transparency, submitting a Freedom of Information request to MHRA Chief Executive June Raine.

Despite these uncertainties, the vaccine is reportedly being offered to individuals who have previously received multiple COVID-19 vaccines, according to Professor Fenton. This is alarming as the patient information leaflet specifies that two doses of the SKYCovion vaccine are required, with a 28-day gap between doses. Efficacy is not expected until at least 14 days after the second dose.


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9ecc4c No.64807

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028258 (181857ZJUN23) Notable: Senate Democrats Introduce Bill to Spend $25 Million to Train More Abortionists

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Senate Democrats Introduce Bill to Spend $25 Million to Train More Abortionists

Senate Democrats Tammy Baldwin and Patty Murray have introduced a bill to spend $25 million training new abortionists.

The bill, called “The Reproductive Health Care Training Act,” was introduced on Thursday and would “provide for the establishment of an education program to expand abortion care training and access.”

“When Roe v. Wade was overturned, women in Wisconsin were sent back to 1849, living under a criminal abortion ban. But the impact didn’t stop there. Doctors have been barred from providing the care they have been trained to perform and medical students and faculty are being forced to travel out of state for training. In order for women to exercise their right and freedom to control their bodies, doctors need the proper reproductive health care training,” said Senator Baldwin in a press release about the bill. “The Reproductive Health Care Training Act will bolster the pipeline of these needed doctors by easing the burden that out-of-state training presents and supporting the medical programs that are seeing an influx of individuals that need training.”

The legislation will prioritize awarding the grants to “minority-serving institutions or institutions that provide training to increase underrepresented minority health professions.”

In a press release about the bill, Senator Murray said, “The nonstop Republican attacks on reproductive health care are having a chilling effect not only on patients seeking care, but also on the doctors and nurses who provide it. We need to make sure that health professionals in every state can receive critical training in reproductive health care—even if they have to travel to other states to get it.”

The senator’s office said that her state had been flooded with an influx of healthcare students from states where abortion is banned looking to receive the training.

“Funding could be used to support both medical programs with students traveling out of state, and programs in states accommodating an influx of students,” the press release said. “Grants would be available to accredited health professions schools, academic health centers, and other safety-net providers in all states to offset the additional costs associated with training providers in a post-Roe world. The Reproductive Health Care Training Act will help meet the current need for more women’s health care providers nationwide, especially in states with abortion restrictions.”

The bill is co-sponsored by Senators Debbie Stabenow, Catherine Cortez-Masto, and Kyrsten Sinema. Companion legislation has been introduced in the House by Representatives Ami Bera, Kim Schrier, and Mark Pocan.


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9ecc4c No.64808

File: abc2d3bd3a165ca⋯.jpeg (1.18 MB,1625x1620,325:324,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028265 (181858ZJUN23) Notable: PF reports

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Here ya go. Traces back to San Antonio. Can’t read the airport… gettin old.

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9ecc4c No.64809

File: 1c01ba65319e739⋯.png (56.45 KB,790x407,790:407,Clipboard.png)


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Donald J. Trump


Jun 18, 2023, 2:56 PM


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9ecc4c No.64810

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028273 (181900ZJUN23) Notable: Obama Appointed Judge Rules ‘THERE ARE ONLY TWO GENDERS’ T-Shirt is Not a “Protected Speech”

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Obama Appointed Judge Rules ‘THERE ARE ONLY TWO GENDERS’ T-Shirt is Not a “Protected Speech”

A Federal Judge has ruled the First Amendment does not protect 12-year-old Liam Morrison’s right to express his opinion on a t-shirt while attending public school in Massachusetts.

In a June 16th ruling, Judge Indira Talwani said, “School administrators were well within their discretion to conclude that the statement ‘THERE ARE ONLY TWO GENDERS’ may communicate that only two gender identities—male and female—are valid, and any others are invalid or nonexistent.”

The Obama appointee went on to support the Middleborough, Massachusetts school’s assertion that the message on Morrison’s t-shirt — a statement of biological fact — constituted an attack on the identities of other students.

As was previously reported by Gateway Pundit, the 12-year-old boy “went off on school board members after his school sent him home because he refused to change his T-shirt.”

On May 5, 2023, Morrison attempted an end-around to the rule by wearing the same t-shirt — this time, with the words “ONLY TWO” covered by a piece of tape with the word “CENSORED.” Once again, the school concluded he was bullying a “protected class.”

After failing to find an appropriate administrative remedy, Morrison’s father and stepmother assisted their son, Liam, in filing suit against the school district, Superintendent Carolyn Lyons, and Nichols Middle School Principal Heather Tucker.

The lawsuit alleged “violations of his First and Fourteenth Amendment rights,” and pointed out that Nichols Middle School commonly “observes events like ‘Pride Month,’ and ‘Pride Day’ in support of the ‘LGBTQ+ community.’”

Judge Talwani ruled that “the original message of the Shirt was not protected speech” and went on to explain how “the Taped Shirt did not merely protest censorship but conveyed the ‘censored’ message and thus invaded the rights of the other students.”

Even though multiple students began wearing the same shirt in an apparent act of solidarity with Morrison, Judge Talwani ruled that injunctive relief “is not in the public interest.”

“By contrast,” Talwani explained, “Defendants point to statutes passed by the Massachusetts Legislature prohibiting discrimination, bullying, or harassment in schools based on gender identity or expression, as well as directives from the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education requiring that schools provide a safe environment to progress academically and developmentally regardless of gender identity.”

It remains to be seen if any further legal action will be taken by Liam Morrison and his family, but the message from Judge Talwani is clear: The First Amendment only applies when speech is sanctioned by the state.



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9ecc4c No.64811

File: a382cdf3ff08ad4⋯.png (290.6 KB,585x471,195:157,Clipboard.png)

File: be2ede0b5567084⋯.mp4 (729.22 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028288 (181904ZJUN23) Notable: Democratic Congresswoman @StaceyPlaskett says @realDonaldTrump “needs to be shot

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Simon Ateba




BREAKING: Democratic Congresswoman




“needs to be shot— stopped” over classified documents. She meant 'stopped' but said 'shot' before correcting herself"

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9ecc4c No.64812

File: a79b4645cc65394⋯.jpeg (1.37 MB,1627x1421,1627:1421,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028290 (181904ZJUN23) Notable: PF reports

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Old fag uses cell phone to zoom in, duh.

Origin is Randolph Air Force Base, San Antonio.

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9ecc4c No.64813

File: deea34c11d8207b⋯.png (86.45 KB,845x756,845:756,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028291 (181904ZJUN23) Notable: Family Groups And LGBT Activist Uniting Against Bill That Could Make Pedophiles A Protected Class

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Family Groups And LGBT Activist Uniting Against Bill That Could Make Pedophiles A Protected Class

In an unlikely alliance, Christian family values groups and an LGBT activist have signed a petition against a proposed Connecticut bill they say could make pedophiles a protected sexual minority.

The bill, HB 6638, would revise the language of the state’s anti-discrimination statutes.

The current definition of “sexual orientation” in Connecticut law excludes protections for “any behavior that is a sex offense crime.” An update to the law would remove that wording.

“If Governor [Ned] Lamont signs it, a person who admits they are a pedophile—even if they haven’t acted on it but just admit it—they could just go to an appeal board if they get fired from a job or denied housing near a school,” said transgender activist Christine Rebstock.

The bill would redefine sexual orientation as “a person’s identity in relation to the gender or genders to which they are romantically, emotionally, or sexually attracted, including any identity that a person may have previously expressed or is perceived by another person to hold.”

Because of that critics are sounding the alarm, fearing the new legal language could make it unlawful to fire an employee with a sexual attraction for children—even one working at a business focused on serving minors.

“Employers are going to have to be more cautious about how they interact with potential employees,” Leslie Wolfgang, public policy director of the Family Institute of Connecticut (FIC), told The Epoch Times.

“They won’t be able to discriminate based on their sexual attraction.”

The new bill was sponsored by Rep. Dominique Johnson (D), Rep. Hubert Delaney (D), Rep. Jeff Currey (D), Sen. Gary Winfield (D), and Rep. Tom Delniki (R).

It has passed both chambers of the legislature and now awaits signing by Lamont, a Democrat.

The Epoch Times contacted the bill’s sponsors but received no response by publication time.


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9ecc4c No.64814

File: 36c03559a973e64⋯.png (224.01 KB,700x530,70:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028305 (181907ZJUN23) Notable: New Docs Reveal DHS Plot to Assign Social Credit-Like Scores to Americans

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New Docs Reveal DHS Plot to Assign Social Credit-Like Scores to Americans

DHS plan would assign a "Risk Score" score to social media users.

In a sharp spotlight on the interplay between national security and individual privacy, newly disclosed documents have unveiled that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) entered into a contract with the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) in 2018 to develop a project, dubbed “Night Fury,” designed to analyze and assign “risk scores” to social media accounts.

The Brennan Center for Justice procured these documents through a public records request, and Motherboard was the first to report on them. Project Night Fury aimed at utilizing automation to detect and evaluate social media accounts for connections to terrorism, illegal opioid distribution, but also disinformation campaigns.

The DHS document stated, “The Contractor shall develop these attributes to create a methodology for developing a ranking, or ‘Risk Score,’ associated with the identified accounts.”

Project Night Fury had also planned on incorporating involvement from Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Transportation Security Administration (TSA), and US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to provide “cross-mission operational context,” according to one of the documents.

Experts had warned DHS about the inherent difficulties and biases involved in automated judgment for these matters, citing that characteristics like being “pro-terrorist” have no concrete definition.

Notably, DHS terminated Project Night Fury in 2019. However, it underscores the agency’s continued interest in social media as a resource for analysis. This comes in the wake of earlier reports of CBP utilizing an AI-powered tool, Babel X, for analyzing travelers’ social media at US borders.

While Night Fury’s focus was initially on “counter-terrorism, illegal opioid supply chain, transnational crime, and understanding/characterizing/identifying the spread of disinformation by foreign entities,” the documents indicate that UAB’s work was intended to “scale to other DHS domains” and “build next generation capabilities.”


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9ecc4c No.64815

File: 139f440baf79528⋯.png (160.79 KB,711x863,711:863,Clipboard.png)

File: 4bbd89488d6c557⋯.png (59.15 KB,724x344,181:86,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028322 (181912ZJUN23) Notable: FDA Directs Pfizer, Moderna, Novavax to Update COVID-19 Vaccines to Target Current Dominant Variant

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FDA Directs Pfizer, Moderna, Novavax to Update COVID-19 Vaccines to Target Current Dominant Variant

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advisers made a unanimous recommendation that updated COVID-19 shots, which are to be launched for a vaccination campaign this fall, are to target one of the dominant variants.

The shots are to be aimed at the XBB coronavirus variants, which are reportedly the current most dominant variants, according to the FDA, with a vote of 21–0 in favor.

A subsequent discussion by the committee hinted at a preferred strategy against the XBB.1.5 Omicron subvariant that, according to manufacturers, could be ready soonest for application.

Versions of the respective vaccines targeting XBB.1.5, as well as other current subvariants, are currently already being developed by COVID vaccine makers, including Pfizer (PFE.N)/BioNTech (22UAy.DE), Moderna (MRNA.O) and Novavax (NVAX.O), based on preclinical data presented by all three manufacturers.

Melinda Wharton, vaccine policy official at U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), has said shots aimed at XBB.1.5 to be the most feasible option without delays in availability.

If officials are to agree on targeting XBB.1.5 in this year’s campaign, it would prove most helpful to Novavax, due to the composition of its vaccine. Typically, protein-based vaccines require a longer manufacturing process than rival mRNA-based shots.

However, should officials decide to go in a different direction, it could mean that Novavax could once again be lagging behind its rivals.

FDA official Dr. Peter Marks indicated the agency was likely to settle on XBB.1.5, which manufacturers suggested could be ready for inoculations soonest.

“The fact that most of the manufacturers are ready to work on XBB.1.5 is an added reason to select this strain or this variant given the immunologic data,” said meeting chair Dr. Arnold Monto.

According to a release issued by Novavax after the meeting, it anticipates a timely delivery this fall on its BB-targeted COVID shots.

Documents released earlier this month by FDA staff reviewers also suggest this year’s target should be aimed at the XBB subvariant and subsequent offshoots. These allegedly account for most current U.S. infections, and are said to be descendents of the Omicron variant, which is claimed to have caused a massive spike in COVID cases early last year.

U.S. health regulators are aiming to more closely align the next COVID shots with the circulating virus.


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9ecc4c No.64816

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028336 (181916ZJUN23) Notable: House Intel Chief re Upcoming John Durham Testimony

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‘How Do We Make Certain This Doesn’t Happen Again?’: House Intel Chief Teases Upcoming John Durham Testimony

House Select Committee on Intelligence chair, Ohio Republican Rep. Mike Turner, shared his thoughts Sunday about the upcoming closed-door testimony from Special Counsel John Durham.

Turner appeared on CNN’s “State of the Union” and was interviewed by Jake Tapper about his plans for the Intelligence Committee.

“On Tuesday, your committee is going to hear closed door testimony from Trump-appointed Special Counsel John Durham. His report concluded that the FBI should not have launched the full Trump-Russia investigation as it did. It would have been ok to do a preliminary one but not the full-bore one. What do you want to know from former Special Counsel Durham?” Tapper asked.

“So this is very troubling. This is going to be troubling for you, especially as you read that the Durham report after the years of which there were these accusations of Trump/Russia collusion, and that these accusations were absolutely false,” Turner replied.

“Every investigation that has occurred, including now the Durham report, is conclusively states that this was the result of people who had political bias who undertook an investigation based upon total Clinton campaign-funded research that was uncorroborated and turned out to be even untrue. And that’s where you have to be concerned,” Turner said.

When your government is lying to you, when your government is telling you thing that has happened that has not happened, that’s when our committee has to be involved and that’s when we have to look at what happened here, how do we make certain this doesn’t happen again,” Turner added.

Durham’s final report said the FBI used “uncorroborated intelligence” in its Crossfire Hurricane investigation of alleged collusion between former President Donald Trump and Russia ahead of the 2016 presidential election.

“Our investigation determined that the Crossfire Hurricane investigators did not and could not corroborate any of the substantive allegations contained in the Steele reporting,” the Durham report reads.

The Steele Dossier, an opposition research document funded by Hillary Clinton’s failed 2016 presidential campaign, played a major role in the Crossfire Hurricane investigation. It has since been discredited. Likewise, Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into the Trump-Russia allegations found no collusion between Trump and the Russians.


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9ecc4c No.64817

File: 89b06fc1b271df5⋯.jpg (205.77 KB,720x924,60:77,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028348 (181922ZJUN23) Notable: Top Army official blames anti-woke rhetoric of right for severe recruiting crisis

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Top Army official blames anti-woke rhetoric of right for severe recruiting crisis

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9ecc4c No.64818

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028525 (182011ZJUN23) Notable: Top Canadian politician apologizes to unvaccinated, “we were wrong…” she makes unprecedented promise…

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Top Canadian politician apologizes to unvaccinated, “we were wrong…” she makes unprecedented promise…

Danielle Smith, the current premier of Alberta in Canada, has done something remarkable. She took the bold and unprecedented step of apologizing to unvaccinated Canadians who’ve faced unfair treatment from the government throughout the “pandemic.” But Ms. Smith actually went beyond just issuing an apology, Danielle actually made a promise: anyone who was terminated from their job due to their refusal of the COVID-19 vaccine will be reinstated.

Wow. That’s not the type of humility you hear from politicians everyday, is it?

Comedian and conservative podcaster Jimmy Dore was actually blown away by this apology and covered it at length.

This apology and promise form Ms. Smith sends a powerful message to globalist elites: you were all wrong, and everybody knows it. Thanks to her humility, Danielle Smith has set a new standard in political leadership. Her acknowledgement of the horrors faced by the unvaccinated and her willingness to take responsibility for the government’s disgusting actions during the pandemic show she has the potential to be a good leader. However, the proof is in the pudding. The next time something like this happens — and you know it will — Danielle better be on the side of the people, not the government.


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9ecc4c No.64819

File: a952165ccaadc75⋯.png (2.28 MB,838x3240,419:1620,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028549 (182017ZJUN23) Notable: Iran’s Future Is in Democracy

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TOWNHALL Jun 17, 2023

Iran’s Future Is in Democracy, One That Rejects Both Theocracy and Monarchy

As an Iranian American, I take pride in the opportunities my host country has provided me in every sense, but I am also proud of my Iranian heritage. I have often found myself explaining to my American friends, colleagues, and neighbors that Iran's rich heritage and civilization are not synonymous with the ayatollahs and their ideology of bigotry, vengeance, and terror. This sentiment has become increasingly evident over the past seven months, as Iranians from all walks of life and age groups have taken to the streets, calling for the overthrow of the clerical regime and its intolerant ideology. This unprecedented period of unrest and unfortunately the indiscriminate oppression and waves of executions that have followed show that we are witnessing perhaps the greatest challenge yet to the mullahs' weak hold on power.

Sadly, at least 140 prisoners, including three young protesters have been hanged in Iran since April 21. Despite the regime's brutality, there is new hope in the Iranian-American community for brighter days ahead. Like me, most Iranian-Americans believe that big changes are within reach for Iran, but there are also new challenges on the horizon. One question on many minds is what the future holds for Iran without the ayatollahs. Some, including Reza Pahlavi, the son of the last self-anointed Shah of Iran who was deposed by a massive popular revolution in 1979, have pushed the narrative that the collapse of the existing theocratic system should lead to Iran reverting to hereditary monarchy.

However, it is clear from videos of the protests that Iranians are calling for a democratic republic, rejecting both the current and former dictatorships. Young and old, representing various ethnic and religious backgrounds, Iranians have been heard chanting, "Death to the dictator, whether the Shah or the Supreme Leader." Despite the regime's ruthless crackdown on protesters, killing at least 750 and arresting over 30,000 dissidents, the public remains committed to regime change and is opposed to whitewashing the Shah's criminal legacy. These chants have continued to be heard in various localities even after the regime and certain international media began reporting that the uprising was over.

The Shah's legacy includes decades of violent repression which ultimately set the stage for similar trends under the new regime after Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was overthrown and a cleric named Ruhollah Khomeini staked his claim as first supreme leader of a new, theocratic dictatorship. Furthermore, by imprisoning and killing thousands of activists and dissidents, the Shah’s regime effectively guaranteed that none of the country’s pro-democracy opposition figures would be in a position to challenge Khomeini’s presumptive leadership after he returned from exile in France.

The imprisoned pro-democracy leaders were a much better representation of the Iranian people’s thinking and vision. Support for Khomeini’s fundamentalist principle of velayat-e faqih, or “guardianship of the jurist,” was negligible in the immediate aftermath of the 1979 revolution and has only diminished since. But the mounting grievances and disillusionment with such a system have not prompted people to regret the 1979 revolution. It has only deepened the underlying hatred of the Shah who practically facilitated Khomeini's rise to power in the first place.

The goal of the latest uprising is the same as the goal that the overwhelming majority of Iranians had in mind in 1979, namely the establishment of democratic rule and a legal framework for the basic freedoms that we in the US take for granted; freedoms that have been trampled on in successive dictatorships over a period of nearly one hundred years. ...


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9ecc4c No.64820

File: e05a8cbe47d4768⋯.png (967.95 KB,1056x846,176:141,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028585 (182026ZJUN23) Notable: MUST-SEE VIDEO: Brian Kennedy Breaks Down the Post-Constitutional Crisis Facing America Today

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MUST-SEE VIDEO: Brian Kennedy Breaks Down

the Post-Constitutional Crisis Facing

America Today as the American Left Continues

their Assault on Our Freedoms

Gateway Pundit, by Jim Hoft

Posted By: FlyRight, 6/18/2023 7:01:03 AM

Brian Kennedy: I think it’s worth saying that the country has gone from a republic to something for at least the last hundred years of a progressive administrative state. And that administrative state has become very large, very intrusive, very ineffective. But somewhere between when you said dismantle the administrative state and today, I think we’ve crossed over into something more like a totalitarian democracy, which is a regime that has aspects of totalitarianism, but with many of the forms of democracy.

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9ecc4c No.64821

File: 7d1eb28d0f6334b⋯.jpeg (103.62 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028605 (182031ZJUN23) Notable: Kiev's forces have lost over 1,000 soldiers and 20 tanks in a single day across the frontlines, the Russian Defense Ministry claims

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18 Jun, 2023 14:52

Ukraine sustains massive single-day losses – Russian MOD

Kiev's forces have lost over 1,000 soldiers and 20 tanks in a single day across the frontlines, the Russian Defense Ministry claims

Ukrainian military forces have sustained heavy casualties across the frontlines during thelast 24 hours, the Russian Defense Ministry has said. Russia’s Zaporozhye and Donetsk regions have seen the most intense fighting, with Kiev losingmore than 800 soldiersin those regions.

“Over the past day, enemy losses in the Southern Donetsk and Zaporozhye directions amounted to more than 800 Ukrainian servicemen,20 tanks, four infantry fighting vehicles, [and] 15 armored fighting vehicles,”the military stated on Sunday during a daily media briefing. The ministry did not elaborate on whether its figures for casualties includes those killed and injured or fatalities exclusively.

As well as these setbacks in personnel and equipment, Ukrainian troops alsolost two US-made M777 howitzersand several Soviet-made artillery systems, the military added.

The immediate vicinity of Donetsk city has also seen intense fighting, with Ukrainian forces losingover 200 soldiers on this axis, according to the ministry. The Russian military has destroyed multiple soft and armored vehicles on the outskirts of Donetsk, it also said, as well astwo major ammunition stockpilesto the northwest of the city.

The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine has intensified after Kiev launched itslong-heralded counteroffensivein early June. Thus far, the Ukrainian military has failed to make any major gains, sustaining heavy losses in the process and losing large amounts of Western-supplied hardware. According to the estimates of Moscow’s military,some 7,500 Ukrainian soldiershave been killed or wounded amid the counteroffensive effort.


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9ecc4c No.64822

File: 1d608f0d42f7ed0⋯.png (522.15 KB,446x540,223:270,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028628 (182036ZJUN23) Notable: Schumann resonance news

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Very odd that the signals Begin and end on the a hour marker

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9ecc4c No.64823

File: 47e38c60ebcabfb⋯.jpeg (74.74 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028640 (182039ZJUN23) Notable: Kremlin promises punishment for threats to kill Russians

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18 Jun, 2023 12:40

Kremlin promises punishment for threats to kill Russians

Western politicians should know that by supporting Kiev they’re aiding “de-facto murderers,” spokesperson Dmitry Peskov says

Any persons threatening to kill Russians are enemies who should be and will be punished for doing so, Kremlin press secretary Dmitry Peskov has warned.

On Sunday, Peskov was asked by channel Rossyia 1 to comment on the words of Mikhail Podoliak, a top adviser to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, who said last week that Kiev’s long-awaited counteroffensivewould be “the most brutal advance with the maximum killing of Russians on this route.”

“That’s what our enemies say, and we have to fight them.You can’t threaten the Russians with murder. Russians should punish [them] for this, and we will do so,” the Kremlin spokesperson pointed out.

He noted that Podoliak was “not a pioneer” in this regard, as the chief of the Ukrainian military’s Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR) Kirill Budanov and members of the country’s Security Council have also “repeatedly talked about their desire to kill as many Russians as possible.”

According to Russia’s President Vladimir Putin, the headquarters of GUR in Kiev had been hit by Russian missiles in late May. The Defense Ministry said thesuccessful strike targeted “decision-making centers” in Ukraine “where terrorist attacks on Russian soilwere being planned under the guidance of specialists from Western intelligence agencies.”

Peskov also said that he wanted the statements about killing Russian citizens made by Podoliak and other Ukrainian officials to be evaluated by Kiev’s foreign backers.

“The members of parliament in those countries,they should understand to whom they are sending their aid – to de-facto murderers;people who declare their intention to kill,” he explained.

(Kiev’s rhetoric is completely unwise and garish, if they truly think Russia is evil, why continue to poke them. Kiev is only accelerating their demise; especially since the West is getting close to cutting them off.)


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9ecc4c No.64824

File: 318d1baa3e1c32d⋯.jpeg (81.85 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028659 (182044ZJUN23) Notable: Chelsea sale money hasn’t been given to Ukraine

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18 Jun, 2023 13:33

Chelsea sale money hasn’t been given to Ukraine – media

Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich sold the Premier League club to a US-based consortium last year

Former Chelsea ownerRoman Abramovich is refusing to sign offon a deal which would see proceeds from his May 2022 sale of the Premier League giants beingfunneled towards Ukrainian victimsof Moscow’s conflict with Kiev, according to a Saturday report in the Daily Mail.

Abramovich, who funded a trophy-laden revolution at Stamford Bridge following his initial purchase of the London-based football club in 2003, sold Chelsea to a consortium fronted byUS businessman Todd Boehlylast year in a deal estimated to be worth $5.4 billion.

Sections of the proceeds, thought to amount toaround $3 billion, were earmarked by Abramovich to be “transferred to a charitable foundation for the needs of the victims on both sides of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine,” the billionaire’s press office said last year.

But a report this weekend has indicated that Abramovich hasyet to sign off on the transfer of fundsto Ukrainian and Russian humanitarian efforts – due to UK rules whichprohibit money from being sent internationally to Moscow.

“We want to make sure that the money that is released goes exclusively to the recipients it is aimed at,” UK Secretary of State James Cleverly said last week. “I need full reassurance that is the case.” Cleverly added that he could not guarantee a solution would be found before ministers' summer holidays begin next month. They resume work in September.

Another UK government source said via the Daily Mail that “we hope money will start arriving in Ukraine before harsh winterconditions set in again towards the end of the year, but there are currently no guarantees that will happen.”

The $3 billion at the source of the rowremains frozen in a UK bankaccount operated by Fordstram, a company with ties to Abramovich, as it awaits Foreign Office approval to be sent overseas.

The sale of Chelsea to the Boehly consortium was fast-tracked last year due to sanctions imposed on Abramovich by the UK government due to his supposed ties to the Kremlin, following the launch of Moscow’s offensive in Ukraine.


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9ecc4c No.64825

File: 3b130edcd29e473⋯.png (175.98 KB,382x481,382:481,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028669 (182047ZJUN23) Notable: Kash on DJT: “Someone’s gotta take the missiles, someone’s gotta take the grenades, & he’s taken them for all of us…

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Kash on DJT: “Someone’s gotta take the missiles, someone’s gotta take the grenades, & he’s taken them for all of us…

for some reason he can withstand it all. I don’t know how he does it.”

He says we need to unite behind President Trump to save our country 🫡 🇺🇸

Full interview (https://rumble.com/v2uxw0h-june-18-2023.html)

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9ecc4c No.64826

File: 6606a9de6960f56⋯.png (227.29 KB,380x476,95:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028688 (182052ZJUN23) Notable: 🔴 ACLU Ignites Firestorm After Saying Pedophile, Murderer Executed in Florida Wasn't Provided 'Gender-Affirming Care'

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🔴 ACLU Ignites Firestorm After Saying Pedophile, Murderer Executed in Florida Wasn't Provided 'Gender-Affirming Care'


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9ecc4c No.64827

File: ba223e972fbce66⋯.png (182.83 KB,380x511,380:511,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028693 (182053ZJUN23) Notable: Brainwashed Parent Celebrates Helping His Son Get Chemically Castrated In Disturbing TikTok Video

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Brainwashed Parent Celebrates Helping His Son Get Chemically Castrated In Disturbing TikTok Video


Subscribe on RUMBLE (https://rumble.com/c/RedVoiceMedia) to see all the latest from our growing list of content creators: RVMRumble.com (https://rumble.com/c/RedVoiceMedia)

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9ecc4c No.64828

File: e595cd57da318ee⋯.jpeg (68.04 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028709 (182057ZJUN23) Notable: Kosovo situation most difficult in 24 years - Vucic

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18 Jun, 2023 16:03

Kosovo situation most difficult in 24 years – Vucic

The Serbian president has accused the breakaway region’s leaders of waging a hybrid war on Belgrade, with the West turning a blind eye

Tensions in the breakaway province of Kosovo are at their worst in almost a quarter of a century, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has warned. He accused theWest of condoning the latest crackdown on Serbs, unleashed by ethnic Albanians in the self-proclaimed republic.

Speaking on Sunday, Vucic said: “Ahybrid waris being waged against Serbia, andWestern countries allow the shooting and mistreatment of Serbs.”

The official went on to describe the situation in the region as the “most complex in the last 24 years,” with ethnic Serbs “under severe attack.”

Vucic pledged to do his best to “keep the peace,” while warning that Belgrade “will not allow further harassment and endangering the lives of the Serbian people.”

The Serbian head of state demanded that theauthorities in Pristina release “innocent Serbs”taken into custody recently, and withdraw their special forces from the predominantly Serbian-populated areas of northern Kosovo. Vucic also urged Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti to recall the ethnic Albanian mayors, whom the local Serbian community claims were installed as a result of bogus elections in several municipalities.

Vucic also rejected a proposal made by top EU diplomat Josep Borrell to hold a meeting between him and Kurti. According to the Serbian head of state, his country has already made too many concessions, and he is not prepared to discuss any more.

He also took a swipe at Western powers, which, according to Vucic, have never really taken Serbia seriously and have been supporting the Kosovo government.

On Wednesday, the Serbian president accused Kosovo authorities oftrying to provoke a war, after the breakaway province closed the border to all Serbian vehicles and detained several prominent Serbs.

Kurti took the measures a day after Serbian security forces detained three Kosovo police officers. While Pristina insisted they had been abducted from Kosovo, Belgrade argued that the trio had crossed into Serbian territory.

TheEuropean Commission, too,warned Kosovo of “financial and political consequences” unless Kurti’s government made a meaningful effort to de-escalate the situation.

Violence flared up after Pristina held municipal elections in the north of the region, with the vast majority of the predominantly Serbian local population boycotting them.

Nevertheless, Kosovar authorities attempted to install the four ethnic Albanian mayors, who claimed victory in the vote, by force.

While Brussels initially recognized the controversial results, it then called for a fresh vote and the withdrawal of Kosovo riot police from the area.

(Rick Grennel & Lee Smith published an article with a detailed version of him working with Kosovo and Serbia and they were ready to sign s peace deal,but Jack Smith from the Hague got wind if it and destroyed the dealby arresting the head of Kosovo. Smith was tipped off by a State Dept employee. The same Jack Smith SP on Trump.)


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9ecc4c No.64829

File: 4325a6eb4ae1bd7⋯.mp4 (1.02 MB,270x480,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 706180164b60db8⋯.png (204.9 KB,670x914,335:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028716 (182058ZJUN23) Notable: Bill Copper clip on Multinational Corps

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Bill Copper clip on Multinational Corps

All the Multinational Corporations are participating in the brainwash for New World Order

They told William Bill Cooper that he wasting his time if he's trying to wake Sheeple 🐑 up

4:15 PM · Jun 18, 2023


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9ecc4c No.64830

File: c1be8a63474dca9⋯.jpeg (75.98 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028750 (182105ZJUN23) Notable: Ukraine’s top general ‘could be abroad’ - Putin

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18 Jun, 2023 14:52

Ukraine’s top general ‘could be abroad’ – Putin

The head of the Ukrainian armed forces has been out of the public eye since early May

The commander-in-chief of Kiev’s armed forces, General Valery Zaluzhny, whose whereabouts have been the subject of speculation in recent weeks, could be outside Ukraine, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has suggested.

On Sunday, the Rossiya 1 broadcaster published a clip of Putin speaking about the fate of Ukraine’s top general during his meeting with Russian military correspondents and bloggers at the Kremlin earlier this week.

"Where is he, Zalushny? I know. I think I know," the Russian president told the reporters. He advised them to ask Zalushny himself about this, but warned that "==one would need to switch to a foreign language to do so."

"I think he’s abroad," Putin clarified, but added that he "might be wrong" about it.

Speculation about Zaluzhny’s whereabouts emerged after he missed a high-profile NATO meeting on May 10. According to the chairman of the US bloc’s military committee, Rob Bauer, Kiev told Brussels that theUkrainian commander-in-chief could not attendin person or via video-linkdue to the "complex operational situation" in the conflict with Russia. (Obvious bullshit)

Last month, Russia’s RIA Novosti news agency reported, citing a security source,that Zaluzhny had been gravely woundedin a Russian missile strike near the city of Kherson in early May. Doctors expect the 49-year-old to survive, but he will no longer be able to conduct his duties as commander, the source claimed.

The Ukrainian Defense Ministryhas denied the reportas disinformation by Russia, saying that Zaluzhny remained at his workplace. However, since then, only one video of the commander-in-chief has appeared online, which couldn’t be independently verified. Earlier this month, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky also published a photo featuring Zaluzhny, which according to him, had been taken at an extraordinary meeting of Ukraine’s Security Council on June 6.

Last week, the BBC said that it had asked "Gen. Zaluzhny for an interview. He declined our request."

The Ukrainian commander, whom the Western media havebranded the ‘Iron General,’ had been among the most noticeable figures on the Ukrainian side throughout the conflict between Moscow and Kiev. He has given lengthy interviews to outlets such as The Economist and Time, which listed him among the 100 most influential people in the world in 2022.

There isalso uncertaintyabout thefate of Kirill Budanov, the head of the Ukrainian military’s Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR), who promised in an interview to "keep killing Russians anywhere on the face of the earth."He also claimed responsibility for supposedly assassinating "many" Russian public figures, but declined to provide any names.

Budanov hasn’t made any public appearances since late May, when, according to Putin, the headquarters of the GUR in Kiev were struck by Russian missiles.

(Col. MacGregor with Napolitano think the general is dead. But it seems he may have been transported to a foreign hospital according to the Russian insinuations. Kiev’s lies are pretty pathetic.)


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9ecc4c No.64831

File: 8df8ed5e7bb0a4d⋯.png (68.36 KB,1308x484,327:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028757 (182106ZJUN23) Notable: 'The Good Place' star comes out against gender-neutral award show categories

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'The Good Place' star comes out against

gender-neutral award show categories:

'Completely shut out women'

Fox News, by Hanna Panreck

Posted By: Moritz55, 6/18/2023 12:55:24 PM

Actress Jameela Jamil came out against gender-neutral award show categories on Saturday, arguing it would be better for non-binary people to have their own category in an Instagram post. "Would it not be better to give non-binary people their own category rather than open the door for Hollywood to completely shut out women given the known disproportionate amount of men vs women winning at award shows?" Jamil wrote on Instagram, in response to the Oscars "looking to get rid of gendered acting awards." Jamil said if there was enough non-binary talent to "restructure" award shows, then they should "add rather than run the accidental risk of erasing."

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9ecc4c No.64832

File: 6116b7f70723fee⋯.png (411.41 KB,600x365,120:73,Clipboard.png)

File: e42828713bd6ef6⋯.png (69.03 KB,567x453,189:151,Clipboard.png)

File: ffcf5d3bfe1e3f8⋯.png (213.37 KB,536x639,536:639,Clipboard.png)

File: 0aafcf2919aa29a⋯.png (125.99 KB,552x648,23:27,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028770 (182110ZJUN23) Notable: AMC Cancels Showings of Documentary Showcasing People Who Regret Sex Change Procedures After Transgender Activists Complain

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AMC Cancels Showings of Documentary Showcasing People Who Regret Sex Change Procedures After Transgender Activists Complain

AMC Theaters has caved to a transgender activist mob and canceled showings of a documentary that speaks to people who have detransitioned.

The film, NO WAY BACK: The Reality of Gender-Affirming Care, was scheduled to be released on June 21 in theaters across the US. It features the stories of five people who have detransitioned.

Unfortunately, the film caught the attention of an activist organization called Queer Trans Project, which set off to have it deplatformed by claiming that it is “anti-trans” and “perpetuates harmful misinformation.”

The organization had provided a form letter for supporters to mass email to AMC, saying “it is disheartening to see a respected institution like AMC Theaters provide a platform for content that further stigmatizes and marginalizes the transgender community.”

The letter continued, “this film’s screening goes against the values of inclusivity and respect that should be upheld by a company committed to providing diverse and meaningful entertainment. I implore you to reconsider this decision immediately and demonstrate your commitment to supporting a more inclusive and accepting society. Please remove the film from your lineup and help ensure that AMC Theaters remains a safe and inclusive space for all moviegoers.”


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9ecc4c No.64833

File: 2111cd7d558508e⋯.png (470.34 KB,602x612,301:306,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028771 (182111ZJUN23) Notable: Disney's 'Elemental' animated movie about xenophobia, featuring its first non-binary character, could be Pixar's worst-earning opening ever

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Box office bomb: Disney's 'Elemental' animated movie about xenophobia, featuring its first non-binary character, could be Pixar's worst-earning opening ever


Box office bomb: Disney's 'Elemental' animated movie about xenophobia, featuring its first non-bi...

The new animated movie "Elemental" is Disney’s first film with a non-binary character. However, the children's movie is flopping at the box office in its opening weekend, and could be the lowest-ea...

7:15 AM · Jun 18, 2023




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9ecc4c No.64834

File: e512f51877acb64⋯.png (766.87 KB,1442x936,721:468,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028789 (182116ZJUN23) Notable: PF reports

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Who this b landing at Peterson Space Force Base?


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9ecc4c No.64835

File: 90d6ecb1315c3a3⋯.png (153.61 KB,387x802,387:802,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028818 (182123ZJUN23) Notable: Kanekoa of vax mandates

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To mandate mRNA vaccines, the public was deceived by scientific and political "authorities" who falsely claimed that the vaccines would stop infection, block transmission, and effectively end the spread of COVID-19. This led to a decline in public trust in vaccines, as dissenting voices were suppressed through censorship, and established expectations were consistently shifted.

Global roundtable discussions should have been held and broadcasted, allowing renowned doctors like Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Peter Hotez, Dr. Robert Malone, and Dr. Peter McCullough to debate the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines for the world to hear.

Open dialogue and debate were crucial for scientific progress on various issues, such as lockdowns, treatment protocols, and school closures. Unfortunately, dissenting doctors' voices were silenced on social media, banned from television, and subjected to media ridicule.

Science thrives when established theories are critically analyzed and challenged, while authoritarianism and top-down control rely on suppressing scientific debate. The best way for the "authorities" to rebuild public trust is to embrace an open dialogue with dissenting perspectives.

However, if the ultimate goal is to establish authoritarianism and top-down control, then scientific and political "authorities" should continue on their current path without lamenting the loss of public trust.



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9ecc4c No.64836

File: 965bf9a66be6cf0⋯.jpg (724.51 KB,1012x771,1012:771,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0d9fc194df90438⋯.jpg (314.55 KB,1540x460,77:23,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028838 (182129ZJUN23) Notable: Schumann resonance news

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South Pole Webcam snapped a shot at the top of the hour seems, to align with the schumann resonance.





Eric Hecker describing Green Laser at South Pole base


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9ecc4c No.64837

File: e7a18c10e052e7d⋯.png (442.93 KB,602x811,602:811,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028851 (182131ZJUN23) Notable: “Mother Nature is a Lesbian” - Yosemite Park Pride Host

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Oli London


“Mother Nature is a Lesbian” - Yosemite Park Pride Host

🎥. @TPostMillennial


The Post Millennial

10:03 AM · Jun 18, 2023




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9ecc4c No.64838

File: 18d6a8e6670fac2⋯.jpeg (49.7 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028863 (182134ZJUN23) Notable: NATO chief doesn’t want ‘frozen conflict’ in Ukraine

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18 Jun, 2023 12:26

NATO chief doesn’t want ‘frozen conflict’ in Ukraine

Jens Stoltenberg described such a scenario as undesirable, warning against settling for a peace deal “dictated” by Russia

(Pretty obvious if they don’t want. Frozen conflict, nor for Russia’s requirement,NATO wants the war to continue indefinitely)

The ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia should not be paused at the current stage, but rather a just solution must be found, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has said. He also expressed confidence that Kiev would one day join the US-led military bloc, adding, however, that this was not an immediate priority.

In an interview with Germany’s Welt am Sonntag published on Sunday, Stoltenberg argued that,while “we all want this war to end,” only a “just” peace can endure. (NATO has not had so much activity in years, the love this war, there is no such thing as just peace!)

“Peace cannot mean freezing the conflict and accepting a deal that is dictated by Russia,” he asserted, adding that “only Ukraine can define the conditions that are acceptable.” (Meaning it will never end.)

Stoltenberg called for “credible” security guarantees for Kievonce the conflict is over, “so that Russia cannot rearm and attack again.”

Asked about the prospect of Ukraine joining NATO, Stoltenberg predicted that this would happen at some point in the future. However, he said the current priority is ensuring that “Ukraine prevails as a sovereign and independent state.”

He also revealed thatcurrent member states are planning to adopt an aid package for Kievduring the alliance’s upcoming summit in Vilnius next month. The goal is to help Ukraine bring its military in line with NATO standards over several years, he explained.

Last month, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told TASS news agency that Moscow was “in solidarity” with the West to the extent that the conflict in Ukraine cannot be frozen.

He said theonly option that Moscowis currently considering is “completing the special military operation,” which means securing Russia’s interests and achieving its goals.

Peskov alsoexpressed skepticism overthe possibility of peace talks between the two countries at this point.

“It is unlikely that we can talk about real negotiations with any of the representatives of the current Kiev authorities, because there [in Ukraine], any negotiations with the Russian Federation are simply prohibited now,” the Kremlin spokesperson explained.

In May, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said any peace talks could not aim to freeze the conflict in Ukraine.

Meanwhile, Politico,citing anonymous sources, reported that US President Joe Biden’s administration was considering putting the fighting on hold instead of pushing for Ukraine’s victory. Officials in Washington have reportedly envisaged a situation akin to that in existence between North and South Korea.

(MIC needs more death, no time to stop now!)


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9ecc4c No.64839

File: 290466956c31378⋯.png (11.79 KB,589x180,589:180,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028866 (182135ZJUN23) Notable: 6.6 magnitude earthquake hits Baja California, Mexico

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Insider Paper


BREAKING: A powerful 6.6 magnitude earthquake hits Baja California, Mexico

9:57 AM · Jun 18, 2023




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9ecc4c No.64840

File: e59d5f7f484c236⋯.png (443.52 KB,599x595,599:595,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028871 (182137ZJUN23) Notable: Sound of Freedom film looks to fill 2 million theater seats for the world’s 2 million trafficked children

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Washington Examiner


Sound of Freedom film looks to fill 2 million theater seats for the world’s 2 million trafficked children



Sound of Freedom film looks to fill 2 million theater seats for the world’s 2 million trafficked...

Sound of Freedom filmmakers are hoping to sell at least 2 million tickets for its theatrical premiere in order to bring awareness to the 2 million trafficked children across the world.

10:34 AM · Jun 18, 2023




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9ecc4c No.64841

File: d9c7282a26850ca⋯.png (228.08 KB,1208x904,151:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028879 (182138ZJUN23) Notable: 6.6 magnitude earthquake hits Baja California, Mexico

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notable 6.6 EQ

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9ecc4c No.64842

File: 6e01ece2285c2e1⋯.jpg (77.11 KB,720x353,720:353,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028885 (182141ZJUN23) Notable: Fewer Americans see same-sex relations as morally acceptable: poll

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Fewer Americans see same-sex relations as morally acceptable: poll


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9ecc4c No.64843

File: 2a45c855f4a5369⋯.png (249.58 KB,483x297,161:99,Clipboard.png)

File: dda7d622dc64755⋯.png (1.25 MB,1298x637,1298:637,Clipboard.png)

File: 85a4cdcff8ad90f⋯.png (852.47 KB,885x714,295:238,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028888 (182142ZJUN23) Notable: 6.6 magnitude earthquake hits Baja California, Mexico

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23.256°N 108.697°W

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9ecc4c No.64844

File: 1199643a533297a⋯.jpeg (50.64 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028908 (182145ZJUN23) Notable: EU promises to speed up weapons deliveries to Ukraine

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18 Jun, 2023 21:33

EU promises to speed up weapons deliveries to Ukraine

The bloc expects the conflict to last “several months” more or even longer, its industry chief says

The European Union will speed up deliveries of weaponry and ammunition to Ukraine amid the ongoing conflict with Russia, EU Internal Markets Commissioner Thierry Breton has said.

Speaking to French daily Le Parisien on Saturday, the EU industry boss said the blocmust ramp up its productionto live up to its pledge to supply amillion high-caliber munitionsover the next 12 months.

“We are going to step up our efforts to deliver arms and ammunition – this is a war of high intensity in which they play a crucial role,”Breton stated.

Askedwhether future military aid to Ukrainedepends on the successof the ongoing counteroffensive effort against Russia, the official insistedEU support is not conditionaland will be provided to prop up Kiev for as long as necessary. (So they basically don’t care if Kiev fails, they loses 100s of 1000s of more men, billions in armaments are destroyed, the country is destroyed, as long as we can prop them up.)

“Our support is not conditional. What is imperative is forUkraine to recover its freedom and its territory. We are determined to provide it with all the support it needs,” he stressed. (If they lose the war they will get none of this. NWO at its best evil ever.)

Ukraine launched its long-heralded counteroffensive against Russia early this month, with fighting greatly intensifying along the frontlines. Thus far, however,Kiev has failed to achieve any meaningful resultswith its attack, suffering heavy losses in the process.

According to the Russian military, Ukrainian forces have lost over 7,500 soldiers, killed or injured amid the counteroffensive push.

The country’s forces also suffered heavy losses of Western-supplied equipment, with multiple German-made Leopard 2 tanks and US-made Bradley infantry fighting vehicles destroyed in recent weeks. According to the latest figures voiced by Russian President Vladimir Putin, Ukraine lost nearly 200 tanks and more than 400 other armored vehicles during the counteroffensive.

(These people are literally insane!Do they remember what Russia sacrificed to win WWII?)


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9ecc4c No.64845

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028936 (182151ZJUN23) Notable: #23365

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#23365 >>64797

>>64798, >>64800, >>64805, >>64808, >>64812, >>64834 PF reports

>>64799 People 'Up To Date' With COVID-19 Vaccines More Likely To Be Infected: Surprise surprise

>>64801 'Double-Talking' Vaccine Scientist Refuses To Debate RFK Jr. Despite $1.5 Million Charity Pot

>>64802 Donald J. Trump: HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!!!

>>64803 Gen Flynn on Fathers Day

>>64804 Jon Voight: Believe

>>64806 Bill Gates-Funded Covid Vaccine Approved for Public Use by UK Regulatory Agency

>>64807 Senate Democrats Introduce Bill to Spend $25 Million to Train More Abortionists


>>64810 Obama Appointed Judge Rules ‘THERE ARE ONLY TWO GENDERS’ T-Shirt is Not a “Protected Speech”

>>64813 Family Groups And LGBT Activist Uniting Against Bill That Could Make Pedophiles A Protected Class

>>64814 New Docs Reveal DHS Plot to Assign Social Credit-Like Scores to Americans

>>64811 Democratic Congresswoman @StaceyPlaskett says @realDonaldTrump “needs to be shot

>>64815 FDA Directs Pfizer, Moderna, Novavax to Update COVID-19 Vaccines to Target Current Dominant Variant

>>64816 House Intel Chief re Upcoming John Durham Testimony

>>64817 Top Army official blames anti-woke rhetoric of right for severe recruiting crisis

>>64818 Top Canadian politician apologizes to unvaccinated, “we were wrong…” she makes unprecedented promise…

>>64819 Iran’s Future Is in Democracy

>>64820 MUST-SEE VIDEO: Brian Kennedy Breaks Down the Post-Constitutional Crisis Facing America Today

>>64821 Kiev's forces have lost over 1,000 soldiers and 20 tanks in a single day across the frontlines, the Russian Defense Ministry claims

>>64823 Kremlin promises punishment for threats to kill Russians

>>64824 Chelsea sale money hasn’t been given to Ukraine

>>64825 Kash on DJT: “Someone’s gotta take the missiles, someone’s gotta take the grenades, & he’s taken them for all of us…

>>64826 🔴 ACLU Ignites Firestorm After Saying Pedophile, Murderer Executed in Florida Wasn't Provided 'Gender-Affirming Care'

>>64827 Brainwashed Parent Celebrates Helping His Son Get Chemically Castrated In Disturbing TikTok Video

>>64828 Kosovo situation most difficult in 24 years &ndash; Vucic

>>64829 Bill Copper clip on Multinational Corps

>>64830 Ukraine’s top general ‘could be abroad’ &ndash; Putin

>>64831 'The Good Place' star comes out against gender-neutral award show categories

>>64832 AMC Cancels Showings of Documentary Showcasing People Who Regret Sex Change Procedures After Transgender Activists Complain

>>64833 Disney's 'Elemental' animated movie about xenophobia, featuring its first non-binary character, could be Pixar's worst-earning opening ever

>>64835 Kanekoa of vax mandates

>>64837 “Mother Nature is a Lesbian” - Yosemite Park Pride Host

>>64838 NATO chief doesn’t want ‘frozen conflict’ in Ukraine

>>64839, >>64841, >>64843 6.6 magnitude earthquake hits Baja California, Mexico

>>64840 Sound of Freedom film looks to fill 2 million theater seats for the world’s 2 million trafficked children

>>64842 Fewer Americans see same-sex relations as morally acceptable: poll

>>64836, >>64822 Schumann resonance news

>>64844 EU promises to speed up weapons deliveries to Ukraine



baking seeking handoff at the top

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9ecc4c No.64846

File: 436e48893256610⋯.png (153.68 KB,456x234,76:39,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028951 (182152ZJUN23) Notable: #23366

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baker seeking handy, ghosting in 20

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9ecc4c No.64847

File: 27d5c456999846b⋯.png (59.87 KB,673x383,673:383,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028982 (182158ZJUN23) Notable: ECW rt: Just wait until the tin foil loons find out there are military vehicles and troops currently in every major American city.

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Ezra A. Cohen Retweeted

Just wait until the tin foil loons find out there are military vehicles and troops currently in every major American city.

You can sign up here 👇🏼



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9ecc4c No.64848

File: 64808adb1987b98⋯.jpeg (201.98 KB,1125x812,1125:812,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028992 (182201ZJUN23) Notable: Tim Scott: Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9ecc4c No.64849

File: d6cb3607c048b29⋯.png (78.21 KB,695x461,695:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19028998 (182203ZJUN23) Notable: Microsoft Says Early June Disruptions to Outlook, Cloud Platform Were Cyberattacks

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Microsoft Says Early June Disruptions to Outlook, Cloud Platform Were Cyberattacks

In early June, sporadic but serious service disruptions plagued Microsoft’s flagship office suite—including the Outlook email and OneDrive file-sharing apps—and cloud computing platform. A shadowy hacktivist group claimed responsibility, saying it flooded the sites with junk traffic in distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks.

Initially reticent to name the cause, Microsoft has now disclosed that DDoS attacks by the murky upstart were indeed to blame.

But the software giant has offered few details—and did not immediately comment on how many customers were affected and whether the impact was global. A spokeswoman confirmed that the group that calls itself Anonymous Sudan was behind the attacks. It claimed responsibility on its Telegram social media channel at the time. Some security researchers believe the group to be Russian.

Microsoft’s explanation in a blog post Friday evening followed a request by The Associated Press two days earlier. Slim on details, the post said the attacks “temporarily impacted availability” of some services. It said the attackers were focused on “disruption and publicity” and likely used rented cloud infrastructure and virtual private networks to bombard Microsoft servers from so-called botnets of zombie computers around the globe.

Microsoft said there was no evidence any customer data was accessed or compromised.

While DDoS attacks are mainly a nuisance—making websites unreachable without penetrating them—security experts say they can disrupt the work of millions if they successfully interrupt the services of a software service giant like Microsoft on which so much global commerce depends.

It’s not clear if that’s what happened here.

“We really have no way to measure the impact if Microsoft doesn’t provide that info,” said Jake Williams, a prominent cybersecurity researcher and a former National Security Agency offensive hacker. Williams said he was not aware of Outlook previously being attacked at this scale.

“We know some resources were inaccessible for some, but not others. This often happens with DDoS of globally distributed systems,” Williams added. He said Microsoft’s apparent unwillingness to provide an objective measure of customer impact “probably speaks to the magnitude.”

Microsoft dubbed the attackers Storm-1359, using a designator it assigns to groups whose affiliation it has not yet established. Cybersecurity sleuthing tends to take time—and even then can be a challenge if the adversary is skilled.

Pro-Russian hacking groups including Killnet—which the cybersecurity firm Mandiant says is Kremlin-affiliated—have been bombarding government and other websites of Ukraine’s allies with DDoS attacks. In October, some U.S. airport sites were hit.

Edward Amoroso, NYU professor and CEO of TAG Cyber, said the Microsoft incident highlights how DDoS attacks remain “a significant risk that we all just agree to avoid talking about. It’s not controversial to call this an unsolved problem.”

He said Microsoft’s difficulties fending of this particular attack suggest “a single point of failure.” The best defense against these attacks is to distribute a service massively, on a content distribution network for example.

Indeed, the techniques the attackers used are not old, said UK security researcher Kevin Beaumont. “One dates back to 2009,” he said.


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9ecc4c No.64850

File: d90d6b5a932e3c2⋯.mp4 (5.55 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19029006 (182205ZJUN23) Notable: ICYMI: Rep. Stacey Plaskett (D-Virgin Islands) accidentally says Trump "needs to be shot— stopped."

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Rep. Stacey Plaskett (D-Virgin Islands) accidentally says Trump "needs to be shot— stopped."



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9ecc4c No.64851

File: e52317561ba3027⋯.png (442.53 KB,572x814,26:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19029011 (182206ZJUN23) Notable: Boxing Star Ebanie Bridges Speaks Out Against Allowing Transgender Biological Men to Fight Women — ‘It’s My Life at Risk’

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Boxing Star Ebanie Bridges Speaks Out Against Allowing Transgender Biological Men to Fight Women — ‘It’s My Life at Risk’

Australian boxing superstar Ebanie Bridges is speaking out against allowing biological men to fight against women in the sport.

The current IBF bantamweight world champion took to Twitter to express her concerns about allowing biological men into the ring, saying she would take the backlash as “it’s my life at risk.”

“I have nothing against transgender at all, be what makes you happy BUT the REALITY IS a natural born woman and a trans woman ARE NOT THE SAME,” Bridges wrote, quote tweeting a video of a discussion about allowing transgender biological men to box against women.

“Trans shouldn’t not be ‘included’ in sport so give them their own divisions,” the boxer continued. “I Will never agree to male born trans women competing In combat sports against woman… and if I get hated on for my opinion idc cos it’s my life at risk.”

The Australian Sports Commission told sports governing bodies last week that they must remain committed to “promote a spirit of inclusion.”

Kieren Perkins, the CEO of the Australian Sports Commission, told ABC News that “in modern society […] there is a need for us to provide far more diverse and safe opportunities for people to compete and be involved in sport.”

“Community sport is one area where obviously inclusion is unquestioned and absolutely needs to be open and safe for all,” Perkins continued. “But when you start moving into high performance sport, it does require a more nuanced conversation.”

In February, the World Boxing Council announced that they are considering separate categories for transgender boxers — which activists have called “dehumanizing” and “segregation.”


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9ecc4c No.64852

File: 426f1c16f061d98⋯.png (95.48 KB,1087x293,1087:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19029082 (182225ZJUN23) Notable: 6.0 EQ South Africa

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6.0 EQ South Africa

48.619°S 31.124°E

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9ecc4c No.64853

File: 18dfaeedefe8275⋯.png (377.84 KB,622x628,311:314,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19029145 (182237ZJUN23) Notable: Roseanne Calls Out Hollywood As A Bunch Of CIA Pimps & Hoes | Predictive Programming & Parrots

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Red Voice Media


Roseanne Calls Out Hollywood As A Bunch Of CIA Pimps & Hoes | Predictive Programming & Parrots





Roseanne Calls Out Hollywood As A Bunch Of CIA Pimps & Hoes | Predictive Programming & Parrots

Watch Booze & Banter and other Drew Berquist Premium Content at https://RedVoiceMedia.com/BB Not a member? Try for just $1 and SIGN UP at https://RedVoiceMedia.com/DrewCrew RUMBLE: See the full LIVE s

11:29 AM · Jun 18, 2023




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9ecc4c No.64854

File: 173bd2a709140ba⋯.mp4 (9.73 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19029155 (182238ZJUN23) Notable: President@realDonaldTrump's Video Response To Tucker Carlson's Twitter Show About Trump's Indictment“

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The Columbia Bugle 🇺🇸

Must Watch:President@realDonaldTrump's Video Response To Tucker Carlson's Twitter Show About Trump's Indictment“Tucker Carlson, a very good guy, is exactly right. The number one reason the totally corrupt Biden Administration and the sick Washington Establishment are after me…


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9ecc4c No.64855

File: fe46f9bf944bd6a⋯.png (2.33 MB,1133x6309,1133:6309,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19029203 (182250ZJUN23) Notable: National Panic Day

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National Panic Day


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9ecc4c No.64856

File: 43869554a41775a⋯.jpeg (49.78 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19029212 (182252ZJUN23) Notable: Members of the House Appropriations Committee are reportedly demanding over $2.5 billion in cuts to a missile procurement program

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18 Jun, 2023 09:16

US lawmakers oppose Pentagon military spending plans – Politico

Members of the House Appropriations Committee are reportedly demanding over $2.5 billion in cuts to a missile procurement program

The Pentagon’s ambitious plan to increase missile production could end up having its wings clipped due to Republican opposition, Politico has reported. GOP representatives on the House Appropriations Committee are understood to have demanded significant cuts to the program.

Citing a draft committee report, the media outlet claimed on Saturday that members were insisting on spending reductions of over $2.5 billion in the area of missile procurement.

They argued that thePentagon had failed to prove that buying projectiles at a higher volume would necessarily result in lower prices, Politico reported. The panel decided to redirect the funds to other areas, such as military training, maintenance, and research and development.

“The committee is particularly concerned [that] theDepartment [of Defense] cannot provide realistic cost estimatesand has proceeded with these multi-year procurement requests without a firm understanding of each program’s unit cost and production capacity,” the representatives allegedly wrote in their report.

The original plan for multi-year purchases of munitions was part of President Joe Biden’s push to ramp up defense spending as the country continues to provide billions of dollars worth of military supplies to Ukraine. Another major factor, the article said, was growing fears of a future conflict with China.

The cuts proposed by Republican committee members have reportedly come under fire from their Democratic counterparts. Politico predicted that a fight between the two parties would likely ensue in the House and Senate when the report is published next week.

Meanwhile, Bloomberg claimed last week that the latest defense aid package pledged by Washington to Kiev could face lengthy delays== in its implementation, as the weapons would first have to be contracted and produced.

Since Russia launched its military campaign against the neighboring country last February, the US has been by far the most generous donor of weapons to Ukraine.

Moscow has consistently condemned Western arms shipments to Kiev, insisting that they only serve to prolong the conflict and risk escalation.

(This is why the Pentagon can never audit themselves or others audit them)


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9ecc4c No.64857

File: 2386e6e96cfeb78⋯.png (252.18 KB,602x662,301:331,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19029282 (182304ZJUN23) Notable: U.S. Naval Institute Archive Photo of the Week

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U.S. Naval Institute Archive Photo of the Week: Navy personnel from Naval Air Station Green Cove Springs and their friends on the beach in St. Augustine, Florida. Circa 1943.


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9ecc4c No.64858

File: bac76e0c8a982a0⋯.png (7.23 KB,549x83,549:83,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19029293 (182307ZJUN23) Notable: The Posse Comitatus Act

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The Posse Comitatus Act is a United States federal law (18 U.S.C. § 1385, original at 20 Stat. 152) signed on June 18, 1878, by President Rutherford B. Hayes which limits the powers of the federal government in the use of federal military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the United States. Congress passed the Act as an amendment to an army appropriation bill following the end of Reconstruction and updated it in 1956, 1981 and 2021.

The Act originally applied only to the United States Army, but a subsequent amendment in 1956 expanded its scope to the United States Air Force. In 2021, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022 further expanded the scope of the Act to cover the United States Navy, Marine Corps, and Space Force. The Act does not prevent the Army National Guard or the Air National Guard under state authority from acting in a law enforcement capacity within its home state or in an adjacent state if invited by that state's governor. The United States Coast Guard (under the Department of Homeland Security) is not covered by the Act either, primarily because although it is a armed service, it also has a maritime law enforcement mission.

The title of the Act comes from the legal concept of posse comitatus, the authority under which a county sheriff, or another law officer, can conscript any able-bodied person to assist in keeping the peace.

There are several situations in which the Act does not apply. These include:

National Guard units, state defense forces, and naval militias[19] while under the authority of the governor of a state. However, when the National Guard is under federal control via 10 U.S.C. § 12406, that shifts control from the state governor to the President, making Guard operations subject to the Posse Comitatus Act as well.

Federal troops used in accordance to the Insurrection Act, which has been invoked 23 times, as of 1992.

Under 18 U.S.C. § 831, the Attorney General may request that the Secretary of Defense provide emergency assistance if domestic law enforcement is inadequate to address specific types of threats involving the release of nuclear materials, such as potential use of a nuclear or radiological weapon. Such assistance may be by any personnel under the authority of the Department of Defense, provided such assistance does not adversely affect U.S. military preparedness. The only exemption is the deployment of nuclear materials on the part of the United States Armed Forces.

Provide surveillance, intelligence gathering, observation, and equipment for domestic law enforcement on operations such as drug interdiction and counter-terrorism missions. For example, Delta Force soldiers from Fort Bragg were deployed upon request by the Federal Bureau of Investigation to serve as sniper/observer teams, run communications, provide medical support, gather intelligence, and conduct assistance in explosive breaching during the 1987 Atlanta prison riots.[20]

Federal troops have a long history of domestic roles, including occupying secessionist Southern states during Reconstruction and putting down major urban riots. The Posse Comitatus Act prohibits using active duty personnel to "execute the laws"; however, there is disagreement over whether this language may apply to troops used in an advisory, support, disaster response, or other homeland defense role, as opposed to domestic law enforcement.[1]

On March 10, 2009, members of the U.S. Army Military Police Corps from Fort Rucker were deployed to Samson, Alabama, in response to a shooting spree. Samson officials confirmed that the soldiers assisted in traffic control and securing the crime scene. The governor of Alabama did not request military assistance, nor did President Barack Obama authorize their deployment. Subsequent investigation found that the Posse Comitatus Act was violated and several military members received "administrative actions".[22][23]


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9ecc4c No.64859

File: f613358e9e8d47a⋯.png (573 KB,1198x699,1198:699,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19029388 (182329ZJUN23) Notable: @/USArmy Today is your day, military dads!

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Today is your day, military dads!

We're incredibly grateful to all fathers who've served in the #USArmy. Meet Major General Joseph B. Burger III, Deputy Judge Advocate General, and his dad, Retired Colonel Joseph B. Burger II.



Only 1 drop @ 16:33

#4877 @ Oct 15 2020 16:33:19 (EST)

(Tucker Carlson Twat about exposing moar corruption)

Next Tucker show going to be moar dasting?

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9ecc4c No.64860

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19029392 (182329ZJUN23) Notable: The Posse Comitatus Act

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The Posse Comitatus Act and Related Matters

A Sketch

Congressional Research Service Report for Congress

The Posse Comitatus Act does not apply where Congress has expressly authorized use of the military to execute the law. Congress has done so in three ways, by giving a branch of the armed forces civilian law enforcement authority, by establishing general rules for certain types of assistance, and by addressing individual cases and circumstances with more narrowly crafted legislation. Thus it has vested the Coast Guard, a branch of the armed forces, with broad law enforcement responsibilities.

Second, over the years it has passed a fairly extensive array of particularized statutes, like those permitting the President to call out the armed forces in times of insurrection and domestic violence, 10 U.S.C. §§ 331-335.

Finally, it has enacted general legislation authorizing the armed forces to share information and equipment with civilian law enforcement agencies, 10 U.S.C. §§ 371-382.

The legislation contains both explicit grants of authority and restrictions on the use of that authority for military assistance to the police - federal, state and local - particularly in the form of information and equipment, 10 U.S.C. §§ 371-382. Section 371 specifically authorizes the armed forces to share information acquired during military operations and in fact encourages the armed forces to plan their activities with an eye to the production of incidental civilian benefits. The section allows the use of military undercover agents and the collection of intelligence concerning civilian activities only where there is a nexus to an underlying military purpose. Under sections 372 through 374, military equipment and facilities may be made available to civilian authorities; members of the armed forces may train civilian police on the operation and maintenance of equipment and may provide them with expert advice; and military personnel may be employed to maintain and operate the equipment supplied.

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9ecc4c No.64861

File: e5237e8ca77f433⋯.jpg (158.53 KB,720x981,80:109,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 11d52edc836011d⋯.jpg (281.75 KB,2036x1272,509:318,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19029425 (182334ZJUN23) Notable: The Dodgers suffer their worst home loss in 125 YEARS a day after hosting anti-catholic hate group "Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence."

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The Dodgers suffer their worst home loss in 125 YEARS a day after hosting anti-catholic hate group "Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence."

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9ecc4c No.64862

File: 494632e6a400c0f⋯.png (1.27 MB,1170x898,585:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19029426 (182334ZJUN23) Notable: Taliban & China Discuss Banking Cooperation

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this pic reminds me of the famous north korea pic w/ bill clinton. looks like water in the b/g

Taliban & China Discuss Banking Cooperation


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9ecc4c No.64863

File: 035ff82e2b06361⋯.png (212.65 KB,810x740,81:74,Clipboard.png)

File: 284bcd8676677ce⋯.gif (577.97 KB,245x180,49:36,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19029489 (182349ZJUN23) Notable: PF CHUNK88 Redirecting around Redbird Canyon, out of Ephrata Municipal?

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Redirecting around Redbird Canyon, out of Ephrata Municipal?


Squawking 1676

shuffle, they must


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9ecc4c No.64864

File: 831c21773210472⋯.png (311.02 KB,1153x474,1153:474,Clipboard.png)

File: 4da52f1736b1ab4⋯.png (301.85 KB,482x483,482:483,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19029525 (182354ZJUN23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS update-Belgians bailed DC, Nightwatch arrived at Peterson from Elmendorf (most likely), GRZLY39 went to Cheyenne

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PlaneFag CONUS update-Belgians bailed DC, Nightwatch arrived at Peterson from Elmendorf (most likely), GRZLY39 went to Cheyenne

Belgian AF BAF88 Falcon 7x departed JBA after arriving on 0616 from Toronto Int'l (stop of just over 1h and inbound from Brussels Int'l

SPAR14 C-40C arrived at JBA from it's Stockholm int'l depart earlier today-will probably leave soon and return to Scott AFB, IL >>64770 pb

GRZLY39 USMC C-560 arrived at Cheyenne Regional Airport from it's San Luis Obispo Regional Airport stop of about 70m >>>/qresearch/19028399 lb

VANDL99 E-4B Nightwatch arrived at Peterson SFB (it froze over BC on Friday-prolly went to Elmendorf) and left prior to Blinken who departed late of Friday on SAM200 (who is now at Beijing) >>64621, >>64640 pb

AE67b8 P-8 Poseidon done off SoCal (this got a tank of fuel from DUNE13 earlier today on it's way south >>64763 pb

Boeing Test flight of KC-45 Pegasus (various problems with refueling -no window and black and white vid screen to name a few) out over eastern Washington and back to Everett, WA

11-3075 USAFSOC 'Special Ops' C-146 Wolfhound left Memphis Int'l after a ground stop and is now arriving at a very rainy St. Louis Downtown Airport after a brief holding period to the SW-this left NAS Oceana earlier today and stopped at Tyson-McGhee Airport (SW of Knoxville) for about 45m >>64783 pb

NICE21 KC-46A Pegasus left it's mobile refueling duty over ghey beach (no visible replacement) and went back to Portsmouth N.H (Pease ANGB)

The SHADYs 00 and 06 MC-12W Libertys both went to Ft. Stewart from Nashville departure earlier

RAF RRR4031 A400m arrived at Halifax from it's Calgary Int'l depart and RCH335 (shows as 85-008 C5 Galaxy inbound from Ramstein AFB depart earlier today

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9ecc4c No.64865

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19029682 (190020ZJUN23) Notable: #23366

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#23366 >>64846

>>64847 ECW rt: Just wait until the tin foil loons find out there are military vehicles and troops currently in every major American city.

>>64848 Tim Scott: Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12

>>64849 Microsoft Says Early June Disruptions to Outlook, Cloud Platform Were Cyberattacks

>>64850 ICYMI: Rep. Stacey Plaskett (D-Virgin Islands) accidentally says Trump "needs to be shot&mdash; stopped."

>>64851 Boxing Star Ebanie Bridges Speaks Out Against Allowing Transgender Biological Men to Fight Women &mdash; ‘It’s My Life at Risk’

>>64852 6.0 EQ South Africa

>>64853 Roseanne Calls Out Hollywood As A Bunch Of CIA Pimps & Hoes | Predictive Programming & Parrots

>>64854 President@realDonaldTrump's Video Response To Tucker Carlson's Twitter Show About Trump's Indictment“

>>64855 National Panic Day

>>64856 Members of the House Appropriations Committee are reportedly demanding over $2.5 billion in cuts to a missile procurement program

>>64857 U.S. Naval Institute Archive Photo of the Week

>>64858, >>64860 The Posse Comitatus Act

>>64859 @/USArmy Today is your day, military dads!

>>64861 The Dodgers suffer their worst home loss in 125 YEARS a day after hosting anti-catholic hate group "Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence."

>>64862 Taliban & China Discuss Banking Cooperation

>>64863 PF CHUNK88 Redirecting around Redbird Canyon, out of Ephrata Municipal?

>>64864 PlaneFag CONUS update-Belgians bailed DC, Nightwatch arrived at Peterson from Elmendorf (most likely), GRZLY39 went to Cheyenne


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9ecc4c No.64866

File: c8f54bd5ea01d32⋯.jpg (5.71 KB,255x197,255:197,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e8a645e623aeb05⋯.png (665.09 KB,800x733,800:733,Clipboard.png)

File: 42b581b47f9b27e⋯.jpg (91.82 KB,1200x627,400:209,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0610b13720c2d79⋯.png (630.37 KB,1200x696,50:29,Clipboard.png)

File: 7b1be094d4cec0b⋯.jpeg (489.23 KB,828x579,276:193,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19029697 (190022ZJUN23) Notable: #23367

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Baker can continue or defer

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9ecc4c No.64867

File: c195afee72a5d29⋯.png (431.07 KB,594x567,22:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19029743 (190032ZJUN23) Notable: FDA Alert: Frozen Strawberries Recalled Across US After Hepatitis Reports/costco

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FDA Alert: Frozen Strawberries Recalled Across US After Hepatitis Reports


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9ecc4c No.64868

File: a369a8c940f74b3⋯.png (298.77 KB,497x938,71:134,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19029755 (190036ZJUN23) Notable: CNN gets "community note"

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Black dads are more likely to play, dress and share a meal with their child, data shows

As he was growing up, Jeremy Givens says the narrative he heard around Black fathers was different than the one he lived.

In movies, television and generalized conversation, they were portrayed as absent, not engaged and overall, not very good fathers, he said.

“In my own experiences — not just with my father but with my uncles and my colleagues and my grandfathers — it was something that was polar opposite, something that was wonderful, that was inspiring, that was nourishing,” Givens said.

Now a father himself, Givens is president and executive director of the Black American Dad Foundation, an organization aiming to counter biased perceptions of Black fathers with firsthand accounts.

Father’s Day this year falls a day before Juneteenth, which commemorates the end of slavery in the United States, and fathers and mental health experts told CNN they are sharing the importance of fatherhood and their experience with and as Black dads.

Fathers are important for helping their children see all they can be, said Dr. Jennifer Noble, a licensed psychologist based in Los Angeles.

Seeing both moms and dads changing a diaper, nurturing a child and engaging in play helps boys and girls relate to both of their parents, she said. ...


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9ecc4c No.64869

File: 46e2ba9d9795c30⋯.png (4.22 MB,1901x3220,1901:3220,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19029758 (190036ZJUN23) Notable: CNN gets "community note"

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CNN gets "community note"


Black fathers are often portrayed as absent or distant, but that isn’t what most people experience, according to both data and Black dads themselves. Such biased portrayals are often based on who is telling the story.


Readers added context they thought people might want to know

Percentage of children living absent their biological fathers:

Black children: 64%

Hispanic children: 42%

White children: 24%

Asian children: 16%

7:00 AM · Jun 18, 2023·2.4M Views


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9ecc4c No.64870

File: 7748fa47a9ac764⋯.png (489.2 KB,886x391,886:391,Clipboard.png)

File: 28b10285d24cce9⋯.png (618.88 KB,753x681,251:227,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19029782 (190041ZJUN23) Notable: PF NICE22 KC-46 Pegasus is now visible over Potato/a at ghey beach as the mobile filling station

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>>64864 lb

NICE22 KC-46 Pegasus is now visible over Potato/a at ghey beach as the mobile filling station

Trace appeared as it gained altitude just EN of DC it is also from Pease ANGB (Portsmouth Int'l)

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9ecc4c No.64871

File: d53727a3ac877f8⋯.png (223.29 KB,596x588,149:147,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19029834 (190050ZJUN23) Notable: Wing Of United Flight Collides With Delta Plane Tail At Boston Airport ; FAA Investigating

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WATCH: Wing Of United Flight Collides With Delta Plane Tail At Boston Airport ; FAA Investigating


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9ecc4c No.64872

File: 09c77e433d3ed0b⋯.png (435.67 KB,500x537,500:537,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19029870 (190057ZJUN23) Notable: White House Fact: Inspiration for the Rose Garden came from President Kennedy in 1961.

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17:00 & 19:61 = 17

The White House


White House Fact: Inspiration for the Rose Garden came from President Kennedy in 1961.

Upon returning from a trip to Europe, he noted that the White House had no garden equal in quality to those in Europe. He recognized the importance of gardens around an official residence.

5:00 PM · Jun 18, 2023


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9ecc4c No.64873

File: ecc4ac7f8bc30a7⋯.jpeg (53.43 KB,640x363,640:363,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 9c71576c7295d87⋯.jpeg (50.64 KB,640x362,320:181,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19029872 (190057ZJUN23) Notable: Hunter Biden Sits For Deposition In Child Support Case, As Mom Of His Fourth Child Demands He Turn Over Financial Information

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Hunter Biden Sits For Deposition In Child Support Case, As Mom Of His Fourth Child Demands He Turn Over Financial Information

Heather Allen. June 16, 2023

Lunden Roberts hasrefused to budge on the $20,000 per monthshe receives from Hunter in child support until he releases his financial records. Their child, Navy Joan Roberts, is four-years-old and was reportedly conceived while Hunter was in a relationship with his brother Beau’s widow.

Hunter, a lead figure in the Biden Crime Family, owns a multi-million dollar home in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in California. The home where Hunter and his wife, Mellisa Cohen, are raising their toddler son is located in Hollywood Hills, which shares the same zip code with several top Hollywood celebrities.Neither he nor Joe and Jill Biden have ever met his little girl.

Hunter traveled to downtown Little Rock, Arkansas, Friday to sit for his videotaped deposition. But 32-year-oldRoberts surprised the first son by attending. Hunter was surrounded by secret service and arrived in a five-car motorcade, according to the Daily Mail. Hunter has constantly failed to turn over his financial records, leading Roberts to petition the circuit court judge to hold Hunter in contempt. Judge Holly Meyer has not ruled on contempt charges, butfailing to turn over his records could cost Hunter jail timeif he refuses to come clean about his finances.

Hunter is also facing congressional and federal investigations into his finances. His lawyerAbbe Lowe has attempted to keep Hunter from having to present evidencewhen the child-support case goes to court in Mid-July but has beenunsuccessful.

While some have claimed Roberts worked as a stripper, she actually worked at Rosemont Seneca for Hunter, according to information retrieved from Hunter’s laptop.

Roberts has refused to take less in child support while forcing Hunter to come clean about his business deals.She has requested discoveryinto his global business deals in countries like China and Ukraine and also into the amounts paid for his amateur paintings. She hasalso upped the anteby requesting that Navy’s last name be changed to Biden so the child will “benefit from carrying the Biden Family name.”


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9ecc4c No.64874

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19029878 (190058ZJUN23) Notable: Rand Paul: Bill Gates is Largest funder of trying to find these Viruses in Remote Caves and Bring them to Big Cities

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Rand Paul: Bill Gates is Largest funder of trying to find these Viruses in Remote Caves and Bring them to Big Cities

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) was on with Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures earlier today.

Senator Paul went off on Bill Gates and his controversial funding of bat coronavirus.

Senator Rand Paul: Bill Gates has been over there recently. Bill Gates is the largest funder of trying to find these viruses in remote caves and bring them to big cities. So what happened in China is they went eight to 10 hours south of Wuhan, two to 300ft deep into a cave, found viruses, and took them back to a city of 15 million. There are many, many scientists who think that Bill Gates is wrong in funding this.

Bill Gates and Tony Fauci sure caused a lot of suffering and death with their pet experiments!


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9ecc4c No.64875

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19029890 (190100ZJUN23) Notable: Watch Out Schiffty, round 2 has been loaded

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After Barely Dodging Censure, Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff Faces More Problems

Jack Davis

By Jack Davis June 17, 2023 at 8:18am

Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff of California barely had time to celebrate escaping censure from the House when a complaint against him from a think tank was filed calling for punishment that seeks his possible removal from the House.

On Wednesday, with 20 Republicans joining House Democrats, a measure to censure and fine Schiff was voted down.

The resolution was brought by Florida Republican Rep. Anna Paulina Luna, who said Thursday she has reached an agreement with the 20 Republicans on a revised censure resolution she believes can pass the House as early as next week.

The new attempt at censure is for Schiff making “false accusations that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia,” a draft of the resolution reads, according to Fox News.

On Thursday, meanwhile, in a letter to the Office of Congressional Ethics, theCenter for Renewing America— a conservative think tank — called for Schiff to be investigated and punished with “appropriate disciplinary and remedial action—up to and including expulsion.”

“The Clinton campaign’s fabricated collusion narrative has had no greater champion than Schiff, whose dedication to perpetuating the Russia Hoax without regard for the truth repeatedly violated the requirement, in clause 1 of House Rule XXIII, that ‘[a] Member … of the House shall behave at all times in a manner that shall reflect creditably on the House,’” the letter said.

The letter noted that Schiff read into the congressional record parts of the discredited Steele Dossier and also insisted he had seen substantive evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, even though no such evidence existed.

Should Schiff be expelled from Congress?

“Schiff misled the American public based on his privileged access to classified information,” the letter said.

“Schiff’s pernicious pattern of engaging in behavior that discredits the House, in further violation of Rule XXIII, has extended well beyond the Russia Hoax,” the letter said, noting Schiff’s claim he had never spoken to a whistleblower linked to the first impeachment of former President Donald Trump and his effort to discredit documents from Hunter Biden’s laptop computer.

Luna’s attempt to censure Schiff failed Wednesday, with some members objecting to the $16 million fine attached to the motion.

“We have removed the fine to address the concerns of those that voted no,”Edie Heipel, a representative of Luna, said, according to Axios, adding that Luna’s office has “gotten excellent feedback so far and look forward to next week.”

Axios reported that Republican Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky, who cited the fine as his reason for opposing the motion, will support the revised version. The outlet said Republican Rep. Marc Molinaro of New York, who sided with Democrats this week, also will change his position and support the revised motion when it is introduced next week.

(Next week another vote in Congress with revised Censure language)


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9ecc4c No.64876

File: 5e010862cb37d54⋯.png (183.21 KB,500x484,125:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19029893 (190101ZJUN23) Notable: U.S. Army Soldier Admits To Trying To Help ISIS Ambush, Kill Fellow Servicemembers

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U.S. Army Soldier Admits To Trying To Help ISIS Ambush, Kill Fellow Servicemembers


U.S. Army Soldier Admits To Trying To Help ISIS Ambush, Kill Fellow Servicemembers - Breaking911

OHIO (DOJ) – An Ohio man today pleaded guilty to attempting to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization and attempting to murder U.S. military service members based on...

6:01 PM · Jun 18, 2023


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9ecc4c No.64877

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19029895 (190102ZJUN23) Notable: U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon ordered the attorneys in the case to each obtain their required security clearances

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Judge Cannon Issues New Order in Trump Documents Case, Attorneys Must Comply by Tuesday

June 16, 2023

The judge assigned to former President Donald Trump’s legal battle with the Department of Justice has issued her first order since she was assigned to assigned the case.

U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon ordered the attorneys in the case to each obtain their required security clearancesdue to the sensitive nature of the matter, CNN reported Thursday.

“In a Thursday order,Cannon gave‘all attorneys of record and forthcoming attorneys of record’a Friday deadlinefor getting in touch with the Justice Department’s litigation security group so that they can expedite ‘the necessary clearance process,'” the network’s Tierney Sneed reported.

The Trump-appointed judge gave each attorney in the case until Tuesday to comply with the order.Sneed reported Trump attorneys Todd Blanche and Chris Kise had done so as of Thursday evening.

On Tuesday in Miami, the former president and leading GOP contender in the 2024 presidential race pleaded not guilty to 37 counts related to the alleged mishandling of classified documents.

Special counsel Jack Smith, appointed to look into the former president’s alleged storage and handling of classified documents, brought the case against Trump last week.

Smith, whose wife directed a documentary about former first lady Michelle Obama and also donated to Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign, was appointed by Attorney General Merrick Garland last year.

He was tapped to lead the investigation after Trump’s Mar-a-Lago property in Palm Beach, Florida, was raided by the FBI in August 2022 in search of classified documents.

Ten months later, the DOJ charged the former president with dozens of felonies and accused him of violating the Espionage Act. Trump has denied the charges and vowed to fight them.

A number of his challengers in the 2024 Republican primary race have pledged to pardon him in the event they win the presidency.

Cannon was assigned to the case in the immediate aftermath of the FBI raid and later agreed to allow the former president to appoint a so-called special master to review the documents in question.

The judge has faced calls to recuse herself from the case over objections from Democrats and the establishment media.She has offered no indication she intends to do so.

Cannon was nominated to the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida in May 2020. She was confirmed to the bench by the U.S. Senate on Nov. 12, 2020, by a vote of 56-21.

(I think after that first caseshe is going to be the judge that says “Fuck around and Find out, this time around”. She was harassed constantly, so she’s not in a conciliatory mood.)


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9ecc4c No.64878

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19029905 (190105ZJUN23) Notable: Maria Bartiromo on Biden Family Crimes

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Maria Bartiromo on Biden Family Crimes: “Of course, It Is the Biggest Political Scandal Any of Us Have Ever Seen”

Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures this morning.

The Republican representatives gave updates on the ongoing investigations into the Biden Crime Family.

At one point, Maria Bartiromo pointed out the obvious, “Of course, it is the biggest political scandal any of us have ever seen.”

Republicans continue to discover more concrete evidence of the multi-million dollar Biden family bribery scandal with foreign governments including Ukraine and China.

Rep. Biggs added that more evidence is coming. The Ukrainian oligarch who recorded Hunter Biden and Joe Biden discussing their illicit business dealings also has MORE EVIDENCE to produce according to Biggs.

The two US lawmakers also pointed out Chris Wray’s role in hiding evidence from Congress on the Biden family’s illegal activity.


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9ecc4c No.64879

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19029958 (190115ZJUN23) Notable: Sunday Talks – Mike Pence Stumped by Question, “Who [tf] Supports You?”

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Sunday Night Comic Relief

Sunday Talks – Mike Pence Stumped by Question, “Who [tf] Supports You?”


June 19, 2023

Mike Pence and Asa Hutchinson are being funded by the billionaire class in the 2024 race for the same reason, camp out in Iowa and try to suck up the votes from the Iowa evangelical community. Make MAGA seem extreme through advanced milquetoast operations. That’s it. That’s the goal.

Wear pastels and sweater vests; be the acceptable Republican and make a triangle, crustless cucumber, and mayonnaise sandwiches great again. That’s the entire modus operandi.

To promote this effort, Mike Pence appears with Chuck Toddball on Meet the Press to talk about the crass/horrible orange man. Pence was scheduled for the entire show. However, Chuck Todd threw a curveball when he asked Mr. Pence the trick question, who is a Pence supporter? The former vice-president was flummoxed, stuck, stammering, frozen… WATCH:


The billionaire donor class does not appreciate these trick questions. The gotcha questions like asking Ron DeSantis how to pronounce his last name, and asking Pence to explain his supporters, are unfair and not permitted amid polite company.

President Donald Trump is not the cause of the Republican failure, President Trump is our response to Republican failure.


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9ecc4c No.64880

File: 729481f3fbf8809⋯.png (406.86 KB,589x671,589:671,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19030093 (190143ZJUN23) Notable: @TrueGenFlynn 5th Generation Warfare is for real and we’re currently waging it here in America!

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Truth Details


Michael T. Flynn 🙏🏼 🇺🇸


5th Generation Warfare is for real and we’re currently waging it here in America!


La Rance A. Braggs on Reels |

212K views, 11K likes, 41 comments, 9.5K shares, Facebook Reels from La Rance A. Braggs.


Jun 18, 2023, 11:14 AM

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9ecc4c No.64881

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19030098 (190145ZJUN23) Notable: Biden’s Deputies Hide Mass Fraud in H-1B Middle-Class Outsourcing Visa

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Biden’s Deputies Hide Mass Fraud in H-1B Middle-Class Outsourcing Visa

Indian-born CEOs are closing their firms and fleeing back to India to escape charges of fraud in the annual lotteries for visas to import H-1B foreign contract workers, says a lawyer for many Indian-owned subcontractors and visa workers.

“So yes, they are getting prosecuted, they are getting investigated, and that’s the reason why some of them are packing their bags and closing their companies,” said Rahul Reddy, an immigration lawyer in Texas.

Reddy made his comments during an online question-and-answer session with Indian graduates who are worried about the federal investigations into the H-1B fraud in the annual lottery for 85,000 new H-1B work permits. The work permits are used to import lower-wage migrants to take the jobs needed by U.S. college graduates.

Many Indian graduates in India cooperate with the fraud because the H-1B visas put them on a long, indentured-service path to U.S. jobs, green cards, and citizenship.

But many other Indian graduates from U.S. colleges oppose the lottery fraud because it hinders their three legal chances to convert their “Optional Practical Training” (OPT) work permits into an H-1B visa with its valuable path to U.S. citizenship.

“This is the most important point,” one Indian graduate told Breitbart News. “Graduates here are working on STEM OPT [work permits] … they’re in their final or penultimate attempt [to win the H-1B lottery], and they’re employed to a legitimate employer … They are the ones who are affected,” said the graduate, who described himself as “Manohar from the Midwest.”

“I know people around me who are doing this,” Manohar said, adding:

Since they’re on their last year of the STEM OPT, they applied to the legitimate employer where they are employed and submitted another five, six applications through a consultancy [labor broker] … So they got a [fake] job offer [which is needed to apply for the lottery] which they know is bogus and everyone knows it is bogus.

“At least 500 of us on a subreddit group have been reporting these cases [to the government] … They said they’re investigating them, but there has been no update whatsoever,” he added.

The Facebook video shows Reddy reading questions from his online audience:

“Have any employees been charged for colluding so far? What penalty are they looking at?” Yes, there are a lot of companies that are under criminal investigation right now. We get a lot of contact from people who are getting criminally investigated, and employers getting investigated. Some of the employers are running away to India. Some of the employers are just closing the entire business. Some of the employers are not filing their H-1B’s even though got them in the lottery. So all different things are going on.

And it’s spreading around a lot of prosecution of these employers. Were employers prosecuted for [fraudulent] filing in 2021? Yes, they did …. Two years ago, people, let’s say for example, you’re a very nice guy, you only applied for one lottery [visa], and this other guy who applied for 10 lotteries, he got five or four selected. He was beating his chest and saying “I got my lottery.”

But now, when the prosecution happens, when the revocation [of fraudulent visas] happens, they don’t announce the information though. But yes, we do get the consultations. We do get the information. Unfortunately, we can’t put them on the video. We can only put nice people on video because the bad people, they don’t want to come on the video, and we don’t want them [on video]… If a client is consulting us and filed for 17 [duplicate H-1B visas] and he got selected four or five times, we don’t want to put that guy in there [on video].


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9ecc4c No.64882

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19030105 (190146ZJUN23) Notable: Maryland Governor Claims That Keeping Sexually Explicit Books From Children is ‘Castrating’ Them

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IRONY: Maryland Governor Claims That Keeping Sexually Explicit Books From Children is ‘Castrating’ Them

Maryland’s Democrat governor has claimed that keeping sexually explicit books out of schools and children’s sections of libraries is “castrating” them.

Maryland Governor Wes Moore defended allowing children to access explicit materials in an interview with former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on MSNBC over the weekend.

The interesting choice of word comes as Democrats have made it a top campaign issue to be able to mutilate and sterilize children in the name of “transgender” equality.

“I continue hearing people making the argument that we’re doing it because we want to we want to prevent our students from having discomfort or guilt,” Moore said. “Because we don’t want our students to be able to really wrestle with these really difficult things in times when they are maturing as individuals and difficult historical points. But the thing I realized and I wanted to speak out about is that’s actually not true. It’s a guise.”

“It’s not about making kids feel uncomfortable. It’s about telling other kids that they shouldn’t understand their own power,” Moore continued. “It’s castrating them.”


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9ecc4c No.64883

File: 9ba98c2655a8ff9⋯.png (266.92 KB,504x505,504:505,Clipboard.png)

File: 35c89694e5cc79d⋯.png (35.13 KB,850x275,34:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19030157 (190202ZJUN23) Notable: As Blinken Floats "Israel Status" Plan For Ukraine, US Drifts Into Next Forever War

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As Blinken Floats "Israel Status" Plan For Ukraine, US Drifts Into Next Forever War

David Sachs has asked the unsettling question, Is Ukraine about to become a Forever War?

At the moment that not only is the West risking escalation by continually testing Russia's red lines, which could even enter the nuclear arena by supplying main battle tanks and soon F-16 jets, Zelensky continues demanding an invitation to NATO, even threatening to sit out the upcoming major NATO summit in Vilnius in July.

While NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg and other officials have said Ukraine will not become a full member anytime soon, but have hinted that it would be likely only after the war is concluded, certain security guarantees are currently on the table, but which will only ensure a drawn out, massive Washington commitment.

For example, the Biden administration has been talking up the possibility of giving Ukraine "Israel status" - which would involve a commitment of permanent and rotating weapons shipments and foreign aid, akin to what Washington has long done for the Jewish state.

Sachs commented on the "Israel status" possibility as follows:

This consists of long-term security guarantees (which run for ten-year intervals in Israel’s case) including weapons, ammunition, and money "not subject to the fate of the current counteroffensive or the electoral calendar."

In other words, America won’t reassess support even if the counteroffensive fails. Indeed, support won’t cease even if voters want to make a change in the next election. Some observers may see here a classic bait and switch.

This would obviously mean continued American involvement and escalation of its role on the losing side.

Washington enjoyed widespread public support (and importantly the support of its allies) for its policies so long as Ukraine could be presented as "winning"...

"Last year, after Ukraine retook land around Kharkiv and Kherson, the American people were assured that the Ukrainians would complete the job in the spring and summer of 2023," observed Sachs. "This new Ukrainian counteroffensive would roll back Russian territorial gains, perhaps even threaten the Russian hold on Crimea, and thereby drive Moscow to the negotiating table and end the war. Many Americans supported the $100+ billion in appropriations for Ukraine on this basis."

But, he continued, "The implicit promise was that this was a one-time expense, not the baseline for an annual appropriation in a new Forever War."


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9ecc4c No.64884

File: 6fa52ff0c6af5ba⋯.png (110.12 KB,855x867,285:289,Clipboard.png)

File: 40a76c9ea5648de⋯.png (80.58 KB,857x644,857:644,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19030233 (190220ZJUN23) Notable: FBI Groomed Developmentally Challenged 16-Year-Old To Become A Terrorist, Then Arrested Him

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FBI Groomed Developmentally Challenged 16-Year-Old To Become A Terrorist, Then Arrested Him

Earlier this month, the FBI announced the arrest of 18-year-old Mateo Ventura of Wakefield, Massachusetts, over allegations that he provided financial support to ISIS. According to the DOJ's press release, Ventura was indicted for "knowingly concealing the source of material support or resources that he intended to go to a foreign terrorist organization."

Yet, according to the government's own criminal complaint, Ventura never gave a dime to any terrorist groups, while the only "terrorist" he actually had any contact with was an undercover FBI agent who befriended him when he was 16-years-old and convinced him to produce gift cards with small amounts of cash on them. The FBI agent told Ventura not to tell anyone about their 'intimate online relationship,' including his family, according to The Intercept.

Contrary to the sensational narrative fed to the news media of terrorist financing in the U.S., the charging documents show that Ventura gave an undercover FBI agent gift cards for pitifully small amounts of cash, sometimes in $25 increments. In his initial bid to travel to the Islamic State, the teenager balked — making up an excuse, by the FBI’s own account, to explain why he did not want to go. When another opportunity to travel abroad arose, Ventura balked again, staying home on the evening of his supposed flight instead of traveling to the airport. By the time the investigation was winding down, he appeared ready to turn in his purported ISIS contact — an FBI agent — to the FBI. -The Intercept

Whats more, Ventura's father, Paul, told the outlet that his son suffered from childhood developmental issues which were so bad that he was forced to leave school due to constant bullying from other students.

"He was born prematurely, he had brain development issues. I had the school do a neurosurgery evaluation on him and they said his brain was underdeveloped," said Ventura. "He was suffering endless bullying at school with other kids taking food off his plate, tripping him in the hallway, humiliating him, laughing at him."

In short, instead of an actual terrorist - or terrorist adjacent, Ventura's case is yet another example of the FBI grooming a mentally unfit young man to commit a crime that would not have other wise occurred.


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9ecc4c No.64885

File: 5593dc56109b738⋯.png (155.01 KB,769x425,769:425,Clipboard.png)

File: 0b2486b054f3a31⋯.png (555.6 KB,838x456,419:228,Clipboard.png)

File: 50587f74bb96a9c⋯.png (381.22 KB,842x380,421:190,Clipboard.png)

File: c7a2874d869c481⋯.png (319.32 KB,578x399,578:399,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19030303 (190237ZJUN23) Notable: PF PSWRD35 and 21 C-2 Greyhound departed the old Clark AB (now Clark Int'l Airport) heading SW to the South China Sea for a flat top

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PSWRD35 and 21 C-2 Greyhound departed the old Clark AB (now Clark Int'l Airport) heading SW to the South China Sea for a flat top

Aussie AF ASY155 P-8 Poseidon up from same (Clark Int'l)

As a reminder Blinken is in Beijing right now

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9ecc4c No.64886

File: a1b9a7f03cf45f3⋯.png (192.78 KB,712x411,712:411,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19030361 (190252ZJUN23) Notable: PF NICE22 KC-46 Pegasus is now visible over Potato/a at ghey beach as the mobile filling station

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NICE22 din't stay over Potato (visability wise) and is on final at Wichita, KS so it must have been there but not visible and only so when it climbed altitude to leave

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9ecc4c No.64887

File: a32fdd93b96b5a5⋯.jpeg (109.31 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19030384 (190258ZJUN23) Notable: Dutch government’s colonial profits revealed

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17 Jun, 2023 21:58

Dutch government’s colonial profits revealed

The House of Orange made over half a billion dollars from its colonies in a century, a government-commissioned study found

The Netherlands’ House of Orange profited from its colonial holdings by about 3 million guilders – $600 million (€547 million) in contemporary value – from 1675 to 1770, according to a government-commissioned State and Slavery study, presented to the Dutch Parliament on Thursday.

The study is an effort to study the role of theDutch government and "related institutions" in slavery and its aftermath. The country is also looking into returning looted artworks. While the country abolished slavery in 1863, some argue the pinnacle of its economic and cultural achievements was accomplished on the backs of forced laborers.

King Willem-Alexander is expected to publicly apologize for the country’s colonial predations on July 1, the 150th anniversary of the Dutch abolition of slavery in its former colonies. Prime Minister Mark Rutte made an official apology of his own in December for the country’s 250-year involvement in the slave trade, which he called a "crime against humanity," but some activists argued this was not sufficient and demanded a further apology from the monarch.

The Netherlands established a national advisory panel to interrogate its colonial history in 2020 after the death in police custody of black man George Floyd in the US initiated a wave of racial self-examination, protests, and recriminations globally.

The Dutch colonial empire included parts of what are now the Virgin Islands, Brazil, Mauritius, Suriname, Ceylon, and several Indonesian islands. Much of their Asian territory, administered by the Dutch East India Company, was captured from the Portuguese, who had previously colonized the area.

The Netherlands is not the only former colonial power investigating the possibility of atoning for its past sins against once-oppressed populations. The government of Jamaica last month announced it would introduce a bill that could potentially sever its centuries-old relationship with the British monarchy, which claimed the island as a colony in 1655 and allowed it nominal independence in 1962. A recent poll found that the majority of populations in nearly half of the British Commonwealth nations would become republics if they had the option.

In the US, New York recently became the second state to take the first steps toward establishing a commission to investigate financial reparations for the descendants of black slaves imported from Africa.


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9ecc4c No.64888

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19030389 (190258ZJUN23) Notable: Dr.Robert Malone highlights Dr. Peter Hotez's role in funding coronavirus gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology

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NEW - Dr.Robert Malone highlights Dr. Peter Hotez's role in funding coronavirus gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, his ties to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and his advocacy for censoring opposing scientific views.



10:29 PM · Jun 18, 2023·47.3K Views


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9ecc4c No.64889

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19030456 (190311ZJUN23) Notable: #23367

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#23367 >>64866

>>64867 FDA Alert: Frozen Strawberries Recalled Across US After Hepatitis Reports/costco

>>64868, >>64869 CNN gets "community note"

>>64870, >>64886 PF NICE22 KC-46 Pegasus is now visible over Potato/a at ghey beach as the mobile filling station

>>64871 Wing Of United Flight Collides With Delta Plane Tail At Boston Airport ; FAA Investigating

>>64872 White House Fact: Inspiration for the Rose Garden came from President Kennedy in 1961.

>>64873 Hunter Biden Sits For Deposition In Child Support Case, As Mom Of His Fourth Child Demands He Turn Over Financial Information

>>64874 Rand Paul: Bill Gates is Largest funder of trying to find these Viruses in Remote Caves and Bring them to Big Cities

>>64875 Watch Out Schiffty, round 2 has been loaded

>>64876 U.S. Army Soldier Admits To Trying To Help ISIS Ambush, Kill Fellow Servicemembers

>>64877 U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon ordered the attorneys in the case to each obtain their required security clearances

>>64878 Maria Bartiromo on Biden Family Crimes

>>64879 Sunday Talks – Mike Pence Stumped by Question, “Who [tf] Supports You?”

>>64880 @TrueGenFlynn 5th Generation Warfare is for real and we’re currently waging it here in America!

>>64881 Biden’s Deputies Hide Mass Fraud in H-1B Middle-Class Outsourcing Visa

>>64882 Maryland Governor Claims That Keeping Sexually Explicit Books From Children is ‘Castrating’ Them

>>64883 As Blinken Floats "Israel Status" Plan For Ukraine, US Drifts Into Next Forever War

>>64884 FBI Groomed Developmentally Challenged 16-Year-Old To Become A Terrorist, Then Arrested Him

>>64885 PF PSWRD35 and 21 C-2 Greyhound departed the old Clark AB (now Clark Int'l Airport) heading SW to the South China Sea for a flat top

>>64887 Dutch government’s colonial profits revealed

>>64888 Dr.Robert Malone highlights Dr. Peter Hotez's role in funding coronavirus gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology


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9ecc4c No.64890

File: 895854c5313d13c⋯.png (860.76 KB,1098x770,549:385,Clipboard.png)

File: 2d0e52aaaeadbee⋯.png (434.58 KB,500x500,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: d2b08bedbe62063⋯.jpeg (86.43 KB,625x500,5:4,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4d0e9fe69186a32⋯.jpg (28.06 KB,386x386,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5b0be08856595b6⋯.jpg (78.49 KB,1024x640,8:5,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19030486 (190313ZJUN23) Notable: #23368

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Baker needs off hand, will tap @20

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9ecc4c No.64891

File: f6dc177d83c633e⋯.png (2.54 MB,1776x1080,74:45,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19030550 (190325ZJUN23) Notable: PF reports

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I wonder if they put the seats in that Pegasus to take Sacramento for a ride...

Took off from McConnel in Wichita, it's not apparently flying as a tanker -and it landed at Mather Airport, which was vacated by the military in 1993. Been seeing them land at a few "vacated" bases in the last few weeks.


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9ecc4c No.64892

File: 199531508498503⋯.png (95.23 KB,758x452,379:226,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19030591 (190338ZJUN23) Notable: Mark Levin bun

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Liz Harrington Retweeted

Mark R. Levin

Bill Barr has been on every leftwing media Sunday show spewing his poison. He has smeared Trump more than he has ever criticized the worse drug dealers, arms dealers, international terrorists, terrorist states, or the Biden crime family and the millions of dollars they received from our enemies, including communist China. Barr knows he’s lying. He knows the thug prosecutors against Trump have acted appallingly. He knows all this. But on Father’s Day he spends part of his morning on CBS trashing Trump without any serious challenge.I think Barr is sick and getting sicker.

3:44 PM · Jun 18, 2023·974.8K Views


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9ecc4c No.64893

File: 54e590801c20ab3⋯.png (623.49 KB,1170x2532,195:422,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19030692 (190411ZJUN23) Notable: Biden mocked over 'plans' to build railroad 'across the Indian Ocean':

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Biden mocked over 'plans' to build railroad 'across the Indian Ocean': 'Bold initiative'

One Twitter user mockingly welcomed the idea of an 'ocean train'

By Andrew Mark Miller | Fox News


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9ecc4c No.64894

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19030693 (190411ZJUN23) Notable: New Vegas show: Awakening

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Awakening, the new show at Wynn Las Vegas, invites the audience to join the quest of our beautiful heroine and her two fellow travelers as they seek to restore beauty and love to the world. Travel with them and experience worlds never before seen on their journey in a 360-degree theater custom designed for Awakening. Infused with modern day myth and magic, Awakening comes to life through a combination of dramatic choreography, technology, fantastic creatures, and a custom sound system designed to showcase its breathtaking original musical score.


Premiered Nov 7, 2022

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9ecc4c No.64895

File: e68b34d2b79da7e⋯.png (1.96 MB,1606x964,803:482,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19030823 (190447ZJUN23) Notable: PF reports

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I saw this flight last night also, laughed because the name TEDDY44 made me think of Obama. It's been flying between Andrews AFB and San Francisco International.

Not many flights visible, but I find it interesting that we're being shown a trainer (Texan) under callsign EVIL18.

Both of these flights have been switching transponder on and off also.



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9ecc4c No.64896

File: 0e23199014d3028⋯.png (480.09 KB,756x643,756:643,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19030827 (190449ZJUN23) Notable: Mark Levin bun

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Mark Levin: Trump indictment should have never happened


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9ecc4c No.64897

File: 0f7117926fcd33e⋯.png (239.96 KB,806x645,806:645,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19030835 (190450ZJUN23) Notable: Trump RT of Mark Levin

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Donald J. Trump


“Mark Levin: Trump indictment should have never happened”


Jun 19, 2023, 12:23 AM


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9ecc4c No.64898

File: fbeaa81d27ce8bd⋯.png (136.85 KB,1038x579,346:193,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19030884 (190504ZJUN23) Notable: Constitutional objections to Schiff fine articulated

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Kevin Kiley said it was unconstitutional and they re-writing it to re do it again. So maybe people are mad but premature mad.


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9ecc4c No.64899

File: aa571adb0208e02⋯.jpg (370.71 KB,895x1200,179:240,Clipboard.jpg)

File: fc1777d6e8ba65b⋯.png (540.76 KB,892x454,446:227,Clipboard.png)

File: 4a2e07da8922471⋯.png (617.45 KB,887x491,887:491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19030904 (190512ZJUN23) Notable: Rally against arms to Ukraine held in Dusseldorf, Germany

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9ecc4c No.64900

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19030928 (190519ZJUN23) Notable: Constitutional objections to Schiff fine articulated

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"On Wednesday, I voted for a motion to table (or temporarily set aside) H. Res 489, concerning Representative Adam Schiff. Many people have asked why. The reason is simple: I believe that the legislation, as it was then written, was unconstitutional. Fortunately, I have been in contact with the author of the Resolution, and she is working to address the constitutional issues. I look forward to voting on a revised version next week.

The prior version of the Resolution suggested a fine be paid by Schiff in the amount of $16 million. While it might be satisfying to see him hit with such a fine – indeed, he deserves far worse! – I believe a court would find that this violates some or all of these constitutional provisions: the Due Process Clause of the 5th Amendment, the Fines Clause of the 8th Amendment, the 27th Amendment, and the Bill of Attainder Clause of Article I, Section 9. Schiff would then claim vindication and use the whole episode to shore up support from the left for his U.S. Senate campaign.

The revisions I’ve asked for to the Resolution put it on solid legal ground and will prevent this perverse outcome. "

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9ecc4c No.64901

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19030937 (190522ZJUN23) Notable: Constitutional objections to Schiff fine articulated

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"Yet a few people have suggested that it’s time to give up those principles. They’ve pointed out that people like Schiff don’t care about the Constitution, and the left is weaponizing our political and legal systems in unprecedented ways – so we must fight fire with fire.

I must disagree. I believe the way to counter our opponents’ assault on the Constitution is not with equal and opposite violations of our own. It is with fidelity to the Constitution, of a renewed and urgent kind.

Our political institutions have taken a beating in recent years, and with the arrival of COVID they collapsed entirely. We see new threats every day to freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the right to bear arms, due process, and equal treatment under law. There is so much at stake right now. If we don’t fight for the principles that have made America the greatest country in the world, then who will?

If you don’t agree with me on the first H. Res 489 vote, I respect and value your opinion. I am accountable to you. And while I can’t promise this will be the last time you disagree with me, I can promise that I will always be guided by my oath, my conscience, my duty to my constituents – and our shared belief that our state and country are worth fighting for.


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9ecc4c No.64902

File: 13ae4ce0971e96c⋯.png (1.72 MB,1478x870,739:435,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19030941 (190524ZJUN23) Notable: PF reports

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Got Algerians at 40,000ft and looking like they're about to trek across the Atlantic. First one is an executive jet, a Gulfstream 4 -the yellow one following behind is some big bucket for hauling passengers. The red-colored plane at the top of the pic is an Egyptian C130, and just crossed the Atlantic from the USA, and does not seem to be heading home just jet. It switched off over Spain, northeast bound, just as I'm typing this.

Any bets the Algerains are coming to the USA?

If so -are they bringing that passenger bucket along to pick up -or deliver?

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9ecc4c No.64903

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19030950 (190525ZJUN23) Notable: Constitutional objections to Schiff fine articulated

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>>64898, >>64900, >>64901 Constitutional objections to Schiff fine articulated


The bill as written would get shot down 9-0 by SC

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9ecc4c No.64904

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19030955 (190527ZJUN23) Notable: Tucker Carlson: Ep. 4 Wannabe Dictator. CBOW & SNAPPA

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>gain Black Women Voters

>SNAPPA has awakened and is pissed; she might be able to convince many to research dem rino leaders, esp w some help

>commercial over at 1:21


America is LOW KEY China...Tucker Carlson: Ep. 4 Wannabe Dictator.


95.3K subscribers

1.7K views 3 hours ago

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9ecc4c No.64905

File: a120d5cd2e20c40⋯.png (725.08 KB,1807x975,139:75,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19030993 (190538ZJUN23) Notable: Former NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio Ordered to Pay Massive $475K Fine for Misusing NYPD During Presidential Run

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Former NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio Ordered to Pay Massive $475K Fine for Misusing NYPD During Presidential Run

America’s least favorite mayor, Bill de Blasio of New York, has just been ordered to pay a massive $475K fine for misusing the NYPD during his doomed presidential run in 2020.

He was apparently billing the city, essentially using taxpayer dollars for his own interests. What a surprise.

One has to wonder if this would have even been brought up under normal circumstances. The city is obviously scrounging for cash given the comnination of lost tax revenue from people who have fled and the thousands of new illegal border crossers costing them millions. De Blasio hit with historic fine over use of NYPD for presidential run

Former Mayor Bill de Blasio was hit with a historic fine Thursday by New York City’s Conflicts of Interest Board for using an NYPD security detail for his ill-fated presidential run in 2019.

After finding that the mayor used taxpayer dollars for political purposes, the board ordered de Blasio to pay $474,794 — a whopping sum that includes compensating the city for police officers’ travel expenses and a $155,000 fine, the largest ever issued by COIB.

“Although there is a City purpose in the City paying for an NYPD security detail for the City’s Mayor, including the security detail’s salary and overtime, there is no City purpose in paying for the extra expenses incurred by that NYPD security detail to travel at a distance from the City to accompany the Mayor or his family on trips for his campaign for President of the United States,” board members wrote in a densely-worded Thursday order. “The Board advised Respondent to this effect prior to his campaign; Respondent disregarded the Board’s advice.”

In response, de Blasio filed a lawsuit. In a statement, his attorney said the board’s ruling was illegal and could open elected officials up to all manner of violence in an era where partisanship has reached a fever pitch.

It couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.

Moar: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/06/former-nyc-mayor-bill-de-blasio-ordered-pay/

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9ecc4c No.64906

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19031048 (190550ZJUN23) Notable: Joe Biden Mumbles Nonsense Then He Ends Speech with “God Save the Queen”

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Joe Biden Mumbles Nonsense Then He Ends Speech with “God Save the Queen”


this clone it is the most tarded clone that money can buy.


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9ecc4c No.64907

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19031104 (190610ZJUN23) Notable: POTATO Schedule Mon June 19

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June, 19 2023

6:30 AM

Pool Call Time

Supplemental Pool Call Time

Joint Base Andrews Overhang

8:15 AM

Pool Call Time

Out-of-Town Pool Call Time

Out-of-Town Pool

8:30 AM

Official Schedule

The President receives the Presidential Daily Briefing

Closed Press

9:50 AM

Official Schedule

The President departs Rehoboth Beach, Delaware en route to Dover, Delaware

Out-of-Town Pool

10:20 AM

Official Schedule

The President departs Dover, Delaware en route to Santa Clara County, California

3:25 PM

Official Schedule

The President arrives in Santa Clara County, California

Open Press

4:15 PM

Official Schedule

The President delivers remarks on his administration’s historic action to combat the climate crisis, create good-paying clean energy jobs, and protect our environment for future generations

6:30 PM

Official Schedule

The President participates in a campaign reception

9:15 PM

Official Schedule

The President participates in a campaign reception


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9ecc4c No.64908

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19031126 (190623ZJUN23) Notable: Officials identify Pennsylvania State Police trooper killed in shooting

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Officials identify Pennsylvania State Police trooper killed in officer-involved shooting

State police say 29-year-old Trooper Jacques Rougeau Jr. was shot and killed during the incident in Juniata County.

6abc Digital Staff Image

By6abc Digital Staff WPVI logo

Sunday, June 18, 2023 11:45PM

Officials identify Pennsylvania State Police trooper killed in officer-involved shooting


Officials have identified the people involved in a shooting that left one Pennsylvania State Police trooper dead and another seriously hurt on Saturday.

MIFFLINTOWN, Pennsylvania (WPVI) - Officials have identified the people involved in a shooting that left one Pennsylvania State Police trooper dead and another seriously hurt on Saturday.

State police say 29-year-old Trooper Jacques Rougeau Jr. was shot and killed during the incident in Juniata County.

READ | 1 Pennsylvania State Police trooper dead, 1 seriously injured after officer-involved shooting

Lieutenant James Wagner, 45, was seriously injured in the shooting.

Wagner is currently listed in critical condition at an area hospital.

The incident began when officials say a man engaged with state troopers just after 11 a.m.

According to state police, the man arrived at Troop G, Lewistown station armed with a rifle and fired shots at patrol vehicles in the parking lot.

A wide manhunt for the shooter began that included helicopter reinforcement, officials say.

Officials identified the shooter as 38-year-old Brandon Stine of Thompsontown, Juniata County.

Wagner located Stine early that afternoon and they exchanged gunfire, police said. That's when a shot from Stine's gun struck and critically injured Wagner.

The shooter was located by Rougeau sometime later.

Troopers say Rougeau encountered Swine while driving through the county, at which point Swine shot the trooper through his car's windshield and killed him.

The shooter made another escape in what police described as "a game of cat and mouse," and he fled into a rural residential area in Walker Township, Juniata County.

Authorities chased Stine through a residential area and a parking lot, where they confronted him again. Stine started a shootout with police in the parking lot, which was occupied by patrons of a nearby store, police said.

"What I witnessed, and I will tell you in my many years with the Pennsylvania State Police and many serious situations, was one of the most intense, unbelievable gunfights I have ever witnessed," said Lt. Colonel George Givens at a press conference. "Our troopers put themselves between those people and, and by force with their vehicles and by engaging him, forced him away from the business."

Police cornered Stine when he became stuck against a row of trees on a nearby property, and he was shot and killed, Givens said.

"This is a tragedy for the Pennsylvania State Police," said Colonel Christopher Paris, commissioner of the Pennsylvania State Police.

"We ask for your continued prayers for not only our Troopers but also their families," he added.

Rougeau enlisted in the Pennsylvania State Police in 2020 and was transferred to Troop G in Lewistown in March of last year.

State police say he is the 104th member of the Pennsylvania State Police to die in the line of duty.

Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro ordered flags in the commonwealth to be flown at half staff due to the trooper's death.


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9ecc4c No.64909

File: a7018aa6d5963e8⋯.png (1.22 MB,1672x653,1672:653,Clipboard.png)

File: 6d49cee553bb178⋯.png (1.2 MB,1685x509,1685:509,Clipboard.png)

File: 7445b6b388c4447⋯.png (849.69 KB,783x505,783:505,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19031150 (190634ZJUN23) Notable: Schumann resonance site working again

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Site is working again


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9ecc4c No.64910

File: 4343c015c01b69b⋯.jpg (244.11 KB,1074x625,1074:625,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19031153 (190635ZJUN23) Notable: Schumann resonance site working again

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Any anons know what's up with the shuman resonance? Did we change realities/ dimensions?

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9ecc4c No.64911

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19031226 (190712ZJUN23) Notable: Is the U.S. nuclear weapons-related document, No. 19, going to be an issue for Trump's case?

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Is the U.S. nuclear weapons-related document, No. 19, going to be an issue for Trump's case?

Obama E.O. 13526 has a clause 3.3.2.c states in part, "or key design concepts of weapons of mass destruction".

anon was under.the impression as head of the Executive branch, plenary power to declass belongs to POTUS.

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9ecc4c No.64912

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19031227 (190712ZJUN23) Notable: Sacred Ancient Masks Returned to Kogi Tribe After Century-Long Absence

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'Sacred' Ancient Masks Returned to South American Ethnic Group After Century-Long Absence

The masks are used to "perform ceremonies” by the tribe, but while in Germany, were treated with a potentially dangerous disinfectant and it is unclear whether they can be worn safely on one's face anymore.

A pair of 15th Century wooden masks originating from a South American Kogi tribe in modern day Colombia have been returned after spending more than a century in German museums.

According to media reports, the masks were bought in 1915 from the son of a Kogi priest by German ethnologist Konrad Theodor Preuss.


"They are not a historical artefact, they are alive," Kogi representative Arregoces Conchacala Zalabata said as quoted by a British newspaper. "With the masks we perform ceremonies to connect and work with the spirit of the Sun, the waters, the mountains and the world’s many species."

The media outlet pointed out, however, that the container holding the masks was repeatedly sprayed in the 1940s and 1950s with a disinfectant that got banned in the EU over a decade ago as it caused breathing difficulties and was potentially carcinogenic.

Hermann Parzinger, president of the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation, reportedly told the newspaper that the masks were "detoxified" earlier this year and can be handled without wearing gloves or PPE masks, though there is "some doubt" over whether these objects "can be directly worn in front of the face."


quite interesting...

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9ecc4c No.64913

File: 79f09dc730329fd⋯.jpeg (44.71 KB,900x600,3:2,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19031238 (190723ZJUN23) Notable: JUST IN: 9 Fox News Staffers Have Left the Network to Join Tucker Carlson. KEK.

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JUST IN: 9 Fox News Staffers Have Left the Network to Join Tucker Carlson.


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9ecc4c No.64914

File: 842bab4462f96c2⋯.png (207.03 KB,986x464,17:8,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19031334 (190759ZJUN23) Notable: #23369

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Q Research General #23368: Mark Levin: Trump indictment should have never happened? Edition

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9ecc4c No.64915

File: 2f267cd932dce3e⋯.png (655.47 KB,1070x880,107:88,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19031340 (190805ZJUN23) Notable: Mark Levin: Trump indictment should have never happened

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Mark Levin: Trump indictment should have never happened

Fox News host Mark Levin says Special Counsel Jack Smith has a 'chip on his shoulder' amid his indictment of former President Donald Trump on 'Life, Liberty & Levin.'



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9ecc4c No.64916

File: dd7847286303420⋯.png (647.81 KB,1001x768,1001:768,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19031395 (190851ZJUN23) Notable: FBI, CIA, Etc. Are All Monitoring 4Chan Closely and Saving All Data

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FBI, CIA, Etc. Are All Monitoring 4Chan Closely and Saving All Data

Glowniggers monitoring 4chan and documenting all posts

What's their agenda? They already know they cannot influence pol


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9ecc4c No.64917

File: b364ba5346f3b3e⋯.png (947.94 KB,1225x593,1225:593,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19031405 (190857ZJUN23) Notable: Trump Lawyers Targeted by Dark Money Group

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Trump Lawyers Targeted by Dark Money Group

American Spectator, by David Catron

Posted By: Garnet, 6/19/2023 1:44:21 AM

Among the unusual features of last week’s arraignment of former President Trump in Miami involved the difficulty he had finding a qualified attorney to represent him in the classified documents case brought by Special Counsel Jack Smith. The corporate media inevitably made much of this issue. The Washington Post, for example, quoted various anonymous sources who claimed that Trump’s reputation as a “challenging client” caused several prominent lawyers to turn him down. In reality, the problem resulted from an intimidation campaign by a radical pressure group called the 65 Project, whose explicit mission is to ruin any lawyer willing to represent Trump.

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9ecc4c No.64918

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19031446 (190924ZJUN23) Notable: Sunspot AR3335 exploded on June 18th, producing an M2.5-class solar flare

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SOLAR FLARE AND CME (UPDATED): Sunspot AR3335 exploded on June 18th, producing an M2.5-class solar flare (movie) and a minor shortwave radio blackout over the Atlantic Ocean (map). The explosion lasted long enough to lift a CME out of the sun's atmosphere, since confirmed by SOHO coronagraphs. NOAA analysts are modeling the CME now to see if it has an Earth-directed component. Stay tuned. CME alerts: SMS Text


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9ecc4c No.64919

File: cfe87a5d0573da7⋯.mp4 (2.31 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19031459 (190938ZJUN23) Notable: RT trolling

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RT trolling...

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9ecc4c No.64920

File: 162824349997743⋯.png (396.11 KB,594x590,297:295,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19031465 (190945ZJUN23) Notable: Dr. Robert Malone highlights Dr. Peter Hotez's role in funding coronavirus gain-of-function research

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NEW - Dr. Robert Malone highlights Dr. Peter Hotez's role in funding coronavirus gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, his ties to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and his advocacy for censoring opposing scientific views.



3:29 PM · Jun 18, 2023




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9ecc4c No.64921

File: 656077bf2cc0869⋯.jpg (86.05 KB,720x679,720:679,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b4481c61df2ca47⋯.mp4 (1.65 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19031480 (191003ZJUN23) Notable: “I’m a historic figure." - Press Secretary

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Quite full of oneself having made no significant achievements ,and being terrible at her job


“I’m a historic figure." - Press Secretary

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9ecc4c No.64922

File: 3042b32d8cd6fdf⋯.png (4.71 MB,2880x1088,45:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19031484 (191008ZJUN23) Notable: Schumann knitting pattern ongoing

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Schumann knitting pattern ongoing:


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9ecc4c No.64923

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19031486 (191010ZJUN23) Notable: RT trolling

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Biden, Sunak, Von der Leyen - not even their AI versions can do anything right

From Washington to Westminster, Brussels to Berlin - the West is doing its darndest to stop you from seeing our news. Here at RT, we'll always Question More


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9ecc4c No.64924

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19031498 (191015ZJUN23) Notable: RT trolling

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with sauce


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9ecc4c No.64925

File: 2ecbb249ec8ecd6⋯.png (223.33 KB,506x777,506:777,Clipboard.png)

File: ff779328ef69067⋯.png (552.53 KB,1121x867,1121:867,Clipboard.png)

File: ab08efd381c1288⋯.png (366.63 KB,667x500,667:500,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19031507 (191020ZJUN23) Notable: THE I.R.S IS COMING FOR THE GUN STORES LICENCES

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Note: Anon will has been watching the notables and over this weekend alone the number of I.R.S raids and notices given to gun store outlets is growing backed by the ATF is emerging.

Better start waking up anons, this is habbening. The first thing they do before coming for the guns with regulations is to stop the legal supply of self defence.

The only reason that the U.S.A is still not taken over is due to the right of the citizen to be armed.


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9ecc4c No.64926

File: 07103e5d02d4fe7⋯.jpg (201.81 KB,1218x1563,406:521,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19031554 (191032ZJUN23) Notable: Schumann knitting pattern ongoing

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The numbers are crazy high. The charts, too.

This was thought to be some anomalous re-calibration of the system, but it continuing, and now having chartable data is something different.

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9ecc4c No.64927

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19031561 (191035ZJUN23) Notable: #23368

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lb notes COMPLETE

#23368 >>64890

>>64891, >>64895, >>64902 PF reports

>>64892, >>64896 Mark Levin bun

>>64893 Biden mocked over 'plans' to build railroad 'across the Indian Ocean':

>>64894 New Vegas show: Awakening

>>64897 Trump RT of Mark Levin

>>64898, >>64900, >>64901, >>64903 Constitutional objections to Schiff fine articulated

>>64899 Rally against arms to Ukraine held in Dusseldorf, Germany

>>64904 Tucker Carlson: Ep. 4 Wannabe Dictator. CBOW & SNAPPA

>>64905 Former NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio Ordered to Pay Massive $475K Fine for Misusing NYPD During Presidential Run

>>64906 Joe Biden Mumbles Nonsense Then He Ends Speech with “God Save the Queen”

>>64907 POTATO Schedule Mon June 19

>>64908 Officials identify Pennsylvania State Police trooper killed in shooting

>>64909, >>64910 Schumann resonance site working again

>>64911 Is the U.S. nuclear weapons-related document, No. 19, going to be an issue for Trump's case?

>>64912 Sacred Ancient Masks Returned to Kogi Tribe After Century-Long Absence

>>64913 JUST IN: 9 Fox News Staffers Have Left the Network to Join Tucker Carlson. KEK.


TY anons for the 14 CP reports lb - deleted, along with red text spam, bread locked. Current bread number updated to#23369.



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9ecc4c No.64928

File: fc00ef111cc133f⋯.png (419.23 KB,889x500,889:500,Clipboard.png)

File: 067642d44fb65db⋯.png (1.26 MB,1478x499,1478:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19031563 (191036ZJUN23) Notable: Sundance: Barr Continues His Crusade Against Trump

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B2 Continues His Crusade Against Trump in Effort to Protect the Bush-Obama Surveillance State and DOJ-FBI Constructs


Barr is advocating for a system of government that has institutional interests above the constitution. According to Bill Barr, the DOJ, FBI and US Intelligence Community control the Office of the President. Look at what he is saying. The bureaucracy of the administrative state is above the chief executive office holder. The intelligence community supersedes the President.

Bill Barr is protecting the weaponized institutions of the Director of National Intelligence (Bush/Cheney), the Dept of Justice – National Security Division [DOJ-NSD (Obama/Holder)], the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA Court), and the Dept of Homeland Security (Bush/Cheney). These institutions, according to AG Bill Barr, are now in full control of the executive branch, full control of government, and now more powerful than the Office of the President of the United States.

This is the position of the DC system and everyone within it. This is why Bill Barr is positioning himself as the tip of the spear. This position is the entire reason why President Trump was told to hire Bill Barr, because Bill Barr had a job to do…. preserve the institutions, he helped build, at all costs. This is also why Bill Barr protected Robert Mueller, and never impeded the Andrew Weissmann effort.

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9ecc4c No.64929

File: 544dbc19df7d20d⋯.png (618.2 KB,504x423,56:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19031585 (191044ZJUN23) Notable: MALONE: QUACKS LIKE HOTEZ SHOULD BE ON TRIAL FOR MASS GLOBAL GENOCIDE

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NEW - Dr.Robert Malone highlights Dr. Peter Hotez's role in funding coronavirus gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, his ties to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and his advocacy for censoring opposing scientific views.







Like Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Peter Hotez was among the most prominent members of the “Your child will die in shrieking agony if you don’t get the shot” school of pandemic messaging.

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9ecc4c No.64930

File: b788a548caf49f1⋯.png (3.95 MB,1718x1400,859:700,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19031621 (191059ZJUN23) Notable: Schumann knitting pattern ongoing

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we are in a veryMINORSchumman event...

the Schumman is something we all need to watch...but we need watchers who understand the data...


here is the data for the last week...

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9ecc4c No.64931

File: 2c8f4213618da96⋯.png (762.25 KB,1183x701,1183:701,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19031626 (191100ZJUN23) Notable: Mark Levin: Trump indictment should have never happened

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Better start taking notice, jack smith is not only after trump he is after maga and the 2nd.

this video cannot be embedded here from bitchute and on youtube which is stating a new version of youtube needs to be downloaded.

throttling of info.



First published at 01:39 UTC on June 19th, 2023.


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9ecc4c No.64932

File: 28ff205961d9b38⋯.jpg (142.09 KB,1280x1199,1280:1199,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19031681 (191124ZJUN23) Notable: Schumann knitting pattern ongoing

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9ecc4c No.64933

File: 4161d7380ae5b06⋯.jpeg (79.84 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19031706 (191132ZJUN23) Notable: Terrorist attacks against leadership of Russia’s Zaporozhye Region thwarted – FSB

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(Picture:Components for an explosive device seized by the FSB)

19 Jun, 2023 09:03

Terrorist attacks against leadership of Russia’s Zaporozhye Region thwarted – FSB

Ukraine’s military intelligence prepared an operation targeting local officials, Russia’s security service says

The Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) has said it intercepted a Ukrainianplot to stageterrorist attacks against the leadership of Russia’s newly incorporated Zaporozhye Region.

“During anoperational game, an attempt by Ukrainian military’s Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR) to commit a series ofsabotage and terrorist actsagainst the heads of the military-civilian administration of Zaporozhye Region and law enforcement officers… was thwarted,” the FSB said in a statement on Monday.

‘Operational game’ is a term used by the Russian security services to describe activities whichemploy double agents and disinformation, in order to make the opponent behave in the desired manner.

The FSB said it was able to =identify a GUR operative, who supervised a group of agents recruited by him from among residents== of Zaporozhye Region. “Comprehensive information” on the activities of Ukraine’s military intelligence in the area was also collected, it added.

“Thedirect perpetrator[of the planned attacks] wasidentified, an accomplice was detained, the means of committing crimes were seized, and channels of undercover communications and methods of financing were established,”the statement read.

Criminal cases on terrorism and illegal possession of explosives have been launched against the detained ==female accomplice=, according to the FSB.

Zaporozhye Region became part of Russia last October, together Kherson Region and the People’s Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk, following referendums in which the local populations voted overwhelmingly in favor of the move.

There have been numerous attempts to target officials of various levels in the four territories since the stat of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine in February 2022. Several people have been killed or wounded in them, but Russia’s security agencies say most of the plots have been foiled.


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9ecc4c No.64934

File: f4056651f6b9704⋯.png (422.76 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19031801 (191204ZJUN23) Notable: Biden’s Deputies Hide Mass Fraud in H-1B Middle-Class Outsourcing Visa

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Indian-born CEOs are closing their firms and fleeing back to India to escape charges of fraud in the annual lotteries for visas to import H-1B foreign contract workers, says a lawyer for many Indian-owned subcontractors and visa workers.

Biden’s Deputies Hide Mass Fraud in H-1B Middle-Class Outsourcing Visa


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9ecc4c No.64935

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19031904 (191245ZJUN23) Notable: Mark Cuban attacks Joe Rogan and Elon Musk in vaccines brawl on Twitter: ‘Way to talk in generalities Joe’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mark Cuban attacks Joe Rogan and Elon Musk in vaccines brawl on Twitter: ‘Way to talk in generalities Joe’


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9ecc4c No.64936

File: fc027fefedd71ce⋯.jpeg (270.33 KB,1170x684,65:38,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19031938 (191256ZJUN23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: DeSantimonious had a very tough time in Nevada. Seeing his poll numbers crash, very few people showed up...

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9ecc4c No.64937

File: 327e6b99e373d1d⋯.jpeg (524.32 KB,1170x1090,117:109,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19031954 (191301ZJUN23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: Will go down as the biggest disgrace in America history, even bigger that the RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA HOAX...

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reconcile, you toothless hillbilly.


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9ecc4c No.64938

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19031970 (191305ZJUN23) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 06/19/2023

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Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 06/19/2023


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9ecc4c No.64939

File: e2c00a8d20f2f56⋯.png (808.84 KB,960x720,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19031981 (191309ZJUN23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: The Busy Center of the Lagoon Nebula

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

June 19, 2023

The Busy Center of the Lagoon Nebula

The center of the Lagoon Nebula is a whirlwind of spectacular star formation. Visible near the image center, at least two long funnel-shaped clouds, each roughly half a light-year long, have been formed by extreme stellar winds and intense energetic starlight. A tremendously bright nearby star, Herschel 36, lights the area. Vast walls of dust hide and redden other hot young stars. As energy from these stars pours into the cool dust and gas, large temperature differences in adjoining regions can be created generating shearing winds which may cause the funnels. This picture, spanning about 15 light years, combines images taken in four colors by the orbiting Hubble Space Telescope. The Lagoon Nebula, also known as M8, lies about 5000 light years distant toward the constellation of the Archer (Sagittarius).


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9ecc4c No.64940

File: ecf84c2b1f98c96⋯.png (20.23 KB,598x271,598:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032022 (191321ZJUN23) Notable: Secretary of State Blinken in Beijing: “We do not support Taiwan independence.”

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Secretary of State Blinken in Beijing: “We do not support Taiwan independence.”



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9ecc4c No.64941

File: 8a0bd11f6db091c⋯.jpeg (293.13 KB,1170x1138,585:569,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032028 (191322ZJUN23) Notable: The cover up is always worse: AI-generated child sex images spawn new nightmare for the web

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and yet here I am contributing, while you (a toothless, racist, hillbilly) launches pathetic ad hominem attacks against me.

So, who’s family do you think is prouder:

1. Mine, because I’m helping the cause

2. Or yours, because you use the n-word repeatedly


AI-generated child sex images spawn new nightmare for the web


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9ecc4c No.64942

File: 6fa7a4d1d905d17⋯.png (618.36 KB,758x713,758:713,Clipboard.png)

File: 4abb7b63ce565c5⋯.png (676.99 KB,612x1024,153:256,Clipboard.png)

File: a2265f82094b30f⋯.png (1.09 MB,1024x658,512:329,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032059 (191329ZJUN23) Notable: US Coast Guard seizes 14K pounds of cocaine worth $186M in international waters

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US Coast Guard seizes 14K pounds of cocaine worth $186M in international waters

June 17, 2023

The United States Coast Guard offloaded thousands of pounds of cocaine worth more than $186 million in Miami Friday, authorities said.

Over 14,000 pounds of illicit narcotics had been intercepted by guardsmen in nine separate operations, according to the Coast Guard.

The missions took place in the international waters of the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean.

In addition to confiscating the drugs, authorities arrested 12 suspected drug smugglers on various charges. They will face prosecution in US federal courts.

“The contraband offloaded today represents the professional expertise and dedication of US defense and law enforcement agencies working together to combat the flow of illicit drugs through the Caribbean Region into the United States,” said Coast Guard Lt. Peter Hutchison.

“This teamwork is imperative to the identification, interception, and seizure of vessels engaged in illicit trafficking and a testament to the hard work of these crews.”


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9ecc4c No.64943

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032116 (191345ZJUN23) Notable: #23369

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final bun for #23369

#23369 >>64914

>>64915, >>64931 Mark Levin: Trump indictment should have never happened

>>64922, >>64926, >>64930 Anon: "We are in a very MINOR Schumann Event"

>>64916 FBI, CIA, Etc. Are All Monitoring 4Chan Closely and Saving All Data

>>64917 Trump Lawyers Targeted by Dark Money Group

>>64918 Sunspot AR3335 exploded on June 18th, producing an M2.5-class solar flare

>>64919, >>64923, >>64924 RT trolling

>>64920 Dr. Robert Malone highlights Dr. Peter Hotez's role in funding coronavirus gain-of-function research

>>64921 “I’m a historic figure." - Press Secretary

>>64922, >>64926, >>64930, >>64932 Schumann knitting pattern ongoing


>>64928 Sundance: Barr Continues His Crusade Against Trump


Baker Change

>>64933 Terrorist attacks against leadership of Russia’s Zaporozhye Region thwarted – FSB

>>64934 Biden’s Deputies Hide Mass Fraud in H-1B Middle-Class Outsourcing Visa

>>64935 Mark Cuban attacks Joe Rogan and Elon Musk in vaccines brawl on Twitter: ‘Way to talk in generalities Joe’

>>64936 DJT TS w/CAP: DeSantimonious had a very tough time in Nevada. Seeing his poll numbers crash, very few people showed up...

>>64937 DJT TS w/CAP: Will go down as the biggest disgrace in America history, even bigger that the RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA HOAX...

>>64938 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 06/19/2023

>>64939 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: The Busy Center of the Lagoon Nebula

>>64940 Secretary of State Blinken in Beijing: “We do not support Taiwan independence.”

>>64941 The cover up is always worse: AI-generated child sex images spawn new nightmare for the web

>>64942 US Coast Guard seizes 14K pounds of cocaine worth $186M in international waters

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9ecc4c No.64944

File: f107c916ff0c708⋯.png (1.06 MB,896x717,896:717,Clipboard.png)

File: 034884c287ab3a0⋯.png (758.75 KB,825x846,275:282,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032132 (191350ZJUN23) Notable: #23370

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Baker Requesting Handoff

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9ecc4c No.64945

File: 75acfd737913622⋯.png (1.28 MB,1058x875,1058:875,Clipboard.png)

File: f4e83c4b1653f0e⋯.jpg (20.45 KB,360x300,6:5,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032161 (191355ZJUN23) Notable: PF Eyez on the Skyz

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Southwest bound out of Wright-Patterson AFB


Squawking 4015

another shiffty ping


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9ecc4c No.64946

File: 19b284158e792b2⋯.png (271.47 KB,599x664,599:664,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032162 (191356ZJUN23) Notable: #OTD in 1944, "The Great Marianas Turkey Shoot" began during the Battle of the Philippine Sea

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#OTD in 1944, "The Great Marianas Turkey Shoot" began during the Battle of the Philippine Sea. U.S. pilots and A.A. gunners destroyed 600+ enemy aircraft. Flying a Grumman F6F Hellcat, Navy ace Lt. Alex Vraciu shot down 6 dive bombers in 8 minutes.


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9ecc4c No.64947

File: 04a4e8a026456e6⋯.jpeg (754.02 KB,1170x1836,65:102,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032178 (191358ZJUN23) Notable: PF Eyez on the Skyz

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GTMO845 plane returning

Squawk 5555


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9ecc4c No.64948

File: cbffda95ce2b6d7⋯.webp (26.45 KB,624x349,624:349,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032199 (191405ZJUN23) Notable: EDTA Detoxification for Metals, Graphene and Hydrogel

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Anons send to anyone who is sick from jab, but truthfully we all need it.

EDTA Detoxification for Metals, Graphene and Hydrogel

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD interviews Dr. Michael Roth

Here is the Link for our Interview:

EDTA Detoxification for Metals, Graphene and Hydrogel

In this interview we discuss EDTA studies, excellent safety profile, questions regarding renal dosing. We review the literature of benefits. EDTA for detoxification of metals, Graphene and Hydrogel is discussed. I show before and after live blood images that document clearance of the blood from the ribbon structures with EDTA IV Chelation. While certainly more studies are required, given the metal detox abilities of EDTA and the effects against Hydrogel, this should be considered as a treatment option. I use IV EDTA Chelation now to clear the blood and for periodic maintenance due to the assault on human health. I recommend the cream as a daily prevention detox modality in addition to nutritional optimization, and other supplements I have written about, like Humic and Fulvic Acid, Nitric Oxide supplementation with Neo 40, DMG, NAC and others.

Please see for yourself our review of this important molecule for detoxification purposes.

Dr. Michael Roth is a retired doctor of chiropractic with extensive knowledge and experience in nutrition and health. After running a successful chiropractic office for nearly 15 years, Dr. Roth branched out into peripheral realms of health study to enable him to offer his clients a more complete and overall knowledge base of wellness. With a goal to glorify the Lord, he is dedicated to provide for and educate the public regarding the gaining and maintaining of dynamic health and effective body cleansing. Dr. Roth also developed a unique topical EDTA cream for the safe, gentle and effective removal of toxic chemicals and heavy metals from the body. He is a member of AFLDS, FLCCN and several other medical freedom and liberty groups. For more information go to his website: www.inspiredhealthadvocate.com or email: info@inspiredhealthadvocate.com


(Excellent results reported for those who got the jab)

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9ecc4c No.64949

File: 1bf6ff4d18ff00c⋯.png (28.94 KB,674x387,674:387,Clipboard.png)

File: 82102cb1cc97b8c⋯.png (27.02 KB,677x333,677:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032233 (191414ZJUN23) Notable: ECW: Just wait until the tin foil loons find out there are military vehicles and troops currently in every major American city./NG

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Ezra A. Cohen Retweeted

Alex Plitsas 🇺🇸


Just wait until the tin foil loons find out there are military vehicles and troops currently in every major American city.

You can sign up here 👇🏼


9:23 PM · Jun 17, 2023




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9ecc4c No.64950

File: f720c091176b223⋯.jpeg (426.05 KB,1125x1286,1125:1286,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032246 (191419ZJUN23) Notable: Bam and Killery bringin em to heel/Big Mike

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Hillary’s tweet should be coming soon…


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9ecc4c No.64951

File: 0c0fe01ea88b058⋯.jpeg (762.31 KB,1170x1322,585:661,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032248 (191419ZJUN23) Notable: Tourist sub taking groups to find Titanic wreckage goes missing

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BREAKING NEWS: Tourist sub taking groups to find Titanic wreckage goes missing


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9ecc4c No.64952

File: 0e3e469f9cdacc1⋯.jpeg (63.32 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032255 (191422ZJUN23) Notable: Multiple victims as Kiev strikes ‘humanitarian warehouse’ &ndash; Donbass region head

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19 Jun, 2023 13:45

Multiple victims as Kiev strikes ‘humanitarian warehouse’ – Donbass region head

More shelling on Monday injured some 20 civilians, Donetsk leader Denis Pushilin has reported

Ukrainian rocket artillery that the country received from Western nations, hasinjured some 20 civiliansin the frontline Donbass city of Volnovakha, the acting head of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) reported.

The rocketshitwhat Denis Pushilin described as an“absolutely peaceful district”in the city, and he listed a bus stop, a school and a humanitarian warehouse as having been affected by the shelling.

The DPR civic defense office identified the projectiles asfired by HIMARS rocketlaunchers, a US-made weapon system. Near the warehouse alone, officialsfound six cratersleft by the Ukrainian shelling, it said. The facility is used to distribute building materials to householders in need.

RT correspondent Roman Kosarev visited the location and found it abandoned. He said everyone had been evacuated because the authorities feared a second strike by Ukrainian forces.

The initial attack waslaunched at around 9am local time(6am GMT), when the warehouse was busy with people seeking assistance, he noted. At least two of the victims are said to be in serious condition.

In a separate incident in a village near Volnovakha,a six-year-old girl was mortally injuredafter stepping on a mine remotely deployed by Ukrainian forces, Pushilin said.

According to the region’s interior ministry, the mine had parachuted down inside the property of the girl’s family on Sunday. The child was badly wounded and parents rushed her to the nearest medical facility.

She received first aid there and was sent to a hospital in Mariupol, some 50 kilometers (30 miles) to the southeast, butunfortunately was confirmed dead on arrival.


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9ecc4c No.64953

File: 9db49dc0c34999b⋯.jpeg (910.94 KB,1125x1801,1125:1801,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032259 (191423ZJUN23) Notable: Bam and Killery bringin em to heel/Big Mike

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Here it is…like clockwork


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9ecc4c No.64954

File: 70bb325a07e2e94⋯.jpeg (266.35 KB,1125x737,1125:737,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 539775ab04df9ae⋯.jpeg (720.84 KB,1125x1955,225:391,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5fdea40ef7b3edb⋯.jpeg (145.52 KB,1125x585,25:13,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032268 (191426ZJUN23) Notable: Bam and Killery bringin em to heel/Big Mike

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9ecc4c No.64955

File: 30a0f43a43c1ad1⋯.jpeg (453.11 KB,1240x821,1240:821,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8e430aed82fe0fe⋯.jpeg (403.54 KB,1240x821,1240:821,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3af10ce9d1ff836⋯.jpeg (696.95 KB,1240x821,1240:821,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 2fc62cbf40316ce⋯.jpeg (580.14 KB,1240x821,1240:821,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a26b67b14d72de9⋯.jpeg (415.86 KB,1240x822,620:411,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032298 (191433ZJUN23) Notable: Multiple victims as Kiev strikes ‘humanitarian warehouse’ &ndash; Donbass region head

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Very long article on the shelling of Donbass constantly since 2014

18 Jun, 2023 19:05

Life in the Donbass: How locals feel today, over nine years since their region broke away from Ukrainian control

Residents of the Donetsk People's Republic give their perspectives on the hostilities raging since 2014, and how they feel about Russia and Ukraine

….Locals say that civilian infrastructure is most often attacked by the AFU, and that targets have included the Transfiguration Cathedral and the local market. They say thechurch gets shelled during services on holy days, and the market is regularly attacked on weekends. The AFU reportedly strikes on days when these places are full of people.

“Even the children here know where the missiles are flying from and why. I have a six-year-old niece. She sits in a taxi and says, ‘My God, what a nightmare. They are attacking us, aren’t they?’. I say, ‘Yes... And who is attacking us?’ She says, ‘Ukraine.’She knows how to hide and where the attack is coming from. She knows that if the bombardment has started, she needs to grab her cat and her favorite coloring books, and go sit on a chair in the corridor. This is not normal.”..

Three others remained in Donetsk. Lyudmila says that over the past nine years, whenever the city comes under attack, her whole family has to hide in a narrow corridor, pressing close to each other. In the area where she lives, there are constant strikes. After our meeting, Lyudmila nearly got hit by a shell that exploded 500 meters away from her. In complete darkness, she ran home as fast as she could…

Lyudmila is originally from Maryinka, and her relatives still live there. The city is currently the scene of fierce battles, and it is no longer possible to evacuate them. In March and April last year, they were forced to hide in the basement from shelling, and were starving. Lyudmila says an 80-year-old relative stopped walking and went blind…

At the bank, another hit elderly people who were standing in line. At the local market, civilians out food shopping were killed. Missiles have struck schools and kindergartens...

“Every place around here has been hit. We used to think these were accidental, scattered attacks: I mean on schools, kindergartens, apartment buildings. Now we know that it’s targeted. If today there are two shellings of the same school porch, tomorrow it will happen again.”…

Lyudmila says that for eight years, the Ukrainian side announced ceasefires that were given “characteristic” names – like the “Easter truce” or “school truce” in honor of the start of school on September 1. But the same party that proposed them immediately violated these agreements….

Recounting the events of 2014, Lyudmila remembers how the residents of Donetsk went to Lenin Square carrying Russian flags, and called for their region to become part of Russia…

For two weeks, the family hid in a small corridor together with the animals. When things quietened down, they looked out to see who was shooting. From the window of the house, they could see Ukrainian tanks driving along the streets and firing at residential areas. The family cooked food on a wood stove, each time fearing that their house would be discovered and attacked.

“Two or three times a day, theAFU would engage in a ‘tank biathlon’ - they fired at houses, residential buildings, people. We were afraid to kindle a fire in the stove, because the smoke [coming out of the chimney] would make us an easy target. When my husband got the fire burning, I would shout, ‘Put it out, they're going to attack us now!’”…


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9ecc4c No.64956

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032309 (191435ZJUN23) Notable: Mark Levin on Trump indictment: 'This is sickening'

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Mark Levin on Trump indictment: 'This is sickening'

June 18, 2023 - 16-mins


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9ecc4c No.64957

File: 14af1bfd7515bf7⋯.png (87.16 KB,753x678,251:226,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032318 (191438ZJUN23) Notable: @RichardGrenell The elites of America are afraid to debate the issues.

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Richard Grenell

The elites of America are afraid to debate the issues.

They call dissenting information “misinformation” as if they are the arbiters of all facts.

They are teaching the next generation that opinion = fact.

They don’t see the damage they cause to the process of understanding the impact of every policy through different perspectives.

We must bring back healthy debates in America.

ian bremmer·11h

the main reason an expert shouldn’t debate rfk, jr on vaccines is that he has no expertise on the issue.

it would be like me debating elon on electric vehicles. or him debating me on international relations. there’s no value added.

9:39 AM · Jun 19, 2023·35.4K Views


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9ecc4c No.64958

File: 9cf8d1e2581ff5c⋯.png (93.89 KB,568x364,142:91,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032324 (191439ZJUN23) Notable: Which holiday is moar real? For the keks!

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9ecc4c No.64959

File: 5536ddd829e8951⋯.png (514.62 KB,768x496,48:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032328 (191440ZJUN23) Notable: Declassified files expose British role in NATO’s Gladio terror armies

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Declassified files expose British role in NATO’s Gladio terror armies

Newly declassified British files shed disturbing light on the origins and internal workings of Operation Gladio, a covert NATO plot deploying fascist terror militias across Italy. Have spies in London applied these lessons in Ukraine?

Newly declassified British Foreign Office files have added disturbing details to the history of Operation Gladio. The covert operation was uncovered in 1990, when the public learned that the CIA, MI6 and NATO trained and directed an underground army of fascist paramilitary units across Europe, deploying its assets to undermine political opponents, including through false flag terror attacks.

Among them was a young Silvio Berlusconi, the media oligarch who served as Italian Prime Minister in four separate governments between 1994 and 2011. Listed as a member of the P2, the secret Cold War-era cabal of political elites devoted to Gladio’s aims, Berlusconi undoubtedly took some weighty secrets to the grave when he died this June 12th.

It is almost impossible to believe that inconvenient truths were not weeded from Britain’s documentary record on Operation Gladio prior to declassification. Nonetheless, the recently released material is highly illuminating. Covering a fraught twelve month period after the first public disclosure of Gladio’s existence, the papers illustrate how London’s foreign intelligence apparatus kept a keen eye on the continent as events unfolded.

The papers not only shed fresh light on the conspiracy, they underline Gladio’s relevance as British intelligence joins its America counterparts in contemporary plots involving secret partisan forces from Syria to Ukraine.

Various passages dotted across the tranche strongly suggest the British knew much more than they publicly admitted about egregious criminal deeds, including the attempted overthrow of an allied Italian government and the kidnap and murder of its leader.

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9ecc4c No.64960

File: 5368d84f03853c4⋯.jpeg (246.96 KB,1393x485,1393:485,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 03af897b5a351a0⋯.jpeg (258.23 KB,1160x773,1160:773,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: da2691781dbf2ff⋯.pdf (290.61 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032330 (191440ZJUN23) Notable: The Deep State Document Hunt Against Donald Trump in Context

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Worthwhile read

The Deep State Document Hunt Against Donald Trump in Context

June 18, 2023 | Sundance |

After reading the entire 75-page transcript of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) testimony to congress [READ HERE], a testimonial that almost no one in the mainstream news has written about, issues surrounding the document search against President Trump take on some new context.

The NARA officials are essentially professional DC bureaucrats with a mission to look out for the best interests of the DC system they support. It is very clear from their opinion; Donald Trump was considered an outsider to the DC system of government – and that baseline established the framework for why and how NARA took such extreme processes with President Trump.


From the transcript, one NARA official says, “I am storing 555,000 cubic feet of classified national security information. To put that in perspective, the white boxes that many of you have seen in your offices, that is a cubic foot. It holds about 2,500 pages. Another way for me to describe it, a typical stack area that we store records in a Federal records center can hold about 100,000 cubic feet. And that is a room that is about roughly the size of a football field. So you are looking at five and a half football fields floor to ceiling shelving.” {Transcript, page 24}

President Trump did not turn over the letter left to him by President Obama, nor did President Trump turn over the 27 letters exchanged between himself and North Korea Chairman Kim Jong-un.NARA was looking for these along with other documents pertaining to President Trump engaging in discussions with other foreign leaders, and NARA was angry about the perceived lack of respect shown by Trump toward their endeavor.

However, when you take the current DC establishment system, look at the history of the Trump administration engagement in foreign policy, then overlay that dynamic with the gatekeeping responsibilities outlined by NARA, what you may discover is an entirely different prism through which to view the DC motives.

One can easily argue the Deep State per se’ was looking for notes, information, contacts, tips and hints of discussions that took place between Trump and foreign leaders, that may have actually exposed the mechanisms of DC money and policy laundering.

Consider the NARA apoplexy around the Trump-Kim letters as outlined on pages 43 & 44 of their testimony. However, expand your perspective to get larger than simply the Trump-Kim letters.

NARA officials view themselves, their role, as more important than the President of the United States, that is very clear. NARA officials consider themselves “gatekeepers” to government information. The gatekeepers were not happy with President Trump not following protocols when he was not in office. An example from media:

The Washington Post’s Greg Miller reported Sunday that President Donald Trump’s confiscation of the translator’s notes from a one-on-one conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2017 was “unusual.” This is incorrect. It was unprecedented. There is nothing like it in the annals of presidential history…

Think about a DC system that is built upon leverage and blackmail worrying about a President who might gain leverage and blackmail with evidence of their corrupt endeavors. What would this DC system do to make sure that evidence, if it existed, was never used?

Think about an elitist and very eco-chambered DC political system viewing President Trump through the prism of a vulgarian man who will say anything, expose anything, and discuss anything without curtailment or consideration for the collateral damage his words may create. Think about the palpable fear that would reverberate amid a professional political class who have created this system for their own financial benefit.


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9ecc4c No.64961

File: 206b0c9c5053b2d⋯.png (347.39 KB,550x941,550:941,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032332 (191441ZJUN23) Notable: Hunter Biden's Maltese Bank Account Opened by Burisma Amid FBI Allegations of $10 Million Bribe

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Hunter Biden's Maltese Bank Account Opened by Burisma Amid FBI Allegations of $10 Million Bribe

Emails from the Biden laptop reveal a newly discovered Maltese bank account that coincides with the bribery allegations involving Biden and Burisma, as reported by an FBI source.

Emails from the Biden laptop shed light on Burisma’s opening of a Maltese bank account for Hunter Biden in the spring of 2016. This newly discovered development coincides with the allegations made by an FBI source, suggesting that Mykola Zlochevsky, the founder of Burisma Holdings, allegedly paid a $5 million bribe each to then-Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden.

In 2014, Ukraine initiated criminal cases against Zlochevsky and Burisma, the company where Hunter Biden held a board position and received substantial compensation. Zlochevsky, who faced investigations for money laundering and public corruption, allegedly employed the Vice President's son to leverage his political influence in order to halt the investigations.

According to the FBI whistleblower document, the pay-for-play scheme is outlined, with Zlochevsky purportedly safeguarding 17 audio recordings of conversations with the Bidens as an "insurance policy." Among these recordings are two alleged conversations with then-Vice President Biden himself. ...


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9ecc4c No.64962

File: 18fe28e3d24c7cd⋯.jpeg (702.01 KB,1125x1399,1125:1399,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 350d21c2393d5b4⋯.jpeg (54.57 KB,1086x180,181:30,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032334 (191441ZJUN23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Quinnipiac Poll is a BAD poll

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9ecc4c No.64963

File: a602ff06b3a8144⋯.png (463.65 KB,750x1334,375:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032346 (191443ZJUN23) Notable: Tourist sub taking groups to find Titanic wreckage goes missing

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10:17 published.

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9ecc4c No.64964

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032357 (191447ZJUN23) Notable: Titanic back story from Q

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Titanic was a [federal reserve] false flag

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9ecc4c No.64965

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032372 (191450ZJUN23) Notable: The Deep State Document Hunt Against Donald Trump in Context

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Continued: Trump really knows how to freak them out

It is alsotruly unusual that Trump failed to bring in a note taker, along with his translator, during his meetings with Putin, as almost every other president has done when meeting with foreign heads of state since the end of World War II. Usually the note taker is an official or aide with deep background in the subject under discussion.

[…] There are good reasons for presidents to bring a note taker with them to such meetings. First, they want a record of what was said, both to remind themselves later of what happened and to confirm or dispute some later account of the meeting, either by the foreign leader or some reporter. Second, the president’s national security officials want to know what was said so that they can orient policy accordingly. Third, historians value these notes, once they’re declassified, as a record of behind-the-scenes U.S. foreign policy. (link)

President Trump was violating institutional norms. He was not following the unwritten rules of the DC bureaucracy; a political system that is predicated on maintenance of a financial system where US policy is promoted with laundered dollars that flow back to the politicians.

Think about the risk that DC viewed from Trump’s processes that violated their norms. Think about the meetings they would not know about. Think about the conversations that might take place without their knowledge.

Think about Vladimir Putin (Russia), Abdel Fattah al-Sisi (Egypt), Mohammed Bin Salmon (Saudi), Viktor Orban (Hungary), or even Lopez-Obrador (Mexico), talking openly to President Trump about how their nations were told to engage with U.S. political systems via the State Dept., or functional politicians on various committees.

Think about the apoplexy amid a DC system built on selling foreign policy and gaining affluence, when suddenly there is a guy in the office of the President who has never made a dime from this network and financial construct. Think about how the DC Democrats and Republicans would view Trump from the perspective of his personal engagement with foreign government officials who know the dirt on those same DC Democrats and Republicans. Think about the fear inside the beltway as a result of this.

Consider yet another example from 2018:

2018 – President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un held their first-ever meeting, and there may never be a full record of what was said.

After meeting shortly after 9 a.m. (local time) for a handshake and photo-op, the two leaders entered a library at Capella Hotel on Singapore’s Sentosa Island to begin a one-on-one bilateral meeting. The two men were each accompanied only by an interpreter, raising concerns among experts.

Suzanne DiMaggio, who facilitated the first official discussions between North Korea and the Trump administration last year, recently said that without aides present “the fear is that he [Trump] might give away too much.”

But while Trump, and Kim, regularly stray off diplomatic scripts, a larger risk may be that there may be no full transcript, public or secret, of what the two leaders discussed. (link)

Think about a DC system that is built upon leverage and blackmailworrying about a President who might gain leverage and blackmail with evidence of their corrupt endeavors. What would this DC system do to make sure that evidence, if it existed, was never used?..


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9ecc4c No.64966

File: 8427331eb15374e⋯.jpeg (665.32 KB,1170x1961,1170:1961,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 39ea14c4a8a6d9a⋯.jpeg (790.06 KB,1170x2150,117:215,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8c83757966716ac⋯.jpeg (245.21 KB,1170x946,585:473,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032375 (191450ZJUN23) Notable: Titanic back story from Q

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How did Soros replace family ‘y’?

Who is family ‘y’?

Trace the bloodlines of these (3) families.

What happened during WWII?

Was Hitler a puppet?

Who was his handler?

What was the purpose?

What was the real purpose of the war?

What age was GS?

What is the Soros family history?

What has occurred since the fall of N Germany?

Who is A. Merkel?

What is A. Merkel’s family history?

Follow the bloodline.

Who died on the TITANIC?

What year did the TITANIC sink?

Why is this relevant?

What ‘exactly’ happened to the TITANIC?

What ‘class of people’ were guaranteed a lifeboat?

Why did select ‘individuals’ not make it into the lifeboats?

Why is this relevant?

How do we know who was on the lifeboats (D or A)?

How were names and bodies recorded back then?

When were tickets purchased for her maiden voyage?

Who was ‘specifically’ invited?

Less than 10.

What is the FED?

What does the FED control?

Who controls the FED?

Who approved the formation of the FED?

Why did H-wood glorify TITANIC as a tragic love story?

Who lived in the movie (what man)?

Why is this relevant?

Opposite is true.

What is brainwashing?

What is a PSYOP?

What happened to the Hindenburg?

What really happened to the Hindenburg?

Who died during the ‘accident’?

Why is this relevant?

What are sheep?

Who controls the narrative?

The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.

It must be controlled.

Snow White.

Iron Eagle.

Jason Bourne (CIA/Dream).



The graphic is your key.

Let's pause and say hello to the rogue intelligence agencies currently monitoring these threads.

Was the money worth it?



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9ecc4c No.64967

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032386 (191452ZJUN23) Notable: Matt Whitaker on Trump's indictment, Durham's testimony and Biden's "dealings"

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Matt Whitaker on Trump's indictment, Durham's testimony and Biden's "dealings"

Former acting U.S. Attorney General Matt Whitaker discusses John Durham's upcoming testimony, Trump's indictment and Rep. James Comer's comments about the Biden family business dealings investigation.

Jun 19, 2023 - 8:16-mins


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9ecc4c No.64968

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032396 (191456ZJUN23) Notable: Mark Levin on Trump indictment: 'This is sickening'

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James Comer to Mark Levin: The 'deep state' is in on this

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., breaks down the committee's investigation into bribery allegations against President Biden.

Fox News

from June 18, 2023 - 6:24-mins


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9ecc4c No.64969

File: f4d92487e268668⋯.png (446.22 KB,1138x450,569:225,Clipboard.png)

File: 2b02e9ecf538f56⋯.png (279.31 KB,649x311,649:311,Clipboard.png)

File: 7d7012dabf3b06a⋯.png (414.55 KB,647x326,647:326,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032401 (191457ZJUN23) Notable: PF Eyez on the Skyz

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PlaneFag CONUS activity: Potato goes to SF Bay Area for munee, Coast Guard G5 heading across Atlantic

Potato in 92-9000 747 (VC-25) departed Dover AFB and heading to Moffett Federal Airfield most likely and some BS about muh climate change however the real reason for this is "Campaign reception"

Biden to announce $600M in climate investments during Bay Area trip


Sources told NBC Bay Area that Biden will be attending at least two fundraising events for his re-election campaign Monday.

The first, hosted by LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman and Microsoft CTO Kevin Scott, will be in Los Gatos. And the second will be at the Atherton home of Venture Capitalist and former California State Controller Steve Westly.

CLUB22 E-4B Nightwatch departed Wright-Patterson AFB and heading to Davis-Monthan AFB this is S.O.P. to station one of these on the west coast for Presidential visits since he will be spending the night

C102 US Coast Guard G5 EN from Reagan National and likely having to do with Blinken's trip to London after he leaves Beijing

SPAR14 C-40C west and heading to Scott AFB, IL-it arrived from a Stockholm Int'l departure yesterday

FORGE94 G5 departed JBA WN as well

Algerian AF Q7TVPS G4 and likely heading to Savannah-it stopped at Lajes AB, Azores for a refuel and departed Algiers earlier today

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9ecc4c No.64970

File: 6c3a94a9413bd9e⋯.png (674.25 KB,900x1300,9:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032403 (191457ZJUN23) Notable: Blinken goes to London after that visit in Beijing

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Yikes. Body language.

10:09 AM · Jun 19, 2023


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9ecc4c No.64971

File: 2871e5ea6df047b⋯.jpg (58.12 KB,549x555,183:185,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cfc643f47848e6f⋯.png (212.02 KB,356x402,178:201,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032415 (191500ZJUN23) Notable: Durham June 21st 9A EST

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9ecc4c No.64972

File: 68b737b92b131ff⋯.png (133.5 KB,542x321,542:321,Clipboard.png)

File: cf3e88744bca8f8⋯.png (464.93 KB,642x647,642:647,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032419 (191501ZJUN23) Notable: Blinken goes to London after that visit in Beijing

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Blinken goes to London after that visit in Beijing

"Had a candid, substantive, and constructive conversation with People’s Republic of China President Xi Jinping in Beijing today. We discussed a range of important issues, including the need to manage our relationship responsibly"

7:35 AM · Jun 19, 2023


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9ecc4c No.64973

File: 816c14f6d907b78⋯.png (130 KB,751x562,751:562,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032493 (191520ZJUN23) Notable: Trans Agenda is obviously controlled by those at "war on the Creator..God."

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Trans Agenda is obviously controlled by those at "war on the Creator..God."

Lara Logan

The trans agenda occupies way too much time & attention considering the tiny number of people who are actually trans. This agenda is obviously controlled by greater political forces than trans people - a movement hijacked by the same people pushing climate armageddon & doing everything to reduce the world’s food supply while warning of famine & promoting insects. The problem we have is that trans ideology is targeting children - which is a red line. A REAL red line (not like the one Obama drew in Syria over the use of chemical weapons that meant nothing). If you look at these things in isolation you won’t see the whole picture - put AI & trans together with the assault on gender & you start to see what they have planned for the human race. This is a war on creation (the way we were created) & therefore at it’s core, this is a war on the Creator..God.

11:15 AM · Jun 19, 2023


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9ecc4c No.64974

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032537 (191535ZJUN23) Notable: Judge orders Trump not to disclose evidence in classified documents case

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Judge orders Trump not to disclose evidence in classified documents case

A federal judge on Monday approved a protective order sought by special counsel Jack Smith to keep former President Donald Trump from disclosing sensitive information in his classified documents case.

Smith sought the order to ensure that neither Trump nor codefendant Walt Nauta, Trump's presidential valet, disclose sensitive information obtained during the discovery process, where prosecutors will show the defense what evidence it has amassed during their investigation into Trump's handling of classified documents since leaving office.

Trump was charged last week with 37 criminal counts related to his handling of classified materials, after prosecutors said he repeatedly refused to return hundreds of documents containing classified information ranging from U.S. nuclear secrets to the nation's defense capabilities.

The protective order said Trump and Nauta "shall not disclose the Discovery Materials or their contents directly or indirectly to any person or entity other than persons employed to assist in the defense, persons who are interviewed as potential witnesses, counsel for potential witnesses, and other persons to whom the Court may authorize disclosure."

In seeking the order on Friday, prosecutors said the materials include "sensitive and confidential information," including personal identifiable information, information that reveals investigative techniques, non-public information relating to potential witnesses, and personal information contained on electronic devices and accounts.

Notably, the special counsel also said the materials include "information pertaining to ongoing investigations, the disclosure of which could compromise those investigations and identify uncharged individuals."

Violations of the protective order "may result in contempt of court or other civil or criminal sanctions," the judge's order said.

A similar protective order was sought and issued last month in New York City, where prosecutors said they were concerned that Trump would post to social media evidence in a separate case involving a hush payment made to adult film star Stormy Daniels.

Trump has denied all wrongdoing in both cases


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9ecc4c No.64975

File: fbd3d7a949796d5⋯.png (331.66 KB,1284x2778,214:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032554 (191539ZJUN23) Notable: Tourist sub taking groups to find Titanic wreckage goes missing

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rescue mission is underway after a vessel used to take tourists to see the underwater wreck of the Titanic went missing in the Atlantic Ocean on Monday.

The U.S. Coast Guard confirmed to Fox News Digital that they were currently searching for a lost submersible. Tourists can charter the small craft for visits to the infamous ship through OceanGate Expeditions.

(For $250,000.00) I wonder who was on it.


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9ecc4c No.64976

File: 63f9b1fa9f78c63⋯.jpeg (776.6 KB,1140x1841,1140:1841,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032557 (191541ZJUN23) Notable: PF Eyez on the Skyz

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PRGDQ Brazilian military off Florida East Coast

Squawk 0752


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9ecc4c No.64977

File: be1592e4ccfa73a⋯.jpg (69.29 KB,600x593,600:593,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032559 (191541ZJUN23) Notable: Titanic back story from Q

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9ecc4c No.64978

File: 8489454b82dc006⋯.png (190.39 KB,532x600,133:150,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032598 (191552ZJUN23) Notable: #OTD in 1986, President Reagan gave the commencement address at Glassboro High School in New Jersey

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#OTD in 1986, President Reagan gave the commencement address at Glassboro High School in New Jersey. “There are advantages to being President. The day after I was elected, I had my high school grades classified top secret.” https://presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/remarks-the-high-school-commencement-exercises-glassboro-new-jersey


Althogh a joke... we now know where Obama got the idea from.

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9ecc4c No.64979

File: 030f895dee3c0b6⋯.png (389.31 KB,981x435,327:145,Clipboard.png)

File: 8e3af97c9c2db4a⋯.png (697.36 KB,931x437,49:23,Clipboard.png)

File: 79360a494894c14⋯.png (544.32 KB,437x633,437:633,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032600 (191552ZJUN23) Notable: PF Eyez on the Skyz

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PlaneFag Yerp/Med Activity-Germans heading to see Z in Rzsesow, Swiss, Belgians and Germans departed Bydgoszcz, Poland...

German AF GAF760 A321neo heading to Rzsesow Airport , Poland from a Koln/Bonn departure

Swiss AF SUI565 Falcon 900 heading back to Bern, Belgian AF BAF81 Falcon 7x (the one that left DC yesterday >>64864 pb) back to Brussels and German AF GAF779 A321neo departed Bydgoszcz, Poland

Also another Swiss AF AC SUI043 CL-60 left Bern and heading WS over central Spain

169334 P-8 Poseidon heading EN from Beja over western Med

Hungarian AF HUAF610 Falcon 7x (usually used by FM Peter Szjarito) WN from Kecskemet AB and this AC was in Berlin yesterday

Italian AF IAM1496 G5 arriving at Berlin from Cervia-Pisignano AB (NE side of Italy

HKY707 C-130j Super Hercules departed Lask AB, Poland (near Lodz) after a load out of about 1h and arrived from Ramstein AFB

Turkish AF TUAF742 A400m departed southern Tunisia and stopped just WWS of Tripoli-heading back to Istanbul

Some refueling activity going on in North Sea with MOON23SHINE31, MDRS50, 59-1521 tankers

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9ecc4c No.64980

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032604 (191553ZJUN23) Notable: Judge orders Trump not to disclose evidence in classified documents case

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Judge Orders Trump, Lawyers Not to Share Evidence Ahead of Trial

By Zachary Stieber

June 19, 2023Updated: June 19, 2023

Former President Donald Trump and his lawyers were ordered on June 19 not to share evidence in Trump’s criminal case with any people not involved in the case.

Trump, co-defendant Waltine Nauta, and their attorneys must not disclose the discovery materials to the public or news media, or post it on any “news or social media platform,” without the consent of the U.S, government or approval of the court, U.S. Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart said in the order.

Lawyers for Trump and Nauta did not oppose the motion, according to Smith. The lawyers did not respond to requests for comment.


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9ecc4c No.64981

File: 8c8d9422c726246⋯.jpeg (469.5 KB,1241x1830,1241:1830,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 200ed0ce870f76c⋯.jpeg (158.88 KB,1241x730,17:10,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032611 (191554ZJUN23) Notable: Boris panicked, he wanted to launder more money, and a lot more Ukrainians dead

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Boris panicked, he wanted to launder more money, and a lot more Ukrainians dead



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9ecc4c No.64982

File: eda2231d6c24ec8⋯.png (19.44 KB,493x204,29:12,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032628 (191557ZJUN23) Notable: If Biden allows China to attack Taiwan, then he is allowing China to attack our troops.

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If Biden allows China to attack Taiwan, then he is allowing China to attack our troops.

Treason (again)


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9ecc4c No.64983

File: e28ef1ac6f2f50e⋯.mp4 (568.66 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: d57e3444799cd63⋯.png (329.21 KB,551x747,551:747,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032635 (191559ZJUN23) Notable: If Biden allows China to attack Taiwan, then he is allowing China to attack our troops.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

“We Do Not Support Taiwan Independence” – Tony Blinken Gives Green Light to Chicoms to Invade Taiwan

Secretary of State Tony Blinken traveled to China this past weekend to give the green light to the communist regime to invade Taiwan.


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9ecc4c No.64984

File: 0c755094942c0fb⋯.jpeg (461.2 KB,1241x2184,1241:2184,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b9142f302d37f1f⋯.jpeg (402.31 KB,1242x2188,621:1094,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032639 (191559ZJUN23) Notable: Blinken goes to London after that visit in Beijing

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Blinken is a liar and has created a condition of potential destruction, so NO the Chinese don’t like him, they make him beg like Bidan


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9ecc4c No.64985

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032649 (191600ZJUN23) Notable: If Biden allows China to attack Taiwan, then he is allowing China to attack our troops.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>We Do Not Support Taiwan Independence


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9ecc4c No.64986

File: 74c84479cf6ad5a⋯.png (430.43 KB,532x494,14:13,Clipboard.png)

File: 78f2b071c2ca162⋯.png (41.01 KB,411x384,137:128,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032659 (191602ZJUN23) Notable: @NavalInstitute Carrier USS Ronald Reagan Now in the South China Sea

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Carrier USS Ronald Reagan Now in the South China Sea - USNI News



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9ecc4c No.64987

File: 0c90c3a70f735d8⋯.png (1.36 MB,684x930,114:155,Clipboard.png)

File: 9b161f273ea7558⋯.jpg (69.25 KB,623x618,623:618,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032660 (191602ZJUN23) Notable: Boris panicked, he wanted to launder more money, and a lot more Ukrainians dead

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Theunannouncedtrip was Johnson's latest show of support for Zelenskiy since Russia invaded Ukraine in February but might have come at the expense of his own lawmakers.

Some were angry after he cancelled an appearance at a conference in northern England, where some Conservatives won traditionally opposition Labour-supporting parliamentary seats for the first time in 2019.

Boris popped in and told him: no peace. Over 7,000 Ukrainian men have died the past 10 days. They could have all been home with their families. But the puppet Zelenskyy took the money.

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9ecc4c No.64988

File: 2b96cf72dca954d⋯.png (368.96 KB,590x931,590:931,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032661 (191602ZJUN23) Notable: Boris panicked, he wanted to launder more money, and a lot more Ukrainians dead

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9ecc4c No.64989

File: b9eed0e0f9c272e⋯.png (586.21 KB,760x515,152:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032681 (191605ZJUN23) Notable: PF Eyez on the Skyz

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>Carrier USS Ronald Reagan Now in the South China Sea

that is where these below went last night

>>64885 pb PF PSWRD35 and 21 C-2 Greyhound departed the old Clark AB (now Clark Int'l Airport) heading SW to the South China Sea for a flat top

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9ecc4c No.64990

File: f67e4487f35e424⋯.jpeg (139.76 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032731 (191613ZJUN23) Notable: Belarus to introduce chemical castration of pedophiles

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19 Jun, 2023 15:35

Belarus to introduce chemical castration of pedophiles

Proposed changes to the criminal code envisage compulsory treatment of child molesters, the General Prosecutor’s Office says

Belarus is planning to include chemical castration in the program for treating pedophiles as part of an action plan toprotect children from sexual abuse and exploitation, the General Prosecutor’s Office said. The agency announced the steps on Telegram on Monday following approval from the Belarusian government.

Amendments to the country’s criminal code were prepared by the interior ministry envisaging “compulsory treatment of persons suffering from pedophilia,” in addition to their court sentence, the statement read.

As part of the action plan, the Health Ministry developed and approved“a clinical protocol containing an algorithm for the treatment of pedophilia, including the use of chemical castration,” the agency explained. A mechanism for the rehabilitation of victims of sexual abuse has also been prepared, it added.

It also stressed that Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko supported strengthening control over persons, who were previously convicted on pedophilia charges, including theuse of electronic bracelets.

According to the agency, its efforts towards “establishing administrative responsibility for promoting non-traditional sexual relations, gender transitioning, pedophilia and childfree ideology” also had the backing of the head of state.

Chemical castration is performed through the administration of special drugs that reduce a patient’s sexual desire for a prolonged period of time or on a permanent basis. Laws allowing chemical castration exist in some US states, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Norway, Sweden and other countries.

In Russia, chemical castration wasintroduced in 2012 as a voluntary procedure, which requires consent from the person sentenced for sexual abuse of minors.

(The outrage in the EU will be crazy! Yes. Bring it on!)


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9ecc4c No.64991

File: 64454e0f5478bda⋯.png (533.39 KB,680x453,680:453,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032736 (191615ZJUN23) Notable: @NavalInstitute Carrier USS Ronald Reagan Now in the South China Sea

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>Carrier USS Ronald Reagan Now in the South China Sea


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9ecc4c No.64992

File: e1e23137087e229⋯.png (11.31 KB,634x206,317:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032743 (191616ZJUN23) Notable: Federal Reserve Board publishes a database of financial institutions with access to, or requests to access, Federal Reserve Bank master accounts and services

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Federal Reserve Board publishes a database of financial institutions with access to, or requests to access, Federal Reserve Bank master accounts and services


For the financial sleuths.

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9ecc4c No.64993

File: 7521c7fb75bc2ad⋯.png (298.57 KB,457x488,457:488,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032773 (191623ZJUN23) Notable: Internal JPMorgan Report Provides New Details on Bank’s Ties to Jeffrey Epstein

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Internal JPMorgan Report Provides New Details on Bank’s Ties to Jeffrey Epstein

JPMorgan Chase reviewed its ties to Jeffrey Epstein in 2019 and found that he had regularly given business advice to onetime JPMorgan executive Jes Staley and invited him to meetings with senior officials in foreign governments. Epstein also helped Staley with more personal matters, the review found, such as the application process for Staley’s daughter into a Ph.D. program at Columbia University.

The 22-page internal report, which was reviewed by The Wall Street Journal, was prepared after Epstein was arrested in 2019 on federal sex-trafficking charges. Epstein died in jail that year before he was tried. JPMorgan declined to comment beyond its earlier statements that it was a mistake to deal with Epstein and that the bank would have never associated with him if it knew about his alleged sex-trafficking.

JPMorgan has been fighting a lawsuit brought by the U.S. Virgin Islands alleging the bank ignored red flags about Epstein’s behavior because he was bringing in wealthy clients for the bank. The bank this month agreed to pay $290 million to settle a similar lawsuit brought by an unnamed woman on behalf of herself and other Epstein victims. Epstein was a JPMorgan client before and after he was convicted in 2008 for soliciting a minor for prostitution. He had a close relationship with Staley, who ran its private bank for wealthy clients and later its investment bank, and several other bank officials. Epstein and Staley exchanged hundreds of emails, according to the U.S. Virgin Islands lawsuit. Staley left JPMorgan in 2013 and went on to become CEO of Barclays.

JPMorgan has sued Staley claiming he misled the bank. And it said Staley was the executive who was accused of sexual assault by the Epstein accuser who sued the bank.

Lawyers for Staley, who left Barclays in 2021, have denied the allegations against him. He has said he regrets his relationship with Epstein. Staley’s daughter didn’t respond to a request for comment.

The 2019 JPMorgan report said that Epstein had appeared to have forged close relationships with senior executives and government officials, including Dubai’s Sultan Ahmed bin Sulayem and British politician Peter Mandelson. Epstein tried to connect these associates to Staley and the bank for business deals and international expansions. In December 2009, Epstein wrote emails to both bin Sulayem and Staley to set up a meeting between them and advised Staley on how to conduct himself with bin Sulayem and what to expect from him, according to the report. In one email, he told Staley, “sultan is laying the groundwork for you to establish a serious presence. jpm reputation in the region is poor.”

Bin Sulayem, who is CEO of ports operator DP World, had several visits scheduled at Epstein’s townhouse between 2011 and 2014, according to documents reviewed by the Journal.

Bin Sulayem and his representative didn’t respond to requests for comment.

The JPMorgan report shows Epstein involved in email conversations in 2010 with Staley and Mandelson regarding JPMorgan’s efforts to purchase the Royal Bank of Scotland’s stake in Sempra Energy and a mining deal in the Congo.


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9ecc4c No.64994

File: 6807e61d9d79539⋯.jpeg (100.15 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032779 (191624ZJUN23) Notable: Germany suspects Ukraine over ammonia pipeline blast

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19 Jun, 2023 15:52

Germany suspects Ukraine over ammonia pipeline blast – media

The Defense Ministry in Berlin believes Kiev’s forces may have had a hand in the sabotage, according to Bild

An explosion earlier this month at a major ammonia pipeline running through Ukraine may have been part of Kiev’s sabotage tactics, German tabloid Bild reported on Sunday, citing an internal Defense Ministry paper.

Theblast on June 5damaged a section of the Togliatti-Odessa ammonia pipeline in Ukraine’s Kharkov Region, which borders Russia.

The pipeline had transported Russian fertilizer to the Ukrainian port city of Odessa to be furthershipped around the world, but had been inactive since the start of the conflict between Moscow and Kiev in February 2022.

Russia had repeatedly demanded that the pipeline be unblocked by Kiev as part of the UN- and Türkiye-brokered Black Sea grain deal, and the Kremlin warned earlier in June that the destruction of the conduit could jeopardize the future of the grain agreement.

According to Bild, Ukrainian forces may have deliberately blown up the pipeline to prevent Russia from benefiting from it.

TheGerman Defense Ministry believes that “Ukrainian involvement in the destruction of the pipeline” cannot be ruled out, the tabloid said, citing analysis by the ministry which it had obtained. The pipeline runs through Ukrainian-controlled territory and its unblocking would primarily benefit Russia, the document designated “for official use only”stated, according to Bild.

The pipeline blastwas not the only “act of sabotage” Berlin potentially attributes to Kiev, according to the German media outlet. “Pro-Ukrainian… groups apparentlydisrupted railway trafficalongside a major route leading into the Ukrainian territory through sabotage acts,” another part of the document reportedly stated.

In particular, the paper mentions Zaporozhye Region as a Ukrainian target. The region joined Russia in autumn 2022 following a referendum, alongside three other former Ukrainian territories. Railway lines in Crimea have been attacked as well, the ministry’s document stated, according to Bild. The German Defense Ministry believes thatUkrainian forces could be activefar behind the front lines in territories controlled by Russian troops, it added.

A day after the ammonia pipeline blast, the Russian Defense Ministry said that a Ukrainian sabotage group had been behind the attack. However, Kiev blamed Moscow for the incident and claimed that the pipeline had been damaged by Russian strikes.

In the wake of the incident, President VladimirZelenskysaid Kiev could potentiallyrestore the pipeline’s operations “if need be.”The Russian Foreign Ministry has insisted that the destruction of the pipeline will be taken into account during talks on the extension of the Black Sea grain deal, which is set to expire on July 17. (Why would Zelensky say that is they weren’t responsible?)

(Finally someone in EU admitting Ukraine terrorism, but this might be a way to continue to blame Ukraine for Nord Stream also)


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9ecc4c No.64995

File: 7cbaa0141146087⋯.png (274.56 KB,482x519,482:519,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032793 (191626ZJUN23) Notable: China’s Xi Jinping rebuffs Blinken bid to restart military hotline

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New York Post


China’s Xi Jinping rebuffs Blinken bid to restart military hotline


Blinken told reporters after meeting with Xi in Beijing that he “repeatedly” raised the matter during his trip but that “at this moment, China does not agree to move forward.”

The Chinese government scrapped both the military-to-military line and some diplomatic talks last year in protest of a Taiwan trip by then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and the Biden administration said reestablishing the linkup was one of Blinken’s top goals.


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9ecc4c No.64996

File: cb1ce092455ca76⋯.png (82.71 KB,762x607,762:607,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032817 (191633ZJUN23) Notable: So I built Reword, an article editor that has fact-checking and citations built in. We did what ChatGPT couldn't. Don't believe me? Try it for free…

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Lara Logan

For how long? You would have to be deaf, dumb & blind to think relying on any AI is a good idea. How long before the books we know are re-written & we have lost our ability to discern if AI is lying or not? Who are you going to hold accountable? What if this company is bought by someone else? Like Microsoft or Google?

_Cal @imcalshort__·Apr 23

AI is a liar.

For article writers, this is a huge problem.

So I built Reword, an article editor that has fact-checking and citations built in.

We did what ChatGPT couldn't.

Don't believe me? Try it for free...

11:05 AM · Jun 19, 2023


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9ecc4c No.64997

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032894 (191645ZJUN23) Notable: #23370

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#23370 >>64944

>>64945, >>64947, >>64969, >>64976, >>64979, >>64989 PF Eyez on the Skyz

>>64946 #OTD in 1944, "The Great Marianas Turkey Shoot" began during the Battle of the Philippine Sea

>>64948 EDTA Detoxification for Metals, Graphene and Hydrogel

>>64949 ECW: Just wait until the tin foil loons find out there are military vehicles and troops currently in every major American city./NG

>>64950, >>64953, >>64954 Bam and Killery bringin em to heel/Big Mike

>>64951, >>64963, >>64975 Tourist sub taking groups to find Titanic wreckage goes missing

>>64952, >>64955 Multiple victims as Kiev strikes ‘humanitarian warehouse’ &ndash; Donbass region head

>>64956, >>64968 Mark Levin on Trump indictment: 'This is sickening'

>>64957 @RichardGrenell The elites of America are afraid to debate the issues.

>>64958 Which holiday is moar real? For the keks!

>>64959 Declassified files expose British role in NATO’s Gladio terror armies

>>64960, >>64965 The Deep State Document Hunt Against Donald Trump in Context

>>64961 Hunter Biden's Maltese Bank Account Opened by Burisma Amid FBI Allegations of $10 Million Bribe

>>64962 @realDonaldTrump Quinnipiac Poll is a BAD poll

>>64966, >>64964, >>64977 Titanic back story from Q

>>64967 Matt Whitaker on Trump's indictment, Durham's testimony and Biden's "dealings"

>>64971 Durham June 21st 9A EST

>>64972, >>64970, >>64984 Blinken goes to London after that visit in Beijing

>>64973 Trans Agenda is obviously controlled by those at "war on the Creator..God."

>>64974, >>64980 Judge orders Trump not to disclose evidence in classified documents case

>>64978 #OTD in 1986, President Reagan gave the commencement address at Glassboro High School in New Jersey

>>64981, >>64987, >>64988 Boris panicked, he wanted to launder more money, and a lot more Ukrainians dead

>>64982, >>64983, >>64985 If Biden allows China to attack Taiwan, then he is allowing China to attack our troops.

>>64986, >>64991 @NavalInstitute Carrier USS Ronald Reagan Now in the South China Sea

>>64990 Belarus to introduce chemical castration of pedophiles

>>64992 Federal Reserve Board publishes a database of financial institutions with access to, or requests to access, Federal Reserve Bank master accounts and services

>>64993 Internal JPMorgan Report Provides New Details on Bank’s Ties to Jeffrey Epstein

>>64994 Germany suspects Ukraine over ammonia pipeline blast

>>64995 China’s Xi Jinping rebuffs Blinken bid to restart military hotline

>>64996 So I built Reword, an article editor that has fact-checking and citations built in. We did what ChatGPT couldn't. Don't believe me? Try it for free…


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9ecc4c No.64998

File: 0791913f5d840d0⋯.jpeg (29.15 KB,255x244,255:244,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: dfdfeb975927759⋯.png (331.77 KB,600x600,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 7291676eece0de6⋯.png (1.08 MB,710x910,71:91,Clipboard.png)

File: bb986733b9b2f1f⋯.jpg (53.66 KB,545x680,109:136,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d28a048713f64d1⋯.jpg (110.21 KB,528x531,176:177,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032903 (191647ZJUN23) Notable: #23371

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9ecc4c No.64999

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032944 (191654ZJUN23) Notable: New tropical depression expected to become first 2023 hurricane

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Suicide Weekend?

New tropical depression expected to become first 2023 hurricane -US center

(Reuters) - The third topical depression of the 2023 hurricane season has formed in the central tropical Atlantic and is expected to become a hurricane in a few days, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said on Monday.

The depression, about 1,425 miles (2,295 km) east of the southern Windward Islands, is packing maximum sustained winds of 35 miles per hour (55 km per hour), the Miami-based forecaster said.

"The depression is forecast to strengthen and move across the Lesser Antilles as a hurricane on Thursday and Friday, bringing a risk of flooding from heavy rainfall, hurricane-force winds, and dangerous storm surge and waves," the hurricane center said.

While it was too early to specify the location and magnitude of where those hazards could occur, the center urged authorities in the Lesser Antilles, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands to closely monitor the system and have hurricane plans in place.

If the depression becomes a hurricane, it would be the first one of the 2023 season, which lasts from June through November.

A slightly below-average 2023 Atlantic hurricane season lies ahead with an El Nino weather phenomenon damping the storm outlook, researchers at Colorado State University predicted in April.


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9ecc4c No.65000

File: f45166546a9dd28⋯.png (443.85 KB,740x1410,74:141,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032949 (191656ZJUN23) Notable: @realLizUSA Rasmussen Poll: President Trump Holds Commanding Lead Over Joe Biden in 2024 General Election

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Liz Harrington

Rasmussen Poll: President Trump Holds Commanding Lead Over Joe Biden in 2024 General Election

12:46 PM · Jun 19, 2023


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9ecc4c No.65001

File: c6a1a732ae084e3⋯.png (455.43 KB,790x2047,790:2047,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032954 (191657ZJUN23) Notable: @realLizUSA Rasmussen Poll: President Trump Holds Commanding Lead Over Joe Biden in 2024 General Election

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Liz Harrington

Harvard/Harris Poll Shows President Trump Dominating GOP Primary, Beating Biden by 6 Points in General Election

12:41 PM · Jun 19, 2023


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9ecc4c No.65002

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032956 (191657ZJUN23) Notable: to this US LIBOR ends June 30th…

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US LIBOR ends June 30th...

seems important...

any finance fags wanna weigh in?

wut mean?


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9ecc4c No.65003

File: 4e2dcc115a158bc⋯.png (306.26 KB,946x747,946:747,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032976 (191700ZJUN23) Notable: Buckwheat calls herself 'A historic figure'

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Biden Clown Show knows no boundaries.


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9ecc4c No.65004

File: 3b9986aa9317ccb⋯.png (2.15 MB,1710x1605,114:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032998 (191707ZJUN23) Notable: Moar Tatanic tour updates, Billionaire Hamish Harding

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>if the Titanic sank in 2022

KEK, anon had just seen this headline

Titanic tour submarine vanished with five aboard

Desperate race is on to find Titanic submarine with five people aboard that vanished with 96 hours of air on $250,000 expedition to sunken liner 12,500ft below the Atlantic Ocean

▶ The Boston Coastguard is trying to locate the Titan submersible

▶ The Titanic wreckage sits in the ocean bed around 370 miles from Newfoundland

▶ OceanGate Expeditions is one of the only companies that runs the tours

▶ The wreckage of the iconic ship sits 12,500ft- 2.5 miles - underwater around 370 miles from Newfoundland, Canada.

▶ According to social media posts from some of those onboard, the sub aimed to depart at 4am EST yesterday.

▶ It's unclear when precisely it lost communications with its mothership.


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9ecc4c No.65005

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033006 (191709ZJUN23) Notable: Midwest teachers trade tips on 'subversively and quietly' transitioning kids without telling their parents, and skirting Republican gender laws, in workshop funded by federal government

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The trans school conspiracy exposed: Midwest teachers trade tips on 'subversively and quietly' transitioning kids without telling their parents, and skirting Republican gender laws, in workshop funded by federal government

Many parents would be horrified by what they said about trans students

They discussed keeping gender changes a secret from worried moms and dads

Read more about the growing nationwide rift between parents and teachers

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9ecc4c No.65006

File: 1e26f1ccc042db8⋯.jpeg (507.86 KB,828x1166,414:583,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8e3910cd93620f4⋯.jpeg (739.53 KB,828x1457,828:1457,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 283d53dc4493a94⋯.jpeg (652.88 KB,828x1451,828:1451,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033014 (191711ZJUN23) Notable: Moar Tatanic tour updates, Billionaire Hamish Harding

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Missing billionare?

Titanic search submarine goes missing!

96 hrs of air! Times ticking!

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9ecc4c No.65007

File: 2eebba5a21ad100⋯.png (278.03 KB,950x413,950:413,Clipboard.png)

File: a2b1901bbc99426⋯.png (157.79 KB,1071x342,119:38,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033020 (191712ZJUN23) Notable: Eyez in the Skyz

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>>64969 lb

CLUB22 E-4B Nightwatch landed at Davis-Monthan AFB (the Boneyard) and will stay there for the duration of potato's Bay Area visit

KECK221 C-17 GLobey that arrived at SFO yesterday was a drop of his equipment >>64793 pb

92-9000 continues to SF Bay Area-may go to SFO or Moffett-the drive down to Moffett takes about 30m from SFO (equipment) as Palo Alto and Los Gatos (the fundraisers and the real reason he going) are closer to Moffett than SFO

09-0015 C-32A departed JBA as the escort-that will go to a different airport-several possibilities for that-mebby Travis or could go to SoCal-a reminder the kneepads is still in Smell-A and is doing the Juneteenth thing today as they sent the AC back to JBA on friday as SAM163 after dropping her off from the Denver munee grab

Vice President will attend a CNN Juneteenth event at the Greek Theatre on Monday


DUNE13 KC-135 tanker heading WN again (did yesterday to refuel a P-8 Poseidon that was heading south from Whidbey

Golden Knights Army Parachute team GKA609 Dash 8 east-cap#2 from Burbank Airport after appearing at the US Open (Los Angeles Country Club) yesterday

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9ecc4c No.65008

File: 402bac840b6baa4⋯.jpeg (257.14 KB,1241x1310,1241:1310,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033027 (191716ZJUN23) Notable: Russia takes first steps to withdraw from WTO, WHO

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9ecc4c No.65009

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033034 (191719ZJUN23) Notable: Moar Tatanic tour updates, Billionaire Hamish Harding

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9ecc4c No.65010

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033045 (191724ZJUN23) Notable: Buckwheat calls herself 'A historic figure'

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1:30 PM EDT

Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre Gaggle Aboard Air Force One En Route to Santa Clara County, CA

Air Force One



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9ecc4c No.65011

File: e2c0083c80dcac6⋯.png (663.7 KB,894x977,894:977,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033048 (191724ZJUN23) Notable: Midwest teachers trade tips on 'subversively and quietly' transitioning kids without telling their parents, and skirting Republican gender laws, in workshop funded by federal government

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EXCLUSIVE: The trans school conspiracy exposed:

Midwest teachers trade tips on 'subversively and quietly' transitioning kids without telling their parents, and skirting Republican gender laws, in workshop funded by federal government

▶ DailyMail.com gained access to a private online meet of Midwestern teachers

▶ Many parents would be horrified by what they said about trans students

▶ They discussed keeping gender changes a secret from worried moms and dads

Dozens of Midwestern teachers met online this week and traded tips on helping trans students change gender at school without their parents' knowledge, while criticizing a raft of new Republican laws on sex and identity.

DailyMail.com gained access to an online session hosted by the Midwest and Plains Equity Assistance Center (MAP), which is funded by the Department of Education, attended by some 30 teachers from Michigan, Iowa, Ohio, Illinois and beyond.

In the four-hour workshop, they discussed helping trans students in the face of new laws in Republican-run states on gender, pronouns, names, parents' rights, bathroom access, and sports teams.

Some teachers said they followed the rules, but others discussed being 'subversive,' how their personal 'code of ethics' trumped laws, and how to 'hide' a trans student's new name and gender from their parents. ...


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9ecc4c No.65012

File: 397670ae9e26c8d⋯.jpeg (563.85 KB,828x1378,414:689,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033057 (191726ZJUN23) Notable: Moar Tatanic tour updates, Billionaire Hamish Harding

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9ecc4c No.65013

File: 95f70788efba193⋯.png (386.58 KB,634x492,317:246,Clipboard.png)

File: bd039a933a53aba⋯.png (137.7 KB,634x451,634:451,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033059 (191727ZJUN23) Notable: Midwest teachers trade tips on 'subversively and quietly' transitioning kids without telling their parents, and skirting Republican gender laws, in workshop funded by federal government

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1) Kimberly Martin, a Michigan educator

2) Jennifer Haglund, of Iowa

3 & 4) DailyMail.com gained access to a private workshop where Midwestern teachers shared tips on helping kids transition without telling their parents

5) The Midwest and Plains Equity Assistance Center (MAP) serves 11.2 million students in 7,025 school districts across 13 states

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9ecc4c No.65014

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033107 (191740ZJUN23) Notable: Buckwheat calls herself 'A historic figure'

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Proof that Karine Jean-Pierre is a historical figure.

(broken into 2 videos because I'm not paying Twitter to ban me for no reason yet again.)


11:32 AM · Jun 19, 2023


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9ecc4c No.65015

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033110 (191741ZJUN23) Notable: Mimsy: Accuses “Irresponsible” Republicans of Stoking Violence in Opposing Blatant DOJ Lawlessness

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Lindsey Graham Defends FBI, DOJ and the Two-Tiered Justice System – Accuses “Irresponsible” Republicans of Stoking Violence in Opposing Blatant DOJ Lawlessness

Lindsey Graham was shooting his mouth off again this weekend.

The South Carolina warmonger and serial liar claimed Republicans who speak out against the lawless Biden DOJ are stoking violence.

This comes after the Biden DOJ arrested President Trump, the top opposition candidate and leading candidate in the 2024 race, for committing the same “crime” that Joe Biden has been committing since 1974.

Lindsey says it’s “irresponsible” to use perceived violent overtones when speaking about the lawless Biden regime.

Beef Company CEO: “I’ll Shut Down the Company Before We Ship a Single Bag With mRNA-Injected Meat”

This is the same turncoat Republican who threatened to use the 25th Amendment to get rid of Trump but says NOTHING about braindead Democrats John Fetterman, Dianne Feinstein and Joe Biden who cannot complete a coherent sentence without assistance.

The Hill reported:

Some Republican senators are pumping the brakes on attempts by former President Trump and his allies to villainize the FBI and Department of Justice in the wake of a 37-count indictment against the former president.

Trump’s attacks on the FBI are becoming a dividing line in the GOP, just as his claims of widespread election fraud developed into a major fault line within the party in the 2022 midterm election.

Trump has ramped up his rhetoric targeting the Justice Department so aggressively that some lawmakers fear it could provoke violence. As a result, some are urging fellow Republicans to tone down their rhetoric.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said House Republicans who make statements with violent overtones are acting irresponsibly.

“They’re irresponsible to say that. There’s no violent solution to this problem,” Graham said.

Graham tried to talk down Trump allies who are comparing the federal indictment of the former president to an act of war by pointing out that Trump will have fair representation in court.

“We have a legal system. He’ll be represented, there will be appeals, this will go all the way to the Supreme Court,” he said. “There’s a belief on the Republican side that the law doesn’t apply equally to Republicans and Democrats, but that’s no reason to engage in violent activity.”

Graham made his comments to reporters after Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) tweeted: “We have reached a new war phase” and vowed “an eye for an eye.”


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9ecc4c No.65016

File: bc487198cc3e5ba⋯.png (83.72 KB,869x671,79:61,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033120 (191742ZJUN23) Notable: Moar Tatanic tour updates, Billionaire Hamish Harding

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This is one of the tourists trapped in the sub, Harmish Harding.


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9ecc4c No.65017

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033131 (191745ZJUN23) Notable: Israel speaks out on Ukraine lionizing Nazi collaborators

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Israel speaks out on Ukraine lionizing Nazi collaborators

Kiev treats as heroes people who wanted Ukraine to have no Jews, Poles and many others, ambassador has pointed out

Israel disagrees with Kiev’s honoring of WWII-era perpetrators of the Holocaust as national heroes, but the dispute should not pose a threat to Israeli support of the Ukrainian government, the country’s envoy there, Ambassador Michael Brodsky, has said.

The senior diplomat addressed the issue on Saturday in an interview with Iton TV, an Israeli Russian-language online outlet. Brodsky said in Israel the perception of historic figures, including Stepan Bandera, Roman Shukhevich or Andrey Melnik, was very different than that in Ukraine.

“Those people supported the ideology of Nazism. They wanted to see Ukraine without Jews as part of their struggle for independence, as well as without Poles, communists and probably many others,” he mused.

As it fights Russia, Ukraine may yearn for national heroes as its society seeks a national identity, the ambassador reasoned. Israel disagrees that those Holocaust perpetrators deserve the treatment they’re accorded, but there is not much it can do about it, he added.

“There are Bandera streets in different cities of Ukraine, as they are in other nations, for example, in the US,” Brodsky pointed out.

The three individuals named by the Israeli official were senior figures in the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN). The political and militant movement allied itself with Nazi Germany in the hope of riding its military invasion of the USSR to create a monoethnic, independent Ukraine. Berlin did not agree with the plan.

OUN fighters were involved in mass killings and other atrocities. Shukhevich in particular served as an officer in Nachtigall Battalion, a German military unit that had ethnic Ukrainians as its footsoldiers and that played a key role in the massacre of Jews in the city of Lviv in 1941.

“I believe this process cannot realistically be stopped,” Brodsky said of the lionization of Ukrainian Nazi collaborators. “And I don’t think we should condition our support of Ukraine, our aid to Ukraine on Ukraine’s stopping renaming its streets and calling [the OUN figures] heroes.”


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9ecc4c No.65018

File: 72bd4161d0c196f⋯.png (193.43 KB,400x225,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033135 (191746ZJUN23) Notable: China Says Xi, Blinken Meeting Was Just A "Courtesy", Castigates US For "Misperceptions"

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China Says Xi, Blinken Meeting Was Just A "Courtesy", Castigates US For "Misperceptions"

Update(11:48ET): Initial statements to come out of Monday's meeting between President Xi Jinping and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken were generally positive and upbeat, with an emphasis on healing ties. But more statements were issued in follow-up upon the conclusion of Blinken's two day visit to Beijing.

It seems China wants to let it be known that it will maintain the upper hand while not being too eager to embrace diplomatic détente. According to the latest from Bloomberg:

Chinese President Xi Jinping’s meeting with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken was "out of courtesy" in which Xi gave strategic guidelines over the bilateral ties, Chinese state television reports, citing Yang Tao, an official at the Foreign Ministry.

China has blamed deteriorated relations squarely on Washington. China's top diplomat Wang Yi had said it was the result of the United States’ "misperceptions" about China, and stressed that Washington must make a choice "between dialogue and confrontation, and cooperation and conflict."

The Chinese side also said the following according to Bloomberg:

China told Blinken that US should stop saying that China is a threat, end sanctions over China which are "illegal," stop depressing China’s technology development and interfering the Asian nation’s internal affairs.

"The most important achievement made during Blinken’s visit is the two sides agreed to implement agreements made Biden and Xi in their meeting late last year in Bali, Indonesia on establishing a steadier path for bilateral relations, China says," Bloomberg continued.


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9ecc4c No.65019

File: 8f9c35d2a116c45⋯.jpeg (1.04 MB,1170x1045,234:209,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033143 (191748ZJUN23) Notable: Moar Tatanic tour updates, Billionaire Hamish Harding

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Race to find Titanic tourist submarine with British billionaire and four others aboard that has vanished 12,500ft below the Atlantic Ocean with only 72 HOURS of air left: US Coast Guard joins rescue

- The Boston Coastguard is trying to locate the Titan submersible

- The Titanic wreckage sits in the ocean bed around 370 miles from Newfoundland

- OceanGate Expeditions is one of the only companies that runs the tours

A frantic marine search is underway for a missing tourist submersible which has not been seen since it launched to take five people to the Titanic wreckage yesterday morning.

The Boston Coastguard and Canadian Coastguard are both now looking for the missing vessel that is operated by tour company OceanGate Expeditions.

The wreckage of the iconic ship sits 12,500ft- 2.5 miles - underwater around 370 miles from Newfoundland, Canada. OceanGate Expeditions is thought to be the only company that offers the tours.

As of 1pm Monday, the sub had just 72 hours of oxygen left, according to the US Coast Guard Admiral leading the coordinated effort to find it.

Among those feared to be missing onboard is British billionaire Hamish Harding. He posted excitedly on Instagram about being able to commence the dive after a bout of bad weather in Newfoundland.


>Hamish Harding

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9ecc4c No.65020

File: 0bd8195e6b2b7bf⋯.png (117.35 KB,1050x846,175:141,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033151 (191750ZJUN23) Notable: Scale of Bidens’ Illegal Payment Scandal Triples Overnight

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Scale of Bidens’ Illegal Payment Scandal Triples Overnight

When the emperor wears no clothes, those who praise his regal attire attempt to bury the truth with rags of lies. Joe Biden is the would-be emperor. Those who praise him seek to bury the truth to maintain a false reality. But will they risk standing naked in front of the truth along with the emperor?

GOP-led House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer doesn’t think so. In an interview with Maria Bartiromo on Fox News, the congressman from Kentucky claimed that “$20-30 million in illicit payments [have been] made to the Biden Crime Family.”

If this is true — or even if it is probably true — mainstream media, deep state bureaucrats, and whoever else seeks to cover for Biden at the expense of Donald Trump will sooner or later either have to put down their swords or fall on them.

Citizen Free Press posted Comer’s Fox interview with the caption, “James Comer expects to uncover $20-30 million in illicit payments made to the Biden Crime Family.” That’s up to triple the amount claimed earlier by the GOP panel.

“If this is all true,” Bartiromo asked Comer, “about a sitting president when he was vice president influence peddling, accepting money from foreign nationals, so that he could turn around and make changes in policy for America, so he could pocket the money, if that’s true, why isn’t he impeached already?”

The short answer is that it has yet to be proven to be true. Comer, Sen. Chuck Grassley and company are working on it. But it’s not as easy as it should be. The FBI, to understate the matter, is not being forthright.

Bartiromo continued, “And if it’s true that the FBI is doing nothing about it, why isn’t Christopher Wray on his heels as well?”

The assertion that “the FBI is doing nothing about it” is demonstrably not true. The FBI has been actively working to stall the House Oversight Committee by refusing to hand over documentary evidence.

Comer responded to Bartiromo’s second question by telling her Wray is not in control of the FBI. “One thing that I’ve learned from dealing with Grassley’s whistleblowers is that this is an organization in disarray,” Comer said. “No one has confidence in leadership at the top. You have bureaucrats, deep state bureaucrats, who are running the show. They’re partisan. They want to get Donald Trump. They don’t care what Joe Biden does because Joe Biden can be controlled.”

I like James Comer. He tells it like it is. That’s rare for a politician.


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9ecc4c No.65021

File: e03bd0e83dafaa8⋯.png (380.46 KB,876x1125,292:375,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033155 (191750ZJUN23) Notable: Russia’s goal: Spawn new world order featuring lethal Chinese-Russian axis with “ownership of over 25% of global wheat exports

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Peter Navarro

Russia’s goal: Spawn new world order featuring lethal Chinese-Russian axis with “ownership of over 25% of global wheat exports, “control of a significant percentage of the world’s energy & food supply,” & the ability to “starve” and “freezeout the West.”


**Pay-walled; but he does have legal fees to pay

1:45 PM · Jun 19, 2023


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9ecc4c No.65022

File: 693a9ea896849a9⋯.png (80.52 KB,600x330,20:11,Clipboard.png)

File: 27d7c118b4b5f27⋯.png (398.97 KB,1051x887,1051:887,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033163 (191754ZJUN23) Notable: Limited Maricopa County 2022 Ballot Signature Review Shows Obviously Mismatched Signatures Accepted at Level One

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Limited Maricopa County 2022 Ballot Signature Review Shows Obviously Mismatched Signatures Accepted at Level One – VIEW RECORDS HERE

The Gateway Pundit has obtained access to the long-withheld voter signatures from the 2022 election in Arizona and prior exemplars used for signature verification.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that Maricopa County denied Kari Lake’s legal team access to voter signatures from 2022 and prior, claiming this was “in the best interest of the state.” Lake is still undergoing a special action lawsuit against Maricopa County for this evidence.

Maricopa County also denied lawful public records requests from Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers in her capacity as Chairwoman of the Arizona Senate Elections Committee and We The People AZ Alliance to inspect the mail-in ballot signatures.

Maricopa County’s election officials must have forgotten how the law works. The Gateway Pundit correspondent Jordan Conradson was notified when he first went in to inspect ballot affidavit envelopes on May 25 that it was “the first time in living memory” that a member of the media had used the exemption provided in A.R.S. 16-168(F) to inspect and reproduce voter signature records.

Maricopa County recently provided The Gateway Pundit with duplicated voter signature records from the 2022 election and prior through a public records request.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, the obedient mainstream media in Maricopa County called for The Gateway Pundit correspondent Jordan Conradson’s indictment over a tweet exposing Maricopa County’s mail-in ballot signature verification. No law was violated, and we paid for the public records from Maricopa County, but they don’t care. See one egregious example of the fake signatures accepted by Maricopa County here:

Conradson found issues with about 10% of the randomly selected 200-300 signatures he was able to review in a period of about three hours on June 9. These signatures take a substantial amount of time for a proper review.

Over 1.3 million mail-in ballots were accepted and counted in Maricopa County’s 2022 Election. Kari Lake’s election was stolen by just over 17,000 votes, and Abe Hamadeh’s election was stolen by 280 votes.

The Gateway Pundit reported yesterday on video footage of Maricopa County officials misleading the court with repeatedly conflicting statements regarding level-one signature verification workers in light of evidence that hundreds of thousands of signatures were approved in seconds each. It is clear that level-one reviewers were not doing a proper job.

Per Maricopa County Elections Director Rey Valenzuela and Maricopa County’s signature verification training materials, current ballot affidavits are compared against “up to three most recent” historical voter signatures “in chronological order.”

This means that user-level (level one) signature reviewers in the 2022 General Election would compare the current affidavit signature to the three most recent signatures on file from that voter, excluding the 2022 General Election affidavit and voter registration changes or updates after the November 2022 election. The signatures used for reference include previously accepted mail-in ballot signatures, voter registration records, and even the sloppy electronic signatures used for check-in at in-person polling centers.

Additionally, once a signature is accepted on a mail-in ballot envelope, it is classified as an exemplar to be used for future reference. Some voters are seen with similar affidavit signatures in consecutive elections that do not look the same as other signatures on their registrations or past affidavits. It appears that the County just needs to cheat consistently.

Ballots stamped “verified and approved” were sent to curing and verified by the voter.


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9ecc4c No.65023

File: fece08eb755391b⋯.png (518.38 KB,852x978,142:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033174 (191757ZJUN23) Notable: Netanyahu: New nuclear agreement won’t stop Iranian bomb

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June 18, 2023

Netanyahu: New nuclear agreement won’t stop Iranian bomb

A Western official said over the weekend that the objective of the impending nuclear deal between the US and Iran is to stop Israel from attacking Iran.

A new agreement with Iran will not prevent it from attaining a nuclear weapon, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned on Sunday.

“Our first mission is to stop Iran from going nuclear,” Netanyahu said at the opening of the weekly cabinet meeting. “We made clear to our American friends time after time, and I am doing it again today, that we oppose agreements, first of all to the original agreement called the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action), which will just pave Iran’s way to the bomb and will pad it with hundreds of millions of dollars.”

Netanyahu said that his “principled opposition” to the JCPOA played a part in ensuring the US does not return to that deal.

“We also tell [the Americans] that more limited understandings, what’s called a ‘mini-deal,’ does not serve our purpose, in our opinion, and we oppose that, as well,” he said.

The prime minister added that “Israel will do whatever it needs on its own to defend itself from Iranian aggression, whether on the nuclear file or its terrorist proxies.” ...


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9ecc4c No.65024

File: 5efc3dc1484c5cf⋯.png (54.37 KB,614x622,307:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033176 (191757ZJUN23) Notable: Families were "disgusted" to learn that the remains of their deceased loved ones may have been sold on the black market

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Families 'disgusted' remains of deceased loved ones might have been sold on black market in Harvard Medical School scandal

Families were "disgusted" to learn that the remains of their deceased loved ones may have been sold on the black market following reports that a former Harvard Medical School morgue manager and six others were arrested for allegedly running an underground human remains trafficking operation.

What's the background?

Last week, seven individuals were charged for allegedly stealing human remains from mortuaries to sell them online.

Cedric Lodge, 55, previously worked as Harvard Medical School's morgue manager from 2018 through 2022. According to the FBI, he stole body parts from cadavers donated to medical research.

Harvard Medical School released a statement last week calling the alleged actions "an abhorrent betrayal."

"We are appalled to learn that something so disturbing could happen on our campus — a community dedicated to healing and serving others," the school said. "The reported incidents are a betrayal of HMS and, most importantly, each of the individuals who altruistically chose to will their bodies to HMS through the Anatomical Gift Program to advance medical education and research."

Jack Porter, a research associate at Harvard, reacted to a letter from the medical school informing him that his late wife's remains may have been stolen and sold.

According to Porter, the dean of the faculty of medicine at Harvard Medical School, Dr. George Daley, wrote, "We have been working with information supplied by federal authorities and examining our records, particularly the logs showing when donor remains were sent to be cremated and when Lodge was on campus, to try to determine which donors may have been impacted."

"At this time, we cannot rule out the potential that Raya Porter's remains may have been impacted," the letter stated, according to Porter.

Porter told the Boston Herald, "What bothers me is that there's somebody in some basement somewhere in this country or elsewhere fondling my wife's body parts."

"It could be her brain, her skin, her bones. This is disgusting and this is why there should be a severe punishment," he added.

Porter's wife passed away due to colon cancer in late 2017. Her body was donated to science and placed in the custody of Harvard Medical School.

Porter received his wife's cremated remains in 2019, but now he is unsure whether some of her remains were stolen.

"I believe that they can recover some of these parts," he said. "All of us who are family members believe it's a horrible thing that happened."

When asked what he would say to the alleged criminals, Porter told WBTS-CD, "I would say, you guys are sick. You've got to look at yourself and face your family and friends, and you are going to be ostracized for the rest of your life."

"It's so deviant, I just pity the person. I don't have any anger against them. I just pity them for what they did," he stated.

Paula Peltonovich was informed that her deceased father's remains were stolen and sold on the black market. Now she is demanding that the medical school return her mother's remains.

Peltonovich told the Boston Globe, "We were just disgusted — sick, like we were going to throw up."

"It's just unthinkable. There's no words," she added.


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9ecc4c No.65025

File: b02c5b74074d715⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB,1170x1562,585:781,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033182 (191759ZJUN23) Notable: @45 to spend Independence Day in Pickens, SC

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9ecc4c No.65026

File: af4e3cc8a6efca0⋯.png (974.99 KB,1140x570,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033184 (191759ZJUN23) Notable: NC House Speaker Tim Moore Coerced State Employees Into Group Sex, Suit Claims

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LAWSUIT: NC House Speaker Tim Moore Coerced State Employees Into Group Sex, Suit Claims

North Carolina Speaker of the House Tim Moore used his position to advance a deviant sexual relationship with a state employee, according to a lawsuit filed in Wake County.

Speaker Tim Moore is at the center of the scandal primarily because of the allegation that he had an affair with an at-will state employee named Jamie Lassiter.

The plaintiff, Scott Lassiter, filed the lawsuit under a North Carolina law known as ‘Alienation of Affection,” a law typically on the books in more conservative, Christian states in the south that has fallen out of favor in many places.

In North Carolina, plaintiffs such as Scott Lassiter can recover both economic and non-economic damages from someone like Tim Moore if he is found to have interfered with a loving marriage.

If it bears out that Liles Lassiter was in fact coerced into participating in group sex with Tim Moore, who used his power to make that happen, the damages owed to Scott Lassiter could be significant.

Economic damages may also be awarded to compensate for monetary losses related to the interference with the marriage, and may include loss of earnings or earning capacity or other financial harms suffered as a result of the alienation.

The ‘Alienation of Affection’ claim further raises the stakes for Speaker Moore, who is in the middle of budget negotiations.

Sources inside the Beltway tell National File that Moore won’t last much longer as Speaker of the House.

Jamie Lassiter believes she got preferential treatment because of the sex and was concerned the Speaker would take it out on her and her organization, the North Carolina Conference of Clerks of Superior Court, if she ended the affair, according to the lawsuit.

“At the time Defendant Tim Moore began pursuing a sexual relationship with Mrs. Lassiter, Defendant Tim Moore was aware that Plaintiff and Mrs. Lassiter were happily married to each other and living together,” the suit reads.

The lawsuit alleges N.C. House Speaker Tim Moore used his position to begin and maintain a sexual relationship with Lassiter, a state employee.

The lawsuit was electronically filed Sunday night in Wake County Superior Court.

According to the complaint, Moore has had an extramarital affair with the executive director of the N.C. Conference of Clerks of Superior Court, Jamie Liles Lassiter, since 2019.

The lawsuit was filed by Lassiter’s husband, Scott Lassiter.

Raleigh insiders are beginning to ask whether Speaker Moore has been trading sex for preferential treatment. And if he has been trading sex for preferential treatment, how long has he been doing so?

The Daily Haymaker called Tim Moore a “wife stealer.”


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9ecc4c No.65027

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033204 (191804ZJUN23) Notable: Military Members Kicked Out for Refusing COVID Vaccine Seek to Have Their Discharges Upgraded

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Military Members Kicked Out for Refusing COVID Vaccine Seek to Have Their Discharges Upgraded

Service members who received general discharges when separated from the military for their refusal to obey the vaccine mandate say their transition to civilian life has been hampered because they were not given honorable discharges.

The majority of service members kicked out over their refusal to get vaccinated received general discharges. With a general discharge, service members lose all educational benefits, reemployment rights, and civil service retirement credit.

Hayden Robichaux, donor relations coordinator for the Mighty Oaks Foundation, is one such service member. He had to build a career in the Marine Corps. He spent his initial two years serving as the military equivalent of a firefighter. But life as a Marine was interrupted by Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin’s announcement of a COVID-19 vaccine mandate in August 2021, he told The Epoch Times.

Robichaux refused the vaccine and sought religious exemption.

“But it seemed like everybody who sought religious exemption was denied,” he said. Months later, a leaked June 2021 memo by the Pentagon watchdog revealed the department may have been violating standards in its process of denying religious exemption requests for the COVID-19 vaccine.

In addition to his religious conviction against the vaccine, he took objection to the fact that the only vaccines offered to service members at the time were labeled as authorized for emergency use, rather than having full FDA approval. This argument stems from the wording of the Pentagon’s vaccine mandate, which covers “COVID-19 vaccines that receive full licensure from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), in accordance with FDA-approved labeling and guidance.” Robichaux and others believe that this means the mandate did not apply to any vaccines issued under emergency use authorization (EUA), such as the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

They argue that the military mainly offered service members EUA Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, rather than the FDA-approved Cominarty vaccine, and thus could not compel personnel to take them. They also argued that a Pentagon policy that says the Cominarty and EUA Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines are interchangeable was illegal.

“With each denial,” Robichaux said, “I kept putting in appeals and each was denied; they were brushed off.” As he continued to refuse the vaccine, he said his leadership became “pissed.” In October 2021, he was given 10 days to get the jab. He soon faced the threat of Article 15, a form of nonjudicial punishment that can be imposed by a commander, that would “put a stain” on his career.

“Because of this,” he said, “I almost changed my mind, telling them that I was going to get it.” Members of his immediate family have collectively served in the military for over 80 years since the Vietnam War. “And I wanted to continue the legacy that we have under our name,” he said.

In the end, Robichaux maintained his religious objection to the vaccine and did not take it. Not only did he receive an Article 15, but he was also denied a promotion to corporal. While he admits he may have disobeyed the command to take the vaccine, he said, “I don’t believe it was a lawful command, as I should have never been forced to take an EUA product.”

Robichaux was discharged from the Marine Corps in February 2022. “My commanding officer recommended me for an honorable discharge, but once it went up the chain of command, it came back as a general discharge,” he said. His discharge was characterized as being connected to the commission of a serious offense. Domestic battery, murder, rape, terrorism, and drug use are considered typical commissions of a serious offense.

Since leaving the Marine Corps, he said, “I’ve only met one person that received an honorable discharge.” This, he said, is concerning when one considers the thousands of service members who were separated from the military. One day, Robichaux would like to have his discharge upgraded.


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9ecc4c No.65028

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033227 (191810ZJUN23) Notable: Uganda: Jihadists Burn Christian Students Alive, Hack Them with Machetes in School Attack

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Uganda: Jihadists Burn Christian Students Alive, Hack Them with Machetes in School Attack

A gruesome terrorist attack on a boarding school housing secondary (high school) students left at least 42 dead in Kasese district, southwest Uganda, this weekend, 37 of them students, and many of them “burnt beyond recognition.”

The Ugandan government immediately blamed the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), an Islamic State affiliate, for the attack, which occurred on Friday night local time. Eyewitnesses said they heard shouts of “Allahu akbar!” as the terrorists hacked girl students to death and burned the boys alive. Neither the ADF nor the greater Islamic State organization has taken responsibility for the attack, however, and some senior officials have begun speculating publicly that outside forces attempting to seize ownership of the school used the jihadists to create a situation where the current owners, an NGO reportedly under Canadian control, would lose legitimacy as administrators.

Kasese is located on the border with the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), where the ADF is believed to be headquartered. The governments of the DRC and Uganda launched a joint military operation, “Operation Shujaa,” in late 2021 and extended it last year specifically targeting the ADF, which seeks to overthrow both governments and establish a jihadist “caliphate.” The operation allowed 1,700 Ugandan forces to enter DRC in concert with local soldiers and target ADF hideouts. The DRC government also approved the presence of an American “anti-terrorism” contingent in the country in 2021, shortly after the United States designated the ADF a Foreign Terrorist Organization.

The incident, according to local news reports, began late on Friday at the Lhubiriha Secondary School in Mpondwe when an unknown number of attackers swarmed the male and female dormitories. Eyewitnesses said the girls opened the door to the terrorists and were subsequently hacked to death with machetes. The boys did not, so the terrorists burned them alive inside the building.

“The boys’ dormitory had been locked; so, these terrorists couldn’t enter, so they threw in a [petrol] bomb,” Janet Museveni, the first lady and education minister of Uganda, said in a statement this weekend. “The girls on the other hand opened the door and tried to run out and this evil group got them and killed them with pangas [machetes]. They did not shoot. With the girls, they killed them with pangas. The 17 children who were burnt in the dormitory are not easily recognisable.”

Eyewitnesses near the school told the BBC in a report published Sunday that the children were “singing gospel songs” shortly before the terrorists attacked, as they do every night before bed. Uganda’s population is overwhelmingly Christian.

“The boys’ dormitory had been locked – they had either refused to open it to the rebels or they were locked inside by them. The militants poured fuel on the building and set it alight,” the BBC documented, according to locals. “They were talking in Swahili – the lingua franca in the region – and afterwards began shouting ‘Allahu Akbar.'”

Speaking to Uganda’s NTV broadcaster, one of the survivors, Julius Isingoma, explained that he hid in a corner while his dormitory burned down and managed to avoid deadly smoke inhalation by staying close to the ground. When the fire concluded, the terrorists toured the remains of the dormitory, ensuring all the boys were dead. Isingoma said he smeared his classmates’ blood on himself and played dead, attributing his survival to the move.

“They came from outside to see what has fallen down, they said, ‘ok,’ they touched everyone,” Isingoma narrated, “I got the blood smeared [on] my head and [more] blood to end it in my ears, they go to the arm to put it in this side.”

Isingoma described a croaking sensation in his chest “like a frog” as the jihadis, satisfied that he was dead, moved away. He told NTV he now hopes to join the Ugandan military to avenge the attack.


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9ecc4c No.65029

File: 4d1734a62849273⋯.png (394.2 KB,546x796,273:398,Clipboard.png)

File: f4b18f368c63d1c⋯.png (343.7 KB,680x875,136:175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033242 (191814ZJUN23) Notable: U.N. Unveils ‘Automated Fact-Checking Tool’ to Counter Disinformation with Big-Tech, Soros-Funded Orgs

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U.N. Unveils ‘Automated Fact-Checking Tool’ to Counter Disinformation with Big-Tech, Soros-Funded Orgs

The United Nations has unveiled an “automated” fact-checking service to counter so-called disinformation and hate speech on the internet in a project partnered with Big-Tech and Soros-funded organisations.

In response to what they brand as “online information pollution”, which they claim is a “global challenge”, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has launched its iVerify platform to counter alleged disinformation and hate speech online.

The global body’s “automated fact-checking tool”, was developed in partnership with the United Nations International Computing Centre (UNICC), Facebook and Google-funded fact checker Meedan, the Meta-owned CrowdTangle, and the Soros-funded International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN).

The U.N. Development Programme said that “misinformation, disinformation, and hate speech threaten peace and security, disproportionately affecting those who are already vulnerable.”

It described the iVerify programme as an “automated fact-checking tool that can be used to identify false information and prevent and mitigate its spread.” The system will be provided by the UN to “national actors”, who will be given assistance in identifying, monitoring, and responding to “threats to information integrity.”

“The support package includes digital tools, capacity building modules, partnership opportunities, and communication and outreach strategies amongst others,” the U.N. body said.

The automated fact-checking tool could have imminent impact on the world, with the platform being actively used in Sierra Leone ahead of the country’s general elections on June 24th.

The U.N. said that the Sierra Leone Association of Journalists (SLAJ) and the Independent Radio Network (IRN) will use the tool “to strengthen national capacity to proactively identify and respond to misinformation, disinformation and hate speech.”

Through “leveraging the capabilities of artificial intelligence”, the automated system will flag “potentially false or harmful content” to be reviewed by a team of fact checkers, who will be funded in part by the governments of Canada, Ireland, Iceland and the European Union.


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9ecc4c No.65030

File: bf01dcfb99482f3⋯.png (273.49 KB,604x395,604:395,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033255 (191816ZJUN23) Notable: to this US LIBOR ends June 30th…

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>any finance fags wanna weigh in?

They've used a frankenstein version of itsince 2021 while and the new one SOFR (Secured Overnight Financing Rate)

>SOFR is a broad measure of the cost of borrowing cash overnight collateralized by Treasury securities in the overnight Treasury repurchase agreement market

LIBOR has always been a survey and is not and never was empirical so it was always an easy manipulation

They'd basically say "what did you lend munee to other banks at?" and then throw out the low and high and use that to price about $200T of financial products that used LIBOR...like mortgage loans for example.

All based on a short non-empirical answer so this should be a little better but it is the New York Fed we're talking about here and it will still be highly manipulated-just harder to tell a story if the use the actual Treasury Repurchase markets to do it with.

Which can be found here


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9ecc4c No.65031

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033265 (191817ZJUN23) Notable: U.S. to rejoin UNESCO to counter China’s growing influence in the international agency

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U.S. to rejoin UNESCO to counter China’s growing influence in the international agency

After a five-year absence, the United States has confirmed its intention to rejoin the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to counter communist China’s growing influence over the international body.

The U.S. cut its funding to UNESCO in 2011 during the administration of former President Barack Obama in solidarity with Israel and in opposition to the Palestinian National Authority becoming a full member of the organization. The move was further escalated in 2017 under former President Donald Trump when the U.S. formally withdrew from UNESCO, citing perceived “pro-Palestinian bias” within the agency.

This new decision to return to the organization comes as U.S. officials in the administration of President Joe Biden recognize the importance of the organization in Washington’s ongoing rivalry with communist China. The Department of State officially communicated its desire to return to UNESCO in a letter sent to the body on June 8.

Undersecretary of State for Management John Bass emphasized in a statement the importance of American engagement with UNESCO, stating that it would fill a critical gap in the global leadership capacity of the country.

“If we’re really serious about the digital-age competition with China, we can’t afford to be absent any longer from one of the key fora in which standards around education for science and technology are set,” he said, arguing that the absence undercuts Washington’s ability “to be as effective in promoting our vision of a free world.”

This move follows the U.S.’s return to the UN Human Rights Council in 2021 after a three-year hiatus. The U.S. rejoined the council due to concerns over China’s increasing influence within that global body as well, and the need to counter it effectively.

Blinken urged Congress to prepare $150M to counter China in UNESCO

To facilitate America’s return to UNESCO, scheduled for some time in July, Seceretary of State Antony Blinken has called on Congress to allocate around $150 million to provide the organization with funding.

Blinken emphasized that the absence of the U.S. from UNESCO has allowed China to shape regulations in the agency, especially regarding artificial intelligence, highlighting the need for American participation in these discussions.

Blinken further pointed out that China currently holds the distinction as the largest contributor to UNESCO, granting it considerable influence over the organization’s decisions while the U.S. remains absent from the table. By rejoining and immediately disbursing $150 million for UNESCO’s use, the U.S. seeks to actively shape these regulations and maintain a competitive edge against China in the global technological landscape.

The U.S. has identified China as its primary global adversary due to its rapid advancements in emerging technologies. The allocation of $150 million to UNESCO ensures that the U.S. remains at the forefront of global discussions and has a say in developing critical standards and regulations. By re-engaging with UNESCO, the U.S. intends to counterbalance Chinese influence and actively shape the future of artificial intelligence and other essential fields.


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9ecc4c No.65032

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033271 (191819ZJUN23) Notable: Refresher: Maxwell's Terramar Project & Elite Human Trafficking

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9ecc4c No.65033

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033275 (191820ZJUN23) Notable: Refresher: Maxwell's Terramar Project & Elite Human Trafficking

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Maxwell's Terramar Project & Elite Human Trafficking


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9ecc4c No.65034

File: 8a4d755f81a5a28⋯.png (34.96 KB,675x449,675:449,Clipboard.png)

File: 6dc8ddbdd142b2c⋯.png (23.09 KB,675x306,75:34,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033287 (191823ZJUN23) Notable: European Investment Bank We are currently facing a cyber attack which affects the availability

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Post Tenebras Lux



it's the EU Bank....just so you know...

Quote Tweet

European Investment Bank




We are currently facing a cyber attack which affects the availability of http://eib.org and http://eif.org. We are responding to the incident.

10:05 AM · Jun 19, 2023



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9ecc4c No.65035

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033291 (191824ZJUN23) Notable: #23371 half of bread collected''''

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Baker needs to IRL, tappin

#23371 >>64998

>>65007 Eyez in the Skyz

>>64999 New tropical depression expected to become first 2023 hurricane

>>65000, >>65001 @realLizUSA Rasmussen Poll: President Trump Holds Commanding Lead Over Joe Biden in 2024 General Election

>>65002 US LIBOR ends June 30th…

>>65003, >>65010, >>65014 Buckwheat calls herself 'A historic figure'

>>65004, >>65006, >>65009, >>65012, >>65016, >>65019 Moar Tatanic tour updates, Billionaire Hamish Harding one of crew

>>65005, >>65011, >>65013 Midwest teachers trade tips on 'subversively and quietly' transitioning kids without telling their parents, and skirting Republican gender laws, in workshop funded by federal government

>>65008 Russia takes first steps to withdraw from WTO, WHO

>>65015 Mimsy: Accuses “Irresponsible” Republicans of Stoking Violence in Opposing Blatant DOJ Lawlessness

>>65017 Israel speaks out on Ukraine lionizing Nazi collaborators

>>65018 China Says Xi, Blinken Meeting Was Just A "Courtesy", Castigates US For "Misperceptions"

>>65020 Scale of Bidens’ Illegal Payment Scandal Triples Overnight

>>65021 Russia’s goal: Spawn new world order featuring lethal Chinese-Russian axis with “ownership of over 25% of global wheat exports

>>65022 Limited Maricopa County 2022 Ballot Signature Review Shows Obviously Mismatched Signatures Accepted at Level One

>>65023 Netanyahu: New nuclear agreement won’t stop Iranian bomb

>>65024 Families were "disgusted" to learn that the remains of their deceased loved ones may have been sold on the black market

>>65025 @45 to spend Independence Day in Pickens, SC

>>65026 NC House Speaker Tim Moore Coerced State Employees Into Group Sex, Suit Claims

>>65027 Military Members Kicked Out for Refusing COVID Vaccine Seek to Have Their Discharges Upgraded

>>65028 Uganda: Jihadists Burn Christian Students Alive, Hack Them with Machetes in School Attack

>>65029 U.N. Unveils ‘Automated Fact-Checking Tool’ to Counter Disinformation with Big-Tech, Soros-Funded Orgs

>>65031 U.S. to rejoin UNESCO to counter China’s growing influence in the international agency

>>65033, >>65032 Refresher: Maxwell's Terramar Project & Elite Human Trafficking

Guud start for incoming baker

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9ecc4c No.65036

File: 47d799c552d485d⋯.png (225.11 KB,350x639,350:639,Clipboard.png)

File: b6b9843f5578798⋯.png (185.53 KB,350x622,175:311,Clipboard.png)

File: 4df6e69930e54da⋯.png (101.7 KB,670x777,670:777,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033302 (191825ZJUN23) Notable: Official Says Biden’s CBP One Program Benefits Drug Cartels

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Official Says Biden’s CBP One Program Benefits Drug Cartels

Frontline employees being pulled from normal inspection duties are reducing the number of labor hours dedicated to finding hidden narcotics, according to a source within Customs and Border Protection. Hundreds of hours daily are spent processing more than one thousand migrants using the CBP One application to schedule appointments to secure their release into the United States.

In May 2023, CBP announced the agency would increase the daily number of appointments for migrants wishing to claim asylum to 1,000 per day and that appointments would be prioritized through an algorithm for those who have the longest wait times using the application. In the announcement, the DHS officials said the latter change would “Cut out smugglers who are preying on noncitizens by prioritizing appointments for those who have been waiting the longest. A percentage of daily available appointments will be allocated to the earliest registered CBP One™ profiles, so noncitizens who have been trying to obtain appointments for the longest time will be prioritized.”

Despite the claims that the new “lawful pathway” program would cut out smuggling activities by the cartels, the source, who is not authorized to speak to the media, says the impacts are to the contrary. “Any way you look at it, the border is a dangerous place,” the source stated. “The cartels don’t just profit off of the migrants, they survive and thrive by smuggling narcotics.”

“One worry is by redirecting personnel from inspections to asylum processing we are missing the deadliest drug we have seen in modern times, fentanyl,” the source told Breitbart Texas.

After another increase in available appointments announced in May, some 1,250 migrants began to use the CBP One application daily to schedule appointments to have their asylum claims processed at several southwest border ports of entry. Those ports are located in California, Arizona, and Texas. Some of the designated ports of entry are the busiest in the nation. One is the busiest on a more global scale. At the San Ysidro border crossing near the heart of downtown San Diego, more than 70,000 vehicles enter the country each day. In addition, 20,000 pedestrians are inspected for admission each day at the busiest port of entry in the Western Hemisphere.

At the smaller ports of entry, fewer migrants are allowed appointments. However, due to reduced staffing, the effects on the inspection process just as significant. Several times per day, groups of migrants appear for processing in Eagle Pass, Texas, and are released into the United States. Less than one hundred are processed at this port of entry daily. That port of entry may be forced to receive additional migrants due to a recent cancellation of the program in Laredo, Texas. The pause in the processing of CBP One appointments in Laredo is due to reports of migrants being extorted by authorities in Mexico.

The source tells Breitbart, each day 1,250 migrants from a variety of countries, including Venezuela, Cuba, Russia, Mexico, and others across Central America require hours of administrative processing that is converting some frontline CBP Officers into asylum petition clerks.


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9ecc4c No.65037

File: e68b43c51a565ae⋯.png (786.08 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 44906c5228e2f9c⋯.png (338.43 KB,563x504,563:504,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033312 (191827ZJUN23) Notable: Dodgers suffer the worst loss in 125 years after mocking God!

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Dodgers suffer the worst loss in 125 years after mocking God!

The Bible in Galatians says “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” It appears the Los Angeles Dodgers got to witness that Bible verse firsthand.

Just one day after the Dodgers hosted the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence which is a group that dresses up in drag as nuns and has been known to perform stripteases on crosses, the Dodgers have suffered their worst shut-out loss in history. The Dodgers lost in their home stadium 15-0 to the San Francisco Giants.

According to Fox Sports, It was the Giants’ largest margin of victory over their NL West rival since a 19-3 victory on Sept. 14, 2013. It also matches the worst home shutout loss in Dodgers history, which came in 1898 against Pittsburgh when the team was based in Brooklyn.


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9ecc4c No.65038

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033318 (191829ZJUN23) Notable: West ‘blocked’ Russia-Ukraine peace process rt lb, lb, lb

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PN>>64981, >>64987, >>64988 Boris panicked, he wanted to launder more money, and a lot more Ukrainians dead

5 Feb, 2023 15:06

West ‘blocked’ Russia-Ukraine peace process – former Israeli PM

Both Moscow and Kiev appeared to have been ready for a ceasefire, Naftali Bennett says

According to Bennett, his mediation “was coordinated down to the last detail with the US, France and Germany.” After the conflict broke out last February, there was no unified approach on how to deal with it among Western leaders as “[British PM] Boris Johnson adopted the aggressive line; [German Chancellor Olaf] Scholz and [French President Emmanuel] Macron were more pragmatic, and [US President Joe] Biden was both,” he said.

It didn’t happen because “I think there was a legitimate decision by the West to keep striking [Russian President Vladimir] Putin… I mean the more aggressive approach,” he said.

When asked by the host if the US and its allies “blocked” the peace process between Moscow and Kiev, the former PM replied: “Basically, yes. They blocked it.”

“I claim there was a good chance of reaching a ceasefire. But I’m not claiming it was the right thing,” he clarified.

Some 17 or 18 drafts of the peace deal between Moscow and Kiev had been prepared with his involvement, the former PM said. Bennet claimed that, among other things, he managed to secure a pledge from Putin that he was “not going to kill [Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky,” who feared for his life. The Russian leader was also ready to retract his demand for the demilitarization of Ukraine, while Zelensky promised to give up on his aspirations to join NATO, he added.


19 May, 2022 17:26

UK to offer up fresh weapons to Ukraine

Long-range artillery and shore-to-ship missiles will be provided as part of Britain’s new multi-billion-pound aid package

UK to offer up fresh weapons to Ukraine

Boris Johnson speaks in front of a live video feed showing Volodymyr Zelensky, London, May 5, 2022 © Getty Images / Chris J Ratcliffe / Stringer

The UK will provide Ukraine with long-range artillery, shore-to-ship missiles and unmanned drones, Downing Street revealed on Thursday, following a phone conversation between British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

During the phone call on Thursday, the two leaders discussed “a range of issues,” including military support to Ukraine and the looming food crisis.

Noting the recent announcement of an additional £1.3 billion in UK military aid for Ukraine, the Prime Minister set out the support flowing to Ukraine’s defence, including long-range artillery, shore-to-ship missiles and unmanned drones,” the prime minister’s office said in a statement.

Johnson and Zelensky agreed to “step up” work with allies, including the US, France, and Germany “to define the longer-term security architecture for Ukraine.”


PS: shortly after his meeting Boris Johnson opened a non profit foundation in Ukraine 2022 (I’ll find the sauce)

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9ecc4c No.65039

File: bfc98dbaed86139⋯.png (654.09 KB,851x443,851:443,Clipboard.png)

File: 076d96c67d14907⋯.png (290.65 KB,556x563,556:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033327 (191830ZJUN23) Notable: Army’s top enlisted leader defends LGBTQ social media post; suggests criticism is ‘harassment’

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Army’s top enlisted leader defends LGBTQ social media post; suggests criticism is ‘harassment’

The Army’s top enlisted leader actively engaged in a two-day battle on Twitter over public criticism of the 82nd Airborne’s post promoting Pride Month and LGBTQ+ service members.

Sgt. Maj. Michael Grinston, who is the Army’s top enlisted leader and is responsible for handling discipline and morale issues in the Army, pushed back against criticism of the 82nd Airborne’s Pride Month post on social media, arguing with Twitter users last Friday and Saturday who expressed displeasure with the current state of the military.

“As we wrap up the observance celebration of #Juneteenth we switch gears in honoring all those who partake in #PrideMonth,” the 82nd Airborne, also known as the All American Division, tweeted Friday. “Join us later this month as we come all together for the Respect, Service and Dignity as the Division MEO team hosts the Pride Month Observance Event.”

The 82nd Airborne’s post also encouraged Army families to read “Unconditional: A Guide to Loving and Supporting Your LGBTQ Child” and “LGBTQ: The Survival Guide for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning Teens.”

Multiple Twitter users commented on the 82nd Airborne’s post, questioning the Army’s priorities, labeling the Army’s push of the LGBTQ agenda a “disgrace” and slamming the military for going “woke” rather than “winning wars.”

“Thanks for sharing this opportunity,” Grinston said in response to the comments. “The comment section is a good time to refresh ourselves with discriminatory harassment: A form of harassment that is unwelcome conduct based on race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity), national origin, or sexual orientation.”

Over the two-day period, Grinston engaged in back-and-forth arguments with multiple Twitter users, the Daily Caller first reported. In response to comments about the Army struggling to retain soldiers, Grinston tweeted an article stating that the Army hit its retention goal four months early. In response to concerns about the Army focusing on political agendas instead of focusing on training to win wars, Grinston said, “The 82nd gives their paratroopers more live fire opportunities than almost any other organization. Stay based in fact.”


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9ecc4c No.65040

File: 7930d411de32c49⋯.png (225.98 KB,1033x724,1033:724,Clipboard.png)

File: b2d3888e28e9438⋯.png (10.05 KB,255x168,85:56,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033333 (191832ZJUN23) Notable: Eyez in the Skyz

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Loitering over Blythe, CA

ALT 12,000

Squawk N/A


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9ecc4c No.65041

File: d43b19c8ed27c47⋯.png (752.2 KB,1024x674,512:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033335 (191832ZJUN23) Notable: Man, 71, charged with setting massive Yosemite park fire initially blamed on climate change

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Man, 71, charged with setting massive Yosemite park fire initially blamed on climate change

A 71-year-old man has been arrested for allegedly starting a devastating massive forest fire in Yosemite National Park that was previously thought to have been caused by climate change.

Edward Fredrick Wackerman of Mariposa, Calif., was busted Friday on suspicion of arson for allegedly igniting the Oak Fire, which destroyed 127 homes, caused thousands of people to evacuate and ravaged nearly 20,000 acres of vegetation in July 2022.

The suspect is facing charges of suspicion of aggravated arson, arson that causes great bodily injury and arson causing damage or destruction of inhabited structures, the California Department of Forestry said.

It isn’t clear how Wackerman may have started the blaze or what finally led to his arrest. Mariposa County District Attorney Walter Wall said a Tuesday press conference on the case is planned.

“Ed Wackerman is facing several felony charges, including aggravated arson. These charges carry serious legal consequences and the District Attorney is committed to ensuring a fair trial and upholding justice,” Wall said in a statement posted online.

“Currently, the investigation is under review by our office. Due to the sensitive nature of the case and the rights of the defendant, we cannot disclose anything other than what has been released in the Cal Fire press release,” he added.

At the height of the massive blaze, about 6,000 people living in the nearby mountain communities were ordered by officials to flee their homes.

While no one was killed in the ginormous inferno, the fire injured three firefighters, scorched 30 square miles of land and destroyed 127 homes and 66 outbuildings.

At the time, smoke from the fire drifted more than 200 miles, reaching Lake Tahoe, parts of Nevada and the San Francisco Bay Area.


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9ecc4c No.65042

File: cd5524661230fba⋯.png (261.21 KB,798x699,266:233,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033341 (191833ZJUN23) Notable: David Seaman was ostracized by, pretty much everyone, Go here to hear his testimony to the ITNJ regarding child trafficking and exploitation.

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David Seaman was ostracized by, pretty much everyone, when he broke the Internet with his Podesta email research. I am not sure which year he testified to the International Tribunal for Natural Justice (maybe 2018) but since then, he has been unheard from. Banned on youtube, twitter and as far as I can tell every other social media source.

Go here to hear his testimony to the ITNJ regarding child trafficking and exploitation.


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9ecc4c No.65043

File: b645b2b3b1b8053⋯.png (306.79 KB,993x895,993:895,Clipboard.png)

File: e9f919420450353⋯.png (1.18 MB,1368x909,152:101,Clipboard.png)

File: 9d03ded510a7031⋯.png (805.82 KB,1368x1026,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033349 (191834ZJUN23) Notable: Moar Tatanic tour updates, Billionaire Hamish Harding

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>>64951 lb, >>64963 lb, >>64975 lb

>Tourist sub taking groups to find Titanic wreckage goes missing

>>65004 DailyMail

>>>/qresearch/19033095 AP

British billionaire explorer Hamish Harding feared among the missing on Titanic tourist submarine

Hamish Harding’s stepson confirmed that his stepfather is missing on board the OceanGate Expeditions submersible


Hamish Harding, who has previously travelled on the Challenger Deep to the bottom of the ocean and on Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin into space, took to Facebook on Saturday to announce that he was joining OceanGate Expeditions for its Titanic mission this week.

“I am proud to finally announce that I joined OceanGate Expeditions for their RMS TITANIC Mission as a mission specialist on the sub going down to the Titanic. Due to the worst winter in Newfoundland in 40 years, this mission is likely to be the first and only manned mission to the Titanic in 2023,” he wrote, alongside an image of him signing a card reading Titanic Mission V.

“A weather window has just opened up and we are going to attempt a dive tomorrow. We started steaming from St. Johns, Newfoundland, Canada yesterday and are planning to start dive operations around 4am tomorrow morning. Until then we have a lot of preparations and briefings to do.

“The team on the sub has a couple of legendary explorers, some of which have done over 30 dives to the RMS Titanic since the 1980s including PH Nargeolet. More expedition updates to follow IF the weather holds!” ...


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9ecc4c No.65044

File: 583c12930b5a003⋯.png (268.73 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033369 (191837ZJUN23) Notable: Virgin Media is DOWN leaving users across the UK unable to access their emails

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Virgin Media is DOWN leaving users across the UK unable to access their emails

According to Down Detector, the problems started at about 06:45 BST

Users have reported being unable to access their emails

Virgin Media has crashed this morning, leaving users across the UK unable to access their emails.

According to Down Detector, the problems started at about 06:45 BST, and are affecting customers across the UK.

While the reason for the outage remains unclear, of those who experienced issues, 83 per cent said they were having problems with their emails.

Meanwhile, 11 per cent said they had problems with landline internet, while seven per cent were experiencing a total blackout.

A Virgin Media spokesperson said: 'We're aware of an issue that is affecting our Virgin Media email service for customers.

Our teams are working to resolve the problem as quickly as possible, and we apologise for the inconvenience caused.'

So far, more than 1,300 issues have been logged on Down Detector, while many users have taken to Twitter to voice their complaints.

'What's going on with email? Can't send or receive on any devices or seem to log into email via the web page either?' one user wrote.

Another added: 'What's going on with emails. Can't seem to be receiving or sending any.

'Changed password and everything but won't now connect. Been like it since last night. Seriously.'

And one vented: 'I can't access my virgin media email account. Need it urgently for work and personal matters. Is the system down ? If so, when will it be back online?'

MailOnline has contacted Virgin Media for further comment.


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9ecc4c No.65045

File: f6fd9fe44db5ac1⋯.jpeg (372.93 KB,1241x1584,1241:1584,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033373 (191837ZJUN23) Notable: West ‘blocked’ Russia-Ukraine peace process rt lb, lb, lb

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How Boris Johnson helped Ukraine with its weapons shopping

By Elizabeth Piper, Andrew Macaskill and Tsvetelia Tsolova

July 8, 2022:15 AM EDTUpdated a year ago

On weekly calls with Zelenskiy, Johnson collected "shopping list" of arms

UK has helped governments needing political cover or logistical help

As Ukraine's supplies tighten, political choice looms: double down or push for talks

With cost-of-living crisis at home, public support for arms may fade

LONDON, July 8 (Reuters) - Ninety minutes after resigning as British prime minister on Thursday, Boris Johnson called Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy. He told the Ukrainian leader his people had the UK's unwavering support in its fight against Russia, and said Britain would continue to supply vital defensive aid for as long as needed. "You're a hero, Volodymyr," he said, according to an aide who listened to the call. "In this country,

everybody loves you."

In the months since Russia invaded Ukraine, Britain has become an important go-between for Zelenskiy, officials in Britain and the United States told Reuters. Part broker, part delivery service, supporting Ukraine has been a crucial part of Johnson's premiership. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba described him as a "true friend of Ukraine" in comments sent to Reuters by his ministry

Until that last call, Johnson had spoken to Zelenskiy 21 times since the start of the war – once every six days on average. Their conversations often opened with Zelenskiy reading out a "shopping list" of arms, three UK officials with knowledge of the matter told Reuters. The calls could "be very transactional" at the start, one of the officials said.

As an example of the deals that followed, London and Oslo agreed that Britain would send multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) to Ukraine and receive similar, older equipment from Norway in return that it can modernise, Norway's government confirmed. In May, Ukrainian defence minister Oleksiy Reznikov thanked Britain for its help delivering Denmark's anti-ship missiles. read more

Britain also recently made an inquiry for 27 Soviet-designed heavy machine guns from Bulgaria, according to a document from state-owned arms company TEREM seen by Reuters. TEREM told Reuters that that deal did not go through.


Remember Boris tried to get Trump to support Ukraine so the US would send more weapons

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9ecc4c No.65046

File: 437ef2a06089b8c⋯.png (310.63 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033374 (191837ZJUN23) Notable: Your Tax Dollars at Work: Military Monitors Social Media for Mean Posts About Generals

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Your Tax Dollars at Work: Military Monitors Social Media for Mean Posts About Generals


June 19, 2023

Allum Bokhari

19 Jun 2023889


The U.S. Army’s Protective Services Battalion (PSB), the Department of Defense’s equivalent of the Secret Service, now monitors social media to see if anyone has posted negative comments about the country’s highest-ranking officers.

Per a report by the Intercept, the PSB’s remit includes protecting officers from “embarrassment,” in addition to more pressing threats like kidnapping and assassination.

An Army procurement document from 2022 obtained by the Intercept reveals that the PSB now monitors social media for “negative sentiment” about the officers under its protection, as well as for “direct, indirect, and veiled” threats.

“This is an ongoing PSIFO/PIB” — Protective Services Field Office/Protective Intelligence Branch — “requirement to provide global protective services for senior Department of Defense (DoD) officials, adequate security in order to mitigate online threats (direct, indirect, and veiled), the identification of fraudulent accounts and positive or negative sentiment relating specifically to our senior high-risk personnel.”

Per the report, the Army intends not just to monitor platforms for “negative sentiment,” but also to pinpoint the location of posters.

Via the Intercept:

By subscribing, you agree to our terms of use & privacy policy. You will receive email marketing messages from Breitbart News Network to the email you provide. You may unsubscribe at any time.

The Army’s new toolkit goes far beyond social media surveillance of the type offered by private contractors like Dataminr, which helps police and military agencies detect perceived threats by scraping social media timelines and chatrooms for various keywords. Instead, Army Protective Services Battalion investigators would seemingly combine social media data with a broad variety of public and nonpublic information, all accessible through a “universal search selector.”

These sources of information include “signal-rich discussions from illicit threat-actor communities and access to around-the-clock conversations within threat-actor channels,” public research, CCTV feeds, radio stations, news outlets, personal records, hacked information, webcams, and — perhaps most invasive — cellular location data.

The document mentions the use of “geo-fenced” data as well, a controversial practice wherein an investigator draws a shape on a digital map to focus their surveillance of a specific area. While app-based smartphone tracking is a potent surveillance technique, it remains unclear how exactly this data might actually be used to unmask threatening social media posts, or what relevance other data categories like radio stations or academic research could possibly have.

According to the Intercept, the PSB wants to search not just mainstream social media platforms, but also anonymous and semi-anonymous discussion boards like 4chan and Reddit, as well as the chat platforms Discord and Telegram.

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9ecc4c No.65047

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033410 (191844ZJUN23) Notable: The State Bar of California Seeks To Strip Away John Eastman's Law License. He represented Trump in 2020 election

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2 days ago

The State Bar of California Seeks To Strip Away John Eastman's Law License. He represented Trump in 2020 election

Listen to his achievements! He got cancelled by two universities in one week


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9ecc4c No.65048

File: 205e1f744f5f7d2⋯.png (330.14 KB,945x738,105:82,Clipboard.png)

File: 1ba1f11d721b776⋯.png (291.24 KB,634x842,317:421,Clipboard.png)

File: da1cd1729f37cef⋯.png (57.3 KB,625x413,625:413,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033440 (191850ZJUN23) Notable: Top Education Publisher Deletes ‘Woke’ Evidence After Release of Heritage Foundation Report

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CAUGHT: Top Education Publisher Deletes ‘Woke’ Evidence After Release of Heritage Foundation Report

After Heritage Foundation scholar Jonathan Butcher began looking into the racially and sexually charged practices of publishing and education behemoth Pearson, links and videos started to disappear from the corporation’s website and YouTube channel.

Butcher’s new report for Heritage, released Wednesday, shows that the largest education corporation on the planet has made a considerable commitment to pushing critical race theory in everything it produces. (The Daily Signal is Heritage’s multimedia news organization.)

The report by Butcher, who is Heritage’s Will Skillman senior research fellow in education policy, points out that Pearson’s editorial guidelines have made “antiracism,” “colorism,” “colonial discourse,” “genderism,” and “intersectionality” a facet of every action taken by Pearson and its staff and every piece of curriculum Pearson publishes.

After Butcher and Fox News reporter Kassy Dillon began to ask questions, London-based Pearson took its editorial standards offline.

Pearson’s curriculum is no small collection of books, either. Pearson currently runs one of the largest virtual charter school networks in the United States. It is one of the biggest sellers of textbooks and classroom materials for every grade level in American public and private schools.

Pearson isn’t only a behemoth to K-12 students. The massive corporation oversees the company that operates USA Hire, which Butcher describes as “a website operated by the [U.S.] Office of Personnel Management (OPM). Applicants for positions in the federal government use this website to submit their application materials … ”

Teacher licensing also flows largely through Pearson. A teacher assessment program called edTPA, which determines whether an individual qualifies for a teaching license, is required by over 600 universities in over 40 states.

Every participant in edTPA is required to send dozens of essays describing his character as a potential teacher to Pearson, which holds unilateral authority on an applicant’s passing or failing.

Pearson’s commitment to “embed anti-racism” in everything its organization does affects far more than a few classroom students. These policies govern who gets hired in 40 different federal agencies and which teacher-education students get to graduate from their universities.

This racially segregationist hiring focus is best portrayed in a video that Pearson deleted from its website. In a video titled “A History of Protest Movements,” several speakers explain that American society is a fortress of systemic racism that keeps black Americans from doing as well as other groups. Education (and therefore Pearson) is needed to remedy this, the speakers say.

“Education is such a force for equity and change, yet systemic racism is holding back black and other ethnically diverse people in a vicious cycle,” LaWanda Stone, Pearson’s corporate affairs director, says in the video.

The video also includes claims that President Joe Biden’s choice of Kamala Harris as vice president was a “form” or an “act” of protest.

Although Pearson set the video to “private” on its YouTube channel after Fox’s Dillon began asking questions, The Daily Signal was able to save the video’s original discussion before it was taken down:


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9ecc4c No.65049

File: c9b6944c876c01a⋯.png (125.43 KB,761x912,761:912,Clipboard.png)

File: 488b16f3d177495⋯.png (76.75 KB,787x651,787:651,Clipboard.png)

File: 8e46008ae631eca⋯.png (354.14 KB,769x880,769:880,Clipboard.png)

File: b51e11586fd7b52⋯.png (130.66 KB,776x920,97:115,Clipboard.png)

File: f17a90e62d438a7⋯.png (66.87 KB,780x583,780:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033482 (191856ZJUN23) Notable: 2018 Refresher: Inside the shady private equity firm run by Kerry and Biden’s kids

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Inside the shady private equity firm run by Kerry and Biden’s kids

Joe Biden and John Kerry have been pillars of the Washington establishment for more than 30 years. Biden is one of the most popular politicians in our nation’s capital.

His demeanor, sense of humor, and even his friendly gaffes have allowed him to form close relationships with both Democrats and Republicans. His public image is built around his “Lunch Bucket Joe” persona. As he reminds the American people on regular occasions, he has little wealth to show for his career, despite having reached the vice presidency.

One of his closest political allies in Washington is former senator and former Secretary of State John Kerry. “Lunch Bucket Joe” he ain’t; Kerry is more patrician than earthy. But the two men became close while serving for several decades together in the US Senate. The two “often talked on matters of foreign policy,” says Jules Witcover in his Biden biography.

So their sons going into business together in June 2009 was not exactly a bolt out of the blue.

But with whom their sons cut lucrative deals while the elder two were steering the ship of state is more of a surprise.

What Hunter Biden, the son of America’s vice president, and Christopher Heinz, the stepson of the chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations (later to be secretary of state), were creating was an international private equity firm. It was anchored by the Heinz family alternative investment fund, Rosemont Capital. The new firm would be populated by political loyalists and positioned to strike profitable deals overseas with foreign governments and officials with whom the US government was negotiating.

Hunter Biden, Vice President Joe Biden’s youngest son, had gone through a series of jobs since graduating from Yale Law School in 1996, including the hedge-fund business.

By the summer of 2009, the 39-year-old Hunter joined forces with the son of another powerful figure in American politics, Chris Heinz. Senator John Heinz of Pennsylvania had tragically died in a 1991 airplane crash when Chris was 18. Chris, his brothers, and his mother inherited a large chunk of the family’s vast ketchup fortune, including a network of investment funds and a Pennsylvania estate, among other properties. In May 1995, his mother, Teresa, married Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts. That same year, Chris graduated from Yale, and then went on to get his MBA from Harvard Business School.


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9ecc4c No.65050

File: 5323eece1a61e7f⋯.png (374.36 KB,899x877,899:877,Clipboard.png)

File: bc7e716d5059bcf⋯.png (863.26 KB,879x894,293:298,Clipboard.png)

File: cdce984f27590a5⋯.png (91.27 KB,900x444,75:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033502 (191900ZJUN23) Notable: Judge Worked for Same British Government Departments That Have Pursued Assange

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Judge Worked for Same British Government Departments That Have Pursued Assange

The High Court judge who rejected Julian Assange’s appeal to stop his extradition to the U.S., is the U.K. government’s former top lawyer, reports Mark Curtis.

Swift was entrusted to act for the Defence and Home Secretaries in at least nine legal cases

His ‘favourite clients were the security and intelligence agencies’ while representing the government

Jonathan Swift, the High Court judge who has rejected Julian Assange’s appeal against extradition to the U.S., has a long history of working for the government departments that are now persecuting the WikiLeaks founder.

Swift, who ruled against Assange on June 6, was formerly the government’s favourite barrister.

He worked as ‘First Treasury Counsel’ – the government’s top lawyer – from 2006 to 2014, a position in which he advised and represented the government in major litigation.

Swift acted for the Defence and Home Secretaries in at least nine cases, Declassified has found. He also acted for the Cabinet Office, Justice Secretary and the Treasury, during his time as First Treasury Counsel.

Swift also represented the Foreign Office in at least two legal cases, in 2011 and 2015.

While barristers are independent, those who regularly represent the government in the highest profile cases have to be “cleared” to do so, including via security vetting, Declassified understands.

When he stepped down as First Treasury Counsel in March 2014, the attorney general’s office “expressed their appreciation for Jonathan’s valuable support, advice and advocacy during his period as FTC.”

It was reported in 2013 that Swift had been paid nearly a million pounds – £975,075 – over the previous three years for representing the government.

Swift now presides over Assange’s extradition case being fought by the Home Office for whom he previously worked.

As with previous judges who have ruled against Assange, the case raises serious concerns about institutional conflicts of interests at the heart of the U.K. legal system.

‘Favourite Clients’

Swift was appointed a deputy high court judge in 2016 and a full judge in August 2018. A June 2018 interview with Swift in a legal publication noted that his “favourite clients were the security and intelligence agencies” referring to his time as First Treasury Counsel.

“They take preparation and evidence-gathering seriously: a real commitment to getting things right,” he was quoted as saying.

The interview also mentioned Swift was undertaking work for “foreign governments” although Declassified has not been able to establish which governments these were.


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9ecc4c No.65051

File: ee64e92604cf519⋯.png (197.57 KB,715x642,715:642,Clipboard.png)

File: dd0428f8de5a15e⋯.png (251.71 KB,605x682,55:62,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033522 (191903ZJUN23) Notable: By 2030 you will not eat meat and you will be allowed only three items of new clothing a year, report says

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By 2030 you will not eat meat and you will be allowed only three items of new clothing a year, report says

A report published in 2019 and re-emphasised in 2023 recommends that by 2030 we will not be permitted to eat meat or dairy products, we will be limited to three items of new clothing per year and one aeroplane flight every three years. It will start in countries that “consume the most.”

Published in 2019, ‘The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World’ report sets out targets for cities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as consistent with the 2015 Paris Agreement ambitions. What this report aims to do is quantify and then suggest ways for city “leaders” to reduce consumption-based emissions. In other words, reduce what you and I consume be it food, clothes or travel etc.

The place to start, a press release stated, is with those who consume the most and “consumption-based emissions must be cut by at least 50% by 2030.”

The report outlines six sectors where the world’s cities can take “rapid action to address consumption-based emissions”: food, construction, clothing, vehicles, aviation, and electronics.


UK local governments are declaring a “climate emergency” and forming committees to implement dystopian plans

Council claims it is a “Victim of Abuse” following new Policy to enforce Climate Lockdowns without consent of the Public

15-minute cities: Councils are attempting to remove our freedoms, take control of our lives and herd us into spaces they completely control

The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World was co-created and co-delivered by C40, Arup and the University of Leeds with funding from Arup, University of Leeds and Citi Foundation. It claims to be an analysis and not a plan but the tone of the report, from the outset, reads like a plan. The foreword stated:

“The report demonstrates that mayors have an even bigger role and opportunity to help avert climate emergency than previously thought … While the analysis addresses big global questions, its purpose is to inspire practical action … average consumption-based emissions in C40 cities must halve within the next 10 years. In our wealthiest and highest consuming cities that means a reduction of two thirds or more by 2030.” – Mark Watts, Executive Director of C40

“It is now clear that action to reduce consumption will be necessary as part of the global effort to mitigate climate change … The actions set out in the report are challenging and they will be confronting for many, but we think they are necessary … City Mayors can set a vision and convene actors to bring about the changes we describe … The work reported here forces a focus on what a sustainable urban future might look like and helps us to consider what policies, regulations, incentives and behavioural changes will be necessary to transition to a zero-carbon world.” – Gregory Hodkinson, Former Chairman of Arup

The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World, 2019

C40 is a global network of mayors representing one-quarter of the global economy. It includes almost 100 cities plus 1,143 cities and local governments that have joined C40’s ‘Cities Race to Zero’. The cities that sign up for the ‘Cities Race to Zero’ commit, among others, to keeping global heating below the 1.5°C goal of the Paris Agreement.


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9ecc4c No.65052

File: 3b94761992a41d1⋯.png (323.52 KB,599x679,599:679,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033550 (191909ZJUN23) Notable: #OTD in 1940, Congress passed the Vinson-Walsh "Two-Ocean Navy" Act which increased the size of the U.S. Navy by 70%

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#OTD in 1940, Congress passed the Vinson-Walsh "Two-Ocean Navy" Act which increased the size of the U.S. Navy by 70%. It was the largest naval procurement bill in U.S. history, adding 18 carriers, 7 battleships, 33 cruisers, 115 destroyers, 43 subs and 15k aircraft to the fleet.


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9ecc4c No.65053

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033567 (191911ZJUN23) Notable: Burisma execs set up bank account for Hunter Biden that was shut down for money laundering violations, Satabank in 2016.

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Burisma execs set up bank account for Hunter Biden that was shut down for money laundering violations: report

Emails taken off of Hunter Biden's laptop reveal that he provided Burisma executive, Vadym Pozharskyi, with his passport and multiple bank statements to open up an account with Satabank in 2016.

Hunter Biden had executives at Burisma set up a bank account for him at a bank that later closed because of a money laundering investigation.

Emails taken off of Hunter Biden's laptop reveal that he provided Burisma executive, Vadym Pozharskyi, with his passport and multiple bank statements to open up an account with Satabank in 2016. The bank went under due to money laundering investigations in 2018.

In order to set up the account, Hunter needed to provide a "certified declaration of source wealth," have it notarized, and then sent it to an auction house in Malta, Ukraine.

The auctioneer, Pierre Pillow, was also charged with money laundering accusations back in 2020. Burisma’s' owner, Mykola Zolchevensky, rented Pillow's apartment in Malta back in 2014.

Contents of the email from Hunter's laptop show that he had to provide passport copies, bank reference letters, and utility bills to the bank in order to open the account. These all went through the Burisma executives.

When Satabank was liquidated by the Maltese government in 2018, it owed over $81 million to its investors and creditors.

Senator Ron Johnson, who has led a four year investigation into the Biden family, told the Daily Mail, "No one should find this latest revelation surprising."

"The Bidens knew exactly the type of people they needed to deal with - alleged money launderers like Patrick Ho, Mykola Zlochevsky, and now, allegedly, Mr. Pillow. The question now is what did the FBI know, when did they know it, and what did they do about it?" Johnson continued.

The link to the bank comes weeks after FBI informants have revealed more alleged corruption coming from the Biden family. Two banks were subpoenaed by the House Oversight Committee as a result of the reports.

The same informant claimed the Biden family's wealth had been cycled through a network of banks that would take "10 years" to untangle.

Recently, when President Biden was asked about a related matter by a reporter, he snapped back and said, "Why would you ask such a dumb question?"


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9ecc4c No.65054

File: 2d7085a07df9073⋯.webm (1.34 MB,460x306,230:153,Clipboard.webm)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033656 (191928ZJUN23) Notable: Dough

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9ecc4c No.65055

File: f49c11493f8d005⋯.png (175.09 KB,794x806,397:403,Clipboard.png)

File: 636230e732f9aa7⋯.png (172.02 KB,793x827,793:827,Clipboard.png)

File: f018576fe9c4731⋯.png (178.33 KB,790x841,790:841,Clipboard.png)

File: 12db39a4bba38ab⋯.png (137.94 KB,796x652,199:163,Clipboard.png)

File: 0e94d18f81ba10d⋯.png (532.57 KB,768x496,48:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033690 (191934ZJUN23) Notable: Declassified files expose CIA, MI6 and NATO directed army of fascist paramilitary units across Europe to undermine political opponents, including through false flag terror attacks.

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Declassified files expose British role in NATO’s Gladio terror armies

Newly declassified British Foreign Office files have added disturbing details to the history of Operation Gladio. The covert operation was uncovered in 1990, when the public learned that the CIA, MI6 and NATO trained and directed an underground army of fascist paramilitary units across Europe, deploying its assets to undermine political opponents, including through false flag terror attacks.

Among them was a young Silvio Berlusconi, the media oligarch who served as Italian Prime Minister in four separate governments between 1994 and 2011. Listed as a member of the P2, the secret Cold War-era cabal of political elites devoted to Gladio’s aims, Berlusconi undoubtedly took some weighty secrets to the grave when he died this June 12th.

It is almost impossible to believe that inconvenient truths were not weeded from Britain’s documentary record on Operation Gladio prior to declassification. Nonetheless, the recently released material is highly illuminating. Covering a fraught twelve month period after the first public disclosure of Gladio’s existence, the papers illustrate how London’s foreign intelligence apparatus kept a keen eye on the continent as events unfolded.

The papers not only shed fresh light on the conspiracy, they underline Gladio’s relevance as British intelligence joins its America counterparts in contemporary plots involving secret partisan forces from Syria to Ukraine.

Various passages dotted across the tranche strongly suggest the British knew much more than they publicly admitted about egregious criminal deeds, including the attempted overthrow of an allied Italian government and the kidnap and murder of its leader.

A ‘clandestine resistance network’ goes to work

Gladio consisted of a constellation of “stay behind” anti-communist partisan armies whose ostensible mission was to fend off the Red Army in the event of Soviet invasion. In reality, these forces committed countless violent and criminal acts as part of a “strategy of tension” designed to discredit the left and justify a security state clampdown.

As Vincenzo Vinciguerra, a Gladio operative jailed for life in 1984 for a car bombing in Italy that killed three police officers and injured two, explained:

“You were supposed to attack civilians, women, children, innocent people from outside the political arena. The reason was simple, force the public to turn to the state and ask for greater security…People would willingly trade their freedom for the security of being able to walk the streets, go on trains or enter a bank. This was the political logic behind the bombings. They remain unpunished because the state cannot condemn itself.”


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9ecc4c No.65056

File: 3df16c0a4b4d71e⋯.jpeg (750.1 KB,1170x966,195:161,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033699 (191935ZJUN23) Notable: Nasty Democrat, Stacey Plaskett, slammed after "accidentally" saying Trump 'needs to be shot' before quickly correcting herself. Plaskett background

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Democrat slammed after accidentally saying Trump 'needs to be shot' before quickly correcting herself

'Quite the Freudian slip from Stacey Plaskett,' a Twitter user commented after the MSNBC interview


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9ecc4c No.65057

File: 0efd87ef868f34d⋯.png (288.84 KB,634x660,317:330,Clipboard.png)

File: b7f2bc50b45fa2f⋯.png (429.08 KB,634x357,634:357,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033716 (191941ZJUN23) Notable: New South Wales (AUS) 'Gay penguins' to teach kindergarteners about same-sex relationships as part of a new syllabus

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'Gay penguins' to teach kindergarteners about same-sex relationships as part of a new syllabus

Gay penguins love story to be part of school syllabus

Sphen and Magic raised a chick at Sea Life Sydney Aquarium

Two gay penguins who successfully raised a chick together will help schoolchildren learn about same-sex relationships as part of a new syllabus aimed at kids from kindergarten to Year two.

The New South Wales Teachers Federation is collaborating with Sea Life Sydney Aquarium to inform young students about sensitive issues such as consent and sexuality.

Named 'Love in all shapes and sizes', the six lessons tell the story of Antarctic lovebirds Sphen and Magic and their five-year relationship.

The two males developed a strong bond in 2018 and became inseparable shortly before breeding season.

Wildlife staff at the tourist attraction said the smitten couple would go on romantic waddles together around their enclosure.

They soon started collecting pebbles to create a nest - something Gentoo penguins on Macquarie Island do to keep their eggs warm.

'To ensure the couple were not excluded from the season, Magic and Sphen were given a dummy egg to allow them to practice incubating and develop their skills,' the Sea Life Sydney Aquarium states.

'They were absolute naturals and displayed great care for their egg, so much so, the team at Sea Life Sydney fostered a real egg to them from another couple who had two.

'In October of 2018, the two successfully hatched baby SPHENGIC!

'Today, the couple are still going strong and have paired up for a third breeding season!'


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9ecc4c No.65058

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033744 (191947ZJUN23) Notable: Biden to pledge more than half a trillion dollars to combat climate change (and video link to remarks)

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Biden to pledge more than half a trillion dollars to combat climate change

The President is slated to announce the massive funding in Palo Alto, California Monday.

President Joe Biden I traveled to Palo Alto, Calf. On Monday to announce more than $600 million in investments aimed at tackling climate change.

The investment reprotedly includes $575 million directed to coastal infrastructure for issues like "sea level rise, tidal flooding, hurricanes, storm surge," as well as $67 million to help California's unreliable power grid to get through extreme weather events, according to a statement from the Biden administration.

The money for the projects will be drawn from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the Inflation Reduction Act.

The trip comes as Biden is also set to hold campaign fundraising events in the Golden State; he's set to meet with potential donors in California this week.


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9ecc4c No.65059

File: c4789a2a488833b⋯.png (1.48 MB,1242x1583,1242:1583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033763 (191952ZJUN23) Notable: Danielle Smith, premier of Alberta,Canada apologizes to unvaccinated, promises anyone fired for refusal will be reinstated.

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Canada #43 >>>/qresearch/19028996


Mask Man-Dates are finally gone in Alberta.

God Bless Alberta.

God Bless Smith.

Danielle Smith, the current premier of Alberta in Canada, has done something remarkable. She took the bold and unprecedented step of apologizing to unvaccinated Canadians who’ve faced unfair treatment from the government throughout the “pandemic.” But Ms. Smith actually went beyond just issuing an apology, Danielle actually made a promise: anyone who was terminated from their job due to their refusal of the COVID-19 vaccine will be reinstated.

Wow. That’s not the type of humility you hear from politicians everyday, is it?

Comedian and conservative podcaster Jimmy Dore was actually blown away by this apology and covered it at length.


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9ecc4c No.65060

File: b2ac9ba6cb65ce7⋯.png (429.75 KB,677x707,677:707,Clipboard.png)

File: 70b6e53b2bf72bc⋯.mp4 (5.98 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033777 (191956ZJUN23) Notable: J6 defendant 'The Lectern Guy' aka Adam Johnson (@lecternleader) is finally a FREE man!

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"888 days being monitored by the FEDS."

Emerald Robinson ✝️ Retweeted

The Absolute Truth with @EmeraldRobinson


🚨EXCLUSIVE: J6 defendant 'The Lectern Guy' aka Adam Johnson (@lecternleader

) is finally a FREE man!

Johnson joined @EmeraldRobinson

to discuss what it was like severing ties with the government's ankle monitor device.


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9ecc4c No.65061

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033791 (192001ZJUN23) Notable: Lindsey Graham Defends FBI, DOJ and the Two-Tiered Justice System

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Easy for Miss Graham to say. Would like to see that bitch go through what DJT has endured with honors.

Lindsey Graham Defends FBI, DOJ and the Two-Tiered Justice System – Accuses “Irresponsible” Republicans of Stoking Violence in Opposing Blatant DOJ Lawlessness


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9ecc4c No.65062

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033806 (192005ZJUN23) Notable: Biden to pledge more than half a trillion dollars to combat climate change (and video link to remarks)

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'Tater delivers remarks on his administration’s historic action to combat the climate crisis, create good-paying clean energy jobs, and protect our environment for future generations.

Palo Alto, CA



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9ecc4c No.65063

File: f8815716791c50f⋯.png (249.4 KB,598x697,598:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033820 (192007ZJUN23) Notable: John Durham will testify before Andy Biggs' Committee, @JudiciaryGOP THIS WEEK

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Rep Andy Biggs


Mr. Durham will testify before my committee, the @JudiciaryGOP

, this week.

I look forward to unpacking his report on how the FBI unjustly targeted President Trump and conservatives and also discussing what we can do to restore integrity in the agency.


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9ecc4c No.65064

File: 54cf8f7f1b92880⋯.png (170.55 KB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

File: 488a2a531140b96⋯.png (509.87 KB,1024x572,256:143,Clipboard.png)

File: 7b903af9517c032⋯.png (416.57 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033827 (192008ZJUN23) Notable: Russia accuses US of planning to drop malaria-bearing mosquitoes on troops

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Russia accuses US of planning to drop malaria-bearing mosquitoes on troops

June 19, 2023

A senior Kremlin official bizarrely accused the US of preparing drones that will target Russian troops by dropping malaria-carrying mosquitos onto soldiers.

Igor Kirillov, the head of Vladimir Putin’s Russian Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Troops, made the baseless claim this week as Ukraine captured its eighth village two weeks after launching their anticipated counteroffensive.

“The flooding of Kherson region planned by the Kyiv regime can complicate the situation, including with regard to arbovirus infections,” Kirillov said, referencing the recent Kakhova dam collapse in southern Ukraine.

“After a drop in the water level, it is possible to form foci of diseases transmitted by mosquitoes, primarily West Nile fever,” he said, according to the Daily Mail.

“The high technical level of US preparedness for the use of infected vectors is evidenced by a patent for a drone designed to spread infected mosquitoes in the air.”

Kirillov did not provide any additional details about the alleged patent but said, “In accordance with the description, the drone must deliver a container with insects to a given area and release them.”

“The description of the patent emphasizes that the infected soldier is not able to perform the combat missions assigned to him.”

The odd claim comes as Ukraine announced Monday it reclaimed a new village from Russia — its eighth over the course of two weeks of “offensive operations.”

Kyiv’s soldiers held up yellow and blue national flags in a video, which claimed they were in Piatykhatky, a village near one of the most heavily fortified Russian positions in the south.

“The forces of 128 assault brigade chased out the Russians from the village of Piatykhatky. The Russians ran away leaving equipment and ammunition. Glory to Ukraine!” an unidentified soldier said.

Vladimir Rogov, a Russian-installed official, also said Sunday that Ukraine had taken control of the village of Piatykhatky in the southern Zaporizhzhia region.

Rogov later said Moscow pushed them out — but by Monday morning Ukraine was attacking again.

Ukraine’s Deputy Defense Minister Hanna Maliar on Monday refuted the claim that Moscow had pushed Ukrainian forces out, noting that Ukraine had not only taken back Piatykhatky but advanced over four miles into Russian lines in two weeks.


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9ecc4c No.65065

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033837 (192010ZJUN23) Notable: U.K. Billionaire Hamish Harding is reportedly on board the submersible. Harding dig.

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U.K. Billionaire Hamish Harding is reportedly on board the submersible, according to a Facebook post from his stepson, Brian Szasz. OGE has not confirmed the identities of anyone on board, however.

Harding confirmed he was embarking on the OGE voyage in a post to his own Facebook account on Saturday.


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9ecc4c No.65066

File: a48518332dce426⋯.png (2.08 MB,1172x1188,293:297,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033880 (192016ZJUN23) Notable: Shitbag, Bret Baier: "Don’t miss my interview tonight with former President Donald Trump"

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Don’t miss my interview tonight with former President Donald Trump


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9ecc4c No.65067

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033904 (192021ZJUN23) Notable: Russians use captured Ukrainian "TROJAN TANK" (filled with explosives and remote controlled) to take out UKR troops and hardware

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Russian military forces took a captured Ukrainian Soviet-made T-54 tank and packed it with 6 tons of explosives, then returned it via remote control so Ukrainian troops could fire and detonate it to catastrophic effect—just days earlier, the Ministry of Defense (MoD) reported a more successful example of the same tactics, when an explosive specialist explained how his squad packed a captured Ukrainian MT-LB tracked tow vehicle with 3.5 tons of explosives and five FAB-100 aviation bombs, before directing it towards a Ukrainian outpost some 300 meters away—and this morning, the MoD reported: “Kiev's forces have lost over 1,000 soldiers and 20 tanks in a single day across the frontlines”.



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9ecc4c No.65068

File: c200ace58526155⋯.png (552.02 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

File: f3084b5817ce594⋯.png (349.17 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033912 (192022ZJUN23) Notable: Commercial Submersible Goes Missing on Dive to the RMS Titanic

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Maritime sites are picking up on it

Commercial Submersible Goes Missing on Dive to the RMS Titanic

Mike Schuler June 19, 2023

A commercially-operated submarine, which takes paying passengers to visit the infamous wreck of the RMS Titanic, has gone missing in the Atlantic Ocean. A search and rescue mission, which included the U.S. Coast Guard, has been launched to locate the five people on board.

The submersible is operated by Everett, Washington-based Oceangate Expeditions Inc.

Multiple search and rescue assets were headed to the area after departing St Johns, Newfoundland and Labrador.

The U.S. Coast Guard’s 1st District confirmed it had launched a search with a C-130 aircraft for the missing submersible. “Rescue Coordination Center Halifax is assisting with a P8 Poseidon aircraft in the search. The P8 has underwater detection capabilities,” it said.

The Coast Guard confirmed there are five people on board the vessel.

Oceangate, which led successful expeditions to the wreck in 2021 and 2022, had been posting about this year’s Titanic expedition on social media. The company said in a brief statement on Monday that it was “exploring and mobilizing all options” to rescue those on board the vessel.

“Our entire focus is on the crewmembers in the submersible and their families,” the statement said. “We are deeply thankful for the extensive assistance we have received from several government agencies and deep sea companies in our efforts to reestablish contact with the submersible.”

“We are working toward the safe return of the crewmembers.”

Dives are performed by Oceangate’s Titan, a five-person (1 crew + 4 passengers) submersible capable of operating to water depths of 4,000 meters.

Horizon Maritime’s vessel Polar Prince was serving as the support vessel during this year’s expedition.

On Sunday, a “mission specialist” on the expedition wrote on Facebook that weather window had opened up for Monday’s dive.

“Due to the worst winter in Newfoundland in 40 years, this mission is likely to be the first and only manned mission to the Titanic in 2023. A weather window has just opened up and we are going to attempt a dive [on Monday],” the post said. It added that the dive team included “legendary explorers,” including some with more than 30 dives to the Titanic since the 1980s.

BBC reports that passengers are charged $250,000 per person for an 8-day expedition to the Titanic.

The wreck of the Titanic is located at a depth of approximately 12,500 feet (3,800 meters), approximately 400 miles off the coast of Newfoundland. The ship sank on April 15, 1912, after colliding with an iceberg during its maiden voyage from Southampton, England, to New York City. It was rediscovered in 1985 by a team led by Robert Ballard.

Oceangate’s dives to the site are conducted in accordance with NOAA Guidelines for Research Exploration and Salvage of RMS Titanic, and comply with UNESCO guidelines for the preservation of underwater world heritage sites.


[Last position report from POLAR PRINCE received on June 16th]

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9ecc4c No.65069

File: 6e261f5690343cd⋯.png (317.63 KB,360x445,72:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033915 (192023ZJUN23) Notable: Shitbag, Bret Baier: "Don’t miss my interview tonight with former President Donald Trump"

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9ecc4c No.65070

File: eacd425515212f0⋯.png (248.18 KB,737x801,737:801,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033937 (192028ZJUN23) Notable: The US is sending $1 billion every year to Russia's nuclear program. US heavily reliant on Russia's cheap nuclear fuel.

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June 15, 2023

The US is sending $1 billion every year to Russia's nuclear program

despite pledging to cripple its economy with sanctions

▶ US companies send about $1 billion a year to Russia's state-owned nuclear agency.

▶ The US is heavily reliant on Russia's cheap nuclear fuel to produce emissions-free energy.

▶ Russia's nuclear agency has been running Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant since its capture from Ukraine.


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9ecc4c No.65071

File: 4cdd63e74c322f3⋯.png (61.6 KB,590x420,59:42,Clipboard.png)

File: 3559cbb52c532b1⋯.png (265.1 KB,725x472,725:472,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033953 (192031ZJUN23) Notable: This weekend: RSBN will broadcast Faith and Freedom Coalition's Road to Majority conference featuring President Donald J. Trump.

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This weekend: RSBN will broadcast Faith and Freedom Coalition's Road to Majority conference featuring President Donald J. Trump.

Jun 19, 2023, 12:21 PM



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9ecc4c No.65072

File: d17a1562fce62aa⋯.png (705.73 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 1dbced3bb161d1f⋯.png (499.9 KB,661x699,661:699,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19033989 (192037ZJUN23) Notable: John Kerry Meets with Pope Francis: Fighting Climate Change at ‘Heart of Morality’

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John Kerry Meets with Pope Francis: Fighting Climate Change at ‘Heart of Morality’

Pope Francis received John Kerry in private audience at the Vatican Monday, where the two discussed the importance of combating climate change for the good of the planet.

Kerry, in Rome as United States presidential envoy for climate, praised the pontiff for his leadership on the topic of climate change and suggested that fighting global warming is a key element of Christian morality.

Pope Francis has “remarkable leverage” on the question of climate change, Kerry asserted in an interview with journalists, “because he has constantly been an outspoken and engaged advocate on this issue, he believes it very deeply.”

“He’s very troubled by where we are, and where we are not, and where we should be,” Kerry added. “I think he’s thinking about ways he can continue to have an impact on it, I’m sure.”

“We talked about that and I’m very confident about his openness to finding what’s going to be most comfortable for him to do at this point, and what makes most sense for him to do,” he said.

“I think it’s important for religious leaders to be engaged on this issue because it goes to the heart of morality, of individual responsibility for others and for mother earth,” Kerry, a Catholic, asserted. “It has a lot to do with the scriptures of one religion or another.”

Pope Francis has contended that two chief threats to humanity are the “immense crisis” of global warming and the possibility of nuclear war.

In a 2018 address to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, the pope said world leaders must do all they can to assist humanity in facing the most pressing threats facing the planet, namely “the immense and ongoing crisis of climate change and the nuclear menace.”

Human actions are at the core of many global changes, the pope asserted, especially where climate change is concerned.

“Hence there is also a need for adequate responses aimed at protecting the health of the planet and its inhabitants, a health put at risk by all those human activities that employ fossil fuels and deforest the planet,” he said.


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9ecc4c No.65073

File: 4c7b9662cc1a0ff⋯.png (727.45 KB,882x1242,49:69,Clipboard.png)

File: eb92d3d6f5be1e8⋯.png (1023.35 KB,939x989,939:989,Clipboard.png)

File: 46729b3e2327ae7⋯.png (76.24 KB,910x463,910:463,Clipboard.png)

File: 93a06bc0c3a2810⋯.png (87.39 KB,1042x1280,521:640,Clipboard.png)

File: 89c2b39ab3cd9b8⋯.png (590.51 KB,916x889,916:889,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19034017 (192042ZJUN23) Notable: Nasty Democrat, Stacey Plaskett, slammed after "accidentally" saying Trump 'needs to be shot' before quickly correcting herself. Plaskett background

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Dumb Bitch says what?

Sauce/more: https://nypost.com/2023/06/19/democrat-stacey-plaskett-says-trump-needs-to-be-shot/

Sleazy two bit hoe/ picrel

Slimy Commie slut/club member/ picrel


ps: TYeB

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9ecc4c No.65074

File: 05955e86b591f6e⋯.jpg (95.51 KB,440x590,44:59,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 66760d2516a1c9a⋯.jpg (79.1 KB,474x592,237:296,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19034124 (192058ZJUN23) Notable: U.K. Billionaire Hamish Harding is reportedly on board the submersible. Harding dig.

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Hamish Harding

Harding has degrees in Natural Sciences and Chemical Engineering from Cambridge University. He also holds an Airline Transport Pilots License and business jet type ratings, including the Gulfstream G650, and is a skydiver.[8][9]



In 2017, Harding worked with Antarctic VIP tourism company, White Desert, to introduce the first regular business jet service to the Antarctic using a Gulfstream G550, landing on Wolfsfang Runway, a newly-created ice runway in Antarctica. Harding also visited the South Pole a number of times, accompanying Buzz Aldrin in 2016 as he became the oldest person ever to reach the South Pole (age 86).[10][11]

In 2019, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing, Harding, along with astronaut Col. Terry Virts, led a team of aviators that captured the Guinness World Record for circumnavigation of the earth via North and South Poles in a Gulfstream G650ER in 46 hours 40 minutes.[12][13] On 9-11 July 2019, Harding together with a crew of eight astronauts and aviators broke the world speed record for the fastest circumnavigation via both poles in a Gulfstream G650ER jet. The One More Orbit mission launched and landed at the Shuttle Landing Facility (Space Florida) at NASA Kennedy Space Center, US. Harding was the mission director and led a team of over 100 to gain the Guinness World Record for the fastest circumnavigation of the earth via both poles in 46h 40m.

On 5 March 2021, Harding & Victor Vescovo dove to the deepest point of the Mariana Trench, the Challenger Deep, in a two-man submarine to the lowest point in the world's oceans to a depth of 36,000 ft. Here they set the world record for greatest length covered at full ocean depth, and greatest time spent at full ocean depth.[14][15][16][17][7]

This 13-hour underwater mission resulted in two Guinness World Records, the longest duration spent at Full Ocean Depth (4 hours 15 mins) and the longest distance traversed at Full Ocean Depth (4.6 km).[18][8]

Harding holds three Guinness World Records

2019 - The fastest circumnavigation of the Earth via both poles.

2021 - Greatest Distance Covered At Full Ocean Depth.[19]

2021 - Greatest Duration Spent At Full Ocean Depth.[14][15][16][17]


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9ecc4c No.65075

File: e69a07f0156ddb7⋯.png (38.78 KB,753x424,753:424,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19034208 (192109ZJUN23) Notable: The Hidden War: 4 Part Documentary on Global Child Trafficking tsoon to be released in worldwide in 2023. Mel Gibson involved(?)

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THE PEDOPHILE WAR: There is a movement right now to desensitize the world to the sexualization of children. There is a movement to normalize, accept, allow and welcome Pedophilia. It is being taught in mainstream therapy conferences. This is the hidden war against our children.

They are raping 2 year olds and 5 year olds hundreds of times a week. Every year approximately 2 million children are trafficked for rape, torture and sacrifice.

It is a multi billion dollar business that has already surpassed the illegal arms trade and drug trade because unlike a bag of cocaine that can only be sold one time, a child can be sold 5, 10, 20 times a day over and over every year.

Tim Ballard the founder of Operation Underground Railroad which is fighting this hidden war on child trafficking and Pedophilia worked for the CIA for one year and then worked for Homeland Security when he was asked to form a child trafficking task force.

Not able to achieve the results he wanted in order to save the children, he left Homeland Security and formed Operation Underground Railroad which has saved thousands of children and put behind bars thousands of child predators and pedophiles.

The Hidden War is a 4 Part Documentary on Global Child Trafficking that is soon to be released worldwide in 2023. Mel Gibson did the final editing of the Sound of Freedom which portrays Tim Ballard's life in this true story movie that will be released July 4th. Mel Gibson was also involved in the making of The Hidden War.


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9ecc4c No.65076

File: 5faff08d48eb689⋯.png (1.29 MB,1162x1184,581:592,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19034313 (192129ZJUN23) Notable: Marxist Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg Sued After Refusing to Release Trump Prosecution Records

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Marxist Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg Sued After Refusing to Release Trump Prosecution Records – Full Details of Lawsuits Included Here


Fox News exclusively reported that Marxist Manhattan District attorney Alvin Bragg is facing two lawsuits for refusing to comply with state Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) requests for information about his office’s probable communication with the Justice Department, White House and Democrat lawmakers.

This is related to Bragg’s indictment of President Donald Trump on bogus charges.

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9ecc4c No.65077

File: ac310232e9c7576⋯.png (440.41 KB,1036x933,1036:933,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19034335 (192137ZJUN23) Notable: Israel speaks out on Ukraine lionizing Nazi collaborators

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The Oy Veys are not so loud against Ukraine's Neo Nazis.

Israel speaks out on Ukraine lionizing Nazi collaborators

>Kiev treats as heroes people who wanted Ukraine to have no Jews, Poles and many others, ambassador has pointed out


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9ecc4c No.65078

File: bb68e4c9958fee5⋯.png (343.82 KB,545x507,545:507,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19034429 (192158ZJUN23) Notable: Fake News MSNBC: Joe Biden Isn’t Campaigning Because he “Doesn’t Have a Serious Challenger”

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Fake News MSNBC: Joe Biden Isn’t Campaigning Because he “Doesn’t Have a Serious Challenger”

The majority of Democrat voters think Joe Biden is too old and feeble to serve another term in the White House.

The likely voters polled said they trust the Kennedy name.

Despite RFK Jr. being a potential problem for Joe Biden in the primaries, MSNBC brushed him off and said Biden doesn’t have a serious challenger.

“Joe Biden has the great luxury of not having a credible primary opponent,” USA Today’s Susan Page said during an appearance on MSNBC.


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9ecc4c No.65079

File: 3d12a3055c18922⋯.webm (768.78 KB,480x600,4:5,Clipboard.webm)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19034417 (192156ZJUN23) Notable: #23373

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9ecc4c No.65080

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19034443 (192201ZJUN23) Notable: AI enables criminal organizations and scammers to easily create fraudulent businesses

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AI enables criminal organizations and scammers to easily create fraudulent businesses: Report

Generative artificial intelligence technology is enabling scammers to quickly and easily create fraudulent companies, a top concern for the business-to-business market, according to a recently published report.

The "Combatting Business-To-Business Fraud: Benchmarking Report," created by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners and Thomson Reuters, revealed that "synthetic business identities" and potential fines or regulatory action are the two most significant fraud-related risks for businesses looking to build relationships with new news vendors or customers.

The report revealed that more than 60% of businesses surveyed stated it is either moderately or extremely challenging to onboard new vendors. Only 10% of companies reported it was "not challenging at all." Additionally, 60% said bringing on a new business customer is extremely or moderately challenging.

The businesses surveyed cited fraud as a leading concern, an issue that has been exacerbated due to generative AI, which allows scammers to easily create fake companies.

Vice President of Thomson Reuters Risk & Fraud Solutions Dori Buckethal told FOX Business, "Organized crime rings are sophisticated and typically they're ahead of the curve on the adoption of any new technology."

"What we're seeing with synthetic identity at fictitious businesses is that generative AI and machine learning can replace what was once done with a very manual process within criminal organizations," Buckethal added.

"So in the past and even today, there are a large number of people sitting in call centers conducting this type of fraud," she continued. "And just like we're hearing in corporations, those people can be replaced with technology to do it at a faster rate and accelerate the pace at which they're attacking businesses."

According to Buckethal, "fraud is big business" in the business-to-business market, accounting for "billions of billions of lost revenue each year."

She noted that ACFE reported that "5% of business revenues are lost to fraud each year."

While scammers are utilizing generative AI to commit fraud, businesses are adopting it to detect potential fraud.

The ACFE and Thomson Reuters' report stated that more than half of the businesses surveyed noted that they plan to utilize AI and machine learning in their vetting and due diligence processes when onboarding new vendors and customers.

Buckethal told FOX Business that while implementing AI into a company's due diligence process will likely reduce the need for compliance staff, she recommends businesses use those savings to invest in developing technologies to safeguard their company from fraudsters.

"The technology isn't slowing down, so they shouldn't do this as a cost-cutting method and should be investing more in their risk and compliance teams," Buckethal said. "Criminals are thinking like CFOs, and business leaders need to think like criminals to understand where to invest in technology and resources."


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9ecc4c No.65081

File: 390e0a23b11ab97⋯.png (273.5 KB,605x434,605:434,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19034461 (192204ZJUN23) Notable: Tater Today: I've committed that by 2020, we will have conserved 30% of all the lands and waters the United States has jurisdiction over."

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POTUS: "Most importantly, I've committed that by 2020, we will have conserved 30% of all the lands and waters the United States has jurisdiction over."


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9ecc4c No.65082

File: 1f1dc74dcbe4f3e⋯.mp4 (2.93 MB,476x270,238:135,Clipboard.mp4)

File: db435ea4996cfe6⋯.png (443.99 KB,839x847,839:847,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19034507 (192214ZJUN23) Notable: 20 armed IRS agents raiding a small business in Montana is unacceptable. Confiscating 4473 forms with sensitive personal information to create a database on American citizens is unacceptable

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Matt Rosendale

20 armed IRS agents raiding a small business in Montana is unacceptable. Confiscating 4473 forms with sensitive personal information to create a database on American citizens is unacceptable.

This Stormtrooper activity by the Biden Administration must end!


3:57 PM · Jun 19, 2023


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9ecc4c No.65083

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19034514 (192216ZJUN23) Notable: President Trump: A lot less than used to watch it…a lot less, Bret.

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Baier: More independent voters watch FOX News than any other TV source.

President Trump: A lot less than used to watch it...a lot less, Bret.

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9ecc4c No.65084

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19034520 (192217ZJUN23) Notable: President Trump: Wisconsin has practically admitted that is was rigged [2020].

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President Trump: Wisconsin has practically admitted that is was rigged [2020].

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9ecc4c No.65085

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19034534 (192220ZJUN23) Notable: President Trump: Our country is sick. It's sick. We have people that will do anything, and it's a very sad thing. Like the document hoax; that should have never been brought.

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President Trump: Our country is sick. It's sick. We have people that will do anything, and it's a very sad thing. Like the document hoax; that should have never been brought. We're in the middle of a political campaign, and they want to arrest the opponent who is leading the person that's, in theory, in charge of government.

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9ecc4c No.65086

File: 721ba96444aff43⋯.png (321.11 KB,947x862,947:862,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19034551 (192222ZJUN23) Notable: JPMorgan review of its ties to Jeffrey Epstein found the pedophile invited onetime executive Jes Staley to meetings with foreign government officials

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REVEALED: JPMorgan review of its ties to Jeffrey Epstein found the pedophile invited onetime executive Jes Staley to meetings with foreign government officials - and helped him with his daughter's application to Columbia University

▶ The 22-page report, prepared after Epstein's arrest in 2019, reportedly showed how the late sex offender would regularly provide advice to then-exec Jes Staley

▶ Staley - who left his job as chairman of the investment banking unit of JPMorgan in 2013 - was at the time tasked with managing Epstein's high-profile account

▶ The most sensational findings are notes that show how Epstein invited Staley to meetings with officials in foreign governments, including Dubai and the UK



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9ecc4c No.65087

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19034560 (192226ZJUN23) Notable: Trump: I only select the best people.

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Trump: I only select the best people.

Brett Baier: (lists 15 people from his administration) None of them are supporting you in 2024, sir.

Trump: Uhhhh….ummm…I-I only select the best people!

Q-Bros, lol.


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9ecc4c No.65088

File: 6b370c5b009daa4⋯.jpeg (539.91 KB,1170x1141,1170:1141,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19034586 (192231ZJUN23) Notable: Ralph Smart “Infinite Waters”

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Ralph Smart “Infinite Waters”

Watch LIVE 🚨


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9ecc4c No.65089

File: ca9ccda47d77ecd⋯.png (90.98 KB,945x479,945:479,Clipboard.png)


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Donald J. Trump


Jun 19, 2023, 6:03 PM


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9ecc4c No.65090

File: cbb818c578bbc36⋯.png (388.04 KB,984x530,492:265,Clipboard.png)

File: ba89dcdd7cc584a⋯.png (298.2 KB,583x375,583:375,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19034598 (192233ZJUN23) Notable: PF SAM227/8 C-40Bs are heading to Los Angeles to pick up kneepads (SAM228 tail# 02-0042 used to be used by Miley and has been used by Blinken recently too)

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>>65007 pb

SAM227/8 C-40Bs are heading to Los Angeles to pick up kneepads (SAM228 tail# 02-0042 used to be used by Miley and has been used by Blinken recently too) the other one tail #01-0015 has been a WH NSO AC in the past however they have switched up who uses what AC over the last several weeks but if I had to guess we'll see 02-0042 (SAM228 now) come out as AF2 later

So we should see one of these leave soon as AF2

09-0015 C-32A landed at March AFB, CA (Potato's escort)

92-9000 747 arrived at San Francisco Int'l (why they did not go to Moffett is anyone's guess..Palo Alto is 10-15 minutes away and the other destination is at the SW end of the Santa Clara Valley so an unnecessary flight into SFO when Moffett would have been easier and certainly have impacted local traffic a lot less

95-3058 USAFSOC 'Special Ops' C-146A Wolfhound departed Reno Int'l after stopping at Eugene, OR did some roundies before and after and left Seattle, WA Boeing Field earlier today

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9ecc4c No.65091

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19034625 (192241ZJUN23) Notable: President Trump: [Biden] is going around scamming every country. He goes to a country, and then millions of dollars shows up into accounts.

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President Trump: [Biden] is going around scamming every country. He goes to a country, and then millions of dollars shows up into accounts. And these aren't deals, this is cash coming in.

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9ecc4c No.65092

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19034643 (192244ZJUN23) Notable: RFK JR On Rising: I Will Declassify ALL ALIEN & UFO Intelligence On DAY ONE

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RFK JR On Rising: I Will Declassify ALL ALIEN & UFO Intelligence On DAY ONE

Jun 18, 2023

2024 Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. shares his thoughts on UFOs


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9ecc4c No.65093

File: 78bbb456d6caa1a⋯.mp4 (5.51 MB,644x360,161:90,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 06528e7b371c097⋯.png (284.4 KB,747x630,83:70,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19034656 (192248ZJUN23) Notable: First two things President Trump will do: 1) Start Drilling 2) Close the Border

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First two things President Trump will do: 1) Start Drilling 2) Close the Border

Trump says the first things he would do to turn the country around are "start drilling" and "close up the border."

6:16 PM · Jun 19, 2023


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9ecc4c No.65094

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19034662 (192249ZJUN23) Notable: CCP gets approval for cutting-edge nuclear tech Did Canadian technology help build it?

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Canada #44

CCP gets approval for cutting-edge nuclear tech

China just got the green light to fire up the world’s first thorium nuclear reactor. Did Canadian technology help build it?

By Andy Lee June 19, 2023

Scientists have pursued nuclear energy generation powered by thorium for nearly 75 years.

Thorium is abundant, meltdown-proof, produces less radioactive waste and is efficient. One ton of thorium is estimated to be able to generate the same amount of energy as 200 tons of uranium, or 3,500,000 tons of coal. That is a lot of energy— enough to power a country for tens of thousands of years.

Early thorium reactor prototypes were built by the United States in the past, but many of them were abandoned by the 1970s in favour of uranium. Early nuclear research was not aimed at distributing reliable energy to consumers; it was done to build atomic bombs. Thorium, unlike uranium, does not produce the plutonium needed for weaponization. The better fuel was largely discarded.

Until now.

How did China do it?

The country announced at the annual Chinese Academy of Sciences conference in Shanghai in 2011 that it would be pursuing a thorium nuclear reactor. One article mused at the time that “The United States could conceivably become dependent on China for next-generation nuclear technology,” an astute prediction.

Very little progress was reported on the project, however, and construction didn’t start until 2018. In typical Chinese style, the project was completed in 2021 – half the time it was originally anticipated to take - which was pegged at six years.

How did they do it?

Between 2011 and 2018, Canada sold off nuclear reactor technology to the Chinese government. In 2014, a division of SNC-Lavalin called Candu Energy entered into an agreement with China National Nuclear Corporation.

China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC), a state-owned enterprise whose president is appointed by the Premier of China, handles every aspect of China’s military nuclear programs.

While the CANDU reactors used uranium, they also had the potential to run on thorium.

Prior to this, under Jean Chretien's Liberal government, several CANDU reactors were sold to China in what came to be known as the CANDU controversy. Critics slammed the technology deal, citing China’s poor human rights record, and questioned sharing nuclear technology with weapons applications to an oft-hostile nation.

"I don't think," said Roy Culpeper, president of the Ottawa-based North-South Institute, "that China is necessarily a country that can be trusted to keep the peace."

The institution that created the CANDU reactors – the Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL), was sadly sold off for a song under Stephen Harper’s government for a mere $15 million to SNC-Lavalin in 2011, putting hundreds of scientists and researchers out of work. A statement released at the time said that the Government of Canada would retain intellectual property rights related to the sale.

SNC-Lavalin – a founding member of the Canada China Business Council, turned around and promptly signed an agreement initiated by Harper with China National Nuclear Corporation to build reactors that were estimated to be worth billions in 2016. CNNC Corporation continued to award SNC-Lavalin contracts over the years.

Justin Trudeau was present in Beijing for the signing ceremony.

Two years later, after years of stagnation, they began construction on their own thorium-fuelled reactor.

A headline from a 2017 article reads “Why Canada Is Selling Advanced Nuclear Reactors to China: Future reactors might be powered by thorium, a long-held nuclear dream.”

It would appear that— with the assistance of Canada— that dream has finally been realized.

While Canada stood and still stands to benefit from the partnership, China has announced its plans to sell its thorium reactors worldwide.

In 2020, the United States Department of Defense sanctioned and blacklisted CNNC for links to the military and the People’s Liberation Army. SNC-Lavalin’s Candu Energy continued to do business with the company.

As Justin Trudeau’s government throws billions of taxpayer dollars at “green” solutions and decimates the Canadian natural energy industry, China continues to build coal plants whose pollution obliterates any gains Canada could hope to make. At the same time, Chinese scientists ambitiously pursue new nuclear options using Canadian technology. Canada meanwhile turned to inefficient and predominantly Chinese technology like wind, solar and battery options to try to single-handedly solve climate change while vetoing natural gas projects.

And this is why China wins.


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9ecc4c No.65095

File: 78bbb456d6caa1a⋯.mp4 (5.51 MB,644x360,161:90,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 5a0d1b941fddf8c⋯.png (309 KB,741x644,741:644,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19034672 (192250ZJUN23) Notable: Trump on documents: "Everything was declassified, because I had the right to declassify."

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Trump on documents: "Everything was declassified, because I had the right to declassify."

6:33 PM · Jun 19, 2023


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9ecc4c No.65096

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9ecc4c No.65097

File: 653fc11d4f2f30a⋯.mp4 (1.69 MB,1170x654,195:109,Clipboard.mp4)

File: af8aad63ca3539d⋯.png (402.63 KB,750x602,375:301,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19034682 (192252ZJUN23) Notable: DJT ~ I'm no great fan of FOX anymore

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DJT ~ I'm no great fan of FOX anymore

Wow. Trump tells Fox News' Bret Baier "I'm not great fan of Fox anymore."

6:40 PM · Jun 19, 2023


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9ecc4c No.65098

File: b645d613dbb2001⋯.mp4 (3.51 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 475a07dfb532ce6⋯.png (440.31 KB,747x691,747:691,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19034708 (192256ZJUN23) Notable: President Trump tells @BretBaier how he plans to turn America around when re-elected in 2024.

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"We have to straighten out the economy."

WATCH: President Trump tells @BretBaier how he plans to turn America around when re-elected in 2024.

6:11 PM · Jun 19, 2023


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9ecc4c No.65099

File: b645d613dbb2001⋯.mp4 (3.51 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 245d19a839102b1⋯.png (356.09 KB,748x680,11:10,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19034724 (192258ZJUN23) Notable: President Trump tells @BretBaier how he plans to turn America around when re-elected in 2024.

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President Trump says if he were in office,

"Russia would have never invaded Ukraine,"

slams Biden for projecting weakness on the world stage.

6:49 PM · Jun 19, 2023


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9ecc4c No.65100

File: 7e6dd655188171d⋯.mp4 (3.2 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 51e06722b178801⋯.png (358.12 KB,751x664,751:664,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19034735 (192300ZJUN23) Notable: President Trump tells @BretBaier how he plans to turn America around when re-elected in 2024.

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President Trump: "I would like to be less combative, but I find the press is extremely dishonest, and if I'm not combative, I don't get my word across."

6:37 PM · Jun 19, 2023


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9ecc4c No.65101

File: 25c497ab160082c⋯.mp4 (1.32 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: e7d99bfcd889ccb⋯.png (365.75 KB,751x648,751:648,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19034749 (192301ZJUN23) Notable: President Trump tells @BretBaier how he plans to turn America around when re-elected in 2024.

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DJT ~ "I have the best polls I have ever had.

President Trump on the weaponization of government: "I have the best polls I have ever had. People see this stuff for what it is."

6:32 PM · Jun 19, 2023


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9ecc4c No.65102

File: f1be13315682b67⋯.png (221.29 KB,740x430,74:43,Clipboard.png)

File: fc6aaab94eb2528⋯.png (299.86 KB,485x442,485:442,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19034796 (192310ZJUN23) Notable: PF SAM200 C-32ABlinkenlanded at Baku, Azerbaijan from a Beijing departure

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SAM200 C-32ABlinkenlanded at Baku, Azerbaijan from a Beijing departure

>>64972, >>64970, >>64984 pb

Blinken goes to London after that visit in Beijing

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9ecc4c No.65103

File: d82725ffb18a16e⋯.jpg (62.11 KB,596x562,298:281,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 044a42497db5581⋯.jpg (104.58 KB,600x799,600:799,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19034826 (192317ZJUN23) Notable: John Durham, former Connecticut U.S. Attorney, was handpicked by both Democrat home-state senators.Same with David Weiss

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John Durham, former Connecticut U.S. Attorney, was handpicked by both Democrat home-state senators.

Same with David Weiss, current Delaware U.S. Attorney.

Why did Biden keep Weiss?

Both have protected Biden for years.

Rob Hur, former Maryland U.S. Attorney, will do same.


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9ecc4c No.65104

File: 80f2773ca3aadc8⋯.png (72.83 KB,534x663,178:221,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19034848 (192322ZJUN23) Notable: DELTA'S FOR THE 20TH JUNE

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Note: Bill Barr has turned out to be a deep state no 1 rat.



Jun 20, 2020 3:15:16 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: cfa2e1 No. 9684383

CIA Director _early 2017 - April 2018?

External Advisory Board (CIA) members during this time?

Was Bill Barr a member of the board?

What advantages might exist to incoming AG Barr re: member of external advisory board (CIA)?

What advantages might exist to Sec of State re: former Dir of CIA?

It must be right.

It must be according to the law.

It must be proven.

It's what you don't see.

Durham is not the only game in town.


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9ecc4c No.65105

File: c9c3088eb030a74⋯.webp (15.36 KB,507x287,507:287,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19034876 (192325ZJUN23) Notable: Democrat Donor to Lincoln Project and Democrat Campaigns Arrested for Starting Massive California Fire that Destroyed 100 Homes

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Democrat Donor to Lincoln Project and Democrat Campaigns Arrested for Starting Massive California Fire that Destroyed 100 Homes

71-year-old Edward Hackerman was arrested last week and accused of starting last year’s Oak Fire.

Hackerman was taken into custody last Friday for starting the fired that charred over 19,000 acres.

Hackerman is reportedly a retired firefighter with 12 years experience. The fire destroyed 127 homes and over 60 other buildings.


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9ecc4c No.65106

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19034878 (192326ZJUN23) Notable: #23371

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#23371 complete

#23371 >>64998

>>65007, >>65040 Eyez in the Skyz

>>64999 New tropical depression expected to become first 2023 hurricane

>>65000, >>65001 @realLizUSA Rasmussen Poll: President Trump Holds Commanding Lead Over Joe Biden in 2024 General Election

>>65002, >>65030 to this >>65002 US LIBOR ends June 30th…

>>65003, >>65010, >>65014 Buckwheat calls herself 'A historic figure'

>>65004, >>65006, >>65009, >>65012, >>65016, >>65019, >>65043 Moar Tatanic tour updates, Billionaire Hamish Harding

>>65005, >>65011, >>65013 Midwest teachers trade tips on 'subversively and quietly' transitioning kids without telling their parents, and skirting Republican gender laws, in workshop funded by federal government

>>65008 Russia takes first steps to withdraw from WTO, WHO

>>65015 Mimsy: Accuses “Irresponsible” Republicans of Stoking Violence in Opposing Blatant DOJ Lawlessness

>>65017 Israel speaks out on Ukraine lionizing Nazi collaborators

>>65018 China Says Xi, Blinken Meeting Was Just A "Courtesy", Castigates US For "Misperceptions"

>>65020 Scale of Bidens’ Illegal Payment Scandal Triples Overnight

>>65021 Russia’s goal: Spawn new world order featuring lethal Chinese-Russian axis with “ownership of over 25% of global wheat exports

>>65022 Limited Maricopa County 2022 Ballot Signature Review Shows Obviously Mismatched Signatures Accepted at Level One

>>65023 Netanyahu: New nuclear agreement won’t stop Iranian bomb

>>65024 Families were "disgusted" to learn that the remains of their deceased loved ones may have been sold on the black market

>>65025 @45 to spend Independence Day in Pickens, SC

>>65026 NC House Speaker Tim Moore Coerced State Employees Into Group Sex, Suit Claims

>>65027 Military Members Kicked Out for Refusing COVID Vaccine Seek to Have Their Discharges Upgraded

>>65028 Uganda: Jihadists Burn Christian Students Alive, Hack Them with Machetes in School Attack

>>65029 U.N. Unveils ‘Automated Fact-Checking Tool’ to Counter Disinformation with Big-Tech, Soros-Funded Orgs

>>65031 U.S. to rejoin UNESCO to counter China’s growing influence in the international agency

>>65033, >>65032 Refresher: Maxwell's Terramar Project & Elite Human Trafficking

>>65034 European Investment Bank We are currently facing a cyber attack which affects the availability

>>65036 Official Says Biden’s CBP One Program Benefits Drug Cartels

>>65037 Dodgers suffer the worst loss in 125 years after mocking God!

>>65038, >>65045 West ‘blocked’ Russia-Ukraine peace process rt >>64981 lb, >>64987 lb, >>64988 lb

>>65039 Army’s top enlisted leader defends LGBTQ social media post; suggests criticism is ‘harassment’

>>65041 Man, 71, charged with setting massive Yosemite park fire initially blamed on climate change

>>65042 David Seaman was ostracized by, pretty much everyone, Go here to hear his testimony to the ITNJ regarding child trafficking and exploitation.

>>65044 Virgin Media is DOWN leaving users across the UK unable to access their emails

>>65046 Your Tax Dollars at Work: Military Monitors Social Media for Mean Posts About Generals

>>65047 The State Bar of California Seeks To Strip Away John Eastman's Law License. He represented Trump in 2020 election

>>65048 Top Education Publisher Deletes ‘Woke’ Evidence After Release of Heritage Foundation Report

>>65049 2018 Refresher: Inside the shady private equity firm run by Kerry and Biden’s kids

>>65050 Judge Worked for Same British Government Departments That Have Pursued Assange

>>65051 By 2030 you will not eat meat and you will be allowed only three items of new clothing a year, report says

>>65052 #OTD in 1940, Congress passed the Vinson-Walsh "Two-Ocean Navy" Act which increased the size of the U.S. Navy by 70%

>>65053 Burisma execs set up bank account for Hunter Biden that was shut down for money laundering violations, Satabank in 2016.


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9ecc4c No.65107

File: ed4be710fc05b26⋯.jpg (21.78 KB,480x480,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19034881 (192327ZJUN23) Notable: Magic' mushroom and other hallucinogen usage by young people has nearly doubled in past three years

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Magic' mushroom and other hallucinogen usage by young people has nearly doubled in past three years

According to federal data, young adults who experimented with hallucinogens increased from 3% in 2011 to 5% in 2016 and 8% in 202, which is a record high.

According to federal data, young adults who experimented with hallucinogens increased from 3% in 2011 to 5% in 2016 and 8% in 202, which is a record high.

Anew study reports that the consumption of "magic" mushrooms and other hallucinogens by young adults has nearly doubled in the past three years.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse found that 2021 was the year that Marijuana and hallucinogen usage among young adults reached an all time-high.

Researchers found that 6.6% of adults from ages 19 to 30 used hallucinogens other than LSD in 2021 which is up 3.4% from 2018. Young adults who use LSD rose from 3.7% to 4.2% in the same period, according to an article published this month in the journal Addiction, The Hill reports.

A study from the University of Michigan and Columbia University titled "Monitoring the Future" cited concerns about the drastic increase of drug usage, such as public health concerns and behavior issues.

“A doubling of prevalence in just three years is a dramatic increase and raises possible public health concerns,” said Megan Patrick, a study co-author and co-principal investigator of Monitoring the Future said.

She said that there needs to be more research done to draw better conclusions.

“It’s really difficult to explain these trends,” Patrick continued. “We have some guesses, but we don’t really know yet.”

Monitoring the Future conducted a survey in 1976 that discovered that 15% of 12th graders had experimented with hallucinogens. This number fell 8% in 1988, went up to 15% in 1997 and declined throughout the early 2000s. In 2022, 7% of high school seniors said they had tried a hallucinogen.


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9ecc4c No.65108

File: f09c451451c6477⋯.png (1.1 MB,1240x697,1240:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19034905 (192331ZJUN23) Notable: Ukrainian counteroffensive so far: Latest VIDEOS of destroyed hardware

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Ukrainian counteroffensive so far: Latest VIDEOS of destroyed hardware

Kiev has lost hundreds of heavy equipment pieces this month, including units supplied by the West, according to Moscow

Russia & Former Soviet Union

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19 Jun, 2023 18:33

HomeRussia & FSU

Ukrainian counteroffensive so far: Latest VIDEOS of destroyed hardware

Kiev has lost hundreds of heavy equipment pieces this month, including units supplied by the West, according to Moscow

Ukrainian counteroffensive so far: Latest VIDEOS of destroyed hardware

© Telegram / Russian Defense Ministry

Ukraine’s long-awaited counteroffensive has had no major impact on the frontline of the conflict so far, but has apparently resulted in large equipment losses for Kiev, according to Moscow.

Up to 30% of the heavy equipment supplied to Kiev by its Western backers has been destroyed by Russian troops, President Vladimir Putin said last week.

Almost a dozen videos, mostly published by the Russian Defense Ministry, have surfaced online in recent weeks, showing Ukrainian heavy equipment pieces being successfully targeted by Russian forces.

Repelled offensive in Donbass

On June 5, the Russian Defense Ministry released a video of its troops fighting off an attack by Ukrainian forces. Footage purportedly taken from a drone showed at least six Ukrainian vehicles moving through open terrain before being hit by Russian strikes. Some of the Ukrainian equipment pieces in the video appeared to be Western-supplied Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles.



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9ecc4c No.65109

File: e74ffddff9b2d67⋯.png (615.1 KB,620x775,4:5,Clipboard.png)

File: bbcd9881441d06a⋯.png (115.24 KB,497x878,497:878,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19034915 (192332ZJUN23) Notable: DELTA'S FOR THE 20TH JUNE

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>CIA Director _early 2017 - April 2018? = gina haspel


Gina Haspel, the newly named director of the CIA, and the first woman named to the position, is a career spymaster who once ran a CIA prison in Thailand where terror suspects were waterboarded &ndash; a harsh interrogation technique President Donald Trump has supported.

President Trump announced Haspel's promotion Tuesday morning in the same tweet where he announced his ouster of embattled Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, and Mike Pompeo's selection as his replacement.

CIA Director Mike Pompeo appointed Haspel as the first female CIA officer to be named deputy director on February 2, 2017, and at the time, his choice was widely praised by top national security officials including former CIA Director Michael Hayden and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, who is a vocal Trump critic.



>External Advisory Board (CIA) members during this time?


A leading Democratic lawmaker asked the CIA for answers on an undisclosed advisory board Secretary of State Mike Pompeo organized during his time as head of the spy agency.

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9ecc4c No.65110

File: 3dfd85704ebe544⋯.png (31.98 KB,987x230,987:230,Clipboard.png)

File: 07119c785e3252e⋯.png (261.86 KB,740x454,370:227,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19034956 (192340ZJUN23) Notable: The RCMP is investigating Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, former Finance Minister Bill Morneau and others for obstruction of justice in the SNC-Lavalin scandal, Democracy Watch reported

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The RCMP is investigating Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, former Finance Minister Bill Morneau and others for obstruction of justice in the SNC-Lavalin scandal, Democracy Watch reported Monday.

Trudeau could face up to 10 years in prison if charged and convicted of the offense.

During Monday’s Question Period in the House of Commons, the Opposition MP Dane Lloyd (CPC-Sturgeon River-Parkland) asked whether Trudeau or any of his cabinet members were under RCMP investigation. Government House Leader Mark Holland (Liberal-Ajax) rose to answer the question but his answer was inaudible. When he was asked a second time, Holland claimed he had already answered the question.

The conservative political and media watchdog filed an Access to Information request with Canada’s national police force on July 27, 2022. The RCMP responded on May 25, 2023 that it has an ongoing investigation into Trudeau, Morneau, assorted staffers and former Clerk of the Privy Council Michael Wernick, Canada’s top bureaucrat.

The SNC-Lavalin scandal took down two key ministers in the Trudeau cabinet as well as Trudeau’s principal secretary, Gerald Butts.

The issue exploded in February 2019 when then-Attorney General and Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould said Trudeau’s office had tried to bully her into intervening in a fraud and corruption court case against Quebec contractor SNC-Lavalin, a major source of jobs and votes in the province.

Wilson-Raybould taped her conversations with Trudeau and appeared before the House of Commons Justice Committee to say that she felt pressured by Trudeau to intervene in the criminal prosecution of SNC-Lavalin. After she resigned from Trudeau’s cabinet, former Treasury Board Secretary and Minister of Health Jane Philpott also quit the federal cabinet, specifically citing the SNC-Lavalin scandal as the reason for her departure.

Trudeau then ejected both of them from the Liberal caucus. As she resigned, Philpott declared that Canadians needed to know “the whole truth” about the affair.

The RCMP’s response letter, letter to Democracy Watch is 96 pages long and says that “a review of the records revealed that this matter is currently under investigation.” All but 10 of the pages are redacted because, as the police force explains, the case remains under investigation. The RCMP has not commented on any SNC-Lavalin investigation since Aug. 14, 2019, when it would only confirm that it was assessing the potential for criminal charges.


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9ecc4c No.65111

File: 838369015a7e41b⋯.png (18.17 KB,994x184,497:92,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19034986 (192345ZJUN23) Notable: Alaska: The first U.S. deep-water port for the Arctic to host cruise ships, military

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The first U.S. deep-water port for the Arctic to host cruise ships, military

By Mark Thiessen The Associated Press Jun 18, 2023 Updated 9 hrs ago

Climate change is making this all possible.<<< ?

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9ecc4c No.65112

File: 520bba1af681472⋯.png (204.46 KB,564x423,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035012 (192348ZJUN23) Notable: The RCMP is investigating Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, former Finance Minister Bill Morneau and others for obstruction of justice in the SNC-Lavalin scandal, Democracy Watch reported

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RCMP denies reported investigation of Liberals' SNC-Lavalin affair over obstruction of justice

Nearly four years ago Trudeau broke federal ethics laws by pressuring a former justice minister to intervene in the prosecution of a Montreal-based engineering firm

RCMP said late Monday that no investigation was launched into political interference allegations during the SNC-Lavalin affair, despite indications provided to a Canadian democracy watchdog that an investigation was underway.

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9ecc4c No.65113

File: ed7bacccd245c4c⋯.png (709.77 KB,897x682,897:682,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035028 (192350ZJUN23) Notable: How Is Planned Parenthood Still a 501(c)(3)?

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How Is Planned Parenthood Still a 501(c)(3)?

PJ Media, by Athena Thorne

Posted By: Hazymac, 6/19/2023 4:03:24 PM

“Planned Parenthood, as it turns out, has violated 501(c)(3) Federal Law by opposing candidates in public statements,” writes Sean Elijah Le Van, an undergrad student at Columbia University. (God, he must be miserable there.) “This should cause them to lose their tax-exempt status, reserved for churches and charities,” he argues, pointing out that “The Church at Pierce Creek lost their tax-exempt status in 1993 over opposing President Clinton.” Le Van sent me his research into the situation, which he said I could reproduce in this space. Since he makes a sound argument, I’m sharing it with you here (lightly edited for PJ Media readers): "Planned Parenthood possesses the title of 501(c)(3),

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9ecc4c No.65114

File: 31c503773dd5fbb⋯.png (874.16 KB,881x707,881:707,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035053 (192353ZJUN23) Notable: Texas Power Grid Warning: Demand Will Rise Considerably Amid Soaring Temperatures

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Texas Power Grid Warning: Demand Will

Rise Considerably Amid Soaring Temperatures

Epoch Times, by Naveen Athrappully

Posted By: earlybird, 6/19/2023 2:28:42 PM

The Texas state power grid is anticipating higher demand due to rising temperatures, with the state predicted to see “dangerous heat” this weekend. “ERCOT has issued a Weather Watch June 15-21 due to forecasted higher temperatures and anticipated higher electrical demand,” the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), the state’s power grid operator, said in a June 14 post on Twitter. The operator’s grid conditions remained “Normal” as of 01:00 p.m. EDT, with operating reserves at 6,094 MW. ERCOT manages the flow of electric power to over 26 million customers in Texas, representing roughly 90 percent of the state’s electric load.

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9ecc4c No.65115

File: 4eea3f505351a71⋯.png (981.62 KB,829x797,829:797,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035063 (192355ZJUN23) Notable: House Bill Would Ban the Federal Reserve from Exploring “Digital Dollar” Creation

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House Bill Would Ban the Federal Reserve

from Exploring “Digital Dollar” Creation

Legal Insurrection, by Terrance Kible

Posted By: Harlowe, 6/19/2023 2:08:28 PM

Representative Alex Mooney of West Virginia introduced a bill in the U.S. House of Representatives to close a “loophole” that the Federal Reserve Bank could exploit to create the exploratory Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) pilot program. H.R. 3712 defines CBDC as “a form of digital money or monetary value, denominated in the national unit of account, that is a direct liability of the Federal Reserve.” “Congress cannot give an inch when it comes to CBDCs,” said Mooney. “CBDCs would threaten the liberties of law-abiding Americans and are being used by authoritarian countries right now to crack down on dissent.”

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9ecc4c No.65116

File: 73908a4c40f5a56⋯.png (472.89 KB,590x588,295:294,Clipboard.png)

File: 66758e09e964648⋯.png (656.03 KB,481x815,481:815,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035100 (200001ZJUN23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Biden sitting outside with Lisa Monaco, second in charge of the DOJ, probably working on future Plots and Schemes against Republicans

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Donald J. Trump


Biden sitting outside with Lisa Monaco, second in charge of the DOJ, probably working on future Plots and Schemes against Republicans.

Jun 19, 2023, 12:31 PM


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9ecc4c No.65117

File: 0b3cad4d09a47f4⋯.png (193.07 KB,582x818,291:409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035117 (200003ZJUN23) Notable: Koch brothers donor network is going all out to stop Trump

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Looks like my trusted sources were correct

Koch brothers donor network is going all out to stop Trump

They plan to spend $100 million in IA, NH, SC, and NV(!)

They promised Benedict Pence their backing if he stopped Trump on J6

Now the blood money promise is here






Jun 5

Now that Mike Pence has entered the race, let me tell y’all some inside info:

In the days leading up to J6, I was informed by trusted sources that Pence wasn’t going to contest the rigged electoral college results.

I couldn’t believe it. How could he backstab 74 million people & allow fraud to overthrow our executive branch?

But then I was told why…

He cut a deal with the Koch fundraising network to be their lead horse in 2024 if he backstabbed Trump and the MAGA movement in 2020.


Jun 19, 2023, 9:55 AM

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9ecc4c No.65118

File: 3d95ebae930c38c⋯.png (192.81 KB,612x646,18:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035146 (200010ZJUN23) Notable: It’s tomorrow, guys. It was great knowing you For the keks!

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Possibly my last post on the board. Been a pleasure working with frens over the last few years.

It’s tomorrow, guys. It was great knowing you


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9ecc4c No.65119

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035170 (200014ZJUN23) Notable: #23373

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Last last call

#23373 >>65079

>>65080 AI enables criminal organizations and scammers to easily create fraudulent businesses

>>65081 Tater Today: I've committed that by 2020, we will have conserved 30% of all the lands and waters the United States has jurisdiction over."

>>65082 20 armed IRS agents raiding a small business in Montana is unacceptable. Confiscating 4473 forms with sensitive personal information to create a database on American citizens is unacceptable

>>65083 President Trump: A lot less than used to watch it…a lot less, Bret.

>>65084 President Trump: Wisconsin has practically admitted that is was rigged [2020].

>>65085 President Trump: Our country is sick. It's sick. We have people that will do anything, and it's a very sad thing. Like the document hoax; that should have never been brought.

>>65086 JPMorgan review of its ties to Jeffrey Epstein found the pedophile invited onetime executive Jes Staley to meetings with foreign government officials

>>65087 Trump: I only select the best people.

>>65088 Ralph Smart “Infinite Waters”


>>65090 PF SAM227/8 C-40Bs are heading to Los Angeles to pick up kneepads (SAM228 tail# 02-0042 used to be used by Miley and has been used by Blinken recently too)

>>65091 President Trump: [Biden] is going around scamming every country. He goes to a country, and then millions of dollars shows up into accounts.

>>65092 RFK JR On Rising: I Will Declassify ALL ALIEN & UFO Intelligence On DAY ONE

>>65093 First two things President Trump will do: 1) Start Drilling 2) Close the Border

>>65094 CCP gets approval for cutting-edge nuclear tech Did Canadian technology help build it?

>>65095 Trump on documents: "Everything was declassified, because I had the right to declassify."

>>65096 Blinken Planning America’s Bow to China Over Taiwan

>>65097 DJT ~ I'm no great fan of FOX anymore

>>65098, >>65099, >>65100, >>65101 President Trump tells @BretBaier how he plans to turn America around when re-elected in 2024.

>>65102 PF SAM200 C-32ABlinkenlanded at Baku, Azerbaijan from a Beijing departure

>>65103 John Durham, former Connecticut U.S. Attorney, was handpicked by both Democrat home-state senators.Same with David Weiss

>>65104, >>65109 DELTA'S FOR THE 20TH JUNE

>>65105 Democrat Donor to Lincoln Project and Democrat Campaigns Arrested for Starting Massive California Fire that Destroyed 100 Homes

>>65107 Magic' mushroom and other hallucinogen usage by young people has nearly doubled in past three years

>>65108 Ukrainian counteroffensive so far: Latest VIDEOS of destroyed hardware

>>65110, >>65112 The RCMP is investigating Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, former Finance Minister Bill Morneau and others for obstruction of justice in the SNC-Lavalin scandal, Democracy Watch reported

>>65111 Alaska: The first U.S. deep-water port for the Arctic to host cruise ships, military

>>65113 How Is Planned Parenthood Still a 501(c)(3)?

>>65114 Texas Power Grid Warning: Demand Will Rise Considerably Amid Soaring Temperatures

>>65115 House Bill Would Ban the Federal Reserve from Exploring “Digital Dollar” Creation

>>65116 @realDonaldTrump Biden sitting outside with Lisa Monaco, second in charge of the DOJ, probably working on future Plots and Schemes against Republicans

>>65117 Koch brothers donor network is going all out to stop Trump

>>65118 It’s tomorrow, guys. It was great knowing you For the keks!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9ecc4c No.65120

File: 003178c7591a1a2⋯.jpg (40.71 KB,720x710,72:71,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035190 (200017ZJUN23) Notable: #23374

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Baker can continue or defer, still need 23372 collected

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9ecc4c No.65121

File: cb2801f26289456⋯.png (424.51 KB,638x558,319:279,Clipboard.png)

File: 78e823e0e8aa365⋯.png (239.28 KB,484x431,484:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035224 (200024ZJUN23) Notable: @FLOTUS45 Today we celebrate #Juneteenth, the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the end of slavery in the U.S. "All Different Now"

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Melania Trump 45 Archived


Today we celebrate #Juneteenth, the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the end of slavery in the U.S. In honor of today, I would like to share the story "All Different Now" by Angela Johnson, which sheds a light on the first Juneteenth through the eyes of a young girl.

First Lady Melania Trump Reads "All Different Now" for Juneteenth

1:00 AM · Jun 19, 2020

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9ecc4c No.65122

File: 0cae01df0476991⋯.jpg (43.74 KB,583x355,583:355,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035249 (200028ZJUN23) Notable: Pride month is ghetto too, as are the overwhelming majority of these holidays and celebrations that are about nothing other than dividing people.

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Pride month is ghetto too, as are the overwhelming majority of these holidays and celebrations that are about nothing other than dividing people.

(Disclaimer: pride month is also about debauchery, sexual perversion, and pedophilia)


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9ecc4c No.65123

File: 975969d74cf2691⋯.png (304.66 KB,600x607,600:607,Clipboard.png)

File: 33f1839dc529424⋯.mp4 (824.99 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035263 (200030ZJUN23) Notable: President Trump on terminating the Iran Nuclear Deal: "One of the dumbest deals I've ever seen… Billions of dollars in cash was brought over to Iran in Boeing 757s."

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Pallets of cash ?

President Trump on terminating the Iran Nuclear Deal: "One of the dumbest deals I've ever seen... Billions of dollars in cash was brought over to Iran in Boeing 757s."


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9ecc4c No.65124

File: 72e0f49846a653a⋯.jpg (25.46 KB,955x100,191:20,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035266 (200031ZJUN23) Notable: Hobbs vetoes ban on ESG investments in Arizona

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Hobbs vetoes ban on ESG investments in Arizona

Gov. Katie Hobbs has used her well-worn veto stamp on a bill that would have banned public investment funds in Arizona to do so through the lens of environmental, social and governance, or ESG, investing practices.

Hobbs vetoed Senate Bill 1500 on June 16. If enacted, it would have required the state treasurer to list all state investments by name on a public site so that all investments might be made "in the sole interest of the beneficiary taxpayer."


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9ecc4c No.65125

File: 1d186a6a21a5eef⋯.png (1.76 MB,1178x1186,589:593,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035272 (200032ZJUN23) Notable: Garland made an unannounced visit to the International Criminal Court on Monday and met its top prosecutor, a sign of Washington's shifting policy???

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Attorney General Merrick Garland made an unannounced visit to the International Criminal Court on Monday and met its top prosecutor, a sign of Washington's shifting policy toward the world's permanent war crimes tribunal


stay ready anons!

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9ecc4c No.65126

File: 37ffe2a61588ff4⋯.mp4 (9.02 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035298 (200036ZJUN23) Notable: Biden was supposed to be a one-term deal: a bridge to the next generation. But that bridge has blown up so he’s rolling the dice and running again.

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(No Biden Campaign HQ?)

Biden was supposed to be a one-term deal: a bridge to the next generation. But that bridge has blown up so he’s rolling the dice and running again. Primetime did an investigation into the so-called Biden campaign and we found out there’s no campaign. No headquarters, no finance department, and barely any staff. And you’re being lied to about it. But the country doesn’t care because being lied to feels better.


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9ecc4c No.65127

File: 2297a6aaa746a7a⋯.webp (26.69 KB,1000x671,1000:671,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035327 (200042ZJUN23) Notable: The bulk of outages were in Oklahoma, where heavy storms Saturday night carried winds as strong as 80 mph around Tulsa, One person who used a respirator died because of the power outage

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At least one person in Oklahoma died due to the prolonged outages, officials said.

The bulk of outages were in Oklahoma, where heavy storms Saturday night carried winds as strong as 80 mph around Tulsa, according to the National Weather Service. About 165,000 customers around the city still had no power Monday as crews scrambled to repair more than 700 broken poles and downed wires, said Amy Brown, a spokeswoman for Public Service Company of Oklahoma.

One person who used a respirator died because of the power outage, Tulsa Mayor G.T. Bynum said at a city news conference.

Power providers warned that some outages may not be fixed until the end of the week, and Bynum urged residents to keep in mind family and neighbors who are reliant on electronic medical equipment.

“Please check on them,” he said.


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9ecc4c No.65128

File: 74f0ded4367e299⋯.jpg (34.19 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035335 (200044ZJUN23) Notable: Nearly 100 dead in Indian heatwave

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Nearly 100 dead in Indian heatwave

Temperatures close to 45C (113F) have been recorded in some areas of the country

At least 96 people have died following several days of intense heat in two of India’s most populous states. Authorities have warned at-risk members of the public to stay indoors to avoid aggravating pre-existing health conditions.

The deceased were primarily people over 60 who had prior health concerns in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh and in eastern Bihar, authorities said. All of the 54 deaths in Uttar Pradesh occurred in Ballia district, where hospitals have admitted a steady influx of patients seeking treatment for heat-related ailments including high fever, vomiting, diarrhea, as well as breathing and cardiac issues.

Uttar Pradesh’s health minister, Brijesh Pathak, has opened an investigation into the high number of deaths in the state. Local governments have come under fire from opposition for “carelessness” in not warning the public about the potential health risks of the heatwave, the BBC said on Monday.

“This has never happened in Ballia,” local resident RS Pathak said last weekend, via the Associated Press. “People fear venturing out. The roads and markets are largely deserted.”


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9ecc4c No.65129

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035344 (200046ZJUN23) Notable: Cold Open Morning Mika Meltdown

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Cold Open Morning Mika Meltdown



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9ecc4c No.65130

File: 916f2d0529f780c⋯.png (150.83 KB,389x448,389:448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035372 (200050ZJUN23) Notable: Jesse Watters: “Biden strong-arms Burisma into hiring his druggie son and next month Hunter opens up an offshore account in Malta with a bank that’s so dirty, it got shut down for money laundering.”

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Jesse Watters: “Biden strong-arms Burisma into hiring his druggie son and next month Hunter opens up an offshore account in Malta with a bank that’s so dirty, it got shut down for money laundering.”



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9ecc4c No.65131

File: cb762d356126b98⋯.png (1.35 MB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035387 (200053ZJUN23) Notable: Judge blocks Trump from sharing evidence relating to classified documents case

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Judge blocks Trump from sharing evidence relating to classified documents case

Afederal judge has barred former President Donald Trump and his legal team from keeping or disclosing evidence in his case regarding classified documents prior to his trial.

In an order made public Monday, U.S. Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart said Trump and his lawyers are not to share any information that investigators are soon to start handing over to them for discovery. The former President will also reportedly have limited access to what material he himself can see.

"The Discovery Materials, along with any information derived therefrom, shall not be disclosed to the public or the news media, or disseminated on any news or social media platform, without prior notice to and consent of the United States or approval of the Court," the filing states.


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9ecc4c No.65132

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035393 (200055ZJUN23) Notable: The ENTIRE Declaration of Independence with audio and visual for easy memorization

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The ENTIRE Declaration of Independence with audio and visual for easy memorization



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9ecc4c No.65133

File: 05631a2fbb8bacf⋯.png (7.6 MB,5000x5000,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035396 (200055ZJUN23) Notable: Hunt for the red October On the clock.

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>Hunt for the red October

On the clock.

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9ecc4c No.65134

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035398 (200055ZJUN23) Notable: NATO arsenals ‘empty’ – Stoltenberg

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NATO arsenals ‘empty’ – Stoltenberg

Continued support for Ukraine will require more industrial production, the military bloc’s chief has said

NATO needs a “more robust” industry in order to refill the stocks of weaponry and ammunition emptied by a year of supplying Kiev, the bloc’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Monday, at an industrial conference in Germany.

The US-led military bloc “must continue to support Ukraine” as it has done since 2014, Stoltenberg insisted at the Day of Industry in Berlin, hosted by the Federation of German Industries (BDI).

“We also need a more robust defense industry,” the secretary general argued. “Our weapons and ammunition stocks are depleted and need to be replenished. Not just in Germany, but in many countries across NATO.”

He added that he met with representatives of the military industry last week and discussed how best to ramp up production and streamline supply chains, adding that this was “key to sustain our support for Ukraine.”

Stoltenberg also repeated his argument that only a Ukrainian victory on the battlefield can result in a just and lasting peace. Kiev’s forces had attempted a large-scale offensive on the southern front over the past week, with heavy losses in manpower, as well as in weaponry provided by the West.

The US and its allies have sent over $100 billion worth of weapons, equipment and ammunition to Kiev in the last year, after the conflict escalated. They insist this does not actually make them a party to the hostilities with Russia.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has accused the West of direct involvement, not just with the weapons deliveries but also by training Ukrainian troops in the UK, Germany, Italy and elsewhere.

Kiev has complained that a lot of the weapons coming in are in such poor condition they have to be cannibalized for parts. At least a third of Ukraine’s military potential is undergoing repairs at any given time, according to the New York Times.


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9ecc4c No.65135

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035403 (200056ZJUN23) Notable: US plotting to interfere in Russian elections

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US plotting to interfere in Russian elections – Lavrov

The Russian foreign minister warned about the threat to next year’s vote

Washington has openly embraced the goal of destabilizing Moscow, with an eye to the 2024 presidential election, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Monday.

The US is not stopping its “vicious practice of interference in the internal affairs of sovereign countries,” Lavrov told the meeting of the ruling United Russia party.

“The forms of such interference are very diverse, including threats, blackmail and the organization of ‘color revolutions’. The bloody coup d'état in Ukraine that succeeded in 2014 was attempted again six years later in Belarus, unsuccessfully,” the foreign minister explained. “This obviously won’t be the last step. They openly set the goal of undermining domestic political stability in our country – in the context of the 2024 presidential elections.”

While the situation in the world is “not easy,” it is also increasingly apparent that the main trend is the strengthening of multipolarity, Lavrov added. New centers of growth and global decision-making are emerging in Eurasia, the Pacific, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America, based on the “natural, inalienable right of peoples to determine their own destiny.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that the 2024 presidential election will be held “in strict accordance with the law,” and in compliance with all democratic and constitutional procedures. He is eligible to run for re-election, but has not yet announced if he intends to do so.

In March 2022, US President Joe Biden publicly declared that Putin “cannot remain in power,” though officials in Washington later said he was expressing a personal sentiment and not an actual policy change.

Several months later, former national security adviser John Bolton openly advocated for “regime change” in Russia, urging the US to encourage “Russians themselves to exacerbate divisions among those with real authority,” in order to bring about a revolution.


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9ecc4c No.65136

File: 6ee422c0ccd8c7c⋯.jpeg (669.77 KB,1574x2100,787:1050,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035412 (200058ZJUN23) Notable: There are 4011 days in between Melania and Joe’s tweet, Q 4011 - You didn't think the statement by POTUS re: 'CALM BEFORE THE STORM' was just random did you?

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Mathematically Impossible.

On 6/22/12 @MELANIATRUMP posted “A storm is on the way”

On 6/16/23 @JoeBiden says “There’s a storm coming in”

There are 4011 days inbetween Melania and Joe’s tweet.

Q 4011 - You didn't think the statement by POTUS re: 'CALM BEFORE THE STORM' was just random did you?

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9ecc4c No.65137

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035442 (200103ZJUN23) Notable: Auto Repos Piling up striking fearin Banks! Tow Truck Drivers Overwhelmed

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Auto Repos Piling up striking fearin Banks! Tow Truck Drivers Overwhelmed

The title is a bit fear pron-ish (edited slightly) but this guy (Car Questions Answered) owns a car lot somewhere in the midwest and sells all cars for under $10k and doesn't do financing-so it is certainly the low end of the auto purchase market but important to see how that part of the market is doing at this point.

The reason for posting this is that for the last several months the auctions he attends have had a large % of the autos run through as 'No Sale' meaning it did not meet the reserve price and then kept to be run through at the next weeks auction. What has changed is (and you'll see in this video) is that the bulk of the auction vehicles are repos and the banks are now starting to take anything that they can get because they know it's just going to get a lot worse. The problem was exacerbated by all the dealer markups during the 'rona (stimmy $) where buyers just bought at whatever price and now can't afford the payments. This particular example sez that Wells Fartgo is paying premiums to the p/u drivers (tow trucks) and auction house(s) to get these vehicles into the auctions NOW to get what they can out of them (and the bank will be eating the loss as these will just stack up) as the lot will be filled with many more of the same type of cars and situations (repos) the following week.


From June 2nd, 2023 (and has only gotten worse imo)

For People Under 30, Car Loan Delinquencies Hit A 15-Year High. Is The Economy Running Out Of Gas?

Young adults are struggling to make auto loan payments more now than at any time since the Great Recession, according to a quarterly debt report by the New York Federal Reserve Bank.

Nearly 4.6% of auto loan borrowers under 30 years old are in “serious delinquency,” according to the study. That means they’ve missed at least 90 days of payments. Their delinquency rate in the first quarter is up 1.56 percentage points from a year earlier, boosting it to the highest level since late 2009, when Americans were reeling from the 2008 financial crisis.

Auto loan delinquencies for nearly all age groups went up during the first quarter of 2023. But the increase was far larger among young adults—a group more likely to struggle with debt overall, as they tend to be paid less than older workers and, in many cases, are saddled with student loan debt as well. The report noted that auto and student loan debt had the highest increases in the first quarter of 2023, rising by $10 billion and $9 billion respectively for the quarter.


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9ecc4c No.65138

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035447 (200104ZJUN23) Notable: The ENTIRE Declaration of Independence with audio and visual for easy memorization

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Paul Harvey ~ Here is what became of the signers of the Declaration Of Independence... they paid the price and freedom was born.


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9ecc4c No.65139

File: e1430f0006d6512⋯.png (283.14 KB,500x300,5:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 18418fc0f1c575e⋯.png (326.33 KB,865x903,865:903,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035455 (200105ZJUN23) Notable: School Principal Quits Job To Homeschool Her 3 Kids On A 10-Acre Homestead: 'I Wanted To Raise Thinkers'

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School Principal Quits Job To Homeschool Her 3 Kids On A 10-Acre Homestead: 'I Wanted To Raise Thinkers'

A former school principal who grew frustrated with the school system quit her job and instead chose to homeschool her three kids on a 10-acre (4.05-hectare) homestead. Merging her children’s learning with their land and home, she has created an immersive “real world” educational experience based on her kids’ unique need

Mandy Davis, 37, lives in Central Oregon with her husband, Josh, 38, and their children Emma, 11, Clara, 9, and Cruz, 1. For Mandy, who was adopted from Seoul, South Korea, and who later grew up in Nebraska, her own public school experience was “not all roses.” Neither was Texas native Josh’s since he moved often as a child and suffered from huge learning gaps as he moved between state education systems.

Wanting to be a positive change and advocate for all students, Mandy got into the education field right after college. However, after struggling with having little control over what she was so passionate about, Mandy, who has a Master’s in Education and Instruction Design and has worked in both public and private schools, felt called to take full control of her children’s education.

“Schools today are tough,” she told The Epoch Times. “I couldn’t be the change I wanted to be in our school system, but more so, I couldn’t leave my children in it to suffer.”


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9ecc4c No.65140

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035456 (200105ZJUN23) Notable: The Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy

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The Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy - 06/19/2023


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9ecc4c No.65141

File: cda9ef5cb00d282⋯.png (138.51 KB,385x713,385:713,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035460 (200106ZJUN23) Notable: Roseanne puts it out to normies

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Roseanne calls out the mainstream media, the Babylonian cultists, and explains why there's been one investigation of Trump after another:

"The biggest sin you can do in their world is think for yourself. It's run by a big club that you ain't in. I oppose that because I believe every penny, every dime belongs to the people of this earth, not to the small group of people at the expense of the many. I am not a Babylonian cultist. All that shit is dead and gone. People are just waking up to how its worked for so many years. People don't understand what is possible and what's coming.

Everything that's happened since Trump won is about not letting news be heard by the American people. All these bullshit scams that they've come up with and their investigations is just so they eat up news time to prevent the news. The news is to hide the news. It's a war. You're going to have to make the choice: Do you work for God or do you work for Mammon? You can't do both. People are going to have to make their choice. And I had to face that myself."


(https://twitter.com/Ultrafrog17/status/1670896163606724610?s=20)Full Podcast (https://youtu.be/FigaPM-kGls)

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9ecc4c No.65142

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035466 (200106ZJUN23) Notable: Roseanne puts it out to normies

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Roseanne says the intelligence agencies are blackmailing people in congress, our government was overthrown with the assassination of JFK, and recites Lincoln's Gettysburg Address with tears coming down her face:

"Our government was hijacked from the people. Everybody knows that.Our government was overthrown with the assassination of President Kennedy.Mossad, CIA, MI6 they are all the same thing. They just spy on everybody and make sure that all the people they're blackmailing stay in line. In congress.We want to let go of all them.We're Americans.We don't want part in their wars. Their slavery. Their systems of debt.People just don't realize it yet but it's coming.(We declare freedom from) Human trafficking, organ trafficking, totalitarian, enemies of free speech."

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9ecc4c No.65143

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035470 (200107ZJUN23) Notable: Legalise Cannabis party introduces personal use bills in NSW, Victoria and Western Australia

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Legalise Cannabis party introduces personal use bills in NSW, Victoria and Western Australia

The Legalise Cannabis party will today introduce bills to legalise marijuana for personal use in parliaments in Victoria, New South Wales and Western Australia.

Key points:

Bills to legalise cannabis have been introduced in NSW, Victoria and Western Australia

The move would divert cannabis users away from the criminal justice system if passed

Over 700,000 cannabis-related offences have taken place in the last 13 years

It is the first time the same bill has been tabled in three states on the same day.

The bills will be introduced to the states' upper houses and will need support from major parties to become law.

It will not allow people under 18 to access cannabis, or permit driving while impaired by the drug.

New South Wales upper house MP Jeremy Buckingham said the reform would allow people over the age of 18 to grow up to six cannabis plants in their households.

It would also allow people to gift small quantities to other people but driving under the influence of the drug would remain prohibited.

"This is a historic move by the Legalise Cannabis Party across Australia to bring a coordinated reform for cannabis legalisation," Mr Buckingham said.

He said the intention of the reform was to divert people who use cannabis from the criminal justice system, which has seen over 700,000 cannabis-related offences nationally since 2010.

Police also estimate cannabis generates $8 billion in profits for organised crime each year.

"The wider community wants cannabis law reform," Mr Buckingham said.

"They've seen how successful medicinal cannabis has been and are sick of governments wasting billions of dollars of taxpayers' money on people who are going to before the courts for simple cannabis possession."


They're waking up, quick give them weed

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9ecc4c No.65144

File: 0ddbf93cb8c8d83⋯.jpg (180.42 KB,720x1214,360:607,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 57e4a57323d7bf7⋯.jpg (47.49 KB,964x630,482:315,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035474 (200108ZJUN23) Notable: The official creator of the current Pride flag has updated the flag to include Autism Pride.

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Just in: The official creator of the current Pride flag has updated the flag to include Autism Pride. Yesterday was Autism pride day and to commentate that Autism was officially added to Pride.

With the new update, the Pride flag now adds another community of children who are now automatically a part of pride.

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9ecc4c No.65145

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035480 (200109ZJUN23) Notable: The official creator of the current Pride flag has updated the flag to include Autism Pride.

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Gods rainbow has 7 colors

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9ecc4c No.65146

File: a2f705d060e9d73⋯.jpg (39.21 KB,715x274,715:274,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035487 (200111ZJUN23) Notable: The 7 U.S. cities where a $250,000 salary is worth the least — New York is No. 1

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The 7 U.S. cities where a $250,000 salary is worth the least — New York is No. 1

Honolulu: $82,672

San Francisco: $82,776

Los Angeles: $101,635

Long Beach, California: $101,635

Washington, D.C.: $101,865

San Diego: $105,151


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9ecc4c No.65147

File: 636e4380323680d⋯.jpg (110.79 KB,705x702,235:234,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035500 (200113ZJUN23) Notable: Japan signed a critical minerals deal with the U.S. &mdash; but it’s still losing the global EV race

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Japan signed a critical minerals deal with the U.S. — but it’s still losing the global EV race


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9ecc4c No.65148

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035504 (200114ZJUN23) Notable: Submarine CEO Stockton Rush, British billionaire Hamish Harding and French diving expert Paul-Henri Nargeolet named as missing in Titanic voyage

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Submarine CEO Stockton Rush, British billionaire Hamish Harding and French diving expert Paul-Henri Nargeolet named as missing in Titanic voyage

Three of the five people feared missing in a submersible on a once-in-a-lifetime underwater tour of the Titanic wreckage have been named, as search and rescue teams desperately conduct an underwater and aerial search of the vessel, which may have only about 70 hours of oxygen left.

A submarine chief executive, a British billionaire and a French diving expert are among three people feared missing on a once-in-a-lifetime voyage of the Titanic.

It is believed five crew boarded a submersible, owned by the OceanGate Expeditions, for an underwater tour of the ship's wreckage in the Atlantic Ocean on Sunday.

But contact was lost with the vessel about one hour and 45 minutes into the trip, the United States Coast Guard said in a press conference on Tuesday morning.

A desperate search for the craft is underway involving government agencies and deep sea firms, which may only have about 70 hours of air left inside.

Submarine CEO Stockton Rush, British billionaire Hamish Harding and French mariner Paul-Henri Nargeolet have been named as three of the five missing crew.

Mr Rush is the chief executive and founder of OceanGate Inc, the company involved in the incident, which sends thrill seekers on underwater voyages.

The second reported missing person, Mr Nargeolet, 73, is the Director of Underwater Research Program at Premier Exhibitions, RMS Titanic.

While Mr Harding, 58, is a businessman, aviator and "space tourist", and runs Action Aviation which sells commercial and private aircraft.

He has three Guinness World Records next to his name, including the greatest distance covered at full ocean depth and greatest duration spent at full ocean depth.

Mr Harding reached the deepest place on earth, the Mariana Trench, which is about 36,000 feet or 11 kilometres, in 2021 using a two-man submarine.

The billionaire shared his excitement on social media about the Titanic adventure on the weekend, saying weather had cleared a "window" for the dive.

"Due to the worst winter in Newfoundland in 40 years, this mission is likely to be the first and only manned mission to the Titanic in 2023," he said.

"The team on the sub has a couple of legendary explorers, some of which have done over 30 dives to the RMS Titanic since the 1980s including PH Nargeolet."

His family confirmed on Facebook he is among the missing.

"Thoughts and prayers for my stepfather Hamish Harding as his submarine has gone missing exploring Titanic," stepson Brian Szasz said.

"Search and rescue mission is underway."


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9ecc4c No.65149

File: 4e515b8bdfd2de5⋯.png (273.03 KB,615x342,205:114,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035547 (200122ZJUN23) Notable: The official creator of the current Pride flag has updated the flag to include Autism Pride.

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>adds another community of children who are now automatically a part of pride.

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9ecc4c No.65150

File: 5e44921bfacfab2⋯.mp4 (3.57 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035604 (200133ZJUN23) Notable: O'Keefe teaser clip OMG tomorrow

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O'Keefe teaser clip


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9ecc4c No.65151

File: 0ff8a5d794cefdc⋯.png (394.2 KB,635x466,635:466,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035612 (200135ZJUN23) Notable: Biden's Secretary of State says US is not seeking to 'economically contain' China

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Biden's Secretary of State says US is not seeking to 'economically contain' China

"One of the important things for me to do on this trip was to disabuse our Chinese hosts to the notion that we are seeking to economically contain them. We’re not."

Speaking from a press conference in Beijing, China on Monday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the US is not seeking "to economically contain" China.

"One of the important things for me to do on this trip was to disabuse our Chinese hosts to the notion that we are seeking to economically contain them. We’re not."

"And as I’ve said, we are not about decoupling, we’re about de-risking and diversifying, and here’s what I mean by that: first, when it comes to decoupling or economic containment, I think the facts simply belie that proposition. As I mentioned, our trade relationship has reached the highest number that it’s ever hit last year, about $700 billion in trade," said Blinken.

He added that American foreign investment in China "has reached levels that we haven’t seen since 2014."

"Parenthetically, we’ve got about 300,000 Chinese students studying in the United States. We have many American companies that I met with, or at least the representatives here, including they Chamber of Commerce, they continue to be very interested to do business here, and it’s profoundly in our interest," he said.

Blinken said that he told his Chinese hosts that their country’s economic success "is also in our interest."

"We have done a remarkable job of rebounding from Covid and having a growing economy, very low unemployment, tremendous investments in our future, but we also benefit tremendously when there is growth and progress in other countries, especially on one of the world’s largest economies when it comes to China."

Blinken said it would be "disastrous" to economically contain China.

"However, what is clearly in our interest is making sure that certain specific technologies that China may be using to, for example, advance its very opaque nuclear weapons program to build hypersonic missiles, to use technology that may have repressive purposes, it’s not our interest to provide that technology to China, and I also made that very clear," Blinken said.

Blinken said that the US would continue to take "narrowly focused, carefully tailored" actions to "advance and protect our national security, and I think that’s a very important distinction."

Noting that the phrase "de-risk not decouple" came from the President of the European Commission, Blinken said that this "reflects very well the approach that many countries are taking, both because of the importance of sustaining economic relations, trade investment of China, but also because of concerns about some of the things that China is doing with the technology that’s getting to them."

Blinken said he made this very clear during his meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping and other officials in the country.

During the same press conference, which took place after Blinken’s meeting with Xi Jinping, he noted that the US does "not support Taiwan independence."

"On Taiwan, I reiterated the longstanding US One China policy. That policy has not changed. It’s guided by the Taiwan Relations Act, three joint communiques, the six assurances. We remain opposed to any unilateral changes to the status quo by either side. We continue to expect the peaceful resolution of cross-strait differences."


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9ecc4c No.65152

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035627 (200140ZJUN23) Notable: Multi-millionaire Colin Kaepernick says US needs to end capitalism, partners with Marxists in new book

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Multi-millionaire Colin Kaepernick says US needs to end capitalism, partners with Marxists in new book

Former NFL quarterback Colin Kapernick says it's time for the United States to forgo capitalism.

Former NFL quarterback Colin Kapernick says it's time for the United States to forgo capitalism, despite accumulating a $40 million net worth and owning a $5.4 million dollar mansion in Las Vegas, all at the hands of America's capitalist economic system.

Kaepernick, who turned himself into a civil rights activist after being booted from the NFL for poor performance, insisted that "black liberation" is not possible under capitalism while he promoted his new book which was co-edited by two famed Marxists, Daily Mail reports.

When asked by The New Republic about his experience working alongside "two of the most prominent black Marxists in the country," Kaepernick said, "I've long admired Keeanga and Robin's work as well as their uncompromising political analysis and understanding that Black liberation simply isn’t possible under capitalism."

"I think the anthology makes this argument quite well, and I hope it challenges readers to see that racism is not white supremacy’s only ingredient. White supremacy persists in part because of its relationship with capitalism, heteropatriarchy, ableism, and so on," Kaepernick explained, who became known for boycotting the National Anthem during football games by means of kneeling.

According to Daily Mail, Kaepernick's book features a collection of essays authored by notable civil rights activists such as W.E.B. Du Bois and Angela Davis who explain in their pieces that "systemic racism is built into the capitalist economic system." The book is predominately written by anti-capitalist authors.

Kaepernick, who has been a pivotal voice in the Marxist Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, slammed Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis in the interview and said that his book "is the kind of book DeSantis wants to ban."

"Any attempt to whitewash the past should actually be understood as a concrete step toward fascism and a desire to build a nation state where power is concentrated in the hands of a self-anointed (read: white) few," he said.

The two renowned Marxists that Kaepernick worked with to edit his book "Our History Has Always Been Contraband: In Defense of Black Studies" are Robin D.G. Kelley and Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor.

According to Daily Mail, Kelley describes himself as a "Marxist surrealist feminist" and is a professor of history at UCLA, while Taylor teaches African American studies at Northwestern University and is on the board of the International Socialist Review.


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9ecc4c No.65153

File: dd0b19d6594e928⋯.mp4 (1.57 MB,360x360,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035634 (200141ZJUN23) Notable: Kari Lake’s new hit single, “81 Million Votes My Ass” with The Truth Bombers and Mailman Media, is skyrocketing in sales and set to debut tomorrow on Billboard’s Hot Singles

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Kari Lake’s new hit single, “81 Million Votes My Ass” with The Truth Bombers and Mailman Media, is skyrocketing in sales and set to debut tomorrow on Billboard’s Hot Singles sales music chart.

Per Billboard, The Hot Singles chart compiles the top-selling singles “from a national sample of retail store, mass merchant, and internet sales reports collected, compiled, and provided by Nielsen SoundScan.”

June 19, 2023


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9ecc4c No.65154

File: 780a8739aa008b0⋯.png (492.02 KB,650x391,650:391,Clipboard.png)

File: eccce5bb37e2367⋯.png (65.77 KB,1154x350,577:175,Clipboard.png)

File: eb9e318a8eea5a2⋯.png (63.44 KB,1160x337,1160:337,Clipboard.png)

File: d3aa26def05c67e⋯.png (95.45 KB,1160x794,580:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035645 (200144ZJUN23) Notable: Quarterly Report (1st Qtr 2023) on Bank Trading and Derivatives Activities-JP Moran "jacked to the tits" and retakes the top spot from Goldman Sachs-adding over $10T in OTC derivatives in 90 days

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Quarterly Report (1st Qtr 2023) on Bank Trading and Derivatives Activities-JP Moran "jacked to the tits" and retakes the top spot from Goldman Sachs-adding over $10T in OTC derivatives in 90 days

These are severely lagging reports and this is for the 1st Qtr of 2023-JP Moran has added a total of $10.322T of total OTC derivatives from the 4th qtr of 2022 to the first qtr of '23 thus retaking the top spot from Goldman Sachs-who added $3.820T is derivative exposure in the same time period. Shitibank added a total of $8.161T of exposure and finally Bank of America Italy adds a total of $2.915T.

See caps 2 and 3 for Q4 '22 and Q1 '23

Goldman Sachs retains the 'top spot' as far as the least amount of 'assets' backing the largest amount of OTC derivatives $490.8B backing a total of $56,457,937T and they have always been the 'top spot' for that outsized lack of assets backing this huge shit pile this regulator (Office of the Comptroller of the Currency) keeps reporting yet does nothing about.

The #2 guy here is an ex-JP Moran guy-Greg Coleman-Senior Deputy Comptroller for Large Bank Supervision: Mr. Coleman has served a variety of bank supervision roles as an examiner, policy expert, and manager at the OCC, including serving as Examiner-in-Charge of Capital One and E*TRADE. He previously served as director within the Credit and Market Risk division in the Office of the Chief National Bank Examiner and as the lead for the capital markets team at JPMorgan Chase.


Cap #2 page 17


Cap#3 page 18


I'll have the precious metals changes later tonight or tomorrow morning however since the start of last year Gold was transferred back in to the Precious Metals bucket (from FOREX) so it makes it really difficult to see just exactly what is going on there but I can tell you that there was a total of around $90B increase in OTC derivatives for precious metals in the same time frame Q4 '22 to Q1 '23

Look at the tiop four as they control the bulk of the derivatives trading and exposure....after #4 Bank of America Italy..it drops off quite substantially-cap #4

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9ecc4c No.65155

File: af1aee429976a68⋯.jpg (212.1 KB,830x698,415:349,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035678 (200153ZJUN23) Notable: U.N. Introduces ‘Automated Fact-Checking Tool’ To Combat What They Deem ‘Misinformation’

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U.N. Introduces ‘Automated Fact-Checking Tool’ To Combat What They Deem ‘Misinformation’

In a collaboration with Big-Tech and Soros-funded organizations, the United Nations has introduced a new “automated” fact-checking program to combat so-called disinformation and hate speech on the internet.


The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has developed its iVerify platform to combat alleged disinformation and hate speech online in response to what they call “online information pollution,” which they claim is a growing “global challenge.”

The global organization’s “automated fact-checking tool” was created in collaboration with the United Nations International Computing Centre (UNICC), the Facebook and Google-funded fact checker Meedan, the Meta-owned CrowdTangle, and the Soros-funded International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN).


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9ecc4c No.65156

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035694 (200158ZJUN23) Notable: Deep Fakery: The TV Show That Is Made Entirely With Deep Fake Illusion

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Deep Fakery: The TV Show That Is Made Entirely With Deep Fake Illusion

Deep fake technology is getting better by the day, and now a U.K. sketch comedy is using it to create an entire TV show. It features deep fakes of celebs like Rihanna, Greta Thunberg, Tom Holland and Ariana Grande, all depicted as everyday people on struggle street.


Series 1 of "Deep Fake Neighbour Wars" now airing on itvX.

Episode 1 - Kim Kardashian's neighbour Idris Elba restricts her access to the shared garden, and Greta Thunberg is upset by Conor McGregor and Ariana Grande’s perennial Christmas decorations.



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9ecc4c No.65157

File: d9bd7bd272c4b81⋯.png (1.68 MB,1542x1154,771:577,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035720 (200204ZJUN23) Notable: U.N. Introduces ‘Automated Fact-Checking Tool’ To Combat What They Deem ‘Misinformation’

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The UN is trying to save their own disgusting, degenerate, evil hides.

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9ecc4c No.65158

File: 0147ed4503c9e21⋯.png (3.23 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: fd8d2a659900773⋯.png (646 KB,960x540,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035735 (200208ZJUN23) Notable: New Space companies join Copernicus

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New Space companies join Copernicus

June 19, 2023

With commercial companies playing an increasingly important role in creating a dynamic and innovative space industry, nine New Space satellite data suppliers have joined the Copernicus programme as ‘Contributing Missions’. Today, at the Le Bourget Paris Air Show, ESA and the European Commission further embraced the era of New Space by welcoming these nine companies into the fold and celebrating the contribution they will make in monitoring our changing world.

As we all face the consequences of climate change and strive to ‘do things better’, accurate information about our planet has never been more important.

Copernicus, now 25 years old, is the biggest environmental programme in the world, providing terabytes of free and open satellite data and information services to hundreds of thousands of users every day.

In doing so, the programme adds to long-term datasets to monitor major challenges such as diminishing polar ice, sea-level rise, drought, and more.

The programme, and its satellite missions, is hugely important for evidence-based decision-making, not only to address climate change, but also to optimise business practices in their efforts to be more sustainable and to make those business practices more profitable in the process.

While the suite of Sentinel satellite missions that ESA develops and builds, and in many cases operates, are central to the Copernicus programme, there are other commercial satellite missions – the Copernicus Contributing Missions – that play a crucial role in delivering complementary Earth observation data to answer to the data needs of the Copernicus Services and the needs of public authorities.

There are currently more than 20 privately-owned satellite missions that contribute to Copernicus. And, with the contracts that ESA signed recently on behalf of the European Commission, nine different European New Space companies are added to the list.

Although Copernicus is hugely successful, the aim of bringing emerging European New Space companies into Copernicus is to help keep the programme ahead of the game in the rapidly changing sector of observing Earth from space.

ESA’s responsibility includes coordinating the Copernicus Contributing Mission activities as part of the programme.

ESA’s Peggy Fischer, who is responsible for managing the Copernicus Contributing Missions programme, said, “The team is very excited to start work with these nine emerging European data providers. It will be first time that Earth observation data from emerging European New Space companies will be made available to Copernicus users in different data domains.”

The companies in question are: Aerospacelab in Belgium, Prométhée in France and EnduroSat in Bulgaria to supply multispectral images from their different satellite constellations; Kuva Space Oy in Finland to supply hyperspectral images; constellr in Germany, OroraTech also in Germany and Aistech in Spain to provide thermal infrared data from their satellite missions; and Satlantis in Spain and Absolut Sensing in France to provide data on atmospheric composition.

Once the companies have their missions in orbit, the data will complement that of the Sentinel missions by providing information about changing land, oceans and atmosphere.

Celebrating the inclusion of these companies in the Copernicus programme, ESA’s Director of Earth Observation Programmes, Simonetta Cheli, said, “I would like to warmly congratulate the nine companies joining the growing Copernicus Contributing Missions programme.

“This is a testimonial of the agility and continuous evolution of Copernicus, the importance of onboarding commercial missions, and a vote of confidence for European Earth Observation New Space.”

The nine companies are set to start an onboarding process at a workshop being held shortly at ESA’s establishment in Frascati, Italy.


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9ecc4c No.65159

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035756 (200213ZJUN23) Notable: Euclid: ESA’s mission into the unknown

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Euclid: ESA’s mission into the unknown

June 16, 2023

ESA’s Euclid mission is designed to bring the dark side of the Universe to light. Based on the way galaxies rotate and orbit one another, and the way in which the Universe is expanding, astronomers believe that two unseen entities dominate the composition of our cosmos. They call these mysterious components dark matter and dark energy, yet to date we have not been able to detect either of them directly, only inferring their presence from the effects they have on the Universe at large.

To better understand what dark matter and dark energy may be, we need a mission that can more closely reveal what effects they have had on galaxies, galaxy clusters and the expansion of the Universe itself. Euclid is that mission.

ESA’s Euclid mission will create a 3D-map of the Universe, with the third dimension representing time itself. The further away a galaxy is located, the longer its light has taken to reach us and so the earlier in cosmic history we will see it. By observing billions of galaxies out to a distance of 10 billion light-years, scientists will be able to chart the position and velocity of galaxies over immense distances and through most of cosmic history, and trace the way the Universe has expanded during that time. Euclid’s extraordinary optics will also reveal subtle distortions in the appearance of galaxies.

From this wealth of new data, astronomers will be able to infer the properties of dark energy and dark matter more precisely than ever before. This will help theorists pin down the nature of these mysterious components and develop a refined understanding of how gravity behaves at the largest distances.



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9ecc4c No.65160

File: ef3a80a4d44864f⋯.png (1.53 MB,912x1279,912:1279,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035805 (200226ZJUN23) Notable: Metabiota

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Metabiota All-In-One...

Done from Mub Fone so can't see the Readability until I post it here...goes....

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9ecc4c No.65161

File: 5484dbaab0bedd8⋯.jpeg (46.59 KB,722x563,722:563,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d321db82782926d⋯.jpeg (210.54 KB,1412x794,706:397,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b8a294a67c94c16⋯.jpeg (252.87 KB,1412x793,1412:793,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 004cec4e5e8948f⋯.jpeg (193.03 KB,1410x792,235:132,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 135f436c430c1ad⋯.jpeg (204.28 KB,1413x795,471:265,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035813 (200227ZJUN23) Notable: Metabiota

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Well Shit.... Here goes 5 by 5...

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9ecc4c No.65162

File: 080102112fb26fd⋯.jpeg (259.16 KB,1412x793,1412:793,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 1d3786e085912bf⋯.jpeg (199.9 KB,1411x792,1411:792,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a8fe305f0807921⋯.jpeg (169.15 KB,1280x715,256:143,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a3e33e79031957b⋯.jpeg (161.19 KB,1280x718,640:359,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 146f37b34ac9767⋯.jpeg (204.51 KB,1280x718,640:359,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035814 (200227ZJUN23) Notable: Metabiota

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9ecc4c No.65163

File: 597a695c59459f4⋯.jpg (133.96 KB,629x664,629:664,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035820 (200230ZJUN23) Notable: Coast Guard offloads more than $186 million in illegal narcotics

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Coast Guard offloads more than $186 million in illegal narcotics


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9ecc4c No.65164

File: d41e20fe2a49ca7⋯.png (10.64 KB,539x122,539:122,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035862 (200237ZJUN23) Notable: Submarine CEO Stockton Rush, British billionaire Hamish Harding and French diving expert Paul-Henri Nargeolet named as missing in Titanic voyage

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In 2017, Harding worked with Antarctic VIP tourism company, White Desert, to introduce the first regular business jet service to the Antarctic using a Gulfstream G550, landing on Wolfsfang Runway, a newly-created ice runway in Antarctica.

Harding also visited the South Pole a number of times, accompanying Buzz Aldrin in 2016 as he became the oldest person ever to reach the South Pole (age 86)


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9ecc4c No.65165

File: 24577353b771fc5⋯.png (284.64 KB,826x544,413:272,Clipboard.png)

File: d23d74a9e9dd864⋯.png (143.62 KB,540x281,540:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035894 (200243ZJUN23) Notable: PF AF2 C-40B and SAM2A departed Los Angeles after arriving earlier

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>>65090 pb

AF2 C-40B and SAM2A departed Los Angeles after arriving earlier

95-3058 USAFSOC 'Special Ops ' C146 Wolfhound departed Durango, CO after a ground stop-inbound from Reno Int'l earlier

Mexi AF FAM5210 Super King Air heading to Juarez where Mexi Po-Po- XCOPF 727 departed from a few hours ago

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9ecc4c No.65166

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035939 (200255ZJUN23) Notable: #23374

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#23374 >>65120

>>65121 @FLOTUS45 Today we celebrate #Juneteenth, the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the end of slavery in the U.S. "All Different Now"

>>65122 Pride month is ghetto too, as are the overwhelming majority of these holidays and celebrations that are about nothing other than dividing people.

>>65123 President Trump on terminating the Iran Nuclear Deal: "One of the dumbest deals I've ever seen… Billions of dollars in cash was brought over to Iran in Boeing 757s."

>>65124 Hobbs vetoes ban on ESG investments in Arizona

>>65125 Garland made an unannounced visit to the International Criminal Court on Monday and met its top prosecutor, a sign of Washington's shifting policy???

>>65126 Biden was supposed to be a one-term deal: a bridge to the next generation. But that bridge has blown up so he’s rolling the dice and running again.

>>65127 The bulk of outages were in Oklahoma, where heavy storms Saturday night carried winds as strong as 80 mph around Tulsa, One person who used a respirator died because of the power outage

>>65128 Nearly 100 dead in Indian heatwave

>>65129 Cold Open Morning Mika Meltdown

>>65130 Jesse Watters: “Biden strong-arms Burisma into hiring his druggie son and next month Hunter opens up an offshore account in Malta with a bank that’s so dirty, it got shut down for money laundering.”

>>65131 Judge blocks Trump from sharing evidence relating to classified documents case

>>65132, >>65138 The ENTIRE Declaration of Independence with audio and visual for easy memorization

>>65133 Hunt for the red October On the clock.

>>65134 NATO arsenals ‘empty’ – Stoltenberg

>>65135 US plotting to interfere in Russian elections

>>65136 There are 4011 days in between Melania and Joe’s tweet, Q 4011 - You didn't think the statement by POTUS re: 'CALM BEFORE THE STORM' was just random did you?

>>65137 Auto Repos Piling up striking fearin Banks! Tow Truck Drivers Overwhelmed

>>65139 School Principal Quits Job To Homeschool Her 3 Kids On A 10-Acre Homestead: 'I Wanted To Raise Thinkers'

>>65140 The Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Ox & Bizznizzy

>>65141, >>65142 Roseanne puts it out to normies

>>65143 Legalise Cannabis party introduces personal use bills in NSW, Victoria and Western Australia

>>65144, >>65145, >>65149 The official creator of the current Pride flag has updated the flag to include Autism Pride.

>>65146 The 7 U.S. cities where a $250,000 salary is worth the least — New York is No. 1

>>65147 Japan signed a critical minerals deal with the U.S. &mdash; but it’s still losing the global EV race

>>65148, >>65164 Submarine CEO Stockton Rush, British billionaire Hamish Harding and French diving expert Paul-Henri Nargeolet named as missing in Titanic voyage

>>65150 O'Keefe teaser clip OMG tomorrow

>>65151 Biden's Secretary of State says US is not seeking to 'economically contain' China

>>65152 Multi-millionaire Colin Kaepernick says US needs to end capitalism, partners with Marxists in new book

>>65153 Kari Lake’s new hit single, “81 Million Votes My Ass” with The Truth Bombers and Mailman Media, is skyrocketing in sales and set to debut tomorrow on Billboard’s Hot Singles

>>65154 Quarterly Report (1st Qtr 2023) on Bank Trading and Derivatives Activities-JP Moran "jacked to the tits" and retakes the top spot from Goldman Sachs-adding over $10T in OTC derivatives in 90 days

>>65155, >>65157 U.N. Introduces ‘Automated Fact-Checking Tool’ To Combat What They Deem ‘Misinformation’

>>65156 Deep Fakery: The TV Show That Is Made Entirely With Deep Fake Illusion

>>65158 New Space companies join Copernicus

>>65159 Euclid: ESA’s mission into the unknown

>>65160, >>65161, >>65162 Metabiota

>>65163 Coast Guard offloads more than $186 million in illegal narcotics

>>65165 PF AF2 C-40B and SAM2A departed Los Angeles after arriving earlier


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9ecc4c No.65167

File: 34535121a91acd8⋯.jpg (91.43 KB,768x1022,384:511,Clipboard.jpg)

File: fac6e51725f4558⋯.png (449.65 KB,624x624,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 57e4a57323d7bf7⋯.jpg (47.49 KB,964x630,482:315,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d9bd7bd272c4b81⋯.png (1.68 MB,1542x1154,771:577,Clipboard.png)

File: f28c5da8d8f2645⋯.png (1.53 MB,1031x1031,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19035951 (200300ZJUN23) Notable: #23375

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Baker taps

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9ecc4c No.65168

File: 46d5d52221757af⋯.png (956.83 KB,1215x1336,1215:1336,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19036021 (200321ZJUN23) Notable: Trump's photo from 2013, what is he hinting at?

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>>>/qresearch/19035252 LB

A fellow Anon mentioned that the photo from the Trump Truth post is from a Times article from 2013. This is obviously a COMM. What is Trump hinting at???


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9ecc4c No.65169

File: 13954f0777d3b19⋯.png (539.78 KB,800x533,800:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19036023 (200322ZJUN23) Notable: Trump's photo from 2013, what is he hinting at?

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Vice President Joe Biden and Lisa Monaco, Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, talk on the steps from the Colonnade to the Rose Garden at the White House following the Presidential Daily Briefing, on May 1, 2013.

Official White House Photo by Pete Souza

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9ecc4c No.65170

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19036026 (200323ZJUN23) Notable: Midwestern Teachers Trade Tips On ‘Subversively & Quietly’ Transitioning Kids

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Midwestern Teachers Trade Tips On ‘Subversively & Quietly’ Transitioning Kids

Several dozen Midwestern teachers discussed ways to transition their students’ gender without alerting parents in an online chatroom this week.

Roughly 30 teachers and administrators from various states including Iowa, Michigan, Illinois, and Ohio met in an online chatroom hosted by the Midwest and Plains Equity Assistance Center (MAP), an organization that has received millions of dollars in federal funding. The Daily Mail gained access to the four-hour workshop, which was centered on reviewing various new educational statutes to “remedy the marginalizing effects and disrupt problematic policies.”

Kimberly Martin, DEI coordinator for Royal Oaks Schools in Michigan, described her efforts to hide elements of social transition, such as changing a student’s name, from their parents.

“We’re working with our record-keeping system so that certain screens can’t be seen by the parents … if there’s a nickname in there we’re trying to hide,” Martin said.

Jennifer Haglund, counselor for Ames Community Schools in Iowa, condemned Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds for signing a law in March barring males from competing on female sports teams, and bragged about her personal activism for LGBTQ causes.

“I know that I have my own right code of ethics, and that doesn’t always go along with the law,” Haglund said.

“The stakes are very high for trans youth,” Shea Martin, an Ohio-based teacher and contributor to far-Left blog Radical Teacher, said. “I think that requires working subversively and quietly sometimes to make sure that trans kids have what they need.”

Martin also said she had worked against “laws that prohibit or restrict trans advocacy.” Martin also said that in discussion with elementary aged students, teachers should avoid treating “reinforced heterosexuality as the norm.”

Gender ideology has become an increasingly controversial issue in the United States — a recent poll by the Public Religion Research Institute found that 65% of Americans say that there are only two genders, up from 59% in 2021, with support for the gender binary increasing in virtually all demographic cohorts. Furthermore, a plurality of those polled, 36%, opposed teaching transgenderism at any level in K-12 education.

Hundreds of laws have been introduced in red and purple states to limit sexually explicit drag performances in public, ban books with explicit sexual content from school libraries, prevent males from competing in girls and women’s sports, and prevent minors from being given cross-sex hormones or body modification surgeries, among other things. These laws have been decried as “anti-LGBTQ” by activist groups such as the ACLU and the Human Rights Campaign, and the Biden White House, fueling intense national debate.

MAP is part of the Great Lakes Equity Center and operates in 13 different states: Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. It covers over 7,000 school districts and more than 11 million students. The states and localities under its jurisdiction have a wide range of stances on issues surrounding sex and gender.

According to the Daily Mail, MAP receives federal funding under Title IV of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and last November it received more than $8 million from the Department of Education.


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9ecc4c No.65171

File: 94fa28dffe1893b⋯.png (113.62 KB,721x652,721:652,Clipboard.png)

File: 522253132f67672⋯.png (100.51 KB,724x580,181:145,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19036044 (200328ZJUN23) Notable: Jacqui Lambie refers ADF leadership to International Criminal Court declaring the top brass 'got a free pass' from war crimes investigations

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Jacqui Lambie refers ADF leadership to International Criminal Court declaring the top brass 'got a free pass' from war crimes investigations

Senator Jacqui Lambie has revealed in an emotional statement she has referred Australia’s top military brass to the International Criminal Court to investigate their “criminal liability” in alleged war crimes.

Senator Jacqui Lambie has sensationally referred Australia’s Defence Force leadership to the International Criminal Court.

In an emotionally charged statement to the Senate, the former military officer condemned the “culture of coverup at the highest levels” of the country’s military.

Senator Lambie blasted the decision by Major General Paul Brereton to exempt senior defence commanders from his war crimes investigation.

She said as a result, Australia’s military leaders “got a free pass while our diggers were thrown under the bus”.

As she denounced the previous government for not taking action, Senator Lambie revealed she had referred the matter to the International Criminal Court war crimes prosecutor in The Hague under Article 15.

“This asked him to look at Australia’s higher commanders through the lens of command responsibility,” Senator Lambie said on Tuesday.

“The law of command responsibility is a method of criminal liability where commanders have failed to do their duty.

“The International Criminal Court is a court of last resort… they can only do this if the state party, in this case Australia, has failed to investigate higher command for their breach of duty.

“Australia has in fact set up two systems of criminality, one for Australia’s top military commanders and another for commanders from the rest of the world.

“Quite frankly I feel embarrassed that Australia’s in this situation.”

During her impassioned plea for the new Labor government to take action, Senator Lambie cited evidence from “multiple sources” outside of the Brereton inquiry including from the recent defamation case of Ben Roberts-Smith in which these sources claimed “the leadership knew”.


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9ecc4c No.65172

File: cf35c1931e46889⋯.png (184.95 KB,693x411,231:137,Clipboard.png)

File: 522f38d985a5942⋯.png (730.28 KB,674x537,674:537,Clipboard.png)

File: 9ada6623ec70b93⋯.png (698.33 KB,754x555,754:555,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19036065 (200331ZJUN23) Notable: PF

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SWATH20 KC-135 Stratotanker over Potato as the mobile filling station while he collects munee from stoopid democrats in the SF Bay Area

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9ecc4c No.65173

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19036088 (200336ZJUN23) Notable: Trump's photo from 2013, what is he hinting at?

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Lisa Monaco as deputy attorney general, making the former federal prosecutor and counter-terrorism advisor to former President Barack Obama the second-highest ranking official at the Department of Justice.


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9ecc4c No.65174

File: f987db38b02ecf3⋯.png (522.73 KB,750x685,150:137,Clipboard.png)

File: c5fe0b28f91454b⋯.png (4.83 MB,2400x1600,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: f32b6d26138c671⋯.png (1.11 MB,620x1287,620:1287,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19036092 (200337ZJUN23) Notable: Gavin Newsom - Welcome back to the Golden State, @POTUS!

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Gavin Newsom

Welcome back to the Golden State, @POTUS!

7:18 PM · Jun 19, 2023·475.5K Views


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9ecc4c No.65175

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19036114 (200342ZJUN23) Notable: Trump's photo from 2013, what is he hinting at?

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May 1, 2013...?

Maybe something about the Boston Marathon Bombing.

Boston scare for Obama aide’s family


“Glad your days of lining marathon route are over,” Lisa Monaco wrote back at 1 a.m., according to Bloomberg. “It’s awful.”

Monaco, who took over the counterterrorism job from new CIA Director John Brennan earlier this year, was raised in Newton, a Boston suburb on the marathon route. She had attended the marathon as a spectator with her her parents and two brothers when a third brother, Peter, ran the race. Her mother said Monaco was also a runner herself.

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9ecc4c No.65176

File: 58b4e68d64ff0da⋯.png (19.1 KB,557x244,557:244,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19036126 (200346ZJUN23) Notable: Potato lies on power grid, fires, etc.

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President Biden


Our Administration is investing billions to modernize our power grid, respond to wildfires and drought, restore coastlines, and build stronger infrastructure that can withstand climate change and extreme weather.

Critical investments in a stronger, more resilient climate future.

11:20 PM · Jun 19, 2023


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9ecc4c No.65177

File: 38cf926470ebfa3⋯.png (12.91 KB,557x161,557:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19036140 (200350ZJUN23) Notable: Titanic tourist sub has oxygen until 2:30 p.m. ET on Thursday, if it's still intact, according to the U.S. Coast Guard

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Well 14:30 is an interesting time.

BNO News


Titanic tourist sub has oxygen until 2:30 p.m. ET on Thursday, if it's still intact, according to the U.S. Coast Guard

9:02 PM · Jun 19, 2023


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9ecc4c No.65178

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19036170 (200355ZJUN23) Notable: #23372

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Anon collected notes:


>>65054 Dough

>>65055 Declassified files expose CIA, MI6 and NATO directed army of fascist paramilitary units across Europe to undermine political opponents, including through false flag terror attacks.

>>65056, >>65073 Nasty Democrat, Stacey Plaskett, slammed after "accidentally" saying Trump 'needs to be shot' before quickly correcting herself. Plaskett background

>>65057 New South Wales (AUS) 'Gay penguins' to teach kindergarteners about same-sex relationships as part of a new syllabus

>>65075 The Hidden War: 4 Part Documentary on Global Child Trafficking tsoon to be released in worldwide in 2023. Mel Gibson involved(?)

>>65058, >>65062 Biden to pledge more than half a trillion dollars to combat climate change (and video link to remarks)

>>65059 Danielle Smith, premier of Alberta,Canada apologizes to unvaccinated, promises anyone fired for refusal will be reinstated.

>>65060 J6 defendant 'The Lectern Guy' aka Adam Johnson (@lecternleader) is finally a FREE man!

>>65061 Lindsey Graham Defends FBI, DOJ and the Two-Tiered Justice System

>>65063 John Durham will testify before Andy Biggs' Committee, @JudiciaryGOP THIS WEEK

>>65064 Russia accuses US of planning to drop malaria-bearing mosquitoes on troops

>>65065, >>65074 U.K. Billionaire Hamish Harding is reportedly on board the submersible. Harding dig.

>>65066, >>65069 Shitbag, Bret Baier: "Don’t miss my interview tonight with former President Donald Trump"

>>65067 Russians use captured Ukrainian "TROJAN TANK" (filled with explosives and remote controlled) to take out UKR troops and hardware

>>65068 Commercial Submersible Goes Missing on Dive to the RMS Titanic

>>65070 The US is sending $1 billion every year to Russia's nuclear program. US heavily reliant on Russia's cheap nuclear fuel.

>>65071 This weekend: RSBN will broadcast Faith and Freedom Coalition's Road to Majority conference featuring President Donald J. Trump.

>>65072 John Kerry Meets with Pope Francis: Fighting Climate Change at ‘Heart of Morality’

>>65076 Marxist Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg Sued After Refusing to Release Trump Prosecution Records

>>65077 Israel speaks out on Ukraine lionizing Nazi collaborators

>>65078 Fake News MSNBC: Joe Biden Isn’t Campaigning Because he “Doesn’t Have a Serious Challenger”

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9ecc4c No.65179

File: c61ac1df0f570c1⋯.png (610.75 KB,969x934,969:934,Clipboard.png)

File: 1176bc0da8b404b⋯.jpg (131.72 KB,1020x763,1020:763,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19036194 (200401ZJUN23) Notable: PF

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"AF2" and SAM2A

Flight of 2 eastbound out of Los Angeles International Airport

Descending through FL340 into DFW Area

Squawking 7306


Squawking 7640


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9ecc4c No.65180

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19036212 (200405ZJUN23) Notable: ‘Acting As Police’: DCNF Reporter Describes How Chinese ‘Intelligence Service’ Quietly Operates In US

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‘Acting As Police’: DCNF Reporter Describes How Chinese ‘Intelligence Service’ Quietly Operates In US

A Daily Caller News Foundation reporter described Monday how a key Chinese intelligence service quietly operates “service centers” in seven American cities.

Philip Lenczycki told WMAL talk show host Vince Coglianese, who also serves as editorial director of the Daily Caller, the Overseas Chinese Service Centers (OCSCs) are located in San Francisco, California; Houston, Texas; Omaha, Nebraska; St. Paul, Minnesota; Salt Lake City, Utah; St. Louis, Missouri and Charlotte, North Carolina. The centers, which were ostensibly created to assist Chinese citizens living abroad, are housed within various nonprofits based in the U.S.


“What we found was that there’s a Chinese Communist Party intelligence service called the United Front Work Department and it turns out that they are operating 60… so-called overseas Chinese service centers around the world and seven of those are in the United States,” Lenczycki told Coglianese.

Lenczycki noted that individuals involved with the OCSCs met with officials of China’s Ministry of Public Security (MPS), which detailed how they could aid efforts by Chinese law enforcement. The Justice Department accused China’s MPS of engaging in extortion and other efforts in a 2022 indictment and a 2020 complaint.

“What we found is that some of these overseas Chinese service stations in other countries, for instance, in Ireland and whatnot, actually are a part of the alleged same program that the New York station was in,” Lenczycki said. “So this is really concerning, because the Chinese government has said that all of these, you know, entities in this program are required to perform quote-unquote ‘consular protection’ and that ranges from as we’ve seen in cases in United States, helping consulates process visas. In other countries, for instance, in South Africa and elsewhere. We’ve seen it actually, sort of evolving, to ‘form patrols’ where, where they really are going around with weapons and are acting as police.”

The Justice Department indicted two individuals on multiple charges in April, alleging that they helped China harass citizens who were overseas. The presence of such centers has been a concern after the FBI raided a similar station in New York.


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9ecc4c No.65181

File: 31d1ccd5b87c193⋯.png (2.26 MB,1612x1022,806:511,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19036228 (200410ZJUN23) Notable: PF

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Anyone know why Jamaican-me-cum is going to Dallas?

This is AF2, followed by SAM2A descending into Dallas. That plane up front is a Wolfhound, a tactical transport used by USAF Special Forces. I'll be keeping an eye on the Wolfhound...


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9ecc4c No.65182

File: 4c0a3f51ff9ba43⋯.png (457.46 KB,774x389,774:389,Clipboard.png)

File: ea0b999038917b1⋯.png (236.73 KB,582x383,582:383,Clipboard.png)

File: 89d484a2fd9ff35⋯.png (230.23 KB,799x419,799:419,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19036239 (200414ZJUN23) Notable: PF

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>>65102 pb

SAM200 C-32ABlinkendeparted Baku, Azerbaijan and is heading to London continuing on the "ohhh Fuq" tour

>In London, the Secretary will attend the Ukraine Recovery Conference to help mobilize international support from the public and private sector to help Ukraine recover from Russia’s brutal and ongoing attacks. While there, he will also meet with counterparts from the United Kingdom, Ukraine, and other partners and allies.


I wonder if Z will make a 'surprise' visit.....

On 21-22 June 2023, the UK jointly with Ukraine will host the international Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC 2023) in London

The Ukraine Recovery Conference 2023, to be held jointly by the UK and Ukraine in London in June, is a continuation of the cycle of annual events with the last one conducted jointly with Switzerland in Lugano. The previous edition of the conference, held for the first time during the ongoing Russian aggression against Ukraine, launched the Lugano Principles, which laid the foundation for the reconstruction process of Ukraine and united the world in its efforts. Since Lugano, the international community has pledged significant emergency assistance, but a broader mobilisation of public and private sectors is needed to meet the scale of stabilisation and recovery needs Ukraine requires following russian attacks. Ukraine has already undertaken initiatives to move forward with reconstruction in line with these principles and commitments, despite the circumstances of war. The Ukraine Recovery Conference is dedicated to Ukraine's transformation and was symbolically launched in London in 2017 as the Ukraine Reform Conference.


JAKE17RC-135 Rivet Joint switched on at RAF Mildenhall and should be taking off shortly for it's normal flight pattern over northern Norway, and NW Russia (usually just off shore of Murmamsk was the last flight for this AC in the Barents Sea)


>>65165 lb

AF2 and SAM2A C-40Bs are on descent for Dallas from Los Angeles Int'l departure

95-3058 USAFSOC 'Special Ops' C-146A Wolfhound continues back to Eglin AFB from it's Durango, CO stop and Reno Int'l departure earlier-started in Seattle at Boeing Field earlier today and went to Eugene, OR

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9ecc4c No.65183

File: 3cce2960465acb6⋯.jpg (112.59 KB,1200x837,400:279,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cf86dc989c5a0f8⋯.png (11.57 KB,568x119,568:119,Clipboard.png)

File: 69916c91784206f⋯.png (27.77 KB,1058x209,1058:209,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19036345 (200446ZJUN23) Notable: Titanic tourist sub has oxygen until 2:30 p.m. ET on Thursday, if it's still intact, according to the U.S. Coast Guard

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Stockton Rush, CEO of OceanGate, the company responsible for the operation of the lost sub, was involved in Anti-Satellite Missile testing. Interesting.



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9ecc4c No.65184

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19036415 (200512ZJUN23) Notable: Why was brand new Boeing 747 jet owned by Saudi Royals scrapped?

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2 hrs tour

Why was Boeing 747 jet owned by Saudi Royals scrapped?

Kaumudy Global

43K subscribers

1,113 views May 2, 2022 #Boeing747 #SaudiaArabia

#Boeing747-8N458BJ #SultanBinAbdulAzizAlSaud #SaudiaArabia

The world’s least-flown Boeing 747-8 (N458BJ), is potentially to be scrapped for parts, according to a report by Simple Flying. The majestic aircraft is one of the very few privately-owned Boeing 747s in the world that was delivered 10 years ago and was destined for the Saudi Arabian Royal Flight group. Reportedly, the all-white 747-8 was ordered by Saudi crown prince Sultan bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud for more than 300 million dollars and was intended to serve as his private jet. However, the crown prince died one year before the plane was delivered in 2012. The aircraft was in Basel, Switzerland where it was being kitted out with an uber-luxurious VIP interior custom made for the crown prince.

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9ecc4c No.65185

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19036455 (200529ZJUN23) Notable: Plane crash kills pilot from Discovery Channel show and Idaho hunting guide

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Plane crash kills pilot from Discovery Channel show and Idaho hunting guide

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — Bush pilot Jim Tweto, known for his starring role in the Discovery Channel’s “Flying Wild Alaska” series, was killed along with a hunting and fishing guide from Idaho when their small plane crashed shortly after takeoff, Alaska State Troopers said.

Tweto’s family-run rural aviation business in Unalakleet was featured in three seasons of the television series a decade ago. He and passenger Shane Reynolds of Orofino, Idaho, died Friday near the coastal village of Shaktoolik, roughly 125 miles (200 kilometers) east of Nome, the statement said.

The plane “was witnessed taking off but not climbing and then crashing,” their report said. Troopers were notified of an SOS activation around 11:48 a.m. Friday, followed by a report that a Cessna 180 had crashed 35 miles northeast of Shaktoolik.

Troopers responding from Nome recovered both bodies. The National Transportation Safety Board said it is investigating.

The Anchorage Daily News reported that Tweto was a co-owner of Hageland Aviation Services and then Era Alaska, which would later become Ravn Air Group; Reynolds operated Northwest Fishing Expeditions, guiding clients in Alaska and across the Pacific Northwest for years.

Tweto, 68, died doing what he loved, his daughter Ariel posted on Instagram. She called Reynolds, 45, “a wonderful hunting guide and friend of our family.”

Born in Kansas and raised in Minnesota, Tweto came to Alaska to play hockey at the University of Alaska Anchorage, and settled in Unalakleet, where he met his wife Ferno. The couple and their three daughters were featured in the Discovery series, which aired in 2011-2012.


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9ecc4c No.65186

File: d91551cc5fc0b31⋯.png (305.7 KB,768x591,256:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19036486 (200543ZJUN23) Notable: Titanic tourist sub has oxygen until 2:30 p.m. ET on Thursday, if it's still intact, according to the U.S. Coast Guard

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Identity of missing crew members

Stockton Rush

Paul-Henry Nergeolet

Hamish Harding



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9ecc4c No.65187

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19036519 (200557ZJUN23) Notable: Titanic tourist sub has oxygen until 2:30 p.m. ET on Thursday, if it's still intact, according to the U.S. Coast Guard

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"Last summer, [CBS "Sunday Mornings" correspondent David] Pogue accompanied the Titan crew on the journey from Newfoundland to the site where the Titanic as lost. ...

Ahead of the planned dive, Pogue recalledsigning paperwork that read, in part, "This experimental vessel has not been approved or certified by any regulatory body, and could result in physical injury, emotional trauma, or death."

Space inside the submarine was similar to the interior of a minivan, and, with just one button and a video game controller used to steer it, the vessel "seemed improvised, with off-the-shelf components," Pogue said.

On his voyage, the sub was lost for a few hours, Pogue said.

"There's no GPS underwater, so the surface ship is supposed to guide the sub to the shipwreck bysending text messages," he reported at the time. "But on this dive, communications somehow broke down."


"You may remember that the @OceanGateExped sub to the #Titanic got lost for a few hours LAST summer, too, when I was aboard…Here’s the relevant part of that story."

https://t.co/7FhcMs0oeH pic.twitter.com/ClaNg5nzj8

— David Pogue (@Pogue) June 19, 2023

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9ecc4c No.65188

File: a66e5f64324269f⋯.png (60.31 KB,540x783,20:29,Clipboard.png)

File: 15e06a7316f92bb⋯.png (503.25 KB,823x627,823:627,Clipboard.png)

File: 32abcf744be7b1e⋯.png (348.15 KB,1150x938,575:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19036533 (200606ZJUN23) Notable: Trump's photo from 2013, what is he hinting at?

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Note: See the two folders next to lisa monaco. Anon believes these could have Obama's instructions of the future plan of attack and strategy. also worked for John Brennan c.i.a.

there are clowns everywhere including pompeo, and Barr.




Feb 11, 2018 4:38:14 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 84


@Snowden "Truth To Power"

Drop "Truth To Power"




>>>/qresearch/325370 You will cease to exist





Coincidence "Truth To Power"?

Coincidence Barlow?


What if Snowden was still a Clown?

Why would it be important he was in Russia?



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9ecc4c No.65189

File: 715298e19784259⋯.png (1.39 MB,1230x920,123:92,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19036678 (200651ZJUN23) Notable: Titanic tourist sub has oxygen until 2:30 p.m. ET on Thursday, if it's still intact, according to the U.S. Coast Guard

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Here are the 2 missing ones:

One of Pakistan's richest men - a UK-based board member of the Prince's Trust charity - and his teenage son are trapped alongside British billionaire on missing Titanic sub: Desperate search for vessel lost in the Atlantic continues

Shahzada Dawood and his son Sulaiman Dawoodwere on board the small underwater craft take paying tourists to view the famous wreck, which lies 12,500ft beneath the surface of the Atlantic Ocean, 370 miles off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada


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9ecc4c No.65190

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19036725 (200706ZJUN23) Notable: #23375

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baker on duty

#23375 >>65167

>>65168, >>65169, >>65173, >>65175, >>65188 Trump's photo from 2013, what is he hinting at?

>>65170 Midwestern Teachers Trade Tips On ‘Subversively & Quietly’ Transitioning Kids

>>65171 Jacqui Lambie refers ADF leadership to International Criminal Court declaring the top brass 'got a free pass' from war crimes investigations

>>65172, >>65179, >>65181, >>65182 PF

>>65174 Gavin Newsom - Welcome back to the Golden State, @POTUS!

>>65176 Potato lies on power grid, fires, etc.

>>65177, >>65183, >>65186, >>65187, >>65189 Titanic tourist sub has oxygen until 2:30 p.m. ET on Thursday, if it's still intact, according to the U.S. Coast Guard

>>65180 ‘Acting As Police’: DCNF Reporter Describes How Chinese ‘Intelligence Service’ Quietly Operates In US

>>65184 Why was brand new Boeing 747 jet owned by Saudi Royals scrapped?

>>65185, Plane crash kills pilot from Discovery Channel show and Idaho hunting guide

updated dough



WAIT FOR IT, might be late

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9ecc4c No.65191

File: a5182176429bf6a⋯.png (157.35 KB,418x314,209:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19036742 (200712ZJUN23) Notable: #23376

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baker ghosting in 20

bread & dough up to date

have a good shift.

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9ecc4c No.65192

File: c237b79867d5e92⋯.png (188.44 KB,500x300,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19036796 (200753ZJUN23) Notable: 'No Chance' Of Extending Grain Deal, Set To Expire In July: Kremlin

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'No Chance' Of Extending Grain Deal, Set To Expire In July: Kremlin


Current extension expires July17...

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9ecc4c No.65193

File: 57c4122ffcc3ff6⋯.png (296.69 KB,778x454,389:227,Clipboard.png)

File: 8db12bae3130013⋯.png (2.08 MB,816x9175,816:9175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19036817 (200811ZJUN23) Notable: Chinese Fusion Centers’ In 7 US Cities

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Chinese Fusion Centers’ In 7 US Cities


RELATED: Photos Show DNCCP Rep Grace Meng Frequently Met With Chinese Fusion Center Director Arrested(?) By FBI


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9ecc4c No.65194

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19036851 (200835ZJUN23) Notable: this is what that "Titan" can looks like from the inside. Would never ever step into sth like this let alone get me underwater!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

omg. this is what that "Titan" can looks like from the inside. Would never ever step into sth like this let alone get me underwater!

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9ecc4c No.65195

File: 5055b4ead84de56⋯.png (46.07 KB,582x385,582:385,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19036882 (200903ZJUN23) Notable: OANN: U.N. Introduces ‘Automated Fact-Checking Tool’ To Combat What They Deem ‘Misinformation’

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One America News Network


U.N. Introduces ‘Automated Fact-Checking Tool’ To Combat What They Deem ‘Misinformation’ oann.com/newsroom/u-n-introduc #OAN

U.N. introduces ‘automated fact-checking tool’ to combat what they deem ‘misinformation’

In a collaboration with Big-Tech and Soros-funded organizations, the United Nations has introduced a new "automated" fact-checking program to combat so-called disinformation and hate speech on the internet.

One America News Network

Jun 19, 2023, 2:50 PM

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9ecc4c No.65196

File: 1b472d5218121ac⋯.png (420.09 KB,587x550,587:550,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19036883 (200904ZJUN23) Notable: United Nations Planning Digital ID Linked To Bank Accounts

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United Nations Planning Digital ID Linked To Bank Accounts


United Nations Planning Digital ID Linked To Bank Accounts

...can improve the delivery of social protection coverage and serve to better reach eligible beneficiaries...

10:00 PM · Jun 19, 2023




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9ecc4c No.65197

File: 503f6104af8bb9d⋯.png (406.13 KB,592x878,296:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19036885 (200905ZJUN23) Notable: In 2019, it was revealed that Jeffrey Epstein owned a second island across the channel from Little St. James called Great St. James Cay.

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MOAR: In 2019, it was revealed that Jeffrey Epstein owned a second island across the channel from Little St. James called Great St. James Cay.

The previous owner did not want to sell it to the convicted pedophile so Epstein set up an LLC making it appear the true owner would be Sultan Ahmed bin Sulayem. Sulayem confirmed Epstein asked if he could use his name for a business bid, and he claims he said no.

In 2005, Sulayem and Epstein sat next to each other at the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show in New York just a few seats away from Les Wexner.

This relationship goes deep!




Quote Tweet





WSJ: An internal JPMorgan report from 2019 found that Jeffrey Epstein had regularly given business advice to onetime JPMorgan executive, Jes Staley, and invited him to meetings with senior officials in foreign governments. The lead in this story is buried. The article states that… Show more




2:54 PM · Jun 19, 2023




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9ecc4c No.65198

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19036914 (200928ZJUN23) Notable: 'Islamic rape of Europe' Wave of Muslim rape cases across Europe.

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'Islamic rape of Europe' Wave of Muslim rape cases across Europe.

Muslims say they will make it legal to rape white women ...when they take over Europe

Europe is currently being overwhelmed by a wave of rape committed by Muslim migrants. Particularly in Scandinavian countries, the number of rapes of white women and girls is rising.

https://www.europarl.europa eu/doceo/document/E-8-2015-003081_EN.html

Migrant Muslims on the Prowl

Jan 20, 2022 — From London to Vienna to Stockholm, young migrant men, mostly from Muslim-majority countries, are targeting white women for sexual violence


'Islamic rape of Europe'...articles outlining the rape and sexual assault of European women said to have been carried out by migrant men.

Rising sexual violence in Europe—linked to young immigrant men—threatens women’s hard-earned rights and must not be ignored.


When Europe ignored the sex crimes of immigrants, all women suffered


The Influx of Immigrants into Europe and the Increase in Sexual Violence

Jun 14, 2022 — Hirsi Ali establishes a link between immigration and increasing sexual violence against women


Sweden's migrant rape crisis

Apr 7, 2021 — Was the 2015 European migration crisis followed by a surge in sex crime and sexual harassment?


Europe's governments may be desperate to cover it up but Cologne proves that many Muslim men have NO respect for white women - or the cultures of the countries they are invading. 100 attacks on women, and gangs 1,000-strong harassing and thieving from others. 'Arab or North African' men attacked dozens of white women. And still we are not supposed to talk about it.

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9ecc4c No.65199

File: ce17504b851720e⋯.png (751.66 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19036928 (200939ZJUN23) Notable: this is what that "Titan" can looks like from the inside. Would never ever step into sth like this let alone get me underwater!

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Former Navy officer, US congressman calls for deployment of nuclear sub to search for missing Titanic tour


Why would this guy want a nuke sub there?

It is not as if they don't know where the Titanic wreck is.

There is also the submarines 'mothership' right above the dive location.

This strikes me as an excuse to put a nuke sub in that location but for what purpose.

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9ecc4c No.65200

File: 4076f934d2e73eb⋯.png (208.65 KB,383x695,383:695,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19036936 (200945ZJUN23) Notable: THE headquarters of the Paris 2024 Olympics organising committee are being raided by police today.

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THE headquarters of the Paris 2024 Olympics organising committee are being raided by police today.

French authorities revealed they are raiding the offices in a probe into suspected corruption.

The organisers said that "a search is currently underway at the headquarters" in the Paris suburb of Saint-Denis. “Paris 2024 is cooperating fully with the investigators to facilitate their enquiries"


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9ecc4c No.65201

File: 4725087dab01318⋯.png (62.89 KB,385x346,385:346,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19036953 (200953ZJUN23) Notable: World Economic Forum - decode faces that you're seeing in your mind. Your PIN number to your bank account.

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World Economic Forum

decode faces that you're seeing in your mind. Your PIN number to your bank account.


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9ecc4c No.65202

File: f0c9604c424970d⋯.png (194.83 KB,619x304,619:304,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037014 (201025ZJUN23) Notable: this is what that "Titan" can looks like from the inside. Would never ever step into sth like this let alone get me underwater!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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9ecc4c No.65203

File: 7178acd57e16c27⋯.jpeg (108.61 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037031 (201032ZJUN23) Notable: Russia calls on Ukrainian diplomats to defect

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20 Jun, 2023 08:52

Russia calls on Ukrainian diplomats to defect

Kiev is conducting a “purge” of anyone it perceives as disloyal, Moscow’s foreign intelligence agency has claimed

The Ukrainian government is increasinglyscrutinizing officials stationed abroad for potential disloyalty, the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) has claimed. The head of the agency, Sergey Naryshkin, urged targets of the “purge” to flee to Russia.

The alleged campaign by Kievstems from the “degradation of the domestic politicaland social economic situation in Ukraine,” a message released by the SVR to the Russian media on Tuesday said.

Ukrainian government employees, including those serving in the diplomatic corps, the military and special services,often try to avoid returning to their homelandfrom working trips abroad, Naryshkin claimed.

“If you feel responsible for the fate of your nation, for providing peace and stability in Europe, and feel pressured by the criminal Kiev regime, which leads Ukraine to a national catastrophe,come to Moscow, where the safety of yourself and of your loved ones will be guaranteed,” the statement read.

The government of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has been increasingly tough on any critics of its policies. The process began before Russia launched its military operation in Ukraine, with Kiev banning opposition parties and cracking down onmedia outlets that it branded “pro-Russian.”

Among the latest legislative initiatives by the president’s faction in the parliament is a draft law that seeks tocriminalize any publication online of “destructive information.” If adopted, such actions could be punished by to seven years in prison and the seizure of the offender’s property. Sponsors of the bill, which was introduced in April, specifically cited theoperators of “bot farms” critical of Zelenskyas the intended targets.

(SeeEyeAye is losing influence)


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9ecc4c No.65204

File: 60636c14ca30662⋯.jpg (33.5 KB,480x480,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037073 (201053ZJUN23) Notable: Andrew and Tristan Tate indicted on rape, human trafficking, organized crime charges

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Andrew and Tristan Tate indicted on rape, human trafficking, organized crime charges

Influencer Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan Tate were indicted Tuesday by Romanian authorities on charges of rape, human trafficking and organized crime, officials said.

Two associates of the Tate brothers were also charged. Everyone who was indicted has denied the allegations, according to the BBC.

The Tate brothers were arrested in 2022 in Romania as officials pursued an investigation into the alleged crimes. They were released on house arrest in March.

The indictment states that the four defendants created an organized criminal group in 2021 to traffic people in Romania and several other countries, including the United States and the United Kingdom. It also names seven people who accused the state brothers of recruiting them by falsely promising love and marriage.

The trial is expected to last several years, according to the British outlet.


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9ecc4c No.65205

File: ae2faf9b43dab1b⋯.png (705.58 KB,1169x652,1169:652,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037138 (201125ZJUN23) Notable: James O’Keefe Teases ‘Biggest Story Yet Into the Most Power Institutional Yet’

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WATCH: James O’Keefe Teases ‘Biggest Story Yet Into the Most Power Institutional Yet’


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9ecc4c No.65206

File: 46219299b745a96⋯.jpeg (99.49 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037142 (201125ZJUN23) Notable: Biden compares himself to Kissinger

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20 Jun, 2023 11:09

Biden compares himself to Kissinger

The US president claims nobody alive matches his foreign policy expertise

US President Joe Biden has boasted about his vast foreign policy experience during a fundraiser for his 2024 re-election campaign, claiming that even veteran diplomat Henry Kissinger, who turned 100 in May, couldn’t surpass him.

I’m going to say something outrageous. I think I know as much about American foreign policy as anybody living, including Dr. Kissinger,”Biden said during an event in Atherton, California on Monday.

“That’s what I’ve done my whole life, for thelast 207 years,” he joked. The US leader, who is actually 80 years old, and has been a politician at the national level for 50 years. He also held the post of vice president in the Obama administration between 2009 and 2017 and was a US Senator for Delaware from 1973 until 2009.

Biden might be the oldest US president, but he’s still 20 years younger than Kissinger, who was US Secretary of State and National Security Adviser in the Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford administrations in the 1970s. Kissinger has remained an influential figure since then. The diplomat was awarded the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize for his involvement in negotiating a ceasefire in Vietnam.

Speaking about his recent foreign policy achievements,Biden mentioned that a split in NATO has been avoided amid the conflict in Ukraine. “If you notice, [Russian president Vladimir] Putin was virtually certain when he invaded that he was going to split NATO. NATO is more united than it’s ever been,” he said. (Pathological liar!)

When Russia launched its military operation in Ukraine in February 2022 it singled out demilitarization and “denazification” of the neighboring country as well as making sure it officially declares neutrality and never joins NATO among its main goals. Last week, Putin stressed that those objectives were“fundamental” for Moscow and that they won’t be changed.

In his interview with the Wall Street Journal last month,Kissingersuggested that the promise made by the West toUkrainein 2008 that it mightjoin NATOsomeday was“a grave mistake” that led to the current fighting between Moscow and Kiev. At the same time, he insisted that – as things stand at the moment – peace in Europe would be impossible without Ukraine joining the alliance.

(The only thing he knows about foreign policy is the US threatens and bribes countries and then he and his family steals the money back.)


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9ecc4c No.65207

File: 4dcda144fe9804f⋯.webp (25 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037200 (201148ZJUN23) Notable: Worth Repeating: Tony Blinken made this announcement from mainland China, “We do not support Taiwan independence.”

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“We Do Not Support Taiwan Independence” – Tony Blinken Gives Green Light to Chicoms to Invade Taiwan (VIDEO)

Secretary of State Tony Blinken traveled to China this past weekend to give the green light to the communist regime to invade Taiwan.

The Biden regime is destroying America from within and surrendering our principles and leadership on the international stage at the same time.

As Steve Bannon says, “Elections have consequences. Stolen elections have catastrophic consequences.”

Tony Blinken made this announcement from mainland China, “We do not support Taiwan independence.”


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9ecc4c No.65208

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037256 (201201ZJUN23) Notable: "Kids, ‘drugs, sex toys,’ dead man in South Boston apartment: ‘Sickening’ "

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a Boston Herald headline.

"Kids, ‘drugs, sex toys,’ dead man in South Boston apartment: ‘Sickening’ "

reading between the lines in this article . . . gives insight.

what they don't say out loud might DRAG the story into that territory where they are called 'haters'

Dead man was in a wig.

Adults 'appeared to be men'.

they hide 4 children, ages, 5-10 in a room.

were uncooperative with the EMT's


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9ecc4c No.65209

File: 246f9b03d19de57⋯.png (1.02 MB,1250x650,25:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037271 (201205ZJUN23) Notable: 21 Federal Agencies Promote Pride Month With Taxpayer Dollars

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21 Federal Agencies Promote Pride Month With Taxpayer Dollars

Though this list is not exhaustive, here are 21 federal and federally funded organizations that promote Pride Month with taxpayer dollars:

The Smithsonian Museums: The taxpayer-funded museums offer a lineup of LGBTQ events for the month of June, including sexuality talks and “drag story hours” featuring “drag queens” reading books to children.

CIA: The Central Intelligence Agency announced its support for Pride Month with a puzzling theme: “WELCO-ME.” The acronym stands for “Wellness Equity LGBTQ+ Community Openness ME,” according to the Twitter post.

FBI: The bureau announced its support of Pride Month on Twitter by thanking its LGBTQ employees for their service, dedication, and “perspectives.” While the bureau accepts LGBTQ perspectives, it has actively targeted Catholic perspectives.

Department of Labor: This Pride Month, the Department of Labor says that it will “joyfully celebrate” LGBTQ employees by offering “guidance to workforce development on gender identity, gender expression, and sex stereotyping.”

Department of State: On Twitter, the State Department encouraged individuals to view their “LGBTQI+ travel safety page.” It said in a press statement, “We strongly oppose the ‘otherization’ of LGBTQI+ persons to justify authoritarian power grabs and attacks on institutions of democracy globally.”

Department of Education: Rather than focus on increasing the overall math, science, or literary scores of American children, the Department of Education decided it was more important to create this pride post on Twitter: “Our message to LGBTQI+ students, teachers, and staff as we begin #PrideMonth: ED has got your back.”

Department of Agriculture: The Department of Agriculture connected pride to farming in a Twitter post that showed a poster with the words “2023 Pride Month: Changing the Landscape.”

U.S. Agency for International Development: This federally funded world development organization claims that its “efforts are both from and for the American people.” It released its “first-ever LGBTQI+ Inclusive Development Policy” and is giving money through the organization’s “Rainbow Fund” to missions that “integrate LGBTQI+ considerations into their programming.”

NASA: Johnson Space Center celebrates Pride Month by participating in Houston’s parade and events and by permitting employees to wear LGBTQ attire on Wednesdays during June. It also has various employee LGBTQ-themed socials planned.

USPS: The Postal Service continues to promote Pride Month through LGBTQ-themed stamps. The USPS announced these pride stamps via a post on Twitter: “We’re proud to continue honoring influential groundbreakers like Harvey Milk, Sally Ride, Isadora Duncan, Ellsworth Kelly, and Emilio Sanchez on our stamps and your envelopes.” The Postal Service also posted on June 8 that it offers special scholarships for LGBTQ individuals.

Veterans Affairs: Under the theme “We All Have a Seat at the Table,” the United States Department of Veterans Affairs is holding its third annual “virtual Pride Month.” This monthlong event features online seminars on topics that include “A Legal Guide to LGBTQ Couples,” “Healthcare and Fertility Preservation for Transgender Patients,” and “A Clinical Guide to Gender-Affirming Prosthetics,” to name a few.

Army: Instead of producing its own Twitter post, the Army retweeted Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin’s press release honoring “LGBTQ Service Members.”


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9ecc4c No.65210

File: 80b6568e272d325⋯.png (305.01 KB,430x461,430:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037317 (201215ZJUN23) Notable: this is what that "Titan" can looks like from the inside. Would never ever step into sth like this let alone get me underwater!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Stockton Rush, CEO of OceanGate, the company responsible for the operation of the lost sub, was involved in Anti-Satellite Missile testing.

In 1984, Rush joined the McDonnell Douglas Corporation as a Flight Test Engineer on the F-15 program. During this time, he spent two years at Edwards Air Force Base on the APG-63 radar test program and then on the Anti-Satellite Missile Program as the sole full-time representative of McDonnell Douglas.

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9ecc4c No.65211

File: 6d40c09b30ae08d⋯.png (146.88 KB,679x485,7:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037331 (201217ZJUN23) Notable: Walensky knew about vax "breakthrough" infections in January 2021. So did Tony Fauci.

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Walensky knew about vax "breakthrough" infections in January 2021. So did Tony Fauci.

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9ecc4c No.65212

File: 482599f70caeaeb⋯.jpeg (1.21 MB,1621x1640,1621:1640,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037356 (201222ZJUN23) Notable: Andrew and Tristan Tate indicted on rape, human trafficking, organized crime charges

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Romanian prosecutors send Andrew Tate to trial for human trafficking


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9ecc4c No.65213

File: c67f439dc2315f4⋯.jpeg (342.31 KB,1241x1289,1241:1289,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6c1e2506f93c79e⋯.jpeg (368.35 KB,1242x1481,1242:1481,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037389 (201229ZJUN23) Notable: They will always have another indictment up their sleeve, when is the SC do something about this persecution

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They will always have another indictment up their sleeve, when is the SC do something about this persecution


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9ecc4c No.65214

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037465 (201245ZJUN23) Notable: Today's Swamp Schedule

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bunker down for me so posting today's news here

txt file:


The Swamp Today

Timelines Change.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

The House Stands Adjourned Until June 20, 2023 at 12:00 PM EDT

The Senate Stands Adjourned Until June 20, 2023 at 3:00 PM EDT

Secretary Antony J. Blinken is on travel to the People’s Republic of China and the United Kingdom from June 16-21, 2023.

Deputy Secretary of State Wendy R. Sherman has no public appointments.

Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources Richard R. Verma attends meetings and briefings at the Department of State.

Under Secretary for Political Affairs Victoria J. Nuland attends meetings and briefings at the Department of State.

Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs Elizabeth Allen is on travel to France from June 19-21, 2023.

Assistant Secretary for Energy Resources Geoffrey R. Pyatt is on travel to Nigeria from June 18-20, 2023.

Acting Assistant Secretary for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs Jennifer R. Littlejohn is on travel to Laos, Thailand, and Indonesia from June 19-24, 2023.

. . .

Daily Weather Map

National Centers for Environvmental Prediction, Weather Prediction Center


National Forecast Charts

National Centers for Environmental Prediction, Weather Prediction Center


A.F. Branco Cartoon – Blood Money


RealityBites by Broc Smith - Those Who Can’t Accept Reality


Steve Breen @sdutBreen - #homelessness


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Congressional Record (Most Recent Issue)


60-Second Civics Podcast


Today in History - June 20


Most-Viewed Bills

The Congress.gov Top Ten Most-Viewed Bills List Is Compiled Each Monday From the Previous Week's Metrics.


NOAA Tide Predictions - Washington DC

Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


NOAA Observed Water Levels - Station 8594900 Washington DC

Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration



June 20, 2023 - June 21, 2023

IEC Board (IB) Meeting

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)


June 20, 2023 - June 22, 2023

Global Congress on Implementation of the International Code of Marketing of Breast-Milk Substitutes

World Health Organization of the United Nations (WHO)


June 20, 2023 - June 22, 2023

1st Meeting of the Technical Advisory Group on Gestational Weight Gain (TAG-GWG)

World Health Organization of the United Nations (WHO)


June 20, 2023 - June 22, 2023

Summit 2023: Resilient Space for Strategic Operations

Association of Old Crows


June 20, 2023

Needs Assessment & Community Engagement, Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996

Association of Alaska Housing Authorities' (AAHA)


1 and txt file

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9ecc4c No.65215

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037469 (201245ZJUN23) Notable: Today's Swamp Schedule

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June 20, 2023

Deadline for DOJ to to Provide an Unredacted Copy of the Memorandum Detailing the Scope of Special Counsel Robert Hur's Investigation Into President Joe Biden's Handling of Classified Documents

House Judiciary Committee


June 20, 2023

American Eagle Day in the United States


June 20, 2023


First Lady Hosts Conversation on Impact Supreme Court Abortion Decision

First Lady Jill Biden hosts a conversation at the White House on the impact of the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.


3:30 AM EDT

UNDP: Press Conference - Ukraine Recovery Conference 2023

United Nations


3:15 AM EDT

Global Wealth Strategy Summit 2023 - the World and Your Family's Wealth

Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum (OMFIF)


3:35 AM EDT

Reel America: Southern Folk Art with Photographer Roland Freeman - 1983. In this 1983 U.S. Information Agency film, photographer Roland Freeman recounted his experience documenting African American folk arts in the South and a trip to Nigeria. This film was originally called "Country Roads and City Pavements with Roland L. Freeman." Reel America is an American History TV series featuring 20th century archival films.

American History/BookTV


4:00 AM EDT

1st Meeting of the Humanitarian Affairs Segment 2023

United Nations


4:00 AM EDT

3rd Meeting - 53rd Regular Session of Human Rights Council

United Nations


4:00 AM EDT

[1st Meeting] Fifth Intersessional Consultation of the Ad Hoc Committee to Elaborate a Comprehensive International Convention on Countering the Use of Information and Communications Technologies for Criminal Purposes

United Nations


6:00 AM EDT

Press Conference by the Secretary General and the German Defence Minister at the Jagel Air Base

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)



6:00 AM EDT

Dialogue on Climate Risks in Investments: Transgabonaise Road PPP Project

Global Center on Adaptation (GCA)


6:45 AM EDT

Secretary Antony J. Blinken tours the Ukrainian Welcome Centre with UK Foreign Secretary James Cleverly

London, United Kingdom


7:00 AM EDT

Washington Journal: Open Phones

Viewers responded to the question “What’s your view of climate change?”


7:35 AM EDT

Secretary Antony J. Blinken participates in a working lunch with UK Foreign Secretary James Cleverly

London, United Kingdom


8:00 AM EDT

Washington Journal: Jamil Jaffer Discusses the Trump Indictment & Classified Documents

George Mason University’s Jamil Jaffer discusses the federal indictment of former President Trump and legal issues involving the classified documents in the case.


8:00 AM EDT

Multilateral Development Bank Reform in a Climate-Changed World: A Panel Discussion With ADB President Masatsugu Asakawa

Overseas Development Institute



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9ecc4c No.65216

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037471 (201246ZJUN23) Notable: Today's Swamp Schedule

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8:00 AM EDT

A Celebration of Excellence: Honoring Charlie Allen

Intelligence and National Security Alliance (INSA)


8:00 AM EDT

Governance and Culture Reform Conference

Federal Reserve Bank of New York


8:00 AM EDT

OHCHR - Press Conference: Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory: The Findings of the Commission of Inquiry's Latest Annual Report

United Nations


8:00 AM EDT

International Dimension on the Combatting of Terrorism (Challenges and Good Practices) (2023 Counter-Terrorism Week Side-Event)

United Nations



8:00 AM EDT

Compendium of Good Practices for Measuring Results in Counter-Terrorism and Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism: A Joint EU-UN Publication

United Nations


8:00 AM EDT

Inclusive Civil Society Engagement to Support Rights-based Counterterrorism Efforts at the United Nations: A Vision Forward (2023 Counter-Terrorism Week Side-Event)

United Nations



8:25 AM EDT

Secretary Antony J. Blinken participates in a joint press availability with UK Foreign Secretary James Cleverly.

London, United Kingdom


8:30 AM EDT

Wee the People: Conservation in the Classroom

LBJ Presidential Library


8:30 AM EDT

2023 Economic Indicator Release: New Residential Construction (Building Permits, Housing Starts, and Housing Completions) April 2023

US Census Bureau, Department of Commerce


8:45 AM EDT

Washington Journal: Open Phones

Join us with your calls and comments on social media as we review the latest news headlines out of Washington.


8:45 AM EDT

Joint media engagement by the Secretary General and the German Defence Minister at the Flensburger Fahrzeugbau Gesellschaft (FFG)

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)



9:00 AM EDT

Restarting the Dialogue: A Conversation With Gabriel Escobar and Miroslav Lajcak

Atlantic Council



9:00 AM EDT

[2nd Meeting] Fifth Intersessional Consultation of the Ad Hoc Committee to Elaborate a Comprehensive International Convention on Countering the Use of Information and Communications Technologies for Criminal Purposes

United Nations


9:00 AM EDT

2nd Meeting of the Humanitarian Affairs Segment 2023

United Nations


9:00 AM EDT

UN DESA Global Policy Dialogues to Turbocharge SDG Implementation - Session 1: Accelerating Clean Water and Energy for All: Exploring SDGs 6 and 7

United Nations


9:00 AM EDT

Inclusive Civil Society Engagement to Support Rights-based Counterterrorism Efforts at the United Nations: A Vision Forward (2023 Counter-Terrorism Week Side-Event)

United Nations


9:00 AM EDT

Lost in Transcription: How the Viral Transcription Factor VP30 Regulates Filoviral RNA Synthesis

National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9ecc4c No.65217

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037473 (201246ZJUN23) Notable: Today's Swamp Schedule

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9:15 AM EDT

Washington Journal: Lisa Hamilton Discusses the Cost of Child Care & the Economy

Annie E. Casey Foundation President & CEO Lisa Hamilton discusses how the cost and lack of child care impacts families and the economy.


9:30 AM EDT

Women, Wagner Group, and War Crimes – Applying a Gender Lens to Russian Aggression in Ukraine and Syria

McCain Institute for International Leadership


9:30 AM EDT

Book Talk | Cooperating for the Climate with Joanna Lewis

Woodrow Wilson Center


9:50 AM EDT

MDW CSM Change of Responsibility

U. S. Army Military District of Washington


10:00 AM EDT

Strategic Investments in Surveillance for Pandemic Preparedness

Center for Global Development



10:00 AM EDT

Geopolitical Reverberations of the Iraq War - The MENA Region

Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health


10:00 AM EDT

Promoting Competition in Banking

Brookings Institution


10:00 AM EDT

Violence and Social Transformation in Libya

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace



10:00 AM EDT

2nd Meeting, UN Women Executive Board, Annual Session 2023 (19-21 June)

United Nations


10:00 AM EDT

Special Committee on Decolonization (C-24) - 7th Plenary Meeting, 2023 Resumed Session

United Nations


10:00 AM EDT

Intergovernmental Conference on Marine Biodiversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (Resumed Fifth Session, 73rd Plenary)

United Nations


10:00 AM EDT

Veterans Benefits Seminar - St. Johnsbury, Vermont

Veterans Administration


10:00 AM EDT

2023 Economic Indicator Release: Business Formation Statistics April 2023

US Census Bureau, Department of Commerce


10:00 AM EDT

2nd Annual Graduate Programs in Biomedical Sciences at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USU) Graduate Programs Summer Open House

National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services


10:25 AM EDT

Secretary Antony J. Blinken holds a meet and greet with employees and families of U.S. Embassy London

London, United Kingdom


11:00 AM EDT

A New Playbook for Human Dignity With Former NFL Player Ben Watson

Heritage Foundation


11:00 AM EDT

Voices Behind the News: Promoting Freedom of Expression & Strengthening Independent Media in Central America

Woodrow Wilson Center


11:00 AM EDT

Combating Global Food Insecurity Amidst Ukraine War and Rising Inflation

Washington Post Live




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9ecc4c No.65218

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037478 (201247ZJUN23) Notable: Today's Swamp Schedule

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11:00 AM EDT

House Republican Conference Chair on the Pro-Life Movement

House Republican Conference Chair Elise Stefanik (NY) discusses the pro-life movement a year after the Supreme Court ruled that the Constitution does not protect the right to abortion.


11:00 AM EDT

NHLBI Obesity, Nutrition and Physical Activity Seminar: Advancing Understanding of Sedentary Behavior and Cardiovascular Risk Across the Lifespan - NIH Only

National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services




11:00 AM EDT

Getting the Right Evidence to Decision-Makers Faster: Insights from the NIH Pragmatic Trials Collaboratory (Day 1)

National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services



11:00 AM EDT

PACT Act Resource Fair - Rogers City, Michigan

Veterans Administration


11:00 AM EDT

PACT Act Info Day - LaSalle VA Clinic, Peru, Illinois

Veterans Administration


11:15 AM EDT

Secretary Antony J. Blinken meets with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba

London, United Kingdom


11:30 AM EDT

Symposium - United Nations Emergency Peace Service: Rapid Response to Prevent Genocide and Protect Human Rights

The Bush School of Government and Public Service, Texas A&M University



12:00 PM EDT

Genomics for the Well-Being of Autistic People: Challenges and Recommendations

Autism Intervention Research Network on Physical Health (AIR-P)


12:00 PM EDT

Our BIGGEST story yet.. James O’Keefe’s most powerful subject to date.. EXPOSED.. on Tuesday, June 20th.

O'Keefe Media Group

>>65150 pb



12:00 PM EDT

RCR at Children's National: "Kids Are Not Small Adults: Ethical Considerations in Clinical Research"

The George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health



12:00 PM EDT

Daily Press Briefing by the Spokesperson of the Secretary-General and the Spokesperson for the President of the General Assembly.

United Nations


12:00 PM EDT

Become a Patent Examiner

United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)


12:00 PM EDT

Veterans Benefits Seminar - Deadwood, South Dakota

Veterans Administration


12:00 PM EDT

Worklife Enrichment (WE) Committee Event - Alzheimer's Presentation. Guest Speaker: Derek McLean - NIH Only

National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services


12:00 PM EDT

Music in the Atrium

National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services


12:00 PM EDT

U.S. House of Representatives: Morning Hour

The House will consider several veterans-related bills including authorizing funding to construct or renovate seven major VA medical facilities and the Boots to Business Program, which provides entrepreneurship training to veterans.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9ecc4c No.65219

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037483 (201247ZJUN23) Notable: Today's Swamp Schedule

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12:30 PM EDT

Section 230 and the Public Interest: Proceed with Caution

New America



Discussion on Social Media Regulation

Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) is among those speaking at a discussion hosted by New America and the Wikimedia Foundation on potential federal regulation of social media platforms.


12:30 PM EDT

Discussion on U.S.-Taiwan Relations and the China Challenge

The Council on Foreign Relations hosts a discussion with members of their Taiwan task force to discuss U.S.-Taiwan relations and the challenges posed by China.


1:00 PM EDT

Facebook Whistleblower Frances Haugen on Social Media Accountability and Transparency

Washington Post Live



1:00 PM EDT

Launch – New Economy for the Brazilian Amazon (NEA-BR)

World Resources Institute (WRI)


1:00 PM EDT

Elevating Women’s Leadership for Effective Transboundary Water Cooperation

United States Institute of Peace


1:00 PM EDT

Central Dogma of Molecular Biology: Analyzing DNA, RNA, and Proteins

National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services


1:00 PM EDT

Evaluating With Limited Resources

National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services


1:00 PM EDT

Using Medicare Part D Claims in SEER MHOS: a Guide for Researchers

National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services


1:00 PM EDT

Building an Inclusive Workplace for Employees (ID: 00246967)

National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services


1:00 PM EDT

Secretary Antony J. Blinken attends a reception hosted by King Charles III

London, United Kingdom


1:00 PM EDT

The President receives the Presidential Daily Briefing

Official Schedule


1:15 PM EDT

High-Level Forum on Strengthening Cooperation to Enhance Terrorism Responses in Africa (2023 Counter-Terrorism Week Side-Event)

United Nations



1:15 PM EDT

Building Best Practice and Using Human Rights-Compliant, Digital Methods to Address the Evolving Threat From Terrorist Financing

United Nations


2:00 PM EDT

The Two World Wars, Genocide, and the Ukraine War: A Raymond Aron Lecture Featuring Annette Becker and Omer Bartov

Brookings Institution


2:00 PM EDT

Can the Russian General Staff—the 'Brain' of the Russian Military—Enact Meaningful Reform?

RAND's International Security and Defense Policy Program


2:00 PM EDT

Congress.gov Webinar

Library of Congress


2:00 PM EDT

Launch of SGMRO Sexual & Gender Minority Methods & Measurement Website

National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9ecc4c No.65220

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037485 (201248ZJUN23) Notable: Today's Swamp Schedule

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2:00 PM EDT

NCI Emerging Technologies Seminar: Multiplexed EV Analysis for Early Cancer Detection

National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services


2:00 PM EDT

Mapping Disease Trajectories in Drug Discovery: Intersecting the Genome, Phenome, Exposome, and Psychome in Biomedical Research

National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services


2:00 PM EDT

U.S. House of Representatives: House Session

The House will consider several veterans-related bills including authorizing funding to construct or renovate seven major VA medical facilities and the Boots to Business Program, which provides entrepreneurship training to veterans.


2:30 PM EDT

"Free Versus Regulated Banking" with Chris Silber

American Institute for Economic Research


3:00 PM EDT

Using Data To Make Implementation Happen

Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


3:00 PM EDT

Strengthening Kindergarten to Improve Children's PreK-3rd Grade Experiences

New America


3:00 PM EDT

3rd Meeting, UN Women Executive Board, Annual Session 2023 (19-21 June)

United Nations


3:00 PM EDT

Special Committee on Decolonization (C-24) - 8th Plenary Meeting, 2023 Resumed Session

United Nations


3:00 PM EDT

Intergovernmental Conference on Marine Biodiversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (Resumed Fifth Session, 74th plenary)

United Nations


3:00 PM EDT

(Session 4 & Closing) Third UN High-Level Conference of Heads of Counter-Terrorism Agencies of Member States

United Nations


3:00 PM EDT

Out-of-Town Pool Call Time

Official Schedule


3:00 PM EDT

U.S. Senate: Senate Session

The Senate will continue work on judicial nominations.


3:00 PM EDT

The Status of VA Financial Management Business Transformation

House Veterans' Affairs Committee




Ms. Teresa Riffel

Deputy Assistant Secretary for Financial Management Business Transformation

Financial Management Business Transformation Service

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs


Accompanied by:

Mr. Charles Tapp II

Chief Financial Officer

Veterans Benefits Administration

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs


Mr. Daniel McCune

Deputy Chief Information Officer, Software Product Management

Office of Information & Technology

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs


Mr. Sidney Getz

Senior Vice President

CGI Federal


Mr. Nick Dahl

Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Audits and Evaluations

Office of Inspector General

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs






Veterans Affairs Officials Testify on the Agency's Financial Management

Veterans Affairs Department officials testify at a House Veterans' Affairs subcommittee hearing on efforts to improve financial management of the Executive Branch agency.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9ecc4c No.65221

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037490 (201248ZJUN23) Notable: Today's Swamp Schedule

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3:00 PM EDT

H.R. 3799 - CHOICE Arrangement Act; H. Res. 461 - Condemning the use of elementary and secondary school facilities to provide shelter for aliens who are not admitted to the United States.; H.R. 3564 - Middle Class Borrower Protection Act of 2023

House Rules Committee


H.R. 3799 - CHOICE Arrangement Act



H. Res. 461 - Condemning the use of elementary and secondary school facilities to provide shelter for aliens who are not admitted to the United States.



H.R. 3564 - Middle Class Borrower Protection Act of 2023





3:00 PM EDT

Special Counsel John Durham (CLOSED)

House Intelligence (Permanent Select) Committee



The Honorable John Durham

Special Counsel







House Intelligence Committee Mbr. Reaction to Closed Hearing with John Durham

Members of the House Intelligence Committee speak to reporters after holding a closed hearing with former Justice Department Special Counsel John Durham, who investigated the FBI’s investigation of Russian interference in 2016 presidential election.


3:30 PM EDT

Financing the Energy Transition: A Policy Leadership Series Event with Jigar Shah

Resources for the Future


4:00 PM EDT

Genomics for the Well-Being of Autistic People: Challenges and Recommendations

Autism Intervention Research on Physical Health (AIR-P)


4:00 PM EDT

President Biden Participates in a Meeting on Artificial Intelligence with Civil Society Leaders

President Biden discusses his Administration’s commitment to seizing the opportunities and managing the risks of Artificial Intelligence.

San Francisco, CA



4:45 PM EDT

Closed Hearings to Examine Proposed Budget Estimates and Justification for Fiscal Year 2024 for the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency

Senate Appropriations Committee



5:00 PM EDT

Deadline for Attorney General Merrick Garland to provide an unredacted copy of the memorandum detailing the scope of special counsel Robert Hur's investigation into President Joe Biden's handling of classified documents.

House Judiciary Committee



5:00 PM EDT

Deadline for White House Executive Office of the President (EOP) to provide documents and communications re: Biden Administration's use of counterterrorism and criminal tools against parents exercising their First Amendment rights at school board meetings.

House Judiciary Committee




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9ecc4c No.65222

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037493 (201249ZJUN23) Notable: Today's Swamp Schedule

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5:00 PM EDT

Deadline for the Justice Department to provide documents and memo outlining scope of special counsel Jack Smith's investigation into Trump's classified documents found during FBI raid at hMar-a-Lago.

House Judiciary Committee


5:00 PM EDT

Closed Business Meeting to Markup Those Provisions Which Fall Under the Subcommittee's Jurisdiction of the Proposed National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024.

Senate Armed Services Committee Subcommittee on Airland



5:15 PM EDT

Online Is Offline - the Interrelation and Interconnection Between Online Extremism and Offline Terrorism (2023 Counter-Terrorism Week Side-Event)

United Nations



5:15 PM EDT

Transnational Linkages Between Violence-Oriented Right-Wing Extremism/Terrorism and Organized Crime: Challenges and Opportunities for Multilateral and Institutional Cooperation (2023 Counter-Terrorism Week Side-Event)

United Nations




5:30 PM EDT

"The Status of Liberty in South Carolina" With Wendy Damron

American Institute for Economic Research


5:30 PM EDT

Closed Business Meeting to Markup Those Provisions Which Fall Under the Subcommittee's Jurisdiction of the Proposed National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024.

Senate Armed Services Committee Subcommittee on Strategic Forces



5:30 PM EDT

The President departs San Francisco, California en route to Larkspur, California

Official Schedule


6:00 PM EDT

Special Event: Health Affairs Insider Virtual Networking Event

Health Affairs


6:00 PM EDT

Aspen Words' Book Ball Benefit Dinner 2023

The Aspen Institute


6:00 PM EDT

Resolved: Israel Is Strong Because It Is Homogeneous

The Institute on Religion and Democracy


6:10 PM EDT

The President arrives in Larkspur, California

Official Schedule


7:00 PM EDT

Mattie Kahn at Harvard Book Store presenting Young and Restless: The Girls Who Sparked America's Revolutions




Mattie Kahn, "Young and Restless - The Girls Who Sparked America's Revolutions"

Author Mattie Kahn talks about the story of young girls who helped to ignite key social movements in American history.


7:15 PM EDT

The President participates in a campaign reception

Official Schedule


7:30 PM EDT

Diana Goetsch: This Body I Wore




Diana Goetsch, "This Body I Wore - A Memoir"

Poet and writer Diana Goetsch speaks about her gender transition late in life.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9ecc4c No.65223

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037513 (201251ZJUN23) Notable: #23376

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

final bun for #23377

warp speed collection and got rid of the cp

czech em

#23376 >>65191

>>65192 'No Chance' Of Extending Grain Deal, Set To Expire In July: Kremlin

>>65193 Chinese Fusion Centers’ In 7 US Cities

>>65194, >>65199, >>65202, >>65210 this is what that "Titan" can looks like from the inside. Would never ever step into sth like this let alone get me underwater!

>>65195 OANN: U.N. Introduces ‘Automated Fact-Checking Tool’ To Combat What They Deem ‘Misinformation’

>>65196 United Nations Planning Digital ID Linked To Bank Accounts

>>65197 In 2019, it was revealed that Jeffrey Epstein owned a second island across the channel from Little St. James called Great St. James Cay.

>>65198 'Islamic rape of Europe' Wave of Muslim rape cases across Europe.

>>65200 THE headquarters of the Paris 2024 Olympics organising committee are being raided by police today.

>>65201 World Economic Forum - decode faces that you're seeing in your mind. Your PIN number to your bank account.

>>65203 Russia calls on Ukrainian diplomats to defect

>>65204, >>65212 Andrew and Tristan Tate indicted on rape, human trafficking, organized crime charges

>>65205 James O’Keefe Teases ‘Biggest Story Yet Into the Most Power Institutional Yet’

>>65206 Biden compares himself to Kissinger

>>65207 Worth Repeating: Tony Blinken made this announcement from mainland China, “We do not support Taiwan independence.”

>>65208 "Kids, ‘drugs, sex toys,’ dead man in South Boston apartment: ‘Sickening’ "

>>65209 21 Federal Agencies Promote Pride Month With Taxpayer Dollars

>>65211 Walensky knew about vax "breakthrough" infections in January 2021. So did Tony Fauci.

>>65213 They will always have another indictment up their sleeve, when is the SC do something about this persecution

>>65214, >>65215, >>65216, >>65217, >>65218, >>65219, >>65220, >>65221, >>65222 Today's Swamp Schedule

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9ecc4c No.65224

File: be36857342604c8⋯.png (882.75 KB,1203x802,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: e3ea21a805466c7⋯.jpg (57.87 KB,550x366,275:183,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037544 (201255ZJUN23) Notable: #23377

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Baker Requesting Handoff

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9ecc4c No.65225

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037567 (201301ZJUN23) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 06/20/2023

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Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 06/20/2023


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9ecc4c No.65226

File: 0785ddc70d453b2⋯.png (105.56 KB,1196x574,598:287,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037577 (201304ZJUN23) Notable: The judge in the classified documents case has set an August 14th trial date for Donald Trump

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>BREAKING: The judge in the classified documents case has set an August 14th trial date for Donald Trump

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9ecc4c No.65227

File: e76b791cd8294ea⋯.jpeg (266.61 KB,1241x1033,1241:1033,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8fb0d1746af7eb0⋯.jpeg (383.2 KB,1103x1558,1103:1558,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037579 (201305ZJUN23) Notable: The purpose of popularizing a holiday no one had ever heard of which focused on slavery a few weeks ahead of Independence Day was always to replace July 4th

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Michael Knowles


It's astounding how many conservatives don't understand this. It's even in theofficial name, "Juneteenth National Independence Day."

Auron MacIntyre


For those who need it spelled out for them:The purpose of popularizing a holiday no one had ever heard of which focused on slavery a few weeks ahead of Independence Day was always to replace July 4th

1:31 PM · Jun 19, 2023




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9ecc4c No.65228

File: 2c9550c82c42ab0⋯.png (364.98 KB,768x402,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037616 (201315ZJUN23) Notable: Trump can't win': Koch network releases ads targeting ex-president

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/19036819 (lb)

Trump can't win': Koch network releases ads targeting ex-president

Story by Brian Schwartz • Jun 12

The political arm of the network backed by billionaire Charles Koch is releasing a slate of digital ads in key states aimed at former President Donald Trump.

The ads argue a Trump nomination in 2024 would effectively give President Joe Biden a second term.

The digital ads, one of which is called "Biden's Secret Weapon," are targeted at voters in Iowa, South Carolina, New Hampshire and Nevada, all key primary and caucus states.

The political network financed largely by billionaire Charles Koch is launching a wave of digital ads targeting former President Donald Trump.

The ads argue that if Trump becomes the Republican nominee next year, it will lead to President Joe Biden winning reelection.

Americans for Prosperity Action, a super PAC that received millions of dollars during the 2022 election cycle from the Charles Koch-chaired Koch Industries and the Koch-backed Stand Together Chamber of Commerce, gave CNBC a first look at some of the new digital ads.

Koch, who's worth more than $60 billion, and his network notched several wins while Trump was in office, including tax cuts and the appointments of multiple conservative Supreme Court justices. The network traditionally backs Republican candidates.

But Koch's group also had its differences with the former president, including on Trump's trade war with China. Trump, likewise, ripped the Kochs in a 2018 tweet tirade, saying they've become a "total joke in real Republican circles, are against Strong Borders and Powerful Trade."One of the spots, titled "Only Way," has a voiceover saying, "The only way Biden wins is if we nominate Trump again." Another ad, called "No Thanks," says, "Trump can't win" and "we need new leadership."A third clip, named "Biden's Secret Weapon," says: "What's Biden's secret weapon? Donald Trump as the GOP nominee. Biden wins the White House and gets the House and Senate, too."Americans for Prosperity Action was active during the 2022 midterm elections and could be on the precipice of exceeding their historic spending spree last cycle. Federal Election Commission records show the super PAC so far this cycle has spent over $300,000 on independent expenditures opposing Trump and Biden.


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9ecc4c No.65229

File: 60c6695d9be7531⋯.png (14.12 KB,599x177,599:177,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037702 (201329ZJUN23) Notable: Hunter Biden, the son of Joe Biden, will plead guilty to three federal charges

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JUST IN - Hunter Biden, the son of Joe Biden, will plead guilty to three federal charges — CNN


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9ecc4c No.65230

File: a6299cf42a1e70d⋯.png (11.72 KB,529x143,529:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037709 (201330ZJUN23) Notable: President Joe Biden has said that the threat of Russian President Vladimir Putin using tactical nuclear weapons is "real"

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President Joe Biden has said that the threat of Russian President Vladimir Putin using tactical nuclear weapons is "real",


And when we hear "Biden", we know to think Obama.

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9ecc4c No.65231

File: 56117f4a09921ab⋯.png (66.06 KB,839x573,839:573,Clipboard.png)

File: 8c501ab4a3a7d37⋯.png (61.45 KB,855x566,855:566,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037710 (201330ZJUN23) Notable: More Republicans signal support for revised Adam Schiff censure resolution

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More Republicans signal support for revised Adam Schiff censure resolution


More Republicans are indicating that they will support the revised resolution to censure Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., after the GOP-backed proposal failed in the House last week.

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna, R-Fla, removed the portion of her resolution that stated Schiff will be fined $16 million if the House Ethics Committee found he "lied, made misrepresentations, and abused sensitive information" during his efforts to impeach former President Donald Trump, according to Punchbowl News on Tuesday.

The House voted 225-196 last week to table the censure resolution, with 20 Republicans joining with the chamber's Democrats.

Luna's previous resolution said the $16 million fine was because Schiff's claims led to the $32 million federal investigation into allegations that the Trump 2016 campaign colluded with Russia.

With the fine removed from the resolution, at least eight Republican lawmakers indicated that they would support the new proposal, including Reps. David Valadao, Thomas Massie, Kelly Armstrong, Lori Chavez-DeRemer, Steve Womack, Juan Ciscomani, Jay Obernolte and Young Kim.

Democrats plan to try and table the motion again with the hopes that seven Republicans will vote with them, but they are less hopeful that they will succeed in defeating the resolution, according to senior aides.

The most recent member of Congress to be censured is Rep. Paul Gosar, R-Ariz., for posting a cartoon of him attacking Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y.

26 Republican Rinos sided with the dhimwits


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9ecc4c No.65232

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037715 (201330ZJUN23) Notable: More Republicans signal support for revised Adam Schiff censure resolution

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June 16, 2023

Mrs. Luna (for herself, Mr. Davidson, Mr. Mike Garcia of California, Mr. Luttrell, Mr. Gaetz, Mrs. Boebert, Mr. Moore of Alabama, Mr. Hern, Mr. Burlison, Ms. Hageman, Mr. Norman, and Mr. Langworthy) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Ethics


Censuring Adam Schiff, Representative of the 30th Congressional District of California.

Whereas the allegation that President Donald Trump colluded with Russia to interfere in the 2016 Presidential election has been revealed as false by numerous in-depth investigations, including the recent report by Special Counsel John Durham, which documents how the conspiracy theory was invented, funded, and spread by President’s Trump’s political rivals;

Whereas Representative Adam Schiff, who served as ranking minority member and then Chairman of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives (the “Intelligence Committee”), occupied positions of extreme trust, affording him access to sensitive intelligence unavailable to most Members of Congress;

Whereas, for years, Representative Schiff abused this trust by alleging he had evidence of collusion that, as is clear from reports by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz, and Special Counsel Durham, never existed;

Whereas, for years, Representative Schiff has spread false accusations that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia;

Whereas, on March 20, 2017, Representative Schiff perpetuated false allegations from the Steele Dossier accusing numerous Trump associates of colluding with Russia into the Congressional Record;

Whereas, once again abusing his privileged access to classified information, Representative Schiff released a memo justifying the accuracy of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant application on Trump associate Carter Page, of which was later found by Inspector General Horowitz to have 17 major mistakes and omissions, provoking FISA Court Presiding Judge Rosemary Collyer to state unequivocally that the Federal Bureau of Investigation “misled the FISC”;

Whereas, as ranking minority member and Chairman of the Intelligence Committee, Representative Schiff behaved dishonestly and dishonorably on many other occasions, including by publicly, falsely denying that his staff communicated with a whistleblower to launch the first impeachment of President Trump;

Whereas, as part of his impeachment efforts, during a hearing on September 26, 2019, Representative Schiff misled the public by reading a false retelling of a phone call between President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky;

Whereas, on March 28, 2019, every Republican member of the Intelligence Committee signed a letter calling for Representative Schiff’s immediate resignation as Chairman;

Whereas Representative Schiff hindered the ability of the Intelligence Committee to fulfill its oversight responsibilities over the Intelligence Community, an indispensable pillar of our national security; and

Whereas these actions of Representative Schiff misled the American people and brought disrepute upon the House of Representatives: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That—

(1) the House of Representatives censures Adam Schiff, Representative of the 30th Congressional District of California, for misleading the American public and for conduct unbecoming of an elected Member of the House of Representatives;

(2) Representative Adam Schiff will forthwith present himself in the well of the House of Representatives for the pronouncement of censure;

(3) Representative Adam Schiff will be censured with the public reading of this resolution by the Speaker; and

(4) the Committee on Ethics shall conduct an investigation into Representative Adam Schiff’s falsehoods, misrepresentations, and abuses of sensitive information.

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9ecc4c No.65233

File: a6b5e5b21cf7cc4⋯.png (41.67 KB,753x275,753:275,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037773 (201337ZJUN23) Notable: Hunter Biden, the son of Joe Biden, will plead guilty to three federal charges

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President Biden’s son Hunter has reached a tentative agreement with federal prosecutors to plead guilty to two minor tax crimes and admit to the facts of a gun charge under terms that would likely keep him out of jail, according to court papers filed Tuesday.

Any proposed plea deal would have to be approved by a federal judge, and it was not immediately clear what day Hunter Biden, 53, might appear in court to enter his guilty plea.

The agreement caps an investigation that was opened in 2018 during the Trump administration, and has generated intense interest and criticism since 2020 from Republican politicians who accused the Biden administration of reluctance to pursue the case. The terms of the proposed deal — negotiated with Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss, a holdover from President Donald Trump’s administration — are likely to face similar scrutiny.

The court papers indicate the younger Biden has tentatively agreed to plead guilty to two misdemeanor tax charges of failure to pay in 2017 and 2018. The combined tax liability is roughly $1.2 million over those years, according to people familiar with the matter who spoke on condition of anonymity to describe details of the agreement that are not yet public. Prosecutors plan to recommend a sentence of probation for those counts, these people said. Biden’s representatives have said he previously paid back the IRS what he owed.

Additionally, Biden plans to admit to illegally possessing a weapon following his 2018 purchase of a handgun. As part of that admission, he expects to be entered in a diversion program, a less punitive form of sentence typically applied to people with substance abuse problems. In all, prosecutors would recommend two years of probation and diversion conditions. If Biden successfully meets the conditions of the diversion program, the gun charge would be removed from his record at the end of that period, the people said.

The gun purchase that led to the criminal charge happened in late 2018, at a time when, by his own telling in his autobiography, Hunter Biden was regularly abusing crack cocaine. When he filled out paperwork to buy the gun, however, he denied using drugs or having a drug problem, exposing him to a potential charge of making a false statement on the document, as well as illegal gun possession once he acquired the weapon. Biden owned the gun for less than two weeks, because his then-girlfriend threw it away, according to public accounts of that time period.

Hunter Biden’s proposed plea deal will likely become grist for the 2024 presidential race, as the nation’s two main parties once again debate the influence of politics on law enforcement, and the effects of law-enforcement investigations on political campaigns.

Biden’s defenders have argued that Hunter Biden is a recovering addict accused of relatively minor offenses — the type of case that would not typically be prosecuted by federal authorities, barring some additional aggravating factors that are not present in this case. They suggest the investigation would have been dropped long ago if he wasn’t the president’s son.

Republicans seeking to win back the White House have sought to tie Hunter Biden’s legal woes directly to his father, claiming the extent of wrongdoing in the Biden family goes far beyond a simple tax and gun case, and that the Justice Department is trying to avoid prosecuting more serious matters. Attorney General Merrick Garland has said he gave full authority over the investigation to Weiss, a Trump appointee, and would not interfere in any charging decision.

Trump, who is the early front-runner for the 2024 Republican nomination for president, frequently tries to contrast the Justice Department’s treatment of Hunter Biden with his own legal jeopardy involving the discovery that hundreds of classified documents were kept at his Mar-a-Lago home and private club. Trump was indicted earlier this month on 37 federal charges of withholding highly sensitive national security information and trying to prevent the federal government from regaining possession of that material. He has denied wrongdoing.

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9ecc4c No.65234

File: 5737540fcb86227⋯.png (31.5 KB,576x343,576:343,Clipboard.png)

File: f48d887c9559b6b⋯.png (22.3 KB,451x270,451:270,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037829 (201347ZJUN23) Notable: 2019 Schiffty Schiff

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Congressman Adam Schiff, who spent two years knowingly and unlawfully lying and leaking, should be forced to resign from Congress!

6:43 AM · Mar 28, 2019

Mar 28 2019 12:03:33 (EST)


"Congressman Adam Schiff, who spent two years [knowingly] and unlawfully lying and leaking, should be forced to resign from Congress!"




Leaking investigations can lead to [forced] resignations.

[Knowingly] disseminating FALSE information is illegal.



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9ecc4c No.65235

File: 0ddacb196f3dfc1⋯.jpeg (238.95 KB,1241x1342,1241:1342,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037836 (201349ZJUN23) Notable: Jack Poso w/CAP: Trump says none of his family will have an official role in his 2nd Administration

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9ecc4c No.65236

File: 6804e731f62e638⋯.jpeg (125.45 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037877 (201357ZJUN23) Notable: Kiev offers ‘no stable grounds’ for talks &ndash; Kremlin

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20 Jun, 2023 12:37

Kiev offers ‘no stable grounds’ for talks – Kremlin

Russia has laid the blame with Ukraine for lack of any peace negotiations

Kiev’s uncompromising stance is leaving no opening for peace talks with Russia, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said, reiterating Moscow’s long-held position on the issue.

“[Russian President Vladimir] Putin is open to contacts. There was a very productive exchange with an African delegation on Saturday and this dialogue will continue,” the official told journalists on Tuesday.

However, “considering the position held currently by the Ukrainian regime and the background of this position, one cannot say there are any stable grounds for eventual talks,” he added.

A delegation of seven African leaders visited Russia last week after a trip to Ukraine, to present a ten-point roadmap designed to end ongoing hostilities between the two neighbors.

During the Saturday meeting, Putin explained to his guests the history of failed truce talks that Moscow and Kiev held in the first months of the conflict. Among other things,he showed the foreign dignitaries a draft treaty, which the Ukrainian negotiators provisionally accepted in Istanbul last year.

The deal would have ended hostilities and enshrined Ukraine’s status as a neutral state with a limited military force in exchange for international security guarantees. Kiev pulled out of the talks shortly afterwards, in what Moscow claimed to be a US-ordered U-turn.

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has since signed a decree that prohibits any talks with Russiafor as long as Putin remains in office. His government claimed that its only option was to fully oust Russian troops from all territories that Kiev claims to be its own.

Kiev has penned a so-called “peace plan”which includes Russian withdrawal, reparations, tribunals for alleged war criminals and other conditions it wants met. Zelensky told the African leaders that his plan was the only one he would proceed with. Russia has rejected the proposal, calling it detached from reality.

(The time is coming Zelensky will have to bend, and it’s coming soon.)


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9ecc4c No.65237

File: 9857e3d620ec974⋯.png (1.12 MB,1080x720,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037883 (201358ZJUN23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day - The Ñandú in the Milky Way

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

June 20, 2023

The Ñandú in the Milky Way

Have you seen the bird in the Milky Way? Beyond the man in the Moon, the night sky is filled with stories, and cultures throughout history have projected some of their most enduring legends onto the stars and dust above. Generations of people see these celestial icons, hear their associated stories, and pass them down. Pictured here is not only a segment of the central band of our Milky Way galaxy, but, according to folklore of several native peoples of Uruguay, the outline of a great bird called Ñandú. Furthermore, Ñandú's footprint is associated with the Southern Cross asterism. In the foreground, in silhouette, is a statue of María Micaela Guyunusa, an indigenous woman of the Charrúa people who lived in the 1800s and endures as a symbol of colonial resistance. The composite image was taken in mid-April in Cabo Polonio, Uruguay, with the Atlantic Ocean in the background.


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9ecc4c No.65238

File: 0df3e6239733176⋯.jpg (33.3 KB,510x680,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 67aeb937491139d⋯.png (490.38 KB,666x693,74:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037889 (201358ZJUN23) Notable: Hunter Biden, is expected to plead guilty to federal tax crimes (not paying taxes) and illegally possessing a firearm.

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Hunter Biden agrees to plead guilty on three federal charges

WASHINGTON, June 20 (Reuters) - U.S. President Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden has agreed to plead guilty to two charges of willfully failing to pay income taxes in a deal with the Justice Department, according to court documents on Tuesday.


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9ecc4c No.65239

File: 283b57ab2897177⋯.jpeg (69.45 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037912 (201401ZJUN23) Notable: Scandal-plagued Andrey Melnik served as Ukraine’s deputy foreign minister for seven months, Zelensky appoints ‘f-word’ envoy to Brazil

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20 Jun, 2023 13:24

Zelensky appoints ‘f-word’ envoy to Brazil

Scandal-plagued Andrey Melnik served as Ukraine’s deputy foreign minister for seven months

Former Ukrainian deputy foreign minister Andrey Melnik, who caused controversy during his tenure as Kiev’s envoy to Germany, has been named as his country’s new ambassador to Brazil, according to a decree published on President Vladimir Zelensky’s website.

Melnik lasted seven months as deputy foreign minister after being appointed to the role last November.

Prior to that, the 47-year-old had served as Kiev’s envoy to Germany for seven years, before he wassacked last July following a series of scandalous remarks.

During his time in Berlin, Melnik repeatedly accused the German government of being too slow to provide military assistance to Ukraine amid the conflict with Russia, despite Berlin being one of Kiev’s prime backers at the EU.

In May 2022, helabeled German Chancellor Olaf Scholz an “offended liver sausage” for his apparent unwillingness to visit Kiev, prompting some German MPs to call for Melnik’s expulsion. Scholz eventually traveled to Ukraine one month later.

Melnik also sparred with Elon Musk on Twitter, telling the SpaceX and Tesla CEO to “f**k off”over his plan for a peaceful settlement of the conflict with Russia.

Shortly before his dismissal as deputy foreign minister, Melnik defended Stepan Bandera – a controversial Ukrainian nationalist leader who collaborated with the Nazis during World War II.

The diplomat claimed on a German podcast thatBandera had nothing to do with the mass murder of Jews and Poles, comparing him to Robin Hood, who “is being revered by everyone” despite being someone who “didn’t act according to the law that was in force then.”

The remarks raised eyebrows in Germany, Poland and Israel, with Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry being forced to clarifying that Melnik’s comments reflected his own views, rather than Kiev’s official position.

Melnik’s new post takes him to Brazil, which has adopted a neutral stance since the outbreak of the conflict in Ukraine in February 2022. It has condemned Russia for launching its military operation, but has declined to provide military aid to Kiev or join international sanctions against Moscow.

“We need to work to create the space for negotiations [between Russia and Ukraine],”Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said last month. Lula had earlier proposed to create a “peace club” of like-minded nations to mediate an end to the conflict.


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9ecc4c No.65240

File: 48dfbdb57cecd36⋯.png (6.55 MB,4096x4096,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037930 (201403ZJUN23) Notable: QClock June 19, 2023 - v2 Was The Money Worth It…? Titanic Watch The Water

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QClock June 19, 2023 - v2 Was The Money Worth It...? Titanic

Watch The Water

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9ecc4c No.65241

File: b048785b2da9084⋯.jpg (121.98 KB,887x964,887:964,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037955 (201406ZJUN23) Notable: Hunter Biden, is expected to plead guilty to federal tax crimes (not paying taxes) and illegally possessing a firearm.

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President Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, is expected to plead guilty to federal tax crimes (not paying taxes) and illegally possessing a firearm. He infamously earned millions from a Ukrainian firm accused of bribery & a Chinese businessman accused of fraud.

IRS really got their balls cut off by the DOJ. What a bunch of pussies

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9ecc4c No.65242

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037974 (201409ZJUN23) Notable: 2019 Schiffty Schiff

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BREAKING: ALL GOP House Intel Members Sign Letter Demanding Schiff’s Resignation


Patriot StaffMarch 28, 2019

Breaking news this morning as Congressman Mike Conway introduced a letter signed by ALL GOP House Intelligence Committee members demanding Congressman Adam Schiff’s resignation.

Sara Carter is reporting this just happened on Thursday morning in Washington.

#Breaking @ConawayTX11 introduced a letter signed by all the Republicans of the House Intel Committee calling on @AdamSchiff to resign…what do you think?

— Sara A. Carter (@SaraCarterDC) March 28, 2019

This is a developing story, we will keep you posted.

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9ecc4c No.65243

File: a0089ea94aff837⋯.jpeg (558.6 KB,1170x1277,1170:1277,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19037985 (201411ZJUN23) Notable: Hunter Biden, is expected to plead guilty to federal tax crimes (not paying taxes) and illegally possessing a firearm.

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Hunter Biden is getting away with a slap on the wrist when growing evidence uncovered by the House Oversight Committee reveals the Bidens engaged in a pattern of corruption, influence peddling, and possibly bribery.

Read my full statement.


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9ecc4c No.65244

File: bc97f3d7cff2581⋯.jpeg (260.57 KB,1360x765,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038001 (201414ZJUN23) Notable: Moscow Warns Kyiv Against Targeting Crimea with Western Arms

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Moscow Warns Kyiv Against Targeting Crimea with Western Arms

By AF 2 hours ago

Moscow claimed Tuesday that Ukrainian forces were planning to use Western-supplied missiles to strike targets inside Russia and the annexed peninsula of Crimea, threatening "immediate retaliation."

"The leadership ofUkraine's armed forces plans to strike Russian territory, including Crimea, with HIMARS and Storm Shadow missiles," Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said during a meeting with military officials.

Shoigu warned of swift retaliation in the event the weapons were used to strike targets inside Russia or on the Black Sea territory that Moscow annexed in 2014.

"The use of these missiles outside the zone of the special military operationwill mean the United States and Great Britain's full involvementin the conflict and will entailimmediate strikes on decision-making centers in Ukraine," Shoigu said.

The United States has spearheaded the push for military support for Ukraine, quickly forging an international coalition to back Kyiv after Russia sent troops to Ukraine in February 2022 and coordinating aid from dozens of countries.

Moscow has accused Western countries of directly waging warfare against Russia by arming Ukraine.

In recent weeks drone attacks have struck cities in Russia and targets in Crimea, but Kyiv has not claimed responsibility for the incidents.


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9ecc4c No.65245

File: 71f0b5fb4929fd2⋯.png (306.96 KB,667x666,667:666,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038006 (201415ZJUN23) Notable: 2019 Schiffty Schiff

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28 March 2019

- Q3241

- Trump Tweet - Schiff

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9ecc4c No.65246

File: d2ab55f87152fd5⋯.png (405.58 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038024 (201418ZJUN23) Notable: Restaurant accused of using fake priest to extract ‘confessions’ from employees

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Restaurant accused of using fake priest to extract ‘confessions’ from employees

California restaurant Taqueria Garibaldi used a fake priest to try to catch employees breaking rules, a Labor Department report claims.


weird, sure, but illegal?

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9ecc4c No.65247

File: f4ef48f30e190b0⋯.jpeg (300.2 KB,1170x721,1170:721,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038027 (201418ZJUN23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Sloppy, Low Energy RINO Bill Barr

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9ecc4c No.65248

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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